UCSB LIBRAKf MODERN THEORY OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA MODERN THEORY OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA RADIO-ACTIVITY, IONS, ELECTRONS BY AUGUSTO RIGHI PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION BY AUGUSTUS TROWBRIDGE PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN KTefo ff 0tfe THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1909 All rigfiti reterveJ COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published December, 1904. Reprinted January, 1909. Notfoaoto J. B. Cashing Co. Berwick Professor of Chemistry, Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK THE Elements of Physical Chemistry By HARRY C. JONES, Ph.D. Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Johns Hopkins University Cloth 8vo $4.00 net COMMENTS " I have devoted considerable time to the perusal of the book, and am genuinely pleased with it. It shows most conscientious work on the part of the author; and in discussing the most recent research, in so far as it is of fundamental interest, the author has given the book a value far beyond that of the usual elementary treatise." STEWART W. YOUNG, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University. " Professor Jones has presented the principles of the subject with the ardor of an investigator in that line of work. The facts are presented with great clearness, and the book can hardly fail to interest every one who would keep pace with the investi- gations in physical chemistry." LEVERETT MEARS, Professor of Chemistry, Williams College. " It seems to me a very timely and valuable work. I am glad to have it for my own use, and shall certainly recommend it to my associates and students." W. O. ATWATER, Professor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University. "This scholarly volume should have a wide and long-continued sale. It im- presses me as an exceedingly clear and well-balanced treatment." HENRY CRKW, Professor of Physics, Northwestern University. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK The Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation AND SOME OF ITS APPLICATIONS By HARRY C. JONES, Ph.D. Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Johns Hopkins University Cloth tamo $1.60 net " I have tried several of the German works, small and large, and I have no hesita- tion in saying that Professor Jones's presentation is the simplest, clearest, and most adequate in any language." Professor S. F. BARKER, Johns Hopkins University. " It is a text-book which will supply a long-felt want to teachers who have to do with students unfamiliar with the German language. . . . The examples chosen are apt, well described, and clearly explained. With this book and Professor Walker's Introduction to Physical Chemistry our students have now a remarkably good pres- entation of the subject in English." Professor J. W. WALKER, McGill University. " The aim of this little work is to present in a connected form the investigations which lead up to and upon which the electrolytic dissociation of Arrhenius is based. The book will be welcome to a large class of readers who desire some knowledge of the more recent developments in physical chemistry, but who have not the time or opportunity for consulting the original literature of the subject." The Technology Review. " The book will undoubtedly be useful to those who wish to gain a clear notion of some of the chief points of modern physical chemistry." American Journal of Science, THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK fftSB LIBRARY