3E E O Piezo- Electric Activity of Rochelle Salt Under Various Conditions BY J. VALASEK A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Reprinted from PHYSICAL REVIEW, Vol. XIX. X<>. 5 Piezo- Electric Activity of Rochelle Salt Under Various Conditions BY J. VALASEK A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Reprinted from PHYSICAL REVIEW, Vol. XIX, No. 5, May, 1922, - . PIEZO-ELECTRIC ACTIVITY OF ROCHELLE SALT UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS. BY J. VALASEK. SYNOPSIS. Electrical Properties of Rochelle Salt Crystal are analogous to the magnetic prop- erties of iron, the dielectric displacement D and polarization P varying with the electric field E in the same general manner as B and / vary with H for iron, and showing an electric hysteresis with loops distorted by an amount corresponding to the permanent polarization Po, whose value is about 30 e.s.u./cm. 3 but varies for different crystals. The dielectric constant (K = dD/dE) was measured from 70 to 30 C. and found to be surprisingly large, increasing from about 50 at 70 to a maximum of about 1,000 near o. The modulus of piezo-electric activity for shearing stresses (5) varies with temperature, 70 to 40 C., in a very similar manner, increas- ing from less than io~ 6 at 70 to a maximum of about io~ 4 at o. The ratio d/K varied with the electrode material, being greater for tin foil than for mercury elec- trodes. The difference may be due to the alcohol used in shellacking the tin-foil elec- trodes on. There are other indications that 5 and K are related. The variation of 8 with humidity is such as can be accounted for by the decrease in the dielectric con- stant of the outer layer as a result of dehydration. The change of polarization produced by pressure as measured by the change in the hysteresis loop agrees with the value found directly from the piezo-electric response, as required by Lord Kelvin's theory. Also fatigue effects on 5 produced by temporarily applied fields are traceable to fatigue in the polarization. The electrical conductivity below 45 is less than 5 X io~ 9 mhos/cm. 3 but from 43 to 57 increases rapidly to 5 X io~ 4 . Optical Properties of Rochelle Salt as Calculated from the Natural Polarization. Assuming only one electron is displaced the natural period corresponds to a wave- length of 4.2 n and the specific rotation for sodium light comes out 10, the observed value being 22.!. T3 ECENTLY 1 the writer described some experiments on the dielectric A V and piezo-electric properties of Rochelle salt, which were made for the purpose of correlating and explaining the effects observed chiefly by Cady and by Anderson. The plates used were cut wrth faces per- pendicular to the 3. axis and with edges at 45 with the b and c axes. The present paper is a continuation of the work, the variations in the electrical properties having been studied more extensively. The appa- ratus and method of observation have been already described in the paper referred to above. The more important results obtained at that time can be summarized as follows: In the case of Rochelle salt the dielectric displacement D, electric intensity , and polarization P behave in a manner analogous to B, H, and / in the case of magnetism. Rochelle salt shows an electric 1 J. Valasek, PHYS. REV. (2), XVII, p. 475. 478648 479 J. VALASEK. ("SECOND [SERIES. hysteresis in P analogous to the magnetic hysteresis in the case of iron, the loops however being distorted by an amount corresponding to the permanent polaiization of the crystal in the natural state. This point of view is very effective in accounting for many of the peculiarities observed. In an electric field the piezo-electric activity has a maximum for a definite value of the field and decreases to a small value in both directions. The position of the maximum corresponds to the greatest rate of change of polarization with electric field in the case of the condenser experiments. In fact if force and electric field are equivalent in changing the piezo- electric polarization then the response for a given force in various applied fields must necessarily give curves of the same general nature as curves of dP/dE or dD/dE against E. It is permissible to interchange D and P in most cases because of the large dielectric constant of Rochelle salt. RELATION BETWEEN POLARIZATION AND PIEZO-ELECTRIC ACTIVITY. The activity of a piezo-electric crystal is intimately related to the natural polarization. According to Lord Kelvin this natural moment is masked by surface charges so that the crystal appears to be uncharged. This polarization or piezo-electric moment can be measured independ- ently of the charges on the electrodes, through the distortion of the hysteresis loop. The center A of the loop is found by a consideration of symmetry and may be assumed to represent the condition of no polariza- tion. If the natural condition of polarization is assumed to be half way between the two branches of the loop at zero field then the value of the permanent polarization P is proportional to AB, Fig. i. There being 60 60 100 VOLTS . 1. no field applied, the equation for the work done per unit charge carried through the condenser is: VoL.^XIX.J P2EZO-ELECTRIC ACTIVITY OF ROCHELLE SALTS. 480 SO that where Q is the apparent average permanent charge at zero field given by AB (Fig. i) and where 5 is the area of the plate. Calculation gives the value: 30 e.s.v./cm 2 . According to Lord Kelvin's theory an applied stress will change this polarization so as to create free charges on the electrodes. A force of 250 grams applied to the crystal should consequently shift the loop by an amount equivalent to the piezo-electric response for 250 grams. When this experiment was performed another, but more unsymmetrical loop, was obtained. The change in polarization by the loop method was 114 e.s.u./cm. 2 while the piezo-electric response amounted to 121 e.s.u./cm. 2 The value of P obtained from the hysteresis loops is only approximate because of the assumptions involved in its determination. It cannot, moreover, be fixed definitely enough \.o be put down as a physical constant of Rochelle salt because it varies with different specimens, besides chang- ing with temperature, pressure and fatigue. The value P = 30 e.s.u./cm. 2 is thought to be a representative value and is checked by other measurements. The writer would not be surprised, however, to find other specimens giving several times this value. The change in polariza- tion due to pressure however is derived by a differential method eliminat- ing much of the uncertainty in measurements on one loop. The result in this case should be fairly definite, as indeed it seems to be. Piezo-electric activity depends on both the crystalline structure and on the polarization. It is greatest for a polarization somewhat larger than normal and decreases in both directions for changes in this quantity, the polarization being changed by applying an electric field. It has been shown by the writer that this relation between activity and applied field is approximately like that of the derivative dD/dE of the curve relating the dielectric displacement D and the electric field E of the crystal used as a condenser. Since this latter relation is in the form of a hysteresis loop it follows that the activity is also a double- valued function of the applied field depending on the direction of variation of the field. A curve illustrating this effect is reproduced in Fig. 2. The readings were taken in as short a time as possible to eliminate fatigue. These curves show that the piezo-electric response at zero field depends on the previous electrical treatment of the crystal. The latter fact has also been noted by W. G. Cady in the report previously referred to. 48 1 J. VALASEK. [SECOND [SERIES. This after-effect does not persist very long but dies off exponentially with the time. The piezo-electric response or ballistic throw of the galvanometer for 250 grams has been observed to return to half value in I minute and to normal in over 20 minutes after fields of 150 volts have been applied for 3 minutes previously. There is a much greater after- effect in the direction of increased activity. !* g// * * j- o 1 '/\ / 3 i / \ / / \\ // i ^ 2 ^ ^ ^^_ jo-*" ^ / /20 -90 -60 -JO O JO 60 &O UO 2. Fig. 2. A corresponding dielectric effect is indicated by the double value of the condenser charge at zero field in the hysteresis loops. This is clearly due to a fatigue in the polarization and it also dies off exponentially with time. Herein is probably found the explanation of the "storage battery effect" described by W. G. Cady who observed that after applying a field of 100 volts for some time there was, on removal of the field, a small current which decreased gradually and flowed from the crystal as from a miniature storage battery. The piezo-electric fatigue may well be a direct result of the fatigue in the polarization, as there seems to be a close relation between piezo- electric activity and polarization. It appears that the activity is approxi- mately proportional to the rate of change of polarization with applied field and hence proportional to the dielectric constant. An examination of the temperature variation of the two quantities leads to this conclusion. It is further confirmed as regards field variation by the fact that the relation of activity to applied field is like dD/dE vs. E where dD/dE is merely the instantaneous value of the dielectric constant K. As an approximation we can write the piezo-electric modulus 8 proportional to K: d = A-K. VOL. XIX. No. 5. ] PIEZO-ELECTRIC ACTIVITY OF ROCHELLE SALTS. 482 If this equation were exact A would be a fundamental piezo-electric constant of the substance, being of the order of I X io~ 7 between 20 C. and + 20 C. At some temperatures and for some exceptional specimens the relation does not seem to be so simple. EFFECT OF MOISTURE ON PIEZO-ELECTRIC PROPERTIES. In order to investigate the effect of dryness on the activity of Rochelle salt, some phosphorus pentoxide was enclosed in the chamber containing the crystal. The crystal soon started to dehydrate and after a few days was covered by a white coating. The piezo-electric throw for a load of 250 grams continually diminished. When the response was tested at different fields a more interesting fact was observed. Besides the de- crease in response, the maxima were displaced along the field axis into a condition of greater polarization. This is shown by Fig. 3, the curves "200 -160 -120 -60 -40 O 40 30 TlGURf S, EFFECT Or DffYING Fig. 3. IZO 160 ZOO )/OLTS being taken after the lapse of the following times: (b) I day, (c) 3 days, (d) 12 days. The decrease in the maxima and also their displacement is in the same direction as, and may be entirely due to, the effect of different dielectric properties of the crystal and of the dehydrated layer. In other words the presence of a layer of inactive dielectric of relatively low specific inductive capacity will diminish the charge on the plates due to the polarization of the central active layer, and thus decrease the piezo- electric response. It will also diminish the effective field across the active layer making it necessary to increase the potential difference J. VALASEK. [SECOND [SERIES. between the plates to produce 'the same field across the inner layer, thus shifting the position of maximum activity. The effects due to uniform layers can be readily calculated. Let P be the polarization produced in the middle layer by pressure, let PI and PI be the electrically induced polarizations in the dielectrics I and 2 respectively (Fig. 4). Since the dielectric displacement is solenoidalwe have: D' = E! + 47rPi -f Since we can write D' = o = E 2 + 47rP 2 = 47r<7. and X* d Fig. 4. The difference of potential between the plates is zero so that, replacing PO by (TO : = E 2 (d - ./) + Erf giving : -+3* TO Q KI) + Kid This gives us a relation between the piezo-electric response at zero field of the crystal with the dry shell and of the same crystal before it dried. The assumption is made that the elasticity of the shell is equal to that of the crystal so that a given total force produces the same polarization in the crystalline portion. The position of the maximum will be changed to another value of total potential difference on the crystal. Let V be the total potential drop and V be the drop across the crystalline part. When there is no de- hydrated layer present V = V = dE, where E is the field strength in the dielectric. When there is a layer of uniform thickness (d J)/2 on both faces then V = (d - + tE', where E" and E f are the field strengths in the dielectrics 2 and I respec- tively. The dielectric displacement D Kl E' VoL.^XIX.j PIEZO-ELECTRIC ACTIVITY OF ROCHELLE SALTS. 484 is solenoidal, and we can eliminate E" from equations above and write: V' = dE = (d - t) - 1 E' + tE f + 47rP Since the last term is small compared to the rest of the expression, this gives : E t( K2 - KI) +