UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA PLANT SUCCESSION ON BURNED CHAPARRAL LANDS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ARTHUR W. SAMPSON A CHAMISE BUSH, AND THE SAME PLANT ONE, TWO, AND FOUR YEARS AFTER BURNING BULLETIN 685 MARCH, 1944 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 3 Uses of chaparral lands 5 Ecological characteristics of the chaparral association 8 Growth habits of the chaparral 9 Climate and soils of the chaparral 11 Special characteristics of the chaparral regions 13 Survey of viewpoints and practices concerning brush burning 18 Burning by Indians in California 18 History of state fire-control policies pertaining to brushlands 21 Experience and attitude of stockmen concerning brush burning 23 Plant-succession studies on chaparral lands 26 Review of results by earlier workers 26 Organization of the study 28 Herbaceous plants common to chaparral areas 29 Eesults of plant-succession study 30 Recovery of brush after burning 31 Invasion of herbaceous plants 40 Widening of chaparral areas by burning 56 Replacement of chaparral by grass through exclusion of fire 59 Soil temperature during burning 61 Heat studies with seeds 64 Reseeding of burned areas 67 Effect of chaparral ash on seed germination and growth of grasses 72 Soil-nutrition and plant-growth studies 81 Background for the studies 81 Results of chemical soil studies 83 Chemical composition of vegetation on burned and unburned areas 90 Field observations of areas burned under state permit ' 98 Methods of brushland improvement , 108 Removal of brush and tree growth by methods other than broadcast burning Ill Comparison of brush-removal methods 119 Comparative grazing values of different brush covers 120 Effect of fire on wildlife and recreation 124 Magnitude of the brush-burning problem 127 Summary and conclusions 128 Common and scientific names of plants mentioned in the bulletin 135 Acknowledgments 138 Literature cited 139 FOREWORD The foothill lands of California have long been relied upon to furnish pas- turage for large numbers of cattle and sheep. From the earliest days of settle- ment stockmen have planned their yearlong operations in accordance with the availability of forage in the different climatic and elevational areas. The most common practice is to graze the ranges at low elevation, nearest the ranch headquarters, as soon as the forage growth develops in the spring, and to hold the animals on these lands until growth is properly advanced on the summer ranges at higher elevations. Although the greater part of the foothills support grass and other herbs, this cover is interspersed with brushland almost throughout the length of the state. This "hard brush" cover, characterized by simple, thick, leathery- textured leaves, collectively called chaparral, is composed of many species; but all have in common a dwarfed habit, an extensive root system, and the capacity to endure long, dry summers. As a whole, this chaparral cover in- habits thin soils of low productivity. The purer stands of the chaparral asso- ciation occupy some 7,300,000 acres, or about 7 per cent of the total area of the state, and clothe the lower slopes of the mountain ranges which line the coast and flank the great valley areas. In addition, there is a large acreage of wood- land and of cutover timber areas which have been invaded by a mixture of chaparral and thin-leaved brush species. In general, these wooded areas have relatively deep and productive soils. The brush-fields, like most of the uncul- tivated lands of the state, have multiple uses. Extending, as they do, into the timber belt of their more elevated northern distribution, and into the coastal lowlands in the southern part of the state, they are of importance in the production of livestock, game, timber, and as protection of watersheds. The chaparral areas furnish limited seasonal pasturage to supplement that of the grassland of the foothills and the forested lands of the mountains. At best, however, the chaparral cover compares poorly with the grasslands as a source of forage, since the brush itself is of low palatability, and the under- story herbaceous vegetation is sparse and largely inaccessible. Thus, the ques- tion arises as to how the chaparral areas may be made more permanently productive, and how chaparral invasions on the wooded lands may be curtailed or controlled. Opinions differ as to whether these brush invasions are largely the result of overgrazing and burning, or whether they are partly due to fire suppression resulting from restrictive state fire laws. Some believe that burning by prehistoric Indians was the natural means of suppressing the brush on these lands and that controlled burning today is the most, if not the only, effective means of increasing the yield and of improving the quality of the forage produced thereon. Stockmen who own brushlands, and who must rely upon them for part of their livelihood, naturally desire to obtain the best returns possible from them. In attempting to improve grazing on these lands, the most common practice is indiscriminate ("broadcast") burning of the brush. Although this practice may not result in converting the brush to grass- land, it does open up the brush cover and temporarily favor growth of browse and of some palatable grasses, the volume of which depends largely upon the productivity of the soil. [3] 4 University of California — Experiment Station Because various administrators and land-use investigators believe that ex- tensive brush burning may not bring economic returns, and may jeopardize certain long-term public interests, controversy has arisen as to the best meth- ods of management of the brushland areas. On the one hand, the stockmen who must pay taxes on their brushlands and earn a part of their living from them, feel justified in employing any rational method which promises even temporary increases in pasturage. On the other hand, public-land admin- istrators contend that reasonable restriction in brush burning is necessary to preserve important watersheds and various other values. These differences of opinion are indicative of the complications of the problem, as well as of the lack of understanding of the issue as a whole. They are due chiefly to the fact that conclusions have been drawn largely from mere observation of practices instead of from the accumulation of measured results of scientific investiga- tion : For many years, biased points of view for or against burning and even propaganda for some preconceived philosophy, in the written and spoken word, have confused, rather than clarified, the issues involved. A broad and comprehensive understanding of the problems involved in brush control requires research in a number of sciences, including agrostology, silviculture, botany, geophysics, hydrology, soil physics, animal nutrition, and economics, as well as knowledge of many administrative practices, involving public and private land use, wild life and forest management, fire prevention and control, forage production, water conservation, and soil-erosion control. For this reason I have encouraged especially qualified investigators of the College of Agriculture to study carefully the methods and results of brush burning over a number of years. In order to assure the broadest possible approach to these studies, I set up in the College of Agriculture in 1933 a standing Committee on Range Management, consisting of nine investigators with special knowledge in the fields of agricultural economics, agronomy, animal husbandry, irrigation engineering, forestry, soil technology, and zool- ogy. Among the studies which the Committee has already undertaken are some dealing with the effect of brush burning on runoff and soil erosion, silting of streams and reservoirs, water penetration and water-holding capacity of soils, and the ultimate vegetative succession. The findings of these studies will be reported by the College of Agriculture from time to time as evidence is accumulated. The present report, based upon studies conducted in the northern part of the state during the past fifteen years, presents essentially measurements of changes in the plant cover on burned brushlands, introduced by a brief his- torical resume, and with some discussion of related points. Some members of the Committee feel that the report presents too specialized a viewpoint of the problem. It should be noted, however, that the bulletin does not purport to answer all questions pertaining to brush burning. Nevertheless the data pre- sented should be helpful to those who desire information concerning plant succession and related subjects on burned brushlands of the types studied. C. B. Hutchison Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station PLANT SUCCESSION ON BURNED CHAPARRAL LANDS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 2 ABTHUB W. SAMPSON 3 The chaparral lands of California must be regarded as having an integral part in any rational, long-time land-use program. In the formulation of such a program the more productive areas may prove to be of greatest usefulness under private ownership and management. On the other hand much of the IP ' r -^ : - - ^ /i- \ ♦ :-' ■ffifc* ' " ■ ■ - . ' .. ... f Si i X ^ :; fef ■ < : V" , f*iJi8$fc " '^- .. ; < Fig. 1. — Subsistence homesteads are often occupied by industrial laborers who can obtain only seasonal employment. Chamise area cleared for growing grain and orchard crops, in Mendocino County. less fertile chaparral lands may prove to be most valuable in such public uses as watershed protection, recreation, and game production. The analysis which follows points out the dominant industries and uses of the five major chaparral regions of the state. USES OF CHAPARRAL LANDS The chaparral areas extending along the dry eastern slopes of the north- ern coast ranges, from Shasta to Napa counties, are of importance both to private owners and to the public. Where these stands are not too dense, or where they give way to grass, they are used for spring and early summer grazing; also they are of great importance as watersheds in some localities. Moreover, the large resident deer population on these lands constitutes a 1 Received for publication October 17, 1942. a Acknowledgment is made to the Works Progress Administration for assistance rendered through its Official Project No. 465-03-3-630, Unit B-12. Grants for the support of this project were also obtained from a special state appropriation for research in forestry in cooperation with federal agencies. 8 Professor of Forestry, and Plant Ecologist in the Experiment Station. [5] 6 University of California — Experiment Station valuable hunting 1 and recreational resource accessible to large centers of population. The western half of the northern coastal ranges, extending north and west from Santa Rosa and St. Helena, in Napa County, to a point 50 miles or more from Dyerville, in Humboldt County, ranks among the highest of the chaparral areas in economic importance. The slopes adjoining the narrow, fertile valleys are covered with chaparral and woodland-grassland, which are used exten- sively for the growing of cultivated crops, notably, fruits, grapes, and grains (flg.i). Timber production is also of importance commercially. A large island of second-growth pine, which is readily accessible and therefore of rather high potential value, is found in Sonoma County (fig. 2). The all-important red- '/zxM, Second growth ponderosa pine Redwood (virgin) Douglas-fir Fig. 2. — Distribution of timber regions in the foothill areas. woods also occur in this region. These trees produce high yields per acre, and the cutover areas are readily restocked by sprouting or planting ; this favors a permanent forestry industry {74)*. Except for the highly fertile flats, at- tempts to convert the redwood cutover lands to agriculture or pasture have been largely unsuccessful. These lands are difficult to clear, the invading plants are of low forage value, and artificial seeding to cultivated grasses is seldom successful (17). The lands around Clear Lake and along the Russian River are of high recreational value, being used for hunting, and in the more favored areas, for homesites. Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, Sonoma, and Marin counties head the state in numbers of deer killed per square mile ; but other 4 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to "Literature Cited" at the end of this bulletin. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 7 game animals are little hunted {45). These lands also function as water- shed (81). The relatively dry eastern-slope foothill region of the southern coastal ranges lying adjacent to the San Joaquin Valley, south from San Francisco, is predominantly covered with grassland and chaparral. Grazing is almost the sole industry, large areas being relied upon for seasonal pasturage. Al- though losing its nutritive qualities early in the season, the vegetation is so extensive and diversified as to afford fair-to-good grazing for various periods of time. The hunting of deer, pigeons, quail, and cottontail rabbits is another important land use. The western portion of the south coastal strip has many uses. Recreational activities in the Santa Cruz Mountains and adjacent areas, as far south as Los Angeles, are enjoyed on a large scale the year round. Many week-end and summer residential homesites are located in these areas. Small retreats are especially abundant near the city of Los Angeles. The demand for this type of homesite has been recognized by the federal government, as evidenced by recent legislation. 5 The large populations of deer, cottontail rabbits, pigeons, and quail afford recreation ; and coyote, fox, skunk, and raccoon, particularly on the foothills away from the coast, furnish a fairly large revenue of fur. From the standpoint of wildlife production the chaparral areas south from San Francisco are the most important in the state. The chaparral lands along the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada repre- sent the most diversified agricultural uses of the units here designated, largely because of diversity in climate, topography, and vegetation. The cover con- sists chiefly of pine timber, oak woodland, chaparral, and grassland. Irriga- tion favors the growing of fruits and various farm crops, but dry-land farming and grazing are also extensively pursued. The livestock raised in this region are grazed on the grass and brush areas during the spring and early summer months, and a fair proportion of the animals are moved to the mountain ranges of the national forests for most of the summer, being returned again to the foothills in the fall. At the upper limit of the chaparral areas is an inter- spersion of second-growth ponderosa pine (fig. 2). This forest area possesses great possibilities as a source of future timber. Although the stands are some- what understocked, many sites are exceedingly productive, and the annual yields are high (16). These cutover pine stands are readily accessible and are rapidly approaching maturity, so that they will presumably come into strong demand in the near future. Their chief uses will be those of common lumber, box wood, mine props, pilings, posts, shingles, and shakes (51). Some of the lower areas which were formerly in forest might be replanted to timber, but the present high cost of reforestation, the high fire risk, the present limited demand for lumber, and the time required for the undertaking preclude putting them into timber at the present time. The area is also used as water- shed. Many species of wild life found here serve as an important and insepara- ble part of the land values of this region ; they attract recreation seekers and hunters from remote parts. Deer and mountain quail use the chaparral cover 5 On July 27, 1940, the Izac Five-Acre-Tract Law went into effect. Under this law tracts of five acres are leased or sold by the federal government primarily for use as part-time camping, health, convalescent, or recreational homesites. s University of California — Experiment Station as a seasonal foraging ground. Also many species of fur animals furnish added local revenue. With full recognition of the varied uses of the foothill area, the place of the chaparral lands must be fully acknowledged in the development of a land- use program for the state as a whole. Further study should aim at classifying them into their major permanent uses. To accomplish this satisfactorily im- plies intimate knowledge of the ecology of the chaparral cover. Fig. 3. — Left, chamise seedling, one year old, showing taproot 10 inches long. Eight, chamise seedling two years old, showing extensive root branching. ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHAPARRAL ASSOCIATION 6 Knowledge of the ecological peculiarities of the chaparral association is basic to a consideration of the brush-control problem, and to the ultimate management of these lands. The present discussion considers the growth habits of chaparral vegetation, the climate and soils peculiar to these areas, and discusses the ecological characteristics of the chaparral vegetation by regions. e In the nomenclature and characteristics of plants discussed in this bulletin, the author has in most instances followed W. L. Jepson, Manual of Flowering Plants of California, Associated Students Store, Berkeley, Calif. 1925. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands GROWTH HABITS OF THE CHAPARRAL The shrubs of the chaparral lands are closely branched, 2 to 10 feet in height, and somewhat treelike in appearance. The leaves are mostly small, thick and simple. Several prominent species have dual root systems, charac- terized by widely spreading superficial branch roots, and more or less of a taproot (fig. 3). The thin-leaved, deciduous, "soft brush" understory of the coniferous forests of the upper mountain slopes intermingles extensively with the more drought-enduring "hard" chaparral only in localities where condi- tions of growth are rather favorable. The chaparral species may be conveniently considered in two groups — sprouting forms and nonsprouting forms; the most common species in each, including some of only local importance, are listed below. A complete list of species pertinent to this study, with scientific names, is given at the end of the bulletin. Sprouting species Brewer oak California buckeye California scrub oak Canyon live oak Chamise Chaparral coffeeberry Chaparral whitethorn Coast live oak Coast whitethorn Deerbrush Dwarf canyon live oak Dwarf interior live oak Eastwood manzanita Greenbark ceanothus Indian manzanita Interior live oak Leather oak Lemmon ceanothus Mission-manzanita Poison oak Eibbonwood Shagbark manzanita Toyon Western mountain-mahogany Woollyleaf ceanothus Woollyleaf manzanita Yerba santa Nonsprouting species Bigberry manzanita Bigpod ceanothus Blue blossom Common manzanita Cupleaf ceanothus Gregg ceanothus Hairy ceanothus Hoary manzanita Jim brush Mariposa manzanita Parry ceanothus Parry manzanita Pecho mountain manzanita Pointleaf manzanita Bamona bush Serpentine manzanita Stanford manzanita Stripeberry manzanita Wartleaf ceanothus Wartystem ceanothus Wedgeleaf ceanothus Whiteleaf manzanita Stands of nonsprouting species are Rilled when heavily burned or when chopped, but fields composed of sprouting species send up new shoots from the crowns or rootstocks when burned or cut back. The root crowns of chamise, like those of some sprouting species of manzanita, are distinctively swollen, enlarge with age, and develop rapidly but irregularly after a fire. The pres- ence or absence of sprouting brush species, as shown in later discussions, greatly influences the methods and success of brushland clearing. Another distinction between the different forms of chaparral is made ac- cording to leaf width. On this basis are recognized the broad-leaved forms as o w W A i M O 2| M O w > E-h rH fe o H h-l S pq O < pel H M c JO GO O O «- ■< o o >o »o i oo coco «o *o t(( « r~ i^ .2 erf CO £ o >> 61 < oo cm i O r- ^ co i^ lO t-- ^H ^ (MM CM co o co ex ) CN OS <-> CO CO CO !D N l^ t^ 00 O Oi i—i — a) ri « cu »c«o iO«0 lO >0 »0 lO lO o 2 3m 2 "^-2 X Op PP ^. o. ^ o_ ^ &. 03 CO CC i co co oc - ■1 CO CN < s i-l CM i-H *- r-H CSJ H M — < -H .2 uuin^ny CO oo lO 1- CO c 5 1- CO f CO 3c 45 'C s jauiturit" CM C- 1 ^H -r-< COIN N N N IN a 5 » <3 &-C 03 03 Suijclg CM CO t^ Oi IN M N IN COCO IN IN COCO 43 « o +3 o ja;ui^ 1^ t~ lO lO lO W3 lO »0 to >C lO iO d O o o o ""! °. t^ t-- oo oo co co en i CO IN co co" ep CM CM 0 o >o K N IN CO «i «* CO d - ; co X) oo f CO « co co co eft r-i co o c o o 02 t- "I- «!)< C UO CO CM CM d d — i oc co" CO s »o c >o CO — i CM CM , • ■(S lO to w lO CO Oi f -* CO c o c pp — ; - —i o <5 do o c d d CD .2 gg g -£ d •Of f OC — c 1- co cr CM Oi 343-5 p i> -*l CM 3 a c 03 « rt l>- CC C3: OC co cs CM i— -* 1 (M Sac — I o- d (N IC O f CM C CM OO P? a t^ t^ O CO co cc co c: oo -*' — r- 1-1 1-1 1-1 "" o3 -P B - c3 H lO co ->+ CO CC CO lO "o3 "3 "3 13 15 O (h & 03 a cS o3 03 01 ft ft ft ft ft 02 03 o3 03 03 03 XI X ,C J3 si o c w c w c ° C u c b c (- c U £ h c "2 © d T 03 T" o3 •- 03 •« § bi J S w S 'S 1 § SI § M C a h- 1 *- B fi £ C cp hh -c a HH J) H-O 4 H "O « g cs 4: S 1 ^ K 2 * c S 1 ^ w ° C Ml .2 d c « tf w « rt "3 « r i 6 hi +3 -„ Qj >>,a ti >-j l/J •- '4= a 0) o .5 4l.S° 5 o *" £^ "S ft M-C ill r ^i3.2 >>2 s 03 +-> CC 3 ^ c3 £ g 0i a> u m fe"- 1 g *- +3 i" 03 - 15 pi o -• sj 03 q CO 5 if Pi C3 ~ 1 a. a C 91 cl - CO oj r. C c a-. p 03 -: r. ^ crt o; f* ~i a- eS : o _ 3 — -C ft > CI 03 £ c u o o s^'*.-■■ .■ ■• " ; ■ - ■■■ .■-.•'-.■ , : ' -/' \*rf- /,»#>"■ irfe* • ,V ; »l'w X % £ a 3* a 1 co o O lOCD CD ^h ooo ooo «coo ©o»o OMH 05 _ fic-2 o_ s .2 to-i*]"* « . . = *S8 s^-a 73 co _. "OOO all •5*1 -5 c c -5*1 -3*1 .5 '1-5 .5"! .5*1.5 .5.51 B.5'1 .5.5*1 -Sec ^ $£ 2$5 ^s ^&? ^^ ^§^ ^s o^ ^s ^55 >+J a 73 u •I a ft M 5 -o CO « ■s IS 3 5 co o si c3 p o CM^ 03 5^ 3 C oo 03 s Sfc CD o© M 3 "- 1 '""' o Sfr oo Pk ^CO 3^ oo 3fc «=>o "H-* 09 8 a m a > >> 3 3 O O 11 § CO 3> i - /. f ic o a -^ ^ ci ic cc -r cc x m m n o Tf o OOOOOOMM'J'OOINOMMOOOOOO OO'-NON0)NIM00tU5O(DMOt0N(MCCN ^ r-IN(N(NMCO © © © Q5 O l~ — HC00 00O1hO00hOICO1!BN[- — rtMNHffll^H NM-"-< CM CM — NP3 -h rt im IN -- CO m iCO -< CM CM — i OM^MOOI-r-C-lrOtKMiM-fOaNOfW' r^ co ~ ^- ■— cm cm — < co •*»< ^h ^h *N»ujN«iNna:^NO»0^»OOOi tOCO l—l 1—1 i-l -^ r^ .-I 1— I CM i-H r-i ,-1 i CM CO t- CO CM — 'TfcOCTticMOMCMOiOeMfrOCM *CS1"-' ' o o 3 3 CO* u O O pq a> a> cq CD CD 3 3 , OoJcUOO - -cSOOS 3^.3,3^ 4 *£ 3 3 » 3 S3 §^ § c« O q.3 •HCNcO^mcD^WaO^NM'O'lOCCt-OOOO'^ -(-.Hffl^i-onooon* CO^rcjiOOCTlCOOOiQOcOiOt^ oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ON'I'HMOOOOOOO t»01»M(ONONNONCO CM ^< t~ t~ C MfOMw^NNNOM-HO "^ cm — oo co r- CO to O CO OV CT. OCTiCOTficoCM M^OXOOmOWCONtON MMM^tMMOCOrtCONCO OOOrt! OfflOt WtOlOOffiMOCnOJtDlflCO NC»OM'-000)(M-*tDT|t C^D^O>COC7iCOOOOO>lO-*t ^a § — ^ / :-- --"" „„- — i i „' ,•' • / : / • / i Ha rdi nq gr as< 7/ Crested v, I r heatgra ss / r X ... — — — *-- ^• / ' / Tir not •fry / ■;> it*- 1 " '""" ._. ... / / / > / / i It ali an ryegrass i s i 1 / ; Meadow / s fescue / ' / / * / \ A ■' t '" — — ~~ 1 /' Drc ha rd gr* iSS l " < 1 Rg dt op Control Chamise ash Mixed ash < Smooth bromegrass ^ •"*" *** 24-6 8 10 12 024 6 8 10 RATE OF GERMINATION, DAYS Fig. 30. — Effect of ash on germination of seed of cultivated grasses. would influence the length of the growing cycle of the grasses used, required special study, and the use of large containers. Accordingly, a special series of cultures were set up as follows : The grass seed was germinated in an incu- bator ; and the resulting seedlings, selected for uniformity in size and apparent vigor, were transplanted to galvanized iron garbage cans and filled with moistened soil when the radicals of the seedlings were approximately % inch .Bul. G85] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands i i long. The cans were 12 inches in diameter and 18 inches high. The soil used in the experiments was sandy clay loam of the Manzanita series, collected under a heavy stand of chamise in Mt. Diablo State Park. The soil was kept near field capacity by sprinkling the surface with tap water. When the grass blades had attained a height of y 2 to % inch, chamise-ash treatments were applied. <£? ^i^ ■#>-" '' Harding Grass u I0 thy Red top ^ X y Italian Ryegrass LEGEND Control Mixed Ash Chamise Ash _/ '•'^' **'' >^"" '' Meadov / Fescue 12 3 4- 123 TIME IN WEEKS Fig. 31. — Seedling growth under different ash treatments. One complete set, including all the species studied, was grown without ash treatment, to serve for control. One set including Harding grass, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass was treated with ash by sifting it lightly over the surface until the ash was % inch deep. One set of redtop and one of soft chess, respectively, were treated with % inch of ash. Another set of redtop and of soft chess received % inch of ash. A third set of redtop and of soft chess 78 University of California — Experiment Station received Vi inch of ash upon the surface of the soil, after which the ash of this set was mixed with the upper 2 inches of soil. The plants in this last instance were transplanted into the mixed soil. Figures 32 and 33, which summarize these data, show that in the early growth stages there was little difference in height in the five species studied, regardless of ash treatment. It was not until between the third and fifth weeks of growth that differences in size of the plants became apparent. After this period the control plants of Harding grass, Kentucky bluegrass, redtop, and perennial ryegrass grew faster and produced more leafage than did those Treated specimen .._ Kentucky Bluegrass (control) Treated specimen <•** Pe Tr rennial r eated sj yegrass secimen (control ' / / / / / >•"""" y^^'"' / / / / / / / / / .„.'" '"' / / / / / / ^'"' / / A f" / / / y' „-"' y .-"■■ ,..~-""" / &:-'-" 53 68 83 93 DAYS AFTER PLANTING Fig. 32. — Comparative growth of grasses when treated with chamise ash. treated with ^ inch of chamise ash. The only species which grew as well when treated with % inch of ash, as under control conditions, was soft chess (fig. 33). Indeed, growth of this species was considerably stimulated by treatment with Yg inch of ash. Mixing the ash with the soil stimulated the growth of soft chess in the early growth stage, but this advantage was lost as the grass ap- proached maturity. The field notes showed that flowering was affected ad- versely by the ash treatment in all the species. The first evidence of flowering was noted 93 days after planting, when 10 per cent of the plants in the control cans were in the early flower stage, whereas in the treated cultures there were merely a few flowers in the "boot" or sheath at that time, none being unfolded. After 123 days, 75 per cent of the plants grown in the control cans were in flower, whereas only 8 per cent of the treated plants displayed flowers. On extensive chaparral burns, flowering was also observed to be slightly delayed. During the first 6 weeks of growth the plants of the ash-treated cultures were characterized by a dark bluish-green color of distinctive cast. However, Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 79 the leafage of the ash-treated soft chess plants began to show slight yellowing after 59 days. This chlorotic condition continued to intensify until 123 days after planting, when the herbage dried up just before flowering. In the con- trols, inflorescence was much in evidence after 123 days, whereas the treated plants showed but few flowers. Chlorosis of the leafage in the ash-treated red- top series was noted 108 days after planting in the cultures treated with the heaviest application of ash. This condition became correspondingly more pro- ^.r,nt.roT 1 Treated with V A ' ash on soi Tro»+.=><4 with V «^h or. 1 I, ^.^..-- then mix sd with ; jpper 2 "o : soil ...-'"' s,- «■»■" ^ ~~^~~^ > / / / / // ' Soft chess ■z*''***'^ — _ // ^-^~~ ■^^' ^r s''^' / _,_;.- ^Z~&9 '1^^ Rec .top 53 68 83 93 DAYS AFTER PLANTING Fig. 33. — Growth of soft chess and redtop treated with various amounts of chamise ash. nounced until the termination of the experiment, when approximately one half of the ash-treated redtop plants had died. The untreated plants showed no premature discoloration. Composition of Treated Plants. — At approximate maturity the ash-treated and the control samples of soft chess, redtop, and Harding grass were collected for analysis, the sampling including plants of as nearly the same growth stage as possible. The results are given in table 13. None of the species studied showed appreciable differences as compared PQ «i is- ~ be o £ w > « o W ° <« CD CO o, 2 W f^ o 51 «o o o> O O! 1- o o o •o co co CO CO © 3.76 3 53 3 45 481 445 437 •c im «c |Q © «# t- CO s co r- to eo m oo CO >* IM — o ■>»< eo to i-H o o cS s £ x rt a; S c $i $ % V ^ & >. ±; c 01 00 c3 33 0-, P_ o CO -C £ -c O g t! -<= O sJ 3^ si fe S F o «- co io to en to o 00 o a .5 Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 81 with the controls in either total ash or its constituents, as a result of the various ash treatments. The crude protein content was also not affected. The percentage of total ash was nearly the same in the treated and untreated plants of soft chess and redtop. In Harding grass, however, the total ash was slightly higher in the ash-treated plants because of the relatively high silica content. Also the ash treatment did not appear to influence the proportion of calcium and of phosphorus in the species studied, the ratio being maintained close to 1 ; Gordon and Sampson (29) found the calcium : phosphorus ratio of approxi- mately 1 to be characteristic of California grasses regardless of stage of development. Under field conditions the reaction of fire on the soil is not only reflected in the liberation of ash, but also profoundly affects the activities of microorgan- isms, some of which increase the fertility of the soil. SOIL-NUTRITION AND PLANT-GROWTH STUDIES BACKGROUND FOR THE STUDIES It has long been contended that the burning of plant cover results in reduc- tion of soil nutrients. Burning, it has been claimed, causes accelerated soil erosion, the leaching of soluble minerals and nitrogen, and decreases the organic matter of the soil. These deductions are supported by an extensive literature. More recent studies have indicated that the effect of burning on the soil is not always detrimental to plant nutrition, but that it may, under certain con- ditions, even enhance growth of some forms of vegetation (6). The liberated ash, among other things, would appear to enrich the soil solution. Many soils, however, are known to have strong fixing power for ash constituents ; hence their liberation by fire may affect vegetation little or not at all (2) . Moreover, if runoff and soil erosion proceed at a rapid rate, the top soil with its free ash content may be largely washed away. According to Shaw (95), Lowdermilk (64), and Larsen (60), erosion usually carries off the finer soil particles first, which contain much of the accessible plant nutrients; this exposes a lower layer, with its covering of the coarser fractions. Sampson and Wehl (90) and later Forsling (26) found that plants did not produce nearly so much growth in soil with the top layer removed, as in soil with an undisturbed, well-formed A-horizon. Erosion on heavily burned slopes is sometimes so serious as to remove much, if not all, of the upper soil horizon, leaving the B-horizon, or subsoil, exposed. Thus Taylor (106) concluded that destruction of soil fertility after repeated burning was the result of erosion rather than the direct influence of heat. Sinclair and Sampson (97) found that in the absence of the A-horizon soil the original climax vegetation is exceedingly difficult to reestablish. Heyward (37) found that the heating influence of fires in the longleaf pine forests extends to only shallow soil depths. At a depth of % inch, temperatures of 212° F were infrequent. At a depth of y^ inch the rise in temperature was only a few degrees. Even these temperature rises lasted but a few minutes. The extent to which burning may destroy the leaf mold was found, by Alway and Rost (2), to vary widely in different soils. Rather wide variations in the total volatile matter and in the nitrogen content of the leaf mold per unit area of 82 University of California — Experiment Station surface on burned lands was reported. Even exceedingly hot fires did not consistently destroy the entire leaf mold, nor did they always greatly alter the chemical composition of the soil solution. Fires with limited fuel supply had little effect on the leaf -mold content of the soil, or on subsequent plant growth. Moreover, Aldous (1), investigating the effects of burning on grass- covered Kansas pastures, reported that the soil nitrogen content showed very slight differences on burned and unburned plots during eight years of study. Hensel (35), who also studied Kansas pastures, noted but slight change in forage growth, but reported an increase in the botanical composition of the herbaceous cover in early spring, followed by a decline in the number of species with the advance of the season. In a study of the southern longleaf pine belt, Hey ward and Barnette (39) found that soils subjected to burning contained larger amounts of replaceable calcium and were lower in hydrogen-ion concentration than unburned soils ; but these differences were almost entirely confined to the upper 3 inches. They concluded that the nitrogen and the replaceable calcium contents were higher in newly burned areas ; that the pH values were slightly higher in the burned plots ; and that no consistent differences were found in the organic matter. In line with this study, Greene (30) concluded that the plant debris on the sur- face is lost to the soil whether it is left to rot, or is burned. This worker attributes the accumulation of the soil organic matter mainly to the decay of plant roots. Greene also reported that soil nitrogen content and the organic matter averaged somewhat higher on the burned plots early in the season. Samples taken later in the season varied, being greater in either the burned or unburned areas according to the season and the rapidity of plant growth on the respective areas. Hey ward and Barnette (39) found that a period of eight to twelve years is necessary to establish an approximate balance between the accumulation and decomposition of the forest floor upon protection from burning. After the balance is reached no increase in depth or weight of humus on the forest floor occurs. Physical conditions under the humus layer follow- ing protection from fire, they found, are favorable for plant growth, and the humus layer on soils protected from fire appears in a healthy condition. That certain plant species react more vigorously to the burned soil than do others has been shown by several workers. Thompson (107) grew oats, pota- toes, and sunflowers on forest soil, one area of which was cleared by the most severe burning possible, whereas the check area was cleared merely by chop- ping. The experiment was repeated annually for eight years. The oats and potatoes yielded heavier on the unburned ground, whereas sunflowers yielded heavier on the burned ground. Hesselman (36) likewise reported instances where forest fires increased the rate of growth of young conifers. Where raw humus had accumulated in thick layers fires were of some benefit by destroy- ing part of the litter. Although more or less indirect study has been made of the effect of burning on the fertility of soils, the data are far from conclusive. Consistent differences in the nutrition of burned and unburned soils are lacking, but in many in- stances burning increases the nitrogen. Such effects as burning may have on subsequent plant growth, however, appear to be confined essentially to the surface soil layer. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 83 RESULTS OF CHEMICAL SOIL STUDIES Soil Acidity, or pH. — Measurements of acidity, or pH of the soil, showed no significant differences between that of the burned and unburned areas, except in localized spots. The pH range was from 6.3 to 7.2 for the various burned and unburned soils examined. In localized spots where much ash had accumulated, the pH range was from 7.5 to 8.6. Except in small areas where much ash had accumulated, the change in pH was apparently too slight meas- urably to affect plant growth. Types of Covers Whose Soils Were Analyzed for Nitrate Nitrogen. — Al- though much nitrogen is volatilized when vegetation is burned, the total soil nitrogen may not be greatly changed, since the decomposed roots, rather than the top growth, apparently furnish the chief source of organic soil nitrogen (30). The effect of burning on soil nitrate seemed worthy of study, as the amount present might account partly, or even largely, for the identity, luxuri- ance, and stability of the invading vegetation. This phase of the study was initiated in Mendocino County in 1928, when the field and laboratory tech- niques were developed, following which the study was extended elsewhere in northern California. Samples were taken from the soil surface to 1 inch depth, and at specified lower depths, to a maximum of 24 inches. 24 The study included the sampling of four of the more extensive soil series, and of three distinct plant covers, namely, the mixed chaparral, the pure chamise, and areas dominated by interior live oak. Nitrate Content of Mariposa Silt Loam in Mixed Chaparral Cover. — Here the dominant vegetation consisted of greenleaf manzanita, California scrub oak, and wedgeleaf ceanothus. The understory cover was composed of scat- tered stands of foxtail fescue, nitgrass, rat-tail fescue, small-flowered lotus, narrowleaf soap-plant, and Napa star thistle. The area sloped gently to the south and east. The soil was fairly deep, and erosion had not exceeded the normal rate. The data obtained from the analyses of the soil samples, together with their mean values, are presented in table 14 and are summarized in figure 34. This figure compares, for three successive years, beginning in 1929, the trends of nitrate nitrogen at different depths in the soils of burned and of similar adjoining unburned areas. The Mariposa soil series here studied was sampled in Mendocino County. Table 14 shows that the upper 1 inch of soil taken on the burned plots contained an average for all such samples of 48.5 per cent more nitrate the first year after burning than did the soil on the unburned plots. On the other hand, the soil samples representing the lower soil depths 24 Paired burned and unburned plots were selected for sampling. All samples from each specified depth were made up of composite soil collections, no one sample being: composed of less than 7 random samples. Collections were obtained in various habitats. The earliest samples were taken in the spring, when soil moisture and temperature favored initial vigor- ous growth; a second sampling was done in early summer, when the major herbaceous growth had been produced, but before the wilting point of the soil had been reached a foot or so below the surface ; and a third series of samples was obtained in the autumn, when the first 18 inches or so of the soil was dry, and the surface soil more or less baked. Immediately after collecting, the samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis. Two hundred grams of sieved soil were thoroughly mixed with 200 cubic centimeters of water for 5 minutes, then filtered through four layers of cheesecloth. Nitrate nitrogen in 15 cubic centimeters of each of the turbid solutions was at once determined by the Devarda method. 84 University of California — Experiment Station TABLE 14 Nitrate Nitrogen Content of Soil in a Chaparral Area Burned in 1928, and of a Similar Adjacent Unburned Area ; Mariposa Soil Series, Mendocino County Date of sampling Composite sample no. Soil reaction, pH Burned Unburned Nitrogen content, p. p.m. NO.i Burned Unburned First year after burning (1929): sampling depth, 0-1 inch March 4 1-2 7.3 7 2 39 4 20 5 92.2 April 16 3-4 7.6 7 4 46 8 18 160.0 May 19 5-6 7.4 7.4 29.3 25 1 16.7 June 11 7-8 7.3 7.2 33 7 29 4 14 6 July 13 9-10 7.3 7.5 39 31 .8 22 6 Sept. 10 11-12 7.3 7.3 21.1 16 2 30.2 7.4 7.3 84.9 28.5 48.5 First year after burning (1929) ; sampling depth, 1-6 inches March 14 April 16 May 16 June 11 July 13 Sept. 10 Average. . 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 7.2 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.3 7.S 28.3 27.9 37 4 25.6 30.1 28.0 29.6 27.6 23.8 21.3 17.8 28.3 24.1 28.8 First year after burning (1929); sampling depth, 6-12 inches 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 7 7.2 7 3 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.0 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.2 34.3 29.6 22.3 29.8 19.5 23.4 26.5 28.7 27.2 31.6 23.8 24.7 18.0 25.7 19.5 April 16 8 8 May 16 -29.4 June 11 July 13 25.2 -21.1 Sept. 10 30.0 8.1 First year after burning (1929); sampling depth, 12-24 inches March 14 May 1 6 July 13 Sept. 10 Average. 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 7 6.9 6.8 6.3 6.8 6.7 6.8 22.5 14.4 16.1 9.2 15.6 24 3 16.6 13 3 11.6 16.5 Second year after burning (1930); sampling depth, 0-1 inch March 16 45-46 7 3 7.4 28.2 25 6 10 2 May 14 47-48 7 4 7.3 24 3 27 3 -11 Au-. 12 49-50 7.5 7.4 21 6 20.0 8.0 Average 7.4 7.4 24.7 24-3 1.6 Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands TABLE 14— (Continued) 85 Date of sampling Composite sample no. Soil reaction, pH Burned Unburned Nitrogen content, p. p.m. NO.-s Burned Unburned Per cen f increase in NOs wi,h burnni Second year after burning (1930); sampling depth, 1-12 inches March 16 51-52 7.4 7.2 24.8 22 8 8.8 May 14 53-54 7.3 7.4 30 .6 27 6 10.9 Aug. 12 55-56 7.3 7.2 19 3 25 2 — 23 4 Average 7.3 7.3 24.9 25.2 -11 9 Second year alter burning (1930) ; sampling depth, 12-24 inches March 16 57-58 59-60 61-62 7 6.8 . 6.8 6.9 6.9 6.8 6 8 6.8 15 9 12 10 2 12.7 18.3 13.0 12.1 lit. 5 -13 1 May 14 Aug. 12 Average - 7.7 -15 .7 -12.4 Third year after burning (1931); sampling depth, 0-1 inch March 16 63-64 65-66 67-68 7.4 7 3 7 5 74 7.5 7.5 7 4 7.6 25.8 26.2 22 84.7 23.8 27.6 25.7 25 7 8 4 May 15 Aug. 10 - 5.1 -14.4 A verage - S.9 Third year after burning (1931); sampling depth, 1-12 inches March 6 69-70 7 3 7 3 23 1 26.2 -11 .8 May 6 71-72 7.4 7 4 20 .2 19.3 4.7 Aug. 14 73-74 7.4 7.3 17.8 13.7 29.9 7.4 7 3 20.4 19.7 3.6 Third year after burning (1931); sampling depth, 12-24 inches March 5 75-76 6.8 6.9 13.0 9.6 35.4 May 6 77-78 6.8 7.0 15 .7 13.0 20.8 Aug. 16 79-80 6.9 6.9 8.6 11.2 -23.2 Average 6.8 6.9 12.4 11.3 P.7 gave nearly the same nitrate values for both the burned and unburned plots. In recording the values in figure 34 for the 1 to 12 inch samples, the nitrate data for the first year after burning were averaged for the 1 to 6 inch samples and for the 6 to 12 inch samples. The nitrate values of samples taken from to 1 inch in depth, during the second and third years after the fire, were not significantly different in any burned and unburned areas. At depths of 1 to 12 and 12 to 24 inches, the 86 University of California — Experiment Station nitrate content was approximately the same on the burned and unburned plots the first year after the fire. Likewise, the second and third years after burning no effect on the nitrogen content was discernible. Nitrate Content of the Hugo Clay Loam in Pure Chamise Cover. — Old, dense chamise composed most of the cover. The nitrate nitrogen content of field samples of this habitat, in Mendocino County, obtained from several depths of the Hugo clay loam series, representing the first and second years after burning, is presented in table 15, and summarized in figure 35. The small amount of nitrate nitrogen in this soil series, despite the heavy growth of chamise, is one of the most striking features revealed in this study. Despite these low nitrate values, however, the trends paralleled those of the samples of the Mariposa silt loam, as summarized in figure 34. Table 15 shows that the 3rd YEAR 1 st 2 rid 3 rd YEAR YEAR YEAR 1st 2nd 3rd YEAR YEAR YEAR 12-24 INCHES Fig. 34. — Nitrate nitrogen in field samples taken at three dif- ferent soil depths in the Mariposa silt loam of the mixed chaparral cover. Mendocino County. samples taken during the first year after the fire, from the to 1 inch layer of soil on the burned and unburned plots, averaged 6.2 and 3.0 parts per million nitrate, respectively, or an increase of 106.7 per cent the first year after burn- ing. Samples of the same depth, taken during the second year after burning, revealed that the nitrate content had declined to an average of 3.9 parts per million, whereas on the unburned plots there were 2.7 parts per million, or an increase of only 44.4 per cent. Changes in the nitrate nitrogen content re- sulting from burning appeared to be insignificant in the lower soil depths. Thus the nitrate values of samples taken from the 6 to 12 inch and 12 to 24 inch depths in the first and second years after burning are nearly the same in the burned and unburned plots. In no soil sample did burning reflect any meas- urable effect on the nitrate content in these lower depths studied. In fact, table 14 shows that only such slight differences as 2.2 and 1.8 parts per million of nitrate were recorded in burned and unburned soils, respectively, when sam- pled 1 to 6 inches deep and collected the first year after burning. Nitrate Content of Aiken Clay Loam in Pure Chamise Cover. — Chamise formed more than 90 per cent of the cover of this area in Shasta County. Here and there scattered bushes of western mountain-mahogany, California buck- BUL. 685 j Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 87 TABLE 15 Nitrate Nitrogen Content of Soil in a Chamise Area Burned in 1928, and of a Similar. Adjacent Unburned Area ; Hugo Clay Loam Soil Series, Mendocino County Date of sampling Composite sample no. Soil reaction, pH Burned Unburned Nitrogen content, p. p.m. NO3 Burned Unburned Per cent increase in NOs with burning First year after burning (1929); sampling depth 0-1 inch March 7 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.4 64 6.3 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.4 12.1 6.3 4.1 2.2 6.2 4.6 3.0 2 2 2.3 SO 163.0 May 10 110.0 July 8 86.4 Sept. 11 - 4.3 106.7 First year after burning (1929); sampling depth 1-6 inches March 7 . May 10. July 8. Sept. 11. Average. 91-92 93-94 95-96 6.3 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.3 6.2 3.6 2.2 1.1 1.8 2.9 1.4 2.0 1.0 24.1 57.1 -45.0 80.0 22.2 First year after burning (1929); sampling depth 6-12 inches March 7. May 10. Sept. 11. Average. 97-98 99-100 101-102 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2 3.6 1.2 1.4 2.0 1.6 2.1 1.9 80.0 ■25.0 -33.3 10.5 First year after burning (1929) ; sampling depth 12-24 inches March 7 103-104 105-106 6.2 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.4 2.1 3.6 2.9 3.2 3.8 S.5 -34.4 Sept. 11 - 5.3 —17.1 Second year after burning (1930); sampling depth 0-1 inch March 10 . May 8. Sept. 18. Average. . . 107-108 109-110 111-112 6.5 6.6 6.4 3.4 5.6 2.8 3 3.1 1.9 2.7 13.3 80.6 47.4 44-4 Second year after burning (1930); sampling depth 6-12 inches March 10. May 8. Sept. 18. Average. 113-114 115-116 117-118 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.3 6.4 6.3 3.0 2.7 2.1 3.3 2.4 1.9 - 9.1 12.5 10.5 4-0 Second year after burning (1930); sampling depth 12-24 inches March 10 119-120 121-122 123-124 6.3 6.6 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.4 6.4 2.8 1.6 0.8 1.7 2.1 1.8 1.4 1.8 33.3 May 8 -11.1 Sept. 8 -42.9 Average - 5.6 88 University of California — Experiment Station eye, and wedgeleaf ceanothus tended to break up the otherwise uniform ap- pearance of the dominant shrub. The more common herbaceous plants were foxtail fescue, nitgrass, downy chess, red larkspur, wild carrot, whispering bells, and Fremont death camas. The area sloped to the west and had an aver- age gradient of 12 per cent. The soil was shallow to moderately deep, and the surface contained many rock fragments. Soil erosion appeared to be normal. H Burned ■ ^^ Unhurried 1 Si m\ ■ 1 m -i 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR 1st 2nd YEAR YEAR 12-2-4 INCHES O-l INCH 6-12 INCHES Fig. 35. — Nitrate nitrogen in field samples taken at three soil depthf in the Hugo clay loam of the chamise cover. Mendocino County. Burned Unburned 2 3 YEARS AFTER BURNING ig. 36. — Nitrate nitrogen in field samples at to 1 inch depth in Aiken clay loam, chamise cover. Shasta County. The analytical data of samples taken at the to 1 inch depth over a period of five years following burning are summarized in figure 36. The nitrate content shows the same general trends as those obtained for the soils of the Mariposa and Hugo series, as summarized in figures 34 and 35. The sampling was done in June of each year. It will be noted that the nitrate content of the burned field samples was slightly more than twice that recorded in the unburned samples the first year after the fire, but that this differential was nearly lost in the second year after burning. In the following three years, the nitrate con- tents of the soil samples representing the burned and unburned plots were not significantly different one from the other. This evidence indicates, as in the previously discussed soil series, that the effects of burning on nitrification of the soil take place essentially only the first year after the fire. The nitrate con- tent of the Aiken soil series is seen to be low and corresponds closely in this respect to that of the Hugo clay loam soil series where chamise predominated. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 89 Nitrate Content of Los Osos Clay Loam in Interior Live Oak Cover. — This flat area, located in Shasta County, had moderately deep to deep soil, and supported a heavy stand of interior live oak, with secondary woody plants of Pacific madrone, hoary manzanita, whiteleaf manzanita, and coffeeberry. The herbaceous vegetation consisted chiefly of foxtail fescue, ripgut grass, sheep sorrel, coyote tobacco, field suncup, Napa star thistle, and Spanish-clover. Soil erosion had apparently not exceeded the normal rate. Since previous studies had revealed that burning did not appreciably affect the nitrate content at lower soil levels, the sampling in this series was confined to to 2 inches in depth. The samples were first collected in 1933, which was the first year after the fire, and were continued for three successive years. The averaged data gave the following results : first year after burning, 39 parts per million, as compared with 24 parts on the control plot ; second year after burning, 21 parts per million, as compared with 22 parts on the control area ; third year after burning, 19 parts per million, as compared with 22 parts in the control samples. The levels of the nitrate content of this relatively productive soil series are seen to be fairly high for chaparral soils. Also on this burn the increase in nitrate nitrogen was significantly high only the first year after burning. After the first year the nitrogen content on the burned plot leveled off to nearly the same values as on the control area. Nitrate Content as Affected by Exposed but Not Burned Chaparral Soils. — It seemed important to obtain some indication whether the increase in soil nitrate is associated with the heat created by burning heavy brush stands, or whether significant nitrification would result from mere exposure of soil to the full play of the sun. Accordingly, in the autumn of 1932, a heavy chamise growth, in Mendocino County, on an area 80 feet square, of the Aiken soil series, was cut at the surface of the ground and removed from the plot, leaving the soil fully exposed to the sun. The soil sampling, taken at to 2 inches in depth, was done in spring, summer, and autumn for three successive years after removal of the top growth. The nitrate content was found to be affected little or not at all by the brush- removal and soil-exposure treatment. The first year after removal of the brush there was an average of 7.9 parts per million of nitrate in the spring, summer, and autumn samples, as compared with 6.7 parts in the samples of the control, or un chopped adjoining chamise plot ; and in the following two years the data were even more nearly of the same values. It was significant too, perhaps, that only a few chaparral seedlings appeared on the chopped plots, despite the fact that surface soil temperatures reached 160° F on several occasions during the hottest part of the summer. Comparative Nitrate Content of Different Covers. — The nitrate nitrogen content in the shallow soil samples which supported mixed chaparral was con- sistently higher after burning than in similar soil samples which supported the pure chamise cover. Slightly higher than in the mixed chaparral soils, however, was the nitrate content of the soils which produced a heavy growth of interior live oak. Nevertheless, all soil samples from these plant covers showed perceptible increases in nitrate nitrogen in the surface layer the first year after burning. In the second and subsequent years after burning, the nitrate content declined so sharply as closely to approach the levels in un- 90 University of California — Experiment Station burned soils. Some evidence was obtained to indicate that the increase in nitrate content following burning may be associated with soil productivity, and with the heat of the fire. The deeper, more productive soils seemed to build up considerable nitrogen after burning; but even such soils showed little response when sampled on areas which had been burned so heavily as to have been left more or less sterilized. By way of explaining the increased nitrate content of the surface soil after a fire : it is possible that the heat of the fire destroys the microflora and micro- fauna of the surface soil layer. Later, unusually active colonization of nitro- gen-fixing and other bacteria may be favored until organisms, which feed extensively or exclusively upon the large numbers of bacteria, also come up Fig. 37. — Hill lotus, showing proportionate sizes of plants: A, grown on unburned chamise area; B, on chamise land burned two years previously; C, on chamise area burned the previous summer. from lower soil depths, and multiply at an unusually rapid rate. This hypothe- sis has been suggested by Hesselman (36). The ecological significance of the increased soil nitrate resulting from burn- ing would obviously be most conspicuously reflected in the growth response of those plants which feed largely in the surface soil layer. For example, the numerous shallow-rooted annual herbs, which usually appear in greatest num- bers the first year after a fire, are most favored by the increased nitrate of freshly burned areas. The characteristic robust growth of these plants in the first year after burning, and the striking sharp decline in their size and num- bers during subsequent years, parallel significantly the sharp increase and decline in nitrate which has been described. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF VEGETATION ON BURNED AND UNBURNED AREAS Domestic foraging animals, as well as native herbivores, have been observed to feed upon newly-burned chaparral and chamise areas in preference to adjoining unburned lands. Whether this behavior may be attributed to the Jim, 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 91 fact that the feed is more readily available because of the reduced height of the brush, whether the change in the species composition is a factor of impor- tance, or whether the claim is valid that "the forage is sweeter and more nutri- tious," is problematical. Plant Succulence. — A rather consistent difference in the vegetation pro- duced on newly burned areas, as compared with that of unburned lands, is the more rapid growth, greater volume of individual specimens, somewhat higher Fig. 38. — Shoots of blue oak: A, from one-year-old burn; B, from two-year-old burn; and C, from an adjoining unburned area. (About % natural size.) moisture content of the herbaceous plants, and more numerous production of vigorous shoots of shrubby plants for the first year or two after burning (figs. 37, 38, and 39). The decreased competition for soil moisture and the stimula- tion produced by the addition of nutrient salts in the ash probably account for the more rapid and luxuriant growth and the higher moisture content of 92 University of California — Experiment Station the plants on burned areas. Table 16 shows the moisture relations of some plants common to burned and unburned chaparral lands. In the early growth stage only small differences in the percentages of mois- ture in favor of the plants collected on the burns were recorded in the shrubs and herbs. A wider difference in the percentage of moisture was noted, how- ever, with the advance of the season, followed by a decrease and a tendency toward equalization in moisture percentage towards midsummer, when the vegetation approaches maturit}^. This difference in succulence might partly account for the forage choice shown by the animals on the burned areas in March and April, when the succulence of the vegetation has declined meas- urably on the unburned areas. The character of the herbaceous vegetation, especially with respect to the extent and deptli of the root systems in propor- Fig. 39. — Shoots of yerba santa: A, from an unburned area; B, from an adjoining one-year-old burn. (About % natural size.) tion to aerial growth, may account for the differences in succulence in some plants on burned and unburned areas. The difficulty of finding plants of exactly the same developmental stage on the burned and unburned plots must also be considered in explaining these differences in percentage of moisture. Chemical Composition. — The species sampled for chemical study were those most commonly found on chaparral and chamise lands. The samples of the species employed were taken at random, the collections being made at the par- ticular growth stage most in evidence at the time. The somewhat delayed maturity of the vegetation on the burned areas made it difficult to procure samples of exactly the same growth stage as on the unburned plots. There appeared to be an average lag of about 1 week in plant development of most herbaceous species worked with on the burned areas studied. Perhaps a similar lag in development occurred in the sprouting shrubs; but no concrete differ- ence could be recognized, since the young sprouts and seedlings on the burned areas do not flower the first year after a fire. Most samples of the shrubs and trees consisted of leafy stems or the foliage, which was stripped from the stems Bul. G85] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 93 ii * i-, 3& Q6 CO CO 00 H O cc rH CO ee o 00 r-l Tf oi © >o CO ,_ g s on C3a «5 -r «© ^ to ■o •^ -f 5C CN CO CO CO t~ • O CI <# cr- CJ CO CO 00 co OS CM _i r_ OJ r^ ,_( cr on s§ eo Its rH 1, o co «o -*■ «o SO -J? ■o iO so >c 1- CO - > cd -2 -0 a — c S ^ i? i? ~ © © o o o > > > > > cJ oj d cj cj TJ "C -r -0 ' _ >. >. >. ,4 3 - 3 _0> CD CD cu > > a Rl Kt 3 ££X J § s CO CO 2 " O CJ o "c3 13 13 -Q W O O _ £ -S £ g _0 CD cd t! ® «> ^ **-,«*_, <*_, >**_,«*_*«-, >> ?* P* P* ►> r* *< S 1-5 *-S "< <5 a> §.££££ 3 xi xi ji js x\ * * a .-a a t^ oc. 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CO OO CC OO CO C\ CO CO CM paujng W N o CM n "O CJ> If Ifl CM* Tf CM CM H M CT if; t^ oc lO to * in c» co CO CO if CNJ oo «■ c3 o3 paujnqufj .-" I-H C" ex oc" t-* o" OJ -tf< OC CO «* w CO CO l> co •>»< o CO o o paujng ,-" ,-" ** cd od t^ 00 00 o CD •«»< «- U0 OJ »- CO ^t CO OR 3 o CNN if CO O l> 00 1-H ifj paujnquQ T* CM C= © " c -c* co c © " c CO CO r-l o * d .3 a ^h — i e<- » N C S H to 3SS d c o c CO CM CO paujng CO CO -^ d ' d H (O « o> t^. ■*» o> O CO CO lO t _3 "3 *c3 paujnqufl lO (N r- © ' c I->. xj< CC 0» »< CO "TS o paujng o N N C S 00 CO N - a CO CO ^h s i co OO C OJ I>- «C s CO ■>»< — J CM ■«*< oi CD V 00 O C o o io o e3 co paujnqufj >> a 3 (D «5 K >> CN) CM OC n h to o ■*r r~ — © -H CO — o CO CM -h OO O f CM CM If 60 1 fc paujng 1 02 CO Ifj CO CO N N 3 w CO -h to b- a 1 5 GO bfi ■ oc sj a eS be o Young leaf Full bloom Drv. seeds Early leaf s In full bloo Early leaf s In full bloo Nearly dry, «3 W lO CO co CO co co co i^ M o.g CO CM* g S Cj Marc April June S a § £s s S«i ^ , T3 u. CD iO »fj lO "5 "5 if) S ? * 3 .£) vS'S o o o COO a' O 0) .S .S .£ .s .s a ^1 Cj Cj 6 'S '3 "S o o o "3 *S 'S o o o c 5 "^ S -O -0 -D T3 T3 T3 C >.S8 3 .3 -C 3 3 fl co o a 3 3 3 S 4) 1) CO CO /. S <*, <- § («! <^ J Jul. 085] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 97 by hand, whereas those of the herbs included the entire top growth. All sam- ples were treated in the same manner in their preparation for analysis. 25 Table 17 gives information on sampling, and the results of the analysis. The crude protein content is seen to be somewhat higher in the plant samples collected on the burned areas, from the early growth stage until after flower- ing. This observation agrees with the results of other workers. Hart, Guilbert, and Goss (32) found certain species to contain a higher crude protein content on burned California chaparral areas. Aldous (1) reported the percentage of crude protein of bluestem grasses to be slightly higher in early June in the regenerated growth on areas burned late in the spring. Wahlenberg, Greene, and Reed (113) partly support this point for burned pine lands of the South. Neal and Becker (71) found the samples of wire grass taken from burned areas to have a higher crude protein content than those collected from adja- cent unburned areas. In the late growth stages, the data in table 17 show no consistent difference in the percentage of crude protein in the two groups of samples. Both the shal- low-rooted grasses and the broad-leaved herbs show greater increases of crude protein when growing on burned areas than do the deeper-rooted shrubs. This may partly be accounted for by the addition of ash and the increased nitrifica- tion in the surface soil layer of the newly burned areas (see page 83) . The crude fiber content shows higher values in the plants collected on the newly burned plots, notably in the intermediate growth stage. Burning has the least effect on the crude fiber content in two nondeciduous shrubs, chamise and whiteleaf manzanita, but even in these species the content is slightly higher in the samples collected on the burned areas. The relatively larger, heavier leaves and the longer, coarser, more woody stems of the samples collected on the recently burned lands would appear to account for the percentage differences in the crude fiber content of these species. The mineral constituents (table 17) showed no consistent differences within specific growth stages, in either the shrubs or herbs grown on burned or unburned areas. In all species the levels of phosphorus and potassium are highest in the earlier growth stages. 26 The percentage of calcium, on the other hand, increases in the shrubs and decreases in the herbs with the march of the season. Thus in the fall, in most of the chaparral and other woody species studied, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is conspicuously high, an indica- tion of an undesirable balance from a forage viewpoint (68) . 25 The fresh weights of the samples were recorded in the field immediately following the collection, after which the material was dried in an electric oven, with circulating air, at a temperature of 70° C. When dry, the samples were finely ground, bottled, and tightly stop- pered. After the analyses of the samples were completed, an aliquot part of each sample was dried at 100° C to constant weight; the analytical data were then expressed on this moisture-free basis. In the determination for nitrogen, calcium, ash, and moisture, Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Agricultural Chemists (4) was followed. Phos- phorus was determined colorimetrically, as described by Kuttner and Cohen (57). Crude fiber was determined by the method described by Sharrer and Kurschner (94). Silica was determined by treating the ignited residue of the sample with concentrated HC1 and 60 per cent HC10 4 , igniting the residue after digesting on the steam bath, and then filtering. 26 It is not surprising, perhaps, that this constituent does not show higher values even in the shallow-rooted annual species, since the phosphorus liberated by burning is readily fixed by the soil complex, or is precipitated as insoluble ferric phosphate, or, in the pres- ence of excessive calcium and a high pH, forms calcium phosphate. 98 University of California — Experiment Station Although burning apparently affects but little the chemical composition of individual species at a specific stage of growth, the change in cover and the frequently greater vegetative growth resulting from burning do increase the total nutrients on the area, and therefore favor greater nutritional in- take of the grazing animals. 27 The abundant, rapidly growing, succulent shoots of the browse plants, with their relatively large leaves, are within easy reach of the animals ; and, as pointed out, there is a slightly prolonged period of suc- culence of the vegetation as a whole. FIELD OBSERVATIONS OP AREAS BURNED UNDER STATE PERMIT In the preceding pages detailed measurements and study of plant succes- sion, forage yield, soil reactions resulting from burning, and chemical values of the forage have been reported. In the discussion which follows, based on field observations, the broader trends resulting from burning of a large num- ber of diversified areas are presented. The points recorded are essentially those which determine the value of the burning venture. In 1938 several privately owned chaparral and chamise areas in the north- ern counties of the state were burned under the sanction and supervision of the State Division of Forestry. Seven weeks during the summer and autumn of 1939 were devoted by the writer and a field assistant to a critical review of these supervised burns and several others, 34 in all, in an effort to evalu- ate the degree of success attained by burning. Although close comparison with the carrying capacity before burning of each specific area was not possible, the vegetation on similar adjoining unburned areas was noted and compared. Most of the areas had been burned one to two years prior to the examination. A field observational outline guide was used in recording the conditions. The points noted included such facts as general history of the area, topography, soil type, character and density of the vegetation before and after burning, extent of utilization, degree of erosion, and estimated carrying capacity. The degree of soil erosion was classified as "normal to light," "moderate," or "severe." Normal to light soil erosion implied no appreciable departure from the geologic rate, and was characterized by the presence of fragments of charred wood scattered over recently burned areas, the occurrence of rounded out and revegetating older gullies, and in some instances by a well-developed top soil which contained abundant organic matter. Severe soil erosion was recognized by the presence of numerous new or well-defined gullies, most of which were V-shaped and which were revegetating little if at all, by exposure of dark areas on the crowns of chaparral denoting current removal of soil by general sheet erosion, and sometimes by the presence of soil deposition on drainage areas below. Moderate soil erosion was recognized as being in the early stages of accelerated soil movement, and was indicated by the presence of a few incipient gullies, and of considerable sheet erosion. The grazing-capacity estimates, always difficult to derive, were obtained in part by taking into account the period of time that a known number of animals 27 Owe, John L. The effect of nitrification upon vegetation and forest reproduction in some California pine forests. Thesis for the degree of Master of Science, University of California, 1930. Copy on file in the Library of the University of California, Berkeley. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 99 actually grazed upon the area, the reaction of the range to this stocking, and partly by the employment of established grazing reconnaissance computa- tions. Forage requirements were computed on the basis of 0.6 of a forage acre per cow month, or per animal unit per month. As here used, animal unit is the acreage required to provide one cow, or its equivalent of 5 sheep, with this amount of forage. The term "stand" is used to indicate the amount of ground covered by vegetation, and is expressed in per cent. Allowance was made for the forage values of plants which are in evidence only during the spring pe- riod. The following discussion summarizes, by counties, the successional and other important information recorded during the inspection of these areas. Lake County. — Area 1 : The original vegetation on this 150-acre area, burned in 1936, consisted of a dense stand of pin oak 2 to 12 feet in height. At the time of inspection, two years after burning, pin oak sprouts were rapidly replacing the annual grasses and weeds, which then had a density of 20 per cent. The area had been grazed by sheep and cattle; about 6 acres was required per animal unit per month. No artificial reseeding had been attempted. The stony loam soil of the Los Osos series of this steep area, averag- ing 50 per cent slope, varied from bare rock to 8 inches in depth, and had dried hard on exposed areas. Soil erosion was light, and was chiefly confined to spotty sheet erosion, and to the formation of a few incipient gullies. On the portion of this ranch where the cover consisted primarily of chamise, greenleaf manzanita, canyon live oak, and annual grasses, the vegetation had been so closely browsed that much of the brush was killed before the area was burned. The vegetation at the time of inspection consisted of yerba santa, Junegrass, foxtail fescue, wild oat, Napa star thistle, and chamise. Area 2 : Part of this area, consisting of 500 acres, was burned in 1938, and was unusual in that in some units the chamise sprouts and seedlings, and some other brush species, were so closely browsed by deer since burning as to open up the cover conspicuously. Little herbaceous vegetation had appeared when the area was inspected, but the chamise and deerbrush comprised a density of 15 per cent. No stock was grazed on the newly burned unit owing to the poor forage conditions. The soil, a stony clay loam of the Hugo series, varied from surface rock to 3 feet in depth. The average slope was 10 per cent. Soil erosion was light, and was essentially limited to sheet erosion on the more exposed slopes. Other areas on this ranch had been previously cleared of brush by the use of fire through a planned and continuous long-time burning program. Only the more gentle slopes which embrace the deeper, more fertile soil had been burned. These clearings supported the following species : foxtail fescue, wild oat, red brome, silver hairgrass, nitgrass, needlegrass, Napa star thistle, tarweed, and St. Johnswort. Wild oat had been seeded artificially with some apparent success. Success in clearing of the brush, and the invasion of an annual herbaceous cover, were particularly impressive. The grazing capacity was fairly high, and the burning had been economically successful. Area 3 : In 1936 the heavy stand of chamise was completely burned on this 150-acre unit. At the time of inspection, in 1939, a cover of chamise sprouts and seedlings of about 40 per cent density had recaptured the area, with almost no other vegetation in evidence. There was so little forage that 9 acres was estimated as required per animal unit per month ; hence the area had 100 University of California — Experiment Station practically no pasturage value. The soil, a gravelly, sandy clay loam of the Konokti series, varied in depth from surface rock to IV2 feet. The average slope was 5 per cent. No abnormal soil erosion was indicated. The owner stated that he had burned this area not with the hope of procuring a grass cover, but merely to have the use of the browse for a short time in the spring. Area 4 : In 1938 a chamise area of 150 acres which adjoined area 3 was heavily burned. When inspected, it was virtually devoid of vegetation other than chamise seedlings and sprouts of about 25 per cent density, the latter being short and bushy as a result of their having been closely browsed by deer. This area was pastured neither before nor after burning. In its state of low forage growth when inspected, this burn could carry no stock economically, unless it be merely to provide an occasional menu of chamise to serve as variety with the grass diet from nearby lands. The gravelly, sandy loam of the Ko- nokti series varied from exposed rock to 1% feet in depth, and was unusually stony. The average slope was 3 per cent. There was little evidence of abnormal erosion. Area 5 : Originally supporting a dense stand of California scrub oak and Stanford manzanita, this 200-acre tract was burned in 1938. The area had not been grazed in 1939 when inspected ; in fact, there was almost no vegetation except scrub oak sprouts and scattered plants of St. Johnswort (89). With a plant cover of only 15 per cent density, the carrying capacity was obviously too low to utilize for domestic grazing animals. Nevertheless the soil, a sandy loam of the Konokti series, showed only normal erosion, with some sheet ero- sion on some of the steeper facings. The average slope was 10 per cent. Mendocino County. — Area 6 : The rapid return of the mixed chaparral was distinctly conspicuous on this 15-acre burn, despite the fact that the fire of 1938 resulted in removing the top growth of nearly all the old stand. Over- utilization of the area in 1939 had resulted in leaving little of the herbaceous vegetation, even of species of secondary palatability. Although the area was pastured only in the spring, when the forage was at its best, estimates indicated that 7 acres was required per animal unit per month. The average slope for the area was 15 per cent, whereas the steeper slopes averaged 42 per cent. The gravelly, sandy clay soil, of the Mariposa series, showed severe ero- sion on the steeper slopes. The erosion ranged from small gullies to slips of large blocks of soil. Before burning, the area was occupied by oak woodland, with some redwood present. Following burning, browse furnished limited feed the first year, whereas grass composed the bulk of the forage during the second and third years. The owner stated that reseeding or cultivation of any sort was impossible because of the presence of the numerous, extensive gullies. Area 7 : Burning some five times during the last twenty years was the his- tory of this 140-acre area, with the last fire occurring in 1935. Wavyleaf cea- nothus and greenleaf manzanita, which formerly predominated, formed a den- sity of about 35 per cent, and were rapidly reoccupying the site. Herbaceous vegetation, composed primarily of foxtail fescue and Scouler St. Johnswort, was so sparse that the soil was nearly devoid of an understory cover. Grazing values were so low as to be little or nothing, about 8V2 acres being required per animal unit per month. The average slope was 50 per cent. The unprotected so r face soil showed the pebbly pavement common to the action of sheet ero- Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 101 sion, whereas a few soil slips, associated with prominent fresh gullies, indicated active but moderate soil erosion. Area 8 : After a heavy stand of redwood timber was logged, a particularly dense, tall growth of blue blossom took over this entire tract. The woody growth on 300 acres was lopped in 1936, and burned late in the autumn of 1937, after the vegetation had dried. For the past several years 50 acres or so had been cut and burned each year, until some 400 acres had been more or less temporarily cleared, except for the extensive sprouting of the numerous red- wood stumps and scattered stands of various brush plants. The lopping and burning cost from $7 to $10 an acre. After one or two heavy rains, the recently burned areas were seeded by the owner to a mixture of redtop, timothy, peren- nial ryegrass, velvet grass, Kentucky bluegrass, and orchard grass at the rate of 20 pounds to the acre, and at a cost for the seed of about $2.50 per acre. Also, in the earlier operations, mustard seed was included with the mixture at the rate of 3 pounds to the acre. This seeding resulted in the establishment of a cover of from 20 to 50 per cent for the first and second years after seeding. In the third year, however, annual grasses, weeds, California huckleberry, Pacific madrone, and blue blossom had all but crowded out the cultivated plants. Because of this failure, Harding grass was later substituted in the reseeding endeavor on the chopped and subsequently burned areas ; it made a much better showing than did the other grasses. A good stand of Harding grass was obtained for the first three years or so after seeding, but later on this grass tended to wane ; yet it was clearly the most stable species introduced. Although artificial reseeding had been partially successful, approximately 6 acres was nevertheless required per animal unit per month. The area has been grazed by sheep. Aside from the encroachment of the brush and redwood sprouts, exces- sive yearlong grazing mostly accounted for the rather limited forage supply. The average slope was 25 per cent. Recent erosion of the light Melbourne sandy clay loam soil had been severe on many of the steeper slopes, and was reflected in the low productivity of the site. Soil slip, with prominent fresh gully forma- tion below, was particularly impressive on several of the steeper, earlier- cleared slopes. It is significant, perhaps, that this ranch changed hands three or more times in the past ten years, but following each of these transactions the property reverted to the original owner. Area 9 : This 10-acre area, located in a nearby level swale, was of superior site quality and until recently, when the area was logged and burned, was occupied by redwood trees 10 to 60 inches in diameter. The average slope was 20 per cent. The soil was deep, and varied from friable loam to rocky clay. There was no evidence of abnormal soil movement or loss. Many redwood sprouts 4 to 34 inches in height, and many seedlings of blue blossom, were reinvading this burned area. Despite reseeding in 1938 to various cultivated grasses, annual volunteer species of grasses, thistles, and many weeds clearly predominated, and formed a density of 45 per cent. The area was lightly grazed by sheep in the spring of 1939, following which herbaceous growth of fair to good quality was produced. Area 10 : The general soil conditions of this 4,000-acre burn appeared seri- ous. Erosion of one form or another was severe and was taking place at a rapid rate. The average slope was 63 per cent. Soil slip was particularly impressive 102 University of California — Experiment Station in that area ; on many slopes, areas of 2 to 5 acres had moved down hill ; most of these slides occurred slightly below the summit on the steeper slopes. Al- though there were a few small grassy flats, most of the topography was excep- tionally rough for grazing ; many slopes had a 65 per cent gradient, and a few more than 90 per cent. The clay loam soil of the Hugo series varied in depth from a few inches to 3 feet, with considerable rock outcrop on the more prom- inent ridges and slopes. A large acreage had been cleared of brush by repeated burning, but at a great sacrifice of the top soil. The exposed subsoil was heavily baked when examined. No charred wood remained on the slopes of recent burns. The density of the vegetation over the steeper country did not exceed an average of about 10 per cent, whereas it attained a density of 20 to 35 per cent on the gentler slopes and flats. Because of the inferior grazing value of the dominant herbaceous species, composed chiefly of foxtail fescue and nit- grass, 6 acres per animal unit per month was estimated to be the range require- ment. Range use at the time of inspection was clearly excessive. Numerous reseeding trials, made by the owner, had failed. Area 11 : This 60-acre chamise area was burned three times within eight years, the last burn being in 1936. The area had been largely cleared of brush, but the present herbaceous vegetation, with a density of approximately 20 per cent, had been severely overgrazed. There was little palatable browse. Some 7 acres was required to maintain an animal unit for 1 month. The average slope was 47 per cent. The soil, a Pinole gravelly alluvium, without clay subsoil, had eroded severely, and the clearing of the brush had been accompanied by heavy soil loss. There had been much soil slippage, subsequently accompanied by the formation of many prominent gullies. Sand, gravel, and debris had washed to the lower levels and had been deposited along the main drainage channel. Area 12 : The original dense stand of this 60-acre chamise area was burned in 1938. When examined, there was a scattering of foxtail fescue, and a rather heavy stand of deerweed, together with an abundance of chamise seedlings and sprouts. For the entire area burned, the density of vegetation averaged 20 per cent. The gradient averaged 50 per cent, and sheet and gully erosion were pronounced on the upper slopes. It was estimated, exclusive of the lim- ited browse value of the chamise, that 10 acres would be required per animal unit per month. In the season after the fire, sheep grazed the area for a short time in the spring. Soil erosion was moderate. Charred wood, ashes, and some soil had been deposited on lower levels by surface runoff. Area 13 : This 130-acre chamise area, with an average of 25 per cent slope, supported vegetation similar to that of area 12. The chamise was approxi- mately 3 feet in height and occupied about one fourth of the ground cover. The herbaceous vegetation, with a density of 60 per cent, included several superior native forage grasses. The forage was far superior to that on area 12, the grazing requirement being about 4 acres per animal unit per month. The average slope was 35 per cent. Soil erosion was classed as light. Although this burn contained a large soil slip of recent origin, and several large gullies, no portion of the area appeared recently to have eroded abnormally. Area 14 : The vegetation of this 1939 early summer burn of 35 acres con- sisted essentially of young" chamise sprouts a few inches in height, and of numerous chamise seedlings. Although no reseeding was attempted, the owner Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 103 expected, in the spring of 1940, to get some feed for a few animals from the sprouts. The average slope was 25 per cent. Most of the charcoal had been removed by surface runoff, and moderate current sheet or gully erosion had taken place. On a small portion of the area, which was dominated by interior live oak, were found purple needlegrass, red brome, and blue wild-rye grass, these forming a density of 10 per cent. Because of the limited forage, no attempt was made to graze the area in 1939. Area 15 : The madrone sprouts on this four-year-old burn of 100 acres were of such density that it was difficult to walk through them. The few areas which were sparsely occupied by brush supported a scattered stand of herbaceous vegetation. Wisely, no livestock were placed on the area in 1939 because of the inferior forage. The average slope of this unit was 8 per cent. No abnormal soil erosion was noticed, but the soil was heavily baked. An adjoining unburned area of Douglas-fir, madrone, and interior live oak was practically devoid of an understory of brush, but supported considerable grass, which gave it a parklike appearance. This area afforded much more grazing than did the burned area, and was being utilized effectively by sheep. Area 16 : On this 80-acre two-year-old burn chamise and manzanita were coming in strongly, but heavy grazing appeared to have reduced the her- baceous vegetation so that it formed only 10 per cent of the ground cover. The average slope was 20 per cent. Despite the fact that the light-textured soil had been severely trampled, there had been only moderate sheet and gully erosion. Apparently the whole ranch had been subjected to heavy overutilization. On the burned area the grazing requirement was estimated as some 8 acres per animal unit per month. Humboldt County. — Area 17 : After a young stand of Douglas-fir had been slashed on this 100-acre unit, and subsequently burned, the area had been fired on an average of every four years for twenty years in an unsuccessful effort entirely to kill the manzanita, blue blossom, and poison oak. Each burning was followed by seeding with perennial ryegrass, but this effort had proved un- economical. Generally, a good stand of this grass was obtained the first year after seeding ; a scattered cover remained the second season, whereas almost none was to be found thereafter. The pasture was grazed lightly by sheep throughout the year. About 3 acres was required per animal unit per month. The soil, a stony loam of the Melbourne series, varied from 1 to 3 feet in depth. The average slope was 18 per cent. Soil erosion was light ; there was but little soil slip, and there were only a few small gullies. The erosion appeared not to be of recent origin, since the scars and rounded-out gullies were reasonably well healed over with vegetation. The clearing of this area was highly successful. Area 18 : This 300-acre area, last burned in 1935, was predominantly Douglas-fir, Pacific madrone, and tanoak, much of which had been replaced by grass. After cutting and burning, the area was reseeded to perennial ryegrass and orchard grass. Although both grasses became established, the latter gave the better results, notably on the north slopes, where, under deferred grazing and moderate stocking, it had produced a fair to good cover for four years and appeared to be strong. The practice had been to graze the area lightly in the spring and summer by sheep and cattle, with the result that only iy 2 acres was required per animal unit per month. The average slope was 12 per cent. 104 University of California — Experiment Station The stony loam soil of the Melbourne series varied from surface rock to 3 feet in depth and showed no abnormal erosion. The soil was mellow, and there was little evidence of baking of the slightly exposed soil surface. Area 19 : In 1938 the Douglas-fir, Pacific mad rone, and tanoak on this 100- acre area were cut and burned ; then, in late autumn, came reseeding to peren- nial ryegrass, little of which was in evidence at the time of inspection. Small areas had been alternately burned each year in an effort to destroy remnants of the original woody cover, and this operation had been followed by artificial reseeding with cultivated grasses. The introduced grasses had failed to become established, according to the owner, because of heavy grazing. The herbaceous cover had a density of 20 per cent, but it was rapidly giving way to bracken fern and to the original woody vegetation. Only 2% acres was estimated as being required per animal unit per month. The average slope was 25 per cent. The stony loam soil had eroded but lightly, and there was only limited baking of the exposed soil. Area 20 : The California hazelnut brush, Douglas-fir, and tanoak of this 300- acre coastal ranch, located about a half mile from the ocean, was burned in 1938 and was reseeded in the autumn to perennial ryegrass and ribgrass. The rather heavy forage at the time of inspection consisted of perennial ryegrass, bluegrasses, Junegrass, English plantain, and thimbleberry. The long period of succulence and the relatively heavy yield of this herbage appeared to be accounted for by the fact that fog from the ocean provided moisture at critical periods. The 60 per cent density of vegetation, and the light spring and sum- mer grazing, partly accounted for the low requirement of 1 acre per animal unit per month. The slope averaged 10 per cent. The rich clay loam soil, of the Melbourne series, varied from 2 to 6 feet in depth, and showed little abnormal erosion of any form. Area 21 : This 100-acre area was similar in native cover, soil, and topog- raphy to the one just discussed. It likewise was burned in 1938 and was seeded to perennial ryegrass in the autumn of that year. In common with other stockmen in the area, the owner slashed and permitted the brush to dry before burning, but left the Douglas-fir stand to be killed by the fire. There was a herbaceous cover of about 40 per cent density when the area was inspected, and only 1 acre per animal unit per month was required for moderate spring and summer grazing. Unless the area was reburned every three or four years, tanoak sprouts, thimbleberry, and bracken fern tended to recapture the soil to the virtual exclusion of other vegetation. The average slope was 10 per cent. The loam soil, of the Melbourne series, varied in depth from 2 to 6 feet. Neither erosion nor baking of the soil was abnormal. Shasta County. — Area 22 : This 100 acres of relatively level brush and woodland, burned in 1936, for the most part occupied a ridge top. Parry man- zanita and canyon live oak produced a dense stand before burning, and the understory vegetation then consisted chiefly of foxtail fescue and red brome. When inspected, the invading vegetation formed a density of only about 15 per cent, but even so the fire had resulted in effectively opening up the brush. Canyon live oak sprouts and manzanita seedlings, however, were clearly re- gaining possession of the ground. The area had been grazed by cattle for a few weeks each spring. Five acres was required per animal unit per month. The Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 105 average slope was about 20 per cent. The grayish-red stony loam soil showed only light sheet erosion, and there was no serious baking of the soil. Area 23 : The extensive chaparral flats east of Redding are fairly well char- acterized by this 70-acre burn, as well as by that designated as area 24. Dwarf interior live oak predominated throughout. The area was heavily burned in 1937. The soil was thin, with much outcrop in evidence. The average slope was 15 per cent, and current erosion was light. Prior to burning, only the openings supported any appreciable amount of herbaceous vegetation. The second year after burning, a mass of woody sprouts and seedlings had occupied the area, and primarily consisted of dwarf interior live oak, blue oak, and poison oak ; this invasion of chaparral had also extended into many former openings. The various annual grasses, with a fair sprinkling of Spanish-clover, were so sparse as to afford little grazing, and were of value only early in the spring, when a few cattle utilized the area. Five acres was required per animal unit per month. Considerable sheet erosion took place the first year after burning, as indicated by measurement with erosion stake levels, and as evidenced by the pebbly soil surface. Infiltration studies showed that water percolated into the soil much more slowly than on a similar adjacent, long-protected area, where humus and partly decomposed plant material had accumulated. All attempts at artificial reseeding failed. Area 24 : This area of 140 acres, burned in 1937, was similar to that just dis- cussed, except that the cover consisted of a more balanced mixture of dwarf interior live oak, wedgeleaf ceanothus, Parry manzanita, and herbs. After burning, the live oak clearly predominated, and soon crowded out most of the herbaceous vegetation. This rapid replacement of the herbaceous cover re- duced the grazing capacity, so that, in 1939, 6 acres per animal unit per month was required. The area was used for spring grazing by cattle. The average slope was 20 per cent. Soil erosion was moderate, and the soil was heavily baked. Area 25 : The extensive, hilly, red-soil country, extending from the village of Beegum to Ono, was rather well characterized by this 350-acre area. Before burning, in the fall of 1937, various openings supported grass and other herbs with densities ranging from 10 to 30 per cent, whereas under the heavy brush there was but little herbaceous vegetation of any kind. Two years after burn- ing, chamise and sprouting forms of manzanita largely reoccupied the ground, forming a density of about 40 per cent ; but interspersed between the clumps were many broad-leaved herbs and a sprinkling of annual grasses. Hill lotus was perhaps the most valuable forage plant, although some palatable browse was available. Cattle had been grazed upon the area for a short time in the spring. This and similar burns of the locality have afforded satisfactory early- spring goat browsing for three years after burning ; but the lands are regarded by local stockmen as inferior for cattle, and only fair for sheep, except in the draws where a variety of forage was found both before and after burning. About 8 acres of the typical hillside chamise was estimated as required per animal unit per month. The average slope was 30 per cent. Soil erosion in gen- eral was moderate, but was severe on some of the steeper south slopes. Attempts at seeding to cultivated grasses had consistently failed on this area. Tehama County. — Area 26 : There was evidence that a lava flow had covered this general region within recent geological time. The area specifically con- 106 University of California — Experiment Station cerned consisted of 1,200 acres. The soil was a dark brown, coarse, rocky loam, little more than 3 inches deep, with many large rocks and boulders in evidence. The cover consisted of interior live oak, California scrub oak, species of man- zanita, yerba santa, poison oak, and various annual grasses. After burning there remained a tangle of partially dead woody vegetation, as inspection revealed the following summer. Because of the small amount of forage growth, no stock was placed on the area in 1939 or in 1940. At the time of inspection the main reproduction consisted of California scrub oak sprouts, and of manzanita. The average slope of this area was 12 per cent. There was no abnormal soil loss by erosion, in part perhaps because the rainy season was nearly over when the burning was done, and partly because of the covering of rock fragments and pebbles. Because of inferior soil, the returns from this burn were particularly poor. Area 27 : Before burning in 1938, the vegetation on this 30-acre area con- sisted chiefly of blue oak, poison oak, and coffeeberry, with a scattered under- story of foxtail fescue. After burning the area was grazed by sheep. At the time of inspection, sprouts of blue oak, poison oak, and annual grasses occu- pied approximately 30 per cent of the area as a result of the opening up of the brush. The grazing requirement per animal unit per month was 2% acres. The average gradient was 12 per cent. The soil, an alluvial deposit, averaged approximately 1V4 feet in depth. There was little evidence of abnormal ero- sion, probably because the tract is nearly level. Burning temporarily improved the grazing capacity of this area without lowering its productivity. Area 28 : A dense stand of canyon live oak and Parry manzanita originally occupied this J ,200-acre area. The burning was done in 1936, following which the area was grazed in the spring period by cattle. In 1939, the area supported a sparse stand of wild oat, soft chess, ripgut grass, and foxtail fescue; but sprouts of canyon live oak and seedlings of Parry manzanita were rapidly reoccupying the ground. The total density of the vegetation was 30 per cent. About 5 acres was required per animal unit per month. The average slope was 30 per cent. The clay loam soil, of the Hugo series, varied in depth from 4 inches to 2 feet. There were healed-over gullies as evidence of past erosion, but few gullies were actively eroding at the time of inspection ; sheet erosion, too, was light when the area was inspected. Amador County. — Area 29 : Before burning, this 260-acre brush field sup- ported a full stand of chamise, greenleaf manzanita, poison oak, and toyon. In 1939, one year after burning, the plant cover, consisting chiefly of toyon and chamise sprouts and seedlings, was sparse, with the extensive areas nearly barren. In 1938, timothy and red clover were sown, but no plants became established from this effort despite the fact that stock had not been placed on the area because of the limited forage growth. The combined density of the browse and herbaceous vegetation amounted to only about 25 per cent cover. The average slope was 15 per cent. The stony, loam soil, of the Auburn series, did not exceed 8 inches in depth, and was conspicuously rocky. Soil loss by sheet and gully erosion was classed as moderate. Area 30 : This chamise range of 50 acres was burned in 1935. By 1939, it had been almost completely reinvaded by a dense stand of chamise sprouts and seedlings. The herbaceous vegetation consisted merely of small patches of Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 107 annual grasses, and most of these were being replaced by the brush. The total density was 50 per cent. No stock had been grazed on the area because of the inferior quality of the forage. The average slope was 20 per cent. The soil, a grayish-black clay loam, did not exceed about 9 inches in depth. There was little evidence of an abnormal rate of erosion. Area 31 : A full chamise stand occupied this 200-acre area before burning in 1936. At the time of the 1939 inspection, the chamise, interspersed with yerba santa and toyon, had reclaimed the area to the virtual exclusion of herbaceous vegetation, which was represented chiefly by scattered patches of nitgrass, foxtail fescue, and wild oat. For two years after the fire, according to the statement of the owners, this burn carried a few stock, but the forage decline was so rapid that no animals were grazed in 1939. At that time not less than 7 acres would have been required per animal unit per month ; the season of use would be short, and the quality of forage inferior. The average slope was 5 per cent. The dark grayish-brown sandy loam showed only slight evidence of abnormal erosion. Calaveras County. — Area 32 : Before burning in 1938, the vegetation on this 80-acre area consisted of a dense stand of chamise and a few annual grasses. At the time of inspection, chamise sprouts and seedlings made up approximately one fifth of the total vegetation. The understory cover of fox- tail fescue, nitgrass, wild oat, red brome and chaparral cottonweed, together with the brush sprouts, formed a density of 30 per cent. Cattle grazed the burn lightly in the spring, 4 acres being required for each animal unit per month. The average slope was 15 per cent. The grayish-brown, sandy clay loam varied in depth from 4 to 18 inches. Soil erosion had not exceeded the normal rate after burning. Area 33 : Since the fire of 1938, this heavily stocked chamise area of 60 acres had been heavily overgrazed by cattle ; indeed many chamise sprouts had been cropped down to the basal crown. Apparently because of the presence of large accumulations of ash, many spots several feet in diameter were devoid of vegetation. On sites where the fire had been less intense, the vegetation con- sisted of a mere scattering of foxtail fescue, nitgrass, red brome, silver hair- grass, ticklegrass, and wild oat. It may be assumed that if this range had not been so severely overgrazed the 10 per cent density of the herbaceous forage at the time of inspection would surely have been considerably greater. Compu- tations showed that with this inferior forage 6 acres per animal unit per month was required. The average slope was 10 per cent. The light yellowish-gray, gravelly clay loam soil varied in depth from 6 to 24 inches, and showed only light sheet and gully erosion. Area 34 : Three years after the fire, chamise had again virtually recaptured all available space. It varied in height from about 6 inches for the seedlings to 24 inches for the sprouts. With a ground cover of 40 per cent, composed pri- marily of chamise and annual grasses, 4% acres was required per animal unit per month. Cattle were grazed upon this unit during spring and early summer. The average slope was 25 per cent. The reddish-brown, coarse gravelly clay soil varied from exposed parent rock material to 3 feet in depth, with much rock outcrop. Current soil erosion was classed as moderate ; sheet erosion was conspicuous, and there were several small gullies of recent origin. 108 University of California — Experiment Station Summary of Field Observations on Burns. — Of the 34 ranches examined, 29 showed rapid reoccupation of the original brush. On 7 of the burns no animals were grazed because of the small amount of good forage produced. Twenty-two of the 34 burns showed only normal or light erosion. It is signifi- cant that the average gradient of these areas was only about 15 per cent. The tabulated records revealed that 30 of the burns had slight or no soil slippage, whereas on 4 areas soil slippage had been severe. Twenty-two burns had little or no gully erosion, whereas on 4 burns, soil erosion of a general nature was severe, and on 8 burns, soil erosion was moderate. The 4 severely eroded areas had an average slope of approximately 44 per cent, whereas those classed as moderately eroded had an average slope of about 32 per cent. Thus the extent of soil erosion of these areas, under grazing use, seemed to show rather strong correlation with steepness of slope, with the amount of ground cover, and with the intensity of grazing. Artificial reseeding had been fully successful on only 2 sites, both of these being in the humid coastal region of Humboldt County. On the several other burns where artificial reseeding was tried the results showed only slight and purely temporary success, or they were complete fail- ures from the outset. The estimated acreage required for pasturage of an animal unit was especially high on burns in Lake, Mendocino, Shasta, and Tehama counties ; thus many of these areas had to be classed as inferior for livestock grazing. In Humboldt County, on the other hand, the soils of the areas inspected were productive, and the carrying capacity was high ; hence these burns proved profitable. The two factors most favorable to burning were that the animals could graze over most of the area, whereas this was often not possible before burning ; and that more palatable vegetation generally became available after burning. Perhaps the two most adverse factors noted on the controlled burns examined, on the other hand, were the temporary nature of the forage produced and the shortness of the grazing season, which on most of the areas was only a few weeks in the spring, or from spring into the early summer. Only on fairly level sites, and on the more productive soils, was there measurable success from broadcast burning. In general, and particularly on the steeper south and west slopes, heavy or nearly pure stands of chamise, which characteristically occu- pies thin soils, produced the least forage after burning of all brush covers here examined. Many such burns yielded so little forage that no stock was grazed upon them. METHODS OF BRUSHLAND IMPROVEMENT The studies described in the previous sections have largely been concerned with the effects of the common practice of broadcast burning. In this section are presented a number of current practices employed to maintain the forage on the brushlands when the chaparral stand has been opened up. Some of the methods discussed or proposed involve the use of fire alone ; others are com- binations with mechanical or biological means of controlling the brush. Frequent Burning to Keep Cover Open. — Burning chaparral areas at fre- quent intervals is occasionally practiced with a view to decimating the chap- arral sprouts, killing the new crop of seedlings, and removing as many of the old dead stems as possible. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 109 Where burning at intervals of two to three years is possible, stands of sprouting chaparral tend to give way more or less to grass and weeds. Few such frequently burned areas, however, produce enough herbaceous growth to assure the running of sufficiently hot fires to consume the brush seedlings, the sprouts, and the charred, dead stems. Only on the better sites may a follow-up fire be hot enough, after the two years or so of protection, to destroy most of the incoming chaparral seedlings, and at the same time reduce a portion of the sprout growth. The availability of pasturage elsewhere will determine whether the forage produced after the first fire can be sacrificed solely for improvement purposes. Although most of the smaller leafy branches, and much of the accumulated litter, are consumed by the initial fire, a large proportion of the coarser brush stems remain erect and intact five to eight years after burning. Since they are an annoyance to the stock, as well as to the operator, disposal of them is desirable. Standing, as these bare stems do, well above the current growth, it is impor- tant that some mechanical means be employed to break them down before reburning. Thus, in late summer or early autumn of the second or third year following the first fire, the stems may be leveled to the ground by dragging a log over the area with a tractor. 28 This method of leveling the stems has been employed successfully by several operators. After the dragging operation, the area is reburned. With ample dry fuel this second fire consumes the old stems and snags, as well as the young brush seedlings, and favors further in- vasions of herbaceous plants. The success of the reburning operation depends essentially upon the growth habits of the brush. One hot second fire, or follow-up burn, may transform what was formerly a well-nigh useless nonsprouting brush area to a fairly per- manent cover of herbaceous vegetation. Far less satisfactory results are obtained on areas which support sprouting forms of brush ; few of the plant crowns are killed by the burning, and sprouting continues. Also additional brush seedlings come in after the second burn. Unless the brush seedlings and sprouts are kept closely browsed, as they seldom are, the chaparral soon recaptures the area at the expense of the herbaceous plants. Since livestock, particularly cattle, mostly consume only the herbs, the brush is favored in survival. Overstocking with cattle or sheep to kill sprouts and brush seedlings is sometimes resorted to for two to three years after burning. This practice, how- ever, except where goats are used, has generally resulted in failure to destroy the brush, except in nonsprouting cover, where heavy, continuous browsing may eventually destroy all but the less palatable chaparral seedlings. Unfor- tunately very heavy grazing by cattle and sheep also results in destruction or thinning of the grass, and often favors invasions of such unpalatable plants as tarweed, the buckwheats, Napa star thistle, and turkey-mullein, over that of the choicer forage species. Moreover, losses of stock from consuming poisonous plants, and damage of soil erosion on the steeper slopes, have been noted. 28 The cost of leveling charred stems is about 50 cents per acre, where a stockman uses his own equipment to drag a log about 16 feet long by 14 to 16 inches in diameter across the burned areas. 110 University of California — Experiment Station Rotation Burning. — Ranch owners who favor somewhat regular burning of their brush fields, and whose properties are so situated that the chaparral lands constitute an integral and essential part of the grazing unit, should have a burn as young as possible available each year in order to procure maximum forage from those areas. On productive lands burning of the entire brushfield in one fire might provide more seasonal forage than could be utilized to advantage. Following this period of lush growth there would be several sea- sons of limited growth of forage while the brush is reclaiming the land, and while it is too diminutive to reburn. In order to derive the greatest sustained benefit and return from burning brush areas, one may adopt a rotation plan of broadcast burning. Provided water for the stock is available, the brush field should be divided into units which may be systematically burned at intervals of eight to ten years. Such a plan is illustrated below, in which the area, growing the sprouting kinds of brush, is divided into three units, each of which would be burned at intervals of nine years. Year Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 1943 Burned Not burned Not burned 1944 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1945 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1946 Not burned Burned Not burned 1947 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1948 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1949 Not burned Not burned Burned 1950 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1951 Not burned Not burned Not burned 1952 Burned Not burned Not burned 1953 Not burned Not burned Not burned Unit 1, or approximately one third of the brush field, is selected for broad- cast burning in 1943. This portion must be relied upon to furnish most of the forage of the brush area during 1944, 1945, and 1946. In 1946, unit 2 is burned. Thus, in 1947, unit 1 should furnish some pasturage, whereas unit 2 should produce a relatively large amount of forage. In 1949 unit 3 is burned ; hence in 1950 unit 2 should still be producing some forage, although the major pasture use would be expected from unit 3. In 1952 the burning rotation starts all over again, since in the intervening nine years enough brush growth will have taken place on unit 1 for effective reburning. A plan of rotation burning, such as proposed, must not be construed as a method of ridding an area of sprouting brush and permanently replacing it with grass. Within about five years after burning, the brush may have reoc- cupied the area even more densely than before burning. In the interim, how- ever, there should have been an increase of palatable forage for a period of two to four years, perhaps without excessive cost to the operator. Cost of Broadcast Burning. — Actual cash outlay by landowners for broad- cast burning of brush fields is usually small, partly because they use rancher cooperative help during the actual burning. Most of the labor involved con- sists of building fire breaks prior to burning. From 7 to 12 men, according to the control necessary, are generally adequate to burn an area of about 100 acres. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 111 Prior to burning, the cost for construction of the necessary fire breaks, as directed by the state forest ranger, varies from about 25 cents to 85 cents an acre — the cost depending on topography, natural barriers, character of bor- derland areas, season, kind of brush, and the type of adjoining lands that must be protected from fire. The range in cost of broadcast burning is illustrated by two cases given below; the data were furnished by the State Division of For- estry. Case 1. White Cottage Eanch, Napa County; cost of burning standing chaparral on a 100-acre area: Per 100 acres Per acre Construction of fire lines, 2 men at 35 cents an hour, 4 days of 8 hours each $ 22.40 Actual control time, 5 men at 35 cents an hour, 3 days of 12 hours each 63.00 Cost per acre to stockman $0.85 State Fire Control man, 5 days at $130 per month 21.65 Travel expense and car 20.00 Cost per acre ot state 0.42 $ 0.00 37.80 $0.25 21.65 20.00 0.28 Total costs $127.05 $1.27 Case 2. Linser Eanch, Napa County; cost of burning standing chaparral on a 150-acre area: Per 150 acres Per acre Construction of fire lines Actual control time, 3 men at 35 cents an hour, 3 days of 12 hours each Cost per acre to stockman State Fire Control man, 5 days at $130 per month Travel expense and car Cost per acre to state Total costs $79.45 $0.53 The rancher must pay all expenses incurred in burning, except those of the special fire-control man, who is paid by the state. Although the Linser area was 50 per cent larger than the other, the total cost to the stockman of burning the area was less than half that for the smaller one. This difference in cost was due to variations in natural conditions, such as character of cover, topography, burning weather, natural barriers, and season of the year. The last two factors directly affected the labor expenditure for firebreaks and for fire control. The two examples, as indicated, show that the cost depends largely upon local conditions and that each proposed burn presents specific problems. Hence no set rule or formula to compute cost can be set down which will cover all cases. In the two extreme cases cited, the total average cost of burning would be 90 cents per acre, of which the cost to the owner would be 55 cents per acre. REMOVAL OF BRUSH AND TREE GROWTH BY METHODS OTHER THAN BROADCAST BURNING Scattered throughout the oak- woodland and chaparral associations are some areas of deep soils which are much above average in productivity. Necessary 112 University of California — Experiment Station administrative restrictions by the state on season and locality of broadcast burning, as well as the risk of such burning, have resulted in the initiation of various fire-safe methods by ranchers for removing the brush from these better lands. Where areas are being cleared for a specific form of cultivation, the initial cost of the removal of the brush is often a relatively small factor as corn- Fig. 40. — A, Interior live oak felled in winter and permitted to dry until autumn, when the area was burned. B, Oak stumps on part of area shown in A, in process of removal by further burning. Natural grass cover was more than doubled by this clearing process. Mendocino County. pared with the returns subsequently obtained from the land. When perma- nently cleared of the brush and tree growth, such areas become a highly important and continuously reliable asset to the owner. But where brush is removed merely to increase the grazing capacity, and the land is not to be cul- tivated, the cost of clearing is speculative. In any case, however, such cost must not be disproportionate to the value of the land. Clearing methods which are in fairly common use are still in the developmental stage, and are Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 113 Fig. 41. — Eedwood slope logged off, followed by heavy growth of blue blos- som and redwood sprouts, which must be chopped and burned if area is to be opened up. A, At left is shown the lopped and burned portion, with good grass cover ; at right, a charred tangle of brush is left standing after broadcast burn- ing. B, Area temporarily cleared by chopping and burning, at a cost of about $10 an acre. After burning the lopped, dry brush late in the autumn, the area was heavily seeded to redtop, perennial ryegrass, smilo, orchard grass, and common yellow mustard. A good stand of these plants was procured the first year after seeding, but in the third season the introduced plants had almost completely given way to annual grasses and weeds. Coastal region, Mendocino County. based more upon initial cost of removal of the brush than upon long-time returns from the cleared lands. Brush-disposal practices, other than by broad- cast burning, may be grouped under three headings : hand methods, mechan- ical methods, and biological methods. 114 University of California — Experiment Station Hand Methods. — Hand methods include lopping, cutting, and girdling of brush and trees. One or more of these operations may be used in conjunction with burning, and are frequently an essential part of the other methods de- scribed later. Lopping 29 : This procedure is too expensive for general use on dense chapar- ral lands. Even on oak-woodland areas the cost of lopping is prohibitive, except where the soil is unusually fertile, as oak brush can seldom be cleared for less than about $20.00 per acre (fig. 40). On logged redwood lands, how- ever, the common blue blossom can be lopped at a cost of $7.00 to $10.00 an acre. After lopping, the blue blossom brush is allowed to dry until autumn, when it is burned. The large numbers of young lush seedlings of this species Fig. 42. — A, Angora goats in grass-Avoodland cover feeding upon brush of ceanothus, manzanita, and wild rose. The central grassy portion of the area for- merly supported a heavy brush stand, but the goats killed sprouts and seedlings after the bushes were chopped and burned. Tehama County. B, Two-year-old sprouts from a stump of interior live oak. Such sprouts are killed by continuous close browsing by goats. Live-oak sprouts are harder to kill than those of other oaks, and must be cut back if they get beyond reach of the goats. El Dorado County. which come in after burning furnish superior browse for sheep and goats for two seasons (fig. 41) . In order to kill all the sprouting species of brush, the suckers must be cut back every year or two. As many as three to five cuttings of the sprouts may be required before all the oak, or sprouting chaparral, is killed. Despite the high cost, the subsequent removal of the sprouts is a necessary supplement to other clearing methods. Cutting 30 : On many oak-woodland areas, oak trees are cut for commercial fuel in conjunction with clearing of the land. Following the initial cutting, spring sucker growth must be kept down by hand-cutting, or by close browsing by goats (fig. 42). Wooded areas located near a favorable market yield an average of $1.50 to $2.00 per cord stumpage, and usually yield from one to 29 Lopping, as here used, refers to the removal of brush and small trees by chopping at or near the ground level. 30 Cutting is a term used to designate the felling of trees of commercial size by sawing or chopping or both. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 115 three cords of wood per acre. Provided fencing is already adequate, the owner can also make a small profit, or he can at least break even, by pasturing goats on the sprouts. Even the expense of fencing may be offset by the sale of wood. Fuel wood sells for about $8.00 per cord in the field (fig. 43). Fig. 43. — A, An area cleared by cutting oak for fuel wood. The land will be covered with oak brush in five or six years if sprouts are not controlled. Goats confined to this area would kill the sprouts in approximately three years. B, Oak woodland in the process of being cleared by cutting and goat-browsing. Note the shade trees in the background. There is a dense stand of California melic grass in the foreground. The ricked wood is to be sold. Sprouting stumps in the background will be killed by goat -browsing. El Dorado County. Girdling : This method is used for disposing of trees, or patches of timber on productive lands, with a minimum of expense. Girdling is a relatively inex- pensive method, where it is not the aim to salvage the wood for fuel, posts, or other purposes. Moreover, after girdling the live-oak trees sprout much less than after burning or cutting. Digger pine is the only conifer girdled to any extent in the foothills for land-clearing purposes, but occasionally Douglas-fir and redwood are so 116 University of California — Experiment Station treated. Girdling of conifers is done with an ordinary ax, in the spring of the year when the "sap is flowing." The trees usually die in one or two years, and fall to the ground in three or four years after girdling, following which the refuse is burned on the ground. The chief advantage of girdling oak trees in a land-clearing operation, as indicated, is to prevent extensive sprouting after removal of the top growth. Not more than about 10 per cent of older live oak trees sprout after being girdled, whereas most of the stumps sprout when the trees are merely felled. In contrast, about 50 per cent of the young live oak trees sprout after girdling, about 5 per cent of the younger white oaks sprout, and it is a rarity to find a mature white oak which sprouts after girdling. Oak trees are girdled by ham- ? (:i 'i : • :,■: ■ '/, ■■■ . ■: 5 mtsi *-*i ; W'*>1 - , . ■ 11 j | Ihb *; ■ •., *'J . , l ■** - v, - f .... *?- . - ' ;> *; ; j^ Fig. 44. — A, Girdled blue oak, showing how the bark is broken away from the base of the tree with a poleax. One man can girdle 125 to 150 trees in a single day. B, Digger pine girdled with an ax. Trees thus girdled die and fall to the ground within three years. The wood of Digger pine is valueless; unwanted trees are easily disposed of in this way. Amador County. mering away the bark 12 to 16 inches above the base of the tree with the back of a poleax (fig. 44). The initial cost of girdling oak lands of average stand amounts to about $5.00 per acre. With stands of smaller trees, additional work must be undertaken on the area each season until all the sprouts are killed. The individual trees die in one to three years after girdling — most of them the first year — and topple over in four to six years. Since the wood of fallen trees is hard and tough, burning during low-fire-risk periods is recommended for their disposal. If fires are run over the area about three times at two-year intervals after girdling, many of the oak sprouts are killed, and the period required for the trees to fall to the ground is shortened. Mechanical Methods. — Mechanical methods are those concerned with re- moval of brush by machinery. Two rather widely adopted brush-removing practices, both involving the use of a caterpillar tractor, are outlined below. Bulldozing : This method involves the use of a bulldozing blade fastened to a caterpillar. It can be used on lands up to about 30 per cent gradient. Nearly Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 117 all kinds of brush, as well as oak and pine trees up to about 8 inches in diame- ter, can be removed. The initial cost of clearing chamise lands in this way, in normal times, averages around $3.50 per acre; for bulldozing out heavy stands of oak brush and trees the cost is much higher. The work is usually done in the Fig. 45. — A, Heavy chamise stand bulldozed and plowed after seed of the brush had germinated. B, Area treated two years previously as indicated in A. The volunteer cover consists of annual grasses and weeds of fair to good forage value. Amador County. spring when the subsoil is moist enough to afford minimum root resistance, but when the ground has become dry enough to give traction for the caterpillar. The method has sometimes had a disturbing influence upon the soil on hilly land, resulting in erosion. In later operations the soil is plowed or disked; ero- sion loss may be prevented by plowing hilly lands along the contour. The 118 University of California — Experiment Station contour furrows also kill the older remaining brush plants by exposing the root crowns, and also kill many chaparral seedlings (fig. 45). The additional cost of plowing and removal of suckers is about $3.00 an acre, making the total cost about $6.50 per acre. Occasionally there is some sprouting after bulldoz- ing where the stand of brush is heavy, or where the root crowDs are not removed. A limited amount of hand work with an adz will usually eliminate such young sprouts and root suckers. Caterpillar-cable method : This less popular method involves the use of 50 to 75 feet of heavy cable, fastened to the tractor as a dragline. The free end of the cable is hooked around a clump of brush, and as tension is applied by the forward movement of the tractor, the brush is pulled out by the roots. This method works well in heavy stands of manzanita, but it is usually more expen- sive than bulldozing. Where larger brush is eradicated by this method, the disturbing influence upon the soil is sometimes severe since the earth is deeply gouged as the caterpillar gains traction. In the mechanical methods described, the brush is windrowed or dragged into large piles, allowed to dry, and burned after the serious fire season has passed. Biological Methods. — Brush clearing by so-called "biological" methods is essentially concerned with destruction of sprouts and woody seedlings after the cover has been lopped, chopped, or burned broadcast. Goats, and to a less extent deer, are the most effective animals used in killing interior live oak, which is common to the extensive woodland-grass area, and certain other chaparral plants. Clearing by goats : When sprouts of interior live oak begin to appear, after cutting or burning, goats are placed on the area, the aim being to keep the young shoots and seedlings browsed down. The browsing must be heavy enough to prevent the sprouts from getting out of reach of the animals. Thus the goats are restricted to relatively small areas, usually by fencing. In order to destroy the oak sprouts, some areas require three goats to the acre the year round, and others as low as one goat on 2 acres, for the first two years after cutting. In the third and subsequent seasons larger acreage per animal is required to maintain the goats in fairly good condition, for the vegetation gradually changes from a browse cover to one of grass. The lands must be continuously stocked to the full capacity of the browse, usually for three to five years ; otherwise only a portion of the sprouting growth will be destroyed. If the area to be cleared is not fenced to assure adequate browsing by the goats, or if the animals are not properly cared for, the owner may receive no direct profit from them, yet he will gain through destruction of some of the brush. True, the construction of goat-proof fence is costly. If the cost of fenc- ing is not taken into consideration, $0.75 to $2.00 profit a year on each nanny, while clearing the brush, may be realized. Profit from goats, however, is likely to be low when the time required to take care of the kids is considered ; a kid crop entails about three times more work than does a lamb crop. The invest- ment in goats, in the necessary permanent improvements, and in fences, makes for fairly high initial clearing costs by this method, but records show it has paid well on fairly productive areas. Goats are partial to young sprouts of interior live oak, and to wedgeleaf Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 119 ceanothus, which commonly grow in combination in the woodland-grass asso- ciation ; they prefer this browse to that of many other chaparral species. They will, however, feed upon young sprouts of many other brush species, such as chamise, lemmon ceanothus, poison oak, and manzanita, where there is limited live oak ; but these plants are not browsed close enough to be killed unless the goats are starved to feed upon them. Clearing by deer : Young chaparral sprouts and seedlings on small burned areas may be so heavily browsed by deer as to be destroyed in two or three seasons. The burns must be small enough to encourage complete utilization of all the new woody growth. Under such close cropping, the leaves of chamise, one of the most vigorously sprouting forms, grow stemless over the root crown after the first year, and may be completely eliminated by the end of the second year. Larger burns, which do not compel such concentrated deer browsing, fail to result in clearings. The experience of one Lake County stockman indi- cated that burns of about 6 acres were the maximum which could be cleared by deer on his ranch ; 4 to 5 acres were more likely to be cleared. The density of deer populations chiefly determines the maximum practical size of clearing in different regions. Only on choice sites may heavy grass stands be expected to replace the brush killed out by the deer. The higher moisture content of repeatedly browsed and regenerating sprouts and seedlings on burns, associated with relatively low crude-fiber con- tent, and high crude-protein levels, as revealed by chemical analysis, might seem to be reasons why deer browse these small burns so much more closely than the contiguous unburned chaparral. COMPARISON OF BRUSH-REMOVAL METHODS The advisability of using any one specific brush-clearing method is limited by so many different factors and conditions that only general recommenda- tions can be made. On steep slopes, total removal of brush by any method, fol- lowed by close grazing or cultivation, is usually not advisable because of the danger of excessive erosion. Even on moderately steep slopes, the mechanical methods are not applicable because of difficulties of manipulation, and the danger of soil loss. On the gentle slopes the method most adaptable depends upon a number of other conditions. Cutting or chopping should precede use of the area by goats, but these methods are tedious and fairly expensive ; there- fore they are applicable only on the better lands. Heavy broadcast burning, although entailing fire risk, is the least expensive in temporarily opening up the dense stands of sprouting forms of brush ; but the benefits derived seldom exceed a duration of about three to four years. A rotation-burning plan, in which advantage is taken of the temporary influx of herbaceous plants, is useful on areas of sprouting brush, if they are to be used more or less regularly for grazing. On nonsprouting brush areas a two-year burning plan, with little or no grazing during that period, is usually effective in converting the brush cover to grassland. Where dense chaparral, or oak browse, occupies soils of high quality, one of the mechanical methods described above is useful, as the brush is immediately and almost completely eliminated, and is followed by strong successions of grasses of fairly high carrying capacity. Care must be taken, however, to fur- 120 University of California — Experiment Station row on the contour in order to avoid excessive soil loss by erosion, and to destroy the brush seedlings. In localities of heavy deer population, close browsing by these animals is effective in eliminating sprouting brush from small burns. Four to 6 acres has been effectively cleared in a few localities of heavy deer population by this means. In the adoption of any method of clearing, it is important to weigh probable returns against the costs. Areas of steep, rocky, and thin soils are wholly un- suitable for mechanical clearing effort, or even for the less expensive broadcast burning. Only highly productive sites should be considered in complete me- chanical clearing. On such sites, broadcast burning, with the hope of only two to four years of increased forage, may be less practical in the long run than the use of one of the more expensive but more permanent mechanical or bio- logical methods described. COMPARATIVE GRAZING VALUES OF DIFFERENT BRUSH COVERS Relative Forage Values. — Some forms of burned brush stands are clearly superior to others for grazing purposes. Although the relative palatability of the different kinds and combinations of brush merits consideration, other fac- tors may have greater weight in determining the usability of the brush fields. The nonsprouting stands of chaparral, restricted in area but generally fairly accessible, with relatively few exceptions have productive soils, and clearly rank first in value among the brush stands, in that they give much the best immediate and permanent results after broadcast burning. The purest and most extensive stands of nonsprouting hard brush occur typically in the lower margins of cutover and burned timberlands, and in the upper stretches of the grassland zone below the timber. Conversion of such lands to a volunteer grass cover is relatively simple and inexpensive. After destruc- tion of the brush by burning, the grass cover soon becomes abundant, and is generally composed of a number of the better annual grasses and broad-leaved herbs, with some scattered perennials. The association of interior live oak and blue oak ranks second in forage value after cutting, girdling, or burning. Since this cover is also generally accessible, it is useful for grazing during fall, winter, and spring. The produc- tivity of these lands is fairly high, and may be judged in advance by the luxuriance of the tree growth. After the removal of the trees and the de- struction of the sprouts (p. 71) a permanent, dense, and high-yielding grass cover usually comes in. A carrying capacity of 10 to 20 acres per cow unit for the grazing season of about 8 months is not exceptional on cleared lands in this association. The grazing capacity of many such oak lands has been more than doubled by removal of all but desirable shade trees, and by destruction of the Oak sprouts. Chamise and other sprouting chaparral covers, which comprise by far the most extensive part of the chaparral association, are of third rank. Of these lands the more or less pure chamise has an even lower rating than the mixed sprouting chaparral cover. When mixed chaparral stands on moderately fer- tile soils are burned, they usually produce a somewhat larger amount, and Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 121 greater variety, of herbaceous growth than do those of chamise ; and the assort- ment of browse is more palatable when young. The extensive, poorer chaparral and chamise lands leave little in the way of choice. It is the burning of these inferior, sprouting chaparral areas that accounts for much of the adverse opinion concerning the value of brush burn- ing or mechanical clearing. These covers occupy the more rugged lands of the chaparral association, which, generally considered, embraces the most inferior soils found in the foothill regions of the state. Much of the area supporting these covers is relatively inaccessible to livestock. So inferior are many of these lands that removal of the brush by mechanical devices, or even leveling the unburned stems in order to dispose of them by burning a second time, is not justified. The soil types of some of the more extensive brush-covered areas appear to influence the results obtained by burning. The Aiken soil series, for example, often referred to as "the red soil," is among the most extensive and the least productive of the soil series in the northern counties of the state. In the inter- mediate to more elevated lands of the foothill belt this soil type is often occu- pied by chamise. A large proportion of these lands, burned or unburned, is of low value for grazing, a fact which many stockmen have come to recognize through experience. The old unburned stands found on these soils contain almost no understory cover, and when burned they frequently produce but little herbaceous vegetation of good forage quality. Two to three years of inferior grazing is about all that can be expected after burning such areas ; they are clearly submarginal for grazing purposes. Utilization by Cattle, Sheep, and Goats. — Cattle forage upon a large variety of herbaceous plants common to burned chaparral areas after adapting them- selves to this vegetation. They show strong preference for the young grass, but species of such plants as filaree, lotus, mustard, white hawkweed, and several others are taken throughout the grazing period. Early in the season, common soap-plant, woolly-yarrow, California figwort, Napa star thistle, and a fair number of other such broad-leaved herbs are closely cropped, these being taken with a small proportion of the young chamise, sprouting manzanitas, and other such chaparral sprouts. Later in the season, young shoots of California buckeye, ceanothus, interior live oak, California scrub oak, poison oak, and western mountain-mahogany are also browsed. On unburned chaparral lands cattle are inclined to feed upon the browse at an earlier date than on the burned areas, presumably because of the lesser abundance of understory herbs. Sheep feed upon a combined diet of grasses, broad-leaved herbs, and browse, throughout the grazing season, and thus utilize more fully the vegetation of burned chaparral areas than do cattle. Also sheep seem to have less seasonal preference for forage and browse than do cattle; they feed upon a large variety of early-season chaparral sprouts and seedlings, including chamise and broad-leaved herbs. In some instances sheep have been observed to main- tain themselves in good condition on burned areas where cattle have been restless and in poor condition because of unsuitable forage. And where many coarse stems are left on an area after burning, sheep seem to make better use of the forage than do cattle. Although goats browse extensively upon chamise and sprouting chaparral 122 University of California — Experiment Station lands after broadcast burning, in only a few instances do these animals destroy the brush, except around small camp sites or on holding grounds. Sev- eral factors account for the failure to destroy the brush, foremost of which is the fact that owners of large bands of goats must keep the animals in good condition if satisfactory returns are to be obtained. For this reason, the goats are not held overlong on burned areas, but are moved to fresh areas before the browse of any one portion is closely cropped. Moreover, burned chaparral lands are suitable for goats, as they are for other kinds of livestock, only dur- ing the period when the sprouts are young and succulent. One peculiarity in the utilization of the sprouts of hard brush by goats is that most of this vegeta- tion becomes unpalatable to these animals at a specific growth stage. In feed- ing on chamise, for example, the goats strip the young sprouts of their leaf fascicles with some eagerness for several weeks in the spring. As this vegeta- tion hardens slightly, in April in Tehama and Shasta counties, an entire band of goats, within a day or two, completely loses appetite for this browse, and tends to travel extensively, apparently in search of other feed. The herd must then be removed to a different form of vegetation or the gains, or good condi- tion previously attained on the area, will be lost. In about 2 weeks after removal of the goats, the browsed chamise bushes are ref oliated, thus recuper- ating their vigor. This sudden lack of appetite for chamise also applies to several other species of chaparral, but not to the live oak and white oak cover, which is browsed with gusto throughout the season. Poisonous Plants. — The marked influx of such poisonous plants as larkspur and death camas, following burning in some areas, is important in considering forage values on burns. The danger is so great in some localities that stockmen decline to place their stock, especially sheep, on brush areas until the second or third year after burning. Experience has taught them that this delayed use is necessary to avoid heavy losses from poisoning. Obviously, not all chaparral areas contain large numbers of poisonous plants. Because of early maturity of the forage, and its marked inferiority at later growth stages, however, there is a tendency to place the animals on burned brush areas too early in the season. Some species of poisonous plants are known to be several times more toxic in the very early growth stage than later. Some such species are among the earliest to appear in the spring ; there- fore, in the absence of ample, wholesome, early forage, toxic or lethal amounts of poisonous plants may be taken. Larkspur, for example, has been reported to be three to ten times more toxic to cattle in the early leaf stage than when in flower, and as much as sixteen times more toxic than when in the late fruit stage (89). Some cattlemen have wisely used the flowering stage of larkspur as a guide in determining when to admit cattle on burned areas. Accordingly, some burned brush areas afford safe and satisfactory pasturage for only about 4 to 6 weeks in the late spring. Even so short a period of use, however, is of value under many circumstances, for the brushland pasturage may tide over a period until better forage is available elsewhere. Not only are the early weeks of the spring period dangerous in some local- ities, but losses to sheep from feeding upon death camas may be somewhat serious throughout the season. Other poisonous plants may cause losses to cattle. In one authenticated instance an operator in Shasta County placed Bul. 085] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 123 1,000 cattle of various ages, and of both sexes, on a chamise area burned the previous fall. Fifty -three of these animals, including both old and young indi- viduals, died mainly from larkspur poisoning during early spring, and many Fig. 46. — A, Foothill death camas; B, Meadow death camas; C, Fremont death camas ; D, small-meadow death camas. others recovered from poison sickness. This operator placed no cattle on the area in the following seasons. Although the toxicity of some poisonous plants, such as death camas, varies little with the season, seasonal change differs between species {65, 66) . Differ- ent parts of the plant also vary in toxicity. 124 University of California — Experiment Station Death camas is widespread in distribution ; one or more species may appear among the earliest plants on burned areas in northern California. The various species of these plants differ markedly in their poisonous properties. The large- flowered forms, such as Fremont death camas (fig. 46), with relatively few flowers on an open stalk, are far less toxic than the small-flowered forms, such as meadow, foothill, and small meadow death camas (fig. 46, a, b, and d). The latter have numerous small flowers, more or less congested into a pyramidal inflorescence at the apex of the stem. The greater part of all losses of sheep from these species in California, and in fact throughout the West, is caused by some form of the meadow death camas. Summary of Grazing Values. — Cattle feed only limitedly upon species of chaparral, unless forced by hunger to do so. Usually cattle are not maintained in good condition on brush fields unless there is a fair abundance of grass. Sheep, on the other hand, feed throughout the spring and early summer on a combination of herbs and young chaparral browse. They can often be main- tained in good condition on brush areas which are unsatisfactory for cattle. Goats may be maintained upon sprouting chaparral and chamise during the first two years after burning. They are not nearly so effective in clearing the hard brush cover, however, as they are in destroying sprouts of live oak and associated browse plants, since they will only feed for a part of the spring period upon sprouts of chaparral and chamise. During the season of non- palatability, the brush regains its vigor. In some localities poisonous plants are so abundant on newly burned areas that the increased forage produced may be offset by losses and sickness of the stock. EFFECT OF FIRE ON WILDLIFE AND RECREATION Wildlife and, to a lesser extent, recreation sites are of importance in some chaparral areas. Considering the general increase in hunting and outdoor life the public in the future is likely to place more value on these resources. Since fire may greatly influence the animal numbers and recreational land values, the more pertinent data on the effects of brush burning are here presented. Effect on Small Mammals. — Various small mammals suffer temporary popu- lation reduction from the effects of fire because of the nature of the habitats which they occupy. Tree squirrels and other tree and brush dwellers, for ex- ample, are reduced in numbers during large conflagrations because they instinctively dash to their homes for protection; naturally such burned areas are not restocked by these animals until the taller vegetation has been re-estab- lished (63, 84, 85). On the other hand, the destruction by fire of the smaller mammals which dwell on the surface is mostly temporary (except rabbits, whose population remains low for several years), for enough animals escape the fire to provide a breeding nucleus (61, 62). Moreover, the natural succes- sion of annual vegetation following burning usually provides an improved habitat for the rapid breeding of most surface dwellers during the following few years {24). Animals that burrow, such as ground squirrels, gophers, bad- gers, and some species of mice are little harmed directly by fire (43, 85). Thus Horn, 31 working on experimental chaparral burns in northern California, 31 Unpublished data. E. E. Horn, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 125 found by actual trapping records covering several successive years, that mice and squirrels soon reached higher populations on the burned areas than occurred on adjoining unburned plots. Usually enough food was found to remain on newly burned chaparral lands to support the surviving mammals. The food supply of those rodents that go into summer and autumn dormancy underground, such as various small ground squirrels, are not immediately affected by fire, since they do not emerge until a new crop of vegetation is available. Since the larger predators, such as coyote and fox, are relatively mobile, they are little affected by fire unless extensive areas are burned. These crea- tures temporarily move to adjacent food sources of unburned areas, but return when their prey increases. The destruction of small mammals has a secondary detrimental effect on carnivorous fur-bearing animals. Many such mammals may escape the direct effect of the fire, but the reduction of their food supply, notably that of the rodents, causes the fur-bearers to starve after large fires. Where the acre- age burned is small these animals migrate to more favorable adjoining habitats (63). Effect on Deer Population. — Extensive fires are known to kill many deer, whereas small fires are more often beneficial than harmful. Although only limited data are available to show the effect of extensive chaparral fires on deer, reports indicate that the direct kill due to large fires is often great. After the 1928 Cahuila fire, for example, 300 deer carcasses were found on a rela- tively small area (92) ; and the Anderson Valley fire caused the death of 59 deer on 212 acres. 32 Loss of forage for deer is often a serious indirect effect immediately after large fires. California deer are more or less dependent upon the lower chaparral areas as a source of food during the winter, 33 these lands being a limiting factor on some deer ranges. Fires occurring on these critical areas aggravate overgrazing by, and starvation of, deer. Evidence indicates, on the other hand, that small fires are generally not harmful to deer. The agility of these animals allows them to leave burns of a few acres without being injured. Furthermore, according to Horn (43), these animals usually return to burned brush areas the following year to feed upon sprouting chaparral and other succulent feed. In northern California the writer noted on many occasions that deer fed extensively upon the young chaparral sprout growth. Special chemical studies of browse samples have revealed that the nutri- tional level of chaparral may be somewhat extended by encouraging the growth of crown sprouts, especially where such regeneration growth is kept closely browsed down. Just how this finding may be applied to deer manage- ment plans on intensively used areas in the state is yet to be determined. Re- moval of the top growth on small, relatively level areas, by carefully controlled burning, or in some other way, might, perhaps, be instituted without serious deterioration of the site. 32 Report to the writer from J. R. JIall, Forest Supervisor, Stanislaus National Forest, California. 33 Conference of writer with Ivan Sack, in charge of Fish and Game Management, Region 5, U. S. Forest Service, 'San Francisco, California, 1939. 126 University of California — Experiment Station The attraction of deer to fresh burns was known to the Indians, who evi- dently burned small areas in order to localize deer for hunting purposes. Small burns are usually intensively browsed because of the adjoining protective cover and the relatively high palatability of the chaparral sprouts. The con- centration of deer on small burned areas is often so acute as to cause excessive killing or poaching, and may necessitate closed seasons and strict supervision {45,109,110). The attraction of deer to recently burned areas has received some attention as a means of diverting these animals from agricultural lands. However, a sur- vey of the observations of ranchers who have practiced brush burning showed that deer move to lower elevations at certain periods in the winter regardless of the treatment of the brushlands, and that cereal crops, cultivated pastures, and vines are preferred to chaparral, whether the latter has been burned or not. Influence on Bird Life. — Game birds are killed in large numbers by fire, and their nests, cover, and food may be largely destroyed (101, 102). Clarke (17) noted that three or four years elapsed before pre-fire numbers of birds occurred again on the burned areas studied. The direct kill of game birds by fire has been severe in parts of California. In 1928, for example, more than 4,000 quail were lost in relatively large, rap- idly moving brush fires in southern California ; and a 12,000-acre fire in Yolo County accounted for the death of approximately 3,000 quail (108). The destruction of food and cover by fires is also noteworthy. Stoddard (102) has shown that burning of grass of the previous years' growth is unfavorable to the building of quail nests. Leopold (61, 62) noted the need of luxuriant vege- tation for nests in the spring, and for food and cover in fall and winter. Small, controlled fires, where burning is done at the proper season, appear to be beneficial in some areas, in intensive quail management. Schierbeck (92) noted the dependence of some forms of wildlife on food plants produced on burns. Stoddard (102) observed that carefully controlled, small fires on some areas in the South are favorable to the propagation of the bobwhite. Sumner (104) also concluded that burning of patches of an acre or so of brush is bene- ficial to the quail population in California. The aim should be to spot-burn small areas where suitable food plants may supplement the spring and winter quail feed. The adjacent thickets serve as protective cover. Such restricted burning, however, is expensive since the operation must be carried out under careful planning and absolute control. Secondary Effects on Fish. — Consideration of the essentials of a good fish- ing stream, and the reactions imposed upon it by a fire, seems important since a number of fishing streams head in or pass through the chaparral areas. Pearse (73) has mentioned various requisites of a fish stream, some of which may be adversely affected by burning, namely : ample, prolific stream-bank vegetation; range in temperature suitable to the species of fish concerned; sufficient oxygen to support aquatic life, without excess of carbon dioxide; water relatively free of suspended silt, ash, and dissolved impurities; and acidity relations which are not beyond the range of endurance of the fish. By destruction of stream-bank vegetation, fire reduces the insect supply normally inhabiting this vegetation; and it also affects indirectly temperature Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 127 and oxygen relations (76). Rise in temperature reduces the dissolved gases in the water and upsets the oxygen balance. The increased supply of organic matter carried into the streams after a fire, undergoes decomposition and thus reduces the oxygen content of the water (19). Fish are less able to with- stand a decreased oxygen supply in alkaline water (116). A hot, extensive fire on a watershed, followed by rains and heavy runoff, may carry such quantities of ash, sand, and silt into the water as to be injurious or destructive to all species of fish. The damage may be essentially mechanical by scouring the streambeds of food, and by silting the water so heavily that fish are unable to respire normally (85). Although the pH concentration of stream water may be measurably changed by the additions of ash from burns, fish seem to endure wide ranges of pH. The pH factor is apparently not of especial importance unless the change is great, such as may occur in some small streams (73). Effect on Recreational Areas. — The chaparral lands are used only limitedly for recreational purposes other than for hunting and fishing. The extent and location of the areas so used, however, emphasize the importance of knowledge of the relation of fire to recreation. Studies indicate that extensive brush fires are injurious to the best interests of the tourist trade. Hunting, fishing, relaxa- tion, and enjoyment of natural beauty are the chief attractions of areas sought by the public. Tourist travel to areas recently blackened by burning is greatly reduced both during fires and for some years thereafter. Tourists not only leave areas in or adjacent to fires, but they bring back stories of the unsatisfac- tory condition of the area, with the results that friends and neighbors spend their vacations elsewhere (99) . MAGNITUDE OF THE BRUSH-BURNING PROBLEM Earlier in this report several important aspects of brush burning were con- sidered with regard to individual areas. In evaluating brush burning from the viewpoint of management and administration, one question in particular arises, namely : What is the importance and the magnitude of brush burning, or brush control, in the chaparral area of the state as a whole ? Figure 1 shows that the chaparral association occurs throughout the foothill areas of the state, extending almost from its northern boundary to its most southerly border. The fact that the chaparral cover occurs in many counties might lead to the conclusion that brush control is of importance over the state as a whole. This viewpoint is not supported by the actual conditions. Except for isolated spots in other areas, brush burning is largely confined to certain counties in regions I and IV (fig. 1). Region I, embracing Lake and Mendocino counties on the coastal slope, and Tehama and Shasta counties in the interior of the state, constitutes the principal area in which broadcast burn- ing is rather extensively practiced. The northern portion of region IV, from Yuba to Calaveras County, contains most of the brush-burning or brush- control areas of the Sierra Nevada slopes. In the other three regions the necessity of maintaining the natural plant cover intact on important water- sheds and water storage areas precludes intentional burning of standing brush, except in localized areas. The elaborate federal-, state-, and county- sponsored flood-control programs, now well under way in parts of southern California, have provided a network of fire lanes and roads designed to aid in 128 University of California — Experiment Station controlling fires which might otherwise spread over extensive areas. Facilities for speedy re-establishment of the cover on areas accidentally burned have also been provided. So strongly entrenched has become the philosophy of fire prevention with the public, and with officials who are responsible for the ad- ministration of these lands on important watersheds in the southern part of the state, that occasional requests by landowners to burn even small areas of brush are usually refused. The areas upon which brush burning is commonly practiced involve no more than about 30 per cent of the state's chaparral land. Even in the northern counties where land clearing or brush control now constitutes an important problem, broadcast burning is localized because of wide diversity of land uses and conditions. Where public interests clearly outweigh the probable values that might accrue to the landowner from burning, public opinion, fire damage, and state and local laws, all compel the landowner to curb his fire program. The brush-burning problem is further restricted locally by recognition among some stockmen that the cost of the forage obtained by the burning of some chaparral lands is too high owing to its low yield and poor quality, and to the protective and control measures that must be taken. In some areas, how- ever, families are found who own so little open country that they can make a livelihood only by systematically burning the brush. Sympathy for the efforts of these small operators appears in some instances to have assumed such prom- inence that the general importance of brush burning over the state has been exaggerated. The most general desire of accomplishment of a brush-clearance program is that of permanent removal of the brush, rather than merely to burn down the cover and await its recovery. A program of permanently clearing away the brush, the techniques of which have been discussed, should obviously be fo- cused upon the more productive areas. Brush -burning or other brush-clearance expenditures on the submarginal lands of thin, often steep-sloping, inferior soils, whose forage yield at best is low and inferior, should be held to the minimum. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A study of plant succession on burns in the chaparral and oak-woodland associations of California, initiated in 1925, was conducted on sample plots, and the broader phases verified by surveys of ranches, chiefly in the northern counties of the state. The field work was supplemented by laboratory experi- ments. Special background studies were included to aid in the interpretation of the results. Extent, Nature, and Uses of Foothill Lands. — Slightly more than 7 per cent, or about 7,300,000 acres of the foothill area of the state, lying below 5,000 feet in elevation, is occupied by chaparral, the species of which are characterized by simple, small, thick leaves, and extensive root systems. This cover occurs in two strips which run nearly the length of the state. Chaparral is represented by two distinct growth forms — sprouting and nonsprouting species. When cut or burned, the sprouting forms send up vigorous shoots from a swollen base or "crown," and therefore are exceedingly difficult to eradicate by fire. In con- trast, stands of the nonsprouting forms are destroyed by cutting, or by a single fire, although the invading seedlings must be killed later on. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 129 The chaparral association may be divided into five regions according to dif- ferences in climate, topography, soil, and species of brush. Its distribution seems chiefly to be delimited to areas where the temperature does not exceed 100° F for long periods and where the average annual precipitation does not fall below about 10 inches, or go much above 35 inches. The three most im- portant uses of the chaparral lands are those of watershed, grazing, and timber production; additional uses are those of playground sites, hunting and some fishing, summer homesites, and areas cleared for permanent residences. Inter- mingled with, or adjacent to the chaparral association are redwood, Douglas- fir, and ponderosa pine forests of present or future commercial value. Brush-Burning Viewpoints and Practices. — Contrary to the claims of some persons, burning of brushlands by the Indians evidently was restricted both because of their sparse population in chaparral regions, and because of their mode of life. Fire, when used, was primarily to facilitate hunting and to aid in gathering food plants. Burning for such purposes apparently was not ex- tensive enough measurably to enlarge or to decrease the present chaparral areas, or to keep extensive stands open by repeated burning. Broadcast chaparral burning apparently reached maximum proportions through activities of the white settler, in the eighties. Enforcement of fire laws since then, together with the adoption of the permit system of burning, appears to have resulted in some decrease in accidental and in incendiary burning. A survey of experience and opinion among 80 stockmen in northern counties concerning broadcast bursh burning indicated that the forage on burns is fair to good in quality during the spring and early summer, and that the carrying capacity is usually increased for two to four years, according to the quality of the soil. They also felt that soil erosion is not generally a serious problem. Although strongly marked differences of opinion were reported concerning the value of burning in different localities, including most of the familiar claims such as increased water supply, protection from destructive fires, and insect, rodent, and rattlesnake control, 18 of the 20 stockmen who favored burning of all forms of vegetation resided in Shasta and Tehama counties. In contrast, several stockmen of other counties felt that burning of the more severe manzanita and chamise sites was not worth the effort. Several also dis- couraged burning of open-brush stands, maintaining that fire merely in- creased the density of such brush areas. The present study has substantiated this belief. Plant -Succession Studies. — Few plants of sprouting forms of chaparral were killed, and few such stands were destroyed or materially thinned out by periodic burning, whereas the much more restricted nonsprouting brush was killed by a single hot fire. Following burning, numerous annual grasses, broad- leaved herbs, and brush seedlings appeared on most chaparral lands. On areas of sprouting chaparral, the herbaceous growth generally attained maximum abundance the first or second year, and then declined to a mere scattered stand by about the fifth year, owing chiefly to the suppressive effect of the numerous brush sprouts. In contrast, on areas of nonsprouting brush, most of the invading herbaceous plants continued to increase in density well after the third year. The yield of forage on productive chaparral-supporting soils, both 130 University of California — Experiment Station of sprouting* and nonsprouting brush areas, was temporarily increased by burning, whereas the extensive lands of thin and unproductive soils responded poorly regardless of the growth habit of the brush. Invasions of chaparral species into brush-bordered grassland occurred com- monly and with some regularity after burning, and were more extensive and dense on the side of the brushfields leeward to the prevailing winds, where abundant seed had lodged. Extensions of brush into grasslands surrounding old chaparral patches corresponded roughly in pattern to that of such border areas burned over. Germination of some chaparral species was stimulated by heat. The seeds of most of the chaparral species studied were more resistant to heat injury than were those of associated species of grasses or broad-leaved herbs. Soil tempera- tures recorded during chaparral fires more often exceeded the endurance of seeds of herbaceous plants, but they were less often lethal to seeds of brush species. The results appear to account for the many seedlings of some chapar- ral species which invade burned areas. On grassy woodland areas, fairly open except for occasional clumps of more or less decadent stands of chamise or other aggressive sprouting forms, a single fire sometimes resulted in heavy invasions of chaparral seedlings, and vigorous sprouts of the old bushes. Special effort should be made to keep fire out of such brush-decadent areas. In the interior counties artificial reseeding trials, using 24 species, were mostly failures, owing chiefly to the long, hot, dry summers, and frequently to inferior soils. Along the more humid coastal strip, on the other hand, greater reseeding success was attained, but results of distinct economic value were confined to soils of high productivity. Here Harding grass, perennial rygrass, and to a lesser extent, wild oat, soft chess, and neecllegrass, were among the most successful introductions. Further experimental trials with highly drought-enduring forms, or with early-maturing species which may escape the summer drought, seem justified. Seeds of common range grasses sown on typical brushland soils, and treated with fairly heavy dressings of chaparral ash, resulted in slightly lower per- centages of seed germination, lower yield, and, in most species, in slower development of the later growth stages, than in untreated soils. Soil applica- tions of ash, simulating in amounts those of the heavier accumulations on fresh burns, brought about chlorosis and death of common pasture grasses before they reached the fruiting stage. Chemical analysis of plant specimens of corre- sponding development stages grown in ashed and unashed soils, respectively, showed no significant difference in mineral content, or in crude protein. Chaparral ash was found to be appreciably higher in calcium than in potas- sium. Only on small units of broadcast-burned areas, where abundant ash had accumulated, were the pH values so high as to hold in check, for one or more seasons, normal invasions of grasses and other herbs. Accordingly, attempts at reseeding those freshly burned areas which are heavily strewn with ash had best be delayed until one or more autumn rains have dissipated toxic ash con- centrations. This conclusion is corroborated by leaching experiments with chaparral ash which showed heavy loss of potassium and carbonates, and lower pH values. In general, light, slow-moving fires, which are not so likely to sterilize the soil, are followed by more rapid and denser succession of forage Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 131 plants than where the fire moves rapidly, creates great heat, and burns out the entire cover. Most of the 34 brush-burned ranch areas inspected in 1938, 29 of which had been burned under state permit, produced more forage than did the dense adjoining unburned brush units. The grazing capacity and the quality of the forage of most of these burns, however, were low ; indeed, some were not pas- tured because of the limited growth of herbaceous vegetation. The dominant grasses were mostly the early-maturing annual forms reported on most of the plots especially established to study plant succession. The most adverse results noted on most of these burns were the poor quality and the temporary nature of the forage, the low grazing capacity, and, on several areas, the occurrence of accelerated erosion, notably on the steeper, heavily grazed slopes. Many of these areas had been reseeded to cultivated forage plants, but except on good soils of the coastal counties, where some reseedings were successful, most such trials failed from the outset, or the stands were so readily replaced by volun- teer vegetation that the effort did not pay. In late spring several common herbaceous species and some brush sprouts on newly burned areas were slightly higher in moisture content than on adjoining unburned lands, and they were 6 to 10 days later in reaching ma- turity. This prolongation in succulence tended to enhance the nutritive value of the forage proportionately, and presumably it also accounted for its higher palatability in late spring. Thus the three most outstanding benefits of burn- ing of areas with productive soils were : a slightly prolonged period of some- what higher nutrition of the vegetation as a whole ; a temporarily greater variety and abundance of accessible forage ; and greater accessibility of the area to the animals and to the operator. Soil-Fertility Studies. — Except in heavy localized spots of ash on new burns, as pointed out, changes in acidity, or pH, of the soil were so slight as to affect little the seed germination and subsequent plant growth. On the other hand, the nitrate content of the upper soil layer of practically all chaparral covers studied was higher on fresh burns. Although these differences were largely or wholly nullified the second and subsequent years after the fire, the increased supply of nitrate nitrogen would seem largely to account for the characteristic robust growth of the invading plants the first year after burn- ing. The extensive, frequently thin Aiken soil series, referred to as the "red soil," was among the lowest in nitrogen content of those studied, both before and after burning; especially was this noted where chamise dominated the cover. Moreover, these soils were conspicuously low in grazing capacity. Broadcast-Burning Techniques. — Burning to control invasions of chapar- ral involves consideration of both sprouting and nonsprouting forms. In sprouting cover, periodic burning was generally found only temporarily to suppress the brush. In nonsprouting chaparral, on the other hand, the brush was destroyed by two judicious burnings, preferably two years apart, the second burn being preceded by leveling the charred stems with a "drag." Attempts to destroy brush seedlings and sprouts by heavily overstocking new burns of any kind were not successful because of abundant invasions of un- palatable weeds, some poisonous plants, heavy packing of the soil, and accel- erated soil erosion, notably on the slopes. 130 University op California — Experiment Station of sprouting* and nonsprouting brush areas, was temporarily increased by burning, whereas the extensive lands of thin and unproductive soils responded poorly regardless of the growth habit of the brush. Invasions of chaparral species into brush-bordered grassland occurred com- monly and with some regularity after burning, and were more extensive and dense on the side of the brushfields leeward to the prevailing winds, where abundant seed had lodged. Extensions of brush into grasslands surrounding old chaparral patches corresponded roughly in pattern to that of such border areas burned over. Germination of some chaparral species was stimulated by heat. The seeds of most of the chaparral species studied were more resistant to heat injury than were those of associated species of grasses or broad-leaved herbs. Soil tempera- tures recorded during chaparral fires more often exceeded the endurance of seeds of herbaceous plants, but they were less often lethal to seeds of brush species. The results appear to account for the many seedlings of some chapar- ral species which invade burned areas. On grassy woodland areas, fairly open except for occasional clumps of more or less decadent stands of chamise or other aggressive sprouting forms, a single fire sometimes resulted in heavy invasions of chaparral seedlings, and vigorous sprouts of the old bushes. Special effort should be made to keep fire out of such brush-decadent areas. In the interior counties artificial reseeding trials, using 24 species, were mostly failures, owing chiefly to the long, hot, dry summers, and frequently to inferior soils. Along the more humid coastal strip, on the other hand, greater reseeding success was attained, but results of distinct economic value were confined to soils of high productivity. Here Harding grass, perennial rygrass, and to a lesser extent, wild oat, soft chess, and needlegrass, were among the most successful introductions. Further experimental trials with highly drought-enduring forms, or with early-maturing species which may escape the summer drought, seem justified. Seeds of common range grasses sown on typical brushland soils, and treated with fairly heavy dressings of chaparral ash, resulted in slightly lower per- centages of seed germination, lower yield, and, in most species, in slower development of the later growth stages, than in untreated soils. Soil applica- tions of ash, simulating in amounts those of the heavier accumulations on fresh burns, brought about chlorosis and death of common pasture grasses before they reached the fruiting stage. Chemical analysis of plant specimens of corre- sponding development stages grown in ashed and unashed soils, respectively, showed no significant difference in mineral content, or in crude protein. Chaparral ash was found to be appreciably higher in calcium than in potas- sium. Only on small units of broadcast-burned areas, where abundant ash had accumulated, were the pH values so high as to hold in check, for one or more seasons, normal invasions of grasses and other herbs, Accordingly, attempts at reseeding those freshly burned areas which are heavily strewn with ash had best be delayed until one or more autumn rains have dissipated toxic ash con- centrations. This conclusion is corroborated by leaching experiments with chaparral ash which showed heavy loss of potassium and carbonates, and lower pH values. In general, light, slow-moving fires, which are not so likely to sterilize the soil, are followed by more rapid and denser succession of forage Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 131 plants than where the fire moves rapidly, creates great heat, and burns out the entire cover. Most of the 34 brush-burned ranch areas inspected in 1938, 29 of which had been burned under state permit, produced more forage than did the dense adjoining unburned brush units. The grazing capacity and the quality of the forage of most of these burns, however, were low ; indeed, some were not pas- tured because of the limited growth of herbaceous vegetation. The dominant grasses were mostly the early-maturing annual forms reported on most of the plots especially established to study plant succession. The most adverse results noted on most of these burns were the poor quality and the temporary nature of the forage, the low grazing capacity, and, on several areas, the occurrence of accelerated erosion, notably on the steeper, heavily grazed slopes. Many of these areas had been reseeded to cultivated forage plants, but except on good soils of the coastal counties, where some reseedings were successful, most such trials failed from the outset, or the stands were so readily replaced by volun- teer vegetation that the effort did not pay. In late spring several common herbaceous species and some brush sprouts on newly burned areas were slightly higher in moisture content than on adjoining unburned lands, and they were 6 to 10 days later in reaching ma- turity. This prolongation in succulence tended to enhance the nutritive value of the forage proportionately, and presumably it also accounted for its higher palatability in late spring. Thus the three most outstanding benefits of burn- ing of areas with productive soils were : a slightly prolonged period of some- what higher nutrition of the vegetation as a whole ; a temporarily greater variety and abundance of accessible forage ; and greater accessibility of the area to the animals and to the operator. Soil-Fertility Studies. — Except in heavy localized spots of ash on new burns, as pointed out, changes in acidity, or pH, of the soil were so slight as to affect little the seed germination and subsequent plant growth. On the other hand, the nitrate content of the upper soil layer of practically all chaparral covers studied was higher on fresh burns. Although these differences were largely or wholly nullified the second and subsequent years after the fire, the increased supply of nitrate nitrogen would seem largely to account for the characteristic robust growth of the invading plants the first year after burn- ing. The extensive, frequently thin Aiken soil series, referred to as the "red soil," was among the lowest in nitrogen content of those studied, both before and after burning; especially was this noted where chamise dominated the cover. Moreover, these soils were conspicuously low in grazing capacity. Broadcast-Burning Techniques. — Burning to control invasions of chapar- ral involves consideration of both sprouting and nonsprouting forms. In sprouting cover, periodic burning was generally found only temporarily to suppress the brush. In nonsprouting chaparral, on the other hand, the brush was destroyed by two judicious burnings, preferably two years apart, the second burn being preceded by leveling the charred stems with a "drag." Attempts to destroy brush seedlings and sprouts by heavily overstocking new burns of any kind were not successful because of abundant invasions of un- palatable weeds, some poisonous plants, heavy packing of the soil, and accel- erated soil erosion, notably on the slopes. 132 University of California — Experiment Station Ranchers who favor burning, and who must rely largely upon continuous pasturage from these lands, may well consider the adoption of a plan of "rotation" burning to provide the maximum nutritious forage year after year. The plan proposed provides that the brush field be divided into three operat- ing units, and that the burning be done in sequence at intervals of approxi- mately three years, or on a nine-year rotation basis. Under state supervision the cost to the owner of broadcast burning in north- ern California has varied from approximately 25 cents to 85 cents per acre; in addition the cost of supervision by the state has ranged from about 27 cents to 40 cents per acre burned. Many local factors influence the cost, such as the intervals between burnings; amount of cooperative help available; topog- raphy ; season ; natural barriers ; kind, age, and amount of chaparral ; prox- imity of the area to neighboring ranchmen who do not desire to burn; and proximity to forested lands. Isolated brush areas cost least to burn. The cost of burning, the speculative benefits to be derived, and the responsibility which the individual stockman must assume for damage to other property, chiefly account for the small acreage of controlled burning done to date under official supervision. All factors considered, it is evident that the meager forage yield resulting from burning areas of thin, low-producing soils, especially when remotely or inconveniently located with respect to the main operating ranch unit, usually does not pay. The fact that much of the foothill brushland still remains in public domain, or is in railroad ownership, is indicative of the low value of extensive units of this land. Brush Removal by Methods Other Than Fire. — To avoid fire hazard, and to procure more immediate and lasting results, the use of brush-clearing methods, other than that of broadcast burning, is sometimes justified on productive lands. Hand methods such as lopping, chopping, and girdling have been effectively used, but each method is limited in application by the cost. In oak- woodland, the cost of cutting may sometimes be offset by the sale of cordwood. Girdling, which is best done early in the spring, is less expensive, and is used where the wood is not to be salvaged. Removal of brush by a bulldozer has been successfully employed in restricted localities. This method is particularly applicable to sprouting-brush areas on fairly level lands of productive soils. Browsing animals, particularly goats, have been used to advantage to destroy sprouts and brush seedlings which come in after girdling, chopping, lopping, or burning cleanups. Enough goats should be held on the area to keep the sprouts and seedlings browsed down closely. Where deer are plentiful these animals will often destroy the brush sprouts and seedlings on small, localized burns. Comparative Grazing Values of Brush Covers. — Based upon grazing capac- ity, quality of forage, and accessibility of the lands, the brushland covers may be classified, in the order named, as follows with regard to their relative values when burned or cleared of brush: nonsprouting chaparral; interior live oak and blue oak ; and chamise, together with other sprouting chaparral cover. The last is by far the most extensive. Sheep utilize all types of brushland more completely than cattle, and ex- hibit fewer seasonal preferences in their choice of forage. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 133 In localized areas, regardless of the kind of brush, poisonous plants some- times come in so extensively after burning that stockmen fear to pasture them until the second or third year after the fire, when the toxic species usually decline in abundance. Where the more poisonous forms of death camas occur, grazing on fresh burns by sheep should be avoided. Likewise, on larkspur- infested burns, cattle should be kept off in the spring until the larkspur plants are in the full bloom stage. Effect of Fire on Wildlife and Recreation. — Wildlife and recreation sites are important in various chaparral areas. Fire destroys many small mammals, notably brush and tree dwellers, or they may die later from starvation. De- struction by fire of small surface-dwelling mammals, on the other hand, is mostly temporary ; frequently, because of the increased food supply, mice and squirrels soon increase in numbers in excess of those present before burning. Because of their mobility, coyotes and certain other large predators are little affected by fires of ordinary size. Deer are seldom injured by small fires, but extensive burns have sometimes resulted in their starvation, injury, or death. Small openings may appreciably increase the forage for deer, but larger burns destroy the protective cover and temporarily deplete the food supply. Extensive brush fires are also adverse to bird life, whereas small, judiciously placed spot fires may be beneficial by providing secluded feeding areas adjoin- ing the unburned cover. Unfavorable reactions of streams, which may follow extensive brush fires on surrounding watersheds, may decimate the fish popu- lation. Moreover, destruction of natural vegetation by fire greatly lowers the value of otherwise attractive camp and recreation sites, and tends to divert the normal tourist trade from fire-swept regions for some time thereafter. Importance of Brush Burning. — Although the chaparral association occurs over extensive foothill areas of the state, brush burning is resorted to some- what commonly in only about 30 per cent of its entire range, mainly the north- ern counties. The geographical limits of burning are essentially determined by the relatively high value of undisturbed chaparral lands, such as watershed in the southern part of the state, and by federal, state, and local interests in some chaparral lands elsewhere. Even in the northern counties, where burning is most prevalent, the practice is not county-wide. Although some large oper- ators fire the brush, the greater number of habitual burners are those small stockmen who own little open land, and who must rely for their pasturage upon more or less submarginal brushlands in order to get some use of their holdings. They commonly burn the brush wherever a fire will go through it, and they can ill afford to apply tested mechanical methods of brush suppression after burning. Even though some of these frugal operators present a difficult land-use problem, they justify the fullest tolerance and cooperation of public agencies. Such local cases, however, appear to have exaggerated the impor- tance of brush burning in various parts of the state. Some of the larger and more experienced ranchers are tending to confine brush burning to flats and gentle slopes of good soils, and to follow up with various brush-suppression measures. Such procedure usually justifies the cost of the operation, and frequently alleviates grazing pressure in spring and early summer on the more valuable lands. On the other hand, the burning of poor brush land does not pay. 134 University of California — Experiment Station Extent of Summer and Autumn Pasturage on Burns. — The greatest single need of the livestock industry of the interior northern counties is that of ade- quate nutritious forage during summer and autumn. Those who benefit most from grazing their animals on brushfields utilize the burns in late winter and spring, when the succulent growth is highest in nutritiveness and palatability. As summer approaches and the forage dries and the brush sprouts harden, the animals are moved to succulent and nutritious pasturage elsewhere. In contrast, those operators who are forced to hold their stock on the brushland throughout the summer and fall, must either overstock the area, or else cut down the breeding herd to the minimum. In either case the benefits derived from the early-season grazing are often largely lost because of the extended grazing season on poor feed. Provision of the animals with ample nutritious summer and fall forage is seldom accomplished by brushland burning ; with few exceptions, the period of nutritious forage of these areas is extended for only a relatively short time by burning. This critical situation of seasonal forage deficiency thus raises the question whether additional suitable permanent summer and fall pastur- age could not be developed. True, most of the high mountain range is already fully stocked ; but with the active water development of the northern region, and the established grazing values of Ladino clover and supplementary grasses, the possibilities of increased acreage of irrigated summer pastures should not be overlooked. The recognized need of a better balanced yearlong forage supply warrants further consideration of the use of water for estab- lishment of permanent valley summer pastures. It should be emphasized that flats or gently sloping lands whose soils are fairly deep but have a layer of fine-textured, dark topsoil, and which have relatively little rock outcrop or stony surface, termed "good" or "productive" soils, usually produce abundant and satisfactory early-season forage after the brush is burned. Such areas may be further recognized by the presence of various species of luxuriant grasses and other herbs under the less dense chaparral and in the openings. On the other hand, those lands whose soils are coarse, thin, rocky, of serpentine origin, or those with abundant exposed subsoil, bedrock, or stones, termed "poor" or "unproductive" soils, yield little forage after burning. Moreover, burning of old, open stands of sprouting chaparral, with a strong unclerstory of forage, is usually harmful because fire invigorates the decadent brush, induces invasion of chaparral seedlings, and subsequently chokes out the forage. Burning of distinctly steep slopes, notably those with thin soils and facing to the south or west, is generally uneconomical if for no other reason than that the forage yield is small, of inferior quality, and matures early. The energy which the animals must expend in grazing upon such areas may largely or wholly offset the temporary advantages obtained. The Trend in Brush-burning Practices. — More rational controlled or "pre- scribed" burning, confined essentially to the better chaparral lands and com- plimented with management methods which will favor maximum succession and stability of the herbaceous vegetation, may be expected to supplant hap- hazard burning as experience accumulates. The most successful use of fire requires careful planning in advance. The first step is to make sure that the expected benefits from burning, all economic Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 135 factors considered, will more than offset the cost. The second step is to decide on the specific area to be burned, and to establish adequate fire breaks which will protect the units that are not to be burned. A third measure is to burn late in the fall those areas where the fire risk is high, and to start the fire when the wind and air humidity favor control of the fire. And, finally, there must be an experienced crew of adequate size to procure as clean a burn as possible and to forestall complications. COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF PLANTS MENTIONED IN THIS BULLETIN Trees and Shrubs Bigberry manzanita (ArctostaphyTxys glauca) Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) Bigpod ceanothus (Ceanothus megacarpus) Blue blossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus) Blue oak (Quercus Douglasii) Brewer oak (Quercus Ga?ryanava.r. Breweri) Buckthorn (Ehamnus) California black oak (Quercus Kelloggii) California buckeye (Aesculus calif ornica) California hazelnut (Corylus rostrata var. calif ornica) California huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum) California incense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens) California scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) California snowbell (Styrax calif ornica) California snowdrop bush (Styrax officinalis) California wild grape (Vitis calif ornica) Canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) Chaparral-broom (Baccharis pilularis) Chaparral coffeeberry (Ehamnus calif ornica var. tomentella) Chaparral pea (Pickeringia montana) Chaparral whitethorn (Ceanothus leuco- dermis) Christmasberry (Photinia arbutifolia) Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) Coast whitethorn (Ceanothus incanus) Coffeeberry (Rhamnus calif ornica) Common manzanita (Arctostaphylos manzanita) Common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) Creambush (Holodiscus discolor) Cupleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus perplexans) Deerbrush (Ceanothus integerrimus) Deerweed (Lotus scoparius) Digger pine (Pinus Sabiniana) Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) Dwarf canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis var. nana) Dwarf interior live oak (Quercus Wislizewii var. frutescens) Eastwood manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa) Foothill ash (Fraxinus dipetala) Fremont silktassel (Garry a Fremontii) Greenbark ceanothus (Ceanothus spinosus) Greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula) Gregg ceanothus (Ceanothus Greggii) Hairy ceanothus (Ceanothus oliganthus) Hoary manzanita (Arctostaphylos canescens) Hoaryleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius) Indian manzanita (Arctostaphylos mewuklca) Interior live oak (Quercus Wislizenii) Jim brush (Ceanothus sorediatus) Laurel sumac (Ehus laurina) Leather oak (Quercus durata) Lemmon ceanothus (Ceanothus Lemmonii) Mariposa manzanita (Arctostaphylos mari- posa) Mission-manzanita (Xylococcus bicolor) Mountain maple (Acer glabrum) Mock orange (Philadelphus Lewisii var. calif ornicus) Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) Pacific madrone (Arbutus Mensiesii) Parry ceanothus (Ceanothus Parryi) Parry manzanita (Arctostaphylos Parryana) Pecho mountain manzanita (Arctostaphylos pechoensis) Pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pun- gens) Poison oak (Rhus diversiloba) Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) Eamona bush (Ceanothus tomentosus var. olivaceous) Eedberry buckthorn (Rhamnus crocea) Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Ribbonwood (Adenostema sparsifolium) Serpentine manzanita (Arctostaphylos obispoensis) Shagbark manzanita (Arctostaphylos rudis) Squawbush (Rhus trilobata) Spicebush (Calycanthus occidentalis) Stanford manzanita (Arctostaphylos Stan- fordiana) Straggly gooseberry (Ribes divaricatum) Stripeberry manzanita (Arctostaphylos pilosula) Sugarbush sumac (Rhus ovata) 136 University of California — Experiment Station Trees and Shrubs — (Continued) Sugar pine (Pinus Lambertiana) Tanoak (Lithocarpus densi flora) Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) Thinleaf huckleberry ( Vaccinium mem- branaceum) Toyon (Photinia arbutifolia) Valley oak (Quercus lobata) Wartleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus papillosus) Wartystem ceanothus (Ceanothus verruco- sus) Wavyleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus foliosus) Wedgeleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus) Western chokecherry (Prunus demissa) Western mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides) White alder (Alnus rhombifolia) White fir (Abies concolor) Whiteleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos vis- cida) Wild currant (Ribes) Wild rose (Rosa) Willow (Salix) Woollyleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus tomento- sus) Woollyleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos to- mentosa) Yellowbrush (Chrysothamnus lanceolatus) Yerba santa (Eriodictyon calif ornicum) Broad-leaved Herbs Alkali clover (Tri folium depauperatum) Bishop lotus (Lotus strigosus) Bluebells (Mertensia) Blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium bellum) Blue gilia (Gilia capitatum) Bolander bedstraw (Galium Bolanderi) Bolander linanthus (Linanthus Bolanderi) Bracken fern (Pteris aquilina) Bur-clover (Medicago hispida) Bush beardtongue (Penstemon Lemmonii) Bush monkey-flower (Diplacus aurantiacus) California everlasting (Gnaphalium decur- rens var. calif ornicum) California figwort (Scrophularia calif or- nica) California filago (Filago calif ornica) California goldenrod (Solidago calif ornica) Cantua spurge (Euphorbia ocellata) Chaparral cottonweed (Epilobium minu- tum) Chaparral penstemon (Penstemon hetero- phyllus) Coast larkspur (Delphinium calif ornicum) Common madia (Madia elegans) Common mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) Common peppergrass (Lepidium nitidum) Common soap-plant (Chlorogalum pome- ridianum) Common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Common vervain (Verbena prostrata) Common yellow mustard (Brassica campestris) Cotton-batting plant (Gnaphalium chilense) Coyote tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata) Crown brodiaea (Brodiaea multiflora) Cut-leaved thelypodium (Thelypodium lasiophyllum) Dodder (Cuscuta) Dotseed plantain (Plantago erecta) Dwarf Bridges grassnut (Brodiaea Bridgesii) Dove lupine (Lupinus bicolor) English plantain (Plantago lanceolata) Field suncup (Oenothera micrantha) Fineleaf lotus (Lotus subpinnatus) Fireweed (Epilobium angusti folium) Foothill death camas (Zigadenus pani- culatus) Fremont death camas (Zigadenus Fre- montii) Fremont globemallow (Sphaeralcea Fre- montii) Gamble weed (Sanicula crassicaulis) Gayophytum (Gayophytum sp.) Gold fern (Gymno gramme triangularis) Gold- wire (Hypericum concinnum) Grassnut (Brodiaea laxa) Greenbrier (Smilax calif ornica) Hill lotus (Lotus humistratus) Horned snapdragon (Antirrhinum cornutum) Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) Indian pink (Silene calif ornica) Indian tobacco (Nicotiana Bigelovi) Knotweed (Polygonum) Leaf y gilia (Gilia gilioides) Little-bill loco (Astragalus Gambelianus) Longleaf filago (Filago gallica) Meadow death camas (Zigadenus venenosus) Menzies larkspur (Delphinium Menziesii) Milk-aster (Stephanomeria virgata) Monkey flower (Mimulus) Moth mullein (Verbascum Blattaria Mountain death camas (Zigadenus elegans) Mountain nievitas (Cryptantha ambigua) Mule-ears (Wyethia) Mustard (Brassica) Nada stickleaf (Mentzelia dispersa) Napa star thistle (Centaur ea melitensis) Narrowleaf soap-plant (Chlorogalum angustifolium) Northern rockcress (Arabis retrofracta) Nuttall bedstraw (Galium Nuttallii) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola) Purple nightshade (Solanum Xantii) Eattlesnake weed (Daucus pusillus) Ked clover (Trifolium pratense) Eed larkspur (Delphinium nudicaule) Bedmaids (Calandrinia Menziesii) Red ribbons (ClarTcia concinna) Redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium) Rush lotus (Lotus junceus var. Biolettii) Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 137 Broad-leaved Herbs — (Continued) Sagebrush (Artemisia) St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) Seouler St. Johnswort (Hypericum formo- sum var. Scouleri) Sedge (Car ex) Sheep sorrel (Eumex Acetosella) Silverleaf lupine (Lupinus albifrons) Slender buckwheat (Eriogonum gracile) Slender madia (Madia exigua) Slender popcorn flower (Plagiobothtys tenellus) Small-flowered lotus (Lotus micranthus) Small meadow death camas (Zigadenus venenosus micranthus) Spanish-clover (Lotus americanus) Star thistle (Centaurea) Sulfur flower (Eriogonum umbellatum) Summer cottonweed (Epilobium panicu- latum) Sword fern (Polystichum munitum) Tarweed (Hemizonia) Tobacco mimulus (Mimulus Bolanderi) Tomcat clover (Trifolium tridentatum) Torrey nievitas (Cryptantha Torreyana) Turkey-mullein (Eremocarpus setigerus) Valley tassels (Orthocarpus attenuatus) Vetch (Vicia) Western lupine (Lupinus leucophyllus) Western thistle (Cirsium Occident ale var. Coulteri) Whispering bells (Emmenantha penduli- flora) White everlasting (Gnaphalium micro- cephalum) White-flowered navarretia (Navarretia leucocephala) White forget-me-not (Cryptantha afflnis) White hawkweed (Hieracium albiflorum) Whitestem filaree (Er odium moschatum) White sweetclover (Melilotus alba) Wild buckwheat (Eriogonum) Wild carrot (Daucus Carota) Wild tobacco (Nicotiana) Willow herb (Epilobium) Wool-mat (Psilocarphus tenellus) Woolly-yarrow (Eriophyllum lanatum var. achillaeoides) Yellow star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus indica) Grasses Barley (Hordeum) Bent-head fescue (Festuca reflexa) Blue wild-rye (Elymus glaucus) Brome grass (Bromus) Bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa) California brome (Bromus carinatus) California melic (Melica calif ornica) Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa) Columbia needlegrass (Stipa columbiana) Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) Downy chess (Bromus tectorum) Foxtail fescue (Festuca megalura) Harding grass (Phalaris tuberosa var. stenoptera) Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Junegrass (Koeleria cristata) Little quaking grass (Briza minor) Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Malpais bluegrass (Poa scabrella) Meadow fescue (Festuca elatior) Mouse barley (Hordeum murinum) Mountain brome (Bromus marginatus) Needle-and-thread (Stipa comata) Nevada bluegrass (Poa nevadensis) New Mexican needlegrass (Stipa neomexi- cana) Nitgrass (Gastridium ventricosum) Orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) Pacific fescue (Festuca pacifica) Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) Pineland three-awn (Aristida stricta) Needlegrass (Stipa) Prairie beardgrass (Andropogon scoparius) Purple needlegrass (Stipa pulchra) Eat-tail fescue (Festuca Myuros) Red brome (Bromus rub ens) Redtop (Agrostis alba) Ripgut grass (Bromus rigidus) Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) Silver hairgrass (Air a caryophyllea) Six -weeks fescue (Festuca octo flora) Slender hairgrass (Deschampsia elongata) Slender oat (Avena barbata) Slender wheatgrass (Agropyron pauci- florum) Smilo (Oryzopsis miliacea) Smooth brome (Bromus inermis) Soft chess (Bromus mollis) Spanish brome (Bromus madritensis) Ticklegrass (Agrostis hiemalis) Timothy (Plileum pratense) Velvet grass (Holcus lanatus) Western needlegrass (Stipa occidentalis) Wild oat (Avena fatua) Wild-rye (Elymus) 138 University of California — Experiment Station ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the course of these investigations the author has had the cooperation of many individuals. To Aida Montier goes the credit for the many plant draw- ings. A. H. Gold, H. G. Reynolds, and Dr. 0. S. Walsh assisted in compiling field data, and they were helpful in many other ways. J. 0. Bridges assisted in a major way with the field surveys pertaining to experiences and attitudes of stockmen concerning burning; and P. S. Pattengale assisted with the field observations of areas burned under state permit. To Mrs. Beryl S. Jesperson thanks are expressed for verifying the plant identifications and the common names of plants mentioned in the bulletin. Dr. A. Gordon was helpful in check- ing chemical analyses of plants collected on burned and unburned areas, and in reading the section on this phase of the study. Dr. A. L. Kroeber, Professor of Anthropology, extended to the writer the privilege of reviewing field notes recorded by his staff on the history of Indian burning ; also he made available the archives of the library of his department, and critically read the section on burning by Indians in California. The preparation of the map showing the dis- tribution of the chaparral association was made possible through the courtesy of A. E. Wieslander of the California Forest and Range Experiment Station, United States Forest Service; and he personally checked the distribution of the areas. M. B. Pratt, State Forester, contributed to the statement on the his- tory of state fire-control policies in relation to burning, and also furnished cost data on burning operations conducted under state control. E. E. Horn, Biolo- gist, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, critically reviewed the section on the effect of fire on wildlife, and amplified some of the points therein from unpublished field records. The following colleagues offered constructive sug- gestions on the paper as a whole : Dr. G. B. Bodman, Professor of Soil Physics ; Dr. W. P. Kelley, Professor of Soil Chemistry ; Dr. J. Kittredge, Professor of Forestry; Dr. D. Weeks, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics; and W. W. Weir, Drainage Engineer. Special acknowledgment is due to H. E. Malmsten for valuable cooperation in the earlier pursuit of the brush-burning project. Mr. Malmsten was active in the field studies for several years, and contributed particularly to certain phases of the plant-succession investigation. Bul. 685] Plant Succession on Burned Chaparral Lands 139 LITERATURE CITED 1. Aldous, A. E. 1934. Effect of burning on Kansas bluestem pastures. Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. 38:1-65. 2. Alway, F. J., and C. O. Eost. 1927. Effect of forest fires upon the composition and productivity of the soil. First Internatl. Cong. Soil Sci. Proc. and Papers [Washington, D. C, 1927], 3:546-76. 3. Andrews, H. 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