;'.'■:■-'.,;] mm mm A TESTIMONIAL FROM THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcolleOOgoshrich CATALOGUE ,,, „ Collection of Books PRESENTED TO ALFRED T. GOSHORN, Director General of the International Exhibition of 1876j CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA INDEPENDENCE HALL, MAY 11, 1877. CINCINNATI : PRESS OF ROBERT CLARKE & CO. 1878. 2. m TESTIMONIAL TO ALFRED T. GOSHORN THE CORRESPONDENCE; The International Exhibition of 1876 having been brought to a successful close, and the duties of the Executive Department having been, to a great extent, concluded, there was a general feeling among the citizens of Philadelphia in favor of bestowing some public recognition on the Hon. Alfred T. Goshorn, the Director General, before he returned to his home in Ohio. This desire to place on record their high appre- ciation of the great services he had rendered, led to a meeting of many prominent business and professional men of the city, which resulted in the appointment of a Committee, between whom and General Goshorn the following correspondence passed: 975719 TESTIMONIAL TO Philadelphia, April 10, 1877. To the Honorable Alfred T. Goshorn: Dear Sir — A very general desire of the citizens of Philadelphia to publicly testify, before you cease to reside among them, their appreciation of the manner in which you have discharged the duties of the office of Director General of thelnternalional Exhibition of 1876, has led to the appointment of the undersigned as a Com- mittee to give somo ibr-r. to t'le popular wish. During the three years and a half of your official resi- dence in this city, they have had ample opportunity of observing the large ability, untiring fidelity, and uni- form courtesy which you have brought to bear in the discharge of the arduous and delicate duties of your office. These qualities have caused those among whom you came a stranger, to regard you, on departure, as a dear and valued friend. They wish you, therefore, to take away to your home some tangible evidence of this feeling, and hope it will suit your convenience to meet them at Independence Hall, on Friday, May 11, 1877, at 12 o'clock, noon, when, in the place filled with Centennial memories, they may make their recognition of the services of one whose ALFRED T. GOSIIOJIN. 7 efforts contributed so largely to the complete success of the Exhibition. With distinguished consideration,. We are yours, very respectfully, JOHN WELSH, L. P. THOMPSON, T. A. SCOTT, E. T. STEEL, W. H. RAWLE, A. L. SNOWDEN, C. L. BORIE, T. S. HARRISON, C. J. STILLE, W. W. JUSTICE, C. MACMICHAEL, E. H. COATES, LEWIS WALM SMITH, J. B. MITCHELL, A. R. LITTLE, F. B. REEVES, G. T. LEWIS, W. E. LITTLETON, W. S. RUSSELL, L. T. DICKSON. C. H. CLARK, To this General Gosiiorn returned the following reply : Philadelphia April 15, 1877. Gentlemen — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed communication of the 10th inst., conveying to me the desire of many citizens of Phila- delphia to publicly recognize my official services in connection with the International Exhibition of 1876. I sincerely appreciate the distinguished compliment which you propose to extend to me; and while, on per- sonal considerations, I would much prefer to retire from 8 TESTIMONIAL TO among you without the recognition you suggest, I do not feel at liberty, under the circumstances, to decline your great courtesy. It will, therefore, give me pleasure to meet you in Independence Hall at the hour designated. I am, with great respect, Your obedient servant, A. T. Goshorn. To Messrs. JOHN WELSH, T. A. SCOTT, W. H. RAWLE, C. L. BORIE, C. J. STILLE, C. MACMICHAEL, LEWIS WALM SMITH, A. R. LITTLE, G. T. LEWIS, W. S. RUSSELL, C. H. CLARK, L. P. THOMPSON, E. T. STEEL, A. L. SNOWDEN, T. S. HARRISON, W. W. JUSTICE, E. H. COATES, J. B. MITCHELL, F. B. REEVES, W. E. LITTLETON. L. T. DICKSON. ALFRED T. GOSHORN. THE TESTIMONIAL. It was determined by the gentlemen having the Testi- monial in charge, that a well-selected Library, with book-cases and furniture especially designed for a room in the residence of the Director General, in the City of Cincinnati, would be an acceptable and appropriate gift. 10 TESTIMONIAL TO THE INVITATION. /ia /wnci