BIOLOGY LIBRARY G GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE BY BENJAMIN HARROW, Pn.D. ASSOCIATE IN PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY 681 FIFTH AVENUE COPYRIGHT, BY E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY All Rights Reserved BIOLOG^ Printed in the United States of America PINEAL PITUITARY (feRATHYftOtlXS THYROIp THYMUS SPLEEN ,L ..LIVER -.PANCREAS I ADRENALS -,,... REPRODUCTIVE ORQAN5 THE DUCTLESS GLANDS To PROFESSOR WILLIAM J. GIES TEACHER AND JRIEND PREFACE Monkey glands; clever men and stupid ones; glands as the cause of crime; the origin of races; the mentally unbalanced; many acute diseases; "the bearded lady, the giant, the fat boy and the midget" ; all these and more have been dealt with under the subject of glands of internal secretion (also called ductless or endocrine glands). As in any subject that fires the popular imagination, fact and fancy have been mixed, several drops of fact have been largely diluted with many drops of fancy. The achievements, judged by rigid scientific standards, are no more than modest, but the possibilities are limitless. It is because of these vast possibilities that an imagination, not sufficiently tempered by self-criticism, is apt to enlarge a molehill into a mountain. The glands discussed in this book, the ductless or endocrine glands, regulate the activities of the or- ganism little less than does the brain itself. Let but one of these bodies stop functioning, or let it func- tion imperfectly, and injuries to various parts of the IX x PREFACE body become manifest. Since glandular disorders are among the commonest causes of disease, ranging from slight mental or physical derangement to com- plete mental or physical breakdown, a general sur- vey of the subject, told in popular but not sensa- tional language, faithfully recording what has been accomplished, should prove of interest. There is a crying need, in the opinion of the author, of simple, yet clear and clean-cut statements of scientific work to which the layman can refer. The half-baked knowledge that he often gets at present is worse than no knowledge at all. Not the least interesting part of this fascinating field of research is the evidence we possess that the activities of these glands are dependent upon rela- tively simple chemical substances contained in them, to which the name "hormones" or "chemical mes- sengers" has been given. Without in any way at- tempting to exaggerate their importance, we may say of these hormones that they are as indispensable to the life process as are vitamines, a subject treated by the author in an earlier volume. I am indebted in various ways to the following: Professor W. B. Cannon (Harvard) ; Professor W. J. Gies (Columbia); Dr. Max Kahn (Columbia); Dr. E. C. Kendall (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.) ; Dr. E. G. Miller, Jr. (Columbia) ; Mr. A. L. Robert; Mr. Thomas Spector; Professor G. N. Stewart PREFACE xi (Western Reserve Univ.) ; and Mrs. N. J. Waller- stein. Dr. Kendall, Prof. Stewart and Mrs. Wal- lerstein have been kind enough to read the manu- script and to offer several helpful suggestions. BENJAMIN HARROW. CONTENTS CHAPIEB PAGB I INTRODUCTORY . . . . . : . > w .. 1 II THE THYROID ^ . . 14 III THE PARATHYROIDS .... . . . 43 IV THE PITUITARY GLAND ...... 47 V THE ADRENAL GLANDS 70 VI THE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION .... 89 VII THE PANCREAS AND THE LIVER .... 115 VIII THE INTESTINAL HORMONE ..... 127 IX THYMUS, SPLEEN, MAMMARY GLAND, AND KIDNEY 135 X THE RELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS TO ONE ANOTHER 147 XI THE INFLUENCE OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS ON GROWTH AND METABOLISM .... 156 XII THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 158 XIII ORGANOTHERAPY 185 XIV PLANT HORMONES 190 REFERENCES 195 INDEX 213 xiii GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE CHAPTEE I INTRODUCTORY An analogy. The Headquarters Staff is often spoken of as the "brains" of the army. We can speak with equal justice of the brain as the Head- quarters Staff of an army consisting of the millions of cells of the body. These cells are organized in units made up of army corps, just as every modern army is ; only in the body such units are spoken of as "organs." We can carry the analogy one step further. The movements of the several army corps, it is true, are controlled by the Headquarters Staff; but it must be evident that for complete cooperation, not only should the units be in touch with the General Staff, but also with one another. If the Staff breaks down, the army goes to pieces; if connections be- tween the several units are broken off, the army also goes to pieces. Likewise with the body : a dis- 1 2 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE turbance in the brain immediately registers its effect on the rest of the body; so does a breaking- off of communications between the organs of the body. Now while we have long been familiar with the functions of the brain, we have not until recently been aware of distinct means of intercommunica- tion between the organs themselves, apart from their connection with the brain. The study of the ductless glands the subject of this book has led to this discovery, and with it the origin of a number of diseases has been made clear. Glands. When food is taken into the mouth it is met by a fluid called the saliva. Where does this fluid come from, and what is its function? This fluid, this saliva, is manufactured in factories situ- ated in front of the ears and between the lower jaw and the floor of the mouth. The factories get their raw materials from the blood, and the cells in these factories convert the raw materials into a product which we call saliva. Tubes connecting these factories with the interior of the mouth enable the manufactured fluid to be sent to the mouth. These tubes are spoken of as "ducts." Now what is the function of this saliva, the product of cellular activity in these factories or "glands" of the body? It has in reality several functions, but there is one that stands out far above the others: it converts the starch of foods into INTRODUCTORY 3 chemically simpler products. This conversion is due to the presence in the saliva of "ptyalin," a substance that belongs to a class of compounds known as "enzymes" or "ferments." Much of the chemical work of the body and this includes the plant as well as the animal kingdom is due to the activity of these enzymes. A gland, then, is an organ that has the power of I taking certain materials from the blood and manu- / facturing from these raw materials a product/ which plays a part in the activities of the body.' The salivary glands, wherein saliva is manufac- tured, are an example. The gastric glands lining the wall of the stomach, manufacturing gastric juice for the stomach needs, are another. The pancreatic and intestinal juices arising, respec- tively, from the pancreas and the small intestine, are still others. These examples could be multi- plied. Ductless or endocrine glands, or glands of inter- nal secretion. So far we have been considering glands that have tubes or "ducts" connecting them with an outer surface, such as the mouth or stom- ach. Glands are known, however, that have no such ducts, but that pass their products directly into the blood stream. Such glands are known as "duct- less" glands. Sometimes they are spoken of as glands of "internal secretion," to distinguish them from those glands with ducts whose secretion is 4 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE poured out on a surface. Sometimes they are called "endocrine" glands, "endocrine" being derived from two Greek words meaning "to separate within"; that is to say, an "internal secretion." 1 It is these "ductless" glands that constitute the subject matter of this book ; for recent research has shown us that they play an enormously important part in health and disease. That the brain through its nervous mechanism controls the various parts of the body is common knowledge to-day; but that any portion of the body's activity should not be directly responsible to the brain for its controlling mechanism, is an idea that may sound revolutionary enough. Yet such is the case; and to illustrate it, a classical experiment due to Bayliss and Starling, two gifted English physiologists, will be described. An illustration. The food that we take into the mouth passes through the stomach into the small intestine. Here the food meets not only the intesti- nal fluid, but also the fluids coming from the bile on the one hand, and the pancreas! on the other. The bile and the pancreatic fluid are led into the small intestine by means of tubes. Now why when- ever food appears in the small intestine do bile and pancreatic juice also flow into it? The answer un- til recently was considered a very simple one. The 1 This definition does not take into account the conception of the histologist as to what constitutes a "glandular" structure. INTRODUCTORY 5 physiologists said that the nervous mechanism controls the flow of the fluids ; that whenever food appears in the intestine, a nervous reaction calls forth the flow of bile and pancreatic juice. Bayliss and Starling showed that this conception needed modification. These investigators, in experimenting with dogs, cut off all nervous connections with the small intestine; yet the fluids still continued to flow into it. They then suspected that possibly the acid from the stomach, upon reaching the small intes- tine, liberates something from the walls of the organ, which "something" finds its way to the pancreas and the bile, and thereby gives warning of the need of these fluids. They thereupon ex- tracted a piece of the intestinal wall with hydro- chloric acid which is the acid found in the stomach and injected this extract into the blood stream. There was an immediate and copious flow of pancreatic juice into the intestine. What then happens in the course of digestion in the small intestine? The food that arrives from the stomach is acid, due to the hydrochloric acid that is formed in the stomach. This acid liberates a substance present in an otherwise inactive state in the wall of the intestine, and this substance travels through the blood to the pancreas, where it stimulates that organ to discharge its fluid. Hormones. Note that all this is performed with- 6 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE out any help from the brain. 1 Note that one organ of the body the intestine in our example manu- factures a substance which finds its way into the blood stream and affects another organ of the body, the pancreas. Here we have a classical ex- ample of the workings of a ductless gland; for in every gland of the ductless variety a specific sub- stance is manufactured that finds its way into the blood stream and influences another organ or or- gans of the body. The substance so manufactured is called a "hormone" (from the Greek "to excite" or "arouse") or "chemical messenger." The hor- mone in the intestinal wall has been given the name of "secretin" by its discoverers. Without this secretin no pancreatic juice could find its way into the intestine, and without pancreatic juice no digestion of food could take place. The small intestine is an example of a tissue which gives rise both to an internal and an ex- ternal secretion. Its internal secretion, the secre- tin, has already been described. But as a matter of fact it also develops a secretion, the intestinal juice, which is carried by ducts to the surface of the intestine, in the same way that salivary or 1 1 do not want the impression to be conveyed that there is no connection between the hormones on the one hand and the nervous system on the other. As a matter of fact there are connecting links, as the chapter on nervous disorders will attempt to make clear. All I want to point out at this stage is that a particular mechanism, for which the brain is held responsible, can be ex- plained without involving the brain at all. INTRODUCTORY 7 gastric juice is, and which, like these two, plays an important role in the digestion of foodstuffs. The double property of producing both an in- ternal and an external secretion, which character- izes the small intestine, is found in a number of other tissues. The external secretion of the pan- creas, for example, is the pancreatic juice, which is carried by means of a duct to the small intestine. But it has been shown that the removal of the pancreas, or, what is the same thing, the removal with it of an internal secretion developed by the organ, and which finds its way into the blood, gives rise to the dreaded sugar disease commonly known as "diabetes." It would seem, therefore, that the utilization of sugar by the liver the organ that stores sugar and gives it out when necessary is controlled by an internal secretion developed by the pancreas. The generative glands (ovary and testicle) show an internal and external secretion. The external secretion contributes to the reproduction of the species; the internal secretion plays a part in the development of male and female characteristics. One has but to think of the eunuchs in oriental countries, or of animals from which, for commer- cial reasons, the generative glands are removed, to realize what effects are produced by removal of these glands. But this will be treated more ex- tensively later. 8 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE The thyroid, the pituitary, the sexual organs, the adrenals, all contain hormones, and much of the influence these organs exert upon our general well- being is due to these chemical messengers. The composition of hormones. Just what the hormones consist of is not clear in most cases. Yet the physiological chemist has been able to isolate in a pure condition a hormone present in the adre- nal glands, and another in the thyroid; and the organic chemist has been able to start with very simple chemicals and synthesize these hormones in his laboratory. So that at least in two instances we know what the composition of a chemical mes- senger is; and the organic chemist will tell you that their composition is by no means terrifying. Relation of hormones to vitamines, etc. Ridic- ulously small amounts of hormone are sufficient to restore the normal equilibrium of the body. That is to say, where, as in thyroid deficiency, the di^ ease can be cured by the administration of the corresponding hormone, the amount necessary is almost infinitesimal. Neither is the percentage of hormone in the active gland anything but slight. For example, Kendall, of the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, found that he had to use 6,550 pounds of fresh thyroid in order to get one ounce of thy- roxin, the thyroid hormone ! These facts immediately suggest a relation be- tween hormones and vitamines, and 6ther sub- INTRODUCTORY 9 stances present in the body in small amounts, but which nevertheless exert powerful effects such as the enzymes or ferments. Vitamines, as every reader of the press must know by this time, are unknown factors in food, probably present in amounts that defy weighing by the ordinary chemical balance. They are neces- sary for a continuation of the life cycle. As I have said elsewhere, 1 without vitamines there can be no life. To what extent are we justified in comparing vitamines with hormones? As we have indicated, both are present in minute quantity, and a small quantity seems to go a long way. Both are there- fore "catalytic" in their action; that is to say, they accelerate or hasten chemical action, without themselves undergoing any permanent change. There are one or two direct clinical observations that are of interest also. Professor Butcher, of the Pennsylvania State College, has performed a num- ber of experiments which show that thyroxin, the thyroid hormone, has anti-neuritic properties; which means that it, like yeast, for example, can cure birds suffering from polyneuritis, a disease first shown by Funk to be due to a lack of one of the vitamines. 2 If this is so, thyroxin has vitamine- like characteristics. *See the author's book, Vitamines: Essential Food Factors. New York, E. P. Button & Company, 1921. J See the chapter on Beriberi in the author's book on Vitaminea. 10 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Then again, McCarrison, an English investiga- tor stationed in India, has shown that the adrenal glands of birds suffering from polyneuritis are much enlarged, and that the adrenaline content of these glands is increased. As we shall see, the adrenals, like the thyroid, are glands of internal secretion, and adrenaline is the active hormone present in these glands. Even more remarkable is his discovery that though the adrenals become enlarged, the other ductless glands degenerate and tend to disappear altogether. It would seem as if there were some connecting link between vitamine B (the vitamine the absence of which causes poly- neuritis) and adrenaline; as if a diet containing adequate amounts of vitamine B had a restraining influence upon the output of the adrenal hormone. But we must not stretch these points too far, at least, not until these experiments have been re- peated and extended. In the meantime it is well to point out some obvious differences, if only to strengthen our judicial attitude. Vitamines are very susceptible to heat; or more accurately, to a combination of heat and oxidation (exposure to air) ; hormones do not seem to be destroyed at a temperature even of boiling water; at least, the last statement is true of secretin (the intestinal hormone) and one or two others that have been studied. Then again, in two instances adrenaline (from the adrenal gland) and thyroxin INTRODUCTORY 11 (from the thyroid) hormones have not only been isolated in the pure state, but they have actually been synthesized in the laboratory from relatively simple compounds. So far, not only have we been unable to synthesize a vitamine, but we have even been baffled in our attempts to isolate one in a pure condition. It would, perhaps, be more in harmony with what we know to compare hormones with amino- acids, substances that are obtained when the pro- teins of food are broken up by the enzymes in our digestive system, or by acids used in the chemist's laboratory. 1 Chemically, thyroxin shows striking relations to tryptophane; and adrenaline, certain, though not such striking relations to tyrosine. Both tyrosine and tryptophane are among our best- known amino-acids. One important point that is brought out in a discussion of this kind is to emphasize the impor- tance of the "littlest things." Enzymes (or fer- ments), the substances that act on our food in the digestive tract, the compounds that are largely re- sponsible for much of the metabolic activity of every cell, whether plant or animal, have long been known to illustrate the property that certain substances possess, of bringing about chemical changes in a large quantity of material, though the 'See the chapter on Ammo-Acida in the author's book on Vitamines. 12 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE enzyme present may be there in relatively small amount. Still more remarkable are such reactions in that the enzymes do not seem to undergo any permanent change : at the end of the reaction we still find our enzymes, and for all the balance tells us, in the same amounts as before the reaction. Substances that act like enzymes are called "catalysts." A catalyst may be defined as a sub- stance that accelerates a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent change. Hor- mones and vitamines are probably catalysts. These catalysts are not confined to substances that take part in the activities of the living organ- ism. The best method for the manufacture of oil of vitriol, or sulphuric acid, is by the employment of platinum as a catalytic agent : provided all im- purities are rigidly excluded, the same platinum can be used over and over again. The manufacture of synthetic ammonia by the Haber process in- volves the use of a catalyst, probably nickel. I say "probably" because the details of the process are carefully guarded as trade secrets. At any rate, the production of ammonia from the nitrogen of the air, and the hydrogen that can be obtained either from the electrolysis of water, or as a by- product in the manufacture of lye, can be brought about with the help of a catalytic agent. Since this Haber process is on the road to solving the "nitrogen-fixation" problem, and hence many of INTRODUCTORY 13 our fertilizer difficulties, the catalyst in industry seems destined to play a part no less important than the catalyst that helps to maintain the chemi- cal equilibrium of the body. CHAPTER II THE THYROID This is the most frequently referred to of the ductless glands, not necessarily because it is the most important, but because much of the history of the ductless glands centers around this one ; and also because of the success that has attended the treatment of at least one form of thyroid disease. The thyroid, which usually weighs anywhere be- tween one and two ounces, is situated -in the neck. It consists of two parts on either side of the larynx (organ of voice) and windpipe, usually con- nected by a narrow strip of tissue. In contact with the thyroid are the "parathyroids," still smaller bodies, which were for a long time not sharply distinguished from the thyroid proper, and which as a consequence gave rise to much confusion in the interpretation of experimental results. These parathyroids will receive treatment pres^ ently. That the thyroid is an organ that plays an all- important part in the various activities of the body becomes apparent when for any reason it behaves 14 THE THYROID 15 abnormally. The fluid, or still better, the active hormone that the body secretes, is under certain conditions largely increased. We get then a con- dition of hyper-thyroidism. The disease known as "exophthalmic goiter" (Graves's disease and Base- dow's disease are synonyms) is probably a case in point. On the other hand, a condition may arise wherein the quantity of secretion and the supply of hormone become deficient. This may develop "myxedema" in the adult and "cretinism" in the infant; such being examples of hypo-thyroidism. We shalltake these up in turn, and we shall begin with hypo-thyroidism. Eypothyroldlsm. In medicine definite clues as to the type of disease are usually obtained by pre- liminary experiments with animals. We find that as early as 1859 Schiff, a Swiss physiologist, in- vestigated the effect of thyroidectomy on animals ( "thyroidectomy" is a convenient word to describe the idea of the surgical removal of the thyroid. "Dectomy" is derived from a Greek word meaning "excision.") His results, though suggestive, were inconclusive, due to the fact, as we know to-day, that Schiff removed the parathyroids as well as the thyroids. But this physiologist went a step further. Having removed the thyroid, he next in- vestigated the effect of implanting thyroid from an animal of the same species. The results in a num- ber of cases were highly encouraging. 16 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Fired by the work of the English physicians Gull (1872) and Ord (1878), and the German Kocher (1883), Schiff, in 1884, published his cele- brated paper, "On the Effects of the Removal of the Thyroid Body," in one of the Swiss medical jour- nals. How clearly Schiff recognized the gland to be an internal secretory one may be gathered from this quotation: "We may wonder if the thyroid body produces in its interior a substance which it delivers into the blood stream and which consti- tutes a nutritive element for another organ (ner- vous), or whether it acts mechanically by its ana- tomical position. To decide between these two alternatives, it is necessary to find a means of transplanting it, by grafting it into another part of the body. If, after this has been done, the acci- dents resulting from its removal are avoided or re- duced to a minimum, it is evident that the action of the thyroid is due to its composition and not to its anatomical relations ; this will prove the thyroid to have a chemical function." The grafts Schiff tried disappeared in time, but not before it was noticeable that there was an im- provement in the condition of the animal. From these results he concluded that "the substance of the grafted organ, taken up by the blood, serves to counterbalance the untoward effect of thyroi- dectomony" ; clearly a case of hormonic action. He had another idea which, however, he did not THE THYROID 17 put to the test of experiment, and thereby fell short of another great discovery : "It would be curious," he writes, "to investigate if the macerated extract of the thyroid, introduced into a cavity, or injected into the rectum, has the same immunizing power." A repetition of Schiff's experiments by other in- vestigators did not always corroborate Schiff's findings. We have already suggested that an in- complete knowledge of the parathyroids may have been the cause of this. We may also add that not only do animals of different species behave differ- ently, but even animals of the same species do, pro- vided there is a marked difference in age. Symptoms. Where the operation in an animal has been successfully performed, some such symp- toms as the following develop: The skin becomes thick and dry; there is a loss of hair; the animal shows a tendency towards obesity, particularly in certain portions of the body; the muscles become weak and the tissues renew themselves but slowly. The blood is poor, in quality and quantity; the temperature is below normal ; and the sexual func- tions are interfered with. This interference with the sexual glands is of uncommon interest, since it suggests a close interrelationship between the various hormones of the body an observation that is strengthened every time a disease due to a hor- monic disturbance is examined. The nervous sys- tem is also attacked, dullness and general apathy 18 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE being markedly apparent. A histological examina- tion shows many of the nerve cells to have shrunk in size. Cretinism. If instead of removing the gland it atrophies or wastes away, the symptoms are quite identical. In a child where such a condition occurs we find growth to be arrested. The head and face look deformed; the expression is decidedly idiotic. The face is pale, the hair thin, the skin dry, the abdomen swollen. The development of the genera- tive organs is delayed. Deaf -mutism is quite com- mon. These are all symptoms of the "cretinous" child, the disease being spoken of as "cretinism." Professor Falta describes a cretinous child, four and one-half years old, as follows : "Head at birth already large. Speech up to second year of life consisted of the simplest words only, such as stored in liver as glycogen > given out as glucose. The blood, when analyzed is always found to contain a small amount of glucose. Under normal conditions that glucose is fairly con- stant in amount, ranging from 0.07 to 0.1 per cent. Even in a starving animal the blood sugar is found to remain constant. This makes us believe that under such conditions, with all carbohydrate vir- tually absent from the body, part of the fat mole- cule, and perhaps part of the protein molecule, is converted into sugar. Only in pathological cases, such as are met with in diabetes, does the amount of blood sugar materially increase. Now the question arises, by what mechanism is the blood sugar of the normal human being kept constant? Why despite the varying quantity of 124 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE carbohydrate eaten from day to day does not the blood sugar fluctuate correspondingly? A num- ber of hypotheses have been advanced to explain this controlling mechanism. Very recently (April, 1921) Dr. Langfeldt has proposed a theory which includes the best elements of the theories of other investigators as well as a little of his own specu- lation. In essence it is this: It is evident that there must be at least two controlling factors, one involving the conversion of carbohydrates into gly- cogen, and the other the conversion of glycogen into glucose. The first part of the reaction, the glycogen synthesis, is controlled by the pancreatic hormone; the second, the breaking down of glyco- gen to glucose, with the object of meeting the en- ergy requirements of the muscles, is a more com- plex affair depending for one thing upon the degree of acidity of the blood. It has been shown that the glycogenase, the enzyme responsible for the trans- formation of glycogen to dextrose, is most active when the blood is slightly acid. Ingenious physical chemists have devised quantitative methods for de- termining the exact state of acidity not only of blood but of any liquid. If then the acidity of the blood is below or above a certain optimum, the gly- cogenase is not so active, and less glucose is formed a rare and abnormal condition. On the other hand, a more common occurrence is where the pancreatic hormone fails to function, THE PANCREAS AND THE LIVER 125 due to the failure to function of the pancreas; in that case little of the carbohydrates is converted to glycogen, and the excess sugar floods the blood and the urine. We here have a typical case of dia- betes. The "Allen treatment" for diabetes. No men- tion of diabetes is possible without referring to the Allen treatment of this disease. Dr. Allen, until recently with the Kockefeller Institute, and now head of the Physiatric Institute, Morristown, N. J., has had such remarkably good results with his "fasting treatments/' that physicians all over the world have adopted his method, and there can be little room for doubt as to its success. Only re- cently (June, 1921) at the Wiesbaden Congress of Internal Medicine, the two foremost authorities on diabetes in Europe, von Noorden and Minkowski, sang its praises. The treatment is as follows: 1 A preliminary fast is taken until the urine is free from sugar. This will usually take less than four days. During that time water is allowed and also, to a certain extent, tea and coffee. Following the fast, carbo- hydrate food is gradually added, at first in the form of green vegetables. Coincident with the addition of carbohydrate, or in place of it if the carbohy- drate tolerance is very low, protein is added to the *This is described in the Handbook of Therapy, published by the American Medical Association. 126 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE diet in small but gradually increasing amounts un- til glycosuria occurs. Fats are added in small amounts during the time of addition of carbohy- drates and proteins. Frequent urine examinations are made, either by the medical attendant or by the patient himself 1 and the diet regulated accord- ingly. 1 Some Fehling's-Benedict solution, which is blue in color, is heated in a test tube until it boils, and an equal volume of the urine under examination is added. The mixture is heated for a minute or two. If sugar is present, a red precipitate will make its appearance, and the amount of precipitate will give some rough idea of the amount of sugar present. A modification of this method lends itself to a fairly exact quantitative estimation. The more recent work on the subject has centered itself as much in determining the quantity of sugar in the blood as in that of the urine, and much ingenuity has been expended to devise methods that are refined enough when dealing with quantities of blood even as small as a drop or two the amount obtained from a prick in a finger. The blood being not only the medium by which materials are taken in by the body, but also that by which they are given out, it need cause little surprise that blood analyses should throw much light on what takes place in the body. CHAPTER VIII THE INTESTINAL HORMONE We have already referred (page 4) to the work of the English physiologists, Bayliss and Starling, on secretin. This work is of such a fundamental character, that it well deserves a chapter all to itself. In the preceding chapter we have shown how the glycogenic function is controlled by a hormone developed by the pancreas. We shall now proceed to show that the pancreatic juice in turn is con- trolled by a hormone which has its origin in the lining of the upper part of the small intestine. Digestion in the small intestine. Even at the risk of repeating what was said in the introduction, let us state what happens in the small intestine during digestion. You will remember that when the valve connecting the stomach and intestine is opened, the food passes from the former into the latter. Here the food is acted upon by three liq- uids, each containing either enzymes or other sub- stances that help to simplify the food to the point where it can be absorbed by the blood and lymph 127 128 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE and sent to the cells. One of these liquids is elab- orated by the intestine itself; another, the bile, comes from the liver ; and the third, the pancreatic juice, from the pancreas. The last two reach the intestine by means of ducts or tubes. They represent typical "external secretions," in contradistinction to the "internal secretions" that we have studied, and that flow di- rectly into the blood. The hormone in the intestine. Now the ques- tion arises, why whenever food enters the intestine, and only then, do bile and pancreatic juice also begin to flow into it? The easiest answer, the most obvious one, is that there is a nervous mechanism involved ; that the brain correlates the activities of these organs. Such a theory had a distinguished supporter in the person of Pavlov, the Kussian physiologist, whose present plight has been so graphically described by H. G. Wells, the novelist who is also a scientist. We are about to show that Pavlov's theory of brain interference is untenable ; that all nerve connections between the brain and intestine can be severed without stopping the flow of pancreatic juice; that the chief factor that brings about this coordination at least in so far as the flow of pancreatic juice is concerned, and, to a less extent, the bile, is a hormone elaborated by the small intestine; that this hormone is produced whenever the acid food from the stomach finds its THE INTESTINAL HOKMONE 129 way into the intestine; and that this hormone, once produced, finds its way to the pancreas via the blood stream. You will notice incidentally that if what we now say is true, the intestine is similar to the pancreas and, according to Claude Bernard, to the liver, in that it elaborates both an internal and an external secretion. The proof that the flow of pancreatic juice is con- trolled by a hormone elaborated by the intestine is due to Bayliss and Starling, the presiding gen- iuses of the department of physiology at Univer- sity College, London. Their experiment marks a milestone in the development of our knowledge of internal secretions; and we shall offer no excuse for quoting from part of their celebrated paper on the subject, technical though it is. Bayliss and Starling's experiment. "On Janu- ary 16, 1902, a bitch of about 6 kilos (13-14 pounds) weight which had been fed about 18 hours previ- ously, was given a hypodermic injection of morphia some three hours before the experiment. The ner- vous masses and celiac (pertaining to the abdomen) axis were completely removed, and both vagi (nerves situated in this part of the body) cut. A loop of jejenum (a portion of the small intestine) was tied at both ends, and the nerves supplying it were carefully dissected out and divided, so that the piece of intestine was connected to the body of the animal merely by its arteries and veins. A 130 GLANDS IF HEALTH AND DISEASE cannula (tube for inserting into body) was inserted in the large pancreatic duct and the drops of se- cretion recorded. The blood pressure in the caro- tid (the principal artery in the neck) was also recorded. The animal was in a warm saline bath, and under artificial respiration. "The introduction of about 20 cubic centimeters (about 1-25 of a pint) or about one tablespoon of four-tenths per cent, of hydrochloric acid x into the duodenum (the first portion of the small intestine) produced a well-marked secretion of one drop every 20 seconds, lasting for some six minutes; this re- sult merely confirms previous work. But and this is the important part of the experiment, and the turning point of the whole research the in- troduction of 10 cubic centimeters of the same acid into the enervated loop of jejenum produced a similar and equally marked effect. "Now, since this part of the intestine was com- pletely cut off from nervous connection with the pancreas, the conclusion was inevitable that the effect was produced by some chemical substance finding its way into the loop of jejenum in question, and being carried in the blood stream to the pan- creatic cells. Wertheimer and Le Page have shown, 1 Hydrochloric acid is found in the stomach under normal con- ditions. It is approximately four-tenths of one per cent, in strength. Of course the object in introducing the acid is to prove that it, and it alone, coming from the stomach, liberates the hormone in the intestine. THE INTESTINAL HORMONE 131 however, that acid alone introduced into the circu- lation has no effect on the pancreatic secretion, so that the body of which we were in search could not be the acid itself." This suggested that there may be a something in the wall of the intestine which was responsible for the action. "The next step in our experiment was plain namely, to cut out the loop of jejenum, scrape off the mucous membrane (tissue covering the surface), rub it up with sand and four-tenths per cent, hydrochloric acid in a mortar, filter through cotton wool to get rid of lumps and sand, and inject the extract into a vein ; . . . After a period of about 20 seconds, we obtained a flow of pancreatic juice at more than twice the rate pro- duced at the beginning of the experiment by intro- duction of acid into the duodenum." A pretty variation of this experiment was per- formed by Enriquez and Hallion. They conveyed the blood stream from the vessels of one dog (A) into those of another (B) and found that after in- jecting acid into the small intestine of dog (A), pancreatic juice began to flow in dog (B) ! Secretin. Though the hormone responsible for the flow of pancreatic juice has not been isolated in the pure state, its discoverers have given it the name "secretin" (from the Greek "to excite.") Since a watery extract of the mucous membrane of the intestine when injected into the blood stream, 132 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE fails to cause a flow of pancreatic juice, and since hydrochloric acid alone is no better, but since when the two are mixed we do get a response, Professors Bayliss and Starling have advanced the hypothesis that in its original form the secretin is in an in- active state the "pro-secretin" state they term it; and that the hormone becomes active only when the acid converts the pro-secretin into secretin. The function of the acid coming from the stomach, then, is to convert the inactive into an active hor- mone. The fact that solutions containing secretin can be boiled without destroying the hormone sug- gests that this hormone and others? are quite distinct from either vitamines or enzymes, both of which are quite susceptible to increases in tempera- ture. An objection to the work of Bayliss and Starling. The Italian physiologist, Luciani, has criticized the work of the English scientists. He writes : 1 "Popielski and his pupils have recently published a series of experiments and conclusions which com- pletely refute the secretin theory. Popielski states that the substance extracted after the extraction of the duodenal mucosa with hydrochloric acid is not specific, but may, on the contrary, be obtained by simple hydrolysis, from any glandular, muscu- lar, or even nervous tissue. . . . But the follow- ing is the most cogent of PopielskPs arguments. 1 Human Physiology, Volume 2. THE INTESTINAL HORMONE 133 In repeating the injections of sec re tin many times equal doses, he observed a conspicuous secretion tfter the first dose, less after the second, still less ! ter the third, till the substance rapidly became [effective. Now, the introduction of acid in the luodenum, however often repeated, invariably ex- ites pancreatic secretion proportional to the quan- Ity of acid introduced. The body evidently reacts the introduction of secretin by forming an anti- >ody capable of fixing it and annulling its action ; tis suggests that it is not a substance normally Leveloped by the body, but is an artificial extrane- ms product." Despite this criticism, the secretin theory has m very generally adopted ; to every physiologist cites an experience in opposition to it, there ire twenty who cite experiments that support it. Gastric secretin. While on the subject of diges- tive juices, reference may be made to the gastric juice, a fluid manufactured in the walls of the stom- ach. Pavlov has conclusively shown that the flow of gastric juice is unquestionably controlled by the brain, since the severance of all nerve connections stops the flow. This would seem to show that the origin of the flow of gastric and pancreatic juices is fundamentally different. However, Dr. Edkins has been able to show that, in addition to a nervous reflex, there is also a chemical stimulus involved. His experiment followed the lines of Bayliss and 134 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Starling. A piece of mucous membrane from the stomach, when extracted with acid, and the acid injected into the blood, caused a flow of gastric juice. Edkins called the hormone responsible for this action the gastric secretin, to distinguish it from the intestinal secretion. Secretin and vitamine. We have pointed out in this chapter that secretin withstands the tempera- ture of boiling water, a fact speaking against its identity with any vitamine. However, Dr. Carl Voegtlin, the government chemist in the Hygienic Department at Washington, has recently performed experiments to show that secretin and vitamine B (the anti-neuritic vitamine that is, the one that cures beriberi in man and polyneuritis in pigeons), 1 are similar in properties, if not actually one and the same substance. Towards chemical reagents, such as wood alcohol, silver, lead and barium salts, they behave alike. "Secretin preparations from the du- odenum of hogs relieved to some extent the neuritic symptoms, and the anti-neuritic vitamine from brewer's yeast on injection into dogs stimulated the pancreatic and biliary secretions." Whether this be so or not we cannot say definitely; the work needs confirmation. 1 See the chapter on Beriheri in the author's book on Vitamines. CHAPTER IX THYMUS, SPLEEN, PINEAL, MAMMARY GLAND AND KIDNEY I have grouped in this chapter a number of or- ins whose exact position in ductless glandular classification is debatable. Some of the organs are tot glandular in the histological sense. With >thers we are not altogether certain that they pro- Luce an internal secretion or, more correctly, a specific hormone. A substance like carbon dioxide is not produced by a gland, yet as a regulator of respiratory activity and of the respiratory center it ought, perhaps, to be discussed in this chapter. On the other hand, a compound like urea is the prod- uct of an organ of internal secretion ; but it is not yet certain whether it has any direct influence on the kidney. This chapter, then, is full of uncer- tainties. THYMUS This organ is situated in the neck near the thy- roid. It seems to be of particular importance in the early life of the individual, though the most 135 136 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE recent work tends to the opinion that it functions throughout life. After the second year of life it grows less in size. Here are some figures : At birth, 13.26 grams (approximately 30 grams equal one ounce) ; between one and five, 33 grams; be- tween six and ten, 26 grams ; 11 to 15, 37 ; 16 to 20, 25; 56 to 65, 16; 66 to 75, 6. Function of the thymus. What the function of the thymus is is a matter of constant debate. A number of experiments point to the fact that its activity is connected with that of the sex glands; that the thymus, for a time, checks the development of the reproductive organs. For example, the re- moval of the thymus (in animals) is said to ac- celerate sexual development, though it delays growth; and castrated animals show an enlarged thymus. Uhlenhuth, of the Eockef eller Institute, has spon- sored the theory that the thymus secretes a tetany- producing substance (see the chapter on the para- thyroid) which is neutralized by the parathyroids. Some claim that the thymus is the principal reserve organ for nucleoprotein, an important type of pro- tein particularly abundant in the nuclei of cells. Still others deny that the thymus is an endocrine gland. For example, Hopkins, in an exhaustive re- view of the subject, says: "The evidence in favor of such a theory (that the thymus is a ductless THYMUS 137 gland) is circumstantial at best and very meager. It is equally difficult to prove that the thymus does not produce a secretion, but the burden of proof is upon those who support the former theory." A very remarkable experiment by Gudernatsch must be cited here, though it should be noted at the outset that another investigator, Swingle, chal- lenges Gudernatsch's statements. The latter found that by feeding tadpoles with thymus extract, their growth could be accelerated to a remarkable de- gree, but that metamorphosis to the frog state was delayed. We have already seen in the chapter on the thyroid that thyroid extract behaves in an op- posite manner, in that feeding tadpoles with such an extract accelerates the transformation into the frog, but retards growth. Are we to assume that the thymus is connected, for a time at least, with thyroid activity? The general concensus of opinion is that the ex- tirpation of the thymus does not necessarily result fatally, though it does give rise to a disordered de- velopment of the skeleton, such as may be seen in a rickety child. Sciplades, a Hungarian investi- gator, is of the opinion that osteomalacia, a disease characterized by a softening of the bones, is brought about by the absence of a functioning thymus. This is based on experiments with young dogs whose thymus had been completely extirpated. "The 138 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE changes produced in the bones coincided, histologi- cally, with the changes characteristic of human osteomalacia." Thymus extract does not cure the disease, though when injected into the blood it lowers the arterial pressure and accelerates the heart beat. A disease called "mors thymica," sometimes "thy- mic asthma," connected with difficult breathing of infants, and which has a sudden fatal termination ("thymus-death,") is said to be due to the hyper- trophy (enlargement of organ) of the thymus. SPLEEN The spleen, like the thymus, is not a glandular organ, and hence is often omitted in the treatment of ductless glands. But it seems to develop an in- ternal secretion, in that a hormone from the spleen passes through the blood to the pancreas and "acti- vates" the ferment (enzyme) that attacks protein trypsin. This proof, if not convincing, is of a somewhat more positive nature than in the case of the thymus, where our only reason for supposing that it manufactures a hormone is the claim made by some that when the thymus is extirpated the skeleton does not develop properly. The function of the spleen, like that of the thy- mus, is shrouded in much mystery. We have just said that it is possible that its hormone activates THYMUS 139 the pancreatic trypsin. It should, however, be added that Pavlov, the Kussian physiologist, has proved that the juice elaborated in the small in- testine also contains a hormone (or enzyme?) which activates the trypsin. From the large quantity of iron (in "organic" combination) that the spleen contains, and from studies in anemia, investigators have concluded that it plays a part both in the formation and de- struction of the red blood corpuscles, but this is by no means certain. Others regard it as playing an important part in immunity from the active pha- gocytosis (destruction of micro-organisms by cells such as the leucocytes, or white corpuscles of the blood). The 'very recent work by Inlow disproves the theory that the spleen regulates the digestive power of the stomach a claim based on some ex- periments which are cited to prove that the re- moval of the spleen diminishes the activity of the pepsin, the enzyme in the stomach. Curiously enough, the extirpation of the organ was practised by the ancients, in the belief that it improves the "wind" in runners. Extirpation is not attended with fatal, or even particularly bad results. It is practised in a disease called "splenic anemia," "characterized by progressive enlarge- ment of the spleen, attacks of anemia, and a tend- ency to hemorrhages. . . ." Complete recovery follows the removal of this organ. This, of 140 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE course, makes it quite evident that the spleen can- not compare in importance with other ductless glands, such as the adrenal or the pancreas, the absence of which causes death. This, however, does not mean that the spleen is of no importance. Eddy in a recent review cites the following in support of the theory that the spleen produces an internal secretion: 1. Changes in erythrocytes after splenectomy (removal of spleen) ; 2. Modifi- cation of blood picture after hyperplasia (abnor- mal multiplication of the tissue elements) of the spleen, ameliorated in some cases at least by splen- ectomy ; 3. Specific effects on the red blood corpus- cles of injection of splenic extract. He acknowl- edges that we know nothing of the chemical na- ture of the hormone, but suggests that the chief function of the spleen is to remove from the circu- lation the disintegrated erythrocytes (red blood cells), and to build erythrocytes (by stimulating the erythrogenic, or blood corpuscle building power of the bone marrow) . PINEAL ("Epiphysis") This is an organ the size of a pea, situated at the base of the brain, behind and above the pituitary. Descartes considered it the seat of the soul ! Like the thymus, its importance seems to be chiefly in the early stages of its existence if we are to be- lieve many of the authors who have busied them- PINEAL 141 selves with the organ. Professor Biedl claims that in adults "the gland is a negligible factor/' He ar- rives at this conclusion from extirpation experi- ments. He has not, however, settled the question of extirpation in young animals. Foa, an Italian, has removed the pineal from roosters, with the result that the testes hypertro- phied. Horrax, of Chicago, has practised pineal- ectomy on guinea pigs; he states that the develop- ment of the testes becomes accelerated. The feed- ing of the desiccated pineal body to rats has had no influence on their growth (Finney, Baltimore). Another and more important experiment where 27 mentally deficient children at the Vineland farm were fed with a pineal extract, led to no noticeable effect. We do know what pathological growths of the pineal gland in children will give rise to. "In the 70 cases on record of tumor of the pineal gland, most were in adults, but ten were in boys below the age of puberty; and these all presented pre- cocious and pronounced development of the pri- mary and secondary sexual characteristics, and some a certain degree of mental precocity." (Zan- dren) ; which points to the presence of a hormone that regulates, in some way, the sex life. Dr. Frederick Tilney, in his book 1 gives us an 1 Frederick Tilney and H. A. Riley: The Form and Functions of the Central Nervous System (P. B. Hoeber, New York, 1921). 143 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE excellent example of a case of pineal disease. The patient, a boy of eight, had suffered from recurrent headaches since his sixth year. In his eighth year his headaches had become more severe and he had suffered from vomiting attacks. "His vision was not so good as it had been, and upon advice he be- gan to wear glasses. During his eighth year he grew rapidly until he had reached the height of five feet three inches. He was as large as a boy of 14. In addition to his increase in stature his pubic hair made its appearance and reached full development. His external genitalia became as large as those of an adult and his sexual functions were fully estab- lished. His voice underwent transition and be- came much deepened. During this time, however, he suffered from repeated headaches and his vision progressively failed. "Upon examination by an oculist he was told that he had progressive optic atrophy. He was admitted to the hospital because of his severe head- aches and vomiting. At this time his vision was practically gone. Shortly after admittance to the hospital he was seized with a convulsion which lasted for half an hour. After this convulsion he never recovered consciousness but lapsed into a somnolent condition in which he remained for sev- eral weeks, at the end of which time he had a sec- ond convulsion and died a few days later. "Upon examination at the time of his entrance PINEAL 143 into the hospital the following observations, among others, were made: The patient gave evidence of slight loss of volitional control in both legs and arms. Although a child of eight years he looked a boy of 15 or 16 both in size and development. The mental state of the patient was difficult to estimate. He seemed precocious in certain particulars but definitely retarded in others. He had been unable to attend school because of his headaches and for this reason his actual rating could not be made. "Furthermore, on his admittance to the hospital he was suffering from such extreme headaches that only the statement of his parents could be depended on in estimating his age. The spinal fluid on lum- bar puncture appeared to be under increased ten- sion, but it was negative to all special tests. The blood and urine were also negative. The lesion in this case was a brain tumor. Evidence of the focus of the lesion was afforded by the precocious somatic (pertaining to the framework of the body) devel- opment and precocious sexual development and growth. The optic atrophy and blindness, together with headaches, convulsions, somnolence and death, can be accounted for by a growth involving the pineal gland in such a way as to compromise the aqueduct of Sylvius (a passage which connects the third and fourth ventricle or cavity of the brain. The pineal is connected with the roof of the third ventricle) and thus give rise to an internal hydro* 144 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE cephalus ("water in the head"; an enlargement of the head). This explains the visual as well as the motor disturbances in the case. "The essential clinical features of the disease are: 1. Precocious development and differentiation of the external genitalia, the premature appear- ance of the axillary (pertaining to the arm-pit) and pubic hair. 2. Precocious development of the sex functions. 3. Precocious abnormal growth of the long bones, producing a stature of abnormal develop- ment. 4. The appearance of signs of internal hydro- cephalus, including visual disorder, headache, vom- iting, with choked disk or optic atrophy. 5. The absence of all other motor or sensory symptoms." .MAMMARY GLAND I can do no better than quote Professor Bayliss, who has critically analyzed the various views ad- vanced as to the growth of the gland in pregnancy and the accompanying secretion of milk. "The growth of this organ is closely connected with that of the uterus (womb) in pregnancy, so that it is not surprising to find that the growth is affected MAMMARY GLAND 145 by a hormone produced in the corpus luteum ("yel- low body" in the ovary that grows for some time after impregnation of the ovum). . . . The sec- ond stage, associated with secretory activity in the later period of pregnancy, is independent of the corpus luteum. It has been shown by Mackenzie that the gland is not under the influence of the nervous system, but that extracts of various or- gans, injected into the blood current of a cat in lactation, cause secretion of milk. "The organs found active were the pituitary body, the corpus luteum, the pineal body, the in- voluting uterus (the return of the uterus to normal size after child is born), and the mammary gland itself. The pituitary body is by far the most active. The fetus (the child in the womb after the third month. Before that time it is called the embryo and placenta (organ in uterus that establishes con- nection between mother and child) produce hor- mones which inhibit the gland. "Further analysis of the action of pituitary ex- tract was made by Hammond. The effect is said not to be due to pressing out of milk by contraction of muscle in the ducts . . . the daily yield of goats was found to be only slightly increased by injec- tions, so that pituitary extract seems to act by setting free the constituents of milk, rather than by causing increased formation. . . ." 146 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE KIDNEY Experiments to prove that the kidney elaborates an internal secretion have been of so conflicting a kind, that references to them would yield little in- formation and much confusion. The curious- minded may be referred to BiedFs book (see Bibli- ography). 1 1 Skin. Lately Dr. Doege, writing in the Wisconsin Medical Journal (August, 1921), discusses the evidence in favor of the view that the skin has an internal as well as an external secretory function. There seems to be an intimate connection between the ductless glands and the skin. "Perhaps the most familiar examples are the appearance of myxedema with the loss of thyroid function; the dependence of certain skin eruptions or pigmentations on the sex glands, pregnancy, puberty and the climacteric period; the appearance of the bluish discoloration of the skin in Addison's disease, an affection of the adrenals. Again, the fact that many infectious diseases, such as measles, diphtheria, smallpox, spotted fever, and syphilis run their course with an essential involvement of the skin is certainly not without deeper significance, and points to the probable fact that the skin performs an important function in the overcoming of these affections. . . ." CHAPTER X THE RELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS TO ONE ANOTHER The function of the hormones generated by the ductless glands is to coordinate the various activi- ties of the body. That there should exist a close relationship between any one ductless gland and any other or a group of others, is what might be expected, but the difficulty in proving beyond all question such relationships is great. This chapter, then, should be read with reserve; what is related here Is meant to be suggestive and no more. But this chapter, like one or two others following it, will, I trust, also serve as handy summaries of much that has been discussed in previous pages. The eminent French physiologist, Gley, writes: "The connections between the various glands are one of the fundamental facts maintained by the doctrine of internal secretions, and to deny them would be to deny a part of the doctrine of internal secretions itself. But what I criticize is the in- sufficiently demonstrated theory of reciprocal re- lations." And well he may; there are no end of 147 148 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE pitfalls that must be avoided if one is to steer clear of hypotheses that are attractive and that are based on the flimsiest foundation of actual knowledge. One of the earliest attempts to give us a concrete picture of an inter-relationship between the duct- less glands was that due to the Viennese patholo- gists, Eppinger, Falts and Rudinger who, in 1908, PAMCfiAS FIG. 1. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PANCBEAS TO THE OTHER DUCTLESS GLANDS. published a paper dealing with the influence of the thyroid and the adrenals on the activity of the in- ternal secretion of the pancreas. It was, in fact, an attempt to summarize our knowledge of the modus operandi of carbohydrate metabolism. Their views will be understood by reference to Fig. 1, and more particularly to Fig. 2. It will be remembered that in our discussion of carbohydrate metabolism it was stated that the various carbohydrates, such as starch and cane [E RELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS igar, after undergoing appropriate simplification in the digestive tract are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen ; and that whenever the body needs to expend energy, some of the glycogen is converted into glucose, which in turn finds its way to the muscles, where some may be resynthesized into glycogen, but where it is ultimately oxidized OP 1 I ? 1 ^^J" 1 A RE/VALS 1 1 1 V ^ i i i 1 f^y^/^ | i r GLUCOSE FIG. 2. THE EFFECT OF MOBILIZATION OF SUGAR IN THE LIVES. - = stimulation ; - - = inhibition An arrow indicates the direction of action. ''burned," yielding, as final products, carbon di- oxide and water. All this is a very complicated process. There must be a regulating or guiding mechanism involved to establish order in the place of chaos. We have seen how a large part of this function is taken over by the pancreas, and we have proved that it is the internal secretion of the pan- creas that is responsible. We have seen, for ex- ample, how the extirpation of the pancreas re- moves a restraining hand from the liver, with the 150 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE result that an excess of glucose appears in the blood, and finally in the urine, giving rise to the sugar disease, diabetes. It would seem as if the thyroid, and particularly the adrenals, accelerate the conversion of glycogen to glucose, and that the pancreas, and perhaps to some extent the parathyroid, retard such a conver- sion. Eppinger and his 1 colleagues reached this conclusion from studies of the effect on protein metabolism of injecting adrenaline. They found that this increased protein metabolism (the amount of protein digested and utilized) was the same as that seen in hyperthyroidism and the opposite of that produced by the removal of the thyroid gland. On the other hand, the pancreas seems to prevent the formation of an excessive quantity of sugar, for we see that such an excessive quantity is produced when the pancreas is removed. As for the para- thyroid, the general feeling that it tends to neutral- ize thyroid activity has made some investigators class it on the side of the pancreas. These actions are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 1 shows that the pancreas, thyroid and adre- nals, in addition to influencing sugar metabolism in the liver, influence the activity of one another. Thus the thyroid and adrenals excite one another to activity, whereas the thyroid and the pancreas, and the adrenals and pancreas, inhibit one an- other's activity. RELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 151 These views particularly the one referring to adrenal function have been strenuously opposed by Gley in France and Stewart in this country. Professor Stewart's work will again be referred to in a later chapter (see p. 165). Here it may be said that he presented evidence to prove that adren- 1 \ PITUITARY J A f)O ZNALS ' ~^N J ^ 1 , --^ ^ i 1 | ! ! 1 4 ( 1 1 ? THYRO/D L -H ~*[/?fP/?C vucr/ve 7AA/5 Ti n o*<. \ t * i ! ! I 1 L THYMUS (/l/ler Paton) FIG. 3. THE POSSIBLE INTEB-EELATIONSHIPS OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. = stimulation ; = inhibition An arrow indicates the direction of action. aline is not essentially concerned in experimental hyperglycemias (excess of sugar in the blood), since hyperglycemia is obtained in rabbits which have survived double adrenalectomy. It is con- cluded that the mobilization of sugar, of which ex- perimental hyperglycemias are an expression, is not mediated through the secretion of the adren- als. Fig. 3 is a more extensive diagram to show the 152 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE interrelationships of the ductless glands. Let it be emphasized again that the diagram is far from exact, because our knowledge is so incomplete. Where no connection between glands is shown, it does not follow that none exists, but that so far none has been found to exist. Where a connec- tion is shown, we merely mean to imply that the weight of opinion is in favor of such a view, not that it is necessarily the correct view. Let us discuss the meaning of the diagram, taking up each gland in turn. Pituitary (A) and sexual glands. Hypopitui- tarism often gives rise to absence of secondary sexual characteristics. In a woman it may show itself by absence of pubic hair, and by arrested development of the breasts. On the other hand, castration results in an enlargement of the pitui- tary. That growth depends upon the pituitary has long been known. Growth is very largely com- pleted at puberty. This would explain why most women are smaller than men, since the former reach the stage of puberty before the latter. In conformity with the idea that the pituitary and the sexual glands are intimately related, it has been shown that feeding tadpoles with extracts of the anterior lobe of the gland accelerates sexual development ( Goetsch. ) (B) And thyroid. The removal of the thyroid THE EELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 153 results in the enlargement of the pituitary, and vice versa. Both the pituitary and the thyroid seem to stimulate the sexual glands in the same direction. If either is removed, not only does the animal fail to grow properly, not only is there an arrested development of the mind and a tendency towards adiposity, but the sexual organs remain undeveloped. As showing the parallelism in action of the thy- roid and the pituitary in certain instances, the in- teresting experiment has been performed of feed- ing thyroidectomized rats with "tethelin," the sub- stance isolated by Kobertson from the anterior lobe of the pituitary: a beneficial effect on the growth of the animals was observed. Are we to assume that under certain conditions tethelin can take the place of the thyroid hormone? Thyroid (A) and pituitary. See under pitui- tary. (B) and sexual glands. Kemoval of the thyroid stops the growth of the sexual glands. Castra- tion, however, does not seem to have much influ- ence on the thyroid, though it has been stated that hyperactivity of the latter, in the shape of exoph- thalmic goiter, is not uncommon. (C) and thymus. Conflicting results. (D) and parathyroids. At one time the para- thyroids were regarded as adjuncts of the thyroid; now the view is quite firmly established that the 154 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE parathyroid is an independent organ, and that it and the thyroid may be regarded as displaying re- ciprocating actions. (E) and adrenals. The work of Cannon and others tends to show that these two stimulate one another's activity. Hyperthyroidism, such as is found in Graves's disease, is said to increase the adrenaline in the blood, and hypothyroidism les- sens the activity of the adrenals. The adrenals stimulate the production of sugar from glycogen, and it is supposed that the thyroid also acts in this way (see Fig. 2) . This view advanced by Eppinger and his associates in Vienna, is based on experi- ments which show that the removal of the thyroid makes adrenaline less effective in bringing about glycosuria. Professor Underbill, of Yale, disagrees with this view. We shall see in a subsequent chap- ter (p. 165) that Professor Stewart, of Western Eeserve University, has also quite a number of criticisms to offer. ) and pancreas. We have many conflicting theories. It has been said that the diabetes pro- duced in an animal by removing its pancreas, can be prevented by also removing its thyroid. If this unlikely view is correct, then the two glands show reciprocal actions. Adrenals (A) and thyroid. See latter. J(B) and pancreas. Conflicting. Kemoval of the pancreas produces sugar in the urine (glyco- THE RELATION OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 155 suria). On the other hand, addition, or rather in- jection of adrenaline does the same. Hence the view that the two act reciprocally. Direct proof has not been forthcoming. (C) and sexual glands. Conflicting. It is said that "in cases of sexual precocity the adrenal cor- tex is much enlarged." Thymus (A) and thyroid. See the latter. ' (B) and parathyroids. Uhlenhuth, of the Kockefeller Institute, is responsible for the state- ment that the thymus secretes a tetany-producing substance, the action of which is neutralized by the parathyroids. This needs confirmation. (C) and sexwal glands. The removal of the thy- mus in early life brings about the development of the sexual glands. It does seem as if the function of the thymus in early life is to retard the onset of puberty. CHAPTER XI THE INFLUENCE OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS ON GROWTH AND METABOLISM These questions have been discussed in the vari- ous portions of the book dealing with the pathology of the subject. The essential features may be brought together in this chapter. It has been shown that castration in early life may lead to abnormal growth of the skeleton. On the other hand, the removal or atrophy of the thy- roid, pituitary, and presumably the thyrnus, leads to arrested growth (the cretin is an example). Where the pituitary and (perhaps) the thymus are overactive, we get excessive growth (gigantism and acromegaly are types). Whether the other ductless glands influence growth is not clear. When we come to the influence of the glands on metabolism on the various reactions that go on within the body we find that the ductless glands are of great importance. The thyroid is the fore- most metabolic regulator of the body. We have already seen how the metabolic rate is accelerated 166 INFLUENCE OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS 157 in hyper-thyroidism and retarded in hypo-thyroid- ism. It has already been shown how the pan- creas, the adrenals and probably the thyroid, di- rectly influence carbohydrate metabolism. In pro- tein metabolism in the assimilation and general utilization of meat, proteins of milk and eggs, for example we have reasons to believe that the thy- roid, pituitary, adrenals and the sexual glands stimulate, and the pancreas and the parathyroids inhibit such metabolism. That metabolic studies are of great value in the diagnosis of ductless glan- dular diseases is well illustrated in diseases con- nected with the thyroid (see p. 40). CHAPTER XII THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE DUCTLESS GLANDS The work of Cannon of Harvard, Crile of West- ern Reserve University, and the war experiences of many doctors, more particularly in cases of "shell-shock," have emphasized the possibly close connection between certain phases of nervous dis- order and the derangement of the ductless glands. Let us in the first instance review very briefly some of the glandular diseases that are accompanied by nervous effects, and we can then take up the work of Cannon and others in some detail. Diseases of the thyroid come first in order. We have already seen, in discussing this subject, how a hyperthyroidism, as exemplified in exophthalmic goiter, not only increases the metabolic rate, but affects the emotions. Irritability, hasty speech, at- tacks of laughing and crying, and a general rest- lessness, all this accompanied by a tremor, and a rapid heart beat, point to a mental as well as a physical attack. In fact, the close connection be- tween hyperthyroidism and the mental state of the patient is such that an interesting discussion has 158 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 159 r arisen as to whether the origin of the disease o be laid at the door of "nerves," whose rupture ys havoc with the thyroid, or at that of the lat- , which in turn affects the "nerves." An edi- Lal in Endocrinology (1917) has this to say: le work of Cannon demonstrates how complete ;he cycle, and how difficult it is in a given case tc ascertain whether the original cause was psychi- cal or material. In no disease is this more evident than in Graves's disease (which, you will remem- ber, is a common form of hyperthyroidism ) . Here a succession of nervous shocks may excite the adre- nals until the thyroid is put into action, and hyper- thyroidism arises. But again the stimulation of the vagus (nerve responsible for sensation and mo- tion) may come from so material a source as a uterine myoma (a tumor of the womb) or other pelvic structure as Hertzler points out. But the outcome is the same: the thyroid becomes stimu- lated until the threshold becomes permanently lowered." That the origin may be a nervous one seems rea- sonably clear from the experiences of the war. Dr. Cobb, a captain in the Koyal Army Medical Corps, writes : "It is a well-known fact that the syndrome which we have hitherto called 'hyperthyroidism' is frequently met with among the cases of func- tional neuroses which arrive at the base hospitals . . . the exophthalmos is not often marked, but 160 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE the fine tremor, moist skin, tachycardia (rapid tion of the heart), prominent thyroid, and me irritability are all present. The brisk reactio] any emotional excitement, with exaggeration those features, shows that the mental elemen not negligible. Furthermore, any one who has any lengthy experience of this class of sold patient will agree that his mental outlook is mi edly similar to that of the civilian patient with ophthalmic goiter." In hypothyroidism, as in the cretinous chuu, and in the adult suffering from myxedema, we go from the extreme of rapidity in action and thought (hyperthyroidism) to complete sluggishness and mental apathy. The child coordinates poorly; it learns to talk late in years sometimes it never passes beyond the stage of inarticulate sounds; it learns to sit and to walk late. The adult loses all reaction to strong stimuli and resembles the hiber- nating animal. Professor Falta states that the English Myxe- dema Commission "found the apathy character- istic of myxedema to be absent in three of 109 cases. This may develop relatively early, and in the light cases may consist in a sluggishness of movement, in a retardation of the psychic func- tions, in an inability to form rapid conclusions, and in a slowing and monotony of speech. Mag- nus-Levy, the German physiologist, claims that THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 161 even in the light cases the 'capability of reacting to strong stimuli' is lost. The speech may be mark- edly slowed, 'as if/ writes the [late] Dr. Meltzer, 'the speech mechanism were frozen in.' Charcot, the French neurologist, compares such patients to hibernating animals. "The English Commission found among the myxedema patients investigated by them that 18 suffered from illusions, 16 from hallucinations, and 16 from frank psychosis. The psychoses belong to various types, although the melancholoid condi- tions predominate. The symptoms of the psychosis often develop simultaneously with those of myxe- dema, and vanish after thyroid therapy has been instituted, to reappear again when the therapy is discontinued." The researches of Cannon, referred to above, tend to show that the adrenals and more particu- larly one of their hormones, adrenaline, are closely associated with the mental state of the per- son. The close connection between the action of adrenaline and that of the sympathetic system has been discussed in the chapter on the adrenals. We must now take up Cannon's work in some detail. The researches of Professor Cannon. Professor Cannon, of Harvard, working in conjunction with a number of his pupils ( among whom must be men- tioned de la Paz, Shohl, Wright, Washburn, Ly- man, Nice, Gruber, Osgood, Gray and Mendelhall), 162 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE has brought forward evidence to show that at times of emotional excitement, pain or asphyxia (suffo- cation), an increased secretion of adrenaline takes place. "Adrenal secretion has previously been proved to be subject to sympathetic stimulation (see page 83) ; and as excitement, pain and as- phyxia were conditions well recognized as accom- panied by sympathetic activity (manifested, for example, by inhibition of digestive functions), an attendant adrenal secretion was naturally to be ex- pected. In a series of papers which follow the first two in 1911, experiments were described showing that adrenal secretion was serviceable in lessening muscular fatigue and in accelerating coagulation (clotting) of the blood. It was pointed out that excitement, pain and asphyxia were conditions which in natural existence would commonly be as- sociated with struggle, and the adrenal secretion, which accompanies these three states, would be useful in great muscular effort." Cannon criticized l>y Professors Stewart and Gley. Stewart, of Western Eeserve University, Cleveland (working in conjunction with his chief assistant, Dr. Eogoff), and Gley, of the College de France, Paris, have seriously questioned Cannon's interpretations. From his own work Stewart draws three conclusions, each one of which helps to explain a discrepancy, and all three of which tend to throw confusion into the camps of Cannon's THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 163 followers: In the first place, the discharge of adrenaline is continuous; secondly, the amount of this substance in any animal is approximately con- stant ; thirdly, the supposed variation is dependent on the rate at which the blood flows through the veins. Keeping these views in mind, Stewart finds that neither in pain, nor in asphyxia, nor in emo- tional excitement, can any increased secretion of adrenaline be detected. An experiment ~by Professor Cannon. Segments of rabbit intestine were placed in cylinders and these filled with samples of blood taken from the lumbo- (pertaining to the loins) adrenal veins. The blood was taken before and after stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve. "Normal blood removed before stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve caused no inhibition of the rhythmically contracting intestinal segment, whereas that removed afterwards produced a marked relaxation. 1 The conclusion was drawn a ln the chapter on the adrenal glands we stated that there were two accepted methods for the estimation of adrenaline, the one a physiological, and the other a chemical method. The physiological method is the more sensitive, and for the extremely minute quantities of the substance with which we are here deal- ing, the physiological method is, at present, the only one that yields results. The principle employed is one -which depends upon the fact that a portion of an organ, such as the uterus or the intestine, when bathed in blood or in Ringer's solution containing a mixture of inorganic salts of a concentration similar to that found in blood will produce rhythmic contractions that can be made to record on a slowly revolving drum; when, how- ever, adrenaline even in the proportion of onpart in one million 164 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE , that the adrenal glands are affected through ner- vous channels when a sensory trunk (the main stem of the nerve) is strongly excited, and that they then pour their secretion into the blood stream. 1 It must be remarked that the inhibitory influ- ence on the beating intestinal strip is shown by adrenaline, which of course suggests that the in- hibition described in this experiment is the result of an increased activity of the adrenals, with a consequent increased production of adrenaline. This adrenaline is discharged into the blood. If is added to the solution, or when blood containing a quantity of adrenaline above the trace that is probably found normally, then the tracings on the drum show a sudden jump. For details we must refer the reader to any standard textbook of physiology. Stewart's includes a number of interesting practical exercises. 1 For the benefit of some readers who may desire more detailed information, the following additional points in Cannon's pro- cedure are appended: The segments of rabbit intestine were sus- pended lengthwise in a glass cylinder through which oxygen waa passed. The segment, when not surrounded by the blood to be tested, was bathed in Ringer's solution (see above). The test blood, the cylinder and the fresh Ringer's solution were all kept at body temperature in a common bath. The blood to be tested was taken before and after the experimental procedures by pass- ing a catheter (a tubular surgical instrument for discharging fluid from a cavity of the body) through an incision in the femoral vein (referring to the thigh) into the iliac (the haunch- bone or the flank) and thence into the inferior vena cava an- terior to the entrance of the lumbo-adrenal veins. A thread tied tightly around the catheter marked the point to which it was inserted and permitted reinsertion to the same point in subse- quent sampling of the blood. The position of the catheter open- ing, which was at one side, was kept constant by attention to the position of the knot in the thread. Thus both the control blood and the blood after stimulation were taken as -exactly as possible from the same region. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 165 Professor Cannon's theory is correct there ought to be more adrenaline in the blood after stimula- tion in the above experiment the stimulation was sensory than before stimulation. His experiment tends to show that such is actually the case. In a similar manner Cannon has shown that asphyxia "causes a change in the blood producing the same effect as adrenaline on the beating in- testinal strip, namely, inhibition" ; and that emo- tional excitement gives rise to a similar phenome- non. Hence the conclusion that stimulation of the type described whether sensory,! as in pain, whether of the nature of emotional excitement, or of the nature of asphyxia increases the secretion of adrenaline. Stewart and Rogoff's criticism. As we shall again refer to Professor Stewart's work, we need only mention here one or two points that bear directly on the technique employed. In a critical review of Cannon's catheter method, Stewart and Kogoff point out that the results obtained by it are only valid if the blood flow is assumed to be con- stant during the whole experimental period, and the method does not permit any judgment on that point. If in the course of an experiment the rate of blood flow over a particular region varies, then the samples taken at various intervals are not strictly comparable. They maintain that the secre- tion of adrenaline is not influenced by reflex stimu- 166 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE lation, and that the only way in which the experi- ment would indicate an increased concentration of adrenaline in the blood is if the blood flow through the adrenal vessels were retarded. The denervated heart as an indicator of adrenal secretion. In this method instead of removing blood from the body, the denervated heart is used to demonstrate an increase of adrenaline in the blood. "In a cat under urethane, with vagi (nerves of sensation and motion) cut and stellate ganglia (referring to nervous matter) excised, stimulation of the central end of the cut sciatic will cause the heart rate to increase in some instances as much as 50 beats per minute. . . . The completely dener- vated heart can be used as an indicator of adrenal secretion in testing the influence of emotional ex- citement quite as well as in testing the influence of sensory stimulation and asphyxia. 1 The results obtained with the isolated heart used as an indi- cator of adrenal secretion thus confirm in every 1 Again for the benefit of some readers certain details should be added. To denervate the heart the stellate ganglia are first removed under ether with aseptic precautions; later the right vagus nerve is severed below the recurrent laryngeal branch; and still later the left vagus nerve is cut in the neck. The heart is thus wholly disconnected from the central nervous system, and any agency causing an increase in the heart rate must exert its influence through the blood stream. With the adrenal glands normally innervated the rate was 217 per minute when the animal was calm, and 255 when excited. After the adrenal glands were removed the rate when calm was 217 and when excited 221, an inappreciable difference. THE NEEVOUS SYSTEM 167 respect the results obtained eight years ago (1911) by the catheter method." (Cannon.) Professor Stewart objects again. One would ex- pect an increased rate of the denervated heart, writes Professor Stewart, when the central end of the sciatic or the peripheral of the splanchnic nerve is stimulated, for "it is obviously dependent upon the better flow through the coronary vessels'' ; and the increased rate of blood flow through the de- nervated heart increases the amount of adrenaline passing a given area in unit time. He objects to the use of any organ in the body as an indicator of adrenal secretion when asphyxia is employed as a stimulus, "because asphyxia may be expected to alter the reactivity of the test object to adrenaline, making it, for example, more sensitive." "We never supposed/' he continues, "that it was possible to use in one observation an asphyxiated test object and in the comparison observation the same object with unobstructed respiration, or to assume that if there was any difference in reactions, it must be due to a difference in the rate of output of adrena- line; the conditions of the test object itself being of no moment." When two such redoubtable adversaries as Can- non and Stewart appear in the field, it is not to be expected that either the one or the other can hope for a quick, decisive victory. Both are masters in 168 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE the field of experimental physiology, and both are thinkers untrammelled by any standardized meth- ods of thought. For every "no" of Stewart, Cannon finds a "yes." To-day as little as ever before is Cannon disposed to agree with his colleague that the adrenal effects may be accounted for on the basis of greater flow, or of altered distribution of the blood. Cannon hits back with the same weap- ons that Stewart employs: he does not question the results but he does question the methods. "The work of Stewart and Kogoff was admirably quanti- tative in character, but it was done under experi- mental conditions which could not afford informa- tion regarding the normal secretion of the adrenal glands or the natural conditions which affect that secretion. This conclusion applies to all inferences as to the nature of adrenal activity which they have based upon the employment of the pocket method. 1 t J The "pocket" refers to a pocket in the inferior vena cava. The pocket was made by opening the abdominal cavity, clamping the vena cava immediately above the iliacs, then clamping the renal veins, emptying the cava segments by stripping it upwards, and placing a clamp on the vessel above the entrance of the lumbo-adrenal veins. Any small branches of the cava segment were tied. The pocket thus formed was allowed to fill with blood from the adrenal veins, and the blood was either allowed to pass into the general circulation by removal of the clamp of the inferior vena cava, or was withdrawn and tested outside the body on preparations of rabbit uterus and intestine. Professor Cannon's comment is characteristic: "Either be- cause the opening of the abdomen produces a secretion unsur- passable by reflex stimulation, or because that operation abolishes abdominal reflexes, the influence of sensory stimulation on the THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 169 Professor Cannon's views as to the function of adrenaline. This brings us to Cannon's "emer- gency theory." In times of stress as when a per- son suffers pain, or is in an agitated state of mind a chemical factor, in the shape of adrenaline, cooperates with nervous factors in an attempt to meet the emergency and not be overcome by it. That is why, according to Cannon, we find an in- creased output of adrenaline in times of stress. But we must be careful not to misinterpret this view of Cannon's. "The concept of an emotion may be expressed either in psychological terms of subjective experience or in physiological terms of bodily change. Adrenal secretion is not essential to the subjective experience of strong emotion. Adrenaline has its effect peripherally, on outlying viscera. An assumption that subjective feeling de- pends on circulating adrenaline involves support- ing the view that emotion as a psychological state is the consequence of visceral changes. I have, in fact, definitely argued against this view. If the critics of the emergency theory conceive emotion as bodily change, they will find in Cannon's con- sideration of the interrelations of emotions the point emphasized that it is the sympathetic division adrenal glands is not manifested. There is little wonder, there- fore, that Stewart and Rogoff, who alone have employed the pocket method, with its attendant severe abdominal operation and repeated manipulation of the abdominal contents, failed to obtain the positive results which have been obtained by all other observers." 170 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE of the autonomic system which is the primary 'agency in mobilizing the bodily forces in times of great fear or rage. . . . These suggestions imply coordination of chemical and nervous factors, but not a dependence of the nervous factors on the chemical." Professor Cannon's book. Under "Bibliography" towards the end of the book I shall include suffi- cient references to Cannon's papers so that the reader who desires it may get inspiration from the original source; but I cannot resist the temptation of dwelling, if only for a minute or two, on his book, "Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Kage," a sequel to an earlier and no less celebrated volume, "The Mechanical Factors in Digestion." It is a record of an attempt to investigate certain psychological reactions some of which have al- ready been discussed in these pages by means of recognized methods in experimental physiology. The writer is strongly convinced that the great ad- vances in psychology are not to be expected so much from the psychologist who is an arm-chair philosopher or who dabbles in "efficiency" tests, as from those men whose training has been in the ex- perimental sciences primarily, in chemistry, physics and biology. I do not of course mean that the philosopher has no contribution to make ; I do not belong to the ultra-scientific school which takes it for granted that it, and it alone, can lay claim to THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM 171 the mantle of glory and achievement; but, com- paratively speaking, I think that the physiologist who investigates psychological phenomena has more to offer us than the metaphysical speculator who turns psychologist. In the early portion of the book we are intro- duced to the physiological methods for determining adrenaline, and are then shown that emotional excitement gives rise to adrenaline in the blood in amounts sufficient to be detected, though the amounts may be less than a few parts per million. One of the experiments dealing with emotional excitement is to bring a dog and cat near one an- other. The cat exposed to the barks of the dog shows an increased adrenaline output. The fact that injection of adrenaline into the body of an animal gives rise to a glycosuria, or an increase of sugar in the urine (a form of what is commonly called "diabetes"), and the fact that emotional excitement induces an increased output of adrenaline, leads directly to the next step : can glycosuria be called forth by emotional excite- ment? Cannon finds that it can. One experiment is of exceptional interest. Of 25 members of the Harvard University football squad whose urine was examined immediately after a most exciting contest during the season of 1913, 12 showed sugar. After a day or two, after a complete rest, that is the sugar disappeared completely. GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Of what value are the sugar and the adrenaline that are poured into the blood during emotional excitement? We have already indicated the an- swer in several portions of the book. Let Professor Cannon speak. "The adrenaline plays an essential r61e in calling forth stored carbohydrate from the liver, thus flooding the blood with sugar. . . . Since the fear emotion and the anger emotion are, in wild life, likely to be followed by activities (run- ning or fighting) which require contraction of great muscular masses in supreme and prolonged struggle, a mobilization of sugar in the blood might be of signal service to the laboring muscles. . . . Adrenaline helps in distributing the blood to the heart, lungs, central nervous system and limbs, while taking it away from the inhibited organs of the abdomen; it quickly abolishes the effects of muscular fatigue; and it renders the blood more readily coagulable. These remarkable facts are, furthermore, associated with some of the most primitive experiences in the life of the higher or- ganisms, experiences common to all, both man and beast the elemental experiences of pain and fear and rage that come suddenly in critical emergen- cies." In connection with these investigations, Cannon discusses and connects the excitements and ener- gies of competitive sport; the frenzy and endurance THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 173 in ceremonial and other dances ; and the fierce emo- tions and struggles in battle. The latter portion of the book is devoted to the nature of hunger, which has roots similar to those of fear and anger. Hunger is shown to be the direct result of contractions of the alimentary canal, a fact amply verified by the elaborate researches of .Professor Carlson, of the University of Chicago. That in fever hunger should be absent seems logical because "infection, with systemic involvement, is accompanied by a total cessation of all movements of the alimentary canal. Boldireff observed that when his dogs were fatigued the rhythmic contrac- tions failed to appear. Being 'too tired to eatf is therefore given a rational explanation." The closing chapter of the book pleads for moral substitutes for warfare. The key to Cannon's views is presented through the medium of William James who, in proposing a moral equivalent for war, wrote: "We must make new energies and hardihoods continue the manliness to which the military mind so faithfully clings. Martial virtues must be the enduring cement; intrepidity, con- tempt of softness, surrender of private interest, obedience to command, must still remain the rock upon which states are built. . . . The martial type of character can be bred without war. Strenuous honor and disinterestedness abound elsewhere. 174 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Priests and medical men are in a fashion educated to it, and we should all feel some degree of it im- perative if we were conscious of our work as an obligatory service to the state. We should be owned, as soldiers are by the army, and our pride would rise accordingly. We could be poor, then, without humiliation, as army officers now are. The only thing needed henceforth is to inflame the civic temper as past history has inflamed the mili- tary temper." It is ten years since James wrote these words, and during those years much has happened to make this advice even more imperative. Neither the vic- torious Peace of Versailles, nor yet the Washington Conference for the Limitation of Armaments, holds out immediate relief from military dominance. One wonders what kind of calamity the gods can send us so that we may be awakened before the Great Flood sweeps us forever from off this globe. Dr. Crile's researches. Dr. Crile, the famous Cleveland surgeon, has advanced a theory regarding shock and exhaustion which deserves treatment in this chapter for two reasons: first, because in his theory the adrenals play an active part; and sec- ondly because of the success he has had in the clini- cal application of his theory. Shock of which the varieties of shell-shock de- scribed during the late war are types is character- ized by a loss, to a large extent, of deliberate ac- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 175 tion. "The man in acute shock or exhaustion," writes Crile, "is able to see danger, but lacks the normal muscular power to escape from it ; his tem- perature may be subnormal but he lacks the nor- mal power to create heat ; he understands words but lacks the normal power of response." He cannot transform potential into kinetic energy. Herein lies the key to the situation. We also see why Crile talks of the "kinetic theory of shock." Let us dwell on this "kinetic theory" for a min- ute. Various stimuli arouse various associations; the latter may be of the nod or injurious type, or the bene or beneficial type. "All of life is made up of bene- and noci-associations, and the constant effort of the race and the individual is to increase the former and decrease the latter, to develop an environment which shall be as free as possible from noci-associations, to reach a state of anoci-associa- tion" Anoci-associaMon is the title given to one of Dr. Crile' s very suggestive books. In it he shows how the percentage of successful surgical cases may be increased by a treatment which applies the principles of anoci-association before, during and after the operation. "The difference between normal processes and shock is that of intensity, not of kind. From these premises it becomes obvious that the exclusion of both traumatic and emotional stimuli will wholly prevent the shock of surgical operations." To ac- 176 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE complish the desired result, the conditions which produced the shock are ameliorated or eliminated, and the circulation is supported. For the details the reader must be referred to the book. One fur- ther quotation must suffice. "By an assuring pre- operative treatment; by the definite dulling of the nerves through the administration of a narcotic; by a non-suffocating odorless anesthetic ; by a local anesthetic to cut off all afferent impulses during the course of the operation ; by a second local anes- thetic of lasting effect to protect the patient during the painful postoperative hours ; by gentle manipu- lation and sharp dissection, by the combination of all these methods the patient is protected from damage from every factor excepting those which exist in the diseased condition from which relief is sought." * *How successful this method is may be gauged from the fact that Dr. Crile can operate on a patient suffering from exophthal- mic goiter without materially increasing his pulse rate. "It was in large measure the study of the preoperative and postoperative course of cases of Graves's disease which led to the enunciation of the kinetic theory of shock and the development of the shock- less operation. ... By the extension of employment of anocia- tion and asepsis, the mortality in the last 6,261 operations at Lakeside Hospital (Cleveland) has been reduced to 1.6 per cent. Our series have included 58 colostomies and resections of the rectum and large intestine for cancer, with one death, and 70 resections of the stomach and gastro-enterostomies for cancer and ulcer of the stomach, with one death. Anociation and asepsis have made possible a series of 227 consecutive thyroid- ectomies and 180 consecutive ligations, that is, 407 conseci5tive thyroid operations for hyperthyroidism without a death. These are not selected cases. No patient was rejected and many were dying. Among the last 500 thyroidectomies, there have been five THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 177 Man is surrounded by noci-associations, and he is forever attempting to reach a state of anoci-asso- ciation. An example of this is the attempt made by a body when infected to produce an anti-toxin. Under certain conditions as a result of fear, worry, physical injury, infection, hemorrhage, ex- cessive muscular exertion, starvation, insomnia an excessive amount of energy, stored in the form of potential energy, is discharged; this "excessive conversion of potential into kinetic energy in re- sponse to adequate stimuli" leads to shock. Such is the "kinetic theory of shock," which further states that the lesions of shock are to be found in the cells of the brain, in the liver, and what inter- ests us most in this chapter in the adrenals. "In our laboratory," writes Dr. Crile, "we found cytologic changes in the adrenals in exhaustion from any cause, including insomnia ; these changes being more marked in the cortex than in the me- dulla. Apparently adrenaline alone can cause the brain greatly to increase its work. By cross-circu- lation experiments, we have found that adrenaline causes increased activity of the central vasomoter mechanism. Not only can adrenaline, as Cannon has shown, cause all the basic phenomena of exer- tion, emotion, infection, etc., but it also causes brain cell lesions identical with those produced by deaths, a mortality rate of one per cent., and among the last 500 ligations, two deaths." 178 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE exertion, emotion, infection, etc. . . . The injection of adrenaline causes an immediate increase in the conductivity of the brain to above normal, followed by a later decrease to below the normal; more- over, adrenaline causes an immediate increase in the temperature of the brain, as evidenced by thermo-couple measurements." The work of Drs. Steivart and Rogoff. In dis- cussing Dr. Cannon's work we have also referred, a number of times, to that of Drs. Stewart and Rogoff, if only because the latter two are equally eminent authorities, and mainly because they com- bat much of what Cannon has to say. The nature of this work and the limitations of space will pre- vent us from giving details, but the reader who is interested may refer to the list of references to their work that is included in the bibliography. Adrenaline is the big theme. Is there or is there not an increase of this substance when an animal is emotionally aroused? We have already suggested that Stewart's answer is in the negative, and that he explains Cannon's positive results by finding fault with the method employed, and with the way in which the results were interpreted. It will also be remembered that Cannon makes much of the fact that not only does adrenaline give rise to a hyperglycemia, but what might be ex- pected if what Cannon asserts is true so do the emotions when aroused sufficiently; for, according THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 179 to Cannon, the emotions arouse the adrenals to particular activity, an increased quantity of adrena- line then appears in the blood, and this in turn interferes with normal carbohydrate metabolism to such an extent that an abnormal quantity of sugar finds its way into the blood, giving rise to hyperglycemia. "We have recently," write Drs. Stewart and Kogoff, "studied the question whether adrenaline secretion of the adrenals is indispensable for the production of certain experimental hyperglycemias. The majority of previous investigations have suf- fered from the defect that they were carried out, if not on practically moribund animals, at least on animals still under the effects of a serious opera- tion. This undoubtedly is the chief reason for the astonishing lack of uniformity in the results. Working with animals (cats) in which the adrena- line secretion was abolished or reduced to an in- significant fraction of the normal by removal of one adrenal and section of the nerves of the other (an operation which does not preclude the contin- ued life of the animal in good health), we were able to show that two forms of experimental hyper- glycemia that produced by ether and that pro- duced by asphyxia are as readily obtained in the absence of adrenaline secretion as when the adre- nals have not been interfered with." What, then, have the adrenals got to do with hyperglycemia? 180 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Neither have Drs. Stewart and Kogoff less sharp criticism to offer with regard to the alleged con- nection of adrenaline with the condition known as "shock," a subject we have discussed in the last few pages. "A large though quite undeserved place has been occupied in clinical literature of shock and allied conditions by adrenal insufficiency, or one or other of its aliases. There is no evidence that any notable change occurs in the adrenaline output in either direction." The experimental methods of producing shock in dogs and cats by exposing and manipulating the intestines, by partial occlusion of the inferior vena cava, by hemorrhage and by "pep- tone" injection led to a permanent lowering of blood pressure ; but the rate of output of adrenaline after the blood pressure had been permanently lowered was found to be the same as before the lowering of the blood pressure, "within the limits of error of the methods used for assaying the adrenaline." Professor Stewart's caustic pen hits at the "clinical endocrinologist" even more than at the experimental physiologist. He writes : "In reading the papers by 'clinical endocrinologists/ especially the French and Italians, the physiologist can scarcely escape the feeling that here he has broken through into an uncanny fourth dimension of medi- cine, where the familiar canons and methods of scientific criticism are become foolishness, where THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 181 fact and hypothesis are habitually confounded, and 'nothing is but what is not.' ? Such criticisms, coming from a critic whose aim is to create rather than to destroy, are of the utmost value to the progress of the science. It deserves prominent place in a book such as this, where the attempt is made never to confound fact with fancy. 1 The sexual glands and the nervous system. That the sexual glands and the nervous system are closely related is only too obvious from the many studies on the sex problem, and by the more direct method of castration in animals and men. Much of all this has already been discussed in another chapter (page 94). Less pronounced connections between the glands and the nervous mechanism are noticeable in diseases of the pituitary and the para- thyroids. *I have just (December, 1921) returned from the annual meet- ing of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, held this year at Yale University. These meetings were much enlivened by papers by Stewart and Cannon. Both are not only first-class scholars but excellent debaters, and their annual tilts are eagerly looked forward to. This eagerness on the part of the onlookers to enjoy the fun brought forward this remark from Dr. Stewart: "We are not waiting for Dr. Cannon to say something and then to jump at him; we merely seek the truth, just as I know he does." This but brought laughter and knowing looks. Dr. Carlson, the Chicago physiologist, whose sympathies are evidently more with Stewart than with Cannon, brought down the house with this remark: "I am glad to find that Cannon no longer pins his faith to the adrenals alone; for that he and the Society are to be congratulated on a return to 'normalcy.' " 182 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Psycho-analysis. It would be strange that in the treatment of those most complex of phenomena that group themselves under mental disorders, con- flicts should not arise between the enthusiastic en- docrinologist and the Freudian disciple; the one with his eye to the ductless glands as the source of much evil, and the other with his emphasis on the repression of the emotions. Professor Gushing, in an article on "Psychic disturbances associated with disorders of the ductless glands," leans towards the former school, though he is not blind to the merits of psycho-analysis. He writes : "The vari- ous neuroses (nerve diseases) and asthenias (loss of strength) may result primarily as the result of some disturbance of internal secretion which paves the way for the dreams, symbolisms and other manifestations dissected by the psycho-analyst. ... It is quite probable that the psycho-pathology of every-day life hinges largely upon the effect of ductless gland discharges upon the nervous system. This is particularly worthy of consideration in the study of child psychology in its relation to puberty and adolescence, especially in those individuals in which there is some underlying, possibly inherited, / functional deviation in the chemistry of the inter- nal secretion. . . ." Shell-shoclc.-^-This brings us to the last phase of our subject, that of shell-shock. ( The reader is advised to re-read Dr. Crile's views on shock, page THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 183 174.) We may perhaps preface our remarks by saying that the strenuous life led by the individual in the city, especially by the "hustler/' and espe- cially by the "hustler" with a weak resistive ca- pacity, may cause a nervous breakdown which is not far removed from shell-shock. Again we must refer the reader to Dr. Crile. Shell-shock I _ I I. I Transitory symptoms Concussions Psycho-neuroses Death Organic affection Functional affection I I I Hysteria Psychasthenia Neurasthenia Ductless glandular disturbance I I I Hyper-adrenalism Disfunction of sex glands Hyperthyroidism Shell-shock has been defined as "the condition which follows exposure to the forces generated by the explosion of powerful shells in the absence of any visible injury to the head or spine." It may result in a speedy recovery, in a definite concussion, or in the appearance of symptoms of the psycho- 184 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE it nettroses. If either of the latter two symptoms makes its appearance, it may be in connection with a disturbance of one or more of the ductless glands. 1 Dr. Cobb has drawn up an attractive classification which is given above. The classification of nervous disorders is due to Beard, Charcot, Mobius and Janet. Janet divided psycho-neuroses as shown in the table. "Hysteria" represents a typical mental disintegration, whereby there is a splitting of mental processes, so that two separate and unconnected streams exist in the mind (for example, anesthenia, amnesia [loss of mem- ory], paralysis) ; "psychasthenia" refers to cases characterized by phobias (persistent insane dread or fear), hesitations, doubts, anxieties; while "neurasthenia" refers to cases showing a prepon- derance of symptoms referable to physical exhaus- tion (fatigue, indigestion, disturbances of excre- tion, etc.). 1 Clemence Dane, the author of "A Bill of Divorcement," now playing in New York, has drawn a powerful and moving picture of the shell-shocked soldier. Allan Pollock, who interprets the part, was himself through this living hell. The interpretation is a triumph of the actor's skill. CHAPTER XIII ORGANOTHERAPY The treatment of ductless glandular diseases by means of extracts of appropriate glands dates back to Brown-Sequard's investigations in 1889, and Brown-Sequard merely revived the old "humoral" view of disease. Hippocrates advocated the efficacy of various organs, and Hahnemann, the originator of homeopathy, built up a subdivision of the sub- ject, isopathy, which dealt with diseased organs, and with their cure by the administration of fresh organs. Is your liver out of joint? Then we will prescribe the liver of a wolf. Have you a tremor? The brain of a hare will put you on your feet again. Are you a sufferer from dyspepsia? Take the lung of a fox and you will get well. Is your stomach misbehaving? Take rennin. The "humoral" philosophy throve, made many converts, did some good and very much mischief, and gradually died out. Brown-Sequard brought it to light again; but, let us add, in quite a modern form, and with reasons for its revival drawn from the knowledge of the nineteenth and not the ninth 185 7? 186 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE century. One may truly say of him that he is the founder of the conception of ductless glandular function as we understand it to-day. Poor Brown-Sequard! In glorious company with other ill-received or unrecognized geniuses, he became the laughing-stock of scientific Paris. He described to his audience how he had administered to himself testicular extracts, and how, as a result of this administration, his vigor and youthful de- sires and appetites had returned. (In 1889 when this announcement was made Brown-Sequard was 70 years old.) The Academy laughed, and Paris and the other capitals of Europe made the most of a sensational piece of news. Was there any foundation for Brown- Sequard's claim? From what we know to-day, not very much. Not even the most enthusiastic exponents of "reju- venation" by means of the sexual glands advocate such a procedure. If the use of testicular extract proved discourag- ing, it did not prevent the use of extracts from other glands that produce an internal secretion. And then came the truly remarkable discovery that in myxedema and cretinism, examples of hypothy- roidism, the administration of thyroid extracts brought cures cures that lasted, to be sure, only so long as treatment with the extract was contin- ued. This discovery made those who had scoffed at Brown-Sequard revise their opinion of that illus- OEGANOTHEEAPY 187 trious Frenchman. A new impetus was given the subject, and glandular treatment became the hope of a world full of maladies. Despite an enormous amount of work, it cannot be said that we have accomplished much with glan- dular extracts beyond their use in thyroid disease. Pituitary extracts have had a measure of success in pituitary disorders, but not comparable to the corresponding extract from the thyroid when ap- plied to cases of hypo-thyroidism. With a persistence worthy of some admiration, glandular advocates, failing to get results with any one extract, tried each one of the others in turn. Still without result, they adopted pluriglandular treatment that is to say, treatment by the use of extracts from several glands. It cannot be said that these methods yielded any better results. Now the question may very naturally be asked, why should thyroid extract be of service in hypo- thyroidism, and why should extracts from other glands be of so little service in other diseases due to glandular insufficiency? We do not know, though we can speculate as to the cause. Are we to assume that only the thyroid hormone is resistive enough to escape all dangers and reach its desti- nation safely, whereas other hormones are de- stroyed on the way? 1 This is not a likely hypothe- 1 "No assumption is needed in this case any longer, because we now know that thyroxin is of a very different nature from any 188 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE sis, for even injecting directly into the blood the path along which the hormones travel does not materially improve matters. Or perhaps extracts other than the thyroid contain substances in addi- tion to the liormones that are in themselves inju- rious to the system. Unfortunately for this theory, we know that adrenaline, 100 per cent, pure, repre- senting the adrenal hormone, does not cure Addi- son's disease, a disease of the adrenals. Of course it may be said with much force that adrenaline is the hormone of but one portion of the adrenals, the medulla, and that the hormone of the cortex of the gland has not yet been isolated ; so that until this other of the constituents of the ductless glands. We know that it does not vary in its amount in the tissues except in a minor degree, that it is constantly supplied and that any single portion of it functions for as long as seven weeks after administration or after the gland manufactures it ; that is, it acts as a catalyst, and it does not come under your definition of a hormone. It acts in a manner to increase the rate of oxidation within the tissues, and we can now picture the chemical changes occurring which permit thyroxin to function as a catalytic agent. None of the active constituents of the other ductless glands acts in this way in respect to time. Adrenaline does undoubtedly act as a catalyst, increasing the rate of oxidation within the cells, but it functions for a very short period of time. That, to my mind, is the explanation of why the adrenal and the hypophysis are so closely related to the nervous system. They are strictly emer- gency glands and their output must be increased and decreased on demand. They function for a brief interval and that is why it is impossible to administer them successfully, because only relatively massive doses are given, interspersed with periods of zero administration. Thyroxin is just the reverse of this. It does not function immediately and lasts for as long as five to seven weeks, so that it is not only unique among the glands for therapeutic purposes, but it is unique in its chemical proper- ties." (E. C. Kendall.) ORGANOTHERAPY is done, and until the pure hormones from both parts of the gland are used, it would be premature to draw any conclusions. Perhaps the .most plausible suggestion so far ad- vanced is that in the preparation of a glandular extract, involving physical and chemical processes, the chemical configuration of the hormone is pos- sibly altered, and hence its physiological action be- comes lost. To point to the thyroid extract as dis- proving this hypothesis does not hold, for the an- swer may be made that there is no reason to sup- pose that all the hormones have the same degree of resistive power. The antiscorbutic vitamine is more easily destroyed than the antirachitic ; why may this not be true of hormones as well? Why may not one hormone fall a prey to chemical agents more quickly than another? Unquestionably the next step in our forward march will be the isolation, in a pure form, of the hormones from the pituitary, the cortex of the adre- nals, the sexual glands, etc. Until this is done we can hope little more from glandular treatment than what has already been accomplished. 1 At the recent (Dec., 1921) meeting of the Physiological So- ciety, held in New Haven, Professor Macleod, of the University of Toronto, read a paper on the value of pancreatic extracts, in which he pointed out that the blood sugar of a depancreatized dog could be lowered by injecting a pancreatic extract, and that neither an extract of the liver nor one of the spleen had that effect. Though preliminary in character, the investigation i& important and suggestive. CHAPTER XIV PLANT HORMONES The work of Professor Bottomley, of the Uni- versity of London, has made it very probable that vitamines play an important part in the plant, as well as in the animal kingdom. He has even pre- sented some very good evidence to show that the vitamines found in the animal world can 'be traced to vegetable sources; that though the animal needs vitamine, yet it cannot synthesize it, but must rely on this synthesis being accomplished by plant cells. This work of Bottomley's has been amply confirmed in many quarters. Similar problems present themselves when deal- ing with hormones. In the first place, are there plant hormones that are activators in the sense that the animal hormones are? And is it possible that the hormones in our body are synthesized in the plant, rather than in the animal kingdom? The second question will be disposed of first. We know that glands are factory centers of the body. We know that the gland has the power of taking various materials from the blood, and con- 190 PLANT HORMONES 191 verting them into an entirely new product, or prod- ucts. The essential product of a ductless gland is its hormone at least, that is the supposition and this is probably manufactured by the gland. The indirect proof we have for this statement is that under normal conditions the hormones in the body are sufficient in amount, or sufficiently active, to perform their specific functions; and it is only when a pathological condition sets in that the hormonic function is disturbed. You may say that this is not very convincing. You may claim that under normal conditions the gland has the power of removing the hormone from the blood, and that it no longer has such power under pathological conditions. This objection can, I think, be met with in this way: If we examine the constitutional formula for adrenaline, a hor- mone in the adrenals, or of thyroxin, a hormone in the thyroid gland, we shall see that no food we eat contains any such substance. We do, however, find that their formulas show them to be closely related to certain substances that are in- cluded in our diet or at least, are formed in the digestive tract as a result of the food we eat. For example, the amino-acid tryptophane 1 shows cer- tain resemblances to thyroxin; hence the opinion that one of the possible reasons why tryptophane is 1 See the chapter on Amino-Acids in the author's book on Vitamines. 192 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE an essential acid is that the body needs it for the manufacture of thyroxin; though so far as I know no one has as yet shown that an increase of trypto- phane in our diet increases the quantity of thyroxin in the body. Now as to the next question: are there plant hormones? And if so, do they play a part in the plant kingdom analogous to that played by hor- mones in the animal kingdom? Let us quote Pro- fessor Bayliss on this point: "Although there is no such effective way of chemical interchange in plants as there is in the circulating blood of animals, there is distinct evi- dence that chemical products of one part are able to influence the activities of other parts. The lat- eral roots, which normally grow horizontally, can be made to grow vertically downwards if the main root is removed. Errera investigated, in pines, the corresponding change of direction of growth of a branch into a vertical stem when the apical bud of the main stem is removed. He suggested that the apical bud of the main stem forms some kind of internal secretion, which prevents the upward growth of the lateral shoots as long as this apical bud is present. "Keeble considers that such 'chemical stimu- lators' play a part in the transfer of activity of localized cambium cells to others in their neighbor- PLANT HOEMONES 193 hood. In the case of Convoluta, Roscoffensis, the signal for the commencement of the later phases of development owes its origin to the presence of the green algal cells, without whose concurrence, prob- ably by the production of a hormone, no kind of artificial feeding has been found effective. "Mention may also be made of the substance ex- tracted by rain from grass, which has been shown by Pickering to be injurious to apple trees. They should not, in fact, be surrounded by growing grass, as is common in orchards." We know that a number of ethereal salts, or, as the chemist calls them, "esters," act as accelerators, in the sense of hastening the flowering of plants and the ripening of fruits ; and we know further that the essential oils present in plants are largely made up of such "esters." As to whether these essential oils are manufactured by glands similar to those existing in the animal kingdom, and as to whether there is any interrelationship between such glands, cannot, at present, be answered. It is supposed that these "esters," and substances other than "esters" that act like accelerators, stimulate en- zyme (ferment) action in the plant, particularly in the later stages of its development. On this basis the many color changes that take place during the ripening period, the autumnal color of leaves, and the dropping of the leaves from the stem of the 194 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE plant, have been explained ; but all this is, at pres- ent, largely fancy and little more. 1 1 Mention may here be made of a more direct experiment by Dr. Budington, of Oberlin College. He experimented with sound onion bulbs which were placed in a nutrient solution to which small quantities of glandular extracts from the thyroid, the adrenal and the pituitary were added. A certain amount of "retardation" in the growth of root tips when thyroid extract was used, and marked modifications of growth when iodine in the form of potassium iodide was used, were obtained. "While no general conclusion can be based on experiments limited to a single form, the indication is that thyroid constituents and it will be remembered that iodine is such a constituent may in- fluence the role of protoplasmic action in cells other than those of animal tissues." REFERENCES REFERENCES GENERAL. There are a number of books dealing with the glands of internal secretion. A standard work is that by A. Biedl: The Interned Secretory Organs (William Wood & Co., New York) . More than 100 of the 600 pages are devoted to references to the original literature. An- other excellent work is S. Vincent's Internal Secretion and the Ductless Glands (Edward Arnold, London). C. E. de M. Sajous' The Internal Secretions and the Principles of Medicine (F. A. Davies Co., Philadelphia) is an am- bitious work in two volumes. E. A. Schafer, the Edin- burgh physiologist, is the author of The Endocrine Organs (Longmans, Green & Co., London), which emphasizes the physiological rather than the clinical point of view. On the other hand, W. Falta's The Ductless Glandular Dis- eases (P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia) is wholly clinical. D. Noel Paton in The Nervous and Chemical Regulators of the Body (Macmillan & Co., London) em- phasizes chemical factors. For those having a reading knowledge of German, A. Weil's Die Innere SeTcretiori (Julius Springer, Berlin) may be recommended, since it is both authoritative and up-to-date. A very good histori- cal development is given by E. Gley in The Internal Secre- tions (Paul B. Hoeber, New York; translated from the French by Maurice Fishberg). A more recent book by the same author, who is professor of physiology at the 197 198 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE College de France, may be suggested to those possessing a working knowledge of the French language ; it is entitled Quatre Legons des Secretions Internes (J. B. Balliere et Fils, Paris). Other books dealing with internal secretions are I. G. Cobb : The Organs of Internal Secretion (William Wood & Co., New York) ; S. W. Bandler: The Endocrirws (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia); L. Berman: The Glands Regulating Personality (Macmillan & Co.) ; and H. R. Harrower: The Internal Secretions in Practical Medicine (Chicago Medical Book Co., Chicago). Among medical encyclopedias that include articles on internal secretions, two may be mentioned because they are recent productions. An article on ductless glands will be found in volume 3 of The Oxford Medicine (Oxford University Press, London), and another, in volume 3 of The Nelson Loose-Leaf Living Medicine (Nelson & Co., New York). Books dealing with various phases of medicine include chapters on the ductless glands. Some of these are J. J. R. Macleod: Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern Medi- cine (C. V. Mosby, St. Louis) ; R. Burton-Opitz : A Text- Book of Physiology (W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia) ; A. P. Mathews: Physiological Chemistry (William Wood & Co., New York) ; L. Luciani: Human Physiology, vol- ume 2 (Macmillan & Co., London) ; W. M. Bayliss: The Principles of General Physiology (Longmans, Green & Co., London); W. H. Howell: A Text-Book of Physiology .(W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia) ; W. G. MacCallum: 'A Text-Book of Pathology (W. B. Saunders & Co., Phila- delphia) ; W. Osier : The Principles and Practice of Medi- cine (D. Appleton & Co., New York) ; E. H. Starling: REFERENCES 199 Principles of Humari Physiology (Lea & Febiger, Phila- delphia) ; G. N. Stewart : A Manual of Physiology (Wil- liam Wood & Co., New York) ; M. Kahn : Functional Diagnosis (W. F. Prior Co., Hagerstown, Maryland) ; and H. G. Wells: Chemical Pathology (W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia). VITAMIKES Ain) HORMONES. The possible relationship or identity of these two substances has been urged, more particularly, by Voegtlen and Myers, and by Butcher (American Journal of Physiology, volume 49, page 124, 1919; Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peutics, volume 13, page 301, 1919; and Journal of Bio- logical Chemistry, volume 39, page 63, 1919). This the- ory has met with opposition; see, for example, Anrep and Drummond's paper on "The Supposed Identity of the Water-Soluble Vitamine B and Secretin" (Journal of Physiology, volume 54, page 249, 1921). A possible con- nection between vitamine B and adrenaline has been sug- gested by MacCarrison (see the Indian Journal of Medical Research, volume 6, pages 275 and 550, 1919, and the Proceedings of the Royal Society, section B, volume 91, page 103, 1920). Kellaway's paper on "The Effect of Certain Dietary Deficiencies on the Suprarenal Glands" (Proceedings of the Royal Society, section B, volume 92, page 6, 1921) should also be consulted. THE THYROID. (See also the "general" references above.) A number of books dealing more specifically with this gland have been published. R. McCarrison's The Thyroid in Health and Disease (Balliere, Tindall & Cox, 200 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE London) may be especially recommended. A. Crotti fe the author of the Thyroid and the Thymus (Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia). Other books are H. J. Ochsner: Surgery and Pathology of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands (C. V. Mosby, St. Louis) ; and H. Eichardson: The Thy- roid and Parathyroid Glands (P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia). Kendall's work on the "Isolation of the Iodine Com- pound Which Occurs in the Thyroid" will be found in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, volume 39, page 125, and volume 40, page 265, 1919. His lecture before the Harvey Society ("The Chemistry of the Thyroid Secretion," the Harvey Lectures, 1919-1920, published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia) was a fine historical review of the entire work. The subject of hyper-thyroidism has received consider- able attention lately. In this connection the reader will find in W. M. Boothby's article, "Adenoma of the Thyroid with Hyper-thyroidism" (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 1, 1921), a very thorough discussion of the types of thyroid disease, with references to the latest literature. H. R. Harrower's booklet, Hyperthyroidism (Glendale, Califor- nia), suffers from an over-enthusiastic treatment. The favorable effects of surgical treatment coupled with "physiologic rest" are advocated by C. W. Crile in "Surgery Versus Roentgen Ray in the Treatment of Hyperthyroid- ism" (Journal of the American Medical Association, vol- ume 77, page 1324, 1921). With regard to the subject of metamorphosis, a very exhaustive review, with references to the original literature, is given by J. F. Fulton in his article, "The Controlling REFERENCES 201 Factors in Amphibian Metamorphosis" (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 67, 1921). A shorter review is that by L. T. Hogben (Science Progress, volume 15, page 303, 1920). Jacques Loeb's "Natural Death and the Duration of Life," an article included in B. Harrow's Contemporary Science (Boni & Liveright, New York), suggests many fascinating possibilities. How the determination of the basal metabolic rate helps to diagnose the various types of thyroid disease is dis- cussed by a number of physicians in a forthcoming volume, Basal Metabolism (Sanborn Co., Boston). There are any number of individual articles dealing with basal metab- olism; only a few of these can be mentioned here. See, for example, F. G. Benedict, Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 77, page 247, 1921; J. H. Means, Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 77, page 347, 1921 ; W. M. Boothby, Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 77, page 252, 1921; F. H. Lahey, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, volume 184 > page 348, 1921; J. R. Murlin, Science, volume 54, page 196, 1921; C. W. McCarthy, Journal of the American Medical Association., volume 76, page 978, 1921. In vol- ume 1 of the Oxford Loose-Leaf Medicine (Oxford Uni- versity Press, London) will be found Du Bois' article on "Clinical Calorimetry Methods of Study of Metabolism." With regard to the prevention of simple goiter in man, Marine, and his co-worker Kimball, are widely known for such studies. Some of their papers are to be found in the Journal of the American Medical Association., volume 77, page 1068, 1921, and volume 73, page 1874, 1919 ; Ohio State Journal, October, 1920 ; Archives of Internal Medi- 202 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE cine f volume 22, page 41, 1918, and volume 25, page 661, 1920; and Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, volume 3, page 40, 1917. A suggestive article by E. K. Hayhurst, entitled "The Present-Day Sources of Common Salt In Kelation to Health and Especially to Iodine Scar- city and Goiter' 5 (Journal of the American Medical Asso- ciation, volume 78, page 18, 1922), wherein it is urged that "common salt for dietary purposes should include not only sodium chloride but also sodium iodide," should be con- sulted. THE PARATHYROIDS. (See also the "general" references above.) Two books that deal with the parathyroids as well as with the thyroid have already been mentioned: H. J. Ochsner: Surgery and Pathology of the Thyroid and Para- thyroid Glands (C. V. Mosby, St. Louis), and H. Rich- ardson: The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands (P. Blakis- ton's Son & Co., Philadelphia). An exhaustive account of these glands, accompanied by a very complete bibliography, may be found in W. M. Boothb/s "The Parathyroid Glands" (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 403, 1921). MacCallum and Voegtlin (Journal of Experimental Medi- cine, volume 11, page 118, 1909) take up the question of the relation of tetany to the parathyroid glands and to calcium metabolism. THE PITUITARY GLAND. (See also the "general" refer- ences above.) The classical work in English is Harvey Cushing's The Pituitary Body and Its Disorders (J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia). W. Blair Bell is also the author of a book on the pituitary (William Wood & Co., REFERENCES 203 New York). T. B. Robertson's work on the isolation of a substance from the anterior lobe of the pituitary is set forth in an article in Endocrinology (volume 1, page 24, 1917). THE ADRENAL GLANDS. (See the "general" references above, as well as the references listed under "the nervous system and the ductless glands.") Fine critical articles are those by Stewart and by Barker (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 283, 1921, and volume 3, page 253, 1919). An ac- count of the chemistry of adrenaline is given by Abel (Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, volume 9, page 215, 1898, and volume 12, page 80, 1901), Takamine (Ameri- can Journal of Pharmacy, volume 73, page 523, 1901; Journal of Physiology, volume 27, page xxix, 1901) and Friedmann (Beitrdge zur chemische Physiologic, volume 8, page 95, 1906). Bargees volume, The Simple Natural Bases (Longmans, Green & Co., London) should also be consulted. THE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. (See also the "gen- eral" references above.) A standard work is Marshall's Physiology of Sex Reproduction (Longmans, Green & Co., London). Steinach's book, Verjungung (Julius Springer, Berlin), gives an excellent summary of the author's researches. Phases of Steinach's work are discussed in the Journal of the American Medical Asso- ciation for Jan. 29, 1921 (page 348), Aug. 14, 1920 (page 490), Aug. 28, 1920 (page 617), Sept. 11, 1920 (page 755), and Dec. 25, 1920 (page 1811). Readers with a knowledge of German may be referred to Stieve's 204 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Entwicklung , Bau and Bedeutung der Keimdruesen- zwischenzellen (development, structure and significance of the interstitial cells of the gonads) (J. F. Bergman, Munich) . Voronoff gives an account of his experiments in the book entitled Life (E. P. Dutton & Co., New York). An analysis of the behavior of organs after transplantation is discussed by L. Loeb (Journal of Medical Research, volume 39, page 189, 1918). An editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (volume 75, page 1070, 1920) should also be consulted. J. S. Horsley is the author of an instructive article on the "Suturing of Blood Vessels" (Journal of the American Medical Asso- ciation, volume 77, page 117, 1921). THE PANCREAS AND THE LIVER. ( See also the "general" references above.) There is a mass of literature on these organs; we can refer to but one or two recent articles. See, for example, E. P. Joslin: Diabetes Mellitus (Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia); F. M. Allen: Diabetes Mellitus (Physiatric Institute, Morristown, N. J.) ; E. P. Joslin: "The Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus" (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 76, page 8, 1921), wherein we find the cry that diabetes is a penalty for obesity; J. J. E. Macleod: "The Sugars of the Blood" (Physiological Reviews, volume 1, page 208, 1921), a comprehensive review of the significance of blood sugar; and E. Langfeld's series of articles on the significance of a physico-chemical factor, the hydrogen ion content, in the regulation of blood sugar (Journal of Biological Chem- istry, volume 46, pages 381, 393, 403, 1921). REFERENCES 205 THE INTESTINAL HORMONE. (See also the "general" references above.) Two of the papers by Bayliss and Star- ling are "The Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion" (Journal of Physiology, volume 28, page 325, 1902) and "The Chemical Regulation of the Secretory Process" (Proceedings of the Royal Society, section B, volume 73, page 310, 1904). The books on physiology by Bayliss and by Starling, referred to under "general" references, give good accounts of the discovery and action of eecretin. THE THYMUS, SPLEEN, MAMMARY GLAND, PINEAL AND KIDNEY. (See the "general" references above.) Quite a number of investigators are busying themselves with the problem of the function of the thymus. See, for example, J. A. Hammar (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 543, 1921), E. Uhlenhuth (Endocrinology, volume 3, page 284, 1919), and M. B. Gordon (Endocrinology, volume 2, page 405, 1919). "Is there a thymic hormone?" asks Hoskins (En- docrinology, volume 2, page 241, 1918) ; he is inclined to answer in the negative. See, also, Crotti's book, The Thyroid and the Thy mm (Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia), and an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (volume 77, page 2063, 1921). N. B. Eddy (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 461, 1921) reviews the functions of the spleen. Sir Berkeley Moyni- ham (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia), and Pearce, Krumbhaar and Frazier (J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadel- phia) are authors of books dealing with the spleen. Two articles on the pineal, that also include the litera- ture, are Horrax's "Studies on the Pineal Gland" (Ar- 206 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE chives of Internal Medicine, volume 17, page 607, 1916) 1 and Bailly and Jeliffe's "Tumors of the Pineal Gland" (Archives of Internal Medicine, volume 8, page 851, 1911). See, also, W. E. Dandy's "The Treatment of Brain Tu- mors" (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 77, page 1853, 1921). Tilney and Kiley's The Form and Functions of the Central Nervous System (P. B. Hoeber, New York) contains a mass of valuable material. THE KELATION OP THE DUCTLESS GLANI>S TO ONE ANOTHER. (See also the "general" references above. ) Certain angles of this problem are taken up by Stewart and Rogoff (American Journal of Physiology, volume 46, page 90, 1918), and Anon. (Endocrinology, volume 1, page 404, 1917). THE INFLUENCE OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS ON GROWTH AND METABOLISM. (See the "general" references above.)' Biedl discusses this question in an article entitled "The Significance of the Internal Secretions in Disturbances of Metabolism and Digestion" (Endocrinology, volume 5, page 523, 1921). THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: AND THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. (See also the "general" references above.) A mass of literature, much of it of a pseudo-scientific nature, has accumulated on this phase of the subject. Only a few of the books and pamphlets will be referred to. See, for ex- ample, M. Laignel-Lavastine : The Internal Secretions and the Nervous System (Nervous and Mental Disease Pub- REFERENCES 207 lishing Co., New York) ; W. Langdon Brown: The Sympa- thetic Nervous System in Disease (Oxford University Press, London) ; W. B. Cannon : Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage (D. Appleton & Co., New York) ; G-. W. Crile : A Physical Interpretation, of Shock, Exhaus- tion and Restoration (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia) ; G. W. Crile: Anoci-Association (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia) ; F. W. Mott: War Neuroses (Oxford Uni- versity Press, London); W. Harris: Nerve Injuries and Shock (Oxford University Press, London) ; T. R. Elliot: "Ductless Glands and the Nervous System" (Brain, vol- ume 35, page 306, 1913); N. Pende: "Endocrinopathic Contributions to Pathology" (Endocrinology, volume 3, page 329, 1919) ; Y. Henderson, H. W. Haggard and R. C. Coburn: "The Acapnia Theory, Now" (Journal of the 'American Medical Association, volume 77, page 424, 1921); C. W. Crile: "The Mechanism of Shock and Ex- haustion" (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 76, page 149, 1921); H. H. Dale: "The Nature and Cause of Wound Shock" (Harvey Lectures, 1919- 1920, page 26; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, pub- lishers) ; F. X. Dereum: Clinical Manual of Mental Dis- eases (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia). An article by Cannon that reviews much of his work on the adrenals may be found in the American Journal of Physiology, volume 50, page 399, 1919; literature is ap- pended. For articles by Stewart and Rogoff see, among others, the American Journal of Physiology, volume 46, page 89, 1918, volume 48, pages 22 and 397, 1919 ; Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, volume 13, pages 95, 167, 183, 361, and 397, 1919, and volume 208 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 14, page 343, 1919; American Journal of Physiology, vol- ume 51, page 366, 1920, and volume 52, page 304, 1920; Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, volume 16, page 71, 1920, and volume 17, page 227, 1921 ; and the review by Stewart, "Adrenal Insufficiency" (En- docrinology, volume 5, page 283, 1921), which includes many references. ORGANOTHERAPY. Consult Osborne's Therapeutics (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia), and H. K. Harrower's Practical Hormone Therapy (P. B. Hoeber, New York). The Wilson Laboratories, Chicago, 111., publish a quarterly, The Autacoid and Suture, which includes articles on the subject. The dangers involved in the use of glandular extracts is pointed out by M. P. Rucker and C. C. Haskell (Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 76, page 1390, 1921). PLANT HORMONES. The literature on the subject is very meager. See, for example, J. Loeb: "Hormones in Bryophyllum" (Science, volume 44, page 210, 1916) ; E. J. Eussell: Soil Conditions and Plant Growth (Longmans, Green & Co., London) ; E. W. Thatcher: The Chemistry of Plant Life (McGraw-Hill, New York). A FEW CLASSICAL BOOKS AND PAPERS Johannes Miiller: Lehrbuch der Physiologie, volume 1 (Koblenz, 1844). "Miiller points out that the process of secretion consists of two phases, the production of certain materials, and the casting out of these materials upon a surface either in REFERENCES 209 the interior or upon the exterior of the body. The first phase he called 'secretion/ the second, 'excretion.' ): A. A. Berthold: "Transplantation der Hoden" (Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologic, page 42, 1849). Berthold removed the testicles from cocks and grafted them to other parts of the body. He observed that "the animals retained their male characteristics in regard to voice, reproductive instinct, fighting spirit, and growth of comb and wattles." Thomas Addison : On, the Constitutional and Local Effects of the Disease of the Suprarenal Bodies (London, 1855). An account of the now well-known "Addison's Disease." Claude Bernard: Legons sur les proprietes physiologiques et les alterations pathologiques des liquides de I'organ- isme (Bailliere et Fils, Paris, 1859). Here we find the first clear accounts of glandular or- gans that distribute their products by means of the blood stream. The very name "internal secretion" is due to this illustrious Frenchman. Theodore Kocher: "Ueber Kropfexstirpation und ihre Folgen" (Archiv fur Iclinische Chirurgie, volume 29, 1883). Myxedema is due to the loss of the functional activities of the thyroid gland. M. Schiff: "Bericht iiber eine Versuchsreihe betr. die Wirkungen d. Exstirpation der Schildriise" (Archiv fur experiment elle Pathologic und Pharmakologie, volume 18, 1884). 210 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Epoch-making experiments on the effects of the removal of the thyroid. P. J. Mobius: Schildruse theorie (Schmidts Jahrbiicher, volume 210, page 237, 1886). The opinion is expressed that Basedow's disease depends on an abnormally increased activity of a ductless gland. P. Marie: "Sur deux cas d'acromegalie, hypertrophie sin- guliere non congenitale des extremites superieures, in- ferieures et cephaliques (Revue de mededne, page 298, 1886). The discovery that acromegaly is a disease due to the pituitary. Brown-Sequard : "Des effets produits chez 1'homme par des injections sous-eutanees d'un liquide retire des testi- cules frais de cobaye et de chien" (Comptes rendus de la societe de biologie, volume 41, page 415, 1889). "Brown- Sequard injected the juice of the testicle sub- cutaneously into his own body and observed an increase in corporeal and mental powers that he attributed to the influence of these injections." The beginning of modern organotherapy, or treatment by means of glandular ex- tracts. J. von Mering and 0. Minkovski : "Diabetes mellitus nach Pankreas exstirpation" (Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie, volume 26, page 371, 1889). The complete removal of the pancreas results in severe diabetes. REFERENCES 211 E. Gley: "Sur les effets de Pextirpation du corps thy- roide" (Comptes rendus de la societe de biolotfie, page 843, 1891). Tetany is due to the removal of the parathyroids. G. Oliver and E. A. Schafer : "The Physiological Effects of Extracts of the Suprarenal Capsules" (Journal of Physiology, volume 18, page 230, 1895). An injection of an extract of the adrenal glands in- creases the blood pressure. E. Baumann : "Ueber das normale Vorkommen von Jod im Tierkorper" (Z eitschrift fur physiologische Chemie > volume 21, page 319, 1896). , The discovery that the element iodine is a normal con- stituent of the body. J. Takamine: "The Isolation of the Active Principle of the Suprarenal Gland" (Proceedings of the Physiologi- cal Society, in the Journal of Physiology, volume 27, page xxix, 1901). An account of the isolation of adrenaline. A. Frohlich: "Fall von Tumor der Hypophysis cerebri ohne Akromegalie" (Wiener Jclinische Rundschau, 1901). A disease is described which is the reverse of acrome- galy that is, it is due to a diminished activity of the pituitary. W. M. Bayliss and E. H. Starling; "The Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion" (Journal of Physiology, volume 28, page 325, 1902). The hormone, secretin, is described. 212 GLANDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE J. S. Edkins : "The Chemical Mechanism of Gastric Secre- tion" (Journal of Physiology, volume 34, page 133, 1906). Extracts of the lining of the stomach cause an increased formation of gastric juice. H. Gushing: The Pituitary Body and Its Disorders (J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1912). A classic on the subject. E. C. Kendall: "The Isolation of the Iodine Compound Which Occurs in the Thyroid" (Journal of Biological Chemistry , volume 39, page 125, 1919). The isolation of "thyroxin," the active principle of the thyroid gland. INDEX Alel, 56, 81, 203 AUlard, 93 Acromegaly, 48, 62 case of, 65 cure in, 63 symptoms in, 62 Addison's disease, 73 Adrenal extract, effect of, 75 Adrenal glands, 10, 70-88 cortex of, 77 description of, 70 history, 70 in shock, 177 medulla of the, 79 removal of, 71 summary of function, 88 vitamine B and, 10. See Ad- dison's disease ; Adrenal extract; Adrenaline; Graft- ing; Hyperadrenalism ; Nervous system and the ductless glands; Sympa- thetic nervous system Adrenaline, 78, 79 blood and, 85 chemistry of, 79 derived from tyrosine, 79 determination of, 85, 163 emotional excitement, pain, asphyxia and, 162 function of, 169, 178, 188 preparation of, 81 properties of, 82 sugar metabolism and, 86 sympathetic nervous svstem and, 87, 161 uses of, 83. See Adrenal glands ; Nervous system and the ductless glands Allen, 19, 125, 204 Amnesia, 183 Anoci-association, 175 operations and, 176 Anrep, 199 Atwater, 37 Bailty, 206 Bandler, 198 Basedow's disease, 15, 31. See Exophthalmic goiter Barger, 203 Barker, 203 Baumann, 211 Basal metabolism, 39, 41 Bayliss, 4, 127, 129, 132, 133, 144, 192, 198, 205, 211 Beard, 183 Bell, 202 Benedict, 37, 201 Berman, 198 Bernard, Claude, 118, 119, 120, 209 Berthold, 209 Biedl, 78, 97, 141, 146, 197, 206 Bile, 116 Boothby, 41, 200, 201, 202 Bottomley, 190 Braun, 84 Broum, 207 Brou-n-Sequard, 72, 91-92, 97, 98, 102, 114, 185, 186, 210 Budington, 194 Burton-Opitz, 198 Carbohydrate metabolism, 116 Carbon dioxide, 119 Carlson, 173, 181 Cassan, 70 213 214 INDEX Castration, 93 effects of, 93 mental development and, 94 sex characteristics and, 95 Catalysts, 12 Charcot, 183 Clark, 61 Cobb, 159, 183, 198 Cretinism, 15, 18, 22 Crile, 83, 158, 174, 182 183, 200 207 Crotti, 200, 205 Gushing, 48, 49, 51, 57, 64, 65, 66, 182, 202, 212 Dale, 207 Dandy, 206 Dane, 183 Darwin, 69 de la Paz, 161 Dementia precox, 84 Dercum, 207 Descartes, 100 Diabetes, 7, 120, 121 Allen treatment for, 125 Doege, 146 Drummond, 199 Du Bois, 39, 201 Ductless glands, 2, 3, 4 influence of, on growth and metabolism, 156 nervous system and, 158 relation of, to one another, 147. See Endocrine glands; Glands, of inter- nal secretion Dutcher, 9, 28, 199 Dyspituitarism, 64 Eddy, 140, 205 Edkins, 133, 134, 212 Eidelsberg, 74 Elliot, 207 Endemic goiter, 27 Endocrine glands, 3, 4. See also Ductless glands Enriquez, 131 Enzymes, 3, 11 Epiphysis. See Pineal Eppinger, 148, 150 Errera, 192 Eunachoids, 95 Eustachius^ 70 Exophthalmic goiter, 15, 31 -symptoms in, 31 treatment of, 33 Falta, 18, 93, 148, 160, 197 Ferments. See Enzymes Finney, 141 FisKberg, 197 Foa, 141 FoUn, 86 Frazier, 205 Friedmann, 81, 203 Frotich, 211 Fulbert, 93 Fulton, 200 Funk, 9 Furth, 81 Gastric secretion, 133 Gigantism, 63 Glands, 2, 3 Glandular extracts, 187 conflicting results with, 187. See Organotherapy Glands, of internal secretion, 3, 6. See Ductless glands; Endocrine glands G-ley, 43, 47, 151, 162, 197, 211 Glucose, 117 Glycogen 117 Ooetsch, 152 Goiter. See Endemic goiter; Exophthalmic goiter Gordon, 205 Grafting, 76, 97, 108. See Transplantation of tissues Graves's disease, 15, 31, 158. See Exophthalmic goiter Growth, influence of ductless glands on, 156 INDEX 215 Gruber, 161 Gudernatsch, 19, 20, 137 Gull, 16 Haber, 12 Hahnemann, 185 Hallion, 131 Hammar, 205 Hammond, 145 -Harris, 207 Harrow, 9, 201 Harrower, 198, 200 Haskell, 208 Hayliurst, 202 Heloise, 93 Henderson, 119, 207 Herter, 51 Hertzler, 159 Hippocrates, 185 Histidine, 56 Hogben, 201 Hopkms, 136 Hormones, 5, 6 composition of, 8 in plant, 190 relation of vitamines to, 8- 11 relation of amino-acida to, 11 Horraao, 141, 205 Horsley, 204 Howell, 54, 198 Hunger, nature of, 173 Hyper-adrenalism, 77 Hyperpituitarism, 56, 61 and giants, 64 Hyperthyroidism, 15, 159. See Exophthalmic goiter Hypophysis cerebri, 47. See Pit- uitary Hypopituitarism, 50 and the dwarf, 51 Hypothyroidism, 15, 160 symptoms of, 17. See Myxe- dema; Cretinism Hysteria, 183 Intestinal hormone, 127-134 influences flow of pancreatic juice, 128. See Secretin Intestine, small, digestion in, 127 Islands of Langerhans and dia- betes, 121 Interstitial cells, 90, 97, 102, 103, 104 old age and, 98 Iodine, in the thyroid, 25 an essential element of the body, 29 Jaboulay, 77 James, 173 Janet, 183 Jeliff e, 206 Joslin, 204 Kahn, 72, 199 Keeble, 192 Kellaway, 199 Kendall, 8, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 188, 200, 212 Kidney, internal secretion of, 146 Kimball, 29, 201 Klinger, 30 Koch, 45 Kocher, 16, 34, 209 Kolber, 107 Krumbhaar, 205 Latey, 201 Laignel-Lavastine, 206 Langfeldt, 124, 204 Lavoisier, 36 Le Page, 130 Lichtenstem, 107 Liver, 116 a ductless gland, 118 carbohydrate metabolism and, 116 glycogen and, 117. See Claude Bernard; Dia- betes ; Pancreas ; Urea 216 INDEX Loeb, J., 19, 201, 208 Loeb, L., 204 Lovand, 112 Luciani, 132, 198 Lusk, 39 Lyman, 161 MacCalUm, 198, 202 MacCarrivon, 10, 199 MacCarthy, 201 Mackenzie, 145 o,cioe OVERDUE. N THE SEVENTH DAY LD21-lOw-7,'39(402s) 035^4757760 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY