ACTS OF PARLIAMENT 1CH TABLE ORDERS INNER TEMPLE ORDERED TO BE PRINTED 3 NOVEMBER. 1893 FEED GEORGE MARTEN ESQ. Q. C. TREASURER. ^ra THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES fl»fl mm ■el SCHOOL OF LAW — ACTS OF PARLIAMENT AND BENCH TABLE ORDERS OF THE INNER TEMPLE. Ordered to be printed 3 November, 1893. ALFKED GEORGE MARTEN, ESQ., Q.C., Treasurer. LONDON: PRINTED DY II. S. CART WRIGHT, 19, SOUTHAMPTON BUILDINGS, W.C. 1893. T 1993 5? CONTENTS. I. — Precedence. 1. Treasurer. 2. Masters of the Bench. 3. Junior not to be superseded. II. — Calls to the Bench. 4. Constitution of Bench. 5. Qualification for Call. o. Disqualification for Call. 7. Lords of Appeal and Judges. Time for calling to Bench. 8. Honorary Benchers, &c. 9. Only one Call a Term. 10. How Call to be made. 11. Proceedings on Call to Bench. 12. Notice of Call. 13. How Call determined. 14. Order of Ballot. 15. Number of votes for Call. 16. One Ballot only. 17. Payment of Fee and Dues. 18. Effect of declining Call. 19. Patent. 20. Pensions and Preacher's Dues. 74 7997 ( ii- III. — Treasurer. 21. Annual Offices. 22. Readers liable. 23. Seniority decides. 24. Death or removal of Treasurer. 25. Remuneration of Treasurer. 26. Qualification. 27. Order of Succession. 28. Keeping Terms. 29. Bencher declining. 30. Books. 31. No casting vote. 32. Contracts. 33. Current Expenditure. 34. Special Expenditure. 35. Authority of Bench. 36. Cheques. 37. To ascertain the incoming Treasurer. 38. Lending Hall. 39. Power to invite guests. 40. Decision in Difficulties. 41. Ex-Treasurer. IV. — Reader. 42. Order of Succession. 43. On all Committees. 44. Coat of Arms. V. — Master of the Library. 45. Election and Powers. 46. Library Rules. VI. — Masters of the Bench. 47. Key of Library. 48. Key of Garden. VII. — Bench Chambers. 49. Choice by Treasurer. 50. Choice by Benchers. 51. Notice of Orders. 52. Time of disposal. 53. Fee for admittance. 54. No priority to Q.C. 55. Bencher in arrear. 56. Repairs. 57. Accounts for repairs. 58. Chambers dilapidated. 59. Notice of increase of Bench Chambers. 60. Disqualification for Chambers. 61. Loss of Bench Chambers. VIII . — Parliaments. 62. Quorum. 63. Time of holding. 64. Adjournment. IX. — Business at the Bench Table. 65. Commencement of Business. 66. Grand Week. 67. Minute Book. 68. Reading Mmutes. 69. Forms of motion. 70. Reversing decisions. 71. Notice as to departure from Orders. 72. Reading over Acts of Parliament. 73. Report by F. and D. M. Committee. ( iv. ) X. — Money Votes, Appointments and Pensions. 74. Money Votes. 75. Appointments, Salaries and Pensions. 76. No right to Pension. 77. List of Pensioners. 78. Officers. 79. Entry in books. 80. Notice. XI. — Renting Chambers. 81. Chamber Committee. 82. Mode of letting. 83. Effect of ceasing to occupy. 84. Precedence in choice. 85. Letting to persons not Members. 86. Second set of Chambers. 87. No alteration without leave. 88. Collector of Rents. XII. — Calling to the Bar. 89. Declaration. 90. Form of Declarations. 91. Certificate of Sub-Treasurer. 92. Production of Certificates. 93. Master to vouch for character. 94. Order to be screened. 95. Call at Parliament after proposal. 96. Member proposing. 97. Ad eundem. 98. Proposal day. 99. Call Day. 100. Notice of departure from mode. 11)1. Persons in trade. XII. — Calling to the Bar (continued). 102. Eminent Colonial Barristers. 103. Voluntary compounding. 134. Compulsory compounding. XIII. — Disbarring and Withdrawing. 105. Conviction of Barrister. 106. Becoming Solicitor. 107. Withdrawing. XIV. — Students. 108. Deposit on Admission. 109. Commons Deposit. 110. Students compounding. 111. Who may be admitted as Students. 112. Privilege of Solicitors. 113. Preliminary Examination. 114. Copy of Rules. 115. Admission gratis. 116. Student in arrear. XV. — Re-admission of Students. 117. Conditions of re-admission. 118. Former terms and standing allowed. XVI. — Commons and Dues. 119. Duration. 120. Parliament Chamber not to be used. 121. Benchers' charge for dinner. 122. Dinners out of Term. 123. Barristers' charge. 124. Students' charge. 125. Vacations, &c, abolished. ( vi. ) XVI. — Commons and Dues (continued). 126. Students leaving Hall. 127. Newspapers in Hall. 128. Gowns. 129. Not more than twenty Terms to be kept. 130. Table of Fees. 131. Entry of names. 132. Accounts. 133. Pensions-- and Preacher's duties. 134. Arrears. XVII.— Church. 135. Afternoon Preacher. 136. Appointment. 137. Preacher not appearing. 138. Preacher's Deputy. 139. Church Orders. 140. Introducing ladies. 141. Monuments. 142. Expenditure on Church. 143. No money to Church Servants. 144. No fee for admission. XVIII. — Sub-Treasurep.. 145. Forms. 146. Index. 147. Bonds. 148. Control of Servants. 149. Misconduct by Servants. 150. Book of Commons. 151. Attendance of Sub Treasurer. 152. Members' Names taken down. 153. Communication to Papers. ( vii. ) XIX. — House. 154. Inventories. 155. Newspapers in Parliament Chamber. 156. Notice as to papers to be screened. 157. Clean linen. 158. Waiters. XX. — Accounts. 159. Repairs to be separately entered. 1 60. Sale of Stock. XXI. — Surveyor. 161. Orders for Work. 162. Instructions to Workmen. 163. Authority for Structural Alteration. XXII. — General. 164. Saving Order. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT AND BENCH TABLE ORDERS. e=^^V r 5^o PRECEDENCE. T. 0., 5 May, 1868. 1. The Treasurer shall on all occasions have Treasurer. precedence of all other Masters of the Bench. 2. After the Treasurer all other Masters of Masters of the Bench, the Bench shall on all occasions have precedence according to the date of their Call to the Bench. T. 0., 23 January, 18G6. 3. If a junior Bencher occupy the Treasurer's A Junior not J to he super seat at dinner in the Hall, he shall afterwards scded. occupy it in the Inner room in preference to a senior Bencher, Constitution of Bench. Qualification for Call. CALLS TO THE BENCH. T. 0., 18 November, 1892. MiEHMO I3HM. 1Mb. 4. The Bench shall consist of such Members of the Society for the time being of the Outer or Inner Bar not exceeding sixty in number as shall have been called to the Bench, and, in addition, of such Members of the Society as for the time being shall be or shall have been si%'AK£/*> of TH/r Hdvse tp Commons Lords of Appeal/or Judges of the Supreme Court, and shall have been called to the Bench either before or after their appointments as SPFAIFRS t>F THS HoosV op Com Mo MS Lords of Appeal/or Judges. 5. No Member of the Society of the Outer or Inner Bar shall be eligible for Call to the Bench until he shall have been called to the Bar for the space of ten years, or shall for the space of ten years have practised as a Special Pleader under the Certificates of the Bench, or shall for the space of ten years have practised partly as a Special Pleader under such Certifi- cates and partly as a Barrister. 6. No member of the Society shall be Disqualifica- tion for Call, eligible for Call to the Bench who, for the space of ten years next previous to the day of a Call to the Bench, shall have neglected to attend the Commons in the Hall, and to pay the dues of the House. T.0.,8 May, 1896. . AHSWfO 13 MM /&>*. 7. A Member of the Society (not being Judges. already a Bencher) who shall be appointed a SPfAKfR OF TUB HO0$e OF CoMtiOtOS Lord of Appealer Judge of the Supreme Court, may be proposed for Call to the Bench at any time after his appointment when a vacancy on the Bench shall occur ; but, if elected, his Election shall not be deemed to fill up the vacancy then existing. 8. Members of the Society (not being Honorary LjGDCilGrS already Benchers) who are appointed Lords of Appeal or Judges of the Supreme Court, may be elected Honorary Members of the Bench at any time after their appointment. Only one Call 9. No more than one Call to the Bench a Term shall be made in one and the same Term. How Call to 10. Every Call to the Bench shall be first be made. made at the Bench Table, and shall be after- wards confirmed in Parliament. T.O., 9 March, 1900. Vacancy to be n, When any vacancy occurs among the announced. Benchers it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to announce such vacancy at the Bench Table on the first business day of the next term, and thereupon the Sub- Treasurer shall, on the following day, send notice in writing to every Bencher of the existence of such vacancy or vacancies. 12. Any Bencher may propose (or second) Proposals, for Election, to fill such vacancy or vacancies, if more than one has been announced, any members of the Inn duly qualified. Every such proposal shall be in writing signed by the Proposer and Seconder, and shall be transmitted to the Treasurer, so as to be received at the Office not later than 4 p.m. on the sixth day after the Treasurer's announcement at the Bench Table. 13a. The Treasurer shall cause to be pre- List of Candidates. pared a list of all the proposals received by him with, in the case of each Candidate, the date of his call to the Bar, and, if a Queen's Counsel, the date of his taking silk, his professional address, description and circuit, if any, and the name of his proposer, and seconder ; such list shall be laid before the Bench at the Bench Table next after the last day for sending in proposals. Date of Election. Notice. Elections on the same day. Not more Candidates than Vacancies. More Candi- dates than Vacancies. 13&. When such list is presented, the Bench shall fix the day of Election, being a day not less than six nor more than fourteen days after the presentation of such list. 13c. A copy of such list, with notice of the day fixed for the Election, shall forthwith be sent to each Bencher, and shall be laid upon the table in the Benchers' room. 13d. When there are more vacancies than one to be filled the Elections shall all be held on the same day. 14. When there are not more Candidates than there are vacancies the name or names of the Candidate or Candidates shall at once be submitted, in the order of their precedence at the Bar, for election by ballot and Call to the Bench. 14ct. When there are more Candidates than vacancies — (1) The Selection of a Candidate to be Selections separately. submitted for ballot to fill each vacancy shall be taken separately. (2) The Selection shall be by voting Voting Papers, papers. (3) On the day of Election each Bencher f ot ea ch present shall be supplied with a voting paper containing the list of Candidates. (4) If he wishes to vote he shall put a one mark mark against the name of that Candidate only for whom he wishes to vote to fill the vacancy in respect of which the votes are being taken. (5) Two Scrutineers shall be appointed scrutineers. by the Bench ; they shall collect the voting papers, and shall allot to each Candidate the votes given in his favour. 10 Candidate with absolute Majority. No absolute Majority. (6) If, on the first voting, any Candidate shall have obtained an absolute majority of the votes given, his name shall thereupon be submitted for election by ballot. (7) If, on the first voting, no Candidate shall have obtained such an absolute majority, the name of the Candidate who has obtained the smallest number of votes, and the name or names of any other Candidate or Candidates who may not have ob- tained one-fourth of the votes, shall be struck out and a fresh vote shall be taken on the remaining names. If necessary, this shall be repeated till some Candidate has obtained such an absolute majority ; his name shall thereupon be submitted for election by ballot. 10a (8) If, on any voting, two names only Eqnal number of Votes. are sent round, and the two Candi- dates receive an equal number of votes, the name of the senior in precedence at the Bar shall be sub- mitted for election by ballot. (9) If, on any other voting, the two or Senior to be selected, more Candidates who have obtained the smallest number of votes shall have obtained an equal number, being at least one-fourth, of the votes given, the name of the junior in precedence at the Bar shall be struck out. 15. The ballot box shall not go round One ballot only. more than once with respect to any Candidate. 16 In order to the Call of any member of Number of Votes for Call the Society to the Bench there must be not 106 less than twenty Benchers present at the Bench Table, and there must be not less than twenty Benchers voting by ballot in the Candidate's favour. Votes against. 16a. Should there be four or more Benchers voting against any Candidate he shall be declared not to have been elected. Candidate not elected. Vacancy not filled. 166. Any Candidate who, after his name has been submitted for election by ballot, has been declared not to have been elected by reason of four or more Benchers having voted against him, shall not be eligible again until after the expiration of the three next terms. 16c. If a Candidate, whose name has been submitted for election by ballot, shall be de- clared not to have been elected the vacancy for which that ballot was taken shall not be filled till the next term, and shall then be 10c announced and dealt with in all respects as if it were a new vacancy. T. 0., 24 January, 1899. 17. Every Member of the Society called Payment of Fee and Dues. to the Bench shall, before his Call is con- firmed in Parliament, pay to the Society the fee of £'210, and all commons and dues then owing by him to the Society. 11a. On any future Election to the Bench Abolition of Bench the right to Bench Chambers of the person Chambers. elected shall be abolished. 18. Any Member of the Society who shall Effect of de - J J clining Call. be called to the Bench and shall decline the invitation, shall not be afterwards proposed for Call to the Bench. T. 0., 4 July, 1851. 19. When a Patent of Queen's Counsel or Patent. Precedence is sent in to the Treasurer, it is to be forthwith returned with an intimation lOd that it has been duly entered on the books of the Society. T. 0., 13 June, 1884. Pensions and 20. No Pensions or Preacher's dues are Preacher's Dues - due from any Bencher between the time of his election to the Bench and his obtaining a Bench Chamber. TEEASUEEE. A. P., 29 June, 1691. T.O.,1 Feb., 1828. Annual Office. 21. Whereas it hath been found by ex- perience of this Society, and other Societies of the Law, that the yearly constituting of a new Treasurer in the Term of St. Michael doth much conduce to the ascertaining the revenue and other benefits of the Society. Be it therefore enacted that no Treasurer of this Society shall continue in the office of Treasurer longer than for the space of one 11 whole year, and that a new Treasurer shall be every year constituted and made at the second Parliament in Michaelmas Term ; but in order to obviate the inconveniences which have been found to arise from the circumstance of the Treasurer's official duties commencing on the day of his election, the retiring Treasurer shall continue in office until the last day of December (inclusive) retaining the privileges and dis- charging the duties in the same manner as during the former part of his Treasurership. A. P., 29 June, 1691. 22. The said office of Treasurer shall be Readers liable, executed by all the Benchers of this Society that have been or are liable to be Readers successively, and in their turn according to their respective seniority at the Bench. 12 Seniority decides. A. P., 29 June, 1691. „ 8 February , 1771. 23. No Counsel of their present Majesties or their successors or any other person whatsoever shall hereafter be made Treasurer but according to their seniority in time at the Bench of this Society. Death or removal of Treasurer. 24. In case of the death or removal of a Treasurer in his year, the next Bencher capable as aforesaid shall be constituted Treasurer at the next Parliament held for the said Society, which Treasurer shall hold the same for the remaining part of the said year, instead of the said Treasurer so dead or removed, and be continued for the year next ensuing at the second Parliament in Michaelmas Term. Rcmiuieration of Treasurer. 25. And for the encouragement of the Trea- surer of this Society in the careful attending and executing the said office, forasmuch that 13 every Treasurer of this Society is by virtue of the said office obliged to give his constant attendance upon the service of the House during the whole Terms, for perusing the several Acts and Orders of this House before they are entered, and in receiving and taking the several accounts of all sums of money received and paid out for the use of the said Society, and for divers other matters relating to the said office (as is hereby declared he ought to do) : Be it therefore enacted that the present Treasurer, and every other Treasurer here- after so to be yearly constituted and made as aforesaid, shall be allowed upon his account the sum of £100, and so proportionately for the time of his service in the said office, and that no Treasurer shall claim any further or other recompense or allowance for or by reason of his service in the said office. 26. No Bencher of this Society shall be Qualification. 14 capable of the said office of Treasurer until he hath been at the Bench for the space of three years at the least, except the Attorney and Solicitor-General. 27. No Bencher of this Society whatsoever shall be constituted and made Treasurer a second time, until all other the Benchers who are or shall be capable thereof shall have first held and served in the said office, except in the case of death or removal as aforesaid. A. P., 10 November, 1697. 28. No Bencher of this Society shall hereafter be capable of being chosen Treasurer of this Society unless he shall have kept the two pre- cedent Terms before such election, and shall have been personally present at the Bench Table four times at the least in each of the said Terms, except upon such reasonable excuse 15 offered for his absence as shall be allowed by the Table in each of the said precedent Terms. A. P., 21 November, 1746. 29. If any Bencher hath declined or shall Bencher declining, once decline being Treasurer, or hath been or shall be set aside as not qualified for that office by the Eules and Orders of this Society, and another Bencher be chosen in his stead, such person so declining or set aside shall for ever after be disqualified for, and incapable of hold- ing, the said office. T. 0., 7 June, 1825. 30. The Treasurer is authorised to expend Books. £50 per annum, to be laid out in books at the discretion of the Treasurer. T. 0., 12 November, 1878. 31. In cases of election to the Bench, or of No casting vote. Officers of the Society, and on all other 16 questions, the Treasurer or Master of the Bench presiding has but one vote. T. #., 7 May, 1889. Contracts. 32. All Contracts entered into on behalf of the Society shall be made in the name of the Treasurer for the time being. Current Ex- penditure. 33. The Treasurer may enter into Contracts providing for the ordinary current expenditure of the Society. He shall, however, in making such Contracts act with the consent of the Finance, Wine, Library, or other Committees respectively, in accordance with the practice for the time being. Special Ex- penditure. 34. The Treasurer may also expend on behalf of the Society from time to time sums of money, provided that no one sum shall 17 exceed £50, and that all such sums in any one year shall not exceed £200. 35. Except as provided otherwise in Orders Authority of 1 . Bench. 33 and 34, the Treasurer shall have no power to enter into any Contract without the authority of the Bench. 36. All cheques drawn on behalf of the Cheques. Society shall be signed by the Treasurer for the time being and one other Bencher, and countersigned by the Sub-Treasurer. T. 0., 8 June, 1883. 37. The Sub-Treasurer is authorised in each To ascertain the incoming succeeding Hilary Term to ask, in writing, the Treasurer. Reader for the time being — (1) Whether he wishes (if elected) to serve as Treasurer in the following year ; and, if he answers in the negative, to ask him 18 (2) To send in at once, to the Treasurer's Office, his written resignation of the Readership, which office will then ipso facto pass to the Bencher next in seniority. The Sub-Treasurer shall, with all convenient speed, put the same questions (if necesssary) to each successive Reader until he reaches one who expresses his wish, or who does not refuse (if elected) to serve as Treasurer. The Sub-Treasurer is to do his utmost to conclude this enquiry before the 1st day of Easter Term, and the Treasurer is to report to the Bench, not later than the second business day in Easter Term, the name of the Bencher who has accepted the office of Reader, with a view (if elected) of serving as Treasurer during the following year. T. 0., 23 June, 1843. Lending Hall. 38. Neither the Treasurer nor any Master of 19 the Bench has any right to lend the use of the Hall or any part of the premises belonging to the House for any purpose not connected with the Society without the consent of the Bench Table. T. 0., 25 January, 1881. 39. The Treasurer shall use his discretion as Power to invite guests. to the number of guests he shall think fit to invite on hehalf of the Inn to dine at the Bench Table on the Grand Day of each Term. T. 0., 16 April, 1858. 40. In all cases of difficulty or dispute in Decision in difficulties. carrying into effect these Rules, the decision of the Treasurer or Chairman for the time being shall be final. T. 0., 22 November, 1870. 41. The ex-Treasurer shall be placed on all Ex-Treasurer Committees for the year. B2 20 Order of Succession. On all Committees. Coat of Arms. READER. T. 0., 16 May, 1702. 42. Each Master of the Bench in succession is chosen Reader without option on his part, after which his Coat of Arms is emblazoned in the Hall. The following year (if otherwise duly qualified) he is eligible to be elected Treasurer. T. 0., 22 November, 1870. 43. The Reader for the year shall be placed on all Committees for that year. T. 0., 25 November, 1670. 44. Committee to treat with a Herald Painter for setting up all the Readers' Coats of Arms. Election and Powers. MASTER OF THE LIBRARY. T. 0., 7 June, 1825. 45. One cf the Masters of the Bench shall be annually elected Master of the Library and be placed on the Library Committee for the year, and be authorised to expend Fifty 21 Pounds in the purchase of Books for the Library, in addition to the Fifty Pounds at the disposal of the Treasurer. The election of the Master of the Library shall be on the same day as that of the Treasurer in Michaelmas Term. T. 0., 21 June, 1825. 46. The Pules regulating the Library are Library Rules. printed and hung up in the Library. MASTERS OF THE BENCH. T. 0., 9 February, 1709. 47. Every Bencher on his Call receives a Key of Library. key of the Library, and possesses the privilege of taking out for perusal any number of volumes, on entering their titles in a book kept for the purpose in the Reading Room. The Library key gives access also to the Hall and Parliament Chambers. 22 T. 0., 5 June, 1888. Key of Garden 48. Every Master of the Bench has for his own use a key which opens the Garden Gates, and the power of granting written orders of admission from 8 a.m. till dusk ; but the power of granting keys of the Garden is vested in the Master of the Garden alone, and shall only be exercised by him in favour of persons occupying chambers in the Inn, not Masters of the Bench. Any such person receiving a key shall deposit with the Sub-Treasurer the sum of £1 Is., to be retained by him till the key is returned by the person to whom it was issued. BENCH CHAMBERS A. P., 9 February, 1776. Choice by 49. For the future the Treasurer shall be Treasurer. entitled to the choice of all Bench Chambers that may fall to the House during his Treasurer- ship to the clay that the new Treasurer enters on his office whenever the same are disposed of. 23 A. P., 19 November, 1691. „ 14: June, 1771. T. 0., 22 May, 1821. „ 5 June, 1883. „ 20 November, 1883. 50. Whereas, by the usage and custom of Choice by ' J b Benchers. this Society, the choice of Chambers by the Masters of the Bench hath always been and ought to be according to their seniority and priority of sitting at the Bench Table, subject to the choice of the Treasurer : And whereas it hath been observed that some Masters of the Bench do, from Term to Term, absent them- selves from the Bench Table, and do not give their due assistance in the debating and order- ing the affairs of the House and upholding the exercise thereof, — and yet nevertheless will come and be present at Parliaments held for this Society, and expect to vote and have their choice and election of Chambers there accord- 24 ing to such their seniority, equally with those that are frequent in Commons, and do duly attend the business and exercise of the House : by reason and means whereof the business of the House hath been often neglected and the exercise failed, to the great prejudice and dis- honour of this Society : Be it therefore enacted, that from henceforth no Bencher of this Society shall have a vote or election of a Chamber of any Parliament hereafter to be holden for this Society, unless he shall have been personally present at the Bench Table and in Commons four several days, at the least, in each of the two precedent Terms before such Parliament [except upon such reasonable excuse offered for his absence as shall be allowed by the Table] , any law, usage or custom to the contrary not- withstanding. T. 0., 30 June, 1797. Notice of 51 In future so much of the copies of the Orders. l 25 Orders of the 19th November, 1691 (par. 50), and 10th November, 1697 (far. 28), as relates to the manner of keeping Commons to qualify for a Bench Chamber and for the office of Treasurer, be delivered to such gentlemen as shall hereafter be called to the Bench of this Society. A. P., 15 June, 1686. „ 20 November, 1730. 52. When a Bench Chamber devolves to the Time of House, it is disposed of on the last Parliament Day in the next, or present Term, notice to be given to the Bench Table four days pre- viously. 53. Each Master of the Bench on accepting Fee for admittance. or exchanging a Bench Chamber pays £2 (for admittance) to the (Society. 26 A. P., 6 February, 1714. No priority to 54. No priority is given to Queen's Counsel in the choiee of Bench Chambers. T. 0., 12 June, 1708. Bencher in 55. Any Bencher who shall owe more than £10 for Commons (three days after demand) is incapacitated from choosing a Bench Chamber, as well as from voting at the Table or Par- liament. arrear. T. 0., 24 November, 1773. Repairs. 56. No ornamental repairs to be done to any Bench Chambers at the expense of the House, but such repairs only shall be done at the expense of the Society as are necessary for the supporting and maintaining the buildings. T. 0., 9 November, 1710. Accounts for 57. Sub-Treasurer for the future to pay all rep ' allowances for repairs of Bench Chambers, and to be allowed it in his accounts. 27 T. (9., 21 December, 1759. 58. When the Bench Chambers of any chambers . dilapidated. Bencher are in a dilapidated condition, a Com- mittee is appointed to allot Chambers of equal value in lieu thereof. T. 0., 6 May, 1743. 59. When a motion made for increasing Notice of increase of Bench Chambers, the same not to be taken into Bench Chambers. consideration in the same Term it was made, but the same shall be adjourned until the next Term upon notice to be given in writing by the Sub-Treasurer 10 days at least to every Master of the Bench before the same is appointed to come on and not otherwise. T. 0., 7 February, 1758. 60. No Bencher of this Society who shall Disqualifica- tion for accept of a Call to the Bench in any other Chambers. Society shall from thenceforth be entitled to 28 the choice of or be capable of being admitted to any Bench Chamber within this Society, or shall be capable of being elected or appointed Treasurer of this Society. Loss of Bench 61. If any Bencher of this House, after his Chambers. admission to Bench Chambers in this Society, or during the time he shall be Treasurer of this Society, shall accept of a Call to the Bench in any other Society, then and in such case he shall no longer continue to hold or enjoy any such Bench Chamber, or the office of Treasurer of this Society, or to receive or take any benefit or advantage therefrom, but his admission to such Bench Chamber, and his appointment to the said office of Treasurer of this Society, shall from thenceforth cease and be void to all intents and purposes as fully and effectually as if the person so called to the Bench of any other Society was immediately after such Call actually deceased. 29 PARLIAMENTS. 62. Five Benchers, besides the Treasurer, Quorum, constitute a Parliament. T. 0., 20 November 1767. 63. No Parliaments are held on any other Time of holding. days than Fridays in every Term except when the Call Day falls on any other day, and except by an Order of the Table made two days before such Parliament is to be holden, and a copy of such Order to be sent to the Masters of the Bench in town. T. (9., 25 November, 1767. 64. The last mentioned Order not to extend Adjournment to any Parliament held by adjournment, pro- vided the Parliament adjourned was held on a Friday, or on any other day in virtue of an Order made two days before. 30 BUSINESS AT THE BENCH TABLE. T. 0.j 23 November, 1827. „ 8 November, 1889. Commence- 55. Business shall commence on the first men t of Business. Tuesday or Friday, whichever shall first happen in every Term, and business days out of Term are held when appointed by the Treasurer ; a Bench Table shall be held on the first Tuesday or Friday after October 23rd. T. 0., 13 May, 1728. Grand Week. 66. Business may be proposed and done on any day in the Grand Week in any Term except the Grand Day. T. 0., 15 May, 1821. Minute Book. 67. The proceedings of the Bench shall be daily entered in a rough minute book and be brought up every evening to the Parliament Chamber for the signature of the Treasurer or the senior Bencher present. ^L T. 0., 20 July, 1894. Appointment 65a. All standing Committees shall be elected of Committees. yearly in Michaelmas Term on a day to be named by the Treasurer, the first election to be held next Michaelmas Term (1894). Members, shall go out of office on the day before the day of election and shall be eligible for re-election. And the Treasurer in each year shall ascertain in or before Michaelmas Term what Members of Committees are willing to serve in the following year. 31 T. (9., 12 June, 1857. 68. On every business day the proceedings Reading Minutes, of the preceding business day be first read over and signed. 69. No motion can be put from the Chair Form of motion. unless the same is reduced into writing. T. (9., 31 May, 1872. 70. When a subject has been discussed, and Reversing • • «i t-> i • decisions, a decision arrived at by the rJench, no motion shall be made to revive discussion or reverse the decision on the same subject in the same Terra. T. a, 21 November, 1732. 71. If anything shall be hereafter moved at Notice as to departure the Bench Table contrary to any former Order, from Orders. nothing shall be done thereupon, but upon a day appointed for that purpose, and notice to be given to the Masters in town at least three days before such day. 32 T. (9., 22 January, 1858. Acts of g ° Ver 72 " The P roceedln g s of tne last Parliament Parliament. g ] ia j] ^ Q rea( j at t ] ie next B encn Meeting in Term. T. O.j 29 February, 1884. Report by 73. The Finance and Domestic Manage- F. and D. M . Committee. ment Committee report on the first business day of each Term. MONEY VOTES, APPOINTMENTS, AND PENSIONS. T. 0., 29 April, 1845. Money votes. 74. No vote of money shall be given out of the funds of this Society without a previous notice of fourteen days being sent round to the Masters of the Bench. T. 0., 19 January, 1S83. report of a Committee Salaries, and appointment, salary or pension, shall be laid Appoint- 75, The report of a Committee upon any merits, 33 upon the table in the Benchers' Room, and be considered by the Bench upon the second busi- ness day after it shall be so laid. T. 0., 11 December. 1873. 76. All persons who shall hereafter enter into No right to Pension. the employment or service of the Inn shall be informed on their entering into the service that they will not be entitled to claim any pension. T. 0.,2 February, 1S58. 77. A list of the Pensioners of the Society List of Pensioners. shall be annually submitted to the Bench in Trinity Term. A. P., 12 June, 1695. 78. For the future the office of Sub-Treasurer, officers. Steward, Chief Butler, and Head Cook of this Society be appointed by the Bench Table, and confirmed by Act of Parliament of the same Society ; all other Officers and Servants C 34 of this Society for the future, if they happen to fall or become void in Term time, shall be appointed by the Bench Table of the said Society. But if they happen to fall or become void in the Vacation time, the same shall be appointed, and placed in by the Treasurer for the time being. Entry in 79. All Officers and Servants of this Society books. that shall be placed into any of the offices or services belonging to the same by the Treasurer or Bench Table, shall be accordingly entered in the House books belonging to the said Society. T. 6>., 26 January, 1790. Notice. 80. No appointment of an officer, servant, or tradesman, ought to be made in Term time, without reasonable notice to the Benchers in town. 35 RENTING CHAMBERS. T. a., 16 November, 1819. 81. A STANDING Committee shall be ap- Chamber Committee. pointed to superintend the letting- of all the Chambers of this Society, whether Bench Chambers or others, with approbation of the Benchers as to their Chambers, and in future no Chambers to be let without the sanction of the Committee. T. 0., 22 November, 1892. 82. Upon a set of Chambers becoming Mode of letting. vacant the Treasurer shall send notice of the vacancy to all Members of the Inn who have previously intimated their desire to rent Chambers. On the expiration of seven days from the sending of such notice the Chambers shall, subject to the sanction of the Committee, be let to the senior Applicant, who shall bona fide «;2 36 desire to rent them for his own personal occupation, and who shall have declared such his desire in writing. If no Member of the Inn shall declare his desire to rent the Chambers for his own personal occupation, the same may, subject to the sanction of the Com- mittee, be let to the Senior Applicant desirous of renting the same without his making such declaration. Effect of ceasing to occupy. 83. If any Member of the Inn to whom Chambers have been let for his own personal occupation shall cease to occupy them per- sonally, he shall forthwith give notice thereof to the Treasurer, and in case he shall fail to give such notice the Society shall be entitled to determine his tenancy, and to require him to deliver up possession of such Chambers at any time on giving him not less than seven days' notice. 37 84. Subject to Rules 87 and 88, and to the Precedence in choice, decision of the Committee, the Members of the Inn not being Benchers shall have precedence in the choice for renting* Chambers according to their seniority in Membership, and Queen's Counsel shall have no right to priority in choice over Members of the Outer Bar. 85. If after the offer of any set of Chambers Letting to persons not no Member of the Inn approved by the Com- Members. mittee shall desire to rent the same, the same may be let with the sanction of the Committee to any Barrister or Member of any other Inn of Court, or in default of any application for the same by any Barrister or Member of any other Inn of Court then to any other person. 86. No person renting or holding one set Second set of , Chambers. of Chambers shall hereafter, without the special sanction of the Committee, have any other set of Chambers let to him unless he shall 38 surrender and give up possession of the set already rented or held. T. 0., 22 May, 1701. No alteration 87. No alteration to be made in the Buildings without leave - or Chambers of this House without leave asked of the Bench Table. T. 0., 13 July, 1821. Collector of 88. The rents of all the Chambers belonging Rents. to this Society (except those appropriated to Benchers) shall be collected by the Collector and paid by him daily as received into the Bankers of the Society, to be placed to the Rent Account of the Society, and an account of all such receipts and payments shall be kept by the Collector to be produced half-yearly to the Committee appointed for investigating the funds of the Society. The accounts to be delivered to the Sub- Treasurer half-yearly for payment. 39 CALLING TO THE BAR. T. 0., 30 November, 1680. 89. No names of Students to be proposed for Declaration, the Bar unless their full time be allowed by the House and approved by the Treasurer, and the usual declaration by a Student before his Call to the Bar has been made. T. 0., 4 November, 1892. 90. The Declaration to be made by Students form of upon Call to the Bar shall be in the following form : — PROPOSAL FOR THE BAR. Declaration to be made by a Student before Gall to the Bar. »» being desirous of being called to tbe Bar by the Hon- ourable Society of the Inner Temple, do hereby declare and undertake as follows : — 1. — That I am not a person in Holy Orders [or, that I, being a person in Holy Orders, have not 40 during the year next before the date of this Declaration held or performed any Clerical preferment or duty, or performed any Clerical functions, and do not intend any longer to act as a Clergyman]. 2. — That I am not and have never since my Admis- sion as a Student of this Honourable Society been an Attorney-at-Law, a Solicitor, a Writer to the Signet, a Writer of the Scotch Courts, a Proctor, a Notary Public, a Clerk in Chan- cery, a Parliamentary Agent, an Agent in any Court original or appellate, a Clerk to any Justice of the Peace, a Registrar of any Court, an Official Provisional Assistant or Deputy Receiver or Liquidator under any Bankruptcy or Winding-up Act, or acted directly or in- directly in any such or similar capacity, or in the capacity of Clerk of or to any of the persons above described, or in the service of any of the persons above described {except an a Pupil in a Solicitor s Office), or as Clerk of or to any Judge, Barrister, Conveyancer, Special Pleader, Equity Draftsman, or Clerk of the Peace, or of or to any Officer in any Court of Justice. 3.— That I will not, if Called to the Bar, and while and so long as I remain a Barrister, be or act as an Attorney-at-Law, a Solicitor, a Writer to the 41 Signet, a Writer of the Scotch Courts, a Proctor, a Notary Public, a Clerk in Chancery, a Parliamentary Agent, an Agent in any Court original or appellate, a Clerk to any Justice of the Peace, or act directly or indirectly in any such or similar capacity, or in the capacity of Clerk of or to any of the persons above des- cribed, or in the service of any of the persons above described, or be or act as Clerk of or to any Judge, Barrister, Conveyancer, Special Pleader, Equity Draftsman, or Clerk of the Peace, or of or to any Officer in any Court of Justice, and that I will not while and so long as I am in practice as a Barrister be or act as a Registrar of any Court, or be or act as an Official Provisional Assistant or Deputy Receiver or Liquidator under any Bankruptcy or Winding-up Act, or be or act as Clerk of or to any such Registrar, Receiver, or Liquidator, or act in any such or a similar capacity, or be or act in the service of any such Registrar, Receiver, or Liquidator. Dated this day of , 189 Signature Ordered — That no Master of the Bench do from henceforth propose any of this Society to bo called to the Degree of the Bar, without he is Certificate of Sub- Treasurer. 42 able to give some account to their Masterships (if required) of the character and qualifications of the gentleman he proposes. (Bench Table; 16th June, 1789.) 3] intend to propose the Call to the Bar of Mr. in Term, 189 To \ The Sub-Treasurer of I Bencher, the Inner Temple ( 189 ' T. O.j 21 November, 1762. „ 11 June, 1730. 91. No Master of the Bench to move to put any person into the paper for the Call to the Bar, unless upon a Certificate from the Sub- Treasurer of his standing and other qualifica- tions. T. O.j 8 February, 1739. Certificates. 92. The certificates to be laid before the 43 Table by the Sub-Treasurer at least two days before the motion is made for the Call. T. (9., 16 June, 1789. 93. No Master of the Bench do from hence- Master to vouch for forth propose any Member of this Society to character. be called to the Degree of the Bar, without he is able to give some account to their Master- ships (if required) of the character and qualifi- cations of the gentleman he proposes. T. 0., 27 November, 1807. 94. The last mentioned Bench Table Order Order to be screened. shall be screened in the Hall. T. 0., 16 June, 1789. 95- No person in this Society to be called Call at Parlia- ment after to the Bar until the next Parliament after that Proposal. at which such person shall have been proposed by one of the Masters of the Bench. 44 Member proposing. T. 0., 27 November, 1807. 96. The name of the Master of the Bench who proposes each gentleman to be called to be inserted in the paper containing a list of the Candidates. Ad eundem T. 0., 12 June, 1838. 07. No person be hereafter admitted ad eundem of this Society after his Call to the Bar. Proposal day. T. 0., 25 May, 1852. 98. Tuesday in the week before the Call Day in each Term, shall be the day for pro- posing gentlemen for Call to the Bar. T. 0., 16 April, 1852. „ 21 March, 1884. Call Day. 99. No Call to the Bar shall take place except during a Term ; and such Call shall be made on the same day by each of the Inns, In lieu of T. 0. 98 which has been abolished the follow ing is substituted : — T. (9., 8 June, 1894. The Business Day next but one preceding the Call Day in each Term shall be the day for proposing M« iinbers of this Society for Call to the Bar. T. 0. 27 Ap il 1904. Admission 97. The Table Order of 12 June 1838 is ad eundem. rescinded. A Barrister of another Inn may, by a special order of the Bench, be admitted ad eundem of this Society. Six days before any such admission the name of the applicant shall be screened in the Hall and the Parliament Chamber and be sent round to every Master of the Bench. The fee on admission ad eundem of this Society shall be £60. 45 namely, on the 16th day of each Term, unless such day shall happen to be Saturday or Sunday, and in such case on the Monday after. T. 0., 28 June, 1880. 100. No departure from the usual mode of Notice of departure calling to the Bar be sanctioned except on from mode, motion after seven days' previous notice. T. 0., 17 May, 1889. 101. It is not the custom of this Society to Persons in • trade, call to the Bar any person engaged in trade. T. 6>., 21 January, 1881. 102. It is desirable that this Society should Eminent Colonial admit to the Bar such Members of the Colonial Barristers. Bar who have obtained eminence and distinc- tion thereat and may be desirous of being so admitted as the Masters of the Bench may think fit, but subject to such regulations or conditions as they may appoint. 46 T. 0., 30 April, 1867. Voluntary 103. (1) Every Barrister may at any time commute for his Annual Dues, which amount to 19s. 8d. per annum for Barristers not of the degree of Queen's Counsel, and £1 3s. 8d. for Barristers of the degree of Queen's Counsel, on the following scale : — twe< ;n the ages of 20 and 30 .. £14 „ ,, 30 „ 40 13 ii ,, 40 „ 50 11 " 50 „ 60 60 ,, 70 10 8 (2) Every gentleman who at the time of commutation is one of Her Majesty's Counsel shall pay £2 in addition. (3) Every Barrister applying for a Certificate upon going abroad, shall be required, when the Certificate is granted, to compound for his Annual Dues according to the foregoing table. 47 (4) A receipt shall be given for the composition in the following form : — Received of a Barrister of the Inner Temple, the sum of £ as a composition for all future pay- ments for Pensions and Preacher's duties to the said Society. T. 0., 23 November, 1869. 104. Bar dues shall not be payable by any Compulsory compounding. Members of this Inn, who shall be called to the Bar after the present Term. In lieu of such Bar dues, a sum of £12 be paid to the House by each Member of the Inn on his Call to the Bar, together with other fees to the House. DISBARRING AND WITHDRAWING. T. 0., 21 November, 1879. 105. When it has been proved to the Bench Conviction of Barrister. that a Member of this Inn has been convicted by a competent tribunal of any offence, which in 48 the opinion of the Bench disqualifies him from continuing a Member of the Inn, his name shall be removed from the books; but the Bench shall be at liberty to re-instate such person, on such cause being shewn as they shall deem satisfactory. T. 0., 11 April, 1878. Becoming J06. A Barrister cannot enter a Solicitor's Solicitor. Office, or be an Articled Clerk until he has been disbarred, and if he does so, he renders himself liable to be disbarred. T. 0., 29 May, 1855. Withdrawing. 107. No future application by any Barrister of this Society, not being (as a Barrister) a Member of any of the other Inns of Court, for leave to withdraw from this Society, shall be granted without a declaration signed by him that he is not practising, and that it is his intention not to practise as a Barrister in future, cither in this country or in any of the colonies. 49 STUDENTS. T. 0., 22 June, 1798. Clminduf 3/ /an. /go5 10S. No person who shall have been admitted Deposit on Admission, or who shall hereafter be admitted (except as hereinafter excepted) , into any of tho Innn of t/LU ajOCIiLj/ Court, shall be called to the English Bar, unless he shall, previous to his keeping any of the Terms requisite for that purpose, have deposited with the Treasurer of tho Sooioty to- whic h ho belon g the sum of One Hundred Pounds, the same to be returned without interest upon his being called to the Bar, or quitting the Society, or, in case of his death, to his personal representatives. But this is not to excuse him from paying his duties regularly, nor from giving the usual Bond upon Admission. Provided that this Order shall not extend to any person who shall previous to his being called to the Bar produce a Certificate of his 50 being a Member of the College of Advocates ,i J A j- ~\ in bcotland, or of his having kept' two years Terms in any of the Universities of Oxford, die IbnixkAiiJtuJ oj Jeecb flukxhcA (^LXnTUrriCUianrn en Jfafa, a _, Cambridge, Dublin, London, or Durham,.* ©£ the Royal University of Ireland ; and in case such deposit as aforesaid shall have been made the same shall be immediately •j „ - returned to him upon his producing such Certificate as is above mentioned. Commons Deposit. T. 0., 17 December, 1889. 109. When a person is admitted into this Society, he may, if he so desire, deposit with the Treasurer the sum of £50 as security for his Commons and Dues, instead of giving the usual bond upon admission ; but his giving such security shall not excuse him from making the deposit of £100 required by T. 0., 22 June, 1798 (No. 108.) 51 T. 0., 13 January, 1893. 110. Students who have paid the amount of Students compounding. the Student's dues for four years from the date of their Admission may compound for all their future dues as Students by a present payment of £10. Any gentleman who after compounding for his Student's dues shall be subsequently called to the Bar shall, in compounding for his Dues as a Barrister, be allowed the amount, if any, by which the £10 Composition already paid exceeds the amount of the dues which would otherwise have become payable by him as a Student. T. 0., 16 April, 1852. „ 27 Oct., 1891. 111. No Attorney at Law, Solicitor, Writer to Who may be admitted as the Signet, or Writer of the Scotch Courts, students. Proctor, Notary Public, Clerk in Chancery, D 2 52 Parliamentary Agent, or Agent in any Court, original or appellate, Clerk to any Justice of the Peace, Registrar of any Court, Receiver or Liquidator, whether Official, Provisional, Assistant or Deputy, or person acting in any of these or similar capacities, and no Clerk to any such person as aforesaid, or to an}' Judge, Barrister, Conveyancer, Pleader, Equity Draftsman, Clerk of the Peace, or to any officer in any Court of Justice, and no person acting in the capacity of any such Clerk shall be admitted as a Student at any Inn of Court until such person shall have entirely and bond Jid/' ceased to act or practise in any of the capacities above-named or described ; and if on the Rolls of any Court, shall have taken his name off the Rolls thereof. T. 0., 3 May, 1889. Privilege of ^ ^. A Student who, previously to his admis- sion at an Inn of Court, was a Solicitor in practice 53 for not less than five years (and, in accordance with Rule 7, has ceased to be a Solicitor before his Admission as a Student) may be examined for Call to the Bar without keeping any Terms, and may be called to the Bar upon passing the public Examination required by these Rules, without keeping any Terms ; Provided that such Solicitor has given at least twelve months' notice in writing to each of the Four Inns of Court, and to the Incor- porated Law Society, of his intention to seek Call to the Bar, and produces a Certificate signed by two Members of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society that he is a fit and proper person to be called to the Bar. A Student coming under the last preceding Rule may be exempted by the Masters of the Bench of the Inn to which he seeks Admission from passing the Examination preliminary to Admission. 54 Preliminary Examination. Copy of Rules. T. 0., 25 April, 1884. 113. Tn the case of a Solicitor it is un- necessary to impose a preliminary Examina- tion, those cases being excepted where the Examination preliminary to admission as a Solicitor was dispensed with. 21 0. s 4 November, 1859. 114. In every case of admission into this Society there shall be delivered by the Sub- Treasurer to the person admitted a copy of the Rules agreed to by the Four Inns of Court. Admission gratis. T. 0., 6 February, 1732. „ 30 January, 1767. 115. From henceforward none but the eldest son of a Master of the Bench be admitted gratis a Member of this Society as a Student. Student in arrear. T. (A, 5 June, 1888. 116. If a Student's fees have not been paid by him for three years, a registered letter shall 54a In lieu of T. 0. 1 16 which has been abolished, the following are substituted : — T. 0., 4 November, 1898. 116a. If a Student, who has not made a deposit on admission, shall allow his dues to become three years in arrear, a registered letter shall be sent directed to him at his last known address informing him that unless all arrears to the date of such letter be paid within six months, he will be suspended from all privileges as a Member of the Society till the further Order of the Bench ; and on the expiration of such notice without payment, he shall be suspended accordingly. 116^. If, after a Student has been suspended under Order 116a, his sureties shall pay all dues incurred up to the date of the notice, they shall be entitled to be released from all further liability as sureties. Mb 116c. No application shall be made to a Student suspended under T. O. 116a for dues incurred after his suspension, but he shall not be restored to the privileges of membership till he has paid all dues to the date of his restoration and a restoration fee of £5 and has also given a new bond with two sureties in the usual form, or has deposited with the Treasurer the sum of £50 as security for his commons and dues, and has complied with such other conditions, if any, as the Bench may impose. 55 be sent, directed to him at his last known address, informing him that unless all arrears be paid within six months from the date of that letter, his name will be removed from the books of the Society, but without prejudice of the claim of the Society against him and his sure- ties for all dues up to the date of such notice, and on the expiration of such notice his name shall be removed accordingly. RE-ADMISSION OF STUDENTS. *1 0. 10 fwne lsf3. 117. A Student who has ceased to be a Conditions of re-admission. Member of the Inn may, by special permission of the Bench, be re-admitted upon his paying all dues accrued in the interval, and (unless a Member of the College of Advocates in Scot- ( tfif I ictbti a land or of the Universities of Oxford, Cam- ^ m * Wt f? *]f" y I Ian chest n , bridge, Dublin, London, Durham, yt: Q*--ef the j tfaWruikuifrcJ Royal University of Ireland) depositing £100 | rfde&U ,<£ukjtjwvl, J ^BvirrunrLCtiajTrt \cn ]?afcj,c7 J.O. 3 1 I. OS~ allowed. 56 and producing a Certificate in the usual form satisfactory to the Treasurer. T. 0., 13 November, 1832. Former terms ng. Gentlemen having deposited £100, with and standing ° l a view of being called to the Bar in England, and subsequently quitting the Society, shall be allowed in the event of re-admission and re- deposit of the £100 to have, for the purpose of being called to the Bar, the advantage of the former Terms kept, and of a standing equal to the time between the first admission and the quitting the Society, provided that the claim for re-admission shall in such cases be laid before the Bench. COMMONS AND DUES. T. 0.,7 July, 1704. Duration. 119. The Term Commons shall not com- mence before the first day of the Term, nor 57 continue longer than the last, except to end half a week. T. 0., 4 February, 1734. 120. No Commons are allowed to be served Parliament Chamber not to any Bencher in the Parliament Chamber, t0 ue used - nor any gowns hung there. T. 0., 23 April, 1861. 121. The charge to the Benchers for dinners Benchers' charge for shall be os., and each Bencher shall be charged Dinner. for seven dinners for each Term, in each case whether present or not, and payment at the rate of 3s. per diem, shall be made by all Benchers who may dine beyond the prescribed number. 122. No alteration to be made in the Re- Dinners out of Term, gulation by which nothing is paid by the Benchers for dinners on the adjournment days out of Term. 58 Barristers' charge. T. 0., 25 May, 1875. 123. All Barristers shall pay ready money for their dinners, at the present rate of 3s. per dinner. Students' charge. T. 0., 5 April, 1867. 124. The charge for Students' dinners shall be one guinea for thu Term, and 3s. 6d. a day for every day a Student dines beyond the number of six. Vacations &c. abolished. T. 0.,6 February, 1778. 125. After this present Hilary Term vaca- tions and amerciaments to be abolished, and every Student to pay in lieu thereof the sum of £5 before he enters into Commons, and every gentleman called to the Bar to pay £10 as a composition in lieu of vacations and amerciaments after his Call to the Bar. 59 T. 0., 27 June, 1876. 126. It is an instruction to the Treasurer Students leaving Hall, or Acting Treasurer not to give permission to any Student to leave the Hall before 7 o'clock unless grace after dinner shall be sooner said. T. 0., 27 June, 1876. 127. Newspapers shall not be read in Hall ^ e H s a p u apers during the hour of dinner, and a copy of this Order shall be screened in the Hall. T. 0., 9 November, 1729. 128. No Barrister to come into Commons Gowns, without his Bar gown. T. 0., 20 November, 1821. 129. No Student hereafter admitted to Com- Not more than twenty Terms mons, shall be allowed to dine in Commons to be kept. more than twenty Terms, except in the Term in which he shall apply to be Called to the Bar. 60 T. 0.,5 February, 1819. Table of Fees. 130. A Table of Fees payable for Admis- sions, Commons and Chambers, on Calls to the Bar, and on Certificates to be placed in the Hall. Entry of names. T. 0., 13 February, 1827. 131. Names of all gentlemen dining in the Hall to be taken in writing daily. T. 0., 27 January, 1824. Accounts. 132. The Collector is directed to deliver an account half-yearly after Hilary and Trinity Terms, of all sums owing for Dues, Commons, Pensions, Preacher's Duties and Gowns to every Bencher, Barrister and Student. T. 0., 2 June, 1725. Pensions and 133. The Members of this Society shall Preacher's duties. discharge the Pensions and Preacher's Duties yearly. 61 T. 0., 4 November, 1884. 134. An account ot all gentlemen in arrear to Arrears. be laid before the Masters of the Bench, on the 15th May and 15th November in every year, and before the Auditors. CHURCH. T. 0., 29 October, 1691. „ 22 November, 1741. „ 10 June, 1771. 135. The appointment of an Afternoon Afternoon Preacher. Preacher to the Temple Church and of a Preacher on Fast Days is vested alternately (each sermon) in the two Societies. The Clergyman's fee on such occasion is £2 2s. T. 0., 4 May, 1841. 136. The Treasurer, and failing him any Appointment. Bencher, has the appointment for any vacant Sundays. 62 Preacher not appearing. T. 0., 6 February, 1783. 137. In case the Afternoon Preacher shall not appear in the Preacher's scat at the church before the prayers are ended, the Reader is to preach and receive the gratuity. Preacher's Deputy. T. 0., 30 January, 1792. 138. If the Clergyman appointed to preach the Afternoon Sermon shall not attend in person, but send a proper person to preach, such Deputy may perform the duty, but the fee is not to be paid until the Treasurer shall give an order to that effect ; and if the Clergyman deputed shall decline preaching, the Reader is to supply his place and receive the stipend. Church Orders. T. a, 6 November, 1883. 139. Masters of the Bench, not being Honorary Members thereof, are entitled to give orders for three persons to the Morning Service ; but 63 there is no restriction in respect of the After- noon Service. Owing to the limited accommodation of the Benchers 1 stalls, orders are not given to admit to them ; but any Bencher can bring a friend with him to the supplementary seats. T. 0., 13 June, 1862. 140. Any Bencher or Barrister of the Inn introducing ladies. may introduce two ladies. T. 0., 24 May, 1816. 141. No monument or tablet to be placed in Monuments. the Body or Round of the Church until the plan, size and place be first approved of by two of the Masters of the Bench. T. 0., 27 January, 1843. 142. No sum of money shall be laid out Expenditure on the Church without Special Order of the Bench. 64 No money to Church Servants. T. O.j 2 May, 1851. 143. No money shall be given to the servants of the Church, and any servant receiving any fee or gratuity from any visitor shall be immediately discharged. No fee for admission. T. 0., 13 June, 1862. 144. No servant in the Church is per- mitted to receive money for the admission of a stranger. SUB-TEEASUEEE. T. 0., 6 February, 1821. Forms. 145. The following forms to be printed for the use of the Sub-Treasurer, viz. : — Chamber, Bar, Commons Bonds. Composition and Deposit Tapers. Certificates for Admission into Commons. Letters for Payment of Pensions and Preacher's Duties. 65 T. 0., 26 June, 1821. 146. The Sub-Treasurer's Clerk to be em- Index - ployed in continuing an Index to the Bench Table Orders. T. 0., ] 5 June, 1695. 147. Sub-Treasurer to deliver a particular Bonds. alphabetically of all bonds in his custody to every new Treasurer on his admission. T. 0., 13 November, 1780. 148. It is the duty of the Sub-Treasurer to Control of servants. inspect the conduct of the several servants of the House, and report to the Table if he finds any of them deficient in their duty. Addition to T. 0. 145. T. 0., 21 November, 1880. 149. If any servant of the House be Misconduct r • i n* ^ V Servants, guilty of serious misconduct in his onice, the Treasurer or in his absence the Sub-Treasurer, E 66 shall have power to suspend him ; but if this shall happen within four days before any business day of the Bench, the same shall be reported to the Bench, and if it shall happen at any other time, it shall be reported to the Treasurer, who shall have power, on investi- gation, to remove or continue the suspension or dismiss the servant. Book of Commons. T. 0., 25 Novembc.7, 1757. 150. The account of Commons, Pensions, and Preacher's Duties shall be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose. T. 0., 5 November, 1682. 151. Sub-Treasurer to attend at every Par- Attendance of Sub- Treasurer, liament and enter Acts, &c T. O.j 9 May, 1692. Members' 152. Sub-Treasurer to put down in a book Names taken down. kept for the entry of Bench Orders the 67 names of all Benchers present at the making of any Bench Table Order, and if any Bencher then present shall dissent to any Order then proposed to be made, every such Bencher shall and may at the time be at liberty to enter his dissent or protestation thereunto. T. (9., 29 April, 1884. 153. Any person in the employment of Communica- tion to Papers the Inn who shall make any unauthorised communication respecting the business of the Inn to the Papers, shall be subject to be punished and dismissed. HOUSE. T. 0., 26 November, 1819. 154 Inventories of all things belonging to inventories, the Society given in charge to the Officers of the House shall in future be delivered to each Treasurer upon his coming into office. 68 Newspapers in Parliament Chamber. T. 0., 21 February, 1851. 155. No person whatever shall under any circumstances take from the Parliament Cham- ber any of the daily newspapers, reviews, magazines or other periodicals ; except that the Master of the Temple shall, as heretofore, be permitted to take the daily newspapers in the evenings, out of Term only, to be returned by him before 12 o'clock on the following day to the Treasurer's Office, where they are to be kept filed, and no person whatever shall take from the Parliament Chamber any of the Sunday papers until their places have been supplied by the succeeding number. Notice as to papers to be screened. T. 0. 18 February, 1835. 156. A notice shall be affixed in the Parlia- ment Chamber requesting that the reviews, magazines, newspapers, periodicals and publica- tions may not be removed in future until such time as their places have been respectively 69 supplied by the succeeding numbers or number of the work. T. 0. 31 October, 1702. 157. Clean linen to be prepared for all the Clean Linen, tables in the Hall every day. T. 0. 12 June, 1860. 158. No person eligible to be a waiter in the Waiters. Hall, unless he shall have been for two years employed as a servant in a family, or as a waiter. ACCOUNTS. T. 0., 19 January, 1883. 159. In the accounts of the Inn presented Repairs to be separately to the Bench every six months, at the Audit entered. Dinner, the item " General Repairs," shall be divided into at least two separate heads, e.g. — 1. — Ordinary Repairs. 2. — Permanent Repairs. 70 so as to shew clearly on the face of the accounts how large a per centage on rental is expended in ordinary wear and tear, and how much on exceptional objects of a different description. T. 0., 13 November, 1753. Sale of Stock. 160. No stock purchased or to be purchased shall be disposed of but in pursuance of an Order of the Bench Table, to be made on a particular day appointed for that purpose, and notice of such day shall be given at least three days before to all the Masters of the Bench then in Town. SURVEYOR, &c. T. 0., 10 June, 1777. Work 8 fm l^ I Q f uture n0 work to be done by any workman without an order from Treasurer, Sub-Treasurer or Surveyor, and the workmen 71 shall specify in their bills by whose order and where such work was done. T. #., 9 November, 1819. 162. No tradesman shall begin any work Instructions to Workmen. until he receive instructions from the Surveyor, except any trifling repairs which may be ordered by the Sub-Treasurer, the vouchers for which to be delivered by the tradesman to the Surveyor as often as required, that the necessary ex- amination may be made at the time when the work is done. T. C, 19 January, 1883. 163. No structural alteration in the external Authority for Structural features of any building in the Inner Temple, Alteration. and no alteration in the external colouring of any building, gate or railing in the Inner Temple shall be made without a written authority from the Bench previously obtained by the Surveyor, 72 but in cases of sudden emergency the written sanction of the Treasurer shall be a sufficient authority. GENERAL. Saving Order. 164, Nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any Act of Parliament or Table Order not mentioned herein. r .