Samee TOflifcomB QRifeg NEGHBORLY POEMS SKETCHES IN PROSE WITH INTERLUDING VERSES AFTERWHILES PIPES O PAN AT ZEKES- BURY. (Prose and Verse) RHYMES OF CHILDHOOD THE FLYING ISLANDS OF THE NIGHT GREEN FIELDS AND RUN NING BROOKS ARMAZINDY A CHILD-WORLD HOME-FOLKS HIS PA S ROMANCE (Portrait by Clay) _ GREENFIELD EDITION Sold only in sets. Eleven volumes uniformly bound in sage-green cloth, gilt top .............. $13.50 The same in half-calf ...... 27.50 OLD-FASHIONED ROSES (English Edition) THE GOLDEN YEAR (English Edition) POEMS HERE AT HOME RUBAlYAT OF DOC SIFERS THE BOOK OF JOYOUS CHILDREN RILEY CHILD-RHYMES (Pictures by Vawter) RILEY LOVE-LYRICS (Pictures by Dyer) RILEY FARM-RHYMES (Pictures by Vawter) AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE (Pictures by Christy) OUT TO OLD AUNT MARY S (Pictures by Christy) A DEFECTIVE SANTA CLAUS (Forty Pictures by Relyea and Vawter) OF THE"^ UNIVERSITY HIS PA S ROMANCE JAMES WHITCOMBjRILEY L K1L ILLUSTRATIONS BY WILL VAWTER PORTRAIT BY JOHN CECIL CLAY UNIVERSITY INDIANAPOLIS THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT, 1903 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY NOVEMBER R--SE PRESS OF BRAUNWORTH & CO- BOOKBINDERS AND PRINTERS BROOKLYN. N. Y. /"IA//V His Pas Romance 155582 TO EDGAR WILSON NYE SUCH silence after such glad merriment! O prince of halest humor, wit and cheer: Could you speak yet to us, I doubt not we Should catch your voice, still blithely eloquent Above all murmurings of sorrow here, Calling your love back to us laughingly. His Pas Romance Contents PAGE ALMOST BEYOND ENDURANCE 27 AN IDYL OF THE KING I37 AN OLD FRIEND I0 5 AT NINETY IN THE SHADE 67 BILLY MILLER S CIRCUS-SHOW 55 BRAVE REFRAIN, A go CHAIRLEY BURKE 60 EDGAR WILSON NYE !3 2 FALL CRICK VIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE, r R 88 FIRE AT NIGHT go" GOOD-BYE ER HOWDY-DO 7! "Go READ YOUR BOOK" !65 HER BEAUTIFUL HANDS 112 HINT OF SPRING, A 99 His PA S ROMANCE ! His ROOM I20 IN STATE I26 LAW OF THE PERVERSE, THE 58 LISPER, THE oj LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK, A 73 LOCKERBIE FAIR IOI CONTENTS PAGE ME AND MARY 83 MR. SlLBERBERG QI MUTE SINGER, THE 128 MY BACHELOR CHUM 109 NEVER TALK BACK 78 NOON INTERVAL, A 134 OLD GRANNY DUSK 45 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY 135 OLD MAN OF THE SEA, THE 63 OUR BETSY 34 PATHS OF PEACE, THE 124 PROSE OR VERSE 165 SIMPLE RECIPE, A 30 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS THE STRENGTH OF THE WEAK 40 THE LITTLE QUESTIONER 43 PARENTAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 44 SONGS OF A LIFE-TIME 133 SPIRITS AT HOME 95 THE BEST is GOOD ENOUGH 115 TINKLE OF BELLS, A 103 TOIL 117 TOY-BALLOON, THE 37 TRIBUTE OF His HOME, THE 130 TWILIGHT STORIES 25 UNLESS 163 WHEN UNCLE Doc WAS YOUNG 51 YOUNG OLD MAN, THE 47 HIS PA S ROMANCE ALL at I ever want to be Is ist to be a man like Pa When he wuz young an married Ma ! Uncle he telled us yisterdy Ist all about it then cause they, My Pa an Ma, wuz bofe away To tend P tracted Meetin , where My Pa an Ma is allus there When all the big "Revivals" is, An "Love-Feasts," too, an "Class," an "Prayer," An when s "Comoonian Servicis." An , yes, an Uncle said to not To never tell them ner let on Like we knowed now ist how they got First married. So while they wuz gone I Uncle he telled us ever thing Bout how my Pa wuz ist a pore Farm-boy. He says, I tell you what, Your Pa wuz pore ! But neighbers they All liked him all but one old man An his old wife that folks all say Nobody liked, ner never can! Yes, sir ! an Uncle purt nigh swore About the mean old man an way He treat my Pa ! cause he s a pore Farm-hand but prouder an a king An ist work on, he did, an wore His old patched clo es, ist anyway, So he saved up his wages then He ist worked on an saved some more, An ist worked on, ist night an day Till, sir, he save up nine er ten Er hunnerd dollars ! But he keep All still about it, Uncle say But he ist thinks an thinks a heap ! Though what he wuz a-thinkin , Pa 2 HIS PA S ROMANCE He never tell a soul but Ma (Then, course, you know, he wuzn t Pa, An , course, you know, she wuzn t Ma They wuz ist sweethearts, course you know ) ; Cause Ma wuz ist a girl, about Sixteen ; an when my Pa he go A-courtin her, her Pa an Ma The very first they find it out Wuz maddest folks you ever saw ! Cause it wuz her old Ma an Pa At hate my Pa, an toss their head, An ist raise Ned ! An her Pa said He d ruther see his daughter dead! An said she s ist a child ! an so Wuz Pa ! An ef he wuz man-grown An only man on earth below, His daughter shouldn t marry him Ef he s a king an on his throne ! Pa s chances then looked mighty slim Fer certain, Uncle said. But he 3 HIS PA S ROMANCE He never told a soul but her What he wuz keepin quiet fen <r * * Her folks ist lived a mile from where He lived at an* they drove past there HIS PA^S ROMANCE To git to town. An ever* one An all the neighbers they liked her An showed it ! But her folks no, sir ! Nobody liked her parents none! An so when they shet down, you know, On Pa an old man tell him so Pa ist went back to work, an she 1st waited. An , sir! purty soon Her folks they thought he s turned his eye Some other way cause by-an -by They heerd he d rented the old place He worked on. An one afternoon A neighber, that had bust a trace, He tell the old man they wuz signs Around the old place that the young Man wuz a-fixin up the old Log cabin some, an he had brung New furnichur from town ; an told How th old house uz whitewashed clean An sweet wiv mornin -glory vines An hollyhawks all round the door 5 HIS PA S ROMANCE An winders an a bran -new floor In th old porch an wite-new green- An -red pump in the old sweep-well ! An , Uncle said, when he hear tell O all them things, the old man he 1st grin an says, he "reckon now Some gal, er widder anyhow, That silly boy he s coaxed at last To marry him !" he says, says-ee, "An ef he has, so mote it be !" Then went back to the house to tell His wife the news, as he went past The smokehouse, an then went on in The kitchen, where his daughter she Wuz washin , to tell her, an grin An try to worry her a spell ! The mean old thing ! But Uncle said She ain t cry much ist pull her old Sunbonnet forrerds on her head So s old man he can t see her face At all ! An when he s pose he scold 6 HIS PA S ROMANCE An jaw enough, he ist clear* out An think he s boss of all the place ! Then Uncle say, the first you know They s go* to be a Circus-show In town ; an old man think he ll take His wife an go. An when she say To take their daughter, too, she shake Her head like she don t want to go ; An when he sees she wants to stay, 7 HIS PA S ROMANCE The old man takes her, anyway ! An so she went ! But Uncle he Said she looked mighty sweet that day, Though she wuz pale as she could be, A-speshully a-drivin by Wite where her beau lived at, you know ; But out the corner of his eye The old man watch her ; but she throw He pairsol round so she can t see The house at all ! An then she hear Her Pa an Ma a-talkin low An kindo laughin -like ; but she 1st set there in the seat behind, P tendin like she didn t mind. An , Uncle say, when they got past The young man s place, an pearantly He wuzn t home, but off an gone To town, the old man turned at last An talked back to his daughter there, All pleasant-like, from then clean on Till they got into town, an where 8 HIS PA S ROMANCE The Circus wuz, an* on inside O y that, an* through the crowd, on to The very top seat in the tent Wite next the band a-bangin through A tune at bust his yeers in two! 9 HIS PA S ROMANCE An* there the old man scrouged an tried To make his wife set down, an she A-yellin ! But ist what she meant He couldn t hear, ner couldn t see Till she turned round an pinted. Then He turned an looked an looked again ! . . He ist saw neighbers ever where But, sir, his daughter wuzn t there ! An , Uncle says, he even saw Her beau, you know, he hated so ; An he wuz with some other girl. An then he heerd the Clown "Haw-haw!" An saw the horses wheel an whirl Around the ring, an heerd the zipp O the Ringmaster s long slim whip But that whole Circus, Uncle said, Wuz all inside the old man s head ! An* Uncle said, he didn t find His daughter all that afternoon An* her Ma says she ll lose her mind 10 HIS PA S ROMANCE Ef they don t find her purty soon ! But, though they looked all day, an stayed There fer the night p formance not No use at all ! they never laid Their eyes on her. An then they got Their team out, an the old man shook His fist at all the town, an then Shook it up at the moon again, An said his time ud come, some day ! An jerked the lines an driv away. Uncle, he said, he spect, that night, The old man s madder yet when they Drive past the young man s place, an hear A fiddle there, an see a light Inside, an shadders light an gay A-dancin crost the winder-blinds. An some young chaps outside yelled, "Say ! What pears to be the hurry hey?" But the old man ist whipped the lines An streaked past like a runaway ! II HIS PA J S ROMANCE An now you ll be surprised, I bet ! I hardly ain t quit laughin yet When Uncle say, that jamboree An dance an all w y, that s a sign That any old man ort to see, As plain as 8 and I makes 9, That they s a weddin wite inside That very house he s whippin so To git apast an , sir ! the bride There s his own daughter ! Yes, an oh ! She s my Ma now an young man she Got married, he s my Pa ! Whoop-ee ! But Uncle say to not laugh all The laughin yet, but please save some To kindo spice up what s to come ! Then Uncle say, about next day The neighbers they begin to call An wish em well, an say how glad An proud an tickled ever way Their friends all is an how they had 12 HIS PA S ROMANCE The lovin prayers of ever one That had homes of tKeir own ! But none Said nothin* bout the home that she Had run away from ! So she sighed Sometimes an wunst she purt -nigh cried. Well, Uncle say, her old Pa, he 1st like to died, he wuz so mad ! An her Ma, too ! But by-an -by They cool down some. An , bout a week, She want to see her Ma so bad, She think she ll haf to go ! An so She coax Pa ; an* he kiss her cheek An say, Lord bless her, course they ll go ! An Uncle say, when they re bofe come A-knockin there at her old home W y, first Pa know, the door it flew Open, all quick, an she s jerked in, An , quicker still, the door s banged to An locked ! an crosst the winder-sill 13 HIS PA S ROMANCE The old man pokes a shotgun through An says to git ! "You stold my child," He says ; "an , now she s back, w y you Clear out, this minute, er I ll kill 14 HIS PA S ROMANCE You ! Yes,, an I ull kill her, too, Ef you don t go !" An then, all wild, His young wife begs him please to go ! An so he turn an walk all slow An pale as death, but awful still An ca m back to the gate, an on Into the road, where he had gone So many times alone, you know! An , Uncle say, a whipperwill Holler so lonesome, as Pa go On back to rds home, he say he spec* He ist ud like to wring its neck ! An I ain t think he s goin back All by hisse f but Uncle say That s what he does, an it s a fac ! An pears-like he s gone back to stay Cause there he stick , ist thataway, An don t go nowheres any more, Ner don t nobody ever see 15 HIS PA S ROMANCE Him set his foot outside the door Till bout five days, a boy loped down The road, a-comin past from town, An* he called to him from the gate, - 1 An sent the old man word : He s thought Things over now ; an , while he hate To lose his wife, he think she ought To mind her Pa an Ma an do 16 Whatever they advise her to. An* sends word, too, to come an* git Her new things an the furnichur That he had special bought fer her Cause, now that they wuz goin to quit, She s free to ist have all of it ; So, fer his love fer her, he say To come an git it, wite away. An , spang ! that very afternoon, Here come her Ma ist bout as soon As old man could hitch up an tell Her "hurry back !" An bout as quick As she s drove there to where my Pa I mean to where her son-in-law Lives at, he meets her at the door All smilin , though he s awful pale An trimbly like he s ist been sick ; He take her in the house an , fore She knows it, they s a cellar-door Shet on her, an she hears the click 17 HIS PA S ROMANCE Of a old rusty padlock ! Then, Uncle, he say, she kindo stands An thinks an thinks an thinks ag in An maybe thinks of her own child Locked up like her ! An Uncle smiled, An I ist laughed an* clapped my hands ! An there she stayed ! An she can cry Ist all she want ! an yell an kick To ist her heart s content ! an try 18 HIS PA S ROMANCE To pry out wiv a quiltin -stick ! But Uncle say he guess at last She bout give up, an holler through The door-crack fer to please to be So kind an good as send an tell The old man, like she want him to, To come, fore night, an set her free, Er they wuz rats down there ! An yell She did, till, Uncle say, it saured The morning s milk in the back yard ! But all the answer reached her, where She s skeerd so in the dark down there, Wuz ist a mutterin that she heard "I ve sent him word ! I ve sent him word An shore enough, as Uncle say, He has "sent word !" Well, it s plum ni!u An all the house is shet up tight- Only one winder bout half-way Raised up, you know ; an ain t no light Inside the whole house, Uncle say. 19 HIS PA S ROMANCE Then, first you know, there where the team Stands hitched yet, there the old man stands A* old tin lantern in his hands An* monkey-wrench ; an* he don t seem To make things out, a-standin there. He comes on to the gate an feels An* fumbles fer the latch then hears A voice that chills him to the heels "You halt ! an stand right where you air I" Then, sir ! my my his son-in-law, There at the winder wiv his gun, He tell the old man what he s done : "You hold my wife a prisoner An* your wife, drat ye ! I ve got her! An* now, sir," Uncle say he say, "You ist turn round an climb wite in That wagon, an drive home ag in An bring my wife back wite away, An* we ll trade then an not before Will I unlock my cellar-door-^ 20 HIS PA S ROMANCE Not fer your wife s sake ner your own, But my wife s sake an her s alone !" An , Uncle say, it don t sound like It s so, but yet it is ! He say, 21 HIS PA S ROMANCE From wite then, somepin seem to strike The old man s funny-bone some way ; An , minute more, that team o his Went tearin down the road k whiz ! An in the same two-forty style Come whizzin back ! An oh, that-air Sweet girl a-cryin all the while, Thinkin about her Ma there, shet In her own daughter s cellar, where 1st week or so she s kep house there, She hadn t time to clean it yet ! So when her Pa an her they git There an the young man grab an kiss An hug her, till she make him quit An ask him where her mother is. An then he smile an try to not ; Then slow-like find th old padlock key, An blow a* oat-hull out of it, An then stoop down there where he s got Her Ma locked up so keerfully An where, wite there, he say he thought 22 HIS PA S ROMANCE It ort to been the old man though Uncle, he say, he reckon not When out she bounced, all tickled so To taste fresh air again an find Her folks wunst more, an grab her child An cry an laugh, an even go An hug the old man ; an he wind HIS PA S ROMANCE Her in his arms, an laugh, an* pat Her back, an* say he s riconciled, In such a happy scene as that, To swop his daughter fer her Ma, An* have so smart a son-in-law As they had ! "Yes, an he s my Pa !" I laugh an yell , "Hooray-hooraw P TWILIGHT STORIES NEITHER daylight, starlight, moonlight, But a sad-szveet term of some light By the saintly name of Twilight. The Grandma Twilight Stories! Still, A childish listener, I hear The katydid and whippoorwill, In deepening atmosphere TWILIGHT STORIES Of velvet dusk, blent with the low Soft music of the voice that sings And tells me tales of long ago And old enchanted things, . . . While far fails the last dim daylight, And the fireflies in the Twilight Drift about like Hakes of starlight. ALMOST BEYOND ENDURANCE I AIN T a-goin to cry no more, no more ! I m got ear-ache, an Ma can t make It quit a-tall ; An Carlo bite my rubber-ball An puncture it ; an Sis she take An poke my knife down through the stable-floor An loozed it blame it all! But I ain t goin to cry no more, no more ! An Aunt Mame zvrote she s comin , an she can t Folks is come there! An I don t care She is my Aunt ! An my eyes stings ; an I m 1st coughin all the time, 27 ALMOST BEYOND ENDURANCE An* hurts me so, an where my side s so sore Grampa felt where, an he Says "Mayby it s pleurasy!" But I ain t goin to cry no more, no more ! An* I clumbed up an nen failed off the fence, An Herbert he ist laugh at me ! An my fi -cents ALMOST BEYOND ENDURANCE It sticked in my tin bank, an I ist tore Purt -nigh my thumbnail off, a-tryin to git It out nen smash it ! An it s in there yit ! But I ain t goin to cry no more, no more ! Oo! I m so wickud ! An my breath s so hot Ist like I run an don t res none But ist run on when I ought to not ; Yes, an my chin An lips s all warpy, an teeth s so fast, An s a place in my throat I can t swaller past An* they all hurt so ! An oh, my-oh ! I m a-startin ag in I m z-startin ag in, but I won t, f er shore ! I ist ain t goin to cry no more, no more! A SIMPLE RECIPE To be a wholly worthy man, As you, my boy, would like to be, This is to show you how you can This simple recipe: Be honest both in word and act, Be strictly truthful through and through: Fact cannot fail. You stick to fact, And fact will stick to you. Be clean outside and in, and sweep Both hearth and heart and hold them bright ; Wear snowy linen aye, and keep Your conscience snowy-white. Do right, your utmost good must come To you who do your level best Your very hopes will help you some, And work will do the rest. 30 THE LISPER ELSIE MINGUS lisps, she does ! She lives wite acrosst from us In Miz. Ayers uz house at she Rents part to the Mingusuz. Yes, an* Elsie plays wiv me. Elsie lisps so, she can t say Her own name, ist anyway! THE LISPER She says "Elthy" like they wuz Feathers on her words an they 1st stick on her tongue like fuzz. My! she s purty, though! An when She lisps, w y, she s purty nen! When she telled me, wunst, her doll Wuz so "thweet," an I p ten / lisp too, she laugh at s all ! She don t never git mad none Cause she know I m ist in fun. Elsie she ain t one bit sp iled. Of all childerns ever one She s the ladylikest child ! My Ma say she is ! One time Elsie start to say the rhyme, "Thing a thong o thixpenth" Wheel I ist yell! An Ma say I m Unpolite as I can be ! 32 THE LISPER Wunst I went wiv Ma to call On Elsie s Ma, an eat an all ; An nen Elsie, when we ve et, An we re playin in the hall, Elsie say : It s etikett Per young gentlemens, like me, Eatin when they s company, Not to never ever crowd Down their food, ner "thip their tea Ner thup thoop so awful loud 1" OUR BETSY Us childern s all so lonesome, We hardly want to play Or skip or swing or anything, Cause Betsy she s away! She s gone to see her people At her old home. But then Oh ! every child 11 jist be wild When she s back here again! CHORUS Then it s whoopty-doopty dooden!- Whoopty-dooden then! Oh! it s whoopty-doopty dooden, When Betsy s back again! 34 OUR BETSY She s like a mother to us, And like a sister, too Oh ! she s as sweet as things to eat When all the dinner s through ! And hey ! to hear her laughin I And ho ! to hear her sing ! To have her back is all we lack Of havin everything! CHORUS Then it s whoopty-doopty dooden!- Whoopty-dooden then! Oh! it s whoopty-doopty dooden, When Betsy s back again! 35 OUR BETSY Oh ! some may sail the northern lakes, And some to foreign lands, And some may seek old Nameless Creek, Or India s golden sands ; Or some may go to Kokomo, And some to Mackinac, But I ll go down to Morgantown To fetch our Betsy back. CHORUS Then it s whoopty-doopty dooden! Whoopty-dooden then! Oh! it s ivhoopty-doopty dooden, When Betsy f s back again! THE TOY-BALLOON THEY wuz a Big Day wunst in town, An little Jason s Pa Buyed him a little toy-balloon, The first he ever saw. An oh ! but Jase wuz more n proud, A-holdin to the string An scrougin through the grea -big crowd, To hear the Glee Club sing. The Glee Club it wuz goin to sing In old Masonic Hall ; An Speakin , it wuz in there, too, An soldiers, folks an all: An Jason s Pa he git a seat An set down purty soon, A-holdin little Jase, an him A-holdin his balloon. 37 THE TOY-BALLOON An while the Speakin s startin up An ever body still The first you know wuz little Jase A-yellin fit to kill! Nen Jason s Pa jump on his seat An grab up in the air, But little Jason s toy-balloon Wuz clean away from there! An Jase he yelled ; an Jase s Pa, Still lookin up, dumb down While that-air little toy-balloon Went bumpin roun an roun Ag inst the ceilin , way up there Where ever body saw, An they all yelled, an Jason yelled, An little Jason s Pa ! But when his Pa he packed him out A-screamin nen the crowd Looked down an hushed till they looked up An howled again out loud ; 38 THE TOY-BALLOON An nen the speaker, mad an pale, Jist turned an left the stand, An all j ined in the Glee Club "Hail, Columby, Happy Land 1" 39 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS I THE STRENGTH OF THE WEAK LAST Chris mus, little Benny Wuzn t sick so bad, Now he s had the worst spell Ever yet he had. Ever* Chris mus-morning, though, He 11 p tend as if He s asleep an first you know He s got your "Chris mus-gif !" Pa he s good to all of us All the time ; but when, Ever time it s Chris mus, He s as good again ! 40 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS Sides our toys an candy, Ever Chris mus, he Gives us all a quarter, Certain as can be ! Pa, this morning, tiptoe in To make the fire, you know. Long fore it s daylight, An* all s ice an snow ! 41 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS An Benny holler, "Chrtfmus-gif!" An Pa jump an say, "You 11 only git a dollar if You skeer me thataway !" " Where s Santfs home at? 42 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS II THE LITTLE QUESTIONER BABE she s so always Wantin more to hear All about Santy Claus, An says : "Mommy dear, Where s Santy s home at When he ain t away? An is they Missus Santy Claus An little folks say? Chris mus, Santy s always here- Don t they want him, too ? When it ain t Chris mus What does he do?" 43 SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS III PARENTAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS PARUNTS don t git toys an* things, Like you d think they rather. Mighty funny Chris mus-gif s Parunts gives each other ! Pa give Ma a barrel o flour. An* Ma she give to Pa The nicest dinin -table She know he ever saw ! 44 OLD GRANNY DUSK OLD Granny Dusk, when the sun goes down, Here she comes into thish-yer town ! Out o the wet black woods an swamps In she traipses an trails an tromps With her old sunbonnet all floppy an brown, An her cluckety shoes, an her old black gown, Here she comes into thish-yer town ! 45 OLD GRANNY DUSK Old Granny Dusk, when the bats begin To flap around, comes a-trompin in ! An the katydids they rasp an whir, An* the lightnin -bugs all blink at her; An the old Hop-toad turns in his thumbs, An the bunglin June-bug booms an bums, An the Bullfrog croaks, "O here she comes !" Old Granny Dusk, though I m feard o you, Shore-fer-certain I m sorry, too: Cause you look as lonesome an starved an sad As a mother at s lost ever child she had. Yet never a child in thish-yer town Clings at yer hand er yer old black gown, Er kisses the face you re a-bendin down. -46 THE YOUNG OLD MAN VOLUNTARY BY ARTLESS "LITTLE BROTHER" MAMMA is a widow : there s only us three Our pretty Mamma, little sister, and me: And we Ve come to live in this new neighborhood Where all seems so quiet, old-fashioned and good. Mamma sits and sews at the window, and I I m out at the gate when an old man goes by Such a lovely old man, though I can t tell you why, Unless it s his greeting, "Good morning! Good morning! good morning!" the old man will say, "Fine bracing weather we re having to-day! 47 THE YOUNG OLD MAN And how s little brother And sister and mother? So dear to each other ! Good morning 1" The old man goes by, in his glossy high-hat, And stripe-trousers creased, and all turned-up, at that, And his glancing nose-glasses and pleasantest eyes, As he smiles on me, always in newer surprise : And though his mustache is as white as the snow, He wears it waxed out and all pointed, you know, And gloves, and high collar and bright, jaunty bow, And stylish umbrella. "Good morning! 48 THE YOUNG OLD MAN Good morning! good morning!" the old man will say, "Fine falling weather we re promised to day! And how s little brother And sister and mother ? So fond of each other ! Good morning!" It s Christmas! it s Christmas! and oh, but we re gay ! The postman s been here, and Ma says, "Run and play: You must leave your Mamma to herself for a while!" And so sweet is her voice, and so tender her smile ! And she looks so pretty and happy and Well ! She s just too delicious for language to tell ! 49 THE YOUNG OLD MAN So Sis hugs her more and / answer the bell, And there in the doorway "Good morn ing! Good morning ! good morning ! good morning, I say ! Fine Christmas weather we re having to day! And how s little brother Dear sister er, ruther Why, here is your mother. . . . Good morning!" WHEN UNCLE DOC WAS YOUNG THOUGH Doctor Glenn the best of men Is wrinkled, old, and gray, He 11 always smile and stop awhile Where little children play: WHEN UNCLE DOC WAS YOUNG And often then he tells us, when He was a youngster, too, He was as glad and bad a lad As old folks ever knew ! As he walks down, no boy in town But sees him half a block, And stops to shout a welcome out With "Here comes Uncle Doc !" Then all the rest, they look their best As he lines up among .Us boys of ten each thinking then When Uncle Doc was young. We run to him! Though grave and grim, With voice pitched high and thin, He still reveals the joy he feels In all that he has been : WHEN UNCLE DOC WAS YOUNG With heart too true, and honest, too, To ever hide a truth, He frankly owns, in laughing tones, He was "a sorry youth !" When he was young, he says, he sung And howled his level-best; He says he guyed, and sneaked, and lied, And wrecked the robin s nest. 53 WHEN UNCLE DOC WAS YOUNG And this, and worse, will he rehearse, Then smooth his snowy locks And look the saint he says he ain t. . Them eyes of Uncle Doc s ! He says, when he like you and me Was just too low and mean To slap asleep, he used to weep To find his face was clean : His hair, he said, was just too red To tell with mortal tongue "The Burning Shame" was his nickname When Uncle Doc was young. 54 BILLY MILLER S CIRCUS-SHOW AT Billy Miller s Circus-Show In their old stable where it s at The boys pays twenty pins to go, An gits their money s-worth at that !- Cause Billy he can climb and chalk His stockin -feet an purt -nigh walk A tight-rope yes, an ef he fall He ll ketch, an "skin a cat" - at s all ! 55 BILLY MILLER S CIRCUS-SHOW He ain t afeard to swing and hang 1st by his legs ! an mayby stop An yell "Look out !" an nen k-spang ! He ll let loose, upside-down, an drop Wite on his hands ! An nen he ll do "Contortion-acts" ist limber through As "Injarubber Mens" at goes With shore-fer-certain circus-shows! At Billy Miller s Circus-Show He s got a circus-ring an they s A dressin -room, so s he can go An dress an paint up when he plays He s somepin else ; cause sometimes he s "Ringmaster" bossin like he please An sometimes "Ephalunt" er "Bare- Back Rider," prancin out o there ! An sometimes an the best of all ! He s "The Old Clown," an got on clo es All stripud, an white hat, all tall An peakud like in shore- nuff shows, 56 BILLY MILLER S CIRCUS-SHOW An got three-cornered red-marks, too, On his white cheeks ist like they do ! An you d ist die, the way he sings An dances an says funny things ! 57 THE LAW OF THE PERVERSE WHERE did the custom come from, anyway? Sending the boys to "play," at dinner-time, When we have company ? What is there, pray, About the starched, unmalleable guest That, in the host s most genial interest, Finds him first favor on Thanksgiving Day Beside the steaming turkey, with its wings Akimbo over all the savory things It has been stuffed with, yet may never thus Make one poor boy s face glad and glorious ! Fancy the exiled boy in the back-yard, Ahungered so that any kind of grub Were welcome, yet with face set stern and hard, Hearing the feasters laugh and mild hubbub, And wanting to kill something with a club ! 58 THE LAW OF THE PERVERSE Intuitively arguing the unjust Distinction, as he naturally must, The guest with all the opportunity, The boy with all the appetite ! Ah, me ! So is it that when I, a luckless guest, Am thus arraigned at banquet, I sit grim And sullen, eating nothing with a zest, With smirking features, yet a soul distressed, Missing the banished boy and envying him Aye, longing for a spatter on my vest From his deflecting spoon, and yearning for The wild swoop of his lips insatiate, or His ever-ravenous, marauding eye Fore-eating everything from soup to pie ! 59 CHAIRLEY BURKE IT S Chairley Burke s in town, b ys! He s down til "Jamesy s Place," Wid a bran -new shave upon urn, an the fhwhus- kers aff his face ; He s quit the Section Gang last night, an yez can chalk it down There s goin to be the divil s toime, sence Chair- ley Burke s in town. It s treatin iv ry b y he is, an poundin on the bar Till iv ry man he s drinkin wid must shmoke a foine cigar ; An Missus Murphy s little Kate, that s comin there for beer, Can t pay wan cint the bucketful, the whilst that Chairley s here! 60 CHAIRLEY BURKE He s joompin oor the tops o sthools, the both forninst an back ! He ll lave yez pick the blessed flure, an walk the straightest crack ! He s liftin barrels wid his teeth, and singin "Garry Owen" Till all the house be strikin hands, sence Chairley Burke s in town. The Road-Yaird hands comes dhroppin in, an never goin back ; An there s two freights upon the switch the wan on aither track An Mr. Gearry, from The Shops, he s mad enough to swear, An durst n t spake a word but grin, the whilst that Chairley s there ! Och! Chairley! Chairley! Chairley Burke! ye divil, wid yer ways O dhrivin all the troubles aff, these dark an gloomy days ! 6l CHAIRLEY BURKE Ohone ! that it s meself , wid all the griefs I have to dhrown, Must lave me pick to resht a bit, sence Chairjey Burke s in town ! SONG THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA I m The Old Man of the Sea I am ! And this is my secret pride, That I have a hundred shapes, all sham, And a hundred names besides : They have named me "Habit," and "Way," for sooth, "Capricious," and "Fancy-free" ; But to you, O Youth, I confess the truth, I m The Old Man of the Sea. I m The Old Man of the Sea, yo-ho! So lift up a song with me, As I sit on the throne of your shoulders, alone, I m The Old Man of the Sea. 63 SONG THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA Crowned with the crown of your noblest thought, I m The Old Man of the Sea : I reign, rule, ruin, and palter not In my pitiless tyranny : You, my lad, are my gay Sindbad, Frisking about, with me High on the perch I have always had I m The Old Man of the Sea. SONG THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA I m The Old Man of the Sea, yo-ho! So lift up a song with me, As I sit on the throne of your shoulders, alone, I m The Old Man of the Sea. Tricked in the guise of your best intent, I am your failures all I am the victories you invent, And your high resolves that fall: I am the vow you are breaking now As the wassail-bowl swings free And the red guilt flushes your cheek and brow- Fm The Old Man of the Sea. I m The Old Man of the Sea, yo-ho I So lift up a song with me, As I sit on the throne of your shoulders, alone, I m The Old Man of the Sea. 65 SONG THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA I am your false dreams of success And your mythical future fame Your life-long lies, and your soul s distress And your slowly-dying shame : I m the chattering half of your latest laugh, And your tongue s last perfidy Your doom, your tomb, and your epitaph . . I m The Old Man of the Sea. I m The Old Man of the Sea, yo-ho! So lift up a song with me, As I sit on the throne of your shoulders, alone, I m The Old Man of the Sea. 66 AT NINETY IN THE SHADE HOT weather ? Yes ; but really not, Compared with weather twice as hot. Find comfort, then, in arguing thus, And you ll pull through victorious ! For instance, while you gasp and pant And try to cool yourself and can t With soda, cream and lemonade, The heat at ninety in the shade, Just calmly sit and ponder o er These same degrees, with ninety more On top of them, and so concede The weather now is cool indeed ! Think as the perspiration dews Your fevered brow, and seems to ooze From out the ends of every hair Whole floods of it, with floods to spare AT NINETY IN THE SHADE Think, I repeat, the while the sweat Pours down your spine how hotter yet Just ninety more degrees would be, And bear this ninety patiently ! Think as you mop your brow and hair, With sticky feelings everywhere How ninety more degrees increase 68 AT NINETY IN THE SHADE Of heat like this would start the grease ; Or, think, as you exhausted stand, A wilted "palmleaf" in each hand When the thermometer has done With ease the lap of ninety-one ; O think, I say, what heat might do At one hundred and eighty-two Just twice the heat you now declare, Complainingly, is hard to bear. Or, as you watch the mercury Mount, still elate, one more degree, And doff your collar and cravat, And rig a sponge up in your hat, And ask Tom, Harry, Dick or Jim, If this is hot enough for him Consider how the sun would pour At one hundred and eighty-four Just twice the heat that seems to be Affecting you unpleasantly, The very hour that you might find As cool as dew, were you inclined. 69 AT NINETY IN THE SHADE But why proceed when none will heed Advice apportioned to the need ? Hot weather ? Yes ; but really not, Compared with weather twice as hot ! GOOD-BYE ER HOWDY-DO Say good-bye er howdy-do What s the odds betwixt the two ? Comin goin every day Best friends first to go away Grasp of hands you d ruther hold Than their weight in solid gold, Slips their grip while greetin you. Say good-bye er howdy-do? Howdy-do, and then, good-bye Mixes jist like laugh and cry; Deaths and births, and worst and best, Tangled their contrariest ; Ev ry jinglin weddin -bell Skeerin up some funer l knell. Here s my song, and there s your sigh, Howdy-do, and then, good-bye! 71 GOOD-BYE ER HOWDY-DO Say good-bye er howdy-do Jist the same to me and you ; Taint worth while to make no fuss, Cause the job s put up on us! Some One s runnin this concern That s got nothin else to learn : If He s willin , we ll pull through Say good-bye er howdy-do ! A LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK JEDGE is good at argyin No mistake in that ! Most folks at tackles him He ll skin em like a cat ! You see, the Jedge is read up, And ben in politics, Hand-in-glove, you might say, Sense back in 56. Elected to the Shurrif, first, Then elected Clerk ; Went into lawin then, And buckled down to work ; 73 A LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK Practiced three or four terms, Then he run for jedge Speechified a little, round, And went in like a wedge ! Run fer Legislatur twic t Made her, ever pop ! Keeps on the way he s doin , Don t know where he ll stop! Some thinks he s got his eye On the govnership ; Well, ef he tuk the track, Guess he d make the trip ! But I started out to tell you (Now I allus liked the man Not fer his politics, But social , understan 1 Fer, s regards to my views, Political and sich, When we come together there We re purty ap to hitch.) 74 A LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK Ketched him in at Knox s shop On y t other day Gittin shaved, the Jedge wuz, Er somepin that away. Well, I tetched him up some On the silver bill : Jedge says, "I won t discuss it ;" 7 says, "You will!" I-says-ee, "I reckon You ll concede with me, Coin s the on y ginuine Money," I-says-ee ; 75 A LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK Says I, "What s a dollar-bill?" Says I, "What s a ten Er forty-leven hunderd of em? Give us specie, then !" I seed I was a gittin The Jedge kindo red Around the gills. He hawked some And cle red his throat and said ! "Facts is too complicated Bout the bill in view," Squirmed and told the barber then He wisht he d hurry through. LI, then, I knowed I had him, And the crowd around the fire Was all a-winkin at me, As the barber raised him higher Says I, "Jedge, what s a dollar? Er a half-un," I-says-ee "What s a quarter? What s a dime?" "What s cents?" says he. 76 A LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK W y I had him fairly b ilin ! "You needn t comb my hair," He says to the barber "I want fresh air;" And you d a-died a-laughin To a-seed him grab his hat, As I-says-ee, says I, "J e dge, Where you goin at!" Jedge is good at argyin , By-and-large ; and yit, Beat him at his own game And he s goin to git ! And yit the Jedge is read up, And ben in politics, Hand-in-glove, you might say, Sence back in 56. 77 NEVER TALK BACK NEVER talk back! sich things is repperhensible ; A feller only hurts hisse f that jaws a man that s hot ; In a quarrel, ef you ll only keep your mouth shet and act sensible, The man that does the talkin 11 git worsted every shot! Never talk back to a feller that s abusin you Jest let him carry on, and rip, and snort, and swear ; And when he finds his blamin and defamin s jest amusin you, You ve got him clean kaflummixed, and you want to hold him there ! 78 NEVER TALK BACK Never talk back, and wake up the whole com munity And call a man a liar, over Law, er Politics. You can lilt and land him furder and with grace- fuller impunity With one good jolt of silence than half a dozen kicks! 79 "A BRAVE REFRAIN" WHEN snow is here, and the trees look weird, And the knuckled twigs are gloved with frost ; When the breath congeals in the drover s beard, And the old pathway to the barn is lost ; When the rooster s crow is sad to hear, And the stamp of the stabled horse is vain, And the tone of the cow-bell grieves the ear O then is the time for a brave refrain ! When the gears hang stiff on the harness-peg, And the tallow gleams in frozen streaks; And the old hen stands on a lonesome leg, And the pump sounds hoarse and the handle squeaks ; 80 When the woodpile lies in a shrouded heap, And the frost is scratched from the window- pane, And anxious eyes from the inside peep O then is the time for a brave refrain ! When the ax-helve warms at the chimney- jamb ! And hob-nailed shoes on the hearth below, And the house-cat curls in a slumber calm, And the eight-day clock ticks loud and slow; 81 When the harsh broom-handle jabs the ceil Neath the kitchen-loft, and the drowsy brain Sniffs the breath of the morning meal O then is the time for a brave refrain ! ENVOI. When the skillet seethes, and a-blubbering hot Tilts the lid of the coffee-pot, And the scent of the buckwheat cake grows plain O then is the time for a brave refrain ! ME AND MARY ALL my feelin s in the Spring Gits so blame contrary, I can t think of anything Only me and Mary ! "Me and Mary !" all the time, "Me and Mary!" like a rhyme, Keeps a-dingin on till I m Sick o "Me and Mary!" "Me and Mary! Ef us two Only was together Playin like we used to do In the Aprile weather!" All the night and all the day I keep wishin thataway Till I m gittin* old and gray Jes on "Me and Mary!" ME AND MARY Muddy yit along the pike Sence the Winter s freezing And the orchard s back ard-like Bloomin out this season ; Only heerd one bluebird yit Nary robin ner tomtit ; What s the how and why of it? Spect it s "Me and Mary!" Me and Mary liked the birds That is, Mary sorto Liked em first, and afterwards, W y, I thought I d ort o. And them birds ef Mary stood Right here with me, like she should They d be singin , them birds would, All fer me and Mary. Birds er not, I m hopin some I can git to plowin ! Ef the sun ll only come, And the Lord allowing ME AND MARY Guess to-morry I ll turn in And git down to work ag in ; This here loaferin won t win, Not fer me and Mary ! Fer a man that loves, like me, And s afeard to name it, Till some other feller, he Gits the girl dad-shame-it! Wet er dry, er clouds er sun Winter gone er jes begun Outdoor work fer me er none, No more "Me and Mary I" FIRE AT NIGHT FIRE! Fire! Ring! and ring! Hear the old bell bang and ding ! Fire! Fire! way at night, Can t you hear ? I think you might !- Can t hear them-air clangin bells? W y, / can t hear nothin else ! Fire ! Ain t you wake at last ! Hear them horses pouniin past 86 FIRE AT NIGHT Hear that ladder-wagon grind Round the corner! and, behind, Hear the hose-cart, turnin short, And the horses slip and snort, As the engine s clank-and-jar Jolts the whole street, near and far. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Can t you hist that winder higher? La ! they ve all got past like "scat !" Night s as black as my old hat And it s rainin , too, at that ! . . * Wonder where their old fire s at! A FALL-CRICK VIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE I kin hump my back and take the rain, And I don t keer how she pours ; I kin keep kindo ca m in a thunder-storm, No matter how loud she roars ; I hain t much skeered o the lightnin , Ner I hain t sich awful shakes Afeard o cyclones but I don t want none O yer dad-burned old earthquakes ! As long as my legs keeps stiddy, And long as my head keeps plum , And the buildin stays in the front lot, I still kin whistle, some! 88 A FALL CRICK VIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE But about the time the old clock Flops off n the mantel-shelf, And the bureau skoots fer the kitchen, I m a-goin to skoot, myself! Plague-take! ef you keep me stabled While any earthquakes is around! I m jist like the stock, I ll beller And break fer the open ground! 89 A FALL CRICK VIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE And I low you d be as nervous, And in jist about my fix, When yer whole farm slides from inunder you, And on y the mor gage sticks! Now cars hain t a-goin to kill you Ef you don t drive crost the track ; Crediters never 11 jerk you up Ef you go and pay em back ; You kin stand all moral and mundane storms Ef you ll on y jist behave- But a EARTHQUAKE : well, ef it wanted you It ud husk you out o yer grave ! 90 MR. SILBERBERG AND LITTLE JULIUS I LIKE me yet dot leedle chile Vich climb my lap up in to-day, Unt took my cheap cigair avay, Unt laugh and kiss me purty-whvile,- MR. SILBERBERG Possescially I like dose mout* Vich taste his moder s like unt so Eef my cigair it gone clean out Yust let it go ! Vat I caire den for anyding? Der "HERALDT" schlip out fon my handt Unt all my odvairtizement standt Mitout new changements boddering: I only t ink I haf me dis Von leedle boy to pet unt love Unt play me vit, unt hug unt kiss Unt dot s enough ! Der plans unt pairposes I vear Out in der vorld all fades avay, Unt vit der beeznis of der day I got me den no time to spaire ; Der caires of trade vas caires no more Dem cash accounts dey dodge me by, Unt vit my chile I roll der floor, Unt laugh unt gry ! 92 MR. SILBERBERG Ach ! f rient ! dem childens is der ones Dot got some happy times you bet ! Dot s vy ven I been growed up yet I visht I shtill been leedle vonce I Unt ven dot leedle roozter tries Dem baby-tricks I used to do, My mout it vater, unt my eyes Dey vater too ! Unt all der summertime unt spring Of chilehoodt it come back to me, So dot it vas a dream I see Ven I yust look at anyt ingl Unt ven dot leedle boy run by, I t ink "Dot s me, fon hour to hour Schtill chasing yet dose butterfly Fon flower to flower !" Oxpose I vas lots money vairt, Mit blenty schtone-front sc htore to rent, Unt mor gages at twelf per tcent., Unt diamonds in my ruffledt shairt, 93 MR. SILBERBERG I make alignment of all dot, Unt tairn it over mit a schmile Aber you please but, don d forgot, I keep dot chile! 94 SPIRITS AT HOME THE FAMILY THERE was Father, and Mother, and Emmy, and Jane, And Lou, and Ellen, and John and me And father was killed in the war, and Lou She died of consumption, and John did too, And Emmy she went with the pleurisy. THE SPIRITS Father believed in em all his life But Mother, at first, she d shake her head Till after the battle of Champion Hill, When many a flag- in the winder-sill Had crape mixed in with the white and red ! 95 SPIRITS AT HOME I used to doubt em myself till then But me and Mother was satisfied When Ellen she set, and Father came And rapped "God Bless You!" and Mother s name, And "The flag s up Here!" And we just all cried. Used to come often, after that, And talk to us just as he used to do, Pleasantest kind ! And once, for John, He said he was "lonesome but wouldn t let on Fear mother would worry, and Emmy and Lou." But Lou was the bravest girl on earth For all she never was hale and strong, She d have her fun! With her voice clean lost She d laugh and joke us that "when she crossed To Father, we d all come taggin along !" 96 SPIRITS AT HOME Died just that way ! And the raps was thick That night, as they often since occur, Extry loud ! And when Lou got back She said it was Father and her and "whack !" She tuck the table and we knowed her! John and Emmy, in five years more, Both had went. And it seemed like fate!- For the old home it burnt down, but Jane And me and Ellen we built again The new house here on the old estate. And a happier family I don t know Of anywheres unless it s them, Father, with all his love for Lou, And her there with him, and healthy, too, And laughin , with John and little Em. 97 SPIRITS AT HOME And, first we moved in the new house here, They all dropped in for a long pow-wow, "We like your buildin , of course," Lou said, "But wouldn t swop with you to save your head For we live in the ghost of the old house now !" A HINT OF SPRING TWAS but a hint of Spring for still The atmosphere was sharp and chill, Save where the genial sunshine smote The shoulders of my overcoat, And o er the snow beneath my feet Laid spectral fences down the street. My shadow even seemed to be Elate with some new buoyancy, It bowed and bobbed in my advance With trippingest extravagance, And, when the birds chirpt out somewhere, It seemed to wheel with me and stare. Above I heard a rasping stir And on the roof the carpenter 99 A HINT OF SPRING Was perched, and prodding rusty leaves From out the choked and dripping eaves And some one, hammering about, Was taking all the windows out. Old scraps of shingles fell before The noisy mansion s open door ; And wrangling children raked the yard, And labored much, and laughed as hard, And fired the burning trash I smelt And sniffed again so good I felt ! 100 LOCKERBIE FAIR O THE LOCKERBIE FAIR ! Have you heard of its fame And its fabulous riches, too rare for a name! The gold of the noon of the June-time refined To the Orient-Night, till the eyes and the mind Are dazed with the sights, in the earth and the air, Of the opulent splendors of Lockerbie Fair. What more fortunate fate might to mortal befall, Midst the midsummer beauty and bloom of it all, Than to beam with the moon o er the rapturous scene And twink with the stars as they laughingly lean O er the luminous revel and glamour and glare Fused in one dazzling glory at Lockerbie Fair. 101 LOCKERBIE FAIR The Night, like a queen in her purple and lace, With her diamonded brow, and imperious grace As she leads her fair votaries, train upon train, A-dance thro the feasts of this mystic domain To the mandolin s twang, and the warble and blare Of voice, flute and bugle at Lockerbie Fair. All strange, ever-changing, enchanted delights Found now in this newer Arabian Nights, Where each lovely maid is a Princess, and each Lucky swain an Aladdin all treasures in reach Of the lamps and the rings and with Genii to spare, Simply waiting your orders, at Lockerbie Fair. 102 A TINKLE OF BELLS THE LIGHT of the moon on the white of the snow, And the answering twinkles along the street, And our sleigh flashing by, in the glamour and glow Of the glorious nights of the long ago, When the laugh of her lips rang clear and sweet As the tinkle our horses shook out of the bells And flung and tossed back On our glittering track In a shower of tremulous, murmuring swells Of the echoing, airy, melodious bells ! O the mirth of the bells ! And the worth of the bells ! Come tinkle again, in this dearth of the bells, This laughter and love that I lack, yearning back, For the far-away sound of the bells ! 103 A TINKLE OF BELLS Ah ! the bells, they were glad in the long ago ! And the tinkles they had, they have thrilled me sd I have said : "It is they and her songs and face Make summer for me in the wintriest place !" And now but sobbings and sad farewells, As I peer in the night through the sleeted pane, Hearing a clangor and wrangle of bells, And never a tinkle again ! The snow is a-swoon, and the moon dead-white, And the frost is wild in the air to-night ! Yet still will I linger and listen and pray Till the sound of her voice shall come this way, With a tinkle of bells, And the lisp-like tread Of the hooves of the sleigh, And the murmurs and swells Of the vows she said. And O, I shall listen as madmen may, Till the tinkling bells ring down this way ! 104 A TINKLE OF BELLS Till again the grasp of my hand entwines The tensioned loop of the quivering lines, And again we ride in the wake of the pride And the strength of the coursers, side by side ; With our faces smitten again by the spray Of the froth of our steeds as we gallop away In affright of the bells and the might of the bells, And the infinite glee and delight of the bells, As they tinkle and tinkle and tinkle, till they Are heard through a dawn where the mists are drawn, And we canter a gallop and dash away Sheer into The Judgment Day ! 105 AN OLD FRIEND HEY. Old Midsummer! are you here again, With all your harvest-store of olden joys. Vast overhanging meadow-lands of rain, y Vfcs >Hk<"T-v-. I \A "5 -* i A iM^N rtaiilW;;^,,- 106 AN OLD FRIEND And drowsy dawns, and noons when golden grain Nods in the sun, and lazy truant boys Drift ever listlessly adown the day, Too full of joy to rest, and dreams to play. The same old Summer, with the same old smile Beaming upon us in the same old way 107 AN OLD FRIEND We knew in childhood! Though a weary while Since that far time, yet memories reconcile The heart with odorous breaths of clover- hay; And again I hear the doves, and the sun streams through The old barn-door just as it used to do. And so it seems like welcoming a friend An old, old friend, upon his coming home From some far country coming home to spend Long, loitering days with me: And I extend My hand in rapturous glee : And so you ve come ! Ho, I m so glad ! Come in and take a chair : Well, this is just like old times, I declare ! 108 MY BACHELOR CHUM O a corpulent man is my bachelor chum, With a neck apoplectic and thick An abdomen on him as big as a drum, And a fist big enough for the stick ; With a walk that for grace is clear out of the case, And a wobble uncertain as though His little bow-legs had forgotten the pace That in youth used to favor him so. He is forty, at least ; and the top of his head Is a bald and a glittering thing ; And his nose and his two chubby cheeks are as red As three rival roses in Spring. 109 MY BACHELOR CHUM His mouth is a grin with the corners tucked in, And his laugh is so breezy and bright , That it ripples his features and, dimples his chin With a billowy look of delight. He is fond of declaring he "don t care a straw" That "the ills of a bachelor s life Are blisses compared with a mother-in-law, And a boarding-school miss for a wife !" So he smokes and he drinks, and he jokes and he winks, And he dines and he wines, all alone, With a thumb ever ready to snap as he thinks Of the comforts he never has known. But up in his den (Ah, my bachelor chum!) I have sat with him there in the gloom, When the laugh of his lips died away to become But a phantom of mirth in the room. no MY BACHELOR CHUM And to look on him there you would love him, for all His ridiculous ways, and be dumb As the little girl-face that smiles down from the wall On the tears of my bachelor chum. in HER BEAUTIFUL HANDS O YOUR HANDS they are strangely fair ! Fair for the jewels that sparkle there, Fair for the witchery of the spell That ivory keys alone can tell ; But when their delicate touches rest Here in my own do I love them best, As I clasp with eager, acquisitive spans My glorious treasure of beautiful hands ! Marvelous wonderful beautiful hands ! They can coax roses to bloom in the strands Of your brown tresses ; and ribbons will twine, Under mysterious touches of thine, Into such knots as entangle the soul And fetter the heart under such a control As only the strength of my love understands My passionate love for your beautiful hands. 112 HER BEAUTIFUL HANDS As I remember the first fair touch Of those beautiful hands that I love so much, I seem to thrill as I then was thrilled, Kissing the glove that I found unfilled When I met your gaze, and the queenly bow, As you said to me, laughingly, "Keep it now!" . . . And dazed and alone in a dream I stand, Kissing this ghost of your beautiful hand. When first I loved, in the long ago, And held your hand as I told you so Pressed and caressed it and gave it a kiss And said "I could die for a hand like this !" Little I dreamed love s fullness yet Had to ripen when eyes were wet And prayers were vain in their wild demands For one warm touch of your beautiful hands. MER BEAUTIFUL HANDS Beautiful Hands ! O Beautiful Hands ! Could you reach out of the alien lands Where you are lingering, and give me, to-night, Only a touch were it ever so light My heart were soothed, and my weary brain Would lull itself into rest again ; For there is no solace the world commands Like the caress of your beautiful hands. 114 THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH I QUARREL not with Destiny, But make the best of everything The best is good enough for me. Leave Discontent alone, and she Will shut her mouth and let you sing. I quarrel not with Destiny. I take some things, or let em be Good gold has always got the ring ; The best is good enough for me. Since Fate insists on secrecy, I have no arguments to bring I quarrel not with Destiny. "5 THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH The fellow that goes "haw" for "gee 5 Will find he hasn t got full swing. The best is good enough for me. ONE only knows our needs, and He Does all of the distributing. I quarrel not with Destiny; The best is good enough for me. TOIL HE had toiled away for a weary while, Thro day s dull glare and the night s deep gloom ; And many a long and lonesome mile He had paced in the round of his dismal room ; He had fared on hunger had drunk of pain As the drouthy earth might drink of rain ; And the brow he leaned in his trembling palm Throbbed with a misery so intense That never again did it seem that calm Might come to him with the gracious bairn Of old-time languor and indolence. And he said, "I will leave the tale half told, And leave the song for the winds to sing ; And the pen that pitiless blade of gold That stabs my heart like a dagger-sting I will drive to the hilt through the inkstand s top And spill its blood to the last black drop !" 117 TOIL Then he masked his voice with a laugh, and went Out in the world with a lawless grace With a brazen lie in his eyes and face Told in a smile of glad content: He roved the rounds of pleasure through, And tasted each as it pleased him to ; He joined old songs, and the clink and din ^ Of the revelers at the banquet hall; And he tripped his feet where the violin Spun its waltz for the carnival ; He looked, bedazed, on the luring wile And the siren-light of a woman s smile, And peered in her eyes as a diver might Peer in the sea ere he leaps from sight, Caught his breath, with a glance above, And dropped full-length in the depths of love. ********** Tis well if ever the false lights die On the alien coasts where our wreck d hopes lie ! Tis well to feel, through the blinding rain, Our outflung hands touch earth again! 118 TOIL So the castaway came, safe from doom, Back at last to his lonely room Filled with its treasure of work to do And radiant with the light and bloom Of the summer sun and his glad soul, too! And sweet as ever the song of birds, Over his work he sang these words : "O friends are good, with their princely ways, And royal hearts they are goodly things ; And fellowship, in the long dark days When the drear soul cowers with drooping wings, Is a thing to yearn for. Mirth is good, For a ringing laugh is a rhythmic cry Blown like a hail from the Angelhood To the barque of the lone soul drifting by. Goodly, too, is the mute caress Of woman s hands and their tenderness The warm breath wet with the dews of love The vine-like arms, and the fruit thereof The touch that thrills, and the kiss that melts, But Toil is sweeter than all things else." HIS ROOM "I M home again, my dear old Room, I m home again, and happy, too, As, peering through the brightening gloom, I find myself alone with you : Though brief my stay, nor far away, I missed you missed you night and day- As wildly yearned for you as now. Old Room, how are you, anyhow? "My easy chair, with open arms, Awaits me just within the door; The littered carpet s woven charms Have never seemed so bright before, The old rosettes and mignonettes And ivy-leaves and violets, Look up as pure and fresh of hue As though baptized in morning dew. 120 HIS ROOM "Old Room, to me your homely walls Fold round me like the arms of love, And over all my being falls A blessing pure as from above Even as a nestling child caressed And lulled upon a loving breast, With folded eyes, too glad to weep And yet too sad for dreams or sleep. "You ve been so kind to me, old Room So patient in your tender care, My drooping heart in fullest bloom Has blossomed for you unaware; And who but you had cared to woo A heart so dark, and heavy too, As in the past you lifted mine From out the shadow to the shine? "For I was but a wayward boy When first you gladly welcomed me And taught me work was truer joy Than rioting incessantly: 121 HIS ROOM And thus the din that stormed within The old guitar and violin Has fallen in a fainter tone And sweeter, for your sake alone. "Though in my absence I have stood In festal halls a favored guest, I missed, in this old quietude, My worthy work and worthy rest By this I know that long ago You loved me first, and told me so In art s mute eloquence of speech The voice of praise may never reach. "For lips and eyes in truth s disguise Confuse the faces of my friends, Till old affection s fondest ties I find unraveling at the ends ; But as I turn to you, and learn To meet my griefs with less concern, Your love seems all I have to keep Me smiling lest I needs must weep. 122 HIS ROOM "Yet I am happy, and would fain Forget the world and all its woes ; So set me to my tasks again, Old Room, and lull me to repose : And as we glide adown the tide Of dreams, forever side by side, I ll hold your hands as lovers do Their sweethearts and talk love to you." 123 THE PATHS OF PEACE MAURICE THOMPSON FEBRUARY 14, IQOI HE would have holiday outworn, in sooth, Would turn again to seek the old release, The open fields the loved haunts of his youth The woods, the waters, and the paths of peace. The rest the recreation he would choose Be his abidingly ! Long has he served And greatly ay, and greatly let us use Our grief, and yield him nobly as deserved. Perchance with subtler senses than our own And love exceeding ours he listens thus To ever nearer, clearer pipings blown From out the lost lands of Theocritus. 124 THE PATHS OF PEACE Or, haply, he is beckoned from us here By knight or yeoman of the bosky wood, Or, chained in roses, haled a prisoner Before the blithe Immortal, Robin Hood. Or, mayhap, Chaucer signals, and with him And his rare fellows he goes pilgriming ; Or Walton signs him, o er the morning brim Of misty waters midst the dales of Spring. Ho ! wheresoever he goes, or whosoe er He fares with, he has bravely earned the boon. Be his the open, and the glory there Of April-buds, May-blooms and flowers of June! Be his the glittering dawn, the twinkling dew, The breathless pool or gush of laughing streams Be his the triumph of the coming true Of all his loveliest dreams ! 125 IN STATE Is IT the martins or katydids? Early morning or late at night ? A dream, belike, kneeling down on the lids Of a dying man s eyesight. Over and over I heard the rain Over and over I waked to see The blaze of the lamp as again and again Its stare insulted me. It is not the click of the clock I hear It is the pulse of the clock, and lo ! How it throbs and throbs on the quickened ear Of the dead man listening so ! 126 IN STATE I heard them whisper She would not come ; But, being dead, I knew I knew ! Some hearts they love us alive, and some They love us dead they do! And I am dead and I joy to be, For here are my folded hands, so cold And yet blood-warm with the roses she Has given me to hold. Dead yea, dead ! But I hear the beat Of her heart as her warm lips touch my brow- And O how sweet how blinding sweet To know that she loves me now! 127 THE MUTE SINGER THE morning sun seemed fair as though It were a great red rose ablow In lavish bloom, With all the air for its perfume, Yet he who had been wont to sing, Could trill no thing. II Supine, at noon, as he looked up Into the vast inverted cup Of heavenly gold, Brimmed with its marvels manifold, And his eye kindled, and his cheek Song could not speak. 128 THE MUTE SINGER III Night fell forebodingly ; he knew Soon must the rain be falling, too, And, home, heartsore, A missive met him at the door Then Song lit on his lips, and he Sang gloriously. 129 THE TRIBUTE OF HIS HOME BENJAMIN HARRISON, INDIANAPOLIS, MARCH 14, I9OI BOWED, midst a universal grief that makes Columbia s self a stricken mourner, cast In tears beneath the old Flag at half-mast, A sense of glory rouses us and breaks Like song upon our sorrowing and shakes The dew from our drenched eyes, that smile at last In childish pride as though the great man passed To his most high reward for our poor sakes. 130 THE TRIBUTE OF HIS HOME Loved of all men we muse, yet ours he was Choice of the Nation s mighty brotherhood Her soldier, statesman, ruler. Ay, but then, We knew him long before the world s applause And after as a neighbor, kind and good, Our common friend and fellow-citizen. EDGAR WILSON NYE OBIT FEBRUARY 22, 1896 THE saddest silence falls when Laughter lays Finger on lip, and falteringly breaks The glad voice into dying minor shakes And quavers, lorn as airs the wind-harp plays At wane of drearest Winter s bleakest days. A troubled hush, in which all hope forsakes Us, and the yearning upstrained vision aches With tears that drown e en heaven from our gaze. Such silence after such glad merriment! O prince of halest humor, wit and cheer ! Could you speak yet to us, I doubt not we Should catch your voice, still blithely eloquent Above all murmurings of sorrow here, Calling your love back to us laughingly. 132 SONGS OF A LIFE-TIME MRS. SARAH T. BOLTON S POEMS 1897 SONGS of a Life-Time with the Singer s head A silvery glory shining midst the green Of laurel-leaves that bind a brow serene And godlike as was ever garlanded. So seems her glory who herein has wed Melodious Beauty to the strong of mien And kingly Speech made kinglier by this queen In lilied cadence voiced and raimented. Songs of a Life-Time : by your own sweet stress Of singing were ye loved of bygone years As through our day ye are, and shall be hence, Till fame divine marks your melodiousness And on the Singer s lips, with smiles and tears, Seals there the kiss of love and reverence. 133 A NOON INTERVAL A DEEP, delicious hush in earth and sky A gracious lull since, from its wakening, The morn has been a feverish, restless thing In which the pulse of Summer ran too high And riotous, as though its heart went nigh To bursting with delights past uttering: Now, as an o er joyed child may cease to sing All falteringly at play, with drowsy eye Draining the pictures of a fairy-tale To brim his dreams with there comes o er the day A loathful silence, wherein all sounds fail Like loitering tones of some faint roundelay . . . No wakeful effort longer may avail The wand waves, and the dozer sinks away. 134 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY HEIGH-O! our jolly tilts at New World song! What was the poem indeed! and where the bard "Stabbing his inkpot ever, not his heart," As Hector phrased it contumeliously, Mouthing and munching, at the orchard-stile, A water-cored rambo whose spirited juice Glanced, sprayed and flecked the sunlight as he mouth d And muncht, and muncht and mouth d. All loved the man ! "Our Hector" as his Alma Mater oozed It into utterance "Old Hec" said we Who knew him, hide-and-tallow, hoof-and-horn . So he : "O ay ! my soul ! our New World song The tweedle-deedles of our modern school 135 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY A school of minnows, not one gamy bass To hook the angler, net the angler him. Here ! all ye little fishes : tweedle-dee ! Soh ! one along the vasty stream of time Glints to the surface with a gasp, and, lo, A bubble ! and he thinks, My eye ! see there, Ye little fishes, there s a song I ve sung! Another gapes : another bubble ; then He thinks : Well, is it not a wondrous art To breathe a great immortal poem like that ! And then another and another still And yet another, till from brim to brim The tide is postuled over with a pest Of bubbles bursting bubbles ! Ay ! O ay !" So, bluff old Hec. And we, who knew his mood Had ramped its worst unless we roused it yet To ire s horriffickest insanity By some inane, unguarded reference To "verse beragged in Hoosier dialect" (A strangely unforgotten coinage of Old Hec s long years agone) we, so, forbore 136 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY A word, each glimpsing each, as down we sank, Couched limply in the orchard s selvage, where The rambo finished and the soggy core Zippt at a sapphire wasp with waist more slim Than any slender lady s, of old wars, Pent fasting for long sennights in tall towers That overtop the undercringing seas With one accordant voice, the while he creased His scroll of manuscript, we said, "Go on." Then Hector thus : AN IDYL OF THE KING Erewhile, as Autumn, to King Arthur s court Came Raelus, clamoring : "Lo, has our house Been sacked and pillaged by a lawless band Of robber knaves, led on by Alstanes, The Night-Flower named, because of her fair face, All like a lily gleaming in the dusk 137! OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Of her dark hair and like a lily brimmed With dewy eyes that drip their limpid smiles Like poison out, for by them has been wro t My elder brother s doom, as much I fear. While three days gone was holden harvest-feast il At Lynion Castle clinging like a gull High up the gray cliffs of Caerleon Came, leaf-like lifted from the plain below As by a twisted wind, a rustling pack 138 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Of bandit pillagers, with Alstanes Bright-fluttering like a red leaf in the front. And ere we were aware of fell intent Not knowing whether it was friend or foe We found us in their toils, and all the house In place of guests held only prisoners Save that the host, my brother, wro t upon By the strange beauty of the robber queen, Was left unfettered, but by silken threads Of fine-spun flatteries and wanton smiles Of the enchantress, till her villain thieves Elad rifled as they willed and signal given To get to horse again. And so they went Their leader flinging backward, as she rode, A kiss to my mad brother mad since then, For from that sorry hour he but talked Of Alstanes, and her rare beauty, and Her purity ay, even that he said Was star-white, and should light his life with love Or leave him groping blindly in its quest 139 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Thro* all eternity. So, sighing, he Went wandering about till set of sun, Then got to horse, and bade us all farewell ; And with his glamoured eyes bent trancedly Upon the tumbled sands that marked the way The robber-woman went, he turned and chased His long black shadow o er the edge of night." So Raelus, all seemingly befret 140 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY With such concern as nipped his utterance In scraps of speech : at which Sir Lancelot, Lifting a slow smile to the King, and then Turning his cool eye on the youth "And you Would track this siren-robber to her hold And rout her rascal followers, and free Your brother from the meshes of this queen Of hearts for there you doubtless think him? "Ayr Foamed Raelus, cheek flushed and eye aflame,- "So even have I tracked, and found them, too, And know their burrow, shrouded in a copse, Where, faring in my brother s quest, I heard The nicker of his horse, and followed on, And found him tethered in a thicket wild, As tangled in its tress of leaf and limb As is a madman s hair ; and down the path That parted it and ran across a knoll And dipped again, all suddenly I came Upon a cave, wide-yawning neath a beard Of tangled moss and vine, whence issuing 141 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY I heard, blown o er my senses faint and clear As whiffs of summer wind, my brother s voice Lilting a love-song, with the burden tricked With dainty warblings of a woman s tongue : And even as I listening bent, I heard Such peals of wanton merriment as made My own heart flutter as a bird that beats For freedom at the bars that prison it. So turned I then and fled as one who flies To save himself alone forgetful, all, Of that my dearer self my brother. Oh !"- Breaking as sharply as the icy blade That loosens from the eave to slice the air And splinter into scales of flying frost "Thy help ! Thy help ! A dozen goodly knights- Ay, even that, if so it be their hearts Are hungry as my own to right the wrong !" So Raelus. And Arthur graciously Gave ear to him, and, patient, heard him thro , And pitied him, and granted all he asked ; 142 OLD II EC S IDOLATRY Then took his hand and held it, saying, "Strong And ever stronger may its grasp be knit About the sword that flashes in the cause Of good." Thus Raelus, on the morrow s front, Trapped like a knight and shining like a star, Pranced from the archway of the court, and led OLD HEC S IDOLATRY His glittering lances down the gleaming road That river-like ran winding till it slipped Out of the palace view and spilled their shields Like twinkling bubbles o er the mountain brim. Then happed it that as Raelus rode, his tongue Kept even pace and cantered ever on Right merrily. His brother, as he said, Had such an idle soul within his breast Such shallowness of fancy for his heart To drift about in that he well believed Its anchor would lay hold on any smile The lees of womanhood might offer him. As for himself, he loved his brother well, Yet had far liefer see him stark and white In marble death than that his veins should burn With such vitality as spent its flame So garishly it knew no steady blaze, But ever wavered round as veered the wind Of his conceit ; for he had made his boast Tho to his own shame did he speak of it That with a wink he could buy every smile 144 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY That virtue owned. So tattled Raelus Till, heated with his theme, he lifted voice And sang the song, "The Light of Woman s Eyes." "O bright is gleaming morn on mountain height ; And bright the moon, slipt from its sheath of night, But brighter is the light of woman s eyes. "And bright the deivdrop, trembling on the lip Of some red rose, or lily petal-tip, Or lash of pink, but brighter woman s eyes. "Bright is the firefly s ever-drifting spark That throbs its pulse of light out in the dark; And bright the stars, but brighter ivoman s eyes. "Bright morn or even; bright or moon or star, And all the many twinkling lights that are, O brighter than ye all are woman s eyes." 145 OLD HEC S IDOLAtkV So Raelus sang. And they who rode with him Bewildered were, and even as he sang Went straggling, twos and threes, and fell behind To whisper wonderingly, "Is he a fool ?" And "Does he waver in his mind ?" and "Does The newness of adventure dazzle him?" So spake they each to each, till far beyond, With but one loathful knight in company, They saw him quit the beaten track, and turn Into the grassy margin of a wood. And loitering, they fell in mocking jest Of their strange leader! "See! why, see!" said one, "He needs no help to fight his hornets nest, But one brave knight to squire him!" pointing on To where fared on the two and disappeared. "O ay !" said one, "belike he is some old War-battered knight of long-forgotten age, That, bursting from his chrysalis, the grave, Comes back to show us tricks we never dreamed !" 146 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY "Or haply," said another, with a laugh, "He rides ahead to tell them that he comes And shrive them ere his courage catches up." And merry made they all, and each in turn Filliped a witty pellet at his head : Until, at last, their shadows shrunk away And shortened neath them and the hour was noon, They flung them from their horses listlessly Within the grassy margin of the wood Where had passed Raelus an hour agone : And, hungered, spied a rustic ; and they sent To have them such refreshment as might be Found at the nearest farm, where, as it chanced, Was had most wholesome meat, and milk, and bread ; And honey, too, celled in its fretted vase Of gummy gold and dripping nectar-sweet As dreamed-of kisses from the lips of love ; Wine, too, was broughten, rosy as the dawn That ushers in the morning of the heart ; 147 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY And tawny, mellow pear, whose golden ore Fell molten on the tongue and oozed away \n creamy and delicious nothingness ; And netted melon, musky as the breath Of breezes blown from out the Orient ; And purple clusterings of plum and grape, Blurred with a dust dissolving at the touch Like flakes the fairies had snowed over them. And as the idlers basked, with toast and song And graceful dalliance and wanton jest, A sound of trampling hooves and jingling reins Brake sudden, stilled them ; and from out a dim Path leading from the bosky wood there came A troop of mounted damsels, nigh a score, Led by a queenly girl, in crimson clad, With lissome figure lithe and willowy, And face as fair and sweet and pure withal As might a maiden lily-blossom be Ere it has learned the sin of perfect bloom : Her hair, blown backward like a silken scarf And fondled by the sun, was glossier 148 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY And bluer black than any raven s wing. "And O !" she laughed, not knowing she was heard By any but her fellows : "Men are fools !" Then drawing rein, and wheeling suddenly, Her charger mincing backward, "Raelus My Raelus is greater than ye all, Since he is such a fool that he forgets He is a man, and lets his tongue of love Run babbling like a silly child s ; and, pah ! I puff him to the winds like thistle-down !" And, wheeling as she spake, found staring up, Wide-eyed and wondering, a group of knights, Half lifted, as their elbows propped their heads, Half lying; and one, smirker than the rest, Stood bowing very low, with upturned eyes Lit with a twinkling smile : "Fair lady and Most gracious gentlewoman" seeing that The others drew them back as tho abashed And veiled their faces with all modesty, Tho she, their leader, showed not any qualm, 149 V OLD HEC S IDOLATRY "Since all unwittingly we overheard Your latest speech, and since we know at last All men are fools/ right glad indeed am I That such a nest of us remains for you To vanquish with those eyes." Then, serious, That she nor smiled nor winced, nor anything "Your pardon will be to me as a shower Of gracious rain unto a panting drouth." So bowed in humblest reverence ; at which The damsel, turning to her followers, Laughed musically, "See ! he proves my words !" Whereat the others joined with inward glee Her pealing mirth ; and in the merriment The knights chimed, too, and he, the vanquished one, Till all the wood rang as at hunting-tide When bugle-rumors float about the air And echoes leap and revel in delight. 150 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Then spake the vanquished knight, with mental eye Sweeping the vantage-ground that chance had gained, "Your further pardon, lady. Since the name Of Raelus fell from those lips of thine, We fain would know of him. He led us here, And as he went the way wherefrom your path Emerges, haply you may tell us where He may be found?" "What! Raelus?" she cried "He comes with you? The brave Sir Raelus? That mighty champion ? that gallant knight? That peerless wonder of all nobleness ? Then proud am I to greet ye, knowing that ; And, certes, had I known of it ere now, Then had I proffered you more courtesy And told you, ere the asking, that he bides The coming of his friends a league from this, OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Hard by a reedy mere, where in high tune We left him singing, nigh an hour agone." Then, as she lightly wheeled her horse about And signal gave to her companions To follow, gaily cried : "Tell Raelus His cousin sends to him her sad farewells And fond regrets, and kisses many as His valorous deeds are numbered in her heart." And with "Fair morrow to ye, gentle knights !" Her steed s hooves struck the highway at a bound ; And dimly thro the dust they saw her lead Her fluttering cavalcade as recklessly As might a queen of Araby, fleet-horsed, Skim o er the level sands of Syria ; So vanished. And the knights with one accord Put foot in stirrup, and, with puzzled minds And many-channeled marvelings, filed in The woody path, and fared them on and on Thro denser glooms, and ways more intricate ; 152 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Till, mystified at last and wholly lost, They made full halt, and would have turned them back But that a sudden voice brake on their ears All piteous and wailing, as distressed : And, following these cries, they sharply came Upon an open road that circled round A reedy flat and sodden tract of sedge, Moated with stagnant water, crusted thick With slimy moss, wherein were wriggling things Entangled, and blind bubbles bulging up And bursting where from middle way upshot A tree-trunk, with its gnarled and warty hands As tho upheld- to clutch at sliding snakes Or nip the wet wings of the dragonfly. Here gazing, lo ! they saw their comrade, he That had gone on with Raelus ; and he Was tugging to fling back into its place A heavy log that once had spanned the pool 153 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY And made a footway to the sedgy flat Whence came the bitter wailing cries they heard. Then hastened they to join him in his task; But, panting, as they asked of Raelus, All winded with his work, yet jollier Than meadow-lark at morn, he sent his voice In such a twittering of merriment, The wail of sorrow died and laughter strewed Its grave with melody. 154 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY "O Raelus ! Rare Raelus !" he cried and clapped his hands, And even in the weeds that edged the pool Fell wrestling with his mirth. "Why, Raelus," He said, when he at last could speak again, "Drew magnet-like you know that talk of his, And so, adhesive, did I cling and cling Until I found us in your far advance, And, hidden in the wood, I stayed to say Twas better we should bide your coming. No. Then on again ; and still a second time Shall we not bide their coming? No ! he said ; And on again, until the third ; and No We ll push a little further. As we did ; And, sudden, came upon an open glade There to the northward, by a thicket bound : Then he dismounted, giving me his rein, And, charging me to keep myself concealed, And if he were not back a certain time To ride for you and search where he had gone, He crossed the opening and passed from sight 155 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Within the thicket. I was curious: And so, dismounting, tethered our two steeds And followed him ; and, creeping warily, Came on him where unseen of him I saw Him pause before the cave himself described Before us yesternoon. And here he put His fingers to his lips and gave a call Bird-like and quavering: at which a face, As radiant as summer sun at morn, Parted the viny curtains of the cave ; And then, a moment later, came in view A woman even fairer than my sight Might understand. What ! dare you come again ? As, lifting up her eyes all flashingly, She scorched him with a look of hate. Begone ! Or have you traitor, villain, knave, and cur, Bro t minions of the law to carry out The vengeance of your whimpering jealousy? Then Raelus, all cowering before Her queenly anger, faltered : Hear me yet ; 156 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY I do not threaten. But your love your love! O give me that ! I know you pure as dew : Your love ! your love ! The smile that has gone out And left my soul a midnight of despair ! Your love or life ! For I have even now Your stronghold girt about with certain doom If you but waver in your choice. Your love ! At which, as quick as tho t leapt on him there A strong man from the covert of the gloom ; And others, like to him, from here and there Came scurrying. I, turning, would have fled, But found myself as suddenly beset And tied and tumbled there with Raelus. And him they haltered by his squirming heels Until he did confess such villainy As made me wonder if his wits were sound- Confessed himself a renegade a thief- Ay, even one of them, save that he knew Not that nice honor even thieves may claim Among themselves. And so ran on thro such 157 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY A catalogue of littlenesses, I For deafest shame had even stopped my ears But that my wrists were lockt. And when he came To his confession of his lie at court, By which was gained our knightly sympathy And valiant service on this fools crusade, I seemed to feel the redness of my blush Soak thro my very soul. There T brake in : Fair lady and most gallant, to my shame Do I admit we have been duped by such An ingrate as this bundled lump of flesh That I am helpless to rise up and spurn : Unbind me, and I promise such amends As knightly hands may deign to wreak upon A thing so vile as he/ Then, laughing, she : First tell me, by your honor, where await Your knightly brothers and my enemies. To which I answered, truthfully, I knew Not where you lingered, but not close at hand I was assured. Then all abrupt, she turned : OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Get every one within ! We ride at once ! And scarce a dozen minutes ere they came Outpouring from the cave in such a guise As made me smile for very wonderment. From head to heel in woman s dress they came, Clad richly, too, and trapped and tricked withal As maidenly, but in the face and hand, As ever damsels flock at holiday. Then were their chargers bro t, caparisoned In keeping ; and they mounted, lifting us, Still bounden, with much jest and mockery Of soft caress and wanton blandishments, As tho they were of sex their dress declared. And so they carried us until they came Upon the road there as it nicks the copse ; And so drew rein, dismounted, leaving some To guard their horses ; hurried us across This footway to the middle of the flat: Here Raelus was bounden to a tree, Stript to the waist ; my fetters cut, and then A long, keen switch put in my hand, and Strike ! Strike as all duty bids you ! said the queen. And so I did, with right good will at first ; Till, softened as I heard the wretch s prayers Of anguish, I at last withheld my hand. What ! tiring ? chirpt the queen : Give me the stick! And swish, and swish, and mercy how it rained ! 160 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Then all the others, forming circlewise, Danced round and round the howling wretch, and jeered And japed at him, and mocked and scoffed at him, And spat upon him. And I turned away And hid my face ; then raised it pleadingly : Nor would they listen my appeal for him ; But left him so, and thonged and took me back Across the mere, and drew the bridge, that none Might go to him, and carried me with them Far on their way, and freed me once again ; And back I turned, tho loath, to succor him." And even as he ceased they heard the wail Break out anew, and crossed without a word, And Raelus they found, and without word They loosed him. And he brake away and ran As runs a lie the truth is hard upon. 161 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY Thus did it fare with Raelus. And they Who knew of it said naught at court of it, Nor from that day spake ever of him once, Nor heard of him again, nor cared to hear. 162 UNLESS WHO has not wanted does not guess What plenty is. Who has not groped In depths of doubt and hopelessness Has never truly hoped. Unless, sometimes, a shadow falls Upon his mirth, and veils his sight, And from the darkness drifts the light Of love at intervals. And that most dear of everything, I hold, is love ; and who can sit With lightest heart, and laugh and sing, Knows not the worth of it. Unless, in some strange throng, perchance, He feels how thrilling sweet it is, One yearning look that answers his The troth of glance and glance. 163 UNLESS Who knows not pain, knows not, alas ! What pleasure is. Who knows not of The bitter cup that will not pass, Knows not the taste of love. O souls that thirst, and hearts that fast, And natures faint with famishing, God lift and lead and safely bring You to your own at last ! 164 PROSE OR VERSE? PROSE or Verse or Verse or Prose? Ever thus the query goes, Which delight do we prefer Which the finer daintier? Each incites a zest that grows- Prose or Verse or Verse or Prose ? Each a lotus-eater s spell Wholly irresistible. All that wit may fashion, free- Voiced, or piped in melody, Prose or Verse or Verse or Prose Which" of these the mastery knows ? Twere as wise to question, friend As of this alluring blend, The aroma or the rose? Prose or Verse or Verse or Prose? 165 "GO READ YOUR BOOK! 5 How many times that grim old phrase Has silenced me, in childish days ! And now as then it did The phantom admonition, clear And dominant, rings, and I hear, And do as I am bid. "Go read your book !" my good old sire Commanded, in affected ire, When I, with querying look And speech, dared vex his studious mind With idle words of any kind. And so I read my book. Though seldom, in that wisest age, Did I discern on Wisdom s page More than the task: that led 166 "GO READ YOUR BOOK!" At least to thinking, and at last To reading less, and not so fast, And longing as I read. And, lo ! in gracious time, I grew To love a book all through and through !- With yearning eyes I look On any volume, old, maybe, Or new tis meat and drink to me. And so I read my book. Old dog-eared Readers, scarred and inked With school-boy hatred, long extinct; Old Histories that bored Me worst of all the school ; old, worn Arithmetics, frayed, ripped, and torn Now Ye are all adored ! And likewise I revere and praise My sire, as now, with vainest gaze And hearing, still I look 167 "GO READ YOUR BOOK!" For the old face so grave yet dear Nay, still I see, and still I hear! And so I read my book. Next even to my nearest kin, My wife my children romping in From school to ride my knee, I love a book, and dispossess My lap of it with loathfulness, For all their love of me. For, grave or gay the book, it takes Me as an equal calms, or makes Me, laughing, overlook My little self forgetful all Of being so exceeding small. And so I read my book. 168 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF JAMES WHITCOMB RILE? AFTER DEATH "The Flying Islands of the Night" . . . . . 193 AFTKRWHILES, THE "Afterwhiles" .......... g ALBUMANIA Friendship Life Life s Happiest Hours Marion-County Man Homesick Abroad Birdyl Birdy! "Armazindy" .......... 160 ALL-GOLDEN, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" ....... 45 ALMON KEEPER "A Child-World" ......... 50 ALMOST BEYOND ENDURANCE "His Pa s Romance" ........ 27 AN IDIOT "Home-Folks" .......... 150 AN IDYL OF THE KING "Armazindy" .......... 97 "His Pa s Romance" ........ 137 AN IMPETUOUS RESOLVE "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 178 "Child-Rhymes" ......... 95 AN OLD FRIEND "His Pa s Romance" ........ 106 1 2 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 117 "Love-Lyrics" 23 Also, separately, illustrated by Christy The same (Author s Edition) The same (Limited Autograph Edition) AN OUT-WORN SAPPHO "The Flying Islands of the Night" 187 "Love-Lyrics" 87 ANSELMO "Afterwhiles" 20 ARMAZINDY "Armazindy" I ART AND LOVE "Afterwhiles" 1U ARTEMUS OF MICHIGAN, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 148 As CREATED "Home-Folks" 18 As MY UNCLE USED TO SAY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 83 ASSASSIN, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 183 AT AUNTY S HOUSE "Rhymes of Childhood" 213 "Child-Rhymes" 56 AT BROAD RIPPLE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 129 AT CROWN HILL "Home-Folks" 157 AT His WINTRY TENT "Home-Folks" 109 AT NINETY IN THE SHADE "His Pa s Romance" 67 AT NOEY S HOUSE "A Child-World" 71 AT NOON AND MIDNIGHT "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 135 AT SEA "Home-Folks" 136 AT UTTER LOAF "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 174 AUGUST "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 66 AUTUMN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" * ... 183 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 3 AWAY "Afterwhiles" 60 BABE HERRICK "Rhymes of Childhood" 120 BABYHOOD "Rhymes of Childhood" 105 "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 53 BABY s DYING "Rhymes of Childhood" 93 BACK FROM A TWO-YEARS SENTENCE "Afterwhiles" 89 BACKWARD LOOK, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 193 BALLAD, A WITH A SERIOUS CONCLUSION "Home-Folks" 102 BALLADS OF THE COMING RAIN, THE "Home-Folks" 76 BAN, THE "Sketches in Prose" 201 BAREFOOT BOY, A "Armazindy" 134 BAT, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 166 - BEAR STORY, THE "A Child-World" 16% "Child-Rhymes" . 179 BEAUTIFUL CITY, THE "Afterwhiles" 10 _ .BEAUTIFUL HANDS ; "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 201 BECALMED . Afterwhiles" 94 BED, THE "Home-Folks" 159 BEDOUIN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 189 BEETLE, THE DUSK-SONG "Rhymes of Childhood" . . 103 BEING His MOTHER "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 70 BELLS JANGLED "Sketches in Prose" 49 BEWILDERING EMOTIONS "A Child- World" 161 BILLY COULD KIDE "Rhymes ol Childhood" . 199 BILLY GOODIN "Rhymes of Childhood" . 189 4 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF BILLY MILLER S CIRCUS-SHOW "His Pa s Romance" 55 BILLY S ALPHABETICAL ANIMAL SHOW "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 196 BLIND "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 86 BLIND GIRB, THE "Armazindy" 21 BLOOMS OF MAY "Love-Lyrics" 185 BLOSSOMS ON THE TREES, THE "Afterwhiles" 85 "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 206 BOY-FRIEND, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 157 BOY LIVES ON OUR FARM, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 225 "Child-Rhymes" . 67 BOYS, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 94 BOYS CANDIDATE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 149 "Child-Rhymes" 144 BOY S MOTHER, A "Rhymes of Childhood" 219 BRAVE REFRAIN, A "His Pa s Romance" 80 BRIDE, A "Afterwhiles" 51 BROOK-SONG, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 85 "Farm-Rhymes" 41 BUD S FAIRY-TALE "A Child World" 130 BUMBLEBEE, THE "Child-Rhymes" 64 "Rhymes of Childhood" 150 BUSCH AND TOMMY "Rhymes of Childhood" 117 BY ANY OTHER NAME "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 134 BY HER WHITE BED "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 204 CANARY AT THE FARM, A "Afterwhiles" 142 "Farm-Rhymes" 76 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 5 CASSANDER "Home-Folks" CHAIRLEY BURKE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" "His Pa s Romance" CHANT OF THE CROSS-BEARING CHILD, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 179 CHARMS "Armazindy" CHILD S HOME LONG AGO, A "Rhymes of Childhood" CHILD-WORLD, THE "A Child-World" CHRIST, THE "Home-Folks" CHRISTINE S SONG "Rhymes of Childhood" CHRISTMAS AFTERTHOUGHT "Rhymes of Childhood" CHRISTMAS ALONG THE WIRES "Home-Folks" CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR "Home-Folks" CHRISTMAS LONG AGO, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" CIRCUS-DAY PARADE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" "Child-Rhymes" CIRCUS PARADE, THE "Armazindy" CLOVER, THE "Neghborly Poems" *9 "Farm-Rhymes" COON-DOG WESS "Neghborly Poems" COUNTRY PATHWAY, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" "Farm-Rhymes" COUSIN RUFUS STORY "A Child-World" CUP OF TEA, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" CURLY LOCKS "Rhymes of Childhood" "Child-Rhymes" 82 CURSE OF THE WANDERING FOOT, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 17 6 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF CYCLONE, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ... . . 25 DAN PAINE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 171 DAS KRIST KINDEL "Afterwhiles" 15 DAWN, NOON AND DEWFALL "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 81 DAYS GONE BY, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 54 "Rhymes of Childhood" 25 "Child-Rhymes" 60 DEAD LOVER, THE "Afterwhiles" 52 DEAR HANDS "Pipes o 1 Pan at Zekesbury" 124 DEARTH "Afterwhiles" Ill DEATH "The Flying Islands of the Night" 147 DECORATION DAY ON THE PLACE "Neghborly Poems" 104 DELICIOUS INTERRUPTION, A "A Child-World" .143 DELIGHTS OF OUR CHILDHOOD is SOON PASSED AWAY "Neghborly Poems" 2 DISCOURAGING MODEL, A "Afterwhiles" 88 "Love-Lyrics" 133 "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 207 DITTY OF NO TONE, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... 22 Doc SIFERS "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 132 DOLORES "Armazindy" 113 DONN PlATT OF MAC-O-CHEE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 121 DOS T o BLUES, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 164 "Neghborly Poems" 117 DOT LEEDLE BOY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 116 DOWN AROUND THE RIVER "Pipes o 1 Pan at Zekesbury" 87 "Child-Rhymes" 51 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 7 DOWN ON WRIGGLE CRICK "Afterwhiles" 185 DREAM "The Flying Islands of the Night" 159 "Love-Lyrics" 46 DREAM OF AUTUMN, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ..... 50 DREAM OF THE LITTLE PRINCESS, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 70 DREAMER, SAY "Armazindy" 67 DRUM, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 170 DUSK "Afterwhiles" 106 DUSK-SONG THE BEETLE "Rhymes of Childhood" 103 EDGAR WILSON NYE "His Pa s Romance" 132 EDGE OF THE WIND, THE "Home-Folks" t . . 138 ELIZABETH "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 168 EMERSON "Home-Folks" 53 EMPTY GLOVE, AN "Armazindy" 74 ENDURING, THE "Home-Folks" 152 ENVOY "Armazindy" 169 ENVOY "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 232 "Child-Rhymes" ... 187 ENVOY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 224 EQUITY? "Home-Folks" 119 ERASMUS WILSON "Neghborly Poems" 43 ERE I WENT MAD "The Flying Islands of the Night" 170 EROS "Armazindy" 118 ETERNITY "The Flying Islands of the Night" 173 8 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF EUGENE FIELD "Home-Folks" 101 EVAGENE BAKER "Neghborly Poems" 97 EVENING COMPANY, THE "A Child- World" 99 EXCEEDING ALL "Rhymes of Childhood" 69 EZRA HOUSE "Neghborly Poems" 82 FALL CRICK VIEW OF THE EARTHQUAKE, A "His Pa s Romance" 88 FAME "Afterwhiles" 68 "Sketches in Prose" 101 FARMER WHIFFLE. BACHELOR "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 73 "Love-Lyrics" 167 FEEL IN THE CHRIS MAS-AIR, A "Home-Folks" 81 FEW OF THE BIRD-FAMILY, A "Armazindy" 149 FIELD, EUGENE "Home-Folks" 101 FIRE AT NIGHT "His Pa s Romance" 86 FIRST BLUEBIRD, THE "Neghborly Poems" 96 FISHING-PARTY, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 223 FLORETTY S MUSICAL CONTRIBUTION "A Child-World" 123 FLYING ISLANDS OF THE NIGHT, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 1 FOLKS AT LONESOMEVILLE "Armazindy" 142 FOR THE SONG S SAKE "The Flying Islands of the Night" FOR THIS CHRISTMAS "Armazindy" 27 FOR You "The Flying Islands of the Night" 154 FROG, THE "Armazindy" . 79 FROM DELPHI TO CAMDEN "Home-Folks" , 73 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY FROM THE HEADBOARD OF A GRAVE IN PARAGUAY "Afterwhiles" 64 FRUIT-PIECE, A "Afterwhiles" 72 FULL HARVEST, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 85 FUNNIEST THING IN THE WORLD, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 140 FUNNY LITTLE FELLOW, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 56 "Child-Rhymes" 35 GLIMPSE OF PAN, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 210 "Afterwhiles" 100 GOD BLESS Us EVERY ONE "Sketches in Prose" 6 "Go READ YOUR BOOK" "His Pa s Romance" 166 Go, WINTER "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 167 GOOD-BYE, A "Armazindy" , . . 32 GOOD-BYE ER HOWDY-DO "His Pa s Romance" 7^ GRADY, HENRY W. "Home-Folks" 38 - GRANDFATHER SQUEERS "Rhymes of Childhood" 124 "Child-Rhymes" 160 GRANNY "Afterwhiles" 158 GRANT. "Afterwhiles" 119 GREAT EXPLORER, THE "Armazindy" !56 GREEN GRASS OF OLD IRELAND, THE "Home-Folks" 107 GRIGGSBY S STATION "Afterwhiles" 12 g "Farm-Rhymes" 83 GUINEY-PIGS "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 115 HAPPY LITTLE CRIPPLE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 20 "Child-Rhymes" 40 10 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF HARP OF THE MINSTREL, THE "Sketches in Prose" 125 HARPER, THE "Afterwhiles" 43 HAS SHE FORGOTTEN "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 43 "Love-Lyrics" 18! HE AND I "Armazindy" g4 "Love-Lyrics" 83 HE CALLED HER IN "Rhymes of Childhood" 161 "Love-Lyrics" 50 HEAT-LIGHTNING "A Child-World" .... .... 187 HENRY W. GRADY "Home-Folks" 38 HER BEAUTIFUL EYES "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... H5 "Love-Lyrics" 60 HER BEAUTIFUL HANDS "His Pa s Romance" 112 HER FACE AND BROW "Love-Lyrics" g3 HER HAIR "Afterwhiles" t JJQ "Love-Lyrics" 128 HER WAITING FACE "Love-Lyrics" 71 HEREAFTER, THE Green Fields and Running Brooks" 141 HERR WEISER "Afterwhiles" 7 HINT OF SPRING, A "His Pa s Romance" 99 HIRED MAN AND FLORETTY, THE "A Child-World" 88 HIRED MAN S FAITH IN CHILDREN, THE "Home-Folks" 154 His CHRISTMAS SLED "Rhymes of Childhood" 118 His LOVE OF HOME "Home-Folks" .....,,, 42 His MOTHER "Pipes o Para at Zekesbury* .... 49 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 11 His MOTHER S WAY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 45 His PA S ROMANCE "His Pa s Romance" 1 His ROOM "His Pa s Romance" 120 His VIGIL "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 132 HOME AG IN "Home-Folks" 43 HOME AT NIGHT "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 57 "Love-Lyrics" 122 HOME-FOLKS "Home-Folks" 1 HOME-GOING, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 29 HOME-MADE FAIRY-TALE, A "Afterwhiles" 21 "Child-Rhymes" 175 HOME-MADE RIDDMS "Armazindy" 165 HOME- VOYAGE, THE "Home-Folks" 13 HONEY DRIPPING FROM THE COMB "Rhymes of Childhood" 198 HOODOO, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 148 HOOSIER FOLK-CHILD, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 58 Hoss, THE "Neghborly Poems" 73 How DID You REST LAST NIGHT? "Armazindy" 31 How IT HAPPENED "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" ... 51 "Love-Lyrics" 95 "Neghborly Poems" m How JOHN QUIT THE FARM "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 31 "Farm-Rhymes" 59 HUNTER BOY, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 181 HYMB OF FAITH, A "Neghborly Poems" 13 12 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF HYMN EXULTANT "Home-Folks" 61 IF I KNEW WHAT POETS KNOW "Afterwhiles" 35 IKE WALTON S PRAYER "Afterwhiles" 37 "Love-Lyrics" 107 ILLILEO "Afterwhiles" * 7 "Love-Lyrics" HI IN BOHEMIA "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 61 IN STATE "His Pa s Romance" 126 IN SWIMMING-TIME "Rhymes of Childhood" 220 IN THE DARK "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 93 IN THE EVENING "Home-Folks" , 122 IN THE NIGHT "Rhymes of Childhood" 55 IN THE SOUTH "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 175 INDIANA "Afterwhiles" H 6 IRON HORSE, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 42 IRY AND BILLY AND Jo "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 112 ISAAC BRADWELL "Neghborly Poems" 103 JACK-IN-THE-BOX "Rhymes of Childhood" 87 JACK THE GIANT KILLER "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 62 JAP MILLER "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 46 JARGON-JINGLE "Armazindy" 155 JIM "Afterwhiles" 162 JOHN ALDEN AND PERCILLY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 195 JOHN BROWN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 1*2 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 18 JOHN CLARK RIDPATH, LINES TO PERFESSER "Neghborly Poems" 62 JOHN McKEEN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 216 "Afterwhiles" 76 JOHN TARKINGTON JAMESON "Rhymes of Childhood" 113 JOLLY MILLER, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 204 "Child-Rhymes" 136 JONEY "Afterwhiles" 150 JUDITH "Green Fields and Running: Brooks" 145 "Love-Lyrics" 79 JUNE "Afterwhiles" 107 "Farm-Rhymes" 104 JUNE AT WOODRUFF "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 71 JUST TO BE GOOD "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . . . . . 56 KING, THE "Afterwhiles" 49 KING OF OO-RINGTUM-JING, THE "Armazindy" 153 KINGRY S MILL "Afterwhiles" 146 KISSING THE ROD "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 50 KNEE-DEEP IN JUNE "Afterwhiles" 132 "Farm-Rhymes" 91 KNEELING WITH HERRICK "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" C9 LAND OF THUS-AND-SO, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 121 LAND OF USED-TO-BE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 74 LAST NIGHT AND THIS "Afterwhiles" 87 "Love-Lyrics" 131 "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 208 LAUGHTER "The Flying Islands of the Night" . . 169 14 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF LAUGHTER HOLDING BOTH His SIDES "Afterwhiles" 65 LAW OF THE PERVERSE, THE "His Pa s Romance" 58 LAWYER AND CHILD "Rhymes of Childhood" 68 LEAVE-TAKING, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 179 LEEDLE DUTCH BABY "Afterwhiles" 183 LEGEND GLORIFIED, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 84 LEONAINIE "Armazindy" I 28 "Love-Lyrics" 68 LET SOMETHING GOOD BE SAID "Home-Folks" 33 LET Us FORGET "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 194 "Love-Lyrics" 64 LIFE-LESSON, A "Afterwhiles" 58 "Child-Rhymes" 171 LIGHT OF LOVE, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 132 LIKE His MOTHER USED TO MAKE "Afterwhiles" . . 154 LIMITATIONS OF GENIUS "A Child-World" .114 LINCOLN "Home-Folks" 57 LINES TO PERFESSER JOHN CLARK RIDPATH "Neghborly Poems" 62 LISPER, THE "His Pa s Romance" 31 LITTLE COAT, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" r >3 "Child-Rhymes" 9 LITTLE DAVID "Armazindy" 60 LITTLE DOG-WOGGY, THE "Armazindy" H 5 LITTLE FAT DOCTOR, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 97 LITTLE GIRLY-GIRL "Rhymes of Childhood" 35 ) AMES WHITCOMB RILEY 15 LITTLE JACK JANITOR "A Child- World" 199 LITTLE JOHNTS S CHRIS MUS "Rhymes of Childhood" 141 LITTLE MANDY S CHRISTMAS-TREE "Rhymes of Childhood" 136 LITTLE MOCK-MAN, THE "Armazindy" 162 LITTLE ORPHANT ANNIE "Afterwhiles" 193 "Child-Rhymes" 23 LITTLE QUESTIONER, THE "His Pa s Romance" 43 LITTLE-RED-APPLE TREE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 5 LITTLE RED RIBBON, THE "Armazindy" 80 LITTLE TINY KICKSHAW, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 129 "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 48 LITTLE TOWN o TAILHOLT, THE "Afterwhiles" 191 LIZ-TOWN HUMORIST, A "Afterwhiles" 144 LOCAL POLITICIAN FROM AWAY BACK, A "His Pa s Romance" 73 LOCKERBIE FAIR "His Pa s Romance" 101 LOCKERBIE STREET "Afterwhiles" 13 LOEHRS AND THE HAMMONDS, THE "A Child-World" 81 LONG AFORE HE KNOWED WHO SANTY-CLAUS Wuz "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 122 "Child-Rhymes" 99 LONGFELLOW "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 215 "Afterwhiles" 115 LONGFELLOW S LOVE FOR THE CHILDREN "Rhymes of Childhood" 48 LOST Kiss, THE "Afterwhiles" 32 LOST PATH, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 47 "Love-Lyrics" 87 18 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF LOUNGER, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ... 176 LOVELY CHILD, THE "Armazindy" 157 LOVING CUP, THE "Home-Folks" t g 7 LOVELY HUSBAND, THE (SONG) "The Flying Islands of the Night" .... 128 LUGUBRIOUS WHING-WHANG, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 130 "Child-Rhymes" 119 LULLABY "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 174 MABEL "Rhymes of Childhood" 33 MAN IN THE MOON, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 183 MARTHY ELLEN "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 119 MAYMIE S STORY OF RED RIDING HOOD "A Child-World" 104 MAX AND JIM "Rhymes of Childhood" 107 McFEETERs FOURTH "Rhymes of Childhood" 133 ME AND MARY "His Pa s Romance" g3 MILO JONES S WIFE "Farm-Rhymes" 51 "Neghborly Poems" gg MISTER HOP-TOAD "Home-Folks" g MONUMENT FOR THE SOLDIERS, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... 109 MOON-DROWNED "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" .... 121 MOONSHINER S SERENADE "Home-Folks" 124 MORTUL PRAYER, A "Neghborly Poems" 94 MOTHER GOOSE "Rhymes of Childhood" e 19 MOTHER SAINTED, THE "Home-Folks 5 65 MOTHER-SONG, A "Rhymes of Childhood" 53 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 17 MR. FOLEY S CHRISTMAS "Home-Folks" 133 MR. HAMMOND S PARABLE THE DREAMER "A Child- World" 116 MR. SlLBERBERG "His Pa s Romance" 91 MR. WHAT S-HIS-NAME "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 220 MULBERRY TREE, THE "Neghborly Poems" 29 MUSKINGUM VALLEY, THE "Armazindy" 25 MUTE SINGER, THE "His Pa s Romance" 128 MY BACHELOR CHUM "His Pa s Romance" 109 MY BRIDE. THAT Is To BE "Armazindy" 70 "Love-Lyrics" 90 MY DANCIN -DAYS Is OVER "Home-Folks" 34 MY FIDDLE "Neghborly Poems" 36 MY FRIEND "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 201 MY HENRY "Armazindy" 54 MY MARY "Armazindy" 115 "Love-Lyrics" 117 MY PHILOSOFY "Neghborly Poems" 20 MY RUTHERS "Neghborly Poems" 48 NAME OF OLD GLORY, THE "Home-Folks" 4 NATURAL PERVERSITIES "Armazindy" 14 NATURALIST, THE "Home-Folks" . . . . , . . . . . 155 NAUGHTY CLAUDE "Child-Rhymes" 126 "Rhymes of Childhood" 170 NESSMUK "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . . . . 82 18 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF NEVER TALK BACK "His Pa s Romance" 78 NEW YEAR S TIME AT WILLARDS S, A "Afterwhiles" 168 NINE LITTLE GOBLINS, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 62 "Child-Rhymes" 104 NOBLEST SERVICE, THE "Home-Folks" 147 NOEY BlXLER "A Child- World" 56 NOEY S NIGHT-PIECE "A Child-World" , . 145 NONSENSE RHYME, A "Rhymes of Childhood" 167 NOON LULL, A "Armazindy" 52 NOON INTERVAL, A "His Pa s Romance" 134 NORTH AND SOUTH "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 40 "NOTED TRAVELER, A" "A Child- World" 66 NOTHIN TO SAY "Love-Lyrics" 103 OLD-FASHIONED ROSES "Afterwhiles" 127 "Farm-Rhymes" 113 OLD GLORY, THE NAME OF "Home-Folks" 4 OLD GRANNY DUSK "His Pa s Romance" 45 OLD GUITAR, THE "Home-Folks" 148 OLD HAY-MOW, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" Ill "Child-Rhymes" 148 OLD HEC S IDOLATRY "His Pa s Romance" 135 OLD HOME BY THE MILL, THE "Neghborly Poems" 119 " Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" ....... IT! OLD-HOME FOLKS, THB "A Child- World" 26 OLD JOHN CLBVENGBR ON BUCKEYES "Neghborly Poems" <, 72 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY If OLD MAN, THE "Neghborly Poems" Opening Poem OLD MAN OF THE SEA, THE "His Pa s Romance" 63 OLD MAN S NURSERY RHYME "Rhymes of Childhood" 96 "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 86 "Farm-Rhymes" 159 OLD OCTOBER "Afterwhiles" 160 "Farm-Rhymes" 1C9 OLD, OLD WISH, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 171 OLD PLAYED-OUT SONG, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 45 "Neghborly Poems" 52 "Love-Lyrics" 31 OLD RETIRED SEA-CAPTAIN, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 101 OLD SCHOOL-CHUM, THE "Armazindy" 17 OLD SNOW-MAN, THE, UNCLE MART S POEM "A Child-World" 191 OLD SWIMMIN -HOLE "Neghborly Poems" 3 OLD-TIMER, AN "Armazindy" 37 OLD TRAMP, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 102 "Child-Rhymes" 75 OLD TRUNDLE-BED, THE "Armazindy" 12 OLD WINTERS ON THE FARM "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 173 "Farm-Rhymes" 176 OLD YEAR AND THE NEW, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 139 "Love-Lyrics" 72 O LIFE I O BEYOND 1 "Home-Folks" 39 ON A DEAD BABE "Neghborly Poems" 51 ON A FLY-LEAF IN JOHN BOYLE O REILLY S POEMS "Home-Folks" . ... 83 20 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF ON A SPLKNDUD MATCH "Neghborly Poems" 71 ON ANY ORDENARY MAN IN A HIGH STATE OF LAUGHTURE AND DELIGHT "Neghborly Poems" 100 ON A YOUTHFUL PORTRAIT OF STEVENSON "Home-Folks" 70 ONE WITH A SONG "Home-Folks" 131 ON THE BANKS o DEER CRICK "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ..... 20 ON THE DEATH OF LITTLE MAHALA ASHCRAFT "Neghborly Poems" 26 ON THE SUNNY SIDE "Child-Rhymes" 152 "Rhymes of Childhood" 43 ONWARD TRAIL, THE, To MYRON W. REED "Home-Folks" 55 ORCHARD LANDS OF LONG AGO, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 147 "Farm-Rhymes" 23 ORLIE WILDE "Armazindy" 119 OSCAR C. MCCULLOCH "Home-Folks" 86 OUR BETSY "His Pa s Romance" 34 OUR BOYHOOD HAUNTS "Home-Folks" 11 OUR HIRED GIRL "Rhymes of Childhood" 229 "Child-Rhymes" 140 OUR KIND OF A MAN "Afterwhiles" 41 OUR OWN "Armazindy" 76 OUR QUEER OLD WORLD "Home-Folks" 110 OUT OF NAZARETH "Afterwhiles" 79 "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 211 OUT OF THE DARK AND THE DEARTH "The Flying Islands of the Night" 137 OUT OF THE HlTHERWHERE "Armazindy" 61 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 21 OUT TO OLD AUNT MARY S "Afterwhiles" 44 "Child-Rhymes" 76 Also, separately, illustrated by Christy PAN "Afterwhiles" 105 PANSIES "Rhymes of Childhood" 13 PAP S OLD SAYIN "Neghborly Poems" 125 PARENTAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS "His Pa s Romance" 44 PASSING HAIL, A "Rhymes of Childhood" 191 PASSING OF A HEART, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 203 "Love-Lyrics" 44 PATHOS OF APPLAUSE, THE "A Child-World" 172 PATHS OF PEACE, THE "His Pa s Romance" 124 PEACE-HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC, A "Home-Folks" 129 PEN-PICTUR OF A CERTIN FRIVVOLUS OLD MAN, A "Neghborly Poems" 86 PET COON, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 165 "Child-Rhymes" 145 PIPES OF PAN "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 11 PIXY PEOPLE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" "Child-Rhymes" 167 PLAINT HUMAN, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 133 PONCHUS PILUT "Armazindy" 136 POOR MAN S WEALTH, A "Armazindy" 28 PRAYER PERFECT, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 52 PREACHER S BOY, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 173 PRIOR TO Miss BELLE S APPEARANCE "Rhymes of Childhood" 193 22 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF PROEM "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... PROSE OR VERSE "His Pa s Romance" PROSPECTIVE GLIMPSE, A "Rhymes of Childhood" PROSPECTIVE VISIT, A "A Child- World" QUARREL, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... QUEST, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" .... QUIET LODGER, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... RABBIT IN THE CROSS-TIES "Armazindy" RAGGEDY MAN, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" "Child-Rhymes" RAIN, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" "The Flying Islands of the Night" .... REACH YOUR HAND TO ME "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... RED RIDING HOOD "Home-Folks" REGARDIN TERRY HUT "Afterwhiles" RHYMES OF IRONQUILL, THE "Home-Folks" RIDER OF THE KNEE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" "Child-Rhymes" RIGHT HERE AT HOME "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... RINGWORM FRANK "Armazindy" RIPEST PEACH, THE "Afterwhiles" RIVAL, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... "Love-Lyrics" RIVALS, THE ; OR THE SHOWMAN S RUSE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... ROBERT BURNS WILSON "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 23 ROBINS OTHER NAME, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 28 ROMANCIN "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 40 "Farm-Rhymes" 1T9 "Neghborly Poems" 12 ^ ROMAUNT OF KING MORDAMEER,THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 140 ROSE, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... "Love-Lyrics" 17S ROSSVILLE LECTUR COURSE, THE "Neghborly Poems" 109 ROUGH SKETCH, A "Afterwhiles" 40 RUNAWAY BOY, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 227 "Child-Rhymes" 85 SAY SOMETHING TO ME "Home-Folks" 89 SAYS HE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 156 SCHOOLBOY S FAVORITE, THE "Armazindy" 15 ? SCRAWL, A "Afterwhiles" 59 SEPTEMBER DARK "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 209 "Farm-Rhymes" 11 "Afterwhiles" 81 SERENADE, THE "Afterwhiles" 113 SERENADE To NORA "Armazindy" 63 SERMON OF THE ROSE, THE "Love-Lyrics" 189 "Home-Folks" 84 SHE "DISPLAINS" IT "Rhymes of Childhood" 202 SHOEMAKER, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ..... 99 SHORT NIN BREAD SONG PIECED OUT, A "Home-Folks" 92 SHOWER, THE "Afterwhiles" . 67 24 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF SILENCE "Afterwhiles" SILENT SINGER, THE "Home-Folks" SILENT VICTORS, THE "Armazindy" SIMPLE RECIPE, A "His Pa s Romance" SINGER, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... SISTER JONES S CONFESSION "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... SLEEP "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... "Afterwhiles" SLEEPING BEAUTY, A "Rhymes of Childhood" SLUMBER-SONG "Armazindy" SMITTEN PURIST, THE "Home-Folks" SOME CHRISTMAS YOUNGSTERS "His Pa s Romance" SOME SCATTERING REMARKS OF BUB S "Rhymes of Childhood" "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... SONG, A "Afterwhiles" SONG FOR NOVEMBER "Rhymes of Childhood" SONG I NEVER SING, THE "Armazindy" SONG OF LONG AGO, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... "Love-Lyrics" "Farm-Rhymes" SONG OF PARTING "The Flying Islands of the Night" .... SONG OF THE ROAD, A "Home-Folks" SONG OF YESTERDAY, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" SONGS OF A LIFE-TIME "His Pa s Romance" SONGS TUNELESS "The Flying Islands of the Night" .... JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 25 SOUTHERN SINGER, A, MADISON CAWEIN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 48 SOUTH WIND AND THE SUN, THE "Afterwhiles" 23 "Child-Rhymes" 127 SPEEDING OF THE KING S SPITE, THE "Flying Islands of the Night" 174 SPHINX, THE "Afterwhiles" 34 SPIRITS AT HOME "His Pa s Romance" 95 SPIRK TROLL-DERISIVE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 138 SQUIRT-GUN UNCLE MAKED ME, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 83 "Child-Rhymes" 71 STRENGTH OF THE WEAK, THE "His Pa s Romance" 40 SUDDEN SHOWER, A "Rhymes of Childhood" 179 "Child-Rhymes" 156 SUMMER S DAY, A "Neghborly Poems" 9 SUMMER-TIME AND WINTER-TIME "Armazindy" 164 SUSPENSE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 202 "Love-Lyrics" 136 STEPMOTHER, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 82 STRANGE YOUNG MAN, THE "Flying Islands of the Night" 156 TALE OF THE AIRLY DAYS, A "Neghborly Poems" 66 "Farm-Rhymes" 152 TERRY HUT, REGARDIN "Afterwhiles" 180 THANKSGIVING "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 181 THAT-AIR YOUNG-UN "Rhymes of Childhood" 88 THAT LITTLE DOG "A Child- World" 76 THE BEST Is GOOD ENOUGH "His Pa s Romance" 115 26 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF THEIR SWEET SORROW "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . , , . . 218 "Love-Lyrics" 76 "Afterwhiles" 7* THEM FLOWERS "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 124 THEM OLD CHEERY WORDS "Home-Folks" 163 THIS DEAR CHILD-HEARTED WOMAN THAT Is DEAD "Armazindy" 85 THIS MAN JONES "Pipes o 1 Pan at Zekesbury" 125 THOUGHTS PER THE DISCURAGED FARMER "Neghborly Poems" 6 "Farm-Rhymes" ^Q THOUGHTS ON A PORE JOKE "Neghborly Poems" 93 THREE DEAD FRIENDS "Pipes o Pan at Zokesbury" 88 THREE JOLLY HUNTERS, THE "Armazindy" 143 THREE SEVERAL BIRDS "The Flying Islands of the Night" 200 THREE SINGING FRIENDS "Armazindy" 50 THROUGH SLEEPY-LAND "Armazindy" 150 TIME "Afterwhiles" 117 TIME OF CLEARER TWITTERINGS "Rhymes of Childhood" 89 "Child-Rhymes" 109 TINKTK OF BELLS, A "His Pa s Romance" 103 To A JILTED SWAIN "Armazindy" 130 To AN IMPORTUNATE GHOST "Green Fields and Running Brooks^ 136 To A POET-CRITIC " Armazindy " 86 To EDGAR WILSON NYE "Armazindy" 59 To HATTIE ON HER BIRTHDAY "Rhymes of Childhood" 29 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 27 To HEAR HER SING "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 68 "Love-Lyrics" 148 To LOLL BACK IN A MISTY HAMMOCK "The Flying Islands of the Night" 128 To MY OLD FRIEND, WILLIAM LEACHMAN "Neghborly Poems" 31 To MY GOOD MASTER "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 127 To ROBERT BURNS "Afterwhiles" . 165 To ROBERT Louis STEVENSON "Home-Folks" 68 To SANTA GLAUS "Afterwhiles" To THE JUDGE "Home-Folks" 78 To THE SERENADER "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 104 To THE WINE-GOD MERLUS "The Flying Islands of the Night" 195 To UNCLE REMUS "Home-Folks" 67 TOIL "His Pa s Romance" 117 TOLD BY "THE NOTED TRAVELER" "A Child-World" 175 TOM JOHNSON S QUIT " Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 172 TOM VAN ARDEN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 52 "Love-Lyrics" 189 TOMMY SMITH "Rhymes of Childhood" 3 TOUCHES OF HER HANDS, THE "Love-Lyrics" 157 TOWN AND COUNTRY "Neghborly Poems" 101 TOWN KARNTEKL, THE "Afterwhiles" 178 TOY-BALLOON, THE "His Pa s Romance" 37 TOY PENNY-DOG, THE "Armazindy" 154 TRAIN-MISSER, THE "Afterwhiles" .... 156 28 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF TRAVELING-MAN, THE "Home-Folks" .......... 71 TREE-TOAD, THE "Pipes o 1 Pan at Zekesbury" 79 "Farm-Rhymes" 167 "Neghborly Poems" 107 TRESTLE AND THE BUCK-SAW, THE "Armazindy" 152 TRIBUTE OF His HOME, THE "His Pa s Romance" 130 TUGG MARTIN "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 190 TWILIGHT STORIES "His Pa s Romance" 25 TWINS, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 187 TWINTORETTE, A "Armazindy" 133 UNCLE MART S POEM "A Child-World" 191 UNCLE SIDNEY "Rhymes of Childhood" ........ 12 UNCLE SIDNEY S LOGIC "Home-Folks" 16 UNCLE SIDNEY S VIEWS "Rhymes of Childhood" 59 UNHEARD, THE "Home-Folks" 113 UNINTERPRETED "Rhymes of Childhood" 18 UNLESS "His Pa s Romance" 163 UP AND DOWN OLD BRANDYWINE "Armazindy" 45 "Farm-Rhymes" 135 Us FARMERS IN THE COUNTRY AS THE SEASONS Go AND COME "Neghborly Poems" 4 2 VARIATION, A "The Flying Islands of the Night" 184 "Love-Lyrics" 151 VERY YOUTHFUL AFFAIR, A "Love-Lyrics" . 36 VOICE FROM THE FARM, A "Afterwhiles" . 112 VOICES, THE "Armazindy" 131 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 29 WAIT FOR THE MORNING "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 180 WAITIN FER THE CAT TO DIE "Rhymes of Childhood" 14 "Child-Rhymes" 121 WANDERING JEW, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 213 "Afterwhiles" QJ WANT TO BE WHUR MOTHER Is "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 5 WATCHES OF THE NIGHT, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ... 130 WATER-COLOR, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . . . ,.- 24 WAY IT Wuz, THE "Neghborly Poems" . . . ^ ...- " ". . 121 "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" > _,--. .. . 167 WAY THE BABY CAME, THE^ "Rhymes of Childhood" \ 17 WAY THE BABY SLEPT, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" ... 203 WAY THE BABY WOKE, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" .... 132 WE ARE NOT ALWAYS GLAD WHEN WE SMILE "The Flying Islands of the Night" ... 149 WE DEFER THINGS "Armazindy" 24 WEREWIFE, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 151 WE TO SIGH INSTEAD OF SING "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . . 205 "Afterwhiles" gg WET- WEATHER TALK "Bipes o Pan at Zekesbury" .... 94 "Neghborly Poems" ^ "Farm-Rhymes" 3 g WHAT CHRIS MUS FETCHED THE WIGGINSES "Green Fields and Running Brooks" .... 153 WHAT REDRESS "Armazindy" g0 WHAT THE WIND SAID "Home-Folks" j gg WHEN AGE COMES ON "Green Fields and Running Brooks" . . 223 "Love-Lyrics" 30 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF WHEN BESSIE DIED "Afterwhiles" 55 WHEN DE FOLKS is GONE "Afterwhiles" 189 WHEN EARLY MARCH SEEMS MIDDLE MAY "Rhymes of Childhood" 60 "Farm-Rhymes" 147 WHEN I Do MOCK "Armazindy" * 14 WHEN JUNE is HERE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" WHEN LIDE MARRIED HIM "Love-Lyrics" 125 "Armazindy" WHEN MAIMIE MARRIED "Armazindy" 83 WHEN MY DREAMS COME TRUE " Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 163 "Love-Lyrics" " WHEN OLD JACK DIED "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 13 WHEI; OUR BABY DIED "Rhymes of Childhood" 77 WHEN SHE TOBIES HOME "Love-Lyrics" WHEN THE FROST is ON THE PUNKIN "Neghborly Poems" "Farm-Rhymes" WHEN THE GREEN GITS BACK IN THE TREES "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" "Neghborly Poems" "F~rm-Rhyru>" WHEN THE HEARSE COMES BACK "Afterv/hiles" 138 WHH:N THT: WORLD BU STS THROUGH "Rhy.Mcs of Childhood" 159 WHEN UNCLE Doc WAS YOUNG "His Pa s Romance" WHERE-AWAY "Green Fields and Running Brooks" WHERE SHALL WE LAND "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" "Love-Lyrics" 154 WHERE THE CHILDREN USED TO PLAY "Afterwhiles" 51 "Farm-Rhymes" JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 31 WHILE THE MUSICIAN PLAYED "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 64 WHITHERAWAYS, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 215 WHITTIER AT NEWBURYPORT "Home-Folks" 54 WHO BIDES His TIME "Afterwhiles" 62 WHO SANTY-CLAUS Wuz "Child-Rhymes" 99 "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 122 WHOLLY UNSCHOLASTIC OPINION, A "Home-Folks" 91 WIFE-BLESSED, THE "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ..... 105 "Love-Lyrics" 115 WILSON, ROBERT BURNS "Green Fields and Running Brooks" 103 WINDY DAY, A "Armazindy" 53 WINTER FANCIES "Rhymes of Childhood" 49 "Child-Rhymes" 80 WITCH OF ERKMURDEN, THE "The Flying Islands of the Night" 164 WITH THE CURRENT "Rhymes of Childhood" 207 WORN-OUT PENCIL, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 80 WORTERMELON TlME "Neghborly Poems" 16 "Farm-Rhymes" 127 WRAITH OF SUMMERTIME, A "Green Fields and Running Brooks" ..... 114 WRANGDILLION, A "The Flying Islands of the Night" 161 WRITIN BACK TO THE HOME-FOLKS "Armazindy" 19 YELLOW-BIRD, THE "Armazindy" 168 YOUNG OLD MAN, THE "His Pa s Romance" 47 YOUR HEIGHT is OURS To RICHARD HENRY STODDARD "Home-Folks" 59 YOUTHFUL PATRIOT, THE "Armazindy" 135 32 A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE WORKS OF YOUTHFUL PRESS, THE "Rhymes of Childhood" 87 AN ADJUSTABLE LUNATIC "Sketches in Prose" 53 AN OLD SETTLER S STORY "Neghborly Poems" 133 AT ZEKESBURY " Pipes o 1 Pan at Zekesbury" 13 BOY FROM ZEENY, THE "Sketches in Prose" 231 CHAMPION CHECKER-PLAYER OF AMERIKY, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 101 CHRISTINE BRAIBRY "Rhymes of Childhood" 78 DIALECT IN LITERATURE "Neghborly Poems" 195 ECCENTRIC MR. CLARK "Sketches in Prose" 205 GILDED ROLL, THE "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury". 185 JAMESY "Sketches in Prose" 7 MRS. MILLER "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 57 NEST-EGG, A "Sketches in Prose" 133 OLD MAN, THE "Sketches in Prose" 251 REMARKABLE MAN, A "Sketches in Prose" 107 TALE OF A SPIDER "Sketches in Prose" 149 TOD "Sketches in Prose" 77 TWIGGS AND TUDENS "Armazindy" 81 WHERE Is MARY ALICE SMITH ? "Sketches in Prose" 183 WILD IRISHMAN, A "Pipes o Pan at Zekesbury" 139 RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. JUN 9 2003