^n^^i^ ^yV4UC> ^.:,*U««^-^__;jj^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/characteristicsoOOhaleiala NEW REMEDIES. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S.: PEINTEP AT THE OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN OBSERVER, Ko. 59 Wathk Stmbkt. ' CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEW REMEDIES. BY EDWIN M. HALE, M. D. Formerly Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics : now Professor of Medical Botany, Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the New Remedies, and late Special Lecturer on Diseases of the Heart, in Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. Author of " New Remedies," "Lectures on Diseases of the Hea7t" etc., etc. THIRD EDITION, REMODELED AND RE-WRITTEN. DETROIT, MICHIGAN : PUBLISHED AT LODGE'S HGMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 57 a!id 59 WAYNE-8T. HiNRT ToRNBR & Co., 77 Fleet-strcet, E.C., London. Henry Turner & Co., Manchester, Enf. BoERiCKE & Tafkl. Grand-Street, New York niid San FranciRCO. Henrv M. Smith, 105 FourthAve.,C.T.Huui.BURT. 89S Uroadway, New York. F. E. BoKHtcKB. 635 Arch-street, A. J. Tafei., 48th North Ninth-street, Philadelphia. Otis Clapp, Boston. H.C.G. Luytiks, St. Louis. Witte & Co., Cleveland. Halsbt Bros., 72 State street, Chicago. {Smith & Worthinotojj, Cincinnati. J.O.Backofen & Son, Pittsburgh. H. T. Appleby, Buffalo, N. Y. 1873- /AS031C0 lO 303JJ00 I M I •- \ l-l C; ] S -7:3 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by EDWIN A. LODGE, In the OflBlce of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Michigaa. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by EDWIN A. LODGE, In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Michigan. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by EDWIN A. LODGE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C. TO THE HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS OF NORTH AMERICA AND ENGLAND, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THK AUTHOR. N'^T^ PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. In writing the first and second editions of this work, it seemed to me necessary, or, at least, important, that all that was known relative to the medicines therein mentioned, should be given, because the homoeopathic school at that time was quite unacquainted with nearly all of them. I therefore gave the botanical description, natural history, medical history, chemical analysis, and method of preparation of each remedy, together with many other observations. Provings were also given in full, and the clinical cases pub- lished as they were reported to me by various physicians. In writing this third edition, I have, after due consideration, omitted the descriptions, history, etc., of the remedies, as well as the voluminous provings and reports of cases, and have given only those symptoms which I believe to be peculiar and characteristic, or have been verified by new provings, or clinical experience. I have also added over eighty medicines to those contained in the second edition, and have treated them in the same manner as I have the older remedies, namely : — condensed the provings, clinical experience, etc., into the smallest compass compatible with their value. The former editions contained only indigenous vegetable remedies. This contains agents from all parts of the world, and from the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. I have attempted^to bring our information of these agents up to the present date ; llt\ X. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. if I have failed it has not been from any indifference in the matter, but from my inability to find any further material and experience. The reader will find at the end an appendix containing some new matter, found too late for insertion in its proper' place ; a copious clinical index, prepared by a careful colleague, under my supervision ; and a complete list of medicines with their synonyms. If this edition shall be received with'the same interest as the two former, I shall consider myself amply repaid for the labor I have bestowed upon it. H. Chicago, January i, 1873. NEW REMEDIES. XI. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The favorable reception which the first edition of this work received from the homoeopathic physicians of this country and England, induced me to prepare a second edition, Another reason which impelled me to re-write the work, was, that the first edition met with such rapid sale that at the expiration of two years from its issue, not a copy was for sale in the United States. This fact was as much an encouragement to the publisher as to myself, and it will doubtless result in an improvement in the style and appearance of the second edition. Not only was I encouraged by the above, but by other inducements, namely : the prompt and courteous response of many of my professional colleagues to my request for new provings and clinical reports. It would be invidious to mention any names of physicians, when so many have contributed to swell our knowledge of the pathogenetic and curative powers of these medicines. I cannot, however, in justice, omit to record my acknowledgments of the valuable aid received from the members of the North-Western Provers' Association, who have enriched this edition with several excellent provings. The names of all the contributors and provers will be found collected at the end of this volume. When it is understood that this edition contains nearly three times the amount of matter included in the former, it will be seen that the task has not been a small one. In addition to the medicines mentioned in the first edition, the following have been added : Agave, Alnus, Ampelopsis, Aralia, Asarum, Asclepias incarnata. Cactus, Cerasus, Chelone, Cistus, Comocladia, Corydalis, Erechthites, Euonymus, Frasera, Galium, Geranium, Gnaphalium polycep- halum, Gymnocladus, Hedeoma, Hepatica, Juglans, Lachnanthes, Lobelia, Lycopus, Mitchella, Myrica, Nabulus, Nymphaea, Pulsatilla Nuttalliana, Rhus glabra, Rhus venenata, Stillingia, Triosteum and Zizia ; thirty-five in all ; two-thirds as many as were contained in the first edition. Not only are these new remedies added, but new matter is added to every one of the other medicines, either in new pathogenetic observations or clinical experience. Of many of the first medicines, new and valuable re-provings have been made. The other additions of the second edition are, the com- plete botanical description, natural history, and medical history of each medicine. Pharmacological observations of a practical character are made con- cerning each remedy. The officinal preparations are also designated. These practical additions will do away with the necessity felt for a pharmacopoeia of the new remedies, until a complete Homoeopathic Dis- pensatory shall be published. Of some of the medicines added to this edition no provings have been made, and the clinical experience is almost entirely wanting. This was the case with several of the medicines in the former issue ; but their appearance called attention to them, provings were instituted, they were used in practice, and are now valuable additions to our Materia Xii. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Medica. This, I believe, will be the case with the unproven medicines in this edition. Partly through an inadvertence, one of the medicines of the former edition has been omitted from this, namely, the Silphium laciniatum. No provings of this plant were communicated to me, nor any clinical experience. Its omission, therefore, will not be much loss to the pro- fession. That it has some active and useful properties I do not doubt, and at some future day it may be again introduced iuto our Materia Medica. Since the first appearance of this work, various critics in our school have expressed doubts as to the propriety of introducing clinical testimony drawn from allopathic and eclectic sources. These objections were fully answered through the columns of the American Homoeopathie Observer ^ and Medical Investigator. That my views in this matter, which I con- sider to be logical and scientific, may be known to my colleagues, I here- with again present them for consideration. " In my private correspondence I am frequently asked the question, 'Why do you quote allopathic authorities in your New Remidies and other writings.' In some of the periodicals of our school I find the same ques- tion asked. In other words, the questioners ask : 'Can allopathic authority, or their cures, become of value to the homoeopathician ? ' " I answer, * Their bald dictum cannot, but their cures can.' I propose to state the reasons for this belief. But first, I would ask the reader to glance over the pages of the ' Introduction ' to that immortal work of Hahnemann, the * Organon.' He will there find page after page occupied with a concise narration of allopathic cures. He makes such testimony contribute to the proof of the homoeopathic law, and intimates, in the strongest language, that all the cures were homceopathic. I have only fol- lowed, humbly I admit, in the footsteps of our great Master. " It is true that in writing of new and unproven remedies, I have quoted all medical authors, but not as authority, except in certain cases. I mention their alleged cures for the purpose of drawing attention to the successful uses of the medicines in certain diseases. I mention their theoretical deductions and even their crude recommendations, thinking that perhaps .ve may get a little grain out of the great amount of such chaff, It must be recollected that I had little or no homoeopathic experi- ence to draw from, and had to use such material as I could find. That such mention of allopathic and eclectic experience was not productive of injury, the contents of the second edition will prove. The valuable use of Caulophyllum, Dioscorea, and many other medicines, first came to us from that source, yet our school has since verified the reality of their cures — and more ; they have proved that such cures were made homeo- pathically, because the medicines are capable of causing similar affections. "It seems strange to some of our school that because allopathists use such massive doses, they can make any cures at all. But a cure is a fact. We can not explain it away. The testimony of a physician of one school is as good as that of another, provided his alleged cure was made with one medicine given singly. " No proposition is more generally accepted in our school than, that a dose, to be homoeopathic, need not be a high potency dose. The true definition of a homeopathic dose is, atiy quantity of medicine capable of effecting a cure. If we do not admit this, we must admit that allopathists cure by virtue of the law of contraria, and if we do this, we give them vantage ground at once. All cures are Homoeopathic cures, whether made with the 2ooth, or with grain doses of the crude drug. For example, Hahnemann cured a severe case of colicodynia with Veratrum album — "four powders, each containing four grains"* of the crude powdered * Leiiii«r Wiitingi. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. xiil. root. Although the patient took two powders a day, instead of one, and aggravated the pain temporarily, yet it was as brilliant a cure as ever Hahnemann made with the 30th potency. "The remarkable cures made by eclectics with Caulophyllum and Dioscorea, were made with material doses. Are such cures to be denied and pronounced worthless? If so, then Hahnemann's cure with Veratrum must be placed in the same list. I do not say that such material doses are necessary to the cure ; but if they remove suffering, or prevent danger- ous conditions, let us, instead of ignoring them, claim the remedies as gifts of Providence, and by experience show that they really cure according to our law. " If an eclectic cures a cough of long standing and gfrave character with crude doses of Rumex or Sanguinmia, is not the^cure as good, as homeo- pathic, as though made by joslin or Hering, with the 30th or 200th dilution ? " Those who are familiar with my theory of the action of medicines, and the law of dose deduced therefrom, need not be told that I would consider that where an allopathist does not use a drug in a certain disease, for fear of aggravations, that the drug is primarily homeopathic to such disease, and must be used in a high dilution ; also, that when the opposite school cure a disease or condition with material doses, as, for instance, uterine inertia, wirh Ergot or Caulophyllum, paralysis with Nux vomica, etc., the drug must be seconda*-ily homeopathic to the condition, and will generally act better in the lower dilutions. " Our course, as consistent homeopathicians, is, to claim ALL CURES AS MADE BY THE LAW OF SIMILIA AND PROVE THEM TO BE SUCH, aS did Hahnemann. The law discovered by our great master is all-embracing, universal, and the sooner his followers adopt this proposition, the better it will be for the honor and influence of our school." Chicago, January, 1867. H. xiv. NEW REMEDIES. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. The object in the preparation of this work has been to furnish the physi- cians and students of the homoeopathic school of medicine, with full and accurate information relative to a class of remedies, mostly indigenous, but few of which have had any place in the published Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Some of the provings have been incorporated into the Symptomen Codex (Phytolacca, Podophyllum and Sanguinarid), others have been published in the various journals of our School {Rumex, Cunici- fuga, Cornus c. etc.,) but the great majority have never been proven until now, and the only mention of them has been in occasional clinical or empirical suggestions. To the first and second classes I have added many pathogenetic symptoms gleaned from various sources, re-provings, poison- ings, etc., and added also all the clinical observations that could be col- lected from reliable sources. The latter class may be divided into two others ; namely, those which have been proven, and those of which we have only empirical data upon which to base clinical use, and suggestive or theoretical deductions. As we gather experience in the use of these remedies, and institute accurate provings, the necessity for these suggestions and theoretical deductions will be done away. Each physician should consider himself bound to collect all the symptoms which are really pathogenetic, and note down all reliable curative experience belonging to these medicines, and faithfully report the same to our journals. The causes which led me to investigate the properties and virtues of the remedies mentioned in the following pages, will be patent to every pro- gressive mind. After using for many years those invaluable remedies found in our standard Materia Medica, most of which were handed down to us by Hahnemann and his colleagues, I found that although their cura- tive scope was very wide, it did not apparently include many symptoms and diseases. I was led to investigate the field of indigenous remedies for these reasons : (i) the suggestion of Teste* that plants are adapted to cure the diseases which infest the same localities : and (2) the many cures which had come under my observation, made by these remedies in the hands of eclectic and domestic practitioners (some of the cases will be mentioned in the body of this work.) These reasons, together with a natural ambition to enlarge the sphere of Homoeopathic Materia Medica induced me to throw away all prejudice, and devote my energies to the task of introducing, by provings and clinical experience, the indigenous medicines which so largely abound in the United States. A few others had started before me, and Cimicifuga, Cornus, Podophyllum, and Sangui- naria had been proven, and their pathogeneses published. But from some cause they have not attracted the attention which they deserve. After several years spent in the investigation and study of the new remedies, publishing from time to time items from my experience with them, I was induced to attempt the work of collecting all that had been published concerning the indigenous plants of this country, and to add to such all * " Introduction to Materia Medica " PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. ; XV. the knowledge, clinical and theoretical, which could be gleaned from my colleagues, together with my own. To this I have taken the liberty of adding the testimony and empirical experience of physicians of the allopathic and eclectic schools, relative to the medicines under consideration. If any object to this method, I would refer them to the writings of Hahnemann and his colleagues, — Dudgeon, Madden and Drysdale, of England ; Teste and Roth, of France ; and Joslin, Marcy, Hempel, and others of this country. I contend that the experience of others, besides members of the Homoeopathic school, is often useful in building our pathogeneses, and adding to reliable clinical knowledge. I shall not be held responsible for the opinions of any writer quoted in the following pages. Let each be judged upon his own merits. I do not claim that this work is in any way complete. Indeed, I shall be satisfied if it is only pronounced by the profession as eminently suggestive. Many of the provings are very imperfect, and some of the clinical remarks, open to criticism. Let the wheat be separated from the chaff by the inexorable test of honest trial. Chicago, July 1864. H. XVi. NEW REMEDIES. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. Symptoms without a symbol prefixed, are simply pathogen- etic ; if in italics, they may be considered important, or of constant appearance in the provings. A • signifies that the symptom is pathogenetic, and has been verified by cures, A o signifies that clinical experience has proven the medicine to be curative for that symptom or condition. In a few cases the letter (v) has been used to indicate a verification. The letters (p) and (s) have been used to deslgnaitc primary and secondary symptoms. ABIES CANADENSIS. (Hemlock Spruce.) Analogues : — ^sculus, (f) Copaiva, (?) Nux. (?) Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the bark and buds. HEAD. A " tipsy " feeling ; a swimming of the head. He feels " light-headed." GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Gjiazvingjiungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium. — (Gatchell.) A tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion. — (lb.) Distension at the epigastrium, with increased action of the heart. — (lb,) o Canine hunger, with torpid liver. — (lb.) O Dyspepsia — or very weak digestion. — (Gatchell, Beckwith.) ACALYPHA INDICA. (Indian Acalypha.) A plant found in the East Indies. Proved by Dr. Tonnere, of Calcutta. Analogues : — A mica (?) Hamamelis (?) Ipecacuanha (?) Calcarea carbonica (?) Millefolium (?) Officinal preparations: — Tincture of the plant; dilu- tions. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. * Dry cough, followed by spitting of blood, o Hcemoptysis. The patient had tuberculous affection of the upper portion of left lung, with expectoration of blood ; in the morning, pure blood ; in evening, dark lumps of clotted blood ; the fits of coughing were very violent at night. In this case the haemoptysis did not return. — {Dr. Tonnere.) o HcBinoptysis in three cases of consumption, in the last stage. — (/^.) o Haemoptysis, with loss of voice ; the bleeding stopped, but the disease progressed. — ( Thomas.) 1 8 ^SCULUS GLABRA. o Haemorrhage from the lungs, a severe case, after other rem- edies had failed. — {Holcombe.) [Used in the above cases in the 6th, 7th and loth dilutions.] iESCULUS GLABRA. (Ohio Buckeye.) Analogues: — ^sculus hippocastanum, Aloes, Collinsonia, Cocculus, Gymnocladtis, Ignatia, Nux nomica. A large tree, growing abundantly in the rich alluvial bot- tom lands of Ohio, and other States watered by the Ohio river. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture prepared from the bark and whole fruit, and triturations of the whole fruit. Sphere of action. — An irritant of the cerebro-spinal sys- tem ; affects the intestinal canal, and probably the liver. SYMPTOMS. mental sphere. Confusion of mind, always attended by vertigo, and may be followed by stupefaction and coma. HEAD. Vertigo, with staggering, reeling and unconsciousness. Vertigo, with fulness and heaviness of the head, dimness of sight, thickness of speech, nausea and vomiting. EYES. Dimness of sight, and even loss of sight. Eyes fixed and expressionless. MOUTH. Thickness of speech from paralysis of the tongue. STOMACH and ABDOMEN. Great distension of the stomach and abdomen. Nausea, with loathing of food and vomiting, with cramp-like pain in the stomach. STOOL AND ANUS. Obstinate constipation ; hard, knotty stools. Hemorrhoidal tumors, dark purple, with lameness and weak- ness of the back. BACK AND NECK. Wry neck (spasmodic.) extremities. Great lameness and weakness of the back. Paralysis of the hinder extremities of animals. iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 1 9 Trembling of the lower limbs with spasmodic contractions. GENERALITIES. Spasms and convulsions, followed by paralysis. SLEEP. Stupefaction, with confusion of ideas, followed by comatose state. ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. {Horse-Chestnut.) Analogues: — u^sculus glabra, Aloes, Collinsonia, Ignatia, Nitric acid, Nux vomica, Mercurius, Sulphur, Podophyllnm, Iris versicolor, Hydrastis, Rhus. A large tree, a native of middle Asia, but now cultivated extensively in Europe and America. Officinal preparations. — Triturations and tincture from the nut. Sphere of action. — On the spinal cord, the mucous mem- brane of the alimentary canal, especially the lower portion, the liver and portal system. SYMPTOMS. MENTAL SPHERE. On waking, cannot recognize what she sees ; knows not where she is, nor whence come the objects about her. Inward cheerfulness and placidity of temper. Feels miserably ; cross ; sad ; disinclination to perform any labor. Vertigo very annoying all the forenoon. HEAD. Aching in the forehead ; sometimes over the left, sometimes over the right eye ; also the right temple. Heaviness, with dull, stupefying pain in the head. In the occiput dull pain ; also a bruised feeling, with heat, extending to the ears. A sensation of fulness and pressure, rather than of acute pain. EYES. Sensation of weight and heat of the eyes. Flickering before the eyes, o Can read without spectacles, and see at a distance, which she could not do before. NOSE. Severe fluent coryza, with burning and raw feeling in the nostrils ; thin watery discharge, and headache. 20 ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. FACE. Flying heat and redness of the left side of the face. Pale, ill-looking countenance. MOUTH. Tongue feels as if it had been scalded, with a constricted sensation in the fauces. Bitter taste, with yellowish-white coated tongue. THROAT. Dryness and a sense of excoriation and constriction. Pricking and stinging pain in the fauces. Heat, dryness, smarting, with desire to swallow, STOMACH AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Nausea ; violent vomiting and retching, with burning in the stomach. Vomiting of thick, viscid mucus, with eructations. Pain in the stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till food is taken. (Am.) A feeling of fulness and tightness in the. stomach, with labored breathing. Cardialgia ; aching, cutting and burning distress in the stomach. Fluttering sensation, with faintness, in the pit of the stomach. * Congestion of the liver and portal system. Pain and distress in the stomach and bowels, attended with a constant desire for stool. ABDOMEN. Cramp-like and constricted feeling in the V»owels. Pain extends from the bowels to the small of the back. Tearing pain in the right side, above the hip. Colicky pains in the bowels with severe cutting pains in the rectum. Dull aching and burning in the umbilical region. o Hemorrhoidal colic. Rumbling in the bowels, with distension and bearing down. LIVER. Dull aching pains in the right hypochondriac region and region of the gall-bladder. Pinching pains, stitches and aching in the liver, extending between the shoulders. White, soft stool. RECTUM AND STOOL. Frequent, loose stool, with constant urging (primary) diar- rhoea, composed of ingesta. Pressure in the rectum, with constant desire but ineffectual efforts to stool. ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 21 Difficult, hard, scanty stool, followed by burning and con- striction in the rectum. Stool very hard and dry, with colicky pains in the umbilical region, followed by severe cutting pains in the rectum. * Very hard, dry, knotted, difficult stool, followed hy prolapsed feeling in the rectum. * Stool very large, hard and difficult, followed by severe pain, with a sensation as if something was protruding, with severe pains in the lumbar and sacral regions. An evacuation, at first black and hard, then white and soft, (the last four symptoms are secondary). Dryness and itching in the rectum, with a feeling of stiffness of the skin and adjacent cellular tissues. Dryness of the passage for several days, followed by a secre- tion of moisture. Soreness of the rectum, with a feeling as if something would pass off all the time. Dry, uncomfortable feeling in the rectum, which feels as if it were filled with small sticks. Feeling in the rectum as though folds of the mucous mem- brane obstructed the passage and as if, were the effort continued, the rectum would protrude. Soreness of the rectum, with increased secretion of mucus. Pressure in the rectum, with inclination to stool, with empty eructations. Copious, soft stool, followed by burning, and a feeling of swelling and constriction of the rectum. Soreness, aching and fulness of the rectum. Appearance of hemorrhoids, like ground-nuts, of a purple color, very painful, and with a sensation of burning. * Hemorrhoids, blind and painful, rarely bleeding. * Prolapsus of the rectum. Sharp, shooting pains running through the hemorrhoidal tumors, up to the sacrum and along the back. Fissure of the anus{.'') Stricture of the sphincter ani. URINARY ORGANS. Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty, high-colored urine. SEXUAL ORGANS. (Men.) Seminal emissions ; disease of the prostate ! (Women.) Leucorrhcea. o During pregnancy, pain about the sacro-iliac symphysis. She cannot walk, because that part of her back gives out, compelling her to sit down. LARYNX. Short cough, increased by swallowing and breathing deeply. 22 iESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Tickling in the larynx, causing a cough, with mucus expec- toration. Dryness in the larynx. Pressure in the throat-pit, as if something had stuck there which required to be expelled. o Chronic cough, with emaciation. o Catarrhal laryngitis, laryngeal cough, and perhaps those coughs dependent on hepatic disorders. CHEST. Hot feeling in the chest. Burning and heat in the chest, and raw feeling in the throat and chest. Pains in the sternum, as if a piece were torn out of the chest. Sudden stitches through the chest. Pain in right scapula and in the left side of the chest, increased on inspiration. On the right side of the chest a sensation as if the lung painfully moved up and down at each respiration. Tightness in the chest. Palpitation of the heart ; severe, periodic, frequent, with great anguish. Neuralgic pain in region of apex of the heart and stomach. Severe neuralgic pains in region of the heart, so painful as to arrest the breathing, lasting ten minutes. Frequent stitches in region of the heart. Dull, aching, burning pain in region of the heart for half an hour ; pulse 66, soft and regular. O Functional disorder of the heart from hemorrhoidal com- plaints. BACK AND NECK. Weakness, weariness and lameness in the back of the neck. •• small of the back. Heat in the back of the neck and shoulders. Severe dull aching pain in the lumbar and sacral region, aggravated by walking. Tearing pain in the small of the back and hips. Constant back ache, affecting the sacrum and hips, aggrava- ted on stooping and rising from seat, but going off on walking awhile (Rhus). Back-ache is attended with aching in the legs and knees, o Pains attending curvature of the spine. EXTREMITIES. The arm and hand of the left side become numb, as if para- lyzed. The legs and knees ache, with the back ache. SLEEP. Yawning and stupefying sleepiness. AGAVE AMERICANA. 23 Wakes with dull pressing pain in the stomach. FEVER. Chilliness, with rigor. Flashes of heat in the occipital region, back of the neck and shoulders. Feverish sensations, with hot and dry hands. Disposition to stretch and yawn. Feeling of extreme illness, great weakness, faintness, and tottering gait. AGAVE AMERICANA. (American Aloe. Maguey.) Analogues: — Lime juice. Lemon juice, Citric acid. Kali chloratum, Natrum muriaticum. An evergreen succulent plant, a native of Mexico, Florida, and other parts of tropical America. Officinal preparations. — Infusion of the leaves or fresh root. general symptoms. o Army scurvy, with pale and dejected countenance. Gums swollen, and bleeding, legs covered with dark, purple blotches, swollen, painful, and of stony hardness ; pulse small and feeble ; appetite poor ; bowels constipated. Eleven cases rapidly improved under the use of the Maguey after lime juice and lemon juice had failed. The fermented juice intoxicates. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. (Tree of Heaven.) Analogues : — Acid nitric, Belladonna, Bryonia, Baptisia, Arum, Phytolacca^ Gelseminum, Hyoscyamus, Rhus tox., Stra- monium, Lachesis. Officinal preparations : — Tincture of the flowers and bark. Blossoms distilled in water and alcohol, under slow heat. MENTAL SPHERE. Loss of memory ; mental alienation. * Great anxiety. * Drowsiness, followed by insensibility, with constant mutter- ing ; delirious. Dullness, with confusion and pain in forehead, and depres- sion of spirits. -34 AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Low spirited ; continued sighing ; restlessness ; confusion of ideas. Recklessness in regard to present or future events. Stoical indifference to what happetis. HEAD. Apoplectic fullness of the head. Electrical thrill ; starting from the brain and extending to the extremities. * Head burning hot. * Piercing headache. * Dull frontal headache. Vertigo, especially when stooping, o Darting pain in back part of the head ; beating in the occipital. Feeling as if an electrical current were passing through the left side of the head. Catarrhal obstruction ; thick, heavy feeling in the base and right side of the head. Staggering dizziness when rising or moving. EYES. Wild-looking eyes. o Intolerance of light. * Brilliant eyes, with raging delirium, o Bloatedness around the eyelids. o Eyes feel rough and irritated, as from wind and dust. o Smarting and aching of the eyes. o Conjunctivitis, with redness and inflammation extending around the outer canthus. o Purulent discharge from the eyes, with agglutinated lids m the morning. o Chronic ophthalmia, from gonorrhoeal poison. NOSE. * Copious, thin, sanious, irritating discharge. * Discharge of blood and pus from the nose. Chronic catarrh ; dryness and suppressed secretion ; loss of smell ; and difficult breathing through the nose. FACE. Hot, red face. * Eruption on the forehead and face, especially on the forehead. Irregular spots of capillary congestion. O Tearing pains in upper and lower teeth of left side, also in face and head ; pains worse after lying down ; force him to walk about. MOUTH AND THROAT. * Livid hue of the tongue. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. 25 * Tongue dry, parched and cracked ; teeth covered with sordes. * Throat livid and swollen ; tonsils studded with nmnerous, deep, angry-looking ulcerations, exuding a scanty, foetid discharge. Throat tender and sore on swallowing or on the admission of air ; pain extending to the ears. Thick, cedeniatous, and dry choky feeling in the throat, con- tinuing in an acute form only a short time and then becoming chronic. Fresh accumulation of matter, part of which is easily expec- torated, while a portion is detached with much exertion, in small flakes. Constant hawking and efforts to raise hardened lumps of whitish matter. Tenderness and enlargement of the parotid and thyroid glands. Tongue thickly covered with a whitish coat, brown in the center. CHEST. Pain and contracted feeling, especially through the center of left lung. Equable oppression, as though the chest was strapped, o Asthmatic oppression in the larger bronchi. Heated, burning fueling, as from breathing hot steam or air. Excessive soreness and tenderness of the lungs. Wheezing, asthmatic respiration. o Cough somewhat oppressed ; expectoration muco-purulent ; free in the morning, sticky and scanty during the day. Deep, exhausting cough, with asthmatic expansion of the lungs, o Cough deep and painful ; excessive tenderness all over the lungs ; feeling as though the air cells were stuck together ; inability to completely expand the lungs ; can hear the cells open as the lungs expand. Crepitant rhonchus ; tired feeling in the lungs, rendering it almost an exertion to breathe. Stitching aching in the chest ; aching pain directly under the clavicle, sometimes extending to sternum ; constant aching between the shoulders. Burning pain under the left shoulder and in the right lung. Shooting, aching pain in the shoulders and hips. O Dry, constant cough, with oppressive burning and pains in chest. STOMACH AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Sudden vomiting. Sight of food is repulsive to her. Inactive condition of the stomach. 3 26 AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Water tastes biackish and flat. Nausea in the morning, with febrile heat during the day. ABDOMEN. Sensation in the abdomen as if an attack of diarrhoea was imminent, with weakness and burning. Tympanitis. Looseness of the bowels, appearing most in large intestines. Painful diarrhcfiic stools. Dysenteric cases, frequent painful stools ; little passes but large quantities of bloody slime, with more or less pain, but with very little fever. (From the odor of the blossoms.) URINARY ORGANS. * Acid urine. * Voids urine unconsciously. * Urine is scanty. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — Chancre-like sore on the prepuce. Rash, and sore which characterize primary syphilis. BACK. Intolerable pain in back of the neck, upper part of the back, and in the right hip joint. EXTREMITIES. Pain in right ankle, preventing motion. Pain deep inside of right shoulder, preventing motion. Between thumb and index finger of right hand a severe burning itching. FEVER. * Rapid, small pulse, hardly to be counted. Chill, with hunger and a distressing sense of general empti- ness. * During the hot stage, urgent thirst, with delirium ; chill preceded by a miliary eruption. * Breathing hurried, irregular and heavy. SKIN. Eruption of dark, almost livid color, miliary rash ; more profuse on the forehead. * Irregular, patchy eruption on the body and extremities, dis- appearing on pressure and returning slowly. * Skin generally hot, harsh and dry. * Eruption violet hue, profuse, scaly, patchy, evanescent, and often long-delayed. * Eruption of large maculae and bullae, filled with dark-colored serum. ALETRIS FARINOSA. 2/ o Typhoid-scarlatina, w,th general malaise and apathy ; vom- iting, followed by severe fever, a rapid, small pulse, severe headache, interrupted by delirium of a frightful kind, with fear and anxiety, or muttering delirium, with sleeplessness and restlessness ; dizziness, especially when rising up ; pupils moderately dilated, or photophobia. The eruption is slow to make its appearance, and never takes on the genuine scarlet color, it remains livid, and even the forehead and face take on a rather purplish color, and in some cases we may even find petechiae. ALETRIS FARINOSA. (Stat Grass, or False Unicorn,) Analogues : — China, Chelone, Gentiana^ Helonias, Populust Hydrastis, Viburnum, Ferrum. A small perennial plant with radical leaves, spreading on the ground like a star ; but all unequal in size ; the flowers in a long, slender spike, looking as if dusted with flour. (Apt to be mistaken for Helonias or True Unicorn.) Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the root. Sphere of action : — On the digestive organs, muscular system, and uterus. SENSORIUM. Vertigo, with vomiting, purging, sleepiness, and even stupe- faction. GASTRIC. Excessive nausea and giddiness, followed by vomiting and purging. Great increase of appetite, o Obstinate vomiting during pregnancy. Obstinate indigestion, with much debility ; nausea, disgust for food ; least food caused distress in the stomach ; very constipated ; frequent attacks of fainting, with vertigo ; sleepy all the time, with emaciation. O Flatulent colic, in weak, emaciated persons. FEMALE GENERATIVE ORGANS. Colic in the hypogastrium. * Premature and .profuse menses, with labor-like pains, o Pressure and pain in the region of the uterus. Heaviness in uterine region, o Habitual tendency to abortion. o Threatened abortion, even after hemorrhage has appeared, o Prolapsus uteri from muscular atony. 28 ALNUS RUBRA. Anomalous myalgic pains simulating " false pains." occurring during pregnancy. GENERALITIES. O Debility, general or local, from protracted illness ; loss of fluids, defective nutrition and imperfect assimilation. ALNUS RUBRA. ( Tag-alder.) Analogues •.--Stdphitr,Stillingia,A rsenicnmjodide of potash, ( Hamamelis,) Iodide of Mercury, Phytolacca, Hepar sulphur. An indigenous shrub, growing by the side of streams, swamps and marshes. Officinal preparation : — Tincture of the bark. Sphere of action : — An antipsork; acts principally upon the skin and glandular system. generalities. p Cutaneous eruptions, such as impetigo ? O Scrofulous eruptions? syphilitic skin diseases .-' o Chronic herpes and porrigo.'' o Diseases of mucous membrane which arise from or alternate with eruptions of the skin. o Haematuria ! and other passive hemorrhages. (No Proving.) AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA. (American Ivy.) Analogues: — Alnus, Apocynum, Arsenicum, Calcarea, Dulcamara, Graphites, Iodine, Chimaphilla, Phytolacca, Rumex, Stillingia, Sulphur, Rhus. An indigenous, woody vine, with rooting, climbing stem, climbing trees and shrubs, and much used for ornamental pur- poses. Officinal preparation :— Tincture of the fresh bark. Sphere of action : — Antipsoric ; affects the skin, mucous membrane and glandular system. generalities. o Chronic cutaneous eruptions(.^) scrofula. Chronic and mercurial rheumatism (.?) indolent ulcers {>) chronic bronchitis and laryngitis (.?) dropsy (.?) (No proving.) ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 29 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. (Rhus, Vettivert, Spear-grass.) [The genus Anatherum is now removed to Andropogon, of which we have indigenous five species. They are known by the common name of " Spear-grass." The A. muricattttn oi this pathogenesis is an East Indian plant or grass, called " Rhus." It is very fragrant, more especially its roots, which are used to form odoriferous fans, screens, etc. A decoction of them is said to be acrid, stimulating, and diaphoretic. This is one of Honat's provings. He seems to have the power to evolve out of the simplest medi- cinal substances a terrible array of symptoms ; in fact, if his provings are reliable, each drug proved by him ought to cure all the maladies of man- kind. Many of the symptoms are merely theoretical indications, and some perhaps curative, but I have no means of designating them. In fact I hare but little confidence in the symptoms, any way. hale.] Analogues : — Belladonna, Cajnphor, Opium, Hyosciamus. Officinal Preparations : — Dilutions, triturations, of the root. MENTAL sphere. She seeks solitude ; anguish and anxiety. Ungovernable jealousy. Quarrelsome and contrary humor. Steady desire to cry. Much self esteem. Frequent delirium ; idiocy ; mental alienation. Great physical and mental debility, with mournfulness and suicidal ideas. Difficulty of defining and expressing his sufferings. HEAD. Vertigo, with debility and stupidity of the head. Vertigo and dullness, with cerebral congestion, red face, stitching pains in the head, and sensation as if it were crushed. Vertigo, in all positions, aggravated especially by motion and strong air. Sensation as if something turned round in the head, with pains in the stomach ; great appetite, colic, chills and shaking, notwithstanding the great heat, (very persist- ent symptoms). Burning, lancinating, pulsating headache, principally on the right side, on the forehead and temple, with nausea, vomiting, and great heaviness of the eyes. Neuralgic pains in the temples, with sensation as if pointed irons were thrust in, producing fits of craziness. 30 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. Pressure on top of the head, with sensation as if the cra- nium were crushed. Cerebral congestion, with great ^heat, dullness, loss of con- sciousness and epistaxis. The pains in the head get worse in the afternoon and night, also from noise, light and motion. EYES. Eyes enlarged, are inflamed, as if an abscess would form. Great photophobia ; light produces a kind of itching in the eyes. Spasmodic contraction of the eyes, which remain turned upwards. Sanguineous congestion of the eyes, with tickling, itching, and like rheumatic pains in the eyes. Ulceration of the borders of the eyelids, with impossibility to open the eyes. Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the orbits, with sensation as if the frontal bone were fractured. Objects appear dark and vacillating, red, or covered by a gray cloud. Black points, muscce volitantes and fiery circles before the eyes. Desire to wink, as if he wished to remove a mist from before the eyes. Sensation as if a great weight on the eyelids. NOSE. Fluent coryza, with pressive pains in the head and root of the nose ; burning in the nostrils. Flow of purulent matter, green and foul-smelling, from the nostrils. Ulcers in the nose, with epistaxis. Inflammation and swelling of the bones of the nose, with hammering pains. Small tumors in the lobes of the nostrils. EARS. Intense, lancinating pains in the^ears, with discharge of yel- lowish purulent matter. Crusty, burning eruption in the ears ; impossible to lie on them. Noise in the ears as if waves strike against rocks. Heat in the interior of the ears, with pulsations, and sensa- tion as if there were abscesses in them. FACE. Face yellow or red, inflamed and congested. Face pale and transparent. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 3 1 Face emaciated, bluish, with cyanosis contracted, and ^sun- ken eyes. Red spots in the face, which sting and burn. Erysipelatous swelling of the face, with closed eyes, fever. Metastasis to the brain ; desire to expose himself to the fresh air. Yellow spots and pustular herpes on the face. Facial neuralgia from the eyebrows to the chin. Spasmodic motions of the muscles of the face, and involun- tary grimaces, especially on the left side. Convulsive agitation of the facial muscles, with diflficulty of biting and masticating. The lips swollen enormously, ulcerated, everted, yellowish, violet ; the ulcers look syphilitic. MOUTH AND THROAT. Lancinating, burning and drawing pains in the teeth, with sensation as if they would separate violently, or as if they were torn with pincers. The gums swollen, inflamed, burning, and like scorbutus. Odontalgia, with the sensation as if the jawbone were broken. Toothache, aggravated by cold, wine, and especially coffee. Gumboils, with swelled cheeks, and swelling of the submax- illary glands. Ulcers like apthae in different parts of the mouth. Inflamed palate, with very painful nodosities. Froth and saliva in the mouth, with constant desire to expec- torate. The tongue fissured, lacerated, and as if cut on its edges, with abundant and weakening salivation, as if from the effect of mercury. Tongue is covered with a gray, greenish, bloody coating or brick color. Burning in the throat, with violent and convulsive cough. Frequent and tenacious abscesses in the tonsils. Debility, and fits of constriction in the throat, with constant sensation of strangulation. Accumulation of mucus in the throat, with granulations, grayish ulcers. Sensation either of burning heat or of icy coldness in his oesophagus. Burning, stinging, and oppression in the cesophagus. Bitter, acid, and sometimes sweetish taste, extending to the stomach, with epigastric burning. Inextinguishable burning thirst. Tenacious and painful eructations. 32 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. STOMACH. Burning in the stomach, as if it were on fire. Incessant nausea and desire to vomit. Vomiting of blood and even pus. Vomiting of acrid, burning matter, followed by bile and blood. Vomiting of food or mixed with blood after the meal. Vomiting a mixture of bile, blood and water. Watery vomiting, with whitish particles in it, and most foul eructations. Stinging and cramps in the stomach and extremities ; hurry for stool and very liquid diarrhoea ; painful and icy cold- ness over the whole body ; excessive thirst ; pressure and constriction in the epigastrium ; spasm ; agitation ; cold perspiration, especially on the head. Contractions and spasms in the stomach. It seems as if the whole vital power was concentrated in the stomach, to produce an infinity of suffering. Contracting perforating and tearing pains in the stomach. Burning, tearing and crampy pains in the stomach. Cramp, presure in epigastrium, extending to the back. Sensation as if he had tumors, needles, or sharp pointed stones in the stomach. Spasmodic contractions of the oesophagus and pylorus, with impossibility to swallow. Digging, tearing, clawing and clutching pains in the stomach. The pains in the stomach are worse in the evening, at night, after eating, by motion, emotion, and by every occupa- tion. HYPOCHONDRIA. Cramps in the hepatic region. Pulsative, burning and digging pains in the region of the liver. Inflammation and swelling of the liver, as if caused by abscesses, with cedematous swelling of the belly, or of the whole body ; prostration ; impossible to move with- out groaning ; stool hard, difficult ; dark, black, gray or yellowish color of the body. Vomiting of bile. Cramps and pinching in the spleen, with loss of respiration. Sensation as if there were foreign bodies in the spleen, and as if the blood would tear it to pass through it. ABDOMEN. Inflammation and swelling of the abdomen, painful to the touch. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 33 Colic ; cramps and tearing pains in the abdomen, with sen- sation as if there had been a red-hot iron. Colic, with cramps in the extremities, icy coldness and chol- eraic diarrhcEa. Lancinating crampy pains in abdomen, radiating to the hypochondria and kidneys. Burning and cramps in abdomen, with alternating chills and heat. Pains like bruises and tearing in the bowels, with nausea and vomiting. Twisting, colicky pains. STOOL AND ANUS. Chronic constipation, followed by dark, dry, voluminous stools, then diarrhoea. Rebellious constipation, with fever, thirst, sweat and debility. Hard stools, like nuts, compressed and passing with diffi- culty. Repeated mucus and bloody stools, with colic, burning in the intestines and anus, tenesmus and great weakness. Dark, yellow, diarrhoeic stools, of a foul smell. White choleraic stools, with cramps, general chills, oppress- ive and painful. Constriction in epigastrium, colic and burning in the stom- ach ; frequent, insatiable thirst, with impossibility of drinking, on account of the spasms in the throat and stomach ; vertigo, heat of the head, weakness in think- ing, great prostration, emaciation, suppression of urine. Taenia lumbrici and other worms pass with the stools. Stools containing only blood, with severe colic and extreme weakness. Following haemorrhoids with black blood, and steady, burn- ing pains in rectum. Haemorrhoidal tumors, with abscesses, which ulcerate and suppurate. Prolapsus ani, with great sensitiveness, even when he does not defecate. Coldness of the ears and of the nose during the vomiting and diarrhoeic stools. URINARY ORGANS. Continued desire to urinate, with stitches and a curling pain in the kidneys. Sensation as if the kidneys and bladder were always full and swollen. Pressive and burning pains in the bladder, with desire to urinate every minute ; the bladder cannot hold the least quantity. 4 34 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. Difficult, painful, intermittent urination ; it stops to flow again the next minute. Fulness and distension of the bladder, with impossibility to urinate ; with lancinating and spasmodic pain in the kidneys. Frequent desire, with burning urine, coming out drop by drop Urine thick, red, free of sediments. Incontinence of urine, with involuntary urination when walking, at night in bed, during sleep. Urine with yellow, gray or dark sediment. Clear urine with chalky sediment. GENERATIVE ORGANS. (Male.) Syphilitic-looking ulcers in meatus urinarius. Thick, yellow or green mucus flows from the urethra, with priapismus ; burning and tearing pains in the ure- thra, inflammation and swelling of the penis and ingui- nal glands. Secretion of a thick, strong-smelling matter between the glans and prepuce, which are swollen. The penis excoriates easily during coitus, and even from an erection. Inflammation and swelling of the testicles. Ulcers looking like indurated chancres on the penis. Tumors like buboes or hernia in the groins. Heat, stinging and pricking pain in scrotum and anus. Great exaltation of the venereal appetite. Total absence of venereal desire. Nocturnal pollutions without dreams, and unconscious of them. (Women.) Sensation of swelling in the ovaries as if they were stretched and every moment pinched. Burning, crampy, pinching, penetrating pains in the womb, with great debility. Lancinating and distensive pains in the womb. Os uteri, swollen, hard, ulcerated, closed. Burning pains in the uterus, radiating towards the kidneys. Stitches, which pass like lightning from one side of the womb to the other. Pressure of the womb, as if it would be pressed out of the pelvis. Prolapsus. Menstruation anticipating, very painful and copious. Menstruation retarded, the blood black, thick, followed by clear, but fetid leucorrhoea. Menstruation suddenly suppressed. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 35 Menstruation very marked, with pains and bruised sensation in the kidneys. Great heat and itching in the vulva, especially in the after- noon and at night in bed. White and reddish eruptions, like sycosis execresences in the vulva. Thick, purulent, yellow, green leucorrhoea. Stitches and distensive pains in the breasts, with sensation of enlargement. Inflammation and swelling of the mammary glands. Indurated and ulcerated tumor in the breast, with swelling of the ganglia of the chest and axilla ; burning, lanci- nating, deeply seated pains. Excoriation of the nipples. LARYNX AND BRONCHIA. Desire to cough every minute in order to breathe easier. Excoriating pains in the larynx, with severe, tearing, rough cough, with purulerit and sanguinolent expectoration. Paroxysmal cough, fatiguing, rebellious, with itching, burn- ing, and large quantities of phlegm in the larynx and aphonia. Cough, especially in the afternoon and night, and when ly- ing down. Rough cough, nearly tearing the chest, with bloody expec- toration, palpitations and fainting. Short cough and tussiculation, with heaviness and stitches in the chest. Heat and sensation of excoriation in the whole chest and larynx, with severe dry cough, producing expectora- tion of blood. Spasmodic cough, with vomiting and involuntary urination. Cough generally dry and painful, aggravated by heat. Cough, with fever, chilliness and coldness, copious sweat ot a putrid smell, especially in the afternoon and night. Haemoptysis. Expectoration of white, glairy matter, or of thick yellow or green mucus. CHEST. Stitching pains and heaviness in the pleura, with cough and oppression. Contraction and oppression of the chest, so that he can neither eat nor breathe. Great oppression of the chest, with continual fits of suffoca- tion. Intense pain on the right side. Rawness and ulcerative pains in the chest. Excoriating pains in the bronchi, as if scraped. 36 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. Anxious, frequent respiration, or frequently intermittent, caused by spasmodic contractions of the chest. Lancinating, tearing, or compressive and tensive pains in the chest, with crepitation and crackhng. HEART, Heat and sensation of weight in the heart, with mournful- ness, anguish and fear of death. Stitches and prickhng sensation in the heart, with great anxiety. Lancinating pains, cramps and weakness of the heart, which seems excessively full of blood, and could not beat, with oppression, slow and full pulse, then accelerated, hard, and dicrotic. Violent palpitations, with fits of suffocation, at the least emotion. Stitches and cramps in the heart, as if something pierced it through and through. Trembling of the heart. Heart seems paralyzed, as if it could not beat any more, BACK. Pains and bruised sensation vertebrae and kidneys. Rigidity and painful weakness in the whole spinal column. Rheumatic pains in the back and shoulders. Tension in the back and kidneys, with cramps and tearing pains, excited by the least motion. Drawing, lancinating, crampy pains in the articulations of the shoulders, and between the shoulder-blades, espe- cially when moving the arms. Weariness in the kidneys and scrotum, with great debility and impossibility to keep up. Stinging, stabbing pains, with sensation of tension in the kidneys. UPPER EXTREMITIES, Red swelling of the articulations of the arms, with burning and tearing pains. Convulsive motions of the superior extremities, principally in the forearm. Erysipelatous swelling of the arms. Abscesses and ulcers on the hands, penetrating to the bone. Burning and lancinating pains in the arms. Ulcers and fissures in the hands. Sensation of tearing lengthwise in the fingers, as if they were dislocated or broken. Swelling of the articulations of the fingers, with rheumatic and gouty pains. Burning pulsative pains on the fingers. ANATHERUM MURICATUM. 37 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tension, with lancinating and crampy pains in sacrum and iliac bones. Paralytic debility and palsy of the feet, with complete in- sensibility. Sciatic and rheumatic pains in the legs, making him shriek, aggravated by cold. Erysipelatous swelling of the legs. Spasmodic pains and acute stitches in the legs and in the instep. Feet swollen, red, burning, cannot bear anything on them. Ulcers on the outside of the right thigh, as coming from an abscess. Very painful furuncles on the legs. Blisters and ulcers on the soles of the feet. Foul-smelling perspiration of the feet. SLEEP. As soon as night comes, the eyes close involuntarily, and he falls asleep in any place where he is. Sleep disturbed with shrieks, fear, movements of the extrem- ities and dreams and anguish. Comatose sleep, with continual delirium and snoring. Sleeplessness for many nights, with fatigue, tired feeling and debility. Dreams of epidemic contagious diseases, especially of hy- drophobia. Dreams as if he fell from a frightful height. FEVER AND CHILL. Chilliness and cold feeling in the head and down the back, followed by burning heat. Excessive general coldness, with trembling, spasms and cramps, hunger and great thirst. Nearly continual alternation between chills and heat. Chilliness and shivering, with cold sweats, chattering of the teeth, colic and cramps in the stomach and extremities. Fever with chilliness and shivering, and aggravation of all the pains. External shivering and chilliness, with internal heat, espe- cially in the chest. Fever with typhoid character, and great constipation. Aggravation of the fever in the evening and at night. Pulse generally accelerated and rebounding, or slow, small and imperceptible, or irregular and intermittent. SKIN. Pruritus, with stinging and heat of the skin. Burning heat of the skin, with stinging, itching and miliary eruption. 38 ANATHERUM MURICATUM. Furuncles and abscesses in different parts of the body. Scarlet redness and burning. Red pimples, like milaria or urticaria, with pruritus and ob- stinate burning. Pustular eruption, with the aspect of confluent small pox. Eruptions simulating scarlatina and measles. Herpes and ulcers on the hairy part of the head, with com- pact, thick, humid scabs and prurigo. Productions like warts and lupia on the eyebrows. Ulcers and scabs on the face. Small furuncles in the face. Pustular herpes on the face ; furuncles and abscesses. The skin cold, frigid, pale or violet. Itching of the skin, like of ants, with sensation of drowsi- ness, and loss of sensibility. Bluish, scorbutic-looking spots over the body. Enlargement and painful tumefaction in different parts of the body. Erysipelatous swelling on different parts of the body. Inflammation and suppuration of the glands. Induration of sub-maxillary and cervical glands, with diffi- culty of speaking. GENERALITIES. Nervous irritation, with great agitation, although every movement is difficult and painful. Severe, lancinating, spasmodic pains, with uneasiness all over the body. Burning, lancinating, tearing, rheumatic and gouty pains, principally aggravated during the evening and night by change of position, by strong winds, by cold air, mois- ture, and by strong heat. Coffee aggravates all the symptoms, and afterwards it calms them. Cramps and spasms. Tiredness and debility, with continual agitation. Tetanus, with inclination of the head backwards, with nau- sea and vomiting. Eclampsia convulsions ; involuntary of the extremities as in chorea. Epileptic convulsions, which commence with loss of speech, restlessness, hiccup, contraction of diaphragm, heat in the stomach. Cerebral congestion ; after loss of consciousness he falls down under violent motions of the extremities ; bloody foam from the mouth ; seminal losses ; stool and urine pass involuntarily. Extreme prostration, with desire to sit and lie down. APOCYNUM ANDROSEMIFOLI UM. 39 Nervous perturbation, with acceleration of the circulation. Spasmodic fits, with contractions of the extremities, eyes and face. Giddiness and stupor, followed by a paralytic sensation of the right side of the body ; of the tongue and extre- tremities. Great weariness and debility. APOCYNUM ANDROSEMIFOLIUM. (Dogs-bane^ Analogues : — Aconite, Asdepias tuberosa, Bryonia, Colchi- cum, Cimicifuga, Iris versicolor, Podophyllum. Description. — -An indigenous, perennial, herbaceous plant, abounding in a milky juice, found in all parts of the United State ; taste extremely bitter. Officinal preparations. — Tincture of the root or whole plant. Sphere of action. — It appears to have a marked action on the muscular system and joints. HEAD. Bilious rheumatic and congestive headaches. Rheumatic or neuralgic hemicrania. NOSE. Severe sneezing, with great itching and irritation in nostrils. face and teeth. Swollen sensation of the face and body. Violent itching of the body and face. Itching and burning of the face ; twitching of the face. Pain in all the teeth of the lower jaw, left side. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Tongue coated white. Excessive nausea, with violent headache. Vomiting, severe and long, with retching. Increased appetite. BOWELS. Diarrhoea, with persistent nausea and vomiting. Copious evacuations in the evening, of soft consistency, brown in color, with slight colic. O Expulsion of worms (ascarides.) o Constipation, o Dyspepsia. 40 APOCYNUM ANDROSEMIFOLIUM. URINARY ORGANS. Enormous increase of urine. Scanty urine with headache. Burning sensation in the urethra when urinating, o Uraemia. o Scarlatinal dropsy, o Anasarca, o Dropsy from disease of the heart. GENERATIVE ORGANS. (Men.) Tickling sensation at the end of the penis. Burning in the urethra when urinating. o Chancres on the glans penis ; syphilis. (Women.) o Intermitting, bearing down, labor-like pains. Dysmenorrhcea, and threatened abortion, with copious flow of urine. BRONCHIA, LUNGS, ETC. Expectorations in bronchitis and other pulmonary complaints. Bronchial irritation. BACK ANO EXTREMITIES, o Acute rheumatism, the inflammation confined to the small joints, with much pain and swelling, o Pains in the limbs, especially the feet. SKIN. Profuse sweating all night, with coldness of the skin. SLEEP. Great sleepiness, with profuse sweating. FEVER. Heart's action increased ; pulse 98, quick, full. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. {Indian Hemp.) Analogues : — Asclepias tuberosa and syriaca, Eupatorium purpiireum,H elleborus niger, Kali hydriod, Bensoate of ammonia. Description. — A perennial plant, growing in damp places by marshes and running streams, and is indigenous to nearly every part of the United States. Officinal preparations. — Tincture, and infusions of the root. Sphere of action. — Mucous surfaces, serous membranes, skin and kidneys ; causing increased secretion and elimination (primary,) followed by the opposite condition, (secondary.) APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. 4I HEAD. Heavy, stupid headache, with drowsiness. O Hydrocephalus acutus, in children. (Third stage.) EYES. Heat, with redness and irritation, as if several sharp grains of sand were in the eyes. NOSE. Nostrils and throat filled with thick yellow mucus, o Coryza ; first dryness, then thin, irritating watery disdiarge, followed by discharge of thick mucus. O Infantile coryza, " snuffles." MOUTH AND TONGUE. Dryness, with nausea and thirst. THROAT. Throat filled with thick, well concreted yellow mucus in the morning. Unpleasant degree of heat in the throat, STOMACH. Distension of the stomach and bowels after very light meals, o Sinking at the stomach. Violent vomiting, with prostration and drowsiness. o Increases the appetite and digestion, o Irritable stomach, so bad that the patient could not retain even a draught of water, in dropsy. ABDOMEN. Decided distension of the abdomen, especially after a mod- erate dinner. The upper bowels seem distended, — the lower not at all. Occasional flatulence, with slightly uneasy sensations of the bowels. o Ascites — many cases, from a variety of causes, KIDNEYS AND URINE. Primary. * Dull, aching pain in the region of the kidneys, with increased secretion of straw-colored urine. Very profuse light-colored urine. Several quarts were passed every day. No sediment in the urine. Secondary. * Decided scantiness of urine, mth slight dyspncEa. 5 42 APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Urine diminished to about one-third the usual amount. Scanty urine, with Httle expulsive power in the bladder. * Very peculiar torpid action of the kidneys. Urine of a light golden, sherry yellow color, o Dropsy complicated with chronic diarrhoea, o Diffiailt and painful urination, from catarrh of the bladder, disease of the prostrate, or morbid irritability. o Retention of urine, with paralysis of the lower extremities. o Diabetes insipidus. o Dropsy, general or local, and from various causes, but chief- ly from lack of eliminating power of the kidneys. In cases of acute idiopathic dropsies, use the dilutions, be- ginning with the highest, and descending more or less rapidly according to the progress of the disease. In chronic or atonic dropsies (secondary,) use the tincture, or if necessary, the decoction, in one or two dram doses. SEXUAL ORGANS. O Uterine hemorrhage with great irritability of the stomach and vomiting . syncope and failure of the pulse when moved ; blood expelled in large clots, sometimes florid. Amenorrhoea in young girls with bloating of abdomen and extremities. LARYNX, BRONCHI AND CHEST. Unpleasant sensation of heat about the fauces and larynx. Irresistible disposition to sigh. Short, dry cough, and scanty expectoration of white mucus in the morning. Oppression of the chest on waking. Sense of oppression about epigastrium and chest. It was difficult to breathe enough at times, o Loose, rattling cough, with oppression of the chest, (p.) o Short, dry cough, with scanty expectoration, (s.) o Hydrothorax and hydropericardium. o Haemoptysis. BACK AND EXTREMITIES. Unusual heaviness of the head, with dull, aching pains in the small of the back and limbs. No tenderness of the region of the kidneys on pressure, but a slight soreness of the parts when bringing the muscles into action, thus indicating the muscles as the seat of the pains. Hard aching was felt several times in both knees, sufficiently severe to make me fear that an attack of inflammatory rheumatism was coming on. O CEdema of the feet and ankles, remaining after typhus, or in dropsy. ARUM TRTPIIVLLUM. 43 ARCTIUM LAPPA. (Burdock.) Analogues : — Iris, Lycopodium, Cakarca curb., Phytolacca, Hepar siilpJi., Sulphur, Viola tricolor. Officixat, Preparations : — Tincture of the root and seeds. HEAD. * Eruptions of the head, face and neck. o Headaches from suppressed eruption on the scalp. o Tinea capitis — the head completely covered with a grayish- white crust, and most of the hair gone : the eruption extends to the face ; cured rapidly and permanently by a weak infusion of the root, after a long and useless trial of Sulphur, Iris, Mercurius, Graphites, Cakarca carb., and Lycopodium.-— ( Burt, U. S. Medical and Surgical Journal, Jan. i8y2.) o Crusta lactca, various forms of eczema. — (lb.) o Chronic erysipelas of years standing. — (lb.) o Moist, bad smelling eruptions on the heads of children. FACE AND EYES, o Boils on the face an eyelids, o Styes, and ulcerations on edges of the eyelids. URINARY ORGANS. Profuse and frequent urination. O Pain in the bladder after urinating. o Dropsy from non-malignant renal disease. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. o Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands, o Boils all over the body, o Fetid sweat of the axilla. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. (Indiati Turnip.) Analogues : — Arum mac, Arsenicum, Allium cepa. Nitric acid. Phosphorus, Cansticum, Phytolacca, Baptisia. Description : — A bulbous plant found growing throughout North and South America, in rich, shady woods and swamps ; the fresh root exceedingly acrid, but mild and tasteless when thoroughly dried. Officinal Preparation : — Trituration of the recent root up to the 3d — then alcoholic dilutions. 44 ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Sphere of action. — Mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, bronchi, etc., and probably some profoundly injurious effect on the blood. SYMPTOMS. EYES. Aversion to light. NOSE. * Discharge of a burning ichorous fluid, from nostrils, excoria- ting the mucous membrane, and skin of upper lip. Nose stopped up, can only breathe through the mouth, o Constant picking at the nose, until it is sore and bleeding, (in a child.) FACE. Face swollen and red. Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. * Lips swollen, cracked ; corners of the mouth sore, bleeding, cracked, o The child picks constantly at the lips, cheeks and chin, un- til they are raw and bleeding (in cases of scarlatina.) MOUTH. The mouth burns, and is so sore that he refuses to drink, and cries when anything is offered. Intense prickling, stinging pain, felt all over the tongue, mouth, lips and fauces, as if from thousands of needles. ~ * Tongue swollen, red, sore with raised and irritable looking papillse. Excessive salivation, and saliva acrid. THROAT. Very severe prickling and stinging in the fauces and throat, all the time ; worse when swallowing. Throat feels constricted, sore, burning, cannot smell. 6 Sudden, severe attacks of tonsillitis ; oedema of the glottis ; acute catarrhal inflammation of the fauces. STOMACH. Burning heat in the oesophagus and stomach, which spreads rapidly all over the body. URINE. Frequent discharge of abundant, pale urine. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Great hoarseness — inability to talk. Voice uncertain, changing continually. ^ Accumulation of mucus in trachea ; hawking up of thick, white mucus. o Hoarseness and sore throat of clergymen, public speakers, and singers. ARALIA RACEMOSA. — ARSENICI lODIDUM. 45 Dry cough, with dry pricking and soreness in the fauces, (p.) Loose, rattling cough in children and aged persons, with in- ability to expectorate, (s.) o Asthma humida. SKIN. Dry, feverish heat of the skin. Eruption like scarlet rash, the skin peels off afterwards, with itching. FEVER. Excited circulation, followed by hot perspiration, with prick- ing of the skin. ♦ ARALIA RACEMOSA. (Spikenard.) Analogues : — Asartim'canadense, Asaruin europceum, Cham- omilia, Ciinicifnga, Caidophylhan, Trillitim. Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the root (infusion.) (no provings.) " It is good to provoke urine, and cureth the pain of the stone in the reins and kidneys." — (Culpepper,) o Leucorrhcea, with pressing down pains in the uterus, o Leucorrhcea, acrid and offensive, o Suppressed lochia, with tympanitis ; excruciating pains in the bowels and uterine region, o' Sudden suppression of the menses from a cold, o Dry cough in bronchitis and laryngitis. ARSENICI lODIDUM. (Iodide of Arsenic.) Analogues : — Arsenicum, Arum tryphylltim, Nitric acid, etc. Officinal preparations. — Triturations to third : dilutions upward. HEAD. Vertigo. Dulness of the head, with dull pain in the left malar bone, and occasional slight frontal headache the entire morning. An exceedingly sharp pain in the forehead and both ears. Severe frontal headache, with dulness of the entire head in 46 ARSENICI lODIDUM, forenQon, with stiffness and soreness of left side of neck ; worse when moving the head, o Chronic, obstinate, scaly eruptions on the scalp. — (Hale.) FACE. Erythematous redness of the face. EYES. Puffiness of the lower eyelids. An uneasy sensation of tension or stiffness around the eyes. Weakness of the eyes with burning pain— a feeling as if lachrymation would set in. o Chronic strumous ophthalmia, with ulceration. — (Hale.) EARS. Sharp pain in both ears, especially in left ear, when riding in a sharp cold wind. O Chronic otorrhoea, with corrosive sanious discharge. — (Hale.) MOUTH, TONGUE, STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. Intermittent pain in front right upper molar tooth, o Diphtheria maligna. o Phagadenic ulceration of the fauces and tonsils. Severe, burning, lancinating pains in the stomach, with heat of mouth and fauces. White tongue, with edges and tip of a florid, red hue. Salivation, with acrid saliva. The abdomen is hard and distended with flatus, which is constantly discharged. Severe, cutting pains in the abdomen, as if he would have a ^tool ; he had no stool, but large quantities of wind escaped ; then pains are partially relieved by an escape of flatus, and by the application of warmth to the abdo- men. — (8 A. M.) Sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen (at 9 A. M,) which warn- ed him to go to stool ; the pains became excruciating, embracing the entire abdomen, and obliging him to bend almost double ; after a great deal of straining he passed a large, soft stool, which afforded him some relief. — (Dr. Blakeley) [This is the kind of colic cured by Dioscorca. — (Hale.)'] o " The most serviceable remedy we have in the diarrhoea of phthisis." — ( Watson.) o Chronic diarrJioea, ivitJi intestinal nlcerition — in cases of soldiers returned from the army. — (Hale.) ARSENICI lODIDUM. , 47 BACK. Stiffness and soreness of left side of neck ; worse when moving. Soreness of the back, especially of back of neck, as if beaten. Burning heat in the back (lumbar region,) as if the clothes were on fire. Itching, especially on the back. EXTREMITIES. Ithing of back of left hand, followed by stinging-itching of back of right hand. Peculiar chilliness of left thigh, followed by formication and weight in left foot ; the clothes when extending the left limb, feel cold ; the formication and weight extended to right foot — was partially relieved by walking ; the chilliness disappeared from warmth. Formication on exterior border of left foot, followed by burning in left instep. Formicating prickling on left ankle, also on right ankle. Tired, w^eary feeling in calves of both legs, while kneeling. Dull, heavy soreness of calf of left leg, afterwards embracing tha entire leg ; disappearing during active motion, re- turning when at rest. Heaviness of the legs, with general weariness. CHEST AND HEART. * Tightness of the chest, with short dry cough, o Asthmatic complaints ; cardiac asthma. Anxiety in the region of the prsecordia. — ( IVilsoii.) o Palpitations ; in hypertrophy of the heart. — (Hale.) SKIN. Persistent itching all over the body — especially the back. P^ormicating, prickling itching on skin of body and extremi- ties. * Erythema — especially in the face. * Dry, scaly, burning, itching eruptions on various parts of the body, o Lepra, impetigo ; diseases resembling cancer. — (Thompson.) o Obstinate chronic eruptions, psoriasis versicolor ; tinea fur- furans ; pityriasis. In the jd dec. trit. will often give better results than any other preparation of Arseni- cum. — (Hale.) FEVER. Hard, full pulse, with puffiness of the lower lids and face ; thick, white tongue, w^th red tip and edges, o P'ebrile movements attending chronic irritable eruptions. 48 ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA. ASARUM CANADENSE. C Wild Ginger.) (NO PROVINGS.) Analogues : — Asarum enropeum, Senccio, Tanacetum, Sa- bina, Arnica, Senega. Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the root. HEAD. o Headache from suppressed nasal catarrh. NOSE. Watery, irritating discharge from the nose. GENERATIVE ORGANS. (Female.) Frequent and profuse menses. Miscarriage in the early months. (.'*) Relieves excessive pain in labor. (Resembles the Asarum Europaium in its general action.) ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA. (Swamp Milkweed.) Analogues : — Aslclepias tuberosa and Asclepias syriaca, Pulsatilla, Senecio, Copaiva, Sabina. Description : — A species of milkweed with red or rose- colored flowers, growing in damp, wet soils throughout the Uni- ted States. Officinal preparation. — Tincture of the root. o Catarrh of the bronchi. (,'') o Humid Asthma, ij) o Mucous diarrhoea. (.-') o Gonorrhoea, with greenish discharge and chordee. O Amenorrhoea, with cough and catarrh. o Pleurisy. (.-•) Nausea and vomiting. Papescent diarrhoea. Profuse discharge of urine. Profuse perspiration. NEW REMEDIES. 49 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. (Pleurisy Root.) Analogues : — AiUbnonium cruduvi, Asclepias syriaca, Arnica, Apocynum camiabimim, Bryonia, Ciinicifiiga, Caidophyl- lum, Dioscorea, Dulcamara, Eryngium, Enpatoriuin perfoliatiim, and Enpatorinm pnrpureum, Ipecacuanha, Iris versicolor. Kali carbonic uvi,Kalihydriodicu}n, Pulsatilla, Sencga}Squilla, Tartar emetic. Description :— A beautiful plant found from Massachusetts to Georgia. It does not, when bruised, like other species of the Asclepias, emit a milky juice. When dried, the root is easily pulverized, and has a bitter but not otherwise unpleasant taste. Officin.vl Preparation :— Tincture and triturations of the root. Sphere OY Action : — In acute pains of the thoracic organs, catarrhal affections of the larynx, bronchi and respiratory tract and to some extent functional derangements of the stomach. MIND. W^eakness of memory and concentration. Mental dejection and gloominess. At first cheerful, then fretful and peevish. HEAD. Dull headache in the forehead and vertex, aggravated by motion and relieved by lying down. Headache, pressing deeply on the base of the skull ; resem- bling an Ipecacuanha headache. Swimming of the head, with dullness in the forehead. • Pain in the forehead from coughing. — (Bryonia.) Dull, gloomy feeling in the head. NOSE. * Fluent coryza, with much sneezing. Blowing of blood from one nostril. FACE. Pale face, with dejected look, after the diarrhoea. MOUTH. Yellow, tough coating on the tongue, and putrid taste. THROAT. Transitory constriction and stinging in the throat, extending to larynx. Soreness and pain in the throat. 6 50 ASCLEPIAS TUBKKOSA. GASTRIC SVMrr(J.\IS. Putrid taste in the mouth ; also taste of blood. Nausea and efforts to vomit. Vomiting, purging and great prostration. Nausea, with constipation ; bilious vomiting. Bilious vomiting, with or without diarrhoea; but with pain.s in the limbs, cramp in the feet, etc. Burning in the stomach. Pressive pain in the stomach, with rumbling in bowels. Disagreeable feeling of weight in stomach, with deficient appetite. STOMACH AND IK^WKLS. Flying pains in the stomach ; fulness and pain in right side, with feeling as if something would pass the bowels with slight nausea. Constipation, after diarrhoea. * Bilious and painful diarrhoea. Rumbling and uneasiness in the bowels, with a feeling of heat in umbilical region. Rumbling in the bowels, with sharp, cutting pains. * Soft, foetid stool, preceded by rumbling, followed by urging to stool. Rumbling in the bowels, on waking at 6 P. M., with soreness of the abdomen and pain on pressure. Stool like white of eggs. Clammy stool, green ; smelling like rotten eggs. O Catarrhal diarrhoea, in children, or in warm weather when the nights were cool and damp. * O Dysentery, chiefly catarrhal and autumnal, o Sub-acute mucous enteritis. o Anomalous symptoms, supposed to be due to the abuse of tobacco ; namely : Acute soreness, attended by sharp, griping pains in the lower part of the abdomen ; so severe that at times he was unable to walk or ride in a carriage. Five or six stools a day. At times the pain came on with great violence at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, with sudden dischar- ges from the bowels, leaving such soreness of the abdomen that he could not walk. (Five drops of the tincture, in a wineglass of water, taken at one dose, cured this case of 25 years standing.) — Dr. Mm'tin. URINARY ORGANS. P'requent passing of clear urine, (p.) Dark red, saturated urine, (s.) GENITAL ORGANS. Profuse menstruation, with violent pressing down pain. Painful stitches in penis. Sweat of genitals. O Primary and secondary syphilis. (.') AscLEi'iAs tubp:rosa. 51 LARYNX. Sensation of constriction of the larynx. Dry cough, with constricted sensation in larynx. Dry, hard cough, with pain in forehead and abdomen, CHEST, ETC. Want of breath, like asthma, worse after eating. Pain in right lung. Warm feeling in chest. Dull pain at base of both lungs, with tightness of che.st. * Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiff- ness of left side of neck. Pain at base of left lung, with dry and spasmodic cough, making respiration painful, with some dullness on per- cussion there. * Sharp cutting pain behind the sternum, aggravated by draw- ing a long breath, or moving the arms, by singing or loud speaking. Chest feels weak and sore ; without cough. * The spaces between the ribs, close to the sternum are sensi- tive to pressure. Stitches in the left side, shooting over to the right side and up to left shoulder. * Acute, pleuritic pain in right side, with dry, hacking cough, and scanty mucous expectoration. Pain in the chest, low down, on the diaphragm. The pains in the chest are relieved by bending fori^'ard and aggravated by motion. o Sub-acute peri-pneumonia of a catarrhal origin, o Pleurisy, (equals Bryonia in most cases), o Catarrhal cough, hard, spasmodic, from irritation of the larynx or bronchia. O Influenza, with pleuritic or myalgic pains, o Capillary bronchitis in children, o Bronchitis, acute and chronic. O Humid asthma ; dyspnoea in bronchial affections. HEART. * Pain beneath the left nipple, with palpitation of the heart ; pulse rising from 64 to 88. Pains in the region of the heart, shooting up to left shoulder. * Pricking pains in region of the heart. * Contractive pain in the heart. Tenderness on pressure over the region of the heart. * Acute rheumatic pericarditis (not very severe). — Hale. o Hard, heavy, forcible beating of the heart, with some dyspnoea. — Hale. 52 ASCLEPIAS SVRIACA, BACK AND EXTREMITIES. Severe pains in back of the head, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, and violent pains in all the joints. Pains in left shoulder, shooting from left chest. Sharp, shooting pains in right shoulder. Aching pains in knees. Drawing pains in thighs. Pains in the loins, like lumbago. Rheumatic pains in the joints, o Muscular and articular rheumatism, with stitching pains, dark red urine, and hot. perspiring skin. SKIN. Vesicles, pimples and pustules, all over the body, especially on arms, legs and face. Itching of the skin of the thighs and nates, without eruption. Hot, moist skin. SLEEP. Uneasy sleep, with frightful dreams. FEVER. Pulse rises from 64 to 88, with increased action of the heart. Chilliness, in a warm room, with cold feet. * High fever, with hot sweat, o Rheumatic and catarrhal fevers. o Bilious fever (.''), "marsh fever of the rice plantations." GENERALITIES. Weak, languid, as if he had been sick a long time. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. (Milk- Weed. Silk- Weed. ) If Analogues: — Asdepias tuberosa,Bryonia, Colc/iicum, Senega, and the analogues of Asdepias tubcrosa. Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the root. A well known plant with milky juice, and pods filled with beautiful silky threads. Called by some botanists, A. cornuti. HEAD. Headache, with scanty urine. Headache, with vertigo, dullness and stupidity. * Headache, from suppressed perspiration, or from the reten- tion of effete matters in the system, o Nervous headaches, followed by profuse diuresis. Violent headache, confined principally between the eyes. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. 53 Severe headache, quick, full pulse, and nausea. A feeling as if some sharp ijistrmnent zvas thrust through from one temple to the other. A sense of constriction across the forehead. MOUTH AND THROAT. Burning and tickling in fauces, with nausea and headache. Tongue coated with a white fur. STOMACH. Excessive nausea, with violent headache. Slight pain in the stomach, with diuresis, and inclination to evacuate the bowels. Vomiting, severe and long continued, with retching, leaving a sensation of rawness in the stomach, and a slight pain, with cold skin, feeble pulse, and a feeling as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other. Great appetite, even a few hours after a meal. Increased appetite, notwithstanding the vomiting and head- ache, with constipation. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Frequent movements from the bowels. Diarrhoea, with persistent nausea and vomiting. Inclination to evacuate the bowels, with nausea and diuresis. Copious evacuations in the evening, soft, brown, with slight colic. Soft yellow stool at noon, with increase of appetite. Excoriation of the anus. Copious evacuations without pain or other unpleasant effects, o Expulsion of worms — (ascarides.) o Constipation, pain in right side, lower extremities, and loss of appetite. URINARY ORGANS. Enormous increase of urine. Scanty urine, with headache. Profuse urine, with headache. Pale-colored urine, with lighter specific gravity. Burning sensation in the urethra when urinating, o Uraemia, o Scarlatinal dropsy. o Dropsy from suppressed perspiration, or renal disease, o General dropsy from heart disease. [This medicine is one of the few like Colchicimi, Bryonia, and Cimici- fuga, that increase notably the solid matters in the urine.— /A//-?.] GENERATIVE ORGANS. (Female.) * Intermitting, bearing-down, labor-like pains, (in a case of dropsy.) 54 ATROPINE. Dysmenorrhcea, accompanied by diuresis, o Suppression of the menses, in a case of dropsy. (Male.) Tickling sensation at the end of the penis. Burning in the urethra when urinating. BRONXIIIA, LUNGS. Severe broncliial irritation, with burning and tickling in fauces, o Influenza ; catarrhal fevers ; and bronchitis. B.\CK AND EXTREMITIES. o Acute rheumatism, confined to the large joints, with much pain and swelling, o Pains in the limbs. [I would urge a trial of this remedy in rheumatism, when Colchiatm and Chnicifuga seem inefficient.— //if/ /<*.] ATROPINE. (The aitii'c prmciple of Belladfltina.) Analogues : — Belladonna and its analogues. Officinal Prepar.vtiONS : Triturations, (centesimal) dilutions. [No complete provings oi Atropine have been made. The symptoms ob- tained are all like those of Belladonna. We do not believe Atropine can produce all the symptoms of Belladonna, because it does not contain all the forces and medicinal constituents of that plant. To the mei'e chemist, who cannot discern anything left in the plant after the Atropia is extract- ed, this assertion may seem absurd ; but the chemist looks at drugs from a point of view widely divergent from the physiological experimenter. There are intangible remedial forces in plants which escape the subtlest analysis of the chemist, and can only be evolved by careful provings. One object of giving this pathogenesis is to give an idea of the scope and sphere of action of this isolated constituent. While we should never think of prescribing Atropine in febrile states, acute exanthemata, inflammations, erysipelas, glandular diseases, etc., where we usually use Belladonna, we hav^e a high opinion of its value in neuralgia, acute congestions, painful spasmodic affections, especially of the sphincters, nervous jactitations, hyperaesthesice, and other affections due to purely functional nervous derangements. — Hale.'\ MIND. * Rambling, incoherent speech, spectral illusions, with frequent fits of wild uncontrollable laughter. * Furious delirium, especially at night. Quiet, dreamy delirium, with nervous startings. Muttering and smiling, with' sleepiness. Delirium, with picking, and other motions of the hands and fingers in the air, as if they were in contact with real objects. ATROPINE. 55 He carries on conversations with imaginary beings. When conversing, had to stop in the middle of a sentence and inquire what he had been talking about. Imagines he has epilepsy. He lost the power of estimating distances ; he reached at objects which were across the room, and stumbled on objects which he supposed were far off. HEAD. * Beating and throbbing of the carotids. Fullness of temples and of forehead, with dizziness. Feeling as if the brain was being pressed out in all directions. * Neuralgic pains commencing under the left orbit, and run- ning back to the ear. Vertigo upon turning the head suddenly. Vertigo, with staggering, and inability to walk, o Neuralgia, hemicrania, of the severest character, o Symptoms simulating meningitis, o Cephalalgia, generally nervous oV congestive, o Headaches of a nervous origin. FACE AND EVES. Dark red, livid and puffed face, with burning heat in face. * Congested eyes and eyelids. * Deep-seated, dull pain in the back part of the eye. * Bright flashes before the eyes immediately upon closing them. Intolerance of light (rare). Dimness of vision ; can neither read nor thread a needle. Pain in the eyes ; dull, or sharp and increased at each car- diac pulsation. Eyes fixed and glassy ; cannot compare objects or estimate their distances. Dilated pupils, to an extent not caused by any other drug. Can read well for a few moments, when the words run together and become indistinct. When reading, the words seem to contract and expand with the action of the heart. Spasmodic winking. Double vision. Dryness of the conjunctiva. . When closing the eyes he sees all kinds of spectres and un- pleasant objects. The field of vision is covered with colored phantasms. Everything looks yellow, o Neuralgia of the eyes. o Used extensively (and sometimes abused) by oculists to dilate the pupil in cases of iritis, cataract, etc., and to assist in examinations with the ophthalmoscope. 56 atropine. nosp:. Redness and heat of the nose. Great dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose. MOUTH. Intense dryness of the mouth, tongue, fauces, soft palate, and the lips and throat, followed by a sensation of a viscid, .sticky, acid secretion of a peculiar and very sickly, offen- sive odor. The mouth becomes foul and clammy, and the tongue cov- ered with a sticky white fur. Smoking does not excite the secretion of .saliva. Mucous membrane of mouth dark and mottled, o Mercurial salivation. TONGUE. Loss of sensation in the buccal cavity. Tongue dry, with red tip and edges. Tongue sticky and coated white. Cannot move the tongue around in the mouth. Difficulty of protruding the tongue. Tongue feels thick ; cannot articulate distinctly. Teeth feel " on edge." o Dry, parched and cracked tongue, in typhus. Paralytic symptoms of the tongue. THROAT. Dryness of the pharynx, making it almost impossible to siuallozv. No natural sensation when drinking ; the water did not seem ' to touch the mucous membrane. Cannot swallow solids without washing them down with liquids. Mucous membrane of throat feels raw and irritated ; it looks darker than usual, and mottled. [Not usefnl in tonsillitis; where Belladonna is so often beneficial. — Ha/e.'] TASTE AND APPETITE. Loss of taste ; nothing tastes natural. Everything tastes salt. No appetite ; partly owing to the dryness of the mouth and throat, which obliges him to ivash his food down. GASTRO-ENTERIC. Nausea, from the foul, sticky saliva. Vomiting, profuse, hurrying him out of bed at night. Easy vomiting of bitter liquid at first, afterwards tastele.s,s. Eructations, tasting like the yolk of eggs, o Gastralgia, purely neuralgic : very prompt cures. ATROPINE. 57 Violent, severe sticking pains in the umbilical region, during attacks of vomiting, at night. Diarrhoea, hurrying him out of bed at midnight, preceded by urgent desire. Stools copious and watery, coming out with a gush, relieving the pain at the umbilical region, o Spasmodic or neuralgic colic. o Constipation, cured permanently by very minute doses con- tinued for some time. — (Allopathic authority.) URINARY ORGANS. The kidneys are active in the elimination of Atropia from the minute when it enters the blood until it is entirely removed from the system. It causes an excess of uric acid in the urine. It causes an increased flow of blood through the kidneys, and thus increases the urea. The phosphates are increased by its administration. Profuse and frequent urination. " It is a most powerful diuretic^' — (Harley.) O Nephritic colic, from poison of calculi. * Violent, irresistible and ineffectual urging to urinate, with agonizing tenesmus, * Paralysis of the bladder — probably the sphincter, o Dysuria ; it relieves the pain in many cases. o Dropsy from Bright's disease. o Chronic albuminuria ; the albumen decreased rapidly. GENERATIVE ORGANS. O Neuralgia of the testes, with extreme sensitiveness to touch. ^(Hale) O Irritable uterus. o Uterine colic, neuralgic and paroxysmal. o Ovarian neuralgia.— -( Ludlam.) O Vaginismus., a spasmodic disorder of the vagina, undoubt- edly a neuralgic disease. — (lb.) * Hypercssthesia of the vagina and uterine cervix. — (Hale.) [In these cases give the 6th -j- trit., and apply a cerate of i gr. to i oz., of cocoa butter or lard.] RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Dryness of the larynx, causing a constant inclination to cough. * The tough mucus in the larynx causes paroxysms of cough- ing, very severe, occurring every fifteen or twenty min- utes, attended with difficult expectoration of thick, tenacious mucus, and followed by burning in the larynx. o Whooping-cough, cured by the 3d centesimal trit. — (Ludlam.) p Spasmodic cough, irj adults, after influenza. — (Hale.) 7 ' 58 ATROPINE. Sensation of a glow of heat in the lungs. * Violent and suffocative constriction of the chest. — (Brandes.) HEART. Pulse feeble and heart's action almost imperceptible. — (Brandes.) Pulse rising from 60 to 140 beats, but no increase in the respirations. — (Harley.) Fluttering sensation in the cardiac region. — (lb.) o Spasmodic asthma (by hypodermic injection). o Nervous palpitation of the heart, with red face and throb- bing in the carotids. — (Hale.) o Palpitation at night, with debility and distress. EXTREMITIES. Trembling of the limbs. Anaesthesia of the extremities ; the sense of touch seems blunted and sometimes almost abolished ; numbness and prickling of the hands, extending to the tips of the fingers. Cannot tell when the hand touches an object. Continued desire to open and shut the hands. Jerking of the muscles of the extremities. While drinking, the arm suddenly contracted, causing him to spill the water. While walking, the flexor muscle would contract suddenly, throwing him to the ground. Staggering, tottering gait. On picking up a pin, it feels as if there were five or six of them. Spasms of the muscles of the extremities. Spasmodic contractions of extremities at night. Coldness of extremities. SKIN. [Dr. Sadler of London, {Med. Times and Gazette,) reports an interesting case showing some of the physiological effects of Atropine, and the small- ness of the dose capable of affecting a child. He gave a child, three months old, a mixture containing i /200th of a grain of Sulphate of Atropine. In a few minutes the child turned a deep red, " like scarlet fever," over its face and upper part of its body ; the per- spiration was checked and the skin became hot and dry. This continued for five hours. The next morning only half the quantity was given ; the same e'ffect was produced, but only lasted for two hours. The third morn- ing only four drops were given (60 drops contained i /200th of a grain) and this time without any effect. Six drops were given the next morning ; the same redness appeared, but this time only lasted for half an hour. The six drops contained i /800th of a grain. No narcotism was produced, even by the larger dose first given. The paroxysm of whooping-cough, for which it was given, was slightly but not decidedly improved.] Dark red or mottled efflorescent redness of the skin, like that in scarlet fever. ATROPINE. • 59 Dark red or purple redness of the face. Scarlet red, hot and dry skin, on the upper half of the body. Ancesthcsia of the skin : the sense of touch is lost or per- verted. Thrusting pins into the skin causes no pain. Water poured over the skin produces no sensation. Skin seefns unnaturally smooth, like glass. Cold, pale and clammy skin. O Useful in some cases of scarlet fever. — (Liidlam.) O In cases of retarded or suppressed eruptions, it will cause their re-appearance. — (Hale.) SLEEP. Sleepiness, or drowsiness with inability to sleep. Deep, heavy, comatose sleep. Heavy sleep, with muttering, incoherent talking. He sits in a dull, apathetic or drowsy condition, and fre- quently gives a prolonged yawn. Deep sleep, with red, bloa'ted face. FEVER. Continual chilliness all over. Chills alte7'nati7ig zvitJi flashes of heat. It stimulates the action of the heart, causing the pulse to rise from 60 to 140, with flashes of heat, red-hot skin, dry mouth and throat, with throbbing all over ; a kind of erethistic fever, with general ebulition of blood, (p.) Chilliness, with cold skin, pulse feeble, action of the heart feeble, cold extremities, (s.) Fever, with low muttering, incoherent delirium. o Useful in some typhoid fevers. GENERALITIES. General anaesthesia of the skin and extremities, (p.) Hyperaesthesia of the whole organism, (s.) o Tetamcs : [In a late number of the British Medical yownal is a case of Tetanus successfully treated by A tropin. On the fourth day of the attack one- sixteenth of a grain was administered every three hours. Within twenty-four hours the clonic spasm became less severe and of shorter duration, and the tonic rigidity gave way, first in the legs and neck, then in the back, and last of all in abdomen and masseters. On the sixth day of treatment by Atropia, rigidity of masseters only remained. He was kept under the influence of Atropia for three weeks, and made a good recovery. The patient was " a healthy-looking lad, aged 14, who was seized with lockjaw and severe pain in the cervical and dorsal region, with fever, a few days after jumping from a coal wagon." The reporter asserts that it cures on the theory of Brown-Sequard, namely : " Reducing congestion of the blood vessels of the spinal cord." It was certainly homoeopathic to the condition, for the primary effect of Atropine is to cause spinal anaemia, the secondary, spinal congestion. For this reason the large dose cured.] 6o KEW REMEDIES. BADIAGA. {Fresh-water Sponge.) Analogues: — Spongia, Silicea, Carlo animalis, Kaolin, Kali bichromicum, Clematis, Sulphur, Iodine, Mercurius. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture and triturations from the dried sponge. mental sphere. In spite of the headache, he is still clear in his mind, and more inclined to mental activity than before. Upon the slightest emotion or thought, forcible pulsation of the heart. HEAD. Dull, dizzy feeling of head. Congestion in forehead. Headache from two P. M. till seven in the morning, with slight aching pains in the posterior portion of both eyeballs, and in the temple. During the day more or less headache, with pain in eyeballs, worse in the left ; more from one o'clock in the afternoon till seven in the evening. Frontal headache during the forenoon, worse in the temples, and extending into the posterior portion of the left eye- balls ; aggravated by moving the eye. Headache, with inflamed eyes. During the afternoon, heat, pain and congestion in forehead, worse at seven P. M. In temples and eyeballs, pain ; to the temples from eyeballs. A very severe headache on the top of the head ; remains the same in all positions; better at night after sleeping and better in the morning, returning violently after breakfast, lasting several days. Headache, commencing between one and two P. M., lasting till between six and seven in the evening. Headache and soreness of the body, aggravated, from seven to ten in the evening. An excess of dandruff or dry, tetter-like appearance of the scalp, with slight itching. Scalp sore to the touch, with tetter-like eruption on the fore- head and dull, dizzy feeling xDf the head during the fore- noon. EYES. O Slight intermitting pains in the posterior portion of right eyeball and temple ; more during the afternoon. BADIAGA. ' 6 1 Pain in the posterior portion of both eyeballs, more in the left one ; more between one and seven in the evening. Inflammation of the eyes, especially the right. Pain in left eyeball and temple, quite severe, extending to the left side of the head and forehead. Twitching of the left upper eyelid (from triturating the Badiaga). Left eyeball quite sore, even upon closing it tightly. Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, with hardening of the meibomian glands. Bluish-purple margin of the eyelids and blue under the eye. NOSE. Itching of the left wing of the nose (while triturating the Badiaga). Profuse co7yza, mostly from the left nostril, worse in the afternoon and P. M. Discharge of thick, yellowish mucus from left nostril, during the afternoon. Occasional sneezing, with more profuse coryza, most on the left side, with occasional stoppage of the nose ; worse in afternoon and evening. Coryza and cough. FACE. On forehead tetter-like eruption. Pale, ashy, or lead color of the face. Stiffness in the maxillary joints. MOUTH AND THROAT. Mouth hot and dry, with thirst for large quantities at a time. Throat inflamed and sore, especially on sivallozving ; tonsils red and inflamed. Mouth and tongue feel as if scalded. Hawked up a viscid, solid lump of bloody mucus, in the morning. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. Severe, lancinating pain in pit of stomach, extending to the vertebrae opposite and to the right scapula, and at times to the right side, resulting in a pleuritic pain. A lancinating pain, with a bounding movement in the region of the liver. Bowels costive. Haemorrhoids. URINARY ORGANS. Sharp pain in the right kidney. Urine high-colored and reddish. Severe, sharp, lancinating pains in and near the orifice of the urethra. 62 BADIAGA. GROINS, o Indurated, inguinal glands. o Syphilitic bubo in the left groin ; a longlsh swelling, as hard as a stone, urinary rugged, like a scirrhus ; at night violent lancinations, as if with red-hot needles. O Buboes originating by consensus or cellular irritation, with shooting pains, if suppuration has not commenced, will disappear in three days completely, if with rest, low diet, cold local application, the tincture of Badiaga is given, one drop in a tablespoonful of water, every three or four hours, o Buboes, with decided fluctuation, are scattered and absorbed from six drops of the tincture, every day in water. COUGH AND CHEST. While lying on the right side in bed, and at the moment of becoming unconscious by sleep, severe oppressive suffo- cating attacks, from suspended respiration, causing a quick effort to prevent suffocation, by changing position. On full inspiration, pleuritic pain ; aggravated pain in side. Occasional severe paroxysms of spasmodic cough, ejecting viscid mucus from the bronchial tubes, which at times comes flying forcibly out of the mouth, more during the afternoon ; caused by a tickling in the larynx. Cough, with yellowish mucous expectoration ; better in the warm room. A sense of sharp, lancinating pain in the right supra-clavic- ular region, in or near the sub-clavian artery, lasting several minutes during the evening. Pain in the upper part of the right chest. Pleuritic pain in right side, also on the left ; increased with stitches in both sides, aggravated on motion or full res- piration, with soreness of the whole body, especially the chest. Severe stitches in the side, especially the right side, from the seventh to the eighth rib ; aggravated by the least motion. HEART. Severe vibrating tremulous palpitation of the heart, even while sitting or lying quiet, upon the least elation or other emotion of the mind. While lying in bed, forcible pulsations of the heart felt' and heard, extending from the chest up into the neck, upon the slightest emotion or thought. Palpitation of the heart, with a fluttering and vibrating upon the slightest emotion. Occasional spells of severe jerking, fluttering palpitation of BADIAGA. 63 the heart upon a sudden elating thought or emotion of the mind, even while sitting or lying. While lying on the right side, the heart is both heard and felt to pulsate from the chest up to the neck. Midnight, while in bed, vibrating palpitation of the heart, lasting but a few minutes, after which, while lying on the right side, a sensation as if the lower lobe of the left lung was settling down, or being collapsed — relieved by changing position. NECK. A very stiff neck. Soreness and lameness, with stitches in the nape of the neck, aggravated by bending the head back and forth, o Glandular swellings on the left side of the face, the throat and neck, nearly all the size of a hen's egg, some hard, some suppurating ; they disfigured and enlarged the whole region considerably since his early youth, now twenty years ; *, in often repeated doses, lessened it more than half the former size. BACK. Painful drawing near the spine to the left, downwards from the shoulder blade. Severe lacerating pains and stitches in the posterior right side below the scapula, aggravated very much by throw- ing the shoulders back and the chest forward. Pain in small of the back, hips, and lower limbs. Pain in the front of the upper part of the right shoulder, afterwards in the left shoulder and arm. LIMBS. Palms of the hands hot and dry, dry and husky. An intermitting pain in the muscles of the lower posterior third of the right leg, with a sore, contracted, clumsy, bruised feeling of the arterior muscles of the lower third of the right leg, which is aggravated by flexing the foot and going' up stairs, where the toes have a tendency to drop down, as if the foot were asleep. The anterior muscles of the right leg sore, as if beaten. Several small hard lumps along the shin bone. O Lessened hard-cellular swelling of both legs. Sharp, stinging pain in the posterior portion of the right heel, aggravated by the slightest pressure. o Bad ulcers on the feet of horses.— -( Popular remedy.) o Hurts of the hoofs of horses. " " o Chilblains. 64 BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. A general soreness of the muscles and integuments of the whole body, especially the integuments ; aggravated on motion, and especially by the friction of the clothes. Flesh feels sore, as if it had been beaten, and very sensitive to touch or friction of the clothes. SLEEP. Awoke with frightful dreams and severe crampy pains in the metatarsal bones of both feet. Restless night, could lie only a short time in one position, on account of the soreness of the muscles and whole body. O At night violent lancinating pains in the limbs. In the night palpitation, lying on the right side. Headache better after sleep. FEVER. Feverish, hot breath and mouth. Hot and dry palms of hands, o Hot stitches in limbs. SKIN. Itching on scalp. O Scrofulous diseases, particularly swollen glands, o Bruised spots from falls or from being beaten. Flesh and skin sore to the touch. BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. {Balsam of Peru.) Analogues : — Aurwn mur., Copaiva, Cubeba, Chhnaphilla, Kali hypophos, Iodine, Stannum, SulpJiiir, TJiuya, Uva ursi. Botanical name : — Myrospermnm peruifemm. — De Can- dolle. A large tree growing in South America. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture, or triturations of the balsam. HEAI3. Heat and fulness in the head. * Profuse thick discharge from the nose. o Chronic, muco-purulent nasal catarrh. o Ozaena — with ulceration. GASTRO-INTESTINAL SPHERE. Increase of appetite and digestion. Heat and oppression of the stomach. * Vomiting of food and mucus. Nausea, with colic and diarrhoea. * Catarrhal states of the stomach. « BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. 6$ o Chronic mucus diarrhoea. o Chronic dysentery, with bloody mucus and tenesmus. O Irritable bowels after typhoid fever. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Heat and burning in the larynx. Irritating short cough, dry. Cough, with copious expectoration of thick yellow, green, and foetid muco-pus. o Chronic inflamrnation of the larynx. o Laryngeal phthisis — uot tuberculous. o Chronic bronchial catarrh — especially of old people. Loose, rattling cough, with thick, yellow, or green and foetid expectoration — ^^^r pneumonia, (i/ioth dil.) O Suppression of the accustomed expectoration in bronchial affections. (6th dil.) O Chronic bronchitis with purulent expectoration and hectic fever. — (Hale.) O I have seen persons laboring under perfectly formed phthisis, and seriously affected for several years, happily restored by the use of this balsam. — (Hoffnimi.) O Purulent, foetid expectoration from vomicae in the lungs. (In affections of the bronchia and lungs, with scanty expec- toration and fever, use the 6th dilution. If profuse purulent expectoration, and absence of lever, use the l/ioth dilution. — (Hale.) URINARY ORGANS. Increased secretion of urine. * Scanty urine with mucus sediment, o Chronic catarrh of the bladder, Chronic uterine and vaginal leucorrhoea (.-*) FEVER. General heat, with excited circulation and quickened pulse, but moist skin. ^ o Hectic fever in chronic bronchitis. GENERALITIES. o Debility, with slow, feeble circulation. o Indolent ulcers. o Cracks in the nipples, fingers and hands. 66 NEW REMEDIES. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. ( IVi'M Indigo.) Analogues : — Bryonia, Agariais, Kali chloriciiin, Nitric acid, Rhus toxicodetidron, Muriatic acid, A rsenicum. Officinal Preparation: — Tincture of the bark of the root. Sphere of Action : — It exerts a marked influence on the blood and vascular system, the nerves of sensation, and on the intestinal lesions common to typhoid and other low types of fevers. o The gastric mucous membrane and the great semilunar ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system. — (Bayes.) MENTAL SPHERE. * Restless, uneasy frightful dreams, gloomy and cast down for several days. Indisposition and want of power to think ; unhappy : mind seems weak, o The patient imagines he " cannot get himself together," as if the pieces of his body were scattered about. — (Bell.) o Stupefaction and drowsiness in typhoid, a " wild " feeling, with the headache. HEAD. Sharp pains in both temples. Dull, heavy, pressive headache, very much aggravated by motion. Dull feeling in occiput, with pain and fullness of the vessels. Vertigo, a confused feeling, or swimming sensation in head. * Peculiar feeling of the head, which is never felt except during the presence of fever, excitement of the brain, such as precedes delirium. * Headache which precedes and accompanies typhoid fevers. Head feels too large, and too heavy, with numb feeling of head and face. Soreness as if in the brain in frontal region, with pain, heat, and vertigo, worse on stooping. — (Muriatic acid.) Great tightness of the skin of the forehead, it feels as if it could be drawn to the back of the head, with pain in right eye, and pressive pain in right temple. Pressive pain in the forehead, as if it would be pressed in, with sharp pain in both temples, very much aggravated by motion. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. ' 6/ Severe pain in occiput, with dull, stupid feeling all over the head, with sharp pain over the eyes. Brain feels numb with stitches, or shocks in various parts of the head. Head feels heavy, as if he could not sit up, day and night, causing a " wild " feeling, aggravated by noise, o The peculiar headache preceding and during typhoid and cerebro-spinal fever, also from brain exhaustion, o Her head feels as though scattered about, and she to.sses about the bed to get the pieces together. EYES. Feeling as if the eyes would be pressed into the head, with great confusion of sight ; cannot place anything till after looking at it a iow seconds. Vertigo, with sensation of paralysis of the lids, eyes smart and ache. Bloated feeling of the eyes ; eyes unusually glistening ; dis- position to have the eyes half closed ; soreness in front part of the head upon moving the eyes or turning them upward ; soreness of the eyeballs, eyes feel swollen, with burning and slight lachrymation ; congestion of the vessels of the eye, they look red and inflamed. NOSE. Thick mucus discharge from the nose. Severe drawing pains along the nose. Catarrh, with dull pain at the root of the nose. FACE. Burning heat of face, face flushed and hot ; external vessels of face distended and full, flashes of heat over the face, which feels flushed and very hot, cheeks burn. EARS. Deafness, or dullness of hearing, *during typhoid. Roax^ing in the ears, with confusion of the mind. MOUTH, TONGUE, ETC. * Profuse flow of saliva, with ulcers in the mouth. Tongue feels as if it had been scraped. * Tongue coated yellow along the centre, with flat bitter taste i'l the mouth. * Tongue feels dry on rubbing it against the roof of the mouth, smarts and feels as if burned. Saliva abundant, viscid, with flat or filthy taste. Tongue coated white, with red papillae protuberant, followed by yellow, brown coating in the centre, the edges red and shining. Tongue feels swollen, thick with numbness. Teeth and gums feel sore, with bloody oozing from gums. 68 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. * Great dryness in mouth and tongue, in fevers. o Chronic mercurial sore mouth, with foetid breath, o Stromatis materna, in feeble women, with offensive breath, o Ulcerations of mouth and fauces in diphtheria or small-pox, with foetor. (The Baptisia .should be used topically as well as internally.) THROAT. Soreness of the throat with scraping and burning. Raw sensation in pharynx with abundant viscid mucus. Constrictive feeling in throat, with frequent desire to swallow. Pricking sensation in upper part of pharynx. Throat feels swollen and full, tonsils and soft palate injected with pain in root of tongue when swallowing. The dryness of the mouth and tongue extends to the throat, o Angina with swelling, but with -unusual absence of pain. — (Dr. Miner.) o Diphtheria with foetid breath, ulcerations of throat, and great prostration. STOMACH. Much distress in the stomach, severe pains every few mo- ments in the cardiac region. Dull pain in the epigastric region, frequently recurring, ag- gravated by turning over or walking. Nausea with eructations, followed by painful vomiting. Disposition to vomit, without nausea. * " Gone " empty feeling in stomach. o Dyspepsia following typhus, with great sinking at stomach, frequent fainting, and brown tongue in morning. Feeling as if there was a hard substance in stomach. Stitching pain in cardiac portion of stomach. Nausea with want of appetite, and constant desire for zvater. ABDOMEN. Constant pain in right hypochondriac region, with sharp, shooting pains in the bowels. ' Severe colicky pains in the umbilical and hypochondriac re- gions, recurring every few seconds, with rumbling and desire for stool. Pain in abdomen on pressure, with dull aching pain in the lumbar region on going to bed. * Fullness of the abdomen, with borborygmus and diarrhoea. Pain in the hypogastrium, with soreness of the abdominal muscles as if from a cold, or severe coughing. * Distension of the abdomen, with rumbling, and a feeling as if it would be a relief to vomit. The small and large intestines filled with bloody mucus. (Pathological appearances in a cat.) o Abdominal typhus, with ulcerations of the bowels. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. 69 LIVER. Pain in the right hypochondriac region aggravated by walk- ing ; constant dull pain in the region of the gall blad- der ; pain extends to the spine. Soreness in the region of the liver ; pain in the liver. o Congestion of the liver during typhoid. STOOLS AND RECTUM. In large doses Baptisia is a drastic cathartic. Stools are generally dark, offensive, mucus and bloody. Vomiting and diarrhoea with dark stools. Rumbling in the bowels and desire for stool, with soft papes- cent stool with much mucus, (p.) Severe constipation and hemorrhoids after the diarrhoea, (s.) * Frequent small offensive acrid stools. Dysentery with offensive, bloody discharges. o Dysentery after confinement, with violent colicky pains in the hypogastric region before stool, with great tenesmus ; stools pure blood with a little mucus, occurring every five minutes. O Dysentery with bloody, mucus evacuations, tormina, brown coat on the tongue with low fever, o Autumnal dysentery with tendency to typhoid. URINARY ORGANS. Urine dark red and not very copious, with burning during emission. Shooting pains in the region of the left kidney. GENITAL ORGANS. Menses too soon and too profuse. Is said to produce abortion, o Foetid lochia with much prostration, o Puerperal fever with typhoid symptoms. o Threatened abortion in typhoid fever. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Hoarseness even to complete aphonia. Tickling in the throat provoking a cough. Difficult breathing increased. Increased compass and frequency of the pulsations of the heart ; pulsations seem to fill the chest. Difificulty of breathing; the lungs feel tight and compressed ; cannot get a full breath. * Tightness of tne chest, feeling of want of power in the respiratory apparatus, such as is felt during fever. Constriction and oppression of the chest. Oppressed respiration, sharp pains in the che.st when taking a long breath, throbbing in the heart so as to be dis- tinctly heard. 70 BAROSMA CRENATA. Awoke with great difficulty of breathing, the lungs feel tight and compressed ; could not get a full breath, felt obliged to open the window, to get my face to the fresh air. o Dyspnoea during the low stages of typhoid. BACK. Dull heavy pain in the lumbar region, very much aggravated by walking. Back and hips are very stiff and ache severely. Chills up and down the back as if ague were coming on. Dull heavy aching in the lumbar region on going to bed at night, flashes of heat from the small of the back in all directions. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Stiffness of the joints as if strained, and twitching in the left deltoid, and latissimus dorsi of left side. Soreness of muscles of neck, muscular debility, feeling of weariness in the right arm and shoulder. Hands feel too large and are tremulous with a thrilling sen- sation as if going to sleep. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Dull drawing pains in right groin and testicle, also in the legs and knee joints. Burning heat of feet, feeling of pulsation. Dull pain in the sacrum, extending round the hips and down the right leg. Extremities feel hot, except the feet, which are cold. Cramp in the calves when walking. Aching in the limbs, heat and burning in the lower extremi- ties so intense as to prevent sleep most of the night. BAROSMA CRENATA. (Buchu.) Analogues : — Copaiva, ChiniapJiilla,Erigeron, TerebintJiina, Uva ursi. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture, dilutions. \^No proving, but its importance demands one ; it would doubtless cause, secondarily, all the conditions given below. — Hale.] o Gastric catarrJi, causing dyspepsia, o Intestinal catarrh, chronic. o Chronic maladies of the urino-genital organs, characterized by mnco-purnlejit secretions. BELLIS PERENNIS. 7 1 o Chronic iiijiammation of the pelvis of the kidneys, and mucous membranes of the bladder, attended with co- pious discharge of mucus. o Irritable bladder, from vesical catarrh. O Irritable conditions of the urethra, as spasmodic stricture. o Gleet, with profuse discharge. o Lithiasis, with increased secretion of lithic acid. — (Pereira.) o Prostatic affections. o Incontinence of urine from irritability of neck of bladder. O Dropsy, idiopathic anasarca. o LeucorrJicea, complicated with vesical diseases. o Undue secretion of the mucous follicles of the urethra, the vesicular seminales or prostrates, produced by excessive venery, or self-pollution. — (Stille.) BELLIS PERENNIS. (English Daisy. ) Analogues : — Arnica (?) Hamamelis (?) Rhus (?). Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the plant ; in- fusion. A large boil on the back of my neck (for the first time in my life, right side, commencing with a dull aching pain ; some difficulty and bruised pain in keeping the head erect ; slight nausea, want of appetite, and a little gid- diness in the head. Pain in the little finger of the left hand, as of a gathering ; at the same time pain in inner side of left forearm, as of a boil developing, afterwards similar pain iu right arm. A boil beginning as a slight pimple, with burning pain in skin, increasing until in six days' time it was very large, of a fiery purple color, and very sore, burning and aching pain in it, accompanied with headache, extend- ing from occiput to sinciput, of a cold, aching character. The brain felt as if contracted, with vertigo. This was followed by other boils.* o Boils. o Bruises, with extra vasated blood. — (Thomas.) o Sprains of ankle and tvrist. — (lb.) o Whitlows. — (lb.) [Used iu the same manner as Arnica.] [The only Bellis (Daisy) indigenous to the United States — B. integrifolia —grows profusely all over the United States; has probably the same properties.] * Proving by Dr. Thomas, in additions to Mat. Med., London, 1868, 72 NEW REMEDIES. BENZOATE OF AMMONIA. Analogues : — Benzoic acid, Colchicwn, Ferr. tnur. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations. HEAD. Rheumatic pains about the head and neck, o Heaviness, and stupidity of the head. (In dropsy.) FACE. Bloated face, with swollen eyelids. URINARY ORGANS. Very scanty, dark red, bloody-looking urine, with strong am- moniacal odor, with red, thick sediment. Scanty, dark and smoky-looking urine. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. The urine is acrid and irritating. (Primary effect.) Profuse and frequent urination. Clear, limpid, and abundant urine. The sediment disappears from the urine. (Secondary.) o Nocturnal incontinence of urine. * Scanty, blood-red urine in rheumatic affections, o Urinary troubles of infants. o Dropsy after scarlet fever or Bright's disease. extremities. Rheumatic affections of the arms and legs. Dropsical swelling of the legs. BROMIDE OF IRON. (Ferri Bromatum.) Analogues : — Bromide of Potassa, Bromide of Ammonium, Caladium. , Officinal Preparations : — Triturations, o SpermatorrhcBa, with great debility, ansemia, and depression of spirits. — ( U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour., July, iSyi.) NEW REMEDIES. - 73 BENZOATE OF AMMONIA. Additional Symptoms — Sec opposite page. o Jaundice, from suppression of the biliary secretion (not from obstruction of the ducts). — Harley. Gout, when the small joints are red and swollen, or when fluid was deposited in the joint of the great toe ; and also in cases when the lithate of soda existed in the joints of the fingers. — (Seymour.) o Albuminuria; the albumen in real dropsy diminished under its use. — (10.) BROMIDE OF AMMONIA. MENTAL SPHERE. HEAD. * Sensation as if a band were tied around the head, pressing the hardest just above the ears. * Pain in right side of head, near the eye, as if a nail were driven in. o Sharp pain in left side of the head. In cases where there is suspicion of the existence of con- gestion of the base of the brain, and still more of con- gestion of the spinal cord, or its meninges, the Bromide of Ammonia is preferable to the Kali Brom. — (Brozun Sequard.) * Headache from congestion of the brain. O Epilepsy when the predominant symptom is intense conges- gestion of the brain. — (Broivn Sequard.) o Cerebro-spinal meningitis.— fi/^/^j. EYES, o Pain around both eyes, into the head, o Right eye full of white, stringy mucus. Looks as if a membrane were growing over the eye, like a pterygium. Both eyes very sore and red ; lids stuck together in the morning. Eyeballs unnaturally full, large. 9 74 BROMIDE OF AMMONIA. Every evening eyelids droop, and it is painful and difficult to raise them. O Strumous opthalmia, conjunctivitis, corneitis, leucoma. — (Gibbs.) NOSE. Discharge of stringy mucus from the nose, o Catarrh of the anterior and posterior nares, of thick, stringy mucus. MOUTH AND THROAT. White, stringy, tasteless mucus in the mouth. Accumulation of mucus in the throat. Fauces, and top of tongue for half its length, feci as if scalded. Stinging in fauces, inclhiation to cough, relieved by sneezing. Tongue very sore, as if burnt ; cannot talk or read without pain. Throat looks mottled, as if diphtheritic deposit were com- mencing. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Cough caused by a secretion of mucus in the throat. Tickling in the throat in the morning, with inclination to cough. Irritation of throat, with inclination to cough, o Sudden, deep cough, spasmodic, causing a pain in the stomach. Irritation of the organs of respiration and stomach, accom- panied with spasmodic cough, and even a distinct whoop. — (Okie.) o Whooping cough, many cases. — (Drs. Harley, Gibbs.) Cough deep, spasmodic, and very severe, and at times an in- terval of only a few moments, almost continuous for hours, especially when lying down at night, with a sen- sation of tickling irritation, with heat and burning. O Cough distressing, hoarse, dry, spasmodic, asthmatic and exhausting, without expectoration. CHEST. Tightness across the chest, with pain in the chest ; inclina- tion to take a long, deep breath. Swallowing anything cold causes a feeling of distress the whole length of the oesophagus. Sensation on top of right shoulder as if a heavy load were upon it. STOMACH. Something seems to issue from the stomach, as if it would stop my breath, causing a faint and disagreeable sen- sation, and belching of wind, which relieves me. 13ROMIDE OF FJTIIIUM. 75 Sensation as of hot air passing up the throat on the right side, though the stomach feels cold. BACK. Feeling as though something were pressed hard against the right kidney ; relieved by pressure, but leaving a pulling . sensation. UTERUS, o In all forms of uterine hemorrhage, whether from lesions of the uterus itself, from ovarian irritation, excitation, in- flammation, or any of the various diseased or deranged actions peculiar to the ovaries or adjoining parts and viscera, o Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea. I have used it with great alleviation of suffering. — (Griffith.) SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Great lameness, with sharp pains in back of left leg, midway from the Itip to the knee. Pains leave the right leg and are felt in the left in the same place. Pains leave above the knee, and are felt below the knee, then in the ankle, then in the foot. BROMIDE OF LITHIUM. Analogues: — Bromides of Potassa, Ammonia, and Soda : Chloral hydrate, Belladonna, Coninni, Opium. Officinal Preparations : — The 'saturated aqueous solu- tion and dilutions. [This salt will doubtless prove a useful remedy, and should be proven. It has been used in cases where the other Bromides caused eruptions, which this does not. I would suggest that it will be a valuable remedy in rheu- matic affections and diseases of the heart.] o Threatened apoplexy, or cerebral congestion, with or without hemorrhage. A gentleman who had had one attack, and was in consequence hemiplegic, was taken with vertigo, headache, numbness, and thickness of speech. One dose of 30 grains removed the symptoms in less than half an hour ! (Dr. S. W. Mitchell observes that it acts quicker than the other bromides.) o Epilepsy. When the Bromide of Potassium loses its effect, or disagrees, the Lithium .salt arrests the paroxysms. o P^pileptic fit every morning on rising ; (cured by 10 grains twice a day). o Relieved a case in which any prolonged mental exertion flushed the face, caused intense pain between the shoul- ders, and insomnia. ^6 BR MIDE OF rOTASSIUM. o It removes obstinate slctplessncss more promptly and surely than the other bromides, SKIN. It does not cause the acne, eruptions, and skin-ulcers of the other bromides. BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. MIND. Remarkable slowness of speech, and difficulty of collecting the ideas, and expressing them. — (Turnbidl.) Profound melancJiolic delusions. — (Hammond) He imagined that he had been specially singled out for Di- vine vengeance, and he spent the greater part of the evening in loudly deploring his sad fate, — falling sud- denly asleep at intervals of a few minutes. — (lb.) He walked the room, groaning and wringing his hands ; he thought he had been accused of robbing a friend, and that the officers were in search of him ; with unsteady gait ; hands and fingers in constant action ; face pale and pupils contracted. — {lb) Loss of memory. He forgot how to talk ; for instance, when asked what made him take so large a dose (60 grs.) he was fully two minutes endeavoring to form a reply, and then was obliged to give up the attempt, with the remark " I can't."-/ /^.; Amnesic ■&.'^\v3i'&\'a., — there was no difficulty of co-ordinating the movements of the tongue, so as to articulate distinctly any word he was told to pronounce. — (lb.) Gloomy ideas relative to his present and future condition, ivitJi weeping, moaning and wringing of hands. — (lb.) She fancied the boarders in the hotel insulted her. — ( Van Beren) Imagined the weekly bills of the landlord were the evidences of a conspiracy got up against her father. — {lb.) While standing on the guards of the boat she suddenly gave a loud shriek, and declared she had seen her brother fall overboard. — {lb.) Profound depression of spirits with melancholy delusions. {lb) She is very absent-minded, low-spirited and childish. — {Ham- mond) Mental depression, zvitJi feeling of approaching death and great weakness. — {Thomas) Feebleness of intelligence. — {Plctzer) Decided lack of will and mental activity — {Brozcn-Seqiiard) BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 'J'J o Removes the delusions during and after delirium tremens. — o Acute mania, ivitJi fullness of the blood-vessels of the brain. o Frightful imaginings at night (in pregnant women during the latter months,) they are under the impression that they have committed, or about to commit, some great crime and cruelty, such as murdering their children or hus- bands. — {Ringer) O Night terrors of children (not from indigestion,) with scream- ing, unconsciousness of what is occurring around them ; cannot recognize, nor be comforted by their friends ; sometimes followed by squinting. — {Ringer.) o Somnambulism in children. — {lb.) o She is very fretful, crying at trifles, constantly brooding over the loss of a daughter; is almost crazy. From fretting, loss of rest, aad want of nourishment, is seized with nervous dysentery. Cured by Bromide of Potassium, 7 grs., every two hours. {Caro.) o Spasms, from emotional or moral disturbances. — {Browne) o Puerperal mania. o Delirium tremens, — not so good in the acute attacks of mania, as in the " nervousness " which precedes it. — {Begbie) o Great despondency — in men and women, — they "feel as if they should go out of their minds." — {Ringer.) o Deep depression, with painful delusions, with persistent sleeplessness, and dread of impending destruction of all near to her. — {Begbie) Insanity, disappearing on suspending the use of the drug. — {Hammond.) Delusions that lewd women had got into his mother's house. He imagined he was pursued by the police. — {lb) He imagined his life was threatened by members of his family. — {lb) He believed he had thousands of dollars sewed up in his clothing. — {lb) He appeared like a drunken man, except that his face was very pale, pulse 60, skin cool and pupils contracted. — {lb) Manner exciting and rambling ; his hands constantly busy, either fumbling in his pockets, tying his shoes, picking threads from his clothing, or in searching for the gold, which he imagined was concealed in the lining of his coat.— (/^.) His character had undergone a radical change ; from having been frank and brave, he had become excessively timid and suspicious of every trifling circumstance. — (lb) 7S BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. He several times attempted to throw himself from the win- dow, and battered down a door with an axe, in order to escape from some imaginary danger. — {/l>.) Her memory was absolutely destroyed; she could not recol- lect the simplest things, and even forgot her own name and that of her husband, though reminded of both an instant before. — (Id.) Frequently she would burst into tears for no cause whatever, and often from purely imaginary causes. — (Id.) Incoherent, full of delusions, of no fixed character, and Remarkably depressed in spirits. — (/<^.) (This was the most prominent symptom.) She had the erroneous idea that she was deserted by all her friends, and as a consequence, she passed all her waking moments, which were not many, in tears. — {lb) A fixed delusion that her child was dead ; she declared she saw it dead before her, and when it was brought to her, she refused to acknowledge that it was hers, or had any resemblance" to the one she imagined was dead. — (lb) Most intense melancholy, attended with fits of uncontrollable weeping, in a man. — {lb.) Positive delusions of various kinds. BRAIN. It lessens the amount of blood circulating within the cranium and produces a shrinking of the brain from this cause. — {Hammond.) Heaviness of the head. — {Pletser.) In a case of epilepsy, caused by cerebral-anaemia, each dose of 20 grs. caused an attack. — {Hammond) Vertigo, both slight and extreme, with dullness of the head. — {Nore.) Confusion of the head. Drooping of the head ; difficulty of holding it erect. — {Brozvn Sequard.) The flushed face, the throbbing of the carotids and tem- porals, the suffusion of the eyes, the feeling of fullness of the head, all disappear, as if by magic, under its use. — {Hammond.) o Violent headache, from concussion of the brain. — {lb.) o Mercurial headache. — {Robcrteau.) o Convulsions — during acute meningitis, after the inflammation has declined, leaving serious damage. — {Ringer. Hale.) o Delirium tremens ; it relieves the delirium (not furious) re- moves the delusion, and produces sleep. — {Begbie. Hale) o Bad results from overtaxing the brain by intense study; too close attention to business; grief; anxiety. — {lb.) BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 79 o Calms excitement, removes the giddiness, noises in the ears, and perversions of the external senses from disease of brain. — {lb.) o Cerebral irritations during cholera infantum ; pupils dilated, eyes sunken, eyeballs moving in every direction without taking any notice ; feet and hands blue and cold ; pulse imperceptible. Fifty cases treated — no deaths. Dose one-half grain every hour. — {Dr. Caro.) Head hot, feet as if in a furnace, with coldness and chills, etc., etc. See "Abdomen." — (C^iro.) o A feeling of " lightness " and exhilaration takes the place of heaviness and depression. — {SiDipson.) o Incipient basilar meningitis. A delicate thin female child aged five years, had complained for several weeks of se- vere headache, nearly all the time, worse at night. She would play a few minutes with other children, then lie her head down on a chair or other support, and cry with the headache. She grew weak, emaciated, dull, heavy- eyed ; had no appetite; did not sleep well nights ; when sleeping it was disturbed by groans, grinding of the teeth, starting up as if frightened ; complains of terrible headache ; tongue clean ; pulse 90 to 100, quick and wiry ; constipation ; scanty urine, and too much heat about the head. A careful homoeopathist had given Belladonna, Hyosciamus, Cina, Bryonia, and other ap- parently well chosen remedies, without effect. I at first gave Belladonna, 200, then Sulphur, 200th, which miti- gated the pain a short time. Agaricus 3d was tried without much effect. Finally Kali brom. one half grain every three hours for a few days, — no perceptible im- provement ; then one grain every three hours, when de- cided improvement in all respects set in, and in three weeks she was quite well. As soon as decided improve- ment occurred the medicine was given at loager inter- vals. — \Hale?\ EYES. Pupils contracted. Sight impaired, weak vision, with greatly contracted pupils. Diminution of sensibility in the ocular conjunctiva, so that the finger may be passed with impunity over the surface of the eyeball without causing winking. — \_Tnrnbull.'\ Weak sight, zvith intoxication and deafness. — [^Stille.'] Dilated pupils, zuith extreme vertigo and confusion of the head. — {^Hering^ Pupils prominent. — [AW^.] Pupils dilated, and contract very sluggishly under the influ- ence of a very strong light. — \Turnbull?\^ 8G bromide 01" rOTASSlUxM. Lustcrless eyes. — [Baziro.] o Squinting, after night-terrors of children. — [Rtuj^^c-r.] i o Dilated pupils and sunken eyes (in cholera infantum). — [Caro.] o Eyeballs moving in every direction. — [/^.] o Photophobia (as a collyrium, 2 parts to 30 of water). — [Cam- bron and Rosignol.'] EAR.S. Diminution of hearing. — \Hat7inw]id?\ o Ringing in the ears. — \Bcgbic^ NOSE, o Erythematous swelling of the nose. MOUTH — TONGUE — FAUCES. Loss of speech. Amnesic aphasia, — {Hammond^ Much difficulty in talking. — [/^.] Slight redness of the buccal and pharyngeal mucous mem- branes. — \Pletzer^^ Slight tracheal and bronchial catarrh. — [/<^.] The fauces do not contract when touched, tickled, or even cut with instruments. — \Ib?[ o Tongue pale and cold. — \Ib^ o Tongue red and dry (in cholera infantum). — [/^.] o Infants are choked every time they attempt to d,x\\^ fluids . although they can swallow solids without difficulty, — no malformation of the throat. — \Ringcr?\ o Hot, dry mouths of teething infants. — [Caro.] FACE. A papular rash on face and nose, with heat and itching. — [McGf'cgor.] Successive crops of small boils in the face, with trouble from itching. — [Ba.'::ire.] Acne-like eruption on the face, neck and sho'alders. — [Brozuu- Seqi(ard!\ o Expressionless face. — [Ba^iire.] o Acne, in young persons. — [Hale^ JAWS AND TEETH, o Difficult dentition of children. — [Caro.] o Odontitis in children. " I have never failed to relieve the child by its local application." — [-Ib.]^ o After the first rubbing on, the gum.s, from being turgid, swollen, and red, they assume their natural color, and a certain amount of ease is felt. — [^b.] o The salivary secretion is restored (in teething children), and as if by enchantment, agitation, carpopedal involuntary motion, vomiting, and looseness of the bowels disappear. ^[Ib.] BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. Si MOUTH. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces, painfulness of the tongue, prominent pupils, rough and burning sensations in the whole buccal cavity as if burnt with caustic. — [iVis'i^r.] Increased secretion of saliva and mucus. — [/&.] Short lasting titillation in the fauces. — [/<^.] A state of insensibility of the larynx dind palate ; the fingers may be carried to the base of the tongue, touch the amygdalae and posterior nares, and tickle the uvula, without inducing any effort at vomiting or deglutition. —[Htcett:] o Restoration of the suppressed salivation in teething chil- dren. — [Caro.] o Foetid breath. — [Hale.] White tongue, involving the edg-es as v/ell as the dorsum, and nor necessarily furred, with great languor, sleepiness, and anorexia. — [/^.] GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Increased appetite. — [iVl?^^.] Thirst in the afternoon. — \Ib^ Repeated repulsive eructations. — \Jb?\ Violent nausea and efforts to vomit, with vomiting of a small quantity of mucus, with salt taste in the mouth. — [/^.] o Troublesome pressure at the stomach after dinner. — \_Hering!\ o Loss of appetite. — [Noae.] LIVER. O Enlargement of the liver ; under the use of half a grain three times a day, the belly rapidly assumes the natural size. ■ — [Mag-endie.] STOMACH. Slight catarrh of the stomach. — [Plet:yer.] Peculiar pressure in the region of the stomach, succeeded by violent colic. — [Hering:] Weakness of the stomach, for some time. — [Id.] o Vomiting when the ganglionic system is affected. — [Begdie.] o Vomiting during pregnancy. — [Cersof. Hale.] o Vomiting in whooping cough. — [Dr. Bear/oot.] o Vomiting of meconium. — [Caro.] o Vomiting, with intense thirst. — [Tb-] o Vomiting of drunkards after a debauch. — [Hale?[ o Chronic morning vomiting of drunkards. — [Ib'\ o Vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps, coldness and collapse in cholera infantum. — [Ib?\ Vomiting with diarrhoea of teething children. — [Czro.] lO 82 BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. o Cholera mfaiitum — many cases (i6o cases treated); only three deaths. — \Ib?\ SPLEEN, o Enlargement of the spleen, o Small tumor in the region of the spleen. — [ T/inibfill^ ABDOMEN, o Ascites of hepatic or splenic origin, o Con.stipation of years continuance. — \_HaleP\ Obstinate constipation. — \_PlUzcr?\^ Sensation of warmth in the dihdoxncn.—^H cii/i crd ifi^cr^ Flatulence; frequent rumbling. — [/<{'.] Frequent soft stools, preceded by colic. — [//^.] Several papescent and afterward liquid stools.— [/i^.] o Bloody muco-purulent diarrhoea, with intense thirst, vomit- ing, eyes sunken, pupils dilated, skin corrugated and spotted blue, body cold, tongue red and dry, pulse im- perceptible, urine suppressed. — [Caro.^ O Co/tc in young children ; the walls of the belly are retracted and hard, while the intestines can be seen at one spot contracted into a hard lump, of the size of a small orange, and the contraction can be seen through the abdominal wall to travel from one part of the intestines to another ; these attacks are frequent and excruciating; are unconnected with diarrhoea or constipation, but are often associated with an apthous condition of the mouth. — \Ringcr. Halel] o Abdomen sunken, almost stuck to the vertebral column, o Retention of meconium, with vomiting of all food, and obsti- nate constipation ; in a child three days old, cured by 1-50 of a grain every hour. — [Caro.] o Painless diarrhoea, 15 or 20 passages in 24 hours, zuit/i great chilliness, even in a hot room ; burning in the chest ; abdomen cold internally ; pulse 100, weak ; urine scanty, dribbling a few drops at start. " At every evacu- ation felt as if my intestines were sinking from me. I was restless and shaky as if from palsy." Dose five grains ; after the second day fell asleep for six hours, perspiring profusely. — [Caro.] o Summer complaint, or cholera infantum, is not an inflamma- tory affection, but arises from an over excitement of the nervo2is and vascular systems, and therefore the b. of p. is a specific. — [/<^.] o Asiatic cholera, in the first stage, arrests the vomiting, the cramps, and the rice-water discharges ; restores the se- cretion of urine ; the warmth and color to the pre- viously cold and Hvid skin. (Dose 20 grains every BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 83 hourj Its use should be suspended when reaction or fever sets in. — [Beg-di6'.] o Discharge of a considerable quantity of tar-Hke substance (decomposed blood), having a foetid smell ; accompanied with tenesmus in animals. — [A^^iZ^:.] SEXUAL ORGANS. (MEN.) DimimUiou of sexual desire. — [Huctt et al.] Absence of sexual desire, wi^/i impotence. — [Id.] Semen is not secreted. — [Pffeifer.] o Nocturnal emissions, tvith amorous dreams and erections. — [Huett.] o Elxcessive sexual desires, with constant erections at night. — [Hale] o C/iordee, during gonorrhoea. — [/^.] o Satyriasis. — \Thiallinan] o Sensual and lascivious fancies and dreams. — {Hale) The anaphrodisiac power of the b. of p. is due to contraction of minute afferent vessels of the corpus cavernosus. — {Pelvet.) SEXUAL ORGANS. (WOMEN.) Abolition of all sexual feelings. — {Hale.) Loss of enjoyment during coition. — {lb.) o Nymphomania. — {Hale, Couch, Hammond, et al.) o Excessive sexual desires during the menses. — {Hale.) o Erotomania, a few days after the menses. — {lb.) o Nymphomonia during the puerperal state. — {lb.) o Voluptuous itching, tingling and irritation in the external genital organs. — {!b.) Epilepsy from ovarian irritation. O Epileptic attacks at or near the menstrual periods. — (A^J'- cock.) o Enlargement of the uterus ("sub-involution") after parturi- tion, with abnormal discharges. — {Simpson.) o Diminished the size and alleviates the pain in fibrous tumors of uterus. — {lb.) o Men.strual ailments. Before the men.ses : headacht ; during the menses : epileptic spasms, nymphomania, itching, burn- ing aad excitement in the vulva, pudenda and clitoris ; after the menses: headache, insomnia, and heat in the ^en itals. — (Hale. ) o Metorrhagia from reflex irritation, or of a nervous origin. — {lb.) o Menorrhagia at the climacteric period. — {Garrod.) o Sterility. The menses are more scanty. 84 BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. URINARY ORGANS. In a few cases the urine contained albumen. — {Pletzer.) Pain in the region of the kidneys, spreading in the direction of the colon ascendens, afterwards copious secretion of urine. — {Noac.) Diminution of the sensibility of the urethra. — {Cai'o.) Profuse urination with thirst. — {Hering) Thin, yellowish-white, copious urine. — {Hcimerdingcr) Pale, thin urine, having a peculiar foetid smell. — {Noac) Diminished secretion of urine. — {lb) o Convulsions from Bright's disease. o Abnormal irritability of the urinary passages. — (Id.) o Nocturnal involuntary emissions of urine. — {Heivson) o Suppression of urine in cholera infantum. — (Caro.) o Diabetes mellitus. (Two cases.) Symptoms : emaciation ; paleness ; skin cold and dry ; pulse rapid and feeble ; tongue red and tender ; gums spongy and bleeding ; thirst excessive ; appetite voracious ; bowels consti- pated ; urine pale, frequent, large quantity, of high density, and loaded with sugar ; liver tumid and tender. (Twenty grs. b. of p. three times a day. All the symp-* toms disappeared in six weeks ; no relapse. — {Begbie) o Neuralgia of the neck of the bladder. — iPfeiffer) o Spasmodic affection of the neck of the bladder. — {Hale.) o [The b. of p. is found in the urine two weeks, even four weeks after it was taken in ah animal] — {Robertean. Namias) LARYNX. Loss of sensibility in the larynx. Hoarseness, extremely painful and disagreeable. — {Hering) Hacking cough, with dullness and confusion of the head — {lb) o Hyperaesthesia of the laryngeal nerves. o Whooping cough, uncomplicated by other affections, o Laryngismus stridulus, uncomplicated. o Diphtheria, -with, quick pulse; fever; dry tongue ; offensive breath ; highly injected and dusky red fauces ; with patches of wash-leather exudation on tonsils or pharynx. — {Sftelling) o Diphtheritic angina. — {Belcher) o Membranous croup, with whitish exudation. [Kali bich., when yellow.]— f/(^.j [A solution of b. of p. dissolves false membranes.] — {Laboul- bene) O Whooping cough — the spasmodic action disappears in about five days, leaving a simple bronchial catarrh. It re- moves the anxiety and the vomiting ; improves the appetite and increases the strength. — (De Beatifort.) BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 85 o Nervous cough during pregnancy, threatening abortion ; the cough was dry, hard and almost incessant. Ascultation or percussion gave no evidence of disease of the head or lungs. Opium, Belladonna, etc., were tried for two months, without benefit. Bromide of Potassium, 30 grains a day, cured in two hours. — {Dr. Cerson.) o Spasmodic croup, as the chief remedy almost to the exclu- sion of other articles. — {Dr. G. T. Elliot. Hale.) CHEST. Slight bronchial catarrh. — {Pletscr.) Tightness of breathing. — {Noac.) Violent congestion of blood to the respiratory organs, oc- casioning spitting of blood, o Asthma of a nervous origin. — {Begbie.) o Breath hot and hurried. — {Caro.) o Burning in the chest. — {lb.) o Breathlessness, with nervous headache, and want of sleep. — (Begbie.) o Spasmodic asthma of children. In one case, great dyspncea, no sleep, urine suppressed, general oedema, six grains every two hours ; remarkable improvement now set in ; the dyspnoea subsided ; the lividity of the face and oedema disappeared, secretion of urine returned, and sleep was obtained ; cured in seven days. In another case the result was similar. It did no good in old asth- matics. — (Hebr. Sondahl.) o It has a sedative effect upon the action of the heart. — {C. Browtie.) " The respirations are affected in a secondary manner only." It appears to be influenced only mechanically, that is to say, its muscles are paralyzed, like the other muscles, more or less rapidly ; early in frogs, and at the moment of death in birds and rabbits. — {Detnourette and Pelvet.) LOWER EXTREMITIES. Debility of lower limbs ; step tremulous and uncertain. — {Stille.) Loss of sensibility in lower limbs ; pinching and burning causes no pain. — {Pachc.) Extremities cold, and the pulse slow and very weak. — ( Turn- bull.) o Legs and feet cold and blue, and on being touched would leave the white impress of the fingers for more than twenty-five seconds, — in cholera infantum. — {Caro.) 86 BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. SLEEP. Extreme drowsiness. — {Hammojtd, et al.) She slept all night, and would often fall asleep in her chair, and in most uncomfortable positions. — [lb) He falls suddenly asleep at intervals of a few minutes. — {lb.) Tendency to coma. — {Plctaer.) A kind of stupor resembling that of the first stages of ty- phoid fever, — [Basire.) o Deep, profound aad quick slumber, (from 20 to 30 grains). — {Hammond?) o Obstinate insomnia, in case of mercurial poisoning. — {Rob- ert eau?) o Sleeplessness during convalescence from acute diseases. — {Begbie!) o Night terrors of children, (see Mind), o Horrible dreams {do^ o Waking with severe headache, in a child. — {Hale.) o Grinding of the teeth during sleep, with moans and cries. — {Hale.) SKIN. Eruptions of small boils, in successive crops chiefly over the face and trunk, and accompanied with troublesome itching. — {Bazire. ) The secretion of the skin is reduced in proportion to the anaemia of that tissue. — iPelvet.) A papular rash on the face, with heat and itching.-(J/f6Vir^(f'r.) Erythematous swellings. — {Garrod.) Echthymatous eruptions. — {Fb.) o Moist eruptions. — {lb.) o Syphilitic psoriasis. — {lb.) o Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated. (In cholera infantum.) — {Caro.) PULSE AND HEART. Pulse reduced in force and frequency to 50 per minute. The minute blood-vessels contract immediately in the region of injection, and later throughout the organism, and the contraction is suceeedcd by dilation. — {Pelvet.) The heart alone survives many hours (in animals) ; when it stops, its irritability can be again aroused for some in- stants, to disappear at last totally. But from the com- mencement of the physiological or toxic action, the ittHllary circulation is diminished, and the pulsations of ths heart are retarded. — \D amour ette aud Pelvet?) o Pulse imperceptible, with coldness and collapse. — {Caro?) o Pulse 100, weak. Pulse small and feeble. — {lb?) BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. 8/ TEMPERATURE. The temperature of the body was reduced one or two degrees centigrade. — {Plctscr.) The temperature is sensibly lessened in warm-blooded ani- mals first, and during many hours in the region injected, and afterwards throughout the organism. The phe- nomena depends upon the diminution of the capillary circulation, at first local, afterwards general, o Body cold ; skin corrugated and mottled. — {Caro.) o Shivering with cold, and cold skin, although the child was covered with mustard plasters. — [lb.) GENERALITIES. The gait became staggering ; false steps became frequent. Weakness of the muscles of the arms — but no vertigo. (Pletzer.) It paralyzes the nerves of the spinal cord. — (lb.) Intoxication, with loss of sight and hearing. — (Stille.) * Epilepsy from large doses in a case of cerebral ana;mia.— (Hammond.) Unsteadiness of gait ; he was frequently taken for a drunken man; was once arrested for supposed drunkenness — {Hammond.) Well marked numbness throughout the body, and very deci- ded diminution of sensibility. Almost constant twitching of the fingers and a busy occu- pation of them in matters of no importance. Unable to stand or walk ; face ashy pale ; pupils contracted ; loss of memory. Great weakness of the extensors of the legs and feet. Vertigo, fainting and nUusea. Very emaciated, weak, aud of a peculiar pallid color. — ( Turnbull.) As an agent for lessening reflex excitability, exceeds all other remedies. — {Pletzer) o Neuroses involving the brain and accompanied by convul- sions. — {Ib)j o Mercurial trembling. — (Roberteau.) Lead poisoning. — .(lb.) o Infantile convulsions, during teething, whooping cough or laryngismus stridulus. Spasm of the glottis ; it prevents the recurrence of the spasms. — {Ringer. Hale) * Epilepsy, chiefly grand mal ; rarely useful m petit mal. Restless and shaky, as if from palsy. — {Caro) It diminishes the abnormal vascularity of the great nervous centres. 88 BROMIDE OK POTASSIUM. It mitigates those convulsive movements and spasmodic twitchings, which are the results of the rapid conversion of sensory impressions, or of morbid reflex action through the medulla oblongata — (C. Browne.) o Quotidian ague after quinine had been given for two weeks without result. " The sweating stage was unusually protracted and exhausting." " A full dose every three hours during a remission, cured." — {Beghie) * It removes pathological deposits of fatty matter only, while the iodide removes normal adipose matter. — (Simpson.) It diminishes the r^r.r excitability of the nervous centres. — (Brow?t Sequard) The functions of organic life are not disturbed. — (Huett.) o Epilepsy — especially occurring at or near the menses — \L ay cock)) Epilepsy may be arrested by it, but returns when this drug is suspended. — {Ramshill.) Paralysis agitans. — {Hammond)) o Trembling sensation throughout the whole body. — {Hale.) o Tetanus; a boy 15 years old, from suppuration of finger nail and exposure to cold by sleeping on the grass. Attacked October 8th. Discharged September loth. Dose 20 grs. every two hours nearly all the time. A few days took 20 grs. every hour. — {R. Brozune.) o Chorea in a female. The tongue protruded with a jerk ; muscles of the face, right arm and legs in constant jacti- tation, quite violent. Eight grains every three hours ; cured in two days. — {Dr. Hume.) o Chorea in a female, of several weeks. Unable to dress her- self or work, and could hardly speak. Face, arm and leg of right side affected. Ten grains every four hours cured her in three days. — {Dr. Htime.) * Symptoms from ati affection of vaso-motor nerves, namely : I. Occasional sudden paroxysmal feeling of "numbness," a term employed by some to denote the sensation of "pins and needles ;" by others that of " deadness" and "weakness," and by a third group an "indescribable feeling of something wrong." II. A feeling of " largeness," or "as if the limb were swollen," there being at the time of its occurrence no change in the size of the extremity. III. The occurrence of " aching," of " uneasiness," or of actual " pain," the latter not very severe. IV. The feeling of "coldness," and occasionally, the obvious fact of coldness. V. The fact of sudden " weakness," sometimes termed a " paralyzed " feeling ; the patient being unable to retain BUFO. 89 the grasp of an object, and hastily putting it down, or allowing it to fall. At such times the muscles do not respond readily to the will ; the co-ordination of move- ment is defective. Such acts as writing or needle-work have to be discontinued, and generally such patients rub the limbs by, as it would seem, an almost instinctive impulse. VI. The occurrence of sensations allied to cramp, or that of actual cramp, with varying amounts of pain. — {J. Russell Reynolds. [Aconite, Gelseminum, Platinum, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Veratrum album, and Calcarea carb. have many of the above symptoms. — Hale.'\ " The symptoms due to large doses of the Bromide of Potas- sium may be stated as follows, in the usual order of their occurrence : 1. Contraction of the pupils. 2. Drowsiness. 3. Weakness of the arms and legs. 4. Depression of mind. 5. Failure of memory. 6. Delusions. The first three of these are, I think, usual accompaniments of an active dose of the medicine. They simply show a sedative effect due to cerebral anaemia. In adults they never follow a less dose than ten grains. Doses of five grains produce no obvious effects. No permanent diffi- culty results from very large doses." — (Hammond) Dr. Hammond asserts that to a condition of cerebral anczmia most of the obvious phenomena which follow its ad- ministration should be ascribed. BUFO. [I cannot accept as reliable, or worthy the serious study of homeopathic physicians, all the so-called provings of Dr. Houatt, whose pathogeneses of Bufo, Robinia, Sarracenia, etc., have appeared in our journals. We are informed that only the highest potencies were used by the prover, and that these were sometimes held in the hand (!) and that by these methods of proving were obtained the tremendous array of symptoms, picturing all the severest diseases to which the human organism is liable. I cannot, there- fore, give all those provings, nor select special symptoms from therti, but shall only give some clinical results said to have been obtained by their use. Of Bufo we have but one curative symptom, that reported by Dr. Hol- cornbe, of the cure of Epilepsy by the use of a high potency. — HaleJ\ II 90 NEW REMEDIES. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. (Night-Blooming Cereus.) Analogues: — Aconite, Agaficus, Belladonna, Crotalns, Gel- scminiun, Iberis, Kalmia, Lachesis, Naja, Lilinni, Stramonium, Spigclia, Veratrum viride. Description: — Stems cylindrical, rooting and very long, provided with five or six slightly prominent ribs, and furnished with small spines or thorns, disposed in radicated forms. Fruit shaped like an q^^, covered with scaly tubercles, fleshy, of an orange or fine reddish color, filled with very small seeds of an acid taste. Flowers have an extremely sweet odor of benzoic acid and vanilla. Officinal Preparations : — Tinctures, dilutions. Sphere of Action: — Specifically on the heart and its blood-vessels. SENSORIUM. Hypochondria and invincible sadness ; unusual melancholy. Fear of death extreme and continuous. Love of solitude. HEAD. * Vertigo from sanguineous congestions to the head. Heavy pain like a weight on the vertex ; worse from noise. * Face bloated and red, with pulsating pain in the head. Feeling of emptiness in the head. Very severe pain in the right side of the head, which is in- creased by the sound of talking and by a strong light. * Pulsating pain in the temples, becoming intolerable at night. EYES. Loss of sight ; there appear circles of red light before the eyes, which dim the sight, o Dimness of sight ; weakness of sight recurring periodically. EARS. Pulsations in the ears day and night. Noise like the running of a river, continuing all night, o Hearing diminished from the buzzing in the ears, o Otitis, from checked perspiration, o Rheumatic otitis, , NOSE. Dry and unpleasant coryza. Fluent and very acrid coryza ; nostrils sore. Profuse epistaxis, soon ceasing ; from acute congestion. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 9I THROAT. O Constriction of the throat, preventing swallowing. Fetid breath in the morning. APPETITE AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS, o Loss of appetite and loss of taste for food, with nausea. Great appetite, but weak and slow digestion. Bad digestion ; all food causes weight and suffering in stomach, o Nausea in the morning, and all day long. STOMACH. Acrid acid in the stomach, making food taste acid. Violent burning in the stomach. Great thirst during the fever. * Continuous pulsation in the stomach, in 'an old lady at the change of life. Heaviness in the stomach after eating, LIVER. Acute and chronic engorgement of the liver from cardiac diseases. ABDOMEN. Distressing sensation in the bowels. Very violent pains in the bowels, with burning sensation, o Enteritis ; also peritonitis. STOOL AND ANUS. Bilious evacuations, with pain in the abdomen. Morning diarrhoea, watery, preceded by great pain. Sensation of great weight in the anus, with itching, with or without copious hemorrhage, o Constipation from hemorrhoidal congestion. URINARY ORGANS. Constriction of the neck of the bladder. Great desire to pass water, but cannot. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious flow, straw color. Urine passed by drops, with burning. Urine reddish, turbid. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Women. — Painful constriction around the pelvis, which grad- ually extends upwards to the stomach. Pain in the uterus and its ligaments, returning every evening. Pulsating pain in the uterus and ovarian regions, extending to the thighs, o Very painful menstruation. Menstruation copious and painless. Menstruation eight days too soon. 92 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Menstruation scanty, ceasing on lying down. Ovaritis and metritis. LARYNX, COUGH, ETC. Obstinate, stertorous cough, worse at night. Spasmodic cough, with copious mucus expectoration, Cough, with thick, yellow expectoration. Dry cough, from tickling in the throat. CHEST. Feeling of constriction of the chest, which prevents free speech, and when forced to speak, the voice is low and hoarse. * Sensation of constriction in the middle of the sternum, as if the parts were compressed by iron pincers, with diffi- cult respiration, aggravated by motion. Constriction in the lotver part of the chest, as if a cord were tightly tied round him. Sharp, wandering pains in the thoracic cavity. Painful drawing in the muscles of the left side of the chest extending to the shoulder joint, impeding respiration and the use of the left arm. Oppression of breathing as from a great weight on the chest, with a sense of uneasiness, or as if the chest was con- stricted by an iron band. * Periodical attacks of suffocation, with fainting, cold perspi- ration on the face, loss of pulse. * Sanguineous congestion of the chest, making it impossible for him to lie down. o Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest. o Acute bronchitis ; also chronic, with mucus rale, and attacks of great anxiety and suffocation; oppression of breathing on going up stairs ; and inability to lie down in bed. o Pleuritic inflammations. o Peri-pneumouia, with great oppression of respiration ; prick- ing pain ; severe cough ; bloody sputa ; hard pulse, vibrating, 120. O Pneumonia, in its various stages. o HcEmoptysis active, arterial, profuse, with convulsive^ cough. HEART. Sensation of an annoying movement from before backward in the cardiac region, worse by day than by night. * Sensation of constriction in the heart, as if an iron band prc- veftted its normal movement. Dull heavy pains in the region of the heart, increased by external pressure. Pricking pain in the heart, impeding respiration and the movement of the body. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 93 Very acute pain and such painful stitches in the heart as to cause him to cry out loudly, with obstruction of respi- ration. * Palpitation of the heart, continues day and night, worse luhen zvalking, aiid at night, ivhen lying on left side. Nervous palpitation of the heart, aggravated by the near approach of the menses. o Functional disorder of the heart, from mental emotions, ag- gravated at the menstrual period. o A ngina pectoris. o Palpitations, acute and chronic, even in organic diseases of the heart. o Acute inflammatory affections of the heart, idiopathic, and even from rheumatism. o Acute carditis, with blueness of the face ; oppression of breathing ; dry cough ; pricking pain in the heart ; can- not lie on left side ; pulse quick, throbbing, tense and hard. o Chronic carditis, with oedematous and cyanotic face, suffo- cating respiration, continued dull pain in the heart, dropsical effusion all throughout the body ; cannot drink or speak, hands and feet cold, pidse intermittent. o Hypertrophy ivith dilatation ; patients pulseless, extremely exhausted, panting and sad, cannot lie down, or speak ; has scarcely slept for fifteen days ; forgetful, feet cedem- atous. (Is soon relieved, lies down and sleeps 12 hours.) o Oi'ganic diseases of the heart ; valvular diseases, (an invalu- able palliative for many distressing symptoms.) o Heart disease, with oedema of left hand only, (no other remedy has this symptom.) o A constant fluttering sensation in the stomach, over the location of the coeliac axis, in a spot about the size of a dollar ; a burning line extends down from it to the lower ribs on either side ; a hot flash shoots downward, frequently, (caused by a few doses.) o Rheumatic inflammation of the heart, with severe pain in apex of heart, and pain shooting down left arm to the end of the fingers ; dyspnoea, pulse feeble, 120, etc, o Palpitation of the heart from any exertion, with excessive pain over the left side between the scapulae and sacral region. o A whizzing, to and fro, sound, or bruit de soufflet. o Endocardial bruit, increased pr?ecordial dullness, excessive impulse of heart's action, and evident enlargement of right ventricle. O Great irregularity of heart's action — intermittent at times and of varying character — grtdit frequency of action al- 94 CALABAR BEAN. ternating with sloivness. (Enlargement of left ventricle, with great irritation of cardiac nerves. — Sanford.) o Irregularity of heart's action, from reflex irritation. o Palpitation, with vertigo, dyspncea and loss of consciousness. EXTREMITIES. Formication and weight in the arms. CEdema in the hands — worse in the left. o Pain in left arm, down to fingers, (in disease of heart.) CEdema of the feet, legs, up to knees. Restlessness in the legs — cannot keep them still. SLEEP. Sleeplessness without apparent cause ; or from pulsations at the stomach, or in the ears. Delirium during sleep. FEVER. Chills, with chattering of the teeth ; at lo o'clock A. M., fol- lowed by burning heat with shortness of breath. Burning heat at night, followed by a chill, then perspiration. hitermittent fever, quotidian, with chill, heat,' dyspnoea, head- ache, stupefaction, great thirst, then perspiration. CALABAR BEAN. {Physostigma Venenosum.) Analogues : — Agariais, Belladonna, Gelseminiim, Solannm. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the bean. HEAD. A feeling of buoyancy ; desire to move and talk continually. — (Beckwith.) Dullness of mind ; sluggish brain. Dizziness, with great fullness of the blood-vessels of the brain, o Congestion of the brain, with epileptiform attacks. FACE. Heat and redness of the face. EYES. It stimulates the sphincter piipillce and the ciliary muscle to "contraction. It contracts the pupil even in dilatation the result of injury. A decided tight feeling, referable pretty accurately to the ciliary region of the left eye (to which the solution was applied), as if something were creeping in it, (in five minutes). Ten minutes after, this continued, with oc- casional rather sharp pain in the ciliary region. An CALABAR BEAN. 95 attempt to read with both eyes instantly increased this pain, and the type was confused, as if by a disturbance of the power of accommodation. Type looked smaller with the right eye than the left. I could see Jaeger 1 7, at 15 feet, but with a remarkable oscillation in the distinctness ; the type came and went, at one instant quite clear, then indistinct, as if the ciliary muscles were undergoing irregular contractions. Astigniatisin ; the vertical bars of a window were seen clear and sharp at from six to ten feet ; the horizontal bars within the same range having their edges slightly hazy, but rendered clear by a concave cylindrical glass of 14 inches focus. The pupil contracted (to the size of a pin's head) and re- mains so 18 hours, then gradually relaxed during three days, resuming gradually its mobility under light, whether falling on its own or the opposite retina. With the sudden contraction of the pupil came a sudden twi- light gloom, as if an eclipse of the sun, but this gloom soon lessened and gradually disappeared before the pupil dilated. When applied to the eye of a long-sighted person it restores vision (temporarily). Short sightedness (in the normal eye), o Dimness of vision. Trofuse lachrymation. o Paralysis of the circular fibers of the iris, and of the ciliary muscles of one eye; the dilated pupil and dimness of sight disappeared, o Prolapsus of the iris, from injuries, even when the whole globe is vascular and irritated, and sight impaired ; (under the topical use of the alkaloid, the prolapsus re- tracted as the pupil contracted), o Prolapsus of iris, from sloughing of the cornea. Pain in the eyeballs, over the eyes, and in the head. STOMACH. Feeling as if he had bolted a piece of solid food of too large a size ; the sensation gradually increases until it is very painful. Burning heat in the stomach, with much belching of wind. CHEST. Cough, aggravated by talking. HEART. Heart's action tumultuous and irregular. Heart's action feeble and irregular. In some cases the heart goes on beating long after death (in animals). 96 CALABAR BEAN. The heart contained fluid blood and clots in all the four cavities, indicating death from paralysis of the muscles of the heart (in men). NERVOUS SYSTEM. o Chorea in a boy of 14 ; the disease had lasted several months, and resisted Ferrum, Arsenicum and Zinc ; (cured in nine weeks by 18 drops a day of the tincture). (It did no service in a case of paralysis agitans.) o Chorea in a girl of 20 ; (a rapid cure) with the tincture, o Chorea, of the right side, the tongue seemed too large. Muscular paralysis, o Traumatic tetanus, several cases ; (cured), o Epileptiform convulsions. [Will doubtless prove useful in some cases of ccrebro-spinal im?iingitis. --Hale.] GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Increase of secretion, particularly of the perspiratory, sali- vary and intestinal glands ; the discharges that follow are occasionally free, producing severe sweating, insali- vation, and catharsis. The operation of the drug is spinal, not cerebral, acting upon the anterior or motor column, so as to suspend or deaden its energy or reduce the activity of its functions. The powerless parts are those that receive their nervous supply from the spinal cord and its nerves. The mus- cles of the extremities and of respiration are most en- feebled ; and the paralysis is primarily and always seated in the striped muscles. There is no failure of volition ; the will is strong, but a diffi- culty lies in the way of carrying out its purpose. Unable to move, though he makes the attempt. The mind exhibits no defect. Suspension of the functions of the motor tract, by which it does not conduct the impulses of the will through the cord to the muscles. The paralysis is not exclusively owing to poisoned blood, as the lower limbs are first paralyzed, then the upper, the trunk, then the neck. The muscles retain their normal contractility unimpaired, and still respond to direct irritation when artificial stimuli ire applied. The paralysis is commonly preceded by twitching or trem- bling of the muscles ; in the lower animals these are often convulsive. When movements occur, they have sometimes been unco- ordinated ; again, the palsy has been found to include the unstriped muscles ; and furthermore, the functions CANCHALAGUA. 9/ of the brain may be disturbed. The first is only met with after entire loss of exercising the will. The second is, perhaps, due to extension of the poisonous influence to the sympathetic system. Trembling, dizziness, and loss of poiuer in the limbs in half an hour. Fatal syncope, from paralysis of the heart. Stupid and giddy ; a sense of feebleness over the whole body, rendering progression difficult. Sharp pains, shifting quickly from one place to another. When the pain remained in any place for a short time the spot became disagreeably sore. A sensation of heat, accompanied with sweat, extending from the fourth or fifth cervical vertebrae to the last 1 u m bar. — (Beckivith. ) o Dyspepsia, with great pain immediately after eating.* — (Beck- zvitJi.) Constriction of the intestinal canal (general), o Constipation of years' duration. CANCHALAGUA. [The proper botanical name is not known to me. I give the name as it appeared in the Philadelphia Journal of Hoinceopathy?\ Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the whole plant ; dilutions. "A small grass-plant, growing in patches, has a small, red blossom, not unlike the Forget-me-not (Myosotis), a round, woody stem and branches, and lanciform leaves ; indigenous to California." — (Dr. Richter, Philadelphia Journal of Horn., Vol. II.) HEAD. Congested feeling ; with pressive pains in the forehead ; a sensation of fulness. Tightness of the scalp ; it feels as if drawn together. EARS. Piercing and stitching pains in the ears. Buzzing and roaring in the ears. EYES. Burning, first in the left, then in the right. STOMACH. Increase of appetite. Eructations and regurgitations. * Also Arg. nit.]and D'oscorea. — (Hale.) 98 CANNABIS INDICA. Water-brash, with spitting of white mucus, and a trembhng nervousness. SLEEP. Sleeplessness. FEVER. O Frjer and ague ; (tertian.) * Soreness all over, especially in lower extremities. Heat in the whole body, o Intermittent fever, obstinate. — (Dr. Richtcr.) CANNABIS INDICA. (Indian Hemp, Haschisch.) Analogues: — Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Berberis, Bryo- nia, Camphor, Cannabis sat., Cantkarides. Clematis, Copaiva, Digitalis, Dalcamara, Hyoscyamiis, Lachesis, Lycopodiiim, Nnx vomica, Opium, Petroleum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Stannmn, Stramonium, Terebinthina, Thuya, Uva ursi, Veratrum. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture and dilutions. MINI). Moaning and crying. Great anguish and despair. Great apprehension of approaching death. Horror of darkness. Incohere7it talking. Stammering and stuttering. Exaltation of spirits, with great gaiety and disposition to laugh at the merest trifle. Full of fun and mischief, and laughs immoderately. Exaltation of spirits, tuith excessive loquacity. Uncontrollable laughter, till the face becomes purple, and the back and loins ache. Laughs indiscriminately at every word said to him. He begins a sentence, but cannot finish it, because he for- gets what he intended to write or speak. Imagines he is gradually .swelling, his body becoming larger and larger. Very absent minded. Imagines some one calls him. Inability to recall any thought or event, on account of the number of different thoughts crowding on his brain. He fancies he hears numberless bells ringing most sweetly. Imagines he hears music, shuts his eyes, and is lost for some time in the most delicious thoughts and dreams. CANNABIS INDICA. 99 While listening to the piano he loses consciousness, and is seemingly raised gently through the air to a great height, when the strains of music become perfectly ce- lestial ; on regaining consciousness his head is bent for- ward, his neck is stiff, and there is a loud ringing in his ears. His mind is filled with ridiculous speculative ideas. Constantly theorizing. His head feels very heavy, he loses consciousness, and falls. On regaming consciousness, violent shocks pass tlirough his brain. In the daytime, dreams, returning periodically, or dreamy attacks. He could not read, partly on account of dreamy spells, and partly because he had not full power of vision. Fixed ideas. He forgot his last words and ideas, and spoke in a low tone, with a thick voice, as if tired. Every feiv moments he zvoidd lose himself, and then wake up, as it ivere, to those around him. He was in constant fear he zv'ould become insane. Unpleasant shuddering through all the limbs, with a painful feeling of weight in the occiput, and a tetanic inter- mittent contraction of the muscles of the nape of the neck, o Hallucinations and illusions following excesses in wine, and venery, and also arising from or during religious ex- cesses, seem to me to demand this drug with the dietetic use of Phosphate of Lime. — (Gray.) O It has proved of great service against illusions of a spectral character, not accompanied by terror ; such as arise in some forms of nervous fever and in mania puerperalis. In this class of hallucinations my dose has not been less than l/iooth of a grain of the extract (Gunje) rubbed in sugar. — (Gray.) HEAD. Vertigo. Vertigo on rising, with a stunning pain in the back part of his head, and he falls. Fullness in the forehead, as if it would burst. Burning pain in both temples. Heavy insurmountable pressure on the brain, forcing him to stoop. Severe stitch in the right temple, gradually changing to a pressing pain. Aching in both temples, most severe in right. Throbbing, aching pain in forehead. lOO CANNABIS INDICA. Dull, drawing pain in the forehead, especially over the eyes. Dull, heavy, throbbing pain through the head, with a sensa- sation like a heavy blow on the back of the head and neck Dull, sticking pain in the right temple. Frequent involuntary shaking of his head. Jerking in the right side of the forehead towards the interior and back part of the head. Pain in the whole right side of the head. o In my practice it has proved a valuable remedy in subacute inflammation of the brain, in delirium tremens, and in a few cases of epilepsy. It has been eminently serviceable in hypochondriac affections of females, especially those somewhat advanced in life. It exercises a peculiar con- trol over this class of maladies, and has sometimes ef- fected speedy cures of cases which were bordering upon actual insanity. Some years since I made a few ex- periments upon Guinea pigs and rabbits with a tincture of Cannabis indica, and in most instances it caused an injection of the blood vessels of the entire brain; but its chief influence appeared to be exerted upon the tuber- cular quadrigemina and the parts in immediate vicinity. Indeed, the appearances it produced were very similar to those which have been observed from Opium, Bella- donna, Alcohol, and from the ethers. — (Marcy.) O A lady, aged about forty years, had been confined to her bed for seven months, with a morbid sensitiveness and a great prostration of the entire nervous system. Her al- lopathic physician had treated her with Iron, Cinchona, Opium, and the other usual remedies of his school, without any benefit, until she had been in her bed al- mosj; constantly for the period above indicated. At this time she was placed under my care in the following condition : no apparent organic derangement in any part of her body. The organs all performed their func- tions with considerable regularity, but sluggishly. On attempting to make the slightest effort, in rising up in bed, or in making any exertion, she experienced a great sense of prostration, and a death-like sinkmg and weak- ness at the pit of her stomach, and to some extent in lier chest. Pulse seventy-six and regular, but weak. Respiration and temperature of the skin natural. We put her under the use of Cannabis indica, and after six days she was able to sit up for fifteen minutes without any serious inconvenience. The remedy was persisted in, and her improvement continued until at the expira- tion of six weeks she was able to sit up the entire day ; CANNABIS INDICA. lOI to walk for half an hour at a time, and to ride out for an hour or two, with benefit. All her unpleasant symp- toms in the chest and stomach have disappeared, and she is now quite well with the exception of a slight de- bility. — (Marcy.) EYES. Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva in both eyes. The vessels of the conjunctiva of both eyes are injected in a triangular patch extending from the internal canthus to the cornea ; worse in the right. Twinkling, trembling, and glimmering before the eyes. Jerking in the external corners of the eye and eyelids. Fixed gaze. While reading the letters run together. EARS. Noise in the ears like boiling water. Periodical singing in his ears, that always ceased as soon as he came to himself, and renewed itself whenever a a dreamy spell came on. Aching in both ears. Throbbing and fullness in both ears, and ringing and buzzing in the ears. Sensitiveness to noise. FACE. He looks drowsy and stupid. Wearied, exhausted appearance. Coldness of the face, nose, and hands after dinner. Profuse sticky sweat standing out in drops on Jus foreJiead. MOUTH. Dryness of the mouth and lips ; the lips are glued together. Wliite, thick, frothy ajid sticky saliva. THROAT. The throat is parched, accompa7tied by intense thirst for cold water. APPETITE AND TASTE. Increased appetite ; every article of food is extremely pal- ateable. Ravenous hunger, which is not decreased by eating enor- mously ; he ceases eating only from fear of injuring himself. Pastry and fat food, which previously he never ate without suffering from rancid risings and headache, are now digested readily. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. While eating his stomach felt so swelled and his chest so 102 CANNABIS INDICA. oppressed as if he would suffocate, that he was forced to loosen his clothes. STOMACH. Pain in the cardiac orifice. STOOL AND ANUS. o Costiveness. Sensation in the anus as if he was sitting on a ball ; as if the anus and a part of the urethra were filled up by a hard round body. URINARY ORGANS. Aching in both kidneys, keeping him awake at night. . Sharp stitches in both kidneys. Burning in the kidneys. Pain in the kidneys when laughing. Profuse colorless urijte. ' Urinating frequently, but in small quantities. Urine dribbles ant after the stream ceases. He has to force out the last few drops with his hand. He has to wait some time before the urine flows. Urging to urinate, but he cannot pass a drop. Frequent urination, with burning pain in the evening. Burning and scalding before, during, and after urinatiju. Urging to urinate, with much straining. The urging continues after urination. Pain and burning during urination. Stinging pain before during, and after urination. Uneasiness, with burning sensation in the penis and urethra, accompanied by frequent calls to urinate. Intense burning at the orifice of the urethra during urina- tion, and continuing afterwards. Sharp prickings like needles in the urethra, so severe as to send a thrill to the cheeks and head. Feelings in the urethra as if there were a gonorrhceal dis- charge. On squeezing the glans penis a white glairy mucus oozes out. o It has also been useful in debility of the bladder with a para- phlegic state of the lower limbs, used in alternation with Nux vomica of the same strength and continued many weeks. — (Gray.) GENITAL ORGANS. Male. — Itching of the glans penis. Itching and burning of the scrotum. Satyriasis ; violent erections ; priapism ; chordee. Excessive venereal appetite, with frequent erections during the day. Erections while riding, walking, and also while sitting still ; not caused by amorous thoughts. CANNABIS INDICA. 103 Female. — o Menorrhagia, dysmsnorrhaea, and inefficient or absent labor pains, o Profuse menstruation and metrorrhagia. — (Hirschel.) o Metrorrhagia of parturient women. — (Hirschel.) LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Rough cough scratching the breist immediately under the sternum. CHEST. Oppression of the chest, with deep, labored breathing. He feels as if suffocated, and has to be fanned. Anguish, accompanied by great oppression ; ameliorated in the open air. Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspnoea the whole night. Anguish at the heart. Painful sticking, as with the prongs of a fork, in the heart. Pain in the heart, with palpitation when lying on the left side. Stitches in the heart ; accompanied by great oppression ; the latter relieved by deep breathing. It requires great effort to take a deep inspiration. Palpitation of the heart, awakening him from sleep. BACK. Pain across the shoulders and spine, forcing him to stoop, and preventing him from walking erect. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Agreeable tJirilling through the arms and hands. The hands feel monstrously large. Coldness of the right hand, with stiffness and numbness of the right thumb. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Weariness in both limbs, almost amounting to paralysis ; worse in the left. Agreeable thrilling in both limbs, from the knees doivn, with a sensation as if a bird's claivs ivere clasping the knees. The right limb feels paralyzed when walking. The right limb suddenly gives way and falls. He is unable to walk up stairs, on account of an almost en- tire paralysis of the limbs, with stiffness and tired aching in both knees. Entire paralysis of the lower extremities. Numb feeling of the sole of the left foot, then of the foot, increasing to a numbness of the whole limb. On at- tempting to walk he experienced intensely violent pains, as if he trod on a number of spikes, which penetrated the soles of his feet and ran upwar-i through his limbs to his hips, worse in the right limb, and accompanied 104 CANNABIS INDICA. by drawing pains in both calves ; these pains forced him to Hmp and cry out in agony. Shooting pains in the joints of the toes of the left foot, worse in the great toe. Aching and stitching pain in the ball of the left big toe. Pricking and aching in the joints of the big toe of the left foot, o One case of complete paraplegia was permanently cured by the Cannabis indica and Nux vomica, some three years since, in my practice. — (Gray.) FEVER. Pulse beloiv the tiatural standard, as loiu as ^6. General chilliness ; loss of animal heat. O Dr. L. Warner has successfully prescribed the Cannabis in many cases of ship fever (Typhus petechialis). SLEEP. Excessive sleepiness ; day sleepiness. Starting of the limbs while sleeping, which awoke him, when he feared he would have a fit. Grating and grinding of the teeth while sleeping. Talking during sleep. He wakes before midnight, in a state of semi-consciousness ; with inability to move ; palpitation of the heart, slow, deep, labored and intermittent breathing, and a feeling as if he were dying. He wakes before midnight overcome with dreadful sensa- tions ; imagines he is going to be choked ; cries and moans for some time, when all the objects in the room appear double their respective sizes, and he falls asleep again. Nightmare every night as soon as he falls asleep. Sound sleep, with melancholy dreams. Dreams of danger and of perils encountered. Dreams of dead bodies ; vexatious dreams ; prophetic dreams. Voluptuous dreams, with erections and profuse seminal emissions. GENERALITIES. Agreeable t J trilling tJirough the body a? id extremities. Great desire to lie down in daytime. Thoroughly exhausted Jrom a short lualk. He feels so weak he could scarcely speak, and soon fell in a deep sleep. Paralysis of the loiver extremities and right arm. NEW REMEDIES. 10$ CARBOLIC ACID. Analogues : — Arsenicum, Baptisia, Bromide of Potassium, Bromide of ^ Ammonia, Cimicifuga, Kreosote, Lachesis, Mercu- rius corrosivus, et iod.. Phosphorus, Nitric acid. Muriatic acid, Rhus tox.. Sulphur, etc. Officinal Preparations : — [The symptoms here given are mainly taken from Dr. Hoyne's pathogenesis, given in the Journal of HomoeopatJiic Materia Medica for May, 1872, to which I have added D.r. Mitchell's symptoms and my own observations. — HaleP\ MENTAL SPHERE. Entire disinclination to study ; what he had accomplished seemed very trifling. Disinclined to work ; eve;n correcting proof is fatiguing. Cross, lose control of temper readily. Affection bestowed seemed distasteful. Reading increased all the head symptoms, especially the pressing in the occiput, while the intellect was unusually quiet. Dullness of intellect, which passed away after breakfast. HEAD. Forehead — Aching pain in the forehead {\.ra.ns\Qnt). Feels as if a band zvas arowid the forehead. Headache in the forehead of a neuralgic character. Burning pain in the forehead. Dull (or heavy) pain running from the forehead to the occiput. Feels as if a band was around the forehead. Felt a full feeling in the frontal lobe of cerebrum, which in- creased to a severe headache. Awoke with a dull, hot, constricted feeling in the head, more especially in the forehead ; followed before rising, by an acute piercing pain in the left supra-orbital ridge. This was circumscribed and might have been covered with a silver ten cent piece. The acute piercing pain lasted only five or ten minutes, and ceased on my rising, leaving the spot where it had been sore to the touch for more than one day. Vertex — burning pain in the top of the head. Hard headache in the morning confined to the upper half of the head. Sensation as of fine electric sparks in vertex, changing to a pricking itching, with desire to rub the part and relief from it. In the vertex ^ feeling as if the brain was swashing about. 13 I06 CARBOLIC ACID. Temples — Burning pain in the right temple and top of the head. Dull aching pain in both temples and back of the head, when leaning forward. Occiput — Dull aching pain in back of head, and right side and temple. Back of head feels sore. Constant dull, pressure and pain in the occiput and the mus- cles of the back of the neck, especially just behind the ears. — (M itchell.) A very great sense of weight oji my neck, with a tenderness, even to the touch, oft the seventh cervical vertebrce. (A persistent symptom. — Dr. jf. N. Mitchell.) Constant vertigo, not relieved by shutting the eyes ; better when walking fast in the open air ; much worse when sitting down. — (Mitchell.) Constant humming, buzzing sound in the ears, with the headache, without dullness of hearing. — (Mitchell.) Sides — Beating pain in right side of head. The pains are the most severe on the right side. Neuralgic pain in left side of head. Scalp — Itchifig of scalp, first on right side, then on left. Head feels sore when moving it ; sore feeling after the headache. The dull, hot, constricted feeling which was severe enough to become an ache at times, (relieved by pressing the head with the hands), lasted all day long and until late in the night. Confused feeling in the head. F"eel as if I had a cold in the head. Head seemed to swell and felt hot, even as though it radi- ated heat as from a hot stove. Hard headache most of the night. The headache did not locate anywhere in particular, but was as bad in the forehead as anywhere else. Headache worse when bending the head forwards. The headache continued until I went to sleep at night (all day. o Periodical sick-headache, generally just before or after the menses. Headache with nausea ; better from drinking a cup of green tea. Pressure at first relieves the pain for a moment, but if con- tinued increases the headache. However, if the pressure was removed, if only for ah instant, and then re-applied, it would bring relief for a moment. The head pains are the most severe and worse on the right side. CARBOLIC ACID. lO/ Feels very dizzy from the slightest motion. A sensation, when stooping, of a coldness in one spot, fol- lowed by a clammy sweat on the head. EYES. Very severe orbital neuralgia, worse over right eye. Burning pain in the eyes, worse in the left, o Pupils contracted. Things look as if they were moving backwards and forwards. Cannot see across the room. While writing, the letters seem to run together, so that it is with difficulty I can read what is written. Eyes sensitive to light. A constant dark spot in front of left eye. EARS. Beating pain, with a humming sound in both ears. Constant humming, buzzing sound in the ears. NOSE. Both nostrils plugged up. Dryness of posterior nares. When blowing the nose the mucus was bloody— bright red blood. Feeling of expansion in the nasal passages. Smell decidedly more acute. Watery discharge from both nostrils while in the open air ; ceasing when in doors — returning when entering a cold room. Sensation at left wing of nose as of fine electric sparks ; wants to rub the part repeatedly. o CEzena,even malignant, with great fcetor,and ulceration. -//«/^. FACE. Sharp pain about the centre of the cheek, as if bitten by a mosquito. Face jluslied and burns. Slight heat of face and forehead, especially the left side, o Face blanched and bathed in perspiration. Drawing pain in the jaw, right side. MOUTH. Nasty taste in the mouth. Swelling and soreness, internal side of left cheek, opposite the molars ; the cheek is in the way of the teeth when biting (the whole day). Third day. o Interior of the mouth very white, o Slight lividity of the lips and tips of the fingers, o Tongue dry and chippy. Aching of teeth of right upper jaw. Grinding of the teeth. I08 CARBOLIC ACID. o Toothache from caries. o Thrush in children and consumptives (a weak wash). APPETITE. No appetite. O Toothache from corns. THROAT. Throat sore ; felt some hoarse as if taken cold. Throat sore only when swallowing, and pressing upon the upper part of the larynx ; worse on the right side. Soreness worse on the right side. Soreness of the throat on empty deglutition. Sharp stitches in the throat. The pain in the throat comes on every few moments ; the pain is sharp and pricking. Pricking burning in the throat as if she had eaten some- thing strong. Much mucus in pharynx. Dryness of pharynx and posterior nares. Hawking of clear white miiciis while in the open air. Hawking from pharynx and posterior nares of much white mucus, o Spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus. Slight nausea in the throat. Mucus membrane of the oesophagus dry and shrunken and of a brownish color, o Ulceration of the throat, tonsils, palate, etc. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Constant belching up of large quantities of wind. Sensation as if the stomach was filled with wind, which ought to come up. Wind in the stomach very troublesome ; better after raising a sort of sweetish-sour liquid. Nausea in the stomach. Slight nausea in the throat. * Nausea most of the morning. After tea the nausea was better, but she was very drowsy. After tea the nausea returned, and was increased by taking a little sherry wine. Regurgitation from the stomach which tastes like butter- milk and cabbage. In the afternoon, after dinner, long continued hiccough. Dull aching, uneasy feeling in the stomach. Burning pain in the stomach, o Chronic vomiting of sarcinae. o Chronic vomiting of every meal, o Vomiting in pregnancy. CARBOLIC ACID. IO9 o Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. ABDOMEN. Aching pain in lower part of abdomen. Burning pain in lower part of abdomen and top of the head. Rumbling and rolling in the abdomen, with a senseof dis- tension. Rumbling in the bowels ; a feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, after walking about. While sitting, a crampy stitch in left inguinal region. Abdominal muscles feel sore. Constant sensation of distension in the abdomen. ANUS AND STOOL. The anus itches and feels as if the skin was rubbed oiT. Bowels seem torpid but not costive. Desire for a stool all day, although I had had a natural movement in the morning. Two natural stools per day, which is unusual, having gen- erally but one passage in two days, o Diarrhoea from bad drainage. o Cholera infantum, with putrid, rice-water discharges, like foul eggs. URINARY ORGANS. Passed an unusual quantity of saccharine urine. Urine increased, and had a strong smell. Passed urine oftener than usual during the night. Unusually free flow of urine — normal in color, odor and quantity. The urine was voided about once in two hours, and was large in quantity — quality normal, o Greenish urine, after scarlet fever. GENITAL OR<}ANS. Lascivious dreams, with emissions, followed by weakness and dejection. Male — Sexual appetite very much decreased. Awakened by unusual strong sexual excitement. Itching of scrotum and, inside of thighs, relieved by scratch- ing, but it soon returns. Intense burning itching of the genitals. Female — Menses came on two days later than usual, and were more profuse. Menses much more profuse, and darker color than usual, followed by headache and great nervous irritability for twelve hours. * Mucous tubercles on the labia and inside of the thighs, with discharge from the vagina. O Puerperal fever, with putrid symptoms. 110 CARBOLIC ACID. o Ulceration of the cervix uteri, obstinate. — (Hale.) LARYNX. * Short hacking cough, with tickhng in the throat. Constant incHnation to cough. Left side of larynx very sore when pressed upon — not true of the right side. Irritation of the throat, causing a short, dry cough. Expectoration of a large quantity of thick zvhitish mucus. o Catarrhal laryngitis, o Large granulations in the throat. Coughed to clear the bronchi ; expectorated a little, o Catarrhal croup, o Chronic laryngitis, threatening phthisis laryngea. — (Hale.) CHEST. Stitches in region of the heart. Slight uneasy pains in right lung. Dull aching pain whole left side of chest and abdomen, running around to the shoulder-blades. While walking out of doors, feeling of expansion (of light- ness) in the lungs ; also in the nasal passages. Sensation as of fine electric sparks on the sternal end of right clavicle ; later on middle finger of left hand ; later on vertex, changing slowly to a pricking itching, with desire to rub the part, and relief from it. Respiration free and deep ; inclination to take a deep breath. Respiration stertorous and smelling strongly of the fluid. BACK. Aching pain across the small of the back and in the lower limbs. General soreness, worse jn back, abdomen, chest and mus- cles of neck. Neck feels lame and stiff, when moving the head. Drawing in muscles of neck (right side) — think in splenitis capitis. Soreness of the seventh cervical vertebrae. ^ While walking rapidly, after dinner, had spasm of the left common carotid artery. Spasm of the left external carotid artery, UPPER EXTREMITIES. Drawing pain in the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow (transient). Constant tired heavy feeling in left arm. Lameness and soreness of right shoulder while walking. Aching pain in right shoulder when bending forward. Numbness of the skin of the hands. CARBOLIC ACID. Ill Peculiar feeling of stiffness and discomfort (puckering) of the entire hand, which remained until night. Sensation as of fine electric sparks on middle finger of left hand. Appearance of a small pimple on middle finger of left hand, which increased in size until it became a sore resembling a carbuncle. The flesh suppurated until a probe could be passed nearly through the finger. (From the direct application of the acid.) o Lividity of the tips of the fingers. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Occasional pains in hips and shoulders. Dull pain in right hip, ankle and left knee, most of the morning. The pain in the hip has gone to the left shoulder. Very severe aching pain in right hip joint, felt only while walking-, not when sitting still. Tingling in the left great toe, followed by a feeling as if pressed on. Sensation, just below the knee on^'the shin, as if it was touched with a piece of ice. FEVER. o Miasmatic fever. o Typhoid or enteric fever, in the stage of ulceration, o Scarlatiiia maligna, with putrid sore throat, etc. o Pulse quick, feeble, intermittent, small, slow (60 to 100). Chilly sensations ; pulse 78. SLEEP. Incessant yaivning ; feel languid and sleepy. Slept heavy ; awoke sore all over, especially legs (gluteal muscles), back, chest and arms. Wakes often during the night. Woke up in the middle of the night and found that he was bathed in perspiration. Wakes frightened, paralyzed with fear. Awakened by unusual strong sexual excitement. Awoke with a dull, hot, constricted feeling in the head. Passed urine oftener than usual during the night. Dreams of fire ; so vivid was the dream that he was awakened. Had a great many dreams, some amorous, others I was un- able to recall. Dreamed that she could not get to sleep on account of thinking about the body I had embalmed ; thought she tossed about and then tried to wake me, to give her 112 CARBOLIC ACID. some medicine to stop thinking ; she thought she could not wake me. and pulled me out of bed ; and that I was bathed in perspiration, face pale ; thought I was dead. She could not at first be persuaded that she had been asleep. Gave her a dose of Niix and she dropped to sleep at once, and slept soundly, o Coma. SKIN. Itching of the skin of various parts of the body ; scalp, back of neck, left shoulder, left elbow, arms, right forefinger, buttocks, right thigh, outside of thigh, inner side of left knee, shin, calf of leg, ankles, face, nose, right cheek, abdomen, scrotum, genital organs. Slight eruption of a vesicular character all over the body. Vesicular eruption on the hands and all over the body, which itches excessively ; better after rubbing, but leaves a burning pain. Neither Arsenicum, Rhus, or Sulphur had any influence over it. Disappeared after eighteen days without treatment. * Pustular eruption. * Acne ; eczema ; impetigo ; scabies ; psoriasis inveterata. o Confluent variola, the pocks began to dry up on the eighth day, tongue clears off, no secondary fever ; the pocks were dry all over the body on the twelfth day. — (Dr. Middleton, Hahnemannian Monthly, April, iSyz.) o Indolent or irritable ulcers, with unhealthy granulations, and foetid pus, (externally). o "Leprosy ; prurigo ; pityriasis ; lupus ; carbuncles, o Pediculi, and vermin of all kinds on the body. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Complains of being very tired. Cannot walk straight. The pains seem to affect the right side first, and afterwa^rds the same parts of the left. Itching of various parts of the body. Feels as if he had taken a violent cold. General soreness, worse in back, abdomen and chest. Soreness as if I had taken much cold — think I have not. o Body much swollen a short time before death. All the muscles prominently used are sore and stiff", o Cancerous aff"ections. NEW REMEDIES. II CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture and dilutions. MENTAL SPHERE. Loss of memory, and mental alienation. Great absence of mind, with difficult comprehension of what is read. They forgot what they had to do ; sought for things which were lying before them ; could not find the right words when speaking. Cheerfulness, with inclination to sing. Exhilaration bordering on intoxication. Vehement and irascible. Dejection of spirits. HEAD. Frequent attacks of vertigo when sitting. Dullness and vertigo in the forehead. Intoxication, to entire loss of consciousness, from drinking whiskey. Asphyxia, from alcohol and from coal gas. Great dullness of the head. Pressing headache in the forehead, aggravated by reading and stooping. Pressing frontal headache, with occasional flying, tearing pains in the temples. Drawing, tearing pain from the forehead towards the tem- ples ; better in the open air than in the room, when at rest. Frontal headache, more of a tearing nature, which goes towards the temporal bones. Frequent, transitory, jerking stitches in the forehead ; heat in the head and face. Violent, pulsating pains in the temples (megrim), on awaken- ing in the morning. Head very painfal when brushing the hair, particularly on the vertex. Violent pain in the head ; headache increasing until it causes confusion of mind ; feverish attacks ; cold ex- tremities, and spasmodic pulse. Pain in head is connected with the discharge of blood with the stool. EYES. Weakness of the sight; objects seem as if fading away, on 114 CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. account of a mistiness, which spreads out before them. Pupils enlarged. Sensation of pressure in the sockets of the eyes. Jerking stitches in the muscles of the right eye ; intermitting and alternating. Burning in the eyes, with pain in the forehead. Heaviness of the eyelids, and dimness of the eyes. A small pustule on the upper eyelid, with itching-burning. Eye sunken, with strongly marked gray rings. Quivering of the eyelids. EARS. Violent stitches and contractive pain in the left ear, at night. Pressing, boring pains in the right ear. Ringing in the ears, lasting several days. NOSE. Everything smells like the drug. Frequent sneezing. End of the nose burns and is quite red. Eruption on the nose. FACE. Face bloated up and red ; convulsive jerking of the corners of the mouth. /;/ tJie mornings, after shaving, a red eruption on the cheeks and nose similar to the eruptions on the noses of hard drinkers, looking like tetter, and lasting till night. Eruption makes its appearance after drinking a glass of beer. O Tetter on the cheek. MOUTH. o Saltish taste of the phlegm hawked up from the fauces. Constant accumulation of sweetish tasting water in the mouth. Increased flow of saliva, with increased appetite. Toothache, with a gradually formed swelling around the painful tooth. Drawing, tearing toothache, from evening until midnight ; more endurable in the greatest cold. Toothache in the molars of lower jaw, right side. O Toothache brought on by warm food, o Neuralgia, toothache. Sensation of coldness, first on the tongue, then in the mouth, which quickly rises to a stitching burning. Burning, pungent pain on the tongue, as from peppermint, with peculiar onion or garlic taste. CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. I15 THROAT. Immediately after lying down tickling in the posterior por- tion of the palate, causing a violent dry cough. o Rough, scraping pain in the left side of the throat when swallowing, o Burning and scraping in the whole of the oesophagus, with difficult swallowing. Severe stitching, contracting pain in the upper part of the oesophagus, as if a piece of bone had lodged there, o Chronic pharyngitis. Scraping, scratching feeling, with fine stitches in the throat. APPETITE — THIRST. Increased appetite, with a pleasant warmth spreading through the stomach. Great thirst ; beer relished unusually. Longing for drink. After breakfast, headache, pressure in stomach, diarrhoea. After dinner, diarrhoea ; tickling in urethra ; pain in thigh ; pain in feet. After eating, and in the cold, all the symptoms disappear or are ameliorated. Aggravation of the symptoms from wine. STOiMACH. Rising of flatulence, tasting and smelling of the medicine ; also disagreeable, putrid-tasting, nauseous fluid. Acrid, burning eructations. Heartburn so severe that it causes cough. Extraordinary amount of loud eructations, and very stinking flatus in the evening ; better from belching ; inclination to vomit ; pain in scrobiculum ; pressure of stomach ; impeded respiration. Vomiting of greenish, bilious masses, accompanied with nausea, cold sweat, and dejection of spirits. Increased amount of saliva in the mouth and stomach, pro- ducing nausea ; accumulation of water in the mouth ; eructations ; fullness in the stomach and abdomen ; rumbling and cutting in the abdomen, from wind ; also cutting, tearing belly-ache ; a bubbling in bowels, re- lieved by copious diarrhoea stools ; also producing dull- ness of the head ; attacks of vertigo ; pressing frontal headache ; surly mood ; sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night ; confused dreams. Inclination to vomit on entering a room, or when going out from the room to the open air. o A single attack ; vomiting a small quantity of bitter water. Il6 CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. Fullness of the stomach, with belching, yawning, and in- clination to vomit. Pressing, tearing pain in the chest, stomach and abdomen. O Pressure in the region of the stomach, and under the ster- num, with hepatic depression. Pressing, stitching pains, of short duration, in the pit of the stomach, beginning at one point and radiating to the cardiac region, like neuralgic colic, followed by loud belching, which gives relief. Very severe stabbing pains in the stomach. Burning in the stomach and region of the liver, aggravated by pressure. Pressure on stomach and abdomen increases nausea. HYPOCriONDRIUM. Diseased condition of the liver, with swelling of the feet. Unpleasant, undefined, painful feeling in the region of the left lobe of the liver, coming on in attacks ; this pain changes to a pressing (distending), stitching feeling. Under short ribs, stitches. ABDOMEN. Pressing, crampy pain in the abdomen ; passing much flatus, both up and down. Pains in the bowels, with twisting, rolling, and rumbling, as if diarrhoea would set in. o Colicky pains, with diarrhcea. Griping pains in the bowels, followed by stool ; after the stool the pains cease. On awaking a;t 4 A. M., cutting in the abdomen, with a moving swelling as if from flatus or incarcerated wind ; on taking a deep inspiration and from pressure this pain changed into a stitch pain, and settled in the region of the coecum for about one hour ; small passages of wind has no influence on this condition ; turning in bed or bending increased the pain or brought it on anew after it had nearly passed off. o Cutting pains in the bowels, o Rumbling and other flatulent complaints. o Puffiness of the abdomen, with bruised, sore feeling of the abdominal walls. o Fullness and distension of the abdomen. O Flatulent complaints ; sour smelling flatus. Single, fine, jerking stitches, extending from the right side of the umbilical region towards the bladder. In coecal region, on taking a deep inspiration or from press- ure, a cutting in abdomen changed into a stitching pain, settling in coecum, often repeating. o Strangulated hernia. CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. 11/ STOOL. Papescent stool, with urging ; during the passage and par- ticularly afterwards a feeling of weakness and trembling. Stool always papescent and small ; papescent stool with discharge of blood. Papescent stools, preceded by the peculiar stitching, dis- tending pains in the abdomen, and followed by griping, stitching pains in the coecum. Diarrhoea. During rumbling in the bowels, violent diarrhoea of sour- smelling stools, with tenesmus. Awakes at 5^ A. M., with urging to stool ; profuse, thin, yellowish evacuations, followed by burning at the anus, as from an acid, o A chronic diarrhoea, which set in every four or six weeks, and lasted for one or two days ; yellowish, frothy, sour- smelling fluid evacuations, with tenesmus and colicky belly-ache, particularly in the umbilical region, in the night Difficult, small stools, even when the passage is small and soft, as if from want of power in the rectum. o Constipation, with belching after eating, o Constipation, with herpes. No desire for stool for three days, when he had a soft pas- sage, with discharge of bright red blood. o Griping ; urging before ; pains before ; tenesmus with the stool ; with diarrhoea. Anus and rectum, stitch-like, cramping pain ; likewise in the bladder and urethra. Burning and itching at the anus, with flying stitches in the rectum. URINARY ORGANS. After drinking a glass of wine, on urinating at midnight, violent stitch-like, cramping pain in the bladder and neck of bladder, extending through the urethra ; at the same time a similar pain in the anus and rectum. Burning in the urethra when urinating ; slight irritability of the mucous lining of the urethra ; urine smells like Sulphur; increase of sulphates and carbonates in the urine. Strong urging to urinate. SEXUAL ORGANS. Entire want of sexual desire, and of erections ; inability to have sexual intercourse (constant) ; increased sexual desire was observed in only one case. Complete impotence, with atrophied testicles. Erection at night, with emission of semen. Il8 CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. Stitching, burning pains in the left seminal cord, up to the abdominal ring. Jerking, stitching pains in the left testicle and left seminal cord. Left testicle and epididymis swollen and indurated. Scrotum and penis shriveled and drawn up during the entire proving. The previously regular menses appeared three days too soon. o Labor-pains too weak. LARYNX. Hoarseness. Sensation of contraction of the larynx upon swallowing the drug, producing great irritation to cough, even to stran- gulation, and expectoration of mucus. Scratching and scraping feeling in the throat ; irritation to cough. Violent dry cough, from tickling in palate after lying down. Immediately after lying down violent, asthmatic, dry cough, brought on by a continued and irritating tickling in the upper part of the pharynx, causing much straining of the chest, and producing pain. Cough from irritation in larynx, even to strangulation, and expectoration of mucus. Anxious breathing, with pressure on the sternum ; aggravated by the close air of the room and from going up stairs. Expiration hot ; breathing difficult ; flying stitches and burning in the chest, quickly passing over but frequently repeated. Difficult breathing, with nausea, CHEST. Throughout the whole chest agreeable warmth ascending from the pit of the stomach. Congestion of the lungs, which appears to affect the upper lobes most. Deposit of tubercles in the lungs, some ecchymosis and some infiltration. (Rabbits.) Hepatisation of the lower or posterior lower surface of the lungs. (Rabbits.) In the first stage of tuburculosis of the lungs, before any or yet only slight fever has set in, flying burning and stitches in the chest ; quickly passing heat of the face ; dry cough ; difficult breathing when moving, O Constrictive, stitching, pressing pains in the chest. Jerking, stitching pain, first in the region of the right, and then of the left lower ribs, quickly coming and going. Periodical stitches in the left half of the chest, without cough. CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. II9 Several violent stitches under the center of the sternum, shooting upwards like a flash of lightning. HEART. o Palpitation of the heart, with anaemic patients in an ad- vanced stage of the disease ; nun's murmur in the ves- sels of the neck ; fever symptoms not frequent, and mostly at night. In one case, diminution of the pulse to 52 beats in a minute. NECK AND BACK. Painful stiffness in the neck and throat ; rheumatic like pains. o Goitre. Feeling as if a heavy load was hanging on the back (from one scapula to the other), weighing him down so that the head sank forward. Contmiial backache and pain in the loins. Violent pains in the back and loins, in the morning when awakening. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Stitches from the shoulder joint to the elbow, or even to the wrist, especially violent after midnight, and during damp or cold weather. o Crackling in the right shoulder joint from strong motions of the arms, either forward, backward, or upward, o Crackling in the right shoulder joint from every motion, connected with more or less severe stitches from the shoul- der joint to the elbow, on every change of the weather. Violent rheumatic pain in the right arm, shoulder and neck. o Pimples on the right forearm and hands. Jerking pains in the joints of the hand, coming and going, o Gout of the hand. Itching and smarting of the hands, particularly between the fingers, where he discovered small vesicles. o Vesicular, scurfy herpes on the dorsum of the hand. Pricking, stitching sensation in the fingers, more or less through the whole day, LOWER EXTREMITIES. Jerking, stitching pains at different places, particularly on the tuber ischii, and at the insertions of the gracilis and sartorious muscles at the knee, o Rheumatism of the lower extremities ; the slightest motion brings on violent pains, particularly in the hips and knees, with redness and swelling of the feet from a se- vere cold. o Dropsical swelling of the feet, arising from diseased condi- tion of the liver. 120 CARBURETUM SULPHURIS, o Inflammatory sciatica in left thigh, brought on by taking cold, with entire inability to walk, o Chronic sciatica in right thigh, movements of the limbs im- peded. Tearing pain in the right knee and ankle joint. o Jerking, flying, stitching pains in the legs. Violent pains in the ankle joints, as if broken, in the morn- ing in bed ; after getting up, the walking, at first, very difficult, but continuing to walk makes it easier. o Audible crackling of the ankle when walking — ankle was sprained two years ago. Sudden, violent, stabbing, piercing pain from the metatarsal bones through the toes, while walking. Tearing pains in the left foot, particularly in the tarsal bones. Feet, pains ; underpart ; hollow of the foot ; soles of the feet. Severe painful tenderness and bruised feeling in the soles of the feet ; knee to the great toe stitches. Cold legs ; o cold feet. Painful cramp of the limbs ; involuntary contractions and stiffiiess of the limbs ; staggering gait, on account of general weakness of the muscles ; paralysis ; atrophy of the muscles. o Chronic, rheumatic and arthritic affections without fever. Jerking, stitching, tearing, flying pains, returning at regular intervals, for a long time. o Rheumatism, either without fever or with slight fever, o Rheumatic pains. o Tearing in the limbs, with herpes of the face, o Tearing in all the limbs, coming and going, now in one and again in another limb ; sour belching, and passage of much sour-smelling fletus ; cold feet ; stool not in- creased, but accompanied with tenesmus, o Rheumatism and gout ; after the relief of the acute and in- flammatory conditions, to be applied externally, with oil of almonds, or, when the sufferings are great, to be taken internally, o Gouty swellings when not of too long standing, o Gout, but not gouty dyscrasia. SLEEP. Great sleepiness the whole day, but at night restless sleep. Restless sleep, with continual rolling about in bed ; particu- larly with the head. Sleeplessness, disturbed dreams, starting as from fright, fol- lowed during the day by lassitude, want of energy. Good and long sleep during the night. CARBURETUM SULPHURIS. 121 FEVER. Heat of the whole body, with shght headache, followed by great debility, succeeded by sleep. Feverish attacks, with headache. Coldness, with succeeding burning pain. Coldness of the legs, with general warmth of the upper part of the body. Cold face ; coldness in mouth ; cold extremities. Pulse diminished to 52 beats. Pulse, 90 — 93. Strong pulse. Spasmodic pulse. SKIN. o Itch and herpetic diseases. o Herpes phlyctasnodes covering dorsal surface of the hand ; vesicles appearing on a red, inflamed and swollen basis ; partly close together, but mostly separated from each other. They contain an opaque, yellowish fluid, which is discharged, and forms thick yellowish scabs ; some- times the discharge excoriates the surrounding parts and produces violent itching. o Impetigo ; pimples which form scabs, in the popliteal space and on the dorsum of the foot and hand. o A tetter-like eruption on the left cheek, for more than two years, produced through scratching with the finger nails ; spreads, and is covered with yellowish-brown scabs, disfiguring the face; almost unbearable on ac- count of continued itching. o Herpes exedens ; together with constipation and alternating of cutting pains in abdomen and flatulency ; drawing and tearing in the limbs, and particularly in the head. Dry, itch-like eruption. Itching on both thighs, right side of the back to the region of the kidneys, and on the right forearm, which necessi- tates scratching. On inspection, small, colorless pimples are seen, which, on scratching, are more irritated, and through the friction they redden, get points, and finally form an itch-like eruption. Nodules on scalp, pustule on^ eyelid, eruption on nose and face. o Slight burning of the left hand with boiling water ; bright redness without much pain or swelling. O Wrist joint was scalded with boiling water, several days ago ; wrist much swollen, blisters partially opened. 15 122 NEW REMEDIES. CARDUUS MARI^. (Blessed Thistle.) Analogues: — Bryonia, CJielidonimn, Nux vomica, Podophyl- lum, Leptandra, Benzoic acid, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture (of seeds or plant) ; dilutions. MIND. Depressed, sad, hypochondriacal. HEAD. * Dull, heavy in the forehead over the eyes and in the temples. * Vertigo, with want of clearness of thought. GASTRIC. Bitter taste after every dose, and want of appetite. Great nausea, pyrosis, eructations, and distension of bowels. Violent nausea, painful retching, and vomiting of sour green fluid. Tongue coated white in the middle. STOMACH. Feeling of malaise in the epigastric region. Empty eructations after food taken against his inclination. Pains in the stomach, continuing for two hours, preceded by vomiting. o Morning vomiting in a pregnant woman ; food remains un- digested all day. LIVER. * Swelling and painfulness of the liver. o Tenderness and hardness of the right hypochondria, espe- cially the left hepatic lobe ; pressure there caused op- pressed breathing and cough ; stools brown ; urine yellow; respiration asthmatic ; expectoration thick and tough, with violent cough. O Pain in the liver, with oedema of the feet, scanty bright yellow urine, and asthma. o Jaundice (many cases). o Gallstones, with jaundice, pain in stomach, vomiting of bile, etc. (Two cases cured by j4 ^ tincture in a pint of water; a tablespoonful every two hours. — (Dr. Lied- beck.) O An epidemic of influenza with hepatic symptoms, viz: pecu- liar brown, gray, dirty complexion of patient, sometimes real jaundiced tint ; sensitiveness of left hepatic lobes CARDUUS MARI^. 1 23 to pressure ; bright, pale yellow, seldom dark green stool ; dark brown urine ; oppression of the chest ; stitches in the side ; debility ; fever ; frontal headache. Nux, Chelidonium, Pulsatilla did no good ; only Car- duus promptly cured. — (Dr. Rcil.) o Painful tenderness and swelling of the gall bladder, o Hepatic affections, with haemoptysis, asthma and croup, o Portal congestion and obstruction and its consequences. o Hypertrophy of left hepatic lobes, with tenderness of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae. ABDOMEN. Feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium, obliging him to draw a long breath. Inflation of the abdomen, especially on the right side. Sensibility of the hepatic region to pressure. Painful sensation of an undefined character in the abdomen, producing deep breathing, increased by violent move- ment. Cutting colic in bowels here and there. Stitches in the abdomen, as well as in the chest. O Pain in the whole abdomen, near the coecum ; cramps ; urine normal ; complexion smutty, yellowish ; sleeplessness ; great emaciation ; hectic fever. STOOL. Stool tardy, knotted, hard, brown. (Primary.) Stool soft, yellowish, thin, loamy, chocolate colored, pappy, and without bilious tinge. (Secondary.) URINE. Urine at first normal, then as the bile disappears from the stools, it appears in the urine. Golden yellow urine, diminished in amount, depositing a sediment ; finally scanty and brown. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS, o Affections of the climacteric period ; megrim, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, and asthma, with consensual disorder of the liver. — (Rcil.) LARYNX AND CHEST, o Painful cough at night, obliging him to sit up in bed. o Expectoration of pure blood, or blood and mucus, generally connected with liver troubles, o Expectoration of tough, clear mucus, o Influenzas, which appear to cause severe derangements of the liver, even to jaundice, o Cough of consumptives, and asthmatics. 124 CASTANA VESCA. • Stitches in the side — It relieves, but does not appear to re- move the fever and oppression as well as Aconite. O Pleurisy, in the first stage or chronic pleuritic pain. o Asthmatic symptoms, connected with hepatic disorders. FEVER. Heat followed by sweat, with full pulse and quotidian aggra- vations. CASTANA VESCA {Chestnut.) Analogues : — Bromide Potassium. (?), Drosera (f), Coral- Hum (f). Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the leaves. LARYNX AND COUGH. [I have found in all cases that it would, in from five to ten days, relieve the spasms in pertussis, and in about two weeks cure it ; the little sufferer would whoop no more, but go on to a speedy recovery, to the great delight of myself and friends. — Dr. Unzicker^ [One-half ounce of the leaves in a quart of water ; the infusion was drank by the children. The same curative effects would probably follow the use of the lower dilutions. — Hale.'] CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. (Squaw Root.) Analogues : — Pulsatilla, Cimicifuga, Viburnum, Asarum, Ruta, Senecio, {Secale,) etc. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the root ; tritura- tion of the active principle, Caulophyllin, HEAD. Swimming in the head, a sort of vertigo, with dimness of sight. Sensation of fullness of the head, with pressure behind the eyes, and fullness of the temporal arteries. Dullness of the head, with contracted feeling of the skin of the forehead. Sensation as if pins stuck in the forehead, with hard head- ache. By spells a very severe pain in the temples, as if both tem- ples would be crushed together. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. 125 Rheumatic and neuralgic headaches, dependent upon uterine disorder, or spinal irritation. EYES. Dimness of sight. Pressure behind the eyes ; profuse flow of tears. MOUTH. Sensation of dryness in the mouth ; heat. Distress in the fauces that causes frequent inclination to swallow. Teeth all feel sore and elongated. Tongue coated white. o Apthae of the mouth in pregnant and nursing women. STOMACH. Heat in the stomach. Fullness in stomach. Great thirst. Distress in stomach and bowels, with drawing in right hypo- chondrium. Empty eructations. Canine hunger, with white-coated tongue. Frequent gulping up of sour, bitter fluid, with vertigo, o Spasms of the stomach, cardialgia, spasmodic vomiting, and excessive nausea, attending uterine irritation, o Dyspepsia, with spasmodic symptoms. ABDOMEN. Distension of the abdomen, with tenderness. Rumbling in the bowels. Severe colicky pains every few minutes in the umbilicus, o Spasmodic and flatulent colic. O Spasmodic action of the muscular tissues of the intestines, from irritation of the motor nerves, or from rheumatism. STOOL. Constipation. Stool every other day. Watery stool, great quantity, but no pain. Soft stool, very white. URINARY ORGANS Copious emission of pale or straw-colored urine. Every few minutes sharp, stinging pain in glans penis. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Spasmodic affections of the thoracic organs. BACK. Dull pain in the lumbar region. 126 CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. Severe drawing pain in the sterno-cleido mastoid that draws the head to the left side, UPPER EXTREMITIES. Elbows and wrists ache. Constant flying pains in the arms and legs. Severe drawing pains in the joints of the arms and legs ; also in wrists and fingers. Shutting the hand produces severe cutting pains in the sec- ond joints of all the fingers ; they are very stiff. o Inflammatory rheumatism of the joints of the hands. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Drawing pains in the thighs, knees and legs. Very sharp pains in left knee joint. Ankle and toes of left foot are very painful. Knees feel very weak when walking. All his joints crack frequently when walking and turning. Pain in feet and toes, worse at night. Pains occur every day. * GENERATIVE ORGANS. Sensation as if the uterus was congested, with fullness heaviness, and tension in hypogastric region. * Spasmodic pains in the uterus, and various portions of the hypogastric region. O Suppression of the menses, with spasms, o Dysmenorrhoea. o Menorrhagia, with threatened abortion, o False pains during pregnancy, o Prevention of premature labor, o Deficient labor from rigidity of os uteri, o Suppressed lochia. o Retroversion of the uterus, causing paraplegia, o Drawing in the groins. (Uterine ligaments.) o Labor-like pains, o Abortion, with little or no flooding, o Gonorrhoea (.-*) o Intermittent uterine contractions. (Secale causes continuous^ Menses too soon. (Three days.) Relaxation of the os uteri. Profuse secretion of mucus from the vagina. Increases the natural pains of labor. Male. — Stinging pains in glans penis. 12/ NEW REMEDIES. CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS. (Jersey Tea.) Analogues -.—(f). Officinal Preparations :— Tincture of the leaves ; dilu- tions. MIND. Used as a substitute for tea ; said to have slightly exhil arating effects, MOUTH. o Sore mouth after fever. (.'') Apthae of nursing children. (.-') THROAT. Ulcerated sore throat after scarlatina. (?) SPLEEN. [During the late civil war I used this plant for splenitis, and so well satisfied have I been with the results that for six years I do not remember using anything else for enlarged spleen. I have used it in the worst cases 1 ever saw, from tender infancy to old age. I have yet to see or hear of its failure in a single case, however inveterate. — Dr. , Atlanta Med. Jour.] o Enlarged spleen in a child a few weeks old, congenital. -O Enlarged spleen after ague, and abuse of quinine. [The dose was a few drops, or teaspoonful of the tincture, and the appli- cation of the tincture over the spleen.] [In chronic cases, when the organ is no longer tender, under the use of the tincture, even without the friction, it soon becomes painful and tender^. then sinks very rapidly to its normal size and so remains, the patient no longer conscious of its presence. — Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal^ RESPIRATORY ORGANS, o Chronic bronchitis. GENERATIVE ORGANS. o Leucorrhoea. o Gonorrhoea, o Syphilis. ~* An evident homoeopathic aggravation, showing that it really has an affinity for that organ. — {Hale.) 128 NEW REMEDIES. CERASUS VIRGINIANA. (Wild Cherry.) Analogues : — Digitalis, Laurocerasus, Lycoptis, Collinsonia, Hydrocyanic acid, Amygdala, Ammonia, etc, Officinal Preparations : — Tincture ; infusion of the bark. HEAD. Heavy, dull feeling in the head. STOMACH. Dyspepsia. * Dyspepsia, with tendency to acidification of food, o Slow digestion, with pyrosis, o Loss of appetite. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Debility from spermatorrhoea. CHEST. o Cough from functional organic disease of the heart. o Irregular and intermittent action of the heart, with deficient impulse, o Hypertrophy, with dilatation, o Pulse quick, weak and irregular. Debility after fever or any exhausting disease, especially in heart affections, o Whooping cough, o Phthisis pulmonalis (palliative). FEVERS, o Hectic fevers. Intermittent fevers, SKIN. o Ulcers, o Scrofula. NEW REMEDIES. I 29 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. (Great Celandine.) Analogues: — Agaricus, y^sculus, Bryonia, China, Car duns, Dioscorea, Lycopodinni, Leptandra, Mercurins, Nnx vomica, Podophyllum, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Myrica. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the whole plant ; dilutions. [I have given an extensive pathogenesis of this medicine for the reason that none has heretofore been given, and also that the remedy may be better appreciated than it has been. — Hale.\ MENTAL SPHERE. Depression of spirits ; extraordinary dejection. Incapacity for thought. Cross, quarrelsome disposition, o Restlessness and uneasy conscience, as if she had committed a great crime and could find rest nowhere, o She thinks she must die. o Thinking becomes difficult to her, and she easily forgets what she wants to do or has done. Great calmness of spirits and eheerfulness. HEAD. * Tearing in left side of the occiput, over the ear and towards the front. Repeated attacks of violent throbbi7ig pains from nape to occiput. * Frontal headache and itching of skin Shooting in the forehead under the skin. Aching pains in both temples. Tensive, heavy feeling in the top of the head extending to the occipital protuberance, and the head feels as if sur- rounded by a band ; inwardly a pressing heaviness. * Great weight in the occiput, and drawing in nape from above downwards. Giddy, weight in the upper part of the head. On moving the head the neck is stiff on both sides, and painful on taking a deep breath. Feeling of undulation and weight of the whole head. Vertigo as if she should fall forwards. Shooting in frontal bone over the left eye; thereafter on left side of the occiput. Violent throbbing in the temporal arteries with headache ; aching pain in right temple, then in right parietal bone, lastly close over the right eye. 16 130 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. o Throbbing headache. o Twitching here and there in the head. Congestion of blood to the head, o Feehng of a cord about the forehead and temples, close over the eyebrows, as if the head were compressed, o Pain in the head, increased by fresh air, cough, blowing the nose, and stooping. Twitching here and there in the head. O Vertigo on sitting up in bed. Vertigo, with shivering over the upper part of the body. Vertigo on closing the eyes, as if everything were turning in a circle. o Vertigo, with tendency to fall forwards. Great pain m the head, passing from within outwards, espe- cially tozvards the forehead, all day. Pressive, tearing pain between the eyebrows, tending to close the eyes, o Neuralgic pain over the right eyebrow, periodically, every morning. Violent throbbing in the temples, with great anxiety. Periodical stupefying pains in the crown and left temple, so that her ideas are lost. o Violent drazuing pain from the croivn to the nape, so that she is forced to draw up her shoulders, close her eyes, and tread lightly. o Splitting pressure and painful throbbing in the occiput, worse on lying down. Sensation of cold mounting up from the nape to the occiput. When she wants to sit up in bed she has to raise her head with her hand, because the occiput seems to be fastened to the pillow and broken off from the rest of the skull. Creeping on the whole of the hairy scalp, and also on indi- vidual spots, passing off more or less when scratched. Scalp on the crown painful ; hot to the touch. O Great falHng off of the hair on the occiput when combed. Pain in the roots of the hair when combed, as if there was ulceration beneath. o Pressive headache. O Repeated fits of violent pulsating pains from the nape and occiput to forehead and temple. o Heat in the head with pains. o Pressure as if from a band on the forehead and temples. o Weight in forehead, as if it were falling outwards, o Tearing over the right eye. o Pressing pain in left parietal region. o Pain in the occiput. O Drawing pain in the occiput, o Pain as if the head were drawn backwards. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 13I EYES. * Lids of both eyes are closed with dry mucus in the morning. Violent aching shooting in right eye, soon afterwards in left eye. o Sensation of sand in the eyes. Shooting in left eyelid ; o burning in lower eyelids. * Tearing pain in the left eye and close above it. O Photophobia, with pain in forehead. Dimness of the eyes. O Violent pressive pain in left eye, in the middle of the ball, as if it was so large that the upper lid could not be let down over it. On moving the eye, pain in the eyeballs and feeling of sand in the eyes. O Increase of the pain by lamplight. Dazzling before the eyes. Pricking between the eyebrows towards the right eye. O Stupefiying pressure in the right orbit, as it were from with- out inwards. o Pressure and pain in the upper part of the eyeballs, as if they were squeezed in, more in tJie left than the right eye. Sudden jerk in the left eye, in the middle of the ball, as if it was so large that the upper lid could not be let down over it. Continual pricking and burning, as if from a grain of sand, in the inner canthus of the left eye. o -Redness and swelling of the lower tarsal edges. o Brilliant specks before the eyes. Twitching in the eyelids. o In the morning the lids are swollen and agglutinated. Flickering before the eyes. She sees blackish-gray specks before the eyes, o When reading or writing the letters run into each other. Blackness before the eyes, with a sensation of faintncss. o Yellow, jaundiced color of the eyes. EARS. Ringing in the ears. Burning in the left ear, while the right is cold. Cold ears. Tearing in the meatus auditorius and temporal bone. Frequent tearings from right ear into right teeth. Hoarse roaring in the ears like a distant storm of wind. A tearing pain behind the right ear, downwards. NOSE. o Dryness and itching in left nostril. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. 132 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. On blowing the nose in the morning, thick blood appeared among the mucus. (Was subject to epistaxis.) Prolonged pressing pain from the root of the nose to the nasal bone. Itching and burning in the tip of the nose. Tearing in the nostrils, most severe in the left, O Feeling of soreness in the nostrils. FACE, o Sunken countenance, o Grayish-yellow face. o Complexion strikingly yellow, as if from jaundice, o Redness of the left cheek, passing gradually from bright red to dark red. A small, defined, burning, dark red, circular, somewhat ele- vated spot on the left cheek. Feeling of great cold in the face, cheeks pale and feeling cold. o Glowing heat in the face, with dark obscure red complexion. Redness and heat of the cheeks. Burning as if from nettles here and there on the face. Isolated stitches in the face, worse in the evening in bed ; warmth aggravates, cold water relieves the pain, o Pains in the teeth lasting several weeks, chiefly in the whole of the left cheek, especially at night. Toothache every night (for eight days). Drawing pain in the molars of the right side. Sudden jerk in the teeth as if torn out. Violent pains in the molars of the left side, which extend to the left ear and draw into the left eye, with swelling and redness of the left side of the face, whereupon an ab- scess formed on the hard palate (after rubbing the tinc- ture into the eyelids). O Jerking pain in right zygoma, as if torn to pieces. MOUTH. Dry, chapped, and scabby lips. Vesicle full of serum, as clear as water, on the mucous mem- brane of the lower lip. Stitch in the lower lip. Bleeding of the gums. Dryness, so that the tongue almost clave to the palate. Abscess on the left side of the hard palate near the furthest molar, of the size of a bean (after rubbing the tincture on the eyelids). Tongue in the morning covered with gray, shaggy, thick coat, which can be partly rubbed off. Pricking on the end of the tongue ; stitch in end of the tongue, left side. CriELIDONIUM MAJUS. 133 Collection of water in the month, with nausea and giddiness. O Dryness in the mouth and lips, with thirst. o Redness and sweUing of the uvula and tonsils. APPETITE AND TASTE. o Bitter taste, whilst food and drink taste naturally. Bitter in the mouth and burning in the stomach. Loss of appetite, especially in the evenings (for six days). Increased appetite, o Thirst diminished, o Increased thirst, with dryness in the mouth and throat. Much thirst for milk, (it previously produced flatus). Wine relieves the abdominal pain. Whilst taking the medicine, inclination for warm drinks ; after the proving, continual thirst for cold water. Great dislike to cold drinks. FAUCES AND CESOPHAGUS. Slight irritation in the oesophagus, imperceptible when swal- lowing. Slight shooting in the tonsils on empty swallowing. Pricking in the throat. Contractive spasm in the gullet, forcing him to swallow. Scraping in the throat ; roughness. Smoking causes burning pain and acidity from the cardia up into the throat. Heat and burning from the mouth down to the stomach. A feeling as if some foreign body was mounting up in the throat, obliging him to swallow, and then going down again. Hawking up of lumps of mucus. Hawking up of bloody mucus, with the taste of blood, (a previous difficulty), o Feeling of dryness in the throat, o Difficulty of swallowing. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Bitter eructations. Great nausea, with increased temperature of the body. Nausea, with inclination to vomit ; (from the external ap- plication). o Nausea and retching during a fit of anxiety, o Vomiting of tough mucus after severe nausea, o Frequent eructation of wind, o Eructation, with heartburn. STOMACH. * Pressure and oppression of the stomach, drawing up towards the chest. 134 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Pinching, pressing pain in and below the scrobicukis cordis, increased by the touch. Stomach pain for one hour, with eructation of wind, relieved by lying on the left side with the legs drawn up. Spasmodic pain in scrobiculus cordis, towards the right. o Violent pain in the scrobiculus cordis, as if the stomach was constricted. o Digging pain in the gastric region. Feeling of heat in the stomach, with pressure and pricking. Stitches in the pit of the stomach. Cutting in the stomach, increased by pressure. Peculiar feeling of gnawing and clawing in the stomach, which passes off after eating. o Pressure on the stomach, with eructation of wind, o Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing, o Distension of the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA AND LIVER. Stitches in the liver. Dull throbbing in the region of the liver. * Pressing pain in the region of the liver, on the edge of the ribs, the pressure of the clothes increases the pain. * Pain in the region of the liver, which extends quickly down- wards across the navel into the intestines, o Spasmodic pain in the region of the liver, o Congestion of the liver, also chronic disease of the liver, o Jaimdice, even the most obstinate functional kinds ; also when caused by obstruction of the gall ducts from calculi. — (Hale.) o Biliary calciUi ; gall stones in many cases. — (Hale) ABDOMEN. Spasmodic contraction of the navel, with transient nausea. Constricted feeling over the navel, as if the abdomen was tied round with a string. * Violent pressing, periodically returning, and also continued spasmodic pain in the umbilical region. * Painful distension. * Pinching about the umbilical region as if stool were coming on. Pain over the left hip, as if there was something thick and bulging there. Spasmodic drawing pains in the inguinal regions, with pres- sure on the bladder. Tensive, spasmodic pain on each side, extending from above down and inwardly, followed by a discharge of turbid lemon-colored urine. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 1 35 Labor-like pain, drawing from the lumbar vertebrae over the hips towards the hypogastrium. o Abdomen distended and hard, without pain on being touched. When coughing, the whole abdomen is painfully contracted. Cutting in the intestines, as if from knives. o Accumulation of flatus. Burning in the bowels. Cold feeling and pressure in the abdomen, especially below the umbilical region, with cold of the whole body. Pinching, extending towards the chest and back, relieved by passing flatus. Constant pinching and commotion here and there in the in- testines. Feeling as if the intestines were torn out of the abdomen. Sensation of turning and moving above the navel, as if an animal was wriggling through the bowels. Rumbling, with diarrhoea following. o Sensation of fullness in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANUS. Stool very hard and difficult, with pains in the anus in con- sequence. Costiveness ; stool like sheep-dung for two days. Repeated thin fluid stools d^ily, from four to eight days du- ration, o Mucus diarrhoea. Brown watery stool, o Painless diarrhoea, o At night, once, severe watery, whitish diarrhoea, with nausea after severe chill in the evening. * Small, thin, bright yellow stools. Soft, greenish stool, with cutting pain in rectum and higher up. Pressure in the rectum, with urging to stool. Periodic straining and pressure on the rectum, as if be 'ore stool, without result. Sensation as if the rectum was forced out, with spasmodic constriction of the anus, lasting all day. Cutting pains in the anus and rectum during a hard stool. Burning and cutting in the rectum, with alternation of itching in the anus ; vertigo ; fainting sensation and failure of appetite. Painful nodule on the anus. Crawling and itching in the rectum. Crawling, pricking and itching on the perineum, o Soft bright stool, with straining and moderate pain in the anus afterwards. o White, clay-colored stool, destitute of bile. — (Hale.) 136 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. URINARY ORGANS, Pressing pain in the left renal region. Stitch in the left kidney on deep inspiration. * Pain jn region of both kidneys, which are very sensitive to pressure, even the bands of the underclothing give pain there. In the morning on rising, violent stitches in renal region, making her cry out and then fall down. She cannot lie on her back owing to pain in the renal region, and must also often change from side to side. Gets most relief by lying on her face. Spasmodic pain in right kidney, with sweat on forehead and hands. Pressure on the bladder. Spasmodic pain close above the os pubis, with frequent urging to pass urine. Burning in the urethra when passing urine. Shooting and cutting in the urethra on passing urine, and on moving the body. __ o Shooting pains in the region of the bladder. Discharge of blood from the urethra during coition. (A former ailment.) Frequent call to pass urine ; pale, watery. Call to make water every quarter-hour, passing some five times within one and one-half hours. Had to make water ten to twelve times a day, and two or three times a night, and a great deal each time. o Urine reddish and turbid immediately after being passed. O Napkins reddish-brown from the urine ; after drying still more darkly colored. O Urine dark brown, turbid, forming bubbles on the edge like brown beer. Urine has an excess of uric acid salts. o Urine turbid as soon as passed, lemon yellow after previous pains in the inguinal region. In four hours a grayish yellow, mucus, cloudy sediment, without the urine being cleared. The inner surface of the utensil is covered with reddish crystals of uric acid as far as the urine reaches. The urine is turbid from an excess of acid uric salts, is deficient in chlorides, contains crystals of hippuric acid, mucous epithelium, and compact urinary cylinders, o Urine with a sharp acid smell. o Urine bright red. Urine with a strong ammoniacal smell. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — Pressure and forcing towards the root of the penis CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 13/ Shooting and creeping on the glans. Frequent erections even in the day time. Pressure and tensive pain in the testicles downwards, with pressive pa;n in the occiput. Drawing and stitching pain in the testicles. Redness, heat and swelling of the scrotum. On the follow- ing day, on both sides there is here and there a raising of the epidermis from yellowish serum in flat vesicles the size of a pin's head, and from that to a small lentil, painful to the touch. In the evening the vesicles burst and the red and swollen skin, stripped of the epidermis, discharges a little fluid. On the morning of the third day the scrotum is covered with dry, thin, cracked, red scales. Female. — Daily for 14 days constant burning in the vagina at precisely the same hour, forenoon and afternoon. Menstruation set in two days earlier than usual, but more copious. Menstruation four days too early, .and rather in excess, after vertigo, staggering, pricking, itching pains in the head and limbs. Menses very copious the ninth day, going on increasing for three days ; about four days too late, with pains, lasting seven days. A mucus discharge from the vagina for some days, coloring the linen yellow. Menstruation passing gradually into leucorrhoea : (suffered 'from this previously.) f LARYNX ANni''TRACHEA. Sensation as if the larynx were pressed from without on the oesophagus, whereby swallowing, not breathing, is ren- dered difficult. Severe shooting in the larynx, with a constrictive sensation. Choking sensation in the throat, aggravated by breathing. Pressure, with sense of constriction in the trachea, mounting from the sternum towards the larynx, o Sense of constriction in the trachea, with deadly anguish, and a wish for eructation without success (at night on awaking). Rapidly following stitches in the larynx towards the outside and inside of the throat. Scraping in the larynx, exciting a cough. F'requent hoarseness, with dry cough. Heat mounting Jrom the chest to the throat, quite into the larynx. Congestion of blood towards the larynx, with dull throbbing there. 17 138 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Sensation of dust in the trachea, and throat, and behind the sternum, which could not be removed by cough. COUGH. * Infreq-jent, sHght fits of coughing, with s^y;.sms of the glottis on expectoration. /' Dry, hollow cough. - * Violent spasmodic cough. Cough, with severe tickling in the larynx in the evening, o Whooping-cough, o Short cough, with short breathing. O Frequent fits of short cough, with stitches in right side and difficulty of breathing, o Much exhausting cough, especially in the morning, with much expectoration deep out of the lungs. Strong fit of coughing, without expectoration. Dry cough, lumps of phlegm being sometimes thrown out. o Pain in the larynx when coughing, with pains in chest and sacrum, o Shooting pain in the throat and region of the larynx. CHEST. * Tightness of the chest, with oppression. Shortness and difficulty of breathing, with tightness and anxiety of the chest. Difficulty of breathing, with shooting in the left thoracic re- gion backwards. * He can only breathe short, and with difficulty and anxiety, as if he must choke, o Respiration impeded in the evening in bed. o Short breathing and oppression, as if the breast were con- stricted and the breath could not pass. Her clothes cause tightness of the chest, so that she has to loosen them. Longing for fresh air to breathe more easily. He cannot at each breath inspire as much air as he wishes, therefore expti'es quickly in order to be able to inspire again soon, o Difficult respiration, with short fits of coughing, preceded by pain first in the right then in the left side of the thorax. She must breathe quick and short in order to make some- what tolerable the pains in the chest and back. She cannot take a deep breath for violent stitches in the right side. o Anxiety in the chest and oppression. Congestion in the apices of the lungs, with dull throbbing in them. • * At each breath pain inside the chest, with short dry cough, which increases the pains and returns after short pauses. (Pulse 90.) CIIELIDONIUM MAJUS. 1 39 On stooping low, pain deep in the chest, especially towards the bodies of the vertebrae, so that the stooping could not be continued ; also after walking fast, blowing the nose, and sneezing; at the same time more externally along the spinous processes. Inward burning between the chest and shoulder-blades, with internal heat and want of breath. On deep inspiration, painful tension around the inside of the base of thorax. Stitch in the chest, with interruption of the breathing. Stitches in the right side behind the ribs. Stitches in the lower part of the left lobe of the lungs. * /// the' left lobe soreness like a wonnd, aggravated by deep breathing, coughing and sneezing. High up behind the sternum a spot which smarts like a wound. Spasmodic pressure behind the sternum, in the middle, on a surface about two inches in diameter, on awaking in the nig^ht. High up behind the sternum a feeling of dust, not to be re- moved by coughing. Tensive pain in the whole thorax. Constrictive pressure under each arm, as if the chest was tight-laced. Drawing pressure from the right shoulder-blade, through the chest towards sternum. On inspiration fine stitches like needles in the chest, passing from left to right side. The seventh and eighth rib of each side are painful to the touch, and on drawing the breath, as \i they were wounded, worse on the right ; a cold sensation steals from the spine to those ribs on the way to the sternum, worse on the right. Pains and jerking in the left clavicle. Oppressive pain Jinder the left clavicle up the neck. Shooting in the right side, close under -the inamniary gland. Tensive pain from the left pectoral muscle up towards the neck. Lancinating pains in pectoral muscles, o Violent pains in the sternum at each respiration, o Shooting, jerking pain a little to the right from the lower part of the sternum right through towards the back, aggravated by breathing. By laying the trunk forwards the pain is worse in the chest ; by laying it backwards, worse in the back, o She must sit upright, and dare not move ; otherwise the pains in the chest are intolerable. I40 CHELIDONIUM MAjUS. Deep, pressive pain on the right side without cough, which does not allow deep inspiration. Pain as if from a deep-seated abscess. Pain in the lower part of the wall of the chest on the right, quite to the right side, for the breadth of a hand, ag- gravated by each inspiration, o Sudden, violent pain of the right side in the region of the seventh and eighth ribs, increased by respiration and movement for two hours, preceded and followed by burning headache. Drawing pains from lower part of the sternum towards the right, quite around to the spine, with sore pain there, so that even the touch of the clothes increases the pain. Repeated stitches, lasting some minutes, compelling short breathing ; on attempting deeper breathing, intolerable stitches. Stitches in right side for two hours, wath chill, heat, and red cheeks, o Violent stitches in the under part of throat, right side, ag- •gravated by breathing, movement, and cough, o Violent stitches for three hours, right side, obliging her to inspire slowly and carefully, and also to speak softly ; sometimes not to move or speak at all. Tearing pressure in left axilla and thence towards the nipple. Pain in left side as if bruised, aggravated by movement. Awaking with stitches, confined chest, and anxiety ; she cannot take a deep inspiration for the stitches. HEART. Stitches in the cardiac region on coughing. Oppressive pressure in cardiac region. Stitches under the heart. Stitches in the region of the heart through the left side of the chest, so that she has to breathe short and quick. Lancinating pains in the heart. Palpitation towards evening, after sitting down somewhat tired. ■ Palpitation in the evening directly after lying down, o Violent stitches in the cardiac region, followed by. strong palpitations, with anxiety and agitation all day. o Sudden great anxiety, with palpitation. (The beating of the heart is not accelerated nor irregular, but so strong that the clothes are lifted by the movement communi- cated to the thoracic parietes, and she hears_/it so plain that she fancies others must hear it too.) NECK. * Drawing pain, tearing and stiffness in the muscles of the nape. Weight in the nape of the neck. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. *" 14I Sensation of constriction in the muscles of the nape, as if the head were drawn back, o Sensation as if the neck was broken. Cracking and creaking in the cervical vertebrae on moving the neck. Pains in the first cervical vertebrae for seven hours, inci eased by moving the head and by pressure. Feeling as if the vertebrae in the nape were torn out of their place. BACK. * Drawing pains in the muscles of the back, with stitches and stiffness. * Drawing pain between the shoulder-blades down to the sacrum. * Burning in the back. Shudder running down the back. Tensive and pressive pain in the whole of the back, extend- ing around towards the chest, o Pain in the back, as if after excessive muscular straining, o Wound-like pain in the lower dorsal vertebrae, the five low- est ribs on the right, and the lumbar vertebrae, aggra- vated by pressure and movement. Violent pain at every breath, around the lower angles of the shoulder-blades. Tearing pressure on the lower hmihar vertebrae forward to- wards the haunch bones, as if the vcj'tebrce were broken asunder, only on bending forward and when he bends back ; perceptible for many days even when walking. Wound-like pain in the lozvest lumbar vertcbrce, as Hf it were dislocated or smashed. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Pinching, spasmodic pain on the inner edge of the right shoulder-blade, which hinders him from moving the arm. Stitches under right shouldei" blade. * Violent pains on the lozver angle of the left blade ; from therce violent stitches right through the chest forwards. The hands hot up to the middle of the forearm, and swollen, with distension of the superficial veins. o Paralysis and weight of the arms, as if weights were hung upon them. Drawing pain from the right shoulder down to the wrist, with cold and stiffness of the arm. o Paralytic pains in the left shoulder and the whole arm. Drawing pain from the left shoulder to the fourth finger. In the evening in bed, violent pains in the right shoulder, with a feeling on moving the arm as if it was smashed ; the arm is cold and stiff. 142 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. o Pain in left shoulder, as if broken or dislocated, with cold feeling in the upper arm. o Pain in the right shoulder. Tearing in the muscles of the right uppe^" arm. o Pain in the deltoid and biceps on moving the arm, all day. Rheumatic pains from left shoulder to the elbow. Paralytic drawing in the wrist joints. Distension of the superficial veins of both hands. Tearing, shooting pain in right metacarpals, much increased by pressure. Burning in the ball and scalpel joint of the right thumb. Tips of the fingers cold. Stitch in the second and third joint of the right forefinger. Fine tearing in the tips of the fingers. Itching in the fingers (constant symptom). LOWER EXTREMITIES, o Lancinating pains. o Bruised pain from the thighs to the calves, worse on walking and when touched. From the hip bone to the toes of the right foot paralytic drawing pain, continuing the same whether walking, lying, or sitting, disappearing suddenly. Legs feel as if bruised. Tensive pains and sense of swelling in the thighs, for the breadth of two hands, midway between the hip and knee, o Shooting in the right hip. Pain as if from a blow in the middle of the right thigh. -Burning, itching in the left hip joint. Shooting pain in left hip joint. Pain like dislocation in the left hip, preventing walking, o Pain in right hip when on rising from a seat. Giving away of the knees when standing and walking, o Pain in the left ham. Weight and stiffness in the knee joints. Jerking, trembhng in the knees. Boring, drawing pain in the right knee. Pain in right knee, aggravated by movement. Violent pain in the left knee, o Feeling of stiffness in left knee joint, with burning. She cannot extend the left leg without violent pains in the knee, o In walking she is obliged to advance the left leg at full stretch, and can only extend it slowly for pain like a wound in the knee joint, when it is once bent, o Both legs cold. Feeling of icy coldness in the legs, especially the calves and sides. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 1 43 The right foot up to the knee actually cold while the other is warm. Great weight in the legs. Shooting, boring sensation in the bones of the left leg. Drawing pains in the calves, aggravated by pressure. Some burning, painful spots, with stitches in the middle above the tendo- Achilles ; the pain is increased by scratching, o Painful pressure on the outside of the ankle, o Ankle joints painful, especially the right ; worse when walking. o Pressive pain in right ankle joint when sitting. O Pain in left ankle joint, especially when walking. Feet first cold then burning hot. o' Feet as if dead, and cold. Tensive, burning pain in the bones of the right foot, on the joints of the toes. Continued dryness of the feet, which usually perspire. Stitches in the right heel ; violent pain, hindering walking. Cramp in the sole of the right foot, which near the toes was bent under ; the cramp ceased on compression with the hand. Burning ; itching in soles of the feet. Shooting in the right great toe. Pain as if from a blow in the toes in bed. Itching and creeping in the toes, o Weight in the legs, as if she could not step out, and as if she had to drag a great burden. O CEdematous swelling about the malleoli. SKIN. On the upper part of the right cheek many red, elevated pimples, raised in the centre and feeling pointed. o Elevated exanthema on the face. Red, inflamed, elevated spot, with a pimple in the middle ; in the centre of the forehead itching and pricking, • which disappeared again in a few hours. Large pustules on the forehead. The whole face, except the forehead, is covered on awaking in the morning with bright red, lentil sized, round spots, with pointed pimples in the centre. Vesicles on the lip and also nose forming scabs. Papular exanthema on a red base on the upper lip and right cheek, o Red, round, burning spots on the forearm. Pimples like pocks on the back of the right nates, with red areola. Eruption of the face like miliary rash and measles. 144 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Reticulated, red, itching, coroding spots, with swelling on the back of the hand. * Skin yelloiv all over, as in Jaundice. o All the skin feels cool in spite of a very warm room, o Skin yellow on the throat and chest. FEVER. Chill. Cold shuddering all over. Cold all over, o especially in the hands and feet, o Chill, with cold feet, in the morning on awaking, o Chilly rigor towards evening. Chill, internal and external, with weight in the occiput, and drawing in the nape, o Increased heat all over, especially in the face, o Heat. — Heat without thirst after laying down in the evening. O Glowing heat in the head, with sharply defined, darkish red- ness of the cheeks ; pulsation in the arteries ; full pulse (at 90) ; faintness ; difficulty of «speech ; nausea ; short breath ; and cold feet. Much dry heat all over, with full pulse, and thirst. Increased temperature aU over, especially in the hollow of the hands, from whence the heat seems to proceed, o Rigor in the evening, with chattering teeth and rigor ; there- after great heat, especially all over the head, o Perspiration at night on awaking, especially in the palms of the hands, o When lying in bed at night, a rigor comes over him, lasting nearly an hour, with external warmth all over, yet with goose skin ; then follows perspiration for the whole night, o Heat inside and out, with warm perspiration on the face. Pulse 62, full and hard. Pulse 50 ; after previous palpitation of the heart, withered, pale face. SLEEP. * Sleepy condition ; lethargy in the daytime in jaundice and hepatic congestion, o She falls asleep as she sits. Sleepiness, with yawning, and stretching, and languor. When awakened she falls asleep again directly, o From 10 till midnight, phantasies in a half-waking state, without meaning or connection, and images of death and soldiering, o Restless sleep, full of dreams. o She cannot get to sleep for a long time, then sleeps well. O Restless sleep till midnight. CHELONE GLABRA. {Balmouy.) CHELONE GLABRA. I45 o Frequently in the evening, in bed, restlessness and excite- ment till towards midnight, preventing sleep. O Sleep prevented by a sensation of numbness and coldness in lower extremities. On awaking he cannot remember what he has dreamed. Dream of a journey, remembering most minute particulars. Dreams of corpses and burials. GENERALITIES. * Periodical neuralgia of the facial nerves. * After food, very great distaste for work, and laziness with sleepiness. o Great distaste for mental occupation. o Prostration, exhaustion, and languor. o Weakness in walking. o Weariness and e>chaustion of all the limbs, as after a long walk. o Languor and listlessness. o Feeling ill, as if from influenza, o Loss of consciousness. o Drawing pains through the whole body. o Wandering pains in the joints of the extremities, especially left side, o On awaking, slight twitching in the muscles here and there, o Twitching in arms and legs. o Great emaciation, with total loss of appetite. Sudden restlessness of all the limbs, compelling her to move ; she cannot stand still, and on trying to do so steps with her feet. Anxiety, vertigo, and heat of the head drive her into the fresh air ; she feels better. Long-continued fainting, with cold extremities. CHELONE GLABRA. (Balmony.) Analogues: — Hydrastis, China, Myrica, Chdidonium, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture; dilutions. STOMACH. Increase of appetite, with powerful digestion, o Dyspeptic ailments, with hepatic disorder. LIVER, o Jaundice, with loss of appetite an4 disgust for food. 18 146 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. STOOL, o Constipation from hepatic torpor. Expulsion of lumbrici. FEVER. o Specific in cases of quinine cachexia. — (Dr. Ball.) O Intermittent fever after abuse of quinine. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. {Black Sruike Root.) Analogues: — Caidophyllum, Colchiann, Digitalis, Stillingia, Glonoine, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root; dilu- tions ; triturations of Cimicifugin. — (Macrotin.) MEI^TAL SPHERE. Miserable, dejected feeling ; mind dull and heavy. Delirium, with nausea, retching, dilated pupils. Vertigo ; impaired vision ; dizziness. She feels grieved, troubled, with sighing. * Great nielaJicJioly, with sleeplessness (primary). Exhilaration, with pleasant thoughts (secondary). * Delirium tremens, with nausea, retching, dilated pupils, tremor of the limbs, incessant talking, and changing from one subject to the other, sleeplessness, imagines strange objects about the bed, as rats, sheep, etc., with quick, full pulse, and peculiar wild look out of the eyes. * Apprehensiveness and sleeplessness in pregnant women. * Mental disorder : — " Sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head, so that all was darkness and confusion, while at the same time it weighed like lead upon her heart." She was suspicious of everything ; would not take medicine if she knew it; indifference, taciturn, takes no interest in household matters ; frequent sighs and 'ejaculations. (Cured by Cimicifuga 200th. — Dunham.) HEAD. * Pain over the eyes, and in the eyes, extending along the base of the brain to the occiput. * Severe pain over the left or right eye, extending to the eye and base of the brain, with dejection of spirits. Sensation as if the temples were compressed. * Dullness and heaviness in the head, as if he had been on a " spree." CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. {Black Snake-Root.) CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. 1 47 Brain feels too large for the cranium ; a pressing from within, outward. Excruciating pain in the forehead, extending to the temples, on waking at 2 A. M., with coldness of the forehead. O Severe remittent headache of long standing, occurring every day at same hour. Acute pain through the head during the day. Dull boring pain in the forehead, over left superciliary ridge, at 10 A. M. * Severe pain in forehead, extending to the temple and vertex, with fullness, heat and throbbing ; when going up stairs sensation as if the top of the head would fly off. o Pain in the head relieved in the open air, o Excruciating pain in the forehead, with coldness of fore- head ; pain in the eyeballs. o Nervous, rheumatic and menstrual headaches. o Headache, with severe pain in the eyeballs, extending into the forehead, and increased by the slightest movement of the head or eyeballs, o Dull pain in occipital regions, with shooting pains down back of the neck. O Cerebro-spinal meningitis. EYES. Aching of the eyes, which feel heavy, lasting for days. Eyeballs exceedingly painful ; with increased secretion of tears. Stinging in the eyelids, with inflammation. Eyes feel as if swollen ; black specks before the eyes. Congestion of the eyes during the headache. Intense and persistent pains in the eyeballs. Ocular hyper-aesthesia. * Severe pain in the centre of the eyeballs, worse* in the mo - ing, lasting all day, aggravated by going up st "'rs. * Sensation of enlargement of the eyeballs; th:^y fe f they would be pressed out of the head. * Pain, as if situated between the eyeball and the orbital plate of the frontal bone. Pleat and swelling of the eyelids, with stinging pain. Dilated pupils, with black specks befoxe the eyes. O Neuralgia of the eyeballs, without much congestion. O Catarrhal and rheumatic ophthalmia. The myopia was aggravated by large doses. o Amaurosis ; amblyopia ; double vision. JAWS. Very severe pains in teeth and jaws, worse in under jaw and its articulations. Pain in right superior maxillary bone and teeth. 148 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. o Rheumatic and neuralgic toothache. NOSE. Stinging sensation in the nose in the evening, o Frequent sneezing and fluent coryza during the day. O Catarrhal condition of the mucous membrane. Very profuse greenish and slightly sanguineous coryza. Stuffed condition of the nostrils. FACE. Severe pain in the left jaw. Heat on one side of the face, with lassitude all over. O Pains in the head and face are constant. o Catarrhal-rheumatic attacks. MOUTH AND THROAT. Offensive breath. Dryness and soreness of the lips, with swelling of the back part of the tongue. Accumulation of thick mucus upon the teeth. O Swollen condition of mucous membrane in rheumatism. Dryness of the pharynx, in a small spot, with inclination to swallow. Soreness of the throat when swallowing, and on pressure, with stiff neck. Inflammation of the uvula and palate, worse on the left side ; copious coryza. o Hoarseness, roughness and scraping in the throat. o Dry cough, from irritation and tickling at lower part of larynx, o Rheumatic sore throat. STOMACH. * Eructations, with nausea and vomiting, with headache, o Acute darting pain in the stomach. Slight pain in the epigastrium, extending to the left hypo- chondrium. * Faintness and emptiness in the epigastrium, almost con- stant ; (a very characteristic symptom). Sensation of internal tremor in the epigastrium. , ABDOMEN. Flatulence, causing sensation of fullness in the abdomen. Acute cutting pains in the umbilical region. Severe pains in the bowels, with weight and pains in the lumbar region. Dull griping, twisting at the umbilicus, more towards the left. Periodic colic, with inclination to bend forward, relieved after stool. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. I49 o Rheumatism of the muscular structures of the abdomen. o Neuralgia of the abdominal plexuses. O Puerperal peritonitis, with suppressed lochia, delirium, etc. O Abdominal myalgia, after confinement. STOOL. Disposition to diarrhoea. Constipation; fasces hard and dry. Large papescent stool. Scanty di-arrhoea with tenesmus. o Non-inflammatory colics and diarrhoeas of children, URINE. Frequent urination, with increased flow. o Retention for 18 hours, followed by profuse urine. Profuse flow of pale, watery urine. O It increases the excretion of the solids of the urine in rheu- matism. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — * A sensation of weight and bearing down in the uterine region, with a feeling of heaviness and torpor in the lower extremities. * The menses appear eight days before the time. * Troublesome labor-like pain during pregnancy. * Abortion in the early months of pregnancy. Premature labor, with serious hemorrhage. Prickling sensations in both mammae. Leucorrhoea, with bearing down pains. o Vaginal and cervical leucorrhoea, without ulceration. o Amenorrhcea, with excessive pain in the head, back and limbs ; with dark circles around the eyelids. o Retarded menstruation, with pressive, heavy headache, etc. o Suppression from a cold ; febrile symptoms ; rheumatic pains in the limbs ; uterine cramps. o Congestive dysmenorrhoea, and of rheumatic origin. o Uterine ailments of a neuralgic type. o Dysmenorrhoea, with aching in the limbs, severe pain in the back, down the thighs, with heavy, pressing down, labor-like pains, cramps, tenderness of the hypogastric region. o Menorrhagia; profuse flow, of a passive character, dark, co- agulated, with the characteristic pains. o Uterine inertia. * Spasmodic, painful and intensely powerful but intermitting contractions, o Suppression of the lochia, o Threatened abortion, and habitual abortion, o Prolapsus uteri, from deficient innervation. ISO CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. o Ovaritis. Irritable uterus, o Post-partem haemorrhage, o Spasms of the broad hgaments. o Sterility, from various causes. o Puerperal melancholy and mania, with sleeplessness. Male. — Pain and tenderness of the testicles. LARYNX. Constant inclination to cough, from tickling sensation in the larynx. Hoarseness. Short dry cough ; fluent coryza. o Troublesome hacking cough, o Catarrhal cough of children, especially at night. CHEST. Acute pain in right chest, extending from top to bottom, about two inches to right of sternum, aggravated by in- spirations. Lancinating pain along the cartilages of the false ribs, left side, aggravated by inspiration. Transient and fugitive pains all through the chest, with car- diac palpitations, o Aching, wearing pains in under left mammae, o Neuralgic pains through the chest. iltitches in the region of the heart, and pain in left side of the chest. * Pleurodynia, rheumatic or myalgic. * Pleurisy, sub-acute (after Aconite and Bryonia). o Chronic cough, dependent on nervous debility. o Pains in the left side so common to females. HEART. Pain in the region of the heart, with palpitations, and stitches flying through various parts of the thorax. Pain and anxiety in the heart, with pain in left shoulder ; the arm feels bound to the side. Transient but severe cardiac palpitations. Pulse weak, irregular, 80 per minute. o Paroxysms, several times a day (in a woman at the change of life), of intense pain in the region of the heart ; great anxiety ; livid or purple color of the face ; cold per- spiration on the hands ; numbness of the whole body, especially the arms ; the heart's action seems suspended by spasms ; she cannot speak or inove ; she feels as if sufibcating ; head forcibly retracted, and unconscious- ness, o Palpitation of the heart ; numbness of the arms ; (pain down the left arm into the hand, and great exhaustion). CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. 151 o Intense anxiety and pain about the heart, with pain in the shoulder, extending down the left arm. o Rheumatic affections of the heart. O Pericarditis, sub-acute, during rheumatism, o Cardiac myalgia (with pain, irregular action, etc.) o Functional disorder, from mental depression, o Angina pectoris. o Palliation in some organic affections, hypertrophy, etc. BACK. * Stiffness of the neck. Drawing and pulsating pain in lumbar region. * Dull, heavy aching in the small of the back, relieved by rest, increased by motion. Stitches in the back, aggravated by motion or respiration. * Cramping in the muscles of neck on moving the head. * Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the neck and back. Trembling and weakness in the back — sacrum. In the morning, on bending the neck forward, a severe, drawing, tensive pain at the points of the spinous pro- cesses of the three upper dorsal vertebras. Dull pain in region of lower dorsal and upper lumbar ver- tebrae. Weight and pain in lumbar and sacral regions, sometimes extending all around the body, somewhat below the crest of ileum. Feeling of stiffness and constriction in muscles of the back. o Lumbago — one of the most useful remedies, o A painful affection known as " crick in the back." o Spinal myalgia, falsely called spinal irritation, with pain, soreness, tenderness along the spinal column ; a disease seated in the ligaments and muscles of the vertebral column, and generally of a rheumatic origin, or due to weakness of the muscular fibres. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. * Dull pain in right arm, deep in the muscles, from the shoul- der to the wrist. Itching and redness of dorsal surface of the hands. * Neuralgic pains in all the extremities. Pains which are cramping, with lameness and numbness, o Muscular rheumatism of the extremities, LOWER EXTREMITIES. Dull, aching, burning pain in the great toe, extending up the limb, o Sciatica, with numb, crampy, and laming pains, o Rheumatic-neuralgic pains. o Articular rheumatism ; also muscular, especially in the large muscles. 152 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. SKIN. Prickling, itching, and heat of the whole surface. Eruptions of white pustules over the face and neck, some- times large, red, papular. Papular eruption on back of hands and wrists. SLEEP. * Sleeplessness, from nervous irritation. o Sleeplessness of children during teething. o Sleeplessness, with melancholy mood. FEVER. o Rheumatic fever of an acute character. o Night sweats without organic disease. GENERALITIES. Nervous system. — * Chorea, from suppressed menses, o Chorea, from undue exposure to cold. o Chorea, from rheumatic irritation of motor nerves, or ante- rior column of spinal cord, o Chorea, from deranged menstrual functions ; always worse at the menstrual periods, o Chorea ; the whole body in constant motion, with loss of speech, and mental depression. O Spasmodic jactitation of limbs, or single muscles. o Cerebro-spinal irritation, when the motor side is excited and then excites atony of the muscular system. It causes first great irritability of the nervous system, and secondarily, great exhaustion of that system. Nervous exhaustion after the least excitement. Great sensitiveness to cold air ; it seemed to penetrate the system. Continual restlessness in afternoon ; desire to move about, not knowing what to do, or where to go. General weak, ill, trembling, sinking feeling. Tremors ; so weak and trembling as not to be able to walk or study. General lame and bruised feeling, as if sore all over. It affects the left side most. Severe aching in joints and back, as if attacked with variola. NEW REMEDIES. I 53 CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. (Princess Pine.) Analogues : — Ciibcba,(f) Copaiva, Buchu, Galium, Parcira, Uva ursi, Camiabis sativa. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the leaves; dilutions. (No proving.) URINARY ORGANS, * Scanty urine, containing large quantity of muco-purulent sediment. o Dropsy, from disease of the kidneys. o Albuminuria. o Increased amount of urine, with diminution of the lithatcs. o Chronic catarrh of the bladder. o Disease of the prostrate. o Haematuria, from chronic gonorrhoea. o Dysuria in plethoric, hysterical women ; scanty, frequent urination, and pressing, scalding, smarting pain ; high- colored urine, depositing a copious mucus sediment. o Urine thick, ropy, of brick color, and copious bloody sedi- ment, with hectic fever and night sweats. STOOL. Constipation. • GENERATIVE ORGANS. * Excessive itching and painful irritation of the urethra, from the end of the penis to the neck of the bladder. * Sensation of swelling in the perineum, as if in sitting down a ball was pressing against it. o Atrophy of the mammae, o Tumors of the mammae, o Schirrhus tumor of the mammae. (.?) FEVER. * Flushing of the cheeks and general heat, with accelerated pulse, o Hectic fever. SKIN, o Glandular enlargements, o In scrofula it seems to rank with any of the anti-psorics. 19 154 NEW REMEDIES. CISTUS CANADENSIS. (Rock-Rose.) Analogues: — Ampelopsis, Belladonna, Calcarea, Corydalis, Graphites, Hepar sulphur. Kali bicJiromicum, Paris quadrifolia, Phytolacca, Stillingia. [All the following symptoms are marked by Hering as curative.] MIND. All mental excitement greatly increases the suffering. Bad effects from vexation. After supper, until bedtime, cheerfulness. Mental agitation increases the cough. Every mental excitement is followed by stitches in the throat, producing a cough. HEAD. Head drawn to one side by swelling on the neck. EYES. Scrofulous inflammation of the eyes of long standing. EARS. Discharge from the ears. Tetters on and around the ears, extending into the external meatus. NOSE. Evenings and mornings frequent and violent sneezing. Painful tip of nose, which at first grew worse and then was cured. FACE. Flushes of heat in the face. Caries of the lower jaw. TEETH. Very scorbutic gums, swollen, separating from the teeth, bleeding easily, putrid, disgusting. TONGUE. Dryness of the tongue and roof of the mouth. THROAT. Impure breath. Inhaling cold air causes pain in the throat. Inhaling the slightest cold air causes a sore throat, which he has not when inhaling in the warm room ; several cases. A feeling of softness in the throat. Rawness, extending from the chest into the throat. A feeling as if sand were in the throat. CISTUS CANADENSIS. 155 The patient is constantly obliged to swallow saliva to relieve an unbearable dryness, especially during the night. Continuous feeling of dryness and heat in the throat. Dryness of throat from 12 o'clock noon, until i to 3 A. M., at night, then better until the next noon. A small dry spot in the gullet for one year, then general dryness of throat, — better after eating, worse after sleeping, — as if tearing asunder, the patient must get up and drink water. The inside of the throat looks glassy ; on the back of throat there appear strips of tough mucus. Periodical itching in the throat. Tickling and soreness in the throat. In the morning sore pain in the throat and dryness of the tongue. Tearing pain in the throat when coughing. Stitches in the throat, causing cough when mentally agitated. Fauces inflamed and dry, without feeling dry ; tough, gum- like, thick, tasteless phlegm brought up by hawking, mostly in the morning. Hawking of mucus. Expectoration of bitter mucus. After discharging phlegm from the throat he feels generally much relieved. STOMACH. Drinking water relieves the dryness in the throat. After eating the dryness of the throat is relieved. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. All night till daybreak thin stool squirting out, of a gray- yellow color ; three more before noon. Diarrhoea, thin, hot stool. O Chronic dysentery. — (Dr. Comstock.) O Chronic diarrhcea, — (a very successful remedy in many cases. —{Hale.) The wind is not incarcerated as often as before. CHEST. Feeling as if the windpipe had not space enough. Pain in the windpipe. Feeling as of rawness, extending from the upper part of the chest into the throat. Cough from stitches in the throat. Cough, with a very painful tearing in the throat. Cough, and her neck thickly studded with tumors. He bled at the lungs, and his scrofulous symptoms had re- turned. I $6 " CISTUS CANADENSIS. In the evening, after lying down, and at night in bed, once a week or oftener, attacks of a kind of asthma ; he draws his breath with such a loud wheezing that it wakens others sleeping in the same room. He has the feeling as if the windpipe had not space enough. Pressure on the chest. NECK. Scrofulous swelling and suppuration of the glands of the throat. Mrs. C, of delicate constitution, when nineteen years of age, was afflicted with a cough, and her neck was thickly studded with tumors ; using the Rock-rose she was re- stored, and has not been afflicted with any such symp- toms since. — (Dr. D. A. Tyler) BACK. Scrofulous ulcers on the back. LOWER LIMBS. A lad seven years old had the " white-swelling " of the hip for three years. The bone was dislocated upward and outward ; there was a large opening on the hip, leading to the bone, into which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He had been under several phy- sicians who had given him up. After using a decoction of the Rock- rose, in two days his night sweats ceased ; thirty-nine days after he was entirely well. — (Dr. J. H. TJionipso7i.) Cold feet. SLEEP. In the night swallowing of saliva on account of dryness. Must get up in the night on account of dryness in the throat. The dryness in the throat worse after sleeping. On awaking pain under the hypochondria. Night sweats. SKIN. Tetter on the ears. Lupus on the face. Yox scrofula a popular medicine in North America. Mr. C.from a child was afflicted with the scrofula, and had also glandular swelling on the neck ; at the age of sixteen he was much worse, had eight abscesses on the neck, three ulcers on the shoulder and three on the hips ; at forty years of age he had his head drawn on one side, and was unable to labor. After using the Rock-rose for four weeks, the ulcers broke, discharged and healed ; the tumor lessened in size, his head resumed its natural position, and he went regularly to work. Later his COCA. 157 scrofulous symptoms returned again, and he also bled at the lungs, for which he used it again with the same beneficial results. — (Professor Ives.) Hard swelling around all her syphilitic mercurial ulcers on the lower limbs. COCA. {Erythroxylon coca.) [A plant used by the natives of Peru for the purpose of stimulation, and to enable them to perform arduous labor. These symptoms collated mainly from Hering's pathogenesis. — Hale^ Analogues: — Coffca, Thea, Scutellaria, Igftatia, PauUinia, Cannabis indica, Cypripediuin, Phosphoric acid, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of leaves ; dilutions. MENTAL SPHERE. * Slow in finding the words to express himself at times. * Brain feels so muddled that he cannot read understandingly. o Mind much clearer ; spirits much better. A peculiar sensation of isolation from the outer world. On any one speaking to him, it seems as if the person were at a great distance ; morning. Their excited imaginations conjure up the most wonderful visions ; at one time consisting of indescribably beau- tiful and delightful forms ; at another, however, of the most horrid figures. Inclination to work, with sleeplessness all night ; disinclina- tion. An irresistible inclination to feats of strength. Shy ; they flee the society of their fellow-men ; seek con- cealment in gloomy woods or lonely dwellings. Instinctive desire to make no motions at all. o Always relieves him from unusual fatigue ; producing per- fect calmness of mind and body, and is never followed by any depression. A kind of numbness, with a feeling of security, with reten- tion of clear self-consciousness, and the instinctive de- sire to make no motion, not even to move a single finger, for an entire day. During the evening, after the first dose at 6 o'clock, his hear- ing became painfully acute ; he felt something like ex- pectation ; brain excited ; and a rather painful pressure on the sides of the head, o Mental depression. Great anxiety, palpitation, humming in the ears the whole day, and sparks before the eyes. 158 COCA. o Peevish temper ; hypochondria. Nausea and vertiginous feeling, incapacitating for carrying on Hterary labors, o Loss of energy. HEAD. Giddiness and dizziness ; involuntarily stopping quickly when walking ; the head inclined forward, with giddi- ness and fear of walking. Giddiness, though slight, on going out in the open air early in the morning; objects appearing to turn before the eyes, for an hour's time. Great dullness in the head, like the effects of a debauch. Fullness of forehead ; dull feeling over the whole brow ; slight shooting pains in right temple ; sensation of ten- sion over forehead, as if an india rubber band were stretched over it. Violent headache immediately over the eyes, with low ring- ing in the ears. Dull frontal headache, which vanished with the setting of the sun, followed by a state of mental exhilaration. A pressing headache on the right side of the occiput as well as of the right side of the forehead, with giddiness and chill after dinner, disappearing towards evening. Headache in the afternoon, with chilliness. Rather violent headache, with sensation of dryness in the throat, o Migraine, EYES. Great intolerance of light, with remarkable dilatation of pupils. Black spots flying lightly before the eyes several times while reading. White spots before the eyes, so that on reading the book seems moulded white. [Chloral has " everything locks white."] Flickering before the eyes ; the letters seem to run together on the paper ; it seemed as if he were writing with two pens ; fiery specks float before the eyes. A sensation comes on as if some one were knocking about the eyes, with loud ringing in the ears ; two hours later he can write without double vision or swimming. Dullness of the head, with flying of fiery points from above downwards, and swimming together of the letters. White spots and glittering serpentine lines before the eyes, with great uneasiness on going out after dinner, for an hour. COCA. 1 59 The eyes become very sensitive, reading cannot be endured long ; some are troubled with slight headache, while others suffer from nausea and various disorders of the digestive apparatus, which may be compared with sea- sickness. Disposition on the part of the upper lids to fall, without being sleepy. After using for a number of days, on himself and others, there broke out a circumscribed erythema — on one an exanthema resembling herpes — around the eyelids. EARS. Acute hearing, and excited brain. Loud ringing and buzzing in the ears. Difficulty of hearing ; it seems as if the sounds came from a great distance. NOSE. Running of clear water from nose, and occasional sneezing, without having properly a coryza as he usually has it. FACE. Burning, redness of cheeks, first left then right ; white spot in the centre of latter. Small boils on the face. Quivering, trembling lips ; pale lips and gums, with green, blunt teeth. Ugly, blackish border around the angles of the mouth. On the lips a nettle rash ; scabs ; bleeding. MOUTH. Toothache in a hollow tooth, at noon till evening, violent. * Prevents caries of teeth. * No taste in the morning. * Much furred tongue. Dryness of mouth on waking. o No taste in the morning. THROAT. Irritability of pharynx, so that the stomach would not re- tain food. * A distinct feeling of swelling of the uvula; difficulty of swallowing. Swelling of the uvula without any particular redness, lasting from 5 o'clock in the afternoon through the whole evening. Feeling as if some mucus were at back of pharynx ; not re- moved by coughing or hawking. Early in the morning, after a very comfortable sleep, a sen- sation of dryness in the throat, very disagreeable on swallowing, as if swollen. l60 COCA. APPETITE. Not hungry at noon, as usual, nevertheless ate a good deal, and with appetite. Quickly satiated, notwithstanding great hunger and good appetite at noon. Wants food at an earlier hour in the forenoon, notwithstand- ing a distension of the abdomen, as if from overloaded stomach. Digestion goes on with great activity. An intense gnawing, hungry sensation at the pit of the stomach. Morbid hunger, even to swallow animal excrements ; (chronic symptom of chewers.) Very little need of food, even with hard labor ; incredible fatigues are endured with unusual vigor on the most meagre diet. Always felt a sense of great satiety after taking the infusion in the morning, and did not feel a desire for his next meal until after the time at which he usually took it. Prevents getting hungry ; feel no hunger. Retards approach of hunger, taken as tea. Enables the body to feed upon itself, without the hunger pains and weakness usually accompanying prolonged abstinence from ordinary food. Drinking the decoction at 3 or 4 o'elock P. M., it has in- variably and totally deprived him of all appetite for dinner, and his rest of the ^ight ; under these circum- stances he always passed the night in reading or writing ; he feels no fatigue or hunger on the following morning. o Want of appetite. STOMACH. At noon, a peculiar feeling of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen ; when walking a painful contractive sensation in the stomach, and close to the latter on the left side, a pain similar to the so-called stitches in the spleen. Debility of digestive organs ; at first seems to be slight un- easiness ; soon reaches a frightful intensity, o Catarrh of the stomach ; a cup of Coca after dinner, o After taking for five days, 20 drops of the tincture, once or twice a day, his digestion became extraordinarily good, and continued so. When walking, a pain about region of cardiac end of stomach, gradually increasing ; would have amounted to a cutting pain ; after standing it went off, returning during a week, o Gastralgia. COCA. . i6i ABDOxMEN. Violent bellyache, with rumbling, as if from flatulence ; tym- panitic distension of the abdomen, diminished by a frequent discharge of inodorous flatus. o Spasmodic colic ; given in the hospitals in Bolivia ; had no effect in Valparaiso, o Enteralgia. o Pituitous disease of the abdominal organs. Tympanitic extension of abdomen, diminished by frequent discharges of inodorous flatus. o Hypochondria pressure and tension after meals, o Flatulence, o PuflSng up of abdomen. STOOL. The dangerous obstructions which would result from the diet of the Indians — roasted maize and roasted barley, pounded into meal, and swallowed dry without any- thing — are prevented by the well-known purgative action of the Coca. Stool easier than usual in the morning, and thinner ; for three minutes after a feeling of want of further evacua- tion, without any ; the soft stool of a normal color. Teaspoonful musty diarrhoea, four stools during the early afternoon, without pain ; stools different from his habit- ual looseness. Stopped taking Coca, and had natural stools. Ineffectual urging to stool. Constipation, with abdominal distension. URINE. o Absence of the usual incontinentia urinae nocturna. Rose at night to urinate, as he had to do constantly a long time ago, but not lately, and it ceased after the proving. Urine has an unbroken film over its surface, iridescent in certain lights, with an appearance like fissures in it, mapping it out, and a flocculent, pale sediment floating at the bottom, seen through the film. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Women. — Menses delayed for two days, come on about noon ; got very profuse during the night, with some pain in the lower part of the abdomen ; not in a steady flow as usual, but in gushes, awakening from sound sleep; after drinking the infusion morning and evening for a whole week. n' LARYNX. ' Hoarse voice ; waking at night. 1 62 . COCA. Hoarseness, with tickling in the upper part of the trachea, and some cough. O Feels much stronger in voice ; can sing much louder and clearer. O In phthisis laryngea, when from irritability of the pharynx, the stomach would not retain food. o After a strong infusion he could, during the whole day, climb the heights, and follow the swift-footed wild ani- mals, without experiencing any greater difficulty of breathing than in similar rapid movements on the coast. Great ease in ascending high mountains, and running amongst them, without any difficulty of breathing. o Mitigates the difficulty of breathing, heemoptysis, and sleepi- ness, incident to traveling among the hills, 4,000 feet above the sea level. o A strong tea prevents the usual breathlessness in climbing hills. Shortness of breathing, especially on making an ascent ; in the forenoon, a tickling cough would cause a tingling. o Expectoration of small lumps, like boiled starch, which he has had for some time, immediately after rising in the morning. o Hawking up of small transparent lumps of mucus, chiefly in the morning. o Asthma. o Oppression of breathing during nocturnal hours. CHEST. Rather painful weight on the chest, with constant necessity to imbibe deeply, when sitting in the evening ; sensa- tion as if the lungs were too much distended ; difficulty of breathing, even in bed ; palpitation, with a weakness of the whole body, though not disagreeable, as if from great exertion. o Emphysema. HEART. After an infusion of the leaves, p"ilse becomes much acceler- ated, beats of the heart being nearly quadrupled. Great anxiety, and strong palpitation ; he broke out in a copious sweat in the evening, 9 o'clock, while in bed. o Disease of the heart, functional. SLEEP, o Inclination to sleep, but can find no rest. SKIN, o Dry, papular eruption on back of the hand, of three years' standing, not cured by Kali, chrom., Sulph. ac, Fluor, ac, etc., soon ceased to spread, gradually got paler, and has in some spots, where it was worse, disappeared. CODEINE. 163 o Protection from cutaneous diseases. GENERALITIES. Numbness of hands and feet, o Suffered frequently from rheumatism, came on from the sh'ghtest cold ; now not from the ist of October till 1st of November, even not with very unfavorable weather. During manual labor Coca has very little influence. Ease in breathing, and feeling of freshness and vigor of the whole body, with great pleasure in walking quickly and far, notwithstanding the great heat and great power of the sun, in the forenoon. Great bodily vigor, and endurance of great fatigue, notwith- standing extremely little nourishment aad no sleep. * Can no where find rest ; nervousness and nightly restlessness of children during dentition, o Erethism in the sensitive sphere. o Hysterical complaints. o Debility during re-convalescence from typhus, o Fainting fits. The Stramonium patient likes company, the Coca patient solitude ; the Stramonium patient light, the Coca pa- tient darkness. CODEINE [An alkaloid of Opium. Provings by Dr. Marcy and others.] Aih a particn''^'' <^esire for bitter substances, o Tendernes'^- '"'^ ^^^^ •^oviach, with violent pulsations of the i..^j"t and carotids. >./ oastric and abdominal neuralgia.- o Violent spasmodic pain at the pit of the stomach. ABDOMEN. Extreme tenderness of lower part of the abdomen. Dull pains throughout the entire abdomen. I^STOOL. Constipation, tenderness of the bowels, especially the trans- verse and descending colon. URINARY ORGANS. Increase of urine, it being lighter in color. Semi-paralysis of the bladder. CHLORAL HYDRATE. 1 65 MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Sexual excitement during the night. Lascivious thoughts, causing frequent erections day and night. BACK. Sharp pains extending from the stomach and chest through to the back, between the shoulders, worse on right side. Convulsive movements of the muscles of the back of the neck. Acute pains in the region of the kidneys. NECK. Convulsions in the muscles of the neck. Neuralgic pains from the occiput to the back of the neck. Painful pulsations in the left side of the neck. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arm. On moving the arm a severe pain in the deltoid muscles. Numbness of the hands and arms. Pulsating pain in the left upper arm. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. Sensation and power of motion impaired. Involuntary twitchings of the lower limbs. Sudden pain in knee joint, rendering walking impossible for a few minutes, o Neuralgic pains in the thighs and legs, and sub-acute rheu- matic pains in the knee and ankle joints, o Paralytic affections of lower extremities, with extreme rest- lessness. CHLORAL HYDRATE. Analogues: — Ether, Cldoroform, Brcmides, Conium, Gel- sefninum, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Aqueous solution and dilu- tions. [When given to cause sleep or allay suffering, in material doses, it is best prescribed in Syrup of Tolu, 10 grs. to the dram. It should be administered largely diluted. 20 grains is the average soporific dose for an adult.] MENTAL SPHERE, Insanity. — The following results have been gained by giving to insane persons a daily average quantity from twenty to thirty grains : 1 66 CHLORAL HYDRATE. When patients are destructive and violent, the Chloral acts as an excellent hypnotic by night, and soothing agent by day. Free from destructive habits; and gain in weight and strength. Action of the bowels and bladder improves. Appetite of the paralytic patients increased. Those suffering from abnormal sensations are benefitted. Cuts short the hallucinations in those predisposed. Desire to maim and hurt themselves passes away. Patients who suffer incessantly from hearing voices, some benefited. Melancholia has been benefitted. That the greater the disorganization of the brain and the cord (as judged by the symptoms), the sooner does the system come under Chloral action. Very easily irritated at trifles, o Puerperal mania. Wandering of the mind ; incoherent talking, o Delirium tremens. HEAD. Cerebral congestion ; (fatal). — (Hammond.) Pain which is excruciating in the occiput. Great heaviness of the head ; he cannot lift it. Head feels as if compressed in a vice, o Cerebro-spinal congestion, in several cases. — (Hale.) EYES. Aching heaviness in the eyes. The eyelids feel so heavy he can hardly lift them. Intense itching of the inner canthi and edges of lids. Red, injected, and blood-shot eyes. Puffy swelling of the lids. Burning ifi the eye and eyelids. Watery eyes, especially when looking at anything. Eyeballs feel too large. SIGHT. Blindness, or great dimness of vision. Disturbances of the power of accommodation. — (Crabbe.) Great hyperaesthesia of the retina. He cannot see small objects, such as printed letters, but a few moments, when they gradually fade away. If one eye only is used until objects fade, the other sees ob- jects plainly for awhile. — (Gelsemimim.) Everything looks white {Coca) ; color-blindness. Dark spots before the eyes. Gorgeous visions of arches, tapestry, of various vivid colors, pass before the eyes when shut, or open in the dark. CHLORAL HYDRATE. 1 6/ All colors are unusually bright. Vibrations apparently in the eyes and head, when lying down. Great sensitiveness to light and noise. MOUTH AND TONGUE. Apparent swelling of the tongue, with sensations of stiffness, vibrating, quivering, etc. Fears of suffocating from swelling of tongue. A choking sensation at root of tongue. A black streak down centre of the tongue. Foam at the mouth ; a kind of salivation. TEETH AND JAWS, o Neuralgia from decayed teeth, (a grain or two in the cavity stops the pain quickly. — Hale.) o Odontalgia traumatica, from pressure of the filling ; the pain unbearable ; worse when lying down. (Cured by ten grains. See N'ezu Englajid Medical Gazette, March 1872.— Hale.) STOMACH. Retching, lasting an hour, during a surgical operation. Does not usually disturb the stomach. [It may prove useful in vomiting from reflex irritations ; in very severe gastralgia ; and I have found it to give prompt relief in spasm of gall duct and pain on passage of calculi. — Hale^ STOOL. o Diarrhoea, worse at night, during dentition ; excessive nervous excitement. Does not usually cause abdominal symptoms. [In the very severe colic of children, when the pain threatens to cause spasms, 3 to 5 grs. will give prompt relief. — HaleP[ [it may prove useful in cholera.] GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — Loss of sexual power, with absence of desire and erections. Impotence, o Chordee, during gonorrhoea, very severe. Female. — o It quickly mitigates the pain of labor, of dys- menorrhoea and uterine spasms, but should not be given when there is a tendency to haemorrhage, as it increases that tendency, even to the production of purpura. — Hale. HEART AND CIRCULATION. * Great dyspnoea, a sense of suffocation, oppression at the base of the chest (in front), and urgent thirst. [The following case of poisoning from fifty grains illustrates its action on the circulatory system : Cold extremities, an excessively rapid, weak, irregular and intermittent pulse; Jactitation of the limbs ; an intolerable 1 68 CHLORAL HYDRATE. sense of sinking and oppression at the pit of the stomach; gasping breath- ing, and confusion of thought. I observed at this time and for three- quarters of an hour subsequently that the radial, temporal, and literal pulses were all of the character I now descrihe— frequent, weak, irregular in both force and rythm, and frequetitly intermittent, but that the heart was acting regularly, although with iiicreased frequency and diminished force. Stimulants, with white of &g^ were administered freely, warmth was ap- plied to the extremities, sinapisms placed on the cardiac region, fresh air was introduced plentifully into the room, and at the end of an hour from my first seeing the patient, the pulse had become much steadier, though still very frequent and very weak. The syncopal feeling had diminished ; the feet were warm, and there was a tendency to sleep. This state of com- parative freedom from urgently dangerous symptoms lasted for longer than an hour, wKen, without any apparent cause, they returned with increased severity The patient now seemed in the greatest danger. The superficial pulses were almost i^nperceptible, and when they could be detected, pre- sented the character I have described. Still the heart was regular in its heat, although feeble, and intensely rapid in its pulsations. The fnind wandered 7nuch; there was titter prostration of muscular strength, the limbs being extended, the head low, and the aspect was at titnes that of im- pending dissolution. There was great depression, a sense of suffocation, oppression at the base of the chest (in front), ajid urgent thirst. The treat- ment previously adopted was again pursued vigorously, and at the end of an hour and a half relief was obtained and sleep followed. The next morning I found the pulse quite regular, and of its normal frequency. The points of interest that occurred to me were : ist, the dose ; 2d, the time between its administration (one hour) and the appearance of symptoms ; 3d, the recurrence of symptoms after their temporary cessation ; 4th, the curious effect on the muscles, which was obviously not due to effect on the heart ; 5th, the relief by food and stimulants. I found that the albumen of two eggs was followed by a calming effect, and a tendency to sleep.] SKIN. Purpura hcsmorrhagica, as the following cases show : [M. A., female, aged 69, who had been an inmate of this asylum* for many years, and who was subject to periodical attacks of mania, occurring every six months, and ushered in by convulsions and coma, entered upon one of her wonted paroxysms on the ist of March, 1870, and was ordered twenty grains of Chloral Hydrate three times a day. This produced sleep and cutaneous anaesthesia, and on the 4th of March, a very unexpected result in the form of a bright red blush, erythematous in aspect but perma- nent under pressure, over the chest and shoulders. This blush on March 6th had pervaded the whole trunk and limbs, and had become mottled with livid patches and deep red spots. The lips and buccal mucous mem- brane had contemporaneously become red and raw-looking, the gums spongy, and the tongue blistered and ulcerated in several parts. The breath was foetid, the pulse 1 20, feeble and compressible, and the general condition that of great debility, with delirious excitement. On March 9th no material change had taken place, except that the ulcerations in the mouth had become more extensive and distressing; but on the nth the . petechial eruption showed signs of vanishing over the thorax and abdo- men, where it had never been so severe as on the arms and legs, and where intervals of yellowish and white skin were now visible. The arms were of a red color, speckled with shreds of white, dead epidermis par- tially separated from the adjacent cutis, and the lips were covered with * West Ridin 2 Asylum. Cases reported by Dr. Crichton Browne. Monthly Homoeopathic Revie v, June 1871. CHLORAL HYDRATE. 1 69 sordes and dried blood. On March 15th a sort of general desquamation had set in, the cutis being raised in thick round patches, like blisters from which the serum had been absorbed, the skin beneath being of a dull purple color, and in some places yellow. After this a large bed-sore formed over the sacrum, and some superficial cracks and fissures pre- sented themselves in the neighborhood of the joints. Convalescence was, however, steadily maintained, and the patient was soon restored to her usual health.] [L. T., a female, aged 46, laboring under heart disease, left hemiplegia, and dementia, with excitement, who was ordered, as a calmative, on Feb- ruary 24th, 1870, fifteen grains of Chloral thrice, daily, and who seemed to derive benefit from the prescription 'until March 15th, when numerous reddish purple blotches were observed around the left elbow, which, on the following day, had enlarged and united with others of a siiftilar kind which had come out on the shoulders and forearm. On March 17th sev- eral livid marks had broken out on the face, while the left arm had become swollen and indurated, and showed upon its red surface a mass of minute points or stigmata, of a much deeper red, and not disappearing under pressure. On the next day dull purple spots and discolorations — some small, round and circumscribed, others large and regular in shape — were seen on the legs, abdomen, and back ; being restricted in the latter situa- tions to a band two inches in breadth along each side of the vertebral column. Along with these petechiae there was great prostration of strength, a tendency to somnolence, weakness and irritability of the pulse, a raw state of the lips, which were entirely denuded of epithelieum, and a fissured and thickly-coated tongue. On the 19th of Mar^h the spots and discolorations had spread in every direction, and had lost their vividness of hue, having assumed a deep purple tinge. Symptoms of pulmonary congestion also appeared. Strength gradually ebbed ; and, after several slight attacks of syncope, death took place on the 22d of March. At the autopsy, thirty-one hours after death, the body was found covered with livid vibrices and ecchymoses of various shapes and sizes, largest upon the limbs, smallest upon the abdomen. The ankles and feet were of a diffused purple color, and there was much sugillation of dependent parts. Rigor mortis was present. The outer layer of pericardium was adherent to the heart, which weighed 17 ounces, had thin walls, dilated cavities filled with discolorized clots, and valves incompetent and enormously thickened and puckered. There was a sort of cartilaginous deposit on the ontside of the right auricle. The right lung was congested and oedematous ; the liver was fatty ; the capsules of the kidney were thickened and adherent, with wasting of the cortical substance. In the head a large arachnoid cyst was found coexistent with the right hemisphere, which was. flattened beneath it. It presented a reddish-green appearance, and contained several ounces of a bilio-sanguineous looking fluid. The whole brain weighed 40 ounces ; the right half weighed 18 ounces, the left half 21;^ ounces. There were the rusty-brown traces of an old clot in the right corpus striatum.] 'iNote. — Whether Chloral will prove a curative agent in this dreadful dis- ease, must be shown by experience. The blood-disorganization may not be a dynamic effect of the drug, but due to its presence in the blood, and acting chemically.] In several cases, and even several times in the same person, Chloral caused all the eruption and symptoms of an attack of scarlatina. — (British Journal of Homoeopathy, April, i8y2.) SLEEP. Quiet sleep, apparently natural, I/O CHLORAL HYDRATE. Comatose condition lasting for days, ending in fatal cerebral congestion. Restless ; screaming, noisy in sleep. * Night terrors, especially in teething children. Somnolence, during which he is conscious of all his actions, such as coughing, spitting, etc. [20 grs. usually causes quiet sleep for six hours, 40 grs. for 12 hours.] NERVOUS SYSTEM, o Traumatic tetanus (many cases). Puerpural convulsions in the last stages of labor. — (Dr. F. A. Loi'd.) o Chorea (many severe cases). o Infantile tetanus ; (two grs. at time of each spasm), o Puerperal convulsions, arrested by 20 grs. — (Dr. F. A. Lord, U. S. Med. & Surg. Jour., May, iSj2.) o Tetanus, traumatic, or from other causes. PATHOLOGICAL EFFECTS. Ocular and palpebral mucous membrane is injected. Vascularity of the ears without increase of heat. Experiments on rabbits, they exhale the odor of Chloral through their nostrils, a fact which would lead one to think that it was not decomposed in the blood. Congestion of the abdominal viscera ; mesenteric vessels are turgid, all the mucous membranes are injected, par- ticularly that of the trachea, if examined during the experimentation. The brain, cerebellum, and their membranes show an in- tense vascularity. Muscles are vascular, quite readily. The duration of its action is in proportion with the feeble- ness of the patient. In two cases of delirium tremens, quiet sleep was induced. In a patient suffering from bronchitis with asthma, the Chloral gave relief. Deep and prolonged narcotism can be produced by the Chloral. During a portion of the period of narcotism there may be complete anaesthesia, with absence of reflex action ; a condition, in short, in which every kind of operation fails to call forth consciousness. In fatal cases the functions are destroyed in the following order : a, the cerebral ; d, the voluntary muscles ; c, the respiratory ; d, the heart. The substance prevents in some small degree the coagula- bility of the blood, and in large quantities stops the process of coagulation altogether. In large quantities it also destroys the blood-corpuscles, and produces gen- COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. I/I eral destruction of blood. But to produce deep insen- sibility, the dose administered need not be so large as to produce serious derangement of blood. Hydrate of Chloral should be taken, to secure safe and sat- isfactory effects, on a neutral condition of the stomach. If the stomach be acid, the Chloral is not taken into the circulation, and acts imperfectly. If the stomach be alkaline, the Chloral is absorbed too rapidly. An acid stomach should be neutralized before the Chloral is given. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. (Stone Root.) Analogues : — ^scnlus, Arnica, Aloes, Dioscorca, Hamma- viclis, Igiiatia, Lycopodiian, Nicx vomica, Podophyllum, Sulphur. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture or triturations of the root. HEAD. Dull frontal headache, with lassitude and desire to sleep, o Headache from haemorrhoids. Slight fullness in the head ; throbbing in the head. MOUTH. Tongue coated yellow along the centre or base, with bitter taste in the mouth. STOMACH. Vomiting, with pain and heat in the stomach. Cramp-like pains in the stomach, with nausea, o Indigestion associated with constipation and hemorrhoids, o Flatulence and spasms of the stomach. o Congestions of pelvic viscera, o Severe colicky pains in the hypogastrium. Constant heaviness of stomach. Sick feeling at the stomach. ABDOMEN. Sharp, cutting pains in hypogastric region. Severe colicky pain in the hypogastrium, with desire for stool ; nausea and faintness. * Very severe pain in the hypogastrium every few minutes, compelling him to sit down, o Colic, with flatulence and nausea, in cases where Nux and Colocynthis failed. — (Dr. Palmer.) 1/2 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. STOOL AND ANUS. * Constipation, chronic, with much flatulence, and with haemorr- hoids. Heat and itching of the anus. Loose, papescent stool. * Diarrhoea, mucus discharges or watery, with cramp-like or spasmodic pains in the bowels, with vomiting, o Haemorrhoidal dysentery. o Haemorrhoids, bleeding, with ultimate constipation and diarrhoea. Stools preceded and followed by severe pains in the hypo- gastric region. Copious stools of yellow, bilious matter, mucus, bile, blood, and with tenesmus. * Light-colored, lumpy stool, with distress in the anus, o Chronic diarrhoea after confinement ; stools of mucus and black foecal matter, with colic and tenesmus. — (Burt.) o HcBinorrhoids, obstinate and chrotiic, always attended by constipation, bleeding or not. — (Drs. Fowler, Holcombe Barns, Franklm and many others.) o Chronic diseases of the rectum. o Congestions of the pelvic viscera, with piles. o Diseases of the rectum, associated with disease of the uterus. Urine increased in quantity. o Chronic cystitis, nephritis. o Catarrh of the bladder. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — Amenorrhea, from congestion of the uterus and pelvic viscera. o Dysmenorrhoea complicated with piles. o Prolapsus, with pruritis, dysmenorrhcea, and most obstinate constipation. o Dysmenorrhoea and menstrual convulsions, with constipation. o Uterine diseases dependent upon diseases of rectum and bowels. o Pruritus in a pregnant woman ; violent itching of the geni- tals, parts badly swollen, dark red and protruding ; she cannot lie down. — {Dr. CusJiing) Male.—G\QGi (?) o Varicocele, with extreme constipation. — (Fowler.) o Spermatorrhoea kept up piles and constipation — (Hale.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS. O Pulmonary haemorrhage, with a short, hacking cough ; he spat very tough and dark coagula, enveloped in viscid mucus ; with uneasiness in the chest, but no pain, but with bleeding from the rectum the first day. — Dr.Liebold. COMOCLADIA DENT ATA. 1 73 O Hard, shakinf^ cough, with bloody expectoration. o Cough and dy.spncea, in connection with cardiac difficulties. o Chest pains, alternating with haemorrhoids. HEART. o Irritation of the cardiac nerves ; Hypcrc^stJicsia. A functional disorder of the heart, with rapid, regular or ir- regular beating of the heart; pulse 130 to 140 per minute ; the slightest motion or excitement aggravates the symptoms ; periodical spells of faintness and op- pression ; attacks of syncope, with fullness of the chest and difficult breathing ; and attacks of dyspnoea, with great weakness. — (Dr. Fenncr.) [If these symptoms occur in persons subject to haemorrhoids, or after suppressed hccmorrhoidal flux, the Collinsonia would be specially indi- cated. — Hale.'] o In cardiac disorders it seems to act by increasing the heart's tonicity ; or after the heart is relieved, old haemor- rhoids appear, or suppressed menses return. — (Hale.) o Valvular diseases after rheumatic endocarditis. — {Paine.) o Palpitation of the heart in patients subject to haemorrhoids, dyspepsia and flatulence. — {Hale.) o Disease of the mitral valve, the murmur had diminished, and the patient greatly improved under its use. — {Dr. Shepherd.) GENERALITIES. o Used by the country people as a vulnery, much as the Ger- mans use Arnica, for bruises, wounds, sprain.s, etc. o Dropsy, probably from heart disease, or feebleness of the cir- culation. COMOCLADIA DENTATA. (Guao.) Analogues : — Anacardium^ Rhus tox„ Rhus rad., and Rhus ven., etc. Officinal Preparations : Tincture of the bark or leaves : dilutions. HEAD. Feeling of heaviness in the head — aggravated by holding the head down. Shooting pains through the left temple. On arising from bed everything looks dark ; pains, relieved by motion and in the open air. 174 COMOCLADIA DENTATA. FACE, o Left side of face swollen ; the left ear also, all cracked and desquamating a substance like powdered starch. Cured in five weeks. — Navarro. EYES. Aching soreness in the eyeballs, which feel heavy. Inflammation of the eyes ; sees from right eye a red ring around the light of the lamp ; closing the eye, the ring disappears. Eyeballs seem too large. Pains in the eyes increased by being near warm room, with profuse lachrymation. Severe pains through the eye-balls, extending to occiput. Painful and pressing out of the head, as if something was pressing on top of the eye-balls. NOSE- Intolerable itching of the nose. MOUTH, TEETH AND JAWS. Aching pains in the teeth. Sensation as if the tooth was drawing out of its socket. Sensation as if all the molar teeth on the right side were loose. Pain, relieved by pressure. Inflammation of the gums of the lower jaw. Tongue coated dirty yellow. Lower lips blistered and swollen. When the toothache stops the head feels large. LARYNX. Spasmodic dry cough at night, with tickling in the throat, and constant dull pain under the left nipple. Tittilating cough ; hacking cough in the day time. ABDOMEN. A pale red flush, as if an eruption would make its appear- ance across the abdomen. Acute, sore pains extending across the abdomen above the umbilicus, affecting the breathing. GENITAL ORGANS. Continued tingling, itching of the scrotum during the night. Intense itching on the lower part of the penis, also on inner side of the prepuce. CHEST. Acute, sharp pains in left mammary gland, about one inch above the nipple, and leaves a burning sensation ; it goes to right side and down right arm. COMOCLADIA DENTATA. 1 75 Oppression of breath, on account of sharp pains in left side, o A sloughing ulcer on the right breast of a lady of 2)^. (Cured in six weeks. — Dr. Navarro) Constant pain across the chest. Rheumatic or pleurodynic pains in chest. BACK. Rheumatic pains and stitches in the back, the stitches leave a burning. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Frequent rheumatic pains in the hands, arms and legs. Vesicular eruption on the arms and hands. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Severe pains in both knees ; pressing down to the feet on the inside of the legs. Pains, relieved by movement. * Vesicular eruption on the legs ; changing to pustules, and sometimes to deep, unhealthy ulcers. o An indolent ulcer on lower third of right leg, near the exter- nal malleolus — of irregular shape and hard edges ; the ulcer was deep and discharged a sanious and fcetid pus; it had lasted six years. (Cured in four weeks by Coino- cladia joth. — Dr. Navarro.) o Inflammation of left leg and foot, with violent fever ; the swelling increased enormously, when the pain subsided ; the skin became white and covered with shiny scales ; cracked and discharged a sanious fluid. (Cured by Comodadia 6th. — Navarro. SKIN. Violent itching, redness and erysipelatous swelling of the face, hands, and other parts of the body, followed by yellow vesication and desquamation of the cuticle. Painful burning on face and arms, face enormously swollen. Rash resembling scarlet fever, o Erysipelas, herpes zona, etc. Inflammation of the skin, followed by deep, hard-edged ulcers, discharging a thick, purulent, greenish-yellow matter, having a very foetid smell ; the parts looking like raw meat ; the skin covered by small shiny scales. 176 NEW REMEDIES. CORNUS FLORIDA. (Dogwood.) Analogues: — China (?) Nux vomica (?) Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the bark; dilu- tions. HEAD. Sensation of fullness and pains in the head, with gastric de- rangement. Severe headache, with quick pulse and violent pains in the bowels. Cerebral fullness, with constant tendency to sleep. STOMACH. Nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, with headache, o Acid pyrosis. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Violent pain in the bowels, with purging. FEVER. Increased temperature of the body, hot sweat, fullness in the head, o Intermittent fever, with paroxysm, preceded for days by sleepiness ; sluggish flow of ideas ; headache of a dull, heavy character ; nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite ; sometimes bilious or watery diarrhcea ; chill, with cold, clammy skin ; nausea and vomiting, and violent pain in the bowels ; fever, with violent headache ; hot but moist skin ; stupor ; cerebral fullness ; pulse quick and hard ; confusion of intellect, etc. CORNUS CIRCINATA. (Green Osier.) Analogues: — China, Hydrastis, Eupatorinui perfoliatuni, Nux vomica, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the bark; dilu- tions. mental sphere. Drowsiness, with indifference. Mind confused, with inability to concentrate it upon any subject. CORN us CIKCINATA. 1 77 o Feeliii|^ of indolence, and loss of energy. Great depression of spirits, and pctulcnce. Indifference with respect to subjects which usually interest. HEAD, o Dull, heavy pain in the whole head, with drowsiness. Headache, increased by walking, stooping, or shaking the head, o Sense of fullness in head, relieved by a copious stool. Congestion of blood to the head and face. Deep-seated, pulsating pains in the occipital and parietal regions. o Shooting pains through the whole brain, o Bilious cephalagia. EVES. Aching pains through the eyeballs. Yellowish tinge of the conjunctiva ; hollowness of the eyes. Sense of weight around the eyes. Eyes dull and heavy. NOSE. Itching of the nasal mucous membrane. Coryza early in the morning. » Severe prickling sensation in the bony part of the nose. MOUTH AND THROAT. Tongue coated with a thin, yellowish fur. Bitter taste in the mouth. Smarting in the mouth and throat. White fur on the tongue, with desire for cold drinks. O Apthous stomatitis of children ; stomatitis materna. o Apthous ulceration of the mouth in children. STOMACH, o Nausea, with bitter taste, and aversion to all kinds of food, and desire for sour drinks. Burning sensation in the stomach. O Heavy pulsations in the stomach, with nausea and impaired appetite. Nausea, with great debility and eructations. Sensation of faintness in stomach and bowels. Fullness and oppression in the stomach, with bad taste and dry mouth. Smarting and burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach, with desire for stool. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Griping pains in the abdomen, with rumbling of wind. Pressing down pain in the rectum and stool, smarting at the anus ; tenesmus, with griping in the umbilical region' 1/8 CORNUS CIRCINATA. Urging to stool, with fullness and uneasiness of the bowels. Abdominal pains, more acute during stool. Constant working in the bowels. Distension of the bowels with wind, relieved by a copious, dark and bilious stool. Urging to stool, but little passed, the discharge consisting of a few slimy lumps, with pressing and smarting at the anus, o Stool thin and scanty, with burning at the rectum, o Stool thin, scanty, and slimy, with griping in the umbilical region. * Copious, thin and bilious discharge, with tenesmus and burning, o Dark green, thin, and very offensive stools, with copious emission of offensive flatus, o Copious, dark stool of the natural consistence. Hard, dry, and scanty stool, with pressing in the rectum, o Dysentery, with ulceration of mucous membrane of the rectum, o Bilious derangements, * Diarrhoea, with excessive debility and nervous excitability. URINE. Urine scanty and red, or pale ; sensation of fullness in the region of the bladder. Frequent inclination to pass water. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Increased sexual desire during the evening and night, with diminished power. CHEST. Stitches in the chest and back. A fine scarlet rash upon the chest, with itching. Sore, bruised feeling in the chest and back. Shooting pains from the centre of thorax to the lower part of the abdomen. Choking sensation in the upper part of the thorax. BACK. Dull pain in the small of the back, with drowsiness and lassitude. Sore pain in the lumbar region, worse on bending forward or to either side. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Burning and itching sensation in the hands and arms. Coldness of the hands, following a loose stool, LOWER EXTREMITIES. Weakness and weary feeling in the legs. CORYDALIS FORMOSA. 1 79 Itching on the legs and thighs ; burning sensation in the feet. Coldness of feet, following a loose stool. SKIN. Itching of the scalp, legs and feet, increased by scratching or rubbing. Paroxysms of itching of the skin of the back, legs and feet, mostly at night. Fine scarlet rash on the breast, attended with itching. Skin covered with a copious, clammy perspiration. Itching around the genital organs. FEVER. Flushes of heat, followed by perspiration. Chilly sensation, succeeded by transient flushes of heat. Congestion of the head and face. Flushes of heat and coldness in alternation, followed by cold perspiration. Bilious remittents, and the characteristic gastric and intes- tinal symptoms present. SLEEP. Very great drowsiness, and disposition to perspire. Great disposition to sleep, with entire loss of mental and physical energy. Stupid and sleepy feeling, with nausea, etc. Sleepy and weak during the day, with dull pains in the head, back and limbs. CORYDALIS FORMOSA. (Turkey Corn.) Analogues: — ChiinapJdla, Iodide of Potassium, Mercnrius corrosiviis, Stillingia, Aurnm. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root ; dilu- tions. HEAD. o Syphilitic nodes on the skull. o Syphilitic and scrofulous eruptions on the scalp, MOUTH AND THROAT, o Syphilitic ulceration of the fauces. o Chronic ulceration of the mouth and fauces. l80 COSMOLINE. STOMACH. * A peculiar derangement of the stomach, attended with pro- fuse morbid secretion of mucus ; tongue always coated with fetor of the breath ; loss of appetite, and indiges- tion ; (acute and chronic catarrh of the stomach). GENERATIVE ORGANS. o Syphilis, primary and secondary. o Syphilitic nodes, with nocturnal pains. COSMOLINE. Analogues: — Urtica nrens, Dulcamara, PctrolcujJi, Calcn- dnla, Carbolic acid, Rhus. Officinal Preparations: — Triturations; dilutions. [Cosmoline is purified and concentrated Petroleum, the substance which remains after all ethers, coloring matter, impurities, etc., have been re- moved. To obtain it, crude Petroleum is distilled and refined, without the use of adds or alkalies, until only a pure, dense, neutral, concentrated, oleaginous body, having an absolute non-affinity for oxygen or moisture, remains. It will not evaporate below 400° Fahrenheit.] [The following results were obtained from provings of the jx trituration, and its effects on the woi'kmen engaged in its manufacture.^ — Dr. Malcom. Mac Far Ian, of Philadelphia, Peun^ In all cases, speaking generally, the appetite failed. There was a feeling of uneasiness and distress about the epi- gastrium ; eructations, mouth filled with sour water, and bowels disposed to be loose. Several of the persons had diarrhoea (watery and offensive) on the second or third day ; great indifference and weariness ; urination was free (profuse) and frequent. — (Provers.) Loss of appetite, with a feeling of disgust at the sight of food, especially fat meats ; a distressed feeling about the epigastrium; extreme zvearincss and prostration, — at times a congestive headache. They are unrefreshed by sleep, feeling tired and stiff on awakening. In some in- stances they have had a severe diarrhoea, watery and offensive, without pain. They have a constant desire for vegetable acids and fresh fruits. — ( Workmen.) The skin symptoms in all the cases were alike, — great ap- parent dryness of the skin and itchiness everywhere, with a constant disposition to scratch one's self. In two cases the skin became dry and scurfy, in irregular patches or blotches, which were very itchy. The skin, on being scratched slightly, would raise in welts or blotches. COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. . l8l In regard to the curative effects of it, I may say that I have cut short two cases herpes zoster, of a very violent character. The eruption disappeared in both cases within ten days. At the CHnic of the Hahnemann College, and before the class, Cosmoline has been used with wonderfully cura- tive effect in the different varieties of eczema. As far as I know, it is the most reliable remedy we have in that obstinate disease, — Petroleum, highly potentized, acting in a similar manner. The local application of Cosmoline removes the stinging, burning, and itching of eczema. It has proved valuable as a topical application, not only in skin diseases, but for burns, scalds, blisters, cuts, bruises, sprains, and acute inflammation ; also for hemorrhoids. (Dr. MacFatlan.) COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. (Navelwort.) Analogues : — Ambergris, Asafcetida, Aconite, Gelscniiniim, Hyosciaimis, Hepatica, Ignatia, Phosphorus, etc. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the plant ; dilu- tions. [This pathogenesis is from provings published in the British Journal of Homoeopathy. I find nothing concerning the domestic or pharmacological uses of the plant, except an assertion by Culpepper that it was useful in erysipelas, inflammations, etc. It seems to atfect the mental sphere, like Igtiatia, causing alternate states of exaltation and depression. On the nerves and muscular system — a decided action. This species is a common weed in the west of England, growing on the sides and in the crevices of damp rocks and walls. We have none of this genus in the United States. H.] MORAL SYMPTOMS. Excessive lowness of spirits, with sighing (p). Inclination to burst into tears, with choking in the throat-pit" ^Extraordinary good spirits and energy (s). Great liveliness, with inclination to sing and to be happy. Strong desire for company and excitement. Feels lost ; cannot collect herself ; forgets what she is doing or saying ; difficulty in expressing herself. Apprehension very obtuse. Feels silly and lost ; cannot think continuously. HEAD, Flushing of the face, with confusion of the head ; ringing in the left ear ; bubbling sensation in the left vastus in- tern us. l82 COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. Slight general headache, with confusion ; head clear on get- ting up, but towards midday it became very obtuse, so that he had to make an effort to collect himself; ab- sence of mind ; head heavy. A dull weight on the brain ; apprehension very obtuse. A dull, heavy, stupefying pain in the forehead and vertex, shifting suddenly between these ; feels lost before the headache comes on ; great difficulty in collecting her ideas ; forgets the subject of discourse ; she has to make an effort to discover where she is, and to whom she is talking ; dimness of sight and itching of the eyes during the headache, with great coldness of the feet ; slight palpitation during the headache, lasting a few seconds. During the headache, great inclination to go into the open air, with relief by going out. Headaches occur every ten minutes ; between the attacks of headache, a gnawing, rheumatic pain in the right shoulder. General headache ; aching in the left infra-orbital region. Heaviness of the head, with dullness of the eyes, inducing closing of them ; flatulent distension of the abdomen. Beating headache over the left eye. Slight stinging pain over the left eye ; cold feet, with dull headache. Slow drawing over the left eye, and in the left occiput. Shooting pain over the left eye in the morning. Dull headache in front and to the right side, worse on shaking the head. Awoke with headache in the right half of the brain. General headache in the morning on getting up. Stinging in the right half of the head, from before backward. Dull pain in the right parietal region. Darting in the side of the head, with heaviness, aggravated by stooping. Painless beating in the left temple. Darting pain from each temple ; darts meet each other in the centre of the brain ; worse on stooping. Aching in the occiput. EYES. Dimness of the sight ; had to rub the eyes frequently. Sudden, extremely acute, smarting pain in the right eye, soon gone, but leaving a smarting sensation in the ex- ternal canthus ; some redness of the conjunctiva; after this the headache immediately disappeared ; in half an hour the same sensation, in a less degree, in the left eye, followed by aching in the left occiput. COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. 1 83 Fullness and itching of the eyes. Slight dartings over the left eye ; stinging in the upper part of the right eyeball. A yellow patch follows the eyes when he reads. A red patch on the letter as he reads. EARS. During a cough, the eustachian tube of the left side feels as if stuffed with mucus ; the sensation is extremely pain- ful, with great deafness. Eustachian tube feels constantly clogged up, and there is a a most disagreeable singing noise in the ear, with deaf- ness. Singing and buzzing in the left ear. THROAT. Back part of the pharynx feels as if covered with thick mucus. Difficulty of swallowing, with a sensation of fullness in the right side of the pharynx ; uneasiness behind, and to the right of the sternum, as if from fullness. Constant choking in the throat. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. After a moderate dinner, fullness and pricking at the cardiac extremity of the stomach. Uneasy pricking at the stomach. No appetite till evening. After tea, slight regurgitation, with a dull pain in the region of the spleen, returning at intervals. Dull pain in the left hypochondrium ; a long stitch in it on taking a deep breath ; soreness of the epigastrium and borborygmus. Prickling and fullness in the right hypochondrium after dinner. Bloating fullness in the right hypochondrium ; stools loose, large and bilious. Bellyache all day ; increased immediately after eating even a little bread ; flatus. Twitching about the bowels, followed by a loose stool ; pain at stomach, through between the shoulders, with nausea. Anxiety, with pain in the abdomen and flatulent distension. Feels very weak and faint ; the bowels are much distended with flatulence ; no relief can be obtained at stool ; ex- cessive nausea, sickness and faintness. Soreness, tightness, and distension of the epigastric region ; feels very weak, particularly in the lower extremities ; sour taste in the mouth ; pain of epigastrium, as of ex- cessive tightness ; slight aching in the foreht-ad. 1 84 COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. STOOL. Bowels more open than usual; stools fluid, large and bilious. Bowels confined three days (secondary effect). Diarrhoea, with sickness. During the provings the bowels were occasionally very loose, stools large and without pain. Bowels, which were generally confined, freely opened ; stools large and fluid. URINE. Severe aching in the region of the kidneys ; increased quan- tity of clear urine. The urine continued of increased quantity, and smelled strongly of Sweet-brier ; there was copious white sedi- ment. Frequent calls to make water ; urine profuse and limpid. LARYNX AND CHEST. Awoke at 4 A. M., with a violent spasmodic cough, attended with excessive tickling in the larynx and sense of suf- focation ; respiration hurried and difficult ; attacks last quarter of an hour, no way relieved by change of posi- tion ; scanty expectoration of white, frothy mucus ; cough from tickling in the larynx for several mornings in succession. A short dry cough throughout the day. Tightness and raw sensation about the bifurcation of the bronchi. A succession of long stitches through the chest, extending to the shoulder and arm, with coldness of the hands and feet. A dull pain in the left nipple. A dull broad pain from the left nipple to the point of the left scapula, worse on walking ; a jerking, stinging in the left radial artery. In the evening, a dull pain in the right breast, two inches below the nipple. A dull pain in a small spot under the left nipple, while riding. Dull stitches under the right scapula, which continue many hours ; similar dull stitches at the same time under the left nipple ; feet very cold ; during the evening shooting in all directions through the chest, but particularly in the above localities. In the evening shootings in the right posterior and left an- terior chest. Awoke with a continuous dull pain above and to the left of the left nipple, worse on inspiration ; pain, not constant, COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. 1 85 towards the right side of the middle of the sternum. These pains, particularly the former, keep recurring without apparent exciting cause. Awoke with a pain under the left nipple, which left soon. Throbbing pain and soreness at the root of the bronchi on coughing ; great oppression behind the sternum on walking fast. Uneasy fullness of the right chest, with a heavy pain to the right of the lower end of the sternum. Slight but distinct aching under the left breast. Short-lasting stitches under the right breast ; uneasiness in the left and right sides of the chest ; stitches in the right anterior chest, lasting some minutes, followed by a similar pain in the left posterior chest. Oppression at chest, and difficulty of expanding it ; draw- ing pain from the region of the left breast through to the angle of the left scapula. Dull pain, varying in intensity, to the right of the sternum, between the cartilages of the fifth and sixth ribs. A similar dull pain, with external smarting about an inch below the left nipple ; tenderness over a circumference of three or four inches in that locality. Pain and tenderness under the left clavicle on percussion. Aching along the inner border of the right scapula. Continual uneasiness in the left and right chest, anteriorly. Soreness of the right breast on pressure ; a continual pain in that region. Constant pain in the left breast, varying in intensity from a dull to an acute pain. Greatly oppressed at chest, as if from a ball (globus) behind the sternum. Violent pain between the shoulders ; sick and dizzy ; uneasy aching about the chest. Shootings through the chest ; running of clear water from the mouth. A burning, dry sensation, with pains in the chest. Considerable oppression at chest, with inclination to sigh ; faint at chest ; constant oppression at the sternum, relieved a little by sighing. Darting pain for some time in the left breast. Twitching, tightness around the lower part of the chest in front, with rising in the throat and want of appetite. Rising from the bottom of the chest into the throat, with oppression of the breathing ; has to sigh deeply to re- lieve the feeling of want of air in the chest ; frequent micturition ; urine three times more than natural. Pushing aching under the sternum ; has to take deep in- spirations now and then. 23 l86 COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. Breathing oppressed and tight. Chest aches both posteriorly and anteriorly ; spirits ex- tremely low ; very sore at the inferior angles of both scapulae, particularly the left ; also under the sternum, particularly at the left side ; great difficulty in taking a deep inspiration, with aggravation of the pains at the scapulae. The chest feels too tight to admit of expansion. In five minutes slight tingling under the angle of the left scapula, amounting now and then to pricking ; this only lasted a few minutes, but on passing off it was im- mediately followed by a pain under the angle of the right scapula, as if produced by the pressure of a blunt point ; this pain increased in intensity all day, and .spread around to the front, being particularly severe under the left mamma ; the pain there and under the angle of the scapula, was a constant, dull pressure, but on making any sudden movement of the arm, walking, or expiring strongly, it became shooting, and occupied the whole intervening space, appearing to shoot some- times from the back to the front, sometimes in the op- posite direction ; by evening the pain was so severe as nearly to prevent moving about ; no tenderness over the seat of the pain, no physical signs, no fever, or other symptoms whatever. Palpitation at intervals of three minutes, consisting of three or four heavy throbs ; excited more by mental emotion than by bodily exertion. Repeated attacks of a kind of palpitation similar to that after quick running, as if the heart beat heavily and with difficulty. It is accompanied by a dull pain, as if from obstruction, somewhere at about an inch to the left of the left nipple ; this recurs at intervals, aggravated on stooping and on taking a deep inspiration ; a lascivious idea in- duces it immediately. On breathing deeply there is a dull, heavy pain at the sternum, as if from a blow, passing through the back. On swallowing, the morsel seems to pass and press against some swelling in the region of the heart ; pulse natural. A hot pain, with anxiety, under the left nipple. Occasional palpitations, consisting of three heavy i hrobs. Single, heavy throbs, quite rythmical, occurring at half- minute intervals, below the left nipple, after walking smartly. Slight feeling of heat about the heart. COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. 1 8/ Continual uneasiness, not amounting to pain, in the region of the heart, and in the right hypochondrium. Heavy throbbing at the sternum, coming on particularly on slight exertion. (For upwards of a month there remained a very troublesome palpitation and fullness at the sternum on walking up hill ; no exertion seemed to induce it so much as this ; the sensation occurred at intervals of two or three minutes, and consisted of one or two jumps or rolls of the heart, with occasionally an intermission of the pulse at the wrist. A clawing, digging pain at the heart on riding, relieved by compressing the side firmly. Short of breath ; strong beating of the heart, so loud that he can hear it. BACK. Aching in the region of the kidneys, with shooting in the right loin ; long stitches in the loins. Rather severe aching in the region of the kidneys, extend- ing around into the abdomen. Aching in the back, across the loins ; aching in the back part of the left thigh. (Female.) Aching in the back and down the posterior part of the right thigh. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Aching in all the large joints, particularly the right shoulder. An uneasy aching of the shoulders, elbows, and knees, with numbness of the latter ; also a similar aching in the thick part of the arms, and down the back part of the thigh. Aching in the fleshy part of the arms, and in the thigh. Shootings in the joints of the fingers, and in the left elbow and right knee. Acute shootings in the joints of the fingers. Aching tingling of the hands, particularly at night, prevet't- ing sleep; tingling down the arm, as when the nerve is struck. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. Soreness of the skin at the back part of the left thigh ; shootings from the middle of the left thigh, down to the inner ankle. A disagreeable, nauseating pain in the inner side of the left knee, as after a blow on the knee, extending to the muscles of the thigh. Painful sensitiveness of the skin at the back part of the left leg ; the rubbing of the trowsers causes an acute sting, as from a needle. 1 88 COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. Stinging pain under the left gluteus maximus muscle, in the region of the great sciatic nerve ; continual soreness of the hip and thigh posteriorly. Shooting, sudden and sharp, in the right gluteal region, prin- cipally in walking in the open air. Pain and stiffness in the right hip, going off after a walk. Aching in the left thigh posteriorly. Great aching of the hip joints, relieved by walking about ; occasional pushes at the heart. Bubbling sensation in the left thigh- Aching in the muscles of the legs. Aching, breaking feeling across the tibiae, relieved by motion. Aching in the calf of the leg. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Soreness and prickling down the legs posteriorly, particularly above the ankles. The legs feel heavy and sore, as do also the arms. She feels languid and nervous. She can scarce walk for the aching in the limbs ; pulse, io6. The feelings are similar to the beginning of a fever or a severe cold. Aching in all the large joints, and particularly the shoulders, particularly the right shoulder, inducing constant in- clination to stir the limbs ; these symptoms disappeared the next day. An aching, bruised pain all over the lower limbs, also in the wrists ; wrists very weak, and hands tremble ; heels so painful that he can scarce tread. Sore aching of the upper and lower extremities, and ex- cessive lowness of spirits; occasional dizziness of the forehead. Pain, aching soreness, chiefly in the bowels and across the loins, and hanging about the chest and scapula. Awoke early in the morning in a state in which she felt as if she were going out of her mind ; it was not disagreeable, as she felt in an elevated, careless state ; this lasted for about five minutes, and was followed by trickling as of blood down the left arm, from the shoulder to the finger joints. After a light supper, awoke in the middle of the night in a wild, half unconscious state, with a disagreeable sensa- tion running down the back part of the thigh and leg, with a feeling as if there was no foot ; the head felt ex- ceedingly light, almost as if there was no solid head, and she could not articulate for some time, although she endeavored to do so ; this left a severe pressing head- ache on the vertex, passing forward over the eyes, with CUNDURANGU. CUPRI ARS, 189 a pulsating pain in the temples ; burning heat all over; after a cup of tea the headache disappeared and the skin became moist. A feeling of fullness at the throat, from whence a cold sen- sation spreads all over the body. A cold aura rises from the legs into the body ; when it reaches the chest it produces tightness of breathing, and a feeling as if he would have a fit ; these sensations come on particularly when he stands still, or when he directs his attention towards them ; relieved by moving about briskly (in an epileptic). Aching at the heart, lasting some hours ; weakness and aching of the limbs; head feels dull; creeping in the flesh, and feeling as before a severe cold or rheumatic attack. Occasional attacks of faintness, with green shadows before the eyes. SLEEP. Felt drowsy during the day. Sleeplessness ; could not rest till midnight. Nightmare, with sense as if he could not escape from, ina- bility to see. Drowsy all day. CUNDURANGU. ( Condor-plant.) [This medicine is prepared from the bark of a climbing plant or shrub found in Ecuador, South America. A decoction of the bark is advised. It is highly recommended as a remedy for cancer, and various malignant scrofulous affections. The testimony relating to its efficacy is singularly at variance. Dr. Bliss claims to have cured several cases of cancer, and relieved many others. Other physicians claim to have tested its powers in similar cases and found it inert. The physicians of several British hos- pitals report against its value. It will probably require a proving by some organized society of Homoeopathists, to determine its real sphere of action, and indications for its use.] CUPRI ARSENITUM. (Arsenite of Copper — Scheel^s Green.) Analogues : — Arsenic, Agaricus, Belladonna, Cuprum, etc. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations. [This preparation of Arsenic is used extensively for coloring wall-paper, and its deleterious influence is often very marked ; even fatal results have been observed from occupying rooms hung with such paper,] igo CUPRI ARSENITUM. MENTAL SPHERE. Confusion of ideas, vertigo, and headache between the temples. Dullness and fullness of the head. Intense anguish. Intoxication. HEAD. Severe headache, with dull pain in the forehead with sore- ness of the orbital bones. Throbbing pain in right temple. Headache between the temples ; the pain seems to meet in the centre of the forehead, and thence to pass down the nose. EYES. Persistent boring pain in a small spot above the left superior orbital arch, with soreness when touched. Dimness of the eyes, with profuse lachrymation. Dark specks before the eyes; eyes are very sensitive. Sparks before the eyes. EARS. Boring pain in the right ear. NOSE. Soreness of the nose, with watery discharge from the nose. FACE. Soreness of the bones of the face. CEdema of the face. Paleness of the face. Twitching and jerking of the facial muscles of the left side, between the eye and the corner of the mouth, very violent. MOUTH AND THROAT. Heavy white coating of the tongue. Shooting pains in the upper jaw ; pains are intermittent and throbbing. Burning sensation in the throat ; soreness of the glands of the neck, with stiffness of the neck ; moving the head aggravates the pain in the neck. STOMACH. Nausea, with headache between the eyes, and metallic taste in the mouth. * Vomiting and purging. Vomiting of mucus tinged with bile. Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region to least touch, o Cramps in stomach and bowels, followed by tonsillitis. CUPRI ARSENITUM. I9I o Nausea, with burning pain in the stomach and bowels ; pal- pitation of the heart, with trembling of the limbs ; headache, particularly in the forehead ; jerking in the limbs. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. * Violent colic; frequent vomiting, with purging; cold sweats; intense thirst. Great distension of the abdomen. Pains in the abdomen, sharp and cutting. Diarrhcea ; slimy stool, o Asiatic cholera, with cramps in hands and feet. UR^TNARY ORGANS. Strong-smelling urine. Dark-red urine ; burning pain during and after urination. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — White, purulent discharge from the urethra ; soreness of the penis, with pain in the prostrate gland ; tingling and burning in the urethra. Perspiration of the scrotum, which is constantly moist and damp. Boils frequently forming on the scrotum. CHEST. Dull, stitching pain in left chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs, with a weak, numb feeling in the left chest, left side of the back, left shoulder and arm. Constricted feeling of the chest. Sudden debility, with dull pain in the heart, and sensation of oppression around that organ. Palpitation of the heart, with trembling of the limbs, o Angina pectoris. BACK. Lameness of the back. Severe pain under the scapula, worse when moving or breathing. UPPER EXTREMITIES, Numb, weak feeling in left shoulder and arm. Left arm feels numb and powerless, and a similar sensation soon afterward appeared in the left leg. SKIN. Aggravation of a chronic irritation ; itching of the arms and legs. Pustular tumors on the wrists and ankles. Eruptions of the skin ; cedema of the face ; boils on scrotum. 192 CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. SLEEP. Persistent sleeplessness. FEVER. Chilliness all over the body ; creeping sensation produced by the contact of the clothing. Intense thirst ; cold sweats. Pulse frequent, skin cold, with great depression. Small, quick, irritated, or else spasmodically contracted pulse. GENERALITIES. Cerebro-spinal irritation ; staggering gait." o Chorea; spasms, o Epilepsy ; fainting. CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. (Cyanuret of Potassium. ) Analogues: — Acidum hydrocyaniaun, Amygdala ainara, Primus y Laiirocerasiis, Digitalis. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations ; dilutions ; (on centesimal scale). [A most violent poison, very similar in action to Hydrocyanic acid. Three grains are sufficient to destroy life.] sensorium. Sudden loss of consciousness. HEAD. Severe, sudden pain in the head. Vertigo and sensation of weight in the head. Great pain in back part of the head, o Torturing neuralgic headache in orbital and supra-maxillary region ; the pains recurring daily at the same hour, with much flushing of that side of the face, o Agonizing attacks of neuralgic pains between the temporal region and ciliary arch and maxilla, with screams and apparent loss of sensibility, as if struck with apoplexy ; pulse, 84 ; face flushed, o Severe neuralgic pains in temporal region and left upper jaw, daily at 4 A. M., increasing till 10 A. M., and ceasing at 4 P. M. ; in the interval anorexia, fever, headache, etc. CYANIDE OF IMDTASSIUM. 1 93 o In headaches depending on dyspepsia, imperfect menstrua- tion, known as "sick-headache," the r;ir/rr«^/ application of a solution, not stronger than two or four grains to one ounce of water, applied on compresses, will give prompt relief. — (Trousseau.) FACE, EYES AND EARS. Face flushed, with the neuralgic headache. Eyes fixed, pupils dilated ; dim vision. Ears, rushing sound in the ears. GASTRIC. Sense of constriction in the throat. Intense burning in the stomach. Nausea, with sense of choking when trying to swallow fluids, followed by copious vomiting. A feeling as if the bowels were about to act, CHEST. He cannot take a deep inspiration, but has no definite pain. Respiration slow and difficult. Abdominal respiration (in animals), o Troublesome cough, preventing sleep at night, with dullness on percussion, respiration feeble, mixed with crepitant and bronchial rales. HEART. It paralyses the heart in tetanic spasm ; general convulsive action of the whole body 10 minutes after the heart ceased to beat, TRUNK AND EXTREMITIES Spasmodic tetanic stiffness of trunk and limbs, with shud- dering of the limbs. Skin about the joints fissured, with oozing of blood ; the in- flammation extending to the nail and its root. Ulceration of the soft parts of the hands down to the bone, with great pain, GENERALITIES. She fell as if struck by lightning, and died in 40 minntes ; (from 12 grains). General convulsions, eyes fixed and limbs contracted, o Acute articular rheumatism. 24 194 NEW REMEDIES. CYANURET OF MERCURY. Analogues: — Arum triphyllmn, Caiistiaun, Hepar sulph.. Kali bichromicuvi. Kali causticuin, Mercicrius iodat., Phyto- lacca, Muriatic acid, Lac/usis, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Triturations ; dilutions. [In the treatment of malii^nant diphtheria the 6th dihitioit has been used. Owing to the intensely poisonous nature of the drug, this is as low as should be used, especially for children. — Halc.\ MENTAL SPHERE. Cerebral excitation, with sleeplessness at night. Loss of consciousness ; .syncope and general debility. HEAD. Headache, with vertigo, and burning in the cars. FACE. Face pale and wan ; bluish cast. Copious epistaxis. Blue face and lips. EVES. Eyes are sunken. Pupils contracted. MOUTH AND THROAT. Tongue pale with yellowish streak on the base ; swollen, red on its borders. * Throat looks rough ; pharynx rd and injected. Gums swollen and covered with a white adherent layer, under which was found a violet border. * A white opaline layer formed on the columns of the velum palate and the tonsils ; on the inside of the right cheek was a round ulcer with a grayish base, the borders as if cut out and surrounded by great redness. * Pscudo membranes of the throat. * Lips, tongue and inside of the cheeks dotted by ulceration, covered by a grayish-white coating. Mucous membrane of the throat was very red. Inflammation over the whole buccal cavity. Salivation. Great difficulty of swallowing, o Pseudo-membranous croup ; (considered a specific in the most malignant cases by many physicians), o Diphtheria maligna. CYANURirr OF MKRCURV. I95 STOMACH. Nausea, vomiting, and frequent diarrhoeic stools, with icy coldness of the body. Drinks are immediately returned. Burning sensation in the stomach. Increased thirst, with violent irritation of the throat. Vomiting of green mucus. Violent retchings. Hiccough constant for 24 hours. ABDOMEN. Abdomen slightly painful. Violent abdominal pains, increasing with every stool. Colic, followed by hard stool, then a soft one. STOOL AND ANUS. Fluid stools, tinged with blood. Diarrhceic stools, smelling badly ; green and glairy. Very copious diarrhoea, which is persistent, with moist and icy-cold skin. Frequent inclination to stool, preceded and accompanied by tenesmus ; stools scanty and mixed with blood. Great inclination to go to stool (with incessant vomiting), followed by liquid stool. Dark-colored stool. On making the effort at stool passes pure black blood. A foetid liquid oozes from the rectum, having the character- istic smell of gangrene, and forming on the linen large black spots. Pains in the rectum when sitting down, also around the anus, which is swollen. Hsemorrhoidal tumors around the anus, and knobby swelling of the mucous membrane. Diphtheritic, grayish layer around the anus, similar to that on the cheeks, o Malignant or putrid dysentery. URINARY ORGAN.S Retention of urine during five days. Suppression of urine. Urine yellow, amber-colored ; painful. Urine clear, but .scanty. Urine scanty and dark. Numerous whole cylinders or broken down with fine detritus; now blood globules ; a quantity of albumen. Urine contained in the bladder is extremely albuminous, o Bright's disease. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — -Penis is of a dark color, is in a .state of semi-erection. Scrotum is of a dark color. 196 CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. CHEST. Pulse small, depressed, 'jG. Pulse stronger and more frequent, 90. Pulse weak, 130, with cold extremities and cyanosed face. Pulse 102, irregular in the morning (noticed only at one time). Beating of the heart is violent and rough. Severe contractions of the heart, repelling the hand. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Severe pain in the left calf; the veins form two strings which unite in the neighborhood of the ankles ; the least touch is extremely painful ; leg much swollen (varices). , GENERALITIES. General debility, syncope, icy-coldness of the body. Extreme prostration, frequent vomiting, hiccough. Great sensation of chilliness. Extremities agitated by light convulsive motion. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. (Lady's Slipper.) Analogues: — Ambergris, Coca, Paullinia, Coffca, Thea, Scutellaria. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root; dilu- tions. MIND and brain. Exhilarates the mind and nervous system. A sense of quiet, or mental lassitude. Talkative, and more disposed to work. A sense of weight and oppression on the mind. Slight disposition to drowsiness. Slight heaviness, and fullness in the brain, with sleeplessness. Irritable ; fretful ; angry at trifles ; hysterical, o Disorders of the gray-nerve matter from mental over-ex- ertion, or reflex nervous excitement, o Delirium tremens, mild attacks. Mental despondency — in spermatorrhoea. SLEEP. Sleeplessness, with desire to talk, or with constant crowding of pleasant ideas. Sleeplessness, w^ith restlessness of the body ; twitching of the limbs. DATURA ARBOREA. 1 97 GENERALITIES, o Hysterical complaints, o Chorea, and reflex epilepsy, o Functional irritation of the brain, especially in very young children, from teething, or intestinal irritation, o Incipient cerebral disorder, when the child is sleepless, and laughs and plays in the night, o Jactitation and trembling in typhoid fevers. DATURA ARBOREA. {Bougniancia Candida.) Analogues : — Agaricus, yEthusa, Bclladointa, Hyoscyamns, Cannabis indica, Stranionmm, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the leaves and flowers ; dilutions. [A native of Peru, growing along the Pacific coast in California, culti- vated in gardens and conservatories. Leaves large, their sides unequal. Flowers, corolla funnel shaped, long tubed and bent downward ; color, snow-white, with a yellow tint by the fundus, of very sweet odor. Dr. Poulson, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, communicates the following pathogenetic symptoms.] MIND. Toxicological effect much slower than D. Stramonium, but dynamically very intense and lasting. The odor of the flowers in a room causes considerable psy- chological aberration. Causes such deep impression upon the mental sphere and faculty of concentrating ideas that I was sensibly af- fected a long time. — (Dr. Camaun,) A very strange feeling of pleasant ease and comfort, as if T scarcely touched the earth with my feet, and had to gather my ideas from afar, as if they were floating in the clouds. A longing for beauty and fine scenery. The brain seems floating in thousands of problems aiid grand ideas, without being able to concentrate itself, or get to any point and carry out any system of thought. It acts mostly as a pure dynamic and semi-spiritual agent upon the sensations, without any perceptible pain. — (Potdsojt.) He experienced a slight vertigo, and found himself involved in a most beautiful atmosphere, bright and calm as the sunlight at noon. — (Camaun.) A confusion of ideas across the cerebrum. — (lb-) 198 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. o Recommended by Dr. Camaun as a remedy in some forms of emotional or functional msanity, or when the patient is happy and contented and imagines himself or herself to be some extraordinary emperor, prince, etc. — (Poulson.) HEAD. A drawing, nervous irritation, from the cerebrum back to the cerebellum, and a spinal irritation, or depletion of nervous circulation in the medulla oblongata.— -f/^J A contraction of the front cerebrum of a convulsive nature, sometimes as if a string was tied close around the head from sinus frontalis to os occipitis. — (lb.) The cramps of both hemispheres (cerebro-frontalis) made me careful in experimenting more. — (lb.) A feeling as if my forehead was expanded, and my ideas were floating outside my brain. — (lb.) A sharp, constrictive sensation across the spine in the region pars dorsalis, extending upward to the pars cervicalis, into ventriculus quartus, or the lower region of the cere- bellum, with irritation of nervous accessories. — (lb.) [Dr. Poulson's estimate of the power of this remedy is, perhaps, over- rated ; his theory of its action rather vague. It would have been better if he had couched his language in less transcendental terms ; his anatomical phrases are rather sophomorical. — Hale^ DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. {Wild Yam Root— Colic Root.) Analogues: — ALsctdus, Aloes, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Colo- cynth, Collinsoiiia,Hyoscyamus, Nux vomica, Senna, PodopJiyllnm. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root; dilu- tions ; triturations of the pulverized root, and of Discorin ; infusion ; (in very severe cases of abdominal pain, the tincture seems inert, but an infusion of 3 i. of pulv. root to 5 iv. of hot water, given in tablespoonful doses, will give prompt relief.) [Collated from Dr. Cushing's Monogi-aph and New Remedies.] MORAL SYMPTOMS. Nervous, easily troubled ; or nerves uncommonly steady. Feel cross, desire to be alone ; company is disagreeable ; conversation is troublesome. Feel tired ; still keep walking around the room. Great depression of spirits, HEAD. Dull, stupefying pain in both temples. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 1 99 Dull, dizzy feeling in head. Dull, confused feeling in head during stool. Dull pain deep in centre of head. Severe dull pain in back of neck, extending to head and shoulders ; worse on left side. Dizzy, severe deep-seated pain in left occipital region. Sharp, deep-seated pain behind right ear. D .ill, stupefying pain in both temples, as if from pressure ; relieved at once by pressure, but when the pressure is removed the pain is sharper and worse than before. A pressing pain from front to back of head, as if he would become unconscious. Pain in front of head and temples, as if the top of the head were lifted up. Severe pain in both temples and front of head ; head feels cold. Head feels heavy, with pain between the eyes and near the top of 'both ears. Faintness is increased by sitting up in bed ; numbness in- creased by lying down. Head feels as if a band was tied around it. Dizzy, inclined to go to the right when walking. Head after breakfast, feels tight as if squeezed. Pulling pain in front of both ears as precedes vomiting. Sharp pain in both temples, not changed by walking, riding, or shaking the head. Sharp pain in left temple, with nausea and chills, beginning on back, worse over left scapula. Pulling pain in occiput, causing a stupid sensation ; feel confused ; call things by wrong names. Belching large quantities of wind, with a sensation as if both temples were in a vise. P'requent dull, then stabbing pain in left temple ; feel dull and stupid. Head feels strange, inclined to fall backwards. Constant, dull, frontal headache, more in the top of the forehead. Vertigo and giddiness, with heat in the head ; with sharp cutting pains in right side of the forehead, extending to the ears ; a remittent pain, aggravated by pressure ; fullness in the head, speedily followed by some spas- modic pain in the abdomen. EYES. Itching of both eyes. Smarting of both eyes, right one worse. Internal angle of eyes worse than external. Eyes stick together in the morning. 200 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Eyes feel as if some large, smooth substance was in them. Eyes feel as if dust or lashes or sticks were in them. ' Discharge of hot water from the eyes. Sharp pain in left eye. Sharp pain in ball of right eye. Both eyes weak, sore, and smart badly. Eyelids stiff; hard pain just below angle of right eye. Sharp pain in right eye, extending to occipital region. Sore on under lid of right eye, like a stye. Both lids of right eye sore, but do not look sore. Eyes smart badly in the evening ; smarting of internal angle of both eyes. Eyes smart so badly that it seems as if hot air came out of them, and passed down over the cheeks. Water runs from the right eye, and smarts so bad that he has to keep it closed most of the time. Eyes gummed up in the morning. In open air eyes so full of tears he can not se^ plainly. Wants to keep the eyes closed, EARS. Hard pain behind left ear ; hard pain in front of both ears. Itching of right internal ear, worse than in left. Loud ringing and buzzing in ears. Small balls of wax drop out of the right ear almost every day. Both ears suddenly feel stopped up. Both internal ears sore to the touch. NOSE. Irritation of nasal passages. Sneezing. Discharge of water from left nostril, with smarting of fauces. Nose sore on left side. Sore place on nose quite painful, but no redness nor swelling. Discharge of bright red blood from left nostril, followed by one dark clot, then spitting of blood, J5oth sides of nose sore and swollen. Inside of nostrils sore. Constant bad smell in nose, as from bilious fever or bilious dysentery. Dryness of nose, with bad smell. Any offensive smell remains a long time in the nose. Nose inclined to be stopped up. Much sneezing every day. Constant discharge of water from the left nostril. FACE. O Little pimples with black heads disappear during the proving. DIOSCOREA VJLLOSA. 201 Sharp pain in left cheek or lower portion of temporal region. Drawing pain at angle of jaw, left side. Hard aching pain in left side of face, extending to the neck. Neuralgic pain in the temples. MOUTH AND JAWS. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Mouth bitter and sticky in the morning. Tongue dry and stiff in the morning, worse on the sides. Mouth bitter in the morning. Mouth dry and sore in the morning. Tongue coated in the morning. Tongue coated slightly brown. Tongue coated heavily brown, and sore on sides. Tip of tongue sore when eating. Tongue sore on sides near back molar teeth, making talking difficult. Pain in front teeth, and burning of the mouth and fauces. Roof of mouth sore. Gums on inside of front upper teeth swollen. Soreness of gums extending to the roof of the mouth. Corners of mouth sore ; sore pain at angle of jaw, left side. Saliva runs out of his mouth when asleep. Pain in upper front teeth ; pain in lower front teeth. Spasmodic closing of the jaws, biting the tongue, when neither eating or talking. Mouth dry, but no thirst. Tongue feels as if it was burnt on the sides. Sharp aching pain in right upper molar tooth (which had been filled for years), as if he touched a bare nerve. THROAT. Irritation of fauces. Burning and smarting of fauces. Posterior fauces smart and burn, and feel as if the skin was off. Burning of left tonsil and left side of throat. Itching of left tonsil. PuUing pain in left tonsil. Stinging in right tonsil. Throat sore with hoarseness. Pain on back and right side of throat, causing a choking sensation. Throat seems sore, but is not. Pain in both parotid glands, extending to the throat. Irritation of left side of throat, extending to ear and larynx. Irritation of larynx, with inclination to cough. Constant desire to swallow, but it causes nausea. Hard, aching pain in left parotid gland, Diilficult swallowing. 25 202 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Constriction of glottis, as if he were choking, or something was tied around the throat. Dryness of the fauces, with frequent incHnation to swallow. Roughness of fauces. Tonsils slightly congested. TASTE AND APl'ETITE. Bitter, sweet, bloody, flat, clammy taste, with disgust for food. STOMACH. Uneasy feeling at stomach. Sharp pain in stomach, relieved by eating. Uneasy feeling at epigastriunj. Sharp pain at epigastrium. During forenoon, pain in epigastrium. * Sharp pain in epigastrium, extending to left hypochondrium, lasting one hour. Hard pain at epigastrium. Pain and soreness at epigastrium. Very .sharp pain in epigastrium, causing me to bend over. Sharp pain at epigastrium, relieved by standing erect, ag- gravated by stooping. * Sharp, cramping pain at pit of stomach, followed by raising, belching, and gulping enormous quantities of tasteless wind for fifteen minutes, then hiccough, and discharge of flatulence from the bowels ; hiccough, with simulta- neous, involuntary discharge of flatulence from the bowels, with shuddering, after a light supper, o Constant, dull, weary pain in cardiac region of the stomach, extending to left side and dorsal region. Sharp, cutting pain in stomach, extending to umbilicus. Bad, distressed feeling in stomach all day, at times so sharp he had to walk around the room to get his breath. During the day very often a dreadful, cutting, cramping, sinking sensation at epigastrium and upper portion of bowels, relieved by standing erect or by pressure. Sharp, cramping pain across the epiga.strium, preventing motion. Sharp pain in left hypochondrium. Frequent sharp pains in liver. Soreness and pain at epigastrium, Aching pain at epigastrium and left hypochondrium. Dull pain in epigastrium. Hard, sharp pain in region of gall bladder ; aching pain at left hypochondrium, and faint feeling at stomach. Belching of large quantities of wind, relieving the distress at stomach for a minute. l:)IOSCOREA VIIJ.OSA. 203 Sour stomach, belching of sour water, and belching sour wind, with shuddering. Acid stomach. Distress at stomach, had to unfasten his clothes, which were quite loose. Distress and faint feeling at stomach. Could taste food ten hours after eating. * Distressing pain at epigastrium, relieved by raising sour, bitter wind, with shuddering. Belching large quantities of wind, with a sensation as if both temples were in a vise. Nausea after eating. Belching of wind and bitter mouth ; worse on sides and back part of tongue. Inclined to raise the wind, but cannot. Burning at epigastrium. Dull pain in stomach and right hypochondrium. Heavy feeling at stomach, as of undigested food. Stomach feels faint and distressed after eating a little. Stomach burns and smarts and is sore. Stomach burns after eating. Belching of wind and bad taste in the mouth. Belching of wind, with pain in left knee. Trembling, with faint feeling at stomach. Belching of wind slightly sour, accompanied with shuddering. Faint feeling at epigastrium, partially relieved by raising wind. Aching pain in left hypochondrium. Sensation as of a stone in the stomach. Twisting pain in stomach. Vomiting (from very large doses), o Dull, heavy, wearing pain in stomach, worse after eating, re- lieved by copious eructations of air. Severe, cutting, tearing pains in region of stomach and gall bladder, sometimes spasmodic. Constant dull pain in stomach. Burning ciistress in stomach, with sharp pricking pains in it, and faintness. o Stomach painful on pressure, with faintness. o Pyrosis in pregnant women, o Gastralgia. o Cramps in the .stomach, o Dull, heavy pains in stomach, worse after eating, relieved by eructations of air. o Constant, dull, heavy, tearing pain in cardiac portion of stomach, extending into left side and dorsal region. 204 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. ABDOMEN. Dull pain in region of liver, aggravated by inhalation, re- lieved by exhalation. Heavy, distressed feeling in region of gall bladder when lying on the right side. Pain in bowels, as if a diarrhoea would come on. Pain in umbilical region. Griping pain in hypogastric region, as if a diarrhoea would come on, relieved by passing flatulence. Sharp pain in umbilicus. Twisting sensation in region of liver. Griping pain at umbilicus. i.harp pain in liver, extending to nipple. Wringing, twisting pain at hypogastrium. Griping pain at nav^el. Frequent, cutting, cramping in epigastrium, extending to the umbilicus, with a faint, distressing sensation, as if a diarrhoea would come on. Bowels feel sore on stooping. Sound of rumbling in bowels. Dreadfully troubled with incarcerated flatulence. Distress in bowels, with raising bitter wind. Squeezing pain in liver. Immediately after lying down a hard pain in left hypochon- drium, aggravated by lying on the right side, not changed by lying on the left. Dull painMn left hypochondrium when lying on left side. Dull pain in liver when lying on right side. Digging pain in left hypochondrium. Pain in left inguinal region and inguinal glands in the even- ing ; left inguinal glands swollen and painful. Aching pain in left hypochondrium, with a faint feeling at stomach, with chills in the back. Loud rumbling in the bowels. Bowels feel bloated. Constant dull pain in epigastric and umbilical region, with frequent colic-like pains of a cutting, tearing character. Sharp, cutting pains around the umbilicus, aggravated by walking. Severe cutting colic pains awaking him at night. Uneasy feeling in umbilical region with eructations. Rumbling in the bowels, with bloating and soreness on pressure. Abdominal pains which intermit, aggravated by lying down. * Spasmodic, very sharp pains in umbilical and right iliac re- gions, not modified by pressure, although pressure caused a rumbling DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 205 Severe, griping abdominal pain, followed by diarrhoea. Continued pain in abdomen, as if the point of a finger was placed upon the navel and pressed upward and back- ward, followed by soreness on pressure. Severe spasmodic pains in abdomen, preceded by fullness in the head, and attended by burning sensation in abdo- men in the intermission of the pains. * Intense, cutting, twisting, agonizing pains in the abdomen, commencing in the umbilical region, radiating all over the abdomen, relieved or not by pressure, attended with distension, soreness and sensitiveness of the abdomen ; vomiting, cramps, etc. O Bilious colic; flatulent colic; spasmodic colic. * Spasmodic pains in the abdomen, with severe tenesmus in dysentery. * Violent, cutting, lancinating pain in the bowels, eliciting shrieks. * Intense, agonizing pains, day and night, occurring in par- oxysms. * Constant pains, worse in paroxysms, of a violent twisting character, with constipation, thirst, and sensitiveness of the right side ot the abdomen. * The pains are steady and twisting; aggravated in lying down, and in the morning ; pressure does not usually relieve. o Severe cramping pains beginning just below the umbilicus, extending into the back, thence flying to the fingers and toes, where the pain was intense (in a pregnant woman). o A crampy, spasmodic pain, commencing near the crest of the ilium (right side) extending into the lumbar region, and hypogastrium ; gradually increasing for days ; end- ing in an attack of vomiting or headache ; aggravated by physical or mental labor, and by lying on the afif- fected side ; relieved by lying on the back and left side ; always leaving suddenly. o Hyperaesthesia of the abdominal nerves ; neuralgia of the bowels. o Flatulent colic, occurring every night. STOOLS. Dark, costive stool. Diarrhoea, with white slimy stools ; light colored, jelly-like stools. * Loose stools, with much straining. * Painful diarrhoea, with much straining ; diarrhoea early in the morning, driving one out of bed in a hurry. Discharge of large quantity of very offensive flatulence. 2o6 DIOSCOREA VI LI-OS A. Very offensive stools (piles, curative). Flatulence has copper odor. Sharp darting, hard aching, and pinching pain in rectum. Occasional pulling, twisting pain in rectum. Itching of rectum and moisture around the anus. During the morning several stools ; each one has more straining than the preceding one, and is more slimy. Discharge of flatulence, with great desire for stool. Great desire for .stool, driving him out of bed early in the morning. Small, light colored stools, with much straining, and pain in the bowels ; desire for .stool, with a faint burning pain in rectum. Stools passed with much force, followed by straining. Frequent stools, each one more slimy and more straining, with less pain before and more pain after stool. Stools like the white of an egg, but lumpy, with unavoidable straining and burning in rectum, and a sensation as if the faeces were hot. During the stool, faintness ; came near complete syncope. Hurried, almost irresistible desire for stool while eating. Sudden, great desire for stool at 8 P. M., two evenings in succession, with small stools and much flatulence. Involuntary, unconscious discharge of slimy mucus from the anus. Darting pain from old, haemorrhoidal tumor to the liver. Old haemorrhoidal tumor quite sore, o Haemorrhoidal tumor of nearly four years' standing entirely disappeared during the proving, and has not returned. Haemorrhoidal tumor larger, and more soreness on moving than for a long time. Black, hard, dry, lumpy stool, last part of it soft, white and mushy. Dark, black stool, followed by prolapsus of the anus. Four haemorrhoidal tumors protrude, as large as cherries ; three are of the color of the normal mucous membrane, the other is of a livid dark blue color. Ob.stinate constipation, followed by bilious diarrhoea. Very profuse, deep yellow, thin stools, followed by a very^ weak, faint feeling, and without relieving the pain in the bowels ; this continued for two days, in the morning, and was followed by constipation ; the haemorrhoidal tumors were prolapsed all the time, with pain and distress, o CJiolcra morbus ; cJiolcra infantum ; dysentery ; diarrJicea. o All the abnormal alvine discharges are attended by the char- acteristic twisting, writJiing, severe pain around and extending from the region of the umbilicus. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 20/ O Very severe tenesmus, with the colic and dysentery. URINARY ORGANS. No morbid sensations observed by any proven No change in the quahty or quantity of the urine, o Spasmodic stricture of the urethra, with cutting, severe, re- mittent cohc pains around the umbilicus. HEPATIC REGION. Sharp, cutting pains in the hepatic region ; also in the region of the gall bladder. Dull, heavy, aching pains in the right lobe of the liver. Stools first yellow (bilious), afterwards too light colored, o Supposed to be useful in neuralgia and spasmodic affections of the liver and gall ducts ; said to facilitate the passage of gall stones, and relieve the pain. GENITALS (male). Strong smelling perspiration of the genitals. Constant excitement of the genital organs, with frequent erections day and night. I^rections all night, with amorous dreams. Emissions of semen during sleep. Genitals cold, relaxed, and almost insensible ; no erections for many days. Sexual desire greatly diminished, or entirely absent. Pain in the lumbar and both inguinal regions, extending to the testicles. In afternoon, pain in left inguinal region, extending to the testicles and penis. Nocturnal emissions, with erections and amorous dreams. (Ciishing: Several cases cured with the 2d and yth dilutions.) o Nocturnal emissions, without erections, sensation, or dreams, but with great weakness of the knees, depression of spirits. (Several cases cured by Dr. Pease with the 2d decimal trituration of Dioscorein.) o Nocturnal Emissions Treated by Dr. Cushing. — Mr. L., aged 35, above medium size, dark eyes, black hair and beard, married, father of three children. When twenty years of age, commenced having nocturnal emissions of semen. Was troubled badly ; was under treatment some two or three years, with no relief. Ry advice of physicians was married, but no change of symptoms. Now, after 1 5 years, is as follows: During 15 years, thinks he has been once three weeks without an emission. A very few times has been two weeks, usually not over four days at the longest, considerable of the time every other night, at times every night for some time. At times he feels 208 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. SO badly in the morning that he sits up nearly all night to avoid it. Rich or spare diet, excessive labor or rest make no difference. Has had all kinds of treatment, the last from a traveling physician, to whom he paid fifty dollars a few months since to have the urethra cau- terized the whole length, but it gave him no relief He feels dull and bad ; backbone and knees weak. September 12. — Gave Dioscorca 20th decimal, dose every night. September 19. — Has had no emissions; Dioscorca 2ot]i every other night. October 3. — Has had two emissions ; Dioscorca i^th every night. October 10. — No emissions ; Dioscorca i^th every night. October 22. — No emissions ; Dioscorca 20tk every other night. November 5. — Has had two emissions ; Dioscorca 20th every night. November 18. — No emissions ; Dioscorca 20th every third night. December 5. — No emissions ; Dioscorca 20th, to take an occasional dose at night. He feels well ; back is not lame, and considered cured. Female. — o Dysmenorrhoea, ; uterine colic; after pains; false pains during pregnancy. CHEST. Very sharp pain in right lung at the right of the nipple, ar- resting breathing ; relieved by pressure. Sharp pain in lower portion of right lung, commencing in back side and darting through to the front. Aching pain in right lung ; sharp pain in left lung at the side of the nipple. Sharp cutting pain in region of heart, arresting breathing and motion. Pain through from back to front of both lungs. Very sharp, cutting pain from left axilla to nipple, and down on side and deep into the lung. Sharp pain in region of right nipple, with difficult respiration. Sharp pain through centre of right lung. Dull pain through right scapula and lung. Sharp pain in region of heart ; had to stop when walking on the street. Sudden, sharp, cramping pain in right lung just below the nipple, arresting motion and breathing for a few seconds. Sharp pricking pain in region of heart. Distress in region of heart. Burning pain behind top of sternum. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 209 Violent attack of cough from tickling low down in throat ; can with difficulty get his breath, with frothy expectora- tion, seeming to com.e from the head. Profuse frothy expectoration seeming to come from posterior fauces. Cough, with pain at epigastrium ; dull pain in both temples, brownish yellow tongue, and weak knees. — (Cushing.) Pains through the sides of the chest, with headache in the temples. — (CusJiing.) BACK AND NECK. Chills over left scapula. Chills on back, commencing over left scapula. Dull pain in back of neck, extending to head and shoulders. Violent itching over right scapula every evening, with no eruption. Dull pain in both lumbar regions. Very sharp, sudden pain in back, left side, at tenth rib. Dull, lame pain in lumbar region, extending to legs. Sharp pAin in lumbar region. Sharp pain in lumbar region, extending to the testicles. Sharp pain in sacral region, hindering walking or movement. Soreness and pain in right lumbar region. Pain in right hip. Sharp, deep pain in lower portion of left scapula, followed by sharp pain through centre of right lung. Sharp pain in lumbar region that pulled him over back and sidewise. so sharp that it made him groan out loud. Itching over both hips, extending down the legs, aggravated by getting cold. Dull pain across the back in region of liver. Back in region of liver so lame it is almost impossible to turn in bed ; relieved by motion. Sharp pain in dorsal region. Soreness of sacral region. Hyperaesthesia of the spinal cord (.'') — (Paine.) Reflex irritation of the spinal cord. — (Hale.) Dull pain on top of left shoulder, extending to neck and head. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Numbness of left hand and forearm, as if asleep ; worse at little finger. Hard, aching pain in lower third of left forearm, extending to little finger. Dull, grinding pain in middle of left forearm; quite severe, which returned at intervals during the evening. Arms and hands numb. 26 2IO DIOSCOREA VI LLCS A. Frequent, sharp, jerking pains in left shoulder. Sharp pains in left shoulder joint. Frequent, sharp pains in right shoulder. Hard, pulling pain all day on top of left shoulder, extending to neck and head. Pain in left lung, extending to back and down inside of left arm. Pain and soreness in right axilla. Pain and soreness in left axilla, extending down the arm. aggravated by walking. Pain in both shoulders ; left elbow lame and stiff. Grinding pain in elbow joints. Aching pain in elbow, alternating with pain in knees, same kind. Left thumb, between first and second joint.s, quite painful for two days, but no swelling, soreness, nor redne.ss. Pain in right forearm. Hard pain in right wrist. P'requent, severe, but not very sharp pains between the third and fourth metacarpal bones of left hand. Hard, aching pain in left forefinger. Hard, aching pain in right hand. Dull pain in left thumb. Hard pain in right wrist. Wrists itch. Severe itching of palm of right hand. Nails on toes and fingers very brittle, o Severe pains, with cramp in the flexor tendons of the fingers, and toes in a pregnant woman, alternating with false labor pains. — (Hale.) INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. Dull, drawing pain from hip to knee in right leg. Pain in back side of right leg as if glutei muscles were too short. Cramping pain in back side of legs ; dull pain whole length of right leg on back side, worse at buttock and heel. Sharp pain in right hip joint, also dull pain. A sharp pain went from left hip to head like an electric shock while lying down. Dull pain in left hip. Pain in front side of right hip down to the knee.' Pain in left thigh. Pain in right hip. Sudden, stinging itching over right hip. Dull, cramping pain in back side of both leg.s, worse above the knees. Dull, tearing pain in right hip, hindering walking. DIOSCOREA VII.I.OSA. 2 11 Left leg feels numb and heavy, and goes to sleep easily. Right hip lame, as if the gluteus muscles were too short, aggravated by walking. Cramping pain all day in back side of right thigh, as if the muscles were too short. Dull pain in right groin, extending down inside of leg, causing lameness. Pain in left popliteal space. Sharp pain in right popliteal space. Pulling pain in right popliteal space. Pain in left popliteal space, hindering walking. Pain in left popliteal space, then right knee, then right popliteal space. Both knees very weak, lame and painful, aggravated by walking ; continued walking cured it. Pain in right knee at head of tibia, relieved by motion. Hard aching pain at head of right tibia. Pulling pain in right keee, also lame and weak. Pain in right knee and ankle; pain in right leg, back .side, near the knee. Hard pain at head of right tibia, extending into the knee joint. Belching of wind, with pain in left knee. Hard aching pain in right lung and right knee. Pain in left knee, as if out of joint, and could not be moved, but relieved by motions. Sharp, tearing pain in left knee, which is weak and painful. Right knee very lame and stiff; knees weak and trembling. Right tibia seemed sore, with pain extending to left side of knee at edge of patella, producing lameness ; then the pain moved to lower portion of fibula, same leg. Sharp pain in right fibula. Both knees lame, as if they could not be moved. Pain alternates from one knee to the other ; right leg from knee to foot feels weak. Cramping and grinding pain in both knees. Right tibia quite sore and painful when walking, but not to the touch ; is better by contact. Pain in bones of legs, and is chilly. When walking, severe cramping pain at head of left fibula, making walking painful. Dull pain in both sides of right leg below the knee. Pain in bones of leg below the knee. Sharp pain in left tibia, near the ankle, that made him limp ; then pain at right tibia ; then right hand. Frequent hard, dull pain in left tendo achillis. Sharp pain at middle of left fibula. Violent itching on front side of left ankle when walking. 212 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Violent itching of right ankle, extending above the joint, ■while walking. Pain in calf of right leg. Sharp pain in right tendo achillis. Hard pain at middle of right tibia. Hard, sharp pain in left ankle. Feet and legs to knees feel numb and strange. Sharp pain in left tendo achillis that makes him hold his breath. Sensation as of a bee sting on outside of left ankle. Burning, aching pain in right little toe. Very sharp, severe pain in right little toe, relieved by pressure. Pain in left great toe. Corns on second toe of each foot very painful and sore. Jumping, darting pain in old corns on second toe of each foot ; they become very painful and sore. Sharp pain underneath right great toe, as if a pin were driven in. Sharp paiii in bottom of feet and toes. Constant dull pain in ankles, feet and toes. Toes are very stiff, especially in the morning, o Great weakness of the knees (in several diseases). — (Cushing.) o Pain and soreness in fourth toe of right ioot.^^Ib.) GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Faintness ; came near syncope. Itching of various parts of the body and limbs. Sudden stinging in various parts like a bee sting. Violent itching over right scapula (every evening), and over various parts of the body, without eruption. Headache, worse in temples. Cramping, cutting pains in stomach and bowels. Sharp darting pains in lungs, worse in region of heart. Restless sleep, with bitter, sticky mouth in the morning. Back lame, with soreness in inguinal regions, and pain in hips ; knees weak, lame and painful. Sexual desire increased, or nearly all gone. SLEEP. Falls asleep late at night ; restless, cannot sleep. Restless, dreamy sleep. Went to sleep in his room in the afternoon, very uncommon, awoke with bitter mouth and pain in bowels. Roused suddenly from sleep with slow but hard beating of the heart. Sleep full of lascivious dreams. Emissions of semen during sleep. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 213 Roused from sleep early in the morning by great desire for stool. FEVER. Feels as if he had a cold ; chilly, bones and back ache. Chilly, yet perspires easily. Several severe chills during the evening. Chilly, then perspiration, no fever, no thirst. Pain in bones of legs, and is chilly. CHARACTERISTICS. Pains all relieved by motion ; symptoms worse about eight A. M. and ten P, M. ; pain in stomach and bowels, re- lieved by standing erect ; chilly in a warm room ; fre- quent sharp pains darting from one part of the body to another ; sudden stinging in various parts of the body. SPECIAL INDICATIONS. Pain in either temple, worse in right ; also in back or front of head ; one or both eyes sore. Mouth dry, bitter or sore, worse in the morning. Sharp pain in either lung, worse in region of the nipple, ar- resting mol ion or breathing. Pain in the stomach either sharp, dull, cramping or twisting, worse by stooping, relieved by standing erect. Severe pain in either hypochondrium, either sharp, dull, cramping or twisting. Bowels sore and distressed ; sharp, cutting, cramping pain in bowels. Back in dorsal or lumbar region lame ; aggravated by stooping. Sexual desire increased, or greatly diminished. Genitals cold and relaxed. Emissions of semen during sleep, or no erections for many days. Knees quite lame, weak or painful. Cramping pain in legs, whole length. Itching of ankles. Ankles painful. Rheumatic symptoms, worse at night and early in the morning. At first the pains are aggravated by motion, afterwards motion relieves. Morning diarrhcea. 214 NEW REMEDIES. DORYPPiORA TEN-LINEA. {Colorado Poiixto Bug.) Analogues: — Agaricus, Apis, Belladonna, ^^Ht/insa,Crotalns, Lachesis, Stramoniian. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture or trituration of the whole bug. MENTAL. Delirium, with red, bloated face, protruded eyes, and pulse 124. Irritable temper. Delirious ; talking and muttering about business matters. HEAD. Congestion of blood to the head. Meningitis (}). Congested brain (post mortem). FACE AND EYES. P'ace bloated, giving the prover the appearance of a con- firmed drunkard. Bloated face, mottled, with red, staring eyes, and high fever, with delirium, vomiting and stupor. Inflammation of the eyes. Eyes red, congested, and protruded. Pupils dilated. Sight much impaired ; a sensation of dimness and blackness before the eyes. Erysipelas of the head and face. MOUTH, THROAT AND CESOPHAGUS. Burning in the throat down the oesophagus, wath pain in the stomach. Dark brown coating on the tongue. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Vomiting of dark, grumous and acrid matters. Vomiting attending the stupor and delirium. Vomiting of dirty brown fluid, and diarrhoea. Pain in the stomach. No appetite, but great thirst ; craving for sour things. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Pain in the bowels, chiefly in hypogastric region. Discharges of bloody and slimy matters, with inten.se pain in the rectum. Loud rumbling in abdomen, with stupor. DORYPHORA TEN-LINEA. 215 Violent pain in bowels, in right side, passing downward to the rectum. Continued bloody, slimy diarrhoea. The pain in bowels increased by eating or drinking. Dysentery, with intense pain in rectum. URINARY ORGANS Retention of urine from morning till night. Difficult urination. Voided a large quantity of urine of a dark red color, dirty sediment, and much pain. Dysttria, with burning, stinging pain. Gleet and gonorrhoea. EXTREMITIES Swelling of the whole arm, very painful ; the abraded spot on the wrist developed into a deep ulcer, angry, red, with sticking, stinging pains through the arm ; the ulcer assumed a malignant character, eating until it exposed the bones of the wrist (from the local effects, through an abraded surface). Great trembling in the extremities. Could not guide his pen when endeavoring to write. Trembling in right arm and leg as if from a galvanic (in- duced) current. Swelling of the feet, with burning and stinging, and sen- sation as if full of pins. Icy coldness of the hands and feet. GENERALITIES. Great xveariness, increased by talking. Fatigued by the slightest exercise. Fainting sensation when walking. Sensation as if he would fall at every step, with dimness of sight. Enormous sivelling of the zuhole body, with the mental and cerebral symptoms above named. The general swelling of the whole body was elastic, would not " pit." Pain all over the body, especially in the region of the spleen. Nervous restlessness ; twitching and spasms. (jreat, general prostration, ending in collapse. FEVER. Violent fever, with cerebral congestion, vomiting, and de- lirium ; pulse 1 20 to 140. , Fever ; skin alternately cold and clammy then hcjt and burning. Violent fever from 8 A. M. to 2. v. .vi. Fever of a typhoid character. 2l6 EPIG^A REPENS. Pulse very weak, with coldness and collapse. SLEEP. Great sleeplessness till 12 at night, then restless sleep, with terrifying dreams. Comatose slumber ; while sleeping has wild dreams, and screams as if in great distress. Stupor, with muttering and loud rumbling in the bowels. All the symptoms worse after smoking. The blood will not coagulate ; the blood globules are dis- organized as after serpent poisoning. EPIGiCA REPENS." { Trailing A r but us. ) Analogues: — Uva Ursi, Eupatorium purp., etc. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the root and leaves. Burning in neck of bladder when urinating. Tenesmus of the bladder ; after urinating. Increased flow of pale, limpid urine, o Urine with bloody sediment, o Urine containing mucus and pus. * Discharge of small brown particles re;embling fine sand, o Dysiiria, from various causes. ERECTHITES HIERACIFOLIUS. {Fire Weed.) Analogues : — Asarum, Cubeba, Copaiva, Erigeron, Sabina, Trillium, Terebinthina. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the plant ; dilu- tions. The oil and dilutions of it. HEAD. Vertigo, everything goes up, down and sidewise. Dull frontal headache. Headache, with throbbing in the temporal arteries, with flashes of heat running across the back from one shoul- der to the other ; the sensation of heat suddenly gives way to coldness, which darts across the face and back in a similar manner, accompanied with nausea. ERECTIIITES IIIERACIFOLIUS. 21 7 NOSE. * Epistaxis of bright red blood. MOUTH. * Bleeding fro:ii the gurns and looseness of the teeth. STOMACH. Eructations, with burning in the stomach, cramps in the bowels. Uneasiness of the stomach as if nausea was about to set in. Vomiting, with burning in stomach, afterwards empty retching. Feeling in the stomach as if it would be dissolved ; after drinking cold water. Nausea, with giddiness and headache. Extravagant appetite. Vomiting of bloody mucus ; o even pure blood, o Eructations and heartburn after eating warm bread or coffee. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Cramps in the region of umbilicus, recurring every 15 minutes. Constipation, followed by copious diarrhoea. Copious diarrhcea of yellow foecal matter, of a mushy con- sistence, preceded by griping in the morning, followed by two or three days' constipation, o Haemorrhage from the bowels (in typhus), o Excessive haemorrhage from hemorrhoidal veins, o Dysenteric discharges of almost pure blood. Small mucus stools, streaked with blood, with tenesmus. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — Profuse menorrhagia and metrorrhagia of bright red blood. Premature and profuse menses. Male. — Stimulation of the genital organs, with erection and dreams of nudity and shame. Erection, with dreams and emissions towards morning. Slight burning pains in meatus urinarius, with profuse urination. Swelling of the right testicle, with painful, continuous aching, tenderness to the touch. URINARY ORGANS. * Urine very scanty, painful, scalding and bloody ; blood oozed from the urethra after urinating. Urine dark, scanty, and mixed with blood. * Hemorrhage from the kidneys and bladder. 27 « 2l8 ERIGERON CANADENSE. Urine contained a lars^e amount of mucus floating about in minute particles. Specific gravity 10.24; ^^-cid reaction ; 40 ounces per day. The urine, after standing, has a milky appearance. Urine decreased from 42 ounces to 33 ounces. BRONCHIA. Cough, with muco-purulent expectoration (almost bloody). BACK AND EXTREMITIES. Aching in the small of the back. Pains in the lower extremities. GENERALITIES. * Active arterial haimorrhages, with general excitement of the circulation. ERIGERON CANADENSE. Flea Bane.) Analogues : — Cantharis, Cubebs, Copaiva, Balsaniiini Pc- ruviamim, Tcrebinthina, Sabina. Officinal Preparations:— Tincture of the plant; tritura- tions or dilutions from the oil. MENTAL SPHERE. Lowness of spirits, with a feeling of great languor. HEAD. Dull frontal headache on awaking in the morning. Dull headache, with ringing in the right ear. Headache, with pain in forehead and right eye ; unth pain in the large joints. EVES. Smarting of the eyes all day. Redness, swelling, inflammation, with profuse muco-purulent discharges, o Ecchymoses upon the eyeballs or around the eye from a blow. NOSE. Increased secretion of mucus in the nostrils all the forenoon, o Epistaxis of bright red blood. MOUTH. o Bleeding from the gums ; profuse bleeding from the cavity of a tooth. ERir.p:RoN caNadensE. 219 THROAT. Dryness of the pharynx ; roughness, with a sensation as if something had lodged in the upper part of the ceso- phagus. Sore throat all night, with frequent inclination to swallow, o Inflammation and ulceration of the throat. O Tonsillitis (applied externally) or used as a gargle. STOMACH. Nausea, with frequent eructations. Sharp cutting pains in the region of the stomach every few minutes. Violent retching and vomiting, with burning sensation of long duration in the stomach, o Haematemesis, from ulceration, and rupture of blood-vessels. ABDOMEN. Rheumatic (.-') pains in the abdomen. Sharp pains in the umbilicus. Frequent, dull pains in the bowels. Sudden, severe pains in the hypogastrium, followed by mushy stool. o Flatulent colic. O Tympanitis in typhoid fever or dysentery. STOOL. Hard, lumpy stool ; mushy stools. Sudden pains in the hypogastrium, followed by papescent stools. Natural stool, followed by severe neuralgic pain in the anus, with tenesmus. Catharsis, with burning sensation throughout the alimentary canal. Thin papescent stool, with burning in the bowels and rectum. Undigested stools. Inflammation of the mucous coats of the colon and rectum, o Diarrhoea and dysentery, bloody and mucus, o Scybala, with dysentery. O Hemorrhage from the bowels or from h.xmorrhoids, LIVER. Dull pains in both hypochondriac. Aching distress in the hypochondri.nc. URINARY ORGANS. Sharp, stinging pains in the region of the left kidney. Pain in right lumbar region, passing down to the right testicle. Urine dark color, afterwards pale, double quantity. Inclination to urinate about every hour, with aching di.stress in bladder. 220 ERIGERON CANADENSE. O Dysiiria in teething children ; frequent desire and crying when urinating ; urine very profuse and of very strong odor ; the external parts much inflamed and swollen. — (Dr. Ring.) o Vesical irritation from catarrh of the bladder. Complete suppression of the urine, with pain in the region of the kidneys (primary). Urging to urinate, with emissions of only a few burning drops at a time (primary). Copious discharges of pale urine (secondary). ■ GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — o Uterine hemorrhage, with violent irritation of the rectum and h\diddtr.—( Hale.) o Hemorrhage from the uterus and bladder, o Abortion, with profuse hemorrhage, diarrhoea and dysuria. Scanty menses, o Post-partem hemorrhage. O Dysmenorrhoea, with menorrhagia. o Profuse lochial discharges. o Menorrhagia, with spasmodic pains. O Chronic uterine leucorrhoea. Male. — o Gonorrhoea and gleet. BRONCHIA, LUNGS, ETC. Chronic bronchial affections, o Incipient stages of phthisis, with bloody expectoration. BACK. Severe, drawing pains in the right lumbar region. Dull, aching distress in the whole dorsal region. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Rheumatic pains in the right thumb all the evening. Great aching distress in the elbows and wrists during rainy weather. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Severe, drawing pains in the left ankle joint, aggravated by walking. Dull pains in the knees. GENERALITIES. Symptoms all aggravated during rainy weather. The lower dorsal region is the location of the greatest suf- fering. SKIN. Slightly elevated, sharply defined vesicles on the skin. NEW REMEDIES. 221 EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. {Blue Gum-tref.) Analogues : — China (?), Cedron (f), Cauchalagua (?). Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the leaves and flowers ; dilutions. [A gigantic tree growing in the Australian and Tasmanian forests.] {No firovings.) o Intennitttiit fevers — type and symptoms not given. (It is considered quite a specific, o Those cases cases of ague most rebellious to quinine. \^Interviittciit fevers do not abound cohere if gro7vs.~\ Large doses sometimes cause congestive headache, and a desire to keep moving, follozvcd by real feve?-. The respiratory movements are quickened — the thirst is increased — there is uneasiness and loss of sleep. , In ancBinic subjects the contrary occurs, and the drug sends them to sleep. — (Dr. Carlotte.) All these symptoms last but a few hours. O " I have seen patients who had suffered for years from inter- mittent fever, and in whom a fatal result seemed immi- nent, recover every appearance of health and strength." — (Dr. Maliiigre.) o An infusion of the leaves produces marvellous effects in the worst forms of intermittent fever. — (Dr. Abermada.) o Pernicious fevers — of the tropics and swamps. STOMACH, ETC. Sense of weight in the stomach and slow digestion. Burning in the mouth, cesophagus and stomach. [Travelers drink the water of stagnant pools in which the leaves have fallen, with impunity, whereas other waters in a near locality cause serious diseases.] [The essential oil has a singular effect in preventing the development of cryptogamous plants. In this respect it resembles carbolic acid, etc.] o Leucorrhoea, o Vesical catarrh, o Suppressed urine. CHEST. O Aneurisms involving ptessure on the vagus and its branches — No remedy is so efficacious in allaying pain, relieving dyspnoea, calming irritation, and procuring sleep in pa- tients suffering from the above conditions. — Dr. McLean.) O Cardiac asthma — It allays the terrible dyspnoea of this affec- tion— ("/^^.j [Dr. M. is of the opinion that this medicine acts on the nervous system? particularly the vagus. In his cases the leaves were smoked in a cigar or pipe, or portions of the leaf burned on a plate near the patient, as Nitre- paper is familiarly used.] 222 EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. ( Wahoo.) Analogues : — (?) Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the bark. BRAIN. A sick, weakening sensation all through the nervous system. She seemed so drawn up from the floor that it seemed diffi- cult to place her foot down when walking, with sufficient firmness to stand. A tipping-over sensation when sitting and walking. A dull, heavy pain through the front upper portion of the head. An enlarged, blurred feeling in the head. STOMACH AND BOWELS. A deathly sickness at the stomach, with perspiration and heat in the face in alternation with chills on the back and back part of the arms ; (vinegar removed these symptoms). A drastic cathartic, its operation being attended with death- like nausea, excessive tormina, prostration, and cold sweats. The evacuations are profuse, violent, and accompanied with much flatus. o Cholera, morbus et infantum. {}) o Diarrhoea, with severe colic. (.'') FEVER, o Intermittent fevers. (.?) A favorite domestic remedy. EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. (W/iife Snake Roof.) Analogues : — (?) Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the plant. o Restlessness and morbid watchfulness, o Calms the irritability of the nervous system. o Debility and irritability of the nervous system. o Relieves tremors, jactitations, chorea, and hysteria, o Apthous stomatitis in females and children. — (Hill.) o Burning at the stomach in females a few weeks before con- finement, o Nursing sore mouth, with great nervousness. o Nervous cough. NEW REMEDIES. p:upatorium perfoliatum. (Boneset.) Analogues: — Arnica,Baptisia, Bryonia, Ciinicifnga, C'lam- ofnilla, Gels emit mm, Ipecacuanha, Mercuruis, Nux vomica, Podo- pliyllnm. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the plant; dilu- tions. HEAD. * Headache, with a sensation of soreness internally, better in the house, aggravated when first going into the open air ; relieved by conversation. Pain extending from the forehead to the occiput. Throbbing headache ; beating pain in forehead and occiput, better after rising. Darting pains through the temples, with sensation of blood rushing across the head. Distress on the top and in the back part of the head. Shooting pains from left to right side of the head. o Headache, with nausea, every other morning when first awaking, continuing all day ; loss of appetite during the day, but good appetite during the intervening day. o Pain in the occiput after lying, with sensation of great weight in that part, requiring the hands to lift it. EYES. * Soreness of the eyeballs, with intolerance of light. Redness of the margin of the lids, with profuse secretion. Increased lachrymation. FACE. Sickly, sallow countenance; flushed face; redness of the cheeks. MOUTH. Increased appetite ; causes hunger (primary). Loss of appetite, with disgust for food (secondary). Paleness of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Tongue coated yellow, or whife-coated tongue. Sores in the corners of the mouth. Insipid taste in the mouth ; want of appetite ; distaste of food. Nocturnal thirst for something cold. O The hunger which attends or precedes ague. STOMACH. * Belching of tasteless wind, with a feeling of obstruction at the pit of stomach. 224 EUl'ATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Sensation of something in the stomach that ought to come up. General shuddering proceeding from the stomach. Beating in the epigastrium at night. Sensation of fullness at stomach, o Nausea, and vomiting of food. * Vomiting of mucus and bile, with trembling and pain in the stomach, and weakness even to fainting. Distressing disposition to vomiting. LIVER. * Soreness around the waist — tight clothing is oppressive. * Soreness and fullness in the region of the liver. STOOL. * Purging stools, with smarting and heat in the anus. Frequent watery stools, or bilious stools. Tenesmus, with small discharge of loose stool. Morning diarrhcea (primary) ; constipation (secondary). URINARY ORGANS. Urine scanty and high colored. Dark brown, scanty urine, depositing whitish, clay-like sedi- ment, voided only once in 24 hours, o Dark urine in bilious disorders, o Watery urine during intermittents. o Herpes on the scrotum and thighs, even to the anus. CATARRHAL SYMPTOMS. * Flowing coryza ; sneezing ; hoarseness. * Hacking cough in the evening. * Cough, with soreness and heat in the bronchia, o Cough aggravated in the evening. o Hectic cough from suppressed intermittent fever, o Violent cough, with soreness in the chest, o Epidemic influenza. o Cough, with flushed face and tearful eyes ; he has to sup- port the chest with his hands. CHEST. Difficulty of breathing, with anxious countenance, perspira- tion and sleeplessness. Painful irritation of the pulmonary organs, with heat in chest. Aching pain under the left breast, and inability to lie on left side. Grating sensation in the chest at every deep inspiration, o Asthma and bronchitis, when the dyspnoea is great, obliging the patient to He with head and shoulders high. BACK. Weakness in the small of the back. Pain in the back as from a bruise. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. 225 Pain in the back and lower extremities. Deep-seated pains in the loins, with soreness from motion. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Soreness and aching soreness in the arms and wrists. ::>tififness of the fingers, with obtuseness of the sense of touch. Heat in tlie palms of the hands. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pain, with extreme sensitiveness in left glutei muscles, o Stiffness and general soreness of the lower extremities when rising to walk. Calves of the legs feel as though they had been beaten. Pains in all the joints of the lower extremities. Lameness in the right hip and lower extremity, o Soreness and aching of the lower limbs when rising to walk, o Rheumatic pains on the inside of the left knee, o Dropsical swelling of feet and ankles. o Gouty inflammation of left knee and right elbow. FEVER. * Chilliness through the night and in the morning, with nausea from the least motion ; aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten in the calves of the legs, small of the back, and in the arms, above and below the el- bows ; nausea as the chills go off; aching in the bones of the extremities, with soreness of the flesh ; chilli- ness, with excessive trembling and nausea ; chilliness in the morning, heat through the rest of the day, but no perspiration ; the patient feels worse in the morning of one day, and in the afternoon of the next day. o Ague and fever, with nocturnal sweat with chilliness from motion or removal of the covering, o Belching and vomiting of bile, and trembling in the back during fever. o Thirst several hours before the chill. o The shiverings are severer than the cold would warrant, o Intermittent fever, when the paroxysm commences in the morning, Avith thirst several hours before the chill, which thirst continues during the chill and heat, and vomiting at the conclusion of the chill ; fever attended with great painfulness, weakness and soreness all over ; little or no perspiration after the heat. — ( Williamson, Neidhard, Gray and Hale.) o Cerebrospinal meningitis, with intense soreness and aching all over, vomiting, pain in back of head and neck, etc. — (Pratt, Small, etc.) o Remittent fever, bilious and malarial, with severe gastric and intestinal irritation. 28 226 KUPATORIUM PURI'UREUM. CilvVERALlTIKS. Great soreness and painfulness of the wliolc body and ex- tremities, as if he had been bruised or beaten. EUPATORIUM rORPURKUM. (Oi/cc/i of lite Miiu/mi'.) AXALO(;UES:— J/r^Ov////// cannabinitm, Asclfpias syrinca, Cannabis sativa, Chinuiphila, Galium, Uva nrsi, Senccio. Officinal PrePAKATIOXS: — Tincture of the root; dilu- tions ; infusions. MIX J). The mind is possessed by various dekisions. Talkative; exclamations ; feels extremeK' depressed. Hysterical mood, weepinj^s sighinj^, and a feelinj^ like home- sickness, with flutterin*^ of the heart u[) into the throat. Illusions of siy;ht, hcarin<^, and x'ertii^o. . HEAD. Sensation as if falling tin<.'ard the left sidi\ ivitli dir^zincss. Lightness of the head ; dizzy, as though flying round and round. Sensation as if her head were moving in all directions. Vertigo, as if flying round and round. Hard, thumping pain in left occipital bones. Sorene.ss, tenderness, and itching of the scalp. EYES. Copious flow of tears, fllling the lids w ith tears, making con- stant wiping neces.sary. Eyes fastened with an earnest look upon some object. Wild staring look of the eyes, with wakefulness. She cannot see as far as usual. EARS. P2ars feel as if they were full ; crackling in the ears. Crackling sound in the ears when swallowing. NOSE. Abundant discharge of a thin, watery fluid, making the nose sore and irritable. FACE. Congestion to the face, with burnitig heat, dry and hot to the touch. Shining appearance of the face. MOUTH AND THROAT. Increased action of all the glands of the mouth. KUPA'^()RIu^f PUR I'll Rr^u^r. ■^-:/ Pricking and stickin*^ in the end of the toni^uc. Gums red and hot. Choking fullness of the throat ; soreness of the throat. Smarting and burni)ig in the posterior part of the throat. Sensation of fnllness in the throat, with feelings of home- sickness. She feels h'kc crying. S TOM AC If. Eructations almo.st constant from wind in the stomach. Crampy pains in pit of stomach, with weak, sick feeHng. Great nausea, swelHng and fuUness, mostly on the left side. ABDOMEN. Fullness and pain in the bowels. Rumbling, rolling, twisting pain in the bowels. Pain and soreness, worse on the left side. Bowels are hard, tyiipanitic. Tense cutting pain just above the left o\'ar}', STOOL, t'celing as though the bowels must be moved immediately ; unable to do so. Pressure and heaviness upon the rectum. Pain and .suffering as from diarrhoea, although the passages were natural. URINARY ORGAN.S Dap, dull pain in the kidneys ; also cutting pain. Strong desire to pass water ten minutes after having urinated. Constant urging to urinate all day, ivith cutting, aching pain in the bladder, (ircatly increased quantity of urine, with large discharges every half hour, but the bladder fills up soon, with cutting, aching pain in bladder. * Smarting and burning very intense in the bladder and urethra. Sensation as if she had been a long time without urinating. O J^iabetes insipidus and perhaps mellitus. The stream of urine is smaller than natural. O Dropsy, when due to renal disorder; (low dil. or infusion), o Dysuria, with profuse and watery urine, (high diluticns.) o Strangury from uterine displacement, or during pregnancy, o Mucus sediment in urine in excess, indicating inflammation, o Inflammation of the mucous membrane of urinary passages, o Suppression of urine in infants. o Chronic inflammation of the bladder. — (Dr. Dresser.) o Renal and vesical calculi. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — Inflammation of meatus urinarius. 228 EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. The external genitals feel as though well, although they were not. LeucorrhcEa quite profuse. * Threatened abortions, o Sterility, from atony of the ovaries, o Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhcea (atonic). o Habitual abortion at the third or fourth month. A quick, jerking motion in region of left ovary. Tense, cutting pain in region of left ovary, o It is a genuine tonic to the female organs of generation, o Inefficient labor pains. Male. — o Impotency, from exhaustion or abuse of the gen- erative functions. CHEST. Palpitation of the heart ; fluttering of the heart up into the throat. Strong desire to inflate the lungs, of which she was not cognizant. Pulse 80 to 100, full and bounding. BACK AND NECK. Neuralgic-like pains from below upwards, mostly on the left side of the back and hip. Sore pain directly within the spine, its whole extent, from below upwards. Dull, aching pain in the sacrum, running upward into the kidneys. Stiff, wry neck, with lame, weak feeling in nape of neck. Cutting pain in the neck, running from left shoulder to occiput. UPPER AND LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tired, weak, uneasiness in the limbs, with numbness and gnawing pain. A con.stant sensation as if her heels were crowding through her boots upward. Rheumatic pain, changing from place to place, always from below. Gnawing in the hip bone ; legs feel weak, tired, left leg worse. All .symptoms worse on the left side of the body. SLEEP. Sleeplessness, with wild, staring eyes. FEVER. Intermittent fevers, with chills in the back and aching. O Intermittent fever ; miasmatic paroxysms at various times of the day ; chills beginning in the small of the back, spreading up and down the trunk and extremities ; lips KUIMIORIMA COkOLI.ATA. 229 and nails blue ; violent shaking xcith compai'ative little coldness ; fever, with nausea and vomiting, followed by moisture, not amounting to sweat, principally about the head and forehead ; any attempt to change position, ever so little, during the sweat, a chilliness would pass through the body. — ( Van Tagen, Martin, Hoivard, Gardiner.) [This remedy seems specific in ague with the above symptoms ; bnt they have a remarkable resemblance to those of Eupat. /^/y". — Hale.\ o Hectic fe"i.>cr, with night sweats ; pulse feeble but regular. GENERALITIES. Faint, dizzy feeling pervading the whole body. All the symptoms are worse on left side of the body. A feeling as if falling to the left \ (compare Anac, Aur., Bell., Dros., Euphorb., Mez., Natr., Nux mosch., Spig., Spong., Z'mc.)-—(Hering.) EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. (Spurge — Wandering- Milk Wi'ed.) Analogues: — Croton tiglinm, Euphorbium officinalis, Ela- terinm, Jalapa, Lobelia, Helleborus niger, Veratrum album. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the root ; di- lutions. . head. Vertigo ; swimming in the head, with faintness. Excessive vertigo, with ringing in the ears. Death-like sensation, vvith anxiety of mind. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN, ETC. Burning in the mouth and on the tongue, with nausea. ♦"Sudden nausea, followed by sudden and forcible vomiting and diarrhoea of rice-water fluid, with^sinking, anxious feeling at the stomach. * Profuse colliquative discharges from the bowels, with painful spasms of the intestines. Cold sweat on the body and extremities with the diarrhcia. o Spasms of the legs and feet, with vomiting and diarrha^a. o Sea sickness ; vomiting of pregnancy, o Acute enteritis and gastritis, o Chronic diarrhoea from malaria. * Diarrhoea which is very obstinate, o Dysenteric diarrhrea. o Cholera morbus. Xi:VV RFiMIiDTES. ERYNGIUM AOUATICUM. (Biff foil Snake Root.) Anai.0GUP:s: — Asclepias tnbcrosa, Copaiva, Gelseiniintin, Ifepar sulphur ^ Kali bichromicwn, LacJiesis, Senega, Spongia, Senecio, Sepia. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of root ; dilutions. MENTAL SPHERE. Unable to concentrate his thoughts. Depressed in spirits. HEAT). Vertigo, after dinner. Dull, heavy pains in the temporal bones. Dull, dragging pain in the occiput. Shooting pains in coronary region. Frontal headache of a dull, aching character, hvxpanding sensation in frontal region, over the eyes, with dimness of sight. Pain in the occiput, extending into the eyes, and into the neck, and down between the shoulders. Scalp sore on pressure, and pains on combing the hair. EYES. Irritated by strong light, producing a smarting, burning sen- sation. Eyes congested, with heavy aching, and dull expression. Severe pains over left eye, of a tearing, burning character, o Violent ophthalmia in a scrofulous patient. EARS. Burning, tearing pain, as if they were being torn from the head. MOUTH AND THROAT. Tongue and fauces very dry, with insipid taste, thick, te- nacious, yellowish-colored mucus in the morning. Smarting, burning pain ; raw, smarting pain on left side. Sensation as if a lump was in the throat. Can not bear the clothing close around the throat. O Chronic laryngitis. STOMACH. Slight nausea, with drawing, cramping pains. Hot, burning pains extending up the oesophagus. Heavy, dragging pain, with a feeling of emptiness. Nausea and retching, with inclination to stool. ERVGIUM AQUATICUM. 23 1 O Spitting up of bright arterial blood, mixed with black clots, with burning in the epigastrium, after a blow on the stomach. — (Dr. CusJiing.) ABDOMEN. Severe pain in the left groin, passing down into the left testicle. Severe colic-like pains in small intestines. Sharp, piercing pains in the bowels, in the monn'ng, with bloated sensation and heaviness in abdomen, and sore- ness on pressure. STOOL. Dark leaden color, dry and very hard. Tenesmus at stool, with a sen.sation of cutting. O Mucus diarrhcea of children. URINE. I'requent desire to urinate, after evacuation of^ the bladder, which continued dripping for a few moments after urinating. Urine decreased in quantity and darker at night. Urine deposits a white flocculent matter, s. g. 1016. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Stinging, burning sensation in the urethra, behind the glans penis, during urination. Severe pain in left testicle, worse on exercise. o Gonorrhoea, with painful erections. O Emissions at night, with erection.s, with great lassitude and depression. Depression of the virile force. TARYNX. Smarting in larynx and bronchia ; slight dyspncea. Respirations rather shorter than normal, o Cough, with sensation of constriction in the throat. o Laryngeal irritations ; short, hacking cough. NECK. Rheumatic pains in posterior portions. BACK AND SHOULDER.S. Dull, dragging pains in the lumbar region. Rheumatic pains in the left shoulder. 2-^2 FORMICA. EOUISETUM HYEMALE. (Scouring Rush.) AXALOGUES : — Cannabis, Galium, Epigcsa, J uncus. Officinal Prfparations : — Tincture ; infusion. (No provings.) o Dysuria of women : symptoms — extreme and frequent urging to urinate, with severe pain, especially imme- diately after the urine is voided.—fZ^r. J. S. Marsden.) o Painful urination, with albuminous urine. — (lb.) o Dysuria after confinement and during pregnancy. — (lb.) [Dr. M. says it is one of the most reliable remedies he has tried, in such cases as the above. He uses it in infusion, pouring hot water on the stalks, A tablespoonful every two or three hours.] Diuretic and astringent. — (King.) An infusion has been found useful in dropsy, suppression of urine, gravel, haematuria, and hepatic affections ; also gonorrhoea and gleet. — (lb.) FORMICA. (Fort/tic Acid — The Poison of Ants.) ANALOCiUES: — Apis, Rhus, Urtica, Croton. Officixal Preparations: — Triturations; tincture; dilu- tions. MENTAL SPHERE. Indisposed, forgetful, morose, fearful and apprehensive. Exhilarated condition after the pain in the vertex had abated. Giddy on attempting to rise. Dull, sleepy feeling, with heaviness of the eyelids, and ina- bility to study. HEAD. Dullness and pressure on both sides between temples and ears. Severe pain in. the vertex, like a stitch from a dull instru- ment. Headache in the posterior upper and inner part of the head, increased by drinking coffee, and aggravated during washing with cold water. . FORMICA. 233 When waking in the morning headache, with vomiting, stitches in the chest. EYES. Spasmodic twitching of upper hd of right eye. FACE. Entire left side of the face and cheek feels as if paralyzed. NOSE. Sneezing and fluent coryza. EARS. Stitches in the left ear (frequent), followed by a small ab- scess in the external portion of the meatus auditorius. Pressive pain in both ears (with heat). Pains in the eyes mornings when awaking, better on washing. STOMACH. Constatit pressure at the cirdiac end of the stomacJi ; burning pain. Nausea, zvitJi headache, and vomiting of yellozvish, bitter mucus. Burning pain in the stomach, with oppression and weight. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. In the morning difficult passages of small quantities of flatus ; afterwards diarrJioea-like urging in the reetujn. Diarrhcca, with tenesmus ; tain in bowels before stool. Dull pain in the region of the spleen. Severe pain in the bowels, with shuddering chilliness. Sensation of constriction in the anus. Pressure in the rectum, worse in the evening and in bed. Loose diarrhoeic stool, which left a desire for another stool. Painful desire in the anus and rectum for stool, which, how- ever, will not pass. Constipation, with sensation of constriction of sphincter ani. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — Itching on the scrotum ; during coition insufficient erection ; jerking pain in the left half of the penis. Long lasting erections in the morning in bed on returning from urination. Female. — Menses scanty and pale, with bearing down in the back. Menses appear eight days too soon. CHEST. Violent prickling, pressing stitches in region of Lft nipple ; later on the left side of the back, but more violent ; still later, the same sensation on other parts of the body. Violent penetrating itching at the right nipple. Palpitation of the heart ; fluttering of the heart. 234 FORMICA. UPPER EXTREMITIES Severe pain above the right clbrw. ItcJiingin the armpits in the morning. Violent itcliing oti the left shonlder-blade. Rheumatic pain in the right elbow joint, and along the course of the uhia. Violent pain in left side of the nape of the neck, extending down the left arm. Pain leaves the left arm and goes to the right. Neck is very stiff and painful, worse from motion. Burning stitches in the finger ends. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pains in the hips (bruised) at night in bed. Pains in the knee joints (rheumatic) increased by walking. Lancinating pain in the left knee joint. General weakness of the whole muscular system. Severe pain across the sacrum and dorsum of each ham, worse on motion. Sensation as if the muscles were strained and being torn from attachment. Cramp in both feet, especially in the soles near the toes. GENERALITIES. Dr. Hering ( Hahnemanniafi Monthly, Jan., iSji ), gives the following indications for the use of Formica : *^ Affections of the spinal cord, paralysis, spasms. '' Rlieumatism appearing suddenly, mostly in the joints, with the character of restlessness ; the patients desire mo- tion, although it makes pain more acute. " Pressure relieves the pains. " Sweat without amelioration. ^* Eye diseases, especially the so-called rheumatic inflamma- tions of the eye, with their sequelae ; but still more in difficulties of hearing and many diseases of the ear. " Lack of milk in nursing women. •' Seminal emissions. " The predominant time of day is from 2 to 4 A. M. " The burning pains are removed by washing in cold water. " Consequences of cold and wet, cold bath, or damp weather. " It often helped when Chamomilla only ameliorated, and when Belladonna did not agree. Formica, therefore, like Apis, belongs to the class of acids with ethereal oils, to which the aromatics are complementary. Formica seems to be as great an enemy to the narcotics as Apis is to the acids (Rhus). GELSEMINUM SEMPER VIRENS. (Yellow yessamine.) NEW REMEDIES. ^35 GALIUM APARINE. (Cleavers.) Analogues : — Cannabis, Chimaphila, Enpatorcnvi pnrpn- rann, Althcea officinalis, Uva nrsi. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture, infusion of the plant, MOUTH AND TONGUE, o Apthae, with urinary disorders, in children, o Cancerous tumor on the tongue. URINARY ORGANS. Increases the flow of urine and removes its acridity, o Scalding and burning during micturition in fevers, o Dysuria and suppression of urine in young children, o Strangury of women, from idiopathic or reflex irritation of the urinary apparatus, o Dysuria, with frequent ineffectual urging and scanty dis- charge, o Gravel and the various attendant sufferings. GENERALITIES. Its use causes so much " constant chilliness " thai patients complain of it. Is said to be contra-indicated in atonic or torpid urinary disorders, o Scurvy ; aphthae, and inveterate cutaneous affections, o Hard nodulated tumor of the tongue, of a cancerous nature. (See case detailed in New Remedies, second edition.) o It favors the production of healthy granulations on the ulcerated surface of cancer. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS.* { Yellow Jessamine. ) Analogues: — Aconite, Agaricns, Belladonna, Conium, Cimicifuga. Hyoscyamus. Chloral, Ibcris, Lachnanthes, Opium, Rhus, Stramonium, Solanuni. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root; dilutions. MENTAL sphere. * Dullness of all the mental faculties (primary). * The correct botanical name of this plant is probably Gelsemium iiitidans, but I have retained the name by which it was first known to the profession. — Hale. 236 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. * Anxiety ; incoherency of thought, aversion to study. Melancholy and desponding mood. * Excessive irritability of body and mind (secondary), o Nervous excitement of hysteric patients. o Stupid, comatose conditions attending typhoid fever. o Hysterical conditions in plethoric subjects. HEAD. Pain in the head across the forehead. Excruciating headache, accompanied by slight nausea ; pain slightly mitigated by shaking the head. Pain most frequently in the forehead and temples. O Band-like pain surrounds the head, with shooting pains in each jaw. Pain in the head constant, dull, stupefying and pressive. Head feels light and large, with vertigo. o Dull, dragging headache, mainly in the occiput, mastoid, and upper cervical region, extending to the shoulders ; relieved when sitting by reclining head and shoulders on a high pillow. o Congestion in children durihg dentition. o Nervous headaches, from emotional excitement, etc. o Hemicrania, with dimness of sight and double vision. Giddiness, a consta?it symptom. o Headache, extending from the occiput to the os frontis. o In the morning on rising a dull pain in the head and a slight tendency to throbbing in right side of head. o A settled, dull, dragging headache, mainly in the oceiput, mastoid, and upper cervieal region, extending to the shoulder's, relieved when sitting by reclining the head and shoulders on a high pillow. O Headache, coming on suddenly, with dimness of sight or double vision, with dizziness followed by great heaviness of the head, semi-stupor, dull, heavy expression of the face, great vascular reaction, full pulse, etc. O Cramp-like pains of drawing or tearing character, aggravated by study or exertion, following fever and ague. O Headache (neuralgic) after cerebro-spinal meningitis ; " a terrible neuralgia, commencing in the upper portion of the spinal cord, proceeding thence gradually through the upper portion of the cerebrum, and terminating in a bursting pain in the forehead and eyeballs, with aggra- vation about 10 A. M., worse when lying down, with nausea, vomiting, cold sweat on forehead, and cold feet ; vertigo and obscuration of sight on stooping ; a sensa- tion as of a band drazvji tightly around the head above the ears, and soreness in scalp and brain ; the vertebrae prominens and cervical vertebrae sensitive to pressure. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 237 (Cured by Gelseminum 200th, three times a day.)" — (Dr. C. C. Smith.) o A relapse of the same patient, with the additional symp- toms, viz. : lameness and stiffness of neck ; on waking at night retraction of head backzvard, relieved by bend- ing head forivard ; frequent urging to urinate, with partial loss of power in the sphincter vesicae ; heat in palm of hands and itching all over the body, preventing sleep ; after scratching, a raw sore, surrounded with blisters, would appear. (These symptoms were also cured by Gelseminum 200.) o Periodical hemicrania (over one eye). EYES. * Great heaviness of the lids ; difficulty of opening or keeping them open. Fullness and congestion of the lids. Diplopia when inclining the head towards the shoulder. Misty or glimmering appearance before the eyes. Distant objects seemed indistinct as I rode or walked. Dilatation of the pupils ; amaurosis ; diplopia ; blindness ; dimness of sight. Sense of sight tardy in following the movements of objects. * Pain in both eyes, particularly the left, with dimness of sight, o Inflammation, with great flow of tears at intervals. Total blindness, with violent dizziness, o Asthenopia ; amaurosis. Disturbance of the power of accommodation, similar to Cala- bar, Chloral, and analagous drugs. EARS. * Rushing and roaring in the ears. * Sudden and temporary loss of hearing. Digging in the right ear; stitches. o Neuralgic otalgia. o Earache from a cold; (internally, also a drop or two on cotton put in the ear). NOSE. * Watery discharge from the nose. * Tingling in the nose ; bloody, mucus discharge. o Colds in the head, with fluent coryza from the nose, hoarse- ness, cough, soreness of the throat and chest. O Epistaxis,Vith suppressed menses. O Acute coryza, with dull headache and fever. FACE. * Erythema of the face and neck. * Sensation of stiffness in the muscles of the jaws. 238 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS, o Facial neuralgia, with or without contractions and twitchings of the muscles, o Orbital neuralgia, periodic, every day at the same hour. Papulous eruptions of the face, o Trismus. MOUTH AND THROAT. * Stiffness of the jaws ; difficulty of opening the mouth, o Pains of a shooting character in the jaws. Dryness of the mouth ; thickly coated tongue. * Tongue red, raw, and painful. * Partial paralysis of the glottis and tongue. Irritation and soreness of the fauces. * Paralytic dysphagia. * Painful sensation of something having lodged in oesophagus, o Spasmodic sensation and cramp-like pains in oesophagus. o CEsophagitis (catarrhal), a 7tot rare affection. — (Hale.) o Tonsillitis, from acute catarrh, o Spasmodic affections of the throat. o Spasmodic croup (catarrhal), with high fever. Thirst during the sweat, clammy, feverish taste. Great hunger ; eructation ; nausea. Yellowish-white coating of the tongue, with foetid breath. STOMACH. * Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the stomach and bowels. Distension, with pain and nausea. Rumbling and dull pain in the epigastrium, relieved by ex- pulsion of flatus, o Sensation of weight in the stomach, with dull pain, ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Rumbling and roaring in the abdomen, with emissions of flatus above and below. Periodical pains in the abdomen, with yellow diarrhoea in the evening. Bowels loose, but great difficulty to discharge anything. Severe griping in the lower abdomen, no relief till discharge of large, deeply bilious discharges, o Slow stool, leaving a sensation of more remaining to be passed, and of abdominal repletion, o Spasmodic and flatulent colic, o Acute enteritis (catarrhal), during cold, damp, or hot, damp weather, o Neuralgia of the intestines, periodic, malarial, o Diarrhoea, from exciting emotio7ts ; sometimes involuntary, o Diarrhoea of soldiers from mental and moral excitement, o Dysentery (epidemic), malarial or catarrhal. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 239 O Paralysis of the sphincter ani, with involuntary diarrhcjea, the result of nervous excitement or previous inflammation. LIVER. Bilious diarrhoea, of the color of green tea (primary). Jaundice, with prostration, clay-colored stool, etc. (secondary). Deficient secretion of bile (secondary), o Passive congestion of the liver, with dimness of sight, vertigo, and fullness of the head. URINARY ORGANS. Urine much increased in quantity. * Frequent urging, with scanty emission, and tenesmus of the bladder, * linuresis, from paralysis of thesphincter,in children at night, o Spasm of the bladder, with alternate dysuria and enuresis. o Constant, involuntary discharge of urine every 15 minutes, o Paralytic conditions of the sphincter muscles of the bladder, o Acute catarrhal conditions of the bladder and uterus. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — • * DysmcnorrJicea of a neuralgic or spasmodic character. * Cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy. O Convulsions during pregnancy, with complete unconscious- ness. o Convulsions (apoplectiform) during labor. o False pains before parturition. o Rigid OS uteri during confinement. o Menorrhagia (.'') (from lack of contractility). o Inefficient labor-pains from uterine inertia. Sensation of heaviness in the uterine region, with increased leucorrhceal discharge. Male. — * Involuntary emission of semen without an erection. o Seminal weakness from irritability of the seminal vesicles. o Spermatorrhoea from relaxation and debility. o Gonorrlioea, in the acute stage, with great pain, inflammation, and scanty discharge ; (one of the best remedies). — (Hale.) o vSuppressed gonorrhoea, with fever, rheumatism, orchitis, etc.; (it will restore the discharge very soon, with abatement of all the other symptoms). — {lb.) * Sweat of the scrotum, warm. — {Hoyne) LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Paroxysms of hoarseness, with dryness of the throat. Cough from tickling and dry roughness of the fauces, o Soreness in the chest when coughing, o Acute catarrhal bronchitis. 240 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. o Severe cough ; pain in the chest ; tenderness in the epigas- trium, with vomiting in the paroxysms, o Spasmodic croup, (laryngismus stridulus). o Periodic apJionia ; loss of voice only during the menses; (cured with the 3d dil.) — {M ey/ioffer Diseases of Organs of Respiration, Vol. I.) CHEST. * Constrictive pain around the lower part of the chest. Paroxysmal pain in the upper part of right lung, when taking a long breath, o Periodical pains in the pectoral muscles. Heavy and labored respirations ; expirations sudden and forcible, o Forming stage in pneumonia ( Veratnnn v.) o Convulsive, spasmodic cough, o Slow breathing and slow pulse. HEART. * Stitching sensation in the region of the heart. * Feeling as if the heart zvoidd stop beating if she did not move about. * Pulse frequent, soft, weak, almost imperceptible. Fluttering pulse; pulse full, 120; pulse slow and full, or slow and soft. Sensation as though the blood had ceased to circulate ; pulse reduced from 112 to 56 in 12 hours. Heart's action slow and feeble ; the beats of the heart cannot be felt. The action of the heart and arteries 'much depressed, with cold hands and feet ; chills and pains in the head. A sensible motion of the heart as though it had attempted its beat, which it failed fully to accomplish, and the pulse then each time intermitted, worse when lying down in bed, especially when lying on the left side. — ( Wells) o Excessive action of the heart from plethora, congestion, neu- ralgic or rheumatic irritation, or hysterical palpitation. BACK AND NECK. Dull, aching pain in back, extending up to the occiput. Pains in the fieck, like those of cerebrospinal congestion. o Chilliness and chills running up the back. o Myalgia of the cervical muscles. o Congestion of the spinal cord and cerebellum. UPPER EXTREMITHiS. * Severe pain in both extremities, deep-seated in the muscles. Severe aching pain in left elbow. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. 24 1 o Rheumatic pains in extremities. Arms become powerless ; loss of voluntary motion. Coldness of the wrists and hands. ♦ LOWER EXTREMITIES. Deep-seated, aching pains in bones and joints of extremities. Paroxysmal pain in the lower extremities. Pains in left foot and ankle, with spasmodic contraction of the toes. Crampy pains in the lower limbs, worse on motion. Excessive drawing and contracting pains in gastroc-nemius muscle of the left leg. Coldness of the extremities, especially the feet, often severe. Rheumatic pain in the right knee, and left side of the neck. Paralytic symptoms throughout the entire muscular system. SKIN. Papulous eruption, resembling measles. Pimples on the forehead and neck. o Measles (one of the best remedies, especially for the catarrhal symptoms, o Erysipelas, not vesicular or phlegmonous, but a milder va- riety, with erythema or papular eruption. SLEEP, * Disposition to sleep, a sort of stupor. Drowsiness and long, sound sleep. Unusually sound morning sleep, with difficult, weary waking. Languor and drowsiness when trying to study, o Stupor attending the fevers of children, o Sleeplessness during dentition, o Sleeplessness from nervous irritation, FEVER. * Marked decrease in the frequency of the pulse. * Chilliness, especially along the back, followed by heat. * Febrile chilliness, cold extremities, heat of the head and face. * As soon as the reaction takes' place after the chill the pulse rises as much above the normal standard as it was de- pressed below it. O Simple fever, without functional disturbance. o Flushed, crimson face during the fever. o Remittent fever (infantile or malarial). o Irritative fever, from abscesses, internal inflammation, etc. o Intermittents (post typhoids). o Fevers characterized by severe chill, little shaking, followed by fever. o Fever without thirst ; wants to lie still and rest ; tonsils in- flamed, right side. 39 242 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. Typhoid fever in the first stages. Scarlet fever, with stupor, and flushed, red face. O Suppressed intermittents, with general prostration, aching and soreness in the body ; "dumb-ague." o Intermittent fever ; malarial, generally ^^/^//V//:?//. o Rheumatic fever (especially in muscular rheumatism). O Intermittent fever (tertian type) ; pain in the head and pains over the body, when he has no chill ; tongue not much coated. O Intermittent fever (tertian type) ; fever five hours, very hot, with delirium, jerking of the limbs, violent headache ; aching in one leg. O Intermittent fever (tertian type) ; no chil! ; fever at lo A. M.; great pain in the back and thighs. O Intermittent fever ; chills from fifteen minutes to two hours long, followed by heat, often \^ith sleep one to twelve hours long, and perspiration for some time. o Fever coming on every evening after supper, which gradually rose, and went off before morning, the patient con- tinuing asleep. O Typhoid fever in a child of five years ; nervous movements every night, like spasms ; oscillation of the eyeballs. o In scarlet fever it determines the eruption to the surface, con- trols the pulse, calms the nerv^ous erethism, and lessens the cerebral congestion. o In the forming and inflammatory stage of measles, with chil- liness, watery discharge from the nose, etc. o Rubeola ; it seems to prevent chronic catarrhal afl'ections, and bronchitis. o In all eruptive fevers the Gdscminwn may be thought of. o Especially in the eruptive fevers of children when there is a strong tendency to convulsions at or about the time of the appearance of the eruption. GENERALITIES. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Acute, sudden, darting pains, evidently along single nerve branches, in almost any part of the body and limbs, sometimes so sudden and acute as to make me start, o Neuralgia ; absence of organic lesion, with indistinct or double periodicity, o Hysterical epilepsy, after suppressed menses, lasting an hour or two ; so severe was the spasm of the glottis that asphyxia seemed inevitable. O Epilepsy of ten years' standing, preceded by dull feeling in the head and vertex, and some pain and fullness in the region of medulla oblongata ; (marked improvement from the use of Gclsanmiuji). GERANIUM MACULATUM. i4^ o Tetanus ; spasmodic action entirely ceased after the third dose. Seems strongly indicated in hydrophobia, as it relaxes all the muscles, calms the fury of nervous excitement, re- laxes the glottis, and prevents spasms. o Laryngismus stridulus. o Coma and apoplexy, sub arachnoid, arising from passive congestion, with nervous exhaustion. o Hysteria in a lady of 40. o Cerebrospinal meningitis, ushered in by a severe chill, ac- companied by evident congestion of the spine and brain, etc. O Nervous chills, in which, with shivering and chattering of the teeth, there is no sensation of chilliness. GLANDULAR SYSTEM. It first arrests the secretion of glands, and afterwards in- creases it. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. * Intense prostration of the whole muscular system. O Myalgia from over-exertion, lameness and stiffness for sev- eral days, o Acute myalgia, accompanied with fever. MUCOUS SYSTEM. * Catarrhal condition of all the mucous membranes, acute, with fever, or chronic when suppressed, and other dis- turbances appear. GERANIUM MACULATUM. (Crane' s-bilt.) Analogues: — Gallic acid, Tannic acid, Hamanielis, Plnm- bum, RJiatanJiia, RJicnin. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture or trituration of the root. [The tincture should be made with water and alcohol, equal parts. It contains 136 grs. of Tannic acid and 120 grs. of (iallic acid in 7,000 grs. of the root .] (No proviiigs.) o Abnormal discharges from mucous surfaces, after the inflam- mation has subsided, o Catarrhal ozoena ; (used topically), o Intestinal catarrh, chronic ; (internally). 244 GNAPIIALIUM POLYCEPIIALUM. o Lcucorrhcea, vaginal ; (topically). o Haemorrhages from ulcerated surfaces. o Gonorrhoea and gleet ; (as an injection). o Diabetes and Bright's disease. • o Aphthous stomatitis and mercurial salivation. o All morbid fluxes connected with relaxation and debility. — (Rafinesqiie.) o Hciemorrhage from the kidneys ; equal to Gallic acid. — (Hale.) o Catarrhal secretion, profuse, from the mucous membrane of the fauces and posterior nares. o Chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. [When used for the above-named conditions it must be used in material doses, generally topically as well as internally, because the drug would cause such disease by its secondary action. Its (opposite) primary effects would call for the high attenuations. — Hale.~\ GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM. ( Everlasting.) Analogues: — AnisaUim, Chamoinilla, Ipecacuanha, Mer- ciirius, Pulsatilla. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the plant. HEAD AND FACE. Giddiness, especially after rising from a recumbent position. Pain in the back of the head, of a dull, continuous character, with shooting pain in the eyeballs. Neuralgic pain, of an intermittent form, of the superior max- illary of both sides. Dull, heavy expression of countenance ; face appears bloated. Fullness about the temples. MOUTH AND THROAT. Mouth feels parched and tastes badly. Flat, sweetish, sickening taste in the mouth. Tongue covered with long white fur, STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. Flatus of stomach, windy eructations, nausea and hiccough. * Colic pains in various parts of the abdomen, which is sen- sitive to pressure, in coecum. Borborygmus, with much emission of flatus. RECTUM AND STOOL. Looseness of bowels, with passage of pale-colored fteces (primary). GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. 245 Rumbling in the bowels, with stool before breakfast. * Diarrhoeic discharges in morning and during the day, with irritable temper ; pains in bowels in children. * Vomiting and purging, like cholera morbus, in the night and all next day. Constipation for three days after the diarrhcea (secondary). Copious, watery stool at night, with much prostration, nausea, pain, and rumbling in the bowels. Dark-colored, liquid, offensive stool in the morning, after- wards pain in bowels all day. GENITO-URINARY ORGANS. Sensation of fullness and tension in the bladder, even when just emptied. Pain in the kidneys, with frequent but slight pain in prostate gland. Increase of sexual passion, waking with an erection and urgent desire for an embrace (a thing which never oc- curred before) ; the desire was rather mechanical than passional. O Irritation of the prostate gland. TRUNK AND SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Feeling of debility in the arms, with rheumatic-like pains. Pains in the chest, darting from side to side. Numbness of the lower parts, of the back, with lumbago. Sensations of weight in the pelvis. INFERIOR XTREMITIES. * Intense pain along the sciatic nerve, following its larger ramifications. Frequent cramps of the calves of the legs. Cramps of the feet when in bed. Rheumatic pains in the knee and ankle joints. * Sciatica. — (Dr. Banks.) Feeling of numbness occasionally taking the place of the sciatic pains, making exercise very fatiguing. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM. (Cotton Root.) Analogues: — Asamm, Apis, Cimicifuga, Bryonia, Pulsa- tilla. Sepia, Liliiim, Secale, Sabina. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the root; in- fusion. 246 GOSSYPIUM IIERBACEUM. HEAD.' Stinging pain in the head, going from the forehead to the vertex, o Pain, first burning, then stinging, extending from both tem- poral bones to the middle of the frontal bones, o Drawing pain over the eyes, with stinging pain in the pupils, o Giddiness of the head. NOSE. Both nostrils swollen and inflamed, the left one most so. MOUTH AND THROAT. Tonsils much swollen, the right one most. GASTRIC. Nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. * Nausea, with inclination to vomit before breakfast in the morning. — ( Williamson.) Taste of bad eggs, better after breakfast. Rotating sensation in the pit of the stomach, with uneasi- ness, anxety, and sighing. Stitching in the right hypochondrium, lasting for a few minutes, and then drawing pain from both hypochondriac regions to the pit of the stomach. O Anorexia, with uneasy, depressed feeling at the scrobiculis cordis, at the time of the menses, GENITAL ORGANS. Stinging pain in both ovarian regions, and at the same time drawing toward the uterus, lasting about ten minutes at a time. Menses too watery and nineteen days too late. Soreness between the thighs and vulva, with a watery se- cretion. Soft tumor between left thigh and vulva, first the size of a pea, and increasing to the size of a pigeon's &gg, se- creting a watery fluid, with sticking pain as if caused by a needle, worse at night. Swelling of the outer part of the left labium, accompanied with intolerable itching ; some swelling in the right labium. The outer skin of both labia studded with innumerable pale, somewhat reddish granules. Is said to cause miscarriage at any period of pregnancy, but sufficient proof of this is wanting, o Amenorrhoca ; dysmenorrJioea ; menorrhagia. — (Williamson.) * Morning sickness, o during the early months of pregnancy, with the following symptoms : sensitiveness over the GOSSYPIUM IIERBACEUM. 247 hypogastric region ; prostration of the nervous system almost to syncope ; and in the morning nausea from the least motion soon after waking, with distress in the pit of the stomach ; and, immediately on raising the head, retching and violent efforts to vomit, at first very little comes up, except wind, with a loud noise ; soon after, saliva and some thick fluid is discharged, and, occasion- ally, after much retching, a little bilious matter, but rarely any ingesta ; wind is often discharged from the bowels during the efforts to vomit. — (lb.) o Morning vomiting, followed by faintness ; she was unable to rise from the bed. — (lb.) o Parturient expulsive efforts without pain } (Secale ivitfi. pain.) * Sterility, from uterine torpor. * The menstrual flow lasts about 24 hours, and then becomes very 'sparse and painful, o Retained placenta, o Scanty and painful or painless menses. o Ameiiorrhoea, with aftaemia, dyspeptic symptoms, etc. EXTREMITIES. Tearing pains in the right arm and hand, and jumping pain from one finger to another. Pale, red, papular eruption on the back of both hands, with intense itching and a watery exudation. Crawling sensation in all the fingers, as if from worms. Heavy feeling in both hands, better when hanging them down, and worse in the warmth of the bed. Stinging, drawing, tearing, and burning pain in the lower extremities. Trembling, twitching, and weary sensation in the legs. Small, round, dark red spots, with pale red spots, around the patellae, on the shins and ankles, itching intensely. GENERALITIES. Itching of the skin over the whole body. General lassitude, with pains as if beaten. General external chilliness, with internal heat. CHARACTERISTICS. The pains are wandering, come and go (like Pulsatilla). The pains are generally from above downward, aggravated by motion, relieved by rest. The itching changes to burning after scratching. The symptoms observe alternate periods of aggravation and amelioration (like Bell, and Secale). 248 GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. Sympathetic symptoms of the stomach, heart, bowels, and nervous system, arising from disturbance of the uterine functions, connected with menstruation or pregnancy. [All the above pathogenetic symptoms, and many of the curative, as well as the characteristic indications, are taken from a report by the late Dr. Williamson, of Philadelphia. But one proving was made ; others are needed to verify it. — Halel] GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. (Coffee Tree.) Analogues: — Agarkus, Belladonna, Ciniicifnga, Glonoinum, Solanum, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the berries. MENTAL sphere. Indifferent to what transpires. Constantly forgetting. HEAD. Fullness and pressure in and over the eyes. Intense frontal headache, feeling as if the eyes were pushed forward. Pain in left temple shooting through to the right side. Intense headache, with stitches in the bowels. Desire to lean the head on something ; head feels as if bound up. FACE and EYES. Sensation as if flies were crawling over the right side of the face. Face hot, swelled as in erysipelas. Eyes feel as if pushed forward. Burning in left orbit, and sensation as if it would be forced out. Frequent, violent sneezing. Erysipelas of the face. MOUTH AND THROAT. Slightest draught of cold air sets the teeth aching ; (cold drinks). Tongue coated a bluish white. Water in the mouth almost to vomiting. Nausea, with pain and fullness in the stomach. Heat in the stomach, and sour, watery eructations. GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. 249 Gulping of wind, nausea, dizziness, and uneasiness of the bowels. ABDOMEN. Hot feeling in stomach and bowels after the cold chills. Stitches and pinching pains in the bowels, disappearing after eructations. Soreness of the abdomen. STOOL. Constipation. Desire for stool with inability. Feeling in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would follow. URINARY ORGANS Frequent desire to urinate, with pressure and fullness. Urine brown, yellow, turbid. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Increased sexual desire. LARYNX. Tickling in the throat producing a cough. Dry, racking cough in the evening (increases from morning till night). CHEST. Pain in right breast ; pressure in the chest. Stitches in the right breast, and on inspiration. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Violent pain in the left forearm, between the elbow and wrist. Dull pain in the fingers. ^ Palms of the hands perspire. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Stinging pain in left knee joint. Pain in left leg from knee to ankle. Peculiar feeling of numbness in the whole body. (Left side mostly affected.) FEVER. Epidemic fevers, with typhoid character. Cold chills and pain in the bowels. Pulse small and quick ; desire for incrc:\SQj heat. 31 250 NEW REMEDIES. GUACO. (Mikania Guaco.) Analogues: — Arsenicum (f), Baptisia (?), Mcrcurius (?), Phytolacca (?), Veratrum album. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the plant; dilu- tions. [A climbing plant, " liane," used in Central and South America as an antidote to the poison of serpents.] O Bites of venomous serpents. [Dr. C. Dunham gives the first account in American journals of this plant, in the Ajiierican Homoeopathic Review, Vol. III., p. 423. He quotes Humboldt, Forster, Schomberg, Poppig, and Tschudi, who all agree that in South America the Guaco is the best remedy for the bites of poisonous serpents. The freshly expressed juice of the plant is dropped into the dilated wound, the surrounding parts are rubbed and covered with the bruised leaves, and the juice at the same time taken internally. It is used also as a prophylactic] O Chancres; syphilis. [Turchitti states that the Guaco, locally applied, destroys the specific property of the pus from a chancre, and prevents the production of a second chancre by inoculation. He also claims for it positive curative powers in syphilis.] o Cholera, and similar maladies. [Said to be used successfully in Mexico, Havana, Poland and Vene- zuela.] O Cancers ; obstinate ulcers. [It is stated (on what authority I know not) that the notorious " Cundu- raugu" is the Mikania Guaco. ~\ [Dr. Elb, of Dresden, has made a proving of the Guaco. He refers to it in an article on " Spinal Diseases," (All. How. Zeit., 61, •/2, and 2j). That proving has never been translated, but by the kindness of Dr. C. Dunham I am in possession of a translation of the indications given by Dr. Elb for the use of Guaco in " Spinal Diseases," which includes a por- tion of his pathogenesis. After a few remarks upon the general term spinal irritation, as embracing various conditions of congestion, anaemia, and irritation or algia, and pointing to certain remedies as corresponding in a general way to these conditions, he desires, he says, to call attention to a class of remedies, heroic, but not sufficiently considered in relation to these affections. " From the symptoms produced by snake bites we cannot fail to see that serpent venom acts specifically upon the spinal marrow." He then cites and analyzes the symptoms of Lachesis, Crotalus, and Naja tripudians, and gives the indications for each in spinal disease. This done, he goes on as follows (A. H. Z ., 61, 2j) : " It being admitted by homoeo- paths that the antidoting power of drugs resides not in their chemical properties, but must be referred to their similarity of physiological action. gUaco. 251 we may assume that an antidote to serpent venom would produce on the heaUhy symptoms simihir to those resulting from serpent venom." This consideration induced him to prove Mikania (Jnaco, a noted antidote to snake bites, and he gives the symptoms in so f;xr as they relate to the spinal cord.] The Giiaco produces in the nape of the neck burning, which extends to the shoulders ; tearing stiffness, drawing tearing, extending to the axillae ; drawing tearing in and between the scapula, extending into the forearm ; tear- ing, sticking tearing in the back ; frequent fine stitches, tearing and violent drawing pain along the spine, more painful on bending ; increased aching in the lumbo- sacral region and forward pressing ; in connection with these spinal pains, severe aching in the occiput, which sometimes extend over the upper half of the back. /// the tipper extremities — Aching drawing and simple draw- ing pains in the deltoid muscle, with a paralyzed sen- sation ; tearing and luxative pain in the shoulders — both of these sensations extending into the forearm ; burning in the shoulder joint ; tearing in the elbows and fingers. In the lower extremities — Soreness and pain as if beaten about the hip joint ; drawing in the thigh ; drawing and swollen feeling in the calves ; very considerable heaviness in the legs, and drawing in them ; tearing in the ankle joints ; burning and tearing in the soles, of the feet. All the pains in the back and extremities are aggravated by motion, and mostly continue a long time. The following very constant phenomena should not be dis- regarded : difficult digestion, there being no inflamma- tory affection ; constriction of the larynx and trachea ; deafness ; heaviness of and difficulty of moving the tongue ; (all of these symptoms came from doses of from five to twenty drops of the tincture. To draw from these few and not severe sensations along the medulla spinalis and in the extremities, the conclusion that Gnaco must play an important part in the treat- ment of spinal affections, would be very venturesome, had I not instituted upon those indications some ex- periments upon the sick. The affection alone of the tongue, the muscles of deglutition, and the larynx is to be regarded as an unmistakeable picture of a com- mencing paralysis proceeding from the medulla oblon- gata, as we see it frequently in a more developed grade in apoplexy. Inasmuch as I experienced during the proving no depression of spirits, no decrease of mental 252 GUACO. activity, and in general no debility, but rather an ex- cited condition, and suffered often from headache and heat of the face, I became convinced that the paretic conditions as well as the back pains depended not upon a direct affection (lesion) of the medulla, but rather upon a hyperemia of the same ; and this view is sup- ported by the fact that during the proving there were clear indications of a congestion of the hemorrhoidal vessels. Moreover, the character of the affection of the extremities — the absence of numbness, formication, etc., the customary forerunners of paralysis — seems to indicate that a primary affection (lesion) of the nerves, at least a paralytic, did not exist in the parts, while, on the other hand, the fact that'^most of the symptoms of the extremities originated in the point of origin of the nerves from the medulla and extended thence to the ends of these nerves, gave clear evidence that these phenomena were not local, but dependent upon the spinal cord. On the basis of this significance of the patho- genesy I have often given Guaco in cases of spinal irri- tation, and in my experience it has shown itself almost " specifically " helpful in robust, not anaemic, ruddy per- sons, inclined to congestions, excitable, especially in males, where the spinal disease has not been caused by loss of fluids or depressing causes — in persons disposed to hemorrhoids, where the pains, with only a slight feel- ing of weakness in the lumbo-sacral region, are mostly in the upper part of the vertebral column, mostly aching, drawing or sticking in character, very severe, with at the same time only pains in the extremities, but no paretic conditions, and the parts affected are ex- tremely sensitive to pressure. This condition may be acute or chronic. We have, then, before us a real pic- ture of pure material stasis. If with this condition be associated inflammatory or febrile symptoms, then, ac- cording to my experience, Giiaco does no good, and is far inferior to Belladonna. Arterial stasis may pass on into inflammations, or, by the rupture of vessels, may terminate in apoplexy. Those in which Guaco is indi- cated incline to the latter termination. It has therefore approved itself a most excellent remedy in paralysis re- sulting from pressure on brain or spinal marrow, i. c, apoplectic paralysis. I was led to these experiments by the already mentioned paralyzed state of the tongue in connection with most violent headache, heat and red- ness of the face, i. e., a close resemblance to the fore- runners and sequelae of apoplexy. Frequent adminis- GUARAEA TRlCHLOlDES. . 253 tration of it has taught me that this remedy is of use only after the first violent febrile storm has abated, no matter whether a soporous condition exists or not. Giiaco developes its most eminent curative power when extravasation has caused paralysis of the tongue or of the extremities ; the former is often relieved in a few hours ; the latter yields to Giiaco much more quickly than to any other remedy. But Giiaco renders ines- timable service, not only in acute but also in very old paralysis, when these have resulted from extravasations of blood and not from exudations. It is a peculiarity of its action that the paralysis of the lower extremities yields very readily while that of the upper extremities is seldom entirely cured by it. It matters not whether the paralysis be confined to one side or not. GUARAEA TRlCHLOlDES. {Ball Wood.) Analogues: — (f) Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the bark. [From provings by Dr. Petroz. It is a tree growing in the Antilles.] MENTAL SPHERE. Moral anxiety, indifference, indecision, confusion of thought, fearful of losing the reason, agitation in the evening, HEAD. Vertigo on stooping. Turning vertigo, and vertigo on seeing objects in con- fusion. Immobility of the head ; heaviness. Compression ; constriction ; contraction. Buzzing; sensation as if the brain were falling forward. Headache, depressing the eyes. Symptoms relieved or diminished by motion. A sensation as of a blow on the head, leaving a sort of stu- pefaction, with diminution of the power of thought for several days. EYES. Sensation as if the eyeballs were being pushed out. Dilatation of the pupils. ±^4 GUARAEA TRICHLOIDES. Conjunctivitis ; chemosis ; swelling of the lachmyral glands. Paralysis of the eyelids. Objects have a greyish appearance, o Chemosis where the pad was so extended and so thick that nothing of the eye could be seen but the pupil, at the bottom of a veritable tunnel. EARS. Sensation as if stopped up, with pressure outwards. Eruption behind the ears. NOSE. Coryza, with indurated excretion ; heat, and ineffectual effort to sneeze. FACE. Pain as if burnt ; puffiness below the eyes ; swellings which suppurate. Yellowish spots on the temples ; acne rosacea. o Lupus of an ochre-red color. MOUTH AND THROAT. Twitchings of the mouth. Pimples, scabs, chaps on the lips and at the commissures ; swelling of the upper lip. Compressive, corrosive pain of the teeth, o Roughness, with caries of the palate bone. Tongue feels cold and dry. Tearing pain in the tongue ; lancinations ; paralysis of the tongue. Tongue is heavy, swelled, bleeding ; greenish-yellow fur. Absence of thirst, with dryness of the mouth. Sensation of constriction and of burning heat in the throat. Swelling of the tonsils, rendering swallowing difficult. Throat is better on taj'). Probably pseudo-membranes or tenacious mucus secretions, resembling diphtheria, ac- companied or not by ulceration. It is not a remedy for true diphtheria. — (Hale.) o Chronic catarrhal affections of the throat. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Eructations of sour fluid. * Faint feeling at the stomach, preceded by a dull aching pain. Burning pain In the umbilical region, with faintness. Cutting pain in the stomach, which is acute and distressing. Great sense of sinking and prostration at the epigastrium, with violent and long continued palpitation of the heart. Painless gurgling in the stomach. o Chronic inflammation of the stomach, o Indigestion from atonic state of the stomach, o Indigestion, with acidity, and general weakness, o Chronic gastric catarrh, the most general cause of so-called chronic dyspepsia. — (Hale.) o Cancer of the stomach (.?). o Chronic ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach, o Gastralgia and dyspepsia, followed by an epigastric tumor. — • (Dr. Le Brunne.) f 267 gall 00 00 ♦ o CO 00 >o into orse dull ion. lux ;a£- 6 x> ^b' S< 1=: di- by y- A ne 2t dis- thc '^ash ; after raw- es or a, ac- ly for :hmg ssing. ;rium, heart. called mach. lor, — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. 267 LIVER. Torpor of the liver, with pale, scanty stools. o Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous linings of the gall bladder, biliary ducts, etc. O Jaundice from structural disease of the liver. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. * Severe cutting pain in the hypogastric region, extending into the testicle, occurring after stool, w^ith faint feeling. Dull pains in the hypogastrium and small of the back, worse from moving, with rumbling in the bowels. * Constant dull aching pain in the stomach, with faintness. * Sharp pain in the region of the spleen, with constant dull pain in stomach and bowels, with hot, burning sensation. * Sharp pain in the region of the coecum. * Griping, with profuse light-colored diarrhoea. * Griping, with light acrid stools. * Intestinal catarrh, followed by ulceration. o Flatulent colic accompanied by faintness. o Chronic catarrhal enteritis. o Constipation — "A precious remedy, far superior to Nux vomica." — (Hnghes.) O Constipation, with piles. STOOL, o Soft stool, followed by severe cutting pain in the hypogas- trium, with dull aching in the testicles, with faint feeling. Soft stool, with great rumbling in the bowels. Obstinate relaxation of the bowels. Tenesmus, with acrid, greenish stools. Profuse light-colored diarrhoea, with griping. Obstinate constipation. o Constipation following rheumatic fever, o Constipation attended with hemorrhoids. o Fissures of the anus. o Excoriation of the anus. URINARY ORGANS. * Urine smells decomposed. Dull aching sensation in the region of the kidneys. Urine increased and neutral. O Cystitis, chronic. o Chronic catarrh of the bladder, with thick, ropy mucus sedi- ment in urine. (This disease can be cured promptly by the use of daily injections of a weak infusion of Hy- drastis, first drawing off the urine with a catheter. A high potency should be given internally at the same time.) — (Hale.) 268 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — o Gonorrhaa, in the second stages, after the inflam- mation has subsided, and the discharge is thick and yellow ; use also an injection of tine. 3 i , aqua I iv., O Gleet, with obstinate, thick discharge ; (use as above). o Debility following spermatorrhoea. Women. — o Tenacious viscid lencorrhcea, uterine or vaginal. o Ulceration of the os, cervix, atid vagina. o Uterine diseases, with sympathetic affections of the digestive organs, o Cancer of the mammae (many cases) ; use topically and in- ternally. [Injections of an infusion of the root are better than the tincture in water (i dr. to aqua 8 oz.) For ulceration or erosion I prefer to apply with a brush or on cotton, the muriate, or a solution of Hydrastin in glycerine, gr. V. or X, to i oz. — Hale.'] LARYNX, CHEST, ETC. - Bronchial catarrh, with debility, loss of appetite, etc. O Catarrhal cough, rough, harsh and rattling, day and night. Constant tickling of the larynx, with harsh, dry cough (small). O Thoracic myalgia. BACK AND NECK. Great soreness and harshness of the muscles of the neck. Flushes of heat on the face, neck and hands. Dull aching sensation in lumbar region. BACK AND UPPER EXTREMITIES. * Pain in the small of the back. Aching in the lower region, with weariness in the arms. " Crick" in the right elbow, also in the phalanges of the left hand, on waking at night, and quite painful. Sharp cutting pains in the elbows and biceps muscles, with feeling of contusion and lameness. Rheumatic pains in elbows, forearms, right shoulder, and first finger of left hand. Intense aching pain in the small of the back, LOWER EXTREMITIES. Legs feel very weak, and ache. Severe pain in right knee, lasting all day, worse on walking. Dull aching in the loins. Aching in the sole of the left foot. O Irritable and indolent ulcers on the legs, o Scrofulous ulcers on the leg and foot. FEVER. Heat of the skin, with flushes of heat on the face and neck, and intense itching in various parts of the body. HYPOPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 269 Pulse slow and labored, 52 ; with palpitation of the heart. Chilliness, with aching in the back and limbs. o Quotidian fevers, with gastric disturbance ; jaundice. O Debility from gastric, bilious and typhoid fevers. SKIN. Erysipelatoid rash [on the face, neck, palms of the hands, joints of the fingers and wrist, with burning heat and exfoliation of the skin. Eruption like varioloid on the face. Eruptions dependent on debility. o Infantile intertrigo. o All stages of small-poXj'as^a'wash. — ( Wilkinson.) HYPOPHOSPHATE OP LIME. (Calcis Hypophosphis.) Analogues : — Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica. Kali carbonicum, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, Riimex, Sanquinaria, Sulphur. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations. GENERALITIES. A well marked increase of nervous force. Remarkable sensation of health and strength, o Nervous prostration, with depression of spirits. Cerebral congestion — tendency to (in scrofulous children), o Phthisis pulmonalis, in the first and second stages, o Palliates phthisis, even in last stage, o Night sweats from any debilitating disease. Calm and profound sleep (in consumption). The quality and color of the urine improve. In large doses tends to cause the development of the pul- monary inflammation unhappily so frequent and fatal among consumptives. — (Dr. Churchill.) Plethora, with tendency to hemorrhages. — (lb.) Haemorrhoids bleed for the first time, or recommence under its excessive use. — {lb.) Profuse epistaxis. Pulmonary hemorrhage. Profuse and too frequent menses, o Scanty and delaying menses. o The thoracic pains of consumptives, o Expectoration and night sweats diminish. 2/0 HYPOPHOSPHATE OF LIME. HEAD. O Incipient tubercular meningitis in children, with the follow- ing symptoms : Cough for several months ; cough dry and recurring in paroxysms ; loss of appetite and flesh, and depression of spirits ; could scarcely walk, required to be held constantly ; complains much of the head, says that it pains her in front ; disposition capricious and variable, changes suddenly from sadness to laughter, often bursts into fits of violent weeping ; perspires very freely, especially about the head and neck ; she sleeps badly at night, wakes with a start, suddenly, uttering piercing cries, after which she relapses into a species of syncope, becomes quite pale and cold, face pale and sad ; eyes preternaturally large and deep set, with a haggard wild stare, pupils much dilated ; skin alter- nately burning and hot then cold. (Several cases cured in from lo to 20 days with one-half grain four times a day, — ChiirchilL Hale.) o Hydrocephaloid diseases in children, when the symptoms call for Cal. c. and Phos. ac. O Hydrocephaloid disease in a child after pneumonia, with great prostration, pulse feeble and too frequent to be counted ; unconscious of all surrounding objects ; con- stant moaning ; arms constantly sawing the air : occa- sional muscular spasms ; eyes either strongly drawn to one side, or strabismus ; eyes open, but no evidence of seeing ; pupils alternately contracted and dilated. (Cured by 1/20 gr. every two hours ; recovery was slow. — Dr. Gibbs.) FACE. Face pale, wan and emaciated. EYES. Eyes dull and lustreless. (See, also, cases under " Head.") NOSE. Abundant epistaxis. Nose thin and pinched. Unhealthy discharge. o Ulceration of the nasal cavities in tuberculous children, or from catarrh. APPETITE. * Appetite and digestion greatly increased- ABDOMEN, ETC. Pains in the abdomen from weakness. Swelling of the abdomen in strumous children. HYPOPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 2/1 o Mesenteric tuberculosis. o Chronic diarrhoea, undigested. o Diarrhoea In phthisis pulmonalis. * Haemorrhoids, bleeding profusely. SEXUAL ORGANS. Increases the reproductive power. * Menses too profuse, high colored and frequent. o Scanty and delaying menses. o Chronic, irritating leucorrhoea. o Leucorrhoea in young children. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Cough of a child several months, dry and recurring In par- oxysms ; loss of appetite, flesh, and depression of spirits. o Cough associated with tubercular meningitis. o Cough in phthisis pulmonalis. * Haemoptysis of one day's duration. O Pulmonary consumption ; the strength increases, cough, sweat, and hectic diminish, the tubercles are absorbed and disappear, leaving no trace, o The [pains in the chest which many consumptive patients feel so acutely, cease or very considerably diminish in a few days. * A state simulating the development of that pulmonary inflam- mation unhappily so frequent and fatal among consump- tives. Acute ulceration of the lungs after pneumonia. BACK. Pains down the- back in the muscles and ligaments. o Spinal curvature In Its Incipient stage, from anaemia, in stru- mous children, o Ulceration of the vertebrae, o Psoas abscesses, with great debility and anaemia. EXTREMITIES. Increased circulation of blood in the limbs. Fullness of the blood-vessels of the hands and feet. ** Habitual coldness of the extremities \ (a characteristic indica- tion for this remedy In all conditions of debility from exhausting discharges and In tuberculosis. — Hale) o Torpid and extensive abscesses on the lower limbs, with profuse suppuration. 2/2 NEW REMEDIES. HYPOPHOSPHITE OF POTASH. Analogues: — Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica. Kali carbonicum, Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, Iodide of Potassa, Rumex, Sanguinaria, Sulphur. Officinal Preparations: — Aqueous solution lo grs. to 3 i. ; aqueous dilutions. {No provings.) * Melancholy and hypochondriac. O Great debility, especially when attended by marasmns, and wasting of muscular tissue. * Muscular debility, with myalgia and loss of muscular tonicity. o Extreme prostration from profuse expectoration. O Under its use the cough reappears, when it has ceased from debility. O Deep thoraic pains ; shortness of breath ; muscular and arthritic pains in the limbs, the result of excessive tea- drinking and want of phosphatic food. * A painful feeling in the anterior part of the thorax. o Asthmatic difficulties occurring in phthisis or chronic bron- chitis, always with great muscular debility (many cases). o Chronic bronchitis, with scanty, tough expectoral ion. o Chronic pneumonia, with myalgic pains. o Useful in all cases of loss of the phosphates, namely, from long lactation ; leucocythaemia and general anaemia ; dentition of strumous children ; catarrhal and leucor- rhoeal discharges ; all inordinate secretions of pus ; dyspepsia. o Pleurodynia, from muscular debility. o Ailments from nursing ; pain and stitches in the back, chest and abdomen ; dimness of vision ; nausea at the sight of food ; despondency and a painful sense of dragging in left breast ; (cured by one grain three times a day). ( Taylor.) o Obstinate chronic bronchitis, with thick, fceiid expectoration. (Sherwood.) o Oxaluria, with dyspepsia, increased density of urine, despon- dency, impoverished blood, emaciation, and an abund- ance of crystals of oxalate of lime in the urine. — (lb.) o Diseases of children, characterized by debility, fretfulness. diarrhoea, want of firmness in the bones, non-appearance of the teeth, and delayed closing of the fontanelles ; IBERIS AMARA. 2/3 relieved promptly by the 2d dilution, five drops in milk, three times a day. — Hale.) o Ailments from excessive tea-drinking : shooting pains about the chest and scapulae, tenderness on the hypochon- drium, bilious vomiting, constipation, painful flatulence, despondency, aversion to food, palpitation of the heart, etc. ; (one grain, three times a day, cures nearly all cases. — lb.) o Ancemia ; pains through the chest and limbs ; palpitation; short breathing ; giddy on rising in the morning ; can scarcely dress herself; pulse 60, slow and weak ; coun- tenance pale ; catamenia irregular ; (removes these symptoms in a week or two generally). o Great debility and nervous prostration after parturition, with non-appearance of, or scanty milk, cold and damp skin. o Hydrocepholoid disease in debilitated, emaciated, poorly nourished children. o Incipient tubercular meningitis in thin, pale children. IBERIS AMARA. {Bitter Candy-tuft.) Analogues : — Amy^dalis amara, Belladonna, Cactus grand., Digitalis, etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the seeds; dilu- tions. MENTAL SPHERE. Feels sad, down-hearted, oppressed, with desire to sigh. A peculiar inability to fix the mind on any one thing. Very irritable, with dullness of mind and lack of memory ; forgets what is said in the lecture in a moment, unless the mind is concentrated on it. Feels as if frightened ; an indefinable dread, with trembling. An excited, frightened feeling, with cold sweat on the face. HEAD. Increased fullness (sensation of) in the neck and head, with increased action of the heart. Heat, and fullness in neck and head, with flushed face, and cold feet and hands. Pain in right side of the head. Frontal headache on rising in the morning. Severe frontal headache, with nausea and loss of appetite. 34 274 IBERIS AMARA. Heaviness of the head, with roaring in the ears. Dull pain in the head, with vertigo and feverish chilliness. Vertigo when rising in the morning ; had to lie down. Feeling of lightness and giddiness of the head. Vertigo when making any exertion, with slight nausea. Vertigo when standing, worse on stooping. Vertigo in back part of head, as if the occiput were turning around. FACE. Flushed, hot face and red eyes, with the palpitations. Cold sweat on. face, with fearfulness. EVES. Feeling in the eyes as if being forced on hoards . Eyes red, with flushed face. Flashes before the eyes, with dull headache and palpitation of the heart. EARS. Roaring in the ears, with heaviness of the head, slight nausea, and palpitation of the heart. Dullness of hearing and comprehension. THROAT. Dryness of throat, as if filled with dust. Throat feels as if both fonsils were enlarged. Constant haivking np of thick, viscid, stringy nincus, until after a meal. Choking sensation in throat, with fullness and heat. Choking sensation just above cricoid cartilage. Constrictive sensation in the throat, with stabbing pains in the heart, dyspnoea and palpitation. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Loss of appetite, with feeling of indigestion. Sour eructations after eating, for hours. Nausea, with cold, chilly feelings over the body. Fullness and oppression on the right hypochondriac region. Pain in region of liver, with clay-colored stool. INTESTINAL SYMPTOMS. Tenderness of the bowels, with thin whitish stool. Large, white or clay-colored stools. Fullness and distension of the bowels. Clay-colored stools, about ten minutes apart, URINARY ORGANS Frequent but scanty urination. Excessive evacuations of urine. ir.ERIS AMARA. 2/5 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Dryness in throat and larynx, with hawking up of thin, stringy mucus, for many hours ; (eating removes this symptom). Tickling sensation in the throat, with expectoration of stringy mucus. Tightness and constrictive feeling in the larynx, with Respirations more frequent and labored ; dullness of hearing. Fullness in the chest, Avith fullness and heat in head and neck, and flushed face. Dysp7icea, and palpitation, on going up stairs. Constant desire to draw a long breath, without relief. Slight pain under sternum at articulation of third rib. Feeling of weight and pressure under the .sternum, with sharp pains in the chest (cardiac region). Fullness and constriction under the sternum, with lancinating pains through the chest. Continual feeling of weight and anxiety in the chest. HEART AND PULSE. Increase of heart's action from 72 to 88 (in 1 5 minutes). A wavy, tremulous sensation in the radial artery, felt by the finger, with pulse intermitting every third beat, and easily compressible ; pulse has peculiar double beats, which seemed to run into each other, but full, soft, and easily compressed. Palpitation of the heart on slight exertion, as when putting down a window (never had it before). Palpitation, with vertigo and choking in the throat after walk- ing, and on entering the house felt faint; a tingling and numbness commencing in fingers of left hand and gradually extending up left arm ^vith pulse irregular, tremulous, not well defined ; also, a dull heavy aching in left arm (no perceptible palpitation, however). Much pain over the base of the heart, with dull heavy pain in left arm, and tingling and numbness in the tips of the fingers. Palpitation, plainly visible on the whole chest, aggravated by walking, passing off on sitting atill, but renewed b}' the slightest exertion. — (English physicians. ) Walking cau.ses indescribable sensations under the sternum, under articulation of third rib. Sensation of iveight and pressnre in the region of the heart, with occasional sharp stinging pains in that region, pass- ing from before backwards, lasting but a short time, at- tended by acceleration of heart's action frona 70 to 96. The pulse rises from 6::) to 94 in fifteen minutes after taking the drug, with slight pains in the region of the heart. 276 IBERIS AMARA. Pains darting through the heart at night in bed, worse when lying on left side. Pains of a dull, dragging character in region of the heart, not relieved by any position, and by pressure with the hand. Sharp, sticking pain in the region of the heart, with con- strictive sensation in throat ; eyes red and face flushed. On turning on left side at night, a sharp, sticking pain is felt, as if a needle were crosswise in the ventricles and pricked at each contraction. * Palpitation, with marked increase of 'i\\Q. force of the apex- beat, and irregular and jerking pulse, with a peculiar thrill under the finger. — (Hale.) Strong palpitation, with forcible impulse ; the hand placed on the heart was visibly moved. Palpitation when going up stairs (he was obliged to lie down), with dyspnoea and weak feeling. Constant dull pain in the heart, worse when lying down. Coughing, laughing, or slight exertion causes distressing palpitation, with increase of dull pain. In one prover the cardiac symptoms lasted all day and night, and continued three days. The attacks of palpitation and other cardiac symptoms occur within from 5 to 15 minutes after each dose of the drug, and frequently pass away altogether within an hour. PHYSICAL SIGNS. I During the first part of the proving (Dodge's), no abnor- mal sounds discoverable on auscultation. 2. About the middle of the proving, with the full intermit- tently-irregular pulse, auscultation revealed great ex- citement of the contractions at intervals of three or four beats, after which there was a much longer interval than usual before another pulsation. 3. Near the end of the proving, the sounds of the heart were found to be increased in intensity, especially on the region of the semi-lunar valves. During the whole of the proving (Sabin's), the force of the apex-beat was visibly increased, and the heart impulse visibly raised the hand when placed on the chest, and the pulse was hard and jerking, intermitting every third beat ; rising from 70 to 90. Heart's action apparently weakened for the first few moments after taking the drug, but in ten minutes the pulse rose to 100, full and strong, but somewhat irregular. Heart's action weak and fluttering, with small, weak pulse. IODIDE OF LEAD. 2/7 EXTREMITIES. Trembling of lower extremities after exercise. Dull aching in left arm, as if he had slept upon it all night. Rheumatic pains in right shoulder. FEVER. Feveri.sh chilliness. Quickly passing febrile paroxysms. CONDITIONS. Cardiac symptoms better in afternoon, worse at night. Worse in warm room. Better in open air. SLEEP. Sleep at night disturbed by all sorts of dreams — (unusual as I never dream). Restless and continually turning in bed, with ludicrous dreams. Very restless night, with horrid dreams. Nervous and irritable on rising in morning. GENERALITIES. Feels weary, with desire to lie down. Feeling of nervous excitement in whole system. Feeling of inability to move even a finger. A feeling of lameness and soreness throughout the whole body, as from a cold. Trembling sensai ion all over, so that he had to lie down. Desire for stimulants. Great weakness and debility. Looks as if he had been ill a good while, [The Iberis was proven by students of Hahnemann College under my own directions. I think it proves a valuable cardiac remedy. — Hale.\ IODIDE OF LEAD. (Plumbuvt lodatum.) Analogues : — Kali bichromicum, Mercur. iod., Phytolacca, Coninnt, Lac lies is, Apis, etc. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations, o Enlargement of the tonsils, o Diphtheria. o Amenorrhoea from atrophy of the ovaries. 2/8 XKW REMEDIES. IRIS VERSICOLOR. fr (Blue Flag.) Analogues: — Antimoninm crnduni, Arsenicum, Colchictmi, Eupatorium perfoliattcm, Euphorbia corollata, Ipecacuanha, Juglans cinerea, Leptandra, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Podo- phyllum, Phytolacca, Robinia, Safiguinaria, Veratrum album. Officinal PRErARATiONS : — Tincture of the fresh root ; triturations of the dried root ; Iridin and its triturations. Sphere of Action: — The gastro-intestinal mucous mem- brane, and, by reflex action, the head. SENSORIUM. * Despondency ; low spirits ; easily vexed. Confusion of mind, with great mental depression. HEAD. * Dull heavy headache in the forehead, with nausea. * Shooting pains in ths temples, generally the right, with con- strictive feeling in the scalp. Severe pain in the occiput, more on the right side. * Violent, stunning headache, with facial neuralgia, followed by copious limpid urine and vomiting, o Sick headache of a gastric or hepatic origin, o Neuralgia, with nausea and vomiting. o Habitual headache ; a violent throbbing on either side of frontal protruberance, worse in the evening or after ex- ertion.—/ Wesselhceft.) o Sick headache every Sunday regularly. The headache is aggravated by 7'est, but relieved by con- tinued motions. — (Rims.) O Pustular eruptions on the scalp in children. EYES. Redness of the conjunctiva, as if from a cold. Eyes feel dull, with pain over left superciliary ridge. Severe burning pain in internal canthus, with effusion of tears. Eyes sunken, with blueness around the eyes, o Chronic inflammation of the eyelids. — (Kitchm.) EARS. Singing and buzzing in the ears. FACE. * Facial neuralgia, involving the supra and infra-orbital and the superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves ; begins IRIS VFRSICOLOR. 2/9 after breakfast every mornin^j with stupid headache and lasts several hours. — (Holconibe.) * Pustular eruptions on the face, around nose, lips and cheeks, secreting a sanious, irritating matter, o Tinea capitis ; crustea lactea ; porrigo ; eczema of the face. MOUTH, FAUCES, ETC. Greasy feeling over tongue and gums on rising in the morning. Feeling of rawness in the mouth. * Back part of the mouth and fauces feels on fire. * Constant discharge of saliva, not foetid. * Ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, o Stomatitis, with painful burning in the mouth and fauces. Teeth feel sore and elongated, with dull aching. O Salivation following diphtheria, with swelling of the ^ayo- tids.~(Burt.) (iASTRIC SYMPTOMS. * Loss of appetite, with nausea and empty eructations. * Constant nausea and vomiting of watery and sour fluids. Aching in the stomach before breakfast and after drinking cold water. Great burning distress in the epigastric region (pancreas .'). * Colic-like pains every few minutes in epigastric region. Vomiting, with pain in the stomach, zait/i diarrJioea. O Bilious vomiting, with great heat of the head and perspiration. Severe shocks of pain in umbilical region, passing upwards to epigastric region, with nausea, straining and belching of wind. O Vomiting of ingesta ;. of acid matters ; of bile ; pf soured milk in childreji. o Increase of (primary) or deficiency (secondary) of pancreatic juice ; it caused, in a cat, intense congestion and rup- ture of the minute vessels of the pancreas. — Burt.) o Chronic indigestion of milk ; it sours and is vomited. — (Hale.) LIVER. * Pain in the right hypochondria, worse on motion. Pain above the crest of the ilium, on both sides, first on right. Crampy pains in the right lumbar legion. Cutting pains in the region of the liver, o Acute and chronic disorders of the liver, o Increase of bile (primary), then deficiency of (secondary), with jaundice. . 28o IRIS VERSICOLOR. ABDOMEN, STOOL, ETC. * Rumbling and cutting pain in lower part of the abdomen, relieved by flatus. * Colic, obliging him to bend forward for relief. * Diarrhoea with slight pain, with rumbling and cutting in the lower part of the abdomen. Constipation, succeeded by thin, watery diarrhoea. * Copious watery stool, with or without tenesmus. Stool tinged with green, copious, watery, mixed with undi- gested food. * Stool of blood and mucus, with great tenderness, and a sen- sation as if the anus was on fire. Swelling of the stomach and abdomen. Great smarting and burning of anus after every stool. * A iitumnal bilious diarrhoea and cJiolera morbus. Severe intermittent colic in umbilical region, with soft, mushy, sour stools. o A grumbling bellyache, with stools twice a day, scanty ; with mucus, fluid faeces, offensive, putrid odors, and dis- charge of very foetid wind of a coppery odor. — (Kitchen.) o Periodical night-diarrhoeas, with pain and green discharges. (lb.) o Cholera infantum, with profuse sour discharges from stomach and bowels, and pain in head. O Asiatic cholera, with rice-water discharges, cramps, etc. — (Dr. Lade, of England.) URINARY ORGANS. Sharp cutting pain in the urethra on urinating. Urine copious; strong, disagreeable smell of the urine. Dark red urine, with burning in the urethra. * Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams. o Gonorrhoea ; syphilis, mercurial syphilis. — (Eclectic.) o Spermatorrhoea. GENITAL ORGANS, o Morning sickness during pregnancy, o Uterine leucorrhcea ; metrorrhagia. LARYNX AND CHEST. Short, dry cough, excited by a tickling in the larynx. Pain in the left side, as though the ribs were pressing against the lungs, and unable to take a long breath. Hoarseness, with ringing in the ears. Soreness and rawness of the fauces. BACK. Constant pain in the lumbar and sacral region, aggravated by motion. IRIS VERSICOLOR. 28 1 UPPER EXTREMITIES. * Sharp tensive pain in the right shoulder, worse on motion, especially on raising the arm, mostly in the evening. * Severe pains shooting about in the phalangeal and meta- carpal-phalangeal articulations. Rheumatism of the shoulders, wrists and hands. LOWER EXTR'EMITIES. Pain in right knee joint, worse on motion. Violent tearing pain in right hip and knee joints, extending to right foot, worse on motion. Trembling and weakness of the knees. Calves of the legs painful when walking, especially the right, Pain in lower extremities and cramps in calves of legs, with nausea and retchings. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nervous, irritable, with prostration of the whole system. SKIN, * Pustular eruption on the scalp, face, and other parts of the body, o Psoriasis ; irregular patches on knees, elbows, and all over the body, covered with shining scales, edges slightly raised and irregular ; (cured in 1 5 days with Iris ix. — Dr. Alabone, of England.) o Psoriasis in relievo, skin fissured and irritable. — (/^.) O Lepra vulgaris — obstinate, on the arms. — {lb.) SLEEP. Sleepiness, with chills. Restless every night, with bad dreams. Amorous dreams during sleep. FEVER. * Sweat over the whole body, particularly in the groin. * Heat followed by chill, with cold hands and feet. Dry, hot skin ; hands hot and dry. o Typhoid fever, with symptoms similar to Bapti^ia. o Bilious fever, after Bryonia or Aconite. 35 ^82 NEW REMEDIES. JUGLANS CINEREA. {Butternut.) Analogues: — Bryonia, Colocynth, Ptelea, Croton tig.. Podophyllum, Iris, Sulphur, Rhus. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the inner bark (or leaves) ; triturations of Juglandin. SENSORIUM. Depression of spirits ; mind depressed. Vertigo, with faintness. HEAD. Dull headache on rising, passing off on getting up. Fullness of the head at night. Eruptions on the scalp. EYES. Inflammation, with pustules on the lids and around the eyes-- EARS. Pain on swallowing, which is deep, drawing, tickling. NOSE. Coryza from the left nostril. Dryness of the nose. FACE. Erythematous redness. MOUTH, TEETH AND THROAT. Sore throat, with dry lips and mouth moist. Tip of the tongue is sore, with dryness of the fauces. * Throat feels swollen, with pain on the right side. O Chronic inflammation of the throat, with general debility. — (Horton.) APPETITE, TASTE, ETC. Loss of appetite, with coppery taste. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Nausea in the morning ; vomiting, retching, with colic. O Indigestion, with gastric irritability ; flatulence. STOMACH. Sinking sensation at the stomach, and boring in the stomach. ABDOMEN. Deep-seated pain on left side near the kidneys. Pain in the epigastrium.. JUGLANS CINEREA. 283 Heat and pain in hypogastrium. Flatulence and aching in the abdomen after dinner. Irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bowels, followed by dysentery. STOOL. Loose stool which smells like onions. Tenesmus and burning after stool (primary). o Constipation preceded by diarrhoea (secondary), o Colic, very severe and prostrating, with purging, o Diarrhoea of soldiers in camps. — (Neidhard.) LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Rattling in bronchia on coughing, without expectoration. Expectoration of very tenacious mucus and musty sputa. CHEST AND RESPIRATION. Pain on the left side, worse on pressure. Great oppression in the chest, with cutting pains in the lungs. Congestion of the lungs. Stitching pain under the right scapula, o Scrofulous consumption, with great emaciation. — (Small.) BACK. Aching pain in small of the back on stooping. Aching pain in the lumbar vertebrae. Shooting pain in the lumbar region. UPPER EXTREMITIES Aching pains in arms and wrists, as if sprained. Great pain in right axilla, extending down the arms, along the course of the nerves. Aching in right shoulder. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Heat on inner side of the thigh, and in the feet, with cramp- hke pain in left hip at night. SKIN. * A peculiar exanthematous eruption, very much resembling the flush of scarlet fever. * Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin of the body and ex- tremities. * Erythematous redness of the face. * Eruption resembling eczema simplex. * Pustular eruptions, [Dr. A. E, Horton, of East Poultney, Vermont, claims to have extensive experience with Jitglans in acute and chronic skin diseases. He claims that it is curative and homoeopathic to the " whole range of skin diseases, from simple erythema to pemphigus." In the second edition of New 284 LACNANTHES TINCTORIA. Remedies, and in the journals since, he has reported many cases of in- terest, of pustular, vesicular, erythematous, and ulcerated lesions of the skin, cured promptly with the tincture and dilutions or triturations of yuglattdin. He mentions its successful use in nearly all cutaneous erup- tions. The internal administration is aided by a lotion of the same medicine.l [Dr. Small, of Chicago, reports a case of noli me tani^ere on the nose and mouth, cured by a cold infusion of the leaves ; also, cases of scrofula and scrofulous swelling of the glands.] LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. (Red Root.) Analogues: — Aethusa, Agaricus, Belladonna, Cattnabis indica, Cimicifuga, Gelseminum, Gyninocladiis, Hyosciamns, Lachesis, Stramonium, Solanum. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the leaves and root ; dilutions. MENTAL SPHERE. Ill-hurrtored, and sleepy whining mood, with the headache. Great loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable. D Delirium during pneumonia, with circumscribed red cheeks, worse from one to two A. M. HEAD. Giddiness in the head, with sensation of heat in the chest and around the heart. Sensation as if the vertex was enlarged and was driven up- wards. Headache pressing the eyes outward (Sepia, Cimicifuga.) Head feels enlarged, and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within ; the body is icy cold, she can not get warm ; the whole face becomes yellow ; the head burns like fire, with much thirst ; during the cold sen- sation the face is moist and sticks. Tearing in the forehead from left to right. A continuous stitch in the left forehead from within to with- out, leaves after a few minutes a pressing pain and ex- tends over the whole forehead, pressing from within outwards. Sensation as if the hair was standing on end, with soreness of scalp. EYES. Obscuration of sight, if he looks on anything fixedly he sees gray fixed rings. LACNANTHES TINCTORIA. 285 While reading in the forenoon a large yellow spot as large as a hand on the paper which follows as he reads. Looking at an object for some time, it becomes dark before his eyes. (Gels., Calabar, Chloral.) Pupils very much enlarged, with brilliant eyes. If he suddenly moves his head it becomes dark bsfore his eyes. {Gels.) o Brilliant eyes, red face, and delirinm during pneumonia. Compression of the left eye-ball from below upsvards. Pressing in the eyes, with secretion of white mucus. When closing the eyes the upper eyelids twitch visibly ; when he closes them tight it grows worse. Redness on the left upper eyelid, covered with little vesicles ; they itch a great deal. ea!is. Tearing in the left ear, and in the right (frequent symptom). Crawling sensation in the ears, o Almost complete deafness, in pneumonia nervosa. NOSE. Nose bleeds profusely — blood pale. FACE. Tearing pressure in the left cheek towards the eye, as if the eye should be pressed out. Tearing from the right side of forehead into the cheek.- o Circumscribed redness of the face in the morning, with vio- lent delirium and brilliant eyes in pneumonia nervosa. MOUTH. Pain in all the teeth from warm drinks. Sensation as if the upper incisors and eye-teeth have broken loose, with sensation of soreness, worse when touching them with the tongue and when closing them. All the teeth pain, feel loose and too long, worse in bed. Saliva of tough mucus. THROAT. Roughness and swelling, with pricking when swallowing ; continually increasing dryness of the throat, with sleep- lessness, followed by hoarseness. O Great dryness in the throat, especially on awakening during the night, with much coughing (in a patient who had an ulcerated sore throat), o Sore throat, with short cough. o Diphtheria, with stiffness of the neck ; head drawn to one side. APPETITE AND TASTE. Aversion to meat. 286 LACNANTHES TINCTORIA. The headache in the forehead is better after supper. STOMACH. Rising of sweetish water, with nausea. Sudden sensation Of squalmishness in the stomach. Fulhiess in the pit of the stomach, with borborygmus. ABDOMEN. Twirling and twisting sensation in the upper part of the abdomen. P'ermentation and rumbling in the abdomen almost constant, o Much flatulency in the abdomen during pneumonia nervosa. Cutting in the upper part of the abdomen, from the left to the right side. Cutting in the right side of the abdomen. Sensation of heat through -the abdomen, feels as if the bowels would be moved. STOOL AND ANUS. Frequent desire to evacuate without result. Evacuation as usual, but with much discharge of flatulency and purging ; after the passage the sensation of heat in the abdomen becomes less. Continuous stitch in the anus. URINARY ORGANS. Pressing on the bladder when urinating. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male. — Violent burning, tingling and itching of the scrotum and around it. Perspiration and itching of the scrotum and penis. LARYNX AND TRACHEA, o Hoarseness ; dry cough from irritation of the throat, worse in bed. Burning in the right side of the larynx. CHEST. Cough dry as if it came from the larynx ; expectoration is streaked with blood, with severe pain in the chest, in pneumonia nervosa. When inhaling, deep pressing pain under the short ribs near the spine. Stitches like knives in the region of the left clavicle, pre- viously stitches like knives in the right chest. She feels hot and oppressed in the chest, with mild perspira- tion all over. HEART. Stitches like knives following one another in quick succession in the right side of the chest, below the mammae, while at rest and when movincf. ' LACNANTHES TINCTORIA. 287 Boiling and bubbling in the chest and region of the heart ; it rises to the head and he becomes giddy ; he breaks out with a perspiration. Sensation of heat in the region of the heart, going and coming. BACK. Sensation as if sprained in the neck when turning or moving the head backwards. Pressing pain under the short ribs near the right side of the spine, deep inside when taking a deep inspiration. Burning in the region of the left kidney, deep, extending towards the right side. Burning in the sacrum and immediately above. Stinging, as from the sting of a bee, on the inner corner of left shoulder-blade. Stiffness of the neck following a pain in the occiput. Sensation of pain and stiffness of the neck, which extends over the whole head down to the nose. o Wry neck, especially in diphtheria. — (Lippe.) UPPER EXTREMITIES. Tearing in the upper part of the arm, beginning at the elbow joint and running up into the shoulder. Tearing in both elbow joints, at times upwards and then downwards, frequently through the whole day. * Burning of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Tearing in the knuckles of the middle fingers of the right hand. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tearing in the right ischium. Small pimples around the left gluteus muscle, which dis- charge a watery fluid when they are scratched open. Itching, burning, stinging inside of the right thigh. Burning, stinging pain above the left knee. Burning and pressing on the right knee, which becomes red as scarlet. Tingling in the lower extremities and feet. Cramps in the calves of the legs and feet Tearing in the right big toe awaking him from his sleep. Twitching of the muscles in various parts of the body. [The hogs (except the black ones) which eat the roots and leaves of this plant, lose their hoofs, which fall off (from ulceration ?) — Darwin^ SLEEP. Restless sleep at night, with disturbing dreams, followed by perspiration. Sleeplessness, with continually increasing dryness of the throat. 288 LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. * In the night, in bed, short cough, with sore throat, followed by coryza. Awakens at 2 A. M. with a cramp pain in his breast, extend- ing from the right to the left side. FEVER. Icy coldness of the body ; skin is cold, damp and clammy during the coldness. Flushes of heat alternating with chilliness. * Burning heat, with redness of the face, more on the right side, followed by circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Evening fever, worse from 6 to I2, with redness of the face, o Fever, with delirium, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, and brilliant eyes in pneumonia. Pulse 74, some beats fast, some slow, o Pulse no, small, thin, hard (pneumonia). o Perspiration, with dizziness in the head and boiling and bubbling in the cheeks and region of the heart, o Pneumonia nervosa and typhus fever. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. {Black Root— ''Culver's Physic") AnloguES: — Arsenicum, Baptisla, Cjrbj vjg^Jt2bilii, C'llnx, Iris versicolor, Mercurius, Myrica cerifera, Nitric acid, Podo- phyllum. Description : — An indigenous perennial plant, growing in limestone countries and in rich, moist places, woods, thickets and barrens. The root has a faint odor, and a bitter, nauseous taste, which is somewhat lessened by drying. [It is now called by botanists " Veronica Virginica." — Hale.'] Officinal Preparations: — Tincture and its dilutions; triturations of root ; Leptandrin and its triturations. sensorium. o Gloomy ; desponding ; drowsiness attending hepatic de- rangement. HEAD. * Constant, dull, frontal headache, worse in the temples, with aching sensation in the umbilicus. * Dull, frontal headache, with neuralgic pains in the right temple. O Bilious headache, v/ith constipation, bitter taste, indiges- tion, etc. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. 289 EYES. Smarting and aching with or without secretion of tears. MOUTH AND THROAT. Tongue coated yellow along the centre, with pain in the submaxillary glands, GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Nausea, with deathly faintness on rising in the night. Nausea followed by vomiting and diarrhcea. Dyspepsia from disorder of the liver and stomach. STOMACH. Constant distress in lower part of the epigastrium. Constant, burning, aching sensation in the stomach and liver, worse after drinking wat/jr. Great distress in the stomach and small intestines, with im- mediate desire for stool. Weak, sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach. LIVER. Dull aching in the whole of the liver, pain worse near the gall bladder. Constant, dull burning distress in the epigastric and hypo- chondriac regions. Great distress in the region of the liver following profuse, black, undigested stool. Great burning distress in the back part of the liver and in the spine. Pain in the right shoulder and arm. O Jaundice, with clay-colored stools. o Functional derangements of the liver, * Yellow coated tongue, with vomiting of bile, shooting or aching pains in the region of the liver, and black evacuations. o Chronic congestion and other chronic disorders of the liver. Leptandra causes black, tarry, bilious stools (primary), fol- lowed by clay-colored stools with jaundice (secondary). ABDOMEN. * Constant, dull, aching distress in the umbilical region. * Great distress in the whole of the bowels, with rumbling and desire for stool. * Rumbling and distress in the hypogastric region, with a pro- fuse, black, foetid stool, with pains in the bowels. Pains aggravated by drinking cold water. Pain in the left inguinal region. o Bilious colic, or a tendency to it. p Chronic abdominal complaints caused by derangements o! the portal system, 36 » 290 LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. STOOL. Hard, black, and lumpy evacuations. * Stool soft and mushy, with weak feeling in the bowels. * Distress in the hypogastrium, with profuse, black, foetid stool. * Watery stool with mucus, followed by severe cutting pains in the smaller intestines. * Copious tar-like evacuations. * Diarrhoea from chronic irritation of the mucous membrane, o Diarrhoea dependent on hepatic derangement. Diarrhoea, with great debility, sallow skin, and emaciation, o Camp-diarrhoea in soldiers, from exposure, improper diet, etc. o Chronic ulceration of the intestines, with hepatic disorder, o Diarrhoea ; stools of greenish, muddy or dirty water ; pro- fuse, "like water running from a spout"; coming on in morning as soon as he moves ; aggravated by meat, vegetables, and walking ; before stool, rumbling, after stool, weak, faint, purging feeling at stomach ; dull aching across umbilical region all the time ; canine hun- ger, no thirst. (Cured in 4 days. — Dr. R. R. Williams.) URINE. Urine very red (neutral), with dull, aching pain in lumbar region, o Dropsy from hepatic derangement. GENERATIVE ORGANS. o Suppressed or retarded menses from disease of the liver, THORAX. Soreness in the cardiac region. BACK. Sore and lame feeling in the small of the back. FEVER. Pulse diminished in frequency. Pulse slow and full, o Infantile remittents, with black and tarry, or white foetid stools. SKIN. * Hot and dry skin in bilious fevers, UPPER EXTREMITIES. Both wrists are lame and ache severely, o Pain in the left shoulder and arm. Chilly sensation at the shoulder and down the arm. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Feet and legs feel cold and numb. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Languid, tired feeling, with great prostration. Physical and mental depression, with vertigo and drowsiness. NEW REMEDIES. 291 LILIUM TIGRINUM.* (Tiger Spotted Lily.) Analogues : — Agaricus, Belladojina, Cimicifiiga, Cactus, Helonias, Muj'ex, Podophyllum, Platina, Sepia. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the flowers and seeds ; dilutions. MIND and disposition. Female. — Great depression of spirits, with fearfulness and apprehension of an impending fatal internal disease, or that it was already preying upon her ; constant in- clination to weep (very marked) ; blurred vision, all objects appearing very indistinct. Despondent and gloomy, with loss of memory and great difficulty in expressing her thoughts, often selecting wrong words, but in making the correction would as often take other words quite as inappropriate ; great fear and dread of insanity. Does not want to be pleased, and don't want to talk, but wants to sleep, and, during sleep, very unpleasant dreams. Wild feeling in the head, with confusion of ideas ; pressure and a crazy feeling on the top of the head, rendering her incapable of recording her own symptoms ; fear of insanity, and that, should she become insane, there would be no one to take care of her ; worse at night, but better in the morning. Opposite mental states ; she feels nervous and irritable, and yet she feels jolly. Cannot think ; acts without thought ; keeps walking fast as if by instinct ; feels hurried, does not know why ; is forgetful ; cannot decide for herself ; must depend upon others. Both the social and moral conditions were profoundly af- fected ; dislikes to be alone, though formerly she pre- ferred it, but has no dread of being alone ; sexual desires strong, though formerly weak ; can repress the desire by keeping very busy, but as soon as occupation ceases the desire returns in full force. * From the exhaustive resume' of Dr. Paine in American Observer and N. Y. Transactions for \%']2.—{Hale.) 292 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Male. — Irritable in the evening, with disagreeable dreams at night, and unrefreshing sleep. Obtuseness of intellect, with inability to find the right words with which to express his thoughts ; forgets what he is about to say ; vertigo, especially when walking ; a feel- ing as if intoxicated ; staggering forward. Makes mistakes when speaking, using wrong words, with fullness and heaviness in the forehead, especially the left side ; dim sight and weakness of the lower limbs, as if unable to support the body. In half-waking dreams, occurrences which took place in quick succession seemed to be at very long intervals ; for example, when his son got up to urinate, the in- tervals between getting up, urinating and going to bed again seemed very long. Great apprehensiveness of the prover that he had mistaken the nature of his heart symptoms, and that instead of medicinal symptoms he was suffering from organic disease of the heart. HEAD. Intense, blinding headache in the forehead, commencing be- tween five and six o'clock, P. M., continued two hours, then changed to the back part of the head and ex- tended down the neck, leaving a strange muddled feeling about the head, with general weakness and de- sire to lie down. Heavy feeling in the head, with morning diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, nausea and abundant saliva. Pain all over the head, with a heavy sensation as if too full of blood ; congested feeling as if blood would issue when blowing the nose ; must support the head with the hands ; worse when walking in the open air ; better at sunset. Pressing sensation of fullness in the temporal region, with a bursting sensation ; a feeling as if the contents of the skull would issue through the ears and surrounding parts, relieved by pressure with the hands. Frontal, stinging, burning headache, with a sensation as if a rubber band were stretched over the head ; the head feeling so muddled that he could not lecture, could not concentrate his thoughts, but self-possession was re- gained as he went on. Headache in the morning on waking, which gradually in- creased, when at noon it became very severe, passing from the forehead and temple to the protruberances of the occiput, dull, pressive and heavy, continuing through LTLIUM TIGRINUM. 293 the afternoon, evening and night, with irritability of temper. Dull headache ; the pain moved continually from the sinci- put to the occiput of the left side, but seemed at last to concentrate in the left temple, with frequent urination. Headaches gradually diminish, though they maintain usual character of evening aggravation ; at the end of ten days only slight tenderness on the left side of the head, forehead and temple remained. Suspended the recurrence of sick headaches (to which the prover had been accustomed), during the whole course of the proving, and for some time longer, HmdacJies cured. Scalp. — Fine rash-like eruption about the forehead, and around the border of the hair, with much itching. EYES AND SIGHT. Eyes. — Intense pain in both eyes, extending backward into the head, with great dimness of sight. Right eye very sensitive to gaslight, with intolerable burning pain subsequently extending to the left eye, and con- tinuing for several days. Burning in the eyes after reading or writing, and feeling of great general weakness. Sight. — Blur before the eyes after a night made restless by lascivious dreams and seminal emissions toward morn- ing, attended by difficulty in keeping the mind fixed upon the subject under consideration, selecting wrong words with which to express his ideas. Blurred vision, cannot see objects distinctly, with loss of ap- petite, aversion to coffee, nausea when thinking about it, frequent desire to pass urine but in small quantities ; faint in a warm room and when standing, with cold perspiration on the back of the hands and feet ; fear- fulness and apprehension of some impending evil. Dimness of sight, with intense pain in both eyes, extending into the head ; shooting pain in the right temple, pass- ing over to the left ; crampy pains in the left mammae and fingers, and pressing pain in the right arm and wrist, beginning at seven o'clock, P, M., and continuing through the night. Mtisc(2 volitantes at various times. Eyesight, which was always weak, hypermetropic, wearing 1-14 glasses, is now much worse ; this aggravation con- tinued for more than four weeks, when the eyes had returned to their natural condition with this improve ment : whereas, formerly she had a habit of turning th 294 LILIUM TIGRINUM. head toward the left when reading, in order to see the whole of a letter, for example, s p d and f u,when look- ing straight forward, could see only the straight part of the letter and not the curve ; now can see the whole letter distinctly without looking sjdeways. EARS. Rushing sound in both ears. NOSE. Frequent sneezing at ten o'clock P. M., relieving a severe, burning headache, and pain in the eyes. Sensation as if blood would issue from the nose when blow- it ; with feeling of fullness and heaviness of the head. Heat and fullness of the face and head. The left cheek bright and red hot in the morning on awak- ening. MOUTH AND THROAT. Hawking mucus from the throat, with constant disposition to vomit. * Hawking of mucus, with constant nausea. TASTE AND APPETITE. Taste. — Taste of blood in the mouth ; with severe conges- tion of the chest ; weak beating of the heart. Great craving for meat, and the more pronounced the symptoms, the greater the desire. Voracious hunger, seemingly in the back, extending along the vertebral column, and up to the\[occiput, not appeased by eating. Loss of appetite, and aversion tobread particularly, continu- ing for three weeks'^after the last dose of the^drug, with depression of spirits ; disposition to weep ; pressing in the rectum (from prolapsus titeri f) cold chills in the back, particularly after going to bed, with hot flushes towards morning, o Loss of appetite aired. Thirst. — Great thirst, drinking often and much. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Frequent eructations, with great distentions of the stomach, and escape of flatus from the rectum [constant during the proving]. Constant nausea, with the sensation _^as of a lump in the stomach, which moved down at every attempt to swal- low, but immediately returned. Nausea, with pain in thej back ; aversion to food ; depres- sion of spirits, and disposition to weep. LILIUM TIGRINUM. 295 Sweetish nausea, no desire to vomit, with feeling of fulness of the abdomen after eating very little ; eating does not increase the nausea ; nausea and full feeling in the abdo- men subside after discontinuing medicine two days. STOMACH. Hollow, empty sensation in the stomach and bowels. Great distention of the stomach and abdomen, with flatulent movements, relieved by passing wind up and down. ABDOMEN. Bloated feeling of the bowels after a meal, continuing after a diarrhoeic discharge. Griping pain in the abdomen, commencing at three to five o'clock P. M., increasing till late in the evening, and ending with a free bilious evacuation, which evacuation was followed by smarting in the rectum. Griping pain in the abdomen after each morning diarrhoeic discharge, with nausea, abundant saliva and heavy feel- ing in the head. Weak, tremulous sensation of the bowels, extending to the rectum, continuing through the night. Dragging down sensation of the whole abdominal contents, extending to the organs of the chest, feeling greatly the need of support. Sensation as if the bowels were greatly bloated, but they are not so. Constant burning pain across the lower part of the abdomen from groin to groin. Pressure downward and backward against the rectum, ag- gravated by standing ; relieved by walking in the open air or riding. STOOLS. Dark colored and very offensive stools in the morning on rising, followed by smarting and burning sensation ex- tending from the rectum, high np into the abdomen, con- timiing for several hotcrs. During the day time a stool every half hour, lumpy, small and diarrhoeic, with escape of flatus ; constant tenesmus and a feeling as though she could sit on the stool for- evei, and burning in the urethra. Abdominal muscles unbearably sore just before stool, but less so during stool. Tenesmus and great desire to go to stool, but every effort resulted in the voiding of a little urine only. URINARY ORGANS. Frequent desire to urinate in the latter part of the night and early morning, with acrid, smarting sensation after every 296 LILIUM TIGRINUM. discharge. (The acrid, smarting sensation always oc- curs after, and not during the flow.) Urine milky in appearance when first discharged, but on cooling, deposits a thick, reddish sediment. Urine scanty, milky, thick and roiled in appearance when cool, with frequent desire to pass it, and every passage followed by smarting and burning in the urethra. The urinary tenesmus and smarting after every passage, to- gether with the morning diarrhoea, and acrid smarting in the rectum, continues to recur for more than six weeks after the last dose of the drug was taken. A feeling of irritation in the bladder, with inclination to urinate, but can control the desire by an effort of the will. Frequent desire to urinate through the day, with smarting in the urethra; if the desire is not immediately attended to, a feeling of congestion of the chest ensues (male). REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. Vagina. — Itching and smarting of the labia, with great un- easiness of the parts. Smarting and feeling of irritation of the labia, with great heat, as though the parts were inflamed, and sharp, in- cisive pains extending upward into the vagina. Great tenderness to touch of the whole sexual organs. Pressure and weight low down in the vagina. Pressure in the vagina and pain at the top of the sacrum ex- tending to the hips. Uterus. — Pain in the sacrum, with a sensation of weight and downward pressure in the lower part of the abdomen (pelvis), which continued for six days, very severe ; worse when standing. Bearing down in the lower part of the abdomen for more than twenty days, with constant nausea ; a sensation as of a lump in the center of the chest which moved down- ward by empty swallowing, but immediately returned ; severe pressure in the rectum and at the anus, and a constant desire to go to stool, but with every effort to evacuate the bowels, a little urine only was discharged ; sensation as if a hard body were pressing backward and downward against the rectum and anus (in the provers), standing aggravated and increased the desire to go to stool. Great weight and pressure in the region of the uterus, with downward pressure, as though the whole contents of the abdomen would pas^ out through the vagina. Great bearing down in the uterine region, with a sensation when on the feet as though the whole pelvic contents LILIUM TIGRINUM. 297 would issue from the vagina if not prevented by hard pressure with the hand against the vulva, which there was a constant and uncontrollable inclination to do. Severe dragging down sensation in the whole sexual organs, with a feeling as though the whole internal parts were being pulled downward from the breasts and umbilical regions, through the vagina, and an uncontrollable de- sire to press the hands against the vulva to prevent the parts from escaping, with irritability of temper, anxiety and dread of impending evil (constant throughout the proving). Severe neuralgic pains in the uterus, could not bear to be touched, moved, nor even the weight of the bed clothes; the slightest jar of the bed was torture. This condition continued an hour and a half, and suddenly passed off without leaving any lameness of the parts. On exam- ination the uterus was found to be in an anteverted position. Anteversion of the icterus was founi to be present in three pr overs, and resting a diagnosis u'^on tvsll proved sub- jective symptoms, there can be little djit'tt that t'lis con- dition of the uterus existed in a fourth case, though, owing to extreme sensitiveness of the prover^ it was not verified by touch. * Prolapsis uteri; anteversion ; retroversion; uterine inflam- mation, sub-acute ; endo-cervicitis. Leucorrhcea. — Thin, acrid leucorrhoea, which from leaving a brown stain upon the linen was mistaken for a return of menstruation, though the menses had ceased but a week before ; the leucorrhoeal discharge attended and followed severe bearing down pains in the uterine region ; the bearing down pains, four days later, culminated in se- vere labor-like pains simulating those of an imminent miscarriage, worse in the afternoon till midnight, then better till the next afterno6n, when all the symptoms of the previous day returned ; the leucorrhoea becoming more acrid and excoriating, producing a rash-like erup- tion and swelling of the labia. Bright yellow leucorrhoea, excoriating the whole perinaeum, with scanty mens truation, not one-fourth part as much as usual. Profuse acrid leucorrhoea following immediately the cessation of the menstrual flow. Ovaries. — Dull, drawing pain in the left ovarian region, re- lieved by gentle pre ssure on the part with the hand. 37 298 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Great tenderness from pressure over the left ovarian region, with darting pains extending to the groin of that side, and the pubes in' front, and frequent desire to pass urine, which was small in quantity, and followed by an acrid, smarting sensation in the urethra, continuing for several minutes. Continued stinging sensation in the left ovarian region, with a sensation of fullness and voluptuous itching in the vagina. • Pains^'mostly in the right ovary, but some days later it was most severe in the left, extended down the anterior and internal side of the left thigh, with aggravation by walk- ing, seeming, when one step was made, that another could not be taken ; nevertheless, a feeling of restless- ness compelled her to extend and flex the limb as in walking ; this disposition she could not resist, though she knew the effort would be followed by greater pain ; the effort, rather than the act of moving the limb, seemed to aggravate the pains. She could not decide which pelvic pain was worse, that in the back or that in the front. Burning pain in both ovaries in the morning, with burning higher up the abdomen, and four loose, dark stools be- fore eleven o'clock A. M. ; stools very urgent, could scarcely wait. Gnawing pain in'^'the right ovarian region, with a dragging sensation, aggravated by walking, and a sensation as if something were shaking loose in that region whenever the right foot was planted heavily upon the floor or ground as in walking ; also gnawing pain in the back, worse in bed, and continuing all night. * Sub-acute and chronic ovariti.s, and neuralgia of the ovaries. (Hale.) Catamenia. — Menstruation came on at the usual time, normal in quantity, and continued to flow as long as she kept moving about, but ceased to flow whenever she ceased walking. Menstruation returned [hemorrhage .''] after having been ab- sent two years in the case of a person who had passed her climacteric. Menstruation returned in two weeks, slight in quantity, dark in color, thick, with odor like that of the lochial discharge. Menstruation too scanty, not one-fourth part as much as usual, followed by profuse bright yellow leucorrhoea, so acrid as to excoriate the perinaeum. LILIUM TIGRINUM. ' 299 SEXUAL INSTINCT. Female. — Voluptuous itching in the vagina, with feeling of fullness of the parts. Sexual desire strong, though formerly not so ; can repress it by keeping very busy, but as soon as occupation ceases the desire returns in full force. Male. — Sexual desire, which has been dormant for years, roused into activity. Lascivious dreams, with seminal emissions toward morning, followed by weakness and a feeling of irritability, and great difficulty in keeping his mind fixed upon the sub- ject under consideration, frequently selecting wrong words to express his idea. Mamma. — Severe cutting pains in the left mammary gland, extending through to the left shoulder-blade, aggra- vated by lying on the left side (constant throughout the proving). Sharp, cutting pains in both mammary glands, extending from the left mamma through to the left shoulder-blade and to the spine. Clinical. — o In several cases of delayed post-partum re- coveries, the Lilium has accomplished all that could be desired. When the uterus is slow in returning to its normal condition ; the lochial discharge continues too long, is profuse and excoriating ; pain in the back and hips, bearing down and dragging from high up, when in an upright position or at stool, as if the whole pelvic or- gans would escape through the vagina if not prevented by firm pressure with the hand against the vulva ; pain- ful smarting in the urethra after passing urine ; consti- pation, with itching, painful hemorrhoids, or morning diarrhcea ; fears the presence of an internal disease from which she never will recover, and dreads insanity. Lilium tigrinmn jo effected a prompt change for the better. — (Payne.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Larynx and bronchia. — Cough dry and hard, coming in sin- gle coughs. Respiration. — Oppressed breathing, with oppression in the lower part of the chest, aggravated about four o'clock in the morning. Desire to make a long breath frequeni ly, and sighing, which appeared to come from the lower part of the abdomen. Out of breath when ascending, obliging her to stop ; it seemed as if it proceeded from the heart. Oppressive heat and congestive feeling of the chest, a kind 300 LILIUM TIGRINUM. of ebullition, worse in the evening, must go into the fresh air for reUei", but going into the fresh air increases the headache. Feehng of compression of the chest and great weight ; a feel- ing as if the chest had too much blood in it, producing a choked, suffocated sensation, and might be relieved by letting out the blood ; slight relief from sighing. CHEST AND HEART. C/iesf. — Sharp twinges, followed by a dull, drawing sensation in the left side of the chest, extending upward to the clavicle. Hot, congested feeiing in the chest ; generally chilly feeling, and chills, especially in the face. Heart. — Thirteenth day after commencing the proving, heart symptoms appeared; sudden fluttering of the heart after walking, felt less when very busy. Hurried, forcing feeling about the apex of the heart, with fluttering and general laint feeling ; could do nothing, obliged to put aside her work ; relieved by sitting still. Sharp and quick pain in the left side of the chest, with flut- tering of the heart. Sensation as if the heart were squeezed in a vise, as if the blood had all gone to the heart, producing a feeling as if the prover must bend double ; inability to walk straight. Heavy feeling, as if the blood were shut up in the heart ; pulse small and weak ; a sensation as if blood did not reach the radial artery in sufficient quantity. Weak beating of the heart, with severe congestion of the chest ; bloody taste in the mouth ; severe left-sided headache ; dizziness ; feeling of faintness ; blur before the eyes, and fear of falling. Awakened from sleep at night with a distressing, pressive pain in the region of the heart and palpitation. Constant pain in the region of the heart, increased by bend- ing forward, stooping, and on lying down. Heaviness and pressure in the region of the heart, almost unbearable after eating. Fluttering or palpitation of the heart ; cold hands and feet, covered with cold perspiration. Violent beating of the heart, and throbbing of the carotids, preventing sleep when lying on either side. * Heaviness in the region of the heart, and palpitation when lying on the left side ; worse at night and when lying down, LILIUM TIGRINUM. 30I The heart symptoms were all worse at night, and there was great Tearfulness that he had mistaken his case, and that he was really suffering from an organic disease of the heart instead of medicinal symptoms, though he had never had such symptoms before. Arteries. — Conscious pulsations over the whole body, and out-pressing sensation in the hand and arms, as though the blood would burst through the vessels. BACK. Cervical. — Drawing sensation in the muscles of the neck, left shoulder, and stitching pains in the left mammary gland, increasing after two o'clock P. M. Dorsal. — Pain in the dorsal vertebrae, as if the back would break. Lumbar. — Sharp pain in the lumbar region, extending over the right hip to the umbilical region, ameliorated by rubbing. Steady pain in the small of the back, spreading from the spine both ways toward the kidneys, continuing all day after a restless night. Sacral. — Pain in the sacrum. Coccygeal. — Sensation of pulling upward from the tip of the OS occygis. UPPER EXTREMITIES Fore arms. — Pressing pain in the right arm and wrist, with cramps in the fingers. Hands. — Burning heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, extending up the limbs, with constant searching for a cool place, aggravated at night. Cold hands and feet, with profuse, cold and clammy perspi- ration, keeping the hands and feet constantly wet. Stiffness of the fingers, almost like paralysis ; great difficulty in holding and guiding the pencil to write. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Boring pain in the right hip joint ; stiff feeling of the mus- cles of the thigh, and pain in the ankle, going down to the toes. Stitches coming and going throughout the day in the right hip joint ; with chilliness and headache, increased as the evening advanced. Severe drawing pain in the right hip, extending down the outside of the thigh, relieved by moving the limb from place to place. Pain in the left thigh, aggravated by walking, yet the pain was so much worse after having ceased to walk, she was 3<» LILIUM TIGRINUM. impelled again, though she knew after doing so she would be worse again. Aching of the legs ; with inability to keep them still in bed ; worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to sleep. Severe pain in the ankle joints and second joint of the fin- gers, making the motion of a carriage very painful ; bruised feeling in the soles of the feet, and great mus- cular soreness, making pressure of the clothes painful. FEVER. Chills in face, extending downward, with a more general chilly feeling than in cold weather, at the chest. Chills running from the face downward, with constriction of the chest, as if too narrow or too much crowded with blood, and burning heat over the body the whole night, with queer, half-waking dreams. Great heat and general lassitude in the afternoon, with throb- bing pulsations over the whole body, and out-pressing sensation in the hands and arms, as though the blood would burst through the veins. SLEEP. Inability to sleep, with wild feeling in the head, as if she would be crazy. Inability to sleep for a long time, eyes wide open ; at length went to sleep lying on the back with the kness drawn up. Sleep unrefreshing, broken by disagreeable dreams, with great irritability in the evening. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Some of the pains are ameliorated by change of position, while others are aggravated. Symptoms return every day from five to six o'clock P. M., gradually increase through the night, and abate at about eight o'clock, P. M. [Constant throughout the proving]. In some cases the uterine symptoms are better after riding, and exercise in the open air. With some of the provers, the symptoms of the reproductive organs were more clearly defined on the left side, while with others more on the right, but generally more on the left. The pains occupy small spots, or if produced by hand pres- sure with the ends of the fingers. (Compare Oxalic acid.) After the symptoms have entirely disappeared, they return LITHIUM CARBONICUM. 5O3, again very suddenly in the same order, without any ap- parent provocation. The muscles of the whole body feel sore and bruised, ren- dering stepping, the motion of a carriage, and even the pressure of the clothes very painful. Convulsive contractions of almost all the muscles of the body, and a feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself. Most of the symptoms better when walking out of doors in the- open air, when the cool air strikes the uncovered head and face, and worse in a close, hot room. CHARACTERISTICS. All the symptoms return again and again, after having dis- appeared, but diminished in degree at each successive return. The social and moral conditions are profoundly affected, generally changed to their opposites, though in some in- stances they seem very contradictory. The symptoms connected with the female reproductive or- gans, and the consecutive moral conditions, are very pronounced and peculiar ; the ovaries are the seat and origin of peculiar sharp and burning pains ; backache ; dragging, bearing down sensation in the uterine region, seeming to drag even from the thorax and shoulders, and, at the same time, pressure on the rectum and blad- der producing a constant desire to evacuate these vis- cera, as in cases of prolapsus uteri, were very marked and persistent, and physical exploration showed that the uterus was actually prolapsed and anteverted. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. (Carbonate of Lithia.) Analogues: — {}) Officinal Preparations : — Triturations. MENTAL sphere. Disposition to weep about his lonesome condition, o The whole night anxiety and feeling of helplessness. Difficulty in remembering names. HEAD. o Heaviness in the sinciput, especially in the frontal eminence. Towards evening, pain and heaviness over the brows, with 304 LITHIUM CARBONICUM. restlessness in the stomach, unchanged by eating sup- per and by walking out, continuing until he goes to sleep. Fullness in the right temple the whole afternoon. Pressure in both temples from without inwards, with a press- ing pain in the middle of the chest, extending outwards and towards both sides, in the region of the fourth rib. o Tearing, sticking headache on the right side, worse on as- suming the erect position and on motion, better during repose. Early on awaking, violent headache in vertex and temples (after sudden cessation of the menses), second and third day ; less on the fourth and fifth days, but on the sixth day, in the afternoon, again very severe in the left eye, temple and small spot in the occiput ; in the temple and vertex very severe, with nausea. Heavy weight upon the vertex, with pressure upon the left temple ; the whole head is as if too large ; at the same time it feels as if it were violently squeezed in a small spot, which greatly increases the nausea ; could hardly keep the eyes open ; they pained as if sore from morn- ing till noon ; when looking at anything the headache grows worse ; she can't continue lying down ; it pains everywhere ; somewhat better when setting, relieved by going out. o Headache relieved or ceases while eating, but returns after- wards. EYES. On the second day of the menses, after being obliged to get up from reading and go into the open air, she noticed, / on taking up the book again, an uncertainty of vision and an entire invisibility of the right half of whatever * she looked upon ; if two short words occurred in suc- cession, the one towards the right hand was invisible ; both eyes similar in this respect. Pains internally in the globe of the right eye, above the ex- ternal canthus. o Pains in the eyes, as if little grains of sand were in them. Feeling of dryness in the eyes, although they were moist, worse in the left. Throbbing, drawing pain about the right eye, around, out- side, above and deep in the orbit. EARS. Pain behind the left ear, in the bone, extending towards the . neck. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. 305 Eirache, left sid^, fronn the throit, with proiopalgia. NOSE. Obstruction of the nose. Constant discharge of mucus in the evening. Dropping from the nose in the open air. o Nose red, swollen and dry. o Nose, especially on the right side, somewhat swollen, red, sore internally — shining crusts form in it ; it is dry and as if inflamed ; (at the same time frequent urinating at night, disturbing the sleep). MOUTH AND THROAT. Toothache in the right lower back tooth, again in the left. Teeth seem dull, numb and loose, so that she can not bite. Pains are more violent on the left than on the right side, o In the evening sore throat on the right side. o Sore throat extending into the ear, and from ear to throat, o Hawking up of mucus in large quantities. STOMACH, o Nausea, with gnawing in the stomach, fullness of the tem- ples and headache. o Acidity of the stomach relieved quickly by Lithium. Can not bear the slightest pressure on the stomach. o When eating, the gfiawing in the stomach goes away. Good appetite, with gnawing in the stomach. HYPOCHONDRIA. o Violent pain in the hepatic region, between ilium and the ribs. Sticking pain in the left hypochondrium. Pressure in the hepatic region and gentle pressing pain in the right side of the forehead ; later over the eyes ; the forehead pain extends to the left side, with nausea. ABDOMEN. Abdomen feels swollen and as if distended with wind. Violent pain across the abdomen, upper part. Pain in the left abdominal ring, like a passing from within outwards, with confusion of the head and dull pressure from without inwards in both temples. URINARY ORGANS Sensitive pain and sharp pressure in the vesical region, more on the right side, soon after passing water, o Tenesmus vesical after micturition. Pain in the region of the neck of the bladder. Before passing water, flashes of pain in the region of the bladder, inferiorly, more towards the right ; after 38 306 LITHIUM CARBONICUM. urinating, pains extending into the spermatic cord, more on the left. O Quick, strong tenesmus, with sensitive pain in the middle of the urethra. O Frequent and copious urination. On rising to urinate, a presshig m the region of the heart, ' which did not cease until after urination. Turbid urine, with much mucus depost. Urine scanty and dark, very acrid ; it pains when being passed, which is difficult. * Very frequent urination, disturbing in sleep. Dark reddish brown deposit. STOOL AND ANUS. Soft stools early in the morning. O At night diarrhoea, which is very offensive. Diarrhoea immediately after drinking chocolate. Discharge of flatus in the evening, which is offensive. o Soft abundant stool io the morning ; it had for a long time been hard and difficult. Violent, painful, dull stitch in the perineum near the anus, from above downwards, from within outwards ; when walking being sharp, quick, short, itching in the anus in the evening. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Female. — Menses suddenly cease and headache comes on. Menses four days later and diminished. When taken before the menses, the symptoms were most violent on the left side; when taken after the menses, on the right side. Male. — * Burning in the urethra. O Pains on the right side in the urethra and through spermatic cord into the testicle. Voluptuous titillation ih the urethra at night on awaking. Erection after urinating at night. Pains in the testes, and when sitting, stitches in the penis. THORAX. o On inspiration, the air feels so cold that it seems to be felt unpleasantly, even in the lungs, in heart disease. Pressive pain in the middle of the chest, from within out- wards towards both sides. Violent cough late in the evening, while lying down, com- pelling to rise, without expectoration ; the irritation which provokes the cough is in a little spot posteriorly and inferiorly in the throat ; cough consists of very quick shocks, which do not seem to come out of the LITHIUM CARBONICUM. JO/ chest, but out of the throat, and to be very violent and prostrating in short paroxysms. Constriction of the chest when walking out, after breakfast, then expectoration of mucus in great quantity brought up by hawking ; the mucus seems to come from the middle of the sternum. HEART. Pains in the region of the heart, throbbing, like a dull stitch. As she bent forward over the bed, in the morning after rising, a very violent pain in the region of the heart. Pressure in the region of the heart on rising to urinate, pass- ing away after urination. o Rheumatic soreness in the region of the heart. o Pains in the heart before and at the time of the commence- ment of the menses. O Often, in deficiencies of the valves especially after mental agitation of a vexatious character, to which she is very subject, a trembling and fluttering of the heart, distress- ingly painful in the heart and as far as between the shoulders ; it extends upward also into the head where it is felt as an equally painful throbbing ; at the same time the air, on inspiration, seems so cold that it is felt unpleasantly cold even in the lungs. BACK. Pain and weakness in the sacrum. Feeling of prostration in the sacrum at night. In the morning, on rising, a feeling of soreness on the right side near the spine, below the loins, upon a spot not larger than the point of the finger, sensitive to pressure, lasting all day. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Pain on the anterior side of the right shoulder joint, near the point of insertion of the pectoralis major muscle on the margin of the same. Burning stitch in the ball of the hand. Itching, throbbing, very sensitive pains in all the fingers, especially in the second and third fingers of the left hand, as if it were in and upon the bones, extending from the hand to the end of the fingers, only during re- pose ; it ceases upon pressure, when grasping and during motion. Left middle finger very painful, through and through. Soreness at the margin of the nail, redness and pain, more at the external angle, first of the left thumb, then of the right fourth finger, then of several fingers of the left 308 ' LOBELIA CERULEA. hand, then of the right middle finger, lasting several weeks. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Itching, burning pain in a small spot on the right hip, then on the thigh, then on the little toe ; all on the external aspect of the limb. Itching, burning pain internally on the left thigh, and at the left knee. Occasional rheumatic pains in the lower extremities. Great weakness of the knees, with pain, especially on going up stairs. o Painfulness of the feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, es- pecially at the border of the foot and the sole as if it were gouty. Ankle joints pain when walking, first the right then the left. Itching, burning of the feet. A paralytic stiffness in all the limbs and in the whole body. Prostration of the whole body, especially in the knee joints and in the sacrum. Over the whole body, as if beaten, stiff and sore in all the bones, joints and muscles. SLEEP. Anxious and restless at night. Voluptuous dreams, tenesmus vesical, and erection which subsides after urination, on awakening. Offensive diarrhoea awakening from sleep. Sleep disturbed by the pains in the feet and sacrum. FEVER. Coldness of the feet, especially of the soles, then sudden heat beginning in the soles of the feet and extending over the whole body. General feeling of heat in the body ; sweat on the back of the hands and very copious sweat. [No skin symptoms of importance.] LOBELIA CERULEA. {Blue Lobelia.) Analogues : — (.?) Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the leaves ; dilu- tions. [Dr. C. Hering first called attention to and caused provings to be made with this plant. Dr. Jeanes was the original prover of Lobelia inflata.] LOBELIA CERULEA. {Blue Lobelia.) LOBELIA CERULEA. 309 MIND. Great depression of spirits ; unhappy state of mind, always associated with " pain about and under (not below) the short ribs, in the back, on the left side, and extending outward nearly to the left side ; this embraces the pos- terior aspect of the region of the spleen." — (Jacob Jeaiies, M. D.) Frequent mistakes in writing and spelling, with aching and confusion in the head. HEAD. Pain on the left side of the head over the coronal suture. Pains in the head and left arm, and a similar one in the same part of right arm. Face flushed and headache after dinner, with drowsiness and lassitude, but inability to sleep when lying down ; some- what better going into the open air ; restless sleep, with frequent wakings through the night ; headache con- tinuing until daylight. Confused feeling, with slight aching in the head immediately. A dull, aching pain in the forehead, over the centre, lasting, with slight intermissions, until the evening, increased by reading or writing. Slight aching pain from the back of the head down the nape of the neck. Oppression in the forehead over the eyes ; dizziness, par- ticularly in moving about, lasting three hours. EYES. Drawing sensation under the right eye, with pain in both mastoid processes, first felt and worse in the right one. Soreness of the eyeballs from turning them ; boring pain in the right orbit. Itching of internal canthus of left eye. Burning in right eye ; itching in external canthus ; soreness of the tarsi of the right eyelid ; feeling of a foreign body under the upper lid of the right eye, with smart- ing and burning. Heaviness over the eyes, like a weight, but no pain. Oppression over the eyelids and slight drowsiness. Slight aching over the eyes, particularly left eye. NOSE. Itching and tingling feeling in the left nostril, as if about to sneeze. A feeling of dryness and sensitiveness of the nostrils, so that the inhalation of air of a moderate temperature (sup- 310 LOBELIA CERULEA. posed 60 degrees) creates a slightly painful feeling in two hours, also second day. Frequent sneezing, with copious discharge of thick mucus from both nostrils. A dull aching pain over the root of the nose, in the centre, lasting until evening. FACE AND LIPS. Sensation of dropping under the left cheek bone. Flushed face with heat when lying down. Drawing pain in right cheek bone. Constrictive feeling of mouth and tongue, especially at left commissure of the jaws, afterwards toward the root of the tongue. , Perfect dryness of the lips. JAWS AND TEETH. Constrictive feeling at left commissure of the jaws. Frequent shooting pains through the teeth on the right side. MOUTH AND THROAT. Sensation of a lump in the upper portion of the oesophagus; dryness of the left half of the palate. Bleeding of the gums, with putrid taste. Pain in the region of left tonsil immediately, pain in region of right tonsil. Great [soreness, rawness, pricking dryness of thfe lower sur- face of the palate, extending forward through the whole mouth. Thick mucus secretion in the throat, with diminution of the very unpleasant feeling of constriction, rawness, dryness and soreness of throat ; the soreness of palate and the astringent feeling in the left side of the mouth, though abated after the mucus secretion at noon, still continues to be felt after eleven hours. A renewed secretion of thick mucus in thirty-six hours, ap- parently on the superior surface of the palate, removed by snuffling and hawking, with still further diminution of the soreness of the throat. Much tickling about the top of the larynx, with disposition to hacking cough ; dryness in the back part of throat. Throat moist, showing red, elevated spots. Increased secretion of mucus from the throat, o Catarrhal inflammation of posterior nares and fauces. — (Hale.) GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Violent pain in stomach followed with copious eructations of watery fluid ; morning hoarseness connected with the LOBELIA CERULEA. 311 state of the stomach ; dyspeptic symptoms continue, but they are much lighter. Sinking feeling in the stomach followed by borborygmia be- low the epigastrium, directly after dinner, o Acid eructations from 5 to 6 P. M. — ( Williamsofi.) HYPOCHONDRIA AND ABDOMEN. Pain in the left hypochondria. Pain by jolting in stomach and both hypochondria. Pain in region of left kidney. URINE. Increased quanty of urine, -with, free discharge. Pain in bladder, caused by retaining urine ; when evacuated of a deep amber color ; itching and smarting in the fore part of the urethra. STOOL AND ANUS. Loose evacuations fromthe bowels. Copious evacuations of watery stool, with tenesmus and soreness in the anus. Ineffectual effort at stool, with free eructations of tasteless wind on rising from bed. Pains in the abdomen, most below the umbilicus, followed by diarrhoeal stools in the afternoon and evening. CHEST. Pain in left side of chest near the axilla, with aching in left shoulder and arm. D Oppression in the lower part of the chest, as if the breath did not reach there ; distress in the region of the heart, and audible " knocking " respiration (like the sound of an axe in chopping wood) ; pain under the short ribs, and dry cowgh. —( Neidhard.) 5 Dry hacking cough of four weeks' duration, extremely troublesome day and night, and pain in the right side about the junction of the sixth rib with its cartilage, of a year's duration ; dryness of the back part of the thvodX.— (lb.) Difficulty in breathing. NECK, BACK AND LOINS. Stiffness of the nape (worse in left side), from looking up. Rheumatic pain along the right collar bone in the evening. Flashing of heat in the back and shoulders. Stitching pain in right back, passing from eighth rib down- wards ; pains between shoulders and in neck both sides. Cutting pains in the back under the false ribs, cutting for- wards and upwards. 312 LOBELIA INFLATA. Slight aching pain in the nape of the neck. * A pain commencing at the right side of the small of the back, then going down to os ischium, very sore to touch. {Neidhard.) * Great rigidity of the spine ; least motion exceedingly pain- ful ; the pain goes from the right to the left side of the back, and shoots down the legs. — {lb.) o Pain in the eighth dorsal vertebrae, and in the back under the short ribs ; the pain is increased by movement and deep inspiration. — {lb.) Pain, heavy, aching, in the back under the false ribs, worse at night in bed, increased to a cutting pain by deep in- spiration and by turning in bed. Painful weakness ot loins when standing. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Heavy pain in radial muscles of left arm. Aching in left shoulder and fingers whilst writing. Stiff, numb feeling in palm of right hand. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pricking and stinging pain in soles of both feet, as if asleep. Stitching pain in left tibia. Pain in heel of left foot. LOBELIA INFLATA. (Indian Tobacco.) Analogues : — Aconite^ Euphorbia, Ipecaciimanha, Lachesis/f) Squilla, Tabacum, Tartar emJicuSy Veratrum albmn, Ver- atrum viride. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the whole plant or seeds ; triturations of the seeds ; dilutions. SENSORIUM. Great dejection with exhaustion, and sobbing. * Fear of death, with difficulty of respiration. * Great mental depression. Insensibility and loss of consciousness. HEAD. Vertigo, with nausea ; pain in the head and trembling ; agita- tion of body. * Pressive pain in the occiput, with dull heavy pain around forehead, from one temple to the other. Sudden shocks through the head. LOBELIA IXFLATA, 313 Chilliness of the left side of the head, with feeling as if the hair would rise on end. * Pressive headache at the occiput, leftside; worse at night and on motion. Continual, periodic headache in the afternoon ; and in the evening till midnight. EYES. Pressing pain in the eyeballs, with intense itching. Intense smarting of the inside of the lids. Hemiopia. o Conjunctivitis — (used as a collyria). EARS. Shooting pain extending into the left car, from a painful spot in the throat. FACE. Heat of the face accompanying the nausea. Chilly feeling in the left cheek extending to the ear. Circumscribed redness on one cheek. MOUTH. Taste as of corrosive sublimate. Profuse flow of clammy saliva ; a tenacious mucus. Mouth dry with white coated tongue, etc. THROAT. Burning dryness of the throat. Frequent hawking, from tough mucus in the throat. Prickling in the throat, with eructations and burning sensa- tion rising up from the stomach. * Sensation as if the oesophagus contracted itself from below upwards. Feeling of pressure in the whole course of the oesophagus, with a vermicular motion, most strongly felt below the larynx and in the epigastrium. Epigastrium and a spot below the larynx are most sensitive points. Prickling in the throat, with desire to vomit. * Sensation as of a lump in the pit of the throat. — (Lachesis.) APPETITE AND STOMACH. * Loss of appetite, with acrid, burning taste in the mouth. * Acidity of the stomach, with a constrictive feeling in the pit of the stomach. * Flatulent eructations, with acidity and heat of the stomach. * Incessant and violent nausea, with pain, heat and oppression accompanying the affection of the respiratory organs. Nausea and vomiting, with prostration of strength. Vomiting of food after eating it warm. 39 314 LOBELIA INFLATA. o r3yspepsia, heartburn and running of water from the mouth. Paroxysms of a feeling of pressure on the pit of the stomach. Violent, painful constriction in the cardiac region, o Gastralgia biliosa ; paroxysm of excruciating pain, and feci- ing as of a heavy load in .stomach, o Gastralgia simplex the pain extends up into the chest and causes diphtheria. * Sense of weakness and oppression at the epigastrium, with oppression in the chest. Inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Burning pain in the stomach, toward the back, as if the part nearest the spine was inflamed. * Dyspepsia, with a sensation of excessk'e weakness at the stomach, extending up into the chest and down to the umbilicus, always attended with oppression at the chest. (Dr. Jeanes), (^also Baptisia — Hale) ABDOMEN. Pain in the right hypochondrium, with distension of the ab- domen and shortness of breath. Platulent rumbling in the abdomen, with pain, worse after eating. Sensation as if diarrhoea would occur. Griping and drawing pain in the abdomen, o Intussusception of the bowels. — (Marcy & Hunt.) o Incarcerated hernia. — (Ebetle.) STOOL. Pappy stools ; whitish, soft stools. Scraping sensation during stool, with discharge of black blood, o Copious hemorrhage from the hemorrhoidal vessels. URINE, Increased secretion of urine, or urine diminished. Sticking pain in the region of the right kidney. Urine easily decomposed, depositing a pink sediment and small brown crystals. — (Noac.) SEXUAL ORGANS. Male. — Aching pain in the urethra, with smarting of the prepuce. Pressure and feeling of weight on the genital organs. Female. — Uterine hemorrhage. Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever. Supervening suppression of the menses during fever, o Menses suppressed, with pain in the right shoulder, o Suppressed menses in consumptive persons, o Rigidity of the os and perinaeum during labor. LOBELIA IXFLATA. LARYNX. :)'5 Frequent, short, dry cough, from tickling in the larynx, and sensations of a foreign body in the throat, impeding breathing and swallowing. Violent, racking cough in paroxysms, with expectoration of ropy mucus, o Croup — spasmodic — a very efficient remedy, o Whooping cough ; bronchitis ; spasmodic coughs. CHEST. * Tightness of the chest, with laborious breathing and a sense of oppression causing a deep breath to be taken. * Deep inspiration relieves the pressive pain in the epigastrium. * Short and slow inspiration, with desire to cough. o Chronic dyspepsia, with sensation of a lump in the pit of the throat and oppression of the cJiest. o Paroxysmal asthma, with pain in the chest. Pain in the chest from deep inspiration. Feeling of drawing in the left breast from the nipple to the axilla. Angina pectoris, with pain extending to the .shoulder and arms, o Constant dyspncea^ aggravated by the slightest exertion and increased by the shortest exposure to cold. * Sensation of weakness and pressure on the epigastrium, rising from thence to the heart, with or without heart- burn. * Feeling as of a lump or quantity of mucus, and also a sense of pressure in the larynx. Weakness and oppression in the epigastrium, with oppre.ssion of the heart, o Paroxysmal asthma, cJironic, very distressing, often cured by Lobelia, and nearly always palliated. (Dose 5 to lo drops every hour or two.) o Spasmodic asthma ; the most aggravated attacks sometimes yield quickly to small doses of the tincture. — (Jeanes.) BACK. Burning and cutting in the lower part of the spine. Rheumatic pains between the scapula. Painfulness of nape of the neck and dorsal region. Violent spasmodic pain in the regio iliaca po.sterior senistra. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Rheumatic feeling in the right shoulder joint. Pain only when touched, in the muscles of the right arm. Paralytic feeling in the left arm. Severe rheumatic pain in the right elbow joint. 3l6 LYCOrUS VIRCIINICUS. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pressing pain in the middle part of the thigh, with con- strictive feeUng of the head. * Inflammatory rheumatism of the right knee, with tearing pains in the fibula. Weariness of the limbs, with cramp-like feelings in the gas- trocnemius. Prickling sensation through the whole body. Cramps in the calves. FEVER. * Fever and ague, with chill in middle of the day, followed by heat and sweat, which lasts until next morning. Sensation of heat and shuddering in the daytime. O Intermittent fevers (quotidian). SKIN. I'>uptions between the fingers, on the dorsa of the hands and on the fore arms of small vesicles, with tingling itching. — ( Teste.) Prickling itching of the skin all over the body. SLEEP. Restless sleep, with anxious and sad dreams. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. (Bugle- Weed.) Analogues: — Digitalis, Iberis, Acid hydrocyanic, Primus virginiana, Lauroccrasus Spigelia, Sangninaria, Cactus. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the whole plant ; dilutions. MENTAL sphere. o Stupid, with lack of expression during menstrual flow, o Mind wanders from one thing to another. One of the mildest and best narcotics in existence. — ( Rafin- esque.) •O General wakefulness and morbid vigilance. HEAD AND EYES, Pressing-out sensation in the frontal and temporal regions. Protrusion of the eyes, with tumultuous action of the heart, o Pain in the forehead and temples relieved by nausea. Painful pressure in the eyeballs, o Exophthalmus from cardiac disease. GASTRIC, o Indigestion, with pain and distress in epigastric region. LVCOl'US VlRCilNICUS. 317 o Gastritis ; enteritis ; dysentery and diarrhcea. * Circumscribed pain and compression in the region of the stomach. URINARY ORGANS. Urine scanty, thick and muddy, oedema of the feet. Dull pain in left lumbar region — the bladder /"rr/jr distended when empty. GENERATIVE ORGANS, o Menses last from half an hour to six hours, intermitting for ten or twelve days, o Puffing of the parts on and around the pubes and vulva, di- lated condition of the vagina, o Vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen. When the heart's action was tumultuous the puffing (oedema) of the pubis was gone, o Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. RECTUM AND STOOL. o Constipation lasting six or seven days, stools dry and clog- like. * Diarrhcea — (in phthisis,) with griping and rumbling. EUNGS AND HEART, o It quiets cough and irritation of the lungs. o It lessens arterial action in fevers and in plethora. — {Rafin- esque). o An excellent remedy in haemoptysis in phthisis, o It is an excellent substitute for Digitalis or bleeding. — {lb.) Cotistrictijig pain and tenderness around the heart, o Action of the heart, tumultuous and forcible, (when eyes seemed protruded) it could be heard several feet from the bed. First sound of the heart displaced by a blowing sound of mitral regurgitations. Stitch-like ^diin in the cardia — also a ///r^^^///^ pain. Pulse 58 — irregular, o Cough with Jicemoptysis, feeble, quick, irregular action of the heart ; (if it does not cure consumption it is a very val- uable palliative. — {Hale) O. It renders the beat of the heart slower, fuller and more reg- ular. Beats of the heart more distinct on right side of sternum, o Palpitation in cardiac hypertropTiy, with dilatation, o Palpitation from nervous irritation, with plethora, o Aneurism of the large vessels near the heart, o It lessens the irritation anxiety and suffering, and palliates organic disease of the heart. A sensation of pressing outward in the cardiac region — not painful. 3l8 MENISPERMUM CANADENSE. GENERALITIES. It seems to cause abnormal action of the heart, and has cured some of the symptoms of ExophtJialmns. The left limb feels half an inch shorter, and sounds on the pavement as if it really was. MENISPERMUM CANADENS?:. (Yellow P aril la.) Analogues : — Aletris, Bryonia, China, Cocciilns, Iris, Igna- tia, Hydrastis, Nnx vomica, Ptelea, Rheum. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of root ; dilutions. Triturations of Menispermin. emotive sphere. Very low spirited, but attends to business with rapidity. Absent minded, but the thoughts were clear. Torpor of the mental faculties, with physical languor. Feels surly, ill-natured, and stubborn. Quick tempered and irritable. SLEEP. Restless sleep, with troubled and confused dreams. Sudden starting from sleep. Sleep well, but inclined to dream pleasant dreams. Sleeps late and heavy in the morning. Dreams of heavy cannonading. Dreams of innumerable rats, which creep under my clothing. HEAD. Dull, heavy headache, with a feeling of fullnesss. Intense headache, with stretching, yawning and chilliness. Feeling of fullness in the head at night. Headache, restlessness, and a swollen sensation in the eyes at night. Headache, with pressure from within outwards,in the morning. Intense headache, feeUng as though it would bunst, with pain the whole length of the back. Slight headache in upper frontal region, and through the temples. Headache throtigh the temples, extending to the occipital region. EYES. Eyes feel swollen and dry at night. NOSE. Nostrils feel dry, especially the left, and itches painfully. Painful soreness within the nostrils, o Thick yellow mucus becomes scanty. MENISPERMUM CANADENSE. 319 MOUTH AND THROAT. Slight coating, of milky appearance on the tongue. Very thirsty. Tongue coated yellowish-white, with much thirst, and hurried respiration. Burning sensation of the tongue. Tongue feels raw, as if burned. Tongue coated yellow, in morning thicker posteriorly, with raised papillae. Tongue dry and parched. Tongue coated all over with a yellowish substance. Throat feels dry and parched. Mouth and throat dry. Yellow coating on the_tonguc, thickest at the base. Tongiic much szvollcti. (Edema of the fauces, with some inflammation. Excessive discharge of saliva. LIVER, o Hypertrophy of the liver. (?) o Results of chronic hepatitis (.'') o Cirrhosis and induration of the liver. (?) STOMACH, blight nausea in the morning upon rising, o Induration of the gastric glands. (?) Increased appetite. Violent vomiting and purging. ABDOMEN. Pain in the umbilical region. Tenesmus, but stool natJiral. Loose, frequent stool. URINARY ORGANS. Urine high-colored, scanty, and hot. Urine thirty-four ounces, white, with cloud in bottom. Urine yellow and cloudy, voided thirty ounces. Urine dark-yellow and scanty. Profuse flow of urine. O Dropsy, with great debility. SKIN. Sensation of itching over the whole surface of the body, aggravated by warmth. Pimples on the face. Itching of surface, and pimples bleed easily, o Syphilis (tertiary.) (?) o Chronic herpetic eruptions. 320 MITCIIELLA REPEXS. UPPER EXTREMITIES Aching in the upper arm and in the left scapula. Drawing of the brachialis anticus. Aching, drawing pain in the shoulder joints in the region of the scapula. Slight, jerking pains near the elbow, probably in the biceps muscle. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Aching, drawing pains in the muscles of the thigh. Aching in the upper part of the left femor, and left hip joint. Legs feel sore, as if bruised, with pain in the bones, o Arthritic, and rheumatic complaints, CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Pulse hard and quick. Hurried respiration. Feverishness at night, wdth headache and restlessness. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. Headache and pains resemble those caused by taking large doses of quinine, and were relieved by China i, Many of the symptoms resemble those occurring in the dif- ferent forms of ague. The headache was relieved by Bryonia, and by walking in the open air. Nearly all the symptoms appeared to be aggravated in the morning It exerts its influence prin- cipally on the salivary and gastric glands. MITCHELLA REPENS. (Partridge Berry.) Analogues : — Asdepias inc., CanlopJiylliim^Cimicifuga, Chi- maphila, Eupatorinm pnrp., Helonias, Ptilsatilla, Scnccio , Uva ursi. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the leaves ; dilu- tions. MENTAL SYMPTOMS, Depression of spirits. Forgetfulness ; very forgetful. Dread of approaching death. Perceptive faculties very dull. HEAD AND EYES. Throbbing pain on right side of head. Severe frontal headache just behind the superciliary ridges. Eyes dull and heavy. Eyes feel weak and watery. MITCHELLA REPENS. 321 EARS. Dull aching pain in right ear ; burning of left ear. FACE. Rush of blood to the face. MOUTH AND THROAT. Pricking and burning sensation in the tongue. Fauces feel dry and irritated. Constriction hindering deglutition. STOMACH. Eructation, with burning in the stomach, and along up the oesophagus. Dull aching pain in the epigastrium, ABDOMEN. Distension of the bowels with expulsion of flatus. Colic like pain in the colon which is tender on pressure. RECTUM AND STOOL. Bowels costive. Urging to stool ; diarrhoeic stools. , Small stool with tenesmus, expelled with difficulty, URINE. * Urging to urinate ; urine high color ; white sediment. * Dull aching pain over the region of the kidneys. * Swollen and irritated condition of urethra and neck of blad- der. * Catarrh of the bladder, especially in women. — {Hale.) * Dysuria accompanying uterine complaints. A feeling of uneasiness at neck of the bladder. Notable increase of the urinary secretion. UTERUS. A powerful uterus-tonic. — {King.) Cervix engorged, dark, red and swollen, o Delayed menstruation, o Engorgement of uterus, from lack of tone in muscular wall of the organ. o Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia. o False labor pains in last months of pregnancy, o Slow, feeble and inefficient labor pains. (The tincture to be taken 3 times a day, (10 drop^) for two weeks before confinement. — {Hale.) Breathing hurrried ; dry, hacking qough, from accumulation ©f mucus in the bronchia. CHEST. Burning pain over region of heart (in muscles }). Heart beats slow and irregularly, then hurried, 40 322 MONOBROMIDE OF CAMPHOR. Hurried breathing, dry hacking cough, and excess of mucus in the bronchia, BACK. Back feels very weak, with great soreness. Muscles of both shoulders very sore. Pain in region of the kidneys. Dull aching pain in small of the back. Burning in small of the back. EXTREMITIES. Great pain in lower extremities. Great pain in knee joints, relieved by motion. Muscular soreness. Dull burning and sore pains in all the muscles of the ex- tremities. MONOBROMIDE OF CAMPHOR. Analogues: — Ambergris, Coffea, Cimicifuga, (?) Gelse- minum, (?) Coniunt, (?) Scutellaria, Thea, Valerian. Officinal Preparations : — Triturations. [The Monobromide of Camphor consists of one equivalent of camphor united with one of bromide. (C. lo. H. i6 O, Br.) It is a white crystalline sold, having the odor of camphor, and to a slight extent that of bro- mine. It decomposes readily when exposed to the atmosphere, to a heat of ICO. This new medicine, first used by a Belgian Physician, and then by Dr. Hammond, of New York, bids fair to prove a very useful remedy. No experience with its use in homoeopathic practice — save my own— has yet come to my knowledge. I give the authority, and the doses used. — //■«/equent eructations of sour fluid. — Burt. 398 RUMEX CRISPUS. Great distension of the stomach and bowels, with flatulence ; the intestines distended almost to the point of rup- turing, with severe coHc. Dull, heavy, squeezing pains in the stomach, especially- after every meal. Water, taken before eating, at night, returned in the morn- ing, green and sour. o Dyspepsia, " I have seen it helpful in dyspepsia manifesting itself at night and preventing sleep." — Massy. () Heartburn, and acidity of the .stomach, at night on lying dow7t. Sour regurgitations of infants. Sour vomiting of infants ; the whole child smells sour. Desire for stool, but only flatulence passes off ; finally constipated stools. o Sour stools of infants, with sour smell from the body. — Burt. RUMEX CRISPUS. {Yellow Dock.) Analogues : — Belladonna, Calcareacarb., Causticum,Cistus, Dulcamara, Eryngium, Hepar siilph., Iris, Julians, lodium, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Lobelia, Mercurius, Rheum, Sanguinaria, Spongia, Stilphur. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the root ; dilutions. HEAD. Headache after awaking in the morning, preceded by a disagreeable dream. Dull pains on the right side ; pain in the left temple. Darting pain, or sharp piercing pain in the left side of the head. Headache worse from motion. Dull aching pain in occiput. EYES. Sore feeling in the eyes, but without inflammation. EARS. Ringing in the ears, itching in the ears. Constant roaring in the ears, they feel as if obstructed. NOSE. Obstruction of the nose ; with sensation of dryness, even in posterior nares. (p.) * Fluent coryza, with sneezing ; mucus discharge from posterior nares, (j.) RUMEX CRISPUS. 399 * Epistaxis — with violent sneezing, and painful irritation of nostrils. o Influenza with violent catarrh, followed by bronchitis. FACE. Heat and redness of the face in the evening ; with dull headache. MOUTH. Sensation as of a burn or scald on the tongue. Dryness of the mouth and tongue, tongue feels as if burnt, o Ulcerations of the mouth and throat. THROAT. * Excoriated feeling in the throat, with secretion of mucus in upper part of the throat. Sensation as if of a lump in the throat, not relieved by hawking or swallowing. Aching sensation in the throat, as if a lump were sticking fast in the oesophagus. * Aching in the pharynx, with collection of tough mucus in the fauces. O Catarrhal affections of the throat and fauces, STOMACH. Heaviness in the stomach or epigastrium, soon after a meal. — Joslin. Flatutency after meals, and nausea with eructations. Stitching, cutting pain in the pit of the stomach, worse on movement. * Shootings from the pit of the stomach into the chest ; sharp pains in left chest ; dull aching in the forehead, and slight nausea. — Joslin. Pain in the pit of the stomach, aching in the left breast, flatutency, eructations, pressure and distension in the stomach after meals. Sensation of fullness ancj pressure in the pit of the stomach, extending up to the throat, and then back to the stomach, (cured by the 200th. — Juslin.) Hyphochondrium pained b)- coughing, rapid walking, or deep inspiration. O Aching and shooting in the pit of the stomach, and above it, on each side of the sternum, o Dyspectic ailments, of various kinds. — Hale. ABDOMEN. Sensation of hardnes.s, and fulness in the abdomen, with rumbling in the bowels. Pain in the abdomen, occurring or increasing during deep inspiration. 400 RUMEX CRISPUS. Flatulent colic near the umbilicus soon after a meal, miti- gated by discharge of flatus. * Pain in the abdomen in the morning, followed by an evacua- tion. Griping pains near the umbilicus, partially relieved by dis- charge of very offensive flatus, o Colic from a cold, with cough. STOOL AND ANUS. * Dark-colored faeces; stool brown or black. * Liquid diarrhoeic stool in the morning. * Diarrhoeic stool in the morning, preceded by pain in the abdomen. Sensation as if from the pressure of a .stick in the rectum. Itching in the anus with discharge of offensive flatus. O Brown, watery diarrhcea, chiefly in the morning. — Small, Joslin. o Diarrhoea in the morning with the rumex-coiigh. — Dunham, Shafer, et al. URINARY ORGANS. Copious discharge of colorless urine in afternoon. Very sudden and urgent desire to urinate. LARYNX. * Pain in the larynx, with excoriating cough. — jfoSlin, Dunham, and others. * Much tough mucus in the larynx, zviih a constant desire to haivk and raise it, but without relief. Cough excited by tickling or irritation behind the sternum, o Acute catarrhal affections of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, o Cough which is dry, harsh, loud, shaking, worse at night, excited instantly by pressure on the trachea, o Dry cough, tickling in the throat pit ; excoriation in the larynx, and behind the upper portion of the sternum. [^Riimex diminishes the secretions, and at the same time exalts in a very marked manner the sensibility of the larynx, and trachea ; the cough is frequent and continuous ; it is dry and occurs in long proxysms ; aggravated by respiration more rapid or deeper than usual, and by cold air ; attended by rawness and soreness in the trachea, and bronchia, especially the left, where the tickling is very annoying and persistent ; tvorse in the evening after retiring, or upon talking, or irregular respiration. — Dr. C. Dunham, in Amer. Homceop. Review., Vol. II, Page 530.] CHEST! Aching pain over the anterior portion of both lungs. Raw pain under the clavicles while hawking mucus out of the throat. RUMEX CRISPUS. 401 Sharp pain near the left axilla. Burning and shooting pain in the right chest. Shooting in the left side, sometimes sticking pains. Burning, sticking, or burning stinging pain in the left chest. Dull pain in the region of the heart. Burning pain near the heart. Sensation as if the heart had suddenly ceased beating, fol- lowed by a heavy throbbing through the chest. o Stinging pain near the heart, increased by lying down, and by breathing deeply. — Dr. Rhees. O Violent aching pain in the heart, with throbbing of the carotids, and throughout the body, visible to the eye, and shaking the bed, pulse 120 ; great dyspnoea especially when lying ; had to sit up in bed ; face red and puffed, especially about the eyes, which were red and lustreless. — Rhees. " Is a most useful remedy in that protean symptom, * cough.' " It greatly relieved a dry cough, in a medical friend, com- mencing at 2 A. M^ " A useful indication for Rumex is " clavicular pain." This is borne out by the proving : " Raw pain just under each clavicle while hawking mucus out of the throat." — Dr. Massy, " Notes on New Remedies^ BACK. Sore or burning pain near the sacro-iliac symphysis. Pressure aching pain in the back, at the lower border of the scapula. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Pains in the shoulder, extending to the elbow, arms feels as if strained. Itching on the shoulder in the morning. Dull aching pain in the left upper arm. Pains in the wrist : (character of the pains undefined.) LOWER EXTREMITIES. Aching of the lower extremities. Itching of lower extremities when exposed to cool air. Stitch like pain in knee joint when standing. Rending like pains in the lower limbs. * Legs densely covered with a rash, small red pimples. Feet cold in the forenoons. SKIN. * Itching in various parts of the body, especially the surface of lower extremities, while undressing. * Stinging, itching, or prickling itching of the skin. * Itching of the vesicles when uncovered and exposed to cool air. 50 402 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Eruption on the limbs, of small red pimples. The eruption is produced by scratching, o Vesicular eruptions ; " psoric itch," eruption from wearing flannel. — Hale. SLEEP. Desire to sleep before the proper time. Unquiet sleep with dreams of danger and trouble. FEVER. * Increased frequency of pulse, and afternoon fever. Sensation of heat, followed by that of cold, without shivering. SANGUINARIA _^CANADENSIS. {Blood-root.) Analogues : — Arsenicum, Asclepias tub. Ammonium caust. Arum,, Asarum, Belladonna, Bromine, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Chelidonium, Bros era, Hepar stdph.. Iris, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Phosphortis, Rumex, Senega, Spongia, Stannum, Sulphur, Tart. emet. Officinal Preparations: — Tinctureof the root ; dilutions, triturations of the dried root. MENTAL SPHERE. Mind confused, relieved by eructations, (p.) Anxiety followed by delirium. Delirium with hot skin. Stupor, heaviness, sleepiness. Extreme moroseness, with nausea, cannot bear to hear a person walk in the room. Hopefulness, sanguine of recovery from illness, {s.) HEAD. * Vertigo with singing in the ears. * Vertigo with diminished vision before vomiting. * Vertigo with nausea and headache, followed by spasmodic vomiting. * Vertigo on quickly turning the head, and looking upwards. * Determination of the blood to the head, with whizzing in the ears, and flashes of heat. Pressing drawing in the forehead, with heaviness of the head, better while walking. * Headache as if the forehead would split, with chill, and with burning in the stomach. Periodic stitches in the left temple and forehead, worse in evening. » SANGUINARiA CANADENSIS. 403 Painful soreness in small spots, especially on the temples. Headache with rheumatic pains and stiffness in the limbs and neck. Pain in the head in rays, drawing upward from the neck. * Beating headache with throbbing in ^the temporal arteries and bitter vomiting. A feeling as if the head is drawing forward. Headache with a nausea and chill, then flying heat from the head to the stomach. o Migraine with bilious vomiting, pains begin in the morning, last till evening, eyes feel as if they would be pushed out, aggravated by motion. O Headache relieved only by pressing the back of his head. o Headache which occurs paroxysmally, once a week or longer, the pains being in morning, increases all day, and last till evening ; the head seenis as if it must burst ; the pain is digging, piercing, or throbbing, lancinating through the brain, on the forehead and top of head, worse on right side, followed by chills, nausea, vomiting, and only relieved by sleep. — JHering. Sensation of looseness in the scalp, on raising the eyes. o Frightfully severe headache, the only relief obtained was from pressing the back of his head against the head- board of the bed, (cured by an infusion of the root.) — Hermg. o One of the most important indications for Sang, in headache is, " Pain like a flash of lightning on the back of the head . ' ' — Neidhard. o Myalgic headaches ; o Rheumatic headaches ; o Conges- tive headaches ; o Headaches at the ' change of life ' ; o Headaches from suppressed menses ; Dyspeptic headache. — Hale. o Sanguineous apoplexy, with vertigo, dimness of sight, vomiting, burning in the stomach, distension of temporal veins. — Hale. o " North American sick headaches." — Hering FACE. * Distension of the veins of the face and temples, with exces- sive redness, a feeling of stiffness. Severe burning, heat and redness of the face. ** Paleness of the face, with disposition to vomit, o Red cheek, with burning of ears. o Redness of the cheeks, with cough, o Cheeks and hands livid in typhoid pneumonia, NOSE. * Fluid coryza, with frequent sneezing ; worse in right no stri 404 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. * Watery acrid coryza, rendering the nose sore, with copious watering of the right eye. (The coryza disappears when diarrhoea set in.) o Acute and chronic coryzas, with loss of smell, o Influenza, with rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea. O Nasal polypi, or fungous growths in the nostrils, (use the tincture or powder topically.) o Nasal catarrhs, chronic, with offensive discharges, (use 2 trit. as a " snuff.) o Ulcerative ozaena, with epistaxis. — Hale. EYES. Watering and burning of the right eye, which is painful on being touched, then coryza. Feeling as if hairs were in the eyes, or as if smoke was in them. Glimmering before the eyes, diminished power of vision, worse in the afternoon. Dilatation of the pupils with vertigo, (from the seeds.) o Catarrhal ophthalmia, granular lids. — Hale. o Ophthalmia followed by ulceration of the cornea. — Hale. o Is useful as a collyria in chronic conjunctivitis, (2 x aqueous dil.) EARS. Beating under the ears, at irregular intervals, only a couple of strokes. * Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks. * Earache, with headache, with singing in the ears and vertigo. Humming in the ears, with determination of blood. Painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds. * Stitches in the left face, with pains in the forehead. o Acute internal otitis, (also perhaps myringitis.) MOUTH AND TEETH. Stiffness of the jaws, and pain in upper teeth. * Toothache from picking the teeth. o Grumbling toothache, with pain in same side of the head. Toothache worse from drinking cold water, better from warm drinks, {coffea the reverse.) Looseness of the teeth and salivation. Shooting and thrilling pain in a carious tooth. * Spongy, bleeding, and fungoid condition of the gums. Loss of taste and smell, with burnt feeling on the tongue. Prickjing sensation on the tongue and roof of the mouth. Feeling of dryness begins on the right side, spreading over the whole tongue. Tongue sore, stitches on left side of tongue. saNguinaria canadensis. 40s Sugar tastes bitter, followed by burning in the fauces. White coated tongue, with slimy fatty taste in mouth. THROAT. Dryness, sensation of, not diminished by drinking. Heat in the throat alleviated by inspiration of cool air. Burning in the throat after eating sweet things. o Throat feels swollen as if to suffocation with pain when swallowing, and aphonia. Pain with feeling of swelling most on the right side, most perceptible when swallowing. O Ulcerated sore throat, following quinsy. o Tonsillitis, chronic, recurring frequently ; prevents the recurrence. — Hale. STOMACH AND GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. * Soreness and pressure in the epigastrium, aggravated by eating. * Burning in the stomach, with headache. * Great weakness of digestion, loss of appetite. * Strengthens the stomach, excites the appetite, aiding diges- tion. * Inflammation of the stomach, with burning, vomiting, headache, etc. O Acute gastritis ; o chronic gastritis ; o atonic gastritis, o Ulceration of the stomach, o Nausea not diminished by vomiting. * Loss of appetite and great weakness of digestion. Extreme nausea with great water-brash. o Vomiting, with severe painful burning in the stomach, and intense thirst. o Pyrosis ; a rising of burning, corrosive fluid from the stom- ach, for twenty years. — J^airbanks. Soon after eating, feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Jerking in the stomach, as if from something alive. * Nausea, intense, in paroxysms, zvorse when stooping, with flow of saliva ; followed by nettle-rash ; with heartburn ; spasmodic eructation of flatus of unpleasant odor ; with headache, chills, followed by vomiting, and sometimes diarrhoea. * Vomiting: ^^). Palpitation of the heart {s). Fluttering sensation in the region of the heart {s). Palpitation on taking the least exercise {s). Strong, loud beating of the heart, with quick pulse {s). O Palpitation, with dyspnoea. Cardiac oppression, with passive congestion, and tendency to fainting and collapse [from the 3 x to the 6 x dilutions. Carditis and pericarditis, especially rheumatic, with strong forcible impulse, during the first stage [from the ist to the 3rd dilutions.] BACK. * Very severe, and constant aching pains in the back of the neck and shoulders. Neuralgic pains in the back. O Cerebro-spinal congestion. EXTREMITIES. Drawing pains in the right elbow and calves of the legs. ** Cramps of the legs and of the fingers and toes. Galvanic shocks in the limbs of great violence. Coldness, blueness and dampness of the hands, feet and limbs, with cramps of extremities. Paralysis of the lower limbs. SLEEP. Some sleep every night, but has frightful dreams of being on the water. Restless night, and frightful dreams of being drowned. FEVER. Chilliness with nausea. Coldness of the whole body with cold perspiration on hands, feet and face. Coldness, with pale skin, flabby muscles, and quick, weak pulse. « VERATRUM VIRIDE. , 46 1 O Pulse reducd from 1 30 to 60 in fever. Pulse 35, slow and soft, with nausea and vomiting. Weak, scarcely perceptible pulse, reduced from 68 to 52. Feeble, irregular, scarcely perceptible pulse. o Ephemeral fevers, with vertigo, headache, dimness of sight, nausea and weakness. o Remittent or bilious fevers, not dependent on miasmatic influences. o Typhoid fever, commencing with violent arterial action ; pulse 120 hard ; violent pain in the back of the head ; delirium and black diarrhoea. — Dr. Henry. o Typhus fever (T\ o All fevers with full, frequent, hard pulse, and tendency to congestion of the head, spasms, etc. — Hale. O Yellow fever [was successfully used in Savannah]. O In certain typhoidal cases which the morbid action has con- tinued for weeks, pulse at 130, under the use of Veratrum viride the pulse sinks to 70 or 80, and rapid convales- cence sets in. O Cerebro-spinal fever [" spotted fever "] in the first stage. — Hale. GENERALITIES. O Acute rheumatism with high fever, full, hard, rapid pulse, some pains in joints and muscles ; very scanty red urine — use the lowest dilutions. Sensation of pricking and tickling, particularly in the ex- tremities. o Violent pains attending the inflammations. * Contortions of the muscles of the face, neck, fingers and toes ; head drawn to one side ; mouth drawn down at one corner, and the facial muscles affected with convul- sive twitching ; at turns these contortions would take the form of tonic spasms, while at other times the action would simulate a series of galvanic shocks, fre- quently of such violence as to precipitate the patient out of bed. o Exerts a sedative influence over the nerves of motion. o Hysterical, epileptiform and puerperal convulsions and con- vulsions of children. Complete loss of power of the locomotive muscles. O Trismus, opisthotonos and other convulsions. O Convulsion coming on suddenly, frothing at the mouth and violent jactitations of all voluntary muscles. o Chorea of two months' duration. o Chorea in a girl aged 12, the muscular commotion was violent, universal and unaffected by sleep ; the lips covered with foam, worked up by a continued champing 462 ' VERATRUM VIRIDE. of the teeth ; had not taken nourishment for days — [cured in four days]. o Chorea, in a woman, childless, and subject to menorrhagia, with continual nodding of the head and violent convul- sive action in one arm, and jactitation of one leg. O Chorea of two months duration, the entire muscular system was in a continuous and tumultuous motion, the face was worked into the most horrible and ludicrous contor- tions ; head constantly jerking; writhing of the whole body and no sleep. O Chorea, in a lady of 30, constant moving of the head, lower jaw, larynx and tongue, twitching of the head, jerking of the arms and lower extremities, when these symp- toms would subside, she would be attacked with violent palpitation of the heart. Veratrum always relieved this cardiac chorea. o Puerperal convulsions with furious delirium, found curative in doses from 10 to 30 drops every hour till the convul- sions subsided. o Cerebro-spinal disease, pulse quick and wiry ; pupils dilated; muscles of back and neck contracted, drawing head back on the shoulders ; delirium ; spasmodic cough ; finally tetanic convulsions occurring every five or ten minutes for five days ; opisthotonus ; cold, clammy sweat over the body. Veratrum brought about a rapid recovery. o Cerebro-spinal disease in a child ; burning fever, frequent vomiting, cries out, on any attempt to move him, draws the head backwards, rolls up the eyes, puts the hands back of his ears, rolls the head from side to side, pulse wiry, rapid, 1 50, spinal column pungently hot and dry with petechiae ; cured in 5 days. (2) A child of three months, very much emaciated, head much enlarged and and misshapen, drawn back, so much contraction of the spinal muscles is compelled to lie on side, eyes rolled upwards, rolling of the head moaning and screaming, great heat in back of the head and spine, respiration feeble and sighing, pulse 160 and feeble, watery diarrhoea, urine scanty and high colored ; all these alarming symptoms disappeared in a week. o Epileptiform convulsions in a boy of four and a-half, with high fever, pulse 190, rapid respirations, 76 in a minute, and much cerebro-spinal irritation. SKIN. Coldness of the skin, which is usually perspiring^ VERONICA BECCABUNGA. 463 Tingling and prickling of the skin. Cold, clammy and insensible skin. Vesication of the skin when applied externally, also erythema. Hot, burning and sensitive skin. o Eruptions of the skin with very high fever, o The first, or inflammatory stage of scarlatina, small-pox, measles, o III scarlatina it wards off cerebrospinal irritation. o Erysipelas, pJilegmonous, or vesicular ; apply topically, a lotion 3i to ^ IV, and internally ix dilution. VERONICA BECCABUNGA. {Brook-lime^ Analogues : — [?] Officinal Preparations : — Tincture, dilutions. [This plant called by some botanists V. Americana, grows in brooks and clean waters in the United States and Canada. It is a fleshy, smooth plant, 12 to 18 inches long ; decmnbent ; rooting at base. Flowers blue, or bluish purple. — HaleJ] o " Nursing sore mouth." — Stomititis materna. (Dr. N. F. Prentice,) who gives it internally in the first decimal attenuation, and has an aqueous solution of the same strength applied to the mouth, — Dr. Ludlam, in " Lec- tures on Diseases of Women." {King's Dispensatory says : "It is anti-scorbutic, diuretic, vermifuge, and emmenagogue — useful in scurvy, fever and cough."] 464 NEW REMEDIES. VIBURNUM OPULUS. {High Craftberry.) Analogues : — Caulophylhim (?) Viburnum prunifolium {?) Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the bark. {No proving.) o Hysterical convulsions, o General irritation of the nervous system, o Cramps and contractions of the extremities — especially dur- ing pregnancy, o Paralytic conditions, coming on after cramps and convulsions, o Amaurosis {^) o Dyspepsia with constipation and incontinence of urine, o Cramplike {}) difficulty of breathing, o Cramps in the feet after long walking. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM. {Black Haw.) Analogues : — Pulsatilla (?) Caulophyllum (f) Gossipium {?) Officinal Preparation : — Tincture of the bark. {No proving.) o Apthae in the mouth and throat. o Ulcerations of an obstinate character. o Cancerous ulcerations, * o A preveutive in cases of habitual miscarriage. — Dr. P hares. O Prevents miscarriages from any cause — especially when at- tended by severe pains. — lb. O Completely neutralizes the effects of the Gossipium when that drug is taken to cause miscarriage. — lb. O It has never failed to prevent a threatened misscarriage, as far as I can learn. — lb. o Renders the pains of confinement milder and more bearable. — lb. o After pains — of a severe character, o Cramps in the limbs during pregnancy, o Palpitation of the heart, especially in pregnant women. XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. (Prickly- Ash.) NEW REMEDIES. 46$ VERBENA HASTATA. {Blue Vervain.) Analogues : — Arnica (f) Bryonia (?) Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the leaves or root ; dilutions. (Infusion for external application.) [The uses of this remedy are given in a paper contributed to the trans- actions of the New York State Homoeopathic Society, by Dr. S. M, Griffin, accompanied by beautiful engravings,of the plant. See Vol. VIII. 1870., Page 324.] O Rlnis poisoning : Dr. Griffin reports many cases of persons who were suffering severely from poisoning by poison ivy, cured in a very short time by the external appli- cation of an infusion, or the tincture largely diluted. He says the swelling, itching, and burning are relieved in a few hours, o Promotes the absorption of blood effused in bruises, and allays the attendant pain. — King. [The country people call this plant Ague-weed, from its supposed value in intermittents. It is as bitter as Quinine, and I have known many instances of old agues being arrested, not to return, by the use of the infu- sion. — Hale.'\ XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. {Prickly Ash.) Analogues : — Caniphora, Ammonium carbonicum, Asarum, Vcratrum album. Officinal Preparations : — Tincture of the berries and bark ; dilutions. MENTAL sphere. Great despondency, irritability. Anguish about the chest. Fearfulness, terrible nervous frightened feeling. HEAD. Head feels full and heavy. Vertigo; bewildered feeling; insensibility. Pain over both eyes, throbbing pressure above root of nose. Grinding pain in the head, with nausea. Severe pain in top of head, as if it would come off. The head feels as ^if it was divided. 58 466 XAN^THOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. EYES. Lachrymation, pain in the lid of right eye. Dull heavy pain in the left eye. O Ophthalmia. — {Dr. Cidlis) EARS. Dull pain in the left ear ; ringing in the right ear. NOSE. Fluent coryza. Discharge of bloody scales of mucus from the nose,right side. FACE. Pain in the right jaw-socket. Dull pain in the left side of the lower jaw. MOUTH. Ptyalism ; tongue coated j^^ellow. THROAT. Throbbing in the throat, and sensation of swelling. Soreness with expectoration of tough mucus. A " bunch " in left side of throat when swallowing. Aphonia from cold or general debility. STOMACH. Fluttering in the stomach ; feeling of fulness. ABDOMEN AND STOOL. Fulness and pressure at the epigastrium, with coKc pain in right iliac region. Rumbling, with soreness on pressure, o Epidemic dysentery, characterized by spasmodic tenesmus, intestinal spasms, tympanitis, etc. Inodorous discharges, with tenesmus. O Cholera, \n the stage of collapse,(when Veratrum album fails.) URINARY ORGANS. Profuse and light colored urine. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Women: — Menses too soon. Profuse menses, with violent pains, o Leucorrhffia, with amenorrhoea. o After pains. o Menorrhagia, and threatened abortion, o Amenorrhcea, recent. — Dr. Cidlis. o Amenorrhoea of one year s standing. A girl aet. i8 : paleness of face, lips, tongue, fauces and conjunctiva ; face bloat- ed with dark rings round the eyes ; appetite poor ; abdomen bloated ; urine cloudy and deposits a brick- dust sediment, scanty ; oedema of feet and limbs great XANTHOXYLUM FRAXINEUM. 467 Weakness, dyspncta and chlorotic condition. (The 1st, dilution brought on menses in four days, after other remedies had failed ; cure completed by Calcarea and Ferrum.) — Dr. C. A. Williams. O Af?jenorrhcea for five months; face and legs oedematous ; very nervous, sensitive to the least ndise, hysterical mood ; voice tremulous ; fears she is going to die ; general chlorotic appearance, constipation, scanty, frequent and dark urine ; (the ist dil. cured this case in a few weeks,) — lb. O Amenorrhcea for five months ; with severe pains over right ovary ; constant headache ; bearing down and tension in hypogastric region, (the ist, soon relieved the pain in the head and restored the menses in a few days.) —lb. O AmenorrJioea from getting the feet wet ; lasting six months. Symptoms : emaciation with cough ; dirty gray expec- toration ; pale face, night sweats, (cured in a short time by the ist. — lb. O Ovarian and sacral pains during pregnancy. — lb. O Ovarian pains with scanty and retarded menses. — lb. o DysmenorrJioea, with agonizing pains driving patients almost distracted. — Dr. Ctdlis. o Is indicated in neuralgic dysmenorrJioea by the presence of pain along the course of genito-crural nerve. Spare habit, nervous temperament, and delicate organization, seems more particularly to call for this remedy. — Dr. Massey, England. CHEST. Oppression of the chest, with a desire to take deep inspira- tion. Shortness of breath. Tightness of the chest, difficulty to inflate the^hest. Pain in the left side, under the fourth rib. ARMS. Pain in the right shoulder and arm. Pain and pricking feeling in the right arm, extending to the third finger. Numbness of the left arm. Pricking and throbbing sensation in the left arm and fingers. LEGS. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs. Pain in the left leg, between hip and knee, GENERALITIES. Prickling sensations extending to the whole body and tyi- tremities. 468 ZIZIA AUREA. Gentle shocks like electricity pouring through the body. Numbness all through left side of the body, o Paralysis of single members, o Hemiplegia, after Nux vomica failed. Fever with flushed and hot face, followed by great de- pression. Flashes of heat from head to foot. Nausea followed by chills. O Typhoid fever, in the stage of collapse. ZIZIA AUREA. {Golden Alexander^ Analogues : — Agaricus, Belladojina, Stravionium, Sol- an unty etc. Officinal Preparations: — Tincture of the whole plant and seeds ; dilutions. MENTAL SPHERE. Depression of spirits, with disgust of life. Depression of spirits, followed by great exhilaration. Laughing and weeping moods in alternation. HEAD. Sensation of tightness around the hard. Acute aching pain in the whole left side of the head. Rush of blood to the head and face, with feeling of fullness. Pressure upon the top of the head. Severe pain in the right temple with nausea. Headache, with nausea; inclination to bilious vomiting. Light, noise and jar aggravate. Pain permanent on the right sidt, associated with back-ache. o Migraine with acid and bitter vomiting. o Neuralgia of the head. EYES. Redness of both eyes, which are sensitive to light. Sharp pains in the right orbit, increased by moving the balls, stooping and stepping. o Shooting pains through both orbits. Yellowish, muco-purulent secretion, gluing the lids together. Right eye is more particularly affected. ZIZIA AUREA. 469 NOSE. Burning and siharting sensation in the nostrils and eyes. Discharge of mucus. Obstruction and soreness of the right nostril, which is pain- ful to the touch. o Cold in the head, with sneezing and watery discharge. o Chronic catarrh, with yellow and foetid discharge. FACE. Face pale and puffy. Redness and heat of the cheeks. Boring pains in the cheek bones. APPETITE AND TASTE. Craving for acids and stimulants. Tongue covered with a whitish fur in the middle, and red- dened at the tips and sides. Unusual sensitiveness to cold or warm drinks. STOMACH. Nausea ; acid and bilious vomiting. Pressure occasions nausea and faintness. GENERATIVE ORGANS. Male : — Sexual power increased. Great lassitude following coitus. IVome'H : — Acrid leucorrhoea ; profuse leucorrhoea. Sudden suppression of the menses. Profuse menstruation for one day, followed by acrid leucorrhoea. o Leucorrhoea, with retarded and suppressed menses. o Intermittent neuralgia of left ovary. CHEST. Dry cough, with shooting pains in the chest. Pleuritic stitches in the right side, increased by coughing, or taking a long breath. Pressure excites pain in intercostal muscles. Sharp pains extending from the sides of the chest to both shoulder blades. Asthmatic respiration with inability to retain a recumbent position. O Cough which is tight, with stitches in chest, worse in the evening and during the night. BACK. Dull, aching pains under the right scapula. Severe shooting pain extending from front part of the thorax to the scapula. Smarting, burning pain in small of back. 4/0 ZIZIA AUREA. • Dull pains in loins, increased by movement. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Lameness in the muscles of both arms. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Dragging sensation in both hips. Unusual tired feeling of the legs after the slightest muscular exertion. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Convulsions, o Epilepsy. SLEEP. Exhilaration of all the faculties, followed by strong desire to sleep. Spasmodic twitching during sleep. FEVER. Feverish symptoms, accompanying severe stitching pains in the chest. Fever, with headache, pain in back, thirst, dryness of the mouth. Chilliness and heat alternating with faintness, nausea, pain in right temple. Redness of the eye-balls, dry and red tongue, and thirst for cold water. Hot flushes in face and head, followed by perspirations. Chilliness, accompanied with spasmodic twitchings of the muscles of the face and upper extremities, followed by fever. Flushed cheeks, hot head, visible pulsations of the carotid and temporal arteries. SKIN. . Itching pimples on forehead, wrists and legs. Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other. White and puffy appearance of the w^hole body. NEW REMEDIES. 47 1 APPENDIX. ARALIA RACEMOSA. ROUGH NOTES ON, BY S. A, JONES, M. D. One of our pharmaceutists informed me that he had re- ceived decided benefit from the use of Aralia racemosa in hay fever ; taken by the advice of Dr. P. Drumm, of Ohio. At 3 p. m., August 26th, 1870, I took 10 drops of the mother tincture in two oz. of water. An interesting book caused me to forget my " dose." The events of the night jogged my memory very eftectually. Here are the notes taken on the following morning : — On retiring at 12 p. m. felt as well as ever I did. Had no sooner lain down than I was seized with a fit of asthma. I had lain upon my back when the following symptoms super- vened : — Dry, wheezing respiration, sense of impending suffo- cation and rapidly increasing dyspnoea. Very loud musical whistlings during both inspiration and expiration, but louder during inspiration. The attack soon reached its acme, and phlegm began to come up. It was scanty, but each expectora- tion was attended with a sensation that more would soon follow. My wife now observed that my wheezing was so labored as to make the whole bed vibrate. Could not possibly lie down ; felt that I would suffocate if I did not sit up. Phlegm began to come freer and more abundantly ; had a markedly salty taste, and felt quite warm in the mouth. Right lung appeared to be more oppressed than the left. When the worst of the attack was over I lay on my right side, and then it seemed as if all the oppression and discomfort was in the right lung. Shortly after, I turned over, and soon it felt as if my left lung was affected, 7vJiile the right zvas entirely relieved. It took a long time for me to " come to." Had a constant desire to clear the chest of something, so that I could inspire better. All the obstruction seemed to be in inspiration. On making a forcible expiration, in the attempt to clear the chest, had a raw, burning, sore feeling behind the whole length of the sternum, and in each lung — most intense behind the sternum. Slept well all night. After rising in a. m, raised some loose phlegm easily. 472 ARALIA RACEMOSA. I am inclined to asthma, and at first thouglit this one of its attacks ; but as the phenomena was evolved the pro- gramme was so different that my drink of Aralia flashed into memory. On the night of the 28th I was literally drenched with perspi- ration while asleep. Was awakened by a patient, when it passed off and did not recur. 29th. Have been annoyed all day by a dread that my right lung is seriously diseased. Could not shake ofif the fear. Cough now and then, raising a little phlegm, which is involun- tarily swallowed. Took 10 drops of the tincture at i 30 a. m. No symptoms that night. On rising at 8.30, bowels felt as they have done after a large-sized " spree." Faintly defined nausea in throat and stomach, and sensation in intestines as if diarrhoea would set in. At 3.15 p. m. went to closet, expecting, from my feelings, a loose stool. Evacuation was soft, yellow, about a teaspoonful in quantity, and expelled with great diffi- culty. Mucous membrane of rectum came down like a tumor. (Have had haemorrhoids.) After stool, and while sitting on the "throne," an aching pain in the rectum, extending upwards and on the left side. Feel weak, prostrated, half-sick, and filled with a vague nausea. II. After having made this experiment, I received the subjoined statement from the pharmaceutist mentioned :— " Following a protracted attack of so-called 'suffocative catarrh,' taken in the army, and lasting from the end of May to August, 1863, I was afflicted with a regular hay fever, which began every year about the middle of August and lasted until the middle or end of October. These attacks grew worse from year to year, until, finally, the following symptoms were regularly presented : — Extreme sensitiveness to a draft — the least current of air occasions a violent fit of sneezing, accom- panied by a copious watery, acrid discharge from nostrils and posterior nares. When dressing in the morning the first fit, so to say, would come on. Between 10 and ii a.m. this attack subsides, and recommences between 5 and 6 p. m., lasting until 10 or 1 1 — my usual bed-time. The head would then feel stu- pefied and weak from the great loss of fluid, of which I esti- mate that rather more than a quart is ejected in twenty-four hours. It is watery, transparent, of an acrid, salty taste, and excoriates nostrils, posterior nares and fauces. Between .11 and 12 o'clock I would wake up with terribly impeded breath- ing, which necessitated my immediate sitting up in bed. I then usually dressed and sat down to read, knowing by expe- rience that I would not be able to lie down again until 2 or 3 ARALIA RACEMOSA. 473 o'clock, and often not until 4 or 5 a. m. During this time sneezing, spitting, blowing my nose, would keep me quite busy. Bending forward and resting my elbows on my knees eased the asthma very soon. " In the second stage, or after the lapse of two or three weeks, the coryza would cease, and the whole trouble would settle on my lungs, producing such dyspnoea as to incapacitate me for business for days. Walking up stairs brought on an aggravation. Inspiration was more difficult than expiration. Towards the end a cough would set in, at first dry and wheezing and continuing until something was ejected. After a time the sputa would be mixed with yellow, thread-like pieces of tough mucus, looking as if they had been dislodged from the bronchial tubes. After a few days the thread-like ex- pectoration would disappear, the sputa becoming softer and more easily raised, until, by the time the six or eight weeks had expired, only a disposition to dyspncea, aggravated by cold weather or fast walking, would remain and sometimes continue until spring. " On the advice of Dr. Drumm, I took Aralia racemosa, 10 drops three or four times a day. The effect was most gratify- ing. After the second dose it felt as if some healing balm had been poured over the burning and excoriated fauces, nares and nostrils, and the coryza failed to appear at its usual time in the evening. I went to bed, got up at 11, but without the sneezing and coryza ; had but slight asthma, and was able to lie down again in an hour. Continued the medicine the next day. Had no coryza, did not get up at night, only sat up in bed about twenty minutes. After the third day discontinued medicine, as my whole trouble was gone. " Let me add that, during the coryza, walking in the open air, on the sunny side of the street, however hot, would alle- viate ; the slightest draft aggravate. This sensitiveness to draft, and aggravation therefrom, would continue throughout the whole attack. My appetite was invariably good ; bowels regular ; not much thirst, but would drink great quantities at a time. Humor excessively irritable and peevish. " A ralia tincture must be made from the fresh root. It has a yellowish-brown color, an insipid, sweetish and slightly bitter taste. That from the dry root is of a dark-brown color and intensely bitter. It has hardly any eflfect, as I have found from experience." In a case of hay fever, wherein Sabadilla failed, though seemingly indicated, I gave Aralia. The nasal and conjunc- tival hyperaesthesia, hyperaemia, and flux were speedily, almost wholly relieved. In their stead came what the patient termed a " dry phthisic," which greatly alarmed him, and led him to 59 474 ■ CALABAR BEAN. consult a physician in New York. On my return the patient informed me that the New York physician had said his hay fever was inducing a deep seated asthma^ and that, if he would prolong his days, he must remove to an entirely different climate. A profound apprehension of something very serious was felt by this patient before he had seen the " city doctor," and this gains significance in the light of my own similar symptoms. CALABAR BEAN. [The following pathogenesis of Eseriae, the active principle of Calabar was not found until too late for insertion in its proper order. It is made up of provings contributed to the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society, and rs arranged by Dr. Lilienthal, and was published in N. A. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xix., page 2g. A study of the two pathogene- sis will give some idea of the powerful action of this unique remedy. HALE.] GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Pain ceases during rest, but commences again during motion ; but by continued motion it is relieved. Muscular trembling in different degrees ; from a mere tre- mor up to a jerking of the muscles. MORAL SYMPTOMS AND HEAD. Constriction of the forehead and eyes, with heaviness of the lids ; numbness and dizziness. Dizziness and sensation of wavering in the brain, when walk- ing, half an hour after tea. — H. L. Chase. Deep-seated pain in the forehead, with desire to rub it. — Chase. Dizziness in walking ; it requires an effort of the will to keep from staggering. Severe pressing pain in the forehead, as though something hard was bound tightly on it, accompanied by dizziness when walking. Difficulty to concentrate thought. — Chase. Confusion of the head, vertigo with loss of strength in the legs, as if he had been drinking. — Cullis. He staggers like a drunken man, and goes to bed with his head swimming. Some headache over the right eye, lasting two days. loth day. — Cullis. CALABAR BEAN. 475 Strange vertigo at night ; she holds to the bedstead to keep from falling, and makes an effort to shake off that feeling, Her whole frame seems .loosened and power- less. Her thoughts wander and she has difficulty in fixing her attention. FeeHng of constriction around forehead and temples, chang- ing into oppressive pain over the left orbit and extend- ing to the forehead and temples, very troublesome in reading. — Wesselhoeft. Dull weight along the vertex, mostly on the left lobe of the brain. — Wesselhoeft. Feeling of constriction around the entire top of the head, as if a tight cap were being pressed down as far as the temples, at the same time severe pressure along the sagittal suture, as if from fulness of the longitudinal sinus and dull aching in each temple. — Wesselhoeft. Dulness ; was obliged to make an extra effort in speaking with people. — Wesselhoeft. Pressing from within outwards in vertex and temples. During the forepart of the day he has at times a feeling of weakness, though there was uncommon mental activity. — Cullis. Sudden attack of headache with nausea and bitter rising, followed by dull pain under the sternum, increased by suddenly turning of the head, bending forward or throw- ing the shoulders forward. Headache with fulness and a sense of faintness, with a numb feeling down the left arm, pulse 50 to 60 with feeble impulses. EYES AND FACE. Sensation of contraction of eyelids wtth difficulty of open- ing them and a suffusion of tears, when opened wide. — Chase. Sensation of contraction of the whole left side of the face, with slight numbness ; it required an effort to keep the eyelids open. Eyes unusually free from black spots, (curative.) For three days attacks of partial blindness, on attempting to write he was unable to see a line. Alternation of dilatation and contraction of the pupil from oscillatory motions of the pupillary muscles, ending in permanent contraction. — Leven. Nystagmus. — Leven. Severe pain in the right side of the upper jaw, like tooth- ache. 4/6 CALABAR BEAN. Sensation of contraction of the alae nasi and upper lip, with frequent desire to rub them, which reHeved for a time. 20 minutes. — Chase. Tongue feels as if scalded. Severe sharp darting pains in the right malar bone, and in the ramus of the jaw on the right side. Small boil on the inside of the right nostril, very painful, the pain extending up to the eye and right side of the head. It broke on the fourth day with very little dis- charge. ABDOMEN. Dryness and smarting at the tip of the tongue all day. — Chase. Numbness, tingling and smarting of the tongue and lips, with a constant desire to moisten them. Soreness of the bowels, painful when moving about, aggra- vated by riding; Soreness of abdomen, the spot is not larger than the palm of the hand. Sense of distension with soreness of abdomen. — Chase. Colicky pains low in abdomen, succeeded by a copious loose discharge from the bowels. — Chase. Small intestines in a state of contraction, showing in places circular constriction, like internal strangulation. CHEST. Pulsations through the whole body, particularly at the chest, each beat of the heart distinctly perceptible in the chest and temple. — Wesselhceft. Heart's action retarded with diminished impulse ; rate 56 ; no abnormal sounds, the radial pulse irregular and weak. — Wesselhceft. Trembling and convulsive agitation of the heart. — Leven. Respiratory muscles in oscillatory motion. — Leveti. URINE AND SEXUAL ORGANS. Pain in the back, hips and lower part of the abdomen ; thought the menses were about to appear, but this did not take place. Slight stitches on the left side of the abdomen (female). Dull pain and downward pressure in the back, accompanied by the appearance of the menses. — Mrs. P. Menses come on at the usual time without the usual un- pleasant premonitory symptoms. — Mrs. N. BACK AND EXTREMITIES. Sharp darting pains in the right elbow-joints, extending down the outside of the arm to the two middle fingers. CALABAR BEAN. 477 A numb pain in the knees and ankles, while sitting, with a desire to move frequently. The limbs feel weary, as after great fatigue, with a constant desire to move. Itching of the left palm. Severe cramp-like pain in the left popliteal space ; walking was very painful. Heavy pain in the back, under left shoulder, continuing severe for an hour, and then slowly passing away. — Mrs. S. Sharp twinges in the right instep, and various twinging pains about tKe body. Half hour. — Wesselhceft. Throbbing pains in the forehead ; worse on moving. — Wesselhceft. Sharp darts through the right thumb, at the root of the nail, and several weaker ones through the finger joints of the right hand. — Mrs. P. Dragging pains over the left hip towards the back. Slight twinging pains in the lower limbs, with sharp momen- tary twinges in the ankles. Drawing rheumatic pains through the left shoulder. Drawing pains low in the back and abdomen, with bearing down, as if the menses were coming. Feeling of weakness, as though paralyzed, passes downward from the occipit through the back to the lower ex- tremities ; the feeling in the legs like that known as being asleep. — Chase. Slight exertion causes lameness and weakness of the back. SLEEP. After falling asleep wakes repeatedly during the night with terrible thoughts. He fears he was becoming crazy, and that he might get up and do some mischief. He dreamed that he was a lion. Awakes at 4 a. m., with soreness, not a pain, in the left side of the abdomen, painful to pressure. Irresistible desire to sleep. — Wesselhceft. Soporific sleep, extremely distressing, paleness of face. — Wesselhceft. Drowsiness in the forenoon, even while riding or working. Profuse perspiration dispels partly the drowsiness. Great drowsiness after dinner ; sleeps good, and sleeps just as well at night as if he had not slept in the afternoon. In the evening not drowsy as usual, but wakeful. 478 NEW REMEDIES. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PATHOGENESIS OF HELONIAS DIOICA.* I. The perpetration of two grevious mistakes has long kept me from communicating this paper, and it is submitted now by way of a public penance. It was while reading that Helonias " irritates the kidneys to the extent of causing diabetes and albuminuria," that I jumped from my chair determined to try if massive doses would in- duce such conditions. The fifteen minim dose of the matrix had no sooner slid through the cardiac orifice than it occurred to me that I should have first determined the daily rate of urinary excretion in my organism, and have obtained a qualitative and a quantitative analysis thereof. As I was not heroic enough to pay the penalty of a " puke," I resolved to content myself with a " proving " which would be only a search for sugar or albumen. This is mistake No. i. The second is even more condemn- able, and it consists in this : That I was thoughtless enough, no, that is too mild, I mean green enough to employ an alco- holic tincture in any researches affecting the renal function. I know that far abler than I have made this same mistake, but I also know that their results; represent the drug plus alcohol, and good company fails to make ^me any less ashamed of my error : on the contrary, I stand with breeches down, and the smallest boy in the school need not spare the rod. I come now with my lame results in the hope that even they may incite some one, having leisure, to do rightly that which I have only botched. I also know that even my results are at the worst alcohol pltis Helonias, and that they may afTord a qualifying comparison for other research. When this experiment was made I chewed one ounce of tobacco daily, and as I spat freely, from three to four pints of water were drank every day. It was also the rule of my life to have an almost constant rather copious deposit of the amorph- ous phosphate of lime. Not to observe such a milky discharge * Continued from Vol. VIII, p. iy8. HELONIAS DIOICA. <7^ in the post-prandial urine was the exception. The urinary reaction was generally faintly alkaline, sometimes neutral, but previous to taking the Helonias I can not remember when I found an acid reaction in even the urina sanguinis. [Pardon a parenthesis while this alkaline urine and this special deposit are traced to a cause which is not, perhaps, so widely known as it should be. As an excessive tobacco-user, I was often puzzled because I found *so few of my "symptoms" in our pathogenesis of Tabacmri. To be sure, I can find the effects of my first cigar vividly detailed therein, but by far the greater part of the " misery " which I instinctively ascribed to the " divine herb 'J has not been outlined by Noack and Trinks. When I read the effects of Tobacco on the blood, as detailed by Richard- son in his prize essay. The Cause of the Coagiilatioti of the blood. * I turned to our proving oi Ammonium carb. and my tobacco-riddle was quickly resolved. The ammonia of the tobacco alkalised my blood, hence the urinary reaction and the phosphatic deposit. Now it is worth while to think"of Helon- as in uraemia, for my urine was rendered of a markedly acid reaction by it even while I was consuming my daily ration of tobacco. This fact has a two-fold suggestiveness, first, because Helonias has been recommended in albuminuria, and the re- lation of this condition to an ammoniacal blood-state is well known : and, secondly, because Helonias is advised in anaemia and chlorosis. The red blood corpuscle presents a crenated periphery in ammonaical blood, and if this fluid be strongly ammoniated, they break up into debris, and even melt into a grumous paste. A priori ov\&wo\A6. not expect Helonias to act as an acid, hence chemically, but rather as a modifier of chemico-vital operations. Are we safe then, in assuming for Helonias a direct action upon the red blood corpuscle .-' That it can influence the blood-genetic process in certain conditions is undeniable. Of its efficacy in anaemia, and in chlorosis, I have no positive data, but there is one condition of blood degeneration wherein my friend Dr. A. P. Macomber of Hackensack, N. J., employs it with unequivocal benefit, namely: in that profound debility which follows an attack of true ♦ Vide, p.p. loo, loi, 350. 480 HELONIAS DIOICA. diphtheria. The "typhoid" prostration which signalizes this dis- ease hints plainly as to the condition of the blood, and analogy would lead one to say that it is one of super-alkalinity. Richardson has noted that in death by asphyxia " the blood was fluid and contained a large excess of ammonia." Finally Trousseau, citing Drs. Millard and Peters, says : " This blood is turbid and somewhat muddy : the clots formed are soft and somewhat resemble the over-cooked juice of the grape, [re sine trop-cuit^Y^ It is, at least, possible, that a poverty of the red blood corpuscles as a result of a super-alkalinity of the san- guineous fluid may be the basis of the debility which remains after the adynamic diseases ; and it may be that Helonias will do for the red blood corpuscles what the researches of Binz led one to believe Cinchona, or its alkaloid, does for the white ones, I am well aware how fragile these speculations are, and am willing to hold them as lightly as the reader may, but I would emphasize the fact that Helonias dioica is 07ie of the few agents which can render an alkaline urine acid.] The first dose of Helonias was taken at 4 P. M., March 24th. At 10 A. M., on the 25th, the bladder was emptied and ^// the urine passed until the same hour of the following day, was col- lected and kept in a cool place. The specific gravity of each separate emission was taken, and the mean specific gravity of each diurnal cycle was obtained from a sample of the whole mixed quantity. March 25th. Quantity, 43^ oz. spec. grav. 1.020. reaction, faintly alkaline, color pale yellow, clouded with amorphous phosphates. 26th. 46 oz. s. g. 1.020 reaction etc., in all respects like urine of 25th. 27th, 39^ oz. s. g. 1. 01 790. reaction alkaline, amorphous phosphates more abundant. 28th, II a.m., 5 oz. s. g. 1.01740. reaction, alkaline, amorph- ous phosphates abundant. (Henceforth will specify the reaction only when it is not alkahne.) i p. m., 7^ oz. s. g. 1. 01 330, phosphates visible only on heating urine. 3 p. m., 8 oz. s. g. 1.009, phosphates on heating. 4.50, p. m., 7^ oz. s.g. 1.00980, no phosphates. Night and morning urine 29 oz. * CHn*cal Medicine, Vol. 11, p. 536. HELONIAS DIOICA. 481 s. g. of morning emissions, i. 01 240, just perceptibly clouded with phosphates. Whole quantity for 24 hours 5/1/^ oz. mean s. g. 1.015. 29th, 11.35 a- n^-> S% oz. s. g. 1.01490, phosphates visible by heat. I p. m., 13 oz. s. g. 1.00880, watery, no phosphates. 2 p. m., 7)^ oz. s. g. 1.00680, so like water it is scarcely colored. 3 p. m., ^}i oz. s. g. i. 01 260. 5.30 p. m. s^^oz. s. g. 1.01560. Clear when passed, phosphates percipitated when it had cooled. 9.35 p. m., 7^ oz. s.g. 1.02030. 7 a. m., (morning of next day) 14^ oz. s. g. 1.01450, no phosphates. Whole quantity, 56^4^ oz. mean s. g. i. 01650, reactioi) neutral. 30th, 9.20 a. m., 2^ oz. s. g. 1. 01 870. 1 1. 1 5 a. m., 3 oz. s. g. 1. 01940. Phosphate visible. 12 m., 3^ oz. s. g. 1.00890. I p. m., 9)4^ oz. s. g. 1.00670. 2 p. m., 5^ oz. s. g. 1.00840. 5.15 p.m., 4)^ oz. s. g. 1.01532. On retiring 7^oz. s. g. 1.01810 : on rising (31st,) 12^ oz. s. g. 1.018. whole quantity for 24 hours, 47}^ oz. mean s. g. 1.014. The reaction of the 9 a. m., urine was neutral ; that of 11.15 a. m. faintly alkaline, each succeeding emission unmistakable acid. On mixing the whole quantity it gave an acid reaction. 31st, 10.40 a. m., zV\ oz. s.g. 1.01690. Reaction neutral. No phosphates. 12.20 p. m., 5 oz. s. g. 1.01950. The last third of the emission milky with phosphates. 3.30 p. m., 5 oz, s. g. 1.02010. 6.30 p. m., a^Yi oz. s. g. 1.020. On retiring 5 i/^ oz. s. g. 1.02430. Morning urine (April 1st,) 63^ oz. s. g. 1.02230: Reaction, strongly acid. Whole quantity 24^ oz. Mean s. g. 1.02032 : reaction of mixed urines just acid. April 1st, 10.45 a. m., 4 oz. s. g. 1.01830. Reaction, neutral 4.45 p. m. 10^ oz. s. g. 1.01650: phosphates abundant; last of discharge milky. 6 p. m., 8^^ oz. s. g. 1.01290. Urine at night, 6y% oz. s. g. 1.02140. Morning urine, (2v\6..) 8 oz. s. g. 1.02090. Whole quantity, 1"]]/^^ oz. Mean s. g. 1.017, reaction, faintly alkaline. 2nd, II a. m., 4^^ oz. s. g. 1.01730. 11.30 a. m., 2^ oz. s. g. 1.01910 : phosphates very abundant. 2.30 p. m., 7^ oz. s. g. 1.01850. 6.45 p. m., 8^ oz. s. g. 1.01850. Night 9^ oz. s. g. 1.015^0. Morning, (3rd.) 9^^ oz. s.g. 1.01930. Whole quantity, 42^-^ oz. Mean s. g. 1.01716. 60 482 HELONIAS DIOICA. 3rd, Until 4 p. m., 40^ oz. s. g. 1.00870. 6 p. m., and night 24 oz. s. g. i.oii. Morning, (4th.) 81/2 oz. s. g. 1.01650. Whole quantity, 73 oz. mean s. g. 1.01350. reaction faintly alkaline. 4th, Until noon, 23 ^^ oz. s. g. 1.01170. 7.15 p. m., 10 I /z oz s. g. 1.01610. Night 55^ oz. s. g. 1.020. Morning, 9 oz. s. g, 1.01750. Whole quantity, 47^ oz. Mean s. g. 1.013. 5th, II a. m., 4 oz. s. g. 1.01632. Reaction, faintly acid. 2.30 p.m., 10 oz. s. g. 1.01530. Reaction, neutral, 5.30 p.m., 6}^ oz. s. g. 1.016. Reaction, acid. Night 5 1/2 oz. s. g. 1.021. Reaction, acid. Morning 1 1 oz. s. g. 1.01590. Re- action, acid. Whole quantity, 36^ oz. s. g. 1.017. Reaction acid. 6th. 12.45 p. m., 7^ oz. s. g. 1. 01 860. Reaction acid, bu boiling gives a faint percipitate of phosphates. 4.45 p. m., 6^ oz. s. g. 1. 01 470, contains phosphates. Night 8}( oz. ' s. g. 1.02090. Morning (7th,) 11 oz. s. g. 1.020. Whole quantity, 33^ oz. s. g, 1.018. Reaction, acid. I have given this monotonous record almost solely for the sake of calling attention to the acid reactions which obtained. The notes for the remaining six . days contained no essential data ; but it will be well to state that the last acid reaction was observed in the morning of April 9th., after which time the faintly alkaline reaction supervened and continued so long as the urine was under observation. The following tables are submitted with a keen regret that many of their data are so imperfect, and in hope that with all their incompleteness, they may still be of use for comparison with future research. The solids are calculated from Chris- tison's formula ; the urea from Parkes'. Various circumstances made this course imperative, and the conclusions are offered only as approximations. HELONIAS DIQICA. 483 Table I. DATE. DOSES. Tincture. Resinoid, Marcli 24, 4 p. m M. 15 f ' 25, 12 m. <( 30 4 ( 25, 3 p. m. gr. I 26, II a. m. grs. 2 ' 26, 4.20 p. m. " 4 27, 3.20 p. m. " 12 28, 10.30 a . m. << 120 ' 28, 3.45 p. m. i< 240 29, 12 m. (( 480 ' 30, 1 1 a. rr 1. <( 540 7 Days M. 1425 Grs. 1 9 Table. II. DATE. URINE. OZ. DRMS. SPEC. GRAY UREA. ORS. March 25, 43 4 1.020 530.7 26, 46 1.020 561.2 " 27, 39 4 I.OI7 390.5 28, 57 I I.OI5 478.8 " 29, 56 2 I.OI2 281. " 30, 47 4 I.OI4 338.5 31, 24 3 1.020 298.9 April I, 37 2 I.OI7 372. 2, 42 3 I.OI7 423- " 3, 73 I.OI3 4I6.I 4, 47 7 I.OI3 322.9 5, 36 5 r.017 366. " 6. • 33 5 I.O18 365.7 " 7, 33 I I.O16 304.6 " 8, 54 5 I.OI5 458.6 " 9. 57 2 1. 01 3 324-9 10, 40 4 I.OI8 442. II, 57 2 1.013 3249 12, 54 4 I.OI4 386.8 Total. 882.2 7511.88 Dail> r average : 46.347 I.OI57I 395-36 484 HELONIAS DIOICA. TABLE III. S w E H » 5 £ OS MARCH. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 :| APRIL. I 23456789 10 II 12 ■nHgg«nHiiiHHOHHiHi:iB ■MHViHHilWIBIHriiSl3lHiH»,V| »i mm jnniiBiiiM_|i ■BlHHlHHHBlHIHHHHBRtfniai: _ HHHBBIBIHHHJHiaHHHnBlBlBS ■■■■■^■■■■^■■■■■■■iiBwB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iniHHHI BBHHIHHHHiniHBBinHIHH ■■■^■■■■■■■■■■iBlHHBHiHi RBHBiVHBgiHIIHBHIHHHHHI ElHBllHBilHIIIHBHIHHHIHB ■{■■■■■BilHBIHBHIHHlBJHlB iSi!ilHBaiHHilHH»BHnHlllHiH ^■■■■■■■■■■■■iBBHHHiinB IBVnHnilHHIIHIHBHH ■■iinB BiiBHiBiHHVJHMBHiai ■■niiBgi ■^■■■■■■■riiHHHHHHniiiBH ^■|IHB«H»HiHnBHHHiUHB BBSHg^H IRBHBWBHlHiHHinB ■■BBBBBrjBHBliHHiHiHHniHi ■■■■■■■rfiBBBSSraiiSBBBB ^■■■■■■hBBhhuSjhBBBB ■■■■■IfflHIBBBBBBiB ■■■■■llM^BgBMMW IW I ■■■■■111 — —■■Bi IBSiiBBBSI HELONlAS DIOICA. TABLE IV. 48s ill ;z; O' 560 540 530^ 520 500 490 480 470 460 450 440 42Ci 4ioi 400 390 380 370; 360' 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 MARCH. 2 1:^26 27 28 '29 30 31 APRIL. 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 [■■■■ ■■■■— ■■■—■i I iHEBaniur ■I jfiiHE|n|l|l BSHnniini ■■■■■HmHnn pIBSllilllii niiMiiiiiini ■■n»«—w— iMBiwrii HiilpBr HELONIAS DIOICA. 487 The design of this whole experiment was, if possible, to induce saccharine, or albuminous urine. From the specific gravity it will be seen that there is little chance of finding either. The test by heat alone would have led to the supposi- tion that albumen existed, from the flocky curdling of the phosphates, but nitric acid never gave an albuminous precipi- tate. The sugar was sought for with YQ}c\S\vi^'s,\.Qs\. freshly prepared and invariably with negative results. The urine was carefully examined with the microscope throughout the whole research, and the results show that the action of Helonias upon the kidney is purely functional. There is no evidence of any epithelial desquamation, or degene- ration, and Helonias as a renal remedy may be classed with Cantharides, but not with Arsenic, or Phosphorus. This con- clusion by no means negatives the possible usefulness of Helonias in cases of albuminous urine. Renal hyperaemia alone can give this condition ; hence the possible efificacy of Helonias. So far as my experiment is concerned, these three facts are sufficient to justify the job : the other fact that Helonias can render a neutral or an alkaline urine acid is a clear gain. The means for doing this are so few, and the demand for doing it in overworked business men is so frequent that we may extend a welcoming hand to the Helonias dioica. I think this end must be sought through the agency of large doses. If the advocates of the ininifmim dose will show me a better way, I as a homoeopath am bound to accept it. I know not such a way now, having vainly sought for it, and vainly had it sought for in my own case. In endeavoring to estimate the other very questionable results of this imperfect research, I will consider the quantity of the urine, the specific gravity, and the urea eliminated. I think it must be allowed that Helonias is somewhat diuretic, a daily average of 46.347 ounces is certainly d. plus for one of my stature and weight. I do drink water freely, but I " chew tobacco," and my spittoon will testify that the salivary glands do extra duty. I think the primary action of Helonias is to reduce the renal excretion. When this remedy is in full action the kidneys have an even burning feel, and they ache — evi- 4*8 HELONIAS BI®ICA. dence, I take it, of venous congestion : retarded blood-flow, hence the urinary plus. If this be true, then Helonias pro- mises 'well in diabetes insipidus. On March 28th, 29th,and 30th., 1380 minims, in all, were taken. A glance at Table III, will show the effect upon the renal excretion. It decreases from 57 1/2 oz. to 24 oz. 3 drms. Three days time are required with the doses taken. Then the drug is suspended, and in the next three days the quantity of urine increases from 24 oz. 3 drms. to "ji oz. — a plus of nearly 50 oz. On the following day it falls from 73 oz. to 47 1/2. Such variations are beyond even the maximum of physiologi- cal oscillation. On the 26th, I dined at 12, emptied the bladder at i p. m., and again at 2. The rate of excretion was 2 1/4 oz. in an hour. On the 29th, I repeated this process, and found the rate to be 7 1/4 oz. in an hour. On the latter date, at 12 m., I had taken 480 minims of the tincture. Possibly this phenomenon of renal stimulation may be ascribed to the alcohol. Consult Simon's Animal Chemistry, Vol. II, p. 339. However, as the tincture was diluted with thrice its quantity of water, it is as probable that the stimulation is due to the Helonias. According to Bocker and Hammond, alcohol lessens the water of the urine, and this must be borne in mind in estimat- ing the downward slope of the quantity line, (Table III,) for the 29th, 30th, and 31st. The decrease begins on the 29th, and reaches the minimum on the 31st : the whole quantity elimi- nated being 128 1/8 oz. The increase begins on April ist, and reaches the maximum on Ailrp 3rd : the whole quantity 163 1/4 oz. The " reaction " is plus. These quantities added, give 48.55 oz. as the daily mean — another //z^j. As a like quantity of water was drank daily, and as no change in the temperature of the weather occurred to explain this //«j- by skin-action, I am disposed to ascribe it to the drug. If we assume 45 oz. as my daily rate of excretion, which is certainly liberal, we shall find that nine of the nineteen days give a quantity below this, while the remaining ten are above it. The nine minimum days give as a total 350^ oz. which is 38 T,l 10 oz. per diem. The ten maximum days give 551 3/^ oz. 55 13/100 oz. daily. If we take enough from the maximum, ten day's quantity, to bring the minimum nine day's quantity HELONIAS DIOICA. 489 up to the mean of 450Z. per dietn we still have left z. plus of 46^02. That Helonias is a diuretic in the same sense as Apocynunr cannabinum, I am not prepared to affirm — that it is a renal stimulant, I think may be safely assumed. Let not the term stimu/ant mis\ea.d. The Helonias renal stimulation is a condi- tion of debility — venous paresis, the result of previous arterial tonic contraction. * Helonias lowers the specific gravity. A mean of 1.01571 for nineteen consecutive days is not normal. Suppose that, on account of the experimenter's sedentary habits, we assume 1. 01 8 as the normal specific gravity of his urine, we then find that under the Helonias action it is for fourteen days of the nineteen below this, and that for seven of these fouteen days it is at i.oi4for two, 1.013 for three, and i.oi2fortwo. A glance at Table HI, will show that the depression of the specific gravity is not directly dependent upon the quantitity of urine excreted. On different days we have 73.572 and 47.7 oz, each of 1.013 s. g. 46,43.4 and 24.3 oz. of 1.020; 42.3, 39.4 37.2 and 36.5 oz. of 1.017. The consideration of this leads us to the urea. It is in regard to this substance that I feel most keenly my lack oi positive data. In lieu thereof I can only state explicitly how the approximative urea quantities of Table II, were obtained, and leave the reader to judge of their validity. Prof. Haughton has published tables by means of which the urea is determined from the mean specific gravity of the whole quantity of urine eliminated in twenty-four hours. + His method is inapplicable to any urine containing albumen or sugar ; and as I was confident of their absence in the Helonias urine, I followed his formula. This result was tested by Parker's " Empirical Foemula : " the weight of the individual x 3.53 = " physiological amount " of urea he will excrete in 24 hours. My mean then would be 1 12x3.53 = 395.36 grains. It is a curious coincidence that this quantity should exactly * For the most plausible hypothesis yet offered in explanation of the rationale of this, I refer the reader to the Monthly Microscopical Review Vol. VIII, p. 4 : Vol. VIII, p. 173. ■ + Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, Vol. XXVII, p. 374. 61 490 HELONIAS DIOICA. equal that noted as the daily average in Table II ; but in applying Parker's formula I deem it necessary to make his specified deduction of one-eighth fpr moderate diet. Therefore, 395.36 — 49.42, = 345.94 grs, my probable daily rate or " physio- logical amount." As the daily average, according to Table II, exceeds this "physiological amount" by nearly 50 grains /^r diem, one would say that the primary action of Helonias is to increase the elimination of urea. A glance at Table II, will show that on only seven of the nineteen days did the urea fall below the daily rate of 345.94 grains ; and the greatest minus will be found to coincide with the days in which a great amount of alcohol was taken. In three days, 28th, 29th, 30th, 1380 minims of tincture were drank, and in the urine of the 29th, 30th, and 31st, the effect of the alcohol is shown in a minus of 130.58 grs. of urea. On twelve of the nineteen days there is a phis of urea which extends from 9.76 to 215.26 grs. daily. So far, then, as these data go we must believe that Helonias, primarily increases the elimination of urea. Now let me say that if ever an argument is wanted for small doses in proving this very Helonias job is a contribution in that direction. The quantities I took were an outrage upon my organism, and the action of Helonias may not be determin- ed from such doses. We have just reached the seeming con- clusion that Helonias increases the elimination of urea, but / believe this to be a fallacy which is due solely to the size of the dose. In my day-book (this Journal, Vol. VII, p, 181) I wrote; " In the latter end of May I became ' bilious,' sleepy during the day, head dull and stupid, poor appetite, food had no taste etc." This I take to have been the action of Helonias, and at this time an examination of the urine would have shown a minus of urea. Let this remedy be proven in dilutions, say 6th to 30th, and I am confident that a urea-minus will be demonstrated by quantitative analysis. Taken in equal quantities Helonias dioica is the direct opposite of Thea chinensis, Coffea, and Erythroxylon coca. In their primary action they retard the disintegrative processes ; Helonias dioica does the same secondarily. IV. Will Helonias dioica find a place in the treatment of Bright's MELONIAS DIOICA. 49 1 disease ; in albuminuria, in diabetes mellitus ? This experiment certainly failed to educe sugar ; indeed, the specific gravity- tended to recede from rather than approximate that of sacchar- ine urine. The urinary flux seems to have been that of venous hypersemia, and at the farthest I should feel disposed to rely upon this remedy only in D. insipidus dependent upon con- gestion of the lower third of the medulla spinalis. Albumen was also sought for in vain, but perhaps a venous congestion wie degree de plus would have given that as a result- ant. With Helonias subjective symptoms I should most con- fidently rely upon it despite this objective hiatus. In Bright's disease with desquamated epithelia and "casts," I would not dare to venture with it. The urea-mittus in Helonias urine is not traceable to impaired renal function ; it is a result of an impeded tissue disintegration, and this con- dition is not to my knowledge, an element in the etiology of Bright's disease. I doubt if a tendency to Bright's disease is detected' early enough to warrant a resort to Helonias and yet I can conceive of a condition, a pre-desquamative stagewherein, from subjective symptoms, I should employ it. It was lately my lot to diagnosticate morbus Brightii in one very near to me. [It followed an intermittent fever which was treated with Lycopod. 200 ; and in my poor opinion, the aegis of an anti- . psoric is vulnerable, and the sulphate of Quinine isn't half as black a devil as some of my best friends have painted it.] Under a course of Arsenicum the cell-elements disappeared from the urine. Then Helonias was exhibited for the follow- ing symptoms : restlessness, constant " fidgetty " desire to be doing something, low spirits, burning aching in lumbar spine, frequent profuse urination, urine pale yellow, s. g. 1.013, re- action faintly acid ; obliged to get up two or three times every night to urinate, debility, easily fatigued, palpitation from going up stairs ; she feels her weakness less when she is at work ; evenings, a sensation as if a cold wind was blowing up the limbs from the heel to each popliteal space, appetite poor, bowels relaxed but not to diarrhoea, sleep s'omewhat difficult and not refreshing." The improvement under Helonias is gradual but unmistakeable. In a similar ante-desquamative state I should feel justified in relying upon this remedy. I have said in the introduction to this paper that it is worth 492 HELONIAS DIOICA. while to think of Helonias in uraemia, and I must confess that I lack the knowledge to either withdraw, or else to emphasize the hint. From my interpretation of the action of Helonias in decreasing the elimination of urea, I should expect this drug to produce uraemia not from epithelial degeneration, but by the pressure resulting from intense venous congestion. Now Helonias could be of use here only secondarily — that is by reducing the congestion it would remove the condition giving urea in the blood. But remedies which, as a result of their action, induce that chemico-vital accident, uraemia, are not necessarily indicated in the uraemic explosion. Then we have had the conversion of urea into carbonate of ammonia, and that Helonias may act beneficially in an alkaline blood con- dition is simply a hint which I can neither retract nor sub- stantiate. God knows that in such an hour of fiery trial we need every hint, and I submit this poor thing, born of analogy, with a humility which I learned when I had to give my own child back to God. Helonias changed my own tobacco-alkalised blood. I think not chemically, as acid and alkaline, but by a so-called cataly- sis. In uraemia a catalytic change is the only anchor of our hope, and this remedy has shown itself capable of this in the instance given. I am disposed to think that the grand sphere of Helonias action is to be found in the trophic nerves of the vegetative system, hence it acts upon the sluice-gates of nutrition. It is never a direct tissue-irritant like Arsenic. Its mode of action can be best conceived by considering the difference between a gastritis produced by Belladonna, and one brought on by Arsenic : the first is induced remotely through the circulation ; the other directly in the tissues. In its action on the medulla spinalis we have only conges- tion from vaso-motor paresis. It probably differs from Nux vomica in lacking the haemorrhage which attends that drug. In the nutrition change effected by it, I incline to the opinion that it influences blood-genesis. Its value in post-diphtheritic debility, anaemia, and in chlorosis hint that we shall probably be safe if we look in the direction of the red blood-corpuscle as the theatre of its action. When we survey its whole field of action we are led to con- clude that its primary effects are upon the blood qtmtttitatively through the trophic nerves ; that its secondary and lasting effects are upon the blood qualitatively through nutrition change. It asks a real proving from those who are capable, and when the organism is interrogated with doses that luill be tolerated, the replies will give a proud place to Helonias dioica. S. A. JONES. NEW REMEDIES. 493 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. A PROVINO Br DR. MORRISSOM. * Preparation. — American mother tincture. The officinal pre- paration is a tincture of the whole plant. The full botanical description of this plant (which is commonly called bugle week, Paul's betony, or water horchound), may be found in Hale's Nczv Remedies, 2nd edition. State of Health. — Usually good, though not robust. For the last nine years (since residing in England), tendency to rheumatic pains, with slightly depressed cardiac action. The oppression of crowded rooms induces faintness. For about a week, tendency to diarrhoea. Slight attacks of spasm of the intercostals, which have troubled me for about a month ; con- sequent on the effects of arsenical wall-paper. Depression of vital energy, from a long strain of work. Examiner s i?^(?r/ (by a hospital physician). — "Impulse of heart rather feeble. Percussion shows that the heart is of natural size. There is a distinct systolic basic murmur heard at the second left interspace, which I have no doubt is haemic. The first sound at the apex is not good, and rather murmurish. Occasional intermissions in the heart's beats." Clinical Observations. — Pulse 70 (sitting) ; temp. 36.4O C. ; resps. 20. Urine clear, bright (even after standing the whole night) ; acid ; sp. gr. 1012 ; free from albumen. Proving. — Sept. 5th, 1872, -10 p. m., Lycopus m-K-d. Within fifteen mins. slight pain in the left frontal eminence, quickly transferred to right ; then ceasing, and returning in both ; suc- ceeded by slight burning on right side at back of palate, last- ing fully ten minutes. I append pulse-tracing as taken by the sphygmograph. The indications are those of fairly healthy action. Sept. 6th, 10 a. m., mx-6. No effects. 2 p. m., mx-d. Within five mins. oppressed feeling in brain, succeeded by subacute pain an inch below and to outer side of left nipple, quickly subsiding : twenty mins. after taking, dull pain in both frontal eminences ; succeeded by slight return of subacute pain at apex of heart. 10 p.m., mxv-d. Within ten mins. distinct sensation of rawness at back of palate on right side, extending over to left. Pulse 72, sitting ; temp. 36. 30 C. Urine clear, acid ; sp. gr. 1016; free from albumen. « • British Monthly Homoeopathic Review, Dec. 1, 1872. 494 Lycopus virginicus. 7th, Sept. 10 a. m., m-s.-K.-d. Twenty mins. after, slight raw- ness at back and on r. side of palate. 2 p. m., ;;zxx-^. Within five mins. slight burning in palate ; slight obtusion of intellect, with dull aching through sinciput. lo p. m,, mxx-d. Slight burning on r. side of palate, in usual spots. Pulse 76 ; action fairly regular. Tracing appended. y^. -/\ ^--^ ^.^\ 8th, Sept. 10 a. m., 7nxx-d. Within fifteen mins. frontal headache, succeeded by burning in usual spot of palate. 1 1 a. m., sharp pain in usual spot, lasting several minutes. 2 p. m., mxxv-d. During afternoon, pressive frontal headache, relieved by a current of air, returning on entering house. 7 p. m„ cardiac oppression, lasting an hour ; pulse 80, standing, with distinct intermissions ; tendency to toothache in r. lower molars (sound teeth) ; succeeded by subacute pain, first in left then in right frontal eminence. 9th, Sept. 9 a. m., mxxx-d. 3 p. m., subacute pain in both frontal eminences ; succeeded by frontal headache. 9 p. m., marked cardiac oppression ; pulse 80, sitting, with distinct intermissions ; sighing and yawning ; unsteadiness of hands, rendering writing somewhat diflficult; strange sensation, extend- ing up oesophagus and locating in pharynx. 10.10 p. m., feeling of unsteadiness in walking ; continuous subacute adiing in frontal eminences, especially left ; tendency to toothache, first in r. molars (sound teeth), then transferred to left (sound teeth). 10,15 p.m., mxxx-d. Within half-an-hour, subacute pain in left frontal eminence, and in pharynx, latter increased by deglutition; pulse, sitting, 66; temp. 35.90 C; resps. 19. Urine, for the first time, exhibits a cloudy deposit ; acid ; sp. gr. 1021 ; free from albumen. Pulse-tracing appended. loth, Sept. Retired at 2 a. m. On lying down, cardiac depression, with dull, heavy beating, lasting several minutes. Awoke before 8 ; sleep dreamy and disturbed (not restless). On rising, continuous, dull, frontal headache ; not relieved by cold affusion, slightly relieved by strong pressure. 10 a. m., mxxx-d. Return of tremulous feeling in hands, while writing, lasting several minutes. During day, dull pressive frontal headache ; occasional "subacute pains in left frontal eminence, 10 p. m., mxl-d. Within ten mins. general feeling of oppression, inducing me to sit down ; sharp rhAimatoid pain from left knee to ankle ; quickly settling in loins (lumbago.'') ; then accompanied by sharp darting pains in LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 495 left thumb : succeeded by acute pain in nape of neck (cervical muscles ; pressive frontal headache, with acute pain in cere- brum from the succussion of walking. Pulse not perceptibly- altered. 1 1.30 p. m., steady subacute pain in cervical muscle.s, more to left side ; subacute pain in left frontal eminence. Pulse 74, sitting and standing, varying in volume. Examiner's Report. — " Haemic murmur lessened ; apex murmurishness imperceptible ; pulsation stronger, 70 standing and lying. Otherwise nothing special." nth, Sept. Slept better last night. Awoke at 6.30. On waking, noticed intermittent character of cardiac pulsation ; intermissions at 7th, 8th, 6th, 21st, 9th, 23rd, and 88th beats. A few minutes subsequently, , intermissions between 6th and 15th beats; later, the heart beats regularly at 70 (lying). Before rising was free from headache, which immediately slightly returned ; not relieved by cold affusion. 10 a. m., mx\-d. Pulse at" first steadier ; then frequent intermissions ; increased headache. 1 1 a m., subacute pain in both temples. 12.15 P- f"-' P'^'^ of temples transferred to cerebellum seems of a congestive character ; subacute pain at apex of heart, of short duration ; rheumatoid pain in calves of legs, especially left ; succeeded by acute rheumatoid loin pain, extending to lower dorsal region ; acute pain at seventh cervical vertebra ; pain from cerebellum transferred to temples — more acute. 12.45, congestive P'^"^ '" occiput, without mitigation of tem- poral aching ; constant severe lumbar aching ; slight rheu- matoid pain in left supra-scapular mu.scles ; general feeling of weakness and weariness. Pulse 76, sitting and standing. 2.30 p. m., flying muscular pains, with persistent aching in loins and occiput, increased by movement ; not lessening, as formerly, after meal. Depression of vital power. 6.30 p. m., By 4 o'clock pains had almost left, but after exertion of run- ning up stairs returned sharply ; first in lumbar region ; then in left [eg, extending up thigh ; afterwards in right leg, with increased weakness and weariness; flying pains in various parts; eyes feel weak, as if the system were much over-fatigued ; symp- toms not lessened by the evening meal. Pulse y2, sitting and standing, with occasional intermissions. 10 p. m., (no medicine, . owing to severity of symptoms), pulse 6S, regular, sitting ; 74, irregular, standing ; temp. 36.20 C. ; resps. 19. Urine exhibits cloudy deposits; acid; sp. gr. 1016 : fre& from albumen, phosphaces, lithates, and sugar. Microscopic examination .shows mucus, epithelial cells, and very minute crystals. Since commencing proving, bowels have acted regularly twice a day ; motions papescent or watery till to-day ; now dedidedly con- stipated. 1 2th, Sept. Retired last night at 11; slept well till day- 496 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. light ; then awoke (quite unusual), and had light dreamy sleep after. Before rising, free from pain ; immediately after, rheumatoid aching in right scapular muscles, 10.50 a. m., pain in scapular muscles continues ; feel otherwise well. m\-6. Within ten mins. dull frontal headache ; pain in lower molars, transferred to right. During day, rheumatoid pain, commenc- in left calf and finishing in right ; lumbar pain ; frontal head- ache ; occipital pain ; flying pains ; general malaise. All symptoms much less marked than yesterday. 1 1 p. m., pulse 72, sitting and standing ; 62 to 66 lying ; irregular and inter- mittent, specially so when lying ; quickened by each inspira- tion. Bowels have acted twice to-day ; motions loose, light in color. Urine shows deposit of mucus, even while cooling ; acid ; sp. gr. 1012. 13th, Sept. Did not sleep as soundly as usual. On awak- ine, slight aching in left calf, quickly transferred to right ; slight aching down left forearm. After rising, cardiac distress, scarcely amounting to pain, most marked at apex. 10 a. m., ml-d (new tincture). Within twenty minutes frontal oppres- sion ; with trembling weakness of hands ; return of rawness at back of palate on right side. During afternoon, return of lumbar'aching, most marked on left side ; frontal headache ; pains in limbs ; general malaise. Evening, lumbar aching ; occasional pains in legs, especially left ; slight pain in molars, passing from right to left ; pulse 72, lying, sitting and standing, quickened by each inspiration ; temp. 36.30 C. ; resps. 19. Urine shows deposit of mucus, while cooling ; acid ; sp. gr. on passing, loio ; after standing, 1014. Motion to-day slimy, of a peculiarly shining dark-brown color. Examiner's Report. — " Pulsation scarcely perceptible to touch ; haemic murmur again distinct ; apex murmurishness again perceptible. Pulse 72, sitting and standing. All symptoms increased by movement in lying down or standing up." Evening, cardiac action regular ; pulse 74, not intermittent. Pulse-tracing appended. 14th, Sept. Awoke at 5, after dreamy, though not restless sleep. Pulse 74; intermissions at 7th, 7th, nth, 31st, loth, and 20th beats. Slept indifferently till 8 ; then awoke free from pain or ache.' Pulse 72, not intermittent. 10 a.m., pulse 74 lying and sitting ; 82 standing ; general debility, mlx-d. Within ten mins. severe lumbar aching ; frontal headache ; pulse 82 sitting ; 86 standing ; irregular and intermitting. Five mins. later, subacute pain at apex, extending to third left interspace. Later, cessation of frontal headache ; succeeded by occipital aching, and subacute pain in fifth right interspace, LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 497 each quickly abating ; succeeded by return of aching pain in temples ; loin pain persists. 1 1 a. m., pulse, sitting 72 ; stand- ing 82; accasional intermissions. 12 noon, loin pain and temporal headache persist ; slight pain at apex ; rheumatoid pains, especially left leg and forearm. During afternoon, sharp aching in right leg, not relieved by friction ; .short ach- ings in varions parts, left-sided predominating. Night, pulse 74 ; temp. 36.40 C. Urine shows deposit of mucus ; acid ; sp. gr. fresh, 10 12, on cooling, 1016 ; free from albumen. 15th, Sept, On awaking at 6.30, pleurodynia, from third to seventh left interspace ; with acute pain at apex of heart ; with contraction of intercostal muscles ; increased by lying on right side; lasting till 10 a. m. ; pulse 68, with oppressed cardiac action. 11 a. m., m\xxx-d. Within half an hour, sharp pain in right lower molars, passing to right temple, then to left lowar molars, then to left temple, then returning to right lower molars, then settling in loins ; with frontal oppres- sion. Later, pains at apex of heart, in left wrist, left leg, right leg, nape of neck, and loins, passing off quickly ; not relieved by friction. Palpitation on slight exertion ; general malaise. Evening, congestive pain in nape of neck, with severe con- tinuous lumbar and dorsal pain, worse towards left side. 10.50 p, m., pulse lying, 60 ; sitting, 66 ; standing, 80, regular. Urine less clouded; acid; sp. gr. fresh, 1012 ; on cooling, 1018, 1 6th, Sept. On awaking at 6.30, labored cardiac pulsa- tion ; pulse 62. 10 a. m., pulse 72 sitting ; 82 standing, mc-6. Within an hour, dull pressive frontal headache; pulse 76 sitting; 80 standing; aching across loins. 12 noon, while sitting, strong bearing-down in left inguinal canal, as if hernia would protrude ; with acute pain on walking ; relieved by up- ward pressure on external ring ; lasting about fifteen minutes. Afternoon, slight pains in various parts, left-sided predominat- ing, , Evening, restless activity, ready for any amount of work ; slight aching in left lower molars (sound teeth). 9.30 p. m., bearing-down in right inguinal canal, with subacute pain when walking ; relieved by upward pressure on external rings ; re- turning when pressure is removed ; lasting fully two hours ; with severe loin pain, most marked to right of spine, lasting till retiring. During day thei^e has been subacute pain at apex of heart; afterwards at fourth left interspace. Urine less clouded; acid; sp. gr. fresh, 1008; on cooling, 1012 ; free from albumen. 17th, Sept. Awoke at daylight, and slept but indifferently after. On awaking free from pain. On rising, aching re- turned in both inguinal canals ; increased by walking ; re- lieved by upward pressure on external rings ; sharp aching in 62 498 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. left lower molars (sound teeth). lo a. m., mcxx-d. Pulse im- mediately steadied ; soft, regular ; y6 sitting ; 84 standing. Within half an hour, sharp aching in left lower molars; ac- companied by fronto-occipital headache ; return of lumbar aching, i p. m., subacute superficial pain at third left inter- space, near sternum, becoming acute on moving, lasting fully ten mins. passing to mid-sternum ; continuous aching along inguinal canals, most marked on right side, obliging me to walk cautiously ; continuous loin pain. Pulse 70 sitting ; yy standing. Afternoon, severe continuous lumbar aching ; pain- ful stiffness in left infra-maxillary region, extending to nape of neck, interfering with movement of head ; slight tenderness in inguinal canals. Evening, continued tenderness in inguinal canals ; pulse 70, jerking ; temp. 36.10 C. ; urine less clouded ; acid; sp. gr. fresh, 1014 ; on cooling, 1017. Pulse-tracing appended. In this, the jerking character is well expressed. 1 8th, Sept. No medicine. During morning, sharp aching down right tibia, causing lameness, not relieved by friction ; achings in various parts, especially left lower molars and loins; general malaise. Bowels acted this morning only ; motion shiny, of a peculiar greyish brown, as if mixed with ashes. Night, pulse 58 lying ; 70 sitting ; 72 standing ; temp. 36.10 C. Urine slightly clouded ; acid ; sp. gr. fresh,'^i007 ; on cooling, lOIO. 19th, Sept. On awaking, spasms of right intercostals ; slight aching down right ingufnal canal. 10 a. m., pulse 70 sitting ; 78 standing. 3iij-^. Within five mins. sharp aching in nape of neck, left side ; soon transferred to right frontal eminence. Later, pulse very feeble, quickened; 78 sitting; 86 standing ; irregular. Acute pain in inner muscles of left calf, with straining and lameness ; acute flying pains to right of middle dorsal region, in nape of neck, frontal eminences, left wrist, left lower molars (sound teeth), lumbar region, and again in nape of neck. 1 1 a. m., distressed feeling in cerebel- lum ; sharp achings in various parts ; acute superficial pain at third and fourth left interspaces ; continuous lumbar pain, not increased by stooping, increased by walking. Pulse 82 sitting ; 84 standing; regular. 11.30 a. m., while sitting, acute pain down right inguinal canal, quickly abating ; leaving a steady dull aching ; cervical and lumbar pains continue. 12 noon. Examination (by H. R., Esq). — "Heart sounds indistinct, systolic running into diastoHc ; basic murmur very slight ; apex murmurishness not perceptible ; action very feeble.' Pulse 'j'i sitting ; ^6 standing ; not intermittent." LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 499 1.30 p. m., "heart-sickness" (faint nausea), lasting an hour not relieved by dinner ; marked cardiac depression ; shifting pains. 2 p. m., aching down flexor muscles of right thigh, extending to knee and calf of leg, then to left knee and calf ; then returning to right thigh and knee ; with slight lameness. During afternoon, acute pains in usual spots, with steady aching in right thigh and knee-joints ; faint perspiration on covered parts, when walking ; repeated sharp superficial and deep pains in praecordial region. Evening, great debility, especially on walking ; I have taken extra stimulant to keep me going. Continuous aching in various parts ; cardiac pains ; slight lameness ; slight return of faint nausea. Pulse 60 lying, regular ; 62 sitting, regular ; 64 standing, irregular ; temp. 36.10 C. ; resps. 17. Urine scarcely clouded; acid; sp. gr. fresh, 1008; after cooling, 1012. Before retiring, giddiness, with tendency to stagger to the right. Motion to-day, dark shining brown ; strong odor. 20th, Sept. On awaking, pleurodynia below 5th r. costal cartilage ; passing to 1., then again returning to r. fide. Pulse 70, feeble, regular (lying). On rising, aching down both thighs, with weakness in walking ; slight achings, relieved by the electrical current, not relieved by the galvanic. 10.30 a. m., aching in 1. inferior maxillary articulation, and in 1. wrist, i. p. m., subacute pain in 1. frontal eminence, and in prascordial region ; aching across lumbar region ; sensations of faintness, with unsteadiness in walking ; trembling in hands ; tenderness in r. inguinal canal. Pulse 66 sitting and standing ; regular. 5 p. m., severe aching in both temples, especially 1. ; remains of lumbar pain. 6 p. m., acute darting pains at apex of heart. Evening, shifting pains, most persistent in r. knee ; persistent nausea, rising from back of fauces, relieved by eructations, which taste of tea and drug ; succeeded by persistent giddi- ness while sitting, with staggering to r. on walking ; acute pain in 1. temple, passing to r., followed by severe lumbar aching ; darting pains at apex of heart ; oppression of respiration ; constriction of larynx ; acute pain in 1. frontal eminence, with .sensation of compression of brain ; aching down r. inguinal canal while sitting ; restless activity notwithstanding nausea, giddiness and pains, all of which have been very severe. 10.20 p. m., pain from front of r. knee transferred to back of I. 10.45 p. m., darting pains throngh r. wrist. On retiring, pulse 60 lying ; 62 sitting ; 64 standing. Urine shows deposits of mucus; acid; sp.gr., fresh 1014. on cooling 1018 ; free from albumen. Bowels have acted twice to-day ; motions slimy, of the peculiar dark, shining brown ; gushing out. 2 1st, Sept. Awoke at 5, light dreamy sleep after. On waking, sense of constriction across lower half of thorax, im- 500 LYCOPUS VIRGINICDS. peding respiration, with subacute pain, increased by lying on r. side ; continuous aching in 1. lower molars. lo a. m., 3iv-^. Within an hour dull frontal headache ; vital depression ; heavy aching in cervical region ; acute pain at apex, not relieved by pressure, but driven by friction to 1. subscapular region, then passing to mid-dorsal region, severe ; continuous aching in 1. lower molars ; return of acute pain at apex, with distress. Pulse regular, feeble ; not altered as to rate. Later, parched feeling in upper lip ; severe aching in occiput, with cessation of cardiac pain ; general oppression of brain ; acute pain over 1, temple ; giddiness, with tendency to stagger to the right. 12 noon, persistent lumbar aching; dull oppressive headache. Pulse scarcely perceptible, -j^ sitting, regular ; 84 standing, irregular. Annexed tracing, showing feeble action, obtained with difficulty. I p. m., acute pain down r. inguinal canal, partially relieved by upward pressure on external ring ; occipital aching. Later, prickings (urticaria .'') as if bitten by an insect, in 1. forearm, hypogastrium, r. leg, r. forearm, back, and again in 1. forearm ; slight achings .in r. leg, lumbar region, nape of neck, and r. inguinal canal. 5 p. m., Examinations (H. R., Esq.) — " Pulse exremely varying both as to time and volume, at first almost imperceptible ; ^6 to Z6 sitting and standing ; not intermittent. Cardiac pulsation much stronger than the pulse-indications would lead one to expect. No special murmurs." Night, slight achings ; pulse 72 lying and sitting, regular ; 84 to 88 standing, varying in volume. Urine shows but a trace of mucus; acid; sp. gr. loio fresh, 1014 on cooling. For several mornings, excessive flatulent rumblings on awaking. 22nd Sept. Awoke during night with pressive aching down 1. inguinal canal, relieved by upward pressure on external ring, lasting several minutes. Before rising, intercostal pains, worse when lying on r. side, extending to apex of heart. During day a double set of pains ; from cold and from the drug. The former chiefly affected upper teeth on left side, decayed lower teeth and head ; the latter, left lower molars (sound teeth), and lower limbs. The pains from cold were relieved by Aconite, port wine, and warmth, increased by cold air. The dental drug pains were not relieved by Aconite, Mercurius, nor direct warmth. Evening, feverish feelings (from cold) ; pain from lower molars went to lumbar region, then went rolling up the spine like a ball, and settled in mid-dorsal region, chiefly to left of spine; afterwards returned to 1. lower molars ; severe, general headache, with giddiness. Pulse 72 lying and sitting, regular; 84' standing, regular ; feeble. Temp. 36.70 C. Urine LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 501 scarcely clouded ; acid; sp. gr., fresh, 1015, on cooling, loic,* Bowels acted twice ; second motion half solid, with straining, half slimy, gushing out. 23rd, Sept. On waking severe intercostal pains, both r. and 1., with repeated acute darting pains at apex of heart, increased by lying on r. side ; severe aching down spine, somewhat relieved by friction ; passing off after rising ; excessive flatul- ence. During day, severe and continuous aching in 1. lower molars (sound teeth) ; frontal headache. During afternoon, severe irritation, like urticaria, on various parts. Before retir- ing, troublesome urticaria, specially affecting 1. forearm and r.leg. 24th Sept. On awaking, subacute pain in lower dorsal region to left of spine. 2 p. m., acute darting from anterior superior angle of 1. parietal to malar bone, succeeded by sensa- tion as if the brain were compressed , followed by long-con- tinued irritation of scalp over the line of pain. During day, troublesome irritation (urticaria), especially of 1. forearm and r. leg (I can not say this irritation is a drug effect, as I have had slight urticaria on previous occasions ; but its development fol- lows the rule of preceding symptoms). 5 p. m., Examiner's Report (by first examiner), — " Impulse feeble ; heart sounds very weak ; action irregular in force and rhythm ; not intermit- tent ; no murmurs. Pulse feeble, very compressible ; y6 sit- ting, 80 standing." Evening, urticaria more troublesome, has extended to r. forearm. Before retiring, frontal headache; slight aching to 1. of lower dorsal region ; irritation persists. Pulse feeble, compressible ; 68 lying, 72 sitting, "jG to 82 stand- ing ; irregular in force and rhythm ; not intermittent. Urine slightly clouded ; acid ; sp. gr., fresh, 1004, on cooling, 1006 ; free from albumen, phosphates, lithates. and sugar. Microsco- pic examination shows scattered mucus and epithelial cells, abundance of spermatozoa, and oxalate of lime crystals. Mo- tion to-day slimy, of the peculiar shining, dark brown ; offen- sive ; gushing out. 25th Sept. On waking, subacute pain in intercostal muscles below fifth rib on each side, increased by lying on r. side. After rising, severe aching in I. lower molar (sound teeth), spreading to 1. upper bicuspides (sound teeth), lasting several hoars ; succeeded by frontal headache ; on the passing off of which, increased mental and physical activity. Evening, irrita- tion has returned in 1. forearm, r. leg, to 1. of lower dorsal ver- tebrae, r. forearm, and 1. leg. Pulse 68 sitting. The subjoined pulse-tracing was taken with difficulty at former pressure, owing to feebleness and compressibility. Motion slimy, of a shining yellow color ; offensive. 502 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 26th Sept. Sleep dreamy. On waking, labored cardiac action ; excessive flatulencs. Pulse 62 lying ; feeble ; less compressible. During day, urticaria. Evening, marked cardiac depression, causing slight faintness on quickly ascending a few stairs, lasting fully half an hour ; returning later on quietly ascending, with subacute cardiac pain ; cardiac action barely perceptible ; pulse stronger than the heart's action would indi- cate ; less compressible ; not intermittent ; 72 lying, sitting and standing. Urine slightly turbid, free from deposit ; acid ; sp. gr., fresh and on cooling, loio. Motion partly solid, natu- ral ; partly slimy, dark brown ; offensive. 27th Sept. On waking, intercostal pain ; urticaria persists. 5 p. m., subacute pain over cardiac region, with cardiac distress ; slight aching in lower dorsal and lumbar region. Pulse com- pressible, irritable; varying greatly in force and rhythm ; 74 to 'j6 sitting, 85 to 92 standing ; with frequent intermissions. 7 p. m., acute pain in 1. axilla, extenifiing down edges of pecto- ral muscles to thorax ; then passing to base of heart, then to apex ; faintness, with slight nausea when walking in the open air, persistent giddiness, commencing when walking in the open air, continuing after entering the house, while sitting ; subacute pain down muscles of 1, calf; sighing respiration; return of acute pain at apex of heart ; trembling of hands ; return of giddiness while sitting, with constriction of larynx ; shooting pain through 1. frontal eminence ; constriction to 1. of larynx ; cardiac depression ; continuous constriction of larynx; aching at superior curve line of occiput, an inch to 1. of occipital pro- tuberance, passing to corresponding spot on r. side ; pulse less compressible, irregular and intermittent. Symptoms lasting over three hours. Pulse on retiring, 72 sitting, 80 standing ; regular ; not intermittent. 29th Sept. Yesterday atternoon, severe general headache, lasting several hours ; slight plans. To-day, severe fronto- occipital headache, from 3 to 7 p. m., succeeded by labored cardiac action ; then by cardiac depression, with faintness, lasting fully two hours ; pulse at same time about ']6, stronger than cardiac impulse indicates. 10 p. m., sharp darting pains through 1. testicle (epididymis), several times repeated ; pass- ing to r. testicle ; leaving dull achings ; recurring till mid- night ; aching in left inguinal canal. Bowels acted twice ; motion more natural. 30th Sept. Before rising, spasms in r. intercostals while lying on r. side. After rising, acute aching in 1. testicle, with occasional darting pains, changing to r., then again tol. 1 1.30 a. m., acute, extensive pain from 1. kidney to 1. inguinal canal, lasting several minutes. 12 noon, the pains in 1. testicle cause an aching along 1. inguinal canal, and extend to r. testicle ; at LYCOfUS VIRGINICUS. 503 times they are so severe as to almost force me to call out ; aching across lower dorsal region. 1.45 p. m., acute pain in intercostal muscles over base of heart, lasting several minutes. 3 p. m., slight return of headache. 5 p. m., acute pain down anterior muscles of r. thigh, causing lameness ; afterwards in both. Evening, acute pains in testicles, first 1. then r., then in both ; recurring and lasting the whole evening ; with ach- ings in inguinal canals. Evening, cardiac depression, causing faintness ; increased mental and physical activity. 1st Oct. Slight achings in various parts ; general depres- sion. Examiner' s Report. — " Cardiac impulse very feeble ; haem»ic murmur again distinct ; no other murmurs ; pulse feeble, extremely compressible, irregular in force and rhythm, not intermittent, 72 to 80 sitting and standing, quickened by movement." Urine clear; acid; sp. gr., 1018 ; free from albumen. Motions of the past two days have been of a peculiar shining brown ; offensive. 3rd Oct. I p. m., aching in 1. testicle, 1. hand, and r. knee, while sitting. Afternoon, slight achings in 1. wrist, r. knee, 1. tibia anteriorly, lower dorsal region, 1. knee and r. forearm. Pulse 72 sitting, 78 standing; feeble, compressible; temp., 36.95 C. ; resps., 20. The annexed tracing was taken last evening, with a pulse of 72, feeble, and so extremely compres- sible as to render its being taken at former pressures a matter of considerable difficulty. During the past three days, frontal headache, extending afterwards through to occiput, commencing about 3 p. m., and continuing two or three hours ; similar to that of 29th Sept., but much less severe. Before retiring, severe pain in r. side of thorax at insertion of pectoral muscles, becoming acute on inspiring deeply. 5th Oct. Yesterday morning, on awaking, return of pain on r. side of thorax : passing during the day to apex of heart, to r. axilla, down pectoral muscles to former spot, again to apex of heart, and -assing off from r. side of thorax. During last evening, slight cardiac depression. Headache recurred at 3 p. m., and continued till 6 p. m. To-day, symptoms very slight ; bowels have acted twice, first part of each motion being solid and natural, second part slimy, of a peculiar .shin- ing brown, but much less offensive. 6th Oct. 4.30 p. m., recurrence of frontal headache, lasting till 6 p. m. ; succeeded by cardiac depression, followed by cardiac oppression, with quickened pulse ; giddiness, with strong tendency to stagger to the r. ; then by neuralgic pain in r. supra-orbital region, and in 1. testicles ; with return of 504 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. cardiac depression, causing faintness and nausea ; with sub- acute pains at apex and at base of heart ; passing off before lo p. m., with eructations and yawnings (while out walking). Pulse 78 sitting, 88 standing ; irregular in rhythm ; extremely compressible. Resps., 23. Urine clear; acid; sp.gr., loio. loth Oct. 7.30 p. m., marked cardiac depression ; pulse stronger than indicated by cardiac impulse, 66 lying, sitting and standing, extremely irregular in force and rhythm ; respi- ration oppressed ; lasting till 9 p. m. The annexed pulse- tracing shows the character of the heart's action at the time. Owing to slow running of the paper this tracing is rather cramped, but the curves are well marked. A singular feature in this tracing is its resemblance, in main points, to one recently taken on a patient aged 31, afflicted with several mitral re- gurgitant disease ; which latter I annex for the sake of com- parison.* For the sake of clinical comparison I append a second trac- ing taken from the same patient ten days after, while under the influence of Digitalis^ of which Lycopus appears to be an analogue. During the past few days the faeces have been partly solid and natural, partly soft and of the peculiar shining brown ; the first part being passed with much straining, the second part quite freely. 15th Oct. No special symptoms since last report. The faeces are gradually assuming their natural character. Cardiac action still rather depressed. Examiner s Report (by first examiner) — " Cardiac impulse feeble ; haemic murmur distinct on strong pressure ; systolic sounds not quite natural at apex, not amounting to a murmur ; probably due to feeble action ; pulse regular, very compres- sible, ^6 sitting." 10.30 p. m., pulse 6% sitting, 72 standing, regular, compressible : temp. 36.40 ; resps., 20. Urine clear ; acid ; sp. gr., 1014. The annexed tracing, taking on the following morning, shows a healthy, though not vigorous, cardiac action. This completes the proving. * It should be mentioned that this is not the characteristic tracing of mitral reeursitant disease. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 505 REMARKS. Should extended experience demonstrate the general cor- rectness of this proving, Lycopus may be expected to produce beneficial efifects in some forms of F'unctional disorders of the heart ;. Rheumatic Carditis ; Inguinal Hernia ; and Neuralgia of the testicle. During the time of proving I lived much as usual, with the exception that on several occasions I took an extra quantity of stimulant in order to keep me going. I very seldom indeed take coffee, or use tobacco ; my breakfast beverage consists of plain cold water. At the period of commencing, and for several weeks after, I had late hours, combined with much work ; which accounts for the low temperature several times registered. It was not till after the conclusion of my proving that I care- fully peru.sed the fragmentary proving in Hale's " New Reme- dies." I have not classified the symptomatology as there is not sufficient evidence to work upon, but the following characteristics repeatedly attracted my attention : — The rheumatoid pains produced by Lycopus generally mani- fe.sted themselves on the left side, passed to the corresponding spot on the right ; and then either passed off, or returned to the left and passed off equally from both. The exception to this was the dental pains, which commenced on the right side and passed to the left ; on the right, avoiding the two front lower molars (which are decayed), and affecting the next two (which are sound) ; on the left, side avoiding the posterior lower molars (which are decayed), and affecting the two front molars (which are sound). The rheumatoid pains of Lycopus were readily dis^tinguished from those of ordinary rheumatism. They chiefly affected the muscles ; then articulations ; then tendons. They were not 63 5o6 Lvcopus viR(;rNicUF;. relieved by friction, by cold affusion, nor by direct warmth ; relieved by a warm room, and by the warmth of the bed ; in- ereased by movement and cold air. The cardiac pains were of a rheumatic character. Pains in general, increased by movement ; not relieved by the open air. The cardiac distress and palpitation were increased by ascending (stairs or hill); by excitement; by deep inspira- tions ; and by thinking of them. I do not attribute the urticaria or intercostal spasms to the Lycopus (as I have had both previously), but they appeared to be renewed by its action. Cardiac depression was strongly and persistently marked. Irregular and intermittent pulsc-^correspondingly frequent. On several occasions there was a noticeable difference between the cardiac power and pulse force. ■ Frontal and fronto-occipital headache — frequent and severe. The pains were very persistent in the frontal eminences. These were relieved by strong pressure. The brain-effects are worthy of note ; particularly the in- creased activity, dreamy sleep, and early wakings. The faeces were peculiar. On one occasion they emitted a decided odor of the drug. I have employed the terms " cardiac de-pression " to denote feeble and excitable action ; and " cardiac oppression " to denote heavy, labored action, as if the heart were obliged to make great efforts to do its work. Times of aggravation — early morning (o\\ wakingj ; after- noon fabout 3 and 5 o'clock^ ; evening. Analogues. — Lycopus appears to touch specially, Cimicifuga, Spigelia, Digitalis, Raniiticiilus b., Cerasus, Clematis, f sexual j Lanrocerasus, Saiigiiinaria, Cactus, Gelseminum, and Veratrum viride ; perhaps also Aconite, Bryonia, Lachesis, and Sepia. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. 507 It would be an interesting study to note the effects oi Lycopus on the female organism. CLINICAL. Mrs. A. W., hysterical temperament, consulted me on the 13th Sept. Age 47 ; no appearance of menses for three years. Complained of occipito-frontal headache ; debility ; flushings ; dyspnoea ; palpitation, easily induced, with occasional intermissions ; flatulency ; giddiness ; huskiness of throat on r. side ; interscapular pains ; pains down lower limbs, com- mencing on 1. side; dreamy sleep. 5^- Lachesis 12. 17th Sept. Complains of fronto-occipital headache on ex- citement ; palpitation " all over ; " swelling of legs and ankles on exertion. General symptoms unchanged. . 1^. Lycopus 3x om. 3tiis horis. 23rd Sept. Swelling of ankles, flatulency, and dyspnoea lessened. Cardiac pulsation regular, not intermittent. Has also found relief from shooting pains in left wrist and elbow. Flushings continue. Rep. 27th Sept. Complains much of " strange feelings," with fronto-occipital headache, " as if the temples were pressed in ; " seems afraid to turn for fear she would tilt forward : nausea, from epigastrium ; depression ; for several years, has dropped things from her hands ; flushings ; sudden pains at ape.K of heart, " causing faintness and strange sensations " (\ often wonder wiiether my heart is affected "^; inter-scapular pain ; this week, restless dreamy sleep ; less palpitation ; less pain and swelling of legs and ankles : constipation ; appetite good. Auscultation reveals feeble action of heart ; no mur- murs ; pulse stronger than indicated b\' cardiac action, 80 sitting and standing, regular. Considering that some of the .symptoms were due to drug-action, I prescribed 1^. Spt. vini red. 4th Oct. Still have severe pain in temples and occiput, with nausea ; flushings. Other symptoms, including cardiac, much relieved. Sleeps better ; pulse 80, sitting and standing ; feeble. %. Lycopus 3c, 4tuor in die. nth Oct. Has had a bilious attack, with vomiting of food Used formerly to have sevei'e pain across hypogastrium with 508 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. such attacks, but was free on this occasion. Still has flurried feelings and flushings, but lessened. Beatings through temples to occiput, with sensation of stoppage in larynx (nervous). Sleeps much better ; dreams less ; less palpitation ; sudden pains at apex, but lessened in frequency and intensity. Pulse 102 sitting; II2 standing; very feeble. IjL. Spt. vmi rect. 1 8th Oct. Hysterical, with bilious feelings. Faintness ; sighing. Other symptoms about the same. Pains in head and temples. Pulse 72, feeble, regular, sitting; resps. 18. 1^. Lycoptis 3, 4tuor in die. 25th Oct. Less sighing ; less giddiness. Pulse 80, feeble and irregular, sitting ; 92, feeble and regular, standing ; resps- 19. There was decided improvement in several respects; but at this point it became necessary to change the remedy, owing to the setting-in of severe bilious derangements. Note. — The prominent symptoms which Lycopus failed to relieve, were — neuralgic pains in left side of face ; flushings, with sense of heat ; choking sensation in throat ; and hepatic complications. CLINICAL REPERTORY TO CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEW "REMEDIES, By F. S. whitman, M. D., belvidere, illinois. PREFACE. At the request of Prof. Hale, whose time was so much occu- pied as to be unable to re-write the Clinical Repertory of the second edition of New Remedies, I have attempted to give, as completely as possible, the clinical indications for the use of the medicines in this third edition of his work. Owing to the different methods of presenting the medicines, and the large number added to this edition, the former repertory could not be made available, and much had to be re-written. As all the proof-sheets will pass through Prof Hale's hands for his emen- dations and additions, this repertory may be trusted as a reliable guide for the use of the medicines recommended. If this repertory shall be of service to the busy practitioner, and shall promote that choicest of all blessings, "mens sana in sano corpore" the compiler will be abyndantly satisfied. F. S. WHITMAN, M. D. CLINICAL REPERTORY. ABORTUS— Aletris, Erechth. Phytolac. Asarum, Eriger. Podophyl. Asclep. s. Eupatori. Pulsatilla, Asclep. i. Gelsemin. Mitchella, Baptisia Gossyp. Sanguina. Cauloph. Hedeoma Trillium, Cimicifug.Helonias, Ustilago, CollinsonT^eptandr, Viburnum • AFTER PAINS— Aletris (?)Dioscorea Polygonu. Asclep. Gossypiu. Pulsatilla Cauloph. Mitchella Senecip. Cimicifug.Podoph. Trillium, V'ibur. pruXanthox. AGALACTIA- Formica, Urtica, ALBUMINURIA— Atropine, Cyan.mer Nit. ura. Benz. am.Geran(.?) Phytolac. Cauloph. Eup. purp Chim. Helonias, AMAUROSIS— Cac. gr. Gelsemin. Phytol. Cimicif. Hedeoma Puis. N. Calabar, Hydrastis Santon, Carb. sul. Lachnan. Solanum, Caul. Lil. tig. Theridion Cim. race. Nab. serp.Verat. vir. AMBLYOPIA— Cimicifug.Lachn. (.-') Solanum, Gelsem. Phytol. Veratrum AMENORRHCEA— Aletris, CoUinsonPolygonu. Apoc. c. Eupat.purPodophy. Aralia. Gelsem. Pulsatilla, Asar. c. Gossypiu. Sanguina. Asclep. in. Hedeoma Senecio, Asclep. sy Helonias Trillium, Brom.am.Iod. lead.L^stilago, Coca, Lobelia, Verat. v. Caul. Lilium, Xanthox. Cimici. .Mitchella, AN/EMIA— Aletris. Helonias, Hypo. pot. Brom.ironHydrastisPulsatilhi A'M AS ARC A— {Dre>/>sj'.) Apoc. c. Asclep. s.Benz. am. Equis. Eup.pur. Hydrastis, Helonias,Iris v.(.'') Senecio, Rhusv.(.?) ANGINA— yEscuIus, Eup. pur. Nymph. Arum. Erigeron, Phytolac. Baptisia, Gelsem i. Podoph. Cactus, HydrastisRhus gia. Cimicifu. Juglans, Rhusvcn. Carb. ac. Lachnan. Sanguina. Dios. vil. Lithium, Solanum, Dorypho. Myrica. Triosteum ANGINA PECTORIS— ^sculus. Cup. ars. Naja, Brom. p. Cyan. pot. Sumbul. Cactus, Iberis,(.^) Val. zinc. Chloral, Lilium, [.''JVeratrum, Cimicifuga. ANEURISMS— Eucal glo. Lye. virg. ANOREXIA— Cer. virg. Eup. per. Lob. infl. Chelid. Gossy. Sumbul. Coca. Hypo. Im.Populus, Lil tig. Podoph. ANTHRAX— Carb. acid.TheridionPhytoiac. APOPLEXY— Atropine, Bromide, a., 1. and p. Cactu.s, Gelsem, Solanum. ARTHRITIS— Apocand.Como. (?) Phytolac. ASCARIDES (Se^ Worms.) Apoc. and. Asclep. s. 512 CLINICAL REPERTORY. ASCITES— (5^^ Dropsy.) Aletris,(?)Brom.pot.Helon. (?) Ampel.(?)Chimaph. Iris versi. Apoc.can.Erigeron, Eup.purp. Ascl. tub. Ptelea, Senecio, ASPHYXIA— Carb. sul. ASTHENOPIA— ^sculus, Cactus gr.Eryngium Chloral, Caul. thil.Gelsemi. Cotyled. Cimicifug.Hydrastis Cyan. pot.Comocla. Ver. v-ir. ASTHMA— Aropine, Cactus, Hypo.pot AilanthusCauloph. Hedeoma, Ars. iod. Chel. Lobelia, Asclep. in.Coca, Phytolac. Asclep.sy.Chlor.hd. Ptelea, Asclep. t. Coty. Rhus gla. Apocy.cn. Cistus canSanguin. Arum. Eup.aromSilph. Baptisia. Eup. per. Solanum. Brom. pot.Euphorbi.Sumbul, Can. ind. Gelsemin. Triosteu. Carb. sul. Guarana. Veratrum, Card. mar. ATROPHY— General — Arum, Brom. am. Phytolac. — oftheMammce. Chimaph. Iodide of Lead. BED-SORES— Comocla. Carbolic a.Hamam. Rhus ven. (.'') BILIARY DERANGE- MENTS — See also Hepatic Affections. ^sculus, Dios. vil. Phytol. Cactus. HydrastisPodophy. Collinson.Iris versi. Ptelea, Chel. maj.Juglans(.'')Rumex, Cornus, Leptand. Sanguin. Carduus, Myrica, Veratrum, BILIOUS COLIC— {See Colic Bilious) BILIOUS FEVERS— {See Ftvers.) BORBORYGMUS— Cactus, Dioscorea Hedeoma Cauiophy.(TnaphaIi. Originam Cimicifug. BLENNORRHCEA— {Sec Gleet.) BOILS — {See Fjirunculus.) BLADDER, Diseases of, {See Cystic Diseases.) BRAIN, Affections of. Atropine, Cypriped. Podophy: Brom.pot.Datura, Phos.zinc. Calabar, Gelsem. Santonine Can. ind. Gymnoc. Sanguin. Cactus, Lachnan. Solanum, Chlor.hd. Mon. cam.Sulph.nic. Codeine, Paullinia Veratrum, Cimicifug. Zizia, BRONCHITIS— Allan, gld. Aral, race. Asclep. sy. Asclep. tu, Apoc.can. Ampelop, Bals.peru.Can. ind. Carb. sul. Cean. am. Cac. gr. Cimicif. Cist. can. Codeine Collinson. Cotyled. Cyan. pot. Erechth. Eup.aromt>up. per. Gelsem. Hepa. tril.Galium. Iris versi. Lob. infl. Hypo.pot. Myr. com.Podophy. Myr. cer. Rumex Silphium, Sanguin, Stillingia. Sticta. BRIGHT'S DISEASE— {See Albnminuria.) Geran. Helonias, Senecio, BRONCHOCELE— Badiaga, Carb. sul. lodid.lead Phytolacca Podophy 1. BUBOES— Badiaga, Chim. (.?) Comoc. (.?) Corydalis, Phytolac. Sanguina. BURNS— Galium, Rhus v. Urtica, CACHEXIA— Asar. can.Chelone, Chimaph. Coryd.for.F'rasera(.?) Hepatica, Hydrastis,Iris versi. Phytol. {}) CLINICAL REPERTORY, 513 Stillingia, Xanthoxylum, (?) CAMP DIARRHOEA— {See Diarrhcea.) lod.ars. Jugla. cin. Leptand. CANCERS— Carb. ac. Chim. (?) Cistus, (?) Cund. (?) Guaco, (?)Galium,(?) Hydrastislodide ars.Phytolac. Rumex crispus, Trif. prat. CANCRUM ORIS— Baptisia. Cornus Hydr. can. Myrica c. Trillium. CANINE HUNGER— Abies can.Asclep.syCaulophy. Collin. Eupa.perfGelsemin. CARDITIS— {See Heart Affections.) CARDIALGIA— ^scul. hi. Coll.can. Chelidoni, Cup. ars. Cauloph. Cimicifug. Cornu. flo.Dios. vil. Formica, Gelsem. Iris ver. Leptandr. Lobelia, Mitch. rep.Ptelea Sanguina. Verat. vir. CATARACT— Pulsatil N.Santonine. CATARRH— Alian. gld.vEscul.hipAralia r. Arum tri. Asclep.in.Ascle. tub Baptisia, Balsm.perBaro. ere. Brom. am. Cactus. Cimifuga. Eupat. ar. Geran. Gels. Hedeoma,Hydras. Leptand. Lobelia, Lith. Menis. Mitch. Myric,cer.Ptelea, Puis. N. Phytol. Polygon. Rumex cr.Sang. can.Senec. aur Sticta, Silph. Sumbul, Stillingia Zizia. — Infia m ma to ty. Asclep.t. Gelsemin. Verat. vir. — Rheumatic. Cimicifuga, — of Bladder. {See Cystorrlioea) Apoc. can.Baros.cre.Chimaphi. 64 Collin. canEucal.glo.Erigeron. Epigaea HamamcLHedeo. (?) HydrastisMitchella, Pulsat. n, Popul. Senec. (.^) Sticta. SantonineSilphium Trillium, CEPHALALGIA— ^scu. gla.yEsc. hip. Apoc. and. Apoc. can. Ars. iod. Asclep.sy. Asclep. t. Atropine, Ailanthus, Bromides, Bapti. tin. Carb. sul. Cann. ind. Calabar, Chloral, Coca, Codeine, Cup. ars. Cauloph. Cimic. CoUinson, Corn. cir. Cyan. pot.Diosc. vil. Erech. Erigeron, Eryngium Gels. E)upa.perfFormica. Gossip. Gnaph. Gymnocl. Hedeoma,Guar. Ham. Iris ver. Helonias, Hydrastis Lobelia, Iberis, Juglan.cin Lilium, Lachnan. Leptandr. Monob.ca.Lith. c. Mygale, Paullinia, Naja trip. Nuph. lut. Puis. n. Polyg. Phytol. Peos. zincRhus gla. Scutel. Sulp.nick. Sanguin. Santonine Solanum, Triosteu. Theridion Trif. prat. Val. zinc, Zizia, CEREBRITIS— {Sec Brain, affections of.) Veratrum, CEREBRO-SP'L MENIN. Bapti. tin. Brom. am.Chlor. hy. Calabar. Cactus, Cann. ind. Cyan.mer.Cimic.rac.Eupat.per. Gelsemin. Lachna(?)Solanum, Valer.zinc, Veratrum Zizia(?) CHANCRES— Alian. gld. Apoc. an. Ars. iod. Corydalis, Guaco, Myric.cer. Merc.cyanPhyto.dec.Stillingia. — P/uigedejt ic. Sanguinaria can. Stillingia. CHILBLAINS— Badiaga, CHLOROSIS— Arali. rac. Helon.dio.Hydrastis 514 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Oxal, cer. Pulsatil.N.Strych.c. SarraceniaSenecio CHOREA— Brom. pot.Cal. bean,Cup. ars. Cauloph, Ceras. vir.Cim. Chloral, Cypri, Eupat, ar. Gelsemin.Mygalc, Phos.zi.(?) Strych.f.c Scutell. Sticta. Sumbul, Tarantula Veratrum Val. Zinc CHOLERA— Brom. pot.Cup. ars. Erech. hie. Euphorbi.Guaco, Iris ver. Phytolac. Podoph. Ver. vir Xanthoxylum, Zizia — Cholera Infantum. Apocy. ca.Brom.pot.Cerasus, Collinson. Carb. ac. Corn, cir, Diosc. vil. Euph cor Euony (i*) Erigeron, Frasera, Gerani. Gnaphal, Iris ver Lepta vir Mono camPodop pelPhyto Plant maj.Polyg. Rhus glab Veratr.v. Xanthoxylum, —Morbus. Apoc. can.Caulophy.Cup. ars. Diosc vil. Euph cor.Euony {)) Gnapha. Iris ver. Myric. cer. Polyg. Phyto. Podoph. Veratrum. Xanthoxylum, CHORDEE— Asclep. in.Brom.pot Chlor.hyd Cannab.inMonob.c. Origan. [.-•] CIRCOCELE— Hamam. Coll. can. COLIC— yEscul.hip.Aletris, Asar. Ascle. t. Bapti. tin.Caulophyl Bromide potassium, Chelidon. Cimicifug. Collin. ca.Diosc. vil. Eryn. aqu.Fras. car. Gelsem. Gnaphali. Hedeoma,Helon. Hydrastis, Iris ver. Lepta. vir. Myric. cer.Phyt. dec. Podoph. Poly. pun.Stillingia,Verat. vir. Xantho.fr. COLICA PICTONUM— Podop.pel. Q>01AZ— Flatulent. Aletris, Ars. iod. Asar. can. Brom. pot.Carb. sul. Coca. Coty. Cauloph. Collin. Diosc. vil.Erig. Eup. pur. Gnaph. Gelse. s. v.Polyg. — Bilious. iEscul. hi. Chelidon. Cimicifug. Chlor.hyd. Dioscorealris vers. Jug. cin. Lep. virg. Lobelia Myr. cer. Phyto. Triosteum — Neuralgic. Atropine, Bromide potassium, Dioscorea. Pulsatilla, Senecio. COLITIS— Euphorbi,Phytollac. Podophyl. COLDS— EFFECTS OF. Apocy. an. Aralia r. Ascle. tub Eupat per Galium Gnaphal Gelsem Senecio, Verat. v. Triost.per. COMA— Brom.pot.Chloral Carb. acid Gelsemin. Gymno.(i*)Lachna(.') CONGESTIONS— Atropine Brom ^ot.Cactus ^r. Ascle s.(i*)Corn (.?) Gelsemi s. Cimicif. Hama vir.Hedeoma Gymnocl. Iris ver. Lachnan. Lepta vir. Lycopus. Phyto dc. Pulsatilla Podophyl. Solanum, Sanguin. Urtica urcns Veratrum.Zizia. — of the Brain. Ascle s.(.'*) Bromides Cacttcs gr, Cimicif ug.G els e^nin. Gymn (.«') Hama vir.Hedeo.pulLachnan. Phos.zinc, Sanguin. Solanum, Veratr v. Zizia. — of the Heart. Cactus CimicifugQoVCvix^ori. Eupa.pr(.'')Gelsemin.Hamama. Iberis, Iris ver. Lyco. (i*) Mitchella Naja, Podophy. Pulsati.(.'')Seneci.(.'') Sanguin. Trilli. (.-') Veratr v. — of Liver. yEscu.hi(.'') Cactus Collinson CLINICAL REPERTORY. 515 Chel maj. Gelscmin.Helonias. Leptand. Myrica. Phytolac, Podophyl. Sanguina. Verat.v. — Pelvic viscera. ^scu hi(?)Asarum. Baptisia(?) Cactus. Cauloph. Cimicifug. Cannab.i. ColHnson. Erigeron. Eup.pu.(?)Gelsemin. Gossipi. Hamame. Hedeoma. Lilium, Podophyl. Polygon. Verat. v. — Uterus. Aletris. Ascle syr.Baptisia. Cactus. CimicifugCaulopyl. Collinson. Erigeron. Eupat pur Gelsemin. Gossipiu. Hamamel. Hedeoma.Helonias. Lilium Mitchella Podophyl. Polygon. Puis N. Sanguin. Senecio. Trillium. Veratrum.Xanthox. — of Cervix Uteri. Aletris (.?)Ascl in (.')Caulophy. Cimicifuga. Lilium. — Pancreas. Iris ver. — of Lungs. Apocy ca. Ascle tub.Cactus g. AilanthuSjAtropine.Cann ind. Discorea, Guaraea, Gelsem. Lobel inf. Rumex, Sanguin. Sticta. Veratrum. CONJUNCTIVITIS— Gelsem. Hamame. Hydrastis Iris V. Phytol. Sticta. CONSTIPATION— ^sculu g. ^sculu h.Aletris, Ars iod. Apoc can.Apoc and. Baptisia, Chelone, Chimaph, Cann ind. Carb sulp.Coca, Codeine, Collin c. Enonymu. Formica Gelsem Gymnocla Guaraea Hydrastis Iris ver Juglans Mitchella Nabulus Nit uran Ptelea Phytol Podophy Strychnia .f. c. Sumbul Urtica Trifolium CONVULSIONS— Atropine .^sculusg.Brom pot Calabar, Cauloph Cupri ars. Cimicif Cypripid Eupa aro Gelsem GymnoclaHedeoma Lachnant Lobelia Mygale Naja Phytolac. Scutcl. SantonincTarantula Veratrum Viburn o. Zizia. CORNEA, OPACITY OF. Hydrastis Pulsatilla N. CORYZA— ^scul h. Apoc can. Arum try. Asar can. Badiaga Cactus, Cimicif. Chelidm. Cornus c. Cup ars. DioscoreaEup purp. Eup arom.Formica Gelsem. Hydrast. Juglans Lilium. Myrica. Nit uran. Plantago. Phytol. Rumex Sanguin. Senecio Sticta Trifolium. COUP DE SOLIEL— Gelsem. Lachnanthes SJ\ Scutell. Theridion Veratrum. COUGH— .^sculu h. Apoc can. Aralia. Asclep s. Asclep t. Cerasus, Cimicif. Com dent.Discorea, Eryngui. Eup aro. Eup pcrf. Galium Gelsem. Gnaph. Gymno c. Ham virg.Helonias Leptand. Lycopus Naja. Phytol. Podoph. Rhus glab Rumex Sang can. Senecio. Stilling. Sticta Trillium Veratrum Zizia. — Catatrhal. ^scul h. Apoc. c. Asclep. Cactus Cimicif. Sticta — Dry. Acalypha Arum tri. Cactus Chelone Eup aro. Iris ver. Lobelia Phytol. Podoph. Pulsatilla Rumex Sang can. — Loost. Apoc can. Arum try.Eryngium Eup perf. Leptand. Senecio Stilling. Sang. Trillium. — Hectic. Carb sul. Card mar.Eup per. Ham virg. Hyp lime Lycopus 5i6 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Senecio Sticta Sang can, Trillium. — Whooping. Arum tri. Asarum Atropine Brom am. Brom pot.Castana Cerasus Chelid m. Kup arom Euphorb Guaraea. Hedeoma. Lobelia i. Pulsatilla Podophy. Sang can. Sticta Trifolium — Cramps . of Stomach — {See Myalgia) Arum try. Collin. Dioscorea Gelsem. Iris Podoph. Veratrum Veronica — of Pregnancy. Caulop. Cimicif. Gelsem. Viburnum.Verat. v. CRICK IN THE BACK. Cimicif. Ham virg.Rhus ven CROUP— Brom pot.Cyan m. Eryngium Gelsem. Gymnocl Lobelia. Naja Podophy. San can. Stilling. Veratrum. CUTANEOUS AFFECT. — See Eruptions. A nus Ampel quAralia. Asarum Asclep t. Cauloph. Chelone Cistus Cornus f. Corydalis PLrechth Pluphorbia Gelsem Iris ver. Juglans Lachnant Lobelia Nabulus Podophy Pulsatilla Rumex Stillingia Trillium. Urtica CYSTITIS— Alnus Chelid m. Caulop. Chimaph Collin c. Erigeron. Eup purp. Galium Hydrastis Polygon Populus Senecio SantonineVeratrum. CYSTORRHCEA— — {See Catarrh of the Bladder.) Benz. am. Barosma Bals. Peru Chimap CorydalisCoIlin c, Erechth Erigeron Eup purp. Senecio. SantonineMitchella DEAFNESS— Apoc can Aralia Baptisia Cistus Cactus Comoclad Eup purp. Gelsem Hydrast Lachnan Rhus ven. Sang can DEBILITY— Aletris Aralia Baptisia Bals peru Cann ind Chelid m Coca Cyan mcrCollin c Cerasus Chelone Cimicif Corydalis Cornus Eup perf liup aromFrasera Gelsem Helonias Hydrast Hyp lime Hypo pot Iris Leptand Myrica Mitchella Populus Rumex Sang can.Verat. v. DENTITION DIFFICULT Brom pot.Phyto. Podoph Hypo. pot. et lime dp:lirium— Alianth Atropine Brom pot Bapti-sia Cimicif Cactus Chlor hydCyprip Doryph Gelsem Gymnoc Lachnan Podophy Solanum Sang can Val zinc Veratrum Zizia. — a potti. Brom pot Can ind Cimicif Cyprip Chlor hydGelsem Mono camScutell. Solanum DIABETES— Apocy c Brom pot Chimap Cimicif Erigeron Eup pur Gelsem Geranium Helonias Hydrast Lycopus Nitr uran Senecio Trillium Verat. DIPHTHERIA— Ars iod . Brom pot Baptisia Cimicif Cyan merCarb. ac. Gelsem Guaco .'* Hydrast Iod lead Lachn Myrica Naja } Sang can Solanum Trillium Xanthox DIARRHCEA— ^scnl h Ampelop Alnus v Apoc and Apoc can Asclep in Asclep sy Asclep tu Baptisia Cactus Cerasus Chimap Cimicif Carb acid Cistus Collin Cornus c CLINICAL REiPERTORY. 517 Corydalis Chelid. Discorea Erechth Erigeron EryngiumEuphorbi Frasera Formica Gelsem Geranium Gnaph Ham v Helonias Hydrast Iris Juglans Leptand Lilium Lycopus Mitchella Myrica Nabulus Nuphar CEnoth. Phytol Puis Nut Plantago Rhus ven Rumex Robinia Sang can Senecio Solanum Trillium Triosteu Urtica Veratrum. — Bilious. Apo'c can Apoc andCollin c Cornus c Carb sulp Cyan mer Chelid Carduus ? Dioscorea Eup perf Gelsem Iris Juglans Leptand Phytol Podophy. — CI ironic. Ars iod Alnus Ampelo Apoc can Bals peru Baptisia Cistus Collin c Carb snl Chelid Euphorb Geranium Hyp lime Leptand Myrica — of Children. Brom.pot. Cimicif Collin c Euphorb ICryng Gelsem Gnaph Hyp. lime Lept CEnotheraPoly off Trillium — Colliquative. Ars iod Euphorb Euonym Frasera Gnaph Hyp lime Myrica Oxal cer Xanthox. — with Griping. Apoc can Comoc. Diosco Gnaph Iris Juglans Leptand Nuphar Phytol Podophy Pulsatilla Rhus ven ■ — Painful. Apoc and Cactus Collin c Triosteum —Painless. Asclcp sy Brom pot Chelid Cauloph Gelsem — Light. Hydrast Iberis Myrica Rhus ven — Mucus. Asclep tu Asclcp in Bals pcru Collin Cactus Erechth Eryng Iris Leptand Sarrac Senecio Podophy Polygon — In Morning. Cactus Cimicif Eup perf Gnaph Nuphar Podophy Rumex Senecio Phytol — at Night. Cauloph Chelid Iris Phytol — Constipation, alternate with. Apoc can Apoc andCimicif Iris Podoph — of Undigested food. Mszw hip.Iris Phytol. Podophy. Polyp, — Watery. Ampcl. Apoc can. Cactus Collin. Cosmol. Cauloph- Erechth. Euphorb. Gnaph. Iris , Leptand. Nabulus Robinia Rumex Sang can, Senecio Podophy. Phytol. — Vomiting with. Apoc and. Apoc can.Ascle sy, Baptisia Collin. Euphorb. Gnaph. Iris Phytol. Podophy. — Broivn, Ascle sy, Baptisia Caul op. Cornus Gnaph. Leptand. Podophy. Rumex Senecio — White. Cauloph. Iberis Lobcl inf. Podophy. Rhus ven. — Yellow. Ascle sy. Ascle tu. Cistus Dioscorea Gelsem. Iris Leptand, Nuphar Podophy. Polygon. Senecio 518 CLINICAL REPERTORY. — Blackish. Cactus DioscoreaGnaph. Leptandra Podophy. — Green. Ascle tu. Cornus f. Hydrast. Iris Podophy. Polygon. DILATATION ^/ VEINS Lycopus. DIPLOPIA— Cactus Cimicif. Gelsem. Gymn. Lachnan. Veratrum DREAMS Troublesome Baptisia Erynguim Hydrast Juglans. Lobelia Mitchella, Ptelea Phytol. Polygon. Rumex Sang can. Solanum DROPSY— Aletris Ampelop.Apoc can. Apoc and.Ars iod. Arct lap. Benz am. Cactus Cauloph. Chimaph. Collin. Comocl. Erigeron. Equis. Eryng a. Euonymu.Eup per. Eup purp. Euphorb. Galium Gelsem. Hedeoma Helonias Iris Leptand. MitchellaMenisp. Phytol. Rhus gla. Rhus ven. Sang can. Senecio Sarracen. Sumbul Veratrum, DIURESIS— Ascle sy. Apoc can.Apoc and. Corydalis Erigeron Eup purp. Gelsem. Helonias Senecio Veratrum. DYSENTERY— -^sculus Apoc andAsclep in. Asclep tu.Baptisia Bals peru. Brom pot.Carb sul. Cerasus Cistus Collin c. Cornus c. Corydalis Cyanmer.Dorypho. Dioscorea Erechth. Erigeron. Euphorbi. Gelsem. Geranium Gnaph. Ham vir. Hydrastis Iris Juglans Leptand. Lycopus Myrica Nabulus Polygon. Podophy. Polypor. I Phytol. Populus Rhus g. ' Rumex Sang can. Senecio Trillium Urtica Veratrum Xanthox. DYSPNCEA— Asclep sy.Asclep tu.Baptisia Cactus Cistus Comoclad Eup perf. Eryngum Gelsem. Ham virg.Iberis Lachnan. Lobel inf. Ptelea Rumex Sang can. Sumbul DYSPEPSIA— Abies CEsculu g.Aletris Asclep sy.Alnus Asclep tu. Apoc and.Asar c. Baptisia Caulop. Cerasus Cal bean. Coca Cornus c. Cornus f. Corydalis Euonym. Eup per. Helonias Hepatica Hydrast. Iris Leptand Lycopus Myrica Nabulus Nitr uran. Phytol. Populus Ptelea Rhus gla. Rumex Sang can. Sarrac. TriosteumVeratrumVibur op. DYSURIA— Apoc can. Asclep in. Ascle t, (.'') Asclep sy.Barosma Cactus Cauloph. Chimap. Doryph. Epigaea Eup perf. Eup purp. Equisetu. Galium Gelsem, Ham virg.Hedeoma Helonias Iris Mitchella Populus Polygon. Pulsatilla Phytol. Santonin. Sarrac. Senecio DYSMENORRHCEA— ^sculu h.Asclep in.Asclep sy. Apoc and.Ars. iod. Aletris. Asarum(.?)Atropine Baptist. Brom am. Cactus Can ind. Cimicif. Cauloph. Collin. Chlor hydCornus Dioscorea Erigeron Eup perf. Gossip. Ham virg.Hedeoma Helonias Iris Mitchel(.?)Podoph(.?) Chelone Collin. Cypriped. Naja Podophy. Pulsatilla Robinia Stryc fer. Cyprip.(.?) Eup.purp. Gelsem. CLINICAL REPERTORY. 519 Polygon. Phytol. Sang can. ■ Scutel. (?) Senecio Trillium Ustilago Veratrum Xanthox, ' DUODENTITIS— Iris Podoph.(.'') Pulsatilla ECCHYMOSES on EYE- BALLS— Erigeron Ham virg. ENTERITIS— Apoc and.Asclep sy.Baptisia Cornus c. Euphorbi.Gelsem. Hydrast. Iris Leptand. Lycopus. Nuphar Phytol. Podophy. Sang can.Veratru(.'') ECZEMA— — (See Eruptions) ELEPHANTIASIS— — {See Eruptions) ENTERO-COLITIS— Leptand. Nuphar. ENURESIS— Atropine Barosma Benz am. Brom pot. Coca Cactus Eup aromGelsem. Geranium Nitr uran. Podophy. Phytol. Plantago Polygon. Sang can. SantonineStillingia, Vibur op. ENTERALGIA— — {See Colic) EPILEPSY— Brom am. Brom lith.Brom pot. Bufo Cauloph. Cup ars. Cyan pot. Cornus f. Cypriped Eup pur. Galium. Gelsem. Gymnoc. Lachn. (.'') Polygon. Podophy. SantonineSolanum Veratrum Zizia. ERUPTIONS— Ailanth, Agave Alnus Ampelop. Asclep tu.Arctium Ars iod. Carb sulp.Chehdon. Cupri Chimaph.Cimicif. Cistus ComocladCorydalis Euony. (.^)Euphorbi.Gelsem. Gossip. Gymno. Guaraea. Hydrast. Iris Juglans Lachn .{!*) Lobel inf.Nabulus Nuphar Phytol. Plantago I Polygon. Pulsatilla Rhus g. ' Rhus ven.Rumex Sarrac. Sang can. Stillingia Urtica Veratrum Zizia. — Ecthyma. Cistus Juglans I — Eczema. \ Carb. ac. Cosmol. Stillingia. Iris Juglans Comocl.(.'') Rhus.ven.(.'') — Exanthematoiis. Baptisia Cimicif. Gelsem. I Hydrast. Juglans Podophy. Sarracen. Veratrum Xanthox. — Elephantiasis. Comoclad.Rhus.ven. Stilling. Solanum. — Ephelis. : Cauloph. \ — Erysipelatous. Anather. Atropine Aralia Cistus ComocladP^uphorb. Gelsem. Gymno. Hydrast. Juglans Lobelia Polygon. Rhus. ven. Solanum Veratrum — Erythema. Ars. iod. Comocl.(.'')Gelsem. Juglans Pulsatilla Rhus. ven. Solanum Urtica Zizia — Favus. Phytol. (.?)Iris (.?) Carb. acid — Herpes. Alnus Aralia Cistus ComocladCarb. sul. Coca Cosmol. Eup. per. Juglans Lobelia Menisp. Phytol. — IcJi thyosis. Alnus (.?) Phytol (.?) Stilling (.?) — Impetigo. Alnus Ars. iod. Carb. acid Carb. sulp.J uglans — Intertrigo. Hydrastis. —Itch. Asclep. in.Carb.acidLobelia Phytolac. Rumex — Lepra. Ars. iod. ComocladCarb. acid 520 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Carb.sulp.Iris Stillingia — Lichen. Corydalis — Lupus. Carb. acidCistus Cundura. Guaraea. Hydrast. Phytol. — Papulous. Cimicif. Gelsem. Lachn. Lobelia Pulsatilla Urtica — Pemph igus. Comocla. Juglans Rhus ven. — Pityriasis. Alnus (?) Ars.iod. Ampel. [?] Carb.acid.Nuphar, Phytolac. Stilling.[?] — Petechia. Baptisia[?]Comoc[?] Hcdeo[?] Rhus v.. — Porrigo. Alnus, Comoc[?] Juglans[?] Iris Rhus v.[?] — Pustulous. Asclep. t. Cimicifu, Carb. acid, Euphorb. Iris Juglans, SarraceniaSumbul. — Prurigo. Alnus Apocy.an. Collinson. Carb.acid.Ham. virg.Populus. — Psoriasis. Ars. iod. Apocy.canlris Nuphar PhytolaccaSarracen. — Syphilitic. Alnus Ampelops. Asclep. s. Cistus Corydalis Phytolac. Pulsatilla Rhus ven. Stillingia — Purpufa. Baptis.(.>) Eriger.[?] Ham. w.[>] Hedeo.[i'] — Roseola. Gelsem.(.?) Urtica {>) — Scabies. — {See Itch.) — Squamous. Ampel.(?) Coca Hydrast. Phytol.(.!') Rhus.ven.Sang. can. — Sycosis. Juglans(?) — Tinea. Arctium Ars. iod. Iris Phytol. Pulsatilla Carb. acid — Urticaria. Cimicif. Chloral Lobelia Pulsatilla Sang. can.Urtica — Vesiculous. Asclep.tu.Comocl. Chimaph. Euphorbia} uglans{.')Lobelia Rhus. ven.Rumex — Zoster — ( Shingles. ) Cistus Cosmol. Comocl. Phytol. Rhus. ven. Semper. — Erysipelas — ( See Eruptions^ Alnus Aralia Comocl. Doryphor.Euphorb. Gelsem. Gymnoc. Hydrast. Podophy. Plantago Polygon Rhus. ven. Solanum Veratrum.Zizia EPISTAXIS. Cyan.mer.Discorea. Cactus Erechth. Erigeron Gelsem. Geranium Ham.virg. Hedeoma Hyp. limeLycopus Rhus. g. Rumex Sang. Trillium Thlaspi. Veratrum. — Hemorrhoidal. JEsc\x\. h. Collin. Ham. v. Podophy. EUSTACHIAN TUBE, — Obstructions of. Phytol. Cistus (.?) Gelsem.(.?) Hydras.(.?)Pulsatilla {>) EXCORIATIONS— Comoc.(.'') Hydrast. Juglans Rhus ven. EXOPHTHALMUS— Lycopus virg. EYES DISEASES OF— — {See Ophthalmia.) — Catarrh. Pulsatilla Nutt. — Neuralgia of. Atropine Cactus (.!*) Cimicif. Gelsem. Iris Lachn. (.?) Pulsatil.[.''] Hydrast. Senecio.[.>] Zizia [.?] FATTY DEGN. OF KID- NEYS— [5^^ Bright' s dis] CLINICAL REPERTORY. 521 FELON — [See Paronychia] F.ECES— — Diarrhceic — \See Diarrhoea?\ — Dysenteric — [See Dysentery] — Qualities of— [when not diar- rhceic or dysenteric] — Acid. Hydrastis. — Black and hard. iEscul. h. Dioscorea — Brown and Soft. Asclep. s. — Black and soft. yEsculus hAsclep.tu.Leptand. — Bilious. Apocy. c. Cornus c. Eup. perf. Ge!semin. Juglans — Clammy. Asclep.tu. — Clay-colored. Iberis, Leptandra — Dark-colored. Cauloph. Cornus c. Eryngium Gnaphali. Ham.virg.Rhus ven. Rumex Sarracen. Senecio — Eggs, like spoiled. Asclep.tu. — Greai (tea-color). Asclep.tu.Gelsem. Hydrastis Iris versi. Podophy. Polygon. — Hard and Dry [or Scybala] Cimicif. Collin. Cornus. c. Erigeron Eryngiumlris Leptand. Phytol. Pulsatilla Senecio. — Mucus covered zvith, [Slimy.] .Collin. Cornus. Ham. virg Hydrastis Leptand. Phytol. Podophy. Polygon. Pulsatilla Sarrac. — Soft and mushy, papescent. iEscul. h. Asclep.sy. Dioscorea Erigeron Gelsem. Ham v. Hydrast. Iris Leptand Lobelia Phytol. Podophy. Pulsatilla. 65 — Streaked with blood. Iris Phytol. Senecio — Scanty. Rumex Sang, can. — Undigested. Erigeron, Iris, Pulsatilla. — White or light colored. .(Esculus hAsclep t. Cauloph. Dioscorea HydrastisLobelia Podophyl.Rhus ven. — Yellozvish. Asclep.sy.Asclep tu.Cistus. DioscoreaGelsemin. Iris vers. Leptand. Nuphar Podophyl. Senecio ¥'£N'EKS—(May be of use in) .^scul. h. Apocy.can.Apocy.an Asarum Asclep.nic Asclep.tu Asclep.sy, Baptisia Cimicifu. Cerasus Chelone Chimaph. Eringium Eup. perf.Eup. purp EuphorbiaFrasera Galium. Gelsem. Gnaph. Hedeoma, Helonias Hepatica.Hydrast. Iris Lachn, Leptand. Lycopus Lobelia Podophy. Phytol. Triosteu. Veratrum Xanthox. — Bilious. Apoc.and. Baptisia Chelid. Cornus. f. Eup. perf.Gelsem. Iris Juglans Leptand. Podophy. Phytol. Polygon. Sang. can.TriosteumVeratrum — Bilious remittent. Cornus. f. Gelsem. Podophy. Sang. can. —r Congestive. Baptisia Cornus. Eup. perf. Veratrum Xanthox. — Catarrhal. Apoc.and. iEscul. h. Apocy. c. Asclep. tu.Arum. t. Asarum. Baptisia Cactus Eup. perf. Gelsem. Myrtus. Senecio Sticta Veratrum [.?] — Exanthematous. Asarum[.'']Arum.try.Baptisia 522 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Cimicif. Gelsem. Hydrast. Juglans Lachnan. Podophy. Sarrac. Solanum Urtica Veratrum Xanthox. — Eruptive, \See Exanthem^ — Gastric. Asclep.tu.Baptisia Cactus Cimicif. Cornus. Eup. perf. Gelsem. HedeomaHelonias Hydrast. Iris Podophy. Sans^. can.TriosteumVeratrum — Hectic. Asarum. Bals.peru.Chimaph. Cerasus Eup.purp.Gelsem. Hypo.limcLachn. [i']Lycop.[i'] Sang. can. — Inflammatory. Apoc. [.?] Asarum [i']Baptis.[i'] Cactus Gelsem. Veratrum — In term, it ten t. iEscul. Alianth. Aletris Apoc. can.Apoc.and.Asclep.tu. Asarum. Brom.pot.Cactus Ceiasus Chelone Cimicif. Chimaph. Cornus. c. Cornus. f. Eup. perf. Eup. aro. Euonym. Eucalyp. Frasera Guaraea. Gossip. Gymnocl. Gelsem. Hydrast. Leptand. Lobelia Lycopus Podophy. Plantago Polygon Populus. Ptelea Veratrum Verb. has.Xanthox — Irritative. Baptisia Comoc[i'] Euphorb. Gelsemin. Lachn[i'] Podophyl. Rhus v.[.^l Sang.c[i'] Veratrum. — Infantile remittent. Gelsemin. LeptandrPodophyl. Veratrum. — Nervous. Cypriped. Eup. a.[i'] Lachnant. Scutellar. — Puerperal. Aralia[.''] Cimicif. Carb. acid Baptisia, Hedeo[?] Solanum Veratrum — Remittent. Cerasus Cornus f. Cornus c. Eup perf Eucalypt. Gymnocl. Gelsemin Iris versic Juglans Leptandr Lachnant Podophyl Sang can Veratrum — Rheumatic. Apocy.a. Asclep.t. Baptisia Cimicifug.Cactus Formica Galium Gelsemin. Iris vers. Lithium C.Pulsatilla Phytolac. Rhus TriosteumVeratrum — Spotted or petechial ( Cerebro- spinal). Baptisia Cimieif. Chloral \T\ Calabar. Eup. pu rp. Gels on. Solanum, Veratrum Xanthox. Zizia. — Scarlet. Arum AlianthusAtropine Comocla. Carb. acidChlor.hy. Gelsemin. Gymncla. Juglans[?] Rhus v.[i']Solanum Urtica Verat. [.?] — Typhus. Atropine Asclepias Baptisia Cann. ind. Chimaph. Cypriped Comoclad Eup.perf. Gelsemin. Iris versic. Podophyl. Rhus g. Rhusv.[i*] Xanthox. — Typhoid. Asarum Baptisia Chimaph. Cerasus Carb.acidCimicifu. Cornus fl. Cypriped Doryph. Erigeron Gelsemin. Gymnoc. Iris versic. Leptand Lachnan Myrica Mygale Podophy Plantago Rhus Sumbul Solanum Triosteu. Veratrum Xanthox. — Verminous. Apocy.an.Euphorb. Gelsemin. Santonine. — Yellow. Apocy.an.Cimicifu. Eup. perf. Gelsemin. Veratrum FISTULA. Myrica [.?]Hydras[i'] — In Ano. CoUinson. HydrastisPhytolac. CLINICAL REPERTORY. 523 Sang.c. [?] — of MamincB. Hydras[?] Phytolacca FLATULENCE. yEscul. h. Arum Apocy. c. Ars. iod. Asclep.t. Baptisia Cactus, CaulophylCarb.sulp Chelidon. Coca, Collinson Comocla. Cornus Cimicifu. DioscoreaGuaraea Hydrastis Iris versi. Juglans Lachnant Mitchella Originam Phytolac. Polygon. Rumex Sang.can. FURUNCLES. Asclep. syArctium Bellis Coca Carbol.ac.Erigeron Gnaphali. Ham. wV.Iris versi, Phytolacca^^x\^.zzxiSW\X\Vi\J\ FUNGOUS GROWTHS. Carbol.ac.Podophyl Sang. can. GANGRENE. Baptisi.[.?]Frasera[i*] Rhus g. Ustilago Xanthox GASTRODYNIA. Gelsem. Iris versic Phytolac. GASTRALGIA. Atropine Asclep.tu Codeine Dioscorea Gelsemin.Helonias Iris versicT^eptand. Lobelia Veratrum GASTRITIS. iEsculus hAtropine Carb. acid Euphorb. Hedeoma Hydrastis Iris versic.Lycopus Podophyl. Ptelea Sang. can. Veratrum GALL-STONES,^;i7)«/j/^;/ Carduus, Chelidoni. Dioscorea Eup. purpPodophyl. GASTRIC DERANGEMENTS. Abies Apocy.canApocy an Aletris, Asclep sy.Asclep. t. Balsam P.Brom. pot Cactus Canchal. Cann. ind. Carb.sulp Carduus Chelidoni. Cimicifu. Cornus c. Cyan.pot. Cyan.mer DoryphorEup. purp.Frasera Gelsemin.GossipiumHelonias Hydrastislberis Iris versic. Lobel.cer. Lobelia in.Leptand. Myrica Plantago Podophyl. PolyporusPtelea Stillingia. Sang.can. Ustilago Veratrum. GLANDULAR affections. AlianthusBadiaga Barosma Chimaph. Cistus c. Iod.lead[i*] Phytolac. Stillingia GLEET. Alnus Asclep.sy Chimaphil Cimicifu. Corydalis Collinson Dorypho.Erigeron Erechthit EringiumEup purp. Equiset. Gelsemin Geranium Ham.virg HedeomaHydrastis OilSandal Populus Popophyl Phytolac Stillingia Senecio Trillium. GLOBUS HYSTERICUS. (See Hystericus.) GLOSSITIS. Arum Cyanide p Doryp.(.'') GOUTY AFFECTIONS. Apocy. anBenz am. Carb.sulp. Eup. perf. Eup.purp.Lithium c Veratrum. GOITRE. Chimap(.'jCorydal[i']Iris ver. Iod.lead[i']Phytolac. Podophyl Urtica GRANULATED Kidneys. (See Brighfs Disease.) Granular conjunctivitis. PhytolaccaSding. can. GONORRHCEA. Alnus Asclep.in.Asclep.sy. Carb. acid. Cauloph Chimaph. Cann ind. Doryph. Erigeron Ering.a ^.Equis. Geranium Gelsem Hedeomsi. Hyd7'asi. Ham virg. Iris Lobelia Oi/. Saitd. Phytolac. Podoph. Populus Rhus g. Sang can. Stilling. Senecio GRAVEL— (C^/f«//.) Alnus Barosma Chimap. Collin. Corydalis Erigeron. S24 CLINICAL REJ'ERTORY. Eup per. Epigea. Eryngium Equise. Eup aro. Frasera. Galium Gossipi. Podoph. GUMS, INFLAMMATION OF Cimicif, Cyanmer.Eup.aro(?) Helonia(?)Hydrast. Myrica.(?) Phytol. (?) HEMOPTYSIS— Acalypha. Apoc. can, Card mar. Cactus Collin. Eri^eron. Galium Gelsem. Gerani. //tfw.wV^.Hepatica Hyp lime Lycopus. Sang. can.Senecio Sticta Trillium Urtica Veratrum. HEMATEMESIS— Cactus Erigeron Eryng. Erechth. //^w.wV^.Lycopus Nit. uran. Rumex Sang. c. Trillium. Veratrum HEMORRHOIDS— Esculu g. yEscul. /^. Anath. Badiaga. Cyan.mer.Chelone Cactus Collinson.Discorea, Erechth. Erigeron Eryngum Galium Geranium Gnaph. Ham.virg.WydvdiSt. Hyp. lime Iris Leptand Lobelia Phytol. Podoph. Polygon. Rhus glabSang can. Trillium Veratrum Urtica HEMORRHAGES— Alnus Apoc can. A calyph. Cerasus Cactus Cimicif Collinson. Erechth. Erigeron Galium Gelsem, Geran. Gnaph. Ham. v. Iris. Lobel. inf.Lycopus Rhus g. Sang. can.Senecio Trillium. Thlaspi. Urtica Veratrum HEMATURIA— Alnus Cactus Chimaph. Erigeon Erecht.(i')Eup. pur. Geranium Hamame. Pulsatil(.?) Trillium Thlasp. HEART AFFECTIONS. Btom. pot. Cactus Chelone. Cimicif. Collin. Chloral Formica. Gelsem Iberis Leptan (i')Lithium. Lob. inf.(.?) Lilium. Naja Phytol. Rumex (i')Sang. can.Scutell. Sumbul, Veratrum HEPATIC DIFFICULTIES. Escul.hip.Baptisia Chelone. Carb.sulp.Chelid. Card. mar. Dioscorea KnonymwEupa.perf. Hepatic(?) Hydrast. Iris Iberis Leptand. Lith. Myrica. Menisp. Phytol. Podoph. Polygon Sang. can. Stilling. HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS. Apoc. can. HEPATIC CONGESTION. Chelid. Cornus. Carduus Leptand. Podophy. HEPATIZATION ^/ lungs Cactus Sang, can. HERPES CIRCINATUS. — {See Eruptions^ HERNIA strangulated. Carb.sulp.Gelsem Lobelia HEMIPLEGIA— — {See Paralysis^ Sang. can. Phytol. * Strych. f Xanthox.(.?) H E AD AC H E— Bilious. Escul. hi.Apoc.and.Baptisia. Chelid. Collin.canCornus. Iris Leptand Myrica. Nuphar Podophy. Triosteum — Catarrhal. Escul. hi. Anather. Asar. can. Cimicifug.Gelse. s. v.Phyto. Senecio Sticta. — Congestive. Apocy. ca. Atropine Baptisi. Badiaga Brom.am. Brom.lith. Br ont. pot. Cactus Canchala. Cannab.inChelidon. Corn. flo. DioscoreaGelsemin. Hamam.v Lachnan Monob. c. Menisp. Nitr. ura. Phos. zinc Solanum, TheridionVerat. vir. CLINICAL kEf>ERTORY. 525 — Gastric. Ars. iod. ^scul.hip.Collin. Gnaph. Hedeoma Hydrastis, iris Fodoph[?]Pulsatil. N Polygon. Stillingia, Veratrum. — Hemorrhoidal. iEscu.hip.Collinson Podophyl. — Myalgic. Cimicifug.Hydras[?] Sanguin. — Nervous. Asclep sy. Atropine Cann. ind. Carb. ac. Cauloph. Cimicif. Cypriped. Gelsemin. Gnaph. Hydrast Iberis Liliiim Mon.cam. Nabulus Phyt. dec. Pajdlinia Pulsatilla Sulph. nic. Scutella. Ustilago Val.Zinc — Rheumatic. Ascle s. Apocy.anBaptisia Cimicifug.C^iCtns Cauloph. Myr. cer. Phytolac. Pulsatilla Sanguin. * HEMICRANIA. KpocTvadi. Atropine Cypri. Eupat.perGelsemin. Ins v. Sulp.nick. PtdsatillaT xiosttVim. Val. Zinc HEPATITIS. Chelido. Chelone Euphorbi. Hepatica Hydrastis Leptandr. Myric.cer. Phyto. Podophy. Ptelea Veratr v. HOARSENESS. Arum. Bapti. tin. Cimic. rac. Carb. sul. Chelidon. Coca, Gelsem.(.'')EryngiumIris ver.(.'*) Lachnan. Plant maj.Rhus glab Rumex Stillingia. Xanthox. HYSTERIA. Aletris Asclcj). t. Cactus, Coca Ccreisus{}) Cimicif ug. Corn. cir. Cypriped. Caulophy Frasera{?) Ge/semi. s. Erech. hie EryngiumEupat. ar. Hedeoma Myric. cer. Mon. cam.Originum Populus Polyg. Scutella. Senecio Sticta. Sumbul Theridion Veratrum HYDROCEPHALUS. Apoc.can.Hyp.lime Phos.zinc. SantonineVeratrum HYDROPHOBIA. Calabar(.?)Chloral(.?) Gels. (.?) Lobelia(.?)Scutel. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. yEsc. hip. Asarum Asclep. sy. Bapti. tin.Brom.pot.C) Hydras(.?) Senecio.(.'') — Excoria ting. AraHa(i') HedeomaMyrica(,^) trillium.(.!') — Foetid. AraHa(^.?^ Baptisi (i')Carb.acid, Rhus g. [.^Trillium. [.?] — Gelatinotis. Nabulus. — Mucus. Caulop. Chimaph. Eup. purp Hydrast. Nabulus Pulsatil[j'] Podophy. Senecio. — Profuse. Geranium Hamame. — {See Copious.) — Syphilitic. Apoc. and.Coryda [.-'jChima. [i*] Phytol. Stilling[.?] — Transparen t. Cauloph. Hydras [.''] Eup. purp Gelsem Nabulus Pulsatil[j'] Podophy Senecio[?] — Uterine. Caulop. Eup.purp.Iris Hydrast Lilium Nabulus Phytol. ^ — Vaginal. Asclep. in.Erigeron Geranium Hedeo. [.^] Hamame Hydrast. Pulsatil.[i']Senecio.[i'] — Yellow. Hydras.(j')HedeomaPulsatil(.?) Senecio.(.'') LEPRA MALGNAINT. — {See Eruptions.) LIMOSIS— Abies Eup. perf. Gelsem Ptelea LOSS OF APPETITE. — {See A norexia.) LOCHIA, UNHEALTHY Baptisia Cauloph. Carb.acid. Ustilago. — Profuse. Asarum. Erigeron. Senecio Trillium — Suppression of. Aralia Aletris Cauloph. Cimicif. Hedeoma.Mitche.f'i'j Veratrum.f.^j LUMBAGO— iEscul. g. .^scul. h. Baptisia Carb. sulp.Cauloph Cimicif. Cornus. c. Cup. ars. Discorea Gelsem Gnaph. Hamame. Phytol. Rhus. Sang. can. Veratrum. LUPUS— — (Ste Etuptions.) MAMM^— — A trophy. Chimaph. — (Burning in.) ^scul. h. Comoclad. — Sivelling of. Asclep. in.Cistus Phytol. — Diseased. Asclep. in.Cistus Cimicif. Chimap(i')Hydras(i')Phytol. Stilling. — Inflammation of. Baptisia Cimicif. Cistus Chelone Chimaph. Lilium, Helonias Hydrast. Phytol. Sang. can.Veratrum. — Suppuration of. Cistus Comocl. Phytol. — Neuralgia of. Cimicif. Phytol. — Tumor of. Chimaph. Cundur(i') Phytol. MANIA. A-POTU- Brom.pot.Can. ind. Chlor.hyd. Cimicif. Cyprided. Gelsem. Scutell. Solanum. MASTITIS— — {See MammcB inflm. of.) MEASLES— Gelsem. Jaglans Rhus.^v. Solanum Veratrum. 528 CLINICAL REPERTORY. HELENA — Bapt.(?) Erigeron Hamame. Hedom.(?)Leptand.(?) MELANCHOLY— Alianth. Brom. pot.Cactus Cimicif. Chlor.hyd.Eryngiu. Hypo.pot.Helonias Iris Lilium. Lithium Mitchella Naja Pulsatilla Santonine Senecio. MEMORY LOSS OF— Alianth. Atropine. Ascled.tu. Benz. am. Brom.pot.Dioscorea. Mitchella Ptelea. Phos. zinc. Rhus. ven.Sang. can.Sarrac. Senecio. MENORRHAGIA— Aletris Asarum. Apoc. can. Apoc.and.Asclep. tu.Brom. am. Brom. pot.Baptisia Can. ind. Carb. acidChelid. Caulopy. Cactus Cimicif. Collin. Erigeron Erechth. Gelsem. Gossip.(.'') GeraniumHedeoma. Helonias Hamame.Hyp. lime Iris Lycopus Mitchella. Phytol, Pulsatilla Sang. can. Senecio Trillium. Thlaspi Ustilago Xanthox. MENINGITIS— ^scul. g. Aletris (i") Brom. pot. Cimicif. Doryphor.Gelsem. Gynocl.(.?)Hyp, limeHyp. pot. Lachn.[.?] MENSES, IRREGULAR. Pulsatilla Senecio. * — Premature. Aletris[.?] Mitchel[.?]Pulsatil.[.?] Senecio Sang. can. Ustilago Xanthox. — Delayed. Aralia Cimicif. Hyp. lime Nabulus Mitchella Polygon Pulsatilla Senecio Sang. can. Thlaspi. — Suppression of. Aralia Cimicifu. Hedeoma, Leptand. Lobelia, Podophyl Pulsatil N MERCURIAL affections. Aralia Corydalis Phytolac. Phos. zincRumex Stillinf'i'j MERCURIAL PTYALISM. (See also Ptyalisin.) Atropine Arum tri. Geranium Heloni.(^.?jPhytolac. Podophy. Rhus(".?; Xanth.^.?; — Cachexia. Baptisia, Brom.pot.Corydaf'?^ Iris ver. Rumex Phytol Stillingf >) MERCURIO-SYPHILITIC Affections. Corydaf.^jPhytolac Rumex Stillingr.n METRORRHAGIA. Apoc can Brom.am.Brom.pot. Can. ind. Cauloph Erigeron, Erech. Gossip(.^) Hamamel. Hedeoma Iris ver Lycopus Phytol. Sanguina.Trillium. Thlaspi Ustilago Veratr(?) METRITIS. Cactu.s. CaulophylEup purp. HedeomaLilium Podoph(.^) Veratrum(.^) MILK CRUST. Arctium Eu^iorb. Juglans. (?) MYALGIA.- ^scu hip Aletris(.?) Cauloph Cimicif Cornus(i') Dioscorea Frasera(.'')Gelsemin Gnaphal, HamamelHedeoma Helonias Phytolac. Podophyl.Sang. can MYELITIS. Baptisia(.?)Calabar Scutel (.?) Veratrum. MYOPIA, .^scul.hip MYOSITIS. Cimicif Veratr(.?) MUCOUS DISCHARGES. Asclep.t. Baptisia, Chimaph. Gelsem. HamamelHydrast. Pulsatilla Senecio Sticta CLINICAL REPERTORY. 529 NAUSEA, {See Vomiting) -^scu. glaAscle. tubCimicif. Caulphil. Dioscorea Eupa.pur. Frasera Gnaph. Gossipium Hedeomalris ver. Juglan. cin Lobelia Leptandr.Phytol. Podophyl.Pulsatilla Sang. can. TheridionVeratrum Val. zinc. NECK, STIFF. ./Escul. gl. Cimicif. Lachnan. Veratrum NECROSIS. MerccyanPhytol. (i')Rumex Stillingia Theridion NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. Brom.pot Can. indicCimicifug Cypriped Dioscorea Eup.arom Mon.cam. Scutellar Sticta Val zinc. SICK HEADACHE. (See also Headache, Nervous.) Cyprip[.?] Cimicifu. Gelsem. Iris ver. Scutel.[.''] Sticta NEPHRITIS— Barosma. Chelid. Cotyledo. Collin. Cauloph. Corydalis Chimaph. Erecth.[.^] Erigeron Eup.purp.Eryngiu. Gelsem. Geranium HedeomaHelonias Mitchella Phytol. Polygon Senecio Trillium. NEURALGIA— Alianth. Atropine Asclep. tu. Badiaga Brom. pot.Canch. Carb. acidCarb.sulp. Chelid. Codeine Chlor.hyd.Cup. ars. Cyan. pot.Cypriped Cornus. f. Cimicif. Discorea. Eup. purp Hamame. Iris Lobelia Lachn. Lilium. Naja Plantago Polyp. Ptelea Phytol. Rhus. ven. Stilling. Scutell. Sul. nick. Val. zinc Veratrum Zizia. NEURALGIC hemicrania. Apoc.and.Iris Sulp. nick Sang. can.Val. zinc. 66 NEURALGIA of testicle. Atropine Cimicif. Hamame. Pulsatilla. NIGHT SWEATS— Ars. iod. Apoc. an. Cistus. Cerasus Cornus. Cimicif. Frasera Hyp. limeLycopus Myrica Populus. Rhus. g. NODES— Coryda.[.?] Phytol. Stilling. NYMPHOMANIA— Brom. pot.OriginamVerat. v. NOLI-ME-TANGERE— Juglans Phytol. ODONTALGIA— Brom. pot. Carb.acid. Chelid. Cimicif. Coca Chlor.hyd Comoclad Gelsem. Pulsatilla Phytol. Plantago Rhus. g. Sang. can. Stilling. Xanthox. CESOPHAGITIS— Carb. sul. Iris Gelsem. Lobel. inf.Phytol .-' Sang. can. Veratrum .-' OEDEMA OF THE Glottis. Arum, triph. OPHTHALMIA— Alianth. Anather. Ars. iod Asclep. tu.^scul h. Atropine Apoc. can.Baptisia Badiaga Brom. am. Cauloph. Chelid Cimicif. Cactus Cistus Cornus ComocladChlor.hyd Dioscorea Erechth. Eup. purp. EryngiumEup. perf.Geranium. Gelsem. Gymnol. Hamame. Hydrast. Hedeomalris Juglans Lachnan. Leptand. Lobelia Lithium. Myrica. Phytol. Podophy. Pulsatilla Rhus. ven. Sang. canSticta Sumbul Semp.tec.Veratru } Urtica .'' Ustilago Xanthox Catarrhal. Apoc. c. Cimicif. Eryngiu. Erigeron. Gelsem. Hamam. Hydrast. Iris Lachnan. 530 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Leptand. Lobelia. Sticta. — Rheumatic. Apoc. can.Baptisia Erigeron Gelsem. Hydrast. Lachnan Leptand Lobelia Veratrum — Piiriileiit. Baptisia Carb, acidErigeron Eryng. Gelsem. Hydrast. Sticta. — Scrofulous. Baptisia Badiaga Chimaph Cistus EryngiumFormica Gelsem. HedeomaXanthox. ORCHITIS— Anath. Ascle.in. .''Carb. sulp Chelid. Erechth. Eryngium Hamame. HedeomaLithium Polygon. Phytol. Pulsatilla Veratrum. OTALGIA— Aralia Atrop. Cactus Chelid. DioscoreaEryngium Formica Gelsem. Hydrast. Lachn. Lobelia Mitchella Plantago Phytol. Pulsatilla Ptelea Sticta Sang. can. Sarrac. OTITIS— Cactus Can. ind. Gelsem. Pulsatilla Rhus. venSang. can. OTORRHCEA— Ars. iod. Chimaph. Baptisia Gelsem. Hydrast. Senecio Stilling..? Phytol. Pulsatilla OVARITIS— Cactus .-* Cimicif. Gelsem. } Hamame. Lilium. Naja Phytol. Podophy. Ustilago Veratrum. } OVARIAN DISEASE— Atropine Cactus Cimicif. Hamame. Ustilago Val. zinc Xanthox Zizia. OZCENA— Arum .-* Baptisia Bals. P. Carb. acidGeranium Hydrast. Myrica Phytol. Sang. can. Sticta } Stilling. > PARALYTIC DYSPHAGIA. Gelsem. s. v. PAROTITIS— Phytolacca dec. PALPITATION OF heart. .^scul.hip.Asarum. Atropine Badiaga Cactus Cal. bean Can. ind. Collin. Cimicif. Chelid. Cotyledo.Eup. purp Formica Gelsem. Iberis Lilium. Mygale Polygon Podophy. Sang. can.Scutell } Sarrac .'' Sumbul Veratrum Vibur. p. PARALYSIS— Atropine ^scul. g. Cauloph. Cal. bean Chelid. Formica Guaco Guaraea Gelsem. Hedeoma Myrica Oxal. cer. Phos. zinc Phytol. Sang. can. Stry.et.f.c.Xanthox Zizia. — of Lower Extremities. -^scul. Cauloph. Can. ind. Codeine Gelsem. Hedeoma. Pulsatil 't Sang, ca.? Xanthox — of Sphincters of Bladder. Atropine Cactus Can. ind. Codeine Gelsem. — of Glottis. Gelseminum s. v. — of the Lungs. Gelseminum s. v. PARAPLEGIA— Can ind. Caulop. Gelsem. t Hedeoma Phytol. Sang. ca. .? Strich. f.c.Xanthox. ? PARONYCHIA. Asclep.sy Phytolac PERI-PNEUMONIAnotha Eupa aro.Sarracen. Xanth [.-*] PERITONITIS. Cactus CimicifugGelsem. Hedeoma Podophy. Phytol \J\ Polygon. Veratrum PERIOSTITIS. Corydal(.?)Phytolac. Stilling[i'] PERICARDITIS. Ascle. t. Cactus Cimicifu. CLINICAL REPERTORY. 531 Lobelia[?]Naja trip. Trillium Veratrum — Chfonic. Collin.[.?] Lycop[.?] PETECHIA.[5 PLACENTA RETAINED. Cimicif. Cauloph. Gossip. Gelsem. Eup, purpMitchella PLEURITIS. Asclep.tu.Asclep.incBadiaga Cactus Cimicif Card. mar. Eup.aromEuphorbi. Gelsemin. Hamame. Leptan(i') Podophy. Sang. canTriosteum Veratrum. PLEURODYNIA— Cimicif. Caulophy Hypo. pot. PNEUMONIA— Asclep.sy.Asclep.tu.Apoc.and. Baptisia Cactus Eup. aro. Eup. purpEuphorbi.Gelsem. Hypo, potjuglans Lachn. Lobelia Polygon Sang. can. Veratrum. PORRIGO.f 5^^ Eruptions) POLYPI^ Hydrast. Sang, can, PRIAPISMUS— Brom. potChloral. Can. ind. Codeine Discorea Eryngium Gelsem. PROSTATIC GLAND— — Disease of. .^scul.hip.Cactus Chimaph Gnaph. Podophy. Populus. Senecio, PROLAPSUS OF VAGINA M&cnU >) Ascle.t.(.?) Aletris.(i') Coilin.(>) Cimicif(.?) Hydras(?) Hp,ioni.(i') Podophy PROLAPSUS ANI— ^scul.hid. Anath. Eryng. Hamame. Phytol. Podophy. — Uteri. .^scul. Aletris Aralia Asclep.tu. Caulop.(i')Collin. Cimicif. Eup. purpGossip.(.'') Helonias Hamame. Mitchel(.'') Lilium. Podophy. PRURIGO— — {See Eruptions.) PRURITUS— Collin. Helonias Polygon. PROSOPALGIA— Atropine Cimicif. Gelsem. Iris Phytol. Sang. can. Val. zinc PSORIASIS— — (Ste Efuptions.) PSORA— Cornus. Lobelia Phytol. Rumex Stilling. Sarrac. PTOSIS— Chloral. Gels. s. v. PTYALISM— Atropine iEscul h. Baptisia Brom. pot.GeraniumHelonias Hydrast. Iris Nit. uran Podophy. Phytol. Polygon. Trifol. Xanthox. PUERPERAL— — Peri ton itis. ' Aralia Cimicif. Podophy, 53.2 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Veratrum. — Cojtviilsions. Brom. pot. Chloral. Cauloph. Gelsem. Solanum Veratrum. — Mania. Brom. pot.Chlor.hadCimicif. Cypri.(i*)' Scutel.(.'') Veratrum. PYROSIS— yEscul. Ampel. Canchal. Carb. sul. Caulop. Cerasus Chelid. Cornus f. Dioscorea. Iris Leptand. I^achn. Podophy. Robinia Sang. can. Veratrum.Xanthox. PURPURA Hemorrhagica. •Chlor.hyd Hamame. QUINSY— Arum. Gnaph. Phytol. Sg.ng. can. RENAL DISEASES— Apocy. Barosma. Chimaph. Eup. purpErigeron Erechth. Epigea. Equiset. Galium. Helonias HedeomaMitchella Phytol. Sang. canSenecio Urtica. RETROVERSION of Uterus. ^scul.hip.Cauloph. Qo\X\x\.(}) Eup. purpHedeoma.Helonias Lilium. Podophy. RECTUM STRICTURE OF ^scul. hip. RECTUM ULCERATION OF Hydrast. Leptanf j'jPodophf^i'; Phytol.(.?) RHAGADES— Comocl. Hydrast. RHEUMATISM— Alianth. Ampel. ^scul. h. Apocy. c. Badiaga Carb. acid Carb. sulpCauloph. Chelid. Coca Comocl. Cotyledo. Cyan. pot.Cimicif. Cauloph. Eupator. Formica Gelsem. Gossip. Gymnocl.Guaco. Hamame. Hedeoma.Helonias. Iris Juglans- Lilium. Lithium. Lobelia. Leptand. Sang. canTriosteum Menisp. Mitchella.Myrica. Originam. Phytol. Plantago. Ptelea. Polygon. Pulsatilla Rhus. g. Rumex Sticta Sumbul Veratrum Xanthox RHEUMATIC neuralgia Cimicif. Gelsem. RHEUMATIC GOUT— Apoc. an. Gnaph. Eup. perf. Sang. can.Veratrum. — Hemicrania. (See Headache Rheumatic. ) Apoc. andCimicif. Phytol, Sang. can. RHEUMATISM of back. — (See Lumbago.) Cimicif. Caulophy.Rhus. ven Phytol. — Acute. Asclep. syAsclep. tuCauloph. Cimicif. Veratrum. — Articidar. Apoc. andAsclep tu Hamame. Veratrum, — Chronic. Chimaph. Phytol. Stilling. — of the Chest. Ascle. t.(.'')Cactus Cimicif. Caulop. Phytol. — of the Heart. Cactus Cimicif. Veratrum — of the Hands. Caulophy. — Muscular. Apoc. canCaulop.(.'')Cimicif. Phytol. — of the Uterus. Cauloph. Gelsem. Cimicif, RHUS POISONING— Verb. hast. RINGWORM— Aralia Eup. perf. Euphorbia Hepatica Juglans Phytol. Semp. RIGID OS UTERI— Cauloph. Cimicif Gelsem. Lobeha. CLINICAL REPERTORY. 5!3f3 RIGIDITY OF PERINEUM. Lobelia. Gelsem. RUBEOLA— — (See Eruptions.) SATYRIASIS— Brom. pot. Can. ind. Gelsem. Origan. (.') SCORBUTUS— Alnus Agave Cistus. Geranium Galium. Hydrast. Rumcx Rhus. g. Phytol. Xanthox. SCIRRHUS GROWTHS. Chim.(.?) Cundur.(i')Hydrast. SCARLATINA— — (See Fevers.) Alianth, Arum. Asclep. Gelsem. Hydras(i')Myrica. Phytol. Sang. canScutell. Solanum Xantho.(!')Veratrum SCROFULA— Alnus. Ampel. Aralia. Asclep.sy.Cerasus. Cundura. Cistus. Cornus Corydalis. Eryngi. Galium. Hepatica. Hydrast. Iris Juglans Myrica. Phytol. Podophy. Rhus. g. Rumex Stilling. Trillium. Theridion SCABIES (See Eruptions.) SCIATICA— Carb. sulpCeanot.(.^)Gnaph. Phytol. Sang. can. Xanthox Val. zinc. SERPENT BITES— Guaco. SEA SICKNESS— Euphorbialris (.?) Phytol.(.?) SEMINAL EMISSIONS. Ascl.tu.[.?]Brom.iron Brom. pot. Cann.ind Carb. acid Collinson. DioscoreaFormica Helonias Eryngi. P^up.pu.(.'') Iris versic Lilium Myrica Nuphar Senecio Theridion SINGULTUS. Brom.pot.Cauloph Gelsem. SLEEP, UNREFRESHING Cornus. c. Cypriped. Eup. a. \)'] Gelsem. Senecio Scutella. Lachn.[.?] Xanthox Zizia SOMNAMBULISM. Atropine Brom. pot. Solartum SPASMS. Cactus [.?]Cimicif. Cup. ars. Dioscorea Gelsem. Hedeoma Polygon Phytolac. Podoph. Scutella. Veratrum — of the Boivels. Cauloph Dioscorea Erechthi Hedeoma f'odophy. — of the Uiest. Caulophi Hedeoma Lobelia — of the Larynx. Brom.pot Cimicifug. Lobelia — of Stomach. Cauloph. Erechth Gelsemin. Hedeoma Iris V. [.''] Lobelia Phytol[.?] Veratrum — of Uterus. Atropine Chlor.hy. Cauloph. Cimicif. Gelsemin. Diosc[.''] Gossip.[i'] Hedeoma Verat[?] — of the Ureters Gelsem. SPERMATORRHCEA. Anath ^scul. h. Brom. iron Cerasus Cornus. Cimicif. Cypriped. Collinso. Eryngium Gelsemin. HamamelHydrast. Iris ver. Myrica Nuphar Pulsatil[.''] Theridion Ustilago SPINAL IRRITATION. iEscul.g(.?)Cimicif. Calabar Caulop(^.''^ Cypripf^i^j Gelsem Guaco Gnaphali Hyp. lime Lobelia Lachn. \T\ Phytolac Scutellar Veratrum Val.zinc. SPLEIiN, DISEASES OF Brom.pot CeanAm. Gelsem(^.'*j Galium Phytolac. Podophyl. SPRAINS. Bellis p. Carb.sulp.Collinso. Gnaphali Polygon Rhus v. 534 CLINICAL REPERTORY. STERILITY. Brom.pot Cimicifug.Eup. p. [?] Eup. pur. GossipiumHelonias Originam Stilling. STOMATITIS. Arum Baptisia Cornus c. Carb. acidEup. aro. Geranium HamamelHydrast. Iris v. Myrica Phytolac Podophy. Rhus V. Rhus g. — Materna. Baptisia Carb. acid. Cornus c. Eup. aro. Helonias Hydrast. Podophy. Veronica. — Mercurial. Baptisia Cornus c. Iris v. — Strangury. Atropine Apocy.a. Asclep.in Cactus Chimaph. Eup. purp Eriger. (.?)Erechth[i']Galium Gnaphali.Gelsemin. Helonias Mitchella Nitr.uran. Polygon. Senecio Urtica STRABISMUS. Brom.pot. Gelsemin Hamamel Hydrastis. STRICTURE OF urethra. Dioscorea Hydrast. — Rectum. yEscul. h. STENOCARDIA. Cactus STYES. Arct.lap STUPOR. Brom.pot Chloral(.'') Coca Gelsemin. Phytol. Pulsatilla. Urtica. SUBSULTUS TENDINUM Cyprip.[i'] Scutella Solanum, Eupat.ar. SYNOVITIS. Apocy.canPodoph. SYPHILITIC CACHEXIA Chimap(.'*) Corydalis Phytol. Stilling (.?) SYPHILIS. Alianth. Apoc.and. Alnus Ampel[.^] Aralia Asclep. in Asciep.sy.Asclep. tu. Ars. iod Corydalis.Cean Am. Chimaph. Eringium Eup. perf. Guaco Iris vers. Lobelia Menisp. Podophyl.Phytol Pulsatilla Rumex . Sang. can. Stillingia (See also Ulcerations, Syphilitic) TEETH, LOOSENESS OF Sang can. Phytolac. TETANUS. Atropine Brom. am.Cal.bean. Chlor. hy. Cyan pot. Guaraea. Gelsem. Lobelia(.'') Phytolac. Scutel. [i']Theridionyerat(.?) TETTER, {See Eruptions.) Aralia Hcpatica Rhus g. TENESMUS OF RECTUM, .^sculus hHydrastisIris versi. Podophy. Sarrac. — of Bladder. Apoc.c.(.'') Asclep. c.Chimaph Eriger.[.?] HedeomaMitcheK.?) Pulsatil[i']Senecio T H RO AT, f See A ngina and Ulcerations, Throat.) TINNITUS AURIUM. Hydrastis TINEA CAPITIS. Erechthit.Eup. perf.Iri.s. v. Myrica. Phytolac. TONSILITIS. Arum. t. Badiaga Chelone Erisferon Guaraea Gelsemin GymnoclaHamamel.Iod.lead Myrica Phytol Pod. pelt Sang. can. TRISMUS. Calabar Gelsem. Nuphar Phytolac Scutellar. Vcratrum TRACHEITIS. Sang.c.[i'] CLINICAL REfERtORY. 535 TREMORS. Caulophil Cimicif. Eup.arom Lachn. [?]Pulsatilla Scutella. Veratrum TUMORS. Asclep in.Baptisia Chimaph. Cyprided Erigeron Galium Gnaph. Hamamel Hydrastis Phytolac Stilling TYMPANITIS Collin [.?] Euony[i'] Eriger.[i'] Gelsem. Hedeoma Podophy. Polygon. Xanthox. ULCERATIONS. Ars.iod. Alnus Aralia Ampelop.Baptisia Badiaga Bals. P. Carb.acid Cetasus Cistus Chelone Cornus Erechthi Galium Geranium HydrastisHyp. lime Hamamel Iris Lycopus Myrica Nit. uran Phytolac Polygon. Rumex Rhus gla.Sang.can. Semper Stillingia Trillium Vib, pru — of Bladder. Eup. purpHydrastisPhytol[i*] — of Cornea. HydrastisPulsatilla Phytolac. Stillingia — of Buccal Cavity. Baptisia Cornus. f. Gnaphali. HydrastisPhytolac. Rumex — of Intestines. HydrastisLeptand. Pod. pelt. Phytolac Rhus g. — of Legs. HydrastisPhytolac — of Os Uteri. Baptisia, Helonias Hydrastis Iris V. Myrica Phytolac. Stilling[i>] — of Rectum. HydrastisPhytolac. Podophy. — of Stomach. Hydras(.?)PhytoI.[.?] Sang.can. Veratrum — Syphilitic. Chima.(.'') Coryda(.'') Iris ver[.''] Phytolac. Stilling[.?] — of Fauces. Rumex. — of Throat. Alianth. Hydrast. Erigeron. Geranium Gnaph. Myrica.(.?) Phytol. Rhus. g. Rumex Sang. can.Stilling.(.'*) — Vagina. Hydrast. Phytol. UREMIA— Ars. iod. Apocy. and. URINE AND ITS QUALITIES. — Acid. Alianth. Baptisia Chelid. Eryng. Leptand. Mitchella Phytol. Podophy. Pulsatilla Sarrac. — Acrid. Galium. — Albuminous. Chimaph. Helonias Phytol. Pulsatilla. — Bloody. Benz. am. Chimaph. Chelid Equisetu. Erechth. Epigaea. Hamame. — Brown. Eup. perf.Gymnocl. Lobelia. — Burning. Asclep. syBaptisia Cactus Erigeron Eup.purp.Gelsem. Iris V, — Clear or Pale. Apoc.and.Cauloph. Erigeron Eup.perf. Eup.purp.Galium. Gelsem. Guaraea Helonias Phytol. Polygon. Rumex Sang.can. Sarrac. Sumbul — Dark. Benz. am. Chimaph. Erigeron. Eup. perf. Hedeoma. — Dribbling. Eryngium aquaticum. — Frequent. .(^scul.hip.Apoc.andChimaph, 53<5 CLINICAL REPERTORY. Erigeron EryngiumEup.purp, Gymnocl. Galium. Hydrast. Podophy. Sang. can. — Hi^Ji Colored. ^scul.hip.Baptisia Bals. P. Collin. Cornus Eup. perf. Hamame. Mitchella Myrica. Menisp. Ptelea Rhus Senecio Stilling. — Increase of Solids. Asclep.sy.EryngiumMitchella — Incon tineit t. Alianth. Cactus Gelsem. Podophyl —Milky. Gelsem. Lobelia Santonine Stilling. — Mucus. Asclep.tu. Chimaph. Erigeron Eup.purp. Sarrac. — Neutral. Hydrast, Leptand — Painful. ^^scul.hip.Doryph. Hedeoma.Galium. Iris Senecio. — Purulent. Chimaph. —Red. Asclep.tu. Benz.am. Cornus Iris Lobelia Leptand Polygon. Nuphar — Retention. Cactus Cimicif. Populus Podophy. — Specific Gravity too high. Asclep.sy Eup.purp.Helonias Mitchella Myrica. Phytol. Pulsatilla Sarrac. Senecio. — Specific Gravity too low. Eryng. Eup.purp. Pulsatilla — Sediment— -( Calculus.) Chelid. Epigaea Podophy. — Supprtssion . Erigeron Eucalypt. Hedeoma. Podophyl Populus. Sarrac. Santonine Lobelia Erigeron Gelsem. Cactus Eryng. Lachnan. Phytol. Doryphor. — Smarting. Eup.purp. Galium. Senecio. — too Profuse. Apoc.and.Asclep.sy.Baptisia Cactus Carb.acidCodeine Caulophy.Chimaph. Cimicif. Collin. CotyledonErigeron Eup.perf. Eup.purp. Gnaph. Galium. Gelsem. Helonias Iris Lithium Myrica. Mitchella Nit. uran Plantago Podophy. Polygon. Rumex Sang.can. Sarrac. Senecio. Veratrum — too Scanty. Apoc.and.Asclep.sy.Benz. am. Can. ind. Chimaph. Cyan. mer. Cornus Collin. Eryngium Erechth. Eup.perf.Eup.purp. Hamame. Hedeomalberis Lobelia Lycopus. Leptand. Mitchella Menisp. Polygon. Podoph Rhus. g. Scutell. Senecio — Urging — (Ineffectual.) Hedeoma Mygale Pulsatilla. — Watery. Apoc.ca(.^)Cimicif. Eup.pu.(.'') Gelsem. Lobelia Sang.can. — White. Eryng. Eup.perf. Eup.purp. Mitchella Myrica. Phytol. — Yellow or Straw colored. Apoc.can. Cactus Cauloph. GymnoclaMyrica. Polygon. Pulsatilla UREMIA— Asclep.sy. Apoc.can Eup.purp. Gelsem. Mitchella. URINARY DIFFICULTIES, .^scul. h. Apocy. c. Asclep.sy. Arum. Cactus Can. ind. Carb.sulp. Collin. Chimaph. Cauloph, Corydalis Cimicif. Erigeron Eup.purp.Erechth. Galium. Gelsem. Gnaph. Hydrast. Hamame.Helonias . CLINICAL REPERTORY. 537 Lithium Polygon Pulsatilla^ URETHRITIS— Cauloph. Chimaph. Cup. ars. Erigeron Erechth. Galium. Gelsem. Gnaph. Hamame HydrastisHelonias Hedeoma Podophy. Trillium. URTICARIA— — (See Eruptions.) Chloral. Gelsem.(.?)Pulsatilla. TriosteumRumex(.'') Urtica UTERINE — Diseases. Aletris. Asclep.incAsclep.sy. Asclep.tuCaulophyl Cimicifu. CypripedEup.purp. Galium. Gossip Hedeoma Hamamel Helonias Iris Mitchella PodophylPulsatilla Senecio Trillium Xanthox — Congestions. Asclep.incAsclep.sy.iEscul.hip -^scul. g. Aletris Cactus Caulophy.Cimicif. Collin. Eup.purp.Gossip. Hamame. Helonias ^Hedeoma Mitchella Podophy. Sang. can. Veratrum — Cancer. Ars. iod. CunduranGalium. Hydrast. Phytol. — HcemorrJiage. (See also Mtnorrhagia.) Aletris ^Asarum. Apoc.can. Erechth. Erigeron Gossip. Hamame. Lobelia Myrica. Senecio Trillium. VULVITIS— Coca. VARIOLOID— — (Sec Variola.) Cimicif. Hydrast. Sarrac. Veratrum. 67 VAGINITIS— Hedeoma. Hamamelis. VARICOCELE— Collin. Hamamelis. Pulsatilla VARICOSES— Collin. (.'') Hamame. VARIOLA— Baptisia Cauloph. Cimicif. Carb. acidDioscoreaHydrast, Sarrac. Veratrum. VERMINOUS AFFECTIONS. — (See ' Worms.) VERTIGO— Abies. ^scul.gla.iEscul.hip Alianth. Aletris Ars. iod. Baptisia Brom.pot. Cactus Cauloph. Cal. bean Can. ind. Carb. acidCarb.sulp.Carduus Canch. Chelid. Cup. ars. Cyan.mer.Datura Erechth. Eryngium Euphorbi.Iberis Helonias Lobelia Nit. uran Ptelea Sang. can.Sumbul Veratrum. VICARIOUS Menstruation. Baptisia. Cimicif Collinso. Hamatnel Mitchella Pulsatilla(.?) VOMITING, ^scul. h. tEscuIu g. Alianthus Asclep.t. Apoc.and. Asarum. Brom.pot.Cactus Carb.sulp. Card.marChelid. Cimicifu. Codeine Chlor.hyd.Cornus f Cornus c.Cup.arsen. Collinson. Cauloph. Erigeron Gelsemin Hamam Hedeoma, Helonias Iris ver. Lobelia Nitr.uran. Ptelea Phyt. dec. Plantago PulsatillaPodoph. Sang.can. Santon. Triosteum Urtica Veratrum 538 CLINICAL REPERTORY. — of Pregnancy. Aletris Brom.pot. Carb.acid. Card.mar.Cauloph. Cornus. Cimicif. Dioscorea Euphorb. Gelsem. Gossipi. Helonias Iris versi.Oxa.cer. Senecio WHITLOW. (See Paronchia.) Bellis Phytolacca decan. WARTS. Asclep.s[.'']GeraniumPhytolac. Rhus glab WOUNDS. CoUinso Erigeron Geranium Phytolac. Rhus glab Trillium WORMS. Asclcp sy Ars. iod. Apoc can. Asclep.tu.Chelone Euphorb. Gelsem. Gnapha. Helonias Podophyl.Santonine Sumbul WRY-NECK. .^scul. glabra Lachnanthes. Phytolacca decandra. INDEX OF REMEDIES. rASE Abies canadensis, Hemlock Spruce. Pinus Canadensis 17 ACALYPHA INDICA, Indian Acaiypha, Cupame?ta, . 17 Msc\JL\3S Gi^K^KA, Ohio Buckeye, . . .18 ^SCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM, Buckeye, Castanea equina, Horse chestnut, Pavina. .... 19 Agave Americana, American Aloe, American agave, Agave ramosa, Maguey, ... 23 Ailanthus GLANDULOSA, Chinese sumach, Tree of Hcaven,2l Aletris FARINOSA, Ague-root, Ague-grass, Aletris alba. Aloe-root, Blazing star. Bitter-grass, Black-root, Colic Root, Devil's-bit, Mealy Starwort, Star-grass, Starvvort, Unicorn-root. (False). .... 27 Alnus rubra, Ta^ alder, . . . . 28 Ampelopsis QUINQEFOLIA, American Ivy, Five-leaved Ivy, Virginia creeper, Woody Climber, . . 28 Anatherum MURICATUM, Andropogon muricatus,Andro^- ogon squarrosus, Agrostis verticellata, Cuscus, Vetiveria odorata, Vetivert, ..... 29 Apocynum i^^T)\<0?,Em\Y01A\]M, American Ipecac, Catch-Jly,Z9 Dog'sbane, Bitter Dogsbane, Bitter-root, Honey bloom, Fly-trap, Milkweed, .... 39 Apocynum cannabinum, {Apocynin,) Indian hemp, 40 Arctium lappa, Arctium bardana, Burdock, Cuckold, Clot Bur, Lappa major, Persollata, ... 43 Arum triphyllum, Ariscema atrorubens, Dragon-root, Dragon, turnip, Indian turnip, Pepper turnip,Three-leaved arum, Jack-in-the-pulpit, ... 43 Aralia RA.CEUOSA, American spikenard, Spikenard, 43, 471 Arsenici lODiBUM, Iodide of Arsenic, • . 45 ASARUM canadense, Asarum Carolinianum, Broad-leaf Asarabacca, Canada Snake-root, Colt's foot, Heart Snake root, Indian ginger. Wild ginger, . . 48 ASCLEPIAS incarnata, Asclepias pulchra. Flesh-colored Asclepias, Swamp milk-weed. Silk-weed, . 48 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA, Butterfly Weed, Canada root, Flax root. Orange Swallow-root, Orange apocynum. Pleurisy root, Silk-weed' Tuberous-rooted Swallow-root, Wind root, White-root, Wind-weed, ... 49 Asclepias SYRIKCPl, Asclepias pubescens, Asclepias apocy- num, Asclepias obovata, Asclepias tomentosa. Common Silk-weed, Milk-weed, . . . 52 Atropine, Belladonin, .... 54 Badiaga, Iresh-water Sponge, ... 60 Balsam PERUVIANUM, Balsam of Peru, Myroxylon Peru- iferum, Balsamum Indicana, ... 64 540 INDEX TO REMEDIES. PAOB. Baptisia TINCTORIA, Farbe Baptisia, Broom, Clover broom, Horse-fly weed, Indigo-weed, Indigo broom, Indi- gofera. Rattle-bush, Podalyria tinctoria. Wild Indigo, Yellow Indigo, American Indigo, Yellow broom, 66 Barosma CRENATA, Buchu, Bucku, Agathosma crenata, Diosma crenata, . . . . . 70 Bellis perennis, Bellis minor, Bellis hortensis. Bruise- wort, Common daisy, Day's-eye, Symphytum minnicum, 71 Benzoate of ammonia, Ammonia benzoas, . 72 Bromide of Iron, Ferri bromidum, . . -72 Bromide of Ammonia, Ammonice Bromidum . 73 Bromide of Lithium, Lithii Bromidum, . 75 Bromide of Potassium, PotassH Bromidum, . 76 BUFO, Rana Bufo, Bufo Sahylensis (aqua), Brazilian Toad, 90 Cactus GRANDIFLORUS, Night-Blooming Ccrcus, . 90 Calabar Bean, Physostigma venenosum, Ordeal Nut, 94, 474 Canchalagua, CJiironia chilensis, Gentiana cachenlahuen, Gentiana Peruviana. Erythraea chilensis, . 97 Cannabis Indica, Bangue, Bang, Indian Hemp, Hasch- isch, Subjee, Cannab. in. Haschischini, . . 98 Carbolic acid, Acidum carbolicum, Aciduni phenicum, 105 Carburetum SULPHURIS. Alcohol sidphnris, Carbonis sulphuretum. Carburet of sulphur . . 113 Carduus MA.^IM, Blessed Thistle, Carduus lacteus, Cirsium maculatum, Common milk thistle, Carthamus macula- tus, Ladies' thistle. Spina alba, Silybum marianum, 122 Castana VESCA, Castanea vulgaris. Common Chestnut, Fagus castanea, Glans Jovis, Jupiter's acorn, Lopima. 124 Caulophyllum THALICTROIDES, Blue-berry Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Blueberry, Blue ginseng, Papoose root, Squaw root, Yellow ginseng, Leontice thalactroides, . 124 Ceanothus AmeriCaNUS, Celastrus, Ceanothus Trincrvis, New Jersey tea, Red root . . . 127 Cerasus VIRGINIANA, Cerasus scrotina, Choke cherry. Wild cherry (red) . . . . . 128 Chelidonium MAJUS, CJielidonium liK, Actcea racemosa, Actaea cimicifuga, Botrophis serpentaria, Black snake-root, Black Cohosh, Macrotys racemosa, Richweed, Rattleweed, Serpentaria nigra, Squaw-root. [Active principle, Macrotin or Cimi- cifugin.] . . . . . .146 Chimaphila umbellata, Chimaphila corimbosa. Ground Holly, Pyrola umbellata, Pipsissewa, Prince's pine, Rheu- matism-weed, Wintergreen, , , . 153 INDEX TO REMEDIES. 54 1 PAOK. CiSTUS CK^h.V)YM?,\?>,Helia7ithemuni, Frostwort, Frostweed, Frost-plant, Rockrose, . .154 Q.OZK,Cocaine( KJioko, )Y.xy\hxoy.y\ovi. coca,Tea of the Andes,! 57 Codeine, Codeinmn, Paperverinum, . -153 Qwi^O^Ki. YiYV)^K'^Y.,( Hydrate of Chloral,) . 165 COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, ColHusonia deciissata, Horse- weed, Horse-balm, Heal-all, Knot-root, Knot-wood, Knobweed, Richlcaf, Richweed, Stone-root, Ox Balm, 171 COMOCLADIA DENTATA, Gnao, . . 1 73 CORNUS FLORIDA, Box-tree, Box-wood, Dogwood, Dog- tree, Bitter Redberry, Florida Dogwood, Large-flowered Cornel,Male great-flowered Dogwood, Virginian Dogwood i "jd Corn US CIRCINATA, Comus tormentosa, Round-leaved Cornel, Round-leaved Dogwood, Green Osier, . 176 Corydalis FORMOSA, Squirrel Corn, Turkey Corn, Wild Turkey Pea, Stagger-weed, Choice Dialetra, Dicentra, Dicentra Canadensis, (Gray,) . . . 179 Qo'i^iOlA^^, Oily principle of Petroleum, . 180 Cotyledon x^wsaiaqx^'^, Cotyledon uvibilicus veneris. Navel- wort, Venus' navelwort, . . . .181 Cundurangu, Condor-plant, . . . 189 CUPRI ARSENITUM, Arsenite of Copper, Scheele's Green, 189 Cyanide of Potassium, Cyanuret of Potassium, Hydro- cyanatc of potassa, . . . . 192 Cyanuret of mercury, Hydrargyri cyanuretum, H. cyan- idum, H. borussias, H. bicyanidum, Prussias hydrargyri, Prussiate of mercury, . . . .194 Cypripedium pubescens, American Valerian, Bleeding Heart, Cypripedium luteum, C. calculus, C. flavcscens, C parviflorum. Moccasin flower, M. plant, Male nervine, Noah's ark, Yellow umbil. Yellow Lady's-sHpper, 196 Datura arborea, Bougmancia Candida, . .197 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA, Colic root. Wild Yam root, 198 Doryphora ten linea. Colorado Potato-Bug, . 214 Epig^a REPENS, Ground Laurel, Gravel plant, May- flower, Trailing Arbutus, . . . 216 Erechthitis hieracip'OLIA, Fire-weed, Senecio hieracifo.216 Erigeron CANADENSE, Butter-weed, Canada Flea-bane, Horse-weed, Pride-weed, (Fire-weed.) . . 218 Eucalyptus globulus. Blue Gum-Tree, . 221 EUGNYMUS ATROPUPUREUS, Burning bush, Indian arrow wood. Spindle tree, Wahoo, . . . 222 Eupatorium aromaticum, Hempweed, White Snake-root,222 Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ague-weed, Boneset, Cross- wort, Eupatorium connatum, Feverwort, Indian sage, Joe pye, Thoroughwort, Teazel, Thorough-wax, Thorough- stem, Vegetable antimony, Sweating plant, . 223 542 INDEX TO REMEDIES. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM, Gravelroot. Joe pye weed, Mohawk Teazel, Purple-streaked Eupatorium, Trumpet weed. Queen of the Meadow, . . . 226 Euphorbia corollata, Apple root, Bowmans root, Emetic root, Hippo, Ipecac, Indian physic, Milkweed, Large Flowering Spurge,Milk Purslain,Purge-root,Snake's milk,229 Eryngium aquaticum, Eryngium Yuccaifolium, Button Snake-root, Water Eryngo, . . . 230 Equisetum hyemale, Sco2irmg Rush, . . 232 Formica, homiic acid, Myrmex, The poison of ants, 232 Galium aparine, Aparine Jiispida, Aspharine, Asperula, Ampelocarpus, Cleaver, Cleaver's bees, Clider, Cliver, Gooseshare, Galium infestum, Hayriff, Lappa, Philan- thropus, Omphalocaspus, Robin-run-the-hedge, 235 Gelseminum SEMPERVIRENS, Bignonia semptrvirens, Gel- seminum nitidum. Yellow Jessamine, . . 235 Geranium maculatum. Cranes bill, Spotted Geranium, Wild Cranesbill, Crowfoot, Alum-root, . 243 Gnaphalium polycephalum, Catfost, Everlasting, Sweet scented life-everlasting, . . . 244 GosSYPiUM herbaceum, Bombax, Cotton-root, 245 Gymnocladus CANADENSlS,^^;/<^//fiOlCA,ChamcBlerinm Luteunt,\] mcorn Root, 26 1,478 Hepatica triloba. Anemone Hepatica, Hepatica Ameri- cana, Herba Trinitatis, Plepaticus flos. Liverwort, Liver- weed, Noble Liverwort, Trefoil, . . . 264 Hydrastis canadensis, Canadian Hydrastis, Eyebalm, Ground Raspberry, Golden Seal, Hydrophyllum Verum, Indian Paint, Orange Root, Warneria Canadensis, Yel- low Root, Yellow Puccoon, Yellow Paint, . 264 Hypophosphate of lime, Calcis Hypopliosphis, Calcarea Hypophosphorica, Hypophosphas Calcariae, . 269 Hypophosphite of potash. Potasses Hypophosphis, Potassa Hypophosphorica, . . . 272 Iberis amara, Bitter Candy-tuft, . . . 273 Iodide of lead, PliLmbum lodatum, Plumbi lodidum, Plumbi loduretum, . . . 277 Iris versicolor. Blue Flag, Iris hexagona, . . 278 Juglans CINEREA, Butternut, Oilnut, White Walnut, 282 Lachnanthes tinctoria, Dilatris Tinctoria, Red Root, 284 INDEX TO REMEDIES. 543 PASK. Leptandra VIRGINICA, Pcederota Virginica, Black-root, Culver's Physic, Veronica Virginica, . 288 \A\A\iM.'Y\Q'^T^\i^, Tiger-spotted Lily, . . 291 Lithium carbonicum, Cardonate of Ltt/iia, Lithiae Carbonas, .... 303 Lobelia Cerulea, Blue Lobelia, Blue Cardinal Flower, Lobelia Reflexa, L. Syphilitica, Ranunculus Virginiana, 308 Lobelia inflata. Asthma Weed, Eycbright, Emetic Weed Indian Tobacco, Puke Weed, Wild Tobacco, 312 Lycopus VIRGINICUS, Bugle Weed, Gypsy Weed, Lycopus Uniflorus, Lycopus Pumila. Pauls Betony, Water Bugle, Water Horehound, . . . 316, 493 Menispermum CANADENSE, Menispermum Angulatiim, Sarsaparilla, Yellow Parilla, . . . 318 MiTCHELLA REPENS, Partridge Berry, . 320 MONOBROMIDE OF CAMPHOR, Camphora Monobromidum, 322 Mygale lasiodora, Cuban Spider, . . 323 Myrica CERIFERA, ^^jK-^^^O'. Candle-berry, Myrtle, Wax Myrtle, Sweet Gale, . . . . 325 Myrtus communis, Myrtus Communis Ltalica, Myrsine, Myrrhine, Myrtle, . . , -331 Nabalus SERPENTARIA, Prenanthes Serpentaria, Rattle Snake Root, N. Albus, White Lettuce, . 332 Naja tripudians. Cobra Capello. Hooded Snake, Spec- tacled Snake, . . . . 333 Nitrate OF URANIUM, C/ir<3;«M j?WVr«j, . 335 Nuphar LUTEA, Nymphoea Lutea, N. Major Lutea, Yel- ' low Water Lily, . . , . . . 340 OENOTHERA BIENNIS, CBfwthera MolHsima, CE. Muricata, CE. Gauroides, Cureall, Evening Primrose, Primrose Tree, Onagra, Scabish, . . . .341 Oil OF sandalwood, . . . . 341 Origanum vulgare, Cuftila Bubula, Common Marjorum, Majorana Mancurana, Wild Marjorum, . . 342 Oxalate of Cerium, .... 343 Paullinia sorbilis, Guarana, Peruvian Tea, . 345 Phosphide of zinc, .... 345 Phytolacca decandra, Solanum Racemosum, Cancer- root, Coakum, Garget, Jalap cancer-root, Phytolacca vulgaris. Poke-weed, Poke, Pigeon-berry, Skoke, Ameri- can night-shade, .... 347 Plantago major, Plantago Vulgaris, Great Plantain, P. Latifolia, Way-bread, . . ' . . 352 Podophyllum peltatum, Anapodophyllum Canadense, May-apple, Mandrake, (Podophyllin,) . . . . 363 Polygonum punctatum. Polygonum Hydropiperoides, Smart-weed, Water-pepper, .... ... 369 POLYPORUS officinalis, Agaricus Albus, A. Laricis, Boletus L., B.jpurgans, B. Officinalis, Fungus Laricis, . . 37a 544 INDEX TO REMEDIES. POLYPORUS PINICOLA, Pine Agaric, ... . 375 PopULUS TREMULOIDES, Atnericau Aspect, . . 375 Ptelea trifoliata, Hop Tree, Shrubby Trefoil, Swamp Dog- wood, Stinking Ash, S. Prairie-bush, Wing-seed, Wafer Ash, 377 Pulsatilla Nuttalliana, American Pulsatilla, Anemone Ludovi- ciana, ....... 389 Rhus GLABRUM, Cojnmon Sumach, .... 394 Rhus venenata, Poison Sumach, .... 394 ROBINIA PSEUDO ACACIA, Black Locust, False Acacia, Locust Tree, Pseudo Acacia Odorata, ..... 397 RUMEX CRISPUS, Yellow Dock, .... 398 Sanguinaria canadensis, Blood-root, Blood-wort, Indian Paint, Red Puccoon, Red-root Turmeric, .... 402 Santonins, Cinin, (from Artemisia Santonica,CanniHerba,Chamsece- drus, Xantolina, Absinthium Santonicum, Worm-seed,) . 410 Sarracenia PURPUREA, Huntsman's Cup, Indian's Cup,Pitcher plant, 416 Scutellaria lateriflora, Blue Pimpernel, Hood-wort, Madweed, Mad-dog skull-cap, Skull-cap, . . . . -417 Sempervivum tectorum, Agriqsinara, Barba Jovis, Cyphel, Buph- thalmus, Fews, Jupiter's I3eard, House Leek, Seugreen, Semper- vivum majus, . . . . . . .418 Senecio aureus, Senecio Gracilis, Life-root, Squaw-root,_ Wild Valerian, Golden Rag- weed, . . . . .419 SiLPHlUM LACINIATUM, Compass plant, Polar Plant, Rosin-weed, 423 Sticta pulmonaria, Hazelraw, Hazel crottles, Lichen Pulmonarius, L. Arborum, Pulmonaria Arborea, Oak Lungs, Lung- wort, 423 Stillingia SYLVATICA, Cockup-hat, Marcory, Queens-root, 6. Delight, Yaw-root, ....... 425 Strychnia ET v^kv.\ cn^xs. Citrate of Iron atid Strychnine, . 430 Sulphate of nickel, Niccoli Sulphas . . 431 SUMBUL, Jatamansi, Musk-root, . . . . 432 Tarantula, yir««