LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Clots THE INDUSTRIAL AND ARTISTIC TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH BY ALVAH HORTON SABIN, M.S., CHEMIST FOR EDWARD SMITI! & Co., NEW YORK. Member of the American Chemical Society, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society for Testing Materials, the Society of Arts (London); Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Lecturer in New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; lately Professor of Chemistry in the University of Vermont. FIRST EDITION-. FIRST THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. 1904. Copyright, 1904, BY 'ALVAH HORTON SABIN. Entered at Stationers'* Hall, London. ROBERT DRUMMOND, PRINTER, NEW YORK. PREFACE. THE wise Quintilian remarked, that "If we can say what is right we shall be delighted, though it may not be of our own invention." This observation may well serve as a text for any one who speaks of a technical art, such arts being of slow growth, so that an account of any of them concerns itself much with the past, and the knowledge of the expert, as a bookmaker, is largely valuable for separating the true and the significant from that which is untrue, or if true is of no relevancy or use. To no art does this apply more than to that which concerns the making and using of protective and decorative coatings, which have been used from remote times; sometimes, though perhaps empir- ically, in ways analogous or closely similar to the most approved modern practice, then wandering off into the use of inefficient, irrational, and unsatisfactory methods and materials. The aim of the writer is to give a correct general outline of the subject of Paints and Varnishes, with a brief account of their modern use and of the principles which are involved in their fabrication and application. Many of the facts herein noted, though old, are practically unknown, and some of them exactly anticipate recently patented processes; their value to the public in that way is sufficient excuse for their republication. Scarcely any patents in this line are of any value or validity; and the ''secret processes" which are continually vended are for the most part neither secret nor new. The only trade secrets lie in the incommunicable intimate knowledge of the expert, and are made valuable only by his unceasing care, vigilance, and. v PREFACE. conscientiousness. Theories may, however, be made known, ,and the attention of the student may be intelligently directed to their application. The author foresees that one criticism of this work will be on the importance assigned to the use of oleo-resinous varnishes. He can only say in reply that if he had the courage of his con- victions it would have been made a great deal more prominent than it is, and that the daily study of new problems, as well as systematic observation of the results of work done many years ago, produces in his mind the belief that it is in this direction we must look for future progress. Apology is perhaps due the reader for the lack of a very co- herent plan in this treatise. In part the contents of this book .are those things which seem most interesting or important to the writer; in part they are things which long practical experi- ence has shown to interest many other people. Things which many people will wish to know are left out, in many cases because of the limitations of the author's knowledge, but often because the book is already too large; and to all the writer commends the amiable maxim of Erasmus, that "a reader should sit down to a book as a polite diner does to a meal. The entertainer tries to satisfy all his guests; but if it should happen that some- thing does not suit this or that person's taste they politely conceal their feelings and commend other dishes, that they may not dis- tress their host." CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE INTRODUCTORY i CHAPTER II. EARLY HISTORY 6 CHAPTER III. VARNISH : ORIGIN OF THE NAME 27 CHAPTER IV. LINSEED-OIL 31 CHAPTER V. LINSEED-OIL. BY DR. PARKER C. MC!LHINEY 39 CHAPTER VI. MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH 71 CHAPTER VII. TUNG-OIL 85 CHAPTER VIII. JAPANS AND DRIERS. 87 CHAPTER IX. ROSIN 95 CHAPTER X. SPIRIT VARNISHES 103. v VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. PAGE PYROXYLIN VARNISHES 112 CHAPTER XII. OIL-PAINTS AND PAINTS IN JAPAN 1 1 8 CHAPTER XIII. VARNISH OR ENAMEL PAINTS 140 CHAPTER XIV. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS 146 CHAPTER XV. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION 180 CHAPTER XVI. WATER-PIPE COATING 258 CHAPTER XVII. SHIP'S-BOTTOM PAINTS 290 CHAPTER XVIII. SHIP- AND BOAT-PAINTING 297 CHAPTER XIX. CARRIAGE-PAINTING ... 301 CHAPTER XX. HOUSE-PAINTING 311 CHAPTER XXI. FURNITURE-VARNISHING 327 CHAPTER XXII. CONCLUSION 340 INDEX 3 6 5 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH CHAPTER i. INTRODUCTORY. WHEN we devote our attention to the subject of paint and painting, we seem to encounter matters on which the vast major- ity of commonly well-educated people feel almost entire ignorance and concerning which the opinion of any self-constituted expert is allowed to carry a weight which is out of all proportion, in most instances, to its real value. In reality, although there are many special cases where expert opinion is needed, and not a few where the most learned and practised must feel uncertain, the general principles involved are not difficult to understand, and should be known to any one who is interested in the practical matters of every-day life. The lack of such knowledge is a source of discomfort and unnecessary expense to not a few who are the victims of the ignorance and cupidity of those whom they employ. Very many people have a fair practical knowledge of carpentry, for instance, so as to be able to detect poor work- manship, although unable to do such work themselves; some have such a knowledge of plumbing; but few feel qualified to critically examine a job of painting and varnishing, yet almost everything which we touch or use has been in some way or some part treated with a protective or decorative coating. The beginner, who will probably find this book more helpful 2 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and suggestive than any one else, since the author cannot hope to instruct the expert, must begin at the beginning, that is to say, with a brief description, correct so far as it goes, of the most essential materials and processes employed in the art, which having learned, discussion of more detailed matters may be un- derstood and the consideration of the more complex or difficult compounds or methods will be left to later chapters. Let us consider, then, which first, paint or varnish? It is difficult to decide; like the celebrated problem of the bird and the egg: "When I consider the beauty of the complete bird," said the owl, "I think that must have been first, as the cause is greater than the effect; when I remember my own childhood, I incline the other way." Painting is not complete without varnish. Var- nish is an ingredient of most paint, but paint is often thought of as the foundation and varnish as the finish. It does not matter much ; let us tell first about varnish. Varnish: Definition. As the term is commonly used, this is a substance which is applied as a liquid, and on exposure to the air hardens and forms a thin and usually somewhat trans- parent film (but some varnishes are black and nearly opaque), which improves or better displays the surface over which it is spread and to a considerable degree protects it from dirt and injury. Some varnishes harden by a chemical change, which in almost all cases is the absorption of oxygen from the air, others by the evaporation of the solvent. The former are the most im- portant and are made from certain resins, known as varnish- resins or varnish-gums (though not gums in the strict sense, but commercially so called), and linseed-oil. They are thinned with spirits of turpentine. The process of manufacture is briefly as follows : Varnish: How Made. The resin is .put in a copper kettle, which is then put over a hot fire until the resin is thoroughly melted. The linseed-oil is then added and the mixture is heated until the ingredients are well combined. It is then partially cooled and is thinned with enough spirits of turpentine to make it thin enough for use when cold. When such a varnish is spread INTRODUCTORY. 3 over a surface with a brush or otherwise it forms a thin film, not more than a few thousandths of an inch in thickness, and of course exposes a great deal of surface to the air. What first happens is that the turpentine evaporates, then the oil and resin compound absorbs oxygen and is converted into a hard, glossy film. This may take a few hours or a few days. Upon a little reflection it will be obvious that the relative amounts of oil and resin will be an important factor in deter- mining the quality of the compound; also, since the oil and tur- pentine are always of about the same quality, while the resins vary considerably, that the kind of resin used will be of impor- tance ; and that different sorts of varnishes may be made for different uses. Spirit Varnish. Varnishes of another kind are made by dissolving the resin (or other substance, but resins are chiefly used) in a volatile liquid such as alcohol. Such a varnish, when spread over a surface, loses its solvent by evaporation, and the resin is then found in a thin uniform film, the liquid having served as a mechanical means of uniformly spreading the resin over the surface to be coated. Linoxyn. If we spread a film of lard-oil or cottonseed-oil over a non-absorbent surface, such as a piece of glass, and expose it to the air, it does not seem to change, at least not for a long time. The surface is simply made greasy; but if we use linseed- oil in the same way, after a short time, or at most within a few days, we find that a remarkable change has taken place. The film is no longer a greasy fluid, but is a tough, leathery, solid sub- stance, not in the least like oil. This new material has been formed by the absorption of oxygen by the oil and is known as oxidized oil, or linoxyn. This capacity for change into a tough and permanent solid substance by the action of the air is an unusual and valuable quality, which causes linseed-oil to be chosen for making paint or varnish. In fact, the film of dried oil without any addition of resin is a sort of varnish, and in some countries is commonly spoken of as oil varnish. Such a film is pale yellow in color, nearly transparent, like most varnish-films, 4 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and if it is desired to apply a colored film it is, of course, necessary to add some color to it. Pigments. This is done by mixing with the oil or varnish, while it is a liquid and before it has been spread over the surface to be coated, a colored pigment which is a solid substance, such, for example, as a piece of colored rock which has been ground to a fine powder. This pigment does not dissolve in the oil but only mixes with it, converting it into a muddy, opaque, colored liquid, of course of a thicker consistence than the pure oil or varnish. Paint. When this mixture, which is called paint, is spread out hi a thin film the oil or varnish hardens, as has been described, and acts as a cementing material, or binder, to hold the particles of pigment on the surface which has been coated. But oil and varnish are not the only cements, and it is not absolutely neces- sary to use them in making a paint. We may mix the colored pigment with a dilute solution of glue, as is done in making kal- somine, and such a mixture is used in making water-color or distemper paintings. Water-colors. There is no reason why painting done in dis- temper (water-color) should not, after it gets quite dry, be var- nished with any ordinary varnish, to enhance its beauty and make it more permanent, and in fact this is often done and has been from the earliest times. Encaustic Painting. In former times there was still another sort of painting, which has now gone out of practice, called en- caustic painting. This was done with wax, colored by mixing it with suitable pigments, applied in a melted condition, and some- times covered with a varnish. Wax in solution is still employed as a coating, especially for floors, but encaustic painting was done with melted wax and the finished work commonly glazed by hold- ing a hot iron or a torch in front of it. Such painting was very durable when not exposed to heat nor to the weather, but could not be handled. It was used for mural decorations. Instead of a spirit, varnish, a powdered resin was sometimes employed, which was sifted over the surface and fixed by being melted by INTRODUCTORY. 5 the application of a hot iron. Sandarac was the resin used, and this was the old English pounce, sprinkled over the surface from a pouncet-box or pounce-box like a pepper-box. There are many other minor varieties of both paint and varnish, but if the reader will remember what has just been told, especially the practice of making oleo-resinous varnishes by first melting the resin and then adding the oil, cooking the compound, and afterward thinning it, he will be able to clearly understand the modifications and addi- tions which are to be made in the later descriptions of a more detailed character. CHAPTER II. EARLY HISTORY. KNOWLEDGE of the early history of any art is fragmentary and apt to be to some extent conjectural, but none the less inter- esting. It is, therefore, without apology that a few facts are here given, not as a complete or definite history, but only in a tenta- tive way, as a possible nucleus about which other students with better opportunities may group a more systematic series of studies, on a subject which appears to have received less attention than its importance and intrinsic interest deserve. The use of both decorative and protective coatings is of great and unknown antiquity. Savages use both mineral and vege- table colors to decorate their persons, their clothing, and their abodes; anointing the body with oil as a protection against the weather is a common practice. Oil is also used on dressed skins of animals to make them pliable and water-proof, and tem- porary and permanent dwellings, and boats, are made water- proof by the use of fatty and resinous bodies. When Noah built the ark and coated the seams with pitch he was doubtless follow- ing the most approved system of use of protective coatings on structural materials, which was then probably of remote antiquity and traditional origin, and which he may have learned when he was a boy, four or five hundred years before. Grease-paints. It is only reasonable to suppose, and this is borne out by the present practice of savage tribes, that the earliest paints may have been pigments mixed with grease or fat. Such a paint adheres to the human skin with considerable persistence, yet it may be removed by thorough washing, and of this nature are the grease-paints still used by actors. This may fairly claim 6 EARLY HISTORY. 7 to be the oldest kind of paint. When such a paint is applied to leather or wood it is practically impossible to remove it and probably its protective action is considerable. The use of oil alone as a preservative, e.g., to make the wood of bows and lances water-proof, is perhaps a forerunner of varnish, being closely allied to the use of varnish on violins and other musical instru- ments. Egyptian Varnish. So far as is yet known to the author, the oldest varnish in existence is that on the wooden mummy-cases brought from Egypt. This is probably twenty-five hundred years old. The only chemical examination of this which has been pub- lished was made by Professor J. F. John, of Berlin, about 1822. Lieutenant- General H. Von Minutoli conducted an exploring ex- pedition in Egypt, and published an account under the title "Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon, etc., nach Ober-Aegypten in den Jahren 1820-1821." In an appendix to this book (which may be seen in the New York Public Library) is a short paper by Dr. John describing this varnish, which he found to be insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and thrown down as a gummy pre- cipitate by diluting the alcoholic solution with water. He con- cluded that it was a compound of resin with oil, but I infer that he meant a solution of resin in an essential oil, like oil of cedar, which is about the same as oil of turpentine, since some of the varnishes of the middle ages were of this sort (in fact they were the most common varnishes in Professor John's time), and he knew that the Egyptians were able to make oil of cedar in early times. Turpentine. Herodotus, who visited Egypt about 460 B.C., describes the use of oil of cedar for embalming. These more common essential oils were prepared both by the Egyptians and the Greeks before the invention of the still. One of the earlier methods was to put the crude turpentine in* a pot and lay over the top of the pot some sticks which supported a fleece of wool. When the contents of the pot was heated, the essential oil con- densed in the wool, from which it was squeezed out. A good account of the early methods and references to the ancient liter- 8 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. ature of the subject is to be found in Gildermeister and Hoffman's Volatile Oils, of which an English translation has been made by Dr. Kremers of the University of Wisconsin. The varnish in question may be seen on mummy-cases hi the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. It is of a pale- yellow color, surprisingly free from cracks, very hastily and roughly applied, as though smeared on with a flat blade. This suggests that it may have been a compound of a resin and a fixed oil. We know that the ancients of all nations knew how to prepare vegetable oils,, which were use7r6/ie'OJ' wxioi; rfidtuv odpois, Bcuos yL\i)S eSe^av A translation of the beginning of this is as follows and is addressed to the painter: " Friend, no more remind me with resin of incense (i.e., varnish) how a depraved youth passed the time in riotous orgies," etc., EARLY HISTORY. 25 and goes on to tell how he has adopted good habits, etc. The remainder of the poem indeed is like an order for another picture, showing the youth in good company, laboring in his orchard, interested in the changing seasons. Still another Greek verse, on the picture of a maiden, with the same reference to the use of varnish: Xi/Sdpou, Xaotrwv 5e/xas, , KO.I IIa0tT7$ virtp \ay6vuv. Translation : "Maiden, thou hast celebrity from the resin (varnish); to it them owest thy form of the Graces, thy eloquence, and around thy waist the girdle of Venus." In all the foregoing the same word (Xifiavov) is used, which has been rendered resin, or resin of incense. It is the word from which comes our word olibanum, which is the name of the resin of frankincense, but was used to denote any or all of the incense- resins, which were used for making the commoner kinds of varnish. It appears to have sometimes been the custom to apply these resins in the 'form of a powder which was then melted by holding a hot iron or a torch near them, after which the sur- face could be polished by rubbing. Eastlake, who appears to have studied this subject carefully, thinks that the pigments used were mixed with melted wax and applied with a brush. When cold, the surface was remelted to produce an apparently enamelled surface. This was enhanced by mixing resin with the wax to harden it, or by adding resin to the surface, which formed a varnish. This was in the case of encaustic painting; distemper painting could be treated somewhat in the same manner, or varnished in the ordinary way. It was evidently possible to get in some such way an extremely high lustre on encaustic (wax) paintings, as is illustrated by the following verse from the Greek anthology: "Apea Kal Ha^irjv 6 farypd^os s ptvov dlxov 'Ex ftvpldos dt /j.o\&v Qateuv, iro\virdfji(paos ^poi>s ffKotrtuv. rivos; 6u5' eVt /cr?pou 26 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Translation : "A painter represents Mars and Venus in the middle of a temple. The sun, shining in through the doorway, scatters rays of the most dazzling brilliancy. The painter stands in astonishment and, looking at the two, he wonders if the sun is angry, or wishes to throw his wrath on the inanimate wax." Vitruvius on Polishing Varnish. That varnish was polished by rubbing is also indicated by the following from Vitruvius (1. vii, c. 4): "In his vero supra podia, abaxi ex atramento sunt subigendi et poliendi cuneis silaceis, seu miniaceis interpositis." " Among these panels over the balcony the wainscoting is rubbed and polished with varnish, with ochre or minium interposed." The use of wax except as a floor-varnish has almost ceased, but with that exception there is nothing in all these passages which indicates any change of importance from the earliest times down to what we may call the historic period of varnish; and if the various practices of using varnishes have been the same, and if all we can learn of the composition of them seems without change, it would seem not unreasonable to suppose that the processes of varnish-making have also been handed down, without important variation, from at least the time when the varnish on the mummy-cases' was made, i.e., about twenty-five hundred years. The most likely criticism is that, as varnishes made now do not last but a few years, it appears that we have lost the art known to the ancients. I reply, we have not lost the knowledge, but we have lost the patience necessary to the use of the most permanent and durable preparations. This will be clearly illustrated in a later chapter. CHAPTER III. VARNISH: ORIGIN OF THE -NAME. IN the middle of the third century B.C. Berenice, whose grandfather was a half-brother of Alexander the Great, a very beautiful golden-haired woman, one of whose descendants was the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra, was Queen of Cyrene and wife of Ptolemy Euergetes, King of Egypt. Not long after her marriage the king, her husband, engaged in a long and highly successful campaign in Asia, during the time of which the queen offered up prayers for his successful return, vowing to sacrifice her beautiful hair on the altar of Venus if the king should come back in safety. This she accordingly did; but the shining and jewelled tresses disappeared during the night from the altar, and it was found by the astronomer Conon that the deities had carried them to heaven, where they form, in the Milky Way, the constellation still known as the Coma Berenices, or Berenice's Hair. The poet Callimachus celebrated them in Greek verse as "The consecrated spoils of Berenice's golden head"; and Catullus, telling of the rivalry between Venus and Juno, says that "The winged messenger came down At her desire, lest Ariadne's crown Should still unrivalled glitter in the skies; And that thy yellow hair, a richer prize, The spoils devoted to the powers divine, Might from the fields of light as brightly shine." When to the Greeks was brought from the far-off shores of the unknown Northern Sea the yellow translucent mineral we 27 28 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. know as amber, they likened it to the sacred yellow locks of the beautiful Grecian woman, the first queen in her own right of the Macedonian race, and called it by her name, Berenice, and by this name it was known both to the Greeks and Romans for several centuries. "Amber" was an adjective not infre- quently applied to the hair of fair women. The Emperor Nero, who sometimes affected to be a poet, wrote verses to the amber hair of his empress, Poppcea; in consequence of which, observes Pliny (1. xxxvii, c. 12), amber-colored hair became fashionable in Rome; and before this Ovid (Metamorphoses, 1. xv, 316) said, "Electro similes faciunt auroque capillos " "Her hair was like amber and gold." Because of its beauty, amber has always been a poetic simile. An ancient Persian poet says: " But clear as amber, fine as musk, Is Love to those who, pilgrim-wise, Walk hand in hand, from dawn to dusk, Each morning nearer Paradise." The word Berenice is equivalent to Pheronice, literally meaning "bringing victory." Ph (<) is changed to B in some Greek dialects, even in classic Greek, and B was in some dialects pro- nounced like our V, as it now is by modern Greeks, and as it was in the middle ages. Hence the word Berenice, meaning amber, was often written Verenice in Latin, and when we get down to the twelfth century we find in the Mappae Claviculi the word spelled in the genitive verenicis and vernicis. This is probably the earliest instance of the Latinized word nearly in its modern form, the original nominative vernice being after- ward changed to vernix, when comes our word varnish. The German name for amber is Bernstein, or Berenice's stone, and the Spanish word for varnish is Berniz, nearer to the Greek than our own word, which comes through the later Latin. Veronice, or Verenice, is the common name for amber in the MS. of the middle ages. Eustathius, a twelfth-century editor of Homer, says that the later Greeks called Electron (amber) by the name of Beronice; and Salmasius writes it Berenice and Verenice. In the Lucca MS. (eighth century) Veronica is often mentioned VARNISH: ORIGIN OF THE NAME. 29 as an ingredient of liquid varnish, and this latter word, Veronica, is the modern equivalent of the name Berenice. Saint Veronica, however, had nothing to do with Berenice, but perhaps she might be adopted as a patron saint by the varnish-makers. Her sanctity does not appear to be of the highest order, since the observance of her festival is not obligatory. Such is the origin of the word varnish. It was originally equivalent to amber, and amber is a type of the highest class of resins used in the art. The early Greek word for amber was elektron, from the verb elko, meaning to draw, because amber when rubbed becomes electrical and draws straws and other light objects to itself, whence also the word electricity. The Arabic and Persian term for amber is Karabe, from Kahruba, meaning straw-stealing, and Buttman states that the word Raf or Rav, meaning to seize, is the name for amber in the north of Germany. Salmasius says that the word vernix was misappropriated to mean sandarac, because of the resemblance of that resin to amber. After the sixteenth century the term vernix ceased to- be applied exclusively to the dry resin, and was used, as it is now, to mean the liquid compound. Glassa. As has already been mentioned, both Tacitus and Pliny say that the Germans of their time called amber by the name of glessum or glassa, which is supposed to be the original of our word glass. Tacitus believed amber to be the juice of a. tree, because they find insects in it. Thus it is, he says, that in the Orient there are trees from which trickle frankincense and balsam, which made him suppose that there are in the west re- gions and islands where the sun draws from certain trees a sap r which, falling into the sea, is by it thrown up, hardened, on the shore. Copal. Another word which is of common use in this connec- tion is copal. This is a comparatively modern word, and is from the language of some of the aborigines of 'Spanish America, con*- monly said to be Mexican, and is said to signify any kind of resin exuding from trees. The earliest writer who mentions copal by 30 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. this name as an ingredient of varnishes is probably Fra Fortunato, of Rovigo, the recipes in whose "Secreti," date from 1659 to 1711. The next author is Calomino, who gives a recipe for varnish composed of copal dissolved in spirits of turpentine (see the Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol. IV, p. 4). As now used, copal is a generic term, including about all the varnish resins which are commonly combined with oil, and is not sufficiently definite to be used by varnish-makers. Copal varnish is a trade name, usually for a very inferior article made of common rosin, or colo- phony, and containing no copal; somewhat as the word "cafe" is used on the windows of grog-shops. In former times " amber" seems to have been used somewhat in the same way as "copal" now is, but was restricted to the hard' and valuable resins; besides which there always was a specific substance known by that name, being the same that we now call amber, a yellow or red resin from the shores of the Baltic. Amber has almost passed out of use as a varnish-resin. The larger pieces are used for mouthpieces for pipes, and the smaller pieces are, it is said, cemented together to make larger ones. It is said to be difficult to melt, but the writer has not found this to be the case. It does, however, make a dark varnish and appears to be too costly to be much used. The fact that genuine amber, when polished, retains its surface longer than any other resin may indicate that the varnish made from it is of a high degree of permanence. It is commonly so with the other resins. CHAPTER TV! LINSEED-OIL. VEGETABLE OILS have, from the earliest times, been extracted from the oil-bearing substance by the aid of a press ; but while this is the most economical and efficient way, as shown by the fact that it is the modern method, it is not the only one. To get an idea of the way processes and practice were handed down, and how independent artists and artisans were of manufactured prod- ucts, each producing for himself all that he needed, thereby being sure of its quality, it may be well to see what was the manner of apprenticeship prescribed by Cennini, who wrote the first treatise on painting which has come down to us, and which describes his own experience in the fourteenth century: "Know that you cannot learn to paint in less time than that which I shall name to you. In the first place, you must study drawing for at least one year; then you must remain with a mas- ter at the workshop for the space of six years at least, that you may learn all the parts and members of the art to grind colors, to boil down glues, to grind plaster, to acquire the practise of laying grounds on pictures, to work in relief, and to scrape or smooth the surface, and to gild; afterwards, to practise coloring, to adorn with mordants, paint cloths of gold, and paint on walls, for six years more drawing without intermission on holydays and workdays. And by this means you will acquire great experience. If you do otherwise, you will never attain perfection. There are many who say that you may learn the art without the assistance of a master. Do not believe them; let this book be an example to you, studying it day and night. And if you do not study under 31 3 2 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. some master, you will never be fit for anything, nor will you be able to show your face among the masters." Bearing in mind the foregoing, it is interesting to see how oil was prepared in the laboratory of Leonardo da Vinci, the greatest painter of his time, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The recipe was found in his own handwriting and describes the process of making oil of walnuts, which, on account of its pale color, has always been a favorite with artists. Oil-extraction in the Fifteenth Century. "The nuts are cov- ered with a sort of husk or skin, which if you do not remove when you make the oil, the coloring matter of the husk or skin will rise to the surface of your painting and cause it to change. Select the finest nuts, take off the shells, put them into a glass vessel of clean water to soften until you can remove the skin, change the water, and put the nuts into fresh water seven or eight times, until it ceases to be turbid. After some time the nuts will dissolve and become almost like milk. Put them then into a shallow open vessel in the ah* and you will soon see the oil rise to the surface. To remove it in a pure and clean state, take pieces of cotton, like v those used for the wicks of lamps ; let one end rest in the oil and the other drop into a vase or bottle, which is to be placed about the width of two fingers below the dish containing the oil. By degrees the oil will filter itself, and will drop quite clear and limpid into the bottle, and the lees will remain behind. All oils are of themselves quite limpid, but they change color from the manner in which they are extracted." The foregoing is a good illustration of the manner in which oils are extracted by water without pressure. It is to be remem- bered that in the most modern practice of oil-pressing it is cus- tomary to moisten the ground seed with water or steam, showing that water seems necessary to start the separation of the oil from the solid part of the seed, probably by swelling and softening the tissues so that the oil can escape. In the multitudinous recipes of the middle ages there are many which show how universal was the belief, or knowledge, that water was essential to the separation or purification of oil. The most common method of purifying LINSEED-OIL. 33 linseed-oil consisted in mixing the oil in a large vessel (large in proportion to the amount of oil used) with its own volume, or more, of water. This was heated until the water boiled, which of course helped to mix the oil and water, so that the latter might dissolve out the soluble ingredients of the former. As the water evaporated it was replaced from time to time, and after boiling for one or two or more days the mixture was allowed to settle and the oil poured off. This method was further complicated by the addition of salts of various kinds to the water. Separation from Water. When oil is treated in this way part of it is likely to remain as a persistent emulsion with the water. The common way of separating these emulsions is now to add common salt, which makes a brine of the water, and this brine separates easily from the oil; and cloudy oil is easily cleared by filtering it through or shaking it with some soluble saline sub- stance, previously made anhydrous by heating it, which takes out the traces of water which produce the cloudiness. White vitrio (sulphate of zinc) is well suited for this purpose, and all the older recipes which recommend this salt say that it should first be cal- cined. Green vitriol (sulphate of iron) has also been used, but not so much. Driers. When zinc sulphate or any such calcined salt is used in this way to remove water, it is literally a drier. It makes the oil dry, in the sense that it frees it from water, and I cannot doubt that it was in this way that zinc sulphate came to be spoken of as a drier. Of course, oil which has in this or any other way been freed from water will oxidize, and in that sense also dry, faster than that which contains water, and so white vitriol and other hygroscopic salts came to be spoken of as driers and con- fused with that other class of driers, of which litharge is a type, which do not absorb water, but cause oil to dry or harden by increasing its chemical activity, a function which the zinc salts (and other similar substances) do not appear to possess in the least degree. Even with the most improved methods a great deal of the freshly pressed oil is turbid with water and wet matter, and is purified by long settling in tanks, followed by filtration. 34 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. It is easy to understand that in the laboratory of the painter, where only a pint or two of oil was made at a time, it was easier to clear it rapidly by treating it with a chemically inactive but hygroscopic salt. From this it was but an easy step to regard the saline substance as having a beneficial action on the oil itself. The use of these things, such as the sulphates of iron, zinc, and magnesia, and some other similar substances, has not yet become entirely obsolete, although in the way they are used they are probably absolutely useless. " Breaking " of Oil. It has long been known that if freshly made linseed-oil is heated, without the addition of any other substance, to about 400 F., it is decomposed ; a considerable part of the oil appears to be converted into a gelatinous substance. This has been investigated by G. W. Thompson (Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1903), who arrives at the following conclusions : Although the amount of gelatinous matter appears large, really but a small proportion, less than a third of one per cent, of the original oil is actually changed; but this is in bulky masses or lumps, swollen by the absorption of a large amount of the unchanged oil, which may be washed out of it by the use of solvents. When this is done and the decomposed oil is analyzed it is found to contain nearly half its weight of mineral matter, consisting of pyrophosphates of lime and magnesia, and amount- ing to practically all the mineral matter present in the original oil. As it has been often claimed that mucilage is contained in raw oil and is the cause of its "breaking," this was carefully looked for in the separated portion, but none was found; neither was there any nitrogenous matter. It seems certain that albu- minous and mucilaginous matters are not contained in clear, well-settled oil. The fact that the "break" of linseed-oil is due to the phos- phates it contains explains the well-known method of refining oil for varnish-makers by treatment with a little acid, which decomposes and removes these inorganic constituents. Treat- ment with alkali will also do it ; and oil which has been moderately LINSEED-OIL. 35 heated and has had air blown through it will not break. This latter method has been used by the English varnish-makers for many years. Linseed-oil is a yellow or sometimes greenish-yellow liquid. It is not known whether it is colored by some foreign matter contained in the seed or whether the pure oily matter has color of its own. Nearly all books which treat of it give recipes for bleaching it so that it shall be colorless, but it may be confidently asserted that no one ever saw any water-white linseed-oil, not so much as an ounce. Bleached Oil. "Colorless" linseed-oil is simply that which has been bleached to a pale-yellow color by some of the means known to oil-refiners ; usually about half the color seems to be removed. All colored vegetable oils are bleached when exposed, especially in a thin film, to the sun. When linseed-oil which has been bleached in this way is put in the shade its color comes back, at least to a considerable degree. When it is heated to a high temperature, especially if at the same time agitated with air, so as to promote its oxidation, it is decomposed into a sticky, gelatinous solid, somewhat translucent, dark yellow or brownish yellow in color. This is soluble in caustic soda, making a soap, but a soap very different in its qualities from ordinary linseed- oil soap, showing that the composition of the oil has undergone a radical change. When oil is exposed to the air at the ordinary or at a moderate heat, and especially if in a thin film, or if air is blown through it, it is changed into a tough substance, quite elastic, somewhat like leather, though not nearly so tough. Linoxyn. This oxidized oil, or linoxyn, is a very insoluble substance. It resists ordinary solvents and weak acids, but is easily attacked by strong acids and by alkalies in all degrees of strength. When about half oxidized it is soluble in the usual solvents for oil spirits of turpentine, benzine, ether, etc. As to historical records, while, for reasons already given, the writer has no doubt of the use of linseed-oil from early times, we have no unmistakable mention of linseed-oil earlier than the fifth century, when it is incidentally mentioned by Aetius, a 36 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Greek medical writer. It is interesting to note that Aetius gives directions for making walnut-oil, saying that it "is prepared like that of almonds, either by pounding or pressing the nuts, or by throwing them, after they had been bruised, into boiling water. The medicinal uses are the same, but it has a use besides these, being employed by gilders or encaustic painters, for it dries and preserves gildings or encaustic paintings for a long time." Walnut-oil was not by any means new in his time, however, for it, as well as poppy-oil, is described by Dioscorides five hundred years earlier. The fact that these common things are not mentioned in such historical or literary writings as have come down to us is, therefore, not to be taken as an indication that they were unknown. Dioscorides describes a method of bleaching oils which will bear comparison with anything we do now. Dioscorides on Bleaching Oil. "Oil is bleached in this manner: Select it of a light color, and not more than a year old; pour about five gallons into a new earthenware vessel of an open form, place it in the sun, and daily at noon dip and pour back the oil with a ladle, beating up its surface till by con- stant agitation it is thoroughly mixed and made to foam. It is thus to be treated for several days. If it be not sufficiently Heached place it again in the sun, repeating the above operation until it becomes colorless." In the "Secreti" of Alessio, prior of the Gesuati of Florence, the author of which was born in 1475, but which contains recipes of earlier date than 1350, are directions for refining oil by washing it with water. The use of driers, especially of litharge, is probably of great antiquity. Galen, in the second century, who speaks of the drying character of linseed and hempseed, also says that litharge and white lead are drying in their nature. Marcellus, in the fourth century, gives directions to "put some oil in a new vessel and put it over a moderate fire; then add well-ground litharge, sprinkling it little by little with the hand. Stir it constantly till the oil begins to thicken." LINSEED-OIL. 37 Eraclius, who was certainly earlier than Theophilus, since much of his MS. was included by the latter in his writings, speaks of white lead as a drier for linseed-oil and gives the follow- ing directions: "Put a moderate quantity of lime into oil and heat it, continually skimming it; add white lead to it, according to the quantity of oil, and put it in the sun for a month or more, stirring it frequently. And know that the longer it remains in the sun the better it will be. Then strain it and distemper the colors with it." Earliest Use of Umber. In the De Mayerne MS. (which will be spoken of later) there is a letter from Joseph Petitot of Geneva, brother of the celebrated enameller, dated 1644, in which it is said that the ordinary drier for drying oils was umber. As the drying of umber is due to manganese, this is probably the earliest mention of manganese as a drier. The De Mayerne MS. also speaks of burning off oil to make it siccative, a practice still followed, especially in making printers' ink. It may be that this latter practice was known to the early varnish-makers, for they constantly speak of boiling oil until it is reduced in volume a third or a half, which might perhaps be done by burn- ing off; while it is, if not impracticable, certainly never attempted in any other way at present. There is good reason for thinking that lead and manganese oxides, used as driers, act by absorbing oxygen from the air, thus making peroxidized compounds, then giving up a portion of this oxygen to the oil, then re-absorbing more oxygen, and so on. Thus a small amount of lead and manganese may serve to oxidize a large amount of oil. Manganese Advised by Faraday. It is said on what appears to be good authority that the use of manganese compounds for this purpose was first recommended, and on purely theoretical grounds, by Professor Michael Faraday, because manganese, like lead, exists in two states of oxidation, and readily passes from either of these to the other. Cobalt and Nickel Driers; Vanadium. There are but two other metals which possess this property, viz., cobalt and nickel, and the writer of this has found it possible to make most excellent 38 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. driers with both these metals; which did not, however, seem to possess any advantages over those made with lead and man- ganese, and as they were more costly they were not made on a commercial scale. It is desired, however, to call especial atten- tion to the fact that cobalt and nickel driers have been made, and are efficient, because it is commonly said in books on the subject that lead and manganese are the only metals which can be used in this way. The writer also made a vanadium com- pound which was a highly efficient drier, but of course its cost prevented its use. The mistaken statement above referred to is to be found even in so excellent a work as that on Drying Oils by L. E. Andes (of Vienna), which can be highly recommended to those seeking detailed information in regard to this class of oils, including many not well known. Acetate of lead and borate of manganese are often used, but they are not efficient until they are decomposed by heat and the acid driven off, so that it appears that the same results could be obtained by using oxides or linoleates. These salts (the acetate and borate) are white in color and for that reason appeal to the prejudice of the oil- or varnish-maker, but their value is greatly overestimated. Umber is often used as a drier and, as has been pointed out, its use is of some antiquity; it contains manganese, to which its activity is doubtless due. Linseed-oil is frequently adulterated; with a view to the pre- vention of this, the State of New York recently employed Dr. Mcllhiney to investigate the subject, and by his courtesy I am able to insert here a copy of his report. This is the most recent and in my opinion the most valuable paper on linseed-oil, and I feel that I cannot do better than to print it, especially as it has not been heretofore very accessible to the general public. CHAPTER V. LINSEED-OIL. By Dr. PARKER C. MC!LHINEY. LINSEED-OIL is the oil obtained from the seeds of the flax- plant, Linum usitatissimum. Formerly the oil used in the United States was obtained principally from Indian and other foreign seed, but of late years the domestic seed has gradually replaced the foreign, although considerable quantities of Calcutta seed are still imported. The oil obtained from Calcutta seed usually commands a higher price, as it is of a light color, and is by some considered superior to that obtained from American seed. Any real superiority of Calcutta oil is, however, difficult to define, and it is likely that prejudice in favor of the imported article has much to do with the preference. Calcutta oil is generally sold raw and is largely consumed by varnish-makers. Linseed is a crop which has a very exhausting effect upon the soil, and it is for this reason grown in the United States mostly on the frontier of the agricultural territory. The result of this is that the principal sources of supply for domestic seed are gradually moving farther west and northwest. It is estimated that 13,000,000 to 14,000,000 bushels of flaxseed were grown in the United States in 1898, and that the production in 1899 will reach 15,000,000 bushels. The usual yield of oil is in the neighborhood of 2.3 gallons per bushel of seed. The methods of extracting the oil are two, by extraction with volatile solvents and by pressing. The extraction method is not, to my knowledge, practised in New York State. To extract the oil by pressing, the seed when it arrives at the mill is first cleaned, then ground to meal in high-speed rolls, and 39 40 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. heated by steam. In some mills the heating is done by steam injected directly into the meal as it runs in a stream into a tub used as a reservoir of hot meal. In other works the heating-tub is steam- jacketed and no free steam is admitted to the meal. From the heating-pan the meal is delivered to a machine which fills it into canvas forms and presses these forms lightly to make them keep their shape sufficiently to handle. They are then placed in hydraulic presses and subjected to high pressure, caus- ing the oil to run out. The oil at this stage contains various foreign matters, called collectively " foots," which have been pressed out with the oil. These are removed by settling, or by filtration through cloth and paper in filter-presses, or by both. The separation of "foots" on storage goes on for a long time, and the oil improves by storage and settling, even after careful filtration. The operation of "boiling oil" is one about which great secrecy is observed by the manufacturers. When linseed-oil is heated to a temperature of 300 to 500 F., its drying properties are increased. If salts of lead or of manganese are incorporated into the oil a similar result is produced, and the simplest, and in former times the universal method of increasing the drying properties of linseed-oil, was to heat the oil to near the tempera- ture at which it undergoes destructive distillation, 550 F., or thereabouts, and stir in at the same time oxide of lead, or oxide of manganese, or both. Heating the oil to such a high tempera- ture darkens it very much, and as light-colored oil is often demanded, so that the oil will not discolor pigments suspended in it more than necessary, and as this high heat is wasteful of oil, time, and fuel, it has become the practice to make a "drier" of the metallic oxides by heating them with a small portion of the oil until they are dissolved, and then adding this drier to the main body of the oil maintained at a much lower tempera- ture, usually not much above the boiling-point of water. The result of this process is that there is not so great a loss of oil dur- ing the boiling, and the oil obtained is lighter in color. The use of this method of making boiled by adding to raw oil, at a LINSEED-OIL. 4r comparatively low temperature, a drier made by a separate operation, has induced the majority of makers of boiled oil ta buy their driers from a varnish- manufacturer, who is better equipped, from the nature of his business, to make driers than the linseed-crusher is. The division of labor between the varnish- maker and the linseed-oil manufacturer results in enabling the linseed-crusher to dispense with all apparatus for heating oil to very high temperaturers, and is on this account advantageous, to him. This same division of labor has, however, had the further effect of allowing the manufacturer of driers an oppor- tunity to introduce into them, for his own profit, materials which, the oil-manufacturer who is endeavoring to produce a pure article would not wish to add to his oil. It is claimed by the makers of the so-called "bunghole" oil (a simple mixture of raw linseed-oil with drier), and also by the manufacturers of driers to be used in this way, that the oil made by this process is just as good as kettle-boiled oil, that no fraud is intended by the manufacturers of such oil, and that, in fact, it is simply a variety of boiled oil. On the other hand it is claimed by the linseed-crushers and others who make boiled oil from linseed-oil and metallic oxides alone, that the only materials which it is necessary to add to a linseed-oil in converting it into boiled oil are the oxides of lead and manganese; that no one who can obtain the proper facilities for making boiled oil, viz., a kettle in which it can be .heated and agitated, finds it necessary to use a drier thinned with benzine or turpentine, and that, in fact, these are in the finished oil simply dilutents detracting from the value of the oil ; that it is not neces- sary to use in the manufacture of drier for making boiled oil- any shellac, kauri-dust, rosin, or rosin-oil, or, in fact, anything- but linseed-oil, lead, and manganese; and finally that the sale as "boiled oil" of oil which contains anything but linseed-oil, lead, and manganese is a fraud and should not be permitted. The character of boiled linseed-oil, as it is described in the literature, even in the latest books, does not agree with that of the oil now made in this State. It is described in the literature 42 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH as being made at a high temperature in the old-fashioned way, whereas little, if any oil is now made in that way. There is a strong prejudice in the minds of most of the users of boiled oil in favor of the old-fashioned "kettle-boiled" oil. Conse- quently the manufacturers are somewhat averse to admitting that their oils are made after the modern fashion, although no advantages can be claimed for the old way. This prejudice in favor of strongly heated oil is so strong that the dark color of the old oil is imitated by many manufacturers by using dark- colored driers, although it is perfectly evident that for use with all light-colored pigments the lighter an oil is in color, other things being equal, the more desirable the oil is. This prejudice seems to be stronger in the East than in the Western States. Section i of chapter 412 of the law relating to linseed- or flaxseed-oil prohibits the manufacture or sale as boiled linseed- oil of oil which has not been heated to 225 F. The intention of this provision is undoubtedly to prevent the manufacture of " bunghole " oil, but it is difficult to understand why an oil should be excluded if it is made from proper materials at a lower tem- perature, and still more difficult for an analyst to ascertain the temperature to which the oil has really been heated. No means are known to me by which it is possible to find out whether a sample of boiled linseed-oil has or has not been heated to 225 F. The analytical investigation of linseed-oil and its adulterants was carried on with the idea, first, of ascertaining the character of pure linseed-oil sold in New York State by various manu- facturers; secondly, to ascertain what the adulterants commonly used in the State are; and, thirdly, how prevalent the practice of adulteration is. With these ends in view, a series of samples was obtained, in most cases directly from the manufacturers, but partly also from large users of the oil, which are of undoubted commercial purity. Another series of samples was obtained by purchase from smaller dealers. Samples of oils likely to be used as adulterants were obtained from manufacturers or large dealers. LINSEED-OIL. 43 TESTS FOR PURITY OF OIL. The tests which are valuable particularly in determining the freedom from adulteration are: 1. Specific gravity. 2. The action of bromine or iodine on the oil. Hubl and bromine figures. 3. The percentage of unsaponifiable organic matter. 4. The amount of alkali required to convert the oil into soap. Kcettstorfer figure. 5. The amount of alkali required to neutralize the free acids in the oil. Acid figure. 6. The percentage of insoluble bromine derivatives. 7. The amount of volatile oil (turpentine and benzine) con- tained in the oil. Other tests often applied to linseed-oil are the Maumene* test, which is the measurement of the temperature caused by mixing measured amounts of the oil and of sulphuric acid; the amount of oxygen absorbed by the oil when exposed to the air in thin films, called Livache's test; the index of refraction; and the action on polarized light. i. The Specific Gravity. Linseed-oil is heavier than most other oils. Its specific gravity is expressed in terms of water at 4 C. or 15. 5 C., or water may be taken as unity at whatever temperature the determination of specific gravity is made. It is advisable that some standard of temperatures should be set and adhered to in future determinations, as exactness and sim- plicity are above all else necessary in work that may be submitted as evidence in a court of law. It is at all events advisable that even if the actual determination is made at a temperature different from the standard, it should be expressed in terms of water at the standard temperature. Unfortunately many of the recorded determinations do not state either the temperature at which the determination was made, or the temperature at which water is taken as unity. These determinations have consequently 44 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. little legal value. I should recommend, as the conditions which combine the greatest ease with the best accord with published data, that the gravity should be determined at i55. C., water at the same temperature being taken as unity. Almost all the determinations of specific gravity given in this report were made under these conditions. The specific gravity of linseed-oil may be taken with the greatest accuracy by means of a specific-gravity bottle, the weight of which is determined empty, full of water at 15. 5 C., and filled with the oil to be examined at the same temperature. Another very convenient laboratory method having only slightly inferior accuracy, and the method by which almost all the deter- minations given in this report were obtained, is in application of the principle of Mohr's hydrostatic balance, by using a plummet with the ordinary analytical balance. For rougher work a deli- cate hydrometer may be used. The specific gravity of raw linseed-oil is given by Allen's Comm. Org. Anal., 3d ed., vol. 2, part i, p. 147, as generally about .935, but varying from .931 to .937. The temperature is not stated, but it is presumably 15. 5 C. These limits are the same as those set in Benedikt, Analyse der Fette und Wachs- arten, 3. AufL, p. 429, and no oils of undoubted purity which I have examined have fallen outside of these limits. It may, therefore, be stated as an established fact that if an oil has a specific gravity at i5.5 C., water at the same temperature being unity, that is below .931 or above .937, it is not pure raw linseed- oil. The lower limit to the specific gravity of boiled linseed-oil may be set at the same point, .931, because a linseed-oil can only become heavier by heating with access of air and the addition of metallic oxides. Oils made with driers containing benzine may have lower specific gravities. The upper limit to the gravity it is difficult and indeed impossible to set, because genuine linseed- oil may be raised to .950 or higher by continued heating, though it is not commonly above .940. Expansion by Heat. The change in gravity, with change of LINSEED-OIL. 45 temperature, of linseed-oil, and of some other oils, has been de- termined by Allen, Comm. Org. Anal., 3d ed., vol. 2, part i, p. 33, and the following" are some of his results: XT A e r\-t Correction for Nature of Oil. f0 c Linseed ................................ 000649 Menhaden ............................. 000654 Cottonseed ............................. 000629 Rape .................................. 000620 According to the results obtained by Saussure, the coefficient of expansion of linseed-oil is not uniform between 12 C. and 94" C. He records the following results (Benedikt, p. 428) : Temperature. 12 C ..................................... 939 25 C ..................................... 930 50 C ..................................... 921 94 C ..................................... 881 Calculating from these results we obtain, as the variation for i C., between 12 C. and 25 C., .000692; between 25 C. and 50 C., .000360; and between 50 C. and 94 C., .000909. It will be seen from the table giving the results of determinations of specific gravity at different temperatures that I do not find in the oils examined a similar change in the rate of expansion. The averages of the figures obtained with raw oils, Nos. 52 and 73, and boiled oil, No. 7 2 > show that the change in specific gravity for i C., between i5.5 C. and 28 C., was .000654; between 28 C. and 100 C., .000720; and between i5.5 C. and 100 C., .000712. A low specific gravity in an oil under examination might be caused by the presence of (i) turpentine or benzine (indicated also by odor); (2) heavier petroleum-oils; (3) corn- or cottonseed- oils. A high specific gravity would point to (i) rosin or other resin; (2) rosin-oil; (3) excessive heating or unusual addition of me- tallic oxides. 46 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. 2. The Action of Bromine or Iodine on the Oil. Linseed-oil is largely composed of constituents which are unsaturated, and which can, therefore, combine by direct addition with 2, 4, or 6 atoms of bromine or iodine. Of the adulterants of linseed-oil, mineral and rosin oils and rosin itself possess this power only to a slight degree, and none of the other adulterants except men- haden-oil possess it in as high a degree as linseed-oil. Besides the principal action of bromine or iodine upon linseed-oil, i.e., direct addition of halogen, another action takes place by which one half of the halogen which disappears enters into combination with the oil, and the other half combines with hydrogen which 'the first half has replaced in the oil. The substitution of bromine or iodine for hydrogen goes on to only a slight extent with seed-oils and with glycerides in general, but with .rosin, rosin-oil, and mineral oils, the case is very differ- ent. It has been proved by the author that when bromine acts upon rosin and upon rosin-oil, although a large amount of bromine is changed from the free into the combined state, almost all of the bromine is taken up by the rosin or oil by substitution, and not by addition, and in the case of ordinary American mineral oils, that taken up by substitution is a large proportion of the total absorption. The process in most common use for determining the percent- age of halogen absorbed by oils is known as the Hiibl process; and though, by its use, valuable indications as to the purity and value of linseed-oil are obtained, it unfortunately does not dis- tinguish between the power of the oil to absorb halogen by addi- tion and the power it likewise possesses of absorbing halogen by substitution. The Hiibl process, on this account, fails to dis- criminate closely between rosin, which is one of the likeliest con- stituents of a linseed-oil substitute, and linseed-oil itself, as the Hiibl figures for the two substances are not very different. A process described by the author (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 16, 56), similar to one used previously by Allen for testing shale-oils, distinguishes between addition and substitution, and by its use the presence of any notable amount of rosin, rosin-oil, or mineral LIN SEED -OIL. 47 oil can be detected with a considerable degree of accuracy, and a fair idea formed of the character of the adulterant. Hiibl Process. The Hiibl process is one of the best-known methods of fat analysis; the method by which the Hiibl figures were obtained for this report was as follows : A solution of 25 grams of iodine and 30 grams of mercuric chloride in one liter of alcohol is allowed to stand, after making, for twenty-four hours in the dark before using. Two hundred milligrams or thereabout of the oil to be analyzed is weighed into a glass-stoppered bottle, 10 cc. of chloroform added to dissolve the oil, and 25 cc. of the iodine solution added. If the solution, when shaken to mix the chloroform and alcoholic liquid, does not become clear, 5 cc. more of chloroform is added. The bottle is then allowed to remain in the dark eighteen hours, and at the end of that time a solution of potassium iodide is added, and the free iodine in the solution titrated with tenth-normal sodium thiosul- phate. Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the same iodine solution which has been placed in a similar bottle and allowed to stand with the test is titrated at the same time with thiosulphate, and the difference between the two titrations gives the amount of iodine absorbed by the oil. Full discussions of the process are given in Benedikt, Analyse der Fette und Wachsarten, and in Allen, Commercial Organic Analysis, Lewkowitsch, Oils, Fats, and Waxes, and Gill, Oil Analysis. Mcllhiney's Method with Bromine. The bromine figures were obtained by a modification of the author's original method. The method actually used was as follows: About 200 milligrams of the oil was placed in a dry glass- stoppered bottle, 10 cc. of carbon tetrachloride added to dissolve the oil, and then 20 cc. of third-normal bromine in carbon tetra- chloride run in from a pipette. Another pipetteful is run into another similar bottle. It is convenient, but not absolutely neces- sary, that both bottles should now be cooled by immersing them in cracked ice. This causes the formation of a partial vacuum in the bottle. The bromine need not be allowed to react with the oil for more than a few minutes, as the reaction between them is 48 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH, nearly instantaneous. Twenty-five cubic centimeters of a neutral 10 per cent, solution of potassium iodide is introduced into each bottle by slipping a piece of rubber tubing of suitable size over the lip of the bottle, pouring the iodine solution into the well thus formed, and shifting the stopper slightly so as to allow the solution to be sucked into the bottle, or, if the bottle has not been cooled, to cause the air as it escapes from the interior to be washed by bubbling through the potassium iodide solution. This method of introducing the iodide solution effectually prevents the loss of any bromine or hydrobromic acid. As soon as the iodide solution has been introduced, the bottle is shaken, and preferably set into the ice for a couple of minutes more, so that there may be no loss of drops of the solution when the stopper is opened, caused by a slight pressure inside the bottle. The reaction between the bro- mine and the iodide solution causes some heat and consequent pressure. The free iodine is now titrated with neutral tenth- normal sodium thiosulphate, using as little starch as possible as indicator. At the end of this titration 5 cc. of a neutral 2 per cent, solution of potassium iodate and a little more starch solution are added and the iodine liberated, on account of the hydrobromic acid produced in the original reaction of bromine on the oil, titrated with thiosulphate. From the figures so obtained the total percentage of bromine which has disappeared is calculated, and the percentage of bromine found as hydrobromic acid, called the "Bromine Substitution Figure," is also calculated, while from these two the " Bromine Addition Figure" is obtained by sub- tracting twice the bromine substitution figure from the total bromine absorption. A consideration of the figures submitted in the table will show that if an oil contains rosin, rosin-oil, or min- eral oil, the fact will be brought out by this process, and an indi- cation given by the figures so obtained as to which one is present. If the bromine substitution figure is normal, the absence of more than a very small quantity of turpentine, benzine, rosin, or rosin- oil is assured. The process can be carried out in the time neces- sary for weighing and titrations, as the standard solution, unlike the Hiibl solution, does not deteriorate on keeping, if tightly LINSEED-OIL. 49 closed, so that it is always ready for immediate 'use, and there is no waiting for some hours for the reagents to act upon the oil, as in the Hiibl process, for in this case the reaction takes place im- mediately. It will be seen from the table of results that the Bromine Addi- tion Figure of linseed-oil lies ordinarily between 100 and no. The low figures of No. i and No. 2 are to be accounted for by the fact that the samples are several years old, and it is well known that keeping lowers the halogen figures of linseed-oil. A low Addition Figure may also be caused by the presence of rosin, rosin-oil, benzine, or mineral oils, which have figures usually below 15; by the presence of some other seed-oil, the commonest of this class being corn- and cottonseed-oils, having figures in the neighborhood of 73 and 63 respectively; or by the oil, in case it is a boiled oil, having been boiled in the old-fashioned way at a high temperature. If the Addition Figure is very much higher than no, it will be found that the oil contains turpentine, as all other foreign materials added have lower figures than linseed-oil. The Bromine Substitution Figure of genuine linseed-oil is commonly about 3. A much higher figure would point to tur- pentine, rosin, or rosin-oil, which give figures from 20 to 90 ; to the presence of some petroleum product, as benzine, having a figure in the neighborhood of 15, or a heavier petroleum-oil, which may have as low a figure as linseed, or may be much higher; or to the presence of mineral acid in the oil, which may be allowed for by a separate determination of its amount, as described under the determination of the Acid Figure. The Hiibl figure of raw linseed-oil is given by Benedikt from 148.8 to 183.4. Boiled oil, according to the same author, may give figures below 100. Allen gives the figures for raw oil between 170 and 181. Rowland Williams states that a very large number of raw linseed-oils examined by him almost all gave figures above 180. The figure is reduced by keeping. From the table of results obtained upon the oils examined it will be seen that the figure of pure oil is commonly in the neighborhood of 178. 50 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. It is a noteworthy fact that both the Hubl and the Bromine Addition Figures are practically the same for boiled oil as now made as for raw oil, whereas boiled oil made by the old process at a high temperature gave distinctly low T er figures on account of the effects of the high heat upon the oil. In order to facilitate comparison between the Hubl and the bromine figures of the oils examined, the amount of bromine equivalent to the iodine absorbed as expressed by the Hubl figure has been calculated, and by dividing this result by the Bromine Addition Figure a figure was obtained for each oil which is intended to express, by the amount it exceeds, the amount of substitution of iodine which has gone on in the Hubl iodine absorption. For example, if the figure obtained for an oil by the calculation described is found to be 1.075, ^ indicates that the Hubl figure is in that case 7.5 per cent, higher than the true iodine figure which should express the iodine absorp- tion by addition. The Hubl figures of a number of the oils received last were not determined, because it did not appear that the determina- tions would add any information to that given more fully by the bromine figures. It is not believed that the Bromine Addition Figure is sensibly affected by the length of time that the oil is allowed to remain in contact with bromine, but the Bromine Substitution Figure probably is. The effect of the difference between five minutes' and thirty minutes' contact does not appear, however, to be marked, unless the substitution figure is very high, as in the case of pure resin or turpentine. The results, reported were obtained by about fifteen minutes contact. In carrying out either the Hubl or the bromine process upon oils it is necessary that an excess of iodine or bromine should be used amounting to as much as the oil absorbs. Many iodine figures on record are too low because this precaution was not attended to. It is believed that more information is to be obtained as to the character of a sample of linseed-oil by determining the bromine LINSEED-OIL, 51 figures than by any other single test. In the case of an oil of unknown character it would in most cases be advisable to apply this test first to it. 3. The Percentage of Unsaponifiable Organic Matter. Lin- seed-oil, being composed almost entirely of fatty matter of the ordinary type, compounds of fatty acids with glycerin, gives only a small percentage of material which cannot be saponified. The amount to be found in raw linseed-oil has been investigated by Thompson and Ballantyne (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, 10, 336), who find amounts varying from). 1.09 to 1.28 per cent, in oil from various sources, and by Rowland Williams (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1898, 17, 305), who finds that it varies from 0.8 to 1.3 per cent. Williams, loc. cit., has also determined the amount of unsaponi- fiable matter in boiled oil, and finds that the amount is nearly twice as great as in raw oil, his figures for boiled oil being 1.3 to 2.3 percent.; being usually about 2 per cent. Williams regards any oil with a percentage of unsaponifiable matter higher than 2.5 as adulterated. His statements refer to oil which has been boiled at a high temperature, and the boiled oils for sale in New York State are apparently all made at too low a temperature to cause any increase in the amount of unsaponifiable matter contained, with the exception of the oil in the drier. In view of these facts, 2.5 per cent, would be a reasonable limit to the amount of unsaponifiable matter in linseed-oil. This is so well established that it was not thought advisable to make this determination upon the pure oils examined. It may be noted that in case an oil is found to contain unsaponifiable matter in excessive amount, the evidence which can be furnished the prosecution may be made of the most con- clusive character, for the adulterant can be actually separated from the genuine linseed-oil and exhibited, whereas, in the case of some other adulterants, the evidence, though it may be con- clusive, is of a character requiring more demonstration to one unfamiliar with the scientific examination of oils. The adul- terants whose presence can in this way be demonstrated by actual separation are mineral oil and usually rosin-oil. Benzine 52 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and turpentine, although unsaponifiable, are not found with the unsaponifiable matter, as, from the nature of the methods of analysis, only materials that are practically non-volatile are counted as unsaponifiable. They are easily separated and determined, however, as volatile oil. There are several methods for determining the percentage of unsaponifiable material, proposed by different experimenters. Some treat the oil with alcoholic or aqueous solution of potash or soda, evaporate off the alcohol or water, and treat the dried soap with petroleum ether or chloroform to dissolve the unsapon- ifiable portion. Other experimenters, after saponifying the soap with alcoholic solution of potash and evaporating off the alcohol, dissolve the resulting soap in water and agitate the solu- tion with ether several times to remove from the soap solution the unsapon fiable matter which it holds in suspension. A method which can with safety be recommended for deter- mining unsaponifiable matter in linseed-oil is substantially that described in Allen, Comm. Org. Anal, 3d ed., vol. 2, part i, p. 112. A quantity of oil varying from i to 10 grams, depending upon the amount of unsaponifiable matter present, is boiled for two hours, with frequent shaking, with excess of alcoholic solu- tion of caustic potash, in a flask provided with a return condenser. The alcohol is then distilled off until only a small quantity remains. The soap is then dissolved in water, using 75 to 100 cc. for the purpose, transferred to a tapped separator, and 50 cc. of ether added. The liquids are then mixed by shaking and allowed to settle. The aqueous liquid is then drawn off, the ethereal layer washed with a few cubic centimeters of water to which a little caustic potash has been added, and poured into a tared flask. The soap solution is then returned to the separator and extracted with another 50 cc. of ether in the same way. The combined ethereal solutions are evaporated on the water-bath, and when the ether has been completely removed the flask now containing the unsaponifiable matter is weighed. If the percentage of unsaponifiable matter found is large, it may be advisable to repeat the process of saponification and extraction upon the LIN SEED -OIL. 53 unsaponifiable matter, in order to be quite certain that no unsaponifiable oil has escaped the action of the alkali. Determination of Mineral Oil. The mineral oil may be separated from the rosin-oil in the unsaponifiable material found in the saponificatiqn process by the method suggested by the author in the Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 16, 385. Fifty cubic centimeters of nitric acid of 1.2 sp. gr. are heated to boiling in a flask of 700 cc. capacity. The source of heat is removed, and 5 grams of the oil to be analyzed added. The flask is then heated on the water-bath, with frequent shaking, for fifteen to twenty minutes, and about 400 cc. of cold water added. After the liquid has become entirely cold 50 cc. of petroleum ether are added and the flask is agitated. The oil which remains unacted upon dissolves in the ether, while the rosin remains in suspension. The liquid is poured into a tapped separator, leaving the lumps of solid rosin as far as possible behind in the flask. After settling, the aqueous liquid is drawn off and the ethereal layer poured into a tared flask. Another portion of petroleum ether is added to the rosin remaining in the flask, and allowed to act upon it for about ten minutes, when it is added to that in the tared flask. After distilling off the ether, the oil is weighed. Mineral oils lose about 10 per cent, in this way, and hence the weight of oil found must be divided by 0.9 in order to find the amount present in the sample analyzed. Allen found mineral oils to lose 10 to 12 per cent, on treatment ' with nitric acid. (Pharm. Jour., 3d series, n, 266.) Rosin-oil, though principally composed of hydrocarbons, may contain some unchanged rosin which is saponifiable, and conse- quently, in case rosin-oil is present, the amount of unsaponifiable matter which it furnishes is less than the total amount of rosin- oil present. The proportion between that found and the amount present will vary according to the way in which the oil was manu- factured, and its consequent contents in unchanged rosin. Ordi- narily the amount of saponifiable matter found due to rosin-oil is likely to be about nine-tenths of that present. The amount of unsaponifiable matter found in the other 54 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. animal and vegetable oils used as linseed-oil adulterants is approximately the same as that found in linseed-oil itself; hence the process does not furnish any clue to corn-, cottonseed-, or menhaden-oils, if they are present. Petroleum-oils may be used in adulterating linseed-oil, which are just on the border-line between volatile and practically non- volatile oils. Such oil as, for example, kerosene would partly distil off with the alcohol in removing it after saponification, while the rest of it would remain to be extracted with ether from the aqueous soap solution, and be weighed as unsaponifiable matter. It might easily happen in such a case that the proportion of the partly volatile oil which would be obtained. by distillation with steam in the determination of volatile oil would be a dif- ferent one from the proportion removed from the saponified oil in distilling off the alcohol in the determination of unsaponi- fiable matters, and that the sum of the "volatile oil" and of the "unsaponifiable matter" would be more or less than the true total amount of adulterant added. In such a case it would be advisable to use for the determination of unsaponifiable matter a portion of the residue from the determination of volatile oil. V 4. The Amount of Alkali Required to Convert the Oil into Soap. Koettstorfer Figure. This determination serves in the analysis of linseed-oil as an indication of the presence or absence of unsaponifiable matter, whether volatile or not. Its indications " are not as valuable for this purpose as an actual determination of the unsaponifiable matter itself, but they are more readily obtained. The determination is made by the well-known Koettstorfer process. About 2.5 grams of the oil is weighed into a flask, 25 cc. of half-normal alcoholic solution of caustic potash added and the liquid boiled on the water-bath with a return condenser, with frequent shaking, for about two hours. The liquid in the flask is then titrated with half-normal hydro- chloric acid, using phenolphthalein as indicator. Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the same alcoholic caustic potash is titrated at the same time, and the difference between the two titrations gives the alkali used in saponifying the oil, and when calculated LINSEED-OIL. 55 in milligrams of potassium hydroxide to a gram of oil it is called the " Koettstorfer Figure." The Koettstorfer Figure of raw linseed-oil is given by Benedikt from 187.6 to 195.2, and by Allen from 187.4 to 195.2. Bene- dikt's figures for boiled oil are from 180 to 190, and Allen's figure, calculated from his " Saponification Equivalent," is 188. Bene- dikt's figures are on the authority of Filsinger, Chem. Zeit., 1894, 1 8, 1867, and evidently apply to old-fashioned, strongly heated boiled oil. Both the exposure to high heat and the introduction of manganese and lead soaps of linseed-oil in the drier tend to reduce the Koettstorfer figure. Of the two, exposure to high heat for a long time, as in the old-fashioned boiling process, reduces it far more than the introduction of the small percentage of lead and manganese soaps as used in practice. The boiled oils now for sale in this State have, as will be seen from the table, almost as high figures as the raw oils. It may fairly be demanded of a raw oil that its figure shall not be lower than 187, and of a boiled oil not lower than 186. A low figure indicates the presence of mineral oil, having a figure below 10; of rosin-oil, having a figure below 20; or of ben- zine or turpentine, of both of which the figures are practically o.o. Pure hydrocarbons give a Koettstorfer figure of o.o, but mineral oils usually contain traces either of mineral acid from the refining process, or of organic acids from oxidation by the air, and rosin- oils contain some unchanged rosin, which accounts for the Kcetts- torfer figures. 5. The Amount of Alkali Required to Neutralize the Free Acids in the Oil. Acid Figure. Perfectly pure linseed-oil con- tains only a very small percentage of free acids, while rosin is com- posed principally of free acids, and rosin-oil usually contains a notable proportion of free rosin. Therefore, the free acids in an oil which contains rosin will neutralize a larger proportion of alkali than those in pure linseed-oil. On keeping, the amount of free acid is likely to increase somewhat. The free acid found may be partly due to mineral acid used in refining the oil. The amount of mineral acid may be separately determined by boiling for some 56 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. time a weighed portion of the oil with water, cooling the mixture, adding neutral potassium iodide and iodate, and titrating the lib- erated iodine in the aqueous solution with standard sodium thio- sulphate. After deducting from the total percentage of potash required to neutralize the total free acid the percentage required for the mineral acid, the percentage required by the free organic acid is found, which, in the case of linseed-oil, are almost certain to be either the normal fatty acids from the linseed-oils or a com- bination of these with rosin acids. The method of determining free acids is to weigh 5 to 10 grams of the oil in a flask, add about 50 cc. of alcohol, which is neutral to phenolphthalein, heat on the water-bath till the alcohol boils, shake well, and titrate with half -normal alkali. The results of the titration are expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide required per gram of oil, and the result is called the "Acid Figure." Benedikt gives as the limits observed by Nordlinger, in exam- ining ten samples of linseed-oil, acidities from .41 to 4.19 percent, of oleic acid, corresponding to acid figures from .9 to 8.3. Mills allows a maximum figure of 10.0. As will be seen from the figures contained in the table, raw linseed-oil will usually give an acid figure in the neighborhood of 3.0. The figure of oil No. i, though pure, is 7.1, due, no doubt, to the fact that it is several years old. The figures of boiled oil are slightly higher, due probably to the production of a small quantity of some acid body by the action of heat on the oil. The figure of boiled oil will usually be below 5, but is more uncertain than that of raw oil. A figure higher than 10.0 will almost certainly be found due to the presence of rosin. The acid figure of rosin is variously given by Benedikt, Williams, and Schmidt & Erban, from 145.5 to 179.2. Samples examined by the author (Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 16, 275) gave figures from 155.7 to 168.5. Fortunately rosin is also indicated by a high Bromine Substitution Figure and a low Bromine Addi- tion Figure, and if all three point to rosin, it is probably there, but the safest course is the actual isolation of the rosin by Twit- chell's or Cladding's process. LIN SEED -OIL. 57 6. The Percentage of Insoluble Bromine Derivatives. This determination is proposed by Hehner and Mitchell (Analyst, Dec., 1898, vol. 23, p. 310). It depends upon the fact that linseed-oil gives, when dissolved in ether and treated with bromine, com- pounds of glycerides and bromine which are insoluble in the ether, while oil containing glycerides of oleic acid only, and even semi-drying oils like cottonseed- and corn-oils, give soluble com- pounds. Hehner and Mitchell obtain the following percentages of insoluble bromine compounds from different oils : Q.J Per Cent, of Insoluble Bromine Compounds. Linseed-oil 23 . 86 to 25 . 8 Poppy-oil o.o Corn-oil o.o Cottonseed-oil o.o Olive-oil o.o Almond-oil o.o Rapeseed-oil o.o Whale-oil 25.0 Cod-oil 35 . 5 Cod-liver oil 42.9 Shark-oil 22.0 The process, which seems to be a valuable one in detecting adulterations of linseed-oil with other seed-oils, was not pub- lished until late in the progress of this investigation, and it was impossible to carry on all the experiments with it that it deserves. It has seemed inadvisable, therefore, to present in full the results obtained. Two samples of raw linseed-, six samples of boiled linseed-, two of corn-, and one of cottonseed-oil gave results agreeing substantially with those of Hehner and Mitchell. Two samples of mineral oil, one light and one heavy, one sample of rosin-oil, and one sample of turpentine failed to give any precipi- tate of insoluble bromine derivatives. 7. The Percentage of Volatile Oil. The presence of even a small percentage of turpentine in linseed-oil is distinctly indicated by the odor of the oil when placed in a vessel which it about half $8 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. fills, the vessel closed, and heated in boiling water for a few min- utes. The smell of turpentine will then be noticed en opening the vessel. Benzine is indicated, though not quite so distinctly, in the same way. To determine the amount present, a convenient quantity, say 300 grams, is heated by means of a paraffin- or air-bath to about 130 C., in a flask provided with an outlet-tube for vapors, an inlet-tube reaching nearly to the bottom of the vessel, and a ther- mometer inserted into the oil. When the oil has reached the desired temperature a current of dry steam is passed through the oil and the vapors condensed in a Liebig condenser. The distil- late will separate into a lower layer of water and an upper layer of volatile oil, which is separated and measured or weighed. The aqueous part of the distillate will inevitably carry with it a small quantity of volatile oil, but the quantity is very small. The amount of turpentine either dissolved or permanently held in suspension by water was found in one experiment made by the author (Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 16, 273) to amount to 0.300 gram in 90 cc. of water. A separation of the benzine and turpentine in the volatile oil found is best effected by the method of Burton (Amer. Chem. J., 12, 102), which depends upon the difference between the action of fuming nitric acid upon benzine and upon turpentine, the former remaining practically unattacked, while the latter is strongly acted upon and converted into bodies soluble in hot water. The method may be described as follows: A measured quantity of the mixture to be separated is allowed to drop slowly into 300 c.c of fuming nitric acid contained in a flask of 750 cc. capacity, provided with a return condenser and immersed in cold water. A violent reac- tion takes place as each drop of oil strikes the acid, and the flask should be shaken occasionally. When all the oil has been added the flask is allowed to stand till all action is over. The contents of the flask are then poured into a separat ing-funnel and treated with successive portions of hot water; the products of the action of the acid on the turpentine are in this way removed, leaving the petroleum oil to be separated and measured. LINSEED-OIL. 59 The Maumene Test. When oils are mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid the mixture becomes hot, and the rise of tem- perature varies with the nature of the oil. The chemistry of the process is but slightly understood. Non-drying oils do not give as great a rise as drying oils, and consequently linseed-oil gives a greater rise than any of its adulterants, except, unfortunately, menhaden-oil. The behavior with sulphuric acid is similar to the behavior with bromine and iodine, so that no more information is gained from the rise in temperature than is obtained by deter- mining the percentage of halogen absorbed, except in the case of adulteration with menhaden-oil. The test which is known as Maumene^s test and which is fully described in Benedikt, Analyse der Fette, and in Allen, Comm. Org. Anal., vol. 2, is carried out by mixing 50 cc. of the oil to be examined with 10 cc. of strong sulphuric acid. The reaction with linseed-oil and with some other oils is so violent that the oil must be diluted with some more inert oil, or the mixture will froth over. The rise in temperature is observed by a thermometer used to stir the mixture, and the vessel in which the experiment is car- ried on is protected from rapid cooling by setting it inside another larger vessel, usually with cotton wool between. The amount of heat abstracted by the vessel itself depends upon its mass and material, and the amount of loss by radiation is dependent upon a variety of circumstances. Consequently the results obtained by different observers with different apparatus have varied with the same oil, and each apparatus must be standardized by the observer by testing with a number of oils of known purity, or else by adopt- ing the suggestion of Thomson and Ballantyne (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, 10, 233), and expressing the results in terms of rise of tem- perature produced by substituting an equal volume of water for oil, the results obtained with water being taken as 100. As stated above, the Maumene figure is usually higher the higher the halogen absorption. In the case of menhaden-oil, however, and perhaps other fish-oils, the Maumene figure is higher than would corre- spond with its iodine or bromine absorption. A sample having a bromine addition figure of 95, as against linseed-oil, which would 60 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. have a figure usually about 102, would give a Maumene figure higher than that of the linseed-oil. Thomson and Ballantyne find that the specific rise of temperature of four samples of linseed-oil which they examined varied from 270 to 349, while the corre- sponding figure for a sample of menhaden-oil was 306. Allen found the rise of temperature with sulphuric acid to be 104 to in in the case of linseed-oil, and 126 in the case of menhaden-oil. It will be seen from these facts that if an oil is found to give a distinctly lower bromine addition figure, and at the same time a Maumene figure distinctly higher than specimens of pure linseed- oil tested in the same apparatus, very strong evidence of the pres- ence of fish-oil is at hand. It is advisable before testing a sample of oil in this way to remove from the oil all impurities, as far as possible. Volatile oil is removed with comparative ease. Free rosin can be largely removed by repeated treatment with moder- ately strong alcohol, and subsequent removal of any alcohol that may remain dissolved in the oil by treatment with water and set- tling, keeping the vessel hot. Unsaponifiable matter and soaps cannot be easily removed, but in extremely important cases it might be advisable to prepare a quantity of the fatty acids of the sample to be examined by saponifying and then acidifying the oil, after freeing it from rosin, as far as possible. Volatile oil could be removed during the saponification. This sample of fatty acids could then be tested under the same conditions as the fatty acids prepared from samples of pure linseed-oil. Livache's Test. The power possessed by linseed-oil in greater measure than by any other oil to absorb oxygen from the air, and consequently to increase in weight, is measured by Livache's test (Compt. rend., 1895, I2 j &4 2 )- * n order to hasten the absorption of oxygen a weighed quantity of the oil is spread out in a thin film on a watch-glass, and mixed with finely divided precipitated metallic lead. At the end of each period of twelve or twenty-four hours the mixture is weighed and the increase in weight noted. The amount of oxygen absorbed in this way by oils is roughly proportional to the absorp- tion of bromine and iodine, except in the case of fish-oils. Men- LINSEED-OIL. 6r haden-oil, though having a power to absorb bromine or iodine but slightly inferior to that of linseed-oil, falls very short in prac- tical drying properties, and as Livache's test comes nearer than any other to an actual determination of the real drying power of an oil, menhaden-oil is indicated by a proportionately lower absorption of oxygen than of that of linseed-oil, than the bromine or iodine figures of the sample. Details of the process will be found in Benedikt, Allen, and Gill. Livache found linseed-oil to gain 14.3 per cent of its weight in two days, while Jean (Monit. Scient., 15, 891) found menhaden- oil to gain only 5.454 per cent, in three days. Thus if an oil have a bromine addition figure (after allow- ing for the effect of other impurities found) that is only slightly lower than that of linseed-oil, but absorbs only a small amount of oxygen by Livache's test, there is good proof of the presence of menhaden-oil. With regard to other adulterants of linseed-oil the test does not furnish information at all comparable in value with that obtained by determining the bromine figures. Index of Refraction. With regard to the index of refraction the difference between the figures of linseed-oil and of its adul- terants is comparatively small, and much less work has been done in this direction than in others. The following figures- are taken from several authorities: Oil. Refractive Index. Linseed-oil i .484 to i .488 at 15 C. Cottonseed-oil i .475 at 15 C. Rosin-oil i . 535 to i . 549 at 18 C. Mineral oil i . 438 to i . 507 Turpentine-oil i . 464 to i . 474 Rosin (colophony) 1-548 (1.478 at 20 C. Corn-oil. \ _ (1.4765 at 15 C. Fish-oil i .480 at 15 C. The Action on Polarized Light. The use of the polariscope is very limited in testing linseed-oil. Little has been done with it,. ^2 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and its value in this connection seems to be confined to the detec- tion of rosin-oil, which is dextro-rotatory. Valenta finds its rotatory power to be 3O-4O, and Demski and Morawski find it to be 50. American oil of turpentine deviates polarized light to the right, while the French oil of turpentine deviates to the left. Mineral oils have no rotatory power, or only a slight one, and, according to Bishop, vegetable oils, with the exception of sesame-oil, rotate to the left. Therefore a right-handed rotation in a sample of linseed-oil is indicative of rosin-oil. The Best Tests to Apply in Analyzing Linseed-oils. In examining linseed-oil for adulteration it will usually be found advisable to make the following determinations: 1. Determine the specific gravity at 15. 5 C., water at the same temperature being taken as This should be between .931 and .937 for raw oil, and between .931 and .950 for boiled oil. 2. Determine the bromine addition figure and the bromine substitution figure. The former should be between 100 and no and the latter should not be higher than 5, though it may rarely, in a pure oil, be as high as 7, probably from the presence of an unusual amount of non-fatty matter extracted with the oil from the seed. The figures to be expected are the same for raw oil and boiled oil as now made. 3. Test for volatile oil by the odor and determine the amount present by distillation with steam. There should be none. 4. Determine the amount of non-volatile unsaponifiable material. There should be less than 2.5 per cent, in either raw or boiled oil. 5. Determine the acid figure. It should be less than 5 in either raw or boiled oil, but figures as high as 7 may indicate that the oil is old rather than adulterated, and a still higher figure may prove to be due to the presence of mineral acid from refining. 6. Determine the Kcettstorfer figure. This should not be less than 187 in the case of raw oil, nor less than 186 in the case of boiled oil, and in neither case should be higher than 196. LINSEED-OIL. 63 7. If the appearance, odor, etc., of an oil point to the presence of fish-oil, apply Maumene's and Livache's tests. Adulteration will usually be indicated by more than one test, and if abnormal figures are obtained by one process pointing to a certain kind of adulteration, while others, which would also be expected to be abnormal, are not so, it is evident that some new adulterant is to be sought for, or that the oil has, perhaps, been made by some unusual process. Detection and Determination of the Several Adulterants. i. Non-volatile Mineral Oil. Indicated by low bromine absorp- tion, low bromine addition figure, low Kcettstorfer figure, and low specific gravity. Separated and weighed together with rosin-oil as unsaponifiable matter, and separated from rosin- oil by nitric acid. 2. Benzine. Indicated by odor, low specific gravity, low Kcettstorfer and bromine addition figures, and low bromine absorption. Separated and weighed or measured together with turpentine, as volatile oil, by distillation with steam, and separated from turpentine with fuming nitric acid. 3. Turpentine. Indicated by odor, low specific gravity, low Kcettstorfer figure, and high bromine absorption, bromine addi- tion figure, and bromine substitution figure. Separated and weighed together with benzine as volatile oil by distillation with steam, and determined by difference, after treating the volatile oil with fuming nitric acid and hot water. 4. Rosin-oil. Indicated by high specific gravity, low Kcettstorfer figure, often high acid figure, low bromine absorption and bromine addition figure, and high bromine substitution figure. Separated and weighed together with non-volatile mineral oil as unsaponifiable matter, and determined by difference, after treating the mixture with nitric acid. 5. Rosin. Indicated by high specific gravity, high bromine absorption, low bromine addition figure, high bromine substitution figure, and when in the free state by high acid figure. Separated and weighed or titrated by TwitchelPs process (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1891, 10, 804). It is carried out by treating the mixed fatty and TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. rosin acids obtained by acidifying the soap solution after extrac- tion with ether in the determination of unsaponifiabie matter, in absolute alcohol solution, with hydrochloric gas. By this treat- ment the fatty acids are converted into ethyl esters, while the rosin acids are not. The products of the reaction are boiled with water, the mixed fatty acid esters and rosin separated and dissolved in naphtha. From this solution the rosin is extracted by potassium hydrate solution. The rosin soap solution is treated with acid and the liberated rosin weighed. For full details Allen's Comm. Org. Anal. (3d ed.) should be consulted. Cladding's method, Amer. Chem. J., 3, 416, formerly much used for the determination of rosin, depends upon the solubility of silver resinate in ether, while the silver salts of fatty acids are in- soluble. 6. Menhaden-oil. Indicated by a bromine addition figure slightly lower than that of linseed-oil, but a higher Maumene figure and a very much lower figure by Livache's test. Indicated also by characteristic taste and odor. 7. Corn- and Cottonseed-oils. Indicated by low specific gravity, low bromine absorption, and low bromine addition figure. TABLE SHOWING THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE UPON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF LINSEED-OIL. (In all cases water at 15.5 C. taken as unity.) g A* 4J 44 J o J 1 1 O **' "0 OiL j| Oj 5 O . IM P< ^0 ^0 4j "? ^d tC Si SiT M 1 |% g 11 o< WD CJ, 8? 6" American raw linseed. . . S 2 .9336 9255 .8736 . 000650 .000721 .000711 Raw Calcutta linseed . 000698 Raw American linseed. . 02 0^6 02 CC . 000650 Raw American linseed. . 9e .Q-24C .026"? .000656 Boiled American linseed. j 38 yo "O .9385 y^ w o .9297 . 000707 Boiled American linseed. onA^Sc 2 Raw American linseed . . 58 9327 .] 9293 .8732 ."] . 000704 Raw American linseed . . 73 9332 9 2 45 .8731 .000693 .000714 . 0007 i i Boiled American linseed. 72 933 6 .9258 8735 .000625 .000726 .000714 Menhaden 71 .9316 .9235 .8712 . 000646 .000716 / yo LINSEED-OIL. A TABLE SHOWING THE CORRECTION FOR TEMPERATURE TO BE ADDED TO OR SUBTRACTED FROM THE READINGS OF A GLASS HYDROMETER, CORRECT AT 60 F. (i5.5 C.)i IMMERSED IN LINSEED-OIL, FOR EACH DEGREE FROM 40 F. TO 85 F. Calculated from the results obtained in determining the specific gravity of sam- ples Nos. 88, 90, 92, 94, and 95, by the following formula: Let a = weight of oil displaced by glass plummet at 15. 5 C.; b = weight of oil displaced by glass plummet at 28. o C.; c = weight of water displaced by glass plummet at 15. 5 C.; d difference in apparent gravity of hydrometer for i. a-b = d. 28 - 15-5 By substituting 82. 4 F. and 60 F. for 28 C. in the formula the correction will be found for i F. Correction for i F. = .000361. Correction for i C. = .000650. Ther- mometer Reading. Subtract. Ther- mometer Reading. Subtract. Ther- mometer Reading. Add. Ther- mometer Reading. Add. 40 Fahr. .0072 51 Fahr. .0032 6 1 Fahr. .0004 74 Fahr. .0051 41 .0069 52 .0029 62 .0007 75 .0054 42 .0065 53 .0025 63 .001 1 76 .0058 43 .0061 54 .0022 64 .0014 77 .0061 44 .0058 55 .0018 65 .0018 78 .0065 45 .0054 56 .0014 66 .0022 79 .0069 46 .0051 57 .001 1 67 .0025 80 .0072 47 .0047 58 .0007 68 .0029 81 .0076 48 .0043 59 .0004 69 .0032 82 .0079 49 .0040 60 .0000 70 .0036 83 .0083 50 .0036 .0040 84 .0087 72 .0043 85 .0090 73 .0047 66 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. O 9 E w ||< ^a 4-> tj ^ ' tp-} o ^ ^ 2 D o fi |V| u = * ii ' 3 S 1 Ili 6 - srtf JoO Unfiltered Calci Same as above d "S 5 i n* i* 211-53 s l I l s 'no a m ." '. '. : WSS"^ : : H co O O O M O ON N vo O H IN 00 r^ ON 00- CM o" uio jj 9 u t ui o j g M M M H W H ! w 9-mSt^ uontn voO ^ : N O ON COCO vO ^ -psqng guiuiojg M CO co co C4 CM ; ; CM CM CM CM -ippy 9Uituoig rj- O 0^ Ov ON CM O O M 10 MM- ON vo rf | p9qjosqy 9Utui -ojg jo -}U93 J9 t-<- o 00 ON CM M M ON ON ON VO O CM t^ 00 O ON 00 00 ONOO 00 vo O CO CM CM M ON ON ON rf O CNI vO CM \O vO vo O t^- O r^ CO D S' oSi ye rf CS CO CM CM CO rj- Tf CO co CO CO Tt- CM CO co co ON ON ON CO CO ON '. '. 6 . .u d 6 o' : I'l'l u .^c3u c5 ill .s.s .all S33 J 2 3 CO I ww cj33 *5 *3 *3 "eS "- 1 d fl G g.2.2 .2 C$ +J +J -4_l O oi cj c3 Q Jz; ^ ^ Kellogs ^ Campbell Cleveland i U9quzn N M C^ Sxff& vovO t-> ON ON ON ON M CO rt vo vo M M M LINSEED-OIL. 67 00 ON "* coco t~-O vo -- m^o o OOO roiovororj-o M cs M M w vO MD - NWfOl-IMMMCIIH M - Tf O *- 00 ON O O 00 O t^-CO N M CO CO OOQ OOO 00 ON ON *? H >O\O N M rf-H t^-rt-io COW COW cococow co cococococococococo ONONONONONONONONON ?, CO ON : : : : :::&: -4; ; ;.sa rt c3 o D c : pj fl 44^ o : : o o o c _; ^~> -^ "wiJKijJ (WJP*>5 r^il^l^li fe &; ^ (S ^;< EH O Z Averages M co co w co ^fO M r^ VO vO t^OO 00 00 00 ON O M M M \O M *l H M \O IOH rJ-cOOt^ON W NWWCOWVOWrj- CO OOOOWWWOOOO 81O M CO VO CO CO M O O O O O O O S 5 OOO Tt-OOO^O ON MMt -oo r^oo vo t^ TJ- cococOTtcocOcOrf ONONONONONONONON oo % ON '.'.'.'. ' |d||^,i l^^a-se^l 3 s a^l m so lllffil* llddMJ^ Averages OO^J-MWONfOvo 00 ON Tf voO vO O ^O 68 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. NO I W a 1 "" S a" s I no o\ O 00 CO 0\ 00 4 fOO 00 00 *-- to .OO M O^l" ) NO CO ** NO 03 t^* co co M o< vO 10 d oO 10 H ONONONt^>t^t>.\OVO H to *> "* ^ > t- ON co 'g to co w W 00 rj- ^ oO M 10CO Tl- rt SJ^'^'^f^fO M WgrJ-t>~O .NOtoio^ioSNO .M\O MIT> II i* ' * "* [^ M O M "^ ! | :j \ CO ON 00 Th rf . . co co OO O 10 . M M M \ \ NO 00 ' ' t^ co ' ' 00 *>. 00 t^. 10 NO Tf O * t>- ONOO M CO M OO OO M M [ * 1 ^ M NO **" CS VO W NO 00 H O rj- co Tj- NO OO ^ co w d cs ON ON ON ON ON ON ON i t OC oo - H CO Tf co Thompson & Bedford. . John Smith's Son. . 666 '. '. . . : U U . - fc o )o f.j >o * (*J r \ co in in & +j % O " C5fi flj^-* 1 ^ %c/i c/5 c/5 c/3^c/) WOP-i Edward Smith &Co. Standard Oil Co. . . . A. H. Sabin Potter & Co. . c^ c2 O1 ro IO t s * NO M CO lOO M 03 CO 0* vO ^" IO TJ-IO 10 10 lOt^-O OOW CO 70 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. -sit' -s O Bromine Substitutio Figure. Per Cent Bromin Absorbe . g t-**8 2 2 g g 8 O O co co ON w *"* Q^ . t^- tn TJ-VO C C rl rt II o || CO volo Cs O O 1 "S O Q Si: il T 115 SS-gS o o -t-> Cu 33 S** I!F M C llf - . Q vO O M M C C J.tUT 5j.'< ' M ? o o 3 S UUHWi - CHAPTER VI. MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. THE manufacture of varnish is carried on at the present time as a definite business, independent of any other, and is in fact subdivided so that the same concern does not make or try to make all kinds of varnish. In fact it is not unusual for some of the smaller and more rarely some of the larger manufacturers to purchase varnishes, either for direct sale or for use in making some special product, from other makers who are particularly successful in certain lines of the work. The greater part of the varnish now used is made from linseed-oil and resins, with tur- pentine or benzine as dilutent ; but most, or probably all, of these makers also make a little shellac varnish, which is a spirit varnish; and they all make damar varnish, which is a solution of damarin spirits of turpentine. On the other hand, they almost never try to make the more unusual spirit varnishes, or those which have nitro-cellulose as a base. Some of the spirit- varnish makers, probably most of them, buy small quantities of oleo-resinous var- nishes to add to their compounds, and not a few paint-manufac- turers not only buy what varnish they use as an ingredient of their paint, but do a considerable business as varnish-merchants on goods made for them and put up in special packages under their own label and seal. The writer of this disclaims any special and particular knowl- edge of what is done by English and European varnish-makers, but in America the varnish-factory equipment may thus be briefly described. Raw Materials. The raw materials are resins, oil, and tur- pentine or benzine. To these may be added the necessary driers, 71 72 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. lead and manganese compounds; and, of course, fuel. The oil is almost invariably bought as raw oil, i.e., oil which has no addition of driers and has not been highly heated. This is bought ^ either in barrels of 45 to 52 gallons each, usually called 5o-gallon barrels, in which case the buyer pays for the barrel, which he afterward uses to ship varnish in, or in large casks of 200 to 300 gallons, which are the property of the oil-merchant, to whom they are returned. Oil is invariably bought from the manufacturers, as no varnish-maker would feel confidence in oil bought from a middleman, and is usually of especially fine quality, which sells at from one to three cents a gallon above the market price of ordi- nary pure oil. It is perfectly clear and bright from having been tanked a sufficient time and filtered. Storage and Treatment of Oil. When this oil is received, part of it is used just as it is out of the barrels, but the most of that which is to be used for fine varnishes is put through some sort of treatment and then pumped into tanks holding one to three thousand gallons, in a storehouse, where it can be held at a tem- perature which is regulated by the operator, usually 90 to 110 F., probably never exceeding 120. This keeps the oil rather thinly fluid, which promotes its settling and clearing. Each var- nish-maker has his own secret methods of treating oil, which probably are all about alike. One of the most common is to heat the oil to 500 or 550 for a very short time. This seems to char certain impurities and coloring-matter, which will then settle out. Another is to heat with a very small amount of man- ganese, or lead oxides, or both: not enough to make the oil dry much more rapidly, but a very little seems to affect the quality of the oil for further use. A comparatively small part of the oil is converted into "boiled oil" of various sorts. The varnish-maker does not make boiled oil for sale, but uses several different kinds in his work. All these oils are tanked for a considerable time, usually several months, before they are considered to be in the best condition for use. Resins. The varnish-resins are stored either in the original packages in which they are bought, or in large bins. Usually a s # MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 73 considerable quantity of the more common ones is kept in bins, but the less common in the original packages. It is the practice of the varnish- makers to keep a large stock on hand, so as to be able to take advantage of the market. Probably from 10 to 20 per cent, of the entire capital of the business is invested in this way. These resins come from all parts of the tropical and south temperate zones and are not always to be had when wanted. Oil, on the contrary, can be contracted for any length of time ahead. Spirit of Turpentine. Nearly all varnish-factories contain one or more tanks of turpentine. This is stored in steel tanks built in the open air and sometimes hold over a hundred thousand gallons of spirit of turpentine. These tanks are closed, except for a vent to admit air when the liquid is being pumped in or out. A few makers have also tanks for benzine, but usually this is bought from day to day and no tank, or only a small one, is necessary. Other supplies are kept in casks, boxes, or small bins. Packages. Varnish is sold in barrels, half-barrels, and in tin cans ranging in size from lo-gallon jacketed cans (cased with wood) and 5 -gallon cans, both with and without jackets, down to half-pints. All these, except the jacketed cans and the very small ones, are shipped in special boxes holding from i to 12 cans of a size, so that considerable space must be allowed for empty packages. When filled, these cans are closed, not with a stopper, but with a piece of sheet brass, stamped to fit the nozzle of the can and made tight by a reamer, a little device worked by hand which makes an absolutely tight closure. In the box with the can is placed a wooden stopper or a metal cap to use after the brass cap has been torn off. Labels. The can, of course, is properly labelled. The stock of labels, several different sizes being required for each kind of varnish, frequently amounts in cost to from two to four thousand dollars. The buildings are heated by steam, which is generated in any suitable boiler. Comparatively little power is used, chiefly 74 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. for pumping and the like, but coke is the fuel used under the varnish-kettles, no other fuel having been found which so well satisfies the requirements. It was originally the custom to melt the resin in small quan- tities; in fact the business was formerly a small business, but a good many years ago the American practice was to melt 100 pounds at a time, and this amount was so convenient for compu- tations that it is still accepted as the varnish-maker's unit, but the present general practice is to melt 125 pounds at a time. VARNISH-KETTLE AND TRUCK. Varnish-kettle. For this purpose the kettle (see illustration) is, when new, about 36 inches in height and also in diameter, and weighs when new about 130 pounds. The bottom, which is riveted on, is the part which gives out first. Then the strip containing the rivet-holes is cut off and a new bottom put on, thus decreasing the depth of the kettle. This is repeated from time to time; finally, the whole of the kettle becomes too thin to be safe, and when sold for old copper the weight is sometimes not more than 80 pounds. The fireplace is cleaned out and the material for the fire prepared before leaving at night, or very early in the morning. The fire is started early, and the fire-pit is a glowing mass of coke when the varnish-maker is ready to begin work. The resin has already been put in the clean kettle, which sets on its truck; the loose cover is on, and the kettle is ready to put on the fire, which comes almost, but not quite, in FIREPLACE IN THE OLDEST AMERICAN VARNISH-CHIMNEY. By the courtesy of Edward Smith & Co. MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 75 contact with the bottom of the kettle. Through a hole in the cover the varnish-maker inserts a slender iron rod, set in a wooden handle, as Theophilus did about a thousand years ago, and stirs the melting mass of resin. Melting the Resin. When all the lumps are gone, and the melted gum, a little of which adheres to the stirring-rod when the operator takes it out for inspection, is quite liquid, the kettle is drawn off the fire. By this time it is about half an hour from the beginning from 10 to 25 per cent., by weight, of the resin has been driven off in the form of a pungent, irritating, highly inflammable vapor. To keep this from catching fire the cover is used, and the free escape of the vapor is permitted by the little chimney in the middle of the cover, which so discharges the issuing stream of vapor that the current of air which is rush- ing up the chimney carries it quickly away from the fire. The escaping vapor causes the melted part of the resin to foam, and if this appears too near the top, the operator draws the kettle away from the fire, unless he can, with his stirring-rod, beat down the foam. It is clearly necessary to have considerable space in the kettle over the resin, and formerly the kettles were made much higher in proportion to their width than now. It is not common to use a thermometer in melting resin because the essential thing is not to reach a certain temperature, but to melt the resin, and this is best told by the feeling of it through the stirring-rod, by the experienced operator. In the laboratory, however, where the lumps of resin are much smaller, the thermom- eter is necessary. The temperature is seldom below 650 F. when the melting is completed. The temperature and the percentage of loss vary greatly with different resins. Adding the Oil. When the resin is all melted and the kettle has been drawn from the fire, and the heat subsided a little, and the foam has gone down, the linseed-oil, which has been made ready in another kettle, is slowly added. The oil is by some, perhaps a majority of makers, previously heated to about 500, but many use less heat. Some heat only a little above 212 and some not above 100 F. Of course if only a little 76 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. oil is added its temperature has not much effect on the mass, but it is common to have the oil hot. The amount of oil added is variable, according to the kind of varnish desired. It is com- monly measured in United States gallons, which weigh 7j pounds, but the varnish- maker is obliged to buy his oil by weight, and a gallon is then said to weigh yj pounds. The price is always so much per gallon, but a gallon of linseed-oil, when buying it from the oil-manufacturers, is a conventional, not a standard, gallon, so that the varnish- maker has to buy about 3 per cent. more than he sells. Of course a gallon of hot oil weighs less than a gallon of cold oil, and if it is added hot allowance must be made for that, but usually, if it is hot, it was. previously meas- ured cold into the pot in which it was heated. Cooking the Varnish. As soon as the oil has been added, which is done gradually, the mixture being constantly stirred, the kettle is put back on the fire. Although the mixture appears to be a complete solution, it is not really so at this stage, for if the mixture, or a drop of it, be allowed to cool, the resinous part will separate, making the drop cloudy ; and the common rule is to with- draw the stirring-rod from time to time and let a drop or two of the mixture fall on a piece of glass, where it cools at once and shows by its cloudiness that the combination has not, or by its clearness that it has, taken place. The more approved practice now, however, is to keep a thermometer in the liquid and heat to a certain temperature, previously determined as the best for the particular varnish which is being made, for a certain length of time. This temperature, roughly speaking, is not very far from 500 F., but not unfrequently it is found best to make the heat increase and diminish from time to time, according to a tempera- ture curve which is established for a given mixture. In general it may be said that varnishes containing a large proportion of oil require more cooking than those using a small amount. A 30- gallon varnish, for example, may be cooked six or eight hours, or more, while a lo-gallon one will be done in an hour or two, and where a very small percentage of oil is used the mixture is only heated enough to be sure it will not separate on cooling. One MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 77 effect of cooking is to make the varnish heavy in body, or, as the English say, " stout"; that is, it increases its viscidity or viscosity, and the longer it is cooked the more turpentine will be required to thin it to the conventional standard of viscosity which is desired in a finished varnish. Undercooking. If it is cooked but a little it will take less than the normal amount of turpentine; hence a gallon of such varnish will contain a large proportion of non- volatile matter, and when it is spread on a surface it will dry to a film of more than the usual thickness, and this, in turn, requires more oxygen to dry it, and hence a longer time, than a thinner film. Overcooking. Conversely, a varnish which is overcooked takes a large amount of turpentine, a larger percentage of the film evaporates, the film is thinner, and it dries more quickly. Looking at it in another way, since turpentine is less costly than the finished product, the more the varnish is cooked and the more turpentine is added the less is the cost per gallon; but an over- cooked varnish is liable to be spoiled by carrying the cooking process too far, and hence the risk makes such a varnish, in the long run, more costly than it otherwise would be. From a stand- point of durability, the varnish which is overcooked leaves a thinner film, which is on that account less durable, than one less, cooked; but if it is undercooked the oil and resin are not very thoroughly combined, and the film perishes because its ingredi- ents separate when exposed to the air and sunlight. Since var- nishes continually grow darker in color by cooking, the varnishes which are undercooked are paler in color, and on that account fetch a higher price, but obviously are not to be compared in real value and durability with a varnish of the same color made of more costly materials, that is, with carefully bleached oil and pure, clean, pale, hard resins which do not discolor so much in melting, and more thoroughly combined by long and judicious cooking. Most of these considerations apply also to melting the resin. When this is nearly melted and the full heat is on, it darkens rapidly every minute it is kept over the fire ; but the un- decomposed resin is not soluble in oil, and if the process is not 78 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. carried far enough the result will be, in extreme cases, that when the oil is added the varnish so made will be a jelly, which must be thrown away; and if the result is not so bad as that, the varnish thus made, while pale in color, will easily suffer decomposition. On the other hand, if the melted resin is heated too long it be- comes very dark in color and is less valuable in other respects also. As a rule, when we consider the different grades of a given kind of resin, Kauri for instance, we find that the very pale sorts are a softer resin than the darker pieces. These soft resins take on color more rapidly than the hard ones, hence the tendency is to melt them at a lower temperature, and the resulting varnish, while pale in color, is less durable than that made of the darker resins. Different Qualities of Resins. But the cheaper grades, that is, when we get below the normal or standard grade, are dark not only because of the natural color of the resin, but because it con- tains impurities of various sorts, dirt which, in most cases, settles out and does not injure the varnish much, except in color. Some of these moderately cheap, very dark-colored varnishes are of the most excellent quality in everything but color, and in many cases this is not an objection. For instance, a varnish for mahogany or any such dark wood ought to be dark in color. The dry film is like red-brown glass, perfectly clear and transparent, and im- parts a rich effect whose brilliancy cannot be attained in any other way. But if a pale varnish of fine quality is desired, it is necessary to select a pale hard resin and one which discolors as little as possible in melting. These are rare and costly. Some of the finer sorts cost as much as 75 cents per pound. If such a resin does not make a sufficiently pale product, the maker pro- ceeds to pick out the very best pieces from this most valuable resin. It may be necessary to pick over a thousand pounds to get a hundred pounds, enough for one melt, of these select pieces. This hand-picked resin not only costs the original 75 cets a pound, plus the cost of skilled labor for picking over the thousand pounds, but the residuary 900 pounds has by this process been graded down to, let us say, 6ocent resin, a loss of 15 cents a MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 79 pound on 900 pounds, or $.1.35. If the labor cost $15, the cost of this hundred pounds of resin would be $225, or $2.25 a pound. Clearly, a varnish made of such a resin will be costly. It will, therefore, be used only indoors, that is, for objects not exposed to the weather. Therefore, it will be made with a rather small proportion of oil, and since oil is cheap compared with such a resin, it will have its cost reduced as little as possible in this way. It is impossible to make, even if we could sell, much of this sort of varnish, which must, therefore, have a special small tank for itself, and it will naturally demand the very best and highest-priced labor in the factory at every step of its making and handling until it gets out of the shipping- room. Very Costly Varnish. The unavoidable waste in handling a material which is sold in such small quantities is considerable, and it is easily seen that it is quite practicable to make a varnish which is easily worth, from a factory standpoint, at least twenty dollars a gallon and which may be absolutely no better in any respect except color than another made of similar but less costly materials and sold for one-quarter or one-fifth the price. On the other hand, if a man builds a yacht at a cost of half a million dollars and wishes to have in it his wife's boudoir varnished with such a material, the cost does not, and ought not, to stand in the way. It has been said that there is danger, if the resin is not thoroughly melted and decomposed, or if the mixture of resin and oil is not sufficiently heated for a long enough time, that the same will be spoiled. It should further be said that if the compound of resin and oil be overcooked it is liable to turn to a viscid, insoluble, infusible mass, and this is the more likely to occur if the resin was not in the first place properly melted, and is more likely to take place with, varnishes containing little oil than with those which have more. It may be remarked here that varnishes containing little oil are sometimes spoken of as "short" varnishes, and those with a large amount of oil as "long" or sometimes "rich," but the terms "quick" and 8o TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. "slow" refer to the rate of drying and not to the composition. It is also worthy of note that in all varnish-factories a certain amount sometimes a pretty large one of common rosin, or colophony, is used, and this is always called rosin; and partly because of the similarity of this word to resin, partly because from time immemorial all resins have been commercially spoken of as "gums," the word resin is seldom heard in a varnish -factory, all the true varnish-resins being called "gums." " Gum." But rosin is never called a gum. When the oil and resin have been properly cooked the kettle is withdrawn from the fire and taken to a sufficient distance, usually into a shed or well- ventilated room, from which it is impossible that the vapors about to be generated should reach the fire and thus cause a conflagration; a quantity of spirit of turpentine, which has been measured out into a special receptacle, is added, being allowed to run in in a small stream, while the attendant vigorously stirs the liquid to promote the solution. Thinning Down with Turpentine. Although the oil and resin compound has previously been allowed to cool somewhat, its temperature is still a little above the boiling-point of the tur- pentine, and until the whole has been sufficiently cooled by the addition of cold turpentine, part of the latter is converted into vapor and flows over the edge of the kettle in the form of a gas, highly inflammable, and indeed explosive if ignited. If benzine is used instead of turpentine, as it is for making cheap varnishes, this danger is greatly increased, and most varnish fires occur from this cause. Fires do indeed sometimes, but rarely, occur in the chimney where the oil and resin only are used, but these are easily and quickly put out by smothering them, covering the kettle with wet burlap or other wet cloths, a supply of which is constantly on hand. Sooty matter sometimes collects on the bottom of the kettle, and in this sparks of fire are preserved for a considerable time, and the attendant should most care- fully see that no such thing is allowed to cause a fire, which is not only destructive to the part of the factory where it is, but is also exceedingly dangerous to the workman who is stirring in MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 8l the turpentine or benzine,, Fires are avoidable if proper care is taken. In the factory with which the writer is connected a fire of this sort occurred many years ago, when benzine was first introduced and before it was known that it was more dan- gerous than turpentine; but that one fire is the only serious one in this factory in seventy-five years. The most common cause of varnish fires is that the thinning-down shed is not far enough away or not perfectly separated from the fireplace where the varnish is made. When making cheap rosin varnishes, more- over, it is common practice to make a batch of varnish, get it thinned down and pumped out of the kettle all within an hour, and sometimes considerably within the hour. Such haste, so different from the more dignified and deliberate proceedings which distinguish the making of high-class goods, is a contribu- tory cause of much importance. If the varnish is one containing a large proportion of linseed- oil, the compound of oil and resin will be much more fluid than if a small amount of oil is used, and consequently a smaller propor- tion of turpentine will be needed than is used with the more viscid compound containing a small proportion of oil. Of course it is possible to overcook a "long" varnish so as to make it take more than its normal percentage of turpentine, but since this is rarely done we have some indication of the proportion of resin and oil when we determine the percentage of turpentine, or rather of volatile liquid corresponding to turpentine, which fortunately may be easily done. Varnishes made with 8 gallons of oil to ico pounds of resin have about 25 gallons of turpentine added, those containing 30 gallons of oil have about 32 of turpen- tine, and intermediate ones are somewhat in proportion. Turpentine Better than Benzine. The question will naturally arise, is turpentine, which costs three to five times as much as benzine, any better than the latter? In most cases it is, for several reasons. One of these is that it is much less rapidly evaporated. There is much more attraction between the oleo- resinous compound and turpentine than between it and benzine, and for that reason turpentine goes off more slowly, and benzine 82 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. dissolves in the air by diffusion far more rapidly than turpentine, and this has a like effect. It is desirable to have the volatile ingredient of varnish pass off somewhat slowly, especially at first, for when the varnish is spread with a brush it is impossible to avoid putting it on with slight irregularity, and the brush- marks thus made will disappear if the varnish retains its liquid condition for some time, as is the case if turpentine is the solvent. The little ridges of liquid varnish flow out and level up the hollows and the whole surface becomes smooth. Such varnish is said to have good flowing quality. If made with benzine, the latter evaporates almost at once and the varnish takes its initial set before the ridges have disappeared; the surface then dries with these imperfections, and the finished surface shows these brush- marks. These may be seen in any furniture -store on low-priced furniture. Good flowing quality is also helped by other things; the composition, method of manufacture, and age of the varnish have their influence, but the presence of either turpentine or benzine is the most important single factor. Oxidation of Turpentine. Another peculiarity of turpentine is that it never completely evaporates. A small portion of it remains behind as an elastic resinous substance, which is con- sidered a desirable ingredient in varnish. Benzine evaporates completely. This thickening of turpentine is due to a process of oxidation, and there is no doubt in the mind of the writer that turpentine has some effect as a drier, acting as lead and manganese compounds do, by passing oxygen on from the air to the oleo- resinous compound. It is possible that a turpentine varnish dries through more quickly than a similar varnish made with benzine, notwithstanding the slow setting of the former. Factory Nomenclature. If 10 gallons of oil is added to the melted mass, weighing, let us say, 95 pounds, which results from melting 125 pounds of resin, the resulting varnish is said to be an 8-gallon varnish, contains 8 gallons of oil to every 100 pounds of resin originally taken. Similarly, 25 gallons of oil would make a 2o-gallon varnish, and so on, the varnishes being designated by the proportion of pil to the hundred pounds of un- MANUFACTURE OF VARNISH. 83 melted resin, and nothing is said about the turpentine which is > to some extent, a variable quantity. Of course this is purely a factory nomenclature. The purchaser knows the varnishes he buys by certain descriptive or trade names, and, as in every other business, a name which takes the public fancy is very valuable. Further, the varnish as it comes out of the kettle is not usually of the same composition as any varnish sold, because, in order to get certain qualities, it is necessary to mix varnishes made in dif- ferent ways and of different resins. It will be obvious that if the maker has, for example, three tanks of lo-gallon varnishes, made respectively of Zanzibar, Kauri, and Manila resin, and also three tanks of 3o-gallon varnishes made from the same resins, he is in a position to supply nine different kinds of 2O-gallon varnish, each differing from the others in certain properties peculiar to each mixture, and also in price, making each of these mixtures from, two tanks, and an indefinite number by mixing them in a more intricate manner. Art of Mixing Varnishes. It would be indeed remarkable if some of these 20-gallon mixtures were not better for some special purpose, or even for general use, than any possible 20-gallon varnish, made from a single resin, just as it comes from the kettle* It will also be obvious that an indefinite number of 12-, 15-, 18-, 22-, 25-, and 28-gallon varnishes may be made from these same tanks, and if , in addition, the manufacturer has a set of tanks of 8-, 1 6-, and 20-gallon varnishes, each set representing, say, these same three resins, the number of possible combinations passes imagination. It is to be further remembered that varnishes are made with as little as 3 gallons of oil and as high as 60; that the 'more important resins are sold in from two to ten grades, and that the number of these resins is very great and is constantly increasing. It will be seen that a knowledge of the qualities of the various varnishes, and especially of their effect in mixtures, is of as much importance as knowing how to manipulate the materials in the kettle, and the expert, to be an expert, must be intimately and practically acquainted with the use to which the varnish is to be put and the way in which it is necessary to apply it, and how 84 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. these uses and conditions vary. He should, therefore, have as the simplest foundation a good working knowledge of the furni- ture trade, of wagon and carriage building of railway engines and coaches, of ship and boat construction, and of house painting and decoration. To these he may add the lesser trades and special- ties, from the making of oilcloth to the japanning of hooks and eyes, as far as his natural abilities and acquired opportunities may allow. In view of all the foregoing facts, the proposition that the art of varnish-making offers an opportunity for the continual activity of an ingenious and receptive mind, for an indefinite period, is confidently submitted to the acute perceptions of the candid reader. CHAPTER VH. TUNG-OIL. TUNG-OIL, or Chinese wood-oil, is a remarkable oil which sur- passes linseed in its rapidity of drying; it is obtained from the seeds of a tree known to botanists as the Aleurites cor data, much resembling the ornamental tree known to us as Paulownia japonica; the seeds resemble chestnuts and contain somewhat more than half their weight of oil, about four-fifths of which oil is obtained by grinding the seeds and pressing, very much as lin- seed and other vegetable oils are made. The nut is said to be poisonous if eaten; but it is not reported that the oil is so. The oil has a peculiar odor, resembling that of rancid grease obtained from bacon; it is yellow in color, darker than linseed, and is, when fresh, turbid; this turbid oil is said to dry better than it does after it has been cleared. When spread on glass (or other non-absorbent surface) it dries "flat," that is, with a rough sur- face, not glossy, and makes an opaque white film. Linseed-oil, after it has taken its initial set, dries from the outer surface ; but it is commonly said that tung-oil dries throughout at the same rate. As the oxygen is derived from the surface, this statement is no doubt only approximately true; but it dries more rapidly and uniformly than linseed. The next most remarkable quality of tung-oil is that if it is heated to about 400 F. it coagulates; it does not break like linseed, but apparently the whole mass of the oil is converted into a polymeric modification, and is a jelly, insoluble in all the ordinary solvents; on this account great care must be taken in "heating it. It may sometimes be heated to about 500 F. for a 85 86 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH, few minutes; but prolonged heating to 400 F. is likely to cause it to coagulate into a gelatinous solid free from a greasy feeling. Tung-oil seems to be rather more repellent to water than lin- seed; but the writer has had very little practical experience with it; the varnishes made with it have not seemed to be as reliable as those made with linseed-oil; they are liable to undergo a de- composition while standing in the tank or can, in many cases. There is a considerable amount of this oil used in the United States; the most of it seems to be purchased by makers of rosin varnishes, some of whom must -have successful methods of using it. It is more costly than linseed. Its specific gravity averages about .938, varying from .936 to .944; its saponification number is about 192.5, varying from 191 to 197; its iodine number is 160, varying from 155 to 165. It is said by some authorities that the gelatinization of this oil by heat is accompanied by a large absorption of oxygen; by others that it is not so, but is a polymeric change. The latter seems the more likely. It derives its name of wood-oil from the fact that it is used as a protective coating for wood in China, being used as a sort of varnish. It combines readily with lead and manganese oxides to form driers, and a certain proportion of lead in combination is said to make the film glossy and transparent instead of fiat and opaque. i?*.r &trEsf ;.' / ear comparison with it. So when we talk of paints white is a comparative term; some paints look more like white than others, and the best of them when ground in oil look decidedly yellow, from the color of the vehicle, if com- pared with the pigment either dry or made into a water-color. Artists frequently use poppy-oil or walnut-oil, which are drying oils (but less drying than linseed) because of their pale color, but the advantage is only temporary, because they yellow with age quite as much as linseed. Indeed they are much worse because it is necessary, in order to make them dry, to load them with driers far beyond the need with linseed-oil, and this, as has been explained, has a most injurious effect on their permanence. All these oils with age turn yellow, especially in the dark or in weak light, and may from time to time be bleached by exposure to the direct sunlight. A painted surface, as, for example, the outside of a house, continually exposed to the sun remains white. Varnish paints, however, do not change in any such marked manner; they do not grow yellow, nor are they bleached by sunlight very much. White lead or zinc ground in oil is whiter than any oleo-resinous varnish paint, at least after being sun- bleached, but very white enamel paint may be made if the neces- sary expense is warranted. These enamel paints are certainly the highest achievement of the paint -maker's art. They are, like the varnishes, unlimited in variety, and may be made of quality suitable for the most diverse uses. If they are to be used on furniture, they will be made with a hard varnish and may be rubbed and polished like a varnished surface; if for interior woodwork of a house, a more elastic varnish will be used, and to stand exposure to the weather the varnish must be made especially for such service. The maker must know first what pigments he will have to supply, then he will consider what varnishes he has found suitable for use with these pigments ; from a list of these he selects such as will make a vehicle at once elastic in a high degree and hard to resist abrasion, with 142 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. toughness to act as a binder and, especially if it is to be used on metal or any impermeable material, extremely adhesive. When a suitable mixture is found and ground with pigments which are chemically inert and permanent we have a paint of the highest degree of excellence. As a matter of practice the greater propor- tion of enamel paints are light in color and, therefore, have white lead or white zinc as a base, and the varnish used must be such as will work properly with these pigments, which, as they cannot be called chemically inert, are somewhat difficult to fit with an other- wise suitable vehicle. The kauri varnishes seem to work better than any others, perhaps because they are so completely free from acidity; those made from the softer resins and from some of the harder resins do not behave as well. Defects of Enamels. The trouble is that the mixture becomes thick, and if we thin it with more varnish or turpentine we, of course, have less than the normal amount of pigment in it and it lacks covering power ; moreover, the paint becomes ropy with age and no amount of thinning will make it spread freely and uniformly. I have never seen enamel paint containing much white lead (and zinc, which works better in cheap enamels, is quite as bad in those of better quality) which did not deteriorate somewhat on standing a long time. This is a serious obstacle to their general use, and even when fresh they do not and can not flow like an oil paint, nor do they equal the oil paints in covering power. This is because the varnish is much more viscid than oil alone, and if we put as much pigment to a gallon of varnish as we would do to a gallon of oil, the mixture would be too thick to work properly under the brush. The enamel paint is, therefore, comparatively trans- parent and it requires a great many coats to make a substantial foundation of color. Hence it is the common practice to lay on a foundation of oil paint, which has much more covering body, until we get the desired color ; then finish with as many coats of enamels as may be necessary. This is a violation of the general rule, to be hereafter discussed, that the under-coat should always be harder or not less hard than the outer one, and for severe expos- ure out of doors it should not be followed; but for interior work, VARNISH OR ENAMEL PAINTS. 143- where nearly all enamel is used, it is usually satisfactory, and it is not only less expensive but far less tedious than building up a. body of solid enamel paint. Enamel may be Thinned with Varnish. When it is necessary, as it sometimes is, to thin the enamel paint at the time of applying it, this should never be done with oil, and it is not advisable to do it with turpentine, but with varnish; and the varnish should be slower-drying than the enamel. It would, of course, be right to use the same varnish the enamel was made of, but this is not often possible, and it is good safe advice to use for the purpose a finishing carriage -varnish, or "wearing body" varnish as it is. often called, which is at once pale in color, elastic, and possessed of the very finest working qualities. Spar- varnish is also suitable. These varnishes should, of course, be from reliable makers, because not a little inferior varnish is put out under these names. It is extremely dangerous (that is, to the quality of the paint) to add oil to any -enamel paint, or to a varnish, for that matter; there is no objection, usually, to adding a good varnish to oil or an oil paint, for if it does no good it probably will do no harm; but adding oil to varnish is only less reprehensible than adding drier or japan to it, all of which things are not infrequently done by persons of a sufficient degree of depravity. Enamels are sometimes made by- grinding the pigment in oil to a paste and then thinning this with varnish, and fairly good enamels may be made in this way; but it is. better to grind the pigment directly with the varnish, because add- ing in even this indirect way oil to the varnish slows down its drying beyond all reason and makes it necessary to use a quick-drying varnish, when we might just as well use all varnish and use one which would be slower and much more durable and have better working qualities. On the other hand, remembering what has been said about the necessity of using mixtures of different var- nishes to get a compound of the right character, we may usually select a varnish to grind the color into a paste, which will be especially suited for grinding, and in which the pigment will keep well, and when the paint is called for, some of this paste may be taken and mixed with the varnish which is to be used, the mixture 144 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Tim through a mill to insure the proper mixing, and it is ready to ship. It is generally a good plan to have your principal varnishes mixed and tanked for a month or more before putting into cans, because it takes a long time for the components which have sensi- bly the same physical qualities to become uniformly mixed, and this is an objection to thinning a varnish, even with pure turpen- tine, and a reason why such a practice seems so seriously to injure its working qualities ; if we add the turpentine and mix it as well as we can and then set it away for a month or two, we shall find a great difference. Any one may illustrate this by making a syrup of sugar and water, and pour some of this thick, ropy syrup into a bottle of pure water; though perfectly miscible, it will take an astonishing amount of shaking before the two liquids become, even to the eye, completely mixed. But this does not hold true in case of these enamel paints, because we run the mixture (which we admit to be an imperfect one) of paste color and varnish through the mill, and this mixes them in the most perfect manner ; the mixture is much more complete than would be the case if no pigment were present. It has already been said that some of these paints are made with damar; it has also, in an earlier chapter, been remarked that damar varnish is often adulterated with rosin, even up to the vanishing-point, and these various statements may be combined, when they explain the composition of some of the most atrocious compounds known in the whole paint business. It would be a waste of words, and of the sort of words which do not look well in a book, to describe these products, which are in no small degree responsible for the poor opinion of enamel paints held by many worthy and otherwise intelligent people. It is not to be denied that varnish or enamel paints have their drawbacks; as has been said, they do not work as freely as oil paints, they are, especially in white, a little less brilliant in color, they do not cover as well, and they do not keep well in the can, but they work freely enough so that a good workman can do the finest sort of work with them when they are fresh; their lustre more than makes up for any slight yellowing of the color, which is at any rate noticeable in VARNISH OR ENAMEL PAINTS 145 hardly anything but white; they have fair covering quality, and the dark shades, which are made with opaque pigments, cover perfectly; some of them appear to keep in the can indefinitely, and even the whites, which are the worst, will usually keep, espe- cially in a cool place, a year or more, which is longer than any paint ever should be kept, for it is a general rule that paint is best when it comes from the mill. Varnishes are thought to improve by keeping, but such a thing has never been supposed of paint, even oil paint, except that white lead and oil are supposed to improve for a time. Special Enamels for Special Uses. Paints of this sort, like varnishes, should be made for the special uses to which they are to be put; it is not practicable to use one kind for all sorts of work, interior and exterior, and even out of doors there are many places where a fine appearance is essential and others where this is of less account than extreme durability. Dark and dull colors are in general more durable than light and bril- liant ones; this is true also of oil paints. If a paint is to be sub- ject to frequent rubbing, as on a hand-rail, or to blasts of dust, as on a railway car, it must have hardness to resist abrasion, or it will not answer at all; and it may be that the necessary hardness cannot be had without making the paint so inelastic that it will in time crack from the rapid and extreme changes of temperature it must endure; but if it is to stand the weather alone, it may be made so tough that it can never possibly crack, and, being practically water-proof, which an oil paint is not, it will resist decomposition longer than any other preservative coat- ing. But such a paint as that would be entirely out of place on the interior finish of a house, and if applied to articles of fur- niture, it would make a horrible mess. Yet with suitable enamels the most dainty articles of the toilet-table are painted, and all the most valuable pictures, made in the middle ages by the great masters of art, have come down to us painted with pigments .ground in just such varnish as we are making to-day. CHAPTER XIV. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. THE Jesuit missionary Father D'Incarville, who was a cor- responding member of the French Academy of Sciences, wrote from China a memoir on Chinese varnish; this was, as stated in the text, a few years after the death of the Emperor Yung- ching or Yong-toking, and in the beginning of the reign of Keen- lung; that is, a few years after 1735. This memoir was said by Watin to be practically inaccessible in 1772; inaccurate state- ments said to be based on it appear in various encyclopaedias; and as the writer has been so fortunate as to have secured a copy, the following translation, which is complete with the except ion of a few irrelevant sentences, is now presented, as an important addition to our knowledge of the subject. The author claimed no knowledge of varnish in general, but simply wrote out his own observations. The mention of tung-oil is the earliest which has come to the notice of the translator. D'INCARVILLE'S MEMOIR. It is commonly known in Europe that Chinese varnish is not a composition, but a gum or resin which runs from a tree which the Chinese call Tsichou, or varnish-tree. This tree grows in most of the southern provinces of China; it grows wild in the mountains; the trunk of the tree is some- times a foot or more in diameter. Those which are cultivated on the plains, or on certain mountains, the Chinese tap for their juice when they are as large as one's leg; these cultivated trees do not live more than about ten years. 146 CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 14? Varnish-trees. The varnish-tree is easily propagated from slips; in the autumn they select such branches as they wish to use for this purpose; they pack the twig not too firmly with earth, a few inches beyond the place where it is to be cut off, and this earth is formed into a ball about the size of one's head, and wrapped in tow or linen cloth to keep it in shape; they water it occasionally to keep it moist ; the branch puts forth roots, and in the spring it is cut off above the ball of earth and is transplantable. This tree grows as well in an open country as in the moun- tains, and the varnish is quite as good, provided that the situation is favorable; if the trees have not a good exposure or are in the shade, they give more varnish, but not as good. This tree requires no other culture than to have the earth stirred beneath it, and to fertilize it with the leaves which fall from the tree. Collection of Varnish. The varnish is collected in summer. If it is a cultivated tree, the sap is drawn three times ; that which is taken first is best, and the second is better than the third. If the trees are wild, they tap them but once a year; or if they do it three times, they then leave the tree undisturbed for three years. To obtain the varnish they make, with a knife, three cuts which go through the bark but do not raise it. These three cuts form a triangle; in the base of this triangle they insert a clam- shell to receive the liquid which runs out from the other two cuts ; this is the practice with cultivated trees. With wild ones they .make a cut in the tree with a hatchet, as they do in Europe to get turpentine from the pine. It is possible to make twenty incisions in one of these large trees; but on the cultivated ones they set not more than four shells at a time, and they make new cuts each time they wish to get more varnish. It sometimes happens to the great wild trees that after having made the incisions the varnish does not run ; it is then necessary to slightly moisten the cut surfaces; for this they provide themselves with hogs' bristles, some of which they moisten, if water is not at hand, with saliva, and put about the place; which treatment, by moistening, opens the pores of the tree and lets the varnish escape. 148 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. When it appears that one of the wild trees is exhausted, and there is no hope of getting more from it, they cover the top of the tree with a little straw, which they set on fire, and all the remaining varnish in the tree is precipitated into the numerous incisions which they have made near the foot of the tree. Those who collect it go out before daybreak. In the morning twilight they set the shells in place; each man can set about a hundred. These they leave about three hours, after which they collect the varnish, beginning with those first set. If the shells are left longer the varnish is better, but less in quantity, because the sun evaporates the aqueous parts, and this would cause a loss to the seller. The collector carries, hung to his girdle, a little bucket of bam- boo in which he deposits the varnish. To do this he moistens his finger by passing it over his tongue, and in wiping out the shell the varnish does not stick to his finger because it is moist. Some use a little wooden spatula which they moisten with water or with the tongue. Storage of Varnish. What each one collects in his little bucket he carries to the dealer, who preserves it in casks. These buckets and casks are carefully covered with a sheet of paper, as confectioners cover their jars of preserves with a circular piece of paper cut to fit the top of the jar. Those who collect the varnish do not take the trouble to cut out the paper in this way, but they fit it over the mouth of the vessel, to preserve the varnish better, and to prevent the entrance of the least dust. Their paper, which they call Moteou-tchi, is very suitable for this; it is made of hemp. Its Poisonous Qualities. It is necessary to take care, in cover- ing and opening the vessels which contain the varnish, not to expose one's self to the vapor; the face should be turned to one side; unless one is careful there is risk of getting an eruptive disease, such as is caused by the poison-ivy of Canada, except that the poisoning by varnish is much worse; but it is not fatal. To lessen the burning sensation of these blisters they bathe them with cold water, if they have not burst ; but if they have, they CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 149 rub them with the yellow matter taken from the bodies of crabs, or, if that is not to be had, with the flesh of shell- fish, which by its coolness gives much relief. Few of those who work in varnish are exempt from being attacked once by this disease. It is some- what singular that people who are active and highly colored are more subject to it than those of a phlegmatic temperament. Some of the latter are never attacked. To keep the varnish they set the vessels in caves where it is cool and not too damp ; being well covered, they keep it as long as they wish. The varnish, when it comes from the tree, resembles liquid pitch; exposed to the air it takes on a reddish color, and soon becomes black, but not a brilliant black because of the water which it contains. Three Kinds. The Chinese distinguish three sorts of varnish : the Nien-tsi, the Si-tsi, and the Kouang-tsi. The three words, Nien, Si, and Kouang, are three names of the principal cities from which they get the three kinds of varnish, namely, Nien- tcheou-fou, Si-tcheou-fou, and Kouang-tcheou-fou. Tcheou-fou signifies principal city, or city of the first class. The Nien-tsi and the Si-tsi are two species of varnish which they employ to make the black varnish ; the Nien-tsi is the better, but it is very difficult to get it pure : the dealers mix Si-tsi with it. The province from which they get the Nien-tsi is not very extensive, and so there is not enough of it for all the work done in China. The Nien-tsi is of a more brilliant black than the Si-tsi; it costs at Pekin about a hundred sous for a livre (one dollar a pound); the Si-tsi is one-third as costly. The Kouang- tsi is of a yellowish color; it is more pure, or contains less water, than the other kinds. Tong-oil. It has another advantage : it is, that in using it they mix it with about half of Tong-yeou, which is another varnish, or rather an oil very common in China, which, at the places where it is produced, costs only two or three cents per pound. I have heard say that they sell it at Paris under the name of Chinese varnish. It resembles turpentine. I have said that they mix 150 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. half of this oil in the varnish called Kouang-tsi; that depends on the purity of the varnish: if it is very pure they add more than half; then the price is nearly that of Nien-tsi. Drying by Evaporation. It is first necessary to remove from it the aqueous part by evaporating it in the sun; unless this is done it will never become brilliant. The Chinese set about it in the following manner: they have for the purpose large flat vessels the rim of which is not more than an inch or an inch and a half in height; these are a sort of basket of woven reeds or osiers, plastered with a composition of earth or ashes, over which is a single layer of common varnish. They are convenient for holding the varnish while it evaporates, and it can be removed from them easily. If the sun is warm, two or three hours are enough to remove the moisture from the varnish, which is not more than an inch deep in the dish. While it is evaporating they beat it with a wooden stirrer almost incessantly, turning and re -turning it ; first it forms white bubbles, which diminish in size little by little; finally they take on a violet color; then the varnish is sufficiently evaporated. Further Treatment. When from this varnish, which I sup- pose to be Nien-tsi, to which they have added a fourth part of Si-tsi, they wish to make the fine ordinary varnish of China, after having evaporated it about half they add to it about three-quarters of an ounce of hog's gall to a pound of varnish: it is necessary that this gall should have been previously evaporated in the sun until it becomes somewhat thick; without this hog's gall the varnish would be lacking in body, it would be too fluid. After having stirred this gall with the varnish for a quarter of an hour, they add a quarter of an ounce of Roman vitriol (sul- phate of copper) to each pound of varnish; this vitriol they have previously dissolved in a sufficient quantity of water (sometimes they use tea) ; they continue to stir the varnish until, as I have said, the bubbles which form on the surface show a violet color; this varnish, thus prepared, is called, in China, Kouang-tsi, or brilliant varnish; the word Kouang means brilliant. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 151 Black Varnish. Within a few years the Chinese have imitated the brilliant black varnish of Japan. This the Chinese call Yang- tsi; Yang signifies the sea, as though to say a varnish which comes from over seas, Japan being separated by the sea from China. The Yang-tsi differs from the Kouang-tsi only in this, that when the Kouang-tsi is entirely evaporated they add to each pound of it an eighth of an ounce of bone-black made from the bones of a deer, reduced to a fine powder. (The Chinese claim that the ribs make better bone-black than the other bones.) We tried ivory-black; the workman found it better than bone-black, and begged me to supply him with it. Besides this bone-black they add an ounce of oil of tea, which they render siccative by making it boil gently, after having thrown into it, in winter, fifty grains of arsenic, half red arsenic or realgar, half gray or white; in summer six grains are enough; they stir this arsenic constantly in the oil with a spatula. To see when the oil has become suffi- ciently siccative they let a drop fall on a piece of cold iron, and if, when they touch the tip of the finger to this thickened oil, it can be drawn out a little into a thread, it is done. This oil gives a fine brilliance to the varnish. Tea-oil. The Chinese say that no other oil than tea-oil will dry the varnish, and that any other oil will separate from it- which I doubt; the Tong-yeou rendered siccative does not separate, and I believe that any other very siccative oil would have the same effect. This tea-oil is made from the fruit of a particular kind of a tea-tree; it resembles our plum-trees; they cultivate it only for its fruit and not for its leaves. This fruit resembles our chest- nut, except that the outer husk does not bristle with points like our chestnut-burs. The fruit of the Tong-chou, from which they make the Tong-yeou, resembles it also. The Chinese have still three other preparations of varnish, as follows: the Tchao-tsi, the Kin-tsi, and the Hoa-kin-tsi. The Tchao-tsi is that which they throw upon their powdered gold to imitate aventurine. Tchao means to envelop, to cover, as one 152 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. would say an exterior varnish. This varnish is a transparent yellow; it is composed of half Kouang-tsi, that is to say, that which comes from Kouang-tcheou-fou, and half Tong-yeou rendered siccative. The Kin-tsi has its name from the color of gold; the word Kin means gold. In fact, this varnish is of a golden yellow; it is composed of the most common Si-tsi, or that which has been collected as the third crop, half varnish and half Tong-yeou. It is upon a layer of this varnish that they scatter their gold-powder, over which they spread, as I have said, a coat of Tchao-tsi. The gold-powder thus set between these two coats of varnish imitates aventurine; but it is only after a long time, for it is much more beautiful after a lapse of years than it is within a few months; I have observed it. The Hoa-kin-tsi is that which is used by painters in varnish for tem- pering their colors, whence comes the name Hoa, which means to- paint; that of Kin, because it serves or painting in gold or for designs in gold: the varnish is composed of half Tchao-tsi and half Kin-tsi. PREPARATION OF VARNISH. Straining. The first thing to be done is to strain the varnish so as to purify it as much as possible from dust and sediment. For this purpose they prepare some cotton as if to make a counter- pane ; they spread three layers of cotton thus prepared on a piece of thin cloth ; on these layers of cotton they turn the varnish, either Yang-tsi or Kouang-tsi evaporated, and they cover it very accu- rately with the cotton, layer by layer, cutting off, if it is necessary, in the folds, a little of the cotton, so that it shall lie more smoothly and evenly. When the three layers of cotton have thus been spread upon the varnish, one after another, they cover the whole with the cloth, to press out the varnish which is thus wrapped up. The machine which the Chinese use for this operation is very simple, and appears to me convenient. When the varnish does not trickle out any more they open the cloth and with their fingers pull to pieces the three layers of cotton, so as to be able to press out as much as possible ; they repeat this manipulation two or three times. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 153. until they can get no more varnish out; finally they throw away the cotton and recommence the operation with three other layers of new cotton. They strain the varnish a third time; the third and last time they do not use cotton, but a layer of See-mien. The See-mien is made of the outer parchment which covers the chrysalis of the silkworm. They spread upon the thin cloth, in place of cotton, seven or eight layers of See-mien ; they envelop the varnish as they did before when they used cotton, and press it out. The varnish thus filtered is reckoned very pure. For this operation it is necessary to have a place that is perfectly clean, where there is no fear of dust, so that at the end there shall not a grain of dust fall into the varnish thus purified. The Chinese receive it as it runs out from the filter in a perfectly clean porcelain vessel, cover- ing the vessel with a sheet of the paper called Maoteou-tchi, which I have already mentioned, and put it in a suitable place until they wish to use it, when they do not wholly uncover the vessel, but only raise one corner of the paper cover. APPLICATION OF THE VARNISH. The Workshop. The workshop ought to be an extremely clean place, situated where it will be as much as possible out of the way of dust; to secure this result they cover the wall with mats, and over these mats they paste paper carefully everywhere, so that one cannot discover the least little exposure of the matting; the very door of the workshop, which is made to close tightly, is cov- ered with matting and papered like the rest. Dust is Avoided. When the workmen have to apply the varnish, especially the finishing coat, if the weather is such that there is no fear of their taking cold, they wear only a pair of drawers, not even a shirt, for fear of bringing dust into the work- shop; if the season does not permit them to dispense with their clothing, they take great care to shake off the dust before entering, and they wear only such clothes as the dust will not easily adhere to; they are particular to avoid any disturbance in the workshop,, and no unnecessary persons are allowed to enter. 154 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. The first thing the workmen do is to clean the brushes which they are going to use. They have a little bowl with a little oil in it, in which they clean them, for fear that there may be some particles of dust in the brushes; they test them carefully before they take them finally from the oil. The brushes being perfectly clean, they uncover a corner of the bowl which contains the var- nish which has been thrice filtered, as has been described. In taking the varnish on the brush they only touch it to the top of the varnish, and in withdrawing the hand they turn the brash two or three times to break off the thread of varnish which strings from the brush. In spreading the varnish it is necessary to pass the brush in every direction, applying it equally everywhere; in finishing the brush must be always drawn in one direction. Each Coat Dried and Rubbed. Each coa. f varnish has no greater thickness than that of the thinnest paper ; if the varnish is too thick it will make wrinkles in drying ; it is troublesome to get rid of these ; sometimes one is even obliged to cut them off with a chisel, instead of the easier method of grinding them off with cakes made of brick-dust, such as will be described later. Although it may not actually form wrinkles, such a coat of varnish will be very troublesome to dry. Before the application of a second coat of varnish it is necessary that the first coat be well dried, and should ha've been polished with the cakes made of brick-dust. Moist Air Dries Varnish. In order to se. away the varnished pieces to dry as soon as they are varnished, they are accustomed to have shelves all around the workshop from top to bottom ; on these they place the varnished articles, setting them lower or higher according as they wish them to dry more or less quickly. The humidity of the earth dries them more or less rapidly accord- ing as they are set nearer or farther from it. When they are absolutely dry they may be put on the top shelves, and left there, if it is thought best. At Pekin, where the air is extremely dry, it is necessary, to dry the varnish, to put it in a humid place, sur- rounded by matting which they sprinkle with fresh water; other- wise the varnish will not dry. If it is an article which is so CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. i$S situated that it cannot be removed, they are obliged to hang wet cloths about it. When the first coat of varnish is quite dry it is necessary to polish it ; if it is not entirely dry, it will roll up in places when they try to rub it. The day after they have put a piece to dry on the bot- tom shelf they examine it to see if it is dry; to do this they touch it gently with the tip of the finger; when the finger is withdrawn, if the varnish is felt to be tacky it is not dry enough to polish. There is no risk in leaving a piece several days ; the drier the varnish is the better it will polish. It is only necessary to be careful, in damp weather, that the varnish should not be too moist; for then it tarnishes and can never be brought back; if it is a finishing coat, it is lost: it is necessary to rub it and add another coat. To avoid this inconvenience, they do not at such times put pieces to dry on the lowest shelves, but on the second or third ; it is better that the varnish should dry slowly. However they polish the foundation to which they are going to apply the varnish, they always find some little inequalities, which one or two coats of varnish will not be able to efface; this is why they are obliged to rub each coat ; the varnish which is too thin is liable to be too easily removed. What- ever care they take, some grains of dust are always found in the varnish, which come from the little inequalities removed in rub- bing; whence it follows that if each coat were not rubbed, the last coat would be imperfect. Polishing-powder. To rub the varnish they form little cakes composed of brick-dust passed through a fine sieve and washed in three waters ; after stirring it in water until it is turbid they pour it off into another vessel and throw out that which has settled to the bottom, as too coarse. They repeat this operation three times, and then leave the water to settle; when it is well settled they carefully pour off the water and cover the vessel which contains the sediment, and set it in the sun to dry. When dried they pass it through a fine sieve, they mix it with Tong-yeou, or they drop in some Tou-tse and a little more than half of swine's blood prepared with lime-water. To form it into cakes they roll this material in cloth, give it the form they wish ; and finally put it 1 56 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. to dry in the shade upon a plank covered with paper; if they put it in the sun to dry, they shelter it, for fear that some coarse parti- cles of dust may fall on it which, in polishing the varnish, would make scratches. The preparation of the swine's blood with lime-water is made in this manner : They take a handful of straw, beaten and coarsely chopped in pieces three or four inches long ; with this straw they treat the blood hi the way pork-butchers do to separate the clots of blood; after which they pass it through a cloth, and a little later they add to it a third of its volume of lime-water which is white with lime, not having been allowed to settle. This milk of lime must be prepared on the spot and immediately added to the blood, which being thus prepared is preserved in a covered earthen vessel. Rubbing. To rub the varnish they wet with water the end of the cake of brick-dust, and they rub it vigorously all over the surface to remove the little inequalities caused by any grains of dust which may have been in the varnish or in the brushes; and from time to time they pass over the surface a brush made of long hair, wet with water, holding the varnished article over the vessel in which they wet the brush, to wash off and remove the mud made from the brick-dust, so as to see if there are still any little defects; and they rub them away before they apply a second coat of varnish. They rub the second coat like the first, when it is thoroughly dry; at last they apply the third coat; it is above all things important with this last coat to take all possible care to avoid the least dust. It is only within a few years, under the reigning emperor, that the secret of the Yang-tsi, or the varnish which imitates the brilliance of that of Japan, has been known outside of the palace. About thirty years ago a private citizen of Sout-cheou, one of the cities where they make the very finest varnished pieces in China, found out the secret, or rather learned it from some Japan- ese, the merchants of Sout-cheou having trade with those of Japan. It is to be wished that they had also learned the secret of preparing their Tchao-tsi, which surpasses infinitely that of China* CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 157 The Emperor Yong-Toking, father of the emperor now reigning, wished to keep it a secret, and did not wish that it should go out of the palace; in fact, the secret remained unknown to the people outside for many years. At last Kien-long, now reigning, was not so careful about varnish as his father, and did not prevent the secret from being known outside the palace. I know one of the workmen who worked in the palace, who has done in my presence the things I have written in this memoir; it is from this same workman, who has worked for three months in our house, that I know what I have written about varnish. He is a Christian and my convert; I have reason to believe that he does not deceive me. Polishing. Formerly the Chinese made only the varnish which they call Toui-kouang; Kouang means brilliance, and Toui to remove, as they say of varnish which has lost its lustre; the reason being that they rubbed the last coat of varnish the same as the others, and in that way got rid of its gloss. To partly restore this, after having carefully rubbed this third coat they gave it second rubbing with a bunch of hair which had been wet in water in which they had suspended some very fine powder; after this they rubbed it with a piece of very soft silk cloth, and with this in the hand they rubbed vigorously, until the varnish became bright. In the places which they could not reach with the hand, they attached to the end of a bit of wood a piece of this soft silk, and with this rubbed it; and finally they rubbed the varnished surface with a bit of silk slightly moistened with some clear oil, no matter what kind; this gave the varnish a little gloss, but not to be compared with that of the varnish called Yang-tsi. The Yang-tsi, on account of the oil of tea which is combined with it and which gives it its brilliance, cannot be rubbed; it is therefore still more necessary to avoid dust than when using Toui-kouang. The only remedy is to hide the defects, in painting the varnished articles, by making the design conceal these imper- fections. In varnishing with Yang-tsi they employ this beautiful varnish 158 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. 'Only for the finishing coat. The Kouang-tsi, of which they make the Toui-kouang, is perfectly good for the two under coats, because these have to be rubbed. The last coat of varnish ought espe- cially to remain a long time on the shelves at the top of the work- shop, for at least fifteen days, before any painting is done on it ; there is a chance that the varnish will be sticky; the gold will stick to the places which are not entirely dry. Observe that when one would make the beautiful varnished boxes, like those of the Japanese, it will not do to have them liable to open at the joints; it is necessary to cover all the joints with strips of the paper called Che-tan-tchi. The Japanese use it, as well as the Chinese, to make their work more substantial; but in China, where they do not care so much for the excessive light- ness of these boxes, they use a sort of canvas made of silk, called Kieun, in place of Che-tan- tehi ; then their boxes will never come to pieces. Preparation of the Surface. To prevent the varnish of the first coat from sinking into the wood they brush the piece over first with gum- water mixed with chalk. The Che-tan-tchi or the Kieun are applied with pure varnish not evaporated. Before putting on the first coat it is necessary, with a piece of stone less harsh than sandstone, to rub well the Che-tan-tchi or the Kieun; to make their surface more uniform, after they have been rubbed, they are obliged to lay on a light coat of the composition of brick- dust which I have already described, immediately before the appli- cation of the varnish, which they mix with a half of Tout-tsi. (Note. Tou signifies earth, tsi signifies grain; as though to say, grains of earth; or rather, earth which is in granular form; they find it in abundance in the mountains.) It is necessary that the Tout-tsi should be passed through a sieve; the whole is mixed with varnish not evaporated, when the composition is very clear and well finished. The Japanese some- times employ only the Che-tan-tchi, and content themselves with rubbing the pieces, before applying the first coat of varnish, with wax, to prevent the varnish from penetrating the wood. The Chinese sometimes do the same thing; but articles finished in this CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 159 way are not substantial, and are liable to crack at the joints, espe- cially at Pekin, where the air is extremely trying to wood, no matter how old it may be. The wood which the Chinese use for making these varnished articles is as light as that used by the Japanese, and if the work of the Chinese is heavier than that made in Japan, it is because the Chinese usually send their best work to Pekin, and wish them to be substantial, fearing that they will not stand the climate of Pekin, where, in spite of all precautions, they will not last unless they are built as solidly as those which are made in Pekin itself. The wood which the Chinese employ is called Ngou-tou-mou. Mou is the generic name for wood; Ngou-tou is the name of the trees. Its wood is very pliant and extremely light, excellent for musical instruments ; they claim that it will give out a better sound than any other wood. The brushes for applying the varnish are made of hair; those which are used to wash the pieces are made of the beards of she- goats, or they can use that from cows' tails. The paste with which they bind together the hair of the brushes is made of Tong- yeou, litharge, and Tou-tse, which makes a compound that dries very quickly. To this mixture they add a half of the swine's blood treated with lime-water. Another composition may be used for the same purpose, provided that it is elastic and, in working, does not crumble and come out in dust, as sometimes happens to our brushes in Europe. If, in using varnish, it sticks to the hands, they rub them with a little oil; it is easily removed. It sometimes happens in time of rain or of high winds that the varnish does not dry; if it does not dry in the usual time, it never will dry. Then the only remedy is to rub it with lime and set it on the lower shelves of the workshop; it will dry in a short time. Before putting it away to dry, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe off the lime with a piece of silk. If the lime has not entirely removed the varnish which did not dry, it will raise up a quantity of little points; these must be made to disappear in polishing the article, after which another coat of varnish is to be applied. 160 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH, If, in the winter, they wish to evaporate the varnish, as there is little heat from the sun, and the operation would require a long time, they proceed thus : They roll up a mat into the form of a muff, of the size of the vessel in which they wish to evaporate the varnish. They set the mat upright, and place at the bottom a chafing-dish with a little fire in it, and a foot or a foot and a half above it they support, by means of a tripod, the dish of varnish ; in an hour or an hour and a half the varnish is evaporated, all the watery part is gone. In rendering the Tong-yeou siccative, after having drawn it from the fire, when they judge this oil to be sufficiently siccative, while it is yet warm, coming from over the fire, they decant it many times to disperse the fumes which come from it; without this precaution the Chinese tell us that it will give a bad color to varnish. PAINTING ON VARNISH. Painting on varnish is suitable only for furniture like tables, chairs, cabinets, and the like; for large articles which one does not look at too closely it produces a good effect; but for small articles which require delicate designs it is not well adapted; it should therefore be confined to furniture and on the inside of boxes, especially large ones. Only designs in gold are fit for delicate work. However finely finished may be the gold-work on varnish done in China, it is not comparable with the beautiful work which is made in Japan. Up to the present time the Chinese have not found the secret of the water-white varnish which the Japanese apply over their gold designs. The transparent varnish of China, which they call Tchao-tsi, inclines to a yellow color, but a muddy yellow, so that it cannot be used for fine and delicate designs ; it may be used to imitate aventurine, as I have already remarked; but this aventurine does not compare with that of Japan. I am not without hope that eventually we may invent in France some varnish which can be applied over the Chinese varnish; and CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 161 then we will be able to compete with and even surpass the Japan- ese, our European designs being much finer than those of Japan. Designs are Transferred. The following are the details of painting on varnish, as it is done in China. In the first place, the master painter makes his design, the outlines of which he sketches on paper with crayon, and then fills in the details with a brush and ink. Upon this design the pupils follow all the strokes of the brush with orpiment, distempered with water; and, to imprint the design upon the varnished article, they apply to it this design thus freshly traced, pressing lightly with the fingers everywhere over the design, in order that all the marks should leave impressions upon the work. Having taken off the paper they use orpiment again, but mixed in gum-water, or in water in which a little glue has been dissolved (where we use gum- water the Chinese use size), going over all the marks with a brush; then the design will not come off. I have already said that the varnish employed by painters in varnish is called Koa-kin-tsi; it is this varnish which is used for a mordant in applying gold; also this varnish is used for dis- tempering colors. To render the varnish more fluid they mix with it a little camphor, which they have previously crushed and mixed with some varnish; they make a paste of it which they knead or rub with a spatula a quarter of an hour or so; it is this paste of which they take a little to temper their colors. Their mordant is nothing else, as has been said, than the varnish Koa- kin-tsi, to which they add some orpiment; when the colors are well mixed they strain them through Che-tan- tschi; they take commonly a little at a time, perhaps an eighth of an ounce or so, enveloping it in Che-tan-tschi, and twisting the two ends with the fingers, they receive the color as it comes through on their fingers with which they are twisting it*; they scrape it off on the palette, which is only a piece of bamboo split in two in the middle ; often, before they are done, the paper bursts. They ought, as soon as the color begins to come through, to untwist the paper a little without slackening the hands, but with one of the dis- engaged fingers transfer the color as \ J : exudes to the place where 162 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. it is to be received, being careful not to open the paper; in this way the paper may usually be prevented from bursting. If they wish the gold to have a high color, they mix vermilion with the mordant; after the application of the mordant they set the piece to dry in the workshop; about twelve hours is enough for the mordant to be dry enough for the application of the gold. Gilding. They have carefully prepared powdered gold in a shell, which they apply with brushes of See-mien; with these they rub the gold lightly over the place where there is mordant; brushing off the surface, they find the gold applied to the design. If they fear lest it may stick to places where they have not applied the mordant, on account of the varnish not being sufficiently dry, they crush some ball white, and with a bit of silk cloth they rub it lightly over the suspected places; after having well wiped the surface they boldly apply the gold upon the mordant. Sometimes the painters do not put to dry in the workshop the pieces on which they have applied the mordant. They have a paper called Tchou-tchi, which is made of the pellicle which covers the joints of the bamboo; it is made in great quantity in China: the most of the books are printed on this paper; that which is used for the purpose now mentioned is very thin the same which is used for books of gold-leaf. This they apply several times over the mordant, until hardly any trace of it remains; then they apply the shell gold, which adheres in greater quan- tity but with less lustre; for shading it is good, but elsewhere it is better to apply it in the other manner. The Chinese use three kinds of gold, the Ta-tchi, the Tien- tchi, and the Hium-tchi. The Ta-tchi is ordinary gold; the Tien-tchi is pale gold ; the Hium-tchi is made with silver-leaf to which they have given a golden color by exposing it to the vapor of sulphur. The Hium-tchi is not much used except for the edges of dishes, and sometimes for unusually pale shades; to gild the edges of vessels they pass the Hium-tchi through a sieve, and with the end of the finger, on which they have placed some of this powder, they apply it on the edges where they have just before applied some mordant without using any Tchou-tchi to CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 163 take it up ; this is so that there may be a large amount on those places which are most subject to wear; they do not care if the mordant does dull the gold. When they have been over the article with -the bunch of See- mien, charged with shell gold, sometimes a little gold adheres to the surface without being really attached; this they brush off by lightly touching it with the bunch of See-mien. If there are any places which they cannot reach with the bunch of See-mien, they apply the gold with the pointed end of the brush-handle. To imitate mountains, and make sharp separations, they cut out a bit of Tchou-tchi according to the form which they wish to give the mountain; with the paper they cover the place of the mountain and pass the pale gold over the whole; it does not adhere to the places covered by the paper. To imitate the trunks and branches of trees or the stalks of plants, after having laid on the first coat of gilding, they trace anew the places which they wish to be marked; and when the mordant has dried in the workshop twelve hours they go over it with shell gold. Ordinarily they use the red mordant, that is, that in which they have mixed vermilion instead of orpiment; the gold is thus made brighter in color. White in varnish is obtained by mixing with varnish leaves of silver; only enough varnish is used to make a paste. As much varnish as will make the bulk of a pea is enough for twenty leaves of silver; they mix the leaves one after another; when all are mixed they add a little camphor, which makes the paste almost as clear as water. In place of silver-leaf, to be economical, the Chinese sometimes use some quicksilver, prepared in a particular manner. This is'a secret in a single family. All other material than silver-leaf or the mercury thus prepared will blacken when mixed with varnish; silver makes the most beautiful white. Varnish Colors. For red they use Tchou-tche, which appears to be the mineral cinnabar. They can also use a lake made of carthamus-flowers. For green they use orpiment, which they mix with indigo. 1 64 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. which they call here Kouang-tien-hoa ; it is true indigo and comes from the southern provinces. For violet they use Tse-che, or violet-stone (Che means stone ; Tse, violet) ; they use it to make opaque glass. They reduce this stone to an impalpable powder. They also use colcothar, or green vitriol calcined until it is red; to free it from saline matter they boil it in a large quantity of water. Varnish, they say, will not endure any salt. Yellow is made with orpiment. Colors mixed with varnish are not brilliant at once, but change after a time ; the older they are the more beautiful they become. When painters wish to lay on an unusually heavy coat of color they use See-mien instead of'Tchou-tchi. To clean varnished articles they use a piece of silk, like an old silk handkerchief; with this they dust off the surface by whisking it, not by rubbing; if, after this, there are still some dirty spots, they easily clean them by wrapping the finger in the handkerchief and rubbing them; if that is not enough, they may wet the end of the finger, still wrapped in the handkerchief, by touching it to the tongue; but it is best if possible to dust off the dirt with the wind made by using the handkerchief as a whisk, and if that will not do, pass the finger, wrapped in the handkerchief, through the hair, from which it will absorb a little oil, which is excellent for cleaning the varnished surface. If the varnished article has been softened by being set too near the fire, it may be restored by leaving it out in the dew. By exposing colors in varnish to the air, their brilliance is increased. Shell gold is thus prepared: They roll a sheet of paper into a cone; in this they put the gold-leaf which is to be made into shell gold. When they have enough, they take a very smooth plate or porcelain platter; on this they pour a few drops of water in which they have dissolved a little glue ; then they turn the gold- leaf on the plate, and with the ends of the fingers they rub the gold as if with a muller; the more they rub it the more beautiful it becomes. They wash it twice with slightly warm water, and CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 165 put it away for use. This is the only way the Chinese have for preparing it. From Father D'Incarville's memoir there is an interval of a century and a quarter to the next detailed account of oriental lacquer, this time by a British acting consul, Mr. John J. Quin, who in January, 1882, wrote from Tokio a paper of the highest interest on the subject; it is evident from what he says that the varnish must have been the same as that used in China; but the methods of using varnish were far more elaborate than those described by the Jesuit missionary. It is not improbable that D'Incarville gave only the simplest procedure, and that more intricate methods were in use*; in fact, we know that such must have been the case. As described by Mr. Quin the processes are much more prolonged; but he only gives what was in his view the simplest practice. The following is condensed from his paper, using wherever possible his own words; but the neces- sary omissions have made it seem necessary to change the language in many places, that the meaning may be clear. Those interested may consult the original paper in the British consular reports. Lacquer-trees of Japan. The Rhus vernicifera, the lac- quer-tree of Japan, is met with all over the main island, and also in smaller quantities in Kinshiu and Shikoku, but it is from Tokio northward that it principally flourishes, growing freely on the mountains as well as in the plains, thus indicating that a moderate climate suits the tree better than a very warm one. Since early days the cultivation of the trees has been encouraged by the government, and as the lacquer industry increased planta- tions were made in every province and district. The lacquer-tree can be raised by seed sown in January or February; in ten years the seedling trees will average ten feet high, the diameter of its trunk two and one-half to three inches, and its yield of lacquer sufficient to fill a three-ounce bottle. The trees are set about six feet apart in the plantations. A more common method is to cut off a piece six inches long and the thickness of a ringer from the root of a vigorous young i66 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. tree, and planted with one inch of the root above ground. In ten years tfyese will make trees larger than the seedlings by about two- thirds and will yield nearly half as much more sap. Lacquer plantations are only on hillsides and waste lands. Collecting Lacquer. The trees are tapped once in four days for twenty-five times in one season from June ist to October ist. The cuts are each about an inch and a half long and are from near the ground to as high as a man can reach about six inches apart vertically, but diagonally, not one above another. Branches one inch or more in diameter are also tapped. The tree is thus destroyed in one year. When cut down the branches are cut up and tied in bundles and steeped in water for ten days, after which the lacquer which exudes from them is scraped off; this is called Seshime, or branch lacquer; but this name is also applied to purified and filtered raw lacquer obtained from the trunks of the trees, as has been fully* explained by Rein, and in the following directions, where the term "branch lacquer" is used, this purified raw lacquer is undoubtedly meant. The confusion arises from the same name, se-shime, being applied specifically to branch lacquer and generally to purified raw lacquer. Only a small amount of true branch lacquer is obtained, and it is of poor quality; while from Mr. Quin's specifications it is plain that most of the varnish used was what he calls "branch lacquer," really the ordinary se-shime. Shoots sprout up from the roots of the trees which have been cut down, and grow rapidly. The best lacquer for transparent varnish comes from large trees > one to two hundred years old. These are, however, rapidly dis- appearing. These large trees were formerly valuable because wax was made from their berries, and this was used for lighting; the introduction of kerosene has destroyed this industry. True branch lacquer becomes extremely hard when once dry, but used alone will not dry under some twenty days, so that now, when time is an object, the pure sap is very little used. The price of pure branch lacquer is, owing to the difficulty of drying, only 70 per cent, of ordinary good lacquer. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. Evaporating in the Sun. In preparing all lacquer from the crude lacquer to the various mixtures the principal object is to get rid of the water that exudes from the tree with the sap. To effect this, it is exposed in broad flat wooden dishes, and stirred in the sun. This, however, alone will not cause the original water to evaporate, so from time to time, ordinarily about three times in the day, a small portion of clear water is stirred in, say one per cent, each time, for a couple or three days, according to the heat of the sun; all the water then evaporates together. No lacquer will dry until this process has been gone through. If the lacquer is old, i.e., has been tapped a long time before using, it is much more difficult to dry. In such cases a portion of fresh lacquer is added to the old by the wholesale dealers; or else the manufacturers, instead of water, sometimes mix sake (rice beer) or alcohol to quicken it. A very remarkable property of lacquer should be mentioned. If crude lacquer, which is originally of the color and consistency of cream, is exposed to the sun a few days without adding water, it loses its creamy color, and becomes quite black, or nearly so, but also becomes thinner and transparent, or rather translucent, as can be seen when it is smeared on a white board. It will not now,' however, dry if applied to an article, even if kept a month or more in the damp press. But if water is mixed with the lacquer which has thus been exposed and become black, it at once loses its black color and its transparency, and becomes again of a creamy color, though slightly darker, as if some coffee had been added, than at first. After evaporating this water it can then be used like any ordinary lacquer, either alone or in mixtures, and will dry in the damp press, during which process it again turns black. Black Lacquer. Black lacquer is made by adding to crude lacquer about five per cent, of the tooth-dye used by women to blacken their teeth, which is made by boiling iron- filings in rice vinegar, and exposing it to the sun for several days, stirring the mixture frequently until it becomes a deep black. What lacquer-workers have found their greatest stumbling- block is the difficulty of obtaining a clear transparent varnish. 168 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. What is called a transparent varnish is really black to the eye and requires grinding and polishing after application before it presents a brilliant surface, becoming also much lighter after a little time. Perilla-oil. Only the cheapest and commonest kinds of lac- quering are done with lacquer mixed with oil; the oil used is that obtained from the plant called Ye (Perilla ocymoides). These do not admit of polishing. Lacquer is prepared in this way, sometimes as much as fifty per cent, of oil being added, after which water is added and the whole evaporated again in the sun ; and this is used to mix with colors to make enamel paints. It is said that vegetable colors cannot be used with lacquer, being in some way destroyed by it. The workmen have never been able to produce white, purple, or any of the more delicate shades. Vermilion, oxide of iron, and orpiment are the principal colors. For preparing the surface to be lacquered various priming coats are used; cavities are filled with a sort of cement made by mixing chopped hemp fibre with lacquer; joints are covered with hemp or silk cloth, which is pasted on with a mixture of wheat-flour paste and branch lacquer, or instead of wheat-flour paste, rice-flour paste is used, but is not as good. A mixture of whiting and liquid glue is used for a surface coat on cheap articles. Surfacing compounds, like our rough-stuff, are made by mixing lacquer with finely powdered brick-dust, or powder made of some fine clay which has been burned. They have rubbing- stones of four degrees of fineness; also they use scouring- rushes. (Equise- tum) in place of sandpaper; they use several grades of charcoal for polishing, or rather for rubbing before polishing; for a polish- ing-powder they calcine deer's horns and reduce them to a very fine powder. The process of plain lacquering may be thus described : 1. The article to be lacquered is first carefully smoothed. 2. The wood is slightly hollowed away along each joint, so as to form a circular depression. 3. The surface of the whole article is then given a coating of CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 169 branch lacquer, and the article set to dry in the .damp press for about twelve hours. This press is air-tight, made of wood, with rough unplaned planks inside; these are thoroughly wetted with water before the articles are put in to dry. Lacquer absolutely requires a damp closed atmosphere for its hardening; otherwise it will run and will always remain sticky. The time of drying is from six to fifty hours, according to the kind of lacquer and the time of year. 4. The hollowed portions are filled with a mixture of finely chopped hemp, rice paste, and branch lacquer; this is well rubbed in with a wooden spatula, and the piece is set in the damp press to dry for at least forty hours. 5. Over this is spread a coating made of two parts of finely powdered burnt clay and one and a half parts of branch lacquer, in with just enough water to mix the clay to a paste ; it is then set to dry for twelve hours. 6. The next process is to smooth off with a rubbing-stone any roughness of the preceding coats. 7. The article is then given a coating of a mixture of wheat- flour paste with branch lacquer, over which is stretched a hempen cloth, great care being taken to spread it smoothly and leave no wrinkles or perceptible joinings; and it is then again inclosed in the drying-press for twenty-four hours. 8. After taking the article out of the press all inequalities in the cloth which has now under the influence of the lacquer become harder than wood are smoothed down with a knife or with a plane. 9. Next, a coating like No. 5 is applied with a wooden spatula, to hide the texture of the hempen cloth, and the article is again put in the press for twenty-four hours. 10. Next, a coating is given of one part of powdered burnt clay and two parts of branch lacquer, applied with the spatula, after which the article is inclosed in the drying-press for twenty- four hours. 11. Next, a coating is given of one part of powdered burnt clay and two parts of branch lacquer, applied with the spatula, 1 70 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. after which the article is inclosed in the drying- press for twenty- four hours. 12. Next, a coating is given of one part of powdered burnt clay and two parts of branch lacquer, applied with the spatula, after which the article is inclosed in the drying-press for twenty- four hours. 13. Next, the article is given a coating of equal parts of pow- dered brick and burnt clay, with which is mixed one and one-half parts of branch lacquer, and the drying process is repeated for twenty-four hours. 14. Next, the article is given a coating of equal parts of powdered brick and burnt clay, with which is mixed one and one-half parts of branch lacquer, after which it is set to dry for at least three days. 15. The surface is next ground smooth with a fine hard rubbing- stone. 1 6. A hardening coat of branch lacquer is given with a spatula, and set to dry for twenty-four hours. 17. A coat like No. 5 is applied with a spatula, and set to dry for twenty-four hours. 1 8. When thoroughly hardened the surface is ground with a fine hard rubbing- stone. 19. Next, a thin coating of branch lacquer is applied with a spatula, and the article is set to dry for twelve hours. 20. A coating of ordinary lacquer is then applied with a flat brush, and the article is set to dry for twenty-four hours. 21. The surface is then ground smooth with a kind of char- coal having a rather rough grain; it is made from the Magnolia hypoleuca. 22. A thin coating of branch lacquer is given with cotton wool old wool being preferred because less likely to leave hairs behind it and rubbed off again with soft paper, after which the article is set to dry for twelve hours. 23. A coating of black lacquer is then applied, and it is set to dry for twenty-four hours. 24. The surface is rubbed smooth with very fine and soft charcoal. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 171 25. A coating of black lacquer is then applied, and it is set to dry for twenty-four hours. 26. The surface is rubbed smooth with very fine and soft charcoal. 27. The surface is partly polished with finely powdered soft charcoal, applied with a cotton cloth. 28. A coating of black lacquer is then applied, and it is set to dry for twenty-four hours. 29. The surface is now polished with an equal mixture of finely powdered burnt clay and calcined and powdered deer's horns, applied with a cotton cloth and a little oil. 30. A coating of branch lacquer is next given, applied with cotton wool very thinly, and the article is inclosed in the drying- press for twelve hours. 31. The workman dips his finger in oil, and rubs a small quantity of it over the surface, which he then polishes with deer's- horn ashes, applied with a cotton cloth till a bright surface is obtained. 32. A coating of branch lacquer is applied as in No. 30, wiped off with soft paper, and set to dry for twelve hours. 33. The oil is applied as in No. 31, and then a final polish- ing with deer's-horn ashes, given with the finger to the surface, which now assumes the most brilliant polish of which it is sus- ceptible. For articles which are liable to get rubbed, such as scabbards, these last two processes are repeated seven or eight times, the surface getting harder at each repetition. In describing the above processes the minimum time for drying has in each case been given, but for the first twenty-five processes the longer the article is kept in the press the better. From the twenty-eighth process to the finish it is better not to greatly exceed the times mentioned. In making articles ornamented in gold lacquer the first twenty- two processes are executed, and at this stage the object is ready to receive the decoration. 172 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Transfer of Designs. The picture to be transferred to the article is drawn on thin paper, to which a coating of size made of glue and alum has been applied. The reverse is rubbed smooth with a polished shell or pebble, and the outlines very lightly traced in lacquer, previously roasted over live charcoal to pre- vent its drying, with a fine brush made of rat's hair. The paper is then laid, with the lacquer side downward, on the article to be decorated, and is gently rubbed with a whalebone spatula wher- ever there is any tracing, and on removing the paper the impress may very faintly be perceived. To bring it out plainly it is rubbed over very lightly with a piece of cotton wool, charged with pow- dered tin or the powder of a hard white stone, which adheres to the lacquer. Japanese paper being peculiarly tough, upwards of twenty impressions can be taken off from one tracing; this tracing does not dry, owing to the lacquer used for the purpose having been partially roasted, and can be wiped off at any time. The next process is to trace out the veining of the leaves, or such lines to which in the finished picture it is desired to give the most prominence, and these lines are then powdered over with gold-dust through a quill. The article is then set to dry for twenty-four hours in the damp press. The outline is now drawn carefully with a rat's-hair brush over the original tracing line with a mixture of black lacquer and branch lacquer. The whole is then filled in with this mixed lacquer applied with a hare's- hair grounding-brush. Gold-dust is scattered over the lac- quered portion, and the article is set to dry for twenty-four hours. Another thin coating of this mixed lacquer is again given to the gold-covered portions, and the article set to dry for twelve hours. Next, a coating of black lacquer is applied over the whole surface of the article, which is set to dry for at least three days. It is then roughly ground down with coarse charcoal, the surface dust being constantly wiped off with a damp cloth till the pattern begins to appear faintly. Another coating of black lacquer is then given and the article set to dry for thirty-six hours. It is again ground down with coarse charcoal as before, this time until the pattern comes out well. The ensuing processes are the CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 173 same as have been described from No. 28 to No. 33 inclusive, for plain lacquer. Another Method of Finishing. Another method consists in first thoroughly finishing the piece in the manner first described ; then a tracing is applied to the surface in the manner described for gold lacquering; the outline is carefully painted over with a fine brush of rat's hair and then filled in with a hare's-hair brush, using branch lacquer mixed with an equal weight of bright red oxide of iron. Over this surface gold-dust is scattered with a brush of horse's hair until the lacquer will not absorb any more. The article is then set to dry for twenty-four hours. A thin coat- ing is next applied over the gold of the finest and most transparent lacquer, and set to dry for twenty-four hours at least. It is then most carefully smoothed with soft fine charcoal, and finally pol- ished off with finely powdered burnt clay and a little oil on the point of the finger, until the ornamental portion attains a fine polish. The veining of leaves and the painting of stamens, etc., of flowers, or such other fine work, is now done with a fine rat's- hair brush charged with branch lacquer mixed with red oxide of iron; for this special use the lacquer has been allowed to stand, after mixing, about six months, which causes it to be thicker and less disposed to run, so that it will make fine lines, and it will besides stand up more. Over this fine gold-dust is scattered with a horse's-hair brush, as before, and the article set to dry for twelve hours. Some fine transparent lacquer is then applied to a piece of cotton wool, and rubbed over the whole surface of the box or other article, and wiped off again with soft paper. It is set to dry for twelve hours, after which it is polished off with deer's- horn ashes and a trifle of oil. If a very fine surface is desired, this last lacquering and polishing is repeated. Lacquer on Metal. For lacquering on iron or copper, brass or silver, the metal is polished, then given a coat of black lacquer, and put over a charcoal fire and the lacquer burnt on to the metal until all smoke ceases to escape. The fire must not be too fierce, and the metal must not be allowed to get red-hot, or the lacquer turns to ashes. After it is baked quite hard the surface is rubbed 174 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. smooth with soft charcoal ; these operations are repeated three or four times, until a good foundation of lacquer has been obtained. The subsequent treatment is exactly such as has been already described, only that the lacquer may be either dried in a damp press in the ordinary way or it may be hardened by baking over the fire. When work is required in a hurry the workmen sometimes put a pan of hot water, healed by a charcoal fire, into the press; the steam thus generated dries in an hour or two the lacquer which would ordinarily take twenty-four hours. But lacquer thus treated loses its strength and is never very hard. Treatise by Dr. Rein. Some time after the publication of Mr. Quin's report, Dr. J. J. Rein, professor of geography in the University of Bonn, spent some time in Japan, at the expense of ,the German government, studying the industries of that country. The results of his investigations were published in a sumptuous volume in 1889; and this book, called "Industries of Japan," contains the most elaborate and detailed account of the art of lacquering that has yet appeared. The book has been trans- lated into English and may be found in almost any large library; hence it has not been thought best to attempt to give any com- plete review of its contents. In general it may be said that it agrees with Mr. Quin's report; and the following extracts are given to supplement and complete the account already tran- scribed. These extracts are not to be understood as a continuous statement from their author, but are chosen to explain what seems to the present writer the most important points. Raw Lacquer. The raw lac is called Ki-urushi; it must be purified before it can be used at all. It is first pressed through cotton cloth, and is then called Ki-sho-mi, or purified raw lac. It then contains from ten to thirty-four per cent, of water, which can be expelled by stirring in the sun or over a slow fire, but especially by a water-bath. It also contains 1.7 to 3.5 per cent. of nitrogenous matter, apparently a proteid ; and 3 to 6.5 per cent, of gum, similar to gum arabic. It contains from 60 to 80 per cent, of lac-acid or Urushi acid, which is the characteristic ingredient. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 175 Traces of oil are sometimes found ; the tapster oils his knife and his spatula or metal spoon to prevent the lac from sticking; to them. The lac-acid is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, etc. The Ki-sho-mi, or purified raw lac, if deprived of water, is a gray or brown, syrupy sticky liquid; it will absorb water and is thereby made into a jelly, which when painted on wood dries very quickly. Lac may be thinned by heat, but is usually thinned by the addition of camphor. This is pulverized and added, undissolved, to the lac, in which it dissolves. Lac dries best in a damp atmosphere at a temperature from 10 C. to 25 C. or at most 30 C. Lacquer Dries by an Enzymotic Ferment. The lac-acid ex- tracted by alcohol does not dry; it requires the presence of the proteid and water; and if heated over 60 C. (to a tem- perature which coagulates albumen) it loses its power to dry. According to Korschelt (Chemistry of Japanese Lacquer, Trans.. Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XII) the proteid acts as a ferment upon the lac-acid and causes the latter to oxidize, which causes it to become hard. This oxidized lac-acid is insoluble in all the solvents of lac-acid, and is not acted on by either acids or alkalies. Ki-sho-mi is ground for some time in a shallow wooden tub, to crush its grain and give it a more uniform fluidity. It is then pressed through cotton cloth or hemp linen; it is then called Se-shime, which is a purified, filtered, and evenly flowing raw lac. It is ready for sale in this condition, but not for use; it must be deprived of its water by evaporation. This is done by evaporation in the sun, or by moderate heat over a coal fire. The Se-shime is poured into shallow pans,, twenty to forty inches in diameter and an inch or an inch and a half deep, and stirred constantly with a flat paddle. If the wooden pan is heated by holding it above a fire, the operation takes several hours; if without fire, it may take sixteen or eighteen hours. After this it is again filtered through cloth. About twenty varieties of lacquer are made from Se-shime ; some of these are from new lacquer o 176 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. choice quality, depending on the size and vigor of the tree and the season, but most of the differences are made by admixtures of other substances, such as gamboge, vermilion, and especially .an oil, very much like linseed-oil, made from the seeds of a culti- vated annual plant, the Perilla ocymoides, a labiate plant which is sown in April, blossoms about the end of September and is ripe two weeks later, by the middle of October. It is extensively .grown in China and Japan. The general rules to be observed by the lacquerer are as follows : 1. Every coat must be laid on evenly and then gone over crosswise with the brush or spatula, first in one. direction and then afterward in the other. 2. No new coat must be put on before the last one is dry. 3. It can best be determined when a smooth surface is dry by the condensation of the moisture breathed upon it. 4. Only the groundwork can be dried in the open air or direct sunlight, and then only when the coating contains very little or no lac admixture. 5. The drying of all genuine lacquer coats must take place in the damp, unwarmed amosphere of a chest, cupboard, or chamber. In order to secure this the chest is laid on its side and washed with a wet cloth. Then the lacquered articles are put in, and the cover, which has been washed also, is closed. The drying cupboard with shelves is treated in the same way. 6. Such an arrangement serves to keep off draughts of air, dust, and light during drying. 7. Every fine, finishing lacquer- varnish before it is laid on must be pressed once or twice through a fine porous but strong paper, by turning at both ends in opposite directions. Moder- ately warmed, it flows more freely and hastens the process. 8. After almost every new coating, according to its nature, comes rubbing off with a rubbing- or polishing-stone, or with magnolia charcoal, or with burned deer's horn (in the first two cases of course with the addition of water), according as the operation follows groundwork or a later coating. CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 177 9. The carefully lacquered article when finished must not in any way reveal the make or material of its framework, must be free from accidental unevennesses, cracks, and spots, must have a mirror-like surface and not change in drying nor by heating with warm water. Finally, when breathed upon the moisture must disappear quickly and evenly from the outside toward the centre, as on polished steel. Brilliance Developed by Age. Professor Rein further de- scribes some of the various methods employed in decorating lacquered articles with gold and colors; these methods are more elaborate and prolonged than any ever practised in America or Europe. This is partly due, no doubt, to the fact that some of these lacquers, especially the finer and more transparent ones, although they appear to dry in a few days, or weeks at most, do not acquire their full perfection and beauty for a long time ; from Father D'Incarville to the latest writer, all agree that one or more years are required for the complete development of the brilliance of the film after it has been applied. The present writer has two friends who were for some years professors in the University of Tokio, and who were told and believe that fine specimens of lac- quered ware take from twelve to twenty years in finishing. These gentlemen also say that when at intervals it was necessary to have their desks varnished, their hands were poisoned by contact with this freshly varnished surface. Broken fragments of lacquered ware show a great number of layers; and there can be no doubt that the most valuable and essential secret of the lacquer- workers is their unlimited patience, which, with the cheapest labor in the world and the readiness on the part of wealthy collectors, both native and foreign, to pay for really fine lacquered articles sometimes more than their weight in gold, make it possi- ble to get results not attained by our more hasty methods. Amount of Lacquer Produced. Both Mr. Quin and Professor Rein agree that the price of raw lacquer in Japan in 1880 was about sixteen dollars a gallon, wholesale; and from investiga- tions made by the latter and from ofiicial Japanese government reports it appears that the total annual product of lacquer in 178 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Japan was from 8,000 to 13,000 imperial gallons. Its specific gravity is about the same as that of water. Quin says a tree will produce enough lacquer to fill a three-ounce bottle; Rein estimates an average yield much smaller, from one to two ounces; while W. Williams, in "The Middle Kingdom," gives twenty pounds to a thousand trees, or only one-third of an ounce to the tree. No doubt the yield varies in different regions. The trees are a regular crop, being set out by the farmer in plan- tations, on land otherwise waste, and require ten years to mature ; then the owner sells the whole crop of trees the "stumpage," as lumbermen say to a contractor, who in the course of a single summer destroys this ten years' growth for the sap it will pro- duce ; and he has the dead timber to sell for firewood ; after which the land is again set out with trees for another ten years' crop. As an acre will support a thousand or twelve hundred trees, it may produce from four to ten gallons of varnish in ten years. The most noticeable thing about this matter is the small amount of the annual product. At the time of writing this (in 1903) a single American company (the International Harvester Company) are using 375,000 to 400,000 gallons of varnish annu- ally, or thirty times as much varnish as the total yield of lacquer in Japan; and this is a very minute part of the varnish used in this country. On the other hand, sixteen dollars a gallon is more than any one pays for any considerable amount of varnish in America or Europe; it is not likely that ten thousand gallons of varnish is sold in America, Great Britain, all Europe, and all their dependencies, at half of sixteen dollars a gallon, in a year. Our varnishes, of all sorts, dry best in a warm, light, dry room; but these oriental lacquers dry best in a cold, wet, dark closet. This is an extraordinary thing; it is now universally believed that lacquer dries by the agency of a ferment. It is to be remem- bered that there are two sorts of ferments, one which appears to be some sort of a living organism, such as yeast; another, such as diastase, which converts starch into sugar, is not an organized ferment, and ferments of this sort are called enzymes. One of these enzymotic ferments is present in this oriental lac- CHINESE AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. 179 quer, and it is through its action that the film is oxidized and becomes hard. Enzymes are very sensitive to heat, whence it is necessary to dry this lacquer at a low temperature and in a damp atmosphere. Attempts have been made by chemists to study the ferments of this lacquer, and the surprising and interesting state- ment has been recently published that its ash contains a large percentage of manganese. This is very singular; if a drying-oil was used in the mixture, it is possible that a manganese drier had been added, but there is nothing to warrant such an infer- ence, which was certainly not believed by the investigator. In conclusion, the present writer wishes to disclaim any original knowledge of the subject or wish to be regarded as an authority. It is said, on what appears to be good authority, in fact, the reports come from many sources and through a long time, that manila and similar varnish-resins have long been imported into China; and if we ever get a complete knowledge of the matter we shall very likely find that oleo-resinous var- nishes, made from these resins and tong and Perilla oils, have also been long known. The lacquer, being at once the most valuable and the most remarkable of varnishes, is the only one which has attracted attention; but this is merely a speculation. CHAPTER XV. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. FROM early times the use of paints and varnishes to prevent the rusting of metals has been known to be of importance. Brass does not, under ordinary conditions, rust deeply, but it tarnishes quickly and needs some kind of a lacquer to preserve its surface; but iron and steel are easily corroded, and the corrosion goes on more rapidly as it progresses. Metallic iron does not exist in any appreciable quantity in nature; the principal ores of iron are hematite, which is the anhydrous sesquioxide, and limonite, much more abundant than the former. It is evident from this that there must be a great affinity between iron and oxygen, and since most of the ore contains a little water, not as a mixture, but in chemical union, it is plain that the presence of water is favorable to this combination of oxygen and iron. This com- bined water is so firmly united to the oxide that it can be driven off only by prolonged heating to redness, but the oxygen is so strongly bonded to the iron that it is only removed by heating the ore to a white heat in intimate contact with white-hot carbon, which has such an intense attraction for the oxygen that it is able to take it away from the iron which is left in a molten condition from the effect of the intense heat necessary for the decomposi- tion of the ore. Such being the attraction between metallic iron and oxygen, it is not surprising that they should readily com- bine, even at ordinary temperatures. Their existence apart is contrary to natural law, and sooner or later they will get together in their natural union. All we can hope to do is to prolong their separation as much as possible. It is said that iron will not rust in perfectly dry air, but this is not of much practical impor- 180 PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 181 tance because there is no such thing, except as it is chemically prepared and kept in sealed apparatus in a laboratory. It does not rapidly rust in the comparatively dry air of a desert; but nobody lives in the desert to use it; yet these facts clearly show that moisture is a great help to rust. Conditions Favorable to Corrosion. The air not only con- tains moisture, but also a small proportion of carbonic acid, and it has been clearly demonstrated that this also is an important aid to corrosion. Since iron in its various forms is the most useful of all metals, it is naturally used in greatest abundance in cities, and the air of cities always contains, from the burning of coal, an excessive amount of carbonic acid and an appreciable amount of sulphur in various forms, chiefly as sulphurous and sul- phuric acid, which are intensely corrosive, and on the seacoast the air also contains sea- water spray floating in it, which greatly increases its corrosive action. It is well known that heat accel- erates chemical action, hence the hot, moist, sulphurous, and strongly carbonic gases ejected from a railway locomotive, or from any other coal-burning furnace, are most powerful as cor- rosive agents, and conversely the cold dry air of northern latitudes, away from the seacoast or other large bodies of water, has the least action; in such situations, indeed, in the winter the effect seems to be so slight as to be hardly worth considering. Such, in brief, are the conditions which favor corrosion, and from their consideration it is clear that what is necessary to pre- vent corrosion is some means to prevent the access of air and moisture. It is attempted to do this sometimes by embedding the metal in cement or concrete. This is to be considered good practice, because the cement is not only nearly impermeable, but it is also strongly alkaline, and of course the free alkali prevents the access of acid to the metal. Protection by Cement. It is, however, possible to over- estimate the completeness of this protection, for it is sometimes asserted that such cement or concrete is really impermeable, which of course is not the case. Even neat Portland cement porous, and in fact there are testing-machines for 182 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH measuring the porosity of plates of cement, so it is clear that both air and water, that is, gases and aqueous solutions, may circulate, more or less slowly, through it, and as concrete is practi- cally used it contains numerous cavities which, while not affording continuous channels, appreciably lessen its impermeability. Important engineering works are often built of concrete rein- forced by steel wires, rods, or beams, sometimes by riveted steel frames, but depending largely on the strength and rigidity of the cement. It is an important matter to know whether the steel in such a structure is indestructible or not. As to that the writer of this does not propose to express any decided opinion; but objec- tions are always in order, if for no other purpose than to suggest desirable precautions. In the first place, it may be observed that the design of the builder is to make an artificial stone. Either this must be monolithic or it must have expansion-joints. If the former, it must be remembered that it is difficult to make a really monolithic structure of considerable magnitude; for concrete poured fresh on a surface of similar concrete which has been allowed to stand a day or so, or sometimes only overnight, does not form a strong bond to it, even when the greatest care is taken, and the block thus formed will separate along the surface where the interruption in work took place, if any great stress be applied. Considerations Relating to Reinforced Concrete. To make a really monolithic block the work of adding the concrete must be continuous, 'and this is difficult to insure on very extensive work lasting perhaps for weeks. The steel may be so placed as to strengthen these joints, but it must not be forgotten that the strength depends chiefly on the steel at such places, and also that, although such a joint may be water-tight, it is a place where there is a tendency for the concrete block to crack from changes of temperature. Steel thus embedded can change in temperature only very slowly, but it does change with the mass, and its rate of expansion and contraction may be slightly different from that of the concrete. It may be conceded that if air and moisture are kept from the metal it will not rust; but it is hard to be sure that water is PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 183 kept out of such a structure, and if the steel rusts it not only loses its strength, but exercises a most destructive action on the sur- rounding concrete, tending with immense force to split it to pieces, because of the increase in bulk of the iron. If we were selecting a building stone, would we choose one which was tra- versed in every direction by streaks or long crystals of a mineral very different in chemical and electrical qualities from the matrix ? It may be doubted. Quarrymen would not regard such a rock as sound, and would expect to find it split in pieces or disinte- grated by the action of the weather. It seems reasonable, then, to expect that great care is necessary, in building such, structures, to insure continuity, and especially to prevent the soaking of the whole mass with water from rain and melting snow; for con- crete often has voids and porous places, and little attention to making its surface water-proof is usually given. Above all, pro- vision should always be made for drainage, and this is too often neglected ; the whole mass is soaked and sodden with water which lies there month after month. Expansion-joints. Some of these objections do not apply to blocks of reinforced concrete put together with expansion- joints. In these structures it is clear that the atmospheric water will have access to the joints, and in cold weather will by freezing tend to injure them unless it can be kept out by some elastic water-proof packing or can be perfectly drained; perhaps both precautions are not too much. It is difficult to permanently close a crack in concrete, and it may be doubted if there has yet been built a large mass of it, without expansion-joints, which has not cracked. These cracks naturally lead to weak places in the interior and conduct water and air to these unknown and inaccessible recesses, perhaps to hasten the destruction of the inclosed steel on which the strength of the structure depends. Should the steel in such structures be painted? The objec- tion commonly made is that in order to get the utmost advan- tage from the use of the steel, we must have the concrete adhere perfectly to it, so that there shall be no break in continuity between the cement and the metal, and the latter shall be a part of the 1 84 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. concrete in the same sense that the broken stone is. Is this possible? The fragments of broken stone are of somewhat similar nature with the cement. Their elasticity and rate of expansion is the same; they exist in little isolated pieces, not in long threads or flat plates, and their rough surface and irregu- lar shape are perfectly adapted to the adhesion of the matrix. It is not so with steel. It is frequently said experiment has shown in a testing-machine that cement adheres to iron with a force equal to its own cohesion, and this may be correct if proper care is taken to make it a direct pull. But probably every one has seen cement part from a steel surface without much resist- ance, even if the surface was specially prepared for it. There is not much difficulty in rattling the dried cement off a shovel, for instance; and it is quite likely that in any case where the enormous elasticity of steel comes into play and it is because of its strength and elasticity that it is used the so-called bond which exists between the cement and the metal is of very little account. This bond is sometimes spoken of as though it were something mysterious and sacred, but it may be doubted if cement sticks to iron in any different way from what anything else does or from what cement sticks to anything else. A definition of this bond would tend to a clearer conception of the whole matter, and it might then be found that an elastic and water-proof film between the metal and the cement which would lend itself a little to the differences in expansion was a source of strength and permanence rather than weakness. A subject like this is too important and too intricate to be approached with a feeling of prejudice and a determination to settle the matter ex cathedra. We have not yet got to the last word about reinforced concrete; it is very true that time and use are the final test, and that some of the earlier structures are still in good condition, but the earlier structures were built by men who were in some sense inventors and experimenters, and the work of an enthusiast is likely to be much more carefully done than that of a man who works by a formula. Asphaltic Cement. A really impermeable cement is one PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 185 made of asphaltum applied in a melted condition; when of suit- able composition and sufficient thickness this seems to be as nearly perfect a protection as anything which has been devised. Coal-tar pitch, which resembles asphaltum in appearance, is usually an acid substance and should not be used for these pur- poses, and it is not to be forgotten that asphaltum is mixed with all sorts of things, some of which are not injurious if not used in too great quantity, but the best of which usually so dilute the asphalt, which is the real cementing material, as to lessen its permanence. To be of any value as a cement asphaltum must be tough and somewhat flexible, a quality usually obtained by using a naturally soft asphalt, or by tempering a harder asphalt with a heavy mineral oil; in either case the elastic or softening ingre- dient tends to be removed by atmospheric action, and still more by the effect of the weather or of water, and it is necessary to have a considerable thickness of cement over the metal, not less than an inch, and better two or more inches, when efficient protection may be reasonably expected. Such an asphaltic cement is not only tough and flexible, but it is also viscous. It will, especially in warm weather, flow slowly. This naturally prevents its use in places where it can run off. It is used for covering rail way- bridge floors, and when used in sufficient quan- tity and with a reasonable appreciation of its properties satis- factory results have been attained. An important use for ma- terial of this sort is in coating water-pipe, a subject which will be treated as a separate topic. These methods deserve fuller treatment, especially the use of Portland cement, but at the present time there is but little accurate knowledge and especially hardly any which has been tabulated or otherwise made accessible on the subject of hydraulic cement for such use, and the making of serviceable mixtures of asphalt is in the hands of the great asphalt paving companies, who do not make it known, so that this must be left for some better-informed writer in the future. Thinness of Films. We come, then, to the problem of pro- tecting metal from corrosion by the use of films of varnish and 186 TECHNOLOGY OF PAIN1 AND VARNISH. paint. The statement of the problem involves naming its great- est defect, which is that films are depended on for more or less permanent protection, and these films are only one or two thou- sandths of an inch in thickness. They are, therefore, easily scraped off or removed by any sort of abrasion. They are not very hard and are easily punctured, and if they are at all porous the pores, which will naturally be at an angle to the surface of the film, will extend through it because the distance is so little. If the matter is fairly considered, it seems almost preposterous to apply a film one or two thousandths of an inch thick to protect a steel plate or beam an inch or more in thickness in a situation where the uncoated metal would be destroyed in a short time, yet this is what is constantly demanded, and it is also asked that this material should be such as may be applied by unskilled labor and to any kind of a surface. It is a wonder that any favorable results are reached, yet they must be or the varnishes and paints would not be used. Paint is Engineering Material. Protective coatings, as applied to structures designed by engineers, are engineering materials, just as much as are the plates and beams to which they are applied. When an engineer designs a structure, he makes it usually from three to five times as heavy as the load actually requires, "for safety"; really this factor of safety is so large chiefly to provide for future deterioration, and a part of this excess of metal is added to secure the rest of it against rust, which is exactly what the paint is used for; hence the latter is fully as much engineering material as the steel which it covers, and deserves just as careful and serious consideration from the engineer which it seldom gets. Part of the indifference to the subject is due to the fact that the engineer feels that he is rather ignorant of the matter and concentrates his interest on steel, of which he thinks he knows a great deal, though it may be suspected that the chemists in the steel- works have their own doubts about even that; but at any rate he has books of tables of figures relating to steel, and these are a source of satisfaction. The imaginative, the mathematical, the construc- tive part of engineering is and must always be a delight to the PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 187 mind of the engineer, and is essentially different from that part which has to do with the qualities of materials, which are best understood, and even then only imperfectly known, by the experts who make a business of their manufacture. Protective Coatings not Necessarily Decorative. It has already been said that varnish and paint are used both for decora- tive effect and for protection of the underlying materials, and as the decorative effect is the more conspicuous, most people regard that as the primary quality; and when we speak of protective coatings the idea of decorative effect underlies, in their minds, the whole matter, perhaps unconsciously. By the very term used it is, however, eliminated. The decorative effect has abso- lutely nothing to do with the subject. Fortunately this con- dition, that no attention whatever shall be paid to decorative effect, can in most cases be enforced, because such effect may be reached by decorative painting over the protective coating, not only without injury, but in most cases with positive benefit to the latter. This is an important consideration, for it enables us to use materials which are quite unsuited for decorative use. For example, a paint or varnish as commonly used must dry " dust-free," i.e., so that dust will not stick to it, in about twenty- four hours, or less, because every hour adds to the danger that the beauty of the surface will be destroyed or injured by the adhesion of dirt, insects, etc., and this quality of quick drying is almost always obtained by the excessive use of driers which, as has been already explained, greatly lessens the durability of the compound, or else by the use of too large a proportion of resin- ous matters, which makes a brittle coating which cracks with changes of temperature, or too much volatile solvent is used, which diminishes the proportion of cementing material and pro- duces a film which is lacking in coherence. If, on the other hand, we may leave out of account the looks of the paint or varnish, it is clear that we are at liberty to use anything which will add durability and impermeability to the film, which, in most cases, may be allowed a long time to dry and may have a comparatively rough and wrinkled surface. Thus, the members 1 88 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. of a bridge are usually made up several weeks before erection, and a first coat has all this time to dry and harden; then it is painted after erection, and in most cases this coat may have all the time necessary. Probably in most cases the next coat will not be applied for some months, and in any subsequent painting the use of a slow-drying paint does not interfere with the use of the structure. Of course there are considerations which pre- vent the use of non-drying or too-slow-drying materials: they are liable to be rubbed off or even removed by the action of the weather; it is desirable to have a paint or varnish which sets within a reasonable time, say a day or two, but it may be allowed to dry slowly after that, taking up its last portions of oxygen only after a long period, and it is films of this nature, which show a continually increasing reluctance to oxidize, which have the greatest permanence. To exhibit a very smooth surface a paint or varnish must contain a considerable proportion of resinous matter; and while a certain amount is highly desirable, because it acts as a flux and prevents the formation of pores, a quantity sufficient to give a hard and very lustrous surface causes a lack of elasticity which may be the occasion of cracks in the coating, but a film intended only to protect against corrosion may have exactly the most desirable ratio of ingredients. Decorative paints must be made with certain pigments, and sometimes these are the cause of deterioration; but an injurious pigment should be excluded from protective coatings, which should contain only the best and most suitable compounds for the purposes for which they are made. The preparation of the surface to which the protective coat- ing is to be applied is a subject the consideration of which natu- rally precedes that of the material itself and of the method of its application. A great many years of experience and observation, and of consultation with painters and with engineers, have con- vinced the writer that paint and varnish adhere to a metal sur- face in the same way that other things do, and that the same conditions which favorably influence the adhesion of other coat- ings are desirable in the use of these substances ; also that, making PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 189 due allowance for the impermeability of a metallic surface as compared with a wooden one, the same principles which govern their application to all other surfaces apply to their use on iron and steel. Such statements as the foregoing will not probably appear to the disinterested and speculative reader to be unreason- able, much less revolutionary and inimical to all industrial prog- ress, and he cannot fail to be interested in knowing that not only the ordinary contractor but the great steel companies (who natu- rally ought to be interested in the permanence of their products) regard an engineer who tries to adapt these maxims to practical work as a visionary theorist, to be humored when necessary and evaded if possible, while the paint or varnish manufacturer who promulgates such propositions is a dangerous crank, about as use- ful to society as an anarchist. " That, " said the manager of one of the great bridge companies, "is a good paint, but it always makes, me laugh when I see a barrel of it; observe the notice on the barrel-head: 'Do not thin this with anything.' Well, we thin it: just the same. Oh, we have to thin it a little, you know, or we couldn't put on two coats; with the same brush, you know; one coat going this way" with a sweep of the arm indicating a free and powerful artistic treatment "and the other" with a. return sweep "going this way. Why," plaintively, "do you. suppose we wish this steel to last forever?" "I suppose," said I sadly, "you consider me an enemy of the human race." "Oh, no, you're a good fellow, but you are an enemy of the steel men. " Apply Paint to a Clean Surface. The most important con- dition affecting the adhesion of any coating to any metal is that it should be applied to a clean metallic surface. If the surface is covered with dirt or grease, the coating does not come in con- tact with the metal and so does not adhere to it ; and if the dirt comes off, the coating comes with it. It might be supposed that grease would be absorbed by the paint or varnish, but the coating of grease or oil does not very readily mix with these. If it were desired to mix such things, it would ordinarily be thought neces- sary to agitate them thoroughly together. But an important consideration is that the grease is always mixed with and covered TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. by an adherent film of dirt which interferes with the action of the paint or varnish upon it, which consequently makes a film on a loose, greasy foundation. Further, the oil or grease is usually a mineral oil, sometimes mixed with rosin or rosin-oil, and if mixed with the regular coating will destroy the characteristic and valuable qualities of the latter. Iron and steel beams and the like should not be laid on the ground, but on skids or trestles. They are heavy and press into the earth, which adheres to them ; in wet weather they become covered with mud, which the con- tractor strenuously objects to removing before painting. "Do you expect me to clean this iron with a tooth-brush?" was the angry protest of the manager and one of the principal stock- holders of one of the largest construction companies in New York, when the engineer was urging him to wash the mud off the beams which had been lying in the street, although his contract specified much more thorough cleaning than he was asked to do. Sometime when steel becomes more costly than it is now, or opinion on these matters becomes more enlightened, it will be kept under shelter until the time comes for its erection. Mill-scale. But oil and dirt are not the only things found on steel. All structural metal as it comes from the mill is covered with mill-scale, which is the black oxide of iron resulting from the action of air on the hot metal. Frequently this scale is in several layers; sometimes these stick together rather firmly, sometimes the outer layers separate readily from those beneath. Steel plates are often coated with a thin blue or iridescent mill- scale, which immediately overlays the unoxidized metal, to which it sometimes adheres with great tenacity. This is the anhydrous sesquioxide, and is exactly similar in appearance and compo- sition to the beautiful iridescent specimens of hematite ore which may be seen in any mineralogical collection. This is an extremely refractory substance, insoluble in acid, and might be thought to be a sufficient protective coating in itself, but it is hard and not very elastic, and its rate of expansion differs from that of the metal, so that it soon becomes a network of cracks, which allow water to reach the underlying metal, which then rusts and the PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 191 rust creeps under the little patches of scale and they are thrown off. This may be easily seen by immersing a piece of such iron in acid, which can reach the metal only through the cracks in the scale. Scale which is of a more pulverulent character offers little or no resistance to atmospheric agencies, but it does not scale off easily unless in deep layers. .It is dangerous to leave such oxide in contact with the iron, for it absorbs and holds in contact with the metal the moisture and acids in the air and in various ways acts to induce further and deeper oxidation. It might be thought that saturating the oxide with oil would prevent any further change, but this idea, though it crops up from time to time and is the base of many a humbug in the paint line, is not in the least supported by practical experience. I do not mean to say that a surface covered with mill- scale, or even with ordinary rust, may not be benefited by a good paint or varnish. These coatings will undoubtedly retard the further action of rust, but do not prevent it. More than a hundred years ago, Smeaton, one of the greatest engineers of his time, said he "had observed that when iron once gets rust, so as to form a scale, whatever coat of paint or varnish is put on over this, the rust will go on pro- gressively under the paint." The following century of obser- vation has made no change in this remark, which is only confirmed by longer experience. Rust must be Removed. Iron and steel are of a grayish- white color. When it is desired to coat articles of this metal with porcelain or a vitreous enamel the workman finds it absolutely necessary to have the surface show this color of the pure metal in all its parts, for if there is any scale or rust on the surface, even in minute spots, the enamel will chip off at those places. This clean surface he gets by clearing off the scale with acid, in a manner to be described later, or by the use of the sand-blast, or sometimes by scraping and polishing the metal. At all events, the enamel is applied to the metal and never to an intermediate coating. The electroplater, who deposits another metal, such as copper or nickel, on iron, is equally thorough. The bicycle- maker, who covers his frames with a japan enamel, cleans them TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH, in the most perfect manner on an emery- belt, after which they must not be touched even with the finger until the enamel is applied. In making tin-plate, the iron plates are cleaned by acid and go direct from the acid-bath to the pot of melted tin, for otherwise no adhesion will take place. Galvanizing, or plating with zinc, is done in the same way. No Coating will Stand over Oxide. Excepting the painter, every one who applies protective coatings to iron or steel insists, as a matter which will not admit of discussion, on the absolute and fundamental necessity of removing not merely all loose scale and dirt, but absolutely all scale and all oxide, so as to apply the coating to the pure metallic surface. Otherwise it has been found that, sooner or later, the oxide will separate from the metal surface and of course the superimposed coating has to come off. This is what I mean when I say the conditions which favorably influence the adhesion of other coatings are desirable for the application of varnish and paint, and it is this idea of having an absolutely clean metal surface on which to apply these coatings which seems the extravagant dream of a doctrinaire to the ordinary contractor, who will tell you that paint forms a continuous, film and keeps out the air and water, so that there can be nothing to cause the closely adherent oxide to separate from the metal. It is a suffi- ciently complete answer to this argument to repeat that universal experience shows that nothing can prevent it in practice. If it cannot be done with such a perfect coating as electroplate or a vitreous enamel, nor with a coating which in some respects is even more remarkable, namely, one of baking- japan, which more nearly resembles a varnish or paint, it is idle to expect it with these latter, which are in their nature somewhat porous and with which we have to obtain protection by putting one coat on over another, trusting to the successive coats to fill up the pores .and imperfections of those beneath. There is no doubt in my mind that the right way to prepare a steel or iron surface for painting is to clean it so that the gray color of the metallic iron will be everywhere seen. This may be done in some cases by scraping, in some by pickling in acid, in others by the sand-blast, PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. IQ3 but in all the cost will be considerably more than is now com- mon, because more work is done and a better result achieved. Money judiciously spent to get a good surface is wisely invested; no one doubts that it is if really high-class work is in question. No doubt there is a great deal of work of a more or less tem- porary nature where the cost of such high-class treatment is not justified, but there is no place where a protective coating is called for where it is not worth while to make some effort to secure a fairly good surface, free from mud and dirt and loose scale, for the varnish or paint. We may also consider the practice of the painter who works on wood. No one ever thinks of painting on wet wood; the paint will not stick; if it does not immediately come off, it will subsequently blister; and even in such rough work as exterior house-painting the painter removes all loose dirt, old paint, etc., by scraping and brushing, as a preliminary; in fine work, such as repainting a carriage, the old paint is removed by scraping or burning off, and the surface made clean and smooth and properly prepared by special fillers, so that the paint or varnish may go on in a coat of uniform thickness to a surface for which it has a natural affinity. Thus it will be seen in all other painting the proper condition of the surface is a subject of practical consideration, and its preparation a matter of serious care. This also indicates that like precautions should be taken with steel, in fact greater, because steel is in most situations more perishable than wood. Why Steel is not Fairly Treated. The curious reader will perhaps wonder why it is that difficulty should be found in hav- ing steel properly cleaned and painted. Primarily the trouble is with the engineers who design and direct the work. If they, as a class, felt the importance of the matter and were always as strenuous about it as they are about the mechanical details, and made it a rule to include in their estimates a reasonable amount for having such work properly done, there would then exist a better general practice, and if the average were higher it would be comparatively easy to get really high-class work done. Structural steelwork goes mainly into two classes, bridges 194 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and the framework of buildings. The building with a steel framework is primarily designed by an architect who, while not without engineering knowledge, hands over the details of construction to an engineer. The chief architect himself is mainly concerned with the design of a building suitable in its general and detailed arrangements for the purposes of the owner and in having its artistic features and its ornamental details as agreeable as possible, and strict regard must and should be had for economy of construction. Usually a sum to be expended is fixed upon at first , and the common experience is that for various reasons the estimated cost is finally exceeded. The architect usually does not know or claim to know much about protective painting. The engineer is sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly in his employ and receives his directions. He is, therefore, not finally responsible and, not being oversupplied with subordinates, does not feel like assuming unusual authority or cares. The metal framework is to be eventually covered from sight, and as it is inclosed it is not as likely to rust as though exposed; and above all, the current practice of architectural engineers is to be indifferent about painting, so that, with lack of responsibility, lack of authority, disbelief in the vital impor- tance of the subject and accordance with current practice, the engineer leaves the painting largely to the contractor, and it is unreasonable to expect the latter to spend money for material or labor which are not called for. Further, it is commonly the case that when the money to build with is ready it is important to get the building done as soon as possible. So the steel is rushed through the shops as rapidly as may be; when it is de- livered it is in the street in front of the building, and the building permit is limited; hence it cannot stay there, but must be put in place at once, and then the masons are waiting and there is no time to paint. Stone does not Rust. The engineer consoles himself by thinking that he has done the best he can and as well as other people do; and in fact the engineer who holds that life is too short to be studying this paint question and that there is no oppor- PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 195 tunity in the construction and erection of metal-work for its proper application may feel confident that he has good com- pany and plenty of it; but his attention may be called to the fact that some of our best and most important railroads have gone back to the construction of enormously expensive stone bridges simply because stone is reliable, while steel, as now treated, is not. As to bridge construction, it is common practice for one department, whether of a private or public corporation, to design and erect a bridge, and then turn it over to another department for maintenance, and the bridge engineer holds that painting is a part of maintenance, and that he may build the bridge with- out regard to paint and let the engineer of maintenance paint it as often as he likes. Hence it is of no use to try to interest such a bridge engineer in materials or methods of painting. A little consideration will show that this position is untenable if, as has been claimed, paint is engineering material. The construct- ing engineer might as well say that, as defective rivets and bolts have to be renewed by the department of maintenance, it is of no importance to him what is the quality of material or work- manship employed in riveting. The place to begin painting is on the metal, and the first coat is of more importance than any subsequent one. My own belief is that a bridge should never, except for decorative effect, be repainted throughout; it should be well and properly painted when built, and any spots which are defective should be repainted from time to time, pre- cisely as all other repairs are managed; no one would think of conducting other repairs in any other way, and the paint is just as much a part of the bridge as any other material and should be treated in the same way; and I am glad to be able to say that some of the best-maintained railways have adopted this practice. Scraping. This doctrine that rust and scale should be re- moved as much as possible before painting is, of course, no new thing; and the earliest method, and one which will always be in many cases the only one available, was to clean the surface by scraping. The most common scraper is one made by grind- 196 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. ing the end of a large mill-file, which makes an efficient tool. But there are many places which cannot be reached with such an instrument, and now the workman is provided with sets of scrapers of different widths, and with a hammer and chisel, which are sometimes necessary. The common straight scraper is operated by pushing, but others are made with the scraping end bent at a right angle to the shank, which are pulled, like a hoe, toward the operator. These are also made in different widths. The edge of a scraper is naturally straight like that of a chisel, the workman is also sometimes provided with one or two ones having the edge serrated, like the teeth of a saw or of a serrated ice-chisel, and these are useful for breaking up scale so that it may more easily be removed. Wire-brushing. After the scraping it is customary to go over the surface with a wire brush, which leaves a good surface, but the brush alone is not an efficient instrument. In my own laboratory there is a rotary wire brush driven by power with a peripheral speed of about five thousand feet per minute. A suitable table is arranged so that the piece of metal to be cleaned may be mechanically held at the right place and the brushing may be continued as long as the operator desires. This is prob- ably the most favorable condition for the use of a wire brush, but it is found that even here it is impossible to remove scale which adheres closely or which is very thick. I conclude, then, that the wire brush is not sufficient and that its use should be pre- ceded by scraping. The painter's torch is sometimes used as an accessory. This throws a jet of flame on the surface of the metal, and as the rust and scale become much more heated than the metal they tend to crack off and are more easily removed, and any water which is held in their interstices is driven off, but of course the hydrated oxide is not dehydrated in the chemical sense, for it requires a much higher heat to do this, as has been already explained. Bridges which have been erected can usually be cleaned only in such ways as have been just described, although on some railroads bridges in place, especially old ones, are cleaned, usually in part only, by the sand-blast. Those parts of the PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 197 bridge which are most badly rusted are cleaned with the sand- blast, and the rest of the bridge with scrapers and wire brushes, on the theory that the most exposed parts need the most care and that the less rusted members will last long enough with more inexpensive treatment, which is doubtless correct. Sand-blast. The most thorough and perfect manner of cleaning metal in any mechanical way is by the sand-blast, which is a stream of particles of sand thrown with great velocity against the surface; the grains of sand have sharp cutting edges and partly by cutting and partly by the impact or hammering of these little pieces of quartz the scale and rust are cut and broken up and removed. It has been proposed to throw the sand with levers, as from a catapult, or by centrifugal force, but the only practical way is to mix it with an escaping current of compressed air, which carries it along with great velocity, hence the name. This method of applying power for cutting and abrasion was invented by Gen. Benj. G. Tilghman, of Philadelphia, and was patented by him Oct. 18, 1870, the patent being numbered 108,408. Among the most important claims granted by that patent were the following: 1. The cutting, boring, dressing, engraving, and pulverizing of stone, metal, glass, pottery, wood, and other hard or solid substances by sand used as a projectile, when the requisite veloc- ity has been imparted to it by any suitable means. 2. The artificial combination of a jet or current of steam, air, water, or other suitable gaseous or liquid medium, with a stream of sand, as a means of giving velocity to the sand when the same is used as a projectile as a means of cutting, boring, dressing, etc., etc. 7. When a jet or current of steam, air, water, or any other suitable gaseous or liquid medium is employed to give velocity to sand used as a projectile, as a means of cutting, boring, dress- ing, etc., the use of the following devices for introducing the sand into the jet of steam, air, water, etc. First, the suction produced by the jet of steam, air, water, etc. Second, a strong, close vessel, 198 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. or sand-box, into which the pressure of the steam, air, water, etc., is introduced and through which, when desired, a current of it may be made to pass. It is obvious from the foregoing that there is no existing patent on the process, and while there is some patented apparatus which is preferred by some of the people who use the process, this is equally true of a very large proportion of all machinery in use. The Tilghman apparatus as improved and patented by Mathewson is shown in section in the following illustration, MATHEWSON'S SAND-BLAST. (TRADE NAME, TILQHMAN.) Hose with Special End In this apparatus a slotted slide, operated by a lever, regulates PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 199 the quantity of sand introduced into the current of air. This machine was patented Dec. 25, 1894; No. 531,379. In the Paxson- Warren machine, shown in the next figure, the Pipefrom WARREN'S SAND-BLAST. Air Receiver (TRADE NAME, PAXSON-W.ARREN4 Straight Hose feed of the sand is regulated by a revolving piece, or valve, which covers the opening in the bottom of the hopper to the extent desired to let the proper quantity of sand fall through it and into the air-pipe. In the machine patented by J. M. Newhouse of Columbus, Ohio, shown in the illustration on the next page, the sand passes from the hopper at the bottom through an annular opening around the end of a nozzle-shaped steel piece, which decreases in its outer cir- 200 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. cumference toward the end and, by raising or lowering it, this annular opening may be increased or diminished in size. The distinguishing feature of this appliance is the use of this nozzle as a siphon with its perforation as shown. The small holes permit part of the air which flows through the small pipe and the siphon THE NEWHOUSE SAND-BLAST. to escape outwardly through the surrounding sand, thus stirring it up and preventing it from clogging the opening. A similar siphon, without the perforations, is placed in the air-pipe. The process of cleaning with the sand-blast is essentially as follows: Air at a pressure of 20 to 25 Ibs. per sq. in. is fur- nished by any suitable air-compressor. If we assume that we PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 2OI will use a discharging-nozzle T 9 g- in. internal diameter, when new, each such nozzle will require 120 cu. ft. of air per minute, measured at atmospheric pressure compressed to show a pres- sure of 15 Ibs. per sq. in. at the nozzle. This is, however, to be regarded as a minimum, for it is advisable to use a somewhat higher pressure, say 20 Ibs., and the nozzle rapidly wears away until it reaches a diameter of f in., at which it will discharge nearly twice as much as when new, so that in practice it is well to provide an air-compressor handling 240 cu. ft. of air per minute and compressing the same to 20 Ibs. per sq. in. Recent work has shown that a pressure as high as 35 Ibs. per sq. in. is desira- ble and economical for removing heavy scale, which a blast at a lower pressure will not remove. Into this current of air dry sand is introduced at the rate of about 10 cu. ft. of sand per hour for each such nozzle, or i cu. ft. of sand to 1000 cu. ft. of air. The sand must be artificially dried; some operators use coarsely powdered quartz. This, latter can be used five times in succession; and in general the sand may be used until it is broken up into a powder too fine for use. In the plants which the writer has inspected the sand and air are carried to the nozzle through a heavy rubber hose about 2\ in. diameter. This is not worn away by the current as a metal pipe would be, but it is necessary that the air should not be hot, as this would rapidly injure the hose. The nozzles are short pieces of extra-heavy iron pipe and have to be renewed at frequent intervals. From data furnished me by Naval Con- structor Bowles I find that the cost of cleaning the bottom of a ship in dry dock amounted to about 4 cents per square foot, but this was done with an experimental plant, and the method of drying- the sand, which was used only once, was costly, and the cost would certainly have been reduced to 3 cents per square foot if a permanent plant had been in use. Since the installation of a permanent plant no work has been done of sufficient magni- tude to give figures. This was an exceedingly rusty surface, but with this same experimental plant the mill-scale was removed from 3,155 sq. ft. of surface of steel plates at a cost of $17.60, 202 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. or about i cent per square foot anci at the rate of 4! sq. ft. per minute per nozzle. It may be well to add that in all the work referred to, which was practically field work, being carried on out of doors and with a somewhat portable plant, the labor amounted to one man to hold each nozzle, one man to attend to each two sand-boxes, and one man to clean up and carry sand for each four nozzles. The supply of compressed air is an expense of a different sort, as is also in field work the matter of staging, etc., but all are included in the prices given. It seems reasonable to suppose that where many pieces of metal of the same general character are to be treated in a shop fitted up for the purpose, contrivances may be introduced which will do away with a considerable part of the labor. 4 Pickling. Iron and steel may also be cleaned by pickling in acid and the subsequent removal of the latter. This may be done in the following manner: The pieces of metal which have been made ready for assembling are immersed in hot dilute sulphuric acid having a strength of 25 to 28 per cent. Some use acid of 20 per cent. It is kept in this until the whole surface is free from rust and scale. This will take from six to twelve minutes. If the pieces of metal are somewhat rusty, so that rust has started underneath the scale, the shorter time will be found sufficient, but if it consists of plates covered with closely adherent blue or iridescent rolled scale, the longer time will be necessary, since this scale is itself insoluble in acid and is removed by the latter penetrating the innumerable minute cracks in the scale and attacking the iron underneath, thus mechanically throwing off the scale. If, on the other hand, the iron is uniformly rusty, this coating of hydrated oxide readily dissolves in acid, and in fact a weaker acid of 10 to 12 per cent, might be used, although the stronger acid is quite safe but will require a shorter time. It has been suggested that it is desirable to previously clean the metal with caustic alkali from all grease, etc., but if acid of the above strength is used and kept as hot as possible this will not be necessary. As soon as the acid has reached the iron in all parts PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 203 of the surface, the metal is taken out and washed by jets of water discharged against it under high pressure, not less than 100 Ibs. per square inch and much better if double that. In this way the acid may be thoroughly removed. In Germany it is said to be customary to use acid of 9 or 10 per cent, cold, and the metal is left in it five hours. This makes a much larger plant necessary and has no advantages. If it is attempted to remove the acid by soaking the metal in still water, the following difficulty is encountered: the iron becomes immediately coated with a gummy or colloidal substance, very difficult to remove. What this is, is not known to the writer, but is it well known that there are a number of insoluble or diffi- cultly soluble compounds of iron with sulphuric acid, and it is probable that some of these are precipitated on the surface of the iron when water removes the excess of acid, but if a jet of water is used the mechanical effect is to remove trie adherent ferrous sulphate at the same instant, leaving a clean metallic surface. It is also possible that if the acid contains arsenic, as is the case with much of the acid made from pyrites, this may also be pre- cipitated on the surface. In fact, it is sure to be, and acid free from arsenic should always be used for this purpose, and as a matter of practice it is insisted on by many. It is often difficult, and sometimes impracticable, to pickle steel high in carbon and cast iron containing graphitic carbon, on account of the deposit of a film of carbon like stove-blacking on the surface. Muriatic (chlorhydric) acid has been used instead of sulphuric, but it is not well suited for the purpose, being much more expen- sive and difficult to remove. It also forms a gummy coating on the iron, worse than that with sulphuric, and in the subsequent alkaline treatment it must be removed by caustic soda instead of lime, or sometimes by a solution of sulphate of zinc. After the iron has been freed from sulphuric acid in the man- ner just described, it is put in a bath of lime-water or milk of lime, boiling hot (it is very important that it should be hot), and left there long enough to reach the temperature of the liquid. It is then removed to an oven and dried, after which the lime is 204 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. brushed off. If desired, the lime may be removed by washing before putting in the oven. In this case it will be found that the surface, which is perfectly clean and bright, rusts very easily and quickly, whereas if the lime is removed by drying and brushing, the sur- face is much less likely to rust, although even then it rusts easily and should be painted immediately. For most of the foregoing information relating to pickling I am indebted to Mr. E. G. Spilsbury, who has had extensive experience in this work -both in Europe and the United States, and has applied the process to structural steel (bridge) work, as well as to wire and wire rods. Some of the largest work recently done has been treated as follows : The steel as it came from the mill was put in hot 10 per cent, caustic soda solution until all the grease and oil came off; with this came all the dirt, with which the shop grease had become mixed, and an appreciable amount of scale, making altogether a bulky sludge. Next the steel was washed with boiling water; then it was put in hot 10 per cent, sulphuric acid until the metal surface was everywhere exposed; after which it was dipped in boiling water, then in hot 10 per cent, solution of carbonate of soda, then well washed in hot water, and finally dried in an oven. The results were all that could be desired. Much detailed information concerning the use of the sand blast in cleaning structural steel may be found in the paper on the subject by Mr. George W. Lilly, in the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1903 and in the ensuing discussion. Treatment at the Mill. Many engineers believe that the time to begin the protection of steel is at the rolling-mill, before the metal is cold. It is said that careful methods of rolling will prevent the formation of thick scale and that most of the scale may be removed as the metal comes from the rolls, immediately after which the hot surface (at a black heat) is to be sprayed with oil or varnish or paint and the heat remaining in the metal will be enough to bake this before the metal becomes entirely cold, thus producing a coated and protected surface, which insures freedom PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 205 from rust for a period of at least some weeks, during which the metal may be built up into riveted members and made ready for painting. The details of this plan have not at present been worked out in practice, but there is no doubt in my mind that it is a very desirable thing and I believe it to be practicable. Putting bars of various sections through straightening rolls has been proposed as a means of removing the scale. It will remove thick scale and will loosen all but the most closely adherent thin scale. This may be seen where sheets of steel are rolled in a boiler-shop or in mak- ing large pipe. Coatings have been very successfully applied to such surfaces. Shop-painting. In bridge work and the like, if it is decided to clean by pickling or sand-blasting, it is a question as to when this should be done. If it is done when the metal comes from the mill (supposing that it has not been coated hot in the way just mentioned) it will be necessary to do something to it at once to prevent its rusting; for pickled or sand-blasted iron will begin to rust almost immediately and the iron has to be at least a week in the shop before it can be painted after assembling. What can be done to it ? Probably a coat of linseed-oil will be applied. Paint will be objected to by the shopmen and the inspectors will demand a transparent coating. Boiled oil is commonly used for any such purpose because it dries rapidly, but it is less durable than raw oil, and it is the common opinion of the manufac- turers of mixed paints, whose opinions in this matter are en- titled to great weight, that boiled oil is less durable than raw oil to which enough drier has been added to make its drying qualities equal to boiled oil. The drier should probably be one made at low temperatures. The cleaned surface may then receive a coat of such oil and allowed a day or two to dry. But it must be observed that oil does not dry to a hard film, but is soft and rather sticky, and probably a very elastic varnish would be better because cleaner; less likely to be contaminated with dirt and machine-oil in the shop. Probably the increased cost will be a barrier to its use. It might, and I think should, be very thin, as it would then be harder, and it is not depended on for 206 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. permanent protection, but it should be of good quality as the foundation for all subsequent painting. A much better plan is to defer the pickling or sand-blasting until the structural steel has been long enough in the shop to have been cut to required dimensions and all the holes punched or bored and otherwise made ready for assembling. Then let it be removed from the shop to the building where the sand- blasting is done (for it should be under shelter), cleaned, and painted. It is practicable to have it painted at this stage unless, for purpose of inspection, it is thought better to have it oiled, or, better, varnished. When the painting or varnishing has been done and two or three days for the coating to begin to dry have elapsed, it may be carried back to the shops and riveted up into members, care being taken to again paint, and thoroughly, all surfaces which will hereafter be inaccessible, for rusting in riveted joints not only weakens but impairs the rigidity of the structure. It is only fair to say that I have been told by engineers of bridges who have had much experience in taking down riveted work that it is uncommon for riveted joints to be dangerously rusted and that the webs, rods, and other extended parts rust off before the joints give way. This is partly because there is more metal at the joints than elsewhere and probably partly because care is usually taken to paint these surfaces heavily, and the paint is mechanically protected by the location from external injury. Shop-marks. Where it is undesirable to paint portions of the surface on account of shop-marks, care should be taken that these marks are as compact and small as is reasonable and to see that they receive an extra coat in the final painting. Planed and turned surfaces are at this time coated with a non-drying grease, commonly a mixture of white lead and tallow, or a min- eral grease similar to vaseline, which many' prefer. Crevices. There are also found many crevices which will be inaccessible after erection, and it is customary to fill these with a fresh mixture of neat Portland cement and water. It is possible to use other cementing substances, but nothing is so easily used as the above, and it is good enough. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 207 Shipping. The work is now ready for shipment. In ship- ping, care should be taken to avoid scraping off the paint and to avoid nesting the pieces except with packing material between them; and, as has been already said, the pieces should not be laid on the ground, but on skids or trestles. The paint should be reasonably dry before the shipment is begun, not thoroughly dry, but it should have its initial set and dry enough to be safely handled, usually in two or three days after the paint has been applied, sometimes one day in hot weather. Striping Coat. The materials may now be supposed ready for erection, after which the work should be carefully inspected, and if there are any rusty spots these should be thoroughly cleaned and painted, and any places where the paint has been rubbed off should be repainted, and at this time all exposed edges and angles should receive an extra striping coat of the protective coating, covering the edge and the adjacent surface one or two inches from the edge on each side, and all nuts, bolt-heads, and rivet -heads should receive an extra coat. This may be called the striping coat and is necessary for the following reasons : When paint begins to dry there is at first a sort of skin formed on the surface, which contracts, and on rounded surfaces like rivet- heads and on angles and edges seems to press away the liquid paint beneath, so that on such surfaces there is less than the normal amount. The same tendency to contract also exists on flat surfaces, but in this case it is a balanced tension and pro- duces no effect. There is besides the action of the painter's brush, which presses harder on such places and draws off the paint; but that this is not the main cause is shown by the fact that pipe sections and other things which have been coated by dipping exhibit the same appearance. In making paint tests, it is necessary to leave out of account a strip about an inch wide along the edges of the plate unless that portion has received an extra coat, and the fact is well known to inspectors that such surfaces are always thinly coated. The extra striping coat is therefore necessary if we are to have two full coats or their 208 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. equivalent over the whole surface, and it is the more impor- tant because these portions are more exposed than the flat sur- faces. When this striping coat has become dry (two weeks or longer if possible after its application), another full coat of the protective coating should be applied to the whole surface. Of course, if a coat of oil or thin varnish has been applied in the shop instead of the regular protective coating, another full coat of the latter will be necessary after erection, and the striping coat may intervene between these two full coats. If, during erection, any small cavities are produced they should be filled as already described, and any large ones should be drained by making suitable open- ings. Care should be taken that no undrained places are left which may fill with rain or ice ; the latter by its mechanical action is likely to tear off the best paint. If the preceding directions have been followed, the structure has two full coats of a protective coating and is ready for decora- tive painting, if any is desired. If not, it should have a third coat of the protective coating. Two or three or even six months may, however, be allowed to elapse before this final painting is done. The structure may now be regarded as finished and turned over to the maintenance department, who should watch it care- fully and repaint it before it begins to rust, or, at least (perhaps better), touch up any doubtful places and so avoid any general repainting. I believe that a structure treated in this way would be easily maintained in practically perfect condition at a cost so low as to be unimportant. It should not be forgotten in con- nection with this whole subject that paint should not be applied in freezing, rainy, or misty weather, or to surfaces which are not dry and clean, but this is true of all painting. It is sometimes necessary to apply paint in cool weather. It is then allowable to heat the paint to a temperature of 150 F., which will be found much better than thinning it. It is folly to expect any general agreement as to what is the composition of the best coating for structural metal. Those which are practically in use are: PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 209 1. A variety of mixtures, of which coal-tar dissolved in ben- zole or dead-oil may be taken as the type. 2. Paints made with linseed-oil or an alleged substitute, and pigment ; containing some drier and usually some varnish. 3. Varnishes. 4. Varnish and pigment paints (the so-called varnish enamels). Other materials are used on water-pipes, but these will receive separate discussion. Coatings of the first class need very little discussion. They are used because they are cheap. I have heard of a mixture of asphalt and mineral oil which cost, exclusive of packages, only seven cents per gallon, which was used on some railway bridges; the labor of applying it, and the constant repainting which was required, made the final cost of maintenance so great that the authorities changed to the use of a paint costing a dollar and a half a gallon. Most of the so-called asphaltum varnishes used on metal-work come under this heading. They contain frequently nothing more expensive than coal-tar or petroleum residues, and are thinned frequently with kerosene. Rarely these mixtures are made with asphaltum and softened with palm- oil stearine, or something of that sort, and thinned with benzine; such a mixture may be very good for temporary use, being impervious as long as its elasticity remains, and, unlike much coal- tar, being free from acid which will attack the iron. Some of the cheap coal-tar mixtures are actively corrosive; some are mixed with pulverized lime to remove the acidity. It is by no means unusual for a contractor, especially on public work or on work where the inspection is not good, to contract for the use of a good paint, and use instead some of these excessively cheap and worthless mixtures. I would not include adulterated paints under this heading, but among those paints which they imitate; and I do not say that some of these mixtures or compounds are not good enough for temporary use; and not a little steel is v.sed in this way. But in general, it may be fairly said that these mixtures are not as economical as better paints, and hence are not suited for general use. 210 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Oil Paints. In the second class, that of oil paints, among which, as a matter of convenience, I will include red lead and oil although this is considerably different from ordinary paints, are found the most commercially important of the preservative coatings. It will appear before this essay is finished that the author believes in the use of varnish paints as the best, but it must be observed that linseed-oil is the elastic base of varnish, and as the varnish-resins are more costly than oil, and as any labor expended in making varnish increases the cost of the materials contained in it, so it is that a straight linseed-oil paint may be made at a lower price than a varnish paint and is the best paint that can be hard at the price. When we are able to say that such a paint is really a good paint and that it is the best to be had at the price, we have given reasons for its use which no possible arguments can overthrow, though they may modify their application. An oil paint is composed of a pigment mixed with a liquid or vehicle, which consists usually of raw linseed-oil to which has been added 5 to 10 per cent, by volume of liquid drier, this latter con- taining usually both lead and manganese, and either turpentine or benzine as the volatile part. This mixture of oil and drier is not very likely to change if kept from the air and is chemically unaf- fected by most pigments; hence an oil paint has excellent keeping qualities. Of course the pigment will in time settle to the bottom, but commonly it can be stirred up again; however, a paint should always be used up before it is injured in this way. Containing little volatile matter it does not evaporate, and the oil works freely under the brush, more so than the best varnish, so that an oil paint is the easiest to apply of all paints. This in itself is a great advantage, for it is easier both physically and mentally to put on a good-looking coat of oil paint than of any other. This quality of working freely and sweetly under the brush is the best, thing about an oil paint, and this alone is the reason why these have displaced the varnish paints in the work of modern artists, while probably all the so-called oil paintings of the great painters of the middle ages were done in pleo-resinous varnish. Oil is, PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 211 when spread in a thin film, very slow to set, and when it finally begins to set it goes on rapidly until the paint is hard enough to handle; the thorough hardening takes a long time, perhaps a year. This slowness of setting facilitates working with a brush, and, especially on wood, gives it time to penetrate the pores of the surface to which it is applied. A coat of oil is, therefore,, often used on wood as a priming coat even where varnish is sub- sequently to be used. On account of its remarkable fluidity linseed-oil may be mixed with a large proportion of pigment, and if this pigment is very cheap it may actually reduce the cost, and if it is dear the oil-paint still usually has advantages in price because of the lower price of oil than of varnish^ and, as it carries more pigment, its covering power, or opacity, is greater. Any- thing which enables two coats to take the place of three is a great advantage, for the cost of labor is an important item, sometimes being much more than that of the paint. Oil is usually, when fresh, more nearly colorless than varnish, and on that account displays well the color of the pigment. This advantage, however,, disappears very shortly, for oil paints quickly become dull and show the effect of the weather more than varnish paints. The possible supply of linseed-oil is unlimited. Flax will grow anywhere that any cereals will, and when the seed is high in value the acreage quickly increases, so the oil is subject to large and rapid fluctuations in price. When it is high, there is a strong temptation to adulterate it or to substitute something for it. Oil Substitutes and Adulterants. The most common adul- teration is with mineral oil, but substitutes are from time to time proposed, the most important probably being fish-oil. This is. normally a non-drying oil, but it may be cooked with^lead and manganese and made into a slowly drying oil. It has, partly by blowing air through it and partly by treating it with sulphur at a moderately high temperature (vulcanizing) , been converted into an elastic solid substance which is soluble in kerosene of low boiling-point and thus has been made an oil which dries, like a spirit varnish, by evaporation of the solvent. The first of these oils, the fish-oil " boiled" with driers, is said by some very good. 212 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. authorities to be a good addition to the extent at least of 20 per cent, to linseed-oil for making roof paints, its slower drying not being noticeable in this case, and an advantage of greater elasticity is claimed. This may be so. I have no experience in the matter, but I think this is believed by some very honest and very well-informed makers. As to the other preparation, it is well thought of by some users, but in the cases which I have had opportunity to examine it has not been equal to linseed-oil. Most of the so-called substitutes are various mixtures of mineral oil, fish-oil, rosin, rosin-oil, and rosin varnish. They are mainly sold to be used surreptitiously as adulterations or substitutes for linseed-oil, but from time to time are put out boldly with a flourish of trumpets as a new and improved variety of paint oil, are sold for a time to the unwary, and then are forgotten. There is no oil worthy to be compared with linseed-oil for paint. As has been stated in the chapter on driers, the objection to these preparations is the danger that they may continue to act after the film has become properly oxidized. But a paint which dries slowly makes a rather soft film and is without lustre, so it is common to add to it a quantity of varnish, which hardens the film and makes it smooth and shining. If this varnish is made of good materials it improves the paint in every way except working quality and covering power and, in the amount generally used, does not sensibly injure it in these respects. Such a varnish ought not, however, to be made of rosin, but of some of the true varnish-resins, and it will, in the nature of things, add to the cost of the paint. A cheap rosin varnish is often, I fear I might say com- monly, used for this purpose, and is bought by the paint-maker at less than the price of oil, sometimes at half the price of oil. The worse it is the greater is the temptation to use it to excess; in fact, any varnish of this sort is an excess. Lead Paints. As a rule there is no chemical action between oil and pigments, but to this there are exceptions. Action un- doubtedly occurs between oil and white lead, probably between the oil and the lead hydrate, which constitutes at least a quarter of the pigment. This takes place slowly, and painters prefer PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 213 white- lead paint which has been ground for a long time and believe that it is more durable. This change is said to be due to resini- fication of the oil, converting it into a sort of varnish; chemically it would seem that it should be a saponification resulting in a lead soap, which would dissolve in the unchanged oil. I am not aware that any careful chemical study has been made of the subject. Zinc oxide (white zinc) also acts on oil, but in a much less degree, and a mixture of white lead and white zinc, usually in the propor- tion of two of the former to one of the latter, is thought to be better than either alone. Zinc works more freely under the brush, but its covering power is less. Red Lead. When we pass on to red lead, which is an oxide, we find that the pigment and the oil readily unite; in red-lead paint the oxide is present in excess, hence all the oil becomes combined. If red lead and oil are mixed and sealed up in an air-tight can, it will be found after a time that the mixture has solidified, showing that the oxygen of the air, which is the har- dening agent in ordinary paints, is not necessary. The oil is not turned to linoxyn but is completely saponified to make a lead soap, and the dry paint is composed of unchanged red lead cemented together by this compound. As to the durability of the latter, there is much difference of opinion. It is singular that every one is agreed that this lead soap, or linoleate of lead, added to oil paint, is an injury to it, the bad results increasing with the amount, yet it cannot be denied that when this is used without any free oil it makes a cementing material or binder of great permanence, less durable perhaps than oil alone, but worthy to be compared with it, and many think it superior to oil. It is natural to expect it to crumble and fall off, and sometimes it does, but as a rule it does not, but adheres to the iron with great tenacity. Not much is known about the causes which promote or lessen the permanence of red-lead paint. The subject needs long and expensive study. We know that commercial red lead is of variable chemical com- position, not because of adulteration, but from its method of manufacture. It is a mixture of the peroxide and protoxide of lead; the former is commonly thought to be the most important 214 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH, and characteristic ingredient, but the latter is present to an extent which varies from 5 to 50 per cent. It is only reasonable to expect different results from different mixtures of this sort, and no one seems to know what are the best proportions. It is said that by a second roasting of the dry red lead a considerable part of the litharge in it may be changed into the peroxide. I believe such treatment is given red lead for making storage batteries- Such red lead has been used for paint, and the results are said to be encouraging. It has long been known that the protoxide (litharge) and glycerin will chemically combine when mixed together and form a cement of great value used for cementing the glass plates of aquaria and the like. We know that when oil and lead oxide combine the glycerin of the oil is set free. This does not combine with the peroxide, but in the presence of litharge it probably unites with it, and this litharge- glycerin cement may play an important part in the action of the lead soap with which it is mixed. Again, it may be that the oil unites with the litharge and not with the peroxide, and that when the proportion of the former is low, part of the oil dries in the ordinary way by air- oxidation. There is nothing against this supposition in the be- havior of the paint. And yet again it may be that the oil com- bines with the litharge and that a large proportion of the latter is necessary to get the best results. As a matter of fact, we know nothing accurately about it. I have been told by a manufac- turer of red lead that no two sorts of furnaces will give the same product, and that different men will get different products from the same furnace by working at different temperatures. Enough has been said to explain how there may be wide differences of opinion in regard to the value of red lead as a paint for metal. On one point there is a substantial agreement: that the amount of dry red lead in a gallon of paint should be as large as practica- ble, from 18 to 30 Ibs. to a gallon of finished paint; probably most engineers recommend twenty-four or thereabouts. On an- other point there is agreement of opinion that red lead is the most difficult of all paints to apply, and this again may be an important cause of failure. The working qualities of the paint PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 215 are improved by the addition of lampblack, which probably adds to its durability also. Because this paint will harden in closed packages it is impracticable to prepare it in advance of use; it should not be made up more than twenty-four hours ahead of time, and it is better if mixed on the spot and immediately before using. Various methods have been tried to avoid this difficulty; one (patented) mixture contains a considerable amount of glycerin instead of all oil; one maker mixed two-thirds red lead and one- third white zinc: this will keep for a week or two; others add whiting (carbonate of lime). Ready-mixed Red Lead. Red lead is also mixed with oil and allowed to stand and harden; then this lead and oil compound is broken up and reground with fresh oil; after this treatment it sets very slowly a second time. This is analogous to breaking up Portland cement after it has begjn to set. None of these prepa- rations has met with any general approval. This paint is often adulterated with oxide of iron, which is much cheaper. Red-lead paint adheres well to iron and is used by many for a first coat, having some good paint or varnish over it to protect it. Being already supersaturated with oxygen it is not attacked by that element; it would seem that it might supply oxygen to the iron, thus rusting it, but it does not do so. It may be that the presence of carbonic acid is necessary, and this is kept away by the red lead, which itself combines with it. This is, in fact, a common cause of the whitening of red-lead paint exposed to the weather, and a cause of its destruction. Red lead is a substance which enters with great energy into chemical union with acids of almost all kinds, and this accounts for its common failure when used where the air contains them, and its comparatively excellent service in the pure air of the country, especially away from the seaboard; for, as nas been already said, the air near the sea contains spray of sea-water to such an extent that the natural fresh waters of the country near the coast contain an appreciable amount of common salt, the proportion of which decreases as the distance from the sea increases, and investigations have made it possible to determine and draw on the map lines of percentages 216 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. of chlorine more or less parallel to the coast-line. This has been done by the chemists of the Metropolitan Water Commission of Massachusetts and elsewhere. The action of chlorine on lead is not very rapid, but many acid substances act more violently, and so far as my own rather extensive observations have gone, red-lead paint is never used about chemical works, smelters, etc., where better results are had by the use of varnish or a varnish paint. Unreliable Reports. Actual use on a large scale is the best test of a paint, but it is very difficult to be sure of your conclu- sions even from such use. The chief metal structures which are accessible for observation are bridges. A competent man who should have charge of the painting of a large number of these ought to be able to arrive at valuable results, but men capable of making critical study of so difficult a matter are rare, and are usually too valuable to be put to such work. Tenure of office is often brief, as compared with the long time needed for such investigations, and very often the corporation which owns the bridge has adopted some one paint as a standard and this seems to be able to prevent a fair judgment. The men who are in charge become prejudiced in favor of their paint and can see no defects in it, and nothing good in anything else. The very workmen share in this feeling, and they have learned how to use their standard paint to the best advantage, and it is applied better than any other. They, in many cases, retouch w r ork from year to year, which is quite right, but no record of such work is made and the bridge is reported as having stood so many years without repainting, while a bridge painted with some other material is condemned as soon as it begins to look shabby* The result is that one man who has charge of the bridges for one road reports that a certain paint is satisfactory and better than any other, while the next man on a parallel road condemns the first man's paint and extols a paint which the other found wanting. Both mean to be right; neither is capable of knowing the truth. Nothing is more natural than the desire to think well of one's own work, and in practice I would commonly prefer PROCTETION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 217 the real opinion, if it can be got at, of a paint manufacturer to that of a user, for the former has every incentive to find out the truth; the trouble with him is that he is disposed to think, and especially to speak, most favorably of the thing which sells the best. There isn't much money in being a missionary or a reformer. Sell people what they think they want, not what you think they ought to want, is the business maxim; and this feeling interferes with testing paint or anything else. Paint Tests. Paint may also be tested with sets of test-plates. If such experiments are made with sufficient care they are valu- able, and as matters actually stand, this is the most available way of getting reliable results. But it is not an easy or simple thing to get at the truth in this way. I would say in the first place that the plates should not be too small. I have myself used plates measuring twelve inches by twenty, and I think they would be better if they were larger. They should not be of thin metal, never by any chance of sheet iron, but thick enough so that they will not bend or spring under any pressure which is likely to be applied to them. They should be of pickled and cold-rolled steel, unless a test of the behavior of paint on other metal is in question, and perfectly free from scale and rust; all exactly alike in these regards. I mark plates with a steel num- bering stamp on the middle of each side and also mark the same plates with a series of saw-nicks on one edge; these latter are perfectly reliable and easy to find; the former are more easily read and sufficient in most cases. The paint or varnish used should be in its best condition and applied under favorable con- ditions of temperature and weather and after each coat the plate should be hung up to dry for at least a month. To facilitate hanging up these plates a hole should be bored in each end of the plate, about half an inch in diameter, and the plate should be hung alternately from these holes as alternate coats are applied. For the reasons already given it is necessary to apply a striping coat along the margins of the plates between the first and second coats, and if three coats are applied it would be well to apply a second striping coat between the second and third or else after 218 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. the third; this I have not myself practised, usually making two coat tests; the striping coat requires thorough diying. Unless the test is simply a weathering test, the plates should be hung up in a room where the air is ordinarily pure and dry for six months after the painting is completed before the test begins; but if they are to be used in a weathering test, they may be ex- posed as soon as they are reasonably dry and it is certain that all are in about the same condition. It is very desirable that the thickness of each plate should be measured with a vernier caliper before painting at certain designated spots; for example, the caliper may be applied at a point il inches back from the edge and 4 inches to the right of each corner. Record is made of these measurements, and when the last coat of paint is dry the thick- ness may be again measured; if the plate is painted on both .sides, which I think is the better way, the difference in measure- ment, divided by two, gives the thickness of the paint- or varnish-film. Electrical Tests. If the caliper can be depended on to read the ten-thousandths of an inch this measurement will be impor- tant, especially if the porosity of the coating is to be determined by its electrical insulating power. If this test is made it must be remembered that the ease of insulation varies with the square of the thickness of the coating, and that only the direct current Is to be used, because with the alternating current there is danger that the plate will act as a condenser and conceal the real voltage. Such electrical tests if made at different periods during the time test will be of much interest; so far as I know this has never been done. Coatings for special uses should, of course, be tested after being applied in the way which is best suited to de- velop their possibilities; if, for example, we are to test a baked coating against an ordinary paint or varnish, we should bake it under favorable conditions, but we would not therefore bake the competing preparations, which should be applied in the usual manner. Protect Edges. In any method of exposing plates which I liave ever seen, it is impossible to avoid injury to the edges of PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 219 the plates, and as the marginal portion of a plate of ordinary size is a large proportion of its total surface, we should either start out by saying that we will not count as part of the test the strip, say an inch or an inch and a half wide, along the edge of any plate, or we should take some extraordinary measures to prevent such injury. This is especially important with plates immersed in the water, which are often injured more by floating objects carried by tides and currents, perhaps far below the surface (ice, for example), which because of their weight and rigidity strike severe blows and thus mechanically remove the coating, no matter how firm it may be. I have thought that it might be a good plan to set each plate in a wooden frame, like those on the slates of school children; these would give considerable protection. I have not known this to be done, but I see no objection to it. This danger of marginal injury is one of the most serious objections to plate tests. A most serious matter is the difficulty of knowing that the plates are all alike. When a coating for any reason begins to fail, and even when perfectly new, if it is, like almost all coatings, a little porous, it is obvious that if we have two plates coated exactly alike, and the metal of one is more easily corroded than the metal of the other, the coating on the former plate will appear to perish sooner than on the latter. Chemical tests will, of course, show differences of composition if there are any, but I do not think it very difficult to get plates of the same chemical compo- sition, but the physical or molecular structure has great influence, and I do not know how to determine this condition. That its effect is real is shown by the following facts : Copper pipe is used on the ships of our navy for fire mains and other purposes; this is made in sections with flanged ends. The flange is made by slipping over the end of the pipe a tightly fitting brass ring, and the projecting end of the copper pipe is expanded by hammering, so that the ring cannot come off. This hammering, of course, draws out the copper and disturbs its structure without affecting its chemical composition; as the pipe is composed of copper, as nearly chemically pure as can be commercially obtained, there 220 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. may be said to be no chemical difference in its different parts. These sections of pipe were coated with a varnish enamel all alike. Influence of Molecular Structure. After prolonged use it was found that the coating was in good condition except near the flanges, where the metal, though it had not been actually ham- mered, had been drawn by the blows on the adjacent ends. This occurred not in one but uniformly in very many instances, so that the inference that the liability of corrosion of the copper is de- pendent on its molecular structure was unavoidable. If this is true of copper, it is probably true of steel and iron ; and the effect, instead of being inconsiderable, is very marked. It is easy to see that differences in temperature while rolling steel plate or bars may make difference in structure, as do also differences of thicknesses or section. This is, in fact, well known, for a steel wire is three times as strong as the same metal rolled into a bar. It is then possible that two test-plates which look alike may vary by an important amount in resistance to corrosion, and this at once introduces uncertainty into the most carefully conducted test. This is, in fact, a valid objection, so far as it goes, to ail test-plate experiments; yet the practical difficulties of getting fair experi- ments made on a large scale are probably vastly greater. The foregoing discussion of the way to conduct tests is pre- liminary to the following account of some tests made by the author, which will be followed by some remarks on varnishes and var- nish paints, as used for the protection of structural metal. The substance of these experiments has already been published in the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, but it is worth while to bring together the whole in a somewhat more connected form. In 1895 I had eighty- four plates prepared for a test in sea- water. Permission was ob tamed from the U. S. Navy Depart- ment to make use of the facilities of the New York Navy Yard, and I was especially fortunate in having the cordial assistance and co-operation of Naval Constructor F. T. Bowles (afterward Chief Constructor and Rear Admiral), in carrying out the work after PROTECTION OF METALS AQAINST CORROSION. 221 the plates had been made ready. The plates were coated at the works of Edward Smith & Co., who, moreover, paid the ex- penses of this and the following series of tests, the most extensive and I believe the most important that have been made up to the present time. Thirty of these plates were of aluminum, and were furnished without cost by the Pittsburgh Reduction Com- pany, makers of aluminum. Prior to this time aluminum had been used in marine work and had been condemned, as the sea- water attacked and dissolved it, but pure aluminum had not been used, and it was desirable to know whether the pure metal or some alloy of known composition might not be available, and also, of course, what coating was best for its protection. Five series of aluminum plates and alloys were provided, ranging from 75 per cent, aluminum to 994 per cent., which was at the time the purest aluminum which could be commercially prepared. There were six plates in each series and a corresponding number of varnish coatings were applied, so that each of these coating com- pounds was applied to one of each of the different kinds of alu- minum plates. In this way the different alloys could be com- pared and so could the different coatings. The same coatings were applied to some of the steel plates, but the greater number of the latter, and the fact that they were all of one metal, made it possible to use a much greater number of coatings. The gen- eral plan, which was carried out more fully in the later set of tests, was to determine the comparative value of pure linseed-oil as a vehicle, then of a varnish containing a maximum proportion of oil to the unit amount of resin, then a medium varnish, then one having a minimum proportion of oil; and as different resins may have varying values, to duplicate and in fact to triplicate those varnish experiments with varnishes made of resins of three dif- ferent classes. The resins selected were Zanzibar, Kauri, and Manila. The latter is said to be a "recent" resin, that is, one taken from the living tree ; Kauri is a semi-fossil resin, from trees of a species now living, but of no use except as it has lain buried in the ground for a long time and undergone chemical change ,- while Zanzibar is a fossil so old that the trees themselves have 222 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. become extinct. The three resins are well known and are com- monly regarded as types of the classes to which they belong. Besides these there were a few special paints or compounds tried, red lead and oil being one, and another the baked enamel known as the "Sabin Coating," which will be more particularly men- tioned in describing the coating of pipes; also a special oleo- resinous varnish known by the trade name of Durable Metal Coat- ing, in which a certain amount of gilsonite replaces a correspond- ing amount of vegetable resin. It is interesting to note that a varnish of very similar composition to this was used in the first really scientific sea-water tests of which I can find any record, t)y Mr. Robert Mallet, who made reports to the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science in 1838, 1842, and 1843; and such a varnish, with one other made entirely from fossil resins and containing a large amount of oil, were the best of all the different paints and coatings which he tried. His exposures were for a period of eighteen months and are worthy of study by any one interested in the subject. He was handicapped by lack of knowledge of the art of making varnish and paint, and of their practical use, but he approached the subject with a truly scien- tific spirit, and without unreasonable prejudice or interest. The aluminum plates were put in a cage or framework by themselves; the steel plates in two similar cages. Each cage or frame con- sisted of four corner-posts each about 3 ins. square and 4 or 5 ft. long; these were mortised into 2-in. plank ends which were about 2^ ft. square, and the tenons were held in place by wooden pins. Each of these corner-posts had grooves about f in. deep and wide enough to receive the edge of a plate cut across one side every 2 ins., and these posts were so set that the plates could be slipped into these grooves like shelves, a couple of inches apart. In this way thirty plates would fill a frame 60 ins. long. After the plates were all in place they were prevented from sliding out by fixing a bar across each end of the set of plates parallel with the corner- posts, and the plates were moreover made tight in the grooves by little wooden wedges at each corner of each plate. It was not desirable to use any metal about the frames, for iron would rust PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 22$ out and there was danger that the vicinity of any other metal might induce galvanic action. These frames, when filled, were heavy and rather awkward to handle. They were suspended by substantial iron chains which went entirely around each cage lengthwise. The iron rods from which the links of these chains were made were f in. in diameter, and so severe was the corrosion that in some cases these chains, of which two were attached to each cage, were entirely rusted away, although the chains were " gal- vanized" or zinc-coated; and in consequence some of the plates were lost. In the first test fourteen steel plates were lost, as is shown by the table. This first set of plates was put in the water in January, 1896, and was taken out July 29, 1896, after six months' immersion. During this time they were suspended 5, or 6 feet below the level of the water, in the New York Navy Yard, in Brooklyn. The water here is foul because of the dis- charge of sewerage from the city, and the conditions are more un- favorable than they would be in the water of the open sea. The strong tide constantly stirs up the mud from the bottom. When the plates were finally removed for examination it was done in the presence of the Naval Constructor and of several well-known engineers and of representatives of the technical press. The reports in the following tables are substantially those made by the combined inspection of these authorities. It has been said that the ends of the frames in which the plates were suspended were of solid wood. After soaking in the water these ends swelled, thus separating the corner-posts more than they were at first, and in consequence the plates became loose. This caused considerable damage to the coatings at the corners where they were in the grooves, and the edges of the plates also suffered from abrasion by objects floating in the water. This, as has been already explained, is a serious cause of error, or at least made it difficult to arrive at just conclusions. Four-fifths of all the cor- rosion occurred along this marginal strip. Among the pigments mentioned is one called by a trade name "Flamingo Red." This was included, although its composition was unknown, but consists in considerable part of a red coloring- 224 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. matter derived from coal-tar, and it had seemed very permanent in the air. It did not prove to be of much value in these tests. It will be noted that some of the aluminum plates are said to have "one side baked" and that the steel plates are mostly made up in pairs in this first test. Of each of these pairs one plate was baked at a temperature of 215 to 240 F. for four hours or longer. The steel plates bearing the odd numbers were dried .slowly at the ordinary temperature and the ones with the even numbers were baked. This was done because it was thought possible that baking might add to the durability of the coatings, but the result showed that while a special coating made to be baked on was durable, the baking of coatings not designed to stand a high temperature was on the whole injurious to them, more so to those which were naturally hard and brittle than to those which were more elastic. One very remarkable thing was observed, in this and the following tests, which can hardly be made to appear properly in a tabulated report or indeed in any kind of a report, which is that all these paints and varnishes (except the "Sabin Coating," which was baked on at 400 F., and thus stands apart from the others) soften when soaked for a very long time in water. They do not seem to dissolve, and in many cases the water does not penetrate to the underlying metal, but the coating becomes soft, and though it remains elastic it can be scraped off in large strips. If, however, it is not dis- turbed and the plate is set up in the air it will dry out and the Tarnish will become hard again and even lustrous. When it is soft it can be scraped off with the greatest ease, and this prevents its being useful for submarine work. Some of the varnish enam- els were much less affected in this way than the varnishes them- selves, but none were very resistant. It is obvious, however, that these same coatings might give satisfaction in places where they would be dry part of the time. In the following table the letter "K" stands for Kauri (resin), "Z" for Zanzibar, and "M" for Manila, and the numerals pre- fixed to these letters indicate the number of gallons of linseed-oil which are combined with the unit amount, 100 Ibs., of resin PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 225 SERIES I. Ninety-nine and One-half Per Cent. Pure A1 n i " i "" 11 * SERIES II. Ninety-eight Per Cent. Aluminum and Two Per Cent. Copper. S& Din Process PCTlGCt* Perfect. 107. 'Durable Metal Coating," MM s:i- bated. 102. ie.perfect. Unbaked side, three blisters, i in. diameter. No gen- eral corrosion or roughen- ing. The surface of the paint had lost its gloss. Coating good on edges of 108. Baked side, one blister, I in. Unbaked side, perfect. Ultramarine Blue, one side, "Flamingo Red," one side, in 20 K. varnish, not baked. Blue. 103. Scarcely any corrosion, but shows roughening of coat- pin- Red. General condition good ex- cept near edges of plate; there, busters on surface i in. wide along one-fifth the margin. Very little corro- sion. 109. Blue and red about the same as 103, except that about twice as much surface was blistered. General condi- tion good. 'White zinc in 20 K. varnish, one side baked. 104. Baked side, about 2 sq. ins. in one place half covered with small blisters. No Unbaked side, first-rate con- dition. Baked side badly blistered in spots along the edges, a- mounting to about 6 per cent, of the total surface of the plate. Some corrosion under these. Unbaked side all right except that i per cent, of the sur- face showed pin-head blis- ters on a strip about } in. wide on one edge of plate. oxide, in 20 K varnish, one side baked. 105. Baked side, one blister i in. by $ in., otherwise first- rate. No corrosion. Unbaked side, perfect. in. Baked side, four central \ in. blisters, numerous margi- nal ones about i per cent, of plate. Very httle corro- Unbaked side, first-rate con- dition. Spar varnish, no pigment, one ade baked. Meet 106. Baked side, two central blis- ters, 2 and 4 sq. ins. and nearly all the margin $ in. wide. Considerable corro- sion. Perfect except where blistered, lustre good, etc. Unbaked side, two central blisters, } sq. in. and i sq. in., slight marginal corro- sion, coating evidently thin on edges. 226 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. SERIES III. Ninety-eight Per Cent. Alu- minum. (The quality known in 1895 as com- mercially pure aluminum.) SERIES IV. Ninety-three Per Cent. Alu- minum, Seven Per Cent. Copper. SERIES V. Seventy-five Per Cent. Alu- minum, Twenty Per Cent. Zinc, Three Per Cent. Cop- per, One Per Cent. Iron. 113. At one corner a break in the coating let in water and caused a blister of about 2 sq. ins. Coating rather over- baked and brittle, but else- where perfect. Coating overbaked, cracked at corners by the wooden framework, and the sea- water made blisters at the corners, some of which were 3 sq. ins. Remainder of plate perfect. Coating overbaked and brit- tle; badly blistered along the edges. All blisters un- der pipe-coating enamel are continuous and start from the edge. The middle of the plate was all right. 114. Baked side perfect. Unbaked side tough and ad- herent, except one small spot near the middle of the late , which looked as if the coating had been broken, and where corrosion had begun. 120. Baked side showed three blis- ters of about i sq. in. each, and some corrosion under these; otherwise all right. Unbaked side perfect. 126. Baked side badly blistered along the edge, 6 or 8 per cent, affected. Unbaked side slightly blis- tered along one edge : con- dition otherwise good. No. corrosion. us- Blue and red about alike. No decided blisters, but coating itself showed some signs of decomposition, es- pecially the blue, which had a rough surface. 121. Blue and red about alike; about 30 per cent, blistered and corroded. 1 27. Blue, considerably blistered along the edges, mainly pin-head blisters. Little corrosion. Red, about the same but some large marginal blis- ters. The red had a smooth surface but the blue was rough. 1 1 6. Both sides in good condition, but showed some signs of incipient blistering about the edges. 122. Pin-head blisters along the edges ; general condition all right. 128. Baked side, nine or ten blis- ters of about i ins. diam- eter and considerable cor- rosion; remainder of sur- face good. Unbaked side, i per cent, of the surface near the edges, with small blisters showing some corrosion : the rest of the surface all right. 117. Perfect. 123. Baked side all right. Unbaked side, seven or eight small blisters but no cor- rosion. General condition good. 1 29. Baked side, a large number of groups (about i in. diam- eter) of small blisters with some corrosion; the rest of the surface all right. Unbaked side, much the same, not as bad. 118. Perfect. 124. Both sides badly blistered and corroded along the edge, about 10 per cent, of the surface. Where not blistered all right. 130. About like 1 24. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 227 weighed before melting. For example, 20 K. means an oleo- resinous varnish made by melting 100 Ibs. of Kauri resin and combining with it 20 gals., or 154 Ibs., of linseed-oil. The com- pound was subsequently thinned with a suitable amount of spirit of turpentine, but as this is volatile, no mention is made of that in the abbreviation. The result of this test was of so much interest that other plates ivere prepared and coated. About three hundred plates were pre- pared and the time of preparation was nearly a year, so that it was late in June, 1897, before the plates were in place and the exposure actually begun. The greater part of these were steel plates which were painted in triplicate sets, with the intention of putting one set in the sea-water in the New York Navy Yard, one set in the Navy Yard at Norfolk, Va., and a third set in fresh water. The place finally chosen for the last was Lake Cochituate, Mass., part of the original Boston water-supply. Besides these there were twenty-five plates of aluminum in each of the Navy Yard sets, but no aluminum plates were put in the fresh- water test because it is well known that pure water does not attack aluminum. It will be observed that in the tables already given the steel plates are numbered from i to 40, and the aluminum from 101 to 130. It was, therefore, decided to number the aluminum plates in this experiment from 151 to 200; the steel plates for the New York Yard from 201 upward; for the Norfolk Yard from 301 upward, and for the fresh- water set from 401 upward, and this was done. The aluminum plates were of two sorts, part being commercially pure aluminum, as pure as could be made in 1896, and the remainder were of aluminum alloyed with 5 per cent, of other metal. The plates numbered from 151 to 163, inclusive, in the New York set correspond to those numbered from 176 to 187, inclusive, in the Norfolk set, and are pure alu- minum. Those numbered from 164 to 175, New York, correspond to 188 to 200, Norfolk, and are of the aluminum alloy. Besides these regular sets of plates, a cage containing twenty- four plates, part steel and part aluminum, which had in 1896 been exposed for six months in the New York Yard and are de- scribed in the foregoing tables, were again exposed in the New York 228 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. STEEL PLATES. 1896 TEST. White Zinc. White Zinc. White Zinc. White Zinc and White Lead. 8 K. ii,i2. Hard and brittle, very few blisters or rust- spots. Outer coat separated from the under - coat when scraped, leaving the latter on the metal. 8 Z. 23, 24. Poor; thin, brittle, many rust-spots. 12 K. 9, 10. No. 9. A large num- ber of pin-hole rust- spots on one side. Hard and brittle. No. 10. No rust or blisters, hard and brittle. These not easily scraped off while wet. 20 K. 7 8. Good; a few small rust - spots where coating was thin, near the margin ; not easily scraped off when wet. Coat- ing brittle. 2O Z. 21, 22. Good condition, thin and brittle near the margin; could be scraped off with difficulty when wet. 20 M. 15, 1 6. Good condition, ex- cept where the coating was thin and brittle near the margin, where there was some rust. 20 K. 3, 4. First-rate condition ; coating could be peeled off with a knife when first taken from the water ; afterward hardened again. 30 K. 5,6. Tough coating, no corrosion, some small blisters near the margin where the coating was very thin. 30 Z. 19, 20. First-rate condition, tough and adher- ent ; not easily scraped off when wet. 30 M. 13, 14. No. 13. Poor, many minute rust-spots. No. 14. Better; lit- tle rust. Coating tough and good on both where heavy, brittle and poor where thin. set. Half of these were lost by an accident in the New York Yard, but the remainder are described in the following table, pp. 232-239, their numbers of course being the same as in the table on pp. 228, 229. To make them more prominent, they are also distinguished by the date, 1896, after the number. The sets of plates at the Norfolk Navy Yard and at Lake Co- chituate were left untouched until July, 1899, a little more than two years, but those in the New York Yard were in cages which were suspended to a float which was accidentally sunk in July, 1898, and more than half the plates were lost. The remainder, includ- ing part of the 1896 plates just mentioned, were taken out July 21, 1898, after an immersion of exactly thirteen months. Besides this loss, one cage or frame containing twenty-five plates Nos. 326-350 was lost at Norfolk by the rusting away of the heavy PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 229 STEEL PLATES. 1896 TEST. White Lead. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. 8 M. 17,18. Poor; coating badly decomposed, the action taking place from the outer sur- face. Not much corrosion. No. 1 8 much better than No. 17. 31,32,33,34- Durable Metal Coating. Nos. 31 and 33 all right except some blisters where the coat- ing was thin. Nos. 32 and 34 not so good, more blisters. Coating could be scraped off while wet. Oil. 40. Red lead in linseed-oil. A good many small rust -spots, but no general corrosion. Coat- ing considerably decomposed; could be scraped off with diffi- culty. Condition fair. 35,36,37,38. Sabin Pipe Coating. All perfect. 20 K. 25, 26. Flamingo red in 20 K. Bad condition, many rust-spots. 20 K. I, 2. No. i. Good, first- rate condition. No. 2. Good, but some small mar- ginal blisters. 20 K. 27, 28. Ultramarine in 20 K. Not good; many small blisters, not much rust. Japan. 39. Ivory-black ground in japan. Very bad; rusty all over. 20 K. 29, 30. Chromium oxide in 20 K. Poor; very many small rust- spots. galvanized iron chains which suspended it, and the loss of these plates causes vacant places in the table, so that, in order to save space, it has been thought well to put the descriptions of the aluminum and the 1896 plates in these otherwise vacant spaces. If the reader will bear this in mind, little trouble will be found in following out the plan of the table, the discrepancies of which are caused by accidental losses of plates. No plates were lost in the Lake Cochituate set. The cages, or frames, in which the plates were held were suspended in the Navy Yard by chains about six feet below the surface of the water in such a position that the plates were horizontal. Barnacles and other marine organisms attach themselves to the under side of the plates and by sus- pending the plates so that they were horizontal, we had practically a double test, one of the lower sides covered with marine growth 230 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and another of the upper sides which were practically clear. There was no considerable deposit of silt on the plates. In the two years' exposure in the Norfolk Yard the action of these organisms was so severe as to destroy the coatings on the under sides of all the plates with the exception of those coated with the "Sabin Pipe Coating," which was not affected, although oysters $ ins. in length were found growing on it. When these were re- moved the coating was found to be intact. But with this excep- tion it should be remembered in looking over the table that only one side of the plates in the Norfolk set is described, the coatings on the other side being uniformly destroyed, while in the New York and Lake Cochituate sets both sides of the plates are in- cluded in the description. The cages containing the plates which were put in Lake Cochituate were laid on the bottom, which was hard and smooth, about 20 feet below the surface. The cages, or frames, naturally laid on their sides, so that the plates were vertical. This made no difference, because fresh-water organisms are rare and they did not attack the plates. In this triplicate test the general scheme was to apply to a set of four plates a set of three varnishes containing respectively 20, 30, and 40 gallons of oil per 100 Ibs. of resin, and raw linseed- oil. Then for another set of four plates, these same liquids were mixed by grinding with white zinc; another set of four was prepared with white lead; another set with ultramarine blue; another with graphite, and so on. This ought to show whether one pigment is better than another and which vehicle is the best. Besides these, plates were painted with pure red lead in pure linseed-oil, with two mixtures of red lead and white zinc, with purple oxide of iron' (crocus), in oil, and with "Prince's Metallic" oxide of iron, which is a very well-known pigment consisting of iron oxide mixed with various silicates in oil. Besides these coatings of known composition, two popular and widely known proprietary paints, the Eureka paint and the graphite paint made by the Detroit Graphite Manufacturing Company, were tried. The oil and proprietary paints were presumed to afford a sort of standard by which the other coatings could be judged. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 231 The coating material described in the table as "Spar" is one of the well-known class of spar varnishes used for exterior and marine work, and the kind used was made by Edward Smith & Company. The " I. X. L. No. 2 " is a well-known interior varnish. The substance indicated by the letters "D. M. C." is Edward Smith & Company's Durable Metal Coating, and "S. P. C." is Sab in Pipe Coating, the same as in the former test. "Para- hydric" is a coating similar to Durable Metal Coating, but con- taining less oil, which has been used in painting the interior of water-pipes and for steel in interior construction. "Keystone" is a well-known pigment, probably ground slate, and was used to furnish a pigment composed of silicates for comparison. The iron oxide used is the purest commercial sesquinoxide of iron, containing over 95 per cent, oxide of iron. The purple oxide of iron is oxide which has been subjected to prolonged heating and is supposed to be completely anhydrous. The "iron oxide in shellac" mixture was prepared from a formula furnished by Naval Constructor Bowles. The shellac is pure "D. C." shellac in grain alcohol. The paints known as Raht Jen's, Mclnnes', and Holtzapfel are anti-corrosive and anti-fouling ships '-bottom paints and were furnished and applied by the New York Navy Yard. All the paints, except those coated with the Sab in Pipe Coat- ing, which had two coats, received three full coats, well dried between coats. The red-lead paint used weighed about 35 Ibs. to the gallon and was put in with the plate in a horizontal position, on the upper side of the plate. After the paint had set, the plate was turned over and the other side was painted. The red lead was in this way more perfectly applied than it probably can ever be in actual work. The nomenclature and abbreviations in the following table are the same as heretofore, with the follow- ing additions : Um. Blue = Ultramarine Blue' W. Z. = White Zinc; W. L. = White Lead; A. = Pure Aluminum; A. A. = Aluminum Alloy, 95 per cent. 232 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Lake Cochituate, Boston. | 401-20 K. No rust except where dam- aged along edges; many very small blisters. 404-20 M. Much rust; coating much injured. 407-20 Z. Not much corrosion, but coating about destroyed. 402-30 K. Like 401 , not quite so good. 405-30 M. Worse than 404; coating nearly destroyed. 408-30 Z. Like 407, but considerably better. 403-40 K. Like 401. 406-40 M. Not quite so bad as 405. 40Q-Spar. Like 408, but perhaps a lit- tle better. | Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. | 301-20 K. ( 304-20 M. 301 to 310, coatings not destroyed; all considerably in- jured ; blistered in small spots ; no considerable corro- sion; 301 worst; 306 and 309 best; 307-8 not bad. 307-20 Z. 302-30 K. 305-30 M. 308-30 Z. 303-40 K. 306-40 M. 3og-Spar. | Navy Yard, New York. i (i8p6)-W. L. in 20 K. Some rust along edges; otherwise in good condi- tion. 16 (i8Q6)-W. Z. in 20 M. One-fifth of one side rusted ; all the rest in good con- dition. 47 (i8g6)-Spar. Coating firm and good; very little rust. 2 (i8g6)-W. L. in 20 K. Like i. 1 8 (i8g6)-W. L. in 8 M. Paint hard and firm; in good condition. 35 (i8 9 6)-S. P. C. A little corrosion near the edges ; otherwise all right. 20 (i896)-W. Z. in 30 Z. Good. No blisters; no rust. 113 (i8Q6)-S. P. C. Two small blisters; other- wise good. 22 (i8g6)-W. Z. in 20 Z. Good. Some corrosion along edges. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 233 4x0-1. X. L. No. 2. About like 407. 4I3-D. M. C. Good, except where broken and injured along edges. 41 7-Parahydric. Numerous isolated rust spots about i in. diam- eter; coating otherwise good. Lake Cochituate, Boston. 1 41 1 -Shellac. Very excellent condition. 414-0. M. C. Like 413. 41 8-Parahydric. Like 417. 4i2-Raw oil. Surface generally cor- roded; many tubercles. 4I5-D. M. C. Like 413. 4i9-Parahydric. Like 417. 4 i6-D. M. C. Like 413. 42o-Parahydric. Like 417. 310-1. X. L. No. 2. 3I3-D. M. C. Many small blisters, in outer coat chiefly; very little corrosion. 3i7-Parahydric. Coating all on; no blisters. Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. 1 3ii-Shellac. Coating practically gone ; badly rusted. 3I4-D. M. C. Like 313. 3 1 8-Parahydric. Like 317. 3i.2-Raw oil. Coating destroyed; very badly rusted. 3I5-D. M. C. Like 313. 3i9-Parahydric. Like 317. 3 i6-D. M. C. Like 313. 32o-Parahydric. Like 317. 124 (i8g6)-Spar, one side baked. Very few small blisters, otherwise perfectly good. 105 (i896)-Chromium ox- ide in 20 K., one side baked. A few blisters : otherwise in excellent condition. ,M 1 'd 1 1 104 (i8p6)-W. Z.in2oK., one side baked. Like 124. 122 (i8g6)-W. Z. in 20 K., one side baked. Like 122. . 234 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Lake Cochituate, Boston. 421-8. P. C. Perfect, except where coat- ing is in one or two places broken at edge with cor- rosion. 425-W. Z. in 20 K. Half the surface, along the edges, blistered, with rust underneath. 428- W. Z. in 20 M. Outer layer of coating near- ly destroyed; under-coat good. 422-8. P. C. Like 421. 426- W. Z. in 30 K. Much better than 425 ; some blisters; little corrosion. 429- W. Z. in 30 M. A few slight rust-spots; outer coat blistered. 423-8. P. C. Like 421. 427-W. Z. in 40 K. Good condition ; some blis- ters in outer layer of coating; no rust. 430-W. Z. in 40 M. About one-fifth rusted ; thin rust. Blistered ; outer coat chiefly. 424-8. P. C. Like 421. i ^2 I i $ r 321-8. P. C. Perfectly good condition. See note in text. 325-W. Z. in 20 K. Blistered ; not very good. 179 A I. X. L. No. 2. Coating all gone. 322-8. P. C. Like 321. 176 A-20 K. Three-fourths of coating destroyed; thin rust. 1 80 A-Spar. Two-thirds of coating gone, but one-third in the mid- dle perfectly good. 323-8. P. C. Like 321. 177 A-30 K. Like 176. 181 A-D. M. C. One-fifth gone, one-fifth blistered ; remainder good. 324-8. P. C. Like 321. 178 A-40 K. Coating all gone. 182 A-S. P. C. One-tenth gone on one edge; remainder all right. 154 A-I. X. L. No. 2. Varnish half gone. Corro- sion not deep. M z i) 2 151 A-20 K. Blistered along edges and a few spots. Varnish firm. Little corrosion. 155 A-Spar. Most of the varnish soft, but some not affected. Not badly corroded. 1 >> > t g 152 A-30 K. Much corrosion ; some deep. Coating half gone; re- mainder firm. 157 A-D. M. C. Twenty per cent, blistered around edges. Coating firm; not much corrosion. 153 A-40 K. Badly corroded; coating nearly all destroyed. 158 A-S. P. C. Excellent. Coating not in- jured, except by acci- dent in removing from frame. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 235 43I-W. Z. in 20 Z. Not much rust; outer coat badly blistered ; under coat slightly so. 436-W. Z. in 20 K., baked. Almost perfect; still shows glossy surface of varnish. 439- W. Z. in 20 M., baked. Good; coating brittle in places and shows de- terioration. Lake Cochituate, Boston. 432-W. Z. in 30 Z. Better than 431. Outer coat blistered. 437-W. Z. in 30 K., baked. Like 436. 440-W. [Z. in 30 M., baked. A little better than 439 433-W. Z. in Spar. Like 432. 438-W. Z. in 40 K., baked. Like 436. 44I-W. Z. in 40 M., baked. Almost perfect. 435-W. Z. in Raw Oil. Four-fifths of surface badly rusted; deep cor- rosion. 183 A-S. P. C. Perfectly good condition. 187 A-W. Z. in Spar. Like 184. 191 AA-I. X. L. No. 2. Coating all gone. i M 1 o ^ -^ i i 184 A-W. Z. in 30 K. Pine; no rusting nor blis- tering. 1 88 AA-20 K. Coating all gone. 192 AA-Spar. Three-quarters gone ; like 189. 185 A-W. Z. in 40 K. Like 184, but discolored. 180 AA-30 K. Three-quarters gone; small patch in the middle all right. 193 AA-Spar. Like 192. 1 86 A-W. Z. in 30 Z. Like 184. 190 AA 40 K. Half gone; like 189. 194 AA-D. M. C. One-third badly blistered from edges ; remainder good. 159 A-S. P. C. Like 158 A. 163 A-W. Z. in Spar. Not deeply corroded. Sev- eral large blisters; other- wise in good condition. 167 AA-I. X. L. No. 2. Considerable blistering and corrosion. Coating easily scraped off. i 1 I | ^ 1 60 A-W. Z. in 30 K. Upper side perfect; lower side slightly blistered. Coating hard. 164 AA-20 K. Badly corroded; three- fourths of the varnish destroyed. 1 68 AA-Spar. Like 167, but not badly cor- roded. . 161 A-W. Z. in4oK. No blisters; otherwise like 1 60 A. 165 AA-30 K. Like 164 AA. 162 A-W. Z. in 30 Z. Like 161 A. 1 66 AA-40 K. Badly blistered, but not badly corroded. Coating on one side firm; on the other soft. 169 AA-D. M. C. Many blisters; very little corrosion ; coating gen- erally firm. 236 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. J Lake Cochituate, Boston. 1 442-W. Z. in 20 Z., baked. Nearly perfect. 445-W. L. in 20 K. Very little corrosion. Some superficial blisters. 449-Um. Blue in2o K. Considerable rust.; not deep; paint practically destroyed. 443-W. Z. in 30 Z. baked. Excellent; no rust; blisters superficial and few. 446-W. L. in 30 K. Good condition; no rust. Some superficial blisters. 450 Um. Blue in 30 K. A little worse than 449. 444-W. Z. in Spar, baked. Like 443 .or better. 447-W. L. in 40 K. Like 446. 45i-Um. Blue in 40 K. Worse than 449; deep rust. % 448-W. L. in Raw Oil. Much deep corrosion ; about half the plate in good condition. 452-Um. Blue in Raw Oil. Like 451; whole surface rusted. i jy 1 -~ ? i 195 AA-W. Z. in 30 K. Good; blistered a little on the edges. 199 AA-S. P. C. Blistered a little from edges ; otherwise all right. 196 AA-W. Z. in 40 K. Fine, but discolored; like 185. 200 AA-S. P. C. Like 199. 197 AA-W. Z. in 30 Z. Fine, but blistered a little along the edges. 3Si-Um. Blue in 40 K. Nearly all gone. 198 AA-W. Z. in Spar. Like 197. 352-Um. Blue in Raw Oil. Coating all gone; very badly rusted. 1 Navy Yard, New York. 170 AA-W. Z. in 30 K. Very little corrosion. Blis- ters amount to i per cent. Coating good. 174 AA-S. P. C. In perfectly good condition. 171 AA-W. Z. in 40 K. Good, but not equal to 170 AA. 175 AA-S. P. C. Like 174. 172 AA-W. Z. in 3 Z. No corrosion; no blisters; excellent condition. 25i-Um. Blue in 40 K. Very many small blisters; very little corrosion. 173 AA-W. Z. in Spar. About like 172. 252-Um. Blue in Raw Oil. Uniformly corroded; coat- ing all gone. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 237 453-Graphite in 20 K. Very good; some small blisters. 457-Keystone in 20 K. Good condition; no rust; scene small blisters. 46i-Iron Oxide in 20 K. Very little rust; small blis- ters in outer coat. o I 8 I 454-Graphite in 30 K. Like 45 3. 458-Keystone in 30 K. Like 457. 462-Iron Oxide in 30 K. Better than 461 ; no rust. 455-Graphite in 40 K. Like 453- 459-Keystone in 40 K. A little rust; many small superficial blisters. 463-Iron Oxide in 40 K. Like 462. 456-Graphite in Raw Oil. Deeply and generally rusted; about one-tenth of the paint still good. 46o-Keystone in Raw Oil. Badly and deeply rusted; patches of paint still good. 464-Iron Oxide in Raw Oil. Corrosion deep and gen- eral; paint all gone. 353-Graphite in 20 K. Three-quarters gone; much rust. 357-Keystone in 20 K. Coating blistered and one- quarter gone. 36i-Iron Oxide in 20 K. Pretty good condition; a few blisters. Navy Yard. Norfolk, Va. 354-Graphite in 30 K. Half gone; much rust. 358-Keystone in 30 K. Blistered, but not de- stroyed. 362-Iron Oxide in 30 K. Not quite as good as 361. 355-Graphite in 40 K. One-quarter gone. 359-Keystone in 40 K. Blistered, but not in bad condition. 363-Iron Oxide in 40 K. Like 361. 356-Graphite in Raw Oil. Nearly all gone; badly rusted. 36o-Keystone in Raw Oil. All gone; badly rusted. 364-Iron Oxide in Raw Oil. Like 360. 253~Graphite in 20 K. A few blisters ; very little corrosion. 257-Keystone in 20 K. No corrosion ; numerous very small blisters. 26i-Iron Oxide in 20 K. Blistered, but not very badly. Not much corro- sion. a ^ 0> s >> > cfl g 254-Graphite in 30 K. Like 253. 258-Keystone in 30 K. Like 257. 262-Iron Oxide in 30 K. Like 261. Not deeply rusted. 255-Graphitein 40 K. No corrosion. Paint in good condition. Numer- ous very small blisters. 25Q-Keystone in 40 K. Like 257. 263-Iron Oxide in 40 K. Like 262. 256-Graphite in Raw Oil. Uniformly corroded; coat- ing all gone. 26o-Keystone in Raw Oil. Coating destroyed and plate badly corroded. 264-Iron Oxide in Raw Oil. Like 260. 238 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. Lake Cochituate, Boston. 465-Red Lead in Raw Oil. Paint still tough; looks well. Blisters from the bottom with slight cor- rosion beneath. 469-Eureka Paint. General corrosion ; paint entirely destroyed. 47o-Detroit Graphite. Like 469 ; paint nearly all destroyed. 475-International Holtz- apfel. Like 469. 467-Prince's Metallic in Raw Oil. About one-quarter deeply rusted; paint practically all gone. 47 2-Iron Oxide in Shellac Mixture. Good condition; about 2 per cent, rusted. 477-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Many deep rust-spots; about 5 per cent.; re- mainder good. 468-Purple Oxide in Raw Oil. Like 467. 478-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Like 477. Not nearly as good as 465. . Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. 3 6s-Red Lead in Raw Oil. Coating destroyed ; plate badly rusted. 369-Eureka Paint. Like 365. 374-McInnes' Paint. Like 372. 37o-Detroit Graphite. Like 365. 375-International Holtz- apfel. Like 365. 367-Prince's Metallic in Raw Oil. Like 365. 372-Iron Oxide in Shellac Mixture. Paint destroyed; general but not deep corrosion. 377-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Like 365. 368-Purple Oxide in Raw Oil. Like 365. 373-Rahtjen's Paint. Like 365. 378-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Like 365. Navy Yard, New York. 265-Red Lead in Raw Oil. Coating badly destroyed. Considerable corrosion. 26g-Eureka Paint. Like 260. 274-McInnes' Paint,. In good condition: no bar- nacles. 27o-Detroit Graphite. Like 260. 275-International Holtz- apfel. Paint badly gone; much corrosion ; many small barnacles. 267-Prince's Metallic in Raw Oil. Like 260. 272-Iron Oxide in Shellac Mixture. A few blisters; otherwise in good condition. 277-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Coating thin; gone in many places; consider- able corrosion. 268-Purple Oxide in Raw Oil. Like 260. 273-Rahtjen's Paint. Paint badly gone; consid- erable rusting. Many small barnacles. 278-Red Lead and W. Z. in Raw Oil. Like 277. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 239- 481 20 K baked 48430 M. baked. 487-1. X. L. No. 2, baked. Practically perfect; coat- ing still glossy. Several deep spots of rust, coating badly blistered. Like 481. a 482-30 K., baked. Like 481. 485-30 Z., baked. Like 481. 4 88-Raw Oil, baked. Badly and deeply rusted. Two-fifths of the surface good. 3 1 a; 1 483-40 K., baked. Like 481. 4 86-Spar. baked. Like 481. 4 8g-D. M. C., baked. Fine; a few small blisters in the outer coat. ^ '.H y C 0) M a ,-J 381-20 K., baked. Half of the coating de- stroyed; the rest good. Not much rust. 384-30 M., baked. Like 382. 387-1. X. L. No. 2, baked. Like 386. J 382-30 K., baked. Four-fifths destroyed; very little rust. 385-30 Z., baked. Like 382. 388-Raw Oil, baked. All gone; rusted. Norfolk, V 383-40 K., baked. Like 382. 386-Spar, baked. Nearly all gone; little rust. 389-0. M. C., baked. Three-quarters gone; re- mainder good; very little rust. 'H a > t d '/< 281-20 K., b,aked. Plate thinly rusted along the edges. 284-30 M., baked. Many small and some me- dium-sized blisters. Not badly rusted. 287-1. X. L. No. 2, baked. Not much corrosion; very small blisters. 282-30 K., baked. Small blisters, with thin rust beneath, over most of the plate. 285-30 Z., baked. Good condition. Very little rusting. Very small blis- ters. 288-Raw Oil, baked. Badly corroded. Coating destroyed. 1 1 283-40 K., baked. Very small blisters; not much mst. 286-Spar, baked. Coating badly destroyed; much corrosion. 28g-D. M. C., baked. Very many small blisters. Not very much corro- sion. I >, 1 .1240 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. A careful study of the plates after their removal from the ivater showed that it is generally true of all the better class of coatings that corrosion begins at the edge of the plate. In the case of aluminum plates it seemed evident to the writer that some of these coatings, notably the spar varnish and the "Durable Metal Coating, " had been gradually thrown off by corrosion creep- ing from the edge, probably from some mechanical injury under the varnish, a patch of which remained uninjured, elastic, and apparently without deterioration on the middle of the plate. This fact should not be lost sight of in considering this matter, and is one of the points shown by an inspection of the plates, but not brought out easily in a description. As a rule, with the less effective coatings, they begin to deteriorate from the surface, which becomes rough; then little blisters appear which are caused by the separation of the last coat from those beneath; finally the undercoat blisters, in which case it is found almost invariably that rust has formed under the blister. If, however, the coating is porous, and this seems to be the case with the ordinary oil paints, the water reaches the metal and causes rust. This throws off the paint-film, and the corrosion spreads rapidly in this way. These tests undoubtedly seem to prove, and I think they do prove, that varnish forms a much more continuous (less porous) film than oil, which agrees with all that has heretofore been said of the nature of varnish-films. In all these tests the oil paints have failed without exception, while the corresponding varnish paints remained in most cases in good condition. The charac- ter of the pigment does not seem to have much influence. All the oil-paint samples were so badly rusted that differentiation among them was impossible. It may be that an earlier inspec- tion would have shown differences, but as it was, the appearance of all these plates when removed from the water was so similar that it seems unlikely, and certainly the varnish paints did not show any great difference in the matter of the pigments, except that white zinc seemed to be somewhat the best. The iron oxides, graphites, and pulverized slate were all alike. The red lead, in the Lake Cochituate and New York sets, was far better PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 241 than any of the oil paints. The mixtures of red lead and white zinc were markedly inferior to red lead alone. In the Norfolk test, which was much more severe, the red lead had finally been quite destroyed. Deterioration in the case of red lead always seems to start from centres. In the Lake Cochituate set the red lead was in pretty good condition, but as it showed numerous rust-spots, without superficial blisters, but all defects running through to the metal, it probably would not have lasted more than a year or so longer. Most of the varnish paints were much better than the red lead. A study of the varnishes applied with- out pigment seems to show that in the fresh-water exposure the process of baking was, on the whole, of advantage, but not greatly so. In the salt water the unbaked varnishes were better than the same varnishes baked. This agrees with the results of the 1896 tests. The Manila varnishes are clearly inferior to the Kauri and Zanzibar. The ''Durable Metal Coating" was best of all. This is doubtless due, in a large degree, to the fact that this varnish, which is intended especially for the protection of structural steel, is made with a heavy body and the film is of greater thickness than is the case with varnishes intended for woodwork. Its composition has also been very carefully studied and designed to secure great durability, which is of much less importance than other qualities in ordinary varnishes. By far the best results, however, with the exceptions to be hereafter noted, were obtained from the best of the enamel paints. Here, also, the Manila varnishes were decidedly inferior, and in my opinion these should be excluded hereafter from any such tests, although they make a very good showing on wood. In the enamel or varnish paints, those made with the more elastic varnishes (those containing the most oil) were decidedly the better. The extreme durability of these is well shown by the 1896 plates. These were first exposed to the air two or three months, then they were in the sea- water six months, then exposed to the air nearly a year, then under water thirteen months, and have since been exposed to the air five years, making a total of eight years, and they are still, to all intents, perfect. It is true that the air exposures have been indoors, but most paints rapidly 242 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. lose their coherence when, after a prolonged immersion, they are exposed to the air. Two years' continuous submersion in fresh water has not injured some of these enamels, and two years in the excessively severe exposure at the Norfolk Navy Yard has left several of them in good condition, a few being practi- cally uninjured. Undoubtedly the most obvious and conspicu- ous and the most instructive part is the total and absolutely universal failure of linseed-oil films, either alone or mixed with any of the numerous pigments which were tried, while the corre- sponding varnishes and enamel paints made with the same pig- ments were in fair to good condition. It is not to be forgotten, however, that the only varnishes used in this test were those having 20, 30, and 40 gallons of oil to the unit ioo Ibs. of resin. The 30 and 40-gallon varnishes may be regarded as special struc- tural varnishes, being more elastic and less brilliant and hard than are acceptable for any ordinary commercial work; the 20-gallon varnishes, which made the poorest showing, being the only really commercial varnishes in these tests, except the spar, which is intermediate between the twenties and thirties, made especially for marine use, and the " Durable Metal Coating," a highly elastic special varnish made exclusively for structural metal protection. The relatively poor showing made in 1896 by the 8- and i2-gallon varnishes sufficiently proves that the best ordinary varnishes, though made with the highest skill and of the most expensive materials, are unfit for prolonged and severe exposures. The results which are likely to be obtained from the use of common cheap varnishes may safely be left to the imagination of the reader. The great durability of the varnish and enamel films in these tests confirms strikingly the opinion long held by the writer that properly made varnish-films are much more impervious and resistant than any others. The excep- tional cases to be noted are: First. The "Sabin Coating," a baked enamel, which is so much superior to the others as to form a class by itself, and Second. The extraordinary showing made by pure shellac varnish in the Lake Cochituate test. PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 243 Shellac Varnish in Fresh Water. Shellac varnish is simply a solution of shellac resin, which is chemically an acid substance, in alcohol. There are many grades of shellac; the one used was what has for many years been known as "D.C." Orange Shellac, and it was dissolved in pure 97 per cent, grain (ethylic) alcohol. Being an acid substance, it is attacked readily by the ammonia in the atmosphere. It is removed easily by soap and water. It has never been considered a durable varnish as ordi- narily used on woodwork, and it does not stand at all in the sea- water tests, but two years' exposure under 20 feet of fresh water does not seem to have injured it sensibly. This may be a serious matter, for while in this regard it is no better than some other varnishes which cost less money, shellac varnish has some impor- tant and exceedingly desirable qualities which no other varnish has. For example, occasionally we encounter the problem of repainting a large section of large water-pipe which can be spared for use only a few days. The interior of this pipe is damp. The best that can be done with it is to get out most of the visible water, but the cold surface of the metal will always be damp. No ordinary varnish will stick to such a surface, and corrosion will probably be set up at once. No oleo-resinous varnish of ordinary character, of sufficient durability to be worth putting on, will dry in the limited time at our disposal. But shellac is dissolved in a vehicle which has an intense affinity for water, and a thin film of dew will be instantly absorbed and removed by the evaporation of the slightly diluted alcohol; and shellac, if applied in a thin coat, dries with the greatest rapidity. Three coats may be applied in eight to twelve hours. There is no unpleasant or dangerous odor, though ventilation should be secured both on account of the risk of fire and because working in an atmosphere of alcoholic vapor produces intoxication. It certainly seems from this test as though we should be justified in using shellac varnish in such a case. It is expensive, of course, and it is almost certain that the cheaper grades, which are found in ordinary use to be very much inferior in durability, would not be so efficient. In any case, it would not be necessary to use it 244 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. when the conditions are such that some equally good (or better) but slower-drying coating can be used. During the years which have elapsed since these tests were made the writer has given considerable attention to the subject of ships'-bottom paints, which are all made with a quick-drying spirit varnish as the vehicle for the first coat, and there is no doubt that these varnishes act as shellac acted in this test. Of course none of these have as much durability, because they are in sea-water instead of fresh water, but they are, like shellac, coatings which will not stand weather exposures for even a few months, but when put under water immediately after their appli- cation they last six to twelve months. This is well-established practice, known to all who have the care of ships, and strongly confirms the opinion just expressed, that the use of shellac in such a case as has been described could not be regarded as an unwarranted experiment. It is sometimes objected to these submarine tests that they are of value only as regards the same conditions, and there is some justice in such a criticism, but it is much weakened by the obvious fact that there is a practical agreement between the fresh-water and the sea-water tests. The latter were most severe, but in most cases the difference has been one of degree only. And in the rather large experience of the writer and his asso- ciates these tests seem to agree in general with aerial exposures, reasonable exception being made in the case of coatings intended expressly for marine or for aerial use. The zinc and lead enamels make a rather better relative showing under water than in weather exposures, although excellent for the latter. Laboratory Tests not Decisive. Exposure tests, such as these, are of much more importance than laboratory tests. The manu- facturers of paints and varnishes, some of whom are probably the best experts in this matter, never depend on any but an expo- sure test. It is by no means impossible that rapid laboratory tests may yet be devised, but such crude ones as have been so far proposed are in most cases of little value. Such a test, for example, is that with caustic alkali. This is a substance unknown PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 245 in nature, and no good paint will stand it, while a perfectly worth- less paint may be made which will stand it very well. A nitric- acid test is of the same. sort. It will simply burn up any organic substance, and some of the best linseed- oil paints yield to it most readily. It would hardly be regarded as a fair test of the com- parative health of a dozen animals to administer to each of them a couple of ounces of nitric acid and watch to see which lived longest, yet probably each could take a few drops of it per day without inconvenience. This is about what many of the so- called paint tests amount to. Some laboratory tests are of some value, but none is conclusive. A heat test is at present popular. The painted sample is heated to perhaps 400 Fahr. for a time and its subsequent appearance studied, on the supposition that the rapidly increased oxidation at high temperatures may bring about the same changes which will occur at ordinary tempera- tures slowly. This is plausible and there is something in it, but it is applicable only to such coatings as are intended to stand a high heat because other changes than oxidation are involved. It has already been observed that we know of instances where oak beams have been exposed to the air for a thousand years without injury, while two hours in an oven at 400 Fahr. will begin the decomposition of wood. Now the ratio between two hours and a thousand years is as one to over four millions, which shows the utter absurdity of any such test if applied to miscel- laneous coatings. The preceding tables show the same thing in a different way. Some of the coatings were improved by baking, others were injured. Those which were designed by the makers to be baked were bettered, and those which were planned to give the best results without baking were injured. To make a suitable compound to be applied by baking at a high temperature which will show mechanical toughness, elasticity, and hardness, com- bined with chemical inertness and permanence in the finished product, is the most difficult thing yet attempted in this kind of work. In such a compound the process of baking effects a chemical union among its constituents as well as with the atmos- pheric oxygen. In what has been said about the varnishes and 246 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. enamel paints employed in the foregoing tests, the subject of the use of these compounds for the protection of steel is tolerably well covered. These experiments are, of course, greatly amplified and supplemented by the experience of the author in the actual protection of structures in great variety, leading to the following general conclusions: Ordinary varnishes are made to combine two functions; one is the protection of the surface to which they are applied, the other is to provide it with a hard and brilliant coating which serves for ornament. To secure the latter it is necessary to have the resin constitute about one-third to three-elevenths of the weight of the dry film; these proportions correspond to varnishes made with from 20 to 26 gals, of oil to 100 Ibs. of unmelted resin. Varnishes made for interior use have sufficient dura- bility even if the proportion of resin exceeds this, and as the resin- ous ingredient increases, so does the brilliancy of the varnished surface, and polishing-varnishes seldom have more than about 60 Ibs., say 8 gals., of oil to 100 Ibs. of resin, or the film will contain considerably more than half its weight of resin, after allowing for the loss of the latter in melting. Such is the char- acter of commercial varnishes; but when we have reached the maximum of 26 gals, of oil we have only begun to approach the amount necessary for the highest degree of durability with- out adornment, which is sought in the protection of metal from corrosion. Varnish for Steel Structures. For this purpose a varnish of 26 gals, of oil to the 100 Ibs. of resin may perhaps answer, but we know that 30 gals, is better and for many places a 4o-gal. varnish is better than a 30. The broad statement may then be made that varnishes made for any ordinary use on wood are not suitable, not sufficiently elastic, for use on structural steel; and conversely, that a varnish soft and elastic enough to be right for the latter purpose has not enough hardness and lustre for general use. It will, of course, be much harder and more lus- trous than an oil-film, because oil is the softening ingredient in varnish, and the added resin imparts hardness and brilliancy PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 247 and smoothness of surface; and it also acts, as has been explained, as a flux, promoting in an extraordinary degree the uniform and continuous oxidation of the compound (or the oil which it contains) and thus producing a continuous and non- porous film. A 4o-gal. varnish contains in the dry film resin in the proportion of i part to 4 parts of oil; this may seem to the unpractised reader, or perhaps even to the experienced user of hard varnishes, not enough to have much effect, but it is. Prob- ably almost every practising chemist has some time tried to dissolve an old gold pen in nitric acid; the base metal, chiefly copper and zinc, alloyed with the gold not only makes the article cheaper, but -adds to its rigidity and elasticity, and frequently amounts to two-thirds of the weight; and this is easily soluble in acid, in which the gold is insoluble; but every one who has tried it has been astonished to see how much the small amount of gold protects the large amount of base metal, and how long a time it takes to dissolve out the latter. It is exactly so with a varnish: the effect of the resinous ingredient is out of all proportion to the amount present. It is quite likely that this proportion of 4 parts of oil to i of the melted resin is as great as can be made to enter into true combination and that any further increase only dilutes the varnish with oil ; certainly the making of a really good varnish with so much oil as this is a matter of difficulty; in fact, as a general rule, the less oil there is in a varnish the easier it is to make, and a ic-gal. varnish, for example, diluted with 10 gals, of oil is not in the least like a 2o-gal. varnish. The oil and resin must be combined in the making, and no varnish can have a high degree of durability unless its ingredients are thoroughly united. It is, moreover, desirable, indeed indispensable, for reasons already explained, that it should contain a minimum amount of "drier," or lead and manganese compounds. There are structures which, on account of their location and use, require a varnish having more than the minimum degree of hardness and smoothness in the coating. Where the proportion of oil must fall as low as thirty gallons, perhaps sometimes even less, such things are best known by experience and observation. The 248 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. making of varnishes for such work is not a job for the inex- perienced amateur, but for the scientific investigator, who may well be, in the best sense, an amateur varnish-maker, it offers a large and important field for practical and theoretical research. The most serious objection to the use of varnish as a protec- tive coating is the thinness of the film, which, although greater than that of an oil-film, is less than that of a good oil paint, and is usually too thin for permanent service. This may be remedied by making the varnish heavier in body or more viscous, and it may be thus made so thick that any desired thickness of film can be obtained. If in making varnish the cooking be stopped as soon as the oil and resin have combined enough so that they will not separate on cooling, the product, if it contains a large pro- portion of oil, will be sufficiently fluid for use with a compara- tively small proportion of spirits of turpentine; it thus contains a large percentage of non- volatile ingredients, which in itself is of advantage; but in such a varnish the oil has not become suffi- ciently united with the resin, and its durability will not be as great as that of a well- cooked varnish. Enamel Paints. It has already been said that pigments can be used in varnish just as in oil, and the varnish paints, or enamels, as they are sometimes called, are, if made of proper materials, highly suitable for painting structural metal, especially bridges. Some of these varnish paints, which naturally exceed in thick- ness and hardness of film the varnishes themselves, while they retain all their elasticity, are coatings of great beauty and per- manence. The cost of properly applying a protective coating to structural metal is often as great as the cost of the paint or var- nish itself and not infrequently much more. There are places where it costs $3 or $4 for labor to apply a gallon of varnish to a clean surface, and it is not at all uncommon to spend $3 in clean- ing the surface to which a gallon is to be applied. True Economy in Painting. Quite a good many bridges are now cleaned either wholly or in part with the sand-blast, and this probably cannot be done at present for less than 2 cents per square foot. A gallon of paint will cover at least 300 sq. ft.; the cost PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 249 of sand-blasting this would be at least $6. A dollar would proba- bly be the minimum cost of labor to apply a gallon of paint in such a place; this makes $7*. Suppose that a gallon of good oil paint can be had for a dollar; the total cost is $8. Now suppose that a varnish enamel paint for the purpose can be had for $3 a gallon; the cost of a gallon of such paint would be when applied $10. Obviously, if it lasts 25 per cent, longer than the oil paint it is as cheap, and it certainly looks better. If, however, it costs only $2 to clean the metal, the prices will become $4 and $6, and the enamel must last 50 per cent, longer, and so on. The results of the tests which have been given in detail, and it may be here said that all the plates of the 1897-99 tests were exhibited before the American Society of Civil Engineers, in New York, the Bos^ ton Society of Civil Engineers, and the Engineers' Club, of Phil- adelphia, certainly indicate that the best varnishes and varnish enamels exceeded the best oil paints, and even red lead, more than 100 per cent., and probably very much more than that; and I believe this is fully borne out in .practice, and that where perma- nent protection is wanted and repainting from time to time is anticipated, a good enamel paint, by preference one not contain- ing much white pigment, is an economical paint to use. I am also satisfied that a good durable black varnish without pigment, containing a reasonable amount of asphaltum and a large pro- portion of oil, can be made for such purposes at a very moderate price and will outlast any oil or red-lead paint. Asphaltum, if so combined as to prevent its crumbling, is very efficient in retard- ing oxidation, and is a most valuable ingredient in a varnish where its color is not an objection. It has so far been quite impossible for any one to produce a baking enamel without asphaltum which can at all compare in durability and indifference to chemical action with the best of the enamels in which it is an ingredient. Covering Capacity of Paint. In painting structural steel or iron it is a general rule that any good paint or varnish covers -about 300 to 400 sq. ft. to the gallon, one coat. Almost any paint may be brushed out thin enough to cover from 50 to 100 per cent, more surface than this, but this is not profitable, for the labor 250 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. costs more than the paint, and the object of the painter should always be to apply as heavy a coat as will dry uniformly. On rough surfaces more paint is used than on smooth and less is used on the second coat than the first. Tables have been published showing much greater covering capacity than 400 sq. ft., and no doubt 450 is a practicable number on flat, smooth work, such as roofs and the like, and I have been shown evidence by railway companies that red lead may be depended on to cover at least 600, but I have observed that some of these people who find such high covering capacity are always finding fault with the dura- bility of the paint, which is probably evidence that they are hav- ing it brushed out too thin, and some of them follow the practice already commended, of having a regular painter's crew retouching all doubtful spots continually, so that they are unable to judge of the economy of thin painting. Besides this, it is not to be for- gotten that the surface painted is rarely measured, but is usually guessed, and a guess usually allows for more work than has been done. Very opaque pigments, such as are commonly used in structural work, iron oxides, graphites, carbon pigments, and red lead, lend themselves to this practice of thin painting, but this, though a merit in a decorative paint, is the opposite in a struc- tural one, where thickness of film is one of the prime requisites. Anything which makes it more troublesome to get good work done is objectionable, for it is natural to neglect doing that which can be avoided, and even with the best intentions men forget; they always have, and they always will; the intention is lost sight of in the routine of daily toil. On this ground the use of the less opaque varnishes and varnish paints is preferable; the workmen can see as they work if they are putting on too thin a coat. The selling price of a paint or other protective coating often determines the question of its use or the reverse. Economy is always desirable, but it is not always gained by the purchase of inexpensive material. Cost should be considered in the pur- chase of supplies, but it is important that when paid for they should be suited to their use. For example, if a contractor has PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION. 251 metal used for scaffolding and other false work which will be frequently removed and erected and from which the paint will be mechanically removed, so that it has to be repainted at fre- quent intervals, a cheap paint is as good as any; the same is true of all temporary structures; money may be saved in many instances by buying cheap paint. But if the exposure is severe, or if the structure is to receive little attention, it will be econom- ical to buy a good paint. Bridges painted with good oil paints require, unless very favorably situated, repainting every three to five years; less often in a cold, arid country. If a better paint will last ten years instead of five, we must consider that the cost of the cheaper paint, which for convenience we will say is $i a gallon, amounts to $2.75 in ten years, reckoning two paintings and compound interest at 5 per cent. The equivalent of this would be an enamel paint at a first cost of $1.86 per gallon to last ten years. Cost of Application. But we must not omit the cost of clean- ing and repainting at the end of the first five years with the cheaper paint, which could not be less than $i per gallon, and this addition would make it proper to pay $2.71 per gallon for a ten-year paint, as against $i a gallon for a five-year paint. The above figures are assumed, merely to show the principle involved; in reality the cost of oil paints will vary with the cost of materials from 75 cents to $1.50, and of varnishes and varnish paints from $1.50 to $3, or more, and, as has been already stated, the cost of cleaning and repainting may run up to $6 or $8 per gallon of paint used. Cost of Paint. Even the cheapest oil paints, those made of iron oxides and graphites, cost something, more than most people imagine. Linseed-oil varies in price from about 40 to 80 cents per gallon, and some time ago when oil was at 56 cents, a fair medium price, the writer went over this matter with the superin- tendent of one of the largest and best paint-factories in the coun- try, trying to get at the absolute minimum cost of such a paint. In the first place, a gallon of paint contains about 6J Ibs. of oxide, worth, say, pj cents, and 6J Ibs. of oil, which at 56 cents per 252 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. gallon, is worth about 46 J cents, making 56 cents for material. Now, if it is mixed in a paint-mixer, not ground through a mill, as it ought to be, but as it is not usually, and is made in large quantities, the cost of labor and power may be figured down to,, perhaps, ij cents per gallon, without allowing anything for super- vision; \ cent per gallon must be added for wear and tear; it costs at least 2 cents per gallon for barrels, and i J cents to deliver it f.o.b. in New York, making in all 5 cents per gallon. If to this is made an allowance for superintendence, rent, insurance, and interest on capital invested, at least 5 cents more must be added, making the actual cost under the most favorable cir- cumstances 66 cents per gallon. If it is to be put through a mill, the cost of labor and power will be not less than 2 cents per gallon additional, with another addition for superintendence, etc., which would bring the cost up to 70 cents. But in any manufacturing business there is more or less loss of material and of time, and there must be also some little profit; and it was the opinion of the expert that any man who attempted ta sell a perfectly straight well-made oxide at 75 cents per gallon would lose money. In the factory where he is superintendent, it is necessary to grind certain cheap paints and deliver them,, without packages, to another department of the same factory; and it is customary to charge the second department i cent per pound for grinding, which, in this case, would be 12^ cents per gallon, which is the estimated actual cost; this substantially agrees with the figures given. A large manufacturer in Canada, where labor is cheaper than here, contracted to have his liquid paints ground and put into the packages which he furnished for 2 cents per pound for labor only, which would be 25 cents per gallon on oxide paints; this was cheaper than he could do it himself and proved to be too little to remunerate the con- tractor. The cost of a gallon of pure red-lead paint, very hastily and imperfectly mixed (as it must be) just before using, cannot be less than $1.50 per gallon, and probably is a good deal more than that. The exact cost cannot be computed without know- PROTECTION OF METALS AGAINST CORROSION, 253 ing the amount of pigment used, in regard to which practice is variable; but 20 Ibs. per gallon makes a very thin paint. The cost may run up to $2 per gallon. This question of cost of paint is of more importance than it might seem at first sight, for it is evident that a very cheap paint is not what it is pretended to be, and, if so, doubt is at once thrown on its whole value. As a general rule, no really first-class goods can be made without skilled labor, and the more skilled labor used, the greater will be the cost. A thing is not good merely because it is expensive; but if it is a thing which is capable of being made better by skill, then the best of the sort cannot be cheap, and is yet likely to be most economical in use. When paint is offered at less than 75 cents a gallon the price is against it, and it is easy to make a plain oil and pigment paint which is honestly worth, from the factory standpoint, $1.50 per gallon. Spraying-machines. Paint is usually applied with a brush, but within the last ten years a great deal of it has been put on with spraying- machines, which operate with compressed air and spray the paint over the surface. These work well on large flat surfaces, but if used on bridge work or anything of that kind, there is a considerable waste of paint caused by the narrowness of the pieces to be painted; part of the paint floats off in the air and is lost, and unless the paint is very cheap the loss of paint makes up for the economy of labor, so that as a matter of fact these machines are very little used on structural work. Their principal use is in painting freight -cars; almost any one can hit the side of a car if he stands near enough and a couple of men can paint a car in three or four minutes. There is difference of opinion as to the comparative merits of machine and brush work. The advantage of the machine is that the spray is carried along in a current of air and so penetrates cracks and recesses which are inaccessible to the brush and it does not skip anything; the most irregular surface is as well painted as a plain one. The advantage of the brush is that the paint may be rubbed with more force into the surface, and the universal belief is that a paint well rubbed out is more durable than one 254 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. less carefully applied. There is much difference in the quality of work done with the brush. In the first place, there are differ- ences in brushes. A cheap or worn-out brush containing not enough bristlc-s does not absorb enough paint. In order to put on a full, flowing coat the brush should be capable of holding enough paint to act as a sort of reservoir, so that the end of the brush which comes in actual contact with the surface will be for a reasonable time amply supplied with paint and will not drag and pull on the surface. With a dense, well-made brush, .saturated with paint, the workman can spread and rub out the paint without having it absorbed again by the brush. Sometimes a skilful house-painter makes ,a poor job on structural steel work for the reason that he has been accustomed to rub out his paint very thin, so as to make an excessively thin, smooth coat, and one which will dry quickly; whereas, the pri- mary thing in this work is to put on a full, heavy coat, which will afford protection to the metal, and while it is better to be smooth, it is necessary that it should not be thin. House-painters, more- over, find it hard to believe that a slow-drying elastic paint is fit for any use and are possessed with a determination to improve it by the addition of driers. In such a state of affairs about two inspectors are needed to watch each painter. Influence of the Weather. It is generally agreed that paint should not be applied in wet or freezing weather, but one side of a bridge is frequently shaded, and its temperature may be less than that of the air, and if the latter is saturated with moist- ure, or nearly so, the sunny side of the bridge may be dry and in good condition to paint and the shaded side covered with H- & ^ ^ I 3 ^ >3 , C 2 C S g ^ _ 3 ^ g > 5g O CHAPTER XX. HOUSE-PAINTING. THE most important branch of the art of painting is that which relates to the protection and decoration of houses, by far the greatest portion of which are built of wood, and those which are said to be of brick or stone are largely of wood, having wooden floors, doors, and door- and window- casings. Oil paints are almost universally used on the exterior woodwork, and very largely within. Varnishes are also used on the interior, and in the bettef class of houses enamel paints are used to a considerable extent. Ceilings sometimes receive an alleged de oration with fresco or distemper paints, but the less said about that the better. It is only palaces and very fine houses which should be decorated in fresco. The vast majority of houses in this country are painted with white-lead paint, either pure or (more commonly) adulterated with barytes (barium sulphate), terra alba (sulphate of lime), whiting (carbonate of lime), or other less important sophisti- cations. Carbonate of barium is sometimes used instead of the sulphate. These barium compounds are the least objectionable, being in fact substances chemically inert and of stable composi- tion ; but they are practically without coloring power, being nearly transparent in oil, and while they probably help to protect the wood they are really used only to cheapen the paint, and commonly to increase the profit to the maker or dealer; not at all for a benefit to the consumer. The latter is not an object of unreserved pity; he gets these things because he is unwilling to pay a fair price for the more economical material, and this because of his ignorance. White zinc is also an important and valuable white paint; 312 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. zinc paint is harder than lead paint, and a mixture of zinc is therefore regarded by many as better than pure lead, especially for finishing- coats. It is commonly thought to be of a purer white than white lead, and is largely used on interior work espe- cially; when added to white lead it is usually in the proportion of one-third zinc to two-thirds lead. Very many houses are painted white, but more commonly with some light color made by the addition of a tinting material to the white paint. Some of these tinted paints are fast to light. This is commonly true of the grays, and of those yellows which contain ochre, and all those paints tinted with the iron oxides; but yellows tinted with chrome yellow, or colors made with chrome green or Prussian blue, are fugitive, and light shades of these colors should be avoided for exteriors. White lead is usually sold as "paste white lead" ground with 10 per cent, of linseed- oil, and when obtained in this form from the manufacturers of white lead (who are sometimes but not usually makers of prepared paints) is always pure, so far as my experience goes. This should be thinned with pure linseed- oil. Do Not Use Thinners. No turpentine or benzine should ever be allowed about the premises where this work is going on. Most of the failures of lead and zinc paints are due to the use of these volatile thinners. If raw linseed- oil is used it may be desirable to add 5 per cent, of a good drier. This should be pale in color, indicating that it has been made at a low temperature, and should be free from rosin. The latter is not an easy thing to detect, but if a fair price is paid, say $1.50 to $2 a gal. at retail, and freedom from rosin is guaranteed by a maker of good reputation, the buyer ought to be safe. For the benefit of the maker of paints it may be said that such driers are made usually of oil, combined with much lead and a little manganese. Japan driers containing resins (not rosin) are also excellent, but their price is high if they are of good quality. There are some low- temperature manganese driers which have a good name, but the black or very dark japan driers are to be avoided, for they injure the durability of the paint. Every bit of drier you use is a damage to you, and the HOUSE-PAINTING. 3 1 3 lack of it is fatal, for the paint certainly must dry in a reasonable time. Dark Colors Most Durable. Paints made with white lead and white zinc as a basis are good paints, but there are more durable paints (for wood) made of other pigments. The ochres, umber, sienna, and the iron oxides in general are far more permanent, and to paints the color of which will admit the use of an appreci- able amount of lampblack this latter pigment imparts a high degree of stability There is no paint so lasting on wood as black paint made with lampblack as the coloring-matter. A great variety of subdued yellows, browns, and reds may be made which will outlast the lead or zinc paints. Sometimes, where the final color can only be had by one of the latter, the priming-coat and the second may be of the former with advantage. They are also cheaper. Lead and zinc are expensive pigments, and a white- lead paint weighs 20 Ibs. to the gallon when ready for use, while oxides weigh about 12 Ibs. per gallon. Knots. Pine wood usually contains knots, some of which are full of pitch, and this pitch will penetrate any oil paint or oleo- resinous varnish and make a bad spot. These knots may be covered with shellac varnish, on which the pitch does not act, before painting. Some of the liquids distilled from pine wood, of which many are on the market, are also said to be efficient for this purpose. Some woods, southern pine in particular, are very bad to paint because of the pitch they contain, which makes the paint peel off; and this should be remembered when passing judgment on a job of painting which has not lasted well. If shellac is used for stopping knots it is common to use white shellac if a very light paint is to be used over it; but if the paint is dark use orange shellac because it is a better varnish than white shellac. The latter must be used if the wood is to be finished in the natural colors with varnish. Priming-coat. If a coat of good thick paint is applied to a fresh surface of wood the oil is absorbed, leaving the pigment without enough binding material. For this reason it is proper to first prepare the surface of the wood before the paint is applied. 314 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. This is called filling the surface ; in reality it is filling the pores, and the material used is called a filler. The best filler for wood which is to receive ordinary oil paint is a coat of pure raw linseed- oil. After this has disappeared in the wood a coat of very thin paint may be applied. Sometimes this second coat is also pure oil, but if pigment is added very little should be used. Putty. After the wood is thus filled, or primed, is the time to putty up all nail- holes and other defective places. Ordinary putty should not be used for this, but only white- lead putty, made of paste white lead with enough dry white lead worked into it to make it stiff enough to suit the workman. This is better than the best common putty, which is made of whiting or ground chalk mixed with linseed-oil, and if honestly made is very durable ; but, cheap as this is, it is made cheaper by using inferior oil, and it is now very difficult to get any pure putty. It is therefore very important to use white-lead putty, which may be tinted to match the paint. On outside painted work it is perhaps allowable to apply putty with a steel putty- knife; but on interior work a wooden stick or spatula must be used, so as not to mar the surface. Putty should never be applied to the natural surface of the wood, since that would absorb part of the oil and leave the putty dry and friable; the wood must first be primed. The surface is now ready to be painted, and should receive at least two good coats of paint, sufficient time to dry being allowed between coats. If the window- casings and other raised surfaces are to be painted a different color from the body of the house, it is well to do this first; the body-color may then be laid neatly up to the other. It is a good plan to paint the back or interior sur- face of all window- and door- casings before they are erected with a cheap oxide paint, made with pure linseed-oil; this will prevent warping and distortion. This is not commonly done except on fine houses, but it is desirable. Area Covered. A gallon of paint ought not to cover more than 500 sq. ft., and a gallon of priming-coat not more than 300; as a matter of fact, for outside painting a gallon does not cover as much as this. HO USE-PAIN TING. 3 J 5 The foregoing directions apply to the most common sort of exterior painting. Nothing has been said about the use of varnish in paint for this purpose, but in fact the best makers of house- paints are large buyers of varnish, the addition of which increases the durability and improves the appearance of the paint. It makes it glossy, so that dirt does not so easily adhere to it. If varnish is used for this purpose it ought to be good varnish, and this will increase the cost of the paint. Interior Woodwork. The treatment of the interior woodwork is much more complicated. It should be thoroughly seasoned and dry before any finishing is done, and should be sandpapered to an even surface, all sandpapering to be done with the grain of the wood. As recommended for window- and door-casings, the back of all interior woodwork must be thoroughly painted with a good, durable linseed- oil paint, thin enough to serve as a priming- coat. This must be done immediately after the pieces are delivered on the premises. The first coat of filler must also be applied to the front or outer surface. In this way the absorption of moisture will be prevented; and all this should be done before the work has been allowed to remain overnight on the premises. This may seem somewhat exacting, but we should remember that neglect of this precaution may impair the value of the material during its whole service. The most important of all things is to start right. The first coat of filler is usually linseed-oil, and this may be applied very rapidly. Fillers. There are two sorts of fillers made: liquid fillers and paste fillers. The former are commonly rosin compounds, and never should be used for any purpose. If a liquid filler must be used, fill the wood completely with raw or boiled linseed-oil, or with a good varnish. The very best filler that can ever be put on wood is a good varnish; but this is not what is commonly meant by a filler. Paste fillers are a sort of paint; the best have pul- verized quartz as the solid part, corresponding to the pigment, and the liquid is a quick-drying varnish. Only enough liquid is used to make a sort of paste, and before applying this is mixed with spirit of turpentine to such a consistency that it can be applied 3 1 6 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. with a short, stiff bristle brush, and it must be rubbed well into the pores of the wood. In about half an hour it will be found to have set, and the excess must then be rubbed off clean, first with excelsior (fibrous wood- shavings) and then with felt, rubbing across the grain of the wood so as to force the filler into the pores. It is practically impossible for the amateur to make as good a filler as he can buy. The pigment must be ground fine, yet it should not be so fine as to have too little grit, and the mixing of a varnish to have just the right properties is a difficult matter. No better advice is possible to any one desiring to experiment in this direction than to get the best paste filler on the market and try to match it. Wood-fillers may be, and usually are, stained by the addition of oil-stains to the color of the wood, or to the color desired by the designer. This is done when they are finally thinned before using. These oil-stains are really paints made with selected pigments of extraordinary fineness, and may be added to or thinned with oil, varnish, or turpentine. Such pig- ments are used as are somewhat transparent but have a deep and brilliant color; great staining- power, but not great opacity. Raw (unroasted) sienna may be regarded as a typical pigment of this class. The practice of filling wood completely with varnish has been recommended. It is a very old method. It is natural that those who do this should wish to use a cheaper varnish for this use than that with which they finish ; also that they should want a varnish which will dry quickly. The combination of these qualities, car- ried to the extreme, results in a rosin varnish loaded with driers; and this is what is meant now, in the trade, by a liquid filler. Rosin, with little oil, requires very little turpentine or benzine to make it a thin liquid; in fact pale rosin is almost a liquid already, so that a varnish of this sort has very little volatile matter in it and consequently fills up the pores of the wood very quickly, and dries almost as a spirit varnish does by the evaporation of the solvent. But no good ought to come to the man who puts such a compound on a piece of wood which is afterward to be varnished with decent material. HOUSE-PAINTING. 317 A good paste filler, on the other hand, has just as much solid matter in it as possible, and what cementing material there is may be of first-rate quality. There is so little of it anyway that it is not expensive to have it good. Object of Filling. The object in using a paste filler is to fill the pores of the wood with solid matter, so that the surface to be varnished shall be without any soft and absorbent places, but hard and glassy. The filler is rubbed into the wood when it is applied, and when it has hardened it is rubbed so that all that can be crowded into the wood may remain, and the surplus be taken off. This is also the way furniture is treated; but rubbing- varnishes are then sometimes used on furniture, while they should not be used on the woodwork of houses, which should be varnished with at least three coats of a moderately elastic varnish, made with 20 gals, of oil to 100 Ibs. of resin. Not less than a week should elapse between coats. It is best to sandpaper the first coat with very fine sandpaper, and the second coat, when dry, should be rubbed with curled hair until the gloss is removed. These pre- cautions secure a more perfect union between the different coats, and a more perfect surface. After the last coat has become quite hard, if the glossy surface is not liked, it may be rubbed with powdered pumice and water, with a piece of thick felt, until the gloss is removed. Four coats of varnish are better than three, and if a wood- filler has not been used four coats are necessary. Exterior Varnished Work. Exterior woodwork, such as out- side doors, railings, and the like should never receive any filler, which lessens the durability of the varnish, but should be treated with not less than four coats of spar varnish or a varnish made on the same lines as spar; that is, the wood should be both filled and varnished with the same material. There is no objection to a preliminary coat of oil, which should have plenty of time to dry. Usually it is most convenient to apply oil for the preliminary coat, which is to hinder the hygroscopic action of the wood, and is put on before or immediately after the woodwork has been brought on the premises; and all inside blinds, window-sills, and jambs, in fact everything exposed to the direct rays of the sun, 3i8 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. must be treated as exterior woodwork. Outside blinds are painted with the same kind of paint, though not the same color, as the outside of the house. Interior Enamel Painting. If any of the interior woodwork is to be finished in white enamel paint (or any light- colored enamel), it should be well painted with pure white lead and linseed-oil This should be done according to the directions for outside work. It is allowable, however, to add some spirit of turpentine instead of all oil, as this makes the paint dry more quickly, and on interior work will be sufficiently durable. Two coats of white enamel paint are to be applied for a finish. The question may' arise, why not do all the painting with enamel paint? Because the oil paint contains more 'pigment and less vehicle, and hence is much more opaque than enamel. It is cheaper by the gallon, very much cheaper in labor, far more rapid, and is good enough. Two coats of an enamel paint applied to a good white under- coat, which should consist of a priming- coat and two full coats, will give a beautiful surface. The first of these enamel coats should be rubbed with curled hair, and the second may be finished to suit the owner. Floors. Floors are a source of endless trouble. Soft-wood floors are sometimes painted, and this is easy, for when the paint wears off it can be renewed. Some soft-wood floors are stained. The best way to do this is to thin down an oil-stain with spirit of turpentine and color it. The stain sinks into the wood and cannot be removed, except as the wood wears off. The floor can then be varnished. If it has already been filled with varnish the stain cannot get in; then the easiest way is to add some oil- stain to a floor varnish and apply it. Hard-wood floors are not stained, but are varnished to show the natural color of the wood, and look very fine when new, but the soles and especially the nail- clad heels of shoes will wear the varnish off after a little; not all over the floor but near doors and wherever people continually pass. The margins of the floor are all right but the worn places ' look badly, and if not attended to, dirt gets into the grain of the wood and can hardly be removed. If these places are revarnished HO USE-PA IN TING. 3 * 9 and the rest of the floor left untouched a spotty appearance is produced; but the owner may be consoled by rinding that if the varnish is rubbed out thin around the edges of the newly var- nished places it does not show so much, and after a week or two is not at all conspicuous; and in the judgment of the writer this is better than to pile up varnish on those parts of the surface which do not need it. The art of varnishing a floor is not very difficult, and there ought always to be some one about a house with energy enough to do such work in case of emergency. A good floor varnish dries rapidly. If a thin coat is put on at night it is hard enough to use next day. White shellac varnish is very often used on floors, chiefly because it dries almost immedi- ately. It is in fact a very good floor varnish ; but it is not nearly as durable as a good oleo- resinous varnish, and the chief trouble about floors is that the best varnish is short-lived. Factory floors are sometimes covered with galvanized sheet iron, and this wears out after a time; so it must surprise no one to have a coating of varnish wear off, especially as it is only a tenth part as thick as the sheet iron. We must not expect to walk continuously for many months on a layer of anything which is only two or three thousandths of an inch in thickness. A filler should never be used on a floor, which should be thoroughly saturated with oil and varnish. The latter should be fairly hard; as it is not exposed to the weather it is not likely to crack, and a soft varnish does not wear as well as a hard one. It may contain 12 to 18 gals, of oil to 100 Ibs. of resin. Less oil makes it brittle; more makes it soft. It would probably be a good plan to use a good varnish- remover once in five or six years and take off all the paint and varnish from a floor and begin anew. Since the improvements in these preparations, paint and varnish can be easily removed without the danger of fire which attends the use of a gasoline torch in a furnished house. Floor Wax. There is still another way to treat a floor, which is by the use of wax. The wax is made into a paste with spirit of turpentine and the floor is thoroughly filled with it. This is a rather laborious job and takes some time. The brushes used 320 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. for rubbing in and polishing the wax are large and stiff. They are weighted with heavy iron backs and are attached to a long handle. The floor ought to be polished with this brush daily, and twice a month a little fresh wax should be added. A properly kept waxed floor is very handsome. It looks rather better than a well- varnished one, but it requires a great deal of attention, and if neglected nothing can look worse; and after a floor has been well waxed it is difficult, some think impossible, to wash it out so that it will take varnish. A waxed floor in good condition is also very slippery, sometimes almost dangerously so ; rugs slide around on" it like boards on ice. But it certainly is a beauti- ful finish, and protects the wood; and the necessity of keeping it rewaxed, if it is to look well, makes it necessary to do it by domestic labor, and this tends to keep the floor in condition. It is rather hard work to use the polishing-brush efficiently. The wax used is not commonly beeswax, but a vegetable wax called carnauba wax, harder than beeswax. Floorwax is not a simple substance, but the best preparations are appar- ently rather complex; each maker has his own formula. Bees- wax is sometimes used; but the carnauba- wax mixtures are less sticky, and much superior to it in every way. Printed direc- tions are furnished by the makers, and may be carried out by any one of ordinary intelligence. Wax finishes are sometimes, though rarely, used on interior woodwork, but not on stair- rails, nor on furniture. They can be applied to floors which have been varnished, if the varnish has worn or been scrubbed off. The fact that the wood is filled with varnish is no objection. In fact the directions for using wax usually advise filling the wood before waxing. Metal Roofs and Gutters. Tin roofs and metal gutters and leaders have been a source of trouble from time immemorial. The painter's tradition is that tin roofs cannot be painted until they have stood long enough to become rusty; then the paint will adhere. This is "flat burglary as ever was committed." It is true that paint does not adhere well to new tin. The reason is .that new tin is greasy, or covered with some chemical substances HO USE-PA IN TING. 321 which are inimical to paint. Tin plate, it is well known, is made from thin iron plates (called " black plates") by dipping them in a bath of melted tin; in the same way galvanized iron is made by dipping iron in melted zinc. But the melted metal will not adhere to the iron unless the latter is chemically clean. This is effected by dipping it in acid, from which it goes to the bath of hot metal. A little acid is in this way carried over, and thus is formed a film of chloride or sulphate of tin or zinc, which, in an anhydrous and melted condition, floats on top of the bath, and as the coated plates emerge, a little of this compound sticks to them. This is powerfully corrosive, and will destroy any paint. Another trouble is caused by the practice some makers have of covering the melted metal with hot oil, usually palm-oil, to prevent the air from getting at it; and as the plates come through they get a final coating of hot oil. Still another prac- tice is that of hanging the coated tin plates in hot oil to drain. In some of these ways nearly all tin and galvanized iron is coated with something which prevents the adhesion of paint. The remedy is obvious. Clean the roof before you paint it. It ought to be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water. The addi- tion of sand makes a more thorough job. Some rub the metal well with coarse cloths, such as burlap, well wet with benzine. If soap and water are used, the scrubbing should be followed by a thorough rinsing with clean water, and of course the roof should be dry when painted. By following these directions, tinned and galvanized metal- work may be painted; and aside from these directions the methods and materials employed on structural steel should be used. It is a wise, though not very usual, practice to paint the lower side of the tin before laying it on the roof. This prevents corrosion from below. New metal roofs should receive three coats of a highly elastic varnish or paint; probably four would be economical, for they will almost certainly be neglected. They are exposed to very severe con- ditions, and a varnish or paint too elastic or soft to be used almost anywhere else will grow hard under the heat and intense chemical action of the rays of the sun. There are plenty of compositions .322 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. .sold for painting these surfaces, the secret of which lies in fol- lowing directions essentially like those just given, by which any .good paint may be made to adhere. They are like the drugs which are sold to cure the tobacco habit, which will certainly cure if taken according to directions, one of which is that the patient shall abstain from the use of tobacco for a term of some years; so if these metal paints are used strictly as prescribed they will stick. No doubt they will, if they are good for any- thing. Fire-proof Paints. Shingled roofs are sometimes painted ivith what are called fire-proof paints. No paint is really fire- proof, but it may be made to retard the spread of fire. If a roof is painted with something which will prevent its being set on fire by a burning fragment carried by the wind from some other build- ing, it must be conceded that a substantial gain has been secured, and this can probably be effected. In the first place it must be remembered that any oil or varnish is in its original condition highly combustible; that combustion is a process of oxidation; that oil and varnish dry by oxidation, and hence that when they are thoroughly dry they are far less easily set on fire than when fresh; hence it is not fair to test a fire-proof paint until it is thor- oughly dry. Any good paint may be made more resistant to fire by adding to each gallon of it J Ib. or i Ib. of boric (boracic) acid. This is a solid substance which is purchased in the form of a powder or flakes. When subjected to heat this fuses and forms a sort of glass, and this protects the wood from the access of air; also it is slowly converted into vapor, and this forms a protective coating over the roof, for if the air cannot get to the wood the latter may be heated so as to char, but it will not burn, and this is just what takes place. Some of the patented paints contain instead of boric acid some very easily fusible glass, pow- dered. The glass melts with the heat and protects the wood. Ordinary glass will not answer; and this extra-fusible glass is open to the same objection as boric acid, in that it is soluble in water and gradually is washed out by the rain; but, of course, in all cases the oil or varnish in the paint keeps the rain from HO USE-PA IN TING. 323 the soluble constituents for a considerable time. Such paints must therefore be renewed rather frequently. Sanding. When paint is partly dry, but while it is still tacky, it is sometimes sanded. This is done by sprinkling dry sand over its surface. The effect of this is to make a rough, hard surface somewhat resembling stone in appearance. It does not appear to be generally known that any dry pigment may be mixed with the dry sand, by tumbling them together in a revolving barrel or by any equivalent means; by doing so the grains of sand receive a film of dry paint, and when applied to the painted sur- face an effect is produced which is sometimes much better than can be had by the use of sand alone. A black varnish, for in- stance, can be thus made brown, olive, dark green, or almost any dark color. If desired, a sanded coat, when thoroughly dry, may receive a very thin coat of paint and be sanded again. In this way a very rough surface is produced. The influence of the sand in resisting abrasion is considerable. Metal gutters and leaders on stone buildings can be painted to match the color of the stone and then sanded, when they are much less con- spicuous than if treated in any other way. Cellars are usually whitewashed or calcimined; "cold- water" casein paints are also used. These the writer does not recom- mend or disapprove. In some U. S. Government tests they are said to get mouldy, but this does not seem unavoidable, as some germicide ought to be mixed with the paint. Plastered walls are sometimes painted. These should be allowed to stand a year before painting if possible; this is to get rid of caustic alkali. They may then be painted with any oil or varnish paint. If time cannot be allowed, they should, before painting, be washed with a solution of brown sugar and vinegar or acetic acid, to neutralize the alkali. This is a standard formula of house-painters; probably the sugar makes saccha- rate of lime. The author has not experimented with it. In general it may be said that thin coats of paint or varnish, well brushed out, are more durable than an equal amount of material applied in heavy coats, and are not so liable to crack; 324 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. that varnishes and enamel paints should always be rubbed between coats with curled hair or fine sandpaper to remove the gloss, for if this is not done the succeeding coat does not adhere properly; and that on exterior work the last coat of varnish or enamel should be left with the full gloss, as its durability is impaired by removing the gloss from the last coat. There are three sorts of finish for interior varnished or enamelled surfaces, the first being the least and the last the most expensive: they may be left with a full, natural gloss; they may be rubbed to a dull finish with curled hair, very fine sandpaper, or pumice and water; or they may be first pumiced and then given a high polish with rottenstone and water. Above all things, use good material. A good varnish may be had for $3 a gallon at retail, and will give a finish that with moderately good care will last many years; while a cheap varnish sold for $1.50 or $2 will lose its lustre in a short time and will be a positive eyesore in a year or two. The former, even if it cost $15 a gallon, would be cheaper than the latter. There are legiti- mate and proper uses for cheap varnishes; but it is a shameful thing to put them on a house which people have got to live in and look at, and which is intended to last for generations. Not only is the appearance of such things poor, but they do not pro- tect the surface, which gets full of dirt and germs of all sorts. A good varnish or paint is one of the best aids to cleanliness and purity of which we can avail ourselves. Putty for Windows. The use of white- lead putty has been recommended for filling cracks. Carriage-makers mix a little japan with this to make it dry quickly, and this may perhaps be permitted, though not recommended, for interior work, but not for exterior use; but white- lead putty is not advised for set- ting glass, because it is so difficult to remove when the glass is broken and must be renewed. Regular putty is made by working pure linseed-oil and whiting, which is ground chalk, together until of the proper consistency. It is applied in a plastic condition, but rapidly sets and finally becomes hard and is very durable. But the reader is advised that pure putty is only to be obtained HO USE-PA IN TING. 325 with great difficulty. It is adulterated, or rather a spurious sub- stitute is made, by the use of marble- dust instead of whiting. Marble-dust is granular and harsh, whiting is soft and smooth; and the oil is adulterated with or entirely substituted by some cheap mineral oil or rosin mixture. If pure putty is used the amount used on an ordinary house probably does not amount to $i ; yet the use of an inferior article, the removal and replace- ment of which will cost from 50 cents to $i per window, prob- ably gives a profit to the contractor of 25 to 50 cents on the whole house. The contractor should be required to guarantee the putty for two years, and of the money due him at least $i a window should remain unpaid until the guarantee has expired. The real reason for this very common and inexcusable adulteration is that sash are not hand-made, but factory made, and are com- monly supplied ready glazed, so that the sash-maker is the man who buys the putty, and he buys it in ton lots. Instead of paying say $60 a ton he buys it for $30, and thus makes $30. To secure this he gets bad material, really much worse than none, on fifty houses, at a final cost to the ultimate purchasers of $1,000 or $2,000 in the aggregate. The only remedy is in requiring a guarantee, which the contractor may in turn require from the sash-maker. There is absolutely no risk to him if he uses straight goods. If this practice were generally adopted the manufacture of adulterated putty would immediately cease. Putty is made by machinery; but not necessarily, for any one can make it with no other appa- ratus than his hands, and while hand-made putty is costly as compared with the other, $3 or $4 worth of labor would make all the putty needed for an average house; so there is no excuse for using an inferior article. Burning-off. Painted woodwork, and especially painted out- side doors, sometimes require the entire removal of the old paint before repainting. The regular way to do this is by "burning- off." This does not mean that the paint is actually burned: If this were done the wood would be charred and injured. It is done by the aid of a painter's torch, burning kerosene or naphtha, by which a flaring flame is directed against the painted surface. 326 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. The operator holds the torch in one hand and a broad-bladed putty-knife in the other. The heat softens the old paint and with the putty-knife or scraper he scrapes it off. The paint is not burned at all but softened and loosened by heat. Paint-removers. Many preparations have been tried for removing old paint and varnish by chemical action, but these have never been liked because the solution, which has contained water and alkali, gets into the wood and unfits it for recoating; but lately a new sort of paint- and varnish- removers have come on the market. Containing no water and no alkali, they are com- posed of wood-alcohol and other alcohols, benzole, and various other liquids, mixed together, and are very efficient. When their work is done the surface may be washed off with benzine and is ready for repainting or varnishing. Many of the varnish- manufacturers are now selling compounds of this nature. They are applied with less risk and labor than are involved in burning- off. Of course they only soften the old coat, which must then be scraped off in the usual way. CHAPTER XXI. FURNITURE-VARNISHING. THERE is an art of varnishing furniture and similar belong- ings, and also a trade. The latter is divided into many parts, and concerns itself with supplies and methods; the former is a matter of principles and the materials for their embodiment. " Furniture varnish" is a term of reproach among the varnish- makers. It is made of " North Carolina Zanzibar gum," other- wise known as common rosin. If there is a normal price for it, it is about the same as that of spirit of turpentine, but it is often sold for half that sum. The writer has among his archives a letter offer- ing a special brand of it for 9 cents a gallon, in barrels, f.o.b. Cleveland, and soliciting permission to send a barrel sample to a large manufacturer of woodenwares. Nothing was said about dis- counts, and perhaps this is "rock- bottom." Lest this notice should cause a rush of trade to Cleveland it should be said that cheap varnish is made elsewhere. In fact, if with New York as a centre and a radius infinity we describe a circumference, the furniture varnish-maker will be found to flourish anywhere within the circumscribed area. In justice to the furniture-makers (though justice is about the last thing wanted, or received either, by the users of so-called furniture varnish), it must be said that a large part of the cheap stuff sold under the name is used, not by the furniture men, but by painters of cheap houses for varnishing interior trim, and by makers of cheap mixed paints. It appeals to the latter as being cheaper than linseed-oil. As a house varnish, the name has been displaced largely of late years by that of "hard oil-finish," but the material remains the same, though of course some makers 327 328 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. sell a pretty fair varnish under the latter name, just as some belated individuals or firms make furniture varnish out of var- nish-resins and linseed-oil; but they don't sell much of it. Legitimate Use for Cheap Varnish. There are two sides, and usually more than two, to most questions; and the man who makes kitchen chairs says that all the varnish is for is to keep the chair looking fresh until it is sold, and that the best varnish will be scrubbed off the chair as quickly as soap and sand will do it after it reaches the kitchen; all of which is true, and as these chairs are turned out at the rate of a car-load a day in some fac- tories the economy in buying cheap varnish, which is purchased in car-load lots, is a substantial one. The varnish serves some such a use as the practice of leaving the edges of books uncut. It is a guarantee that the goods are not second-hand. The var- nishing of kitchen chairs, by the way, is done by a method which is a refinement of simplicity and economy. Many years ago the makers of agricultural machinery found that they could paint and varnish their apparatus by dipping it in a tank of paint or varnish, properly thinned; but the chair-makers keep a pump in opera- tion, and a stream of varnish falls constantly into a shallow pan, or drained platform, on the floor. The workman holds the chair in this falling stream, turns it about skilfully, then throws it aside, all varnished except the under side of the chair seat, which does not need it. If the chair were dipped this place also would ab- sorb varnish, which would be a waste, and extravagance is a sin; besides, economies like this make dividends, and keep the com- pany out of the hands of a receiver. So it is with many other things: there is no use in using a varnish which will outlast the piece of furniture on which it is put; and the law of the survival of the fittest does not apply to such things as chairs. Furniture which does not receive a high polish ought to have as elastic a coating as floor varnish, that is, one containing 12 or 15 gals, of oil to 100 Ibs. of resin. Dark woods, such as dark oak and especially cherry and mahogany, should receive a dark- colored varnish, which is made from dark resin. These are cheaper than pale resins of the same kind and are harder and better. Such FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 329 a varnish may therefore be of excellent quality and moderate price. Many things will stand a still more elastic varnish, a 20- gallon for instance, such as would be put on interior woodwork. This becomes hard enough to rub in a week or two, and if a rubbed but not polished finish is wanted it is hard enough. It would be too slow for factory work, but it would outlast most furniture. Dark Varnishes. The reason why dark varnishes are best on dark woods is that their color enhances the beauty of the wood. It is a dark brownish red, and is transparent. The effect of a trans- parent color is far more brilliant than that of an opaque one, and three or four coats of such a varnish are like a layer of colored glass: it seems as though one could look down into the wood. The more varnish is applied the more pronounced is this effect. Brilliance. The larger the proportion of resin the more bril- liant is the varnish, and the richer in depth of color. This is proba- bly one reason why varnishes approaching the type of carriage rubbing-varnish are so much liked on furniture, in spite of their diminished durability. The brilliancy of a varnish, like that of a gem, depends on its index of refraction of light, and this sensibly increases with the increase in the percentage of resin. Therefore in order to get the finest possible effect, on a piano- case for instance, it is necessary to sacrifice durability to an appreciable extent. It it not exactly true that brilliance varies with percentage of resin, for some resins are more capable of imparting this effect than others. An 8-gallon Manila varnish is less brilliant than an 8-gallon Zanzibar. It is a remarkable fact that the index of refraction of a varnish is higher than that of its component parts. It may thence be inferred that this quality is developed in making the varnish, and that skill in the operations will enable one to make a brilliant varnish with a larger proportion of oil than could be used if the operator had less skill; and this is true. A brilliant varnish ought then to be made from the materials which experience has shown to be best, and by a skilful maker, according to a tried .and satisfactory as well as a rational formula. There are so many variables that no two varnishes from different sources are likely to be alike; and it is possible for a maker to produce a varnish 330 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. which is actually better for a special use than any one else has made. This again is practically true; but the art of varnish- making is far from stationary, and the best varnish to-day may be superseded next year. Filling. It has been said that the finishing of furniture is much like that of carriages. Of course unpainted furniture, which com- prises the greater part of it, receives only priming, filling, and varnish, and the wood-filler used is never lead, but a transparent filler such as silica. The so-called liquid wood-fillers are also used largely on cheap furniture, but nothing good can be said of them. The priming is like all priming, done with linseed-oil; then the wood may be filled with varnish directly. Usually when this is done a rubbing- varnish is used; or a silica filler, such as is used on interior varnished woodwork in houses, may be used. This fills the pores of the wood. Often a colored pigment is mixed with it, the object being to change the color of the wood by filling the pores with color. Sometimes the color of the whole of the wood is changed, as when birch is stained to resemble mahogany. This is done with an oil- and- pigment stain, mixed in turpentine, and applied before the priming; more rarely the wood is treated with a dye. There are a great many dyes which are soluble in alcohol, and some which dissolve in turpentine. These are better than water dyes, as they do not disturb the grain of the wood. Dyeing is necessarily done before anything else. Varnishing. When the surface is properly filled it is sand- papered, and is then ready for the varnish. Any good rubbing- varnish will answer, but usually a special rubbing for furniture is employed. The various coats are applied and treated sub- stantially as on carriage-work. The finishing-coat is not usu- ally much different from the preceding ones, because a very elastic varnish is not hard and firm enough for the kind of use furniture receives. It is flowed on with a full, soft brush, and is either left with the gloss, is rubbed to a dull surface, or is pol- ished with rottenstone, as has been described in the chapter on house-painting. Polishing. It is a rather common practice for the workman, FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 33 * after he has polished the surface as well as he can with rottenstone or some such powder, to finish by rubbing with the palm of the hand. The reader may notice how the well-varnished hand- rails in business offices get polished by continual handling. This is the sort of finish obtained by hand- polishing, and is the high- est possible finish; also the most expensive, for it is an almost inconceivably laborious and tedious task. A good workman will sometimes spend a day on a surface a foot square. It may be worth while to give here a translation from "The Art of the Painter, Gilder and Varnisher," by Watin, published in 1772. This is regarded as the oldest systematic treatise of any value on the subject. Watin's description of the method of polishing is as follows : "To polish varnish is to give it a surface glossy, clear, and smooth, which can never be secured by repeated coats unless we efface the little inequalities which occur. To do this we use pumice and tripoli. Pumice is a stone which has become light and porous because it has been calcined by subterranean fires, and thrown by eruptions into the sea, where it is found floating. Without regarding its form, there are many sorts, various weights,, some gray, some white. Those most esteemed are the coarsest, the lightest, and the purest. It ought to be porous, spongy, with a salt taste. It is brought from Sicily, opposite Mt. Vesuvius, from which it is thrown out. "When we wish to use it in powder, it is necessary that this powder should be impalpable, so that it will not scratch the work we are polishing. "Tripoli is a light stone, pale in color, inclining slightly to red, which is brought from many localities, in Bretagne, Auvergne, and Italy. It is thought from the lightness of this stone that it has been calcined by subterranean fires. We find two sorts in France. The first and the best is that which is brought from a mountain near Rennes in Bretagne. They find it in beds about a foot thick. It is used by painters, lapidaries, goldsmiths, and coppersmiths to brighten and polish their work. The second, and less valued, comes from Auvergne, near Riom. It will not serve 33 2 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. for our uses, but it is used in houses to clean and brighten the kitchen utensils. "To polish an oleo- resinous varnish, when the last coat is thoroughly dry, proceed as follows: Pulverize, grind, and sift some pumice, so that you may suspend it in water, and with this saturate a piece of serge and polish lightly and uniformly, not more in one place than another, so as to avoid spoiling the founda- tion. Then rub with a bit of clean cloth moistened with olive- oil and with tripoli in very fine powder. Many workmen use for this pieces of hats; but this always tarnishes the work and may injure the foundation. Wipe it off with a soft cloth in such a way that it shall be bright and show no streaks. When it is dry, polish it with starch-powder or whiting 1 by rubbing with the palm of the hand, and wiping it off with a linen cloth. This last is the operation of polishing. Spirit-of-wine varnishes may, when they are very dry, be polished in the same way, only omit- ting the use of pumice." " Vernis-Martin." Watin, as has been said, was the first writer on the subject. He was an artist and a man of science; but long before his book was written, Robert Martin had estab- lished a great reputation, which has lasted until, the present time, as a maker and especially as a varnisher of fine furniture. There were three brothers of the name, one of whom, William, estab- lished himself as a varnisher at Rochefort, but Robert, whom Watin calls "the famous Martin," was at Paris. Watin speaks of "my profound veneration for all who carry the name of Martin, our masters in the art of varnish," and describes the varnish made by melting copal, adding linseed- oil and turpentine, and says: "It is thus that the famous Martin made his beautiful pale oleo-resinous varnishes, which gave him so much reputa- tion." It is worthy of remark that these brothers were carriage- builders, and that their skill as finishers, at a time when every shop made its own varnish, led them into the more lucrative business of fine furniture, in which they became unrivalled. The later editions of Chambers' s Encyclopaedia were published at the time when Martin was producing his work. From this source FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 333 we learn that Martin used an oleo-resinous varnish, a mixture of one- third amber and two- thirds copal, with enough linseed- oil to make, in our nomenclature, about a i3-gallon varnish. Diderot and D'Alembert, in their Encyclopaedia, written in Paris about the same time, give the same, only with a larger proportion of oil. Martin's process is thus described by Chambers : "The article to be varnished, after having been varnished smoothly, and dried in the intervals, half a dozen times, and suffered to dry thoroughly, must be rubbed with a wet, coarse rag, dipped in pumice-stone powdered and sifted, till the streaks of the brush and all blemishes are removed. When it is per- fectly smoothed, washed, and dried, the coats of varnish are to be repeated, for ten or twelve times, till there be a sufficient body. After having again used the pumice-stone, and washed it off as before, let it be rubbed with fine emery till the surface becomes even and smooth as glass; then with powder of fine rottenstone, till by passing the palm of the hand two or three times over the same place, you discover a gloss equal to that of glass; having dried it clean, dip a rag, or a piece of flannel, in sweet- oil, and rub the surface a few times over, and clear it off with fine dry powder, flour, or the hand; and a piece of fine flannel, dipped in flour, and rubbed over it, when cleared of oil, will give it an excellent lustre. Between every coat of varnish it will be advisable, if the subject admits of it, to set it in a warm oven, or to heat the varnished pieces by stoves." Durability of Good Work. That was the way they finished furniture in the year 1750; that is the finish called "vernis- Martin"; and that finish is on that same furniture to-day. Do not say that varnish is necessarily a short-lived commodity. Remember what Xenophon said about the horse's feet, and the counsel of the prophet Isaiah. Ancient Practice. But Martin was not the originator of the method of polishing which he practised. It is mentioned by the monk Theophilus in the tenth or eleventh century, who says that varnish is polished with the hand. Going further back we find that Vitruvius, in the first century B.C., says that wain- 334 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. scotting is varnished, then rubbed and polished. "Subigendiet poliendi," are his words (book vn, chap. 4), and he also says that this rubbing was done with a powder like ochre interposed. Elsewhere the same author uses, with the same meaning, the words "subactum et bene fricatum." Cicero says that Apelles polished his paintings, but possibly this only refers to his skill in varnishing them, of which mention has already been made; but Nicias, who was a painter of the fourth century B.C., is expressly said by Pliny to have "put his hand to" his work, and to have taken "much care in rubbing" it (book xxxv, chap. 28). Thus we have what seems to be a clear case of handing down a tech- nical method for twenty- three hundred years. Refinishing Old Furniture. To refinish old furniture it is desirable to remove first the old varnish, not because old varnish is harmful as such, but because we know nothing about it, and if we are to spend a large amount of work on an article we should be sure about the foundation. The old varnish may be removed by scraping it with steel scrapers or with broken glass, then scouring it with sandpaper; or else we may begin with a paint- remover and carefully take off all the varnish, and immediately wash it off with benzine. This part of the work should be done out of doors, for fear of fire. Then apply a thin varnish. This maybe from a 15- to a 2o-gallon varnish (gallons of linseed-oil per hundred pounds of resin), and should be of good, hard resins, part Kauri and part some hard African resin. This should be thinned with turpentine. Starting with a varnish of ordinary body it is well to add from an eighth to a fifth its volume of tur- pentine, and this mixture, after being well shaken, should stand in a warm room at least two or three months. This may be regarded as essential, for if used at once, although the original varnish may (and must) have been well aged, the mixture will behave in some ways like a fresh varnish. This thin varnish is carefully brushed on in thin coats, plenty of time being given for each to dry and become hard, at least two weeks between coats, unless there is a hot room, with a temperature of at least 130 F., in which it may be set; then the time will be reduced according to FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 335 the temperature. Each coat when perfectly dry should be rubbed, at first with very fine sandpaper, but after enough coats have been put on to be sure that none of the water used can reach the wood, powdered pumice and water may be used spar- ingly. The surface should then be washed with clean water, using a clean brush to get it into corners and depressions, and made perfectly dry and warm before the following coat of varnish is applied. Of course all the precautions against dirt, dust, and dampness which can be thought of must be used, and in par- ticular the brushes must be treated with care. Only as much varnish as is to be used at one time should be taken from the can, which should be then immediately stoppered. Any varnish which has been taken out should not be put back, for fear of getting dirt in the can, a thing which would almost certainly happen. The very thin coats secured in this way will make a body of varnish which is much more uniform and homogeneous than if thicker varnish were used; and the reader will easily understand that these are to be repeated until a thickness has been secured great enough to be rubbed to an even, level surface. Then repeat the treatment until enough varnish has been applied to get the desired lustre; after which it should be rubbed and polished. Always remember the intermediate light rubbing between coats, to get a proper adhesion of the successive layers. Flow on the varnish lightly, but smoothly and rapidly, with a fine new brush, and do not brush it too much or it will be full of bubbles, and if you brush it after it has begun to set it will roll up; then all that can be done is to get it off as quickly as possible with a brush wet with spirit of turpentine, and immediately revarnish ; but this should never occur. The successful varnisher works rapidly, with a steady hand, and is not afraid of the varnish ; but he does not use too much. The amateur will do well to go from time to time and watch some good workman. The art, like all arts, is learned from observation and practice combined. The amateur should practise by preparing and finishing experi- mental panels. For this purpose he can buy, in the city shops, 336 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. cake-boards of a convenient size, dry and smooth, for a trifling sum; nothing can be better for practice. Violin Varnish. Occasionally a mechanic, especially an amateur mechanic, is also an amateur musician; a trouble- breeding combination, which sometimes leads to the construction of violins. There is a belief, so universal that it is probably true, as it is inherently reasonable, among violinists that the varnish on a violin affects its musical quality. It is therefore desirable to use a suitable varnish. Books of recipes usually advise using a spirit varnish, which may be colored to suit; but the writer does riot believe such varnishes were ever used by the great violin- makers. From the nature of the case it is difficult to get samples for examination, but one can occasionally have an opportunity to look carefully at an old violin, and these always appear to have been coated with an oleo- resinous varnish. A varnish expert has shown me an old violin, about two hundred years old, very valuable, which had in one place what appeared to be the original varnish in a layer of considerable thickness; on this surface a long- continued pressure with the finger-nails made a sensible depression, which afterward disappeared. If this varnish was old, and it certainly was, it must have been made with at least 35 gals, of oil to 100 Ibs. of resin; and such a varnish would probably last two or three hundred years, possibly several times that, under the conditions in which a valuable violin is kept. Such a varnish could have had little, probably not any, drier in it. The violin was varnished, put in a dry dust-proof cupboard, and left for some months before the next coat was applied. The time was of no consequence, since it is generally believed that a violin must be kept a year or two after it is made before it is ready for use, and such a varnish would by its perfect elasticity not inter- fere with the normal vibrations of the wood; whereas the writer is told by experts that spirit varnishes, which produce simply a layer of dry resin on and in the surface, make the tone of the instrument harsh. As to color, in the first place the old instru- ment-makers made amber varnish. We are accustomed to think of amber as a pale golden-yellow resin, but the sorts used in FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 337 varnish-making are dark brownish red, and in melting all resins darken very much; so that amber varnish is very dark in color, so much so that it is unsalable for any ordinary work. It might have had color enough to suit the makers; and it is a beautiful, rich, deep color. Then comes in the matter of age. No one can look at one of these old instruments without feeling that the tone of the color is due to age; the long- continued darkening action of light can never be imitated by a dye. There is besides evi- dence of a historical sort. The great violin-makers lived at the time when the great masters of painting were executing their works in amber and copal varnish, and must have known of the value of these preparations. Eastlake describes a manuscript in the British Museum, dated 1620, written by De Mayerne, who was chief physician to the King of England, and who is well known to have been a man of great and varied technical learning, De Mayerne describes the making of varnish from amber and linseed-oil, as it was experimentally taught him by M. Laniere, who learned it from the daughter of the eminent Florentine painter Gentileschi, whose paints were made with this varnish as the vehicle. This was called the amber varnish of Venice. It was at first turbid but could be settled by mixing brick-dust with it; and De Mayerne says it was commonly used for lutes and other musical instruments. Mrs. Merrifield and others have also collected evidence showing that although turpentine varnishes were unquestionably in common use, yet all the makers of high- priced wares used also varnish made of amber and oil. There is considerable of this sort of evidence, and when taken in con- nection with the fact, which probably most experts would agree upon, that the varnish on these old instruments appears to be oleo- resinous, and the further unquestioned fact that no spirit varnish of such qualities is known to us either experimentally or by tradition, it seems that we are warranted in believing that such varnishes as have been described were the ones used by the more important makers of violins; and that we are to advise the use of a carriage finishing-varnish unless one darker and more elastic can be had. Probably most varnish-makers can 33 8 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. supply a 25- to 3o-gallon dark varnish, although they do not ordi- narily sell it unmixed with a harder one. If the writer were to make a special varnish for this use it would be a straight amber varnish, with 35 or 40 gals, of raw linseed-oil. To revert for a moment to the subject of furniture, it should be said that the makers of the better class of these goods use very good varnish, not unfrequently thinned with benzine instead of turpentine, for cheapness, which accounts for brush-marks often seen on articles which are left with the natural gloss, and the finish is surprisingly good when we consider the price received for the finished furniture. Such a finish cannot be produced if a very poor varnish is used. Brushes. A few words may be here added concerning the proper care of varnish- and paint-brushes. If these are left to dry with the varnish or paint in them they are spoiled; they are to be cleaned thoroughly, or else kept in some liquid which will preserve them. As to what this liquid should be there is differ- ence of opinion; some put the brushes in water, some in linseed- oil, some in varnish, but probably the most use turpentine. What- ever liquid is used the treatment is the same; the brush is not immersed, handle and all, but is suspended in a vertical position, dipping just far enough in the liquid so that it comes, up to where the bristles (or hair) disappear in the binding which unites them to the handle. The brush should not rest on the point of the bristles, as this will injure its shape and, in time, its elasticity, but should be hung up by the handle. Tin boxes for this pur- pose, called brush safes or keepers, are for sale by the dealers. They are tightly covered to prevent evaporation and to keep out dust, and have hooks or other attachments for suspending the brushes. A simple and perfectly good keeper for one or perhaps two brushes may be made by soldering to a tin cup (one without a handle), or a small empty can with the top removed, a wire; this wire stands vertically when the cup is on its bottom, and reaches up about as high as the length of the brush, handle and all. Then bend this wire at right angles, say 2 ins. below the top, so that the bent part may overhang the cup. Make a good-sized hole in the FURNITURE-VARNISHING. 339 handle of the brush at a suitable place, so that when it is hung on the bent part of the wire it will hang in the cup, the bristles just clearing the bottom. Then fill the cup with turpentine or oil, so as to wet the bristles; and to keep out dust the whole thing may be lowered into a glass fruit- jar and the top screwed down. In order to more easily lower the apparatus into and draw it out of the jar, it is common to solder a second piece of wire to the first, projecting above it, for a handle. This is a cheap and satisfac- tory arrangement and illustrates the principles on which all brush safes should be constructed. Brushes used in spirit varnishes should not be put in water, but in alcohol, and if a brush is to be put away for a long time it may be washed out with turpentine or benzine (a spirit- varnish brush in alcohol, usually wood- alcohol), and when as clean as it can be conveniently made in this way it may be washed out with soap and water, very thoroughly rinsed with clean water, and dried as quickly as possible. Each brush should be separately wrapped in clean paper, and kept in a dry place. As to choice of brushes, that is too large a subject to be treated here. The student will do well to write to some of the brush-makers for an illustrated catalogue, and by studying that, get some idea of the sorts and shapes of brushes in use, after which he may ask advice of the professional painter who is doing the sort of work which interests the amateur. There is considerable room for the personal equation; but all agree that good work cannot be done without good brushes, and the best brushes quickly cease to be good if not kept clean. CHAPTER XXII. CONCLUSION. IT is probable that many of the readers of this book will feel a reasonable interest in knowing something about the former prac- tice of those who made and used the products which have been described. Many references of this sort have been incidentally made. Our knowledge of former applications of the art is not continuous, nor even connected, but the total amount is consider- able; more concerning its decorative and artistic branches than of the technical side. Pliny's Natural History is the great foun- tain of knowledge of such things; much may be learned from Vitruvius and Dioscorides. These writers had access to writings and other sources of information now lost, and no doubt they give reasonably correct accounts of earlier practice, and there is no reason to doubt their accuracy when they describe their own times. Aside from these writers we may only pick up occasional bits from the more ancient writers, introduced incidentally, and to illustrate some other matter. Thus, in Xenophon's " Econo- mist" one of the speakers tells that his wife was at one time in the habit of rubbing white lead into her skin to make her face look white, and then dyeing her cheeks and lips with alkanet to make them red, and adds that she also wore high-heeled shoes to make herself tall; which shows that white lead has been properly valued for twenty- three centuries at least. It is pleasing to be able to add that in this particular case the husband assured his wife that he would love her just the same if she washed her face and put on comfortable foot-gear; and she, being recently married, and knowing that she. was young and pretty anyway, did as he advised, and of course had continued to do so up to the time when 340 CONCLUSION. 341 he told of it. It is unnecessary to say that the use of white lead as a cosmetic did not cease; and we find in Cennim's time that not only was paint used, but that one of the branches of the artist- painter's work was to paint, and not only to paint but to varnish, people's faces. Hear him : " Sometimes, in the course of your practice, you will be obliged to paint flesh, especially the faces of men and women. You may temper your colors with yolk of egg; or, if you desire to make them more brilliant, with oil, or with liquid varnish, which is the most powerful of temperas. But should you wish to remove the colors or tempera from the face, take the yolk of an egg, and rub a little of it at a time on the face with the hand. Then take clean water that has been boiled on bran, and wash the part with it; then take more of the yolk of egg, and rub it again on the face, and again wash it with the warm water. Do this many times until the color be removed from the face." (Chap. 161.) In another chapter he expresses his disapprobation of the prac- tice, saying: "It sometimes happens that young ladies, especially those of Florence, endeavor to heighten their beauty by the application of colors and medicated waters to their skin. But I advise you, that if you desire to preserve your complexion for a long period, to wash yourselves with water from fountains, rivers, or wells; and I warn you, that if you use cosmetics, your face will soon become withered, your teeth black, and you will become old before the natural course of time, and be the ugliest object possible. " Between Cennini, who described the art as practised in the fourteenth century, and the classical writers there are many authorities of more or less importance. The best known is the monk Theophilus, a varnish formula from whom has already been given; but there are others, both earlier and later. The- ophilus is especially eminent for two reasons: his work is a sys- tematic treatise on various arts, giving simple and intelligible working directions; and there exist several manuscript copies, showing that it was widely known. This is also evident by the extracts from it found in later writers. Among the earlier writers 342 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. is Eraclius, who is by some authorities assigned to the seventh century. He was at any rate prior to Theophilus, as has else- where been mentioned; his style indicates an early date. The formula he gives for refining linseed-oil has already been given. It is noteworthy that he says this refined oil was used for mixing with pigments, showing that oil painting was practised in his time. The carriage-painter will be interested to read how Erac- lius recommends preparing the surface of wood, particularly his way of making rough-stuff: "First plane the wood perfectly, rubbing the surface at last with shave-grass. If the wood is of such a nature that its rough- ness cannot be reduced, grind dry white lead on a slab, but do not grind it so finely as if you were to paint with it. Then melt some wax on the fire; add finely pulverized tile and the lead already ground; mix together, stirring with a small stick, and suffer the composition to cool. Afterwards, with a hot iron, melt it into the cavities until they are even, and then with a knife scrape away inequalities; and should you be in doubt whether it is advisable to mix white lead with wax, know that the more you mix the harder it will be. The surface being smooth, take more white, finely ground with oil, and spread it thinly, with a brush adapted for the purposes, wherever you wish to paint; then let it dry in the sun. When dry add another coat of color as before, rather stiffer, but not so stiff as to make it necessary to load the surface, only let it be less oily than before, for great care is to be taken never to let the second coat be more fat than the first. If it were so, and at the same time more abundant, the surface would become wrinkled in drying." This is a remarkable passage, when we consider that it was written a thousand, and probably twelve hundred years ago. The remark that lead to be used as a filler should not be too fine is evidence of great discernment; and the use of powdered tile for the necessary grit in the rough-stuff is excellent. Wax was used instead of varnish; probably wax may make a good vehicle, but more difficult to apply than the other. It was mixed with a stick; this was a common precaution to avoid getting a CONCLUSION. 343 trace of Iron into the compound. Compare Cennini's use of a wooden spatula for scraping the porphyry slab on which colors are ground. Then note that the surface was levelled and cleaned with a knife, exactly as "knifing-lead" is used on wagon-bodies to-day. Shave-grass is the scouring-rush, a species of Equise- tum, and was used as we now use sandpaper, down to quite recent times. It is full of spiculae of silex and is a perfectly good sub- stitute for sandpaper, only less rapid in its action. Evidently the man who wrote this account was skilled in the art, and the art itself was not of a crude sort. Cennini, who wrote six hun- dred years later, gives directions essentially similar. His details are scattered through the book and are not readily copied as a whole. He recommends the use of bone-dust as an ingredient of a filler. He says: "For this purpose take the bones of the ribs and wings of fowls or capons, and the older they are the better. When you find them under the table, put them into the fire, and when you see that they are become whiter than ashes take them out and grind them well on a porphyry slab, and keep the powder for use." The translator remarks that this rather singular allusion to the manner of the times shows that the practice of picking bones, and throwing them under the table, was universal. East- lake says that as late as the middle of the nineteenth century Spanish painters saved chicken-bones from the table for a similar purpose. Cennini says that some boards which are to be painted are "primed with chalk mixed with white lead and oil, using the bone-dust as before mentioned." Parchment was also filled in this way. He also describes a filler made of gypsum; but what is more interesting, he describes the use of a guide-coat, by sifting powdered charcoal over the surface of the filler, laying it smoothly with a feather; when the rubbing is afterward completed it will be seen that this guide-coat has disappeared. He says of the surface of the wood: "Let it be made quite smooth; if it be de- faced with knots, or if it be greasy, you must cut it away as far as the grease extends, for there is no other remedy. The wood must be very dry; and if it be such a piece that you can boil in 344 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. a cauldron of clean water, after the boiling it will never split. Let us now return to the knots, or any other defect in the smooth- ness of the panel. Take some glue, and about a glassful of clean water, melt and boil two pieces in a pipkin free from grease; then put in a porringer some sawdust, and knead it into the glue; fill up the defects or knots with a wooden spatula, and let them remain. Then scrape them, with the point of a knife, till they are level with the rest of the panel. Examine if there be any nail, or other thing, that renders the panel uneven, and knock it into the panel; then provide some pieces of tin-plate, like small coins, and cover the iron with them. And this is done that the rust of the iron may not rise through the ground. The surface of the panel cannot be too smooth." (Chap. 113.) Note the use of the wooden spatula, to avoid marring the wood, as we now use one in puttying interior woodwork. The same writer gives directions for boiling oil, but none for making varnish ; but his description of varnishing pictures appears to be the earliest complete account of the operation, and for that reason deserves reproduction: "You must know that the longer you delay varnishing your picture after it is painted, the better it will be. And I speak truth when I say, that if you would delay for several years, or at least for one year, your work will remain much fresher. The reason for this is, that the coloring naturally acquires the same condition as the gold, which shuns a mixture with other metals; so the colors when mixed with their proper tempera dislike the addition of other mixtures to their own tem- pera. Varnish is a strong liquor, which brings out the color, will have everything subservient to it, and destroys every other tempera. And suddenly, as you spread it over the picture, the colors lose their natural strength, and are powerfully acted on by the varnish, and their own tempera has no longer any effect on them. It is therefore proper to delay varnishing as long as you can; for if you varnish after the tempera has had the proper effect on the colors, they will afterwards become more fresh and beautiful, and the greens will never change. Then take liquid and clear varnish, the clearest you can obtain; place your CONCLUSION. 345 picture in the sun, wipe it as clean as you can from dust and dirt of every kind. And varnish it when there is no wind, because the dust is subtle and penetrating; and every time that the wind blows over your picture you will have more difficulty in making it clean. It will be best to varnish it in a green meadow by the sea- side, that the dust may not injure it. When you have warmed the picture and the varnish also in the sun, place the picture level and with your hands spread the varnish well over the surface. But be careful not to touch the gold with it, for varnish and other liquors injure it. If you do not choose to spread the var- nish with your hand, dip a piece of clean sponge into the varnish and spread it over the picture in the usual manner. If you wish the varnish to dry without sun, boil it well first and the picture will be much better for not being too much exposed to the sun." (Chap. 155.) It may be well to repeat that the word tempera means the liquid, or vehicle, with which the colors are mixed; modern painters often use it as though it meant only a vehicle for water- colors, but there is no doubt that the word was commonly used exactly as we use the word vehicle. In chapter 161, already quoted, Cennini says: "You may temper your colors with yolk of egg; or if you desire to make them more brilliant, with oil, or with liquid varnish, which is the most powerful of temperas." It is evident that in his time it was well known that paint required age, at least a year, to reach a condition of permanence. He devotes several chapters to the subject of painting with linseed- oil; he also describes gold size (doratura), which was made of linseed-oil, boiled on the fire, in which was ground some white lead and verdigris; to this was added some varnish resin, and the whole was boiled all together for a short time. This was applied, as thin a coat as possible, and left until the next day, when it was tried with the finger, and if tacky it was ready for the application of the gold-leaf. He adds that this is made for immediate use; if it is to be kept in stock the verdigris is to be omitted. The whole of Cennini' s treatise, which was translated into 346 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. English by Mrs. Merrifield (who also translated several other Italian treatises on art of much interest) in 1844, is worthy of careful study; the more so since he wrote at the time when the art of painting was about to receive its greatest advancement. It is said that the method of painting with oil as vehicle was discovered by Jan Van Eyck, a Flemish painter, otherwise called John of Bruges, in 1410. Cennini's treatise was written several years after this date, but he was at the time of its writing an old man, and he expressly says that his methods are those of the middle of the preceding century. It is clear that oil as a vehicle was not first used by Van Eyck; it was known to Eraclius, to Theophilus, and as has been seen in an earlier chapter, was used in England in the thirteenth century. Cennini says it was in common use in Germany ; and it is probable that it was known throughout the whole, or nearly the whole, of the Christian era. Van Eyck no doubt invented something; but it was some improve- ment in materials and processes, not something radically new. All the experts agree that his paintings, and those of his pupils, are made with an oleo- resinous varnish as a vehicle; but he did not invent the varnish, nor was he the first to use it as a vehicle, for Cennini says that varnish is the most powerful of all vehicles. It is possible that he first saw the advantage to be gained by thinning varnish with turpentine; none of the recipes prior to his time speak of this, and it seems to have been the common practice to rub the varnish on with the finger, which would be correct if it were not thinned; it is expressly stated that it will be too thick if laid on with a brush. To adapt it to artistic paint- ing it must have been thinned; the paintings made with it by the great masters show brushwork of the most skilful and deli- cate sort. In illustration of this it will be interesting to quote one or two authorities. Gulick and Timbs, whose book was published in 1859, say: "Probably every person who sees for the first time a picture by Van Eyck, if not surprised by its antiquated treatment or quaintness of expression, will be very much astonished to find that CONCLUSION. 347 the work of the reputed inventor of oil-painting has preserved its brilliancy of tone after the lapse of more than four centuries far better than most pictures executed within the last hundred or even the last fifty years. By 'brilliancy of tone' we do not mean the force and depth, the luscious richness of color and ful- ness of effect which are the principal charms of painting in oil, as exhibited particularly by the Venetian school; but that the color of Van Eyck, though quiet, will still be vigorous and fresh; that it will have limpid transparency, and an almost illusive vacuity of space. In addition to this, it will exhibit an amount of truthful realization of the most minute and exquisitely delicate details which is scarcely ever found united with the same imperish- able durability elsewhere. "These characteristics distinguish more or less all the early Flemish pictures; and from persons habitually engaged in restor- ing them we learn that the colors of these pictures are mostly of a harder body than those of a later date; they resist solvents much better; and if rubbed with a file, they show a shining appearance, resembling a picture painted in varnish. Examina- tion of the pictures themselves, and the researches of several learned writers within the last few years, leave us no room to doubt that their durability is attributable chiefly to the vehicle employed, and that the colors were used not simply with oils, but with an oil- varnish of the kind we call 'hard,' or in other words, an oleo-resinous vehicle, such as might strictly be employed as a varnish over a picture when finished." The same authors say in another place that "it is probable that varnishes composed of resins dissolved in oil have been used in the most ancient times. Beyond all doubt the composition of varnish was known in Persia, India, and China before the best period of painting in Greece; and it is, then, not to be supposed that the Greeks were unacquainted with this art." Another well-known English critic, Sarsfield Taylor, who wrote in the first half of the last century, says : "That he [Van Eyck] had, whether he did or did not invent it, a very superior vehicle for painting is unquestionable; and 348 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. his pictures, after having been above four centuries painted, are almost in as bright and firm a state as when they first came off the easel. It is feared that his secret has long been lost, and that it was not the ordinary mixture of oils and colors, such prob- ably as was used here [in England] at that time, is very evident; for none of our early oil-color pictures can stand any competition with' those of John and Herbert Van Eyck for clearness of light and shade, brightness of hues, or state of preservation; it has all the same advantages over works of the French school painted two or three centuries ago." It may well be noted in connection with the numerous formulas for making varnish known in times earlier than that of Van Eyck, that Facius, an Italian historian contemporary with that painter, says that Van Eyck was familiar with the writings of the ancients. Eastlake relates that the English landscape painter, Fair- field, had learned the use of oleo- resinous varnish as a vehicle from the Dutch painter Van Strij, who was a successful imitator of Cuyp, and though not a contemporary of that painter was well acquainted with his methods; and he assured F airfield that hard copal or amber varnish was Cuyp's ordinary medium. This agrees with the remarkable hardness of Cuyp's paintings; and this seems to be a consecutive tracing back of this vehicle for a period which now amounts, if we reckon to the elder Cuyp, whose processes appear to be the same as those of his more famous son, to nearly or quite three hundred years. Rembrandt is said by his contemporaries to have painted with amber varnish; and Sir Joshua Reynolds, who was always experimenting with vehicles and pigments, it is said that he destroyed pictures by the older masters to get the materials for analysis, and was certainly competent to form a correct opinion, said that Rubens used oleo- resinous varnish as a vehicle. Leonardo da Vinci, certainly one of the greatest of Italian painters, is commonly said by con- noisseurs to have used varnish as a vehicle; and about 1515 he was commissioned to paint a picture for Pope Leo X. Vasari relates the story in his Lives of the Painters. It seems that CONCLUSION. 349 Da Vinci had recently come to Rome. As was common practice among artists he prepared his own materials, and not having yet had time to supply himself, he began first to make them. Leo inquired the cause of the delay and was told that the painter was getting oils and resins to make his own peculiar varnish. This the Pope criticised, thinking that varnish was the last thing needed, as was indeed the case with distemper painting. The painter became angry and left the court. Various authorities might be quoted to show that the use of oleo- resinous vehicles, which rendered a final varnish needless, was common still in Flanders in the seventeenth century. As we come down to more recent times it becomes, of course, easier to find more material; but enough has been said to satisfy the reader that the extreme durability of the work of the great masters of painting was connected with their use of amber varnish or its equivalent. If the reader will remember what has also been said in a former chapter of the value of a white background and the use of semi- translucent paints over it, and will then note the readiness with which such paints may be made, even with very opaque pigments, by mixing them with varnish, and the difficulty of doing this with the vehicles in earlier use, even with oil, it will be plain that this vehicle added so greatly to the brilliancy of pictures that a new era was opened; men of artistic taste were irresistibly attracted to this new art, and so arose the great revival and renewal of the painters' art. If it be said that the same reasons exist now and that nevertheless the use of varnish has again given place to oil, the answer is, first, that the early painters had very few colors, and to get intermediate effects painted a thin color over one already laid on, while modern painters have an almost indefinite variety. Sir Humphrey Davy, who gave great attention to this matter, states that "the earlier Grecian masters used only four colors, namely, Attic ochre for yellow, sinopis for red, the earth of Melos for white, and black." Ivory-black is said to have been invented by Apelles. Boschini relates a remark of Titian, that whoever would be a painter should be well acquainted with three colors, and have perfect command 350 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. over them, namely, white, red, and black. Cennini recommends only twelve pigments, ten of which could be used in oil; he knew no brown pigment, though modern painters have fifteen or twenty of this color. The second answer is, that in fact, so far as we can judge, modern paintings do not equal those of the masters of the middle ages in permanence. As has been before remarked, the unequalled facility with which oil can be used has been the cause why it has displaced varnish. For glazing colors some painters now use a mixture of mastic varnish and boiled linseed-oil, called megilp. This has been used for many years; but it was known and discarded by the artists who lived before Van Eyck. In Vasari's life of Antonello da Messina he informs us that the painter, when seeking for a vehicle, had tried the experiment of mixing liquid varnish with their oil colors, and that the result had been unsatisfactory. The translator of Cennini says: "It is some- what curious that the painters of the nineteenth century should have revived and practised, as a new invention, what those of the fourteenth century had tried and rejected; and more extraordinary still, that, unwarned by experience, they should continue to use it, in spite of the awful gashes and cracks that disfigure the pic- tures painted with this vehicle." The literature of paint and varnish as now technically used really begins in the last part of the eighteenth century; the first notable treatise is that by Watin, published in 1772. This author was familiar with the art of varnish-making, and gives explicit directions for making oleo- resinous varnishes, spirit varnishes, and those made by dissolving resins in the essential oil of turpen- tine. The book passed through many editions; it contains direc- tions for executing a great variety of work in painting, varnish- ing, and gilding. A general idea of Watin's knowledge of var- nish-making may be had by reading his precepts, or general prin- ciples, which he made for the guidance of his readers. CONCLUSION. 351 ON THE COMPOSITION OF OLEO-RESINOUS VARNISH. I. Copal and amber are the two principal substances used in oleo- resinous varnish; each of these two materials combines solid- ity and transparence, which are the primary qualities of varnish. II. Copal and amber are not used together; copal, being whiter, is reserved for the more transparent varnishes; amber, a harder resin, serves for gold varnish or to make varnish to be used over dark colors. III. Amber and copal can be dissolved, as has been already said, in oil, but we believe it is a better plan to melt them alone over a naked fire. By so doing, they are less liable to be scorched and are always whiter and more clear. When we dissolve them in oil they darken, for as they are difficult to dissolve it is necessary to have a very violent fire. IV. The oil which is employed either to dissolve or to mix with the melted resin ought to be perfectly clarified and as pale as possible. It is not permitted to use any oil in making varnish which is not siccative, otherwise it would never dry. V. To dissolve amber or copal it is necessary to cook them alone and dry; and when they are well melted, which is known by their fluidity, we are to add the proper quantity of prepared fixed oil. VI. Never put several ingredients together to dissolve or melt, since the more manageable will be first liquefied and will be scorched before those which offer more resistance will have arrived at the like condition. 3$2 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. VII. To melt the resins it is proper to have a glazed earthen pot which can be covered with a lid. This must not be full because we are to add to it the oil and spirit of turpentine, and there must be room besides for it to swell up without overflowing. VIII. Set the glazed earthen pot containing the resin over a naked fire of glowing charcoal which does not blaze, for fear of setting fire to the contents. IX. In fusing the resins avoid heating them too much. They will turn black and lose their valuable qualities; too much scorched they will be of no use. X. We recognize that the resin is in the proper state of fluidity to receive the oil when it offers little resistance to the iron stirring- rod and runs off from it drop by drop. XI. When we are ready to incorporate the oil with the melted resin, it ought to be very hot, almost boiling, but it ought to be well purified and clarified. It is necessary to heat it only at the moment when it is to be used. If it is used cold it will dissolve less often melted resin, and by cooling will harden it; while if both are of the same temperature they will be rendered more compatible. XII. Do not add the prepared oil until the resin is completely fluid, ready to receive it, which will occur only after it has boiled up several times. In adding the oil, turn it in little by little, stirring it always with the spatula. Let the mixture finally be united by boiling it up several times over the fire. CONCLUSION. 353 XIII. When the oil appears cooked with the resin, take away the pot from the fire, and when it has partly cooled and is only warm turn in, with constant stirring, the spirit of turpentine, which ought to be in larger quantity than the oil. If, when the spirit of tur- pentine is added, the oil is too hot, the spirit will take fire and burn the varnish. XIV. Skilful manipulators, when they wish to make a very fine varnish of copal or amber, do not wait until all the resin is melted. When the greater part is boiling and appears to rise up and then settles down, then they add the oil, which combines with the part of the resin which is melted and does not dissolve that which is not yet fused. By this means the copal and amber are not subjected to a too prolonged heat and are, therefore, more clear and more beautiful. If, when the oil is incorporated, the oper- ator tries to dissolve the unmelted resin, then, as I have already said, he darkens the varnish. XV. The varnish being made, it is necessary to be careful to strain through a cloth, to remove any foreign matter which may be in it. If any unmelted pieces are found these must not be put back on the fire with the melted resins, as this would result in making the varnish dark in color. XVI. You may put the pieces of unmelted gum by themselves into the earthen pot and recommence to liquefy them, afterward adding oil and spirit of turpentine; but you may be sure that the second varnish will not be as white as the first, for the reason that the resin has been impregnated with oil and will turn dark in cooking. If one does not wish to use up immediately these pieces of copal or amber, and if one has the time to let them dry in the sun and separate them from their oil, they may subse- quently be used as though they had never been treated. 354 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. XVII. Let the varnish settle at least twice twenty-four hours to clarify it. The longer it stands the more it will clear and it does not clear so quickly as spirit- of -wine varnish. XVIII. Oleo-resinous varnish, if properly kept, becomes more beauti- ful, but grows thicker. It is necessary, when one is ready to use it, to mix with it a little spirit of turpentine and to heat it for a time in a water-bath. This clears it. XIX. When we wish to make fine pale oleo-resinous varnish, it is necessary each time to use a new melting-pot, for usually the action of the fire cracks the glaze, and the oil and turpentine enters these cracks and penetrates the earthenware. Then when we again attempt to melt resins, these liquids which have been absorbed ooze out and burn and mix with the resins and blacken them. Those who do not use this precaution will be much surprised to not have the same result as before, and t will not know to what to attribute this accident. XX. In fine summer weather these varnishes ought to dry in twenty- four hours. In the winter the varnished objects are usually put in ovens or in a room where there is a hot fire. They dry more or less rapidly according to temperature. XXI. The oil, as has been observed, is incorporated with the resins only to preserve them in a fluid condition and prevent them from coagulating; but as the oil is thick, the spirit of turpentine ren- ders it more freely flowing, more easy to spread and to dry. XXII. It is necessary to use spirit of turpentine, without which the varnish will never dry. The quantity is commonly double that CONCLUSION. 355 of the oil. We use less turpentine in summer because the oil, drying more quickly by the heat of the sun, becomes thick more rapidly and the work dries from the bottom. On the other hand, in the winter, when the heat is less, and often only arti- ficial heat, we put in less oil so that the varnish may dry more quickly, but we also add more spirit of turpentine, which evapo- rates more easily. XXIII. The less oil there is the harder and quicker drying is the varnish; as the oil is increased it loses its body, but it spreads more easily. XXIV. A very large proportion of oil in a varnish hinders its drying^ and if there is too little, it cracks. It is not possible to deter- mine the precise quantity. The ordinary proportion is, to incor- porate with each pound of copal or amber from a quarter to a half pound of oil. GENERAL PRECEPTS ON THE MAKING OF VARNISH. I. All varnish ought to contain material which is durable and brilliant. These two qualities constitute the beautiful and the good in varnish. It ought to be very quick- dry ing, hence it is necessary that the liquids which are employed to dissolve the materials should be perfectly dehydrated and siccative II. All bitumens and resins suitable for making varnish, if they are heated too much, will become burnt when they are brittle and may be reduced to powder, and when we try to polish them, we find they are worthless. III. It is necessary to clean, select, and break into little pieces all the resins used in making varnish but not to reduce them to 356 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. powder before melting, because the powdered resin will stick to the sides of the interior of the vessel and very easily become scorched. It is most easily melted when it is in little pieces. IV. It is forbidden by various regulations to make varnish in the middle of towns. This is a prudent policy. The Tesins are so combustible, they are able to cause serious fires; besides which, their odor is so penetrating that it is noticeable at a distance and is disagreeable to the neighborhood; so that varnish-makers are obliged to work outside the city limits and in the country. They are not so particular in regard to spirit- of- wine varnishes, yet they are not less dangerous. It is important that one's attention should be constantly on the work, and to take every precaution against accident. It is necessary to make all solutions by day and to avoid artificial light. If the operator, working in an obscure place, should wish to bring a wax taper 'or a lighted candle near the work, the vapor of the resins, the spirit of wine, or the oil may take fire and cause a conflagration. It is necessary, in case of accident, to have several sheepskins or calfskins, or cloths folded in several thicknesses, always kept wet, to throw over the vessels which contain the varnish materials, to smother the flame. V. The action of fire serves to combine the liquids and resins which, by their union, make varnish, but it is not possible to determine the time during which the heat must be applied; that depends on the tensity of the fire, which should be kept perfectly steady, neither increasing nor diminishing. VI. If the workmen should get burned, in order to prevent blisters, the wound should be at once wet with spirit of wine, or wrapped with a compress wet with spirit of wine, then cover the wound with a plaster of olive-oil and litharge which have been rubbed together until they become a smooth pulp. CONCLUSION. 357 VII. Varnish is sometimes made of various colors. The Dictionnaire Economique gives numerous recipes, but such varnishes are less fine than the others. The substances which are put in to color them change their character and, not dissolving, always form a sediment which dulls the surface. It must, therefore, be remem- bered that it is much better to apply a suitable color first and afterward put on the varnish, which, if it has been well made, will not at all change the tone of the colors. VIII. A general rule, which should never be forgotten, is to ahvays keep perfectly clean and well stoppered the vessels which hold the materials from which the varnish is to be made as well as those in which it is to be kept, for nothing evaporates so easily as a varnish; and a varnish which evaporates becomes thick and darkens and changes the colors over which it is used. IX. When the varnish is made, it is carefully purified, as much as is possible, from all dirt and dust, by passing it through a strainer of silk or fine linen, and when it is purified, care should be taken to close the bottle which contains it, for fear that par- ticles of dust may fall into it. X. The nature of the object to be varnished should determine the kind of varnish to be used. If it is to be exposed to the weather, it is necessary to use an oleo-resinous varnish. If, on the con- trary, it is to be kept within doors, cared for, and preserved in the interior of the house, then we may use spirit-of-wine varnish, which, while it is brilliant, gives off no odor, dries quickly, and is durable as long as it is not too much exposed to the air and the sun. As for varnish of spirit of turpentine, it is, except such as are used on paintings, hardly deserving the name of varnish. Those which are called so are in reality commonly composed of 358 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. common resins which will dissolve together and of which the turpentine is the foundation. XI. Oleo- resinous varnishes endure easily the heat of the sun, because the amber or the copal which they contain are too durable to be changed. Sandarac, on the contrary, which is the base of spirit-of-wine varnish, is affected by the sun and cannot long resist it when made into a varnish. This one often sees in the heat of summer, when the spirit-of-wine varnish on the interior of rooms suffers decomposition and gives off an odor, as if it were not well made. XII. Varnish is made in glazed earthen pots which are commonly changed at each operation, for a reason given elsewhere. This illustration represents a varnish-maker's furnace, date about 1778; from the thirteenth volume of the Oeconomische Encyclopedic. The fuel was charcoal. The resin was melted and the varnish made in the flask. The next book of importance was the "Painters' and Var- nishers' Guide," published in Geneva in 1803, and written by CONCLUSION. 359 P. F. Tingry, a chemist and scientific man of some note. He was a member of the Society at Geneva for the Encouragement of the Arts, Agriculture, and Commerce. As this society desired that a methodical description of the art of varnishing should be a part of their publications, and as Tingry had lectured both publicly and privately on the subject, they requested him to undertake the work. His book brought it up to about a third of a century later than the treatise of Watin. It passed through numerous French and at least two English editions. He notices the fact that formulas for making both varnishes and colors had long been known, and asserts that Watin was the first to system- atically weed out the useless and explain the sequence of the valuable ones, thus establishing a method of study which sub- sequent writers might enlarge and perfect. He gives twenty-nine varnish formulae. These are divided into five classes, or genera, of which the first includes three kinds, called drying- varnishes made with alcohol. Two contain only mastic, sandarac, and Venice turpentine for solid ingredients; the third contains a small amount of "powdered copal of an amber color," and pre- viously melted. In all cases these are made in batches of about one -quart, in glass flasks immersed in hot water, stirred contin- ually with a stick, and cleared by settling with powdered glass. He mentions the use of camphor as an assistant to solution. The second genus includes seven varnishes, also having spirit of wine as the solvent, made in the same quality and manner as those already described, but less drying than the first genus, by which he means less hard and more flexible. The various ingredients are sandarac, elemi, anima, rosin, shellac, Venice turpentine, mastic, benzoin, copal, or amber (not all these resins in any one varnish, but three, four, or five), camphor to assist the solution, and in some of them coloring-matter was added, the list being dragon's-blood, sandalwood extract, saffron, gamboge, and ex- tract of canna indica. In all cases he uses 10 or 12 ounces of resinous matters to a quart of alcohol, or about half as heavy a varnish as our modern standard shellac. This third genus of varnishes has spirit of turpentine for a 360 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. solvent. The resins are mastic, which is always used in this class, so is Venice turpentine; sandarac and seed- lac are also used, and coloring-matter as before. These varnishes are for application to finished paints, or for metals and wooden boxes. The batch is about one quart, and is made in the way already described. There are six of these formulae. The fourth genus, six in number, is based on copal, by which Tingry meant apparently a soft copal like Manila. At all events, it was wholly soluble in ethylic ether ("sulphuric" ether), and partly soluble in alcohol. One of the solvents in this class is essential oil of lavender. The powerful solvent qualities of this liquid are believed to be due, at least in part, to a camphor which it contains. He also- added about 2 per cent, of camphor to the oil of lavender. The principal solvent or diluent was spirit of turpentine. It is worth noting that one of these varnishes was suitable for the varnished wire gauze used in ships instead of glass. The fifth genus comprises what he calls fat varnishes, or oleo- resinous varnishes. The materials which enter into their com- position are copal, amber, prepared linseed-oil, nut- and poppy- oil, and essential oils, especially spirit of turpentine. In all cases the resin was first melted and the oil afterward added to it in the usual manner. Four to eight ounces of resin made a batch. Seven formulae are given, only five of which are of true oleo- resinous varnishes: one is a gold size, and one is caoutchouc dissolved in oil. His own preference was for varnishes of the fourth genus; but he admitted that for durability oleo- resinous ones must be used. He gives a long and interesting discussion of the effect of light on spirit of turpentine, showing that it increases its specific grav- ity and its solvent powers, qualities now thought to be due to the action of oxygen, the possibility of which he suggests. TINGRY' s FURNACE FOR MELTING RESIN. It is built of fire-clay. The cover of the inner tube, C, is of iron, which may be luted to the clay or porcelain tube. The net CONCLUSION. 361 D is of brass wire, woven to a brass ring which rests in the coni- cal upper extremity of the tube. The upper part of the furnace is filled with charcoal; the copal, in pieces not larger than a nut, on the wire net. The lower end of the tube C is immersed about i in. in water contained in a suitable capsule F\ or this capsule mBHIHIIIIII! ~~H may contain oil, kept hot by setting the capsule on a plate of hot iron, in which case the melted resin will be at once dissolved by the oil, which will also collect the products of distillation, or such parts as can be liquefied. The laboratory furnace, A B, is 17^ insc in total height, the interior diameter at the top 9^ ins., and at the bottom 7 ins. G is a larger furnace, built on an iron tripod. But the inventor says: "I must always insist on the ad- vantage of employing not more than 6 ounces of resin in one operation." The next author is M. Tripier-Deveaux, who published in 1845 a "Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Art of Varnish- making." His book has the great merit of having been written by a man engaged commercially in the manufacture and sale of varnish, and he therefore knew what varnishes were in demand and in successful use. He devoted his time chiefly to varnishes composed of resins dissolved in alcohol and in turpentine, and contributed considerably to the accuracy of our knowledge of these; but he also made oleo- resinous varnishes, in which branch he shows most advancement in preparing oil with driers. In 1866 M. Henri Violette published a treatise, entitled a " Practical Guide for the Manufacture of Varnish," valuable 362 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. from a historical point of view, but apparently not the work of a practical manufacturer. He gave much more careful descrip- tion of the various resins, etc., than any of his predecessors, and collected what chemical and other scientific information was at that time accessible to him. His detailed accounts of the prepa- ration of drying oils with litharge and oxide of manganese are of interest; but evidently at that time the making of oleo-resinous varnishes was not in a very advanced state in France. We know from other sources that these varnishes were more extensively made in England at that time, and probably also in the United States; but we have no books of importance on the subject in English, as the English and American makers tried to keep their processes secret. In Germany the most notable early treatise was that of Dreme, a book similar to those of Watin and Tingry. It was published in 1821 at Brunn. An interesting book on encaustic painting by Fernbach (" Die enkustische Malerei ") was published at Munich in 1845. Mention should also be made of a paper which received a gold medal from the Society of Arts, London, published in Vol. 49 of their Transactions, by Mr. J. Wilson Neil, which gives a de- tailed account of the actual operation of melting the resin and combining it with oil and turpentine. It is interesting from a. historical point of view, but contains nothing essentially novel, and very little that is practised now. It is to be found, practically in full, in Ure's "Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences," which is to be found in almost every collection of technical books. Within the last half-century several books on varnish have appeared, and some, of notable merit, on pigments. Some of these have been mentioned in preceding chapters of this book. One of the most serious difficulties of the subject is that in different countries different names are given to the same resin, and the same name to different resins. Violette, for instance, describes under the name of East Indian Copal the resin now known in England and America as Zanzibar, and he describes under the name Zanzibar a soft, "semi-hard" resin of unknown CONCLUSION. 363 origin. Animi is a name the value of which can never be known except from the context; and even when we speak of a well- known resin like Kauri it is difficult to properly describe the grade. What is known in the New York market as No. i Kauri is decidedly inferior to the resin sold under the same name, for about one-third the present price, twenty years ago. Some of the fine African resins formerly used are now rare, and on the other hand new resins are appearing on the market every year. For these and other similar reasons it is useless to give formulae for making particular varnishes. Every maker is gradually chang- ing his formulas continually, and must if he keeps up with the improvements of the art. The writer has had some thoughts of giving an outline of tne chemical work which has been done on varnishes, but it would be of little use. Chemists who are interested have usually access to the original papers, published in the various chemical journals. Methods of analysis of varnishes and paints are rapidly changing, and are still very unsatisfactory. Up to the present time the ingenuity of the manufacturer has been able to keep ahead of the skill of the analyst. It is to be hoped and I am glad to believe that there are grounds for hope that our analytical methods will be greatly improved within a few years. At present every manufacturer depends finally on time and exposure tests; but let a warning be given that paints and varnishes may only be tested under fair conditions, and that the best materials will sometimes give bad tests. If we are testing several varnishes of the same class, and keep repeating the tests often enough, we will finally get a trial in which the best varnish shows the poorest result. The explanation of this is that we do not know, or can- not control, all the conditions of the test. All this is equally true of paints and varnishes. In writing on this subject it is hard to tell what to put in and what to leave out. If the writer expresses too copiously his own experience, the technical details will interest only those who are themselves engaged in like work, and who may be pre- sumed to have as much knowledge of the subject as himself; 364 TECHNOLOGY OF PAINT AND VARNISH. and these observations will in a few years be out of date in any case. The general principles involved, and the established and approved methods, are the essential things. These may be comprehended by those who will give the subject the attention it deserves. Painting is an Art Whether our interest in it is as a fine art or an industrial art, the technical principles are the same; and it is as old as civilization itself. Its practitioners can show an un- broken descent from "the early dusk and dawn of time." They may feel, like all who dignify an art by faithful and intelligent service, that "The gods hear men's hands before their lips, And heed beyond all crying and sacrifice Sight of things done and noise of laboring men." INDEX. PAGE Aetius 35 Albert! ig Alcherius 14 Alessio 3 6 Allegheny pipe line 277 Apelles 23, 334 Aristotle 122 Asphaltic cement 184 Asphaltum : 109, 266 coating on pipe 266 Architectural metal work 194 Bacon, Lord 24 Banana liquid . 117 Barium carbonate 121, 311 " sulphate 121, 311 Berenice 27 Boiled oil 40, 89 Boneblack 131 Boston Stone 138 Brick-dust 18, 155 Bridge-painting 195 Brilliance of varnish 329 Bromine, action of 46 Brushes 338 Brush-safe 338 Burning-off paint 325 Burgundy pitch 107 Bunghole oil 41 Callimachus 27 Calomino , 30 Cambridge pipe line 277 Caneparius 19 Carriage-painting 301 365 3 66 INDEX. PAG2 Catullus 27 Cellars, painting 323 Cennini 14, 31, 123, 341, 343, 350 Chairs, varnishing 328 China wood-oil 85 Chinese blue 126 Chinese lacquer 146 Chrome green 125 " oxide....' 126 *' yellow 124 Cicero 23, 24, 334 Coal-tar coatings, modern 261 Coating steel at the mill . . 204 Cobalt 37 " blue T 126 Collodion 113 Colophony 16, 95 Copal 29 Copper on ships' bottoms 290 Copper oxide paint 292 Copper soap paint 294 Corrosion of iron, conditions which promote 181 Corrugations of pipe coating 270 Cost of paint 251 Cost of painting 248 Covering capacity of paint (area) , 249, 314 Covering power of paint (opacity) 142 Crevices, how treated 206 Cuyp 348 Damar..., 105, 140, 300 Damar enamel paint 140 Dark varnishes 329 Davy, Sir Humphry 349 Dead-oil of coal-tar 264 De Mayerne MS 37, 337 Diminished flow of water in rusty pipe 259 D'Incarville's memoir 146 Dioscorides 23, 36, 340 Distemper 4, 311 Dreme 362 Driers 33, 40, 88, 312 " bad effects of 92 ' ' from soap 90 " low-temperature 92, 312 " self-drying 93 INDEX. 3 6 7 PAGE Eastlake 25, 122, 337, 348 Economy in painting 248 Egyptian varnish r 7, 8, 21 Elastic-undercoat cracks 303 Electron 29 Elemi 107 Enamel coatings in U. S. Navy 278 " on bridge-work 279 paint . 140, 248 ' ' for steel structures 248 Encaustic painting 4, 25 Enzymes 178 Eraclius 37, 342 Eustathius 28 Facius 348 Fair field. ... 348 Ferment of Japanese lacquer 175, 178 Fernbach 362 Fillers. ....... 315 Finishing varnish 309 Fireproof paints 322 Fish-oil 134 Floor finishing 318 Floor-wax 4, 319 Fortunato 30 Frankincense n, 25, 29 Furniture-varnishing 327 Galen 23, 36 Gentileschi . . 337 Glassa 13, 14, 29 Glue 8 Grease paints 6 Greek pitch '. . . . . 16, 17 Grinding Japan 135 Guide-coat 307, 343 Gulick and Timbs 346 Hippocrates 23 House-painting 311 Incense n Influence of weather on painting 254 Iron in nature 180 Iron oxides 128 " " permanence of 129,130 INDEX. PAGE Ivory-black 131 Jacobus de Tholeto 15 Japan 87, 91, 312 " grinding 93, 135 John.J. F 7 Juniper resin n, 15, 19 Karabe 29 Kodak films 113 Knifing-lead 304 Knots 313 Laboratory tests of paint incomplete 244 Lacquer, Chinese 146 " colored 115 Lampblack 132 Laniere 337 Lead paints 212 Lead compounds in varnish 38, 87 Lead sulphate 120 " white 119 Leather, artificial 116 Leonardo da Vinci 32, 122, 348 Leonidas 24 Libravius 19 Linseed-oil, bleached 35 " breaking of 34 " mucliage in 34 " oxidation of 3, 35 " % phosphates in 34 " saponification of 51 " specific gravity of 43 " tests for 43,62 Linoxyn 3, 35, 133 Litharge. . . 19 Lithopone 120 Livache's test 60 Lucca MS 28 Mcllhiney , 38, 39 Mcllhiney's bromine process 47 Maltha no Manganese * 37 Mappae Claviculi 28 Marcellus 36 INDEX. 3 6 9 PAGE Marcian MS 16 Mastic 16, 107 Mathioli , 19 Maumene test 59 Merrifield, Mrs 337, 346 Mercurial paints 294 Metal roofs 320 Mills for paint 135, 138 Mill-scale 190 Mineral oil, detection of 53 Minium 15 Minutoli .. 7 Mixer 133 Molecular structure affects corrosion 220 Neil, J. W ' 362 Nero 28 Nicias 23, 334 Nickel 37 Oil of cedar 22 Oil paint 118 " " for structural metal 210 Old furniture, refinishing 334 Olibanum 25 Ovid 28 Oxides of iron 128 " " " permanence of 129,130 " P. & B." paint no Paint 4 " in I3th century 10 " as engineering material, 186 " films, thickness of 185 " removers 326 " tests 217 Paris green 125 Paste color 133 Perilla oil 168, 176 Petitot 37 Pickling metal 202 Pigments 4, 119, 133 " fineness of 118,123 Plaster, to paint .' 323 Pliny 23, 28, 334, 340 Poisonous quality of Chinese varnish 148 37 INDEX. PAGE Polishing varnish 157, 171, 330 Portland cement to protect iron , 181 Pounce 5 Praxiteles 23 Price of Japanese lacquer 177 Priming coat 313 Protective distinct from decorative coatings 187 Protogenes 23 Prussian blue 126 Putty 305, 314, 324 Pyroxylin 112, 114 Quin's memoir on lacquer 165 R. Angus Smith patent 259 Red lead 213 Refraction, index of 61 Rein's treatise on lacquer 174 Reinforced concrete 182 Rembrandt 348 Reports on painting unreliable 216 Resins. 72, 78 " tinctorial 108 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 348 Rochester pipe line 274 Roofs 320 Rossello 18 Rosin 95 " and lime , 96 " varnish 97 " " cracks in 98 " " rubbing test for 102 sponge test 101 Rough-stuff 306, 342, 343 Rubbing-varnish 156, 170, 308 Rub-lead 304 Rusting of cast iron 258 " " water-pipe 258 Sabin process 275, 279, 286 Salmasius 10, 28 Sandarac 5, 10, 15, 17, 19, 106 Sand-blast 197 Sanding 323 Scraping 195 Sea-water tests. 220 INDEX. 371. PAGE Shellac 104, 243, 299 " white, insoluble 105 " varnish in fresh wafer 243 Ship and boat painting 297 Shipping structural metal 207 Ships'-bottom paints 290, 295 Shop marks 206 Shop painting structural metal 205 Sienna 131 Size 8 Solvents for pyroxylin , 114 Spar varnish 298 Spraying paint 253 Striping coat 207 Substitutes for linseed-oil 211 Surface of metal before painting 188, 192; Table of "1896 " tests 225.- " " 1897-9" tests 232 Taylor, S 347 Tempera 345, Terra alba 121, 311 Theophilus n, 12, 22, 333, Thinness of paint films 185, Thinning enamel paint 143 Thompson, G. W 34 Tingry 2O, 359 Tingry's furnace 361 Tin-plate, to paint 321 Titian 349 Tripier-Devaux 361 Tung-oil ... 85, 149 Turpentine... 7, 95, 133, 312 oxidation of 82 Ultramarine 126 Umber ; 37, 131 Vanadium 38 Van Eyck 122, 346 Van Strij 348 Varnish, benzine in Si " damar 105 " definition of 2 " Egyptian 7, 8, 21 " enamels 273, 372 INDEX. PAGE Varnish, flowing of 82 " for steel structures 246 " films, thickness of 185, 248 " how made 2, 12, 75 " kettle 74 " -maker's furnace (1778) 358 " manufacture of 71 " mixing of 83 " over-cooking 77 packages 73 4t paint 140, 248 " remover 326 " shellac 104 " spirit 103 " under-cooking 77 Vehicle 118 Venice turpentine .' 107 Verenice 28 Vermilion 15, 126 Vernice liquida 9 Vernis-Martin 332 Vernix 9, 10 Violette 361 Violin varnish 336 Vitriol 33 Vitruvius 26, 333, 340 Walnut oil 36 Water colors 4 Water-cooled mills 135 Watin 351, 353 Wax 4, 9. 319. 342 White lead 119, 212, 297, 311, 340 White under-body , value of 121 Whiting 121 White zinc 120 Williams, E. D 112 Wire-brushing 196 Wood sheathing for ships'-bottoms 291 Xenophon 302, 340 Zinc sulphate 33 " white 120 SHORT-TITLE CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS JOHN WILEY & SONS, NEW YORK, LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS. Descriptive circulars sent on application. 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Trautwine's Civil Engineer's Pocket-book i6mo, morocco, 5 oo Wait's Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence 8vo, 6 oo Sheep, 6 50 Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Archi- tecture 8vo, 5 oo Sheep, 5 50 Law of Contracts 8vo, 3 oo Warren's Stereotomy Problems in Stone-cutting 8vo, 2 50 Webb's Problems in the Ue and Adjustment of Engineering Instruments. i6mo, morocco, i as Wheeler's Elementary Course of Civil Engineering 8vo, 4 oo Wilson's Topographic Surveying 8vo, 3 50 BRIDGES AND ROOFS. Boiler's Practical Treatise on the Construction of Iron Highway Bridges. .8vo, a oo Thames River Bridge. . . .' 4to, paper, 5 oo Burr's Course on the Stresses in Bridges and Roof Trusses, Arched Ribs, and Suspension Bridges 8vo, 3 50 Dm Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. VoL II Small 4to, 10 oo Foster's Treatise on Wooden Trestle Bridges 4to, 5 oo Fowler's Coffer-dam Process for Piers 8vo, a 50 OrMne's Roof Trusses ". 8vo, x as Bridge Trusses 8vo, a 50 Arches in Wood, Iron, and Stone 8vo, a 50 Howe's Treatise on Arches 8vo, 4 oo Design of Simple Roof -trusses in Wood and Steel 8vo, 2 oo Johnson, Bryan, and Turneaure's Theory and Practice in the Designing of Modern Framed Structures Small 4to, 10 oo Merriman and Jacoby's Text-book on Roofs and Bridges: Part I. Stresses in Simple Trusses 8vo, a 50 Part II. Graphic Statics 8vo, 2 50 Part III. Bridge Design. 4th Edition, Rewritten 8vo, 2 50 Part TV. Higher Structures 8vo, 2 50 Morlson's Memphis Bridge 4to, 10 oo 6 WaddelTs De Pontibus, a Pocket-book for Bridge Engineers. . . i6mo t morocco, 3 o Specifications for Steel Bridges i amo, i 25 Wood's Treatise on the Theory of the Construction of Bridges and Roofs . 8vo, a oo Wright's Designing of Draw-spans: Part I. Plate-girder Draws 8vo, a 50 Part II. Riveted-truss and Pin-connected Long-span Draws 8vo, a 50 Two parts in one Tolume v , .8vo, 3 50 HYDRAULICS. Barin's Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein Issuing from an Orifice. (Trautwine.) 8vo, a oo Bovy*s Treatise on Hydraulics 8vo, 5 oo Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 oo Diagrams of Mean Velocity of Water in Open Channels paper, i 50 Coffin's Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems i6mo, morocco, a 50 Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power zamo, 3 oo FolwelTs Water-supply Engineering 8vo, 4 oo PrizelTs Water-power 8vo, 5 oo Fuertes's Water and Public Health lamo, x 50 Water-filtration Works xamo, a 50 Oanguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels. (Hering and Trautwine.) 8vo, 4 oo Hazen's Filtration of Public Water-supply 8vo, 3 oo Hazlehurst's Towers and Tanks for Water- works 8vo, a 50 Herschel's 115 Experiments on the Carrying Capacity of Large, Riveted, Metal Conduits 8vo, a oo Mason's Water-supply. (Considered Principally from a Sanitary Stand- point.) 3d Edition, Rewritten 8vo, 4 oo Merriman's Treatise on Hydraulics. 9th Edition, Rewritten 8vo, 5 oo * Michie's Elements of Analytical Mechanics 8ro, 4 oo Schuyler's Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-power, and Domestic Water- supply Large 8vo, 5 oo ** Thomas and Watt's Improvement of Riyers. (Post., 44 c. additional), 4to, 6 oo Turneaure and Russell's Public Water-supplies 8vo, 5 oo Wegmann's Desiam and Construction of Dams .' 4to, 5 oo Water-supply of the City of New York from 1658 to'iSos 4to, 10 oo Weisbach's Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 oo Wilson's Manual of Irrigation Engineering Small 8vo. 4 oo Wolff's Windmill as a Prime Mover 8vo, 3 oo Wood's Turbines 8vo, a 50 Elements of Analytical Mechanics 8vo, 3 oo MATERIALS OP ENGINEERING. Baker's Treatise on Masonry Construction 8vo, 5 oo Roads and Pavements 8vo, 5 oo Black's United States Public Works Oblong 4to, 5 oo Bovey's Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures 8vo, 7 50 Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering. 6th Edi- tion, Rewritten 8vo, 7 50 Byrne's Highway Construction '.8vo, 5 oo Inspection of the Materials and Workmanship Employed .in Construction. i6mo, 3 oo Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 oo' Du Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. VoL I Small 4to, 7 50 Johnson's Materials of Construction Large 8vo, 6 oo Keep's Cast Iron 8vo, a 50 Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 50 Martens's Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.) a vols 8vo, 7 50 Merrill's Stones for Building and Decoration 8vo, 5 oo 7 Meniman's Text-book on the Mechanics of Materials 8vo, 4 oo Strength of Materials i2mo, i oo Metcalf 's SteeL A Manual for Steel-users lamo, 2 oo Patton's Practical Treatise on Foundations 8vo, 5 oo Richey's Hanbbook for Building Superintendents of Construction. (In press. ) Rockwell's Roads and Pavements in France I2mo, i 25 Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paints and Varnish 8vo, 3 oo Smith's Materials of Machines i2mo, i oo Snow's Principal Species of Wood 8vo, 3 50 Spalding's Hydraulic Cement izmo, 2 oo Text-book on Roads and Pavements i2mo, 2 oo Taylor and Thompson's Treatise on Concrete, Plain and Reinforced. (In press.) Thurston's Materials of Engineering. 3 Parts 8vo, 8 oo Part I. Non-metallic Materials of Engineering and Metallurgy 8vo, 2 oo Part H. Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Part in. A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes, and Other Alloys and their Constituents 8vo, 2 50 Thurston's Text-book of the Materials of Construction 8vo, 5 oo Tillson's Street Pavements and Paving Materials 8vo, 4 oo Waddell's De Pontibus. (A Pocket-book for Bridge Engineers.) . . i6mo, mor., 3 oo Specifications for Steel Bridges i2mo, i as Wood's Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Appendix on the Pres- ervation of Timber 8vo, 2 oo Elements of Analytical Mechanics 8vo, 3 oo Wood's Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel. . .8vo, 4 oo RAILWAY ENGINEERING. Andre ws's Handbook for Street Railway Engineers. 3X5 inches, morocco, i 25 Berg's Buildings and Structures of American Railroads 4to, 5 oo Brooks's Handbook of Street Railroad Location i6mo. morocco, i 50 Butts's Civil Engineer's Field-book i6mo, morocco, 2 50 Crandall's Transition Curve x6mo, morocco, i 50 Railway and Other Earthwork Tables 8vo, i 50 Dawson's "Engineering" and Electric Traction Pocket-book. i6mo, morocco, 5 oo Dredge's History of the Pennsylvania Railroad: (1879) Paper, 5 oo * Drinker's Tunneling, Explosive Compounds, and Rock Drills, 4to, half mor., 25 oo Fisher's Table of Cubic Yards Cardboard, 25 Godwin's Railroad Engineers' Field-book and Explorers' Guide 1 6mo, mor., 2 50 Howard's Transition Curve Field-book i6mo, morocco, i 50 Hudson's Tables for Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments 8vo, i oo Molitor and Beard's Manual for Resident Engineers i6mo, i oo Nagle's Field Manual for Railroad Engineers i6mo, morocco. 3 oo Philbrick's Field Manual for Engineers i6mo, morocco, 3 oo Searles's Field Engineering i6mo, morocco, 3 oo Railroad Spiral. i6mo, morocco, i 50 Taylor's Prismoidal Formula and Earthwork 8vo, i 50 Trautwine's Method of Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Embankments by the Aid of Diagrams 8vo, 2 oo The Field Practice of [Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads. 1 2 mo, morocco, 2 50 Cross-section Sheet Paper, 25 Webb's Railroad Construction. 2d Edition, Rewritten i6mo. morocco, s oo Wellington's Economic Theory of the Location of Railways Small 8vo, 5 oo DRAWING. Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing -. 8vo, 3 oo " Abridged Ed 8vo, i 50 Coolidge's Manual of Drawing 8vo, paper, i oo Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of General Drafting for Mechanical Engi- neers. (In press.) Durley's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 oo Hill's Text-book on Shades and Shadows, and Perspective 8vo, 2 oo Jamison's Elements of Mechanical Drawing. (In press.) Jones's Machine Design: Part I. Kinematics of Machinery 8vo f i 50 Part n. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 oo MacCord's Elements of Descriptive Geometr} , 8vo, 300 Kinematics; or. Practical Mechanism 8vo, 5 oo Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 oo Velocity Diagrams 8vo, i 50 * Mahan's Descriptive Geometry and Stone-cutting 8vo, i 50 Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 8vo, 3 50 Mover's Descriptive Geometry. (In press.) Reed's Topographical Drawing and Sketching 4to, 5 oo Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 oo Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design. .8vo, 3 oo Robinson's Principles of Mechanism 8vo, 3 oo Smith's Manual of Topographical Drawing. (McMillan.) 8vo, a 50 Warren's Elements of Plane and Solid Free-hand Geometrical Drawing. . I2mo, x oo Drafting Instruments and Operations 12010, x 25 Manual of Elementary Projection Drawing I2mo, i 50 Manual of Elementary Problems in the Linear Perspective of Form and a Shadow i2mo, x oo Plane Problems in Elementary Geometry i2mo, x 25 Primary Geometry i2mo, 75 Elements of Descriptive Geometry, Shadows, and Perspective 8vo, 3 50 General Problems of Shades and Shadows 8vo, 3 oo Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing 8vo, 7 So Problems. Theorems, and Examples in Descriptive Geometry 8vo, 2 50 Weisbach's Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. (Hermann and Klein.) ; . . . 8vo, 5 oo Whelp ley's Practical Instruction In the Art of Letter Engraving 12 mo, 2 oo Wilson's Topographic Surveying 8vo, 3 50 Free-hand Perspective 8vo, 2 50 Free-hand Lettering 8vo, x oo Woolf 's Elementary Course in Descriptive Geometry Large 8vo, 3 oo ELECTRICITY AND PHYSICS. Anthony and Brackett's Text-book of Physics. (Magie.) Small 8vo, 3 oo Anthony's Lecture-notes on the Theory of Electrical Measurements 12 mo, i oo Benjamin's History of Electricity 8vo, 3 oo Voltaic CelL 8vo, 3 oo Classen's Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. (Boltwood.). .8vo, 3 oo Crehore and Sauier's Polarizing Photo-chronograph 8vo, 3 oo Dawson's "Eneineering" and Electric Traction Pocket-book. .i6mo, morocco, 5 oo Dolezalek's Theory of the Lead Accumulator (Storage Battery). (Von Ende.) izmo, * 2 50 Duhem's Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (Burgess.) 8vo, 4 oo Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power I2mo, 3 oo Gilbert's De Magnete. (Mottelay.) 8vo, 2 50 Hanchett's Alternating Currents Explained 12 mo, i oo Bering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) i6mo, morocco, 2 50 Holman's Precision of Measurements 8vo, 2 oo Telescopic Mirror-scale Method, Adjustments, and Tests. Large 8vo, 75 9 Landauer's Spectrum Analysis. (Tingle.) ............................ 8vo, 3 <> Le Chatelier's High-temperature Measurements. (Boudouard iJurgess.)i2mc, 3 oo Lob's Electrolysis and Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds. (Lorenz.) i zmo, i oo * Lyons's Treatise on Electromagnetic Phenomena. Vols.I.and IL 8vo, each, 6 oo * Michie. Elements of Wave Motion Relating to Sound and Light ....... 8vo, 4 oo Niaudet's Elementary Treatise on Electric Batteries. (Fishoack. ) ...... i amo, 50 * Rosenberg's Electrical Engineering. (Haldane Gee Kinzbrunner.) ---- 8vo, 50 Ryan, Norris, and Hozie's Electrical Machinery. Vol. L ............... 8vo, 9* Thurston's Stationary Steam-engines ............................... 8vo, 50 * TUlman's Elementary Lessons in Heat .............................. 8vo, 90 Tory and Pitcher's Manual of Laboratory Physics .............. Small 8vo, oo Hike's Modern Electrolytic Copper Refining ....................... 8vo, 3 oo LAW. * Davis's Elements of Law ........................................ 8vo, 2 50 * Treatise on the Military Law of United States ................... 8vo, 7 oo Sheep, 7 So Manual for Courts-martial .............................. i6mo, morocco, i 50 Wait's Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence ................... 8vo, 6 oo Sheep, 6 50 Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Archi- tecture ................................................ 8vo, 5 o Sheep, 5 SO Law of Contracts ............................................. 8vo, 3 oo Winthrop's Abridgment of Military Law ............................ i2mo, 2 5* MANUFACTURES. Bernadou's Smokeless Powder Nitro-cellulose and Theory of the Cellulose Molecule .............................................. I2mo, 2 5 Holland's Iron Founder ......................................... izmo, 2 50 " The Iron Founder,** Supplement ........................... i2mo, 2 50 Encyclopedia of Founding and Dictionary of Foundry Terms Used in the Practice of Moulding .................................... izmo, 3 oo Eissler's Modern High Explosives ................................... 8vo, 4 oo Effront's Enzymes and their Applications. (Prescott.) ................. 8vo, 3 oo Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist .................................... i8mo, z oo Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers ............................ i8mo, i oe Hopkins's Oil-chemists' Handbook ................................. 8vo, 3 oo Keep's Cast Iron ................................................. 8vo, 2 50 Leach's The Inspection and Analysis of Food with Special Reference to State Control. (In preparation.) Matthews's The Textile Fibres. (7n press.) Metcalf's Steel. A Manual for Steel-users ......................... ismo, 2 o* Metcalfe's Cost of Manufactures And the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private ....................................... 8vo, 5 oo Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction ............................ 4to, 10 oo Morse's Calculations used in Cane-sugar Factories .......... i6mo, morocco, i 50 * Reisig's Guide to Piece-dyeing ................................... 8vo, 25 oo Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paints and Varnish ...... 8vo, 3 oo Smith's Press-working of Metals .................................... 8vo, 3 oo Spalding's Hydraulic Cement ..................................... i ?.mo, 2 oo Spencer's Handbook for Chemists of Beet-sugar Houses ..... i6mo, morocco, 3 oo Handbook tor sugar Manufacturers ana their Chemists. . . z6mo, morocco, 2 oo Taylor and Thompson's Treatise on Concrete, Plain and Reinforced. (In Thonton's Manual of Steam-boilers, their Designs, Construction and Opera- tion ................................................... 8vo, 5 oo 10 * Walke'v Lectures on Explosive* 8vo, 4 oo West's American Foundry Practice i2mo, 2 50 Moulder's Text-book X2mo, 2 50 Wiechmann's Sugar Analysis Small 8vo, 2 50 Wolf's Windmill as a Prime Mover 8vo, 3 oo Woodbury's Fire Protection of Mills 8vo, 2 50 Wood's Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel. . .8vo, 4 oo MATHEMATICS. Baker's Elliptic Functions 8vo, x 5 * Bass's Elements of Differential Calculus I2mo, 4 o* Briggs's Elements of Plane Analytic Geometry. / X2mo, I oo Compton's Manual of Logarithmic Computations i2mo, x 50 Davis's Introduction to the Logic of Algebra 8vo, x 50 * Dickson's College Algebra Large I2mo, x SO * Answers to Dickson's College Algebra 8vo, paper, as * Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Equations Large 12 mo, x 25 Halsted's Elements of Geometry 8vo, x 75 Elementary Synthetic Geometry 8vo, x 50 Rational Geometry I2mo ( Johnson's Three-place Logarithmic Tables: Vest-pocket size paper, 15 100 copies for 5 oo * Mounted on heavy cardboard, 8 X 10 inches, as xo copies for a oo Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus Small 8vo, x 50 Curve Tracing in Cartesian Co-ordinates i2mo, x oo Treatise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. .... .Small 8vo, 3 50 Theory of Errors and the Method of Least Squares xamo, x so * Theoretical Mechanics ramo, 3 oo Laplace's Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. (Truscott and Emory.) i2mo, 200 * Ludlow and Bass. Elements of Trigonometry and Logarithmic and Other Tables 8vo, 3 oo Trigonometry and Tables published separately Each, a oo * Lud low's Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables 8vo, x oo Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 oo Merriman and Woodward's Higher Mathematics 8vo, 5 oo Merriman's Method of Least Squares 8vo, 2 oo Rice and Johnson's Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus . Sm., 8vo, 3 oo Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols. in one Small 8vo, 2 50 Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paints and Varnish 8vo, 3 oo Wood's Elements of Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, a oo Trigonometry: Analytical, Plane, and Spherical xamo, x oo MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING, STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. Bacon's Forge Practice xamo, x 50 Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings xamo, 2 50 Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 3 oo ' " Abridged Ed 8vo r x s* Benjamin's Wrinkles and Recipes izmo, 2 oo Carpenter's Experimental Engineering 8vo, 6 oo Heating and Ventilating Buildings 8vo, 4 oo Gary's Smoke Suppression in Plants using Bituminous CoaL (In prep- aration.) Clerk's Gas and Oil Engine Small 8vo, 4 oo Coolidge's Manual of Drawing 8vo, paper, x oo 11 Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of General Drafting for Mechanical En- gineers. (/TJ press.) Cromwell's Treatise on Toothed Gearing i2mo, I 50 Treatise on Belts and Pulleys I2mo, i 50 Barley's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 Flather's Dynamometers and the Measurement of Power i2mo, 3 oo Rope Driving I2mo, 2 oo Gill's Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers , i2mo, i 25 Hall's Car Lubrication i2mo, i oo Bering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) i6mo, morocco, 2 50 Button's The Gas Engine 8vo, 5 oo Jones's Machine Design: Part I. Kinematics of Machinery Svo, i 50 Part IL Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 oo Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book i6mo, morocco, 5 oo Kerr's Power and Power Transmission 8vo, 2 oo Leonard's Machine Shops, Tools, and Methods. (In preta.) MacCprd's Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism 8vo, 5 oo Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 oo Velocity Diagrams 8vo, i 50 Mahan's Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 8vo, 3 50 Poole's Calorific Power of Fuels 8vo, 3 oo Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing 8vo. 2 oo Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design. .8vo, 3 oo Richards's Compressed Air xamo, i 50 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism 8vo, 3 oo Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism. (In press.) Smith's Press-working of Metals 8vo, 3 oo Thurston's Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machinery and Mill Work 8vo, 300 Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics . i2mo, i oo Warren's Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing 870, 7 50 Weisbach's Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. Herrmann Klein.) 8vo, 5 oo Machinery of Transmission and Governors. (Herrmann Klein. ). .8vo, 5 oo HydrauLcs and Hydraulic Motors. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 oo Wolff's Windmill as a Prime Mover 8vo, 3 oo Wood's Turbines .8vo, a 50 MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING. Bovey's Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures 8vo, 7 50 Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering. 6th Edition, Reset 8vo, 7 50 Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 oo Johnson'" Materials of Construction Large Svo, 6 oo Keep's Cast Iron Svo, 2 50 Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 5<> Martens's Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.) 8vo, 7 50 Merriman's Tert-book on the Mechanic* of Materials 8vo, 4 oo Strength of Materials i2mo, i oo Metcalf's SteeL A Manual for Steel-users i2mo, 2 oo Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paints and Varnish Svo, 3 oo Smith's Materials of Machines iamo, i oo Thurston's Materials of Engineering 3 vols , Svo, 8 oo Part II. Iron and Steel Svo, 3 50 Part III. A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes, and Other Alloys and their Constituents. Svo 2 50 Text-book of the Materials of Construction Svo, 5 oo 12 Wood's Treatise on the Resistance of Materials and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber 8vo, a oo Elements of Analytical Mechanics 8vo, 3 oo Wood's Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel. . ,8vo, 4 oo STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. Carnot's Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat. (Thurston.) i2mo, i 50 Dawson's "Engineering" and Electric Traction Pocket-book. . t6mo, mor., 5 oo Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers x8mo, i oo Goss's Locomotive Sparks 8vo, a oo Hemen way's Indicator Practice and Steam-engine Economy 12 mo, a oo Button's Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants 8vo, 5 oo Heat and Heat-engines 8vo, 5 oo Kent's Steam-bo'ler Economy 8vo, 4 oo Kneass's Practice and Theory of the Injector 8vo i 50 MacCord's Slide-valves 8vo, a oo Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, zo oo Peabody's Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator zamo, z 50 Tables of the Properties of Saturated Steam and Other Vapors 8vo, z oo Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and Other Heat-engines 8vo, 5 oo Valve-gears for Steam-engines 8vo, a 50 Peabody and Miller's Steam-boilers 8vo, 4 oo Pray*s Twenty Years with the Indicator Large 8vo, a 50 Pupln's Thermodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and Saturated Vapors. (Osterberg.) zamo, z as Reagan's Locomotives : Simple, Compound, and Electric zamo, a 50 Rontgen's Principles of Thermodynamics. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 oo Sinclair's Locomotive Engine Running and Management zamo, a oo Smart's Handbook of Engineering Laboratory Practice zamo, a 50 Snow's Steam-boiler Practice 8vo, 3 oo Spangler's Valve-gears 8vo, a 50 Notes on Thermodynamics i amo, z oo Spangler, Greene, and Marshall's Elements of Steam-engineering 8vo, 3 oo Thurston's Handy Tables 8vo, z 50 Manual of the Steam-engine a vols. 8vo, zo oo Part I. History. Structuce, and Theory 8vo, 6 oo Part II. Design, Construction, and Operation 8vo, 6 oo Handbook of Engine and Boiler Trials, and the Use of the Indicator and the Prony Brake 8vo 5 oo Stationary Steam-engines 8vo, a 50 Steam-boiler Explosions in Theory and in Practice zamo z 50 Manual of Steam-boilers , Their Designs, Construction, and Operation . 8vo , 5 oo Weisbach's Heat, Steam, and Steam-engines. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 oo Whitham's Steam-engine Design 8vo, 5 oo Wilson's Treatise on Steam-boilers. (Flather.) z6mo, a 50 Wood's Thermodynamics Heat Motors, and Refrigerating Machines 8vo, 4 oo MECHANICS AND MACHINERY. Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, a 50 Bovey's Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures 8vo, 7 50 Chase's The Art of Pattern-making zamo, a 50 ChordaL Extracts from Letters zamo, a oo Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 oo Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, a oo 13 Compton's First Lesson* in Metal-working iamo, i 50 Compton and De Groodt's The Speed Lathe iamo, i 50 Cromwell's Treatise on Toothed Gearing xamo, x 50 Treatise on Belts and Pulleys iamo, i 50 Dana's Text-book of Elementary Mechanics for the Use of Colleges and Schools iamo, i 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making iamo, a oo Dredge's Record of the Transportation Exhibits Building of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 4to, half morocco, 5 oo Du Boit's Elementary Principles of Mechanics : Vol. I. Kinematic! 8vo, 3 50 Vol. n. Statics 8vo, 4 oo Vol. HI. Kinetic* 8vo, 3 50 Mechanics of Engineering. VoL I Small 4to, 7 50 VoL IL Small 4to, 10 oo Durley'* Kinematics of Machines 8vo t 4 oo Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist i6mo, x oo Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power xamo, 3 oo Rope Driving xamo, a oo Go**'* Locomotive Spark* Svo a oo Hall's Car Lubrication xamo, x oo Holly** Art of Saw Filing iSmo 75 Johnson's Theoretical Mechanic* xamo, 3 oo Statics by Graphic and Algebraic Method* Svo, a oo Jones'* Machine Design: Part I. Kinematic* of Machinery Svo, x 50 Part IL Form, Strength, and Proportion* of Part* Svo, 3 oo Ken's Power and Power Transmission Svo, a oo Lanza's Applied Mechanic* Svo, 7 50 Leonard s Machine Shops, Tools, and Method*. (In press.) MacCord's Kinematic*; or, Practical Mechanism Svo, 5 oo Velocity Diagram* Svo, x 30 Maurer's Technical Mechanics Svo, 4 oo Mtrriman'i Text-book on the Mechanics of Material* 8vo, 4 oo * Michie'* Elements of Analytical Mechanic* 8vo ( 4 oo Reagan's Locomotive*: Simple, Compound, and Electric iamo, a 50 Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing Svo, a oo Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design . . Svo, 3 oo Richards's Compressed Air iamo, x 50 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism Svo, 3 oo Ryan, Norris, and Hoxie's Electrical Machinery. Vol.1 Svo, a s* Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism. (In press.) Sinclair's Locomotive-engine Running and Management xamo, a oo Smith's Press-working of Metals Svo, 3 oo Materials of Machines iamo, x oo Spangler, Greene, and Marshall's Elements of Steam-engineering Svo, 3 oo Thurston's Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machinery and Mill Work Svo, 3 oo Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor, and the Law* of Energetic* . xamo, x oo Warren'* Element* of Machine Construction and Drawing Svo, 7 50 Weisbach's Kinematic* and the Power of Transmission. (Herrmann Klein.) Svo, 5 oo Machinery of Transmission and Governors. (Herrmann Klein.). Svo, 5 oo Wood's Elements of Analytical Mechanics Svo, 3 oo Principles of Elementary Mechanics iamo, x as Turbines Svo, a 50 The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 4to, i oo 14 METALLURGY. Bgleston's Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury: VoL I. Silver .............................................. 8vo, 7 So VoL II. Gold and Mercury ................................... 8vo, 7 So ** Iles's Lead-smelting. 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