THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / y C!)e g^rlisltirij Jibrarg. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT Books on Copograp|)2, STracts of tfjc Sebcntecntfj Ctnturg, Biotjrapfjg, Spates, ©eologg. Botany, fHaps, Fiefas, portraits, anb ilHtscellantous £itnature, RELATING TO THE COUNTY OF YORK. WITR COLLATIONS AND NOTES ON TEE BOOKS AND AUTHORS. WILLIAM BOYNE, F.S.A., AUTHOR OF ' THE TOKENS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. One Sundred and Fifty Copies printed for Private DistriI>ution by TAYLOR AND CO., 10, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LONDON. 1869. z r7S7/ TO JOHN TOWLERTON LEATHER, ESQ., F.S.A., OP LEVENTHOBPE HALL, YORKSHIRE, AND MIDDLETON HALL, BELFOKD, NOETHDMBERLAND, erijc foltofaing Wkax'k is ©tbicatcti BY THE AUTITOl!. 1267S83 preface- So many books have been published in every department of litera- ture, that it is impossible to know all that have been written on any particular subject without the aid of a good catalogue. The pre- sent Work has been produced to supply that desideratum, in the for- mation of a library of books on the Topography and other kindred subjects relating to the County of York ; it is especially necessary in a collection of this kind, as a large number of these publications have had only a local, and consequently a very limited circulation, which has rendered many of them very scarce, and difficult to obtain. The number of collectors of topographical literature is not great, but there are some ardent champions, which is proved by the large prices which have been paid during the last few years for some of the best works. Topographical books are not subject to the novelty and caprice of fashion ; the oldest books are prized because they contain the earliest information, and on this account they now fre- quently sell for higher prices than they were published at. In the present Work the plan of Upcott's 'Bibliographical Account of the Principal Works relating to English Topography' (3 vols, octavo, London, 1818) has been mainly followed. So much care was bestowed on that excellent work, that little has been added to the date of its publication; since then, however, a half-century has elapsed, and some of the most valuable works on Yorkshire topo- graphy have appeared, such as Whitaker's ' Eichmondshire,' Hun- ter's ' Hallamshire,' 'The Deanery of Doncaster,' which renders VI PREFACE. a new catalogue desirable. The number of volumes now de- scribed is increased fivefold; in addition, in many instances, are given notes on the books, authors, publishing and selling prices, which will be found useful guides to the collector. The prices can never be given positively, a fiiir approximation only has been attempted, — so much always depends on the competition for a scarce book at a particular time. Topographical books are now rising in value, as the number of collectors is increasing, so that superior copies, extra bound, or with additional plates, will command higher prices than those named in thi.s volume. The topographical series is divided into five sections, viz. : — (1) Yorkshire; (2) the City of York; (3) the West Eiding; (4) the East Riding, and (5) the North Riding : this will be found i-cadiest for reference ; each section is then arranged in geographical order, so as to keep the neighbouring districts together. This has not always been strictly followed ; whatever irregularity has been com- mitted will, however, be easily remedied by reference to the Indexes of Towns and Authors. It is believed that few omissions will be found, except a number of inferior guide-books, more of which have been inserted than are worth a place in a well-selected library. In order to make the account of books relating to Yorlcshire as complete as possible, the following subjects have been added : — 1 . Books partly relating to the County ; Poetry ; and Miscellaneous Li- terature. 2. Political and other Tracts during the Civil Wars of the Seventeenth Century. 3. Biography. 4. Spaws, Geology, and Botany. And 5. Maps and Plans, Views and Portraits. These sections are not so complete as the preceding ; they will, however, be found useful to persons seeking information on an>' Yurkshire subject. Great care has been taken to prevent I'rror.s, nearly all (lie liooks liaving been collated from copies in tlu' Author's collection, wliich lie ha.s made during the last twenty years; in recollection nf his native County 'TiiK Youksuihk Libkarv ' is now presented to tlie Publir bv liirn. Contfutd. TOrOGRAPHY :— YORKSHIRE CITY OF YORK .... WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE EAST RIDING OP YORKSHIRE . NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE MISCELLANEOUS :— BOOKS PARTLY RELATING TO YORKSHIRE MISCELLANEOUS POETRY POLITICAL AND OTHER TRACTS RELATING TO YORKSHIRE DURING THE CIVIL WARS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY , . YORKSHIRE SPAWS, GEOLOGY, AND BOTANY:— SPAWS GEOLOGY AND BOTANY MAPS AND PLANS; VIEWS AND PORTRAITS:— MAPS AND PLANS 265 1 36 71 152 173 211 210 220 227 238 254 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN PLATES PORTRAITS INDEX INDEX OF AUTHORS ADDENDA 270 282 2W 300 303 Htst of patfs. PORTBAIT OF DiUKE, YoKK HlSTOIllAN Portrait of Gknt. York Histokian PAGE 12 14 SeotilicutQ; PRINTED IN THE LETTER-PRESS. Skal of Alexandf.r Nevh.e, Archbishop of York, a.d. I;i74 Skai, and Counter-Seal of the City of York Seal of the Borough of Leeds, 1026 Seal of tuk Borough of Leeds, 1836 Seal of the Borough of Bradford Seal of the Borough of Halifax Seal of the Borough of Wakefield . Seal of the Boiiounn of Sheffield Seal of the Borough of Doncaster Ancient Seal of the Borough of Doncaster Seal of the City of Ripon Sf^l of the Borough of Pontefract Seal of the Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull , Seal of the Bonouoii of Beverley Seal of the Borouoh of Hedon Seal of the Boiiouoii of Richmond Seal of the Buhoioii of Middi.eshrougii Seal of the Borough of Scariiorougii SiLiiouKTTK OF John Cole . Seal of the Borouoh of Seal of the Bonoudii of Dewbdiry 10 37 73 82 ill) 01 KM) 105 112 114 136 146 15!) 11),-. Kill ISl 1!IM lilH 20(1 210 ■no |9orfesI)ivt. I. Ont 33CIC. A Translation of the Eecord called DOMESDAY, so far as relates to the COUNTY of YORK, including also Amounder- ness, Lonsdale, and Furness, in Lan- cashire; and such parts of West- moreland and Cumberland as are contained in the Survey. Also the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Rut- land, and Lincoln, with an Introduc- tion, Glossary, and Indexes. Bv the REV. WILLIAM BAWDWEN, Yiear of Hooton Pagnell, York- shire. " Neque puto alibi, in Orbe Christiano aiictorum publicorum Autographa, quorum saltern Ratio aliqua habenrta est, extare quae non seoulis Aliquot his cedunt." — Selden. Doncaster : printed by W. Sheardown, High Street, at his Office, High Street Buildings ; and sold by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, and Rees, Pater- noster Row, London, 1809. (Quarto.) Title-page as above ; Dedication to Earl Eitzwilliam, Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the West Eidiug of the County of York, etc. ; List of Subscribers, 8 pp. Introduction, pp. 1 to 3L Dom-Boc Eboracensia. Yorkshire, pp. 1 to 286. Dom-Boc for the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Rutland, and Lincoln, pp. 287 to 628, including half-titles for each County. Glossary and Index, 01 pp. List of Errata on the last page. This \york was published at two guineas, in boai'ds ; its present price is one pound. 2 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. In 1812 the author published a Translation of Domesday Book of the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Buckiugham, Oxford, and Gloucester. His death, on September 14th, ISIO, prevented the completion of the whole work, which was to have filled ten volumes. II. DOMESDAY BOOK, or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror. A.D. MLXXXVI. Facsimile of the part relating to YOEKSIIIRE. Photozincographed by Her Majesty's command at the Ordnance Sur- vey Office, Southampton. Colonel Sir H. James, E.E., E.K.S., etc., Director, muccclxii. {Small Folio.) Title as above, in photozincography, in imitation of Domesday Book, at the top the Royal Arms, and after the word YOEKSHIEE, the Arms of the City of York. Introduction. 2 printed pages. Copy of the first paragraph after the original ; in a column at the side, a copy from the printed edition of 1783 ; and at the bottom, Mr. Basevi Sanders's translation of the same ; on the other side, a further account, ■with 2 woodcuts. 2 pages. 87 pages facsimile in photozincography, numbered I. to Lxxxvii. Pages 72, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 80, are blank, as in the original. Published at 21.?., by Edward Stanford, 6 and 7, Charing Cross, W.C., appointed agent for the sale of the Ordnance maps, etc. III. MONASTICON EBORACENSE: and the ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF YORKSHIRE; containing an account of the first Introduction and Progress of Christianity in that Diocese, untill the end of William the Concpieror's reign. Also the description of the Situation, Fabric, Times of Endowments of all Churches, Collegiate, Conventual, Parochial, or of Peculiar Jurisdiction; and of other Religious Places in that District, and to whose memory they were dedicated. Together with an account of such ]Slonuments and Inscriptions as are worthy of notice ; as well as of the Rise, Progress, Establishment, Privileges, ami Siipiires- sion of each Order, Religious or Military, fixed therein. With the Cata- logues of all the Abbots and other Su|)eriors of those Places, and of all the Patrons, Rectors, Vicars, Cantarists, &c., of each Church, Cha|U'l, Sir., from the earliest account down to the present time. Collected from the best Historians ami ancient Manuscripts in the Bodleyan, Cottonian, and other Libraries in Ijondon, Oxford, Cambridge, and several Cathedrals ; as also from other i)uhlic Records, Ri^gistcrs, and Cliartularies in the 'i'ower and other Olllces in London, and in the Archii'piscopal, I'^piacopal, and Deans and Chapters' Olllces in the Cathedrals of York, Durham, and Chester, and in ))rivate hands, and from Parochial Registers. With above Two Thousand Copies of original Charters and Deeds never yet published. Adorned with C!o|)per-j)lates, representing the Ichnograpliies of some of YORKSHIRE. 3 tlic Churches, Abbies, Euins, Ac, and other curious tliinga worthy of observation. To which is added, a 8clieme and Proposals, in order to t'orm a Society for compiling a complete Civil and Natural History of the an- tient and present state of Yorkshire. With a Chorographical and Topo- graphical description thereof; and for a set of accurate Maps, taken from actual surveys. To this is subjoined a short Historical Account of the Parish of Heming- brough, as a specimen ; showing what materials the author has collected towards assisting such a Society, according to the above proposals. By JOHN BURTON, M.D. York : printed for the author by N. Nickson, in Coffee Yard. MDCCLYIII. {Folio.) Title-page as above ; Dedication to Lord "Willoughby of Parham, Pre- sident ; to Richard Frank, of Campsall, Esq., and to the rest of the Mem- bers of the Antiquarian Society. Dated York, August 22, 1758. List of Subscribers to the small and royal paper copies, 1 page, on the reverse of the Dedication. Preface, Errata, and Directions to the Bookbinder, xii pp. Monasticon Eboracense, 424^ pages, the last page misprinted 128. A Scheme and Proposals in order to form a Society for compiling a complete Natural and Civil History of Yorksiiire, beginning with a half- title ; also the History of Hemingbrough Parish, concluding thus : "The End of the First Volume," pp. 426 to 448. Indexes of Places and Persons, and Addenda to these Indexes, 35 pages not numbered. Errors of paging: — p. 183 for 187; pp. 221 to 224 are repeated, and follow ; and pp. 225 to 229 are omitted ; p. 556 for 356 ; p. 560 for 360 ; p. 357 for 361 ; p. 560 for 364; p. 568 for 368; p. 425 for 421; p. 428 for 424 ; p. 426 for 427. List of Plates. 1. The Inclosure and Plan of the Abbey of Fountnitis of the Cistercian Order, in the West Riding of the County of York. Dedicated to Michael James Messenger, Esq., Proprietor. Thos. Atkinson, del. Francis Perry, sc. Folded, page 141. 2. Plan of the Abbey of St. Mary, at Kirkestall, near Leeds, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, for Monks of the Cistercian Order. Thos. Atkinson, del. R. Ledger, sc. Folded, p. 288. 3. Map of the Parish of Hemingbrough and its Boundaries. Folded, p. 433. There are Large Paper Copies, as noticed in the List of Subscribers. Sells for £4, large paper, and 30s. the small. This work was intended to be completed in two volumes, and the plates inserted in the present were to have been given in the second volume, but the author dying February 21, 1771, the design was never completed. Tiie manuscript of the second volume is now in the library at Burton Con- stable. Dr. Burton is caricatured by Hogartli in the frontispiece to Tristram Shandy. Bigland states that before his death, Dr. Burton sold bis ]MSS., consisting of sixteen volumes folio and six volumes quarto, besides twenty-four volumes on other subjects, to William Constable, Esq. THE YORKSmRE LIBRARY. IV. COLLECTIO EEEUM ECCLESIASTICAEUM DE DICECESI EBOKACEXSI; or COLLECTIONS relative to CHURCHES and CHAPELS within the DIOCESE of YORK. To which are a.lded, Col- lections relative to CHURCHES and CHAPELS within the DIOCESE of RIPOX. By GEORGE LAWTON, one of the Proctors of the Ecclesiastical Courts of York. London : printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churehj'ard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. 1S40. {^Octavo.) Title-page as above. Dedication to His Grace Edward (Vernon Har- court), Lord Archbishop of York. Preface, S pp. Introduction, 24 pp., terminating with a Catalogue of the Archbishops of Y'ork. List of Subscribers; Index to the Parishes and Chapclries ; Addenda and Errata. 1.3 pp. General Divisions of the Diocese of Y'ork, pp. 1 to G. Arclidcaconry of York, pp. 7 to 270. Archdeaconry of the East Riding, pp. 271 to i'12. Archdeaconry of Cleveland, pp. 423 to 537. Ripon, pp. 538 to 517. Archdeaconry of Nottingham, pp. 5-18 to 549. Diocese of Ripon, p. 550. Archdeaconry of Richmond, pp. 551 to 588. Diocese of Chester, etc., p. 5S9, wliich is incorroctlv printed 489. General Charities in the County of Y'ork, pp. 5'JO to 503. In 1842 an Appendix was added containing fresh Notices, Errata, Alterations in the Ecclesiastical Divisions, particularly the new See of Bipon, etc. etc., pp. 595 to G24. V. The RELIGIOUS HOUSES of YORKSHIRE. By GEORGE L.VWTO.V, Author of ' Collectio Rorum Ecclesiasticarum do Diocccsi Eboracensi.' London: Simpkin and Co., Stationers' Hall Court. And T. Marsh, B. Sunter, Burdckin and Son, and Bellcrby and Son, Y'ork. 1853. {Octavo.) Title-page as above. Preface, Contents, and Errata. 8 pp. The liiligious Houses, 125 |)p. A Table of the Religious Houses in Yoikshire, and of the I'ounders, pp. 127 to 134. With a Frontispiece in Lithography. The Hospitium, St. Mary's Abbey, York, sketched by H. Lawtou. The Churches and Religious Houses of Yorkshire by INIr. Lawton are two valuable books of reference. The Notices of Public Collections of Books and MSS. relating to the County, and his relVrciices t-o authors on the subject, render tlicin necessary to any one wanting inforniation on ecclesiastical buildings, and subjects connected therewilh. 'I'licse vcdumes iiave not attracted the attention they deserve; no Yorkshire library should ho without a copy. YORKSHIRE. VI. The SUEVET of the COUNTY of TOEK, taken by JOHN DE KIEKBY, commonly called Kirkby's Inquest. Also Inquisitions of Knights' Fees, the Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire, and an Appendix of Illustrative Documents. Published for the Society by Andrews and Co., Durham ; Whittaker and Co., 13, Ave Maria Lane ;' T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street ; Bernard Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly ; Mrs. Nutt, 277, Strand (Foreign Agent), London ; Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. 1867. {Octavo.) The Publications of the SIJETEES SOCIETY, established in the year 1834. Yol. xlix., for the year 1866. Title as above, Eesolution of the Society, Preface, G-eneral Index of Contents, xxvi. pages. Half-title. Kirkby's Inquest, etc. Index Nominum, Index Locorum. Addenda et Corrigenda. 543 pp. Edited by Eobert H. Skaife, Esq., of York. VIL TESTAMENTA EBOEACENSIA, or WILLS registered at YOEK illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Province of York, from tlie year MCCC. downwards. Part I. Loudon : J. B. Nichols and Son, Parliament Street ; "William Pickering, Chancery Lane. {Octavo.) Title as above ; preceded by a half-title, on which is printed, " The Pub- lications of the Surtees Society, established in the year mdcccixxiv. (A Woodcut of the Seal of the Society, inscribed ' Eobertus Surtees de Mains- forth,' and his Arms.) mdcccxxxvi." Eesolution of the Council. Pre- face, sii. pp. Testameuta Eboracensia, and Index, 425 pp. This is an interesting volume, and commences with the will of Eichard Kellawe, Bishop of Durliain, in 1316, and terminates with the year 1430. This is vol. iv. of the Surtees Society's publications. Edited by the Eev. James Eaine, Senior, D.C.L., Eector of Meldon and St. Mary the Less, Durliam, Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of Durham. He wrote the History of North Durham, vvliich is now part of Northumberland; Auck- land Castle ; St. Cuthbert ; a Brief Gruide to Durham Cathedral. He also edited several volumes for the Surtees Society, of which he was Secretary, and various smaller publications which were strictly private. He died in 1858, aged sixty-seveu years, and was buried in front of the great north door of the Cathedral nave, in the Abbey Yard. Part II. mdccclv. A Selection of Wills from the Eegistry at York. Published for the Society by Greorge Andrews, Durham ; Whittaker and Co., 13, Ave Maria Lane ;" T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street, 6 THE YORKSniEE LIBRARY. London ; Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. A Woodcut of tlie Seal of Durham University on the title. Title of the Society ; Title of the book ; Eesolution of the Society ; Preface ; viii. pp. AVills. Index of Wills. 290 pp. Index of Names and Places in vols. i. and ii., pp. 291 to 364. Edited bvthe Eev. James Eaine, Jun., M.A. This forms vol. xxx. of the Surtees Society's Publications. Vol. in. 1865. A Selection of Wills from the Eegistry at York. Published for the Society by Andrews and Co., Durham ; 'Wliittaker and Co., 1.3, Ave Maria Lane; T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street; Bernard Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly ; Mrs. Nutt, 277, Strand (Foreign Agent), London ; Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. 1865. {Octavo.) Title of the Society ; vol. xlv., for the year mdccclxiv. Title as above. Preface, vi. pp. Wills; Marriage Licences, etc.; Indexes to vol. iii. ; 417 pp. Edited by the Eev. James Eaine, of York, the only son of the late Dr. Eaine. lie is Canon of York Minster, and Incumbent of All Saints, Pavement, York ; Secretary of the Surtees Society ; Joint-Author of ' Fasti Eboracenses,' an elaborate work on the Archbishops of York, of which vol. i. only is published; and Editor of many of the Surtees So- ciety's Publications. VIII. IIEEALDIC VISITATION of the NOETHEEN COUNTIES in 15:30, by TIIOISIAS TONGE, Norroy King of Arms. With an Appendix of other Heraldic Documents relating to the North of England. Edited by W. HYLTON DYER LONGSTAFFE, F.S.A. Durham ; published for the Society by Frances Le Keux. London : Wliittaker and Co., 1.3, Ave Maria Laiie ;"T. and W. Boone, 29, New IJond Street; Bernard Quaritch, 15, I'iitcadilly; David Nutt, 277, Strand (Fo- reign Agent). Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sous. ISOS. (Octavo.) Title of the Society; vol. xli. for the year MDCCCLXii. Title as above; Eesolution of the Society; Preface; xi. pp. Heraldic Visitation, 103 pp. Appendix and Index, xc. pp. This volume principally relates to Yorkshire, and is interesting as the first Heraldic Visitation of the County, which took place ])rior to the sup- pression of the MonastericH. There are many Woodcut C<)ats-ol-.\rms. The I'Alitor's notes arc in his usual clear and iMtclligihlc manner, explain- ing many doubtful points of the original MS , which is in the British Museum. YORKSHIRE. IX. A DESCEIPTION of PART of the COUNTY of YORK ; contain- ing, — 1. The Principal Towns ; their Situation, Government, and Com- merce. 2. The Customs, IManners, and Employment of the People. 3. The Produce of the Lands, the Trade and Manufactures. 4. The Public Edifices, Seats and Palaces of the Nobility and Gentry, &c. (Octavo.) GOUGH. X. NOMINA VILLARUM EBOEACENSIFM : or an INDEX of all the TOWNS and VILLAGES in the COUNTY of YORK, and County of the City of York, alphabetically digested ; shewing at one view within what Riding, Wapontake, and Liberty, each Town and Village is situate ; also the Borough Towns, Parishes, and Chapelries ; and the Market Towns, with the Market and Fair Days. Also containing the Names of all the Lords and Chief Bailiffs of Liberties, with the proper directions to them of AVarrants on Writs. Together with the names and places of abode of all the Chief Constables of Wapoutakes and Liberties, Coroners and Bailiffs ■within the County of York. York : printed by A. Ward, in Coney Street, mdcolxviii. Octavo, 104 pp. Upcott. XI. An ALPHABETICAL INDEX of all the TOWNS, VILLAGES, HAMLETS, &c., in the COUNTY of YORK, and County of the City of York ; being a Second Edition of the Nomina Villarum Eboracensium, with many improvements and references to find each place in Take's Map of the said County. York : printed for J. Tuke by G. Peacock ; and sold by all the book- sellers in the City and County of York. 1792. Oblong octavo, 159 pp. Upcott. XII. Tlie YORKSHIRE GAZETTEER ; or a Dictionary of the Towns, Vil- lages, and Hamlets ; Monasteries and Castles ; principal Mountains, Rivers, &c., in the County of York, and Ainsty, or County of the City of York ; describing the Situation of each, and the various events by which some of them have been distinguished. By E. HARGROVE. Printed by Hargrove and Sons, Knaresborough. 1806. (Duodecimo.) 234 pages. With a folded Map of the County, engraved by John Gary. A Second Edition was published in 1812, small octavo, 371 pp. Tiiis is a more convenient Gazetteer than the following No. XIII., as the names are alphabetical without the three divisions of the County, but the Riding is given to each place in the Description. Published at 6s., in boards. 8 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. XIII. A TOPOGEAPHICAL DICTIONARY of YORKSHIRE; contain- ing the Names of all the Towns, Yillases, Hamlets, Gentlemen's Seats, &c., in the Count}' of York, alphabetically arranged under the heads of the North, East, and West Ridings, and the Ainsty ; the respective Dis- tances from two, three, or more Market or Post Towns, also in what P:vrish, AYapontake, Division, and Libertv they are situate ; the names of all the acting Magistrates, Lords and Chief Bailiffs of liiberties, with directions for AYarrants ; the Clerks of Peace and their Deputies, Trea- surers, Coroners, Chief Constables, Clerks of General and Subdivision Meetings of Lieutenancy, Bailitfs, etc., with their respective residences ; the Markets and Fairs ; the names of all the Bankers, and the principal Inns ; Population of every Township, according to the Returns made to Parliament in ISOl ; Rise and Course of Rivers and Canals ; Assizes and Sessions. By THOMAS LANGDALE. Northallerton : printed and sold by J. Langdale ; sold also by "Wilkie and Robinson, Paternoster Row, Loudon. 1S09. (Octavo.) 335 pp. AYith a folded Map of Yorkshire, showing the Turnpike Roads, engraved by John Cary. XIV. Tlie new Y'ORKSIIIRE GAZETTEER, or Topographical Dictionary. By STEPHEN REYNOLDS CLARKE, author of ' Vestigia Anglican.a,' etc. London : printed for Henry Teesdale and Co., and C. Stocking, 3, Paternoster Row. 1828. {Oc/avo.) Engraved title as above, on which is a vignette view of Aysgarth Eorce, W. Woolnoth, sc, and 311 pages of the Dictionary. Accompanying it ia a Map of the County. XV. HISTORY, DIRECTORY, & GAZETTEER of tlic COUNTY of YORK ; with select lists of the INIerchants & Traders of London, and (ho principal Commercial and IManufactiiring Towns of England ; and a variety of other commercial information; also a copious list of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Yorkshire. By EDWARD 15A1NES. The Di- rectory department by A\^. Pausox. In Two Vdi-umes. Illustnited by Maps, Plans, etc. Printed and published by Edward Baincs, at the ' l/ccds Mercury' OfTice ; and sold by Hurst and Unbinson, 90, Cheapside, liondon, and all other booksellers. Subscription price, bound in sheep, 7s. Grf. ; in calf, Si. GJ. per volume. To Non-Subscribers, 10,s. G(/. and lis. Gd. 1822. {Octavo.') Vol-. I. WEST RIDING. Title as above; Dedication ; Index of Places; Index of Subjects; and nddifions and alterations in Leeds; 20 pp., not numbered. Preface; Introduction; and Historical Sketches; and Directory of Towns and Villages in the West Riding ; 654 pp. YORKSmEE. 9 Uirectories of London and some of the principal Towns in England ; cxliv. pp. Illustrations. 1. Map of the West Kiding and Ainsty. 2. Plan of the Town of Leeds. 3. Distance Table of all the Towns of Yorkshire. 4. Lists of the Yorkshire Fairs. Vol. II. EAST and NORTH EIDINGS. Title ; Contents of the Two Volumes ; Index of Subjects ; and Index of Places in the East and North Ridings; 16 pp., not numbered. Alterations ; Introduction to the Two Ridings ; and History, Sketches, and Directory of the Towns in the East and North Ridings, CoIj pp. Illustrations 1. Map of the East and North Ridings. 2. Plan of the City of York. XVI. The RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, and SEA-COAST of YORKSHIRE. With Essays on the Climate, Scenery, and Ancient Inhabitants of the County. By JOHN PHILLIPS, F.R.S., author of 'Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire,' and of a Geological Map of the County. With thirty-six Plates. Subscribers' Edition. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1853. (Octavo.) Title as above ; Dedication ; Preface, 2 pp. ; Contents, 7 pp. ; List of Subscribers, 8 pp. Rivers, Mountains, etc., and Appendix, 281 pp. Explanation of the Plates, pp. 283 to 291. Index, pp. 293 to 302. List of Plates. Lithographed by W. Monkhouse, York ; drawn on stone by W. Bevan, after sketches by J. Phillips. 1. Map of Yorkshire. Facing title. 2. Form of the Surface, p. 0. 3. Contrasted Outline of the Hills, p. 9. 4. Buttertubs Pass, and Peny- ghent, p. 11. 5. Camp on Ingleborough, p. 27. 6. Weathercote Cave, p. 29. 7. Plan of Ingleborough Cave, p. 30. 8. High Force, p. 46. 9. Barnard Castle, p. 47. 10. Ilardraw Force, p. 58. 11. Gale Force, p. 58. 12. MiUgill Force, p. 60. 13. Aysgarth Force, p. 60. 14. Brimham Rocks, p. 71. 15. Kibisey Crag, p. 79. 16. Cow and Calf Rocks at Ilkley, p. 80. 17. Ancient Crosses, Ilkley, p. 81. 18. Rosebury Topping, p. 87. 19. Malham Cove, p. 93. 20. Gordale Scar, p. 94. 21. View from Wharnclifle Lodge, p. 100. 22. Thornton Force, p. 116. 23. The Matron, Flamborough, p. 127. 24. The King and Queen, Flam- borough, p. 128. 10 TIIE YORKSinUE LIBRARY. 25. Filey Brig, p. 130. 26. Scarborough, p. 132. 27. Eobin Hood's Bay, p. 186. 27a.Euns\vick Bav, p. lil. 28. Staithes, p. 111. 29. Eockcliff, p. 112. 30. Geological INIap of Yorkshire (coloured), p. 168. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Sections to illustrate the Craven Pault, p. 176. Map of the Brigantiaii Terri- tory, p. 102. Aucieiit Pottery, p. 220. Eelative Sizes of Eomau Camps north of York, p. 236. Various Earthworks iu York- shire, p. 216. Published at 15s. ; to Subscribers 10s. This work, professedly on geology, contains much antiquarian and tnpo- grapliical information. The learned Professor, from his position in tiie Geological Survey undertaken by the Government, was personally enabled to collect his information from every part of the County. lie is now living at York. XVII. A TOPOGRAPHICAL and IIISTOEICAL DESCEIPTION of the COUNTY of YOEK ; containing an Account of its Towns, Antiquities, Public Edifices, Cathedral, Churches, Picturesque Scenery, Castles, Monu- ments, the Eesideuces of the Nobility, Gentry, etc., accompanied with Biographical Notices of Eminent and Learned Men to whom this County has given Birih. By JOHN BIGLAND, author of 'A View of the AVorld,' &c. Hlustrated v\ith twenty-five views of Cliurches, Castles, Gentlemen's Seat.s, etc. Ijondon : printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Eow ; and George Cowie and Co., Poultry. Sold by all Booksellers in the County. 1812. (Octavo.) Title as above. Advertisement ; Direction for the Plates ; and Errata. 2 pp. Yorkshire, and Appendix, 931 pp. A List of Yorkshire ]\LSS., Hooks, etc., pp 932 to 938. Index, 20 pp., not numbered. List or Pl.*.tes. 1. Engraved title, by Storer, View of York, etc. 2. York Minster. Engraved by J. Lewis, drawn by J. P. Nealo, ]>. 207. 3. Mickle Gate, York. Engraved by C. Pole, drawn by J. P. Neale, p. 2:U. 4. Ouse Bridge, York. Engraved by Eoffe, drawn by Howlet, p. 232. 5. Castle Howard. Engraved by liobins, drawn by Thomson, p. 250. (i. JLiu.solcuiii, Ca.stle Howard. Engraved by Haw kswortli, drawn by Thomson, p. 261. 7. Bvland Abbey. Engraved by J- Storer, drawn by Eev. 11. S. Booth, p. 285. 8. Scar'iorough Castle. J'Ingraved by \V. .Angus, drawn by W. INI. Craig, p. 35s. y. 15ridhr)gton Priory. Engraved by ScoU, drawn by John Horusey, p. lU. YOIMvSIIIRE. 11 10. Cave Castle. Engraved by J. Pye, drawn by G. Arnald, p. 547. 11. Hovvden. Engraved by Barreiiger, drawn by J. P. Neale, p. 562. 12. Howdfiu Church. Engraved by Barreuger, sketched by W. Savage. p. 564. 13. Wrcssle Castle, as it appeared before the fire in 1796. Engraved by Matthews, sketched by W. Savage, p. 572. 14. Heraiiigborough Church. Engraved by Shury, sketched by W. Savage, p. 578. 15. Knaresborough. Engraved by Woolnoth, drawn by Neale, p. 635. 16. Knaresborough Castle. Engraved by Woolnoth, drawn by J. P. Neale, p. 636. 17. Eouutains Abbey. Engraved by Owen, drawn by Neale, p. 694. 18. Otley and Wliarfdale. Engraved by J. Pye, drawn by Craig, p. 714. 19. Harewood House. Engraved by Wooluuth, drawn by Neale, p. 716. 20. New Hall. Engraved by Stewart, drawn by Neale, p. 720. 21. Skipton Castle. Engraved by C. Pote, drawn by Neale, p. 721. 22. Bolton Priory. Engraved by Sands, drawn by Neale, p. 729. 23. Roaclie Abbey. Engraved by C. Pote, drawn by Neale, p. 844. 24. St. G-eorge's Church, Doucaster. Engraved and sketched by B. Howlet, p. 849. 25. Conisbrough Castle. Engraved by C. Pote, drawn by J. P. Neale, p. 872. Published at 30«. ; it now sells at 7s. Gd. There are Large Paper copies, which sell at 10s. It formed volume xvi. of the ' Beauties of England and Wales.' John Bigland died February 22nd, 1832, sst. 82, at Fiuningley, in Not- tinghamsiiire, and is buried in the Churchyard there, without any me- morial. His remains lie on the S.E. side of the Church ; close by is a grave-stone to the south iu memory of John Bigland Farrow, son of Mr. Mr. Farrow, of Doncaster, the first husband of Mrs. Bigland. One who knew him well in his latter years, when living at Finningley, thus graphically describes him: — "I have seen the aged man visit us when lads at Fiuningley school, and order the master to send us to wash our hands. His old-fashioned buckled shoes, blue stockings to the knees, ■without gaiters or other covering, his majestic stalk, with three fingers in his waistcoat, and closely accompanied by one of the foulest bull-bitches I ever saw, are yet familiar to mv mind, and not soon to be forgotten." Bigland published his Autobiography, with his Portrait prefixed. XVIIT. A New & Complete HISTORY of the COTINTT of YORK, by THOMAS ALLEN, Author of the 'History of Lambeth,' 'History of London,' &c., illustrated by a series of Views, engraved on Steel, from Original Drawings by Nathaniel Wittock. London : J. T. Hinton, 4, Warwick Square ; and Houldsworth and Ball, 18, St. Paul's Churchyard. 1829. Tuiiee Volusies. {Quarto.) 12 THE YORKSHIRE LHJRAEY. Vol. I. Engraved Title, on which there is a vignette Yiew of York from the Old Baile. Dedication to Edward, Archbishop of York ; Preface, 4 pp. ; Con- tents of volume i., and List of Plates, 2 pp. History, 491 pp. 1. York Cathedral, West Front. Facing the title. 2. Engraved title, on which there is a View of York. 3. York, General View, p. 225. List of Plates, on India Paper. 9. York, Crypt in Cathedral, p. i. 5. 6. 7. 8. 254. ^Micklegate Bar, p. 248. Boothain Bar, p. 249. Monk Bar, p. 250. Walmgate Bar, p. 250. Cathedral, S. E. view, p. 289. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 461. New Bridge, p. 339. Clifford's Tower, p. 351. Guildhall, p. 406. Yorkshire Museum, p. ISIanor Palace, p. 404. 15. Bishopthorpe Palace, entrance, p. 476. Engraved Title. History, 598 pp. Vol. II. 1831. Contents and Illustrations of vol. ii. 4 pp. List of Facing the Beverley Minster, title. Engraved title, with vignette of British Antiquities in York- shire. Hull Docks, p. 33. Trinity Church, p. 51. Market Place, p. 72. Beverley, St. Mary's Church, p. 168. Court House, p. 188. IMarkct Place, p. 189. Wreasle Castle, p. 2 18. 10. Bridlington, St. Mary's Church, p. 275. Gateway of Priory, p. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 29 !■ (^lay, p. 297. l''lainliclcsiastical, Civil, and Personal Seals relating to Yorkshire : above 20 I'latcs of Seals (Woodcuts) arc engraved. Four seals will form a plate ; a good specimen of the seals is given on the opposite page. Also, in an- other Volume, the Coins relating to Yorksiiirc, from the earliest period \o the present time. The three volumes will mnke a complete ]\Iciiallic History of the County. As they will be privately printed, any one wish- YORKSHIRE. 19 in^ a copy should write to Mr. J. S. Smallfield, 10, Little Queen Street, Ilolborii, W.C. Tlie price cannot now be named, but it will be reasonable, profit not being the object aimed at. Seal op Alexander Nevile, Archbishop OF YOEK, A.D. 1374. XXIII. RELIQUI^ EBOEACENSES. Per H. D. Eipensera. " Ex noto fictum carmen sequor." — HoE. Eboraci : Typis C;csaris Ward et Eicardi Chandler. Prostant venales apud Jobannem Hildyard, Bibliopolam. mdccxliii. (Quarto). Title-page as above. Ad Lectorem, 1 p. Eeliquia; Eboracenses, 88 pp. Notaj, pp. 89 to 95. This elegant Poem in Latin hexameters was written by Dr. Heneage Dehtno, Dean of Eipon. It was intended to have embraced the whole History of Yorkshire, but was never completed further than tlie Eoman Period, in three books. 20 THE YOKKsmr.E library. XXIV. There is a Tr.inslation of tbe RELIQUI^ EBORACEXSES in English by THOMAS GEXT, lOS pp., without title. It is very rare, apparently unpublished. I have never seen a copy. Thomas Thorpe, bookseller, had one. XXV. BLACK'S PICTURESQUE GUIDE to TOEKSniEE. With Map of tlie County, and several Illustrations. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, mdcccltiit. {Fcp. 8vo.) Plates. — 1. Map of the County ; 2. Plan of Fouutains Abbey, p. 218 ; and 1.5 "Woodmits, printed in the letterpress. Published at 3s. in cloth. XXVI. A MONTH in YORKSHIRE. By WALTER WHITE, Autlior of 'A Londoner's Walk to the Land's End,' ' On Foot through Tyrol,' etc. Loudon : Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly, mdcccltiii. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Half-title ; and Contents ; xii pages. A Month in Yorkshire, and Index. 38G pp. XXVII. The COSTUME of YORKSHIRE, illustrated by a scries of Forty Engravings, being Facsimiles of Original Drawings, with Descriptions in English and French. London : printed by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, for Long- man, Hurst, Roes, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row; Ackcrinann, Strand ; and Robinson, Sou, and Holdsworth, Leeds. ISli. {Imperial quarto.) Two Title-pages, English and French. Two Tables of Contents, English and French. Description, English and French, OG pp. List of Colouued Platrs. (Drawn by George Walker, and Engraved by R. and D. llavill.) rronti.spiece,IIorscDealer,mounted, leading Two Horses. 1. 'i'he llor.-te Dealer. 2. Cloth INIakers. 3. Tlic Collier. 4. The Dog Breaker. 5. I'isherman. (i. The Clotii Dresser. 7. Lowkers. 8. Stone Brenkera on tlie Road. 0. Woman making Oatcakes. 10. The Ruddle Pit. U. The Fool Plough. 12. Nor and S|)cll. 13. The Cranberry Girl. 11. The Milk Boy. 1.5. ]{a|)c Threshing. IC, Till- East Riding, or Wold's Waggon. 17. Sea liathiiig. YORKSHIRE. 21 18. Wlialtbone Scrapers. 19. Farmers. 20. Moor Guide. 21. The Preemer Boy. 22. Thirty-third Ee<;'iment. 23. The teazel Field. 21. Line Swinglers. 25. Grenadier of the First West York Militia. 26. Eiding the 8tang. 27. Peat Cart. 28. The Cloth Hall. 29. Woman Spinning. 30. Hawking. 31. North York Militia. 32. Alum Works. 33. East York Militia. 31. Midsummer Eve. 35. Leech Finders. 36. Factory Children. 37. Bishop Blaize. 38. Wensley Dale Knitters. 39. Sheffield Cutler. 40. Jockies. This has become a very scarce book ; it was published at £1. 4s., and now sells at 20s. There are Large Papeu copies in Eoyal Folio, pub- lished at £6. Gs. ; they now sell at 12s. The Author, George Walker, Esq. of Kllingbeck Lodge, near Leeds, died July 25, 1856, coelebs, fct. 75. XXVIII. EELIQULE ANTIQU^E EBOKACENSES, or Remains of Antiquity relating to the COUNTY of YOEK. Illustrated by Plates and Wood- cuts. By WILLIAM BOWMAN, Antiquarian Draughtsman, assisted by several Local Antiquaries. Leeds : Cook and Clark, Printers, Briggate. 1855. {Quarto.) Title as above ; Preface. Contents, 2 pp. Eeliquiag Antiquse Eboracenses, 91 pp. Index, pp. 95, 6, List op Plates. 1. British Urns in the possession of Thomas Bateman, Esq., p. 8. 2. Cist with Skeleton and Weapons, found at Liff's Lowe, p. 8. Cist at Arbor-Lowe, a Woodcut on p. 7. Sepulchral Urn, Cross Lowe, a Woodcut on p. 8. Bone Instrument, found at York, a AVoodcut on p. 9. Saraian Ware Bowl, found at York, on p. 11. 8. Yorkshire Tradesmen's Tokens, Stventeeuth Century, p. 13. 4. Ditto, p. 17. Arms of the Swillingtou Family, on p. 22. Niche, Swillington Church, on p. 23. 5. Swillington Church, the Piscina and Sedilia, p. 23. 6. British Urns, found near Halifax, iu the possession of Mr. J. S. Stott, coloured, p. 26. Saxon Urn, and Iron Axe Head, on p. 28. Monument and Three Siiiekls of Arms, Fenton Church, on p. 31. Figures at the foot of the Monument, on p. 32. 7. Kiddal Hall, p. 33. West Doorway, Berwick Church, on p. 37. Two Urns, Hutton-Cranswick, on p. 38. British Dagger, found at Woodnook, on p. 39. 22 THE YORKSHIRE LmEARY. Geological Section of the Soil ; Part of a Wooden Canoe, on p. 10. 8. Roman Coin Moulds, and Base Denarii, p. 41. Funnel for the Moulds, on p. 42. 9. Yorkshire Tradesmen's Tokens, Seventeenth Century, p. 45. 10. Ditto, p. 49. 11. Markenfield Hall, two views, p. 53. Ditto, a woodcut on p. 53. Ditto, Plan, on p. 54. Pii^cina in the Cliapel, on p. 55. Flint Arrow-head, on p. 58. Sculptured Stone at Nun Jlill, on p. GI. 12. Saxon Antiquities, found at Nunburnliolm, coloured, p. 02. Celt, on p. 64. 13. Map of the Southern Frontier Defences of the Brigantes and North- umbrians, folded, p. 05. Flint Arrow-heads and Urn, on p. 7(5. It. Yorkshire Tradesmen's Tokens, Seventeenth Century, p. 77. 15. Ditto, p. 81. Roman Altar, found at Dunnington, on p. 80. British Urns, Baildon Moor, on p. 89. Earthwork, and Flint Spear-bead, on p. 90. Urn, on p. 91. Pabli.shed at 15s., in six numbers at 2s. Cul. each. Two hundred co[iies priuted, a few of which have the Plates on India paper. XXIX. Lithography. SIX VIEWS of PICTURESQUE SCENERY in YORKSHIRE. " To sit on rocks, to muse o'er llootl and fell. To slowly trace the forest's sliatly seene Where things that own not man's dominion dwell And mortal foot liiith ne'er or rarely been j To climb the trackless mountain all miseen. With tlio wild Hock that never needs a fold, Alone o'er steeps and foaminf! falls to lean, — This is not solitude, 'lis but to hold Converse with nature's charms, and see those channs unfold." Jli/roii. List of Plates. 4. Malham Cove. 1 . Settle, from the Market Place. 2. AVethercote Cave, near Jngleton. 3. Hurtle I'ot, near Inglcton. 5. (iiinlalo. C. llardraw Force, Wcnsley-dule. Drawn from nature and on stone by O. NiciroLSON. Malton : published by the Author. Sept. 10, 1822. {Folio.) These are good skefcliy Views. Published at Hs. ; sells at 3*. The same artist also published Nos. XXX. and XXXJ., as well as a great many otlier Yorkshire Views. YORKSHIRE. . 23 XXX. STX VIEWS of PICTURESQUE SCENERY in GOATLAND (near "Whitby), Yorkshire. 1822. {Fulio.) List of Plates. 1. Thomassin Eorce, Goatland. 2. Mill and Bridge. 3. Water Ark Bridge. 4. Beck Hole. 5. Maliue; Force. 6. Vale of Goatland. Published at 10s. Gd., afterwards reduced to 8s., now sells at 3*. XXXI. SIX VIEWS of MONASTEEIES in YOEKSHIEE. Drawn from nature and on stone by G. Nicholson. Malton : published by the Author. 1821. (Jo/w.) 1. Byland Abbey. 2. Eiveaux Abbey. 3. Kirkham Abbey. List of Plates. 4. Whitby Abbey. 5. Kirkstall Abbey. 6. Fountains Abbey. Published at 10s. Gd., reduced to 8s., sells at 3s. XXXII. A PHOTOGEAPHIC TOUE among the ABBEYS of YOEKSHIEE. By PHILIP H. DELAMOTTE and JOSEPH CUNDALL. With Descriptive Notices by JOHN EICHAED WALBEAN, F.S.A, Local Secretary of the Archjcological Institute, and WILLIAM JONES, F.S.A. London: Bell and Daldy, 180, Fleet Street. 1856. {Folio.) Title as above. Contents and Photographic Pictures, 4 pages. A Tour among the Abbeys, etc., 50 pages. List of Puotoguaphs. 1. Fountains Abbey, East AVindow and Tower, p. 1. 2. General Western Front, p. 3. 3. The Church, Cloister, and Hospitium, p, 9. 4. The Refectory and Kitchen, ]). 13. 5. The Church and Chapter House, p. 15. 6. Interior of the Chapter House, p. 17. 7. The Chapel of the Nine Altars, exterior, p. 19. 8. interior, p. 21. 9. Interior of the Choir, p. 23. 10. Gate to Fountains Hall, frontispiece. 11. The Echo Rock, p. 29. 12. Easbv Abbey, from the East, p. 31. 13. "The Refectory, p. 33. 24 THE YOEKSmRE LIBRARY, 14. Eivauls Abbey, General View from tbe Soutb, p. 15. Interior ot'tlie Choir, p. 35. 16. Lookinn; across tbe Choir, p. 37. 17. The Triforiuin Arches, p. 38. 18. Doorway of tlie Refectory, p. 39. 19. Kirlistall Abbey, from tiie AVest, p. 11. Ruius on the Soutb Side, p. 43. Doorway on tlie North Side, p. -15. Bolton Priory, from the Soutb, p. 17. Tbe Stepping Stones, p. 49. 34. 20. 21. 22 23! XXXIII. Tbe MONASTIC EDIXS of YORKSHIRE, from Drawings by AVILLIAM RICHARDSON, Architect, with Historical Descriptions by the Rev. EDAVARD CHUETON, M.A. Lithographed by Geobge IIawkixs. York : Robert Sunter, 23, Stone Gate, Bookseller in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1843. In Two Volumes. (Folio.) Introduction, pp. v. to is. Descriptive Account of Yorkshire Monas- teries, pp. 11 to 88. Contents at tbe end. (Tliis is incorrect, and is of no use in collating the work.) Pages 79 and 80 are repeated with an asterisk. List of Plates, printed by Day and Son, London. A^OL. I. 1. Title, on wbicli is a view of tbe Transept of "Whitby Abbey. Dedication to Edward Venables Vernon Harcourt, Archbishop 2. 11. 12. 13. St. Mary's Abbey, York, N. side of Nave, interior. • Details. Plan. of York. AV'itb hia Arms. Rievaulx Abbey, E. End, on p. A\niitby Abbey, Nave and Choir 28. on p. 11. Two se.ils, on p. 34. Seal and countcrseal, on 14. and Vale. p. IG. 15. Transei)ts and Choir. 3. N.E. view. IG. Details ami Plan. 4. S.W. view. Fountains Abbey, the Lady 5. Details. Chapel, on p. 35. G. Details and Plan. 17. ] nterior of Choir and Nave. Kirkstall Abbey, Nave and 18. S.W. view. Choir, on p. 1/. 19. Details. Roclio Abbey, Gateway, on i). p. 20. 41. 7. S.E. view. Two Seals, on p. 44. 8. N.W. view. 20. AV. view. 9. Details. 21. Details and Plain. 10. Details and Plan. Bvland Abbey, Gateway, on p. St. Mary's Abbey, A'ork, AVcst '1 r ' 45. End, on p. 21. Two Seals, on p. 48. Two seals and anus, on p. 22. S.W. view. 27. 23. and Vale, S.E. view YORKSinRE. 25 24. Byland Abbey, Details. Guisborough Priory and Vale, on p. 49. • Seal, on p. 50. 25. East end, interior. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 26. 27. Vol. II. 39. 40. Title, on which is a View of the Choir of Eievaulx Abbey. Selby Abbey, N. Porch, on p. 57. Two Seals, on p. 58. Interior of the Nave. West Front. Details. Details and Plan. Bolton Abbey, View from Hart- ingtou Seat, on p. 59. Interior of the Choir. West Front. Details. Bridlington Priory, S.E. view, on p. 61. Two Seals, on p. 62. West Front. N. Porch and Details. Details and Plan. Old Malton Priory, West Front, on p. 63. Jervauls Abbey, Chapter House, on p. 65. - Two Seals, on p. 66. - G-round Plan. Sallay Abbey, Gateway, on p. 67. Seal, on p. 68. 41. Interior. 42. N.W. interior. 43. Details. Monk Bretton Priory, Eemains of a Window, on p. 69. Seal, on p. 70. Coverham Abbey, on p. 71. Seal, on p. 72. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Guisborough Priory, Elevation of the same. Mount Grace Priory, Gateway, on p. 51. exterior. Egglestone Abbey, the Choir, on p. 73. — — S.W. view. Details. Easby Abbey, View, on p. 75. Interior of the Refectory. Exterior of the Refectory. Details. Grey Friars, Richmond, the Tower, on p. 77. and Castle Keep. Howden Church, Doorway to Chapter House, on p. 79. Seal, on p. SO. East End. South Side. Altar Screen. Chapter House, interior. Tombs. Details and Plan. 56. 57. 58. Alcove 79*. 59. 60. Kirkbam Priory, an the Cloisters, on p. Seal, on p. 80*. Gateway. Details. Marrick, View, on p. 81. Nun Monkton, on p. S3. Details. Ellerton, View, on p. 85. Rosedale Priory and Village, on p. 87. Seal, on p. 88. Map of the Relative Positions of the Yorkshire Abbeys and Castles. Coloured and folded. This Work was several years in completing ; some of the Plates are dated 1855. The paging is continuous, the book can consequently be bound in one volume. The Descriptive Account is very mean. The Seals are badly drawn, as well as incorrect, and, with two or three exceptions, they are quite worthless. Richardson's really fine Plates will always make this a desirable book. Published at £9. 9s. in 9 parts. The Lithogrophs coloured and mounted as drawings, £18. 18s. e 26 TIIE TORKSniKE LIBRARY. XXXIY. SKETCH of a TOUR into DEEBYSHIEE. and YOEKSHIEE, including part of Buckiugham, Warwick. Leicester, Nottingham, Nortli- aniptou, Bedford, and Hertfoi-d-shires. By WILLIAM BEAY, F.A.S. Tlie Second Edition. Loudon : Printed for B. "White, at Horace's Head, in Eleet Street. MDCCLxsiiii. (Octavo.) Title ; Preface to the First and Second Editions ; List of Plates ; viii. pages. Sketch of a Tour, 402 pages. Illustrated with nine Plates by J. Carter, none of which relate to York- shire. XXXY. A TOUR from D.OWNING to ALSTOX-MOOE. By THOMAS PENXAXT, Esq. Loudon : Printed at the Oriental Press bv "Wilson and Co. for Edward Harding, Xo. 9S, Pali-Mall ; and sold by West and Hughes, Xo. -10, Paternoster Eow. ISOl. (Octavo.) Title ; Advertisement ; Itinerary ; List of Plates ; 6 pages. Tour, pp. 1 to ISO. Index, pp. 191 to 195. List of Plates, designed by Moses Griffith. 1. Painted Glass at Warrington, p. 11. 2. Orford Hall, Comte sc., p. 12, 3. Tomb of Sir Tliomas Botelcr and his Lady, Birrcll sc, p. 20. 4. Edward, Earl of Derby, Harding sc, p. 26. 5. Charlotte, Countess of Derby, Harding sc, p. 37. 6. Seftou Churcli, Sparrow sc, p. 48. 7. Lvdiate Church, Harding sc, p. ijl. 8. Houghton Tower, Sparrow sc, p. 04. 9. Sir Edward Osbadiston, Sparrow sc, p. CG. 10. Ciithcro Castle, Comte sc, p. 76. 11. Ancient Altar at liibchester, Sparrow sc, p. 93. 12. Kirby Lonsdalu Bridge, Comte BC, |). 117. 13. Dr. Thomas Shaw, Harding sc, ]). 120. 14. Overton Cliurch, Sparrow 8C,,p. 122, 15. Ancient Sculptures at Ribches- ter, and Tomb, p. 124, 16. Wharton Hall, Sparrow sc, p. 129, 17. Philip, Duke of Wharton, Harding sc, p, 130. 18. Lamcrside 11 all. Sparrow sc, p. 131. 19. PeTidragon Castle, Sparrow sc, p. 131. 20. Brotigh Church, Comte sc, p. 137. 21. Apjjleby Castle, Harding sc, p, 139, ■ 22. Tomb of the Countess of Cum- berland, Birrell sc, p. 144, 23. Three Brother Tree, Sparrow sc, p. 152. 24. Ann Clifl'ord's Column. Sparrow sc, p. 154. 25. Xaworth Castle, Sparrow sc, ]). 173. 20. Llaiiercost Priory, Sinilh sc, p. 177. 27. Ben Caslle, Comic sc, p. 180. YORKSHIRE. 27 This interesting and posthumous Work of a celebrated antiquary con- tains little regarding Yorkshire ; but the nest Work, which forms a sequel to it, is almost entirely devoted to the County. XXXVI. A TOUE from ALSTON-MOOE to HAEKOWGATE and BEUf- HAM CEAGS. By THOMAS PENNANT, Esq. London : printed by C. Mercier and Co., Northumberland Court, Strand, for John Scott, No. 447, Strand. 1804. {Octavo.) Title; Itinerary; List of Plates ; Advertisement; 8 pages. Tour, pp. 1 to 125. Index, pp. 127 to 130. List of Plates, drawn by Moses Griffith ; engraved by Sparrow, Harding, and Griffith. 1. Bradley Hall, p. 8. 6. Tomb of Sir William Slingsby, 2. Brancepeth Castle, p. 13. p. 101. 3. Eaby Castle, p. 19. 7. Brimham Crags, Plate 1, p. 121. 4. Eippon Minster, p. 67. 8. Plate 2, p. 123. 5. Eountains Abbey, p. 75. 9. Plate 3, p. 124. There are Large Paper copies in Quarto of this and the preceding work ; they are generally bound together. XXXVII. TOPOGEAPHTCAL and STATISTICAL DESCEIPTION of the COUNTY of YOEK; containing an Account of its Situation, Extent, Towns, Eivers, Lakes, Mines, Fisheries, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, Agriculture, Curiosities, Antiquities, Natural History, Civil and Ecclesias- tical Jurisdiction, &c. ; to which are prefixed, the direct and principal Cross Eoads, distances of Stages, Inns, and Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats ; also a List of the Markets and Fairs, and an Index Table, exhibiting at one view the distances of all the Towns from Loudon, and of Towns from each other; the whole forming a complete County Itinerary. By G. A. COOKE, Esq. Illustrated with Slaps of the respective " Eidings, and Eight Picturesque Views. London : printed by assignment from the Executors of the late C. Cooke, for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Eow, and sold by all booksellers. {Duodecimo.) Title and Contents, 350 pp. Index, and Directions for the Plates, 10 pp., not numbered. List of Plates. 1. Micklegate Bar, York, a AVoodcut facing the title. 2. Map of the the West Eiding (folded), p. 61. 3. INIap of the North Eiding (folded), p. 74. 4. Map of the East Eiding (folded), p. 86. 5. Index Map to Yorkshii-e (folded), p. 88. 6. York. Harewood House. Two views, p. 147. 28 TIIE YOKKSHTRE LIBEAEY. 7. Eipon Minster. 8. Byland Abbey. 9. West Tautield. Hatfield Hall. Two views, p. 155. Dropping Well. Two views, p. 172. Eiclimond Castle, Two views, p. 310. There are Superior Copies, with the Maps coloured. value. Published at 4s., in paper cover. It is now of no XXXYIII. YORKSHIEE SCENEEY ; or. Excursions in Yorkshire. With De- lineations of some of the most interesting Objects ; engraved by Q-. Cooke, Esq., and other eminent Artists, from Drawings made for the pur- pose by T. C. Hofland, Esq., W. Cowen, R. Thompson, &c. &e. By E. RHODES, Author of ' Peak Scenery, or Excursions in Derbyshire.' London : printed for the Author, and published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster Row ; and E. Rhodes, Sheffield. MDCCCxxvi. (Quarto.) Half-title ; Title as above ; Dedication to Lord Viscount Milton ; tents, and List of Plates ; viii. pp. Yorkshire Scenery, and Appendix, 1G7 pp. List of Plates. Con- 1. View of Eotherham, p. 65. 2. Remains of Roche Abbey, p. 103. 3. View at Roche Abbey, p. 105. 4. Gateway at Roche Abbey, p. 109. 5. Conisbrough Castle, p. 115. 6. Athelstane's Chapel, Conis- brough, p. 131. 7. Conisbrough Castle, p. 13G. This is only the Eirst Part of the book, but is perfect in itself; the work was never completed. The Plates are excellent. XXXIX. A PICTURESQUE TOUR through the principal parts of YORK- SHIRE and DERBYSHIRE; by the late Mr. EDWARD DA YES. With Illustrative Notes by Edwaiid Wedlake Beayley, F.S. A. Second edition. Loudon : printed by and for John Nichols and Son, 25, Parliauieut Street; and sold by all the principal booksellers in Yorkshire. 1825. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Advertisement ; Contents ; ExcursioH, 200 pp. Index, p. 201 to 204. List of Plates. and List of Plates ; viii. pp. 1. Portrait of Edward Dayes, W. Holl sc, facing A^'ignette Title. 2. Vignette Title, Roche Abbey, W. and G. Cooke sc. 3. Dove Dale, J. C. Smith sc, p. 7. 4. Itocho Abbey, W. Angus sc, p. 25. 5. Kirkstall Abbev, J. C. Smith sc, p. I(i. 6. Middleham Castle, S. Noble sc, p. 112. 7. Hack Fall, W. Angus sc, p. 125. 8. Ripoti Jlinster, J. C. Smith ac, p. 133. YORKSHIRE. 29 9. Fountains Abbey, J. Eoffe sc, p. 137. 10. Helmsley Castle, J. Carter, F.S.A., des., J. Basire, sc, p. 150. 11. Eievaulx Abbey, J. C. Buckler des., Hollis sc., p. 158. 12. Bylaud Abbey, J. C. Buckler des., J. Basire sc, p. IGl. 13. West Front of York Minster, J. Carter des., p. 184. 14. Ouse Bridge, p. 189. Published at 18s. ; now sella at 5s., in boards. The First Edition was printed with the Complete "Writings of Dayes in 1805. The Plates and Description of the Tour are the same in the Second Edition, except that it has four additional Plates, Nos. 10, 11, 12, and 13. There are Large Paper copies of the First Edition, iu quarto ; published at 30s., iu boards, now sells for 7s. XL. The ANNALS of YOEKSHIRE from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Compiled by HENRY SCHECEDER. Leeds : published by Crosby and Co. 1851. {Octavo.) In Two Volumes. " Vol. i., 436 pp. Vol. ii., 404 pp. This contemptible work is in every respect as badly done as it can be ; it is full of typographical errors. The First Volume is nearly a reprint of the Annals of Leeds and York, but commencing at an earlier period, viz. the Deluge. The second contains some account of various towns in Yorkshire, the Great Exhibition in London, Lord Carlisle's Lectures at Leeds, Biographies, and a jumble of various other matters, — the work of the scissors and paste-brush. It is a mean aflFair. Published at 18s., in cloth ; sells at 5s. XLI. The ANNALS of YORK, LEEDS, BRADFORD, HALIFAX, DON- CASTER, BARNSLEY, WAKEFIELD, DEWSBURY, HUDDERS- FIELD, KEIGHLEY, and other places in the COUNTY of YORK, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Compiled by JOHN MA YHALL. Leeds : published by Joseph Johnson, Rotation Office Yard, Kirkgate. I860. {^Duodecimo.) Title and Preface, iv. pp. Annals and Index, 768 pp. List of Plates, engraved by Henry Le Petit. 1. York Minster, frontispiece. 2. Kirkstall Abbey, p. 19. 3. Moot Hall, Leeds, p. 112. 4. View of Leeds, p. 116. 5. Commercial Buildings, Leeds, p. 323. 6. Huddersfield, p. 377. 7. Parish Church, Leeds, 1817, p. 476. 8. Skipton in 1830, p. G32. 30 THE YOEKSIIIEE LIBEAET. 0. Town Halls, Leeds, p. 724. 10. CrimeaD Monument, Parish Chureli, Leeds, p. 737. A very inferior compilation, matched by the paper and printing. XLII. The TOFEIST'S COMPANIOX from LEEDS, through SELBT, to HULL. By Eailroad and Steamboat. By EDAYAED PAESONS, Leeds. London : Whittaker and Co. Selby : W. E. G-alpine. Manchester : Banks and Co. 1835. {Duodecimo^ Engraved Title as above, by J. Greenwood, Hull ; Contents and Index, Spp. The Tour, 243 pp. Illustrated with four Woodcuts. The work is of a very secondary character. XLIII. EAILWAT EXCUESIONS from TOEK, LEEDS, and HULL. By JOHN PHILLIPS, F.E.S. Part I. Excursions from York. Part II. Excursions from Hull. Part III. Excursions from Leeds. Hull : printed by Goddard aud Lancaster, mdcccliii. {Duodecimo.) 106 pp. Published at Is., for the Eailway Company. XLIV. YOEK CASTLE in the Nineicenth Century; being an Account of all the principal Offences committed in YOEKSIliEE from the year ISOO to the Present Period ; with the Lives of the Capital OHeuders ; accompanied with interesting Anecdotes, important Disclosures aud Confessions, ob- tained from authentic sources, and under high magisterial authority. By LEMAN THOMAS EEDE, Esq. Leeds : published by John Saunders, 19, Bond Street. Sold by J. Ben- nett, Three Tuns' Passage, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Eow ; G. Virtue, Ivy Lane, London ; and all booksellers tliroughout the kingdom. 1831. {Octavo.) Title, Preface, and Contents, vii. pp. Trials, 71G pp. List of Plates. 1. Engraved Title, on which is a vignette of Justice seated. 2. Portrait of Henry IFuiit, Esq. 3. Murder of IMr. Ilorsfall. 4. Martin Slack in the .\ct of Poisoning his Child. 5. Wintcrbotlom's Attack on Newton. XLV. YOEKSHIHE LONGEVITY; or Eecords and Biographical Anec- dotes of Pcruons who have attended to Extreme Old Age wilhiu that YORKSHIRE. 31 County. By AVILLIAM GEAIXGE, Author of 'Battles and Battle Fields of Yorkshire,' ' Castles and Abbeys of Yorkshire,' ' History of Nid- derdale,' etc. etc. Pateley Bridge : printed and published by Thomas Thorpe. Loudon : T. T. Lemare, Paternoster How. ISGk 114 pp. {Duodecimo.) A Catch-peuny Book, published at 1*. Gd , in cloth. XL VI. A DESCEIPTIVE ACCOUNT of the ANTIQUITIES in the GEOUNDS and in the MUSEUM of the YOEKSHIEE PHILOSO- PHICAL SOCIETY. By the Curator of the Antiquities (Eev. C. WELLBELOVED). York: H. Sotheran, Bookseller, Coney Street. 1852. (Octavo.) Title, Contents, and Address, viii. pp. Antiquities, 89 pp. List or Plates, engraved by W. G. Browne. 1. Plan of Ancient Eburacum and Modern York. '2. Plan of St. Mary's Abbey, the Museum now stands on part of its site. A "Woodcut Plan of the Multangular Tower, on p. 3, and the Seal of the Abbey, on p. 18. This is a valuable Catalogue of the best Collection of Antiquities in the County, the greater part of which have been found in York and the neigh- bourhood. The name of the author is a sufBeieut guarantee for the care taken in writing the Catalogue. Published at Is. Gd. XLVII. MEMOIES illustrative of the HISTOEY and ANTIQUITIES of the COUNTY and CITY of YOEK, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archieological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, held at York, July, 18-16, with a General Eeport of the Proceedings of the Meeting, and Catalogue of the Museum formed on that occasion. London : published at the Office of the Archseological Institute, 12, Haymarket. Sold by Johu Henry Parker, 377, Strand; John Murray, Albemarle Street ; Longman and Co., Paternoster Eow ; "W. Pickering, Piccadilly ; and G. Bell, Fleet Street ; John Henry Parker, Oxford ; Deightons, Cambridge ; Paris, Didron ; Leipsic, AYeigel. mdccc.xlviii. (Octavo.) Half-title ; Title as above, on which there is a Woodcut of Micklegate Bar, York. Preface ; Contents ; Proceedings of the General Meeting ; Subscriptions for defraying Local Expenses, sviii. pp. Catalogue of Antiquities. Account of some Barrows on the Yorkshire Wolds, illustrated with Woodcuts on tlie letter-press. Jet Ornament and Celt, on p. 27. British Bridle Bit, on p. 29. Bronze Eing, etc., ou p. 32. JJe.scription of Antiquities, on vi. plates, which are paged 35 to 40. Pp. 1 to 40. 32 THE YORKSmHE LIBRAEY. Parliaments of York, pp. 1 to 24. Account of Henry VIII. 's Progress in Yorkshire. Notes on travelling in the Northern parts in the Fourteenth Century. Pp. 1 to 24. Holy Trinity Priory, York, with a Woodcut on p. 231. Pp. 1 to 231. Lambert Symuell's Eebellion, pp. 1 to 32. Architectural History of York Cathedral, Table of Contents, Preface, Explanation of the Plans, viii. pp. History and Notes. List of Illustra- tions, on p. 60. Woodcuts on the letter-press. View of Arch and Apse in Crypt, on p. 13. Section of Crypt, on p. 16. Arch Mouldings, on p. 23. Three Windows, on p. 24. Pp. 1 to 60. Eemarks on Beverley Minster, pp. 1 to 26, illustrated with the following Woodcuts on the letter-press : — Ground Plan, on p. 4. N.E. Transept, on p. 6. In Eoof, on p. 7. Bay of South Transept, on p. 11. Arches in Eoof, on p. 12. Capitals of Piers, on p. 13. Arcade in North Aisle, and Capital, on p. 14. Capitals of Arcade, on p. 15. Two Windows, on p. 17. Buttresses, on p. IS. Base, on p. 19. West Front, on p. 21. Font, on p. 21. Monument in Nave, on p. 25. Base of Column, on p. 26. Architectural Notes on the Churches and other Ancient Buildings in York and the Neighbourhood, pp. 1 to 48, illustrated with the following Woodcuts on the letter-press : — Plan of York, on p. 2. St. Leonard's Hospital, on p. 4. Door-handle of All Saints' Church, on p. 7. Impost, Section, and Lectern, on p. 8. Door of St. Crux Church, on p. 9. Lantern of St. Helen's Church, on p. 11. Impost and Font, on p. 12. ^Masonry, on p. 17. Windows of the Tower of St. Mary, iiishupiiill Junior, on p. 18. Bell Cot, on p. 20. Window, Cross, and Capital, on p. 24. Moulding and South Door, on p. 25. Tower, Peaseholmo Green, on p. 27. Doorway, Pavement, on p. 29. Bracicet, House, Newgate, on p. 31. Door, High Ousegate ; Door, Good- ramgato, on p. 31. Door, Jubbergate, on p. 32. Nun Monkton Church, on p. 34. Interior, on p. 35. Section, Arch Mouldings, on p. 36. On the Saxon Crypt, Eipon Cathedral, illustrated with Woodcuts : — Plans, on p. 0; Details, on ji. 7. The Battle of Towton. Painted Glass in the Catliedral and Churches of York. Mazer Bowl, York, illustrated witli Woodcuts: — The Mazer Bowl, on p. 24; lnscri[)tion, on p. 25; Arms of Tliirkcll, Harden, and Wyman, on p. 29. Pp. 1 to 32. Mint iMarks on Saxon Coins, presumed to have been struck at York, illustrated with the Eoversea of Three Coins, on p. 7. Pp. 1 to 8. A True Memorial of the Life of Lady Ann Cliilbrd. Pp. 1 to 16. Ltst or Pj.ates. 1. The Seal of Triin'ty Priory, York, facing ji. 1 of the History of tho Priory- 2. Gateway of the Priory, Corbel Table, and Section of Arch, p. 231 of tho same: YORKSHIRE. 33 3. Five Iliatorical Plana of Tork Minster, folded, p. vii. of the Architec- tural History of Tork Cathedral. 4. North Transept, Beverley Minster; W. F. Starling 8c., F. Mackenzie del. ; p. 6 of Eemarks on Beverley Minster. 5. N.E. View of Beverley Minster, a rough etcliing, p. 3 of the same. C. Staircase in Beverley Minster; J. H. Lekeus sc, F. Mackenzie del.; p. 25 of the same. It will be perceived that the paging of the Volume is not continuous, nearly every article being paged separately. To prevent confusion in the descrip- tion of the Woodcuts, they are mentioned under each division, except the six Plates in the above list, which are not paged. The Woodcuts are exe- cuted in the most beautiful manner by Orlando Jewett. Published at £1 in boards ; sells at 14*. XL VIII. The BATTLES and BATTLE-FIELDS of TOEKSHIRE, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Great Civil War. By WILLIAM GEAINGE. York : published by James Hunton. London : A. Ilall and Co. 1854. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Preface ; Contents ; pp. 12. Battles, etc., pp. 204. (With a Map of the Battle-fields and Sieges.) Published at Ss. in cloth. XLIX. The EURAL ECONOMY of YORKSHIRE, comprising the Manage- ment of Landed Estates, and the Present Practice of Husbandry in the Agricultural Districts of that County. By Mr. MARSHALL. London : printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, mdcclxxxviii. In Two Volumes. (Octavo.) Vol. I. Title as above ; Half-title ; Advertisement ; Contents ; 8 pp. Rural Economy, 413 pp. List of Folded Maps. 1. Sketch of the County of York, H. Mutlow sc, p. 1. 2. The Vale of Pickering, p. 13. Vol. II. Title and Contents. Rural Economy, 3G6 pp. Index (not paged), 6 pages. William Marshall wrote numerous Works on agriculture in various counties in England, which were formerly held in great repute. At the end of volume ii. ia a very interesting List of Yorkshire Provincialisms. F 34 THE YORKSHIRE LffiR^MlY. The PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION of YORKSHIRE. By HENRY STOCKS SMITH. Londou : Jolm Russell Smith. ISoi. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Index, etc. ; 2 pp. List of Representatives, 58 pp. Obituary (of Represeutatives), 2 pp. Published at 2s. 6d. LI. The POLL for the COUNTY of YORK, 1807. Candidates, Wilber- force. Lord Milton, and II. Lascelles. (Octavo.) The most actively-contested Election which ever occurred in the County. The expenses of it exceeded £200,000. LII. The CONTESTED ELECTION of 1818, with Speoclios, etc. Bv C-^ESAR PEACOCK. {Octavo.) LIII. YORKSHIRE ARCHITECTrRAL SOCIETY. A Paper read at the Annual Meeting, hold at York, on the 25th of October, 1819. By MATTHEW HOLBECU BLOXAM, Esq. York: R. Suuter, 23, Stonegate. mdcccl. 16 pages. (Octavo.) List of Plates, in lithography, by AV. Monkhouse. 1. Effigy in AVadwortli Cliurch. 2. Slab 'in Wadwortli Cliurch. 3. Efligv in Auston Church. 4. Effigy in Lovcrsal Cliurch. 5. Wooden Elligy in Baruborough Church. A Woodcut of the Society's seal is printed on the Title-page. LIV. TOPOOPAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, and BIOORAPHTCAL ILLl'STKATIO.NS of the COUNTY of YOKK. Catalogue of a Collec- tion of Views of Anticpiities, Cliurclics, Scats, and oilier Interesting Objects in Y'orksliire; together with a List of the IMost Eminent Nobility, Gentry, Landowners, Clergy, and others connected with the History of this County, of whom there are Engraved Portraits; witii the size and price of each Print affixed. On sale by A. E. EVANS and SON, 1, Oreat Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn l^'iclda, London. 3() p|). (Octavo.) A very useful reference Catalogue, giviMi by Messrs. Evans to their customers. A few copies were printed on line paper. YORKSHIRE. 35 LV. HANDBOOK for TEAVELLEES iu YOEKSHIEE. With Map aud Plans. Loudon : John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1867. (JRoyal Duodecimo.) Title as above ; Preface ; Contents ; vi. pp. lutroductiou, pp. vii. to Is. Handbook aud Index, 506 pp. Map and Plans. Plan of York, folded, p. 16. York Minster, on p. 19. Eipon Cathedral, on p. 251. Plan of Fountains Abbey, on p. 266. Large folded Map of Yorkshire at the end. Published at 12s. in red cloth. LVI. CATALOGUE of a Collection of HISTOKICAL and TOPOGEA- PHICAL WOEKS and Civil War Tracts relating to the COUNTY of YOEK. Tracts concerning Sir Thomas Fairfax. Also Sermons and other Works connected with the County. In the Library of ED WAED HAIL- STONE, Esq., F.S.A. Lond and Scot., etc., at Horton Hall. Printed for private distribution. 1858. {Octavo.) Title; Preface; vii. pp. Catalogue, 77 pp. Pp. 71 and 72 are blank. Illustrated with a Litho- graphic View of Horton Hall {Bradford), South Front. A remarkably fine Library of Yorkshire Topography, to which other Books are added having some reference to the County. The Catalogue gives no description of the Books. Citp of poriv. LVII. BORA CUM: or, the HISTORY ami ANTIQUITIES of the CITY of YOHK, from its Original to the Present Times ; together with the History of the Cathedral Church, and the Lives of the Archbishops of that See, from the First Introduction of Christianity into the Northern parts of this Island to the Present State and Condition of that Jlagniticent Fabric. Collected from authentick INlanuscripts, Public Records, An- cient Chronicles, and JNIodcrn His- torians. And illustrated with Cojjper- plates. In Two ]5ooks. By FRAN- CIS JJJiAKE, of the City of York, Gent., F.R.S., and Member of the Society of Antiquaries in Loudon. " Nee manet lit fuerat, nee forniam servat eaiidctti, Set! tanu-n ijisa eadem est." — Ovid, Met. lib. xv. London: printed by W. Bowycr for the Author, mdccxxxvi. (FvJIo.) Title-pnge as above. J)cdication to the Riglit Honourable Sir Richard Boyle, Earl of Bur- lington, dated London, August 1, 17.'j(> ; with the Arms of the Earl of Burlington at the head of the Dedication, drawn and engraved by .I.s. Sympson. "With an Advertisement respecting the number of sheets ami price of the work, on the reverse of the concluding page of the Dedication ; '^ PP- I'refaee, and lAst of Loose Prints, with the Order of ])lacing them, 3 p]). The History of the City of York, Book I. I'i>. H'-"^- Title-page to the Second Hook, with Head and Tail I'icccs, engraved by .1. Pine; the Mitre, C-'ro/.ier, and I'a.stornl Stall', on the ' The History of the Church of Vorlt, Book II. P|). li'.)'.) to (;27. Appeudis, coulttiuiug rcfei'oucus, additions, aud emendations, pji. ex. CITY OF YORK. 37 Index of Places aud Persons, printed in double columns, pp. 33, not numbered. Errors of paffing :— P. 09 for 90 ; p. 121 for 133 ; p. 121 for 13G ; p. 20 1 for 201. ; p. 332 for 323 ; p. 357 for 375 ; p. 319 for 139 ; p. 319 for 449 ; p. 3G1 for 461 ; pp. 554, 555, for pp. 5G6, 567 ; p. 595 for 593 ; p. 594 for 590 ; p. xxxiv. in the Appendix for p. xxxiii. Sisal and Counteb-Seai, of the City or Yokk. 38 THE YOKKSIIIRE LIBRARY. Ltst of Plates. 1. Severus's Hills, near York, as they appear at about a mile's distance from the north-west angle of the City walls ; presented by Thomas "Wil- loughby, of Birdsall, Esq.; J. Haynes del., "W. H. Toms sc. ; p. 1-t. 2. A View of part of tlie Roman Road on Brambaui Moor, leading to- wards Tadcaster ; presented by George Fos, of Bramham Park ; J. Haynes del., W. II. Toms sc. ; p. 19. 3. Tiie Plans of the Roman Stations of Isurium, now Aldburgb, and Calcaria, now Tadcaster ; p. 22. 4. Roman Pavements at Aldburgb ; presented by Robert James, Lord Petre ; .1. Basire sc. ; p. 21. 5. Tlie Obelisks at Boroughbridge ; presented by Bryan Fairfax ; p. 28. 6. Roman Camp on tlie Moors near Pickering ; contributed by Thomas Strangewayes Robinson, of Pickering ; p. 36. 7. Map of the Roman Roads in the County of York ; inscribed to tho Society of Antiquaries ; p. 37 (folded). 8. Roman Altars, Urns, and other Curiosities found at York ; inscribed to the Fellows of the Royal Society ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 5G (folded). 9. Roman Tower and Wall in York ; presented by Dr. Benjamin Lang- with, Rector of Petwortli ; AY. IT. Toms del. et sculp. ; p. 57. 10. The Roman Arcli in Micklcgate Bar, York; presented by William Drake, of Barnoldswiekcotes ; J. llaynes del., W. H. Toms sc. ; p. CO. 11. Roman Ht'ad of Brass found at York ; in the Museum of Roger Gale, Esq., who presented the plate; G. Vertue del. et sc. ; p. 05. 12. ^\'ilHam the Conqueror giving a Charter to his Nephew Alan, Earl of Brittany, p. 88. *^* The same plate as in Gale's ' Rogistrum Honoris do RicJimond." 13. View of York from Severus's Hills; contributed by Sir Miles Stapylton, of Myton, Bart. ; F. Place del., AV. II. Toms sc. ; p. 220. 14. Plan of the City of York ; inscribed to the Common Council of York ; p. 241 (folded). 15. South-west View of York ; contributed by Sir John Lister Kayo, Bart. ; P. Monamy del , W. II. Toms sc. ; p. 218 (folded). 16. Ousc Bridge at York ; contributed by Sir John Leveson Gower, Bart., Baron Gower of Stittenhaui ; W. II. Toms del. et sc. ; p. 281. 17. A Perspective A^iew of the Castle of York ; inscribed to Thomas Dunconibe, Esc). ; J. llaynes del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 286 (folded). 18. Clillbrd's Tower in York, as it stood fortified before it was blown up, anno 108t; presented by jMargaret, Baroness Cliilbrd ; F. Place del., Toms sc. ; p. 289. (Plate I.") 19. A I'erspective View of the Inside Ruins of Clillbrd's Tower ; ]ire- sented by Sir Thomas Coke, Lord l;<)vell ; \V. JI. Toms del. et sc. ; p. 289. (I'latell.) 20. A'iew of A^ork from near the Cniilluence of the Rivers Ouse and Fobs; contributcil bv 'fhoinas Lister, lOsq., of Gisburn Park; J'', i'laeo del. 1703, C. Baron sc. ; p. 303. 21. Percy \Vindow, formerly in St. Denis Church, AYulmgate, York ; presented by Al^'crnou Haron l'ei('y ; |). 3()(i 22. Tho Church Porch of St. Margaret in York ; presented by the Rev. Sauiuel Drake, D.D. ; Jno. llaynes del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 308. CITY OF YORK. o\) 23. TliG Great Eoom in tlic Lord Mayor'a House, and Plan; inscribed to Samuel Clarke, Esq., Lord Mayor of York ; J. liajnes del, J. Harris, sc.; 2i. Front of the New Assembly Eooms ; (Lord) Burlington arclit., P. Fourdrinier sc. ; p. 338. (Plate I.) 25. Section of the Great Room ; p. 338 (folded). (Plate II.) 26. Plan of the same, p. 33S. (Plate III.) 27. Monument of Henry Swinburne in I'ork Cathedral ; presented by Sir John Swinburne, Bart.," of Capheaton Co. of Northumberland ; p. 377. 28. Map of the Ainsty of York, Seals of the Corporation, the Mayor, the Guild, etc., p. 381 (folded). . 29. Title to the Second Book, with Head and two Tad Pieces, p. 39S. 30. Monument of Archbisliop Sandes in York Cathedral ; inscribed to Sir Miles Stapylton, Bart. ; p. 456. 31. Monument of Archbishop Ilutton, presented by Mr. John Dawson, of York, p. 458. 32. Monument of Archbishop Matthews, p. 459. 33. Monument of Archbishop Frewen ; contributed by Thomas Frewen, of Brickwall, co. Susses ; p. 464. 34. Monument of Archbishop Sterne ; presented by Eichard Sterne, ot Elvington; Jno. Haynes del. ; p. 464. 35. Monument of Archbishop Dolben ; presented by the Eev. Sir John Dolben, Bart. ; Jno. Haynes del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 466. 36. Monument of Archbishop Lamplugh ; contributed by the Eev. Thos. Lamplugh ; Jno. Haynes del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 467. 37. Monument of Archpishop Sharp ; presented by the Eev. Dr. Tlios. Sharp ; Jno. Haynes del., J. Basire sc ; p. 467. 38. The Particular Devices or Family Arms belonging to several Arch- bishops of York, p. 470. . 39. An Internal Perspective View of the Chapter-house in York Ca- thedral ; presented by the Eev. John Drake ; J. Haynes del., Harris sc. ; p. 476 (folded). 40. Monument of Sir Henry Belassis ; presented by Viscount Faucon- berg ; p. 502. 41. Monument of Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle ; presented by Lady Lechinere ; p. 503. 42. Three Mural Monuments of Pearson, Terrick, and Gibson ; J. Ba- sire sc. ; p. 504. 43. Monument of Frances Cecil, Countess of Cumberland; presented by Lady Jane Boyle ; P. Harrison del, J. Basire sc. ; p. 505. 44. Monument of Sir William Gee ; presented by Thomas Gee, Esq., of Bishop Burton ; p. 508. 45. Monument of William Wentwortb, Earl of Strafford ; presented by the Eight Hon. Thomas, Earl of Malton ; John Haynes del., C. du Bosc sc; p. 51L (Plate I.) , -n- , . 46. Monument of Tliomas Watson Wentworth ; presented by the Eight Hon. Thomas, Earl of Malton ; W. Kent, arch, del., G. Vertue sc. ; p. 511. (Plate II.) ,^ ^ 47. Monument of Frances Matthew; presented by the Hon. Mrs. tos, ofBramham Park; p. 512. 40 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 48. Monument of the Hon. Henry riiieli, Dean of York ; presented by the Hon. and Rev. Edward Finch ; Jno. Hajnes del., J. Baaire sc. ; p. 513. 49. The Ichnography of York Cathedral, with the New Pavement ; W. H. Toms sculp. ; p. 519 (folded). 50. An Internal Perspective View of the Choir End of York Cathedral ; J. Haynes del., Harris sc. ; p. 522 (folded). 51. An Internal Perspective View from the "West End ; J. Haynes del., Harris sc. ; p. 525 (folded). 52. The Window Armorial ; inscribed to John Anstis, Esq., Garter Principal King-at-Anns, p. 527 (folded). 53. The East Window, W. H. Toms del. et sc, p. 527. 54. An Internal Perspective View of York Cathedral from the South Cross ; presented by the Eev. Thomas Lamplugh ; J. Haynes del., B. Cole sc. ; p. 533 (folded). 65. Arms in Stone over the Arches in the West End, and in the Lan- thorn Steeple, p. 534. 56. Arms of Kings, Princes, the Nobility and Gentry of England, which were in the Cathedral Windows, drawn in 1641, most of which are appa- rent there at this day ; p. 535 (folded). 57. West View of the Euins of St. Mary's Abbey, York; contributed by John Twisleton, Esq., of Eawcliife ; W. H. Toms del. et sc. ; p. 574 (folded). 58. An Additional Plate of Eoman Curiosities found at York and Aldburgh; contributed by Sir Hans Sloane, Bart.; Basire sc. (folded). Appendix, p. xiii. 59. Ancient Seals belonging to some Archbishops of York and several Et'ligious Houses in that City ; inscribed to the Society of Antiquaries; J. Basire sc. (folded). Appendix, p. ci. 60. Saxon and Danish Coins struck at Y'ork ; contributed by James West, Esq., of the Middle Temple ; Basire sc. Appendix, p. civ. Plates on the Lettee-peess. 1. Facsimile of King John's Charter to the City of York in the year 1200, on p. 203. 2. View of York, on p. 225. 3. AUhallows Church in the Pavement, with the Market Cross before it, J. sc, on p. 293. 4. View of York from Fishergate Postern, on p. 307. 5. Market Cross in Thursday Market, on p. 324. 6. The Lord Mayor's House, on p. 330. 7. Tiio Great Water Tower, Fran. Place del. et sc, on p. 331. 8. Another View of the same; Fran. Place sc, on p. 332. 9. View of York, showing its Ancient Walls, on p. 347. 10. Ten Shields of Arms of the Earls and Dukes of York, from 1138 to 1716, on p. 34S. 11. St. William's Coffin in York Cathedral, on p. 420. 12. Tomb of Arclibishop Eogor, died 1181, on p. 422. 13. Tomb of Archbisliop Orcy, diod 125."), on p. 427. 14. Tomb of Archbishop Sowal, died 1258, on p. 429. 15. Tomb of Archbishop Greucfuld, died 1340, on p. 432. CITY OF YORK. 41 16. Monumental EfBgics of Archbishop Waldby iu Westminster Abbey, wlio died in 1397, on p. 437. 17 Tomb of Archbishop Scrope, 1105, on p. 440. 18. Tomb of Archbishop Bowet, 1423, J. Hayues sc, on p. 441. 19. The Outside and Inside Views of the Gatehouse to the Archiepiscopal Palace at Cawood, built by Cardinal Kenipe, Juo. Haines del., J. Basire escud., on p. 413. 20. Tomb of Archbishop Rotherham, 1500, on p. 447. 21. Tomb of Archbishop Savage, 1507, on p. 44S. 22. Monument of Piers, 1594, on p. 457. 23. Monument of Archbishop Monteign, 1G2S, on p. 460. 24. Curiosities in the Vestry of York Cathedral, on p. 4S0. 25. West End of York Cathedral, on p. 484. 26. South Front of York Cathedral, on p. 486. 27. North-East View, with the Chapter House, on p. 487. 28. Three Marble Effigies in York Cathedral, on p. 491. 29. Plan of the Cathedral, with the Old Pavement, on p. 493. 80. Monument of William de Langueton, died 1279, on p. 494. 31. Monument of Bi-yan Higden. 1539, on p. 496. 32. Tomb of John Haxby, Treasurer, 1424, on p. 501. 33. Monument of Dalby, 1525, on p. 502. 34. Mural Monuments of Wanton, Palmer, and Ilodson, P. Harrison del., on p. 507. 35. Mural Monument of Anne Benett, on p. 510. 36. Mural Monument of Maria Eaynes, on p. 515. 37. Mural IMonument of Lyonel Ingram, on p. 516. 38. Mural Monument of Sir William Ingram, LL.D., on p. 517. 39. Mural Monument of Annabella Wickham, on p. 518. 40. Two Windows over the Gallery of the Middle Aisle, on p. 525. 41. The Great West Window, on p. 526. 42. Two Windows in the Side Aisles of the Choir, on p. 527. 43. Windows at the South Cross End, on p. 530. 44. Windows at the North Cross End, on p. 531. 45. Arches of tlie North Transept, on p. 532. 46. Section of the Great Tower, on p. 533. 47. Prospective View of the Euins of Cawood Castle, J. Haines del., J. Basire sc., on p. 543. 48. Ichnography of the Conventual Church of St. Mary, in York, on p. 576. 49. Sectional View of Severus's Hills, on p. iv. of the Appendix. 50. The Supposed Tomb of Godfrey de Kimetou, Archbishop, on p. Ixvii. of the Appendix. 51. Monumental Effigies of William Egremond, Bishop Suffragan, on p. Ixviii. of the Appendix. 52. The Section and Measurement of St. Wilfrid's Steeple, Eipon, on p. scv. of the Appendix 53. York Tokens of the Seventeenth Century, on p. cxi. of the Appendix. The Small Paper copies, which were published at £2. 2s., now sell at £5 ; and the Laege Paper copies, at £5. 5s., now sell at £10. This splendid Work, for the period when it was published, contains many errors ; the G 42 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. charters, etc., are frequently incorrectly copied. The annexed portrait of Drake, engraved by P. Eothwell, first appeared in Eichardsou's ' Topo- graphers ;' it is copied from a finely engraved portrait in mezzotint, of folio size, with York Cathedral in the backp;rouud ; N. Drake pinx., Valentine Green sc. They are unlike the portrait in the Mansion House, or that in the Yorkshire Museum. Francis Drake, the author, was born in 1695; he was son of the Eev. F. Drake, ^M.A., Eector of Himsworth, and Yicar of Pontefract. In early life he practised in York as a surgeon with great reputation. He was of a cheerful and agreeable disposition ; in politics he warmly espoused the Stuart cause. Besides his ' History of York,' he wrote the ' Parliamentary History of England to the Eestoration,' as well as several tracts in the ' Philosophical Transactions,' also for the ' Arclueologia,' published by the Society of Antiquaries, of which he was a member. He died in 1770, tet. 75, and is buried in St. Mary's Church, Beverley, where there is a monu- ment to his memory. LVIII. A List or Catalogue of all the Mayors and Baylifs, Lord Mayors and Sheriifs, of the Most Ancient, Honourable, Noble, and Loyall "CITY of YOEK. from the Time of King Edward the First until this Present Year, 16&1, being the Sixteenth Year of the Most Happy Eeign of our Most Grratious Soveraign Lord King Charles tiie Second. Published by a true Lover of Antiquity and a Well-wislier to the Pi-osjierity of the City ; together with his Hearty Desire of the Eestoration of its former Glory, Splendor, and Magnificence. York : printed by Stephen Bulkley. IGGJi. {Quarto.) G7 pp., exclusive of the Title; with the Arms of York engraved on wood as a Frontispiece. %* Eephixted at London for W.B., and sold by Jonas Brovine, at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar. 1715. {Qitar/o.) Gi pp. Upcoit. The Author of this anonymous Work was CnEisTOniEn Hii.dtakd, Esq., Eecorder of Hedon, and Steward of St. JNlary's Court at York. He was a resident at York. Born in 1615, he died in 1G91. He was brother to Sir Eobert Hildyard, of Wiuestead, in Holderness, the first baronet of that ancient Yorkshire family. LIX. The ANTIQUITIES of TORK CITY, and the Civil Government tliereof ; with a List of all the Mayohs and Hayliil's, l^ord IMayors and Slierin's, from the 'i'inie of King Edward tlio First to this Present Year, 1719. Collected from the Papers of Cn iiisTolMiEii IIildyaiu), Fj)h\., with Notes and Observations, and tiie Addition of .Ancient Jiiseriptioiis, and Coates of Arms, from Grave-stones and Church Windows. By JAMES TOEH, Gent. And since continuctl to this Present Year, 1719. W ilh an Francis draki-: .F.R.S. HilloriaH ^' AHiiiniarv . ynbtifttU mz by W^Hich.i CITY OF YORK. 43 Appendix of the Dimensions of York Minster, the Names of the Founders, Repairers, and Benefactors. A Catalogue of all the Eeligious Houses, Chappels, and Churches, that have been and at present are in the said City ; as also the Gifts and Legacies to the Charity Schools, with the Names of the First Promoters and Founders thereof. York : printed by G. Wliite, for F. Hildyard ; and are to be sold by "W. Taylor, in Paternoster Kow, and T. Ward, in Inner Temple Lane, Loudon. Anno Dora. 1719. {Octavo.) Title as above. Dedication to Sir "William Robinson, of Newby, Bart., signed Francis Hildyard, and dated York, March 2nd, 1719; a second Dedication to Robert Fairfax, Esq., Alderman of the City of York ; 8 pp. The Antiquities of York, 118 pp. Appendix, 4 pp. With eighteen AVoodcut Shields of Arms, and an Inscription on the City Wall, on the letter-press. There are copies on Laege Paper. The List is now of no value, as it has been copied into most of the subsequent publications on the history of York. It is scarce and sells at 4s. LX. The ANTIENT and MODERN HISTORY of the Famous CITY of YORK : and in a particuhir manner of its magnificent Cathedral, com- monly called Yoke Minster; as also an Account of St. Mary's Abbey, and other Antient Religious Houses and Churches, the Places whereon they stood, what Orders belong'd to them, and the Remains of those Antient Buildings that are yet to be seen ; with a Description of those Churches now in use, of their curiously painted Windows, the Inscriptions carefully collected, and many of them translated; the Lives of the Arch- bishops of this See ; the Government of the Northern Parts under tlie Romans, especially by the Emperors Severus and Constantius, who both dy'd in this City; ofthe Kings of England and other Illustrious Persons who have honoured York with their presence ; an Account of the Mayors and Baylift's, Lord ISIayors and Sheriffs (with several Transactions not published before), from "diflerent Manuscripts, down to the Third Year of the Reign of His present JM.ijesty King George the Second. To which is added a Description of the most noted Towns in Yorkshire, with the Antient Buildings that have been therein, alphabetically digested, for the delight of the Reader; not only by the assistance of Antient Writers, but from the Observation of several Ingenious Persons of the Present Age. The whole diligently collected by T. G. (Thomas Gent). Sold by Thomas Hammond, Jun., Bookseller, in High Ouze-gate ; at the Printing Office in Coffee Yard, York ; and by A. Bettesworth, in Pater- noster Row, London, mdccxxx. {Small Odaco.) Title-page as above. Preface, dated York, Feb. 2, 1730, pp. iii. to viii. Historical and Descriptive part, 25G pp. Addenda, Names of Subscribers, and Errata, 8 pp. With a folded Plan of the City of York, to face the Title ; a View of 44 THE YORKSHIRE LraRARY. York, folded, to front p. 1; a Woodcut of tlie Catlicdral, and Arms of tlie See, on p. 22; the same Arms, on p. G9; tlie Crucifixion iu the S.\Y. "Window of the Aisle of the Cathedral, at p. J 58; the Monument of Bichard Grimston, Priest, iu St. Nicholas's Church, a separate Woodcut, p. 171 (only inserted in some copies) ; and a View of an Ancient City, on p. 238. The circulation of Gent's Works lay principally among the poorer classes, and, in consequence of the rough usage they have undergone, they are generally in a bad and imperfect state, frequently wanting the Plates. His books sell at liigh prices, from their singularity and absurdit}'. Tlie ' History of York ' fetches lu.s., though originally published at 4s. bound. Tiiere is an admirable folio mezzotint portrait of him, engraved by Valentine Green, painted by N. Drake, which has been copied in his Autobiography, published by Thomas Thorpe, 1832. The portrait opposite is printed from the same copper-plate. Also a quarto portrait, iu a cocked hat, Petlier del. et sc. Tiiere is an etched portrait of Gent by T. Denton, a very poor afl'air, and used by Gent for a book-plate. It is of octavo size. lie is seated near a table, holding a music-book ; hung on the wall are a violin and stick ; above is a shelf with six volumes on it, marked England i., Rome ii., East AVindow, Hidl and Ripou ; on the other side is a pointed window. Another octavo book-plate of Gent is engraved on wood by himself in the vilest manner. On it is printed " Tlios. Gent, a^t. 51, 1717." lie is seated to the right, near a table, holding a music-book in his hand. Thomas Gent was a native of Irehuid. lie followed the business of a printer in London, his jirincipal work being ballads, many of liis own com- position, and other broad sheets. In 1725 he commenced business as master-printer in Vork, where he married. In his person he was as eccen- tric as ill his mind; he was of low stature, mostly wore a long cloak fis- tened witii a belt, with a long beard, and an affected air of gravity. In his old age he could engrave the barbarous woodcuts he used in printing without tlie aid of glasses. His business had considerably declined before his death, but the kindness of some firm friends assisted him towards the close of his long life. He died in 177s, iu his eighty-seventh year, and was buried in St. Michael-le-Belfry Church, York. At his death he left his |>ro[)crty to Mr. Johnson, then Recorder of York, who had done him many favours; but Mr. Johnson returned the property to Gent's relatives iu Ireland. LXI. The most Delectable, Scriptural, and Pious History of the Famous and ISfagnilicent GKR.XT EASTERN WINDOW fac(\.rding to IJeautifiil I'orti-aiturcs) in ST. rid'EK'S CATIl l^DUA l>, VOKK. I'revious thereto is a Remarkable Account how the Ancient Churches were diflerently erected by two famous Kings; the present built by five excellent Arch- bishops, one exlraordinary Bishop, with others; the Names of Sepulchred Personages, and Important A flairs worthy Remembrance. A Rook which might be Btyl'd the History of Histories; succinctly treated of, in Three Parts. I. Of the Coolestial Hierarchy in llcfulgent Glory ; with Patriarchs, T- m ©ivi ^T. CITY OF YORK. 45 Propliets, Evangelists, Apostles, Saints, and Martyrs; likewise of their holy living and dying. II. Tlie Glorious Manner of the Creation ; the Antediluvian State of Nature; Noah's Ark; Erection of Babel ; King Melchisedek's Reception of Abram ; Isaac blessing Jacob ; Moses providentially found by Princess Merisia ; his Meeting with Aaron, and appearing before the Throne of her Eoyal Father; Joseph and his Brethren receiving the Patriarchal Bene- diction ; the Sudden Immersion of the Egyptian Monarch with his Host in the Eed Sea ; the Death of Samson, Pall of Goliath, and Absalom's Suspension. III. The Eevelation of St. John agreeable to the Predictions of Daniel, not only concerning the Mighty Empires of Assyrians, Modes, Persians, &c. but the Spiritual Kingdom of our Redeemer Christ Jesus, even to his Tremendous Appearance at the Most Solemn Tribunal of Judgement. Likewise is added a Chronological Account of some Eminent Personages therein depicted, anciently Remarkable for their Learning, Virtue, and Piety. By THOMAS GENT, Printer, xt. 70, a.c. mdcclxii. " Si quid noviati, rectius istis, Candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum." — Hob. " City, renown'd ! if better's knowu, proclaim ; If uot, pray this peruse, and spare to blame. Spare me in age, who lor'd you from my youth ; And let my humble style be skreen'd by truth. Much as you can, conserve this work of mine ! At least, let fame still live, endeav'ring thine. Since 'tis for you I write — like, done by me. When none was extant, York's fair history ; That bless'd as them by those deserving praise, I may with grateful pray'rs conclude my days : Aiul may that kindness, which like rivers flow, Yield heav'nly life for tliose you save below." Impressed for the Author, in St. Peter's Gate. {Octavo.) Title-page as above. A folded Sheet, entitled " Pious Contemplations, etc. etc. By Thomas Gent, Printer, aged C5, a.c. 1757," on which is an engraved View of York, and at the side, pasted to it, a Plan of York ; facing the Preface. Preface, pp. i. to xviii. Imploration in verse, pp. xis. to xxiv. The History of the Tracery in the Eastern Window, Book i., pp. 70. The Religious and Instructive History of the Eastern Window, Book ii., pp. 71 to 98. The Visional and Solemn History of the Window, Book iii., pp. 99 to 19G. Index of Names, Places, etc. (la to 12iy), pp. 12. Names of Subscribers, and a Specimen of an intended Poem in praise of Yorkshire, 4 pp. not numbered. Following the List of Subscribers is a Tract of 24 pp., entitled, The Contingencies, Vicissitudes, or Changes of this Transitory Life. Set forth in a Long and Pathetick Prologue, spoken for the most part on Wednes- day and Friday the ISth and 20th of February, 1761, at the deep Tragedy of' the Beautiful, Eloquent, Tender-hearted, but Unfortunate Jane Shore, 46 TirE YORKSHTRTi: LTBK.VEY. Concubine to the goodlv King Eilward IV., nnd the Suft'erings of Princess Elizabeth, acted in Thursday 'iNFarket, York, at Mr. Clark's Theatre. AVitli a Benedictive Epilogue of Thanks to the Wortliy and Charitable Beholders. Bv Thomas Gent, Master Printer : being uttered and performed at his benefit ; and now published by the desire of some friends, who then heard him. York: printed by the Author. The whole concluding with a Prospectus of the Instructive, Poetical, and Entertaining History of the Ancient INIilitia in Yorkshire, under the renowned King Ycnusius. Designed for the press, in S or 10 exhibitions, weekly, at 3 pence each time, provided a tolerable number subscribe, whose names are to bo printed. Written under cruel disappointment, aud waiting for paper, a.c. mdcclx. (This appears never to have been printed, and if regard be given to what he has done as a poet, no great loss either.) Also a List of Books printed and published by the Author. 4 pp. on which are sixteen woodcuts. A large folded sheet of the Great East Window, rudelv engraved on wood and barbarously coloured, fronts the Title ; also G2(J woodcuts printed in the letter-press. Three small engravings of York, Durham, and Lincoln Cathedrals on one plate, by T. Gent, are jiasted on p. 70 over tlie woodcut of York Cathedral in many copies. The Book now sells for 30s. It is much rarer than his History of York. The large folded View of the East Window is often ^yanting. LXII. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of the CITY of YORK from its Origin to the Present Times. Illustrated with Twenty-two Copper- plates. In Three Volumes. York : printed by A. AVard, and sold by W. Tcsseyman, J. Todd, H. Sotheran, T. Wilson, N. Erobisher, aud R. Spence, Booksellers. 1785. {DuoJecimo.) Vol. I. Containing — I. York; its diiVerent Names and Etymologies, with the obscure History of it till the Coming of the Romans into Britain. II. The JState of it under (lie Roman Government in ]5ritain. 111. The 8tate of it from the Romans leaving tlie Island to the Norman Conquest. IV. Historical Annals to the LTniting of the two Houses of York and Lan- caster. Y. Continuation of the Historical Annals, from the Union of the two Houses of York and Lancaster to the Present Times. Title aa above. To the Reader, 1 p. The History and Antiquities of York, 300 pp. Index to the lirst Volume, pp. 3G1 to 100. List of Pi.atks. 1. Plan of the City of York. Facing the Title (folded). 2. Roman Inscriptions, p. 57. 3. Multangular 'I'owcr and Wall, p. 59. 4. Monument of a Itoman Standard Hearer to the Ninth Legion, p. t)5. 5. Itoman Arch in Micklegatc 15ar. No. 4. P. 05 (folded). CITY OF YORK. 47 6. Ancient Tombs, etc., at St. Laurence's Church, p. GG. 7. Eoman Seals, etc., found in York, p. 79. 8. Tmafje of Saturn, Fibula, Urn, etc., found in York, p. 80. 9. 10. Roman Urns, etc., found iu York, p. 85. 11. Antique Ftniale Bust, found at York, p. 86 (folded). 12. Eomau Altar and Urn, p. 87. 13. Mithras sacrificing a Bull, p. 87 (folded). 14. Konian Sepulchre, fouud in 1708, p. 88. 15. 10. Inscriptious and Urns, found in 1770, p. 90. 17. Saxon Coins struck at York. No. 1. P. 134 (folded). 18. Cliflbrd's Tower. No. 5. P. 337 (folded). Vol. II. Containing — I. The Government of the City during the Times of the Eomans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans ; with the present Government by a Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Siierifls. II. The Ancient and Present Navigation of the River Ouse. III. The Liberties, Franchises, Charters, Gifts, Donations, and Privileges granted to the Community of tiie City. IV. The Bye-Laws, Ancient Customs, Fairs, and Markets of the City. V. The Guilds, Crafts, Trades, and Fraternities. Title as above. The History continued, 380 pp. Index to the Second Volume, pp. 381 to 402. List of Plates. 1. The Mansion House. No. 7. P. 12 (folded). 2. The Thursday Market Cross. No. 0. P. 171 (folded). Vol. III. Containing — I. An Historical Account of the Earls and Dukes of York. XL Exact Catalogues of the High Sheriifs of the County of York, the City's Representatives in Parliament, Mayors, Lord Mayors, Bailifls, Sheriffs, and Recorders of York. III. A Short Account of the Lives of some Great and Famous Men to whom the City has had the honour to give Birth. IV. A Survey of the Ainsty or County of the City. V. An Alphabetical List of the Monumental Inscriptious in the Churches of York. VI. The Acts for Cleansing and Enlightening the Streets, for preventing Abuses in Weighing and Packing of Butter, and for Improv- ing the Navigation of the River Ouse. Title as above. Directions to the Binder. The History and Antiquities of York concluded, pp. 2S5. Addenda, 2 pp. Index to the Third Volume, pp. 287 to 292. List of Plates. 1. Map of the Citv, Ainsty, and part of the County of York, the Course of the River Ouse. "Also the City Seals. P. 70 (folded). 2. York Tokens. No. 2. P. 288 (folded). This work is principally a compilation from Drake's History, from whence the Plates have been borrowed, and possesses very little interest. Worth 7s. (jd. 48 tHE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. LXIII. EBOBACUM: or the HISTOET aud ANTIQXTJTIES of the CITY of YORK from its Origin to this Time ; together with au Account of tiie Aiusty or County of the same, and a Description aud History of tlio Cathedral Church from its first Foundation to tlie present Year. Illus- trated with Seventeen Copper-plates. In Two Volumes. York : printed for T. Wilson and R. Spence, High Ousegate. 1788. {Octavo.) YOL. I. Title as above. Dedication. The History of York, pp. 3 to 399. Index to the First Volume, pp. 375 to 418. Errors of paging : — ^p. 137 for 237 ; pp. 281 to 290 are omitted, the catch-words and signatures correspond ; p. 1G9 for 309 ; pp. 371, 2 omitted ; p. 376 of the Index for 402, aud the error is coutiuued. *^* Between pp. 2.30 and 231 is a half-title to the Second Book. List of Plates. 1. Plan of the City. Facing the title (folded). 2. Six Roman Inscriptions, and the Multangular Tower, p. 30. 3. Monument of a Roman Standard Bearer, Seals, etc., p. 30. 4. Antique Female Head, found at York, p. 43. 5. Mithras sacrificing a Bull, and a Roman Altar, p. 44. G. Roman Arch in Micklegate Bar, p. 415. 7. View of York County Hospital, p. 3U3. 8. View of York Lunatic Asylum ; J. Atkinson del.,F. Consitt so. ; p. 377. 9. View of the Ruins of St. Mary's Abbey, p. 381. Vol. II. Title-page as before. The History of York concluded, pp. 3GC). Indexes to the Second Volume, pp. 307 to 3S2. Errors of paging : — pp. 125 to 134 arc omitted, the signatures and catch-words agree ; pp. 359 to 300, signature zz, are repeated, and follow p. 300. *#* Between pp. 250 and 251 is a half-title to the Second Book of vol. ii. List of Plates. 1. View of St. Mary's Church, Castlegatc ; J. Atkinson del., F. Consitt sc. ; p. 25. 2. View of York Castle and the New Court, p. 20 (folded). 3. Clilford's Tower, Consitt sc, p. 34. 4. Alliiallows Church, Pavement, with the Market Cross before it, Con- sitt sc, p. 41. 5. Porcli of St. ]\Iargaret's Cinircii, York, p. 51. (i. Tiie Mansion House, Consitt sc, |). 77. 7. View of tiie Oraiid Slanil, Kace (Jround, Yurk, p. IS7. 8. The South- West Prospect of the Caliiedral Church of York, Consitt sc, p. 251 (folded). CITY OF YORK. 49 LXIV. HISTOEY and DESCEIPTION of the Ancient CITY of YOEK ; comprising all the most interesting Information already published in Drake's ' Eboracum ;' enriched with much entirely new Matter from other authentic sources, and illustrated with a neat Plan of the City and many elegant Engravings. By WM. HAEGEOVE. In Two Volumes. York : published and sold by Wm. Alexander, Castlegate ; sold also by Baldwin, Cradock, and Co., London ; Eobertson, Edinburgh ; Hargrove and Son, Harrogate ; J. Edwards, Halifax ; and the booksellers of Leeds, Hull, Doncaster, Sheffield, etc. 1818. (Octavo.) Vol. I. Title-page as above. Preface, pp. v. to xvi. History of York, pp. 17 to 350. Appendix, — Acts of Parliament relating to York, Origin of the Mo- nastic Life, Ouse Navigation, Distances from the principal Towns, pp. 351 to '112. Pp. 397 to 412 are marked with a star, as the same paging com- mences the Index. Index to the First Volume, pp. 397 to 407. List of Plates and Woodcuts, p. 408. Errata to vol. i., p. 409. List of Plates, drawn by H. C.ive. 1. South-West View of the Cathedral, H. Le Keux sc. Facing title. 2. Euins of St. Mary's Abbey, J. Basire sc, p. 129. 3. View of Ouse Bridge, as it stood in August, 1809, J. Le Keux sc, p. 256. 4. View of the City, J. Basire sc, p. 307. List of Woodcuts printed in the Letter-press. 5. Arms of the City and Multangular Tower, ou the Title-page. 6. Monument of Standard Bearer of the Ninth Eoman Legion, on p. 35. 7. Inscription on a Eoman Altar, on p. 142. 8. A View of Walmgate Bar, on p. 191. 9. Sculpture of Mithras sacrificing a Bull, on p. 229. 10. Eoman Inscription to Serapis, on p. 247. 11. Eoman Votive Altar, found in York, on p. 270. 12. Form of a British Stone Coffin, on p. 277. 13. Eoman Sepulchral Theca, on p. 294. 14. Eoman Votive Tablet, on p. 296. 15. Curious Seal of one of the Begging Friars, on p. 303. Vol. II. Title as before. Contents of the Second Volume, 2 pp. Stranger's Guide, p. 5 to 318. List of Plates. 1. View of Micklegate Bar, H. Le Keux sc. Facing Title. H 50 THE YORKSniEE LIBRARY. 2. Plan of York, Coloured, p. 5 (folded). 3. Sason Sculpture, and Description, aAVoodcut, p. 129. 4. Projected New Bridge over the Ouse, p. 197. Woodcuts printed in the Letter-press. 5. Arms of the See of York, with Minster Libraiy, on the Title-page. 6. Inscription on a Stone taken from Monk Bar, on p. 18. 7. View of Fishergate Bar, on p. 22. 8. View of Layerthorpe Postern, on p. 27. 9. Ancient Sallyport and Towers of the Castle, on p. 228. 10. Clifford's Tower in its Original State, on p. 253. Vol. II. Paet II. Title as before. Advertisement. Stranger's Guide continued, pp. 319 to 676. Index to the Second Volume, pp. G77 to 688. Omissions in the Index of vol. i., and List of Plates, 2 pp. List of Plates. 1. Clifford's Tower from St. George's Field, Js. Basire so./ Facing title. 2. Eeverse of a Masonic Seal, a Woodcut, p. 477. 3. Seal of St. Mary's Abbey, a Woodcut, p. 5S3. 4. Seal of the Merchants' Company, York, a Woodcut, p. 583. Woodcuts printed in the Letter-press. 5. Entrance to Bishopthorpe, on the Title-page. 0. Masonic Seal, on p. 477. 7. Koriian Sculpture, found in Gillygate, on p. 574. 8. Ichnography of St. Mary's Abbey, on p. 594. There are Larck Paper copies, published at £1. \Gs. ; they now sell at 10*. This is a good addition to Drake. LXV. ANTIQUITIES of YORK. Drawn and Etched by II. CAVE, London : published by R. Ackermann, 101, Strand ; L. Harrison and J. C. Leigh, Printers, 373, Strand. 1813. {Imperial Quarto.) Title as above. Introduction, 2 pp. Anti(j\ntie8 of Y'ork, 21 pp. List of Plates, 1 p. List of Plates. An Old House, on which is the title, " Picturesque Buildings in Y'ork, sketched and etched by II. Cave." Facing l,he title-page. 1. Old HuiUling in Goodramgatc, p. 1. 2. Ornamenled House in Stoncgate, p. 2. 3. iMitranci' to the Excise Oliice in the Pavement, p. 2. 4. J'art of Low Ousegate, p. 3. 5. Part of the Front to the George Inn in Coney Slrcet, p. 4. G. The Parsouagc to All Saints Chuich, North Street, p. 5. CITY OF YORK. 51 7. Old Building in Peasliolm Green, p. 5. 8. Part of Stonegate, p. 0. 9. Porch of St. Lawrence Cliiircli, p. 0. 10. Steeple of Trinity Churcli, Micklegate, p. 7. 11. A Doorway to Lady Irwin's in the Minster Tard, p. 7. 12. Fishergate Bar, p. 8. 13. Micklegate Bar, p. 8. 14. Boothara Bar, p. 9. 15. Monk Bar, p. 10. 16. Walmgate Bar, p. 10. 17. Portal of the Priory of St. Trinity, Micklegate, p. 11. 18. Doorway of Sir Arthur Ingram's Hospital, Bootham, p. 12. 19. Entrance to Clifford's Tower, p. 12. 20. Churches of St. Crux and All Saints, Pavement, p. 13. 21. Doorway in Coney Street, p. 14. 22. Entrance to the White Swan Inn, Pavement, p. 15. 23. St. William's Chapel, and part of Micklegate, p. 15. 24. Inside of St. William's Chapel, p. 16. 25. Entrance into St. William's Chapel, p. 16. 26. Part of the Screen of St. William's Chapel, p. 16. 27. Screen of St. William's Chapel, p. 16. 28. St. Mary's Tower, p. 16. 29. Gateway to St. William's College, College Street, p. 17. 30. Entrance to St. William's College, p. 17. 31. Entrance to the George Inn, Coney Street, p. 18. 32. North Street Postern, p. 18. 33. Low and High Ousegate, p. 18. 34. Carving in Wood, the Corner of Low Ousegate, p. IS. 35. Tower at the Entrance of Marygate, p. 19. 36. Ancient Architecture adjoining to Clifford's Tower, p. 19. 37. First Water Lane, p. 19. 38. Castlegate Postern, p. 20. 39. Part of the Euins of St. Mary's Abbey, p. 20. 40. Fishergate Postern, p. 21. These beautiful and spirited etchings, after the manner of Piranesi, are worthy of a place in any Library. Published at £2. 12s. 6(/., in boards ; now sella at 15s. The Plates have been republished. There are Proof Impressions of the Plates on India-paper. LXVI. FEAGMENTA VETUSTA: or the Eemains of Ancient Buildings in TOEK. Drawn and Etched by JOSEPH HALFPENNY. Published Nov. 1, 1807, by J. Halfpenny, York. {Imperial Quarto.) Half-title. Engraved Title as above, and Ornaments in St. William's Chapel. Dedication to Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart. Introduction, 3 pp. 52 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRAEY. Historical Compendium of the Walls and Bars, beginning with a Ualf- title, 10 pp. Descriptive Letter-presa of the 34- Plates, 19 pp., not numbered. List of Subscribers, 3 pp. List of Multangular Tower. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. C. lusideof the Multangular Tower. Bootham Bar. Monk Bar. Inside of Monk Bar. Plan of Monk Bar. 7. Laythorp Postern. 8. Walmgate Bar. 9. .Sallyport to the Castle. 10. Micklegate Bar. n. Inside of the City Walls. 12. Clifford's Tower. 13, 14. Two Views of the Interior of Clifford's Tower. 15. Plan of Cliflbrd's Tower. 16. Cloister to St. Peter's Hospital in the Mint Yard. 17. Cloister to St. Leonard's Hos- pital. 18. Chapel to the Archbishop's Palace. Plates. 19. Inside of the Chapel to the Archbishop's Palace. 20. Crypt to the Cathedral. 21. 22. Two Views of Ousebridge, and St. William's Chapel. Entrance to St. William's Cha- pel. Porch of St. Margaret's Church, Walragate. Ornaments in the Porch of St. Margaret's Church. Entrance to St. Dion's Church. St. Mary's Abbey. 29. Two" Views of the Vaults of St. Mary's Abbey. 30. Entrance to St. Mary's Abbey. 31. Entrance to the Manor. 32. Entrance in the Court of the Manor. 33. Inside of the auildhall. 34. Fishergate Bar. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28, Published at £3. 3s. in boards ; now sells at 15s. These are a good collection of etchings. Many of the buildings are now demolished or altered. LXVII. GOTHIC OENAMENTS in the CATHEDRAL ClimiCII of YOllK. Drawn and Etched by .lOSEFII HALFPENNY. Published by J. Todd and Sous, York, mdccxcv. (muccc.) {Imperial Quarto.) Engraved Title-page as above. Dedication to tlie Dean and Prebendaries of York. Introduction, dated York, March 2, 1795. Description of Plates, 21 leaves printed on one side, dated York, April 19, 1800. List of Subscribers. List of Plates. 1. Two Capitals in the Cliaptcr House. 2. Four Uoases in tlio Passage to the Chapter House. 3. Two Heads in the Chapter House. 4. Two Capitals in the Choir End of the Cliurch. 5. Four Knots in the Ceiling of the Choir End of the Church. G. A Stall in the Ciuipter House, with all its parts complete. CITY OF YORK. 53 7. Two Suspended Capitals of a Stall in the Chapter House. 8. Two Heads belonging to a Stall in the Chapter House. 9. Two Capitals in the Choir End of the Church. 10. Four Knots in the Choir End of the Church. 11. Two Columns in a Chapel under the Altar. 12. Group of Figures iu the N.E. Angle of the Great Tower. 13. An Arch over the Well in the Vestry. 14. Two Consoles placed on the Columns at the East End of the Church. 15. Four Knots in the Ceiling of the Choir End of the Church. 16. Two Suspended Capitals iu the Chapter House. 17. A Capital in the North Aisle. 18. Two Capitals iu the Chapel, under the Altar. 19. Two Heads over the Coats of Arms iu the Spandrils to the Arches in the North Transept, near the Altar. 20. A Canopy placed on the Columns at the East End of the Church. 21. Two Knots in the Ceiling of the West End of the Church. 22. Two Capitals in the Nave of the Church. 23. Two Pinnacles in the Side Aisles of the Nave. 24. Two Heads over a Stall in the Chapter House. 25. Two Fiuials with the Crockets to the Pediments in the Side Aisles of the Nave. 26. Two Knots in the Ceiling of the Nave. 27. A Compartment, of which there are eighty-eight iu the Side Aisles of the Nave and West End of the Church. 28. A Capital in the North Aisle. 29. Two Capitals in the Nave. 30. Two Figures in the South-East Angle of the Great Tower. 31. Two Consoles in the Vestry. 32. Four Knots in the Ceiling of the Eoof of the Nave. 33. 34. Two Capitals of Semi-pillars in the South Aisle of the Nave. 35. Three Niches in the Tympan of the Pediment of the West Door. 36. A Pediment to one of the Compartments in the Side of each Win- dow in the North Aisle of the Nave. 37. Two Fiuials of Pediments in the South Aisle of the Nave. 38. A Capital in the Nave of the Church. 39. Pedestal and Canopy placed on the Middle Jamb of the Great Door at the West End. 40. A Capital and Head to the Pillars which separate the Nave from the Side Aisles. 41. A Crocket to the Pediment to the Great West Door, with part of the Mouldings of the Arch. 42. Two Finials with their Crockets at the West End. 43. Two Compartments at the West End of the Nave. 44. Two Capitals to the Centre Mullions of the Compartments repre- sented in Plate 43. 45. Two Consoles placed at the bottom of the Compartments represented in Plate 43. 46. A Compartment in the Spandril of the Arch to the Door of the South Aisle at the West End of the Church. 47. A Capital and Head to the Pillars which separate the Nave from the Side Aisles. 54 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. •48. Foliage in the Capitals of the Pillars to the Nave. 49. A Door on the Side of the North Aisle of the Nave. 50. A Capital in the Nave from whence spring the Groinings of the Eoof. 51. Foliage in the Capitals to the Pillars that separate the Nave aud Side Aisles. 52. Two Heads in the Chapter House. 53. Two Knots in the Ceiling of the Nave. 54. Three Stalls in the Choir. 55. A Capital to a Semi-pillar in the "West Aisle of the North Transept from whence spring the Groins to the Roof 56. Two Heads on the Pillars in the Nave. 57. A Bracket in the West Side Aisle of the North Transept. 58. A Fiiiial to the Eud of one of the Seats in the Choir. 59. Part of the Screen which separates the Service Choir from the Nave. 60 A Canopy over the Statues attached to this Screen. 61. A Capital to a Semi-pillar in the East Aisle of the North Transept. 62. A Capital in tlie North Aisle to the Choir. 63. Foliage to the Capitals in the North Transept. 64. The Entrance through the Screen into the Service Choir. 65. The Pediment of the above Entrance more at large. 66. A Pedestal in the Screen to the Service Choir. 67. A Bracket in the North Transept, with the Base of the Cylinders resting upon it. 68. Upper "Windows in the South Transept. 69. Two Seats to the Stalls in tiie Choir. 70. A Window in the Chapter House, and Buttresses taken externally. 71. The Cornice to the Chapter House more at large. 72. Two Brackets in the North Transept. 73. A Capital more at large, represented in Plate 68. 74. A Compartment iu the West Aisle to the North Transept, in which is an Arched Recess for a Piscina. 75. An Upper Window at the East End, taken externally. 7G. The Cornice above the Window. 77. The South Door, taken externally. 78. Arches on the West Side of the South Transept. 79. Two Bosses in the Spaudrils to these Arches. 80. Tiie West Door, taken externally. 81. Mouldings in the Arch to the West Door. 82. A Window in the Side Aisles of the Choir at the East End of the Church, taken externally. 83. The Cornice over the Window. 84. The Pediment between the two Towers at the West End. with the Pediment to the West Window. 85. Circular Window above the South Entrance, taken externally. 86. A Bracket in the South Transept. 87. A Group of Seven Figures on a 15uttrcs8 at the West End. 88. Mouldings in the ,Vrch to the West Door. 89. Two Niciies, with Pedestals, on each side of the Iron Gates to the Side Aisles of the Ciioir. 90. Two Spouts to the Koof of the North Aisle of the Nave. CITY OF YORK. 55 91. A Window in the Nave, with part of a "Window in the Side Aisle of the Nave, both taken externally. 92. Two Cornices. 93. Two Niches on the outside of the "West End. Qt. Two Spouts at the North Side of the East Eud. 05. Eoiir Compartments in the Ceiling of the Chapter House. 9G. Three Borders to these Compartments. 97. The East "Window, taken externally. 98. The West Window, taken externally. 99. A Capital in the West Aisle of the North Transept. 100. Window in the North Transept, taken externally. 101. Two Capitals in the Choir End of the Church. 102. An Inside View of the Chapter House. 10.3. View from the North Transept, or Aisle of the Church. 104. View from the Nave, or West End of the Church. 105. View from the Choir of the Church. Plates 95, 96, are coloured after the original. Published at £6. 6s. ; now sells at £2. 2s. The Work was commenced in 1795 by subscription, and was completed in 1800, in twenty numbers. It was Eepoblished by John and George Todd, York, mdcccxixi., and difl'ers from the original only as follows : — • 4- Letter-press Title in addition to the engraved one. A new Dedication to the Archbishop, Dean, Canons Residentiary, and the Prebendaries of the Cathedral Church of York, by the Publishers. Advertisement to the present edition, dated July, 1831. Subscribers, 2 pp. Some Account of the Destructive Fire in the Choir and " Chapelle of our Ladye" in York Cathedral (1829), and 5 pp. of letter-press. Joseph Halfpenny was born at Bishopthorpe in 1748, where his father was gardener to the Archbishop of York. He followed the business of a house-painter in York for several years, and afterwards as an artist in Gillygate. He both drew and etched the whole of the Plates himself. His industry, coupled with his retiring manners, injured his health. He died at York in 1811, in the 63rd year of his age, and is buried in St. Olave'a Churchyard, without a tombstone to mark the spot. LXVIII. An Accurate Description and History of the Metropolitan and Cathe- dral Churches of CANTERBURY and "TOEK, from their First Founda- tion to the Present Year. Illustrated with 117 Copper-plates, consisting of diift'rent Views, Plans, Monuments, Antiquities, Arms, etc. London: printed for W. Sandby, Bookseller, in Fleet Street; and sold by J. Hildyard, Bookseller, in ITork. mdcclv. (Folio.) Title-page as above. History of Canterbury Cathedral, 54 pp. A Catalogue of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to 1747, 2 pp. Title-page to the Description of York Cathedral. 56 THE YOEKSHIKE LIBKARY. Description of Tork Cathedral, with Appendix, pp. 59 to 144. Index of Monuments in both Cathedrals, 3 pp. List of Plates, etc., 1 p. There are 53 Plates to Canterbury Cathedral, originally engraved for Dart's ' History of Canterbury Cathedral,' and 64 Plates to York Cathe- dral, from Drake's ' History of York.' LXIX. An Accurate DESCEIPTION and HISTORY of tho CATHEDRAL and Metropolitical Church of ST. PETER, YORK, from its First Foun- dation to the Present Year. Illustrated with Copper-plates, consisting of different Views, Plans, etc., and Translations of all the Latin Epitaphs. To -which are added Catalogues of the Archbishops, Deans, Sub-deans, Chancellors, Treasurers, Precentors, and Suceentors. In Two Volumes. York : printed by A. Ward, for T. Wilson, C. Etherington, W. Tessey- man, J. Todd, and H. Sotherau, and D. Peck, mdcclxviii. {^Duodecimo.) Vol. I. Title-page as above. Dedication to Rev. John Fountayne, D.D., Dean of York. Historical Description, and Directions to the Binder, 13G pp. List of Folued Plates. 1. "West View of York Cathedral, p. 27. 2. South View of York Cathedral, p. 32. 3. Grand Tower or Lanthorn Steeple, p. 33. 4. Plan of the Cathedral, with the Old Pavement, p. 34. 5. Plan of the Cathedral, with the New Pavement, p. 35. 6. Window of the Middle Aisle, p. 49. 7. AV'indow at the East End of the Church, p. 49. 8. The West Window, p. 49. 9. The East Window, p. 49. 10. The Window Armorial, p. 49. 11, 12. Windows at the South Cross End and North Transept, p. 53. 13. Windows of the Lanthorn Steeple, p. 54. 14. Windows at the North Cross End, p. 54. Vol. II. Title-page, dated mdcolxx. Dedication to the Archbishop of York. Index, 1 p. History of the Cathedral continued, together witli the Lives of the Arch- bishops and Deans, 274 jip. Pp. 157 and 15s arc repeated with asterisks. Tliis is copied from Drake's ' History of York,' and the Plates borrowed from the same. It ia of uo value. LXX. TWELVE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS of the Exterior and Interior I'arls of the METKOi'OlilTICAL CHURCH of YORK; accompauied CITY OF YORK. 57 by Two Ichnographic Plates, and an Historical Account. By CHAELES WILD. " m laDSi Ws IJijIorum, sic est IDomus ista Domatum."" London: printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland Eow; publisbed by the Author, No. 1, Charlotte Street, Pimlico ; Molteno, Pall Mall; Miller, Albemarle Street; and Taylor, at the Architectural Library, Holboru. 1809. {Imperial Quarto.) Half-title. Title as above. Dedication to the Archbishop of York, 1 p. Scale of Dates and Dimensions, with reference to Plan, 1 p. (Description of) York Cathedral, 9 pp. List or Plates, Drawn and Engraved by C. "Wild. 7. Part of the South Front. 8. The Transept, from the South- West Angle. 9. Interior of the Chapter House. 10. (Exteriorof) the Chapter House. 11. The Choir. 12. North Aisle of the Choir. 13. The Chapel of the Virgin Mary. 14. The East Eront. 1. Ground Plan of York Cathe- dral (folded). 2. Capitals of the Columns in the Crypt. 3. North-West Aspect of York Cathedral. 4. West Front. 5. The Nave. 6. South Wing of the Transept. Published at 63s., sells at 15s. ; Laege Papee, 105s., sells at 25s. Some copies have a double set of Plates — the etchings and the aquatinta engravings. LXXI. The HISTOEY and ANTIQUITIES of the METEOPOLITICAL CHUECH of YOEK. Illustrated by a Series of Engravings of Views, Elevations, Plans, and Details of the Architecture of that Edifice. With Biographical Anecdotes of the Archbishops. By JOHN BEITTON, F.S.A. London: published by Longman, Hurst, Eees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Eow ; the Author, 10, Tavistock Place ; and J. Taylor, 59, High Hoiborn. 1819. (Quarto.) Title as above. Dedication to Q. Markham, D.D., Dean of York, Dec. 1, 1818. Preface, 2 pp. History and Antiquities, pp. 7 to 96. List of Plates. 1. Ground Plan, C. F. Porden del, Gladwin sc. 2. Plan and Capitals of the Crypt, P. Mackenzie del., T. Eanson sc. 3. The Crypt, F. Mackenzie del, J. Scott sc. 4. View of the North Transept, Ed. Blore del., C. Asky sc. 5. North-East View of Chapter House, Ed. Blore del. et sc. 6. The East End, F. Mackenzie del., J. Le Keux sc. I 58 THE YORKSHIRE LIBEAEY. 7. South-East View, F. Mackenzie del., E. Sands sc. 8. South Transept, P. Mackenzie del., J. Le Keus sc. 9. Circular Window, South Transept, F. Mackenzie del., J. Le Keux sc. 10. West Front, E. Blore del., J. Le Keux sc. 11. Centre Door, West Front, E. Blore del., J. Le Keux sc. 12. A'iew of the Cathedral from the Eamparts, F. Mackenzie del., S. Eawle sc. 1.3. View from the North to the South Transept, F. Mackenzie del., H. Le Keux sc. l-l. Elevation of the North, and Section of the South Transept, Ed. Blore del., J. Le Keux sc. 15. South Transept, Exterior and Interior of one Compartment, F. Mackenzie del., J. Le Keux sc. 16. Yiew of the Nave, F. Mackenzie del., S. Eawle sc. 17. Monument of Archbishop Gray, Edw. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. IS. The Nave; Compartment, Interior and Exterior; Edw. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. 19. Elevation and Section of the West End, Edw. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. 20. Architectural Details, E. Blore del., T. Eanson sc. 21. West End of the North Aisle of the Nave, P. Mackenzie del., H. Le Keux sc. 22. Doorway in the Organ Screen, E. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. This serves as a Frontispiece to the Volume, and on the door is inscribed ' Tlie History and Antiquities of tlie Metropolitical Church of York, with En- gravings. By J. Britton, F.S.A.' 23. The Choir looking East, F. Mackenzie del., Edmd. Turrell sc. 21. Interior and Exterior of the Choir, F. Mackenzie del., A. Pugin sc. 25. Section and Elevation of the East Eud, F. ]\lackenzie del., Turrell sc, 2G. Archbishop Bowett's Monument, E. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. 27, Entrance Doorway to the Chajiter House, A. Pugin del., E. EoiFe sc. 28, End of North Transept, A. Pugin del., Gladwin sc. 29, Archbishop Savage's Monument, Ed. Blore del., J. Le Keux sc. 30, numbered on the Plato 31. Capitals and Pendants in the Chapter House, F. Mackenzie del., J. Le Keux sc. 31, numbered on the Plate 32. Wiudow, etc., Chapter House, F. Mac- kenzie del., J. Lo Keux sc. 32, numbered 33 on the Piute. Architectural Details, E. Blore del., H. Le Keux sc. 33, numbered 3Ji on the Plate. Parts of Altar Screen, Stalls, etc., E. Blore del., R. Rolfe sc. 31, u\iiiibered 36 on the Plate. Three Monumental Effigies, Edmd. Blore del., J. Le Keus sc. Publislied at £3. 15«., now sells at 20«. ; Lahoe Paper copies at £6, now sell at 40*. : and a few copies Eotal Foi-to at £12. 12s., now sell at £4. It was afterwards Rcpubii.shcd by M. A. Nattali, 19, Soutiiamptou Street, Covent (Jarden, in IS3(!, at a reduced ])rice. Britton's ' History of York Cathedral,' with its fine engravings, ia the best of the numerous works on tlie subject. CITY OF YORK. 59 LXXII. The HISTOEY of the METROPOLITAN CHUECH of St. Petee, YOEK ; illustrated by Estracta from Authentic Eecords, by Plans, Sec- tions, and Engravings of Architectural and Sculptural Details. By JOHN BROWNE, Corresponding Member of the Archaeological Insti- tute of Great Britain and Ireland ; of the British Archaeological Associa- tion; of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, etc. etc. London : Longman and Co., Paternoster Eow ; W. Pickering, Picca- dilly ; J. Weale, High Holborn. J. H. Parker, Oxford ; R. Sunter, and the Author, York, mdcccxlvii. {Elephant Quarto.) Title-page as above, witb a Woodcut of tlie Papal Arms of the See. Dedication to Edward, Lord Archbishop of York. Preface, 4 pp. List of Subscribers, 4 pp. Contents of the Chapters and Errata, 2 pp. The History, 331 pp. Chronology of the Fabric and Curiosities of the Vestry, 3 pp. Index, 8 pp. The following serves for a Second Volume. Plates to the History of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York. By JouN Browne, mdcccxlvii. Title as above. Table of the Plates, 2 pp. List of Plates, all Drawn by John Beowne, and Etched by J. Beowne and Son. Eelating to Prior Edifices. 1. Plan of the Present Church, described at p. 5. 2. Plans of the Choirs, p. G. 3. Plan of the Saxon Choirs, p. 6. 4. A Saxon Arch, p. 10. 5. Saxon and Norman Walls, p. 10. 6. An Ancient Staircase, p. 10. 7. Plans of Ancient Parts, p. 10. 8. The Herba Benedicta, p. 27. 9. Conventional Eorms of the same, p. 28. 10. Conventional Forms of the same, and of Laurel, p. 28. 11. Conventional Forms of Leaves, p. 29. 12. Plan of the Norman Crypt, p. 31. 13. Sections and Mouldings of the same, p. 35. 14. Remains of South Entrance, p. 36. Portion of North Entrance, p. 36. Portion of the Norman Church, p. 36. Plan of a Pier in the same, p. 37. Elevation of a Pier in the same, p. 37. View of the same, p. 37. Plan of a Pier in the same, p. 37. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Elevation of a Pier in the same, p. 37. 22. View of the same, p. 38. 23. Bosses in the Crypt, p. 38. 24. Ornaments on Bases inthe same, p. 38. 25. View of a Capital in the same, p. 38. 26. A perfect column in the same, p. 38. 27. A view in the Crypt, p. 39. 60 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 28. Conventional p. 39. form of Laurel, 29. Other forms of the same, p. 41. 30. A''arious Normau Capitals, p. 42. SeJating to the pr 34. Interior Compartment of the Nurtli and South Transepts, described at p. C6. 35. E.xterior Compartments of the same, p. 69. 36. Profiles of Bases, etc., South Transept, p. 70. 37. Part of a Foliated Arch in the same, p. 70. 38. A Bracket iu the same, p. 70. 39. Bracket and Capital iu the same, p. 71. 40. Two Bases in the same, p. 71. 41. A Bracket in the same, p. 71. 42. Two Bosses in the same, p. 72. 43. Two Bosses in the same, p. 73. 44. Two Bases and Capitals in tlie same, p. 73. 45. A Capital in the same, p. 73. 46. Various Bosses iu the same, p. 73. 47. Cornices of the same, p. 74. 48. Bracket Bosses in the same, p. 74. 49. Vaulting Bosses in the same, p. 74. 50. A'nulting Bosses in the same, ]i. 74. 51. A Bracket in the same, p. 75. 52. A Clustered Capital in the same, p. 75. 53. A large Clustered Capital in the same, p. 75. 54. A largo Clustered Capital, p. 70. Helafiiii/ to the 76. E.xternal and Internal Com- pai-tments, described at p. 98. 77. Eive Bosses in Vestibule, p. 102. 78. Two Capitals, p. 103. 70. Compartments of Glass {co- luiirc(l), p. 103. 80. Four Pendents, ji. 101. 81. Two Capitals, p. 105. 82. Four Finials, p. 105. Bosses in the same, Bosses iu the same, 31. Bosses and Capitals, p. 43. 32. Part of a Noruiau Arcade, p. 43. 33. Capitals on the same, p. 45. esent Transepts. 55. Attaclied Sculptures, p. 76. 56. Sculptures iu the North Tran- sept, p. 76. 57. A Bracket in the same, p. 80. 58. Various Bosses in the same, p. SO. 59. Various p. 80. 60. Various p. SI. 61. Compartments of one of the Five Lights (coloured), p. 81. 62. Two Capitals to the Lights, p. 90. 63. Another Compartment (colour- ed), p. 90. 04. Two Capitals to the Lights, p. 91. 05. Another Compartment (colour- ed), p. 91. (\Cy. Two Capitals to the same, p. 91. (i7. Auotlier Compartment (colour- ed), p. 91. 68. Clustered Base and Capital, p. 92. 69. Auotlier Compartment of one of the Five Lights (coloured), p. 92. 70. An Internal Cornice, ]). 92. 71. An External Cornice, p. 92. 72. Two Bracket Basses, p. 93. 73. Four Vaulling Bosses, p. 93. 71'. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 93. 75. Fragmeut of a Capital, p. 93. Chapter-House. 83. Compartments of Glass (colour- ed), p. 105. 81. E.\tenial Cornice, p. 10(>. 85. Coiiipartmcnls of Glass (colour- ed), p. 106. SG. Two Capitals, p. 10(i. 87. Four I'cndants, p. 106. 88. Compartments of Glass (colour- ed), p. 106. CITY OF YORK. 61 92. Compartments of Glass {co- loured), p. 108. 93. Two Heads, p. 108. Qi. An Exterior Cornice, 108. Present Nave. 114. 115. IIG. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 143. Two Bracket Bosses, p. 143. The Ascension, p. 143. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 143. Descent of the Holy Ghost, p. 144. Glass Stained 144. Bosses, p. 144. 89. Two Heads, p. 107. 90. Two Capitals, p. 107. 91. Four Pendants, p. 107. Relating to the 95. External and Internal Com- partment, p. 137. 96. The Annunciation, p. 140. 97. Two Springing Bosses, p. 140. 98. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 140. 99. Two Bracket Bosses, p. 140. 100. Crockets and Finials, p. 141. 101. The Nativity, p. 141. 102. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 141. 103. Two Springing Bosses, p. 141. 104. Two Capitals, p. 141. 105. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 141. 106. The AVise Men's Offering, p. 142. 107. Crockets and Finials, p. 142. 108. Two Springing Bosses, p. 142. 109. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 142. 110. Two Window Capitals, p. 142. 111. The lle.surrection, p. 142. 112. Four Spriugiug Bosses, p. 143, 113. Two Capitals, p. 143. delating to tlie 130. Interior Compartments, East and West, described at p. 275. 131. Exterior Compartments, p. 277. 132. Two Vaulting Bosses, p. 278. 133. Four Capitals, p. 278. 134. A Canopy, p. 278. 135. Two Vaulting Bosses, p. 278. 136. Two Views of a Boss, p. 279. 137. A Canopy, p. 279. 138. A Canopy and Profile, p. 279. The Work was published in 33 numbers at 7s. Gd. each, or £12. 7s. 6d. A few copies were worked off on India-paper at 10s. GJ. per number, or £17. 6s. Gd. The Work is still in the hands of the Author, an artist of York. The Plates are all executed in an admii'able manner and with great truth, many of them from actual measurement. Invaluable to an architect, though tedious to the general reader. Lxxni. An HISTOEICAL and DESCEIPTIVE GUIDE to YOEK CA- Specimens of (coloured), p. Four Vaulting The Assumption, p. 144. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 144. Specimens of Stained Glass (coloured), p. 145. Crockets and Finials, p. 145. Two Bracket Bosses, p. 145. The Coronation of the Virgin, p. 145. Two Bracket Bosses, p. 145. Specimens of Stained Glass (coloured), p. 146. Four Vaulting Bosses, p. 146. Present Choir. 139. A Canopy, p. 279. 140. Two Capitals, p. 279. 141. A Canopy, p. 2S0. 142. Two Vaulting Bosses, p. 280. 143. Portion of a Capital, p. 280. 144. Two Vaulting Bosses, p, 280. 145. A Portion of a Capital, p. 280. 146. 7, 8, 9. Allusive Representation on the Cai)itals,pp.281to291. 150. Fragments of a lleredos, p. 291. 62 THE YOEKSHIEE LIBrvARY. THEDEAL and its Antiquities. By GEO. ATLIFFE POOLE, M.A., Vicar of Welford, and J. W. HUGALL, Esq., Architect. With a History and Description of the Miuster Organ. York : published by E. Sunter, Stonegate. (1850.) {Large Octavo.) Title-page as above. Preface, pp. iii. to viii. Contents, pp. ix. and x. Dimensions of the Building, pp. xi. to xiii. York Cathedral, 191 pp. Description of the Plates, pp. 192 to 200. List of the Archbishops of York, pp. 201 to 20G. York Cathedral Organ, pp. 207 to 213. List of Plates, in Lithography. Great perplexity in placing the Plates in this Work Las been caused by the printer omitting the numbers on the Plates, and the Author omitting the pages to which they belong in the Description of the Plates. The following will be a guide to the binder. 1. North- West View of the Cathedral, to face illustrated Title. 2. Illustrated Title-page, on which is inscribed ' A Series of Views, Plates of Detail and Antiquities from the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, at York. Drawn on Stone by P. Bedford. York : Eobert Sunter. MDCCCL.' 3. Illustrated Dedication to the Dean, Eesidentiaries, and Canons of the Cathedral, by the Publisher. 4. Ground Plan of the Cathedral (folded), p. xii. 5. Illustrated Title-page; Doorway to the Chapter House, Coats of Ajms, etc. ; after p. 13. 6. South-East View of the Cathedral, p. 1. 7. Pillars from the Crypt, p. 25. 8. Capitals, etc., from the Crypt, p. 26. 9. South Transept (E.xtcrior), p. 4G. 10. North Transept (Exterior), p. 48. 11. North Transept (Interior), p. 49. 12. South Transept (Interior), p. 50. 13. Largo Bracket, Finials, and Popjjy-head, p. 51. 14. Gurgoylos, Pendants, Bosses, and Head, p. 5U. 15. West Front, p. OG. IG. Specimens of Stained Glass from the West Window (coloured), p. G8. 17. The Nave, looking East, p. 75. 18. Heads, Capital, and Sculptured Panel, p. 78. 19. Specimens of Stained from the East Window {coloured), p. 99. 20. East End (Exterior), p. 103. 21. The Choir, looking East, p. lOS. 22. The Screen (folding plate), p. 118. 23. Shields from the Central Tower, North and East Sides, p. 127. 24. South and West Sides, ]). 127. 25. Tomb of .Archbishop Walter Gray, p. Uil). 2G. Sepulchral Crosses (uu the Tombs of Archbishops Sowall and Kimo- ton), p. 162. CITY OF YORK. 63 27. Monumental Brass of Archbishop Greenfield, p. 163. 28. Tomb of John Haxby, p. 165. 29. St. Peter's Well, p. 187. 30. Ancient Pastoral Staff, p. 191. 31. Horn of Ulphus, p. 191. 32. Plan of Saxon and Norman Eomains, p. 193. 33. Ancient Spear-head, Helmet, Spur, and llings, p. 196. 34. Ancient Silver Chalice and Paten, p. 196. 35. Two Ancient Silver Chalices and Patens, p. 196. 30. Archbishop Scrope's Mazer Bowl, p. 196. 37. Ancient Coronation Chair, p. 198. 38. Ancient Encaustic Tiles (iw two colours), p. 198. 39. Ancient Sculpture, Virgin and Child, p. 198. 40. Ancient Chest (folding plate), p. 200. There are two sizes of this book. The quarto Larae Papeb was £3. 3s. in boards ; it now sells for 10s. LXXIV. EBUEACUM, or TOEK UNDEE THE EOMANS. By C. WELLBELOVED. " Hanc Eomana manus miiris et turribus altam Fundavit primo, comites sooiosque laborum Indigoiias tantum gentea adhibeudo Britannas. TJt. forct emporium terra? commune marisque ; Et fieret dueibus seciira potentia regni Et decus Imperii, terrorque hostilibus armis." — AlcttinuS. York : Sold by E. Sunter and H. Sotheran ; and by Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster Eow, London. 1842. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Preface, 8 pp. ; Contents, 1 p. Eburacum, 163 pp. List of Subscribers, 4 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by John Beowne, and Lithographed by J. E. JOBBINS. 1. Map of Eburacum and the Suburbs. To face the Title. 2. Plan of Modern York and Ancient Eburacum. To face the Title. 3. Plan and Section of Part of tlie Eoman Wall, p. 48. 4. Sculptures supposed to have belonged to N.W. Gate, p. 51. 5. Eemains of a Tower near tlie N.W. Gate, and Section, p. 51. 6. External View of a Chamber adjoining the Eoman Wall ; Internal View and Section ; p. 52. 7. Sculptures found near the Foundations of the Old Bridge, p. 54. 8. The Multangular Tower, — Exterior, Interior, and Section ; p. 56. 9. Inscriptions within and near the Multangular Tower, p. 59. 10. Eemains of Eoman Baths, p. 70. 11. Eoman Sculptures, — Sacrifice to Mithras and a Tablet inscribed to Serapis, p. 75. 64 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 12. Roman Altars found at York, p. 87. 1.3. Tile Tombs and Stone Coffins, p. lOl. 14. Three Stone Coffius found at York, p. 110. 15. Sepulchral Tablet, p. 113. 16. Fragments of Sepulchral Tablets, p. 115. 17. Roman Earthenware found at Eburacuui, p. 121. IS. Cups and Tragraents of Samian Ware found at York, p. 127. 19. Ornamental Articles of Dress, etc., p. 131. Published at 12s. This valuable work on the Roman Antiquities of York was written by the late Rev. Cuaeles Wellbeloved, the learned and esteemed Pi-iu- cipal of the Unitarian College at York. LXXV. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of the FORTIFICATIONS to the CITY of YORK, by HENRY F. LOCKAVOOD and ADOLPHUS H. GATES, Architects. " Suvc pDsttrjtf tnagt facie nirsc tl]is faicktS facte of onr age, tijjs imrca» sonablc spolc of Cnglnnirs most noble nntiqugtccs, unlcBs tljcg be staocB in tgmc, anil bg tijc art of pvgntgngc be btougljt into a no'brt of coppgcs."" Larohiovse Journey. London : J. "Weale, Architectural Library, 59, High Holboru. Cliarles "White, Doncaster ; J. Lee, Cheltenham ; J. Noble, Hull ; and J. and G. Todd, York, mdcccxxxit. {Quarto.) Title as above. Dedication, " To the Right Honourable James Barber, Lord Mayor ; the Aldermen ; Sherifl's ; Council of Twenty-four ; and Common Council- men of the City of York, by the Authors. January, 1834." List of Subscribers, 2 ])p. ; Preface, 2 pp. The History of the Fortifications, l^ pp. An Architectural Description of the Fortifications, 6 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by H. F. Lockwood, Etched by A. IT. Cates. 1. Map of the Fortifications of York (folded). 2. Clillbrd's Tower. 3. Clifford's Tower, — Interior of the Chapel. 4. Micklegate Bar. 5. North Street Postern and Len- dal Tower, — the River Ouse being flooded. List of "Woodcuts. Three shields of Arms, on the Title-])age. Arms on Bootham Bar, Clifford's Tower, and Walmgate Bar, p. 43. Battlement and Loi)|iluile on tlie Walmgate Walla, p. 48. G. The IMultangular Tower. 7. Bootham Bar. 8. Monk Bar. 9. Moulc Bar, City Front. 10. Walmgate Bar and Barbican. 11. Fisher Gate. 12. Fishergate Postern. 13. St. Mary's Tower. CITY OF YORK. 65 Sells at Gs. The Etchings are admirable, copies in folio, with the Plates on India-paper. Thei'e are Large Paper LXXVI. EXTRACTS from the MUNICIPAL EECORDS of the CITY of TOKK during the Eeigns of Edward IV., Edward V., and Richard III., with Notes Illustrative and Explanatory ; and an Appendix, containing some Account of the Celebration of the Corpus Christi Festival at York in the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries. By ROBERT DAVIES, P.S.A. London : J. B. Nichols and Son, Printers, 25, Parliament Street. 1S43. - {Octavo.) Title as above. Dedication to the Mayor, Aldermen, etc., of York. Preface, pp. v. to vii. Extracts from the Municipal Records, 224 pp. Appendix, pp. 225 to 304. Five hundred copies were printed and published at 12s. It is a valuable book, as well as No. LXXXVL, the Historical notices of the York Mint, by the same Author. LXXVII. VIEWS of the PARISH CHURCHES in YORK; with a short Account of each. York : published by A. Barclay, Low Ousegate ; and by Engelmanu and Co., London. 1831, {Small Quarto.) Title as above ; List of Plates. Description, 23 pp. List of Plates. 1. Trinity Church, Micklegate. 2. St. Mary, Bishophill Junior. 3. St. Mary, Bishophill Senior. 4. St. Martin-cum-Q-regory. 5. St. John, Micklegate. 6. All Saints, North Street. 7. St. Mary, Castlegate. 8. All Saints, Pavement. 9. St. Michael, Spurriergate. 10. St. Martin, Coney Street. 11. St. Olave, Marygate. 12. St. Helen, in the Square. 13. St. Michael-le-Belfry,Petergate. 14. St. Trinity, Groodramgate. 15. St. Maurice, Monkgate. 16. Christ Church, CoUiergate, 17. St. Sampson, between Girdler- gate and Silver Street. 18. St. Saviour, St. Saviourgate. 19. St. Cuthbert, Peaseholm Green. 20. St. Crux, or Holy Cross, in the Shambles. 21. St. Dennis, Walmgate. 22. St. Margaret, "Walmgate. 23. St. Lawrence, Without Walm- gate Bar. 24. Skelton Church, near York. (Not described.) The Names of the Incumbents are on the Plates, which are executed in a very inferior manner in Lithography by R. B. Published at £1. Is. for proofs on India-paper ; now sells at 2s. iid. K 66 THE YORKSmKE LIBRARY. LXXYIU. The CHTTECHES of TOEK. By W. MOJSTKHOUSE & F. BED- FORD, Junr., -with Historical and Architectural Notes by the Rev. JOSHUA FAWCETT, M.A., Incumbent of "Wibsey, Bradford, Yorkshire, and Domestic Chaplain to the Eight Honourable the Lord Dunsany. Published by H. Smith, 7, Stonegate, York ; J. G. and F. Eivington, St. Paul's Churchyard, London ; Parker, Oxford ; Stevenson, Cambridge. {Folio.) Lithographed Title, as above, with Yiew of York Cathedral. Lithographed Dedication to the Archbishop of York. List of Subscribers, 1 p. Introductory Notes, viii. pp. Description of the Churches, 4G pp., not numbered, which is two pages for each Church. Description of Stained Glass, 2 pp. List of Plates, in Lithography. 1. All Saints, North Street. 2. All Saints, Pavement. 3. St. Crux, Pavement. 4. St. Cuthbert, Peasholm Green. 5. St. Dyonis or Deuys. 6. St. Helen's. 7. Holy Trinity, Goodramgate. 8. Holy Trinity or Christ Church. 9. Holy Trinity, Micklegate. 10. St. John, INlicklegate. 11. St. Lawrence. 12. St. Margaret, Walmgate. 13. St. Martin, Coney Street. 14. St. Martin-cum-Gregory, Micklegate. 15. St. IMary, Bisliophill Senior. IG. St. INIary, Bisliophill Junior. 17. St. Mary, Castlegate. 18. St. ISIauriee, IMonkgate. 19. St. Michael-le-Belfry. 20. St. Michael, Spurriergate. 21. St. Olave, Marygate. St. Sampson. St. Saviour's. Ground Plans of the first eight Churches described. Ground Plans of the second eight Cliurchcs described. Ground Plans of the remaining seven Churches described. 22. 23. 24. 25. 2G. Now sells at IG*. They are an excellent collection of Views in Litho- graphy of the York Churches. LXXIX. SKETCHES in YOEK, by F. BEDFORD, Junr. Published by II. Smith, 7, Stonegate, York. 1841. Monkliouse. List or Plates, in Lithography. Printed by W. (Quarto.) 1. St. ^Mary's Abbey, on the Title- page. 2. Yiew in Water Lane. 3. "Walmgate Bar. 4. Jlicklegato Bar. 5. Bootham Bar. 0. Monk Bar. 7. Castle Yard. 8. York Catlicdral.from the North- West, n. The West Front. 10. The Nnve. 11. Tiic Choir. 12. from tlio South-East. 13. St. JLary'H Abbey. 14. Ancient Norman Porch, Margaret's Church. St. CITY OF YORK. 67 An excellent collection of Lithographs, by two first-rate York artists, Messrs. Bedford and Monkhouse. LXXX. A NEW DESCRIPTION of YOEK, containing some Account of its Antiquities, Public Buildings, &c., particularly the Cathedral. Eleventh edition. York : published by John and George Todd. 1825. {Octavo.) 122 pp., with four Woodcuts printed in the letter-press, and a folded Plan of the City. The STRANGER'S GUIDE through the CITY of YORK and its CATHEDRAL. Illustrated with a Plan of the City and 15 Wood En- gravings. The whole now first compiled from Original and Authentic Documents. York: sold at Deightou's General Circulating Library, Pavement. 1825. (Duodecimo.) 152 pp., not including the Title and Contents. Illustrated with a folded Plan of the City and Fifteen Woodcuts printed in the letter-press, bor- rowed from Hargrove's History of York. Published at 2s., in a paper-cover. LXXXII. A GUIDE to the CATHEDRAL CHURCH of St. Peteb's, YORK, commonly called York Minster. The Seventh Edition. York : printed by and for J. Wolstenholme, Minster Gates. 1823. 52 pp. {Duodecimo.) LXXXIII. YORK ILLUSTRATED. A Series of Engravings of Public Build- ings, Churches, the Minster, Bars, &c., with a short Historical Descrip- tion. York : printed and published by Blyth and Moore, St. Helen's Square. MDCCcxxxix. {Duodecimo.) List of Plates, Engraved by H. Cave and J. Dawson. 1. View of York from Clemen- thorpe. 2. York Minster from the North- West. 3. Micklegate Bar. 4. Monk Bar. 5. Bootham Bar. 6. Walmgate Bar. 7. Layerthorpe Postern. 8. Castlegate Postern. 9. Ancient Sally-Port. 10. St. Anthony's Hall. 11. The Mansion House. 12. The Residentiary House. 13. The Dispensary. U. St. Mary's Abbey. 68 THE YOEKSHTEE LIBEAEY. 15. Marygate Tower. 16. The Yorkshire Museum. 17. St. OLiye's Church. 18. St. Michael-le-Belfry. 19. St. Helen's Church. 20. St. Martin-le-Graud. 21. St. Michael. 22. All Saints, North Street. 23. St. John. 21. St. Martin. 25. Trinity Church, Micklegate. 2G. St. Mary, Bishophill the Elder. 27. the Younger. 28. St. Mary, Castlegate. 29. All Saints, Pavement. 30. St. Crux. 31. St. Dennis. 32. St. Margaret. 33. St. Lawrence. 3-1. St. Saviour. 35. St. Cuthbert. 36. St. Maurice. 37. Trinity, Goodramgate. 38. Christ Church, Colliergate. 89. St. Sampson. A mere toy-book ; the Plates are very inferior. LXXXIV. An ATTEIMPT to ascertain the TEUE AGE of the POUCTI OF ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH, YORK : with Remarks on the " Inquiry into the same Subject, by John Macgregor, Esq. ;" being the substance, much enlarged, of an Essay addressed to the late Richard Drake, Esq., Curator of Antiquities to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. By John Browne, Artist, York. York : printed for and sold by the Author ; and may be had of John Wolstenliolme, Minster Gates; Messrs. Todds, II. Betterby, R. Burde- kin, A. Barclay, Y'ork ; and all other Booksellers. Price 4s. 1827. (Qiunio.) 30 pp. and a Plate of Sculptures on the Porch, Drawn and Etched by the Author. LXXXV. SOME ACCOUNT of the ANCIENT and PRESENT STATE of the ABBEY of St. 1\Iauy, YORK ; and of the Discoveries recently made in excavating the Ground on which the princi]ial 13uildings of the Abbey formerly stood. By the Rev. CHAKLES WELLBELOVED, of York. Communicated to James Hcywood Marlclaud, Esq., E.R.S., Director. [Read 5tli March, 1829.] 17 pp. On the last page are two Seals and the Arms of tlie Abbey. (From the Vktusta Monumenta, vol. v., published by the Society of Antiquaries. Loudon. 1829.) {Folio.) List of Plates, in Lithography. 1. (Plate LI.) A General I'lan of the Ground occupied by the Abbey of St. IMary, York, with tlie Ruins and J'"oundations which have been brought to light by the Excavations made in 1 lie years 1827 and 182S. Drawn by R. If. Sharp; pi-inted by C. lluUiiiandel. 2. (Plate Lll.) Yiew of tlie Western Front of the Church. Drawn by E. Nash ; printed by C. Ilullmandel. 3. (Plate LIII.) North- West View of the Nave of the Church. Drawn by Na.'-Ii ; printed by Engelmann, Oraf, Coindet, and Co. 1'. (Plate LIV.) One of the Conipartiiients of the North Aisle of the Navo of the Church. Drawn by li. il. Sharp ; printed by Engelmann aud Co. CITY OF YORK. 69 5. (Plate LV.) South-East View of the Eemains of St. Mary's Abbey. Drawn by F. Nash ; printed by Engehnann and Co. G. (Plate LVI.) View of the Euins adjoining the South Transept of tlie Ciiurch, with the Palace of King James II., and the Towers of the Minster in the background. Drawn by E. Nash ; printed by C. Hullraandel. 7. (Plate LVII.) Parts of the Buildings of St. Mary's Abbey, York. Drawn by E. Nash ; printed by Engelmann and Co. 8. (Plate LVIII.) 9. (Plate LIX). Do. do. 10. (Plate LX.) Statues discovered in excavating a part of the South Aisle of the Nave of the Abbey Church. Drawn by S. Sharp : printed by C. Hullmaudel. Published at 30s. sewed ; sells at 10s. LXXXVI. HISTOEICAL NOTICES of the EOTAL and AECHIEPISCOPAL MINTS and COINAGES at YOEK. By EOBEET DAVIBS, E.S.A. " Oft is tbe medal faithful to its trust. When temples, columns, towers are laid in dust ; And 'tis a common ordinance of fate That things obscure and small outlive the great." York. MDCCCLIT. (Octavo.) Title as above, and 79 pp. Embellished with a Lithographic Plate of Ancient Coining Irons, by "W". Monkhouse, York. LXXXVII. An ACCOUNT of the CHAEITY SCHOOL at YOEK, for the Educating of Poor Boys (begun Ann. Dom. 1705). In a Letter from a Citizen of York to an Alderman of Leeds. York : printed by John White. 20 pp. Upcott. (DuoJeciino.) Lxxxvm. An ACCOUNT of the PUBLIC HOSPITAL for the DISEASED POOE in the COUNTY of YOEK. York : printed by C. Ward and E. Chandler, Booksellers, in Coney Street, mdccxliii. 44 pp. and 4 folded Plans. Upcott. (Octavo.) LXXXIX. An Account of the INSTITUTION and Design of the YOEK EMA- NUEL, established in the Years 1781 and 1782 ; with an Alphabetical List of the Subscribers, and a short State of the Application of the Money, and of the Objects relieved by this Charity, to the month of October, 1783. York : printed by W. Blanchard and Co. ; and sold for the benefit of the Charity by J. Dodsley, T. Cadell, and J. Eobson, iu London ; and by the Booksellers iu York. 138 pp. Upcott. (Oblong Quarto.) 70 THE YOEKSmEE LIBEARY. XC. Account of Two CHAEITY SCHOOLS, for the Education of Girls ; and of a FEMALE FEIENDLT SOCIETY, in YORK; interspersed with Eeflections on Charity Schools aud Friendly Societies in general. By CATHEEIXE CAPPE. York : printed by William Blanchard ; and sold by J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard ; J. Hatchard, Piccadilly ; aud J. JNIawman, in the Poultry, London ; J. Binns, Leeds ; T. Browne, Hull ; J. Bell, Newcastle ; and by all the Booksellers in York. Auuo 1800. liO pp., and 1 folded Table (No. 5). Upcott. {Octavo.) XCI. Description of the EETEEAT, an Institution near YORK, for Insane Persous of the Society of Friends ; containing an Account of the Origin and Progress, the Modes of Treatment, aud a Statement of Cases. By SAMUEL TUKE. With an Elevation and Plans of tlie Building. York : printed for W. Alexander, and sold by him ; sold also by M. M. and E. Webb, Bristol ; and by Darton, Harvey, and Co., William Phillips, and W. Darton, London. 1S13. {Octavo.) Title-page as above. Dedication to William Tuke, the Grandfather of the Author. Preface, and Table of Contents, pp. v. to xx. The Description, and Appendix, 228 pp. List or Plates (folded). 1. Perspective View of the North Front of the Eotreat, near York; P. Atkinson, Architect; Engraved by W. Archibald; to face the Title. 2. Ground Pan of the same, p. 95. 3. Plan of the Second Floor, p. 100. An Edition was likewise printed in Quarto, at the same place, with the Plates not folded. Upcott. XCII. A Sketch of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of the RETREAT, an Institution near YORK, for the Rcceptiou of Persous afflicted with Disorders of the Mind, among the Society of Friends. Drawn up by direction of the General Meeting, for distribution among the Subscribers. Y''ork: printed by W. Alexander and Sou, Castlegato. 1828. {Octavo.) Title as above. Sketch, etc., Gi pp. List of Plates (folded). A. A General Plan of the Retreat and Laud bolongiug thereto. B. Ground Plan of the Retreat. C. Chamber Plan of the Retreat. Wim ^ai^ing of forfesljire. XCIII. TJCATrS LEODIENSIS ; or, the Topography of the Ancient and Po- pulous Town and Parish of LEEDES, and Parts Adjacent, in the West Riding of the County of York ; with the Pedegrees of many of the Nobility and Gentry, and other matters relat- ing to those parts ; extracted from Records, Original Evidences, and Manuscripts. By RALPH THOEESBY, F.E.S. To which is added, at the request of several learned Persons, a CATALOGUE of his MUSEUM, with the Curiosities, Natural and Artificial, and the Anti- quities, particularly the Roman, British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Scotch Coins, with Modern Medals. Also a Catalogue of Manuscripts ; the various Editions of the Bible, and of Books published in the Infancy of the Art of Printing. With an Account of some Unusual Accidents that have attended some Persons, attempted after the Method of Dr. Plot. London : printed for Maurice Atkins ; and sold by Edward Nutt at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet Street. (Some copies have " and sold by Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church Yard.") mdccxt. (Folio.) Title-page as above. Dedication to the Rt. Hon. Peregrine-Hyde, Lord Marquis of Caer- marthen, dated 30th July, 1714, 2 pp. A second Dedication to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Justices of the Peace for the West Riding ; also to the Aldermen and Justices of the Peace for the Burrough of Leedes ; and Directions for placing the Plates, 2 pp. Preface, pp. v. to svi. List of Subscribers, 6 pp. 72 THE TOEKSHIEE LIBKAEY. History of the Parish of Leedes, and the VOlages iu its vicinity, 247 pp. Addenda by the Author, together with a second Addenda by the Eev. Dr. George liickes, pp. 2i8 to 208. Title-page : " Musa'um Thoresbyanuni : or, a Catalogue of the Anti- quities and of the Natural and Artificial Earities preserved in the Reposi- tory of Ealph Thoresby, Gent. F.E.S., at Leedes in Torksliire: a.d. MDCCXii. London : printed for Maurice Atkins, at tlie Golden Ball, ia St. Paul's Church Yard, mdccxiii." The Catalogue of the Antiquities, including Coins, Natural and Artificial Earities, various Editions of the Bible, Manuscripts, Ancient Printed Books, Autographs, Eoman Antiquities, pp. 275 to 5G8. An Appendix to the ■nhole Work, including Unusual Accidents that have attended some Persons, and Emendanda, pp. 509 to G2S. Index, 12 pp. not numbered. *#* Between pp. 4 and 5 is a leaf numbered [5] and [6] ; pp. 109 to 114 are repeated between brackets, and follow p. lOS. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of (he Author, 1712, G. Yertue sc, frontispiece. Plan of Mr. Kirke'a "Wood, at Cookridge, printed on the reverse of the second Dedication. 2. Mapp of 20 ]\Iiles round Leedes ; by order of Mr. John Boulter, dedicated to the Inhabitants of Leedes and Neighbourhood ; subjoined to which is the navigable course of tlie Eiver Are from Leedes to the Dum- ber and German Ocean (folded) ; Sutton Nicholls sc. ; p. v. of the Preface. 3. The Pro.ipect of Leeds from the Knostrop Eoad (folded), F. Place del., p. 1 of tlie Topography. 4. Tiie South Prospect of St. John's Church at Leedes (folded), Fr. Place del., J. Sturt sc, p. 28. 5. Mural Monuments to Eichard Thornton, Esq., and IMr. Foxley, iu St. John's Church; Beiij. Wade, Esq., in lledinglcy Ciiapel ; and Mrs. Midgley, in St. Peter's Cluirch ; (folded) p. 29. G. The South Prospect of St. Peter's Church at Leedes (folded), Fr. Place del., p. 40. 7. ]\lural INIonuments to Mr. John Thoresby, Mr. Sawer, IMrs. Barstow, Alderman Calverley, Alderman Idle, and Mr. Denison, in St. Peter's Church, p. 48. 8. Monument of Henry Thoresby, of Thoresby, Esq., obiit An. 1015 (and Jane his wife, in Hackney Church, near Loudon) (folded), 3. Sturt sc, p. 73. Eoman Antiquities found near Cookridge, on the letter-press of p. 162. 9. The Prospects of Leeds as it appears from tlie Jlolbeck Eoad, and Wakefield ns it appears from tlio London Eoad ; the Euins of Kirkstall and Fountains Abbeys; and a Mapp of the two Wajiontakes of Skirac and Aobridgo and MorJev, within the West Eiding of Yorkshire (tbldcd) ; W . Lodge fee. ; sold by P. Tempest ; p. 1G4. Silver Coin of Mary, Queen of Scotland, and Henry, Lord Darnlcy; also the Inscription on liord Darnley's Bedstead, in Thorcsby's Musanim ; on the letter-press of p. 228. 10. Statue of Queen Anno in the Front of the Guildhnll, Leeds; Aiulr. Carpenter, Londini, fee, J. Sturt sc. ; ]). 250. WKST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 73 11. Plate of Roman and English Coina, p. 280. 12. Plate of Miscellaneous Antiquities p. 568 (folded). 13. Fourteen Shields of the Anns and Quartering.s of the Dnnhy Family, one of Kirkstall Ahbey, as they formerly appeared in the Parish Churcli, Leeds, T. Pingo so., p. 583. Likewise 131 Armorial Bearings, on the letter-press, of the families whose pedigrees form part of the volume. A good copy of Thoresby's Leeds is worth £2. There are Larqf, Papeu copies, which are now very rare, worth £12. Ralph Thoresby, a native of Leeds, was brought up to the cloth busi- ness, the staple trade of the town. He was of an ancient family, and possessing a liberal fortune, it enabled him to retire from business and devote his time to his antiquarian propensities. He was known to most of the literatists of his day. His ' History of Leeds ' is very valuable, con- sidering the period in which he wrote ; though, from the very brief account he has given of many antiquities existing in his day, but now destroyed, we are left in great uncertainty respecting them. On the events of the Civil Wars he is slavishly silent, as he must have been well acquainted with all the particulars from his father, who served under Lord Fairfa.x, the Parlia- mentary General. Thoresby died in 1725, in the G8th year of his age, and was buried in the Parish Church, Leeds, without any memoi-ial. On the coni])letion of the new church in 1S41, a tablet was placed to his memory on the south side of the choir. XCIV. MTJS.EUM THORESBYANUM. A Catalogue of the Genuine and Valuable Collection of that well-known Antiquarian, the late RALPH THORESBY, Gent., F.R.S., Author of ' Ducatus Leodiensis.' Consisting of Roman, British, Runic, Saxon, and English Coins and Medals, in Gold, Silver, etc., Manuscripts, Curiosities, Autographs, Antient Deeds, Original Letters and Signs Manual of British and Foreign Kings and Queens, Cromwell the Protector and his son Richard, Principal Nobility, and Emi- nent Persons, for two centuries past. All which will be sold by auction by Whiston Bristow, Sworn Broker, at the Exhibition Room, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, on Monday, March 5th (176-1), and the two following days, beginning punctually at 12 74 TIIE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. o'clock. To be viewed on Thursday, March 1st, and the following days, !Sund:iy excepted. Catalogues to be had gratis at the place of sale, and of ^,V. Bri-stow [publisher of the 'Public Ledger'], St. Paul's Cluuvhyard, who sells by commission Estates, Medals, Books, Pictures, Curiosities, Stocks in Trade, and Household Furniture. 20 pp. (Octavo.) The whole sold for the small price of £490 ; they would fetch more than five times the price at the present day ; indeed, the Corpus-Christi Plays, described at p. 517, Xo. 17, of the ' Ducatus Lcodiensis,' were sold for 21s. to the Hon. Horace Walpole; at his sale it was bought for £23.5 by Mr. Bright, at whose sale it realized £305, nearly four times more thau the whole collection of books and manuscripts sold for. XCV. DUCATTJS LEODIENSIS : or, the Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of LEEDES, and parts adjacent, in the West liiding of the County of York, &c. &c. By RALPH THORESBY, Esq., F.R.S. The Second Edition, with Notes" and Additions, by THOMAS DUNHAM WHITAKEE, LL.D., F.S.A., Vicar of Whallcy, and Rector of Heysham, in Lancashire. Printed by B. Dewhirst, for Robinson, Son, and Holdsworth, Leeds ; and John Hirst, "Wakefield, mdccc.wi. (Folio.) Half-title. Title-page as in the First Edition, with additions; the West Door to Kirkstall Abbey, with Whitakcr's Arms impaled with Thoresby's as a vignette, worked on India-pajier. Dedication to his Grace George William Frederic, Duke of Leeds, by the Editor. Second Dedication to the Mayor, Recorder, Vicar, and Aldermen of Leeds, by the Editor. Tiie two Original Dedicutions to the Marquis of Caermarthen, and to the Mayor, ]iecorder. Aldermen, and Justices of Leeds. The Original Preface, p. vii. to svi. Life of the Author by the Editor, p. i. to xvii. 1'ho Topograjihy of Leedes, and Addenda, 2C)S pp. Title-page : i\lus;cuni Tiuiresbynnum ; or, a Catalogue of tlie Antiquities and of the Natural and Arlilicial Jxarities preserved in the Repository of Ralph Thoresby, Gent., F.R.S., at Leedes, in Yorkshire, a.d. mncrxii. The Second Edition, with Notes and Additions. By Thomas Dunham ■Whitakcr, LL.D., F.S.A., etc. etc. Catalogue of the Coins and Medals, 123 pp. Catalogue of Natural and Arlilicial Rarities; various editions of tlio Bible; Manuscripts; Ancient printed J5ooks ; Autographs; Antiquities; and an Appendi.x, 15!) pp. index to ' Uucatus Jjeodicnsis,' C pp. Index to the 'Musa'um,' pp. 7 to 11. Directions to the Binder, p. 12. Errors of paging : — pj). S7 and Sf:< are omitted; p. MO is luispriuled WEST RIDING OF YORKSinHE. 75 113 ; pp. 1 H, 142, 143, and 144 p,re omitted ; p. 162 is misprinted 151 ; p. 2GS is misprinted 2G1 ; and pp. 119 nnd 120 of the Appendix occur twice. Method for Keeping a Parochial Itegister, proposed by Thomas Kirltc, Esq., forms pp. 163 and 161. This Work has numerous typographical and other errors. There is a letter in e,xistence, written by Dr. Whitaker, complaining bitterly of the careless manner in which it had been revised. The fol lowing are a few of the errors: — P. 3, Wilson's Anns on the Pedigree, the wolf is repre- sented rampant, it sliould be salient ; p. 72, there is a repetition on the Milnes Pedigree ; p. 90, lihodes Arms, a lion passant, should be a lion passant gardant gules ; p. 117, the notes to the Calverley Pedigree, which are numbered, do not agree with the Pedigree; without doubt many of the notes have been omitted by the printer's carelessness. On the same page, Mauleverer's Arms, "coloured" should be "collared;" p. 120, on the Woodcut Arms, the fesse should have shown the colour " azure ;" p. 154, Wade Arms, the bend should be or: the other arms, argent two bars gules, belong to Martin ; p. 214, the shield of Sterne is or, not argent, as on the Woodcut ; p. 253, llokeby Arms, the chevron should have been described and engraved sable. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of E. Thoresby. W. HoUsc; frontispiece. 2. Prospect of Leeds from the Knostrop Road ; J. Le Keux sc., p. 1. 3. Portrait of JNIr. John Harrison, Founder of St. John's Church, etc. ; from the original in St. John's Church ; Thos. Eobinson del., W. IIoU sc. ; p. 13. 4. St. John's Churcb, Leeds; Thoa. Taylor del., J. Le Keux sc. ; p. 30. 5. The Parish Church, Leeds ; Thos. Taylor del, W. Woolnoth sc. ; p. 39. 6. Monument of Henry Thoresby and Jane, his wife, iu Hackney Church, near London, p. 70. Interior of the Grammar School, Leeds ; Thos. Taylor del., John Le Keux so. ; on the letter-press of p. S3. Mr. Kirke's Wood, a Woodcut on p. 158. 7. View of Thorpe-on-the-Hill ; presented by and inscribed to INIrs. Dealtry, of Lofthouse Hall ; Thos. Taylor del., J. Stewart sc. ; p. 161. Eoman Antiquities discovered at Cookridge. A Woodcut on p. 162. Coin of Mary, Queen of Scotland, etc., a Woodcut on p. 230. 8. Moot Hall, Leeds; inscribed to George Banks, of Leeds, Esq.; Charles Heath sc. ; p. 248. 9. Roman and English Coins, engraved on Wood, p. 5 of the Catalogue of Coins and Medals. 10. Miscellaneous Antiquities, engraved on Wood, p. 116 of the Ap- pendix. 11. Arms of tlie Danby family, p. 125 of the Appendix. Likewise 146 Woodcuts of Armorial Bearings on the letter-press, and initial letters. List of Separate Pedigeees. 1. Wilson. and Beckett, p. 3 (folded) 2. Poole of Leeds, and JNlilues of Wakefield, p. 72 (folded). 3. Armytage of Kirklees, p. 86 (folded). 76 THE YOKKSmRE LIBRARY. 4. Tottie, "Walker, and Biselioff, of Leeds, p. 119. 5. Howard, Duke of Norfolk, p. 1-1.3 (folded). 6. Miluer of Tiidsey, aud Hiitton of Marske, p. 177 (folded). 7. Neviles of Holbeek aud Chevet, p. 185 (folded). 8. Weiitworth of WooUoy and Hickletoii, p. 197 (folded). 9. Ilewley and Wolrieh, p. 209 (folded). 10. Miluer of Nun-Appleton, aud Blavds of Leeds, p. 215 (folded). 11. Teuton of Leeds, p. 220. 12. Ingram, Lord Viscouut Irwin, p. 2.30 (folded). 13. AVeut worth. Earl of Stratford, p. 2iO (folded). XCYI. ilOttliS anil lEIlUf tC ; or au Attempt to illustrate the Districts described iu those words bv Bede, aud supposed to embrace the lower portions of AREDALE and AVHAKEDALE, together with the entire Yale of Calder, in the Couuty of York. By THOMAS DUNHAM WlilTAKEK, LL.D., F.8.A., Yiear of Whalley, and Rector of Ileysham, iu Lancashire. Printed bv T. Davisuu. London, for Robinson, Sou, and Holdswortli, Leeds ; and Johu Hurst, Wakefield, mdcccxvi. (FuUo.) Half-title. Title as above, ou which there is a AYoodcut Yignette of the East side of Kirkstall Abbey, worked on India-paper. Dedication to Edward (Vernou), Lord Archbishop of York, aud to the Nobditv and (lentry of Yorkshire. ' Loidis and Elmule,' 101 pp. Supplement containing Biographies, Public Buildings, the Corporate Charter, List of Plants, and Insects, (!!■ pp. Index to 'Loidis aud Ehiicte ;' Index to Names in the Pedigrees; and Index to the Appendix, p]). G5 to SO. Direction': to the Binder, 2 pp. This is frequently placed before the Supplement, which was published some years alter the History, at £1. Is.; L.vnoE I'ai'eu C'opies £2. 2*-. JMauy copies want the Supplement, aud are iu consequence much de- teriorated iu value from want of tlie Index. *^* Pp. 7;{ and 74, 327 aud 32s, are repeated with asterisks. List of Plates, Drawn by Tuomas Taylou, Architect, Leeds, unless otherwise noticed 1. Portrait of Dr. Whitakcr, at. 50 ; J. Northcoto, ll.A., del., W. Holl fic. To face the title. 2. jronument in the l'ari>li Church, Leeds, to the Memory of Captains Samuel Walker aud Richard Beckett, who were killed at tlu> Battle of Talavera, 2sth .luly, 1S09. Inscribed to Sir John Beckett, Bart, and Wm. Walker, Esq. Designed and executed iu marble by .1. I'laxman, E.A. ; engraved by W. Bond, from a Drawing by H. Corbould ; p. (iO. '.i. Trinity Church, I^ceds, S. I'ortcr sc, p. (J5. 4. Portrait of Rev. Miles Atkinson, A.B., Koiuulcr of St. Paul's Church, Lcedw; .1. Russell, HA., del , W. Moll sc. ; p. 09. St. I'aul's Church, liccds, .John JiC Kcux sc, on p. 09. WEST RIDING OF YORKSinRE. 77 Leeds Infirmary, John Le Keux sc, on p. 81. 5. Leeds Library, J. Le Keux sc, p. 86. Headiugley Oak, Howitt p., on p. 116. 6. Cloister Quadrangle of Kirkstall Abbey, from the South- West, J. Le Keux sc, p. 118. 7. North- West Door of Kirkstall Abbey, J. Scott sc., p. 120. Charters relating to Chapel-AUeiton, Neele sc, on p. 122. 8. View of Gledhow ; inscribed to John Dixon, Esq., by whom the Plate was presented ; J. M. W. Turner, R.A., del., G-. Cooke sc; p. 131. 9. Figure of Eedwald, King of the East Angles, in Painted Glass, at Osmundthorpe ; coloured, p. 13-1. 10. View of Temple Newsome, W. Woolnoth sc, p. 138. 11. Tomb of Sir liobert Scargill in Whitkirk Church, J. Smith sc, p. IJfO. 12. Monument of Lady Elizabeth Hastings in Ledsham Church, Chas. Heath sc, p. 146. 13. Nave and Ground Plan of Sherburne Church, J. EofTe sc, p. 149. Cross at Sherburne Church, H. Ilobson sc, on p. 150. 14. Saxon Fortifications at Barwick in Elmet, p. 1.52. 15. Tomb of Lord Dacre in Saxton Churchyard ; also the Tombs of the Tyas Family in Lede Chapel, J. Scott sc, p. 157. 16. Earthwork at Bardsey, p. 160. 17. Porch of Bardsey Church, J. Smith sc, p. 162. Arms and Inscription over the Entrance of Harewood Castle, John Le Keux sc, on p. 164. 18. Harewood Castle, with the Ground Plan, J. Scott sc, p. 164. 19. Arch in the Hall of Harewood Castle, J. Eoife sc, p. 164. 20. View of Harewood House ; presented by the Earl of Harewood, to whom it is inscribed; J. M. W. Turner, K.A., del., J. Scott sc. ; p. 168. 21. Tomb of Lord Chief Justice Gascoigne at Harewood, E. Eoft'e sc, p. 170. 22. Armorial Bearings, formerly in the Castle, Castle Chapel, and Parish Church of Harewood; T. Milton sc. These Arms are nowliere noticed in the work ; they are taken from a Survey of Harewood Castle by Eobert Glover, Somerset Herald, in 1584, preserved in the Heralds' College, Lon- don. See ' Archa-ologia,' vol. vi., p. 329 ; p. 171. North Elevation of Adel Church, J. Eoffe sc, on p. 174. 23. Porch of Adel Church ; inscribed to Eev. G. Lewthwaite, B.D., Eector ; J. Smith sc ; p. 176. 24. Arch at the Entrance to the Choir, Adel Church, from an Original Picture in the possession of Edwin Smith, of Leeds, Esq. ; J. Eofie sc. ; p. 178. 25. Norman Capitals in Adel Church, John Le Keux sc, p. ISO. 26. Eomau Altars found at Adel, J. Eoffe sc, p. 182. 27. Fairfax and Dyneley Monuments in Otley Church, J. Eoffe sc, p. 184. 28. Tomb of the Palmes Family in Otley Church, p. 190. Flower Garden Porch at Farnley, removed from New Hall in 1814, on p. 192. 29. Gateway to the Flower Garden at Farnley, removed a.d. 1814, from Menston Hall, formerly the seat of Colonel Charles Fairfax, p. 192. 30. Bay Windows in the Flower Garden at Farnley, removed from 78 THE YORKSHIRE LHJRARY. Lindley Hall, an ancient seat of the Palmes Family, by W. Fawkes, Esq., A.D. 1814, p. 192. Tomb and Monument in "Weston Church, S. Jopham sc, on p. 193. Inscription formerly in Esholt Priory, a Woodcut on p. 202. 31. Nave and Part of the Clioir of Guiseley Church, J. Smith sc, p. 210. 32. Eoom in which the Murder is supposed to have been committed in Calverley Hall, by Walter Calverley upon his Wife and Children, anno IGOo ; also the Chapel of Calverley Hall ; II. Hobson sc. ; p. 220. 33. Tomb of Mirfield at Batley, W. Wooluoth sc, p. 231. Gateway at Howley Hall, John Le Keux sc, on p. 236. 31. Howley Hall as it appeared when entire ; and the Remains of the Hall as they appear at present, John Le Keux sc, p. 238. 35. Ancient Doorway at Howley Hall, R. Eoffe sc, p. 238. 36. Another Ancient Doorway at Ilowley Hall, R. Eoffe sc, p. 238. Chapel of Liversege Hall, a Woodcut on p. 250. 37. View of Swillington Hall, the seat of John Lowther, Esq., M.P. ; presented by and inscribed to him ; J. Smith sc. ; p. 252. Statue of St. Oswald, Methley Church, S. Jopham sc, on p. 267. 38. Tomb of Sir Robert Waterton, Metliley Church, John Le Keux sc, p. 209. 39. Tomb of Baron Savile and his son Sir Henry Savile ; also the Tomb of Lionel Lord Welles and his Lady in Methley Church ; S. Eawle sc. ; p. 270. Parish Church, Wakefield, John Le Keux sc, on p. 2S2. Chantry on Wakefield Bridge, John Le Keux sc, on p. 289. 40. Saxon Sculptures at Dewsbury ; witli a Tomb of later date, engraved on Wood by R. Brauston, p. 298. [Tiio tomb of later date is really a sculptured "fragment from Howley Hall, and in.ndvcrteutly given to Dews- bury. See Scatcherd's ' History of Morley,' p. 238.] 41. Sculptured Stones from the Saxon Church, Dewsbury, J. Le Keux 8C, p. 301. 42. Cross of Paulinus; and Saxon Tomb at Dewsbury, engraved on Wood by R. Branston, p. 302. The supposed Gravestone of Robin Hood at Kirklces, a Woodcut on p. 308. Remnant of the House of the Saviles at Tlioruhill, J. Rofi'e sc, on p. 310._ 43. Chapel and JInnuments of the Savile Painily in the Church of Thornhill, W. Smith sc, p. 318. 44. Tomb of a Thornhill in Thornhill Church, J. Le Keux sc, p. 319. 45. Tombs at Thornhill, R. Rofle sc, p. 322. Fortilleations at Almonbury, a Woodcut on p. 327*. 40. Arms and t^uarterings of Beaumont, of Whitley Beaumont, en- graved on Wood, p. 338. 47. Tomb of Sir Hichard Beaumont, Bart., in the Beaumont Chapel, Kirk Ilcaton, J. Scott sc, p. 3.39. 48. Bowling Hall, J. Stiwart sc, p. 3.">r). Miryshaw House, i5radford, a Woodcut on p. 3(;i. 49. Celts, etc, found near Halifax, coloured; J. Clarke sc. ; p. 374. Halifax Church, J. Stewart sc, on p. 382. •'iO. Monument of Archbiaiiop Tillotson in Sowerhv Church, Charles Healh sc, p. 393. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 79 51. Portrait of Rev. William Sheepshanks, A.M., Minister of St. John's Church, Leeds, "W. Holl so., Appendix, p. 31. 52. rortrait of William Hey, Esq., F.R.S., late Senior Surgeon to the Leeds Infirmary, W. Holl sc., Appendix, p. 32. 53. Bicrley Hall ; presented by Miss Bicliardson Currer, and dedicated to her by the Publishers ; Appendix, p. 38. Likewise 27 Shields of Arms, and 52 Initial Letters in Woodcuts. List of Sepaeate Pedigeees. 1. Sheepshanks and York of Leeds, p. 63. 2. Gates of Leeds, p. 96 (folded). 3. Dixon of Heatou Royds, p. 130 (folded). 4. The Ancient Lords of Harewood, p. 166 (folded). 5. Lascelles, Earl of Harewood, p. 168 (folded). 6. Fawkes of Furulcy, p. 191 (folded). 7. Dyneley of Bramhope, p. 19S (folded.) 8. Stansfeld of Stansfeld Hall, p. 202 (folded). 9. Rookes of Roydes Hall, p. 202 (folded). 10. Vavasour of Weston, p. 200 (folded). 11. Tong and Tempest of Tong, p. 250 (folded). 12. Lowther of Swillington, p. 260 (folded). 13. Savile, Earl of Mexborough, p. 272 (folded). 14. Beaumont of Whitley, p. 338 (folded). 15. Sharp of Little Horton, p. 355. 16. Smyth of Heath and Holbeck, p. 361 (folded). 17. Richardson of Bierley, Appendix, p. 38 (folded). Published with the ' Ducatus Leodiensis' at £15. 15s. ; now sells at £5. There are Laeqe Papee copies of these magnificent AVorks, printed on Whatman's wove super-royal paper, with the Plates on India-paper, pub- lished at £28. 7s., now sell at £10. The 'Ducatus Leodiensis ' forms vol. i., the ' Loidis and El mete ' vol. ii. of what is commonly called the ' History of Leeds.' These volumes are now rising in value ; a Large Paper copy on ordinary paper was sold at Puttick and Simpson's on April 16th, 1804, for £17. 15s. half-bound. XCVIL VICARIA LEODIENSIS ; or, the History of the Church of LEEDES in Yorkshire. Containing an Account of the Learned Men, Bishops, and Writers, who have been Vicars of that Populous Parish ; with the Cata- logues of their Works, Printed and Manuscript. To which are added, the Lives of several Archbishops of York and other Eminent Persons, Bene- factors to that Church ; with many other things interspers'd relating to the City and County of York. And Archbishop Thoresby's memorable Exposition of the Decalogue, Creed, and Lord's Prayer. With an Appendix of Original Records and Manuscripts. By RALPH TIIORESBY, of Leedes, E.R.S. London : printed for Joseph Smith, from Exeter Change, near the Foun- tain Tavern, in the Strand. 1724. (Octavo.) Title-page as above. 80 THE YORKSinRE LIBEARY. Dedication to William (Dawes), Archbishop of York, dated Leedes, 5th July, 1723, 3 pp. Preface, Postscript, and List of Books, 15 pp. Historical Part, 23S pp. Index and Conclusion, 10 pp. Ltst of Plates. 1. St. Peter's Cliureh at Leedes, to face the Title (folded). 2. Mapp of 20 miles round Leedes, p. 1 (folded). 3. Navigable Course of the River Are from Leedes to the Humber, p. I (folded). 4. EfBgies of Archbishop Thoresby in the Window of York Cathedral, p. 185. 5. Yiew of the New Church (Trinity) at Leeds, dedicated to the Et. Hon. Lady Elizabeth Hastings, B. Cole sc, p. 215 (folded). Plates 1, 2, and 3, are the same as those which first appeared in the ^ ' Ducatus Leodiensis,' edition 1715. XCVIII. The SEVEN SERMONS preached at the CONSECRATION and RE-OPENING of the PARISH CHURCH of LEEDS, with an Intro- duction. Leeds : T. W. Green, Commercial Street, mdcccxlii. (Octavo.) Title as above, in red and black letters, on which is a crozier in gold, a cross in red ink, and cross-keys at the bottom in black ink. Contents, 4 pp. Introduction by Rev. William Henry Teale, Ixiv. pp. List of the Clergy present and the Churchwardens, 11 pp. Half-title, " Sermons." Seven Sermons : 1. By the Bishop of New Jersey, U.S. 2. By W. Dods- worth, M.A., Incumbent of Cin-ist's Church, Regent's Park, London. 3. By W. F. Hook, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. 4. By W. Gresluy, M.A., Pre- bendary of Lichfield. 5. By Charles Musgravc, D.D., Archdeacon of Craven, fl. By John Jebb, M.A., Prebendary of Limerick. And 7. By Robert I. Wilberforce, M.A., Archdeacon of the East Riding. 221 pp. List of Plates. 1. North-East View of the Parish Church, Leeds, J. W. Ilugall del., R. K. Thomas lith.. Day and Ilaghc printers, Irontispiece. 2. Printer's initials in gold, after the Title-page. 3. Facsimiles of tiie Autographs of the Archbishop and Bishops who were present, and of the Clergy who preached at the Consecration, after the Contents. 4. (j round Plan, and on the reverse side a Plan oi' the Galleries, p. xxx. of the Introduction. Every page is printed within a red border. At p. xii. of the Introduc- tion, the bottom line, " I'riorcss of Kirkstall," shoiild be " Prioress of Kirkiees." Published at 12«. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 81 XCIX. The DIARY of RALPH THORESBY, F.E.S., Autlior of the ' Topo- graphy of Leeds.' (1677-172^!.) Now first published from the Original Manuscript, by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER, F.S.A. In Two Volumes. London : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1S30. (Ociavo.) Vol. I. Portrait of Thoresby, T. A. Dean so., frontispiece. Title as above. Preface, 14 pp. The Diary, 471 pp. Vol. XL Title. The Diary, 442 pp. The Index is in the Second Volume of the Correspondence, and is distin- guished by the letter D for Diary. The Correspondence has the letter C. LETTERS of EMINENT MEN, addressed to RALPH THORESBY, F.R.S. Now first published from the Originals. In Two Volumes. London : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1832. {Octavo.) Vol. L Title. Contents, 8 pp. The Correspondence, 448 pp. Vol. II. Title. Contents of Vol. II., 8 pp. The Correspondence, 399 pp. Appendix; Half-title; A Tour in Scotland, by Thomas Kirk, Esq., of Cookridge, a friend and relative of Thoresby, pp. 401 to 456. Index to the Four Volumes, pp. 457 to 491. Published at £2. IGs., now sells at Ids. in boards. This Work is not sufiiciently appreciated ; it contains important information, though there is a good deal of trash in it. CI. The CIVIL, ECCLESIASTICAL, LITERARY. COMMERCIAL, and MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY of LEEDS, HALIFAX, HUD- DERSFIELD, BRADFORD, WAKEFIELD, DEWSBURY, OTLEY, and the Manufacturing District of Yorkshire. By EDWARD PAR- SONS. In Two Volumes. Leeds : printed and published by Frederick Hobson, 50, Briggate ; and Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers' Hall Court, London, mdcccxxxit. (Octavo.) M 82 THE YORKSIimE LIBRARY. Vol. I. Title. Introduction, and Ilistory, 476 pp. A folded Map of the Leeds and Selby Eailway, at p. 13. Vol. II. Title. Contents of both volumes, 3 pp. History, 503 pp. Originally printed and published at 21s. by P. E. Bingley, ' Times ' OiEce, Leeds, and afterwards purchased by Mr. Ilobsou. It is printed on very inferior paper, in a careless manner. The book is written with great prejudice. It now sells for 7s. cn. The MUNICIPAL HISTOET of the BOEOTTGH of LEEDS, in the County of York, from the Earliest Period to the Election of the First Mayor, under the provisions of the Municipal Corporation Act, on the 1st January, 1830; including numerous Extracts from the Court Books of the Corporation, and an Appendix, containing Copies and Translations of Charters and other Documents relating to the Borough. With Plates. By JAMES WAEDELL. London : Longman, Brown, and Co., Paternoster Eow. Leeds : II. W. Walker, 26, Briggate. mdcccxlvi. {Octavo.) Half-title ; Title as above. Dedication to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses. Preface ; Contents ; and List of Plates ; vii. pp. Subscribers, 3 pp. ISluuicipal History, 90 pp. Appendix and Index, cciix. pp. List of Plates, Engraved by J. F. Masseii, Leeds. 1. Additional Title, with the Arms of the Borough of Leeds. 2. Corporate Seals of the IJorough of Leeds, p. 27. 3. Ancient Silver Badge, p. 27. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 83 4. Facsimile of Court Books, temp. Charles II., p. 31. 5 and 6. Tradesmea's Tokens of Leeds, 17tli Century, pp. cxxxvi. and cxxxvii. of the Appendix. Two hundred co|)ies were printed and published at 21s., and fifty Labqe Papee copies at £1. lis. Gel. The Work ia admirably got up, and the Charters are correctly translated for the first time. cm. Copies of all the LOCAL ACTS of PAELIAMENT for the TOWN and BOROUGH of LEEDS, from the Reign of George II. down to the Present Period ; to which are added English Copies of the Corporation Charter, and the Charter under which the Soke of the King's Mills in Leeds at present exists. Also a Copy of a singular Will of Mr. Thomas Wade, dated 4th February, 1530, containing Devises of Property for the Repair of several Highways in and about the Town of Leeds, and a Copy of an ancient Description of the Boundaries of the Township of Leeds. Leeds : printed by John Barr, Briggate. 1822. (Octavo.) Title as above, Half-title, and Index, viii. pp. Acts of Parliament, etc., 117 pp. CIV. ACTS of PARLIAMENT relating to the BOROUGH of LEEDS, in the County of York ; with such Portions of the Consolidation Clauses Acta as are incorporated therein. Leeds : Town Clerk's Office, mdcccli. (Octavo.) Title as above; Contents; Seven Acts of Parliament; and Tables of Contents; 394 pp. Two hundred copies were printed by H. W. Walker, Leeds, for the Corporation, and twenty copies on Laeoe Papee were privately printed. CV. The ANTIQUITIES of the BOROUGH of LEEDS Described and Illustrated. By JAMES WARDELL, Member of the Archaiological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Author of the ' Lays of Ebor,' the ' Municipal History of Leeds,' etc. John Russell Smith, 30, Sobo Square, London. Moxon and Walker, Leeds, mdccciiii. (Octavo.) Half-title ; Title as above ; Preface ; Contents ; and Plates ; 10 pp. Antiquities, 32 pp. List op Plates, Lithographed by Ellinqwoeth, Leeds. 1. British Axe and Urn found, at Leeds. 2. Roman Coins, found at Headiugley and Leeds. 3. Norman Cross, found at Leeds. 84 THE YORKSHIRE LHiRARY. 4. Effigy in St. Peter's Church, Leeds. 5. Brass of Sir John Langton and Wife in St. Peter's Church. 6. Brass of Thomas Clarell ; and Stained Glass in St. Peter's Church {coloured). 7. Stained Glass in St. Mary's Chapel, Beeston {coloured). 8. Seals and Sepulchral Slabs, Kirkstall Abbey. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 15. Encaustic Tiles from Kirkstall Abbey {coloured). 16. Stained Glass from Osmuudthorp Hall (coloured). Two hundred copies were printed and published at 7s. Gd., and fifty copies on Lauqe Papee at 12«. Gd. CVI. An HISTOET of LEEDS, compiled from Various Authors. To which is added, an HISTORY of KIRKSTALL ABBEY. Leeds : printed and sold by all Booksellers. (No date, but probably 1797.) {Duodecimo.) History of Leeds, 190 pp. ; History of Kirkstall Abbey, 33 pp. ; and a Soutli-East View of the Abbey, Butterworth sc, Leeds. A folded Map of 10 miles round Leeds for Frontispiece. Interesting. There is another Title-page to some copies as follows : — 'A History of the Town and Parish of Leeds, compiled from various Authors. To which are added a History of Kirkstall Abbey; and a Leeds Directory, containing a List of the Merchants, Tradesmen, etc., in the Town of Leeds.' CVII. The LEEDS GUIDE ; including a Sketch of the Environs, and Kirk- stall Abbey. (Eight Verses.) Leeds: printed by Edward Baines, for the Author; and sold by R. Brown, North-Parade, and the principal Booksellers. 1S06. {Duodecimo.) Half-title; Title as above ; Dedication to Wm. Wilberforcc, Esq., M.P. ; Preface ; and Contents ; xii. pp. The Guide, 21G pp. With a Proutispicce, the S.E. View of Kirkstall Abbey, Butterworth bo. CVIIL A WALK through LEEDS, or. Stranger's Guide to Everything worth notice in that Ancient and Populous Town ; with nn Account of the Woollen Maiiufactun> of the West Riding of Vorkshire. With Plates. " I'linuiis iiiilii I'liiuH." Leeds; ])rintpd by -F. II. Lc-ich, ntid .'ii by Mr. C. W. HATFIELD, one of the proprietors of the ' Doucaslcr Gazette' "WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 109 CLIV. SoUtI) gorftSljirC. The history and TOPOGEAPHY of tlie DEANERY of DONCASTBE, in the Diocese and County of York. By the Eev. JOSEPH HUNTER, Eellow of the Societies of Antiquaries of London and Newcastle, and an Honorary Member of the Yorkshire Phi- losophical Association. "Summas in afifectu partes jiu'e aibi usurpat terra qua; genuit." — SiDON. lib. iii. cap. 8. London : printed for the Author by J. B. Nichols and Son, 25, Parlia- ment Street. 182S. In Two Volumes. (Folio.) Vol. I. Title as above. Dedication to Will iam-"Went worth, Earl Fitzwilliam. Contents ; List of Plates and Vignettes ; 2 pp. Names of Subscribers, 2 pp. Preface, 15 pp., not numbered, dated Bath, 1828. General History, xxviii. pp. Deanery of Doncaater, 401 pp. Additions and Corrections, p. 402. Index, pp. 403 to 406. *^* Errors of paging : pp. 145, 146, 147, and 148, are misprinted 143, 144, 145, and 146. List of Plates. 1. Map of the Deanery of Donoaster, coloured to show the diiferent Parishes ; J. Alesander, surveyor, Doncaster ; T. Milne, engraver, London ; p. i. of the General History (folded). 2. Plan of Doncaster ; J. Alexander, surveyor, B. Davies sc, p. 1. Roman Altar found at Doncaster, a Woodcut on p. 3. Remains of the Pest-house, Doncaster, an etching on p. 21. Arms on the Belfry of Doncaster Church, Woodcuts on pp. 38 and 39. Monument to a Greyhound in Edlington Wood, an Etching on the letter- press of p. 96. Plan of Coningsborough Castle, a Woodcut on p. 102. 3. Doorway, Font, and Effigies, at Eishlake ; drawn by H. Cave, en- graved by J. Swaine ; p. 192. Interior of the Old Cell at Lindholme, an Etching on p. 197. 4. Gateway of Tickhill Castle, Two Views, East and West ; Luard del., S. Bellin sc. ; p. 232. 5. Interior of Tickliill Church ; drawn by Miss H. Falconer, engraved by S. Bellin ; p. 239. 6. Monument of Edmund Fitzwilliam at Wadworth; W. Cowen del. et sc. ; p. 251. *** This is not mentioned in the List of Plates in the Volume, having been published with the Second Volume. Font at Wadworth, a Woodcut on p. 254. 7. Church of Laughten-eu-le-Morthing ; R. Hibberd del., S. Bellin sc. ; p. 286. Hall of the Sandfords at Thorp-Salviu, a Woodcut on p. 310. 110 THE YORKSHIRE LffiRARY. 8. Doorway and Font at Thorp-Salvin ; drawn by Miss Foljambe, en- graved by J. Swaine; p. 312. 9. Monumental Effigies of two Fitzwilliams at Sprotborough ; W. Cowen del., C. J. Smith sc. ; p. 345. 10. Monumental Brasses at Sprotborough ; "W. Cowen del. et sc. ; p. 345. Barnborough House, the Seat of the Mores ; a Woodcut on p. 375. Besides Woodcuts in outline of fourteen Coats of Arms, printed on the letter-press. YoL. II., published in 1831. Title ; Contents ; and List of Plates in Yol. II. ; 4 pp. Preface to Yol. II., 3 pp. The History, 488 pp. The last page dated, Bath, May Day, 1831. Additions and Corrections to the Two Yolumes, pp. 489 to 492. Index to Yol. II., pp. 493 to 498. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of the Author ; presented to him by Sir E. C. Iloare, Bart. ; S. C. Smith del., H. Meyer sc. ; facing the Title-page. 2. ]\Iap of the Deanery of Doncaster ; same as in the first volume, but coloured to show the old feudal divisions of property ; p. i. (folded). 3. Seals of the Monasteries in South Yorkshire, p. ii. Chapel on the Bridge at Eotherham, a Woodcut by Murrell on p. 16. 4. Crosses at Thribergh, p. 38. 5. Monument of Thomas Wentworth and Margaret his Wife ; drawn and etched by W. Cowen, Eotherham ; p. 83. 6. Tomb of Sir William AVontworth and his Lady. To A'iscount IMilton, at whose expense thi.? and other monumental remains Iiave been engraved, this Plate is inscribed with sentiments of gratitude and high respect. Drawn and engraved by W. Cowen. P. 83. Old Wentworth House, an Etching by W. Cowen, on p. 95. 7. Wentworth House ; drawn and etched by W. Cowen, Kotlicrham; p. 96. 8. Monument of a Gascoigne at Wentworth ; drawn and etched by W. Cowen ; p. 98. Desecrated Cliapcl at Clayton, a Woodcut on p. 151. 9. Church at Ecclesfield, p. 187. Tomb of Walter Spencer-Stanhopo in Cawthorne Church, an Etching on p. 237. Old Oak Tree on Brierley Common, an Etching on p. 407. Eobin Hood's Well, a Woodcut on p. 488. And twenty-seven AVoodcuts of Arms, printed on the letter-presa. Published at £8. 8*., now reduced to £G. Os. ; and Lauok Papkk copies at £16. 16«., now £12. 12s. Tlie paper and Plates are not equal to those in Wliitaker'a ' Leeds.' The Work is printed in double cohiiini.s. This Work will remain a lasting memorial of the learning and industry of the Author. As far as the subject will admit, it is a complete cj)itonio of the liistory of the property of the district and of tlie families possessing it from the earliest times. Joseph Hunter was born in ShefRcld in 1783. In 1S09 he became minister of Presbyterian Dissenters at Bath, where he resided twenty-four WEST RIDING OF YOTIKSIIIRE. Ill years. la 1833 he removed to London, on his appointment as Sub-Com- missioner of the Public Records, of which he was made Assistant Keeper in 1838. He died in London in 1861, and was interred in tiie churchyard of Ecclesfield, near Sheffield, the scene of his earlier labours. CLV. CATALOGUE of the valuable LIBRAET of the late REV. JOSEPH HUNTER, r.S.A., comprising Family History and Biography, G-enealogy, Antiquarian and other Treatises, Ballads, Romances, and Chap-Books, County Histories, Works of Shakespeare, &c. Which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. S. L. Sotheby & John Wilkinson, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, on 19th December, 18G1, and three following days. {Octavo.) Title and 99 pages. Valuable to the Yorkshire Collector. CLVI. YORKSHIRE. An HISTORICAL and TOPOGRAPHICAL VIEW OP THE WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORD AND TICKHILL ; intended chiefly to illustrate its Ancient State. By JOHN WAIN- WRIGHT. Vol. I. " Hoc est Vivere bis, vita posse priore friii." — Maet. Sheffield : printed for the Author, and sold by John Blaekwell, i8, High Street : sold also by all the Booksellers in tlie vicinity of the District ; and by Longman, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Loudon. 1826. (Quarto.) Title as above. Dedication to William George Moncton-Arundel, Viscount Galway, 2 pp. Advertisement, 2 pp. ; Introduction, clxxxvii. pp. Doncaster, 151 pp. Conisbrough, pp. 152 to 227. List of Plates. 1. Roman Altar found at Doncaster ; a Doncaster Token of the 17th Century, etc. ; p. 35. The Cross of Otto de Tilli, a Woodcut on p. 60. The Font in Doncaster Church, a Woodcut on p. S3. Inscription at the Carmelite Priory, a Woodcut on p. 101. 2. Nether Hall, near Doncaster, the Seat of Robert Copley, Esq. ; en- graved by C. J. Smith ; p. 112. 3. East View of Conisbro' Castle ; Robert Thompson del., Osborn and Co. sc. ; p. 205. Ground Plan, a Woodcut on p. 206. Two Fire-places in Conisbro' Castle, a Woodcut by 0. Jewitt, on p. 208. 4. South- West View of Wombwell Hall ; dedicated to Edw. Oxley, of Bristol, M.D. This Plate and the following are placed at the end of the book ; they were intended for the second volume. 5. Wadworth Hall, near Doncaster, formerly the Seat of the Copleys ; Osborn sc. This book was never completed. It was published at 2ls., now sells at 8s.; there are Large Papeu copies. 112 THE YORKSHIEE LIBRARY. John "Wainwright was born at Finuingley in 1786, where he was educated by John Biglaiid. He was apprenticed to a grocer at Doncaster, and afterwards resided at Sheffield. Here he published the above Work, which was never completed, owing to his pecuniary difficulties. He emi- CTated to America. CLVII. The HISTOKY and ANTIQUITIES of DONC.\STER and its Vici- nity ; with Anecdotes of Eminent Men. ]5y EDWARD IMILLHR, Blus.D. Doncaster: printed and sold by W. Shcardown : and sold by W. INliller, Albemarle Street, Loudon. (ISOi.) {Quarlu.) Title-page as above. Dedication to the Mayor and Corporation of Doncaster. List of Subscribers and Errata, 7 pp. Contents and Introduction, l ])p. History of Doncaster, 3i)8 pp. Appendix and .Addenda, xlv. pp., and a Half-title. List or Pi,-\ti:s, Drawn by Funn. Nash. 1. Map of the Environs of Doncaster, 1801. Frontispiece (folded). Doucastcr Cross, a Woodcut by Green, on p. 33. 2. Doncaster Cliurch ; IJ. Howlet kc. ; p. 71. Pont in Doncaster Clnirch, a Woodcut on ]). SG. Arms in tlic BcU'ry of Doncaster Cluircli, Woodcuts on pp. 01 and 1)2. TIk^ Soutli and .Noilli i'hitrances of Doncaster Cluirch, Woodcuts on pp. 107 and lOS. WEST BIDING OF YOUKSmRE. 113 3. South Entrance to Doncaster; Edw. Shirt sc. ; p. 138. 4. The Mansion House ; Edw. Shirt sc. ; p. liO. Seals of the Mayor and the Borough of Doncaster, on p. lil. 5. Passuiore's Straw-cutting Machine, p. 155. 0. Town Hall and Tlicatre ; Edw. Shirt sc. ; p. 156. 7. Grand Stand at Doncaster Riice Ground ; A. Birrel sc. ; p. 158. Inscri])tion over the Doorway of Loversall Church, on p. 215. Tickhill Castle, a Woodcut by Green, on p. 210. Inscription on Braithwell Cross, a Woodcut on p. 247. A Sarcophagus in Couisbrough Church, on p. 262. 8. Conisbrough Castle ; Crantz sc. ; p. 204. 9. Plan, Chapel, and Interior of Conisbrough Castle ; Eont in Doncaster Church ; and a Eoman Altar found at Doncaster; B. Hewlett sc. ; p. 265. West Prospect of Lindholme Hermitage, on p. 301. 10. Lady Gallway's Menagerie; Paul Sandby, R.A., del., W. Poole sc, p. 303. 11. Roach Abbey; Eoffe sc. ; p. 312. 12. Eotherham Church ; S. H. Grimm del., J. Dadley sc. ; p. 356. The Ancient Castle of Pontefract, on p. 385. Ancient Cave at Pontefract, a Woodcut on p. 387. Now sells at 6.?. There are Large Paper Copies, which sell at 10s. It is not a work of great research, particularly with the opportunities the Author possessed from his acquaintance with the gentry of the town and neighbourhood. Edward Miller, Doctor of Music, was born at Norwich. In early life he was appointed Organist to St. George's (Parish) Church, Doncaster, which office he filled for more than fifty years. He died Sept. 13, 1807, set. 72, and was buried in the Church where be had so long officiated. There was a Tablet to his memory in the Chancel, which was destroyed, together with the Church, by the calamitous fire on the morning of Mon- day, February 2Sth, 1853. An admirable portrait of Edward Miller, painted and engraved by T. Hardy, was published by E. Linley in 1796, folio size. CLVIII. The HOSPITAL of St. Thomas the Apostle in DONCASTER ; its Origin, Progress, and Present State. By JAMES FALCONAR, F.S.A., Author of ' The Secret revealed of the Authorship of Junius's Letters.' London : printed by George Woodfall, Angel Court, Skinner Street. 55 pp. MDCCCXL. {Octavo.) Embellished with a portrait of Phillip Ellis, Bishop of Segni, engraved by Henry Meyer, facing p. 8 ; and the following Woodcuts, — 1. Arms of the Ellis family and Doncaster Town, on the Title-page ; 2. Tomb of Thomas Ellis, the Founder of the Charity in Doncaster Church, on p. 13 ; 3. Hospital of St. Thomas, Doncaster, on p. 30; and 4. Arms of Thomas Ellis, on p. 31. Privately printed. The Author is a Solicitor and Clerk to the Poor Law Guardians of Doncaster. Q 114 THE YORKSmRE LIBRARY. CLIX. PLANS, ELEYATIONS, SECTIONS, and other ORNAlNrENTS of the MANSION HOrSE, belonging to the Corporation of DONCASTEE. By JAMES PAINE. Loudon : printed for the Author, mdccli. {Folio.) 12 pp., and illustrated with twenty-one Plans, Sections, etc., James Paine dcL, Edward Eooker sc, and a Yiguette Portrait of the Author on the Title-page ; F. Hayman pinx., C. Grignion sc. CLX, HISTOEY of the EUINED CHUECH of St. Mary Magdalene, discovered a.d. I8JG, within tl\e Old Town Hall of DONCASTER. By the Eev. JOHN EDWARD JACKSON, M.A., of Braseuose College, Osford, Eeetor of Leigh Delaraere, and Yicar of Norton, County Wilts. Illustrated by John P. Seddon, Architect. London: George Bell, 186, Elect Street. Doncaster: C.White, and G. and J. Brooke, mbcccliii. {Imperial Quarto.) Half-title ; Title, as above, on which is a view of the Old Town Hall. Dedication. Preface and List of Plates. History, 34 pp. ; Postscript, 2 pp. List of Plates, Lithographed by Hullmandel and Walton. 1. St. Mary Magdalene, looking West. Frontispiece. 2. Plan of Doncaster, showing the Ancient Fortifications, etc., p. 2. New Market House, a Woodcut on p. 13. 3. Plan of Eonian Doncaster, a Woodcut, p. 19. 4. 5, 6, & 7. (Marked PI. 2, 3, 1-, & 5.) St. Mary Magdalene, looking East. Section and Plan. Cliancel Arch. Details of Arcade, in two colours. At the end of the Volume. Published at 106-. Gd., cloth boards. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 115 CLXT. The HISTOET and DESCRIPTION of St. Geobge's CrrTjRcn, at DONCASTER, destroyed by Fire, February 28, 1853. By JOHN ED- WARD JACKSON, M.A.", of Brasenoso College, Oxford, Rector of Leigh Delamere, aud Vicar of Norton, Wilts. " Poi che la cavit^ del natio loco Mi strinse, radunai le fronde sparte." Dante, ' Inferno,' Canto xIt. 1 . London : printed for the Author by J. B. Nichols and Sons, 25, Par- liament Street. Doncaster: C. White, G. and T. Brooke, R. Hartley. 1855. {hnperial Quarto.) Title as above. Preface, 2 pp. Contents and List of Plates, 4 pp. History, 138 pp. Index of Names and Places, 6 pp. Appendix, xci. pp. List of Plates, in Lithography, Drawn on Stone by F. Bedford. Printed by Day and Son. 1. St. George's Church, Doncaster, from an Engraving by Weightman. Frontispiece. 2 & 3. Frasmeuts found iu the Ruins ; Rev. James Bell del. 4 & 5. Incised Cross Slabs found iu the Ruins ; Rev. James Bell del. 6. Crypt under the North-East Chapel ; Rev. James Bell del. 7. Ground Plan of the Older Church. 8. Font, Monuments, etc. 9. Ground Plan of St. George's at the time of the Fire. 10. Interior, looking East, without the Galleries, Pews, etc. ; Rev. James Bell del. ' 11. Interior from Chancel, looking West ; and Interior of Nave, looking East, with the Galleries. After a Print by Abraham. 12. St. George's Church on Fire {coloured) ; Rev. J. Bell del. 13 & 14. The New Church, from the South-West, and from the South- East, showing the S. Chancel Chapel erected by Mr. Forman ; G. G. Scott del. 15. Interior of the New Church ; G. G. Scott del. Woodcuts printed in the Letter-press. 1. Chancel Windows, Early Church, on p. 9. 2. Chancel Side Window, on p. 10. 3. Sepulchral Arch, on p. 11. 4. The Early English Church, about a.d. 1300, on p. 12. 5. ■ in its Transition State, about a.d. 1450, on p. 18. 6. East Window, on p. 21. 7. Merchant's Mark, on p. 24. 8. Arms of Archbishop Kempe, on p. 29. 9 & 10. Arms of Scrope and Tibetot, and another, unknown, on p. 31. 11. Seal of Stephen Scrope, on p. 32. 2 to 20. Other Arms within the Tower, on pp. 33 and 34. 21. Harrington's Window, Nortli Transept, on p. 36. 22. East Eud of St. George's. An Engraving on India-paper, on p. 48. 116 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 23, 24. Musical Scale of tlie Bells, on p. 64. 25. Arms of Thomas Ellis, on p. 94. 26. Eobin of Doucaster's Signature, on p. 101. 27. St. George's Cburcli in Euins, on p. 124. 34. East Window of the New Church, on p. 138. 35. "West End of the New Church, on p. 138. 36. Arrangement of Cooke Memorial Window, on p. 42. In the Appendix. 37. Knight with Axe, on p. ii. 38. Seal and Mark of Thomas Ellis, on p. svii. 39. St. Thomas's Hospital, on p. svii. 28 to 33. Communion Plate, on pp. Ixxxi., Ixxxii., Ixxxiii. 40. Oto de Tilli's Cross, in 1678, on p. Ixxxix. 41. Mill Bridge Cross in 1764, on p. xci. Published at 42s., in boards ; 250 copies printed. Nos. CLX. and CLXI. are two valuable contributions towards a General History of Doncaster ; Miller's History is very defective, and of no autho- rity. CLxn. LECTUEES on GOTHIC AECHITECTURE, chiefly in relation to St. Geoege's Chuech, DONCASTEE, delivered in the Town Hall there, at Christmas, 1854. By EDMUND BECKETT DENISON, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Counsel. Published at the request of the Committee for Eebuilding the said Church. Doncaster : George and Thomas Brooke. London : Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street. 1855. {Octavo.) Title as above ; Illustrations and Preface. Gothic Arcliitecture, 111 pp. Postscript, 1 p. Donations towards Eebuilding the Church, 12 pp. List of Woodcuts. 1. S.S.W. View of the New Church, Doncaster. Frontispiece. 2. Great East Window, p. 43. 3. AVost Front of the Old Church, Engraving, p. 53. 4. Ground Plan of the Old and an Earlier Churcli, p. SO. 5. Ground Plan of the New Church, p. 81. 6. AVest Front of the New Church, p. 86. Published at 3«., in a paper-cover, on which is a Woodcut View of the Church as it appeared after the Fire ; 500 copies were printed. cLxni. The TOrEIST'S HANDBOOK. DONCASTEE : ASKEEN, and the surrounding X'iilages. Doncaster : George and Thomas Brooke, High Street, 1851. 64 pp., with adverliacments. {Duodecimo.) WEST RIDING OF YOEKSIIIRE. 117 List op Plates. . Doncaater, Mansion House. Frontispiece. . Doncaster, St. George's Clmrch, p. 7. And two Woodcuts on the letter-press. Published at Is. ; 800 copies were printed. 3. Doncaster, Christ Church, p. 13. 4. Doncaster, Guildhall, p. 18. 5. Conisborough Castle, p. 41. 6. Eoche Abbey, p. 4G. CLXIV. SPEOTBEOUGH ; or a Few Passing Notes for a Morning's Eamble. Doncaster : printed by Charles White, Baxter Gate, mdcccl. 76 pp. (Octavo.) List of Plates, in Lithography, by Day and Son. 1. Sprotbrough Clmrch. Frontispiece. 2. Sprotbrough Hall, p. 42. 3. Sprotbrough Eectory, p. 58. CLXV. The ASKEEN VISITOE'S GUIDE. With a Woodcut of two Ear- then Jars floating in a Pond. By JOHN BIGLAND. Doncaster: printed and sold by Sheardown and Son. 1823. 156 pp. (Duodecimo.) CLXVI. An ACCOUNT of ASKEEN and its MINEEAL SPEINGS ; toge- ther with a Sketch of the Natural History, and a Brief Topography of the Immediate Neighbourhood. By EDAVliST LANKESTEE, M.D., F.L.S., Member of the Eoyal College of Physicians, London ; Lecturer of Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; sometime House-Physiciau at University Col- lege Hospital ; Physician to the Farringdon General Dispensary, etc. London : John Churchill, Princes Street, Soho. mdcocxlii. (Duodecimo.) Title, Dedication, Advertisement, Contents, 8 pp. History, etc., 151 pp. Embellished with a folded Plate (coloured) of the Geology of the Askern neighbourhood. Edwin Lankester was elected Coroner for the Central Division of the County of Middlesex, in July, 1862 ; there is a portrait of him in the ' Illustrated London News ' for that month. CLXVII. A TOPOGEAPHICAL HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of BAW- TET and THORNE, with the Villages adjacent. By W. PECK. "Antique buried in rubbish old and musty, Which make one verst in customs old and new, And of laws, gods and men giving a view, Render the careful student skiU'd and trusty." 118 TIIE YOEKSniRE LIBRARY. Doncaster ; printed for the Author by Thomas and ITunslcy ; and may be had of them and Messrs. Eivingtous, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. 1813. (Quarto.) Title-page as above, printed with black and red ink. Dedication to the Eev. Cayley llliugworth, D.D., F.A.S. ; and Errata pasted on the reverse. Preface, 2 pp. Historical part, pp. 9 to 112. Appendix No. 1, ii. pp. Appendix No. 2, xviii. pp. Index, 2 pp. *,* Additional pp. 59, 60, 75, 76, 109, 110, 111, are repeated with asterisks. List of AVoodcctts, by Gkeen (except No. 1 and the Token). 1. Plan of Bawtry and its Vicinity. Frontispiece (folded). Nuremberg Token, an Engraving on p. li. Arms of the Lister Family, on p. 16. 2. Bawtry Hall, p. 17. Arms of the Milues family, on p. 17. 3. The Hospital, Bawtry Spittle, p. 19. 4. Bawtry Church, p. 51. Arms of the Acklom Family, on p. 55. 5. Austerfield Church, p. 61. Norman Door of Austerfield Church, on p. 62. 6. Finningley Cottage, the Residence of John Bigland, Historian, p. 70. 7. Finningley Church, p. 72. 8. Thorne Church, p. 84. Arms of tlie Gossip Family, on p. 94. 9. Hatfield Church, p. 102. A Supplement was printed in 1814. Title-page; Preface, pp. iii. and iv. ; additional pages with asterisks, — 61, 77, 89, 91 to 97, ll.T to 117; Appendix No. 3, v. pp. ; Index, 2 pp. With a Woodcut of a Horse and Stag, facing p. 75* ; the Arms of the Harvey Family, on p. 77*; and Facsimile of Writing of A. de la Prymc, on p. 97.* Only one hundred copies of this Work were printed, in consequence it has become a rare book, the selling price being 15s. It is full of typographical errors. Williani Peck was born at Epwortb, in Lincolnshire. He carried on business in Bawtry as a Druggist, where he wrote his History. Ho after- wards removed to liis native place, and died there at an early age. There is a monument to his memory in Epwortb Church. cLxvin. The State of that part of YORKSHIRE adjacent to the Level of HAT- FIELD CHACE truly and impartially rc|)re8ented. By a Lover of his Country. York, 1700. (Quarto tract.) Ui'cott. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 119 CLXIX. Sir Cornelius Vermuyden's Afrreement with . King Charles (the Pirst) for draining HATFIELD CHACE, &c. Doncaster : printed by D. Boys. 1794. 32 pp. (Octavo.) Upcott. CLXX. The HISTOET and ANTIQUITIES of THOENE, with some Ac- count of the Drainage of HATFIELD CHASE. Thorne : printed and published by S. Whaley. 1829. 160 pp. {IJuodecimo.^ CLXXI. The HISTOET and ANTIQUITIES of the DEANEEY of CEAVEN, in the County of Tork. The Second Edition ; with many Additions, Cor- rections, Map, and Views of Gentlemen's Seats, Antiquities, etc. By THOMAS DUNHAM WHITAKEE, LL.D., F.S.A., Vicar of Whalley, in Lancashire. (A Quotation from Dion. Halic. Ant. lib. i.) London : printed by J. Nichols aud Son, Eed Lion Passage, Fleet Street, for W. Edwards and Son, Halifax; and sold by Messrs. Cadell aud Davies, Strand ; Mr. Payne, Pall Mall ; aud Messrs. White, Cochrane, and Co., Fleet Street. 1812. (Eoi/al Quarto.) Title-page as above. Dedication to His Grace William Spencer, Duke of Devonshire. Advertisement, pp. v. to vii. History of Craven, 507 pp. Appendixes 1, 2, and 3, pp. 509 to 522. Index, pp. 523 to 528._ Additions and Corrections, with Directions to the Binder, pp. 529 and 530. Errors of paging : — pp. 281 and 282 are repeated with asterisks ; p. 366 for 329 ; p. 633 for 336 ; p. 171. for 417 ; p. 241 for 421. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of the Author ; engraved by W. Maddocks ; from a Picture by W. D. Fryer, of Knaresborough. To face the Title. . 2. Door of Bolton Priory ; T. Taylor sc. Forming a Title-page in addi- tion to the printed one. 3. Map of the Deanery of Craven, p. IS (folded). 4. Armorial Achievements in the Window of the Staircase at Gisburu Park, etc. ; T. Lister pinx., J. Basire sc. ; p. 32. 5. The East Window of Gisburu Cluirch (coloured) ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 34. 6. An Ancient Horn in the possession of Lord Eibblesdale ; S. Aiken fee. ; p. 37. 7. Skull of a Species of Sheep formerly kept at Gisburue Park ; S. Aiken fee. ; p. 37. 8. Wild Bull, Gisburne Park ; W. Fryer del., S. Aiken sc, ; p. 37. 9. Wild Cow, Gisburue Park ; W. Fryer del., S. Alkeu sc. ; p. 37. 120 THE YOEKSHIEE LIBRARY. 10. Gisburne Park ; S. Aiken fee. ; p. 38. 11. The Gateway at Gisburue Park ; S. Aiken fee. ; p. 38. 12. Sailer Abbey ; W. D. Fryer del, J. Basire se. ; p. 39. 13. Miscellaneous Plate; Arms from Salley Abbey, Seals of Bolton, Cock- ersand, and Kirkstall Abbeys. Portraits, etc. ; p. 55. Seal of Eobert de Laci, on p. GO. 14. N.W. View of Kirkstall Abbey ; "Rev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken fecit; p. 62. 15. S.E. View of Kirkstall Abbey ; Eev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken fee. ; p. 70. 16. Marton Hall ; E. Heber, Esq., del., 8. Alkeu fecit ; p. 72. 17. Gledstone House ; S. Aiken fecit ; p. 77. IS. Another View of Gledstone House ; W. Skelton sc. ; p. 77. 19. Bracewell ; J. Smith del., Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 82. 20. Broughton Hall ; "W". D. Fryer del., Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 87. 21. Another View of Broughton Hall ; S. Bliddiman sc. ; p. 87. 22. Portrait of Francis Tempest, Abbot of Lanspring, p. 88. 23. Fout and Arms at Bolton ; the Boot, Glove, and Spoon of Henry VI. J. C. D. del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 114. 24. Brass of Henry Pudsey, Esq., and Margaret Lis "Wife, at Bolton J. C. D. del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 116. 25. Tomb of Sir Ealph Pudsey and his Family at Bolton ; J. Basire sc. p. 117. 26. Hellifield Peel ; W. D. Fryer del, Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 129. The Tomb of Sir Eobert dc Sliverton, at Kildwick ; W. H. Fryer del., Jas. Basire sc. ; on the letter-press of p. 161. 27. Two Original Charters ; inscribed to and presented by Danson Eichard- son Currer, Esq. ; Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 162. 28. Bierlev Hall, p. 164. 29. Kildwick Hall, p. 165. Frame of an Ancient Purse, found at Gargrave ; Longmate sc. ; on the letter-press of p. 181. 30. Eshton Hall ; Jaa. Basire se. ; p. 184. 31. Eshton Hall ; .1. .Jeakes fecit ; p. 184. 32. White Jlarble Sculpture, found at Tngthorpc Orange ; and the Shaft of a Cross, found near Tiiorp Arch ; J. Harris sc. 1808; p. 185. 33. Malham Cove; Eev. J. (Jriffith del., S. Aiken fecit; p. 206. 34. Gordalc; Eev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken fecit; p. 207. Tomb of Sir Adam do Midelton at Ilkley ; W. D. Fryer del., J. Basire sc. ; on the letter-press of ]). 217. Eoinan Altar, found at Ilkley, a Woodcut on p. 218. 35. Barden Tower; Eev. J. Grilliths del., S. Alkcn fecit; p. 237. 36. Another View of Barden Tower and Church, by the same, p. 238. 37. Sigilla Veterum Dominorum de Skipton ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 241. 38. Tombs of Henry, First Earl, and (ieorge, Third Earl of Cumberland, at Skipton ; W. D. Fryer del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 262. 39. Portraits of George, Earl of Cumberland, and his Family, at Skipton Castle ; p. 265. 40. Portraits of Lady "Warwick and Lady Wharton ; W. D. Fryer del., Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 265. "WEST RIDING OF YORKSinRE. 121 41, 42, and 43. Autographs taken principally from the Evidences of the Clifford Family; Longmate sc. ; p. 281*. 44. Skipton Castle ; Rev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken sc. ; p. 322. 45. South View of Bolton Abbey ; Eev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken fecit ; p. 368. 40. North View of Bolton Abbey, p. 3G8. 47. S.W. View of Bolton Abbey and Gateway, p. 368. 48. East End of Bolton Abbev, p. 368. 49. Ground Plan of Bolton Abbey, p. 368. 50. Autographs of the Prior and Canons of Bolton to the Deed of Sur- render, 1510 ; Longmate sc. ; p. 415. 51. West Front of the Priory Church at Bolton ; T. Taylor del. ; p. 419. Inscription on a Tower at Bolton Priory, on p. 420. 52. Ilalton Place ; S. Aiken fecit ; p. 439. 53. Kilnsey Crag; Eev. J. Griffith del., S. Aiken fee; p. 451. 54. South Transept of Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire ; J. M. W. Turner, E-.A., del., James Basire sc. ; p. 454. 55. South-Eaat View of Fountains Abbey; "W. H. Wood del., James Basire sc. ; p. 454. 56. West Cloister of Fountains Abbey ; S. Harris sc. ; p. 454. Sepaeate Pedigeees (folded). 1. Talbot of Bashall, p. 25. 2. Lister of Gisburne Park, p. 38. 3. Percy of Craven, p. 39. 4. Marton of Marton, p. 72. 5. Heber of Marton and Stainton, p. 76. 6. Eoundell of Gledstone House, p. 77. 7. Tempest of BraceweU, p. 80. 8. Tempest of Broughton, p. 87. 9. Pudsey of Bolton, p. 110. 10. Hamerton of Hamerton and Hellifield-Peel, p. 124. 11. Malham of Elslack, p. 145. 12. CurrerofKildwick,andEichard- son of Bierley, p. IGl. 13. Swire of Cononley, and Garfortli of Steeton, p. 168. 14. Banke of Bank Newton, p. 182. 15. Coulthurst of Gargrave, p. 184. 16. Wilson of Eshton, p. 184. 17. Midelton of Midelton, Stubhara, and Stockheld, p. 217. 18. Clifford of Skipton, p. 240. 19. Yorke of Goulthwayte, p. 439. Published at £5. 5s. in boards; sells at £3. 3s. There are Large Papee copies of this Work in Imperial Quarto, with the Plates aquatinted by Aiken, worked in colours, published at £15. 15s. A copy, full-bound morocco, brought £10 at Messrs. Puttick and Simpson's, June 20th, 1861. The collation of the First Edition is as follows : — Title-page, dated 1805. Dedication, and Advertisement to the Eeader, pp. iii. to viii. List of Subscribers, pp. is. to sii. Historical Part, 437 pp. Appendixes ; Additions ; Corrections ; Lists of Plates ; and Pedigrees ; pp. 1 to 16. *** Pp. 253 and 254 are repeated with asterisks. In the List of Plates, " ' ■ ' All the Plates are the same as E Clitheroe Castle is named, but is omitted. 122 THE YORKSIIir.E LIBRARY. those in the second edition, except Nos. 1, 3, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 49, 52, 54, 55, and 56, which were in the second edition only. A new edition of this valuable Work is announced by Messrs. Q. Eout- ledge and Sons, London, and L. C. Gent, Manchester ; some copies will be printed on Lahge Papee. The price will be moderate, so as to enable any one to purchase a copy at a reasonable price. The impulse given to the collection of topographical books during the last fifteen years has been so great that none but the wealthy could procure a copy of the best works. cLxxn. The DIALECT of CEAVEN, in the West Eiding of the County of York, with a Copious Glossary, illustrated by Authorities from Ancient English and Scottish Writers, and exemplified by two I'aniiliar Dialogues. By a Native of Craven (Eev. W. CAEE). The Second Edition, much enlarged. " Wliat a fearful girt gauvison mun he be, at frames to larn' tli' talk of another country, afore he parfitly knows his awn."— AnoN. " O little booke, thou art so unconning, How darst thou thyself in prees for drede ? It is wonder that thou wexest not rede ! Sith that thou wort full lite, who shall behold Thy rude langage, full boistously unfold." — Chaitcer. London : printed for Wm. Crofts, 59, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn; and Eobinson and Hernaman, Leeds. 1828. In Two Voltjmes. {Octavo.) Vol. I. Title ; Dedication ; Preface ; and Introduction ; xviii. pp. Glossary, 336 pp. Vol. II. Title, and continuation of the Glossary, 282 pp. Two Dialogues ; Letters ; Poetry, etc. ; pp. 283 to 359. Published at 20s. in boards ; sells at 8s. The First Edition was publislied at 4s., duodecimo, 125 pp., in 1824. CLXXIII. Six Views of BOLTON ABBEY", and its Environs; Drawn from Nature, by C. COPE, and on Stone, by A. AGLIO. London: printed for Eobinson and Hernaman, Leeds; Eodwell and Martin, New Bond Street, and C. Stocking, Paternoster-Eow, London ; J. and G. Todd, York ; and N. Whitley, llalitax. 1822. (Folio.) List op Views. 1. Title and Dedication, on which is a Vignette, Hawkestonc, near tbo Strld. 2. Bolton Abbey, South. 3. N.W., from TIartington Seat. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 123 4. The Strid. 5. Barden Tower. 6. from the Eoad. Published at 8s. ; sells at 3s. CLXXIV. Fourteen Views in Lithography, of BOLTON ABBEY, Wharfedale, Yorkshire, from Drawings of this Beautiful Euin, and the Adjoining Scenery, taken on the spot, by J. SCAELETT DAVIS, under the imme- diate approval of the Eev. W. CAEE, B.D., to which is added, a Descrip- tion of each View. " The haughtiest breast its wish might bound Through Ufe to dwell delighted here ; Nor could on earth a spot be found To nature and to me so dear." — Byeon. Second Edition. London : published by Charles Frederick Cock, Agent for the sale of the Books and Tracts of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 21, Fleet Street. 1829. {Folio.) Title as above, and 5 pp. of Description of the Views. List of Plates, Drawn on the Stone by J. S. Davis, Printed by C. HULLMANDEL. 1. Bolton Hall, the Seat of His Grace the Dukeof Devonshire. 2. The old West Front of Bolton Abbey, in outline by T. Digh- ton. 3. The North-West Front. 4. The South Side. 5. Bolton Abbey, from the Holme Terrace. 6. Interior of the Nave. 7. Interior of the Choir. Bolton Abbey, from Hartington Seat. View of Barden Tower, from the Park Gate. Waterfall in Bolton Park. The Valley of Desolation. The Strid. Barden Tower, from the Pem- broke Seat. The Eesidence of the Eev. Wil- liam Carr, B.D. Published at £1. 10s., with Proofs on India-paper; copies are now worth 7s. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. CLXXV. BOLTON Illustrated : a Series of Views of the Scenery around Bolton Abbey, Wharfdale, Yorkshire, the Picturesque Domain of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. From Drawings made on the Spot by JOHN BUEKILL, Esq., with original Sonnets, and Notes Descriptive and His- torical. Dedicated to His Eoyal Highness Prince Albert and the Eight Honourable Lord Viscount Morpeth. London : published bf J. Hogarth, 5, Haymarket. 1848. {Imperial Folio.) 124 THE YORKSHIRE LHJRARY. Title; Preface; East Wiudow; Eirer Wharf; The Holme Terrace; Barden Tower ; the Hartington Seat ; the Abbey Church ; 8 folios of letter-press. These, with the Plates, are loose in a portfolio. List of Plates, Lithographed by Day and Son. 1. East End of Bolton Abbey. | 5. Barden Tower. 2. North View of Bolton Abbey. 3. S.E. View of Bolton Abbey. 4. Bolton Abbey, from the Holme Terrace. 6. Bolton Abbey, from the Harting- ton Seat. N.W. View, Bolton Abbey. CLXXYI. HISTOEICAL ACCOUNT of the CISTERCIAN ABBEY of SAL- LEY, in CRAVEN, Yorkshire, founded a.d. 1147 ; its Foundations and Benefactors, Abbots, Possessions, Corapotus, and Dissolution ; and its existing Remains. Edited by .1. HAELAND. Lonilon : J. Russell Smith. Clitheroe : Wm. Whewell. 1853. (Octavo.) Title as above. Preface, with Corrigenda at the back. Historical Account, 91 pp. Index, pp. 93 to 107. List of Plates, in Lithography, by Falknee, Manchester. 1. Additional Title in black and red. 2. S.W. View of Salley Abbey. Frontispiece. 3. Plan of the Abbey," p. 50 (folded). 4. Statue of Virgin and Child, (Plate I.) p. 51. 5. Six Shields of Arms, (Plato II.) p. 52. 6. Portions of the Abbey, (Plate III.) p. 51. 7. Tessellated Pavement, (Plate V.) p. 57. 8. Piscina and other Sculptured Stones, (Plate IV.) p. 58. 9. Tombstone with Floriated Cross and Emblems, (Plate VI.) p. 63. 10. Tomb of Sir Robert de Clydcrhow, (Plato VII.) p. 64. 11. Tombstone with two Crosses, (Plate VIII.) p. 07. 12. Tonibstoni) of William de Rymyngton, (I'late IX.) p. OS. 13. Stone Collin and Cover in the Chapter House, (Plato X.) p. 70. Published at Gs. in cloth. It is merely a guide-book, with inferior Plates. CLXXVII. A CONCISE ACCOUNT of some NATURAL CURIOSITIES in the Environs of IMALIIA.M, in Craven, Yorkshire. By THOMAS HURTLEV, of Malhaiii. London: ])rintcd at the Logographic Press by J. Walter; and sold by J. Eobson, New Hond Street, aud T. Louguian, Paternoster Row. MDCCLXIXVI. (Octavo.) Half-title. Title-page as above. Dedication to Thomas Lister, Esq., Gisburn Park, 4 pp. Advertisement; List of Subscribers ; and liitroductiou ; 18 pp. WEST RIDING OF YORKSinRE. 125 Description, pp. 27 to G8. Appendix, and Direction for tbe Binder, 200 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by A. Devis, Engraved by W. Skelton. 1. View of Malham Cove, p. 34. 2. View of Malham Water ; inscribed to Thos. Lister, Esq., M.P. for Clitheroe ; p. 43 (folded). 3. Gordale Scar, p. 57. Some of the earlier volumes of the ' Times' newspaper were printed with this peculiar logographic type, or printing with words instead of letters. CLXXVIII. A TOUR to the CAVES in the Environs of INGLEBOEOUGH and SETTLE, in the West Eiding of Yorkshire. With some Philosophical Conjectures on the Deluge, Remarks on the Origin of Fountains, and Ob- servations on the Ascent and Descent of Vapours, occasioned by Facts peculiar to the Places visited. Also a Glossary of Old and Original Words made use of in Common Conversation in the North of England. In a Letter to a Friend. " Of antres vast, and desarts idle, Kough quarries, rocks, and hills whose lieads touch Heaven, It was my hint to speak." — Shakespeabe's ' Othello,' Act i. The Second Edition, with Large Additions. London : printed for Richardson and Urquhart, under the Royal Ex- change; J. Robson, New Bond Street ; and W. Pennington, Kendal. 1781. 100 pp. {Octavo.) A well-written book by the Rev. JOHN HUTTON, Vicar of Burton in Kendal. Originally published at Is. Gd. CLXXIX. A DESCRIPTION of the ENVIRONS of INGLEBOROUGH and Principal Places on the Bank of the River Wenning; attempted by THOMAS DIXON, of Beutham, formerly belonging to the Regiment of Horse Guards. Kendal : printed for the Author by James Ashburner. MDCCixxxi. 20 pp. (Quarto.) Upcoit. CLXXX. A TOUR to TORDES CAVE, by WILLIAM SEWARD, (of) Bur- ton, in Lonsdale, Yorkshire ; accompanied by a Shepherd from Thornton Force: together with an attempt to illustrate the Dialect spoken in Bur- ton, in Lonsdale and its Vicinity, in a Familiar Dialogue, by WILLIAM SEWARD. Kirby Lonsdale : printed by A. Foster for the Author : and sold by J. Warr, Red Lion Passage, Holborn, and W. Jee, No. 447, Strand, London. 1801. 44 pp. (Octavo.) Upcott. 126 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CLXXXI. An ILLUSTEATED GFIDE to the CURIOSITIES of CEAYEN, with a Geological Introduction ; Notices of the Dialect ; a List of the Fossils ; and a Local Flora ; by WILLIAM HOWSON. London: Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria Lane. Wildman, Settle. 1850. {Duodecimo.) Title as above ; Notice ; Contents ; and Introduction ; xxiv. pp. Guide, etc., and Index, 134 pp. List of Plates, Engraved by W. H. Ltzabb. 1. Gordale ; William Howsou del. Frontispiece. 2. Map of Craven and the Neie;hbouring Districts, p. 1 (folded). 3. Settle, from the South ; J. Brady del. ; p. 48. 4. Doukgill Scar ; W. Howson del. ; p. 69. 5. Ingleborough, from Armistead Embankment, North W. Railway. W. Howson del. ; p. 85. 6. Ingleborough Cave, Plan and Section, p. 88. List or Woobcuts, printed in the Letter-press. 1. Skipton Castle, p. 1. 2. AV^ild Cow, Gisburn Park, p. 14. 3. Bolton Abbev, p. 15. 4. Waterfall, Bolton Park, p. 33. 5. Malhaiii Cove, p. 34. 0. Little Gordale, p. 47. 7. Catterick Foss, p. 48. A good guide-book, neatly got up. 8. Diagram of Ebbing and Flowing Well, Settle, p. 54. 9. Eocks near Attermire, p. 58. 10. Eoman Fibula, p. 59. 11. Wigglesworth Spa Well, p. 6G. 12. Browgill Cave, p. 67. 13. Hellen Pot, p. 84. 14. Bowder Stone, p. 85. 15. Weathercote Cave, p. 105. CLXXXII. ILKLET, BOLTON ABBEY, and the PEAELS of CEAVEN : or. Sketches of the Prettiest Spots in that Interesting District. By BEN- SON BAILEY, Author of ' Alice Green,' etc. etc. Bingley: published by John Harrison and Son. 1852. 86 pp. 15 Woodcuts. (^Duodecimo.) A very poor aflair. There is also a Guide for the North Western Eaiiway between Skipton and Morecambo Bay, by the same author and publishers, duodecimo, 50 pp., and Woodcuts. CLXXXIII. VIEWS of ILKLEY in Yorkshire. By the Eev. THOMAS KILBY. {Folio.) 1. View of the Village, looking towards Middleton Lodge. 2. looking towards the Halhs. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 127 3. View of the Bridge across the Wharf, the Village in the distance. 4. View near the Baths, looking towards Deoton Park. "W. Gauci, lithog. ; printed by Graf and Soret. The profits arising from the sale appropriated to the funds of the Ilkloy Charity. CLXXXIV. HISTORICAL NOTICES of ILKLET, EOMBALD'S MOOE, BAILDON COBIMON, and other matters of the British and Eoman Periods. By JAMES AVARDELL. Leeds : printed by Charles Goodall, 16, Woodhouse Lane. 1869. {Octavo.) 62 pp., with numerous Woodcuts of Celtic and Eoman remains in the letter- press, and a Frontispiece of the Three Crosses at Ilk ley. CLXXXV. WHAEFDALE ; or, a Description of the several Delightful Features of that Extensive, Splendid, and Fascinating Valley, interspersed with other Topographical Illustrations of its Towns and Villages. (9 Verses.) Otley : printed and sold by W. Walker ; sold also by Longman and Co. and B. and E. Crosby and Co., London ; Wilson and Son, York ; and Heaton, and Eobinson and Son, Leeds. 1813. 81 pp. {Duodecimo.) Illustrated with a S.E. view of Otley with part of Wharfdale ; Butter- worth, Livesey, and Co., Leeds, sc. ; Mounsey del. Frontispiece. CLXXXVI. The HISTOEY of WHAEFDALE. By THOMAS SHAW, Member of the Eoyal College of Surgeons. Otley : William Walker. 1830. {Duodecimo.) Half-title ; Title as above ; and Preface ; 6 pp. Wharfdale, 189 pp. Published at 5s. 250 copies were printed, 100 of which were taken by the Author. This is a Work of no value. At p. 115, the Author has committed a most egregious blunder : he says, " I have a token, on the reverse, ' In Otley his penny,' in the centre a shield in which are nine teasles separated by a card." This is merely the Grocers' arms, a chevron between nine cloves. CLXXXVII. Verbeia ; or WHAEFDALE, a Poem, Descriptive and Didactical, with Historical Remarks. 128 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. " Laudabunt alii elaram Ehodon aut Mitylenen." — Hob. " ' Let other Poets in immortal lavs 'Illustrious Kliodes or Mitvlene praise,' In thee, dear Tale, companion of my bii'th, I view with wond'ring eyes concenter'd Earth. , Hence we essay along Verbeia's spring, In bumble strain adapted verse to sing." Printed at Tork, by W. Blauchard and Co., and sold by tlie Book- sellers there ; by B. AVliite, Fleet Street, and J. Walter, Charing Cross, London, a.d. i7b2. {Quarto.) Title as above : Dedication. Introduction, xii. pp. Verbeia, a Poem, 44 pp. Appendix, 45 pp., not including pp. 5, G, 7, and S, repeated with an asterisk. CLXXXYIII. VIATOE, a Poem : or a Journey from Loudon to Scarborough, by the way of York. "With Notes Uistorical and Topographical. " Sine me liber ibis in orbem." " 'Some livelier plaything gave his youth delight, 'Now something thougbtful, but as empty quit«; 'Pleas'd with this bauble, as witli that before,' He joyfid trims his featlier at tlireescore ; Till tir'd he sleeps in lasting durance bound, A mass congenial with the hiunid ground." Published by B. White, Fleet Street ; T. Beckct, Strand ; and J. Walter, Charing Cross, London ; and tlie Booksellers in York, mdcclxxxii. {Quarto.) Title as above. Dedication to Sir George Savile, Bart. Introduction, and the Poem ; 40 pp. Appendix, xix. pp. The Historical and Topographical Notes of these well-written Poems arc very interesting ; they are on that account classed amongst the Topogra- phical Books of Yorkshire, whicii they deserve more than many others iu this Collection. For the Poem on Wensleydale, by the same Author, see the North Riding List. Thomas Maude was born at Ilarewood, in AVliarfdale, in 1717. He was brought up to the medical ])rofession, and was surgeon on board the ' Barflcur,' with Captain Harry Powlett, in Admiral Hawke'a scjuadron. On Captain Powlett succeeding to the title of Duke of Bolton, in 17G5, ho appointed Mr. Maude steward of iiis cxtenaivo estates in the North; and till the deatli of his master in 1701', jNIr. ISIaudo chiefly resided at hia Grace's seat, Bultou Hall, in Wensleydale, but afterwards on an estate of liis own, at Burley, near Otley. He died December 23rd, 1798, and is buried in Wcnsley churciiyard. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 12!) CLXXXIX. The HISTORY of the Original PARISH of WHALLEY and HONOR of CLITHEROE, in the Counties of LANCASTER and YORK Bv THOMAS DUNHAM WHITAKER, LL.D., F.S.A. Tlie Second Edition, with Additions, and Eight New Engravings. London: printed by J. Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage Fleet Street; and sold by T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's; J. White Fleet Street: Hatchard, Piccadilly; Longman and Co., Paternoster Row' and Edwards, Halifax. ISOG. (iJo^^/ Quarto.) Title-page as above. Advertisement, Table of Contents, and Directions to the Binder, 2 pp. List of Plates and of the Pedigrees, on loose sheets, 1 p. The History of Whalley, 408 pp. Additional Corrections to Parts I., II., 4 pp. (not paged). Addenda and Corrigenda, 4 pp. (not paged). ~ History of Wlialley continued, pp. 411 to 483. Additional Corrections to Parts I. and II. ; Addenda et Corricrenda Part III. ; Appendix No. I. and II. ; General Additions and Corre^'ctions (not paged), 9 pp. Index, 4 pp. Errors of paging :— p. 31 is repeated ; pp. 3.5 and 36 are omitted ; p 110 ends with the catch-word " may ;" pp. Ill and 112 have an asterisk ; and p. 113 is generally pasted over with blank paper; pp. 113 to 124 are repeated with asterisks ; pp. 127 and 128 are likewise repeated with an asterisk, and follow p. 126 ; pp. 223 and 224 are omitted ; pp. 325 to 328 are repeated with asterisks ; pp. 353 and 354 also repeated with asterisks • pp. 355 and 356 repeated with asterisks ; pp. 428 and 429 are repeated' containing Letters, and follow p. 428. ' List of Plates. 1. A Sheet Map adapted to the History of the original Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, and principally formed upon the ortho- graphy of Charters. Dedicated to the Rev. Dr. Thomas Drake, Vicar of Rochdale. Basire sc, 1801. To face the Title-page (folded). 2. Roman Fragments found at Hibchester ; Basire sc, 1800; p. 22. 3. Roman Fragments found at Ribchester ; from the Museum of Charles Townley, Esq., and dedicated to him ; J. Basire del. et sc, 1800 ; p. 22. 4. Various Ancient Crosses. Dedicated to Dr. Wm. Cleaver, Bishop of Bangor. (Numbered Plate IV.) Wm. Turner del., James Basire sc, 1800 ; p. 31. 5. The Remains of Whalley Abbey. Dedicated to Baroness Howe (Plate VI.) W. Turner del., jas. Basire sc, 1800; p. 48. 0. The Cloisters of Whalley Abbey. Dedicated to Richard Henry Beau- mont, Esq. (Plate VII.) W.Turner del., Jas. Basire sc 1800; p. 70. 7. Ground Plan of the Abbey of Whalley, with the Shields of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, King of Castile and Leon. (Plate IX.) P. 104 (folded). 8. Remains of Whalley Abbey. Dedicated to Assheton, Lord Curzon. (Plate VIII.) W. Turner del., Jas. Basire sc, 1800 ; p. *124. s 130 THE YOT!KSIlI?vE LTEEAEY. 9. Seals of Wlialley Abbey. Dedicated to the Eev. Thomas Starlu'e, Vicar of Blackburn. (Plate III.) J. Basire se. ; p. 114. 10. Seals of the Lords of Blackbuinshire. Dedicated to the Kev. Thomas "Wilson, of Clitheroe. (Plate X.) J. Basire sc. ; p. 142. 11. View of Clitheroe from Eadsford Bridge. Dedicated to the Ht. Hon. Thomas, Lord Eibblesdale. (Plate XI.) AV. Turner del., J. Basire sc, ISOO; p. 151. 12. View of Browsholme. Dedicated to Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. (Plate XII.) W. Turner del., Jas. Basire sc, ISOO ; p. 20S. 13. fView of Whitewell, and the Keeper's Lodge in the Forest of Bow- land. Dedicated to His Grace Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, by T. L. Parker ; Basire sc ; p. 211. 11. fPortrait of Edward Parker, Esq., in the Costume of Bowbearer of Bowland, circ. 1(590 ; Legionary Stone from Eibchester, now at Browsholme; Ancient Dog-gauge of the Forest; Ancient Wooden Tankard at Browsholme; Inscription; Seals and Autographs of King Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell ; ,1. Basire sc, 1806; p. 212. 15. tPortrait of Henry Tilson, Painter ; H. Tilson pinx., H. Meyer se. ; p. 212 (folded). IG. Portrait of Sir Eichard Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Kniglit and Baronet ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 2;K). 17. t Another Portrait of Sir Eichard Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight and Baronet ; H. Meyer sc ; p. 230. 18. tPortrait of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight, Deputy- Grovernor of Sheffield Castle ; from the Original at Whitley Hall ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 237. 19. t Another Portrait of Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Whitley Hall, Knight ; from the original picture at Cusworth ; Jas. Basire sc. ; p. 237. 20. t^'ic"' of Eead Hall as it appeared a.d. 1750. Inscribed to Alexander Nowcll, Esq. Jas. Basire sc, ISOG; p. 211. 21. Huntroyd, the Seat of Legendie Piers Starkie, Esq., to wliom it is in- scribed ; Vx. B. del. et sc. ; p. 250. 22. View of Gawtliorp : drawii aiul engraved bv J. Basire, 1801 ; ]i. 320. 23. fView of Townlev Hall and Park. Dedicated to (the late) Charles Townley, Esq. ;' J. Basire sc, ISOG; p. 321. 24. View of Townley Hall. Dedicated to (the late) Charles Townley, Esq. (Numbered Plate V.) W. Turner del., J. Basire sc, ISOO; ]). 322. 25. The Hall of Eadcliff'e Tower, with the Seal of Eodulph do Eadclif ; and Monumental Figures of James de Eadcliffe aud Family ; J. Basire sc, ISOl ; p. 402. 20. View of Stonyhurst. Inscribed to Thomas Weld, Esq. W. Turner del, J. Bas"ire sc, ISOl ; p. 415. 27. The Hall of Little Mitton. Dedicated to Eichard Henry Beaumont, Esq. W. M. Craig del., Jas. Basire sc, isOl ; p. It7 (folded). 28. The Sherburne Chapel in ]Mitton Church. Inscribed to Thomas Weld, E»(j. W. 'J'urner del., Jas. Basire sc, 1801 ; p. 448. PEDinui;E8 on Loose Sheets. 1. Pedigree of the Family of i'nrlier, of Hrowsholme, \). 210 (folded). 2. '■ Bnuhlyll; folded, and fonns pp. 219 and 220. WEST KIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 131 3. Pedigree of the Family of Assheton, to follow the last Pedigree, and forma pp. 221 and 222. 4. Pedigrees of tlie Families of Whalley, Gardiner, and Smythe ; folded, and form pp. 233 and 231'. 5. Pedigree of the Family of Nowell, of Read ; folded, forming j)p. 21-5 and 246, with the seal of Lawrence Nowell mounted thereon. G. Pedigree of the Family of Kadclitte; folded, forming pp. 279 and 280. 7. Townley, of Townley ; folded, and forming pp. 325, 326, 327, and 328, and faces p. 328 with an asterisk. 8. Pedigree of the Family of Whitaker; folded, forming pp. 337 and 338. 9. Laurence Townlev ; folded, forming ])p. 377 and 378. 10. Eadelyife, of RadclyfFe Tower ; folded, form- ing pp. 397, 398, 309, and 400. 11. Holden ; folded, forming pp. 409 and 410. Plates on the Letter-press. 1. Seal of John de Lasey, mounted on p. 48. 2. Seal of John de Topcliff, mounted on p. 126. 3. Seal of Alice de Lasey, mounted on p. 148. 4. Seal for Approbation of Ministers, mounted on p. 210. 5. A Mysterious Diagram, p. 272. 6. Inscription on the Font at Chipping, p. 446. \* The First EJition of this Work appeared in 1801. The Second Edition is, in fact, the same book, with the addition of a now Title-page, the Plates and Letter-press with an asterisk, and the corrections in the body and at the end of the volume. The Preface and List of Subscribers in the First Edition are omitted in the present one ; and those Plates marked with a f are additional, and not in the First Edition. Published at £6. Gs., sells at £4. There are Large Papek copies,- in Imperial Quarto, published at £12. 12.s. A Third and very superior Edition was reprinted with additions, as fol- lows : — cxc. An HISTOPvT of the Original PAEISH of WHALLEY and HONOR of CLITHEROE, in the Counties of Lancaster and York. To which is subjoined an Account of the Parish of CARTMELL. By THOMAS DUNHAM WHITAKER, LL.D., F.S.A., Vicar of Whalley. Tlie Third Edition, revised and enlarged, with additional Engravings. London: printed by and for Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Liou Pas- sage, Fleet Street ; and Thomas Edwards, Bookseller, Halifax. 1818. {lioyal Quarto.) Title-page as above ; Dedication to the Archbishop of York ; Advertise- ment, Contents, and List of Plates ; viii. pp. History of Whalley and Cartuiell, and Index ; 568 pp. *^* There are six additional pages, numbered 523 to 528, marked with an asterisk. 132 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. List of Plates ; those marked with * are additions in the Third Edition. *I. Portrait of the Author. From the History of Craven. Facing Title-page. 2. Map of the Parish, p. 1 (folded). 3 and i. Eoniau Antiquities, (Plates I. and II.) p. 28. 5. Crosses, etc., (Plate lY.) p. 50. 6. E^niains of Whalley Abbey, (Plate Yl.) p. 61. 7. Cloisters of Whalley Abbey, (Plate VII.) p. 80, 8. Plan of Whallev Abbey, (Plate IX.) p. 110 (folded). 9. Eemains of Whalley Abbey, (Plate VIII.) p. 111. 10. Seals of AVhalley Abbey, (Plate III.) p. 143. 11. Seals of the Lords of Blaekburnshire, (Plate X.) p. 178. 12. Clitheroe from Eadsford Bridge, (Plate XI.) p. 184. 13. "Whitewell and the Keepers' Lodge in the Forest of Rowland, p. 235. *14. Whitewell Chapel, p. 23G. 15. Browsholme, (Plate XII.) p. 237. *16. Another View ; J. Buckler del., J. Storer so. ; p. 237. *17. Interior of Browsholme Hall ; J. Buckler del., 1814 ; p. 238. 18. Portrait of Edward Parker, and Miscellaneoiis Plate ; p. 238. •19. Interior of Whalley Cluirch ; J. Taylor del., T. Tophara so. ; p. 247. 20. Hall of Little Witton, p. 25G (folded). 21. Portrait of Sir Richard Beaumont, Bart., p. 256. 22. Portrait of Sir Thomas Beaumont, at Cusworth, p. 256. 23. at Whitley Hall, p. 256. 24. Portrait of Sarah, daughter of Sir Thomas Beaumont, p. 256. 25. Eead Hall, p. 263. 26. Huntroyd, ]). 266. *27. Bay Window in Little Merlay Hall; J. Buckler del., Topham sc. ; p. 293. 28. Gawtiiorp, p. 338. 29. Townley, (Plate V.) p. 340. 80. Townley Hall and Park, p. 341. *31. Holme ; J. Basire sc. ; p. 353. 32. Hall of Eadcliffe Tower, p. 413. *33. Chamber in Samlesbury Hall ; J. Buckler del., T. Topham sc. ; p. 431. 34. Stonyhurst, p. 464. 35. Sherburne Chapel, p. 467. *36. Waddingtun Hall; .1. C. Buckler, 1814; p. 473. *37. Waddington Parsonage, p. 473. *38. Portrait of Dr. Alexander Nowell, p. 480. •39. Autographs of .John Townley, Esq. ; Bishop Jewell ; Dr. A. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's; Dr. Lawrence Nowell, Dean of Lichfield ; and Dr. William \V liitaker ; Longtnato sc. ; p. 480. •to. Dr. A. Nowell's Monument in Ohl St. Paul's; .las. Basire sc. ; p. 482. •41. Remains of his Bust ; .1. Carter del., Jas. i5asire sc. ; p. 4S2. •42. Portrait of CiiarloH 'lownli'y, Es(|. .mucci..\x.\. .)as. Uudby sc, from a -Medallion by Tassic ; p. 4S4. •13. Portrait of John Townley, Hsq., p. 488. WEST RIDING OF YORKSmRE. 133 *44. Portrait of Dr. William Whitaker, p. 493. *45. North-East View of Cartmell Church ; Buckler del., Topham bc. ; p. 555. *4G. Tiie Choir of Cartmell Church ; Buckler del., Topham sc. ; p. 555. *47. Monumeut of the Harrington Family in Cartmell Church ; Buckler del., Topham sc. ; p. 556. Pedioeees, etc., on Loose Sheets. Parker of Browsholme, p. 239 (folded). Assheton Family, p. 244 (folded). Arms in the Painted Window of Whalley Church ; two Plates ; p. 24G. Whalley, Grardiner, Smythe, p. 252. Nowell of Eead, with a Seal of Lawrence Nowell, p. 264. Eadclyife of Todmorden and JNIerlay, p. 292 (folded). Townley of Townley, p. 344 (folded). Ornierod, p. 364 (folded). De Eedeclive ; two folded Pedigrees ; p. 414. There are also the Plates printed on the letter-press, as in the Second Edition. There are Larcie Paper copies in Imperial Quarto ; one of the latter, full bound in morocco, brought £13. 5s. at Messrs. Puttiek and Simpson's, June 20th, 1861. A Large Paper copy of ' Whitaker's Whalley,' Third Edition, and 'History of Craven,' Second Edition, uniformly bound in green morocco, gilt edges, were sold at Messrs. Sotheby and Co.'s, January 21, 1861, for the extraordinary price of £77. It is asserted that only 100 Small Paper, and 25 Large Paper copies were printed of the Third Edition, which partly accounts for the very ex- travagant prices that have been paid for it. Messrs. Gr. Eoutledge and Sous, London, and L. C. Grent, Manchester, have announced a New Edition, which they intend to print in a very short time, and at a moderate price. CXCl. DESCEIPTION of BEOWSHOLME HALL, in the West Eiding of the County of York, and of the Parish of WADDINGTON, in the same County ; also a Collection of Letters, from Original Manuscripts, in the reigns of Charles I. and II., and James II., in the possession of Thos. Lister Parker, of Browsholme Hall, Esq. London: printed by S. Grosnel, Little Queen Street, Holborn. Anno Dom. MDcccxv. {Quarto.) Title-page as above. Description of Browsholme, 17 pp. Description of the Parish of Waddington and Forest of Bowland, pp. 19 to 24. ^^ The Collection of Letters, pp. 25 to 48. Tracts on Public Occurrences in the Eeigns of Charles I. and II. and James II., pp. 49 to 130. 134 THE YOr.KSmRE LIBE.VEY. List of Plates, all Drawn aud Etched by J. C. Bucklee, Juu., 1S14. 1. Browsholme as it was \n 1750. Frontispiece. 2. Old Oak Drawing Room at Browsholme Hall, p. 3. 3. The Library, p. 4. 4. Interior View of the Hall at Browsholme, p. 6. 5. Drawing-room at Browsholme Hall, p. 7. 6. Miscellaneous Plate ; viz., an Ancient Lock, Peg Tankard, Old Oak Chair, Oak Chimney Piece, Oak Livery Cupboard, Dog-gauge, Jacket worn in the Commonwealth, and Roman Inscription found at Ribchester ; p. 11. 7. Entrance Grate and Lodge to Browsholme, p. 11. 8. Browsholme Hall from the Gateway, p. 11. 9. South-East View of Browsholme Hall, p. 11. 10. Ground Plan of Browsholme Hall, p. 11. 11. Handwriting and Seal of ]\Iouutjoy, Earl of Devon, in James l.'s reign ; Fa(;ade to Browsholme Hall ; p. 11. 12. Tapestry ; Seal for Approbation of Ministers, ternp. Commonwealth ; p. 12. 13. Portrait of Edward Parker, Esq., in the Costume of Bowbearcr of Bowlaud, circa 1090, p. 13. 14. AVaddington Church, p. 19. 15. Interior View of the same, p. 20. 1(5. The Hospital Gate at Waddington, p. 22. 17. South View of the Hospital, p. 22. 18. The Keeper's Lodge on the Banks of the River lloddcr, in the Forest of Bowland, p. 23. 19. AVhitewell Chapel, p. 24. The Pedigree of the Parker Faniil_v, p. 21 (folded). 20. Plate of Autographs, from the Originals at Browsholme Hall, p. 26. Privately printed by the Owner of the Estate for distribution amongst his particular friends. The sale was afterwards limited to 100 copies. It is a scarce book, and sells for £2. Tlic Books, Tracts, Ballads, and Manuscript Letters, mentioned in the book, were sold by auction by Leigh and Sothcby, London, April 2Sth, 1815, and the following day, in 2UU lots. The whole Collection only brought £285. 9s., a very small price. Lots 1 to 207 comprised books not remarkable, — a mixture of all sorts. Lots 208 to 24(5, Ohl Tracts, which brought very trilling ])rices. Lots 217 to 202, I\lanuscri|)ts, Letters, Songs, etc., only two of which exceeded 10«. 0(/., viz., lot 259, a Volume of Original Alanu.scrijit Songs and Ballad.s, /rmp. Charles L, 1011, in russia, £l. 7a-. ; and lot 201, Songs against the Rump i'ariiament, never pubii.slied, £1. 11.?. ijj. Lot 20;J, Fowler's Mosaic Pavements and Paintings in Ancient Stained Glass, on 30 I'lates, coloured by the Author; in a porlfulio, £15. lyol 201, a Portfolio containing 3t! Original Dr.iwings of the Anlii|uities of North Wales, by John Buckler, F.A.S., £33. L26'., bought by Miss Currer, of Eshton 1 1 all. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 135 Lot 2G.5, 40 Drawings by J. Carter, £27. 6s. Lot 2G0, The Silver Seal of the Comniouwoalth for the approbation of Ministers, with a MS. Letter, £29. 8s. The Seal is now in the possession of Walter Fawkes, Esq., Farnley Hall. CXCIL The ANCIENT and MODEEN HISTOET of tlie Loyal Town of EIPPON : (Introduc'd by a Poem on the Surprising Beauties of Studley- Park, with a Descriptiou of the Venerable Kuiiis of Fountains-Abbey, written by Mr. Peter Aram ; and another on the Pleasures of a Country Life, by a Eeverend Young Gentleman.) AVith Particular Accounts of Three of the Nortiieru Saints in the Seventh Century ; viz. St. Cutlibert, who lies interr'd in the Cathedral at Durham ; St. Wilfrid of Eippon ; and St. John of Beverley. The famous Charters of King Athelstane and other Mouarchs (given by them to the Church of Eippon) translated ; the Various Tunes of Eebuilding that Minster since its First Foundation ; its Present Happy State ; with the Arms, Monuments, and Inscriptions alphabetically digested. An exact List of the Wakemen and JMayors of the Town to this Present Year ; interspersed with Eeraarkablo Accidents, the Death of seve- ral Eminent Persons; in particular some of the Venerable Archbishops of this See, whose Tombs are partly desorib'd, with proper references to tiie History of York, for their Inscriptions and Epitaphs, to wliich this is very supplemental. Adorned with many Cuts, preceded by a South- West Prospect (and a new Plan) of Eippon. Besides are added Travels into other parts of Yorkshire. I. Beverley.— An Account of its Minster : the Seal of St. John : the Beauty of St. Mary's : and a List of the Mayors of the Town, since incor- porated. II. Eemarks on Pontefract. III.' Of the Church at Wakefield. IV. Those of Leeds ; with a Visit to Kirkstal and Kirkham. V. An Ac- count of Keighley. VI. State of Skipton Castle, etc. VII. Kuares- borough ; of the Church and its Monuments, St. Eobert's Chapel, etc. yill. Towns near York, as Tadcaster, Bilbrough, Bolton-Percy, How'ldenj Selby, Wistow, Cawood Church and Castle; Acaster and Bishopsthorne,' Acomb, Nun-Monkton and Skelton, etc., with their Antiquity and Inscrip- tions. '■ Faithfully and painfully collected by THO. Q-ENT of YOEK. " Noil ego ventosse plebis suffragia venor." — Hob. To which is subjoin'd, by the Author of the Country Life, a Letter to the Hon. John Aislabie, Esq.— the Happy Eeign ; an Eclogue.— And a Latin Copy of Verses, with a Translation, on the renowned Grotto of Queen Caroline. York: printed and sold at the Printing-OfBce, over-against the Star in Stonegate; as also by T. Hammond, Bookseller, in High Ouze-Gate. Ldtewise by E. Eouth, in Eippon ; J. Eoss, in Knaresborough , G. Ferraby, in Hull ; A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Eed Lion in Paternoster Eow, London, mdccxxxiii. (^Octavo.) Title-page as above. Preface, dated York, May 4, 1733, and Errata, pp. iii. to xvi. 136 THE YORKSrTTRE LIBRARY. Poetical Dedication to Mr. 'William Fisher, Gardener to John Aislabie, Esq., at Studlej, 2 pp. Studley Park, and the Pleasures of a Country Life, 44 pp. The History of Eippou, pp. 45 to 1G6. A Journey into some parts of Yorkshire, particularly to Pontefract, TV'akefield, and Leeds; with a Poetical Epistle to John Aislabie, Esq.; 66 pp. The Happy Eeign, an Eclogue, pp. G7 to 73. Advertisement of Books ; List of Carriers who inn at York ; and Sub- scribers' Xames ; 7 pp. N.B. — There are two distinct pagiugs, one for the History of Eipon, etc; the other for a Journey into some parts of Yorkshire, in which pp. 47 and 48 are misprinted 49 and 50. List or Woodcuts. 1. South-West Prospect, and a new Plan of the Loyal Town of Eippon ; Tho. Parker del. Frontispiece (folded). 2. South- West Prospects of All Saints' Church at Skelton, the Church at Nun-Monkton, and of Wheldrake Church ; p. 2 of the Journey into some parts of Yorkshire. 3. The Euins of St. Mary's Abbey, York, etc., p. 4 of the Journey. Also seventy-sis barbarous uncouth Woodcuts printed in the letter-press, principally relating to monuments in York Minster. Published at 4s. ; from its scarcity a good copy will now bring 15«. Tho three Woodcuts are frequently missing, particularly the third in the above list. cxcin. The lllSTOEY of RIPON: with "Descriptions of Studley-Eoyal, Foun- tains' Abbey, Ncwby, Hackfall, &c. &c. An Analysis of Aldlield Spaw : and Li.sts of the rarer indigenous Phints found in the Ncighbourliood. Second Edition. Witli Engravings. Eipon : printed and sold by W. Farrer : sold also by Longman & Co , Patcrnoster-How, London: and by Wilson and Spcncc, York. ISOG. (Diiodrcivio.) Title; Advertisement; History of Eipon aiul the Neighbourhood; Ap- pendix ; List of PlatoB ; Index, etc : 314 pp. WEST RIDING OF YORKSmRE. 137 List of Plates. 1. Eipon Minster, from the North-East ; drawn by Miss Williamson, engraved by Pollard and Jukes. Frontispiece. 2. Fountains Abbey, from the West, p. 171. With Woodcuts of the Arras of Eipon, and some Tail-pieces by Bewick, printed in the letter-press. It sells for 3s. The First Edition was pub- lished in 1801, 282 pp., without Plates. CXCIV. The TOUEIST'S COMPANION ; being a Concise Description, and History of EIPON, Studley Park, Fountains Abbey, Hackfall, Biiraham Crags, Newby Hall, Kuaresbrough, Harrogate, Harewood House, Bolton Priory, etc. Intended as a Guide to Persons visiting those Places. Illus- trated with Plates, Woodcuts, and a Ground Plan of Fountains Abbey. Sixth Edition. Eipon : printed and sold by E. Langdale ; sold also by T. Marsh, York ; and E. Langdale, Northallerton. 1833. {Duodecimo.) 152 pp., and a page at the end, the Contents and Distances. List of Plates. 1. Eipon Minster, South-East. Frontispiece. 2. A Plan of Eipon and Bondgate ; p. 1 (folded). View of the Minster from the Bridge, a Woodcut on p. 1. 3. Elevation and Plan of Eipon Minster, p. 6. Sedilia of Eipon Minster, four Woodcuts on p. 12. 4. East End of Eipon Minster, a Woodcut, Green del. et sc, p. 13. Tomb of Hugh Eipley, First Mayor of Eipon, on p. 2S. Sculpture on the Sedilia, Eipon Minster, on p. 37. 5. St. Mary Magdalen's Chapel aud Hospital ; Interior of the Chapel of St. Anne's Hospital ; Deanery and Minster, Eipon ; W. Cave sc. ; p. 38. 6. Town Hall, etc., Eipon Market Place ; Metcalfe del., Hewitt sc. ; p. 46. 7. Trinity Church, Eipon, built 1827 ; Interior of the same ; p. 47. Corporation Badges, on p. 52. View of Studley Eoyal House, on p. 53. Fountains Abbey, on p. 56. 8. Fountains Abbey, from Anne Boleyn's Seat ; p. 56. 9. Fountains Abbey, from the Cloister Garden; N.E. View of the Tower; the Cloisters as they appeared in 1822 ; p. 65. 10. Ground Plan of Fountains Abbey ; surveyed by Charles Greeves, 1821 ; Hewitt sc. ; p. 67 (folded). Bracket, Fountains Abbey, on p. 76. View of Hackfall, on p. 77. Sedilia of Eipon Minster, on p. 80. 11. High Harrogate; Low Harrogate; Hewitt sc. ; p. 81. 12. Sulphur Well, Harrogate ; Metcalfe del., W. Cave sc. ; p. 81. Plan of Aldborough, on p. 114. Eoman Pottery found at Aldborough, on p. 120. Antique Bath at Newby Hall, on p. 121. There are Large Papee copies in octavo, with the Plates on India-paper making a neat book. 138 THE YORKSHIRE LffiRARY. CXCV. The TOFEIST'S GUIDE ; being a Concise History and Description of EIPON, Studley Eoyal, Fountains Abbey, Markenfield, Brimbam Eocks, Hackfall, and Newby Hall. Eipou : John Lewis Linney. 1S37. (Duodecimo.) 106 pp., and illustrated with a Ground Plan of Fountains Abbey. 250 copies were printed. A Second Edition, with considerable additions, was published in 1838, by J. L. Linney, Eipon, with Plates and Woodcuts, 1(JG pp., duodecimo. One thousand copies were printed. A Third Edition, in 1841, printed and published by "William Harrison, Eipon, under the Title of 'The HAEEOGATE VISlfOE'S PICTOEIAL POCKET GUIDE to EIPON, Studley, etc' Illustrated with twenty- four Engravings. To which is added, a Treatise on the Nature, Uses, and Effects of the Harrogate Mineral Waters, by a Member of tlie Eoyal Col- lege of Surgeons (John Thompson, Esq., formerly Mayor of Eipon), 93 pp., duodecimo. One thousand copies were printed. The above were writteu anonymously by John Eichard "Walbean. CXCVI. *;,,* In 1844 a similar Pictorial Guide was published by William Harri- son, Ei])ou, in brevier typo, 106 pp. To this the Author's name, J. B. Walukan, was first ajipended. Above one tliousaud copies were printed. Another Edition appeared in 1846, with alterations, 98 pp. Of this also above one thousand copies were printed. The following has ' Third Edition ' printed on it : — The PICTOEIAL POCKET GUIDE to EIPON and HAEEOGATE: with Topographical Observations on Studley-Eoyal, lirinihnm Eocks, Hackfall, and the Monastic Eemains of Fountains and Bolton. By JOHN EICHAED WALBHAN, Corresponding Member of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland, Honorary Member of tlio Socict}' of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Local Secretary of the Archa-ological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Tiiird Edition. " I hare considered the days of old and the years tliat are past." — PsALM Ixxvii. 5. Eipon: published by W. Harrison, Market-Place. London: J. B. Nichols and Son, 25, Parliament Street; Messrs. Simpkin, Jlarshall, and Co. iiDCCCXLix. {Duodecimo.) Title as above. Preface to the First Edition, dated October 15th, 1844, 2 pp. History of Eipon, etc., 110 i)]). In 1850 eight additional pages on fhc Ahl)()tV House, Fountains Abbey, were printed, numbered 7C to .s;i wiLli an asterisk. WEST RIDING OF YORKSinRE. 139 List of Plates, designed by the Author. 1. Illustrated Cover, a Woodcut. 2. A Map of the District round Harrogate ; Cave and tion, York, so. Frontispiece (folded). 3. South-East View of Eipon Cathedral; W. Collard sc. ; p. 33. 4. Fountains Abbey, North-East ; Nicholson sc. ; p. 63. 5. Plan of the Abbot's House at Fountains, and Encaustic Tiles found on the site, p. 77* (folded). 6. Cheltenham Pump Eoom, Harrogate ; H. "W. Todd del., T. E. Nicholson sc. ; p. 92. Also eighteen Woodcuts of Views, Monuments, Antiquities, etc., printed in the letter-press. CXCVII. MEMOEIALS of the ABBEY of St. MAEY of FOUNTAINS. Collected and Edited by JOHN EICHIED WALBEAN, F.S.A. " In ecclesiis benedicite Deo Domino de fontibus Israel." — Psalm Ixviii. 26. Published for the Society by Andrews and Co., Sadler Street, Durham. London : Whittaker and Co., 13, Ave Maria Lane ; T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street ; Bernard Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly ; David Nutt, 277, Strand (Foreign Agent). Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons. 1863. {Octavo.) Title-page as above, on which is a Woodcut of the Durham University Seal ; preceded by the Title, ' The Publications of the SUETEES SOCIETY, established in the year mdcccxxxiv. Vol. XLII. for the year mdccclxii.' And the Woodcut of the Society ; and Preface ; Issvi. pp. Memorials, in two parts ; Addenda ; Index of Names and Places ; Cor- rigenda ; liSS pp. List of Woodcuts. 1. Fountains Abbey and How Hill, on p. v. 2. Tombstone of John de Cancia, Abbot, on p. Isvi. 3. Seal and Counterseal of Fountains Abbey, dated 1410, on p. Ixix. 4. Seal of Thurstan, Archbishop of York, p. Ixxvii. 5. Seal of the Abbot and Convent of Fountains, Stec. XIII., on p. 1. 6. Fragment of a Seal of Fountains Abbey, on p. 129. 7. Initials, etc., of Marmaduke Huby, Abbot, on the Tower of Fountains Abbey, on p. 153. 8. A Notarial Mark, on p. 205. 9. Private Seal of Marmaduke Huby, Abbot, on p. 242. 10. A Counterseal of Fountains Abbey, attached to an Agreement dated 1537, on p. 280. 11. A Small Personal Seal, on p. 423. The Second Volume is announced by the Surteea Society ; it is much wanted to complete this valuable Work. John E. Walbran died in 1S09. 140 THE YORKSrnRE libeary. cxcTin. A GENEALOGICAL MEMOIE of the LORDS of STUDLET in TOEKSHIEE. By JOHN EICHAED WALBEAN. Eipon. 1S41. {Duodecimo.) Only twenty copies printed. CXCIX. EIGHT AaEWS of FOUNTAINS ABBEY, intended to illustrate the Architecture and Picturesque Scenery of that celebrated Ruin. Etched on Copper-plate from Original Drawings, by J. METCALF and J. W. CAE- IMICHAEL: ^^^tl^ a Historical and Architectural Description, by T. Sop- T\'ith. Dedicated, by permission, to Mrs. Lawrence, of Studley Park. Published by J. Metcalf, Eipon : and J. W. Carmichael, Neweastle-on- Tyne. (1832.) 6 pp. (Folio.) List of Plates. 1. Fountains Abbey, from the East ; J. "W. C. del., J. Archer sc. 1S32. 2. Interior of the Lady's Chapel, from the South ; E. Metcalf del., J. Archer sc. 3. Interior of the Church ; Metcalf del., J. Archer se. 4. East Window, etc., from the Interior; J. W. C. del., J. Archer sc. 5. Chapter House, from the Quadrangle ; Metcalf del., CoUard sc. G. Interior of the Eefectory ; Metcalf del., Collard sc. 7. The Hospitium ; J. W. Carmichael del., Archer sc, 8. Fountains Abbey, from the West ; J. AY. Carmichael del., J. Archer sc. CC. DELINEATIONS, GEAPHICAL and DESCEIPTIVE, of FOUN- TAINS ABBEY, in the West Eiding of the County of ATork. By J. & H. S. STOEEE. With Historical Notices. Loiulon: published by Longman, Eecs, and Co., and C. Tilt ; T. Steven- Bon, Cambridge ; and E. Langdale, Eipon. (1S30.) (Quarto.) Half-title. Title as above. List of Plates, and Contents, 2 pp. Dcdi - cation to INfrs. Lawrence, of Studley-Eoyal, 2 pp. Preface, 2 pp. History of Fountains Abbey, Description, and Appendix, 158 pp. Index, 2 pp. List of Plates, Drawn and Engraved by tlie Authors. 1. The Tower, Fountains Abbey. Frontispiece. Cistercian Monk, on India-paper, on p. 70. 2. Fountains Abbey, from Amic iSoleyn'a Seat, p. 83. 3. East View, Fountains Abbey, p. Hi. 4. The Lady Chapel, p. 87. 5. Choir and Nave, from the East Window, p. 89. C. The Ciioir, p. J)I. 7. I]ntrance to the Tower, ]). 92. H, The Nave, looking West, p. 94. '.). The Ciiapter House, p. 91. WEST RIDING OF YORKSmRE. . 141 10. South Transept and Tower, p. 96. 11. The Eefectory, p. 99. 12. Part of the Quadrangular Court, p. 101. 13. The Cloister, p. 101. 14. S.W. View, Fountains Abbey, p. 10.3. 15. Corbels, etc.. Fountains Abbey, p. 101. Entrance to the Abbey Grounds, on India-paper, p. lOG. IG. G-round Plan and Seals of Fountains Abbey, p. lOG (folded). This is a beautiful book, published at £1. lis. Gd. There are Large Paper copies, with the Plates on ludia-paper. CCI. The HISTORY of the CASTLE, TOWN, and FOREST of KNARES- BROUGH, with HARROGATE, and its Medicinal Springs; including an Account of the most remarkable Places in the Neighbourliood, the Curious Remains of Antiquity, Elegant Buildings, Ornamented Grounds, and other Singular Productions of Nature and Art. By B. HARGROVE. The Sixth Edition ; with considerable Additions. " The hoary rocks, the falUng tow'rs. The stately domes, and shady bow'ra, Tlie verdant fields and pendant wood On NIDD'S meand'ring silver flood." Knaresbrough : printed by Hargrove and Sons ; and sold by them at Knaresbrough and Harrogate ; by Wilkie and Robinson, London ; Wilson and Son, York ; and all other Booksellers. 1809. 424 pp. (Duodecimo.) List of Plates. 1. The Dropping Well ; F. Nicholson del., J. Walker sc. Frontispiece. 2. Map of the Vicinity of Kuaresbrough, p. 13 (folded). Ancient Plan of Knaresbrough, on p. 17. 8. Knaresbrough Castle ; AV. Green sc. ; p. 20. 4. Ruins of the King's Tower ; Hardisty del. ; p. 45. Byrnand Hall Cross, on p. Gi. 5. St. Robert's Chapel, Knaresbrough, p. 88. 6. The Gateway of Knaresbrough Priory, p. 94. Arms of the Priory, a Woodcut on p. 100. 7. Medal of the Yorkshire Archers ; J. Bullock sc. ; p. 121. 8. Fountains Abbey, from the S.W. ; C. Livesey sc. ; p. 239. Earthwork, Thornborough Moor, on p. 258. Monument of a Roman Soldier, on p. 274. Rock near Plumpton, on p. 292. 9. SpofFord Castle ; C. Livesey sc. ; p. 295. Plan of Isurium, on p. 315. Roman Urn and Inscription, on pp. 325 and 326. 10. Obelisks at Burrough Bridge, p. 334. Circus Maximus at Rome, on p. 338. Singular Rock at Brimham, on p. 357. Published at 6s. in boards ; sells now for 2s. Qd. The First Edition ap- peared in 17G9 ; a Seventh Edition in 1832, printed by W. Langdale, Kuaresbrough. 142 THE YOEKSmKE LIBRARy. ccn. The HISTOET of KXAEESBEOUGH : comprising an Accurate and Detailed Account of the Castle, the Forest, and the several Townships included in the said Parish. By M. CALVEET. Kuaresbrough : printed and published by W. Parr, High Street. 1844. (^Duodecimo.) Title, Preface, and Index, viii. pp. The History, etc., 173 pp. List of Woodcuts (very inferior). 1. Knaresbrougli Castle. Frontispiece. Seal of the Honor of Knares- brough, on p. 41. 2. Buruand Hall Cross, p. 47. 3. Knaresbrough Spaw, p. 95. 4. Dropping Well, p. 101. Camp at Gates Hill, on p. 141. CCIII. A SEASON at HAEEOGATE : in a Series of Poetical Epistles from Benjamin Blunderhead, Esquire, to his Mother in Derbyshire; with Useful and Copious Notes, Descriptive of the Objects most worthy of attention in the Vicinity of Harrogate. " Laugh where we must, be ciiiulid where we can." — Pope. Knaresborough : printed by G. Wilson : and sold by E. Wilson, Knares- borough and Harrogate. isi2. {Octavo.) Title-page as above. Advertisement, 2 pp. Contents, 3 pp. The Poetical Epistles, 103 pp. A Third Edition, with three Plates, was printed in 1S18, by Hargrove and Sou, iu duodecimo, 98 pp. CCIV. The HAEEOGATE VISITOE'S HAND-BOOK. Containing De- scriptions of Eipon, Fountains Abbey, Studley, llackfall, Swinton, Nowby Hall, Briraham Craggs, Plumpton, Knaresborough, Bolton Abbey, Hare- wood House, Eipley, Harrogate, &c. Observations on the Harrogate Waters, and Directions for their Use. Eighth Edition. Eipon : published by W. Judson. 1847. Ent. Sta. Hall. {Duodecimo.) Title-page as above, on which is a view of the Tower of Fountains Abbey; Advertisement; Visitor's Hand-Book, etc. ; 92 pp. List op Plates. 1. IMap of the Country round Harrogate. Frontispiece (folded). 2. liipon Cathedral ; T. Eobinson del. et sc. on wood ; p. 12. 3. The Bone House, Eipon Cathedral, p. 10. 4. Fountains Abbey, Interior, p. 2.5. ri. l''ountaiiis Abbey, from the South- West, p. 30. (!. (Jroutid I'lan and Seals, p. 31 (folded). 7. Dropping Well, Kuaresborough, )). 42. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 143 8. Bolton Abbey, p. 55. 9. New Pump Koom, Low Harrogate, p. GO. And seven Woodcuts printed in the letter-press. The Woodcuts are excellent. CCV. The HISTORY of NETHERDALE, from the Times of the Ancient Britons to the Present Time ; giving an Account of the Most Remarkable Things, as the Lead Mines and other Minerals, Ancient Buildings, the Transmission of the Landed Property, &c. &c. Biographical Account of Eugene Aram, Ruins of Fountains Abbey, with a Description of many of the extensive Estates belonging to it; BRIMHAM EOCKS; also an Account of the Churches, Chapels, Religious Denominations, the First Introduction of Methodism, &c. &c. By WILLIAM WBATHERHEAD. Leeds : printed by John Heaton, 7, Briggate ; and sold by James Cock, Bookseller, Pateley-Bridge. mdcccxxxix. 5G pp. (^Duodecimo.') CCVI. EELIQUI^ ISUEIAN^ : the REMAINS of the ROMAN ISV- RIVM, (now ALDBOROCTGH, near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire), Illus- trated. By HENRY ECROYD SMITH. (A quotation from Dr. Stukeley.) London : sold by J. Russell Smith, Soho Square, London. Sunter and Co., Stonegate, and J. Hunton, Low Ousegate, York. And all Booksellers. MDCCCLII. (^Quarto.) Title as above ; Dedication to Andrew Lawson, Esq. ; Preface ; List of Plates ; 4 leaves. Historical Notices, 62 pp. Errata, and List of Plates published by the Author, 4 pp. List of Plates, Lithographed by Dean and Clayton, Drawn by M. N. Hessey. 1. View of Aldborough. Frontispiece (folded). Isurium and its Approaches ; Aldborough and its Approaches ; two Woodcut Maps on p. 6. 2. The Devil's Arrows, p. 7. 3. Ancient British Idol, p. 11. 4. Plan of Isurium, p. 13. 5. Wall Paintings, from Baths (coloured), p. 15. 6. Plan of Buildings, Querns, etc. {coloured), p. 17. 7. Wall Paintings {coloured), p. 17. 8. Bustura, without the City AValls, p. 19. 9. City Wall, p. 21. 10. Studforth Hill, from the Stadium, looking S.E., p. 23. Roman Masonry, a Woodcut on p. 24. 11. Sarcophagi, p. 25. 12. Two Sculptured Figures of Mercury, p. 27. 13 & 14. Mosaics {partly coloured), pp. 29, 31. 15. Remains of a Corridor {partli/ coloured), a double folded Plate, p. 38. 144 THE YORKSHIRE LU3RARY. 16. Ground Plan of a Eonian House, p. 35. 17. Jlosaic found in 1S32 {partly coloured), p. 37. 18. ^Mosaic found in 1848 {partly coloured), p. 39 (folded). 19. Remains of a Basilica, p. 41 (folded). 20. Mosaics, p. 13. 21. Antiquities found on Borough Hill, copied from Drake, p. 43. A Woodcut Plan, on p. 44. 22. Altars and Inscribed Stones, p. 45. 23. Fragments of Columns, etc., p. 47. 24. 25, 26, & 27. Articles in Ivory and Bone, p. 47. Jet and Glass, p. 49. Gold, Silver, and Bronze, p. 49. Bronze, p. 49. 28 & 29. Instruments in Iron, p. 51. 30. Lamps, Tiles, etc., p. 51. 31 & 32. Bowl of Saraiau Ware (coloured), p. 51 and p. 53. 33. Potters' Marks ou Samian Ware, p. 53. 34. Group of Ordinary Ware, p. 53. 35. Potters' Marks on Amphora; and Mortaria, p. 53. 36. Coins, p. 55. 37. Addenda, Antiquities, p. 61. A very vulgar, ill-executed publication ; the drawing of many of the Plates is a burlesque. It is a great pity that the Author should have spent his money so badly. The price of 15s. lo Subscribers was quite in- adequate to cover the expenses of such a large and extensively-illustrated work. At mv suggestion, the Author issued a few copies at double price, with Plates 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, aud 20, fully coloured after the originals. CCVII. The STEANGER'S GUIDE ; being a Concise History and Descrip- tion of BOROUGIIBRIDGE, the Devil's Arrows, and the Roman An- tiquities at ALDBOROUGH. Boroughbridge : printed and sold by John Mitchell. 1846. (Duodecimo.) 124 pp., with a folded Woodcut of a Roman Pavement at the Black Swan. ccvni. The TOURIST'S COMPANION, or the HISTORY and ANTI- QUITIES of HAREWOOD, in YOKKSIITHE, giving a Particular De- scription of its Environs, selected from Various Authors, and containing much J nforniation never before published. 15y JOHN JEWELL. Second Edition, with considerable Additions and Corrections. Leeds: ])rinted by Christopher Pickard, and sold by the Booksellers in York, Leeds, Harrogate, Otley, etc., also by the Author, Harcwood. 1822. Price 3«. (Duodecimo.) 103 pp., with a folded Plate, S. E. View of Harcwood House ; A. Wood, Ilarowood, del., S. Brown, Leeds, sc. ; frontispiece. Aud a largo folded Pedigree of the Laaceilcs Family, facing p. 20. WEST RIDING OF YORKSIURE. 145 CCIX. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of HAREWOOD, in the County of TORK, with Topographical Notices of its Parish & Neighbourhood. By JOHN JONES. London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. Leeds : J. Buckton. 1859. (Octavo.) Title as above ; Dedication to the Earl of Harewood. List of Subscribers ; Preface ; Introduction ; the History ; Addenda ; and Inde.x ; 312 pp. List of Plates. (There is no List in the Volume.) 1. Gawthorpe. Part of an old print of 1722. Frontispiece. 2. Seal of William de Fortibus and Robert, Lord Lisle, p. 31. 3. Arms in the Church, p. 99. 4. Harewood Castle, p. 134. 5 Arras and Inscription over the Castle Entrance, p. 138. G. Harewood Castle, Ground Plan, p. 151. 7. Arch in the Hall, p. 155. 8. Arras in the Castle, p. 157. 9. South Front of Arthington, p. 219. 10. North Side of Arthington, p. 231. 11. Tomb of Lord Chief Justice Gascoigue ; Harewood Church ; p. 258. Plates 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, and 11, are from Whitaker's History of Leeds. Woodcuts printed in the Letter-press: — Arms of Albemarle on Title, and repeated, p. 31 ; Arms and Supporters of the Earl of Harewood, on Dedication, and repeated, p. 287 ; Gascoigue, pp. 54 and 254 ; Boulter, p. 95 ; Arthington, p. 233 ; Strafford, p. 2G3, and Cutler, p. 270 ; Plan of Harewood Church, p. 106; Tomb of Lord Chief Justice Gascoigne and Lady, p. Ill ; Two Windows formerly in the Castle, p. 135 ; Inscription over a Door in the Village, p. 150 ; Market Cross, p. 1G7. Published at 10s. Gd. ; 100 copies were printed on Large Paper (Small Quarto), at 15s. The edition colLited was the large size ; wjiether there are any extra Plates in this I do not know, but the Plates are too large for the octavo size. ccx. In T. GENT'S History of England and Rome, 1741, in Two Volumes, at p. 23 in the Appendis of vol. ii., is — " A Comprehensive Dissertation on the Ancient and Present State of PONTEFRACT, in Yorkshire, with an Account of the Civil Wars." It is illustrated with barbarous Woodcuts of a Pontefract Siege-Coin of Charles II. ; a Token ; Views of the Market Cross ; New Hall ; Grainge Chapel, All Saints Church ; the Ancient Castle of Pontefract ; a Subterra- neous Cave ; and a second View of All Saints Church ; 29 pp. (Duodecimo.) The remainder of the Appendix is filled with a jumble of topographical and other information. On one page, given gratis to particular friends, is the Ibllowing doggrel acrostic on his own portrait by Drake : — TJ 146 TIIE YORKSinEE LIBRARY. "To view the limned piece of you, dear man, H ow can I too mucli laud the artizan ? O r praise those Ughts and shades, by ai-t combiu'd, M ost lovely seeu, to move the pond'ring mind ! Angels might from ca»lestial bow'rs attend, S wift-wing'd thro' science ; fill'd with joys, ascend. G 0, bright historian ! tho' thou could'et impart, E 'er, whilst in being, works that pierce the lieart ; N o charms from pen or pencil now can make T by like more like than wliat's perfonn'd by Drake." This, like most of Gent's -works, is scarce, particularly the Second Volume. It was published at 6*., and now sells at 12s. CCXI. An HISTOEICAL ACCOUNT of tlie BOEOTJGH of PONTE- EEACT, in the County of York, and the definition of a Borough in ge- neral ; including the Reason why Nominal Pledges, used in Law Proceed- ings, were originally inserted. Interspersed with pleasing occurrences ; the Deaths of King Eichard II., Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, and other Nobles who have suffered at Pontefract Castle. Collected from the earliest authorities. By EICHAED JOHN TETLOAV, of Knottingley, Attor- ney-at-Law. Leeds: printed by G. Wright, at New Street End. mdcclxix. 43 pp. (Octavo.) A very rare pamphlet, but not of much importance. CCXII. The HISTORY of the ANCIENT BOEOUGII of PONTEFKACT; containing an interesting .Account of its (\istlp, and tlio thrc(> dill'cront Sieges it sustained during tho Civil War, witli Notes and iV'digrocs of Botnc of the most distingiiinlicd Royalists and Parllaincnlarians, cliiclly drawn from Manuscripts never before publislu'd. l!y 15. liOt) rilUOVl). WEST RIDINO OF YORKSHIRE. 147 " I lovo Pomfrct. Why P 'Tis in all our histories ; They are full of Pomfret." — Swift. Pontefract : printed by and for the Author, and for J. Fox ; and sold by Longman and Co., Paternoster Row, B. Crosby and Co., Stationers' Court, London ; J. Heaton, Leeds ; J. Hurst, Wakefield ; Wilson and Co., and Todd and Co., York; Sheardown, Doncaster; and may be had of other Booksellers. 1807. {Octavo.) Title-page as above ; Subscribers' Names ; Contents ; and Preface ; xvi. pp. The History of Pontefract, beginning with an Introduction, 496 pp. Appendix, containing Corporation Charters, and Addenda, xxiv. pp. List of Plates. 1. S.W. View of All Saints' Church. Frontispiece. 2. The Ancient Castle of Pontefract, etc., p. 162. 3. Plan of the Keep of Pontefract Castle, p. 166. 4. Ground Plan of the Siege of Pontefract Castle ; Butterworth sc, Leeds; p. 317 (folded). 5. St. Giles' Church, and Market Cross, p. 364. 6. The Town Hall, Corporation Seal, Siege Coin, and Mayor's Seal; Butterworth sc. ; p. 443. Published at 8s., in boards ; there are Pine Papee Copies, published at 15s. It is an interesting and well-written work. The following is inscribed on a tablet erected to the memory of Dr. Boothroyd in the Independent Chapel, Warley, near Halifax : " To the Memory of the Rev. Benjamin Boothroyd, LL.D. and D.D., who was a native of and once a poor boy in this village. He was a student at Heck- mondwike Academy, and at the age of twenty-two became Minister of the Independent Chapel, Pontefract, and afterwards of Highfield Chapel, Huddersfield, where he died on the Sth of September, 1886, aged sixty- three. His simplicity and godly sincerity endeared him to all, his Biblical labours raised him to an eminence attained by few, and he died a good old age, crowned with labours and honours. He made a complete Trans- lation of the whole Bible, and published it with a Commentary. This tablet was erected by a few friends and strangers to remind the youth of Warley that ' honour here and happiness hereafter,' as the reward of diligent exertion, are in the power of every one." There is an octavo portrait of Dr. Boothroyd, published Sept. 1824, by E. Westley, Stationers' Court. CCXIII. The HISTORY of PONTEFRACT, in YORKSHIRE, by GEORGE FOX. Sold by John Fox, Pontefract ; also by Longman, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; G. B. Whittaker ; Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, London. John Baines, Robinson and Hernaman, Leeds ; Wolstenholme, Wilson and Sons, York ; Sheardown and Sons, Doncaster ; R. NichoUs, Wakefield. 1827. {Octavo.) 148 THE YOEKSmEE LIBEARY. Title as above ; Preface, 3 pp. Contents, 1 p. The History of Poutefract, 366 pp. Addenda, vii. pp. List of Plates, G-eo. Fox del., "W. Cate se. 1. Plan of Pontefraet. Prontispiece (folded). 2. Municipal Seals, p. 20. 3. Pontefraet Castle, p. SJ^. 4. Tbomas, Earl of Lancaster, p. 104. 5. Pontefraet Siege-Coins, p. 255. G. The Keep of the Castle, p. 2G2. 7. Part of the Tower, and Plan, p. 263. 8. Church of All Saints, p. 2G7. 9. Church of St. Mary, with the Jfarket Cross, p. 278. 10. Seals and Arms of the Priory of St. John, p. 301. 11. Stump Cross, p. 35(5. CCXIY. POjS'TEPEACT CASTLE : an Account How it was taken, and How General Eainsborough was surprised in his Quarters at Doncastcr, Anno 1648. In a Letter to a Friend. By Captain TllO. PAYLDEN. Written upon the Occasion of Prince Eugene's surprising Monsieur Yilleroy, at Cremona. " Sic parris componcrc magna solcbam." — ViEO. In the Savoy : printed by Edward Jones, mdccii. 27 pp. (Small Qiiar/o.) Captain Paulden ■was one of the garrison at the time of the surrender of Pontefraet Castle to the Parliament, consequently he relates the facts from his own knowledge and in a very lively manner. The tract is ex- tremely rare ; the following is a reprint : — PONTEFKACT CASTLE: an Account IIow it was taken, and How General Itainsborough was surprised in his Quarters at Doiicasler, Oc- tober 29, 1G48 ; written upon the Occasion of Prince Eugene's surprising IMonsieur Yilleroy at Cremona. In a Letter to a Friend. By Capt. TllO. PAULDEN. Now reprinted for tlie Widow ; with some Passages taken from the Papers of Sir Maruiaduke Langdale. "... Sic parris componore magna solebam." London ; sold at Widow Pratt's Coffee House, near St. Laurence Church, by (luiklhall ; and at Mr. .Termaiu's, a Frame Maker, over against St. Ann's Church, Soho. mdcc.yix. 24 pp. {Quarto.) It was again reprinted at Oxford in 1747 ; also in Somers' Collection, vol. ii. p. 471 . Upcutt. CCXV. A Letter from J. FOTHEPOH-L to a Friend in Ihe Country, relative to the Intended Scliool at ACIvWOliTll, in Vorksliire; with u I'lau and Elevation of the Building. WEST RIDING OF YORKSinRE. 149 London : printed and sold by James Phillips, G-corgc Yard, Lombard Street. MDCCLXxviii. 48 pp. (Octavo.) List op Plates (folded). 1. An Elevation of the House at Ackwortli. 2. Plan of the House and Laud at Ackwortb. 3. Ground Plan of the House at Ackwortb. CCXVI. An HISTORICAL SKETCH of the PRIOET of St. OSWALD, at NOSTEL. By E. E. BATTY, M.A., Incumbent of Wragby. London : Bell and Daldy, 18G, Fleet Street. 1856. (Octavo.) 30 pp., with 4 Anastatic Plates. In a paper cover, price Is. CCXVII. The HISTORY of the TOWN and TOWNSHIP of BARNSLEY, in Yorksliire, from an early period. By ROWLAND JACKSON. London : Bell and Daldy, No. 186, Fleet Street. 1858. {Octavo.) Title as above, on which there is a Woodcut of Barnsley Market Place ; Dedication to Godfrey Wentwortb, Esq., vrith his Arms ; 4 pp. Preface, and History of Barnsley ; Subscribers' Names ; 248 pp. List of Pedigeees, etc. 1. Pedigree of Do Laci, Lords of Pontefract and Blackburnshire, with Arms, p. 18 (folded). 2. Facsimile of a Ciiarter of Ralph de Caprecuria, p. 49. 3. Pedigree of Clarke and Chappel Families, of Barnsley, with Arms, p. 65 (folded). 4. Pedigree of the Family of Wood, with Arms, p. 81 (folded). 5. Pedigree of the Family of Rooke of Barnsley, with Arms, and a View of St. Ann's, formerly their residence, p. 97 (folded). 6. Descent of the Families of Usher, Clarke, and Becket, p. 113 (folded). 7. Pedigree of Hallifax, p. 145 (folded). S. Armitage and Wentworth, with Two Shields of Arms, p. 150 (folded). 9. Keresforth of Keresforth, with Arms, p. 150 (folded). There is no Index or List of Pedigrees, etc., in the Volume. CCXVIII. The HISTORY of SELBY, Ancient and Modern ; containing tlie most remarkable Transactions, Ecclesiastical and Military, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Period, interspersed with Portions of General History connected with the subject. By JAMES MOUNTAIN, Selby. York : printed for the Author by Edward Peck, Lower Ousegate. 1800. (Duodecimo.) Title-page as above ; Table of Contents ; Preface and Introduction ; x. pp. The History of Selby, 102 pp. 150 THE YOEKSHIRE LIBEAEY. Title-page : ' The HISTOET of CAWOOD, its Castle and Church : to- gether with a List of the Arclibishops who have resided at Cawood, &c. &c. By James Mountain.' The History of Cawood, 40 pp. The Selby Directory for ISOO, a List of the principal luhabitants of Cawood, and a List of Subscribers, 23 pp., not numbered. List of Plates. 1. A Plan of Selby. Frontispiece (folded). 2. N.W. View of the Church, p. 1 (folded). James Mountain was a watchmaker and bookseller in Wide Street, Selby, where he died in 1815. His book ia a poor afl'air, principally bor- rowed from Burton's ' Monasticon.' CCXIX. The HISTOET and ANTIQUITIES of SELBY, in the West Eiding of the County of York, containing its Ancient and Present State, Eccle- siastical and Civil, collected from various Public Records and other au- thentic Evidences ; with Notices of the neighbouring Parish of BRAY- TON, and the Townships of Thorpe Willoughby, Burn, Barlow, Hambletou, and Gateforth. By W. WILBEEFOECE MOREELL. Selby: W. B. Bellerby. London: Whittaker and Co. 1867. (Octavo.) Title as above ; Dedication ; Preface ; List of Subscribers ; List of Illustrations ; Contents ; xxiii. pp. The History of Selby commences p. 17, with Index at the end to p. 350. List of Plates, etc. S.E. View of the Abbey Church. Frontispiece. Phm of Selby, p. x. (folded). 8 Photograjilis of the Abbey, by "W. Monkhouse, York, facing pp. 17, 27, 41, 51, I'Jl, 197, and 203. 4 Lithographic Facsimiles of Autographs, etc., facing pp. 110, 112, 13G, and 275. 4 Graphotypes by J. A. Morrcll, facing pp. 117, 121, 131, and 301. Seals and Tokens, p. IGG. Ground Plan of the Abbey, p. 193. Capitals, etc., of the Abbey, p. 195 ; Altar Screen and Sedilia, p. 20G. St. James's Church, Selby ; p. 258. Silby Eiflc Armoury, \i. 28G. Map of tlu! Parishes of Sc^lby and Brayton, p. 328 (folded) ; and Woodcuts of Selby Abbey, circa IGGO, and 5 Coats-of-Arms, printed in the letter-press. This History is carelessly written, and without judgment ; the illustra- tions are nunicrous, of a very mixed character. Published at 15s. ccxx. A DESCRIl'TlVh; roL'U, and GUIDE to tlic LAKES, CAVES, MOUNTAINS, and olhcr Natural Curiosities, in CUMBERLAND, WEST RIDING OF YOBKSIIIRE. 151 WESTMOEELAND, LANCASIIIEE, and a Part of the WEST EIDING of YOEKSIIIEE. By JOJIN IIOUSMAN. Carlisle : printed by E. Jollie ; and sold by C. Law, Ave-Maria Lane, London. 1800. (Octavo.) Title ; Advertisement ; Index ; Eeference to Map ; Distances ; viii. pp. A Descriptive Tour, 226 pp. List of Plates. 1. North View of Furness Abbey. Frontispiece. 2. Map of the Soils {coloured and folded), p. vi. 3. Map of Cumberland Lakes, p. 91 (folded). 4. Map of Lancashire and Westmoreland Lakes, p. 226 (folded). *#* This is part of a more extensive topographical work by the same author. Third Edition. 1808. Title, etc., 8 pp. A Descriptive Tour, 323 pp. {Post Octavo.) List of Plates. Tiie above four and the following; seven are all folded : — Plan of Kendal, p. 80; Ullswater, p. 105; Borrowdale, p. 13.5; Wastwater, p. HI; Uer- wentwater, p. liO ; Bassenthwaite, p. 176 ; Plan of Lancaster, p. 315. CCXXI. GENEEAL VIEW of the AGEICULTUEE of the WEST EIDING of YOEKSHIEE ; with Observations on the Means of its Improvcmeiit. By Messrs. EENNIE, BEOWN, and SIIIEEEFF. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. With an Appendix. London : printed by W. Bulmer and Co. mdocxcit. 140 pp. (Quarto.) With a Sketch of the Eoute taken by the Authors in their Agricultural Survey of the West Eidiug ; Neele sc. Likewise printed in octavo at Edinburgh in 1799, by Eobert Brown, farmer, at Markle, near Haddington, Scotland, 438 pp., with the same sketch of the route as above. €a0t i^iljing of |9orl\0!)irc. ccxxn. 1^ ^^i^ ^^^m 1^^^ l#^ N^^^^x^^j^nJ ^ ^^^^s ITE niSTOET aud ANTIQ,UITIES of llie Seiguiory of IIOLUEKNESS, in the East Eidiug of the County of York, including the Abbies of Mcaux and Swine, with the Priories of Nun- keeling and Burstall ; compiled from Authentic Charters, Records, and the Unpublished INlanuseripts of the Eev. AViLLiAM Dade, remaining in the Library of Burton Constable : with numerous Enibellishmenta : by (JEOEGE POULSON, Esquire, Author of ' Beverlae, or History of Beverley.' " Cui nuuqimin cxhausti satis est." John Greenwood, Draughtsman and Engraver. Hull: Robert Brown, 18, Lowgatc ; and "W. MDCCCXL. In Two YOLU.MES. Pickering, London. {Quarto.) Vol. L Title as above ; Address; Conlcntsi Dedication; 8 pp. Preface, 5 pp. List of Subscribers, l jip. Contents ; List of Pedigrees, AVoodcuts, and Plates to both Volumes, 4 pp. The History of Holderncss, -ISO pp. List of Plates, Woodcuts, etc. 1. S.E. View of Patringtou Cliurcli; F. J. Jobsou del., .1. Qroenwood sc. Frontispiece. Skipscu Castle, initial letter T, a Wondcut on p. 1. Outline of the Yorkshire Coast, an Etching on p. T). 2. Facsimile of Doomsday Book rclatiug to Holderncss; traced and en- graved from the original by J. (irecuwood, Hull; p. 15 (folded). EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 153 Arram Hall, initial letter A, a Woodcut on p. 1G3. 3. Map of the North Division of Holderness, scale of an inch to a mile, p. 163 (folded). Doorway, Atvvick Church, a Woodcut on p. 1G9. Cross at Atvvick, a Woodcut on p. 173. 4. Map of the Township of Barmston, p. 183 (folded). Woodcuts. — Barmston Church, initial letter T, on p. 183; Three Seals of the Monceaus Family, on p. 188. 5. Facsimile of a Grant from Thomas de Monceaux, in 1305, to the Convent of Bridlington, p. 192. Woodcuts. — Doorway, Barmston Church, on p. 208 ; Barmston Old Hall, on p. 214 ; tjlram Church, letter U, on p. 228. G. Map of the Township of Ulrome, p. 242 (folded). Initial letter I, a Woodcut on p. 244. 7. South-East View of Beeford Church ; Eoe del., 1784, Eoos sc. ; p. 254. 8. Monumental Brass of Thomas Tonge, Eector of Beeford, who died in 1472 (coloured), p. 255. 9. Rectory House, Beeford, p. 257. Woodcuts. — Interior of Lisset Chapel, on p. 259 ; Door, Font, and Piscina, on p. 2G0 ; Exterior View, on p. 2G1 ; Brandsburton, initial letter I, on p. 2G4 ; Brandsburton Church, on p. 279. 10. Brass effigies of Sir John St. Quintin and Lora his wife in Brands- burton Church ; F. J. Jobson, archt. del. ; p. 280. Woodcuts. — Brandsburton Cross, on p. 285 ; Moortown Moat, and Niche in the Church, on p. 289 ; Catwick Church Doorway, letter I, on p. 290. 11. Catwick, Qoxhill, Leren, and Eiston Churches, four views on one Plate ; p. 294. Woodcuts. — Frodiugham Church, initial letter I, on p. 297 ; Aumbry, and Merchant's Mark, on p. 303 ; Font and Effigy, Goxhill Church, letter G, on p. 308; Lellay's Monument, on p. 312; Head of the Virgin and Piscina, on p. 313 ; Cross at Hornsea, initial letter I, on p. 314 ; Window at Eiston Church, letter I, on p. 341 ; Leveu Church, letter B, on p. 349 ; Font, Leven Church, on p. 353 ; Font and Shields, Mappleton Church, on p. 358 ; Effigies in Nunkilling Church, letter T, on p. 373 ; Priory Seal, Nunkilling, on p. 379 ; Font, Nunkilling Church, on p. 386. 12. Priory Church of St. Mary, Swine, and Nunkeeling Priory Church from Dade's plate ; etched by E. Eoos ; p. 386. Cross at Nunkilling, on p. 388. 13. Mappleton, Routh, Else, and Withernwick Churches ; Four Views on one Plate ; p. 390. Font, Eouth Church, letter E, on p. 391 ; Stained Glass, and Lombardic Inscription, Eouth Church, on p. 398. 14. Brass Effigies in Eouth Church ; p. 399. 15. Capital of a Cross, found in Leven Churchyard, 183G ; p. 400. Hornsea Church, S. W. view, on p. 401 ; White Cross, letter E, on p. 402. 16. Else Hall, the Seat of E. Bethell, Esq. ; Sutton House, the Seat of G. Liddell, Esq. ; Two Views ; p. 416. X 154 THE YORKSHIRE LH3RARY. Sigglesthonie Church, letter I, on p. 417. 17. Hornsea and Sigglesthorue Churchos ; p. ■i22. 18. Plan of Hornsea Mere ; from Dade's Work, given by Marmaduke Con- stable of Wassand; p. 135 (folded). Skipsea Castle, letter T, on p. 4-45 ; Shields and Font, Skipsea Church, on p. 453. 19. Sketch of the Earthworks, Skipsea- Brough ; p. 459. British Spear-head, found at Skipsea, on p. 4G0 ; Hatfield Cross, on p. 4G8 ; Withernwick Church, letter I, on p. 469 ; Monument in Aldbro' Church, on p. 475 ; Hull Bridge, letter I, on p. 47G ; Monu- ment in Swine Church, on p. 489. Arms in the First Volume: Drogo, on p. 39 ; Le Gros, 39 ; Buhner, 1G2 ; Koos, 1G2 ; Hastings, 1G2 ; Thorp, 1G2 ; Sutton, 170 ; Mon- ceaux, 186 ; De la See, 195 ; Boynton, 19G ; Eickaby, 229 ; St. Quintin, 2GG ; Marmion, 26G ; Wencelagh, 277 ; Fitzhugh, 280 ; Hild- yard, 341 ; Brough, 3GG ; Cresswell, 383 ; Ellerkee, 393 ; Bethell, 408; Constable, 431; Tiliol, 440; Hatfield, 442; Tophara, 473; and Lewins, 478. Vol. II. Title as vol. i. Hull : Thomas Topping, Bowlalley Lane, and W. Picker- ing, London, mdcccxli. The History of Holderness, continued. 540 pp. Addenda et Corrigenda to both volumes, p. 541 to 545. Index to both volumes, p. 547 to 552. List of Plates, Woodcpts, etc. 1. Monument in Welhvick Church ; drawn by John Child, Easiugton, etched by Richard lician, Hull. Frontispiece. 2. Map of Holderness, by J. Tuke, 178G ; for Dade's intended History ; p. 1 (folded). Doorway, Aldbro' Church, initial letter I, on p. 1. Arches and Saxon Inscri])tion, Aldbro' Church, on p. G. 8. Aldbro' and Burton Pidsea Churches; p. 11. 4. IMonunients of Sir IVIartiu de la See, Barmston Church, and of Sir John de Melsa, Aldbro' Church ; p. 12. Carving over the door of Aldbro' Church, on ]■>. 15 ; Initial letter T, on p. 34; Efilgies in Swine Ciiurch, on p. 49; Garton Church, letter G, on p. 50. 5. Garton, Tuustall, Hilstou, and Elaternwick Churches; p. 58. EfEgy in Humbletou Church, on p. G3. G. Humbletou and Preston Churches ; p. G7. llilston Mount, on p. 7s ; llilslon Church Doorway, initial H, on J). 70 ; Tunstall Church, initial letter T, on p. 84 ; Piscina, Koos Church, initial letter I, on p. 89 ; itooa Churcii, on ]). 9G ; Danisli Idol found at Itoos, on p. 101 ; l-'riends' I\leetiug House, Owstwick, on p. 103; Scdiic, licdon, letter II, on p. 101. 7. Facsimile of the Charter granted to Iledon by iviug .Fohn, 1200; p. 105. 8. Iledou Church ; p. 1G8. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 155 Font, Hedon Church, on p. 170 ; Old Rectory and Gravestone, on p. 173; Kilusea Cross, now at Hedou, on p. 177 ; Seal of Hedon, and Effigy in tlie Church, ou p. ISO ; Font, Preston Church, initial letter P, on p. 181. 9. Facsimile of the Meaux Cliartulary, and Grant of a Corrody, St. Se- pulchre's, Hedon ; p. 193. Seal of St. Sepulchre's, Hedon, on p. 19G ; Stump Cross, Swine, letter S, on p. 197 ; Seal of the Priory of Swine, on p. 206. 10. Sketches of Earthworks near Swine ; p. 217. 11. Burton Constable, from the East ; p. 243. 12. Skirlaugh Chapel ; p. 265. Sproatley Rectory, letter I, on p. 274 ; Gravestone, Sproatley, on p. 279; Wawne Church, letter W, on p. 281; Seal of Meaux' Abbey, on p. 314 ; Remains of Meaux Abbey, on p. 316. 13. Tessellated Pavements found at Meaux Abbey ; p. 317. Gravestone of Thomas de Burton, Abbot of Meaux, on p. 317 ; Mar- fleet Church, letter M, on p. 318. 14. Holderness House from the South-East ; p. 322. Bilton Church, on p. 322 ; Sutton Village, initial letter I, on p. 323. 15. Sutton Church ; p. 336. Monument of Sir John de Sutton in Sutton Church, on p. 338. IG. Holderness House from the South-West ; p. 341. Drypool Church, initial letter D, on p. 342 ; Burstwich Church, letter I, on p. 350 ; Nicholas Forbysher's Autograph, on p. 357 ; Easing- ton Hall, 1770, on p. 369 ;"Euin at Out Newton, letter E, ou p. 370 ; Sedilia, Halsham Church, letter H, on p. 381 ; Mausoleum, Halsham, on p. 386 ; Holmpton Church, initial letter I, on p. 388 ; Interior of Withernsea Chapel, letter H, on p. 393 ; Exterior of Withernsea Chapel, on p. 400 ; Owthorne Church, letter 0, on p. 402. 17. South Frodingham Hall ; p. 409. Owthorne Church, 1806, on p. 414 ; Kayingbam Church, letter C, on p. 415. 18. Keyingham Church ; Roos, sc, 1829 ; p. 418. Stump of a Cross, Kayingham, on p. 420; Cross at Kayingbam, on p. 421 ; Ottringham, letter I, ou p. 423 ; Font in Patrington Church, letter P, on p. 434 ; Gravestone, Patrington Church, on p. 457 ; Ancient Seal found at Patriugtou, on p. 459; Roman Altar found at Patriugtou, on p. 461 ; Easter Sepulchre, Patrington Church, on p. 463 ; Winestead Church, letter A, on p. 466 ; Winestead Hall in 1579, on p. 474. 19. Monument of Sir Christopher Hildyard, Knt., "Winestead Church, and Monument in Halsham Church ; p. 478. 20. Brass Effigies, Wine?tead Church ; p. 479. Effigy in Winestead Church, on p. 479 ; Thorngunibald Chapel, letter P, on p. 481 ; Brick Tower, Paul Holme, on p. 493. 21. Plan of Cherry Cob Sands; p. 494. Burstall Priory, letter S, on p. 497 ; Roman Fibula found at Welwick, on p. 505 ; Niche and Effigy, Welwick Church, letter W, on p. 508 ; Effigy in Welwick Church, on p. 511. 156 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 22. Brass Effigies in "Welwick Church ; p. 512. Stone Coffin and Lid, AVelwick Church, on p. 512; Kilnsea Church, letter C, on p. 519 ; Spurn Lightliouses, on p. 526. Arms in the Second Volume : three Shields on the TJlf Pedigree, p. 2 ; Moore, 23 ; Clapham, 42 ; Eaiues, 45 ; Flinton, 52 ; Thompson, 63 ; Svkes, 91 ; Twyer, 192 ; Hilton, 197 ; Lascelles, 197 ; Melton, 199; Darcy, six shields, 2eX) ; Micklethwayte, 201 ; Lascelles, 212 ; Hilton, 212 ; Three Shields on the Swine Monument, 213 ; Five Shields on a Monument at Swine, 211 ; Constable, 227 ; Hedoii, 259; Skirlaugh, 265; Brighara, 268; E.aines, 270; Alibrd, 315; Appleyard, 364 ; Overton, 377 ; Frothingham, 409 ; Maister, 445 ; Hildyard, 466 ; Holme, 488 ; Bee, 503 ; and Thorpe, 513. Published at £3, cloth boards, now reduced to £1. There are Lahge Paper copies, very little larger than the ordinary copies, publislied at £4, which now sell at 30s. It la well got up, and is sure to rise in price. ccxxni. A SEEIES of SEVENTEEN VIEWS of CHUECHES, MONU- MENTS, and other ANTIQUITIES, originally engraved for ' Dade's His- tory of HOLDEBNESS,' now first published. 1. South West View of Headon Church. 2. Tomb of Sir John Sutton, in Sutton Church. 3. Grimston Hall. 4. Nunkilling Priory Church, now destroyed. 5. Sculptures of Sir Andrew Faucouberg, Knt., and his Lady, at Nun- killing. 6. Tomb of Antony St. Quentin, Hornsea Church. 7. Ancient Sepulcliral jNIonuraent, Patrington Church. 8. North Frodingliam Church. 9. Skipsea Church and Castle Mound. 10. South-East View of Beeford Church. 11. Image of St. Leonard, circa 1240, in Beeford Church. 12. Tomb of Thomas Tonge, Ecctor of Beeford. 13. South- West View of Barmstou Cliurch. 14. Tomb of Sir Martin de la See, in Harmston Church. 15. North-East View of the Priory Ciiurch of Swine. 16. South-West "N'iew of the same, botii taken before the destruction of the ancient Tower. 17. North-Wcst View of Skirlaugli Chapel. Hull: J. Greenwood, Bowlalley Lane, 1835; Goddard and Brown, Printers. (JEYDALE: or Rural Contemplations: a Poem. By T. M.'VUDE, I';s(|. The Fourth Kililion. Hiclimond: ])rinted by and for T. IJowman ; sold also by Longman, llursl, Keos, Orme, and Brown, 1/ondon ; and T. Fall, Leyburn. ISIG. {Octavo.) NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 187 122 pp., including the Advertisement, Dedication, Introduction, and 64 pp. of Notes, historical and descriptive. With a View of Bolton Castle, engraved by W. Darton, as a frontis- piece ; also a folded Pedigree of the Lords Scrope of Bolton, and of Masham and Upsall, p. 109. Published at 2s. Gd. in boards. CCLXIII. The THEEE DAYS of WENSLETDALE ; the Valley of the Yore. By W. G. M. JONES BARKER, Esq. " Veritas temporis filia." London : Charles Dolman, 61, New Bond Street, and 22, Paternoster Row. MDCCCLIV. (Octavo.) Title as above ; Dedication ; Contents ; Illustration and Prologue ; xxiii. pp. The Three Days ; List of Birds and Plants ; Extracts ; Sanctuary Roll ; and Appendix ; 296 pp. List of Woodcuts. 1. Hardraw Scaur. Frontispiece. 2. Saxon Cross in Hauxwell Churchyard, p. 19. 3. Armorial Shields, No. 1, p. 35. 4. Armorial Shields, No. 2, and Seal of Coverbam Abbey, p. 60. 5. Ground Plan of Jorevalle Abbey, p. 110. (!. Seal of the Collegiate Church, Middleham, p. 135. 7. Seal of John, Tenth Lord Scrope, of Bolton, p. 177. 8. Independent Chapel, West Burton, p. 211. 9. Aysgarth Force, p. 214. 10. Armorial Shields, No. 3, p. 229. 11. Lake Semerwater, p. 236. The following Woodcuts are printed in the letter-press : — 1. Low Fors, on p. ix. ; 2. Middleham Castle, on p. 1 ; 3. Font in St. Oswald's, Thornton Steward, on p. 47 ; 4. Chapter House, Jorevalle Abbey, on p. 49 ; 5. Fragment of a Cross, Wensley Church, on p. 100 ; 6. Bolton Castle, on p. 105 ; 7. St. Oswald's, Thornton Steward, on p. 257 ; 8. Ancient Brass Key, on p. 284. Several of the Armorial Shields, etc., are repeated. Published at 8s. Gd. in cloth. This is a very inferior topographical Work. The object of writing it seems to have been for the purpose of glorifying the Roman Catholic religion. The Author died in 1855, and is buried in East Witton Churchyard, at the east end. CCLXIV. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of MASHAM and JMASHAM- SHIRE ; together with an Account of its several Franchises, its Ancient Lords, Rectors, Prebendaries, Vicars, Curates, &c. &c. ; and Appendixes, containing Copies of several Charters, Grants, and other Important Docu- 188 THE YOEKSIireE LIBEARY. ments relating to the Manor, Porest, Free Warren and Free Chase, Markets, Fairs, Prebendal Church, &c., of Mashara. With uunieroua Lithographic and Woodcut Illustrations. By JOHN FISHER, Esq. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court. Eipon: W. Harrison, Market Place, and all Booksellers. 1SG5. (Octavo.) Title; Dedication to Vice-Admiral O. Vernon Harcourt; and Obituary ; 6 pp. History; Appendix; and Index ; 590 pp. Addenda et Corrigenda, 4 pp., not numbered. List of Plates. 1. Swinton Park, the Seat of Mrs. Dauby Harcourt ; Newbald and Stead, lithographers. Frontispiece. 2. Lake Semerwater, p. 17. 3. Hardraw Scaur, p. 19. 4. Aysgarth Force, p. 20. 5. Aldburgh Hall, p. 42. 6. Part of a Saxon Cross, found in a wall near Masham Church ; Scene in Hackfall ; p. 152. 7. Swinton Hall, p. 1G5. 8. Snape Castle, p. 255. 9. Clifton Castle, p. 297. 10. Sepulchral Slabs in Masham Church, p. 308 (lithograph). 11. Ancient Cross at Masham, p. 310 (folded). 12. Seal of Masham Peculiar, p. 337. 13. W. Doorway of the Norman Tower, Masham Church, p. 880. 14. The Wyvill Monument in Masham Church, p. 3S1 (folded). 15. Little or Low B.irton Hall, p. 3S2. IG. Bronze Patella> and Gold Armlet, found near Masham ; Gargoyle and Hand-bell, found in Masham Church ; p. 425 (lithogr.aph). 17. Two Sepulchral Stone Cists, found in the Mar-Field, near Masham, in 1835 and 1S3G, p. 42G (litliograph). 18. Sepulchral Crosses, found in Masham Church, p. 430 (lithograph). The above Plates are Woodcuts, many of them borrowed from other Works. Those marked " lithograph " are original. A profusion of Wood- cuts (principally borrowed) is printed in the letter-press, of which the following are worth noting : — Masham Church, N.W., on p. 1 ; the Old Hall at Swinton, 1723, p. 138 ; Quarrygill Bridge, p. 172 ; View in Arna- gill, p. 175; Keraains of the Old Chapel at High Burton, p. 188; St. Paul's Church, Healey, p. 189; the Kiddel Memorial Mechanics' Institute, p. 197 ; View of Masham from above the Bridge, ]). 200 ; Seal of .lohn de Mowbray, p. 21G ; Portrait of Alderman liobert Ascough, of York, p. 303 ; Mashara Church from the South, p. 308. The Author was a solicitor in Mashara ; ho is now retired. CCLXV. A TOUR in TEESDALE; including Eokeby and its EnvironB. Second Edition. York : printed by Thomas AVilson and Sous, High Ousegate ; and sold by Longman and Co., Paternoster liow, Loudon. 1813. {Duodecimo.) 90 pp., with a folded Map of Tecsdalo. NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 189 Published at 3s. in boards. By Mr. Richard Garland, a native of York. He resided some time at Barnard Castle, from whence he communicated several letters to the ' York Herald ' newspaper on tlie picturesque beauties of Teesdale, which •were collected in a small vokiiue, printed in ISO-i. The Second Edition is given above; and a Tliird appeared in 182i. Mr. Grarland practised in Hull, from 1802, as a resjjectablo solicitor, to the time of his death, Feb. 16th, 1827, ffit. 52. CCLXVI. The HISTORY of CLEVELAND, in the North Biding of the County of York ; comprehending an Historical and Descriptive View of the Ancient and Present State of each Parish within the Wapentake of Lan- bargh; the Soil, Produce, and Natural Curiosities; with the Origin and Genealogy of the Principal Families within the District. By the Rev. JOHN GRAVES. Carlisle : printed by F. Jollie and Sous ; and sold by J. Todd, York ; Christopher and Jennett, Stockton ; and by Veruor, Hood, and Sharpe, Poultry ; and W. Clarke, New Bond Street, London. 1808. (Quarto.) Engraved Title-page, designed and engraved by Humphrey Collins, historical chalk engraver ; Lambert sc. Printed Title as above ; Dedication ; Advertisement. Introduction, and History of Cleveland, 486 pp. Appendix; Index; Subscribers' Names ; and Errata ; 25 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by J. Bird, and Engraved by R. Scott. 1. Cleveland Hills, from Cliilrigg Wood. Frontispiece. 2. An accurate Map of Cleveland, copied from Jeiferya'a large Map of Yorkshire; H. Wilson sc. ; p. 31 (folded). 3. View of Yarm Bridge, from the West, p. C3. 4. Cast Iron Bridgte over the Tees at Yarm, p. 68. 5. View of Mount Grace Priory, p. 133. 6. Monument of Sir Nicholas de Meynil in Whorlton Church ; Hen. Rhodes, architect, del., J. Basire sc. ; p. 148. 7. Leven Grove, the Seat of the Right Hon. Dowager Lady Amherst, to whom this Plate is dedicated, p. 173. 8. Rosebury Topping, from the North-West, p. 214. 9. View of Runswick Bay, p. 321. 10. Skelton Castle, the Seat of John Wharton, Esq., M.P., to whom this Plate is dedicated, p. 356. List of Woodcuts, engraved by Green, on the letter-press : — 1. Seal of Langbargh Wapentake, on p. 44 ; 2. Castle Hill, on p. 93 ; 3. Guis- brough Priory, on p. 119 ; 4. Mount Grace Priory, on p. 129 ; 5. Remains of Whorlton" Castle, on p. 144 ; 6. Gateway at Carleton, on p. 162 ; 7. Guisbrough Priory, repeated on p. 420. Pedigree of the Family of Chaloner of Guisbrough, to face p. 416 (folded). Now sells at 6s. There are Large Papee copies, worth 12s. 190 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CCLXVII. The HISTOET and ANTIQUITIES of CLEVELAND, comprising the AVapentake of East and West Langbargh, North Riding, County of York. By JOHN WALKER OED, E.G.S.L., ISIember of Council of the British Archaeological Association, Corresponding Member and Fellow of the Loudou Genealogical Society, President of the Cliariug Cross Medical and Scientific Society, President of the Stockton Literary and Philosophical Institute ; formerly Editor of the ' Conservative Journal ' and ' Northern Times,' and Author of ' England,' ' The Bard,' ' Rural Sketches,' etc. etc. London ; Simpkin and Marshall. Edinburgh : W. Tait. Stokesley : W. Braithwaite. 1S46. (Quarto.) Title-page, a Woodcut View of the East End of Gisburn Priory ; within the window is printed ' The History of Cleveland. J. Walker Ord, Esq.' Title as above ; Dedication to Lord I'eversham ; Preface, 2 pp. ; List of Subscribers, 5 pp. History of Cleveland, 566 pp. Appendix, Charters, etc., pp. 567 to 611. Index, pp. 615 to 622. Index to the Pedigrees ; Directions to Binder, etc. ; pp. 622 and 623. List or Pl.\tes. 1. Portrait of J. W. Ord, the Author, engraved by B. F. Lloyd and Co., Edinburgh. Frontispiece. 2. Geological Map of the Cleveland Coast, p. 69. 3. Eestored View of Guisborough Priory ; Win. D. Bruce, Esq., Eipon, del. ; Vl. Monkhouse lith., York ; p. 16l!. 4. Tomb of Robert de Brus, at Guisborough ; and Effigy of Sir William de Brus in Pickering Church ; W. D. Bruce del., J. E. Walbrau lith. ; p. 199. 5. Map of Cleveland, divided into East and West Langbargh, Poor Law Unions, showing the Eaihvays, Eoads, etc. ; litliographed by Day and Haghe; p. 202 (folded). 6. Skelton Castle. (This is Plate 10 in Graves's Cleveland, for which work it was engraved.) P. 215. 7. Loftliouse Rectory ; Benoni and Cory, architects ; p. 277. 8. Runswick Bay. (Plate 9 of Graves's Cleveland.) P. 302. 9. Mulgrave Castle; B. F. Lloyd, Edinburgh, sc. ; p. 313. 10. Marske Hall ; T. Pickeu del., Day and lliighe lith. ; p. 353. 11. Kirklcatliam Jlall ; W. Monkhouse lith., York; p. 367. 12. Kildale Hall ; Day and Haghe lith. ; p. -125. 13. Acklam Hall, p. 527. List of Woodcuts, printed in tlic Letter-jiress. 1. An Ancient IJriton, on p. 8 ; 2. An Ancient Druid, on p. 11 ; 3. Queen Hoadicca, on p. 16; I. Ancient Shi])M of War, on p. 31; 5. Rose- bury To|)ping, on p. VtH ; 6. (Jcological Strata, on p. 73 ; 7. Lam- bert Russell, on p. 80 ; 8. A Cleveland Cottage, on p. 88 ; 9. Cot- tages at Thornton Park, on p. 90; 10. A celebrated Short-horned Cow, J. Ilcavyside sc, on p. 95 ; 11. Cleveland Horses, on p. 97 ; NOKTH RIDING OF YORKSIHRE. 191 12. TJm and Engraved Stones, from Tumuli, on p. 110 ; 13. Eston- Nab Beacon, on p. 121 ; 14. Bronze and Stone Weapons, on p. 127; 1.5. Sepulchral Slab and two Crucifixes, on p. 136; IG. Two Coins and a Jetton, on p. 142 : 17. Great Seal of Henry VIII., and three Eiugs, on p. 14.3 ; IS. Carved Stone found in Newton Church, on p. 144 ; 19. Stone Coffin.s from Gruisborough Priory, on p. 145 ; 20. Tomb of de Brus, on p. 146 ; 21. Supposed Saxon Church, on p. 153 ; 22. Austin Canon, on p. 169 ; 23. Monumental Brass of Pursglove, last Prior of Guisborough, at Tideswell, on p. 193 ; 24. Guisborough Abbey, on p. 201 ; 25. Tocketfs Hall, on p. 232 ; 26. Guisborough Church, on p. 240 ; 27. Old Skelton Castle, on p. 253 ; 28. View near Handale Abbey, on p. 284 ; 29. Hermitage at Mulgrave, on p. 316 ; 30. Arms of Latimer, and Bridge near Danby Castle, on p. 335 ; 31. Euius of Danby Castle, on p. 347 ; 32. View of Redcar, on p. 365 ; 33. Distant View of Stokesley, C. Todd del., W. C. Standfast sc, on p. 392 ; 34. Stokesley Factory, on p. 403 ; 35. Stokesley Church, on p. 406 ; 36. Ingleby Church, on p. 434 ; 37. Sepulchral EflBgy in Ingleby Churchyard, on p. 435 ; 38. Whorlton Castle, on p. 448 : 39. Monument in Whorlton Church, on p. 450 ; 40. Moimt Grace Priory, on p. 4G4 ; 41. View of Eedcar, on p. 540 ; 42. Medallion of Captain Cook, on p. 551. Separate Pedigree : Bruce of Skelton, on which are the Arms of the Marquis of Ailesbury, and an old Seal of the Bruces of Kennet, in Clack- mannanshire ; p. 245 (folded). Forty-two other Pedigrees are printed in the letter-press. This work is written in a fulsome style. The Author was unfit for such a great work as the History of Cleveland ; he was not an antiquary. CCLXVIII. The HISTOET of NOETHALLERTON, in the County of York. To which is added a Description of the Castle Hills (a Poem), by Miss A. CEOSSFIELD. Northallerton : printed by and for J. Laugdale ; and sold by Messrs. Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, York. 1791. 88 pp. (Octavo.) CCLXIX. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of NORTH ALLERTON, in the County of York. By C. J. DAVISON INGLEDEW, Esq., of the Middle Temple, F.G.H.S. London : Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street, mdccclviii. (Octavo.) Title as above ; Preface ; and List of Subscribers ; xi. pp. History of Northallerton ; Appendix ; Addenda et Corrigenda ; and Index ; 400 pp. List of Plates. 1. N.E. View of Northallerton Church. Frontispiece. 2. Figures of the Standard, p. 15. 3. Castle Hills, Northallerton ; W. Monkhouse lith. ; p. 120. 192 THE YOEKSinKE LIBKAEY. CCLXX. HISTOETA EIEVALLENSIS : containing the History of KIEBY MOOESIDE, and an Accoimt of the most important Places in its vicinity ; together with brief notices of the more remote or less important ones. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on t!ie Animal Eemains and other curious Piienomeua in the receutlv discovered Cave at KIEKDALE. By the Eev. "W. EAST.MEAD, Author of ' Observations on Human Life,"' and Honorary Jlember of the Yorkshire, Hull, and Whitby Literary and Phi- losophical Societies. London : sold by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy ; Wolstenholme, York, and all other Booksellers. Printed at the office of E. Peat, Thirsk. 182i. (^Octavo.) Title as above ; Dedication, 2 pp. ; Preface, 4 pp. ; Subscribers' Names and Table of Contents, 8 pp. Account of Kirkdale Cave, pp. 1 to 4-1. View of Ancient History to the Norman Conquest, pp. 45 to 76. Half-title, and History of Kirby Moorside, etc., pp. 77 to 479. Greneral Index, pp. 4S0 to 486. List of Plates. 1. Lestingham Church and Crypt ; J. Jackson del., F. Smith sc. ; pre- sented by John Jackson, E.A. Frontispiece. 2. A View of Kirkdale Cave, and Ground Plan ; two "Woodcuts by Green ; p. 7. 3. South View of Kirby Moorside Church, p. 107. 4. South View of Kirkdale Church, p. 151. 5. Saxon Inscription, Kirkdale Church, p. 152. Byland Abbey, a Woodcut on p. 391. 6. Eievaulx Abbey, a Woodcut by Green, p. 421. Encaustic Tile, a Woodcut on j). 427 ; East AVindow of Harum Church, on p. 433. 7. Ground Plan, and Pont, Lestingham Church ; drawn and presented by John Jackson, E.A., who was a native of Lestingham ; p. 416. CCLXXL The HISTORY of THIESK; including an Account of its once cele- brated Castle, Topclifl'e, Byland, and Eievaulx Abbies, &c., &c., and other Eemains of Antiquity in the Keighbourhood, with Biographical Notices of Eminent Men. Thirsk : printed and sold by Eubort Peat ; sold also by E. Burdckin, York. 1821. {Octavo.) Half-title, with 4 Verses; Title as above; Preface, signed by J. B. jEFFionsoN ; and History ; 176 pp. Index and Errata, \i\t. 177 to 180. List of Woodcuts : — 1. Thirsk Church, Frontispiece : 2. Eievaulx Abbey, p. 112; 3. South Kilvington Font, p. 121. Now sells at is. ; it is a good book. NORTH RIDLXG OF YORKSHIRE. 193 CCLXXII. A TRIP to COATHAM, a Watering Place in the Nortli Extremity of Yorkshire. By W. HFTTON, F.A.S.S. London : printed by and for John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street ; sold also by Longman and Co., Paternoster Row ; by Knott and Lloyd, Birmingham ; Todd and Sons, York ; and Christopher and Jennett, Stockton-upon-Tees. 1810. {Octavo.) 326 pp., including the Preface, Index, List of Plates, and Books pub- lished by the same Author. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of the Author, engraved by J. Basire. Frontispiece. 2. Map of Cleveland; H. Wilson sc. ; p. 185 (folded). 3. Plan of the Road from Sandal Castle to Wakefield, p. 27. 4. Plan of Isurium, near Boroughbridge, p. 204. 5. A Roman Urn and Inscription found near Devil Cross, also the Obe- lisks, or Arrows, near Boroughbridge, p. 236. CCLXXIII. THE ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK and VISITOR'S GUIDE to REDCAB, with a Historical and Descriptive Narration of Places of In- terest suitable for Rambles, — viz. Coatham, Kirkleatham, Wilton, Eston Nab, Ormesby, Marton, Marske, Saltburne, Skelton, Upleatham, Gis- borough, MIDDLESBROUGH, &c. &c. [By J. R. Walbran.] Also Remarks on Sea Aii-, Bathing, Ac, by a Surgeon. Stokesley and Redcar : William Braithwaite. 1850. {Duodecimo.') Title as above, and 115 pp., illustrated with 12 Woodcuts from Ord's Cleveland, on the Letter-press, and the following Lithographs : — 1. Redcar Church. Frontispiece. 2. Redcar, from the West, p. 31. 3. Kirkleatham Hall, p. GO. 4. Wilton Castle, p. 67. 5. Guisborough Abbey, p. 97. 2 c 194 THE YORKSinRE LIBRARY. CCLXXIV. The HISTOET of WHITBY and of WHITBY ABBEY; collected from the Original Eecords of the Abbey, and other authentic Memoirs, never before made public ; containing not only the History of Whitby and the Country adjacent, but also the Original and Antiquity of many par- ticular Families and Places in other parts of Yorkshire : divided into Three Boo?;s : I. The History of Whitby and of Whitby Abbey before the Conquest; II. The Continuation of that History to the Dissolution of the Monastery ; III- The further continuation of that History to the end of the Year 1776, ivitli the present state of AVhitbv, &c. By LIONEL CHAELTON, Teacher of the Mathematics at Whitby. "Nescire quod antequam natu3 esses actum est, id semper esse puerum." — Ciceko. York : Printed by A. Ward ; and sold in London by T. Cadell, in the Strand, and G. Eobinson, in Paternoster Eow ; as also by all the Book- sellers in York; and by J. Monkman, Bookseller, in Whitby, mdcclxxix. (Qunrto.) Title-page as above. Dedication, and List of Subscribers, p. iii. to x. Preface, Errata, and Directions for the Plates, p. xi. to xviii. Historical Part, and Index, 379 pp. List op Plates. 1. Plan of the Town and Harbour of Whitby, made in 1778 by L. Charl- ton ; .las. Taylor sc. Frontispiece (folded). 2. South East Prospect of Whitby Abbey, 1773 ; Ja. Hutchinson del., Ja. Taylor sc. ; p. 49. 3. Stained Glass (Plate I.) ; F. Oibson del., J. Taylor sc. ; p. 286. 4. Stained Glass (Plate II.), p. 286. CCLXXV. A GLOSS AEY of YOEKSIIIEE WOEDS and PHRASES, collected in WIllTBY and the Neighbourliood. With examples of their coUoquial Use, and Allusions to Local Customs and Traditions. By an Inhabitant. [F. K. EoiiiNsoN.] London : John Eussell Smith, 3G, Soho Square. 1855. {Duodecimo.) Half-title ; Title as above ; Preface ; x. pp. Glossary and Addenda, 201- pp. Published at 3s. Gd., in cloth boards. CCLXXVI. A HISTOEY of WHITBY and STEEONESHALH AB15EY; with a Statistical Survey of Uie Vicinity to the Distance of Twenty-five Miles. By the Key. (iHORGE YOUNG, with tlio nssi,stanco of some piiixrs left by the late Mr. J{. Winter, and some materials furnished by Mr. .1. 15ini). Whitby: printed and sold by Clark and Medd; soUi also by Jjongmau and Co., and ]{. Feiincr, London ; and Oliphanl, Waugh and Co., Ivlin- burgli. lu Two Volumes. 1817. (Octavo.) NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 195 Vol. I. Title, on which is a Woodcut of Rievaulx Abbey ; Preface, 6 pp. ; Con- tents, and List of Plates to both Volumes. History of Whitby, 470 pp. List of Plates. 1. View of Whitby, aquatint. Frontispiece. Inscription on a Pillar, Whitby Abbey, a Woodcut on p. 341. 2. Whitby Abbey ; drawn and etched by John Bird ; p. 344. Guisborough Priory, a Woodcut on p. 421 ; Eosedale Nunnery, on p. 437 ; Inscription at Eosedale Nunnery, on p. 438. *^* In many copies there are tlie following additional Plates, drawn and etched by John Bird : — 3. Whitby Abbey, p. 341. 4. Hacknesa Church, p. 359. 5. Eievauls Abbey, p. 446. Vol. II. Title, on which is a Woodcut of the Arras of Whitby Abbey. Contents, and List of Woodcuts to both Volumes, on which is repeated the Woodcut of Guisborough Priory, 2 pp. History of Whitby, etc., pp. 471 to 938. Index ; List of Subscribers ; Errata et Corrigenda ; pp. 939 to 954. There is a folded sheet, on the Whale Fishery, facing p. 568, which is not paged. List of Plates. 1. Map of the Vicinity of Whitby, and Plan of the Town ; Barber and Whitwell sc, York. Frontispiece (folded). Whitby Bridge, a Woodcut on p. 543 ; Whitby Town Hall, on p. 589 Roman Camps at Cawthorn, on page 694 ; Inscription at July Park, on p. 703 ; Roman Inscription, found at Ravenhill, on p. 708 Saxon Inscription, Kirkdale Cluirch, on p. 743 ; Saxon Inscription, Edstone Church, on p. 747 ; Inscription, Bilsdale Church, on p 749 ; Inscription on a Copper-plate, found at Scarborough, on p 751 ; Whitby Abbey Cross, on p. 753. 2. Crosses, p. 754. Plan of the Alum Garth, on p. 759. 3. Antiquities, p. 764. Wainstones Inscription, on p. 768 ; Bridestones, on p. 775 ; Hob Hole, on p. 776. 4. Portrait of Captain Cook ; W. and D. Lizars sc. ; p. 861. *** In many copies there are the following additional Plates : — • 5. View of Whitby, p. 512. 6. Plan of Whitby in 1740, p. 555. 7. Scar- borough Castle, p. 737. 8. Lestinghaui Church, p. 740. Published at 21«. in boards, or with 11 Additional Plates, 26s. ; now sells at 8«. There are Large Paper copies. Badly printed on inferior paper, with paltry amateur etchings. The work itself betrays haste in bringing it out, the Author stating in the Pre- face that the first part of a chapter, and even of a sheet, was gone to the press, before the last was written. 196 THE YORKSHIEE LIBKAEY. CCLXXVn. A PICTUEE of "WHITBY and its Environs. By the Eev. GEO. TOUNG-, A.M., Corresponding Member of the "Wernerian Natural His- tory Society, and Honorary Blember of the Yorkshire and Hull Literary and Philosophical Societies, &c. "Whitby : printed and sold by E. Eodgers ; and sold also by E. Kirby, "Wliitby ; and in Scarborough, S'tockton, &c. 182-4. {Duodecimo.) Title ; Preface ; and Contents ; viii. pp. Picture of Whitby, 310 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by J. Bird, Engraved by "W. Cave, York. 1. View of Whitby. Frontispiece. 2. Sneaton Castle, p. 256. 3. Antiquities, Woodcuts, p. 280 (folded). 4. Mulgrave Castle, p. 303. 5. Map and Plan (folded at the end of the "Volume). Also 18 Woodcuts printed in the letter-press, which are borrowed from the History of Whitby, as well as Nos. 3 and 5 of the above. Published at 6s. in boards. The substance of this work is in the History of Whitby. There is, however, much additional information. CCLXXVIII. EEED'S ILLrSTEATED GUIDE to WHITBY, and Visitor's Handbook of the Town and Neighbourhood. Containing a History of the Abbey and Town, and a full Dcscri|)tion of the Kidcs and Walks in the Environs, with a Map of the Neighbourhood. And an Essay on Sea- bathing, by John Dowson, BI.D. Whitby: Silvester Eeed, Old Market Place. 1851. {Duodecimo.) 88 pp.," with a folded Map of Whitby and the country adjacent, an addi- tional Title, and eight excellent AVoodcuts printed in the letter-press. This is of the usual character of Guides. Published at Is. CCLXXIX. ILLrSTEATIONS of the SCENEEY on the LINE of the WHITBY and PICKEKING EAILWAY, in the North-Eastern part of Yorkshire. From Drawings by G. Dodoson. Witli a short Description of the Dis- trict and Undertaking, by IlENllY BELCIIEE. " On it runs, WinniiiR il9 ciiay way Tliro' j^li'iis lork'd up before." — BoOEUS. London : published for the Proprietors by Longman, Eeos, Orme, Brown, CJrcen, and liongman, J'atornostcr Eow. 183G. {Octavo.) Title as above; Introduction, (! pp. AVliithy, etc., 90 pp. Appendix, pp. 91 to 115. NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 197 List of Plates. 1. Whitby A bbey, North Aisle. Title-page. 2. Whitby from the West Pier, p. 1. 3. Cliffs at Peak, Eobiii Hood's Bay, p. 6. 4. Whitby Abbey, from the Churcliyard, p. 10. West End of Whitby Abbey, a Woodcut on p. IG ; Weighing-machine House, on p. 19 ; Bridge over the Esk, on p. 21. 5. Sleight's Bridge, p. 22. Eskdale Chapel, a Woodcut on p. 24 ; Cutting in Eskdale, on p. 26. 6. Bridge No. 5 in Eskdale, p. 26. Bridge over the Esk, a Woodcut on p. 27 : another Bridge over the Esk, on p. 30. 7. Entrance to the Vale of Goathlaud, p. 35. 8. Thoraason Foss, p. 46. 9. Entrance into Newton Dale, North end, p. 52. 10. Newton Dale Scars, p. 54. 11. Newton Dale, South End, p. 56. 12. Eaindale Mill, Newton Dale, p. 59. 13. Pickering Castle, p. 63. Pickering Castle, a Woodcut on p. 76. Published at 10s. in cloth ; Large Papee Copies, 15s. It was printed at the expense of the Railway Company, for the purpose of inducing the public to visit the neighbourhood of the Railway. The Plates and printing are executed in a first-rate manner. CCLXXX. The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of SCAEBOEOFGH and the Vicinity ; with Views and Plans. By THOMAS HINDEEWELL. " Neglecta reducit, sparsa colligit, utilia seligit, necessaria ostendit, — sic utile." York : printed by William Blanchard for E. Bayley, Successor to J. Schofield, Scarborough; sold by AVm. Eichardson, near the Eoyal Ex- change ; J. and A. Arch, Lombard Street, London ; and Wm. Tessey- man, York. 1798. (Quarto.) Title-page as above. Dedication ; Names of Subscribers ; Preface ; Contents ; and Errata ; Spp. History of Scarborough and its Vicinity, 352 pp. List of Plates. 1. View of Scarborough ; J. Hornsey del., J. Walker sc. Prontispieee. Inscription on a Stone, found at Ravenhill Hall, on p. 20. 2. Seal of the Borough of Scarborough, and the Bailiii''s Seal of Office ; Hornsey del., Fittler sc. ; p. 144. 3. Plan of the Borough of Scarborough, p. 171 (folded). 4. Plan of the Vicinity of Scarborough, p. 241. 5. View of Whitby; Tayleure del., J. AValker sc. ; p. 267. 6. View of Hackness ; J. Hornsey del., J. Walker sc. ; p. 281. 198 THE YORKSHIRE LORART. A Second Edition, with Additions and Improvements by the Author ■was published in ISll, with Four Plates and Woodcuts. Octavo, 436 pp. There are Large Papee Copies. A Third Edition, enlarged, with a Memoir of Hinderwelll, was pub- lished in 1832. Duodecimo, 295 pp., exclusive of Title, Contents, and Memoir, xxxvii. pp. Several Woodcuts printed in the letter-press. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of Thos. Ilinderwell, J. Greenwood sc. Frontispiece. 2. Scarborough, a Woodcut, p. I. 3. Scarborough Castle, a AVoodcut, p. 30. 4. Keep of Scarborough Castle ; J. Greenwood sc. 5. Siege Coins of Scarborough, a Woodcut, p. 73. 6. St. Mary's Church, a Woodcut, p. 92. 7. Cliff Bridge, and Museum, a Woodcut, p. 224. 32. CCLXXXI. The SCARBOEOUGIT GUIDE, (a Second Edition,) to whicli is pre- fixed a Descriptive Route through Hull and Beverley, with occasional Re- marks, Anccdiitca, and Characters. JIiiU: printed by Thomas Leo and Co., Scale Lane, for J. Schofield, Scarborough. 179(!. ISO pp. {Octavo.) CCLXXXII. A New SCARBOROUGH GUIDE, containing Customs, Amuse- ments, Ijodging-llouscs, &c. &c. &c., with Miscellaneous Anecdotes, and other incidental matter. By a (ifiilloman. "No parly lii'» I luTalil fur the pri'ss, But modcHt I nil 1 1, in iirtlc'SB Eiiglisli dress." NORTH RIDING OF YORKSmRE. 199 London: printed by V. GrifHths, for J. Hamilton, at Shakespeare's Head, No. 46, Paternoster Kow ; W. Creeeli, Edinburgh ; Wilson, Spenco, and Mawmau, York ; Binus, Leeds ; Brooke, Lincoln ; Bell, Hull ; and sold at the Libraries at Scarborough. 1797. 52 pp. {Duodecimo.) This Guide-book is curious from the circumstance of being written by JouN Hatfield, a notorious swindler. During a visit to Keswick, in Cumberland, on a fishing-party, he took up his residence at a small ale- house, kept by Mr. Robinson, calling himself the Hon. A. A. Hope, Mem- ber for Dumfries. Here he paid his addresses to a young lady of fortune, ■who was at Keswick at the same time. Failing of success, iu consequence of the interference of one of her friends, and fearing an exposure if he persisted, he made all haste to gain the hand of his landlord's daughter Mary, commonly called the Maid of Buttermere, and married her publicly by licence, at the Parish Church, October 2, 1S02. He then persuaded some of the credulous iuiiabitants to cash several of his drafts, and left the village on a tour ; but returned shortly after, when Sir F. Vane granted a ■warrant for his apprehension, which obliged him to fly the place, under the pretext of fishing on the lake, — not, however, without getting another of his drafts cashed. Mary was now left at Buttermere, and in an old trunk, which belonged to her vicious husband, discovered a number of letters which disclosed a dark tissue of crimes, and, amongst others, that of bigamy. The report of so gi-eat a man as Colonel Hope marrying a poor young woman iu Cumberland was speedily contradicted in the public papers, and soon afterwards an advertisement appeared, declaring him an impostor, swindler, and felon, oflering a reward of £50 for his apprehension, and giving an accurate description of his person. Within a few days he was apprehended near Brecknock, brought to London and lodged iu Bride- well, and underwent several examinations before Sir E.. Ford, at Bow Street, where his long course of villany was brought to light. On Monday, August 15th, he was tried at Carlisle, before Baron Thompson, on the charges of having used the name of the Hon. Alex. Aug. Hope for fraudulent pur- poses, and having forged bills under the same name, was found guilty, and condemned to the gallows. Neither Mary nor another wife could be pre- vailed upon to prosecute him for bigamy, and upon this charge he accord- ingly escaped. He met his death with great calmness and resignation, having passed the time subsequent to his conviction in reading, writing, and the offices of religion. CCLXXXIII. The SCAEBOEOUGH GUIDE. (Latin quotation). Scarborough : printed and sold by Thomas Coultas. Sold also by Lack- ington, Allen, and Co., Finsbury Square, London ; Todds and Wolsten- holme, York ; Peck, Hull ; Eodgers, and Clarke and Medd, Whitby. 1815. 170 pp., including Dedication, Preface, Index, etc. {Duodecimo.) List of Plates. 1 and 2. Plan. Frontispiece. The Vicinity, p. 7 (folded). 3 and 4. The Spaw, p. 40. Dicky Dickinson, Governor, p. 57. Four Woodcuts on the letter-press. Sells at Is. A very poor book. 200 THE YORICSmRE LIBEARY. CCLXXXIV. A JOURNEY from LONDON to SCARBOEOUGH, in several Let- ters, from a Gentleman there to his Friend in London, consisting of an Account of every thing curious and vrorth_y observation in the several Towns, Villages, and Gentlemen's Seats in his Journey thither ; with a Description of Scarborough and its beautiful Situation ; the various Diver- sions and agreeable Amusements of the Place. The Second Edition, with Additions. London : printed for A. Dodd, at the Peacock, without Temple Bar ; and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country. [Ocfavo.) ■ii pp., with a humorous Frontispiece, the Portrait of Dicky Dickin- son, Governor of Scarborough Spaw, engraved by Clark. CCLXXXV. The SCAEBOEOUGH TOUE in 1803. By "W. IIUTTON, F.A.S.S. London : printed by and for John Nichols and Son, Eed Lion Passage, Fleet Street. 1804. 318 pp., including the Preface and Index. {Octavo.) CCLXXXVI. POETICAL SKETCHES of SCAEBOEOUGH : illustrated by twenty- one Engravings of Humorous Subjects, coloured from Original Designs, made upon the spot by J. GEEEN, and etched by T. EOWLANDSON. The Second Edition. London ; printed for E. Ackermann, 101, Strand, b}' J. Diggens, Saint Ann's Lane. 1813. {Octavo.) Title as above; Dedication to Rev. Francis "Wrangham, M.A., F.R.S., Vicar of Iluumanby ; Advertisement ; Contents. Some Account of Scarborougli, xv. pp. Poetical Sketches, 213 pp. List of Plates (coloured). 1. Widow Ducker and her Nymphs. Frontispiece. 2. A Trip to Scarborough, p. 1. 3. The Breakfast Eoom, p. 1.5. 4. The Spa Wells, p. 25. 5. The Spa Terrace, p. 33. 0. Boot and Shoe Siiop, p. 43. 7. The Castle, p. 53. 8. The Warm Bath, p. 73. 9. Cornelian ]5ay, ]). 85. 10. Sea-bathing, p. 105. 11. The Sands, p. 113. 12. The Ciiurch, p. 123. 13. The Sliower Bath, p. 133. 14.. The Library, ]). 141. 15. The I'rt)monaun. By Rev. John Watson. With a Woodcut. Vol. I., p. 221 of the First Edition, p. 222 of the Second Edition, and p. 242 of the Third Edition. , A Roman Sepulchre found near York. By John Bcrton, M.D. Witli a Plate. Vol. II., p. 177. 212 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. Eonian Antiquities found in Yorkshire, a.d. 1770. By John Burton, M.D. With a Plate. Vol. II., p. 181. Druidieal Remains near Halifax. By Eev. Johk Watson. With a Plate. Vol. II., p. 353. An Inscription in honour of Serapis, found at York. By Mr. Pegge. With a Plate. Vol. III., p. 151. The Eudstone Obelisk. By Mr. Pegge. With a Plate. Vol. V., p. 95. Saxon Inscription. Kirkdale Church. By John Charles Brooke. With a Plate. Vol. V., p. 188. Saxon Inscription, Aldborough Church, Holderness. By John Charles Brooke, Somerset Herald. With a Plate. Vol. VI., p.' 39. The Ancient Buildings of York. By Sir Henry Englefield, Bart. Vol. VI., p. 104. On Ancient Castles. By Edward King. Those belonging to York- shire are, Conisborough, with 3 Plates ; York, with 2 Plates ; Tickhill, with 1 Plate ; Pontefract, with 1 Plate ; Knaresborough, with 1 Plate ; Harewood, with 3 Plates; and Spoflorth, with 2 Plates. Vol. VI., p. 231. Aldborough Church, Holderness. Bv Rev. S. Pegge. A^ol. VII., p. 86. Briraham Rocks. By H. Rooke. With a Plate. Vol. VIII., p. 209. Brotherton CImrch. By Rev. W. Drake. Vol. IX., p. 253. On Cataractouium, and the Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Piers- bridge and Gainstbrd. By John Cade. With a Plate. Vol. IX., p. 276, and Vol. X., p. 51. Some Account of Whitby Abbey, with a Reference to a Machine called the Lewis. By Francis Gibson. Vol. X., p. 123. Font at Thorpe Salvin. By Rickard Holden. With a Plate. Vol. XII., p. 207. Remarks on the same, by Francis Douce, p. 209. The Alien Cell of Begare in Brittany, its Connection with Richmond, etc. By Nicholas Carlisle. Vol. XVI., p. 326. Account of the Yorkshire Insurrection in 1536. By Edmund Lodge, Lancaster Herald. Vol. XVI., p. 330. A Roman Vault discovered in York. By Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. With a Plate. Vol. XVI., p. 310. Font in South Kilvingtou Church. By Robert D. Waddilove, D.D. With a Plate. Vol. XVL, p. 311. Account of Ripon Minster. By Dr. Waddilove. Vol. XVII., p. 128. Ancient Words used in the West Riding. By Robert Willan, M.D. Vol. XVII., p. 138. Register of Persons who sought Sanctuary at St. John of Beverley. By Henry Ellis. Vol. XVII., p. 198. Survey of Bridlington Priory, about the Thirty-second Year of Ilcnry VIII. By John Calky. Vol'. XIX., p. 270. Gateway and Font, Kirkliam Priory, and the Room at I?olton Castle where Mary (^uecn of Scots was conliuod. By Thomas Amyot. AVifh 3 Pl.itos. Vol. XXI., p. 160. IMinstrcIs on a Pillar in Beverley Minster. With a Vignette. Vol. XXI., p. 5.53. Roman Coin Moulds of Clay, found near Wakefield. Vol. X.XIV., ]>. 319. The same -Moulds are noticed in Vol. XIV., p. 99; Vol. XVll., p. 3.33; and Vol. XIX, p. 412. BOOKS TARTLY RELATING TO YORKSHIRE. 213 Observations to prove Filey Bay in Yorkshire the Portus Felix or Sinus Salutaris, and Flamborougli Head the Ocellum Promontorium of the Eomans. By John Walkeu. With a Sketch of the Coast, Urn etc Vol. XXV., p. 127. Eoman Eoads upon the Yorkshire Wolds. By John "Walkek With a Map. Vol. XXVIL, p. 404.. Discovery of Coins of Edward I. and IL at Wvke, near Leeds Bv F Sharpe and D. H. Haigh. Vol. XXVIII., p. 47. Eoniau Eemains discovered in the Caves near Settle. By Joseph Jackson. Vol. XXIX., p. 384. Sepulchral Vase and other Antiquities discovered near Scarborough By Jabez Allies. With a Vignette. Vol. XXX., p. 458. Monumental Effigy of De Mauley, formerly in York Minster By Sir S. E. Meteick. With a Plate. Vol. XXXI., p. 238. British Eemains near Bradford. By J. M. N. Colls. With 2 Plates Vol. XXXI., p. 299. Incised Stone found at Helaugh Priory. By William Beomet. M D With a Woodcut. Vol. XXXI., p. 484. Incised Slab of Abbot John Barwic, Selby Abbey. By William Bromet, M.D. Vol. XXXI., p. 498. J' 1 vv lham Bronze Collar found at Embsay. With a Plate. Vol. XXXI., p. 517. On the Site of Cambodunum. By Eev. Joseph Huntee. Vol XXXlf p. IG, ■' Opening of some Tumuli in the East Eiding of Yorkshire. By Lord LoNDESBOBouGH. With a Plate and Woodcuts. Vol. XXXIV., p. 251 Saxon Inscription at Dewsbury. By Dr. Hemingway. With a Plate Vol. XXXIV., p. 437. Celtic Eemains from a Tumulus near Scarborough. By John Tissiman With a Plate and Woodcuts. Vol. XXXIV., p. 446. CCCVIL PHILOSOPHICAL TEANSACTIONS OF THE EOYAL SO CIETY. The First Volume was published in 1665. The earlier Volumes contain many antiquarian notices. Before the In- corporation of the Society of Antiquaries, in 1751, the Eoyal Society included antiquaries amongst its fellows. The following Articles relate to YOEKSHIEE :— 1. Eomau Urns and other Antiquities found near York. By Dr Mae- tin Lister. No. 4. 2. Eoman Antiquities found at York. By Dr. M. Lister. With a Plate. No. 145. 3. On the Multangular Tower at York. By Dr. M. Listee With a Plate. No. 149. 4. Earthen Vessel found at York. No. 171. 5. A Eoman Pottery near Leeds. By Ealph Thoeesbt. No. 222. 6 Eoman Antiquities ; Coin Moulds found at Lingwell Gate ; two letters by Ealph Thoeesbt. No. 234. 214 THE YORKSmRE LIBRARY. 7. Eoman Antiquities found in Yorkshire. By R. Thoresbt. No. 24-1. 8. Norman Coins found at York. By Ralph Thoresbt. No. 2G7. 9. Eoman luscriptious and Antiquities iu Yorkshire. By Christopuee Hunter. No. 278. 10. Eoman Remains at AdelL By Ralph Thoresbt. No. 282. 11. A Eoman Leaden Coffin lound near York. By Thoresbt. No. 206. 12. Eoman Inscription found at York, and Eomau Coins found at Clifton near Doncaster. By Ealph Thoresbt. No. 303. 13. Eoman Inscription at York, proving the Ninth Legion resided there. By E. Thoresbt. No. 305. 14. Eoman Coins found at Cookridge By Ealph Thoresbt. No. 31G. 15. Eomau Monuments at Adell. By Tuouesbt. Nos. 310 and 320. 16. Bronze Celts found at Kiddal. By E. Thoresbt. No. 322. 17. Two Pigs of Roman Lead found near Ripley. By Rev. Mr, Kik- SHAW. No. -159. 18. Account of an Earthquake at Scarborough, 1737. By Maurice Johnson. No. 461. 19. On the Site of Delgovitia, near Pocklington. By Thomas Knowl- TON. No. 479. 20. On the same. By Dr. John Burton. No. 483. 21. Roman Bas-relief of Mithras found at York. By Dr. Stukeley. No. 493. 22. Eoman Altar found at York. By Francis Drake and John "Ward, LL.D. With a Plate. Vol. XLVIll., Part 1, p. 33. N.B. Vol. XLYIL, for 1751 and 1752, printed in 1753, is the first recognized Yolume of the Eoyal Society ; the previous arrangement was iu Numbers. 23. Eoman Inscription found at Malton, 1753. By John Ward. With a Plate. Yol. XLIX., Part ], p. 69. 24. Eoman Inscriptions on two Pigs of Lead found on Hayshaw Moor. By John Ward. AVitli a Plate. Yol. XLIX., Part 2, p. 686. 25. Fossil Bones of an Alligator found at Whitby. By Capt. William Chapman. Vol. L., Part 2, p. 688. CCCVIII. MUNIMENTA ANTIQUA ; or. Observations on Ancient Castles, etc. By EDWAED KING. Four Volumes. (Folio.) The following relate to YORKSHIRE :— • Vol. I. (1799). — The Devil's Arrows, Boroughbridge, p. 120; Stone at Sowerby, p. 122 ; Stone at Rudstone, p. 122 ; Eoman Interments at York, p. 303 ; Barrow near Aldhorough, ]). 304 ; Tumuli near Wliitby, ji. 311 ; Cairn iu Craven, p. 312 ; Rocking Stone at (Jolcar, p. 32S ; Another at Riahworth, p. 329; Anolhrr between Knarcshnmugli and Skii)lou, p, 330 ; Briniham Rocks, p. 332 ; Wring Cheese on SaUonstall Moor, ]). 338. Yol. J I. (iSOl). — R«mnn Station at Saddlewortli, ]). 63; Camp at Pickering Moor, p. 132; Tessellated Paveniciil at Iloviiigham, p. 109. Vol. III. (ISOt-).— Conisbrough Castle, with 5 Plates, p. 43. Vol. IV. (1805).— Nothing. BOOKS PARTLY RELATING TO YORKSmRE. 215 CCCIX. The AECH^OLOGICAL JOURNAL. Published under tlie Direc- tion of the Central Committee of the Archieological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Encouragement and Prosecution of Eesearches into tlie Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages. (Octavo.) Published in Quarterly Parts to subscribing members. The First Part was issued in March, isii, and the Work is still continued. Many valuable Articles on Yorkshire Antiquities are interspersed in the Volumes. cccx. A Concise DESCRIPTION of the ENDOWED GRAMMAR SCHOOLS in ENGLAND and WALES ; Ornamented with Engravings. By NICHOLAS CARLISLE, F.R.S. In Two Volumes. London : printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster Row, by W. Buhner and Co., Cleveland Row. 1818. {Octavo.) The Work is arranged in the alphabetic order of the Counties. Yorkshire is in the Second Volume, pp. 77s to 920, and has the following Woodcuts of the Seals of the Yorkshire Grammmar Schools: — Bradford, p. 790; Gisburn, p. SOli ; Halifax, p. 808; Hemsworth, p. 821; Pockliugtou, p! 863; Richmond, p. 875 ; Ripon, p. 883 ; Sheffield, p. 897. CCCXI. WINKLES'S CATHEDRALS. Architectural and Picturesque Illus- trations. In Three Volumes. Published in 56 Parts. 1835-1851. {Eoyal Octavo.) Vol. I.— York. Pp. 41 to Gl, the letter-press on York Cathedral. List of Plates. 1. S.E. View of York Cathedral. 2. The Crypt. 3. Ciiapter House. 4. Plan. 5. West Front. 6. S. Transept. 7. The Nave. 8. N. Transept. 9. Choir, looking East. 10. N. Transept, Tower, etc. Vol. III.— Eipoii. Pp. 113 to 128, the letter-press on Ripon Cathedral. List op Plates. 4. The Nave. 1. N.W. View of Ripon Cathedral. 2. S.W. View. 3. S.E. View. 5. The Choir. 6. Ground Plan. The three Volumes published at £3. 3s. Large Papeb copies, Boyal Quarto, £Q. CCCXII. A HOME TOUR through the MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS of ENGLAND in the Summer of 1835. By SIR GEORGE HEAD, Author ot ' Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America.' 216 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, mdcccxxxvi. {^Octavo.) Half-title, Title, Advertisement, Contents, xi. pp. Excursions, 434 pp. About one-third of the book relates to Yorkshire. Published at 9s. Gd. ; sells at 2s. 6d. CCCXIII. WANDEEINGS of an ANTIQUARY, chiefly upon the Traces of the Eomans in Britain. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., E.S.A. London : J. B. Nichols and Sods. 1854. {Octavo.) Two Chapters relate to Yorkshire : — XI., from York to Goodmanham ; aud XII., the Roman City of Isurium, with three Woodcuts. ilisccllaufous. cccxiv. The THOUGHTS of a PRIVATE PERSON about the JUSTICE of the GENTLEMEN'S UNDERTAKING at YORK, Nov., 16S8. AVherein is shewed, that it is neither against Scripture nor Moral Honesty, to defend their Just aud Legal Rights, against the Illegal Invaders of them. Printed in the year 1689. {Octavo.) 34 pp. A mere wordy Pamphlet against the doctrine of non-resistance. cccxv. SERMONS on Several Occasions by the late Reverend aud Learned THOMAS WHITAKER, A.M., Pastor to a Church at Leeds in Yorkshire. Containing : — A Discourse on tlie Parable of the Unclean Spirit. — A Ser- mon on the Death of Mr. Joseph Lister. — A Sermon on the Death of Mr. Josliua Sager. — A Sermon on the Deatli of Mr. Thoiuiis Elstoii. — Some Minutes on the Life and Cliaracter of Mr. Jer. Gill. — Two Sermons on the Funeral of the Reverend Mr. Wliitakcr, by Thomas Dickenson. — A Memorial or Chariicter of jMr. Whitaker, by Mr. .lollic. — A Faithful Minister's Farewell to his People, in two Sermons by T. Bradbury. London : printed for John Penrose, Bookseller in Leeds, and sold by liim, and E. Tracy at the Tia-ec Bibles on London Bridge. 1712. 295 ])[). {Smalt Octavo.) CCCXVI. PIETY DISPLAYED in the HOLY LIFE and DEATH of the Aiu-icnl and (Vl.d)rat.d HP. ROBERT, HERMIT AT KNARES- BRDUGll. My T. (iKNT. VTork. No date. {Duodecimo.) MISCELLANEOUS. 217 CCCXVII. The LEGEND OF ST. EGBERT, THE HERMIT OF KNARES- BEOTJGH. Plate. Knaresbrough. 1785. {Octodecimo.) CCCXVIII. NO CURE, NO PAY: or the Pharraacopolist. A Musical Farce- By HARRY EOWE, Master of a Puppet Show, and Trumpet Major to the High Sheriffa of Yorkshire. With Notes by a Friend. Portrait. York. 1727. (Duodecimo.) CCCXIX. The CUSTOMS and ORDERS of the LORD MAYOR, ALDERMEN, SHERIFFS, FOUR AND TWENTY, and COMMONS, of the CITY of YORK, touching the Wearing of their Gowns, Treats at Elections, and other Ancient Customs. By THOMAS GENT. York. 1731. {Octodecimo.) CCCXX. YORK RACES : being an Historical List of all the Plates and Prizes run for on Clifton and Eawclifle Ings, and since removed to Knavesmire, near the said City ; likewise how the Mares came in every year at Black Hambleton, including the year 1770. Containing the Names of the Owners of the Horses that have run ; and the Names and Colours of the said Horses ; with the Winner distinguished of every Plate, Prize, or Stakes, also of all the Matches : the Conditions of Eunning, as to Weight, Age, Size, etc., and the Places in which the Losing Horses have come in. The Sixth Edition. York : printed and sold by J. Jackson in Peter-gate, mdcclxxi. 166 pp. {Duodecimo.) *#* Pp. 136 to 162 are wrongly numbered 78 to lOIi. CCCXXI. An Authentic Historical EACING CALENDAE of all the Plates, etc., run for at York and other places in Yorkshire, from the years 1709 to 1785 inclusive, with the Cock Matches fought at York, and List of Sub- scribers to the York Assembly Rooms. By W. PICK. York. No date. {Octavo.) CCCXXII. A CIRCUMSTANTIAL ACCOUNT of the PRINCE of WALES'S VISIT to YORK, with a Description of the Gold Box containing the Freedom of the City presented to him in 1789. Also a Sketch of the Entertainment given at Wentworth House, and a Poetical Address to the Royal Brothers, tire Priuce of Wales and Duke of York. York : printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, etc. 1789. {Quarto.) 52 pp., and 3 Engravings of the subjects on the Box. 2 F 218 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CCCXXIII. The TOEK MUSICAL FESTIVAL. A Dialogue. London : John Bohn. 1825. (Quarto.) 60 pp., with an Engraved Title and a folded Plate of a black hand and cross at p. 50. A serio-comic Pamphlet against the York Musical Festival. It is well- ■nritten and highly interesting. CCCXXIV. A LETTEE to VISCOUNT MILTON on the EESTOEATION of TOEK MINSTEE, and the proposed Eemoval of the Choir Screen. By the Eev. W. V. VEENON, F.E.S., Can. Ees. of the Cathedral. York : John and George Todd, Stonegate. 1S30. 29 pp. (Octavo.) A Second Letter on the same. 62 pp., with a Plan shovring the proposed alteration. CCCXXV. EXTEACTS from the LITEEAET and SCIENTIFIC COEEE- SPONDENCE of EICHAED EICHAEDSON, M.D., F.E.S., of Bierlcy, Yorkshire. (Edited by Dawson Tuiineb, Esq.) Yarmouth : printed by Charles Sloman, King Street, mdcccxxxv. (Octavo.) 530 pp. Portrait and Plate of Bierley Hall. 7s. 6^. Printed for private circulation at the expense of Miss Currer, of Eshton Hall. It contains matter on botany, antiquities, and general literature of Great Britain. Half-title and Title. Preface, Memoir of Dr. Eichardson, and Contents, Ixvi. pp. Correspondence, 451 pp. Index to the Notes, 12 pp., not numbered. List of Plates, in Lithography, Printed by Graf and Soeet. 1. Portrait of Eichard Richardson, M.D., F.E.S., facing the Title-page. 2. Bierley Hall, p. x.kv. 3. Cedar of Lebanon at North Bierley, p. xxxi. CCCXXVI. A COLLECTION of WATEE-COLOUE DEA WINGS, iu the pos- session of WALTER FAAVKES, Esi]. (of Farnley). London : printed by Benjamin Bensley. iincccxix. (Stiiall Quarto.) 18 pp. Illustrated with a Plate of the Farnley Gallery, and on the Title a Woodcut of the Fawkca Arms. MISCELLANEOUS. 219 CCCXXVII. A CATALOGUE of PICTTJEES, etc., at WALTON HALL, WAKE- FIELD. Wakefield. 1832 (also 1855). {Octavo.) CCCXXVIII. The TOEKSHIEEMAN, a Eeligious and Literary Journal. By a Eriend. Pontefract : C. Elcock. London : Longman and Co., Paternoster Eow. Leeds: Baines and Newsome. And York: W. Alexander. {Octavo.) Iq 5 Volumes ; published in Numbers of 16 pp. every fortnight, com- mencing July 25th, 1832 ; 24 Numbers, with an Index, forming a Volume ; the fifth Volume terminating the series in 1837 ; the Author, Luke Howard, Esq., F.E.S., a Quaker by birthright, having ceased his connection with the Society of Friends in the latter year. CCCXXIX. Tlie NOETHEEN STAE, or TOEKSHIEE MAGAZINE. A Monthly and Permanent Register of the Statistics, Literature, Biography, Arts, Commerce, and Manufactures of Yorkshire, and the adjoining Counties. London : published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster Eow, and Bentham and Eay, Printers, SheiSeld. In Theee Volumes. {Octavo.) Vol. I. (July— December, 1817.) Title and Preface, 4 pp. ; Northern Star, 550 pp. ; Index, 4 pp. List of Plates. 1. Eoche Abbey ; W. Hartley del., G. Mequiner sc. ; p. 9. 2. Lower Part of the Lovers' Leap, Middleton, a Woodcut by 0. Jewitt, forming pp. 15, 16. 3. Couisbrough Castle ; G. Mequiner sc. ; p. 89. 4. Malham Cove ; E. Burlin del., Mequiner sc. ; p. 163. 5. Mulgrave Castle, a Woodcut by Green, p. 168. 6. Tickhill Castle Gateway, from the Interior ; R. Burlin del., G. Mequiner se. ; p. 243. 7. Clarell Mooastery, Tickhill, p. 323. 8. Kirkstall Abbey, N.W. ; E. L. Knight del. et sc, Leeds ; p. 403. 9. Tickhill Church ; E. Burlin del, G. Mequiner sc. ; p. 481. Also Woodcut Vignettes printed in the letter-press. Vol. II. (January — June, 1818.) Title ; Six Numbers, 8 to 13, of the Northern Star, 494 pp. ; Index to the Second Volume, 4 pp. List of Plates. 1. Fountains Abbey; J. Ehodes del., Wright sc, Leeds ; p. 3. 2. Old Mansion, Norton Lees ; E. Blore del., Mequiner sc. ; p. 93. 220 THE YOEKSIIII^E LIBRARY. 3. Interior of Kirkstall Abbey ; E. L. Wright sc. ; p. 177. 4. Handsworth Church ; Mr. Hirst del, E. Wright sc. ; p. 259. 5. Ancient Mansion, High Sunderland ; H. Briggs del. ; p. 341. 6. Sheffield General Infirmary ; G. Berlin del., E. L. Wright sc. ; p. 421. Vol. in. (July— December, 1S18.) Title and Preface, 4 pp. ; Six Numbers, 14 to 19, of the Northern Star, 472 pp. ; Index to the Tbird Volume, 6 pp. List of Plates. E. L. Wright, Engraver. 1. Gateway of Lancaster Castle, p. 1. 2. St. Agatha's Abbey ; G. Berlin sc. ; p. 81. 3. Manor Castle, Sheffield ; E. W. Thompson del. ; p. 161. 4. Eevolution House, Whittington ; E. Westoby del. ; p. 241. 5. W. View, Bolsover Castle ; J. C. Wallice del., Mequiuer sc. ; p. 321. 6. Aston Church ; E. M. Hirst del. ; p. 401. CCCXXX. The TOEKSHIEE ANTHOLOGY, a Collection of Ancient and Mo- dern Ballads relating to the (bounty of Yorkshire. Collected by JAMES O. HALLIAVELL, Esq., F.E.S., etc. London : printed for private circulation only. 1851. {Quarto.) Title, on which is a Woodcut, the Prophecy of Mother Shipton, 1662 ; on the other side of it is a certificate, signed by the printers, C. and J. Adlard, Dec. 1, 1851, that not more than 110 copies were printed, of wiiich 10 were on very thick paper; Dedication to Lord Londesborough ; Distri- bution of Copies. Yorkshire Anthology, 404 pp. Subscription price, £2. 2s. The Work maintains its price. CCCXXXI. CHAEACTEES and ELEGIES. By EEANCIS WOETLEY, Knight and Baronet. Printed in the Yeere 1646. {Small Quarto.) Title, To the Lovers of Honour and Poesie, viii. pp. Characters and Elegies, 08 pp. Sir Francis Wortley was born in 1592, and created a baronet in 1011. During the Civil Wars ho heartily joined the lioyalist cause, raised a troop of horse, and fortified iiia house, making inc\irsions on tlio country around Wortlcv, by which lie made hiin.seif many enemies. He was taken prisoner at Walton House, near Wakefiehl, .luno 3, 10 li, when lie was committed prisoner to the Tower, and his estates were couliMuated. It is uncertain POETRY. 221 when be died, but it is asserted that it was in 1652, whilst he was in the Tower. His son was the last of the ancient family of Wortley of AVortley. The Characters are in prose and the Elegies in verse, and were composed and printed during Sir Francis's captivity. Besides tliis AV^ork, he pub- lished several small tracts on the occurrences and controversies of the times. The Eev. Joseph Hunter speaks favourably of the book. It is now very Rare, a copy being marked at £4. 4«. in the ' Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica.' A Large P.\per copy brought £6 at the sale of the Earl of Harborough's library, in June, 1864 ; it was a presentation from the Author to Lady Abigail Sherard, with a dedicatory letter to her ladyship, also two additional elegies, " Britannicus his Blessing " and " Britannicus his Well- come," in the autograph of the Author. CCCXXXIL BARNABEE'S JOURNALL, under the names of Mirtilus and Faustulus shadowed : for the Traveller's solace lately published, to most apt Numbers reduced, and to the old Tune of Barnabe commonly chanted. By COETMBCEUS. " The oyle of malt and juyce of spritely nectar Hare made my Muse more valiant than Hector." 224 leaves, with an engraved Frontispiece by W. Marshall. {Duodecimo.) The FiEST Edition is without date, but probably about 1650. It is very rare, and seldom found perfect. The Ninth Edition, by Joseph Haslewood, gives the collation of all the Editions, from which the following is ex- tracted : — The Second Edition has the following Title : — Drunken Barnaby's Four Journies to the North of England. In Latin and English Verse. Wittily and merrily (tho' near one hundred years ago) compos'd ; found among some old musty Books, that had a long time lain by in a corner ; and now at last made publick. To which is added Bessy Bell. ' " Hie est quern quseris, ille quem requiris, Toto notus in orbe Britannus." — HoE. Barnabas Ebrius. London : for S. Illidge, under Searle's Gate, Lincoln's Inn New Square : and sold by S. Ballard in Little Britain, J. Graves in St. James's Street, and J. Walthoe over against the Eoyal E.xchange. 1716. 83 leaves. {Small Octavo.) The Title is a fabrication ; the text is modernized, though not always improved ; the engraved Frontispiece is reversed ; and there is an additional Plate of Barnaby taking leave of his Host at the Inn door, the hostess just behind the landlord. There are also numerous alterations in the text. The Thied Edition.— London : printed for S. Illidge, under Serle's Gate, Lincolu's Inn New Square. 1723. 102 leaves. {Small Octavo.) Illustrated with 4 new copper cuts : 1. The Puritan gibbeting the Cat • 2. Barnaby carried in state from the Cock at Budworth ; 3. The Voyage 222 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. on the Haycock from "Wansforth Brigs ; 4. Examining the Horse without a Tail. Also the Plate of the Second Edition, with the figures of the host and hostess erased and a female substituted, with the Frontispiece, making 6 Plates. The ForETH Edition. — London : printed by W. Stuart, No. 67, Pater- noster Eow. 177-4. Some copies are dated 1776, and others 1778. 102 leaves. {Siiinll Octavo.) This was printed, page for page, from the Third Edition ; the 6 Plates re-engraved, with the subjects reversed, and the Frontispiece without any inscription. The Fifth Edition. — London : printed for J. Harding, No. 36, St. James's Street. 1805. 98 leaves. (^Large and Small Octavo.) Embellished with 7 new Vignettes and Tail-pieces by Harding, printed with the letter-press. The Sixth Edition. — Same Title and date ; improved by collation with the earlier copies. The Setenth Edition. — Bamabje Itinerarium, or Bamabee's Journal. To which are prefixed, an Account of the Author, now first discovered ; a Bibliographical History of the Former Editions of the Work ; and Illus- trative Notes. London : printed for J. Harding, St. James's Street, by R. and A. Taylor, Shoe Lane. 1818. {^Small Octavo.) 174 leaves, with the 7 Vignettes of the Fifth Edition, or copies of them, printed separately ; on one Plate is an additional Vignette ; and a copy of the original Frontispiece, making together S Plates. This is the best Edition, except the Ninth, and may be had at a moderate price, say 10s. An Irish Edition. — Dublin : printed for William Williamson, Wholesale Stationer and Bookseller, at JNlaca-nas's Head, in Bride Street. 1762. 72 leaves. {Octavo.) Tbis, having been overlooked by the English printers, must be called the Eighth Edition, though in reality it is the Fourth. It is a reprint of the Second Edition ; the two Plates are omitted. The Ninth Edition. — Barnabie Itinerarium, or Bamabee's Journal ; by RIC'IlAHl) BEATHWAIT, A.M. With a Life of the Autlior, a Bibliographical Introduction to the Itinerary, and a Catalogue of his Works. Edited from the First Edition by JOSEPH HASLEWOOH. " E'on ill our ashes live their wontoj fires." London. 1820. lu Two Volumes. {Duodecimo.) Vol. I. Half-title; Title as above ; Dedication; Tabic of Contents, Illustrations, and Uistributiou of the whole of the Impression; Life of the Author; xlv. pp. POETRY. 223 Introduction, Notes, Collations of the Text, Catalogue, and Indexes to both Volumes, 459 pp. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of E. Brathwait, and Arms. Frontispiece. 2. Monument in Catterick Church, p. si. 3. Medallion Portrait of E. Brathwait, p. xlv. 4. Woodcut of Queen's College Horn ; also two additional pages of letter- press of description, paged 88* ; p. 89. Vol. II. Half-title; Title. Barnabee's Journal, almost a Facsimile of the First Edition, 448 pp. Illustrated with a copy of the original Frontispiece by Marshall. Tv/r^ u^ ]^^ '"'P'®^ °*" *^'^ I^dition were printed, which now sell for 50^ Mr. Haslewood has completely exhausted the subject, and proved beyond all doubt that Barnaby's Journal was written by Brathwait, which was previously unknown. Barnaby's Journal will ever be a favourite for its broad humour. The Latin verses are inimitable. cccxxxin. The PEAISE of TOEKSHIEE ALE, wherein is enumerated several Sorts of Drink, with a Description of the Humors of most Sorts of Drunckards. To which is added, a Yorkshire Dialogue, in its pure natural Dialect, as is now commonly spoken in the North Parts of Yorkshire. The Third Edition. With the addition of some Observations of the Dialect and Pronuntiatiou of Words in the East Eyding of Yorkshire. Together with a Collection of Significant and Usefull' Proverbs. By Q. M. (George Merrinc/ton, of Northallerton), Gent. York: printed by J. White, for Francis Hildyard, at the Signs of the Bible, in Stonegate. 1697. {Duodecimo.) Title, and To the Eeader, 4 pp. The Praise of Yorkshire Ale, etc., 124 pp. CCCXXXIV. PATEE PATEI^. An Elegiac, Pastoral Dialogue, on the Death of Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle, who died 1 May, 17C8. By THOMAS GENT. {No Place or Bate.) {Octavo.) cccxxxv. SCAEBOEOUGH, a Poem by JOHN DUICK. 1733. CCCXXXVI. SCAEBOEOUGH, a Poem by the Eev. MAEK FOSTEE Y°'k- 1765. • (^Octavo.) This was republished at York, 1802. 224 THE YORKSHIRE LHiRARY. CCCXXXVII. "WHITBY, a Poem by S. JOXES. 1718. (Octavo.) CCCXXXVIII. An ESSAY on HALIFAX. A Poem in Blank Verse. (By "W. WIL- LIAMS.) Halifax : printed by P. Darby. 1761. 21 pp. (Quarto.) CCCXXXIX. LYRA EBORACENSIS ; or Native Lays. Containing a brief Histo- rical and Descriptive Sketch of the ancient City of York, from the Con- quest of Severus. "With other Poems. London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co. Manchester : Banks and Co. York : Joseph Mosou. 1839. (Biwdecimo.) 276 pp., besides Preface, Contents, etc. Illustrated with a S.W. View of York Minster ; H. Cave sc. CCCXL. A POETIC EPISTOLATOEY DESCRIPTION of the CITY of YORK ; comprising an Account of tlie Procession and Entry of the Judges at the present IMarch Assizes. (By W. H. C. IRELAND.) York : printed by Lucas Lund, and sold by all Booksellers. 1811. 22 pp. (Octavo.) CCCXLI. The WHITE ROSE of YORK. A Midsummer Annual. Edited by GEORGE HOGARTH, Esq. Published by John Murray, Albemarle Street, London ; Whitley and Booth, and R. Leyland, Halifax. 1831^. (Duoikcimo.) Half-title, Title, Dedication, Preface, Contents, 12 pp. Tales and Poems, 336 pp. CCCXLU. The STAR-SEER: a Poem in Five Cantos. By "WILLIAM DEARDEN. London -. Longman and Co. ; and Leyland and Son, Halifax. 1837. (Octavo.) Half-title, Title, Dedication, Proem, 14 pp. The Star-Seer, aud Notes, 173 pp. CCCXLIII. FLOWERS of EBOR. By THO^MAS CROSSLEY. London : Longman and Co. ; and Leyland and Son, Hiilifa.x. 1837. Half-title, Title, Preface, Contents, xi. pp. Flowers of I'^bor, 1 98 pp. Published at 6«. (Octavo.) POETRY. 225 CCCXLIV. POEMS by JOHN NICHOLSON, the Airedale Poet. "With a Sketch of his Life and Writings by John James, Author of the 'History of Bradford.' London : Longman and Co. ; and Charles Stanfield, Bradford. 1844. i^Dii,odeci7no.) Life, etc., xliv. pp. Poems and Notes, 204 pp. A fine Portrait, drawn and engraved by W. O. Geller, faces the Title-page. There are several Editions of Nicholson's Poems ; this is the best, though it does not contain all his poems. CCCXLV. The VALE of APPEELET, and other Poems. By "W. GREENWOOD. Malton : printed and sold by E. Sraithson, Jun. ; sold by Longman and Co., and Baynes and Son, London ; Deighton, York ; Eobiu'son and Herua- man, Leeds ; J. Stansfield, Bradford ; and G. Barnby, Malton. 1823. {Duodecimo) 182 pp., with a View of Kirkstall Abbey, facing the Title. CCCXLVL An ELEGY on the ETTINS of KIEKSTALL ABBEY, By the Eev. DAVID M'NICOLL (Methodist Preacher, Leeds). Leeds : printed at the Office of B. Dewhirst. 1818. {Quarto.) With the S.E. View of Kirkstall Abbey on the Title-page, 8 pp. Privately printed. CCCXLVII. KIEKSTALL ABBEY, an Imaginary Poem in Three Cantos. By OSCAE SMYTHE LUSHINGTON. Leeds : printed by G. Crawshaw, Trinity Street. 1846. 48 pp. {Duodecimo.) CCCXLVIIL The TOLL BAR, and other Poems. By JOHN YEWDALL (Keeper of the Hunslet Toll Bar, Leeds). London. 1827. {Octavo.) CCCXLIX. STONY-EOCK, etc. etc. Leeds : printed by Hernamau and Perring, ' Intelligencer' Office. 1830. 24 pp. {Duodecimo.) 2 o 226 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CCCL. LAYS of EBOE, and other Poems. By JAMES WAEDELL. London : Simpkin and Co. Baines and Newsome, Leeds. 1836. (^DiMdecimo.') Title, Dedication, Advertisement, Names of Subscribers, Contents, 12 pp. Lays of Ebor, loi pp. CCCLL TONG, on a SUMMEE'S DAY; the POEBIDDEN UNION; and other Poems. By ROBERT CAREICK WILDON. Printed for the Author. Leeds : Christopher Kemplay, printer, 19, Commercial Street. 1S50. {Octavo.) Title, Dedication to Colonel Tempest, Preface, Subscribers' Names, Con- tents, 16 pp. Poems, 127 pp. CCCLII. CYEIL, a Poem in Four Cantos ; and Minor Poems. By GEOEGE "WILSON. Leeds : John Cross, 2, Commercial Street. 1834. 112 pp. (Octavo.) CCCLIII. The BATTLE of STAIMFOED BRIDGE (Yorkshire). By the Eev. EGBERT ELLIOT, A.M. York : printed by W. Blanchard and Son. 1810. 30 pp. (Quarto.) CCCLIV. The CHEISTENING at the VICARAGE. A Christmas Story. Founded upon an Ancient Record of Kingston-upon-Hull. London : Longman and Co. Impriutud and published by Joseph W. Leng, Saville Street, Hull. 1852. 10 leaves. (Small Quarto.) A well-written poem on the drowning of Mr. Marvell, Vicar of Hull, the father of the celebrated patriot, Andrew Marvell. CCCLV. EECOLLECTIONS of OLD CHUISTMAS: a Masque. Performed at Orimston, Tuesday, 24 December, mdcccl. (Small Quarto.) Title, Notice, Characters, Prologue, Recollections of Old Christmas, 22 pp. Ileferences, and Epilogue to Lady Loiidesborougli, x. pp. 18 Woodi'uts, and on the Title two L'.s uiuler an carl's coronet. This privately printod inas(juo was written by Ciiofton Cuokkii, and performed at Lord Londcsborough's, Orimston Park, near Tadcastcr. political antj otijcr Cracts l^elating to f or]hsl)trt tiuvtiicj t!je Ctbtl 2iaars of tlje ^ebenteentlj Centurp. TORKSHIEE in general. 1. The Petition of the Gentrie of the Countie of York, April 22, and His Majesty's Message to Parliament, April 2Ji, concerning Sir John Hot- ham's Refusal to give His Majesty Entrance into Hull. 8 pp. 1642 2. The Petition of the County of York to His Majesty. April. 1642 3. A Declaration of the Great Affaires that hath passed between His Majesty and the Parliament, from the 22 to the 29 April, 1642. Also the Petition of the County of York, and His Majesty's Message to Parliament concerning Sir John Hotham's Refusal to give His Majesty Entrance to Hull. 1642 4. The Declaration of the High Sheriff of Yorkshire. May. 1642 5. His Majesty's Speech to the Gentry of the County of York, on Thursday, 12 May. 1642 6. His Majesty's Resolution concerning the Establishment of Religion and Church Government. Also His Majesty's Speech to the Gentry of the County of York, on Thursday, the 12 of May. 8 pp. 1642 7. Five Matters of Note. As first, a Continuation of the Weekly Oc- currences in Parliament from the 16 of May to the 23. 2. His Majesty's Resolution concerning Yorkshire. 3. Sir John Hotham's learned Speech; with a Passage concerning the Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. As also other Occurrences upon Saturday, May 21. 8 pp. 1642 8. Votes of both Houses of Parliament : with sundry Articles, or Acts of Parliament to confirm the same, taken out of Records of the Tower. Also two Orders, one to all High Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, and other Officers, within 150 miles of the City of York. The other, in particular to 228 THE YORKSrnRE LIBEART. the Higb Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace wittin the County of Lancaster, in general to all the Counties of England and Dominion of Wales. Ordered by the Lords to be printed. 28 May. 8 pp. lGi2 9. A renowned Speech spoken to the King, IMay 28, at the last great Assembly of the Gentry and Commonalty of Yorkshire, by Sir Pliillip Stapleton, one of the Committee of the House of Commons. 8 pp. 16i2 10. Two Petitions of the County of York. June. 1642 11. A Eeal Protestation of many and very Eminent Persons in the County of Yorke. (Woodcut.) 1612 12. A Diurnall out of the North. July. 1642 13. The King's Declaration, and the Prince's Honour made Captaine of the Troupe for the County of Yorke. July. 1642 14. A Declaration of Parliament. Also some Observations and Direc- tions to the Knights and other Inhabitants of Yorkshire. August. 1612 15. The Declaration of Captain Hothani, showing the Eeasons of his Marching into the County of York. October. 1612 16. Fourteen Articles of Peace propounded to the King and Parliament by the Gentry, etc., of the County of York. October. 1642 17. The Declaration and Votes of Parliament concerning the late Treaty of Peace in Yorkshire. October. 1642 18. The humble Petition of the County of York to His Majesty. No- vember. 1642 19. The Declaration of Parliament for suppressing of divers Papists, etc., in the County of Yorke, etc. November. 1642 20. The Good and Prosperous Successe of tlie Parliament's Forces in Yorkshire against the Earl of Newcastle and liis Popisli Adherents, as it was sent in a Letter from the Right Honorable the Lord Fairfax, and read in both Houses of I'arliament on Monday, iiO January. 1642 *4j* Dated Sclby, 26 .lanuary, and relates to the attack on Leeds and other places in the West Elding. N.B. The old style prevailing at this time, the real date is 1643, as well as the next. 2L A Second Letter from the Eight Honorable the Lord Fairfax, of his late prosperous Proceedings against the Earlo of Newcastle and his Popish Army in Yorkshire. London, 5 January. 1642 22. A true Relation of the great Victories obtained against the Earl of Newcastle's Army in the North. October. 1643 23. A Letter from the North. 1644 21. A New-come Guesto to the Towne : tliat is, tlic discriminant Oath which the Earl of Newcastle imposeth upon the County and Citie of Yorke, etc. June. 1614 25. An Ordinance in ['arliaraent for associating the several Couutics of York, Lancaster, etc. June. 16'15 POLITICAL AND OTHER TRACTS. 229 20. Truth's Discovery, or a Black Cloud in the North, set forth in several Letters from Yorkshire. July. 1646 27. A Declaratiou of the Northern Army. lOlS 28. Letter and Declaration of the Nobility and Gentry of the County of York to His Excellency the Lord General Monck. A broadside printed at York. 1659 BEVERLEY. 29. Propositions for Peace presented to the King at Beverley, in York- shire, by the Earl of Holland, Sir Pliillip Stapleton, and Sir John Holland. 23 .Julv. 8 pp. On the reverse of the Title a Woodcut of the Royal Arms and C.R. 1612 30. Exceeding Welcome News from Beverley, or Yorkshire's Love to London. August. 1642 BRADFORD. 31. The Rider of the White Horse and his Army. Their late good Success in Yorkshire. Or a true aud faithful Relation of that flxmous and ■wonderful Victory at Bradford obtained by the Club-men there, with all the circumstances thereof And of the taking of Leeds and Wakefield by the same men, etc. London. (Bare.) 1043 CAWOOD. 32. Most joyful Newes by Sea and Land, being a true Relation of a glorious Victory obtained at Cawood Castle, also the taking of two Ships at Eahnouth in Cornwall. November. 1642 CLEVELAND. 33. Several Petitions presented to Parliament, with one of the Gentry and Commonalty of Cleveland, in the County of York, etc. February. (N.s. 1642) 1041 HALIFAX. 34. A Proclamation published through all the Garrisons of the North, etc. The Sentence of War passed upon divers Souldiers that mutinyed at Halifax. 1648 HEYWORTH MOOR, near York. 35. A Letter from the Mayor, etc., of Hull, to the High Sheriff of York, now to attend His Majesty on Heyworth Moore. June. 1642 36. A Relation of the Proceedings betweene His Majesty and the County of York at Heworth Moore, upon Friday, 8 June. 1642 37. A Catalogue of the Noble Lords not yet gone to His Majesty at Yorke, also a Relation of the particular Passages at York, on Heworth Moore, with the Name of the Dukes, etc., who are now with His Majesty at York. 8 June. 1642 230 THE YORKSHIKE LIBEARY. 38. His Majesty's Declaration to the Ministers, Freeliolders, etc., assem- bled by His Majestie's summons at Heworth Moore. 3 June. 1642 HULL. 39. A Letter from the Leaguers before Hull. July. 1641 40. The Declaration, Votes, and Order of Assistance of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Magazine at Hull, and Sir John Hotham, Grovernour thereof. And His Majesty's Answer thereto. With the Statute of 11 H. 7, cap. 1, mentioned in the said Answer. Published together by His ^Majestie's command. London; printed hj' Robert Barker, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty : and by the Assignees of John Bill. 16 pp. (4 May.) 1642 41. Three Worthy Particulars. 1. A Letter or Message sent by His Majestie to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Towne of Kingstone upon Hull. 2. A Catalogue of the N^ames of all the Diviues approved of by both the Houses of Parliament, for each several Countie of England and Wales, for reforming of Church G-overiiment, and settling of Religion. 3. A true List of the Commanders and several Colours of everie Regiment of the honourable Citie of London, now lately chosen by a Committee for the INIilitia of the said Citie. (Woodcut of Royal Arms.) London : printed for F. Cowles and T. Bates. 8 pp. (25 April.) 1642 42. A Letter sent from the Inhabitants of Hull to the Eight Worshipful! the High Sherifte, and the rest of the Gentry in the County of Yorke, now attending His Sacred M.njesties pleasure. London : printed for F. B. May 12. 6 pp. 1612 43. The Declaration and Azotes of Parliament concerning the Magazine at Hull, and Sir John Hotham, Governour tlicreof 1642 44. A Declaration of the most remarkable Passages betwixt His Majesty and the Town of Kingston upon Hull. 8 pp. 1642 45. A Eemonstrance of Parliament in answer to a Declaration under His Majesty's name concerning the Businesse of Hull. 32 pp. 1612 46. His Majesty's Answer to the above concerning the above. 1642 47. The Answer of both Houses of Parliament, presented to His Majestie at York, the ninth of ilay, concerning Sir John Hotham's Rofusall to give His Majestie Entrance into his Town of Hull. AVilh His Mnjosties Reply tliereunto. York : printed by Robert Barker, printer to tlio King's Most E.\cellent Majestie : and by the Assignees of Jolin Hill. 12 pp. 1642 48. Some more new Observations concerning the King and Parliament: being Twenty Considerations of the Dangerous I'^sLnlc tlic Kingdom now standetli in by reason of a Malignant Party. Anil ahso several N'olcs of both Houses of I'arlianient concerning the ]\ragazine at Hull and Sir John Hotham, Governour thereof Also the Order of .Assislancc given lo the Committees of both Houses concerning their going to JIull. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament that the above-said Votes and POLITICAL AND OTHER TRACTS. 231 Order be printed and published. London: printed for Thomas Bankes and VV illiam Ley. 8 pp. lg^9 49. Nineteen Propositions made by both Houses of Parliament to the King for a Eeconciliatiou of the Differences between His Majesty and the said Houses. Whereunto is annexed two Orders of Parliament; the one concerning the Jewels of the Crown, the other for the speedie return of the Members of the House of Commons by the sixteenth of this month of June, 1642. And also Sir John Hotham's Letter to a Member of the House of Commons concerning the late Discovery at Hull. 8 pp. 1G42 50. The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons to the King for Leave to remove the Magazine at Hull to the Tower of London : and also to take off the Eeprieve of the six condemned Priests now in Newgate. Together with His Majesty's Answer. 8 pp. ig42 51. A Eemonstrauceof the Declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, 26 of May, 1642. In answer to a Declaration under His Majesties name concerning the Businesse of Hull, sent in a Message to both Houses the 21 of May, 1642. London : printed for Eichard Lownds. 21 pp. 2(3_1,2 52. His Majesties Answer to a printed Book, intituled a Eemonstrance of the Declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parlia- ment, 26 May, 1642, in answer to a Declaration under His Majesties name concerning the Businesse of HuU. Printed at York : reprinted at London 16 PP- 1642 53. Two Declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parlia- ment. The former a full Narration of the Proceedings of the Evill Coun- cellors about His Majesty. The other to assure the Inhabitants neare Hull that they shall be full satisfied by both Houses for what dammages may ensue to that County by Sir John Hotham's necessary letting in some Tides from Humber for securing the Towne. Together with their Assur- ances of Protection and full Eecompence for all necessary Provision that shall be sent iu by land or sea to the use of the said Town of Hull. 8 pp. 1642 54. A New Plot against Hull. May. 1642 55. A true Eelation of a great Discovery intended against Hull. June. 1642 56. An Alarum to Arms, with the last News from Hull. July. 1642 57. Three Proclamations by the King. 1. Against the forcible seizino- or removmg any Magazine of any County, etc. 2. Forbidding any relievin'r of the Towne and Couuty of Kiugston upon Hull. 3. His Majesties Pardon to all the Officers and Souldiers within that Towne and Countie. Imprinted first at Yorke, and now reprinted at Loudon by P. L. for Mary Thomas. July the NintFie. 8 pp. 1(542 58. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the Preservation and Safety of the Kingdom and the Town of Hull : with the assurance of both Houses to satisiie all Losse sustained by any 232 THE YORKSfflRE LIBRARY. Service done for the safety of the said Town, by reason of the Overflowing of the Water upon any the grounds there, to all Persons that shall be found faithful! iu their several services. Together with an Order of both Houses of Parliament to all Lord Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants of their severall Counties to raise Forces to suppress all disturbers of the Peace. Ordered by the Lords and Commons tliat this be forthwith printed and published : H. Elsynge, Cler. Pari. D. Com. London : printed by Luke Norton and John Field, for Edward Husbands and John Franck. July 13. 8 pp. 1042 59. His Majesties Message to Parliament, 11 July, 1642, with his Pro- clamation declaring his purpose to go to Hull. 8 pp. 1612 60. New Propositions propounded to the City of London by the Lords and Commons concerning the raising speedy Ayd for the Eeliefe of Hull. AVhereunto is annexed the Parliament's Resolution concerning Sir John Hotham and all those that are faithfull to the Commands of the Parliament. Ordered that this be printed and published, John Browne, Cler. Pari. London : printed by T. F. for F. S. July 15. 8 pp. 1012 61. His Majesties Propositions to Sir John Hotham and the Inhabitants of Hull, July 11, wherein he declares his Royal intention either for Peace or Warre. Published by His Majesties command. With Sir John Hot- ham's Declaration concerning the same ; and the French Ambassador's desires to His Majesty. With the Propositions of both Houses of Parlia- ment for the sending down of Forces. Ordered that this be printed and published, John Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum. (July 15.) Loudon : printed for Edward Johnson. 8 pp. 1612 62. A Declaration of Parliament for the Preservation and Safety of the Town of Hull. July. 1042 63. ADeclarationof Sir John Hotham's Proceedings at Hull. July. 1612 61. Resolved upon tlio Question, or a Question Resolved, concerning the right which the King hath to Hull. By Peter Bland, of Gray's Inn. 1012 65. An Abstract of severall Letters from Hull, York, and Beverly, of His Majesties Proceedings. As also the Carriage and Behaviour of the Cavaliers, with the number of those that were slain and taken prisoners by Sir John Hotham. Whereunto is added, a true Relation of the Provision in Hull. London: printed for Ben. Allen, in Pope's Head Alley. August the second. 8 pp. 1012 00. The King's Majesties Answer to the Parliament's Replication, and his Resolution concerning their Refusall to deliver up Hull, also the Par- liament's Declaration, ordered to be printed ami jinblished for the satisfac- tion to the whole Kingdom. Together with tlie Dfteniiinntidn of the Houses of Parliament for tlie Security of the lie of Wight, and their Order concerning the Earl of Portland, (Jovernour of the said IImikI, and their election of the Earl of Pembroke Uovernour of the said Hand. .John Brown, Cler. Parliament. London; printed for H. Blunon. August 0. 8 pp. . 1012 POLITICAL AND OTHER TRACTS, 233 67. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties advancing of liis Army towards London, with Directions that all the Trained Bands and Volunteers boc put into a rcadi- nesse, that so the King's Army may find Opposition in every Place as they martch. Also how Sir John Hindersou urged one David Alexander, a Scotchman, to kill Sir John Hotham, and blow up the Parliament's Magazine, to whom His Majesty gave money, and he received it. And that no man shall presume to weare any Colours or Marks of Division in the City of London. Whereunto is added severall Votes of the Lords and Commons, for the Searching of diverse Men's Houses in the City, and for the Staying of the King's revenue, and all the Bishops, Deanes, aiid Chapters rents and profits whatsoever. Sabbathi, 1.5 Octob., lGi2. Ordered by Parliament to be printed, Oct. 17. London : printed for John Wright. 8 pp. 1G42 68. More Plots found out, and Plotters apprehended. A true Relation of a most desperate and dangerous Plot for the delivering up and surprisall of the Townes of Hull and Beverley ; with the manner of the apprehension of Sir John Hotham, Sir Edward Rhodes, and Captaine Hotiiam, who are now bringing up to the Parliament. "With the present securing of thirty thousand pound, already found out ; and other particulars ; being sent in a Letter from Hull, dated the first of this instant moueth of July, 1013. London : printed for Henry Overton, in Pope's Head Alley. 8 pp. 1613 69. The Three Kingdoms' Case; or their Sad Calamities, together with their Causes and Cure. Laid down in a Sermon preached at a publique fast at Kingston-upon-Hull. By John Shawe, M.A., sometimes of -Christ's Colledge in Cambridge, and now Lecturer at Hull aforesaid. London. 1616 A Tract of 3!) pp. The Introduction has an account of the Siege of Hull and Rotherham, and the escape of the minister of Bradfield. After the Restoration, Shaw jvas ejected from his office at Hull. 70. A Letter from the Inhabitants of Hull. 1617 71. The Declaration of the Garrison of Hull. March. 1619 72. The Great and Grievous Oppression of the Subject, exhibited in a Remonstrance to the Parliament ; wherein is more particularly set forth the unjust dealings of the two Corporations of Hull aud Headon, in the County of Tork. By Robert Raikes. 1659 73. The Plumble and Healing Advice of Col. Robert Overton, Governour of Hull, to Charles Lord Fleetwood aud General Monk. 1059 LEEDS. {See also Tract 31.) 74. The Petition of the Clothiers of Leeds to His Majesty. April. 1612 MARSTON MOOR. 75. A full Relation of the late Victory obtained (through God's Provi- dence) by the Forces uuder the command of General Lesley, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, being about twenty-seven thousand horse aud foot, against His Majesties Forces under the command of Prince Rupert and the Earl of Newcastle, being about the same number. Fought 2 H 234 THE YORKSmRE LIBEAET. on Marstam Moor, within five miles of York, on the second of July, 1644. Together with a List of the Cornets and Eusignes, with their severall Mottos. Sent b}' the three Generals to the Parliament, by Captain Stewart. Published by authority. London : printed by J. F. for L. Blaiklock. July 11. 16 pp. 1644 76. A true Relation of the late Fight between the Parliament Forces and Prince Rupert, within four miles of Torke, with the names of the slain and wounded. London. 8 July. 1644 MTJLGRAVE CASTLE. 77. Exact and Certaine Newes from the Siege at Yorke. AlsoTihe taking of Mulgrave Castle and Morpeth Castle. July. 1644 PONTEFEACT CASTLE. 78. A Declaration of the Brigade of Col. John Lambert, now lying before Pontefract Castle. 1648 79. A true Copy of the Articles agreed upon for the Surrender of Ponte- fract Castle. 22ud March, 1G4S. London. 1649 80. Trial of John Morris, Governor of Pontefract Castle. 1649 ROTH WELL. 81. Reasons why Sir John Hotham, trusted by the Parliament, cannot in honour agree to the Treaty of Pacification made by some Gentlemen of Yorkshire, at Rothwell. Sept. 29. 8 pp. 1642 SCAEBOROUGH. 82. Newes from Yorke, being a true Relation of the Proceedings of Sir Hugli Cholmley since his comhig to Scarborough. 1642 83. A true and exact Relation of Sir Hugh Cholmley 's Revolt, with the regaining of Scarborough Castle. April. 16 1;$ 84. The Speech and Confession of Capt. Brown-Bushel at tlie place of execution on Saturday last, under the scallold on Tower Hill ; witli the manner of his deportment, and his coming from the Tower in a scarlet cloak; as also liis prayer, and desires to tlic people. Together with the manner of his Tryail, and the Articles and Charge exhibited against liim. "Written by G. 11., an eye-wituess. (A rude Woodcut representing the execution, the pri.ioner saying " Lord Jesus, receive my soul.") Imprinted at London by R. W. U pp. 1651 Captain Brown- iJushcl was executed March 20, 1651, for betraying Scarborough Castle to Sir Hugh Cholmley, in 1645, for the King. SELBY. 85. A Letter sent from tlie Uiglit Honourable the Lord Fairfax to tiic Cuiiimittcu of both Kingduuis concerning the great Victory lately obtained rOIJTICAL AND OTHER TRACTS. 235 (by God's blessing) at Selby, in Torksliire. With an Order of the Par- liament for a Public Tiianksgiving. 19th April. 1644 (The fight at Selby took place 11th April, 1G14.) 8G. A Victorious Conquest near Selby, in Yorkshire, certified by a Letter from the Lord Fairfax his Quarters, and compared with the Lord Fairfax his Letter and others, read in Parliament. London. (No Date.) SHERBORNE. 87. The Lord George Digby's Cabinet and Dr. Goff's Negotiations ; together with His Majestie's, the Queen's, and the Lord Jermin's and other Letters, taken at the Battel at Sherborn, in Yorkshire, about the 1.5th of October last. Also Observations upon the said Letters. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that the Letters taken at Sher- born, in Yorkshire, with Ob.servations thereupon, be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsynge, Cler. Pari. D. Com. Loudon : printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Honourable House of Commons, dwelling in Fleetstreet, at the Sign of the Golden Dragon. March 6. 68 pp. 1646 SKIPTON. 88. Articles agreed upon betweene Coll. Richard Thorneton, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Forces before Skipton Castle, on the one party, and Sir John Mallory, Knight, Col. and Governour of Skipton Castle, on the other party, about the Surrender and Delivery of the said Castle, etc., the 21 December. 164.5 WAKEFIELD. (See also Tract 31.) 89. A Miraculous Victory obtained by the Right Honourable Ferdiuando Lord Fairfax, against the Army under the command of the Earl of New- castle, at Wakefield, in Yorkshire. Of the enemy there was taken prisoners, General Goring, Sir Thomas Bland, 2 Colonells, Sergeant Major Car, 13 Captains, 1500 Souldiers, 27 Colours of Foot, 3 Cornets of horse, 4 Lieutenants, 15 Eusignes, and 1 Cornet, 4 peeces of ordnance, all their ammunition, and a great number of armes, with the losse of 7 common souldiers. Sent in two letters to the Honorable W. Lenthall, Esq., Speaker in the House of Commons. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament that publique thanksgiving be the 28 of this instant May, given in all the Churches and Chappels in London, Westminster, Borough of Southwark, suburbs, and places adjacent, for the great and good successe it hath pleased God to give the forces under the command of the Lord Fairfax, at the taking in of Wakefield ; and that the letters be read in the said Churches and Chappels. H. Elsynge, Cler. Pari. D. Com. May 27. Printed for Edw. Husbands. 12 pp. 1643 90. This Tract was reprinted by Moxon and Walker, Leeds. 1853 WEESSLE CASTLE. 91. Two Letters ; the one from Sir Hugh Cholmley to Captain Gotherick advising him to quit Wrestle Castle ; the other, Captain Gotherick's Answer and honest Advice. July. 1643 236 TIIE YOEKSnir.E LrDRARY. TOKK. 92. The Petitions of Parliament presented to His Majesty at York. March and April. 1643 93. A Letter from Lord Fairfax and others, together with a Eelation of all the Passages at the great Meeting at York ou the 12 May. 1642 94. The Votes of Parliament, and Petitions presented to the King at Torke, May, 1642, with His Majesty's Answer. 1642 95. A Declaration of Letters relating to all the Proceedings at York and Hull. June. 1642 96. His Majesties Answer to the Petition of Parliament presented to His Majesty at York, June 17, 1642. With Catalogue of Subscribers for his help. Loudon. 14 pp. 1642 97. A new Plot discovered at York, acted by the Cavaleers against the whole City. 16 June. 1642 98. The last Newes from York. June. 1642 99. His Majesties Declaration, made 13 June, 1642, to the Lords attending His Majestie at York. 1642 100. His Majesties Eesolution concerning the setting up his Standard at York. June. 1642 101. The Parliament's Message to the King at Yorke. 1642 102. The last News from York and Hull. July. 1642 103. The best Newes from York that ever came to London and West- minster. July. 1642 104. E.Kceedingly joyful Newes from York. 1642 105. Newes from York. 1642 106. An Abstract from Yorke of Seven Dayes Passages, from 24 Juno to 1 July. 1642 107. Strange Newes from Yorke, Hull, Beverley, etc., July. 1612 108. A Speech to the King at Yorke by the High SherifTe ; also terrible Newes from Yorke. 1642 109. A Declaration of the House of Commons in vindication of divers of its Wembors from a false and scandalous I'amplih't, entitled ' The Humble Petition of Capt. William liootli,' which was delivered to tho King at York. July. 1612 110. An exact Eelation of the Siege before Yorko, of tlic taking of tho Suburbs and of the Approaches made within forty yards of tlie Walla; of the taking of the King's Manor ilouso there, etc., as it is sent in sciverall Letters, dated at the Leaguer before York, (ith and 7th June. London. 12th June. 1044 POLITICAL AND OTHER TRACTS. 237 111. Newes from the Siege before Torke, being a Letter from an emi- nent Person out of the Leaguer there, dated 16th June, 1614. Together with tiie Articles for the rendering of it up, which were interchangeably propounded and sent on both sides. London. 24th June. 1644 112. A Continuation of true Intelligence from the English and Scotch Forces in the North, for the service of the King and Parliament, and now beleaguering York, from the 16th June to 10th July, 1644. "Wherein is given a full and particular Account of the Battaile with Prince Rupert and the Marquesse Newcastle, together with the success thereof. By Sim. Ash. London. 1644 113. A Continuation of true Intelligence from the Armies in the North, from the 10th day to the 27th of this instant, July, 1644. "Wherein is given a full and particular Account of the Surrender of York, and of the removal of the Armies since. By Sim. Ash, Chaplain to the Earl of Man- chester, and one of the Ministers of the Assembly. London. 1644 114. The Articles of the Surrender of the Cit}' of Yorke to the Earle of Leven, Lord Fairfax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday, July 16th, 1644 ; together with an Explanation of some part of the Articles. Lon- don. 23rd July. 1644 115. A Copy of the Articles for the Surrender of the City of Yorke, July 16th, 1644. London. 1644 116. A Declaration by direction of the Committee at Yorke to their deluded and oppressed Countreyraen. Also the Letters, with the Propo- sitions and Articles sent to the Earle of Newcastle, upon which he entered this County, and his Answer thereunto. Yorke. 1645 117. Two Ordinances of Parliament for the maintenance of some preaching Ministers in Yorke, Durham, etc. December. 1645 118. Packets of Letters from Scotland, Berwick, Newcastle, and York, to Members of the House of Commons, concerning the Transactions of the Parliament of Scotland, the Commissioners of the Parliament of England. Brought by the post. May 15, 1648. The taking of Marpeth and Alnwick by the Cavaliers in the North ; their randezvouses ; and a Victory obtained by Major Cholmeley against them. A Declaration by Sir Marmaduke Langdale to the Gentlemen at the Generall Meeting in "\Vest- merland ; and his Message sent to Wales. Also their Designe prevented to have taken Yorke for the King. Loudon. 8 pp. 1648 119. The Declaration of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen of the County of York. With a Letter to His Excellency the Lord General Monk. London : printed by Tho. Leach. {Folio Broadside.) 1659 *^* The Tracts of the seventeenth century relating to the Civil Wars are mostly small, quarto, generally much cut down. They are all rare ; those without local information may be valued at 2s. Qd. each, whilst those containing important local events will bring £1 each ; a few of the most interesting have sold as high as £3 each. iHemoirs anb 38iograp|)p. CCCLYI. The AIJTOBIOGEAPHT of JOSEPH LISTER, of Bradford, in York- shire. To which is added a Couteraporaiieous Account of the Defence of Bradford and Capture of Leeds by the Parliamentarians in lG-i2. Edited by Thomas "Weight, M.A. London : J. E. Smith. 1842. (Octavo.') Title, Dedication, Preface, x. pp. Half-title and Historical Narrative, 59 pp. Half-title. The Eider of the White Horse and his Army, their late p;ood Success in Torke-sliiere. Or a true and faithfuU Eolation of that famous and wonderful Victory at Bradford, and of the Taking of Leeds and AVakefield. London : printed for Thomas L^uderhill. 1G13. Pp. Gl to G9. Half-title. A true Eolation of the Passages at Leeds, on Monday, the 23 of January, 1642. Pp. 71 to 78. Index, 2 pp. The above are reprints, the first from a Wakefield copy about 1795, the second and third from rare Tracts among the King's Pampiilets in tiio British iluseum. CCCLVII. SHORT MEMORIALS of THOMAS LORD FAIRFAX. Written by Himself London : printed for Ei. Chiswell. 1699. (Duodecimo.) Half-title ; Title as above ; Epistle Dedicatory to Thomas Lord Fairfax, signed ]5rian Fairfax ; xi. pp. A Short Memorial, 12s pp. Poetical E])itaph on Tiiomas Lord Fairfax, by the Duke of Buckingham, 4 pp. at the end, not numbered. CCCLVIIL ORIGINAL MEMOIRS of SIR TIIOS. FAIRFAX. AVrittcn by HiniNclf, during the Great Civil War. With an Appendix, containing the Sieges of Bradford, Manchester, and Preston. MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY. 239 Knaresbrougb : printed by Hargrove and Sons ; and sold by tbem, at Knaresbrough and Harrogate ; Longman, Hurst, and Co., London ; Wilson and Sou, York ; and all other Booksellers. 1810. {Duodecimo.) Half-title, Title as above, Memoirs of General Fairfax, 157 pp. Appendix : the Siege of Bradford, by Joseph Lister ; the Siege of Man- chester, by an Eye-witness ; and the Siege of Preston ; pp. 158 to 221. CCCLIX. TheWOETHIESofYOEKSHIEEand LANCASHIEE; being Lives of the most Distinguished Persons that have been born in or connected with those Provinces. By HARTLEY COLERIDGE. London : Whittaker and Co. ; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ; John Cross, Leeds ; Bancka and Co., Manchester ; Grapel, Liverpool. 183(3. {Octavo.) Title as above. Dedication to Earl Fitzwilliam, Advertisement, and In- troductory Essay, viii. pp. The Lives, beginning with Half-title, ' The Life of Andrew Marveil,' 720 pp. Historical and Chronological Index of the Lives of Andrew Marveil, Richard Bentley, Thomas Lord Fairfax, James seventh Earl of Derby, Lady Anne Cliiibrd, Roger Ascham, John Fisher, Rev. William Mason, Sir Richard Arkvvright, William Roscoe, Captain Cook, William Congreve, and Dr. John Fothergill, pp. 721 to 732. List of Plates, Engraved by J. W. Cook. 1. Andrew Marveil, by Dobson, facing the Title-page. 2. Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, Pembroke, etc., by Mytens, p. 2-11. 3. William Roscoe, Esq., by Hargreaves, p. 481. This Work was intended to have been continued ; at the termination of the Volume it has " End of Vol. I." It was first published by F. E. Bingley, 87, Briggate, Leeds, in 1832. The remainder was sold to Mr. John Cross, who published a fresh Title-page. There are many imperfect copies. A Second and very superior Edition was published as follows: — LIVES of NORTHERN AVORTHIES. By HARTLEY COLE- RIDGE. Edited by his Brother (Rev. Deewent Coleridge). A New Edition, with the Corrections of the Author, and the Marginal Observa- tions of S. T. Coleridge. In Theee Volumes. London : Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1852. {Foolscap Octavo.) Vol. I. Half-title, Title as above, Preface by the Editor, Advertisement by the Author, and Introductory Essay, xxvii. pp. Contents of Vol. I. : Andrew Marveil, Dr. Richard Bentley, Thomas Lord Fairfax, and James Earl of Derby. Half-title, ' Andrew Marveil.' Lives, and Historical and Chronological Index, 397 pp. 240 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. Vol. II. Half-title ; Title as before ; Contents of Yol. IT., Lady Anne Clifford, Eogei- Ascham, John Fisher, the Ilev. "William Mason, and Sir Eicbard Arkwright ; and Half-title, ' Lady Anne Clifford ;' 8 pp. Lives and Index, 3S9 pp. Yol. IIL Half-title; Title as before; Contents of Yol. III., William Roscoe, Captain James Cook, William Cougreve, Dr. John Fothergill ; and Half- title, ' William Eoscoe ;' 8 pp. Lives and Index, 389 pp. These Yolumes are got up in Moxon's usual good style, and were pub- lished at 15s. in cloth boards. CCCLX. The POETS of YOEKSHIEE; comprising Sketches of the Lives and Specimens of the Writings of those " Children of Song " who have been Natives of or otherwise connected with tiie County of York. Commenced by the late WILLIAM CAETWEIGHT NEWSAM ; completed and published for the benefit of his Family by JOHN HOLLAND. Loudon : Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster Eow. SlielHcld : Eidge and Jackson. lSi5. {DiioJecinw.) Title, Dedication, Preface, Subscribers and Contents, and Half-title, 28 pp. Poets of Yorkshire, 228 pp. Price 5s. 250 copies printed. CCCLXI. The GEEAT HEEO of the ANCIENT MINSTEELSY of ENG- LAND, "KOBIN HOOD." His Period, Eeal Character, etc., investi- gated and perhaps ascertained. By JOSEPH HUNTEE. London : John Russell Smith, 3G, Soho Square, mdccclii. 02 pp. {OcUivo.) Published at 2s. Gd. 250 copies printed. This is No. 4 of Mr. Hunter's Critical and Historical Tracts, and clearly establishes the reality of Eobin Hood and his home at Wakefield. CCCLXII. The FAWKESES of YOEK in the Sixteenth Century; including Notices of the Earlv History of GUY I'AWKES, the Gunpowder Plot Conspirator. (By KOBliET DAVIES, Esq., F.S.A., York.) Westminster: J. B. Nichols and J. G. Nichols. 1850. {Small Octavo) including Appendix, 07 pp. Published at 2s. Vul. 250 copies printed. MEMOIES AND BIOGRAPHY. 241 CCCLXIIL The FAIRFAX COREESPONDENCE : Memoirs of the Eeign of Charles the First. Edited by &EOEGE W. JOHNSON, Esq., Barrister- at-La\v. In Two Volumes. London : Eichard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordi- nary to Her Majesty. 18-18. {Octavo.) Vol. I. Half-title, Title as above. Contents of Vol. I., Memoirs of the Fairfax Family, cxl. pp. Eeigu of Charles the First, 405 pp. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of Sir Thomas Fairfax ; J. W. Cook sc. Frontispiece. 2. Portrait of John Pyni ; Jos. Brown sc. ; p. 127. Vol. II. Half-title, Title as before. Contents of Vol. II., etc., xii. pp. Eeign of Charles the First, 427 pp. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of Lady Fairfax; J. W. Cook sc. Frontispiece. 2. Portrait of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford ; S. I'reeman sc. ; p. 160. MEMOEIALS of the CIVIL WAE: comprising the COEEESPON- DENCE of the FAIRFAX FAMILY with the most Distinguished Personages engaged in that Memoi-able Contest. Now first published from the Original Manuscripts. Edited by EGBERT BELL, Author of the ' History of Eussiai,' ' Life of Canning,' etc. Forming the Concluding Volumes of the ' Fairfax Correspondence.' In Two Volumes. London : Eichard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordi- nary to Her Majesty. 1849. {Octavo.) Vol. I. Half-title, Title as above. Introduction, Table of Letters, and List of Engravings, xxiv. pp. Memorials and Correspondence, 403 pp. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of Eobert Devereux, Earl of Essex ; Frontispiece. 2. Portrait of William Lenthall, Speaker ; p. 31. 3. Portrait of Sir William Waller, Major-General ; p. 107. Vol. II. Half-title, Title as before, and Table of Letters, xvi. pp. Memorials and Correspondence, 383 pp. Index to the Four Volumes, pp. 385 to 427. Frontispiece. Oliver Cromwell ; Jos. Brown sc. 2i 242 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. Tbe four Volumes were published at £2. 16s., and have been reduced as low as 14s. ; they would now bring 21s. CCCLXIV. The LIFE and OEIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE of SIR GEORGE EADCLIFFE, Knight, LL.D., the Friend of the Earl of Strafford. By THOMAS DUNHAM WHITAKER, LL.D., F.S.A., Vicar of Whalley, in Lancashire. London : printed by John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street ; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster Row ; Edwards, Halifax ; and Ford, Manchester. 1810. (Quarto.) Title as above ; Dedication to Richard Henry Beaumont, Esq., of Whitley Beaumont, in Yorkshire, F.S.A. ; and Advertisement to the Reader ; vii. pp. Life, etc., 296 pp. Index, 7 pp., not numbered. List or Illusteations. 1. Facsimile of a Letter, dated 1608, to face p. 30. 2. Ditto, to face p. 141. 3. Pedigree of Radclyffe, p. 266 (folded). 4. Pedigree of Savile, p. 266 (folded). Published at 15s., and Large Paper copies at 21s. CCCLXV. The RAWDON PAPERS ; consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, Literary, Political, and Ecclesiastical, to and from Dr. John Bramiiat.!/, Primate of Ireland. Including the Correspondence of several most Emi- nent Men during the Greater Part of the Seventeenth Centurv. Faith- full v printed from the Originals, and Illustrated with Literary and Histo- rical Notes, by the Rev. EDWARD BERWICK, for many years Domestic Chaplain to tlie late Earl of Jloira, and Chaplain to the present Marquis of Hastings, Governor-General of India, etc. London ; printed by and for John Nichols and Son, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street, and 25, Parliament Street. Sold also by R. Millikcn, Dublin. 1819. {Octavo.) Half-title, Title, Advertisement, 8 pp. Introduction and Rawdon Papers, 430 pp. Illustrated with Facsimile of Autographs, to face the Title, and a folded Pedigree of the Descent of the Conway Family, and of the Rawdous irom the same, p. 14. An interesting Volume of letters, written from 1634 to 1694, principally on Irish affairs. It contains very little about Yorkshire, though the prin- cipal persons in the correspondence were connected with the county, viz. Bramhall, IJishop of Derry, Sir George Wentworlh, Sir Christopher Wandesford, Sir George Radclill'c, and the Rawdon family. The ancient seat of the latter, at Rawdon, near Leeds, from whence the family mime is derived, ia only once mentioned. MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY. 243 CCCLXVI. The DIAEY of SIE HENEY SLING SBY, of Seriven, Bart. Now first published entire from the MS. A Eepriut of Sir Henry Slingsby's Trial. His rare Tract, ' A Father's Legacy,' written in the Tower imme- diately before his Death ; and Extracts from Family Correspondence and Papers, with Notices, and a Genealogical Memoir. By the Eev. DANIEL PAESONS, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford. London : Longman, Eees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman ; J. Vin- cent, Oxford ; Todd, York ; and Wilson, Knaresborough. mdcccxxxvi. {Octavo.) Title, Contents, and Preface, xxiii. pp. Diary, etc., 441 pp. List of Illustrations. 1. A folded sheet of Facsimile A.utographs, p. 358. 2. A folded sheet of Signatures, Seals, etc., p. 364. 3. A folded sheet of Signatures, p. 374. Arms and Quarteriugs of the Slingsby Family, a Woodcut on p. 382. Published at 14s. cccLXvn. The MEMOIES of SIE HUGH CHOLMLEY, Knt. and Bart., addressed to his two Sons ; in which he gives some account of his Family, and the Distresses they underwent in the Civil Wars, and how far he himself was engaged in them. Taken from an Original Manuscript, in his own handwriting, now in the possession of Nathaniel Cholniley, of Whitby and Howsham, in the County of York, Esquire, mdcclxxxtii. 96 pp. {Quarto.) This is a very rare Tract. 100 copies only were privately printed. A copy in red morocco was sold in Eev. Joseph Hunter's sale for £2. 10s. cccLxvin. MEMOIES of the LIFE of MASTEE JOHN SHAWE, sometime Vicar of Eotherham, afterwards Minister of St. Mary's Church, Lecturer at the Holy Trinity Church, and Master of God's House Hospital, at Kingston upon Hull. Written by Himself. With Notes Explanatory and Biographical, by JOHN BEOADLEY, F.S.A., F.L.S., Fellow of the Eoyal Society of Literature, etc. etc. etc. Hull : printed by J. Ferraby, Market Place. 1824. {Octavo.) Half-title, Title as above. Dedication to Henry Broadley, M.A., F.S.A., and Note, 8 pp. Life of Shaw, 121 pp. Privately printed. 244 THE YORKSITTRE LIBR.4JIY. CCCLXIX. COLLECTIONS concerning the EAELT HISTOET of tbe FOUND- EES of NEW PLYMOUTH, the First Colonists of New England. By JOSEPH HIJNTEE, F.S.A., an Assistant Keeper of the Public Eecords. London : J. E. Smith, 4, Old Compton Street. 1849. (Octavo.) Title and 70 pp. This most interesting book gives an excellent ac- count of the early settlers of New England, several of whom were from Yorkshire. Published at 2s. 6d. 250 copies printed. A Second Edition, very much enlarged, was published as follows : — COLLECTIONS concerning the CIIUECH or CONGEEGATION of PEOTESTANT SEPAEATISTS formed at Scroobv, in North Notting- hamshire, iu the time of James I., the Founders of New Plymoutii, the Parent Colony of New England. By the Eev. JOSEPH HUNTER, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Loudon, etc., and of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, and an Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Eecords. London : J. E. Smith, 36, Soho Square, mdcccltv. (Octavo.) Half-title ; Title ; Note from Heylin's ' Microcosmos ;' Preliminary Notice ; Prefatory Stanzas by E. M. Milnes ; and Half-title, ' The Founders of New Plymouth ;' 16 pp. The Founders of New Plymouth and Appendix, 205 pp. The publisher afterwards inserted a lithographed Plate, drawn by A. M. Eaine, of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Scrooby, the residence of William Brewster, the Pilgrim Father. This is wanting in the copies first issued. CCCLXX. POPE: his Descent and Family Connexions. Facts and Conjectures. By JOSEPH HUNTEE. London: J. E. Smith, 3G, Soho Square. 1&57. (Octavo.) 48 pp., the last two being a list of books by the same author. Edith Turner, the mothcrof Alexander Pope, the poet, was of a Yorkshire family, from whom he derived property at Euston, near Scarborough. Tliis is one of Hunter's Critical and Historical Tracts. The entire scries comprises, — 1, Agincourt, a Ijist of the Commanders in Ilonrj' V.'a Ex))e- dition to France ; 2, the Founders of New Plymouth ; 3, M ilton. Genealogy and Notes on bis Poems ; 4, Eobin Hood ; and 5, which is the last, Pope. CCCLXXI. MEMOEIALS of the Family of TUFTON, EAELS of TIIANET ; deduced from various Sources of Authentic Information. OravesetK* : printed by E. Pocock, and sold b)- Messrs. Robinsons, Palernoster Kow liondon ; ;ind all oilier Hooksellers. ISOO. (Octavo.) 'J'itle, Dedication to Richard tiough, Esq , and Introduction, x. pp. Memorials and Index, 156 pp. MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY. 245 List of Plates. 1. N.E. View of Eaioham Church, Kent; T. Fisher del., "Walker sc. Frontispiece. Arras of the Tufton Family, on the Title-page. 2. Monument of G-eorge Tufton, in Eaiuham Church, p. 66. 3. Monument of N. Tufton, Earl of Thanet, Kainham Church, p. 73. The Tufton family are connected with Yorkshire from their estates at Skipton, whicli they acquired by Marriage from the Cliffords. CCCLXXII. The LIFE of Mr. THOMAS GENT, Printer, of York. Written by Himself. London : printed for Thomas Thorpe, 38, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1832. (Octavo.) Title as above, and Preface, iv. pp. Life of Gent, 208 pp. With a Portrait of Gent ; the same which is at p. 44 of this Book. Published at 9s. ; now sells at 2s. 6d. There are 25 Laeoe Papek copies, ■with the Portrait on India-paper. It was edited by the Eev. JOSEPH HUNTEE, F.S.A. An interesting Autobiography of one of our earliest topographers, who was author, artist, printer, and publisher of a number of books. CCCLXXIII. MEMOIES of the LIFE, WEITINGS, and CHAEACTEE of the late THOMAS HINDEEWELL, Esq., Author of the 'History and Antiquities of Scarborough,' etc. By JOHN COLE, Editor of ' Her- veiana,' ' The Scarborough Album,' etc. Scarborough : published by John Cole ; and Longman, Eees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster Eow. 1826. (Octavo.) Title as above, and Preface, 6 pp. Memoirs, 58 pp. CCCLXXIV. SCAEBOEOUGH WOETHIES. Collected by JOHN COLE. Scarborough : printed (only 18) by and for John Cole, Library, New- borough. 1826. (Octavo.) Title, Dedication to Shafto Craster, Esq., and Preface. Scarborough Worthies, 61 pp. This is little more than the Life of Hinderwell, which fills 57 pp. out of the 61. It has nothing but its rarity to recommend it. 2iG THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CCCLXXV. A BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCH of the late EOBEET NOETH, Esq^., the Founder of the Amicable Society, and an Authentic Copy of his Sinc;ular and Interesting Will. Embellished with a Yiew of the present Building, containing the Schoolrooms, etc. Scarborough : printed by and for John Cole, and sold by all the Book- sellers. 1823. 16 pp. (Octavo.) CCCLXXVI. A BIOGEAPHICAL ACCOUNT of the late Eev. SAMUEL BOT- TOMLEY, of Scarborough. By JOHN COLE. Scarborough : published by John Cole, Newborough. 1S31. (Octavo.) 22 pp., and a Portrait of the Eev. S. Bottomley. CCCLXXVII. An UNIQUE BIBLIOMANIAC DISPLAYED, in a Biographical Account of the late Mr. WILLIAM ABBOTT, of Scarborough. By JOHN COLE. Scarborough: published by John Cole, Newborough. 1827. (Octavo.) 10 pp. Only 60 copies printed. CCCLXXVIII. MEMOIE of the LIFE of JOHN BIGLAND, Author of ' Letters on the Study of History,' ' History of Europe,' etc. etc. Written by Himself. Doucaster: Brooke aud Co., High Street; C. and J. Wliite, Baxter Gate ; aud Longman and Co., Paternoster llow, Loudon. 1830. (Octavo.) Title as above. Preface, 2 pp. IMemoir, 243 pp. Appendix, containing a List of all Bigland's Works, pp. 247 to 255. With a Portrait of the Author, painted by II. E. Smith, engraved by Jas. Uopwood. An amusing Autobiography of a self-taught man, a native of Yorkshire. He was author of tlie ' History and Topography of Yorkshire,' one of the Volumes of the ' Beauties of England and Wales.' CCCLXXIX. The LIFE of JOHN METCALF, commonly called Blind Jack of Knaresbrough. Second Edition. Leeds. 1801. (Duodecimo.) Otlier Editions with Portrait. Knaresbrough, 180Q and 1829. MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY. 247 CCCLXXX. The NOTABILITIES of WAKEFIELD and its Neighbourhood. By JOHN CAMERON. London : Sherwood, Gilbei-t, and Piper. 1843. 236 pp. (^Octavo.) An amusing bonk on the Wakefield writers, E. M. Milnes, Esq., W. H. Leatham, Esq., Caleb Crowther, M.D., John IMaude, Esq., Eev. Dr. Wolff, Sir Wm. Pilkiugtou, Bart., and Eev. Dr. Naylor. The Author was a Unitarian minister at Wakefield at the time the book was published. CCCLXXXI. The BIOGBAPHIA LEODIENSIS; or Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of LEEDS and Neighbourhood, from the Norman Conquest to the Present Time. Compiled from Various Sources, and arranged in Chronological Order; with an Introduction on the Study of Biography, and Copious Indexes. By the Rev. E. V. TAYLOR, B.A., Curate of St. Barnabas, Holbeek ; late of King's College, London, and formerly an Assis- tant Master in the Leeds Grammar School, etc. London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court. Leeds : John Hamer, 7, Briggate. mdccclxt. 544 pp. {Post Octavo.) CCCLXXXII. MEMOIRS of the PUBLIC LIFE of SIR WALTER BLACKETT, of Walliugton, Baronet. With a Pedigree of the Calverleys, of Calverley, in Yorkshire, and the Blacketts, of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Northum- berland. By JOHN STRAKER. Newcastle : printed hy S. Hodgson, Union Street, mdcccsii. {Octavo.) Half-title, on which is a Woodcut of the Interior of Newcastle Castle ; Title as above ; Preface. Memoirs, sxxix. pp. Pedigree of the Calverley Family, pp. 1 to 28. Pedigree of the Blackett Family, pp. 29 to 51. List of Plates. 1. Portrait of Sir Walter Blackett, Bart., facing the Title-page. 2. The Mansion of Sir Walter Blackett, p. iii. 3. Newcastle Church, showing the Library built by Sir Walter Blackett, a Woodcut, p. viii. Arms of the Calverleys, a Woodcut on p. 1. Arms of the Blacketts, a Woodcut on p. 25. There are a few copies printed on Laege Paper. CCCLXXXIIL An HISTORICAL CHARACTER relating to the Holy and Exemplary Life of the Eight Honourable the LADY ELIZABETH HASTINGS. 248 TIIE YOEKSniEE LIBRARY. To which are added, 1. Oue of the Codicils of her last WILL, setting forth her Devise of Lands to tlie Provost and Scholars of Queen's College in Oxford, for the Interest of Twelve Northern Scholars ; II. Some Obser- vations resulting therefrom ; III. A Schedule of her other Perpetual Charities ; with the principal Rules for their Administration. By THOMAS BARXAED, ]M A., Master of tlie Free School in Leedes. Leedes : printed by James Lister, for John Swale ; and sold by S. Birt, in Ave Mary Lane, London ; and T. Martin, in Leicester. 1742. (^Duodecimo.) Title, Dedication, and Preface, xxviii. pp. An Historical Character, 190 pp. CCCLXXXIV. The LIFE of WILLIAM HET, Esq., F.E.S., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, Honorary Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, and of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and late Senior Surgeon of the General Infirmary at Leeds. By JOHN PEARSON, F.R.S., F.L.S., M.R.I., etc. etc. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. London : printed for Hurst, Robinson, and Co. ; Archibald Constable and Co., Edinburgh ; and Robiuson and Hernaman, Leeds. 1823. {Octavo.) Vol. I. Title as above, Dedication to the Family of the late William Hey, Pre- face, and Contents of Vol. I., xciv. pp. Life, etc., 200 pp. With a Portrait of William Hey, Esq., F.R.S., engraved by E. Scriven, from a ^tainting by Allen. Frontispiece. Vol. IL Title and Contents, viii. pp. Life, etc., 29G pp. Part the Third, containing some Account of tlic Professional Writings of William Iley, Esq., with Remarks, and an Appendix by the Author. Additional Title, with a Frontispiece of the Encysted Hernia of the Tunica Vaginalis. Account, 9i pp. CCCLXXXV. MEMOIRS of the LIFE and WRITINGS of MICHAEL THOMAS SADLER, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., etc. Published by R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside ; and sold by L. and G. Seeley, Fleet Street, London. 18-18. (Octavo.) Half-title, Title as above. Preface, Contents, and Errata, xvi. pp. Memoirs and Appendix, GUI ))p. With a Portrait of M. T. Sadler ; Woodman bo. FroDtispicce. Published at It*. ; sells at 3«. MEMOniS AND BIOGRAPHY. 249 CCCLXXXVI. The LIFE of EDWAED BAINES, late M.P. for the Borough of Leeds. By his Son, EDWAED BAINES, Author of the ' History of the Cotton Manufacture.' Loudon : Longman, Brown, Grreen, and Longmans. Leeds : Eeid New- some. 1851. {Octavo.) Half-title, Title, Contents, 12 pp. Life, etc., pp. 5 to 372. With a Portrait of Edward Baines, to face the Title. cccLxxxvn. An ADDEESS delivered to the LITEEAEY and PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY at KINGSTON UPON HULL, on Eridav, November 5th, 1830. By CHAELES FEOST, F.S.A., the President. With an Appendix, containing an Account of the Author's AYorks. Hull : printed and published by J. Wilson, Lowgate. 1831. {Octavo.) 128 pp. This is a valuable Address, giving a short Account of most of the Hull authors, ■whether natives or residents. CCCLXXXVnL The LIFE and ADVENTUEES of W. J. NEPTUNE, E.N., commonly called General Jarvis. Written by Himself. Hull: published by Peck and Smith; and sold by all Booksellers; Simpkin and Marshall, London; Henry Mozley, Derby. 1832. {Duodecimo.) 123 pp., with a Portrait of the Author. This eccentric character died in 1852, but made a friend swear on oath to see him decently buried, and not to allow his body to be dissected, as ordered in his Will, whicli is printed at the end of his Life. CCCLXXXIX. The LIFE and ADVENTUEES of that most Eccentric Character, JAMES HIEST, of Eawclifi'e, Yorkshire. His amusing tricks at school, his apprenticeship, death of his sweetheart, his leap into the horse-pond when hunting on his favourite bull ' Jupiter'; his revenge, his visit to Don- caster and Pontefract Eaces, his journey to London and visit to the King, his encounter with two footpads, extract from his Will, and codicil thereto, etc. etc. Accompanied with a splendid engraving, representing Jemmy iu his carriage, hunting on his favourite bull Jupiter, going out shooting with his pig and dog, Jupiter at a bull-fight, and a view of Jemmy's residence. Published by W. S. Hepworth, Aire Street, Kuottingley. London: W. M. Clark, 17, Warwick Lane. Price Six Pence. (1864.) {Octavo). 46 pp., with a folded lithographic Plate. 2 k 250 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. CCCXC. POETRAITS of TOEKSHIEE WOETHIES. Selected from the National Exhibition of Works of Art at Leeds, 1868. With BioE;raphical Notices. Edited by EDWARD HAILSTONE, E.S.A. In Two Volumes. London : Cundall and Fleming, 108, New Bond Street. 18G9. {Royal Octavo.) Vol. I. Title as above. Introduction, and Contents, x. pp. 100 Por- traits, photographed from the originals by Cundall and Fleming, and 100 leaves of Biographical Notes. Vol. II. Title and Contents, v. pp. 100 Photographic Portraits and 100 leaves of Biographical Notes. CCCXCI. The PAEISH PEIEST, pourtrayed in the Life, Character, and Ministry of the Eev. JOHN CEOSSE, A.M., late Vicar of Bradford, Yorkshire, and Chaplain to the Eight Hon. the Earl de la Warr. Bv tlie Eev. WILLIAM MOEGAN, B.D., Incumbent of Christ Church, Bradford. London : ])ublished by Eivingtons, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Ilatchard and Son, Piccadilly ; and sold by the Booksellers. (1841.) Title, on which there is a Woodcut of the Parish Church of Bradford ; Preface ; Introduction ; and Contents ; xxiv. pp. Life, 227 pp. With a Portrait of the Eev. J. Crosse ; J. Wilson, Bradford, sc. CCCXCII. AUTOBIOGEAPHY of THOMAS WEIGHT, of Birkenshaw, in the County of York, 173G-1797. Edited by his Grandson, THOMAS WEIGHT, M.A., F.S.A., etc., Corresponding Member of the Imperial Institute of France. London : John Eussell Smith, Soho Square. 1861!. {Duodecimo.) Half-title ; Frontispiece, a Woodcut of Lower Blacup ; Title as above ; and Preface, xxxi. pp. Autobiography and Appendix, 344 pp. Published at 54'. It is a wt'll-writtcn and interesting life. The traits of cliaractcr of the small woollen mauui'acturera of the neighbourhood are admirably drawn. CCCXCIII. LIFE, POETEY, and LETTF^KS of EBENEZEE ELLIOTT, the Corn Jjiiw Uhviiier. Witli an Abstract of his Politics. Bv liis Son-in-law, JOHN WATKINS, Author of the 'Life of James Myers,' 'George Chambers,' etc. London : John Mortimer, publisher, 69, Fleet Street. 1S50. {Octavo.) MEMOIKS AND BIOGRAPHY. 251 Title, Dedication to Sir Eobert Peel, Bart., Preface, and Contents, x. pp. Life, etc., 273 pp. With a Facsimile of Sir Eobert Peel's note of permission to the Author to dedicate the book to him. Published at 6s. Gd. CCCXCIV. MEMOIRS of the LIFE and WEITINGS of the late Eev. "W. WOOD, E.L.S., and Minister of the Protestant Dissenting Chapel at Mill-Hill, in Leeds. To ■which are subjoined an Address, delivered at his Interment, on Tuesday, April 5 ; and a Sermon on occasion of his Death, preached on Sunday, April 10, 1808. By CHAELES WELLBELOVED. London : printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard ; Longman, Hurst, Eees, and Orme, Paternoster Eow ; Wilson and Sou, and Todd, York ; Eobinson and Co., and Heaton, Leeds. 1809. (Octavo.) 197 pp., and a Silhouette Portrait of the Eev. William Wood, E.L.S. CCCXCV. A BIOGEAPHICAL MEMOIE of the late Eev. CHAELES WELL- BELOVED. By JOHN KENEICK, M.A., F.S.A. London : Edward T. Whitfield, 178, Strand. 1860. (Octavo.) Title, Preface, and Contents, viii. pp. Memoir, etc., 2.56 pp. CCCXCVI. A BEIEF MEMOIE of the late JOSEPH HUNTEE, F.S.A. With a Descriptive Catalogue of his principal separate Publications, and Contri- butions to the ' Archa;ologia.' Printed for private distribution only. Printed by John Edward Taylor, Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1861. 45 pp. (Octavo.) A Portrait of JOSEPH HUNTEE, painted from the Life in 1852 by Henry Smith, of Leeds, was presented by William Boyne, F.S.A., to the Society of Antiquaries, London, in October, 1869. This Memorial of one of our most distinguished English Topographers and Antiquaries is a suitable ornament to the Eooma of the Society, of which he was a Fellow and Vice-President. CCCXCVII. LIFE of WILLIAM ETTT, E.A. By ALEXANDEE GILCHEIST, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law. In Two Volumes. London : David Bogue, Fleet Street. 1855. (Fast Octavo.) Vol. I. Half-title, Title as above, Preface, and Contents, xii. pp. Life, 367 pp. Portrait of Etty, engraved by W. C. Wass, from a Daguerreotype. 1849. 252 THE YORKSHIKE LIBRARY. YoL. ir. Title and Contents, viii. pp. Life, and Appendix, 3i3 pp. cccxcvni. Trial of JENNET PRESTON, of Gisborne, in Craven, at the York Assizes, July, 1612, for Witclicraft. Eeprinted from the Original for J. G. Bell, 17, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1S51. 60 copies. Is. Gd. each. (Post Octavo.) CCCXCIX. The Genuine Account of the LIFE and TRIAL of EUGENE ARAM for the Murder of Daniel Clark, late of Knaresborough, in the County of York, who was convicted at York Assizes, August 3rd, 1759, before the Honourable William Noel, Esq., one of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. To which, after a Short Narration of the fact, etc., are added, the Remarkable Defence, etc. All taken immediately from the Original Depositions, Papers, and the Manuscripts of E. Aram. London: published and sold by W. Bristow, at his Lottery Office, in Cbeapside, and all Booksellers in Town and Country. {Octavo.) 86 pp., and the Title. (Without date, but no doubt printed in 1759.) CCCC. The TRIAL and LIFE of EUGENE ARAM ; several of his Letters and Poems; and his Plan aTid Specimens of an Anglo-Celtic Lexicon; with Co|)ious Notes and Illustrations, and an Engraved Facsimile of the Handwriting of this very ingenious but ill-fated Scholar. Jtichmond : printed by and for M. Bell ; sold also by Bell and Wood, 186, Fleet Street ; Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria Lane, London ; Mozley, Derby ; and all other Booksellers. 1812. (Octavo.) 12G pp., and a Facsimile of Aram's Handwriting. The advertisement says that this Tract is an illustration of a Pamphlet published at Knaresborough, in 1759 ; it is more probably only a copy with a few interpolations. The Knaresborough Pamphlet I have not seen, but it is probably tlie same as the preceding London edition, as the words used in this republication are nearly the same. CCCCL PHRENOLOGICAL OBSFRVATIONSonthcSKULLof EUGENE ARAM. By J.XMES I NO LIS, M.D. Illustrated by Lithographic llepreaentations of the Skull and a Portrait of Eugene Aram. John Lewis Liunoy, Bookseller, Market Place, Itipou. l*'. Gd. CCCCII. M KMOIRS of the celebrated KUGKNR ARAM, who was executed for MEMOIRS AND BIOGRAPHY. 253 tbe Murder of Daniel Clark, in 1759 ; with some Account of his Familj, and other particulars, collected, for the most part, above thirty years ago. By NOERISON SCATCHERD, Esq., Author of the ' History" of Morley,' etc. etc. Second Edition, imjiroved by the Author. London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Court ; John Ileaton, Leeds. 1838. {Duodecimo.) 64 pp., including a Woodcut, by 0. Jewitt, of St. Robert's Cave, Knaresborough, with the murder of Clark. CCCCIII. EXTRAORDINARY LIEE and CHARACTER of MARY BATE- MAN, the Yorkshire Witch ; traced from the earliest thefts of her infancy, through a most awful course of crimes and murders, till her execution at the New Drop, near the Castle of York, on Monday the twentieth day of March, 1809. Second Edition. Entered at Stationers' Hall. Leeds : printed by Edward Baines, for John Davies. {Octavo.) 50 pp., and a full-length Portrait of Mary Bateman, engraved by Top- ham, Leeds. CCCCIV. An ACCOUNT of the ALARMING and DESTRUCTIVE FIRE in YORK MINSTER, on February 2, 1829. Containing the Particulars of the Commencement, Progress, and Termination of the Conflagration. With a Sketch of the Life of JONATHAN MARTIN ; likewise his Letters, his Apprehension, E.xamination, Confession, and Committal to the City Jail, etc. etc. Sixth Edition. York : printed and sold by R. Burdekin, High Ousegate. 1829. Price Sixpence. {Octavo.) 36 pp., including Frontispiece, view of York Minster on fire, Feb. 2, 1829, a Woodcut, and a Plan of York Minster on p. 6. CCCCV. The TRIAL of JONATHAN MARTIN, at the Castle of York, on Tuesday, March 31, 1829, for setting fire to York Minster. Taken expressly for this Work. (A Woodcut of Martin.) Martin as seen in his travelling dress. Second Edition. York : printed and sold by R. Burdekin, High Ousegate. Price only Sixpence, or stitched up with an Account of the Fire in York MinSter, etc.. One Shilling. 36 pp. {Octavo.) |9or!t0!)irt spates, (!lf ologj?, anb BSotanp. Spatos, CCCCYI. SPADACEENE ANGLICA; or the ENGLISH SPAW FOUN- TAINE; being a Brief Treatise of the Acid or Tart Fountaiue in the Forest of KNAEESBOKOUGH, in Yorkshire. By EDMUND DEANE, M.D. London. 1625 or 1G26. (Octavo.) Ecpublished in 173G, in Octavo, with Additional Observations by Dr. Stanhope and others. In the early Books on the Harrogate Spaws, Nos. 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, and 310, they are called of Knaresborough, from the circumstance that Harrogate is only a Township of the Parish of Knaresborough. They are now always called the Harrogate Spaws from their locality. All the early Treatises on the Knaresborough Spaws are rare. CCCCVII. NEWS OUT OF TOEKSHIEE ; or, an Account of a Journey in the true Discovery of a Soveraigne Miuerall, IMediciual Water, neere KNAEES- BEOUGH. By M. S. (Michael Stanhope). London. 1627. (Quarto.) CCCCVITL CUEES WITHOUT CAEE ; or a Summons to all such who lindo lilUo or no llelpc bv the use of ordinary I'hysic, to repairo to the Northerno Spaw ; wherein, l)y many jiresidents of a few laic years, it is evidenced to the world that liiiirmilies in their owne nature desperate ami of long con- tinuance have received Perfect Eeeovery by virtue of Mineral Waters near K N A ItivS H( ) K( ) W, in the West Riding of Yorkshire : also a Description of the said Water, and of other rare and useful Springs adjoyning. By M. ST. (Mieliael Stanhope). Loudon. 1033. {Small Quarto.) YORKSHIRE SPAWS. 255 CCCCIX. ENGLISH SPAW; or the GLORY of KNAEESBOEOUGII. By Dr. EDMVND DEAN. York. 1649. {Quarto.) CCCCX. The YOEKSHIEE SPAW; or a Treatise on Four Famous Medicinal "Wells, and St. Magnus Well, near KNARESBOIiOW. By JOHN FEENCH, M.D London. 1G52. {Duodecimo.) Eepublislied at Halifax, 1760. CCCCXL SPADACEENE EBOEACENSIS ; or the YOEKSHIEE SPAWS near KNAEESBUEGH ; being a Description of Five Medicinall Wells. By GEO. NEALE, M.D., of Leedes. CCCCXII. SPADACEENE ANGLICA ; or the ENGLISH SPAW; being an Account of the Situation and Cures by the Waters of HAEEOGATE. By Dr. DEAN. Leeds. 1736. {Octavo.) CCCCXIII. An ESSAY on the WATEES of HAEEOGATE and THOEP-AECH, in Yorkshire ; containing some Directions for their Use in Diseases. To ■which are prefixed. Observations on Mineral Waters in general, and the Methods of Analysing them. By JOSHUA WALKER, M.D., Physician to the Leeds Infirmary. London: printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Clmrchyard; J. Wallis, Ludgate Street ; J. Fielding, Paternoster Eow ; E. Hargrove, at Knares- borough and Harrogate ; and J. Binns, in Leeds, mdcclxxxiv. {Octavo.) Title, Preface, and Contents, viii. pp. Essay and Experiments, 208 pp. CCCCXIV. PLAIN and EASY DIEECTIONS for the USE of HAEEOGATE WATEES. By WILLIAM ALEXANDEE, M.D. Edinburgh. 1773. {Octavo.) CCCCXV. A TEEATISE on the MINEEAL WATERS of HAEEOGATE ; containing the History of those Waters, their Chemical Analysis, Medi- cinal Properties, and Plain Directions for their Use. By THOMAS 256 THE YOEKSHIEE LIBRARY. GABNETT, M.D., Member of the Eoyal Medical Society of Ediuburgli, etc. Fourth Edition. AVith au Appendix, by JOHN JAQUES, M.D., Physician at Harrogate, Member of the Eoyal Medical Society of Edin- burgh, etc. Leeds : printed by Edward Baines ; sold by J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Churchyard ;" T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard Street, Loudon ; G. Mudie, Edinburgh ; and E. Hargrove, Harrogate. 1801. (^Octavo.) The First Edition -was printed in 1792. A Second Edition in 1794. An Eighth Edition in 1829, printed and sold by G. "Wilson, Kuaresbrough, . Duodi'cimo, 176 pp., published at 3s. in boards. CCCCXVL EXPEEraiENTS and OBSEEVATIONS on the CRESCENT WATEE at HAEEOGATE. By T. GAENETT, M.D., Physician at Harrogate, etc. Leeds : printed by Thomas Gill, and sold by J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Churchyard ; T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard Street, London ; and E. Hargrove, Harrogate. 1791. (Oc/avo.) 69 pp., and a Plate of an Experimental Vessel at p. 20. Price Is. Gd. CCCCXVII. A LECTUEE on the SULPHUE WATER of HAEEOGATE. By A. HUNTEE, M.D., F.E.S. Bead at the Promenade. York. ISOG. {Duodecimo.) CCCCXYIII. SCARBEOUGH SPA\V ; or a Description of the Nature and Yertucs of the Spaw at Scarbrough, Yorkshire. Also a Treatise of the Nature and Use of Sea, Eain, Dew, Snow, Hail, Pond, Lake, Spring, and Eivcr Waters, etc. By BOBEHT WITTIE, Dr. in Physick. York : printed by A. Broad, for Tho. Passenger, iit the Three Bibles on Loudon Bridge ; and are to be sold by Richard Lambert, at the Crown in the Minster Yard. 10(37. {Duodecimo.') Title as above. Dedication, Poetical Addresses, etc., to the Author, xvi. pp. Scarbrough Spaw, 224 pp. This is the Second Edition. CCCCXIX. HYDROLOGIA CHYMTCA ; or tho Chemical Anatomy of the SCARBROUGH and otiior Spaws in Yorkshire, with Auimadversions on Dr. Wittie's Treatise. By W. SIMPSON. London : Richard Chiswell. 1CU9. 374 pp. {Duodecimo.) YORKSHIRE SPAWS. 257 CCCCXX. PTEOLOGIA MIMICA ; or, an Answer to 'Hydroloffia Cbymica ' in Defence of SCARBEOUGH SPAW. By ROBERT WITTIE M D London. 1669. (I>,wJc'cimo) ccccxxr. HYDROLOGICAL ESSAYS; or a Vindication of ' H^ droloaia Chy- mica'; being a further Discovery of the SCARBROFGII SPAwfand tl'ie l^J-^r.J^^® thereof And of the Sweet Si)aw and Sulphur Well at KNAEESBEOUGH. With a Brief Account of the Allom Works at Whitby. Together with a Eeturn to some Queries propounded by Dr. Dan. Foot concerning Mineral Water.s. By WILLIAM SIMPSOJ^ Dr. in Physick, and Practitioner at Wakefield, in Yorkshire. ' London : printed by Eichard Chiswell. 1670. 159 pp. (Duodecimo.) CCCCXXII. SCAEBEOUGH SPAW, spagyrically anatomised. By GEOEGE TONSTALL, Doctor in Physick. London. 1672. (Octavo.) CCCCXXIII. SCAEBROUGH'S SPAGYRICAL ANATOMISER DISSECTED ; or an Answer to all that Dr. Tonstall hath objected in his Book aeainst SCARBROUGH SPAW. By ROBERT WITTIE, M.D. London. 1672. (^Duodecimo.) CCCCXXIV. A NEW YEAR'S GIFT for Dr. Wittie ; or the Dissector Anatomised By GEORGE TONSTALL, M.D. London. 1672. (Duodecimo.) CCCCXXV. PONS SCAEBURGENSIS ; sive Tractatus deomnisAquarum generis Origine ac Usu ; particulariter de Fonte Miuerali apud SCARBROUGH, in Com. Eboracensi Anglian. Autore ROBERTO WITTIE, M.D. London. 1678. (Octavo.) CCCCXXVI. An ENQUIRY into the CONTENTS, VIRTUES, and USES, of the SCARBROUGH SPAW WATERS ; with the Method of Examining any other Mineral Water. By PETER SHAW, Pliysician at Scarbrough" London : printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Fletcher Gyles, in Holborn ; and C. Ward and E. Chandler, at the Ship," between the two Temple Gates in Fleet Street, and at their shop in Scarbrough. mdccxsxit. 166 pp. (Octavo.) 2 L 258 THE YORKSinRE LIBRARY. At the end is a curious Spaw Water Advertisement of John Fiddes, of London and Scarbrough. CCCCXXVIL The HISTORY of the SCARBROrGH SPAW ; or a further Disco- very of the excellent Virtues thereof; together with a Short Account of the' Rarities of Nature observable at Scarbrough. By W. SIMPSON, M.D. London. 1679. {Duodecimo.) CCCCXXVIII. A DISSERTATION on the CONTENTS, VIRTUES, and TSES of COLD and HOT MINERAL SPRINGS, particularly those of SCAR- BOROUGH ; in a Letter to Robeet Robinson, Esq., Recorder of that Corporation. York. 1735. {Octavo.) CCCCXXIX. A COMPENDIOUS TREATISE on the CONTENTS, VIRTUES, and USES of COLD and HOT MINERAL SPRINGS in general, particularlv the celebrated Hot AVaters of SCARBOROUGH. By JOHN ATKINS, Surgeon. Loudon. 1737. {Octavo.) CCCCXXX. The NATURAL, EXPERIMENTAL, and MEDICINAL HISTORY of the Mineral Waters of Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, aud Yorkshire, parti- cularlv those of SCARBOROUGH. By THOMAS SHORT, M.D., of Sheffield. London: printed for the Author, and sold by F. Gylea over against Gray's Inn in Holboru. iiuccxxiv. {Quarto.) 362 pp., and four Plates, representing the Crystals of the Salts. CCCCXXXI. EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on the HOELEY GREEN SPAW, near HALIFAX. To which is added a Short Account of two other Mineral Waters in Yorkshire. By THOMAS GARNETT, M.D., late President of the Royal I'liysical aud Natural History Societies, etc. Bradford, Yorks. : printed for the Author by George Nicholson ; and sold by T. Knott, No. -l^, Lombard Street, London. 1790. 86 pp. {Octavo.) CCCCXXXII. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS upon the HISTORY, CONTENTS, and MKDICINAL PROPRRTIHS of ILKLEY FOUNTAIN. By THOMAS DODUSON, M.D. Skiptoii. 1830. (Octavo.) YORKSHIRE SPAWS, 259 CCCCXXXIII. MEMORIALS from BEN EHYDDING- (Ilkley) concerning the Place, its People, and its Cures. 1852. (Octavo.) Publislied at Gs., cloth, with Plates and "Woodcuts. CCCCXXXIV. BEN EHYDDING. The Principles of Hydropathy, and the Com- pressed-Air Bath. By a Graduate of the Edinburgh University. To- gether with a Chapter on the improved Roman or Turkish Baths. With Illustrations. By THETA. London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co.. and Webb, Millington, and Co., 1859. 172 pp. (Duodecimo.) List of Plates. 1. View of the House at Ben-Rhydding ; lithographed by Day and Son. Frontispiece. 2. Wharfdale, Woodcut, p. 7. 3. Woodcut, p. 26. 4. Interior and Exterior of the Turkish Bath ; lith. Day and Son ; p. 153. 5. Two Interiors of the Bath ; lith. Day and Son ; p. 154. CCCCXXXV. A TREATISE on the MINERAL WATER of ASKERN, including a Description of the Village, History of the Spaw, etc. By T. LE GUY BREWERTON. Doncaster. 1818. (Octavo.) See also Lankester's ' Askern ' in the Topography, No. CLXVI. CCCCXXXVI. The SPAS of ENGLAND, and principal Sea-bathing Places. By A. B. GRANVILLE, M.D., P.R.S., Author of the ' Spas of Germany,' ' St. Petersburg,' etc. NORTHERN SPAS. London : Henry Colburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street. 1841. (Octavo.) Title as above. Dedication to Queen Victoria, Preface, Introduction, Contents, and List of Illustrations, Iviii. pp. Northern Spas, 423 pp. List of Illusteations. 1. Scarborough New Spa. Frontispiece. 2. Map of English Spas, p. 1 (on cloth, folded). 3. Scarborough Cliff Bridge, and Museum, p. 156. 4. Dinsdale Spa, p. 214. 5. Sea-bathing Place, and Priory at Tynemouth, p. 269. 6. Shotley Bridge Spa, p. 291. 260 THE YORKSinRE LIBRARY. 7. Gilsland Spa, p. 305. 8. Bolton Hall, p. 366. 9. View of Halifax, p. 398. 10. General Table of Analysis (folded at the end of the Volume). All the above, except 2 and 10, are Woodcuta, and in the letter-presa are 19 other Woodcut Illustrations. This forms Vol. I. of Dr. Granville's 'Spas of England;' Vol. IT., the Soutlieru Division ; Vol. III. and the last, the Midland Division. ffieologg anlr Botang. ccccxxxvn. ILLUSTRATIONS of the GEOLOGY of YOEKSHIRE ; or, a Description of the Strata and Organic Remains ; accompanied by a Geolo- gical Map, Sections, and Plates of the Fossil Plants and Animals. Paet I.— The YoEKSHiEE Coast. By JOHN PHILLIPS, F.R.S., F.G.S. ; Professor of Geology in King's College, London ; Assistant Secretary to the British Association ; Secretary to the Yorkshire Philoso- phical Society ; Honorary Men;ber of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, the Philosophical Institution of Yorkshire, Leeds, Hull, Whitby, Sheffield, Halifax, and Nevvcastle-on-Tyne ; of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle ; of the Society of Arts for Scotland. Skcond Edition. London : printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1835. {Quarto.) Title-page as above, Dedication to William Smith, Esq., Contouts, Pre- face, and Introduction, xii. pp. Geology, 181 pp. Note. List of Plates, Drawn by J. Phii-lips, Engraved by Dawson and Brown. Geological Map of the Eastern Part of Yorkshire, coloured. Frontis- piece. Section of the Cli_ffs on the Coast of Yorkshire. 1. South Part of Holdcrness, coloured. 2. North Part of Holdcrness, coloured. 3. Between Bridlington and Filey, coloured. 4. From Filey to Haiburn Wyke, coloured. 5. From Haiburn Wyke to Sandsend, coloured. 0. Between Sandsend and Saltburn, coloured. 7. Coast near Rcdcar, coloured. 8. Enhirged Sections. 0. lOnlarged Sections. On/anic llcmaim. 1. Clialk; S|)eetou Clay. 2. Sped on Clay. y. Specton Clay ; Coralline Oolite. GEOLOGY AND BOTANY. 261 4. Coralline Oolite ; Calcareous Grit. 5. Oxford Clay ; Kelloway'a Rock. 6. Kelloway'a Rock. 7. Cornbrash ; Upper Sandstone, Shale, and Coal. 8. Upper Sandstone, Shale, and Coal. 9. Grey Limestone (Cave Oolite). 10. Lower Sandstone, Shale, and Coal. 11. Inferior Oolite (Dogger). 12. Upper Lias Shale. 13. Upper Lias Shale ; Ironstone and Marlstone Series. 14. Marlstone Series ; Lower Lias Shale. Paet II. — The Mountain Limestone Disteict. 1836. Title ; Dedication to the Rev. William Vernon Harcourt, F.R.S., F.G.S., and the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, F.R.S., F.G.S., Woodwardian Professor in the University of Cambridge ; Contents ; List of Subscribers ; and Intro- duction ; sx. pp. Geology, 253 pp. List of Plates, Drawn by J. PniLLiPS, Engraved by J. W. Lowrt. I, 2. Zoophyta, 2 Plates. 3, 4. Crinoidea, 2 Plates. 5. Plagimyona. 6. Mesomyona. 7. 8. Producta, 2 Plates. 9, 10. Spirifera, 2 Plates. II. Brachiopoda. Terebratula. 18. Nautilus. 19, 20. Goniatites, 2 Plates. 21. Orthdceras. 22. Crustacea, etc. 23. Diagrams. 24. Sections and Diagrams (large folding Plate). 25. Map of the Mountain Limestone District of Yorkshire (folded). 12 13, 14, 15, 16. Gasteropoda, 4 Plates. 17. Cephalopoda. Part I. was published at £1. lis. 6d. ; Part II. at £2. 12s. Gel. See ' The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-coast of Yorkshire,' by the same Author, No. XVI. CCCCXXXVIII. A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of the YORKSHIRE COAST; de- scribing the Strata and Fossils occurring between the Humber and the Tees, from the German Ocean to the Plain of York : illustrated with numerous Engravings. By the Rev. GEORGE YOUNG, A.M., Corre- sponding Member of the Wernerian Natural History Society, and of the Northern Institution ; Honorary Member of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, of the Literary and Philosophical Societies of Hull, Newcastle, and Leeds ; one of the Secretaries of the Whitby Literary and Philoso- phical Society, etc. Assisted by JOHN BIRD, Artist, Hon. Member of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, and of the Hull Literary and Philo- sophical Society ; Member of the Wliitby Literary and Philosophical Society; and Curator of the Whitby Museum. Second Edition, much Im- proved and Enlarged, embellished with more than one hundred new Figures. Whitby : printed at the Office of R. Kirby ; sold by him, by R. Rodgers, and R. Home, Whitby ; Ainswortb, and Cole, Scarborough ; Todds, York ; 262 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. Saras, Darlington ; Wilson, Hull ; Oliphant, Edinburgh ; and Longman and Co., London. 1828. {Quarto.) Title, Contents, iv. pp. Introduction. Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast ; with two Woodcuts in the letter-press, — the Bride Stones, on p. 93 ; Hob Hole, Eunswick Bay, on p. li'i. 356 pp. Explanation of the Plates, 4 pp., 357 to 360. Index, Subscribers' Names, Errata, etc., 8 pp., 361 to 368. List of Plates. View of the Eemarkable Break in the Strata at Peak ; John Bird del., W. H. Lizars sc. Frontispiece. The following, which are all coloured, to be placed before the Index : — A Geological Map of the Yorkshire Coast (folded). Section of the Strata from tlie Spurn to Hartlepool (folded). 17 Lithographic Plates of Fossils, numbered I. to XVII. (XVI. is folded). Published at £2. 2s. There are copies on Eotal Papeh. CCCCXXXIX. On the DISCOVERY of HIPPOPOTAMIC and other EEMAINS in the Neighbourhood of LEEDS. Eead before the Geological and Poly- technic Society of the West Eiding of Yorkshire, August 2ith, 1853. By HENEY DENNY, A.L.S., etc. 16 pp. {Octavo.) CCCCXL. The FLOEA of YOEKSHIEE. With two Plates. By HENEY BAINES, Sub-Curator to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. London : Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman ; Leyland and Son, Halifax. 1840. {Octavo.) Half-title, Title as above, and Preface, 8 pp. On the Physical Geography of Yorkshire, by Professor Phillips, xvi. pp. Half-title and List of Plants, 140 pp. Index to Natural Orders, Linna>an Arrangement, and Index, pp. 147 to 159. Embclli.shed with a jMap of Yorkshire to illustrate the Physical Geo- graphy and Distribution of Plants. The Title says two Plates, but I have never seen bub this one. A SUPPLEMENT to BAINES'S FLOEA of YOEKSHIEE. With a Map. Part First.— The Flowering Plants and Ferns. By JOHN GILBEET BAKEE, F.H.S.L. Part Second.— The Mosses of the County. By .JOHN NOWELL. London : William Pain])lin, 45, Frith Street, Solio. 1854. {Octavo.) 188 pp., and a List of Subscribers, 4 |>]). Embellished with a coloured Ma]) of the North Eiding of Yurksliiro to illustrate the Botanico-Gcogra- phical Districts, founded upon Die Eivcr Drainage. The complete Work published at 10«. ; the Supplement to be had sepa- rate at 5*. GEOLOGY AND BOTANY. 263 CCCCXLI. An HISTOEY of FUNGUSES GROWING ABOUT HALIFAX. With Forty-four Copper-plates, on which are engraved Fifty-cue Species of Agarics ; wherein their Varieties and various appearances in the diffe- rent stages of growth, are faithfully exhibited in more than two hundred Figures, copied with great care from the Plants, when newly gatiiered and in a state of perfection. With a particular Description of each Species, in all its stages, from the first appearance to the utter decay of the plant ; with the time when they were gathered, the soil and situation in which they grew, their duration, and the particular places mentioned where all the new or rare species were found. The whole being a plain recital of facts, the result of more than twenty years' observations. By JAMES BOLTON, Member of the Nat. Hist. Society at Edinburgh. Printed for the Author, and sold in Halifax by him, and by J. Milner, Bookseller ; by B. White and Son, in London ; by the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, York, Edinburgh ; and may be had of all otiier Book- sellers. MDCCLXxxviii. In Theee Volumes. {Quarto.) Vol. I. Title as above, Dedication to the Earl of Gainsborough, Introduction, svi. pp. History of Agarics growing about Halifax, 44 pp. Names, 2 pp. List of Plates. Engraved additional Title, ' Historia Fungorum circa Halifax sponte nascen- tium. Tom. I.,' with Funguses and their Names ; J. Bolton del. et sc. Funguses, a Vignette on p. v. And 44 Plates, numbered 1 to 44, all drawn and engraved by the Author. Vol. II. Huddersfield : printed for the Author by J. Brook, Bookseller ; and sold by B. White and Son, London ; .1. Binns, Leeds ; W. Edwards and Sons, and J. Milner, Halifax ; and may be had of all other Booksellers. MDCOLXXXTIII. Title, Introduction continued, pp. xix. to xxv. History of Agarics continued, pp. 45 to 73. Names, 2 pp. Arrangement of Agarics, pp. xxv. to xxxii. History of Funguses continued. Genera Boletus, Hydnum, Phallus, pp. 74 to 92. Index of Names, 1 p. 48 Plates, numbered 45 to 92, all drawn and engraved by the Author. Vol. III. Huddersfield : printed by J. Brook, for the Author, at Stannary, near Halifax. MDCCLXxxix. Title, Introduction continued, pp. xxvii. to xxxii. History of Funguses continued, pp. 93 to 138. Names, 4 pp. 46 Plates, not numbered. 264 THE YOKKSraRE LIBRARY. A Supplement, 1791, forming Vol. IV. Title, Introduction, pp. xxsiii. to xlii. Appendix, pp. 139 to 1S2. General Index, 12 pp., not numbered. 44 Plates. The copies with coloured Plates are on the best Eoyal paper ; the unco- loured copies are on an inferior paper. CCCCXLII. J. BOLTON. FILICES BEITANNIC^. Two Vols. Plates of Ferns. Leeds, 1785, and Huddersfield, 1790. CCCCXLIII. A DESCEIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the MINEEALS and FOSSIL OEGANIC REMAINS of SCAEBOEOUGH and the Vicinity, including the Line of Coast from Hornsea to Muln:rave, and extending into the interior as far as Malton. (By — KENDAL.) Scarborough : printed by and for T. Coultas, Newbrough Sreet ; and sold by Lackington, Allen, and Co., London ; J. and G. Todd, and Wol- stenholme, York; J. Craggs, Hull; E. W. Snow, Malton; and Eodgers, Whitby. 1816. {Octavo.) Half-title, Title as above. Advertisement. Subscribers' Names ; and the Catalogue, divided into four parts, with Half-titles, — 1, Minerals ; 2, Fossil Conchology ; 3, Fossil Zoophytes ; and 1, Fossil Vegetable Eeniains and Fossil Bones ; 308 pp. Pp. 309 to 311 repeated with an asterisk. Index, 8 pp., pp. 309 to 316. Corrigenda, 1 p. List of Plates (coloured). Engraved Title, on which is a Fossil Insect, found at INIalton. 1. Fossils ; Hartley del.. Cave bc, York ; p. 99. 2. Fossil Shells, p. 123. 8. Fossil Shells, p. 131. 4. Fossil Zoophytes, p. 194'. 5. Fossil Zoophytes, p. 245. 6. Ammonites, p. 298 (folded). CCCCXLIV. On the ASSOCIATION of TEAP ROCKS with the MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE FORIM.ATION in HIGH TEESDALE. Bv Eev. A. SEDGWICK, A\' oodwardian Professor. Cambridge. 1821. (Quarto.) CCCCXLV. Tlio FOSSII-S of the YORKSHIEE LIAS, Described from Nature, with a short Oiilline of tlie Yorkshire Coast, illustrated with Sections. By M. SIMPSON. I^ondon. 1855. {Duodecimo.) iHap0 anb ^lans. Wims anb portraits. JEaps anil flans. 1. A COLOURED MAP of TORKSHIEE. 28^ inches by 21 inches, to the engraved border, but not including the paper margin, which is gene- rally much cut down. Published at the expense of Thomas Seckford, of Woodbridge, in the County of Suffolk, who was one of the Masters of the Court of Requests, and founder of the now richly-endowed almshouses of his native town, in the reign of Elizabeth. At the right side, at the top corner, is a tablet inscribed, " EBORACEN SIS Comitatus (ciijus incoloB olim Brigantes appelldbantur) , LonqUudine Latitudine hominiimriue nutnero reliquis illustrior. An" Bni. 1577." On the top of the tablet, the royal Arms, supporters, garter, and E.E. At the right bottom corner, " Ghristo- pherus Saxton descripsit. Augiisiiiius Rytlier, Anglus, sculpslt. Aii° Dni. 1577. Scala Milliarum." At the left bottom corner the Arms and crest of Thomas Seckford, quarterly, — 1st, Seckford ; 2nd, Parry ; 3rd, Hack- ford ; and 4th, Jeuney. Within a circle surrounding the Arms, " Industkia JSTatubam oenat." This is one of a series of County Maps of England and Wales, the first which were engraved in this country. They are very interesting as the earliest effort, as well as showing the castles, parks, etc., as then existing, and also the orthography of the period. Christopher Saxton, the autlior of and surveyor for the Maps, was a native of Yorkshire. He was born at Dunningley, in the parish of Batley, both of which names are to be found on the Map. The series of Maps are most carefully executed, and were the result of nine years' actual survey. The dates engraved on the Maps commence with 1574, and extend to 1579. Saxton died in October, 1587, and was buried at Leeds. The family name of Saxton was common near Leeds ; two of that name were Vicars of Leeds. Augustine Ryther, who engraved the Map, kept a shop near Leadenhall. The family name being common in Yorkshire, as well as a village so called, I am inclined to think he was a native of the same county as Saxton. TLoresby, in his ' Vicaria Leodiensis,' p. 90, writes, "Besides those 2 u 266 THE YORKSinRE LIBRARY. which are commonly sold, I have a very rare map of this his native country, near a yard iu length, with the Plan of York in one corner, and the Pro- spect of Hull in another. The small ones are engraved by Wil. Hole, hut this noble one by Augustine Ryther (16i2). who was also very probably of this town, where the name is yet numerous, as Saxtou's once was from 1J:26 to the time of our fathers." I think there must be some error in the date 1012, which appears within brackets. Unfortunately I have never met with the large original Map. 2. EBORACENSIS Comitatus Pars Occidentalis, vulgo WEST EIDIXGr. Cheistopuekus S.vxton descripsit. Gulielmus Hole sculpsit. (Folio.) I presume this is the small Map mentioned by Thoresby. 3. MAP of EOMAN and BRITISH YORKSIIIEE, prepared under tlie direction of the Central Committee of the Archajological Institute, by Chahles Newton, M.A. London. 18i7 4. The NORTH and EAST EIDINS of YORKSHIRE. Performed bv John Speede, and are to be sold in Pope's Ileade Alley, against the Exchange, by John Sudbury and George Humbell. Cum Privilegio. 1610 A large folded Map, having the Arms of James I. crowned, at the left top corner; in the middle fourteen shields of " Tlie Arms of such Noble Familes as have borne tiie Dignitie of Earls of Richmond and Ilolderness, since the Norman Conquest;" at the right side six more of these arms; at tlie top right corner a plan of Richmond ; and at the left bottom corner a plan of Hull. 5. The WEST RIDINGE of YORKESHIRE, with the most Famous and Fayre Citic YORKE described. IGIO. A large folded Map, on which are the King's arms, a plan and arms of York, and five siiields of "The Amies of such Royal Princes as have borne the Title of Dukes of Y'^orke since the Norman Conquest, unto this present Ann. Domini 1010." The two preceding are part of a set of Maps (54) of England and Wales. They were afterwards used for the ' Theatre of Great 13ritaine, by John Speed,' Loudon, 1011, as well as for the subsequent and Latin editions. C. PROVINCIA EBOR.\CENSIS. YORKSHIRE. Amstelodami : npud Joan. Janssonium. (Folio, 19^ in. by 15 in.) 7. A MA PP of RICIIMONDSHIEE, being Part of the North Rideiug of Yorkeshije. By iiic. Blome. By His IMa" command. Dedicated to Conyi rs Darcy, with his Arms. 8. llKiiMAN Moll. A new Description of England and Wales. London. 1721. ^ (Folio.) List of Maps, relating to Y'orkshire. The North Riding of Yorkshire, witii Coins and Antiquities. The West Hiding of Yorkshire, with Anti(|uitie8. 'I ho East Eit. 70. (Quarto.) Ditto. 237. Martha, daughter of Sir I\I:umh:iiImKi', .-md wife of Thomas Wil- liams. ((Quarto.) Dilto. 238. Thomas, son (if Sii- l\Lu-iii:i.lukc. .Agent at Lisbon from CharlcH J. Ob. 1600, nl. 51. Ditto 239. Sir fJeorge, jrt. (13, (S„ia// Quarto.) Ditto He iii:irrii-il the heiress of the Conuav faiiiilv. Ob lOM, »■(. SO 210. William, (quarto.) Ditto PORTRAITS. 291 211. Eawdon, 8arali, wife of William. (Quar/n.) R. White del. et sc. Mamiaduke Eawdon (born 1G38, died 1(588) was author of a IMS. Genealogy of his family ; tiiese portraits were engraved for it. The work was never executed. The plates are extremely rare. 242. Eeadshaw, Eev. C, Vicar of Easby. 243. Eemington, iSir Tliomas, his Wife, and twenty Children. Whole lengths, from the family picture, 1G47. Halfpcuny. 244. Eichardson, Eobert, President of Harrogate Bath Hospital. S. Howell. C. Turner,, mezzo. 1842 245. Eichmond and Lenox, Lodwiek, Duke of. Van Somer. Clamp. 1795 24G. Ripon, Frederick John Eobiiison, Earl of. Lawrence. Turner. 247. Eobinson, John, Bishop of London. Dahl. Vertue. 1650-1723 ; born at Cleasby, where he founded a school. 248. Eockiugham, Charles, Marquis of. Wilson. Houston. 1730-1782 ; Lord Lieutenant of Yorkshire. 249. Eowe, Harry. Trumpeter and showman at York, 1797 ; commen- tator of Shakespeare. (Octavo.) Atkinson del. et sc. 250. Ditto. (Quarfo.) England. Thew. 251. Rushworth, John. AVith autograph and seal. (Qiinr/o.) Thane. 2.52. Sadler, Michael Thomas, of Leeds. 1780-1835. Eobinson. Lupton. 253. Sanderson, Nicholas. Vauderbanc. White. 1719 Born at Thurlston, 1682; blind mathematician; ob. 1739. 254. Sandys, Edwin, D.D. Octavo by Boissard. Quarto by Sanders. 1519-1588 ; Archbishop of York, 1576. 255. Savile, Sir George, M.P. Yorkshire. B. Wilson. Basire. 1770 256. Sir Henry. (Quarto.) Marcus Garrard. Clamp. Born at Bradley, 1549 ; translator of Tacitus ; Provost of Eton ; died there, 1621. 257. Scarborough, Eichard Lumley, 2nd Earl of. Kneller. Faber. 258. Scholey, George, Lord Mayor of London, 1813. Born at Sandal. (Octavo.) Blood. 259. Scott, Wm. Lister Fenton, Esq., W. E. Magistrate. S. Howell. From the picture in Knaresborough Court House. J. Scott. 1841 260. Sharp, John, D.D., Archbishop of York. E. White del. et sc. Born at Bradford, 1644 ; died 1714. 261. Shaw, Eobert, aged 84, Huntsman to T. L. Parker, Esq. (Octavo.) H. K. Cook sc. 1806 262. Shield, William. Opie. Dunkarton. 1757-1828 ; leader of the concerts at Scarborough. 263. Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of, Lord Furnival of Sheffield. Ob. 1453, a>t. 81. (Quarfo.) Basire. 264. . Gilbert Talbot. With autograph and seal. Thane. 265. Ditto. Head only, with autograph. Born in 1553. He w-as the last of the Talbots who held Sheffield Castle. Buried in the Parish Church of Sheffield, 1616. 266. Simpson, John, M.D„ of Maltrn. Jackson. S. W. Eeynolds. 267. Smart, Peter, Commissioner of York. (Octavo.) ^t. 73. Hollar. 268. Smeaton, John. (Octavo.) Mortimer. E. Woodman. 269. Ditto. (Quarto.) Brown. Bromley. 1724-1792 ; born at Austhorp ; celebrated engineer. 292 THE YORKSHIRE LIBRARY. 270. Smith, Thomas, of Wakefield, set. 84. Swanfelder. Bond. 271. Smyth, John, M.P. for Poutefract, with address from the electors. Edridge. Cardoii. 272. Stapleton, Sir Robert. Lombart. 273. Ditto. Marsliall. Of Yorkshire; poet; ob. 1G69. 271. Sterne, Richard. {Quarto.) Harding. 159G-1()83 ; Archbishop of York, ICCi. 275. Lawrence. (Quarto.) Sir J. Reynolds. Wivell. 1713-17G8 ; Prebend of York, Curate of Coxwold"; literatist. 276. Stockdale, Ciiristopher Walter. Kncller. Smith. M.P. for Knaresborougli ; ob. 1713. 277. Stock, Richard. Four Latin verses. (Quarto.) Tlio. Jcnner. Born at York ; divine ; ob. 1G29. 278. Strattord, Thomas, Earl of. Yan Dyck. R. Wliite. 279. Ditto. Yan Dvk. Houbrakeii. 1740 280. Ditto. With facsimile of letter. " Tliane. 1793 Born 1.593 ; M.P. for Yorksiiire: executed lG-41. 281. Thos., Earl of, son of the above. Kneller. Vertue. 1714 282. William, Earl of. Ob. 1791. Reynolds. M'Ardell. 283. Ditto. (Quarto.) Heath. 284. Stuart, Ferdinand Smyth. (Octavo.) 285. Sykes, Daniel. Autograph. (Octavo.) J. Jackson, 11. A. C.Phillips. M.P. for Hull ; ob. 1832. 1832 286. Sir Christopher. From a bust. (Quarto.) Born at Sledmere, 1749 ; ob. 1801. 287. Sir IMark Masterman, Bart. (Quarto.) Grave. 1771-1S23; of Sledmere; celebrated collector ; M.P.York. 288. Sir Tatton, Bart. On horseback. (Larr/c.) 289. Ditto. Pound sc. ; from a jihotograph. 290. Tate, Kev. James, Master of Richmond Grammar School. Pickersgill. Cousins mezzo. 291. Teale, T. P. Celebrated surgeon of Tweeds. Edgar. Scott. 292. Thompson, Edward, of Marston, M.P. for York. (Quarto.) 293. Thomas, M.P., F.S.A., Chairman of the Hull Dock Company. (Quarto.) Russell. Collver. 294. T. Pcrronet, M.P. for Hull. (Quarto.) 1837 295. Thoresby, Ralph, F.R.S. 1712. Of Leeds. Richardson. 1802 296. Tillotson, John. Kncller. Vertue. 297. Ditto. R.. White. 298. Ditto. Lely. Hlooteling. 1G4'0-1G91'; born at Sowerby ; Archhisho]i of Canterbury. 299. Trench, Sir Fred., ]\lajor-General, M.W for Scarborongli. Robson. Robinson. 300. Vane, Sir Heurv. From a ])irtMre at Strawberry Hill, ((juurto.) Born H;12; M.P. for Hull; executed 1(!G2. 301. Walli.s, (J.'orge. Anliipiary and gunsmilh, of Hull. 1737-1803. Harrison. J. R. Smith. Tlierc is an Octavo cntalon;ue of his museum of ancient and modorn arms, etc., published at Hull, 1833. PORTRAITS. 293 302. Wandesford, Sir Christoplier, Lord Cliief Baron. Vandyke. Watson. 1592-1040 ; of Bishop Burton and Kirklington. 303. Ward, Joshua, M.D. Of Guisborough ; ob. 1761. Mezzotint. 304. Waterhouse, li?v'. G-eorge, Dewsbury. {Quarto.) Wiklman. Parker. 305. Waterton, C arles, of Walton Hall. A caricature ; lie is riding on the back of a cayman. E. Cruikshanks. 1S27 300. W^atson, Rev. John, M.A., F.S.A., Hector of Stockport. Stringer. Historian of Halifax, and of Warrens, Earls of Surrey. Baaire. 307. Welibeloved, Rev. Charles. Lonsdale. Cousins mezzo. Author of ' Eburacum, or York under the Romans.' 308. Wentworth, Arthur, of Buhner, near Castle Howard, earth-stopper, fet. 75. N. Drake. Val. Green mezzo. 1707 309. West, Joseph, of Welbonrn. S. W. Reynolds mezzo. 1798 310. Wharnclift'e, James Mackenzie, Lord. {Quarto.) Ryall. 311. Ditto. Briggs. Holl. 1770-1845 ; M.P. for Yorkshire. 312. Wharton, Thomas, first Marquis of. Kneller. Houbraken. 313. Wickliff, John. Godfrey sc. 1781 1324-1384 ; reformer ; born at Spreswell. 314. Wilberforce, William. {Large.) Rising. Hodges mezzo. 1791 315. Ditto, M.P. for Yorkshire. Russell, R.A. Heath, A.R.A. 1807 316. Ditto. Slater. Say mezzo. 1820 Born at Hull, 1759; died 1833. 317. Wilkins, John. Lely. Blooteling. 1614-1072 ; Dean of Eipon ; Bishop of Chester. 318. Williams, John, D.D. Houbraken. 319. As Lord Keeper. {Quarto.) Van der Gucht. 320. As Dean of Westminster. {Quarto.) Jausen. J. Stow. 1822 1582-1050 ; Archbishop of York, 1641. 321. Wilson, Henry. {Octavo.) B. Cole sc. Geometrician ; born at Pickering, 1678. 322. Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal, Archbishop of York. Holbein. Houbraken. 323. Wortley, Sir Francis. {Quarto.) A copy from the Rare print by Hertocks. 324. Ditto. {Octavo.) Hull. Thane. 1782 Poet ; loyalist. 325. Wrangham, Rev. Francis. {Octavo.) Jackson. Hicks. Bornat Malton, 1709; literatist; Archdeacon of E. Riding; ob. 1842. 320. Wyvill, Eev. Christopher. lloppner. Meyer. 327. York, Whittel. 1778-1843 ; of Wighill Park ; Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1832. Kirtejr* Ackworlh School, by J. Fothergill, 148. Aldborough, the Koiiiaii Kemains of, by H. E. Smith, 113. Archceologia, 211. Archaeological Journal, 215. Askern Visitor's Guide, 117. Mineral Springs, by E. Laukcs- ter, 117. Mineral Water, 259. Barnslcy, History of, by K. Jackson, 119. Bawtry and Thorne, History of, by W. Peck, 117. Ben Khydding, 259. Beverley, 2 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars of 17th Century, 229. lli.story of, by O. Oliver, 16(5. History of, bv Cx. Poulson, lOS. Minster, 10 Views by J. Johnson, 167. Biography, ktc. Abbot, William. 210. Aram, Eugene, 252. Baines, Edward, 2t9. Bateman, Mary, 253. Bigland. John. 216 Blaclii'tt, Sir Walter, 247. Bottonilc}', Kev. Samuel, 24,6. Cholmley, Sir Hugh, 213. Crosse, Itev. John, 25(J. Elliott, Ebenezer, 250. Etly, William, 251. Fairfax Correspondence, 21]. Fairfax, Thomas Lord, 238. Fawkes, Guy, 2-10. Founders of New England, 2'i4. Cient, 'J'homas, 215. Hastings, Lady JCIizabeth, 247. Hey, William, 21S. Hinderwell, Tliomas, 245. Hii-sl. James, 249. H...m1, Kolnn,2l0. Hull .\utli.irs. 249. ]|ini((r, liev. .losejih, 251. Leeds Worthies, 247. LJBtcr, Joseph, 238. BlOGIiArllY, ETC. — von t ill III d. Martin, Jonathan, 253. Metcalf, John, 246. Keptune, W. J., 249. North, Kobert, 246. Pope, Alexander, 244. Preston. Jennet, 252. il2. S. Eadclifl'e. Sir Georg Kawdon Family, 242. Sadler, Michael Thomas, 248. Scarborough Worthies. 245. Shawe, IJev. John, 243. Sliugsbv, Sir Henry, 243. Tufton Family, 244. Wakefield Notabilities, 217. Wellbeloved, Ecv. Cliarles, 251. Wood, Eev. William, 251. Wright, Thomas, 250. Yorkshire Poets, 240. Yorkshire Worthies, 239, 250. Bolton Abbey, 14 Views, by J. Davis, 123. 6 Views, by C. Cope. 122. 7 Views, by J. Burkill, 123. Boroughbridge, Stranger's Guide, lit. Bradford, History of, liy James, 89. Church Documents, by Dr. Outh- waite, 90. Church, by Eev. J. Faweelt. 91. Tract, temp. Civil AVars, 229. Bridlington, Description of the Priory Church, by M. Prickett, 168, Historical Sketches, by J.Tliomp- son, 168. Browsholme Hall, by T. L. Parlur, 133. Catterick Cluircli, by J. Kaino, 185. Cawood Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 229. ilislorv of, by AV. Whealer, 304. Cleveland, History of, by J. Graves, 189. Hislory of, by J. W. Ord, 190. Tract, lemii. Civil Wars. 229. Coatham, 'I'riji to, by W. Ilullon, 193. Correspoiulcnce of E. liichardson, of Bicrlcy, by U. Turner, 218. INDEX. 295 Cottingliam, Ilistovj of, by C. Overton, KM.' Craven, History of the Deanery of, by T. D. Whitaker, 119. Dialect of, by W. Carr. 122. Guide to, by W. Howson, 120. Dewsburv, Ecclesiastical History of, by J. B. Greenwood, 97. Don, Tour of the, 108. Doncaster. History of the Deanery of, by J. Hunter, 109. History of, by E. Miller, 112. Hospital of St. Thomas, by J. Faleouar, 113. History of the Ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalen, by J. E. Jack- son, 11-1. St. George's Church, by J. E. Jackson, 115. St. George's Church, by E. B. Dcnison, 116. Mansion House, Plans, Eleva- tions, etc., by J. Paine, 114. Askern, etc.. Tourist's Handbook, 116. Village Sketches, 108. Easby Abbey, G Views, by W. R. Ro- binson, 185. Easingwold, History of, by T. Gill, 207. East Riding-, Agriculture of, by Isaac Leatham, 172. Agriculture, by H. E. Strickland, 172. Eastern Yorkshire, by R. Knox, 157. Ecclesfield, History of, by J. East- wood, 104. Faridey Collection of Water Colour Drawings, 218. Ferriby, Welton, etc.. Guide to, by — Allen. 171. Filey, History of, by J. Cole, 205. Fountains Abbey, Views by J. and H. S. Storer, 140. 8 Views, by Metcalfe and Car- michael, 140. ■ Memorials of, by J. K. Walbran. 139. Grammar Schools, by N. Carlisle, 215. GrisMiorp Tumulus, by W. C. William- son. 201. Halifax History, and Gibbet Law, 91. 2iid Edition, 92. Antiquities of, hy T. Wright. 93. • • History of. by J. Watson, 93. ■ History of (Nelson's), 94. History of, by J. Crabtree, 95. Halifax Buildings, drawn by John Horner, 96. Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 229. Funguses growing about, 263; Filices Britaiinicte, by J. Bolton. 264. Hallamshire Glossary, by J. Hunter, 107. Harewood, History of, by Jones, 145. History of, by .1. Jewell, 144. Harrogate, A Season at. Poetical ]i:pistles, 142. • Visitor's Handbook, 142. • Spaw, by Dr. Dean, 255. • and Thorp Arch Waters, by J. Walker, 255. • Waters, by W. Alexander, 255. Mineral Waters, by T. Garnett, 255, 256. Sulphur Water, by Hunter, 256. Hatfield Chace, 1700, 118. Vermuyden'a Agreement for draining, 119. Heptonstall Church, History of, by J. Fawcett, 96. Heyworth Moor, 4 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 230. High Teesdale, Association of Trap Rocks with the .Mountain Limestone, by A. Sedgwick, 264. Holderness, History of, by G. Poul- sou, 152. • Views for Dade's intended His- tory of, 156. HorleyGreen Spaw, by T. Garnett, 258. Howden, History of, by J. Savage, 171. History of (Clarke), 171. in the Month of April, 161.4, 170. Huddersfield, Walks Round, by G. S. Phillips. 98. Hull, History of, by T. Gent, 157. Ditto, Reprint, 1869. 159. ■ History of, by G. Hadley, 160. History of, by J. Tickell, 161. Early History of, by Frost, 161. Picture of, by J. Greenwood, 163. and Sculcoates .\cts of Parlia- ment, by W. Woolley, 163. Charities, Inquiry into, by T. White, 164. Corporation Inquiry, bj- W. (Jaw- tress, 164. Hull, 35 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 230. Ilkley. Bolton, etc., by B. Bailey, 126. Views of, by T. Kilby, 126. etc., by J. Warden, 127. 296 INDEX. Ilkley Fountain, by T. Dodgson, 258. Inglcborouijh, by T. Dixon, 125. and Settle, Tour to the Caves of, 125. Kirby Moorside, History of, by W. P^astmead, 192. Kirkburton, History of, by H. J. More- liouse, 97. Kirkstall Abbey. History of, 88. Account o"f, by J. "y K. Par- son and W. While, 87. Leeds, Guide to, by T. Fenteman and Sons, 87. and Manchester Eailwaj', by E. Butternorth, 98. Poll Books, 87. Discovery of Hippopotamic Re- mains, by Henry Denny. 2()2. Tract, temp, of Civil Wars, 233. Library of Kev. Joseph Hunter sold in 1861, 111. Old, by an Old Leeds Cropper, 303. Lupset, the Heath, and Sharlston, An- tiquarian Notices of, by J. Hunter, 103. Malhani, Natural Curiosities of, by T. Hurtlcy, 124. MaTiufacturing Districts of England, by Sir G. Head, 215. Maps and Plans, 265. Marston .Moor, 2 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 233. Jfasham, History of, by .1. Fisher, 187. Mi.ldlcham Church, by"^V• Atthill, 185. Morley, History of, bj' N. Scalcherd, 88. Rambles about, by W. Smith. jun., 303. Mulgrave Castle, Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 23 t. jMunimenta Anliqua, by E. King. 214. Nctherdalc, History of'.'by W.Wclhcr- head, 143. No Cure no Pay, by Harry Rowc, 217. Norlhallcrloii, History of, by C. J. Inglcdcw, 191. History of, by J. Langdale. 191. Northern Star Magazine, 21il. North Riding, Metcalfe's 12 Aliens, 180. Agriculture, by J. Tul;c, 209. Nostel Priory, Historical Sketch of, by K.E. lia.ty. 119. Occllum Proniontorium, 169. Ordnance Survey of Yorkshire, 2()9, 270. I'hilosojiliical Tran'^aclions, 213. I'lalcs, Toiiograpliii'al and Anlii|uarinn, 271. PoKTIiV. Appcrley. \'alc of. by W. Green- wood, 225. Barnabci'S Joiirmil. 221. Cliarai'Icrs and I'llcglcs. liy 1'". Wort ley, 220. Christening at the \ icarage, 226. INDEX. 297 PoETEY — continued. Cyril, by G. Wilson, 226. Drunken Barnaby's journeys, 231. Flowers of Ebor, by T. Crossley, 224. Halifax, by W. Williams, 224. KirkstaU Abbey, by D. M'JSTicoll, 225. by O. S. Lushingtou, 225. Lays of Ebor, by J. Wardell, 226. Lyra Eboracensis, 224. Pater Patria;, by T. Gent, 223. Poems by J. Nicolson, 225. Poetic Description of York, 224. Praise of Yorkshire Ale, by G. M., 223. EecoUection of Old Christmas, a Masque, 226. Scarborough, by J. Duick, 223. by M. Foster, 223. Stamford Bridge Battle, by R. Elliot, 226. Star Seer, by W. Deardcn, 224. Stony Rock, 225. ToD 'Bar, by J. Yewdall, 225. Tong, by R. C. Wildon, 226. Viator, by Thomas Maude, 128. Whitby, by S. Jones, 224. White Rose of York, by C. Ho- garth, 224. Yorkshire Anthology, by J. O. HaUiwell, 220. Pontefract, History of, by T. Gent, 145. History of, by R. J. Tetlow, 146. History of, by B. Boothroyd, 146. Histoiy of, by G. Fox, 147. Castle, Taking of, by T. Paulden, 148. 3 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 234. Plan of, by Paul Jollage, 1742, 267. Portraits, 282. Ravenspurne, History of, by T. Thomp- son, 169. Redear Guide, 193. Richmond, Registrum Honoris (Gale), 173. History of, 12mo, 181. History of, by C. Clarkson, 181. ■ Bowman's Guide to, 184. Charities of W. Stratford, 184. Richmondshire, History of, by T. D. Whilaker, 175. Guide to, by W. H. D. Long- staffe, 184. Richmondshire Wills and Inventories, by Rev. J. Raine, 180. Ripon, History of, by T. Gent, 135. History of (FaiTcr's), 136. Studley, and Fountains Abbey, by J. R. Walbran, 137. and Harrogate Guide, by J. R. Walbran, 138. Genealogical Memoir of the Lords of Studley, by J. R. Walbran, 140. Cathedral (Winkle), 215. Rothwell Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 234. Saddleworth and Rochdale, History of, by J. Butterworth, 98. Salley Abbey, History of, by J. Har- land, 124. Sealby, Burniston, and Cloughton, History of, by J. Cole, 205. Scarborough, History of, by T. Hin- derwell, 197. Guide, 1796, 198; Guide, 1797, 198 ; Guide, 1815, 199. Journey from London to, 200. Tour in 1803, by W. Hutton, 200. Poetical Sketches of, 200. Tumulus opened at, by W. Tra- vis, 201. Church Rides, by J. Fawcett, 201. Churches of, and Neighbourhood, by G. A. Poole, 201. Graphic and Historical Sketches, 202; Album, 203; Library of a Phi- lobiblist, 203 ; Repository, 203 ; Ca- talogue, 204 ; Antiquarian Trio, 204 ; Collector, 205 ; Antiquarian Bijou, all by John Cole, 205. Catalogue of Minerals and Fos- sils, by — Kendal, 264. Spaw, by R. Wittie, 256, 257 ; by W. Simpson, 256, 257, 258 ; by G. TonstaU, 257 ; by P. Shaw, 257 ; by J. Atkins, 258 ; by T. Short, 258. 3 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 234. Selby, History of, by J. Mountain, 149. History of, by W. W. Morrell, 150. 2 Tracts, temp. Civil Wars, 235. Sermons, by T. Wliitaker, 216. Sheffield, History of, by J. Hunter, 104. History of, 2nd Edition, by A. Gatty, 106. Great Flood in 1864, by S. Har- rison, 107. 2 Q 298 INDEX. Sheffield, Picture of, 107. Sherborne Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 235. Sherburn and Cawood, History of, by W. Wheatcr, 304. Sheriil-IIutton Castle. 208. Skeltoii Chutvh, by E. Christian, 208. SkiptoD, Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 235. Slingsby, Account of, by W. Walker, 206. Spas of England, by Granville, 259. Sprotborough, Notes, 117. StainborongU and Rockley, 103. Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentakes, by J. Wainwright, 111. Swine, History of, by Thompson, 170. Teesdale, Tour in. 18"S. Thirsk, History of, 192. Thorne, Historj- of, 119. Tracts during the Civil Wars of the 17th Centurj', 227. Village Sketches, by Hatfield, 108. Wakefield Parish Church, History of, by J. L. Sisson, 99. Bridge Chantry, by J. C. and C. Buckler, 100. Bridge Chantry, by N. Scatcherd, 101. Pauper Lunatic Asylum, by Wat- son and Pritchett, 101. Battles of, by G. Tyas, 102. Views in, by Rev. T. Kilby, 102. Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 235. '\^^alton Hall, Catalogue of Pictures, 219. Wanderings of an Antiquary, by T. Wright, 21(;. AVcnslcydale, by T. Maude, 180. Three days of, by W. Barker, 187. West Riding, Guide to the Lakes, by J. Housman, lol. Agriculture, by Rennie, Brown, and Sliirrcfr. 151. Whallcy and Clithcroc, History of, by T. D. Whilaker, 129 ; 3rd Edition, 131. Wliarfdale, Description of, 127. History of, bv T. Shaw, 127. • A Pucni, by T. Maude, 127. AVliilby, History of, by L. Cliarlton, 191.. History of, by G. Young, 191. Picture of, by G. Young, 19(>. Reed's Guide. 190. (ilosRftry of Words, 191. Whitby and Pickering Railway Sce- nery, by H. Belcher, 190. Wistow, Account of Village and Church of, 304. Woolley Park, A'iews and Decorations, by A". Aglio, 103. Wressle, History of, by J. Savage, 171. Castle, Northumberland House- hold Book at, 172. Tract, temp. Civil Wars, 236. Yordes Cave, by W. Seward, 125. YOBK. Antiquities of, by H. Cave, 50. and a list of Mayors, by J. Terr, 42. Cathedral, Great Eastern Win- dow, by T. Gent, 44. History of, 56. 12 Perspective Views, by C. W;ild, 57. History and Antiquities of, by .John Britton, 57. History of, by J. Browne, 59. Gothic Ornaments in, by J. Halfpenny, 52. • Historical and Descriptive Guide, by Poole and Hugall, 62. Cathedrals of Canterbury and York, 55. of York and Ripon, by Winkles, 215. Charity School, 69. Charity Schools for Girls, by Ca- therine Cappe, 70. Churches of, by .T. Fawcett, 66. Customs and Orders of the Lord Mayor and Commons of York, touching their Gowns, etc., by T. Gent, 217. Description of (Todd. 1825), 67. Eburacum, York under tlie Ro- mans, by C. Wcllbeloved. 03. Emanuel, an Account of the In- stitution, 69. Fortifications, History, and Anti- quities of, by Lockwood and Cates, 04. Fragmenta A'^etusta, by .1. Half- penny, 51. Gentlemen's Undertaking, 1089, 210. Guide to the Cathedral, ()7. History of, by F. Drake, 30. by T. Gci.l-, 13. 3 vols., duodecimo, 40. 2 vols., octavo, 48. INDEX, 299 YoBK — continued. History of, by W. Hargrove, 49. Illustrated, 67. Mayors and Bailiffs, Catalogue of, by C. Ilildyard, 42. Mints and Coinages, Historical Notes, by E. Davies, C9. Miscellaneous, 216. Municipal Records, by E. Davies, 65. Musical Festival, 1825, 218. Parish Churches, 65. Plates, Topographical and Anti- quarian, 280. Prince of Wales's Visit to York in 1789, 217. Public Hospital, 69. Kaces, 1771, 217. Racing Calendar, by W. Pick, 217. Restoration of the Minster, by Rev. W. V. Vernon, 218. Retreat for Insane Persons, by S. Tuke, 70. Origin, Progress, etc., 70. ■ St. Margaret's Church Porch, by J. Browne, 68. St. Mary's Abbey, Ancient and Present State, by C. Wellbe- loved, 68. Sketches, by F. Bedford, jun., 66. Stranger's Guide through, 67. Tracts, temp. Civil Wars of 17th Century, 236. YOBKSHIEE. Abbeys, Photographic Tour, by Delamotte and Cundall, Notes by Walbran and Jones, 23. Annals, by J. Mayhall, 29. by H. Schroeder, 29. Anthology, by J. O. Halliwell, 220. Architectural Society, Paper by M. H. Bloxam, 34. Battles and Battle Fields, by W. Grainge, 33. Catalogue of E. Hailstone's York- shire Books and Tracts, 35. Churches and Chapels in the Dio- ceses of York and Eipon, by G. Lawton, 4. Churches of Yorkshire (Green's), 15. Costume, by G. Walker, 20. Description of Part of Yorkshire (Tuke's), 7. Topographical and Statisti- cal, by G. A. Cooke, 27. YoEKSHlEE — continued. Domesday Book for Yorkshire, by W. Bawdwen, 1. Ordnance Facsimile for Yorkshire, 2. Election, 1818, by C. Peacock, 34. Flora, by Henry Baines, 262. Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias, by M. Simpson, 264. Gazetteer, by S. R. Clarke, 8. by E. Hargrove, 7. Geological Survey of the Coast, by G. Young, 261. Map, Ordnance Survey, 270. Map, Professor Phillips, 269, Geology, Illustrations of, by J. Phillips, 260. Goatland, 6 Views in, by G. Ni- cholson, 23. Handbook for Travellers (Mur- ray's), 35. History of the County of York, by T. Allen (quarto), 11, (oc- tavo), 14. History and Directory, by E. Baines, 8. Illustrations of the Count}', by A. E. Evans and Son, 34. Index of Towns and Villages, 1792, 7. Kirby's Inquest of the County, 5. Longevity, by W. Grainge, 30. Maps and Plans, 265. Memoirs Communicated to the Archaeological Institute Meet- ing at York in 1846, 31. Miscellaneous, 211 . Monasteries, 6 Views of, by G. Nicholson, 23. Monastic Ruins, drawn by W. Richardson, described by E. Churton, 24. Monasticon Eboracense, by J. Burton. 2. Month in Yorkshire, by W.White, 20. Museum. Catalogue, by C. Well- beloved. 31. Nomina Villarum Eboracensium, 7. Parliamentary Representation, by H. S. Smith, 34. Picturesque Guide (Black's), 20. Tour, by E. Dayes, 28. Views (6), by G. Nicholson, 22. 300 INDEX. Yorkshire — continued. Plates, Topo^aphical and Anti- quarian, 271. PoU for the County, 1807, 34. Portraits, 282. Eailway Excursions, by J. Phil- lips, 30. E^ligious Houses of Yorkshire, by G. Lawton, 4. Eeliquia; Antiquae Eboracenses, by W. Bowman, 21. Eeliquia; Eboracenses, per H. D., 19. — Translation, by T. Gent, 20. EiverB. Mountains, and Seacoast, by J. Phillips, 9. Eural Economy, by Marshall, 33. Scenery, by E. Ehodes, 28. Spaws, 254. Testamenta Eboracensia, by J. Eaine, 5. Tokens and Seals, by W. Boy ne, 18. Yorkshire — continued. Tonge's Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530, by W. H. D. Longstaffe, 6. Topography and History of York- shire, by J. Bigland, 10. Topographical Dictionary, by T. Langdalo, 8. Tour, by W. Bray, 26. Tour from Downing to Alstone Moor, by T. Pennant, 2fi. Alstone to Harrowgatc, 27. Tourist's Companion, by E. Par- sons, 30. Tracts, temp. Civil Wars of 17th Century, 227. Trials of Principal Offenders at York Castle, by L. T. Eede, 30. Views of Mansions, Castles, etc., by J. P. Neale, 17. Walks in, by W. S. Banks, 303. Yorkshireman, by L. Howard, 219. Knirr j: of ^iutljorsf* Aglio, A., 103, 122. Ale.xandcr, William, 255. Allen, Thomas, 11, 14. Allen, Eev. — , 171. Atkins, .John, 258. Atthill, Eev. William, 186. Bailey, Benson, 120. Baines, Edward, 8. Baincs, Henry, 202. Banks, W. S., 303. Barclay, E., 65. Barker. W. G. M. J., 187. Barnard, Eev. Thomas, 248. Batty, Eev. E. E., 149. Bawdwen, Eev. William, 1. Bedford, F., Juii., 00. Belcher, Henry, 190. Bell, Holicrt, 21.1. Berw ick, Edward, 212. Bigland, .lohn, 10, 117. Billani, Francis T., K5. BIcsard, .John Hol.crt, 85. Bloxam, Matthew II., 34. Bolton, Janic8, 263, 264. Boothroyd, Eev. Benjamin, 116. Bowman, William, 21. Boyne, William, 18. Brathwait, Eichard, 222. Bray, William, 20. Brewcrton, T. L. G., 259. Britton, .John, 57. Broadley, John, 213. Browne, John, 59, 08. Buckler, J. C. and C, 100. Burkill, John, 123. Burton, .John, 2. Butterworth. I'alwin, 98. BuUcrwortli, James, 98. Calvert, M., 112. Cameron, Eev. John, 217. (^appe, Callu'riiic, 70. Carlisle, Nicholas, 215. I'arr, Eev. AV., 122. Cates, Adolphus H., (it. Cave. H., 50. Charlton, JjioncI, 191. Cliristiaii, Imviim, 2iIS. Churton, Eev. Edward, 24. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 301 Clarke, Stephen 11., 8. Clarke, Thomas, 171. Clarkson, Christopher, 181. Cole, John, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 245, 246. Coleridge, Hartley, 239. Cooke, G. A., 27. Cope, C, 122. Crabtree, John, 95. Croker, Crofton, 226. Crossfield, A., 191. Crossley, Thomas, 224. Dade, Eev. W., 156. Davies, Robert, 65, 69, 240. Davis, J. S., 123. Dayes, Edward, 28. Deane, Edmund, 254, 255, Dearden, William, 224. Delamotte, Philip H., 23. Denison, Edmund B., 116. Denny, Henry, 262. Dering, Rev. Heneage, 19. Dixon, Thomas, 125. Dodgson, Thomas, 258. Drake, Francis, 36. Duick, John, 223. Eastmead, Rev. W., 192. Eastwood, Rev. J., 104. ElUot, Rev. Robert, 226. Evans, A. E., and Son, 34. Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, 238. Falconar, James, 113. Fawcett, Rev. Joshua, 66, 91, 96, 201. Fenteman and Sons, 87. Fisher, John, 188. Foster, Eev. Mark, 223. Fothergill, John, 148. Fox, George, 147. French, John, 255. Frost, Charles, 162, 249. Gale, Roger, 1 74. Garland, Richard, 189. Garnett, Thomas, 256, 258. Gatty, Rev. Alfred, 106. Gawtress, William, 164. Gent, Thomas, 20, 43, 41, 135, 145, 158, 216, 217, 223. Gilchrist, Alexander, 251. Gill, Thomas, 207. Grainge, WiJliam, 31, 33. Granville, A. B., 259. Graves, Rev. John, 189. Green, J., 200. Greenwood, J., 163. Greenwood, W., 225. Greenwood, Rev. John B., 97. Hadley, George, 160. Hailstone, Edward, 35, 250. Halfpenny, Joseph, 51, 52. Halliwell, James O., 220. Hargrove, E., 7, 141. Hargrove, William, 49. Harland, J., 124. Harrison, Samuel, 108. Haslewood, Joseph, 222. Hatfield, C. W., 108. Head, Sir George, 215. Hildyard, Christopher, 42. HinderweU, Thomas, 197. Hogarth, George, 224. Holland, John, 108. Horner, John, 96. Housman, John, 151. Howard, Luke, 219. Howsou, William, 126. Hugall, J. W., 62, 201. Hunter, Adam, 256. Hunter, Rev. Joseph, 81, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 240, 244. Hurtley, Thomas, 124. Hutton, William, 193, 260. Hutton, Rev. John, 125. Ingledew, C. J. Davison, 191. Inglis, James, 252. Ireland, W. H. C, 224. Jackson, Rev. John Edward, 114, 115. Jackson, Rowland, 149. James, Colonel Sir H., 2. James, John, 89. Jeffer.son, J. B., 192. Jewell, John, 144. Johnson, George W., 241. Johnson, John, 167. Jones, John, 145. Jones, S., 224. Kendal, — , 264. Kenrick, Rev. John, 251. Kilby, Rev. Thomas, 102, 126. King, Edward, 214. Knox, Robert, 157. Langdale, J., 191. Langdale, Thomas, 8. Lankester, Edwin, 117. Lawton, George, 4. Leatham, Isaac, 172. Lockwood, Henry F., 64. Longstaffe, William H. D., 6, 184. Lushington, O. S., 225. Marshall, Mr., 33. Maude, Thomas, 128, 186. Mayhall, John, 29. Merrington, George, 223. 302 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Metcalf, J., 140. Metcalf, E., 180. Midgeley, Samuel, 92. Miller, Edward, 112. M'Nicoll. Eev. David, 225. Monkhouse, W., 66. Morehouse, Henry .James, 97. Morgan, Eev. William, 250. Morrell, W. W., 150. Mountain, James, 149. Neale, George, 255. Nealc, J. P., 17. Nelson, Eev. — , 95. Newsam, AV. C, 240. Niehol.son, George, 22, 23. Nicholson, John, 225. Oliver, Eev. George, 160. Ord, John W., Itio. Osburn, William, 86. Outhwaite, Dr., 90. Overton, Eev. Charles, 164. Paine, James, 114. Parker, Thomas L., 133. Parson, William, 87. Parsons, Eev. Daniel, 243. Parsons, Edward, 30, 81. Paulden, Tho., 148. Peacock, Ca?sar, 34. Pearson, John, 248. Peck, William, 117. Pennjint, Thomas, 26, 27. Percy, Thomas, Bp. of Dromoro, 172. Phillips, George S., 98. PhilliiJs, John, 9, 30, 260. Pick, W., 217. Poole, Eev. George A., 62, 201. Poulson, George, 152, 165, Prickctt, Eev, Marmaduke, 168. Eaine, Eev. Canon, 180. Eainc, Eev. .Tamos, 5, 185. Ilcdc, I.eman Thomas, 30. Eeed, Silvester, 196. Rennie, Erowii, and Shircd', ]")1. Ehodes, I'^hvard. 28. Eicliardson, William, 24. Eohinson, F. K., 194. linhinson. W. H., 185. J{owe, Hurry, 217. Savage, .lanici, 171. Scntchcrd, Norrison, 89, HH, 252. Schrocdcr, Henry, 29. Sedgwick, Kcv. A., 204, Seward, William, 125, Shaw, I'cter, 257. Sliaw, Thomas, 127, Short, Thomaa, 258. Simpson, M,, 264, Simpson, W,, 256, 257, 258, Sissons, Eev, J. L., 99, Skaife, Eobert H,, 5, Smith, H. Ecroyd, 143, Smith, H. Stocks, 34. Smith, William, jun., 303. Stanhope, Michael, 254. Storcr, J. and H. S,, 110, Straker, John, 247, Strickland, H, E., 172, Taylor, Eev. E, V„ 247, Tealc, Eev, W. H., 80. Tetlow, Richard John, 146. Thompson, J., 168. Thompson, Thomas, 170. Thorcsby. Ealph, 71, 79. Tickell, Eev. John, 101. Todd, George, 208. Tonstall, George, 257. Torr, James, 12. Travis, William, 201. Take, John, 209. Tuke, Samuel, 70. Turner, Dawson, 218. Tyas, George, 102. Vernon, Eev. W. V., 218. Waimvright, John, 111. Walbran, J, R., 23, 138, 139, 140, 193, Walker, George, 20, Walker, Joshua, 255, Walker, Rev. William, 206. Warden, James, 82, 83, 127, 220. Watkina, .John, 250. Watson, Rev. John, 93. Watson and Pritchett, 101. WcUbeloved, Rev. C, 31. 63, 08,251, Wcatherhead, William, 143. AVhealcr, W„ 304. AVhitakcr, Rev, T, D,, 74, 76, 119, 129, 131, 175, 242, Whitaker, Rev, Thomas, 210. White, Thomas, 104. While, William, 20,87. Wild, Charles, 67, Wildon, R. C, 220. Williams, W., 224, Williamson, William C, 201. AVilsoii, (ieorge, 22(>. Wittie, Robert. 25fi, 257, AVoolley, William, 1(;3. Wort ley. Sir Francis, 220, AVright, Thomas, 21l'., 238, 250. Wright. Rev. Thoniiis, 93. Vcwdall. .(ohn, 225. Aouiig, Eev, George, 194, 190, 261. 303 1. To follow XLIII. WALKS iu YOEKSniEE: I. in the North West; II. ia the North East. By VV. 8. BANKS, of Wakefield. London : J. E. Smith, Soho Square. Wakefield : W. E. Hall, Kirkgate. 1^^*^- {Post Octavo.) Half-title, Title. Contents, Introduction, Walks, Index, and List of Subscribers, 372 pp. With two folded Maps,— 1, N. W. Yorkshire ; 2, N.E. Yorkshire ■ and a View of Barden Tower, facing the Title. ' This is an admirable specimen of country printing ; if all would do as well, there would be no need to come to London to seek a printer. 2. To follow CXVI. OLD LEEDS : its Byegones and Celebrities. By an old Leeds Cronner (With a Woodcut of the old Moot Hall.) ' Leeds : H. W. Walker, Briggate. 1868. {Crown Octavo.) Title and Dedication. Old Leeds, and Notes, 165 pp. A very entertaining and useful book. The Author is anonymous ; he calls himself a Eadical ; it is more likely he is a good old Tory, who writes with great liberality. It is to be hoped he will continue his' notes down to the present times, which he hints that he may do, if encoura