; GIFT OF SEELEY W. MUDD and GEORGE I. COCHRAN MEYER ELSASSER DR. JOHN R. HAYNES WILLIAM L. HONNOLD JAMES R. MARTIN MRS. JOSEPH F. SARTORI to the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BRANCH JOHN FISKE -r\J i WILLIAM ALLEN Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Nat. 1704- Ob. 1780. , arcn ffamvwnd ofJCir7cEU&. EXTRACTS FROM CHIEF JUSTICE WILLIAM ALLEN'S LETTER BOOK- SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY LEWIS BURD WALKER TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING PAMPHLETS IX THE CONTROVERSY WITH FRANKLIN. 1897. 79705 COPYRIGHT 1897 BY LEWIS BURD WALKER, E F A C E. Chief Justice William Allen was born August 5th, 1704. His mother, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Susanna Budd, was a sister of Rose Budd, whose daugh- ter, Sarah Plumley, was married to Edward Shippen, oX-Lancaster.- William Allen was married February 16, 1733 1734, to Margaret Hamilton, daughter of Andrew Hamilton, by whom he had four sons and two da ugh tors, as follows: John Allen, born about March, 1739 ; died February, 1778. Andrew Allen, born June, 1840 ; died March 7, 1825. James Allen, born about 1742; died September 19, 1778. William Allen, born about 1751 ; died July 2, 1838. Anne Allen, married May 31, 1766, to John Perm ; died after August, 1813. Margaret Allen, married August 19, 1771, to James de Lancey ; died October 18, 1827. In October, 1735, William Allen was chosen Mayor of Philadelphia, and on October 2, 1750, was appointed Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, which office he resigned in 1774, having received an annual salary of about ,120, which he distributed in charity. It is to William Allen that the present location of the State House is due, as he purchased the ground with his own money, and held it until the province was able to reimburse him. lie was ever ready to assist men of talent who were struggling with adversity; and Benjamin West has expressed his lively sense of gratitude to William Allen in the strongest words, for the unexpected and unsolicited 4 PREFACE. advance of money, which enabled West to complete his course of study in Italy. lie also aided Franklin very materially, as will be seen by the letter to David Barclay & Sous, dated November 5, 1753, and by the " Answer to Mr. Franklin's Remarks," (attributed to Rev. William Smith), as published in the Appendix ; and it is a matter of great regret that gratitude for favors received did not prevent Franklin from abusing his benefactor. Though William Allen was strongly opposed to the tyrannical course pursued by the British Government towards America, and even contributed "cannon shot'' for the use of the Board ot the Council of Safety ; yet he was opposed to the Declaration of Independence, and therefore was considered a Tory. He was a very extensive land-owner in Pennsylvania ; and upon one tract a town was laid out, which com- memorates its founder in its present name of Allentown. He died Sept., 6th, 1780 ; and his letter book passed into the hands of Edward Shippen, afterwards Chief Justice. After the death of Elward Shippen it was handed over to Edward Burd, and from him to his daughter, Miss Sarah Burd. After Miss Burd's death the next owners, Misses Mary and Louisa Hubley gave it to their nephew, Dr. Lewis L. Walker, subsequent to whose decease it came into the hands of his nephew, the present editor. This Book, bound in leather, contains copies of 187 letters of Will- iam Allen, covering the period of 1753-1770 ; from 87 of which extracts or copies have been made, which are herein published. In the appendix will be found a reprint of three scarce pamphlets, which are explanatory of some of the letters. The original spelling of the letters has been retained. EXTRACTS FROM WILLIAM ALLEN'S LETTERS. July 31, 1753. To B. Hume, P.Valette and P. Furnal. The Sugars were consigned to Messrs. John & Thomas Simpson, whose unhappy Fate, no doubt, you must have heard ; The former having shot himself & the latter so shocked at his Unckle's untimely End, that he took to his Bed & died in a few davs. Get. 21, 1753. To D. Barclay & Sons, London. I note what you write about the Lottery Tickets. As I do not like the Scheme of the Lottery should be glad thl 8 came in time to contradict my former Directions. I intend the Money should be laid in the first Government Lottery upon the usual footing. But as there is so large a Deduction to be taken out of this, it will no doubt be unprofitable to the Adventurers. However if this shall come too late, I shall be contented with what you do- I request you would Order my Periwig Maker to make me three Bob Wigs of the same Colour with the last, and forward them to me by any Opportunity that offers. 6 THE BUBD PAPERS. Nov. 5, 1753. To Evan Patterson, Atty. London. -::- -::- # What I have from time to time charged you :i> a Commission, is what every merchant in America charges for the Receipt & Remittance of Money or only tor Remittance : Two and a half (per cent) being gen- erally added for the Receipt, & often Five which in the whole would make Ten, But as I often thought that un- reasonable, I never charged more than five under which (upon Inquiry) you'll find no money ever remitted by Bill or otherwise from America. * * * * I am willing to purchase their (the heirs of Bullair) interest in this Province which is One Hundred Acres of Liberty Land & Rights to 8000 acres of unlocated Land. I can with great truth inform you that their Rights are decay- ing in value every day, and are not worth now so much by forty per cent as they were twenty years ago : The Reason if attended to is very plain ; Because other people have taken up their Land. And the proprietors have since that time sold some Millions of Acres, at the Rate of fifteen pounds ten shillings this money a hundred in Small Tracts, even from twenty five Acres or upwards , so that all the good Land within the tract purchased of the Indians is taken up. There is an Expectation that within a few years another purchase may be made of the Indians, in which the Rights to land may be laid out to some advantage; tiio' they must be very remote and not within one hundred & fifty miles of this City. Yet if care is taken and by persons well acquainted in the Country, some good Lands may be got. But if the Heirs of the Family do not sell before that time, or get some very judicious person immediately after it to locate their Lands, which will I can assure you be a very difficult Task, their Rights will be of no value ; they will be oblidged to lay out their land iu some part of the Country, ALLEN'S LETTERS. 7 now in the possession of the French, for they have lately built Forts within the bounds of this province. Upon the whole I mean that if they keep their Lands another twenty years in their Hands, the whole 8000 Acres will not be worth Fifty Guineas. As I am well acquainted with the back parts of the Country by Information from some who have been upon the Spot, I am willing to give them 800 for their Interest, & will remit them the money for the same, as soon as I am informed the Heirs are willing to sign the Deeds. I am no way anxious about the purchase, being assured I shall make no great matter of advantage by it. However that matter may be, this Information I give may be of some use to them, which may be depended on that if they let matters con- tinue upon the Foot they have done, their Interest will vanish, of which I desire you would be so good as t o acquaint them & me of their Result. I would have made them offers for their Lauds in the Jerseys; But that Province is in so distracted a Condition, and so little Hopes of it being otherwise as long as the present Governor lives, that nobody will venture to lay down any Sum for purchases there. All Lands in the Jerseys belonging to Gentlemen in England, or this, or the Neighboi ing provinces are taken possession of by a set of Freebooters, whom you cannot dislodge ; But upon any attempt to remove them by Law rise up in Bodies, and in a riotous manner break open prisons and rescue persons arrested. I have nearly thirty thousand acres in that province, which is mostly occupied by these Villians. Nov. 5, 1753. To Thomas Simpson in London. I have received your melancholy Letters, And give me leave to say the shocking News of my good Old Friend 8 TllE LtlKD your Father's Death gave me inexpressible Concern. There was scarce any man in the World but my very nearest Relations, for whom I had so great a regard. The great Civilities I received from him, whilst I w;i- last in England ; The many repeated Acts of Friendship, all rivitted by a twenty four years Correspondence carried on to our Mutual Satisfaction, had greatly indeared him to me. He was one of the best the worthiest of men, the compleatcst Merchant I ever knew. I would have as soon thought, the Monument would have fallen, as he have failed in his Circumstances. What can have pro- duced this Revolution in his affairs, or how so frugal, so knowing & exact a man can have been reduced, I can by no means imagine. I had a hint given me about five years ago, from a friend of mine in London, that his aftairs were in disorder, but I could by no means credit it, and indeed that very account was contradicted by the same person about six month after. I am in a great measure got out of trade, which I by experience find cannot be readily carried on to Profit, so that my Connexions with your worthy Father have been nothing near so considerable us formerly, but still the House is indebted to Allen & Turner & to me about 1700 Sterling, which Sum we must endeavor to secure, by the Sale of his Lands, by due Course of Law; of which there remains in this Province unsold, two Tracts one of 1800 acres, Another of 550 acres. ******* * There remains in the Jerseys unsold upwards of Six thousand acres. But there are so many Disputes between the Bounds of the Eastern & Western Division, and such a Confusion among the Inhabitants about their Titles, of which 1 formerly apprized your Father, that I cannot sa}* much of the Value. I am in hopes that a good ALLEN'S LETTERS. 9 part of our Debt, will be secured by the Lands in this Province and that iu the Jerseys may remain clear to you. I have already by the sale of the Lands remitted your good Father more considerably than all his Lands both here and in the Jerseys cost him. And as this was a Scheme I advised him to and by my assistance they were surveyed and located in beneficial Places, I hope you will think it but right, that I should indeavour to secure my- self what is owing to me out of them. He pressed me to sell the Lands, but as he referred everything to my Judgment I advised that they should remain, because I thought they would rise in value, which has been accordingly the Case, and what cost him but 350 being five thousand acres. And one of the purchases will with what I have already accounted with him for, amount to near 2000. Nov. 5, 1753. To Isaac & Peter Carey, Merchants in Guernsey. I applyed to young Mr. Baynton, & his Father's Ex. Mr. Maddox, and laid your accounts before them. They on their part produced theirs, and made their Objections to sundry parts of yours. Upon the whole I proposed to them to leave the matter to Reference, which was accordingly done by mutual Consent to a very honest judicious man Mr. William Coleman a merchant of this place. * I am concerned in a still House here that we imagine makes much better Rum * ~ x ~ than the New England Rum. Philada. 5th Nov 1753. Gentlemen I wrote you by way of Ireland, and sent Copy of the Same by way of Bristol, acknowledging your Sundry 10 THE BTJRD PAPERS. favours and contradicting my former Orders about investing the money of the South Sea Annuities in Lot- tery Tickets, upon account of the disadvantageous lay the Adventurers must have which I now confirm, I had omitted to acquaint you that I shipped 1500 Bush- ells of Wheat on board the Ship Philadelphia Robert Ferguson Master addressed to Messrs Butler & Mathews in Cadiz and gave them Directions to ship you the Nt Pro- ceeds. /I now beg leave to request your favour in Behalf of Mr. Benjamin Franklin : Who by Solicitations from me to sundry of my friends has obtained the Office of being joint Post Master with one Hunter in Virginia, of all i^orth America. As perhaps some Securities may be expected for the due performance oi his Office and remitting any Overplus Money that may accrue after the Officers Salaries are paid (Though hitherto that has not been the Case, the Profits of the Post Office having never amounted to so much as has been sufficient to pay the Salaries and Charges.) But I am persuaded, that by Mr. Franklin's good Management, matters will be put upon a better footing, and that there will be yearly some Ballance to be remitted to the general Post Office. I therefore entreat you would be so kind as to call upon Mr. Shelvock, the Secretary of the Post Office (who has been instrumental in obtaining the Office) and inquire whether any Security is necessary ; and if it is that you would either by yourself or Friends become his Security. And upon your acquainting me that such Security is given, and sending over a proper Bond to be signed by Mr. Turner and me, we will counter Secure you. I beg pardon for giving }'ou this Trouble ; but as it is giving the finishing Stroke to an affair I have had much at heart, I beg you would be so good as to excuse it : And your kindness herein I shall always greatly ALLEN'S LETTERS. 11 acknowledge. Inclosed you have a Letter for Messrs Isaac & Peter Carey of Guernsey ,which please to forward to them, in whose favour I have drawn a Bill on you for 89 11s 6. and also another of this Date in favour of Alexr Stuart both which please to pay. As you will no doubt hear fully from Allen & Turner of the Remit- tances we are making you by Bills on Paris, and that the proceeds of Nicaragua Wood & Iron sent to Bristol are ordered into your Hands, it will be needless for me to say anything further but to assure you I always am Gentlemen Your Most Obt Humble Servt WILLIAM ALLEN. P. 8. Since writing the above I find Mr. Franklin has irot his Commission & informs me that Mr. Hunter has ~ found Security for them both. To Messrs David Barclay & Sons. Nov. 16, 1753. To Don Bernardo Ruiz de Norriega at Carthagena. We could not meet with any Coach that we thought suitable. There was indeed an old one belonging to a former Governor, that we could have got fitted up for about o: e hundred pistoles that would have appeared like a new one, but was fearful it might not have suited. If such a One would be agreeable, upon your advising us we will get it ready again any other Opportunity, of which please to give us the earliest Notice as it will take a good deal of time to repair it. We have sent you Two Barrel Is of Apples 3 Dozen of choice Pontac Wine, 1 Dozen of Frontiniack, one large Parmesan Cheese, one 12 THE BURD PAPERS. cask of Gammons & two Bottles of East India Catchup, which we beg you would be so good as to accept of. 26 November, 1753. To D. Barclay & Son. I request you would be pleased to buy for the Use of my Sons, of Mr. Strahan the Books of which you have herewith a List And as I live in the Country in the Summer Season, and good part of my Amusement is a Kitchen Garden, pray be so kind as to send me the Seeds, a List of which you have here subjoined. 1 Gallon of each of the three best sorts of early Hot- spur peas. 1 Peck of best early Readings 2 Oz. of early Battersea Cabbage 1 Oz. of the Russia, and one ounce of every sort of Cabbage that is esteemed to be very good & one ounce of each of the Savoy kind. 2 Ounces of Colly Flower. Greek Books 3 Copies or Sets of Minorca Poetae 3 Do of Enchiridon's Epictetus 1 L)o of Stanhope's Epictetus 1 Do of Arian's Epictetus 1 Do of Avery's Epictetus 3 Do of Xenephon's Cyropaedia 3 Do of Homer by Clerk 3 Do of Sophocles 3 Do of King's Euripides 3 Do of Pindar ye Oxford Edn Folio. 3 Do of Longinus by Pearse. 1 Do of Smith's Translation of Lon- ginus 3 Do of Antoninus by Gataker ALLEN'S LETTERS. 13 3 Do of Potter's Antiquities 3 Do of Demosthenes Orations 3 Do of Thucidides 6 Do of Lucian by Murphy in 2 Vols. 2 Do of Taylor's Demosthenes. 3 Do of Winchester School Phrases 3 Do of Robertson's Phrase Book 3 Do of Walker on the Particles 3 Do of Willy's Notes. 3 Copies of Juvenal in usum Delphini. 3 Copies of Francis's Horace 3 Do of Virtots Revolutions of the Roman Empire. 3 Do of Plutarch's Lives. 3 Do ofRollin's Method of Study- ing the Belles Letters 3 Do of do Antient History in Octavo & of^iis do on Arts & Sciences. 3 of Dryden's Juvenal 3 of Mr. Frolard in 6 vol 4to on the Ro- man's Arts of War. Schanchii Chronologic One Copy of the Compleat Collection of Voyages & Travells by John Haris 2 Vols Fol The Xew Universal Dictionary of Arts & Sciences just published. Folio. April 5, 1754. To Don B. Ruiz Norriege, Carthagena. We are fitting up the Coach & will have it in readiness to send by next Opportunity. * * At the desire of a particular Friend of ours, we beg leave to request you would be so good as to write to some friend of yours 14 THE BURD PAPERS. at St. lago de Cuba to procure the copy of the Condem- nation of a Sloop taken in the late War. As we are instructed the Affair stands circumstanced in this manner. About the 27th of March 1746, a Sloop named the "Watts, Joseph Arthur, junior, Master, belonging to Samuel McCall Senr of this Place was taken on her Voyage from hence to Jamaica, in the Windward Pas- sage by the famous Spanish Row Galley, Capt Possant, Commander, and by him sent to St lago de Cuba, where very soon after, she was condemned as lawful prize, and together with her Cargo was sold in that port. The Owner had some Insurance made on said Sloop in Hol- land, But the Assurers have refused hitherto to pay any part of the Loss, because no Copy of the Condemna- tion has been procured from under the Seals of the proper Office or Officer at St. Tago de Cuba. * * You are therefore prayed * * * to * * send two Copies of said Condemnation of Sloop Watts. April 20,1754. To Edmund Butler at the Temple London. The three houses in Chestnut Street sold for the fol- lowing Sums viz one of them for 117 16s 6d. another for 250 and the third for 650. and the five hundred Acres of land in this County for 750. (all Pennsylvania Currency); All which, I think well sold. April 20, 1754. To Evan Patterson. I shall be expecting Answers from the Heirs of Bel- lairs to my Proposals by Shirley. At the same time, please to acquaint them that a new Indian Purchase is like to be made some time this Summer, and that if I do iiot purchase the Land early enough to be able to locate ALLEN'S LETTERS. 15 the Rights in the New Purchase, I would not give a Quarter of the Sum I ofter ; For all the good Land will be taken up and Rights to Land will be of a triffling Value. I offered all the money I am inclined to give, which is 800 for the Liberty Land and 8000 as of Rights to Land. And I am persuaded they never will make more of it. April 20, 1754. To 1). Barclay & Sons. I perceive that the Lottery Tickets are all Blanks, to which I have little to say, but that my Luck in the English Lottery is not so good as that of some others, And I am quite satisfied with what yon have done being persuaded you acted for the best. I have received the Books in good Order, as likewise your kind presents to my Children of the Sleeve Buttons, for which pray give me leave to return you my hearty thanks. I find by imitating the example of your worthy Father & partner I must employ another Factor for these -Triffles, for I can never learn the Cost of them ? which, was I not assured of your Friendship & good Will, would be very disagreeable to me. * * * I was truly concerned to hear of the Indisposition of my much esteemed Friend Mr. David Barclay, Senior ; But hope from some of your late Letters this will find him restored to health, which will give high pleasure to many good people here. June 27, 1754. To Don Bernardo Ruiz. We are glad to find that Mr. (John) Gibson has behaved to your Satisfaction. As he was bred in our Counting House, we can by a sufficient Experience pronounce him a man of Honesty & Candour. * * * We beg you 16 THE BURD PAPKHS. would endeavour to procure for us some Balsam Copabia & some of the Earth to cure Ringworms. We have bought the Coach according to your Directions and have got it fitted up in the best manner we could ; But as w<- were at a Loss in what way you would have it painted, We have only done it with One Colour, Mr. Gibson telling us that you could get it done, with you, to your Mind. We have given for it, only 80 Pistoles, being 20 less than we expected. We wish it safe to your Hands & that it may be to your liking. October 2, 1754. Col. John Chiswell, of Virginia. In answer to your desire of borrowing the sum of 2000 Sterling at Six per Cent ; Give me leave to say that at present we have among us ten Borrowers to One Lender : and very few of the latter chuse to lend any money without the Province ; As they cannot readily at a Distance command a punctual payment of their Interest. In the Neighboring Provinces their Interest is Seven p Cent. Yet our People had rather have Six within the Province for tbe Reason above. I am confi. dent that Such a Sum as you mention cannot be obtained on Interest for any Security without the Province. Indeed Money is not near so plenty as it was during the War, and some few years after, at which time there was money Lenders, who now chuse to employ their Stocks in Trade. December 12, 1754. To Don Bernardo at Carthagena. We have been endeavouring to buy you a couple of large white Horses, but cannot meet with any that are suitable, if those of another Colour will do we will pro- cure the best we can. We hope by this time you have been able to procure for us the Terra Maoamachica, & ALLEN'S LETTERS. 17 must beg you would send us | Dozen pound of a Root called Siena Raba, it being useful in Fluxes & a loner settled laxed State of Body. We are told it is the pro- duce of your Country, or somewhere along the Coast. The Dutch frequently bringing it to Curacoa from the Coast, we shall be much obliged to you, if you will take some pains to get it for us, being greatly Sollicited by our Physicians here to write for it December 12 1754. To Don Juan Arrecharreta at Carthagena. We have Opportunities almost every week either to London or Lisbon and frequently to Cadiz any Letters you are pleased to send by Vessels returning here from your place shall be forwarded with the greatest Care. December 23, 1754. To Evan Patterson. As I have not heard any more of Bellair's Lands I decline making the purchase. The Land lately bot of the Indians is in a great part possessed by the French, they having lately invaded the Province & built three Forts in the back parts, and what is not already in their pos- session is, at present in so precarious a Situation, that I do not care to venture to buy any more Laud here, having too much already at Stake. The French finding that our Quakers will not defend the Country seem to be about to take possession of this Province, which they will inevitably do, if we are not succoured from England. March 18 1755. To Don Bernardo Ruiz. We have by this Vessel 1 sent you a Doz. of Saltpetre Hams, a Flitch of Bacon, 100 Ib of Dryed Beef, a Dozen of Tongues, an English Cheese, a Dozen of Claret & a 18 THE BURD PAPERS. Dozen of White Wine, which we beg you would be so kind as to accept : we shall be waiting your Orders about the Horses you would have shipped. May 18 1755. To David Barclay & Sons. Capt Thinn is a Scotch Gentleman who went with the Command of a Company to Carthagena from this place, was an acquaintance of Mr. Hamiltous, is married to a Wealthy Poulterer's Widow at the other End of the Town, & must be known to the Scotch Officers & I am told frequents the British Coffee House, was upon Half Pay, but has sold out. I beg you would bespeak three Bob-wigs of my barber, & that you would send me by the first Vessel!, a Groce of the freshest Pyrmont Water. As it is intended for Mr. Hamilton & me, I beg you would be very careful that it be of the very last Importation. * * I have a very high Opinion of the Mine, which mends every Day. May 23, 1755. To John Barclay, Dublin. Having seen in the Universal Magazine of July last an account of a Mine in Ireland by W. Henry D. D. ex tracted from the Philosophical Transactions at Crone Bawn, near the Town of Arklow in the County of Wick- low, which affords a Water out of the Level of said mine that dissolves Iron, and makes the Copper with which this Water is impregnated, precipitate, so as to produce great Quantities thereof. We take the freedom to re- quest you would be pleased to make a minute Inquiry nto this matter, what profit is made yearly of this Water ; how the precipitated Copper is melted, in what kind of a Furnace, whether the Bellows goes by Water, or whether it is what they call an Air Furnace : what ALLEN'S LETTERS. 19 Fuel is used in the melting, and what Flux, or if any is used And, if you can, procure a Draught of the Pits where the Iron is placed, and how the Water is let out, in order to get out the Copper Dust (the Magazine in- forming us how it is carried into the Pits) and whether any Workmen can be got, particularly those who under- stand the building the Furnaces and melting the Copper, that understand the whole Process, and at what Rate they would come over here to be hired for four year 8 certain, and whether any sober able-bodied Miners can be procured to come over here & upon what terms. The Reason of our giving you this Trouble, is that we are concerned One Third in a Copper Mine in this Province, that affords a Spring whose Qualities are the same with that above mentioned, but much Stronger, as it will dis- solve Iron iu a Quarter part of the Time, and yield the same yellowish Copper Mud or Dust, which, melted in a Crucible, produces about half pure Copper. This Spring comes through an immense Body of Vitriol Ore a small quantity of it (it is apprehended) will, if taken inwardly kill a Man when lowered with common Water, it is used frequently for purging and vomiting the Country people, is useful for curing Ulcers & cutaneous Disorders, and particularly for sore Eyes. From the Spring flows about 7 or 800 Hhds. in twenty four hours, consequently it is sufficient to fill, as many pits as we please. We have not worked the Mine for some years, this Vitriolic Spring having been so prominent, that we could not clear it of water. We never got any large Vein of Copper ; But to Sulphur & Vitriol Ore there was no End. As you may perhaps be acquainted with some of the Proprs of the mine at Crone Bawri, or by a proper 20 THE BURD PAPERS. Inquiry you may be able we are in hopes, to return to us, by Letter a Satisfactory Accot of this matter. May 23 1755. To D. Barclay & Sons. We have some Thoughts of building a Furnace for melting our poor Copper Ore. And as we are not sure of Bricks made of a proper Clay fit to bear the hot Fire of Furnace we beg you would endeavour to procure 3000 Bricks fit for that Use. We are told they are got near Windsor ; however that you will be best assured of upon Inquiry. I hope they may be got for an easy Freight as they will serve as ballast. Please to ship them by any Opportunity that offers this Fall. Governor Fisher has wrote on my Behalf to Mr. Sydenham at the end of Catherine Street in the Strand for 12 Dishes & Six Dozen of Plates of a particular kind of pewter. June 15, 1765. To Don Bernardo Ruiz. Dr. Ross is lately gone to New York, so that we could not get his Opinion of the Quality of the (Jesuits') Bark. Our other Doctors say it is not of the first Sort. * * As there is a probability of a French War, we must beg for the future that you would not send any more Bar Gold, for as we are obliged to ship it to London, the Insurance will run high. July 7, 1755. To D. Barclay & Sou. As we are just returned from the Mine, and have had a Sight of yours to Captain Stevens of the 19th of March, in which you send the Report of the Essay-Master on the 90 Barrells, I take the liberty to desire you would get tried, all the Ore that has gone since that was shipped, ALLEN'S LETTERS. 21 as it comes all out of the same Vein, as did, that Barrell, in which you say Gold is found. And though the Ore is grown harder, as it goes into the Hill, and richer in Copper yet it retains the same dark Colour. And what further confirms us, is, that as we have the Stamping Mill now agoing, we have been able to discern small Specks of Gold in the Ore after it is stamped, and in a very little Vein, that runs close by the large Vein, we have discovered some Specks of Gold. Our Stamp Ore according to our Trials here yields near Two Thirds Copper. We are a little hindered by the dry Weather, there not being Water sufficient for our Mill, or should have shortly a large Quantity on hand, we stamped about Three tuns the Ten days we worked. We are at a loss whether to proceed to stamp any more, as the five Barrells you mention to yield 500 Ib to the Tun are from our Stamp Ore, and we have above Ground, we think, at least 2000 Tuns, not much, if anything inferior in Quality. We are apt to think it would be more for our Interest to ship it without Stamping, as it is so valuable. I wish you would be so kind to inquire* whether a person, who is used to melting of Ore in a large Furnace could not be procured to come over here & upon what Terms, for as we have a prodigious quantity of that Sort of inferior Ore, we would keep a Furnace constantly going. And as our Ore is chiefly of a soft Nature, full of Verdigrease, we fear it will lose considerably in the Washing, & that the Verdigrease will run off with the Water. We have neglected to work of late upon this Sort, of which there is a vast Body, as we wrote you formerly, and are now wholly imployed in following the Vein of blackest Ore, & are carrying up a Level As that 22 THE BURD PAPERS. Vein increases in Quantity and Quality, we are in hopes, if it continues to improve as it has done for these last two Months, or even continues as it is now, to get out, at least, a hundred Barrells of Firsts & Seconds a Month besides Stamp Ore. The Vein of all three Sorts, being eight feet wide, & we already know it to be near 20 Feet up and down, being now at work upon it in 5 Sloops & we leave it over Head and under Feet. Upon the whole we cannot but think it to be the greatest discovery of this Sort that has been found out. in these parts of the "World. * * * Please likewise to send an Account of the Produce of the small bags, that had the Ore in which was found Gold. This they have been long desirous to hear the Upshot of. * * * Please to send by any Vessell this Fall a peck of early Hotspur Peas. Do of early Readings. Do of Windsor Beans. July 21, 1755. To D. Barclay & Sous. The late Defeat of the King's Forces has put every tiling in the greatest confusion in this Province, to the great Scandal of the English Name. General Braddock with an advanced part of his Army was attacked by one Third of his Number of Indians & French & put to the Rout; one half of his party either killed or wounded; his Military Chest with 25,000 Sterling, all his Artil- lery, Baggage, Papers &c lost to the Enemy. And what is scarce to be credited, the Remainder of Ms Army was in such a pannick, that they retreated after having destroyed all the Ammunition & Provisions, and brought oft' only with them two Six Pounders of all the fine Train, Sent out of England. This last part of their Con- ALLEN'S LETTERS. 23 duct is still more unaccountable than all the rest. If the Train or Ammunition had been preserved,'the Amer- icans were so enraged, that they would of themselves, have raised a Sufficient Number of men to dislodge the French men. Could our Assembly be prevailed on to raise the Money, not less than 3000 men would have gone out of this Province ; who as they fight for their Country, and are more used to the Woods & have a better notion of the Indian method of Fighting, would behave in another manner than the English Troops have done. The Gen- eral sent over (who is now dead of his wounds) was quite an improper man, of a mean Capacity, obstinate and self- sufficient, above taking advice, & laughed to scorn all such as represented to him that in our "Wood Country, war was to be carried on in a difterent manner from that, in Europe. Nothing, he thought could stand his Vet- erans. The private Soldiers behaved shamefully. The Officers acted like brave Men & were mostly killed or wounded. As there is some appearance of our being roused from our Lethargy, we are about putting the Province in some small position of Defence. But as we are much in want of Arms, we are desired to send for a Thousand Mus- quets, which we are told may be bought at the Tower from lls. to 13s. a piece with Bayonets & Cartouch Boxes, being such as the Army have formerly used. We are informed that the East India Company purchase such for their Settlements. We beg therefore that you would purchase the above Quantity, on the best Terms you can & Ship them by the very first Opportunity this Fall if possible, taking care they be well inspected that they are good & fit for Service, together with a Tun of Musquet Balls and get the whole insured. 24 THE BURD PAPERS. August 9, 1755. To D. Barclay & Sons. Please to send our William Allen The Chronology & History of the World from the Creation of the World to 1753 by the Revd John Blair L. L. D. in Folio. Philada. October 25 1755. To Ferdinand Paris. Sir : The present melancholy Situation of this Coun- try has so alarmed our Inhabitants that they cannot longer remain silent, but think it their Duty to lay their Condition before his Majesty ; they have therefore pre- pared the inclosed Petition, which I am directed to transmit to you. The terrible accounts we have received from Cumberland County of the murders committed there, & in the back parts of Virginia & Maryland have given Rise to the Petition at this Time ; and as it was got ready but a few days before this Vessell sailed, we have not had time to get it signed by many persons, but some of the people of the best Consideration in this City. As the Season begins to be far advanced, we tho't it best to send one Copy with the Names already to it. Copies are gone up to several of the Counties ; and we shall be able to send you by the next Opportunity another Copy with a great number of Hands. In the mean time I beg you would retain such Council as you shall think most proper. We presume the Attorney General, Mr. Hume Campbell, Mr. York, Mr. Forester (which last was, we hear Council for our Govr before the Board of Trade) may be suitable : However this we shall leave to you, desiring that two or three, at the most should be retained, among which we would have the Attorney General for one. We all hope and assuredly depend that our Proprietors will give us all the Assistance in their power, as their Interest is so nearly connected with that of the Inhabit. ALLEN'S LETTERS. 25 ants. If the malevolent party that is opposed to their Interest & their Government do not receive a Check from England, both their power and Estate will be rendered very precarious ; as there is a Conspiracy among the Leaders ef the Opposition to destroy both as much as in them lies ; of all which, & who they are, no doubt you a?e sufficiently apprized from other Hands, I mean from the Letters sent to the Proprietors from Such as are immediately concerned in their Affairs. The petitioners are some of the most Zealous Friends to the proprietary Family ; men in whose Breast all Traces of Gratitude are not effaced, but have a high Sense of the Obligations we are under to that Ilonbl Family for the ample Char- ter of priviledges received from our first worthy Proprie- tor, & count themselves happy to live under his Suc- cessor's just administration could it be preserved to us. If we shall not be happy enough to have their Aid and Assistance, we know all our weak efforts will be in vain, and we shall have the mortification to be laughed to Scorn b} 7 their adversaries ; who now have the Confi- dence to tell us that the Proprietors are well pleased with the Conduct of our Assembly, and are desirous we should continue in the same defenceless Condition. We cannot but with Horror see the Blood of our Fellow Subjects spilt by cruel Savages ; and we are not a little alarmed to think we are in the greatest danger of losing our Fortunes & Liberties. I expect before the End of next Summer, if nothing is done (if an entire Conquest is not made of the Province) that all the people over Suvsque- hannah who are upwards of 4000 Families, chiefly Scotch-Irish, will be driven from their Habitations, & when they come down among the Germans & Quakers there will be next to a Civil War among them. 26 THE BURD PAPBRS. Upon the whole I fear, even as matters now stand it will be impossible to preserve the peace of the Province for any time. I am placed by the Government in a Station that makes this matter pretty immediately my care. my place I would fain resign, but that I think it unworthy of a man to desert his Country in such difficulties. I fear the Laws, when things are gone to confusion, will be little regarded ; no pains shall be wanting on my part, as far as I am concerned, to see them put in execution, in the most effectual manner possible. It you think our Circumstances are such, that they need not the Weight of more Hands to our petition, in such case it will be best, to save time, to present it immediately. But in case you should be of opinion that a great rium ber of Signers, would be more regarded by his Majesty & his Ministers, you may be assured that wo shall pro- cure several Hundred, I believe I may venture to say a Thousand more Signers to the Copies that will be sent you by the Opportunities that may offer. As to Instruc- tions to a Gentleman ?o well acquainted with the affairs of this province, we hardly think them necessary ; how- ever shall by other-Conveyances write what we judge to be needful. The Allegations in our Petition are strictly true/ The Remady we would request is, that we may be included in the Bill for uniting the Colonies, & our Case properly provided for in the same, should that measure take Efiect. If no such Bill passes this Session coming on, we would faiu hope his Majesty & his Minis- ters will not suffer this Colony, Situate in the Center of ALLEN'S LETTERS. 27 his Majesty's American Dominions, to remain any longer defenceless, but will recommend it to the Parliament to restrain our Quakers & Germans from sitting in the House of Assembly & the latter from even voting, till they know our language and are better acquainted with our Constitution. These poor people are so poysoned by the false Stories of the Quakers that they will be abso- lutely under their Direction ; Nothing less than this will be a sufficient Remedy ; for otherwise we shall never be put into a proper posture of Defence ; nor the Force of the Province exerted for the Common Cause.' Some few of us have been put already to very great Expenses by a former petition & Since that in erecting a Fortification, purchasing of Arms &c. Therefore intreatyou would be as frugal as possible in this Solicitation, & disburse no money but what is absolutely necessary. We flatter ourselves, as we conceive our Cause & that of the proprietaries is the same, that they would be so good as to help to alleviate the Charge, by contributing a part. I have wrote to Mr Barclay & Sons to pay such Sums as you shall call upon them for towards this Service, which I trust you will make as little expensive as possible. Our Case is so grievous, & at the same time so notori- ous that we would fain hope much need not be said or done to convince the Ministry of the Danger we are in, and the Disgrace that will accrue to Britain should we fall a pray to the Enemy which will be undoubtedly the Case if we are attacked by any Number of Men. I have in a Hurry wrote you my crude Thoughts on 28 THE BURD PAPERS. this Affair, en indeed might the Ministers be supposed to think unfavorably of mo. But these are no Exploits for a Man who hold* a profitable Office under the Crown, and can expect to hold it no longer than he behaves with the Fidelity and Duty that becomes every good Subject. They are only for Officers of Proprietary Appointment, who hold their Commissions during hie, and not the King's Pleasure ; and who, by dividing 90 THE BURD PAPERS. among themselves, and their Relations, Offices of many Thousands a Year, enjoyed by Proprietary Favour, /r did they vote me any Salary. I lived there near six Years at my own expence and I made no Charge or Demand when I came home. You, Sir, of all others, was the very Member that proposed (for the Honor and Justice of the House) a Compensation to be made me of the Five Thousand Pounds you mention. Was it with an intent to reproach me thus publicly for accepting it? I '.hanked the House Report of the Committee on Benjamin Franklin's Accounta In Obedience to the Order of the House, we have examined the. Accounts of Benjamin Franklin, Esq, ivUh the Vouchers to us produced in Support thereof, and do flnd the same Account to be just, and that he hag expended in the immediate Service of this frwiitee, the .s'u// of seven Hundred and Fourteen Pounds, Ten Shillings and Seven-pence, out of the Nnui of Fifteen Hundred Pounds Sterling, to him remitted ami paid, rxclusiiv of any Allow- ance or Charge for his Support and Sendee far the Province. JOHN MORTON, JOSEPH FOX, WILLIAM ALLEN, JOHN HUGHES, February 19, 1763. JOHN RO^S, SAMUEL KHOAOS, JOHNMOOK, JOHN WILKINSON, ISAAC PEARSON. The House taking the foregoing Report of the. Committee, of Accounts into Consideration, and having spent some time thr.rrin. Resolved, That the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds Ster. per Annum be allowed and given to Ben- jamin Franklin, Esq; late Agent for the. Province nf Pennsylvania at the Court of Great- liritain, durinahi.i Absence of six yearn from hix Kusiness anil Connections, in the Se.rrir.e of the Public; and that the Thanks of this House be. also given to the said GeiUlemttn by Mr. Speaker, from the Chair, as weUfor the faithful discharge of his Duty to this Province, in particular, as for the many and important Service* tlone America -in geiural, during lus Residence in Great- Britain. Thursday, March 31, 1763. Pursuant to a Resolve of the Nineteenth of last Month, that the Thanks of this House, be fliven to Benjamin Franklin, Esq; for his mutit/ Service* not unit/ to the Province of Penn- sylvania, but to America in general, during his late Agency at. the Court of Great- Britain, //)/ same were this Day accordingly git>enin Frrrmfrom the Chair. To which Mr. Frank- lin, respectfully addressing hiiMflf tft the Speaker, made. Answer, That he. was thankful to the House, for the very handsome and generous Allowance they had been pleased to make him for his Services; but that the Approbation of this House was, in his Estimation, fur above every other kind of Becornpence." Votes, 1763. 98 THE BURD PAPERS. for it then, ;m, 1704. B. FRANKLIN. AN ANSWER TO MR. FRANKLIN'S REMARKS ON A LATE PROTEST. A clay or two after Mr. Franklin's departure for England, having seen his remarks in the hands of a gentleman, I gave them a cursory perusal ; but found them so replete with bitter calumnies and gross evasio:.s, that I judged them unworthy of any further notice. But being since told that his deluded partizans have begun to consider this neglect of his performance, as an argument of its unanswerable nature ; I shall bestow a few hours (since no abler hand has thought it wor;h while) in order to convince them, if possible, that the real design of this their redoubted champion was not to elucidate, but to disguise and conceal the truth ; which, it must be allowed, according to his usual custom, he has very artfully, but not honestly done. He sets out with telling us, that he has generally passed over with a silent disregard, the nameless pieces that have been written against him. The publick knows what sort of disregard he has shown to the pieces written against him, and to their supposed authors. At present I pass on to the more material parts of his per- formance, which for my own sake T could have wished a little more methodical, and that the calumny-part had 100 THE BURD PAPER?. not been so indiscriminately blended with wluit he would have to pass as the firginiinifn, being the least sum mentioned by any body, he said that he would not object to it, tho' he thought the allowance rather too large. This is a candid and circumstantial account of this matter, in which the Member acted as became an honest man ; and the reader may j udge how base a part the Remarker acts, in the false invidious turn he gives to the affair. Equally malicious and groundless is the accusation he brings against the gentleman for "concealing instructions "which he was said to bring from the proprietors" for healing our differences ; of which accusation a great handle has been made for party views. Whoever will suffer himself to reflect for a moment, will see the absurdity of thinking that ever instructions of this kind could be given to be communicated to the 116 THE BURD PAPERS. province, by a private gentleman, while the proprietors had a governor (one of their own family) on the spot. These instructions were not a moment concealed, nor was it necessary to communicate them in any other manner than they were. If the words of the royal decree (which were inserted verbatim in the latter act) were so clear, as the Assembly contest, that they could not be understood in any other sense but that which they contended for, there was nothing to hinder the act from being executed in that sense, if the proprietors had never given any instructions at all on that head. But to put the matter out of doubt, and to remove all cause of uneasiness, they were pleased to give instructions to the governor to acquaint the proper officers, that the law might be executed accord- ingly. This was all that was wanted ; no new law was necessary. Nothing remain'd but to let the Assembly know that such instructions were given, and this was done by a Member, from the governors own mouth. Had the Assembly been willing or desirous to receive any further information, they might have obtained it by sending a very short message ; for messages have often passed on matters of as little importance. The chief justice, it is true, was in London when the instructions were sent. He was there made acquainted with them, and approved of them as just and tending to peace. It is not improbable but on his coming over he might be charged by the proprietors with letters to the governor on the subject, but he is known to have sol- emnly declared that he never was invested with any powers or commissions from the proprietors, to commu- nicate their intentions to the House, or to settle any difference between them. But every Member, nay every private man who conversed with him, can testify, that ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 117 he did not keep the proprietors' intentions secret. What is asserted in the extract of Mr. Barclay's letter, quoted by the Remarker, must therefore have been founded on some mistake. Thus have I followed the Remarker through every thing that bears the least appearance of argument in his performance ; and if the Protesters meet with no more formidable attack than this, their arguments will remain fully convincing to cool and deliberate minds. And though he exults in carrying with him the sanction of two to one in the House, which is a misrepresentation also ; yet let him take into the account, that he carries with him the bitter reproaches and indignation of at least fi ve to one of an injured people. Before I leave the Protest, let me observe that there is one part of it, which it did not suit him to mention. The Protesters (after using their utmost endeavours against burtheuing this province with any more agents than one, and particularly against employing this man, who seems too ready to traffick our singular privileges away for gratifying his own ambition and resentment) frankly proposed in condescension to their Brethren, who thought another agent necessary, to concur with them in the appointment of any person of weight and integ- rity in London ; and in order to save the expence to the province, already burden'd with heavy taxes, they further proposed that it should be by subscription, to which they generously offered to contribute their quotas, if the other members would do the same. I now proceed to a more disagreeable part of my Task ; viz, to take some notice of the gross slander and scur- rility of this Remarker. And first then, because he himself (the most unpopular arid odious name in the province) lost his election, 118 THE BURD PAPERS. wherever it was attempted to set him, he therefore abuses almost the whole body of the people. "The superiority " he says, "was obtained over him at "the expence of honour and conscience, by exasperating "the ignorant, by falsehoods, by prejudices, &c." One set of men who opposed him meaning his majesty's faithful subjects the Presbyterians, (who have ever been among the foremost in defending their country, and pro- moting their sovereign's measures ; while this virulent calumniator, and many of his present adherents, thought they did us a great favor in permitting us to spill our own blood, and spend our own money, in the publick cause) this numerous and loyal people are called "relig- "ious bigots, of alt savages the most bruitish." The industrious GERMANS, to whom this province is so much indebted for its flourishing state, and who have suffered so much from this man's ill-timed disputes, that they thought him unworthy of further trust they too are called by him "a wretched rabble, brought to swear "themselves intituled to a vote." Much in the same manner he had treated them on a former occasion ; calling them "a set of boors herding together," as if he was speaking of swine. Yet this valuable body of men are true subjects to his majesty ; have cultivated a great extent of our country under the faith of our charter, are possessed of large property, and entitled to the privileges of English- men and a vote by our laws ; and have exercised these their rights, without interruption, for many years. The members of the church of England have at present escaped his calumny. He considered, perhaps, the country to which he was going, and may hope to carry some future points by his complaisance. But he will probably be mistaken. For as he belongs to no religious society, and regards none, so he is alike detested ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 119 by all, except one, and by many serious good men among that society also. These are some specimens of his shameful and scan- dalous manner of treating the People of this province in general. To bestow any answer on such scurrility, would be ridiculous. None but a very bad man, or one delirious with rage, disappointment and malice, would utter such language, even against a single antagonist, much less against whole bodies of people ; unsupported, as it is, with any shadow of reason. In the same man- ner, he treats the respectable names, who, in execution of what they judged their duty in their place, opposed his appointment. They are called "proprietary "minions, making use of a new form of libelling, as the "vehicle of personal malice, &c." Yet the ten gentlemen who signed the Protest are known to be persons of the fairest character and men of fortune, absolutely inde- pendent of the proprietary family, holding no places under them, soliciting none, nor ever likely to accept of any. Out of this number, I should have excepted the Chief Justice, who has the trifling salary of about 120 sterling per annum, and that not depending on the proprietors, but on the yearly vote of the Assembly alone ; which salary too, it is well known, he has con- stantly applied to publick or charitable uses. This office he accepted only thro' the earnest entreaties and per. suasions of many good men, and after repeated refusals to serve in it. He has since often desired leave of the several governors to resign it, on account of his advanced age and bodily infirmities, and still wishes to do it as soon as his superiors can be prevailed on to fill it up with another. As the chief force of the Remarker's virulence seems directed against this gentleman. I shall take the liberty 120 THE BURD PAPERS. to state the account between them, a little more par- ticularly. The gentleman, I presume, does not pretend an exemption from human failings. His open and candid temper may have led him more than once, to rely too easily on the professions of false and insidious men ; and he is, In no instance, more chargeable with this, than in what he has done for this ungrateful incendiary, who, probably, had never been of consideration enough to give the least disturbance to this province, but for the numerous favours so ill bestowed on him, by this gen- tleman and his friends. They were the persons who first raised him from his original obscurity, and got him appointed Printer to the province, and Clerk to the house of assembly. Not resting here, the gentleman whom he has so grossly vilified, did likewise procure him the office of joint-postmaster of America, by means of his name- sake, the worthy RALPH ALLEN, Esq ; of Bath, to whom this Remarker was utterly unknown. He seemed for a time to carry some appearance of gratitude for these favors ; and this gentleman and his friends continued their regard; to him, till, at length, upon some slight which he supposed the proprietors had put upon him, in not answering one of his letters, and on some personal difference with GOVERNOR MORRIS, they found him all at once renouncing every principle he had formerly professed ; openly attacking government, fomenting division, and joining himself avowedly to those, whom before he had often spoke of with the greatest contempt and disapprobation. Then, indeed, the gentlemen dropped him ; but they did it with a silent disregard ; and he has not been without his moments of repentance for his conduct. He has made frequent overtures towards a reconciliation ; ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 121 and, within these two years, has passed the most lavish encomiums on the gentleman who is the present object of his resentment ; declaring that "he even revered the ashes "of their former friendship." But how strangely he must have forgot himself, when he says in his Remarks, that "the dear delight and con- "stant employment of the gentleman's life (the ashes of "whose former friendship he reveres) has been the maim- "ing or murdering all the reputations that stand in his "way ?" A poor compliment this, which the Remarker pays to his own choice of friends ! Is it possible that he could have had so many years close friendship with a person, the dear delight and constant employment of whose whole life has been of so infernal a nature ? Into what monstrous absurdities and contradicticns will the frantic rage of virulent men transport them ? To take further notice of this infamous slander, would be perfectly needless. It stands self-refuted ; and there is not a character perhaps, in this province, to which it could less justly be applied. With regard to the chief justice of this province, his virtues are well known, and his character extended so greatly to his advantage through all parts of America, that it cannot receive the least injury from this vain and wicked attempt. The world is apt enough to fix blemishes and stains where there ought not to be any ; nor will it suffer even a man's foibles to pass into oblivion ; and surely, if the gentleman had been obnoxious to this heavy charge (and that through his whole life too) we could not but have heard of it before now. But the truth is, that "it was "not invented before," as the Remarker says on another occasion ; and therefore the gentleman's character, re- mained untouched, till, in the rage of disappointment, this furious attack was made upon it, by venturing to 122 THE BURD PAPERS. spread the most glaring falshoods ; falshoods which have made the Remarker's friends blush for him, and his enemies triumph He, no doubt, felt the weight of this gentleman's reputation against him, and therefore thought ir. necessary to attempt a breach in it; but the blow has recoiled upon himself, and has wounded the credit of every other part of his performance. Thus, like the hunted beast, while he bites the spear of his pursuer, he breaks his own fangs. With the like slander he insinuates, that endeavours have been used in this province, "to render his majesty's "government odious; that traiterous papers, to this "purpose, had been written and translated into other "languages; and that it had been declared, written and "printed, that the king's little finger we should find "heavier than the proprietors' whole loins, with regard to "our liberties;" and, by the whole reading of the para- graph, he seems to charge these "exploits" chiefly, if not solely, to the gentleman above-mentioned, as another mark of the "reverence he pays to the ashes of their "former friendship." But it is happy for the gentleman reflected upon, that wherever his character is known, this charge will meet with as little regard as the former. Thro' his whole life, he has been a constant friend to government and order ; an enemy to every factious and anarchical scheme, and a strenuous promoter of the king's service. Every one of his majesty's officers, from the commanders in chief, to the lowest subaltern, will be ready to acknowledge the particular encouragement and assist, ance they have on all occasions received from him, in every part of their duty ; while the public service has been almost constantly obstructed by the licentious spirit of this turbulent Remarker. ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 123 The two Characters afford a most striking contrast. The Chief Justice, while in America, does his utmost to support government, and promote the king's service ; and, when in England, he was equally zealous to support the Rights of America ; with a firm and independent spirit, maintaining in behalf of the people here, that they considered it to be their essential right as British subjects, to assess their own taxes; and that any law to subject them to internal taxations, otherwise than by their own representatives, would be disfranchising them of the rights of englishmen : in which opinion, he has the concurring sentiments of, I believe, every represen- tative body on this continent. But very different is the conduct of our ambitious and time-serving remarker. Here in America, his delight is in contention, anarchy and opposition to government. And then, when he has created an embassy for himself, and gets on the other side of the Atlantic, he shifts with the scene ; puts off the noisy demagogue, forgets the cause of his employers, truckles for preferment for himself and family, and boasts services he never performed. As to any papers published at the late election, that could give the least, colour to the charge he has brought, he or his adherents are called upon to shew them, and expressly to mention the passages, else to take the shame to themselves. I, for my part, have neither seen, or before heard of, any such ; and as to the chief justice, who neither gave any vote, nor even stirr'd out of his house during the whole election, he has declared, that far from writing or publishing, he has not even read any thing written or published by either side, since his return from England, except the Supplement to the Penn- sylvania Journal, which he never saw, till a printed copy 124 THE BURD PAPERS. was put into his hands by a friend, desiring him to peruse it, as he was mentioned in it. There is but one paragraph in that paper that makes any comparison between the privileges enjoyed here, and those in royal governments ; and that paragraph, far from making such governments odious, has these express words, viz. "That no government under his sacred Majesty can be "an unhappy one ; but that there are degrees of happi- "ness as well as privileges." This surely does not convey the least reflection against such governments. The great founder of this province had the noble res- i-lution, many years ago, to tell his superiors, in behalf of his people, that "they had not followed him so far, to "lose a single tittle of the charter granted to them, or "of the great charter to which all Englishmen were "born." This he did without giving offence: and, I doubt not, if ever this Remarker should venture to push his daring attempts farther against the liberties of Pennsylvania, there will be those found who will be ready to plead with unshaken firmness, and without giving the least offence to the wise, equitable and august judicature before whom only this matter can come ''That when English colonies were first planted, and "men were to quit their native country, and, for the "extension of its commerce, to enter into what was then "considered as a kind of voluntary banishment ; it was "thought proper to indulge and encourage them with "particular grants and privileges, suitable to their "circumstances. "The first settlers of Pennsylvania, were highly "favoured in this respect by their humane founder, who "(under the ample authority of a royal charter) granted "them many singular privileges and immunities; to ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 125 "which the rapid growth of this province is to be prin- "cipally ascribed. By the very name of these privileges "multitudes of people have been drawn from almost all 'quarters of the world ; who have encreased the number "of British subjects, cultivated a wilderness, and made "it one of the fairest and most valuable parts of his "Majesty's American dominions. Having thus amply "fulfilled the considerations for which these privileges "were granted, they now think themselves entituled to "the perpetual enjoyment of them. They have not "forfeited them by any act of disloyalty to their most "gracious sovereign ; nor are they pretended to be incon- "sistent with the nature of government, or such as could "not have been legally conveyed to them. They do now, "therefore, claim these previleges entire; and a majority "of at least five to one of them have publickly avowed "that claim, and say that their charter, which is their "birth right, has expressly put it out of the power of "their Representatives, by themselves, to do any matter, "or thing, whereby their privileges may be affected. "Under such circumstances as these, when they see a "change (unsought for by our indulgent Sovereign, "unwished for by the people, and even notoriously "repugnant to their general sentiments) I say, when "under such circumstances, they see a measure of such "immense importance, hurried wickedly and vehemently "on, by the ambition of a single man, it is impossible "but indignation and resentment must rise to their "utmost heighth." All this, I say, may be asserted without the least offence. There is not a private corporation that would not steadfastly say as much as this, in behalf of their most inconsiderable immunities. And yet this is the amount of all that is to be found in the papers which, for the 126 THE BURD PAPERS. credit of his country, the Remarker has been pleased to call treasonable. There is no such expression to be found in them, as that "the king's little finger we shall find heavier than "the proprietor' whole loins, in regard to our liberties." The Remarker, with his usual candor, has added words of his own to the sentence ; for what is there said, is not spoken, with regard to our liberties, but with regard to instructions. The Remarker has made it a charge, against proprietary instructions, that our judges were thereby prevented from having their commissions during good behavior. It is answered, that "we should find the "king's little finger thicker than the proprietor's whole "loins," with regard to the authority of instructions of this kind ; and an instance is given of Mr. Hardy's case, who lost the government of New Jersey for appointing one judge during good behaviour. It is true, many papers have been publish'd in this province, which, by comparison, have a tendency to "render royal governments odious," as well with respect to the tenor of Judges' commissions, as the tenor of militia-laws, the right of disposing the public money, and the appointment of the officers of the revenue, &c. But it is the Remarker's misfortune, that these publi- cations have had him for their author, and are striking specimens of his boasted loyalty, and "constant en- "deavours to promote the measures of the crown, ever "since he had any influence in the province." Nothing but his own matchless assurance could make him hope that this assertion could obtain any more credit in England, than it can in America; when it IB incontest- ably known, that, for many years past, he has taken every advantage of the distresses of his country, to retard the public supplies, to wrest the prerogatives of ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 127 the crown out of the hands of the King's representative^ to strip the executive part of government of its consti- tutional authority, and to affect even royalty himself. I shall not, in imitation of his example, advance such charges, without proof. During the last war, he drew up with his own hand, and afterwards defended in his news-paper, a militia bill (which the governor in the distress of the country, was obliged to pass into a law) by which the nomination of the officers, and consequently the command of the militia, were wrested out of the hands of the king's represent- ative ; by which, the Remarker himself got elected to the office of colonel, paraded his regiment about the streets to intimidate his opponents ; and on setting out and returning from journeys, was escorted with drawn swords, and received with rested arms, and other affecta- tions of royal state; while the king's representative had nothing, left, but to walk about, and look silently on. This law being repealed by his majesty, our Remarker, in the profusion of his loyalty, had the assurance last spring, to get another presented to the governor, worse in many respects, than the former ; still depriving the king's representative of the nomination of the officers, and even giving the provincial commissioners a negative on the direction of the operations of the militia. The governor having refused to pass this bill, he was charged (in a paper published under the Remarker's patronage at the last election) with being a tyrant, and being led by wicked proprietary* instructions, to subject the peo- ple to grievous fines and death by military courts ; to refuse them the choice of their own officers, and the benefit of being tried for military offences in the civil See a paper call'd Reasons why the late Militia Bill miscarried. See also the resolves of March the 24th last. 128 THE BURD PAPERS. courts, by a jury nominated by a sheriff of their own election ; notwithstanding the governor, by his amend- ments, only desired the bill to be rendered conformable to the militia laws in all the governments around us, declaring that he would not pass it otherwise, as contrary to a known and positive determination of the king in council. Surely "these exploits of our Remarker, are not for a "man that holds a profitable office under the crown ; "and as he says, can expect to hold it no longer than he "behaves with the fidelity and duty that becomes every "good subject." But >et these are not half of his loyal "exploits." His majesty has repealed a law (pas'd by our infamous Governor Denny) appointing our judges during good behaviour. The Remarker was then our agent and plen- ipotentiary at London, and either could not, or did not think it safe for him there to oppose that repeal ; yet still this "faithful and dutiful subject," (as he calls him- self) resolves it to be among the list of our grievances, and unjust, that the proprietors, in obedience to the king's determination, should "appoint judges during "their pleasure." Again, though it be expressly sub- versive of the royal prerogative and unconstitutional, for an assembly to claim the appointment of officers in the civil and executive part of the government, or the sole disposition of the public money, accountable, as they are, only to themselves ; nay tho' his majesty has repealed a law, on this very account ; yet this man has constantly taken advantage of his country's distress, violently to repeat all these claims. By these means he has often endeavoured to deny the Governor even a voice in the disposition of the public money : and has got the nom- {See remarks, page 89. ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 129 ination of the officers of the revenue, and even military officers, such as barrick-masters, &c. taken out of the hands of the King's representative. These are some of the dutiful exploits which our Re- marker has performed ; and tho' he thought it his In- terest to boast great loyalty, when he was setting out for England : yet his superiors there, to whom these things are well known, will be at no loss to form a right judg- ment concerning him. I could now proceed to give some striking Instances of his loyalty, extracted from hia writing as a private man ; in which he has treated his Majesty's publick Boards, and royal Instructions, much in the same bitter and licentious manner, as he treats the powers of government here. "It is not, says he, $ to be presumed that such as have been long accustomed to "consider the colonies in general, as only so many "dependencies on the Council- Board, the Board of Trade "and the Board of Customs; or as a hot-bed for causes, "jobbs and other pecuniary emoluments, and bound as "effectually by instructions as by laws, can be prevailed "on to consider these patriot-rustics (of Pennsylvania) "with any degree of respect." But having already exceeded the length 1 intended, I shall not take further notice of this man as a writer. It is however to be hoped that some person of more leisure may, for the sake of an abused Province, give a compleat account of his conduct ever since it was the misfortune of this country that he had any influence in it. There is ample room to shew how diametrically opposite his principles have been at different times ; how he has paid servile court to all sides, deceived all, calumniated all ! How he has been endeavouring, first with one party, then with another, to pave the way to his present attempt ! ^Historical review of Pennsylvania. 130 THE BURD PAPERS. what misrepresentations he has spread, and what fer- ments he has worked up for this purpose ! It might likewise be shewn, by what means, after his schemes had rendered him odious to every other society in the Drovince, he has formed a party in one, by sowing divisions among them ; and tho' they have heretofore been thought remarkable for their sagacity and prudence, yet he has craftily drawn their young men into his measures ; lessening the influence of the serious and considerate part of their body ; and, under the mark of friendship, hurrying them on to that ruin, which he had before endeavoured to bring upon them, in open enmity. This would furnish a character, not such as is given in the lapidary way, to which he has of late been accus- tomed ; but sucb as will be preserved in the more lasting strokes of faithful history. At present I shall conclude only with a sketch; and that he may not call it either "maiming or murdering" I shall give part of it in his own drawing; and part of it in the drawing of a celebrated english poet. The reader may make the application where he pleases ; for I cannot tell for whom the latter part was designed. "Tho* foiled and disgraced, this Anti- Penn, this under- taker to subvert the building Penn had raised, is far ''from quiting the lists. On the contrary, he lies in wait "with impatience for the verification of his own pre- dictions Factions he has found means to form, "both in the city and in several counties. Tools and "implements of all kinds he has The prostitute "writer, the whispering incendiary, the avowed des- perado, surround him. The press he has made an "outrageous use of; a cry he has raised ; and, in minia- See the Remarker's historical review, page 274-5. ANSWER TO FRANKLIN'S REMARKS. 131 "ture, the whole game of faction has been here played "by him, &c." "Paleness, f not such as on his wings "The messenger of sickness brings, "But such as takes its coward rise, "From conscious baseness, conscious vice, "O'erspread his cheeks ; disdain and pride, "To upstart fortunes ever tied, "ScowPd on his brow ; within his eye, "Insidious, lurking like a spy "To caution principled by fear, "Not daring open to appear, "Lodged covert mischief; passion hung "On his lips quivering ; on his tongue " Fraud dwelt at large ; within his breast "All that makes villain found a nest. tC'HUECHILL. IND Abercombie, General . 35 Alarm after Brad- dock's defeat . 28, 30, 31,33 Alexander, James . 61 Alexander, James Mrs. 42 Allen, Andrew . 3, 45, 49, 50, 56, 56 Allen, Anne . 3, 48, 68 Allen, James . 3,45,49, 50,55,56 Allen, John . 3, 38, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 53 Allen, Margaret 58, 76, 79 Allen, Ralph . . 120 Allen, William . 3, 40, 48, 50, 52, 55, 57, 59, 74, 79, 85, 93, 97, 102, 113,116, 119,120,122, 123 Salary of . 119 Allen, "William Mrs. . 3, 37,43 Ambler, Mrs. . . 48 Arms ordered . . 25 Arthur, Joseph . . 14 Ashton, Ralph . . 35 Assembly . 36, 37, 57, 64, 73, 74, 82, 109, 116 Bacon, Anthony . 68 Baldwin, Mr. ... 78 Bank, proposed . . 58 Barclay, Alexander . 56 Barclay, David 15, 41, 44, 47,61,62, 76,117 Barclay, John . . 58 Barre, Colonel . . 64 Baynton, Mr. ... 9 Bellair's Lands . 6, 14, 17 Bernard, Governor . 74 Bolitho 55 Books and Pamphlets 12, 24, 36, 71, 78 Borrowing Money . 16 Braddock's Defeat . 22 Bricks imported . . 20 Bryan, George . . 85 134 THE BURD PAPERS. Budd, John ... 54 Budd, Mary . . . Budd, Susanna . . 3 Budd, Thomas . . 3 Burd, Edward . . 4 Burd, Sarah ... 4 Butler and Matthews 10 Cambric, imported . 36 Campbell, Mr. Hume 24 Carey, I. & P. ... 11 Carpets, imported . 68 Change from Proprie- tary to Royal Gov- ernment proposed 64, 82, 124, 125 Child, Charles . . 36 Churchill quoted . 131 Coach . . . 11, 13, 16 Cockshals, Mr, . . 69 Coleman, William . 9, 75 Copper Mine . 18, 19, 20, 21, 29 Curtains imported . 68 De-Lancey, James . 3 Denny, Governor . . 128 Dickinson, John . . 85 Dickinson, Jonathan 45 Drummoud, Mr. . . 74 Dun, Capt 34 Election . 56, 63, 83, 90, 104, 106, 118, 123 Ellebank, Lord . . 60 England, Disputes with . 70, 72, 73, 74 England, Oppressions by . 65,66,67,75,77 English Stock . 43, 47, 48, 52, 66 Exports 17 Ferguson, Robert . 10 Fielding, Sir John . 58 Fisher, Governor . . 20 Forbes, General . 38, 40 Forester, Mr. . . . 24 Fothergill, Dr. . 60, 85 Fox, Joseph ... 97 Franklin, Benjamin . 4, 10,49,57,62,63,81,82, 83,84,87,88,91,97,98, 99, 103, 114, 117, 123, 130 Franks, David . . 42 French, Aggressions of .... 7,17,28 French Vessels cap- tured 29 Gage, Lord . . 53, 66 Galloway .... 57 Germans . 25, 27, 118 Gibson, John . 15, 34, 40 Gordon, William . 31 Gun, new .... 67 Racket . . . . 44, 69 Hamilton, Andrew . 3 Hamilton, Governor James . . 34, 37, 38, 49,51,62,64,65,67,71 Hamilton, Margaret . 3 Handbury, Capel . 69, 70 Hardy, Mr. ... 126 Henry, William . . 18 Hick, Mr 69 Hubley, Misses . . 4 Hughes, John . . 97 Hunt, John . . 56, 63 Hunter . . . . 10, 11 Hyde, Lord ... 62 INDEX. 135 Importations . 12, 20, 24,36,41,42,48,58,59, 61, 68, 71, 78, 79 Indians, Murders by 24, 28, 33, 91 Indians, Purchase from . . 6,7,14,17 Instructions 115, 126, 127 Irish, Anna ... 35 Irish, Nathaniel . . 35 Ironworks . 43, 44, 69 Jackson, Mr. . 57,62, 85 Jackson & Rutherford 51 James, Abel ... 63 Jersey Lands 7, 8, 9, 53 Jesuits Bark ... 20 Judges Commissioned during pleasure . 128 Keppele, Henry . . 85 King, Petition to the 24, 26, 32 Lamar, Mrs. ... 58 Lands . . 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 53 Lawn, imported . . 36 Lea, Mr 70 Letters to Arrecharreta, Don Juan .... 17 Barclay, D . 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79 Barclay, John . 18, 29 Beckford, William 31 Butler, Edmund . 14 Carey, I. & P. . . 9 Chiswell, Col. John 16 Davis, Robert 61,71, 78 Drummond, Colin 74 Farmer & Galton . 67 Griffiths, John 43, 44 Hopkins, William 52 Hume, B. . . . 5 Jackson & Ruther- ford ... 39, 42 Nelson, Wm. . 35, 48 Paris, Ferdinand 24, 30 Patterson, Evan . 6, 14,17 Pitt, William . . 58 Ruiz, Don Bernardo 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 29 Simpson, Thos. . 7, 53 Tysson, Francis . 45 Wade, John . . 34 Walker, Samuel . 69 Lisbon, Letter to . 17 Logan, James . . 45 Lottery Tickets 5, 10, 15 Loudon, Lord ... 35 McCall, Samuel . . 14 McCanaughy, D. . 85 Maddox, Mr 9 Magnolia Roots . . 66 Mann, Sir Horace . 40 Medicine .... 17 Militia Law . . 30, 32, 33 127 Mine . 18, 19, 20, 21, 29 Money borrowed on in- terest 16 Money, public invested vested in stock . 84, 95,110,111 Monkton,John . . 36 Montgomery, John . 85 136 THE BCRD PAPERS. Moore, John ... 97 Morris, Governor . 120 Morton, John . . 97 Mytton, John . . . 53 Nelson, Mr. ... 48 Norris, Mr. ... 96 Ore 20, 21 Oswald, Miss ... 76 Paper Money ... 37 Paris, Ferdinand . . 35 Pearson, Isaac . . 97 Penn family . . 25, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64, 66, 82, 92, 109, 116 Pewter Plates ... 20 Philadelphia, Squares in . 83, 92, 107, 108 Pine Buds for Gout 58, 59, 61, 66 Pitt, William . 58, 59, 62 Plumley, Sarah . . 3 Plumsted, William . 42 Possant, Captain . . 14 Postmastership, Frank- lin's appointment 10, 120 Powell, Captain . . 70 Pratt, Chief Justice . 62 Presents ... 11, 15 Protest . . 81, 88, 102 Quakers . 25, 27, 32, 33 Redman, Dr. ... 35 Remarks by Franklin 87 Rhoads, Samuel . . 97 Ring, Mourning . . 43 Roaque, Mr. ... 61 Robertson .... 66 Robinson, Captain . 30 Ross, Dr. .... 20 Ross, John .... 97 Rum ...... 9 Rutherford, Captain 42 Saunders, Isaac . . 85 Scotch -Irish People . 25 Scott, Col 77 Seeds . . . . 52, 53 Shelborn, Lord . . 65 Shippen, Edward . 3, 4 Shippen, Joseph 38, 39, 68 Shirley 14 Silver, Value of Falls 52 Simpson . . . 5, 8, 54 Slave, a fugitive . . 58 Sloop Watts captured 14 Smith, William . . 4 Southwell, Edward . 53 Stamp Act .... 67 Stanwix, General . 40 Strettell, Amos . . 85 Stuart, Alexander. 11, 50 Sydenham, Mr. . . 20 Tabb, Mr 48 Taylor, George . . 85 Thinn, Captain . . 18 Trade, in America, poor 65 Turner, Mr. . . 43, 77 Vegetables . 12, 22, 34 Wages . . . . 30, 70 Walker, L. L. . . 4 Waters, Mr. ... 48 West, Benjamin . 3, 41, 42, 47, 51 Wigs 5,36 Wilkinson, John . . 97 Willing, Thos. . . 85 Wine 48 Wynn, Thomas . . 53 Yellow Fever ... 52 York, Mr 24 ' Los Angeles UC SOUTHERN ^LUBRABVf^,, A 001 .-,-, no A i : PLEA*; DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDi] University Research Library