lOKTOS, CAL. THE ARTIST'S GUIDE AND MECHANIC'S OWN EMBRACING THE PORTION OF CHEMISTRY APPLICABLE TO THE MECHANIC ARTS, WITH ABSTRACTS OF ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, MAO NETISM, PNEUMATICS, OPTICS, ASTRONOMY, AND JVIECHAMCAL PHILOSOPHY, ALSO MECHANICAL EXERCISES IN !HON. STEEL, LEAD, ZINC, COPPER, AND TIN SOLDERING AND A VARIETY OF USEFUL RECEIPTS, EXTENDING TO EVERY PROFESSION AND OCCUPATION OF LIFE ; PARTICULARLY DYEING, SILK, WOOLLEN, COTTON, AND LEATHER BY JAMES PILKINGTON. BOSTON: CHASE, NICHOLS AND HILL. No. 43 Washington St. Eiitt>ri*i, according to the Act of (..'onjjress. in tip year IS41, BY ALEXANDER V. RLAKE, Fn Ais clerk's office of the ilistricl court of vho southern district of New York. PREFACE. MECHANICS generally, having risen from families in the more humble stations of society, are not much favored with school education. Yet, in their case may be seen what is common in the allotments of Providence, that an evil is attended with a correspond- ing benefit. Thus, if poverty obliges many a youth to resort to the workshop for means of subsistence, instead of spending his time under tutors in obtain- ing from books the elementary instruction usually es- teemed necessary to usefulness in life, it is a fact well known, that most mechanical pursuits are found favorable to mental developement. The fixtures of a mill, in multitudes of cases, seem to have answered about the same purpose in this respect, as the labora- tory of the chemist, or the philosophical apparatus of the college professor. Instances have been frequent that the unlettered boy has risen, step by step, guided by his own energies, till he became distinguished for science and for inventions to bless the whole range of society. And it is believed, that no class in the community is more characterized than mechanics for the best of all possible endowments, the capability and habit of thinking for themselves. n PREFACE. The admission of this truth renders it desirable, that all possible facilities be placed within the reach of this most respectable and valuable portion of out community. Indeed, it is nearly as certain as mathe- matical demonstration, that if facilities are placed within their reach, the result will be auspicious. Such persons do not often neglect their opportunities for improvement. The young collegian may some- times exhaust his paternal bounty, knowing or real- izing but little of its value ; but, the young mechanic looks upon his time and his means for improvement as better than money, inasmuch, as on them alone he depends for means of subsistence and the hope of fu- ture distinction. The author of the following work has received his education in the manner described not under aca- demical supervision in classic halls ; but amidst the ponderous wheels of powerful machinery, where he was his own teacher. And, many a time would it have saved him immense labor in his pursuits could he have had access to a few well made books eluci- dating the mysteries of his trade ; it would have bouyed up his wearied spirit and led him on to re- newed exertions in the attainment of knowledge. He has spent years in study which might have been saved for other objects. To furnish his brother me- chanics with such a desideratum, the following pages have been prepared. If the work is not as good as it might be, he trusts it is as free from faults as the nature of the case can well admit. He has embraced a wide range, and was obliged, of course, to be con- cise. The mechanic has neither the ability to pro PREFACE. Vil sure voluminous and elaborate treatises ; nor, if pro- cured, the leisure to study them. From habits of intimacy with hundreds and per- haps with thousands of mechanics, he is well per- suaded, that the present effort to promote their inter- ests will be duly appreciated by them. And there is scarcely a laboring man in the community, whatever be his own particular trade, but what will find much in the Mechanic's Own Book -suited to his own indi- vidual wants. An examination of it will convince any one of this fact. Mechanics and artists have occasion to be proud oi many names among their brethren. Roger Sherman, oil:? of the most extraordinary men of Connecticut, in early life, was an humble shoe maker. The Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D. D., for many years, the vener- able father as it were, of the Baptist denomination in this country, is said to have been a hard laboring blacksmith. One of the acting governors of the State of Massachusetts, now living in affluence and surrounded by men of eminence, when a boy was poor, and an apprentice in a printing office. Other cases of a similar sort might be named ; and the story of Franklin is too familiar to my readers to need reci- tal. The late Samuel Slater came to America with a few pounds only in his pockets ; blithe lived to see through his agency some of the most important rela- tion? and inter* sts of society entirely changed ; and died a man of great wealth. And who can tell all the important results now enjoyed by the world, that may be traced back to the untiring genius of Robert Fulton, once an itinerant painter 1 Or to the riii PREFACE. fatigable Oliver Evans, whose first studies were pur- sued after the hours of daily toil, in a wheelwright's shop by the light of his burning shavings. And Richard Arkwright, too, the founder of cotton spin- ning by machinery was bred to the trade of a barber, and has obtained one of the most endurable monu- ments to his genius the world ever raised. Indeed, it would fill a volume to give notes of all the me- chanics that have acquired a praiseworthy fame. In making the above allusions, it may not oe in- appropriate to mention the names of two other indi- viduals who have obtained an enviable reputation. The first is Thomas Blanchard, extensively known in the United States for his mechanical skill, and now employed in the city of New York endeavoring to perfect a new invention. He will be remembered for ages to come for the benefits to society from his un- tiring genius. The second is E. Burritt, denomina- ted, by governor Everett, the learned blacksmith, a resident of Worcester, Massachusetts. The appella- tion is a most just one. He is not thirty years-of age, and labors eight hours daily, at his trade, yet he has learnt to read fifty different languages. Were the fact not supported by good authority, it would bt in- credible ! Nor is Mr. Burritt satisfied with his pre- sent attainments; he continues to devote all his lei- sure time to study that is, all not spent in manual labor and sleep. Apparently he has laid the founda- tion only of the superstructure to be erected thereon, What an example is his to the young mechanics of our country ! ARTIST'S GUIDE, AND MECHANICS' OWN BOOK. CHEMISTRY. OF CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. FROM the revival of learning, after the fall of the Ro- man empire, to nearly the close of the seventeenth cen tury, Chemistry was chiefly confined to those who fol- lowed it with alchemical views. Those persons, many of whom knew that they were deceiving their patrons, while others were desirous to conceal their self-delusion, or to create admiration by the appearance of having done much, were anxious to give every product of their laboratories a mysterious, extraordinary, or unintelligible name. As they did not act in concert, the same prepa- ration obtained very different names ; and, as they were, with few exceptions, as eminent for ignorance as effron- tery, and carried on their operations at random, they examined but superficially the substances which they undertook to denominate, and knew not to what they were indebted for their leading properties. Such names as horn moon, mercury of life, the wonderful salt, the satt with many virtues, form but a small specimen of pr-idigious number, equally inappropriate and ridiculous. ll-nce, when the dreams of alchemy were broken by the dawn of a more enlightened day when men who had tha promulgation of truth only for their object, became rbemists, from a persuasion cf the advantages which the 2005123 10 CHEMISTRY. cultivation of that science would afford to mankind, they found it difficult to unravel the confusion which the misnomers of their predecessors had created. In propor- tion as discoveries were multiplied, the want of a regular arid appropriate nomenclature increased, and formed a strong bar to the general diffusion of a taste for chemical researches. A few innovations, which were made hy single individuals, in order to accommodate the language of chemistry to the improved state of knowledge, served only to show how much was still wanted. It is per fectly obvious that names founded upon a mistaken view of the properties of things, tend to the propagation of erroneous opinions, and that, when a vast number of sub- stances aie designated at random, without any connection in names, although nearly related in composition, the mere effort of memory to recollect these names, will exceed the effort which ought to be required for the ac- quisition of a science. Towards the close of the last century, therefore, several eminent French chemists determined to take a comprehensive view of the subject, and to remodel the whole system of chemical nomencla- ture a task which they completed in 1797. Their object was to reject all the old names which were known to convey false ideas, 'out to preserve those which were not of this class, and to which custom had given a cur- rency, scarcely and not usefully to be checked. They at the same time introduced new terms, of appropriate derivation ; and the method of forming compound terms, so as to indicate the composition of compound bodies, was pointed out. This system of nomenclature possessed so much merit, that the adoption of it soon became gene- ral in France ; and from thence, it spread with great rapidity to other countries, where it was received either ei.^irely, 01 with such improvements as experience war- raiiied. The objections which have been urged against it are futile; they have chiefly amounted to this, that it is not absolutely perfect, and will, by the progress of disci.v?ry, hereafter require to be modified. On the con- trary, a high eulogium on its. value and opportune CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. 11 establishment is conveyed by the opinion of several emi- nent chemists that the present state of chemistry could not be communicated, much less remembered, by the language previously in use. The following table will exhibit the most important changes of terms which have been made, and more par- ticular details will occur, as an account of each sub- stance gives occasion : Old names. New names Acetous Salts, ... Acetates. Acid of vitriol, phlogisti- cated, [ Sulphurous acid. of alum ... 1 of vitriol - vitriolic ... >Sulphuric acid. of sulphur j of nitre, phlogisti- cated, . 1 Nitrous acid. of nitre, dephlogisti- \ cated, > Nitric arid. of saltpetre - - ) of sea-salt [ Muriatic acid. marine ... ) dephlogisticated ma- rine | Oxygenized muriatic acid. aerial .... ^ of chalk - - - cretaceous - - calcareous - - >Carbonic acid. of charcoal - - mephitic - - - J of spar or fluor > Fluoric acid sparry ... j of borax - - - Boracic acid. of arsenic Arsenic acid. of tungsten of wolfram - - | Tungstic acid. of molybdina Molybdic acid. 12 CHEMISTRY. Old names New naxiea. Acid of apples - - Malic acid. of sugar - - | sa ccharine - - > Oxalic acid. of wood sorrel i of lemons - - Citric acid. of cream of tartar Tartaric acid. of benzoin Benzoic acid. of galls ... Gallic acid. of amber - - - Succinic acid. of ants - Formic acid. of cork ... Suberic acid. of phosphorus, phlo- gisticated --- | Phosphorus acid. of phosphorus, de- phlogisticated - - ( Phosphoric acid. of silk worms Bombic acid. of fat - Sebacic acid. sedative Boracic acid. of lac - - Laccic acid. of milk - - - Lactic acid. saccholactic - - of sugar of milk | Mucous acid. Air - .... Gas.* dephlogisticated > VJclo. w 1 pure - - - - impure or vitiated ) AT ., burnt - - - - ^itrogen gas, or azote, or - phlogisticated - ) azotic gas. inflammable - - Hydrogen gas. - marine acid - - Muriatic acid gas. dephlogisticated ma- ) Oxygenized muriatic arid rine acid \ gas. * The term gas is now used as a general name fcr all kinds of ir, except atmospheric air. CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. Old names. Air hepatic ... fetid of sulphur - fixed ... solid, of Hales alkaline ... Alga roth, powder of Alkalies, fixed - - - Alkali, volatile - - - concrete volatile Alkalies, caustic - - Alkalies effervescent, or not caustic, or aerated, or mild. Alkali vegetable - - mineral - - - prussian Alum Antimony, crude - - diaphoretic - j Aquafoitis .... Aqua-regia - - - - Aqua ammonia pura Argil, or argillaceous earth, Barilla Benzoar mineral - - - Black lead .... Blue, Prussian - - - Borax - .... Butter of antimony - - Calces, metallic - - - Caustic, lunar ... New names. Sulphuretted hydrogen ga^ Carbonic acid gas. Ammoniacal gas. White oxide of antimony bj the muriatic acid. Potash and soda. Ammonia. Carbonate of ammonia. Pure alkalies, or those de- prived of carbonic acid. Alkaline carbonates, or alka lies combined with carbo nic acid. Potash.* Soda. Prussiate of potass. Sulphate of alumine and potass. Sulphuret of antimony. White oxide of antimony by the nitric acid. Nitric acid of commerce. Nitro-muriatic acid. Ammonia. Alumine. Carbonate of soda. Oxide of antimony. Hyper-carburet of iron. Prussiate of iron. Borate of soda. Muriate of antimony. Metallic oxides. Fused nitrate of silver. The potash of commerce, when purified, is now called potasa 2 14 CHEMISTRY. Old names. JVejo names. ( White oxide of lead by -he "" I acetous acid. Ceruse ot antimony - - ( White oxide of antimony by I precipitation. Chalk Carbonate of lime. Charcoal, pine - - - Carbon. Jinnabar ..... ( Red sulphuretted oxide of I mercury. Colthothar of vitriol - ( Red oxide of iron, by the I sulphuric acid. Copper, acetated - - Acetate of copper. Copperas, green ... Sulphate of iron. blur ^c n Cream of tartar - - - Earth, calcareous - Supertartrate of potass. Lime. aluminous of alum ... > Alumine. siliceous ... Silex. ponderous - - Barytes. magnesian - - muriatic - - - | Magnesia. Egg, white of - - - Albumen Elastic gum - - - - Indian rubber - - - > Caoutchouc. Emetic tartar ... ( Antimoniated tartrate o* I potass. C 1 __ _ Volatile oil Ethiops martial - - - Black oxide of iron. irunr*r*"i1 ) Black sulphuretted oxide ol Flowers, metallic - - Sublimated. metallic oxides. f^C -11 on * i -. Tltiors Fluates. Glass of bismuth - - Vitreous oxide of bismuth. Glue or jelly ... Gelatine. Glutinous matter - - Gluten. Gypsum ..... Sulphate of lime. Sulnhurets. Old names. Heat, latent, or matter of heat , Hermus mineral - - CHEMICAL NOME]\ 7 CLATURE. 15 New names. r a j or j c Red sulphuretted oxide of Lapis infernalis Leys r of antimny . Fused nitrate of silver. Solutions of alkalies. Solutions of siliccous P tash - Litharge, or semi -vitreous oxid?oflead. Liver of sulphur, alkaline Sulphuret of potash. Liver of sulphur, calcareous Sulphuret of lime. Muriate of silver. ( Oxide of bismuth j nitric acid. Precipitated oxide of lead. Carbonate of magnesia . - black - - Black oxide of manganese. Masticot ...... Yellow oxide of lead. Matter, amylacious - - Fecula, or starch. Mephitis ------ Nitrogen. Minium ------ Red oxide of lead. Luna cornea ,, . , e , . ,, Magistery of b.smuth - of lead - Magnesia by the Mother waters . Saltpetre - - Nitres - - - Oils, fat essential - - ethereal - of tartar per quium deli- Deliquescent saline residues. Nitrate of potash. Nitrates. Fixed oils. -.T , ... ., Volat.le oils, carbonate of Solution of potash. Phlogiston, an imaginary principle, adopted by Stahl and his followers, to account for the phenomena of com- bustion Its existence having never been proved, it has no name in modern science.* * In jjeneral, the- works in which it is used, may he understood oy substituting tho term " hydrogen," instead of it ; and by * dephlofristicaled," understanding free from hvdro^en. CHEMISTRY. Old names. Phosphoric salts Plumbago - - Precipitate, red -- per se - Princip'i, astringent --- tanning --- acidifying --- inflammable, identical with Phlogiston. Pj \'f t '>{ copper - - Sulphuret of copper. --- . . \nartial /.,... ---- factitious - New names. - Phosphates. Hyper-carburet of iron. ( Red oxide of mercury bj | the nitric acid. Red oxide of mercury by fire - Gallic acid. - Tannin. - Oxygen. c 01 Kcr /.*.s of a metal kusl of copper - - - of iron - - - Saifron of mars - - - Sal ammoniac - - - poly ch rest - - - Salt, common or sea febrifuge of Sylicius Salt, fusible of urine - Salt glaubers - - - epsom --- - of Sorel - - - of wormwood vegetable - - - sedative - - - Sthal's sulphureous Selenite Spar, calcareous - - fluor - - - - ponderous - - Spirit, ardent ... of nitre - - - of nitre, fuming - of salt .... of sal ammoniac - Red sulphurated oxideofarsemc The metal in a state of purity - Green oxide of copper. - Carbonate of iron. - Red oxide of iron. - Muriate of ammonia. - Sulphate of potass. - Muriate of soda. Muriate of potass. ( Phosphate of soda and am- \ monia. Sulphate of soda. - of magnesia. - Super-oxolate of potass. - Carbonate of potass. - Tartrate of potass. - Boracic acid. - Sulphate of potash. - Sulphate of lime. - Crystallized carbonate of lime - Fluate of lime. - Sulphate of barytes. - Alcohol. - Nitric acid. - Nitrous acid. - Muriatic acid. - Ammonia. CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. 1*7 Old names. New names. Spirit of vitriol .... Sulphuric acid. -- of wine - ... Alcohol. Spiritus rector - - - - Aroma. Sublimate, corrosive - j Cor muriate f mep Sugar of lead .... Acetate of lead. Sulphur, alkaline liver of - Sulphuret of potass, soda, &c, - metallic liver of Tartar ...... Super-tartrate of potass. _ . ( Antimoniated tartrate of po- - vitriolated - - - Sulphate of potash. Tartars ...... Tartrates. Tinctures, spirituous - - Resins dissolved in alcohol. Turbith mineral - - ^ Yellow oxide of mercury b ? { sulphuric acid. Verdigris, or rust of cop-S PCr ' exposed to t " he >Green oxide of copper. air - - - J f ., , C Acetate of copper mixed - of the shops | with oxide. * _ ,. ... , C Crystallized acetate of cop- Vinegar, distilled - - - Acetous acid. - radical - - - Acetic acid. Vitriol, blue or roman - Sulphate of copper. green martial > > - white .... - of zinc. Vitriols ...... Sulphates. Water, acreted or acidu- ( Water impregnated with lated. $ carbonic acid. _ , ( Water impregnated with - hepatic J sulphuretted hydrogen. 2 B 18 CHEMISTRY. CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. To the preceding view of chemical nomenclature, the following explanations of terms will not perhaps be an unacceptable addition. Affinity, (a proximity of relationship.) The term af- finity is used indifferently with attraction. See Attrac- tion. Air. This term, till lately, was used as the generic name for such invisible and exceedingly rare fluids as possess a very high degree of elasticity, and are not con- densible into the liquid state by any degree of cold hitherto produced; but, as this term is commonly em- ployed to signify that compound of aeriform fluids which constitutes our atmosphere, it has been deemed advisable to restrict it to this signification, and to employ as the generic term, the word GAS, for the different kinds of air, except what relates to our atmospheric compound. The atmosphere may be said, in general terms, to consist of oxygen and nitrogen ; but atmospheric air, even when purest, always contains a small proportion of other prin ciples. Murray states its exact composition as follows : By measure. By weight. Nitrogen gas, - 77.5 - - - 75.55 Oxygen gas, - 21.0 - - - 23.32 Aqueous vapour, 1.42 - - 1.03 Carbonic acid gas, .08 - - - .10 100.0 100.0 Alchemy. That branch of chemistry which relates to the transmutation of metals into gold ; the forming a panacea or universal remedy, an alcahest, or universal CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 19 menstruum, an universal ferment, and many other absurd- Hies. Alchemist. One who practises the mystical art oi alchemy. Alkali, or ant-acid. Any substance which, when mingled with acid, produces fermentation. (See Alkalies.) Alloy. 1. Where any precious metal is mixed with another of less value, the assayers call the latter the alloy, and do not in general consider it in any other point of view, than as debasing or diminishing the precious metal. 2. Philosophical chemists have availed themselves of this term, to distinguish all metallic compounds in gen- eral. Thus brass is called the alloy of copper and zinc ; bei!-metal, an alloy of copper and tin. Every alloy is distinguished by the metal which pre- dominates in its composition, or which gives it its value. Thus English jewelry, trinkets, are ranked under alloys of gold, though most of them deserve to be placed under the head of copper. When mercury is one of the com- ponent metals, the alloy is called amalgam. Thus we have an amalgam of gold, silver, tin, &c. Since there* are about thirty different permanent metals, independent of those evanescent ones that constitute the basis of the alkalies and earths, there ought to be about 870 differ- ent species of binary alloys. But only 132 species have been made and examined. Some metals have so little affinity for others, that as yet no compound of them has been effected, whatever p9ins have been taken. Most of these obstacles to alloying, arise from the differ- ence in fusibility and volatility. Yet a few metals, the melting point of which is nearly the same, refuse to unite. It is obvious that two' bodies will not combine, unless their affinity or reciprocal attraction be stronger tbau the cohesive attraction of their individual particles. To overcome this cohesion of the solid bodies, and ren- der affinity predominant, they must be penetrated by caloric. If one be very difficult of fusion, and the other very volatile, they will not unite unless the reciproca. 20 CHE'MISTRY. attraction be exceedingly strong. But if that degree of fusibility be almost the same, they are easily placed in the circumstances most favourable for making an alloy If we are, therefore, far from knowing all the binary alloys which are possible, we are still further removed frot.i knowing all the triple, quadruple, &c. which maj exi .t It must be confessed, moreover, that this depart me it of chemistry has been imperfectly cultivated. .Analysis. The resolution, by chemistry, of any matter info its primary and constituent parts. The processes ar d experiments which chemists have recourse to, are Vftiy numerous and diversified, yet they may be reduced tj two species, which comprehend the whole art of f ncmistry. The first is, analysis, or decomposition ; the recond, synthesis, or composition. In analysis, the parts of which bodies are composed, are separated from each otner: thus if we reduce cinnabar, which is composed ot suiphur and mercury, and exhibit those two bodies in a separate state, we say we t have decomposed or analyzed cinnabar. But if, on the contrary, several bodies be mixed together, and a new substance be produced, the J>nx:ess is then termed chemical composition, or synthesis. th these operations, the most extensive knowledge of si>ch properties of bodies as are already discovered, must b'- applied, in order to*produce simplicity of effect and c< rtainty in the results. Chemical analysis can hardly b- executed with success, by one who is not in possession ol a considerable number of simple substances, in a state of great purity, many of 'which, from their effects, are called reagents. The word analysis, is often applied by chemists to denote that series of operations by which the component parts of bodies are determined, whether they be merely separated or exhibited apart from each other ; or whether these distinctive properties be exhibited by causing th^m to enter into a new combination, withoul CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. "2\ the perceptible intervention of a separate state ; and in the chemical examination of bodies, analysis or separa- tion can scarcely ever be effected, without synthesis talcing place at the same time. Apparatus. This term is applied to the instruments, .the preparation, and arrangements, of every thing ne- cessary in the performance of any operation, medical, surgical, or chemical. Assay. This operation consists in determining the quantity of valuable or precious metal contained in any mineral or metallic mixture, by analyzing a small part thereof. The practical difference between the analysis and assay of an ore, consists in this: The analysis, if properly made, determines the nature and qualities of all the parts of the compound; whereas, the object of the assay consists in ascertaining how much of the par ticular metal in question may be contained in a certain determinate quantity of the material under examination. Thus, in the assay of gold or silver, the baser metal&are considered as of no value or consequence; and the problem to be resolved is simply, how much of each is contained in the ingot or piece of metal intended to be assayed. Astringent. That which, when applied to the body, renders the solids denser and firmer, by contracting their fibres, independently of their living, or" muscular power. Astringents thus serve to diminish excessive discharges; and by causing greater compression of the nervous fibril- lae, may lessen morbid sensibility or irritability. Hence they may tend indirectly to restore the strength, when impaired by these causes. The chief class of these articles are the acids, alum, lime-water, chalk, certain preparations of copper, zinc, iron, and lead; the gallic acid, which is commonly found united with the true ivstringent principle, was long mistaken for it. Seguin first distinguished them ; and, from the use of this prin- ciple in tanning skins, has given it the name of tannin Their characteristic dilferences are, the gallic acid forma 22 CHEMISTRY. a black precipitate with iron ; the astringent principle forms an insoluble compound with albumen. Atmosphere. The elastic invisible fluid which sur rounds the earth to an unknown height, and encloses it on all sides. (See Mr.) Moms. In the chemical combination of bodies with each other, it is observed that some unite in all propor tions; others in all proportions as far as a certain point beyond which combination no longer takes place : there are also many examples in which bodies unite in one pro- portion only, and others in several proportions; and these proportions are definite, and in the intermediate ones no combination ensues. And it is remarkable, that when one body enters into combination with another, in several different proportions, the numbers indicating the greater proportions are exact simple multiples of that denoting the smallest proportion. In other words, if the smallest portion in which B. combines with A. be denoted by 10, A. may combine with twice 10 of B. or with three times 10, and so on ; but with no intermediate quantities. Fxamples of this kind have of late so much increased in number, that the law of simple multiples bids fair to become universal with respect at least to chemical com- pounds, the proportions of which are definite. By the term atoms, we are to understand the smallest particles of which bodies' are composed. An atom, therefore, must be mechanically indivisible, and of course a fraction of an atom cannot exist, and is a contradiction in terms. Whether the atoms of different bodies be of the same size, or of different sizes, we have no sufficient evidence The probability is, that the atoms of different bodies are of unequal sizes; but it cannot be determined whether their sizes bear any regular proportion to their relative weights. We are equally ignorant of their shape; but it is probable they are spherical. Sir Isaac Newton closes an admirable disquisition on the nature, laws, and constitution of matter, by stating the great probability that God in the beginning formed matter into solid, mas- rive, impenetrable, moveable particles or atoms, of such CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 23 sizes and figures, and with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, as most conduced to the end for which he formed them ; and that these primitive par- ticles, being absolute solids, are incomparably harder than any of the bodies compounded of them, even so hard as to be incapable of wearing or breaking in pieces, nothing but Infinite Power being able to destroy wl at Infinite Power made one in the first creation. That nature may be lasting, the changes of corporal things are to be attributed only to the various separations and new associations of these permanent particles; and when compound bodies break, it is not in the midst of solid particles, but where these are laid together, and touch only in a few points. Attraction. The terms attraction, or affinity, and repulsion, in the language of modern philosophers, are employed merely as the expression of general facts, that the masses or particles of matter have a tendency to approach and unite to, or to recede from one another, under certain circumstances. The term attraction is used synonymously with affinity. All bodies have a tendency or power to attract each other, more or less, and it is this power which is called attraction. Attraction is mutual : it extends to indefinite distances. All bodies, whatever, as well as their component elemen- tary particles, are endued with it. It is not annihilated, at however great a distance we suppose them to be placed from each other ; neither does it disappear though they be arranged ever so near each other. The nature of this reciprocal attraction, or at least tht; cause which produces it, is altogether unknown tc us. Whether it be inherent in all matter, or whether it be the consequence of some other agent, are questions beyond the reach of human understanding ; but its exis- tence is nevertheless certain. The instances of attraction which are exhibited by the phenomena around us, are exceedingly numerous, ind continually presenting themselves to our observation. 24 CHEMISTRY The effect of gravity, which causes the weight of bodies, is so universal, that we can scarcely form an idea how the universe could exist without it. Other attractions such as those of magnetism and electricity, are likewise observable ; and every experiment in chemistry tends to show, that bodies are composed of various principles or substances, which adhere to each other with vanous degrees of force, and may be separated from each other by known methods. The species of attraction called chemical attraction, is also not unfrequeritly designated by the appellation of the attraction of composition, or chemical affinity. This kind of attraction takes place only between the elemen- tary particles of different bodies; and every integrant part of the compound which results from its effects, dif- fers in its properties from any of its component parts It is by this change of properties that chemical combi nation, or the action of chemical attraction, is distinguish- ed from mere mechanical mixture. By mechanical mix- ture, it is obvious, that gold, however minutely divided, could not exist in every part of a fluid lighter than itself; but when the fluid has a chemical attraction for gold, the solution is homogeneous, and incapable of separation by the filter, or any other mechanical means. In order to bring affinity fully into action, it is in gen- eral necessary that one or both of the bodies presented to each other, should be in a fluid state ; or that heat should be applied t& disunite the particles, by lessening the attraction of cohesion ; for mechanical subdivision or comminution never extending to the separation of the ultimate particles of bodies, seldom allows that liberty of action, in the exercise of which affinity appears. Instances, however, occur, in which two solids produce a fluid : thus, if pounded ice and muriate of soda be mix- ed together, a fluid brine will be attained, unless the temperature, at the time of the experiment, is lower than that at which brine freezes, and this is thirty-eight degrees below the freezing point of water. Dr. Black discovered that whenever a body changes CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 25 its state by chemical affinity, its temperature is changed at the same time, either lessened or increased. The discoveries of Sir H. Davy, seem to establish as a fact, that no chemical affinity takes place between the particles of bodies, unless they be in an opposite electri- cal state ; and that by artificially changing the electrical state of bodies, their affinities may be modified or destroyed. The action of the affinity of composition, in differen cases, has been distinguished in the following manner : 1. When two principles, united together, are sepa- rated by means of a third, we are said to have an ex- ample of simple affinity. This simple affinity, Bergman called simple elective attraction, an expression still much used by chemists. 2. When a body, composed of two others, cannot be destroyed by a third or fourth body separately applied, yet is destroyed or decompounded by the action of a third and fourth bodies, if these be united before they are added to it ; the example in this case, and when any greater number of bodies are employed, is called com- pound affinity, or compound elective attraction. 3. \\ hen two bodies which have no perceptible action on each other, unite by the addition of a third body, the example is called intermediate affinity. It is instanced in the union of oil and water, by the means of an alkali. Tables of elective attraction have been constructed, which are of singular service in directing the attention of the chemist to the effects of substances on each other: we shall advert to them when we have considered the properties of substances themselves. Bases. This term is usually applied to alkalies, earths, and metallic oxides, in their relations to the acids and salts. It is someumes also applied to the particular con- stituents of an acid or oxide, on the supposition that the substance combined with the oxygen, &c. is the basis of the compound to which it owes its particular qualities, This notion seems unnhilosophical, as these qualities de- 3 26 CHEMISTRY. pend as much on the state of combination as on the na lure of the constituent. Bi. This term is used in anatomy, botany, and chem istry : in composition* it signifies twice or double. Calcareous. Substances which partake somewhat of the nature and qualities of calx. Calcination. The fixed residues of such matters as have undergone 9ornbustion are called cinders, in com- mon language, and calxes, but now more commonly ox- ides, by chemists ; and the operation, when considered with regard to these residues, is termed calcination. In this general way, it has likewise been applied to bodies not really combustible, but only deprived of some of their principles by heat. Thus we hear of the calcina- tion of chalk, to convert it into lime by driving off the carbonic acid and water; of gypsum, or piaster-stone, of alum, of borax, and other saline bodies, by which they are deprived of their water of crystallization ; of bones, which lose their volatile parts by this treatment, and of various other bodies. It is also applied to metals, in their combination with oxygen, by means of heat. Caloric. That which produces the sensation of heat (See Caloric.) Carburet. A combination of charcoal with any other substance: thus carburetted hydrogen is hydrogen hold- ing carbon in solution; carburetted iron isjsteel, &c. Caustic. (To burn ; because it always causes a burn- ing sensation.) A substance which always causes a burn- ing sensation, and has so strong a tendency to combine with organized substances, as to destroy their texture. Caivk. A term by which the miners distinguish the opaque specimens of sulphate of barytes. Cementation. A process in which a body in a solid state, is surrounded by another in powder, and exposed for some time in a close vessel to a degree of heat which will not fuse either of the bodies. Iron thus surrounded by charcoal is converted into steel ; a.?d copper, by ce- aientation with calamine and charcoal, is converted into CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 27 brass : green bottle-glass is coLverted into porce.am by cementation with sand, tfcc. Chlorute. A compound of chloric acid with a salifiable basis. Coagulation. The separation of the coagulable par- ticles, contained in any fluid, from the more thin and not coagulable particles: thus, when milk curdles, the co- agulable particles form the curd; and when acids art thrown into any fluid containing coagulable particles, they form what is called coagulurn.. Combination. The intimate union of the particles of different substances by chemical attraction, so as to form a compound possessed of new and peculiar properties. Combustion. The union of a body with oxygen ac- companied by the evolution of light and heat; therefore every body which is capable of forming this union, is called a combustible. (See Combustion.) Compound. The result or effect of a composition of different things; or that which arises from them. It stands opposed to simple. Concentration. A process by which the watery part of any fluid is separated, by evaporation ; or the volatil- izing of part of the water of fluids, in order to improve their strength. The matter, therefore, to be concen- trated, must be of superior fixity to water. This opera- tion is performed on some acids, particularly the sulphu- ric and phosphoric. It is also employed in solutions of alkalies and neutral salts Concretion. The condensation of any fluid substance into a more solid consistence. The growing together of parts which, in a natural state, are separate. Condensation. The thickening of any fluid. Congelation. The change of liquid bodies, which takes place when they pass to a solid state, by losing the caloric which kept them in a fluid state. Crystallization. A property by which crystallizable bodies tend to assume a regular form, when placed favour- able to that particular disposition of their particles. Al 28 CHEMISTRY. most all minerals possess this property, but it is most eminent in saline substances. The circumstances which are favourable to crystallisation of salts, and without which it cannot take place, are two: 1. Their particles must be divided and separated by a fluid, in order that the corresponding faces of those particles may meet and unite. 2. In order that this union may take place, the fluid which separates the integrant parts of the salt must be gradually carried ofF, so that it may no longer divide them. (See Crystallization.) Cupellation. The purifying of perfect metals by means of an addition of lead, which, at a due heat becomes vitrified, and promotes the vitrification and cal- cination of such imperfect metals as may be in the mix- ture, so that these last are carried off in the fusible glass that is formed, and the perfect metals are left nearly pure. The name of this operation is taken from the vessels made use of, which are called cupels. Decantation. The separation of a fluid from the un- dissolved particles or solids which it contains. This is done by leaving the fluid at rest in a conical vessel ; and when the foreign matter has deposited itself at the bot- tom, the fluid is gently poured off, in order not to disturb the sediment. When the matter deposited is light, and apt to mix with the fluid, or when the vessel containing it cannot be conveniently moved, a siphon is employed to draw it off A thick woollen thread steeped in the liquor, and inclining over the edge of the vessel, makes a very good siphon for this purpose. Decoction. A fluid holding in solution some substance which it has obtained by boiling : thus we say a decoc- tion of bark, &c. When the preparation is made by cold water, it is called an infusion. Decomposition. The substances of which any com- pound body is formed, are called its component or con- stituent parts ; and when these are separated from each other, the body is said to be decomposed, or to have undergone decomposition. Thus soap is compounded ol w\ and an alkali ; and when the 'oil and alkali are sepa F^ted from each r'.} r, the soap is decomposed. CHEMICAL TERMS tXPL^INED. 29 Decrepitation. The small and successive explosions which take place in many chemical operations, as when salts are exposed to heat. Deflagration. A chemical term, chiefly employed to express the burning or setting fire to any substance ; as nitre, sulphur, &c. Deplegmation. The operation of rectifying or freeing spirits from their watery parts, or any method by which bodies are deprived of their water. Dephlogisticated. A term of the old chemistry, im plying, deprived of phlogiston, or the inflammable prin- ciple. Deliquescence. The state of a salt which becomes fluid by its absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. Desiccation. (Drying.) The expelling or evaporating of humid matter from any substance, by means of heat. Descensus. Chemists call this a distillation by descent, when the fire is at the top and round the vessel, the ori- fice of which is at the bottom. Detonation. An explosion caused by a sudden expan- sion and combustion of certain substances ; it differs from decrepitation in being more rapid,- and louder. Digestion. The slow action of a solvent upon any sub- stance, whether assisted by heat or not. Distillation. The separation by heat of a volatile fluid from other substances which are fixed ; or the separation of substances more or less volatile from each other. (See Distillation.) Ductility. A property by which bodies are elongated by repeated or continued pressure. It is peculiar to metals. Most authors confound the words malleability, laminability, and ductility, together, and use them in a loose indiscriminate way ; but thev are very different. Malleability is the property of a body which enlarges one or two of its three dimensions by a blow or pressure very suddenly applied. Laminability belongs to bodies extensible in dimension by a gradually applied pressure; and ductility is properly to be attributed to such bodies as can be rendered longer and thinner by drawing them 3* 30 CHBMISTRT. . through a hole of less area than the transverse section of the body so drawn. Ebullition. This consists in the change which a fluid undergoes from a state of liquidity to that of an elastic fluid, in consequence of the application of heat, which dilates and converts it into vapour. Effervescence. The bubbling and noise produced by the escape of volatile parts from a fluid, or the agitation which is produced by mixing substances together, which cause the evolution of a gas. Efflorescence. That which takes place when bodies spontaneously become converted into a dry powder. It is almost always occasioned by the loss of the water of crystallization in saline bodies. Elastic. Having the power of returning to the form from which it has been forced to deviate, or from which it is withheld ; thus a blade of steel is said to be elastic, because if it is bent to a certain degree, and then let go, it will of itself return to its former situation; the same will happen to the branch of a tree, a piece of Indian rubber, &c. Elif/u.ation. An operation in which a substance is separated from another which is less fusible, by the application of a degree of heat which will fuse only the former; thus copper may be separated from its alloy with lead, with a degree of heat which is sufficient only to melt the lead. Equivalents. A term introduced into chemistry by Dr. Wollaston, to express the system of definite ratios, in which the corpuscular objects of this science reciprocally unite! Essence. Several of the volatile or essential oils are called by this name. Etheieal. A term applied to any highly rectified 01 essential oil, or spirit. Evaporation. A chemical process usually performed by applying heat to any compound substance, in ordei to dispel the volatile parts. It differs from distillation in its object, which chiefly consists in preserving the more CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 31 fixed matters, while the volatile substances are dissipated and lost. And the vessels are accordingly different evaporation being made in open shallow vessels, and distillation in an apparatus nearly closed from the exter- nal air. The degree of heat must be duly regulated in evapo- ration When the fixed and more volatile parts do no lifter greatly in their tendency to fly off, the heat mus be very carefully adjusted ; but in other cases this is less oecessary. As evaporation consists in the assumption of the elastic form, its rapidity will be in proportion to the degree of heat, and the diminution of the pressure of the atmosphere. Extract. The solid matter obtained by evaporating ihc watery parts of a decoction or infusion. Fermentation. A slow motion of the intestine par- tirles of a mixed body. Filtration. An operation by which a fluid is mechan- ically separated from consistent particles mixed with it. IT does not differ from straining. An apparatus fitted for this purpose is called a filter. The form of this is various, according to the intention of the operator. A piece of tow, or wool, or cotton, stuffed into the pipe of a funnel, will prevent the passage of grosser particles, and by that means render the fluid clearer which comes through. Sponge is still more effectual. A strip of linen rag wetted and hung over the side of the vessel containing the fluid, in such a manner that one end of the rag may be immersed in the fluid, and the other end may remain without, below the surface, will act as a siphon, and carry over the clearer portion. Linen or woollen stuffs may either be fastened over the mouths of proper vessels, or fixed to a frame like a sieve, for the purpose of filtering. All these are more commonly used by cooks and apothecaries than by philosophical chemists, who, for the most part, use the paper called cap paper, made up without size. As the filtration of considerable quantities of fluid could not be effected at once without breaking the pa- 32 CHEMISTRY. per, it is found requisite to use a linen cloth, upon which the paper is applied and supported. Precipitates and other pulverulent matters are col- lected more speedily by filtration than by subsidence. But there are many chemists who disclaim the use of this method, and avail themselves of the latter only,' which is certainly more accurate, and liable to no objec- tion, where the powders are such as will admit of eclul- coration and drying in the open air. Some fluids, as turbid water, may be purified by filter- ing through sand. A large earthen funnel, or stone bot- tle with the bottom beaten out, may have its neck loosely stopped with small stones, over which smaller may be placed, supporting layers of gravel increasing in fine- ness, and lastly covered with a few inches of fine sand, all thoroughly cleaned by washing. This apparatus is superior to a filtering-stone, as it will clean water in large quantities, and may be readily renewed when the passage is obstructed, by taking out and washing the upper stratum of sand. A filter for corrosive liquors may be constructed, on the same principles, of broken and pounded glass, (lire's Chem. Diet.) Fixed. An epithet descriptive of such bodies as so far resist the action of heat as not to rise in vapour. It is the opposite of volatile; but it must be observed, that the fixity of bodies is merely a relative term, as an ade- quate degree of heat will dissipate all. Fluate. A compound of the fluoric acid with salifiable bases : thus, fluate of lime, &c. Fluid. A fluid is that, the particles of which so little attract each other, that when poured out, it drops, and adapts itself in every respect to the form of the vessel containing it. (See Fluid.) Flux. A general term made use of to denote any sub- stance or mixture added to assist the fusion of metals. Fluxion. A term mostly applied to signify the change of metals, or other bodies, from the solid into a fluid state, by the application of heat. (See Fusion.) CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 33 Fulmination. A still more violent and sudden explo- sion than detonation. Fusion. A chemical process, by which bodies are made to pass from a solid to a fluid state by means of the application of heat. The chief objects susceptible of this operation are salts, sulphur, and metals. Salts are liable to two kinds of fusion : the one, which is pe- culiar to saline matters, is owing to water contained in them, and is called aqueous fusion ; the other, which arises from the heat alone, is known by the name of igneous fusion. Gas. Elastic fluid ; aeriform fluid. This term is ap- plied to all permanently elastic fluids, simple or com- pound, except the atmosphere, to which the term air is appropriated. (See. Gas.) Ide. This terminal is affixed to oxygen, chlorine, and /odine, when they enter into combination with each other, or with simple combustibles or metals, in propor- tions not forming an acid ; thus ox-ide of chlorine, ox-ide of nitrogen, chlor-ide of sulphur, iod-ide of iron. Incineration. The burning of vegetable or animal substances, to obtain their ashes, or fixed residue, which is lixiviated. Inflammable. Chemists distinguish by this term such substances as burn with facility, and flame in an increased temperature. Infusion. A process that consists in pouring water of any required degree of temperature on such sub- stances as have a loose texture ; as thin bark, wood in shavings or small pieces, leaves, flowers, &c., and suffer- ing it to stand a certain time. The liquor obtained by the above process is called an infusion. lodate. A compound of iodine with oxygen, and a metallic basis. Iodide. A compound of iodine with a metal ; as Iodide sf pot-assium. Lacquer. A solution of lac in alcohol. Lactate. A definite compound formed by the union of the acid of whey, or lactic acid, with salifiable bases ; thus, luctate of potassa, &c. C 34 CHEMISTRY. Letigation. The reduction of a hard substance, by triture, to an impalpable powder. Liquefaction. A term sometimes used synonymously with fusion, in others with the word deliquescence, an^ in others with the word solution. Lixiviation. The application of water to the fixe- 1 residues of bodies, for the purpose of extracting th>- saline parts, which dissolve in the water, and afterward" crystallize on evaporation. Maceration. This term implies an infusion either wid- er without heat, wherein the ingredients are intended ti be almost wholly dissolved in order to extract theii virtues. Magistery. An obsolete term used by ancient chem- ists to signify a peculiar and secret method of preparing any medicine, as it were by a masterly process. The term was also long applied to all precipitates. Martial. Sometimes used to express preparations of iron, or such as are impregnated therewith ; as the mar- tial regulus of antimony, &c. Menstruum. All liquors are so called which are used as dissolvents, or to extract the virtues of ingredients by infusion, decoction, &c. Mineralize. Metallic substances are said to be min- eralized when deprived of their usual properties by com- bination with some other substance. Mother-water. When sea-water, or any other selec- tion containing various salts, is evaporated, and the crys- tals taken out, there always remains a fluid containing deliquescent salts, and the impurities, if present. This is called the mother-water. Neutral. A term applied to saline compounds of an acid and an alkali, which are so called, because they do not possess the characters of acid or alkaline salts; such are Epsom-salts, nitre, and all the compounds of alkalies with acids. Neutralization. When acid and alkaline matter are combined in such proportions, that the compound does not change the colour of litmus or violets, they are said to be neutralized. CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 35 Oxidation. The process of converting metals and other substances into oxides, by combining with them a certain portion of oxygen. It differs from acidification in the addition of oxygen not being sufficient to form an acid with the substance oxidized. Oxide. A substance combined with oxygen without being in the state of an acid. Many substances are sus- ceptible of several stages of oxidizement, on which ac count chemists have employed various terms to express the characteristic distinctions of the several oxides. The specific name is often derived from some external char- acter, chiefly the colour; thus we have the black and red oxides of iron, and of mercury ; the white oxide of zinc : but in most instances the denominations proposed by Dr. Thompson are adopted. When there are several oxides of the same substance, he proposes the terms protoxide, deutoxide, tritoxide, signifying the first, second, and third stage of oxidizement. Or if two oxides only are known, he proposes the appellation of protoxide foi that at the minimum, and of peroxide for that at the maximum, of oxidation. The compounds of oxides and water in which the water exists in a condensed state : are termed hydrates, or hvdroxures. Oxygenation. This word is often used instead of oxida- tion, and frequently confounded with it ; but it differs in being of more general import, as every union with oxy- gen, whatever the product may be, is an oxygenation : but oxidation takes place only when an oxide is formed. Oxyiode. A term applied by Sir H. Davy to the triple compounds of oxygen, iodine, and the metallic bases. Lussac calls them iodates. Petrifactions. Stony matters deposited either in the way of incrustation, or within the cavities of organized substances, are called petrifactions. Calcareous earth being universally diffused, and capable of solution in water, either alone or by the medium of carbonic acid or sulphuric acid, which are likewise very abundant, is deposited whenever the water or the acid becomes dissi- oated. In this way we have incrustations of limestone 3G CHEMISTRY. or of selenite in the form of stalactites or dropstones from the roofs of caverns, and in various other situations* The most remarkable observations relative to petri factions are thus given by Kerwan : 1. That those of shells are found on, or near, the sur- face of the earth ; those of fish, deeper ; those of wood, deepest. Shells in specie are found in immense quanti- ties at considerable depths. 2. That those organic substances that resist putrefac- tion most, are frequently found petrified ; such as shells, and the harder species of woods : on the contrary, those that are aptest to putrefy are rarely found petrified; as softer parts of animals, fish. &c. 3. That they are most found in strata of marl, chalk, limestone, or clay, seldom in sandstone, still more rarely in gypsum ; but never in gneiss, granite, basalts, or shale ; but they sometimes occur in pyrites, and ores of iron, copper, and silver, and almost always consist of that species of earth, stone, or other mineral that surrounds them, sometimes of silex, agate, or cornelian. 4. That they are found in climates where their ori- ginals could not have existed. 5. That those found in slate or clay are compressed and flattened Phlegm. In chemistry this term means the water from distillation. Phlogiston. The supposed general inflammable prin- ciple of Stahl, who imagined it was pure fire, or the matter of fire fixed in combustible bodies, in order to dis- tinguish it from fire in action, or in a state of liberty. Phosphate. A salt formed by the union of phosphoric acid with salifiable bases; thus, phosphate of ammonia, phosphate of lime, &c. Precipitation. When two bodies are united, for in stance, an acid and an oxide, and a third body is added, such as an alkali, which has a gret ter affinity with the acid than the metallic oxide has, the consequence is, that the alkali combines with the acid, and the oxide thus deserted appears in a separate state, at the bottom CHEMICAL TEIOIu EXPLAINED. 37 Dl *'i vessel in which the operation is performed. This de .an j position is commonly known by the name of pre.- cip-tiattun, and the substance that sinks is named a pre- cip.catt. The substance, by the addition of which the phenomenon is produced, is denominated the precipitant. 1 rinciples. Substances o r particles, which are com- posed of two or more e! Clients; thus water, gelatine. siiL'Kr, fibrine, &c., are the principles of many bodies. These principles are composed of elementary bodies, as oxygen, hydrogen, azote, &c., which are uridecomposable. Putrefaction. (To become rotten, to dissolve.) Pu- trid fermentation. The spontaneous decomposition of animal and vegetable matters, that exhale a foetid smell. The solid and the fluid matters are resolved into gaseous compounds and vapours, which escape and unite an earthy residuum. The requisites to this process are: 1. A certain degree of humidity. 2. The access of atmospheric air. 3. A certain degree of heat. Hence the abstraction of the air and water, or humidity, b) drying, or us fixation by cold, by salt, sugar, spices, &c., will counteract the process of putrefaction, and favoui the preservation of food, on which principle some patent* have been obtained. Pyrites. (So called because it strikes fire with steel.) Native compounds of metal with sulphur. Radical. This term is applied to that which is con sidered as constituting the distinguishing part of an acid by its union with the acidifying principle or oxygen, which is common to all acids. Thus sulphur is the rad- ical of sulphuric and sulphurous acids. It is sometimes called the base of the acid ; but base is a term of more extensive application. Rancidity. The change which oils undergo by ex- posure to air, which is probably an effect analogous to the oxidation of metals. Reagent Test. A substance used in chemistry to detect the presence of other bodies. In the application of tests, there are two circumstances to attend to: viz co avoid deceitful appearances, and to have good tests 38 CHEMISTRY. The principal tests are the following: 1. Litmus. The purple of litmus is tuined to red by every acid ; so that this is the test generally made use of to detect the excess of acid in every fluid. It may be used either by dipping into the water a piece of paper stained with litmus, or by adding a drop of the tincture to the water to be examined, and comparing its hue with that of an equal quantity of the tincture in distilled water. Litmus already reddened by an acid, will have its pur- ple restored by an alkali ; and thus it may also be used as a test for alkalies, but it is much less active than other direct alkaline tests. 2. Red cabbage has been found by Watt to furnish as delicate a test for acids as litmus, and to be still more sensible for alkalies. The natural colour of an infusion of this plant is blue, which is changed to a red by acids, and to a green by alkalies in very minute quantities. 3. Brazil wood. When chips of this wood are infused in warm water, they yield a red liquor, which readily turns blue by alkalies, either caustic or carbonated. lit is also rendered blue by the carbonated earths held in solution by carbonic acid, so that it is not an unequivocal test of alkalies till the earthy carbonates have been pre- cipitated by boiling. Acids change to yellow the natural red of Brazil wood, and restore the red when changed by alkalies. 4. Violets. The delicate blue of the common scented violet is readily changed to green by alkalies, and this rtffords a delicate test for these substances. Syrup of violets is generally used as it is at hand, being used in medicine. But a tincture of this flower will .answer as well. 5. Turmeric. This is a very delicate test for alkalies and on the whole, perhaps, is the best. The natural colour, either in watery or spirituous infusion, is yellow, which is changed to a brick or orange red by alkalies, saustic or carbonated, but not by carbonated earths, on which account it is preferable to Brazil wood. The pure CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 39 earths, such as lime and barytes, produce the same change. 0. Rhubarb. Infusion or tincture of. rhubarb under- goes a similar change with turmeric, and is equally deli- cate. 7. Sulphuric acid. A drop or two of concentrated sulphuric acid, added to water that contains carbonic acid, free or in combination, causes the latter to escape with a pretty brisk effervescence, whereby the presence of this gaseous acid may be detected. 8. J\1tric and oxymuriatic add. A peculiar use attends the use of these acids in the sulphuretted waters, as the sulphuretted hydrogen is decomposed by them, its hydrogen absorbed, and the sulphur separated in its natu- ral form. Oxalic acid and oxalate of ammonia. These are the most delicate tests for lime and all soluble calcareous salts. Oxalate of lime, though nearly insoluble in water, dissolves in a moderate quantity in its own or any other acid, and hence in analysis oxalate of ammonia is often preferred, as no access of this salt can redissolve the pre- cipitated oxalate of lime. On the other hand, the am- monia should not exceed, otherwise it might give a false indication. 10. Gallic acid and tincture of galls. These are tests of iron. Where the iron is in very minute quan- tities, and the water somewhat acidulous, these tests do not always produce a precipitate, but only a slight red- dening, but their action is much heightened by previously adding a few drops of any alkaline solution. 11. Prussiate of potassa or lime. The presence of iron in water is indicated by thes^ prussiates causing a blue precipitate: and if the prussiate of potassa is prop- erly prepared, it will only be precipitated by a metallic salt, so that manganese and copper will also be detected, the former giving a white precipitate, the latter a red precipitate. 12. Lime-water, is the common test for carbonic acid; it decomposes all the magnesian salts, and likewise the 40 CHEMISTRr. aluminous salts ; it likewise produces a cloudiness with most of the sulphates, owing to the formation of selenite 13. Ammonia. This alkali when perfectly caustic, serves as a distinction between the salts of lime and those, of magnesia, as it precipitates the earth from the latter salts, but not from the former. There are two sources of error to be obviated, one is that of carbonic acid being present in the water, the other is the presence of aluminous salts. 14. Carbonated alkalies. These are used to pcecipi tate all the earths ; where carbonate of potassa is used, particular care should be taken of its purity, as it gen- erally contains silex.* 15. Muriated alumine. This test is proposed by Mr. Kirwan, to detect carbonate of magnesia, which cannot, like carbonated lime, be separated by ebullition, but remains till the whole liquid is evaporated. 16. Barytic salts. The nitrate, muriate, and acetate of barytes are all equally good tests of sulphuric acid in any combination. 17. Salts of silver. The salts of silver are the most delicate tests of muriatic acid, in any combination, pro- ducing the precipitated luna cornea. "All the salts of silver likewise give a dark brown precipitate with sul- phurated waters, which is as delicate a test as any we 18. Salts of lead. The nitrate and acetate of lead are the salts of this metal employed as tests. They will indicate the sulphuric, muriatic, and boracic acids, and sulphuretted hydrogen or sulphuret of potassa. 19. Soap. A solution of soap in distilled water, or in alcohol, is curdled by water containing any earthy or metallic salt. 20. Tartaric acid. This acid is of use in distinguish- ing the salts of potassa (with which it forms a precipitate of cream of tartar,) from those of soda, from which it does not precipitate. The potassa, however, must earnt in some quantity to be detected by the test. 21. Nitromuriate of platium. This sort is still mo" CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 41 discriminative between potassa and the other alkalies than acid of tartar, and will produce a precipitate with a very weak solution of any salt with potassa. 22. Alcohol. This most useful reagent is applicable in a variety of ways in analysis. As it dissolves some substances found in fluids, and leaves others untouched, it is a means of separating them into two classes, which saves considerable trouble in the further investigation. Those salts which it does not dissolve, it precipitates from their watery solution, but more or less completely according to the alt contained, and the strength of the alcohol; and as a precipitant it also assists in many decompositions. Rectification. (To make clean.) A second distilla- tion, in which substances are purified by their more volatile parts being raised by heat carefully managed : thus, spirits of wine, ether, &c., are rectified by their separation from the less volatile and foreign matter which altered or debased their properties. Reduction. When a metal is converted into an oxide by its combining with oxygen, it loses its metallic prop- erties, and assumes the appearance of an earth ; but when the oxygen with which it is combined is taken from it, all its properties as a metal are recovered ; in this case the metal is said to be reduced, and the operation by which it is effected is called reduction. Revivifica- tion is a word used in the same sense as reduction, but is most commonly employed where mercury is the metal used. Residuum, is that part of a body which remains aftei the most valuable parts have been separated by com- bustion, distillation, or sublimation. Roasting, a preliminary operation, which prepares mineral substances for undergoing a series of succeeding ones, dividing their constituent particles, volatilizing some of their principles, and thus, in a certain degree, altering their nature. Ores are exposed to this process, with a view to separate the sulphur and the arsenic which they contain, and to diminish the cohesion of their par 4* 42 CHEMISTRY. tides. Capsules of earth or iron, crucibles, and roasting pots, are the vessels in which it is usually performed ; and the ore is generally exposed to the access of exter- nal air. Sometimes, however, the operation is performed in close vessels; and two crucibles, luted mouth to mouth, may be employed on such occasions. Roasting is synonymous with toref action and ustulation. Sal. (See Saline.) Salifiable. Having the property of forming a salt The alkalies, and those earths and metallic oxides which have the power of neutralizing acidity, entirely or in part, and producing salts, are called salifiable bases. Saline. (From sal, salt.) Of a salt nature. The number of saline substances is very considerable; and they possess peculiar characters by which they are dis- tinguished from other substances. These characters are founded on certain properties, which, it must be con- fessed, are not accurately distinctive of their true nature. All such substances, however, as possess several of the four following properties, are considered as saline: 1. A strong tendency to combination, or a very strong affinity of composition. 2. A greater or lesser degree of sapidity. 3. A greater or lesser degree of solubility in water. 4. Perfect incombustibility. Saturation. Most bodies which have a chemical affinity for each other, will only unite in certain propor- tions. When, therefore, a fluid has dissolved as much of any substance as it is capable of dissolving, it is said to have reached the point of. saturation. Thus water will dissolve one quarter of its weight of common salt, and if .more salt be added, it will sink to the bottom in*a solid state. Some fluids will dissolve more of certain substances when hot than when cold. Thus water, when hot, will dissolve a much larger quantity of nitre than when cold. Sediment. The heavy parts of liquids which fall to the bottom. Semi. In composition, this term universally means half. Simple. This term is applied very generally in every CHEMICAL TERMS EXPLAINED. 43 department of nature, to designate that which is not compound. Solution. The dispersion of the particles of a solid oody in any fluid, in so equal a manner that the compound liquor shall be perfectly and permanently clear and transparent. This takes place when the particles of the fluid have an affinity or elective attraction for the parti- cles of the solid. When solid particles are only dispersed in a fluid by mechanical means, it is mixture, not solu- tion, and the compound usually opaque and muddy. Specific gravity. The density of the matter of which anv body is composed, compared to the density of an- other body, assumed as the standard. This standard is pure distilled water, at the temperature of 60 F. To determine the specific gravity of a solid, we weigh it, first in air, and then in water. In the latter case, it loses of its weight a quantity precisely equal to the weight of its own bulk of water ; and hence, by com- paring this weight with its total weight, we find its spe- cific gravity. The rule therefore is, divide the total weight by the loss of weight in water, the quotient is the specific gravity. If it be a liquid or gas, we weigh it in a glass or other vessel of known capacity ; and di- viding the weight by the same bulk of water, the quo- tient is, as before, the specific gravity. Spirit. This name was formerly given to all volatile substances collected by distillation. Three principal kinds were distinguished : inflammable or ardent spirits, acid spirits, and alkaline spirits. The word spirit is now almost exclusively confined to alcohol. Stratification. An operation in which bodies are placed alternately in -ayers, in order that they may act upon each other w) en heat is applied to them. It is nearly the same wiO- cementation, but cementation is more par- ticularly app : ied to the cases already noted. Sub. This term is applied when a salifiable base is predominant in a compound, there being a deficiency of Ihe acid ; a. subcarbonate of potassa, subcarbonate oj tofla. 44 CHEMISTRY. Sublimation. A process by which volatile substances are raised by heat, and again condensed in a solid form. This process differs from evaporation only in being con fined to solid substances. It is usually performed either for the purpose of purifying certain substances, and dis- engaging them from extraneous matters ; or else to re- duce into vapour, and combine, under that form, princi- ples which would have united with greater difficulty if they had not been brought to that state of extreme division. As all fluids are volatile by heat, and consequently capable of separation, in most cases, from fixed matters, so various solid bodies are subjected to similar treatment Fluids are said to distil, solids to sublime ; though some- times both are obtained in one and the same operation. If the subliming matter converts into a solid hard mass, it is commonly called a sublimate; if into a powdery form, flowers. The principal subjects of this operation are, volatile alkaline salts; neutral salts, composed of volatile alkali and acids, as sal ammonia ; the salt of amber, and flow- ers of benzoin, mercurial preparations, and sulphur Bodies of themsSlves not volatile are frequently made to sublime by the mixture of volatile ones ; thus iron is car- ried over by sal ammoniac in the preparation of the flores martiales, or ferrum ammoniatum. The fumes of solid bodies in close vessels rise but a little way, and adhere to that part of the vessel where they concrete. Super. This term is applied to several saline sub- stances, in which there is an excess of one of its con. stituents beyond what is necessary to form the ordinary compound ; as supersulphate of potassa, supercarbonate of soda, &c. Trituration. The act of reducing a solid body into a subtile powder ; as woods, barks, &c. It is performed mostly by the rotary motion of a pestle in metallic glass, or wedgewood mortars. UreL The compounds of simple inflammable bodies CHEMICAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 4.1 with each other, and with metals, are commonly desig- nated by this word ; as sulphuret of phosphorus, carburet of iron, &c. The terms bisulphuret, bisulphate, &c., applied to compounds, imply that they contain twice the quantity of sulphur, sulphuric acid, &c. existing in the respective sulphuret, sulphate, &c. Viscidity. Glutinous, sticky, like the bird lime. Volatilization. The reducing into vapour, or the aeri form state, such substances as are capable of assuming it. Way, dry. When the chemist decomposes substances by the agency of heat, he is said to operate in the dry way. Way, humid. When the decomposition is produced by water or other fluids, the effect is said to be. produced in the humid way. APPARATUS DESCRIBED. Acetometer. An instrument for estimating the strength of vinegars. Adopter. A chemical vessel with two necks used to combine retorts 1o the cucurbits or matrasses, with retorts instead of receivers. JErometer. An instrument for making the necessary corrections in pneumatic experiments to ascertain the mean bulk of the gases. Alembic. A chemical utensil made of glass, metal, 01 earthenware, and adapted to receive volatile products from retorts. It consists of a body to which is fitted a conical head, and out of this head descends laterally a beak to be inserted into the receiver. Mkalometcr. The name of an instrument for deter- mining the quantity of alkali in commercial potassa and soda. Mmometer. The name of an instrument to measure the quantity of exhalation from a humid surface in a given time. 46 CHEMISTRY. Baiometer. An instrument to determine the weigh! of air; it is commonly called a weather-glass. Blow-pipe. A very simple and useful instrument That used hy the anatomist is made of silver or brass, of the size of a common probe, or larger, to inflate ves- sels and other parts. The chemical blow-pipe is made of brass, is of about one-eighth of an inch diameter at one end, and the other tapering to a much less size, with a very small perfora- tion for the wind to escape. The smaller end is levelled on one side. Berzelius, in a late excellent treatise on the use of the blow-pipe in chemistry and mineralogy gives the preference to Ghan's construction, with an additional. bent-beak, for a laboratory blow-pipe, and to Wollaston's for a pocket instrument. Calorimeter. An instrument by which the whole quantity of absolute heat existing in a body in chemical union can be ascertained. Clinometer. An instrument for measuring the dip of mineral strata. Crynphorus. The post-bearer, or carrier of cold ; an elegant instrument invented by Dr. Wollaston, to demon- strate the relation between evaporation at low tempera- ture, and the production of cold. Crucible. This vessel is employed in the melting of metals, and other operations of fusion. They are made, for low heats, of earthenware or porcelain, but for strong heats, of clay and sand, or clay and powdered .plumbago. Hessian and Dutch crucibles, which are made of refrac- tory clay and sand, are generally the most approved; but modern chemists have an invaluable acquisition in platina, which is often made into crucibles, and will bear, without fusion or injury, a greater heat than any other known substance. Cupel. A shallow earthen vessel like a cup, made of phosphate of lime, which suffers the baser metals to pass through it, when exposed to heat, and retains the pure metal. This process is termed cupellation. Cucurbits, or matrasses, are glass, earthen, or metallic CHEMICAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 47 essels, usually of an egg-shape, and open at the top They are used for the purposes of digestion, evapora lion, solution, &c. Digester. A strong and tight iron kettle or copper furnished with a valve of safety, in which bodies maj be subjected to the vapour of water, alcohol, or ether at a pressure above that of the atmosphere. Eudiometer. An instrument by which the quantity of oxygen and nitrogen in atmospherical air can be ascer- tained. Several methods have been employed, all founded upon the principle of decomposing common air by means of a body which has a greater affinity for thf oxygen. Evaporating vessels. These are made of glass, wood metal, porcelain, or Wedgewood's ware. Those of tht last-mentioned composition are very convenient, as the) are, like glass, easily kept clean, and are not very subjecr to crack by changes of temperature. They are gene- rally in the form of shallow basins, and when the mattei deposited in them would be apt to burn to the bottom, and be injured, if not strictly attended to, they are placed over the fire in a vessel filled with sand, which is then called a sand-bath'. When even this heat would prove too great, the heat of boiling water is used instead of sand. Furnace. The furnaces employed in chemical opera tions are of three kinds: 1. The evaporatory furnace which has received its name from its use : it is employed to reduce substances into vapour by means of heat, io order to separate the more fixed principles from those which are more volatile. 2. The reverberator*/ furnace, which name it has eceived from its construction, the flame being prevented from rising. It is appropriated to distillation. 3. The forge furnace. In which the current of air is determined by the bellows. Gasometer. Vessels constructed for the retention of gas, and for facilitating the drawing of it off as wanted, -~ '-"- J They are much varied in theu 18 CHEMISTRY. construction ; but those on the principle we shall now describe, are amongst the\most simple, and answer per fectly well. They are a cylindrical vessel of glass, or lapanned tin-plate, nearly filled with water, and having a tube in the middle open at the top, and branching at the bottom, through the side of the vessel, to which a stop- cock is attached. Within this vessel, there is another cylindrical vessel, generally of glass, open at the bottom, which is inverted, and suspended by lines which go over pullies, and have weights attached to them, which hang on the outside, to balance the inverted vessel. While the stop- cock at the bottom remains shut, if the vessel be pressed downwards, the air inclosed within it, will remain within in the same situation, on the principle of a diving bell ; but if the cock be opened, and the inverted vessel be pressed down, the air inclosed within it will escape through the cock, and if a blow-pipe be attached to this cock, a stream of the gas may be thrown upon lighted charcoal, or any other body. By means of a graduated rod on the top of the inverted vessel, the quantity thrown out is exactly ascertained ; this rod being so divided as to express the contents of the inner vessel in cubic feet. Goniometer. An instrument for measuring the angles of crystals. Hydrometer. The best method of weighing equal quantities of corrosive volatile fluids, to determine their specific gravities, appears to consist in enclosing them in a bottle with a conical stopper, in the side of which stopper a fine mark is cut with a file. The fluid being poured into the bottle, it is easy to put in the stopper because the redundant fluid escapes through the notch or mark, and may be carefully wiped off! Equal bulk? of water, and other fluids, are weighed by this means to a great degree of accuracy : care being taken to keep the temperature as equal as possible, by avoiding any contact of the bottle with the hand, or otherwise. The bottle itself shows with much precision, by a rise or fall of the liquor in the notch of the stopper, whether such thange has taken place. CHEMICAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 49 The hydrometer of Fahrenheit consists of a hollow ball, with a counterpoise below, and a very slender stem above, terminating in a small dish. The middle, or half 'ength of the stem, is distinguished by a fine line across. In this instrument every division of the stem is rejected, and it is immersed in all experiments, to the middle of the stem, by placing proper weights in the little dish above. Then, as the part immersed is constantly of the same magnitude, and the whole weight of the hydrom- eter is known, this last weight added to the weights in the dish, will be equal to the weight of the fluid dis- placed by the instrument, as all writers on hydrostatics prove. And accordingly, the specific gravity for the common form of tables, will be had by the proportion : as the whole weight of the hydrometer and its load, when adjusted in distilled water, is to the number 1000, &c., so is the whole weight when adjusted to any other fluid to the number expressing its specific gravity. Hypocleptcium. A chemical vessel for separating li- quors, particularly the essential oil of any vegetable, from the water ; and named because it steals, as it were, the water from the oil. Hygrometer. The state of the atmosphere, with re- spect to dryness or moisture, is measured by this instru- ment. It is sometimes called hygroscope. Mortar. A sort of mould, a vessel to pound in. Muffles. In cupellation, it is necessary for the con- tents of the cupel to be exposed to the access of air ; the cupel must not, therefore, be used in a closed fur- nace, or be surrounded with fire. A kind-of small ovens are therefore employed, which are called muffles. They are made of the same material as crucibles, and the cupel being put into them, they are exposed to the heat of the furnace. They are also used in enamelling, and other operations, where heat is required, while the con- tact of the fire must be taken off! Pyrometer. As the common mercurial thermometer canno* be employed to ascertain degrees of heat above 500 of 650 degrees of Fahrenheit, it is totally inapplica- 5 D' 50 CHEMISTRY. ble to most of the operations carried on in furnaces and ovens : yet in a variety of manufactures and chemical operations, success depends upon the adjustment of the heat with a degree of nicety -which the most experienced persons are incapable of determining by mere observa- tion. To supply this desideratum, Wedgewood contrived an instrument called a pyrometer, the range of which extends to 32,000 degrees of Fahrenheit's scale. Its utility is derived from the property which clay has of contracting in' proportion to the degree of heat to which it is exposed. This contraction is permanent, and a less degree of heat than that which the clay has experienced, will not alter its dimensions. If, therefore, a piece of clay, of a given bulk, be exposed to the heat of a fur- nace, it may occasionally be taken out, and upon being applied to a gauge, the degree of its contraction may be ascertained, and consequently the greatest heat to which it has been exposed, provided this gauge has been grad- uated by previous experiments. Wedgewood constructed this pyrometer by duly availing himself of these cir- cumstances. The pyrometic pieces of clay intended to be used to any given scale, should be exactly of the same composi- tion, as different clays contract in different degrees by the same heat. To guard against the disadvantage of a difference, Wedgewood offered to the Royal Society a bed of Cornish clay, sufficiently extensive to furnish the world for ages. The gauge for measuring the diminution which tht pieces of clay suffer from the action of fire, is made of two pieces of brass, twenty-lour inches long, with tht. sides exactly plane, divided into inches and tenths, fixed five-tenths asunder at one end, and three-tenths of an inch at the other end, upon a brass plate ; and the py- rometic pieces are made at first so as just to fit the wider end. The pieces of clay are generally made about one inch long; but if their breadth be just equal to that of the wider end of the gauge, viz. five-tenths of an incli, their dimensions in other respects are not material. CHEMICAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 51 It is obvious, that in proportion to the shrinking of the clay by heat, it will slide farther and farther towards the narrow end of the converging scale", one side ol which is divided into tenths of an inch ; and every divi sion, of which it contains 240, answers to a 600th part of the breadth of the little piece of clay. One degree of the pyrometer is equal to 130 degrees of Fahrenheit's scale. The regular shrinking of clay by heat, does not com- mence at a lower degree than a red heat fully visible in daylight; and this heat is equal to 1077^ degrees of Fahrenheit, or about 500 degrees above the point at which the mercurial thermometer terminates. It be- comes therefore desirable to measure the range of tern perature to which neither of these instruments applies; but nothing has yet been contrived which answers tho purpose in a simple manner. The pyrometic pieces of clay should be exposed a> nearly as possible to the same heat as the material, the heat received by which they are intended to measure. For this purpose, they are usually placed close to it, and in the same crucible ; but when the contents of the cru- cible might adhere to them, they are inclosed in a small case, made of crucible clay ; and as they may be re- duced in any degree, while their breadth is retained, the pyrometic piece may generally be introduced without difficulty into any but very small crucibles; and they may be disposed by the side of very small crucibles, with out much hazard of receiving their heat materially soon- er, or with greater intensity than the contents of the crucible. The pyrometic piece may be taken out of the fire during any period of the process, and instantly cooled in water, so as to be ready for measuring in the gauge in the space of a few seconds. It will not crack, expand, contract, or sustain any other injury ; and may be imme- diately replaced in the strongest fire, to resume its office of indicating higher degrees of heat than what it has already been exposed to. 52 CHEMISTRY. The following table will give a better idea of the heats designated by the pyrometer, than any general remarks : Fahr. Wedgw. Extremity of the scale of the pyro- meter 32270 240 Greatest heat of an air furnace, 8 inches square 21877 160 Cast-iron melts 17977 130 Greatest heat of a common smith's forge 17327 125 Welding heat of iron, greatest - - 13427 95 Welding heat of iron, least - - - 12777 90 Fine gold melts 5237 32 Fine silver melts 4717 28 Swedish copper melts ..... 4587 27 Brass melts 3807 21 Heat by which enamel colours are burnt on 1857 6 Red-heat fully visible in daylight - 1077 Red-heat fully visible in dark - - 947 1 Mercury boils 600 Water boils 212 Vital-heat 97 7 1 Vo 2 o Water freezes 32 Proof spirit freezes ..... The point at which mercury congeals, consequently the limit of the mer- curial thermometers, about - - 40 rf to* Wedgewood found by analysis, that the clay of which his pyrometer pieces were formed, consisted of two parts of pure siliceous earth, to three parts of pure argillaceous or aluminous earth. The use of the pyrometer shows in a remarkable manner the inaccuracy of the common mode of express- ing the highest degrees of heat by estimation. Thus the heat at which copper melts is called a white heat, though it is only 27 of the pyrometer ; the welding heat of iron, or 90, is also a white heat; even 130, and upwards, is still a wbite heat These examples show very clearly CHEMICfAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 53 that the temperature of bodies in furnaces is raised in a manner of which we have no idea, unless the materials subjected to it are such as to give us the necessary in- formation. Receiver, or recipients. These vessels are usually glass for small operations, for receiving the volatile pro- duct from a retort or alembic ; they are aJapted to the neck of the before-mentioned apparatus, and secured by luting. Retorts. These are globular vessels, formed with a long neck, and are made of earthenware, glass, or metal, according to the use for which they are designed. They are used in distillations, and most frequently for those which require a degree of heat superior to that of boil- ing water. The tube of a retort is usually called a beak. Glass retorts should be very thin, and of a uniform substance in every part ; otherwise, from the inequality of their expansion, they will crack with the application of a very slight heat : they cannot also be exposed to the fire, unless defended by coating, which is generally some earthy composition. Chaftal particularly recom- mends, for this purpose, fat earth which has been suffer- ed to rot some hours in water ; it must then be kneaded with horse dung, and formed into a soft paste, which must be equally spread over every part of the retort to be exposed to the fire. The adhesion of this coating is such, that should the retort crack during the operation, the distillation may still be carried on. The retorts used over a lamp are not coated. Thermometer. The thermometer is a well known instrument for measuring the actual or relative tempera ture of bodies. Its properties are dependent upon the disposition of all bodies to acquire an equal degree of sensible heat or cold, and on the effects of heat in ex- panding some substances, the changes of the dimensions of which are examined by a scale of equal divisions. Mercury expands by heat, and contracts by cold, with greater uniformity than any other known fluid ; it is, therefore, the most proper and the most commonly used 5* 54 CHEMISTRY. for thermometers, which are constructed in the following manner: The first requisite is a glass tube, which may be obtained at the glass house, having a bulb at one end, which, together with part of the tube, is filled with purified mercury,* which, when introduced into the tube, is boiled to expel the air or moisture that might be at- tached to it ; and at the moment it is in ebullition, the extremity of the tube, being drawn to a point by means of a blow pipe, it is hermetically sealed, to prevent any air from entering the tube. Or if the scale be graduated only to 212, the ball is plunged into boiling water, the point to which the mercury ascends accurately marked. For the purpose of graduating the scale, the thermome- ter is plunged into melting ice, and the place where the mercury stands marked. From the freezing to the boil- ing point on Fahrenheit's scale, is 180, or equal parts; and similar parts are taken above and below, for extend- ing the scale. Fahrenheit's is the one commonly used in this country, and in Great Britain. The space between the freezing * Mercury is generally purified by distillation ; but as this ope- ration may not be convenient to some, I shall mention Dr. Priest- ley's mode of purifying it, which is remarkable for its simplicity, and has an excellent effect Let a strong 10 or 12 ounce phial, with a ground stopper, be a quarter filled with mercury to be puri- fied ; put in the stopper, hold the bottle inverted with both hands, and shake it violently, by striking the hand that supports it against the knee. After twenty or thirty strokes, take out the stopper, and blow into the phial with a pair of bellows, to change the air. If the mercury is not pure, the surface will become black in a short time ; and if very foul, the black coat will appear coagulated. In- vert the phial, stopping it with the finger, and let out the running mercury. Put the coagulated part into a cup by itself, and press it repeatedly with the finger, so as to get out the mercury entan- gled in it. Put both portions of mercury into the phial again, and repeat the process till no more black powder separates. After the mercury has been thus purified from its admixture with baser metals, it should be boiled for about half an hour, to free it from the moisture which it is apt to contain. It may then be nearly cooled, when it is ready for the use of thermometers. CHEMICAL APPARATUS DESCRIBED. 55 and the boiling points is divided into 180, but the scale begins at that point of temperature which is produced by a mixture of pounded ice and muriate of ammonia, or muriate of soda, which is 32 lower, making the whole distance 212. The centigrade thermometer is divided into one hun- dred degrees, between the freezing and boiling points. The freezing point is marked 0, the boiling 100. In Reaumur's thermometer, the space between the freezing and boiling points is divided into eighty degrees The freezing point is marked 0, the boiling 80. The Russian thermometer, commonly called Delisle's, begins its graduation at the boiling point, and increases to the freezing. The boiling point is marked 0, the freezing 150. Ojher fluids, besides mercury, are sometimes used, such as linseed oil and alcohol ; the latter is used partic- ularly for measuring low- degrees of temperature, where mercury would become solid. For nice chemical experiments, an air thermometer is sometimes used. The bulb of air thermometers is filled with common air only, and its expansion or contraction is indicated by a small drop of any Animals confined in oxygen gas will live four or five limes longer than when confined in atmospheric air. It may be breathed by men for some time, without producing any qther effect than a sensation of warmth and slight stricture of the chest. Oxygen forms about 22 per cent, of the atmospheric air: the rest is nitrogen or azotic gas, except a smal quantity of carbonic acid. Oxygen combines with all the metals ; and in that state, they are called metallic oxides, depriving them of their metallic lustre, and giving them an earthy or rusty appearance. Some of the metals become oxidized, or are rusted by mere exposure to the damp atmosphere. Iron, exposed to the weather, soon becomes rusty, by attracting oxygen from the air or water. All oxides are heavier than the metal, in proportion to the quantity of oxygen with which they are com- bined. Many of the metals are capable of combining with different proportions of oxygen. Those with one propor- tion are called protoxides ; of two, deutoxides ; those of three, tritoxides. A metal combined with the greatest proportions of oxygen is called peroxide. Oxygen has a powerful effect on vegetable colours, producing the various tints of shade which we behold in this department of nature. Yarn, when taken from the blue vat, is green, but, on exposure to the air, it imbibes oxygen, and is changed to a blue. It is well known to the dyers, that they cannot produce a good black without exposing their stuffs to the air. Vegetable colours fade on exposure to the sun, which is probably owing to this principle : the oxygen which previously existed in the colouring matter in a solid form, is rendered aeriform by the jraysof the sun, and is evolved in the form of gas. 6* E 66 CHEMISTRY. OF NITROGEN. NITROGEJC is the basis of the nitric acid. It exhibits tself in its simplest state as a gas. It was formerly called azote, because it was destructive to animal life. Nitrogen gas is most easily described by including many of its negative qualities. It has no taste ; it neither reddens vegetable Blue colours, nor precipitates lirne- \vater ; it is not absorbed by water. It unites to oxygen in several proportions; it also unites to hydrogen. Though incapable of being breathed above its base, nitrogen is a component portion of all animal substances It is lighter than oxygen. Dr. Black found that a vessel of 1000 cubical inches, which will contain 315 troy grains of atmospheric air, will contain 335 of oxygen gas, but only 297 of nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas may be variously obtained. If the oxy- gen be extracted from the atmospheric air, this substance will remain, and will generally be very pure, unless the oxygen has been extracted by respiration. If iron tilings and sulphur, moistened with water, be put into a jar containing atmospherical air, this gas will, in a day or two be all the air that remains in the jar, as the oxygen will be absorbed by the iron and sulphur. Phosphorus, or sulphuret of lime or potass, inclosed with common air in a jar, will produce a similar effect Nitrogen gas may likewise be obtained from animal substances. For this purpose, put some small pieces of lean muscular flesh into a retort, and cover them with weak nitric acid. The heat of a lamp will extricate the gas, which may be collected by the pneumatic apparatus. It has been conjectured that nitrogen is not a simple substance, but no experiments have decisively proved this. Atmospherical air contains 78 parts in the 100, by measure of nitrogen gas ; the 22 remaining parts, or oxygen, being thus largely diluted, becomes proportion- ately less intense in its stimulating effects, and fit for the Diirposes of life, the length of which is increased by this HYDROGEN. 67 source of moderation in its course. By mixing pure nitrogen gas and oxygen gas in the proportions just men ioned, a gas having all the properties of atmospherical air is the result. Though animal life cannot be sustained for a moment by nitrogen gas, yet it is congenial to vegetables, and appears to be a part of their food ; they derive it from its combinations with oxygen in atmospherical air. OF HYDROGEN. THE third and last substance, which, in its simplest form, can only be obtained in an aerial state, is called hydrogen. This gas has long been generally known by the name of inflammable air ; it is the gas which miners call fire damp. Hydrogen with oxygen forms water; and it is by the decomposition of water that chemists obtain it in the greatest abundance and purity. For this purpose, iron Tilings or turnings, or granulated zinc, are put into a retort, and covered with sulphuric acid diluted with foui times its weight of water. A violent effervescence ensues, a large quantity of gas is evolved, and issuing from the retort, is collected in the usual manner by the pneumatic apparatus. In this experiment, the acid is not decomposed ; it is the oxygen of the water with which the acid is diluted, that seizes upon and oxidizes the metal, and the hydrogen in the same portion of water being then disengaged, passes over in the state of gas. The hydrogen obtained by using zinc is the purest ; that obtained by using iron generally containing some carbon. The process just described is the readiest for obtaining this gas, but it is evolved in every instance in which metals are tarnished or rusted by moisture, and it may be obtained in great quantities, by causing the vapour of water to pass through an iron tube, or through a tube of any kind, containing a coil of iron wire, heated to ignition. The operation is generally conducted by thf 68 CHEMISTRY. use of a furnace., provided with small holes opposite each other, to admit the tube to pass through it. Hydrogen, like oxygen and nitrogen, is invisible, elastic, and inodorous; but the last quality it seldom possesses, because it is very seldom perfectly dry, and when it con- tains water in solution, like alkaline sulphurets, its odour is considerably fetid. It generally contains half its weight of water, and when it is received over water, its volume is one-eighth larger than when received over mercury. Hydrogen gas is the lightest of all substances, except light and caloric. When pure, it is nearly 13 times lighter than common air. It is this extreme levity which occasions its utility for inflating balloons. Hydrogen gas is incapable of supporting life, but may be inhaled and exhaled a few moments without fatal effects ; it is returned by the lungs unaltered, and does not therefore appear to be positively noxious, but only operates by excluding oxygen. Although so currently called inflammable air, hydrogen gas is not capable of being burned, or of supporting combustion, unless oxygen be present. That water is in reality the union of oxygen and hydrogen, is proved not onlv by these gases being ob- tained by its decomposition, but by reversing the experi- ment and producing water from the gases themselves. Fifteen parts, by weight, of hydrogen, being mixed with 85 parts of oxygen, and retained in a close vessel, if the hydrogen be fired by the electric spark, the gases will be converted into water, the weight of which will be equal to both the gases employed, and the gases disap- pear. The oil and resin of vegetables are derived from the decomposition of water ; and composts are partly bene- ficial as manures, from the hydrogen furnished in the process of putrefaction : if the compost be kept till this putrefaction is nearly over, its value is materially lessened as the hydrogen flies off. Hydrogen combines with a larger quantity of oxygen ihan any other body ; its combustion, therefore when HYDROGEN. 69 mixed with oxygen, produces a more intense heat than any other combustion. This mav be shown with a blad- der filled with oxygen, and another with hydrogen, by causing a stream from each bladder to pass through a tube upon a piece of ignited charcoal, or any other burning combustible. Each of the bladders should be furnished with a stop-cock, and as there is some risk of a violent explosion, bladderg may be used with more propriety than any other vessels. Hydrogen is capable of combining with sulphur, phos- phorus, carbon, and arsenic; and these compounds are respectively distinguished by the terms sulphuretted hy- drogen, phosphuretted hydrogen, carburetted hydrogen, and arseniated hydrogen. The flame which it yields in combustion is differently tinged, according to the sub- stance combined with it. Fireworks have been con- structed, in which the diversity of colour in the flame was produced by an attention to this property. Pit-coal, by distillation, affords carburetted hydrogen, which is employed in what are called the gas lights. The coal thus distilled is not lost, but is converted into coke, which is as valuable as the coal from which it was produced. Sulphuretted hydrogen has an offensive smell, resem- bling rotten eggs. It is produced by dissolving the sul- phurets in acids: that disengaged by the sulphuric acid burns with a bJue flame; that produced by the nitric acid burns with a yellowish white flame ; the lattei acid disengages the largest quantity of the gas. Phosphuretted hydrogen, wFu'ch has also a strong fetid, putrid smell, may be obtained by boiling in a retort a little, phosphorus with a solution of potass. If this gas comes in contact with the air as it escapes from the re- tort, it takes fire, and a dense conical wreath of smoke arises from it. It explodes if suddenly mixed with oxy- gen, oxymuriatic acid, or nitrous oxide gas. The ignis fatuus, or jack-with-a-lantern, is attributed to this disen- gagement of the g^as from the putrid effluvia common in swampy places where that phenomenon is observed. 70 CHEMISTRY. Arseniated hydrogen may be obtained by adding sul- phuric acid, diluted with twice its weight of water, to four parts of granulated zii.c and one of arsenic. Two parts of this gas, with one of oxygen, will explode loud I?, and the products are water and arse.iious acid. OF SULPHUR. / SULPHUR, or brimstone, is a well-known substance, of a yellow colour, brittle, moderately hard, devoid of smell, but not entirely so of taste. Its specific gravity is 1990. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and therefore becomes electric by friction. Sulphur is extremely disseminated, and is obtained abundantly, both in a state of purity, and from its com- binations with other substances. It flows from volcanoes, and is sublimed from the earth in some parts of Italy. It is combined more or less frequently with most ores, and is procured in large quantities from some of them, particularly those of iron and copper. In the Isle of Anglesea, it is sublimed c from the copper ore, and collect- ed in large chambersj 3 ^vhich are connected with the kilns by means of horizontal flues. Sulphur unites with most of the metals, rendering them brittle, and increasing their fusibility. It is soluble in oils, and by heat in alcohol, but water has no immediate action upon it Hydrogen gas dissolves it, and is then called sulphuretted hydrogen. Tnlfe gas is evolved dur- ing the putrefaction of animal substances. Sulphur unites with phosphorus by heat; but with charcoal it does not combine. If a bar of iron or steel, at a white heat, be rubbed with a roll of sulphur, the two bodies combine and drop down together in a fluid state, forming sulphuret of iron, a compound of the same kind as the native sulphuret of iron called pyrites, and which, from its abundance, sup- plies much sulphur. If potass or soda be melted by a moderate heat, with equal parts of sulphur, in a covered crucible, it forms a CARBON. 7J substance, which, after cooling, is of a liver-brown col our. These compounds are respectively called the sulphuret of potass or soda. Orpiment, or king's yellow, is a sulphuret ; it is com- posed of arsenic and sulphur Vermilion is the red sulphuret of mercury. Sulphur sublimes at the heat of 170, and is collected in the form of what is called flowers of sulphur. If heated to 185, it becomes very fluid, but by a continu- ance of the heat its fluidity diminishes, and it even be- comes thick ; on being allowed to cool, its former fluidity returns before it becomes solid. If as soon as the sulphur has begun to congeal, the inner liquid part be poured out, the internal cavity will exhibit long needle- shaped crystals of an octahedral figure. Sulphur combines with oxygen in four definite propor- tions, forming an interesting class of acids, viz : the sulphurous, hypo-sulphurous, sulphuric, and hypo- sulphuric. From these combinations it is inferred that its prime equivalent is 2, and the density of its vapour is 1.111, equal to that of oxygen. Sulphur is applied to many important uses. It is em- ployed in medicine, it enters into the composition of sulphuric acid, of gunpowder, and of the common com- position for paying the bottom of ships. Its fumes are employed in bleaching silk and wool, and checking the progress of vinous fermentation. Common matches, for lighting fires, are tipped with sulphur. OF CARBON. VEGETABLES, when burnt or distilled in close vessels, (ill their volatile parts are entirely separated, leave a black, brittle, and cinerous residuum, which constitutes the greater part of the woody fibre, and is called char- coal. Charcoal contains a portion of earthy and saline matters, but when entirely freed from these and other impurities, a solid, simple, combustible substance remains, which is called carbon. 72 CHEMISTRY. Carbon exists naturally in a state of greater purity than it can be prepared by art. The diamond is pure carbon crystallized. The diamond, when pure, is colour- less and transparent. It is the hardest substance known and, as it sustains a considerable degree of heat un- changed, ft was formerly supposed to be incombustible. It may, however, be consumed by a burning-glass, and even by the heat of a furnace. The difficulty of burn- ing it appears to arise from its hardness; for Morveau and Tennant have rendered common charcoal so hard by ex- posing it for some time to a violent fire in close vessels, that it endured a red heat without catching fire. Com- mon charcoal contains only 64 parts of diamond, or pure carbon, and 36 of oxygen in every 100. The common charcoal of commerce is usually pre- pared from young wood, which is piled up near the place where it is cut, in conical heaps, covered with earth, and burnt with the least possible access of air. When the fire is supposed to have penetrated to the cen- tre of the thickest pieces, it is extinguished by entirely closing the vents. When charcoal is wanted very pure, the product of this mode of preparing it will not suffice ; for the manufacturing of the best gunpowder, it is dis- tilled in iron cylinders. Chemists prepare it in small quantities, in a crucible covered with sand ; and, after they have thus prepared it they pound it, and wash away the salts it contains by muriatic acid ; the acid is removed by the plentiful use of water, and afterwards, the char- coal is exposed to a low red heat. Pure charcoal is per- fectly tasteless, and insoluble in water. Charcoal, newly prepared, absorbs moisture with avidity. It also absorbs oxygen, and other gases which are condensed in its pores, in quantity many times ex ceeding its own bulk, and are given out unaltered Fresh charcoal, allowed to cool without exposure to air, and the gas then admitted, will absorb 2.25 times its bulk of atmospheric air immediately, and .75 more in four or five hours; of oxygen gas, about 1.8 immediately and slowly, 1 more ; of nitrogen gas, 1.65 immediately CARBON. 73 of nitric oxide, 8.5 very slowly ; of h} drogen gas, about 1.9 immediately; carbonic acid gas, 14.3 immediately. The greater part of these gases are expelled by a heat below 212, and a portion even by immersing the char- coal in water. These absorptions are promoted by a low temperature ; but, at an elevated temperature, char- coal has such an affinity for oxygen, that it will abstract it from almost all its combinations. Hence, its utility in reviving metals. Fossil coal, and all kinds of bitumen, contain a large quantity of carbon : it is also contained in oils, resins, sugar, and animal substances. Charcoal is one of the most unchangeable substances ; if the access of air be prevented, the most intense heats have no other effect than that just mentioned of harden- ing it, and rendering its colour a deeper black. Insolu- able in -.vater, and incapable of putrefaction, it under- goes no change by mere exposure or age; and stakes, and other materials of wood which have been charred, or superficially converted into charcoal, have been pre- served from decay for thousands of years ; the ancients availed themselves of this mode of preparing stakes which were to be driven into the ground for foundations and other purposes. The combinations of carbon with various substances, are called carburets. Steel is a combination of iron and carbon, in which the proportion of carbon is very small, only about a two hundredth part ; it is to its carbon that it owes its valuable property of admitting to be temper- ed. Cast-iron contains more carbon than steel, but this difference is not the only cause of the difference of the properties of iron in the two states; from its carbon, however, cast-iron admits of being made hard or soft, nearly in the same manner as steel. Plumbago contains 90 parts of carbon, and but ten of iron ; it is from this excess of carbon, called a hyper-carburet of iron. The name of black lead, by which it is most generally known, is evidently improper, as it contains not a particle of lead. On the contrary, the connexion of plumbago with 7 74 CHEMISTRY. iron might be inferred from ks resemblance in some respects to that kind of cast-iron which contains most carbon; their fracture is much alike; and very fine filings of the iron tinge the hands nearly in the same manner as the powdered plumbago. Yet cast-iron sel- dom contains more than a forty-tifth part of its weight of carbon. Charcoal possesses the singular property of combmirg with, and destroying the odour,.colour, and taste, of va- rious substances. Putrid and stinking water may oe rendered sweet by filtering it through charcoal-powder, or even by agitation with it. Common vinegar boiled with charcoal-powder, becomes perfectly limpid. Saline solutions that are tinged yellow or brown, are rendered colourless in the same way, so that they will afford white crystals. Malt spirit may be freed from its disagreeable flavour by distillation with about r ^ of its weight of charcoal. Tainted vessels, after having been well scoured, may have every remaining taint removed by rinsing them with charcoal-powder ; and this powder will also restore the sweetness of flesh-meat but slightly tainted with putridity. As a dentrifice, charcoal in the state of an impalpable powder, is unrivalled, at once whitening the sound teeth, and sweetening the breath by neutrali- zing the fetor that arises from those which are carious, or from a scorbutic state of the gums. When charcoal is burnt in oxygen gas, nearly the whole of it disappears: it is converted by its combina- tions with oxygen into an aeriform fluid, which, having the properties of an acid, is called carboni& acid gas. It contains 28 parts, by weight, of charcoal, and 72 of ftxygen in every 100. It was discovered by Dr. Black, in 1755, and the discovery constitutes a memorable epoch in the history of chemistry, as it was attended with so clear a demonstration of the fact, that gaseous substances could become concrete, or form a part of solid, substances, and that, on the contrary, solid substance* unild assume the gaseous form. Carbonic acid gas is nearly twice as heavy as atm< CARBON. 75 spheric air, and it may therefore be poured from one ves- sel to another, or retained in a cask and drawn off like other liquors. Though invisible, yet if contained I-n a glass, the presence of something different from common air may be discovered by lighting a piece of paper, and putting it into a glass ; the light will instantly go out, and the smoke becoming entangled in this heavy gas, will show the quantity of the gas that may be present. The extinction of fire by this gas is instant and com- plete ; and when by any accident it is breathed, it pre- vents the power of speech, and rapidly destroys life. As it is evolved in the process of fermentation, it is often present in vats, and the public journals frequently record instances of persons who have incautiously descended into these vessels to clean them, perishing from its bane ful effects in a few moments. Carbonic acid gas is always the result of the combus tion of charcoal, which cannot be burnt in a close apart ment, without imminent hazard of suffocation to the persons present. This gas is often contained in deep old wells, and places which have been long closed ; wherever it is suspected to exist, it will be proper to introduce a lighted candle, and if J.hat burns as usual v no danger need be apprehended ; but if it be extinguished, it may be taken for granted that the air is unfit to breathe. A quantity of water, particularly if mixed with quick-lime, will, if thrown into a suspected place, absorb the car- bonic acid which may be present. Carbonic acid gas constitutes what miners call choke-damp. Carbonic acid, though so deleterious when breathed, often forms a palatable wholesome ingredient in food, as it possesses the strongly antiseptic properties of carbon, its base. Hence the acid taste of Pyrmont, Spa, and other mineral waters ; hence the sparkling and agreeable brisk- ness of fermented liquors, such as beer, cider, &,c. Yeast, from the large quantity it contains of it, has performed wonderful cures in putrid diseases. The atmosphere contains a very small quantity of this gas, the use of wHch may be to neutralize the putrid miasmata con- 76 CHEMISTRY. tinually flying aoout. Water may by pressure be cans ed to combine with nearly three times its own bulk of carbonic acid gas. The combinations of carbonic acid with other substan- ces, are called carbonates. Common ch^ik, limestone, and marbles, are all carbonates, and in their chemical composition differ but little from each other. Carbonic acid gas may be obtained from any of these, by putting them into a retort in powder, and pouring upon them a diluted acid, for example the sulphuric. The gas must be collected by the pneumatic apparatus. A cubical inch of marble contains as much carbonic acid, as, in the state of gas, would fill a vessel of six gallons. OF PHOSPHORUS. PHOSPHORUS is a yellowish, transparent substance, of the consistence of wax. It is luminous in the dark at common temperatures, and at 67 it emits a white smoke. It is rapidly consumed at 122. It is preserved by keeping it in water : the water has, however, the effect of rendering it opaque ; and even exposure to light alters it in some degree. Phosphorus was originally prepared from urine, by a tedious and disagreeable process ; but Gahn, a Swedish chemist, having discovered that it existed in bones, it is now prepared from this class of bodies. The bones are calcined till they cease to smoke, after which they are reduced to a fine powder. This powder is put into a glass vessel, and sulphuric acid is gradually goured upor it, till the further addition of acid occasions no extrica tion of air bubbles. This mixture is largely dilutee with water, well agitated, and kept hot for some hours, it is then filtered, and afterwards evaporated slowly, till a quantity of white oowder falls to the bottom. This powder, by a second alteration, is separated, and thrown away. The evaporation is then lesumed; and when- ever an- white powder appears, the alteration must be repeated, in order to separate it. During the whole pro PHOSPHORUS. 77 cess, what remains on the filter must be washed with pure water, and this water added to the liquor. The evaporation is continued till all the moisture disappears, and nothing but a dry mass remains. This mass is put into a crucible, and kept melted in the fire, till it ceases to yield a sulphurous smell; it is then poured out When cold, it resembles a brittle glass: it is pounded in a glass mortar, and mixed with one third, by weight, of charcoal dust. This mixture is put into an earthenware retort, to which is adapted a receiver, containing a little water. In a short time after the retort and its contents have become red-hot, the phosphorus passes into the re- ceiver, drop by drop. It is generally formed into small cylinders, by moulding it under lukewarm water, in glass tubes, or by putting a cork into the extremity of the pipe of a glass funnel, into which hot water may then be poured, and the phosphorus being dropt in, will mould itself. From the remark made above, respecting the low temperature at which it burns, it is necessary to take great care that none of it adheres to the hand, especially under the nails, whence it would be with difficulty extracted ; as the heat of the body would kin- dle it, and it burns with extreme ardour. If, however, it be thoroughly mixed with several times its bulk of hog's lard, it may be held in the hand without injury. Phosphorus possesses a prodigious divisibility. A quar- ter of a grain being administered in some pills to a per- son who was afterwards opened, all the internal parts were found to be luminous, and even the hands of the person who opened the body had the same appearance. Phosphorus combines with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, most of the metals, and some of the earths. By combining with oxygen, that is, after combustion, it forms phosphoric acid. When the phosphoric acid is combined with any substance, that substance is called a phosphate. The phosphorus in bones is in a state of phosphate of lime. The combination of phosphorus with iron forms that kind of iron called cold-short, which is brittle when cold, though malleable when heated. 7* 78 CHEMISTRY ' Phosphorus, rubbed in a mortar with iron fi'.ings, takes fire immediately. Phosphoric match-bottles are pre- pared by mixing one part of flour of sulphur with eight of phosphorus. If a very small quantity of this mixture be taken out on the point of a match, and rubbed upon a cork, or any similar body, the match becomes lighted. At the temperature of 70 F., phosphorus combines with oil, and forms a compound, which, in contact with atmospheric air, becomes luminous in the dark. Put one part of phosphorus into six parts of good olive oil, or oil of cinnamon, which is preferable. Digest it in a gentle sand heat, until the phosphorus is dissolved, on which, immediately cork the bottle. If this oil be rubbed on any thing, it immediately becomes luminous in the dark, and yet has not sufficient heat to burn the sub- stance. OF WATER, THE composition of water has already Been inciden- tally mentioned; it consists of 85 parts of oxygen, and 15 of hydrogen. It is a product of combustion, being formed whenever hydrogen is united to oxygen ; for these two bodies are not known to be capable of uniting in any proportion but that which forms water. The proofs of the composition of water are complete; this fluid may be decomposed, that is, separated into the gases of which it is composed ; or the gases may be converted into water. Water is capable of existing in four diiFerent states, 1. that of ice ; 2. that of water, or the liquid state ; 3. that of steam, or the gaseous state; 4. in combination with crystals or other solids. 1. Ice is the simplest state of water; if entirely de prived of caloric, it would still be ice, only increasing in hardness as the caloric was abstracted. It is elastic, and when long kept much below the point at which it is formed, it becomes extremely hard. When pulverized, it is white. As one of the amusements of the court of Russia, in the severe winter of 1740, a palace was con- strucv^d entirely of ice hewn from the river Neva ; and 'WATER. 79 a cannon made of the same material, drove a hempen bullet through a hoard two inches thick at the distance nf sixty paces. Water expands in passing to the state of ice, with a force that produces most astonishing effects; rending trees, and separating immense fragments, from the rocks and mountains. This expansion is owing to the new arrangement of its particles; the needles of the crystals crossing each other, either at angles of 60 or 120. Ice is converted into water when its tempera ture is raised above 32. 2. Water retains its character as a fluid, at all tem- peratures between 32 and 212. It is employed as the standard of comparison in all tables of specific gravities. Water, when perfectly pure, possesses a high degree of transparency, and is entirely destitute of colour, taste, and smell. It is nearly inelastic, and consequently incom- pressible. It can only be obtained pure by distillation; for as it is capable of holding a greater number of sub- stances in solution than any other fluid, the facility with which it becomes impregnated with foreign substances must be obvious. 3. When water is converted into vapour, it combines with above five times the quantity of caloric which would be required to bring ice-cold water to the boiling heat ; it is estimated to fill a space 1800 times greater than in the state of water; and the large quantity of caloric with which it is combined, is the only cause of the differ- ence. This refers to water under the common pressure of the atmosphere. When this pressure is lessened, as under an exhausted receiver, water assumes the state of vapour at a very gentle heat; and when retained in a sufficiently strong vessel, as in Papin's digester, it may be rendered red-hot without being converted into steam. The elasticity of steam is prodigious ; and it increases with the heat at which the steam is formed. It has been found by experiments, that the expansive force of steam exceeds that of gunpowder. 4. The singular tenacity with which water is held by a great number of substances, is an interesting fact 80 CHEMISTRY. Saussure has p:oved that alumine will retain one-tenth of its weight of water, at a heat which will keep iron in fusion ; lime retains water with nearly the same force; and calcined plaster of Paris is changed from a state ol powder to that of a solid, by combining with a large portion of water ; some salts, though tolerably hard and dry, are combined with as much water, as at a boiling heat would hold them in solution; crystals owe their transparency, and even their solidity, to the water com- bined with them, for they lose both these properties as soon as the water is abstracted. By entering into many of these combinations, it is evident that water is deprived of a greater quantity of caloric than in a state of ice, and it is to this cause that we must attribute its hardness in gems. MINERAL WATERS. The purest water which nature affords is melted snow, or of rain newly fallen, and collected in open fields, at a distance from houses, or contaminated atmo- sphere. The water of rivers and lakes is next in puriiy, especially where it is a rocky or gravelly bed. Stag- nant water, and that of marshes, is in general exceed- ingly impure, and often offensive to the taste, as it is largely impregnated with principles derived from the putrefaction of animal and vegetable matters. All these waters, however, possess the property called softness; that is, they will dissolve soap. Spring waters are gene- rally hard: they will not dissolve soap; and are, there- fore, unfit for any domestic purposes, and for manufac- turers. This arises from their containing earths and minerals in solution. Springs which supply water of a more agreeable taste than rain, river, or lake water, are the most abundant ; and they always contain car- bonic acid. Other impregnations impair their taste; und, when they are in such access as to give a marked character to the water, the waters of such springs are called Mineral waters. tt may often be important to obtain a general idea of MINERAL WATERS. 81 the impregnations of a particular spring, in order to know whether it can be safely taken with food, or is likely tc be useful as a medicine, or ought to be wholly rejected. We shall therefore give a short account of the tests, by which the most usual impregnations may be detected. The sensible qualities of water, such as transparency, colour, taste, and smell, should be examined, if possible, at the instant it comes from the spring. If the water must necessarily be examined at a distance, a bottle, with an air-tight stopper, should, at the fountain-head, be completely filled with it, in order to leave no space for air. The specific gravity should also be taken. To note exactly the sensible qualities of the water, will often indicate the re-agents which may be employed to denote its composition. Spring water generally contains more or less carbonic acid, which imparts an agreeable sparkling and brisk- ness; like that exhibited by fermented liquors. Where no colouring matter is present, the sparkling induces us to suppose this water more transparent than other waters. Carbonic acid sinks the taste of every other ingredient in waters ; and, therefore, such waters should not only be tasted at the spring, but some time after they have been exposed to the air, or after they have been boiled, as the carbonic acid will then have escaped. The tinc- ture of litmus will discover whether an acid is present in water, and as the carbonic is the only acid which is separated by exposure to the air, this exposure, if it deprive the water of the power of reddening litmus- paper or its solution, will show whether the acid is the carbonic or not. Water containing carbonic acid will hold a. consider- able quantity of carbonate of lime in solution. Lime is detected most effectually by oxalic acid, which separates it from all its combinations, and forms with it an insolu- ble precipitate, unless an excess of acid be present, foi then the precipitate will be re-dissolved. It is, therefore best to use the oxalate of ammonia or potass, in order that the alkali may neutralize the acid in solution. J F 82 CHEMISTRY. Diluted muriate of barytes will form a precipitate with water containing sulphuric acid. The precipitate is white, and insoluble in diluted muriatic acid. The nitrate of silver occasions a white precipitate or cloud in water containing muriatic acid. Alkalies held in solution, or alkaline or earthy carbo nates, change paper stained with turmeric to a brown, or reddish brown, and light vegetable reds are rendered blue. The volatile alkali may be distinguished by its smell. Earthy and metallic carbonates are precipitated by boiling. Iron is very common in mineral wafers; it may be detected by its forming a purple or blackish precipitate with tincture of galls, or blue with prussiate of potass. Pure ammonia, or lime-water, precipitates magnesia and alumine, and no other earths, provided the carbonic acid has previously been separated by a fixed alkali and ooiling. The mineral acids, when uncombined, give a perma- nent red to litmus paper, both before and after the water has been boiled ; whereas, the redness communicated by the carbonic acid gas goes off as the paper dries. Waters containing the sulphate of copper, may be de- tected by their giving the colour of copper to a polished plate of iron immersed in them. Sulphate of iron is precipitated by alcohol. The specific gravity of sea-water is generally 1.0280 It holds about ? V f i^ s weight of muriate of soda in so- lution, with a small quantity of muriate of magnesia, ana a still smaller proportion of the sulphate of lime. At a distance from land, it is colourless and void of smell, but intensely saline and bitter. In analyzing waters with exactness, the gaseous pro ducts they afford are carefully collected and examined. OF THE AIR. The atmosphere may be said in general terms to con- sist of oxygen and nitrogen ; but atmospheric air, even THE AIR. 83 when purest, always contains a small proportion of other principles. Murray states its exact composition as follows By measure. By weight. o p S 210 23 3 1 40 i no queous vapour 100.0 100.0 As considerable quantities of hydrogen escape from the earth, it might be presumed that it would be found in the atmospheric air, but as the atmospheric air has no chemical attraction for it in any proportion that can be detected, it probably escapes, by its levity, beyond the heights to which we have access. Dalton's experiments evince that the proportion of carbonic acid gas does not exceed a thousandth part, though a higher estimate is generally made. Atmospheric air is destitute of taste and smell, highly compressible, and perfectly elastic. It supports animal life, directly by the oxygen it affords to the lungs, where the blood combines chemically with it; and indirectly, by its mechanical properties in equalizing the tempera- ture of. the globe, and preventing too rapid an evaporation cf the moisture of the body. It is also not less necessary to vegetable life, as the vehicle for the distribution of water, and in its decompositions, by furnishing them with nitrogen, carbonic acid, and other principles. Atmospheric air contains the only proportion of oxy- gen which is subservient to the purpcses of existence all the known gases have been tried. None of them ex- cept the nitric oxide, can be breathed for even a few moments; and even the nitric oxide, during the short time \vhi( h it remains on the lungs, produces a suspen- sion of the proper functions of the mind. In all the gases, also, combustion is either intemperate or wholly stopped. Notwithstanding the multiplied compositions and decompositions which are continually going on at 84 CHEMISTRY. the surface of the earth, the due proportion of oxygen in the air is still maintained with a precision truly astonishing. The specific gravity of the air is less, the greater the proper I ion of aqueous moisture which it contains. Hence, aeronauts find that their balloon sinks when passing over the sea, where the air is moister than over the land. OF GAS. ' THIS term is applied to all permanently elastic fluids, simple or compound, except the atmosphere, to which the term air is appropriated. Some of the gases exist in nature without the aid of art, and may, therefore, be collected ; others, on the con- trary, are only producible by artificial means. All gases are combinations of certain substances, re- duced to the gaseous form by the addition of caloric. It is, therefore, necessary to distinguish, in every gas, the matter of heat which acted the part of a solvent, and the substance which forms the basis of the gases. Gases are not contained in those substances from which we obtain them in a state of gas, but owe their formation to the expansive property of caloric. The formation of gases. The different forms under which bodies appear, depend upon a certain quantity of caloric, chemicarly combined with them. The very for- mation of gases corroborates this truth. The production totally depends upon the combinations of the particular substances with caloric; and though called permanently elastic, they are only so because we cannot so far reduce their temperature, as to dispose them to part with it otherwise they would undoubtedly become fluid or solid. Water, for instance, is a solid substance in all degrees below 32 of Fahrenheit's scale ; above this temperature it combines with caloric, and it becomes a fluid. It retains its liquid state under the ordinary pressure of the Atmosphere, till its temperature is augmented to 212. It then combines with a larger portion of caloric, and is ALCOHOL. 80 Converted, apparently, into gas, or at least into elastic vapour ; in which state it would continue, if the tempe- rature of our atmosphere was above 212. Gases are therefore solid substances, between the particles of which a repulsion is established by the quantity of caloric. But as in the gaseous water or steam, the caloric is retained but with little force, on account of its quitting the water when Ihe vapour is merely exposed to a lowe! temperature, we do not admit steam among the class of gases, or permanently elastic aeriform fluids. In gases, caloric is united by a very forcible affinity, and no dimi- nution of temperature, or increase of pressure, that has ever yet been effected, can separate it from them. Thus the air of our atmosphere, in the most intense cold, or when very strongly compressed, still remains in the aeri- form state ; and hence is derived the essential characters of gases, namely, that they shall remain aeriform, under all variations of pressure and temperature. OF ALCOHOL. ALCOHOL, or the purely spiritous part of liquors which Lave undergone the vinous fermentation, and no other, is transparent. and colourless like water ; its taste is high- ly pungent, but agreeable. It is extremely inflammable, and when set on tire it leaves no residuum. Its specific gravity is 0.800 ; and from its brightness and extreme fluidity, the bubbles which are formed on its surface, break with rapidity. It is not frozen even by the ex- treme cold of 65 ; but it has been frozen by the sudden abstraction of its caloric in the vacuum of an air-pump. fn a vacuum, it boils at 56 ; in the air it is converted into vapour at 55, and boils at 165. It is from its being converted into vapour much sooner than water, that it is easily separated by distillation from wine, beer, and other liquors which contain it. All these liquors owe their strength to the quantity of alcohol they contain : the best port-wine contains about one-fourth of its bulk of alcohol. Brandy, rum, and whiskey, contain still more alcohol. Proof-spirit is half water and naif alcohol. - 8 86 CHEMISTRY. The alcohol obtained by distillation always contains some water, from which that operation will not free it; to obtain pure alcohol, therefore, perfectly dry potass obtained by exposing this alkali for some time to a red heat, is put into it : the water, having a stronger affinity for the potass than for the alcohol, combines with the alkali, which falls to the bottom, and the alcohol may bo drawn off with the siphon. Afterwards the alcohol should be distilled with a gentle heat, and not quite to dryness, that any potass it may contain may be left behind. Alcohol mixes with water in all proportions, and the combination is so intimate that the mixture takes up less space than the fluids separately ; and therefore, as in every other combination where such an effect happens, caloric is extricated, and may be felt by the hand. Alcohol is the grand solvent for resins, and is much used for making varnishes. Camphor dissolves in it very readily, and the solution hastens that of some substances upon which the alcohol alone acts but slowly, or not at all, particularly copal. Alcohol takes up a small portion of phosphorus, which is precipitated by water. Quicklime alters the flavour of alcohol, and renders its colour yellow, though the earth in general, and metallic oxides, appear to have no action upon it. Both fixed and essential oils are soluble in alcohol. The composition of alcohol is not accurately known. The analysis of Lavoisier indicated that 100 parts of it contain of carbon, 30, of hydrogen, 7.5, and of water 62.5 : but the accuracy of the analysis is doubtful ; for, as it was conducted by burning the alcohol in oxygen, part of the water may have .been the produce of com- bustion, as Fourcroy and Vauquelin have clearly proved that alcohol contains oxygen. However this be, the manner in which the component parts of alcohol are united, remains entirely a mystery. Betancourt has ascertained the important fact, tha< the vapour of alcohol has more than double the expan- sive force of that of water of the same temperature, and ETHER. 87 that <;he steam of alcohol, at 174, is equal to that of water at 212. Hence, it has been suggested that alco- hol may be employed with advantage as the moving power of steam engines, with a great saving of fuel, and consequently, of expense, when means shall be contrived to save the fluid from being lost. OF ETHER. IF alcohol be mixed with its own weight of sulphuric acid, gradually added, to prevent explosion, and the mixture be distilled in a sand bath, the first product ob- tained is alcohol, but afterwards a very different fluid, which is equal in quantity to half the alcohol employed. This fluid is called ether." Ether is still more inflammable and volatile than alco- hol, and equally as colourless. It is the lightest of all known fluids. Its smell is fragrant and agreeable, but not powerful. Its taste is hot and pungent. Its combus- tion yields a blue flame, and rather more smoke than alcohol. It boils at 95. It may be obtained of the spe- cific gravity of .716. It is a valuable medicine; being used externally for the headache or toothache, by pouring a little upon the hand and pressing it upon the forehead or cheek, till the pain it occasions goes off Its internal use extends to all spasmodic affections. The nature of the change produced on alcohol by the acid, when ether is formed, is not well understood ; but it is supposed that ether contains a much larger propor- tion of hydrogen in proportion to its carbon. If the distillation of ether be continued till sulphurous vapours appear, and the recipient be then changed, a new product is obtained ; it is called the sweet oil of wine, which is unctuous, thick, less volatile than ether, and of a yellow colour. The last product obtained by urging the fire, is sulphuric acid and acetous acid. Instead of the sulphuric acid, ether may be prepared c-'th the nitric, the oxymuriatic, the acetic, and several 88, CHEMISTRY. other acids. According to the acid employed, its proper ties differ a little : nitric ether is often made, but the sul- phuric is the most common and the most valued. The peculiar properties of the ethers made with differen* acids, have not been minutely examined. Sulphuric ether acts upon most resinous substances; it is the best solvent of caoutchouc ; it dissolves also the essential oils and camphor; mixes in all proportions with alcohol, but water only dissolves a tenth of it. It com bines with caustic volatile alkali ; but not with the fixea alkalies or lime. It dissolves a little sulphur and phos- phorus. If the ether obtained emit a sulphurous odour, it must be purified by a second distillation, previous to which it should be mixed with a little potass, which will combine with the acid, and in part with the water. OF METALS. THE metals, from their extensive and diversified utility, are amongst the most interesting classes of sub stances existing. They are supposed to be simple bodies, and not a single fact has ever been ascertained which shows that they can be converted into each c^her; yet ; to accomplish this, the alchemists exhausted their estates and their lives. The metals are distinguished by their possessing all or the greater part of the following properties; hardness, tenacity, lustre, opacity, fusibility, malleability, and duc- tility ; and they are excellent conductors of caloric, elec- tricity, and galvanism. Metals are generally found in mountainous countries. They are sometimes met with in a state of purity, and are then said to be found native: but they are mostly combined with other substances ; and, when com- bined in such quantities as to be worth separating, the substance is called an ore of the metal it contains. All the metals are susceptible of crystallization. The easiest mode of obtaining their crystalline form, is to lei METALS. 89 out the middle part just after they have begun to con geal ; the interior of the crust thus left assumes a crys- talline form. The metals are fusible at very different temperatures; mercury, for example, does not become solid, unless cooled down to 39, and platina is not softened at the heat at which cast-iron runs like water. Metals differ from each other as much in hardness as in fusibility. Kirwan has adopted a very simple mode 'of showing their comparative hardness by figures. We shall adopt his plan, which he thus explains: 3. Denotes the hardness of chalk. 4. A superior hardness ; but yet what yields to the nail. 5. What will not yield to the nail; but easily, and without grittiness, to the knife. 6. That which yields with more difficulty to the knife. 7. That which scarcely yields to the knife. 8. That which cannot be scraped by a knife, but does not give 'fire with steel. 9. That which gives a few feeble sparks with steel. 10. That which gives plentiful, lively sparks. Great specific gravity was formerly considered as one of the chief characteristics of the metals, the lightest metal being twice as heavy as the heaviest body of any other sort; but the discovery of several bodies, which possess all the characters of the metals, excepting weight, and which cannot therefore be omitted in the list of metals, has caused great specific gravity to be no longer distinctive. If a metal be exposed to a heat which will keep it in fusion, it may, without suffering any alteration but that of its figure, (which will adapt itself to the vessel,) be kept any length of time in that state, provided the access of air be kept entirely from its surface. But if the fusion be conducted in open vessels, the surface of the metal loses its metallic brilliancy ; and if its apparent scum be removed, another is soon formed, until the whole of the metal disappears, and instead of it we have an eartjiy 8* 90 CHEMISTRY. opaque powder which soils the hands. Upon collecting and weighing this powder, it is found to be heavier than the metal from which it was produced. This process was by the ancient chemists called calcination, and the product of it was called a calx ; they knew not the cause of it, and were, therefore, wholly unable to account for the increase of weight which they obtained by it; but the moderns having thoroughly investigated the sub- ject, consider all metals as combustible bodies; that in the operation just described the metal has suffered com- bustion, and that, therefore, the oxygen of the atmos- phere has combined with it, as it combines with all other bodies during combustion, and that it is solely from the oxygen absorbed that its additional weight is derived. In proof of this, they find by suitable experiments, that the oxygen absorbed is exactly equal to the weight acquired ; and also, that when the oxygen is taken away, by pre- senting some substance for which it has a greater affinity, the metal acquires all its original properties, and becomes of the same weight as at first. Hence for the vague term calx, the modern chemists used the word oxide, to denote the earth-like combinations of a metal with oxygen ; and the act or process in which this change takes place, is called oxidation, Oxygen will not combine with metals in all propor lions, as acids will do with water, but only in one or two, or at most a few proportions. When the proportion of oxygen varies, the oxide of the same metal assumes different colours ; the colour is therefore selected to dis- tinguish these differences. Hence, we have the yellow oxide of lead, the red oxide of lead, &c. When the oxygen which converts a metal into an oxide is supplied by an acid, the name of the solvent, as well as the colour of the oxide, is sometimes given : thus we have the white, oxide of lead by the acetous acid. Some of the metals are so much disposed to oxidation, that they became oxides at all temperatures. Iron is a metal )f this description : the rust to which it changes in air or water is its red oxide. METALS. 91 If the oxide of a metal be exposed to a strong heat, it nitrifies, or is converted into a substance resembling com- mon glass. The substances employed for enamel paint- ing, for colouring glass, and for glazing earthenware, are mostly prepared from metallic oxides. If any of the malleable metals be hammered, its com- bined caloric becoming sensible, renders it hot, and passes off to surrounding bodies ; the metal at the same time is rendered denser, harder, more rigid, and in gene ral more elastic. A portion of the caloric, to which, in common with other bodies, metals owe their softness, appears to be driven out of it; for its former state re- turns by beating it to ignition. Rolling produces the same effect as hammering. The metals combine with each other, and besides oxygen, w;*h the simple substances, sulphur, carbon, and phosphorus When two metals are combined together, the mixture is called an alloy of that metal whose weight predominates. Previous to the year 1730, only eleven metals were known the list is now increased to forty-two chiefly by recen* discoveries, and the probability is very strong, that there exist : a much larger number. The metals may be divided in' \ two classes; the malleable and the brittle; the brittle metals may be further subdivided into those which ar easily fused, and those which are fused with difficulty. We shall enumerate them, in each of these classes, in ihe order of their specific gravity. 1. Malleable Metals. 1. PVxtina, 8. Copper, 2. Gold, 9. Iron, 3. Mercury, 10. Tin, 4. Lead, 11. Zinc, 5. Palladium, 12. Sodium, 6. Silver, 13. Potassium. 7. Nickel, 2. Brittle Metals, fused without difficulty. 1. Bismuth, 3 Antimony, 2. Arsenir,, 4. Tel'-'-'num. 92 CHEMISTRY. Brittle Metals, of difficult fusion. 1. Tungsten, 8. Titanium, 2. Uranium, 9. Chromium, 3. Rhodium, 10. Columbium, 4. Cobalt, 11. Cerium, 5. Molybdenum, 12. Osmium, 6. Manganese, 13. Iridium 7. Tantalium, PLATINA. THE specific gravity of platina, after hammering, is 23,000. It, therefore, holds the pre-eminence of all bodies in point of weight, and it has other extraordinary properties. It is incapable of tarnishing by exposure to the air The strongest mineral acids have no effect upon it, if employed separately, nor will the strongest fire melt it, unless urged by oxygen gas ; a crucible of it not thicker than a sheet of paper, will endure the heat of the best furnace, and come out unaltered. When intensely heat- ed, it possesses, like iron, the property of welding, but the labour of working it is very great. Its hardness is 7.5. Its colour is between that of iron and silver. Platina was unknown in Europe before the year 1741, when a quantity of it was brought by Charles Wood, from Jamaica. It was supposed only to be found in the gold mines in Peru, but Vauquelin has met with it in Spain, in the mines of Guadalcanal. Its name, in the language of Peru, signifies little silver, and on its great specific gravity being ascertained, attempts have been made to prevent its use, lest gold should be adulterated with it. It has never been met with except in the metallic state, in the form of smooth grains of all sizes up to that of a pea, but very seldom larger. Platina may be fused by a powerful burning-glass ; but its- total infusibility by ordinary means, has caused various processes to be resorted to, for obtaining it in a solid, malleable state. For this purpose it must be dissol PLATINA. 93 / / in an acid ; oxymuriatic acid, and nitre-muriatic acid 6\ fti dissolve it. The latter acid should consist of one part of nitric, and three of muriatic acid. The solution is very corrosive, and tinges animal substances of a black- ish brown colour ; it affords crystals by evaporation Count Moussin Pouschin directs malleable platina to be prepared from its solution as follows: Precipitate the platina by adding a solution of muriate of ammonia, and wash the precipitate with a little cold water. It is red-coloured, which distinguishes this metal from gold. Reduce it in a convenient crucible to the well-known spongy metallic texture, wash the mass obtained two or three times in boiling water, to carry off any portion ot saline matter that may have escaped the action of the fire. Boil it in a glass vessel for about half an hour, in as much water mixed with one-tenth of muriatic acid, as will cover it about half an inch. This will carry off the iron that might exist in the metal. Decant the acid water, and edulcorate or strongly ignite the platina. To one part of this metal take two parts of mercury, and amalgamate in a glass or porphyry mortar. This amal- gamation takes place very readily. The proper method of conducting it, is to take about two drachms of mercury to three of platina, and amalgamate them together, and to this amalgam may be. added alternate small quantities of platina and mercury, till the whole of the two metals is combined. Several pounds may thus be amalgamated in a few hours, and in the large way, a mill might short- en the operation. As soon as the amalgam of mercury is made, compress it in tubes of wood, by the pressure of an iron screw upon a cylinder of wood adapted to the bore of the tube. This forces the superabundant mer- cury from the amalgam, and renders it solid. After two or three hours, burn upon the coals, or in a crucible lined with charcoal, the sheath, in which the amalgam is con- tained, and urge the tire to a white heat; after which the platina may be taken out in a very solid state, tit to be forged. The ductility of platina is such, that it has been drawn 94 CHEMISTRY. into wire of less than the two-thousandth part of an inch in diameter. This wire admits of being flattened, and is stronger than that of gold or silver, of the same thick- ness. Platina will not comhine with gold, except in a violent heat. When not more than one forty-seventh of the al- loy is platina, the gold is not perceptibly altered in colour; but, if the proportion be materially greater, the paleness of the gold betrays its impurity. Added in the proportion of one-twelfth to gold, it forms a yellowish-white metal, highly ductile, and so elastic, that Hatchett supposed it might be used for watch-springs, and other purposes. Its specitic gravity was 19.013. It also requires a violent heat to make platina and silver combine: the silver becomes less white and duc- tile, but harder. If the two metals be kept for some time in fusion, they separate, and the platina, from ifc greater weight, sinks to the bottom. The alloy of copper and platina is hard, yet ductile, while the copper is in proportion of three or four parts to one. This alloy is not liable to tarnish, especially when the platina predominates ; and it is, therefore, ex- cellent for the specula of reflecting telescopes, as platina takes an excellent polish, and reflects a single image. The addition of a little arsenic improves this alloy. But copper is much improved in colour, grain, and suscepti- bility of polish, when the platina is only in proportion of a tenth or fifteenth. Alloys of platina with tin or lead are very apt to tar- nish ; that with lead is formed at the strongest heat : i is not ductile, and the lead is not absorbed by the cupel unless it is in excess ; and even then, the separation of (he lead is not complete. Platina unites easily with tin ; the alloy is very fusi- ble, but its grain is coarse and brittle. It is ductile, when the proportion of tin is large : it becomes yellow by exposure to the air. Zinc renders platina more fusible, and forms with it a very hard alloy The zinc cannot be entirely separated bv heat METALS. 05 Bismuth and antimony likewise facilitate the fusion Df platina, with which they form brittle alloys, and are not wholly separated by heat. Arsenic has the same effect as these metals in promoting its fusion. Platina has not been united to forced iron ; but with cast iron, it forms an alloy which resists the file. % If phosphorus be thrown upon red-hot platina, the metal is fused, and forms a phosphuret, which is of a silvery white, very brittle, and hard enough to strike fire with steel. As heat expels the phosphorus, Pollitier proposed this as an easy method of purifying platina ; but he afterwards found that the last portions of phos- phorus were retained by too strong an affinity. Several of the metallic salts decompose the solution of muriate of platina. Muriate of tin is so delicate a. test of it, that a single drop, recently prepared, gives a bright red colour to muriate of platina, which before this addition, is so clear as to be scarcely distinguished from water. If nitro-muriatic solution of platina be precipitated by lime, and the precipitate digested in sulphuric acid, a sul- phate of platina will be formed. A sub-nitrate may be for med in the same way. Platina does not form a direct combination with sul phur, but is soluble by the alkaline sulphurets, and pre- cipitated from its nitro-muriatic solution by sulphuretted hydrogen. The fixedness of platina admirably fits it for crucibles, and many other chemical utensils, which may be made thinner of this than of any other material whatever. It is, however, besides the disadvantages of its expense, liable to corrosion from caustic alkalies, and some of the neutral salts. If either be mixed and agitated with the nitro-muri- atic solution of platina, it takes up the metal; and, as it will soon float on the surface of the solution, it may be poured ofF, and, if brushed over the clean surface of any other metal, it will soon evaporate, and impart to them a coating of platina. 96 CHEMISTRY. GOLD. GOLD is the most malleable, ductile, and most brilliant of all the metallic substances ; and, next to platina, the heaviest and most indestructible. (jold is seldom found except in the metallic state. It has been obtained in every quarter, and almost every country of the globe; but South America supplies a greater quantity than all the rest of the world. Many laborious experiments have been repeatedly made by able chemists, who appear to have established the fact, that gold exists in vegetables. A single grain of gold can be made to cover an area of more than 400 square inches; a wire of one-tenth of an inch in diameter will support a weight of 500 pounds ; and Dr. Black has calculated that it would take fourteen millions of films of gold, such as cover some fine gilt wire, to make up the thickness of an inch ; whereas the same number of leaves of common writing paper would make up nearly three quarters of a mile. Though opacity is enumerated as one of the charac- ters of the metals, yet gold, when the oTaVo^th of an inch thick, which is about the thickness of ordinary gold leaf, transmits light of a lively bluish green colour. Per- haps all the other metals, if they could be equally extended, would show some degree of transparency, but none of them can be "made so thin. The specific gravity of unharnmered gold, is 19.258, and is increased but little by hammering. Its hardness is 6. It melts at 32, of Wedgwood ; and if pure, its colour when in fusion is not yellow, but a beautiful bluish green, like the light which it transmits. Gold cannot be volatilized, except at an extreme heat. The utmost power of Parker's celebrated burning lens exerted upon it for some hours, did not cause it to lose any weight which could be discovered; but Lavoisier found that a piece of silver, held over gold melted by a fire maintained with oxygen gas, was sensibly gilt : and perhaps the same delicate test would have shown its volatility by the lens. GOLD. 97 After fusion, gold will assume the crystalline form. Tillet and Mongez obtained it in short quadrangular pyramidal crystals. Gold unites with most of the metals. Silver renders it pale ; when the proportion of silver is about one-fifth part, the alloy has a greenish hue. Silver separates from gold as from platina, if the alloy be kept for some time in fusion. Gold is strongly disposed to unite with mercury ; this alloy forms an amalgam, the softness of which is in pro- portion to the quantity of mercury. It is by mercury, that in South America, gold is chiefly obtained from the earth with which it is mixed, and the gold is -separated *>y distillation. This alloy readily crystallizes after fusion. It is applied by gilders to the surface of clean copper, and the mercury is driven off by heat Gold unites freely with tin and lead, but both these metals impair its ductility. Of lead, one quarter of a grain to the ounce renders the gold brittle ; but tin has not so remarkable an effect. Copper increases the fusibility of gold, as well as its hardness, and deepens its colour. It forms the usual Addition to gold for coin, plate, &c. The standard gold of Great Britain is twenty-two parts pure gold, and two parts copper ; it is, therefore, called " gold of twenty- two carats fire." Iron forms an alloy with gold, so hard as to be fit for edge tools. Its colour is grey, and it obeys the magnet. Arsenic, bismuth, nickel, manganese, zinc, and anti- mony, render gold white and brittle. When the alloy is with zinc in equal proportions, it has a fine grain, takes a high polish, and from these qualities, and its being not liable to tarnish, it forms a composition not unsuitable for the mirrors of telescopes. For the purpose of coin, Hatchett considers an alloy consisting of equal parts of silver and copper as the best, and copper alone as preferable to silver. The same dis- tinguished chemist gives the following order of different metals, arranged as thev diminish the ductility of gold: U G 98 CHEMISTRY. viz. Bismuth, lead, antimony, arser'c, zinc, cobalt, mangh nese, nickel, tin, iron, platina, copper, silver. The first three were nearly equal in effect, but the platina wa$ not quite pure. The nitric acid will take up a very minute quantity of gold, but the nitro-muriatic and oxy-muriatic acids are its only real solvents. The two latter acids are of a similar nature, and their effects on gold are increased by concentrating them, by enlarging the surface of the gold and by the application of heat. The solution is of a yellow colour, caustic, and tinges the skin of a deep pur- ple. By evaporation it affords yellow crystals, which take the form of truncated octahedrons. These crystals are a muriate of gold ; they may be dissolved in water, and will stain the skin in the same manner as the acid. Most metallic substances precipitate gold from its solu- tion in the nitromuriatic acid : lead, iron, and silver, precipitate it of a deep and dull purple colour ; copper and iron throw it down in its metallic state ; bismuth, zinc, and mercury, likewise precipitate it. When pre- cipitated by tin, it forms the purple precipitate of Cassius, which is much used by enamellers and manufacturers 01 porcelain. Ether, naphtha, and essential oils, take gold from its solvent, and from liquors which have been called potable gold, and are used in gilding. The gold obtained from these fluids by evaporation, is extremely pure. If diluted nitromuriatic solution of gold be used to write with upon any substance, and the letters while yet moist, be afterwards exposed to a stream of hydrogen gas, the gold will be revived, and the substance will appear gilt. Ribbons may be gilt in this manner. Sulphurous acid gas revives the gold in the same manner. Lime and magnesia precipitate gold from its solution in the form of a yellowish powder. Alkalies do the same, but an excess of ilkali re-dissolves the precipitate. The precipitate obtained by means of a fixed alkali appears to be a true oxide ; it is taken up by the sulphuric, nitric, anrf muriatu cids, but separates by standing with crys- GOLD. 99 tallizing. The precipitate by gallic acid is of a reddish colour, and very soluble in the nitric acid, to which it communicates a blue colour. Gold precipitated from its yellow solution by ammoniac, forms a powder called fulminating gold; this dangerous compound detonates by friction, or a very gentle heat. It cannot be prepared or preserved without great risk. Macquer gives an instance of a person who lost both eyes by the bursting of a bottle containing some of it ; and which exploded by the friction of the glass-stopper against an unobserved grain of it in the neck of the bottle. Green sulphate of iron precipitates gold of a brown colour; but this soon changes to the colour of gold. The alkaline sulphurets precipitate gold from its solu- tion ; the alkali unites with the acid, and the gold falls down combined with the sulphur. The sulphur may be expelled by heat. The alkaline sulphurets will also dissolve gold. Thus, if equal parts of sulphur and potass, with one-eighth of their joint weight of gold in leaves, be fused together, the mixture, when poured out and pulverized, will dis- solve in hot water, to which it gives a yellowish green hue. Stahl wrote a dissertation to prove that Moses dissolved the golden calf in this manner. Sulphur alone has no effect on gold. The process Called dry-parting is founded upon this circumstance. This is used for separating a small quantity of gold from a large quantity of silver. The alloy is fused, and flow- ers of sulphur are thrown upon its surface ; the sulphur reduces the greater part of the silver to a black scoria. The small remainder of the silver may now be separated by solution in nitric acid. The advantage of the opera- tion consists in saving the large quantity of nitric acid which would have been required to dissolve the silver of the alloy in its original state. The heat produced by the electro-galvanic discharge reduces gold to the state of a purple oxide. 100 CHEMISTRY. MERCURY. MERCURY is distinguished from all other metals, by its fluidity at the common temperature of the atmosphere. Its colour is white, and its surface is like that of polished silver. Its specidc gravity is 13.580; and it is, there- fore, the heaviest of all substances, except platina and gold. Mercury boils at 655; and does not cease to be a fluid, unless at or below the temperature of 39. In Russia, and Hudson's Bay, this temperature sometimes occurs naturally; it may, however, be obtained by a freezing mixture. Mercury has then been examined, and found to be perfectly malleable, working like soft tin. Experiments with artificial cold afford but few op- portunities for exhibiting this property ; but at Hudson's Bay, where surrounding objects were all equally cold, frozen mercury has been beaten upon an anvil into sheets as thin as paper. A mass of it, being thrown into a glass of warm water, became fluid, but the water was immediately frozen, and the glass shivered to pieces. To the touch, frozen mercury excites the same sensation as "red-hot iron. Mercury is frequently obtained from the mines in the pure metallic state; sometimes it is combined with silver, but mostly with sulphur, in combination with which it is called cinnabar, when the mixture is of a red colour, but Ethiop's mineral, when it is black. These are both sulphurets of mercury. Mercury is supplied by many countries. The mines of Idria, in the circle of lower Austria, have been wrought for 300 years, and are esti- mated to yield 100 tons annually. From Spain, which supplies large quantities, it is exported to South America for amalgamating with gold ; for which use, the consump- tion is so prodigious, that the mine of Guanca Velica, in Peru, does not supply enough. This mine is a vast cavern, 170 fathoms in circumference, and 480 fathoms deep. Cinnabar, to obtain the metal from it, is mixed wit'i MERCURY. 101 qui(,k-lime, and then submitted to heat. The lime com- bines with the sulphur, and the mercury which sublime? from the mixture is collected in receivers. Mercury sub- limes at the heat of 000, and then has the appearance of a white smoke. In this state of vapour, its elasticity renders it capable of bursting the strongest vessels, if the attempt be made to resist its expansion. Distillation is the ordinary means of purifying mercury. Mercury combines very freely with gold, silver, lead, tin, bismuth, and zinc ; not so freely with copper, arse- nic, and antimony ; for iron, its affinity is extremely slight, and less so still, if possible, for platina. The alloy of mercury with any metal, if the mercury predominates so far as to render it soft, and of the con- sistence of butter, is called an amalgam. These amal- gams are much employed in silvering and gilding, as the mercury is easily driven off by heat, and the fixed metal is left behind. The metal with which the backs of looking-glasses are coated, is an amalgam of tin and mercury. The number of metals with which mercury combines, renders it extremely liable to adulteration. The union is in some cases so strong, that the baser metal will rise along with it in distillation. The experienced eye can, however, determine very small adulterations, by the want of perfect fluidity and brightness. Impure mercury alsc soils white paper, and the presence of lead may be detected by agitating the metal with water, by which means it will be oxidized. Or a very minute quantity of lead, present in a large quantity of mercury, may be detected by solution in nitric acid^ and the addition of sulphuretted water. A dark brown precipitate will ensue, and will subside in the course of a few days. One part of lead may be thus separated from 15,263 parts of mercury. Bismuth is detected by pouring a nitric solu- tion, prepared without heat, into distilled water; this metal will be separated in the form of a white precipi- tate. If tin be present, a weak solution of muriate of gold will cause a purple precipitate. 9* 102 CHEMISTRY. By agitating mercury for some time in oxygen 01 atmospheric air, a part of it is converted into a blac* oxide. Most of the acids have more or less action on mercury The sulphuric acid requires the assistance of heat, and sulphurous acid gas is disengaged during its action, and a white oxide is formed, which becomes yellow by pour- ing hot water upon it, and is then called turbith mineral ; it is a subsulphate of mercury ; the water holds in solu- tion sulphate of mercury. The nitric acid dissolves mercury rapidly without heat ; nitrous gas is disengaged, and the colour of the acid at the same time becomes green. If the acid be strong, it will take up its own weight of mercury in the cold, and will bear dilution ; heat will enable the acid to dissolve much more of the metal, and the addition of distilled water will form a precipitate, which is yellow if the water be hot, and white if it be cold. This, from its resemblance to the turbith mineral mentioned above, is called nitrous turbith. All the combinations of mercury with nitric acid are strongly caustic, and form a deep black or purple spot on the skin. When nitrate of mercury is exposed to a gradual and long continued low heat, it gives out a por- tion of nitric acid, and is converted into a bright red oxide ; this oxide retains a small portion of nitric acid ; it is called red precipitate, which is employed in medi- cine as a caustic. This red oxide parts with its oxygen simply by heat, and the mercury recovers its metallic state. The finest precipitate is made, by distilling the mercurial solution till no more vapour arises ; then add- ing several successive portions of acid, and distilling it dry after each addition. The precipitate will thus be obtained in small crystals of a superb red colour. Red precipitate may be prepared by heat only: the mercury must for this purpose be kept at the heat of about G00 for several months ; the red oxide thus formed was called precipitate per se. The acids, the alkalies, the earths, and most of the MERCURY. 10? metals, precipitate mercury from its, olution in the nitric acid. The precipitates by alkalies have the property of exploding, if triturated with one-sixth of their weight oi flowers of sulphur, and afterwards gradually heated. The muriatic acid does not act on mercury, except by long digestion, which enables it to oxidize a part, and it dissolves the oxide. This acid, however, completely dis- solves the mercurial oxides, which, when nearly in the metallic state, or containing but little oxygen, form the muriate of mercury. When the oxy-muriatic acid is employed, the oxy-muriate of mercury, or corrosive sub- imate, is formed. Corrosive sublimate is highly caustic and poisonous. Sulphur readily combines with mercury. If triturated with this metal in a mortar, it forms with it a black sul- phuret, formerly called ethiop's mineral. This compound may also be formed by adding to sulphur in fusion one foui th of its weight of mercury. If ethiops mineral, or black sulphuret of mercury, be sublimed, it affords the red sulphuretted oxide, or artificial cinnabar. This cinnabar, when pounded and washed for painters' use, is called vermilion. To prepare it with accuracy, let 300 grains of mercury and 68 of sulphur, with a few drops of solution of potass to moisten them, be triturated in a porcelain mortar, with a glass pestle, till converted to the state of black oxide. Add to this 100 grains of potass, dissolved in as much water. Heat the vessel containing the ingredients over the flame of a candle, and continue the trituration without inter- ruption during the heating. In proportion as the liquid evaporates, add clear water from time to time, so that the oxide may be constantly covered to the depth of near an inch. The trituration must be continued about two hours; at the end of which time the mixture begins to change from its original black colour to a brown, which usually happens when a large part of the fluid is evapo- rated. It then passes very rapidly to a red. No more water is then to be added., but the trituration is to be con- tinued without interruption. When the mass has acquired 104 CHEMISTRY. the consistence of a jelly, the red colour increases in brightness with surprising rapidity. The instant (he colour has acquired its utmost beauty, the heat must be withdrawn, otherwise the red passes to a dirty brown. This is KirchofPs method of preparing vermilion. Count Moussin Pouschin discovered that the brown colour may be prevented by taking the sulphuret from the fire as soon as it begins to be red, and placing it in a gentle heat, taking care to add a few drops of water, and to agitate the mixture from time to time. By this treatment an excellent red is obtained. Phosphorus, mixed with red oxide of mercury, and distilled, forms a phosphuret of mercury, which is of o black colour, and in the air exhales phosphoric vapour. PALLADIUM. PALLADIUM is of a greyish white colour, scarcely dis- tinguishable from platuia^and takes a good polish. It is ductile, and very malleable ; flexible, when reduced to thin slips, but not very elastic. Its fracture is fibrous, and in diverging striae, showing a kind of crystalline ar- rangement. It is harder than wrought iron. Its specific gravity is about 10.9, but may be increased by hammer- ing and rolling to 11.8. It is a less perfect conductor oi caloric than the other metals, and less expansible, though in this respect it exceeds platina. Palladium was discovered by Dr. Wollaston in native platina. When exposed to a strong heat, its surface tar- nishes a little, and becomes blue ; but by increasing the heat, it becomes bright. By an intense heat, it is fused, but not oxidized. Its oxides, formed by means of acids, may be reduced by heat alone. Palladium may be obtained by adding to nitro-muri- atic solution of crude platina, a solution of prussiate of mercury, on which a flaky precipitate will gradually be formed, of a yellowish white colour. This is prussiate of palladium, from which the acid may be expelled bj beat. PALLADIUM. 105 The sulphuric, the nitric, and the muriatic acids dis- solve a small portion of palladium, and acquire by it a red colour. The nitro-muriatic dissolves it rapidly, and acquires a deep red. Alkalies and earths precipitate palladium from its so- lutions, generally of a fine orange colour ; an excess of alkali partly re-dissolves the precipitate. Alkalies act upon metallic palladium ; and this action is assisted by the contact of air. Green sulphate of iron precipitates palladium in a me- tallic state; and all the metals, except gold, silver, and platina, do the same. Prussiate of mercury produces a yellowish white precipitate ; and, as it does not precipi- tate platina, it is an excellent te^t of palladium. Palladium forms with gold a grey alloy, harder than gold, less ductile than platina, and of a coarse-grained fracture. With an equal weight of platina, it resembles platina in colour and hardness; but it is not so malleable, and melts at a heat a little higher than is requisite to fuse the palladium. The specific gravity of this alloy Ls 15.141. With an equal weight of silver, the alloy is harder than silver, but softer than wrought-iron, and its polished surface resembles platina, except that it is rather whiter; specific gravity 1.29. Equal parts of palladium and copper, are a little more yellow, break more readily, assume somewhat of a lead- en hue when filed, and are harder than wrought iron. Specific gravity 10.392. Lead increases the fusibility of palladium, and forms with it an alloy of a grey colour, fine-grained fracture, harder than any of the preceding alloys, but verv brittle With tin, bismuth, iron, and arsenic, palladium forms brittle alloys : that with bismuth is very hard. 106 CHEMISTRY. LEAD. THE colour of lead is a bluish white ; its specific gravity is 11.352 ; its hardness is 5 ; it is the softest, the least elastic and sonorous, of all rnetals used in the arts It melts before ignition. It has scarcely any taste, but friction causes it to emit a peculiar smell. It stains paper and the fingers of a bluish black. Lead is very malleable, and therefore easily reduced to thin plates by the hammer; but hammering neither increases its specific gravity or hardness. Its ductility 'is not great ; a wire one- tenth of an inch in diameter will support only 29|- pounds. It is not certainly known that lead has ever been found in the metallic state; the only lead ore that is ex- tensively found and worked, is a sulphuret of lead ; it is called galena, and is generally found in veins, both in siliceous and calcareous rocks. Lead ore frequently con- tains silver, and often antimony and bismuth. To obtain lead from galena, the galena is pulverized, and separated by washing from earthy admixtures; it is then roasted in a reverberating furnace, and afterwards melted in contact with charcoal. When the lead con- tains a quantity of silver worth extracting, it is fused 5i; a strong fire, and the wind from a pair of bellows being directed over its surface, the whole of it is in succession converted into a yellow scaly substance called litharge, which being driven off as it forms, the silver is left at the bottom of the crucible. The litharge is a sub-carbonate of lead, and by fusing it with charcoal the lead is revived. When lead is fused in an open vessel, its surface quickly loses its lustre, and a scum appears, which is soon converted into a darkish grey powder. In the heat usually employed to melt lead, this grey powder or ox- ide sustains no further alteration ; but, if spread upon a suitable surface, and exposed to a low red heat, it be- comes successively whitish, yellow, and lastly, of a bright orange red. The yellow oxide is called by painters masticot ; the red they call minium, or merely red lead LEAD. 10*7 If the heat be urged much further, red lead is converted into litharge, which is a semi-vitreous su bstance ; that, by a little further heat, becomes a complete yellow glass, of so fusible a nature, as to penetrate and destroy the best crucibles. This glass enters into the composition of flint-glass. It promotes its fusibility, renders it heavier than other glass, better capable of bearing sudden changes of temperature, and from its greater softness, more suitable for cutting and polishing. When lead is exposed to the atmosphere, the bright- ness of its surface gradually diminishes, till it is nearly of the same colour as the grey oxide produced by heat. This oxide forms an even but a very superficial cover- ing, and it defends the metal from any further change. Most of the acids have an action on lead ; but for this purpose the sulphuric acid must be concentrated and boiling. Sulphurous acid gas escapes during the solution, and the acid is decomposed. By distilling the solution to dryness, a sulphate of lead is obtained : it is of a while colour, and affords crystals. This sulphate is caustic, and may be decomposed by lime and the alkalies. The nitric acid has a strong action upon lead, which, if concentrated, it converts into a white oxide ; but if di- luted, it dissolves the metal, and forms nitrate of lead, which is crystallizable. Lime, and the alkalies decom- pose the nitric solution. Nitrate of lead decrepitates in the fire, and is fused with a yellowish flame upon ignited coals. Sulphuric acid will take lead from the nitric acid, falling down upon being added to it, combined with the metallic oxide. The muriatic acid carries down the lead in the same manner, and forms a muriate of lead formerly called plumbum corneum. This is soluble in water. If the nitric acid, of the specific gravity of 1.2GO, be poured upon the red oxide of lead, 185 parts of the oxide are dissolved; but 15 parts remain in the state of a deep brown powder. This powder is the brown oxide of lead : it contains 21 per cent, of oxygen. The muriatic acid, assisted by heat, dissolves a part 108 CHEMISTRY. of the lead put into it, and oxidizes another part. The strong affinity of the oxides of lead for muriatic acid, causes them to decompose almost every substance in which this acid is founJ, by combining with it. Thus, when volatile alkali is obtained by distilling muriate of ammonia with the oxides of lead, the residuum is muriate of lead : the oxides of lead will even disengage the vola- tile alkali in the cold. Muriate of soda is decomposed if fused with litharge ; the lead uniting as in the last- mentioned case with the muriatic acid, and forming a yellow compound for the manufacture and use of which, as a pigment, a patent has been obtained. The acetous acid dissolves lead and its oxides. The white oxide of lead, known in commerce by the name of white lead', is prepared by its means. The lead is cast in thin plates, which are rolled up in the manner of a watch-spring, with a narrow space between each coil. They are then placed vertically in earthen pots, which contain a quantity of good vinegar, but their lower edge is prevented from coming in contact with the vinegar by suitable projections from the sides of the pots. The pots are then covered, and bedded in tan in a close apart- ment. The vapour of the acid slowly converts the sur- face of the lead into a white oxide, which is separated by shaking or uncoiling the plates. The plates are then re-submitted to the same process, until nearly consumed, when they are melted up, and cast over again. The white oxide thus obtained, is prepared for sate by wash- ing it in water, and drying it in the shade : it is then called indiscriminately white lead or ceruse, though some only give the name of ceruse to its mixture with chalk. If white lead be dissolved in acetous acid, it affords a crystallizable salt or acetate, which, from its sweet taste, is called sugar of lead. From its effect in diminishing acidity, sour wines have been sweetened by the addition of white lead, a practice which merits the severest repro- bation, as the oxides of lead are the most destructive poisons, in whatever way received into the animal sys- tem whether ir. solution, by breathing the dust which SILVER. 109 arises from them, or by working among them with the hands. The oxides of lead dissolve in oils, of which they cor- rect the rancidity, and, therefore, they have sometimes been added to the finer oils with fraudulent intentions. Linseed and other drying oils are rendered still more strongly desiccative by boiling upon oxide of lead. Pure alkaline solutions corrode lead, and dissolve a small quantity of it. Phosphoric acid, if heated with charcoal and lead, becomes converted into phosphorus, which combines with the metal. This phosphuret differs not much from common lead: it is malleable, and easily cut with a knife ; but it sooner loses its brilliancy than common lead; and by fusion the phosphorus is burnt, and the lead left pure. SILVER. SILVER is the whitest of all metals, and next to gold, it is the most malleable and ductile. Under the ham- mer, the continuity of its parts is not destroyed, until its leaves are not more than the T^OTO- of an inch thick ; and it may be drawn into wire finer than a human hair. The specific gravity of silver is 10.474 ; its hardness is 6.5. It continues melted at 28 of Wedgewood; but a greater heat is required to bring it into fusion. Its tenacity is s.uch, that a wire of one-tenth of an inch in diameter, will sustain a weight of 270 pounds, without breaking. Silver has neither smell nor taste. It is not altered by the contact of air, unless containing sulphurous va- pours; but it may be volatilized by an intense heat, and Lavoisier oxidized it by the blow-pipe and oxygen gas. By exposing silver twenty times successively to the heat >f a porcelain furnace, Macquer converted it into glass, )f an olive-green colour. Silver is found, in greater or less abundance, in almost ill countries which contain mines ; but the greatest quan- tities of it are obtained from the mines of Peru and JO 110 CHEMISTRY. Mexico. The celebrated mine of Potosi, which is situ- ated near the source of the Rio de la Plata, is one of the most considerable mountains of Peru; and this mountain is described by travellers as filled with veins of silver from the top to the bottom. Silver is often found native in ramifications consisting of octahedrons inserted in each other, also in small inter- winded threads, and in masses ; but it is most commonly "ound in combination with sulphur. Silver forms allovs with most of the metals. Copper is the metal with which it is alloyed for the purpose of coinage. The British coinage contains 1 1 ounces 2 pennyweights of fine silver in the pound troy. Copper stiffens silver, and increases its elasticity, but renders it less ductile. The alloy of silver and zinc is granulated on its sur- face, and very brittle. Tin, also, in the smallest quanti- ties, deprives silver of its malleability. Alloyed with lead, silver ceases to be sonorous and elastic. Fine filings of silver, triturated with mercury in a warm mortar,, form an amalgam, which by fusion and slow cooling, affords tetrahedral prismatic crystals, ter- minated by pyramids of the same form. The mercury cannot be separated from the silver, except by a much stronger heat than would be required to volatilize it alone. The sulphuric acid dissolves silver, if concentrated and boiling, and the metal in a state of minute division. The action of the muriatic acid upon silver is very trifling, unless oxygenized. The nitric acid, a little diluted, has a powerful action upon silver, of which it will dissolve half its weight. The solution is at first blue ; this colour disappears when the silver is pure ; but becomes green if it contains copper. If the silver contains gold, this metal separates in black- ish coloured flocks. The solution is extremely corrosive, and destructive to animal substances. When the acid is fully saturated, it deposits crystals as it cools, and also by evaporation. Those crystals are called lunar ni>; ^, or SILVER. Ill ntlrnte of silver. By fusion, for which a gentle heat is sufficient, their water of crystallization is driven off; and dlso a part of the acid, by which they become a subni- trate ; this forms the lapis infernalis, or lunar caustic of the surgeons; it is of a black colour, and usually cast in the form of small sticks. A heat a little above what is necessary for fusing the nitrate, separates the whole of the acid, and the silver is revived. Lunar caustic should be made of silver entirely free from copper, as the copper is poisonous to wounds. The causticity of this and all other mineral solutions, is attributed to the strong propensity of the metal to assume the metallic state; in consequence of which, it readily parts with its oxygen to substances it is in con- tact with ; and, therefore, such subs-tances as are capa- ble of receiving the oxygen, virtually undergo a combus- tion. A solution of nitrate of silver in water, is perfectly free from colour ; but it stains the skin, and all animal and vegetable substances, an indelible black. It is employed, in a weak state, to dye the human hair, and when mixed with a little gum-water, forms a permanent ink for marking linen. It is employed for staining mar- ble and other stones. Nitrate of silver is a most powerful antiseptic; a 12,000th part of it dissolved in water will render the Water incapable of putrefaction, and it may be separated at any time by adding some common salt. Silver is precipitated from its solution in nitric acid bv muriatic acid, in the form of a white curd, which, when fused, forms a semi-transparent, and rather flexible mass, resembling horn ; it was therefore anciently called luna cornea or horn silver, and is supposed to have given rise to some of the accounts we have of flexible glass. It is a muriate of silver, soon blackens in the air, aud is scarcely soluble in water The muriatic acid does not dissolve silver, but has a strong affinity for its oxide, and as the muriate of silver is not very soluble in water, the nitrate of silver is em- 112 CHEMISTRY. ployed as a re-agent, to discover the presence of muriatic acid in any liquid : for if it contains that acid, muriate oi silver will fall down in a white cloud, on dropping nitrate of silver into it The nitric acid sold in the stores generally contains muriatic or sulphuric acid, or both ; hence the nitrate of silver is employed to free the nitric acid from the two latter acids. For this purpose, nitrate of silver is poured into it by degrees, until no more precipitate is produced after which it is rendered clear by filtering. Nitric acia thus purified, is called by artists precipitated aquafortis i but it still contains some silver, from which it cannot be freed except by distillation. When mercury is added to the nitric solution of silvei, a precipitation of the silver is formed, which, from ita resemblance to vegetation, is called arbor Diance, or tree of Diana. A few drops of nitrate of silver, laid upon glass, with a copper-wire in it, afford another beautiful precipitation of the silver, in the form of a plant. Silver supplies a fulminating- powder, incomparably more dangerous than any other: the nitric solution of fine silver is precipitated by lime-water ; the water is decanted ; and the oxide is exposed for two or three days to light and air. This dried oxide being mixed with ammonia, or volatile alkali, assumes the form of a black powder; decant the fluid, and leave the powder to dry iu the open air. This powder is the fulminating silver, which, after having been once made, can no longer be touched ; it must therefore be left in the vessel in which the evaporation was performed. It should never be made but in minute quantities, and not more than the fulmination of a grain should be attempted at once. The avidity with which sulphur enters into combina- tion with silver, is instanced by Proust, in its tarnishing when exposed in churches, theatres, and other places, much frequented by men. This tarnish soon becomes a real crust, which, on examination, is found to be a sul- phuret of silver. It can only be detached by bend'ojj NICKEL. 113 (he silver, or breaking the silver to pieces, and its colour is a deep violet, like the sulphuret of silver formed by fusion. Proust is of opinion that sulphur is constantly formed and exhaled by living bodies. The sulphuret of silver is brittle, and more fusible than silver. By a sufficient heat alone, the sulphur is vola- tilized, and the metal entirely recovered. NICKEL. NICKEL is a metal of greyish white colour, between that of tin and silver ; but when not pure, it is reddish, which is the colour of its ore. It is both ductile and malleable, when cold and red-hot. Its specific gravity is 9.000, and its hardness is 8. It is not fused at a less heat than 150 of Wedgwood. The ore of the nickel has been long known to the miners of Germany, where, from its resemblance to that of copper, it is called kupper-nickel, or false copper. Bergman was the first who discovered that it contained a peculiar metal. Nickel is strongly attracted by the magnet, and at- tracts iron. On this account, ifr was supposed to contain iron ; but Chenevix and Richter discovered that a very small portion of arsenic prevents nickel from being affect- ed by the magnet. When it is not attractable, therefore, the presence of arsenic may be suspected. To separate arsenic from nickel, Chenevix boiled the compound in nitric acid, till the nickel was converted into an arse- niate, decomposed this by a nitrate of lead, and evapo- rated the liquor not quite to dryness. He then poured in alcohol, which dissolved only the nitrate of nickel The alcohol being decanted and evaporated, he re-dis solved the nitrate in water, and precipitated it by potass The precipitate, well washed and dried, he reduced in a Hessian crucible, lined with lamp-black, and found it to be perfectly magnetic ; but this property was de- stroyed again by alloying the metal with a small portion of arsenic. 10* 114 CHEMISTRY. The kupfur-nickel of the Germans, is the sulphuret of nickel, and besides generally contains arsenic, iron, and cobalt. This ore is roasted, to drive off the sulphur and arsenic, then mixed with two parts of black flux, put into a crucible, covered with muriate of soda, and heated in a forge furnace. The metal thus obtained, which is still very impure, may be dissolved in diluted nitric acid, and then evaporated to dryness; after this process has been repeated three or four times, the residuum must be dissolved in a solution of ammonia perfectly free from carbonic acid. Being again evaporated to dryness, it is now to be well mixed with two or three parts of black flux, and exposed to a violent heat in a crucible, for half an hour or more. Richter says r that pure nickel is not liable to be altered by the atmosphere; hence it is better adapted than steel for compass needles. By exposing nickel to heat with nitre, an oxid.e of it is obtained of a greenish colour, if the metal be impure ; but if otherwise, brown ; this oxide contains 33 parts in the 100 of oxygen. The French manufacturers of porcelain are said to use the oxide of nickel in producing a delicate grass green. A hyacinthine coloui may be given to flint-glass by the same oxide. Proust observes, that a certain proportion of nickel increases the whiteness of iron, diminishes its disposition to rust, and adds to its ductility. In Birmingham, it is occasionally combined with iron and brass. The Chinese also, employ it in conjunction with copper and zinc for children's toys. It is the difficulty of working this metal, rather than its scarcity, that renders it so little known. Equal parts of copper and nickel form a red ductile alloy. The alloys of it with tin and zinc are brittle. Equal parts of silver and nickel form a white ductile alloy. It does not amalgamate with mercury. Nickel is soluble with most of the acids, but the action of the sulphuric and muriatic is not considerable. The nitric and nitrarnuriatic acids are -its proper solvents. The COPPER. * 115 Citric solution is of a fine green grass colour, and by evaporation affords green crystals in rhomboidal cubes. Cronsted found that nickel combines with sulphur bj fusion, and that the result is hard and yellow, with small brilliant facets; but the nickel which he employed was impure. Aickel combines readily with phosphorus, either by fusion along with phosphoric glass, or by dropping phos- phorus upon it while it is red-hot. The phosphuret of nickel is of a white colour, and when broken, exhibits the appearance of very slender prisms united together. It is remarkable that all those bodies called meteoric stones, which have at different times fallen from the atmosphere, contain nickel. COPPER. COPPER is of a pale red colour, inclining to yellow. It has a stypticand unpleasant taste, and emits, by friction, a disagreeable smell. Its hardness is 8 ; its specific gra- vity is 7.788. In point of malleability, it is not much inferior to silver. It is sometimes found native. If copper be made red-hot, in contact with air, its sur- face rapidly oxidizes, and the oxide may be separated by the hammer, or by plunging the oxide into water. By the repetition of the process, another scale will be formed ; and this may be continued, till the whole of the metal disappears. These scales are a brown oxide of copper, which contains 84 parts of copper, and 16 of oxygen. This oxide may be converted into a brown glass, by a strong heat. When exposed to the air, copper becomes covered with a green crust, which is the green oxide of copper. This change takes place only at the surface, the oxide itself forming a defence from further change. Filings of copper, thrown upon burning coals, burn with a greenish flame, and when the metal is kept in a greater heat than what is necessary for its fusion, it burns with a flame of the same colour. 116 . CHEMISTRY. Most of the alloys of copper have been already no ticed. This metal, with iron, forms the alderado, 01 Keir's patent metal for window-frames, designed to com- bine elegance with strength. Copper unites very readily with antimony, and forms an alloy, distinguished by a beautiful violet colour. Concentrated sulphuric acid dissolves copper by the assistance of heat, and the crystals of the solution, after adding water to it, form a sulphate of copper, generally called blue vitriol. If to this sulphate of copper be added a solution of arseniate of potass, a beautiful green pre- cipitate is formed, called Scheele's green, or mineral green. Magnesia, lime, and the fixed alkalies, precipi- tate copper from its solution in sulphuric acid, in the form of an oxide. The muriatic acid does not dissolve copper, unless con- centrated and in a state of ebullition ; the solution is green ; the muriatic is caustic and astringent, fuses by a gentle heat, and congeals into a mass. The nitric acid attacks copper with effervescence. A large quantity of nitrous gas is disengaged. The acid first oxidizes the metal, and then dissolves the oxide. The solution has a blue colour, much deeper than that by sulphuric acid, and affords crystals by slow evapora- tion. Lime precipitates the metal of a pale blue ; fixed alkalies, of a bluish white. Volatile alkali throws down bluish flocks, which are quickly re-dissolved, and produce a lively blue colour in the fluid. The acetous acid highly concentrated, dissolves copper; but when not concentrated, it only corrodes the metal, and forms the oxide called verdigris. This oxide, dissolved in vinegar, forms a salt called by the chemists crystallized acetate of copper, and in commerce distilled verdigris. Copper is precipitated from its solution by iron. The iron is simply immersed in the solution ; the acid seizes upon it, and abandons the copper. The copper obtained by this means is called copper of cementation. Sulphate of copper is frequently found in streams of water from copper mines ; the quantity of salt which they contain is COPPER. 117 not sufficient to reimburse the expense of evaporating the water to obtain blue vitriol ; but by throwing waste pieces of iron into them, the salt is decomposed, and the copper is precipitated in a metallic form, because the sulphuric acid has a greater attraction for iron than copper. It appears in effect as if the iron was changed into copper, and to the superficial observer favours the idea that metals are transmutable. The streams ot mines thus containing sulphate of copper are often as valuable as the ore itself. All the salts of copper are poisonous ; and copper vessels should therefore never be used to contain any vehicle capable of holding the metal in solution. In Sweden, the use of copper vessels for culinary purposes, iias been prohibited by law, and a statue of the metal dedicated to the man, at whose solicitation it was ob- tained. Sulphur combines with copper at a strong heat. Sulphuret of copper is brittle, softer than copper, of a black colour externally, and within of a leaden grey. Jl phosphuret of copper may be formed by casting phosphorus upon red-hot copper. It has the hardness of steel, but is too brittle and refractory to be useful. Prussic acid unites with the oxide of copper, and forms a brown pigment, superior, both in oil and water, accord- ing to the experience of Hatchet, to any other in use. It has a purple tinge, so as to form various shades of bloom or lilac when mixed with white, and which are not liable to fade as those made with lake. The best mode of preparing the prussiate of copper, is to dissolve the green muriate in ten parts of distilled water, and precipitate with prussiate of lime. Fixed alkalies have some action on copper, with which they form a light blue solution; the effect is greatest in the cold. Ammonia dissolves copper with much greater rapid- ity than fixed alkalies, whether it be in the state of metal or an oxide, and forms a beautiful blue solution. This solution, when recently made, is colourless if the 118 CHEMISTRY. vessel be closed, but when the vessel is opened, the colour returns, gradually extending from the surface downwards, Oils appear to have no action on copper, until they become rancid, in which case their disengaged acid cor- rodes the copper, and the oil assumes a bluish green colour. IRON. IRON is of a bluish white colour, highly elastic, sonor- ous, has a styptic taste, emits a peculiar odour when rubbed, and strikes fire with flint. In tenacity it exceeds all metals ; wire of it, only one-tenth of an inch in dia- meter, sustaining a weight of 450 pounds without break- ing. Its specific gravity is 7.788. Iron is less malleable than gold, silver, or copper ; it is of all the rnetals in common use the most difficult of fusion, but the nearer it approaches to fusion, the more malleable and ductile it becomes. The hardness of iron, its great tenacity, the facility with which it may at a white heat be fashioned and welded, are the properties which render it so valuable. Iron is attracted by the magnet or loadstone, and is itself capable of being rendered magnetic ; but this pro- perty, after having been communicated to it, is retained only a short time, unless it be in the state of hard steel. If suddenly plunged into cold water, while red-hot, it is rendered rather more rigid than before, but gradually cooling, renders it soft. Iron is sometimes found native. In the museum of the academy of science at Petersburgh, is a mass of native iron, 1200 tons in weight. Cast-iron is that which results from the fusion of the iron ore with charcoal : its peculiar properties are owing to its containing carbon, and other foreign matters. Steel is iron deprived of all impurities except a small portion of carbon : it is more ductile than iron, and a finer wire may be drawn from it than any other metal. Iron, united with about nine-tenths of charcoal, forma plumbago, or hyper-carburet of iron. IRON. 11S> Iron has a greater affinity for oxygen than oxygen has for hydrogen ; it therefore decomposes water by combin- ing with its oxygen ; which is the cause of its being easily altered by exposure to damp air or water. The action of air, assisted by heat, converts a thick pellicle of the surface of iron into a black oxide, contain- ing 25 per cent, of oxygen ; and when this is hammerec oft, another is quickly formed. This black oxide is at- tracted in some degree by the magnet. If it be collected, and exposed to a strong heat under a muffle, it becomes a reddish brown oxide, containing 48 per cent, of oxy- gen. The yellow rust formed when iron is long exposed to damp air, is not a simple oxide, but contains a portion of carbonic acid. Proust only admits two stages in the oxidation of iron, viz. the green, and the brown, or red, and considers the other supposed oxides to be mixtures of these in various proportions. The green oxide may be obtained by dissolving iron in sulphuric acid, and then precipitating it by potass. This oxide contains 27 parts of oxygen, and 73 of iron, in the 100. By exposure to the air, it is converted into brown oxide, which contains 18 parts of oxygen, as ob- served above. Concentrated sulphuric acid scarcely acts on iron, un- less it be boiling ; but, if diluted with two or three times its weight of water, it attacks the metal immediately, and a strong effervescence ensues, without any heat but that produced by the addition of the water. It is the hydrogen gas of the water which escapes, the oxygen being employed in oxidizing the metal ; which oxide the acid dissolves without being decomposed. If heat be ap- plied, more iron still is dissolved. This solution yields, by evaporation, sulphate of iron. The common green copperas of commerce is this salt in a state of impurity. It is much more soluble in hot than in cold water; and, therefore, a saturated solution of it in hot water affords crystals in cooling, as well as by evaporation. The substance called martial pyrites is a sulphuret of iron, and it is from the decomposition of it, that the 120 CHEMISTRY. extensive demand for sulphate of iroi. is supplied. By fusion with iron, sulphur produces a compound of the same nature as pyrites. The sulphuret of iron, as well as iron itself, burns rapidly, but without noise, when triturated in a metallic mortar with hyper-oxy muriate of potass. This mixture, in a heap, if struck with steel, detonates strongly, and gives out a red flame. Sulphate of iron is decomposed by alkalies and by lime. Caustic fixed alkali precipitates the iron in deep green flocks, which are dissolved by the addition of more alkali, and form a red tincture. The mild alkali does not re-dissolve the precipitate it throws- down, which is of a greenish-white colour. Distillation separates the acid from sulphate of iron, and leaves the brownish-red oxide called colcothar. Astringent vegetables, such as gall-nuts, oak, tea, &c., precipitate a fine black fecula from sulphate of iron, and this precipitate remains suspended a considerable time in the fluid, by the addition of gum-arabic, and hence its utility as a writing ink. The well-known pigment called prussian blue, is likewise a precipitate afforded by sul- phate of iron. Sulphur combines with iron merely by the assistance of water; thus, if flowers of sulphur be mixed with iron filings, and made into a paste with water, it soon becomes hot, swells, and emits the well-known smell of hydrogen, with watery vapours. The mixture takes fire, if in con- siderable quantity, even although buried in the earth. It is a composition, therefore, which rnay be used to form an artificial volcano. Concentrated nitric acid is rapidly decomposed by iron a portion of the oxide of the acid oxidizes the iron, which oxide dissolves as it is formed, and the remainder of the acid passes off in j^trous gas. The solution is of a red- dish brown, and deposits the oxide of iron after a certain time, particularly if exposed to the air. Diluted nitric acid afibrds a more permanent solution of iron, of a greenish, or sometimes of a yellow colour. Neither of IRON. 121 the solutions aflbrds crystals, but both deposit the oxide of iron by boiling, at the same time that the fluid assumes a gelatinous appearance. This magma, by distillation, afibrds fuming nitrous acid, much nitrous gas, and some nitrogen, a red oxide being left behind. Iron appears to be the only metal of which the solu- tions, or combinations with oxygen, are not of a noxious nature. The chalybeate waters form the best tonics which medicine possesses. The muriatic solution of iron, like all other solutions of the same metal, is decomposed by lime and alkalies ; but the precipitates are less altered, and may be easily reduced, especially such as are produced by the addition of caustic alkalies. Alkaline sulphurets, sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and astringents, also decompose this as well as the other solutions of iron. Water charged with carbonic acid dissolves a con- siderable quantity of iron. Vinegar appears to have little or no effect upon iron, unless assisted by the air. If equal parts of iron chippings, and phosphoric glass, be melted together, a phosphuret of iron is obtained, which is very brittle, and has a whitish fracture. Iron, in its crude state, frequently contains phosphorus, which renders cast-iron very refractory, and forms the kind called cold-short iron, which is malleable when hot, though brittle when cold. Gold unites easily with iron, and becomes by this union harder and less malleable. In the proportion of six parts of gold and one of steel, the alloy may be beaten into plates without cracking. The iron is only partly separated by combustion in a glowing heat. Iron has a stronger attraction than gold for the oxy-muriatic and nitro-muriatic acids, and precipitates gold from these acids in its metallic state. Silver combines readily with iron. A mixture ot fourteen parts of silve-. and two and a half iron, is more elastic than silver, attracts the magnet, and is not decom- posed in a strong fire. A small portion of iron does not seem to injure the colour or malleability of the silver 1 22 CHEMISTRY. Iron precipitates silver from all its solutions in acids ; but this happens in the nitric only, when the acid is not com pletely saturated, or when nitrous gas is added. Muriate of silver is decomposed in the dry way by its distillation with iron filings. Iron precipitates mercury in its metallic state from its solution in acids. Distil with oxymuriate of mercury, the muriate is decomposed, and fluid mercury produced. Sulphate of iron precipitates mercury from its solution in nitric acid, in its metallic state. Lead is precipitated from its solutions in acids by iron. Iron also precipitates nickel from its acid solutions, and in the dry way takes from it the sulphur which it con- tains. Nickel has the strongest affinity for iron of all the metals, and is separated from it with the greatest difficul- ty. The alloy is fully as malleable, but less fusible than iron alone. Nickel is precipitated only in a very imper- fect manner by iron from its solutions in acids. Iron unites in close vessels with arsenic, which renders it more brittle, diminishes its attraction for the magnet, and is separated from it with difficulty. When iron has been covered with tin, the tin appears to combine with it, and forms an alloy of greater depth than would readily be supposed ; even a white heat is insufficient to separate the tin entirely, yet till the whole of it is removed, the iron will not weld. TIN. TUT is a white metal, intermediate between that ot lead and silver ; it has little elasticity ; its taste is dis- agreeable, and it has a peculiar smell, which increases by friction. Its hardness is 6 ; its specific gravity 7.291 ; is susceptible of very little increase by hammering. Its purity is judged of by its levity, as it cannot be alloyed with any metal lighter than itself. The malleability of tin is such, that it may be extend- ed intc leaves not more than the 2000th part of an inch TIN. 123 thick ; the tin-leaf called tin-foil, is, however, twice this thickness. The tenacity of tin is but small ; a wire, one- tenth of an inch in diameter, will support only about 49 pounds without breaking. Its flexibility is considerable; it may be bent several times without breaking, emitting at the same time a distinct crackling noise. All the tin used in England is supplied by the mines of Cornwall, which furnish 3000 tons annually. Its ores occur most frequently in granite, but never in lime-stone. It is very rarely found native. Chaptal says, that if tin be kept in fusion* in a lined crucible, and the surface be covered with a quantity of charcoal to prevent its calcination, the metal becomes whiter, more sonorous, and harder, provided the fire be kept up for eight or ten hours. The brilliant surface of polished tin soon becomes a little tarnished by exposure to the air, but the effect is very superficial and slight. Mercury dissolves tin with great facility, and in all proportions. To make this combination, heated mercury is poured on melted tin ; the consistence of the amalgam differs according to the relative proportions of the two metals. Nickel united to tin, forms a white and brilliant mass Half a part of tin, melted with two parts of cobalt, and the same quantity of muriate of soda, furnished Beaume with an alloy in small close grains of a light violet colour. Equal parts of tin and bismuth, form a brittle alloy, of a medium colo_ur between the two metals, and the fracture of which presents cubical facets. Zinc unites perfectly with tin, and produces a hard metal, of a close-grained fracture. Its ductility increases with the proportion of tin. Antimony and tin form a white and brittle alloy which is distinguished from other alloys of tin, by Ks pos- sessing a less specific gravity than either of the two met- als b^ which it is formed. In combining arsenic with tin, precaution must be 124 CHEMISTRY. taken to prevent the arsenic from escaping by volatili' zation. Three parts of tin may be put into a retor! with one-eighth part of arsenic in powder ; fit on a re- ceiver, and make the retort red-hot ; very little arsenic rises, and a metallic lump is found at the bottom, con- taining about one-fifteenth port of arsenic. It crystallizes in large facets, is very brittle, and hard to melt. If, tin be kept in fusion, with access of air, its surface is speedily covered with a greyish pellicle, which is re- newed as fast as it is removed. If this grey oxide be pulverized" and sifted, to separate the uncalcined tin, and calcined again for several hours under a muffle, it be- comes the yellow oxide of tin, called among artizans putty of tin, and extensively used in polishing glass, steel, and other hard bodies. A white oxide of tin is used in forming the opake kind of glass called enamel. This composition is made by calcining 100 parts of lead and 30 parts of tin in a fur- nace, and then fluxing these oxides with 100 parts of sand and 20 of potass. This enamel is white, and is coloured with metallic oxides. All the mineral acids dissolve tin, and it may be pre- cipitated from its solutions by potass ; but an excess of potass will re-dissolve the metal. Nitro-muriate of gold is a test for tin in solution, with which it forms a fine purple precipitate. The sulphuric acid dissolves tin, whether concentrated or diluted with water. Part of the acid is decomposed, and flies off in the form of sulphurous acid gas. Heat accelerates the effect of the aoid. Tin d>solved in sul- phuric acid is very caustic. The solution of tin in the nitric acid is performed with astonishing rapidity, and the -metal is precipitated Imost instantly in the form of a white oxide. If this acid be loaded with all the tin it is capable of calcining, and the oxide be washed with a considerable quantity of distilled water, a salt may be obtained by evapora- tion, which detonates alone in a crucible well-heated, ind burns with a white and thick flame, Uke that oJ TIN. 1 25 phosphorus. The nitric acid holds but a very small quantity of tin in solution, and when evaporated for the purpose of obtaining crystals, the dissolved portion quickly precipitates, and the acid remains nearly in a state of purity. Nitric acid, much diluted, holds rather more tin in solution, but lets it fall by standing, or by the ap- plication of heat. The muriatic acid dissolves tin, whether cold or hot, diluted or concentrated. If fuming and assisted bv a gentle heat, the addition of the tin instantly causes it to lose its colour and property of emitting fumes, and a slight effervescence takes place. The acid dissolves more than half its weight of tin ; the solution is yellow- ish, of a fetid smell, and affords no precipitate of oxide, like the sulphuric and nitric acids. The oxymuriatic acid dissolves tin very readily, and without effervescence, because the metal quickly absorbs the superabundant oxygen from the acid, and requires no decomposition of the water to effect its oxidation. Nitro-muriatic acid, made with two parts of nitric acid and one of muriatic acid, dissolves tin with effervescence. It is the solution of tin in this acid which the dyers em- ploy to heighten the colour of their scarlet dyes. It is prepared by adding small portions of tin at a time to the common aquafortis of commerce ; when the appearance of oxide is observed at the bottom of the jar, muriate of soda is added, by which its solution is effected. If the colour imparted by this solution is not bright, a little nitrate of potass is added to it. The acetous, and most vegetable acids, have some action upon tin, particularly when aided by a gentle heat ; but the solutions thus obtained, are not used in the arts. Tin decomposes the corrosive muriate of mercury. It is for this purpose amalgamated with a small portion of mercury, and this amalgam being first triturated in a mortar with the corrosive muriate, the mixture is then distilled by a gentle heat. A colourless liquor first passes over, and is followed by a thick while vapour, which 11* 126 CHEMISTRY. issues with a kind of explosion, and covers the internal surface of the receiver with a very thin crust. The vapour becomes condensed into a transparent liquor, which continually emits a thick, white, and very abun- dant fume. It was formerly called the fuming liqucr o' Libarius, and is the combination of the muriatic acid and tin. Tin has a strong affinity for sulphur; the sulphuret of tin may be formed by fusing the two substances together it is brittle, heavier than tin, and not fusible. It has a bluish colour, a lamellatcd texture, and is capable of crystallizing. The white oxide of tin combines with sulphur, and forms a compound called aurum musivum, or mosaic gold, which is much used for giving plaster of Paris the resemblance of bronze, and improving the appearance of bronze itself. It is, also, occasionally used to increase the effects of electrical machines. Chaptal recommends for preparing it the process of the Marquis de Bouillon, who directs an amalgam to be formed of eight ounces of tin and eight ounces of mercury. In forming the amal- gam, a copper mortar is heated, and the mercury poured into it, after which the tin is added in a state of fusion and the mixture triturated till cold. Six ounces of sul phur and four of muriate of ammonia, are then mixed, and the whole put into a matrass, v*f existing in an acid in the gaseous form. The prussic acid combines with earths, alkalies, and PRUSSIC ACID. 1 89 metallic oxides, forming the salts called prussiates. The prussiate of potash and iron, often called the prussian alkaii, is one of the most important of these compounds, both for its utility as a test, and for making prussian blue. To form it, two parts of bullock's blood, and one of potash, are calcined by a moderate heat in a covered crucible, containing a hole in the lid. The calcination is to be discontinued when the matter ceases to afford a small blue flame. The residuum must be lixiviated with a small quantity of cold water. In this state, the prus- siate of potass may be employed for making prussian blue, though not pure enough for the use of the chemist. Henry recommends it to be obtained by the following process from prussian blue, when required quite pure : To a solution of potass, deprived of its carbonic acid by quick-lime, and heated nearly to the boiling point, add by degrees powdered prussian blue, till its colour ceases to be discharged. Filter the liquor, wash the sediment with water, till it ceases to extraot any thing, mix the washings together, and pour the mixture into an earthen dish in a sand-heat. When the solution has become hot, add a little diluted sulphuric acid, and continue the heat about an hour. A copious precipitate of pru&sian blue will be formed, which must be separated by alteration. Assay a small quantity of the filtered liquor in a wine- glass, with a little diluted sulphuric acid. If an abundant production of prussian blue still take place, the whole liquor must be exposed again to heat with a little diluted sulphuric acid, and this must be repeated as often as is necessary- Into the liquor thus far purified, pour a solu- tion of sulphate of copper in four or six times its weight of warm water, as long as a reddish brown precipitate continues to appear. Wash the precipitate, which is a prussiate of copper, with repeated effusions of warm water ; and when the water comes oflf colourless, lay the precipitate on a linen filter to drain, after which it maj be dried on a chalk-stone. When the precipitate is dry, powder it, and add it by degrees to a solution of potass, which will take the prussic acid from the oxide of copper 190 CHEMISTRY. This prussiate of potass, however, will be contaminated by some portion of sulphate of potass, from part of which it may be freed by gentle evaporation, as the sul- phate crystallizes first. To the remaining liquor, add a solution of barytes in warm water, as long as a white precipitate ensues, observing not to add more after its cessation. The solution of prussiate of potass will now be freed in a great measure from iron, and entirely from sulphate, and by gentle evaporation, will form, on cooling, beautiful crystals. These, dissolved in cold water, afford the purest prussian alkali that can be prepared. If pure barytes be not at hand, acetate of barytes may be used instead ; as the acetate of potass formed, not being crystallizable, will remain in the mother-water. Prussiates of soda and of ammonia may be prepared in a similar way to the prussiate of potass, above de- scribed. PYROLIGNEOUS ACID. Lv the destructive distillation of wood, an acid Is obtained, which was formerly called acid spirit of wood, and since pyroligneous acid. Fourcroy and Vanquelin showed that this acid was merely the acetic contamina- ted with empyreumatic oil and bitumen. Monge discovered, that this acid has the property of preventing the decomposition of animal substances. Mr. Wm. Dinsdale, of Field Cottage, Colchester, three years prior to the date of Monge's discovery, did propose to the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, to apply a pyroligneous acid, prepared out of the contact of iron vessels, which blacken it, to the purpose of preserving animal food, wherever their ships might go. As this application may in many places afford valuable anti- corbutic articles of food, and thence might be eminently conducive to the health of seamen ; it is to be hoped that Mr. Dinsdale's ingenious plan might be carried into effect, as far as is deemed necessary. It is sufficient to plunge meat for a few moments into this acid, even slightly empyreumatic, to preserve it as long as you PYROLIGNEOUS ACID. 191* please. Putrefaction, it is said, not only stops hut retro grades. To the empyreumatic oil a part of this effect has been ascribed ; and hence has been accounted for, the 'agency of smoke in the preservation of tongues, hams, herrings, &c. Dr. Jorg, of Leipsic, has entirely recovered several anatomical preparations from incipient corruption by pouring this acid over them. With the empyreumatic oil or tar he has smeared pieces of flesh Iready advanced in decay, and notwithstanding that the weather was hot, they soon became dry and sound. Mr. Ramsey has added the following facts in the 5th number of the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. If fish be sim- ply dipped in redistilled pyroligneous acid, of the specific gravity 1.012, and afterwards dried in the shade, they preserve perfectly well. On boiling herrings treated in this manner, they were very agreeable to the taste, and had nothing of the disagreeable empyreuma which those of his earlier experiments had, which were steeped for three hours in the acid. A number of very fine had- docks were cleaned, split, and slightly sprinkled with salt for six hours. After being drained, they were dipped for about three seconds in pyroligneous acid, then hung up in the shade for about six days. On being broiled, the fish were of an uncommon fine flavour, and delicately white. Beef treated in the same way, had the same flavour as the Hamburgh beef, and kept as well. Mr. Ramsey has since found, that his perfectly purified vine- gar, specific gravity 1.034, being applied by a cloth or spunge to the surface of fresh meat, makes it keep swee and sound for many days longer in summer, than it other- wise would. Immersion for a minute in his purified common vinegar, specific gravity 1.009, protects beef sttid fish from all taints in summer, provided they be hung up and dried in the shade. When by frequent use the pyroligneous acid has become impure, it may be clarified by beating up 20 gallons of it. with a dozen of eggs in the usual manner, and heating the mixture in an iron boiler. Before boiling, the eggs coagulate, and bring the impurities to the surface of the boiler, and are of 1 92 CHEMISTRY. course to be carefully skimmed off The acid must be immediately withdrawn from the boiler, as it acts on iron. .,, * \ This acid has long been prepared for the calico-print- ers. The following arrangement of apparatus has been found to answer very well. A series of cast-iron cylin- ders, about four feet diameter, and six feet long, are set in pairs, horizontally, in brick-work, so that the flame of one fire may play round both. Both ends project a little from the brick-work : one of them has a cast-iron plate well fitted, and firmly bolted to it, from the centre of which, an iron pipe, about six inches in diameter, proceeds, and enters, at a right angle, the main cool- ing-pipe. The diameter of this main pipe may be from 9 to 14 inches, according to the number of cylinders. The other end of the cylinder is called the mouth of the. retort. This is closed by an iron plate, smeared round its edge with clay, and secured in its place by wedges. The charge of wood for such cylinders is about 8 cwt. The hard woods, oak, ash, birch, and beech, are alone used ; but fir does not answer. The heat is kept up during the day-time, and the furnace is allowed to cool during the night. Next morning, the door is opened, the charcoal is removed, and a new charge of wood is intro- duced. The average product of wood vinegar, or raw pyroligneous acid, is thirty-five gallons. It is much con- taminated with tar, is of a deep brown colour, and has a specific gravity of 1.025 ; so that its weight is about 3 cwt. ; but the residuary charcoal is found to weigh no more than one-fifth of the wood employed. The raw pyroligneous is rectified by a second distilla- tidh in a copper-still, in the body of which, about 20 gal- lons of viscid tarry matter is left from every 100 of vinegar, and then passes over a transparent, but brown vinegar, having a considerable smell, and its specific gravity is 1.013. Its acid powers are superior to those of the best wine or malt vinegar, in the proportion of three to two. RUCUMIC, ROSACIC, AND SEBAC1C ACID. 193 RUCUMIC ACID. A* acid said to be peculiar to rhubarb, but not yet sufficiently examined. ROSACIC ACID. THERE is deposited from the urine of persons labour- ing under gout and inflammatory fevers, a sediment of a rose colour, occasionally in reddish crystals. It was at first discovered to be a peculiar acid by M. Proust, and afterwards examined by M. Vanquelin. This acid is solid, of a lively cinnabar hue, without smell, with a faint taste, but reddening litmus very sensibly. On burning coal it is decomposed into a pungent vapour, which has not the odour of burning animal matter. It is very soluble in water, and even softens in the air. It is soluble in alcohol. It forms soluble salts with potassa, soda, ammonia, barytes, strontites, and lime. It gives a slight rose-coloured precipitate, with acetate of lead. It also combines with lithic acid, forming so intimate a union, that the lithic acid in precipitating from urine, carries the other, through a deliquescent substance, down along with it. It is obtained pure by acting on the sedi- ment of urine with alcohol. SEBACIC ACID. SUBJECT to a considerable heat 7 or 8 pounds of hJg's lard, in a stone-ware retort capable of holding double the quantity, and connect its beak by an adopter with a cooled receiver. The condensible products are chiefly fat, altered by the fire, mixed with a little acetic and sebacic acids. Treat this product with boiling water several times, agitating the liquor, allowing it to cool, and decanting each time. Pour at last into the watery liquid, solution of acetate of lead in excess. A white flocculgnt precipitate of sebate of lead will instantly fall, which must be collected on a filter, washed and dried. Put the 17 N 104 CHEMISTRY. sebate of lead into a phial, and pour upon it its own weight of sulphuric acid, diluted with five or six time* its own weight of 'water. Expose this phial to the het of about 212. The sulphuric acid combines with the oxide of lead, and sets the sebacid acid at liberty. Filter the whole while hot. As the liquid cools, tfye sebacid acid crystallizes, which must be washed, to free it from the adhering sulphuric adTd. Let it then be dried at a gentle heat. . The sebacid acid is inodorous ; its taste is slight, but it perceptibly reddens litmus paper ; its specific gravity is above that of water, and its crystals are small white needles of little coherence. Exposed to heat, it melts like fat, is decomposed, and partially evaporated. The air has no effect upon it. It is much more soluble in hot than in cold water ; hence boiling water saturated with it, assumes a nearly solid consistence on cooling. Alco- hol dissolves it abundantly at the common temperature. With the alkalies it forms soluble neutral salts: but if we pour into them concentrated solutions, sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic acids, the sebacic is immediately deposited in large quantity. It affords precipitates with the acetates and nitrates of lead, mercury, and silver. Such is the account given by Thenard of this acid. SELINIC ACID. IF selinium be heated to dryness, it forms, with nitric acid, a volatile and crystallizable compound, called se- linic acid, which unites to some of the metallic oxides, producing salts called seleniates. SORBIC ACID FROM sorbus, the mountain-ash, from the berries of which it is obtained. The acid of apples, called malic, may be obtained most conveniently, and in the greatest purity, from the berries of the mountain-ash, called sor- bus, or pyrus aucuparia ; and hence, the present name SORBIC ACID. 195 sorbic acid. This was supposed to be a new and pecu- liar acid by Donovan and Vanquelin, who wrote good dissertations upon it. But it now appears, that the sorbic and pure malic acids are identical. Bruise the ripe berries in a mortar, and then squeeze them in a linen bag. They yield nearly half their weight of juice, of the specific gravity of 1.077. This viscid juice, by remaining for about a fortnighf in a warm temperature, experiences the vinous fermenta- tion, and would yield a portion of alcohol. By this change, it has become bright, clear, and passes easily through the filter, 'while the sorbic acid itself is not al- tered. Mix the clean juice with a filtered solution of acetate of lead, separate the precipitate on a filter, and wash it with cold water. A large quantity of boiling water is then to be poured upon the filter, and allowed to drain in glass jars. At the end of some hours, the solution deposits crystals of great lustre and beauty Wash these with cold water, dissolve them in boiling water, filter, and crystallize. Collect the new crystals, and boil them for half an hour in two or three times their weight of sulphuric acid, specific gravity of 1.090 supplying water as fast as it evaporates, and stirring the mixture diligently with a glass rod. The clear liquor is to be decanted into a tall, narrow glass jar, and, while still hot, a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen is to be passed through it. When the lead has been all thrown down in a sulphuret, the liquor is to be filtered, and then boiled in an open vessel, to dissipate the ad- hering sulphuretted hydrogen. It is now a solution of sorbic acid. When it is evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, it forms mamelated masses, of a crystalline structure. It still contains considerable water, and de- liquesces when exposed to the air. Its solution is trans- parent, colourless, void of smell, but powerfully acid to the taste. Lime and barytes waters are not precipitated by solution of the sorbic acid, although the sorbate of lime is nearly insoluble. One of the most characteristic properties of this acid is the precipitate which it gives 106 CHEMISTRY. with the acetate of lead, which is at first white and flocculent, but afterwards assumes a brilliant, crystal- line appearance. With potassa, soda, and ammonia, it forms crystallizable salts, containing an excess of acid. STANNIC ACID. A ITAME which has been given to the peroxide of tin, because it is soluble in alkalies. SUCCINIC ACID, THIS acid is obtained from amber, which is a brown transparent, combustible substance, dug out of the earth, in some countries, and found upon the sea-coast in others. During the distillation of amber, the crystals of this acid attach themselves to the neck of the retort. They were formerly called salt of amber. When purified by repeated solution in hot water, filteration, and re- crystallization, they are white, shining, triangular prisms. Their taste is slightly acid : they redden tincture of lit- mus, but have no effect on syrup of violets. This acid obtains its name from succinum, the Latin name of amber. Its salts are called succinates. SUBERIC ACID. THIS acid exists in cork. It is obtained by distilling nitric acid of cork grated to powder, till the cork ac- quires the consistence of a wax, and no more red fumes appear. The residuum is placed in a sand-heat, and continually stirred, till white penetrating vapours appear. It is then removed from the sand-heat, and stirred till told. Boiling water is poured upon the product ; heat is applied till it liquifies and it is then filtered. A sedi- ment is deposited, which must be separated by the filter and the fluid evaporated nearly to dry ness. The mass thus obtained is the suberic acid. It may be further SULPHURIC ACID. 197 purified by saturating it with potass, and precipitating il by means of an acid ; or by boiling it alofig with char coal powder. Suberic acid is not rrystallizable; boiling water dis- solves half its weight of it, but it is nearly insoluble in cold water. Its taste is acid, and slightly bitter. Jt reddens most vegetable blues, but has the peculiar prop- erty of changing the solution of indigo in sulphuric acid to a green. It attracts moisture from the atmosphere, and exposure to light renders it brown. It has no action on gold 01 nickel, but oxidixes most of the other metals. With diiferent bases, its salts are called suberates. SULPHURIC ACID. SULPHURIC acid is the union of oxygen and sulphur, in which the proportion of sulphur is, according to Berthollet, 63.2, and that of oxygen 36.8. Sulphuric acid is strongly corrosive and destitute of colour and smell. It may be rendered twice the weight of water, but its customary specific gravity seldom ex- ceeds 1.8. When concentrated only to 1.7, it will freeze sooner than water, but not if either more or less concen- trated. This was discovered by Keir. Sulphuric acid is so intensely acidulous, that though diluted with 7000 times its weight of water, its taste is siill distinguishable. Sulphuric acid was formerly procured by distillation from the salt which, previous to the adoption of the new nomenclature, was called green vitriol ; on this account, and its having in some measure an oily consistence, it was called oil of vitriol. At present, it is furnished for the demand of trade, by burning sulphur in close cham- bers, with the addition of nitrate of potass to supply oxygen. The floor of the chamber is covered by a leaden cistern, containing water, by which the vapouis of the sulphur are attracted and condensed. This pro- cess does not furnish the acid in a state of purity ; but at least communicates to it some of the foreign substances 'ead and potass. It is purified by distillation. 17* 198 CHEMISTRY. Sulphuric acid speedily destroys the texture of animal and vegetable substances; it changes all vegetable blues to red, with the exception of indigo. It has a strong attraction for water, of which Neuman asserts it will abstract from the atmosphere G.25 of its own weight. When sulphuric acid is mixed with water, much ca loric is evolved, and the specific gravity of the compound is greater than intermediate. The mixture of four pounds of acid, with one of water, will raise the ther mometer to 300. Sulphuric acid decomposes alcohol and the oils; when assisted by heat, it decomposes most of the metallic oxides, and most readily those which contain the greatest quantity of oxygen, as the red oxide of lead, the clack oxide of manganese. It oxidizes iron, zinc, and manganese in the cold. Assisted by heat, it oxidizes silver, mercury, copper, antimony, bismuth, arsenic, tin, and tellurium. At a boiling heat, it oxidizes lead, cobalt, nickel, and molybde- num. It has no action upon gold, platina, tungsten, or titanium. It unites readily with all the alkalies, and alkaline earths, also with alumine, and zircon ; with which, and most of the metallic oxides, it forms salts, which are called sulphates; thus sulphate of potass, formerly called vitriolated tartar, is a combination of the sulphuric acid and potass, and sulphate of soda (Glauber's salts,) is a combination of sulphuric acid and soda. SULPHUROUS ACID. - IF sulphuric acid be deprived of part of its oxygen, it is converted into sulphurous acid ; but the 'quantity of oxygen which must be abstracted to effect this change or, in other .words, the quantity of oxygen which is con tained in sulphurous acid, has never been ascertained. Sulphurous acid is the result of a very slow combus- tion of sulphur ; whereas, in a rapid combustion, the sulphur combines with more oxygen, and forms sulphurs acid TARTARIC ACID. 19 J It is usually procured by mixing, with sulphuric acid. Dil, grease, metals, or any other substance that has a stronger affinity for oxygen than sulphuric acid, and pro- ceeding to distillation. Sugar is one of the best substances which can be employed. By this means, the acid may be obtained in a gaseous form, in which state it is colour- less and invisible, like common air, exhales the odour of burning sulphur, and cannot be breathed without suffb* cation. Extreme cold converts it into a liquid. When combined with water, for which it has a strong attrac- tion, it does not entirely lose its smell like sulphuric acid. Blue vegetable colours are reddened by sulphurous acid, previous to their being discharged. This acid does not oxidize so many of the metals as sulphuric acid. The metals upon which it has this effect, appear to be only iron, zinc, and manganese. With the alkalies, alkaline earths, alumine, and some of the metallic oxides, it forms the salts called sulphites. TARTARIC ACID. A HARD substance is found adhering to the sides of casks in which some kinds of wine have been fermented : this substance is tinged with the colour of the wine ; but, when it has been purih'ed by solution, filteration, and crystallization, it constitutes the salt called cream of tartar. Cream of tartar consists of potass, united to a peculiar acid : this acid is tartaric acid. Cream of tar- tar is supertartrate of potass. To obtain tartaric acid, four parts of supertartrate of potass may be boiled in twenty parts of water, and one part of sulphuric acid added gradually. By continuing the boiling, the sulphate of potass will fall down. When the liquor is reduced to one-half, it is to be filtered, and if any more sulphate be deposited by continuing the boil- ing, the filtering must be repeated. When no more is thrown down, the liquor is to be evaporated to a syrup ; and thus :rystals of tariaric acid equal to half the weigh! 200 CHEMISTRY. Dl the tartar employed, will be obtained. These crys- tals readily dissolve in water, and the solution crystallizes by evaporation. The tartaric acid does not oxidize platina, gold, silver lead, bismuth or tin ; and its action on antimony and nickel is very slight. It unites with the alkalies, and most of the earths. The salts formed with it are called tar- trates. The supertartrate of potass, from which this acid is obtained, is much used in medicine; it is cooling, and gently aperient : in domestic economy, it is dissolved in water, and, with the addition of a little sugar and a few slices of lemon, forms, after standing a day or two, an agreeable beverage, called imperial water. An infusion of green balm, instead of water, improves this liquor. Mixed with an equal weight of nitre, and thrown into a red hot crucible, supertartrate of potass detonates, and forms the white flux ; with half its weight of nitre, it forms the black flux ; and by simple mixture with nitre in various proportions, it is called raw flux. It is, likewise, used in dyeing, gilding, whitening pins, and other arts. TELLIRIC ACID. THE oxide of tellurium combines with many of the metallic oxides, acting the part of an acid, and produ- cing a class of compounds which have been called tellu- rates. TUNGSTIC ACID. THIS acid has been found only in two minerals ; one of which, formerly called tungsten, is a tungstate of lime, and is very rare ; and the other, more common, is composed of tungstic acid, oxide of iron, and a little oxide of manganese. The acid is separated from the latter in the following way : The wolfram, cleared from its silicious gangue, and pulverized, is heated in a mat- trass, with five or six times its weight of muriatic acid, r 'jr half an hour. The oxides of iron and manganese TUNGSTOUS ACID, ZUMIC ACID, ZOONIC ACID. 201 being thus dissolved, we obtain tungstic acid in the forru of a yellow powder. After washing it repeatedly with water, it is then digested in an excess of liquid ammonia heated, which dissolves it completely. The liquor is filtered and evaporated to dryness in a capsule. The dry residue being ignited, the ammonia flies off, and pure tungstic acid remains. If the whole of the wolfram has not been decomposed in this operation, it must be sub- jected to the muriatic acid again. It is tasteless, and does not affect vegetable colours. The tungstates of the alkalies and magnesia are soluble and crystallizable, the other earthy ones are insoluble, as well as those of the metallic oxides. The acid is com- posed of 100 parts pure metallic tungsten, and 25 or 26-4 oxygen. TUNGSTOUS ACID. WHAT has been thus called appears to be an oxide of tungsten. ZUMIC ACID. Air acid produced from vegetable substances, which have undergone acetous fermentation. Its claim to be considered as a distinct compound is doubtful. (See Nuncic Acid.) ZOONIC ACID. IN the liquid procured by distillation from animal sub- stances, which had been supposed only to contain car- bonate of ammonia and an oil, Berthollet imagined he had discovered a peculiar acid, to which he gave the name of zoonic. Thenard has demonstrated, however that it is merely acetic acid combined with animal matter. 202 CHEMISTRY. OF ALKALIES. ALKALIES are possessed of the following properties: 1. They are soluble in water ; 2. they have an acrid and urinous taste ; 3. they are incombustible ; 4. they change most vegetable blues to green, and the yellow to a brown ; 5. they form neutral salts with acids ; 6. they render oils miscible with water. Potass and soda are called fixed alkalies, because they are not volatilized except by an intense heat; ammonia is called the volatile alkali, because it is dissipated or converted into gas at a moderate heat. Oxygen is a compound part of all the alkalies, and appears clearly in the case of two fixed alkalies, to be the alkalizing principle. The bases of the alkalies are rnetals. Tible of saline products of one thousand pounds of ashes of the following vegetables : SALINE PRODUCTS. Stalks of Turkey wheat or maize, 198 Ibs. Stalks of sun-flower, .... 349 " Vine branches, 162.6 Elm, 166 Box, 78 Sallow, 102 Oak, Ill Aspen, -------- 61 Beech, 219 Fir, 132 Fern cut in August, - - - - 117 Wormwood, - - - - '- - 748 Fumitory, ....... 360 Heath, 115 POTASS. 203 POTASS. IF the ashes of burnt vegetables be repeatedly lixi- viated, until they cease to communicate any taste to the water, and the water be evaporated to dryness, a saline residue is obtained, which in commerce is known by the name of potash. It has been called the vegetable alkali, because it was supposed to be furnished by vege- tables only. Potash contains a number of foreign salts, and other impurities; but when deprived of all these, it is called by chemists potass. Pure potass is extremely white, and so caustic, that if applied to the hand, the skin is instantly destroyed ; it is therefore in this state called caustic alkali. The potash of commerce is always combined with carbonic acid, for which it has a strong affinity, and it is this addition which disguises its properties more than all the resr. and reduces it to its usual state of what is called mild alkali, or by chemists carbonate of potass, or rather tub-carbonate of potass, as it is not saturated with the Carbonic acid. If potash be dissolved in water, and mixed with an equal quantity of quick-lime made into a paste with the same fluid, the lime having a greater affinity for the carbonic acid than the potass, will combine with it; the potash remains in solution, and may be separated from the lime by alteration. The evaporation of this solution should be performed in close vessels, otherwise the potass will abstract carbonic acid from the air. Potass is soluble in its weight of water. It attracts moisture from the gases with avidity ; and, therefore, affords the means of drying them. It is soluble, also, in alcohol, which is not the case when it is in a state of carbonate. By exposure to heat, potass becomes soft ; and at the commencement of ignition, it melts into a transparent glass ; by increasing the heat, it is volatilized. Potass and silex, when fused together in equal quau- 204 CHEMISTRY. ties, combine, and form glass. If the proportion of po- tass to. (hat of silex be as three or four to one, the glass will be soft and soluble in water. This composition is called siliceous potass, or liquor of flints. If a solution of potass be boiled upon silex recently procured, it dissolves a part of it. As the solution cools, it assumes the appearance of a jelly, even though pre- viously diluted with seventeen times its weight of water. Potass, combined with fixed oils, forms soap. It combines with sulphur, both in the dry and the humid way, forming sulphuret of potass. When this sulphuret is obtained by the fusion of its component parts, it is of a brown colour, soluble in water, and soon attracts water from the atmosphere. When it has acquired moisture, it is then in a state to act on the air, from which it will abstract oxygen ; and, if inclosed with a quantity of it in a jar, the nitrogen will be left alone. Sulphuret of potass, allowed to remain moist in the atmosphere, is at length converted into sulphate of po- tass; for the sulphur, combining with oxygen, forms sul- phuric acid, and the water is decomposed, giving out sulphuretted hydrogen gas. SODA. SODA, called also mineral, or fossil alkali, because it was considered as exclusively derived from the mineral kingdom, is nearly similar to potass in its properties. 5$oda is one of the most abundant substances, but ii nver met with naturally, except in a state of combina- tion. It forms common salt when combined with mu- riatic acid, and this acid is, therefore, called muriate of soda. Hence, those inexhaustible mines of salt which are found in England, Poland, and other countries, and even the ocean itself, which holds it in solution, are so many vast depositaries of soda. The French chemists have attempted to obtain muri atic acid and soda, by the decomposition of sea-salt, but the process is too expensive for general use. The soda SODA. 205 t>( commerce is therefore obtained from the ashes of marine plants, and from one of these (the salsola soda] it derives its name. In Scotland, this and other sea- weeds are collected, dried, and burned in pits dug in the sand, or in heaps surrounded by loose stones. Frtsh quantities are added, as the first are consumed, anu a hard residuum is obtained, which is of a black or bluish colour ; it is called kelp, and contains from 2^ to 3 per cent of soda. On the coasts of France and Spain the same kind of manufacture is carried on*, and the produce is called barilla. The barilla of Alicant is much noted. Soda is obtained from kelp and barilla by lixiviation, filteration, and crystallization. These processes leave it in the state of a carbonate, but it may be deprived of its carbonic acid, and rendered caustic, by lime, in the same manner as potass. Potass and soda, in a state of purity cannot be distin- guished by inspection from each other The oxalic acid has been used as a test to distinguish them. This acid, with potass, forms a very soluble salt, but with soda one of difficult solubility. A solution of the ore of platina in nitro-muriatic acid, also affords the means of dis- tinguishing them ; for the solution of potass will form a yellow precipitate, bul soda gives no precipitate. Fourcroy suggests that soda is the most proper of the two fixed alkalies to be employed in medicine ; because animal substances always contain it, but they never con- tain potass. If potass be exposed to the atmosphere, it deliquesces, that is, acquires moisture ; if soda be exposed in the same manner, it effloresces, that is, parts with moisture, and is converted into a dry powder. Soda is preferred to potass in most manufactures, its affinities in general are not so strong as those of potass, it is therefore less corrosive. It is more fusible alone, and fuses silex more readily than potass, hence it is em- ployed in manufacture of glass. Carbonic acid renders soda, as well as potass, fit for many purpose* to which, in its caustic state, it would 18 206 CHEMISTRY. not be applicable. It is in this state that these -ilkalies are employed, in medicine, and in washing linen. The combination of potass or soda with oil or tallow, forms soap; but soda forms hard soap, while potass only affords soft soap. Soda is therefore much more valuable, and generally used in the manufacture of soap, for which use it is rendered caustic, by quick-lime. Muriate of soda is added in making soap, in order to harden it. The brown or yellow soap contains a quantity of rosin. Black or green soft soap is made with the coarsest oils, and retains all its alkaline ley. The weakest acids have the power of decomposing soap, because they have a stronger affinity for its alkali than the oil. Soap is also decomposed by metallic oxides, earths, and neutral salts. Hence the water of springs is said to be hard, because soap is not soluble in it, or rather is not decomposed by it Solution of soap may therefore be employed to show whether water holds min era Is in solution or not. AMMONIA. IF muriate of ammonia, in powder, be mixed with ,hree parts of slacked lime, and distilled, and the pro- duct be collected by the mercurial trough, or pneumatic apparatus, a gas is obtained, which is transparent and colourless, like common air. This gas is called ammoni- acal gas, and is the purest state in which ammonia can oe exhibited. Ammonia has a pungent, though not unpleasant smell Its taste is acrid and caustic, like that of the fixed alka- lies, but not so strong ; nor has it the property, like them, of corroding animal substances. It is not respirable. Its specific gravity to common air is as 3 to 5. When exposed to a cold of 45, it is condensed in a liquid, which again assumes the gaseous form, when the temperature is raised. Ammonia is rapidly absorbed by water, and the absorp lion goes on till the water has acquired more than n AMMONIA. 207 Jiird of its weight of it. It therefore instantly disappears if water be introduced into a jar of it; some caloric ia evolved, and the specific gravity of the water is dimin- ished. If ice be introduced into this gas, it melts and absorbs the ammonia, while at the same time its tempera- ture is dimished. The specific gravity of water saturated with ammonia, at 60 is 9054. It is the attraction of water for ammonia, which renders it necessary to em- ploy mercury in obtaining the gas. Water combined with ammonia, acquires its smell, and has a disagreeable taste; it converts vegetable blues to green. It is this liquid solution of ammonia which is meant in speaking of the volatile alkali. When heated to the temperature of 130, the ammonia separates in the form of gas. When its temperature is reduced to 46, it crystallizes; and when suddenly cooled down to 68, it assumes the appearance of a thick jelly, and has scarcely any smell. Ammonia may be obtained by the dry distillation of bones and other animal matters ; it is from such substan- ces that it is obtained to supply the demand of commerce, and it is sold under the name of spirits of hartshorn. The product of the first distillation from bones, &c. is very impure: it is therefore improved by repeated dis- tillations. Berthollet's experiments evince that one thousand parts of ammonia consist of 807 parts of nitrogen, and J93 parts of hydrogen; Sir H. Davy having discovered oxygen to be the alkalizing principle in potass and soda, was convinced of the probability of its existing in am- monia. His researches confirmed this opinion, and he concludes the proportion of oxygen in ammonia to be at least 7 or 8 per cent. He also succeeded in separating from it a substance of a metallic nature. The ammonia was decomposed by galvanism in contact with mercury. The mercury, by combining with about one twelve-thou- sandth part of this new matter, has its identity destroyed, it becomes solid, and its specific gravity is reduced from 13.5 to less than 3.0, but its colour, lustre, opacity, and 208 CHEMISTRY. conducting powers remain. The difficulty of obtaining and operating upon this substance, has hitherto prevented its being sufficiently known to assign its proper place in the classification of bodies. Ammonial gas has no effect upon sulphur or phosphorus. Charcoal absorbs it, without altering its properties when cold ; but when the gas is made to pass through red-not charcoal, part of the charcoal combines with it, an" forms prussic acid. The two gaseous substances, ammonia and muriatic acid, combine rapidly, and form the solid substance called muriate of ammonia, which is the sal-ammoniac of com- merce. This is one of the most remarkable and curious facts : separately, ammonia and muriatic acid gas are two of the most pungent and volatile substances known ; in union they are hard, inodorous, not volatile, and possess but little taste. Muriate of ammonia was formerly supplied by Egypt, but it is now made in other courttries (England for in- stance) from soot. Ammonia combines with oils, and forms soap ; it does not combine with the metals, but it changes some of them into oxides, and then dissolves them. Liquid am- monia is capable of dissolving the oxides of silver, copper, iron, tin, nickel, zinc, bismuth, and cobalt Its use in medicine is considerable. PEARL-ASH. Aw impure potassa obtained by lixiviation from the ashes of plants. POTASH. See Potass SALTS. 209 OF SALTS. THE compound formed by the combination of an acid with an alkali, an earth, or a metallic oxide, is called a salt. The term neutral salt, was formerly given to all com binations of acids and alkalies, but the epithet neutral is now restricted to those salts in which the acid and the alkali completely saturate each other, and in which, therefore, the peculiar properties of neither can be detected. When a salt contains an excess cf acid, its state is indicated by the addition of the word super ; and some- times by the term acidulous; but the latter mode of denoting the distinction, is yielding to the former. When the salt contains an excess of alkali, the pre- position sub is prefixed to its name, or the epithet of alkalinous; but the first-mentioned addition is the most general and appropriate. The base or radical of a salt, is the alkali, the earth, or metallic oxide, which is combined with the acid. Agreeably to the principles which are adopted in forming the new nomenclature, every salt receives a compound name, denoting its base, and the acid which enters into its composition. Thus, the chemical name of common salt is muriate of soda, as it is a combination of muriatic acid and soda. Salt-petre is called nitrate of potass ; because it is a combination of potass and ni- tric acid. Glauber's salt is called sulphate of soda, as it is a combination of soda with sulphuric acid ; and the salts formed by all other acids are reduced to the same form of expression. When an acid is combined with two bases, the com- pound is called a triple salt, and both the bases are ex- pressed : thus, we have the tartrate of potass and soda. A single base, combined with two acids, is denoted with equal precision ; thus, we have the nitro-muriate of tin 18* 210 CHEMISTRY. When the epithet which distinguishes the acid of a salt terminates in ate, it signifies that the epithet of the acid itself terminates in ic ; thus, the sulphuric acid forms sulphates. When the epithet of the salt termi- nates with ite, that of the acid itself terminates in ous ; thus, the sulphurous acid forms sulphites. Most of the salts ending in ite, extract oxygen from the atmosphere, and are converted into the former kind. The salts form a very numerous class of bodies. Four croy reckons that there are 134 species; and the number belonging to each species is often considerable. There can scarcely be less than 2000 distinct salts ; but I shall only notice some of the most useful. SULPHATES. THE sulphates are in general crystallizable, have some taste, but no smell; are precipitated by solution of barytes, and afford sulphurets when heated red-hot with charcoal. They are numerous, as the sulphuric acid combines with all the alkalies, and nearly all the earths and metallic oxides. SULPHATE OF ALUMINE. SULPHATE of alumine is formed by dissolving alumine in sulphuric acid. It has an astringent taste, is very soluble in water, and crystallizes in thin plates, which have very little consistence. It generally contains an excess of acid. I should have omitted the mention of this salt, but to distinguish it from the following one, to which the same name is apt tc be given. SULPHATES OP ALUMINE AND SODA. 211 SULPHATE OF ALUMINE AND POTASS, OR AMMONIA, (ALUM.) THIS salt is the common alum of commerce. It has an austere, sweetish, astringent taste, and always reddens tincture of litmus. Seventy-five parts of boiling water dissolve 100 of alum, at the temperature of 60; it is soluble in from 10 to 15 times its weight of cold water, the purest alum having the least degree of solubility. Its crystals are large. By exposure to the air it slightly effloresces. Its specific gravity is 1.7. According to Vanquelin, alum contains of alumine 10.50, sulphuric acid 30.52, potass 10.40, water 48.58. Two kinds of alum are found in commerce, the com- mon and rock alum. The latter has a reddish tinge, from an admixture of rose-coloured earth ; it is also the most esteemed, and sold at the greatest price, though the cause of its superiority is not well known. The uses of alum are very extensive. In dyeing it is of considerable importance for fixing several vegetable colours. It is used in the tanning of leather, to give firmness to the skins, after they have been in the lime- pits, and in the manufacture of candles, to give consistence to the tallow. Alum may also be used to advantage in the manufacture of writing-paper, to make the paper bear ink better. Alum is prepared in France by '.ne artificial combina- tion of its component parts; but in Great Britain it is obtained from a kind of slate, called alum-slate, which is plentiful on the north-east coast of Yorkshire, and near Glasgow ; about 100 tons of the slate only afford 10 tons of alum. Ammonia will contribute to the formation of alum as well as potass. SULPHATE OF SODA, (GLAUBER'S SALT.) THE sulphate of soda has a strongly saline and bitter taste; it* crystals are transparent, but they effloresce and fall into a white powder in the air ; it is soluble in 212 CHEMISTRY. rather less than three times its weight of water at the temperature of 60, and in T 8 ^ths of its weight of boiling water. It is principally used in medicine as a purgative, under the name of Glauber's salts. According to Kirwan, it contains of acid 22 parts, soda 17, and water 61. GREEN SULPHATE OF IRON, (COPPERAS.) THIS salt is the copperas or green vitriol of commerce. Its crystals are of a beautiful light-green ; it has a sharp astringent taste, and is poisonous. It is soluble in 6 times its weight of water at the temperature of 60, and in f of its weight of boiling water. It is insoluble in alcohol. According to Bergman it contains of acid 39 parts, green oxide of iron 23, and water 38. It is efflo- rescent. Green sulphate of iron is obtained by the decomposi tion of pyrites or native sulphuret of iron ; and this decomposition is effected by simple exposure to air and moisture. This salt is much used in dyeing blacks and other intermediate colours, both wool and cotton, also, for the black or iron liquor of the calico printers ; like- wise in preparing writing ink ; and by bookbinders for staining black the skins which have been tanned with oak bark. RED SULPHATE OF IRON. IF nitric acid be distilled of the green sulphate of iron, or the solution of this salt be exposed to the air, the red sulphate of iron is obtained. It is deliquescent, uncrys- tallizable, and soluble in alcohol. Proust observes that it alone forms prussian blue with prussic acid, and strikes a black colour with gallic acid ; and therefore, when these effects are obtained by operating with the green sulphate, the latter salt has derived from the atmosphere, or some other source, the additional quantity of cxygen necessary to convert its iron to the state of red^xide. SULPHATE OF COPPER, NITRATE OF POTASS. 213 SULPHATE OF COPPER, (BLUE VITRIOL OR BLUE COPPERAS.) THE crystals of this salt, which were formerly called *ue vitriol, are a fine deep blue. It has a strong styptic taste ; insoluble in four times its weight of water, and effloresces in the air. Its specific gravity is 2.2. U is generally obtained by evaporating the water of copper- mines. The sulphate of copper is employed as a caustic, to remove the flesh of fungous ulcers. It is dangerous to administer it internally. It is also employed in dyeing certain colours. SULPHITES. SULPHITES have a disagreeable sulphurous taste. If exposed to the fire, they yield sulphur, and are converted into sulphates, and even by mere exposure to the atmo- sphere, the same change is produced. They are also decomposed by the nitric, muriatic, and other acids which do not affect sulphates. They are mostly formed ar- tificially. The principal sulphites are those of potass, soda, ammonia, alumine, magnesia, and barytes ; none of these have been applied to purposes of any importance. NITRATES. THE nitrates are soluble in water, and crystallizable , they deflagrate violently when heated to redness with charcoal, or other combustibles ; sulphuric acid disen- gages from them a white vapour of nitric acid. By heat they are decomposed, and yield at first a considerable quantity of oxygen gas. NITRATE OF POTASS, (SALTPETRE.) NITRATE of potass, saltpetre, or nitre, is the b*t known and most important of all the nitrates. Its tast '** j%*? p, 214 CHEMISTRY. bitterish, and cooling. It is very brittle. Its specific gravity is 1.9. It is soluble in seven times its weight of cold water, and in rather less than its weight of boiling water. When mixed with one-third of its weight of charcoal, and thrown into a red-hot crucible, or when charcoal is thrown upon red-hot nitre, the combustion that ensues is exceedingly vivid and beautiful. The residuum is carbonate of potass. The combustion is still more violent, when phosphorus is used instead of char- coal. According to Kirwan, nitre contains acid 41.2 parts, potass 46.15, water 12.65. All the nitric acid employed in the arts, is furnished by the decomposition of this salt. The sulphuric acid is employed to effect the decomposi- tion. Considerable quantities of nitre are also used in obtaining sulphuric acid, as it supplies the oxygen for the combustion of sulphur in close chambers. The manufac- ture of gunpowder also requires an immense quantity. A considerable part of the nitrate of potass consumed in Europe, is furnished by the East Indies, where the soil, being impregnated with it, yields it by lixiviation and evaporation. At Apulia, near Naples, also, there is a natural nitre-bed, in which the earth contains 40 per cent, of nitre. In Germany, France, and Switzerland, artificial nitre-beds are formed, by suffering animal and vegetable matters to putrefy in combination with calca- reous and other earths. A soil of this kind attracts the nitric acid from the atmosphere. Old mortar furnishes a very proper calcareous earth for a nitre-bed. NITRATE OF SODA, (CUBIC NITRE.) THIS salt was formerly called cubic nitre, from its crystallizing rhombs. It is somewhat more bitter than the nitrate of potass, rather more soluble in cold water, but much less soluble in hot water. It is not of any important use, though Proust observes, that when made into gunpowder, it burns longer than common nitre, and might therefore be economically adopted for fire-works. NITRATE OF AMMONIA, MURIATES. 215 NITRATE OF AMMONIA. NITRATE of ammonia has a sharp, acrid, and somewhat urinous taste ; it deliquesces in the air, and is soluble ir about half its weight of boiling water The only ust niade^of it is to furnish nitrous oxide. MURIATES. THOUGH the muriates are the most volatile of the salts, they are at the same time the least decomposable : they may be melted and volatilized without undergoing decom- position. They effervescewithsulphuric arid, and white acrid fumes of muriatic acid are disengaged; when acted upon by nitric acid, oxymuriatic gas is disengaged. MURIATE OF SODA, (COMMON SALT.) MURIATE of soda, or common salt, is too well known to require any description. It is the only substance to which the term salt was formerly applied. Besides the. immense quantity of it held in solution by the sea-water it exists in prodigious masses in the state of rock-salt. Its specific gravity is 2.12; and it is soluble in rather less than three times its weight of water. When pure, it is not affected by the air ; but common salt is deliques- cent, from the magnesia and other impurities which it contains. Muriate of soda contains of acid 44 parts, soda 50, and of water 6. MURIATE OF POTASS, (SALT OF FEBRIFUGE.) THIS salt was formerly called febrifuge salt of Sylvius, and regenerated sea-salt. It has a disagreeable, bitter taste; its specific gravity is 1.8; it is soluble in three times its weight of cold water, and twice its weight of boiling water. When heated, it first decrepitates, then melts, and at last is volatilized without decomposition. According to Kirwan, it contains of acid 36 parts, potasa 46, and water 18 216 CHEMISTRY. MURIATE OF AMMONIA, (SAL AMMONIAC.) MURIATE of ammonia, or sal ammoniac, has an acrid, ur.nous taste, an opaque white colour, and a specific gravity of 1.4. It dissolves in three times its weight of cold water. It contains, according to Kirwan, 35 parts of acid, 30 of ammonia, and 35 of water. Muriate of ammonia is employed for brightening some colours in dyeing and mixing of colours ; also for pre- serving the surfaces of metals from oxidation in tinning; in medicine it forms an excellent diaphoretic and febrifuge, and has been advantageously applied externally as a lotion for ind jlent tumours. HYPER-OXYMURIATE OF POTASS. IF a solution of potass bo saturated with oxymuriatic acid gas, and then evaporated in the dark, the first crystals formed are those of common muriate of potass ; when these are separated, and the solution allowed to cool, the crystals of the hyper-oxy muriate of potass are obtained. These crystals have a silvery lustre, and are insipid and cool to the taste. They are soluble in 17 parts of cold water, and 2^ of boiling water. The hyper-oxymuriate of potass, when mixed with charcoal and other combustibles, and heated, detonates with extreme violence. It also explodes when triturated in a mortar, or when struck with a hammer, if a small quantity of it is laid upon an anvil. This salt consists of hyper-oxy muriatic acid 58 parts, potass 39, water 3. The oxygen is about equal to the salt in weight. It was called simply oxymuriate of potass till Chenevix proved that the acid which enters into its composition is in the highest state of oxygenizement. He endeavoured to obtain this acid separately, but the retort containing the salt was reduced almost to powder by a violent explosion. The hyper-oxymuriatic acid has therefore never been exhibited separately. CARBONATES, FLUATES. 217 CARBONATES. CARBONATES effervesce and yield carbonic acid, when sulphuric or nitric acid is poured upon them; all the alkaline carbonates are soluble in water, while those of the earths and metals are nearly insoluble, unless the acid be in excess. SUB-CARBONATE OF POTASS. THE potass of commerce is always in the state of sub-carbonate ; the carbonic acid considerably weakens its alkaline properties, yet it will still change vegetable colours to green, and, combined with oils, will form an imperfect soap. SUB-CARBONATE OF SODA. THE soda of commerce is in the state of sub-carbonate , but its carbonic acid deprives it of more of its alkaline properties than it does potass. For making glass, it is used in the state of a sub-carbonate, because the heat is exposed to drive off the carbonic acid; but to form soap, it must be rendered caustic, which is effected by quick- lime. CARBONATE OF LIME. CARBOMC acid has the power of completely neutrali- zing the alkaline properties of lime, which it reduces to a state in which it is nearly tasteless. Under the name of chalk, marble, and limestone, we shall notice this compound. FLUATES. THE fluates are not decomposed by heat, nor altered by combustibles : when sulphuric acid is poured upon them, they yield acrid vapours of fluoric acid, which corrodes glass. When reduced to powder, and heated 19 218 CHE3IISTRY. but not made red-hot, some of them become phospho- rescent. The principal fluoric salts are the fluates of lime, of soda, of potass, of ammonia, of barytes, of alumine, of silex, and of strontian; but this acid forms fluates with mercury, copper, tin, iron, nickel, and several other metals. The whole of the fluates are factitious salts except those of lime and alumine. FLUATE OF LIME. FLUATE of lime is, in England, well known under the name of Derbyshire spar, or Blue John,. It is tasteless, and nearly insoluble in water. It is not altered by the air. Its specific gravity is 3.1. When powdered, and heated upon a shovel, it emits a violet-coloured light ; but this ceases if it be made red-hot. It is fused by a strong heat, and is occasionally used as a flux. It exists in the enamel of the human teeth. FLUATE OF SILEX. THE fluoric acid gas will dissolve silex, and still re- tains its aerial form ; but the silex is afterwards deposited in crystals. BORATES. THE Borates are all fusible into glass, and assist the fusion of other bodies, particularly metals, and metallic oxides ; with the metallic oxides, they form glass of dif- ferent colours. The principal salts of this class, are the sub-bora te of vculu. the borate of potass, of lime, of magnesia, and of ulumine. SUB-BORATE OF SODA, (BORAX.) THIS is the only borate of any importance. It is dug ;mt of wells in the kingdom of Thibet, and comes to us from the East Indies. It is then in a state of impurity, and is called tincal ; when purified, it receives the name ACETATES OF POTASS AND AMMONIA. 219 of borax. It is in whitish crystals, has a styptic and alkaline taste, and converts vegetable blues to green. It is soluble in twenty times its weight of cold water, and six times its weight of boiling water. When melted into glass, it is transparent, and still soluble in water. When two pieces of borax are 'struck together in the dark, a flash of light is emitted. Its specific gravity is 1.740, It slightly effloresces in the air. According to Bergman, this salt consists of 39 parts of boracic acid, 17 of soda, and 44 of water. It is much used as a flux in soldering metals with the hard solders. ACETATES. THE acetic salts are distinguished by their great solu- bility in water ; by the decomposition of the acid when the solution is exposed to the air; by their being decom- posed by heat, and by their yielding acetic acid when mixed with sulphuric acid, and distilled. The principal acetates are those of potass, of soda, of ammonia, of magnesia, of barytes, of lead, and of copper. ACETATE OF POTASS. THIS salt has been long known, and has been distin- guished by almost a dozen different names : of which one was secret foliated earth of tartar. It has a sharp warm taste; its crystals are white, and in the form of thin plates. It is soluble in alcohol, in ten times its weight of water, and is deliquescent. It is used in medi- cine. It was formerly made from distilled or even com- mon vinegar, but is now manufactured from pearl-ash and purified pyroligneous acid. ACETATE OF AMMONIA. THIS salt tastes like a mixture of sugar and nitre. Jf is extremely volatile; and cannot be crystallized, except by an extremely slow evaporation. Its crystals are long and slender, and of a pearl-white colour. It is deliques- cent. Its solution has been long used medicinally under the name of spirits of Mindererus. 220 CHEMISTRY. ACETATE OF LEAD, (SUGAR OF LEAD.) THIS salt is formed by the solution of the white oxide of lead in the acetic acid. It has a sweet and somewhat astringent taste ; and is sparingly soluble in water. It becomes yellow by exposure to the air. Like all other preparations of lead, it is a strong poison, but in doses of a very few grains, it has been administered, with evident advantage, in desperate cases of internal hemorrhage. Its solution in water is used internally as an embrocation. That decomposes it It is used considerably by the calico-printers in colour-making, &c. ACETATE OF COPPER. ACETATE of copper has a disagreeable, coppery taste ; a fine deep green colour, some degree of unctuosity, is efflorescent, and is soluble in water and alcohol. It is used in dyeing: a small quantity of it does very well in writing-ink. It is also used in painting. In chemistry, it is distilled for the acetic acid it affords. TARTRATES. THE tartrates are decomposed by a red heat. The earthy tartrates are less soluble than the alkaline; but they are all capable of combining with another base, and forming triple salts. The principal tartrates are those of potass, of potass and -soda, of potass and ammonia, of lime, of strontian, and of potass and antimony. SUPER-TARTRATE OF POTASS Is the cream of tartar of the stores. It has a strong', but not disagreeable acid taste'; is soluble in thirty times its weight of boiling water; and is not altered by the ex- posure to the air. According to Bergman, it contains 23 parts of potass, and 77 of acid. It is used in medicine as a mild aperient It is also useful in dyeing. TARTRATES, PHOSPHATES. 221 TARTRATE OF POTASS AND SODA. THIS triple salt is sold by the druggists under the name of Rochelle salts. It has a strongly saline bitter taste ; is effervescent, and is soluble in about four times its weight of cold water. It is a mild cathartic TARTRATE OF POTASS AND ANTIMONY THE crystals of this triple salt are of a white colour, and transparent. It is soluble in 60 parts of cold water. It is formed by precipitating the muriate of antimony with a hot solution of potass in distilled water. The precipitate being well washed and dried, nine drachms are to be boiled in five pounds of water, with two ounces and a half of super-tartrate of potass, finely powdered, till the powders are dissolved. The solution must then be strained, evaporated to a pellicle, and left to crystallize. In doses of from two to four grains, this is the best and most powerful emetic known. PHOSPHATES. THE phosphates are capable of vitrification ; are par- tially decomposed by sulphuric acid ; are phosphorescent at a high temperature ; are soluble in nitric acid, without effervescence ; and may be precipitated from their solu- tions by lime-water. The principal phosphates are those of potass, of soda, of ammonia, of lime, and of magnesia. PHOSPHATE OF SODA. THE phosphate of soda has nearly the same taste as common salt ; it is soluble in water, and efflorescent. As a cathartic, it is equivalent to Glauber and Rochelle salts, and as its taste is much pleasanter, it has been used instead of those well-known medicines. It may be ad- ministered bjr dissolving in a weak broth, to which it 19* 222 CHEMISTRY. serves as an agreeable seasoning. Dr. Pearson first pre pared and introduced it. It is used in the arts as a flux instead of borax. PHOSPHATE OF SODA AND AMMONIA. THIS compound, which \vas formerly called nicrocomic salt, is much used as a flux in assays with the blowpipe. It may be obtained from human urine by evaporation. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. PHOSPHATE of lime is white, tasteless, and insoluble in water. As it forms the bases of bones, it has been some times called the earth of bones. It exists in milk, and some bther animal products, also in wheat. In Spain it has been found abundantly in the fossil state. PRUSSIATES. THE singular affinities of some prussiates render them interesting to the chemist; the simple prussiates are, however, little regarded, because destitute of permanen- cy, being decomposed merely by exposure to the air, unless united with a metallic oxide. The prussic acid does not appear capable of saturating an alkali; and the weakest acid known is capable of decomposing the prussiates of the earths and the alkalies. The most important of the simple prussiates is that of iron ; and of triple prussiates, those of potass, soda, lime, and ammonia with iron. PRUSSIATE OF IRON. THE prussiate of iron, or prussian blue, is, according to Proust, a combination of the prussic acid and red oxide of iron. With the green oxide, the prussic acid forms a white compound, which, however, becomes gradually blue by exposure to the atmosphere, from the absorption of oxygen. It is a fine deep blue, and valua- ble as a pigment ; it is insoluble in water, very sparingly PRUSSIATES, OXIDES. 223 soluble in acids, and not affected by exposure to the air It is composed of equal parts of the acid and the oxide, If exposed to a strong heat, the acid is destroyed, and the residuum is simply oxide of iron. If the blue prus- siate of iron be deprived of part of its acid, by digesting it with alkalies, it becomes yellowish. PRUSSIATE OF POTASS AND. IRON. THIS compound is often called prussian alkali, or prus- sian test. The importance of it to chemists, consists in its being capable of indicating whether a metal be pre- sent in any solution whatever, unless the metal be pla- tina ; and the colour of the precipitate differing with the metal, even the name of the metal may be known. It is necessary to take great care to have it perfectly pre- pared, otherwise it will afford false results. We have gi/en Henry's directions respecting its preparations under the head of prussic acid. Its crystals should be well pre- served in a well stopped bottle filled with alcohol in which they are insoluble. OF OXIDES. WHEN the oxygen united to any of the simple sub- stances does not give it the properties of an acid or an alkali, the compound is called an oxide. Most of the metals are capable of combining with dif- ferent proportions of oxygen, and a difference in the pro- portion of oxygen gives a different colour to the oxide. Some oxides require only an additional quantity of oxygen to convert them into acids; others always retain the character of oxides, whether possessed of the highest Or the lowest quantity with which they will combine. Oxides cannot be formed except oxygen be present, and the oxide of any substance is heavier than the sub- stance itself, by a quantity exactly equal to the oxygen received. The young student mav be reminded, that by the term heavier, it is not meant that the density or 224 CHEMISTRY. specific gravity of the oxide is greater than its base, but the total quantity of it weighs more. Oxides are in general friable or pulverulent, and have the appearance of earths ; but one of them is a fluid, and some of them are gases. OXIDES OF NITROGEN. NITROGEN combines in two proportions with oxygen, without producing an acid. It therefore furnishes two oxides, which are distinguished from each other, like the acids, by a difference in the termination of the word denoting the base ; they are the nitrous oxide and nitric oxide. Nitrous oxide. This gas, which is also known by the name of gaseous oxide of nitrogen, is composed of 63 parts of nitrogen, and 37 of oxygen by weight. It has a faint smell, and imparts a slight sensation of sweetness, when respired. It is dissolved by water ; but may be expelled from the water by heat unchanged. Alcohol absorbs more of it than water, and the essential and fixed oils more than alcohol ; but heat expels it from all these combinations. It supports combustion with more activity than common air ; but it is, in general, necessary that the combustible should be kindled in the atmosphere or oxygen. It may be respired for a few minutes ; and the extraordinary effects it produces on the system, du- ring its respiration, and for a short time after, occasions it to be frequently made for this purpose, which is the only use, (if it may be called use,) to which it may be applied. To inhale it superinduces a species of intoxica- tion : the mind of the person is lost for a moment to a right consciousness of things around him. In general, he laughs involuntarily and extravagantly; exhibits the most frantic or preposterous gesticulations, and violent muscular exertion, and feels, at the same time, delight- fully happy. In a few moments, after having ceased tc breathe the gas, its effects go off With nearly all per sons who have breathed this gas, not the least uneasi- ness or languor subsequently remains; it has even re OXIDES OF NITROGEN. ' 225 covered some from a state of casual debility, and restored them to comfortable enjoyment ; but, as there are others on whom less favourable effects have been produced, it may be a useful caution for those who have nevei breathed it, or who are not in perfect health, to take, in the first instance, but a small dose. As it is important that the nitrous oxide intended to be inhaled should be perfectly pure, it may be proper to observe, that it can only be prepared with certainty by the decomposition of nitrate of ammonia. For this pur- pose, nitric acid, diluted with five or six parts of water, may be saturated with carbonate o/ ammonia, and the solution evaporated by a gentle heat, adding, occasion- ally, a little of the carbonate, to supply what is carried off The nitrate crystallizes in a fibrous mass, unless the evaporation has been carried so far as to leave it dry and compact. The nitrate should be put into a retort, and a lamp furnace should be employed to decompose it ; as the heat employed should not be raised above 450. A pound of the nitrate of ammonia will yield about 5 cubical feet of the gas, which should be received over water, and afterwards allowed to stand an hour or two in con- tact with the water, which will absorb any ammonia that may have been sublimed, or any acid that may happen to be present. Nitric oxide, (sometimes called nitrous gas.) This gas is composed of 44 parts of nitrogen, and 56 of oxygen by weight. It is an invisible gas, until it comes in con- tact with the atmosphere, or some air which contains oxygen, when it assumes an orange colour. It is interest- ing to observe the difference between this gas, and the preceding, from which it only differs in containing a few parts more oxygen ; this gas instantly kills the animals which breathe it ; and even destroys plants. In general, also, it extinguishes light, but some substances have the property of decomposing it, if inflamed before being put tfito it, and of then burning with considerable splendour. Dr. Priestley found that water was capable of absorb- 226 * CHEMISTRY. ing about one tenth of nitric oxide, from which it ac- quired an astringent taste ; and that the water gave out the whole of this gas when passing to the state of ice. Oils greedily absorb nitric oxide, and decompose it Nitric acid also absorbs it, and is converted by the absorption into nitrous acid, becoming fuming and col- oured at the same time. Nitric acid is composed of 75 parts of oxygen and 25 parts of nitrogen ; it, therefore, bears a very near rela- tion to this gas, which may be converted into it, by sim- ply mixing it with a due proportion of oxygen. OXIDE OF HYDROGEN. HYDROGEN appears to be capable of combining with oxygen only in one proportion, and that one forms water, which is the oxide of hydrogen. CARBONIC OXIDE. CARBOX, combined with 60 per cent, of oxygen, forms carbonic oocide, which is an invisible and elastic gas, of rather less specific gravity than common air. This gas is not fit for respiration, nor will it support combustion ; but it will itself burn, with a lambent blue flame, in atmospheric air. This is the only oxide of carbon which has been obtained. OXIDE OF SULPHUR. SULPHUR, if kept for some time in fusion in an open vessel, absorbs about 2.4 per cent, of oxygen. This is the only oxide of it which is known ; it is of a red colour, and is used for taking impressions of metals. OXIDE OF PHOSPHORUS THE brown colour which phosphorus acquires by ex- posure to the air, is in consequence of its combination with oxygen, and this brown part is the oxide of phos- phorus. Phosphorus when mixed with its oxide, which it generally is when newly prepared, may be purified by putting i* into hot water ; the oxide swims on the surface. METALLIC OXIDES. 227 METALLIC OXIDES. METALLIC oxides are exceedingly numerous; every metal is capable of forming at least one oxide, and most metals are capable of forming several by combining with different proportions of oxygen. The oxygen which en- ters into their composition, has the singular effect of depriving them entirely of their lustre and cohesion, and reducing them to the state of earths. An acid has no action upon a metal, unless the oxygen it contains has a greater attraction for the metal put into it, than for the base of the acid. The acids first impart oxygen to metals, and then dissolve the oxide. The metals, in the readiness with which they imbibe oxygen, and the firmness with which they retain it, differ very considerably. From some, as manganese, it cannot be separated without difficulty; from others, as gold, silver, and platina, it is ever ready to separate, because of their slight affinity for it, which constitutes their dis- position to resume their metallic state, and is the leading property of what are called noble metals. From the beauty and fixedness of the colours of many of the metallic oxides, they are used as pigments in painting in oil and water colours ; and as they are con- vertible into glass, they are admirably adapted for painting on enamel and porcelain. A purple colour is given by gold; yellow by silver: green by copper; red by iron; blue by cobalt ; and violet by manganese. As carbon and hydrogen have a stronger attraction for oxygen than other substances, they, or the substances consisting chiefly of them, are employed for reducing metallic oxides; the metallic oxide is mixed up with charcoal, oil, fat, resin, or the cheapest inflammable body which can be obtained, and submitted in a crucible to strong heat; the oxygen of the oxide combines with tl.e hydrogen or carbon which is present, and the metal is obtained in its metallic state at the bottom of the crucible 228 CHEMISTRY. ORGANIC SUBSTANCES VEGETABLES. VEGETABLES, though infinitely diversified in their ap- pearance and properties, are found to consist of a smal number of simple substances ; carbon is the basis of them 11, and after carbon, hydrogen and oxygen may be con- idered as forming the principal part of them. Some vegetables contain nitrogen, others phosphorus, earths, and metals, but these elements *are not general ; they belong only to particular plants, or to plants in particulai situations. Although the proportions of the component parts of vegetables may be ascertained with considerable accu rucy, yet the chemist is unable to combine these com ponent parts in any manner that shall produce substan ces resembling the entire vegetable, or the compounded products which it affords. Plants derive a principal part of their nourishment from water ; their roots imbibe the water, which is decomposed in them, by the assistance of light and heat , and a part of its hydrogen becomes fixed, while a part, at least, of the oxygen is given out by transpiration Water will hold carbon in solution, deriving it from the soil; and hence the utility of dung, or putrefying animal or vegetable substances, which supply a large quantity of carbon, as well as hydrogen and nitrogen. Plants will grow, although their roots stand in such materials as lose no portion of their weight, and although they be watered with distilled water. In this case, the carbon of the plants is derived from the atmosphere, through the medium of the leaves. Perhaps, at all times, the atmo- sphere furnishes a part of the carbon, through the medium of the under-surface of the leaves; but when an adequate supply is derived from the roots, the leaves perform this rffice with less energy. Water impreg- ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. U29 nated with carbonic acid gas, renders vegetation more vigorous. The processes of vegetation have a considerable ten- dency to produce equality of temperature. If the bulb of a thermometer be plunged into a hole in a tree, it indicates a higher temperature than the atmosphere in cold weather, and a lower temperature in hot weather. The most usual compound substances, furnished by vegetables, and which are possessed of remarkable or distinct characters, we shall consider separately. SUGAR. SUGAR is afforded by most plants, and in some, such as the sugar-cane, the beet-root, the sugar-maple, the carrot, it is particularly abundant. It crystallizes, is sweet to the taste, and soluble in water and alcohol. Used as food, it is extremely nourishing and antiseptic, Treated with nitric acid, it affords oxalic acid. Lime barytes, magnesia, and strontian, are soluble in the solu- tion of sugar. One hundred parts of sugar, contain of carbon 28 parts, of hydrogen 8, and of oxygen 64. STARCH, OR FECULA. STARCH is white, insipid, insoluble in cold water or alcohol, but forming with boiling water a semi-transpa- rent jelly. It is abundant in potatoes, wheat, barley, and many other plants, roots, and seeds, and mav be separated from them by maceration in water. It dis- solves in cold water that contains an acid or an alkali. Fecula is often used as a general term for all matters contained in the juices of plants, and not held in solution by them ; sometimes we hear of amylaceous fecula this is the same with starch ; green fecula is also an expression in use, but the green colour of fecula is sel- dom permanent. Indigo is a blue fecula. 20 230 CHEMISTRY. ALBUMEN. ALBUMEN is most abundant in those vegetables which ferment and afford a vinous liquor without yeast. It is soluble in cold water ; but its chief characteristic is, that it coagulates and becomes insoluble by heat GLUTEN. IF wheaten flour be kneaded in cold running water the water will carry off the mucilage and starch it con- tains ; and, when the water runs off colourless, a pecu- liar substance will remain, which is called gluten. Gluten composes about one-twelfth of the matter of wheaten flour ; it is ductile and elastic, and of a stringy texture: it has some smell, but no taste. If stretched out, it returns to its original state. By exposure to the air, it becomes brown, and appears to have an oily coat- iBg. When completely dry, it is very brittle, and resem- bles glue. If kept moist, it soon putrefies. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; but the acids dissolve it, and the alkalies precipitate it No other vegetable product has so near an alliance to animal matter, both in its appearance, which is like "that of tendons, and in its constituent parts, into which nitrogen largely enters, and some ammonia. GELATINE. GELATINE, or jelly, has some resemblance to albumen, but differs from it in not being coagulated by heat It is soluble in water, insipid, and precipitated by infusion of galls. It may be procured from blackberries, and other fruits of a similar kind. BITTER PRINCIPLE. THE bitter principle of vegetables is soluble in water and alcohol. It is soluble in nitric acid, and precipitated by nitrate of silver. Its colour is yellow, or brown. Hops, quassia, &c. contain much of it ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 231 NARCOTIC PRINCIPLE. THE narcotic principle is soluble in 400 parts of hot water ; alcohol dissolves a twenty-fourth part of it. It is crystallizable, and of a white colour. It is soluble in all the acids without heat, and is precipitated from them in a white powder by alkalies. EXTRACTIVE MATTER. EXTRACTIVE matter is taken up from vegetables by water and alcohol ; and, therefore, is soluble in these fluids. It is insoluble in ether. It is precipitated by oxymuriatic acid, muriate of tin, and muriate of alumine, but not by gelatine. It dyes a fawn colour. In the roots of liquorice, it is abundant TANNIN. TANNINT is the name given to the peculiar principle which combines with the gelatine of skins, and converts them into leather. It is found in the gall-nut, and in all vegetables, or parts of vegetables, which are called astringent. It has by some been deemed the astringent principle. It is soluble in water and alcohol, but is pre- cipitated by gelatine, with which it forms an insoluble compound, that becomes solid and elastic. WAX. WAX is in its composition very analogous to fixed oil. It is a vegetable product : bees are merely the labourers by whom it is collected ; they do not alter its nature. If the nitric or muriatic acid be digested for several months upon a fixed oil, the oil passes to a sub- stance resembling wax. Hence wax might be inferred to be a fixed oil concreted by the absorption of oxygen. Its natural colour is yellow, but it may be whitened by exposing it in thin laminae to the air and sun. Alkalies dissolve wax, and render it miscible with water. In China and in North America, wax is obtained di- rectly from plants, and is then called vegetable-wax. 232 CHEMISTRY. HONEY. HOXEY, like wax, is gathered by bees, ready formefl from flowers, which contain it in an organ called a nec- tary ; it is deleterious when gathered in districts where poisonous shrubs abound, of which there are many ex- amples in the uncultivated parts of America. Honey is composed of sugar, mucilage, and water. BIRD-LIME. BIRD-LIME is of a greenish colour, has the smell of linseed oil, is insipid to the taste, and is extremely viscid. It is perfectly soluble in ether, sparingly so in alcohol, and insoluble in water. By exposure to the air, it be- comes dry enough to be powdered, but recovers its viscidity by wetting it. It reddens tincture of litmus. The best bird-lime is supplied by the middle bark of the holly, which is boiled in water, left to ferment for several weeks, and afterwards macerated in water. COLOURING MATTER. THE colouring matter of vegetables is combined with, 1, the extractive principle ; 2, with resin ; 3, with fecula; 4, with gum. Most of the colouring matters of vegeta- bles have a great affinity for the earths, particularly for alumine ; and for the white metallic oxides, especially the white oxide of tin ; also for animal fibrous matters, and for oxygen. On a due regard to these affinities, depends the art of dyeing. Berthollet remarks, that those colouring matters which contain the most carbon, afford the richest and most 'asting colours. Indigo is of this class. WOODY FIBRE. WHEN thin shavings of wood are boiled in water, to separate the extractive matter, and afterwards in alcohol, to dissolve the resin, a residuum is obtained called the woody fibre. It constitutes the basis of the solid jpart of vegetables. It is tasteless, insoluble in water or alcohol ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 23 o but it is soluble in weak alkaline solutions, and is preci|> itated by acids. It is also soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. It is not liable to putrefaction by exposure to the air. It consists principally of carbon, and therefore, when burnt in close vessels, affords much charcoal. BALSAMS. BALSAMS have a strong and fragrant smell : most of them are semi-fluids. When heated, the benzoic acid sublimes from them, which constitutes the principal dis- tinction between them and resins. Like resins, they are obtained by incisions made in the trees affording them. RESINS. RESINS are mostly insoluble in water, but when pure, they are soluble in alcohol, oils, ether, alkalies, and acetic acid. They are sometimes brittle, sometimes soft and tough, and they all become fluid by heat. The nitric acid converts them into tannin. By distillation, they afford volatile oil. They are all electric, and their electricity is negative. During combustion they afford much smoke. MUCILAGE, OR GUM. THE mucilage of vegetables is usually transparent, more or less brittle when dry, though difficultly pulvera- ble ; of an insipid, or slightly saccharine taste ; soluble in, or capable of combining with water in all proportions, to which it gives a gluey adhesive consistence, in propor- tion as its quantity is greater. It is separable, or coagu- lates by action of weak acids ; it is insoluble in alcohol, and in oil ; and capable of the acid fermentation, when diluted with water. The destructive action of fire causes it to emit much carbonic acid, and converts it into coal, without exhibiting any flame. Distillation affords water, acid, a small quantity of oil, a small quan- tity of ammonia, and much coal. These are the leading properties of gums, rightly so 234 CHEMISTRY. called ; but the inaccurate custom of former times ap plied the term gum to all concrete vegetable juices ; so that in common we hear of gum copal, gum sandarach, nd other gums, which are either pure resins, or mixture of resins with vegetable mucilage. The principal gums are, 1. the common gums, ob- tained from the plum, the peach, the cheriy-tree, &c. 2. Gum-arabic, which flows naturally from the acacia, in Egypt, Arabia, and elsewhere. This forms a clear transparent mucilage with water. 3. Gum-seneca or Senegal. It does not greatly differ from gum-arabic ; the pieces are larger and clearer, and it seems to com- municate a higher degree of the adhesive quality to water. It is much used by calico-printers, and others. The first sort of gums are frequently sold by this name, but may be known by their darker colour. 4. Gum adragant or tragacanth. It is obtained from a smah plant, a species of astragalus, growing in Syria, and other eastern parts. It comes to us in small, white, contorted pieces, resejnbling worms. It is usually dearer than other gums, and" forms a thicker jelly with water. GUM ARABIC. THE Egyptian thorn yields the true acacia gum, or gum-arabic. Cairo and Alexandria were the principal marts for gum-arabic, till the Dutch introduced the gum from Senegal into Europe, about the beginning of the seventeetth century ; and this source now supplies the greater part of the vast consumption of this article. The tree which yields the Senegal gum grows abundantly on the sands along the whole of the Barbary coast, and par- ticularly about the river Senegal. There are several species, some of which yield a red astringent juice ; but others afford only a pure, nearly colourless, insipid gum, which is the great article of commerce. These trees .ire from eighteen to twenty feet high, with thorny branches. The gum makes its appearance about the middle of November, when the soil has been thoroughly saturated with periodical rains. The gummy juice is ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 235 seen to ooze through the trunk and branches, and, in about a fortnight, it hardens into roundish drops, of a yellowish-white, which are beautifully brilliant where they are broken off, and entirely so, when held in the mouth for a short time, to dissolve the outer surface. No clefts are made, nor any artificial means used by the Moors, to solicit the flowing of the gum. The lumps of gum-senegal are about the size of partridge-eggs, and the harvest continues about six weeks. This gum is a very wholesome and nutritious food ; thousands of the Moors supporting themselves entirely upon it during the time of harvest. About six ounces is sufficient to stipport a man a day ; and it is besides mixed with milk, animal broths, and other victuals. Gum-arabic, or that which comes directly from Egypt and the Levant, only differs from the gum-senegal, in being of a lighter colour, and in smaller lumps; and it is, also, somewhat more brittle. In other respects, they resemble each other perfectly. GUM SENEGAL. SEE Gum-arabic. GUM TRAGACANTH. WE are indebted to a French traveller, by the name of Oliver, for the discovery, that the gum-tragacanth of commerce, is the produce of a species of astragalus, not before known. He describes it, under the name of as- tragalus verus. It grows in the north of Persia. Gum- tragacanth, or gum-dragon, (which is forced from this plant by the intensity of solar rays, is converted into irregular lumps, or vermicular pieces, bent into a variety of shapes, and larger or smaller proportions, according to the size of the wood from which it issues,) is brought chiefly from Turkey. The best sort is white, semi- transparent, dry, yet somewhat soft to the touch. Gum-tragacanth differs from all other gums, in giving a thick consistency to a much larger quantity of water, and in being much more difficultly soluble, or rather 236 CHEMISTRY. dissolves only imperfectly. Put into water, it slowly im bibes a great quantity of the liquid, swells into a large volume, and forms a soft, but not fluid mucilage : if more water be added, a fluid solution may be obtained by agitation ; but the liquor looks turbid and whitish, and on standing, the mucilage subsides, the limpid water on the surface retaining little of the gum. Nor does the admixture of the preceding more soluble gums promote its union with the water, or render it dissoluble, or more durable. When gum-tragacanth and gum-arabic are dissolved together in water, the tragacanth separates from the mixture more speedily than when dissolved by itself. Tragacanth is usually preferred to other gums for making up torches, and other like purposes, and is sup- posed likewise to be the most effectual as a medicine. According to Bucholtz, gurn-tragacanth is composed of 57 parts of a matter similar to gum-arabic, and 43 of a peculiar substance, capable of swelling in cold water without dissolving, and assuming the appearance of a thick jelly. It is soluble in boiling water, and then forms a mucilaginous solution. BRITISH GUM. WHEX starch is exposed to a temperature between 600 and 700 it swells, and exhales a peculiar smell ; it becomes of a brown colour, and in that state is employed by calico-printers. It is soluble in cold water, and does not form a blue compound with iodine. Vanquelin found it to differ from gum in affording oxalic instead of mucous acid, when treated with nitric acid. GUM COPAL. (THE American name of all clear odoriferous gums.) This resinous substance is imported from Guiana, where it is found in the sand on the shore. It is a hard, shining, transparent, citron coloured, odoriferous, concrete juice of an American tree, but which has neither the solubility in watei common to gums, nor the solubility in alcohd ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 237 common to resins, at least in any considerable degree. By these properties it resembles amber. It may be dis- solved by digestion in linseed oil, rendered drying bv quicklime, with a heat very little less than sufficient to boil or decompose the oil. This solution, diluted with oil of turpentine, forms a beautiful transparent varnish, which, when properly applied, and slowly dried, is very hard and durable. This varnish is applied to snuff boxes, tea-boards, and other utensils. It preserves and gives lustre to paintings, and greatly restores the decayed colours of olckpictures, by filling up the cracks, and ren- dering the surfaces capable of reflecting light more uniformly. CAOUTCHOUC OR GUM-ELASTIC. GUM-EEASTIC or Indian rubber, possesses great elas- ticity; is soluble in water and alcohol, is reduced to a pulp by heated spirits of turpentine, but is strictly soluble only in nitric ether and naphtha. The solution is ex- tremely adhesive, and slow in drying. Caoutchouc always remains soft, like leather, unless in a very low temperature ; it is fusible, and burns like resins, but with less smoke. Caoutchouc is prepared chiefly from the juice of the Siphonica elastica. The manner of obtaining this juice is by making incisions through the bark of the trunk of the lower part of the tree, from which the fluid resin issues in great abundance, appearing of a milky white- ness as it flows into the vessel placed to receive it, after which it inspissates into a soft, reddish, elastic resin. It is now manufactured into various articles of wearing apparel, &c. GUM-LAC. THE improper name of gum-lac is given to a concrete brittle substance, of a dark-red colour, brought from the East Indies, incrustated on the twigs of the Croton Luci- ferum, where it is deposited by a small insect, at p^sent not scientifically known. It is found in great quantities 238 CHEMISTRY. on the uncultivated mountains on both sides the Ganges and is of great use to the natives in various works of art) as varnishing, painting, dyeing. &c. When the resinous matter is broken off the wood into small pieces or grains, it is termed seed-lac, and when melted and formed into flat plates, shell-lac. This substance is chiefly employed for making sealing-wax. A tincture of it is recommended as an antiscorbutic to wash the gums. GUM RESINS. GUM resins are distinguished from common resins by their forming milky solutions with alcohol, and by their being infusible. Their solutions with alcohol are transpa- rent. Frankincense, scamrnony, aloes, and gum ammoniac, are gum resins. Both gum resins and balsams afford tannin when treated with nitric acid. TAR. .THIS is obtained as a secondary product in making charcoal of resinous woods ; namely of the pine and fir trees. The general process is to mark out a circular tar hearth in the forest, of about 30 feet in diameter, which is paved with a slope towards its centre, or at least form- ed of a thick bed of well-rammed clay. From near the centre a trough or covered gutter is formed, which is frequently only a tree split, hollowed, and then joined together with clay, with which it is also coated to defend it from the fire. This trough ends in a cistern sunk in the ground to receive the tar as it flows from the trough A pole, 15 or 18 feet long, being stuck upright in the centre of the hearth, the billets or fagots of resinous wood are piled round it, in a bed about 20 feet in diameter. Upon this, a bed of less diameter is made, and so on, decreasing gradually, to form a conical pile ; which is covered with fresh-cut turfs, having a few open- ings round the pile, on a level with the ground. The whole being left for a day or two to settle, the pole in the middle is withdrawn, and the pile lighted at the hot- ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 239 torn holes. When the pile is well-lighted, the holes are stopped, and should the fire appear by any cracks in the covering, fresh turfs are laid to the place. The third Jay, the end of the gutter is opened next the cistern, which had hitherto been stopped, and the tar already made, permitted to run out. This 'opening is then closed again, and only opened two or three times a day, during the remainder of the process. The tar thus obtained generally requires to be heated in large iron pots, to drive away the water and pyrolig- neous acid that runs out along with it, and cannot be separated by ladling; and also to allow the sand, and other impurities which the tar, in this rude process, has acquired, to settle, and be thus separated. GREEN TAR. THIS is made in the same manner as common tai,- from the wood of those trees which have done yielding turpentine by incision. Tar is used as a cheap vainish for wood- work; also as a raw material to make pitch. PYROLIGNEOUS TAR. THIS is a secondary product, collected in distilling wood which is not of a resinous nature, or charcoal for making gunpowder. It may be used for the same purposes as tar; with which, however, it will not unite. Since the use of coal gas for illumination, a secondary product has been obtained, which has partly superseded the common coal tar, which has been made in brick fur- naces since the year 1740. It may be used for the same purposes as common tar ; but as some prejudices exist against its use, it is mostly employed for illumination. PITCH. Two methods are in general use for making pitch . namely, either simply boiling the tar in large iron pots. or setting it on fire, and letting it burn, until, by 240 CHEMISTRY. a stick .nto it, the pitch appears to have acquired a pro- pei consistence. Two barrels of the best tar, or 2| barrels of green tar, are computed to make one barrel of pitch. Pitch is used as a coarse varnish for ships' bottoms, also, to close the joints of carpenters' and coopers' works to enable them to retain water. BROWN ROSIN. THIS is the residuum left in the still after turpentine has been distilled without water for its oil, and which is run, or ladled out of the still into casks, cut in half foi sale. Its colour is more or less dark, sometimes approaching nearly to black, according to the degree that the distil- lation has been pushed. It is used as the base of many common varnishes and cements; also, to sprinkle on the surface of metals that are to be joined with another metal, in order to pro- mote their union. It is, also, made with tallow into a soap. When melted with a little vinegar, to render it clam- my, it is us%d by violin players to rub their bows. YELLOW ROSIN. THIS is made by ladling out the brown rosin from the stills into a vessel of hot water : a violent efflorescence takes place, and the rosin absorbs one-eighth of its weight of water. It is used for the same purposes as brown rosin, but is less hard, and, therefore, less adapted for cement. Ita ight colour, however, is sometimes advantageous. ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 241 ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. AMMAL substances present us with the same constitu- ent principles as vegetables: but the proportions of these principles are different. By destructive distillation they afford much ammonia, which is sparingly distributed in the vegetable kingdom ; they also contain much nitrogen of which the proportion is usually small among vegeta bles; and they are most abundant in phosphorus; while of carbon and hydrogen, which are abundant in vegetables, they contain but little. They are also distinguished from vegetables by their undergoing only the putrid fermenta- tion, while vegetables, previous to this fermentation, undergo one of which the product affords alcohol, and another which affords vinegar. The distinct compound substances derived from animals, are very numerous ; we shall notice the most important of them. GELATINE. GELATINE, or jelly, is supplied by all the parts of animals, even bones, but is most abundant in the soft and white parts. It is perfectly soluble in warm water, but insoluble in alcohol, and has little taste or smell; on cool- ing, when not diffused in too large a quantity cf water, it has a tremulous consistence, and becomes fluid by an increase of heat. Gelatine is prepared for the table from calves' feet and the muscular part of animals. It is a substance strongly tending to putrefaction when com- bined with water, and it differs from vegetable jelly chiefly in this tendency ; but if it be concentrated and dried in a stove, it may be kept in a dry place for many years. In this state it forms the preparation called portable soup ; it is easily soluble in boiling water, and u very small quantity of it forms a basin of soup. When gelatine is obtained from the skin, cartilages, and refuse of animai matter, and reduced only to the consistence of a jelly, it is used in the arts under the 21 Q 242 CHEMISTRY. name of size. When the gelatine is concentrated and dried, it forms glue. The strongest glue is afforded by old animals. Isinglass is a glue which consists of the air-bladder of the beluga ; a species of fash plentiful in the rivers of Russia. Gelatine is dissolved both by acids and alkalies Tannin forms with it an insoluble compound. ALBUMEN. ALBUMEN-, or coagulable lymph, exists in its purest natural state in the white of eggs, which consists almost entirely of it; it is also abundant in the humours of the eye, and the fluid of dropsy. Its properties are similar to the albumen of vegetables. It is soluble in water, before it has been coagulated by heat, but not afterwards. Alkalies dissolve the coagulum. Albumen is coagulated by acids, and in some degree by alcohol. It speedily putrefies. FIBRIN. IF the muscle of an animal be macerated in cold water, afterwards digested in alcohol, and in boiling water, to remove all the parts soluble by these agents, a white, insipid, fibrous substance remains, which is ca\\edjibrin. Fibrin forms the principal part of the muscle. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, or oils; it has neither taste nor smell ; it contracts when heated, and by a stronger heat is melted. It is soluble in acids and alka- lies, but not in cbld liquid ammonia. Alkalies precipitate it from acids in flakes, which are soluble in hot water, and resemble gelatine. With nitric acid, it aflbrds more nitrogen than any other substance By destructive dis- tillation, it affords water, carbonate of ammonia, a thick, heavy, fetid oil, traces of acetic acid, carbonic acid, and carburetted hydrogen. It also contains some phosphate of soda and of lime. Fibrin exists in blood, by which it is deposited on the muscles. If the clotted or coagulated part of blood be ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 243 tied up in a linen cloth, and washed in water till the water ceases to receive either colour or taste from it fibrin will remain in the linen. Fibrin has a verv near resemblance to gluten. B'ONES. BONES derive solidity from the phosphate of lime which forms a considerable part of them; cartilages which are bones in the first part of their formation, have the properties only of coagulated albumen. The gelatine and fat combined with bones, impart toughness and strength, and hence, when their quantity is diminished by age, the bones are easily broken. One hundred parts of ox-bones, according to the analysis of Fourcroy and Vanquelin, are composed of solid gelatine 51, phosphate of lime 37.7, carbonate of lime 10, phosphate of mag- nesia 1.3. The enamel of human teeth contains a greater quan- tity of the phosphate of lime, and is destitute of gelatine. The shells of animals are a species of bones ; they con- tain about the same quantity of carbonate of lime, that the bones of perfect animals contain of phosphate of lime. HORN. HORNS, hoofs, nails, and quills, differ but little in their chemical characters; they are found to consist chiefly of condensed albumen, with some oil, and a very small proportion of gelatine and phosphate of lime. Stag's horn and ivory are nearly the same as bone, and contain much gelatine. Hair, wool, and feathers, differ but little from each other in their composition ; one fourth of their weight consists of oil, on which their colour depends ; they afford besides, water, ammonia, carbon, silex, and iron. Hair is soluble in alkalies, with which it forms soap. BLOOD. BLOOD, recently drawn from an animal, appears to be a thin and homogeneous flu ; d ; but it soon separates into 244 CHEMISTRY. two parts, the one a coagulated part, called the crast>a- mentum ; the other a fluid, called the serum. The crassamentum is of a red colour ; it contains albu- men, iron, soda, and fibrin ; the fibrin constitutes its basis, and may be obtained separately by washing it in water. It has all the properties of the fibrin obtained from muS' cular fibre. The crassamentum has a specific gravity if 1.245, whereas, that of blood is only about 1.05. Serum is of a light greenish colour. Its taste is slightly saline, and it turns syrup of violets green ; this oroperty it owes to the uncombined soda which it con- rains. It is coagulable by a temperature of 156, and is v .hen of a greyish white colour ; it, therefore, contains a 'arge proportion of albumen; it also contains gelatine, nydrosulphuret of ammonia, soda, muriate of soda, phos- phate of soda, and phosphate of lime. Acids perma- nently coagulate serum ; alkalies increase its fluidity ; ilcohol coagulates it, but the coagulum is soluble in water. When the blood, after circulating through the body, has arrived at the lungs in its way to the heart, it has acquired a dark colour ; but when, in the lungs, it has been exposed to atmospheric air, it absorbs oxygen, with 3. minute portion of nitrogen, and parts with carbon ; the consequence of this operation is its acquiring an increase of heat, and a fine crimson colour. MILK. MILK is usually considered as consisting of three parts , the caseous, butyraceous, and serous, which, upon its being allowed to stand in an open vessel, spontaneously separate from each other. The butyraceous part, or cream, rises to the surface, and, when designed to furnish butter, it is skimmed off and, being put into a vessel in which it can be rapidly agitated, the butter separates from it. Butter, when fluid, is transparent; but it becomes opaque, as it cools and hardens. The butter of cows' milk becomes hardei !han that of any other animal. ANIMAL SUBSTANCES 245 The caseous, or cheesy part of milk is obtained by co agulating milk with an acid. For this purpose, in pre- paring cheese from cows' milk, rennet is used which is the stomach of a calf in which milk has soured. The f-oagulum is separated from the fluid part, to make cheese. After the whole of the matter which is capable of co- agulating is separated from milk, the serous, or watery part only remains : but rennet, from its slight acidity, does not make a complete separation. The fluid, there- fore, remaining after rennet has been used, still contains saccharine particles and curd, and, under the name of whey, is used as a wholesome beverage. The serum ob- tained by the spontaneous decomposition of milk is acidu- lous, and totally devoid of nourishment. If sweet whey be evaporated to the consistence of honey, and afterwards dried in the sun, a solid substance is obtained, which is called sugar of milk. If the sugar of milk thus prepared be dissolved in water, it may be clarilied by whites of eggs, and will afford white crystals, after being evaporated to the consistence of a syrup. Sugar of milk is soluble in three or four parts of water: its taste is slightly sweet; and it yields, by distillation, nearly the same products as other sugar. Milk is capable of undergoing the vinous fermentation, and, consequently, of affording a spiritous liquor. Marco Polo, who wrote in the thirteenth century, asserted, that liquor prepared from mares' milk, by the Tartars, might be taken for white wine. If milk be deprived of its cream, it will not afford a spiritous fluid. Thenard gives the following as the component parts of milk; 1, water; 2, acetous acid ; 3, caseous; 4, buty- raceous ; 5, saccharine ; and 6, by extractive matter ; 7, 8, muriate of soda, and potass; 9, sulphate of potass; 10, 11, phosphates of lime and magnesia. The acid here called the acetous, is now found to have different pro- perties, and is called the lactic acid. (See Lactic acid.) The milk of different animals in its composition asses' mares' and '^omens' milk are the most saline and 21 * 246 CHEMISTRY. serous ; cows', goats', and sheep's, contain the most of the caseous and butyraceous parts. CARTILAGE. A WHITE, elastic, glistening substance, growing to the bones, and commonly called gristle. Cartilages are di- vided, by anatomists, into abducent, which cover the moveable articulationsof bones; and in terarticular, which are situated between the articulations and uniting car tilages, which unite one bone with another. Their use is, to facilitate the motions of bones, or to connect them together. The chemical analysis of cartilage affords one-third the weight of the bones, when the calcareous salts are removed by digestion in dilute muriatic acid. It resem- bles coagulated albumen. Nitric acid converts it into gelatine. With alkalies, it forms an animal soap. Carti lage is the primitive paste into which the calcareous sails are deposited in the young animal. In the disease, rick- ets, the early matter is withdrawn by morbid absorption, and the bones return into the state nearly of flexible cartilage. Hence arise the distortions characteristic of this disease. ANIMAL GLUTEN. THIS substance constitutes the basis of the fibres of all solid parts. It resembles in its properties, the gluteu of vegetables. GLUE. Air inspissated jelly, made from the parings of hides, and other offals, by boiling them in water, straining through a wicker basket, suffering the impurities to sub- side, and then boiling it a second time. The articles should first be digested in lime-water, to cleanse them from grease and dirt, then steeped in water, stirring them well from time to time ; and, lastly, laid in a heap to have the water pressed out, before they are put into the boiler. Some recommend that the water should be kept BITUMINOUS SUBSTANCES. 247 as nearly as possible to a boiling heat, without suffering it to enter into ebullition. In this state, it is poured into flat frames or moulds, then cut into square pieces when congealed, and, afterwards, dried in a coarse net It is said to improve by age ; and that glue is reckoned the best, which swells considerably, without dissolving, by three or four days' infusion in cold water, and recovers its former dimensions and properties by drying. Shreds, or parings of vellum, parchment, or white leather, make a clear, and almost colourless glue. (See Mechanica Exercises.) BITUMINOUS SUBSTANCES. ASPHALTUM. ASPHALTUM is a smooth, hard, brittle, black or brown su.'jstance, which breaks with a polish, melts easily when heated, and when pure burns without leaving any ashes. It is found in a soft or liquid state on the surface of the Dead Sea, but by age grows dry and hard. The same kind of bitumen is likewise found in the earth in other parts of the world ; in China, America, particularly in the Island of Trinidad ; and in some parts of Europe, as the Carpathian hills, France, Neufchatel, &c. According to Neumann, the asphaltum of the shops is a very different compound from the native bitumen; and varies, of course, in its properties, according to the nature of the ingredients made use of in forming it. On this account, and probably from other reasons, the use of asphaltum, as an article of the materia medica, is totally laid aside. The Egyptians used asphaltum in embalming, under the name of mumia mineralis, for which it is well adapted. It was used for mortar at Babylon. BITUMENS. THIS term includes a considerable range of inflam- mable mineral substances, burning with flame in *he open 248 CHEMISTRY. air. They are of different consistency, from a thin fluio to a solid ; but the solids are for the most part liquefiable at a moderate heat. The fluid are, 1. Naphtha, a fine, white, thin, fragrant, colourless oil which issues out of white, yellow, or black clays in Persia and Media. This is highly inflammable, and is decomposed by. distillation. It dissolves resins, and the essential oils of thyme and lavender ; but is not itself soluble either in alcohol or ether. It is the lightest of all the dense fluids, its specific gravity being 0.708. 2. Petroleum, which is from a yellow, reddish, brown s greenish, or blackish oil, found dropping from rocks, or issuing from the earth, in the duchy of Modena, and iu various other parts of Europe, and Asia. This, like- wise, is insoluble, in alcohol, and seems to consist of naphtha, thickened by exposure to the atmosphere. It contains a portion of the succinic acid. 3. Larbadoes tar, which is a viscid, brown, or black inflammable substance, insoluble in alcohol, and contain- ing the succinic acid. This appears to be the mineral oil in its third state of alteration. The solid are, 1. Asphaltum, mineral pitch, of which there are three varieties : the cohesive ; the semi-com- pact, maltha; the compact, or asphaitum. These are smooth, more or less hard or brittle, inflammable sub- stances, which melt easily, and burn without leaving any or but little ashes if they be pure. They are slightly and partially acted on by alcohol and ether. (See Asphaltum.) 2. Mineral tallow, which is a white substance of the consistence of tallow, and as greasy, although mon. brittle. It was found in the sea on the coast of Finlano n the year 1736; and is also met with in some rock) parts of Persia. It is near one-fifth lighter than tallow burns with a blue flame and a smell of grease, leaving a black viscid matter behind, which is more difficultly consumed. 3. Elastic bitumen, or mineral caoutchouc, of which there are two varieties. Besides these, there are other BITUMINOUS SUBSTANCES. 249 bituminous substances, as jet and amber, which approach the harder bitumens in their nature; and all the varieties of pit-coal, and the bituminous schistres, or shale, which contain more or less of bitumen in their composition. AMBER. A BEAUTIFUL bituminous substance, which takes a good polish, and after a slight rubbing, becomes so electric, as fro attract straws and small bodies. Amber is a hard, brittle, tasteless substance, sometimes perfectly transpa- rent, but mostly semi-transparent or opaque, and of a glossy surface ; it is found of all colours, but chiefly yellow or orange, and often contains leaves or insects its specific gravity is from 1.065 to 1.100; its fracture i even, smooth, and glossy ; it is capable of a fine polish and becomes electric by friction ; when rubbed or heated, it gives a peculiar agreeable smell, particularly when it melts, that is at 550 of Fahrenheit, but then it loses its transparency; projected on burning coals, it burns with a whitish flame, and a whitish yellow smoke, but gives very little soot and leaves brownish ashes ; it is insoluble in water and alcohol, though the latter, when highly rectified, extracts a reddish colour from it; but is soluble in the sulphuric acid, which then acquires a reddish purple colour, and is precipitable from it by water. No other acid dissolves it, nor is it soluble in essential or expressed oils, without some decomposition and long di- gestion ; but pure alkali dissolves it. By distillation it affords a small quantity of water, with a little acetous acid, an oil, and a peculiar acid. Amber is met with plentifully in regular mines in some parts of Prussia. The upper surface is composed of sand, under which is a stratum of loam, and under this a bed of wood, partly entire, but chiefly mouldered or changed into a bituminous substance. Under the wood is a stratum of sulphuric or rather aluminous mineral in which the amber is found. Strong sulphuric exhala tfons are often perceived in the pits. Detached pie** * are also found occasionally on the sea coast in varie * 250 CHEMISTRY. countries. It has been found in gravel beds near London In the Royal Cabinet at Berlin there is a mass of ISlbs- weight, supposed to be the largest ever found. Jussieu asserts, that the delicate insects in amber, which prov the tranquillity of ij;s formation, are not European. Hany has pointed out the following distinction between mellite and copal, the bodies which most closely resem- ble amber. Mellite is infusible by heat. A bit of copal heated at the end of a knife takes fire, melting into drops, which flatten as they fall; whereas amber burns with spitting and frothing ; and when its liquified parti- cles drop, they rebound from the plane which receives them. The origin of amber is at present involved in perfect obscurity, though the rapid progress of vegetable chemistry promises soon to throw light on it. Various frauds are practised with this substance. Neumann states as the common practice of workmen, the two following: The one consists in surrounding the amber with sand in an iron pot, and cementing it with a gradual fire for forty hours, some small pieces placed near the sides of the vessel being occasionally taken out for judging of the effect of the operation : the second method, which he says is that most generally practised, is by digesting and boiling the amber about twenty hours with rapeseed oil, by which it is rendered both clear and hard. Werner has divided it into two sub-species, the white and the yellow ; but there is little advantage in the dis- tinction. Its ultimate constituents are the same with those of vegetable bodies in general ; viz. carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen. In the second volume of the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, Dr. Brewster has given an account of some optical properties of amber, from which he considers it established beyond a doubt, that amber is an indurated vegetable juice ; and that the traces of a regular struc- ture, indicated by its action upon polarized light, are not the effect of the ordinary laws of crystallization by which mellite has been formed, but are produced by tlft; same causes which influence the mechanical condition of OF CRYSTALLIZATION. 251 gam-arabic, and other gums, which are known to be formed by the successive deposition and induration of vegetable fluids. OF CRYSTALLIZATION. CRYSTALS are aggregations of the particles of bodies, which have been spontaneously disposed in a regular form ; and crystallization denotes the act of their forma- tion. According to the strict meaning of the word, a crystal should be transparent, as well as symmetrical in its form ; but it is now extended to opaque substances, and regularity of form is its leading characteristic. Crystallization is of two kinds, the dry and the humid ; dry crystallization refers to metals and other substances which cannot combine wiih water; the humid crystalliza- tion refers to fluids and gases holding solids in solution ; and which never affords crystals but what contain more or less water. The water combined with a crystal is called its water of crystalli7.ation. No crystals are transparent unless they contain water. The water, in thus combining with bodies, loses its caloric of fluidity. The same substance, under the same circumstances, always affords crystals of the same figure ; but except- ing the circumstances which modify the natural process of crystallization, all the differences observed in the forms of crystals, are attributable to differences in the forms of the integral particles of the crystals. Crystallization cannot take place unless the particles of bodies be at liberty to arrange themselves according to their peculiar attractions. Hence it is necessary, either that they be in a state of solution, or suspended in a fluid, in a state of extremely minute division, or in fusion. It has not been decisively proved that mere suspension will produce such a regular arrangement of particles as can be called crystallization ; but admitting this to. be 252 CHEMISTRY. possible, the division of the particles which form the crystab must be carried so far as scarcely to differ from solution, and the same explanation will apply as to solu tion. Suppose we have a saturated solution of common salt in water ; the particles of the salt are so completely dis- persed through the water, and probably so far removed from each other, that the particles of the water exert a stronger attraction on them than they exert on each other : the solution, therefore, remains perfect ; but let some of the water be evaporated ; it is now evident that as the same quantity of salt is contained in a less compass, the particles of the salt must have approximated each other, and are within the sphere of each other's attrac- tion : they, therefore, aggregate and form crystals, until the solution is of the same intensity as at first. If the evaporation be resumed, more crystals are formed in the same manner, until at last, by the evaporation of the whole of the water, the crystals are obtained dry. The crystallization of a metal is not essentially differ- ent fnom an aqueous crystallization. The metal may be regarded as held in solution by caloric ; and, as the ca- loric of fluidity is withdrawn by the cooling of the metal, the case is correspondent to that of the reduction of the quantity of water in the aqueous solution, and the parti- cles will arrange themselves according to their form. It must be obvious, that if the particles of the metal, or of % the solid in solution, consist of cubes, they will ag- gregate in forms of one description ; and, if they art tetrahedrons, they must place themselves upon each other in another. A fluid which has furnished all, or the greater part ot the crystals that can be obtained from it, is called mother water. In general, fluids at a boiling-heat hold in solution a much larger portion of any matter than when cold, be- cause caloric has a powerful effect in lessening the attraction of aggregation, and preventing particles which are 4^ery near from combining. Common salt is, how CRYSTALLIZATION. 2i>3 wer, an instance of a common salt which is nearly, as soluble in cold, as in hot water : but it appears to be a general law, that salts of this kind require but a small quantity of the water of crystallization. Salts which,acquire moisture from the atmosphere, so as to hecome fluid or pulpy, are said to be deliquescent : when they lose their crystalline form in the air, and yet remain dry and powdery, it is because their water of crystallization has been abstracted ; and they are said to be efflorescent. A salt is deliquescent, when it has a greater attrac- tion for water than the air; as it will, inlhat case, take water from the air: a salt is efflorescent, when it has a less attraction for water than the air ; for the air will then abstract water from it. When the salt has the same attraction for water with the air, it will suffer no change. The slower the crystallization, the larger, the harder, the more regular and transparent, the crystals which are formed. A rapid evaporation of a solution, there- fore, produces imperfect crystals, the particles not having time to assume the exact arrangement to which they are naturally disposed. Crystallization is promoted when the solution is fur- nished with some point at which it may commence. In a saturated solution which exhibits no signs of crys- tallization, crystals will soon be observed, if a thread be stretched through it. But if, instead of any foreign mat- ter, a crystal of substance in solution be introduced, the crystallization is still further promoted. Upon this fact Le Blanc founded a method of obtaining very large and perfect crystals. He selected the largest and most per- fect crystals of salt recently formed, and put them into a saturated solution of the same salt. As the side of a crystal in contact with the vessel receives no increase, they were turned daily. After a certain time, the largest and most reg - :lar crystals thus obtained were employed as the nucleus ;>f still larger crystals, by a repetition of the process. 22 254 CHEMISTRY. JECirwan observed, that if two salts be held in solution by the same fluid, a crystal of either will causa that %alt to crystallize which is of the same kind as itself. Crystallization goes on but very slowly in closed ves eels; and, in most instances, wholly stops: but Dr. Hig- gins inferred, from his experiments, that the atmosphere only facilitates the process in consequence of its pressure; and, therefore, a sufficient column of mercury, or any ther pressure, has the same effect. Perhaps the ex- periment has not been tried in a proper manner : the pressure upon the surface of a fluid, in a closed vessel containing air, is not less than when that vessel is un- covered. The action of light has the effect of impeding and dis- turbing crystallization : and crystals are, therefore, larger, and more regular, when formed in the dark. A very singular discovery was accidentally made by Hany, respecting the elementary forms of crystals. Happening to take up a hexangular prism of calcareous spar, which had been detached from a group of the same kind, he observed that a part of the crystal was wanting, and yet that it presented a smooth surface. Attempting to detach a segment from the contiguous edge, he could not succeed ; but the ore next it was easily divided. Proceeding thus to divide the crvstals mechanically, in such a way that the separation was easy, and left smooth surfaces, and which did not hap- pen unless in directions parallel to the first fracture, he found that the crystal changed its form as parts of it were separated, until at length it acquired a form that remained mathematically the same after any subsequent sections. On trying the experiment, he found that other crystals of the same spar were reducible to the same unalterable form ; and that crystals of other bodies were also reducible to fixed forms, of one kind or an- other. These fixed forms, therefore, he denominates the primitive forms of the crystals; and the other forms which crystals assume, he calls their secondary foms. COMBUSTION. 255 The primitive form of a fluate of iron, Hany found f> be an octahedron ; of sulphate of barytes, a prism, with rhomboidal bases ; of corundam, a rhomboid, somewhat acute ; of beryl, an hexahedral prism ; of olend, a dodecahedron, with rhomboidal sides. Pursuing the path which these discoveries pointed out, with -a rare combination of industry and ingenuity, he succeeded in delineating a system of crystalography, which, though yet in its infancy, bears the strongest indi- cations of remaining consistent with the phenomena of nature, and, therefore, of obtaining a permanent recep- tion in science. OF COMBUSTION. COMBUSTION is the union of a body with oxygen accom- panied by the evolution of light and heat; and, there- fore, every body which is capable of forming this union, is called a combustible. Oxvgen is retained in the gaseous state by the large quantity of caloric with which it is combined, and for which it has a strong attraction ; but if any substance be presented to the oxygen gas, that has a stronger attraction for oxygen than oxygen has for caloric, the consequence is, that the oxygen gas is decomposed, its particles unite with the substance thus presented to it, and a great part of the caloric being then left in an uncom bined state, recovers the properties which are peculiar to it in that state, that is, it assumes the appear- ance of tire. The heat thus produced is the more intense, the greater the quantity of caloric which is liberated in a given compass and time ; and these cir- cumstances are dependent upon the strength of the affinity between oxygen and the substance which sepa- rates it from caloric, and the quantity of caloric required to saturate the product of combustion. At the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, bodies Have either no affinity for oxygen, or usually a very wenk ne hence they suffer no change, or the change vvMch 256 CHEMISTRY. does take place is so slow, that though a combustion in effect, it is not called by that name, because neither light nor heat are perceptible to the senses. When the temperature of a combustible is raised, its affinity for oxygen is increased ; and when it is raised to a certain point, which varies according to the nature of the substance, the affinity becomes very strong, the com- bustion is consequently rapid and brilliant, taking, accord- ing to the phenomena it presents, the name of ignition inflammation, decrepitation, detonation, or fulmination. Light appears to form a component part of all com- bustible bodies, and to enter, as well as caloric, into the composition of oxygen itself. Hence, when oxygen by combustion enters into a new combination, part at least >f the light held both by it and the combustible, is dis- engaged and flies off, as well as the caloric. In general t appears evident, that the light is furnished by the com- bustible, because the light furnished by different com bustibles is of different colours, and the quantity of it is by no means proportionate to the quantity of oxygen consumed. For example, hydrogen in combustion com- bines with a greater quantity of oxygen than any other body ; but the light afforded is inconsiderable. Although the light furnished by combustion is not pro- portionable to the quantity of oxygen which enters into combination, and therefore is evidently not wholly fur- nished by the oxygen, yet the case is the reverse with the caloric evolved. The combustion of those bodies which combine with the greatest quantity of oxygen, always furnishes the greatest quantity of caloric, and therefore the combustion of hydrogen furnishes the most intense heat that can be produced, until some other sub- stance shall be found which combines with a greater quantity of oxygen. Another proof that the chief part of the caloric ex- tricated during combustion is furnished by the oxygen, which when it ceases to be a gas, has no longer occasion for it, is, that when the oxygen is in combination with a fluid, a combustible substance, for example, a metal, wilJ OF COMBUSTION. 257 nostract it from the fluid, but the usual phenomena of combustion do not appear, although the combination with oxygen is so rapid, that if the same quantity of oxygen had been derived from a gas, in the same time, these phenomena would have been exhibited with considerable splendour. Bodies which have been once thoroughly burnt, which is only another way of expressing that they are saturated with oxygen, are incapable of undergoing combustion again, until some part or all of their oxygen is abstracted. To deprive them of their oxygen is virtually to unburn them ; and when no part of a combustible has been dis- sipated, but only changed by the new combination, the abstraction of the oxygen absorbed restores its pristine properties. This is the case with metals, which acquire by combustion a weight equal to the oxygen combined with them, and of course lose that acquired part of their weight when the oxygen, which constitutes it is with- drawn ; but vegetables and other combustible matters containing many volatile parts, when burnt in the open air, have these parts dissipated, and therefore the pro- ducts they afford after combustion, weigh considerably less than the vegetables themselves, as they only consist of those parts which cannot be converted into gas. We have stated that many substances, by their union with oxygen in combustion, are converted into acids ; when this happens, the combustible is said to be oxygen- ized ; when the product of combustion is not an acid, it is called an oxide, and the combustible is said to be oxidized. The experiments which have proved the alkalies and earths to be metallic oxides, have tended materially to establish the conclusion, that all substances are either combustible, or combined with oxygen to the point of aturation ; and if this be maintained, oxygen must, like caloric, have an affinity for every substance existing. 22* R ELECTRICITY. A PROPERTY which certain bodies possess when rubbed fteated, or otherwise excited, whereby they attract re- mote bodies, and frequently emit sparks, or streams of light. Abstract of Electricity. 1. Electricity is supposed to be a fluid, which repel its own particles, but attracts all other matter. 2. That portion of electricity which every body is sup- posed to contain, is called its natural share. 3. When a body is possessed of either more or less than its natural share, it is said to be electrified or charged. 4. If it possesses more than its natural share, it is said to be positively electrified : if it contains less than its natural share, it is said to be negatively electrified. 5. Bodies through which the electric fluid passes free- ly, are called conductors, or non-electrics. Those bodies which oppose the passage of electricity, are called non- conductors, or electrics. 6. Glass, and some other bodies, which are non-con- ductors at common temperature, become conductors, when very hot. 7. The equilibrium of the electric fluid is disturbed by the friction of bodies against each other; and electricity is then said to be produced, or excited. 8. Electricity is excited in the greatest quantity by the friction of conductors and non-conductors against each other. 9. The same substance, excited by a different rubbci, will alternately be electrified positively and negatively. 10. Two bodies, both positively, or both negatively electrified, repel each other; whereas, if one body be positive, and the other negative, they will attract each other. 11. Upon this principle are constructed electrometers, or instruments for ascertaining whether bodies are elec- trified or not. ELECTRICITY. 259 12. If a body, containing only its natural share of Electricity, be presented sufficiently near to a body elec- trified positively or negatively, a quantity of electricity will force itself through the air, from the latter to th<2 former, appearing in the form of a spark. 13. When two bodies approach each other sufficiently near, one of which is electrified positively, and the other negatively, the superabundant electricity rushes vio- lently from one to the other, to restore the equilibrium between them. This effect also takes place, if the two bodies be connected by a conducting substance. 14. If an animal be placed so as to form part of this circuit, the electricity, in passing through it, produces a sudden effect upon it, which is called the electric shock. 15. The motion of electricity, in passing from a posi- tive to a negative body, is so rapid, that it appears to be instantaneous. 16. When any part of a piece of glass or other elec- tric is presented to a body electrified positively or nega- tively, that part becomes possessed of the contrary elec- tricity to the side of the body it is presented to ; and the other side of the glass is possessed of the same kind of electricity as the other body. 17. The electricity communicated to glass and other perfect electrics, does not spread, but is confined to the part where it is communicated, on account of the non- conducting qualitv of the glass. 18. To effe 18. To effect the communication, and to enable it to be applied to the whole surface, the glass is covered on both sides with tin-foil, or some other conductor, in which case the glass is said to be coated. 19. If a communication by means of a conductor, be made between the two sides of a glass thus coated and charged with electricity, a discharge takes place, by which the two sides recover their natural state. 20. The coated glass may either be flat or any other form ; but cylindrical jars are found to be the most con- venient form. The Leyden phial is nothing more than a glass of this description. 260 ELECTRICITY. 21. When several jars or phials are connected together so as to be charged and discharged simultaneously, they constitute an electrical battery. % 22. Electricity is capable of producing the most power- ful effects, melting the metals, and firing all the inflam- mable substances. A strong shock sent through metallic oxides, frequently reduces them to a metallic state. 23. The machines by which electricity is artificially accumulated, for the purpose of charging jars or bat- teries, are constructed with either a cylinder or plate of glass, which is whirled round in contact with a body called a rubber, and the electricity is taken ofif as it is produced, by a non-electric called the prime conductor. 24. Cylinder machines are the most easily constructed ; but plate machines are the most compact and elegant. 25. Several bodies become transparent during the pas- sage of electricity through them ; a circumstance which has given rise to the conjecture that electricity may be the cause of all transparency. 26. Metallic points attract the electricity from bodies, and discharge them silently. This property has ren- dered them useful in defending from lightning. 27. When electricity enters a point, it appears in the form of a star ; when it issues from a point, it puts on the appearance of a brush or pencil. 28. Machines may be put in motion by the electric fluid which issues from a point. 29. The shock of an electric battery will communicate magnetism to steel bars lying in or near the magnetic meridian ; and a magnetic bar may have its poles re- versed, or its magnetic properties destroyed, by impart ing the shock while it is in different positions. 30. Electricity is evolved in heating and cooling of various bodies ; also in the evaporation and condensation cf vapours. 31. Vapour requires, for its natural share, a greater quantity of electricity than water, from which it was produced. 32. When quantity of vapour is, in any degree, con- GALVANISM. 261 densed, it has, therefore, electricity to give out ; that is, in the positive state. When a quantity of vapour is fur iher expanded, it requires, for its natural share, more electricity than before ; that is, in the negative state. 33. By the ascent of vapour, immense quantities of electricity are carried from its reservoir, the earth ; and, by the unceasing alternations of rarefaction and conden- sation, the atmosphere is always more or less in an elec- trical state. 34. Lightning is a vast accumulation of electricity. 35. Thunder is the noise produced by the solid parti- cles of air rushing together, after having been separated by lightning ; the rapidity of the motion of which is such as to produce a vacuum as it proceeds. 36. In the eruptions from volcanoes, lightning is almost always present ; and earthquakes are generally accom- panied by a disordered state of the atmosphere ; often with great thunder-storms. Hence, electricity is sup- posed to be intimately connected with these phenomena. 37. In the healing art, electricity appears capable of producing, in manv cases, the most excellent effects. In applying it, the general rule is to begin gently, and to continue the application, at periodical intervals, for a considerable time. GALVANISM. GALVAMSM is a species of electricity which is produced by a peculiar action of metallic and other electrical con- ductors on each other. Abstract of Galvanism. 1. Galvanism appears only to be a method of exciting electricity. The first efficient observation,of its effects originated with Galvani, from whom it derives its name ; but it was Volta who firet' rendered it interesting, by dis- covering the method of accumulating it. 2. Ga'vanic electricity is produced by the chemi* \\ 2G2 MAGNETISM. action of bodies upon each other; particularly by the oxidation of metals, during which process, considerable quantities are evolved. 3. It appears to be in a state of less intensity or con- densation than the electricity obtained by the electrical machine. 4. It will oxidize metals, and set fire to all inflammable substances: it will also give a charge to a Leyden phial. 5. Of all known substances, the nerves of animals, re- cently dead, appear to be the most easily affected by it and constitute electrometers of exquisite delicacy. 6. It is conducted, and refused a passage by some substances, as common electricity. 7. When a living animal forms a part of its circuit, it produces a sensation resembling that of the electric shock. 8. Electricity is generated by the galvanic battery ; but only collected or transferred by the electrical ma- chine ; and, therefore, the effects of the former are in- creased by insulation. 9. The power of galvanism in consuming wires, is greatest when the plates are numerous : but in giving a shock, it is greatest when the plates are large, the quan- tity of surface in each case being the same. MAGNETISM. A PECULIAR species of attraction, excited by bodies called magnets or loadstones, receives the appellation of magnetism. Abstract of Magnetism. 1. THAT principle which produces the phenomena of magnetism, K not cognizable by our senses, except by its effects ; tfut it is considered to be a fluid, and spoken of under the denomination of the magnetic fluid. 2. Iron has been usually cdfcsidered as the only sub- stance susceptible of magnetism ; but late investigations, MAGNETISM. 263 which have been made with great care, have rendered it extremely probable that both nickel and cobalt like- wise submit to the influence of the same power. 3. Magnets are either natural or artificial ; natural magnets are ores of iron, dug out of the earth in a mag netical state ; artificial magnets are made of steel, by the help of a natural magnet. 4. In every magnet there are two opposite points, which at all times and places, will, if the magnet be at liberty to move either without or with very little friction, turn to the poles of the world, or nearly so. 5. It is this singular property, which is called polarity, that renders the magnet so useful in navigation. 6. The poles of magnets, if of the same name, as when two north or two south poles are brought near together, repel each other; different poles, on the con- trary, attract each other. The centre of a magnet neither attracts nor repels. 7. The earth itself acts as a great magnet, the poles of which nearly but not quite coincide with the geo- graphical poles. 8. It is this difference between the magnetical and the geographical poles, that produces the declination of the needle, which turns to the former, and only indicates the latter by the nearness of the two. 9. The magnetical poles are not fixed points, but the cause of their motion is unknown. 10. The constant change which the motion of the magnetic poles produces in the declination of the needle, s the cause of what is called the variation of the com- pass. 11. At all places not 90 degrees from the magnetic poles, one pole of a magnet suspended by its centre sinks below the horizon, which is called the dip or inclination of the needle. 12. In the northern hemisphere, it is tfie north pole which dips, and in the southern hemisphere it is the south pole. 13. To render a natural magnet capable of lifting a ^64 PNEUMATICS. weight with the force of both poles, it is furnished with an armature ; an artificial magnet, for the same purpose is made in the form of a horse-shoe. 14. Soft iron receives magnetism with great facility hut loses it almost immediately : steel on the contrary, but especially hardened steel, is not easily affected ; but the portion it receives, it permanently retains. 15. A magnet employed in the communication of magnetism, rather gains than loses strength. 16. A steel bar, rendered magnetic, and resting by it3 centre upon a point, so as to be at liberty to turn in any direction, is, with the box which contains it, and a card on which are written the- names of the winds, called the mariner's compass. 17. The azimuth compass differs chiefly from the above in having two sights, through which may be seen the sun or any heavenly body, of which the azimuth is to be taken. 18. The dipping needle is made by accurately sus- pending a bar of steel, in an unmagnetical state, on the pivots of an axis passing through its centre ; it is then magnetized, and dips according to the action of the north or south pole upon it PNEUMATICS. THE science of Pneumatics treats of the density, pres- sure, and elasticity of the air, and the effects which they produce. Pneumatics, being a science somewhat remote from the present design of this work ; and having the proper- ties of the air, under the head of chemistry ; we shall, therefore, let an abstract of this science suffice. Abstract of Pneumatics. 1. The air is the fluid which we breathe; with the vapours it contains, it is called the atmosphere. 2. The particles of air are solid and impermeable, like those of the hardest bodies. PNEUMATICS. 263 3. The air is invisible, because of its great trans- parency; when unconfined it is imperceptible to the touch, because its particles move among each other with a facility so great that we perceive no force to be required in displacing it ; we move in it as if we had no pressure upon us, because its pressure is in every direc tion the same. 4. The weight of air is to that of water, as 832 to 1. 5. The air expands in proportion to the diminution of the pressure upon it ; it, therefore, becomes rare as we ascend in the atmosphere : at the height of 3| miles, a given bulk of it takes up twice the space it would do at the surface of the earth. 6. The air-pump is a machine for exhausting the air out of vessels ; but the best air-pumps have not so com- pletely attained their object as to produce an absolute vacuum, or place void of air. 7. The rising of water in common pumps, is owing to the pressure of the atmosphere being removed from one part of the fluid, which, therefore, yields at that part by the pressure on the other parts, till the column of water sustained is equal to the column of air sustaining it. 8. Suction, unless so applied as to mean the pressure of the atmosphere, is a non-entity, and incapable of pro- ducing effects. 9. The pressure of the atmosphere, which is in gen- eral 15 Ibs. on every square inch, is not invariably the same, but is in a middle-sized person 1866 pounds less at one time than anothrr ; and when the pressure is greatest, we feel exhilarated .-ather than depressed. 10. On the variable pressure of the atmosphere, and the changes thereby occasioned, is founded the utility of the barometer, by which instrument the pressure is measured. 11. The best barometer is the common one, with a straight tube, and short scale of variation ; other kinds, in contriving which, the extension of the scale of variation has been chiefly aimed at, are all more or less defective. 12. In observations for treasuring the height of moun- 23 26G PNEUMATICS. tains, a thermometer must be used along with the barometer, in order that the due allowance may be made for the effects of temperature in lengthening or shortening the column of mercury ; and the surface of the mercury in the cistern must be at a fixed distance from the scale, before the height of the mercury is read off! 13. The air may be condensed, or forced into less compass than it occupies at the surface of the earth, by means of a contrivance called a condensing engine. 14. When much condensed, the efforts of the air to expand are so great, that it may be employed as a powerful motive force. On this depend the properties of air-guns. 15. An hygrometer v& an instrument for measuring the dryness or moisture of the atmosphere. 16. De Saussure's hygrometer is made of clarified hair; De Luc's, of a slip of whalebone cut across the grain. 17. The depth of rain which falls on the earth is esti- mated by the quantity which falls within a small vessel called a rain-gauge. 18. The strength of wind is measured by its power to support bodies out of the position of equilibrium. 19. The winds are the consequences of variations con- stantly taking place in the density of the atmosphere, principally by the action of solar heat. 20. Variable winds are supposed to be the chief causes of the rising and falling of the barometer, which, in countries not subject to them, remains almost uniformly at the same height. 21 In deriving from the barometer, prognostics of the weatner, the tendency of the mercury to an upward or downward motion, rather than its absolute height at any time, is chiefly to be regarded. 22. When the air reaches the ear in a state of vibra- .ory motion, it" occasions the sensations of sound. 23. Bodies which produce the clearest and strongest sound, are in general the most elastic. 24. The quality of sound, in point of tone, is determi OPTICS- 267 ned by the greater or smaller number of vibrations made by the sounding body in a given time. 25. Sonorous bodies, when sufficiently near, cause each other to sound, although but one of them is struck, provided they be in unison, or disposed to make vibra- tions equally frequent. 26. An echo is the reflection of a sound, and cannot be heard unless the original sound has traversed the distance of about 110 feet. 27. Speaking and hearing trumpets act upon the principle of reflecting towards their axes, and thereby concentrating the sound transmitted through them. OPTICS. THIS is a branch of Natural Philosophy which treats of the mechanical properties of light, and the .phenomena of vision. Abstract of Optics. 1. The particles of light, which are inconceivably small, proceed from luminous bodies in right lines. 2. Consequently the density of light is inversely as the square of the distance from the luminous centre. 3. Light moves at the rate of nearly 200,000 miles in one second of time. 4. Its impression on the retina is not instantaneous; hence though its particles may be separately projected, so as to be, in their progress, at the rate of 1000 miles apart, its velocity is sufficient to produce a distinct vision. 5. Every ray of light carries with it the image of the point from which it was emitted ; when, therefore, pen- cils of rays from every point of an object are united in the same order in which they were emitted, they form an image or representation of that object, at the place where they are thus emitted. 6. All the rays of light, which enter another medium obliquely, suffer refraction ; that is, they either move farther from, or nearer to, the perpendicular, as the 268 OPTICS. medium into which they enter is rare_ or denser vhan the other medium. 7. On the refrangibility of light depends the proper- ties oF lenses. 8. Convex lenses collect the rays of light, and make them converge to a centre or focus. 9. Concave lenses disperse the rays of light, the power of refraction not being towards the centre, but towards their circumference. 10. When light strikes upon a surface, it is reflected so that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence; on this the properties of mirrors depend. 11. Plane mirrors have no other effect than that of changing the direction of the incident rays. 12. Convex mirrors cause parallel rays to diverge. 13. Concave mirrors collect parallel rays, or cause them to converge to a focus. 14. Mixed mirrors exhibit distorted images, because they increase or lessen the divergence or convergence of the rays in one or two directions only. 15. The solar beam is composed of rays possessed of different degrees of refrangibility, and these differences of refrangibility, which are dependent on the size of their particles, produce all the phenomena of colours. 16. The solar beam, or white light, contains rays of seven different colours, viz. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These are called the primitive colours, because they are immutable, except by inter- mixture. 17. It is inferred that red light is composed of par- ticles of the largest size, because it is found to be capable of struggling through thick and resisting mediums, which stop every other colour. 18. The size of the particles of other colours is in the order of their enumeration, the violet being the smallest. 19. The rainbow is owing to the separation of the light into its primitive colours, by the drops of falling rain, which act like a prism. OPTICS. 269 20. The rays of light are inflected when they pass very near a body, and deflected when they pass at a greater distance. 21. Those rays which deviate the least by refraction deviate the most by flection. 22. The images of all visible, objects are depicted rn the retina, in an inverted position. 23. With two eyes, vision is not only more distinct but more accurate than with one. 24. A good eye can see most distinctly when the rays fall exactly on the retina. 25. The best eye can hardly distinguish any object that subtends an angle of less than half a minute. 20. The apparent magnitude of objects is dependent on the angle under which they are seen, or the size of their images depicted on the retina. 27. The long-sighted require convex spectacles, the short-sighted, concave ones. 28. Burning lenses must be convex, and burning mir- rors concave, as the effects of both these instruments are dependent on the condensation of the incident light. 29. Microscopes are optical instruments for viewing small objects. They appear to magnify objects, because they enable us to see them with distinctness, nearer than the natural limits of vision. 30. Refracting telescopes are formed by lenses only ; when manufactured in the best manner, they are either furnished with an acromatic object-glass, which corrects the defect arising from the unequal refraction of the different rays, by a combination of one or two convex lenses with a concave one of a different sort of glass; or, though more rarely, they have an aplanatic object- glass, which corrects the same defect by a combination of a plano-convex and meniscus glass, with a fluid be- tween them that acts like a third lens. 31. Reflecting telescopes consist of lenses and at least of one speculum. When there is more than one specu lum, the second is only about one-fourth of the size of the other, and may be either convex, concave, or plane. 23* 270 ASTRONOMY. 32. Reflecting telescopes admit of a much greatei magnifying power in a given length, than refracting telescopes. 33. The binocular telescope consists of two telescopes so combined, that both eyes may be employed in looking at the same object. ASTRONOMY Is the science which treats of the motions, eclipses, magnitudes, periods, and oHier phenomena of the heaven- ly bodies. Abstract of Astronomy. 1. The solar system comprises the sun and all the bodies that revolve around him, viz : the comets, the planets with their respective satellites, and the asteroids 2. The number of the comets is unknown ; that of the planets, so far as yet discovered, is seven ; the satel lites eighteen ; and the asteroids four. 3. The figure of the earth is not that of a perfect globe, but an oblate spheroid, flattened a little at the poles, by its revolution on its axis. 4. The planets Jupiter and Saturn are also observed to be flattened at the poles like the earth, but in a great- er degree, evidently because their diurnal revolution is swifter. 5. The orbits of all the planets, asteroids, and comets, are ellipses, having the sun in one of their foci ; but the orbits of the two former classes of bodies are nearly circular, while the orbits of the comets are all very eccentric. 6. The orbits of the satellites are also ellipses, in one of the foci of which is sustained the primary planet round which they move. 7. The periods, distances, and magnitude of the planets, have all been determined with very considerable exact- ness; the same circumstances respecting the asteroids ASTRONOMY. 271 are also evidently determinable, though the results yet laid down, have not, from the recent date of their dis- covery, been so amply confirmed, as to be fully relied on; 'nit the comets recede to such immense distances, and there is so much uncertainty in identifying them, that their elements are hypothetical. 8. The planets, comets, and asteroids, are preserved in their orbits, by the joint effects of the power of attrac- tion, which acts in a right line from them to the sun, and a projectile or centrifugal force, which would carry them oil in a tangent to the curve of revolution. 9. The powers which preserve the satellites in their orbits, are the same as those that act upon the planets and comets, but the centripetal force is exercised by the primary. 10. The body of the sun is supposed to be opaque, ard to be surrounded with a double set of clouds, the upper stratum of which forms the luminous globe we behold. 11. The planets revolve roui,d an imaginary line or axis within themselves, and the time in which they per- form this rotation, constitutes their day and night. 12. The time in which a planet revolves round the sun, forms its year. 13. The diversity of seasons is occasioned by the incli- nation of the axes of a planet to the plane of its orbit. 14. The annual and diurnal revolutions of the planets are all performed from west to east. 15. The satellites, also, revolve from west to east, with the exception of the satellites of Herschel, which appear to move in a contrary direction. 16. The fixed stars are distinguished from the bodies af the solar system, by the twinkling light they afford, ay their having no parallax, and by their having, even through the best telescopes, no sensible magnitude. 17. The naked eye cannot behold above five hundred turs in the whole hemisphere ; but the number dis- wered with the assistance of a telescope exceeds all calculation 272 ASTRONOMY. 18. Every fixed star is supposed to be a sun, shining by its own light, and surrounded by planetary worlds like those of the solar system. 19. The tides are an effect of the attraction of the sun and moon upon the ocean. When these luminaries act together, or in the same line, they occasion spring tides ; when they counteract each other's attraction, neap tides take place. 20. Eclipses of the moon are owing to the shadow of the earth falling upon the moon. 21. Eclipses of the sun occur, when the moon coming between the earth and the sun, throws a shadow on the earth. 22. Motion is the measure of time, and the motions of the heavenly bodies are the basis by which all other motions are measured. 23. The day is a natural division of time, that is, it comprises a portion of time measured out by the com- pletion of cerlrain phenomena, successive according to regular laws. The periodical and synodical lunar months are also natural divisions of time, but no other ; the year, and lunar and solar cycles, are of the same character as the lunar months; the cycle of indiction, and the olympiad We examples of the artificial division of time. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Except the leap-year : that 's the time, When February's days- are twenty and nine. MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 275 is free from transverse fissures, or cracks in the edges, and by a clear white, small grained, or rather fibrous texture. The best and toughest iron is that which has the most fibrous texture, and is of a clear greyish colour. This fibrous appearance is given by the resistance which its particles make* to separation. The texture of the next best iron, which is also malleable in all tempera- lures, consists of clear whitish small grains, intermixed with fibres. Another kind is tough when it is heated, but brittle when cold. This is called cold-short-iron, and is distinguished by a texture consisting of large shining plates, without any fibres. It is less liable to rust than any other description of forged iron. A fourth kind of iron called hot-short, is extremely brittle when hot, and malleable when cold. On the surface and edges of the bars of this kind of iron, transverse cracks or fissures may be seen, and its internal colour is dull and dark. The quality of iron may be much improved by violent compression, as by forging and rolling, especially when it is not long exposed to violent heat, which injures and at length destroys its metallic properties. But though iron is rendered malleable by hammering, this operation may be continued so long as to deprive it of its malleability. Steel is made of the purest malleable iron, by a pro- cess called cementation. In this operation, layers of bars of malleable iron, and layers of charcoal, are placed one upon another, in a proper furnace, the air is excluded, the fire raised to a considerable degree of intensity, and kept up for 8 or 10 days. If, upon the trial of a bar, the whole substance is converted into steel, the fire is extinguished, and the whole is left to cool for G or 8 days longer. Iron thus prepared is called blistered steel, from the blisters which appear on its surface. In England, charcoal alone is used for this purpose ; but Duame found an advantage in using from one-fourth to one-third of wood-ashes, especially when the iron was not of so good a quality as to afford steel possessing tenacity t " body as well as hardness. These ashes prevent the steel-making process from being effected so rapidly as it 276 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. % would otherwise be, and give the steel pliability without diminishing its hardness. The blisters on the surface of the steel, under this management, are smaller and more numerous. He also found that if the bars, when they are put into the furnace, be sprinkled with sea salt, this ingredient contributes to give body to the steel. If the cementation be continued too long, the steel becomes porous, brittle, of a darker fracture, more fusible, and capable of being welded. On the contrary, steel cement cd with earthy infusible powders is gradually reduced to the state of forged iron again. Excessive or repeated heating in the forge is attended with the same effect. The properties of iron are remarkably changed by cementation, and it acquires a small addition to its weight, which consists of the carbon it has absorbed from (he charcoal, and mounts to about the hundred-and- liftieth, or two-hundreth part. It is much more brittle and fusible than before ; and ii may still be welded like bar-iron, if it has not been fused or over-cemented; but by far the most important alteration in its properties is, that it can be hardened or softened at pleasure. If it be made red-hot, and instantly cooled, it attains a degree of hardness which is sufficient to cut almost any other substance; but, if heated and cooled gradually, it be- comes nearly as soft as pure iron, and may, with much the same facility, be manufactured into any determined form. A rod of good steel, in its hardest state, possesses so little tenacity, that it may be broken almost as easily as a rod of glass, of the same dimensions. This brittle- ness can only be diminished by diminishing its hardness; and in the proper management of this point, for different purposes, consists the art of tempering. The colours which necessarily appear on the surface of the steel slowly healed, are yellowish-white, yellow, or straw colour, gold colour, brown, purple, violet, and deep blue. These signs direct the artist in reducing the hardness of steel to any particular standard. If steel be too hard, it will not be proper for tools which are intended to have * fine edge, because it will be so brittle, that the edge MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 277 will soon become notched : if, on the contrary, it be too soft, it is evident that the edge \\ill turn or bend. Some artists inclose the tools to be hardened in an iron case or box, and slowly heat them to ignition ; they then take the box out of the fire, and drop the pieces into \\ater, in such a manner as will allow them to come as little as pos- sible into contact with the air. This method answers two good purposes; it causes the heat to be more equally applied, and prevents the scaling occasioned by the con tact of air. When the work has been polished, and well defended from the air, it is, when hardened, nearly as clear as before. If the tool be unpolished, they brighten its surface upon a stone. It is then laid upon burning charcoal, or upon the surface of melted lead, or upon an ignited bar or plate of iron, till it appears the desired colour ; at which instant, they plunge it into cold water. The yellowish-white indicates a temper so little reduced as to be used for edge-tools; the yellow, or straw colour, the gold colour, and the brown, are used for pen- knives, razors, and gravers ; the purple, for tools used in \vorking upon metals, especially iron ; the violet, for springs, and for instruments for cutting soft substances, such as cork, leather, and the like ; but if the last blue be waited for, the hardness of the steel will scarcely exceed that of iron. When soft steel is heated to any of these colours, and then plunged into water, it does not acquire nearly so great a degree of hardness as if pre- viously made quite hard, and then reduced by temper- ing. The degree of ignition required to harden steel is of different kinds. The best kinds require only a low red heat. It has been ingeniously supposed, that the hardness of steel depends on the intimate combination of its carbon; and, on this supposition, it follows, that the heat which effects this is the best, and that a higher de- gree will be injurious. The texture of steel is rendered uniform by fusion. When it has undergone this operation, it is called cast- steel ; which is wrought with more difficulty than com- mon steel, because it is more fusible, and is dispersed 24 278 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. under the hammer, if heated to a white heat. The cast steel of England is made from the fragments of the crude steel of the manufactories and steel works. A crucible, about ten inches high and seven inches in dia- meter, is filled with the fragments, and placed in a wind furnace, like that of the foundries, but smaller, because intended to contain one pot only. It is, like- wise, furnished with a cover and chimney, to increase he draught of the air. The furnace is entirely filled with coke, and five hours are required for the perfect fusion of the steel. It is then cast into ingots, and after wards forged in the same manner as other steel, but with less heat and more precaution, as it is more liable tc break. Cast steel is becoming more and more in use but must necessarily be excluded from many works of considerable size, on account of the difficulty of welding it, and the facility with which it is degraded in the fire. Cast steel takes a fine firm edge, and receiving an exquisite polish, of which no other sort of steel is, in so high a degree, susceptible, it is made use of for all the finest cutlery in England ; it is too imperfectly fluid to De cast into small wires. The tenacity of steel ham- mered at a low heat, or even when cold, is considerably increased ; but the effect of the hammering is taken ofl by strong ignition. Tools, therefore, made of cast steel and intended to sustain a good edge, for cutting iron and other metals, are not afterwards softened, but the ignition is carefully regulated at first, as the most useful hardness is produced by that degree of heat which is just suf- ficient to effect the purpose. Cast steel, annealed to a straw colour, is softened nearly as much as other kinds tc a purple or blue. Various methods of hardening steel are resorted to such as oil, tallow, urine, and other saline liquids; soaj in solution produces a similar effect. But when steel L required to possess the greatest degree of hardness, it may be quenched in mercury, which will render it so Lard as to cut glass like a diamond. Wrought iron may be hardened, in a small degree, by MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 279 ignition and plunging into water, but the effect is con- fined to the surface ; except, as very often happens, the iron contains veins of steel. The surest method for selecting steel for edge tools, is, to have one end of the bar drawn out under a low heat, such as an obscure red, and then to plunge it suddenly, at this heat, into a pure cold water. If it prove hard, for instance, if it will easily cut glass, and require a great force to break it, whatever its fracture may be, it is good, the excellence of steel being always proportion- ate to the degree of its tenacity in its hard state : in general a neat curved line fracture, and even grey tex- ture, denote good steel, and the appearance of threads, cracks, or brilliant specks, is a proof of the contrary. If diluted nitrous acid (aquafortis) be applied to the surface of steel previously brightened, it immediately produces a 'black spot, but if applied to iron, in like manner, the metal remains clear. By this method it will be easy to select such pieces of iron or steel as pos- sess the greatest degree of uniformity ; as the smallest vein of either upon the surface, will be distinguished by its peculiar sign. The hardness and polish of steel may be united, in a certain degree, with the firmness and cheapness of malleable iron, by what is called case-hardening, an operation much practised, and of considerable use. It is a superficial conversion of iron into steel, and only differs from cementation in being carried on for a shorter time : some artists pretend to great secrets in the prac- tice of this art', using saltpetre, sal ammoniac, and other fanciful ingredients, to which they attribute their success. Cut it is now an established fact, that the greatest effect may be produced by a perfectly tight box, and animal carbon alone. The goods intended to be case-hardened, being pre- viously finished with the exception of polishing, are stratified with animal carbon, and the box containing them luted with equal parts of sand and clay. They are then placed in the fire, and kept in a light-red heat 280 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. for half an hour, when the contents of he box are emptied into water. Delicate articles may be preserved like files, by a saturated solution of common salt with any vegetable mucilage to give it a pulpy consistence. The carbon here spoken of, is nothing more than any animal matter, such as horns, hoofs, skins, or leather, just sufficiently burnt to admit of being burnt to powder. The box is commonly made of iron, but the use of it for occasional case-hardening upon a small scale may b easily dispensed with ; as it will answer the same end t envelope the articles with the composition above direct- ed to be used as a lute, drying it gradually, before it is exposed to a red heat, otherwise it will probably crack. It is easy to infer, that the depth of thfc steel induced by case-hardening, will vary with the time the operation is continued. In half an hour it will scarcely be the thickness of a six-cent piece, and therefore will be re- moved by the violent abrasion, though sufficient to answer well for fire-irons, &c., in the common usage of which its hardness prevents its being easily scratched, and its polish is preserved by friction with so soft a ma terial as leather. The blueing of steel has a remarkable influence on its elasticity. This operation consists in exposing steel, the surface of which has been brightened, to the regu- lated heat of a plate of metal, or of a fire, or lamp, till the surface has acquired a blue colour. If this blue colour, so commonly considered rather as ornamental than useful, be partially or wholly removed, by grinding or in any other manner, the elasticity is 'proportionately impaired, and the original excellence of this property can only be restored by blueing the steel again. Saw makers first harden their plates in the ustial way, in which state they are brittle and warped ; they then soften them by blazing, which consists in smearing the plate with oil or grease, and heating it till thick vapours are emitted, and burn off with a blaze. They then hammer them flat, and afterwards blue them on a hot ron, which renders them stiff and elastic without alter- ing their flatness. MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 281 Steel expands its dimensions, in a small degree, by hardening. It is a curious fact, that intense cold has an unfavourable effect on steel ; so that, in severe frosls, workmen often find their tools incapable of receiving the temper they wish. A slender rod of wrought iron may be expeditiously converted into steel, by plunging it into cast iron in fu- sion ; a satisfactory proof that cast iron contains the steel- making principle, which, we need not repeat, is carbon. In fact, as it is principally in the superabundance of its carbon that it differs from steel, many attempts, (and not without success,) have been made to convert it into the latter, without the intermediate operation of render- ing it malleable. But the best steel made pursuant tc this idea, is very imperfect. It is, however, not unim- portant to observe, that all cast iron so far resembles steel, as to be hardened in a high degree by sudden cool- ing, which imparts to it, at the same time, whiteness of colour, brittleness, and closeness of texture. This pro- perty of crude^ iron may be advantageously employed or many occasions ; for instance, in the fabrication of axles and collars of wheels, which are closely turned or filec" in a thin soft state, and may afterwards be hardened, so as to wear admirably well. The heat applied to cast iron, previously to its being plunged into the water to harden, is greater than that tc which steel is subjected for the same purpose. Cast iron also, when once hardened, admits not, like steel, of that hardness being reduced, bv various gradations, to any specific degree ; to soften it materially, it must be sub- mitted, for some time, to a complete ignition, and very gradually cooled. ANEALING. Lv a considerable number of instances, bodies which are capable of undergoing ignition, are rendered hard and brittle by sudden cooling. Glass, cast iron, and steel, are the most remarkably affected by this circumstance ; the inconveniences arising from which are obviated by 24* 282 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. cooling them very gradually, and this process is called annealing. Glass vessels are carried into an oven over the great furnace called the leer, where they are per- mitted to cool, in a greater or less time, according to their thickness and bulk. Steel is most effectually anealed by making it red-hot in a charcoal fire, which must completely cover it, and be allowed to go out of its own accord. Cast iron, which may require to be an- nealed in too large a quantity, to render the expense of charcoal very agreeable, may be heated in a cinder fire, which must completely envelope and defend the pieces from the air till they are cold. The fire need not be urged so as to produce more than a red heat; a little beyond this, bars and thin pieces would bend, if destitute of a solid support ; and would even be melted without any vehement degree of heat. If it be required to aneal a number of pieces expeditiously, and the fire is not large enough to take more than one or two of them at once ; or if it be thought hazardous to leave the fire to itself, from an apprehension that the heat jnight increase too much, the following scheme may be adopted : heat as many of the pieces at once as may be convenient, and as soon as they are red-hot, bury them in the dry saw- dust. Cast iron, when anealed, is less liable to warj by a subsequent partial exposure to moderate degree* of heat, than that which has not undergone this opera- tion. The above methods of anealing render cast iron easy to work, but do\ not deprive it of its natural character Cast iron cutlery is, therefore, stratified with some sub- stance containing oxygen, such as poor iron ores, free from sulphur, and kept in a state little short of fusion for twenty-four hours. It is then found to possess a consider- able degree of malleability, and is not unfit for several sorts of nails and edge-tools. Copper forms a remarkable exception to the general rule of anealing. This metal is actually made softer and more flexible by plunging it, when red-hot, into cold water, than by any other means. Gradual cooling p> * dures a contrary effect. MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 283 COPPER. WE refer to the article of chemistry for a minute enu- meration of the whole of the known metals; but in this place, we shall, with the exception of iron, which has already been noticed, introduce a general practical view of the properties, applications, and combinations with each other, of those most frequently occurring in common arts and common life. Making this our plan, the firs object that claims our attention is copper. Copper is a very brilliant, sonorous metal, of a fine colour, possessing a considerable degree of hardness and elasticity. It is extremely malleable, and may be re- duced to leaves so fine, that they may be carried about by the wind. Its tenacity is very great. A wire of one-tenth of an inch in diameter will support a weight equal to 300 Ibs. avoirdupois, without breaking. It does not melt till the temperature is elevated to about 27 of Wedgwood ; or, (by estimation) 14.50 of Fahrenheit. When rapidly cooled, it exhibits a granulated and porous texture. When the texture is raised beyond what is necessary for its fusion, it is sublimed in the form of visi- ble fumes. Its greatest malleability is at a low red heat. None of the malleable metals are so difficult to file, or turn smooth, as copper; but it is cut by the graver, or ground by gritty substances, with great ease. When miners wish to know whether an ore contains copper, they drop a little nitric acid upon it ; after a little lime, they drop a feather into the acid, and wipe it over the polished blade of a knife; if there be the smallest quantity of copper in it, this metal will be pre- cipitated upon the knife, to which it will impart a pecu- liar colour. Roman vitriol, much used by dyers, and in many of the arts, is a sulphate of copper. A solution of this salt is used for browning fowling-pieces and tea-urns, In domestic economy, the necessity of keeping copper vessels perfectly clean, cannot be too strongly inculcated but it is worthy of remark that fat and oily substances and vegetable acids do not attack copper while hot; arid, 284 K MECHANICAL EXERCISES. therefore, copper vessels may be used, for culinary pur- poses, with perfect safety, if no liquor be ever suffered to grow cold in them. The mere tinning of copper and brass vessels does not ajlbrd complete safety, as it is nevei so perfect as to cover every part. Compounds formed by the mixture of two or more different metals are called alloys. The alloys of copper, especially those in which this metal predominates, are more numerous in the arts than those of any other metal. Many of them are perfectly well known, and have been immemorial!)- in use. The exact composition, and particularly the mode of preparing several, are kept as secret as possible. By the aid of chemistry, we may detect the exact composition of an alloy ; yet we may not always be able, by common methods, to produce a mixture having all the excellencies, which perhaps, mere accident has taught the possessor of the secret to combine. Brass is the most important of all the alloys of copper. It is more fusible than copper, less liable to tarnish from exposure to the atmosphere, and its fine yellow colour is more agreeable to the eye. It is much more malleable than copper, when cold, but less malleable when hot; at a low red heat, it crumbles under the hammer. Sieves of extreme fineness are woven with brass wire, after the manner of cambric weaving which could not possibly be made with copper wire. Three parts of copper and one of calamine, or native carbonate of zinc, constitute brass. The calamine is first pounded in a stamping mill, and then washed and sifted, in order to separate the lead with which it is mixed. It is then calcined on a broad, shallow brick earth, over an oven heated to redness, and frequently stewed for some hours. In some places, it is calcined in a kind of kiln, filled with alternate layers of calamine and charcoal, and kindled from the bottom, where a sufficient quantity of wood has been deposited for the purpose. When the calamine has been thoroughly calcined, it is ground in a mill, and mixed at the same time with a third or a fourth part of charcoal, and is MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 283 then ready for the brass furnace. Being put into cru cibles with the requisite proportion of grain copper copper chippings, or refuse bits of various kinds, the whole is covered with charcoal, and the crucibles luted up with a mixture of clay or loam and horse-dung. The heat employed, is, for a considerable time, not sufficient to melt the copper, which is at length raised so as tc fuse, and the compound metal is then run into ingots. In general, the extremes of the highest and lowest proportions of zinc are from twelve to twenty-five per cent, of zinc ; brass is perfectly malleable, if well man- jfactured, though zinc itself scarcely yields to the hammer it common temperatures. Good brass, when received from the foundry, is nearly inelastic, but exceedingly flexible, and when polished, the naked eye cannot discover any pores, which are fre- quently observable in the inferior kinds. The liberal use of the hammer imparts a considerable portion of elasticity to brass, and renders it at the same time less flexible. Clock-makers, watch-makers, and all artists who employ this metal, put it in forms that admit of hammer- ing it well before they turn or file it ; otherwise their work would wear indifferently, and a trifling cause injure its figure. Brass is not malleable when ignited. Hammering is found to give a magnetic property to brass, perhaps occasioned by the minute particles of iron separated from the hammer and the anvil during the process, and forced into its surface. This circumstance makes it necessary to employ unhammered brass for compass boxes and similar apparatus. Five or six parts of copper and one of zinc, form a pinchbeck. Tombac has still more copper, and is of a deeper red than pinchbeck. Prince's metal is a similar compound, excepting that it contains more zinc than either of the former. The alloys of copper with different proportions of tin, are of great importance in the arts. They form com- pounds which have distinct and appropriate uses. Tip renders copper more fusible, less liable to rust, harder 286 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. denser, and more sonorous. Copper and tin separately are not more remarkable for their ductility, than, when united, the compounds they form are for their brittleness. Eight to ten .parts of tin, combined with one hundred parts of copper, form bronze, which is of a greyish yellow colour, harder than copper, and the usual compo- sition for statues. The customary proportions for bell-metal are, three parts of copper and one of tin. The greater part of the tin may be separated by melting the alloy, and then throwing a little water upon it. The tin decomposes the water, is oxidized, and thrown upon the surface. The proportion of tin in bell-metal is varied a little at differ- ent foundries, and for different sorts of bells. Less tin is used for large bells than smaller ones, and for very small ones, a trifling quantity of zinc is used, which renders the composition uiore sonorous, and it is still further improved in this respect by a little silver being added. A small quantity of antimony is occasionally found in bell-metal. When copper, brass, and tin, are used to form bell-metal, the copper is from seventy to eighty per cent, including the proportion contained in the brass, and the remainder is tin and zinc. When tin is nearly one- third of the alloy, it is then beautifully white, with a lustre almost like mercury, extremely hard, close-grained, and brittle; but when the proportion of tin is one-half, it possesses these properties in a still more remarkable degree, and is susceptible of so exquisite a polish, as to be admirably adapted for the speculums of telescopes. If more tin be added than amounts to half the weight of the copper, the alloy begins to lose that splendid whiteness for which it is so valuable as a mirror, and becomes of a blue grey. As the quantity of tin is in- reased, the texture becomes rough-grained, and totally unfit for manufacture. OF TIN. TIN is a metal of considerable importance in the arts. It is of a silver-white colour, very Ductile, malleable, and MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 287 gives out while bending, a peculiar crackling noise. Its specific gravity is 7.291 ; a cubic foot weighs about 516 Ibs. avordupois. Its purity is in proportion to its levity. It melts at the 400th degree of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, and promotes the fusibility of the metals with which it is mixed. Two parts lead and one of tin form plumbers' solder, which melts sooner than either of the metals separately. Eight parts of bismuth, five of lead, and three of tin, form a metal which melts at a heat not exceeding that of boiling water. Tin is used to form boilers for dyers, and worms for rectifiers' stills. The common mixture for pewter is 112 Ibs. of tin, 15 Ibs. of lead, and 6 Ibs. of brass. But the name of pewter is given to any malleable white alloy into which tin largely enters; and perhaps no two manu- facturers employ the same ingredients in the same pro- portions. The finest kinds of pewter contain no lead whatever ; but consist of tin, with a small quantity of antimony, and sometimes, a little copper. Pewter may be used for vessels containing wine, and even vinegar provided the tin constitutes three-fifths of the alloy. The consumption of tin, in the operation called tinning, is very considerable. The principal secret in tinning is, to preserve the tin and surface of the metal to which it is intended to be applied, perfectly clean, and in a pure metallic state. Thin plates or sheets of iron, which, when coated with tin, are so well known under the name of tin-plates, white iron, or latten, are prepared by scouring them with sand. They are then immersed iu water, acidulated with sulphuric acid, in which they are kept for twenty-four hours, being occasionally turned during that time, so that they may rust equally in every part. When taken out, they are scoured, and made perfectly clean; they are then dipped in pure water, and kept till wanted for tinning. The tin is melted in an iron crucible, narrow, but deeper than the length of the iron plates, which are plunged in downright, so that the tin swims over them. The surface of the tin, to prevent its oxidation, is covered with some oily or resin ous matter. 288 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. Reaumur states, that the Germans cover it with suel previously prepared by frying and burning, which sur- prisingly puts the iron in a condition to receive the tin. The melted tinmust also have a certain degree of heat. If not hot enough, it will not adhere to the iron ; and, if it be too hot, the coat will be very thin, and the plates discoloured. Plates intended to have a very thick coat, are -first dipped into the crucible when the tin is very hot, and afterwards, when it is cooler. For the second dipping, the suet must not be prepared, but used in its common state. The tin not only adheres to the surface of iron plates, but penetrates, and intimately combines with them. Copper is tinned after it has been formed into utensils. If the copper be new, its surface is first scoured with salt and diluted sulphuric acid ; pulverised resin is then thrown over the interior of the vessel, into which, after heating it to a considerable degree, a sufficient quantity of melted tin is poured, and spread upon it, by means of a rod of hard-twisted flax ; which renders the coating uniform. Pure tin is rarely used for this purpose; it is generally, though injuriously, alloyed with a small pro- portion of lead. The use of the resin is important ; for the heat given to the copper is sufficient to oxidize its surface in some degree ; and an alteration of this sort, however slight, would prevent the perfect adhesion of the tin. The resin is equally useful in preventing the partial oxidation of the tin, or in reviving the small par- ticles of oxide which may be formed during the ope- ration. For tinning old vessels a second time, the surface is first scraped clean and bright with a steel instrument, 01 scoured with iron scales, then pulverised salammoniac is strewed over it, and the melted tin is rubbed on the sur face with a solid piece of salammoniac. The process for covering iron vessels with tin, corre- sponds with that last described ; but they ought to be previously cleaned with the muriatic acid, instead of being scraped or scoured. Iron nails which cannot b* MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 289 conveniently tinned in a bath, are easily covered with tin by including them, with a due proportion of tin and salammoniac, in a stone bottle, and agitating them while heating and cooling. The following method of tinning is highly esteemed for its permanency and beauty : the utensil is cleaned in the usual manner ; its inner surface is beaten on a rough anvil, or scratched with a wire-brush, that the tinning may adhere more closely to the copper ; and one coat of fine tin is then laid on with salammoniac as abfcve directed for tinning old copper. A second coat consisting of two parts of tin and three of zinc, must next be uniformly applied with salammoniac, in a similar manner : the sur- face is now to be beaten; scoured with chalk and water; smoothed with a proper hammer ; exposed to a moderate heat ; and lastly dipped in melted tin. This sort of tin- ning effectually prevents the utensils from rusting. Pins are whitened by filling a pan with alternate lay- ers of them and grain-tin. A solution of super-tartrate )f potass, (cream of tartar) is then poured upon them, and they are boiled for four or five hours. The tartaric acid first dissolves the tin, and then gradually deposits it on the surface of the pins, in consequence of its greater affinity for the zinc which enters into the composition of the brass wire. There are two kinds of tin known in commerce ; viz. block tin, and grain tin. Block tin is procured from the common tin ore ; grain tin is found, in small particles, in what is called stream tin ore. It owes its superiority not only to the purity of the ore, but to the care with which it is washed and refined. OF LEAD. LEAD unites with most of the metals. It has little elasticity, and is the softest of them all. Gold and silver are dissolved by it in a slight red heat ; but, when the heat is much increased, the lead separates, and rises to the surface of the gold, combined with all heterogeneous 25 T 290 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. matters. This property of lead is made use of in the art of refining the precious metals. If lead be heated so as to boil and smoke, it soon dis- solves pieces of copper thrown into it: the mixture, when cold, is brittle. The union of these two metals is remarkably slight ; for, upon exposing the mass to a heat no greater than that in which lead melts, the lead almost entirely runs off by itself. This process, which is peculiar to lead with copper, is called eJiquation. It has lately been discovered, that a certain preparalion of lead may be mixed with the metal formerly used for white metal buttons, without injuring the appearance; thus affording a considerable addition of profit to the manufacturer. The consumption of lead for water-pipes, cisterns, and to cover buildings, is very extensive. Sheet-lead is made by suffering the melted metal to run out of a box through a long horizontal slit, upon a table prepared for the pur- pose. The table is generally covered with sand, and the box is drawn over it by appropriate ropes and pul- leys, leaving the melted lead behind, to congeal in the desired form. The requisite uniformity and thinness are given to these sheets, by rolling them between two cylin- ders of iron, acting upon the same principle as the cop- per-plate printing-press. The alloy of lead and antimony is used for printers* types. Chaptal made a great variety of experiments to ascertain the best proportions of these metals to each other for this use. He always found four parts of lead and one of antimony form the most perfect composition. But, if the antimony be pure, one part of it, to seven or eight of lead, form an alloy too brittle to be extended under the hammer, and as hard as the generality of types. To g^'ve hardness to the lead, is not the only use of antimony in this composition. It renders the lead more fusible, more fluid when melted, and, as it expanda in passing to a solid state, it is calculated to produce a sharper impression of the mould than could be easily obtained by lead alone. Antimony, (which in trade is MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 291 sometimes called regulus of antimony, or regulus, only,} requires, when alone, much more heat for its fusion than lead, in combining with which metal, as it is little more than half its weight, it rises to the surface, and requires to be well stirred before it will incorporate. Different parts of the same block of type-metal often possess dif- ferent degrees of hardness. In melting lead for shot, a email quantity of arsenic is added, to cause it to run into spherical drops. The arsenic is generally added in ex- cess to a small quantity of lead, which is covered and closely luted till the incorporation is complete. The compound is called slag, or poisoned metal. Ingots of this slag are then added to soft pig-lead, in such propor- tion as is found, upon trial, to cause it to drop in a globu- lar form. The surface of melted lead, as every one knows, be- comes quickly covered with a skin or pellicle, often assuming different lively hues at first, and subsequently increasing in quantity and darkness of colour. This effect is termed by chemists, oxidation, as it is occasioned by the action of oxygen of the atmosphere, the activity of which is greater in proportion to the heat of the lead, and wastes the metal so fast, that it becomes an object of importance to those who melt much lead, to check its formation, or to convert it, when formed, by the cheapest process into the metallic state again. A thick coating of ashes of any kind will check the formation of the oxide, and may be easily pushed back, when a quantity of lead must be taken out of the crucible or melting-pan. Charcoal, which is also a good covering for lead hi the pan, will convert dross into metal, when assisted oy a sufficient heat ; fat, oily, and bituminous substances in general, have a similar effect. Common resin answers exceeding well ; thrown in powder upon melted lead, and stirred about, it immediately converts the oxide into metal, causes the surface to shine like mercury, and if any thing remains, it is only a black dirt, with small globules of pure lean, skimmed off at the same time, yet mixed with it; by throwing it into water, stirring it thoroughly 292 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. and pouring off all that does not immediately sink, these grains may be separated. If part of what appears to be dirt, is found to be so heavy, as instantly to sink to the bottom of water, it may be suspected to be true dross or oxide, and may be revived by mixing it with charcoal, and exposing it to a considerable heat. It is always, however, more prudent and economical to use means oil preventing the formation of oxide, than to bestow much time upon its revival. Lead becomes less fluid every time it is melted, and by much or frequent exposure to a high "temperature, a state "in -which it is said to be rotten, is superinduced. To use new lead, and not melt it oftener, or expose it to a greater heat than is indispensable, are necessary pre- cautions to preserve this metal in its best state. Plumbers, when they cast it into sheets, strew common salt upon the table, to facilitate its spreading, when they are not using new lead, and are for that, or any other reason, apprehensive that it will not run well. The observations above recited on the management of lead, apply with equal propriety, to tin, antimony, zinc, bismuth, &c., and all the alloys of these metals with lead or each other. In fact, as lead is so much cheaper than the other metals just enumerated, the ob- ject of saving it from destruction is proportionately of less consequence. OF ZINC. Ziivc is a very combustible metal, of a bluish, brilliant white colour. It seems to form the link between the brittle and the malleable metals. It is a modern dis- covery, that at a temperature of from 210 to 300 of Fahrenheit, it yields to the hammer, may T>e drawn into wire, or extended into sheets. After having been thus annealed, it continues soft, flexible, and extensible, and does not return to its partial brittleness; thus admitting of being applied to many uses for which zinc was for- merly deemed unfit. There can now be KK> difficulty in forming zinc inte MECHANICAL EXERCISES. '^93 sheathing for the bottoms of ships, into vessels of capa- city, water pipes, and utensils for various manufactories. As an internal lining for ordinary vessels, instead of tin, it has been applied with success. It is much harder and cheaper than tin, and may be spread very uniformly. Zinc at a very elevated temperature, may be pulver- ized. It may also, like several other metals, be minutely divided, by pouring it, when in fusion, into water. These are the most convenient means of reducing it into small particles. Files have no considerable action upon it ; besides, it wears and chokes them up in a short time. Zinc, in filings or small particles, is used to produce those brilliant stars and spangles which are seen in the best artificial fire-works ; but the filings of cast iron produce, at a cheaper rate, an effect scarcely inferior. Calamine, or lapis calaminarus, used in converting copper into brass, is found in masses and in a crystallized state, and is generally combined with a large portion of silex. It is a native oxide of zinc, combined with car- bonic acid. Zinc is also found in an ore called blena, or as the miners term it, Black Jack. It is a sulphuret of zinc : in Wales, it was employed formerly in mending the roads. SOLDERING. To unite two pieces of the same or different metals, by fusing some metallic substance upon them, is called soldering. It is a general rule, that the solder should be easier of fusion than the metal to be soldered by it. It is, in the next place, desirable, though seldom absolutely necessary, nor always attempted, that the solder and the metal to which it is intended to be applied, should be of the same colour, and of the same degree of hardness and malleability. Solders are distinguished into two different classes, viz. the hard and the soft solders. For the hard solders, which are ductile, and admit of being hammered, some of the same sort of metal as that to be soldered, is, in the greatest number of instances, alloyed with 25* 294 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. other which increases its fusibility. Some of the facts already detailed, respecting the metals, prove that the addition made with this view need not always be itself easier of fusion. The solder for platina is gold, and the expense of it will, therefore, contribute to hinder the general use of platina vessels, even in chemical experiments. The hard solder for gold, is composed of gold and silver: gold and copper; or gold, silver, and copper Goldsmiths usually make four kinds, viz. solder of eight, in which, to seven parts of silver, there is one of brass or copper ; solder of six, where only a sixth part is cop- per ; solder of four, and solder of three. But many who may have occasion to solder gold, cannot encumber them- selves with these varieties. For general purposes, therefore, the following composi- tion may be provided ; melt two parts of gold, with one )f silver and one of copper; stir the mass well to make it uniform, add a little borax in powder, and pour it out immediately. If cast into very thin narrow slips, it will be the more handy for subsequent use. To cleanse gold which has been soldered, heat it almost to ignition, let it cool, and then boil it in urine and sal ammoniac. The hard solder for silver may be prepared by melting two parts of silver with one of brass. It must not be kept long in fusion, lest the zinc of the brass fly off iu fumes. If the silver to be soldered, be alloyed with much copper, the proportion of brass may be increased ; for example, the following composition may be used ; foui parts of silver and three of brass, rendered easy of fusion by a sixteenth part of zinc. Silver which has been sol- dered, may be cleaned by heating it, and letting it cool, as directed for gold, but it must be boiled in alum water The hard solder for copper and brass, is a soft fusible sort of granulated brass, known to artists by the name of speltre. It consists of brass mixed with an eighth, or a sixth, or even one-half of zinc. The braziers use no other kind of hard solder. As sptltre melts sooner than common brass, it serves for the solder of the latter as well as for copper. MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 295 Standard silver makes an excellent solder for brass; ft is more fusible than speltre, proportionately easier to manage, and equally as durable. A slight demand "for silver solder, may, to many, be supplied at a cheap rate, in consequence of the number of the small silver articles in use, and which are frequently wearing out. Iron may be soldered with copper, gold, or silver Brass or speltre is most commonly used, and the opera- tion is then called brazing; but a carbonate of the same metal, viz. the dark grey or most fusible sort of pig iron called No. 1, is the most durable solder that can be used. The pig iron loses some brittleness, and the malleable metal becomes harder in the proximity of the parts soldered. The parts upon which hard solder is intended to ope- rate, are touched with a finely powdered borax moistened wHh water. They must, also, as in all soldering and tihning operations, be perfectly clean. The borax quickly running into a kind of glass, promotes the fusion of the solder, and preserves from oxidation the surfaces to which it is applied. The pieces intended to be sol- dered, are fastened together with iron wire, or secured by some contrivance having the same effect. Speltre being composed of so many grains, is apt to spread when the borax boils up ; but just as it becomes fused, the workmen bring it to the place where it is wanted, by a slender iron rod. The flame of a lamp, directed by a blow-pipe against the solder covering the intended joint, which must be laid upon charcoal, is sufficient for small things. For large work, a -common culinary fire may bo made to effect the desired fusion, though a forge is still more convenient. The fire should not touch the work, nor the ashes be allowed if fall upon it. The soft solders melt easily, but are partly brittle, and therefore cannot be Hammered. The solder for lead is usually composed of two parts of lead and one of tin. Its goodness is tried by melting it, and pouring about the size of a crown-piece upon a table ; little shining stars will arise upon it, if it is good. By diminishing tta 296 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. proportion of lead, we form what is called stray solder j we may also increase the proportion, which is advisable when we wish to solder vessels for containing acids because lead is not so easily corroded or dissolved as tin, The lining of tea-chests has been used for solder, as it sometimes comes mixed about the right proportion. These valuable portions of tea-lead may be distinguished by their brilliancy, having suffered little from oxidation ; also, when they principally consist of tin, by the crack- ing noise while bending; which is peculiar to this metal, and some of the alloys into which it largely enters. The solder for tin may consist of four parts of pewter, one of tin, and one of bismuth, or two parts of tin, and one of lead : the latter is a composition much used. The soldering-iron of the tin-plate workers is an ingot of copper, flattened at the point, in a pyramidal form : it is screwed or riveted to an iron stem fastened to a wooden handle. The copper is seldom more than four or five inches ,ong, and when it is worn away, the snrre stem and handle are used for another piece. The bai of copper is prepared for use, by filing it bright, and tin- ning it ; when sufficiently hot, it will melt and take up the solder, so as to afford a ready means of applying it to the intended juncture. Powdered rosin, and some- times pitch, is used along with the soft solders, to pre- serve the metals employed from oxidation. Tin-foil, applied between the joints of fine brass-work, first wetted with a solution of sal ammoniac, and held firmly together while heated, makes an excellent junc- ture, care being taken to avoid too much heat. OF GLUE. To prepare glue, it must be steeped for a number of hours, over night, for instance, in cold water, by which means it will become considerably swelled and softened. It must then be gently boiled, till it is entirely dissolved, and of a consistence not too thick to be easily brushed sver wood. About a quart of water may be used tp MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 297 half a pound of glue. The heat employed in melting glue should not be more than is required to make watei boil ; and to avoid burning it, the workmen, as is vveL' known, suspend the vessel containing it in another vessel containing only water, which latter vessel is made in the form of a common tea-kettle without a spout, and alont receives the direct action of the fire. The circumstances most favourable to the best effect! which glue can produce, in uniting two pieces of wood. are the following: that the glue should be thoroughly dissolved, and used boiling hot at the first or s* -.ond melt- ing: that the wood should be warm and p' .fectly dry; and a very thin covering of glue be inte posed at the juncture, and that the surfaces to be united, be strongly pressed together, and left in that state in a warm but not hot situation, till the glue be completely hard. In veneering, and for very delicate work, the whole of these requisites, as they not only ensure the strongest, but the j;lue sets the soonest, should be combined in the opera- tion ; but on some occasions this is impossible, and, there- fore, the most essential must be regarded, such as the fitness of the glue, and dryness of the wood. When the faces of joints, particularly those that cannot be much compressed, have been besmeared with glue, which should always be done with the greatest expedition, they should be rubbed lengthwise one upon another, two or three times, to settle them close. When glue, by repeatedly heating it, has become of a dark and almost black colour, its qualities are impaired ; when newly melted, it is of a light ruddy brown colour, nearly like that of the dry cake held up to the light ; and while this colour remains, it may be considered fit tor almost every purpose. Though glue which has been melted is the most suitable for use, other circumstances being the same, yet that which has been the longest manufactured is the best. To try the goodness of glue, steep a piece three or four days in cold water; if it swell considerably without melting, and when taken out resumes, in a short time, its former dryness, it is excel- 298 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. lent. If it be soluble in cold water, it is a proof that it wants strength. A glue which does not dissolve in water, may be ob- tained by melting a common glue with the 'smallest possible quantity of .water, and adding by degrees lin- seed oil rendered drying by boiling it with litharge; while the oil is added, the ingredients must be well stirred to incorporate them thoroughly. A glue which will resist water, in a considerable de- gree, is made by dissolving common glue in skimmed milk. Finely lixiviated chalk added to the common solution of glue in water, constitutes an addition that strengthens it, and renders it suitable for boards, or other things which must stand the weather. A glue that will hold against fire or water, may be prepared by mixing a handful of quick-lime with four ounces of linseed oil : thoroughly lixiviate the mixture, boil it to a good thickness, and then spread it on tin plates in the shade; it will become exceedingly hard, but may be dissolved over a fire, as ordinary glue, and is then fit for use. THE COMMON SLIDING RULE. THE divisors inserted in the following table, and the few plain directions and examples given, will now render it capable of being applied to every purpose that any artificer can possibly want. And by taking a copy of the table upon a piece of'parchment, and carrying it always in the pocket, these divisors will be at hand: and the weight or measure required may be obtained. Description of the lines upon the slide rule. UPON the sliding rule of this rule are four lines mark- ed A, B, C, and D. The three marked A, B, and C art double lines of numbers, one of which is upon the rule, and the other two are upon the slide. That marked JJ is a single line of numbers, commonly called the girt line. MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 299 Numeration. 1 HESF four lines are divided as follows: each of the double lines marked A, B, and C are figured 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9; then again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 at the end. And these figures may be increased or de- creased in the value, but always in a tenfold proportion, at pleasure; thus one at the beginning may be called either 1, or 10, or 100, or 1000, and then the one in the middle of the rule must be called 10, 100, 1000 or 10,000. Observe, from one to two is divided into 10 parts, and each tenth is subdivided into 5 parts, and from 2 to 3 is divided into ten parts, and each tenth into 2 parts, and from 3 to 4 and so on to 10 is divided into 10 parts only The girt line, marked D, is figured 4, 5, (>, 7, 8, 0, 10 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 at the end. And tht figures and divisors are valued in tenfold proportion, as above. As there have been so many books published for the use of this RULE, it is unnecessary to say much upon the subject; because when numeration is properly under- stood, any person, from these plain directions, may per- form any operation, in superficial and solid mensurations, that may be wanted in the common course of business, and, with the assistance of these divisors, may find the weight of any of the articles contained in the table. A TABLE OF DIVISORS For the use of the common single Sliding Rule. The first column contains the divisors for dimensions that are taken feet long, feet wide, and feet thick. The second column is for dimensions that are taken feet long, inches wide and thick. The third column is for dimen- sions that are taken inches long, inches wide, and inches thick. The fourth is a column of divisors for dimensions that 300 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. are taken feet long, and inches diameter. The fifth column Is for dimensions that are taken inches long and diameter. The six.h is a column of divisors or diameters, taken in feet. The seventh column is for diameters takeu in inches. Square. Cylinders. Globes. 1st 36 625 835 102 10 108 507 938 738 12 112 860 129 139 137 136 370 394 4!)5 795 108 94 963 151 2d. 518 9 12 147 144 1565 735 136 122 174 163 126 186 2 135 183 53 57 72 114 158 136 152 22 3d. 624 108 145 176 174 183 83 157 127 207 196' 152 222 241 235 22 637 69 860 138 190 164 169 [263 4th. 660 114 153 188 184 199 96 173 132 221 207 162 235 254 25 233 725 728 92 146 2 175 194 285 5th. 799 138 183 224 22 238 118 208 162 265 247 194 283 304 300 278 81 873 10 17G 237 208 214 236 6th. 625 119 16 196 191 207 939 173 141 23 214 169 247 265 261 239 72 755 95 151 208 18 186 287 7th 113 206 276 335 329 358 180 354 242 397 371 289 423 458 454 418 121 132 164 262 355 336 32 5t. Cubic Feet . ... Wine Gallons Water in Ib Oil in Ib . G'Jdinlb Lead Ib Cast Iron and Speltre Ib. .... Tin Ib - Steel Ib . Marble Ib Brick Ib Coal Ib Dry Oak Ib Box Ib y Red Deal Ib .... EXAMPLES. EXAMPLE 1. Required the content in cubic inches of piece of timber 2 feet long, 12 inches wide, and 1*4 inches thick ; see the preceding table of divisors in the line of cubic inches, second column, and you will fina the divisor for feet long, inches wide, and inches thick is 518, set 2, which is the length upon B, to 518, the divi- MECHANICAL EXERCISES. 301 sor upon A, against 12, which is the breadth and thickness upon D, 345G, which is the content in inches on C. Ex. 2 Having the dimensions of an unequal sided piece of timber given to find the mean square, which must be done in all cases where the breadth and thick- ness are unequal. What is the square of a piece of timber 16 inches broad, and four inches thick? Set 16, the breadth on C, to 16 on D, and against 4, the thick- ness on C is 8 inches the square on D. Ex. 3. Required the content of a piece of cast iron 24 inches long and 12 square; see the preceding table in the line cast iron and speltre, third column, is divisor 241 ; set 24 on B to 241 on A, and against 12 on D is S96 on C. Ex. 4. Required the weight of a piece of cast iron circular 24 inches and 12 diameter: see the preceding table, fifth column, in the line cast iron and speltre is 304 the divisor; set length on B to the divisor on A, and against the diameter on D is 708 Ibs. the content on C. Ex. 5. Required the weight of a ball or globe in cast iron 12 inches in diameter; see the preceding table, seventh column, in the line cast iron and speltre is 458, the divisor; set 12 the diameter on B to 458, the divisor on A, and against 12 inches diameter on D, is 235 the content on C. Ex. 6. Required the content of a piece of timber 1 inch long and 12 inches diameter ; see the preceding table, in the line cubic inches, fifth column, under cylin- ders, the divisor is 799 ; set 1 inch, the length on B, to 799 on A, and against 12 inches the diameter on D, is 113, the content on C. Observe, when the slide stands in this position it is a table of areas of all circles, D being diameters, or the squares of diameters, and C being areas or superficial inches. Ex. 7. Required the content of a piece of land, 70 yards long, by 70 wide ; set 4840 on A, the number of yards in an acre, to 70 the length on B, and against 70 the width on A is 1.01 on B. Ex. 8. Rquired the content of a piece of land, 40 302 MECHANICAL EXERCISES. poles long, and 5 poles wide; set 160, the number p5 poles in an acre on A, to 40 the length on B, and againsl 5, the width on A is 1.25 or 1 acre on B. Ex. 9. Required the diameter of a circle, whose area is equal an ellipsis or oval, 32 by 22 inches diameter set 32 on C, to 32 on D, and against 22 on C is 20.6 nearly on D. Ex. 10. Required the side of a square equal in pro- portion to a parallelogram or long square, 32 by 22 inches; set 32 on C to 32 on D, and against 22 on C is 2C.6 the mean proportion on D. Ex. 11. Required the content in roods of a piece of walling, 25 feet long, and 10 feet high; set 63, which is the number of feet in a rood on A, to 25 the length on B, and against 10, the height on A is 4 roods nearly on B Ex. 12. Required the content in roods of a piece of walling, 876 feet long, and 5 feet high ; set 272^, which is the area in feet of a rood on A, to 876 the length on B, and against 5, the height on A are 16 roods nearly on B. CRANK Ex. 14. Required the power of a crane handle suf- ficient to balance a weight of 6000 Ibs. hung on a paii of blocks 3 pulleys each, the wheel and roller bearing such proportion as 2 is to 20 in diameter, and the handle and pinion bearing such proportion as 1 is to 10 in radius. Begin first with the weight and pulleys, and say if 6 pul- icys give 6000 Ibs., 1 pulley or roller'will give 1000; or set 6, the number of pulleys on B, to 6000, the number of pounds on A, and against 1 roller on B is 1000 on A, then say if 2, the inches diameter of the roller or axle give 1000, the number of pounds being on it, or the weight over the 6 pulleys, equal to 1000 Ibs. then 20 inches, the diameter of the wheel, will be equal to, m pared with that of another. 3. decelerated motion i when the velocity continually increases. 4. Retarded motion is when the velocity continually decreases ; and the motion is said to be uniformly re- tarded, when it decreases equally in equal times. 5. The velocity of uniform motion is estimated by the time employed in moving over a certain space ; or, which amounts to the same thing, by the space moved over in a certain time. 6. To ascertain the velocity, divide the space run over by the time. 7. To ascertain the space run over, multiply the veloci- ty by the time. 8. In accelerated motion, the space run over is as the square of the time, instead of being directly as the time, as in uniform motion. 9. A body acted upon by only one force, will always move in a straight line. 10. Bodies acted upon by two single impulses, whether equal or unequal, will also describe a right line. 11. But when a body is acted upon by one uniform force, or single impulse, and another accelerated or re- tarded lorce, the two forces will cause it to describe a 312 \BSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 12. The curve described by a body projected from the earth, and drawn down by the action of gravity, would in an unresisting medium, be that of a parabola ; bu from the resistance of the air, which, when the velocity is very great, will often amount to one hundred times the weight of the projectile, the curve really described approaches more nearly to that of a hyperbola. 13. The momentum of a body is the force with which it moves, and is in proportion to the weight, or quantity of matter, multiplied into its velocity. 14. The actions of bodies on each other are always equal, and exert in opposite directions ; so that any body acting upon another, loses as much force as it commu nicates. CENTRAL FORCES. 1. THE central forces are the centrifugal and the centripetal forces. 2. The centrifugal force is the tendency which bodies that revolve round a centre, have to fly from it in a tangent to the curve they move in, as a stone from a sling. The centripetal force is that which prevents a body from flying off, by impelling it towards the centre, as the attraction of gravitation. CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 1. THE centre of gravity is that point in a body about which all its parts exactly balance each other in every position. 2. A vertical line passing through the centre of gra- vity of a body, is called the line of direction. 3. When the line of direction falls within the base of a body, that body cannot descend ; but if it falls without the base, the body will fall. THE LEVER. 1. THERE are three kinds of levers, the difference between which is constituted by the difference in the ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 313 situation of the fulcrum, and the power with respect tn each other. In the first kind of lever, the fulcrum is placed between the power and the weight. In the second kind of lever, the fulcrum is at one end, the power at the other, and the weight between them. In the third kind of lever, the power is applied between the fulcrum and the weight. 2. In all these levers, the power is to the weight, as the distance of the weight from the fulcrum is to tha of the power from the fulcrum. 3. A bent or hammer lever., differs only in the form from a lever of the first kind. 4. Scissors, pincers, snuffers, and the common iron screw, are all levers of the first kind. 5. The strutvra or Roman steel-yard, is a lever of the first kind, with a moveable weight 6. A balance is also a lever of the first kind with equal arms ; a perfect balance should combine the fol- lowing requisites. I. The arms of the beam should be exactly equal, both ;is to weight and length, and should at the same time be as long as possible, relatively to their thickness. 2. The points from which the scales are suspended, should be in a right line, passing through the centre of gravity of the beam. 3. The fulcrum ought to be a little higher than the centre of gravity. 4. The axis of motion should be formed with an edge like a knife, and, with the rings and other bearing parts, should be very hard and smooth. 5. The pivots, which form the axis of motion, should be in a straight line, and at right angles to the beam. 7. The best balances are not calculated to determine weights with certainty to more than five places of figures. 8. The oars and rudders of vessels are levers of the second order ; a pair of bellows, nut-crackers, &c. are composed of two levers of the same kind. 9. The third kind of lever is used as little as possible, on account of the disadvantage to the moving power, the intensity of which must always exceed the resistance 27 314 ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. yet in some cases this disadvantage is over-balanced by the quickness of its operations, and the small compass in which it is exerted ; hence its fitness for the bones of the arm, arid the limbs of animals generally. 10. In compound levers, the power is to the weight, in a ratio compounded of the several ratios which these powers that can sustain the weight by the half of each lever, when used singly and apart from the rest, have to the weight. THE PULLEY. 1 PULLEYS are of two kinds, fixed and moveable. 2. The fixed pulley only turns upon its axis, and affords no mechanical advantage; therefore, when the powei and the weight are equal, they balance each other. It is used for the convenience of changing the direction of a motion. 3. The moveable pulley not only turns upon its axis, bu* rises and falls with the weight. 4. Every moveable pulley may be considered as hang ing by two ropes equally stretched, and wi.ich, conse> quently, being equal portions of the weight, therefore each pulley of this sort doubles the power. 5. A pulley of one spiral groove upon a truncated cone as the fusee of a watch, is calculated to maintain a con- stant equilibrium or relation between two powers, the relative forces of which are continually changing. WHEEL AND AXLE. 1. TKE power must be to the weight, in order to pro- duce an equilibrium, as the circumference of the wheel is to the circumference of the axle. 2. As the diameters of different circles bear the same proportion to each other that their respective circum- ferences do, the power is also to the weight as the diam- eter of the wheel, to the diameter of the axle. 3. If one wheel move another of equal circumference no power will be gained, as they will both move equalli fast. ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 3l5 4. But if one wheel move another of different diame- ter, whether larger or smaller, the velocities with which they move will be inversely as their diameters, circum- ferences, or number of teeth. 5. The wheel and axle may be considered as a per- petual lever, from the constant renewal of the points of suspension and resistance. The fulcrum is the centre of the axis, the longer arm is the radius of the wheel, and the shorter arm the radius of the axis. G. The crane, and many other machines, of the first consequence, are composed principally of the wheel and axle. THE INCLINED PLANE. 1. THE power and the weight balance each other, when the former is to the latter as the height of the plane to its length. 2. In estimating the draught of a wagon, or other vehicle, up-hill, the draught on the level must be added; so that, if the hill rises one foot in four, one fourth part of the weight must be added to the draught on level ground. THE WEDGE. 1. WHEN the resistance acts perpendicularly to the sides, that is, when the wedge does not cleave at any distance, there is an equilibrium between the resistance and the power, when the latter is to the former as half the thickness of the back of the wedge is to the length of one of its sides. 2. When the resistance on each side acts parallel to the back, that is, when the wedge cleaves at some dis- tance, the power is to the resistance as the whole icngth of the back to double its perpendicular height. 3. The thinner the wedge, the greater its power. 4. The further a wedge is driven into, any material, the greater also is its power, the sides of the cleft aiFord- ing it the advantage of operating upon two levers. 5. Axes, spades, chisels, knives, and all instruments 316 ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. which begin with edges or points, and grow gradually thicker, act on the principle of the wedge. THE SCREW. 1. THE screw is an inclined plane encompassing the cylinder. 2. It is generally used with a lever ; and the power is to the weight, as the distance from one thread or spiral to another is to the circumference of the circle described by the power. 3. The friction of the screw is very great, a circum- stance that occasions this machine to sustain a weight or press upon a body, after the power by which it was impelled is removed. -> 4. A screw cut on an axle to serve as a pinion, is called an endless screw. 5. The endless screw is very useful, either in converting a very rapid motion into a slow one, or vice versa, as for each of its revolutions the wheel moves but one-tenth. COMPOUND MACHINES. 1. IN all machines, simple as well as compound, what is gained in power is lost in time ; but the loss of time is compensated by convenience. 2. The mechanical power of an engine may be known by measuring the space described in the same time by the power and the resistance or weight ; or by multiply- ing into each other the several proportions subsisting between the power and the weight, in every simple me- chanical power of which it is composed. 3. The power of a machine is not altered by varying the S:LO of the wheels, provided the proportion produced by the multiplication of the power of the several parts remains the same. 4. In constructing machines, simplicity of parts and uniformity of motion should be particularly studied. 5. The teeth of wheels should always be made as numerous as possible ; and when great strength is re- quired, it should be obtained by increasing the width or thickness of the wheel. ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 3 1 1 6. The use of the crank is one of the best modes of converting a reciprocating into a rotatory motion, and vice versa. FLY-WHEELS. 1. A fly-wheel is a reservoir of power, and is employed to equalize the motion of a machine. 2. This equalization of the motion is the only source of the advantage of a fly, which can impart no power it has not received. 3. When a fly is used merely as a regulator, it should be near the first mover ; if intended to accumulate force in the working point, it should not be separated far from that point. FRICTION. 1. FRICTION is occasioned by the roughness and cohe- sion of bodies. 2. It is in general equal to between one-half and one- fourth of the weight or force with which bodies are pressed together. 3. It is increased in a small degree by an increase of the surfaces in contact. 4. It is increased to an extraordinary degree, by pro- longing the time of contact. 5. Two metals of the same kind have more friction than two different metals. 6. Steel and brass are the two metals which have the least friction upon each other. 7. The general rule for lessening friction consists in substituting the rolling for the sliding motion. MEN AND HORSES, CONSIDERED AS FIRST MOVERS. 1. Lv turning a wrench, a man exerts his strength in different proportions at different parts of the circle. The force is, when he pulls the handle up from the height of tiis knee ; and the least when he thrusts from him hori- zontally. '27* 318 ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 2. When two handles are used to an axle, one at each extremity, they should be fixed at right angles to each other. 3. The art of Cc. Tying large burdens, consists in keep ing the column of the body as directly under the weight and as upright as possible. 4. The horse exerts his force to the greatest advan tage in drawing or carrying up a hill. 5. The force with which a horse works, is compounded of his weight and muscular strength. 6. The walk of a horse working in a mill should never be less than forty feet in diameter. 7. A horse exerts most strength when drawing upon a plane. MILL-WORK. 1. WATER-WHEELS are of three kinds; viz. undershot- wheels, breast-wheels, and overshot-wheels. The powers necessary to produce the same effect on each of these must be to each as the numbers 2.4, 1.75, and 1. 2. The undershot-wheel is used only when a fill-water cannot be obtained. 3. A water-wheel twice as broad as another has more than double the force. 4. An axis, furnished with a very oblique spiral, and placed in the direction of a stream, may be rendered a powerful first-mover, adapted to a deep and slow current 5. A mill-stone should make 120 revolutions in a minute. 6. Bevclled-wheels are much used for changing the direction of motion in wheel work. 7. Hooke's universal joint is sometimes used with ad vantage for the same purpose. 8. The teeth of wheels should never, if it can be avoided, act upon each other before they arrive at the line joining the centres. 9. To ensure a uniformity of pressure and velocity in the action of one wheel upon another, the teeth should be formed into epicycloides, or into involutes, of the cir- ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 319 cumferences of the respective wheels ; or if the teeth of one wheel be either circular or triangular, the teeth of he same wheel should have a figure compounded of an epicycloid, and that of the figure of the first wheel. 10. The object of thus forming the teeth is, that they may not slide, but roll upon each other ; by which means, the friction is almost annihilated. 11. It is a great improvement in machinery, where trundles are employed with cylindrical staves, to make these staves moveable on their axis. * 12. A heavy mill-stone requires very little more power than a light one ; but it performs much more work, and more effectually equalizes the motion, like a heavy fly. 13. The corn as it is ground, is thrown out between the mill-stones, by the centrifugal force it has acquired. 14. The manual labour of putting the ground corn into sacks, in order to raise it to the top of a mill-house, may be obviated by the use of a chain of buckets wrought by machinery. WHEEL CARRIAGES. 1. A HORSE draws with the greatest advantage, when the line of traction or draught is inclined upwards, so as to make an angle of about 15 degrees with the horizon- tal plane. 2. By this inclination, the line of traction is set at right angles to the shape of the horses' shoulders, all parts of which are, therefore, equally pressed by the collar. 3. Single horses are preferable to teams, because in a team, all but the shaft horse draw horizontally, and con- sequently to disadvantage. 4. A horse, when part of the weight presses on his back, will draw a weight to which he would otherwise be incompetent. 5. The fore-wheels of carriages are less than the hind wheels, for the convenience ogf turning in a smaller com- pass. 6. In ascending, high wheels facilitate the draught, ic 320 ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. proportion to the squares of their diameters; but in descending, they press in the same proportion. 7. In descending, the body of a cart may be advan- tageously thrown backwards, so that the bottom of it will be horizontal, while the shafts incline downwards. 8. In loading four-wheeled carriages, the greatest weight should be laid upon the large wheels. 9. Dished wheels are better calculated than any other to sustain the jolts and unavoidable inequalities of pres- sure arising from the roughness of roads. 10. The extremities of the axles should be in the same horizontal plane, and the wheels should be placed on them at right angles. 11. Broad cylindrical wheels smooth and harden a road, while narrow ones cut it into furrows, and conical ones grind the hardest stones to powder. CLOCK-WORK. 1. To ascertain the number of revolutions which a pinion makes, for one of the wheels working in it, divide the number of its leaves by the number of teeth of the wheel, and the answer is obtained. 2. By increasing the number of teeth in the wheels ; by diminishing the number of leaves in the pinions ; by increasing the length of the cord that suspends the weight ; and lastly, by adding to the number of wheels and pinions, a clock may be made to go any length of time, as a month, or a year, without winding up. 3. The inconvenience of taking up more room, imt principally the increase of friction which would be in Iroduced, are the causes of its being inexpedient to make a clock go beyond eight days. 4. Clocks intended to keep exact time, are contrived to go whilst winding up. 5. Clocks which have pendulums vibrating half se conds, are frequently moved by a spring instead of a weight. 6. A spring is strongest when it is first wound up, anJ rjrad-ially decreases in strength till the movement stops ABSTRACT OF MECHANICS. 321 it is therefore contrived to draw the chain over a conical barrel, so that the lever at which it pulls is lengthened as it grows weaker, by which means its effects are equalized. 7. The plates of clock-makers' engines may be quick- ly divided into odd numbers, by subtracting from the odd number so much as will leave an even number of easy subdivision ; then calculating the number of degrees con- tained in the parts subtracted, and setting them off on the circumference of the circle from a sector. 8. The geometrical radius of wheels, when the teeth are epicycloidal, is less than the acting diameter, by about f ths of the breadth of a teeth or measure. 9. The relative size of a pinion must be less for a small wheel than for a large one, and also smaller when driven than when it is the driver. PENDULUMS. 1. ALL vibrations of the same pendulum, whether great or small, if cycloidal, are performed in equal times. 2. The longer a pendulum, the slower are its vibra- tions. 3. A pendulum to vibrate seconds, must be shorter at the equator than at the poles. 4. Heat lengthens and cold shortens pendulums. 5. The quicksilver pendulum, the gridiron pendulum, and many others, have been contrived to obviate these effects of the change of temperature. 6. The vibrations of pendulums are affected by differ- ences in the density of the medium in which they are performed. 7. The merit of the only contrivance to remedy this defect is due to Rittenhouse. It consists in the use of two pendulums, one of which is very light, and placed in an inverted position, extending above the point of sus- pension of the other. 8. This compound pendulum may be made to vibrate quicker in so dense a medium as water than in the open air V SANBORN & GARTER'S PATENT MACHINE BOOKS. GENERAL AND MOST USEFUL SELECTION OF RECEIPTS: WHICH WILL PROVE OF THE GREATEST UTILITY TO THE ARTIST, THE MECHANIC, THE FARMER, AND THE LABOURING MAN. EMBRACING THE WHOLE COURSE OF THE ARTS, Selecting and reducing such parts as ere often wanted, when the employment of tlw professors of such business would be too expensive arid enibar rassing. The aid of which will enable also the experimenter impelled by genius to perform and invent with greater ease and success, in some cases; while in others obstacles will be removed that otherwise would be insurmountable. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. Method for making Black Writing-ink. \\ six quarts of water, boil four ounces of logwood IB chips, cut very thin across the grain. The boiling may be continued for nearly an hour, adding, from time to time, a little boiling water, to compensate the waste by evaporation. Strain the liquor while hot, suffer it to cool, and make up the quantity equal to five quarts, by the further addition of cold water. To this decoction, put 1 Ib. avoirdupois of blue galls, coarsely bruised; or 20 oz. of the best galls, in sorts. 4 oz. of sulphate of iron, calcined to whiteness. ^ oz. of acetate of copper, previously mixed with the decoction till it forms a smooth paste. 3 oz. of coarse sugar, and 6 oz. of gum-Senegal or Arabic. These several ingredients may be introduced one after another, contrary to the advice of some, who recommend the gum, &c. to be added when the ink is nearly made. The composition produces the ink usually called Japan Ink, from the high gloss which it exhibits when written with ; and a small phial of it has been sold for 12 cents. The above ink, though possessing the full proportion of every ingredient known to contribute to the perfection of ink, will not cost more, to those who prepare it for themselves, than the commonest ink which can be bought by retail. The receipt was given to the public by De- sormeaux. It answers for copying letters, by transferring from them an impression to a damp sheet of thin, unsized paper, passing through a small rolling-press. When gurn is very dear, or when no very high gloss 28 (**> 3?6 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. is required, four ounces will be sufficient, with one ounce and a-half of sugar. By using only 12 oz. of galls to 4 oz. of sulphate of iron, uncalcined, omitting the logwood, and acetate of copper and the sugar, and using only 3 oz. of gum, a good and cheap common ink will be obtained. Lamp-black has been added to ink, to prevent its col- our from being destroyed by the action of the oxy mu- ialic acid. It should be burnt in a closed crucible, to ender it less oily. It causes the ink to write much less freely, although it may be useful for particular oc casions. Red-Ink for Writing. BOIL over a slow fire, 4 oz. of Brazil-wood, in small raspings or chips, in a quart of water, till a third part of the water is evaporated. Add during the boiling, two drams of alum in powder. When the ink is cold, steam it through a fine cloth. Vinegar or stale urine is often used instead of water. In case of using water, I pre- sume a very small quantity of sal-ammoniac would im- prove this ink. Blue-Ink. TAKE Sulphate of Indigo, dilute it with water till It produces the colour required. It is with sulphate very largely diluted, that the faint blue lines of ledgers and other account books are ruled. If the ink were used strong, it would be necessary to add chalk to it, to neu- tralize the acid. The sulphate of indigo may be had of the woollen dyers. Fire and Water-proof Cement. To half a pint of milk, put an equal quantity of vine- gar, in order to curdle it ; then separate the curd from the whey, *nd mix the whey with four or five eggs, beating the whole well together. When it is well mixed, add a little quicklime through a sieve, until it has ac- quired the consistence of a thick paste. With this MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 327 cement, broken vessels and cracks of all kinds may be mended. It dries quickly, and resists the action of water as well as of a considerable degree of fire. A Cement for stopping the Fissures of Iron Vessels. TAKE two ounces of muriate of ammonia, one ounc 'of flowers of sulphur, and sixteen ounces of cast-iron filings or turnings; mix them well in a mortar, and keep the powder dry. When the cement is wanted, take one part of this and twenty parts of clean iron filings or borings, grind them together in a mortar, mix them with water to a proper consistence, and apply them between the joints. This answers for flanges of pipes, &c. about steam engines. Lutes. LUTES are compositions which are employed to defend glass and other vessels from the action of fire, or to fill up the vacancies which occur, when separate tubes, foi the necks of different vessels, are inserted into each other during the process of distillation. Those lutes which are exposed to the action of fire, are usually called fire lutes. For a very excellent fire-lute, which will enable glass vessels to sustain an incredible degree of heat, take frag- ments of porcelain, pulverize and sift them well, and add an equal quantity of fine clay, previously softened with as much of a saturated solution of muriate of soda, as is requisite to give the whole a proper consistence. Apply a thin and uniform coat of this composition to the glass vessels, and allow it to dry slowly before they are put into the fire. Equal parts of coarse and refractory clay mixed with a little hair, form a good lute. Fat earth, beaten up with fresh horse-dung, Chaptal recommends as an excellent fire-lute, which he generally used, and the adhesion of which was such, that after the retort had cracked, the distillation rm-.W ^ carried on and regularly finished. 328 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. Lutes for the joining of such vessels "as retorts and re ceivers, are varied according to the nnture of the vapours which will act against them, in order not to employ a more expensive and troublesome composition than the case requires. For resisting watery vapours, slips of wet bladder, or slips of wet paper or linen, -covered with still flour paste, may be bound over the juncture. A closer and neater lute for more penetrating vapours B composed of whites of eggs made into a smooth paste with quick-lime, and applied upon strips of linen. The quick-lime should be previously slacked in the air, and reduced to a fine powder. The cement should be ap- plied the moment it is made ; it soon dries, becomes very firm ; and is in chemical experiments one of the most useful cements known. Where saline, acrid vapours are to be resisted, a lute should be composed of boiled linseed oil intimately mixed with clay, which has been previously dried, finely powdered, and sifted. This is called fat lute. It is ap- plied to the junctures, as the undermost layers, and is secured in its place by the white of egg-lute last mention- ed, which is tied ou with pack-thread. Blacking, to make. PUT 1 gallon of vinegar into a stone jug, add 1 Ib. of Jvory-black, well pulverized, ^ a Ib. of loaf sugar, ^ an oz. of oil of vitriol, and 1 oz. of sweet oil ; incorporate the whole by stirring. This is a blacking of very great repute in different countries, and on which great praise has been very de- servedly bestowed. It has decidedly been ascertained, from experience, to be less injurious to the leather, than most public blackings; and it certainly produces a fine jet polish, which is rarely equalled, and never jet sur 1LISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 329 TARNISHES. To dissolve Copal in Mcohol. COPAL, which is called gum copal, but which is not, strictly, either a gum or a resin, is the hardest and least changeable of all substances adapted to form varnishes, by their dissolution in spirit, or essential, or fat oils. It, therefore, forms the most valuable varnishes ; though we shall give several receipts where it is not employed, which form cheaper varnishes, sufficiently good for many purposes, adding only the general rule, that no varnish must be expected to be harder than the substance from which it is made. To dissolve copal in alcohol, dissolve half an ounce of camphor in a pint of alcohol; put it into a circulating glass, and add 4 oz. of copal in small pieces; set it in a sand-heat, so regulated that the bubbles may be counted as they rise from the bottom, and continue the same heat till the solution is completed. The process above-mentioned will dissolve more copal than the menstruum will retain when cold. The most economical method will therefore be, to set the vessel which contains the solution by for a few days, and, when it is perfectly settled, pour off the clear varnish, and leave the residue for future operation. The solution of copal thus obtained is very bright. It is an excellent varnish for pictures, and would, doubtless, be an improvement in japanning, where the stoves used for drying the varnished articles would drive off the camphor, and leave the copal clear and colourless in the work. To dissolve Copal in Spirits of Turpentine. REDUCE 2 oz. of copal to small pieces, and put them into a proper vessel. Mix a pint of the best spirits of turpentine with one eighth of spirits of sal ammoniac; shake them well together, put them to the copal, cork 28* 330 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. the glass, and tie it over with a string or wire, making a small hole through the cork. Set the glass in a sand- beat so regulated as to make the contents hoil as quickly o.s possible, but so gently that the bubbles may be counted as they rise from the bottom. The same heat must be kept up exactly till the solution is complete. It requires the most accurate attention to succeed in this operation. After the spirits are mixed, they should be put to the copal, and the necessary degree of heat b given as soon as possible, and maintained with the utmos regularity. If the heat abates, or the spirits boil quicker than is directed, the solution will immediately stop, and rt will afterwards be in vain to proceed with the same materials; but if properly managed the spirit of sal ammoniac will be seen gradually to descend from the mixture, and attack the copal, which swells and dissolves, excepting a very small quantity which remains undis- solved. It is of much consequence that the vessel should not be opened till some time after it has been perfectly cold ; for if it contain the least warmth when opened, the whole contents will be blown out of the vessel. Whatever quantity is to be dissolved, should be put into a glass vessel capable at least of containing four times as much, and it should be high in proportion to the width. This varnish is of a deep rich colour, when viewed in the bottle, but seems to give no colour to the pictures upon which it is laid. If it be left in the damp, it re- mains racky, as it is called, a long time ; but if kept in a warm room, or placed in the sun, it dries as well as any other turpentine varnish, and when dry it appears to be as durable as any other solution of copal. Copal may also be dissolved in spirits of turpentine by the assistance of camphor. Turpentine varnishes dry more slowly than those made with alcohol, and are less hard ; but they are not so lia- ble to crack. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 331 To dissolve Copal in fixed-Oil. MELT, in a perfectly clean vessel, by a very slow heat^ one pound of clear copal ; to this, add from one to two quarts of drying linseed oil. When these ingredients are thoroughly mixed, remove the vessel from the fire, and keep constantly stirring it, till nearly cold ; then add a pound of spirits of turpentine. Strain the varnish through a piece of cloth, and keep it for use. The older it is, the more drying it becomes. This varnish is very proper for wood-work, house and carriage painting. Seed-lac Varnish. TAKE three ounces of seed-lac, and put it, with a pint of spirits of wine, into a bottle, of which it will not till more than two-thirds. Shake the mixture well together, and place it in a gentle heat, till the seed-lac appears to be dissolved : the solution will be hastened by shaking the bottle occasionally. After it has stood some time, pour olF the clear part, and keep it for use in a well-stopped bottle. The seed-lac should be purified before it is used, by washing it in cold water, and it should be in coarse powder, when added to the spirit. This varnish is next to that of copal in hardness, and has a reddish-yellow colour : it is, therefore, only to be used where a tinge of that kind is not injurious. Shell-lac Varnish. TAKE five oz. of the best shell-lac, reduce it to a gross powder, and put it into a bottle in a gentle heat, or a warm, close apartment, where it must continue two or three days, but should be frequently well shaken. The lac will then be dissolved, and the solution should then be filtered through a flannel bag; and, when the portion that will pass through freely is come off it should be kept for use in well-stopped bottles. The portion which can only be made to pass through the bag by pressure, may be reserved for coarse purposes. 332 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. Shell-lac varnish is rather softer than seed-lac varnish, but it is the best of varnishes for mixing with colours to paint with, instead of oil, from its working and spreading better in the pencil Varnish for Toys, Silvered Clock-faces, and Furniture, not exposed to hardship. DISSOLVE two ounces of gum-mastic, and eight ounces of gum-sandrach, in a quart of alcohol ; then add four ounces of Venice turpentine. The addition of a little of the whitest part of gum-benjamin will render the varnish less liable to crack. Amber Varnish. AMBER forms a very excellent varnish : its solution may be effected by boiling it in drying linseed oil. Oil-varnishes, which have become thick by keeping, are made thinner with spirits of turpentine. A Varnish for Copper-plate Prints. PRETARE water by dissolving in it some isinglass ; lay on, with a soft brush, a coat of this. Let dry. Put on another, if necessary. Let dry. Then lay on another, of the following varnish. True French spirit of wine, half a pound; gum-elemi, two drachms, and sandarach, three. A curious and easy Varnish to engrave wtth aquafortis. Lay on a copper-plate as smooth and equal a coat as possible, of linseed oil. Set the plate on a gentle heat, that the oil may congeal, and dry itself in. When you find it has acquired the consistence of a varnish, then you may draw with a steel point, in order to etch your copper, and put on the aquafortis afterwards. A Varnish to gild ivith, without Gold. TAKE half a pint of spirits of wine, in which you dis olve one drachm of saffron, and half a drachm of dra MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 333 gon's blood, both previously well pulverized together. Add this to a certain quantity of shell-lac varnish, and set it on the fire with two drachms of soccotrjne aloes. Japan ning. JAPANJTIXG is the art of varnishing in colours, and u frequently combined with painting. The substances proper for japanning, are wood, metal, with all others which retain a determinate form, and are capable of sustaining the operation of drying the var- nish. Paper and leather, therefore, when wrought into forms in which they remain stretched, stiff, and inflexible are very common subjects for japanning. The article to be japanned is first rendered smooth and perfectly clean, it is then brushed over with two or three coats of seed-lac varnish, (see under the head of varnishes) except that the coarsest varnish will answer the purpose. The varnish thus laid on is called the priming. The next operation is to varnish the article again with the best varnish previously mixed with a pig- ment of the tint desired. This is called the grounding ; if the subject is to exhibit any painting, the objects are painted upon it, in colours mixed up with varnish, and used in the same manner as for oil-painting. The whole is then covered with additional coats of transparent varnish, and all that remains to be done, is to dry and polish it. Japanning should always be executed in warm apart men ts, as cold and moisture are alike injurious; and all the articles should be warmed before any varnish is ap- plied to them. One coat of varnish, also, must be dry before another is laid on. Ovens are employed to hasten the perfect drying of the work. All the coloured pigments employed in oil or water, answer perfectly well in varnish, combined with which vehicle, many of those which fly in oil are perfectly unchangeable. The manner in which the colours are mixed with the varnish is extremely simple and easy ; they are first reduced, by the usual means of washing 334 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. and levigation, to the finest state possible ; and the var nish being contained in a bottle, they are added to it, till the requisite body of colour is obtained, the mixture being rendered complete by stirring or shaking the bottle. When a single colour is intended, the varnish employed is of no consequence, if it be hard enough for the work ; and not possessed of any colour inconsistent with the tint required ; but for painting with, shell-lac varnish is the best, and easiest to work : it is, therefore, employed in all cases where its colour permits, and for the lightest colours, mastic varnish is employed, unless the fineness of the work admits the use of copal dissolved in spirits of wine. To spare varnish, the priming may be composed of size mixed with whiting, to give it a body, as some sub- stances require much varnish to saturate them ; but work primed with size is never durable ; it is liable to crack and fly off- with the least violence, which never happens to work into which the varnish can sink. Var- nish cannot sink into metals, and this is the reason that japanned metal, for exampte a japanned tin-plate tray, is of less value than a paper one. The battering which this piece of furniture sustains in its use, soon separates the japan from it in flakes, or scales; which never hap- pens to the paper, because the japan forms a part of its substance. It may be observed, that only wood, paper, leather, and similar substances, require priming ; metals require none, because they admit no varnish into them, and therefore the ground is applied to them immediately. The priming and grounds are all laid on with brushes made of bristles : the painting will of course often re- quire a camels'-hair pencil. Of Japan Grounds. Red. Vermilion makes a fine scarlet, but its appear- ance in japanned work is much improved by glazing it with a thin coat of lake, or even rose pink. Indian lake, when good, is perfectly soluble in spirits MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 335 of wine, and produces a fine crimson, but is not often to be obtained. Yellow. King's yellow, turbith mineral, and Dutch pink, all form very bright yellows, and the latter is very cheap. Seed-lac varnish assimilates with yellow very well ; and when they are required very bright, an im- provement may be effected by infusing turmeric in the varnish which covers the ground. Green. Distilled verdigris laid on a ground of leaf gold, produces the brightest of all greens; other greens may be formed by mixing king's yellow and bright prus- sian blue, or turbith mineral and prussian blue, or Dutch pink and verdigris. Blue. Prussian blue, orverditer glazed with Prussian blue or smalt White. White grounds are obtained with greater dif- ficulty than any other. One of the best is prepared by grinding up flock-white, or zinc-white, with one sixth of its weight of starch, and drying it ; it is then tempered, like the other colours, using the mastic varnish for com- mon uses; and that of the best copal for the finest. Par- ticular care should be taken, that the copal for this use be made of the clearest and whitest pieces. Seed-lac may be used as the uppermost coat, where a very deli- cate white is not required, taking care to use such as is least coloured. Black. Ivory-black or lamp-black ; but if the lamp- black be used, it should be previously calcined in a closed crucible. Black grounds may be formed on metal, by drying Unseed oil only, when mixed with a little lamp-black. The work is then exposed in a stove to a heat which will lender the oil black. The heat should be low at first, and increased very gradually, or it will blister. This kind of japan requires no polishing. It is extensively used for defending articles of iron-mongery from rust. Tortoise-shell ground for metal. Cover the plates intended to represent the transparent parts of the tor- toise-shell, with a thin coat of vermilion in seed-lac 336 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. varnish. Then brush over the whole with a varnish composed of linseed oil boiled with umber until it is almost a black. The varnish may be thinned with oil of turpentine before it is used. When the work is done, it may be set in an oven, with the same precautions a* the black varnish last named. Polishing of varnished and japanned work. PICTURES and other subjects, to which only a single coat or two of thin varnish is given, are generally left to the polish which the varnish naturally possesses, or brightened only by rubbing it with a woollen cloth, after it is dry; but wherever several coats of varnish or japan are laid on, a glossy surface is produced by the moans used to polish metals ; the surface having been suffered to become completely dry and hard. When the coat of varnish is very thick, the surface may be rubbed with pumice-stone and oil, until it be- comes uniformly smooth ; the pumice should first be educed to a smooth flat face by rubbing it on a piece of freestone, or something to answer the same purpose. The japanned or varnished surface may afterwards be rubbed with pumice reduced to an impalpable powder. The finishing may be given bv oil and woollen rag only. When the varnish is thinner, and of a more delicate nature, it may be rubbed with tripoli or rotten-stone, in fine powder, finishing with oil as before. When the ground is white, putty or Spanish white, finely washed, may be used instead of rotten-stone, of which the colour might have some tendency to injure the ground. Preparation of Drying Linseed Oil. FREQUEVT reference has been made to the use of drying linseed oil : it may be necessary to observe, that to render linseed oil drying consists simply in mixing it with litharge, , or any oxide of lead, boiling it slowly for some time, and straining it from the sediments after it has stood to clarify. The oil thus treated, beomes thicker as it imbibes oxygen from the oxide, and acquires the property of drying much MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 337 sooner than before. An ounce of litharge may be used MI every pound of oil. To render Boots and Shoes water-proof. TAKC one pint of drying oil, two ounces of yellow wax, two ounces spirits of turpentine, and half an ounce of Burgundy pitch, melt them over a slow fire, and thorough- iy incorporate them by stirring. Lay this mixture on new shoes and boots, either in the sun or at some dis tance from the fire, with a sponge or brush, and repeat Ihe operation as often as they become dry, until they are fully saturated. The shoes and boots thus prepared, ought not to be worn until the leather has become per- fectly dry and elastic. They will then be found imper vious to moisture, and their durability will be increased. Method of preparing a cheap Substitute for Oil Paint. IT often happens that people do not choose, or cannot employ oil-painting in the country, either because it does not dry soon enough, ana has a disagreeable smell, or because it is too costly. Ludicke employed with the greatest success the following composition for painting ceilings, gates, doors, and even furniture. Take fresh curds, and bruise the lumps on a grinding- stone, or in an earthen pan or mortar, with a spatula. After this operation, put them in a pot with an equal quantity of lime, well quenched, and become thick :nough to be kneaded : stir the mixture well, without adding water, and a whitish semi-fluid mass will be ob- tained, which may be applied with great facility like paint, and which dries very rapidly. It must be employed the day it is prepared, as it will become too thick the following day. Ochre, armenian bole, and all colours which hold with lime, may be mixed with it, according to the colour desired ; but care must be taken, that the addition of colour made to the first mixture of curds and Jime, contain very nttle water, or it will diminish the durability of the painting. When two coats of this painting have been laid on it 29 W 338 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. may be polished with a piece of woollen cloth, or other proper substance, and it will become as bright as varnish. This kind of painting, besides its cheapness, possesses the advantage of admitting the coats to be laid on and pol- ished in one 3ay ; as it dries speedily, and has no smell A Cemeit which answers for cast iron Pipes, or wooden Logs. TAKE 12 or 14 Ibs. of fine cast iron borings, put them in a vessel with as much water as will just wet them through; mix with them ^ Ib. of pounded sal ammo- niac, and 2 oz. of flour of sulphur; mix all well together, and let stand three or four hours : they are then ready for use. If not used immediately, cover them with water till used* Bronzing. BRONZE of a good quality acquires, by oxidation, a fine green tint, called patina antiqua. Corinthian brass re- ceives, in this way, a beautiful clear green colour. This appearance is imitated by an artificial process, called bronzing. A solution of sal ammoniac and salt of sorel in vinegar is used for bronzing metals. Any number of layers may be applied, and the shade becomes deeper in proportion to the number applied. For bronzing sculp- tures of wood, plaster-figures, &c., a composition of yel- low ochre, Prussian blue, and lamp-black, dissolved in glue-water, is employed. Caoutchouc, or India Rubber, how dissolved, uses, fyc. CAOUTCHOUC is brought principally from South Ameri- ca : the juice, obtained from incisions, is applied in suc- cessive layers, over a mould of clay, and dried by exposure to the sun, and to the smoke from burning fuel. When perfectly dry, the mould is broken, leaving the caout chouc in the form of a hollow ball. It is insoluble in alcohol and in water. Sulphuric ettier, when purified by washing in water, dissolves it , and, by evaporation, the may be discovered unchanged. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 339 Oil of turpentine softens it, and forms with it a sort of paste that may be spread as a varnish ; but it is very long in drying. The fluid now commonly used to dissolve it is the purified naphtha from coal tar, which is, at the same time, a cheap and effectual solvent, and which does not change its properties. This solution is employed to give a thin covering of caoutchouc to cloth, which is thus rendered impervious to moisture. Caoutchouc is also readily soluble in cajeput oil. Caoutchouc, from its softness, elasticity, and impene- trability to water, is applied to the formation of cathe- ters, bougies, and tubes for conveying gases. These are formed by twisting a slip of it round a rod, and causing the edges to adhere by pressure, when softened by maceration in warm water. It is also used very ex- tensively in this country for over-shoes ; and its solution in oils forms a flexible varnish. The following Composition will render Boots or Shoes impervious to Water. TAKE neat's-foot oil, and dissolve in it caoutchouc, a sufficient quantity to form a kind of varnish ; rub this on the boots. This is sufficient. N. B. The oil must be placed where it is warm, the caoutchouc put into it in parings. It will take several days to dissolve it. Jin excellent Salve for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, fyc. TAKE l oz. of olive oil, 2 oz. of white diacula, and 2 oz. of bees'-wax ; let these ingredients be dissolved toge- ther, and the salve is formed. This salve I have tried to my satisfaction, and found it answer exceedingly well Various Cements. THE joints of iron pipes, and the flanges of steam en- gines, are cemented with a mixture composed of sulphur and muriate of ammonia, together with a large quantity of iron chippings. The putty of glaziers is a mixture of linseed oil and 340 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. powdered chalk. Plaster of Paris, dried by heal, and mixed with water, or with rosin and wax, is used for uniting pieces of marble. A cement composed of brick- dust and rosin, or pitch, is employed by turners, and some other mechanics, to confine the material on which they are working. Common paint, made of white lead and oil. is used to cement china-ware. So also are resi- nous substances, such as mastic and shell-lac, or isinglass dissolved in proof-spirit or water. The paste of book binders, and paper-hangers, is made by boiling flour [lice-glue is made by boiling ground rice to the consist- ence of a thin jelly. Wafers are made of flour, isinglass, yeast, and white of eggs, dried in thin layers upon tin plates, and cut by a circular instrument. They are coloured by red lead &c. Sealing-wax is composed of shell-lac and rosin, and is commonly coloured with ver- milion. Common glue is most usually employed for uniting wood and similar porous substances. It does not answer for surfaces impervious to water, such as metals, glass. &c. The cements mostly used in building are composed of lime and sand. The lime adheres to and unites the particles of sand. Cements thus made increase in strength for an indefinite period. Fresh sand wholly silicious and sharp, is the best. That taken from the sea shore is unfit for making mortar, as the salt is apt to deliquesce and weaken the mortar. The amount of sand is always greater than that of lime. From two to four parts of sand are used, according to the quality of the lime and the labour bestowed on it. Jin excellent Cement for Paper, Cloth, fyc. or for the use of Block-Cutters [K fastening the hatting into the figures, is made by- stirring a quantity of raw flour into a rather thin solution of gum-senegal water. Gilding. THE art of gilding at the present day, is performed either upon metals, or upon wood, leather, parchment, MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 34 1 or paper; and there are three distinct methods in general practice, viz. wash, or water-gilding, in which the gold is spread, whilst reduced to a fluid state, by solution in mercury ; leaf-gilding, either burnished or in oil, performed by cementing their leaves of gold upon the work, either by size or by oil ; japanncr's- gilding, in which gold dust or powder is used instead of feaves. Gilding on copper is performed with an amalgam of gold and mercury. The surface of the copper, being freed from oxide, is covered with the amalgam, and afterwards exposed to heat till the mercury is driven otF, leaving a thin coat of gold. It is, also, performed by dipping a linen rag in a saturated solution of gold, and burning it to tinder. The black powder thus obtained is rubbed on the metal to be gilded, with a cork dipped in salt water, till the gilding appears. Iron or steel is gilded by applying gold leaf to the metal after the sur- face has been well cleaned, and heated until it has acquired the blue colour, which at a certain temperature it assumes. The surface is previously burnished, and the process is repeated when the gilding is required to be more durable. It is, also, performed by diluting a solu- tion of gold in nitro-muriatic acid, with alcohol, and applying to the clean surface. A saturated solution of gold in nitro-muriatic acid, and mixed with three times its weight of sulphuric ether, dissolves the muriate of gold, and the solution is separated from the acid beneath. To gild the steel, it is merely necessary to dip it, the sur- face being previously well polished and cleaned, in the ethereal solution, for an instant, and on withdrawing it, to wash it instantly by agitation in water. By this method steel instruments are very commonly gilt. Method of Preparing and Using Glue. SET a quart of water on the fire, then put in about half a pound of good glue, and boil them gently together till the glue be entirely dissolved, and of a due consistence When glue is to be used, it must be made thoroughly hot, after which with a brush dipped in it besmear the 29 * 342 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. faces of the joints as thick as possible ; then, c.apping them together, glide or run them lengthwise one upon another two or three times, to settle them close, so let them stand till they are dry and firm. Parchment-glue is made by boiling gently shreds of parchment in water, in proportion of one pound of the former to six of the latter, till it be reduced to one quart ; the fluid is then strained from the dregs, and afterwards boiled to the consistence of glue. Isinglass-glue is made in the same way ; but this is improved by dissolving the isinglass in alcohol, by means of a gentle heat. China or Indian Ink. DR. Lewis, on examining this substance, found that the ink consisted of a black sediment, totally insoluble in water, which appeared to be of the nature of the purest lamp-black, and of another substance soluble in water, and which putrefied by keeping, and when evaporated, left a tenacious jelly, exactly like glue, or isinglass. It appears probable, therefore, that it consists of nothing more than these two ingredients, and probably may be imitated with perfect accuracy by using a very fine jelly, like isinglass, or size, and the finest lamp-black, and in- corporating them thoroughly. The finest lamp-black known is made from ivory shavings, and thence called ivory black. Ivory Dyeing. THIS substance may be dyed or stained black, by a solution of brass and a decoction of logwood ; a green, by a solution of verdigris ; a red, by being boiled with Bra- zil-wood in lime-water. To prevent the smoking of lamp oil. STEEP your wick in vinegar, and dry it well before fou use it Portable balls for removing spots from clothes in general. TAKE fuller's earth perfectly dried, so that it crumbles to powder, moisten it with the clear juice of lerrons MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 343 and add a small quantity of pure pearlash ; then work and knead the whole carefully together, till it acquires the consistency of a thick elastic paste : form it into con- venient small balls, and expose them to the heat of the sur., in which they ought to be carefully dried. In this state they are fit for use in the manner following: first moisten the spot on the clothes with water, then rub it with the ball just dissolved, and suffer it again to dry in the sun: after having washed the spot with pure water it will disappear. Easy and safe method of discharging grease spots from woollen. FULLER'S earth, or tobacco-pipe clay, being first wet on an oil spot, absorbs the oil as the water evaporates, and leaves the vegetable or animal fibres of cloth clean, on being beaten or brushed well. When the spot is occa- sioned by tallow or wax, it is necessary to treat the part cautiously by an iron on the fire, while the cloth is dry- ing. In some kind of goods, bran or raw starch may be used with advantage. . To take spots out of Silk. RUB the spots with spirits of turpentine : this spirit exhaling, carries off with it the oil that causes the spot. To take spots out of Cloths, Stuff's, Silks, Cotton and Linen. TAKE one quart of spring-water, put in it a little fine white powder about the size of a walnut, and a lemon cut in slices, mix these well together, and let it stand twenty-four hours in the sun. This liquid takes out all spots, whether pitch, grease, or oil, as well in hats, as cloths and stuffs, silk or cotton, and linen. As soon as the spot is taken out, wash the place with clean water, for cloths of deep colour, add to a spoonful of the mix- ture, a quantity of water to dilute it. To render Cloth, wind and rain proof. BOIL together 2 Ibs. of turpentine, and 1 Ib. of lith- nr^e in powder, and 2 or 3 pints of linseed oil. The 344 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. article is then to be brushed over with this varnish, and dried in the sun. A Cement for broken Earthenware. TAKE 1 oz. of dry cream cheese grated fine, and an equal quantity of quick-lime mixed well together, with 9 oz. of skimmed milk, to form a good cement, when he rendering of the joint visible is of no consequence f mixed without the milk, it perhaps might be strongci till. To take Mildew out of Linen. TAKE soap and rub it well ; then scrape some fine chalk, and rub that also in the linen; lay it on the grass ; as it dries wet it a little, and it will come out at twice. Soda Water, to make. TAKE 20 grains tartaric acid, 25 grains super-carbonate of soda: dissolve a lump of sugar, on which you have poured a drop of oil of lemon in two wine-glass-fulls of water: add the tartaric acid : stir it till dissolved. Then dissolve the carbonate of soda in the like quantity of water, and pour the two solutions quickly together, and drink them off as rapidly as possible. To cure six Hams. TAKE 6 ozs. of salt-petre, 2 Ibs. 10 ozs. of fine salt, 4i Ibs. of brown sugar or 1 gallon of molasses. Rub them with this mixture for one week every day ; then put them into a strong pickle (salt and water) for one month ; then smoke them, if to keep. Your pickle will, fter the hams are taken out, be excellent for beef. Elastic Cement for Bells. Disso ,VE in good brandy, a sufficient quantity of isin- glass, so as to be as thick as molasses. This composition I am credibly informed answers the purpose remarkably matt, MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 345 To soften Horn. Take 1 Ib. of wood-ashes, add 2 Ibs. of quick-lime, put them into a quart of water, let the whole boil until re- duced to one-third, then dip a feather into it, if the plume comes off on drawing it out, then it is boiled enough ; when it is settled filter it off, and in the liquor then strained add shavings of horn, Jet them soak for three days, then rubbing oil on your hands work the horn into a mass, and print or mould it into whatever shape you want Varnish for Harness. Take | Ib. of Indian rubber, 1 gallon of spirits of tur pentine, dissolve enough to make it into a jelly by keepini almost new milk warm : then take equal quantities o good linseed oil (in a hot state) and the above mixture incorporate them well on a slow fire, and it is fit for use 4 Varnish for fastening the leather on top rollers in Factories. DISSOLVE 2f ozs. of gum-arabic in water, and add sc much isinglass dissolved in brandy and it is fit for use. The manner of soldering Ferrules for Tool-handles, fyc. TAKE your ferrule, lap round the joining a small piece of brass-wire, then just wet the ferrule, scatter on the joining-ground, borax, put it on the end of a wire, hold it in the fire till the brass fuses. It will fill up the joining, and form a perfect solder. Ij rnay afterwards be turned in the lathe. To make White-wash that will not rub off. Mix up half a pail full of lime and water, ready to put on the wall ; then take ^ pint of flour, mix it up with water, then pour on it boiling water, a sufficient quantity to thicken it ; then pour it, while hot, into the white- wash ; str all well together, and it is ready. 3 *6 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. An improved method of tempering Gravers, when too hard. HAVINCS heated a poker red-hot, hold the graver upon it, within an inch of the point, waving it to and fro, till the steel changes to a light straw colour; then, having a piece of steel prepared for the purpose, with two nicks filfd in it, one the shape of a lozenge, the other a square graver edge ; when heated to a straw colour, put the belly of the graver in one or other of the nicks, as the shape may be, and instead of plunging it into water, tal- low, or oil, hammer it on the back-side carefully, till cold, and you will have a far superior tool, if rightly managed, than by tempering the common way. This method closes up the pores of the steel when heated, and renders it more compact ; consequently, does not break. It would be well for dentists to manage tools on this principle, for good service and utility. Easy way of cleaning 'the Hands, for Dyers, Col- ourers, fyc. TAKE a small quantity of pot-ash or pearl-ash in your hand, pour into it a small quantity of water, rub it well all over your hands with a little sand, then wash it off, take in your hand a small quantity of chemic (chloride of lime,) pour a little water into it, and rub it well on the hands in a semi-liquid state ; wash the hands well in water, and they will be clean. If not perfectly clean, epcat the operation. , Method of keeping the Hands soft and pliable in all situations. RUB the hands well in soap till a lather is produced ; then rub on a sufficient quantity of sand to let the soap and water predominate; after well rubbing, wash well in warm water. Repeat this two or three times a day, as circumstances may require, and the hands will be kept perfectly soft Mi* ELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 347 Ink-Powder. INFUSE a 1 Ib. o galls powdered, and H ozs. of pome- granate peels, in a , gallon of soft water for a week, in a gentle heat, ami then strain off the fluid through a cloth. After which add to it 4 oz. of vitriol dissolved in a pint of water, ant let them remain for a day or two, preparing in the n\ ,n time a decoction of logwood, by boiling a half poun' 1 of the chips in a half gallon of water, till one thin 1 oe evaporated, and then straining the remaining fluid \\hile it is hot. Mix the decoction and the solution of galls and vitriol together, and add 2) 7 ozs. of gum-arabic or the whitest of gum-senegal, and then evaporate the mixture over a common fire to 1 quart, when the remainder must be put into a proper vessel, and reduced to dryness, by placing it in a suf- ficiently warm place, or letting it hang in boiling water. After the whole of the liquid is evaporated, the residue mu.-,t be well powdered. When wanted for use, all thai is needed, is to dissolve the powder in water. To give iron a temper to cut porphyry. MAKE your iron red-hot, and plunge it into distilled water from nettles, acanthus, and pilosella ; or in the very juice pounded out from these plants. To prevent irofl from rusting. WARM your iron till you cannot bear your hand on it without burning yourself. Then rub it with new and clean white wax. Put it again to the fire till it has oaked in the wax. When done, rub it over with a piece of serge. This prevents the iron from rusting after- wards. To dye in Gold, Silver Medals, or laminas, through and through. TAKE Glauber salt, dissolve it in warm water, so as to form a saturated solution. In this solution put a small proportionate quantity of calx, or magister of gold. Then 348 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS* put and digest in it, silver laminas cut small and thin, and let them lay 24 hours over a gentle fire. At the end of this term, you will find them thoroughly dyed gold colour, inside and out. An oH, one ounce of which will last longer than one pound of any other. TAKE fresh butter, quick-lime, crude tartar, and com- mon salt, of each equal parts, which you pound and mix well together. Saturate it with good brandy, and distil it in a retort over a gradual fire, after having adapted the receiver, and luted well the joints. To make Corks for bottles. TAKE wax, hog's lard, and turpentine equal quantities or thereabouts. Melt altogether and stop your bottles with it jfn oil to prevent pictures from blackening. It may serve, also, to make cloth to carry in the pocket against wet weather. PUT nut or linseed oil into a phial, and set it in the sun to purify it. When it has deposited its dregs at the bottom, decant it gently into another clean phial, and set it again in the sun as before. Continue so doing till it drops no more faeces at all. And with that oil, you make the above described compositions. To gild on Calf and Sheep Skin. WET the leather with the white of eggs ; when dry, rub it with your hand and a little olive oil, then put the gold leaf and apply the hot iron to it. Whatever the hot iron shall not have touched will go off by brushing. To dye Wood Red. TAKE chopped brazil wood, and boil it well in water strain it through a cloth. Then give your wood two or three coats, till it is the shade wanted. If wanted a deep red, boil the wood in water impregnated with alum MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 349 and quick-lime. When the last coat is dry, burnish it with the burnisher, and then varnish. Another method to dye Wood Red. TAKE vermilion and Spanish brown ; make them thiu with linseed oil and turpentine. Rub it on with a cloth in such a manner as to show the grain of the wood ; when dry varnish. The proportion of vermilion and Spanish brown, must be in proportion to the fineness of the shade wanted. To imitate Ebony. INFUSE gall-nuts in vinegar, wherein you have soaked rusty nails ; then rub your wood with this ; let it dry, polish and burnish. To produce various undulations on Wood. SLACK some lime in chamber ley. Then with a brush dipped in it, form your undulations on the wood accord- ing to your fancy. And, when dry, rub it well with a rind of pork. To soften Ivory. Iff three ounces of spirits of nitre, and fifteen of spring- water, mixed together, put your ivory a soaking. And in 3 or 4 days, it will be soft so as to obey your fingers. To dye Ivory thus softened. 1. DISSOLVE, in spirits of wine, such colours as you want to dye your ivory with. And when the spirit of wine shall be sufficiently tinged with the colour you have put in, plunge your ivory in it, and leave it there till it is sufficiently penetrated with it, and dyed inwardly. Then give that ivory what form you please. 2. To harden it afterwards, wrap it up in a sheet of white paper, and cover it with decrepitated common salt, and the driest you can make it to be ; in which situation yon shall leave it only 24 hours. 30 350 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. To whiten ivory, even that which has turned a brr-wn yellow. 1. SLACK some lime in water, put your ivory in thai water, after decanted from the ground, and boil it till it looks quite white. 2. To polish it afterwards, set it in the turner's wheel, and after having worked it, take rushes and pumice- stones, subtile powder with water, and rub it all till it looks perfectly smooth, Next to that, heat it by turning H against a piece of linen, or sheep-skin leather, and when hot, rub it over with a little whitening diluted in oil of olive ; then with a little dry whitening alone, and finally with a piece of soft white rag. When all this ia performed as directed, the ivory will look remarkably white. To whiten Bones. PUT a handful of bran and quick-lime together, in a new pipkin, with a sufficient quantity of water, and boil t. In this put the bones, and boil them also till perfect- ly freed from greasy particles. To petrify Wood, $c. TAKE equal quantities of gem-salt, rock-alum, white vinegar, chalk, and pebbles powder. Mix all these in- gredients together: there will happen an ebullition. If, after it is over, you throw in this liquor any porous mat ter, and leave it there a soaking four or five days, they will positively turn into petrifactions. A preparation for Tortoise-shell. TAKE orpine, quick-lime, pearl-ashes, and aquafortis. Mix well altogether, and put your horn or tortoise-shell "n it to soak. To dye Bones any colour. UOIL the bones first for a good while ; then in a ley of : of fuel, aie not the only advantages derived from it. There is no re- gular fireman needed, the hopper only requires to be filled with coal in the morning, and no other at ten da nee is neces- sary; also the supplementary boiler, which is attached to the large boiler, gives an additional quantity of steam, say from 2 to G horses, iu proportion to the size of the engine, and preserves the large boiler from the injurious effects of the fire. These advantages, derived from this Fire Regulator over the usual mode of feeding the fire by hand, make it one of the most useful inventions of the present day, and, iu fact, a steam engine is not complete without it. Since the last edition of the Compendium was published, Mr. Brunton has added a further improvement to his Firs 376 STEAM ENGINE. Regulator, by which he is enabled to apply it immediately under round boilers or stills. In this improved state it is now at work under the stills of Messrs. Thomas Smith & Co. Whitechapel Distillery, who find it to effect a very con- siderable saving in fuel and attendance. BOILERS are of various forms, but the most general ia proportioned as follows, viz. width 1, depth 1.1, length % 2.5 ; their capacity being, for the most part, two horse power more than the power of the engine for which they are in- tended. These are the proportions of the wagon boilers, hut the cylindrical boiler with a flue through it, is now fre- quently used, and is much the stronger boiler ; it is also better adapted than the other for quickly generating steam, there being more heating surface exposed in proportion to the volume of water ;* but for a stationary engine that is daily employed, the elliptical boiler is preferable; it con- tains a greater body of water than the cylindrical, and though the steam cannot be got up so exppditiously, yet, when it is up, it can be kept at a more uniform pressure, being less susceptible of any variation in the temperature of the furnace. Boulton and Watt allow 25 cubic feet of space for each horse power, some of the other engineers allow 5 feet of surface of water. STEAM arising from water at the boiling point, is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere, which is, in round num- bers, 15 libs on the square inch ; but to allow for a con- stant and uniform supply of steam to the engine, the safety valve of the boiler is loaded with 3 libs on each square inch. Where boilers are in good order and sufficiently strong, it is advisable to use steam at a pressure of 10 libs instead of 3 libs, as stated above. Steam at this pressure is, con- sequently, much more effective, and the engine performs its work with greater ease ; but to use steam of this pressure, * Csmtnon pressure boilers ought to expose, for each horse power, 12 square feet of surface to the heat of the furnace and about f of a quarc foot of grate surface for one horse. STEAM ENGINE. 37? the feed pipe of the boiler requires to be lengthened. The following Table gives the vertical heights for different pressures. Beyond 15 libs pressure a force pump is gene- rally used instead of a vertical feed pipe, because the grcal length would not only be inconvenient, but liable toacci- dent. When the steam is at this pressure it can be used expansively, that is, the valve can be shut at half a threa quarter stroke, and the remainder of the stroke supplied by the expansion of the steam to common pressure; mis is found a very economical mode of working an engine. TABLE. T,ibs Pressure on thi- Square inch of the area of Safety Valve. Feet of Vertical Knight of Feed Pipe measured from Water Line in Holler. 5 libs 13 feet. 6 15 7 18 8 20 9 23 10 25 11 28 12 30 13 33 14 35 15 38 378 STEAM ENGINE. The following Table exhibits the expansive force 01 Bieaiii. expressing the degrees of heat at each lit of pre* sure on the safety valve. *>, rrrf8 of Heat. Lihsot Pressi.it. i Deprfipsof Heat. I.ihs of Pressure. ^Tat ' Libs of Pressure. 2120 268 24 298 48 216 1 270 25 299 49 219 2 271 26 300 50 222 3 273 27 301 51 225 4 274 28 302 52 229 5 275 29 303 53 232 6 277 3D 304 54 234 7 278 31 3U5 55 236 8 279 32 306 56 239 9 2*1 33 31,7 57 241 10 282 34 3(8 58 244 11 283 35 3U9 59 246 12 285 36 310 60 248 13 286 37 311 61 250 14 287 38 312 62 252 15 288 39 313 63 254 16 289 40 313| 64 256 17 290 41 314 65 258 18 291 42 315 66 260 19 293 43 316 67 261 20 294 44 317 68 263 21 295 45 318 69 265 22 296 46 319 70 267 23 297 47 3-^0 71 By the following Rule the quantity of steam required to raise a given quantity of water to any given temperature fs found. STEAM ENGINE. 379 RULE. Multiply the water to be warmed oy the differ- ence of temperature between the cold water and that to which it is to be raised, for a dividend ; then to the tempera- ture of the steam add 900 degrees, and from that sum take the required temperature of the water: this last remainder being made a divisor to the above dividend, the quotient will be '.he quantity of steam in the same terms as the water. What quantity of steam at 212 will raise 100 gallons ol water at 60 up" to 212? X 100 7 all nS f 2 12o+9JO-2l2 steam. Now, steam at the temperature of 212o is 1800 times its bulk in water; or I cubic foot of fteam, when its elasticity is equal to 3(J inches of mercury, contains 1 cubic inch of water Therefore 17 gallons of water converted into steam, occupies a space of 4l/9ii^ cubic feet, having a pressure of 1& libs on the square inch. In boiling by steam, using a jacket instead of blowing the steam into the water, I believe, about 1U.5 square feet of surface are allowed for each horse capacity of boiler i. e. a 14 horse boiler will boil water in a pan set in a jacket, exposing a surface of 10.5 X 14 = 147 square feet. HORSEPOWER. Boulton and Watt suppose a horse able to raise 32,OUO libs avoirdupois 1 foot high in a minute. Desaguliers makes it 27,51)0 I'-bs. Smeaton do. 22,916 do. It is common in calculating the power of engines, to sup- pose a horse to draw 2UO libs at the rate of 2 miles in an hour, or 220 feet per minute, with a continuance, drawing Ihe weight over a pulley now, 20U X 220:= 440UO, t. . 44000 libs at 1 foot per minute, or 1 lib at 44000 feet pel minute. In the following Table 32,000 is used. One horse power is equal to raise - gallons or 1'bs - feet high per minute. 380 STEAM ENGINE. Feet High per lain. Ale Gallons. Libs Avnirdupoii. Feet High per min. Ale Gallons. Lib* Avoirdu, oia. 1 3123 32000 20 156 1600 2 1561^ 16000 25 125 120 3 1041 10666 30 104 1166 4 780 8000 35 89 914 5 624 6400 40 7S 800 6 520 5333 45 69 711 7 446 4571 50 62 640 8 390 4000 55 56 582 9 347 3555 60 52 533 10 312 3200 65 48 492 11 284 2909 70 44 457 12 260 2666 75 41 426 13 240 2461 80 39 400 14 223 2286 85 37 376 15 208 2133 90 34 355 16 195 20CO 95 32 337 17 183 1882 100 31 320 18 173 1777 110 28 291 19 164 1684 120 26 267 LENGTH OF STROKE. The stroke of an engine is equal to one revolution of the crank shaft, therefore double the length of the cylinder. When stating the length of stroke, the length of cylinder is only given, that is, au en gine with a 3 feet stroke, has its cylinder 3 feet long, be- sides an allowance for the piston. The following Table shows the length of stroke, (or length of cylinder,) and the number of feet the piston tra- vels in a minute, according to the number of strokes the engine makes when working at maximum. When calculating the power of engines, the feet per minute are generally taken at 220. STEAM ENGINE. 381 JUmgth of Stroke. Number of Strokes. Feet p*r minute. Feet 2 43 172 3 32 192 4 25 2UO 5 21 210 6 19 228 7 17 238 8 15 240 -9 14 250 CYLINDER. When an engine in good ordei is perform- ing its regular work, the effective pressure may be taken at 8 libs on each square inch of the surface of the piston. In a former edition the maximum effective pressure was stated at 10 libs, but few engines are seldom or ever re- quired to produce this work. To calculate the paieer of an Engine. RULE 1. Multiply the area of cylinder by the effective pressure = say 8 libs, the product is the weight the engine can raise. Multiply this weight by the number of feet the piston travels in one minute, which will give the momentum, 6r weight, the engine can lift 1 foot high per minute ; divide this momentum by a horse power, as previously stated, and the quotient will be the number cf horse power the engine is equal to. RULE 2. 25 inches of the area of cylinder is equal to one horse power, the velocity of the engine being conse- quently 220 feet per minute. EXAMPLE I. What is the power of an engine, the cylinder being 42 inches diameter, and stroke 5 feet? 42 x.7854 X 10 X 210 STEAM ENGINE. EXAMPLE II. What size of cylinder will a 60 horse power ei\ me n> qi ire. when the stroke is 6 ieet ? 44'HJU X 60 = 1158 inches, area of cylinder. 228 X 10 Note. To find the power to lift a weight at any velocity, multiply the weight in libs by the velocity in feet, and di- vide by the horse power ; the quotient will be the number of horse power required. TABLE. VVh-n the effec- tive pressure on cacti inch of piston is The area equal to one horse power Will be 53 libs. 3.7 inches. 48 4.17 43 4 65 38 5.26 33 6. (6 28 7.14 23 8.7 18 11.11 13 ' 15.46 8 25. EXAMPLES calculated by Rule 2d, and by the above Table. 1st. What diameter is the cylinder of a 40 horse engine, common pressure? 4U X 25 = 35.7, say 35^ inches diameter. .7854 2d. What diameter is the cylinder of a 40 horse gine, effective pressure 33 libs on the square inch ? ^40 X 6 .7854 = 17.6, say 17f inches diameter. STEAM ENGINE. 383 3d. Thn cylinder of an engine is 40 inches diameter, Rnd the effective pressure is 2u libs on the square men. What is the power of the engine'? Area of 40 = 1256.6 H- 10 = 125.6 horse power. STEAM WAYS. The induction passages ought to be in area one twenty fifth part of the area of cylinder. Say, if area of cylinder be 25, the area of induction passage .should be 1. The eduction pass.-ige ought to be a little more in area than the induction, say one twenty-fourth part of the area of cylinder, in place of one twenty-fifth. Am PUMP. The cubic contents of the air pump is equai to one-fourth of the cubic contents of cylinder, or when the air pump is half the length of the stroke of the e-ngine, its area is equal to half the area of cylinder. CONDENSER is generally equal in capacity to the air pump ; but when convenient it oucht to be more : for when large, there is a greater space of vacuum, and the steam is sooner condensed. COLD WATER PUMP. The capacity of the cold water pump depends upon the temperature of the water. Many engines return their water, which cannot be so cold as water newly drawn from a river, well, &c. ; but when water is at the common temperature, each horse power requires nearly 7^- gallons per minute.* Taking this quantity as a standard, the size of the pump is easily found by the following Kule, viz. Multiply the number of horse power by 7-^ gallons, and divide by the number of strokes per minute: this will give the quantity of water to be raised each stroke of pump. Multiply this quantity by'231, (the number of cubic inches in a gallon,) and divide by the length of effective stroke of pump, the quotient will be the area. An engine will work with a less supply of water, say 5 gallons per minute; hut when water can be had without a considerable expense of power, 7J gallons is preferable ; because an abund* ance of water keeps the condenser, &.c. cool, and thereby produce* a better vacuum. 3S4 STEAM ENGINE. V EXAMPF.E. What diameter of pump is requisite for a 20 horse power steam engine, having a 3 feet stroke, the effective strokt of pump to be 15 inches? 20 X 7o = 150 - = 4.6875 gallons the pump lifts each stroke. 4.6875 X 231 15 = 72.1875 inches area of pump. HOT WATER PUMP. The quantity of water raised at each stroke ouuht to be equal in bulk to the 9UOth part oi the capacity of the cylinder. EXAMPLE I. What quantity of feed water is necessary to supply the boiler of a 10 horse engine, common pressure? 25 X 10 X 220 -- = 382 cubic feet of steam used, and the water contained in 1 cubic foot of steam is 1 cubic inch ; so that 382 cubic inches of water, or ! gallon, is required per minute ; the pump, however, ought to be made sufficiently large to supply 2 gallons per minute, to make up tor any leakage or waste of steam. EXAMPLE II. What quantity of feed water is necessary to supply the boiler of a 10 horse engine, the effective pressure 30 libs? fi fi y 1 ^^ 2^0 -- - - = 101 cubic feet of steam equal to 10] cubic inches, or -^ths nearly of a gallon of water. The pump ought to supply f gallon per minute. PROPORTIONS. The length of stroke being 1, the length STEAM ENGINE. 385 of beam to centre will be 2, the length of crank .5, and the length of connecting rod 3. The following Table shows the force which the con- necting rod has to turn round the crank at different parts of the motion. Col. A. Decimal proportions of descent of the piston, the whole descent be- ing 1. Col. B. Angle between the con nectingrod and crank. Col. C. Effective itn^th of the lever upon 'vhich the connecting rod acts,the whole crank being 1 Col. D. Decimal proportions of half a revolution of the fly-wheel. Co/. C. Also shows the force which is communicat- ed to the fly-wheel, ex- pressed in decimals, the force of the piston being 1. A B C D .0 180 .0 .0 .05 151 .46 .128 .10 141 .62 .158 .15 131 .74 .228 .2 123^ .830 .271 .25 117| .892| .308 .3 110* .94 .342 .35 104 .976 .377 .4 97i .986 .41 .45 91f 1. .441 .5 85^ 1. .473 .55 80 .986 .507 .6 75 .958 .538 .65 69 .92 .572 .7 62 .88 .607 .75 57i .824 .642 .8 49 .746 .68 .85 42 .66 .723 .9 34 .546 .776 .95 231 .390 .84 1.0 .000 1.0 FLY.WHEEL is used to regulate the motion of the en- gine, and to bring the crank past its centres. The rule for finding its weight, is, Multiplythe number of horses' power of the engine by 2000, and divide by the square of the velocity of the circumference of the wheel per second, the quotient will be the weight in cwts. Required the weight of a fly \vneel proper for an engine 33 Z 386 STEAM ENGINE. of 20 horse power, 18 feet diameter, and making 22 revo- lutions per minute ? 18 feet diameter = 56 feet circumference, X 22 revob tions per minute = 1232 feet, motion per minute -j- fiO =. 20 feet, motion per second ; then 20 2 = 420 the divisor. 20 horse power X 2000 = 40000 dividend, 40000 90 - 4 cwt - weight of wheel. PARALLEL MOTION. The radius and parallel bars are of the same dimensions ; their length being generally one- fourth of the length of the beam between the two glands, or one-half the distance between the fulcrum and gland. Both pairs of straps are the same length between the cen- tres, and which is generally three inches less than the half of the length of stroke GOVERN OR, or DOUBLE PENDULUM. If the revolutions be the same, whatever be the length of the arms, the balls will revolve in the same plane, and the distance of that plane from the point of suspension, is equal to the length of a pendulum, the vibrations of which will be double the revo- lutions of the balls. For example ; suppose the distance between the point of suspension and plane of revolution be 36 inches, the vibrations that a pendulum of 36 inches will 375 62 make per minute, is = - = 62 vibrations, and =31 V36 2 revolutions per minute the balls ought to make. For the sake of variety in the steam engine, we shall add the following table of the force and heat of steam. Also, the power of steam engines, and the method of computing it The force of Steam and the heat of it. At the temperature of 212 degrees of Fahrenheit's Thermometer, the force of steam from water is just equal to the pressure of the atmosphere ; but by increasing the heat, effects will be obtained, which are detailed in the following Table: STEAM ENGINE. 387 6 I .5.2 2 x !- II E 9 101 1l5 l | 20 I 25 30 < J .5 40J a o-| ? ! o- 230J 232^ 2351 237} 239.V 250; 259? 267" 273 I 278 | I 282 J ~ * 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I lis\ 25 g.2 2 o = 1 S|SC --^^ i t o.^ 35 40 J its eq By small additions to the temperature, an expansive force may be given to steam, so as to be equal to 4UU times its natural bulk, or in any other proportion, provided the vessels, &c. that contain it be strong in proportion. The Power of Steam Engines, and the Method of com- puting it. In computing the power of a steam engine, THREE things must be duly observed. 1. The width or diame- ter of the piston or cylinder. 2. The length of the stroke. 3. The strength of the steam. It is supposed" that the pis- ton does, or ought to travel 220 feet per minute. The power of an engine must vary according to the strength of the steam ; and this must be the first point to be decided. This pressure is fixed at different ratios by different makers, varying from? to 12lbs. upon the square inch. At Soho, they commonly fix it at 7 Ibs. and Smea- ton only reckoned 7 Ibs. upon every circular inch. Now the pressure being determined by the weight upon the safety valve, here is the most correct of all methods of ascertaining th power. First. Find out how many hogsheads or pounds of water the engine is capable of- raising ONE foot high in ONE minute. Secondly. Divide mat amount by the supposed ratios or supposed power of a horse to raise water 1 foot high in 1 minute of time, and the quotient will give horse powers of the engine. 388 STEAM ENGINE. RULR. 1. Find the area of the piston in square inches, by squaring the diameter and multiplying the amount by .7854, and the product will be the correct area. Or as the decimal .78 is near to .75 or f ; for a ready calculation not exactly correct, square the diameter and take f of that sum, and that will be the area, nearly ; of the diameter of the piston multiplied by its circumference, and that divided by 4 will give its area in square inches. 2. The area of the pis- ton in square inches must show the number of square inches exposed to the pressure of the steam ; now if we multiply this area by the pressure upon every square inch, we shall have the whole pressure upon the piston, or the weight which the engine is capable of raising^ and if the piston travel 220 feet per minute, that amount multiplied by 220 must give the weight of water that the engine is capable of lifting 1 foot high in one minute. 3. Messrs. Boulton and Watt suppose a horse able to raise 3200U Ibs. avoirdupois, 1 foot in a minute. Dr. Desaguliers makes it 2750U Ibs Mr. Smeaton only 22916. Divide the number of Ibs. *hat an engine of one horse power can raise 1 foot high in 1 minute, and the quotient will give the horse powers. What is the power of a steam engine, the cylinder of which is 24 inches, which makes 22 double strokes in a minute, each stroke being 5 feet long, and the force of the Eteam equal to 12 Ibs. avoirdupois upon every square inch? 24 inches 452.4 square inches. 24 12 Ibs. per square inch. 96 5423.8 the whole pressure upon the piston. 48 576 .7854 452.3904 area, nearly 452.4 square inches. WATER WHEEL. 389 The engine makes 22 double strokes, each 5 feet ii) a oiinute = 220 feet, then 5428.8 Ibs. multiplied by 220 feet travelled per minute will give 1 19436 Ibs. raised 1 foot high in 1 minute. This divided by the standard of each engineer's calcula- tion for a horse's power, and the quotients will give of Boulton and Watt's 37 horse power. Desagulier's 43 do. do. Smeiitou's 52 do. do. WATER WHEEL. WATER. (Hydrostatics.) Hydrostatics is the science which treats of the pressure, or weight, and equilibrium of water, and other fluids, espe- cially those that are non-elastic. JVb/e 1. The pressure of water at any depth, is as its depth ; for the pressure is as the weight, and the weight is as the height. Note 2. The pressure of water on a surface any how immersed in it, either perpendicular, horizontal or oblique, is equal to the weight of a column of water, the base being tqual to the surface pressed, and the altitude equal to the iepth of the centre of gravity, of the surface pressed, be- low the top or surface of the fluid. PROBLEM I. In a vessel filled with water, the sides of which are up right and parallel to each other, having the top of the same dimensions as the bottom, the pressure exerted against the bottom, will be equal to the area of the bottom multiplied by the dep'h of water. 33* WATER WHEEL. A vessel 3 feet square and 7 feet deep, is filled with wa ter; what pressure does the bottom support? 3 2 X 7 X 1000 = 3937 libs avoirdupois. PROBLEM II. A side of any vessel sustains a pressure equal to tne area of the side multiplied by half the depth, therefore the siiies and bottom of a cubical vessel sustains a pressure equal to three times the weight of water in the vessel. EXAMPLE I. The gate of a sluice is 12 feet deep and 20 feet broad; what is the pressure of water against it ? 20 X 12 X 6 X 1000 = 90000 = 40J- tons nearly. From ./Vote 2d. The pressure exerted upon the side of a vessel, of whatever shape it may be, is as the area of the side and centre of gravity below the surface of water. EXAMPLE II. What pressure will a board sustain, placed diagonally through a vessel, the side of which is 9 feet deep, and bottom 1 2 feet by 9 feet ? V 12* -f- 9* = 15 feet, the length of diagonal board. 15 X 9 X 44- X 1000 j = 37969 libs nearly. 16 Though the diagonal board bisects the vessel, yet it sus- tains more than the half of the pressure in the bottom, for the area of bottom is 12 X 9, and the half of the pressure is half 60759 = 30375. The bottom of a conical or pyramidical vessel sustains a pressure equal to the area of the bottom and depth of water, consequently, the excess of pressure is three times the Weight of water in the vessel. WATER WHEEL. 391 WATER. (Hydraulics.) Hydraulics is that science which treats of fluids consider* ed as in motion, it therefore embraces the phenomena exhi- bited by water issuing from orifices in reservoirs, projected obliquely, or perpendicularly, in Jet-d'eaux, moving in pipes, canals, and rivers, oscillating in waves, or oppos- ing a resistance to the progress of solid bodies. It would bo needless here to go into the minutiae of hy- draulics, particularly when the theory and practice do not agree. It is only the general laws, deduced from experi- ment, that can be safely employed in the various opera- tions of hydraulic architecture. Mr. Banks, in his Treatise on Mills, after enumerating a number of experiments on the velocity of flowing water, by several philosophers, as well as his. own, takes from thence the following simple rule, which is as near the truth as any that have been stated by other experimentalists. RULE. Measure the depth (of a vessel, &c.) in feet, extract the square root of that depth, and multiply it by 5.4, which gives the velocity in feet per second; this mul- tiplit d by the area of the orifice in feet, gives the number of cubic feet which flows out in one second. Let a sluice be 10 feet below the surface of the water, its length 4 feet, and open 7 inches; required the quanti- ty of water expended in one second ? V10 = 3.162 X 5-4 = 17.0748 feet velocity. 4X7 : = 2| feet X 17.0748 = 39.84 cubic feet of water per second. If the area of the orifice is great compared with the head, take the medium depth, and two-thirds of the velo- city from th;xt depth, for the velocity. Civen the perpendicular depth of the orifice 2 feet, ita horizontal length 4 feet, and its top 1 foot below the sur- face of water. To Snd the quantity discharged in one second : 392 WATER WHEEL. The medium deptn is =. 1.5 X 5.4 = 8.10 j = 5.40 X 3 = 43.20 cubic feet.* The quantity of water discharged through slits, or notches, cut in the side of a vessel or dam, and opeu at the top, wiL" be found by multiplying the velocity at the bottom by the depth, and taking f of the product for the area; which again multiplied by the breadth of the slit, or notch, gives the quantity of cubic feet discharged in a given time. Let the depth be 5 inches, and the breadth 6 inches ; re- quired the quantity run out in 40 seconds 1 The depth is .4166 of a foot. The breadth is .5 of a foot. V .4166 = .6455 X 5-4 X f = 2.3238 X .4166 = 96825 X -5 = .48412 feet per second. Then .484 12 X 46. = 22.269 cubic feet in 46 seconds. There are two kinds of water wheels, undershot and overshot. Undershot when the water strikes the whee< at or below the centre. Overshot, when the water falls upon the wheel above the centre. The effect produced by an undershot wheel, is from the impetus of the water. The effect produced by an overshot wheel, is from the gravity or weight of the water. Of an undershot wheel the power is to the effect as 3 : 1. Of an overshot wheel, the power is to the effect as 3 : 2 which is double the effect of an undershot wheel. The square root of the depth is not taken in this example, b it when the depth la considerable, 't ought to be taken. WATER WHEEL. 393 The following is on Abridgment of SMEATON on WAIER WHirta, UNDERSHOT. Velocity of water in 1" =V Weight of 1 cub. in. of water = W Area of sluice =A Quantity of water =Q, Power of the water to ) produce mechanical } =P mechanical effect effect ^ POWER AND EFFECT OF MAXIMUM. V. A.= d in one second. a\V.V = P ; Power to product Velocity of wheel in 1" = v Effective velocity of water = E v _ _ v P : e : s 10 : 3.62, Effect produced by the ) or 3 : 1 wheel 5 V : v : : 40 : 3.5, Weight raised = to W1 or 5 : 2. Velocity of weight raised = i> OVERSHOT. Descent of water including head \ _-r\ || and diameter of wheel* J ~ n w p The weight of water expended t , in one second j U POWER AND EFFECT AT MAXIMUM. Power of the water is = D.WJjP : e : : 10 : 6.6, or 3 : 2 nearly. Effect of the wheel is = wv = 41 Double that of an undershot The velocity of maximum is = 3 feet in one second. Since the effect of the overshot is double that of the un- dershot, it follows that the higher the wheel is in proportion to the whole descent, the greater will be the effect. The maximum load for an overshot wheel, is that which reduces the circumference of the wheel to its proper velo- city, 3 feet in 1 second ; and this will be knowu, by di- viding the effect it ought to produce in a given time, by the space intended to be described by the circumference of the r * By Head IB understood the distance between the orifice and the part of th wheel on which the water faJls. The fall is the perpendicular height from the tottotn of the wheel to the orifice 394 WATER WHEEL. wheel in the same time; the quotient will be the .resistance overcome at the circumference of the wheel, and is equal to the load required, the friction and resistance of the ma- chinery included. The following is an extract from Banks on Mills, p. 152. " The effect produced by a given stream in falling through a given space, if compared with a weight, will be directly as that space ; but if we measure it by the velo- city communicated to the wheel, it will be as the square root of the space descended through, agreeably to the laws of falling bodies. " Experiment 1. A given stream is applied to a wheel at the centre ; the revolutions per minute are 38.5 " Ex. 2. The same stream applied at the top, turns the same wheel 57 times in a minute. " If in the first experiment the fall is called 1, in the se- cond it will be 2 : then VI : V2 : : 38.5 : 54.4, which are in the same ratio as the square roots of the spaces fallen through, and near the observed velocity. " In the following experiments a fly is connected with the water wheel. Ex. 3. The water is applied at the centre, the wheel revolves 13.03 times in one minute. " Ex. 4. The water is applied at the vertex of the wheel, and it revolves 18.2 times per minute. As 13.03 : 18.2 : : VI : V2 nearly. " From the above we infer, that the circumferences of wheels of different sizes may move with velocities which are as the square roots of their diameters without disadvantage, compared one with another, the water in all being applied at the top of the wheel ; for the velocity of falling water at the bottom or end of the fall is as the time, or as the square root of the space fallen through ; for example, let the fall be 4 feet, then, As VI 6 : I" : : V4 : ", the time of falling through 4 feet : Again, let the fall he 9 feet, then, VI 6^ 1" : : V9 : ^", and so for any other space, as in the follow- ing Table, where it appears that water will fall through one foot in a quarter of a second, through 4 feet in half a se- cond, through 9 feet in 3 quarters of a second, and through 16 feet in one s^coud. And if a wheel 4 feet in diameter WATER WHEEL. 395 moved as fast as the water, it could not revolve in leas than 1.5 second, neither could a wheel of 16 feet diameter re- volve in less than three seconds ; but though it is impossible for a wheel to move as fast as the stream which turns it, yet, if their velocities bear the same ratio to the time of the fall through their diameters, the wheel 16 feet in^diamcter may move twice as fast as the wheel 4 feet diammer." TABLE. Height of the fall in feet. Time of falling in seconds. Height of the tall in feet Time of fallina in second* 1 .25 14 .935 2 .352 16 1. 3 .432 20 1.117 4 .5 24 1.22 5 .557 25 1.25 6 .612 30 1.37 7 .666 36 1.5 8 .706 40 1.58 9 .75 45 1.67 10 .79 50 1.76 12 .864 POWER AND EFFECT. The power water has to produce mechanical effect, is as the quantity and fall of perpendi- cular height. The mechanical effect of a wheel is as the quantity of water in the buckets and the velocity. The power is to the effect as 3 : 2, that is, suppose the 9000 X 2 18000 power to be 9000, the effect will be = 3 = 6000. HEIGHT op THE WHEEL. The higher the wheel is in proportion to the fall, the greater will be the effect, because it depends less upon the impulse, and more upon the gra- vity of the water ; however, the head should be such, that the water will have a greater velocity than the circumfer- ence of the wheel : and the velocity that the circumference 396 WATER WHEEL. oi the wheel ought to have, being known, the head required to give the water its proper velocity, caii easily b'e known from the rules of Hydrostatics. VELOCITY OF THE WHEEL. Banks, in the foregoing quotation, says, " That the circumferences of overshot wheels 9 different sizes may move with velocities as the square roots of their diameters, without disadvantage." Smeaton says, " Experience confirms that the velocity of 3 feet per second is applicable to the highest overshot wheels, as well as the lowest ; though high wheels may deviate further from this rule, before they will lose their power, by a given aliquot part of the whole, than low ones can be admitted to do ; for a 24 feet wheel may move at the rate of 6 feet per second, without losing any consider able part of its power.." It is evident that the velocities of wheels, will be in pro- portion to the quantity of water and the resistance to be overcome : if the water flows slowly upon the wheel, more time is required to fill the buckets than if the water flowed rapidly ; and whether Smeaton or Banks is taken as a data, the mill-wright can easily calculate the size of his wheel, when the velocity and quantity of water in a given time is known. EXAMPLE I. What power is a stream of water equal to, of the follow- ing dimensions, viz. 12 inches deep, 22 "Inches broad; velocity 7U feet in llf seconds, and fall 60 feet ? Also, what size of a wheel could be applied to this fall ? 12 X 22 - =1.83 square feet : area of stream. llf : 70 : : 60" : 357.5 lineal feet per min. velocity. 357.5 X 1-83 = 654.225 cubic feet per iinute. 654.225 x 62.5 = 40889.0625 avoir, libs per minute. 40889.0625 X 60 = 2453343.7500 momentum at a fall of 60 feet 2453343.7500 44000 =6^7 horse power. 8:2:: 55.7 : 37.13 effective power. WATER WHEEL. 397 The diameter of a wheel applicable to this fall, will be 63 feet, allowing one foot below for the water to escape, and one foot above for its free admission. 58 X 3.1416 = 182.2128 circumference of wheel. 60 X 6 = 360 feet per minute, = velocity of wheel. 654.225 =1.8 sectional area of buckets. doO The buckets must only be half full, therefore 1.8 X 2 = 3.6 will be the area. To give sufficient room for the water to fill the backets, 3.6 the wheel requires to be four feet broad, now = .9, say 1 foot depth of shrouding. 360 ; = 1.9 revolutions per minute the wheel will 1B'<3.2 128 make. Power of water = 55.7 H. p. "| Effective power of do. = 37.13 H. P. Dimensions C Diameter = 58 feet. \-Jlns. of } Breadth = 4 feet. I wheel. ( Depth of shrouding = 1 foot. J EXAMPLE II. What is the power of a water wheel, 16 feet diameter, 12 feet wide, and shrouding 15 inches deep 1 16 X 3.1416 = 50.2656 circumference of wheel. 12 x H = 15 square feet, sectional area of buckets. 60x4 = 240 lineal feet per minute, = velocity. " 240 X 15 = 3600 cubic feet water, when buckets are full ; when half full, 1800 cubic feet. 1800 x 62.5 =112500 avoir, libs of water per minute. 1 12500 X 16 = 1800000 momentum falling 16 feet. 1200000 3:2:: 1800000 : = 27 horse power. BUCKETS. The number of buckets toa wheel should be as few as possible, to retain the greatest quantity of water ; and their mouths only such a width as to admit the requisite 34 398 WATER WHEEL. quantity of water, and at the same time sufficient rocrn to allow the air to escuo*. THE COMMUNICATION OF POWER. There are no pnmo movers of machinery from which power is taken in agreater variety of forms than the water wheel, aud among such a number there cannot fail to be many bad applications. Suffice it here to mention one of the worst, aud mostge nerally adopted. For driving a cotton mill in this neigh, bourhood, there is a water wlieel about 12 feet broad, and 20 feet diameter : there is a division in the middle of the buckets upon which the segments are bolted round the wheel, and the power is taken from the vertex : from this erroneous application, a great part of tne power is lost ; for the weight ot water upon the wheel presses against the axle in proportion to the resistance it has to overcome, and if the axle was uot a large mass of wood, with very strong iron journals, it could not stand the great strain which is upon it. The most advantageous part of the wheel, from which the power can be taken, is that point in the circle of gyra- tion horizontal to the centre of the axle : because, taking the po \er from this part, the whole weight of water in the bucKets acts upon tne teeth of the wheels : aud the axle of tne water wheel suners no strain. The proper connexion of machinery to water wheels is of tne first importance, and mismanagement in this parti- cular point is often the cause of the journals and axles giving way, besides a considerable loss or'nowrr. To find the radius of the circle of gyration in a water wheel is therefore oi advantage to the saving of power, and the following example will show the rule by which it is found. See Centre of Gyration. Required the radius of the circle of gyration in a water wheel, 30 feet diameter ; the weight of the arms being 12 tons, shrouding 20 tons, and water 15 tons. PUMPS. 399 30 feet diameter, radius = 15 feet S 2U x 15 2 = 45UU X 2 = 9UUO j The opposite side ol A 12 X 15* (the water wheel 900 X 2=1SOOJ mu st be taken. W 15 x 15 a = 3375 = 3375 2 X 20 + 12 = 64 W 15 14175 = 179, the square root 79 79 of which is 13 -fa feet, the radius of the circle of gyration. PUMPS. There are two kinds of pumps, lifting and forcing. The lifting, or common pumps, are applied to wells, &c., where the depth does not exceed 32 feet ; for beyond this depth they cannot act, because the height that water is forced up into a vacuum, by the pressure of the atmosphere, is about 34 feet. The force pumps are those that are used on all other oc- casions, and can raise water to any required height. Bramah's celebrated pump is one of this description, and shows the amazing power that can be produced by such application, and which arises from the fluid and non-com- pressible qualities of water. The power required to raise water any height is equal to the quantity of water discharged in a given time, and the perpendicular height. Required the power necessary to discharge 175 ale gal Ions of water per minute, from a pipe 252 feet high { One ale gallon of water weighs 10-J- libs avoir, nearly. 175 X 10| = 1799 X 252 = 453348 ir.s horse power 400 PUMPS. The following is a very simple Rule, and easily kept in remembrance. Square the diameter of the pipe in inches, and the pro duct will be the number of libs of water avoirdupois con- tained in every yard length of the pipe. If the last figure of the product be cut off, or considered a decimal, the re- maining figures will give the number of ale gallons in each yard of pipe ; and if the product contains only one figure, it will be tenths of an ale gallon. The number of ale gallons multiplied by 282, gives the cubic inches in each yard of pipe, and the contents of a pipe may be found by Proportion EXAMPLE. What quantity of water will be discharged from a pipe 5 inches diameter, 252 feet perpendicular height, the water flowing at the rate of 210 feet per minute? 210 5* X -5- = 175 ale gallons per minute. A o 252 5 2 X z- = 2100 libs water in pipe. p 2100x210 =10 horse power required to pump that quan- tity of water. The following Table gives the contents of a pipe one inch diameter, in weight and measure, which serves as a standard for pipes of other diameters, their contents being found by the following rule. Multiply the numbers in the following Table against any height, by the square of the diameter of the pipe, and the product will be the number of cubic inches avoirdu- pois ounces, and wine gallons of water, that the given pipe will contain. How many wine gallons of water is contained in pipe 6 inches diameter, and 60 feet long ? 2.448U X 36 = 88.1280 wine gallons. In a wine gallon there are 231 cubic inches. PUMPS. 401 TABLE. ONE INCH DIAUE.TER. ft** high. Quantity in cubic inches. Weight in avoir, oz. Gallons wine measure. 1 2 3 4 5 9.42 18.85 28.27 37.70 47.12 5.46 10.92 16.38 21.85 27.31 .0407 .0816 .1224 .1632 .2040 6 7 8 9 10 56.55 65.97 75.40 84.82 94.25 32.77 38.23 43.69 49.16 54.62 .2448 .2423 .3264 .3671 .4080 20 30 40 50 60 188.49 282.74 376.99 471.24 565.49 109.24 163.86 218.47 273.09 327.71 .8160 1.2240 1.6300 2.0400 2.4480 70 80 90 100 200 659.73 753.98 848.23 942.48 1884.96 382.33 436.95 491.57 546.19 1092.38 2.8560 3.2640 3.6700 4.0800 8.1600 The resistance arising from the friction of water flowing through pipes, &c. is directly as the velocity of the water, and inversely as the circumference of the pipe. The data given is a medium, and which is l-5th of the whole resistance ; this is the standard generally adopted, being considered as most correct. EXAMPLE I. What is the power requisite to overcome the resistance and friction of a column of water 4 inches diameter, 100 feet high, and flowing at the velocity of 300 feet per mi. uute? 34* 2 A 402 PUMPS. 5!!dl2< = 546.19, sa, 546 ,. 16 5^6.2_X_300 ^ there{bre 440UU power required to overcome the resistance occasioned by the weight and friction of the water will be 3.7 -J- .7 = 4.4 H. P., say 4.5 horse power, EXAMPLE II. There is a cistern 20 feet square, and 10 feet deep, placed on the top of a tower 6U feet high ; what power \ requisite to hi) this cisteru in 30 minutes, and what will be the diameter of the pump, when the length of stroke is 2 feet, and making 40 per minute ? 20 x 20 x 10 = 4000 cubic contents of cistern. =133.3 cubic feet of water per minute. oO 133.3 X 1000 - - -- = 8331.25 libs avoir, per mmute. 6331.25 x 60 - 44(Fo = 11-36 h rse power = 2.27 -f- 11.11 = 13.63 horse power required. 133.3 j/ 31 1.7 =*= 17.6 inches diameter of pump required. Founders generally prove the pipes they cast to stand a certain pressure, which is calculated by the weight of a per- pendicular column of water, the area being equal to the area of the pipe, and the height equal to any given height. To ascertain the exact pressure of water to which a pipe is subjected, a safety valve is used, generally of 1 inch diameter, and loaded with a weight equal to the pressure required : for example, a pipe requires to stand a pressure of 300 feet, what weight will be required to load the safe. ty valve 1 inch diameter? Feel. liicnee. Ounce* aOU X 12 = 36,00 X *7854 =2827.4400 X 1000 l(;2 libs 4i oz. weight reauired. PUMPS. 40b Each of the weifhts for the safety valves of these Hy- drostatic proving machines are generally made equal to a pressure of a column of water 50 feet high, the area beiug the area of the valve. 50 feet of pressure on a valve 1 inch diam. = 17.06 libs. 50 do. do. do. 1| do. = 26.65 do. 60 do. do. do. 1 do. = XS.3S do. 50 do. do. do. 2 do. = 68.24 do. In pumping, there is always a deficiency owing to the tscape of water through the valves; to account for this oss, there is an allowance of 3 inches for each stroke oi ;iston rod : for example, a 3 feet stroke may be calcula- ted at 2 feet 9 inches. There is a town, the inhabitants of which amount to 12000, and it is proposed to supply it with water, from a river running through the low grounds 250 perpendicular feet below the best situation from the reservoir. It is required to know the power of an engine capable of lifting a sufficient quantity of water, the daily supply being calculated at 10 ale gallons to each individual; also, what size of pump and pipes are requisite for such 1 12000 X 10 = 120000 gallons per day. 120000 Engine is to work 12 hours, = 10000 gallons per hour. 10000 - = 166.6 gallons per minute. The pump to have an effective stroke of 3^ feet, and making 30 strokes per minute. 166.6 : = 5.5533 gallons each stroke. oO 282 X 5.6 = 1579.2 cubic inches of water each stroke. 1579.2 : = 35.1 inches, area of pump. 3 feet 9 in. = 45 in, 35 1 ^ = 44.7, therefore V 44-7 = 6. 7 diam. of pump. 404 FUMPS. The pipes will require to be at leaft the diameter of the pump ; if they are a little more, the water will not require to flow so quickly through them, and thereby cause less riction. The power of the engine will be 16C.6 gal. X 10-J- Ib. X 250 feet = 426925 momentum 426925 = 9.7, add l-5th = 11.64 horse power. : 13.3, = 15.96 do. Watt. 426925 -^5oo = 16 ' 5 ' ' = 18 ' 6 d * Desa ? ulieri 426925 229 1C 18.6 = ?2 32 do. Smeaton. MILL WORK. 405 This table is inserted from Ferguson's Mechanical Lectures. The speed is calculated for a millstone six feet diameter; but as mill- stones in general use are seldom more than four feet six inches diameter, the speed must be increased accordingly ; and it is found by experience, that millstones of this size will work well when making 120 revolutions per minute. Such a mill as this, with a water wheel 18 feet diameter, and a fall of water about 7 feet, will require about 32 hogsheads every minute to turn the wheel with the third part of the velocity with which the water falls, and to overcome the resistance arising from the friction of gears and attrition of the stones in grinding the corn. H< ight of the fall of water. Velocity of the water per second. Velocity of the wheel per second. Revolu- tions o< he wheel per minute. Revolu- tions of stone for one of the wheels. Cogs in the wheel and staves in the trundle. Revolu- tions of the mill stone pe minute. Feet. Feet and lundredth parts of a foot. Feet and hundredth Revolu- tions and hundredth Revolu- tions and undredth parts of a revolu- tion. Cogs. Staves. Revolu- tions and hundredth parts of a revolu- tion. foot. revolu- tion. 1 8 02 2.67 2.83 21 20 127 6 59.92 2 11.34 3.78 4.00 15.00 105 7 60.00 3 13.89 4.63 4.91 12.22 98 8 60.14 4 16.04 5.35 5.67 10.58 95 9 59.87 5 17.93 5.98 6,34 9.46 85 9 59.84 6 19.64 6.55 6.94 8.64 78 9 60.10 7 21.21 7.07 7.50 8.00 72 9 60.00 8 22.68 7.56 8.02 7.48 71 9 59.67 9 24.05 8.02 8.51 7.05 70 10 59.57 10 25.35 8.45 8.97 6.69 67 10 60.09 11 26.59 8.86 9.40 6.38 64 10 6U.16 12 28.77 9.26 9.82 6.11 61 10 59.90 13 28.91 9.64 10.22 5.87 59 10 60.18 14 30.00 10.00 10.60 5.66 56 10 59.36 15 31.05 10.35 10.99 5.46 55 10 60.48 16 32.07 10.69 11.34 5.29 53 10 60.10 17 33.06 11.02 11.70 5.13 51 10 59.67 18 34.02 11.34 12.02 4.99 50 10 60.10 19 34.95 11.65 12.37 4.85 48 10 60.61 20 35.86 11.95 12.68 4.73 47 10 59.59 406 MILL WORK. TABLE showing the Relative Power of Overshot Whcclt Steam Engines, Horses, Men, and Windmills oj differ rent kinds, by Fenwick. umber or ale gallons deli- vered on overshot wheel 10 feet in diameter, every minute. iainrii r of the cylinder in the common steam engine, in inches. iameterof the cylinder in the improved steam en- gine, in inches. 12 hours per day, and moving at the rate of two miles per hour. umber of men, working 12 hours nduy. ml ins of Dutch sails In their common position, in feet. adius of Dutch sails in their best position, in feet. adius of Mr. Smeaton's en- larged sails, .11 feet. eight to wl-ich lire.- di He- rent powers wil. raise 11 MM) UK. avoirdupois in a mi- nute. Q a Q z; 2 M a 230 8. 6.12 1 5 21.24 17.89 15.65 13 390 9.5 7.8 2 10 30.04 25.20 22.13 26 528 10.5 8.2 3 15 36.80 30.98 27.11 39 ' 660 11.5 8.8 4 20 42.48 35-78 31.30 52 720 12.5 9.3 5 25 47.50 40.00 35.00 65 970 14. 10.55 6 30 52.03 43.82 38.34 78 1170 15.4 11.75 7 35 56.90 47.33 41.44 90 1350 16.8 12.8 8 40 60.09 50.60 4427 104 1455 17.3 13.6 9 45 63-73 53.66 46.96 117 1584 18.5 14.2 10 50 67-17 56.57 4^.50 130 1740 19.4 14.8 11 55 70.46 59.33 51.91 143 lyoo 20.2 15.2 12 60 73.59 61.97 54.22 156 2100 21. 16.2 13 65 76.59 64.5 56.43 169 2300 22. 17. 14 70 79.49 66.94 5857 182 2500 23.1 17.8 15 75 82.27 69.28 60.62 195 2680 23.9 18.3 16 80 84.97 71.55 62.61 208 2870 24.7 19. 17 85 87.07 73.32 64.16 221 3055 25.5 19.6 18 90 90.13 75.90 67.41 234 3240 262 20.1 19 95 92.60 77.98 68.23 247 3420 27. 20.7 20 100 95.00 80.00 70.00 260 3750 28.5 22.2 22 110 99.64 83.90 73.42 286 4000 29.8 23. 24 120 104.06 87.63 76.68 312 4460 31.1 23.9 26 130 108.32 91.22 79.81 388 4850 32.4 24.7 28 140 112.20 94.66 82.82 364 5250 33.6 25.5 30 150 116.35 97.98 85.73 396 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 407 ON THE STRENGTH OF xMATLRIALS. THE strengtn of materials is a subject of great import- ance in mechanics, aud one which, of all the branches of ihis useful science, is the least understood. Several very eminent mathematicians have exercised their talents and ingenuity in forming tneories for estimating the strengtn of beams accord ing to the various positions in which they are, but unfortunately, they made no experiments ; therefore, they had no belter foundation than mere hypothesis ; con- sequently are totally at variance with practice. It is not intended, however, in this short abstract, to perplex the reader with theory, but to furnish the artisan with a few properties, which to him will be more useful than many discordant suppositions. A body may be exposed to four different kinds of strains. 1st. It may be torn asunder by some force applied in the direction of its length, as in the case of ropes, &c. 2d. It may also be crushed by a force applied in the direction of its length, as in the case of pillars, posts, &c. 3d. It may be broken across by a force acting perpendicularly to its length, as in joints, levers, &c. 4th. It may be wrenched or twisted by a force acting in a kind of circular direction at the extremity of a lever, as in the case of wheel-axles, &c. The first of these, viz. the direct cohesion of bodies, is one which seldom comes under the consideration of the mechan- ic or engineer ; and if any former experiments can be ob- tained, they are generally sufficient for his purpose ; or no reason can be assigned why the strength should not vary directly as the section of fracture, and is totally indepen- dent of the length in position, except so far as the weight of the body may increase the force applied. Neglecting this, and supposing the body uniform in all its parts, the ttrenglh of bodies exposed to strains in the direction oj their length, is aireciiy proportionate to their transverti area, whatever may be their Jigure, length, or position. 408 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Experiments on the direct cohesion of all bodies are at- tended with great difficulty, in consequence of the enor- mous force required to produce a separation of the parts, in bars of any considerable dimensions. Some experiments of this kind, however, have been made, the results of which are as follow, all reduced to the section of a square inch. Ibs. f Japan, 19,501 | Barbary, 22,000 Copper Cast, -I Hungary, 31,000 Anglesea, 34,000 I Sweden, 37,000 r Ordinary, 65,000 frrn Bar J Stirian > 78 000 iron uar, 1 BestSwedishSt Russian, 84,000 L Horse Nails, 71,000 Steel Bar J Soft ' 120 ' 00 ) Razor tempered, 150,000 r Malacca, 3,100 Banco, 3,600 Tin Cast, ^ Block, 3,800 | English Block, 5,200 L English Grain, 6,500 Lead Cast, 860 Regulus of Antimony, 1,000 Zinc, 2,600 Bismuth, 2,900 It is very remarkable that almost all mixtures of metala are stronger or more tenacioas than the metals themselves, much depending upon the proportion of the ingredients ; and these proportions are different in metals. Oak, 9,000 Ash, 17,000 Pine, from 10,000 to 13,000 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 409 On the Resistance of Bodies ichen pressed itngitudinully. It is obvious that a body when pressed endwise, by a sufficient force, may be crushed and destroyed, either by a total separation of the matter by which it is composed, or by bending it, whereby it is broke across : if the length of the body be very inconsiderable the former is the almost certain result ; but if its length be much more than its hreadlh and thickness, it generally bends before breaking. Although many experiments, and some very intricate analytical investigations have been made upon this subject, yet little can be advanced that will be of use to the practi- cal engineer. It may be observed, that a pillar of hard stone of Giory, whose section is a square foot, will bear with perfect safety 664,000 Ibs. ; and its extreme strength is 871,000 Ibs. Good brick will carry with safety 320,000 Ibs. on a square foot ; and chalk, 9,000 Ibs. It requires a power of 400,000 Ibs. to crush a cube of one-quarter of an inch of cast iron. The most usual strain, and therefore the one with which it is most important for us to be well informed is, that by which a body is broken across, from the force of weight acting perpendicularly or obliquely to its length, while the beam itself is supported by its two extremities, or by one end fixed into a wall, or otherwise. From various experiments which have been made, the following results have been deduced : 1. The lateral strength of beams are inversely as their lengths. 2. The lateral strengths of the beams are directly as . their breadth. 3. The lateral strength of beams are as the square of their depth. 4. In square beams the lateral strengths are as the cube of one side. 5. In round beams as the cube of the diameter. 6. The lateral strength of a beam with its narrow face upwards, i* to its strength with the broad face upwards as 35 410 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. the breadth of the broader face to the breadth of the nar rower. 7. The strength of oeam supported only at its extremes, is to the strength of the same when fixed at both ends, as 1 to 2. 8. The strength of a beam with the weight or load sus- pended from the centre is to the strength when the load is equally divided in the length of the beam, as 1 to 2. According to t!>e experiments made by Mr. Banks, the worst or weakest piece of oak he tried bore 6 JO pounds, though much bended, and 2 pounds more broke it. The strongest piece broke with 974 pounds. The worst piece of Deal bore 480 pounds, but broke with 4 more. The best piece bore 690 pounds, but broke with a little more. i The weakest cast iron bar bore 2190 pounds, and strongest 2980 pounds. Also, these experiments were made upon pieces 1 inch square, the props exactly 1 foot asunder, and the weight suspended from the centre, the ends lying loose. fly way of illustration we will add a few examples for the exercise of the Reader. What weight suspended from the middle of an oak beam, whose length is 10 feet, and each side of its square end 4 inches ; will break it when supported at each end 1 By article 1st, the lateral strengths of beams arc in- versely as the lengths, and (article 4) as the cube of one side. Then, as a piece 1 foot long and 1 inch square bore 66 : > pounds, one 10 feet long would bear 66 Ibs., and 66 multiplied by 64, the cubeof 4 = 4224 pounds the weight, the above beam would support. If the ends of the beano were prevented from rising it would bear 8448 pounds ; and if the weight was equally diffused in its length, it would support 16896 pounds. Required the strength of a hollow shaft of cast iron sup- ported at its two extremes, 5 inches diameter, the diame- ter of the hollow being 4 inches, and the length of th shaft 10 feet? STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 411 First find the strength of a solid shaft 5 inches diame- ter, and then that of one 4 inches, which deduced from th former, gives its strength. The strength of round beams are as the cubes of theif diameter, and the cube of 5 is 125 ; this multiplied by 170, the strength of a round bar 1 inch diameter and 10 feet long, gives 21.375 pounds for the strength of a solid shaft 5 inches diameter and 10 feet long. The cube of 4 is 64 multiplied by 171, equals 10,944 pounds, the strength of a solid shaft 3 inches diameterand 10 feet long. Now 21,375 10,944= 10,431 pounds, the strength of the hollow shaft required. N. B. '1 he diameter of a solid having the same quantity of matter with the tube is 3, but the strength of it would not be half that of the ring. Engineers have of late in- troduced this improvement into their machines, the axles of cast iron being made hollow, when the size and other circumstances will admit of it. Required the strength of a piere of deal 6 inches broad, 2 inches deep, and 5 feet long, placed edgeways, and the weight suspended from the centre ? Jlnsicer, 6624 pounds. What weight will a cast iron beam bear supported in the centre, the length of the beam being 6 feet 8 inches deep, and 1 inch thick ? Jlnsicer, 10 tons, 8 cwt 2 quarters, and 8 Ibs. If a plank be three inches %ick, and 12 inches broad, ow much more will it bear with its edge than with its flat Bide uppermost ? Answer, 4 times more with its edge uppermost. With respect to the fourth strain : viz. the twist to which bars or shafts in an upright position are liable by the wheel which drives them, and the resistances they have to over- come, little that will be satisfactory can be advanced. Mr. Banks observes, that a cast-iron bar an inch square, and fixed at the one end, and 631 pounds suspended by a wheel of 2 feet diameter, fixed on the other end, will break by the 412 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. twist : though some have required more than 000 pounds in similar situations to break them by the twist. The strength to resist the twisting strain is as the cube of like lateral dimensions. In concluding these plain statements it may be necessa ry to remind our readers, that in applying these rules to practical purposes, care should be taken to make the beams, &c. sufficiently strong : if they are but just able to support the stress they will be in danger of breaking. In most cases the strength should be 2 or 3 times the stress, and where the stress may be in equal, or the pressure exerted in a variable manner, by jerks, &c. the strength should be considerably more than that. In all the preceding examples the beams are supposed only just able to support the load. The following are the results of experiments made by Mr. Emerson, which state the load that may be safely borne by a square inch rod of each. Founds avoirdupoto *Iron rod, an inch square, will bear, 76,400 Brass, - 35,600 Hempen rope, - 19,600 Ivory, 15,700 Oak, box, yew, plumtree, - - 7,850 Elm, ash, beech, .... 6,070 Walnut, plurn, .... 5,360 Red pine, holly, elder, plane, crab, - 5,000 Cherry, hazel, 4,760 Alder, asp, birch, willow, . - 4,290 Lead 430 Free stone, - . - - 914 Mr. Barlow's opinion of this table is, "We shall u,, 187.19 3 1225 254.3100 . . 198.36 4 1296 269.0496 261.1440 209.86 5 1369 284.2044 221.68 6 1444 299.7744 . . . 233.83 7 1521 315.7596 246.30 8 1600 332.1600 322.4000 259.09 9 1681 348.97^6 272.20 10 1764 366.2064 . . . 285.64 11 1849 383.8524 i . 299.41 12 1936 4019136 390.1040 313.49 13 2025 420.8900 . 327.91 14 2116 439.2816 . . 342.64 15 2209 458.5884 . 357.70 3 inches 3304 4783104 464.2560 373.09 418 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Example to show the application of the foregoing lablt to find the weight of Flat Iron. What is the weight of a flat bar of malleable iron 3 in- ches broad, f thick, and 50 feet long ? 3 X 16 = 48 X 3 = 144 square 16ths, section of bar : look in the column of areas in the Table, and opposite 144 is 29.8944 oz. weight of one foot of the bar, multiply 29.8944 by 50 feet = 1494.72 oz. or 93.42 Ibs. Find the sixteenths in the section of the bar, and look for the number in the column of areas ; if the number be not exact, take the nearest to it The foregoing Tables have been calculated from Hut- ton's Specific Gravities ; those of cast and malleable iron and lead agree very nearly with those given by other au- th'ors ; but the specific gravity of copper, though heavier than that given by Hatchett, which i.s 8.800 ; still, from copper being frequently alloyed with lead, it is supposed that Hutton's, which is 9000, will be nearest the weight of copper commonly used. As a Table of Specific Gravities is often found useful, I have inserted the following ; but for calculating the weights of metals, I would recommend Dr. Hutton's Table. See page 49. TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Weight of a cubic Inc* Specific Gravity. in ounces avoir. Arsenic, .... 5763 3.335 Cast antimony, ... 6702 3.878 Cast zinc, .... 7190 4.161 Cast iron, .... 7207 4.165 Cast tin, .... 7291 4.219 Bar iron, .... 7788 4.507 Cast nickel, . . . 7807 4.513 Cast cobalt, . - - - 7811 4.520 Hard steel, . . . 7816 4.523 Soft steel, .... 7833 4.533 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 419 Cast brass, Cast copper, Cast bismuth, Cast silver, - Hammered silver, Cast lead, - Mercury, Jeweller's gold, Gold coin, Cast gold, pure, Pure gold, hammered, Platinum, pure, Platinum, hammered, Platinum wire, JVb/e. mering. Weight Specific Gravity. in - 8395 8788 - 9822 - 10474 - 10510 11352 - 13568 - 15709 - 17647 . 19258 - 19361 - 19500 - 20336 21041 of a cubic inch unces avo.r 4.85M 5.0S5 5.684 6.061 6.082 6.569 7.872 9.091 10.212 11.145 11.212 11.285 11.777 12.176 All metals become specifically heavier by ham- STONES, EARTHS, &C. Specific Gravity. in Ib3. avoir. Brick, 2000 125.00 Sulphur, 2033 127.08 Stone, paving, 2416 151.00 Stone, common, - 2520 157.50 Granite, red, - 2654 165.84 Glass, grceii, 2642 Glass, white, - 2892 Glass, bottle, 2733 Pebble, . 2664 166.50 167.00 Marble, - 2742 171.38 Chalk, 2784 174.00 Basalt, - 2864 179.00 Hone, white razor, 2876 179.75 Limestone, - 3179 198.68 RESINS, &C. Wax, 897 Tallow, !*' . - 945 Bone of an ox, 1659 Ivory, - 1S22 420 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. LIQUIDS. Weight of a Specific Gravity. in Iba. avoir. Air at the earth's surface, . If Oil of turpentine, . . . 870 Olive oil, .... 915 Distilled water, . . .1000 Sea water, . . . . 1028 Nitric acid, . . . .1218 Vitriol, .... 1841 WOODS. Cork, 246 15.00 Poplar, .... 383 23.94 Larch, 544 34.00 Elm and new English pine, 556 34.75 Mahogany, Honduras, . - 560 35.00 Willow, .... 585 36.56 Cedar, 596 37.25 Pitch pine, ... 560 41.25 Pear tree, .... 661 41.31 Walnut, .... 671 41.94 Pine, forest, .... 694 43.37 Elder, ; 695 43.44 Beech, 696 43.50 Cherry tree, ... 715 44.68 Teak, .... 745 46.56 Maple and Riga pine, . 750 46.87 Ash and Dantzic oak, . . 760 47.50 Yew, Dutch, ... 788 49.25 Apple tree, . . . .793 49.56 Alder, .... 800 50.00 Yew, Spanish, .... 807 50.44 Mahogany, Spanish, . . 852 53.25 Oak, American, . . . 872 54.50 Boxwood, French, . . 912 57.00 Logwood, . . . .913 57.06 Oak, English, ... 970 51.87 Do. sixty years cut, . . 1170 73.12 Ebony, .... 1331 83.18 l.ignumvitce, .... 1333 83.31 APPLICATION. 421 Application of the foregoing Table. A block of marble, measuring 6 feet long and 4 feet square, lies at a wharf, and the wharfinger wishes to know if his 10 ton crane is sufficiently strong to lift it. 6 X 4 X 4 = 96, cubic feet in the block. 171.38 Ibs. weight of a cubic foot. (See Table.) - = 7 ton 7 cwt. weight of block. fbs. in I ton = 2240 The 10 ton crane is therefore sufficiently strong to lift it. There are severaj slabs of limestone which measure al- together 300 cubic feet, and it is proposed to bring them down a river on a raft formed of teak logs, and which can most conveniently form a raft 42 feet long and 18 feet broad, what depth shall it require to be to float the slabs ? 198.7 Ibs. weight of a cubic foot of limestone. (See Table.) = 62.5 Ibs. weight of a cubic feet of water. 16 198.7 X 300 18 X 42 X 62.5 raft. 1000 : 12 : : 745 : 9, that is a cubic foot of teak sinks 9 inches in water, of course 3 inches of wood above water ; therefore-f- = 5 feet depth the raft will sink with the slafte, 3 which, added to 9 inches, gives the depth the raft will sink in the water, and therefore the raft should not be made less than 6 feet deep. 12 : 6 : : 9 : 4.5 = depth the raft will sink. 1.25 = depth the slabs will sink the raft. 6.75 = depth the raft will sink in the watei when carrying the slabs. 422 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. TABLE of the Properties of Various Bodies. BODIES. rtc Gravity. 3 3 a - ronacquare without per- t alteration. at degrees. ve force of a arc inch. | ' -1 i l.s of H t of water. |1 1 I !=! 1 s r 3 lu < j n o WOODS. Libs. Libs. Ash Beech 0.75 0.696 475 45.3 3540 2300 ... -- -- .23 .15 Kim Y. l!ow and Bed Pine 0.544 0.557 34. 34.8 334( 3 1 White do. Mahogany 0.47 056 293 35. 3WK .23 .24 METALS. Cast Brass 837 50625 6700 IRTfl 18000 .435 Cast Iron 7.207 450. 1530) 930f( ... 1. Copper .Malleable Fron l'.6 549. 475. 17800 2548 - - _ 33000 1.12 Hammered do. 4W. t i i **aa 11 IK 709 5 at Tin 7291 4557 2P8( 1P2 Cast Gun Metal 8.153 o09.13 10000 _ - - ... .65 STONE, ke. Brick 1.841 115. 275 .066 Chalk 3215 1447 Clay 2. T25 125. . Rid Porphyry 2^1 2 75 170. ... 35568 o j]3 Bath do. 1.975 1-23.4 ... ... 478 .0~7 Dundee do. S-tial U0.8 26GI .002 y the lost column of this Table, the rules for the strength of cast iron can tx applied to the various bodies. TABLE OF WEIGHTS, ETC. 423 TABLE of the Weight of Cast Iron Pipes. jo '?. b'jj c Weight. 1 ii j Weight. 1 ~z si. Weight 1~7 ft 6 t 12 6* 9 3 2 21 p 1 9 7 2 8 ft 6 ) 21 9 1 1 21 | 9 10 1 2 i ft 6 ) 21 9 6 ) 14 2 i 9 5 24 ft 6 ) 1 4 7 9 2 ! 7 9 6 2 8 2 6 ) 1 3 9 3 7 9 7 3 20 6 2 9 3 } 20 9 10 3 2J 6 J 1 16 9 4 3 5 12; 9 5 1 16 6 2 10 9 6 2 4 9 6 3 9 6 3 10 7* 9 3 2 4 9 8 1 3 a 2 20 9 3 1 6 9 11 21 9 1 6 9 4 22 13 9 5 2 20 9 1 1 12 9 5 10 9 7 14 9 1 3 6 9 7 9 8 2 7 9 s 1 8 9 3 2 4 9 11 2 12 3J 9 3 9 4 1 25 13? 9 5 3 7 9 1 21 9 5 1 18 9 7 1 12 9 1 2 14 9 7 ] 16 9 8 3 16 9 8 8 8J 9 3 3 8 9 11 3 24 9 8 2 9 4 2 26 14 9 6 4 4 9 1 1 10 9 5 2 22 9 7 2 16 9 1 3 12 9 7 3 8 9 9 1 9 2 1 12 9 9 4 9 12 1 14 9 2 3 21 9 5 4 14ft 9 6 24 4J 9 1 2 2 9 6 2 9 7 3 14 9 2 4 9 8 26 9 9 2 2 9 2 2 14 9J 9 4 18 9 12 3 6 9 ?, 21 9 5 1 15 9 6 1 21 5 9 ] 2 22 9 6 1 6 9 8 14 9 2 1 10 9 8 2 20 9 9 3 7 9 2 3 17 10 9 4 1 10 9 13 26 9 3 1 24 j) 5 1 26 9 16 3 5 5J 9 1 3 10 6 2 14 15f 9 2 14 9 2 2 9 8 9 8 I 14 9 3 IS 10J 4 2 14 9 10 10 9 3 3 7 5 3 7 9 13 2 17 9 5 12 7 9 17 1 6 6 9 2 n 2 C 16 9 7 22 9 2 2 21 11 4 3 14 9 8 3 7 9 :< 1 17 6 11 9 10 l 20 9 -t lo 7 1 7 9 14 8 9 5 2 2(1 9 9 20 1 17 3 14 f>i 9 2 if. 1H i 9 5 7 9 21 3 4 9 2 3 20 1 9 6 1 12 . 9 2t- 3 '21 424 BORING AND TURNING. The foregoing Table of the weight of cast iron pipes, gives the length of pipe according to the diameter of bore as generally used in practice. Diameter of bore in inches. Thickness of metal in inches. Length of pipe in feet. It is found to be of great use in making out estimates of pipes : for instance, it is required to know the weight of a range of pipes 225 feet long, 7 inches diameter of bore, and metal f of an inch thick. 9)225 25 pipes in the whole length. One pipe weighs 4 . . 22, which multiplied by 25, is equal to 104 . 3 . 18, or 5 tons, 4 cwt 3 quarters, 18 libs, weight of the whole range. The following is a Table of th velocity of motion, for boring cast iron cylinders, pumps, &c. and heavy turn- ing, with fixed cutters. It will be observed, that the surface bored is constantly the same, 78.54 feet per minute ; this velocity is found to be the most advantageous : a velocity greater than this, not only takes the temper out of the cutters, but also causing more heat, expands the metal ; and if the ma- chine stops but for a few seconds, a mark is left from the tontraction of the metal. Turning has a velocity double to that of boring. BORING AND TURNING. 425 TABLE. BOEING. TURNING. Inches diameter. Revolutions of bar per minute. Inches diameter. Revolution of shaft per minute. 1 25. 1 50. 2 12.5 2 25. 3 8.33 3 16-67 4 6.25 4 12.50 5 5. 5 10. 6 4.16 6 8.32 7 3.57 7 7.15 8 3.125 8 6.25 9 2.77 9 5.55 10 2.5 10 5. 15 1.66 15 3.33 20 1.25 20 2.50 25 1. 25 2. 30 O.S33 30 1.667 35 0.714 35 1.430 40 0.625 40 1.250 45 0.56 45 1.12 50 0.5 50 1. 60 0.417 60 0.834 70 0.358 70 0.716 80 0.313 80 0.626 90 0.278 90 0.556 100 0.25 100 0.50 N. B. The progression of the cutters may be l-16th ot iin inch for the first cut, and for the last l-24th. If hand tools are employed in turning, the velocity stay bo considerably increased. 36* 426 BUILDING. BUILDING. LAYING FLOORS. Flooring boards are mostly made of pine. The first class are selected free from knots, shakes, sap-wood, or cross- grained stuff; the second class consists of boards also free from shakes and sap-wood, but not from small sound knots ; the third class contains the residue of any parcel, or such boards as cannot be included in either of the preceding classes. When an agreement is entered into for the erec- tion of a building, the quality of the boards should be spe- cified, to prevent subsequent disputes. As all boards shrink in the course of time, and as the quantity of their contrac- tion increases with their dimensions, floors which are laid with very broad boards, soon exhibit, at the joints, wide fissures that have an unpleasant appearance. It is therefore the practice in good houses, not only to select the best part of the wood, but to cut the boards into narrow scantlings ; so that, if properly seasoned, and laid close at first, their shrinking afterwards is so small as to make no openings of consequence. Boards about five inches broad may be reckoned narrow, but when they measure nine inches or more in the same direction, they must be considered broad. The manner of jointing floor boards, and fastening them down upon the joists, is performed in a variety of ways, the most usual of which is, to plane the edges of the board quite square, that is, at right angles to the upper and under surface, and then, placing them as closely to each other as possible, to nail them down from the upper surface. Sometimes, particularly when the wood is known to be in- sufficiently seasoned after the first board has been fastened down, the fourth board is secured iti like manner, the two intermediate boards are then made somewhat wider than the space to receive them, and forced into their places by jump- ing upon them. To do this with the most ease andadvan. tage, the intermediate boards are laid aslant, so as to be highest in the middle, and those edges which are placed together being sloped a little, so as to form rather less than a right angle with their respective upper serfaces, they are, - BUILDING. 427 by an adequate weight, at once compressed and levelled. The fourth board of the last series becomes the first of th next, and the operation, which is called folding the boards, is repeated till the floor is finished. The nails are driven iu a little below the surface of these boards, and the cavity Is filled with glazier's putty. But in rooms not intended to be carpeted, and yet where a neat and clean appearance is indispensable, the use of putty must be avoided, and the nails must not be driven in from the top. This object is obtained by doweling the joints, that is, driving wooden pins into them in the middle of their thickness, and par- allel to the surface, in the same manner as the coopers joint the boards forming the ends of their casks. In this case, one-half of each pin entering the edges placed together, the boards, if the dowels be sufficiently numerous and pro- perly placed, cannot rise or sink but in conjunction. The best place for the dowels is in the middle of ihe space be- tween the joints. In the best doweled work, the nails are concealed when the floor is finished, for they are driven in slantwise through the outer edge only of each board. Sometimes the joints of flooring boards are rabbeted, that they may lap over each other a little way, and sometimes toothed into each other, or, as it is technically expressed, ploughed and tongued. When either of these methods is adopted, the boards are not separated on their contraction so as to leave an aperture between each pair, through which any thing can drop ; but such floors are more costly than others, not only on account of the extra labour, but the greater quantity of wood which they require. It is always desirable to cover a floor with boards in one length ; but as this may not always be convenient, when it is not done, the ends of the two boards that meet are culled headings. The headings should invariably be upon a joist, and two of them should never be together in the same line. Before the boards are laid, it is necessary to examine whether the upper sides of '.he joists all lie in the same plane. The defect they ar<} most liable to, is that of being depressed iu the middle ; in which case they must be raised by the addition of suitable pieces, but if found too protuberant, they must be reduced by the adze. 428 BUILDING. Yellow pine, well seasoned, is one of the best woods that can be selected for floors, and retains its colour for a long time ; whereas the white sort, by frequent washing, becomes blackish and disagreeable in its appearance. Proportion of Timbers, SfC. In the treatise entitled the " British Carpenter," already referred to, are given the following Tables to show the pro- portions of timbers for small and large buildings : PROPORTIONS OF TIMBERS FOR SMALL BUILDINGS Bern-ing Height if 8 feet 10 12 Posts of Pine Scantling 4 inches square Bearing Height if 10 feet 12 14 Posts of Oak Scantling 6 inches square 10 Gird Bearinw if 16 feet 20 24 >rs of Pine Scantling 8 inches by 11 10 121 12 14 Gird Bearing if 16 feet 20 24 ers of Oak Scantling 10 inches by 13 12 14 14 15 Joist Bearing if 6 feet 9 12 s of Pine Scantling 5 inches by 24 6* 8 2J Jois Bearing f 6 feet 9 12 s of Oak Scantling 5 inches by 3 71 3 10 3 Bridgi Bearing if 6 feet 8 10 ngs of Pine Scantling 4 inches by 2$ 5 2f 6 3 Bridgi Bearin" f 6 feet 8 10 ng* of Oak Scantling 4 inches by 3 5 1 Smalt R Bearing if 8 feet 10 12 jfters of Pine Scantling 3J inches by 2$ 41 2 51 21 Small R Bearing f 8 feet 10 12 afters of Oak Scantling 4J inches by 3 51 3 6J 3 Beams oj Length if 30 feet 45 60 Pine, or Ties Scantling 6 inches by 7 9 8i IS 11 Beams oj Length f 30 feet 45 60 Oak, or Ties Scantlines, multi- ply the square of the side of the posits, as here given, by itself: for instance, if it be six inches square, then as six times six is thirty-six, to keep this post nearly to the same strength, find two numbers producing the same amount; as suppose the partition to be four inches thick, then let the post be nine inches the other way, so that nine times four being thirty-six, the area of its horizontal section is the same, and its strength nearly equal to the square post. Posts that go to the height of two or three stories, need not hold the proportions given in the table, because at every floor they meet with a tie. Admit a post to be thirty feet high, and that in this height there are three stories, two often feet and one of eight feet ; look for posts ot pine ten feet high, their scantling is five inches square, that is, twenty. five square inches, which double for the two stories ; and also take that of eight feet high, being four inches, that is, sixteen inches square, all which being added together, make sixty-six inches ; so that such a post would be rather more than eight inches square. On occasion it may be lessened in each story as it rises. All beams, ties, and principal rafters, ought to be cut or forced in framing to a chamber, or roundness, on the upper side, and the convexity may be about one inch in eighteen or twenty fret. The reason is, that all timber, partly from its own weight, but principally from the weight of the covering or other burden it has to bear, will swag 5 and unless prepared in this manner, that it may never be. come concave, a degree of unsightliness, and often of inconvenience, will be produced. The joists in floors, the purlines (or timbers into which (he small rafters are tenoned in roofs,) &c., should not ex- -eed twelve feet in the length of their bearing, or from sup- BUILDING. 431 % port to support. The strong joists of floors should not be at a greater distance than five feet, nor common joists more than ten or twelve inches apart. According to the experiments of Muschenbroek, pine is able to bear compression in the direction of the length of its fibres, or to sustain as a post, a much greater weight than oak, but is far inferior to oak when the weight is suspend- ed. In the preceding tables, therefore, the scantlings of pine bearing posts and principal rafters are properly made less than those of oak ; but for other timbers, particularly for ties, many are of opinion that the proportions of the author's tables should be reversed, and the scantling which he has assigned to pine should be given to oak. 432 BRICKLAYERS' WORK. _g "S 5 A-S -*9'o 2 .5 ._ w O O JS ~~ o w,a TS w a S |fj?s 1 'sjTc 4 ^ C u- -Q cs e ^H = fill! c^'^-S Ml'-*" |11 ~ w ^3 g snr Iflp f!lt! i fl * 5 i . ""^ ci 06 ^ o CO i i i-t W CO 00 * CO CO 00 >; 'COOCNJlO : * ^ 5 -i I CM CO * CO PH (N W -^ "37- So b *|SS18S88 J i-Goaoj-jein I* 6 = IJ Si 11 gas O c Tf FH QO 00 t- O 06 o" i-5 1* co' o W CO CO <* CD 00 r-J l 20, and by the change wheel 30 for a dividend, aud rriiltiply the top carrier 100 by the 50 back roller wheel ftv a divisor and the roving required will be 4 gV 40 6 subtracted. 34 remains. 680 30 100 20400 (4^ Answer. 60 20000 Divisor, 5000 400 To change from one count to another without changing the roving. Suppose a pair of mules be spinning 40 hanks in the pound with 36 change wheel, and has to change to 60 hanks in the pound : the change wheel is required. RULE. As 60's will require a less change wheel than 40'g, con- sequently, the 40 and 36 must be multiplied together for a dividend, and divide by the 60, aud the change wheel re- quired will be 24. MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. 455 EXAMPLE. As 60 : 40 36 40 6|0)144|0 24 Co change from one count to another, when the change wheel and roving is required to be altered. Suppose a pair of mules to be spinning 40's with a 4 hank roving, and a 30 change wheel, and is altered to 60's, With a 7 hank roving : the change wheel is required. RULE. Multiply the 60 by the 4 hank roving for a divisor ; (h'.n multiply the 40 by the 7 hanks roving v and that by $i 30 change wheel for the dividend, and the change Theel required will be 35. EXAMPLE. 40 4 30 60 7 60 40 4 7 Divisor, 2410 280 30 84010 (35 Answer. 72 120 120 To fnd the circumference of a scroll to draw a carriagt out a certain number of inches, in a certain number oj turns. Suppose a carriage be brought out 58 inches in 55 turns, with a 2't wheel upon a rim shaft, a 70 upon the top of the 456 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. short driver, a 20 on the bottom, and a 100 the scroll wheel ; the circumference of the scroll is required. Multiply the 55 by the 20 upon the rim shaft ; then by the 20 at the bottom of the short driver for a divisor ; multiply the 58 inches by the 70 on the top of the short driver, then by 100 on the scrall shaft for the dividend, and the circumference of the scrall will be 18-j 5 ,-. EXAMPLE. 55 58 20 70 1100 4060 20 100 Divisor, 22|000 )406000 (18^ Answer. 22 186 176 10 To find the circumference of a mandosa putty, to draw ovt a carriage a certain number 'of inches, in a certain nm- her of turns. Suppose a carnage be brought out 58 inches in 55 turns, and a wheel on the rim shaft of 53 teeth, and a wheel on the top of the long driver of 55 teeth, a 34 on the bottom of the long driver, that works into a wheel on the coupling shaft of 100 teeth, and a wheel of 30 teeth on the sam* shaft that works in one on the mandosa shaft of 250 teeth . the circumference of the mandosa pully is required. Multiply the 55 turns by the 53 on the rim shaft, by 34 on the bottom of the long driver, by 30 on the coupling shaft for a divisor ; multiply 55 on the top of the long dri- ver by 100 on the coupling shaft, by 260 the man dose MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. 45? wheel, the 58 inches for the dividend, and the circumfer- ence of the mandosa pull/ will be 27 inches, 89 of a deci- mal, or nearly 28 inches. 55 53 165 275 2915 . 34 11660 8745 99110 30 29733(00 EXAMPLE. 55 100 5500 260 330000 11000 1430000 58 11440000 7150000 )829400|00 59466 (2789 234740 208131 266090 or nearly 28 ineheo. 237864 282260 267597 14663 To draw a roving into yarn. Suppose a thread of 36--f be drawn from a 4 back rov- ir.g, with a twenty pinion wheel, and an 80 top carrier, a 6t back roller wheel, and the number of inches put up 60, and the number of inches turned out of the rollers, 63 the change wheel is required. 39 458 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. RULE. Reduce the 36ff into 53rds, then multiply the product by the pinion wheel 20, and by th6 63 inches the rollers turn out for a divisor ; multiply the 80 top carrier by the 60 back roller wheel, and by the 60 inches put up, then bj the 4 hank roving ; reduce those products into 53rds for the dividend, and divide it as in whole numbers and the change wheel required will be 30. 110 181 1920 20 2035200 Div. )C10560jOO (30 Answer. 61056 To fold a wheel to put on the middle roller, for the middle roller to draw from the back roller G into 7. Suppose the diatneter of the back roller be -f and the diameter of the middle roller to be |- of an inch, and the wheel upon the back roller be 24 : the wheel on the mid- dle roller is required. RULE. Multiply the 24 on the back roller by the f of the mid. die roller, and divide it by the f of the back roller, and the wheel required to take it up as the back roller delivered it, will be 21 ; that multiplied by 6. and divided by 7, will show that the wheel required on the middle roller to draw 6 into 7, will be 18. MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. 459 24 7 8)168 21 6 IS Answer required. To find the draught of a mule. S*ip|ose the pinion wheel upon the coupling shaft toa 20, th\. top carrier 120, change wheel 38, back roller wheel 64, an d the diameter of the back roller of an inch, and the front roller J- : the draught is required. RULE. Multiply the change wheel 38 by the pinion wheel 20, then f diameter of the back roller for the divisor ; then multiply the top carrier 120 by the back roller wheel 54, then by the diameter of the front roller f for the dividend, and the draught will be 9 -*&. EXAMPLE- 38 120 20 54 760 480 .' 7 600 Divisor, 5320 8 Answer. 460 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. To find the number of revolutions of the spindles for ecerj inch oj yarn. Suppose a thread of yarn to be spun with 90 turns, and 20 revolutions of the spindle for one turn of the rim, anj puts up 6u inches : the number of revolutions per inch ia required. RULE. Multiply the 90 turns by the 20 revolutions of the spin- dle, and divide by 60 inches put up, and the number of revolutions per inch will be 30. , EXAMPLE. 90 20 60!0)180|0 30 Answer. To find the counts of yarn, without the assistance of a compendious table. Suppose one lea or 120 yards weigh 25 grains : the counts an; required. RULE. Seven thousand grains being one pound, and 7 leas one hank, and a lea being a seventh part of a hank, and weighing 25 grains, 1000 grains must be divided by 25 grains, and the counts required will be 40's ; and if 2 leas be token, 2000 must be divided by what it weighs, and so on up to 7 leas. EXAMPLE. 25)1000 (40 Answer. 100 To find in what portion to put twist in yarn per inch, in changing from one count to another. Suppose a pair of mules ar spinning 40's twist, with 22 J- revolutions cf the spindl per inch, and change to 90's twist : the number of revolution* or' the spindle pe inch is required. MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. 461 Add 23- revolutions of the spindle for every 10 hanks, aud it shows the number of revolutions required. JVb/e. 90's being 50 hanks finer than 40's, multiply 2^ by 5 and it will give 12, that added to the 22 will show, that 90's require 35 revolutions per inch. 40's weft requiring 16 revolutions per inch, and 12 added to that, shows that 90's weft require 29 revolutions. EXAMPLE. Twist, 22.5 2J5 12.5 5 35.0 12|5 IVeJt, 16.5 25 12.5 6 29.0 12.5 To find the number of stretches upon a cop; Suppose a cop run 10 leas with 80 turns of the reel in one lea, and 54 inches in one turn, and the number of inches the mule puts up is 60 : the number of stretches is required. RULE. Multiply that 10 leas by the 80 turns of the reel in ona lea, then by 54 inches in one turn, and divide by the 60 inches put up, and the number of stretches will be 720. EXAMPLE. 10 80 800 54 6|0)4320|0 720 Aniwar. 39* 462 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. To find the average counts of a set of Cops. Suppose a mule have 420 spindles, and one cop run 10 leas, and the whole set weighs 15 pouuds, the average counts are required. Multiply the 420 spindles by 10 leas for the dividend, then multiply the 15 pounds by 7 leas in one hank for a divisor, and the average counts will be 40's. EXAMPLE. 15 420 7 10 Divisor 105 4200 (40 AIM. 420 To find Ike Weight of a Warp. Suppose a warp 270 yard? long, with 33 beers, and 60 ends to each beer, and the number of hanks be 34's twist, the weight of the warp is required. Multiply the 270 by 33 heers, then by 60 ends in each beer, that will show the number of yards the warp con- tains ; then divide the yards by S40, and it will show the number of hanks it contains ; then divide the number of hanks by 34 hanks in the pound, and it will show the num- ber of pounds; then multiply the remainder by 16, and divide by 34, as before, and the weight of the warp will be 18 pounds 11 ounces MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. 463 270 33 810 810 8910 60 8410)53460(0(34 5U4 306 352 540 5U4 36 Ihg. oz. 636(18 11 34 296 272 24 16 144 24 384(11 34 44 34 10 To find the Weight of Weft to fill a Warp. Suppose a warp of 270 yards long be wove into cloth, and allowing.30 yards to mill up in the weaving and other waste, and the breadth of the cloth 29 inches, with 80 pirks in each inch, and the number of hanks of the weft be ?.4 in the pound, the weight of the weft is required. RULE. Subtract 30 yards from the 270 yards, and 240 remain; !hat multiplied by 29 inches, the breadth of the cloth, then by 80 picks per inch, it will show the number of yards ; then divide by 840, and it will bring it into hanks ; then divide the hanks by 34 in the pound, and it will be 19 pounds; then multiply the remainder by 16, and divide by 34 as before : it will show the weight of weft required will bo 19 Ibs. 7 oz. 464 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. BX.4.MFLB. 270 30 ___ 240 29 ItM. Z. 2160 662(19 7 480 34 6960 322 80 300 8 1|0)55680|0(34 16 304 16 628 96 604 16 . 240 256(7 168 23S 72 18 7'r. put a pair of mules in a good working condition, when the roller beam, spindle box, Jailer, and altogetlier it oui of order. Set the roller beam straight, then with a guage set the carriage strips all at one distance from the bottom centre of the front roller ; when that is done, then wiih a level 8(U all the carriage strips at the front of the bevel intend- ed. Set all the ends of the spindle box bottoms at one distance to the carriage ends. String a line along the bot- tom of the spindle box, and set the line about a quarter of nn inch from touching at each end : the best manner of doing this is by diiviug a small nail at each end of the 8| indie box, and lapping the Hue around them, and with tut squaring bands square the carriage so that the line ia MANAGER'S ASSIST AM'. 465 clear in the middle and the ends ; and put in the bevel intended for the spindle at each end, and string a line along the top of the spindles also, and set them straight. Then set the faller and the stops at the back to the dis- tance intended the spindles should be from the rollers. A TABLE Snowing the requisite metnber of revolutions of the spindle for every inch of yarn, of twist and weft, beginning ai 40'*, and going up to 200's. As no proper calculation can be made on account of the variations of the cotton, but, by observing the following Table, no person will be led into an en-or. Twist. Revolutions. Weft. Revolutions. 40 221 40 16i 50 25 50 19 60 27i 60 21i 70 30 70 24 80 32i 80 26^ 90 35 90 29 10U 37i 100 31* 110 40 110 34 120 42^ 120 36i 130 45 130 39 140 47i 140 41i 150 50 150 44 160 52i 160 46i 170 55 170 49 180 57i 180 51i 190 60 190 54 200 621 200 56i 466 MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. A TABLE , Of ha? fa lea to fry the hanks of bobbins, by penny-weight* and grains, commencing at quarter of a hank and going up to Jive kanks. Dwu Grains. Hanks. Dwt. Grains. Hanks. 83 8 i 7 13 ?! 55 13 1 7 5 41 16 * G 22 3 8 33 8 t 6 16 3-L 27 18 1 6 9 3-J- 23 19 f 6 4 33. ' 20 20 1 6 22 3 18 12 if 6 17 3 f 16 16 ii 5 13 33- 15 3 5 9 31 13 21 4 5 5 4 12 19 if 5 41. 11 21 it 4 21 40. 11 2 H 4 18 41 10 10 2 4 15 4- 9 19 2| 4 12 4f 9 6 4 9 4J 8 18 2 1 4 6 47. 8 6 2 i 4 4 5" 7 22 HYDROMETERS. 467 HYDROMETERS. THE following Table shows the correspondence between Beaume, Twedale, and specific gravity; and no doubt will prove useful to dyers, colourers, calico printers, aud bleachers. TWED ALE'S HYDROMETER. This instrument is in form and principle the same as Beaume's hydrometer for salts, except in the gradation. It takes cognizance only of liquids whose specific gravity exceeds that of water. Its zero is water at 60 degrees, and the space between and 1.S50 (^formerly regarded as the specific gravity of concentrated sulphuric acid,) is di- vided into 170 equal parts. It is in almost universal use among the practical chemists^ calico printers, dyers, aud bleachers, in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America. Its numbers are arranged on six glasses, which are called a whole set, (as the workmen term them.) No. 1 reach- es to 24, No. 2 to 48, No. 3 to 74, No. 4 to 102, No. 5 to 138, No. 6 to 170. BEAUME'S HYDROMETER. There are two hydrometers which have been brought into use by Beaume, a chemical manufacturer of Paris, which are of easy construction, a point to which Beaume was particularly attentive in all his apparatus. Benume'a hydrometer for salts is sometimes used amongst the calico printers, bleachers. &c.; and I have often wondered why it was not more generally adopted, as it answers every pur- pose of Twedale's six glasses. The only objection that can be made against it is, that they cannot arrive at that joint of accuracy which can be come at on Twedale's ; even this objection is groundless, providing a little care is exercised in ascertaining the strength of liquids. The following table will show the correspondence between Beaume, Twedale, and specific gravity, which may prove to be of practical utility. poi but 468 HYDROMETERS. Uteyume. Twedale Specific Gravity. Beaume. Twedale Specific Gravity. 1.000 38 72 1.359 1 H 1.007 39 74! 1.372 2 1.014 40 77! 1.384 3 3* 1.022 41 80! 1.398 4 5! 1.029 42 82* 1.412 5 6f 1.036 43 1.426 6 8 1.044 44 8t>! 1.440 7 9* 1.052 45 91 1.454 8 1.060 46 94! 1.470 9 12 3 - 1.067 47 97 1.485 10 14! 1.075 48 100 1.501 . 11 16! 1.083 49 103! 1.526 12 18 1.091 50 1C6! 1.532 ; 13 14 19! 21! 1.100 1.108 51 52 109! 112* 1.549 .1.666 15 23 1.116 53 1.583 16 24! 7 125 54 118! 1.601 17 26! 1.134 55 123 1.618 18 28 1.143 56 127! 1.637 19 30 1.152 57 131* 1.656 20 32 1.161 58 136! 1 676 21 34 1.171 59 139! 1.695 22 36 1.180 60 142! 1.714 23 38 1.190 61 147! 1.736 24 40 1.199 62 151f 1.758 25 42 1.210 63 155* 1.779 26 44 1.221 64 160! 1.801 27 46 1.231 65 165! 1.823 28 48 1.242 66 170 1.847 29 50 1.252 67 1.872 30 52! 1.261 68 1.897 31 54! 1.275 69 1.921 32 56! 1.2S6 70 1.946 33 59 1.29S 71 1.974 : 34 61* 1.309 72 2.002 ' 35 64! 1.321 73 2.031 36 66* 1.334 74 2.059 37 68! 1.346 75 2.087 APPENDIX APPENDIX. Form of a Common Negotiable Note. $500 00 Philadelphia, May 12th, 1839. Sixty days after date, I promise to pay to the order oi John Slater, five hundred dollars, without defalcation, for value received. Note with Security. 8250 00 Philadelphia, June , 1839 We, or either of us, promise to pay John Fox, or order, two hundred and fifty dollars, on the ninth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, for value re- ceived, without defalcation. Witness our hands this day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. JAMES PILKINGTON JAMES ARKWRIGHT. Bill of Exchange. $1000 00 Philadelphia, March 27th, 1839. Thirty days after sight, pay to John Brown, or order, this my first bill of exchange, for one thousand dollars, second and third of same tenor and date not being paid, without further advice from Your humble servant, JOHN GRIEIU To John Delany, Esq., New York. 40 470 APPENDIX. Promissory JYbfe. 8250 00 Philadelphia, Manh 2d, 1839. Nine months after date, I promise to pay to Peter Pratt, or order, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, foi Yalue received, without defalcation. Witness my ha:id this second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. GEORGE CAR. ^ JVb toitness required. JVb/e icith Interest I promise to pay John Selby, or order, the sum of three hundred dollars, on demand, with interest till paid, for value received, without defalcation. Witness my hand, this first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. RICHARD BAXTER. Form of an Inland Draft for Money, with Acceptance. $750 00 Philadelphia, May 12th, 1839. Six months after date, pay to the order of Henry Wild, seven hundred and fifty dollars, for value received, and place the same to my account. JAMES M. BROWN. To Mr. ELF HALL, \ Merchant, > Baltimore. ) Accepted, ABRAHAM COOK. Bill of Lading. Shipped, in good order, and well conditioned, by Jabez Hill, on board the called the whereof is master, now lying in the port of and bound for to say being marked and numbered, as in the margin, and are to bo delivered in the like order and condition, at the port of the dangers of the seas only excepted, unto APPENDIX. 471 or to assigns, paying 'freight for the said with primage and average accustomed. In witness whereof, the master or mate of the said vessel hath affirmed to bills of lading, all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void, dated in the day of 183 Bill of Parcels. Philadelphia, January 30th, 1839. Mr. John Hopkins, Bought of James Pilkington, 2 doz. Domestic shawls, a $2.25 per doz. $4.50 2 Silk handkerchiefs 9.50 5 Double strap suspenders, 2.25 " 3 " hose, 1-^ " Fine Penknives, 2| " Best Razors, 33 yds. Domestic muslin, 25 Satinet, 5 pieces Calico, 165 yds., $125.G9i Receipt General form. Philadelphia, April 2d, 1839. Received of Mr. Harlan Page, two hundred and seventy dollars, in full, for balance of account JOHN NEWTON. 8270 0~0 Letter of Credit. Messrs. Carick & Rogers, Gentlemen, Allow me to introduce to your firm the bearer, James Pilkington, a gentleman about commencing business. Should he make a selection from your stock to the ainoWj of five hundred dollars, I will be answerable for that sufc in case of his non-payment. With esteem, yours, SIMON PIKB, 472 APPENDIX. FOREIGN COINS, With their value in Federal money. A Johannes, - A doubloon, ... A half Johannes, ... A moidore, ... An old English guinea, A French guinea, An English sovereign, Pound of Ireland, A Spanish pistole, - A French pistole, A pound flemish of Amsterdam, Pagoda of India, A sequin of Arabia, An oz of Persia, Tale of China, Millree of Portugal, English or French crown, Dollar of Spain, Rix dollar of Sweden, Rix dollar of Denmark, Scudo of Rome, A ducat of Naples, Ruble of Russia, ... Rupee of Bengal, A florin of Yienna, Guilder of Holland, - Marc banco of Hamburg, Piastre of Constantinople, - An English shilling, A Pistareen, ... Jjivre tournois of France, A fame, .... A lira of Florence, Real of Spain, ... U. c m 16 00 14 93 8 00 00 66 6 60 44 4 10 2 3 77 7 3 66 6 2 42 7 94 66 6 48 2 48 27 3 10 00 02 5 01 3 96 75 5 71 3 55 5 46 6 39 S3 3 24 3 22 2 20 17 6 17 9 16 9 1 APPENDIX.. 473 STERLING MONEY, WUh the par value in dollars, cents and mills. Sterling. ^| United States. , s.d. $ cts. m. 1 1 8 2 3 7 3 5 5 4 7 4 5 9 2 6 11 1 7 12 9 8 14 8 9 16 6 10 18 5 11 20 3 1 22 2 1 6 33 3 2 _o 44 4 2 6 >ri fc. '/; 55 5 3 < 66 6 3 6 77 7 4 88 8 4 6 00 5 11 1 6 6 22 2 6 33 3 6 6 44 4 7 55 5 7 6 66 6 8 77 7 8 6 88 8 9 2 00 9 6 2 11 1 10 2 22 2 20 4 44 4 40 474 APPENDIX. Sterling. ' United States. s.d. Dolls, els. m. 10 44 44 4 20 88 88 8 30 _o 133 33 3 40 >"< '77 77 7 50 222 22 2 100 r 444 44 4 500 2,222 22 2 1,000 4,444 44 4 5,000 22,222 22 2 10,000 0. j 44,444 44 4 DOLLARS AND CENTS, ITilh their par value in English money. Dolls, els. ' r ' *. d. 50 2 3 60 2 8 70 3 1 80 3 7 90 4 1 00 4 6 2 00 9 3 00 13 6 4 00 o 18 5 00 10 00 T 1 2 6 260 20 00 r 4 10 30 00 6 15 40 00 900 50 00 1150 100 00 22 10 500 00 112 10 1,000 00 225 5,000 00 1,125 10,000 00 2,250 60,000 00 . 11,250 476 APPENDIX. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 5. No. 4. No. 6. APPENDIX. 477 No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 11. No. 10. No. 12. 478 APPENDIX. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. APPENDIX. 479 MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS. No. 1, Is the ingenious contrivance of the celebrated Montgol. fier, generally called thehydraulic ram. In this apparatus, a current of water must flow through the tube, iu the direc- tiou of the arrow, and escape at the lower valve which is kept open by a weight or spring, calculated according to the current ; so that when the current arrives at its spued, this valve is closed, and the momentum which the water has acquired, forces open the upper valve which leads to an air chamber above, where the portion of the water which has passed the valve is received, and thence conducted iu any required direction. As soon as the water which pass- es through the upper valve has come to a state of equilib- rium, the stream at the arrow is necessarily at rest, and the lower valve is again opened by the spring or weight, at the same time that the valve leading to the air vessel is shut ; thus by the alternate action of the two valves a portion o* the stream is raised at every stroke, and carried to a reser- voir above. No. 2 Represents a section of the oscillating column invented by M. Mannoury d' Ectot, for the purpose of elevating a portion of a given fall of water, above the level of the reservoir or head by means of a machine, all the parts ot which are absolutely fixed. It consists of an upper or smaller tube which is constantly supplied with water, and the lower or larger tube constructed with a circular plate in the centre of the office, which receives the stream from the tube above. Upon allowing the water to descend it forms itself gradually into a cone on the circular plate, whicn cone protrudes into the smaller tube, so as to stop th6 flow of water downwards, and the regular supply continuing from above, the column in the upper tube rises until the cone on the circular plate gives way ; this action is re- newed periodically, and is regulated by the supply of water, 480 APPENDIX. No. 3 and 4,^ Are horizontal, and overshot water wheels. No. 5, O Represents a revolving perpendicular shaft, carrying two balls which vibrate on levers, supported on a common centre above ; these balls beiug.acted on by the centrifugal force, fly out according to the velocity of the shaft. On the upper part of the shaft is placed a loose collar, con- nected to the opposite ends of the levers which carry the two balls, which by their position either elevate or depress the loose collar, and regulate the valve on the right, with which it is connected this arrangement is generally used to regulate the supply of steam to engines. No. 6, Is an application of the governor for regulating the sup- ply of water to wheels. The horizontal wheel is fixed to the revolving shaft, which receives motion from the water wheel, the speed of which is calculated to place the balls in the position here represented ; but should it increase and thereby raise the sliding piece, a projection from the left of the shaft would strike against the part immediately above, and traverse the coupliug on the horizontal shaft below, into gear with the left hand bevil, which being con- nected with the shaft, depresses the shuttle of the water wheel, and reduces the speed ; but should the speed go too slow, and the balls collapse, the same projection would strike against the part immediately beneath it, and the bevil on the right would be connected with the shaft and turn it in an opposite direction, thereby raising the shuttle for a greater supply of water. No. 7. This is an useful governor for pumping engines, in which the work is suddenly varied. The solid piston here repre- sented does not fit tight to the cylinder, which being filled with water is compelled to escape through the space, when ?NDIX. 481 the passage 011 the^ight hand is shut, and thus work is thrown on the engine ; but supposing the governor to re- sume its proper position, the valve in this side passage la opened, and the piston traverses without resistance. No. 8 and 9. Two arrangements for producing circular motion, by the hands or feet. No. 10, Is the universal joint generally attributed to Dr. Hock, by means of which the rotary motion of a shaft may be conveyed out of the straight line, without breaking its continuity. No. 11 Is an arrangement of spur wheels running loose on thefr respective shafts, with which they can be connected by clutch boxes, so that the relative speed of the driver and the driven can be varied according to the proportion of the wheels which are connected to the shafts. No. 12, Is a combination of wheels running loose on their re- spective shafts, which will produce a variety of speeds in a similar manner to the oneTast mentioned. No. 13. Supposing the upper circle to represent a section of two drums close to each other, and running in opposite direc- tions, the endless band which passes over the carrier pulley, below, will impart motion to the horizontal warve at the lower end of the perpendicular screw, which is supported by the upper and lower arms, but carries the central pieces as a moveable nut ; to this nut is connected a fork, which at each extreme of its traverse vibrates the weighted lever, and thereby passes the endless band from one drum to the other, and reverses the revolution of the screw. 41 2F 482 APPENDIX. No. 14, * Is a machine proposed by M. Grandjean for cutting screws, in which the piece to be cut is traversed, by meana of the bent lever on the left, which is acted on by the same treadle which gives the rotary motion. *. No. 15, Represents a machine for driving piles, in which the circular motion of the central perpendicular shaft is con- verted into alternate perpendicular motion, in the weight on the left. The principal contrivance by which the weight is relieved when at its highest elevation, is effected by the progressive increase of the coils of rope on the central shaft, which press on a small lever seen to the right hand, and disengages the upper part of the shaft, and allows the weight to run down ; the upper part of the shaft being, again re-connected as soon as the rope has run off. No. 16. Suppose the upper part of this figure to represent the sails of an horizontal mill, or any sufficient moving power to revolve the shaft which carries the spiral or worm below, and the shaft coupled immediately below the sails so as to allow a small vibration, thereby allowing thespiral or worm, to act on only one wheel at a time. At the back of these wheels and on the same shafts are placed pulleys, over which a rope is passed, carrying a bucket at each extremi- ty, one of which is elevated at the same time that the other is lowered, by the alternative action of the worm on the opposite wheels. In the centre, and immediately below the worm is placed a vibrating piece, against which the bucket strikes in its ascent, and which, by means of an arm connected with the step in which the worm shaft is supported, traverses the worm from one wheel to the other, by which means the bucket which has delivered its water is again lowered, at the same time that the opposite oiie ii elevated. INDEX. \cetates .Page 219 219 . 189 ^h s'l us 188 219 P P 188 . . . 220 P ,. 190 of copper . . . 220 45 193 .. 193 Acids 156 Li" ic ' .... 193 157 , sc ji n i c 194 acetic . 157 . 194 159 s r ! c sane . ... 196 . ... 159 U 196 158 196 160 197 ... 161 .. 198 . ... 161 " u P '. irou3 . ... 199 163 200 163 200 __ , chloriodic .. 164 lings ic . . . ... 201 165 g- ous 201 165 201 167 45 del hini 167 45 168 18 168 18 83 gallic . 170 18 171 19 iodic . . 171 45 172 Aluming, for dyeing 354 172 . 230 242 lithic .. 173 Alcohol 85 ..173 Alloy 19 ... 174 Alkalies 13. 201 meccuuc 175 ... 45 175 45 175 249 menispermic . . 177 177 .. 206 2C molybdenous . . 178 178 365 Annetto on col on 365 in u ^! c . 179 A t' n ~ l . . . 140 nitr' .. 180 . 241 nitrous 182 Annealing of steel and iron 2rfl nitro-muriatic . . 183 .. 183 Arsenic 137 p luri 183 . 21 --r- oxalic 184 81 32 (483) 484 INDEX. 270 22 310 233 46 25 232 135 247 247 356 367 363 370 3fiO 360 361 322 328 46 243 326 361 356 370 369 369 213 369 339 243 350 350 218 338 359 359 359 360 355 357 366 365 26 26 4f 35$ 338 339 26 71 218 217 217 226 246 26 26 26 340 326 344 344 327 339 312 312 154 343 59 11 18 27 320 152 46 27 147 154 232 27 255 27 31( 215 298 27 27 27 329 323 Atoms Ca idles, imitation of wax . . . Caoutchouc, or India rubber how dissolved . . its uses Carburet . Attraction . . 23 B. Balsams Carbon . . . . Basis ar ona es . .... Bismuth Ca b "* C 'd Bituminous substances Black on silk Cartilage Caustic Cawk Cement, block-cutters fire and waterproof . elastic, for belts . . . on woollen inclining to nurnle ........ orcas iron pipes an - B^ 1-n ^' 6 Blood P ** Blue ink prussian, on woollen. . . on silk 355 Cloth, to render wind and on ea er Chemical apparatus on ra jj cn - vat for cotton Chlorate Boots and shoes, to render Rnnps to dye and colour Borates Cobalt onzing . . on woo e Colouring 1 matter red cast . ' inclining to snuff n E -it 'A on silk dress , on cotton Concentration G Copal, to dissolve in alcohol in turpentine INDEX. 485 Jopal, to dissolve in fixed oil . Copper 115 331 283 348 358 202 46 251 28 46 46 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 298 29 29 29 29 47 29 29 358 358 362 366 351 353 368 349 30 30 30 30 258 30 30 30 30 .87 47 Corks for bottles Extract 30 Cr* n F. Crucible . .... Fibrin . 242 Filteration 31 Cupel Fire and waterproof cement 326 Fixed 32 D. Decantation Fluate 32 Fluates . 207 Flesh colour on silk 358 Fluate of lime 218 of si lex 218 Defla *ratio Fluid . . 32 Fl ux 32 Fluxion 32 Dephlogisticated . . . . Description of the lii>es of Fly wheels 317 Fusion 33 G. Galvanism 261 nv n f lon " Digester Distillation Gas 33 84 o e on si Gelatine 30 n S \- lien Gilding 340 on calf and sheep-skin 348 Glauber's salts 211 Gloss, to put on silk .... 367. 368 Glue . ... 246. 296 E. method of preparing Gluten . a " ?. . 230 Ebullition Effervescence .... *....; Gold 96 to dye on silver medals and lamellas through. Elastic Electricity Graver's improved aiethod of iqua ion Essence Etherial Green on cotton .. . , 364 Green sulphate of iron 21 Grev on silk 357 Ether 486 INDEX. British 236 CopaJ 236 33 33 23!) 37C 34 312 58 362 31 34 34 3G9 34 262 150 309 356 3ti5 34 273 317 309 34 100 227 88 344 244 318 34 311 34 356 49 233 49 215 215 215 21(i lac 237 Senegal 235 Lead 106. Leather, different shades of H. Light Lilac on woollen Honey . 232 Liquors, scalding and prepar- ing for dyers Hands, easy method of clean- ing 346 Horn 243 Horn to soften 345 M. Maceration Madder, French, how marked according to quality Hyper-oxy muriate of potass .. 216 I. Ide . 33 Inclined plane 315 Matter Martial Ink black 325 blue . ... . 326 Men and horses, considered as - red i 326 Indian or China 342 Ink powder 347 Mercury -vats 369 Metallic oxides lodate 33 Metals Iodide ... 33 Mildew, to remove from linen Milk Iron, to prevent from rustin? 347 to give a temper to cut Mill-work Iron 118273 Ivory to soften 349 Maroon dyeing on silk Mortar dyeing 342 349 to whiten and polish . . 350 J. Japanning- 333 Muffles of soda . work oolishingr . . . . 334 INDEX. 487 Narcotic principle 231 Portable balls for taking spots 342 203 208 36 354 37 222 223 314 371 366 37 317 239 49 37 37 37 40 53 212 326 365 369 370 362 41 s 56 311 41 233 53 146 41 249 42 42 339 216 42 202 209 213 42 49 Neutralisation 34 Potassium ickel ]13 Pnf.ij . Nitrates 213 Pntash P ' 'tat' of soda 214 Preparation of dye liquors. . . 0. Of substances 57 Oil, 1 oz. of which will last as long as 1 Ib. of any other. . 348 Oil to prevent smoking in lamps 342 Oil to prevent pictures from becoming black 348 Prussiate of potass and iron. . Pulley . Putrefaction Pyrites Pyroligneous tar Oil, to extract from any flower 352 R. Radical Olive oil silk * 357 Optics 267 Rancidity on woollen 363 Organic substances 228 Oxides 35 223 Red ink Oxyiode 35 Turkey on leather Oxides of nitrogen 224 of hydrogen 2'^fi Remarks on chemical apparati of sulphur 226 of phosphorus 226 P. Retorts Palladium 104 Pearl-ash 208 Rosin, brown and yellow S. 1 Sol Phlogiston 36 Salifiable Phosphates 36. 221 | Sal ammoniac s r d t r r o 222 Pitch 239 Sediment INDEX. Simple . . 42 Titanium 152 Silver 109 Tortoise-shell, preparation for 350 Slate on silk 357 Trituration ... 44 Tungsten 145 on woollen . 363 Silver, to write on 351 Slide rule 204 U. Undulations, to make on -wood 349 Soda 204 Soda water to make 344 V.* Sodium . . 132 Viscidity 45 Soldering 293 - of ferrules 93 a variety 329 copal 329 Space 310 Specific gravity .... 43 to gild with without gold 332 Spirit . .43 tis 332 Stratification 43 Starch 229 Steel blueing of . 280 Stone colour on silk . . 357 Sub 43 seed-lac 331 Vegetables 228 Suborate of soda 218 Sub carbonate of soda . . . 217 Vinegar, to increase strength of 351 portable 353 Sugar 229 of lead 220 Sulphur 70 Sulphate of alumine 210 W. Water 78 of indigo 355 of copper 213 of soda 211 Wax 231 dry 45 humid 45 Wedge 315 Sulphites 213 Super 44 Super-tartrate of potass 220 T. Table of saline products 202 Wheel-carriages 319 Wheel and axle 314 White-wash that will not rub off 345 Wine, to restore that is sour . 351 to correct the bid taste 3f> 1 Woody fibre 232 rule 299 Wood to dye red 348 Tantalium 151 ._ to petrify . . 350 Tanning. . 231 Tartrates * 220 y. of potass and soda. . . 221 - on leather 370 . of potass and antimony 221 Tar.. .*>;......,* 238 on silk 358 Tellurium 144 Thermometer ... .53 Z. INDEX TO SUPPLEME NT. toff* Air Pump -f t tvt . . 333 Application of Specific Gravity " ',- \ -^.; - - 421 Appendix ... '"..":. i,. . 469 Beaume's Hydrometer - * - - . - 467 Banks on Mills ...... 394 Bodies, Resistance of, when pressed longitudinally - . 409 Bricklayers' Work ..... 432 433 Building ....... 426 Circles and Diameters - - ^^, ^j-.*. - 434 Cold Water Pump - -' <>k> ." -;'. ,'. ' - 383 Communication of Power .... 393 Condenser ....... 333 Diameters and Circumferences .... 435 Engine Powers, to calculate ..... 331 Examples on the Strength of Materials - - - 410 Floors, Laying, Jointing, &c. ... . 426 Fly Wheels 385 Governor or Double Pendulum .... 336 Hot water Pump - ... . . . 334 Manager's Assistant in a Cotton Mill - - - 443 Materials, Strength of - .... 407 Mill Work - - 405 Overshot Wheel 393 Parallel Motion - * 386 Power and Effect ...... 395 Power, Communication of ----- 398 Pumps ....... 399 Steam Boilers - _. .- - - - - 376 Steam Engine - ... 375 " " rendered easy - - 436 Force and Heat of 388 Specific Gravity of Metals, Stones, Earths, Resins. Liquors, and Woods - - . . 418-420 u " compared with Beaume and Twedale's Hydrometer Scale ... 468 490 + INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. Table showing the square inch of the Area of the Safety Valve; also, feet of Vertical Height of Feed Pipe, measured from the water line in the boiler - - 377 " of degrees of Heat, Libs, of Pressure on the Safety Valve .... 373 u showing the Effective Pressure in each inch of the Piston, the Area equal to what one horse power will be ...... 382 e Showing the Force and Heat of Steam 38f " Showing the Height of a Fall of Water in feet, the Time of falling in seconds - - - - 39L of Mill Work ..... 405 u showing the Relative Force of Overshot Wheels, Steam Engines, Horses, Men and Wind Mills - 406 " showing Strength of Materials 414 " showing the Relative Weight that may be borne by different materials ..... 408 " of Sizes and Strength of Chains ... 414 of Specific Gravities of different Bodies - 415 418 " of Weight of a Square foot of Cast and Malleable Iron, Copper, and Lead .... 416 u of the Weight of a Lineal Foot of Malleable and Cast Iron Bars - - - - - - 417 " of the Properties of different Bodies - - 422 " of the Weight of Cast Iron Pipes - - - 423 " of Boring and Turning .... 425 " of the Proportions of Timbers for small and large buildings ..... 428429 " of Bricklayers' Work ..... 432 " for ascertaining Circles and Diameters - - 435 The Power of Steam Engines, and the method of com put ing it - - - - - - 387 Timbers, Proportions of, for large and small buildings 428 Turning and Boring ..... 425 Twedale's Hydrometer - - - - .487 Undershot Wheels ..... 403 Velocity of Water Wheel ..... 395 Watei ....... 391 Watek Wheel ..... 3S9 393 " Pressure ...... 389 " Wheel, Height of ..... 395 *..- " Velocity of 39 - " Number of Buckets - - - - 397 - lllllllllilllliiiiilifMHiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniMiNiii A 000020451 1