John 3wett 3 fi Plate I A TEXT-BOOK! ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES, BY ALFRED P. GAGE, A.M., INSTRUCTOR IN PHYSICS IN THE ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL, BOSTON, MASS. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY. 1888. 33 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by ALFRED P. GAGE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. EDUCATION TYPOGRAPHY BY J. 8. GUSHING & Co., BOSTON. PRESSWOKK BY GINN & Co., BOSTON. AUTHORS PEEFAGE. IN his Report for the year 1881, Mr. E. P. Seaver, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Boston, says : " It is a cardinal principle in modern pedagogy that the mind gains a real and adequate knowledge of things only in the presence of the things themselves. Hence the first step in all good teaching is an appeal to the observing powers. The objects studied and the studying mind are placed in the most direct relations with one another that circumstances admit. Words and other symbols are not allowed to intervene, tempting the learner to satisfy his mind -rfith ideas obtained at second-hand. One application of this prin- ciple is seen in the so-called object-teaching; but the principle is applicable to all teaching, and all methods of teaching based on it are known as objective methods. The theory goes even further, and declares, in general, that no teaching which is not objective in method can properly be called teaching at all. Hence we have this test : Is our teaching objective in method ? " This unequivocal language, from the pen of one of our foremost educators, faithfully and forcibly reflects the sentiment of the age, and leaves nothing further that need be said in advocacy of object or inductive teaching. The question for us to consider is, How shall object-teaching be conducted? Shall the teacher manipulate the apparatus, and the pupil act the part of an admiring spectator? or, Shall the pupil be supplied with such apparatus as he cannot conveniently construct, always of the simplest and least expensive kind, with which he shall be required, under the guidance of his teacher, to interrogate Nature with his own hands? By which 5-i? ?88 IV wLU/hei ^(hiH-e the most vigorous growth, and be most likely to catch something, of the spirit which animates and encourages ike' ;faitbi*ul 'myestfgak>E.?.' Can elegantly illustrated works and lucid lectures on anatomy and operative surgery take the place of the dissecting room? Have lecture-room displays proved very effectual in awakening thought and in kindling fires of enthusiasm in the young? Or would a majority of our practical scientists date their first inspiration from more humble beginnings, with such rude uten- sils, for instance, as the kitchen affords? Is the efficiency of instruc- tion in the natural sciences to be estimated by the amount of costly apparatus kept on show in glass cases, labelled " hands off," or by its rude pine tables and crude apparatus bearing the scars, scratches, and other marks of use ? Why should this fundamental study, which logically precedes all other experimental sciences, and ought there- fore, beyond all others, to be sound and thorough, be left in the condition of "a mere cram subject"? Fortunately we are able to appeal to experience in a kindred field for an answer to the first two questions propounded. During the last twenty years there has been almost a universal change from the former method of instruction in Chemistry to the latter, so that to-day our best high schools and academies are provided with chemical laboratories for pupils' work. The result has been that this branch, which was formerly a dull and almost profitless study, has become one of the most interesting and useful in the high school curriculum. Is there any reason why laboratory practice should not do a similar work for Physics ? In other words, Do not the same arguments that have been urged for the introduction of chemical laboratories apply with equal propriety and force in advocacy of physical laboratories? But it is claimed by some that " In Physics the laboratory practice must necessarily be somewhat limited," and the usual, and almost the only reason given, is "on account of the expense." This objec- tion rests upon the flimsiest of foundations. The expense of equipping and maintaining a physical laboratory which will answer the requirements of this book, ought to be considerably less than a similar expense to meet the demands of Eliot and Storer's Ele- mentary Manual of Chemistry. In the English High School, in the city of Boston, the sum of three hundred dollars has furnished a physical laboratory which answers the requirements of a large school. Many and many a school has invested in showy but almost useless apparatus, for example, in trifling electric playthings, a sum of money which would go far towards the establishment of a simple working laboratory. But more, much more, depends upon the teacher than the cost of material. " If he has the real scientific spirit, he will do a great deal with small appliances; but if his work is done in a perfunctory manner, then the best equipment in the world will serve him but scantily." Although this book has been prepared with a view to laboratory work, it may, in common with all text-books, be used as a mere cram- book. It may be advantageously used by those teachers who prefer or are compelled, by a real or a supposed want of time, to perform experiments themselves with elaborate apparatus. Such apparatus, if the teacher possesses it, is best explained to the pupil viva voce, and pictures of the apparatus are not needed, while the book will serve an additional and an important purpose of showing how the same results may be obtained in a more simple way. The great central ideas which are kept prominent throughout the book, and which serve to connect the different departments of Physics in one coherent whole, are the doctrines of the conservation of energy and the correlation of forces. So far as practicable, experiments precede the statements of definitions and laws, and the latter are not given until the pupil is prepared, by previous observation and discussion, to frame them for himself. The subjects are so arranged that, in case a year is devoted to this study, Heat and Electricity may be studied in the winter months, and Light in the sunny days of summer. Many problems are given in connection with the various principles VI and laws. It is not expected that all pupils will perform all the problems ; but the teacher will select judiciously from them. If the minds of the pupils are quite immature, or the time devoted to this study is very limited, it would be advisable to omit some of the more difficult topics ; such, for instance, as are treated in 93-97, and others. Most teachers prefer the " too much " to the " too little." Every teacher has a method of his own. But perhaps the follow- ing plan, practised by the author, may be suggestive to some : He divides the experiments into three classes: home, laboratory, and lecture-room experiments. The first class is indicated in the assign- ment of a lesson. They are such as may be performed with such simple means as every pupil has at his home. The laboratory experi- ments are conducted as follows : Suppose that the number of pupils engaged at one time is fifteen, about as many as one teacher can care for successfully, and that the number of experiments to be performed during the hour is five, which is about an average number; then, tt> save a multiplicity of apparatus of the same kind, only three sets of apparatus of a kind are provided for each experiment. As soon as a pupil completes an experiment with one piece of apparatus, he looks about for an idle piece of some other kind; or, finding none, he improves the time in writing notes on his experiments until apparatus is ready for him; in this way each pupil performs five experiments during the hour, and devotes an average time of twelve minutes to each experiment, including the time of writing notes. The third class of experiments includes such as require the use of apparatus that cannot safely be placed in the hands of pupils, a very limited number, and those which have been performed by the pupils, and which the teacher may wish to repeat in a more elaborate way. Laboratory practice and didactic study should go hand in hand, and divide time with one another about equally. In general, let the experiment precede the instruction, the pupils being guided in their investigations in the proper channels by the book and by blackboard AUTHOR'S PREFACE. vii directions. Do not teach pupils to swim before entering the water. Supt. Seaver, in another part of his report, exclaims : "How many of our text-books begin, not with the. suggestion of concrete illustrations, but with abstract definitions, and still more abstract 'first principles,' blind guides to the blind teacher, and sources of perplexity to teachers who are not blind," etc. Why should the pupil so frequently, to his great discouragement, be called upon to break through a wall of such difficulties before coming in contact with Nature? The author would take this occasion to acknowledge with pro- found thanks his indebtedness to many distinguished professors of Physics for valuable assistance. Professor C. K. Wead of Michigan University has read the entire work in manuscript, and Dr. C. S. Hastings of Johns Hopkins University has read the larger portion in manuscript and the remainder in proof-sheets; and their many practical suggestions have largely contributed to whatever of success may have been achieved. Prof. T. C. Mendenhall of the Ohio State University has rendered valuable assistance in the preparation of the summary of mechanical formulas and units on page 128, as well as in the revision of the proofs. To Professors A. E. Dolbear, Tufts College ; C. R. Cross and S. W. Holman, Mass. lust, of Technology ; C. F. Emerson, Dartmouth College ; J. E. Davies, University of Wis- consin; B. C. Jillson, Western University of Pennsylvania; A. C. Perkins, Exeter Academy ; J. E. Vose, Gushing Academy, Ashburn- ham; J. O. Norris, East Boston High School; G. C. Mann, Jamaica Plain High School ; and others, who have kindly and patiently read and criticised the proofs as they have passed through the press, our hearty thanks are due. Under the guidance and counsel of such an array of distinguished instructors, we may well feel a degree of confidence that the teachings of the book are not far wrong. Yet it should be distinctly under- stood, that for any errors which may have crept into the book, the author holds himself entirely responsible. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. PAGE Introduction. Molecule. Constitution of matter. Physical and chemical changes. Force. Three states of matter. Phenomena of attraction, adhesion, cohesion, etc 1 CHAPTER II. DYNAMICS. Dynamics of fluids. Pressure in fluids. Barometer. Compres- sibility and expansibility of fluids. Transmitted pressure. Siphon. Apparatus for raising liquids. Buoyant force of fluids. Specific gravity. Motion. Laws of motion. Composition and resolution of forces. Center of gravity. Curvilinear motion. Accelerated and retarded motion. The pendulum. Momentum. Work and energy. Trans- formation of energy. Machines 44 CHAPTER III. MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Heat defined. Temperature. Diffusion of heat. Effects of heat. Expansion. Thermometry. Laws of gaseous bodies. Laws of fusion and boiling. Heat convertible into potential energy, and vice versa. Specific heat. Thermo- dynamics. Steam engine 138 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. PAGE Current electricity. Batteries. Effects produced by electricity. Electrical measurements. Magnets and magnetism. Laws of currents. Magneto-electric and current induction. Thermo-electricity. Frictional electricity. Electrical ma- chines. Applications of electricity 179 CHAPTER V. SOUND. Vibration and waves. Sound-waves. Velocity of sound. Re- flection and refraction of sound. Loudness. Interference. Forced and sympathetic vibrations. Pitch. Vibration of" strings. Overtones and harmonics. Quality. Composi- tion of sonorous vibrations. Sound-receiving instruments. Musical instruments 272 CHAPTER VI. RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. Introduction. Photometry. Reflection. Refraction. Spec- trum analysis. Color. Interference. Refraction and polarization. Thermal effects of radiation. Optical instru- ments 325 APPENDIX . 399 ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS. ELEMENTS OF PHYSICS, CHAPTER I. MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Experimentation. An experiment is a question put to Nature. We receive the answer by means of a phenomenon, that is, a change which we observe, sometimes by the sight or hearing, sometimes by other senses. In every experiment, certain facts or conditions are alwa}*s known ; and the inquiry consists in ascertaining the facts or conditions that follow as a consequence. The following experiments and discussions will illustrate : 2. Things known and things to be ascertained. We are certain that we cannot make our right hand occupy the same space with our left hand at the same time. All experience teaches us that no two portions of matter can occupy the same space at the same time. This property which matter possesses of excluding other matter from its own space, is called impene- trability. It is peculiar to matter; nothing else possesses it. These facts being known, let us proceed to put certain inter- rogatories to Nature. Is air matter? Is a vessel full of air a vessel full of nothing ? Is it " empty " ? Can matter exist in an invisible state? Experiment 1. Float a cork on a surface of water, cover it with a tumbler or tall glass jar, and thrust the glass vessel, mouth downward, MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. into'* the -water. In case a tall jar (Fig. 1) is used, the experiment ' '-may be made more attractive by placing on the cork '*a lighted candle. State how the experiment answers each of the above questions, and what evidence it furnishes that air is matter ; or, at least, that air is like matter. Experiment 2. Hold a test-tube for a minute over the mouth of a bottle containing ammonia water. Hold another tube over a bottle containing hydrochloric acid. The tubes become filled with gases that rise from the bottles, yet nothing can be seen in either tube. Place the mouth of the first tube over the mouth of the second, and invert. Straightway a white cloud appears in the tubes. Soon a white, flaky solid collects on the bottom of the lower tube. Surely, out of nothing we cannot create something. Which one of the above ques- tions does this experiment answer ? How does the experimei'- an- swer it ? Again, we are quite familiar with the fact that matter exerts a downward pressure on things upon which it rests ; and that matter, in a liquid stste at least, exerts pressure in other direc- tions than downward, as, for instance, against the sides of the containing vessel. Does air exBrt pressure ? Experiment 3. Thrust a tumbler, mouth downward, into water, and slowly invert. You see bubbles escape from the mouth. What is this that displaces the water, and forms the bubbles? When the tumbler becomes filled with water, once more invert, keeping its nfouth under the surface of the water, and raise it nearly out of the water, as in Figure 2. The water does not fall out of the tumbler, but remains in it, entirely filling it. Hence, there is some pressure exerted on the free surface of the water; otherwise, the level would be the same in the two communicating vessels. This pressure on the surface of the water can only be produced by some body resting thereupon. But there is no body, except the air, that rests upon it. What conclusion do 7011 draw from this? Fig. 2. MINUTENESS OF PARTICLES OF MATTER. Experiment 4. Pass a glass tube through the stopper of a bottle (Fig. 3). Attach a rubber tube to the glass tube. Exhaust the air by "suction" from the bottle; pinch the rubber tube in the middle, insert the open end into a basin of water, and then release the tube. What causes the water to enter the bottle ? Why does not the water fill the bot- tle ? Finally, we know that matter has weight, and noth- ing else has it. Has air weight? Experiment 5. Exhaust the air by means of an air- pump from a hollow globe (Fig. 4). Having turned the stop-cock to prevent the entrance of air, carefully balance the globe on a scale-beam, as in Figure 5. Afterwards turn the stop-cock, and admit the air. The globe is no longer balanced. Once more apply weights till it is balanced. The experiments with air teach us that it is matter, since, like matter, it can exclude other matter from the space it occupies, it exerts pressure, and has weight, while all the above experiments draw from nature one reply, MATTER CAN EXIST IN AN INVISIBLE STATE. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. 3. Minuteness of particles of matter. Physiologists teach us, that, in order to smell any substance, we must take into our nostrils, as we breathe, small particles of that substance which are floating in the air. The air, for several meters around, is sometimes filled with fragrance from a rose. You cannot see anything in the air, but it is, never- theless, filled with a very fine dust that floats away from the rose. The odor of rosemary at sea renders the shores of Spain distinguishable long before the} r are in sight. A grain of musk will scent a room for many 4 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. years, by constantly sending forth into the air a dust of musk. Though the number of particles that escape must be countless, yet they are so small that the original grain does not lose perceptibly in weight. The microscope enables us to see, in a single drop of stagnant water, a world of living creatures, swimming with as much liberty as whales in a sea. The larger prey upon the smaller, and the smaller find their food in the still smaller, and so on, till the power of the microscope fails us. The whale and the minnow do not differ more in size than do some of these animalcules, the largest of which are hardly visible to the naked eye. But as the smallest of these perform very complex operations in col- lecting and assimilating food, we must conclude that the} 7 are composed not only of many particles, but of many kinds of matter. These minute living forms that people the microscopic world are exceedingly large, in comparison with the incon- ceivably minute particles called molecules, which physicists now " measure without seeing." 4. The molecule. Experiment 1. Examine carefully a drop of water with the naked eye, or with a microscope. So far as you are able to see, the space occupied by the drop is entirely filled with water. Fill a test-tube with water (Fig. 6). Insert a cork stopper, pierced with a glass tube ; heat over a lamp-flame, and note the phenomena produced. The water expands, and rises in the smaller tube; still the test-tube seems to be full of Fig 7 water. Place it in ice-water, and the water contracts. Expand- This change of volume can ' be explained only on one of two suppositions : the space contract- occupied by the water may, as it appears, be full of water, which the heat causes to expand, and occupy a greater space, as represented graphically in Figure 7 ; or the body of water may THE MOLECULE. 5 consist of a definite number of distinct particles called molecules (as represented in Figure 8), separated from one another by spaces so small as not to be perceptible, even with the aid of a microscope. Expan- sion, in this case, is accounted for by a simple separation of molecules to greater distances. There is no increase in the number of mole- cules, no increase in their size, only an en- largement of space between them. Which of these suppositions is the more probable ? Experiment 2. Place a tumbler full of cold water in a warm place, and in about an hour examine it. You find many small bubbles of air clinging to all parts of the interior surface of the glass. Is it probable that outside air has descended into the liquid? Experiment 3. Place a tumbler half full of water under a glass receiver of an air-pump (page 54), and exhaust the air. When a very good vacuum has been obtained, bubbles of air will be seen to form at all points in the liquid, and to rise and burst near the surface. Evidently the air was previously in the same space occupied by the water. This seems to contradict the first of the above suppositions ; for, according to that, the space occupied by the water is full of water, leaving no room for other matter. But according to the second supposition, the space is not filled with water ; there is still room for particles of other matter in the spaces among the molecules of water. Now, as we cannot con- ceive of two portions of matter occupying the same space at the same time (e.g., where air is, water cannot be), we con- clude that the glass ' ' full of water ' ' is not full of water. In a similar manner, it may be shown that no visible body com- pletely fills the space enclosed by its surface, but that there are spaces in every body that may receive foreign matter. If there are spaces, then the bodies of matter that our eyes are per- mitted to see are not continuous^ as space is continuous. But every visible body is an aggregation of a countless number of separate and individual bodies called molecules. 6 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. Perform, at your homes, the two following experiments : Experiment 4. Pulverize one-half of a teaspoonful of starch, and boil it in two tablespoonfuls of water, stirring it meantime. What phenomena occur? What do they teach? What becomes of the water ? Experiment 5. Fill a bowl half full with peas or beans. Just cover them with tepid water, and set away for the night. Examine in the morning. What phenomena do you observe ? Explain each. Strictly speaking, are bodies of matter impenetrable ? What only is impenetrable? When you drive a nail into wood, do you make the two bodies occupy the same space at the same time ? Do the wood and the iron occupy the same space ? How only can you explain this phenomenon, consistently with the princi- ples of impenetrability of matter ? 5. Theory of the constitution of matter. For reasons which appear above, together with many others that will appear as our knowledge of matter is extended, physicists have gener- ally adopted the following theory of the constitution of matter. Every visible body of matter is composed of exceedingly small particles, called molecules ; in other words, every body is the sum of its molecules. No two molecules of matter in the universe are in contact with each other. Every molecule of a body is separated from its neighbors, on all sides, by inconceivably small spaces. Every molecule is in quivering motion in its little space, moving back and forth between its neighbors, and rebounding from them. Wlien we heat a body we simply cause the molecules to move more rapidly through their spaces; so they strike harder bloivs on their neighbors, and usually push them away a very little; hence, the size of the body increases. This theory seems, at first, little more than an extravagant guess. But if it shall be found that this theory, and this theory alone, will enable us to account for most of the known phenom- ena of matter, then we shall be content to adopt it till a better can be produced. POROSITY. DENSITY. 7 6. Porosity. If the molecules of a body are nowhere in absolute contact, it follows that there are unoccupied spaces among them which may be occupied by molecules of other sub- stances. These spaces are called pores. Water disappears in cloth and beans. It is said to penetrate them ; but it really enters the vacant spaces or pores between the molecules of these substances. All matter is porous ; thus water may be forced through solid cast-iron, and dense gold will absorb the liquid mercury much as chalk will water. The term pore, in physics, is restricted to the invisible spaces that separate molecules. The cavities that may be seen in a sponge are not pores, but holes ; the} r are no more entitled to be called pores, than the cells of a honeycomb, or the rooms of a house, are entitled to be called, respectively, the pores of the honeycomb or of the house. Small as animalcules are, they are coarse lumps in comparison with the size of the molecule. By means of delicate calculations, the physi- cist has succeeded in ascertaining approximately the probable size of the molecule. If a drop of water could be magnified to the size of the earth, it is thought that its molecules would appear smaller than an apple. In other words, the molecule, in size, is to a drop of water what an apple is to the earth. If we should attempt to count the num- ber of molecules in a pin's head, counting at the rate of ten million in a second, we should require 250,000 years. 7. Density. Cut several blocks of wood, apple, putty, lead, etc., of just the same size, and weigh them. Do they have the same weight? Can you explain the difference by a differ- ence of porosity? Again, if you can try the experiment illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5, using various gases, you will find that the weights of the same volumes of different gases are different.- But the chemist has reasons for believing that there is the same number of molecules in the globe whatever be the gas, if the pressure and the tem- perature are the same. We see then that some bodies have more matter in a given volume than others, either because the molecules are closer together, or because the molecules are different ; we call 8 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. them more dense. By the mass oj a body we understand the quantity of matter in it; and by its density, the mass in the unit volume of it. For example, the density of cast-iron is about 450 pounds per cubic foot. 8. Simple and compound substances. Place a small quantity of sugar on a hot stove. In a few minutes it changes to a black mass. This black substance is found to be char- coal, or carbon, as chemists call it. Evidently the sugar must have contained carbon, for the carbon came from the sugar. Chemists are also able to obtain water from sugar. The heat, in our experiment, expels the water in the form of steam, and leaves the carbon. Carbon can be extracted from sugar in another way. Prepare a very thick s}Tup, by dissolving sugar in hot water, and pour upon the syrup two or three times its bulk of sulphuric acid. You will quickly obtain a bulky, spongy mass of carbon. By suitable processes, there may be obtained from marble three substances, each one of which is entirely unlike marble. One of the substances is carbon ; another is a metal called cal- cium, which looks very much like silver ; the third is a gas called ox3 T gen, which, when set free from its prison-house in the solid, expands to many times the size of the marble from which it was liberated. If we should grind a small piece of marble for many hours in a mortar, we should reduce the marble to a very fine powder, but should fall very far short of reducing it to its molecules. Still, each little particle of the powder is as truly marble as the original lump. If we should continue the division, in our imagi- nations, till the marble were reduced to molecules, we should expect to find all the molecules just alike. Now, since our smallest piece, our molecule, our unit of marble, is marble, and since marble is composed of the three substances, carbon, cal- cium, and oxygen, we conclude that our molecule itself must be capable of division. No one has been able to separate any one PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES. 9 of these substances into other substances. No one has taken away from calcium anything but calcium, or extracted from carbon, or from oxygen, anything but carbon and oxygen. Those substances that have resisted all efforts to break them up into other substances are called simple substances or ele- ments. Those substances that may be broken up into other substances are called compound substances. Of the large num- ber of substances known to man, only 71 are elements. All other substances are compounds of two or more of these 71 elements. A molecule of any substance, simple or compound, is that minute mass of the substance which cannot be divided without destroying its properties. 9. Physical and chemical changes. When sugar is ground to a powder, the particles are simply torn apart, but do not lose their characteristics. The powder is just as sweet as the lump. Such a division is called & physical division. Generally, any change in a substance that does not cause it to lose its identity, in other words, to cease to be that substance, is called a physical change. When sufficient heat is applied to sugar, the molecules themselves are divided ; and when a molecule of sugar is divided, the result is not two parts of a molecule of sugar, but the two substances, carbon and water. The sweetness is destroyed sugar no longer exists ; other substances have taken its place. The molecule of sugar is no more like the substances into which it has been separated, than a word is like the letters that com- pose it. Such a division is called a chemical division. Gener- ally, any change in a substance that causes it to lose its identity, or cease to be that substance, is called a chemical change. Ice, heated, melts to water; water, heated, becomes steam; steam, cooled, condenses to water; water, cooled, becomes solid. During these changes the substance, the molecule, has not changed. There has been only a change among the molecules, in distance and arrange- ment. What kind of change is this? But if the steam is subjected to a very intense heat, the result is that it becomes converted into a 10 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. mixed gas, consisting of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen. This gas is not condensable at any ordinary temperature. Unlike steam, it burns and even explodes. What kind of separation is this ? What has been separated ? Blackboard crayons are prepared by subjecting the dust of plaster of Paris to great pressure, which causes the particles to unite and form the crayon. What kind of change is this? What kind of union? In the experiment (page 2) with the ammonia and hydrochloric-acid gases, the two gases disappear, and a solid is left in their place. What kind of change is this : chemical or physical? Is it union or separation? 10. Annihilation and creation of matter impossible. Experiment 1. Prepare a saturated solution of calcium chloride. Mix with an equal bulk of water and weigh the solution. Prepare a dilute solution of sulphuric acid (1 to 4), and pour an equal weight of the last solution on the first, all at once, and shake gently. Instantly the mixed liquid becomes a solid. The solid formed is commonly called plaster of Paris. It is an entirely different substance from either of the two liquids used. What kind of change is this ? A new substance has been formed. Has matter been created? Weigh the resulting solid ; its weight equals the sum of the weights of the two liquids. The conclusion is, that no matter has been created, none lost. Solids may be converted into liquids or gases ; gases may be converted into liquids or solids ; substances may completely lose their characteristics : but man has not discovered the means by which a single molecule of matter can be created out of nothing, or by which a single molecule of matter can be reduced to nothing. Matter cannot be created, cannot be annihilated ; it is a constant quantity. The discovery of this fact laid the foundation of the science of Chemistry. This statement may not seem to accord with many occurrences of every-day experience. Wood, coal, and other substances burn ; matter disappears, and very little is left that can be seen. But does matter pass out of existence when it disappears in burning, or does it assume the invisible state known by the name of gas ? Experiment 2. Hold a cold, dry tumbler over a candle-flame. The bright glass instantly becomes dimmed; and, on close examination, you find the glass bedewed with fine drops of a liquid. This liquid is water. ANNIHILATION AND CREATION OF MATTER. 11 You may think it strange that water is formed in the hot flame; yet this simple experiment shows that this is really the case. If water is formed during the burning, what is the reason we do not see it ? Simply because it rises in the form of steam, which is an invisible gas. The visible cloud, often called steam, which is formed in front of the nozzle of a tea-kettle, is not steam, but fine drops of water floating in the air, a sort of water-dust. All clouds are of the same nature. A cloud always stands over Niagara Falls, even on the clearest days. The water of the river falls a distance of 150 feet, and, striking a bed of rocks below, some of it is dashed into fragments, or dust, which rises in a cloud. Experiment 3. Introduce a candle-flame into a clean glass bottle ; after it has burned a few minutes the flame goes out. Why does it go out ? See whether the air in the bottle is the same as it was be- fore. Pour a wineglass full of lime-water into the bottle, cover tight- ly, and shake. Also pour lime-water into a bottle filled with air. The former becomes white and cloudy, the latter remains clear. It is apparent that some new substance has been formed during the burning, which, unlike air, can turn the lime-water white. This new substance is likewise an invisible gas. So that, before we can decide whether or not matter is annihilated while burning, it is necessary to collect carefully, not only the ashes, but all the invisible gases that are formed. This is a somewhat troublesome experiment ; but it has been frequently performed, and it is found that their collective weight is quite equal to the weight which the candle loses. Water does not pass out of existence when it " dries up " ; nor are raindrops and dewclrops created out of nothing. Matter is everywhere undergoing great and various changes, both chemical and physical. Nature is ever arraying herself in new forms. The sun warms the tropical ocean, converting the liquid into vapor; the vapor rises in tlie air, is recondensed on mountain hights, and returns in rivers to the ocean whence it came. Geology teaches us that continents and oceans, and even the "everlasting hills," have a birth and decay, as well as whole tribes of animals and vegetables. Although we may be counted among the living ten years hence, our bodies will, ere that, have crumbled into dust ; and the matter that will then compose our bodies is to-day to be found mainly in the earth upon which we tread. Change is stamped upon all matter ; nothing is exempt. Only the quantity of matter remains unchanged. 12 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. 11. Force. Experiment 1. From a piece of cardboard sus- pend, by means of silk threads, six pith-balls, so that they may be about 2 cml apart. Procure a clean, dry glass tube, about 40 cm long and 3 cm in diam- eter. Rub a portion of this tube briskly with a silk hand- kerchief, and hold it about 2 cm below the balls. The balls seem to become suddenly pos- sessed of life. They gather about the rod, and strive to reach it. If we cut one of the threads, the ball will fly straight to the rod, and cling to it for a time. The means by which the rod pulls the balls is invisible. Yet evidence is positive that the rod has an influence on the balls, that it pulls them. Slip a piece of glass between the rod and the balls ; still the influence is felt by the balls. The glass does not sever the invisible bonds that connect the balls with the rod. Now slowly bring the rod near the balls, till they touch. They at first cling to the rod; but soon the rod, as if displeased with their company, begins to push them away. Withdraw the rod; the balls do not hang by parallel threads as before, but appear to be pushing one another apart. Gradually bring the palm of the hand up beneath the balls, but without touching them. The balls gradually yield to the pull of the hand, and come together. Remove the hand, and they again fly apart. Matter does not seem to be the dead, inert thing which it is often called ; it can push and pull. Experiment 2. Raise one of these balls with the fingers, and then withdraw the fingers. Something from below seems to reach up, and pull the ball down again. The same happens with each one of the balls ; every ball is pulled by something below. What is it that pulls the balls? Carry the balls into another room, the same thing occurs. Carry them to any part of the earth, the same thing occurs. It must be that it is the earth itself that pulls the balls. The earth pulls the fruit and the leaf from the tree to itself ; it pulls all objects to itself ; and more, it holds them there. Attempt to raise anything from the ground, and you feel the earth's pull resisting you. Attempt to break a string, or crush a piece of chalk, and you find 1 Tables of the Metric Measures may be found in the Appendix, Section A. MOLAR AND MOLECULAR FORCES. 13 that, notwithstanding the molecules of these bodies do not touch one another, they possess a force which tends to keep them together, and to resist your attempt to separate them. 12. Force defined. This tendency to push and to pull, which matter possesses, is called force. We do not know why separate portions of matter tend to approach one another, or to separate from one another. We do not know the nature of force ; we cannot see it or grasp it ; we simply know that there must be a cause for certain effects produced. The familiar effects produced are motion and rest. For exam- ple, we see a body move ; we know that there is a cause : that cause we attribute to force. When a body in motion comes to rest, we look for a cause, and that cause we attribute to force. It is difficult to define force ; probably the most comprehensive definition that has been given is the following : Force is that which can produce, change, or destroy motion. All force exhibits itself in pushes or pulls. All motion is produced by pushes or pulls, or by a combination of both. A pulling force is called an attractive force, or simply attraction. A pushing force is called a repellent force, or repulsion. 13. Attraction and repulsion mutual. Experiment. Suspend a wooden lath in a sling. Rub one end of a glass rod with silk, and bring that end of the rod near to one end of the lath. The lath is attracted by the rod and moves toward it. Now place the rod in the sling, and bring the lath near to its excited end. The lath draws the rod to itself. We conclude that the pulling force belongs to both that both are concerned in the pulling. In the experiment with the pith-balls (11, Exp. 1), they seem to be mutually pushing each other. All attraction and repulsion between different portions of matter are mutual. 14. Molar and molecular forces. The glass rod does not seem to possess any attractive force, until it is rubbed with the handkerchief. The pith-balls do not repel one another until they have first touched the glass rod. After a time, the rod and the balls lose both their attractive and repellent forces. Or, if we pass the hand several times over the part of the rod 14 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. that has been rubbed, and over the balls, they quickly surrender their forces. These forces are temporary. They are called electric forces, and their cause electricity. The attractive force that draws the balls to the earth existed before the experiment. No manipulation can destroy it or increase it ; it is eternal and unchangeable, and exists between all portions of matter. This force is called the force of gravity, and the phenomenon is called gravitation. We have seen the effects of attractive and repellent forces, reaching across sensible distances. Have we any evidence that these forces exist among portions of matter, at insensible distances, i.e., at distances too short to be perceived by our senses ? Stretch a piece of rubber ; you realize that there is a force resisting you. You reason that if the supposition be true, that the grains or molecules that compose the piece of rubber do not touch each other, then there must be a powerful attractive force reaching across the spaces between the molecules, to prevent their separation. After stretching the rubber, let go one end. It springs back to its original form. What is the cause? Compress the rubbe^- ; its volume is diminished. (Does this confirm our supposition respecting the granular structure of matter?) Remove the pressure ; the rubber springs back to its original form. What is the cause? Every body of matter, with the possible exception of the molecule, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, may be forced into a smaller volume by pressure, in other words, matter is com- pressible. When pressure is removed, the body expands into nearly or quite its original volume. This shows two things : first, that the matter of which a body is formed does not really Jill all the space which the body appears to occupy; and, second, that in the body is a force, which, acting from within outward, resists outward pressure tending to compress it, and expands the body to its original volume when pressure is removed. This is, of course, a repellent force, and is exerted among molecules, tending to push them farther apart. MATTEK. 15 But it has previously been shown that there is also an attract- ive force existing between the molecules. Now what is the effect, when two forces act on a body in opposite directions? Let two boys, at opposite ends of a table, push the table. If both push with equal force, the table does not move ; it is as if no one pushed it. But if one boy pushes a little harder than the other, then the table moves in the direction in which the greater force is applied. Now we have the key, to the solution of a difficulty, which always arises in the mind of a beginner in science, when he first hears the startling statement that the molecules of bodies, of his own body even, do not touch one another. If faith were of quick growth, he would shudder at the thought of falling to pieces, or of being wafted away by the winds as so much dust. The ancients, perceiving that matter must be built up of small parts, overcame this difficulty by supposing that the minute particles have hooks or claws by which they grasp one another. Our knowledge of the operation of forces enables us to dispense with hooks and claws, much to the advantage of science. We see that the molecules of a body are kept from falling apart, or from separation, by a universal attractive force ; they are also kept from falling together, or from permanent contact, by an ever-existing repellent force. These forces act at insen- sible distances between molecules, and hence are called molecular forces. When forces act between bodies at sensible distances they are called molar forces. Give illustrations (1) of molar forces ; (2) of molecular forces. II. THREE STATES OF MATTER. 15. Matter presents itself in three different states : solid, liquid, and gaseous, fairly represented by earth, water, and air. Because these forms are so common and abundant, some ancient philosophers held that all solid matter is formed of earth, all liquids of water, and all gases of air. On this account 16 MATTER AND ITS PEOPEETIES. they called them, together with fire, elements or primary matter. They cannot now be so regarded from a chemical point of view, because each of them has been separated into still more simple substances ; nor from a physical standpoint, because, as will soon be shown, most substances may exist in any one of these states. 16. Characteristics of each of these states. Experiment 1. Provide two vessels, a cubical dish and a goblet, each having a capacity of about 200 ccm . Also provide 200 ccm of sand, 200 ccm of water, and a cubical block of wood containing 200 ccm . Grasp the block, and place it in the cubical vessel. Attempt to do the same thing with the water. Why can you not grasp the water ? Pour a portion of the water into the cubical vessel. When you move a por- tion of the block, the whole block moves. When you pour a portion of the water into the cubical vessel, the whole does not necessarily go. Why is this ? Why is it that we can dip a cupful of water out of a pailful, without raising the whole? Pour all the water into the goblet. The water adapts itself to the shape of the goblet, and the vessel is filled. Attempt to place the block of wood in the goblet. What dif- ference in phenomena do you observe ? Why this difference ? Pour the sand from vessel to vessel. It adapts itself to the shape of each vessel. Why ? Drop the block of wood on a table. Pour water on the table. How does a liquid behave when there is no vessel to confine it ? Experiment 2. Throw small particles of sawdust into the goblet of water ; you can thus render perceptible any motion of the water in the goblet, just as, by throwing blocks of wood on the smooth surface of a river, you can discover the motion of the river. Notice the ease with which the particles move about, rise, and sink. As they become quiet, slightly jar the vessel, or tap it with the end of a pencil, and notice the ease with which disturbance is produced throughout the liquid. Now rap the side of the block with a hammer, and observe how immovable are the particles of wood. Our experiments teach us that the molecules of solids are not easily moved out of their places; consequently, solid masses form such a firmly connected whole that their shape is not easily changed, and a movement of one part causes a movement of the ii'hole. On the other hand, the molecules of liquids have scarcely any fixedness of position, but easily slip between and around one THREE STATES OF MATTER. 17 another; consequent^, liquid bodies easily mold themselves to the shape of the vessel that contains them, are poured from ves- sel to vessel, and are easily separated into parts. But what shall we say of the sand, which, like water, adapts itself to the shape of the containing vessel, and can be poured? Is sand a liquid? and are powders liquids? No, powders are a collection of small lumps of solid matter. When powders are poured, lumps of matter roll around one another, as when potatoes are poured from basket to basket. When liquids are poured, molecules glide past one another. It is not so easy to study the characteristics of gases, because we cannot usually see them. But we may be aided by a device similar to that employed to make the movement of water visible. Experiment 3. Darken a room, and admit, through a small crack or hole, a beam of direct sunlight. You see particles of dust dancing in the path of the light ; the motion never ceases. See how easily the motion is quickened by gently waving the hand at some distance from the beam of light. Experiment 4. Place under the receiver of an air-pump a partially inflated balloon, Fig. 32, page 53 (or a Seven-in-one apparatus with the piston near the closed end of the cylinder, and stop-cock closed), and exhaust the air. The tendency of gases to expand becomes evident. In gases, fixedness of position of the molecules is entirely want- ing, and freedom of motion among themselves is almost perfect. They appear to be in a continual state of repulsion, and conse- quently have a tendency to expand to greater and greater volumes. They expand indefinite^, unless confined by pressure, while liquids and solids tend to preserve a uniformity of volume. Liquids do not rise above what is called their surface, and we may have a vessel half full of a liquid ; but gases have no defi- nite surface, and there is no such thing as a vessel half full of gas. On the other hand, if gases are subjected to pressure, their volume may be indefinitely diminished ; for instance, the air that now fills a quart vessel may be compressed into a pint vessel, or even into less space, if sufficient force is used. The com- 18 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. pression of liquids is barely perceptible, even when the pressure is very great. 17. Philosophy of the three states of matter. We conclude from the difficulty which we experience in separating the parts of a solid body, that the molecular attractive force in solids is very great. From the ease with which we usually ^separate the parts of a body of liquid, we might conclude that this force in liquids is very weak. But before arriving at any conclusion, it is necessary to consider how the difficulty of sepa- ration of the parts of a liquid is to be measured. It is very easy to tear off a portion of a sheet of tinfoil, but we should not surely regard this as an evidence that the molecules of tin have but little attraction for each other, for in tearing such a body we only apply the force to a comparatively few molecules at a time. We can form a just estimate of the strength of molecular attrac- tion only by attempting to separate the foil into two portions by such means as that the separation ma} 7 take place no sooner at one point than at another. So, too, it is very easy to separate a drop of water into two portions, but this is no measure of the attractive forces unless we take precautions that we do not appl} r the separating force successively to different molecules. If we succeed in preventing such a successive action, and there are certain methods of doing this more or less perfectly, we should find the process much more difficult, more so indeed, than to produce a similar change in many solids. 1 There is, however, a difference in the molecular action in solids and liquids ; such that, in the latter state, the molecular forces offer no resistance to a shaping force, while in the former state, change of shape can only be brought about by the appli- cation of considerable force. In a gas, on the contrary, there is little attraction between the molecules ; but as they are constantly hitting one another, and thereby tending to drive one another apart, it requires an external force to keep them together. 1 The cohesive force of water is at least 132 Ibs. per square inch. MAXWELL. PHILOSOPHY OP THE THEEB STATES OF MATTER. 19 NOTE. In gases, the molecules are thought to be in motion like gnats in the air ; in liquids, like men moving through a crowd ; in solids, the motion of each molecule is like that of a man in a dense crowd where it is almost or quite impossible to leave his neighbors, yet he may turn around, and have some motion from side to side. Practically, the condition of any portion of matter depends upon its temperature and pressure. (See p. 160.) Just as at ordinary pressures water is a solid, a liquid, or a gas, according to its temperature, so any substance may be made to assume any one of these forms unless a change of temperature occasions a chemical change. There are certain apparent exceptions to the last statement ; for example, charcoal, though it has been vaporized, has never been obtained in a liquid state, simply because sufficient press- ure has never been used. Ice will change to a vapor, but can- not be melted unless the pressure exceeds six grams per square centimeter. For a similar reason, iodine and camphor vaporize, but do not melt. Alcohol has never been solidified, or frozen. 1 It has been rendered thick and pasty, a semi-solid condition, showing that it only requires a little lower temperature than any to which it has been exposed, to complete the solidification. As regards the temperature at which different substances assume the different states, there is great diversity. Oxygen and nitrogen gases, or air, which is a mixture of the two, liquefy and solidify only at extremely low temperatures ; and then, only when the attractive force is aided by tremendous pressure. On the other hand, certain substances, as quartz and lime, are liquefied only by the most intense heat generated by an electric current. The facts, summed up, are as follows : no one of the three states of matter, solid, liquid, or gaseous, is peculiar to any substance; the state that a substance assumes depends solely on its temperature and pressure; so that every solid may be regarded as simply matter in a frozen state, every liquid as mat- ter in a melted state, and every gas as matter in a state of vapor. 1 Since this statement was written alcohol has been frozen at about 130 C. 20 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. Every liquid has been solidified and volatilized, and every gas has been liquefied and solidified. Air was one of the last of the gases to surrender its reputation of being a " permanent gas." Not till the year 1878 was it reduced to lumps. We may predict the future of our globe. If its heat increases sufficiently, the whole world will become a thin gas. If its heat diminishes indefi- nitely, all earth and air will become a solid mass. III. PHENOMENA OF ATTRACTION. ACCORDING to the circumstances under which attraction acts, we have the various phenomena called gravitation, cohesion, ad- hesion, capillarity, chemism, and magnetism. Sometimes these terms are used as names of the unknown forces that cause the phenomena. 18. Gravitation. That attraction which is exerted on all matter, at all distances, is called gravitation. Gravitation is universal, that is, every molecule of matter attracts every other molecule of matter in the universe. The whole force with which two bodies attract one another is the sum of the attrac- tions of their molecules, and depends upon the number of mole- cules the two bodies collectively contain, and the mass of each molecule. The whole attraction between an apple and the earth is equal to the sum of the attractions between every molecule in the apple and every molecule in the earth. 19. Weight. It is scarcely necessary to state, that what is understood by the weight of a body is the mutual attraction between it and the earth. The term mass is equivalent to the expression quantity of matter. It follows, then, that weight is proportional to mass. Why do we weigh articles of trade, such as sugar and tea? 20. Does the apple attract the earth with as much force as the earth attracts the apple? Let us examine this question. First assume that the molecules of the apple and the earth have equal masses, i.e., are homogeneous; then the attraction of any LAW OF GRAVITATION. 21 molecule in the apple for any molecule in the earth is equal to the attraction of any molecule in the earth for any molecule in the apple. That is, if the earth and the apple consisted each of a single like mole- cule, their attraction for each other would be equal. Now suppose that the apple contains two and the earth five such molecules. Let the force with which one molecule attracts another be represented by n. Now, each molecule of the apple attracts the five molecules in the earth with a force of 5 n ; the two molecules in the apple would attract the earth with a force of 10 n. On the other hand, each molecule of the earth attracts the molecules of the apple with a force of 2n, and the five molecules in the earth would attract the apple with a force of 10 n. It is obvious that the same course of reasoning will apply in case the attraction is between two molecules whose masses differ, and consequently between all bodies of whatever mass or substance. Hence a body of small mass attracts a body of large mass as strongly as the latter attracts the former. If the apple attracts the earth as strongly as the earth attracts the apple, why does not the earth rise to meet the apple ? Let us examine a similar case. Suppose that a man in a boat pulls on a rope attached to a ship. His pulling draws the boat to the ship, but the ship does not appear to move. But if five hundred men, in as many boats, pulled together, the ship would be seen to move. Did the one man produce no motion ? If so, then would the five hundred men produce no mo- tion, since five hundred times nothing is nothing? Yes, the apple moves the earth as surely as the earth moves the apple ; but the apple has more to move, and, consequently, it moves the earth a distance as many times less than it is moved by the earth, as the quantity of mat- ter in the earth is times the quantity of matter in the apple. The re- spective distances the two bodies move vary inversely as their masses. 21. The force of gravity varies with the distance from the center. Observations made in various ways show that the force of gravity varies over the surface of the earth. It can be proved by geometrical methods that a sphere or a spheroid acts upon a molecule without it as though all its attractive force were concentrated at its center. Now it is found that the nearer an object without the earth's surface is to the center of the earth the greater is the force of gravity. The polar diameter of the ^arth is about 26 miles less than its equatorial diameter, and, consequently, the distance from the center to the surface at the 22 MATTEE AND ITS PROPERTIES. poles is 13 miles less than to the surface at the equator. This considerable difference in distance from the center occasions an appreciable difference between the weight of a body (having any considerable mass) at the equator and at the poles ; and, since the distance of the surface from the center constantly increases as we go from the poles toward the equator, the weight of all objects transported from the poles toward the equator constantly diminishes. It is obvious that any object raised above the earth's surface, as in a balloon, must weigh less than at the surface of the earth. But the hights with which we commonly have to deal in our ex- periments are so small in comparison with the earth's radius, that the differences in weight due to differences in hight at a given place can scarcely be detected by most delicate tests. The statement that " weight is proportional to mass" (19) must, therefore, be restricted to a comparison of masses at the same place and at the same altitude only. The propriety of making a distinction between the terms mass and weight is now apparent, as the former implies that which does not change when a body is transferred from place to place, while the latter may change. If the earth were of uniform dens%, bodies carried below its surface would lose in weight as the distance below the surface increases. At one-fourth the distance to the center there would be a loss of one-fourth the weight. At one-half the distance the weight would be one-half; and at the center nothing. Is weight an essential property of matter ? State certain condi- tions on which a body would have no weight. The terms up and down are derived from the attraction be- tween the earth and terrestrial objects. Down is toward the center of the earth, or it is the direction in which a body falls or tends to move in consequence of gravitation. Up is the oppo- site direction. It is apparent that the up and down of one place cannot correspond with the up and down of any other place. COHESION. 23 QUESTIONS. 1. If an iron pound-weight and a pound of sugar were balanced with ordinary scales at the equator, and transported to one of the poles of the earth, would they cease to balance each other ? 2. If the same quantity of sugar be suspended from a spring-balance at the pole, will this instrument indicate just a pound, more or less ? 3. Imagine yourself at the center of the earth. In what direction must you turn your face in order to look up ? 4. Imagine a person at one of the poles, and another at the equa- tor, to be looking down upon you at the center of the earth. Would they both look in the same direction ? 5. Draw a circle to represent the earth, and two lines to represent the direction in which the two persons would look. 6. What is the origin of " water-power" ? 7. What is the cause of tides ? 8. Which is more difficult, to ascend or descend a hill, and why ? 9. The earth has about 81 times as much matter in it as the moon. At which body would you weigh more ? 10. Is there a place between the two bodies at which you would weigh nothing ? If so, why ? 11. How far does the earth's attraction extend? 12. Which would you prefer, a pound of gold weighed with a spring- balance at the surface of the earth, or a pound weighed 3,000,000 m below the surface ? 22. Cohesion. That attraction which holds the molecules of the same substance together, so as to form larger bodies, is called cohesion. It is the force that prevents our bodies, and all bodies, from falling down into a mass of dust. It is that force which resists a force tending to break or crush a body. It is greatest in solids, usually less in liquids, and nothing in gases. It acts only at insensible distances, and is strictly a molecular force. When once the cohesion is overcome, it is difficult to force the molecules near enough to one another for this force to become effective again. Broken pieces of glass and crockery cannot be so nicely readjusted that they will hold together. Yet two polished surfaces of glass, placed in contact, will cohere quite strongly. Or if the glass is heated till it is soft, or in a semi- 24 . MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. fluid condition, then, by pressure, the molecules at the two surfaces will flow around one another, pack themselves closely together, and the two bodies will become firmly united. This process is called welding. In this manner iron is welded. Cohesive force varies greatly in different substances, according to the variation in the nature, form, and arrangement of the molecules of which they are composed. These modifications of the force of attraction give rise to certain conditions of matter, designated as crystalline, amorphous, hard, flexible, elastic, brit- tle, viscous, malleable, ductile, and tenacious. 23. Crystalline and amorphous conditions of matter. If our vision could be rendered keen enough to enable us to see and examine the molecular structure of different substances, to look into their bodies, as we look into the starry heavens, and observe the positions, the spaces, and the arrangement of that unexplored world, there would undoubtedly be unfolded to us wonders and beauties of which we have never dreamed. We should probably behold an endless variety of arrangement among the molecules. We might learn why it is that the molecule of the diamond, of graphite, and of charcoal being the same (i.e., the same substance), we get, possibly by different arrangement and different behavior of molecular forces, the hard, transparent, and brilliant diamond in the one case, the soft, opaque, metallic- looking graphite in another, and finally the porous, black, and shapeless charcoal. Obtain a piece of mica, or Iceland spar, and a piece of chalk, and attempt to cut them in two, by applying the knife in differ- ent directions. You find that you can easily cleave the mica in one direction, and obtain a smooth, shining surface. This is called its plane of cleavage. Cut it in any other direction, and you get rough and ragged surfaces. The spar may be cleft easily and smoothly in three directions. But the chalk may be cleft in one direction as well as another, and in no direction can a smooth surface be obtained. We learn by these trials that CRYSTALLIZATION. 25 matter may have method in its arrangement, or possess definite structure. When matter exhibits structure or method in its molecular arrangement, it is said to be crystalline. Examples of crys- talline arrangement are mica, Iceland spar, and carbon in the form of diamond. When its molecular arrangement is method- less or structureless, it is said to be amorphous. Examples of amorphous matter are chalk, glue, glass, and carbon in the form of charcoal. Experiment 1. Pulverize 20s of alum, and dissolve in 50 ccm of hot water ; suspend a thread in the solution, and put it away where it can quietly and slowly cool. After it has become cold, you will find attached to the thread beautiful transparent bodies of regular shape. The process by which matter in solidifying assumes a structural con- dition is called crystallization, and bodies which have acquired regular shape by this process are called crystals. Obtain crystals of saltpetre, blue vitriol, and potassium bichromate, by dissolving as much as pos- sible of these substances in hot water, and allowing the solutions to cool, always slowly and quietly. Experiment 2. Thoroughly clean a piece of window-glass, and pour upon it a hot, concentrated solution (see 36) of ammonium chloride or saltpetre. Allow the liquid to drain off, hold it up to the sunlight, and you will see beautiful crystals rapidly springing into existence, spreading and branching like vegetable growth. Very interesting illustrations of cr} T stallization are those deli- cate lacelike figures which follow the touch of frost on the window-pane. Figure 10 represents a few of more than a thou- sand forms of snowflakes that have been discovered, resulting from a variety of arrangement of the water molecules. Nature teems with crystals. Nearly every kind of matter, in passing from the liquid state (whether molten or in solution) to the solid state, tends to assume symmetrical forms. Crystallization is the rule ; amorphism, the exception. Break open a sugar-loaf, and you will find the surface fracture composed of small, shining, crystalline surfaces, You can scarcely pick up a stone and break it, without finding the same crystalline fracture. Every piece 26 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. of ice is a mass of crystals, so closely packed together that the individuals are not distinguishable. 24. Change of volume by crystallization. This tend- ency of matter to structural arrangement is not only very inter- esting, but very important in the arts. It is very natural tr Fig. 10. suppose that the new arrangement of molecules, when passing from the liquid to the solid state, should occasion either an increase or diminution in volume. We are not surprised when we find that water, in freezing, disregards the law of contraction by cold, and that the molecules are not found so closely packed CHANGE OF VOLUME BY CRYSTALLIZATION. 27 together, in the new and structural state, as when under the influence of cohesion alone. The force exerted by the molecules in changing positions is so enormous as to burst the strongest vessels. Hence our ser- vice-pipes are burst when water is allowed to freeze in them. Huge rocks are dislodged from their resting-places in the native quarry on the mountain-side by water getting into the crevices, freezing, expanding }'ear after year, and pushing the rocks from their support. Cast-iron and many allo3's, such as type- metal, expand on solidif}1ng. Such metals may be cast in molds, since, in expanding, the}' fill all the minute cavities of the mold. Most metals contract on solidifying. Hence gold, silver, and copper coins require to be stamped. Cast-iron, when broken, exhibits a crystalline fracture. Wrought-iron, when subjected to long-continued jarring, for instance, the axles of car-wheels, and iron cannon, becomes very brittle, and, when broken, exhibits a very marked crystalline fracture which it would not have shown before long use. It is probable that the molecules of iron, when shaken up by the jarring, are free tj> arrange themselves in their peculiar method, and that, in this new arrangement, the cohesive force is weakened. 25. What is the cause of this almost universal ten- dency of matter to crystallize ? We have no absolute knowledge of the doings in the molecular world. But we have very satisfactor} 7 methods of judging. Analogy is the light by which we must frequently explore inaccessible space. We de- termine the laws that govern large, tangible masses, and from these we infer the laws that govern small, intangible bodies, or molecules. Let us adopt this method in attempting to unravel the mystery before us. Experiment 1. Take two cambric needles, and draw each several times, from the eye to the point, over the same end of a magnet. Now suspend each needle by a thread, so that it will be balanced in a hori- zontal position. Bring the eye of one near the point of the other. When brought near enough, they attract each other. Bring the point 28 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. of one near the point of the other ; they repel one another. Bring the eye of one near the eye of the other ; they repel one another. We thus discover that the relation of these two needles to one another is such, that if unlike ends are brought together they attract one another, but if like ends are brought together they repel one another. The opposite character which the ends of the needle exhibit is called polarity. Now break one of the needles into two pieces, and experiment as before. The two pieces exhibit the same polarity that the two unbroken needles did. Break them into still smaller pieces, and the smallest piece that you can obtain possesses polarity, as certainly as the original needle. Imagine the work of division to be continued till the molecule is reached. Is it too much to assume that the molecule may possess polarity ? Experiment 2. Next, place a magnet beneath a sheet of paper, and sift iron filings over it. The instant they strike the paper they arrange themselves in lines around the magnet (see Fig. 162, page 221). Gently tap the paper, and they arrange themselves still more definitely. This reminds us of the effect of jarring on the car-axle and cannon, where molecules, once set in motion, tend to arrange themselves according to some guiding principle. Next, lay the magnet on a bed of iron filings (see page 214), and then raise it. We find the filings clinging most abundantly to the ends, diminishing in number toward the middle. We pass readily from these facts to conclusions respecting the mo- lecular arrangement in the crystal. Only grant the supposition trtat the molecule is endowed with something similar to polarity, and we can picture to ourselves the molecules, like the iron filings, wheeling into line in obedience to their polar forces. Crystals are more easily cleft in some directions than in others : may not this be accounted for by supposing that, like the magnet, the attraction on some sides of the molecule is greater than on others ? 26. Hardness. Name some metal that you can scratch with a finger-nail. See if you can scratch a piece of copper with a piece of lead, and vice versa. Get as many specimens as possible of the following substances : talc, chalk, glass, quartz, iron, silver, lead, copper, rock-salt, and marble. Ascertain which of them will scratch glass, and which are scratched by glass. What term do we employ in speaking of those substances that are easily scratched? To those that are scratched with difficulty? Which is the softest metal that you have tried? FLEXIBILITY. 29 i The hardest? Which is the softer metal, iron or lead? Which is the more dense metal ? Does hardness depend upon density ? What force must be overcome in order to scratch a substance ? When will one substance scratch another ? To enable us to express degrees of hardness, the following table of reference is generally adopted : MOHR'S SCALE OF HARDNESS. 1. Talc. 6. Orthoclase (Feldspar). 2. Gypsum (or Rock- Salt). 7. Quartz. 3. Calcite. 8. Topaz. 4. Fluor-Spar. 9. Corundum. 5. Apatite. 10. Diamond. By comparing a given substance with the substances in the table, its degree of hardness can be expressed approximately by one of the numbers used in the table. If the hardness of a sub- stance is indicated by the number 4, what would } r ou understand by it? 27. Flexibility. Such substances as ma} T be bent, or admit of a hinge-like movement among their molecules, are called flexi ble. What difference have you noticed in differ- ent jack-knife blades ? How can 3 r ou tell a soft blade from a hard blade? If you bend a stick, as in Figure 11, it is apparent that the molecules on the upper side must be separated from each other a little farther than usual, and that they must have slightly rolled round one another, while those on the under side must be crowded together more closely than usual. On the other hand, the molecules in a glass rod have fixed relative positions which will permit very little disturbance. 28. Elasticity. Obtain thin strips of the following sub- stances : rubber, wood, ivory, whalebone, steel, brass, copper, 30 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. iron, zinc, and lead. Stretch the piece of rubber. What change in its molecular condition must occur when it is stretched? What molecular force causes it to contract when the stretching- force is removed? Compress the rubber. What change of molecular condition takes place in compression? What force causes it to expand when the pressure is removed? Bend each one of the above strips. Note which completely unbends when the force is removed. Arrange the names of these substances in the order of the rapidity and completeness with which they unbend. What change takes place among the molecules on the concave side of the bent strips? What, among the molecules on the convex side ? What two forces are concerned in the unbending ? Twist the cord of a window-tassel. What causes it to untwist? The property which matter possesses of recovering its former shape and volume, after having j-ielded to some force, is called elasticity. To what forces is elasticity due? Does all mat- ter possess this property in the same degree? Does the rub- ber possess the same ability to unbend, as to contract after being stretched? In what four ways have you tested the elasticity of substances ? Does a sub- stance possess equal power of recovering its form after yielding to each of these four methods of applying force? Why are pens made of steel? What moves the machinery of a watch ? What is the cause of the softness of a hair mattress or feather-bed? A common spring-balance used for weighing cou- sists of a steel spring wound into a coil. The weight of the body to be weighed straightens or draws out the spring. A pointer moving over a plate which is divided into equal parts shows how much the spring has been drawn out. But the entire virtue of this apparatus consists in the elasticity of the spring, or its power to recover its original form after being drawn out. Give other illustrations of the application of elasticity to practical purposes. Fig. 12. BRITTLENESS. VISCOSITY. 31 Any alteration in the form of a body due to the application of a force is called a strain, and the force by which the strain is produced is called the stress. A body which, having experienced a strain due to a certain stress, completely recovers its original condition when the stress is removed, is said to be perfectly elastic. Liquids and gases are perfectly elastic (see 48) . Solids are perfectly elastic up to a certain limit, which varies greatly in different substances. If the stress exceeds a certain limit, the form of the solid becomes permanently altered, and the state of the body, when the permanent alteration is about to take place, is called the limit of perfect elasticity. In soft or plastic bodies this limit is soon reached. What is the result of overloading carriage springs? 29. Brittleness. Apply sharp blows with a hammer to each of the substances whose hardness you have tested ( 26), and ascertain which are the most easily broken or pulverized. Observe that some substances suffer a permanent change in form when subjected to a stress which exceeds their limit of elasticity, while others break before there is any permanent alteration in form. The latter are said to be brittle. 30. Viscosity. Support in a horizontal position, at one of its extremities, a stick of sealing-wax, and suspend from its free extremity a small weight, and let it remain in this condition several daj's, or perhaps weeks. At the end of the time the stick will be found permanently bent. Had an attempt been made to bend the stick quickly, it would have been found quite brittle. A body which, subjected to a stress for a considerable time, suffers a permanent change in form, is said to be viscous. Hardness is not opposed to viscosity. A lump of pitch may be quite hard, and yet in the course of time it will flatten itself out by its own weight, and flow down hill like a stream of syrup. Liquids like molasses and honey are said to be viscous, in dis- tinction from limpid liquids like water and alcohol. 32 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. 31. Malleability and ductility. Some substances pos- sess, in the solid state, a certain amount of fluidity ; that is, their molecules ma}' be displaced without overcoming their cohe- sion. Place a piece of lead on an anvil, and hammer it. It spreads out under the hammer into sheets, without being broken, though it is evident that the molecules have moved about among one another, and assumed entirety different relative positions. Heat a piece of soft glass tube in a gas-flame, and, although the glass does not become a liquid, it behaves very much like a liquid, and can be drawn out into very fine threads. When a solid possesses sufficient fluidity to admit of being drawn out into threads, it is said to be ductile. 1 When it will admit of being hammered or rolled into sheets, it is said to be malleable. As might be expected, those substances that are ductile are also mal- leable. But the same substance does not usually possess the two properties in an equal degree. Platinum is the most ductile metal. It can be drawn into wire finer than a spider's thread. It is the seventh metal in the rank of malleability. Gold is the most malleable metal. It can be hammered into leaves so thin, that it would require 300,000 to make a book one inch thick. It ranks next to platinum in ductility. Iron, at a red heat, is very malleable and ductile. What metals can be drawn into wires ? What metals can be rolled or hammered into sheets? 32. Tenacity. In order that a substance may be ductile, it is evident that it must possess a strong cohesive force, so as to prevent rupture. The power that matter possesses of resisting rupture, b} T a pulling force, is called tenacity.* A body may be tenacious ivithout being ductile, but it cannot be ductile ivithout being tenacious. It is remarkable that the tenacity of most metals is increased by being drawn out into wires. It would seem, that, in the new arrangement which the molecules assume, the cohesive force is stronger than in the old. Hence cables made of iron wire twisted together, so as to form an iron 1 Ductile, draw-able. 2 Malleable, as it were mallet-able. 8 Tenacity, property of holding. ADHESION. 33 rope, are stronger than iron chains of equal weight and length, and are much used instead of chains, where great strength is required. 33. Adhesion. Grasp with your finger a piece of gold- leaf, and, honest as you may be, it will stick to your fingers ; it will not drop off, it cannot be shaken off, and to attempt to pull it off is to increase the difficulty. Dust and dirt stick to clothing. Thrust your hand into water, and it comes out wet. You can climb a pole, because your hands stick to the pole ; but if the pole is greased, climbing is not so easy. We could not pick anything up, or hold anything in our hands, were it not that these things stick to the hands. Every minute's experience teaches us that not only is there an attractive force between molecules of the same kind of matter, but there is also an attractive force between molecules of unlike matter. That force which causes unlike substances to cling together, is called adhesion. Is adhesion a molar or a molecular force ? How does it differ from cohesion ? Why do not gold watches, and other articles of gold jewelry, appear to stick to the fingers? What keeps nails, driven into wood, in their places? What would happen if all adhesion between the different parts of the building you are in should be suddenly destroyed ? When a liquid sticks to a solid, what term do we usually employ in describ- ing the phenomenon ? Experiment 1. Suspend a plate of glass, about 8 cm square, from one arm of a scale-beam, attaching the threads to the plate with sealing- wax. Balance it, and place a dish of water under the glass, so that its under surface will just touch the surface of the water. You may now add several grams' weight to the other side of the beam without destroying the balance. Finally, the glass is apparently pulled away from the water. But on examination you will find it wet, so that you 34 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. have really succeeded, not in separating the glass from the water, but water from water. Then the weight that you were obliged to add does not measure the adhesive force between the glass and the water; it merely measures the amount of force necessary to tear the liquid apart. The same force was not sufficient to tear the liquid from the solid, hence we infer that the adhesion between a solid and a liquid may be f/reater than the cohesion in the liquid. Glass is wet by water, but is not wet by mercury. Is there no adhesion between mercury and glass? Experiment 2. Substitute mercury for water in the last experi- ment. As soon as the glass touches the mercury a slight adhesion occurs, which can be measured by the weight required to be placed in the opposite scale-pan in order to separate them. It is probable that there is some adhesion between all substances ivhen brought in contact. If a liquid adheres to a solid more firmly than the molecules of the liquid cohere, then will the solid be wet by the liquid. If a solid is not wet by a liquid, it is not because adhesion is wanting, but because cohesion in the liquid is stronger. That gases adhere to solids is proved by the phenomena of absorption described in 37. QUESTIONS. 1. Why will not water wet articles that have been greased ? 3. Why is it difficult to lift a board out of water ? 3. Why does water run down the side of a tumbler when it is inclined, instead of falling vertically ? Suggest some method of pre- venting it. 4. In what does the value of cement, glue, and mucilage consist ? 5. What enables you to leave a mark with a pencil or crayon ? 34. Capillarity. Examine the surface of water in a goblet. You find the surface level, as in A (Fig. 14), except around the edge next the glass, where the water is curved upward so as to resemble the interior surface of a watch crystal. Mercury placed in a goblet (B) has its edge turned downward, resembling the exterior surface of a watch crystal. This seems to indicate CAPILLARITY. 35 a repulsion between mercury and glass. But a previous experi- ment (page 34) has shown that, instead of repulsion, there is a slight adhesion between these substances. " Pour any liquid on a level surface which it does not wet, e.g., water on paraffine or wax, or mercury on glass. It spreads itself over the surface, but the edges are everywhere rounded or turned down like the edges of mercury in a goblet. Surely these rounded edges are not caused by the repulsion of the sides of a vessel. The edges of all liquids will be turned down unless the adhesion between them and the sides of the vessels exceeds the cohesion in the liquid. The glass does not cause the turning down of the surface of mercury in the goblet, its tendenc} r is rather to prevent it. Thrust vertically two plates of glass into water, and gradu- ally bring the surfaces near each other. Soon the water rises between the plates, and rises higher as the plates are brought nearer. Thrust a glass tube of very fine bore into water ; the attraction within it, on all sides, will raise the water to twice the hight it would reach when between two palates whose distance apart is equal to the diameter of the bore of the tube. Thrust a tube of the same bore into alcohol ; this liquid rises in the tube, but not so high as water. The surfaces of both the water and the alcohol are concave. If the tube is placed in mercury, the opposite phenomena occur : the mercury is depressed, and its surface is convex. 1 Both ascension and 1 The scope of this book will not admit of an explanation of the phenomena of capillarity. The student can find a lucid treatment of this subject in Maxwell's "Theory of Heat ; " pp. 260-274; also under " Capillary action," Encyclopaedia Britannica. 36 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. depression diminish as the temperature increases, being greatest at the freezing point of the given liquid, and least at its boiling point. (Regarding heat as a repellent force, can you give any reason why the ascension should be less at high than at low temperatures?) Inasmuch as the phenomena are best shown in tubes having bores of the size of hairs, they are in such cases called capillary 1 phenomena, and the tubes are called capillary tubes. The phenomena of capillary action are well shown by placing various liquids in U-shaped glass tubes, having one arm reduced to a capillary size, as A and B in Figure 15. Mercury poured into A assumes convex surfaces in both arms, but does not rise so high in the small arm as it stands in the large arm. Pour water into B, and all the phe- nomena are reversed. C is a glass tube containing water and mercury, and showing the shapes that the surfaces of the two liquids take. Generalizing the above facts, we have the four laws of capil- lary action : I. Liquids rise in tubes when they wet them, and are depressed when they do not. II. The ascension or depression varies inversely as 2 the diameter of the bore. III. The ascension and depression vary with 2 the nature of the substances employed. IV. The ascension or depression varies inversely with the tem- perature. Illustrations of capillary action are abundant. It feeds the lamp-flame with oil. It wets the whole towel, if one end is left for a time in a basin of water. It draws water into wood, and causes it to swell with a force sufficient to split rocks, and to raise large weights. How does a little water in a wooden tub prevent its falling to pieces ? 1 Capillary, hair-like. 2 Observe that throughout this treatise the word as expresses an exact proportion. When there is not an exact proportion, the word with is used. .i ^vL*Jk,L-v SOLUTION OF SOLIDS. 37 35. Other molecular phenomena. Besides the phe- nomena we have just studied, there are a great many others depending in part on molecular attraction, but much more on the molecular motions, of which we learned in 5, page 6. Many of them are quite familiar and important ; but the explanation, even when it can be given, is usually complicated and incom- plete. The principal names given these phenomena are solution, absorption, and diffusion. Su^f 36. Solution of solids depends mainly on molecular attraction. Hold a lump of sugar so that it will just touch the surface of water. Soon water is drawn up into the pores of the lump by capillary action, and the whole lump, including the part not submerged, becomes moist. Next you discover that the lump becomes smaller, and slowly disappears in the water. When a solid becomes diffused through a liquid, it is said to be dissolved. The dissolving liquid is called a solvent, and the resulting liquid is called a solution. A liquid will dissolve a solid, only when the adhesion between them is greater than the cohesion in the solid. A liquid always dissolves a solid more rapidly at first, less rapidly as the adhesion becomes more nearly satisfied ; and when it is completely satisfied, or is balanced by the cohesion in the solid, the liquid will dissolve no more of the solid, and the solution is said to be saturated. When a solution will take much more of a solid, it is said to be dilute ; and concentrated, when it will take little or no more. If the solid be first pulverized, the liquid has more surface on which to act, and the solid is dissolved much more rapidly. Heat generally weakens cohesion more than it weakens adhesion ; hence, with few exceptions, hot liquids dissolve solids more rapidly and in greater quantities than cold liquids. Boiling water dissolves three times as much alum as cold water ; conse- quently, when a hot saturated solution of alum is allowed to cool, at least two-thirds of the alum must be restored to the solid state (see Exp. 1, page 25), while one-third, or the amount 38 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. that the cold liquid is capable of dissolving, remains in solution. The remaining solution is called the mother-liquor. Lime, and a few other substances, are dissolved better in cold water. Crystals of such substances are only obtained by gradual evap- oration of the solvent. Water is the great solvent. When we speak of the solubility of a substance, water is always UDderstood to be the solvent, unless sonic other liquid is specified. Why is it fortunate that water is so good a solvent? Name substances that water does not dissolve. Of the many substances insoluble in water, some, as phosphorus, gums, and resin, find a solvent in alcohol ; sulphur, in bi-sulphide of carbon ; lead, in mercury; and fats, in ether or benzine. Would you wash var- nished furniture with alcohol? How are grease-spots removed from clothing? 37. Absorption of gases by solids depends mainly on molecular attraction, and is generally superficial. Certain solids possess so strong an attraction for gases that the} T not only draw the gases into the small cavities or holes within them, but greatly condense them there. It should be carefully noted that the attraction in this case is generalty between the gases and the surfaces of cavities, and is hence called superficial, in dis- tinction from intermolecular attraction, which is the name given to the phenomenon when gases are taken into the pores of a body. Freshly-burned charcoal placed in dry air, may, in a few days, have its weight increased one-fiftieth in consequence of the air that it absorbs. (Has air weight?) The attraction of charcoal for noxious gases is especially great, making it very efficient in cleansing the air in hospitals, and in removing noxious odors from putrid animal and vegetable matter by absorbing the foul gases that are generated. It does not check decay, but rather hastens it. A rat, which had been buried in charcoal dust, was uncovered at the end of a month ; nothing visible was left but the hair and bones, yet no bad odor was perceptible. Why do farmers mix muck with manures ? FREE DIFFUSION OF LIQUIDS. 39 38. Absorption of gases by liquids depends on molec- ular attraction and motion, and is intermodular. Water, at a temperature of Cen., is capable of condensing in its pores six hundred times its own bulk of ammonia gas. Water thus charged with this gas is called " ammonia water." The amount of gas that a liquid will absorb is increased by pressure. " Soda water " is simply water saturated with carbonic-acid gas under great pressure ; it contains no soda. When the pressure is removed, a large part of the gas escapes, causing efferves- cence. 39. Free diffusion of liquids depends mainly on mo- tion. Experiment 1. Into a test-tube containing 20 ccm of water, pour about 2 ccm of olive-oil, and shake. By shaking, the oil becomes divided into small particles, which give the water an opaque, milky- white appearance, but it is not separated into its molecules. After standing for a few minutes, the oil almost completely separates from the water, and rises to the top. Experiment 2. Partially fill a glass jar (Fig. 16) with water. Then introduce beneath the water, by means of a long tunnel, a concentrated solution of sulphate of copper. The lighter liquid Fi 1(J rests upon the heavier, and the line of separation between the two liquids is at first distinctly marked. But in the course of days or weeks this line will gradually become obliterated, the heavier blue liquid will gradually rise, and the lighter colorless liquid will descend, till they become thoroughly mixed. Experiment 3. Take about l ccm of bisulphide of carbon, color it by dropping into it a small particle of iodine, and pour this colored solution into a test- tube nearly filled with water. The colored liquid, being heavier than the water, sinks directly to the bottom, and shows no tendency to mix with the water. But, in the course of time, you discover that the colored liquid diminishes in quantity, and finally disappears. The peculiar odor of this substance which pervades the air in the vicinity shows that a considerable por- tion has evaporated. But it must have worked its way gradually through the water above it. 40 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. Fig. 17. If, during the operation of diffusion in the last two experi- ments, you examine the liquid with a microscope, you will not be able to trace any currents ; hence the motion of liquids in diffusion is not in mass, but by molecules, a kind of inter- molecular motion. We learn that some liquids, even when stirred together, will not remain mixed; while others, whose densities are very different, when merely placed in contact with each other, slowly mix of themselves. 40. Diffusion of liquids through porous partitions. Osmose. Dialysis. Very complex. Experiment. Cut off the bottom of a conical-shaped bottle ' (or, better, use a glass tun- nel or lamp-chinm -y) ; fit to the ueck of the bottle a cork, having a glass tube passing through it (Fig. 17). Tic tightly over the bot- tom a piece of gold-beater's skin or parch- ment paper. Fill the bottle with a concen- trated solution of sulphate of copper, and press the cork into the bottle so that the liquid will stand a little way up the tube, say at a. Now suspend the apparatus in a vessel of water, so that the bottom may be covered. In less than an hour it will be found that the liquid has risen in the tube, showing that water must have passed through the septum, 2 and mixed with the solution. Examine the water in the outer vessel, and you will find that it is slightly tinged with the blue vitriol, showing that some of the solution has also passed through the septum. But the liquid has risen in the tube, showing that more of the water than of the solution has passed through the septum. When liquids or gases force their way through porous septa, and mix with each other, the diffusion is called osmose. 3 To distinguish the two opposite currents, the flow of the liquid or gas towards that which increases in volume i See Appendix, Section B. 2 Septum, partition. Osmose, impulse. FREE DIFFUSION OF GASES. 41 Fig. 18. is called endosmose, 1 and the opposite current is called exos- mose.% It is found that crystallizable substances are the best subjects of osmose, while those which are usually amorphous, such as gelatine and gummy substances, are very little . inclined to osmose. Those substances that pass readily through septa are called crystalloids;* those that do not are called colloids.* The principle of unequal diff usibility of liquids through septa finds important application in chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories. For example, from a rod (Fig. 18) is sus- pended a glass vessel having a bottom of parchment paper. Such a vessel is called a dialyzer. In the dialyzer is placed, for instance, the liquid contents of the stomach or intestines of a dead animal, suspected of containing some poison, and the vessel is floated in a vessel of water. If either arsenic or strychnine is present it will separate from the albuminous matter hi the food, and pass through the septum into the water. The process of sep- arating mixed liquids by osmose is called dialysis. 41. Free diffusion of gases depends almost wholly on molecular motion. Experiment. Fill a test-tube with oxygen gas, and thrust in a lighted splinter; the splinter burns much more rapidly than in the air. Fill another tube with hydrogen gas, and keep the tube inverted (for, this gas being about sixteen times lighter than air, there will be no danger of its falling out) . Thrust in a lighted splinter ; the gas takes fire, and burns with a pale flame at the mouth of the tube. Next fill one tube with oxygen and the other with hydrogen gas, and place the mouth of the latter over the mouth of the former, as in Fig- ure 19. In about a minute apply a lighted splinter to the mouth of each 1 Endosmose, inward impulse. 2 Exosmose, outward impulse. Crystalloid, like crystal. * Colloid, like gum. 42 MATTER AND ITS PROPERTIES. Fia:. 19. tube (let the mouth of each tube be freely open to prevent accident) ; a slight explosion takes place in each instance. It is apparent that although the oxygen gas is sixteen times heavier than the hydrogen, some of it has risen into the upper tube, while some of the lighter hydrogen has descended into the lower tube, and the two gases have become diffused. Many pairs of liquids do not diffuse into each other, but every gas diffuses into every other gas, and it is impossible to prevent two gases from mixing when placed in contact. (It is thought best to introduce the subject of diffusion of liquids and gases in this place, though it has little or no connection with the subject of adhesion. The explanation of diffusion must be deferred to its proper place in the chapter on Heat, page 158.) In consequence of this universal tendency to diffusion, gases will not remain separated, i.e., a lighter resting upon a heavier, as oil rests upon water. This is of immense importance in the economy of nature. The largest portion of our atmosphere consists of a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases. There are always present also small quantities of other gases, such as carbonic- acid gas, ammonia gas, and various other gases, which are generated by the decomposition of organic matter. These gases, obedient to gravity alone, would arrange themselves according to their weight, carbonic-acid gas at the bottom, or next the earth, followed respectively by oxy- gen, nitrogen, ammonia, and other gases. Neither animal nor vegetable life could exist in this state of things. But, in consequence of their diffusibility, they are found intimately mixed, and in the same relative proportions, whether in the valley or on the highest mountain peak. 42. Diffusion of gases through porous partitions depends on the size of molecules, size of pores, and on molecular motion; very complex. DIFFUSION OF GASES. 43 Experiment. Take a thin, unglazed earthen cup, such as is used in Bunsen's battery (page 190) , and plug up the open end with a cork through which extends a glass tube. Place the exposed end of the tube in a cup of colored water. Lower a glass jar, filled with hydrogen or coal-gas, over the porous cup, as in Figure 20. Instantly air is forced down through the tube, and escapes in bubbles from the colored liquid. The gas in the larger vessel forces its way through the pores of the cup, diffuses itself in the air contained in it, and causes an unusual pressure on the colored liquid, as is evinced by the air that is forced out through it. In a minute remove the glass jar. The hydrogen now escapes through the sides of the cup, and mixes with the air on the out- side ; a partial vacuum is formed in the cup, and water rises in the tube. In both cases air passed through the sides of the porous cup, but the influx and efflux of hydrogen was much more rapid. An interesting modification of this apparatus is the diffusion foun- tain (Fig. 21). By passing the glass tube of the porous cup through the cork of a tightly-stopped vessel, and hav- Fi 21 ing another glass tube pass through another perforation in the same cork, water is forced out in a jet several feet in hight, when the hydrogen jar is held over the porous cup. Children well understand that toy balloons, which are made of collodion and filled with coal-gas, collapse in a few hours after they are inflated. This is caused by the escape of the gas by osmose. Nature furnishes an illustra- tion of osmose of gases in respiration. In the lungs the blood is separated from the air by the thin, membranous walls of the veins. Carbonic-acid gas escapes from the blood through these septa, and oxygen gas enters the blood through the same septa. CHAPTER II. DYNAMICS. IV. DYNAMICS OF FLUIDS. 43. Equilibrium, pressure, and tension. That branch of science which treats of force and the motions it produces is called dynamics. It has been shown that force may act on a body to produce motion or rest ; also that two or more forces may so act on a body as to neutralize each other's effect. In the latter case, the body continues in the same condition, either of motion or rest, as if it were independent of the action of the forces, and is said to be in equilibrium, 1 and the forces acting on it are also said to be in equilibrium. Inasmuch as no body is ever free from the action of force, it must be that a body at rest is in a state of equilibrium. If any portion of a force is not effective in producing motion, i.e., if part or all of it is exerted against other forces, there may result what is called a pressure on the body ; as when we push on a wall or on a heavy sled moving over the ice, or a book presses the table. The same force which causes a body to fall when unsupported, causes it to press on any obstacle which prevents it from falling. Or, if the force is exerted on a body in which the molecular attraction is strong, i.e., on a solid, we may have a pull or tension, as when we hang in a swing, or hang a stone from a rubber band. If the body under the influ- ence of a force maintains a uniform velocity, we may measure the force by the pressure (or tension) exerted,' or may measure the pressure by the amount of the force, whichever may be more convenient. The case of uniform velocity includes the case of rest. 1 Equilibrium, equal balance. PRESSURE IN FLUIDS. 45 44. Pressure in fluids. It will be seen that, with the exception of the phenomena of capillarity and those occasioned by difference in compressibility and expansibility, liquids and gases are governed by the same laws. We shall, therefore, treat them together, in so far as they are alike, under the common term of fluid. It should be borne in mind that we are placed on the borders of two oceans. A watery ocean borders our land ; an aerial ocean, which is called the atmosphere, surrounds us. Every molecule, in both the gaseous and liquid oceans, is drawn to- ward the earth's centre by gravity. This gives to both fluids a downward pressure upon everything upon which they rest. The gravitating power of liquids is everywhere apparent, as in the fall of drops of rain, the descent of mountain streams, the power of falling water to propel machinery, and the weight of water in a bucket. But to prove the downward pressure of air requires special experiments. If we lower a pail into a well, it fills with water, but we do not perceive that it becomes heavier thereb} r ; the downward pressure is not felt. But when we raise a pailful out of the water, it suddenly becomes heavy. If we could raise a pailful of air out Fig ^ of the ocean of air, might not the weight of the air become perceptible ? If we dive to the bottom of a pond of water, we do not feel the weight of the pond resting upon us. We do not feel the weight of the atmospheric ocean resting upon us ; but we should remember that our situation with ref- erence to the air is like that of a diver with reference to water. Experiment 1. Fill two glass jars (Fig. 22) with water, A having a glass bottom, B a bottom provided by tying a piece of sheet-rubber tightly over the rim. Invert both in a larger vessel of water, C. The water in A does not feel the downward pressure of the air directly 46 DYNAMICS. above it, the pressure being sustained by the rigid glass bottom. But it indirectly feels the pressure of the air on the surface of the water in the open vessel, and it is this pressure that sustains the water in the jar. But the rubber bottom of the jar B yields somewhat to the downward pressure of the air, and is forced inward, until it is bal- anced by the upward pressure of the water, plus the tension of the rubber. Take a glass tube D, l m long, having a bore of l cm diameter. Cov- ering one end with a finger, fill with water, and invert in C. You feel the weight of the air pressing your finger against the tube. Remove the finger and the water in the tube at once sinks to the level of the water in the vessel C, because the downward pressure of the air on the column of water, plus the weight of the column of water, is greater than the upward pressure. In every instance we find that the down- ward pressure of air gives rise to an upward pressure in the liquid. In this respect fluids differ widely from solids, whose molecules are so firmly held together that, when one part is pushed in any direction, that part drags the rest with it. We have accounted for water being sustained in the vessels A, B, and D, by an upward pressure produced by the downward pressure of the air. Does this downward pressure create an upward pressure in the air itself, so that, if the vessels are lifted out of the water, the Fig. 23. water will not fall out? Experiment 2. Keeping the finger pressed on the end of D, raise it ,slowly and vertically out of the water. The water does not fall out. Why? Slip a thin glass plate, or a piece of thick pasteboard, under the mouth of A, and, pressing it against the mouth, raise the vessel carefully out of the water, and remove the hand from the plate. The water does not fall out, nor does the plate fall. Why? Experiment 3. Force a tin pail (Fig. 23), having a hole in its bottom, as far as possible into water, without allowing water to enter at the top. A stream of water spurts through the hole. Why? Why does it require so much effort to force the pail down into the water? Does downward pressure cause a lateral pressure? Experiment 4. Make holes, at different depths, in the side of a ves- sel (Fig. 24) containing water. Water issues in streams, with consid- erable force, from the orifices. Why? Experiment 5. Bind a piece of thin sheet-rubber tightly over a PRESSURE INCREASES WITH THE DEPTH. 47 Fig. 24. wide-mouthed bottle, and place it in water in different positions. In whatever position the bottle is placed, the rub- ber is pressed inward. What lesson does this teach? Experiment 6. The Magdeburg hemispheres (Fig. 25) are two hemis- pherical cups, having their edges made smooth so as to be "air-tight" when placed in contact. Each cup is provided with a handle. One of the handles consists of two parts, a stem and a ring, the two parts being connected by a screw. The stem has a bore passing through it, and a stop-cock, F . ^ which regulates the passage of air through the bore. Place the lips of the cups in contact, remove the ring, screw the stem to the plate of an air-pump, and exhaust the air from the sphere ; then close the stop-cock, and replace the ring. Now two boys grasping the rings, and holding the sphere in any position they choose, can only with great difficulty pull them apart. Why? Boys amuse themselves by lifting bricks (Fig. 26) with a circular piece of leather, moistened and pressed against the surface of the brick, so as to exclude the air. The pressure of air against the leather binds it to the brick in whatever position placed. We conclude that gravity causes pressure in a body of fluid in all directions. Fig. 26. 45. Pressure increases with the depth. In the ex- periment with the vessel with apertures in its side (Fig. 24) , we find that the deeper the orifice, the greater the velocity of the stream. And in the experiment with the wide- mouthed bottle covered with rubber, we find that, at the same depth, the rubber is pressed inward equally in all directions, but, as it is carried to greater depths, the pressure is increased. 48 DYNAMICS. Fig. 27. Fig. 28. Experiment. Take a glass tube bent in the form represented by a, Figure 27 ; place mercury in the lower part of the tube, so as to fill the short arm, and gradually lower the tube into a deep vessel of water. The downward pressure of the water will force the mercury up the long arm to a hight proportional to the depth of the tube in the water. 46. Pressure at any point in a fluid equal in all directions. Experiment 1. In- troduce another tube, containing mercury, of the form represented by b, Figure 27 ; lower both tubes so that the orifices in the water shall be at the same level, and it will be found that the downward pressure in a and the lateral pressure in b will force the mercury to the same level, cd. Experiment 2. Cover one end of a lamp-chimney (Fig. 28) with a circular piece of leather, and suspend from the hand by means of a string attached to the center of the leather and passing through the chimney. Hold the leather firmly against the bottom of the chimney, and lower the covered end a little way into a vessel of water. You may now drop the string, and the upward pressure of the water will keep the leather in place. Pour water slowly into the chimney, and, when the water in the chimney nearly reaches the level of the water outside, the leather will fall. The upward pressure of the water in the vessel against the leather is just balanced by the downward pressure of the water in the chimney and the weight of the leather. Why does not a pailful of water in a well seem heavy ? The results of experiments thus far show that, at every point in a body of fluid, gravity causes pressure to be exerted equally in all directions, and that in liquids the pressure increases as the depth increases. Have we any means of ascertaining the pressure at any point in the atmosphere ? Experiment 3. Prepare a U-shaped glass tube closed at one end (Fig. 29), 80 cm in hight from the center of the bend, and with a bore of iqcm section. Fill the closed arm with mercury and invert. The mer- PRESSURE AT ANY POINT IN A FLUID. 49 cury in the closed arm will sink about 2 cm to A, and will rise 2 cm in the open arm to C ; but the surface A is 76 cm higher than the surface C. This can be accounted for only by the atmos- . pheric pressure. The column of mercury' B A, containing 76 ccm , is an exact counterpoise for a column of air of the same diameter extending from C to the upper limit of the atmospheric ocean, an unknown hight. The weight of the 76 ccm of mercury in the column BA is 1033. 3* exactly, but, for convenience, may be said to be about l k . Hence the weight of a column of air of l qcm section, extending from the surface of tbe sea to the upper limit of the atmosphere, Fig. so. is about l k . But gravity causes equal pressure in all directions. Hence, at the level of the sea, all bodies are pressed upon in all directions by the atmosphere, with a force of about l k per square centi- meter, about 15 pounds (exactly 14. 7 Ibs.) per square inch, or about one ton per square foot. Fluid pressure is generally expressed in atmos- pheres. An atmosphere (when the term is used to denote pressure) is the pressure of P per square centi- meter. A man of average size sustains an ex- ternal pressure of about fifteen tons. If the area of the bottom of an " empty " pail is one square foot, the downward pressure on its bottom is a little more than one ton ; how can any person carry such a pail? and why is its bottom not forced out? 50 DYNAMICS. 47. Barometer. Figure 30 represents another form of ap- paratus, which is more commonly used for ascertaining atmospheric pressure. It Consists of a straight tube about 85 cm long, closed at one end, and filled with mercury. When this tube is inverted, the Fig 3] open end having been covered wHh a finger and plunged into an open cup of mercury, and the finger withdrawn, the mercury in the tube will sink till it balances the at- mospheric press- ure. This experi- ment was devised by Torricelli, an Italian. The ap- paratus is called a barometer. 1 The empty space above the mercury in the tube is called a Tor- ricellian vacuum. The history of this experiment is very interesting and im< portant, inasmuch as it was the first demonstration of the pressure of the atmosphere. (See Whewell's History of Inductive Sciences, Vol. I., page 345.) The hight of the barometric column is subject to fluctuations ; 1 Barometer, weight measurer. BAROMETER. 51 this shows that the atmospheric pressure is subject to variations from various causes. The barometer is always a faithful moni- tor of all changes in atmospheric pressure. It is also service- able as a weather indicator. Not that any particular point at which mercury may stand foretells any particular kind of weather, but any sudden change in the barometer indicates a change in the weather. A rapid fall of mercury generally fore- bodes a storm, while a rising column indicates clearing weather. If the barometer is carried up a mountain, it is found that the mercury constantly falls as the ascent increases. This shows that the pressure is greater near the bottom of the aerial *>cean than near its top. It is found that the pressure increases very rapidly near the bottom, as may be understood by studying Figure 31. The shading shows the variation in density of the air. The figures in the left margin show the hight of the atmos- phere, in miles ; those on the right the corresponding hight of the mercury, in inches. The average hight of the mercurial column, at the level of the sea, is about 76 cm (80 inches). It will be seen that the density at a hight of 3 miles is but little more than J the density at the sea-level ; at 6 miles, ; at 9 miles, % ; at 15 miles, -^ ; at 35 miles it is calculated to be only 3-^77, so that the greatest part of the atmosphere must be within that distance of the surface of the earth. On the other hand, if an opening could be made in the earth, 35 miles in depth below the sea-level, it is calculated that the density of the air at the bottom would be 1,000 times greater than at the sea level, so that water would float in it. Air has been compressed to this density. To what hight the atmosphere extends is unknown. It is variously estimated at from 50 to 200 miles. If the aerial ocean were of uniform density, and of the same density that it is at the sea-level, its depth would be a little short of five miles. Certain peaks of the Himalayas would rise above it. It may be readily seen that hights of mountains may be measured approxi- mately by the aid of a barometer. 52 DYNAMICS. QUESTIONS. 1. A person on the top of Mt. Blanc would take in what portion of the air, on expanding his lungs to a certain extent, that he would at the bottom ? 2. How would this affect breathing, considering that a person re- quires a definite amount of air in a given time, in order to sustain life? 3. A person ascending 6 miles in a balloon leaves what proportiona\ part of the whole mass of air below him ? 4. When the barometric column stands at 492 mm , what is the atmos- pheric pressure in grams per square centimeter ? 5. A barometer carried into a mine stands at 982 ram ; what is the atmospheric pressure in the mine ? , U 48. Compressibility and expansibility of gases. The increase of pressure attending the increase in depth, in both liquids and gases, is readily explained by the fact that the lower layers of fluids sustain the weight of all the layers above. Con< sequently, if the body of fluid is of uniform density, as is very nearly the case in liquids, the pressure will increase in nearly the same ratio as the depth increases. But the aerial ocean is far from being of uniform density, in consequence of the extreme compressibility of gaseous matter. The contrast between water and air, in this respect, may be seen in the fact that water, sub- jected to a pressure of one atmosphere, contracts .0000457 of its volume ; under the same circumstances, air contracts one- half. For most practical purposes, we may regard the density of water at all depths as uniform, while it is far otherwise in large masses of gases. The pressure at different depths in liquids may be illustrated by piling several bricks one on another, when the pressures that different bricks sustain vary directly with their depths below the upper surface of the pile. On the other hand, pressure of gases at different depths may be illustrated by piling fleeces of wool one on another. Since the volume of each successive fleece varies with the weight it bears, the pressures which differ- ent fleeces sustain are not proportional to their respective depths COMPKESSIBILITY AND EXPANSIBILITY OF GASES. 53 below the upper surface of the pile. At twice the depth, there would be much more than twice the pressure, because the lower point would sustain more than twice the number of fleeces. Closely allied to compressibility is the elasticity of gases, or their power to recover their former volume after compression. The elasticity of all fluids is perfect. By this is meant, that the force exerted in expansion is always equal to the force used in compression ; and that, however much a fluid is compressed, it will always completely regain its former bulk when the pressure is removed. Liquids are perfectly elastic ; but, inasmuch as they are perceptibly compressed only under tremendous pres- sure, they are regarded as practically incompressible, and so it is rarely necessary to consider their elasticity. It has alread} 7 been stated (page 17) that matter in a gaseous state expands indefi- nitely, unless restrained by external force. The atmosphere is confined to the earth by the force of gravit}'. Experiment. Partially fill an india-rubber balloon with air, and tightly close it. What is the external force that prevents the air in the balloon from expanding and completely in- flating the balloon ? Place it under the glass receiver of an air-pump (Fig. 32), and ex- haust the air; the balloon becomes com- pletely distended, and possibly bursts. Before it is placed under the receiver, the balloon Fig 33 sustains a pressure of 15 pounds on every square inch. What prevents a col- lapse under this pressure ? Inasmuch as the balloon shows no signs of disten- tion, or collapse, until placed under the receiver, it would seem that this great outward pressure is exactly balanced by the tension of the air within. Glass-blowers prepare thin glass bottles (Fig. 33) for the purpose of illustrating the tension of air. Containing air of ordinary density, they are sealed and placed under the receiver of an 54 DYNAMICS. Fig. 34. air-pump; the surrounding air (in other words, +he outside pressure) is removed, and the enclosed air then bursts the bottles, throwing frag- ments of glass in all directions. At every point, then, in a body of air, forces are acting out- wards. The air is somewhat like a spring coiled up, and ready to relax itself, when opportunity is given. Since this elastic force at the bottom of the column exactly balances the force o.' gravity acting on the whole column, i.e., equals the weight of the whole' column, it follows that, at the sea-level, the elastic force of air is ordinarily l k per square centimeter. 49. Air-pump. The air-pump, as its name implies, is used to withdraw air from a closed vessel. Figure 34 will serve to illustrate its oper- ation. R is a glass receiver from which air is to be exhausted . B is a hollow cylin- der of brass, called the pump-barrel. A plug P, called a pis- ton, is fitted to the interior of the barrel, and can be moved up and down by the handle H ; s and t are valves. A valve acts on the principle of a door intended to open or close a passage. If you walk against a door on one side, it opens and allows you to pass ; but if you walk against it on the other side, it closes the passage, and stops your progress. Suppose the piston to be in the act of descending. The compression of the air in B closes the valve , and opens the valve s, and the enclosed air escapes. After the piston reaches the bottom of the barrel, it begins its ascent ; when the air above the piston, in attempting to rush down THE AIR-PUMP. 55 to fill the vacuum that is formed between the bottom of the barrel and the piston, closes the valve s. But as soon as a vacuum is formed above , and the downward pressure on the valve removed, the air in R expands, opens the valve , and fills the space in B that would otherwise be a vacuum. But, as the air in R expands, it becomes rarefied ; and, as there is less air, so there is less tension. The external pressure of the air on R, being no longer balanced by the tension of the air within, presses the receiver firmly upon the plate L. Each repetition of a double stroke of the piston removes a portion of the air remain- ing in R. The air is removed from R by its own expansion. However far the process of exhaustion may be carried, the receiver will always be filled with air, although it may be exceed- ingly rarefied. The operation of exhaustion is practically ended when the tension of the air in R becomes too feeble to lift the valve t. D is another receiver, opening into the tube T, that connects the receiver with the barrel. Inside the receiver is placed a barometer. It is apparent that air is exhausted from D as well as from R ; and, as the pressure is removed from the surface of the mercury in the cup, the barometric column falls ; so that the barometer serves as a gauge to indicate the approximation to a vacuum. For instance, when the mercury has fallen 380 mm (15 inches), one-half of the air has been removed. QUESTIONS. 1. Why is it difficult for a person to lift the receiver from the pump after the air is exhausted from it ? 2. Why is it easily raised before the air is exhausted ? 3. Suppose that the air in the pump-barrel, when the piston is raised, is one-eighth of all the air in the pump, including the air in the receiv- ers ; what portion of the air is removed by the first double stroke ? 4. What portion of the original amount of air is removed at the second double stroke? 5. Which double stroke removes the most air ? 6. If there were no force required to lift the valve t, why could not a perfect vacuum be obtained ? 56 DYNAMICS. Fig. 35. 7. It is a very good pump that reduces the hight of the mercurial column to 3 mm . What portion of the air has been removed in that case ? An absolute vacuum nas never been attained. The difficulty may be readily understood. According to the most recent cal- culations, the number of molecules contained in a cubic centimeter of air of ordinary density is some- thing like 21,000,000,000,000,- 000,000 (twenty-one million tril- lion) ; consequently, when it is reduced to one-millionth its us- ual density, 21,000,000,000,000 (twenty-one trillion) molecules are still left. The exhaustion may be carried much farther than by purety mechanical means, by heating a piece of charcoal in the receiver while the pumping is going on. Heat expels the air in its pores. After the pumping has ceased, the charcoal is al- lowed to cool, when it condenses a large portion of the remaining air in its pores. (See 37, page 38.) A very cheap and efficient sub- stitute for an air-pump for many purposes may be arranged as in Figure 35, in which a is an elevated tank of water having a faucet b by which the rapidity of the flow of water may be regu- lated. The tube c should be as long as the hight of the room will admit, and its lower end should dip into a cup of water d. To the end of the branch-pipe e there may be connected, by means of rubber tubing ft, a glass tube leading to a vessel #, from which air is to be exhausted. Water falling freely through a MAKIOTTE'S LAW. 57 vertical tube exerts no lateral pressure ; consequently there is no tendency to enter the branch e. As the water in falling increases in velocity, it tends to separate, leaving between the cylinders of water vacuous spaces. The lower end of the pipe c being immersed in water, air cannot enter there ; Fig 36 but the air in the receiver g expands and rushes through the tube e, to fill these vacua, and thus exhaustion is effected. In SprengePs air-pump mercury is substituted for water, and air is reduced by it to less than one-millionth its usual density. Experiment 1. Take a glass tube (Fig. 36) , having a bulb blown at one end. Nearly fill it with water, so that when inverted there will be only a bubble of air in the bulb. Insert the open end in a glass of water, place under a receiver, and exhaust. Nearly all the water will leave the bulb and tube. Why? What will happen when air is admitted to the receiver? Experiment 2. Through a cork of a tightly-stopped bottle pass one arm of a U-shaped glass tube C (Fig. 37). Introduce the other arm into the empty Fi &- 37 - vessel B. Place the whole under a glass receiver, and exhaust the air. What phe- nomena will occur? What will happen when air is admitted to the receiver? 50. Maftotte's Law. The experiment illustrated by Figure 32 showed that the volume of a given body of gas depends upon the pres- sure to which it is subjected. To find more exactly the relation between these quantities, proceed as follows : Experiment 1. Take a bent glass tube (Fig. 38), the short arm being closed, and the long arm, which should be at least 85 cm long, being open at the top. Pour mercury into the tube till the surfaces in the two arms stand at zero. Now the surface in the long arm supports the weight of an atmosphere. Therefore the tension of the air en- 58 DYNAMICS. Fig. 38. closed in the short arm, which exactly balances it, must be about 15 pounds to the square inch. Next pour mercury into the long arm till the surface in the short arm reaches 5, or till the volume of air enclosed is reduced one-half, when it will be found that the hight of the column A C is just equal to the hight of the barometric column at the time the experiment is performed. It now appears that the tension of the air in A B balances the atmospheric pressure, plus a column of mercury A C, which is equal to another atmosphere ; .*. the tension of the air in A B = two atmospheres. But the air has been compressed into half the space it formerly occupied, and is, consequently, twice as dense. If the length and strength of the tube would admit of a column of mercury above the surface in the short arm equal to twice A C, the air would be compressed into one-third its original bulk; and, inasmuch as it would balance a pressure of three atmospheres, its tension would be increased three- fold. Experiment 2. Next take a glass tube (Fig. 39) open at both ends, and about 24 inches long. Tie three strings around the tube, one 3 inches from the top, another 6 inches, and the third 21 inches. Nearly fill a glass jar, B, 25 inches high with mercury. Lower the tube into the mercury till it reaches the string at 3. Press a finger firmly over the up- per end, and raise the tube till the string at 21 is on a level with the surface of the mer- cury in the jar. The mercury in the tube will stand at 6. At first the air enclosed in the tube between 3 and the finger withstands an upward pressure of the mer- cury sufficient to sustain a column of mercury 30 inches high, or one atmosphere. When the tube is raised and the mercury stands at 6, 15 inches high, one-half of that upward pressure is exerted in sustaining the 15 inches of mercury, and the other half is exerted on the enclosed QUESTIONS. 59 air. But the pressure on the air is reduced one-half, while the volume is doubled. The results of the two sets of experiments may be tabu- lated as follows : Pressure . Volume . Density . , Elastic force i, J, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. 3, 2, 1, J, J, i, &c. J, }, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. J, i, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. From these results we learn that, at twice the pressure there is half the volume, while the density and elastic force are doubled. At half the pressure the volume is doubled, and the density and elastic force are reduced one-half. Hence the law : The volume of a body of gas varies inversely as the pres- sure^ density, or elastic force. This is sometimes called Mariotte's, and sometimes Boyle's, law, from the names of the two men who discovered it at about the same time. This law is true for all gases within certain limits, but under extreme pressure the reduction in volume is greater than indicated by it. The greatest deviation from it occurs with those gases that are most easily liquefied. QUESTIONS. 1. Into the neck of a bottle partly filled with water (Fig. 40), in- sert a cork very tightly, through which passes a glass tube nearly to the bottom of the bottle. Blow forci- bly into the bottle. On removing the mouth, water will flow through the tube in a stream. Why? 2. How can an ounce of air, in a closed fragile vessel, sus- tain the outside pressure of the atmosphere, amounting to several tons? . 3. What drives the pellets from a pop-gun ? 4. Figure 41 represents a dropping-bottle, much used in chemical laboratories. Why do bubbles of air force their way down into the liquid? 5. Stop the upper orifice, and the liquid will quickly cease to drop. Why? Tig. 40. Fig. 41. 60 DYNAMICS. 6. The inconvenience arising, in many culinary and laboratory oper- ations, from water " boiling away," may be remedied as represented in Figure 42. A bottle filled with water is so suspended that its mouth Fig 42 is J ust below ^ e surface of the boiling liquid. As the water evaporates, and its surface falls below the mouth of the bottle, an air-bubble enters the bottle, expands, and pushes out enough water to cover once more the mouth of the bottle. Why does not the air push out all the water from the bottle? 7. Figure 43 represents a weight-lifter. Into a hollow cylinder s is fitted air-tight a piston t. The cylinder is connected with an air-pump by a rubber tube u. When air is exhausted the piston rises, lift- ing the heavy weight attached to it. Why? 8. If the area of the lower surface of the piston is 20eath him. 66. All matter is in motion. There is no such thing as absolute rest in the universe. There is no use for the word rest, ex- cept to indicate, with reference to each other, the condition of objects that are moving in the same direction and with the same velocuVv. For example, a span of horses drawing a car- riage, at the rate of ten miles an hour, are at rest with reference to each other and the carriage. The stars, that compose the heavenly constellations, maintain punctiliously their relative positions, while they sweep with prodigious velocities through space. The phrase " at rest" can only be used in an extremely limited sense, and in common language refers only to the condi- tion of an object with reference to that on which it stands, as a car, deck of a ship, or surface of the earth. It is only by putting entirely out of mind the motions of the earth that we can speak of any terrestrial object as being at rest. Not only is there motion of mass as a whole, or visible me- chanical motion, but there is a motion of the molecules within the mass, an invisible molecular motion called heat. We cannot see the movements of the molecules of steam, but we VELOCITY. 87 know that they exist by their great power, manifested in moving machinery. 67. Velocity. Uniform and varied motion. All motion takes time ; hence the term velocity, which refers to the space traversed in a unit of time. Motion may be uniform or varied : uniform, when an object traverses successively equal spaces in all equal intervals of time ; varied, when unequal spaces are traversed in any equal intervals of time. Varied motion may be accelerated or retarded : accelerated, when the spaces traversed increase at each successive interval of time ; retarded, when the}- diminish. The motion of a train of cars, in starting from a station is at first accelerated, afterwards tolerably uniform, and when the brakes are applied, it becomes retarded. Strictly speaking, all motions are varied ; there is no illustration of absolutely uniform motion in Nature nor in art, though we may conceive of its possibility and have very closely approximated to it. The velocity of a body having accelerated or retarded motion can be given only at some definite point by an estimate of the distance it would traverse in a unit of time, were it to continue in uniform motion at the speed it has at that point. For instance, a railway train passes us, and we estimate that its velocity is 30 miles an hour, although in a few minutes its speed may be reduced to 10 miles an hour, and a little later it may come to rest. When we assign a velocity of 30 miles an hour, we have no thought of whether it will run 30 miles during the next hour, or whether it will run an hour ; we mean that, should it retain its present speed, it will be 30 miles away from us at the end of au hour. VIII. FIRST LAW OF MOTION. INERTIA. Now, what is it that sets in motion that which was previously at rest? We may call it force; but what idea does this term convey? Let us question our own experience. We leave an apple lying upon a table ; have we not entire confidence that it will continue to lie there, unless disturbed by some other body ? If on returning we find it gone, are we not sure that it has been removed by the action of some body other than itself? An 88 DYNAMICS. apple falls to the ground, and although the action is one of the most mysterious in all nature, yet do we not almost instinctively trace the cause to some action between the apple and the earth ? The ball at rest is put in motion by a bat ; but must not the bat first be put in motion ? And when we find the cause of its mo- tion, is it not an antecedent motion in some other object? We conclude, then (1), that motion cannot originate in an object isolated from all others, but it always arises from MUTUAL action between at least two bodies. Again, the bat, having received motion, is capable of impart- ing motion to the ball ; but, having set in motion one ball, is it equally capable of putting in motion another ball ? Can a mass impart motion and retain all its motion? Is it not like a com- mercial transaction, a trade, to which there are two parties, one a buyer and the other a seller? that is, are not all transactions between the parties (i.e., the mover and the moved) of the na- ture of a transfer, which should be entered on the debit side of one's account, and the credit side of the other's? We conclude (2) that motion in one body is caused only by another body's parting with some of its power of producing motion. If a sled, on which a child is sitting, is suddenly put in mo- tion, the child is left in the place from which the sled started. If the child and sled are both in motion, and the sled is sud- denly stopped, the child lands some distance ahead. If the sled is started slowty, the child partakes of the motion of the sled, and is carried along with it; and if the sled gradually stops, the child's motion is gradually checked, and it retains its place on the sled. This shows (3) that masses of matter receive motion gradually and surrender it gradually. Even very small bodies require time to start and to stop. The sand- blast, employed for engraving figures on glass, furnishes a fine illus- tration of this fact. A box of fine quartz-sand is placed in an elevated position. A long tube extends vertically down from the bottom of this box. The plate of glass to be engraved is covered with a thin layer of melted wax. When cool, the design is sketched with a sharp-pointed FIRST LAW OF MOTION. 89 instrument, in the wax, leaving the glass exposed only where the lines are traced. The plate is then placed beneath the orifice of the tube, and exposed to a shower of sand. The velocity of the sand-grains is not at its maximum at the start, but is constantly accelerated till they reach the plate, where their velocity in turn is gradually given up. The wax, on account of its yielding nature, gradually brings them to rest; but the glass, notwithstanding its hardness, cannot stop them quite at its surface ; and, therefore, it suffers a chipping action from the sand. Thus the soft wax affords a protection from the action of the falling sand of all parts except those intended to be cut. A still greater force is generally given to the sand by steam blown through the tube. For this reason the apparatus is called a sand-blast. Hard metals like steel are engraved in the same manner. Yet the hand may be held in the blast several seconds without injury. (What is the difference in the effects of catching a base-ball with hands held rigidly extended, and allowing the hands to yield somewhat to the motion of the ball?) Roll a marble on a carpet, it soon stops ; roll it on a smooth marble floor, it rolls much farther. On a perfectly smooth sur- face it might roll for hours. If we could provide such a surface, and dispense with the resistance of the air, how long would it roll? These conditions are impracticable? True. But have not the heavenly bodies rolled for millions of years through fric- tionless space, unchecked because unimpeded? Motion unobstructed is perpetual. Motion undisturbed is in a straight line. Along which will a marble roll more nearly in a straight line, a smooth or a rough floor? What if the floor were perfectly smooth? The relations between matter and force are admirably and concisely expressed in what are known as Newton's Three Laws of Motion. 68. First Law of Motion. A body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion moves with uniform velocity in a straight line, unless acted upon by some external force to change its condition. That part of the law which pertains to motion is briefly summarized in the familiar expression, " perpetual motion." " Is perpetual motion pos- 90 DYNAMICS. sible?" has been often asked. The answer is simple, Yes, more than possible, necessary, if no force interferes to prevent. What has a person to do who would establish perpetual motion? Isolate a moving body from interference of all external forces, such as gravity, friction, and resistance of the air. Can the condition be fulfilled? In consequence of its utter inability to put itself in motion or to stop itself, every body of matter tends to remain in the state that it is in with reference to motion or rest ; this inability is called inertia. Evidently the term ought never to be employed to denote a hindrance to motion or rest. The First Law of Motion is often appropriately called the Law of Inertia. IX. SECOND LAW OF MOTION, AND APPLICATIONS. If a person wished to describe to }^ou the motion of a ball struck by a bat, he would be obliged to tell you three things : (1) where it started, (2) in what direction it moved, and (3) how ri 70 far it went. These three essential elements may be represented graphi- cally by lines. Thus, suppose balls at A and D (Fig. 70) to be struck by bats, and that they move respec- tively to B and E in one second. Then the points A and D are their starting-points ; the lines A B and D E represent the direc- tion of their motions, and the lengths of the lines represent both the distances traversed and the relative intensities of the forces applied. In reading, the direction should be indicated by the order of the letters, as AB and DE. Let a force whose intensity may be represented numerically by 8 (e.g., 8 g ), acting in the direction AB (Fig. 71), be applied continuously to a ball starting at A, and suppose this force capa- ble of moving it to B in one second ; now, at the end of the second let a force of the intensity 4, directed at right angles to the direc- tion of the former force, act during a second, it would move the ball to C. If, however, when the ball is at A, both of these forces should be applied at the same time, then at the end of a COMPOSITION OF FORCES. 91 second the ball will be found at C. Its path will not be AB nor AD, but an intermediate one, AC. Still, each force produces in effect its own separate result, for neither alone would carry it to C, but both are required. Hence, the 69. Second law of motion. A given force has the same effect in producing motion, whether the body on which it acts is in motion or at rest; whether it is acted upon by that force alone, or by others at the same time. 70. Composition of forces. It is evident that a single force, applied in the direction AC (Fig. 71), might produce the same result that is produced by the two forces AB and AD. Such a force is called a resultant. A resultant is a single force, that may be substituted for two or more forces, and produce the same result that the combined forces produce. The several forces that contribute to produce the resultant are called its components. When the components are given, and the resultant required, the problem is called composition of forces. The resultant of two forces acting at an angle to each other is always a diagonal of a parallelogram, of which the components form two adjacent sides. Thus, the lines AD and AB represent respectively the direction and relative intensity of each component, and AC represents the direction and intensity of the resultant. The numerical value of the resultant may be found by com- paring the length of the line A C with the length of either A B or AD, whose numerical values are known. Thus, AC is 2.23 times AD ; hence, the numerical value of the resultant AC is 4x 2.23 = 8.92. When the components act at right angles to each other, as in Figure 71, the resultant divides the parallelogram into two equal right-angled triangles ; and the intensity of the resultant may be 92 DYNAMICS. found by calculating the hypothenuse, having two sides of either triangle given. Thus, V4 2 -f-8 2 = 8.9+ the numerical value of the resultant AC. Copy upon paper and find the resultant of the components AB and AC, in each of the four diagrams in Figure 72. Also Fig. 72. assign appropriate numerical values to each component, and find the corresponding numerical value of each resultant. When more than two components are given, find the resultant of any two of them, then of this resultant and a third, 'and so on till every component has been used. Thus, in Figure 73, AC is the resultant of AB and AD, and AF is the resultant of AC and AE, i.e., of the three forces AB, AD, and AE. (Invent several problems similar to this, in which three, four, or more forces are to be combined, and work out the results.) Generally speaking, a motion may be the result of any number of forces. When we see a body in motion, we cannot determine by its behavior how many forces have concurred to produce its motion. 71. Resolution of forces. Assume that a ball moves a certain distance in a certain direction, AC (Fig. 74), and that one of the forces that produces this motion is represented, in intensity and direction, by the line AB; what must be the BESOLUTION OF FORCES. 93 intensity and direction of the other force? Since AC is the resultant of two forces acting at an angle to each other ( 70), it is the diagonal of a paral- lelogram of which AB is one of the sides. From C, draw CD parallel and equal to BA, and complete the par- allelogram by connecting the points B and C, and A and D. Then, according to the principle of composition of forces, AD represents the intensit}' and direction of the force which, combined with the force AB, would move the ball from A to C. The component AB being given, no other single force than AD will satisfy the question. Had the question been, What forces can produce the motion AC? an infinite number of answers might be given. In a like manner, if the question were, What numbers added together will produce 50? the answer might be 20+30, 40 + 10, 20 + 20 + 10, and so on, ad Infinitum; but if the question were, What number added to 30 will produce 50? only one answer could be given. Experiment. Verify the preceding propositions in the following manner : From pegs A and B Fi (Fig. 75), in the frame of a blackboard, suspend a known weight W, (say) 10 pounds, by means of two strings con- nected at C. In each of these strings insert dynamometers 1 x and y. Trace upon the black- board short lines along the strings from the point C, to indicate the direction of the two component forces ; also trace the line CD, in continuation of the line WC, to indicate the direction and intensity of the resultant. Remove jJie dynamometers, 1 Dynamometer, force-measurer. The most common form is a spring balance. 94 DYNAMICS. extend the lines (as Ca and C6), and on these construct a parallelogram, from the extremities of the line C D regarded as a diagonal. It will be found that 10: number of pounds indicated by the dynamometer x : : C D : Ca ; also that 10 : number of pounds indicated by the dyna- mometer y : : CD: Cb. Again, it is plain that a single force of 10 pounds must act in the direction C D to produce the same result that is produced by the two components. Hence, when two sides of a parallelo- gram represent the intensity and direction of two component forces, the diagonal represents the resultant. Vary the problem by suspending the strings from different points, as E and F, A and F, etc. 72. Composition of parallel forces. If the strings CA and CB (Fig. 75) are brought near to each other, as when sus- pended from B and E, so that the angle formed by them is diminished, the component forces, as indicated by the dyna- mometers, will decrease, till the two forces become parallel, when the sum of the components just equals the weight W. Hence, (1) two or more forces applied to a body act to the greatest advantage when they are parallel, and in the same direction, in which case their resultant equals their sum. On the other hand, if the strings are separated from each other, so as to increase the angle formed by them, the forces necessary to support the weight increase until they become ex- actly opposite each other, when tbe two forces neutralize each other, and none is exerted in an upward direction to support the weight. If the two strings are attached to opposite sides of the weight (the weight being supported by a third string), and pulled with equal force, the weight does not move. But if one is pulled with a force of 15 pounds, and tbe other with a force of 10 pounds, the weight moves in the direction of the greater force ; and if a third dynamometer is attached to the weight, on the side of the weaker force, it is found that an additional force of 5 pounds must be applied to prevent motion. Hence, (2) when two or more forces are applied to a body, they act to greater disadvantage the farther their directions are removed from one another; and the result of parallel forces acting in opposite direc- tions is motion in the direction of the greater force, proportionate to their difference. COUPLE. 95 When parallel forces are not applied at the same point, the question arises, What will be the point of application of their resultant ? To the opposite extremities of a bar A B apply two sets of weights, which Fig. 76. shall be to each other as 3:1. The resultant is a single force, applied at some point between A and B. To find this point it is only necessary to find a point where a single force, applied in an opposite direction, will prevent motion resulting from the parallel forces ; in other words, to find a point where a support may be applied so that the whole will be balanced. That point is found by trial to be at the point C, which divides the bar into two parts so that AC : CB : : 1 : 3. Hence, (3) when two parallel forces act upon a body in the same direction, the distances of their points of application from the point of application of their resultant are inversely as their intensities. The dynamometer E indicates that a force equal to the sum of the two sets of weights is necessar}^ to balance the two forces. A force whose effect is to balance the effects of several compo- nents is called an equilibrant. The resultant of the two com- ponents is a single force, equal to their sum, applied at C in the direction CD. 73. Couple. If two equal, parallel, and' opposite forces are applied to opposite extremities of a stick AB (Fig. 77), no single force can be applied so as to keep the stick from moving ; there will be no motion of translation, but simply a rotation around its middle point C. Such a pair of forces, equal, parallel, and opposite, is called a couple. 96 DYNAMICS. PROBLEMS, ETC. 1. A man and a boy, grasping opposite ends of a pole 3 m long, sup- port thereon a weight of 50 k between them. Where should the weight be placed that the boy may support 20 k ? 2. If the weight were placed 40 cm from the man, how much would each support? 3. Suppose that a boat is headed directly across a river half a mile wide, and is rowed with a velocity that would land it upon the opposite shore in half an hour, if there were no current; but the current carries the boat down the stream at the rate of one mile an hour. Where will the boat land? 4. How far will it travel? 5. How long will it be in crossing the river? 6. A ship is sailing due south-east at the rate of 10 miles per hour, what is its southerly velocity ? 7. Find, both by construction and calculation, the intensity of two forces, acting at right angles to each other, that will support a weight of 15 pounds. 8. Verify the results with dynamometers. X. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE SECOND LAW OF MO- TION. CENTER OF GRAVITY. Let Figure 78 represent any body of matter ; for instance, a stone. Every molecule of the body is acted upon by the force Fi 78 of gravity ; tbe intensity of this force is measured by the weight of the molecule. The forces of gravity of all the molecules form a set of parallel forces acting verti- cally downward, the resultant of which equals their sum, and has the same direction as its components. The resultant has a definite point of application in whatever i position the body may be, and this point is called its center of gravity. The center of gravity (e.g.) of a body is, therefore, the point of application of the resultant of all these forces; and for many purposes the whole weight of the body may be supposed to be concentrated at its center of gravity. Hence mathematicians, by the place of a body, usually mean that point where the c. g. is situated. CENTER OF GRAVITY. 97 Let G in the figure represent this point. For many practical purposes, then, we may consider that gravit}^ acts only upon this point, and in the direction GF. If the stone falls freely, this point cannot, in obedience to the first law of motion, deviate from a vertical path, however much the body may rotate during its fall. Inasmuch, then, as the e.g. of a falling body always describes a definite path, a line GF that represents this path, or the path in which a body supported tends to move, is called the line of direction. It is evident that if a force equal to its own weight and opposite in direction is applied to a body anywhere in the line of direction (or its continuation), this force will be the equi- librant of the forces of gravity ; in other words, the body sub- jected to such a force is in equilibrium, and is said to be sup- ported ^ and the equilibrant is called its supporting force. To support any body, then, it is only necessary to provide a support for its center of gravity. The supporting force must be applied somewhere in the line of direction, otherwise the body will fall. Experiment. Place a stick of wood, two meters long, horizontally across the tip end of a finger. When you succeed in getting the finger directly under its e.g., it will rest, but not till then. The difficulty of poising a book, or any other object, on the end of a finger, consists wholly in keeping the support under the center of gravity. Figure 79 represents a toy called a "witch," consisting of a cj'linder of pith terminating in a Fig 79 hemisphere of lead. The toy will not lie in the position shown in the figure on a horizontal surface 6, because the support is not applied immediately under its e.g. at G ; but, when placed horizontally, it immedi- ately assumes a vertical position. It appears to the observer to rise ; but, regarded in a mechanical sense, it really falls, be- cause its e.g., where all the weight is supposed to be concen- trated, takes a lower position. 98 DYNAMICS. Whether a body ivill stand or fall depends upon whether or not its line of direction falls within its base. The base of a body is not necessarily limited to that part of the under surface of a body that touches its support. For example, place a string around the four legs of a table close to the floor : the rectangular figure bounded by the string is the base of the table. (What is the base of a man when standing on one foot ? on two feet ?) 74. How to find the center of gravity of a body. Experiment. Attach a string to a potato by means of a tack, as in Figure 80, and suspend from the hand. When the potato comes to rest there will be an equilibrium of forces, and the e.g. must be in the same line with the equilibrant of gravity ; hence, if a knitting- needle is thrust vertically through the po- tato from a, so as to represent a continua- tion of the vertical line oa, the e.g. must lie somewhere in the path an made by the needle. Suspend the potato from some other point, as 6, and a needle thrust verti- cally through the potato from 6 will also pass through the e.g. Since the e.g. lies in both the lines an and 6s, it must be at c, their point of intersection. It will be found that, from whatever point the potato is supported, the point c will always be vertically under the point of support. On the same principle the e.g. of any body is found. But the e.g. of a body may not be coincident with any particle of the body; for example, the e.g. of a ring, a hollow sphere, etc. 75. Three states of equilibrium. The weight of a body is a force tending downward ; hence, a body tends to as- sume a position such that its e.g. will be as low as possible. Experiment 1. Try to support a ring on the end of a stick, as at b (Fig. 81). If you can keep the support exactly under the e.g. of the ring, there will be an equilibrium of forces, and the ring will remain at rest. But if it is slightly disturbed, the equilibrium will be destroyed, and the ring will fall. Support it at a ; in this position its e.g. is as low as possible, and any disturbance will raise its e.g. ; but, in conse- STABILITY OF BODIES. 99 quence of the tendency of the e.g. to get as low as possible, it will quickly fall back into its original position. A body is said to be in stable equilibrium, if its position is such that a disturbance would raise its _,. e.g., since in that event it would tend to return to its original position. On the other hand, a body is said to be in un- stable equilibrium when a disturbance would lower its e.g., since it would not return to its original position. A body is said to be in neutral or in- different equilibrium when it rests equally well in any position in which it may be placed. A sphere of uniform density, resting on a horizontal plane, is in neutral equilibrium, because its e.g. is neither raised nor lowered by a change of base. Like- wise, when the support is applied at the e.g., as when a wheel is supported by an axle, the body is in neutral equilibrium. It is evident that, if the e.g. is below the support, as in the last experiment with the ring, the equilibrium must be stable; but, as in Figure 79, a body may be in stable equilibrium, though its e.g. is above the point of support. (When is this possible?) It is difficult to balance a lead-pencil on the end of a finger ; but by attaching two knives to it, as in Figure 82, the e.g. may be brought below the support, and it may then be rocked to and fro without falling. 76. Stability of bodies. The ease or diffi- culty with which bodies supported at their bases are overturned depends upon the hight to which their e.g. must be raised in overturning them. The let- ter c (Fig. 83) marks the position of the e.g. of each of the four bodies A, B, C, and D. To turn any one of these bodies over, its e.g. must pass through the arc ci, and be raised through the hight ai. By comparing A with B, and supposing them to be 100 DYNAMICS. of equal weight, we learn that of two bodies of equal liiglit and weight, the e.g. of that body which has the larger base must be raised higher, and is, therefore, overturned with greater difficulty. A comparison of A and C, supposing them to be of equal weight, shows that when two bodies have equal bases and weights, the higher body is more easily overturned. D and C have equal bases and hights, but D is made heavy at the bottom, and thi? lowers its e.g. and gives it greater stability. Fig. 83. QUESTIONS. 1. Where is the e.g. of a box? 2. Why is a pyramid a very stable structure ? 3. What is the object of ballast in a vessel 't 4. State several ways of giving stability to an inkstand? 5. (a) In what position would you place a cone on a horizontal plane, that it may be in stable equilibrium ? (&) That it may be in neu- tral equilibrium ? (c) That it may be in unstable equilibrium ? 6. In loading a wagon, where should the heavy luggage be placed ? Why? 7. Why are bipeds slower in learning to walk than quadrupeds ? 8. Why is mercury placed in the bulb of a hydrometer ? 9. How will a man rising in a boat affect its stability ? 10. Which is more liable to be overturned, a load of hay or a load of stone of equal weight ? 11. (a) How would you place a book upon a table, that it may be in stable equilibrium ? (6) That it may be in unstable equilibrium? CURVILINEAR MOTION. > ^ , , , 101 XI. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE SECONlV LAW (tf MOTION. CURVILINEAR MOTION. According to the first law of motion, every moving body pro- ceeds in a straight line, unless compelled to depart from it by some external force. If the external force is continuous, i.e., acts at every point, the direction is changed at every point, and the result is a curvilinear motion; and if the force is constant, and acts at right angles to the path, the curve becomes a circle. Thus, suppose a ball at A (Fig. 84) , suspended by a string from a point d, to be struck by a bat, in a manner that would cause it to move in the direction Ao. path by the tension of the string, which operates like a force drawing it toward Fig. si. d. It therefore takes, in obedience to the two forces, an intermediate course toward c. At c its motion is in the di- rection en, in which path it would move, but for the string, in accordance with the first law of motion. Here, again, it is compelled to take an intermediate path toward e. Thus, at every point, the tendency of the moving body is to preserve the direction it has at that point, and consequently to move in a straight line. The only reason it does not so move, is that it is at every point forced -from its natural path by the pull of the string. But if, when the ball reaches the point z, the string is cut, the ball, having no force operating to change its mo- tion, continues in the direction in which it is moving at that point; i.e., in the direction ih, which is a tangent to its former circular path. This tendency of a body moving in a curvilinear path to fly off in a straight line has been erroneously attributed to a sup- posed "centrifugal force," which is constantly urging it away from the center, its escape being prevented only by a force pulling it toward the center. Centrifugal force has in reality no existence ; the results that 102 c c . t c t : DYNAMICS. , ^re commonly attributed to it are due entirely to the tendency 'of inoviug bodies' to move in straight lines in consequence of their inertia. If a moving bodj 7 is to describe a curvilinear path, a force called a centripetal force must be constantly applied to it at an angle to its otherwise straight path. [We shall make use of the expression centrifugal force for want of a better one, and because it has obtained universal curremry.] The greater the velocity of the moving body, the greater must be the force applied to produce a given departure from a straight line. This may be- shown by suspending a weight to a dyna- mometer, and swinging them about the hand. If, when 30 revolutions are made in a minute, the force, as indicated by the dynamometer, is 4 pounds, then, on doubling its velocity, the force will be increased to 16 pounds. If the weight is doubled and the velocity remains the same, this force will be doubled. Hence, to produce circular motion, the centripetal force must be increased as the square of the velocity increases, and as the mass increases. The farther a point is from the axis of motion, 1 the farther it has to move during a rotation, consequently the greater its velocity. Hence, bodies situated at the earth's equator have the greatest velocity, due to the earth's rotation, and consequently the greatest tendency to fly off from the surface, the effect of which is to neutralize, in some measure, the force of gravity. It is calculated that a body weighs about ^^-g- less at the equator than at either pole, in consequence of the greater centrifugal force at the former place. But 289 is the square of 17; hence, if the earth's velocity were increased seventeen-fold, objects at the equator would weigh nothing. We have also learned (page 22) that a body weighs more at the poles in consequence of the oblateness of the earth. This is estimated to make a difference of about -5--^. Hence, a body will weigh at the equator about ^^ -f -^ T -|^ less than at the poles. 1 Axis, an imaginary straight line passing through a body about which it rotates. QUESTIONS. 103 Experiment. Arrange some kind of rotating apparatus, e.g., A, Figure 85. Suspend a skein of thread a by a string, and rotate ; it assumes the shape of the oblate spheroid a'. This illustrates the probable method by which the earth, on the supposition that it was once in a fluid state, assumed its present spheroidal state. (Explain.) Suspend a glass fish aquarium e, about one-tenth full of colored water, and rotate. The liquid gradually leaves the bottom, rises, and forms an QJ equatorial ring within the glass. Pass a string through the longest diameter of an onion c, and rotate; the onion gradually changes its position so as to rotate on its shortest axis. (Explain.) A chain 6 as sumes on rotation a similar position. QUESTIONS. 1. Why does not the sphere d (Fig. 85) change its position when rotated? 2. Why does the earth rotate on its shortest axis? 3. State the various facts illustrated in the act of slinging a stone. 4. (a) When will water and mud fly off from the surface of a rev volving wheel? (&) Why do they fly off? (c) In what direction do they fly ? 5. What is the force that keeps the earth and the other planets in their orbits? 6. How do you account for their curvilinear motion? 104 DYNAMICS. XII. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE SECOND LAW OF MOTION. ACCELERATED AND RETARDED MOTION. 77. Accelerated motion or velocity. So far the only case of motion under the action of a continuous force that we have studied is that of curvilinear motion, in which the force acts at an angle to the direction of the motion at every point, and so the direction of the force is constantly changing ; but if the motion takes place in the same straight line as that in which the force acts, we shall have one of the cases of varied motion referred to on page 87. Even if several men push against a heavy car we may be un- able to recognize any motion for two or three seconds ; but, if they continue to exert force upon the car, it will move with greater and greater velocity until the resisting force (which in- creases with the velocity) -becomes equal to that applied by the men. This continually increasing velocity is termed acceler- ated velocity. The most familiar illustration is that of falling bodies. We are sufficiently aware of the difference in the results that would follow a jump from a fifth-story window and a jump from a first-story window. Inasmuch as the velocity of falling bodies is so great that there is not time for accurate observation during their fall, we must resort to some method of checking their velocity, without otherwise changing the character of the fall. Experiment. Take a smooth board (Fig. 86), about 4 m long, and place it so that one end shall be about 4 cm higher than the other. Sus- pend within easy view Figt 86 ' a string (about l m long) and ball, as a pendu- lum. Set it in vibra- tion, and, at the instant the ball reaches one extremity of its arc, let a marble begin to roll down the inclined plane. Let another person mark the point on the board that the ball reaches at the end of one swing of the pendulum. Repeat the operation several times, and mark the points that it reaches ACCELERATED MOTION OR VELOCITY. 105 at the end of the second and third swings ; also verify the preceding points by several trials; if there is a difference, take the mean dis- tance between the points obtained at the end of a given swing for an approximate result. If the experiment is conducted with care, it will be found that during the first swing, which we call a unit of time (T), the marble moves through a certain space, which we represent by the expression | k ; during the second unit of time it moves through f k, three times the space that it did in the first unit of time ; and during the third unit of time it moves through | k. Arrange the results of your observations in a tabulated form as fol- lows: No. of units of time. Total distance passed over. Distance passed over in each unit; also av- erage velocity. Increase of ve- locity in each unit, i.e., ac- celeration. Velocity at the end of each unit. 1 i(HO *'!*) Hi*) 2(1*) 2 4 " 3 " 2 " 4 " 3 9 " 5 " 2 " 6 " 4 16 " 7 " 2 " 8 " etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. The marble, under the influence of gravity, starts from a state of rest, and moves through one space in a unit of time. Gravity, continuing to act, accomplishes no more nor less dur- ing any subsequent unit of time. But the marble moves through three spaces during the second unit ; hence, two of the spaces must be due to the motion it had acquired during the first unit. In other words, if the action of gravity were suspended at the end of the first unit, the marble would still move on, and would pass through two spaces during the second unit. It therefore has at the end of the first unit a velocity (V) of two spaces (k) . But it started from a state of rest ; hence the constant action of gravity causes, during the first unit, an acceleration of velocity equal to two spaces (k) ; and it causes the same acceleration during every subsequent unit. The distance k is called the ac- celeration due to the constant force. A body impelled by a single constant force, and encountering no resistances, always has a uniformly accelerated motion. 106 DYNAMICS. 78. Formulas for uniformly accelerated motion. - If we represent the distance traversed during a given unit of time by s, and the total distance the body has accomplished from the outset to the end of a given unit of time by S, we have the following formulas for solving problems of uniformly accel- erated motion (1) V=(fcx2T) = &T. (2) =J*(2T-1). (3) B = **T*> or8 = tfT*. (See 79.) 79. Velocity of a falling body independent of its mass and kind of matter. If we grasp a coin and a feather between the thumb and finger, and release both at the same in- stant, the coin will reach the floor first. It would seem as though a heavy body falls faster than a light body. Galileo was the first to show the falsity of this assumption. He let drop from an eminence iron balls of different weights : they all reached the ground at the same instant. Hence he concluded, that the velocity of a falling body is independent of its mass. (This celebrated experiment should be repeated by every student.) He also dropped balls of wax with the iron balls. The iron balls reached the ground first. Are some kinds of matter affected Fig. 87 more strongly by gravitation than others ? If a coin and a feather are placed in a long glass tube (Fig. 87), and the air exhausted, and the tube turned end for end, it wili be found that the coin and the feather will fall with equal velocities. Hence, gravity attracts all matter alike; but, inasmuch as a wax ball presents, according to the amount of matter in each, more surface for resistance of the air than an iron ball, it falls more slowly. We conclude, therefore, that all bodies fall with equal velocities in a vacuum. When the bod} T falls freely, and the unit of time is one second, we use the letter g instead of k to represent the acceleration. Experiments show that in the latitude of all the Northern States the value of g is 9.8 m , or about 32J ft. ; that is, the velocity gained if the force of gravity acts RETARDED MOTION. 107 one second is 9.8 m per second, and the body would fall in the first second 4.9' n or 16^ ft. 80. Retarded Motion. If we reverse the order of the figures in Figure 86, the same diagram will represent the motion of a body rolling upward, or the motion of a body under the influ- ence of a retarding force. The formulas given (78) for find- ing velocities, etc., of bodies having uniformly accelerated motion, may be used for finding velocities, etc., of bodies having uniformly retarded motion ; but the questions should be so framed as to be an exact converse of the questions to be solved. Thus, if we would find the velocity of a body at the end of the first second, or at the beginning of the second second, thrown upward by a force that would cause it to rise six seconds, we should calculate the velocity that a falling body has at the end of the fifth second, or at the beginning of the sixth second. PROBLEMS. (Solve these problems in both the metric and the English measures.) 1. Disregarding the resistance of the air, what distance will a body fall from a state of rest in five seconds? lftX, v "*- H* ** r* fcr* ) 3 v 2. What distance will it fall during the fifth second? 4- "***-t U fc j* 5. Under the influence of a constant force, a body moves 500 m in a impute. How far will it go in an hour? 6. What will be its velocity at the end of the first half -hour? 7. How far will it move during the fifty-ninth minute? 8. A body falls four seconds ; meantime it is acted on by a constant force which causes it to move in a horizontal direction 2 m in the first second. Where will it strike the ground? 9. What is its horizontal velocity at the end of the fourth second? 10. What is its vertical velocity at the end of the fourth second? 11. With what vertical velocity must a body start that it may ascend three seconds? 12. How far does it rise during the first second? 13. At what point does a ball shot horizontally from a gun begin to fall? 108 DYNAMICS. 81. Projectiles. Experiment. Take a bottomless tin can A (Fig. 88), and connect a rubber tube C, 2 m long, with a glass tube passing through a stopper at B, and insert a short glass tube at D. Keep the can filled with water, bend the lower part of the rubber tube at D, so as to direct the stream at different angles of elevation, and observe the peculiarities of the curves formed by the streams, and the different vertical and horizontal distances reached by each". In this experiment you have a miniature representation of the paths of all projectiles, 1 such as cannon-balls, stones thrown from the hand, etc. The horizontal distance that the projectile attains is called its range or random. Theoretically, the great- est range is obtained at an angle of 45 ; but practically, on account of the resistance of the air, it is at a little less thau 40. Fig. 88. Every projectile is acted upon by two forces : (1) the force of gravity, and (2) the resistance of the air. It also has a certain velocity and direction at the instant of projection. If this velocity and direction are known, and the resistance of the air is disregarded, the path of a projectile can be determined. Thus, suppose that a projectile is thrown from A (Fig. 89) at an * Projectile, a body thrown. PEOJECTILES. 109 angle of 45, that it is in the air six units of time, and that the vertical hights reached at the end of the first three units succes- sively, are B, C, and D. Its horizontal motion, if unimpeded, is uniform, and the corresponding points reached in that direc- tion at the same moments are (say) B', C', and D'. Combining these two motions, we obtain the points B", C", and D", reached by the projectile successively, at the end of each of the first three units of time. The force of gravity constantly acting to change its direction, it must describe, during the first three units, the curved line AB"C"D' f . Since the time of ascent and descent are equal, it must reach its greatest vertical hight at the end of the third unit, when it begins its descent. The path of descent D"E"F"G" is found in a similar manner. The path thus de- scribed is known as a parabolic curve ; but, inasmuch as this is practically modified by the resistance of the air, it in reality describes a peculiar path called a ballistic curve. The curve Fig. 89. D"E"F"G" represents also the path of a projectile thrown from D", in the direction of the line D"G', with a horizontal velocity that it would cause it to reach G' at the end of the third unit of time. An excellent verification of the second law of motion is found in the fact that a ball, projected horizontally, will reach the ground in precisely the same time that it would if dropped from a state of rest from the same hight. That is, any previous motion a body has in any direction does not affect the action of gravity upon the body. no DYNAMICS. Experiment 2. Support two iron bars, a and b (Fig. 90), bent into the form of a curve, about 3 cm apart, and so situated that a ball n, roll- ing down them, will be discharged from them iu a horizontal direction. So connect the wires of an electric battery c with these bars, that while the iron ball n rests upon them the circuit is closed, and the iron ball m is supported by the attraction of the electro-magnet e. Now allow n to roll down the curved path. When it leaves the bars, the circuit is broken, e instantly loses its power to hold m, and m drops. But both balls reach the floor at the same instant. If the horizontal velocity of n is varied, by allowing it to start at different points on the bars, so a? to cause it to describe different paths, the two balls will, in every case acquire exactly equal vertical velocities. Fig. 90. XIII. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE SECOND LAW OF MOTION. THE PENDULUM. Experiment 1. From a bracket suspend by strings leaden balls, as in Figure 91. Draw B and C one side, and to different hights, so that B may swing through a short arc, and let both drop at the same instant. C moves much faster than B, and completes a longer journey at each swing, but both complete their swing, or vibration, in the same time. Hence, (1) the time occupied by the vibration of a pendulum is independent of the length of the arc. Of only very small arcs CENTER OF OSCILLATION. Ill may this law be regarded as practically true. The pendulum requires a somewhat longer time for a long arc of vibration than for a short one, but the difference becomes perceptible only when the difference between the arcs is great, and then only after many vibrations. Experiment 2. Set all the balls swinging ; only B and C swing to- gether ; the shorter the pendulum, the Fig 9L faster it swings. Make B l m long, and F m long. "Watch in hand, count the vibrations made by B % It completes just 60 vibrations in a minute ; in other words, it " beats seconds." A pendu- lum, therefore, to beat seconds must be l m long (more accurately, .993 m , or 39.09 in.). Count the vibrations of F ; it makes 120 vibrations in the same time that B makes 60 vibrations. Make G one-ninth the length of B ; the for- mer makes three vibrations while the latter makes one, consequently the time of vibration of the former is one- third that of the latter. Hence, (2) the time of one vibra- tion of a pendulum varies as the square root of its length. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. What would be the effect if B were made twice as heavy as C? Why? 2. What is the length of a pendulum that beats half-seconds? Quar- ter-seconds? That makes one vibration in two seconds? That makes two vibrations per minute? 3. State the proportion that will give the number of vibrations per minute made by a pendulum 40* long. 82. Center of oscillation. Experiment 1. Connect six balls, at intervals of 15 cm , by passing a wire through them, after the manner of pendulum A. This forms a compound pendulum composed 112 DYNAMICS. of six simple pendulums. Set A and B vibrating; A vibrates faster than B, although their lengths are the same. Why is this? If A were actuated only by the ball /, it would vibrate in unison with B. If the ball a were free, it would move much faster than /; but, as they are constrained to move together, the tendency of a is to quicken the motion of /, and the tendency of / is to check the motion of a. But e is quickened less than /, and d less than e; on the other hand, b is checked by / less than , and c less than 6. It is apparent that there must be some point between a and /, whose velocity is neither quick- ened nor checked by the combined action of the balls above and below it, and where, if a single ball were placed, it would make the same number of vibrations in a given time that the compound pendulum does. Shorten pendulum B, and find the required point. This point is called the center of oscillation. Every compound pendulum is equivalent to a simple pendulum, whose length is equal to the distance between the center of oscilla- tion and the point of suspension of the compound pendulum. In- asmuch as the distance between the point of suspension and the center of oscillation determines the rate of vibration, whenever the expression length of pendulum is used, it must be understood to mean this distance. Strictly speaking, a simple pendulum is a heavy material point suspended by a weightless thread. Of course such a pendulum cannot actually exist ; but the leaden kail, suspended by a thread, is a near approximation to it. Experiment 2. Suspend on the frame of Figure 91 a lath AB (Fig. 92), l m long, and shorten the pendulum B till it swings in the same period as the lath ; the ball of B marks the center of oscillation of the lath, which is found to be two-thirds the length of the lath below the point of suspension. Attach a pound-weight to the lower end of AB ; its vibrations are now slower, and the simple pendulum B must be lengthened to vibrate in the same time as the lath and weight; hence the center of oscillation of the lath is lowered by the addition of the weight. Move the weight up the lath; the vibrations are quickened. (What is the office of a pendulum bob?) Experiment 3. Remove the weight, bore a hole through the lath at CENTER OF PERCUSSION. 113 its center of oscillation C, and, passing a knitting-needle through the hole, invert the lath and suspend it by the needle. The pendulum is now apparently shortened, and we naturally expect that its vibrations will be quicker than when suspended from A. But the part B C now vibrates in opposition to the part C A, rising as it sinks, and sinking as it rises. This tends to check the rapidity of the vibrations of CA, and it is found that the pendulum vibrates in the same time when sus- pended from C as when suspended from A. The point of suspension and the center of oscillation are inter- changeable; in other words, there are always two points in a com- pound pendulum about which it will oscillate in the same time. This suggests a practical way of finding the center of oscilla- tion, and the equivalent length of a compound pendulum. For we have only to find another point of suspension from which the pendulum makes the same number of vibra- tions, in a given time, as from its usual point of suspension : that point is its center of oscillation ; and the distance between it and the usual point of sus- pension is, technically speaking, the length of the pendulum. It will be seen that these two points are unequally distant from the center of gravity. 83. Center of percussion. Experiment. Suspend the lath by a string attached to one of its extremities, and with a club strike it horizontally near its upper extremity. This end of the lath moves in the direction of the stroke (A, Fig. 93), at the same time causing a sudden jerk on the string, which is felt by the hand. Strike the lath in the same direction, near its lower extremity ; the upper end of the lath now moves in a direction opposite to the stroke (B), at the same time causing a similar jerk of the string. Next strike the lath 114 DYNAMICS. successively at points higher and higher above its lower extremity ; it is found that the jerk on the string becomes less till the center of oscil- lation is reached, when no pull on the string is felt, and neither end of the lath tends to precede the other, but both move on together (C). The full force of the blow is spent in moving the stick, and none is expended in pulling the string. This point is called the center of per- cussion. The center of percussion is coincident with the center of oscilla- tion. It is the point where a blow, given or received, is most effective, and produces the least strain upon the support or axis of motion. The base-ball player soon learns at what point on his bat he can deal the most effective blow to the ball, and at tbe same time feel the least tingle in his hands. 84. Some useful applications of the pendulum. The force that keeps a pendulum vibrating is gravity. Were it not for friction and resistance of tbe air, a pendulum, once set in motion, would never cease vibrating. Since the force of gravity keeps the pendulum in motion, it follows that the rate of vibration of a given pendulum must be determined by the intensity of this force. Hence it is apparent, that if the rate of vibration is known, the intensity of the force of gravity may be calculated. It is found by experiment that the time of vi- bration varies inversely as the square root of the force of gravity. So the pendulum becomes a most serviceable instrument for measuring the inteiisit}^ of gravity at various altitudes and at different latitudes on the earth's surface. (Compare 21). It is also the most accurate instrument for measuring time that has been invented. Its value, as a time-measurer, depends upon the absolute uniformity of the rate of vibration as long as its length is constant, and the length of its arc very small. But as heat is ever modifying the dimensions of all visible bodies, various devices have been called into existence by which heat may be made to correct automatically its own mischief. Clocks that do not have self -regulating pendulums are fast in winter and slow in summer. (How would you regulate them ?) MOMENTUM. 115 QUESTIONS. 1. Where is the center of percussion iii a hammer or axe ? Why ? 2. At what point (disregarding the length aucl weight of the arm that swings it) should a blow be dealt with a bat of uniform dimen- sions when held in the hand at one extremity ? 3. What change in the location of the center of percussion is pro- duced by making one end of a bat heavier than the other ? 4. Which end of a bat, the heavier or lighter, should be held in the hands ? Why ? XIV. MOMENTUM. THIRD LAW OF MOTION. 85. Momentum. A small stone dropped upon a cake of ice produces little effect ; a large stone dropped upon the ice crushes it. An empty car in motion is much more easily stopped than a loaded car. We dread the approach of large masses because we instinctively associate with them a large amount of motion or force. It is evident that if two bodies move with the same speed, there is a greater quantity of motion in that which contains the greater quantity of matter, just as there is more heat in a gallon of water than in a pint of water, when both have, the same temperature. Again, we have a similar dread of masses moving with great velocities. A ball tossed is a different affair from a ball thrown. Our experience, then, teaches us that: the quantity of motion, or, in a word, the momentum a body may have, depends upon its mass and velocity'^ For example, a large mass, moving slowly, has great momentum, but the same mass- will have twice the momentum if its velocity is doubled ; again, a small mass, mov- ing swiftly, has great momentum, but its momentum is increased in proportion as its mass is increased. If the motion of a mass weighing l k , having a velocity of l m per second, is taken as a unit of momentum, then a mass weigh- ing 5 k , moving with the same velocity, would have a momentum of 5 ; and if the latter mass should have a velocity of 10 m per second, its momentum would be 5 x 10 = 50. Hence,) the nu- merical value of momentum is found by multiply \v\(j units of mass 116 DYNAMICS. by units of velocity^ There is no name for the unit of momen turn. We return to this subject on page 123. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. Compare the momenta of a car weighing 50 tons, moving 10 ft. per minute, and a lump of ice weighing 5 cwt., at the end of the third second of its fall. 2. Why are pile-drivers made heavy? Why raised to great hights? 3. A boy weighing 25 k must move with what velocity to have the same momentum that a man has weighing 80 k running at the rate of 10 km per hour? 4. A body has a certain momentum after falling through a certain space. How many times this space must it fall to double its mo- mentum? 86. Third law of motion. It has been shown (page 88) that motion cannot originate in a single body, but arises from mutual action between two bodies. For example, a man can lift himself by pulling on a rope attached to some other object, but not by his boot-straps, or a rope attached to his feet. When- ever one body receives motion, another body always parts with motion, or is set in motion in an opposite direction ; that is, in every change in regard to motion there are always at least two bodies oppositely affected^ Experiment. Float two blocks of wood of unequal masses on water, connecting them by a stretched rubber band. Let go the blocks, and the band will set both in motion, but the smaller block will have the greater velocity. A man in a boat weighing one ton pulls at one end of a rope, the other end of which is held by another man, who weighs twice as much as the first man, in a boat weighing two tons : both boats will move towards each other, but in opposite directions ; the lighter boat will move twice as fast as the heavier, but with the same momentum. If the boats are near each other, and the men push each other's boats with oars, the boats will move in opposite directions, though with dif- ferent velocities, yet with equal momenta. The opposite impulses received by the bodies concerned are usually distinguished by the terms action and reaction. We THIBD LAW OF MOTION. 117 measure these by their momenta. As every force is either a push or a pull ( 12), and produces equal momenta in two bodies in opposite directions, hence, the THIRD LAW OF MOTION : \ To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. | The application of this law is not always obvious. Thus, the apple falls to the ground in consequence of the mutual attrac- tion between the apple and the earth. The earth does not appear to fall toward the apple. But, allowing that their mo- menta are equal, we are not surprised that the motion of the earth is imperceptible, when we reflect that the velocity of the earth must be as many times less than that of the apple as the mass of the apple is less than that of the earth. (Compare 20.) QUESTIONS. 1. The velocity of the rebound or " kick" of a gun is slight when compared with the velocity of the ball. Why? 2. In rowing a boat, what are the opposite results of the stress between the oar and the water? 3. Point out the results of the action and reaction that occur when a person leaps from the ground. Fig. 94. 4. If there were no ground or other object beneath him, and he were motionless in space, could he put himself in motion? Why? 5. A boy, running, strikes his head against another boy's head. Which is hurt? Why? 6. Suspend two balls of soft putty of equal weight, A and B (Fig. 94). Draw A one side, and let it fall so as to strike B. Both balls 118 DYNAMICS. will then move on together ; with what momentum compared with A's momentum when it strikes Bfj 7. What will be the momentum of each ball after A strikes B, com- pared with A's momentum when it strikes B? 8. How will their velocity compare with A's velocity when it strikes B? 9. Raise A and B equal distances in opposite directions, and let fall so as to collide. Both balls will instantly come to rest after collision. Show that this result is consistent with the third law of motion. 10. Substitute, for the inelastic putty balls, ivory billiard balls, which are highly elastic. Let A strike B. Then B goes on with A's original velocity, while A is brought to rest. Show that this result is consis- tent with the third law of motion. 11. Suspend four ivory balls, C, D, E, and F. Let C strike D. D eventually receives all of C's momentum, and instantly communicates it to E, E to F, and F, having nothing to which to communicate it, moves with C's original velocity. Trace the actions and reactions throughout. 12. What would happen if the four balls were inelastic? 87. Law of reflection. Experiment 1. Hold D (Fig. 94) firmly in its place, and allow C to strike it. D being immovable, C's entire momentum is spent in compressing the balls, and, on recovering their shape, C is thrown back to its starting-point at C'. But in this case the hand exerts as much force to prevent the motion of D as 95 would be necessary to project C to C'. j Whan an elastic body strikes another fixed elastic body, it rebounds with its original force. Experiment 2. Lay a marble slab A (Fig. 95) upon a table, and roll an ivory ball in the line D C, perpendicular to the surface of the slab ; the ball rebounds in the same line to D. Roll the ball in the line B C ; it rebounds in the line C E. The angle BCD, which its for- ward path makes with DC, a perpendicular to the surface struck, is called the angle of incidence. The angle ECD, which its retreating path makes with the same perpendicular, is called the angle of reflection. It is found by measurement that these angles are equal when the two bodies are perfectly elastic. This equality is expressed by the LAW OF REFLECTION : \When the striking body and the body struck are perfectly elastic, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence^ WORK. 119 XV. WORK AND ENERGY. 88. Work. We have learned (page 44) that a force may produce either motion or pressure (or tension), or it may produce both effects at the same time and in the same body. But a force does work, in the sense in which this term is used in science, only when it produces motion. A person may support a weight for a time and become weary from the continuous application of force to prevent the weight from falling, or, in other words, to prevent the force of gravity from doing work, but he accomplishes no work, because he effects no change, i.e., causes no motion. The body that is moved is said to have work done upon it ; and the body that moves another body is said to do work upon the latter. When the heavy weight of a pile-driver is raised, work is done upon it ; when it descends and drives the pile into the earth, work is done upon the pile, and the pile in turn does work upon the matter in its path. Whenever a force causes motion, it does work. A force may act for an indefinite time without doing any work; but whenever a force acts through space, work is done. Force and space (or distance) are essen- tial elements of work, and are naturally the quantities employed in estimating work. A given force acting through a space of one meter will do a certain amount of work ; it is evident that the same force acting through a space of two meters will do twice as much work. Hence the general formula, W = FS, (1) in which W represents the work done, F the force employed, and S the space through which the force acts. In case a force encounters resistance, the magnitude of the force necessary to produce motion depends upon the amount of resistance. Indeed, in cases in which the body having been moved through a given space comes to rest in consequence of resistance, the entire work clone upon the body is often more conveniently determined by multiplying the resistance by the space through which it is overcome, and our formula becomes by substitution of resistance, R, for the force which overcomes it, W = RS. (2) For example, a ball is shot vertically upward from a rifle in a vacuum ; the work done upon the ball may be estimated by multiplying the average force (difficult to ascertain) exerted upon it by the space through which the force acts (a little greater than the length of the barrel), or by multiplying the resistance offered by gravity, i.e., its weight (easily ascertained) by the distance the ball ascends. Also, in 120 DYNAMICS. case the motion produced is uniform, the resistance and the force are equal, and it is immaterial which formula is used. When there is no resistance and the only effect is acceleration, as when a body falls freely in a vacuum, we must estimate the work done (in this case by gravity) by the first formula. When it is required to estimate only that part of the work done in producing acceleration, the formulas given on page 124 will be found convenient, work being substituted for energy, inasmuch as both are measured by the same units. 89. Unit of work. We shall first consider the unit em- ployed when resistance is taken as one of the elements of work. (In 96 will be defined the unit usually employed when the force is employed as a factor of work.) The unit of work adopted by the French is the work done in raising l k through a vertical hight of l m . It is called a kilogrammeter (abbreviated k s m ). The English unit of work is that done in raising one pound one foot, and is called a foot- pound. The kilogrammeter is about 1\ (more accurately, 7.233) times greater than the foot-pound. Now, since the work done in raising l k l m high is l k s m , the work of raising it 10 m high is 10 k s m , which is the same as the work done in raising 10 k l m high; and the same, again, as raising 2 k 5 m high. There are many other kinds of work besides that of raising weights. But since, with the same resistance, the work of producing motion in any other direction is just the same as in a vertical direction, it is easy, in all cases in which the two elements of work (viz., resistance and space) are known, to find the equivalent in work done in raising a weight vertically. By thus securing a common standard for measure- ment of work, we are able to compare auy species of work with any other. For instance, let us compare the work done by a man in sawing through a stick of wood, whose saw must move 10 1 ' against an average resistance of 12 k , with that done by a bullet in penetrating a plank to a depth of 2 cm against an average resistance of 200 k . Moving a saw 10 m against 12 k resistance is equivalent to raising 12 k 10 ra high, or doing 120 k m of work ; a bullet moving 2 cm against 200 k resistance does as much work as is required to raise 200 k 2 cm high, or 200 X .02 = 4 k g of work. 120 -f- 4 = 30 times as much work done by the sawyer as by the bullet. 90. Rate of doing work. In estimating the total amount of work done, the time consumed is not taken into con- sideration. The work done by a hod-carrier, in canying 1,000 bricks to the top of a building, is the same whether he does it in POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ENERGY. 121 a day or a week. But in estimating the power of any agent to do work, as of a man, a horse, or a steam-engine, in other words, the rate at which it is capable of doing work, it is evident that time is an important element. The work done by a horse, in raising a barrel of flour 20 feet high, is about 4000 ft.-lbs. ; but even a mouse could do the same amount of work in time. The unit in which rate of doing work is usually expressed is a horse-power. Early tests showed that a very strong horse may perform 33,000 ft.-lbs. of work in one minute. So 1 horse- power == 33,000 ft.-lbs. per minute = 550 ft.-lbs. per second = about 4570 kgm per minute = about 76 kgm per second. 91. Energy. The energy of a body is its capacity of doing work, and is measured by the work it can do. Doing work usually consists in a transfer of motion, or energy, from the body doing work to the body on which work is done. Wher- ever we find matter in motion, whether in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state, we have a certain amount of energy which may often be made to do useful work. 92. Potential and kinetic energy. Place a stone, weighing (say) 10 k , on the floor before you ; it is devoid of energy, powerless to do work. Now raise it, and place it on a shelf (say) 2 m high ; in so doing you perform 20 kgm of work on it. As you look at it, lying motionless on the shelf, it appears as devoid of energy as when lying on the floor. Attach one end of a cord 3 m long to it, and, passing it over a pulley, wind 2 m of the string around the shaft connected with a sewing-machine, coffee-mill, lathe, or other convenient machine. Suddenly with- draw the shelf from beneath the stone. It moves, it sets in motion the machine, and you may sew, grind coffee, turn wood, etc., with the power given to the machine by the stone. Surely, the work done on the stone in raising it was not lost ; the stone pays it back while descending. There is a very im- portant difference between the stone lying on the floor, and the 122 DYNAMICS. stone lying on the shelf : the former is powerless to do work ; the latter can do work. Both are alike motionless, and you can see no difference,, except an advantage that the latter has over the former in position. What gave it this advantage? Work. A body, then, may possess energy due merely to ADVANTAGE OF POSITION, derived always from work bestowed upon it. So a body at rest is not necessarily devoid of energy. In the stone lying passively on the shelf there exists a power to do work as real as that possessed by the stone which, falling freely, has acquired great velocity. We see, then, that energj T ma}' exist in either of two widely different states, and yet be as real in one case as in the other. It may exist as actual motion, either visible, as in mechanical motion, or invisible, as in the molecular motions called heat ; or it ma} r exist in a stored-u2) condition, as in the stone lying on the shelf. In the former case it is called kinetic (moving) or actual energy ; in the latter, it is called potential energy, or energy of position. We are as much accustomed to store up energy for tuture use as provisions for the winter's consumption. We store it when we wind up the spring or weight of a clock, to be doled out gradually in the movements of the machinery. We store it when we bend the bow, raise the hammer, condense air, and raise any body above the earth's surface. How, then, is energy stored in a body ? Only at the expense of work done upon it. The force of gravitation is employed to do work, as when mills are driven by the power of falling water ; but the water is first deposited on the hillside by the energy of the sun's heat. Elasticity of springs is emplo}'ed as a motive power ; but elasticity is due to an advantage of position which the molecules of springs have acquired in consequence of force applied to them. We conclude, then, that a body %>ossesses potential energy when, in virtue of work done upon it, it occupies a position of advantage, or its molecules occupy positions of advantage, so tliat FORMULA FOR ENERGY. 123 the energy expended can be at any time recovered by the return oj the body to its original position, or by the return of its mole- cules to their original positions. <* 93. Energy contrasted with momentum. Problem. A bullet weighing 30s is shot with a velocity of 98 m per second from a gun weighing 4 k ; required the momentum and the energy of both the bullet and the gun, and the velocity of the gun. Solution : Using the kilogram, the meter, and the second as- units, the momentum of the ball is .03 x 98 = 2.94 units. If the ball were shot vertically upward, QO its velocity would diminish 9.8 m per second; so it would rise =10 9.8 seconds, and, therefore, before its energy is expended, to a hight of ( 78) 4.9 m x 10 2 = 490 m . Hence, its energy at the outset is .03x490= 14.7 k s m . Similarly for the gun, by the third law of mo- tion its momentum must be just the same as that of the ball, 2.94 units; its velocity is therefore 2.94 -f- 4 = .735 per second. Then T = ' - = .075 second ; the hight (supposing the gun to be raised verti- 9.8 cally by the impulse received) = 4.9 x -075 2 = .02766 m ; and its energy = 4 X .02766= .1102 k g m . While, therefore, the momenta generated in the two bodies by the burning of the powder are equal, the energy of the bullet is = 133 . 1 102 times that of the gun. (Why are the effects produced by the bullet more disastrous than those produced by the recoil of the gun?) 94. Formula for energy. We can find, as in the above example, to what vertical hight a body having a given velocity would rise, and thus in all cases determine its energy ; but a formula may be obtained which will give the same result with less trouble: thus, substituting g for k in Formula 1 ( 78), V = #T; hence, v V2 T=-, orT 2 = . 9 9 2 Again, S = ^#T 2 ; substituting the value of T 2 in this equation, we have V2 V2 124 DYNAMICS. But energy = WS (weight into .bight) ; substituting for S in this equation its value, we have, (1) Energy = Farther on, we shall see that W = M^; substituting f or W in the last equation its value, we have, also, (2) Energy = *Z1. It is evident that, when the weight ( W) or mass (M) of a body remains the same, its energy is proportional to the square of its velocity, while its momentum, as we have learned, is proportional to its velocity. In other words, the effect of increasing the velocity of a moving body would seem to be to increase its working power much more rapidly than its momentum. Is this practically true ? Experiment. Fill an ordinary water-pail with moist clay. Let a leaden bullet drop upon the clay from a hight of .5 m . Then drop the same bullet from a hight of 2 m , or four times the former hight, in order that it may acquire twice the velocity. In the latter case it penetrates to four times the depth that it did in the former. So it appears that the energy of a moving body varies, not as its velocity, but as the square of its velocity. Doubling the velocity multiplies the energy fourfold ; trebling the velocity multiplies it ninefold, and so on ; but the corresponding mo- mentum is multiplied only twofold, threefold, etc. A bullet moving with a velocity of 400 feet per second, will penetrate, not twice, but four times, as far into a plank as one having a velocity of 200 feet per second. A railway train, having a velocity of 20 miles an hour, will, if the steam is shut off, con- tinue to run four times as far as it would if its velocity were 10 miles an hour. The reason is now apparent why light sub- stances, even so light as air, exhibit great energy when their velocity is great. 95. Measure of a force. Commonly we measure forces by a spring balance, and say that the force, for instance, with MEASURE OF A FORCE. 125 which a horse draws a wagon is 50 k ; that is, a spring interposed between the horse and the wagon is stretched just as much as it would be by the force of gravity acting on a mass of 50 k hung from the spring. But often it is impossible to measure the force except by the motion it produces. Experience has shown that a useful and accurate measure of a force is the momentum it produces or destroys in a second; if the body is already in mo- tion, we must say the change of momentum produced in a second. For example, gravity we know will impart in three seconds, to a body having a mass of (say) 5 g , and free to fall, a velocity of 3 x 980 cm per second ; that is, the momentum generated is 5 x 3 x 980. Then, by definition above, the measure of the force of gravity on the body is SJLZ^BSO. = 5 x 980. When the centimeter, gram, and second are taken as the units of length, mass, and time respectively, the s} T stem of units of measurement based on them is called the C.G.S. system, and in it the unit of force is called a dyne. A dyne is that force which, acting for a second, will give to a gram of matter a velocity of one centimeter per second. In the example above we have a force of 5 x 980 = 4900 dynes. We can almost as easily graduate a spring balance to indi- cate forces in dynes as in pounds ; and then we have a unit which is constant wherever we go on the earth or above it. (Compare 21.) The gravity unit of force is the weight of any unit of mass, e.g., a gram, kilogram, pound, or ton. In distinction from gravity units, the C.G.S. units are called absolute units. Gravity units are easily changed to absolute units ; thus in the Northern States the force of gravity acting upon l g of matter free to fall will give it an acceleration of velocity of 980 cm per second ; hence in these latitudes the gravity unit is equal to 980 absolute units. Returning to our example, represent 5 g , the mass of the body moved by M ; by g, 980 cm per second, the acceleration produced by gravity ; and by W, the weight, or F, the force : then W = F = M. 126 DYNAMICS. The equation is a general one ; that is, whenever any two of the three quantities specified are known, the third may be computed If the force acts, not against gravity, but against resistances considered as constant, such as the forces shown in cohesion, elasticity, etc., the equation will still be true, only g should be replaced by some other letter, as a. Now let us learn what is the 96. Measure of the effect of a force. One measure we know alread}', the product of the force into the distance through which it acts ; that is, the work done, or the energy imparted to the body moved, is a measure of the effect of a force. If the force is measured in dynes, and the distance is centi- meters, the work done will be expressed in a C.G.S. unit called an erg. An erg is the work done or energy imparted by a force of one dyne working through a distance of one centimeter. Be- sides the erg we have the common gravitation units, the kilo- grammeter, and foot-pound ; that is, we have another measure just as we ma have various kinds of measures for common things ; just as, for instance, we may express lengths in inches, meters, or miles ; masses, in grains or pounds, etc. Experiment 1. Suspend by a long cord a heavy body, 10 k or more, and with a string attached to the body draw it to one side, pulling for two, four, and six seconds, and let go. The longer you pull the greater is the velocity given to the body, provided it is not moved far from its place of rest. Experiment 2. Suspend by a string l m long a stone whose mass is (say) 5 k . Attach to the stone a No. 36 cotton thread ; this will sup- port about l k . Pull the ball slowly to one side ; when it has been drawn about 20 cm from its place of rest, the thread will break and the ball will swing back to the other side like a pendulum, and so when it passes through its lowest point it has a definite momentum. Attach new pieces of thread, and pull more and more quickly, break- ing the thread each time ; the motion produced is less and less. As the string is straightened the pull on it increases from zero to l k ; so the average force each time is about the same; in gravitation uuits, nearly or exactly | k . Here, as before, with the same force, the momen- tum produced varies as the time during which the force acts. MEASURE OF THE EFFECT OF A FORCE. 127 But if we use stronger and stronger threads, we may pull more and more quickly than at first, and yet give to the ball just the same mo- mentum as at first; that is, the effect of a greater force acting for a shorter time is to produce the same momentum. So far then as our experiments go, they teach that the product of a force into the time it acts, or the momentum produced, is a measure of the effect of a force. We may draw the same conclu- sion from our last equation, F = M# : multiply both sides by T, the time during which the force acts, and we have FT = M#T = MV = Momentum ( 85). If T equals one second, we see that the momentum of a moving body is the measure of the force that would in one second give it this motion. It is evident that if motion is to be produced by a force acting for a very short time, the force must be enormous. We have, then, two measures of the effect of a force, mo- mentum and energy. The first is found by multiplying the force by the time it acts ; the second, by multiplying the force by the space through which it acts. The latter can also be found by multiplying the momentum by one-half the velocity. One is MV ; the other is -J-MV 2 . Which is the correct measure? Both are correct ; so the question now is, Which is the more useful ? P^xperience shows that momentum is a useful measure only in cases where the force acts all the time in the line of motion, as in falling bodies, or where it acts for so short a time that the body does not sensibly change its position during the action, as in the cases of a blow, a jerk, collision' between balls, etc. Experience further shows that energy in all cases gives a useful measure. 97. Summary of mechanical units, and formulas for their determination. 1 The following tables show the quanti- ties measured, the unit of each in the C.G.S. system, and the formulas for the determination of the derived quantities : i It is not expected that pupils of the ordinary high school will master this sec- tion; yet they may frequently find it convenient for reference, while the more advanced student cannot fail to be greatly profited by its careful study. 128 DYNAMICS. FUNDAMENTAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS. Length (L or S) l cm . Mass (M) l. Time (T) 1 sec. DERIVED QUANTITIES, UNITS, AND FORMULAS. Velocity (V) = rate of motion ; unit, l cm per sec. ; in uniform motion, V = |- (1) Acceleration (A) = rate of change in velocity ; unit, an increase of velocity in 1 sec. of l cm per sec. ; body starting from rest under constant force, A = (2) Force (F) ; unit, 1 dyne = a force that in 1 sec. imparts to 1 a velocity of l cm per sec. ; . . F = M A. (3) Work or Energy (E) ; unit, 1 erg = the work done by 1 dyne working through l cm ; .-. E = MAS = FS. (4) Rate of doing work, or Work Power (P) ; unit, 1 erg per sec.; MAS r rp ' () Momentum; unit, is moving with a velocity of l cm per sec., or that produced by 1 dyne in 1 sec. ; Momentum = MV. M V From (2) and (3) we have the very useful equations, F = -=- and FT V= (6) and (7) A body, mass M, acted upon by the force F, starting from rest will FT acquire in time T a velocity V = -r The acceleration, which p M from (3) is = , is a constant quantity, and the whole space passed over will be equal to the time T multiplied by the mean velocity. The latter is one-half the final velocity; hence, mean FT FT 2 V = , and S = -r-ri (an equation of great importance). (8) & JVl 1 JM To find an expression for the energy of a moving body combine (4) and F2 T2 M V 2 (8): W = y^-; butFT = MV, .-. E = ^ (9) Anywhere in the Northern States, the weight of 18 = 980 dynes. Ikgm _ 98,000,000 ergs ; 1 foot-pound = 13,550,000 ergs. 1 horse-power = 447,000,000,000 ergs per min. i 98. Transformation of energy. In the operation of raising the stone ( 92) , kinetic energy is transformed into poten- PHYSICS DEFINED. 129 tial energy. During its descent it is re-transformed into kinetic energy. If, instead of being attached to machinery, and thereby made to do work, the stone is allowed to fall freely, it acquires great velocity. On striking the ground, its motion as a body suddenly ceases, but its molecules have their quivering motions accelerated. Mechanical motion is, thereby, transformed into heat. We shall often have occasion to examine the transforma- tions of energy, as into electric energy, heat, etc., but never of momentum. We shall study Joule's equivalent (page 174), expressing the relation between the unit of energy, or work, and the unit of heat ; but it is certain that there is no relation between the latter and the unit of momentum. 99. Physics defined. All physical phenomena consist either alone in transferences of energy from one portion of matter to another, or in both transferences and transformations of energy. Transformations may be from one condition of energy to another, as from kinetic to potential ; or from one phase of kinetic energy to another, as from mechanical motion to heat ; or both may occur, as when the falling stone does work, a part of its energy being expended in producing mechan- ical motion, and a part being transformed into heat, occasioned by friction of the moving parts. Physics is that branch of natural science which treats of trans- ferences and transformations of energy. It does not, however, in its usual limitation, include a group of phenomena which occur outside the earth, and also a group whose essential character- istic is an alteration in the nature of the material considered. The study of the former group is the object of Astronomy ; of the latter, that of Chemistry. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. Does the energy expended in raising the stones to their places in the Egyptian pyramids still survive? 2. What kind of energy is that contained in gunpowder? 3. What transformation of energy takes place in burning coal? 4. When steam works by expansion, its temperature is reduced. Why? 130 DYNAMICS. 5. How much work is clone per hour if 80 k are raised 4 m per minute? 6. (a) What energy must be imparted to a body weighing 50s that it may rise 4 seconds? (&) How many times as much energy must be imparted to the same body that it may ascend 5 seconds? (c) Why? 7. Compare the momenta, in the two cases given in the last question, at the instants the body is thrown. 8. How much energy is stored in a body which weighs 50 k , at a hight of 80 m above the earth's surface? 9. How much energy would the same body have if it had a velocity "of 100 m per second? 10. Suppose it to fall in a vacuum, how much kinetic energy would it have at the end of the fourth second? 11. If it should fall through the air, what would become of a part of the energy? 12. A projectile weighing 25 k is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 29. 4 m per second. How much energy has it? 13. What becomes of its energy during its ascent? 14. (a) Compare the momentum of a body weighing 50 k , and having a velocity of 2 m per second, with the momentum of a body weighing 508, having a velocity of 100 m per second. (&) Compare their ener- gies. 15. Which, momentum or energy, will enable one to determine the amount of resistance that a moving body may overcome? 16. Explain how a child who cannot lift 30 k can draw a carriage weighing 150 k . 17. A car weighing 6000 k is drawn by a horse with a speed of 100 per minute. The index of the dynamometer to which the horse is attached stands at 40 k . (a) At what rate is the horse working? (&) Express the rate in horse-powers. (See 90.) 18. A dynamometer shows that a span of horses pull a plow with a constant force of 70 k . What power is required to work the plow if they travel at the rate of 3 km per hour? 19. What horse-power in an engine will raise l,350,000 k 5 m in an hour? 20. How long will it take a 3 horse-power engine to raise 10 tons 50 feet? 21. How far will a 2 horse-power engine raise 1000 k in 10 seconds? 22. How much work can a 5 horse-power engine do in an hour? 23. How long would it take a man to do the same work, the amount of work a man can do in a day being about 90,000 k ^ n ? 24. If you would increase the energy of a moving body fourfold, how much must you increase its velocity? T.SO -?:>.. USES OF MACHINES. 131 XVI. MACHINES. 100. Uses of machines. Experiment 1. Obtain from a hardware store two or three pulleys, and arrange apparatus as in Figure 96. The dynamometers a and b read 4 Ibs. each, showing that the power (P) employed to support each weight (W) of 8 Ibs. is just one-half of the weight. 1 . If the power applied in each instance is slightly increased, the weights will rise. Raise each of the weights and measure the distances traversed respectively by W and P in each instance. It will be found that the distance that W moves is just one- half the distance that P moves; i.e., if W rises 2 ft., P must move 4 ft. Now, 8 (Ibs.) X 2 (ft.) = 16 foot-pounds of work done on W. Again, 4 (Ibs.) x 4 (ft.) = 16 foot-pounds of work performed by P. It thus seems that the work applied by the power is just equal to the work done upon the weight. What advantage is derived from the use of the apparatus? It has been proved that no ad- vantage is gained, so far as the amount of work is concerned. But suppose that W is 400 Ibs., and that the utmost power (P) that one man can exert is 200 Ibs. Then, without this ap- paratus, the services of two men would be required ; where- as one man could raise the weight with the apparatus. The advantage gained in this case would seem to be one of convenience. Experiment 2. Let P and W of A exchange places. The index of the dynamometer a now reaches 16 Ibs. There seems to be in this case a loss of power, for a power of 16 Ibs. is only able to sustain a weight of 8 Ibs. But so far no work has been done. (Why?) Raise W, and measure the distance trav- ersed respectively by P and W. P moves only 2 ft. for every 4 ft. that W moves. Now, 2 (ft.) x 16 (Ibs.) = 32 foot-pounds of work 1 A small allowance must be made for the weight of the movable pulleys. 132 DYNAMICS. done by P. And 4 (ft.) x 8 (Ibs.) = 32 foot-pounds of work done upon W. We thus learn that, when the power is employed in doing work, there is really no loss of power in this method of applying the apparatus. Is there any advantage gaiued in this case by the use of apparatus? We found that W moved twice as far, and consequently with twice the velocity, that P moved. It thus appears that, if it should be desirable to move a weight with greater velocity than it is possible or convenient for the power to move, it may be accomplished through the mediation of a machine, by applying to it a power proportionately greater than the weight. This apparatus is one of many contrivances called machines, through the medi- ation of which power can be applied to resistance more advantageously than when it is applied directly to the resistance. Some of the many advantages derived from the use of machines are : (1) They may enable us to overcome a large resistance with a compara tively small power by causing the power to move through a proportionately greater distance, (i.e. with greater velocity} ; or, conversely, they may enable us to secure great velocity (i.e. to do work with great speed) by employing a power proportionately greater than the resistance. (2) They may enable us to employ a force in a direction that is more convenient than the direction in which the resistance is to be moved. Fig. 97. (3) They may enable us to employ other'forces than our own in doing work; e.g., the strength of animals, the forces of wind, water, steam, etc. (How are the last two uses illustrated in Figure 97 ?) 101. Law of machines. Let P be the power applied to a machine, p the distance through which it moves in a given time, W the weight moved or external resistance overcome, and w the distance through which it is moved in the same time ; then the mechanical work applied to the machine is Pp (e.g., in kilogrammeters or foot-pounds), and the mechanical work done by the machine is Ww. Now we have learned from the above experiments that (1) Pp =Ww. LAW OF MACHINES. 133 Hence we have for all machines, without exception, the. follow- ing general law : The work applied to a machine is equal to the work done by the machine. No machine, therefore, creates or increases energy. No ma- chine gives back more energy than is spent upon it. P can be made as small as we please by taking p great enough : in this case we see that in proportion as power is gained, time, distance, or velocity is lost. On the other hand, W remaining the same, w (the distance traversed by W in a given time, i.e., its velocity) may be increased indefinitely by taking P large enough : in this case, as velocity, time, or space is gained, power is lost. - A ma- chine, then, is much like a bank : it pays out no more thari it receives. A bank will give you in exchange for a fifty-dollar note fifty one-dollar notes ; or, for fifty one-dollar notes, de- posited successively, it will return to}T>u a fifty-dollar note. In a similar manner, if you apply to a machine a power sufficient to move 50 Ibs. 1 ft., you may get from it the ability to move 1 Ib. 50 ft. ; or, if you apply to a machine a force of 1 Ib. suc- cessively through 50 ft. of space, you may get from it the ability to move 50 Ibs. through 1 ft. of space. In our discussion hitherto we have ignored the internal resist- ances, chiefly due to friction, which exist in every machine. The whole work done by a machine is practically divided into two parts, the useful part and the wasted part ; the former, ex- pressed as a fraction of the whole, is usually, called the efficiency or modulus of the machine. But energy is indestructible. That portion of the visible energy that is apparently destroyed by friction is transformed into heat, which is wasted, so far as the work to be done by the machine is concerned. Let I represent internal work performed in the machine, i.e., the wasted work, and W w the external work ; then our general formula for machines, as modified in its practical applications, becomes. (2) Pp=Ww + I; that is, the work applied to a machine it equal to the effective work, plus the internal work done by the machine. So that, so 134 DYNAMICS. far from any machine being a source of power, as is sometimes erroneously supposed, no machine practically returns as much power as is applied to it. By division, Formula (1) Pp = Ww becomes ^ f -; i.e., weight : power : : the distance through which the power >noves : the distance through which the weight is moved in the same time. Prob- . ... lems pertaining to machines may gen- erally be solved by Formula (3), and afterwards suitable allowances may be made for the in- ternal work done. Thus, suppose that P (Fig. 99) is 10 Ibs., and it is re- quired to find what weight (W) it will raise. By experi- ment we find that P travels 8 ft. while W travels 4 ft. Then, x (W) : l6 (P) : : 8(p) : 4(w) ; whence x = 20 Ibs. The 20 Ibs. in W is just sufficient to balance the 10 Ibs. in P ; anything less than 20 Ibs. will be raised. It is to be observed that, as we saw on page 119, work is not always, or even usually, expended in raising a weight, but in overcoming resistance of any kind ; so we may interpret Formula (3) thus ; resistance : power : : the distance through which the power moves : the distance through which the resistance is over- come. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 135 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. If the power applied to any machine is 2 k , and it moves with a velocity of 10 m per second, wit^ what velocity can it move a resistance of 10 k ? To how great a load could it give a velocity of 50 m per second? 2. A power of 50 k , moving through a space of 100 m , is capable of moving how many kilograms through a space of 2 m ? What advantage would be gained by the use of the machine ? 3. Watch the movements of the foot in working the treadle of a sewing-machine, also the movements of the needle in sewing, and determine what mechanical advantage is gained by the machine. 4. Arrange three levers, as in Figure 98; and, calling the distance (a&) of the power from the prop the power-arm of the lever, and the distance (be) of the weight from the prop the weight-arm, verify by experiment the following special formula for levers : W _ _ power -arm P w weight-arm N.B. Equilibrium must first be established between the two arms of the first lever, by placing weights on the short arm. 5. Ascertain the advantage that may be gained by each lever. 1>. A lever is 75 cm long ; where must the prop be placed in order that a power of 2 k at one Fi ^ end may move 4 k at the other end? What will be the pressure on the prop? 7. Show that the results obtained in the last problem are consistent with the third law of parallel forces (page 95). 8. What advantage is gained by a lever, when its power-arm is longer than its weight-arm? What, when its weight-arm is longer? 9. Two weights, of 5 k and 20 k , are suspended from the ends of a lever 70 cm long. Where must the prop be placed that they may balance? 10. What mechanical advantage is gained by a lemon-squeezer? 11. If P (Fig. 99), weighing 1 lb., is suspended 15 spaces from the fulcrum of the steelyard, what weight (W) suspended 3 similar spaces the other side of the fulcrum will balance it? 136 DYNAMICS. 12. How would you weigh out 6 Ibs. of tea with the same steelyard? 13. If the circumference of the axle, Figure 100, is 60 cm , and the power applied to the crank travels 240 cm during each revolution, what power will be necessary to raise the bucket of coal weighing (say) 40 k ? 14. How many meters must the power travel (Fig. 100) to raise the bucket from a cavity 10 m deep? 15. (a) In the train of wheels (Fig. 101), if the circumference of Fig. 100. the wheel a is 36 in., and that of the pinion & is 4 in., a power of 1 Ib. at P will exert what force on the circumference of the wheel d 1 (&) If the cir- cumference of the wheel d be 30 in., and that of the pinion c 6 in., the power of 1 Ib. at P will exert what force on the circumference of the wheel/? (c) If the circumference of the wheel /be 40 in., and that of the axle e 8 in., how many pounds in W will be necessary to prevent motion of the train of wheels, when P Fig. 101. weighs 1 Ib.? (d) If W has a velocity of 5 ft. per second, what will be P's velocity? 16. Prepare a special for- mula for the solution of prob- lems pertaining to the wheel and axle. 17. The weight W (Fig. 102), in traversing the in- clined plane AB, only rises through the vertical hight CB, while P must move through a distance equal to AB. Let L represent the length of an inclined plane, and H its hight, and prepare a special formula for the solution of problems pertaining to the inclined plane. 18. A skid 12 ft. long rests one end on a cart 3 ft. high, and the other end on the ground. What force must a boy exert while rolling a barrel of flour weighing 200 Ibs. over the skid into the cart? 19. During one revolution a screw advances a distance equal to the QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 13T distance between two turns of the thread, measured in the direction of the axis of the screw. Suppose the screw in the letter-press, Figure 103, to advance in. at each revolution, and a power of 25 Ibs. to be applied to the circumference of the wheel 6, whose diameter is 14 in. What pressure would be ex- erted on articles placed be- neath the screw. [The cir- cumference of a circle is 3.1416 times its diameter.] 20. The toggle-joint (Fig. 104) is a machine employed where great pressure has to be exerted through a small space, as in punching and shearing iron, and in print- ing-presses, in pressing the types forcibly against the paper. An Fig. 103. illustration may be found in the joints used to raise carriage-tops. Force applied to the F i g 10 4 joint c will cause the two links ac and be to be straight- ened, or carried for- ward to d, while the guides move through a distance equal to (ac + 6c) ab. If dc = 10 cm , ab = 98 cm , and ac + be 100 cm , then a force of 80s applied at c would exert what average pressure on obstacles in the path of the guides? 21. Show that the hydrostatic press, page 65, conforms in its oper- ation to the general law of machines. CHAPTER III. MOLECULAR ENERGY. - HEAT. XVII. WHAT HEAT IS. SOME SOURCES OF HEAT. IN the preceding pages the theory of heat has been several times anticipated ; we are now better qualified to judge of its truth or falsity. 102. Mechanical motion convertible into heat. Ex- periments. Hold some small steel tool upon a rapidly revolving dry grindstone; a shower of sparks flies from the stone. Place a ten- penny nail upon a stone and hammer it briskly ; it soon becomes too hot to be handled with comfort, and we may conceive that if the blows were rapid and heavy enough, it might soon become red hot. Rub a desk with your fist, and your coat-sleeve with a metallic but- ton ; both the rubbers and the things rubbed become heated. You observe that in every case heat is generated at the ex- pense of work or mechanical motion, i.e., mechanical motion checked becomes heat. When the brakes are applied to the wheels of a rapidly moving railroad train, its motion is all con- verted into heat, much of which may be found in the wheels, brake-blocks, and rails. The meteorites, or "shooting-stars," which are seen at night passing through the upper air, some- times strike the earth, and are found to be stones heated to a light-giving state. They become heated when they reach our atmosphere, in consequence of their motion being checked by the resistance of the air. 103. Heat convertible into mechanical motion. Experiment. Take a thin glass flask A, Figure 105, and half fill it with water; fit a cork air-tight 1 in its neck. Perforate the cork, 1 A good way to make a cork air-tight is to soak it in melted paraffine. HEAT DEFINED. 139 . 105. insert a glass tube bent as indicated in the figure, and extend it into the water. Apply heat to the flask ; soon the liquid rises in the tube, and flows from its upper end. Here heat produces mechanical motion, and does work in rais- ing a weight in opposition to gravity. Every steam engine is a heat engine. All the power of steam consists in its heat. The steam which leaves the C3*lin- der of an engine (see page 176), after it has set the piston in motion, is cooler than when it entered, and cooler in proportion to the work done. Furthermore, it will be shown (page 174) that heat and work are so related to each other that a definite quantity of the one is always equal to a definite quantity of the other. Now, when the appearance of one thing is so connected with the disappearance of another, that the quantity of the thing produced can be calculated from the quantity of that which dis- appears, we conclude that the one has been formed at the expense of the other, and that the} 7 are only diferent forms of the same thing. We have, therefore, reason to believe that heat is of the same nature as mechanical energy, i.e., it is only another form of kinetic energy. 104. Heat defined. A body loses motion in communi- cating it (page 88) . The hammer descends and strikes the an- vil ; its motion ceases, but the anvil is not sensibly moved ; the only observable effect produced is heat. Instead of the pro- gressive motion of the hammer as a whole, there is now, accord- ing to the modern view, an increased vibratory motion of the molecules that compose the hammer, a mere change of motion in kind and locality. Of course, this latter motion is invisible. The conclusion is that heat is molecular motion. A body is heated by having the motion of its molecules quickened, and cooled by 140 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. parting with some of its molecular motion. One body is hotter than another when the average energy of each molecule in it is greater than in the other. 105. Heat generated by chemical action. Experi- ment. Take a glass test-tube half full of cold water, and pour into it one-fourth its volume of sulphuric acid. The liquid almost instantly becomes so hot that the tube cannot be held in the hand. When water is poured upon quicklime heat is rapidly devel- oped. The invisible oxygen of the air combines with the vari- ous fuels, such as wood, coal, oils, and illuminating gas, and gives rise to what we call burning or combustion, by which a large amount of heat is generated. In all such cases the heat is generated by the combination or clashing together of mole- cules of substances that have an affinity (i.e., an attraction) for each other. Before their union they are in the condition of a weight drawn up ; while approaching each other, they are like the falling weight; and when they collide, their motion, like that of the weight when it strikes the earth, is converted into heat. The chemical potential energy of the molecules is converted, in the act of combination, into kinetic energy, into molecular motion. 106. Origin of animal heat and muscular motion. The plant finds its food in the air (principally the carbonic acid in the air) and in the earth in the condition of a fallen weight ; but, by the agency of the sun's radiation, work is performed upon this matter during the growth of the plant ; potential energy is stored in the plant, the weight is drawn up. The animal now finds its food in the plant, appropriates the energy stored in the plant, and converts it into energy of motion in the form of heat and muscular motion. The plant, then, may be regarded as a machine for converting energy of motion received from the sun into potential energy ; the animal, as a machine for trans- forming it again into the energy of motion. TEMPERATURE DEFINED. 141 107. The sun as a source of energy. Not only is the sun the source of the energy exhibited in the growth of plants, as well as of the muscular and heat energy of the animal, but it is the source, directly or indirectly, of very nearly all the energy employed by man in doing work. Our coal-beds, the results of the deposit of vegetable matter, are vast storehouses of the sun's energy, rendered potential during the growth of the plants many ages ago. Every drop of water that falls to the earth, and rolls its way to the sea, contributing its mite to the unbounded water- power of the earth, and every wind that blows, derives its power directly from the sun. XVIII. TEMPERATURE. 108. Temperature denned. If body A is brought in contact with body B, and A loses and B gains in heat, then A is said to have had originally a higher temperature than B. If neither body gains or loses, then both had the same tempera- ture. Temperature is the state of a body with reference to its power of communicating heat to or receiving heat from other bodies. The direction of the flow of heat determines which of two bodies has the higher temperature. 109. Temperature distinguished from quantity of heat. The term temperature has no reference to quantity of heat. If we mix together two equal quantities of a substance at the same temperature, the temperature of the mixture is not the sum of the temperatures, it is not greater or less than either before they were mixed ; but evidently the mixture contains twice as much heat as either alone. If we dip from a gallon of boiling water a cupful, the cup of water is just as hot, i.e., has the same temperature, as the larger quantity, although of course there is a great difference in the quantities of heat the two bodies of water contain. Temperature depends upon the average kinetic energy of the individual molecule, while quantity of heat depends upon the average kinetic energy of the individual molecule multiplied by the number of molecules. 142 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. XIX. DIFFUSION OF HEAT. There is always a tendency to equalization of temperature; that Is, heat has a tendency to pass from a warmer body to a colder, or from a warmer to a colder part of the same body, until there is an equilibrium of temperature. 110. Conduction. Experiment 1. Place one end of a wire about 15 cm long, in a lamp-flame, and hold the other end in the hand. Heat gradually travels from the end in the flame toward the hand. Apply your fingers successively at different points nearer and nearer the flame ; you find that the nearer you approach the flame the hotter the wire is. The flow of heat through an unequally-heated body, from places of higher to places of lower temperature, is called con- duction ; the body through which it travels is called a conductor. The molecules of the wire in the flame have their motion quick- ened ; they strike their neighbors and quicken their motion ; the latter in turn quicken the motion of the next ; and so on, until some of the motion may be finally communicated to the hand, and creates in it the sensation of heat. Experiment 2. Hold wires of different metals of the same length, also a glass tube, a pipe-stem, etc., in the flame, and notice the differ- ence in time that elapses before the sensation of heat is felt in the different bodies. Experiment 3. Go into a cold room, and place the bulb of a ther- mometer in contact with various substances in the room ; you will probably find that they have the same, or very nearly the same, tem- perature. Place your hand on the same substances ; they appear to have very different temperatures. This is due to the fact that some substances conduct heat away from the hand faster than others. Those substances that appear coldest are the best conductors. If you go into a room warmer than your body, all this is reversed ; those substances which feel warmest are the best conductor,?, because they conduct their own heat to your hand fastest. Experiment 4. Twist together at one end similar wires or strips of iron, copper, brass, etc., 10 or 15 cm long, and introduce them into a CONVECTION. 143 small flame. After a few minutes you can tell approximately the order of their conducting powers, by moving a match along each wire, and seeing how far from the flame it will light. You learn that some substances conduct heat much more rapidly than others. The former are called good conductors, the latter poor conductors. Metals are the best conductors, though they differ widely among themselves. Experiment 5. Fill a test-tube nearly full of water, and hold it somewhat inclined (Fig. 106), so that a flame may heat the part of the tube near the surface of the water. The Fi water may be made to boil near its surface for several minutes before any change of the temperature at the bottom will be per- ceived. Liquids, as a class, are poorer con- ductors than solids. Gases are much poorer conductors than liquids. It is difficult to discover that pure, dry air possesses any conducting power. The poor conducting power of our clothing is due to the poor con- ducting power of the fibres of the cloth in part, but chiefly to the air which is confined by it. (Why is loose clothing warmer than that closely fitting ?) Bodies are surrounded with bad conductors, to retain heat when their temperature is above that of surrounding objects, and to exclude it when their temperature is below that of sur- rounding objects. 111. Convection. When a hot brick, or a bottle of hot water, is placed at one's feet, heat is also conveyed to the feet. When heat is transferred from one place to another by the bodily moving of heated substances, the operation is called convection; but this term is rarely applied to solids. Solids require some external force to effect the conveyance ; fluids do not necessarily, as may be seen by the following experiments : 144 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Experiment 1. Arrange apparatus as in Fig. 107. Fill the large beaker nearly full of water, and elevate it so that the tip of a Bunsen flame may just touch the middle of the bottom. Fill a glass tube B Fig. 107. Fig. 108. with a deeply-colored aniline solution, stop one end with a finger, and thrust the other end into the water to the bottom of the beaker ; remove the finger, and allow the solution to flow out and color the water at the bottom for a little depth. Soon the colored liquid immediately over the flame becomes heated, expands, and thereby becomes less dense than the liquid above ; consequently it ris v es and forms an up- ward current through the colorless liquid. At the same time the cooler liquid^on the sides descends to take the place of that which rises, and soon the descending currents become visible by the coloration of the water. By this means heat is conveyed to all parts of the liquid, which would otherwise become much hotter at the bottom than at the top in conse- quence of the poor conducting power of water. If a glass tube C, bent as shown in the figure, is filled with water, and introduced into the beaker so that the orifice of the short arm shall be just beneath the surface of the colored water, the colored liquid will be seen slowly to ascend the short arm, while the colder water will descend the longer arm. Experiment 2. Provide a tightly-cov- ered tin vessel (Fig. 108) and two lamp- chimneys A and B. Near one side of the top of the cover cut a hole a little smaller than the large aperture of chimney B. Near the opposite side of the cover cut a series of holes of about 7 mm diameter, arranged in a circle, the circle being large enough to ad- mit a candle without covering the holes. Light the candle, and cover it with chim- ney A, which should be outside the circle of holes. Fasten both chimneys to the cover with wax. Hold smoking touch-paper C (see page 278) near the top of chimney B. The smoke, instead of rising, as it usually does, rapidly descends the chimney, and in a few seconds will be found VENTILATION. 145 ascending chimney A. The air around the flame becomes heated, ex- pands, and rises, while air from the outside rushes down the other chimney to supply the deficiency in the rarefied space. Thus heat from the flame is conveyed away to distant places. Cover the orifice of chimney B with the hand, and the flame will quickly go out. The last experiment furnishes an explanation of many familiar phenomena. It explains the cause of chimney drafts, and shows the necessity of providing a means of ingress as well as egress of air to and from a confined fire. It explains the method by which air is put in motion in winds. It illustrates a method often adopted to ventilate mines. Let the interior of the tin vessel represent a mine deep in the earth, and the chimneys two shafts sunk to opposite extremities of the mine. A fire kept burning at the bottom of one shaft will cause a current of air to sweep down the other shaft, and through the mine, and thus keep up a circulation of pure air through the mine. Liquids and gases are heated by convection. ( Wiry not solids ?) The heat must be applied at the bottom of the body of liquid or gas. (Why not at the top?) There is a still more important method by which heat is diffused, called radiation, which will be treated of in its proper place, under the head of radiant energy. 112. Ventilation. Intimately connected with the topic Convection, is the subject (of vital importance) Ventilation, inas- much as our chief means of securing the latter is through the agency of the former. The chief constituents, of our atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen, with varying quantities of water vapor, carbonic acid gas, ammonia gas, nitric acid vapor, and other gases. The atmosphere also contains in a state of suspension varying quantities of small particles of free carbon in the form of smoke, microscopic organisms, and dust of innumerable sub- stances. All of these constituents except the first three are called impurities. Carbonic acid is the impurity that is usually the most abundant and most easily detected ; so it has come to be taken as the measure of the purity of the atmosphere, though 146 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. not itself the most deleterious constituent. Pure out-door air contains about 4 parts of it by volume in 10,000. If the quan- tity rises to 10 parts, the air becomes unwholesome. Experiment 1. Place a teaspoonful of unslacked lime ill a tumbler of water ; a part of it will be dissolved. Filter the solution through unsized paper, and into the clear liquid blow breath from the lungs through a glass tube. The liquid turns milky-white in appearauce, because the carbonic acid in the breath unites with the lime dissolved in the water, and forms the insoluble carbonate of lime, which remains suspended for a time in the liquid, but finally settles as a white powder at the bottom. Experiment 2. Take a fresh quantity of lime water in each of two Fig 109. glasses, and in any poorly-ventilated room which has been occupied by several persons for a short time (unfortunately almost any school-room will answer the purpose), place one glass near the floor, and with a bellows blow into the liquid a few puffs of the lower stratum of air. Then place the other glass near the top of the room, and blow with the bellows some of the upper stratum of air into the lime water. In both cases carbonic acid will be found to be present, but it will be much more abundant in the upper stratum, us shown by the greater rapidity with which the cloudiness is produced in the upper stratum. Experiment 3. In the center of a small circular plauk (Fig. 109) insert an iron wire 60 cm long and jmm i n diameter. At intervals of 9 cm solder to the wire short pieces of small wire, so as to project horizontally from the large wire ; and to the free ex- tremities of these short wires solder small circular pieces of tin 3 cm in diameter. Arrange these little platforms spirally around the vertical wire. Fix stumps of candles upon these platforms by means of a little melted tallow. Light the candles, and carefully cover the whole with a tall glass jar. Heated air, from which the life-sustaining oxygen has been largely extracted and replaced by carbonic acid, rises from each flame and accumulates at the top of the jar. This air will neither support life nor combus tion, consequently the highest candle flame is quickly extinguished. The colder and purer air descends and feeds the lower flames, while VENTILATION. 147 flame after flame, from the top downward, is successively extinguished, the lowest flame being the last to go out. Carbonic acid gas is about one and one-half times heavier than air at the same temperature ; consequently, when both have the same temperature, and the former is very abundant, it tends to settle to the bottom, as in the vicinity of lime-kilns, in which large quantities of this gas are generated. The knowledge of this fact has led many to suppose that a means for the escape of impure air need only be provided near the floor of a room. But it should be remembered (1) that the tendency of carbonic acid gas, unless present in excessive quan- tities, is to diffuse itself equally through a body of air ; but (2) when it is heated to a temperature above that of the surrounding air, as when generated by flames, or when it escapes in the warm breath of animals, it is lighter than the air, and consequently rises. If this impure air could escape at the ceiling while fresh air en- tered at the floor, the ventilation would be good. But usually this fresh air must be warmed ; and in passing over a stove, furnace, or steam radiator, its temperature will generally become higher than that of the impure air, so that it will rise above the latter, and pass out at a ventilator in the ceiling, leaving the floor cold ; hence, the most impure air is often found in high school-rooms half-way up. Experience shows that, with the ordinary means of heating, it is usually best, in cold weather, to provide for the escape of the foul air at the floor into a flue, in which a 'draft is maintained by a neighboring hot chimney-flue, or a gas-burner, while the warm, fresh air is introduced at the floor, on the opposite side of the room, or sometimes at the ceiling. The quantity of fresh air introduced must be great enough to dilute the impurities till they are harmless. An adult makes about 18 respirations per minute, expelling from his lungs at each inspiration about 500 ccm of air, over 4 per cent of which is carbonic acid. At this rate, about 9,000 ccm of air per minute become unfit for respiration ; and to dilute this sufficiently, good 148 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. authorities say that about 100 times as much fresh air is needed ; or, for proper ventilation, about a cubic meter of fresh air per minute is needed for each person, or, in English measures, 2,000 cubic feet per hour. ' If the heating could be so arranged as to keep the floor prop- erly warmed, the vitiated air might pass out at the ceiling, and the quantity of fresh air entering at the floor might be mftch less than that just stated. In mild weather, when the fresh air does not require warming, the inlet may be at the floor and the outlet at the ceiling. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. How would you ventilate the tall jar in Experiment 3 ? 2. At evening assemblies in lighted halls, what two fruitful sources of carbonic acid are ever present ? 3. Why are gas burners frequently placed under the orifices of ven- tilators ? 4. A bed room is 3 m square and 2.5 m high ; how long would the en- closed air supply two persons on the supposition that none was to be re-breathed ? 5. A hall contains a thousand persons, and its dimensions are 35 X 18 X 7 m . How often should a complete change of air be effected that it may not become vitiated ? XX. EFFECTS OF HEAT. EXPANSION. Having learned something of the nature of heat, and how it passes from point to point, let us examine the effects it pro- duces on bodies : these are expansion and change of state. The first gives a means of measuring temperature, and leads to a fuller stud}' of gases than we have yet made. Under the second effect of heat we study liquefaction and vaporization. A third effect that is very obvious, the change of temperature, will be found to depend in part on what is called specific heat, to be studied on page 170. 113. Expansion of solids, liquids, and gases. Ex- periment 1. Obtain two short brass tubes, one of a size that will COEFFICIENTS OF EXPANSION. 149 Fig. 110. permit it just to enter the bore of the other. Heat the smaller tube ; it will no longer enter the larger. Experiment 2. Fit stoppers tightly in the necks of two similar thin glass flasks (or test-tubes), and through each stopper pass a glass tube about 60 cm long. The flasks must be as nearly alike as possible. Fill one flask with alcohol and the other with water, and crowd in the stoppers so as to force the liquids in the tubes a little way above the corks. Set the two flasks into a basin of hot water, and note that, at the instant the flasks enter the hot water, the liquids sink a little in the tubes, but quickly begin to rise, until perhaps they reach the top of the tubes and run over. When the flasks first enter the hot water they expand, and thereby their capacities are increased ; meantime the heat has not reached the liquids to cause them to expand, consequently the liquids sink momen- tarily to accommodate themselves to the enlarged vessel. Soon the heat reaches the liquids, and they begin to expand, as shown by their rise in the tubes. The alcohol rises faster than the water. Different substances, both in the solid and liquid states, expand unequally on experi- encing equal changes of temperature. Experiment 3. Take one of the flasks used in the last experiment, dry it well inside and out- side, invert the flask, insert the end of the tube in a bottle of colored water (Fig. 110), and apply heat to the flask ; the enclosed air expands and comes out through the colored liquid in bubbles. After a few minutes, withdraw the heat, keeping the end of the tube in the liquid ; as the air left in the flask cools, it contracts, and the water is forced by atmospheric pressure up the tube into the flask, and partially fills it. 114. Coefficients of expansion. There being generally greater cohesive force between the molecules of solids than between the molecules of liquids, the former expand less than the latter on receiving the same amount of heat, and for the same reason liquids expand less than gases. (See page 18.) All gases expand alike for equal differences of tempera- ture, and the expansion is uniform at all temperatures. Under uniform pressure the volume of any body of gas is increased by 150 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. 2^3- its volume at the freezing point of water for every degree cen- tigrade, or T for every degree Fahrenheit, its temperature is raised. These fractions are called the coefficients of expansion. Not only do the coefficients of expansion of liquids and solids vary with the substance, but the coefficient for the same sub- stance varies at different temperatures, being greater at high than at low temperatures. In the expansion of fluids we have only to do with increase of volume, called cubical expansion. In the expansion of solids, we have frequent occasion to speak of expansion in one direc- tion onty, and this is called linear expansion. 115. Power of expansion and contraction. The force which may be exerted by bodies in expanding or contracting may be very great, as shown by the following rough calculation : If an iron bar, 1 sq. in. in section, is raised from C. (freezing point of water) to 500 C. (a dull, red heat), its length, if allowed to expand freely, will be in- creased from 1 to 1.006, its coefficient of expansion being about .000012. Now, a force capable of stretching a bar of iron of 1 sq. in. section this amount, is about 90 tons, which represents very nearly the force that would be necessary to prevent the expansion caused by heat. It would require an equal force to prevent the same amount of contrac- tion (caused by what?) if the bar is cooled from 500 to C. - * Boiler plates are riveted with red-hot rivets, which, on cooling, draw the plates together so as to form very tight joints. Tires are fitted on carriage-wheels when red hot, and, on cooling, grip them with very great force. 116. Abnormal expansion and contraction of water. Water presents a partial exception to the general rule thnl matter expands on receiving heat and contracts on losing it If a quantity of water at C., or 32 F., is heated, ii contracts as its temperature rises, until it reaches 4 C., or about 39 F. , when its volume is least, and therefore it has its maximum density. If heated beyond this temperature it ex- pands, and at about 8 C. its volume is the same as at G. On cooling, water reaches its maximum density at 4 C., and ex- pands as the temperature falls below that point. It is probable THERMOMETRY. 151 tnat cr3 T stallization, and consequently expansion (see page 26), begins at 4 C. (What is the temperature at the bottom of a pond when water begins to freeze at the surface ?) XXI. THERMOMETRY. 117. Temperature measured by expansion. The ef- fects of expansion b} 7 heat are well illustrated in the common thermometer. As its temperature rises, both the glass and the mercury expand ; but, as liquids are more expansible than solids, the mercury expands much more rapidly than the glass, and the apparent expansion of the mercury, shown by its rise in the tube, is the difference between the actual increase of volume of the mercury and that of the part of the glass vessel containing it. The thermometer, then, primarily indicates changes in vol- ume ; but as changes of volume in this case are caused by changes of temperature, it is commonly used for the more important purpose of measuring temperature. (Will a ther- mometer measure quantity of heat?) 118. Construction of a thermometer. A thermometer generally consists of a glass tube of capillary bore, terminating at one end in a bulb. The bulb and part of the tube are filled with mercury, and the space in the tube above the mercury is usually, but not necessarily, a vacuum. On the tube, or on a plate of metal behind the tube, is a scale, to show the hight of the mercurial column. 119. Standard temperatures. That a thermometer may indicate any definite temperature, it is necessary that its scale should relate to some definite and unchangeable points of temperature. Fortunately Nature furnishes us with two convenient standards. It is found that under ordinary at- mospheric pressure ice always melts at the same temperature, called the melting point, or, more commonly, the freezing point (inasmuch as water freezes and ice melts at the same tempera- 152 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Fig. 111. ture). Again, the temperature of steam rising from boiling water under the same pressure is always the same. 120. Graduation of thermometers. The bulb of a thermometer is first placed in melting ice, and allowed to stand until the surface of the mercury becomes stationary, and a mark is made upon the stem at that point, and indicates the freezing point. Then the instrument is suspended in steam rising from boiling water, so that all but the very top of the column is in the steam. The mercury rises in the stem until its temperature be- comes the same as that of the steam, when it again becomes stationar}*, and another mark is placed upon the stem to indicate the boiling point. Then the space between the two points found is divided into a convenient number of equal parts called degrees, and the scale is extended above and below these points as far as desirable. Two methods of division are adopted in this coun- try: by one, the space is divided into 180 equal parts, and the result is called the Fahrenheit scale, from the name of its author ; by the other, the space is divided into 100 equal parts, and the resulting scale is called centigrade, which means one hundred steps. In the Fahrenheit scale, which is generally employed for ordinaiy household pur- poses, the freezing and boiling points are marked respectively 32 and 212. The of this scale (32 below freezing point), F. ( Water boils .'212 A ter 100 38. np. 373... 1 Blood heat 98..,... 37 310 . Max. den. of water . 39.2.... 3-2 4 277... 273... degrees. Mercury freezes 37.8. -38.8. 234.2. 1 E fl i c No heat ^60.. 273.. CONVERSION FROM ONE SCALE TO THE OTHER. 153 which is about the lowest temperature that can be obtained by a mixture of snow and salt, was incorrectly supposed to be the lowest temperature attainable. The centigrade scale, which is generally employed by scientists, has its freezing and boiling points more conveniently marked, respectively and 100. A temperature below in either scale is indicated by a minus sign before the number. Thus, -12F. indicates 12 below (or 44 below freezing point), according to the Fahrenheit scale. Under F. and C., Figure 111, the two scales are placed side by side, so as to exhibit at intervals a comparative view. 121. Conversion from one scale to the other. Since 100 C. = 180 F., 5C. =9F., or 1C. = f of 1F. Hence, to convert centigrade degrees into Fahrenheit degrees, we mul- tiply the number by -f ; and to convert Fahrenheit degrees into centigrade degrees we multiply by -f . In finding the temperature on one scale that corresponds to a given temperature on the other scale, it must be remembered that the number that expresses the temperature on a Fahrenheit scale does not, as it does on a centigrade scale, express the number of degrees above freezing point. For example, 52 on a Fahrenheit scale is not 52 above freezing point, but 52 - 32 = 20 above it. Hence, to reduce a Fahrenheit reading to a centigrade read- ing, first subtract 32 from the given number, and then multiply by%. Thus, f(F-32) = C. To change a centigrade reading to a Fahrenheit reading, first multiply the given number by |-, and then add 32. Thus, f C + 32 = F. PROBLEMS. 1. The difference between two temperatures is 80 centigrade de- grees. What is the difference in Fahrenheit degrees? 2. When the temperature of a room falls 30 Fahrenheit degrees, how many centigrade degrees is its temperature lowered? 3. Suppose the temperature of the above room before the fall was 68 F., (a) what was its temperature after the fall? (ft) What were the 154 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. temperatures of the room before and after the fall, according to a centigrade thermometer? 4. Express the following temperatures of the centigrade scale in the Fahrenheit scale : 100 ; 40 ; 56 ; 60 ; ; - 20 ; - 40 ; 80 ; 150. NOTE. In adding or subtracting 32, it should be done algebraically. Thus, to change 14 C. to its equivalent on the Fahrenheit scale : X ( 14) = 25.2 ; 25.2 + 32 = 6.8, the required temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. Again, to find the equivalent of 24 F. in the centi- grade scale : 24 32 = 8; 8 X f = 4f ; hence, 24 F. is equiva- lent to 4.4 + C. 5. Express the following temperatures of the Fahrenheit scale in the centigrade scale : 212 ; 32 ; 90 ; 77 ; 20 ; 10 ; - 10 ; - 20 ; -40; 40; 59; 329. 122. Air thermometer. Prepare apparatus as shown in Figure 112. A is a glass flask of about one-fourth liter capacity, tightly Fig. 112. stopped. Through the stopper extends a glass tube about 60 cm long, which also passes through the stopper of a bottle B, partly filled with colored water. The latter stopper is pierced by a hole a to allow air to pass in and out freely. A strip of paper C, containing a scale of equal parts, is attached to the tube by means of slits cut in the paper. Grasp the flask with the palms of both hands, and thereby heat the air in the flask and cause it to expand and escape through the liquid in bubbles. When several bubbles have escaped, remove the hands, and the air, on cooling, will con- tract, and the liquid will rise and partly fill the tube. The apparatus described is usually called an air ther- mometer ; but it is, more correctly speaking, a tliermo- scope. It renders slight changes of temperature much more perceptible than a mercury thermometer, and therefore is said to be more sensitive. For instance, if an air thermometer and a mercury thermometer, whose bulbs are of the same size, are carried from a cold room into a warm room, or vice versa, the changes in B the hight of the liquid column in the air thermometer will be much greater and more rapid than in the mer- cury thermometer. In the former, the temperature is measured by the expansion of air ; in the latter, by the expansion of iner- ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE. 155 cury. (Why is the former more sensitive than the latter?) This simple air thermometer cannot have a fixed scale showing the temperature in Fahrenheit or centigrade degrees as a mercury thermometer does, inasmuch as the hight of the liquid column is affected by atmospheric pressure as well as by temperature, so that when the temperature remains the same, variations occur corresponding to the changes of the barometric column. But in many scientific investigations a good air thermometer is better than one containing mercury. The thermopile and galvanome- ter (see page 236) constitute a still more sensitive apparatus for showing changes in temperature. 123. Measurement of extreme temperatures. Mer- cury boils at 350 C. (662 F.) and freezes at about 39 C., and therefore cannot be used for indicating tempera- tures above or below these points. Extremely high tempera- tures are measured by the expansion of solids, usually a rod of platinum, and the instrument used for this purpose is called a pyrometer. Alcohol is used in thermometers employed to meas- ure extremely low temperatures. The air thermometer may be used at any temperature that will not soften the bulb and tube. 124. Absolute temperature. If a body of air at 0C. is heated, its volume is increased ^^ of the original volume for every degree its temperature is raised. At 273 C. its volume is consequently doubled. If a body of air is cooled below C., its volume is diminished for every degree its temperature is low- ered YTJ f its volume at ; and so, if its volume were to con- tinue to decrease at that rate until it should reach 273C., mathematically speaking its volume would become nothing ; but, practically, the air would cease to be a gas, and would become a compact, motionless mass ; that is, all molecular motion would cease at that point, and so the point of no heat would be reached. This point is called the absolute zero, and temperature reckoned from this point is called absolute temperature. On this scale all temperatures would be positive. 156 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. NOTE. Air and all other gases we know (see page 20) are con- verted into liquids and solids long before they reach the temperature of 273 C. ; so, of course, they cease to obey the law of Mariotte (page 59). Though a body has never been cooled to the absolute zero, there are reasons, far more conclusive than the one given, which justify us in believing that all molecular motion would cease at a point very near 273 C. In the further study of heat, the use of the scale of absolute temperature is a great convenience. The absolute temperature (based on the above theory) may be found by adding 273 to its reading on a centigrade thermome- ter, or 459 to its reading on a Fahrenheit thermometer. (See Figure 111.) 125. Laws of gaseous bodies. It follows, from the above discussion, that the volume of a given mass of gas at con- stant pressure is proportional to its absolute temperature. This is called the Law of Charles. If, however, a body of gas at C. is enclosed in a vessel of rigid sides, its volume must remain constant at all tempera- tures. In this case the pressure on the sides is increased by ^j of the pressure at for every degree its temperature rises, and is diminished ^y^ for every degree its temperature falls ; and if it were to continue to decrease at this rate, at 273 C., it would become nothing. Hence, the pressure of a given body of gas, ivhose volume is kept constant, is proportional to its abso- lute temperature. Mariotte's law states that at a constant temperature the vol- ume of a given body of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure to which it is subjected; i.e., the product of the pressure and the volume is constant. Now, when both the pressure and the volume vary at the same time, it is evident that the prod- uct of the pressure and the volume of a given body of gas is proportional to its absolute temperature. PROBLEMS. 1. Find in both centigrade and Fahrenheit degrees the absolute tem- peratures at which mercury boils and freezes. 2. At C. the volume of a certain body of gas is 500 ccm under a constant pressu're ; (a) what will be its volume if its temperature is raised KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. 157 to75C.? (&) What will be its volume if its temperature becomes -20 C.? 3. If the volume of a body of gas at 20 C. is 200 ccm , what will be its volume at 30 C.? Solution : 20 C. is equivalent to (20 + 273) 293 abs. temp. ; then 293 : 303 : : 200 : 206.8 ccm . Ans. 4. To what volume will a liter of gas contract if cooled from 30 C. to -15C.? 5. One liter of gas under a pressure of one atmosphere will have what volume if, at a constant temperature, the pressure is reduced to 9008 per square centimeter? 6. The volume of a certain body of air at a temperature of 17 C. , and under a pressure of 800s per square centimeter, is 500 ccm ; what will be its volume at a temperature of 27 C. under a pressure of 12008 per square centimeter? Solution: 17 C. is equivalent to 290 abs. temp.; 27 C. is equivalent to 300 abs. temp. Then 290 : 300 : : 500 X 800 : x X 1200. Whence x= 344. 8 CC . Ans. 7. If the volume of a body of gas under a pressure of l k per square centimeter, and at a temperature of C., is 1 liter, at what temperature will its volume be reduced to l ccm under a pressure of 200 k per square centimeter? Ans. : 54.6 abs. temp., or 218.4 C. 8. Find the temperatures on the absolute scale at which bodies named on page 161 melt or boil. 9. If a cubic foot of coal-gas at 32 F., when the barometer is at 30 in., weighs ^ lb., how much will an equal volume weigh at 68 F. when the barometer is at 29 in.? 126. Kinetic theory of gases. This theory claims that in gases the molecules are so far separated from each other that their motions are not generally influenced by molecular attrac- tions. Hence, in accordance with the first law of motion, the molecules of gases move in straight lines and with uniform ve- locit}', until they collide with each other or strike against the walls of the containing vessel, when, in consequence of their elasticity, they at once rebound and start on a new path. We may picture to ourselves what is going on in a body of calm air, for instance, by observing a swarm of bees, when every individual bee is flying with great velocity, first in one direction and then in another, while the swarm either remains at rest or sails slowly through the air. 158 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. 127. Pressure of a gas due to the kinetic energy of its molecules. Consider, then, what a molecular storm must be raging about us, and how it must beat against us and against every exposed surface. According to the kinetic theory, the pressure of a gas (or its expansive power as it is sometimes called) , is entirely due to the striking of the molecules against the surfaces on which the gas is said to press, the impulses following each other in such rapid succession that the effect produced can- not be distinguished from constant pressure. Upon the kinetic energy of these blows, and upon the number of blows per second, must depend the amount of pressure. But we saw on page 141, that on the energy of the individual molecules depends that condition of a gas called its temperature; so, it is apparent, as stated above, that the pressure of a given quantity of gas varies as its temperature. Again, as at the same temperature the num- ber of blows per second must depend upon the number of mole- cules in the unit of space, it is apparent that the pressure varies as the density. The following estimates 1 made for hydrogen molecules at 0C., and under a pressure of one atmosphere, may prove interesting : Mean velocity, 6100 feet per second. Mean path without collision, 38 ten-millionths of an inch. Collisions, 17,750 millions per second. Mass, 216,000 million million million weigh 1 gram. Number, 19 million million million fill 1 cubic centimeter. 128. Diffusion of gases and liquids. The kinetic the- ory of gases explains why gases penetrate into any spaces open to them, and likewise the phenomenon known as the diffusion of gases (see page 41). The presence of a gas in a given space only delays the spread of another gas in the same space by collision between the molecules of the inter-diffusing gases. The diffusion between liquids, though not so well understood, is undoubtedly due in part to similar molecular motions. i Maxwell. LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. 159 XXII. EFFECTS OF HEAT CONTINUED. LIQUEFACTION AND VAPORIZATION. Experiment 1. Melt separately tallow, lard, and beeswax. When partially melted, stir well with a thermometer, and ascertain the melting points of each of these substances. Experiment 2. Place a test tube (Fig. 113), half filled with ether, in a beaker containing water at a temperature of 60 C. Although the temperature of the water is 40 below its boiling point, it very quickly raises the temperature of the ether suffi- _ Fi - 113 - ciently to cause it to boil violently. Introduce a chemi- cal thermometer 1 into the test tube, and ascertain the boiling point of ether. Experiment 3. Half fill a glass beaker of a liter capacity with fragments of ice or snow, and set the beaker into a basin of boiling-hot water. Stir the con- tents of the beaker with a thermometer until the ice is all melted, observing from time to time the temperature of the contents. The temperature remains constant at C. until the ice is all melted. Experiment 4. As soon as the last piece of ice disappears, remove the flask from the warm water, wipe the outside, and place it over a Bunsen burner and heat. Observe that the temperature rises con- stantly until the water begins to boil ; but after it begins to boil, the temperature remains constant as long as it boils. Place more burners under the beaker ; the water boils more violently, but the temperature is not raised. Experiment 5. Place in contact the smooth, dry surfaces of two pieces of ice; press them together for a few seconds; remove the pressure, and they will be found firmly frozen together. The ice at the surfaces of contact melts under the pressure, but when the pressure is removed the liquid instantly freezes and cements the pieces together. It is in this manner that snow-balls are formed. NOTE. If a thermometer is placed in a mixture of ice and water, and the mixture is subjected to great pressure, some of the ice will melt and the temperature will fall; but when the pressure is removed, a portion of the water freezes and the temperature rises. From this we learn that the melting (or freezing} point of water is very slightly low- ered by pressure. The depression is about T f,r of 1 C for each atmos- phere. On the other hand, it is found that substances which, unlike ice, expand in melting, have their melting points raised by pressure. 1 A chemical thermometer has its scale on the glass stem, instead of a metal plate, and is otherwise adapted to experimental use. 160 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Experiment 6. Half fill a thin glass flask witn water. Boil the water over a Bunsen burner; the steam will drive the air from the flask. Withdraw the burner, quickly cork the flask very tightly, and plunge the flask into cold water, or invert the flask and pour cold water upon the part containing steam, as in Figure 114 ; the water in the flask, though cooled several degrees below the usual boiling point, boils again violently. The application of cold water to the flask condenses some of the steam, and diminishes the tension of the rest, so that the pressure upon the water is diminished, and the water boils at a reduced temperature. If hot water is 'poured upon the flask, the water ceases to boil. (Why ?) Under the receiver of an air-pump, water may be made to boil at any temperature between and 100 C. ; indeed, if exhaustion is carried far enough, boiling and freezing may be going on at the same time. When high temperature is objectionable, apparatus is contrived for boiling and evaporating in a vacuum ; as, for instance, in the vacuum pans used in sugar refineries. As water boils more easily under diminished pressure, so it boils with more difficulty when the pressure is increased ; and the temperature to which water may be raised under the pressure of its own steam is only limited by the strength of the vessel containing it. Ves- sels of this kind are often employed to effect a complete pene- tration of water into solid and hard substances. By this means gelatine is extracted from the interior of bones. In the boiler of a locomotive, where the pressure is sometimes 150 Ibs. above the atmosphere, the boiling point rises to about 180 C. (360 F.). Experiment 7. Dissolve table-salt in water, and you may raise its boiling point till it reaches 108 C. With saltpetre it may reach 115 C. LAWS OF FUSION AND BOILING. 161 On the other hand, it is well known that sea-water, which con- tains saline matter in solution, freezes at a lower temperature than C. From the above experiments, and others of a similar nature, we derive the following LAWS OF FUSION AND BOILING. 1. The temperature at which solids melt differs for different sub- stances, but is invariable for the same substance, if the pressure is constant. Substances solidify usu- ally at the same temperatures as those at which they melt. 2. After a solid begins to melt, the temperature remains constant until the whole is melted. 3. Pressure lowers the melting (or solidifying} point of substances that expand on solidifying, and raises the melting point of those that contract. 4. The freezing point of water is lowered by the presence of salts in solution. 1. The temperature at which liquids boil differs for different sub- stances, but is invariable for the same substance if the pressure is constant. Vapors liquefy at the same temperatures as those at which they boil. 2. After a liquid begins to boil the temperature remains constant until the whole is vaporized. 3. Pressure raises the boiling point of all substances. 4. The boiling point of water is raised by the presence of salts in solution. REFERENCE TABLES. Melting Points. Alcohol Never frozen. Mercury - 38.8 C. Sulphuric acid -34.4 Ice Phosphorus 44 Sulphur 115 Tin about 233 Lead.. " 334 Zinc about 425 C. Silver " 1000 Gold t " ....1200 Cast-iron " 1050-1250 Wrought-iron .... " 1500-1600 Iridium (the most infusible metal) about.. ..1950 Boiling Points under a Pressure of one Atmosphere. Carbonic acid - 78 C. Ammonia 40 Sulphurous acid 10 Ether .. 35 Carbon bisulphide 48 C. Alcohol 78 Water 100 Mercury 35., 162 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. Boiling Points of Water at Different Pressures. Atmospheres. 212 F 1 249.5 2 273.3 3 306 5 356.6.. ..10 Barometer. 184 F 16.68 inches. 190 18.99 " 200 23.45 " 210 28.74 " 212 ..29.92 " The temperature of the boiliug point of water varies with the alti- tude of places, in consequence of the different atmospheric pressure. A difference of altitude of 533 ft. causes a variation of 1F. in the boiling point. Boiling Points of Water at Different Altitudes. Above the sea-level. Quito + 9,500 ft. . Mont Blanc 15,650 " . Mt. Washington * 6,290 " . Boston " . Dead Sea (below) - 1,316 " . 129. Distillation. Apparatus like that represented in Figure 115 may be Fig. 115. easily constructed. The following ex- periment will be found interesting and instructive. Mean hight of Barometer. Temperature. ..21.53 in 195.8 F. ..16.90 " 186 ..22.90 " 200 . .30. " 212 ..31.50 " 214 Experiment. Half fill the flask A with water colored with a few drops of ink. Boil the water, and the steam arising will escape through the glass delivery tube BB. This tube is surrounded in part by a larger tube C, called a con- denser, which is kept filled with cold water flowing from a vessel D through a siphon S, the water finally escaping through the tube E. EVAPORATION. 168 The steam is condensed in its passage through the delivery tube, and the resulting liquid is caught iii the vessel F. The liquid caught is colorless. A complete separation of the watery portion of the colored liquid from the other ingredients of the ink is effected, the latter being left in the flask A. The separation is accomplished on the principle that the tem- perature of the boiling points of different substances differ. The water is raised to its vaporizing point, but the other substances are not. The apparatus is called a still, and the operation distillation. If a volatile liquid, such as alcohol, is to be separated from water, the mixture is heated to the temperature at which the volatile liquid boils, but not to the boiling point of water, when the alcohol will pass into the vessel JT, and the water, for the most part, will remain in the flask. 130. Evaporation. In boiling, the heat, usually ap- plied at the bottom, rapidly converts the liquid into vapor, which, rising in bubbles and breaking at or near the surface, produces a violent agitation in the liquid, sometimes called ebullition. ' Evaporation is that form of vaporization which takes place quietly and slowly at the surface. The phenomena and laws of vaporization of all liquids are similar, but we will study only the important case of water. Although hastened by heat, the evaporation of water occurs at any temperature, however low ; even ice and snow evaporate. The rapidity of evaporation varies directly ivith the tempera- ture, amount of surface exposed, and dryness of the atmosphere, and inversely with the pressure upon the liquid. This vapor of water mixes freely with the air, and diffuses readily through it, acting like another gas (compare pages 42 and 158). The air does not take up water like a sponge, as is commonly imagined ; for, if the air could be removed from a room, where there is a large vessel of water, every cubic foot of the space in the room would be found to contain just as much water-vapor as it does 164 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. when the air is present, probably a very little more. In either case, only a definite quantity would be found in each cubic foot, a quantity depending on the temperature of the space. Thus, at 0C., each cubic foot can contain 0.14*; at 10, 0.26 g ; at 20, 0.49 g ; and at 30, 0.85 g . Evidently the capacity is nearly doubled by a rise of 10 in temperature. 131. Dew point. When a space contains such an amount of water-vapor, whether it contains other gases or not, that its temperature cannot be lowered without some of the water being precipitated in the form of a liquid, the space is said to be saturated, and the temperature is called the deiv point. The form in which the condensed vapor appears is, according to its loca- tion, dew, fog, or cloud. The atmosphere is said to be dry or humid, according as the difference between the dew point and the temperature of the atmosphere is great or little. QUESTIONS. 1. Why does our breath produce a cloud in winter and not in sum- mer? 2. (a) If air at is warmed to 20 C., how will its dryness be affected? (&) What effect would such warmed air have on wet clothes? 3. If saturated air at 20 is blown into a cellar where the tempera- ture is 10, what will happen? 4. What is the cause of the general complaint of dryuess of air in rooms heated by stoves or furnaces? 5. Does a given mass of air in such a room contain less water-vapor than an equal mass of cold out-door air at the same time? HEAT UNITS. 165 XXIII. HEAT CONVERTIBLE INTO POTENTIAL ENERGY, AND VICE VERSA. 132. Heat units. It is frequently necessary to measure quantity of heat, and for this purpose a standard unit of measure- ment is required. The heat unit generally adopted is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from OP to 1 C. This unit is called a calorie. Let it be required to find the amount of heat that disappears (Exp. 3, p. 159) during the melting of one kilogram of ice. Experiment 1. Place l k of ice at C. in a beaker, and the beaker in a large basin of boiling water (Fig. 116), and at the same instant place in the hot water another beaker containing l k of water at C. Place in each beaker a thermometer, and at the instaut that the ice disappears note the temperature of the water in each; it will be found that while the temperature of the former has not changed, the latter has risen to about 80 C. It is evident that the contents of both beakers must have re- ceived the same amount of heat ; hence, the amount of heat re- ceived by the water being 80 calories, the amount of heat that cksappe&rs or is lost during the melting of one kilogram of ice is 80 calories. Next, let it be required to find the amount of heat that dis- appears (Exp. 4, p. 159) during the conversion of l k of water into steam. Experiment 2. Place l k of water at C. in a beaker, and heat the same with a Bunsen burner. Note the time that it takes to raise the water from C. to 100 C., also the time during which the temperature of the water remains stationary while the water is boiling away. The latter time will be found to be about five times the former t Now, as the water receives 100 calories during the time it is 166 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. rising from the freezing to the boiling point, it must receive about 500 calories during the time it is converted into steam : but the temperature of the water is not changed during the latter oper- ation. More accurate methods have the number 537 ; so it fol- lows that 537 calories disappear, or are lost during the conversion of 1 kilogram of water into steam. 133. Two questions answered. Inasmuch as none of the heat applied during the melting of ice and the conversion of water into steam raises the temperature of the body to which it is applied, the question arises, What does the heat do? Again, Why is not ice instantly converted into water on reach- ing the melting point, and water instantly converted into steam on reaching the boiling point f The answer to the first question is, All of the heat applied in melting ice is consumed in doing interior work, as it is called. The molecules that were firmly held in their places by molecular forces are now moved from their places, and so work is done against these forces, just as work is done against gravity when a weight is lifted. In the conversion of water into steam, a similar action goes on ; the heat is expended in separating the molecules so far that the molecular attractive forces are no longer sensible, all except the small fraction used in overcoming atmospheric pressure. 1 Heat, the energy of motion, in both instances does important work, and is thereby converted into the energy of position, or potential energy, energy of the same kind as that of a raised weight. The answer to the second question is, The amount of work- done in both instances is great, as shown by the amount of heat consumed in doing the work ; 80 calories per kilogram of ice being required in the first instance, and 537 calories per kilo- gram of water in the second ; hence it requires a long time to acquire the requisite amount of heat. It is fortunate that it takes a large quantity of heat to melt ice ; otherwise, on a single COLD BY SOLUTION. 167 warm day in winter, all the ice and snow would melt, creating most destructive freshets. The heat which disappears in melting and boiling is generally, but with our present knowledge of the subject, rather objectionably, called latent (hidden) heat. The error consists in calling that heat which has ceased to be heat, i.e., has ceased to be molecular motion. 134. Methods of producing- artificial cold. The fact that heat must be consumed because work is done, in the con- version of solids into liquids and liquids into vapors, and in the simple expansion of gases, is turned to practical use in many ways for the purpose of producing artificial cold. They are embraced under three heads; viz., Cold produced by solution, by evaporation, and by expansion of gases. The following ex- periments will illustrate. 135. Cold by solution. Freezing mixtures. Experi- ment. Prepare a mixture of 2 parts by weight of pulverized ammo- nium nitrate and 1 part of ammonium chloride, and dissolve in 3 parts of water (not warmer than 10 C.), stirring the same while dissolving with a test-tube containing a little water. The water in the test tube will be quickly frozen. A finger Fig . placed in the solution will feel a painful sensation of cold, and a thermometer will indicate a temperature of about 10 C. One of the most common freezing mixtures consists of 3 parts of snow or broken ice and 1 part of common salt. The affinity of salt for water causes a liquefaction of the ice, and the result- ing liquid dissolves-the salt, both oper- ations requiring heat. 136. Cold by evaporation. Experiment 1. Fill the palm of the hand with ether ; the ether quickly evaporates and produces a painful sensation of cold. Experiment 2. Place water at about 10 C. in a thin porous cup, such as is used in the Grove's battery (see page 190), and introduce 168 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. the bulb of a thermometer ; although the experiment be conducted in a warm room, the large surface exposed by meaus of the porous vessel will so hasten evaporation that in the course of fifteen minutes there will be a very sensible fall in temperature. Experiment 3. Cover closely the bulb of an air thermometer (Fig. 117) Avith thin muslin, and partly fill the stem with water. Let one person slowly drop ether on the bulb while another briskly blows the air charged with vapor away from the bulb with a bellows. (Why ?) The water in the stem will quickly freeze even in a warm room. QUESTIONS. 1. Why do we bathe the fevered forehead with alcohol and water ? 2. How does perspiration contribute to our comfort ? 3. Why do we fan ourselves ? 4. Why does a windy day seem colder to us than a still day, although the temperature is the same on both days ? 5. Why do we blow our hot tea, and why pour it into a saucer? 6. How does sprinkling a floor cool the air of a room ? 137. Cold by expansion of gases. When a beer bottle is opened, a fog is suddenly produced in the neck of the bottle due to the chill of an expanding gas. The work done in the expansion of a gas consists only in forcing back the surrounding air. If confined air is allowed to expand into a vacuum, no work is done, and the temperature is not changed. By allowing condensed air containing, as it usually does, watery vapor, to escape suddenly from the vessel in which it is confined, icicles have been formed around the orifice whence it escapes. 138. Potential energy converted into heat by the solidification of liquids and the liquefaction of vapors. Experiment 1. Boil about \ liter of water in a glass flask, and add, slowly, pulverized sodium sulphate until the boiling water refuses to dissolve more (hot water will dissolve about twice its weight of this substance). Then set the hot solution in a place where it will not be disturbed, and let it stand for about 24 hours, that it may acquire the temperature of the room. Thrust the bulb of a thermometer into the solution, 1 and at the same time drop in a lump of sodium sulphate; 1 The solution is now said to be supersaturated. POTENTIAL ENERGY, ETC. 169 solidification instantly sets in, and in a few seconds the liquid mass will be almost wholly replaced by crystals. At the same time the temperature, as indicated by the thermometer, rapidly rises. The heat which is consumed in dissolving a solid, and in giv- ing the molecules an advantage of position, is restored when tlr: molecules are allowed to resume their original positions, as n falling weight restores the kinetic energy consumed in raising it. Experiment 2. Place water at about 10 C. in a bottle, and intro- duce a thermometer. Surround the bottle with a snow and salt freez- ing mixture ; the temperature of the water rapidly falls until it reaches 0C. The heat which the water loses is consumed in melting the ice and dissolving the salt. AtOC. the water begins to freeze, and the temperature remains stationary until all the water is frozen, when its temperature again falls. The temperature of the freezing mixture is much lower than that of the water while freezing ; the latter, then, must give heat to the former. That the mixture receives heat Fig 118> is shown by the continua- tion of the melting and dissolving. But as the temperature of the water while freezing does not fall, it must be that the heat which it surrenders during solidification arises from the conversion into heat of the potential en- ergy possessed by the molecules of the liquid. Experiment 3. Arrange apparatus as in Figure 118. When water iu the flask A begins to boil, introduce the end of the delivery tube B into a vessel C of water at C. The steam that passes through the tube is condensed on entering the cold water and heats the water. When a considerable portion of the water has boiled away, weigh the water remaining in A, and ascertain the quantity that has been con- 170 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. verted into steam ; also ascertain the temperature of the water in C, and the number of calories which it has received. For every kilogram of water that is converted into steam, 5.37 k of water (practically, considerably less than this quantity, in consequence of loss of heat by radiation and evaporation from C) will be raised from to 100. As l k requires 100 units of heat to raise it to 100, the 5.37 k must require 537 units of heat. But the steam raises the water to its own temperature without having its own temperature lowered. (Whence come the 537 units of heat that raise the temperature of the water?) Heat that is consumed in liquefying solids, and in vaporizing liquids, is always restored when the reverse change takes place. Farmers well understand that water, in freezing, gives out a great deal of heat, at a low temperature, it is time, but still high enough to protect vegetables which freeze only when con- siderably colder than melting ice. The fact that steam, in condensing, generates a large amount of heat, is turned to practical use in heating buildings by steam. XXIV. SPECIFIC HEAT. 139. Temperatures of different substances raised unequally by equal quantities of heat. Will equal quanti- ties of heat applied to equal weights of different substances raise their temperatures equally ? Experiment 1. Mix l k of water at with l k at 20 ; the tempera- ture of the mixture becomes 10. The heat that leaves l k of water when it falls from 20 to 10 is just capable of raising l k of water from to 10. Experiment 2. Take (say) 300s of sheet lead, and make a loose roll of it, and suspend it by a thread in boiling water for about five minutes, that it may acquire the same temperature (100 C.) as the water. Remove the roll from the hot water, and immerse it as quickly as possible in 300s of water at 0, and introduce the bulb of a ther- mometer. Note the temperature of the water when it ceases to rise, which will be found to be about 3 (accurately 3.3+). The lead cools SPECIFIC HEAT DEFINED. 171 v r ery much more than the water warms. Lead falls about 33 for every degree an equal weight of water is warmed. From the first experiment we infer that a body, in cooling a certain number of degrees, gives to surrounding bodies as much heat as it takes to raise its temperature the same number of degrees. From the second experiment we learn that the quan- tity of heat that raises l k of lead from 3.3+ to 100, when transferred to water, can raise l k of water only from to 3.3. Hence we conclude that equal quantities of heat, applied to equal weights of different substances, raise tlieir temperatures unequally. 140. Capacity for heat. If equal weights of mercury, alcohol, and water are exposed to the same heat, the mercury will rise 30, and the alcohol nearly 2, while the water is rising 1. From this we infer that to raise a kilogram of each of these substances from to 1 requires 30 times as much heat for the water as for the mercury, and twice as much as for the alcohol. Since heat affects the temperature of water less than mercury and alcohol, the first is said to have a greater capacity for heat. The number of units of heat required to raise the tem- perature of a body 1C., is called its capacity for heat. 141. Specific heat defined. It is a great convenience to be able to compare the capacities of different substances for heat. The standard employed is water, and the ratio which expresses the comparison is called specific heat. The specific heat of a body is the ratio of its capacity for heat to that of an equal weight of water. From the data obtained in the last experiment we may calcu- late the specific heat of lead as follows : The same quantity of heat that raises the water 3.3 (from to 3.3) raises the lead 96.70 (from 3.3 to 100) ; hence, to raise the lead 1 requires 3 3 ^=.034+ as much heat as to raise the water 1. 96.7 The specific heat of all solids and liquids, and most gases, increases slightly with the temperature. Thus water at C. has 172 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. a specific heat of 1 ; at 40, 1.0013 ; at 80, 1.0035. Substances in the liquid state usually have a higher specific heat than in the solid or gaseous state. Thus water has nearly double the specific heat of ice, and a little more than double the specific heat of steam. REFERENCE TABLES. Table of mean specific heat between C. and 100 C. Hydrogen 3.4090 Air 2375 Sulphur 2026 Glass . . .1770 Iron 1138 Copper 0952 Mercury 0333 Lead . . . .0314 Specific heat of the same substance in different states. Solid. Liquid. Gaseous. Water 5040 1.0000 4805 Bromine 0833 1060 0555 Lead 0314 0402 Alcohol 5S-.77 45 142. One cause of difference in capacity for heat. Of the whole quantity of heat applied to a solid or liquid bod}', only a part goes to increase the heat of the body, and thereby to raise its temperature ; the remainder performs interior work. in overcoming cohesion between the molecules of the body, and in forcing them to take up new positions. (Since, then, some of the heat is converted into potential energy, we may properly introduce the subject of specific heat at this place.) The greater the portion of heat consumed in interior work upon :. body, the less there is left to raise its temperature, and conse- quently the greater its capacity for heat. Thus, when equal quantities of heat are applied to equal masses of water and lead, more is consumed (i.e., converted in potential energy) in interior work upon the water than upon the lead ; consequently the tem- perature of the former is not raised as much as that of the latter. The limits of this work forbid the discussion of the causes of the difference of capacity for heat of different gases. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 173 143. Great capacity of water for heat. Water requires more heat to warm it, and gives out more in cooling through a given range of temperature, than any substance except hydrogen. The quantity of heat that raises a kilogram of water from to 100 C. would raise a kilogram of iron from to 800 or 900 C., or above a red heat: Conversely, a kilogram of water in cooling from 100 to 0C. gives out as much heat as a kilo- gram of iron in cooling from about 900 to C. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. How much heat is required to change 100 k of ice at into steam at 100 C.? 2. (a) 1000 k of steam at 100 C. is conveyed by pipes through a building, and the water resulting from its condensation returns to the boiler at a temperature of 80; how much heat is given out in the build- ing. (6) The same quantity of heat would raise how many kilograms of water from to 100 ? 3. 50 k of water at 100 will melt how many pounds of ice at C. ? 4. How much heat is required to raise l k of ice from 10 to 10 C.? 5. (a) Apply the same quantity of heat to equal weights of ice and water, each at a temperature of C. ; when the latter reaches the boiling point what will be the temperature of the former ? (&) Why will not both have the same temperature ? 6. What effect on the temperature of the air has the freezing of the water of lakes and other bodies of water ? 7. If l k of iron at 100 is immersed in l k of water at C., what will be the resulting temperature ? 8. What is the specific heat of a substance, l k of which at 100, when put into l k of water, at raises its temperature to 5 C. ? 9. 50 k of mercury at 80 will melt what weight of ice at C. ? 10. Why is hot water in bottles often used to warm beds in prefer- ence to other substances ? 11. If there were no water on the earth, why would the difference in temperature between day and night, and between summer and win- ter, far exceed what it is now ? 12. Why are places in vicinity of water less subject to extremes of heat and cold than places inland ? 174 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. XXV. THERMODYNAMICS. 144. Thermo-Dynamics defined. Thermo-dynamics is that branch of science that treats of the relation between heat and mechanical work. One of the most important discoveries in science is that of the equivalence of heat and work; that is, that a definite quantity of mechanical work can always produce a definite quantity of heat; and conversely, this heat, if the conver- sion were complete, can perform the original quantity of work. 145. Correlation and conservation of energy. The proof of the facts just stated was one of the most important steps in the establishment of the grand twin conceptions of modern science. (1) That all kinds of energy are so related to one another that energy of any kind can be changed into energy of any other kind, known as the doctrine of CORRELATION OF ENERGY ; (2) That when one form of energy disappears, an exact equivalent of another form always takes its place, so that the sum total of energy is unchanged, known as the doctrine of CONSERVATION OP ENERGY. These two principles constitute the corner-stone of physical science. 146. Joule's experiment. The experiment to ascertain the " mechanical value of heat," as performed by Dr. Joule of England, was conducted about as follows. He caused a paddle- wheel to revolve in water by means of a falling weight attached to a cord wound around the axle of a wheel. The resistance offered by the water to the motion of the paddles was the means by which the mechanical motion of the weight was converted into heat, which raised the temperature of the water. Taking a body of a known weight, e.g., 80 k , he raised it a measured distance, e.g., 53 m high; by so doing 4240 kgm of work were performed upon it, and consequently an equivalent amount of energy was stored up in it ready to be converted, first, into mechanical motion, then into heat. He took a definite weight THE STEAM ENGINE. 175 of water to be agitated, e.g., 2 k , at a temperature of C. After the descent of the weight, the water was found to have a temperature of 5 C. ; consequently the 2 k of water must have received 10 units of heat (careful allowance being made for all losses of heat) , which is the amount of heat-energy that is equivalent to 4240 kgm of work, or 1 unit of heat is equivalent to 424 kffm of work (more accurately 4i ; 3.98o kgl "y . 147. Mechanical equivalent of heat. As a converse of the above it may be demonstrated by actual experiment that the quantity of heat required to raise l k of water from to 1 C. will, if converted into work, raise a 424 k weight l m high, or l k weight 424 m high. According to the English system, the same fact is stated as follows : The quantity of heat that will raise 1 Ib. of water 1 F. will raise 772 Ibs. 1 ft. high. The quantity, 424 kgm , or 772 ft. Ibs., is called the mechanical equiva- lent of heat, or Joule's equivalent (abbreviated, simply J.). XXVI. STEAM ENGINE. 148. Description of a steam engine. A steam engine is a machine in which the elastic force of steam is the motive power. Inasmuch as the elastic force of steam is entirely due to heat, the steam engine is properly one form of a heat engine; that is, it is a machine by means of which heat is continuously transformed into work or mechanical motion. The modern steam engine consists essentially of an arrange- ment by which steam from a boiler is conducted to both sides of a piston alternately ; and then, having done its work in driv- ing the piston to or fro, is discharged from both sides alter- nately, either into the air or into a condenser. The diagram in Figure 119 will serve to illustrate the general features and the operation of a steam engine. The details of the various mechanical contrivances are purposely omitted, so as to present the engine as nearly as possible in its simplicity. 1T6 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. In the diagram. B represents the boiler, F the furnace, S the steam pipe through which steam passes from the boiler to a small chamber VC, called the -calve chest. In this chamber is a slide valve V, which, as it is moved to and fro, opens and closes alternately the passages M and N leading from the valve chest to the cylinder C, and thus admits the steam alternately each side of the piston P. When one of these passages is open the other is always closed. Though the passage between the valve chest and the space in the cylinder on one side of Fig. 119. the piston is closed, thereby preventing the entrance of steam into this space, the passage leading from the same space is open through the interior of the valve so that steam can escape from this space through the exhaust pipe E. Thus, in the position of the valve represented in the diagram, the passage N is open, and steam entering the cylinder at the top drives the piston in the direction indicated by the arrow. At the same time the steam on the other side of the piston escapes through the passage M and the exhaust pipe E. While the piston moves to the left, the valve moves to the right, and eventually closes the passage THE STEAM ENGINE. 177 N leading from the valve chest, and opens the passage M into the same, and thus the order of things is reversed. Motion is communicated by the piston through the piston rod R to the crank G, and by this means the shaft A is rotated. Connected with the shaft by means of the crank H, is a rod R' which connects with the valve V, so that as the shaft rotates, the valve is made to slide to and fro, and always in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the piston. The shaft carries a, fly-wheel W. This is a large, heavy wheel, having the larger portion of its weight located near its circumference; it serves as a reservoir of energy which is needed to carry the shaft past two points (called the dead points) in each revolution of the shaft, where the power communicated directly by the steam is ineffectual in moving the shaft. It also assists to make the rotation of the shaft and all other machinery connected with it uniform, so that sudden changes of velo- city resulting from sudden changes of the driving power or resistances are avoided. (Why should the wheel be heavy? Why should it be large? Why should the rim be heavy ? See p. 102.) By means of a belt pass- ing over the wheel W' motion may be communicated from the shaft to any machinery desirable. 149. Condensing and non-condensing engines. 1 Sometimes steam, after it has done its work in the cylinder, is conducted through the exhaust pipe to a chamber Q called a condenser, where, by means of a spray of cold water introduced through a pipe T, it is suddenly condensed. This water and the condensed steam must be pumped out of the condenser by a special pump called technically the air-pump; thus a partial vacuum is maintained t Such an engine is 'called a condensing engine. The advantage of such an engine is obvious, for, if the exhaust pipe, instead of opening into a condenser, communicates with the outside air as in the non-condensing engine, the steam is obliged to move the piston constantly against a resistance arising from atmospheric pressure of 15 pounds for every square inch of the surface of the piston. But in the condensing engine no resistance arises from atmospheric pressure, and so with a given 1 The terms, low pressure and high pressure engines, are not distinctive as applied to engines of the present day. 178 MOLECULAR ENERGY. HEAT. steam pressure in the boiler the effective pressure on the piston is considerably increased ; hence, condensing engines are usually more economical in their working. 150. The locomotive. The distinctive feature of the loco- motive engine is its great steam-generating capacity, considering its size and weight, which are necessarily limited. To do the work ordi- narily required of it, from three to six tons of water must be converted -into steam per hour. This is accomplished in two ways: viz., first, by a rapid combustion of fuel (from a quarter of a ton to a ton of coal per hour); second, by bringing the water in contact with a large extent (about 800 sq. ft.) of heated surface. The fire in the " fire-box " A (see cut on the opposite page) is made to burn briskly by means of a powerful draft which is created in the following manner : The exhaust steam, after it has done its work in the cylinders B, is conducted by the exhaust pipe C to the smoke box D, just beneath the smoke stack E. The steam as it escapes from the blast pipe F pushes the air above it, and drags by friction the air around it, and thus produces a partial vacuum in the smoke box. The external pressure of the atmosphere then forces the air through the furnace grate and hot-air tubes G, and thus causes a constant draft. The large extent of heated surface is secured as follows : The water of the boiler is brought not only in con- tact with the heated surface of the fire box, but it surrounds the pipes G (a boiler usually contains about 150). These pipes are kept hot by the heated gases and smoke, all of which must pass through them to the smoke box and smoke stack. Study the cut carefully, trace the course of the steam from the boiler H through the throttle valve I (under the control of the engineer), steam pipe J, etc., to its exit from the smoke stack. Ask some engi- neer to explain from the object the offices of such parts as you do not understand. The steam engine, with all its merits and with all the improve- ments which modern mechanical art has devised, is to-day an exceedingly wasteful machine. The best engine that has been constructed utilizes only twenty per cent of the heat-power used. . CHAPTER IV. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. THERE is a large and important class of phenomena depending on new principles that we have now to study ; among these are lightning, the actions of telegraph instruments, the electric light, magnetic attraction and repulsion, etc. We shall inquire whether energy is involved in these actions as in all those we have so far studied ; and, if so, where it comes from, and under what laws it acts, and what finally becomes of it. If we chose to begin with those experiments easiest to per- form, we should take those with magnets, and some of those to be studied under the head of Frictional Electricity ; but we should find it difficult to see clearly how the subject of energy was to be introduced. So let us take first some experiments that will lead us more easily to this great central idea. XXVII. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 151. Introductory experiments. Experiment 1. Take a strip of sheet copper and a strip of sheet zinc, each about 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. Take also a tumbler two-thirds full of water, and to it add about two tablespoonfuls of -sul- phuric acid. Place the zinc strip in the liquid ; in- stantly bubbles of gas collect on the surface of the zinc, break away from it, rise to the surface of the liquid, and are rapidly replaced by others. These are bubbles of hydrogen gas, and may be collected and burned. It is soon found that the zinc wastes away, or is dissolved in the liquid. Experiment 2. Place the copper strip in the liquid a little way from the zinc, but nowhere touching it; no bubbles are formed. Now bring the extremities of the two strips that project from the liquid into contact, as in Figure 120 ; quickly a change takes place ; 180 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. torrents of bubbles now rise from the copper, and only a very few from the zinc; still it is found, after a lapse of time, that the copper has undergone no change, while the zinc has wasted away. Experiment 3. Withdraw the zinc from the liquid, and while it is yet wet rub a little mercury over its surface, so that it may become completely wet with the liquid metal. Now repeat the above experi- ments in order. First, it is found that the zinc, when alone in the liquid, is not affected by it, and no bubbles of gas are formed. But when the two metals are immersed in the liquid, and are brought into contact, bubbles of gas quickly appear on the copper as before, but none appear on the zinc, although the zinc is still the metal that wastes away, while the copper remains unchanged. Experiment 4. Instead of placing the metals in contact, connect them by means of a wire of any metal, the points of contact being clean ; the bubbles are given off at the copper as before. Cut the con- necting wire at any point, or separate it from the zinc or copper ; all evolution of bubbles ceases, but begins again the instant the contact is made. Experiment 5. Interpose between the connecting wire and the plates, or between the cut ends of the wire, a piece of paper, wood, or rubber, or use some one of these, instead of a wire, to connect the two plates ; no action appears in the cell. Thus it appears that there must be a connection, and that too of a particular kind, between the two metals, in order that action may occur. The connecting wire, then, is an important factor in the changes that occur, and it seems altogether prob- able that some influence is exerted by the metals upon one another through the wire ; in other words, that something unusual is going on in the wire when so used. Does the connecting wire possess any unusual properties dur- ing this use ? Experiment 6. Take an ordinary compass, or poise a magnetic needle at its center, either by a pivot, as in Figure 121, or by a fine, untwisted silk thread, and arrange the connecting wires as in the figure. The needle, when at rest, points north and south. The connecting wire being over the needle, and parallel with it, bring the two extremi- ties of the wire into contact; instantly the needle turns on its axis, tending to place itself at right angles to the wire, and, after a few INTRODUCTORY EXPERIMENTS. 181 Fig. 121. vibrations, takes up a permanent position, forming an angle with the wire. This deviation from its normal position is called a deflection of the needle. Separate the two extremities of the wires ; the needle swings back to its normal position. Experiment 7. Bring the ends of the wires together as before, interposing a piece of paper be- tween them; the needle is not moved. This is another illus- tration of the necessity of em- ploying a suitable substance for a connector in order that any action may take place. Experiment 8. Take a large iron nail, and plunge one end of it into iron filings, and then re- move it ; no filings cling to the nail. Next, wrap a piece of pa- per around the nail, leaving the ends exposed, and wind around it 20 or more turns of copper wire, taking pains that the coils do not touch each other. Now connect the wire with the zinc and copper just used, so that there will be a con- tinuous connection from one strip to the other through the coil, and dip one end of the nail again into the filings ; raise the nail, and a considerable quantity of filings cling to the nail. From these experiments, and others which will be performed later, it appears that when the zinc and copper are thus placed in acid and connected by a wire, the wire exhibits unusual prop- erties. The cause of these and many other allied phenomena is called electricity, and these properties in the wire are attributed to the passage of an electric current through it. Almost from the dawn of the science of electricity there have been many who have believed in the existence of an " electric fluid " ; but it is not yet claimed that there is any positive proof of its existence, and therefore we cannot affirm that a current passes through the wire. Yet the theory upon which these terms are based is at least a convenient one by which to explain the various phenomena, and the terms are therefore universally used. 182 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 152. Some definitions. Experiments (not easily per- formed by the pupil) show that the current traverses the liquid between the metallic plates in the battery at the same time that it traverses the connecting wire, so that the current makes a complete circuit. The term circuit is applied to the entire path along which electricity is supposed to flow, and the wire along which it flows is called the conductor. Bringing the two extremi- ties of the wires in contact, and separating them, is called, tech- nically, making and breaking, or closing and opening, the circuit. Our arrangement of acidulated water and two metals is called a voltaic 1 cell, element, or pair. A series of cells, properly con- nected, is called a battery, though this term is sometimes applied to a single cell. 153. Direction of the current. It is evidently neces- sary, in defining a current, to know its direction ; but a no Fig. 122. Fig. 123. phenomena known serve to indicate the direction, electricians have universally agreed to assume that in such a cell as described the electricity flows from the copper to the zinc in the wire. Experiment. Place the conducting wire over and parallel with a magnetic needle, in the manner represented in Figure 122; the north end of the needle is deflected toward the west. Turn the cell half-way around so as to have the position in Figure 123; a deflection of the needle toward the east shows that the current is reversed. 1 Voltaic, from Volta, au Italian, who devised the voltaic pile, which is the parent of all batteries. POTENTIAL. 183 154. Poles or electrodes. The copper strip is fre- quently called the negative plate, and the zinc strip the positive plate, and the end of any conductor connected with the copper or negative plate is called the positive pole, or electrode, while the end connected with the zinc or positive plate is called the negative pole, or electrode. Then, by our assumption, if we bring together the -\- and electrodes, the current passes from the former to the latter, across the junction ; and generally that plate and that electrode is -f- from which the current goes, and that plate and that electrode is to which the current goes. V 155. Potential. If a current of water is to flow from one vessel A to another B through a pipe, we know that there must be a greater pressure at the end of the pipe next A than at the other end ; i.e., in ordinary language, the head of water in A is higher than in B. So in the study of electricity we find two bodies in different conditions such that a current of elec- tricity flows from one (A) to the other (B) , and we say that A has a higher potential than B. In the experiments already tried the + electrode, or the wire connected with the copper, has a higher potential (according to our assumption for the direction of the current) than the electrode or the wire connected with the zinc. It is not necessary that we know the hight from the center of the earth, or above the level of the sea, of a reservoir, and the tank it is to fill ; what we want to know is the difference in hight between the two. Just so it is difference of potential that determines the direction of the flow, and the quantity of electricity that is to flow through a given conductor in a given time. Sometimes the potential of a body is expressed as so many units above or below that of the earth, assumed as zero. 156. Ampere's rule for determining deflection, etc. If the magnetic needle is placed over the current, its deflection 184 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. is the reverse of that produced when placed beneath it. This tends to confuse ; but an artifice, proposed by Ampere, will readily enable us to determine the deflection, when the direction Fig. 124. f tne current is known, and to deter- mine the direction of the current when that of the deflection is known. He suggests that we imagine ourselves to be swimming in the current, and with the current, and facing the needle; in which case the north end of the needle will always be deflected towards our left. (The pupil should test this rule experi- mentally in various ways and many times, till he is familiar with its application.) 157. Galvanoscope. The magnetic needle serves the double purpose of determining both the presence and direction of a current in a wire. A needle used for these purposes is called a galvanoscope. 1 Electricity set in motion by a voltaic battery is called galvanic or voltaic and sometimes current electricity. EXERCISES. 1. Let the current be above the needle, and go from N to S ; what will be its deflection? 2. Let the current be below the needle, and go from S to N ; what deflection will it cause? 3. Let the needle be above the current ; what must be the direction of the current when the north end is deflected to the east? 4. Let the needle be below the current, and the deflection toward the east; what is the direction of the current? 5. What is the effect when the current is at the side of the needle? V 158. How electric energy originates. If you take the liquid from a battery after considerable zinc has disappeared in it, and evaporate it, there will crystallize out of it a white, transparent 1 Galvanoscope, named for Oalvani, one of the early discoverers in electricity. WHY THE HYDROGEN APPEARS, ETC. 185 solid in needle-like crystals. This substance is a compound of zinc and sulphuric acid, and is called zinc sulphate. The solu- tion of the zinc is the result of a chemical action between the zinc and the acid. Hydrogen is another product of the action. The water serves as a solvent of the zinc sulphate. The chemist symbolizes sulphuric acid thus, H 2 SO 4 ; zinc, Zn. He describes the change that occurs by saying that the zinc replaces the hydrogen H 2 in the acid (in other words, the hydrogen is set free from the combination) , while the SO 4 part of the acid unites with the zinc, and forms zinc sulphate, ZnSO 4 . But we have also discovered another important result of the operation; namely, that electric energy is developed by the chemical action between the liquid and the zinc. Is the electric energy created out of nothing ? We have already become familiar with the fact ( 105, page 140) that chemical potential energy in a lump of coal may be converted into kinetic energy, as is constantly done in the steam engine. Similarly, we might burn zinc to make steam. Coal and zinc, then, possess a power to enter into new combinations ; this power is usually called chemical energy, or chemism. It exists in a potential condition, until it is aroused from this dormant state by bring- ing together suitable substances. When chemical energy be- comes kinetic, it may be transformed into mechanical energy, as when a cannon-ball is set in motion by the burning of gun- powder ; or it may be changed into heat, as in the ordinary burning of fuel ; or into both heat and electric energy, as in the burning of zinc in the battery. 159. Why the hydrogen appears at the copper plate. When zinc dissolves in sulphuric acid, hydrogen is liberated, and ordinarily rises at once in bubbles ; but in the voltaic cell it rises from the copper, yet no bubbles are seen to move through the liquid between the plates. As a plausible but imperfect ex- planation of these phenomena, the well-known hypothesis of Grotthuss was offered. It assumes what many chemists believe, 186 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. that at the instant that a substance is liberated from a com- pound it possesses unusual readiness to enter into combination with other molecules. Let the circles 1, 2, 3, etc. (Fig. 125), represent a series of molecules of H 2 SO 4 connecting the two plates. At the instant the circuit is closed the SO 4 of molecule 1 unites with a molecule of zinc, setting free its H 2 ; this instantly unites with the SO 4 of molecule 2, forming a new molecule, 1', of H 2 SO 4 , and setting free the H 2 of molecule 2. This H 2 unites with the SO 4 of molecule 3, forming molecule 2 f . This decomposition and recomposition continues till the H 2 of molecule 6 is set free. This H 2 unites with other molecules of h}*drogen, and finally rises in a bubble to the surface ; so the molecule of hydrogen that escapes is not the molecule that was first set free at the zinc plate. 160. Electro-chemical series. If two plates of zinc were used in a cell, instead of a zinc and a copper, we should nave a tendency to opposite currents, which would neutralize each other ; or, stated differently, there would be no difference of potential between the .two plates, and so no current. It is, therefore, important that only one of the metals should be acted upon. TJie greater the disparity between the two solid elements, with reference to the action of the liquid on them, the greater the difference in potential; hence, the greater the current. In the fol- lowing electro-chemical series the substances are so arranged that the most electro-positive, or those most affected by dilute sulphuric acid, are at the beginning, while those most electro- IMPORTANCE OF AMALGAMATING THE ZINC. 187 negative, or those least affected by the acid, are at the end. The arrow indicates the direction of the current through the liquid. 1 * 1 +1 I a 1 I I I 1 It will be seen that zinc and platinum are the two metals best adapted to give a strong current. The essential parts of any galvanic cell in the ordinar}^ form are a liquid and two different solids, one of which is more readily acted upon chemically by the liquid than the other. 161. Importance of amalgamating the zinc. All commercial zinc contains impurities, such as carbon, iron, etc. Figure 126 represents a zinc element having on its surface a particle of iron a, purposely magnified. If such a plate is immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, the par- ticles of iron with the zinc will form numerous voltaic circuits, and a transfer of electricity along the surface will take place. This coasting trade, as it were, be- tween the zinc and the impurities on its surface, diverts so much from the regular battery current, and thereby weakens it. In addition to this, it occasions a great waste of chemicals, because, when the regular circuit is broken, this local action, as it is called, still continues. If pure zinc were available, no local action would occur at any time, and there would be no consumption of chemicals, except at times when the circuit is closed. If mercury is rubbed over the surface of the zinc, after the latter has been dipped in acid to clean its surface, the mercury dis- solves a portion of the zinc, forming with it a semi-liquid amalgam which covers up its impurities, and the amalgamated zinc then comports itself like pure zinc. 188 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. XXVIII. VARIOUS BATTERIES. 162. Polarization of plates. When the zinc and cop- per elements are first placed in the dilute acid, a very good current of electricity is produced ; but the current soon becomes feeble. The cause is easily discovered. The liberated hydro- gen adheres very strongly to the copper, as there is nothing for it to unite with chemically ; and therefore the plate is very soon visibly covered with bubbles, which may be scraped off with a feather or swab, but only to have the same thing repeated. This coating of bubbles impedes, to a considerable extent, the flow of electricity, and diminishes the current. Besides, a plate coated with hydrogen is more strongly electro-positive than usual, and so, as the coating slowly forms, the difference of potential between the two plates becomes less and less ; the current, therefore, must become weaker and weaker as the coating thick- rig. 127. ens - This action is usually called polariza- tion of the plates. Very many methods have been devised for remedying these evils. The}' are all included in two classes : mechanical and chemical methods. 163. Smee battery. The Smee bat- tery (Fig. 127) is an example of the former class. A silver plate, or sometimes a lead plate, is coated with a fine, powdery deposit of platinum, which gives the surface a rough character, so that the hydrogen will not readily adhere to it. Dilute sulphuric acid is used in this bat- tery. This plate is suspended between two zinc plates, but not . allowed to touch them. A very effective battery may be constructed by arranging that the copper plate may revolve in the liquid, so that the hydrogen may be removed by friction between the plate and liquid. But this necessitates a constant force to keep the plate in motion. GRENET BATTERY. 189 No mechanical method can wholly prevent the collection of hydrogen on the electro-negative plate. This can only be com- pletely accomplished by furnishing some chemical with which the hydrogen, as soon as liberated, may go into combination. 164. Grenet battery In the Grenet or bottle battery the hydrogen is disposed of by chemical action. The chemical action is quite complex, and will therefore be omitted. The liquid used is a mixture of potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid dis- solved in water. The zinc plate Z (Fig. 128) is suspended between two carbon plates, C, C. The carbons remain in the liquid all the time. (Carbon is now largely used in batteries for the electro - negative plate.) This battery gives a very energetic current for a short time, but the liquid soon becomes exhausted. It is a very convenient battery, as, when not in use, we have only to draw the zinc out of the liquid by the brass stem a, and, on pushing the zinc back into the liquid, action commences immediately. It is well to allow the battory to " rest" occa- sionally by withdrawing the zinc from the liquid for a short time. With one Grenet cell nearly every experiment described in this book can be performed. 165. Bunsen's and Grove's batteries. There is, also, besides the single-fluid batteries, a large number of two- fluid batteries. The zinc is immersed in the liquid to be de- composed, which most frequently is dilute sulphuric acid, and the conducting plate is surrounded with a liquid which can be decomposed by hydrogen. The two liquids are usually sep- 190 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. arated by a porous partition of nnglazed earthenware, which prevents the liquids from mingling, except very slowly, but does not prevent the passage of hydrogen or electricity. Bunsen's batteiy (Fig. 129) has a bar of carbon immersed in strong nitric acid contained in a porous cup. This cup is then placed in another vessel containing the dilute sulphuric acid ; and im- mersed in the same liquid is a hollow, cylindrical plate of zinc, which nearly surrounds the porous cup. The hydrogen trav- erses, by composition and recomposition, the sulphuric acid, passes through the porous partition, and immediately enters into chemical action with the nitric acid, so that none reaches the carbon. There are produced by this action, water which in time di- lutes the acid and orange-colored fumes of nitric oxide, which rise from the battery. These fumes are very offensive, corrosive, and poisonous. If the nitric acid is first saturated with nitrate of ammonium, the acid will last longer without dilution, and the fumes are almost entirely pre- vented. Strong sulphuric acid will not answer in any battery. Usually, to one part of sulphuric acid about 12 parts by weight or 20 by volume of water are added to dissolve the sulphate of zinc formed. Grove used a strip of platinum instead of the carbon rod in his battery. When carbon is used for the negative plate, a so- lution of bichromate of potassium is frequently substituted for nitric acid, and thereby the disagreeable fumes are avoided. Bunsen's and Grove's batteries are unequalled for powerful and constant currents, and are the best for ordinary lecture- room experiments ; but they require frequent attention, and are expensive, so that they are little used for work of long duration. GRAVITY BATTERY. 191 Fig. 130. 166. Gravity battery. The battery principally used in this country for telegraphing is called the gravity battery. A copper plate C, Figure 130, is placed on the bottom of a vessel and covered with crystals of cop- per sulphate (blue vitriol), and the whole covered with water. As the vitriol dissolves, its spe- cific gravity causes it to remain at the bottom, in contact with the copper plate. The zinc plate Z is suspended in the clear liquid above. To start the action quickly, a teaspoonful of common salt or zinc sulphate is dissolved in the water. As the chemical action proceeds, the vitriol is decom- posed, its sulphuric acid constitu- ent unites with the zinc, forming soluble zinc sulphate, and the copper constituent is deposited in a metallic state on the copper plate. The zinc does not require amalgamation. XXIX. EFFECTS PRODUCED BY ELECTRICITY. 167. Heating effect. Experiment 1. Introduce between the electrodes of a Bunsen or Grenet cell a piece of platinum wire A, Figure 131, about 6 cm long and in size about No. 36. The platinum wire becomes white hot. Experiment 2. Stretch the platinum wire over a gas-burner, turn on the gas, and light it by the heat of the wire. Experiment 3. Strew lycopodium powder over a tuft of cotton-wool, and ignite it with the heated wire. Experiment 4. Connect the battery wires (Fig. 131) with a gal- vanometer (see page 198) G, as in the figure ; the needle is deflected. Remove the platinum wire, and close the circuit ; the needle is deflected more than before. What transformations of energy took place in the above ex- periments? 192 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 168. Luminous effect. We have already seen one illus- . i3i. tration of this effect in the glowing of the white-hot platinum wire. Experiment. 'Attach one pole of the battery to a file (Fig. 132), and pass the other pole over its rough surface. The file forms part of the circuit ; and as the wire passes over it, the cir- cuit is rapidly made and broken, and each break causes a spark at the point where the circuit is broken. The shower of sparks that flies from the file is due to red-hot particles of iron that are projected into the Fig. 132. 169. Chemical effect. Experi- ment 1. Steep some leaves of purple cab- bage; the infusion has a deep purple color. Dis- solve a little caustic soda, and pour a few drops of the solution into a portion of the infusion, and the purple will be changed to a green. Caustic soda is an alkali, and cabbage infusion is turned green only by alkalies. Pour a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid into another portion of the infusion, and the purple will be changed to a red. Only acids turn purple cabbage infusions rted. Now prepare a con- centrated solution of sodium sulphate. Color the solution with a por- tion of the purple cabbage infusion, and partly fill a V-shaped glass tube (Fig. 133) with this liquid. Employ a battery of two Grove or Grenet cells connected in series. (See p. 208.) Attach to the poles of the battery-wires two narrow strips of platinum, and place one of these strips in each branch of the tube, a little way apart, so that the current will be obliged to traverse a part of the liquid. Close the circuit; bubbles of gas are immediately disengaged from the platinum strips ; CHEMICAL EFFECT. 193 soon the liquid around the pole is turned green, while that around the +pole is turned red. Evidently decomposition of the sodium sulphate has taken place ; an acid and an alkali are the results. The current which is maintained by chemical action in the bat- tery is capable of doing chemical work outside the battery. A substance that may be decomposed by electricity is called an electrolyte, and the process electrolysis. 1 The electrolyte must be a compound substance, and in a liquid state, either by solution or fusion. A large number of substances are composed, like sodium sulphate, of an acid, and either an alkali or some other substance that will neutralize an acid. Any substance that will neutralize an acid is called a base, and a compound of an acid and a base is called a salt. When a salt is electrolyzed, the base always appears at the pole, and the acid at the -f-pole. Experiment 2. Prepare a solution of the salt copper sulphate, and subject it to electrolysis, as in the last experiment; copper collects on the platinum, and sulphuric acid and oxygen at the +platinum. Remove the platinum strips, and introduce the copper terminals ; cop- per is now deposited on the pole as before, but the -f pole wastes away. The chemical symbol for copper sulphate is CuSO 4 . By electrolysis it is separated into Cu and SO 4 . When a copper +pole is used, the SO 4 immediately unites with a molecule of the copper (Cu) of this pole, and forms a new molecule of cop- per sulphate (CuSO 4 ), which is dissolved by the water. This accounts for the wasting away of the +pole. The solution does not lose its strength, for as fast as a molecule of copper sulphate is decomposed, another is formed. But when platinum poles are used, the SO 4 does not combine with the platinum, but enters into chemical action with the water. The SO 4 combines with the hydrogen of the water, forming sulphuric acid, and the oxygen of the water is set free. (SO 4 + H 2 O = H 2 SO 4 + O.) 1 Electrolysis, a loosening by electricity. 194 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. The liberation of the oxygen is the result of a secondary chemi- cal action, subsequent to the electrolytic action. Experiment 3. Prepare a solution of tin chloride, by dissolving scraps of granulated tin in hot hydrochloric acid. Add a little water. Electrolyze this salt in solution, using platinum poles. A beautiful growth of tin crystals will shoot out from the pole and spread towards the -f pole, bearing a strong resemblance to vegetable growth ; hence it is called the " tin tree." In a similar manner, silver and lead trees may be prepared Fig. 134. from their salts, silver nitrate and lead acetate. Each metal has its own peculiar form of growth ; and sometimes the same metal, par- ticularly silver, exhibits different forms, according to the strength of the solution and the power of the current. In Figure 134, A represents a silver tree deposited from a weak solution of silver nitrate, and B a tree formed from a still weaker solution of the same. Experiment 4. Remove the bot- tom of a glass bottle haviug a wide mouth, fit a cork to the mouth, and pass two insulated wires through the cork, terminating in platinum strips (Fig. 135). Fill two test-tubes antf part of the inverted bottle with dilute sulphuric acid, and invert the tubes over the platinum poles. The circuit is thus closed through the liquid. Bubbles of gas immediately rise from the poles and displace the liquid in the tubes. About twice as much gas collects over the pole as over the +pole. Thrust a lighted splinter into each of the gases : the former burns ; the latter causes the splinter to burn much more rapidly than it burned in the air. This indicates that the former is hydrogen gas and the latter oxygen gas. Since pure water is an almost perfect non-conductor of elec- PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT. 195 Fig. 135. tricity (page 203), the probable explanation of this action is very closely like that already given (page 185) for the action in the simple cell. The sulphuric acid is decomposed ; H 2 SO 4 becomes H 2 + SO 4 ; then SO 4 -f H 2 O becomes H 2 SO 4 + O. It is cer- tain that water is ultimately decomposed, for no sulphuric acid is lost. This electrolysis shows that water is composed of two parts by volume of hydrogen to one part of oxygen. (Why ought not copper poles to be used in this experi- ment? Ascertain, by inserting a galvanometer in the circuit, whether the current is weakened s--,- by performing the work of electrolysis.) When the poles of a strong battery are applied for some time to a person's skin, blisters appear under the poles. The serous fluid that comes from the vesicles under the positive pole is acid ; the fluid in the vesicles under the negative pole is alkaline. 170. Physiological effect. Experiment. Place the tip of the tongae between the two poles of ;i single cell, so that the tongue may form part of the circuit; a stinging sensation is felt, accom- panied by a peculiar acrid taste. Fig. 136. When a battery is known not to be very powerful, the tongu j serves as a very convenient gal- vanoscope, to determine whether the circuit is in working condition, and approximately the strength of the current. If the crural nerve (a white cord next the backbone) of a frog, recently killed, is laid bare, and one of the poles of a battery is applied to it, on touch- ing a naked muscle of a leg with the other pole, the muscles are instantly convulsed and the leg drawn up, as represented by the 196 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. dotted lines in Figure 136. The same convulsion occurs at the instant the circuit is broken. B}~ touching the nerve with a piece of zinc, and the muscle with a copper wire, as represented in Figure 136, similar convulsions occur, on bringing the free ends of the metals in contact, and on their separation. The cause is obvious ; for the two metals and the moisture of the flesh furnish all the essentials of a voltaic element. The irritability of nerves and muscles begins to diminish after death, and sooner or later disappears. It disappears much sooner in warm than in cold-blooded animals. In the limb of a frog that is properly protected, and kept at a cool temperature, it may remain for two, three, or even four weeks. If one pole is armed with a soft sponge, wet with salt water, and pressed firmly on the closed eyelid, while the other is applied at the back of the neck, or held in the hand, making and breaking the circuit will cause a sensation of light of various colors. 171. Magnetic effect. Experiment. Obtain an insulated l copper wire, wind twenty or more turns around a rod of well-annealed iron, 10 cm long and about l cm in diameter, and close the circuit. Bring a nail (Fig. 137), or other piece of iron, near the rod. The rod attracts the nail with much force, and this nail will attract other nails. The rod has acquired all the properties of a magnet, as will be seen hereafter. But the instant the circuit is broken, the iron loses its magnetic force, and the nails drop. The more times the wire is wound around the rod, within a certain limit, the more power- fully is it magnetized. This arrangement is called an electro-magnet, because it is a mag- net produced by electricity- The rod of iron is called its core, and the coil of wire the helix. 1 Insulated, covered with cotton or silk, to prevent electricity from passing from one eection of wire to another in contact with it, without passing through .he whole length of the wire. STRENGTH OF CURRENT. 197 In order to take advantage of the attraction of both ends or poles of the magnet, the rod is most frequently bent in a U-shape (A, Fig. 138), and then it is Fig. 138. called a horse-shoe magnet. Sometimes two iron rods are used, connected by a rectan- gular piece of iron, as a, in B of Figure 138. The method of winding is such that if the iron core of the horse-shoe were straightened, or the two spools were placed together, end to end, one would appear as a continuation of the other. A piece of soft iron, 6, placed across the ends, and attracted by them, is called an armature. The piece of iron a is called a back armature. XXX. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. The wonderful developments of electrical science in recent years are almost wholly due to a better understanding of what electrical measurements can and ought to be made, and how to make them. Most of this increased knowledge has been gained since the first Atlantic cable failed in 1858. Let us learn how to make some of them. 172. Strength of current. It is evident that the ther- mal and luminous effects of electrical discharges, electro-chemi- cal decomposition, the deflection of the magnetic needle, the magnetization of iron, and even physiological effects, or any external manifestation, may be employed to detect the presence of an electric current, in a circuit however extended. It is also obvious that the magnitude of these effects may serve to measure the strength of the current. Now, as the quantity of water that passes through a given pipe in a minute or an hour indicates the strength of the current, so by the strength of an electric cur- rent is meant the quantity of electricity that passes through an electrical conductor in a unit of time. 198 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 173. Voltameter. The quantity of electricity that passes any cross section of any conductor in the same circuit, however long, is, unless there is a leakage at some point, necessarily the same. We may, therefore, introduce a platinum wire into any part of the circuit, and measure the strength of a current by the temperature to which the wire is raised ; or we ma}- decompose water and collect the gases resulting therefrom ; the strength oj current is measured by the quantity of gas liberated in a unit of time. The latter arrangement, called a voltameter, is easily rig. 139. constructed sufficiently accurate for many pur- poses, and should be constructed and used by la. every pupil. In Figure 139, a is a glass tube 50 cm long and 3 cm iu diameter (a much shorter tube will answer; for ex- ample, a large sized test-tube), closed at one end, and graduated in cubic centimeters (this may be clone by means of a paper scale pasted on one side of the tube) ; b is a bottomless glass bottle of about 1 liter capacity. Through the stopper of the bottle pass two insulated wires, terminating in platinum strips, which are introduced a little way into the tube. The tube is filled with water slightly acidu- lated with sulphuric acid, and its orifice is im- mersed in the same kind of liquid, which partly fills the bottle. When the wires are connected with a battery of two or more cells in series (see page 208) , the gas arising from the decomposition of the water will collect in the top of the tube and displace the liquid. 174. Galvanometer. The instrument in most common use for measuring current strength is the magnetic needle, which, besides its ordinary use as a galvanoscope, performs the still more important office of a galvanometer. The simple magnetic needle, used as already described, answers tolerabty well when the currents are strong, but it is not sensitive enough to be sensibly moved by very weak currents. If two equal currents, flowing in the same direction, are placed one above and the TANGENT GALVANOMETER. 199 other below a magnetic needle, they tend to produce opposite de- flections, and to neutralize one another's effect, so that no deflec- tion occurs. Evidently, if they flow in opposite directions, they tend to produce a deflection in the same direction, and the result is a deflection twice as great as that produced by a single cur- rent. The same result is accomplished if the same current is made to pass both above and below a needle, as in A, Figure 140. If the wire were carried four times around the needle, as Fig. 140. in B, the influence of the current on the needle would be about four times that of a single turn. Very sensitive galvanometers, constructed on this principle, often with thousands of turns of wire, are sometimes called long-coil galvanometers, in dis- tinction from those having few turns, which are called short-coil galvanometers. 175. Tangent galvanometer. The arrangement de- scribed above is more commonly used as a galvanoscope than a galvanometer, though it ma} T be so calibrated as to answer the latter purpose. The law connecting the current strength with the deflection of the needle of this galvanometer is not known ; but in another form, called the tangent galvanometer, the rela- tion is expressed in a simple tangent of the angle of deflection. This apparatus is constructed on the principle that the strength of currents are proportional to the tangents of the angles of deflection, when the needle is very short in comparison with the diameter of a circle described by a current circulating around it. 200 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. A magnetic needle, about 2.5 cm long, is suspended freely by an un- twisted thread n, Figure 141, in the center of a copper hoop a, about 30 cm in diameter, which terminates in the wires ww' ; and these are con- nected with the battery whose current is to be measured. A circular card-board cc, containing a circle divided to degrees to indicate the extent of deflection, is placed beneath the needle. The ring being placed so that it is parallel with the needle, the needle points to on the scale. When a current passes through the ring a, the needle is deflected. The tangents of the angles of deflection may be found by Fig. 141. reference to a Table of Natural Tangents in Section D of the Appendix, and the relative strengths of currents may be determined by the law given above. The construction of a very simple galvanometer that may be used as a tangent galvanometer, and which will answer all requirements of this book, may be found in Section E of the Appendix. 176. Experiments in measurements. Inasmuch as the magnitude of the effects that can be produced by an elec- tric current, or the amount of work that can be done by it, depends upon the strength of the current, it is of the utmost importance to understand the principles by which it is regu- lated. A few experiments will make this apparent. Provide four coils or spools of insulated wire. Mark the coils A, B, C, and D. Let A contain 100 ft. (about 1 Ib.) of No. 16 copper ON WHAT STRENGTH OF CURRENT DEPENDS. 201 wire ; B and C respectively 100 ft. and 50 ft. of No. 30 copper wire ; and D 50 ft. of No. 30 German silver wire. Experiment 1. Place a galvanometer G and coil A in the same voltaic circuit, connected as shown in Figure 142. Note the number of degrees the needle is deflected. Next substitute coil B for A, and note the deflection. The deflection is less than before, showing that of two wires of the same material and equal length, the larger transmits, from the same source, the stronger current. Fig. 142. Experiment 2. Place coil C in the circuit with B, and compare the deflection with that produced when B alone was in the circuit. The deflection is less than before. (Why?) Take B out, and leave C in the circuit. The deflection is greater than when B alone was in the circuit. Other things being the same, the shorter wire transmits, from the same source, the stronger current. Experiment 3. Introduce D in the place of C, and compare the strengths of the currents in these two wires. The copper wire trans- mits, from the same source, a stronger current than the German silver wire of the same length and size. Experiment 4. Compare the currents furnished by a Grove or Bunsen, and a Smee or a gravity cell, when the same coil, for in- stance B, is in the circuit. The Grove or Bunsen cell gives the stronger current. 177. On what strength of current depends. It ap- pears that the strength of the current varies not onl}- with the 202 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. size, length, and kind of conductor, but also with the kind of battery used. These will be considered consecutively. It is evident that all conductors do not allow the current to pass with equal facility ; in other words, some conductors offer more re- sistance to the passage of a current than others. The larger conductor offers less resistance than the smaller. It is found by experiment that (1) the strength of currents varies directly as the areas of the cross sections of the conductors, or the squares of the diameters of cylindrical conductors, inasmuch as areas vary as the squares of their diameters. (2) It varies in- versely as the length of the conductor, i.e., if a wire one mile long offers a certain amount of resistance, a wire two miles long will offer twice as much resistance. (3) It varies in- versely as the specific resistances of the substances used for con- ductors. The conducting power of a substance is the reciprocal of its resistance. Hence, if we know the conducting power of an\' wire, we know that the resistance = : ; or the 1 conductivit}^ conductivity = resistance Resistance is expressed in units called ohms 1 (see 181). The student can easily provide himself with a standard having approximately a resistance of one ohm, by obtaining 40 feet of No. 24 ordinary copper wire 0.5 mm in diameter. 178. Formula for resistance. Having found that re- sistance varies directly as the length, and inversely as the squares of the diameters of conductors, we may include all its laws in the formula ^ ^ I R=K 5 ; in which R = the resistance, Z = the length, and d the diameter of a cylindrical conductor. K is a constant, such that when the material of the wire is known and the denomination in which I and d are expressed, a value of K taken from a table may be 1 Ohm, from the name of a German savant, Dr. G. S. Ohm, who first enunciated the laws which determine the strength of currents. FORMULA FOR INTERNAL RESISTANCE. 203 substituted in the equation, and thus enable us to find the value of R in ohms. Thus let it be required to find R of 1000 ft. of copper wire 0.1 inch in diameter. The table gives the value of K as 9.72 when the length of the wire is measured in feet, and its diameter in thousandths of an inch ; since 0.1 inch equals 100 thousandths, R = 9.72 x ^ = Q.972 ohm. In the following table are given the relative resistances of several substances, and the values of K in the above equation when I is expressed in feet and d in thousandths of an inch. REFERENCE TABLE OF RELATIVE RESISTANCES, ETC. Rel. Resist. K. Silver .................. @0C .................. 1.00 ..... 9.15 Copper ................. " ................. 1.06 ..... 9.72 Zinc .................... " ................. 3.74 ..... 34.2 Platinum ............... " ................. 6.02 ..... 55.1 Iron .................... " .......... ....... 6.46 ..... 59.1 German silver ........... " ............... . . 13.91 ..... 127.3 Mercury ................ " ................. 63.24 ..... 578.6 Rel. Resist. Nitric acid commercial. ... @ 15 to 28 C ..................... 1,100,000 Sulphuric acid, 1 to 12 parts water " ...................... 2,000,000 Common salt saturated sol. " ....................... 3,200,000 Sulphate copper " " ............... . ...... 18,000,000 Distilled water ........................... not less than 10,000,000,000 Glass ...................... @ 200 C. .............. 15,000,000,000,000 Gutta percha ............... @ C. . . .5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 The resistance of metals increases slowly as the temperature rises ; but that of liquids and the other poor conductors in the second list decreases very rapidly with a rise in temperature. The resistance of ordinary impure metals is often much higher than that given in the table. 179. Formula for internal resistance. Resistance in a voltaic circuit may be divided, for convenience, into two parts ; viz., internal resistance (r), which the current encounters in 204 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. passing through the liquid between the two plates in the cell, and external resistance (R), which it Suffers in the remain- der of its path. The internal resistance is governed by the same laws as the external resistance. In this case r _ yr distance of the plates apart (I) areas of the plates submerged (d 2 ) QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 1. What length of copper wire will have the same resistance as a mile of iron wire of the same diameter? 2. How can you reduce the resistance of an iron wire to that of a copper wire of the same length? 3. About how much is the conductivity of water affected by adding a little sulphuric acid? 4. How many times greater is the resistance of dilute sulphuric acid than that of copper? 5. Upon what does the resistance offered by the liquid part of a circuit depend, and how may it be diminished ? 6. What is the resistance of 500 ft. of copper wire .014 inch in diameter (No. 30 B.W. gauge)? Arts. 24.7 + ohms. 7. What length of copper wire .006 inch in diameter (No. 38) will offer a resistance of 1 ohm ? 8. What is the resistance of 16 yards of German silver wire (No. 30) .014 inch in diameter ? 9. What is the resistance of 1 mile of iron telegraph wire, the usual size being .175 inch in diameter ? 10. Express in ohms the resistance of 1 mile of copper wire, 0.06 inch in diameter? Ans. 9.72 x > = 14.256 ohms. uU 180. Electro-motive force. The experiments described in 151 show that electricity constantly flows in a closed circuit containing a voltaic cell ; hence the cell has the power of setting electricity in motion, or an electro-motive force (usually abbre- viated E.M.F.). Again, Exp. 4, 176, proves that a Grove cell, in a circuit of a given resistance, sets in motion a greater quantity of electricity than a Smee or gravity cell ; hence we say that the E.M.F. of a Grove cell is greater than that of the other two kinds mentioned. It has been found that E.M.F. depends OHM'S LAW. 205 solely upon the nature and condition of the substances which form the battery, and is, consequently, quite independent of the size of the plates and their distance apart. The unit employed in the measurement of E.M.F. is called a volt. 1 It is about the E.M.F. of a current generated by one gravity cell. The following table exhibits the electro-motive force in volts of different cells : TABLE OF ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCES. Gravity or Daniell ...... . ..... ,:, ........ 0.98 to 1.08 volts. Bunsen and Grove ...................... 1.76 to 1.95 " Leclanche, at first ...................... 1.48 to 1.60 " Grenet " ...................... 1.80 to 2.3 " Smee ................................... 65 ____ " The E.M.F. of the last three decreases considerably if the circuit Is closed for a few minutes. These numbers signify, for instance, that it will require 195 Smee cells to give the same current in a circuit (of high resistance) as would be given by 65 Grove cells. 181. Ohm's Law. The law which expresses the strength of the current, and is the basis of most mathematical calculations on currents, is expressed in the formula known as Ohm's Law. Calling the current C, the E.M.F. simply E, and the whole resistance in the circuit R, the formula expressing the law is In words, this means that the strength of the current is equal to 'he electro-motive force of the battery, divided by the resistance of the circuit; i.e., C will be greater or less as E is greater or less, but will be less when R is greater, and greater when R is less. F The above relation , when the external resistance is considered R separately from the internal, must be converted thus : calling the former R, and the latter r, the expression becomes C- E -ITjT 1 Volt, from the name Volta. 206 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. For single cells in ordinary use the value of r will usually be between .5 and 2 ohms. The unit of current strength, called an ampere, is the current flowing in a conductor having a resistance of 1 ohm, between the ends of which a difference of potential of 1 volt is maintained ; or it is a current of 1 coulomb per second. A coulomb is the amount of electricity conveyed in 1 second by a current of 1 ampere. If a cell has E = 1 volt, and r = 1 ohm, and the connecting wire is short and stout, so that R may be disregarded, then the current has a value of 1 ampere. But if the connecting wire has a resistance R, equal to 1 ohm, then C = = = i = .5 ampere. R+r 1+1 2 182. Summary of electrical measurements. Just as we express an amount of money in the denomination dollars, or a mass of coal in the denomination pounds, we express electrical Potential, P (commonly, difference of P). . . .in volts. Electro-motive force, E " volts. Resistance, R " ohms. Strength of current, C " amperes. Quantity of electricity " coulombs. The following will give some idea of the magnitude of the denominations. A gravity cell produces a difference of poten- tial or an electro-motive force (for these are only different ways of viewing the same quantity) of nearly 1 volt. To produce a spark l mm long requires from 3,000 to 4,000 volts. A No. 16 ordinary copper wire 250 ft. "long (diameter .051 inch, weight 2 Ibs.) has a resistance of about 1 ohm. About 150 ft. of copper wire l mm in diameter has a resistance of 1 ohm. An ordinary Grove cell may have an internal resistance of ^ ohm ; this cell will send through 125 ft. of No. 16 copper wire a cur- rent whose strength is 1 ampere. ARRANGEMENT OF BATTERIES. 207 PROBLEMS. 1. What current will be obtained from a gravity cell when E = 1 , r 2 ohms, and R = 10 ohms? 2. What current may be got from a gravity cell whose internal re- sistance is 3 ohms, and external resistance is 3 ohms ? 3. What current will a Grove cell furnish, having the same internal and external resistances as the last? 183. Arrangement of batteries. The internal resist- ance may be diminished by placing the plates as near to each other as practicable, and by employing large plates, and thereby increasing the size of the liquid conductor. But it is not always convenient to emplo}^ very large plates, or we may have occasion to employ a battery for certain purposes, as we shall see pres- ently, in which large cells would be of little or no advantage. The same result that can be produced by a single pair of large plates, may be obtained by connecting the similar pi 143 plates of several pairs in separate cells, thereby practically reducing several pairs to one pair having an area equal to the sum of the areas of the several pairs. Figure 143 illustrates a method of connecting cells for the purpose of reducing the internal resistance. This is called arranging cells parallel, in multiple arc, or abreast. This arrangement is very effectual in increasing the current-strength when the internal resistance is the principal one to be overcome. For instance, call the electro-motive force (E) of a single cell I volt, its internal resistance 5 ohms, and let the plates be connected by a short, thick wire, whose resistance may be regarded as nothing; then "P 1 C = = -=.2 ampere. Now connect 10 similar r 5 cells abreast. The size of the liquid conductor being increased tenfold, the internal resistance is one-tenth TT as large, and we have C = - = l-s- T 5 1J - = 2 amperes. So that, 208 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. when there is no external resistance, the current increases as the size of the plates is increased. The same is approximately true in case the external resistance is very small in comparison with the internal resistance. Again, let E = 1, r = 5 ohms, as above, but the external re- sistance R = 200 ohms ; then C = = .0048+ ampere. If o -j- 200 10 pairs are connected abreast, C = = .0049+ ampere. i + 200 In this case, the current is scarcely affected by increasing the number of cells abreast. The question then arises, what can be done to increase the current when the external resistance is necessarily large ; as, for instance, when a long telegraph wire is used. In this case R, in Ohm's formula, is unalterable, and Fjg 144 lessening r has little effect ; so there remains only one way, viz., to increase E, the electro-motive force. How may this be done? If the current from a cell, instead of passing immediate^ out of the cell on its journey, is made to pass through another cell first, one might naturally expect that either the two cells would counteract one another in the circuit, or that they would double the E.M.F. Experiment shows that the latter result is the true one, and that the E.M.F. is exactly proportional to the number of cells connected in series. Cells so connected as to increase the electro-motive force are said to be joined in series or tandem. The method of connecting the cells for this purpose is shown in Figure 144. It will be seen that in the multiple arc (Fig. 143) all the zinc plates are connected with one another, and all the copper plates with one another. In the tandem arrangement the zinc of one cell is connected with the copper of the next throughout. I receding. The primary or lowest tone of a note is usually sufficiently intense to be the most prominent, and hence is called the fundamental tone. 285. Cause of harmony and discord. The harmonics in any note are produced successively by two, three, etc., times the number of vibrations made by its fundamental. Hence, if any two notes an octave apart, for instance, C and C', are sounded simultaneously, there will result for C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc., ) ,. ' ' > times the number of vibrations made C', 2, 4, 6, etc., j by the fundamental of C. So that the fundamental of C', and each of its overtones (with the exception of the highest, which are too feeble to affect the general result) coincides with one of the overtones of C. Not only is there perfect agreement among the overtones of two notes an octave apart when sounded to- gether, as when male and female voices unite in singing the same part of a melody, but the richness and vivacity of the sound is much increased thereby. That two notes sounded to- gether may harmonize, it is essential not only that the pitch of their fundamental tones be so widely different that they cannot produce audible beats, but that no beats shall be formed by their overtones, or by an overtone and a fundamental. For example, the vibration-numbers of the fundamentals of C ; and its octave C" are respectively 264 and 528, and the number of beats that they give is 264 in a second. If, instead of C", a note, the vibration- number of whose fundamental is 527, is sounded with C, the number of beats produced by their fundamentals would be 263, and no discord would result therefrom (why?); but there would be one beat per second between the first overtone of C' and the fundamental of C", and this would introduce a discord. Observe that the relation between the vibration-numbers of the fundamentals of C and C', C and G, C and F, and C, of any diatonic scale and any note in the same scale, can be 308 SOUND. expressed in terms of small numbers, e.g., 1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 4, etc. (see p. 300) . General!}', those notes and only those harmonize ivhose fundamental tones bear to one another ratios expressed by small numbers; and the smaller the numbers which express the ratios of the rates of vibration, the more perfect is the har- mony of two sounds. It follows, from what has been said, that only a limited num- ber of notes can be sounded with any given note assumed as a prime without generating discord. Hence, the musical scale is limited to certain determinate degrees, represented by the eight notes of the so-called musical or diatonic scale. This scale is not the result of any arbitrary or fanciful arrangement, but is determined by the possibility of its notes harmonizing with the prime of the scale, both as regards their fundamental tones and their overtones. EXERCISES. 1. Prepare a table of the series of overtones of C and G respectively, as on page 307, and ascertain what overtones of the two series har- momz3. 2. Arrange the notes of the diatonic scale in a single octave in the order of their rank with reference to their harmonizing with the prime of the scale, on the principle that " the smaller the numbers which express the ratio," etc. 3. Verify your conclusions as follows : Strike the C-key of a piano, together with each of the seven white keys above it, consecutively, and compare the results of the different pairs with reference to harmony. ANALYSIS OF SOUNDS. 309 XLVI. QUALITY OF SOUND. Let the same note be sounded with the same intensity, suc- cessively, on a variety of musical instruments, e.g., a violin, cornet, clarinet, accordion, jews-harp, etc. ; each instrument will send to your ear the same number of waves, and the waves from each will strike the ear with the same force, yet the ear is able to distinguish a decided difference between the sounds, a difference that enables us instantly to identify the instruments from which they come. Sounds from instruments of the same kind, but by different makers, usually exhibit decided differences of character. For instance, of two pianos, the sound of one will be described as richer and fuller, or more ringing, or more "wiry," etc., than the other. No two human voices sound exactly alike. That difference in the character of sounds, not due to pitch or intensity, that enables us to distinguish one from another, is called quality. Two sounds may differ from one another in loudness, pitch, or quality ; they can differ in no other respect. Pitch depends on frequency of vibrations, loudness on their amplitude; on what does quality depend? 286. Analysis of sounds. The unaided ear is unable, ex- cept to a very limited extent, to F . 2?0 distinguish the individual tones that compose a note. Helmholtz arranged a series of resonators consisting of hollow spheres of brass, each having two openings : one (A, Fig. 220) large, for the reception of the sound-waves, and the other (B) small and funnel- shaped, and adapted for insertion into the ear. Each resonator of the series was adapted by its size to resound powerfully to only a single tone of a definite pitch. When any musical sound is produced in front of these resonators, the ear, placed at the orifice of any one, 310 SOUND. is able to single out from a collection that overtone, if present, to which alone this resonator is capable of responding. It is found that, when a note is produced on a given instrument, not only is there a great variety of intensity represented by the overtones, but all the possible overtones of the series are by no means present. Which are wanting depends very much, in stringed instruments, upon the point of the string struck. For example, if a string is struck in its middle, no node can be formed at that point ; consequently, the two important overtones produced by 2 and 4 times the number of vibrations of the fundamental will be wanting. Strings of pianos, violins, etc., are generally struck near one of their ends, and thus they are deprived of only some of their higher and feebler overtones. 287. Synthesis of sounds. The sound of a tuning-fork, when its fundamental is reenforced by a suitable resonance-cavity, is very nearly a simple tone. By sounding simultaneously several forks of different but appropriate pitch, and with the requisite relative inten- sities, Helmholtz succeeded in reproducing sounds peculiar to various musical instruments, and even in imitating most of the vowel sounds of the human voice. Thus it appears that he has been able to determine, both analytically and synthetically, that the quality of a given sound depends upon what overtones combine with its fundamental, and on their relative intensities; or, we may say more briefly, upon the form of vibration, since the form must be determined by the character of its components. METHOD OF REPRESENTING SOUND VIBRATIONS. 311 XLVII. COMPOSITION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS, AND THE RESULTANT WAVE-FORMS. 288. Method of representing sound vibrations graph- ically. It is evident that there must be a particular aerial wave-form corresponding to each compound vibration, other- wise the ear would not be able to appreciate a difference in quality of sounds to which these combination-forms give rise. Every particle of air engaged in transmitting a compound sound is simultaneously acted upon by several sets of vibratory move- ments, and it remains to investigate what its motion will be under their joint influence. Fig. 221. The light wave-lines AB (Fig. 221) represent typically two series of aerial sound-waves, corresponding respectively to a fundamental and its first overtone. Thejieavy line represents the form of the joint wave which results from the combination of the two constituents. If we suppose lines perpendicular to the axis, that is, to the dotted line, or line of repose, to be drawn to each point in this line, as a&, cd, eF, etc., they will represent by their varying lengths the displacement of any particle in a vibrating body, or any particle of air traversed by sound-waves, from its normal position. The rectangular diagram C D is intended to represent a por- tion of a tranverse section of a body of air traversed by the joint wave represented by the heavy wave-line above. The 312 SOUND. depth of shading in different parts indicates the degree of con- densation at those parts. Figure 222 represents wave-lines drawn by an instrument called a vibrograph. The second line represents a sound two octaves above that which the first line represents, and the third line shows the result of the combination of the two sets of vibrations. Fig. 222. Fig. 223. In an elaborate apparatus called the logograph, a thin membrane of gold-beater's skin carries a marker resembling the point of a stylo- graphic pen. When a person sings or talks to this membrane, it traces upon paper a graphic representation of the varying air pressure. That is, all the changes in the density of the air, and all the movements of a given air-particle during the passage of the sound-waves, are faithfully aepicted in a line traced by the marker on a passing paper ; just as the iieavy wave-line AB (Fig. 221) may be said to represent the condition of the air CL>, or of the motion of any particle of it, supposing that a marker were attached to it and a paper drawn beneath it at right angles to die path of its motion. The diagram in Figure 223 shows the result produced oy pronouncing the sentence there given at the rate of six syllables in a second. 289. Manometric flames. Apparatus like that shown in Figure 224 may be very easily prepared, and will serve to illustrate in a pleasing manner many facts pertaining to sound. Procure a wooden pill-box or tooth-pick box A, having a capacity of 50 to 100 ccm . Across the top of the open box stretch tightly a circular piece of gold-beater's MANOMETRTC FLAMES. 313 skin a, and glue it at its edges so that it may cover the box like the head of a drum. Crowd on the cover, and the box will have two com- partments, b and c. Through the bottom of the box, and through the cover, pass glass tubes e and d, opening into the compartments. Also introduce another tube n through the side of the cover. Connect the last tube by means of a rubber tube with a gas burner. Attach a piece of large-sized rubber tube to the glass tube e, and into the other ex- tremity of the rubber tube introduce the small end of a pasteboard cone B. The tube d Fi ?. 224. should be drawn out so as to be able to give a small flame. Place two thin glass mirrors M, 14 cm square, back to back, and secure them by light frames at the top and bot- tom, and in the cen- ter of each frame insert small rods C and D. Light the gas 1 at the extremity of d, and hold the mirror vertically, and at a short distance from the flame F ; an im- age of the flame will appear in the mirror, as represented by A (Fig. 225). Eotate the mirror, and the (lame appears drawn out in a band of light, as shown in B of the same figure. Now sing into the cone B (Fig. 224), the sound of oo in tool, and waves of air will run down the tube, beat against the membrane a, as against the drum-head of the ear (see 290), causing it to vibrate, and the membrane in turn acts upon the gas in the compartment c, throwing it into vibration. The result is, that instead of a flame appearing in the rotating mirror as a continuous band of light, it is divided up into a > If gas is not accessible, the end of the tube d may be inserted In a candle flame, and good results obtained. 314: SOUND. series of tongues of light, as shown in C of Figure 225, each condensa- tion being represented by a tongue, and each rarefaction by a dark interval between the tongues. If a note an octave higher than the last is sung, we obtain, as we should expect, twice as many toiigues in the Fig. 225. same space, as shown in D. E represents the result when the two tones are produced simultaneously, and illustrates in a striking manner the effect of interference. (Explain.) F represents the result when the vowel e is sung on the key of C' ; and G, when the vowel o is sung on the same key. These are called manometric flames. THE EAR. 315' XLVIII. SOME SOUND-RECEIVING INSTRUMENTS. 290. The ear. In Figure 226, A represents the external ear- passage; a is a membrane, called the tympanum, a little thicker than gold-beater's skin, stretched across the bottom of the passage, and thus closing the orifice of a cavity b in the bones of the skull called the drum; c is a chain of small bones stretching across the drum, and con- necting the tympanum with the thin membranous wall of the vestibule e ; ff are a series of semicircular canals opening into the vestibule; Fig. 226. g is the opening iuto another canal in the form of a snail-shell g ! , hence called the cochlea (this is drawn on a reduced scale) ; d is a tube (the Eustachian tube} connecting the drum with the throat ; and h is the auditory nerve. The vestibule and all the canals opening into it are filled with a transparent liquid which is mainly water. The drum of the ear contains air, and the Eustachian tube forms a means of ingress and egress of air through the throat. Now how does the ear hear ? and how is it able to distinguish between the infinite variety of form, rapidity, and intensity of 316 SOUND. aerial sound-waves, so as to interpret correctly the correspond- ing qualit} 7 , pitch, and loudness of sound ? Sound-waves enter the external ear-passage A as ocean- waves enter the bays of the sea-coast, are reflected inward, and strike the tympanum. The air-particles, beating against this drum-head, impress upon it the precise wave-form that is transmitted to it through the air from the sounding body. The motion received by the drum- head is transmitted by the chain of bones to the membranous wall of the vestibule. From the walls of this cavity project into its liquid contents thousands of fine elastic threads or fibres, which we may, for convenience, call bristles. Especially in the spiral passage of the cochlea, as it becomes smaller and smaller, these vibratile bristles become of gradually diminishing length and size (such as the wires of a piano may roughly represent) , and are therefore suited to respond sympathetically to a great variety of vibration-periods. This arrangement is sometimes likened to a harp of three thousand (this being about the number of bristles) strings. The auditory nerve at its extremity is divided into a large number of filaments, like a cord unravelled at its end, and one of these filaments is attached to each bristle. Now, as the sound-waves reach the membranous wall of the vestibule, they set it, and by means of it the liquid contents, into forced vibration, and so through the liquid all the fibres receive an impulse. Those bristles whose vibration-periods correspond with the periods of the constituents forming the compound wave are thrown into sympathetic vibration. The bristles stir the nerve filaments, and the nerve transmits to the brain the impressions received. Just as a piano, when its dampers are raised and a person sings into it, may be said to anatyze each sound, and show by the vibrating strings of how many tones it is composed, as well as their respective pitch, and by the amplitude of their vibrations their respective intensities ; so it is thought this wonderful harp of the ear analyzes every complex sound-wave into a series of simple vibrations. Tidings of the disturbances are communicated to the THE PHONOGRAPH. 317 Fig. 227. brain, and there, in some mysterious manner, these disturbances are interpreted as sound of definite quality, pitch, and intensity. 291. Phonograph. Figure 227 represents a vertical sec. tion of the Edison phonograph. A metallic cylinder A is rotated by means of a crank B in the direction indicated by the arrow. On the sur- face of the cylinder is cut a shallow spiral groove running around the cylinder from end to end, like the thread of a screw. A small metallic point, or style, projecting from the B under side of a thin metallic disk o, which closes one orifice of the mouth- piece C, stands directly over the thread. By a simple device the cyl- inder, when the crank is turned, is made to advance just rapidly enough to allow the groove to keep constantly under the style. The cylinder is cov- Fig. 228. ered with tinfoil. The space E represents the space (greatly exag- gerated) between the tinfoil and the bottom of the groove. Now, when a person directs his voice toward the mouth-piece, the aerial waves cause the disk o to participate in every mo'tion made by the particles of air as they beat against it, and the motion of the disk is communicated by the style to the tinfoil, pro- ducing thereon impressions or indentations as it passes on the rotating cylinder. The result is that there is left upon the foil an exact representation in relief of every movement made by the style. Some of the indenta- tions are quite perceptible to the naked eye, while others are visible only with the aid of a microscope of high power. Figure 228 repre- sents a piece of the foil as it would appear inverted after the indenta- tions (here greatly exaggerated) have been imprinted upon it. The words addressed to the phonograph having been thus impressed upon the foil, the mouth-piece and style are temporarily removed, while the cylinder is brought back to the position it had when the talking began, and then the mouth-piece is replaced. Now, evidently, if the crank is turned in the same direction as before, the style, resting upon the foil beneath, will be made to play up and down as it passes over ridges and sinks into depressions ; this will cause the disk o to repro- duce the same vibratory movements that caused the ridges and depres- 318 SOUND. sions in the foil. The vibrations of the disk are communicated to the air, and through the air to the ear ; and thus the words spoken to the apparatus may be, as it were, shaken out into the air again at any subsequent time, even centuries after, accompanied by the exact accents, intonations, and quality of sound of the original. 292. String telephone. In the phonograph, the metallic disk serves, as it were, alternately, as an ear and a tongue. If, instead of the same disk being made to do double duty, two disks (or, better, two membranes of gold-beater's skin or bladder) connected by a thread are used, either one of which may serve as a tongue and the other simul- taneously as an ear, conversation may be carried on by means of them A Fig 229 B throu Sh considerable distances. ^^ _^^ Figure 229 represents such an ^S arrangement, which constitutes the well-known, instructive toy, called the lover's telegraph, though it is more properly a telephone. The thread is attached at each extremity to the centers of the mem- branes which cover one orifice of each of the tin speaking-tubes A and B, by passing the thread through the membranes, and tying the knots at the ends. A person speaking into one of the tubes throws its membrane into vibration ; these impulses are communicated through the string to the other membrane, which is thus caused to vibrate in unison with the first. If now another person place his ear near the latter membrane, he can hear distinctly the words spoken by the first person, though a quarter of a mile distant, while other persons sta- tioned midway between these two hear nothing. It seems fair to presume, that if the movements of the hand or of machinery could be rendered sufficiently delicate to imitate these minute movements of the membrane, talking might be accomplished with the hand or machinery ; for talking, after all, is only mechanical motion. 293. Electric telephone. In this telephone the vibrations of one disk are reproduced in another through the agency of electricity, as explained on page 270. SOUNDING AIR-COLUMNS. 319 XLIX. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 294. Musical instruments may be grouped in three classes : (1) Stringed instruments ; (2) wind instruments, in which the sound is due to the vibration of columns of air confined in tubes ; (3) instruments in which the vibrator is a membrane or plate. The first class has received its share of attention ; the other two merit a little further consideration. 295. Sounding air-columns. Experiment 1. Take four glass tubes, A, B, C, and D, respectively 48, 48, 24, and 12 cm long, and about 2.5 cm diameter. Blow gently across one of the ends of each ; C gives a sound an octave higher than A or B, and D an octave higher than C. Close one of the ends of B, C, and D, and repeat the experi- ment, and you will find that the notes obtained from these three have still the same relation to one another. Blow across one end of A, which is open at both ends, and across the open end of B ; A gives a note about an octave higher than B. These experiments show (1) that the pitch of vibrating air- columns, as well as of strings, varies with the length, and in both stopped 1 and open pipes the number of vibrations is inversely pro- portional to the length of the pipe 2 ; (2) that an open pipe gives a note an octave higher than a dosed pipe of the same length. Experiment 2. Blow across the orifice of B as before, gradually increasing the force of the current. It will be found that only the gentle current will give the full musical fundamental tone of the tube, a little stronger current produces a mere rustling sound ; but when the force of the current reaches a certain limit, an overtone will break forth ; and, on increasing still further the power of the current, a still higher overtone may be reached. Figure 230 represents an open organ-pipe provided with a glass window A in one of its sides. A wire hoop B has, stretched over it, a membrane, and the whole is suspended by a thread within the pipe. If the membrane is placed near the upper end, a buzzing sound proceeds 1 A stopped pipe is one which is closed at one end. 2 The diameter has the same influence here as in the resonance-jar (p. 293), but we shall neglect it. 320 SOUND. Fig. 230. Fig. 231. from the membrane when the fundamental of the pipe is sounded ; and sand placed on the membrane will dance up and down in a lively man- ner. On lowering the membrane, the buzzing sound becomes fainter, till, at the middle of the tube, it ceases entirely, and the sand becomes quiet. Lowering the membrane still further, the sound and dancing recommence, and increase as the lower end is approached. It is thus found, that (3) when the fundamental of an open pipe is sounded, its air-column divides itself into two equal vibrating sections, with the antinodes at the extremities of the tube, and a node in the center. If the pipe is stopped, there is a node at the stopped end ; if it is open, there is an antinode at the open end ; and in both cases there is an antinode at the end where the wind enters, which is always to a certain extent open. A, B, and C of Figure 231 show respectively the positions of the nodes and anti- nodes for the fundamen- tal and first and second overtones of a closed pipe ; and A r , B', and C' show the positions of the same in an open pipe of the same length. The distance between the dotted lines shows the relative amplitudes of the vibrations of the air-particles at various points along the tube. Now the distance between a node and its nearest antinode is a quarter of a wave-length. Comparing then A and A', it will be seen that the SOUNDING PLATES. 321 wave-length of the fundamental of the closed pipe must be twice the wave-length of the fundamental of the open pipe ; hence the vibration- period of the latter is half that of the former ; consequently the funda- mental of the open pipe must be an octave higher than that of the closed pipe. The number of segments into which the length of the air-col- umn is divided, in the three cases of the closed tube, are respec- tively -|, f , and f ; hence the corresponding vibration-numbers are as 1:3:5, etc. Hence, (4) in dosed tubes, only those over- tones whose vibration-numbers correspond to the odd multiples of the fundamental are present. The number of segments into which the length of the air-col- umn is divided, in the three cases of the open tube, are respec- tivel} r -f , -f , and -f ; their vibration-numbers are therefore as 1 : 2 : 3, etc. Hence, (5) in open tubes, the complete series of overtones corresponding to its fundamental are present. Fig. 232. 296. Sounding plates. Experiment. Procure at a hard- ware store a perfectly flat piece of sheet brass 2 mm thick and 20 cm square. Fasten it at its center to a supporting rod A, Figure 232. Scatter on the plate some fine sand, and draw a resined bow steadily 322 SOUND. and firmly over one of its edges near a corner ; and at the same time touch the middle of one of its edges with the tip of the finger ; a musi- cal sound will be produced, and the sand will dance up and down, and quickly collect in two rows, extending across the plate at right angles to one another. Draw the bow across the middle of an edge, and touch with a finger one of its corners, and the sand will arrange itself in two diagonal rows (2) across the plate, and the pitch of the note will be a fifth higher. Touch, with the nails of the thumb and forefinger, two points a and b (3) on one edge, and draw the bow across the middle c "of the opposite edge, and you will obtain additional rows and a shriller note. By varying the position of the points touched and bowed, a great variety of patterns can be obtained, some of them exceed- ingly complicated and beautiful. It will be seen that the effect of touching the plate with a finger is to prevent vibration at that point, and consequently a node is there produced. The whole plate then divides itself up into segments with nodal division lines in conformity with the node just formed. The sand rolls away from those parts which are alternately thrown into crests and troughs, to the parts that are at rest. 297. Interference. Experiment. Provide a tin tube C, Figure 232, l m long and 5 cm in diameter, made in two parts so as to telescope one within the other. The extremity of one of the parts terminates in two slightly smaller branches. Bow the plate, as in the first experiment (1), place the two orifices of the branches over the segments marked with the + signs, and regulate the length of the tube so as to reenforce the note given by the plate, and set the plate in vibration. Now turn the tube around, so that one orifice may be over a + segment, and the other over a segment; the sound due to reso- nance entirely ceases. It thus appears that the two segments marked 4- pass through the same phases together; likewise the phases of segments correspond with one another; i.e., when one -fsegment is bent upward, the other is bent upward, and at the same time the two segments are bent downward ; for, when the two orifices of the tube are placed over two -{-segments or two segments, two condensa- tions followed by two rarefactions pass up these branches and unite at their junction to produce a loud sound ; but when one of the orifices is over a +segment and the other over a segment, a condensation VOCAL ORGANS. 323 passes up one branch at the same time that a rarefaction passes up the other, and the two destroy one another when they come together; i.e., the two sound-waves combine to produce silence. 298. Bells. A bell or goblet is subject to the same laws of vibration as a plate. Experiment. Nearly fill a goblet with water, strew upon the sur- face lycopodium powder, and draw a resined bow gently across the edge of the glass. The surface of the water will become rippled with wave- lets radiating from four points 90 apart, corresponding to the cen- ters of four ventral segments into which the bell is divided, and the powder will collect in lines proceeding from the nodal points of the bell. By touching the proper points of a bell or glass with a finger- nail, it may be made to divide itself, like a plate, into 6, 8, 10, etc., (always an even number) vibrating parts. 299. Vocal organs. It is difficult to say which is more to be admired, the wonderful capabilities of the human voice or the extreme simplicity of the means by which it is produced. The organ of the voice is a reed instrument situated at the top of the windpipe or trachea. A pair of Fig- 233. elastic bands a a, Figure 233, called the vocal chords, is stretched across the top of the windpipe. The air-passage &, between these chords, is open while a person is breathing ; but when he speaks or sings they are brought together so as to form a narrow, slit-like opening, thus forming a sort of double reed, which is made to vibrate, when air is forced from the lungs through the nar- row passage, somewhat like the little tongue of a toy trumpet. The sounds are grave or high accord- ing to the tension of the chords, which is regulated by muscu- lar action. The cavities of the mouth and the nasal passages form a compound resonance-tube. This tube adapts itself, by 324 SOUND. its varying width and length, to the pitch of the note produced by the vocal chords. Place a finger on the protuberance of the throat called the Adam's apple, and sing a low note ; then sing a high note, and you will observe that the protuberance rises in the latter case, thus shortening the distance between the vocal chords and the lips. Set a tuning-fork in vibration, open the mouth as if about to sing the corresponding note, place the fork in front of it, and the cavity of the mouth will resound to the note of the fork, but will cease to do so when the mouth adapts itself to the production of some other note. The differ- ent qualities of the different vowel sounds are produced by the varying form of the resonating mouth- cavit} 7 , the pitch of the fundamentals given by the vocal chords remaining the same. This constitutes articulation. CHAPTER VI. RADIANT ENERGY. -LIGHT. L. INTRODUCTION. 300. Light a form of energy. Exposed to the sun, the skin is warmed, and thus the sense of touch is affected ; it is illuminated, and thereby the sense of sight is affected ; it is tanned, and thereby its chemical condition is changed. It is evi- dent that we receive something which must come to us from the sun. To the sense of touch it appears to be heat ; to the eye it is light ; to certain substances it is a power to produce chemi- cal changes. But what is it that we receive Fj{? 234 from the sun? Experiment. Blacken one-half of one side of a slip of glass with candle-smoke. With a convex lens, sometimes called a " burning-glass," converge the sun's light upon the blackened portion so as to produce a small luminous spot on the black surface. This spot quickly becomes very hot, but the lens meantime remains comparatively cold. Move the luminous spot to the unblackened portion of the glass. The spot becomes only slightly heated. Place a piece of paper behind and in contact with the glass, and it quickly burns. Whether we receive heat from the sun or not, it is evident that we receive something that can be converted into heat. Figure 234 represents an instrument called a radiometer. The moving part is a small vane resting on the point of a needle. It is so nicely poised on this pivot that it 326 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. rotates with the greatest freedom. To the extremities of each of the four arms of the vane are attached disks of aluminum which are white on one side and black on the other. The whole is enclosed in a glass bulb from which the air is exhausted till less than y^n of the original quantity is left. If the instrument is exposed to the sun's light, or even to the light of a candle, the wheel will rotate with the unblackened faces in advance. In just what manner it is caused to rotate does not concern us ; but the fact that it does rotate, and that it is caused to rotate directly or indirect!} 7 by something that comes from the sun or the candle, is pertinent to the question before us. When- ever a body is caused to move or increase its rate of motion, energy must be imparted to it ; hence energy must be imparted to the radiometer- vane by the sun or candle. Bell, the inventor of the telephone, has succeeded in produc- ing musical sounds by the action of sun-light and other intense lights. But sound always originates in motion, and motion springs only from some form of energy. So, then, that which we receive from the sun, whether it affects the sense of touch and is catted heat, or the eye and is called light, or produces chemical changes and is called chemism, is in reality some form of energy. 301. Ether the medium of motion. If light is motion, what moves ? Our atmosphere is but a thin investment of the earth, while the great space that separates us from the sun con- tains no air or other known substance. But empty space can neither receive nor communicate motion. It is assumed it is necessary to assume that there is some medium filling the interplanetary space, in fact, filling all otherwise unoccupied space (i.e., where matter is not, ether is), by which motion can be communicated from one point in the otherwise empty space to another. This medium has received the name of ether. Ether is supposed to penetrate even among the molecules of liquid and solid matter, and thus surrounds every molecule of matter in the universe, as the atmosphere surrounds the earth. UNDULATORY THEORY OF LIGHT. 327 No vacuum of this medium can be obtained ; an attempt to pump it out of a space would be like trying to pump water with a sieve for a piston. We cannot see, hear, feel, taste, smell, weigh, nor measure it. What evidence, then, have we that it exists ? You believe that a horse can see ; you have no absolute knowledge of the fact. But you reason thus : he be- haves as i/he could see ; in other words, you are able to account for his actions on the hypothesis that he can see, and on no other. Phenomena occur just as they would occur if all space were filled with an ethereal medium capable of transmitting motion, and we can account for these phenomena on no other hypothesis ; hence our belief in the existence of the medium. The transmission of energy through the medium of ether is called radiation ; energy so transmitted is called radiaiit energy, and the body emitting energy in this manner is called a radiator. Sound is another form of radiant energy transmitted through solid, liquid, or gaseous media. 302. Undulatory theory of light. Is motion commu- nicated by a transfer of a medium or by a transfer of vibrations, i.e., by undulations ? All evidence points to one conclusion: that we receive energy from the sun in the form of vibrations or wave-action ; that these vibrations, inaudible to our ears, cause through the eye the sensation of sight, and through the hand the sensation of warmth. This is known as the undulatory theory of light. To learn what the special evidences of the correctness of this theory are, the pupil must wait for further development of our subject ; but it should be borne in mind that the strongest proof of the correctness of any theory is its exclusive competence to explain phenomena. Light is vibration that may be appre- ciated by the organ of sight. 303. Light itself invisible. Darken a room, and ad- mit a sunbeam through a small nail- or key-hole. You can trace its path through the room only by particles of dust float- ing in the room. But if the air in a certain space is cleansed of 328 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. dust, the path of a sunbeam through this space will be totally dark. If the eye is placed in its path, or any object upon which it may strike, you become aware of its presence, not by seeing the light, but by seeing the object which sends you the light. 304. Light travels in straight lines. The path of the light admitted into a darkened room through a small aperture, as indicated by the illuminated dust, is perfectly straight. An object is seen by means of light it sends to the eye. A small object placed in a straight line between the eye and a luminous point may intercept the light in that path, and the point become invisible. Hence, we cannot see around a cor- ner, or through a tube bent so that a straight string cannot be drawn through its bore. 305. Ray, beam, pencil. Any line RR, Figure 235, which pierces the surface of a wave of light ab perpen- dicularly is called a ray of light. It is an expression for the direction in which motion is propagated, and along which the successive effects of light occur. If the wave-surface a'b 1 is a plane, the rays R f R f are parallel, and a collection of such rays is called a beam of light. If the wave-surface a"b" is spherical or concave, the rays R"R" have a common point at the center of curvature, and a collection of such rays is called a pencil of light. 306. Transparent, translucent, and opaque bodies. Bodies are transparent, translucent, or opaque, according to the manner in which they act upon the luminiferous waves which pass through them. Generally speaking, those objects are LUMINOUS AND ILLUMINATED OBJECTS. 329 transparent that allow other objects to be seen through them distinctly ; e.g., air, glass, and water. Those objects are trans- lucent that allow light to pass, but in such a scattered condition that objects are not seen distinctly through them; e.g., fog, ground glass, and oiled paper. Those objects are opaque that apparently cut off all the light and prevent objects from being seen through them. 307. Luminous and illuminated objects. Some bodies are seen by means of light, which they generate and emit ; e.g., the sun, a candle flame, and a "live coal"; they are called luminous bodies. Other bodies are seen only b} r means of light which they receive from luminous ones, and when thus rendered visible, are said to be illuminated; e.g., the moon, a man, a cloud, and a "dead" coal. 308. Every point of a luminous body an independent source of light. Place a caudle flame in the center of a darkened room ; every wall and every point of each wall becomes illuminated. Place your eye in any part of the room, i.e., in any direction from the flame ; it is able to see not only the flame, but every point of the flame ; hence every point of the flame must emit light in every direction. Every point of a luminous body is an in- dependent source of light and emits light in every direction. Such a point is called a luminous point. In Figure 236 there are represented a few of the infinite number of pencils of light emitted by three luminous points of a candle flame. Every point of an illuminated object ab receives light from every luminous point. Fig. 236. 330 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. 309. Images formed through small apertures. Ex- periment. Cut a hole about 8 cm square in one side of a box ; cover the hole with tin-foil, and prick a hole in the foil with a pin. Place the box in a darkened room, and a candle flame in the box near to the pin- hole. Hold an oiled-paper screen before the hole in the foil; an inverted image of the candle flame will appear upon the translucent paper. An image is a kind of picture of an object. If light from objects illuminated by the sun e.g., trees, houses, clouds, or even an entire landscape is allowed to pass through a small aperture in a window shutter and strike a white screen, or a white wall in a dark room, rays carrying with them the color of the points from which they issue will imprint their own color on the screen, and inverted images of the objects in their true colors will appear upon it. The cause of these phe- Fig 237 nomena is easily understood. When no screen intervenes between the candle and the screen A, Figure 237, every point of the screen receives light from every point of the candle ; consequently, on every point on A, images of the infinite number of points of the candle are formed. The result of the confusion of images is equivalent to no image. But let the screen B, containing a small hole, be interposed ; then, since light travels only in straight lines, the point Y' can only receive an image of the point Y, the point Z' only of the point Z, and so for intermediate points ; hence a distinct image of the object must be formed on the screen A. That an image may be distinct, the rays from different points of the object must not mix on the image, but all rays from each point on the object must be carried to its own point on the image. SHADOWS. 331 QUESTIONS. 1. Why are images, formed through apertures, inverted? 2. Why is the size of the image dependent on the distance of the screen from the aperture? 3. Obtain the dimensions, respectively, of an object and its image, and their respective distances from the intervening screen, and ascer- tain the law that determines in all cases the size of an image. 4. Why does an image become dimmer as it becomes larger? 5. Why do we not imprint an image of our person on every object in front of which we stand? 6. Can rays of light cross one another without interfering? 7. What fact does a gunner recognize in taking sight? 310. Shadows. Experiment 1. Procure two pieces of tin or card-board, one 18 cm square, the other 3 cm square. Place the first between a white wall and a candle flame in a darkened room. The opaque tin intercepts the light that strikes it, and thereby excludes light from a space behind it. This space is called a shadow. That portion of the surface of the wall that is darkened is a section of the shadow, and represents the form of a section of the body that intercepts the light. A section of a shadow is frequently for convenience called a shadow. Notice that the shadow is made up of two distinct parts, a dark center bordered on all sides by a much lighter fringe. The dark center is called the umbra, and the lighter envelope is called the penumbra. . Experiment 2. Carry the tin nearer the wall, and notice that the penumbra gradually disappears and the outline of the umbra becomes more distinct. Employ two candle flames, a little distance apart, and notice that two shadows are produced. Move the tin toward the wall, and the two shadows approach one another, then touch, and finally over- lap. Notice that where they overlap the shadow is deepest. This part gets no light from either flame and is the umbra ; while the remaining portion gets light from one or the other and is the penumbra. Just so the umbra of every shadow is the part that gets no light from a luminous body, while the penumbra is the part 832 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. that gets light from some portion of the body, but not from the whole. Experiment 3. Repeat the above experiments, employing the smaller piece of tin, and note all differences in phenomena that occur. Hold a hair in the sunlight, about a centimeter in front of a fly-leaf of this book, and observe the shadow cast by the hair. Then gradually increase the distance between the hair and the leaf, and note the change of phenomena. If the source of light were a single luminous point, as A, Figure 238, the shadow of an opaque body B would be of infinite length, and would con- sist only of an umbra. But, if the source of light has a sensible size, the opaque body will intercept just as many separate pencils of light as there are luminous points, and consequently will cast an equal number of independent shadows. Fig. 239. Let AB, Figure 239, represent a luminous body, and CD an opaque body. The pencil from the luminous point A will be intercepted be- tween the lines C F and D G, and the pencil from B will be intercepted between the lines C E and D F. Hence, the light will be wholly ex- cluded only from the space between the lines CF and DF, which enclose the umbra. The enveloping penumbra, a section of which is included between the lines CE and CF, and between DF and D G, receives light from certain points of the luminous body, but not from all. LAW OF INVERSE SQUARES. 333 QUESTIONS. 1. Explain the umbra and penumbra cast by the opaque body H I, Figure 239. 2. When will a transverse section of an umbra of an opaque body be larger than the object itself? 3. When has an umbra a limited length? 4. What is the shape of the umbra cast by the sphere C D, Figure 239 ? 5. If C D should become the luminous body, and A B a non-luminous opaque body, what changes would occur in the umbra and the shadow cast? 6. Why is it difficult to determine the exact point where the umbra of a church-steeple terminates on the ground? 7. What is the shape of a section of a shadow cast by a circular disk placed obliquely between a luminous body and a screen? What is its shape when the disk is placed edgewise? 8. The section of the earth's umbra on the moon in an eclipse always has a circular outline. What does this show respecting the shape of the earth? LI. PHOTOMETRY. 311. Law of inverse squares. Experiment 1. Arrange apparatus as follows : Lay a silver half-dollar on the center of a circu- lar piece of stiff, white, unglazed paper of 15 cm diameter, and rub the entire surface, except the portion covered by the coin, with a sperm or a tallow candle. Hold the paper in a warm oven for a minute. When the paper is placed between two lights in a darkened room, the un- greased spot will appear light on a dark background on the side which receives the more light, and dark on a light background on the side which receives less light ; but the spot be- comes nearly invisible when both sides are equal- ly illuminated. Draw a straight chalk line across a table, and place at right angles to this line a row of four lighted candles, and on the same line, at a distance, a single lighted candle. Half-way between this candle and the row of candles place the prepared paper, as in Figure 240. It is evident that one side of the paper receives four times the 334 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. light that the other does. Move the row of lights slowly away from the paper, or move the single light toward the paper, and a point will be found in either case where the spot will nearly disappear. When this occurs it will be found that the row of lights is twice as far from the paper as the single light. The paper now receives the same amount of light from the single light as from the four lights. Thus, by doubling the distance, the intensity of illumination is diminished four- fold. In a similar manner it may be shown that at three times the distance it takes nine lights to be equiv- alent to one light. Hence, the intensity of light diminishes as the square of the distance increases. This is called the law of inverse squares. Experiment 2. Introduce the paper disk, as above, between a candle light and a kerosene light or a gas flame, and so regulate the distance that the central spot will disappear, and calculate the relative intensities of the two lights in accordance with the law of inverse squares. Apparatus arranged for this purpose is called a photometer. ' ' The candle power, which is the unit of light generally em- ployed in photometry, is the amount of light given by a sperm candle weighing one-sixth of a pound, and burning one hundred and twenty grains an hour." The relative brightness of the com- mon sources of light are approximately as follows l : Sunlight at the sun's surface 190,000 candle power. Most powerful electric arc 55,900 " " Most powerful calcium light 1,300 " Light of ordinary gas-burner 12 to 16 " " Standard candle 1 " " 4 ' The total quantity of light emitted by the sun is equivalent to the light of 6,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (six thou- sand three hundred billions of billions) candles." Of this enor- mous quantity of light the earth intercepts an extremely small fraction. i C. A. Young. VISUAL ANGLE. 385 QUESTIONS. 1. Suppose that a lighted candle is placed in the center of each of three cubical rooms respectively 10, 20, and 30 feet on a side ; would a single wall of the first room receive more or less light than a single wall of either of the other rooms? %: Would one square foot of a wall of the third room receive as much light as would be received by one square foot of a wall of the first room? If not, what difference would there be, and why the differ- ence? 3. If a board 10 cra square is placed 25 cm from a candle flame, the area of the shadow of the board cast on a screen 75 cm distant from the candle will be how many times the area of the board? Then the light intercepted by the board will illuminate how much of the surface of the screen if the board is withdrawn? 4. Give a reason for the law of Inverse Squares. 5. To what besides light has this law been found applicable? 6. The two sides of a paper disk are illuminated equally by a candle flame 50 cm distant on one side and a gas flame 200 cm distant on the other side ; compare the intensities of the two lights at equal distances from their sources. Fig. 241. III. VISUAL ANGLE, ETC. 312. Visual angle. Experiment. Prick a pin-hole in a card, place an eye near the hole, and look at a pin about 20 cm distant, Then bring the pin slowly toward the eye, and the dimensions of the pin will appear to increase as the distance diminishes. Why is this ? We see an object by means of its image formed on the retina of the eye, and its apparent magnitude is deter- mined by the extent of the retina covered by its image. Rays 336 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. proceeding from opposite extremities of an object, as AB, Fig- ure 241, meet and cross one another in the window of the eye, usually called the pupil. Now, as the distance between the points of the blades of a pair of scissors depends upon the angle that the handles form with one another, so the size of the image formed on the retina depends upon the size of the angle, called the visual angle, formed by these rays as they enter the eye. But the size of the visual angle diminishes as the distance of the object from the eye increases, as shown in the diagram ; e.g., at twice the distance the angle is one-half as great, at three times the distance the angle is one- third as great, and so on. Hence, the apparent size of an object diminishes as its dis- tance from the eye increases. QUESTIONS. 1. Why do the rails of a railroad track appear to converge as their distance from the observer increases? 2. Why, in looking through a long hall or tunnel, do the floor and the ceiling appear to approach one another? 3. Why do parallel lines, retreating from the eye, appearto converge? 4. Why can a book, held in front of the face, entirely conceal from view a house? 313. Methods of estimating size. Let a man stand beside a boy of half his hight, and to an observer, twenty feet distant, the for- mer will subtend a visual angle twice as great as the latter, and will appear twice as tall. Then, let the man move back twenty feet farther from the observer, and he and the boy will then subtend equal angles, but they will not appear to be of equal hight, nor will the man's hight appear diminished in a very perceptible degree. The sun and the moon are about 4,000 miles nearer to us when they are in the zenith than when near the horizon, but in the latter case they appear much larger. It makes a great difference in the variation of the apparent size of a pin, as it moved to and from the eye, whether it is seen through a pin-hole in a card or whether the card is removed; and, again, whether it is seen with one eye or both eyes. The fact is, that in estimating the size of objects, our judgment is influenced by many other things VELOCITY OF LIGHT. 337 besides the visual angles which they subtend. Our knowledge of the real size of an object, also of the fact that the tendency of an increase in distance is to diminish the apparent size of a body, and that an ob- ject does not become shorter as it moves away from us, does much toward correcting an estimate based on the size of the visual angle. Our estimate of the size of objects whose size is unknown is influ- enced much by comparison with objects in their vicinity whose size is known, as in the case of the sun and the moon when they are in range with other objects in the horizon, and in the case of the pin, whether it is seen alone through a hole or in conjunction with other objects. Again, when we look at an object with both eyes we are obliged to turn the eyes inward or outward, according as an object approaches or recedes, in order that light from the object may continue to enter the eye. The effort necessary to adapt the position of the eyes, so as to see objects at different distances, helps in forming a correct estimate of their size. Hence, the pin seen by both eyes does not appear to undergo so great a change in size, as it moves to and from the observer, as when seen by one eye. We are not at the time con- scious of going through the processes of reasoning indicated above, because it has become a matter of habit with us. If a man born blind suddenly acquires the power of seeing, he at first makes ludicrous mistakes in judging of size and distance of objects, because he has not acquired these methods of reasoning. An infant will reach out its hands to seize a bird that may be flying many yards above. 314. Velocity of Light. We must believe that light- waves require time to traverse space, although their speed is so great that no ordinary means can measure the time, it is so short. But the distances of the heavenly bodies are so great that the time that their light requires to reach us may be easily measured. To illustrate one method, let J, in Figure 242, represent a clock striking a single stroke every hour, and the circle E E' a road around which a person W travels ; the length of the straight line E E' is four miles. So long as W remains at E, the strokes come exactly once an hour by his watch ; but, as he moves away, the intervals become slightly longer, so that, however long he is on the road, if the watch and clock run accurately, when he has reached E' the sound of the bell reaches him about twenty seconds after the hour. As he continues back to E, 338 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. the sounds come more and more nearly on time, so that at E they are just at the proper time. Similarly, at regular intervals in the heavens Flg . 242. an ecli P s e of one of Jupiter's moons takes place ; the average interval being known, add it to the time at which an eclipse is observed when the earth is near E, and thus we may predict the times of an eclipse for years ahead. All the eclipses, ex- cept when the earth is at E, are observed to be a little behind the predicted times ; at E' as much as 16| minutes. But at E' the light has had to travel 184,000,000 miles farther to reach the eye than at E. Hence, light must travel at the rate of 184,000,000 -s-(16 X 60) = about 186,000 miles (about 300,000 km ) in a second. Sound creeps along at the comparatively slow pace of about one-fifth of a mile (or -J km ) per second. The former is the ve- locity with which waves in ether are transmitted ; the latter, the velocity with which waves in air move forward. This great difference can be accounted for only on the supposition that the rarity and elasticity of ether are enormously greater than that of air (see page 284). OF REFLECTION. o39 LIII. REFLECTION OF LIGHT. 315. Law of reflection. Arrange apparatus as follows : AB, Figure 243, is a board 12 cm square, having a mirror 8 cm square fastened to one of its sides. E is a rod 24 cm long inserted in the board close to the middle of one of the edges of the mirror, and perpendicu- lar to the surface of the board. D F is an arc of pasteboard supported by the rod. The outer edge of the arc is described by a radius equal to the length of the rod, and is divided into degrees. Cover the open- ing orifice of the tube C of the porte lumiere l with a circular tin pierced in its center by a circular hole ra, 7 mm in diameter, and admit a slender beam of sunlight me. Experiment. Place the mirror so that the beam of light may strike it obliquely, and just graze the arc so as to illuminate it at one point. A beam of light as it approaches an object is termed an incident beam. The beam, unable to pass through the opaque silvered surface of the mirror, is reflected by this surface obliquely, but on the opposite side of the perpendicular oc. A beam of light after reflection is termed a reflected beam. The spot of light Flg on the arc produced by the re- flected beam will be found to be the same number of degrees dis- tant from the perpendicular as the spot produced by the incident beam. Hence, the angle nco, called the angle of reflection, is equal to the angle mco, called the angle of incidence. Incline the mirror so that the incident beam may strike the mirror more or less obliquely, and the reflected beam will leave it always at an equal angle. Ren- der the path of the incident and reflected beam luminous by introducing a cloud of smoke from touch 1 Some means of introducing a beam of sunlight into a darkened room is indispensable In experimenting with light. The experiments on this subject will be given on the suppo- sition that the pupil is provided with means of accomplishing this. Directions for con- structing apparatus suited to this purpose, usually called a porte lumttre, may be found In Mayer and Barnard's little book on "Light," published by D. Appleton & Co., New York, and in Dolbear's " Art of Projection," published by Lee & Shepherd, Boston. A description of an inexpensive apparatus devised by the author may be found in Section H of the Appendix. 340 KADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. paper, and the angles formed with the perpendicular will be quite apparent. Light, as well as sound, conforms to the general law of reflec- tion. (See page 118.) 316. Diffused light. Experiment 1. Introduce a small beam of light into a darkened room, by means of a porte lumiere, and place in its path a mirror. The light is reflected in a definite direction. If the eye is placed so as to receive the reflected light, it will see, not the mirror, but the image of the sun, and the light will be painfully intense. Substitute for the mirror a piece of unglazed paper. The light is not reflected by the paper in any definite direction, but is scattered in every direction, illuminating objects in the vicinity and rendering them visible. Looking at the paper, you see, not an image of the sun, but the paper, and you may see it equally well in all directions. Fig. 244. The dull surface of the paper receives light in a definite direc- tion, but reflects it in every direction ; in other words, it scatters or diffuses the light. The difference in the phenomena in the two cases is caused by the difference in the smoothness of the two reflecting surfaces. AB, Figure 244, represents a smooth surface, like that of glass, which reflects nearly all the rays of light in the same direction, because nearly all the points of reflection are in the same plane. CD represents a surface of paper having the roughness of its surface greatly exaggerated. The various points of reflection are turned in every possible direc- tion ; consequently, light is reflected in every direction. Thus, the dull surfaces of various objects around us reflect light in all directions, and are consequently visible from every side. Objects rendered visible by reflected light are said to be illuminated. By means of regularly reflected light we see images of objects in mirrors, but only in definite directions ; by means of diffused light we see the mirror itself in every direction. Whether we see the image of the source of the light (the eye being situated so as to receive the BEFLECTION FROM PLANE MIBBOBS. 341 regularly reflected light), or the object on which the light falls, or both at the same time, depends largely upon the degree of smoothness pos- sessed by the object that reflects the light. Smooth surfaces are called mirrors. Polished metals are the best mirrors. Surfaces of liquids at rest are excellent mirrors. It is sometimes difficult to see a smooth surface of a pond surrounded by trees and overhung by clouds, as the eye is occupied by the reflected images of these objects : but a faint breath of wind, slightly rippling the surface, will reveal the water. Experiment 2. Place a basin of water on a table, and hold a candle flame so that its rays may form a large angle with the liquid surface, and notice the brightness of its image. Lower the candle and the eye so that the incident and reflected rays, as nearly as possible, graze the surface of the liquid, and notice how much brighter the image be- comes. Notice how much brighter the varnished surfaces of furni- ture appear when viewed very obliquely, than when seen by light reflected less obliquely. Also notice how much more dazzling is the light reflected from the surface of a pond just before the sun sets, than at noon when the sun is overhead. This is due in part to our being at a suitable position to observe it. The amount of light reflected from a smooth surface increases rapidly as the angle of incidence increases. Thus, at a perpen- dicular incidence, out of 1,000 parts of light that strike a sur- face of water, only 18 parts are reflected ; at 40, 22 parts are reflected ; at 80, 333 parts ; and at 89^, 721 parts. The above is not even approximately true of metals or substances having metallic reflection, such as galena, etc. 317. Reflection from plane mirrors; virtual images. M M (Fig. 245) represents a plane mirror, and A B a pencil of diver- gent rays proceeding from the point A of an object AH. Erecting perpendiculars at the points of incidence, or the points where these rays strike the mirror, and making the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence, the paths BC and EC of the reflected rays are found. It appears that divergent incident rays remain divergent after reflection from a plane mirror. In like manner construct a diagram, and show that parallel incident rays are parallel after reflection. Construct another diagram, and show that convergent 342 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. incident rays are convergent after reflection. To an eye placed at C, the points from which the rays appear to come are of course R in the direction of the rays as they enter the eye. These points may be found by continuing the rays C B and CE behind the mirror, till they meet at the points D and N. Every point of the object AH sends out its pen- cils of rays, and those that strike the mirror at a suitable angle to be reflected to the eye, produce on the retina of the eye an image of that point, and the point from which the light appears to emanate is found, as previously described. Thus, the pencils EC and BC appear to emanate from the points N and D, and the whole body of light received by the eye seems to come from an apparent object ND, behind the mirror. This apparent object is called an image, but as of course there can be no real image formed there, it is called a virtual or an imaginary image. It will be seen, by construction, that an image in a plane mirror appears as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it, and is of the same size and shape as the object. If the mirror is vertical, objects appear in their proper relations to the horizon ; but, if the mirror has any other position, objects assume unnatural postures. Thus, turn this book so that the mirror MM (Fig. 245) may represent a horizontal mirror, and AH a vertical object above it, and it will be seen that the image appears inverted. To verify this, place a mirror in a horizontal position, and set on it a goblet of water. Also show by construction that, in a mirror making an angle of 45 with the horzon, vertical objects appear horizontal and vice versa. Verify this by experiment. Pupils may amuse themselves at their leisure, and at the same time be instructed, by performing the following experiments : Experiment 1. Place a printed page in front of a mirror, and attempt to read the print from the mirror. It will be seen that there MULTIPLE REFLECTION. 343 is always a lateral inversion ; for the same reason that when two per- sons stand facing one another, the right hand of one is opposite the left hand of the other. Experiment 2. Place two mirrors facing one another and about 15 cra apart. Hold a pencil half-way between the mirrors, and look obliquely into one mirror just over the edge of the other, and you will see large number of images of the pencil arranged at equal distances behind one another. Account for these images. Experiment 3. Place two mirrors edge to edge so as to form an angle of 45 with one another. Place the face in the opening, and gradually close the mirrors till they touch the head. 318. Multiple reflection. Experiment l. Allow the beam of light in the last experiment to strike a wall of the room. There will be projected upon the wall two, and perhaps more, circular images of the sun overlapping one auother. It appears as though the beam of light is somehow split, by re- Fig. 246. flection from the mirror, into two or more parts, and that these parts travel thereafter in slightly different paths. Experiment 2. Hold a candle flame in such a position (Fig. 246) that its light may strike a mirror (one having very thick glass is best) very obliquely, and place the eye so that it may receive the reflected light, and you may see many images of the flame. Experiment 3. Place a pencil per- pendicular to a mirror, with the point touching the glass, and you will see two images of the pencil, one touching the point of the pencil, and the other at a distance equal to twice the thickness of the glass. How are these phenomena produced? As you travel the sidewalk and pass windows, you frequently see your own image and images of other outdoor objects reflected by the glass, showing that even so transparent a substance as glass does not allow all the light that strikes it to pass through it, but reflects a portion. Let a beam of light Aa, Figure 247, strike a mirror B C obliquely ; n, portion of the light is reflected from the point 344 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. of incidence a, and strikes the screen D E at 5. Another por- tion of the light enters the glass, and a portion of it is reflected from the point c, and a portion of this last reflected light strikes the screen at d, while the remainder is reflected from e to /, and again from /, and a portion of it reaches the screen at 0, Fi g< 247. while the remainder is reflected from h to i, and undergoes further reflections and splittings, until the light, in conse- quence of the loss occasioned by suc- cessive divisions, becomes too feeble to produce distinct effects. If the eye take the place of the screen, since an object is seen in the direc- tion in which the light comes to the eye, the point A will appear to lie somewhere on the line &a, extended ; for the same reason it will appear to lie on the lines de, gh, etc. ; but as these lines have no point in com- mon, it is clear that the effect would be that of multiple images. (Show the application of this explanation in accounting for the phe- nomena obtained in the above experiments.) 319. Reflection from concave mirrors. Let MM', Figure 248, represent a section of a concave mirror, which may be regarded as a small part of a hollow spherical shell having a polished interior surface. The distance MM f is called the aper- REFLECTION FROM CONCAVE MlBKOKS. 345 ture of the mirror. C is the center of the sphere, and is called the center of curvature. G is the vertex of the mirror. A straight line DG, drawn through the center of curvature and the vertex is called the principal axis of the mirror. A concave mirror may be considered as made up of an infinite number of small plane surfaces. All radii of the mirror, as CA, CG, and CB, are perpendicular to the small planes which they strike. If C be a luminous point, it is evident that all light emanating from this point, and striking the mirror, will be reflected back to its source at C. Let E be any luminous point in front of a concave mirror. To find the direction that rays emanating from this point take after reflection, draw any two lines from this point, as EA and EB, representing two of the infinite number of rays composing the divergent pencil of light that strikes the mirror. Next draw radii to the points of incidence A and B, and draw the lines AF and BF, making the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence. Place arrow-heads on the lines rep- resenting rays of light to indicate the direction of the motion. The lines AF and BF represent the direction of the rays after reflection. It will be seen that the rays after reflection are convergent, and meet at the point F, called the focus. This point is the focus of all reflected rays that emanate from the point E. It is obvious that if F were the luminous point, the lines AE and BE would represent the reflected rays, and E would be the focus of these ra}*s. Since the relation between two such points is such that light emanating from either one is brought by reflection to a focus at the other, they are called conju- gate foci. Conjugate foci are two points so related that the image of one is formed at the other. The rays EA and EB emanating from E are less divergent than rays FA and FB, emanating from a point F less distant from the mirror, and striking the same points. Rays emanating from D, and striking the same points A and B, will be still less divergent ; and if the point D were removed to a distance of many miles, the rays incident at these points would be very nearly parallel. Hence 346 11ADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. rays may be regarded as practically parallel when their source is at a very great distance, e.g., the sun's rays. If a sunbeam, consisting of a bundle of parallel rays, as E A, D Gr, and H B (Fig. 249), strike a concave mirror parallel with its principal m ^ axis, they become convergent by reflection, and meet at a point (F) in the principal axis. This point, called the principal focus, is just half-way between the center of curvature and the vertex of the mirror. On the other hand, it is obvious that diver- gent rays emanating from the principal focus of a concave mirror become parallel by reflection. If a small piece of paper is placed at the principal focus of a concave mirror, and the mirror is exposed to the parallel rays of the sun, the paper will quickly burn, showing that the focus of light is also a focus of heat; or, in other words, that all forms of radiant energy follow the same laws of reflection as light. Construct a diagram, and show that rays of light proceed- ing from a point between the principal focus and the mirror are divergent after reflection, but less divergent than the inci- dent rays. Reversing the direction of the light, the same dia- gram will show that convergent rays of light are rendered more convergent by reflection from concave mirrors. The general effect of a concave mirror is to increase the convergence or to de- crease the divergence of incident rays. The statement, that parallel rays after reflection from a concave mirror meet at the principal focus, is only approximately true. The smaller the aperture of the mirror, the more nearly true is the state- ment. It is strictly true only of parabolic mirrors, such as are used with the head-lights of locomotives. Construct a diagram representing a mirror of large aperture, and it will be found that those rays that strike the mirror at considerable distance from its center, intersect the principal axis after reflection at points nearer to the mirror than the principal focus. 320. Formation of images. Experiment 1. In a dark room hold the concave side of a bright silver dessert spoon a little distance FORMATION OF IMAGES. 347 in front of the face, and introduce a candle flame between the spoon and your eyes ; you will see a small inverted image of the flame about a centimeter in front of the spoon. Experiment 2. Turn the convex side of the spoon toward you, and you will see a small erect image of the flame a little back of the spoon. Experiment 3. Repeat the two preceding experiments, holding 'the spoon between the flame and the eyes, but not so as to screen the face from the light, and you will see similar images of yourself. To determine the position and kind of images formed of objects placed in front of concave mirrors, proceed as follows : Locate the object, as D E, Figure 250. Draw lines, E A and DB, from the extrem- ities of the object through the center Fig. 250. of curvature of the mirror, to meet the mirror. These lines are called the sec- ondary axes. Incident rays along these lines will return by the same paths after reflection. (Why?) Draw another line from D to any point in the mirror, e.g., to F, to represent any other of the infinite number of rays emanating from D. Make the angle of reflection CFD' equal to the angle of in- cidence CFD, and the reflected ray will intersect the secondary axis DB at the point D'. This point is the conjugate focus of all rays proceeding from D. Consequently, an image of the point D is formed at D'. This image is called m ^ a real image, because rays actually meet at this point. In a similar manner, find the pointE',the conjugate focus of the point E. The images of intermediate points be- tween D and E lie between the points D' and E' ; and, consequently, the image of the object lies between those points as extremities. If, for the second ray to be drawn from any point, we select that ray which is parallel with the principal axis, as A G, Figure 251, it will not be necessary to measure angles. For this ray, after reflec- tion, must pass through the principal focus F ; and consequently the conjugate focus A' is easily found, and so for the point B' and inter- 348 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. mediate points. Both methods of constructing images should be prae tised by the pupil. It thus appears that an image of an object placed beyond the center of curvature of a concave mirror is real, inverted, smaller than the object, and located between the center of curvature and the principal focus of the mirror. An eye placed in a suitable posi- tion to receive the light, as at Fie 252 H (Fig. 252), will receive the same impression from the re- flected rays as if the image E' D' were a real object. For a cone of rays originally eman- ates from (say) the point D of the object, but it enters the eye as if emanating from D', and consequently appears to originate from the latter point. A person standing in front of such a mirror, at a distance greater than its radius of curvature, will see an image of himself suspended, as it were, in mid-air. Or, if in a darkened room an illuminated object is placed in front of the miiTor, and a small oiled-paper screen is placed where the image is formed, a large audience may see the image projected upon the screen. If E' D f (Fig. 250) is taken as the object, then the direction of the light in the diagram will be reversed, and ED will represent the image. Hence, the image of an ob- ject placed between the prin- cipal focus and the center of curvature is also real and inverted, but larger than the object, and located beyond the center of curvature. The image in this case may be pro- jected upon a screen, but it will not be so bright as in the former case, because the light is spread over a larger surface. FORMATION OF IMAGES. 349 Construct the image of an object placed between the principal focus and the mirror, as in Figure 253. It will be seen in this case that a pencil of ra}^s proceeding from K 254. any point of an object, e.g., D, has no actual focus, but appears to proceed from a virtual focus D', back of the mirror, and so with other points, as E. The image of an object placed between the principal focus and the mirror is virtual, erect, larger than the object, and is back of the mirror. QUESTIONS. Ascertain the answers to the following questions by constructing suitable diagrams, and afterwards verify your conclusions by experi- ment, if convenient. 1. When an object is located at a distance from a concave mirror equal to its radius, will any image be formed? Why? 2. What is the effect of placing the object at the principal focus? Why? 3. (a) When is the real image formed by a concave mirror smaller than the object? (&) When is it larger? 4. (a) When is the image formed by a concave mirror real? (6) When is it virtual? 5. (a) Is the image of an object formed by a convex mirror real or virtual? (b) Is it larger or smaller than the object? (c) Is it erect or inverted? NOTE. The diagram in Figure 254 will be found sufficiently sug- gestive as to the method of finding the disposition of a pencil of rays emanating from any point, e.g., A, after reflection from a convex mirror. 6. Is the general effect of a convex mirror to collect or to scatter rays? 350 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. LIV. REFRACTION. Experiment 1. Across the bottom of a rectangular tin basin ABC D, Figure 255, mark a scale of millimeters. Into a darkened room admit a beam of sunlight, so that its rays may fall obliquely on the bottom of the basin, and note the place on the scale where the edge of p. 255 the shadow D E cast by the side of the basin D C meets the bottom at E. Then, without moving the basin, fill it even full with water slightly clouded with milk, or with a few drops of a solution of mastic in alco- hol. It will be found that the ^dge of the shadow has moved from D E to D F, and meets the bottom at F. Beat a blackboard rubber, and create a cloud of dust in the path of the beam in the air, and you will discover that the rays G D that graze the edge of the disk at D become bent at the point where they enter the water, and now move in the bent line GD F, instead of, as formerly, in the straight line GE. The path of the light in the water is now nearer to the vertical side DC; in other words, this part of the beam is more nearly vertical than before. Experiment 2. Place a coin (A, Fig. 256) on the bottom of an empty basin, so that, as you look through a small hole in a card B C over the edge of the vessel, the coin is just out of sight. Then, with- out moving the card or basin, fill the latter with water. Now, on looking through the aperture in the card, the coin is visible. The beam of light AE, which formerly moved in the straight line AD, is now bent at E, where it leaves the water, and, passing through the aperture in the card, enters the eye. Observe that, as the light passes from the water into the air, it is turned farther from a vertical line EF; in other words, the beam is farther from the vertical than before. Experiment 3. From the same position as in the last experiment, direct the eye to the point G in the basin filled with water. Reach your hand around the basin, and place your finger where that point appears to be. On ex- amination, it will be found that your finger is considerably above the CAUSE OF REFRACTION. 351 bottom. Hence, the effect of the bending of rays of light, as they pass obliquely out of water, is to cause the bottom to appear more elevated than it really is ; in other words, to cause the water to appear shallower than it is. Experiment 4. Thrust a pencil obliquely into water, and it will appear shortened, bent at the surface of the water, and the F . ^ immersed portion elevated. 'j Experiment 5. Place a piece of wire (Fig. 257) verti- cally in front of the eye, and hold a narrow strip of thick plate glass horizontally across the wire, so that the light from the wire may pass obliquely through the glass to the eye. The wire will appear to be broken at the two edges of the glass, and the intervening section will appear to be moved to the right or left according to the inclination of the glass ; but, if the glass is not inclined to the one side or the other, the wire does not appear broken. When a beam of light passes from one medium into another of different density, it is bent or refracted at the boundary plane between the two media, unless it falls exactly perpendicularly on this plane. If it passes into a denser medium, it is refracted toward a perpendicular to this plane; if into a rarer medium, it is refracted from the perpen- Fig. 258. dicular. The angle GDO (Fig. 255) is called the angle of inci- dence; FDN, the angle of re- fraction; and EDF, the angle of deviation. . 321. Cause of refraction. Careful experiments have proved that the velocity of light is less in a dense than in a rare medium. Let the series of par- allel lines AB (Fig. 258) repre- sent a series of wave-fronts leaving an object C, and passing through a rectangular piece of glass DE, and constituting a beam of light. Every point in a wave-front moves with equal velocity as long as it traverses the same medium ; but the point 352 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. a of a given wave ab enters the glass first, and its velocity is impeded, while the point b retains its original velocity ; so that, while the point a moves to a', b moves to &', and the result is that the wave-front assumes a new direction (very much in the same manner as a line of soldiers execute a wheel) , and a ray or a line drawn perpendicularly through the series of waves is turned out of its original direction on entering the glass. Again, the extremity c of a given wave-front cd first emerges from the glass, when its velocity is immediately quickened ; so that, while d advances to d', c advances to c', and the direction of the ray is again changed. The direction of the ray, after emerging from the glass, is parallel to its direction before enter- ing it, but it has suffered a lateral displacement. Let C repre- sent a section of the wire used in Exp. 5, and the cause of the phenomenon observed will be apparent. If the beam of light strikes the glass perpendicularly, all points of the wave will be checked at the same instant on entering the glass ; con- sequently it will suffer no refraction. 322. Index of refraction. The deviation of light, in passing from one medium to another, varies with the me- dium and with the angle of incidence. It diminishes as the angle of incidence dimin- ishes, and is zero when the incident ray is normal (i.e., perpendicular to the surface of the medium) . It is highly important , knowing the angle of incidence, to be able to determine the direction which a ray of light will take on entering a new medium. Describe a circle around the point of incidence A (Fig. 259) as a center, with a radius of (say) Fig. 259. INDICES OF REFRACTION. 353 10 cm ; through the same point draw IH perpendicular to the surfaces of the two media, and to this line drop perpendiculars BD and CE from the points where the circle cuts the ray in the two media. Then suppose that the perpendicular B D is y 8 ^ of the radius A B ; now this fraction y 8 ^ is called (in Trigonom- etry) the sine of the angle DAB. Hence, y 8 ^ is the sine of the angle of incidence. Again, if we suppose that the perpen- dicular C E is T % of the radius, then the fraction y 6 ^ is the sine of the angle of refraction. The sines of the two angles are to one another as T 8 ^ : y 6 ^, or as 4 : 3. The quotient (in this case |) obtained by dividing the sine of the angle of incidence by the sine of the angle of refraction is called the index of refrac- tion. It can be proved to be the ratio of the velocity of the incident to that of the refracted light. It is found that, for the same media the index of refraction is a constant quantity; i.e., the incident ray might be more or less oblique, still the quotient would be the same. 323. Indices of refraction. The index of refraction for light in passing from air into water is approximately f , and from air into glass f ; and, of course, if the order is reversed, the reciprocal of these fractions must be taken as the indices ; e.g., xTom water into air the index is J, from glass into air ^. When a ray passes from a vacuum into a medium, the refractive index is greater than unity, and is called the absolute index of refrac- tion. The relative index of refraction, from' any medium A into another B, is found by dividing the absolute index of B by the absolute index of A. The refractive index varies with the color of the light. (See page 365.) The following table is intended to represent mean indices : TABLE OF ABSOLUTE INDICES. Air at C. and 760 mm pressure . 1.000294 Pure water 1.33 Alcohol 1.37 Spirits of turpentine 1.48 Humors of the eye (about) . . 1.35 Carbon bisulphide 1.641 Crown glass (about) 1.53 Flint glass (about) . 1.61 Diamond (about) 2.5 Lead chromate 2.97 354 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. EXERCISES. 1. Draw a straight line to represent a surface of flint glass, and draw another line meeting this obliquely to represent a ray of light passing from a vacuum into this medium. Find the direction of the ray after it enters the medium, employing the index as given in the above table. 2. (a) Determine the index of refraction for light in passing from water into diamond. (&) In passing from water into air. 3. Ascertain the index of refraction for water in Exp. 1, p. 350, in E C which sine I (sine of angle of incidence) = - (Fig. 255), and sine F C -fill R (sine of angle of refraction) = . Hence, the index of refraction _ sine I = E C . F C sine R E D ' F D Fig. 260. 324. Critical angle; total reflection. Let SS' (Fig. 2 GO), represent the boundar} T -surface between two media, and AO and BO incident rays in the more refractive medium (e.g., glass) ; then OD and OE may represent the same rays respec- tively after they enter the less refractive medium (e.g., air). It will be seen that, as the angle of incidence is increased, the refracted ray rapidly approaches the surface OS. Now, there must be an angle of incidence (e.g., COM) xuch that the angle REFRACTION AND TOTAL REFLECTION. 355 of refraction will be 90 ; in this case the incident ray CO, after refraction, will just graze the surface OS. This is called the critical or limiting angle. Any incident ray, as LO, making a larger angle with the normal than the critical angle, cannot emerge from the medium, and consequently is not refracted. Experiment shows that all such rays undergo internal reflection, e.g., the ray LO is reflected in the direction ON. Reflection in this case is perfect, and hence is called total reflection. Total reflection occurs tvhen rays in the more refractive medium are in- cident at an angle greater than the critical angle. Surfaces of transparent media, under these circumstances, constitute the best mirrors possible. The critical angle diminishes as the re- fractive index increases. For water it is about 48^ ; for flint glass, 38 41 f ; and for diamond, 23 41'. Light cannot, there- fore, pass out of water into air with a greater angle of incidence than 48 y. The brilliancy of gems, particularly the diamond, is due in part to their extraordinary power of internal reflection. It is evident that all incident light embraced in the angular space KOS, not reflected at the surface, is condensed by refrac- tion into the angular space COM of 48^, or that the whole light that passes into the water is condensed into an angular space of 97. A diver, looking upward, can see external ob- jects, as it were, only through a circular aperture overhead of limited diameter ; while beyond this circle he sees, as the effect of total reflection, the various objects on the bottom. 325. Illustrations of refraction and total reflection. Experiment 1. Place a bright coin in a tumbler of water, and tilt the glass till the light from the coin strikes the surface of the water above with sufficient obliquity, so that, looking upward toward that surface, you can see there a distinct image of the coin. Experiment 2. Thrust the closed end of a glass test-tube into water, and incline the tube. Look down upon the immersed part of the tube, and its upper surface will look like burnished silver, or as if the tube contained mercury. Fill the test-tube with water, and immerse as before ; the total reflection which before occurred at the surface of the air in the submerged tube now disappears. Explain. 356 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. Fig. 261. Experiment 3. Place uncolored glass beads, or glass broken into quite small pieces, in a test-tube. They appear not only white, due to diffused reflection, but quite opaque, due to refraction and internal reflec- tion. Pour some water into the tube, and it becomes somewhat translucent. Substitute spirits of turpentine for the water, and the translucency is increased. By mixing a small quantity of carbon bisulphide with the turpen- tine, or olive oil with oil of cassia, a liquid can be obtained whose re- fractive index is about the same as that of glass, when the light will pass through the liquid without . ob- struction, and the beads become trans- parent and nearly invisible. The last illustration shows that one transparent body within another can be -seen only when their refractive powers differ. Place your eye on a level with the surface of a hot stove, and you may observe a wavy motion in the air, due to the mingling of currents of heated and less refractive air, with cooler and more refractive air. A ray of light from a heavenly body A (Fig. 261) undergoes a series of refractions as it reaches successive strata of the atmos- phere of constantly increasing density, and to an eye at the earth's surface appears to come from a point A' in the heavens. The general effect of the atmosphere on the path of light that traverses it is such as to increase the apparent altitude of the heavenly bodies. It enables us to see a body (B) which is actually below the horizon, and prolongs the apparent stay of the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies above the horizon. Twilight is due both to refraction and reflection of light by the atmosphere. LENSES. 357 LV. PRISMS AND LENSES. 326. Optical prisms. An optical prism is usually a transparent wedge-shaped body. Figure 262 represents a transverse section of such a Fig. 262 prism. Let AB be a ray of light incident upon one of its surfaces. On entering the prism it is refracted toward the normal, and takes the direction BC. On emerging from the prism, it is again refracted, but now from the normal in the direction C D. The object that emits the ray will appear to be at F. Observe that the ray AB, at both refractions, is bent toward the thicker part, or base, of the prism. 327. Lenses. Any transparent medium bounded by two curved surfaces, or one plane and the other curved, is a lens. Experiment 1. Procure a couple of lenses thicker in the middle than at the edge ; strong spectacle glasses, or the large lenses in an opera glass, will answer. Hold one of the lenses in the sun's rays, and notice the path of the beam in dusty air (made so by striking together two blackboard rubbers) after it passes through the lens ; also, that on a paper screen all the rays may be brought to a small circle, or even a point, not far from 263 the lens. This point is called the focus, and its distance from the lens, the focal length of the lens. Find the focal length of this lens, and of the second, and then of the two together. You find the focal length of the two combined is less than of either alone, and learn that the more powerful a lens or combination of them is, the shorter the focal length ; that is, the more quickly are the parallel rays that enter different parts of the lens brought to cross one another. 358 RADIANT ENEKGY. LIGHT. Experiment 2. Procure a lens thinner in the middle than at its edge. One of the small lenses or eye-glasses of an opera glass will answer. Repeat the above experiment with this lens, and notice that the light emerging from the lens, instead of coming to a point, becomes spread out. Lenses are of two classes, converging and diverging, accord- ing as they collect or scatter beams of light. Each class com- prises three kinds (Fig. 263) : CLASS I. CLASS H. 1. Double-convex " Converging or convex 2. Plano-convex 1 lenses, thicker in 3. Concavo-convex [ the middle than at (or meniscus) J the edges. , ( Diverging, or con 4 Double-concave I cave lenses, thinner 5. Plano-concave 4 in the middle tnan 6. Convexo-concave I at the edges. A straight line, as AB, normal to both surfaces of a lens, and passing through its center of curvature, is called its princi- pal axis. In every lens there is a point in the principal axis called the optical center. Every ray of light that passes through it has parallel directions at incidence and emergence, i.e., can suffer at most only a slight lateral displacement. In lenses 1 and 4 it is half-way between their respective curved surfaces. A ray, drawn through the optical center from any point of an object, as A a (Fig. 269, p. 362), is called the secondary axis of this point. 328. Effect of lenses. We may, for convenience of illus- tration, regard a convex lens as composed, approximately, of two prisms placed base to base, as A (Fig. 264), and a concave lens as composed of two prisms with their edges in contact, as B. Inasmuch as a beam or pencil of light ordinarily strikes a lens in such a manner that the rays will be bent toward the thicker parts or bases of these approximate prisms, it is obvious that the lens A would tend to bend the transmitted rays toward one another, while the lens B would tend to separate them. The general effect of all EFFECT OF LENSES. 359 convex lenses is to converge transmitted rays; and of concave lenses, to cause them to diverge. Incident rays parallel with the principal axis of a convex lens are brought to a focus F (Fig. 265) at a point in the principal axis. This point is called the prin- cipal focus, i.e., it is the focus of incident rays parallel with the principal axis. It may Fig. 265. be found by holding the lens so that the rays of the sun may fall perpen- dicularly upon it, and then moving a sheet of paper back and forth behind it until the image of the sun formed on the paper is brightest and smallest. Or in a room it may be found approximately by holding a lens at a considerable distance from a window, and regulating the distance of the paper so that a distinct image of the window will be projected upon it. The focal length is the distance of the optical center of the lens to the center of the image on the paper. The shorter this distance the greater is the power of the lens. If the paper is kept at the principal focus for a short time it will take fire. Hence, this is the focus of heat as well as of Ught. The reason is apparent why convex lenses are sometimes called " burning glasses." A pencil of rays emitted from the principal focus F (Fig. 265), as a luminous point, becomes parallel on emerging from a convex lens. If the rays emanate from a point nearer the lens, they diverge after egress, but the divergence is less than before ; if from a point Fig. 266. 360 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. beyond the principal focus, the rays are rendered convergent. A concave lens causes parallel incident rays to diverge as if they came from a point, as F (Fig. 266). This point is there- fore its principal focus. It is, of course, a virtual focus. lib* 329. Conjugate foci. When a luminous point S (Fig. Fig. 267. 267) sends rays to a con- vex lens, the emergent rays converge to another point S' ; rays scut from S' to the Lens would converge to S. Two points thus related are called conjugate foci. The fact, that rays which emanate from one point are caused by convex lenses to collect at one point, gives rise to real images, as in the case of concave mirrors. 330. Images formed. Fairly distinct images of objects may be formed through very small apertures (page 330) ; but owing to the small amount of light that passes through the aperture, the images are very deficient in brilliancy. If the aperture is enlarged, brilliancy is increased at the expense of distinctness. (Why?) A convex lens enables us to obtain both brilliancy and distinctness at the same time. Experiment 1. By means of &porte lumiere A (Fig. 2G8) introduce a horizontal beam of light into a darkened room. In its path place some object, as B, painted in transparent colors or photographed on glass. (Transparent pictures are cheaply prepared by photographers for sunlight and lime-light projections.) Beyond the object place a convex lens L, and beyond the lens a screen S. The object being illuminated by the beam of light, all the rays diverging from any point a are bent by the lens so as to come together at the point a f . In like manner, all the rays proceeding from c are brought to the same point d ; and so also for all intermediate points. Thus, out of the billions of rays emanating from IMAGES FORMED. 361 each of the millions of points on the object, those that reach the lens are guided by it, each to its own appropriate point in the image. It is evident that there must result an image, both bright and distinct, provided the screen is suitably placed, i.e., at the place where the rays meet. But if the screen is placed at S' or S", it is evident that a blurred image will be formed. Instead of moving the screen back and forth, in order to "focus" the rays properly, it is cus- tomary to move the lens. Experiment 2. Fill some globular-shaped glass vessel (e.g., a flask, decanter, or fish-aquarium) with water, and place it l m in front of a white wall of a darkened room. A little beyond the vessel place a candle flame, and move it back and forth till a distinct image of the flame is projected upon the wall by the water lens. Move the vessel farther from the wall, and, on again focusing the flame, its image will be larger than before. Repeat the same with a glass lens. Fig. 268. By properly varying the distances of the lens and flame from the wall, in the last experiment, you may learn that when the distance of the object is twice that of the principal focus, the object and image are of equal size. When the image is within twice the focal distance it is less, and when beyond this same distance it is greater, than the object. In all cases the corre- sponding linear dimensions of an object and its image are to one another directly as their respective distances from the optical center. 331. To construct the image formed by a convex lens. Given the lens L (Fig. 269), whose principal focus is at F (or F ; , 362 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. for rays coming from the other direction), and object AB in front of it ; any two of the many rays from A will determine where its image a is formed. The only two that can be traced easily are, the one along the secondary axis AOa, and the one parallel to the principal axis A A' ; Fig. 289. the latter will be deviated so as to pass through the principal focus F, and will afterward intersect the principal axis at some point a ; so this is the conjugate focus of A; similarly for B, and all intermediate points along the arrow. Thus, a real, inverted image is formed at ab. Fig. 270. 332. Virtual images. Since rays that emanate from a point nearer the lens than the principal focus diverge after egress, it is evident that their focus must be virtual and on the same side of the lens as the object. Hence, the image of an SPHERICAL ABERRATION. object placed nearer the lens than the principal focus is virtual, magnified, and erect, as shown in Figure 270. A convex lens used in this manner is called a simple microscope. Since the effect of concave lenses is to scatter transmitted rays, pencils of rays emitted from A and B (Fig. 271), after Fig. 271. refraction, diverge as if they came from A' and B', and the image will appear to be at A'B f . Hence, images formed by concave lenses are virtual, erect, and smaller than the object. 333. Spherical aberration. In all ordinary convex lenses the curved surfaces are spherical, and the angles which incident rays make with the little plane surfaces, of which we may imagine the spherical surface to be made up, increase Fig. 272. rapidly toward the edge of the lens. Hence, while those rays from a given point of an object, as A (Fig. 272), which pass through the central portion, meet approximately at the same point F, those which pass through the marginal portion are deviated so much that they cross the axis at nearer points, e.g.. 364 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. at F' ; so a blurred image results. This wandering of the rays from a single focus is called spherical aberration. The evil may be largely corrected by interposing a diaphragm DD' (Fig. 272) , provided with a central aperture, smaller than the lens, so as to obstruct those ra}*s that pass through the marginal part of the lens. Fig. 273. LVI. PRISMATIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT. SPECTRA. 334. Analysis of white light. Experiment 1. Paste tin- foil smoothly over one side of a glass plate about 5 cm square. In the center of the foil cut a slit 3 cm long by l mm wide, leaving smooth and parallel edges. Place the plate with the slit in the aperture of zporte lumiere so as to exclude all light from a darkened room except that which passess through the slit. Near the slit interpose a double convex lens of (say) 10-inch focus. A narrow sheet of light will traverse the room and produce an image AB of the slit on a white screen placed in its path. Now place a glass prism C in the path of ANALYSIS OF WHITE LIGHT. 365 the beam with its axis (the straight line connecting the centers of the triangular faces) vertical. (1) The light now is not only turned from its former path, but that which before was a narrow sheet, is, after emerging from the prism, spread out fan-like into a wedge-shaped body, with its thickest part resting on the screen. (2) The image, before only a narrow vertical band, is now drawn out into a long horizontal ribbon of light DE. (3) The image, before white, now contains all the colors of the rainbow, from red at one end to violet at the other; it passes gradually through all the gradations of orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. (The difference in deviation between the red and the violet is purposely much exaggerated in the figure.) From this experiment we learn (1) that white light is not sim- ple in its composition, but the result of a mixture. (2) The colors of which white light is composed may be separated by refraction. (3) The cause of the separation is due to the different degrees of deviation which they undergo by refraction. Red, which is always least turned aside from a straight path, is the least refrangible color. Then follow orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet in the order of their refrangibility. The many-colored ribbon of light DE is called the solar spectrum. This separa- tion of white light into its constituents is called dispersion. The number of colors of which white light is composed is really infinite, but we have names for only seven of them ; viz., red, orange, yellow, green, cyan-blue, 1 ultramarine-blue, and violet; and these are called the primary or prismatic colors. The names of the blues are derived from the names of the pigments which most closely resemble them. The rainbow is an illustra- tion of a solar spectrum on a grand scale. It is the result of the dispersion of sunlight by rain drops. The spectrum may be projected upon a screen, or it may be received directly by the eye, as in the two following experi- ments : Experiment 2. Upon a black card-board A (Fig. 274) paste a strip of white paper 3 cm long and 2 mm wide ; and place the prism and the eye as in the figure. Now a beam of white light from the strip is 1 See Rood's Modern Chromatics. 366 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. Fig. 275. refracted and dispersed by the prism, and, falling upon the retina of the eye, you see, not the narrow white strip in its true position, but a spectrum in the position A'. This experiment is performed in a lighted room. Experiment 3. Instead of a continuous white strip, paste short strips of red, white, and blue, end to end, on the black card, as repre- sented in Figure 275. The spectrum of each color is given on the right, the light portions repre- senting the illuminated parts. It will be seen that in the spectrum of the red, the green, blue, and violet portions arc almost completely dark, but there is a faint trace of or- ange ; in the spectrum of the blue, the red, orange, and yel- low are wanting, blue and vio- let are present, and a small quantity of green. (What lessons does this experiment teach?) Experiment 4. In place of the white strip of paper used in Exp. 2, admit light into a dark room through a narrow slit, and examine its spectrum. 335. Synthesis of white light. The composition of white light has been ascertained by the process of analysis ; can it be verified by synthesis? i.e., can the colors after dispersion be reunited? and, if so, will the result of the reunion be white light? Experiment 1. Place a second prism (2) in such a position fi& that light which has passed through one prism (1), and been refracted and decomposed, may be refracted back, and the colors will be reblended, and a white image of the slit will be restored on the screen. Experiment 2. Place a large convex lens, or a concave mirror, so as to receive the colors after dispersion by a prism, and bring the rays to a focus on a screen. The image produced will be white. Experiment 3. Receive the spectrum on a common plane mirror, and rapidly tip the mirror back and forth in small arcs at right angles to the path of the light, and the light reflected by the mirror upon a screen will produce a white image on the screen. CAUSE OF COLOR AND DISPERSION. 367 336. Cause of color and dispersion. The color of light is determined solely by the number of waves emitted by a lumi- nous body in a second of time, or by the corresponding wave-length. In a dense medium, the short waves are more retarded than the longer ones; hence they are more refracted. This is the cause of dispersion. The ether waves diminish in length from the red to the violet. As pitch depends on the number of aerial waves which strike the ear in a second, so color depends on the number of ethereal waves which strike the eye in a second. From well-established data, determined by a variety of methods (see larger works), physicists have calculated the number of waves that succeed one another for each of the several prismatic colors, and the corresponding wave-lengths ; the following table contains the results. The letters A, C, D, etc., refer to Fraun- hofer's lines (see page 370). Length of waves No. of waves in millimeters. per second. Dark red A 000760 395,000,000,000,000 Orange C 000656 458,000,000,000,000 Yellow D 000569 510,000,000,000,000 Green E 000527 570,000,000,000,000 C. Blue F 000486 618,000,000,000,000 U. Blue G 000431 697,000,000,000,000 Violet H 000397 760,000,000,000,000 There is a limit to the sensibility of the eye as well as of the ear. The limit in the number of vibrations appreciable by the eye lies approximately within the range of numbers given in the above table ; i.e., if the succession of waves is much more or less rapid than indicated by these numbers, they do not produce the sensation of sight. It is evident that the frequency of the waves emitted by a luminous body, and consequently the color of the light emitted, must depend on the rapidity of the vibratory mo- tions of the molecules of that body, i.e., upon its temperature. This has been shown in a convincing manner as follows : The temperature of a platinum wire is slowly raised by passing a gradually increasing current of electricity through it. At a 368 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. f temperature of about 540 C. it begins to emit light ; and the light, analyzed by a prism, shows that it emits only red light. As the temperature rises, there will be added to the red of the spectrum, first yellow, then green, blue, and violet successively. When it reaches a white heat, it emits all the prismatic colors. It is significant that a white-hot body emits more red light than a red-hot body, and likewise more light of every color than at any lower temperature. The conclusion is, that a body which emits white light sends forth simultaneously waves of a variety of lengths. 337. Continuous spectra. The spectrum produced by the platinum is continuous ; that is, the band of light is un- broken. If the spectrum is not complete, as when the tempera- ture is too low, it will begin with red, and be continuous as far as it goes. All luminous solids and liquids give continuous spectra. Fig. 276. 338. Spectroscope. A small instrument called a pocket spectroscope 1 will answer for all experiments given in this book. More elaborate experiments require more elaborate apparatus, a description of which must be sought for in larger works on this subject. This instrument contains three or more prisms, A, B, and C (Fig. 276). The prisms are enclosed in a brass tube D, and this tube in another tube E. F is a convex lens, and G is an adjustable slit. By moving the inner tube back and forth, the instrument may be so focused that parallel .rays will fall upon prism A. By varying the kind of glass used in the different prisms, 8 as well as their structure, the deviation of light from a straight path, in passing through them, is overcome, while the dis- persion is preserved. On account of the directness of the path of light through it, this instrument is called a direct-vision spectroscope. ' J It is expected that the pupil will be provided with a pocket spectroscope, the cost of which neerl not exceed ten dollars. " A and C are crown-glass, and B is flint-glass. Sec foot-note, p. 395. BRIGHT-LINE SPECTRA. 369 339. Bright line, absorption, or re versed, spectra. Experiment 1. Open the slit a little less than l mm wide, and look through the spectroscope at the sky (not at the sun, for its light is too intense for the eye) , and you will see a continuous spectrum. Experiment 2. Repeat the last experiment with a candle, kerosene, or ordinary gas flame, and you will obtain similar results. Experiment 3. Take a piece of platinum wire 10 cm long, seal one end of it by fusion to a short glass tube for a handle, and make a loop at the other end about l mm in diameter. Wet the loop in clean water, dip it into pulverized common salt, and introduce it into the almost in- visible and colorless flame of a Bunsen burner. Instantly the flame becomes luminous and colored a deep yellow. Examine the light with a spectroscope, and you will find, instead of a continuous spectrum be- ginning with red, only a bright, narrow line of yellow in the yellow part of the spectrum, next the orange. Your spectrum consists essentially of a single bright yellow line on a comparatively dark ground (see Sodium, Mg. 277). Experiment 4. Heat the platinum loop until it ceases to color the flame, then wet it and dip it into chloride of lithium, and repeat the last experiment. You obtain a carmine-tinted flame, and see through the spectroscope a bright red line and a faint orange line (see Lithium, Fig. 277). Experiment 5. Use potassium hydrate, and you obtain a violet- colored flame, and a spectrum consisting of a red line and a violet line (the latter quickly disappears). Use strontium nitrate, and obtain a crimson flame, and a spectrum consisting of several lines in the red and the orange, and a blue line. (See Potass, and Stron., Tig. 277.) . . Experiment 6. Use a mixture of several of the above chemicals, and. you will obtain a spectrum containing all the lines that characterize the several substances. Every chemical compound used in the above experiments contains a different metal, e.g., common salt contains the metal sodium ; the other- substances used successively contain respec- tively the metals lithium, potassium., and strontium. These metals, when introduced into the flame, are vaporized, and we get their spectra when in a gaseous state. All gases give dis- continuous, or bright line, spectra, and no two gases give the same spectra. -The fact that in the second experiment we obtained continuous and similar spectra, appears to contradict the last 370 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. two statements. But it should be remembered that all that gives light in those flames is small particles of solid carbon floating in the burning gas. We see, then, that the spectroscope furnishes us with a reliable means of determining, at any time, whether light proceeds from a luminous solid or a luminous gas. R, O. Y. Fig. 277. G. C.B. U.B. V. ) 10 i .hill I.I. l il 50 70 90 110 130 150 1 1 I i 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 il II ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllllll ! I 1 ABCD EbF G HH' 1 340. Dark-line spectra. Experiment 1. Close the slit of the spectroscope so that the aperture will be very narrow ; direct it once more to the sky, and slowly move the inner tube back and forth, and you will find, with a certain suitable adjustment which may be obtained by patient trial, that the solar spectrum is not in reality con- tinuous, but is crossed by several dark lines (see Fig. 277). Experiment 2. The electric light is now in so common use that it may be possible to perform this experiment. Between the electric light and the spectroscope introduce the flame of a Bunsen burner, and color it yellow with salt. Examine the electric light transmitted through this yellow flame. In the last experiment you will naturally expect to find the yellow part of the spectrum uncommonly bright, for there would SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. 371 apparently be added to the }'ellow of the electric light the yellow of the salted flame. But precisely where }'ou would look for the brightest yellow, there you discover that the spectrum is crossed by a dark line. If you use salts of lithium, potassium, and strontium in a similar manner, }'ou will find in every case your spectrum crossed by dark lines where }'ou would expect to find bright lines. Remove the Bunsen flame, and the dark lines disappear. It thus appears that the vapors of different sub- stances absorb or quench the very same rays that they are capable of emitting ; very much, it would seem, as a given tuning-fork selects from various sounds only those of a definite wave-length corresponding to its own vibration-period. The dark places of the spectrum receive light in full force from the salted flame ; but the light is so feeble, in comparison with those places illumi- nated by the electric light, that the former appear dark by con- trast. Light transmitted through certain liquids (as sulphate of quinine and blood) and certain solids (as some colored glasses) produces dark-line spectra. These spectra are obtained only when light passes through media capable of absorbing rays of certain wave-length ; hence, they are commonly called absorp- tion spectra. Since a given vapor causes dark lines precisely where, if it were itself the only radiator of light, it would cause bright lines, dark-line spectra are frequently called reversed spectra. There are then three kinds of spectra : continuous spectra, produced by luminous solids, liquids, or, as has been found in a few instances, gases under great pressure ; bright- line spectra, produced by luminous vapors ; and absorption spec- tra, produced by light that has been sifted by certain media. 341. Spectrum analysis. More elaborate spectroscopes contain many prisms, by which we greatly increase the purity of the spectrum. (By purity is meant a freedom from the over- lapping of images of the slit, by which many lines of the spectra are concealed.) They also contain an illuminated scale which may be seen adjacent to the spectrum, by which the exact RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. position of the lines, and their relative distances from one another, can be accurately determined, and a telescope by which the spec- trum and scale may be magnified. The positions of some of the prominent lines of the solar spectrum were first determined, mapped, and distinguished from one another by certain letters of the alphabet by Fraunhofer ; hence, the dark lines of the solar spectrum are commonly called Fraunhofer's lines. So far as discovered, no two substances have a spectrum con- sisting of the same combination of lines ; and, in general, different substances but very rarely possess lines appearing to be common to both. Hence, when we have once observed and mapped the spectrum of any substance, we may ever after be able to recognize the presence of that substance, when emit- ting light, whether it is in our laboratory or in a distant heavenly body. The spectroscope, therefore, furnishes us a most efficient means of detecting the presence (or absence) of any elementary substance, even when it is combined or mixed with other substances. It is not necessary that the given sub- stance should exist in large quantities ; for example, the four- teen-millionth part of a milligram of sodium can be detected by the spectroscope. Substances that are not easily converted into vapors at low temperatures may be placed between the poles of an electric battery or an induction coil. The heat generated by electricity will vaporize all substances. After maps of the spectra of all known substances have been made out, if, on ex- amination of a complex substance, any new lines should at any time appear in the spectrum, it would indicate the presence of a substance hitherto undiscovered. It was thus that the elements, caesium, rubidium, thallium, and indium were discovered. 342. Celestial chemistry and physics. The spectrum of iron has been mapped to the extent of 460 bright lines. The solar spectrum furnishes dark lines corresponding to nearly all these bright lines. Can there be any doubt of the existence of iron in the sun ? By examination of the reversed spectrum of HEAT AND CHEMICAL SPECTRA. 373 the sun, we are able to determine with certainty the existence there of sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, hydro- gen, and many other known substances. Again, from our knowledge of the way in which a reversed spectrum can be pro- duced, we may conclude that the sun consists of a luminous solid, liquid, or an intensely heated and greatly condensed gas (called a photosphere) , and that this nucleus is surrounded by an atmosphere of cooler vapor, in which exist at least all the substances just named. The moon and other heavenly bodies that are visible only by reflected sun-light give the same spectra as the sun, while those that are self-luminous give spectra which differ from the solar spectrum. 343. Heat and chemical spectra. If a sensitive ther- mometer is placed in different parts of the solar spectrum, it will indicate heat in all parts ; but the heat generally increases from the violet toward the red. It does not cease, however, with the limit of the visible spectrum ; indeed, if the prism is made of flint glass, the greatest heat is just beyond the red. A strip of paper wet with a solution of chloride of silver suffers no change in the dark ; in the light it quickly turns black ; ex- posed to the light of the solar spectrum, it turns dark, but quite unevenly. The change is slowest in the red, and con- stantly increases, till about the region indicated by G (Fig. 277) , when it attains its maximum ; from this point it falls off, and ceases at a point considerably beyond the limit of the violet. It thus appears that the solar spectrum is not limited to the visible spectrum, but extends beyond at each extremity. Those rays that lie beyond the red are usually called the ultra-red rays, while those that lie beyond the violet are called the ultra- violet rays. The ultra-red rays are of longer vibration-period, and the ultra-violet of shorter period, than the luminous rays. 344. Only one kind of radiation. The fact that radi- ant energy produces three distinct effects, viz., luminous, heating, and chemical, has given rise to a quite prevalent idea 374 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. that there are three distinct kinds of radiation. There is, how- ever, absolutely no proof that these different effects are produced by different kinds of radiation. The same radiation that produ- ces vision can generate heat and chemical action. The fact that the ultra-red and ultra-violet rays do not affect the eye does not argue that they are of a different nature from those that do, but it does show that there is a limit to the susceptibility of the eye to receive impressions from radiation. Just as there are sound-waves of too long, and others of too short, period to affect the ear, so there are etherial waves, some of too long, and others of too short, period to affect the eye. It is true, how- ever, that waves of long period from the sun are more energetic in producing heating effects than those of short period ; and those of short period are more effective in generating chemical action in certain substances than those of long period ; while only those which lie between the extremes affect the eye. LVII. COLOR. 345. Color produced by absorption. " All objects are black in the dark ; " this is equivalent to saying that without light there is no color. Is color a quality of an object, or is it a quality of the light which illuminates the object? Experiment 1. We have found that common salt introduced into a Bunsen flame renders it luminous, and that the light when analyzed with a prism is found to contain only yellow. Expose papers or fabrics of various colors to this light in a darkened room. No one of them exhibits its natural color except yellow. Experiment 2. Hold a narrow strip of red paper or ribbon in the red portion of the solar spectrum ; it appears red. Slowly move it toward the other end of the spectrum ; on leaving the red it becomes darker, and when it reaches the green it is quite black or colorless, and remains so as it passes the other colors of the spectrum. Repeat the experiment, using other colors, and notice that only in light of its own color does each strip of paper appear of its natural color ; while in all other colors it is dark. SKY COLORS. 375 These experiments show that (1) color is a quality of the light which illuminates, and not of the object illuminated; (2) in order that an object may appear of a certain color, it must receive light of that color; and of course if it receives other colors at the same time, it must be capable of absorbing them. The energy of the waves absorbed is converted into heat, and warms the object. When white light strikes an object, it appears white if it reflects all the colors. If red light falls upon the same object, it appears red, for it is capable of reflecting red ; or it appears green, if green light alone falls on it. If white light falls upon an object, and all the colors are absorbed except the blue, the object ap- pears blue. When we paint our houses we do not apply color to them. We apply substances called pigments, that have a property of absorbing all the colors except those which we would have our houses appear. Experiment 3. By means of a porte lumiere introduce a beam of light into a dark room. Cover the orifice with a deep red (copper) glass. The white light, in passing through the glass, appears to be colored red. Does the glass color the light red ? Experiment 4. With the slit and prism form a solar spectrum, and between the prism and screen interpose the red glass. All the colors of the spectrum instantly disappear except the red. It thus appears that a red transparent bod} r transmits only red, and absorbs all other colors. No body gives color to light that it reflects or transmits. 346. Sky colors. Experiment 1. Dissolve a little white cas- tile soap in a tumbler of water ; or, better, stir into the water a few drops of an alcoholic solution of mastic, enough to render the water slightly turbid. Place a black screen behind the tumbler, and examine the liquid by reflected sunlight, the liquid appears to be blue; examine the liquid by transmitted sunshine, it now appears yellowish red. Skylight is reflected light. The particles of atmospheric dust (of water, probably) that pervade the atmosphere, like the fine particles of mastic suspended in the water, reflect blue light ; while, beyond the atmosphere, is a black background of darkness. 376 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. But we must not, from this, conclude that the atmosphere is blue ; for, unlike blue glass, but like the turbid liquid, it trans- mits yellow and red ra} r s freely, so that, seen by reflected light it is blue, but seen by transmitted light it is yellowish red. Experiment 2. Pour some of the turbid liquid into a small test- tube, and examine it and the tumbler of liquid by transmitted light ; the former appears almost colorless, while the latter is quite deeply colored. When the sun is near the horizon, its rays travel a greater distance in the air to reach the earth than when it is in the zenith (see Fig. 261, p. 356) ; consequently, there is a greater loss by absorption and reflection in the former case than in the latter. But the yellow and red rays suffer less destruction, proportionally, than the other colors ; consequently, these colors predominate in the morning and evening. 347. Mixing" colors. A mixture of all the prismatic colors, in the proportion found in sunlight, produces white. Can white be produced in any other way ? Experiment 1. On a black surface A (Fig. 278), about 4 cm apart, lay two small rectangular pieces of paper, one yellow and the other blue. In a vertical position between, and from 4 cm to gem above these papers, hold a slip of plate glass C. Looking obliquely down through the glass you may see the blue paper by transmitted light and the yel- low paper by reflection. That is, you see the object itself in the former case and the image of the object in the latter case. By a little manipulation, the image and the object may be made to overlap one another, when both colors will apparently disappear, and in their place the color which is the result of the mixture will appear. In this case it will be white, or, rather, gray, which is white of a low de- gree of luminosity. If the color is yellowish, lower the glass; if bluish, raise it. Experiment 2. Cut out of stiff drawing-paper two circular disks, each 16 cm in djameter. Paint one with chrome yellow, and the other with ultramarine blue. Cut a radial slit in each, and pass an edge of MIXING COLORS. 3TT one slit through the slit of the other, and so arrange them that one shall partly conceal the other, leaving rather more blue exposed than of the yellow, as in Figure 279. Attach the disks so combined to some apparatus by which they may be rapidly rotated; for example, to a " color top," such as are sold fe toy stores. Rotate the disks, and the colors will be so blended in the eye as to appear gray ; or, if either color predominates, arrange the disks so that less of that color will be ex- posed. Figure 280 represents " Newton's disk," which contains the seven prismatic colors arranged in a proper proportion to produce gray when rotated. Fig. 279. Fig. 280. Fig. 281. In a like manner, Fig. 282. you may produce white by mixing purple and green ; or, if any color on the circumference of the circle (Fig. 282) is mixed with the color exactly opposite, the resulting color will be white. Again, the three colors, red, green, and violet, arranged as in Figure 281, with rather less surface of the green exposed than of the other colors, will give gray. Green mixed with red, in varying proportions, will produce any of the colors between these two colors in the dia- gram (Fig. 282) ; green mixed with violet will produce any of 378 RADIANT ENERGY. LIGHT. the colors between them ; and violet mixed with red gives purple ; but no two colors mixed will produce any of these three colors. Hence, a very widely accepted theory is adopted by many, that red, green, and violet are the three primary color sensations, and that the other colors of the spectrum are simply the products of mixtures, in varying proportions, of these three. 348. Mixing pigments. Experiment 1. Mix a little of the two pigments, chrome yellow and ultramarine blue, and you obtain a green pigment. The last three experiments show that mixing certain colors, and mixing pigments of the same name, may produce very different results. In the first experiments you actually mixed colors ; in the last experiment you did not mix colors, and we must seek an explanation of the result obtained. If a glass vessel with parallel sides containing a blue solution of sulphate of copper is interposed in the path of light which forms a solar spectrum, it will be found that the red, orange, and yellow rays are cut out of the spectrum, i.e., the liquid absorbs these rays. And if a yellow solution of bichromate of potash is interposed, the blue and violet rays will be absorbed. It is evident that, if both solutions are interposed, all the colors will be destroyed except the green, which alone will be transmitted ; thus : Cancelled by the blue solution, $ ew, 391. point, 164. Dialysis, 40. Diamagnetism, 225. Diathermancy, 388. Diffraction, 381. Diffusion, 39. Discharge, Electrical, 242. Discord, Cause of, 307. Dispersion of light, 365. Distillation, 162. Ductility, 32. Dynamics defined, 44. of fluids, 44. Dynamo machines, 227. Dyne, 125, 128. E. Ear, 315. Earth, a magnet, 220, 223. Elasticity, 29. Electric candle, 260. lamp, 260. light, 259. Electrical attractions, etc., 238, 252. machines, 245. measurements, 197. Electricity, Chemical effect of, 19'2. Current, 179. Prictional, 237. Heating effect of, 191. how it originates, 184. Luminous effect of, 192, 253. Magnetic effect of, 196. Physiological effect of, 195. Thermo, 234. Two states of, 238. Useful applications of, 258. What is, 257. Electrification, 237. on surface, 244. Two kinds of, 239. Electro-chemical series, 186. Electrodes, 183. Electrolysis, 193. Electro-magnet, 196. Electro-magnetic machines, 262. Electro-motive force, 204. Electrophorus, 246. Electroplating, 262. Electroscope, 237. Electro typing, 261. Energy, Conservation of, 174. contrasted with momentum, 123, Correlation of, 174. defined, 121. Formula for, 124. Potential and kinetic, 121. Radiant, 327. Transformation of, 128, 129, 257 6 Unit of, 123. Engine, Steam, 175. Engines, Kinds of steam, 177. Equilibrant force, 95. Equilibrium, 44. Three states of, 98. Erg, 126, 128. Ether, a medium of motion, 326. Evaporation, 163. Expansibility of gases, 52. Expansion, Abnormal, 150. by heat, 148. Coefficients of, 149. Power of, 150. Experiment defined, 1. Eye, Human, 393. F. Falling bodies, 104. Fire-alarm, Electric, 267, Flexibility, 29. Foci, Conjugate, 360. Focus, Principal, 346, 359. Virtual, 360. Foot-pound, 120. Force, Absolute unit of, 125. Centrifugal, 102. Centripetal, 102. defined, 12, 13. Equilibrant, 95. Gravity unit of, 126. Measure of a, 124. INDEX. Force, Measure of the effect of, 126. Resultant, 91. Forces, Composition of, 91, 94, 95. Graphic representation of, 90. Molar, 13. Molecular, 13. Resolution of, 92. Fraunhofer's lines, 372. Fusion, Laws of, 161. G. Galvanometer, 198, 404. Tangent, 199. Galvanoscope, 184. Gaseous bodies, Laws of, 156. Gases, Kinetic theory of, 157. Gravitation, 14, 20. Gravity, Acceleration of, 106. Center of, 96. Force of, 14, 21. H. Hardness, 28. Harmonics, 305. Harmony, Cause of, 307. Hearing, Limits of, 301. Heat, Capacity for, 171. Conduction of, 142. Convection of, 143. convertible, 138, 165. defined, 139. Diffusion of, 142. Expansion by, 148. from chemical action, 140. Mechanical equivalent of, 17.">. Origin of animal, 140. Reference tables for specific, 172. Home sources of, 138. Specific, 170. units, 165. Helix, 196. Horse-power, 121. Hydrogen at the copper plate, 185. Hydrometers, 83. Hydrostatic bellows, 64. press, 64. I. Images, After, 379. Formation of, 346, 360. Images, Real, 347. through apertures, 330. To construct, 347, 361. Virtual, 342, 362. Impenetrability, 1, 6. Induction, 241. 'coils, 232. Inertia, 90. Interference of light, 379. of sound-waves, 274, 322. Insulation, 243. J. Joule's equivalent, 175. Kilogrammeter, 120. Kinetic energy, 121. theory of gases, 157. Law, Mariotte's, 156. of Charles, 156. Laws of fusion and boiling, 161. of gaseous bodies, 156. Lenses, 357. Effects of, 358. Leyden jar, 250. Light, a form of energy, 325., Analysis of, 364. Diffused, 340. Electric, 259. invisible, 327. Reflection of, 339. Synthesis of, 366. Lightning, 255. rods, 255. Liquid surface level, 69. Luminous and illuminated bodies, 329. M. Machines, 131. Law of, 133. Uses of, 132. Magnets and magnetism, 212, 224. Law of, 213. Natural, 223. not sources of energy, 225. Magnetic transparency, 213. INDEX. Magnetism, Cause of the earth's, 223. Magneto machines, 227. electric induction, 226. Malleability, 32. Manometric flames, 312. Mariotte's law, 57, 156. Mass, 7, 20. Matter a constant quantity, 10, 11. Conditions of, 24. Crystalline and amorphous, 24. Three states of, 15. Metric system, 399. Microphone, 270. Microscope, Simple, 362. Compound, 391. Minuteness of particles of matter, 3. Mirrors, Reflection from, 341. Molecule, 4. Momentum, 115. Motion, Accelerated, 104. Curvilinear, 101. First law of, 89. Formulas for uniformly accelerated, 106. Kinds of, 87. Retarded, 107. Second law of, 91. Third law of, 117. versus rest, 86, 87. Multiple reflection, 343. Musical instruments, 319. Scale, 300. Nodes, 275. Noise, 297. N. O. Ohm, 202. Ohm's law, 205. Opacity, 328. Oscillation, Center of, 111. Osmose, 40. Overtones, 305. Parabolic curve, 109. Paramagnetism, 225. Pencil of light, 328. Pendulum, 110. Pendulum, Center of oscillation of, 111, Center of percussion of, 113. Phenomenon, 1. Phonograph, 317. Photometry, 333. Physical changes, 9. Physics defined, 129. Pigments, 375. Mixing, 378. Pitch, 298. Points, Effects of, 252. Polarity. 28, 214. Polariscope, 387. Polarization. 384. of plates, 188. Poles of hattery, 183. Porosity, 7. Potential, Electric, 183, 244. energy, 121, 168. Porte lumiere, 339, 407. Press, Hydrostatic, 64. Pressure in fluids, 44-79. Primary colors, 365. Prisms, Optical, 357. Projectiles, 108. Pump, Air, 54-57. Force, 75- Lifting, 74, 75. Q. Quality of sound- 300. Qualities of perfect battery. 21^ R. Radiation, 327. Thermal effects of, 388. Radiator, 327. Radiometer, 325. Random of projectiles, 108 Ray, 328. Reaction, 116. Reflection, Angle of, 118. Law of, 118. Multiple, 343. Total, 355. Refraction, 350. Cause of, 351. Double, 383. Index of, 352. INDEX. Relay and repeater, 264. Repulsion mutual, 13. Resonance, 290. Resonators, 291. Resistance, Formula for, 202. Internal, 203. External, 204. Rest, 86, 87. Resultant force, 91. Shadows, 331. Simple substances, 8. Siphon, 72. Siren, 299. Solution of solids, 37. Sonometer, 303. Sound, Analysis of, 309. how it originates, 280. how it travels, 281. Loudness of, 288. media, 283. Musical, 297. Pitch of, 298. Quality of, 309. Reinforcement of, 290. Reflection of, 285. Refraction of, 287. Synthesis of, 310. Velocity of, 284. what it is, 283. Sounder, 264. Sounding air-columns, 319. plates, 321. Sound-waves, 272, 274, 280. Speaking tubes, 289. Specific gravity, 80. Spectra, Bright-line, 369. Continuous, 368. Dark-line, 370. Heat and chemical, 373. Spectrum analysis, 371. Solar, 365. Spectroscope, 368. Stability of bodies, 99. Steam engine, 175. Stereopticon, 395. Summary of elec. measurements, 208. of mechanical units and formulas, 127. Sun as a source of energy, 141. T. Table of boiling points, 161. of E.M.F., 205. of indices of refraction. 353. of melting points, 161. of metric system, 399. of natural tangents, 403. of specific gravities, 402. of specific heat, 172. Telegraph, 263. Fac-simile, 266. Telegraphic alphabet. 266. Telephone, Bell, 269, 318. Telephone, Dolbear, 271. String, 318. Telescope, Astronomical, 392. Temperature, Absolute, 155. defined, 141. measured by expansion, 151. Tenacity, 32. Tension, 44. Theory of exchanges, 390. Thermo batteries, 235. Thermopile, 236. Thermo-dynamics, 174. Thermometer, Air, 154. Construction of, 151. Graduation of, 152. Thermometry, 151. Transformation of energy, 128, 129, 257. Translucency, 328. Transparency, 328. Tubes, Speaking, 289. TJ. Vndulatory theory, 327. V. Vacuum, Absolute, 56. Variation of needle, 222. Velocity, Accelerated, 104. defined, 87. of electric discharge, 254. of light, 337. of sound, 284, 292. Unit of, 128. Ventilation, 146. INDEX. Ventral segment, 276. Vibration, Direction of, 273. of strings, 303. Propagation of, 274. Sound, 272. Vibrations, Complex, 273, 305. Composition of, 311. Forced, 295. Stationary, 275. Sympathetic, 295. Viscosity, 31. Visual angle, 335. Vocal organs, 323. Volt, 205. Voltaic arc, 259. Voltameter, 198. W. Waves, Air, 282. Interference of, 274, 294. Longitudinal, 276. Reflection of, 274. Sound, 272, 274, 280. Water, 276. Wave-length, 274, 292. Measuring, 292. Wave-lengths of light, 367. Wave-line, 274, 279. Wave - motion, Apparatus to illue trate, 406. Wave-propagation, 278. Weber, 206. APPARATUS ADAPTED TO GAGE'S PHYSICS. Immediately following the first appearance of the book, in Novem- ber, 1882, the Publishers received many calls for apparatus especially adapted to the carrying out of the plan of the book. It appearing almost a necessity, Mr. Gage reluctantly consented to give some atten- tion to the furnishing of schools with cheap and efficient apparatus, thereby rendering it possible for every school in the land, however limited its means, to teach this branch in a rational manner. In future, he will devote a portion of his time to the study of (1) new forms of apparatus, and (2) methods of making the same pieces, with slight modifications, answer a variety of purposes. His popular "little marvels," the New Porte-Lumiere, Seven iti One Apparatus. Eight in One Apparatus, improved Pascal's Vases, Bunsen Batteries, Apparatus for making electrical measurements, etc., are a sufficient testimony to his success thus far. Only a minimum profit is charged on this apparatus, so that no discounts are possible, and the school which has but a dollar to expend can purchase on terms which will compare favorably with the lowest net prices ever offered. A set of this apparatus will be kept on con- stant exhibition at our office, 13 Tremont Place, Boston. For price lists, and other information respecting the apparatus, address A. P. GAGE, English High School, Boston, Mass, Unsolicited testimonial front L. B. Charbonnier, Professor of Physics in the University of Georgia. The apparatus ordered from you has been received to-day. Like all previ- ously bought from you, it gives entire satisfaction. You are really doing an excellent work for our schools in furnishing such apparatus as you do, and at the most reasonable cost. I have had excellent opportunity to judge of the quality of your work, as I have under my charge an extensive collection of apparatus bought from different makers here and in Europe. The apparatus bought of you is used by the students of the lower class in the laboratory ; and hence I have been able to compare your work with that of other makers. I feel it due you to testify to the excellence of your work. There is no reason why physical science should not be now fully illustrated in our schools, when the inexpensiveness of your apparatus brings it within the reach of the most moderate means. ATHENS, GA., October 13, 1887. GINN & COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, New York, and Chicago. 86 PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Introduction to Physical Science. By A. P. GAGE, Instructor in Physics in the English High School, Bos- ton, Mass., and Author of Elements of Physics, etc. 12mo. Cloth, viii + 353 pages. With a chart of colors and spectra. Mailing Price, $1.10 ; for introduction, $1.00 ; allowance for an old book in exchange, 30 cents. HIRE great and constantly increasing popularity of Gage's Ele- ments of Physics has created a demand ' for an equally good but easier book, on the same plan, suitable for schools that can give but a limited time to the study. The Introduction to Physical Science has been prepared to supply this demand. Accuracy is the prime requisite in scientific text-books. A false statement is not less false because it is plausible, nor an in- conclusive experiment more satisfactory because it is diverting. In books of entertainment, such things may be permissible ; but in a text-book, the first essentials are correctness and accuracy. It is believed that the Introduction will stand the closest expert scrutiny. Especial care has been taken to restrict the use of scien- tific terms, such as force, energy, power, etc., to their proper signifi- cations. Terms like sound, light, color, etc., which have commonly been applied to both the effect and the agent producing the effect have been rescued from this ambiguity. Recent Advances in physics have been faithfully recorded, and the relative practical importance of the various topics has been taken into account. Among the new features are a full treatment of electric lighting, and descriptions of storage batteries, methods of transmitting electric energy, simple and easy methods of making electrical measurements with inexpensive apparatus, the compound steam-engine, etc. Static electricity, which is now generally re- garded as of comparatively little importance, is treated briefly; while dynamic electricity, the most potent and promising physical element of our modern civilization, is placed in the clearest light of our present knowledge. In Interest and Availability the Introduction will, it is believed, be found no less satisfactory. The wide use. of the Elements under the most varied conditions, and, in particular, the author's own experience in teaching it, have shown how to improve where improvement was possible. The style will be found PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 87 suited to the grades that will use the book. The experiments are varied, interesting, clear, and of practical significance, as well as simple in manipulation and ample in number. Certain subjects, that are justly considered difficult and obscure have been omitted ; as, for instance, certain laws relating to the pressure of gases and the polarization of light. The Introduction is even more fully illustrated than the Elements. In General. The Introduction, like the Elements, has this distinct and distinctive aim, to elucidate science, instead of "populariz- ing " it ; to make it liked for its own sake, rather than for its gilding and coating ; and, while teaching the facts, to impart the spirit of science, that is to say, the spirit of our civilization and progress. George E. Gay, Prin. of High School, Maiden, Mass.: With the matter, both the topics and their pre- sentation, I am better pleased than with any other Physics I have seen. E. H. Perkins, Supt. of Schools, Chicopee, Mass. : I have no doubt we can adopt it as early as next month, and use the same to great ad- vantage in our schools. (Feb. 6, 1888.) Mary E. Hill, Teacher of Physics, Northfield Seminary, Mass.: I like the truly scientific method and the clearness with which the subject is presented. It seems to me admirably adapted to the grade of work for which it is designed. (Mar. 5, '88.) JohnPickard, Prin. of Portsmouth High School, N.H. : I like it exceed- ingly. It is clear, straightforward, practical, and not too heavy. Ezra Brainerd, Pres. and Prof, of Physics, Middlebitry College, Vt.: I have looked it over carefully, and regard it as a much better book for high schools than the former work. (Feb. 6, 1888.) James A. De Boer, Prin. of High School, Montpelier, Vt. : I have not only examined, but studied it, and consider it superior as a text-book to auy other I have seen. (Feb. 10, '88.) E. B. Eosa, Teacher of Physics, English and Classical School, Provi- dence, R.I. : I think it the best thing in that grade published, and intend to use it another year. (Feb. 23, '88.) G. H. Patterson, Prin. and Prof, of Physics, Berkeley Sch., Providence, R.I.: A very practical book by a practical teacher. (Feb. 2, 1888.) George E. Beers, Prin. of Evening High School, Bridgeport, Conn. : The more I see of Professor Gage's books, the better I like them. They are popular, and at the same time scientific, plain and simple, full and complete. (Feb. 18, 1888.) Arthur B. Chaff ee, Prof, in Frank- lin College, Ind. : I am very much pleaised with the new book. It will suit the average class better than the old edition. W. D. Kerlin, Supt. of Public Schools, New Castle, Ind.: I find that it is the best adapted to the work which we wish to do in our high school of any book brought to my notice. C. A. Bryant, Supt. of Schools, Paris, Tex. : It is just the book for high schoolc. I shall use it next year. 88 PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Introduction to Chemical Science. By R. P. WILLIAMS, Instructor in Chemistry in the English High School, Boston. 12mo. Cloth. 210 pages. Mailing Price, 90 cents; for introduction, 80 cents; Allowance for old book in exchange, 25 cents. TN a word, this is a working chemistry brief but adequate. Attention is invited to a few special features : 1. This book is characterized by directness of treatment, by the selection, so far as possible, of the most interesting and practical matter, and by the omission of what is unessential. 2. Great care has been exercised to combine clearness with accuracy of statement, both of theories and of facts, arid to make the explanations both lucid and concise. 3. The three great classes of chemical compounds acids, bases, and salts are given more than usual prominence, and the arrangement and treatment of the subject-matter relating to them is believed to be a feature of special merit. 4. The most important experiments and those best illustrating the subjects to which they relate, have been selected ; but the modes of experimentation are so simple that most of them can be per- formed by the average pupil without assistance from the teacher. 5. The necessary apparatus and chemicals are less expensive than those required for any other text-book equally comprehensive. 6. The special inductive feature of the work consists in call- ing attention, by query and suggestion, to the most important phenomena and inferences. This plan is consistently adhered to. 7. Though the method is an advanced one, it has been so sim- plified that pupils experience no difficulty, but rather an added interest, in following it ; the author himself has successfully employed it in classes so large that the simplest and most practical plan has been a necessity. 8. The book is thought to be comprehensive enough for high schools and academies, and for a preparatory course in colleges and professional schools. 9. Those teachers in particular who have little time to prepare experiments for pupils, or whose experience in the laboratory has been limited, will find the simplicity of treatment and of experi- mentation well worth their careful consideration. For testimonials, see the special circular. VB 35990 541.788 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY