on. taa THE ARTICLES OF TRUE FAITH, DEPENDING UPON THE COMMISSION OF THE SPIRIT. DBAWN UP INTO FORTY-EIGHT HEADS, BY JOHN SADDIXGTON, AN ANCIENT BELIEVER, FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHER BELIEVERS, That noro are, or hereafter shall come to believe ; AND TO CONFOUND AND DISPROVE ALL DESPISERS, THAT SAT, " WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE BELIEVE." ANNO M.DC.LXXV. PRINTED 1830. REPRINTED SEPTEMBER, 1880, FOE ISAAC FROST, SON of ISAAC FROST, St. John's Square, Clerkemcell AND MRS. HUNTLEY, DAUGHTER of JOSEPH FROST, H. DONGRAY, Printer, Walthamstow. SRLF URL 513240S HERE, I HAVE WRITTEN THE ARTICLES OF MY FAITH, WHICH I WILL WITNESS TO BE TBUE, WITH THE DEATH OF MY SOUL, IF IT BE EEQUffiED OF ME ; Therefore let not the words of any Canaanitish Devil, pro- phane Esau, scoffing Ishmael, or railing Babshakeh, be credited, when they vilify and belie f \ THE BELIEVERS OF THE WITNESSES OF THE SPIRIT, IN SAYING, 'THAI THEY DO OWN NEITHER GOD NOR DEVIL; Or when they cast any other scandalous reproaches con- trary to Truth upon us that truly know GOD. JOHN SADDINGTON. Annex THB ARTICLES OP TRUE FAITH AETICLE I. I do firmly believe that there is a GOD, full of all spiritual glory, above or beyond the stars. II. I do believe that GOD is a GOD of substance, and that that most glorious, most wise, and almighty GOD, that is so often spoken of hi Holy Scripture, was a spiritual glorious body, in form like a man, from all eternity. in. I do believe that the most wise GOD did create the holy angels of that dust above the stars with glorious spiritual bodies, in form like Himself. Ag X24774G4 < 6 THE ARTICLES OF IV. I do believe that GOD did withhold the spiritual food of inspiration from one of those glorious angels which He had created; and then, for want of that spiritual food, which kept his nature in obedience to his Creator, he im- mediately began to imagine within himself high and lofty thoughts against GOD his Creator. V. I do believe that that angel did think himself more fit to rule over Ins fellow-creatures than GOD his Creator, for which pride and presumption that angel became accursed in himself, and for his rebellion did GOD afterwards fling him down into this world, and called him a devil, a ser- pent, &c. VI. I do believe that earth and water were from eternity, but without form until such time as the most wise GOD did create them into formable bodies. VII. I do believe that GOD created the man Adam of the dust of this earth and breathed into him the breath of life, which became a living soul in Adam, and then was Adam in the form of GOD, his Creator, though not so glorious. VIII. I do believe that Adam was created so pure [that death could not have seized on him had he continued in his created purity. TRUE FAITH. 7 IX. I do believe that as soon as Adam had sinned then did death enter into this world and arrest Adam, with such a great action of debt that neither soul nor body could escape out of his hand; for as both had sinned so both were carried to the prison of the grave. I do believe that when GOD said to Adam, " Encrease and multiply," and when He said " Let every seed bring forth its own body," then did the wise "Creator give power to all seed, both in man and beast, in herbs and trees, to bring forth their own bodies, without any more additional help from Him. XI. I do believe that GOD created the sun, moon, and stars, and placed them in the firmament of heaven, for signs and for seasons, and appointed every one of them his office ; and as GOD commanded them at first, so still do they supply this world with all manner of weather, as heat, cold, rain, snow, &c., without troubling the Creator in the least. XII. I do believe that the souls of all men since Adam were generated and came forth of the loins of their father, with their bodies, therefore are as mortal as their bodies, and must die with them, and lie in the earth with their bodies until the resurrection day. XIII. I do believe that the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, which Moses spake and wrote of were no wooden trees growing out of the grouncj. 8 THE ABTICLES OP XIV. I do believe that the Tree of Life, which Moses -wrote of, was the same GOD that created the world. XV. I do believe that the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil was that serpent angel which GOD cast out of heaven down to this earth for his rebellion. XVI. I do believe that that outcast angel was the serpent which tempted Eve, and that he was at that same time a spiritual body in the form of Adam. XVII. I do believe that that outcast angel or serpent-tree of knowledge of good and evil did enter into the womb of Eve, and dissolve his spiritual body into seed, which seed died and quickened again in the womb of Eve. XVIII. I do believe that Eve brought forth her first born the son of the devil, and very devil himself. XIX. I do believe that there is no other devil but man and woman ; since the first devil, that serpent angel devil, be- came seed in the womb of Eve, and clothed himself with flesh and bone. XX. I do believe that Cain was not the son of Adam, though he was the son of Eve. TRUE FAITH. 9 XXI. I do believe that the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent are two distinct generations of men and women in this world. XXII. I do believe that the seed of the woman is the generation of faithful people, which proceed from the loins of blessed Seth, who was the son of Adam, who was the son of God. xxm. I do believe the seed of the serpent is the generation of unbelievers or reprobate men and women, which proceed from the loins of cursed Cain, the son of the devil, and the first lying and murdering devil that ever was. xxiv. I do believe that those men and women that blaspheme against GOD and despise his messengers are those angels which are said to be cast out of heaven with the devil their father. XXV. I do believe that that difference and opposition which ariseth between believers and unbelievers concerning their faith in GOD is that enmity which GOD said He would put between the serpent and the woman and between his seed and her seed. XXVI. I do believe that Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and several others were true prophets, and penmen of holy writ, 10 THE ARTICLES OP XXVII. I do believe that GOD took up Moses and Elias bodily into heaven and there glorified them, to represent his glorious person while he went that sore journey in the flesh. XXVIH. I do believe that GOD gave Moses and Elias full power to govern heaven and earth for that time He was in this world. XXIX. I do believe that Moses and Elias were those two angels that were to watch over Christ when He was in mortality, lest at any time He should dash His foot against a stone. XXX. I do believe that the most glorious and wise Creator left His throne of glory for a time and come down into this world, and entered into the virgin's womb and there died, or laid down his immortality by dissolving into seed, and immediately quickened again into pure mortality. XXXI. I do believe that that child Jesus, which was born of the Virgin-wife, Mary, was both the Son of GOD, the everlast- ing Father, and Creator of all things that were created. XXXII. I do believe that the flesh of Christ was the flesh of GOD, and that the blood of Christ was the blood of GOD, TBDE FAITH. 11 XXXIII. I do believe that Christ laid down His God-head life for a moment, when the vail of the temple was rent in twain, and that the graves gave up their dead at His resurrection. XXXIV. I do believe that no other blood but the blood of the eternal GOD could wash away the sins of the elect. XXXV. I do believe that Christ's death was so effectual that all those for whom He died will be raised again to eternal life and glory. XXXVI. I do believe that Christ was a quickening spirit, and that He did quicken out of death to life by His own power. XXXVII. I do believe that that ever blessed Soul or Spirit, which in holy writ is called the Godhead, did quicken in that body of flesh and bone of Christ, which was laid in the sepulchre, and raised it again from death to everlasting life. XXXVHI. I do believe that blessed body of flesh and bone of Christ neither did nor could see corruption, or be left in the grave, because it was a pure mortal body, without sin, spot or blemish, before His death. 12 THE ABTICLES OF XXXIX. I do believe that Christ was visibly seen by the apostles and by private believers after His resurrection. XL. I do believe that Christ did and was visibly scon to ascend into heaven with that same body in which He suffered death and arose again. XLI. I do believe that the apostles' doctrine and declaration of Christ is true. XLIL I do believe that that Spiritual Godhead, or Godhead Spirit, which was before anything was created, and which created all this that were created, is now in heaven, clothed with that blessed body of Christ Jesus glorified. XLIII. I do believe that GOD will raise the souls and bodies of all men out of their graves, some to an ever-living glorious live, and other some to an ever-dying painful death which will never end. XLIV. I do believe that GOD spake to JOHN REEVE to the hear- ing of the ear, and that GOD chose JOHN REBATE to be his last messenger to this unbelieving world, and that GOD gave him LODOWICKE MU&OLETON to be his mouth to de- clare the mind of GOD to us in this, our age. TRUE FAITH. 13 XLV. "l I do believe, the doctrine and declaration of JOHN REEVE and LODOWICKE MUGGLETON, to be as true as the doctrine declared by Moses, the Prophets, and Apostles of old. XLVI. I do believe there will be no salvation at the day of the Lord, for those that were in the time of Moses and the other prophets, who did not lay hold on God's promises made unto them by his prophets, when they prophesied, that God would send a Son, a Saviour, or become a child himself to redeem his people. XLvn. I do believe, there will be no salvation for those that were in Christ's time who heard of him, but could not believe him to be the Son of God, and Saviour of the world. XLVHI. I do believe, there will be no salvation for those that are in these our days, who have heard of the witnesses of the Spirit, and have seen or heard their declaration ; and yet cannot believe that Jesus Christ is the 'only wise God ; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one single person glorified ; and that it is life eternal, truly to know him so to be. UHW. OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELE* UTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FA A 000100684