Hi m^H &HENHHJB1 1 i REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class THE Revolutionary Records OF THE STATE OF QBORGIA VOLUME II MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, FROM JAN UARY 14, 1778, TO JANUARY 6, 1785, AND JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT, FROM APRIL 6 TO MAY 26, 1784 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATURE BY ALLEN E>. CANDLKR ATLANTA, GA. THE FRANKLIN-TURNER COMPANY PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, BINDERS 1908 (From State Archives.) ORDERED That his honor the Governor be requested to give directions that the Minutes of the proceedings of the former Gov ernor and Council be laid before this Board. ORDERED. That his honor the Governor be requested to cause this house to be furnished as soon as possible with a return of the Continental Marines and land forces doing duty within this State And also of the several Minute Battalions and Troops of Horse and where they are respectively Stationed. Extract from the Minutes J s WOOD Jun. Clerk The said Committee (to wit) John Milledge & Arthur Fort Esquires also acquainted the Governor that they had in Charge from their house, a request that his honor would be pleased to Station the Land forces paid by this State, at such places as may prevent our enemies from Committing depredations in the Same. The Board taking the foregoing resolves and Message into consideration do order, First, That the Clerk of this Board do attend the honorable house of Assembly with the Minutes of the proceedings of the former Governor and Council. Second, That Letters be wrote to the respective Officers of the Land and Naval department in order to obtain the informa tion required by the house, and that the same when received be laid before them. The following Message was sent by his honor the Governor, to the Honorable house of Assembly The Governor & Council taking into Consideration your re solves and message of this day have Ordered As to the first- Thai the Clerk of this Board, do attend your honourable house with the Minutes of the proceedings of the former Governor and Council Second That Letters be wrote to the respective Officers of the Land and Naval Department in order to obtain the information required by your house, and that the same when received be laid before you And as to the third That a Com mittee of this board be appointed to confer with a Committee of your honorable house on the best place and the most advan tageous posts to station the land Forces paid by this State, so as to promise the greatest probability of preventing our enemies from Committing depredations in the Same, and have accord ingly appointed Charles Kent and John Lindsay Esq rs of that Committee The Board ever desirous of promoting the interest of the State and the greatest harmony between the different branches of the Same do request that your honorable house will appoint a Committee for that purpose, it appearing to be a mat- ler of great & general Concern and as such ought to* be agree able to the people. JOHN HOUSTOUN Council Chamber ) Jan y 14, 1778 ] Application being made to the Board; setting forth that the inhabitants of Richmond, Burke & Wilkes County were in great want of Salt And the Commissary General being sent for and examined touching the quantity of Salt in his possession, as well as the quantity by him delivered out for the use and to be disposed of to the inhabitants of those Counties he reported, That since the time of his having received the salt belonging to the public (to wit) since the month of July last past there had been delivered out by him in order to be sent up the Country the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 5 following quantities to wit To John Colman for the use of Wilkes County one hundred bushels. To Benjamin Fulsom for said County one hundred Bushels. To Jacob Cronberger for Effingham County two hundred Bushels besides what he delivered out in Small quantities to such persons throughout the State at large as applied to him in Sa vannah according to the number of heads in their family at the rate of a peck for each, agreeable to a resolve o<f the honorable the Assembly But the said Commissary acquainted the Board that he was certain a large quantity had been delivered out by M r Wood, prior to his taking charge of the said Salt but to whom, or in what quantities he could not say It is therefore Ordered that the said Commissary General do deliver out the following quantities of Salt to the following Commissioners for the use of the Said Counties to wit. i To Chesley Bostick & Cha 8 Crawford Esq r for the inhabitants of Richmond County, two hundred and fifty five Bushels To Edward Telfair Esquire for the inhabitants of Burke County, two hundred bushels To John Lindsay and Holman Freeman Esq rs for the inhabi tants of Wilkes County, one hundred and four Bushels for said County They the said Commissioners either paying for the Said Salt or giving their Notes respectively to do so, within three Months at and after the rate of Seven and Six pence per Bushel, and also giving a Receipt for the said Salt, and therein engaging that the same shall be fairly (as far as it will extend) distributed and Sold amongst the Inhabitants o>f the said Coun ties respectively at the rate of a peck a head for each person in family & that they will not exact more for the same, than will reimburse them in Cost and Charges. And be it Further Ordered, That it be an instruction to the said Commissioners to require an oath before a Magistrate from 6 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS each person, before he obtain any of the said Salt, that he hath not already received his rights out of the Said public Salt in or der that the same may be fairly distributed according to the inten tion of the said resolve of the Assembly And further that they keep a Book and therein insert the name of, and quantities de livered out to such persons, applying for and obtaining Salt. Samuel Miller Esq r a member of this Board having left to\vn and been absent for several days without leave, ORDERED That a Letter be wrote to the said Samuel Miller requiring his immediate attendance, and that the same be sent off by express at the expence of the said Samuel Miller Thursday Jan y 15, 17/8. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent David Lewis Jenkin Davis Hollman Freeman Will" 1 Maxwell John Fulton John Lindsay Chesly Bostick John Keebler The following resolves were Sent up from the honorable house of Assembly House of Assembly Wednesday Jan y 14 : 1778 WHEREAS Budd Cade & Howell Sharp, have been confined on board the Row-Gallies as persons highly inimical to this State And whereas the Said Budd Cade and Howell Sharp have ap- MINUTES OK THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 7 plied for a Writ of Habeas Corpus in order to obtain Bail and be discharged from Such confinement and it is apprehended that for want of Sufficient evidence, that the Said Budd Cade and Howell Sharp may be permitted to go at large, which will be attended with dangerous consequences to the Inhabitants of the Said State, ORDERED, That his honor the Governor be requested to give directions, that the Said Budd Cade & Howell Sharp may be Secured on Board the Said Gallies, until the danger which is apprehended from their being enlarged may be removed. Extract from the Minutes. J s WOOD, Jun r Clerk. In consequence of the above Resolves the Chief Justice (who had been already furnished with a Copy of the Same from the Governor and had also Seen a further Affidavit) was Sent for, and attending the board, acquainted them, that he had already remanded the Said Budd Cade and Howell Sharp to Such Secure place as the Officer having them in custody think proper. And that in consequence thereof they had been carried back on Board the Gallies. ORDERED, That a copy of the Said resolves be Sent to Com modore Bowen, and that he required not to let the Said persons depart or to be taken from the Said Gallies, but by order of this board. ORDERED, That a Committee be appointed to enquire what quantity of Salt has been purchased by the State, and at what time & upon what Terms, And also how the Same has been dis posed of, And what quantity now remains in Store And that Rich d Wylly & Chesley Bostick Esq rs be that committee, who are required to make their report as Soon as possible. The Board appointed Robert Gray Door keeper. 8 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Colonel Habersham attended the Board and laid before them the Affidavit of Stephen Phillips Setting forth, that he had about a Week ago apprehended one John Aarons formerly of the Florida Scout and William Summons a Deserter from the first Georgia Battalion, and that in bringing the prisoners to Savan nah he was met at the house of one Hudson by Cap 1 Harding of Colonel Jacks Regiment of Minute Men who inlisted the Said Aarons and asked the Said Phillips for his authority in detain ing them^, and that if he chose he would release the other pris oner, drew his Sw.ord and threat ned the Said Phillips to make Sun and Moon Shine thro him, or Words to that Effect. ORDERED, That a copy of the Said Affidavit be delivered to Colonel Jack and that he be required to cause a Court Martial to be held upon the Said William Harding and proceeded against in the military line, and that the original Affidavit be delivered to the Attorney General and that he be directed to carry on Such prosecution (for resque or otherwise) as the Said Charge will bear. The following Message was Sent to the honorable house of Assembly. M r Speaker and Gentlemen/ We begf leave to acquaint your Honorable house That we have appointed a Clerk, a Messenger & a Door keeper to this Board and to request your Honorable house will be pleased to provide Such Sallaries for them as Shall appear adequate and Sufficient to engage them to give constant attendance on us. JOHN HOUSTOUN Council Chamber Jan y 15 th 1778 Th following Resolve was sent up from the house of As sembly. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 9 House of Assembly Thursday Jan y 15, 1/78. ORDERED, That his honor the Governor be requested to order a return of the number of Militia belonging to this State to be laid before this House Extract from the minutes J s WOOD, Jim. Clerk. ORDERED, That letters be wrote by the Clerk to the Several Colonels or other commanding Officers of Militia throughout the State to obtain the information required, and that the Same when received be laid before the honorable House of Assembly ORDERED, That Letters be wrote to the Lieu 1 Colonels or other commanding Officers of the Militia of the Counties of Effingham & Richmond requiring them to proceed to the election of Officers so as to fill up all vacancies in their respective Battalions without delay and make a report of the Officers chosen, that Commis sions mav issue. Friday January 16, I//8 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard \Yylly Will Maxwell Charles Kent John Fulton David Lewis Chesley Bostick John Lindsay Jenkin Davis Holman Freeman John Keebler Robert Cochran & Jonathan Cotes waited on the board and qualified as Deputy Surveyors for the Counties of Richmond & Wilkes. 10 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday 19 th 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Chesley Bostick Holman Freeman . John Lindsay John Fulton David Lewis The following message was Sent to the honorable house of Assembly. Mr. Speaker & Gentlemen/ Colonel White who has lately brought upwards of three hun dred men into this State, has made application to this board for the repayment of a Sum of money which has been advanced to him in North Carolina for the necessary expences of his Regi ment in their march hither We beg leave to refer him to your honorable house and would recommend that a mode be adopted to reimburse the person who has advanced this Sum, as we con ceive the faith of the State to be in Some measure engaged The Colonel informs us that he cannot for some days get the whole of his accounts ready to lay before you, but is desirous that this Sum be immediately paid by a draft upon the Continental Treas ury, or in Such other way, as to your honorable house Shall ap pear most elegible. JOHN HOUSTOUN. Council Chamber { Jan y 19. 1778. ] MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 11 Tuesday 20 January 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Samuel Miller Chesley Bostick Holman Ereeman John Lindsay John Eulton David Lewis Jenkin Davis William Maxwell John Keebler A Committee from the house of Assembly brought up the fol lowing- resolve from their house o House of Assembly Jan y 2O th 1778 ORDERED, That a Committee be appointed to wait on his honor the Governor to request that he will enquire of General Howe whether he has received any recommendation from those in au thority to the Northward respecting any Military operations in or concerning this State Committed to M r Stone, M r Davies and Habersham Extract from the minutes J s WOOD, Jun. Clk. ORDERED, That a Copy of the above be sent to General Howe inclosed in a Letter from the Governor requiring the information desired And that his answer when received be sent to the house of Assembly. Colonel s Jack and Stewart of the minute Battalion s having made their return of the number and Stations of their men re spectively, and Commodore Bowen having made return of the number and vacancies in the Gallies. 12 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the Same be Sent to the house of Assembly. The Court Martial appointed to Sit upon Captain Harding of the minute men having made their return whereby it appears they have Sentenced him to be discharged from the Service. ORDERED, That the Said Sentence be confirmed, and that no tice thereof be sent to Colonel Jack in order, that the Said Cap tain Harding may be immediately deprived of his Commission a id Cashiered. Application being made to the Board by Cap 1 Pettygrew of Colonel Jacks Battalion, Setting forth that under the terms of his Service, he was entitled to the first Commission as Captain in the Said Service, but that the Same had been by Some means delivered out to Captain Dixon. ORDERED, That Colonel Jack be directed to Summon a Court of enquiry, and Settle this difference as the Said Court Shall find to be right and just. ORDERED, That the Commissary General do furnish John Wereat Esquire a Commissioner of Trade with twelve Gallons of rum, for the Use of the people at work on board the public v essels. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 13 Friday January 23, 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor William Maxwell Chesley Bostick Jenkin Davis John Fulton Samuel Miller David Lewis John Keebler John Lindsay Holman Freeman The Chief Justice having acquainted the Governor that the Office of Clerk of the Court for the County of Chatham was vacant by the resignation of M r Ja s Jackson, and at the same time recommended M r W m Stewart to fill that Office. ORDERED, That the Said William Stewart be accordingly ap pointed Clerk of the Court for the Said County in the room of the Said James Jackson until the next General Election. The following message was Sent to the House of Assembly. M r Speaker & Gentlemen Application has been made to this board by M r Wereat the Commissioner of trade Setting forth that the Brigantine Recovery belonging to the State is now nearly ready for Sea, and that there is only a quantity of Rice provided for her Cargo, and Submitting to our consideration whether it would not be of ad vantage to the State to put on board also a few Casks of In digo. We beg leave to recommend this matter to your honor able House & must observe that the addition of a few Casks of Indigo will add considerably to the value of the cargo & conse quently produce larger returns in Goods, which at the present time especially becomes very necessary, and will add nothing 14 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS to the outfit and voyage of the Vessel If the matter Strikes your honorable house in the Same point of view you will be pleased to order a quantity of Indigo to be purchased & put on board this Vessel at the public Cost and for the public, benefit. And we further beg leave to Send you herewith a Letter from Commodore Bowen recommending Several matters which ap pear to us of high utility to the State JOHN HOUSTOUN Council Chamber ) January 23 d 1778 j ORDERED, That the Commissary General of this State and also the Commissioners of Trade for the ports of Savannah and Sunbury, be Severally directed to collect all the Salt belonging to the public and in their hands respectively into a few Store houses as the quantity and conveniency thereof will admit of That they have the quantity of the Same as nearly ascertained as possible, and that they respectively make return of their pro ceedings herein to this board without loss of time. And it is Further Ordered that neither of the persons having in charge public Salt do dispose of or deliver out any more thereof with out an order for that purpose from the Governor. The representatives in Assembly of Burke County acquainted the Governor that William MNorrel was elected Sheriff of the County of Burke, but that he does not intend to qualify for the Said Office, and at the Same time recommended Lamuel Lanier to fill that vacancy. ORDERED, That the Said Lamuel Lanier be accordingly, upon his qualifying and giving Security appointed Sheriff for the Said County in the room of the Said William MNorrel until the next General Election. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, T l-sday 27 January 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent Chesley Bo Stick Jenkin Davis John Keebler Holman Freeman David Lewis John Lindsay John Fullon. Lamuel Lanier waited on the Board and qualified as Sheriff for the County of Burke and also gave Security in the Sum of two thousand pounds for the due performance of the Said Office- Joseph Dunlap waited on the Board and qualified as Keeper of the Arsenal & powder receiver for the town of Savannah ORDERED, That the powder Receivers for the ports of Savan nah & Sunbury and also the Commissary General for the State do immediately Survey & inspect all the powder & other amuni- tion in their respective custodies and make report of the quantity and Condition of the Same to the Governor, particularly Specify ing the part which is Continental, that which is State & that which is Private property. The following message was Sent to the honorable House of Assembly. M r Speaker & Gentlemen, Herewith I send your honorable house a letter from the Presi dent of Congress inclosing a resolve which fell into my hands yesterday the late Governor has lodged in my Custody, Con tinental Loan Office Certificates to the amount of one hundred 16 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS and Sixty thousand four hundred Dollars your honorable house will be pleased to make Some order or determination respecting them. He has also delivered over to me Some papers which I shall take due care of but declined parting with the Letter which ac companied these Loan Office Certificates, apprehending it neces sary (as he said) for himself to retain the Same I have not as yet received any other papers either from the Representatives of the late M r Bulloch or M r Gwinnett I conceive from the in formation received from the Executors few papers of conse quence remained in their hands at the time of their respective deaths. JOHN HOUSTOUN Council Chamber ) January 28 th 1778) Thursday 29 January 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Chesley Bostick William Maxwell Charles Kent Jenkin Davis John Lindsay John Fulton John Keebler Holman Freeman David Lewis The following resolves were received from the House of As sembly. House of Assembly Saturday Jan y 24 1778 ORDERED That all Bonds of a public nature which are already MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 17 or which shall hereafter be taken, by, or made payable to the Governor and his Successors in Office be applied in the Secre tary s Office of this State, and that the said Secretary do imme diately upon receipt of the Same, cause them to be recorded. Wednesday January 28 : 1778 ORDERED,, That the several persons appointed to Offices with in this State by this House attend his Honor the Governor in Council or obtain a Dedimus in order to qualify themselves for their respective appointments within one month from this day otherwise their appointments will be deemed void unless a Suffi cient excuse is made before his Honor the Governor in Council for their neglect therein. Thursday January 19, 1778 RESOLVED, That his Honor the Governor be requested to di rect the Commissary to enquire for such houses without the Town of Savannah may be suitable for Hospitals for the use of the Continental Naval & Land forces doing duty with State, and in case Such can be found that this House be acquainted there with. Extract f.rom the minutes J s WOOD, Jun r Clerk. William Stewart waited on the board and qualified as Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chatham. James Anderson qualified as Clerk of the Market of the Town of Savannah. House of Assembly Wednesday Jan y 29 1778 RESOLVED, That his honor the Governor be requested to Issue his Proclamation forbidding the exportation of Salt from this State for one month without permission from him & to continue 2 r r vol 2 18 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the said prohibition if he shall find the same absolutely necessary for the benefit of this State Extract from the minutes J s WOOD, Jun r Clerk. The following orders were made upon the foregoing 1 Resolves As to the first That a Copy of this resolve be served upon the Secretary as to the Second That the resolve be duly pub lished in the Gazette three times as to the third that such orders do accordingly issue to the Commissary as to the fourth that a Proclamation be accordingly made out by the Attorney General & published in the Gazette ORDERED, That one hundred \Yeight of Iron be delivered out of the Arsenal to Major Romand for public use. The following Message was sent to the House of Assembly. M r Speaker & Gentlemen, The Colonels of the minute Battalions inform me their men are in a very uneasy situation for want of provisions & other necessaries, the Commissary having declined acting any longer Give me leave to recommend this matter to your consideration and to suggest that it be an order of your honorable house that Commissaries in future give good security and take their ap pointments for a limited time. The Comissary of the Continental Troops in this State also informs me that his Store of provisions is nearly exhausted and that he has no fund out of which he can purchase; Give me leave to recommend that you will be pleased to pass a Vote, granting him a loan of one thousand pounds out of the State Treasury upon the Certificate of the Commanding Officer that the Same is necessary: that Sum to be charged to the Conti nent and the Comissary to be accountable to them for the ex- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 19 penditure of the Same. M r Hornby having informed me, that he has in his hands a sum of Continental money (about ten thousand Dollars) for the use of this State: I have directed him to lodge the same in the Treasury subject to the order or disposal of your honorable house JOHN HOUSTOUN Council Chamber 1 January 3<D th 1778) Thomas Corns having informed the Board of Treasonable practices in Aaron Fryer a prisoner in the Guard House, the said Thomas Corn s, Affidavit, & examination, respecting this matter, were taken & read. ORDERED, That the same be immediately delivered to the Chief Justice, that the said Thomas Corns do attend the said Chief Justice in Company with the Sheriff and that the said Chief Justice be required to take such immediate Steps in this matter as may appear to him necessary. Tuesday the 3 d of February 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly David Lewis John Fulton Holman Freeman Jenkin Davis John Keebler John Lindsay Samu l Miller The following resolve was received from the honorable House of Assembly 20 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS House of Assembly Friday Jan 7 3O th 1778 The house took into consideration the report of the Committee on petitions on the petition of Alexander Martin. Henry Cuyler Esq r was called in & examined Jenkin Davis Esq r was called in & examined RESOLVED, That upon the said Alexander Martin s producing- vouchers before his Honor the Governor in Council and in every other respect complying with the Act entitled an act for the ex pulsion of the internal enemies of this State, he be intitled to every right & privilege of a Citizen. Extract from the minute Jo WOOD, Jun r Clerk. Pursuant to a resolve of the honorable house of Assembly Alexander Martin waited on the board and took the oath agree able to an Act for the expulsion of the internal Enemies of this State and produced two vouchers (to wit) Henry Cuyler and George Bunner The following message was sent to the honorable House of Assembly M r Speaker & Gentlemen, I beg leave to communicate to your honorable house a Letter from his Excellency the President of South Carolina which I received last night inclosing a message to him from, the house of Assembly of that State JOHN HOUSTOUN. Council Chamber ) 3 February 1778 3 The house of Assembly having refered the Petition of Arthur Carney to this Board by resolve of their house dated monday February the second 1778 MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 21 ORDERED, That a flag of truce be granted to the said Arthur Carney, as far the East Florida post on Saint Johns & that the following Letter be wrote by the Governor of this State to the Governor of that province. Sir, The bearer M r Arthur Carney returns to your Excellency in pursuance of his parole. We have not at present a prisoner in the Civil Department whom I could offer for him. but if you will consent to his re turning to this State he shall remain in the Same Character un til the fortune of War shall put it in our power to exchange him I am &c JOHN HOUSTOUN. Agreeable to the Resolve of the honorable House of Assem bly an order was drawn on the Treasury for one thousand pounds in favor of the Commissary General for supplying the Continental Troops The following message was sent to the house of Assembly Herewith I send your honorable house a Letter which I had the honor to receive a day or two ago from Major General Howe: the matters therein mentioned falling more properly within the line of your Consideration than mine 22 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS February 4th 1778 The board met Presc-nt His honor the Governor Richard Wylly William Maxwell David Lewis John Fulton John Lindsay Samuel Miller John Keebler Jenkin Davis Holman Freeman Agreeable to a resolve of the honorable house of Assembly dated February 3 d 1778 Ten thousand Continental Dollars were sent to the president of South Carolina for the use of the un fortunate Sufferers in the late fire in Charles Town by Major Demere whose receipt for the same is lodged in the Treasury the money raised in the following manner. From the Treasury 9>933 From Jn M c Cleur Esquire a loan & for which" an order was given on the Treasurers pay able out of the first Continental money in their hands 67 -10,000 DoP ORDERED, That Commissioners be made out for the several Militia Officers of Burke County appointed at a late general election agreeable to the return made The following message was sent to the honorable house of Assembly viz* M r Speaker & Gentlemen, M r Goddard De bruh this day brought & delivered to me the Seal of this State, it shall at any time be delivered to a Com mittee when you shall to examine it The maker has made MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 23 application to me for some acknowledgement for his extra trouble & loss in bringing the Seal I must refer this matter to you & herewith send you the Ac count he gave in. The Commissary General has informed me that agreeable to your order he hath enquired for a proper place for a hospital & finds the house lately occupied by John Patton very fit for that purpose Under circumstances your honorable house will de termine whether it will be necessary to appropri to that use by Law immediately Council Chamber JOHN HOUSTOUN . February 4, 1778 ORDERED, That James Jackson be appointed Register of pro bates for the County of Chatham in the room of James White- field Esquire who resigned: the said James Jackson attended and qualified for the Said Office. ORDERED, That unless Chesley Bostick Esq r shall arrive in Town by ten Oclock tomorrow that the Clerk Send off a Letter requiring his immediate attendance by express at the expence of the said Chesley Bostick. ORDERED, That Jenkin Davis Esq r have leave of absence for one week. 24 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday February 6 th 1778 The board met present his honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton David Lewis John Keebler Holman Freeman Samuel Miller John Lindsay Chesley Bostick The following resolve was received from the hon ble house of Assembly House of Assembly Thursday Feb y 5 th 1778 RESOLVED, That his honor the Governor have power to contract with any person or persons to Supply the Minute Bat talions at or not exceeding three Shillings per Ration for one month and that his honor be requested to give directions for notice to be given that a Commissary or Commissioners are wanted to supply the said Battalions that the Same may be supply d on more moderate terms in future. Extract from the minutes J s WOOD Jx r C K M r George Walton attended the Board & engaging to fur nish the minute Battalions upon the above terms for the space of one month ORDERED, That the said George Walton be appointed Com missary and that an order be drawn in his favor for four, thou sand pounds on the Treasurers (that is to say) two thousand pounds voted by Assembly 29th January last & two thousand ^pounds on this day upon his giving Bond with one or more MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 25 Sufficient Securities for the faithful discharge of the said trust and also for his being accountable for the said Sum of four thousand pounds when thereunto required. Two Letters one from Major General Howe dated the third February 1778 the other from Commodore Bowen dated the Sixth February 1778 addressed to the Governor were laid be fore the Board. ORDERED That the same be sent to the honorable house of Assembly and that the matters therein Contained be recom mended to their consideration. ORDERED, That the following flag be granted to Arthur Carney and that the Same be Sign d by the Governor. "M r Carney the Bearer hereof has a flag of truce to pass as far as the post occupied by the British forces on Saint Johns River given under my hand &c And that application be made to the commanding Officer in Savannah to issue the fol lowing Orders to the commanding Officer in Sunbury to ac company the said flag Sir/ permission and a flag of truce being granted M r Arthur Car ney to return to Saint Augustine agreeable to his parole you are required to let him pass from Sunbury to the post on S l Johns River occupied by the British forces, if he shall agree to take, and shall actually take following oath before any Magistrate of this State and not otherwise Viz 1 I do solemnly Swear that I will not during my stay as a prisoner in East Florida reveal or discover any matter or thing whatsoever to any person or persons within the said province which shall ap pear injurious to the good people of this State or the Cause of America any letters, papers, or persons whatsoever but such as shall l}e seen & approved of by the Commanding Officer in Sunbury So help me God. 26 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS And you are further requireed to inspect all Letters and papers as shall be laid before you & to let none pass that you shall con ceive to be improper and also not to let more than one other person go with the Said Arthur Carney and to cause him to take the Same oath taking care at the same time that he be in your opinion a friend to the Cause of America A Committee from the honorable house of Assembly brought up and delivered the great Seal of the State to the Governor. February 9 th 1778 The board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton David Lewis John Lindsay Holman Freeman Charles Crawford. Chesley Bostick William Bennett appeared before the Board and represented on oath, that Some persons in Saint Andrews parish unknown to him were daily Sending off boats loaded with provisions to Saint Augustine and that some persons supposed to be the Florida Scout, had lately robbed several people in Saint Johns parish of their horses. ORDERED, That a copy of the above be immediately fur nished Commodore Bowen and that lie be requested to man one of the Gallies by drafts out of the others And to Station her so as to intercept the Said Boats passing & repassing to & from the Southward and that he be required to renew his ap plication to the commanding Officer of the Continental Troops MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 27 for men to man all the Gallies as recommended by the hon orable House of Assembly, & that so soon as they shall be mann d they repair to their Several Stations there being in the opinion, of this Board an absolute necessity for every exertion to have the immediately and constantly upon actual duty. ORDERED also That a Copy of the foregoing be furnished the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in Savannah. On the application of the Committee of Chatham County for the expulsion of the internal Enemies of the State. It is Or dered that the following order do issue directed to the Sheriff of the said County : Sir/ It bein^ represented to the Board by the Committee of Chat ham Courty appointed by act for the expulsion of the internal enemies of the State that number of persons who have been by them ordered off the State whose time is expired do still remain in the Same in contempt or neglect of their order. You are therefore hereby required to procure from the said Committee a list properly Certified of the names of all such per sons and without delay to apprehend and imprison such offend ers & them detain without Bail or mainprize in the Goal of this County shall and may be procured for them, and that then you send such offenders out of the State agreeable to the Sixth Section of the Said Act : and their effects being by the Said Act forfeited : you are further required to carry into execution the orders you Shall receive from the Said Committee on that head in order that the Same may be delivered over for the use of the State pursuant to the said Law. A letter from Major General Howe in answer to a proposition of the honorable house of Assembly respecting an Expedition into and against East Florida, addressed to the Governor being- laid before the Board : 28 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the Same be immediately communicated to the honorable house of Assembly. The form of a Grant being- laid before the Board by the At torney General : ORDERED, That the same be sent to the honorable house of Assembly and that they be requested to Settle the Same there being in the opinion of this Board a necessity for inserting clauses therein not particularly mentioned in the Act for opening the Land Office. A Petition from James Rae respecting his Supplying the Con tinental Troops in the State for some time being laid before the Board. ORDERED, That the Same be Sent to the honorable House of Assembly and that it be recommended to them to take the merits thereof into consideration. John Dooly waited on the board & qualified as Sheriff for the County of Wilkes & gave Security in the Sum of two thousand pounds for the due performance of the said Office. William Stephens waited on the Board and qualified as At torney General for this State. John Martin also qualified as Sheriff for the County of Chat ham. Thomas Chisolm also qualified as Surveyor General for this State. pursuant to a resolve of the honorable house of Assembly Thomas Waters of the County of Wilkes waited on the Board, .and took the Oath agreeable to an act for the expulsion of the internal Enemies of this State. ORDERED, In pursuance of a resolve of the honorable house MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 29> of Assembly of this day that in future all such persons as want passes and permits do apply to the Secretary of this State and that he be impowered to grant the same until otherwise or dered by the Governor and Council. ORDERED, That the foregoing be published in the Gazette RESOLVED, That the following order issue to the Commissary General of this State Sir. It being represented to me in Council that a house belonging to William OBryen Esqr. is at present occupied by a very- few Soldiers as Barracks, and that a much Smaller and more ordinary house wou d ans\ver that purpose: You are therefore required to make enquiry into this matter and to provide some other house in or about the Town, which will answer for the said Soldiers and to cause them to be immediately removed into the same; If you find it necessary you will act in concert with the Quarter master General of the Troops. And I am further to require of you that you make enquiry for a house or place in or about the Town f and proper for Major Romand of the Artillery to carry on the works neces sary in his department, and that you make report of the result of your enquiry herein to me as soon as possible in order that such proper place be appropriated to that use. ORDERED, That a Committee be appointed to revise the in structions hitherto given to Deputy Surveyors and to report thereon whether the same require any alteration or addition, and also to consider and report the form of an Affidavit proper to be taken by persons applying for Lands agreeable to the act of Assembly, and likewise such other regulations as under the said Act ought to be adopted in regard to the Granting of Lands And that Mess rs Wylly & Bostick be that Committee 30 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday February n, 1778 The board met present His honor the president Chesley Bostick Charles Crawford Holman Freeman John Keebler A letter from William Farrel Esquire Lieu 1 Colonel of one of the Minute Battalions dated the eighth instant directed to his honor the Governor inclosing a Letter from Henry Karr directed to said Farrel were laid before the Board. ORDERED That the said Letter be immediately sent to the honorable house of Assembly Thursday February 12, 1778 The board met present his honor the Governor William Maxwell Chesley BosiLic Charles Crawford, John Lindsay John Keebler John Fultun David Lewis Holman Freeman ORDERED, that a Letter of Marque be granted to O- -pf John Latreyte of the Sloop Le Vengica he giving security and other wise complying with the regulations of Congress. Agreeable to the resolves of the house of Assembly an order for four thousand and five hundred pounds was drawn by the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 31 "Governor on the Treasury in favor of James Rae Esquire, Com missary General for the Continental Troops in this State, and likewise an order for eight thousand pounds in favor of William Martin Pay master for the two minute Battalions he having given Bond with Security. The following resolves were sent from the house of Assembly Viz 1 House of Assembly Wednesday February n, 1778 RESOLVED., That his honor the Governor be requested to give the necessary orders to Colonel Jack & Colonel Stewart of the minute Battalions to have the said Battalions in readiness in case their immediate Service should be required in consequence of resolutions intered into by the house of Assembly and that the same orders be given to Captain Coleman respecting his two Companies of Light horse. RESOLVED That his Honour the Governor and Council be em powered to procure the house at Thunderbolt commonly called the Oyster house for the reception of the Sick of the Continental Naval, and Land forces and treat with the proprietors of the same for that purpose as soon as possible RESOLVED, That his honor the Governor be requested to give orders and directions to the Commissaries and pay Masters and all the Officers of the forces in the pay of this State to con duct and govern themselves agreeable to the rules and regula tions established by Congress for the Government of their Offi cers in the like Stations so far as the same are applicable and prac ticable in our Situation until this house Shall establish proper regulations for the government of their Own Troops, and that his Honor do as Commander in Chief of the Said forces enforce the said regulations as aforementioned and particularly that he require the Commanding Officers of these several Battalions, Troops or Companies to make him Weekly returns of their .several Battalions, Troops and Companies 32 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the Treasurers of this State pay no money to the paymaster of the said forces in the pay of this State but by order of this house or Warrant from his honor the Governor in Council and that the abstract for the several Battalions Troops or Companies in the pay of this State be made up by the pay master at the close of every Month and be Certified by the re spective Colonels or Commanding Officers who shall carefully examine and compare the same with their Weekly returns. RESOLVED, That his honor the Governor be requested to Cause the said Abstracts so certified as aforesaid to be examined and Compared with the Weekly returns made to him and if found right to give the paymaster Draughts on the Treasury as above directed for the amount of the said Abstracts, and that the paymaster alone shall settle with and pay the money due to the Officers and Soldiers agreeable to the said Abstracts either in person or to their written order and take receipts for the same to be produced by him as vouchers on the Settlement of his Ac counts. Extract from the minutes ] s WOOD, Jun r Clk The following orders were made as to the first. ORDERED, That a Copy thereof be furnished Col Jack & Col Stewart of the Minute men and also Colonel Coleman of the Horse, and that they severally be desired to equip and prepare their men in the best manner they can and without delay to acquaint the Governor of the number which might be depended on to March their wants which must be supplyed particularly in regard to arms, and to furnish an exact detail of every other Circumstance respecting them which in the Opinion of the said Officers is necessary to be attended to, before they could take a long March, having in view at the same time the greatest fru gality, expedition and probability of being able to obtain Such Supply. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 33 As to the second, That a Copy thereof be furnished the Commissary General and that he be desired to put the Battalion and Naval Surgeons in possession of the said house, it being at present unoccupied and the former owner Jn Mulryne Esq r out of the State. As to the third, fourth, & fifth. That copies thereof be furnished the Commissaries and pay masters and also all Commanding Officers of forces in the pay of the State and likewise the Treasurers and that they be sever ally enjoined to pay due obedience to the same. A Letter from General Howe containing the opinion as to the manning the Gallies with Continental Troops, and suggesting many reasons why it could not be done was laid before the Board. ORDERED That Application be made to the house of Assem bly for leave for the Governor to draw upon the Treasury in favor of Major Romand of the Artillery for one thousand pounds as a Continental Loan their being a necessity in the opinion of the board for his works to be going on. ORDERED That the Treasurers pay Lieu* Frederick Lipham Six pounds Seventeen Shillings out of any Contingent fund the same being for extra expences in coming express above his pay ORDERED That a Dedimus issue to any three Magistrates in Richmond County who have already qualified, to qualify the other Magistrates of that County lately appointed by the house of Assembly. % Benjamin Thompson waited on the board & qualified as Deputy Surveyor for the Counties of Richmond & Wilkes. t T r vol 2 34 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday February I3th 1778 The board met present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly William Maxwell Chesley Bostick Holman Freeman John Lindsay David Lewis John Fulton John Keebler The Governor laid before the Board certain resolves of the honorable house of Assembly which had been delivered to him respecting his Calling" a Council of War to deliberate on some matters & desired their opinion on the following points. First Whether the Executive Council ought to be present and considered as members of the said Council of War. Second Whether all the Militia field Officers throughout the State (or such as may be conveniently had) as well as field Officers in regular Service in the pay of the State and who can conveniently attend and also Commodore Bowen ought to be Summoned to such Council. Third Whether any other person ought to be Summoned to such Council of War. Fourth Whether the field Officers in the Continental Estab lishment can be admitted on any other terms than as Members to Vote it not being expressed it not being expressed in the resolve whether they are to be summoned as members, or upon the same footing as the Commt of three from Assembly. Fifth Whether the same questions ought to be propounded and debated in such Council as were the Subject matter of Gen- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 35 eral Howes Letter of the Seventh Instant as well as any other questions which may be proposed by the Committee from As sembly. Sixth Whether the result of this Council of War is to be immediately communicated at large to the Assembly. The Board taking these several points into Consideration are of opinion that the Same ought to be referred to the house of Assembly for their determination thereon before the Council of War is Summoned. ORDERED That unless Samuel Miller & Charles Kent Esq rs do attend their duty at this Board or make Sufficient excuse for their absence by Monday next that a Letter be wrote to each of them by express requiring their immediate attendance, at the expence of the Said Samuel Miller and Charles Kent. Saturday the 14: 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the President William Maxwell David Lewis John Fulton Cha s Crawford John Lindsay Holman Freeman. Chesley Bostick Isaac Dubose waited on the Board and qualified as Deputy Surveyor for the Counties of Chatham, Liberty Effingham & Burke Chesley Bostick Esq r qualified as Justice of the peace for the County of Richmond. David Reese qualified as Collector for the port of Sunbury. 36 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday February 16, 1778 The Board met Present his honor the President Charles Crawford David Lewis Holman Freeman John Lindsay Jenkin Davis John Fulton Application being made to the Board by Major General Howe, setting forth that a large party of the florida Scout is now Com mitting depredations Within this State, that in order to cut of their retreat into East Florida it is necessary that a party of horse be immediately sent out that about twenty horses added to those which he has wou d be sufficient for that purpose and that he is also in want of a Number of Saddles which horses & Sad dles he requests may be hired or pressed. ORDERED That it be recomended to the honorable house of Assembly to take the same into immediate consideration Tuesday the I7th 1778 The Board met present His honor the President. Chesley Bostick Charles Crawford John Fulton David Lewis Holman Freeman Jenkin Davis The following Message was received from the Honorable? house of Assembly. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 37 House of Assembly Tuesday Feb y 17 th 1778 RESOLVED That his honor the Governor be requested to order the Commissioners appointed by this House to take Charge of the Estates of the suspected persons within the County of Rich mond to deliver up a Certain quantity of Boards belonging- to Mess rs Thompson, Foules, Henderson and Struthers which have been for Some time Since engaged for the use of this State. Extract from the Minutes J ORDERED That a copy of the Same be Sent to the Commis sioners appointed by the Honorable House of Assembly to take charge of the estates of the Suspected persons within the County of Richmond and that they do in pursuance of the Said Resolve deliver the Said Boards to such persons as are properly authorized to receive the Same. John Nevin appeared before the Board and gave the follow ing information upon oath, That Benjamin Jones confessed to the informant that he had been for Some time past a private in the Florida Scout and that he came into this State as one of the party who Some time Since committed the Several robberies on Ogeechee that the said Jones further told the informant that it was his intention to leave them as soon as he possibly could and return to his fathers house and did not mean to join them again. ORDERED That the said John Nevin s Affidavit be imme diately delivered to the Chief Justice, that the Said Benjamin Jones do attend the Chief Justice in Custody of the Messenger And that the said John Nevin do also attend him and that the Chief Justice be required to take such steps in this matter as may appear to him necessary THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday Feb y 19 th 1778 The Board met present His honor the Governor Charles Crawford John Lindsay Jenkin Davis John Keebler William Maxwell Chesley Bostick Holman Freeman Richard Wylly The following message was received from the honorable house of Assembly. House of Assembly Feb y 19 th 1778 RESOLVED, That his honor the Governor be requested to postpone (for the present) issuing the Dedimus to qualify the magistrates of the Several Counties in this State Extract from the Minutes J s WOOD Jun r Clerk ORDERED accordingly RESOLVED, That the remaining part of the late Cap 1 Lees Company enlisted and designed for the Service of the united States now on duty at the Battery of the Trustees Gardens be turned over to Complete Capt. Youngs Company of Artillery in the Service of the Said States, and that this House will make proper provision for Lieut nt Johnson. Extract from the Minutes J s WOOD Jun r Clerk ORDERED That Copies of the foregoing resolve be sent to MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 39 Capt n Young and Lieu 1 Johnson, and that they be Severally required to carry the Same into immediate execution. ALSO ORDERED, That a Copy of the Said Resolve and the above orders be delivered to General Howe and that it be recom mended to him to place a Guard of the Continental Troops be longing to this State to occupy the above mentioned Battery, such Guards to receive orders for the particular conduct in the Said Battery from the civil authority of this State. It being represented to this Board that Nicholas Vinzant and some of his Brothers, also William Love, Jo s Johnson, Jn John son, Geo Wilds, Cha s Hall, Jn Love, Jones Cook & Geo W r ebb, who are (as at is said) at present Rangers in the Florida Scout have left behind them in this State Several Stocks of Cattle in the County of Effingham IT is ORDERED That the Commanding Officer of the Militia in the Said County of Effingham be required without delay to draft and detach a party of men to take possession of and Secure the Said Cattle and that they be drove into Some interiour and more safe place, and that an inventory be taken of them and that they be put under the care of some trusty person or persons by the said Commanding Officer who will w r hen thereunto required render a faithful account and deliver the Same over as Shall be hereafter directed by this Board or the Honorable house of Assembly. ORDERED That the Treasurers pay to Chesley Bostick Es quire thirty nine pounds fifteen Shillings for fifty three days attendance in Council. Charles MKay who commands a party of men for the purpose of guarding the Magazine at Ebenezer represented to the Board that out of twelve men which he had on duty four have left him and that the remainder refuse to Serve any longer as the sum allowed them for pay & Rations is not Sufficient to maintain them being only two Shillings and four pence half penny per day 40 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS and says that if he was allowed at the rate of four pounds and ten Shilling s for each man per month he believes he could raise his former compliment That the Magazine is almost compleat- ed and thinks that it would be proper to have a Small Guard house erected near it, as it is a considerable distance from any house where the Guard can stay. ORDERED That it be recommended to the honorable house of Assembly to make such augmentation to the pay of the Guard at Ebenezer as may be thought Sufficient, and also to direct that a house be erected for the accommodation of the Said Guard. Tuesday 23 d February 1778 The Board met present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly William Maxwell Charles Crawford Samuel Miller John Fulton John Keebler Jenkin Davis John Lindsay Nathaniel polhill waited on the Board and qualified as Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Effingham. Edward Davis also qualified as Register of probates for the said County. Colonel John Sandiford having signified his resignation of his Commission as Colonel of the Militia of Liberty County to his Honor IT is ORDERED That Lieu* Colonel John Elliott be required MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 41 to convene the Officers of the said County and to proceed to the election of a Colonel in the room of the said John Sandiford as soon as possible and should an Officer of the Militia of the said County be elected whereby any other vacancy will be occasioned, then to proceed at the Same time to all other elections that will be necessary so as to make the said corpse complete and to report the proceedings herein without delay. The following- was agreed to. WHEREAS the frequent robberies and other enormities com mitted in the Town of Savannah and the Environs thereof by persons in disguise who are suspected of being or acting in con cert with the Florida Scout make it absolutely necessary to adopt Such measures in the police of the said places. And Whereas it appears to this Board that the most likely method of detecting the perpetrators of these crimes, will be by putting the Said town and Environs under the following regulations until otherwise ordered by this Board or the Legislative authority of this State. First. That a town Major shall be appointed by this Board, whose duty shall be every Morning to fix upon a Countersign and to send the same inclosed in a Sealed paper to the Governor or other Commander in Chief for the time being the General or other Commanding Officer in Town of the Continental Troops the two persons appointed to sit as herein after men tioned but not to give or send the same to any other person whatsoever unless it be Doctors of repute who are well known when they Shall apply for the same; And the said Town Major shall further do as is herein after mentioned. Second. That all Strangers who come to Town from any other State shall immediately wait on the Governor or other Commander in Chief for the time being and shall give an ac count of themselves, and if they fail herein, or if any person is seen in, or About the Town and environs and is not known 42 as a reputable Inhabitant of the State, Any Constable shall take him before the Town Major who shall examine him and under circumstances either discharge him or report him to the Gov ernor or other Commanding Officer in Chief, in Town for the time being as a Suspicious person. Third That twenty respectable inhabitants shall be warned by this Board, two of them shall met and sit by rotation in some convenient house in Town every night from nine O Clock until day break for the purpose herein after mentioned Fourth that after nine O Clock at night and until Day break every person whatsoever Passing the Streets shall be brought to, by the Several Centinels in Town and the environs and in case he cannot give the countersign Shall be kept prisoner until the parole comes round, when he shall tx, carried by them (if not a Soldier) to the two inhabitants above mentioned appointed to sit and shall under circumstances be by them either discharged or committed to the Guard until morning and then reported to the Governor or other Commander in Chief in Town for the time being. Fifth, That the Town Major shall keep a list of the twenty persons above mentioned and shall every mqrning inform the two whose turn it is to sit that night of the Countersign and any orders which may be issued by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being. The Board appointed William Stephens Esq r Town Major who accepted of the said Office and the following twenty Inhabi tants to Sit as aforesaid Captain Wright Edward Davies Ja s Habersham John MCluer William OBryen Joseph Clay Colonel Martin Thomas Stone John Wereat Colonel Walton John Milledge Major Wylly George Houstoun Samuel Stirk William Jones Will m M c lntosh Nehemiah Wade Ja s Whitefield Ja 8 Jackson Thomas Ross Wednesday the 25: 1778 The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Cha" Kent William Maxwell John Fulton David Lewis John Keebler Jenkin Davis Charles Crawford The following resolves were received the House of Assembly House of Assembly Feb y 10, 1778 RESOLVED, That his Honor the Governor be requested to direct the pay master of the two Battalions of Minute men to pay the Officers and men belonging thereto the amount of their pay agreeable to their several pay rolls and to take their re spective receipts for the same provided the Original Tests are produced to the said pay Master to prove the time of their en listments and of their being enlisted agreeable to the resolve for raising the said Battalions. Extract from the Minutes J s WOOD Jun 1 Clerk The House of Assembly having discharged the Company of 44 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS men raised for a Guard over the powder Magazine at Ebenezer It is Ordered That Colonel Jack be directed to station an Officer and twelve men out of Captain Moore s Company of Minute Men at that place the Continental Troops having inarched Southwardly. ORDERED, That a Copy of the Resolve of the House of As sembly dated February iQ th 1778 respecting the Powder Maga zine at Ebenezer, and the Guard placed at the same be transmit ted by the Secretary of this Board to Charles M c Kay, who is appointed Keeper of the said Magazine. It being represented to this board that the arms of the minute men are in very bad order and that proper persons at or near their respective Stations may be got to repair the same It is Ordered that Colonel Jack and Colonel Stewart be directed to employ proper persons for their business and upon Certifi cates from the said Colonel Jack and Col Stewart to such per son this Board will procure them payment. Upon application of the Secretary of this board It is ordered that the Secretary of the State do receive the fees allowed the former by Law from all persons entering Caveats. ORDERED, That the Commissary General be directed to make Enquiry whether the Scout Boat which before the revolution was in the Service of this State (then province) can be got up And if so that he employ proper persons for the business, and also the repairs of the said Boat at the public Charge MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 45 Friday 2/th February 1778 The Board met Present His honor the President John Lindsay John Keebler David Lewis Jenkin Davis. Samuel Miller ORDERED That the Treasurers pay to Charles Crawfford Esquire, Thirty pounds ten Shillings being the ballance due for his attendance as a Councillor ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to the following persons the Several Sums of Money Viz 1 John Lindsay fifty Seven pounds, Samuel Miller forty one pounds, Jenkin Davis forty three pounds David Lewis fifty Seven pounds and John Keebler fifty four pounds for their attendance in Council March 4 th 1778 The Board met present His honor the President John Fulton Samuel Miller Holman Freeman Jenkin Davis John Lindsay ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to David Alexander the 46 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Sum of Sixteen pounds for riding express from Colonel M c Mur- phy to this Honor the Governor ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Holman Freeman Sixty four pounds for Sixty four days attendance in Council. Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton Jenkin Davis John Lindsay Samuel Miller ORDERED, That Captain Jenkin Davis detach a Sergeant and twelve Men out of his Company of Militia to Guard the Maga zine at Ebenezer until they Shall be relieved by Captain Moore s Company Of Minute men who are ordered thither ORDERED That Colonel John Elliott of Liberty County de tach a party of Militia consisting of twenty five Men to inter cept a parcel of Cattle which are said to be somewhere on the Alatamaha driving off by the Florida Scout And that Thomas Gray act as pilot Provided if a sufficient number of Volunteers can be immediately raised to go upon this business then there will be no occasion to make such Draft. A talk was sent up to the Indians under Cover to Colonel M c Murphy (See the Copy of the Same.) ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Thomas Gray fifty pounds for his activity in pursuing the Florida Scout and that MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 47 a Captains Commission be made out to him with the pay thereof agreeable to the resolve of Assembly dated February 28th 1778. ORDERED That the Treasurers pay to Job pray Esq r three hundred and Eighty Six pounds Eleven Shillings and four pence being a Sum due him as found by the Commissioners of Trade pursuant to a reference from Assembly, for outfits &c of the State Sloop Revenge (See the orders and other Vouchers with the Treasurers) Monday gth March 1778. The Board met present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton John Lindsay Charles Kent ORDERED That copies of the resolves of the Assembly dated Sunday March I st 1778 for disbanding the Minute Battalions and two Troops of Horse upon the State Establishment for raising five independent Companies out of the same under Major Commandant Jeremiah Wilder, for auditing the accounts of the Commissaries of the minute Battalions for obliging Officers of the five independent Companies to take the oath of abjuration be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of this Board to Colonels Jack and Stewart and Colonel Coleman also the Com missaries Major Wilder and all others concerned and that they be Severally required to govern themselves agreeable to the Same ORDERED That A Copy of the resolve of Assembly dated 48 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Sunday March I st 1778 requesting the Commanding- Officer of the Continental Troops in this State to issue orders to Colonel Marbury to repair with his Battalion of Light horse to the de fence of the frontiers of the State be immediately transmitted to Major General Howe and that it be recommended to give orders accordingly finished ORDERED That a copy of the resolve of the Assembly dated Sunday last requiring the Commanding Officer of the Conti nental Troops in this State to transmit to the Governor regular accounts of the expenditure of all Sum or Sums of Money advanced by this State for the Support of the said Troops ac cording to the regulation of Congress, be also transmitted to Major General Howe, finished ORDERED That the resolves of Assembly dated Sunday March I st 1778 requiring all persons within this State of the age of Sixteen or upward to take the Oath of affirmation of ab juration who have not already done so before some one of five Magistrates within the County to which such persons belong be forthwith published in the Gazette of this State and that the Magistrates be as follows. For the County of Chatham William O Bryen, John Jenkins, Henry Cuyler, James Maxwell Henry Bourquine Esq rs For the County of Liberty, Parmenas Way John Graves, John Mitchell Samuel Salters and John Jones Esquires. For the County of Effingham, John A Treutlen Will m Holzen- dorf Jacob Waltour Abram Ravot and Daniel Bunnell Esquires. For the County of Burke, John Thomas, Edward Telfair, Daniel M c Murphey, John Jones and Blessingham Harvey. For the County of Wilkes William Don Charles Jordan Ar thur Fort Richard Aycock and Daniel Burrell For the County of Richmond John Walton Dionysius Wright MINUTES OP THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 49 Charles Crawford Samuel Alexander and James Bowie, finishd ORDERED In pursuance of a resolve of the house of Assembly dated March I st 1778 That Luke Mann be appointed Commissary to purchase and issue provisions to the five independent Compa nies under the command of Major Wilder ORDERED That the Treasurers advance two hundred pounds to Major Wilder to enable him to raise and equip his five com panies of men taking his receipt promising 1 to be accountable for the expenditure of the same ORDERED That Col Parrel deliver to Major Wilder for the L T se of his five Companies two large Kettles or pots lately pur chased by the said Colonel Parrel at public charge for the Minute Battalions and that all the Officers of those Battalions deliver over to the Said Major Wilder any Articles or Utensils which they may have in their possession respectively belonging to the public and which will answer for the said five independent Com panies. ORDERED That the Commissary General of this State do pro vide Camp Kettles sufficient to Serve two hundred and fifty men, also one hundred Stand of Arms if the same can be had That he have the said Kettles and arms in readiness but not to be delivered out but by order of the Governor Also That the Treasurers advance him Such Sum of money as will be necessary for this purpose taking his receipt for the Same. ORDERED That Major Wilders Commission be immediately delivered to him and that he do endeavor to have enlisted Men who are provided with Arms, but if they Should not all be so, that he make report as soon as possible to the Governor of what arms and other necessaries are really wanting for his Com panies, that he issue in orders that the Captains under shall take rank as they shall fill their Companies and repair to such place within the State as the Major shall appoint; And that the 4ri-vol2 50 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS said Several Captains do as soon as possible recommend two fit persons for Lieutenants under them respectively to the Governor And it is further Ordered that Major Wilder do as soon as possible after they are raised march four Companies of his Men Southerly as far as the Ala- tamaha River and there wait the orders of the Governor leaving one Company in the Ceded Lands at Such Stations as he shall judge most fit. RESOLVED That in future any person being a friend to the cause of America who will raise a Company of fifteen men or upwards as Volunteers to go along with him and who will bind themselves to do so under their Hands and produce such paper to the Governor shall be entitled to a roving Commission into and against the provinces of East & West Florida and all plun der they shall take upon Condemnation agreeable to Law shall belong to themselves in such proportions as they shall agree upon. And if any Number of persons are disposed to go and Seat themselves upon the valuable Land between S l Marys and S l John s River in East Florida and will keep constant possession of the same for the Space of three months this Board are per suaded (and will strongly recommend) that the next house of Assembly will allow to each of them a Grant of five hundred acres of such Land as a bounty provided such persons have acted as friends to the cause of America. ORDERED, That the Commissary General in Savannah and the Commissioners of Trade in Sunbury be directed to dispose of what public salt they have in their Hands respectively to the Inhabitants of this State at the rate of a peck a head to each one in Family for the Sum of twenty Shillings per bushel the Said Commissary General first laying by and reserving for pub lic use five hundred bushels of the Same Provided never theless and it is an instruction to the said Commissary and Commissioners that they deliver no Salt to any persons whatso- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 61 ever unless he shall make oath before a Magistrate that he hath not within one year last past received any public Salt upon the head right which he then applies for. ORDERED That the Commissary General do deliver to Co 1 A. E. Wells as a Commissioner in behalf of the Inhabitants of Effingham County thirty bushels of Salt at the price above mentioned Col Wells engaging to deliver the Same out agree able to the above mentioned regulation A proclamation for the encouragement of Trade be sent to different foreign ports was agreed to (See a Copy of the same) A proclamation to prevent the practice of running the Indian Lands was also agreed to See Copy of the Same. ORDERED That a Continental Commission as Major of the fourth Battalion be filled up and delivered to John Skey Eus tace agreeable to his appointment by the House of Assembly. Monday March 9 th 1778 The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Lindsay ORDERED That a Commission as Linguist to the Indians be made out and delivered to Moses Nunes he having formerly had one for a year which is expired and that the Salerry to him be left to the house of Assembly. 62 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday March io th 1778 The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent John Fulton John Lindsay ORDERED That a list of the Magistrates for the different Counties within this State be published in the Gazette and that Commissions do issue directed to two Magistrates who have already qualified in the Several Counties (except Chatham) in order to qualify the other Magistrates in the Said Counties. And that the several Magistrates in the County of Chatham who have not yet qualified do forthwith attend the Governor in Council in order to qualify. Friday March 13, 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton. Jenkin Davis John Lindsay. Charles Kent In pursuance of an Act of the honorable the Continental Congress It is Ordered That all Constables and other the Well affected Inhabitants of this State do in future apprehend and Secure all persons being Strangers in the Same whose Character and business are not well known and approved of or MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 53 who shall not have a pass from the Governor or other sufficient Voucher from the State from which Such persons come and that any two Magistrates of the County where such persons shall be apprehended do upon examination either discharge or send them under proper Guard to the Governor as Circumstances may require there being great reason to Suspect that the Emis saries of our Enemies have frequently passed thro the State or some of them in disguise Provided Nevertheless that if such Strangers shall be apprehended in the Town of Sa vannah or the Environs thereof that then they be carried in the first instance before the town Major agreeable to the regulations of Council of the twenty fourth of last month. RESOLVED, That John Martin Esquire be appointed Town Major in the room of William Stephens Esquire who is gone upon the Circuit and that the said town Major instead of giving out the Countersign as directed by the Regulation of Council of the twenty fourth of last Month do each day receive the Same from the Governor or other Commander in Chief for the time being in Savannah It is futher ordered that Joseph Wood Junior be appointed to sit for the purposes mentioned in the said Regulation in the room of the said John Martin, And that in Case any of the twenty persons named in the said regulations shall decline or by any means not attend to sit as thereby re quired that the said town Major Shall appoint other well known Inhabitants in their room. WHEREAS great inconveniences have arisen to the Gallies from the large number of persons requisite to form a Board called the Navy Board for the purpose of passing accounts and other wise providing for the Said Gallies. And Whereas it appears from the representation of the Commodore that such delays have happened in that department owing to the Said Cause, that the Service is greatly distressed, and at this particular juncture the same may be attended with the Most alarming events to the Safety and well being of this State the Men being dissatisfied for want of pay, some of them having deserted and other Cir- 54 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS cumstances taken place which call for immediate remedy. It is Therefore Ordered under the particular situation of things that in future and until the next house of Assembly shall meet and shall make farther order to the Contrary that any two or more members of the Said Board called the Navy board shall proceed to Act and in all things be competent to the business of the said Board, this order not to prevent any or the whole of the Members of the said Board from attending & acting if they shall so chuse. WHEREAS it hath been represented to this Board that some in conveniences have arisen from the Officers of different States re cruiting generally together in this State It is Therefore ^Ordered, that in future no Officer whatsoever who is not in the Service of or Stationed in this State be permitted to re cruit or enlist men within the same without leave for that pur pose first had and obtained from the Governor or other Com mander in Chief of this State for the time being. WHEREAS it appears to this Board by two Letters from Colo nel Elliott of the eighth and eleventh instant that Several of the men belonging to his regiment have refused to march agreeable to their draft in pursuance of an order of the fifth instant from this Board It is Therefore Ordered that Colonel Elliott be required to proceed against all and every such Person and persons who have or hath refused as aforesaid in manner as directed by the several resolves and regulations of this State for the better government of the Militia, And that he make a new Draft and continue drafting and fining such as refuse until he shall get a Sufficient number to March upon the business mentioned in the said order of the fifth Instant. ORDERED That Colonel Andrew Elton Wells of Effingham County do appear before this board on Monday next and shew cause why the order of the day of last directed to him respecting the Cattle and other Stock of certain persons MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 55 v/ho are said to be in the Florida Scout hath not been carried into execution. M r Fulton a member having informed the board that Thomas Little who was appointed a Magistrate by the house of Assem bly for the County of Burke had declined acting 1 it is therefore ordered upon the recommendation of the said M r Fulton that John MNeilly be appointed in the room of the said Thomas Little. Wednesday March 18, 1778. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton Jenkin Davis John Lindsay. The following proposition and recommendation to the Com missioners of forfeited Estates in the County of Chatham was agreed to and tent to the said Commissioners (Viz 1 ) The Governor in Council proposes and recommends to the Gentlemen Commissioners of forfeited Estates for the County of Chatham the following matters First That one of the plantations adjoining the Town of Sa vannah which belonged to Sir James Wright be set aside and reserved for public use until the next meeting of Assembly and that the same be delivered Over to the Commissary General. Second That forty or fifty of the best Horses which can be got from the forfeited Estates together with all the Waggons 56 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Carts and Harness and also the Saddles and bridles on the Same be also delivered over to the Commissary General for public use until the next meeting of Assembly. Third. That two hundred Barrels of clean and Some rough rice also a quantity in the Straw together with what Indian Corn there may be on the three plantations adjoining the town and also from fifty to one hundred Steers to be brought from any of the forfeited Estates be also delivered over to the Commis sary General for public Use. The Governor in Council thinks the foregoing Articles abso lutely necessary to be reserved for public use, and if there should be any other Small articles which will be of service to the pub lic and which perhaps cannot be conveniently bought he thinks the Commissioners ought to reserve them till the next meeting of the Assembly and they will determine whether they shall be Sold or not. The Governor in Council will give orders to the Commissary to consider the plantation reserved as a Magazine and to remove whatever the Commissioners may chuse to reserve there, Subject to his order until the meeting of the Assembly. He will also place a Guard there for the Security of what may be left and suggests to the Commissioners whether it may not also be necessary to reserve two or three Sensible boys to take care of the Horses, Cattle & p on the Plantation. No incon venience can arise from these reserves as the Commissary will give his receipt for what he receives, and the Assembly may still have the articles (or such of them as remain) sold if they chuse when they next meet. The Governor in Council also recommend that one of the Plantations late belonging to Sir James Wright on Ogeechee be also reserved for the same pur pose as the one near Savannah, or at least that the Sale of the Said Plantation on Ogeechee be postponed until the next meet ing of the Assembly when if it appears that the said Plantation will be necessary to be reserved for public use, the Same may be done, if otherwise it may then be Sold. MINUTES OE THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 57 ORDERED That the Officer commanding the party of Captain Moores men Stationed at the Magazine in Ebenezer do for the present and until a Commissary for that purpose shall be ap pointed supply the said party of Men with rations agreeable to the rates allowed by the Assembly. Colonel Wells having attended the Board agreeable to the order of the thirteenth instant and acquainted them that he had issued his orders to Major Bonneil for carrying the order of the 19. of last Month into execution by the first opportunity after he had received the Same : it is ordered That Major Bonnel do attend this Board on Monday Seven night next being the thirtieth day of this Instant March to shew Cause why he hath not carried the said order from Colonel Wells into execu tion and Whereas it hath been represented to this Board that the said Major Bonnel did in a late pursuit against the Florida Scout, to wit, on or about the fifth day of January last behave in a Cowardly or disaffected manner : It is ordered That the said Major Bonnell do on the said day answer for the Same before this Board and if he can justify himself And fur ther that Colonel Wells Captain Jenkin Davis Archibald Patter son and Thomas Oxford do attend on the said day to Support the said Charges against the said Major Bonnel and if there are any Witnesses in behalf of the said Major Bonnell he is required to have them before this Board on the day aforesaid- It being represented to this Board that Rhuben Roberts late an Inhabitant of this State who was enlisted and Serving in the Florida Scout and who being taken prisoner lately broke Goal and made his escape from Sunbury is now lurking about the County of Effingham it is Ordered that all Officers of the Militia Justices of the peace, and Constables and all others the well affected Inhabitants of this State do Use their utmost endeavors to apprehend and Secure the said Rhuben Roberts and commit him to safe Custody so that he may be brought to condign punishment. 58 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday March 19 th 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly. Jenkin Davis John Fulton John Lindsay The Governor and council having appointed Luke Mann Es quire Commissary of Supplies for the five independent Compa nies of Foot under Major Wilder the said Luke Mann agrees to find them upon the following Terms for the Space of Six Months. First, The said Luke Mann engages to have a Supply of Provisions to wit junked or dried Beef and clean rice sufficient to last for one month always on hand for the Said Troops on his Plantation on Ogeechee he will also constantly keep Some Steers ready for them at the Said place to be killed as shall be requisite and will likewise use his utmost endeavors to pro cure Corn flower and also Pork for the Said Troops so as at times to vary their diet Second That the said Luke Mann will always deliver out to the Men upon the Major s Certificate or order either live Cattle or Dried Beef and rice or Corn Flower and Pork if to be had sufficient to last for one Month or such Shorter time as shall be directed at his said Plantation on Ogeechee that is to say he- will deliver such a Number of Rations as shall be ordered for the said Space of time or live Cattle Sufficient to meet the same with Rice or flower and will keep a fair and regular account thereof So that no company draw more rations than they are entitled to. Third The said Luke Mann will furnish or procure Live MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 59 Cattle hogs, rice and also Corn flower if to be had at as cheap a rate as he possibly can and will have the same conveyed to his Plantation aforesaid without any expence to the Public a quan tity of beef and also Pork if to be had sufficient to enable him to comply with the foregoing clauses, he will immediately or from time to time have killed, cured and dried or junked at his own trouble and expence. Fourth That the said Luke Mann will charge the public exactly what the beef pork rice and flower cost him and no other Commission or advance whatever except his Wages as herein after mentioned. And in case it shall at any time be necessary for any party or detachment of Men to carry a trav elling Commissary with them, the said Luke Mann will find one at the public charge who shall procure and furnish upon the same footing as before mentioned the public paying the Charge or driving the Cattle And in case any unavoidable accident of loss to the provision or Horses carried out by such travelling Com missary, the same shall fall on the public. In Consideration of the foregoing Agreement the public shall pay the said Luke Mann at and after the rate of thirty pounds Georgia Currency per Month for his trouble in procuring and supplying as before mentioned and shall furnish him with Cash monthly if desired to enable him to purchase on public account the Articles beforementioned The Public Shall also find Salt for curing the said Beef and Pork. ORDERED That the Treasurers advance to Luke Mann Es quire five hundred pounds to enable him to provide the Articles before mentioned. And the Commissary General furnish him with fifty bushels Salt out of the Store at Ogeechee on public account. The said Treasurers & Commissary respectively taking the said Luke Mann s receipt to be accountable for the expendi ture of the said Money and Salt. ORDERED That the Commissary General do furnish the said 60 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Luke Mann with a pair of Quern Stones fit for grinding Corn into flower for the Use of the five independent Companies taking his receipt to be accountable for the Same. ORDERED That the said Commissary General be directed to Reserve one hundred bushels Salt out of the quantity now in the Store at Ogeechee (over and above what has lately been ordered to be reserved) for the use of the said five independent Compa nies That he cause the Same to be barrell d up and put in some Secure place at Ogeechee but not to be delivered out but by order of the Governor in Council. ORDERED That the prohibition upon the exportation of Salt from this State be continued for three months longer unless otherwise ordered within that time by this Board Tuesday the 24 March 1778 Present his honor the Governor William Maxwell John Fulton Jenkin Davis John Lindsay Samuel Miller The Governor and Council having been present at the fire en Sunday Evening desire on behalf of the State to make their warmest acknowledgements to all the Citizens and Soldiers who were drawn together upon that occasion by their ready and great exertions in extinguishing the fire which seemed for a time to threaten the whole town with ruin and they desire in a most particular manner to return their thanks to Captain Walker of the Light Horse, M r Wheeler Captain Bonner, M r Harrison M r Mitchelson and M r Jacques, for their most Surprising Efforts and undaunted Conduct in stopping the progress of the flames. To the unparrelled activity and exertions of these Gentlemen MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 61 may, under God, be ascribed the Salvation of the Court House and consequently of a great part if not the whole of the Town ORDERED That a quarter Cask of Rum and a barrel of Beer be given to the Soldiers of the third and fourth Battalions for their Services in extinguishing the fire on Sunday Night A Petition of John Jamieson Esq r being laid before the Board praying leave to return and remain for a Short time in order to Settle his private concerns in this State. RESOLVED That the name of the said John Jamieson being inserted in the act of attainder and Confiscation passed by the last Assembly the power of this board to interfere in regard to the Merits of the said Petition is done away. And this board do not find by any words in the said Act they have the least right, were they so disposed to grant any Indulgence whatsoever of the nature which is prayed for. ORDERED That the following Instructions be given to the keepers of the Magazines in Savannah and Ebenezer respec tively. You are to be vigilent and attentive in the care of the Maga zine and powder committed to your Charge to have the same properly placed so as to prevent it receiving the damage from the Weather or otherwise to have it frequently turned and looked at and if at any time the Casks or Kegs want Coopering or if the powder requires new ones to have the same done at the public Charge, you are also to give an Eye to the Guard placed at the said Magazine and if at any time you observe any remissness or negligence in them, to make immediate report thereof to the Governor. In short you are with the utmost exactness and fidelity to do every thing which appears Necessary for preserv ing, taking care of and Securing the said Magazine and the Powder therein contained. And you are not to deliver out any of the said Powder to 62 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS any persons whatsoever without a written order from the Gover nor or in his absence from the President of the Council. ORDERED That the Treasurers pay Charles MKay one hun dred and Six pounds ten Shillings being- the amount of his pay and that of his men hired for taking Care of the Magazine at Ebenezer up to the time of their being disbanded as appears by vouchers lodged in the Treasury Tuesday March 25. 1778 The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly William Maxwell 1 Charles Kent Jenkin Davis p n John Fulton Samuel Miller John Lindsay J ORDERED That the Colonel of the Militia of the County of Chatham do direct the several Captains of the Companies under him to make regular returns from the Alarm lists of the men belonging to their Companies respectfully & that the said Colo nel do furnish William Belcher Esq re tax Collector for the said County with the Same as soon as he shall Receive it, and that this be done on or before the first day of April next. The Governor desired the advice and opinion of the Council upon the following points. First Whether he should proceed to the signing and passing of Grants for Lands within the district commonly called the new Ceded Lands MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 63 The Council were divided in opinion; two Counties for, two against and one divided, the question was therefore postponed for the present. Second Whether he should proceed to the signing and pass ing of Grants for Lands within other parts of the State. The Council were unanimously of opinion that he ought to proceed to the signing and passing of such Grants as soon as the form thereof shall be prepared by the Attorney General and approved of by this board. ORDERED That William Belcher Esquire Commissioner for the Indian Trade do furnish four Indians whose names shall be given in to him by M r Nunes with a blanket a shirt a pair of boots and a flap to each and charge the Same to public account. And that the Commissary do furnish them with po\vder and ball at the rate of a pound and an half of the former and three pounds of the Latter to each and also with provision of Rice and beef or pork whilst they shall stay in Town likewise a Gal lon of rum and some Tobacco, the said Indians having been for four Months past upon a Scouting party with Cap 1 Gray and having rendered some Services against the florida Scout. And It Is Further Ordered that the said Moses Nunes who is Linguist to the Said Indians do in future keep a regular account of the names of all such Indians as shall receive presents in Town and of the Articles so delivered to them. It Is Further Ordered that the said Commissary General do furnish M r Nunes with a Gun to be by him delivered to the Indian who assisted in taking Roberts and a nother of the Florida Scout lately And that M r Nunes do inform such Indian that the Gun is given as an acknowledgement for his Services. ORDERED That a Commission be filled up to Captain Benja min Walker of the Light Horse & John Morel Esq r as first Lieu 1 of the said Troop to bear date and run agreeable to their appointment by the Assembly. 64 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS William Belcher Commissioner for the Indian affairs having" Supplied certain Catawba Indians with Goods to the amount of one hundred and thirteen pounds Seven Shillings and eight pence for Services done to the State It is Ordered That the said sum be allowed the said William Belcher in his public Account. ORDERED That Samuel Stirk be appointed to Sign the money ordered by the House of Assembly to call in the recon ciliation Money in the room of Andrew Elton Wells Deceased ORDERED That John Daniel Hammerer be appointed a Magistrate for the County of Chatham in the room of Isaac Young Esq r deceased. ORDERED,, That the Commissioners for the Town of Savan nah do forthwith cause to be repaired and put in good order the public Wells in the said Town and that they do in other respects pay strict attention to their duty as Commissioners. The following was received from the Auditors appointed by the Honorable House of Assembly for auditing the public ac counts and requested the Advice of the Governor and Council thereon. Auditors Office Savannah March 24. 1778 The Board of Auditors appointed by the resolve of the hon orable the House of Assembly the first day of this Instant beg leave to lay before his Honor the Governor and Council the following query relative to some doubts which occur to the Board in Auditing divers receipts which have been delivered by Treasurers as vouchers for large Sums of money paid out of the Treasury of this State Whether the Board can audit receipts to the Treasurers for money paid by them to any persons without the express order MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 65 and direction of the Legislative or executive powers of this State? Jos. WOOD Jun 1 Auditors JOHN GIBBONS J The Board conceive the Auditors of accounts are answerable to the honorable the House of Assembly for their conduct in this business : But Nevertheless give it as their opinion that no drafts upon the Treasury of this State are regular but Such as come from the Legislative or Executive Bodies of the same or shall be derived from their order or authority. ORDERED. That the persons appointed by resolve of Conven tion dated the Eleventh day of December one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Six be required with the utmost expedition to complete the Battery and other public "Works in Simbury pursuant to the directions of the said resolve. ORDERED That the Secretary of this Board do furnish Cap tain Mann the Commissary of Supplies for the five Independent Companies of foot under Major Wilder with a particular ac count of the Rations to which the men belonging to the said Companies are intitled being the same as the minute Men drew : And that the said Commissary in particular ceases when the men shall be So Stationed upon the Southern frontiers that they can not conveniently fetch their provisions from his plantation that he do at public charge send the same to them, at their respective stations. 5 r r vol 2 66 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday the 3 d April 1778 Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton William Maxwell Jenkin Davis Richard Wylly. John Lindsay WHEREAS it appears to this Board that there is a body of Land lying in the fork between the River Ogeechee and the Beaver Dam Creek which was not prior to the Revolution allowed by Government to be run for fear of bringing on a dispute with the Indians the matter not being clearly ascertained whether the Same is within our Lines or not : And whereas it would be im politic and improper at this particular juncture to suffer any act Lo be done which might be deemed by the Indians an infringe ment upon their Lands And some persons have not withstanding run and marked out the lines of some Tracts within that body : It Is Therefore Ordered that for the present and until further orders no Grant do pass to any person or persons whatso ever for any Land lying within that Fork and that no deputy Surveyor do without leave presume to run any more of Such Land lying and being within the fork aforesaid. ORDERED That in future when Caveats against the passing of Grants shall be entered the same Shall be under the following regulations in regard to the hearing and determining of them. First. They Shall be heard on the day for which they stand advertised when both the parties attend either by themselves or others. Second They shall be heard exparte and judgment Shall be awarded from what appears to the Board in nature of an en quiry (having been duly advertised) when only one of the par- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 67 ties attend unless a Sufficient excuse by Affidavit Shall be made for the other in which case the Caveat shall be postponed. Third "Where neither party shall attend they shall be post poned, if the first time, & discharged if the Second time. WHEREAS from the representation of Colonel Elliott and other Gentlemen of Liberty County it appears that an Indian commonly called Indian Johny hath been for a long time un justly imprisoned and that the said fellow hath always acted as a friend to us and hath Several times gone out in the Service of this Country: And Whereas it also appears that during the srr d Fellows Imprisonment he lost all his Cattle & Horses consisting in all of near t\venty head besides a number of other articles It Is Therefore Resolved That the saicl Indian Johny i,e Allowed fifty pounds in lieu of and in full for 1 is Cattle and other things which he lost; And also as a Coin- pcnsati-n f. r his false imprisonment that the Treasurers do pay the Sarr.e to M r Nunes to be by him delivered to the said In dian. ORDERED That the powder receiver in Savannah deliver to William Belcher Esq r Agent for Indian Supplies one hundred W l of Lead, and fifty W l of powder the same to be returned b\ the c a ; d William Belcher r.r otherwise accounted for with the puHic-- Edward Davies Esq r having informed the Board t! at he had in his b UiMS a quantity of Gun powder (to wit above live hun dred pou ^s) belonging to a person in Charles Town for Sale. RKSPT.,VE;> That the Same be purchased for public u-e if it can be eot upon reasonable terms That Major \Vylly & John Fulton Esq rs be a Committee to make the said purchc.se and that the C u . ernur ( if the same shall be made) do give an order on the treasur- for the amount thereof agreeable to the report of the .said Committee. 68 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED That John Storr Esq r be appointed a Commissioner of Trade in the room of Andrew Elton Wells Esq r dec d for the port of Savannah. ORDERED That Sheraud de Longig be appointed Second Lieu tenant of the Congress Galley there being a Vacancy of the said place and that this resolve Serve as a Commission for the present WHEREAS it appears to this Board that Joseph Pannill Esq r hath ever since the Seventeenth day of September last past acted Major to the Second Regiment of foot within this State but hath not as yet received his Commission And Whereas this board approving of the conduct of the said Joseph pan- i-ill do direct that a Continental Commission be filled up to him bearing date on the Said Seventeenth day of September last past he having ever since that time done the duty of a Major. ORDERED, That M r Nunes do procure from W m Belcher Esq r and the Commissary General the Several Articles men tioned in a list which has been agreed to, by this Board and that he do deliver the same to the King of the Tocabatichers and the rest of the Indians who are now down as presents from the State A talk was delivered in Council to the said Indians and Copies thereof sent up to M r Galphin and Colonel M c Murphey ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to John Oneal thirty five pounds in Lieu of that Sum by him lost in a fire he having made Affidavit thereof & lodged the same in the Treasury pursuant to a Resolve of the house of Assembly dated September the Elev enth 1777 The Board taking into Consideration the Situation of the- Gallies and the bad provision of pay and necessaries that has hither to been made for them A question was propounded "Upon what establishment are the said Gallies and to whose: authority are they Subject" MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 69 IT WAS RESOLVED. First. That the said Gallies were orig inally undertaken and intended to be kept up on the es tablishment of this State for the express purpose of protecting and defending the Rivers inlets and Plantations within the Same. Secondly. That afterwards Congress for a variety of rea sons adopted them upon the Continental Establishment but did not in the least vary or alter the Intention or design of the said original undertaking, and therefore in the opinion of Council they must be Considered as a General Charge for a particular purpose Consequently they ought to be directed in their op erations by those for whose benefit they were raised, to wit the Inhabitants of this State. Under this view and mere espe cially as the Commodore and all the Officers of the said Gallies hold their appointments, and are removeable, by this State the Council are clearly of opinion that altho the whole charge of the said Gallies will go as a part of the quota of this State to the General cause, yet that the Commodore and all the other Officers of the said Gallies are absolutely Subject to the orders of the Executive authority of this State and not to those of any Continental Officer whatsoever of the Land forces within the same. ORDERED That a copy of the foregoing resolution be deliv ered to Commodore Bowen and that he be required to issue the Same out in orders to the Captains or other Commanding Offi cers of the Several Gallies under him and if the said Commodore or any of the said Officers have any objection to the said reso lution they are immediately to make the same known to this Board. RESOLVED That Thomas Ross Esquire as heretofore act as pay-master to the Officers and men belonging to the said Gallies and that he be directed from time to time as the pay Rolls shall he delivered in to him, after being duly examined by the Navy Board to apply to the Governor for a draft upon the Treasury for money to answer the Same And that the Treasurers 70 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS charge the money paid for the use of the said Gallies to the Debit of, or as a Loan to the Continent ORDERED That Commodore Bowen make a monthly return to the Governor of the Stations and Conditions of the Gallies under l.is Command also of the numbers of Men, and vacancies of the Officers to them respectively belonging And that he also from time make application to the Governor for what shall be v, anting for the said Gallies and which the Navy board Shall not furnish And that he in every respect use his utmost en deavor:, to put the said Gallies upon the most respectable foot ing" And whereas it is evident that men will not be induced to enlist on board the said Gallies for the small wages which are c:t p resc- -it allowed them and it is equally evident that the Safety of the State at this particular and alarming juncture will be in great measure dependent on the said Gallies And those reasons against enlisting men for the Land Service for a Shorter time than during the War do not hold in regard to the Sea Service It Is Therefore Ordered that in future and until the house of Assembly or this Board shall make further order to the contrary all and every able bodied man who shall be fit for the Gaily Service and who shall inlist in the same shall over and above all former allowances be entitled to a bounty as herein after mentioned. If for Six months 5 If for one year L 10 If during the War 20 WHEREAS in times of impending danger and Calamity when the Enemy to our lives and Liberties is daily making ravages thro our Country, it is right and necessary that the Militia be always kept in a State of readiness to repel every Sudden and hostile invasion thereof It Is Therefore Ordered that the Colonel or other Commanding Officer of the Battalion of mi litia belonging to Each County throughout the State be required immediately to cause elections to be held so as to fill up all MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 71 vacancies in the said regiments respectively that thereafter the Colonel cause to be had a General Muster as soon as possible and that at such general muster a draft be made of one third of the Regiment or Battalion who are to keep themselves in readi ness to march and go out upon any scouting or other duty that may be requisite at an hours warning And such duty shall be accordingly if necessary done by them that at the expiration of a month another draft of one other third part take place, and so on to be continued throughout the Regiment until further orders And It Is Further Ordered that the Colonels and oil other Officers of the respective Regiments use their utmost endeavors by all Lawful ways and means to compel their Men to keep themselves always properly prepared for ac tion arid furnished with a few rounds of Cartridges and other recessaries in Case of an Alarm, and that this order be particu larly attended to in regard to the Men who shall be under Draft as aforesaid. Upon the Application of Major General Howe and by his recommendation as well as that of Colonel Elbert and Colonel White It Is Ordered that a Commission as Captain of a Company of Artillery upon the Continental Establishment for the defence of the State of Georgia in which there is a Vacancy as represented to the Board be filled up & delivered to Jean Pierre Andris Defaupeyret Esq r and that John son be appointed Captain Lieutenant and Thomas Button first Lieutenant of the said Company, and that Commissions be ac cordingly filled up and delivered to them respectively 72 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday April / th 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton John Lindsay Charles Kent WHEREAS there is great reason to apprehend some dangerous attempt is meditated against this State many of the back in habitants of South Carolina having passed over the River with a manifest intention of joining the Enemy in East Florida It is Therefore Ordered that the Militia throughout the State be immediately embodied that a Draft of two thirds of each Battalion be immediately made and marched into Barracks or in pursuit of the Enemy as the Commanding Officer of the County from Circumstances shall judge advisable until further orders or if such Commanding Officer shall deem it necessary that he call out the whole of the said County Militia and that every measure be embraced to quell the present insurrection And it is Further Ordered that the Militia of Chatham County take the Guard in Savannah and that the Colonel or other Commanding Officer be required daily to furnish an Officer and twenty five men for that puq>ose. RESOLVED That an express be sent off to the president of South Carolina informing them of our alarming Situation and desiring their friendly assistance. WHEREAS it appears that there is reason to apprehend an at tempt by Sea is intended against the Town of Sunbury Or dered that it be left to the discretion of the Commanding Officer in Liberty County whether to march the Militia with the Continental Troops, or to keep them for the defence of Sun- bury MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 73 ORDERKD That the said Commanding Officer draft a de tachment sufficient to Mann the Gallies at Sunbury and that they go on board the same as Marines and that the Commanding Officer of the Gallies act in concert with the Officers of the said Militia this order Nevertheless to be left to the discretion of the said Commanding Officer of Liberty County who being on the spot will be better enabled to judge from circumstances ORDERED That 12 9 lb Cannon Shot be delivered out of the Arsenal for the use of Sunbury Monday 13, April 17/8 WHEREAS the critical and alarming Situation of affairs in this State the want of money in the Treasury, the absolute necessity of making some vigorous exertions against the Enemy in Con sequence of the present alarm and many other reasons make it necessary that the House of Assembly should be immediately called It is Therefore Resolved that the said House of Assembly be immediately called by Proclamation to meet at Augusta in the County of Richmond on Monday the twenty Seventh day of April Instant and that notice thereof be sent to the Several Counties by Express if no other opportunity offers. WHEREAS in the present times of danger & alarm there ap pears to be an absolute necessity of forming two voluntier Com panies of Militia, the one of Horse and the other of Artillery It is Therefore Ordered that two such Companies be imme diately formed out of the Battalion of Chatham County a: larg e without respect to persons who are inclined to enlist in the Same having been enrolled in any other Companies what soever unless it be in the Grenadier or Light Infantry s, and that Such companies be considered as a part of the Battalion of Mili tia of the said County and that they be Subject to the field Offi- 74 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS cers of the said Battalion but be totally independent of the other Companies. And it is Further Ordered that the establishment of the said Companies be as follows, for the Company or Troop, of Horse i Captain I Lieutenant i Cornet & 30 Privates For the Company of Artillery i Captain 2 Lieutenants and thirty privates And that such Companies continue until otherwise ordered by due authority. And be whilst they shall continue subject to the same fines and other regulations as other Militia save only that they are to be independent of the other Companies as before mentioned. A Petition from two hundred and ninety two Inhabitants of the Count} - of Chatham praying that the House of Assembly might be called being laid before them RESOLVED That the House being already called the said Pe tition do lie on the table until the meeting of Assembly and that then the same to be laid before them. The Treasury being in great want of money and the public Drafts in consequence of the present alarm daily increasing the Board recommend and propose to the Commissioners appointed by Assembly for the management of the State Lottery to lodge Such Monies as they have received by the Sale of Tickets in the Treasury and take out Treasury Certificates for the Same not making the least doubt but that the Treasury will be enabled to return the said money which may be so lodged whenever the Commissioners shall so require it and the Board promise to do all in their power to have this money returned whenever de manded ORDERED That a Copy of the above be sent to the s d Com missioners MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 75 The Governor laid before the Board an Affidavit of Major Wilder respecting Colonel Thomas s behavior upon the late alarm and also his order in Consequence thereof and likewise some other Steps and measures which he had taken when he could not convene a Council (the members being out of Town) upon the late Emergency RESOLVED That this Board do approve of the same and would have recommended the like measures had they been present Thursday, April 16, 17/8 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly Samuel Miller John Lindsay John Fulton In pursuance of an Act of Congress dated the 7 th March 1778 It is ordered that Wednesday the twenty Second day of April Instant be observed as a day of fasting, prayer and humiliation throughout the State and a proclamation for that purpose was accordingly issued. WHEREAS it is manifest the situation of this State is truly alarming and that without the most spirited and vigorous exer tions the machinations of our Enemies threaten to Succeed. AND WHEREAS in such times of danger it may happen that every thing may depend upon instantanious measures being em braced which cannot be done should the Governor wait for call ing a Council And whereas it is not clear whether there is at 76 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS any time an absolute necessity for the Governor to act in Conjunction with the Council in Militia matters the Constitution seeming to allude only to matters altogether of a Civil nature, but in such times as these it is evi dent that if the Constitution will warrant it (which by the thirty third clause the Board think it will) the whole rather to be expected than from many. The Council therefore executive power ought to be lodged in a Single person with respect to Military matters from whose decision and dispatch are impressed with a Sense of the Calamitous situation of this Stati and apprehending it as an unavoidable expedient, do request that his honor the Governor will be pleased to take upon himself to act in such manner as to him shall seem most elegible, and to exercise all the executive powers of Government appertaining to the Militia or the defence of the State against the present danger which threatens it or in annoyance of the Enemy independent of the executive Council and without calling Consulting or advising with them, unless where and when he shall find it convenient and shall Chuse so to do. And they pledge themselves to support and uphold him in so doing and to adopt as their own the meas ures which he shall embrace And that this shall continue during the present emergency or until the honorable house of Assembly shall make an order or give their opinion to the Contrary. The Governor having considered of the foregoing Requisition answered that he was exceedingly unwilling to do any act with out the approbation of the Council but that as he had found by experience during the present alarm the impossibility of at all times getting them together when too, much perhaps depended upon a minute And further that as the Council had given it as their Opinion that the proceedings was justifiable under the Con stitution and as the meeting of the Assembly was so near at hand and alarms and dangers seem d to thicken on all Sides he agreed to act in the manner the Council requested during the present emergency or until the honorable House of Assembly shall make an order or give their opinion to the contrary. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 77 RESOLVED, As the opinion of this Board that an Alarm as pointed out by the act of Assembly ought to be immediately fired throughout the State and the consequences thereof take place. ORDERED That the Treasurers pay to John Fulton Esq r fifty pounds in part of his account for his attendance in Council : Also to John Lindsay Esq r forty pounds in full for his attendance in Council The Council adjourned to meet at Augusta on Monday the twenty seventh day of April Instant agreeable to the governor s Proclamation for that purpose. Savannah June 26 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the President Charles Kent William Maxwell John Fulton. J WHEREAS by a resolution of the honorable House of Assembly pass d the fourth day of May last his honor the Governor is em power d. to draught or cause to be draughted from the Confis cated and Sequestered Estates a number not exceeding two hun dred able male Slaves for the use of the Continental Army now employed or that may hereafter be employed on the expedition against East Florida to act as pioneers And also to draught one hundred able male Slaves for the use of the Militia and other forces belonging to this State and employed on an expedition now carrying on Against East Florida to do fatigue duty on the said Expedition And Whereas the Trustees appointed by 78 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS an act of Assembly to take Charge of the above mentioned Estates and who are directed to furnish the said Slaves find it impracticable to collect from the different Estates the number ordered owing to the Sickness of the Negroes their unwillingness to go on the said Expedition and as it is supposed the pains taken by the Overseers to keep them out of the Way when applied for. RESOLVED That the President do issue orders to Capt" Gwinn of the Cherokee Hill Company or to the Captains of any Com pany of Malitia in whose district any of the Confiscated or sequestered estates may be directing them to draught such a num ber of their Company, as they may think sufficient to apprehend and bring to Savannah the negroes wanted. AND WHEREAS it has been represented to this Board by Colo nel Williamson who is on his march to join the Governor with a Body of Troops from the State of South Carolina and from the best information he can collect the Roads between Great Ogeechee and the Alatamaha are impassible for his Waggons in many places and whereas it is absolutely necessary that his Troops should join those of the Governor as soon as possible and as it may occasion a considerable delay should they be ob liged to wait until the Negroes be sent from this County reach him. RESOLVED That Colonel Williamson be empowered and directed to hire such a number of Negroes as he may find neces sary from the owners of the Plantations which lie most contigu ous to the roads which are out of order, to repair the Same, and in case of the refusal of the said owners to hire their Negroes the said Colonel Williamson is hereby authorized and empowered to press the number he may w r ant and to give the owners Cer tificates of the number of Negroes and of the time which they may be employed by him Provided Nevertheless that none of the Negroes so hired or impressed be carried out of the district to which they belong nor be detained more than four days. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 79 ORDERED That the Secretary do transmit a Copy of the said resolution to Colonel Williamson and write to Captain Gwinn on the Subject of the first resolution Tuesday the 7 th July 1778 The Board met Present His Honor the President William Maxwell Charles Kent John Keebler John Fulton Robert Henderson and Ezekiel Bromfield Prisoners on their Parole in Savannah taken up on Suspicion of being- Enemies to the State having this day presented a petition to the Board requesting that they may be permitted to Return to their respec- tives Homes upon giving Sufficient Security for their appearance to stand their Trial. ORDERED That the said Robert Henderson and Ezekiel Brom field be discharged from their parole upon giving good and Sufficient Security to his Honor the Governor that they will at tend -and stand their Trials at the Superiour Court to be holden in Burke County on the third Tuesday in October next. WHEREAS the exportation of Provisions from the united States of America has tended considerably to the Supplying the Enemies thereof by the Capture of Vessels concerned in such exportation. And whereas it is recommended in the strongest Terms by the Honorable the Continental Congress that a Gen eral Embargo should be laid on the exportation of Provisions It is Therefore Ordered that a Proclamation do immediately 80 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS issue prohibiting the exportation of Wheat Flower, Rye, Indian Corn, Rice, Bread, Beef, Pork, Bacon, live Stock, and other provisions from this State, from the date hereof until the fifteenth day of November next unless sooner revoked Provided that this Embargo shall not be constru d to prevent the taking on Board such provisions as shall be necessary for the Stores of any Ships or Vessels of War or others Trading to and from this State. ORDERED That the President do draw upon the Treasurers in favor of Eerick & Gray for the Sum of thirty pounds each ii part of their Salary. ORDERED That the Embargo on the exportation of Salt from this State be continued for the Space of three months WHEREAS by a resolution of the honorable House of Assembly passed the i l March last the Auditor General was directed to examine and Liquidate the Accounts of the Commissaries of the Minute Battalions and after having so done to lay the same be fore his Honor the Governor and Council, and empowering his Honor to draw on the Treasurers of this State for such Sums as might appear due. And Whereas an account has this day been presented to the Board by Benjamin Few Commissary for one cf the said Battalions upon which it appears by the Certificates of Joseph Wood Jun r Auditor that there is a Ballance due to him of three thousand, three hundred and Eighty three pounds four teen Shillings. ORDERED That the president do draw on the Treasurers in favor of the said Few for the said Sum of three thousand three hundred and Eighty three pounds fourteen Shillings MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 81 Thursday the 23 July 1778 I ; : : L The Board iret Present His Honor the President John Lindsay Holman Freeman John Fulton John Keebler WHEREAS it appears to this Board, that many Probates for Land have been improperly executed one Justice of the Peace having Signed them in his own name and in that of some other Justices of the Peace And Whereas this Board is unwilling to suppose that this has preceded from a design to impose upon or injure the It is therefore resolved That Letters be wrote to the Several Justices of the peace requiring them to be more cautious ia future, and directing them hereafter the Probates particularly set forth the Family rights of persons applying for Lands and of their having said rights in the State at the time of applying. Read the Petition of Colonel John Thomas of Burke county Setting forth that on or about the tenth day of April last he was put under an arrest and that he hath agreeable to his Parole remained within the Limits of the ever since and Praying that he May be permitted to return to his House upon giving Bail for his appearing and standing his trial at the next Superiour Court. A Number of Affidavits much in favor of the said Thomas having been also read ORDERED That Colonel John Thomas be discharged from his Parole and be permitted to return home on his giving good 6 r r vol 2 82 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Security in the Sum of two thousand pounds that he will appear and stand his trial at the Superiour Court to be holden in Burke County on the third Tuesday in October next WHEREAS by a letter laid before the Board from Charles MKay and from other information Received it appears that the Magazine at Ebenezer in which there is near Seven thousand v/ of Gun Powder is at this alarming time very "Weakly guarded and that the Militia who Keep Guard there are very remiss in their duty ORDERED That Charles MKay do hire Sixteen men for the purpose of guarding the said Magazine and to be under the Com mand of the said MKay and to be continued on pay (at the rate of five pounds per Month for each Man to include rations) until relieved by the Continental or Some other Troops And that the said M c Kay have two Gentry Boxes built at the expence of the public for the use of the said Guard and upon having so done that he make a report thereof to this Board, that the Militia who are now on duty may be discharged. Wednesday 5 th Aug: 17/8. Present his Honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton John Lindsay Jenkin Davis John Keebler WHEREAS, there is at present a great number of persons most of them notorious offenders against the State confined in the Jail in Burke County, and they having many friends and abettors in and amongst the Florida Scout there is the greatest reason to apprehend an attempt may be made to effect their rescue and MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 83 release It is therefore necessary that a strict guard be kept on the said Jail, more especially as the place where it stands is remote from the inhabitants, and the Militia having been upon hard duty lately it is unreasonable to expect or require them at present to guard the same Therefore RESOLVED that a Company of one Captain, one Lieutenant and twenty privates be immediately raised as a guard to the said jail that Lemuel Lanier Esq. be that Captain, and that he appoint his Lieutenant and raise the said twenty men that the pay of the privates be one dollar per day besides rations And that the pay of the Captain & Lieutenant be in proportion that the said Company continue untill the end of the next Court to be held in Burke County and then be discharged unless it shall be thought necessary by the Justices of said Court to continue then for one month longer RESOLVED That Lemuel Lanier Esq r be allowed one hundred pounds over and above his pay as a gratuity for his ready and essential services done to the State during the late expedition WHEREAS it manifestly appears that the five independent Com panies directed to be raised out of the Minute battalions hava by no Means answered the intention of the Legislature, and so far from compensating for their expenses they have only served as a name without rendering the service of Troops their whole number which ought to have been two hundred and fifty not amounting to seventy men on the expedition and the most of even that number having since deserted insomuch that the Gov ernor informed the Board that out of the five Companies he did not know of above six men he could at present order on duty therefore RESOLVED That the said five Companies be discharged from henceforth And that the Clerk of this Board do signify the same to such of the Officers as he can hear of. 84 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WHEREAS on the thirteenth day of April last past it was judged expedient to order a Company of Artillery to be raised out of the Militia of the County of Chatham. And Whereas, the reasons for the same hold more strong now than then, and the said Company hath in some measure fallen into decay. RESOLVED That the said Company of Artilleiy be continued, that they be augmented to forty privates; under the following Officers (to wit) a Captain, two Lieutenants, two Sergeants and two Corporals. That the Governor do appoint the said Com missioned Officers and that they remain upon the establishment mentioned in the said resolve of this Board of the thirteenth day of April last, and take charge of the Artillery belonging to the State. And it is further ordered, That the said Companies of Ar tillery be also a fire Company for the Town of Savannah and that the Governor do appoint two reputable inhabitants of the said Town as Directors of fires ; And that the said Company be furnished with proper implements for their use. And whereas the small number of inhabitants in this County will not admit of exemptions It is therefore ordered, That nothing in the foregoing resohv shall exempt any person engaged in the said Company from patrol or other duty in common with the other inhabitants save only that they are to do duty as a company of themsflt ^s when called upon. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 85 Saturday 15 th August 1778. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor. Richard Wylly Charles Kent John Fulton John Lindsay ORDERED That a copy of the information of Hannah Noble, this day laid before the Board, respecting some cattle of hers said to be drove off by Colo. Howell some time ago, be trans mitted to Major Ravot of Effingham County; and that he be directed if he shall find the said information true to cause the said cattle to be returned to her, but if otherwise that he do at tend this Board with a state of the matter before he shall deliver the said cattle up. ORDERED That the company of Horse patrol in the Town of Savannah do recommend some one of their company to the Governor as a fit person for a Captain in the room of Joseph Habersham Esquire who declines acting. It being represented to this Board that there are a number of persons now lying in the Jail at Savannah, who, notwith standing their having been taken and confined as prisoners of War, are under accusation of Treason. It is ordered, That the Chief Justice do cause a report to be made to this Board by thursday next of the names of such of the said persons now confined in any of the Jails in Savannah as are under accusation or charge of Treason or any other offence, or against whom there is reasonable ground of suspicion that they fall under the said charge. ORDERED, That the Treasurer pay to Samuel Slich Clerk of this Board two hundred and fifty pounds in part of his salary and other charges against the public. 85 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED That the Treasurer pay to Mr. Fournier the sum of eight hundred pounds being the amount of an order drawn in his favor by the Governor and lost by the said Fournier, upon his lodging good and sufficient security with the said Treasurer that the said order shall not hereafter be produced for payment. And it is further ordered that the Treasurer pay particular attention to this matter. ORDERED That John Daniel Hammerer be appointed Vendue Master for the County of Chatham upon his giving good and sufficient security and otherwise complying with the act of A s- sembly. Tuesday 25 th August 1/78. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor. Richard Wylly John Lindsay John Fulton John Keebler Charles Kent. ORDERED That the commanding Officer of the continental Troops in Savannah be informed that as it is apprehended the barracks without the Town are sufficiently finished to receive to receive the said Troops, it is the opinion of this Board and the earnest desire of the inhabitants of the Town, that the privates belonging to the said Troops be removed to the said barracks in particular that they be ordered out of the parsonage house which under the emergency of a former occasion was perverte-l from its original intention and turned into barracks. WHEREAS, a certain sum of money being voted by the Honor able the Continental Congress for the purpose of calling in, and redeeming the Treasury certificates of this State, a part thereof was brought in by Joseph Wood Esq r one of the delegates of MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 87 this State, and the Honorable the House of Assembly at their sitting ordered that the same shall be applied in paying off a fourth part of the said Treasury Certificates. AND WHEREAS since that time another part of their said vote of Congress hath been brought in by Major Lucas sufficient as it is apprehended to pay off another fourth part of the said Treas ury certificates, therefore RESOLVED That the said sum of money brought in by the said Major Lucas and now lying in the Treasury of this State be applied towards discharging and paying off another fourth part of the said Treasury certificates according to the true intent and meaning of the said vote of Congress. ORDERED, That all vacancies of officers in the Militia of this State be forthwith filled up by new elections and that from time to time as fast as elections shall happen a report be made to the Governor in order that Commissions may be made out. It being suggested to this Board that Oliver Bowen Esq. hath signified his intention to the members of the Navy Board by circular notes to them of leaving the State It is Ordered, That the said Navy Board do require the said Oliver Bowen before his departure to make a full settlement with them of all the public accounts of the said Gallies since the time of the said Navy Board being instituted And whereas prior to the institution of the said Navy Board certain sums of Money, have been advanced by the Treasurer of this State for the use of the said Gallies, which still remain unsettled It is Therefore Ordered That the said Navy Board do also procure a settlement of such accounts and that the Treasurer assist them in that business in order that the State may be furn ished with proper vouchers so as to debit the continent with what is just and right. 88 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WHEREAS, notwithstanding the resolve of this Board on the third day of April last past; and the letter of Oliver Bovvcn Esq. to the Governor in answer to the same, disputes concerning the supreme command over the Gallies, do still exist; and the said Oliver B.owen hath in a late instance absolutely denied the au thority of the State over him. And whereas, the Gallies at present appear in a condition no wise fit, from the want of men, and many other circumstances, to render service to this state in case of need ; and it would be wrong that the public, for whose benefit the said Gallies were intended should be deprived thereof through the means of any one man. And whereas, some of the Officers of the said Gallies have lately applied to the Governor for their pay and the necessary supplies for- the vessels under their immediate command respectively, and being sensible they hold their Commissions from this State, and that they were in tended for the use and defence of it, do not pretend to question the authority of same over them. It is Therefore Ordered, That the Captains or Commanding Officers of all the Gallies in the service of this State d3 attend this Board on Thursday next, and answer such questions as shall be put to them. And it is further ordered, that in case the said Captains or other Commanding Officer shall satisfy this Board of their disposition to obey the lawful commands of the State in future; proper provision as heretofore shall be made for them; and as to the particular conduct of the said Oliver Bowen, It is Ordered That the same be referred to the Honorable the House of Assembly at their next meeting, and that until such meeting, in order to avoid contest and injury to public sen-ice all orders from the Governor run immediately to the Captains themselves or other Commanding Officers of the said Gallies respectively. WHEREAS, during the confusion which subsisted prior to the establishment of the present Constitution a practice obtained and which hath since continued of Marrying without license, security MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 89 or* publication of the bans as had been heretofore used in this State to the great abuse in many cases of that holy institution Therefore RESOLVED, That it be publickly notified in order that no Clergyman may plead ignorance/ that such practice is contrary to law, and that where the parties are disposed to marry with out publication of the Banns, the Secretary of the State will be ready to receive bond, and apply to the Governor for license as hath heretofore been used in this State prior the revolution; that article not appearing to be in any wise altered by the present Constitution. A petition from a number of persons having been presented to the Board for the establishing Edward Welch in the printing business in Savannah, It is Ordered That the said petition be referred to John Ful ton and Charles Kent Esq r as a Committee who are to make enquiry concerning the said Welch and also in what manner Types and other utensils can be had for him ; and to report their opinion upon the whole matter to this Board at their next sitting. Wednesday 26 th August 1778. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton John Keebler Charles Kent. RESOLVED That a Flag of Truce be sent to Saint Augustine with the prisoners belonging to the enemy in the Towns of Sa vannah and Sunbury; that the Sloop Rebecca belonging to the 90 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS State, go as the said Flag of Truce that Charles Kent Esq r be the Officer thereof, and that Captain Job Pray go as Captain 6f the said Sloop. WHEREAS, this Board did on the 15 th Instant, order that the Chief Justice should make report to this Board which of the prisoners now confined in the Jail at Savannah and lately taken from Florida should be deemed Traitors or other criminals in order that it may appear which of them should on the other hand be deemed prisoners of War. And Whereas, the said report not having yet been made, It is Ordered, that the Sheriff do attend the Chief Justice and be informed from him in conjunction with his associate Justices, if necessary, which of the said prisoners so confined ought to be deemed prisoners of War, and that he do deliver over all such to Charles Kent Esq r appointed Officer of the Flag now going to Saint Augustine, in order that they may be duly ex changed. RESOLVED, On the application of Hepworth Carter Esq. that leave be given to Mrs. Crughton to go in the said Flag of Truce ; And that in regard to the Negroes she is desirous of carrying with her the same be referred to the trustees for forfeited estates for the County of Liberty, this Board not knowing whether the said Negroes do belong to her ORDERED That it be notified to the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in this State, that by several expresses to the Governor it appears upwards of twenty persons have been killed in the Ceded lands by the Creek Indians on the ninth in stant, and that from all appearances there is the greatest prob ability of a rupture with those Indians. ORDERED That the State Artillery be collected and taken charge of by Joseph Woodruff Esq: Captain of Artillery And MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 91 that the yard of the Council House be appropriated to the use of an Artillery park. RESOLVED, that the militia through out this State ought to be embodied in consequence of the alarm from the Indians; and every Method, by scouting and other parties, taken to secure the inhabitants against their inroads Colo. Graves applied for a sum of money out of the Treasury for the Fort, Barracks, and other works in Sunbury. ORDERED, that the said application be postponed until the meet ing of Assembly. ORDERED,, That the State of South Carolina be debited with six hundred pounds of Gun Powder, supplied the Captain of the Beaufort Gaily belonging to that State, on her way upon the late expedition, which was promised to be returned by him, but has not been On the application of Joseph Clay Esq r Pay-Master for the Continental Troops in this State, It is Ordered that the Treasurer do advance and and pay to him for the use of the said Troops 10,000 in further part of the vote of Assembly at their last sitting in Augusta and to be charged as a loan to the Continent. Edward Davies Esq. attended the Board and laid before them the case of the Sloop Nancy, John Norris Commander, laden with rice and bound for Martinique at the time the late Embargo took place. RESOLVED, that altho it appears the case of the said Edward Davies is peculiar and hard, yet the Board do not find themselves at Liberty under the words or spirit of the resolution Congress to permit the said Sloop to carry out her cargo of rice. 92 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 27 th August 1778. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor. John Fulton Charles Kent Richard Wylly John Keebler. Pursuant to the order of this day John Hardy, Captain of the Congress Gaily; John Braddoch, Captain of the Lee; and John Newdigate of the Washington attended this Board, and several questions being put to them by the Governor, they gave perfect satisfaction in the same, and entered into an engagement to pay due obedience to the orders of this State; therefore, RESOLVED, that this Board in behalf of the State will make suitable provision for the said Gallies agreeable to the intention of the Legislature, the spirit of their establishment, and the mean ing of former resolves and orders of this board; and the Gov ernor will give orders accordingly. ORDERED,, that Captain Braddock in the Lee Gaily do as soon as possible repair to Sunbury and carry with her certain prisoners of War, with provisions and other matters which may be deliv ered by Charles Kent Esq : for that place. And it is further ORDERED, that the said Gaily do afterwards remain stationed in the inlet for the defence of Sunbury Bar until otherwise or dered. ORDERED, That Thomas Maxwell Esq. who hath been form erly appointed by the House of Assembly a Captain in the Gaily Service, do take command of the Bulloch Gaily in the room of Hatchet deceased, upon his subscribing the paper which hath this day been signed by the other three Captains. ORDERED, That the Treasurer do pay to Richard Gainer the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 93 sum of ninety one pounds and two pence, being the amount of the pay-roll for Militia duty done by the Cherochee Hill Company under the command of the said Richard Gainer; and that the said Richard Gainer do accordingly pay off the said men. Monday 3i st August 1778. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent Samuel Miller John Fulton John Keebler. The Chief Justice having ageeable to order of the 26 th instant transmitted to the Board a list of the several persons now con fined in Jail, and of his opinion on their cases whereby it appears he does not think any of them entitled to be considered as pris oners of War, but that they are liable to bz tried for Treason and other offences. ORDERED, That the Sheriff of the County of Chatham do henceforth take charge of the said several persons, a list of whose names will be furnished him by the Clerk of this Board taken from the Chief Justices letter; And that he do retain them in his custody as criminals until they shall be delivered by due course of law. And it is Further Ordered, that it be strongly recommended to the said Sheriff to keep strict watch upon the said prisoners, who may become very dangerous if suffered to escape; And that he make application to the Commanding Officer of the Continen tal Troops in Savannah for what he may deem a sufficient guard over them. 94 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED That the account of Charles M c Kay keeper of the Magazine in Ebenezer amounting to 24. 19. o be paid by :m order on the Treasurer, and that Lb. 5000. lead be sent up to Ebenezer and placed in the hands of the said Charles M c Kay for public use when ordered by the (Governor. ORDERED, That the following letter be wrote by the Governor of this State, to the Governor of East-Florida, with the Flag of Truce now going to St. Augustine, to wit, (the lettei not sent as first intended). And that the following be the form of the Flag to be carried which is to be made out by the Secretary, to be signed by the Governor, and to be under the great seal of this State; to wit, STATE OF GEORGIA By his honor John Houston Esquire Captain General am 1 Commander in Chief of the State aforesaid. To all whom it may concern, Greeting KNOW YE, that the Sloop Rebecca, being of the burthen of 100 tons or thereabouts, Virginia built and belonging to this State of which Job Pray Esq. is Commander is now bound on a voyage to Saint Augustine as a Flag of Truce, carrying prisoners of War the subjects of his Britanick Majesty to be exchanged for persons in the same condition the subjects of the United States of North America, or any of them and that Charles Kent and the said Job Pray Esq rs go as officers of the said Flag and Vessel. And further know ye, that the said vessel and all persons on board her are not to be molested on either side; but as a Flag of Truce are to have free liberty to pass to S l Augustine afore said, and again as soon as the Officers shall judge fit, to return to Sanbury bringing back all such persons as may be delivered MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 95 by his Excellency Patrick Tonyn Esq. Governor of East Florida in return for those sent from this State. Given under my hand and the great Seal of the said State of Georgia, at Savannah the 3 I st day o f . August 1778. By his honors command J. MEI/TON Sec y ORDERED, That the Trustees of forfeited estates fen Liberty County be directed to furnish Captain Braddock of the Lee Gaily with six proper hands out of those formerly belonging to Mr. Porteous, And Captain Pray with four more out of the same gang, the former for the use of the Gaily, and the latter for the Flag of Truce now going to S l Augustine; it being found im possible to get white Seamen, the said Trustees taking receipts for the said Negroes to be kept in public service until otherwise ordered. The alarming state of Affairs in the back Country requiring great exertions, and General Scriven having agreed to repair :o Augusta to take command there It is Ordered, on the application of the said Geneial Scriven that a guard consisting of an officer and twelve men be raised for the space of three months unless sooner disbanded to attend the said General Scriven as a Body-Guard as it will be necessary for him to go at times along the frontier in places of great dan ger. And it is further ordered, that the pay of the said Officer be fifty dollars per month, and of the privates twenty dollars per month besides rations; and that General Scriven recommend the officer to be appointed to the Governor who will grant him a Commission accordingly. 96 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WHEREAS, The Honorable House of Assembly did order and direct that five independent Companies of men consisting of fifty privates each, under the command of Major "Wilder, should be taken out of the two Minute Battalions and continued in the pay of this State. AND WHEREAS, the said Major Wilder having been tried by a Court Martial and broke; and the State of the said five inclc- pendant companies in such bad order, that this Board for certain reasons by them set forth, did by resolve, dated the fifth day of August last past disband the said five independant companies. AND WHEREAS, the helpless and exposed situation of the State; the depredations daily committed by the Florida Scout; the alarming conduct of the Indians at the present time ; and many other reasons make it absolutely necessary that some Troops should be kept up on the State establishment. AND WHEREAS it is impossible to enlist Men upon the pay tormerly allowed It is therefore Ordered, that six companies of men consisting each of a Captain, two Lieutenants, two Sergeants and twenty privates be immediately raised, that is to say, one for each of the settled Counties within the state; that the Officers be commis sioned by the Governor out of the said Counties respectively, and that the Officers and men be allowed the same rations and double the pay the minute men were, that altho one Company is intended for each County, yet the Governor is to have power to order them where he thinks it necessary for the security of the whole, and the Captains are to rank No. i. 2. 3. 4. 5 & 6. as the Gov ernor shall Commission; the enlistment of the men to run four months unless sooner disbanded; and those men who faith fully serve out their time, or exert themselves in the service may be assured of the interest of this Board with the Assembly to allow them a generous bounty of land as well as of money. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 97 WHEREAS, a number of men inimical to the measures of America, having gone off from this State and joined the enemy in East Florida, and are daily coming in Scouts or parties and robbing and plundering the inhabitants of the said State, of their Negroes and horses. And whereas, many of the said persons having left their wives and families on Ogechee in small huts or settlements, do means thereof procure always when they come in a secure Asylum, and gain every intelligence as manifestly ap pears from late instances in the furtherance of their schemes, to the great injury of the good people of this State. And whereas, such persons to depend too much on the tenderness which is due to women and children, not reflecting that even humanity itself must yield to Necessity and the public good. It is Therefore Resolved, That under the peculiar situation of at this juncture there is a necessity for the families of such persons as have gone off to East Florida as aforesaid to be removed, from the places on Ogechee which they now occupy, and from which they have so easy a communication with their hus bands and afford them so great assistance and help in their plun dering schemes. And it is Accordingly Ordered, that a party of men be detached from Captain Gainers Company of Cherochee Hill, with orders to break up the settlements above described and to bring the women and children further in among the inhabitants and to settle them on some of the forfeited estates where reasonable provision will be made for them, and where they cannot hold any intercourse with their husbands, or others the enemies of this State or if such women and children shall be dissatisfied therewith, and shall so choose, then the said party is to conduct them to Sunbury and put them on board the Flag of Truce now going to S l Augustine, and they are to be carried at public charge and left there. A letter from John Murray Esq. a person named in the Bill 7 r r vol 2 98 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of Attainder of this state the first day of March last past addressed to the Governor and acquainting him, that he the said John Murray had returned to this state, and also mention ing other things, as by the said letter will appear, which was laid before the Board, by the Governor, who requested their opinion thereon RESOLVED That the merits of the said application do not come properly before the Board or the Governor nor can any power, but the Legislative Body either reverse the attainder of the said John Murray or give him leave to return; and as the said John Murray hath notified his return in violation of the act above mentioned it is the duty of the Governor forthwith, to lodge the letter of the said John Murray with the Chief Justice who is to act as the law in such cases directs. ORDERED, That the Clerk of this Board do immediately wait on the Chief Justice with the letter of the said John Murray before mentioned, and the certificate therein enclosed, as also the foregoing order. The committee to whom was referred the petition of a number of inhabitants of this State respecting a Printer, brought in their report as follows, (See report No. 2.) ORDERED, That the said William Lancaster do attend this Board on Thursday next to shew cause why the Types and other printing utensils purchased by the public and intended for him, should not be again returned to the public at what they cost, the said William Lancaster not having complied with his engage ments respecting the said Types and utensils. The said William Lancaster attended the Board and desired to be heard immediately on the foregoing order. ORDERED accordingly. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 99 The said William Lancaster appeared and refused to give up the Types and utensils, voluntarily for Several reasons which he alledged. ORDERED, That the matter be postponed for further consid eration. Tuesday I st September 1778. The Board met Present his honor The Governor. Richard Wylly Samuel Miller John Fulton John Keebler John M c Leur Esq r having applied to this Board for payment of an account of John Clements did in Continental Money agreeable to contract for working upon the Fort at Salters Island amounting to about three thousand dollars, the Board are of opinion that they have not a right to appropriate the continental money now in the Treasury, to that purpose, but do direct that the Treasurers retain in their hands the said sum: of Miree thou sand dollars until the meeting of Assembly, to whom it shall be referred whether to appropriate the same to the above purpose. 100 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday 8 th September 1778. The Board met Present his honor The Governor. Richard Wylly John Fulton John Lindsay John Keebler. ORDERED, That Commissions be made out for the Officers of Wilkes County agreeable to a return made to this Board by Colo. John Dooly. WHEREAS, the alarming situation of the Western frontiers renders it absolutely necessary that the Militia now on scouting duty in Wilkes County should be supplied with provisions during the time they are actually on duty, RESOLVED, that Capt. James M c Lean be from this day appoint ed Commissary for that purpose, and that he do supply them when on duty with rations according to law, upon which he shall be allowed a reasonable Commission ; This appointment to last until the rising of the next House of Assembly or further orders to the contrary. ORDERED. That the Treasurers do advance the said James M c - Lean five hundred pounds to enable him to comply with the fore going resolve he to be accountable for the expenditure of the same and to give security to the Treasurers so to do, when called upon MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 101 Friday II th September 1778. The Board met Present his honor The Governor. Richard Wylly John Fulton John Lindsay It being represented to this Board that Comodore Bowen is about leaving the State and hath refused or declined any longer to sign a ration Bill for the Gallies, so as to authorize the Con tinental Commissary of issues to furnish the same It is Therefore Ordered That in future, if the said Comcdore Bowen shall refuse or decline to sign the said Ration Bill, that the eldest Captain in Port do sign the same, which shall be a sufficient authority for the said Commissary of issues to furnish or supply the said rations as usual. RESOLVED That the Treasurers do pay into the hands of Joseph Clay, Pay-Master of the Continental Troops in this State, the sum of 10,000, Georgia Currency in further part of the last vote of Assembly. WHEREAS, there is a great want of several pieces of printing business to be done for public use, and there is but one press and the apparatus thereunto belonging to this State, which appears in some measure to be of public property, at least it was intended to be employed for public advantage. And whereas, the said press and apparatus are in the hands of a Man, to wit, William Lancaster, w r ho will neither use them himself, or lend or sell them to others who will, whereby considerable damage hath resulted to the public by whom the said press and apparatus were put into the hands of the said William Lancaster, 102 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Therefore Resolved Under the particular circumstances of the case, that the said printing press, Types and Apparatus be im pressed for public use by the Commissary of this State, and that they be placed in the hands of Edward Welch, he giving a receipt for the same, untill the next meeting Assembly, unto whom it shall be referred whether the said press, Types and Apparatus are public property or not, and in either case what to be done with, or in regard to the same. And it is further resolved, that the said press and Apparatus be duly and properly appraised, and :-f they shall hereafter appear to be the property of the said W m Lancaster he shall be allowed a reasonable hire for the same and they shall be either returned to him without damage, or else he shall be paid the full value of the same agreeable to such ap praisement. ORDERED, That the Treasurers do pay to John Pourcen, two hundred and thirty six pounds, seven shillings and three pence in continental money for cordage supplied Capt. Newdigate for the use of the Gallies. Friday i8 th September 1778. The Board met Present his Honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Fulton. John Lindsay ORDERED,, That expresses be immediately sent off to Chesley Bostwick and S. Miller Esqrs. Members of this Board, and that the same be at their expence, and that such expence be paid before they take their seat at this Board. A letter from the President of S Carolina, dated 9 th Sept. In- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 103 stant, to the Governor, was laid before the Board, together with some resolves of the House of Assembly of that State, respecting Indian affairs. RESOLVED First That there is every reason, from the appear ance of things at this time, to apprehend a war with the Creek- Indians is become unavoidable, they having actually killed sev eral of the inhabitants of this State and taken and carried away a number of horses and cattle from the same. Second That it is prudent and necessary to make provision for such an event in the best manner the State can, and the Council advises that the Governor do order the Militia of the County of \Yilkes and Richmond to be immediately drafted into two parts ; the one to be called out and placed on duty, either in Scouts or otherwise, as the Field Officers of the said Counties respectively shall judge fit, and at the end of a fortnight to be relieved by the other ; and that the detachments of these Counties do as circumstances require occasionally move to the assistance of each other; that nothing herein contained extend to prevent the Commanding Officer of each regiment from calling out and placing on duty, either in Scouts or posts the whole of his regi ment, if an alarm or other intelligence shall so require; and that the Militia of the several other Counties be drafted into three divisions ; the first division to be ordered out properly accoutred for action, and march to such place in their respective Counties as shall be fixed upon by the commanding officer of the County for a camp within four days after the draft and shall there con tinue (unless otherwise ordered) for a fortnight; at the end of which time they shall be relieved by the second division, who shall continue out a like time and then be relieved by the third, and so on continually until farther or otherwise ordered whilst they shall remain in Camp; but in case of a general March or Movement, then reliefs are not to be expected in so short a space of time. That sufficient scouting parties be always kept out from the encampment towards the frontier of the County. 104 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 3. Ordered, That the Commanding Officer in each County appoint a fit person to act as Commissary to the division of his County which may be out on duty. Fourth That William Downer be appointed and directed to purchase and collect a quantity, not exceeding 500 barrels of wheat flour in and about Wrightsboro, at public expence; and that the same be lodged in some secure part of that district as a Magazine ready in case the same shall be wanted ; and that the said William Downer for the said quantity of flour upon the Governor be paid by an order from him on the Treasury of this State. Fifth That letters be written by the Governor of this State, to the Governor of North Carolina and Virginia informing them of the great probability there is .... September 24 th 17/8. The Board met Present, his honor the Governor William Maxwell John Fulton John Lindsay John Keebler A letter from Colo. Williamson dated 15 th September instant to the Governor was laid before the Board in which Colo. Wil liamson informs that he had brought into this State and marched to the frontiers of the same five hundred and forty six effective men to aid and assist in repelling the Indians, and that he w-as desirous a Commissary well acquainted with the Country, should be appointed to supply them and other men, the exigency of affairs should require to be marched to our assistance. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 105 RESOLVED, that Colonel Williamson be requested and empow ered to appoint some fit person in the county of Wilkes to act as Commissary for supplying his Men ; that he make such agreement with him as appears just and reasonable; and give the said Com missary a draft or certificate to the Governor for such sum as may be necessary in advance to enable the said Commissary to procure provision or contract for the same. And whereas, it is suggested in Colo. Williamsons letter that some persons, taking advantage of the situation of thing s, and notwithstanding their own danger hold their articles of provision at a higher rate than ought to be allowed. It is Ordered, that the Commissary whom Colo. Williamson shall appoint have power and be directed, in case he cannot other wise procure provision, to impress the same, allowing the owner in payment thereof what is just and reasonable. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Richard Wylly Esq r 205. being the amount of his account for his attendance in Council. September 25 th 1778. The Board met Present His Honor, the Governor Richard Wylly William Maxwell John Lindsay Samuel Miller John Fulton John Keebler. The petition and Memorial of John Wereat Esq : Continental Agent was laid before this Board Setting forth that he had re- 106 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ceived an express and positive instructions from the Marine de partment of Congress, to send immediately to Philadelphia, a quantity of Ship timber that is under the care of the said John Wereat, for the purpose of repairing two of the Continental Frigates that were partly destroyed by the enemy; and praying that this Board would grant him an order to impress a Brigantine now lying in the River Savannah, for the above purpose, setting forth in the said Memorial some particular circumstances that the said Brigantine was under in regard to a claim he, in behalf of Congress, had upon her. ORDERED That the said John Wereat as well as the present owners or holders of the said Brigantine do attend this Board on Tuesday next, and that the Merits of the said Memorial or petition be then considered. Tuesday 29 th September 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton Samuel Miller John Lindsay David Lewis John Wereat Esq. Continental Agent, and Mr. Fournier, the owner of the Brigantine mentioned in the memorial presented by him to the Board, having attended agreeable to order, and being heard relative to the same ORDERED That the same be postponed for a fortnight, for further consideration. Application being made to this Board by Mrs. Sikes wife to a MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 107 person who has left this State and gone to East-Florida, setting forth the distressed situation of herself and three children, she having been ordered in, among a number of other persons from Ogechee, to prevent any intelligence being given to the enemies in East-Florida ORDERED, That the Commissary General do supply her with a barrel of rice, and one hundred weight of beef; for the support of herself and family. ORDERED,, That the keeper of the Arsenal in Savannah, do deliver to W m Sanders Command of the Pilot Boat for the Port and Harbour of Savannah, twelve w l of Ball for the defence of said Boat. Wednesday 7 th October 1778. The Board met Present His Honor, the Governor William Maxwell Samuel Miller John Fulton David Lewis. Richard Wylly RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that Thomas Forbes Esq. a Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners, from His Excellency, Governor Tonyn, ought immediately to repair on board the Flag of Truce in which he came, and there remain not higher up Savannah River than Cockspur until his business shall be compleated. RESOLVED That Major Wylly, Samuel Miller and Samuel 108 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Slut Esq rs be appointed Commissioners, in behalf of this State, to go down to the Flag of Truce from Saint Augustine, and to negociate and settle all matters respecting the cartel with the Commissioners from Governor Tonyn. RESOLVED That the Washington Gaily be immediately or dered down with the said Commissioners, and that she do lie as a guard until the said Flag of Truce shall sail, which it is ex pected will be, as soon as the Commissioners have closed their business. RESOLVED That Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Trent- field have permission to go down and to return with the said Commissioners from this State; and that Mrs. Jemima Love, her son and Miss Ann Martin, have leave to depart this state, not to return again, in the Flag of Truce for Saint Augustine. RESOLVED That this Board cannot permit Simon Munro Esqr. to land or come on shore as prayed for by his letter. ORDERED That the Treasurers do pay Mr. Joshua Lockwood of Charles Town for 550 W l of Gun powder some time since purchased by the public, at the rate of a dollar a pound in Con tinental Money. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, Thursday October 8 th 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly Samuel Miller Chesley Bostwick John Lindsay John Keebler David Lewis John Fulton. The following resolution was received from the Honbl. House of Assembly by two of their Members viz, Arthur Fort and Charles Oddingsells Esqrs. House of Assembly, Thursday Oct 8 th 1778. RESOLVED, That the oath of qualification of Magistrates is a sufficient qualification for persons appointed to act as assistant judges under the laws and constitution of this State; that the Governor be requested to qualify any of the assistant Judges that shall apply for that purpose and that a copy of this resolve be sent to his honor the Governor. Extract from the minutes GEO. CUTHBERT C. H. A. Agreeable to the said resolve Joseph Clay and Philip Box Esqrs. attended the Board and qualified as Magistrates for the County of Chatham. 110 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday II th October 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly Samuel Miller Chesley Bostwick John Fulton John Lindsay John Keebler. His honor the Governor laid before the Board two letters received by the Polly Flag of Truce from Saint Augustine, one from Governor Tonyn, and the other from Captain Elphinston, and his answers to the same which were agreed to by the Board. Thursday 15"* October 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Keebler John Lindsay John Fulton David Lewis Samuel Miller. Two petitions of John Wereat Esq r Continental Agent were laid before the Board, the one respecting the Brig Huschinbrook ; and the other the Walenry Brig both taken by the Gallies in this state. ORDERED. That they be referred to the House of Assembly. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 111 ORDERED. That thursday next be the day appointed for mak ing enquiry, and taking into consideration the matters referred to this Board by resolve of Congress between John Wereat Esq r Continental Agent and Colo 8 Elbert and White and that the parties have notice thereof. ORDERED. That the Treasurers do pay to Samuel Miller Esq. Member of this Board 42. for his attendance in Council Also John Keebler 134. for his attendance; And also, David Lewis 10. for his attendance. Monday October 19 th 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Charles Kent Chesley Bostwick John Freeman David Lewis. A letter to His Excellency Governor Tonyn inclosing a list of persons mentioned in the Bill of Attainder and Confiscation; also a letter from the Governor to Thos. Forbes Esq r Commis sioner for the exchange of prisoners from Governor Tonyn, demanding Francis Crosby to be delivered up, he having de serted from the Service of this State, were laid before the Board and agreed to. 112 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday October 22 nd 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly David Lewis John Lindsay Holman Freeman John Fulton Charles Kent Chesley Bostwick. John Wereat Esq. and Colonels Elbert and "White having at tended agreeable to order of the . . day of Oct. instant by their Consel, the hearing of the matter was postponed by the consent of the parties till next Monday week. RESOLVED. That it be recommended to the Honbl. House of Assembly to pass a vote authorizing and directing this Board to draw an order upon the Treasury for 5000. or upwards in favor of Will Downer Esquire to enable him to Wednesday 27 th October 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Charles Kent Chesley Bostwick John Lindsay Holman Freeman David Lewis John Fulton. The several pay-rolls of the Militia of the County of Chatham being delivered in MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE: COUNCIL. ORDERED That the same be referred to the Honbl. House of Assembly; and that they be requested to order immediate pay ment thereof, the men assigning their not being paid, as a reason for not doing duty when called upon; particularly in respect to the Town Patrol, lately ordered by this Board. The following were sent up from the Honbl. House of As sembly. GEORGIA. House of Assembly, Oct. 24 th 17/8. RESOLVED, That John Howard be appointed to purchase pro visions in the County of Richmond ; and that he receive a sum not exceeding five thousand pounds, for that purpose and that he store the same in Augusta, Brownsboro and Wrightsborouerh o o o as may be most convenient, or in such other place as his honor the Governor shall hereafter direct; and that he give security to be accountable for the same, to the Governor and Council. RESOLVED That William Downes be appointed to purchase provisions in the County of Wilkes, and that he receive a sum, not exceeding five thousand pounds, for that purpose ; and that he give security to the Governor and Council, to be accountable for that sum ; the said provision to be stored in such place or places as shall be most safe and convenient, or as the Governor and Council shall direct. Extract from the Minutes GEORGE CUTHBERT C. G. A. House of Assembly, October 26 th 1778. RESOLVED, That Richard Guinn, for the County of Chatham ; John Wynn Senr. for the County of Liberty, Benjamin Lanier, for the County of Effingham, and Daniel M c Murphy, for the County of Burke; be appointed to purchase provisions, to be 114 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS stored in such place or places as may be most convenient or safe ; or as the Governor and Council shall direct, that they each receive a Sum not exceeding five thousand pounds, for that pur pose; and give security to his honor the Governor, to be ac countable for that sum. RESOLVED That Honor the Governor be requested to give such instructions to the persons appointed by this House of As sembly, to purchase and store up provisions in the different Coun ties as he shall think proper; and that in case of the death, resignation, neglect or refusal of any of the said persons to act His honor the Governor be hereby authorized and empowered to appoint other persons, to act in their room. ORDERED That the persons appointed in each County to pur chase provisions, do make return monthly to His honor the Gov ernor, of the provisions they have purchased, and where they have stored the same; and also produce their vouchers to the Governor, or such other persons as shall be, by him appointed, of the expenditure of the public money, paid for the purchase of said provisions. Extract from the Minutes GEORGE CUTHBERT C. G. A. RESOLVED, That particular instructions be drawn up for each of the said Commissioners respectively to regulate their conduct the said business, that the fittest places for Magazines in each County be pointed out; and that proper security be taken from each of the said Commissioners for the faithful discharge of the trust reposed in them pursuant to the said resolves of Assembly ; and that Richard Wylly, Charles Kent, and Chesley Bostwick Esqrs. be a Committee to prepare and report fully to this Board on this business, who are also to see the said security given as aforesaid. The Committee appointed to draw up instructions for the gfov- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 115 ernment of the persons nominated by the Honorable House of Assembly to purchase provisions for the use of the State, and to report on the other matters referred to therein respecting the said purchases; do report, That in order to procure the different kinds of provisions which are wanted, on the most reasonable terms your Committee propose the following mode. That the Commissioners for Chatham and Liberty Counties, do purchase the quantity of rice necessary for the different coun ties at such plantations as shall be most convenient for land or water carriage there to remain until wanted. That the Com missaries for Effingham, Burke, Richmond and Wilkes Counties, do purchase and Store as hereafter mentioned; pork, flour and contract for live cattle, corn and peas to be delivered when called for. Pork to be salted in the proper season, and stored as well as flour at the following places viz, at Ebenezer, Telfairs, Tenats, Lawsons Fort, New-Savannah, Colemans, Heards & Dennises Forts, Augusta and Wrightsborongh. Your Committee are fur ther of opinion, that in order to prevent frauds and abuses, in: spectors should be appointed in each County whose business shall be, to examine all provisions purchased, and report to His honor the Governor thereon, also to transmit to him monthly all vouch ers received from the Commissaries. Your Committee ucg ieiive also to report, that they have enquired the prices at which the following articles may be purchased, and to which they think the Commissaries should be limited. Rice 157. to i7/6 d per ioo w . Pork, we are informed the Con tinental Commissaries give from Flour 20 to 40 dollars per ioo lbs . Steers from 2 to 3 years old not exceeding 25. From three years and upwards not exceeding 30. 116 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Corn ten shillings per bushel. Peas, fifteen shillings per bushel. Your Committee are further of opinion that the Commis saries be directed to purchase all such corn as may be brought into the Forts and places before mentioned at the expense of the proprietors, in preference to any others. ORDERED That a copy of the said instructions be delivered each of the said Commissaries by the Clerk of this Board at the time he shall receive draft on the Treasury for the money pro vided by Assembly for him. RESOLVED. That the Inspectors of provision purchased by the Commissaries be as follows For the County of Chatham Joseph Dunlap for Liberty, John Kell Effingham, Charles MKay ; Burke, Devereux Jarret and Roger Lawson Richmond, Isaac Low and Britain Dawson; Wilkes, Thomas Lee and Stephen Heard. Tuesday November 3 d 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent Chesley Bostwick John Lindsay John Fulton David Lewis. ORDERED That Joseph Woodruff Esq. be appointed Commis sary of prisoners for this State ; and that it be recommended to the House of Assembly to provide a suitable salary for him. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 117 ORDERED That the Treasurers do pay Samuel Sterk Esquire 167.10 being for the like sum advanced by him to purchase six barrels of flour for the late Flag of Truce from S l Augustine to this State ; that the province of East Florida be debited there with, and that the Commissary of prisoners do keep an account of the same. An Affidavit and certificate were laid before the Board by Thomas Lee relative to a caveat entered against him by John Dooly which had been heard twice before the President and Council, and given in his favour; and that the said John Dooly still keeps possession of the land and absolutely refuses to deliver the same up to him, ORDERED That the affidavit and certificate be transmitted to the Assistant Justices of the County of Wilkes, and that they or a majority of them do make a record of forcible detainer by the said John Dooly, and issue process to put the said Thomas Lee in possession of his land. Wednesday, November 4 th 1778. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor William Maxwell Chesley Bostwick Holman Freeman John Lindsay John Fulton David Lewis. In pursuance of a resolve of the Honbl. House of Assembly of this day, 118 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS It is Ordered, that the Commissaries appointed to buy up and store provisions in different parts of this State do follow the in structions already given them from this Board ; and that the allowance of the said Commissaries for their trouble on articles not provided for, by the House, be as follows Corn, three pence per bushel ; Peas, four pence per do. , in consequence of the late expedition, the alarming situation of matters in the back part of this state for some months past, many persons have been necessitated to let their warrants for lands lapse. It is Therefore Ordered, That all such persons whose warrants are so lapsed, have three months from this day to pass or carry the same through the proper Offices ; And the Surveyor Gen eral, and other Officers, are ordered to govern themselves ac cordingly. Monday November i6 th 17/8. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton Chesley Bostwick Samuel Miller John Lindsay The following resolve was sent up from the House of As sembly, GEORGIA. House of Assembly, November 15 th 1778. RESOLVED, That the letter written by Oliver Bowen Esq. to- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 119 His honor the Governor, dated the 13" instant, is a high con tempt of the Executive authority of this State, and that His honor the Governor, be requested to suspend the said Oliver Bowen from a Command and employ within this State. Extract from the Minutes GEORGE CUTHBERT C. G. A. in pursuance of which resolve. It is Ordered, That the said Oliver Bowen Esq. be and he is hereby suspended from a Command or employ within this State ; And it is further ordered, that the said Oliver Bowen and the several Captains of the Gallies within this State, be served with a copy of this resolve, together with the above from the Honbl. the House of Assembly. Wednesday November 19"* 1/78. The Board met Present His honor the Governor R. Wylly John Lindsay John Fulton The Governor laid before the Board several dispatches, which he had received from Congress, containing intelligence of the enemys intended embarkation at New York, and that it was ap prehended they were destined against these Southern States. RESOLVED That at least one-third of the powder and lead now lying in Savannah, ought to be immediately sent up to Ebenezer and there lodged in the magazine. 120 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED That the artillery belonging to the State, be im mediately put into the best condition, and if necessary, that new carriages be procured for the same ; And that it be recommended to the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in Savan nah to place a guard of as many men as he can well spare, in the battery below the Town. RESOLVED, under the present alarming situation of matters, it is necessary that every exertion be used to man the Gallies : and that therefore, Captain Newdigate be directed to go im mediately down to Charlestown and endeavour to recruit men ; and that he return again with all possible speed And it Further Ordered, that Capt. Xewdigate have a draft on the Pay-Master of the Gallies for 250. in Continental money ; he to be accountable for the expenditure thereof : And that the Treasurers do enable the said Pay-Master to answer the said draft. ORDERED That James Thompson have leave to be absent from the State for six months ; and Captain Young of the Ar tillery having also shewn that he had leave from his commanding officer to be absent for three months this Board agreed to the same. ORDERED That the Treasurers do advance to Capt. Jas. M c Lean who hath for some time past acted as a Commissary in the County of Wilkes ; and hath large amounts against the public, the sum of 3000. in part of his said demands ; he to give bond with security to be accountable for the same in the settlement of his account. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 121 \Yednesday 2$ th November 17/8. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Lindsay John Fulton Chesley Bostwick ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Chesley Bostwick Esq. the sum of sixty six pounds, the amount of his account for at tendance in Council. RESOLVED. Pursuant to a recommendation of Congress, of the 2 d of October last past, that the embargo on provisions, which by resolve of the 8 th of June last was laid until the 15 th instant, be continued in force, subject to such exceptions as are recom-i mended by resolve of the 2 d September, till the last day of Jan uary next; or until such time as Congress shall give notice to the respective States, that insufficient supplies have been obtained for the operations of the army, and for the French Squadron. And it is further ordered, that this resolve be duly published in the next Gazette; and that every Measure be taken for the due observance of such embargo, within this State. 122 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday 2 d December 1/78. The Board met Present His honor the Governor John Fulton John Lindsay David Lewis Richard Wylly RESOLVED, That James V\ r hitfield be appointed Secretary of the State, until the next General Election of officers in the rooir of James Maxwell Esq. who hath resigned. WHEREAS, by resolve of the Honble. the House of Assembly of the 15 th day of November last past, the Governor was re quested to suspend Oliver Bowen Esq. from all command and employ within this State, which was accordingly done by order of Council of the i6 th day of November last past. AND WHEREAS, by another resolve of the said House of As sembly of the said i6 th day of November the Governor was fur ther requested to refer the said Oliver Bowen Esq r to a proper tribunal for his trial ; whereupon It is Resolved, as the opinion of this Board, that the only- proper and competent tribunal, before which the said Oliver Bowen can be tried, under the peculiar circumstances in which he stands, is the Honorable House of Assembly of this State, by whom he was appointed, and to whom he is accountable agree able to the 49 th Section of the Constitution. WHEREAS, it appears the Commissaries appointed by the lasi House of Assembly to purchase provision in the several Counties in this State, cannot procure pork and corn at the prices limited by this Board MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 123 It is Therefore Ordered. That the said Commissaries be al lowed and permitted to go as far as 12. per hundred W for Pork, and 12/6 per bushel for corn if they cannot be had for less; and that the Commissary General of purchases of the Con tinental forces in this State be made acquainted with this order. WHEREAS, by the late Militia law passed on the . . day of November last past it is directed that new elections for Officers of the militia be held throughout the State, within two months from the passing of the said law. It is Therefore Ordered, the several Colonels, or other Com manding Officers of regiments within the several Counties, do cause such elections to be held at the usual places, within the time limited by the said law ; and that clue notice thereof be given by them before the holding of such elections. And it is Further Ordered, that the Clerk of this Board do im mediately furnish each of the said Colonels or other Command ing Officers as aforesaid with a copy of this order By express, if no safe opportunity shall otherwise offer, and also of the law as soon as the same can be procured from the Printer, at public charge. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to David Lewis forty eight pounds, being the amount of his account for his attendance in Council. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Adam Eurick Messenger to this Board, fifty pounds, being in part of his Salary. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Robert Gray, door keeper to this Board fifty pounds, being in part of his Salary. 124 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday 17 th December 1778. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Samuel Miller David Lewis. John Lindsay John Keebler. The Governor informed the Board, that he had upon the ap plication of Mr. Galphin, Col. Rae and Col. M Murphy advanced to Mr. Belcher 1500. to enable him to supply some articles in dispensably necessary for the Indians, well disposed towards us. RESOLVED, that this Board do approve of the same as done by the Governor. RESOLVED, upon application of a number of the inhabitants of Liberty County, that William Watson be appointed Sheriff of the said County until the next General Election in the room of Sam uel Moncock deceased. RESOLVED That it is expedient and necessary that the Hon orable Major General Lincoln should be fully informed of the true situation of matters in this State, and how essentially requisite it is, that some vigorous and decisive measures should be taken for our defence against the incursions of our Southern neighbors. And it is impossible to make so full and clear a representation of matters by letter as will be necessary and proper ; Therefore, RESOLVED, That Lyman Hall and George Walton Esqrs., be requested to go immediately down to Charlestown to confer with* and give in a true statement of things to the said Maf General Lincoln. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 125 And it is Further Ordered, that in case the said Lyman Hall and George Walton will undertake this business, they shall be allowed their expenses. WHEREAS, the Honbl. House of Assembly have left the fixing of salaries to the Officers of this Board, to the Board itself, there fore RESOLVED, That the said salaries be as follow. To the Clerk, 600. To the Messenger, 300. To the Door keeper 300. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, that Philip Delegal, Esq. hath in a late instance, when a plundering party landed on the Island of Skidoway, acted in a manner highly improper, and which gives room to suspect him of not being well disposed to the State. It is Therefore Ordered. That the said Philip Delegal do im mediately appear before this Board to answer for his conduct to be dealt with according to law. And it is further ordered, that his honor, the Chief Justice, be informed of this matter; and that he do take the necessary steps for procuring proof and other ways dealing with the said Philip Delegal as he shall appear to deserve Monday, December 21 st 1778. The Board met Present His honor the Governor John Lindsay Samuel Miller David Lewis John Keebler. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to the Commanding Officer 126 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of the Guard in company in Effingham County forty five pounds, five shillings and eight pence, being the amount of two pay-rolls for duty done by order of Colo. Treutler. ORDERED, That the keeper of public salt in Savannah do de liver to Mr. Lucena, Executor of Peter Larien, two hundred and twenty bushels of salt, the same being in lieu of that quantity lent the public in Sunbury as appears by a certificate and other vouchers, produced by the said Mr. Lucena. ORDERED,, That the powder receiver in Savannah, do deliver to Mr. Sheffelle two hundred weight of gun-powder out of the Magazine, it appearing by affidavit of the said Chifflle that he lodged that quantity in said Magazine, in the lifetime of the former Powder-Receiver, and hath never since had the same re turned. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Samuel Sterk, thirty four pounds, seven shillings and six pence, for countersigning of and filling up Militia Commissions. Philip Delegal Esq r having attended the Board agreeable to order, ORDERED. That this matter be adjourned for further consider ation. And the said Philip Delegal gave his parole not to depart Town without leave. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 127 Tuesday, December 22 A 1778. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly Charles Kent Samuel Miller David Lewis John Lindsay John Keebler. The Governor informed the Board, that being applied to Gen eral Williamson for an advance of 5000. to Mr. George White- field to enable him to purchase and lay in provision for the use of the Carolina Militia; when they come over to the defence of this State; and that the Governor, not being able to convene 2. Council, had accordingly granted him the said advance RESOLVED That the Board approve the same. Upon the petition of Thomas Ross praying to be appointed Vendue-Master, RESOLVED, That the prayer of the Petitioner be granted. December 23 d 1778. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Samuel Miller John Lindsay John Keebler. David Lewis Edward Davies waited on the Board and qualified as Auditor General to this State. 128 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Samuel Miller Esq. 343. 14. i. the said sum being advanced by him to the Com missioners of trade for the town of Sunbury, and ordered to be paid out of the sum provided by the House of Assembly for carrying on their trade. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay to Adam Euick 11. 17. in full of his account for Candles, firewood & c . supplied the Board. December 26 th 1/78. The Board met Present His honor the Governor Richard Wylly John Lindsay David Lewis John Keebler. WHEREAS, the Board did on the 17" day of December instant direct and order, that an election of Militia Officers, throughout the State under the late law should be held on such day (within two months from the passing of the said law) as the former Colonel or other Commanding Officer should appoint. And whereas, there hath been in the County of Chatham an election for Captains and Subalterns for the several Companies, And the election of Field Officers is directed to be held, by Colonel Wal ton on Thursday next. And whereas, under the present alarm ing situation of affairs, great inconveniences may arise in case an attack should be made before the Field Officers for the said County shall be elected in that the new elected Captains, and Subalterns, may, and do contend that the old Field Officers have no right to command them under their former Commissions It is Therefore Resolved, That notwithstanding the said former order of Council, the election of Field-Officers for the said regi ment of Chatham County, come on and be held on the present dav MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 129 at three O Clock in the afternoon by all such persons as have a right to vote at the same pursuant to the said law. And that- notice thereof be immediately given by advertisement throughout the Town, it being apprehended no inconvenience can arise from so short a notice; as most, if not all, the Officers having a right to vote are now in Town ; and great inconveniences may, in the present times happen from doubts or disputes arising upon the subject. ORDERED, That the Hinchen brook under the Command of Capt. Pray, and the Sloop commanded by Capt. Hague be imme diately taken into public service, and the Council approve of a plan and proposals to Capt. Pray, and a letter to Capt. Hague written by the Governor this morning on the subject. The Town of Savannah being taken by the British Troops, on the twenty eighth of December put a final end to public business of a civil nature. GEORGIA. January 8 th 1779. The members chosen on the seventh of this instant by the Honorable House of Assembly, for a Council of this State, met at the House of Mathew Hobson in Augusta, and proceeded to the choice of a President. And adjourned till the meeting of the next Convention. GEORGIA. January 9 th 1779. Agreeable to resolve of Convention of the Representatives of the State of Georgia in Assembly met, which resolve is as follows viz, RESOLVED. That the members chosen for a Council or a ma jority thereof, act as a Committee, empowered by this convention, 1o recommend every thing they may think expedient in the place 130 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of a Council for this State, until the Convention meet again to cloath them with power to act as an Executive Council. Agreeable to said resolve we proceeded as follows viz, that taking into consideration our present distressed situation, find that we are not able to defend ourselves without an immediate supply of cash, therefore have made a draft which will appear by copies of letters taken. RESOLVED, That Mr. Chairman and Humphry Welles Esq r wait on Mr. Wilson and Col Greirson to consult these Gent- about guarding their fort. Mr. Chairman and Humphrey Wells Esquire made a report that they waited on the said Gentlemen, who cheerfully agreed to appropriate the use of their Forts for the good of the public and agreed that they might be immediately Garrisoned. It is therefore recommended to the Commanding Officer, to Garri son said Forts immediately; and also do his endeavor to have all the Canon collected together; and what is not in immediate action to be secured in some Fort. Also, it is further recom mended that the Commanding Officer give orders to the Com missary to supply those of the Militia, on duty that have horses, with provender until a Quarter Master be appointed for said purpose. It is recommended to the Commanding Officer of the Town of Augusta, that he take particular notice of all those persons that have moved their property and do not return to defend this State in her present distress; and make a proper return of them to this Committee so that they may know how to distinguish between the brave and cowardly, in order that they may be dealt with, at a future day according to their merit. ORDERED That Major Martin be summoned to answer for his past conduct. >: The Committee then adjourned till to-morrow morning ten O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 131 Sunday January io th 1779. The Committee met according to adjournment, and proceeded to take into consideration an Express received from Col M c Murphy of Burke County; which Express is as follows. Burke County Court House g th Tan y 1770. D r Sir, Col Pugh, agreeable to the orders of your honorable House of Assembly, ordered a general Muster; few has as yet met, I believe owing to a meeting ordered by the enemies of the United States for we are told that one Scruggs, brought up a proclama tion from Col Campbell, Commander of the Kings Troops, and there was yesterday upwards of two hundred of that party met, and they have agreed for to send the proclamation privately through the Country for to have the contents agreed to. And Col John Thomas and some others is actually gone to the Kings Troops as we suppose for to solicit their protection. For God s sake send us immediate assistance, least the friends to the State fall a sacrifice to the vengeance of the diabolical enemy. 1 be lieve we could raise a majority in our favour could we have as sistance immediately. I had a talk with some of the head men from the Creek-Nation which is more favorable than you have heard, excuse me not sending you a copy as I am all confusion, and am D r Sir Your most ob 1 & Most humb 1 Ser* DAN 1 M c MURPHY The above approved of by us JOHN FULTON FRANCIS PUGH HENRY JONES WILUAM BARRON 332 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS And maturely considering the said Express, it is recommended that the Commanding Officer raise all the Militia he can and after leaving proper guards, in the Forts before mentioned repair with the remainder of the Troops and some Cannon to join our good friends in Burke County and there consult the Officers of that County where it may be most expedient to raise a standing Camp for their safety, and then proceed against our enemies and the disaffected people of this, and the United States, as they may think most expedient ; and that Col M c Murphy be requested to act as Commissary to provide all necessary provisions for the militia after they are embodied in that County, as he has hereto fore had money lodged in his hands for the use of this State It is recommended to the commanding Officer to hire a horse to carry the express to Col MMurphy, and if one cant be hired, that there should be one piessed with all expedition. WHEREAS, Mr. Bonner Commissary has made information that there is a great need of salt for the use of the public, and that a certain Benjamin Bowers has a quantity lodged at Mr. Hicks w r hich he has offered to sell him. We therefore, recom mend that Mr. Bonner take as much of the said salt as may be wanting for our present necessity, and make a just return thereof. Mr. George Philips is employed to go with the above men tioned express to Col M c Murphy under promise from this Com mittee that he shall be well compensated in future. Major Martin appeared according to summons and gave such excuse as made full satisfaction for his not appearing at a certain alarm that was fired the other night. It is recommended that the commanding Officer appoint a Quarter Master, and that if they cannot hire waggons, and horses they press for the present expedition. The Committee then adjourned till ten O Clock to-morrow MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 1 33 Monday II th January 17/9. Met according to adjournment It is recommended that all the Militia Officers act until the new election take place, specified by a late Militia Law. It is recommended to the Commanding Officer to take a Sur geon ; and that Humphry Wells Jun r be employed on this occa sion, if it be agreeable to him, and take medicines with him; and bring in his charge at a future day. Wrote a letter to General Lincoln and took a Copy. Just received intelligence by the person appointed by the Chair man agreeable to order of the late convention which is trans mitted to writing and delivered to Mr. Chairman. The Committee adjourned till 10 O Clock to-morrow. Tuesday 12 th January 1779. The Committee met according to adjournment; and adjourned till 1 1 O Clock to-morrow Wednesday 13 th January. The Committee met according to adjournment. And received a letter from Col Ingram, wrote an answer and took a copy. And adjourned till 10 O Clock to-morrow morning. 13J THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 14 th January. The Committee met according to adjournment Took into con sideration a Ittter received from Col Ingram last night, part of which was a request for some Continental money. The Commit tee considered that he could not well do without, borrowed one thousand dollars of Col Marbury to whom they made them selves liable in behalf of the Public, that it shall be paid in one month or sooner, if public money should come into their hands ; which was sent to Col Ingram as will appear by a receipt given by his Express for said sum of money. Also sent Col Ingram a letter and took a Copy, in answer to his letter we received last night by his Express. The Committee adjourned till 1 1 O Clock to-morrow morning. Friday January 15 th The Committee met according to adjournment. Sundry persons to the number of twenty eight going to our Camp in Burke County applying for ammunition, , That they be supplied with one quarter of a pound of powder and half a pound of lead each. It being represented that the Fort, containing our ammunition, was not sufficiently guarded, ORDERED, That the guard be reinforced. The Committee then adjourned till 10. O Clock to-morrow morning. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 135 Saturday i6 th January 1779. The Committee met agreeable to adjournment. Taking into consideration an Express from Col Ingram, wrote him an answer and took a copy. In consequence of which it was agreed to meet to-morrow and send an Express to Genl. Lincoln. The Committee then adjourned till 9 O Clock to-morrow. Sunday January 17. The Committee met according to adjournment. Wrote a letter to General Lincoln, took a Copy and enclosed him some copies of our Military proceedings sent us by Col c Ingram,, The Committee then adjourned till 9 O Clock to-morrow. Monday January 18. The Committee met according to adjournment. And adjourned till 12. O Clock to-morrow. Tuesday January 19. The Committee met agreeable to adjournment And received by the return of the Express which was sent to General Lincoln and 136 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS others, for Money, by the hands of Edmund Bugg ; And received four thousand Continental dollars sent by John Houston Esquire. January 2i st 1779. The Members chosen for the Executive Council met according to adjournment, and closing the poll cf said election, it appeared that William Glascock Esquire was chosen President, who was then qualified by the Speaker, and proceeded with the Council to business Friday January 22 nd The Council Met, and paid Abram Spears two hundred and seven Continental dollars which they had con tracted with him, for riding an Express ; Also paid Col Mar- bury one thousand dollars, that they borrowed for the use of Col Ingram. Sunday January 24 th The Council met, and agreeable to a resolve of the honorable House of Assembly dated January 23 we have purchased one hundred and thirty seven bushels and a half cf Salt, for which, we paid three thousand and twenty five Continental dollars, two hundred and thirty two of which wa.i borrowed from John Walton Esq. The Council then appointed John Wilkinson to be their Clerk. And Daniel Danielly to be Messenger. January 26 th The Council met, A return being made from the County of Wilkes for Officers elected for said County Vi?, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 137 John Dooly, Colonel; Elijah Clark, Lieutenant Colonel; and Bunvell Smith Major; Commissions were accordingly made out and delivered. January 27 th The Council met. Inclosed, in a letter to Cap 1 Barnet (copy taken) the copy or the resolve of the late House of Assembly, requesting him to draft his Militia. January 28 th The Council met. WHEREAS, this State is at this time, in the utmost distress for cash to answer sundry purposes, and Daniel \Yallcon informing this Board that he is in debt to the public, paid three hundred and seventeen pounds, ten shillings Sterling, under a promise that it should be good for so much against his bond, he has given to the public. January 29 th The Council met. ORDERED, That Col Rae be requested to move all the Cannon from Mr. Wilsons Fort, the small, to his o>\vn Fort, and thj large, to Col Hammonds ; likewise all the ammunition in the Magazine at said Mr. Wilsons Fort, to his own. WHEREAS, this State is at this time in the utmost distress for cash to answer sundry purposes, and Daniel Wallicon informing this Board that he is in debt to the public; paid five hundred and twenty pounds, sixteen shillings and six pence sterling, under a 138 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS promise that it shall be good for so much against his bond, he has given to the public. March 28. Agreeable to an order of Council formerly made for paying Mr. Asa Emanuel, for riding an Express from Au gusta to General Lincoln, and paid him the sum of fifty pounds sterling and took his receipt for the same. Thursday June i / . The Council met, and took into considera tion General Lincolns recommendation to the inhabitants of the State of Georgia, and recommended to Col Dooly to put it in execution. Wednesday June 23 rd The Council met. Made out a Commission for John Twiggs Esq. for Col of Burke County, bearing date the 26 th day of January last past. A return being made from the County of Richmond and Au gusta District, for Field Officers elected for the lower battalion viz George Wells, Colonel ; George Wyche Lieutenant Colonel. & Daniel Wallicon, Major; Commissions were made out & de livered, bearing date the fifteenth day of June 17/9. Friday June 25. The Council met, Made out instructions and orders for Col Dooly, for this ex pedition. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 139- Saturday June 26 th The Council Met. It is recommended by this Council to Col Dooly, as soon as he can have an opportunity, to order Col Baker, with all his men under his Command to join him. It is also, recommended, that all prizes taken by the Militia now acting in this State, under the command of the said Col Dooly, should be disposed of as recommended by His Excellency General Lincoln; and that all share alike in all prizes taken by any part or parties of the present detachment : provided never theless, that if any effects be taken wherein there may be a proba bility that such effects does not belong to the person or persons which they are taken from, at the time of taking them, that they shall not be disposed of till they are ten clays published or adver tised in Main Camp, so that if they should belong to a friend of the States ; they may have an opportunity of getting their prop erty on paying one sixth part of the value thereof. And it is our opinion that Col Baker as well as all other forces now in arms in this State is, and has been under the Command of Col Dooly ever since his appointment of Col Commandant. Issued orders for one Delegate to be chosen to represent us in Congress, as per copy taken. Monday June 28. The Council met. Made out a proclamation for property taken in this State by individuals, to bring and deliver the same to Peter Parriss in Augusta, who is appointed to receive it, and take care of it till further orders ; As per Copy taken. John Graham and Thomas Carter, Gentlemen from the County of Wilkes, attended and was qualified as Magistrates for the said County. 140 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday June 29. The Council met. George Walton and Dionsious Oliver, Gentlemen from the County of Wilkes, attended and was qualified as Magistrates for the said County. Thursday July I st The Council met. Took into consideration a letter from Col Dooly, and the proceedings of a Court of Enquiry held at Butlers Creek on the 3O th day of June last, enquiring into the conduct of Col George Wells ; and maturely considering the matter, it appears by the first article, Section 17 th of the Continental Articles of war; also by the express words of the late Militia Act of this State, which refers to the continental articles of war for the rule of conduct to govern the militia by, when on duty : that that matter does in no wise come before this Board. ORDERED, That George Walton, Thomas Carter, John Gra ham & Dionisious Oliver, Gent, or any two of them do superin tend an election to be held at or near Spirit Creek, on the Second July, for the choice of one Delegate to represent this State in Congress, agreeable to an order heretofore made, and make a return thereof. Made out and delivered a Captains Commission for Moody Burt, bearing date the twenty sixth day of January last, for jthe Augusta upper Company. Sunday July 4 th The Council met and made out a Lieutenant Colonels Commission for William Few Esq. of the upper regi ment, in Richmond County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. HI Saturday July 10. The Council met and wrote a letter to the Honorable the President of the Continental Congress, informing him of our present State; likewise another to Genl. Lincoln as per copies taken.) STATE OF GEORGIA RICHMOND COUNTY WHEREAS, from the invasion of the British forces in this State, great evils have arisen, and still exist to disturb the civil govern ment of the said State, and which, in a great measure, have pre vented the Constitution of the land, from being carried into such full effect as to answer the purposes of government therein pointed out. And Whereas, it becomes incumbent and indis pensably necessary at this juncture to adopt such temporary mode as may be most conducive to the welfare, happiness and security of the rights and privileges of the good people of the said State, and the maintenance and existence of legal and effec tive authority in the same, as far as the exigence of affairs require; until a time of less disquiet shall happen and the Con stitution take its regular course, To the end therefore, that gov ernment may prevail and be acknowledged, to prevent as far as may be, anarchy and confusion from continuing among us, and fully to support the laws of the land derived under the Constitu tion thereof, We therefore, the Representatives of the people of the Coun ties of Wilkes, Richmond, Burke, Effingham, Chatham, Liberty, Glynn and Camden and other free men of the State, having con vened and met in the County of Richmond, in the State aforesaid, for the purposes of considering the present disturbed situation of this State ; and for applying as far as in our power some remedy thereto, and having maturely and seriously considered the same, do recommend that the following persons be appointed by the good people of this State to exercise the supreme authority there of, who shall before they enter on the execution of their Office 142 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS take the following Oath, vz. I, A. B. elected one of the Supreme Executive Council of the State of Georgia, do solemnly swear, that I will during the term of my appointment to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the said office faithfully and consci entiously without favor, affection or partiality; that I will to the utmost of my power, support, maintain and defend the State of Georgia, and use my utmost endeavours to support the people thereof, in the secure enjoyment of their just rights, and privi- ledges ; and that I will to the best of my judgement execute justice in mercy in all judgements So help me God. And we and each of us, on our parts, as free citizens of the State of Georgia aforesaid : do for ourselves nominate, authorize empower and require you, John Wereat, Joseph Clay, Joseph Hab- ersham, Humphry Wells, William Few, John Dooly, Seth John Cuthbert, William Gibbons Sen r and Myrick Davies Esquires, or a majority of you to act as the Executive or Supreme Council of this State and to execute from Tuesday the twenty seventh in stant to the first Tuesday in January next, unless sooner revoked by a majority of the freemen of this State; every such power as you the said John Wereat, Joseph Clay, Joseph Habersham, Humphry Wells, William Few, John Dooly, Seth John Cuth bert, William Gibbons Sen r and Myrick Davies Esquires or a majority of you shall deem necessary for the safety and defence of the State and the good citizens thereof; taking care in all your proceedings to keep as near the spirit and meaning of the Constitution of the said State as may be. And you the said John Wereat, Joseph Clay, Joseph Habersham, Humphry Wells, Wil liam Few, John Dooly, Seth John Cuthbert, William Gibbons sen. and Myrick Davies Esquires or a Majority of you, hereby have full power and authority, and are authorized, empowered and required, to elect fit and discreet persons to represent this State in Congress; and to instruct the Delegates so chosen, in such matters and things as will tend to the interest of this State in particular, and the United States of America in general : the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 143 said delegates taking- care from time to time to transmit to you the said Council or other authority of the state, for the time being 1 , an account of their proceedings in Congress aforesaid ; to regulate the public Treasury of the said State; to borrow or otherwise negociate loans for the public safety; to regulate the militia, and appoint an Officer, if necessary, to Command; to appoint, suspend and discharge all civil officers if it shall be found expedient; to demand an account of all expenditures of public money; and to regulate the same, and when necessary, order payments of money ; to adopt some mode respecting the current money of this State and for sinking the same; to direct and com- missionate the Chief Justice of the State or Assistant Justices, or other Justices of the peace and other officers of each County, to convene Courts for the trial of offences cognizable by the laws of the land, in such place or places as you shall think fit, always tak ing care that trial by Jury be preserved inviolate, and that the pro ceedings had before such Courts be in a summary way, so that of fenders be brought to a speedy trial and justice be amply done, as well to the State as to the individuals. You, or a majority of you, the said Council have full power and hereby are requested on conviction of Offenders to order punishment to be inflicted ex tending to death; And when objects deserving Mercy shall be made known to you, to extend that mercy and pardon the offence ; Remit all fines, Mitigate corporal punishments, as the case may be, and as to you, or a Majority of you shall seem fit and neces sary. And you the said Council or a majority of you at all times and places when and where you shall think fit, have hereby full power and competent authority to meet, appoint your own Presi dent ; settle your own rules ; set, consult, deliberate, advise, direct and carry into execution, all and every act, special and general, hereby delegated to you, and all and every such other acts, meas ures and things as you or a Majority of you shall find expedient and necessary for the Welfare, safety and happiness of the free men of this State. 144 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDvS And in case any of the persons herein appointed to exercise the supreme authority as aforesaid, shall refuse to act, die, or depart this State, or shall by any other means be prevented from exercising the same, then, and in such case, you, the said Council hereby chosen, or a majority of you shall, and you are hereby authorized, empowered and required to fill up such vacancies by choosing other fit and discreet person or persons to act in his or their room and stead, which person or persons so chosen is or are hereby invested with every power and authority in as full and ample a manner as if they had been appointed by this present in strument in writing. And we do hereby declare all officers, civil and military, aiiu all persons inhabitants of this State, subject to and amena ble to your authority; and will ratify and confirm whatever you may do for, or concerning the public weal, according to the best of your judgement, knowledge and ability; And further we do hereby promise you our support, protection and countenance. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this twenty fourth day of July in the year of Our Lord 1779. Augusta, Saturday 24" July 17/9. The Supreme Executive Council this day appointed by the Representatives of the people, and consisting of the following persons, viz, John Wereat, Humphry Wells, Joseph Clay, Jo seph Habersham, Myrick Davis, John Dooly, William Gibbons, William Few, and Seth John Cuthbert Esquires met at the house of M r John Wilson at four O Clock in the afternoon, all the mem bers being present, except Mr. Wereat. Motion was made and seconded that John Wereat Esquire be appointed President of the Board, but this being objected to MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 145 by some of the members, by reason of Mr. Wereats absence, and the uncertainty on this account, of his accepting the appointment,- the motion was waved for the present and another substituted that Seth John Cuthbert Esquire be appointed President pro tempore ; which was unanimously agreed to, and he took his seat accordingly. On Motion, the Board was adjourned to Tuesday the 3 d of August next. Tuesday 3 d August 17/9. The Supreme Executive Council met at the Church, according to adjournment. Present Seth John Cuthbert, President pro. tern. "William Gibbons Humphry Wells John Wereat Myrick Davies It appearing to the Board that several matters of the greatest importance are necessary to be taken into the most serious con sideration, and which require the deliberations of a full Board, and that the present members being but a mere majority and con sequently but just eligible to proceed to business; it was unani mously agreed to adjourn to Thursday next at 10. O Clock in. the morning, and the Board was adjourned accordingly. 10 r r vol 2 146 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 5 th August 1779. The Council met according to adjournment but there not being a sufficient number of Members to make a Board, they adjourned to to-morrow 10 O Clock. Friday, August 6 th 1779. The Council met according to adjournment Present, Seth John Cuthbert John Wereate William Gibbons Sen r John Dooly William Few Humphry Wells Esq re A return being made by Colo. Dooly, of the Free Citizens from Wilkes County, Who signed the delegation of the late House of Assembly from that County. It appeared that there were three hundred and three, who signed the same. Motion being made for choosing a President. When Mr. Wereat being unanimously chosen President of the Supreme Executive Council ; having first taken the oath prescribed in the delegation took his seat accordingly. The other Members of the Supreme Executive Council being present, having likewise taken the oath as prescribed in the dele gation took their seats at the Board accordingly. Motion was made that the Clerk of the Council do take the following oath, of Office, which was unanimously agreed to, and it was administered accordingly viz, I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will execute the office of Clerk of the Supreme Executive MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 147 Council of the State of Georgia, faithfully and conscientiously to the best of my skill and judgement; and that I will neither directly or indirectly divulge or make known to any person whatsoever, not being a member of the Council, the secrets of the said Council. Motion was made that those offenders, now in custody, be brought to trial. ORDERED, That a Court be held in the County of Wilkes at Jacob M c Lendons in said County, on monday the i6 th instant (August) for the trial of offences cognizable by the laws of this State. ORDERED, That a Court be held in the County of Richmond, at Augusta, on Monday the 23 d instant (Aug 1 ) for the trial of of fenders. ORDERED, That a copy of the foregoing order be served, by the Clerk, on the Assistant Judges of said Counties, and that they be requested to transmit the same to the respective Sheriffs ordering them to summon a Jury agreeable to the laws of the State. Adjourned to 3 O Clock this afternoon. Met agreeable to adjournment. Mrs. Gresham having made application to go to Savannah to remain there with her husband, it is the opinion of this Board that her request be granted at such time as the Commanding Officer may think expedient. WHEREAS, some jealousies, natural to a people tenacious oi their liberties, have arisen among some of the citizens of this State respecting the powers of this Board, and whereas, it be- 148 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS hooves the rulers of a free Country, at all times to take eveiy step in their power to give all reasonable satisfaction to the in habitants thereof, and to put a stop to such jealousies and com plaints as may take place. And whereas, the citizens of this State above mentioned conceive, by virtue of the delegation which authorizes this Board to proceed on the Executive De partment of Government, they have power to< act in the Judicial and Legislative Departments We do hereby declare and make known to all whom it may concern, that we are not invested with any such Judicial or Legislative powers; And that it never was, nor ever will be our intention to assume to ourselves any such powers by virtue of the above mentioned delegation, and that we neither mean to contravene or destroy the Constitution of the State, which, we think must have due operation whenever a time of less disquiet will admit of its being adequate to the exigencies of Government. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 O Clock. Saturday, August 7 th 17/9. The Council met agreeable to adjournment Present Honorable John Wereat Esq r President Seth John Cuthbert, William Gibbons Sen r Humphry Wells William Few. John Dooly Esquires. WHEREAS, many of the good citizens of this State whilst in arms defending their just rights and privileges have captured and taken from the enemy, property, which by the laws of arms and Nations is lawful prize. And whereas, many ungovernable and MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 149 disorderly persons taking advantage of the distresses of their County, in open violation of law and justice have, by force of arms, and other ways plundered and taken the property of many of the inhabitants of this State under various and illegal pre tences to the great injury of this State and good subjects thereof. In order therefore, to discriminate the honest citizen from the plunderer, and that equal justice may done to all, ORDERED. That all persons whatsoever in whose possession any of the property taken as aforesaid now may be, do within one month from this date render in an account of all such prop erty and by whom taken, to Charles Crawford and David Rob- ertson of Richmond County with the eldest Militia Officer of said County, for the time being, or either of them ; and George Wal ton and Dionisious Oliver of Wilkes County with the eldest Militia officer of said County, for the time being, or either of them ; who are hereby appointed Commissioners of claims, and required to set at some convenient place at least once a month, and give notice thereof in their respective Counties, that claim ants may know when and where to apply for redress. And the said Commissioners are further required to deliver up to the owners, being friends to the Country, of which the said Com missioners are to be judges, whatever property may appear to them, to be the just right of the said claimants. And whatever property may appear to them to belong to the enemies of the State, they are to keep in their possession, and to report regularly to this Board, an account of their proceedings specifying the property restored or sequestered as above, with the names of all those persons who may prove refractory on the subject, and would endeavour to secrete or detain by violence or any othe; means, any such property, in order that the contumacious may be punished according to the laws of the land. Having received information that George Wells has in his possession, a petition of a number of the inhabitants of the lower district in the County of Richmond, which petition was referred to this Board 150 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED That the Clerk call upon the said George Wells and demand that he deliver up the same. WHEREAS, sundry circumstances have occurred to render the holding of the Courts in the Counties of Richmond and Wilkes highly inconvenient and improper at so early a period as was made in the orders of yesterday, ORDERED therefore, that the Court be held in the County of Wilkes on Monday the 23 d instant ; and in the County of Rich mond on Monday the 3O th instant, and that the Clerk give due notification thereof to those whom it may concern. On Motion, The Board was adjourned to 3 O Clock on Thurs day next. Thursday August 12 th 1779. The Council met according to adjournment and adjourned to Friday 9 O Clock. Friday August 13 th 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present Hon. John Wereat Esq r President Seth John Cuthbert Humphry Wells William Gibbons William Few Joseph Habersham Myrick Davies. The two last Gentlemen being duly qualified took their seats. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 151 Daniel Danielly was appointed Messenger, he being allowed twelve dollars a day while on duty for the Council. RESOLVED That a Committee of three members be appointed to contract for, and superintend the building of a guard house in Augusta; and that they confer with General M c lntosh on the subject. ORDERED That Doctor Wells, Mr. Davies and Mr. Cuthbert be that committee. RESOLVED That a Committee of two Members be appointed to write to the Treasurers of this State requiring their immediate attendance on this Board. ORDERED That the President and Mr. Habersham be that Committee. Adjourned to 4 O Clock this afternoon. Met according to adjournment. The Committee appointed to write to the Treasurers, made their report, which was agreed to, and is as follows, SIR, The inhabitants of this State finding it impossible to con vene the House of Assembly, proceeded to the election of a Council to whom they have delegated full powers to proceed on the Executive Department of Government, to appoint Delegates to represent the State in Congress; to call for, and settle the pub lic accounts, advance money for public services &C. You are required to repair to this place, and bring with you, your accounts and the public money that was in your hands at the time you left Savannah, on or before the first day of Sep tember next; and to observe such directions as you shall 162 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS receive from this Board, till the next meeting of the House of Assembly. RESOLVED That a letter be wrote to Colo. Marbury request ing him, to bring Nehemiah Wade Esq. one of the Treasurers of this State, with his books and papers, before this Board,, which letter is as follows. SIR, , The Council requests that you will convey the letter here with delivered you, to Nehemiah Wade Esquire one of the Treasurers of this State, and require him to proceed to this place immediately, with his books, papers and the public money that was in his hands at the time he left Savannah, If he refuses to pay obedience to the order sent him, you will please to apply to the civil authority of the State of North Carolina to have him apprehended and bring him under a guard. Adjourned to to-morrow Morning 9 O Clock. Saturday 14 th August 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present Hon. John Wereat Esq : President Seth John Cuthbert Humphry Wells John Dooly Joseph Habersham William Few William Gibbons Myrick Davies. Complaint being made to the Board, by William Stubly Shir ley that he has been plundered of a considerable part of his prop erty, by persons now inhabitants of the State of South Carolina, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 153 and forcibly detained by them in that State. The Board having taken the matter under consideration gave him the following recommendation to the Magistrates of South Carolina. Complaint being made, to us by the bearer, William Stubly Shirley who is an inhabitant of this State, that he has been plun dered of a considerable part of his property by persons, now in habitants of South Carolina, and which property is forcibly de tained from him ; We do earnestly recommend to the Justices and other persons in civil authority of South Carolina to assist the said W r illiain Stubly Shirley in the recovery of whatever property he make appear to be his and detained as above. ORDERED, That Colo. Few and Mr. Gibbons be a Committee to confer with General MIntosh respecting the movement of the lower battalion of Richmond County and request the General to order them towards the Western frontier, as in the opinion of the Board the regular forces sent down to join Colo. Twiggs will be more than sufficient to cope with the enemy in the neighborhood of briar-creek. And from information upon oath, there is every reason to believe that the Western frontier is in the greatest danger of being invaded by the Savages; and to acquaint the General that this Board do not consider George Wells to be the Commanding Officer of the lower battalion, and request that he will issue his orders to the Lieutenant Colonel or Major until a Colonel shall be legally chosen. WHEREAS, it may be absolutely necessary to order the Militia on duty during the recess of this Board, and perhaps at a time when it may not be in the power of the Members to make a Board; and unless the President is invested with sufficient power and authority to answer such necessary purposes, great -inconveniences and prejudices may arise to this State. RESOLVED That the President is hereby invested with au thority during the recess of this Board, to order out any number 154 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of Militia at such time and place as he may think necessary and expedient for the welfare and safety of the State. ORDERED That the lower battalion of Militia in the County of Richmond, be immediately embodied and that they do join Colo. Few, to proceed to the Western frontier. RESOLVED, that this Board will particularly interest themselves with Congress, General Lincoln and the State of South Caro lina, to put the Militia of this State upon the same footing with respect to their pay for past services as the militia of South Carolina have been, since the pay of the Militia of that State has been augmented, and that for the future, they shall be in every respect on the same footing that the Carolina Militia at present are. ORDERED, That the President, Mr. Habersham, Mr. Cuthbert and Mr. Gibbons be a committee to write letters to the Legisla ture of South Carolina, General Lincoln and Congress. The Council adjourned to Monday next 10 O Clock. Monday, August i6 th 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esq r President Seth John Cuthbert Joseph Habersham William Gibbons Myrick Davies. Humphry Wells A return being made by Humphry Wells Esq r of the free citizens from Richmond County, who signed the delegation of the late House of Assembly, it appeared that there were one hundred and sixty two who signed the same. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 155 The Committee appointed to write letters to the Legislature of South Carolina, General Lincoln and Congress. Report that they have finished a letter to General Lincoln, and require further time. ORDERED That they be allowed a further time and report to the next meeting of the Board. The Board taking under consideration the letter to General Lincoln, agreed to it after some amendments which is as fol lows. Augusta in Georgia, i8 th August 1779. SIR, After several fruitless attempts to establish a Government in this State, agreeable to the Constitution thereof, a num ber of the Members of our Assembly met at this place on the 24 th ultimo, but finding themselves inadequate to proceed to business as a House of Assembly, they elected nine persons as a Supreme Executive Council, and delegated to them competent power and authority to act as such. This measure they did not conceive they had sufficient power to establish ; but recom mended it to the inhabitants of the State, and it has been adopted by a very large majority of them. The choice having fallen upon John Wereat, Joseph Clay, Humphry Wells, John Dooly, William Gibbons, Myrick Davies, Joseph Habersham, William Few and Seth John Cuthbert; we beg leave to offer you our sentiments on such matters as may immediately occur to us on the subject of the public distresses of our Country. A considerable part of the State having been in the immediate possession of the enemy ever since its in vasion by them, those Counties which have held out against them, have been constantly subject to their incursions and depre dations, and of course, the few Militia thereof much harassed with duty; but their spirits have been kept up with the idea of support from the Continent and our Sister State, otherwise we 156 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS apprehend a total evacuation would long since have taken place by those who have firmness enough to sacrifice every thing to the cause of America; whilst the wavering would have joined the enemy and assisted them in their operations against Caro lina. The arrival of the advance of General Scots anny under Colo. Parker and Major Jamison, at a very critical juncture has had the most salutary effect that could be expected; for it has in fused new spirits into the Militia who are now all chearfully under arms to oppose the concerted invasions of the Enemies Irregulars and Indians, who are at this time making different inroads upon us. Genl. MIntosh has sent out a part of the Con tinental Troops to support our Militia, and we hope that for the present we shall be able to repel the enemy, and to keep them from reaping any considerable advantages from the attempts of small parties ; but we presume, Sir, that we need not endeavor to impress your mind with an idea of the feeble resistance we ehould be able to make, to any serious attempt of the enemy to subjugate the upper parts of the State even with the assistance that General M c lntosh can at this time afford us. We believe that it is generally allowed, that unless the enemy are consider ably reinforced, they will not make another attempt upon Char leston ; and from a variety of circumstances we are lead to hope that they will not receive such reinforcements. Should this be case, there can scarce remain a doubt but that they will aim at a total subduction of Georgia, this fall ; for we cannot in reason, suppose that they will keep a considerable body of Troops im mured in Savannah, whilst the back Country, so necessary to their quiet and subsistance, as well as to their future designs, remains unconquered. The large quantities of grain, made in the vicinity of this place, and the numerous herds of cattle through all the upper parts of the Country, must be very con siderable objects with them; particularly as we know, that they cannot, even now, get sufficient supplies of cattle without coming upwards, and then fighting for them The frequent skirmishes MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 157 of our Militia, with their Irregulars who are employed as drov ers, evinces the truth of this observation ; and should they gain the upper parts of this State we are bold to assert that Caro lina would be in a very dangerous situation The great defection of the upper parts of that Country is well known, a circumstance on which the enemy found the most sanguine hopes; and we have every reason to believe that they continually receive en couragement from these people, to invade the back Country, nor could the enemy wish for a more favourable situation to be joined by them, than that by Augusta, or any where above it, where the river is shallow and the swamps all passable Add to the circumstances already mentioned, which might induce the enemy to progress upwards in force, that of having no obstruction to their intercourse with the Indians is a very capital one. and which will immediately be the case, should they effect an entire conquest of this country; and unless they should do this, their intercourse will be very precarious and uncertain ; And we shall always have it in our power to give the most con siderable nteruption to it. "\Ye think this point worth paying the most particular attention to. as we are informed that Indian goods are now imported at Savannah, and that the Creek Indians have had no late supply from the Florida s. Should the trade from this Country with the Indians be once open and uninter rupted the enemy will find not the least difficulty, whenever they have a mind, in bringing the Savages upon the frontiers of Carolina Besides our apprehensions on the above heads, we are fear ful, that in case the British Troops should move up this way, the greatest part of the inhabitants, worn out with fruitless opposi tion, and actuated by the fear of loosing their all, would make terms for themselves; and as the human mind is too apt to be lead by a natural gradation from one step of infamy to another, we have not the least doubt of their joining the enemy against their Countrymen in any other State. But even should the 158 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS British Commander not bend his force this way, a great many families, harrass d and unsupported would remove far North wardly (for which, they are already thinking of preparing.) And this dangerous migration, nothing but the appearance of support can prevent. With minds forcibly impressed by the operation of such pow erful reasons, we beg leave, Sir, to solicit you in the most serious manner to order General Scott who, we understand, is on his march Southwardly with the rest of his Troops, immediately to this place. We cannot think that the lower parts of Carolina wiU be endangered by such an order ; for we may reasonably presume that the enemy will never penetrate far into that part of the Country while a respectful force remains in their rear, which would be the case if General Scott and his Troops were in Geor gia. The expences incurred by the Militia in the Quarter-Master Generals Department in this State, since the invasion of it, are at present on a very disagreeable footing; individuals are dis tressed for monies due them by the public ; whilst they know not who to apply to for redress. The persons who have had the management of these matters have not been so regular as could be wished in their proceedings, on which account Colo. Wylly thinks he is justifiable in not settling them unless he has particu lar orders to that purport. We therefore request that you will direct him to assimilate them as nearly as may be, to the Continental Charges and ex pences, and to discharge them. The accounts of the late Ex pedition of Colo. Dooly down the Country, by your orders, are in the same predicament, and equally want settling. We are particularly struck with the necessity of a measure which we are much at a loss to put in execution This is the augmentation of the pay of our Militia it is exceedingly hard on, and discouraging to them, to know that the militia of Caro- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 159 lina receive thirty dollars per month while they get but six, which is so perfect a triffle that they scarcely think it worth receiving. We think, considering the very particular situation of the Coun try, that they ought to receive this pay, and that it ought to be a Continental expence, and make no doubt but that Congress will see into the expediency of the Measure, and acquiesce accord ingly in it, but we have been, unhapily, a long time without a representation in that body; and although we think we are in vested with sufficient authority to do this matter, yet the low state of our finances puts it out of our power. We would willingly negociate a loan in behalf of the State if we knew how to obtain it, until delegates, whom we mean to elect, and send off im mediately, could arrive at Philadelphia, when it should be repaid in case that Congress should not make it a Continental ex- pence. We flatter ourselves that you will see fully into the necessity of this step and that you will back our applications to Congress on the subject; and in the meantime request, that you will give us all the advice and assistance in the matter that may lie in your power. At the same time,, that we gratefully acknowledge the attention which you have already paid us, we cannot, from a most serious view of our truly alarming situation, refrain from repeating our solicitations with respect to General Scott ; and trust that your own good judgment will sufficiently enforce the arguments we have offered, and your impartiality and philan- throphy lead you to do every thing in your power, at least to preserve, the remainder of one of the links of the American Chain. The Council then adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 O Clock. 160 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday August if }l 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President, Seth John Cuthbert Jos. Habersham William Gibbons Myrick Davies. Humphry Wells. On application from General M c lntosh & Doctor Houston D. Y. Surgeon General of the Army, for the use of the Church in Augusta, as a hospital, RESOLVED That the Genl. have leave to make use of the said Church as a hospital, and that Mr. Davies and Mr. Gibbons be a committee to assist in the execution of this business, and that they see that proper care is taken of the pews and other matteis belonging to the Church, which it will be necessary to take up. WHEREAS, a petition from a respectable majority of the in habitants of the lower division of Richmond County, was pre sented to the members of the Assembly convened at Augusta the 24 th ultimo, and by them referred to this Board, setting fourth that the election of George Wells as Colonel of that divis ion is undue, and exhibiting a number of charges of a very heinous nature against him ; which said petition was delivered by a Member of this Board, to the said George Wells by his desire upon a principle of justice, that every person should be acquainted with the charges laid against him ; and tho since demanded of him, by. the Clerk, in consequence of an order from this Board, the said George Wells has refused to return the same. RESOLVED That the said George Wells, by refusing to return the said petition, has, in a great measure, acknowledged the charges set forth against him. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 161 ORDERED. That the said George Wells be not obeyed or re spected as the Commanding Officer of the lower division of Richmond County, and that in compliance with the prayer of the aforesaid petition, a new election do take place for a Colonel as soon as convenient; and that in the mean time the Command do devolve on the next Officer in rank. WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly it was pointed out that the division districts of the different companies in the lower battalion of Richmond County, should be ascertained ; and agreeable to said act, a Committee was appointed and has laid out the division lines. And whereas, no election has taken place for Officers to Command the different companies agreeable to the said act. RESOLVED. That each company proceed to choose their Officers as soon as may be convenient; and that Humphry Wells, Charles Crawford, Robert Middleton or any two of them, do give notice and superintend the election of Officers of the three upper com panies ; and Seth John Cuthbert, Daniel Wallicon Jun r & Hugh MGee or any two of them, do give notice and superintend the election of Officers of the two lower Companies; and the Officers so chosen do meet and choose their Field Officers at a time and place that shall be appointed by Humphry Wells, Chesley Bosi- wick and George Downs or any two of them, and that they super intend said election. The Council then adjourned to to-morrow morning 9 O Clock. 11 r r vol 2 162 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday August i8 tu 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President William Gibbons. Myrick Davies. Humphry Wells Joseph Habersharr Seth John Cuthbert, The Committee appointed to write to the Governor and Coun cil of Carolina, the Chief Justice of this State & Colo. Hammond, made their report, and the letters being agreed to, ORDERED, that the Clerk do copy the same in the minutes. The Committee also reported an addition to the letter to General Lincoln, which also was agreed to and ordered to be copied. To the Governor and Council of South Carolina. SiR, Since the reduction of Savannah and the lower part of this State by the enemy, many attempts have been made to con vene the House of Assembly, but from our present situation, and the absence of a majority of the Members a House could not be made to proceed to business. It was therefore recommended to the inhabitants of the State, by the members who met on the 24 th ulto. to delegate powers to nine persons to form an Execu tive Council, which was adopted by a great Majority; and the choice having fallen on John Wereat, Humphry Wells, Joseph Clay, Myrick Davies, Seth John Cuthbert, John Dooly, William Few, Joseph Habersham and William Gibbons, we in con sequence of the appointment beg leave to address you. When the State was invaded at the close of the last year, im mediately after the enemy from East Florida had marched through Liberty County, and before we could get a man from the back Country, five days only having passed between their arrival at Tybee, and the taking of Savannah ; all the inhabitants MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 163 who escaped from the enemy and preserved their fidelity to the cause of America, were obliged to leave the Town and lower parts of the State, hoping Genl. Howe, would have had it in his power to have established a post at Ebenezer till he had been reinforced by General Lincoln; in this, we were greatly disap pointed; as a few days after the affair of Savannah, he crossed the river with the remainder of the Troops leaving them no other alternative than either to return and submit to the enemy, or seek a retreat in your State; and though numbers have lost the greatest part of their property, and others the whole, the latter was prefered, in expectation that it would soon be in the power of our Sister State, with the northern Troops to re-establish them in their possessions. General Howe s precipitate retreat, not only embarrassed the inhabitants about Savannah, but left the back Country entirely open to the ravages of the enemy; and in consequence of their marching up immediately, numbers in the interior parts of the Country were under the absolute necessity of taking protec tion ; others, higher up, had it in their power to cross the river, and join the army under Genl. Williamson. When the enemy retreated from Augusta, those who had re ceived protection, imagining that they would be deemed traitors, and treated as such, went down with them ; to this we impute the cause of so many joining them. Since then, a number of the people of the Counties of Burke, Richmond, and Wilkes under the command of Colonels Dooly, Few and Twiggs, have given repeated proofs of their zealous attachment to the cause of their Country ; among others the Militia under the command of Colo. Dooly were very instrumental in defeating a large body of disaffected people from the back parts of your State, commanded by Colo. Boyd, which put a stop, in a great measure; to the enemy receiving the support they expected from thence; and while they were in Johns Island a party from Burke County tinder the Command of Colo. Twiggs, penetrated as low down as 164 Ogechee Ferry, within fifteen miles of Savannah, and totally defeated a party of fifty picked regulars; at the same time near three hundred horse, under the Command of Colonel Dooly we^e on their March down the Country, and in all probability would have effected something of consequence had not a great part of the force of the enemy returned to Savannah. These exertions of the people of the back Country have greatly exasperated General Provost, who declares he will have nothing unattempted, to ruin them. \Ve have intelligence on oath, that one Holmes, with three hundred Indians, and a number of white people are now on their march to the frontiers of this State, with an intention to fall on the inhabitants, while parties of the enemies horse and foot are in the neighborhood of Briar Creek to divert our attention in this quarter. We suppose there yet remains in the upper part of the Country near eight hundred men, who are well affected, but should the enemy penetrate again as far as Augusta we have great reason to fear that the greatest part of them will be obliged to submit. The enemy do not now possess the Country more than twenty five miles above the Town of Savannah ; but could they reduce the back parts and have command of the large stocks of cattle that are yet left, together with the great crops of in the vicinity of this place, which will soon be ripe, this part of the Country would become formidable to your State ; as well as for the reasons above mentioned, as the ready communication of the enemy \vith the Indians and the disaffected in your back Country. For these, and many other reasons, we doubt not, but you will readily afford all the assistance in your power, to circumscribe the enemies limits ; or oblige them to abandon the State. Being reduced to situation that we expected would be our lot whenever the enemy made this State their object, without a legis- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 165 lative body, or the means of raising money, the greatest part of our Militia have received no pay since December last, which has occasioned much dissatisfaction amongst them; We are therefore, induced to apply to you for the loan of sixty thousand dollars for this and other necessary expences, till our Delegates can make application to Congress for support. We are sorry to inform you, that frequent complaints have been made, of people on the North side of Savannah River cross ing into this State and driving off the Stock, indiscriminately both of our friends and enemies, without the least authority for so doing, whereby many good people are greatly injured ; And as these plunderers are out of reach of our civil authority, we are induced to make this complaint to you, and are well assured that ihe State of South Carolina will discountenance such illegal prac tices. We are informed that James Lambert, David Russell and .... Ferguson late of this State, and owing allegiance thereto, ar? in confinement on Board the prison ships at Charleston; the former of these persons, after having been a Member of the House of Representatives of this State, and Commanding a Company of our Militia, is charged with deserting to the enemy, and carrying over his whole company, crimes of a similar nature are alleged against the other two; We therefore request that the said persons may be delivered up to such guard as General Lincoln may order (to whom we have wrote concerning- them) that they may be brought to this place in order to take their trials. To the Chief Justice of the State of Georgia. SIR, A number of the Members of the House of Assembly met here on the 24 th ulto. and not being able to make a House, they recommended to the people, to choose an Executive Ccr.ncil, which recommendation was adopted and nine persons appointed accordingly, by a great majority of the inhabitants of the State, 166 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS to whom power was delegated to adjust the public accounts, regulate the Militia, appoint special Courts to be held for the trial of criminal causes; appoint delegates to represent the State in Congress &C. In consequence of which delegation, a Court is ordered to be held in the County of W T ilkes on Monday the 23 rd and at Augusta on Monday the 3<D th Instant; The Council are of opinion that your presence as Chief Justice will be necessary, but as you can not be in time for the Court in the County of Wilkes, they hope you will not fail to be here by the time the Court is ordered to be held for this County, where you will be more wanted. I am directed by the Board to give you this notice. To Colonel Hammond SIR, We are informed that a considerable quantity of Salt, the property of this State, was removed, \vhen the enemy came up to Augusta, to your side of the river and applied under your direction to the use of the Troops of your State. As this is an article, for which, from evident and unavoidable circumstances we are greatly distressed at this time, both on account of our Citizens and the Continental Troops in the State ; and as we are informed that you have a considerable quantity of this Article coming up, we shall be particularly obliged to you to spare us an equal quantity; or if this cannot be done, that you will be so kind as to let us know what will be the most expeditious way of getting it replaced, as it will be a great means of preventing discontent in the back Country, and of supporting any Military operations that we may be under the necessity of carrying on. The report of the Committee with the addition of the letter to General Lincoln being agreed to, is as follows, We are informed that James Lambert, David Russel and .... Ferguson are on board the prison ships in Charleston, these men were citizens of, and owed allegiance to this State the former MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 1G7 "having been a Member of the House of Assembly and a Cap tain of a company of Militia, is charged with deserting with his whole Company to the enemy, and crimes of a like nature are alleged against the other two. As a Court is about to be held for the trial of criminal causes, we have made application to the State of South Carolina for those persons, and request the favour" of you to order a guard to receive them and conduct them to Augusta, that they may be dealt with, according to law. We have also applied to the Assembly of Carolina for the loan of some money in the present distressed situation of our affairs; if our application shall prove successful, we shall be glad if the money could come with the same guard." Information being made to this Board, that a set of Mills be longing to Mr. Henderson, who has joined the enemy, and is now within their lines, is at present out of repair; it also being represented to this Board, that if some person was appointed to repair and take care of said Mills, they will be of great service to the Troops and inhabitants in that neighborhood. RESOLVED, That Mr. Davies, who is now at said Mills, have liberty to repair and take care of the same until further orders. The Council then adjourned to Friday next 9 O Clock. Friday August 2O th 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Members present, John Wereat Esquire President Humphry Wells Jos. Habersham William Gibbons Seth John Cuthbert. RESOLVED. That Peter Pariss and Chesley Bostwick be added 168 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS to the Committee appointed to superintend the election of Officers for the Augusta Company of Militia. The Council then adjourned to Monday next 9 O Clock. Monday August 23 d 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire President Seth John Cuthbert William Gibbons Humphry Wells Joseph Habersham Received a letter from Genl. Lincoln, dated 13" day of Au gust, acquainting this Board of his having sent, by John Dennis ; Joseph Maddox, Joel Saunders, Thomas Saunders, Abram Sand ers and Mordecai Sanders ; to take their trials. ORDERED That the President do write to the Magistrates of the upper division of Richmond County to take their recogni zances to appear at the next Court to be held for said County. Received a letter from Colo. Dooly, dated 22 d Instant, to which the following is an answer. DEAR SIR, We are very sorry to be informed of your indispo sition and that the Indians have been so very troublesome on the frontiers. In this situation of affairs, the Council are of opinion it would not -be prudent for you to march any part of your regi ment this way. We shall make Genl. MIntosh acquainted with our reasons for countermanding his orders, and in future when ever there is any occasion for the Militia, the Council will order them to be embodied, at present, as your people are out you will take such steps for the defence of the frontiers, as you shall judge best. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 169 The express is in such a hurry to return, that the Council have not had time to determine what ought to be clone with respect to enlarging the representation from \Yilkes County, however, you may inform the people that every step shall be taken to do them justice in this matter, and if you can possibly attend the Council, towards the latter end of the week or beging of next, we are in hopes you will have it in your power on your return not only to satisfy them respecting this business ; but also, about their pay and the salt, for both of which the Council have wrote, and the express that was sent with the letters will return in a few days. On application to this Board, from Joel Walker, an inhabitant of this State, now a prisoner to the Continental Troops, for lib erty to return to his family. RESOLVED, That upon his applying to any Magistrate of the State, the said Magistrate shall make enquire into the nature of the crimes for which he is confined, and if such as to be bailable by the laws of the State, that he shall take sufficient bail of thq said Walker, for his appearance at Court whenever called upon. The Council then adjourned to to-morrow morning 9 O Clock. Tuesday August 24 th 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Members present, John Wereat Esquire President Joseph Habersham Seth John Cuthbert William Gibbons Myrick Davies. Humphry Wells. The President laid before the Board a letter from General Lin coln, dated the 14" instant, which was read in its place and filed. 170 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WHEREAS, it has been represented to this Board by Col Wylly, Deputy Quarter Master General, in the Continental serv ice, that he is ordered by General Lincoln to procure a number of waggons to bring up public stores from Charleston, to this place, and that he has reasons to believe that they cannot be hired at the rates hitherto given, and requests the advice and assistance of the Board with respect to the business. RESOLVED. Therefore, that it is the opinion of this Board, that twelve dollars and a third per diem, and being found, is a generous price for a waggon and team, and that Colo. Wylly be requested to endeavor to get them at this price; but in case he should not be able to procure them upon those terms, ORDERED, That he then do impress without loss of time such number as he may deem necessary for the above service. The Council then adjourned to Thursday next 9 O Clock. Thursday 26 th August 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President Seth John Cuthbert William Gibbons Joseph Habersham Humphry Wells. Myrick Davies Joseph Clay Esquire, a Member elect, attending the oath was administered to him, and he took his seat accordingly. Capt. Joshua Inman returned the delegation from Burke Coun ty, when it appeared there were thirty two, who signed the same. RESOLVED. That a Committee be appointed to draw up in- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 171 structions for the Continental Delegates; and to consider of some method for regulating the plunder that has been, or here after shall be taken from the enemy and others. ORDERED. That the President, Mr. Clay and Col Habersham, be that committee. RESOLVED. That this Board will proceed to the election of Continental Delegates on Monday next. The Council then adjourned to Monday next 9 O Clock. Monday August 30"* 17/9. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire President Joseph Clay Joseph Habersham Humphry Wells Myrick Davies Seth John Cuthbert William Gibbons. Sundry letters being laid before the Board, viz./ From Genl. Lincoln dated Charleston 22 d Inst from Colonel Hammond 22 nd from John Glen 23 d from William OBryan 24 th from Genl. M c - Intosh 29 th were read and filed. The following answer was returned to General M c lntosh s letter of yesterday. Sir, Your letter of yesterday was laid before the Council this morn ing, and they are of opinion that the present is an improper time to offer a general pardon, but when a sufficient force shall be in the State to subdue our deluded Citizens a proclamation offering 172 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS pardon with some exceptions may be issued, that in the meantime no discouragements should be given to any persons who surrender themselves, nor their property or families molested ; that a list of the names of such persons as surrender themselves, should be transmitted to the Council who, will take such measures as they may deem necessary for the safety of the State. RESOLVED That the election of Delegates to represent this State in Congress, which was the order of this day, be post poned. The Council then adjourned to to-morrow morning 9. O Clock. Tuesday 3i st August 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President Humphry Wells William Gibbons William Few Joseph Habersham Myrick Davies Joseph Habersham Seth John Cuthbert WHEREAS, application has been made by a number of the in habitants of this State, in behalf of Pride Williams, Francis Hancock and Moses Diers citizens of this State, now in confine ment on Board the prison ships in Charleston, praying that the Board would take such steps as may be necessary for the relief of the said prisoners. RESOLVED therefore, that a Committee be appointed to write to Genl. Lincoln on the subject. ORDERED That the President and Mr. Cuthbert be that Com mittee. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 173 Mrs Dyers having made application for liberty to go down to Savannah, to endeavor to recover her negroes, who are in the enemies hands, it is the opinion of this Board that the said Mrs. Dyers may be permitted to go down at such time as the Com manding Officer may think proper. Mr. Cuthbert and Peter Pariss made a return of the election of Officers for the Augusta Company of Militia in the County of Richmond, when it appeared that Jeremiah Bugg was elected Captain ; Sherwood Bugg first Lieutenant, and Nathaniel Hicks Jun r second Lieut. Commissions were made out and delivered. Mr Carter and Mr Freeman having waited on the Council acquainting them that an election w r as about to be held to fill up their vacancies in the House of Assembly from the Count)- of Wilkes, in consequence of a false report prevailing there, that the lower Counties had taken such steps. ORDERED. That a letter be wrote to the Magistrates and in habitants of Wilkes County, informing them, that no such meas ures have taken place. And is as follows, Being informed by Messr 8 Carter and Freeman that a meeting of the inhabitants of your County has been, or is about to be called, for the purpose of choosing Representatives in Assembly, in consequence of a report being spread among you, that the lower Counties w r ere taking the same steps. We therefore, at their request take this opportunity to inform you that no such measure, with our knowledge, has been pursued here, or intended to be pursued ; before the time that a general election as directed by the Constitution, takes place. And we are sorry to observe that we cannot think any person a friend to this Country who has promoted such a report ; as it can only tend to create uneasi ness and disunite us, and that at a time when a firm union and the utmost harmony in the State is required. We have made these Gentlemen acquainted with our proceed- 174 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ings hitherto and our intentions in future in regard to many matters; And we have only to assure you that nothing in em power to promote the true interest of our Country will be neg lected if we are properly supported by our fellow-citizens. The Council then adjourned to 4 O Clock this afternoon. The Council met according to adjournment. The Committee appointed to write to General Lincoln made their report, which is approved, and is as follows ; SIR, A petition signed by a number of the inhabitants of this State. has been presented to us, in behalf of Pride Williams, Francis Hancock and Moses Dyers, citizens of the State, at present con fined on Board the prison ships in Charleston, setting forth their having been heretofore active in the defence of their Country and demeaning themselves as good citizens thereof; that they were, upon the enemy s leaving Augusta, made prisoners of, for having been under the necessity of taking protection, and sent to Charleston by Genl. Williamson ; and praying that they may be relieved from their confinement on board the prison ships, We therefore request, that you will send them up on parole as soon as you conveniently can, that they may be tried by the laws of their Country, and by those laws be condemned or restored to the rights and priviledges of free citizens. As there may possibly be others on board those ships, who are under the same predicament, or who, as having been residents of this State, ought to be exchanged for the Citizens thereof, now prisoners with the enemy, or who may have been guilty of treason against the State, we beg that you will be so kind as to transmit us a general account of the Georgians now in confinement in Carolina; that we may be enabled to take such steps, with re spect to them, as humanity and justice may demand. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 175 By your letter of the 22 d Inst, which we have been honored with, you inform us that you have offered one Ferguson, who we had demanded, in exchange; and that unless charges of a particular nature lie against him, you will be under the necessity of abiding by your offer. The charges against him are, aftei" his having taken a Captains Commission in the Militia, and en gaging with Mr. James Rae, Depy. Comis y General of this State, as a purchasing Commissary, his having joined the enemy with 20,000 dollars which Mr. Rae had placed in his hands for the purpose of buying provisions for the army. The Council then proceeded to ballot for Delegates to represent this State in Congress, when Edward Telfair, John Houstoun, and Edward Langwoithy Esquires were elected. The President laid before the Board, two letters from Col Dooly, dated 29 th Inst. with an account of the criminals under sentence of death, at the Court held for Wilkes County on the 23 rd Instant, which were read in their place and filed. The Council then adjourned to to-morrow morning 8 O Clock. Wednesday September I st 1779- The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President Joseph Habersham Humphry Wells Myrick Davies. William Few Joseph Clay William Gibbons Seth John Cuthbert WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Board, that sundry inhabitants of this State, have made a practice of going within the enemies lines without leave. 176 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the following notice be published. WHEREAS, it has hitherto been made a practice, by sundry the inhabitants of this State, to go within the enemies lines without leave Notice is hereby given, that all persons, who shall be guilty of the like practice in future, without leave first obtained, from this Board, and a pass in consequence from the Command ing Officer, shall be apprehended as Traitors. ORDERED. That the President do issue an order to the Sheriff of Wilkes County, to suspend the execution of John Bennefield till Monday the 6 th Instant. The following letter was sent to Colo. Dooly in answer to his received yesterday. SIR, Your letter of the 29 th ultimo, with a list of the condemned criminals, is received, The Council would wish to have seen Colo. Downs, and to be informed of the favorable circumstances that arose in the course of their trials, to induce the jury to recommend them as proper objects of mercy. An order was issued to the Sheriff of your County to suspend the execution of Bennefield till monday the 6 th instant ; when the fate of the rest will be determined, and all that are to suffer death, be executed at the same time. The Council are sorry to hear that Colo. Wells, has endeav oured to mislead the people of W T ilkes County, and have desired Mr. Freeman and Mr. Carter to represent matters to them in a proper light, and endeavor to satisfy them, which they have no doubt but that they will be able to effect. The express returned from Charleston, but he brought no an swer to the letter to the Governor; so that it is uncertain w r hat will be the event of the application for money to pay off the militia. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 177 An application was made to Colo. Hammond for the salt be longing to this State, who informed the Council, that General Williamson received it, and that he has no salt coming up to re place it; If you can procure waggons to go down, the Board will endeavor to procure salt in Charleston. If you can procure waggons to go down, the Council desire you will inform them. The express Mr. Dannielly come up that you may get Col Downes to come down ; or if anything should prevent him, the Council may be properly informed of circum stances that appear in favour of the condemned persons, who are recommended to Mercy. The Council then adjourned to to-morrow morning 8 O Clock Thursday September 2 nd 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present John Wereat Esq r President Humphry Wells Myrick Davies W r illiam Gibbons Joseph Clay Seth John Cuthbert Joseph Hotersham William Few The President laid before the Board, a letter from Col Downs, and a letter from Co ls Downs & Benjamin Catchings, which were read and filed. The Council took into consideration the proceedings of the Special Court held in the County of Wilkes on the twenty third ultimo and continued by adjournments to the twenty eighth. RESOLVED, Therefore, that in consideration of the recom mendation of the petit-jury on the trial of Edm d Downey, James Mobley, Clement Yarborough, John Watkins., William Crutch- field, John Young & Driad Wildear, that they do pardon the 12 r r-vol 2 178 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS said Edm d Downey, James Mobley, Clement Yarborough, John Watkins, William Crutchfield, John Young, and Drecld Wilder, on consideration that they enter on board one of the vessels cf War, of the United States ; And that Joshua Rials also, then & there condemned to die, and not recommended to mercy by the Jury, they also pardon on the same condition of serving on board a vessel of War But finding upon strict enquiry that Ed mund Downey, one of the criminals condemned & recommended to mercy as above, has been guilty of a great number of the most daring and attrocious crimes,, both against the State and the faithful citizens thereof, which circumstances they presume the Jury were not made acquainted with ; and for which crimes they think he ought to suffer the pains of death ; as also, John Benne- field, condemned as above and not recommended to mercy. ORDERED therefore, that the President do sign a pardon for the said Joshua Rials, James Mobley, Clement Yarborough, John Watkins, William Crutchfield, John Young & Driad Wilder on the said conditions ; and that he sign a warrant for the execution of the said Edmund Downey, and John Bennefield, on Friday the io th instant. The President laid before the Board, a letter from Mr. Eustace which was read ORDERED, That the consideration of the said letter be post poned. The following answer, was returned, to the letter this day re ceived from Col Downs and Benjamin Catchings. Gentlemen, We have received yours of the 3O th August and also been in formed of the proceedings of your Court, and in consequence thereof, send you orders for the execution of Edmund Downey & John Bennefield, with a pardon for the others that were con- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 179 demned, which you will please to transmit immediately to the Sheriff of your County, in order to have them executed. Council would wish to pardon Downey also, but being fully informed of his committing a number of the most attrocious crimes, think they cannot do it consistent with that justice which is due to the State, The Council are of opinion that those persons they have par doned, should not know it till the day of Execution, that they should be carried to the place of execution and see the others executed; The Council also desire you ll apply to Col Dooly for a guard to conduct them down to General M c lntosh s head quarters, in order that he may send them to the Commander in Chief. The Council then adjourned till to-morrow morning 9. O Clock. Friday September 3 rd 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President Joseph Clay William Few William Gibbons Seth John Cuthbert Myrick Davies Joseph Habersham. The Council took into consideration the application from Airs. Eustace for leave to go to Savannah on business, after debating on the subject, the Board divided, Yea s Noe s Mr. Gibbons Mr. Clay Mr. Davies Mr. Habersham Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Few. Mr. Wereat 180 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS It was carried in the affrmative, provided she give General M c - Intosh sufficient assurance, that she will carry no intelligence to the enemy. On Motion, that a Committee be appointed to write to Sir James Wright on the subject of his parole, and to the Command ing Officer of the British Troops, acquainting him, that we hava several inhabitants of this State, who call themselves subjects to his Britanic Majesty; to demand a return of the names of such of the citizens of this State, who are now prisoners (either on parole or otherwise) to the British Troops in Georgia, and to propose an exchange, citizen for citizen. ORDERED. That Mr. President, Mr. Gibbons & Mr. Cuthbert be that Committee. ORDERED That Mr. President do write to Mr. Houston and Mr. Telfair, acquainting them of their being elected Delegates. The Council then adjourned to Monday next 9 O Clock. Monday September 6 th 1779. The Council met according to adjournment. Present, John Wereat Esquire, President Seth John Cuthbert William Few Joseph Clay Joseph Habersham. William Few Council being informed that Mrs. Cornels had been within t: .e:ry s lines, ORDERED, that she attend this Board. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 181 Mr. Sterk made application for leave to accompany a Flag to Ebenezer on particular business respecting his brothers family. ORDERED, That it be recommended to the General that he have leave. Mrs. Cornels attended this Board agreeable to order, and was examined upon oath. The President laid before the Board a letter from Col Dooly dated 3 d Instant, which was read and filed. The Committee appointed to write to Sir James Wright and the Commanding Orncer of the British Troops in Savannah, made their report, which was agreed to, and is as follows. To Sir James Wright SIR, Early in the year 1776; when the first acts of hostility were commenced by the Ships and Troops of the King of Great Brit ain against the inhabitants of this State, they thought proper to retaliate, and accordingly your Excellency and the Member? of His Britanic Majesty s Council were made prisoners upon parole. The Gentlemen of the Council were exchanged for some of our citizens that were in captivity on Board the Ships of War, then lying at Cockspur, but your Excellency was never discharged from the parole you gave to Capt. Harriss nor exchanged, there fore, the Council of this State do claim you as their Prisoner, and expect that you will repair to this place, and surrender yourself in consequence of your parole; or if it shall be more agreeable to Your Excellency to procure us, in exchange, our friends Co 10 Elbert, Major Habersham and any other of our friends who are now prisoners to the British Army, as may be equal to a person of your Excellency s Rank. By order of the Executive Council of the State of Georgia I have the honor to be &C. 182 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Augusta December 3 d 1779. On this day the Executive Council, appointed by the Honor able the House of Assembly, informed his honor the Governor,, that they had proceeded to the choice of a President; And that the honorable Richard Howley Esq r was unanimously elected. The following Gentlemen attended as Members of the Execu tive Council for the following Counties in this State. Richard Howley, John Hardy. Liberty "County. John Bilboe, Effingham County. John Twiggs, Burke County. Robert Middleton, Richmond County. Stephen Heard, Wilkes County. A resolution of the Honorable House of Assembly was laid before the Board, by His Honor the Governor respecting the reduction of the Continental Troops belonging to this State. ORDERED That the Sec y to this Board do transmit a copy of the said resolution to Brigadier General Elbert and request his answer to the same by the meeting of the Board to-morrow. Another resolution was likewise laid before the Board respect ing a sum of five hundred thousand dollars in the hands of Major General Lincoln and Joseph Clay Esq r received by them from Congress, for the use of this State. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the Honorable Major General Lincoln and Joseph Clay Esq r requiring a delivery of the said sum to be applied to such uses as the constitutional authority shall direct, and that he clo appoint a proper person or persons to receive the same. Another resolution was likewise laid before the Board respect ing one hundred thousand dollars lent Joseph Clay Esq r Dep y MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 183 Pay Master General by the former Legislature of this State, for the use of the Continental Troops, then doing duty therein. RESOLVED That His Honor the Governor be requested to order the said Joseph Clay Dep y Pay Master General to return the said money so lent ; and that he do appoint a proper person to receive the same. Another resolution respecting the building of six Forts in Wilkes County. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the Commanding Officer of the Militia in Wilkes County to give every assistance in his power towards the building of the said Forts. His Honor the Governor, laid before the Board two letters, the one from John Wereat Esq. to Humphry Wells, and ths other from Humphry Wells to Col Parker, charging Doct. Tay lor as being an enemy to the State. The Governor informed the Board that he had issued orders to Co 1 Middleton, to arrest the said Taylor, and have him confined in the main guard, he being a person, whose going at large, was dangerous to the safety of the State. RESOLVED, That the Board do approve of the conduct of the Governor on this occasion. ORDERED, That the Sec 7 do request Col Parker to keep the said Doctor Taylor in custody untill the further order of this Board. Another resolution respecting the raising of horse for the defence of the State. WHEREAS, some doubts have arose concerning the allowance of pay to the said corps. 184 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That it is the opinion of the Board that the allow ance of pay by the State is over and above the pay allowed by Congress to the Militia. RESOLVED That this Board will make provision for the Clerk, as well for his present and future services, as for the paying up any arrears which shall appear to be due him for past services. ORDERED, That the Sec y do endeavor to employ a Messenger to the Council. By the information of James Jackson Esq r to the Board re specting the conduct of Mrs. Eustace, and of several expressions made use of by her, when at Silver Bluff, and that Mr. Deveux could more particularly inform the Board as to the whole matter, was he called upon so to do, ORDERED, That the Sec y do write to Mr. Deveaux requiring his attendance on the Board to-morrow morning. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Thursday 8 th Dec r 1779. The Board met Present, His Honor the Governor, Richard Howley John Hardy Rob 1 Middleton Stephen Heard John Bilboe John Twiggs. ORDERED, That the Sec y do write to Humphry \Yells Esq r a member of this Board, and require his immediate attendance. RESOLVED That the pay of the Messenger to this Board be twenty dollars per day. The Board adjourned. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. December 12 th 1779. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley John Hardy Robert Middleton Stephen Heard John Bilbo John Twiggs WHEREAS, the Honorable House of Assembly of this State, on the twenty eighth day of November last, made and passed the following resolutions In Assembly, Augusta November 28 th 1779. WHEREAS, a variety of circumstances render it necessary that a reduction in the Continental line should be made, and that in the room of four battalions of infantry, and one regiment of light dragoons, which heretofore subsisted in this State, only one bat talion of Infantry, and one regiment of Horse should henceforth be the establishment of the same. RESOLVED, That the said reduction do accordingly take place, and that only one battallion of Infantry and one regiment of Cavalry, be in future the Continental or Confederate establish ment within this State and properly belonging to and known by the same. AND WHEREAS,, an humble address hath been made to the House, signed by a respectable number of officers, respecting the mode of officering the said regiments out of the number of the Officers which belonged to the Brigade of this State, heretofore, and have not resigned their Commissions ; praying that the same may be by ballot among themselves ; And that the House being 186 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS willing to shew every attention to the merits of their former- services, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor and Executive Council, be requested to confer with, or write to, Brigadier Gen eral Elbert on the subject, desiring that whatever mode of offi cering the said two regiments from the line, may be thought most just by a respectable majority of the Officers of the Brigade, shall be carried into execution with all convenient expedition. And that His Honor the Governor and Executive Council be recom mended to make out Commissions accordingly, on a proper cer tificate of the Commission which each Officer shall be entitled to, under the mode of Election which they shall adopt. Extract from the Minutes. GEO. SEIGAR C. G. A. AND WHEREAS, the said resolutions being laid before the Board on the third day of December Instant,, the same were transmitted to Brigadier General Elbert, and his answer and the recommenda tion of a number of the Officers were received on the tenth in stant and which are as follow. His Honor George Walton Esq r , Governor and Commander in Chief of the State of Georgia, Augusta io th December 1779. SIR, I am sorry on account of the bad weather that my indisposi tion will not permit me to meet the Council to day as you desired. Inclosed is a copy of the paper signed by such Officers of the Brigade as were in Augusta at the last meeting. As there was not a dissenting voice present, and as I can undertake to answer that several who are at this time absent will agree to the same mode, am of opinion that Officering the one battalion of Infantry ; and one regiment of Cavalry from the line according to Seniority MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 187 of Commission will be conformable to the sentiments of a re spectable majority of the Officers of the Georgia Brigade. I have the honor to be with respect, Sir, Your most ob 1 Serv* S. ELBERT B r Gen 1 Militia in Georgia. \Ye the subscribers, Officers in the Brigade of Continental Troops for the State of Georgia, having duly considered on the most equitable mode of Officering the one Battalion of Infantry and one regiment of Cavalry, intended to be kept on the establish ment in the said State; do recommend, that the Officers to the above two regiments, be taken according to seniority, from the line in the State of Georgia, and do here presume to express a wish that the Gentlemen whose misfortune it is from being Ju nior in Commission to retire from Serving their Country, may be put upon half pay and called into service as vacancies may happen. Augusta Dec r 6 th 17/9. S. Elbert, Col 2 nd Batt. Joseph Pannell Lieut. Col Clem. Mash Capt. 3. G. B. John Cunningham Capt. 2. G. B. Littleberry Moseley . . . .Capt. 2. G. B. Thomas Glascock .... Lieut, i. G. B. Francis Tennell . . . . Lieut. 2. G. B. Pat. Fitzpatrick .... Lieut. 4. G. B. John Meanly Lieut. 3. G. B. John Morrison Lieut. 2. G. B. Cornelius Collins .... Lieut. 2. G. B. John Frazer Lieut. 3. G. B. 188 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Nathan 1 Pearce Lieut. 3. G. B. Thomas Payne Lieut. 2. G. B. Henry Allison Lieut. 2. G. B. Fred. Sheck Lieut. 2. G. B. Christopher Hillery. . . Lieut. 4. G. B. W m M c Donald L. . G. L- D. Robert Howe Lieut 2. G. B. Lach. Mlntosh .... Capt. i. G. B. George Handley. . .. Capt. i. G. B. John Lucas Capt. 4. G. B. A true copy taken from the original in my possession. S. EGBERT. The Board therefore, pursuing the direction of the said resolu tions and taking into consideration the letter of Brigadier General Elbert, and the recommendation of the said Officers, do order and direct, that an exact return of the Officers belonging to the late Brigade of this State, specifying the real and relative rank of each be made and certified to the Governor and Executive Council, for the time being as soon as possible. And that a copy of these proceedings be furnished to Brigadier Genl. Elbert, and he be requested to complete and make such return during the sitting of this Board, if in his power. RESOLVED, That when such return shall be made the Senior Officers shall receive Brevets. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the President of Congress, and point out the great use fulness and necessity of such an establishment, and urge that it be speedily ratified ; and that the Delegates of this State be or dered to press its adoption, and the means of carrying it into effect. AND WHEREAS, in our present dangerous situation, it is essen- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 189 tially necessary for the well being of the State, and for the common safety, that there should exist mutual good will between the freemen of this State, and the confederate Troops. And whereas, it appears to this Board, unquestionably, that the people at large in this State, have such a repugnance to Brigadier General MIntosh, that in the event of any offensive operations on the part of the enemy, which should call for their services in aid of the Confederal Troops, they would not turn out under his Command. RESOLVED Therefore, that it be earnestly recommended to Con gress to direct General Washington to employ Brigadier General MIntosh in some other department; and that General Lincoln be informed in the meantime, that it is the opinion of this Board, that it will be for the interest of the State that some other Officer should have the immediate Command in it. AND WHEREAS, Brigadier General Elbert, of the Militia of this State, and who is also an old Colonel in the confederal army, having rendered much personal service in the course of the War, and being esteemed by the people at large to be a gallant and good Soldier, and this Board verily believing that his liberation an. ! promotion will be of particular and general utility, do therefore, advise and request, that Congress will offer Brigadier General Hamilton of the Convention Troops in exchange for him, and that thereafter he may be promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the confederal army. RESOLVED, That the thanks of the Board be given to Colonel Richard Parker for his respectful deportment tow r ards the civil authority; the good order in which he has kept the Troops under his Command ; and for his unremitted services in defence of the State. 190 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday December 13 th 1779. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley John Hardy Stephen Heard John Twiggs John Bilboe Rob 1 Middleton WHEREAS, the people of Wilkes County are obliged to enfort themselves, and are without salt, RESOLVED therefore that Col. Richard Parker be authorized and requested to impress any necessary quantity of salt, that may be in Augusta, for the public service. RESOLVED also, that Colonel Parker be requested to enquire into the reason why the salt which was sent by General Lincoln to the Militia of that County, has not arrived there. Joseph Atkinson and Joseph Reeves having been taken return ing from the enemy at Savannah, with a number of British Goods upon them, and having confessed upon oath the truth thereof. RESOLVED, That they be committed untill they shall give good and sufficient security to the Clerk of the Council in the sum of ten thousand dollars, for their appearance at the next Superior Court, which shall be holden in the State; and that CoP Parker be requested to keep them under guard in lieu of a prison. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 191 December 14 th 1779. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley Rob 1 Middleton Stephen Heard John Bilboe. WHEREAS, there are a small number of confederal Soldiers, belonging to the late Georgia Brigade who are barracked at the House commonly called the old Fort in Augusta, most of whom claim their discharges alledging that the terms of their enlist ment are expired, AND WHEREAS, the said house is wanted for other, and public use RESOLVED Therefore, that Colo. Parker Commander of the confederal Troops in Georgia, be requested to remove them from the said house immediately ; And that he will as soon as possible, cause a Court of Enquiry to to be held to ascertain who are en titled to their discharges ; And that he will take under his care and command, those who have yet a further time to serve ; and give discharges to such as shall appear entitled to them. ORDERED,, That Colonel Middleton and Mr. Bilbo be a Com mittee to agree with, and engage some workmen to repair the said house, commonly called the old Fort, for the sitting of th<* Assembly in January next. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue a proclamation, requiring the Members elect to meet at Augusta, on the first Tuesday in January next, agreeable to the Constitu tion of this State. 192 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That Joshua Inrnan be appointed Captain and Com mander of an independent company of Horse Militia, not exceed ing forty men ; and that he be empowered to engage and embody the same forthwith. RESOLVED, That when they shall be embodied they shall be allowed rations and Forage. December i8 th 1/79. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley Stephen Heard Rob 1 Middleton John Bilbo. WHEREAS, several complaints have been made to the Board, that the Ferry at the Sand Bar, is badly attended, and the Boat belonging to the same greatly out of repair. RESOLVED, That Colo. Heard be appointed to agree with some person to keep the said Ferry and provide a proper Flat for the same. Titus Hollinger having made application to the Board for public plank and scantling at Spirit Creek, ORDERED, That the said Titus Hollinger be supplied with four thousand feet of plank, and one thousand feet of scantling, he to be accountable for the same. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. December 2i st 1/79. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley Robert Middleton Stephen Heard John Bilbo. ORDERED, That the Secretary do write to George Walton, William Hammet, John Freeman, James MLean, and Elijah Clark, requiring their attendance on the next General Assembly, to be examined respecting a paral of waggons, sent to Charles ton by Col Dooly, for the salt, for the Militia. ORDERED also, That the Secretary do write to Titus Hollinger to forbid him to sell rum or other liquors to the Soldiers. ORDERED, That the Sec y do write to Doctor Folliett informing him that the House in which he lives is wanted for publ -: and do order him to leave the same on or before Monday the twenty seventh instant. And Col Middleton be requested to em ploy some person to repair the said House ORDERED, That the Church be put in repair for the Session of next Assembly; And that Col Middleton be also requested to employ some person to complete the same. The Governor having informed the Board, that he had since the receipt of General Lincolns letter, of the thirteenth instant, sent down into the enemy s lines, several spies in order to gai v intelligence of their situation, strength and movements. RESOLVED, That the Council do approve of the conduct of His Honor the Governor on this occasion. 13 r r v< 1 2 194 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board being informed that James Ingram Esquire of Richmond County has been publishing rumours among the good people of this State, tending to magnify the Strength and move ments of the enemy, and to discourage that laudable opposition which is necessary for our common safety. ORDERED, That the Messenger be forthwith sent requiring the attendance of the said James Ingram on this Board. ORDERED, That the Secretary do write to Thomas Marbury requesting his immediate attendance on this Board. ORDERED, That Col Twiggs be requested to hire or impress waggons and teams to carry plank from Spirit Creek, for the public buildings in Augusta. December 23 d 1779. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Rob 1 Middleton Mica j ah Williamson John Bilbo, John Twiggs, Rich d Howley. James Brown Rob* Middleton Esq r a member of this Board having applied for leave of absence ORDERED, That leave be granted to him until Tuesday next. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 195 December 24 th 1779. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley Stephen Heard Micajah Williamson James Brown John Bilbo. Rob 1 Middleton Mr. ?::gram waited on the Board agreeable to order, and the evidences which were summoned to attend not appearing, the Board ordered the said Ingram to give his parole to appear on Tuesday next. Upon reading the petition of a number of inhabitants of the County of Burke, setting forth their distressed situation, RESOLVED, That the inhabitants of Burke County be assured that this Board will give them every possible assistance, and lay the matter before the ensuing Assembly for their determination thereon. ORDERED, That a copy of William Littles letter be furnished Col Parker and Twiggs. 196 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS January 3 d 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Richard Howley Micajah Williamson Robert Middleton John Twiggs, RESOLVED, That the Deputy Quarter Master General for the Continental Troops in this State, be requested to furnish Colonel John Twiggs for the use of the Troops under his command, with twenty five W* of gun pov:der and fifty W l of lead as a loan to this State. RESOLVED also, That he be requested to furnish Col Robert Middleton of the Militia of Richmond with six Weight of powder and sixteen weight of lead for the use of the Militia of the said County. The State to be accountable for the same. RESOLVED also, That he be requested to furnish Robert Bon- ner with any quantity of nails he may stand in need of, for re pairing the House known by the name of the old Fort, ordered to be fitted up for the Session of the next general Assembly. The Board adjourned. January 7 th 1780. The Honorable Richard Howley Esq r having been appointed Governor, by the Honorable the House of Assembly of this. State, he informed the Board, that he had, agreeably to the: Constitution, waited on the Speaker and qualified as such. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 197 The following Gentlemen appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly as Members of the Executive Council for the several Counties, informed His Honor the Governor that they had proceeded to the choice of a President, and that Col George Wells was duly elected, and had qualified himself before the Speaker accordingly. Stephen Heard Wilkes County. John Lindsay Wilkes County. Humphry Wells Richmond County. The Board proceeded to the choice of a Secretary when Sam uel Sterk Esq r was elected, and Daniel Danielly Messenger. January 8 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor George Wells Humphry Wells Stephen Heard John Lindsay His Honor the Governor laid before the Board a resolution of the Honorable the House of Assembly, respecting the public building in Augusta commonly called the Glebe being appro priated for the accommodation of him and the Executive Coun cil. ORDERED, That Doctor Folliott, the present possessor, leave the same immediately. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, that Philip Higginbotham is at present confined in the main guard for certain crimes com- 198 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS mitted (as it is said) by him. And whereas, it does not appeax- to this Board, that he is confined by any legal authority. RESOLVED, That the Commanding Officer of the confecleral Troops in Augusta, be requested to discharge the said Philip Higginbotham from his said confinement. John Sterk Esq r one of the Treasurers of this State, appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, waited on the Board and took the following oath, viz, I, A. B. appointed one of the Treasurers of this State do sol emnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I will, during my continuance therein, well, faithfully and honestly, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the Office of Treasurer of this State; and that I will not, on any occasion or pretence, apply any monies which shall or may come to my hands as belonging to this State, to any private uses or purposes whatsoever. So help me God. WHEREAS, it appears by the certificate of the Honble. Col onel \Yalton, that the sum of one thousand dollars was allowed to Samuel Sterk Esq r for acting as Secretary to the late Governor and Council, as well as the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars as perquisites. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to draw on the Treasury for the said sums of money in favor of the said Samuel Sterk. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 199 r January 19 th 1780. The Board met i, Present His Honor the Governor George Wells Humphry Wells John Lindsay Stephen Heard ORDERED, That the Secretary of this State take and subscribe the following 1 oath. Viz : I, A. B. Secretary of the State of Georgia, do solemnly swear, and declare, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will in all things, to the best of my knowledge and ability, justly and hon estly keep the records, deeds, parchments and instruments of writing committed, and which shall be from time to time here after, committed unto me, and in all other things, to the best of my knowledge, ability and understanding, faithfully perform the duty of my said Office of Secretary, without favor or partiality. So help me God. RESOLVED, That the Militia which shall be ordered on duty by his honor the Governor, or in his absence, the President of the Council,, be supplied with rations of every kind, by the Deputy Quarter Master and Commissary General, in such quan tity and proportion as directed for the confederal Troops That whenever any of the militia are ordered on duty, the same shall be made known by His Honor the Governor or in his absence, the President, to the Officers commanding in the con- federal line, for the time being; to the end that orders may issue from him to the Deputy Quarter Master and Commissary Gen eral, for a necessary supply of provisions, forage, horses, wag gons &C. for their use, to be received and dealt out in due pro portion, by such persons as the Commanding Officer of the 20 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Militia so on duty shall appoint. That no returns made to the Deputy Quarter Master and Commissary General, from any Officer of the militia shall be received, unless it be under the above regulations. RESOLVED, That the Honorable the Chief Justice be called on, and desired to inform His Honor the Governor whether James Greirson and Andrew MLean have entered in recognizance for their appearance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer or Superior Court as the case may be, agreeable to an order issued by the Honorable the House of Assembly. RESOLVED, That the Attorney General be directed to report to the House of Assembly officially, the disrespectful language uttered by James Greirson, respecting the dignity and justice of the Legislature, and to defend the rights of the State in support of its laws and resolves. ; WHEREAS, an application has been made to His Honor th<j Governor, and the Honorable the Council, by Col Parker re questing that two or three acres of ground be allowed for the pur pose of planting a garden for the use of the Troops under his command. And as it appears to be useful and necessary for the preservation of the health of the Military, that such a measure should take place, RESOLVED, That the Honorable the President of the Council and the Honorable Humphry Wells Esq. be requested to appor tion two or three acres of ground for that salutary purpose. WHEREAS, the dignity and authority of all government cal culated for the support and maintenance of those rights and liber ties, which should be secured to the inhabitants of a free com monwealth, depend on the veneration and respect which ought inviolably to be preserved by the citizens belonging to. and under the jurisdiction of the same. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 201 AND WHEREAS, all wise Governments have ever had, and ought to have recourse to such necessary laws and sanctions, as may tend to support and uphold that dignity and veneration of free Government. This appearing in a strong and forcible light to His Honor the Governor and the Honorable the Executive Council. RESOLVED, That it be earnestly recommended to the Honor able the House of Assembly to pass a law, of most penal import, on all such person or persons who shall hereafter, citizens of this State, by writing, maintain, or advisedly speaking, support by words, contempts of and concerning the right and jurisdiction of the Legislature of this State, with such other cautions as may be judged necessary. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor The President Humphry Wells John Lindsay Daniel M c Murphy Myrick Davies John Cunningham Caleb Howell. The four last mentioned Gentlemen, being appointed, by the Honoble. the House of Assembly, Councillors for the different Counties, attended, and took their seats at the Board accord ingly. The Honorable George Wells Esq. on the meeting of the Council this day, observed that there was not a full representa tion in Council at the time of his being elected, therefore re- 202 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS quested the Members present, to proceed to the choice of a Presi dent, when he, the said George Wells, was confirmed in the aforesaid appointment unanimously. The following oath was taken by the Continental Delegates appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly. I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will, to the utmost of mv power, during the term of my being a representative of this State in Congress, support the dignity, soveignty, and independence, constitution and laws of the same; and that I will observe and enforce the resolves and instructions consistent therewith of the Legislature and Government thereof. GEO. WALTON, EDWD. TELEAIR B. ANDREW W. FEW. RESOLVED, That each of the Continental Delegates have an order on the Treasury of this State, for twenty thousand dollars, and likewise an order on the Treasury of the United States for ten thousand dollars each, if necessary. On a representation made to the Board by Colonels Dooly & Clark, of the necessity of having the new erected Forts in the frontiers in Wilkes County properly garrisoned. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue orders to Colonel Dooly to order thirty men for the de-.. fence of each Fort, including one hundred and eighty men in the whole, to be kept on constant duty, untill the further orders of this Board. RESOLVED, That a Fort be built at Harris old Fort and that the sum of five hundred pounds be allowed for the building the same, and to be erected under the direction of Captain Zachariah MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 203- Philips agreeable to the regulations which were made with re spect to the other Forts on that frontier. John Hardy Esq. the other Treasurer, waited on the Board,, and qualified himself agreeable to the resolution of the Honor able the House of Assembly. January 28 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor \ The President John Lindsay Peter Deveaux John Cunningham Myrick Davis H. Wells. The great difficulty of securing offenders appearing for the want of a place of sufficient strength RESOLVED, That Colonel MMurphy & Mr. Deveaux be a committee for the contracting with some person or persons for putting the Jail in Augusta in tenable order, and erecting a proper defence around the same. WHEREAS, it appears by information to the Board that Thomas Childers can make some useful discoveries in behalf of the State. ORDERED, That he do attend on the eighth day of February next. ORDERED, That John Shaw do attend on this Board the same day. 204 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS I, A. B. do solemnly swear, or affirm, without any equivoca tion or reservation of mind, that I do in truth and sincerity, chearfully and desirously renounce and abjure the King of Great Britain, his Heirs & Successors, and also the Crown thereof for ever. And I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the State of Georgia, and do every thing in my power to support the independence of the same, agreeable to the declaration passed in Congress, on the fourth day of July, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy six; And that also, all treasons, combinations, and confederacies, or any movements of the British Troops, their Emissaries or Spies against it, which shall come to my knowledge, I will immediately made known to the nearest Justice of the peace. So help me God. PETER DEVEAUX JN CUNNINGHAM JOHN BILBO. MYRICK DAVIES SAM STERK S. E. C. RlCH d HOWLEY GOVERNOR &C GEORGE WELLS President H. WELLS JOHN LINDSAY. WHEREAS, the General Assembly ordained a .... to be taken by the inhabitants of this State (except as therein excepted^ and have recommended to His Honor the Governor and the Executive Council to appoint one or more Justices of the peace in and for every County within the Government of this State to administer the same. ORDERED, that George Seigar and Samuel Sterk Esq 8 admin- ister the same to the inhabitants in and about Augusta, to be by them subscribed ; William Candler and William Jackson for the -upper parts of the said County; Hugh M c Gee and George MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 205 Wyche for the lower parts ; For the County of Wilkes, Absolem Biddle and John Hill for the South side of little river ; Barnard Heard and Col Downes for Capt. Williamsons & Austins Com panies ; Henry Jones & Richard Aycock for Cap* George Dooley & John Stewarts companies; and John Gordon and Thomas Carter for the upper parts of the said County. For the County of Burk Colo. John Twiggs and Daniel M c Murphy. ORDERED, That a copy of the said act be sent to each of the said Justices as soon as possible. An account of Samuel Sterk being presented to the Board, amounting to one thousand dollars, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested tc draw on the Treasury for the said sum. WHEREAS, there are a number of negroes in the custody of Mr. Robert Bonner, belonging (as it is said) to sundry disaf fected persons who have joined the enemy. ORDERED, That Messr 8 Deveaux, Davies & Cunningham be a committee to report to His Honor the Governor and the Hon orable the Executive Council, on Tuesday next, such information as they shall receive touching the persons to whom they are said to belong. ( The petition of Humphry Wells Jun r , appointed by the Hon orable the House of Assembly, Director General of hospitals in this State was laid before the Board & read. ORDERED, That Mr. President, Mr. Lindsay and Mr. Bilbo be a committee to prepare instructions for the said Director Gen eral, and report the same on Tuesday next. 206 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met January 2Q th 1780. Present His Honor the Governor The President John Lindsay Myrick Davies John Cunningham John Bilbo, WHEREAS, on the information of Sarah Dunn, it appears sev eral gross violations of both public order and law, have been com mitted by Ignatius Few and .... Aspey ; And to the end of promoting public Justice, the only support and security of all public rights which the citizens of the State are entitled to, until the same becomes forfeited by a regular and due course of law. RESOLVED, -That every attempt made, or to be made by in dividuals, to invade the property or rights of any of the citizens of this State, without being legally authorized to do the same, tends to the destroying and overturning of the laws which alone can give security and freedom to the inhabitants. ORDERED, That if any person or persons shall without law ful authority, take away, molest or disturb the property or any part thereof, belonging to Sarah Dunn, or her children he shall "be considered a violator of the laws of this State. ORDERED, That Ignatius Few and .... Aspey do forthwith restore unto the said Sarah Dunn all the property which they have taken from her. ORDERED, That the said Ignatius Few and .... Aspey do attend this Board on Friday the fourth day of February next. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 207 The Board met February I st 1780 Present His Honor the President John Cunningham Myrick Davies Peter Deveaux Daniel M c Murphy Humphry Wells John Lindsay John Bilbo, The Board being informed that Major ***** RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to write to, and send off an express to Joseph Clay Esq r Deputy Pay Master General, for the States of South Caro lina and Georgia ; and authorize some person to receive the sum of five hundred and ninety seven thousand dollars Monies of this State, in his hands. The following letter was sent to Joseph Clay Esq r Deputy Pay Master General for the States of South Carolina and Geor gia. Augusta I st February 1780. SIR, Your letter of the .... ultimo informing that the public monies in your hands were ready to be paid to the order of Government, could not fail giving satisfaction, as the safety and welfare of the State were dependent upon it ; I have therefore, taken instant measures to have the same brought up; and do request you will pay the sum of five hun dred and ninety seven Thousand dollars to John Hardy Esq r 208 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS one of the Treasurers, whose receipt, and this order, shall be your sufficient discharge for that sum. I am Your Ob 1 Serv 4 JOSEPH CLAY Esq r Deputy Pay Master Genl The Board being informed that Ala j or General Lincoln had given orders for the removal of the confederal Troops out of the State, and also, that Brigadier General Williamson is about collecting the Militia of his Brigade for the defence of the West ern frontiers. And whereas, the enemy being reinforced in this State, and the same much exposed to ravage and depredation ; And the Militia thereof not being collected, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested tc write to Brigadier General Williamson, and request that he will move his Brigade into this State, as soon as possible, where the common defence will be more certainly effected. RESOLVED, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be furn ished to Col Parker, and that he be requested not to move all the Virginia Troops out of this State until His Honor the Gov ernor shall hear from Brigadier General Williamson. And also that he be informed, that as this Board deem such delay neces sary for the safety of this State, he shall be indemnified for the same. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue his proclamation for calling out and embodying the militia of the State; and directing such other measures as may be most conducive to the public safety. WHEREAS, from the events of war, it may so happen, that the Ministers of Government of this State, might not be able to do or transact the business of the State within the limits of the same. Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 209 RESOLVED unanimously, that His Honor the Governor, or in "his absence the President & Executive Council, may do, anrl transact all and every business of Government, in as full, ample 1 and authoritative manner, in any other State within the con federation, touching and respecting this State, as tho it had been done and transacted within the limits of the State. Messr s Deveaux, Cunningham and Davis, the Committee ap pointed to report to the Board, the property of some negroes (touching the persons to whom they are said to belong) in the hands of Mr. Robert Bonner The Committee report, That a negroe man named Tom, is the property of James Story, now with the enemy, and a wench named Charity, with three children, the property of John Mathews, which said ne groes, your Committee are of opinion ought to be sold at pub lic auction for the benefit of the State. ORDERED, That the said negroes be sold at public auction to morrow at twelve O Clock, for cash only; and that Messr 8 Cun ningham and Davis superintend the sale. And in case it should appear at a future day that they are private property and belong to a friend, of these States, that the Treasury pay the amount of the money to such friendly citizens of these States. 14 T r vo! 2 210 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS February 2 nd 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Delegate Honbl. Col Walton Daniel MMurphy John Lindsay John Cunningham Peter Deveaux Myrick Davis Humphry Wells John Bilbo. The following proclamation was issued by His Honor the Governor, By His Honor Richard Howley Esq. Captain General, Gov ernor and Commander in Chief of the said State. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, by information made before the Council it appears that the British Troops in Savannah have received a reinforce ment from New York ; To the end therefore, that the good peo ple of this State may have notice of the same, and that proper exertions may be made for repelling the common enemy of our rights and liberties; who thro the bravery and fortitude of our fellow citizens in the Northern States, have been compelled to flee from thence and are now attempting to wreak the effects of their disappointment and malice on this State, as also our Sister State Carolina, notwithstanding the various demonstrations of providence exhibited in our behalf, and tending to shew the un righteousness of their cause. I do therefore, with the advice and consent of the Honbl. the Executive Council, issue this, my proclamation commanding and requiring- the good people of this State to stand firm to their MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 211 duty, and exert themselves in support and defence of the great and glorious independency of the United States; and also to re member with gratitude to Heaven, that the almighty ruler of all human affairs hath been pleased to raise up the spirit and might of the two greatest powers in the World, (France and Spain) to join with them and oppose and destroy the persecutor of their liberties and immunities Given under my hand, and the great Seal of the said State, at Augusta, the second day of February, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty; and in the fourth year of the independence of North America. RICH* HOWLEY By His Honors command SAM ! STERK Sec 7 February 3 d 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Honbl. Col Walton John Lindsay Humphry Wells John Cunningham Myrick Davis. WHEREAS, it is not only our duty, but the common safety re quires that every exertion should be made against the enemy. RESOLVED therefore, That His Honor the Governor be request- 212 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ed to issue orders for embodying one half the Militia of this State immediately; and that the same rendezvous at Augusta, or any other place which he shall direct. RESOLVED also, that it be further recommended to His Honor the Governor, to give directions to Col. Twiggs to get as many of the men belonging to his regiment and the separate companies under his command as well as Volunteers and take post at Au gusta; and that the barracks lately occupied by Col Parker, be kept to receive them. WHEREAS,, Major General Lincoln, notwithstanding various and repeated applications, remonstrances and solicitations ; and notwithstanding the most positive, certain and unquestionable in formation that the enemy were strongly reinforced in this State, and a perfect knowledge of the extent frontier and exposed sit uation of it, has removed the Confederal Troops out of the same. RESOLVED therefore, that the said Major General Lincoln, stands answerable, for all the consequences which may follow that unadvised measure. AND WHEREAS, the inhabitants of this State, not being em bodied, and from the distant habitations it cannot be done imme diately, and the Confederate Officers now leaving this State, Being of opinion that the Town of Augusta, the present Seat of Government may be sui prized by twenty men; by which the Members of Government might be Massacred or captured; and it being thence unsafe and impolitic for the Governor and Council to remain thus exposed ; And it being therefore necessary that a place should be pointed out in time for their meeting in some other State or place, RESOLVED therefore, that Herds Fort, in Wilkes County, be the place of meeting for transacting the business of the Govern ment of this State, as soon after the leaving Augusta as may be. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 213 AND WHEREAS, the Confederal Troops in this department may be thrown into the Garrison of Charleston contrary to the well known and uniform place of opposition by the United States to the British Arms and contrary to the sence of this Board, RESOLVED therefore, that in the judgement of this Board, that the min of the Southern Army depends upon this measure. AND WHEREAS, it is necessary that a public enquiry should be made into the cause of such known and probable mischiefs. RESOLVED therefore, that the Delegates for this State be re quested and directed to proceed forthwith to Congress, and pro mote by every means in their power such enquiry, as well for the satisfaction and information of the good people of this State, as of the United States. February 5 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay John Bilbo. John Cunningham Daniel MMurphy Myrick Davis WHEREAS,, the Board on the third instant resolved that when it should be necessary to remove the Seat of Government, the same should be adjourned to Herds Fort in the County of Wilkes ; And whereas, the necessity of such adjournment now exists and evidently appears, RESOLVED therefore, that this Board be and stand adjourned 214 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS to the said Heards Fort in the County of Wilkes in this State, for the transacting of business, and the execution of the laws of the same. AND WHEREAS, the late General Assembly of this State, on the eleventh day of January last RESOLVED. House of Assembly Jan y n. 1780. RESOLVED therefore, that it is now the clearest, unanimous and most decided sence of this Board, that His Honor the Governor should go, as soon as possible to Congress, agreeable to the intent of the said resolution. RESOLVED also unanimously, that the Honorable George Wells Ksq r the President, with the members of this Board, are fully competent to the transaction of all public business, as effectually as tho the Governor was in the State. ORDERED, That Samuel Sterk Esq. be appointed one of the signers to the money of the emission of the fourth of May 1778. And that he be allowed for his trouble, two and half per cent. February 8 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay John Bilbo. John Cunningham Myrick Davis. George Seigar Esq. waited on the Board and qualified as MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 215 Register of Probates for the County of Richmond. He also quali fied at the same time as Deputy Surveyor General for the said State. WHEREAS, Negroes and other property belonging to persons in arms against the United States, were taken during the Seige of Savannah. ORDERED, That the same be sold, giving at least fifteen clays notice, for the benefit of the men then on duty under the Command of Col John Dooly. WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Board by Colonel John Dooly that a number of men may be had from the State of South Carolina to Garrison two forts upon the western frontiers of this State; provided they were not compelled to do any other duty, ORDERED, That the said Colonel John Dooly do appoint the Officers for two Companies, and that they be allowed t\vo dollars per day exclusive of the Continental pay and rations. February io th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay John Heard Myrick Davis. D. M c Murphy John Bilbo A petition of a number of the inhabitants of the upper bat talion of Richmond County being laid before the Board, praying 21 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS that a new election of Officers for the said battalion should im mediately take place. ORDERED, That William Candler, Robert Jones, David Rob ertson, Nathan Harris, James Oliver and James Cone do attend this Board on Thursday the seventeenth instant to make known their objections against the Officers now in command and off^r reasons, if any, in support of their petition. ORDERED, That the Treasurers receive from Colonel Farret the sum of two thousand, two hundred and seventeen pounds, seventeen shillings and one penny, Georgia currency, the same being due from him to this State, for sundry negroes purchased at the sales of the confiscated estates & give him a sufficient re ceipt for the same. ORDERED, That William Hammett return to the widows Whatley, one hundred and ninety nine bushels and half of corn, which was taken from them by the said Hammett for public use. His Honor the Governor drew orders on His Excellency Sam uel Huntington Esq ; President of Congress, in favor of the fol lowing persons, who were appointed, by the Honbl. House of Assembly, Delegates for this State. Honble. Col. Walton, ten thousand dollars. Honble. Edward Telfair, Esq. ten thousand dollars Honble. W m Few Esq. ten thousand dollars Also orders upon the Treasury of this State for the following sums. Honble. Col. Walton, twenty thousand dollars. Honble. Edward Telfair Esq. twenty thousand dollars Honble. W m Few Esq. twenty thousand dollars. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 217 An order was drawn on the Treasury by His Honor the Gov ernor in favor of Samuel Sterk for the following sums viz ; For one thousand dollars for signing and taking up the recon ciliation money, as appears by the certificate of James Haber- sham and Humphry Wells, the Committee appointed by the Hon orable House of Assembly. Also for four hundred dollars, in full for his services to the late Government, as appears by the certificate of the Honorable Col. Walton. The Committee appointed to superintend the sale of the negroes in the possession of Robert Bonner, belonging (as it is said) to persons w r ho have joined the enemy, do report thereon, That a negroe wench and two children, late property of John Watkins, were sold at public sale to Daniel M c Murphy for 7055 dollars; and a negroe man to Jn Cunningham for 3230. February II th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay Stephen Heard John Bilbo Humphry Wells Myrick Davis. WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Board, by John Sills, that he has been illegally deprived of seven cows and calves, by Ignatius Few, and four cows and calves by John Bates 218 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the said Ignatius Few and John Bates do instantly restore the said cattle together with the bills of Sale, to the said John Sills, and that it be recommended to the Attorney General, to prosecute such illegal acts. WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Board by John Sills, that he has been illegally deprived of a negoe girl and a ten pound note, extorted from him by Thomas Ashby, under pretext of payment for a horse lost, or pretended to be lost, by the said Ashby. RESOLVED unanimously, that the said Thomas Ashby do in stantly restore the said negroe girl, together with the bill of Sale therefor; and the said note, to the said John Sills; and that it be recommended to the Attorney General to prosecute such illegal acts. An order was .drawn on the Treasury in favor of John Lindsay Esq. for two thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars, for sub sistence as a prisoner from the first January 1/79. to the eighteen October 1779. at three hundred dollars per month. February 12 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard John Lindsay John Cunningham Myrick Davis. RESOLVED, That a Nolli prosequi do issue to the Attorney General on the informations against Andrew MLean Esq. to stay all further proceedings against him on the said informations MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to appoint a proper person to proceed to Charleston and purchase there one thousand bushels of salt for public use, and to store the same in such secure place as he may direct. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to ap point a proper person to purchase one hundred and fifty pair of pistols, and one hundred and fifty swords for the use of this State. RESOLVED, That the owners of such waggons and teams as may be in future taken into the service of this State be allowed for the hire thereof, twelve dollars and one third per day, and the accustomed allowance of forage for their horses; and that each driver be allowed two dollars per day and one ration. And that such of the poor Militia men, doing duty in the mili tia of this State, who shall faithfully serve the term out, for which they may be drafted shall, on producing a certificate there of from their Commanding Officer, be entitled to one bushel of salt over and above their pay. ORDERED, That a dedimus do issue to Col William Downes, for qualifying the Sheriff and all other Officers in Wilkes County ; and return the same to this Board as soon as convenient, with an account of his proceedings thereon. RESOLVED, That Mr. Edmund Bugg be allowed at the rate of ten dollars per bushel for any corn furnished by him hereto fore to the Continental Commissary of forage and at the rate of twenty dollars per hundred for corn blades ; it appearing to the Board that the prices allowed by the Assembly were too low, and would be a great hardship and distress on him. 220 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday 14 th Feb y 1780. The Board met Present Mr. President Stephen Heard John Cunningham John Bilbo Humphry Wells Myrick Davis. WHEREAS, a caveat, John Dooly against Thomas Lee, was heretofore determined respecting a tract of land in Wilkes County, and an order passed to dispossess the said Dooly, and put the said Lee in full possession thereof AND WHEREAS, it appears that the said John Dooly still holds forcible possession of the said land. ORDERED, That Benj n Catchings, W m Downes and John Go- ram Esqr 8 do issue process for putting the said Thomas Lee in possession of his land; and that they call Lieutenant Col Elijah Clark to enforce this order with the Militia of Wilkes County, or such part as may be deemed necessary, that are not on marching orders. ORDERED, That the Treasurers do receive from James Jack son and Samuel Sterk Esq r a sum of Georgia money in their hands belonging to the State, and ordered to be by them signed agreeable to law. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 221 Tuesday 15 th Feb y 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the President John Cunning-ham Stephen Heard Myrick Davies. WHEREAS, it appears to the Board from information that Au gustine Banyers of August a in the State of Georgia, hath lost a negroe man slave named Sam, which he supposes and believes to be in the State of South Carolina, RESOLVED, That His Honor the President be requested to give the said Augustin Banyers every assistance in his power for the recovery of the said slave. Wednesday i6 th 1780. The Honorable Stephen Heard, John Cunningham and John Bilbo proceeded to the choice of a President pro tempore, on ac count of the death of the Honorable George Wells; when the Honble. Humphry Wells Esq. was unanimously elected, RESOLVED, that the President and Members of this Board will attend the funeral of the late President at two O Clock to-morrow. 22 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday i; th Feb y 1780. The Board met Present His Honor Humphry Wells Esq. President John Cunningham Stephen Heard John Bilbo WHEREAS, it appears from information made to this Board that the late Honble. George Wells Esq. did depart this life un timely and on such a sudden that he had no opportunity of set tling any of his worldly affairs, which may be a cause, unless by some means prevented, of his just creditors suffering thereby. RESOLVED, therefore, that Humphry Wells Esq. be hereby empowered to take into his possession all the estate belonging to the said George Wells, until a proper administration can be had thereon. Friday i8 th Feb y 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jn Cunningham John Lindsay Stephen Heard Myrick Davis. The Board proceeded to the choice of a President in the room MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 223 of the Honorable George Wells Esq. deceased,, when it appeared that the Honorable Stephen Heard Esq. was appointed to fill that station for the remainder of the year. Tuesday 22 nd 1780. The Board met Present Mr. President John Lindsay Myrick Davis. John Bilbo John Cunningham A petition of Thomas Lee was presented to the Board setting forth, that having received an order of Council dated 14 th Feb y 1780. as well as an order of the Council of 1778. for dispossessing Colo. John Dooly of a certain tract of land in Wilkes County, and that the works was properly returned into the office, in order that a grant might pass to him for the same, and that the papers, falling into the hands of the enemy, belonging to that office, has been the means of depriving him of it ORDERED, That the prayer of the same be granted and that Colo. William Downes and John Graham Esqrs. do resurvey the said tract of land and return a plat thereof into the proper Office ; and that the said resurvey be made agreeable to the original Survey. WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Board by Mary- Young, that she has been illegally deprived of the following ne- -groes, viz, Hannah and her two Children, by John Garnet, Wil liam Lucas and Ephraim Darling, and that they were carried by the said persons into South Carolina, 224 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the Honorable Brigadier General William son be requested to give the said Mary Young every assistance in his power for the recovery of her said negroes. February 25 th 1780. , The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay Myrick Davis John Cunningham John Bilbo RESOLVED, That the following rules be adopted for the gov ernment of the Executive Council. First That for the dispatching all business of an Executive nature, the Council meet on every Tuesday and Friday unless in cases of emergency, when the Governor or President may at any time summon a Council to meet immediately; that one member from each County stay in or near Town in rotation as the Con stitution directs. Second That for the ease of the members of Council, while the Legislature sits, two of the said Members meet every day in rotation, and attend regularly, during the hours the Assembly sits, in the Council room for the purposes of the receiving bills and Messages sent to them by the Assembly; that the said Mem bers lay all matters so received by them, before the Board on the days of their meeting; and that the Board immediately or within five days from the time of their being received return an answer to the Assembly. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 225 Third That each Member not attending agreeable to the times appointed, or when sent for, shall forfeit a sum, not ex-^ ceeding fifty dollars. A petition of Francis Settles was presented to the Board and lead. ORDERED, that he be referred to the Deputy Quarter Master General of the Continental Troops in this State for payment. WHEREAS, an order passed in Council on the fourteenth of February instant for dispossessing Colonel John Dooly of a cer tain tract of land in Wilkes County which was heretofore deter mined, on a caveat, by the President and Council in 1/78. and an order issued on the same day to three Justices of the said County for putting Thomas Lee in possession; and ordering them to call on Lieut Col Clark, in case it should appear necessa ry to enforce the said order, for dispossessing the said Dooly, with such part of the Militia of that County as w r ere not then under Marching orders. Whereupon the Board proceeded to reconsider the said order, and RESOLVED, That the said Thomas Lee be referred to his rem edy at law. AND WHEREAS, the said Thomas Lee presented a petition to the Board, on the 24 th Instant, praying that a resurvey might be or dered, of the said tract of land, as the former works were returned to the proper office, in order that a grant might pass to him for the same, but that the papers falling into the hands of the enemy, had been the means of depriving him of it : AND WHEREAS, by the late law it is enacted, that whereas, a number of warrants and returns of plats may be lost in our late confused state, for remedy whereof, that when it shall appear 15 r r vol 2 226 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS upon oath that any such paper or description of land may be lost, that grants shall pass for the same, and Whereas, it does not ap pear to this Board that any such oath has been made by the said Thomas Lee, RESOLVED, That Colonel William Downes and John Graham Esq. be ordered not to proceed in the said resurvey until the terms of the act be fully complied with and the further orders of this Board, notwithstanding the former order made. WHEREAS, in and by an act of the General Assembly, entitled "an Act for the more speedy and effectual settling and strength ening this State" it is among other things enacted that a land Office be immediately opened for the purpose of granting lands under the following regulations, that every citizen of this State, as well as any Citizen of any other State, shall be entitled to a grant of land in the following manner, to be laid out anywhere in this State not in the possession of the Indians : provided, that every such person before he shall obtain such grant, shall bring the whole of his family into the State, and himself take and subscribe the oath of Government : And provided also, that he shall give security to his Honor the Governor and Council for Settling the same within nine months thereafter, Viz, two hundred acres of land for the head of a family, and fifty Acres for each member of the same whether white or black. RESOLVED, That the said Office be immediately opened under the foregoing regulations, and that the same be made known to the people at large. RESOLVED also, That the Justices in each County be made acquainted with the above resolution, by the Secretary of this Board. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 227 March 2 na 1780. The Board met Present / His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay Myrick Davis John Cunningham ORDERED, That James MLean and William Hammett Esqrs. <lo superintend the distribution of the public salt in Wilkcs County, which is to be in the following viz, one quart for each head of a family; and three bushels for each of the Forts on the Western Frontiers. Provided that none be distributed to those who have lately had, and it shall appear to the said James M- Lean and William Hammett are not destitute of the article. ORDERED, That the said persons do take an oath to follow the above regulations. Information being given, that several persons possessing large quantities of provision and forage have refused to dispose of the same under various pretences whereby the public service is great ly injured to prevent which, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Commanding Officer of the Troops in this State for the time being, be empowered to issue press war rants for such quantities of the above Articles as the service shall require, giving proper certificates for the same; in case such persons shall refuse to dispose of the same. RESOLVED, That John Gorham Esq. do act as Surveyor Gen eral of this State; Colonel Joseph Pannell having declined bis appointment to that office. ORDERED, That James MLean be allowed the ballance of 228 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS eleven hundred and eighty five dollars, on his account against the State. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor draw on the Treas urers for nine hundred and twenty dollars in favor of Mr. James MLean for his trouble in conducting the waggons to and from Charleston. March 3 d 1 780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay Myrick Davis John Cunningham The following proclamation was issued by Honor the Gover nor, viz. GEORGIA. By His Honor Richard Howley Esq. & c . c . WHEREAS, by an act passed on the last meeting of the General Assembly, it was ordained that the Governor should take proper measures, for preventing as much as possible the illegal practice of plundei ing, whereby many families are greatly distressed with out any benefit to the cause of the State. And Whereas, a line was laid down by the aforesaid law, and a clause of the same de- cb.ring it felony for any person or persons, under any pretence whatever, to plunder or take away from any of the inhabitants of this State within the said line, any property; and ordering all such as are not well affected to the confe^ra 1 alliance to remain MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 229 without the same. I do therefore, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, issue this my proclamation, forbidding all and every person from such illegal and shameful practices, which reflect a disgrace on the Sacred cause of America, and as similate it to the iniquity of that of our enemies. And, I further order and require, that every person well af fected to the cause of the United States, will repair without loss of time to proper places \vithin a line from Hudson s Ferry to Ogechee, and there remain quiet demeaning themselves as good citizens of the State. Given &C. RESOLVED, That a nolli prosequi do issue to the Attorney General, on the information against James Greirson Esq r to stay all further proceedings against him on the same. March 22* 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the President John Bilbo Humphry Wells John Cunningham Myrick Davis The petition of Mr. Adam Tate was presented to the Board, setting forth that he formerly traded to the Indian Nation to the year 1773, at which time he returned to this State (then prov ince) from whence he went to the place of his nativity Norta Carolina, where he resided in the year 1775, at which time his concerns not being altogether settled in West Florida, he went 230 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS i here, and returned last August to this place, and from thence to North Carolina to become a citizen of that State, but was rejected on a supposition of his being a certain David Tate who was a Commissary or Agent in the Creek Nation on the part and behalf of his Britanick Majesty. AND WHEREAS, it appears by the certificate of a number of re spectable citizens of this State, as also from the affidavit of Alar- tin \Yeatherford, the said Adam Tate is not the supposed David Tait who was a Commissary or deputy superintendent of Indian affairs as aforesaid ; but that he has always been esteemed a true friend to these United State. And this Board being willing to do justice to the said Adam Tate upon the aforesaid certificate and information produced, in order that he may be entitled to all the liberties and priviledges of a citizen RESOLVED, that the President be requested to give the said Adam Tate a certificate under his hand and the great Seal of the said State, in order that he may return to the State of North Caro lina, and produce the same to the governing power of that State ; that they may do therein as to them may seem most meet, this board being of opinion, that the said Adam Tate is a true friend to the American cause. GEORGIA. By His Honor Stephen Heard Esq. President of the Honorable the Executive Council of the Said State. Agreeable to the request contained in the aforesaid resolution of the Hon ble the Executive Council of the said State I do hereby certify that the said Adam Tate is not the said supposed David Tait a Commissary, or Superintendent of Indian affairs, on the part and behalf of his Britanick Majesty; but that he has de- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 231 meanecl himself as a good and faithful friend to the American cause, since the commencement of the same as has appeared to us. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, at Augusta the sixteenth day of March 1780, and in the fourth year of American Independence. STEPHEN HEARD By His Honors command SAM STIRK/ S. E. C. March 23 rd 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President Humphry Wells John Cunningham Jh n Bilbo Myrick Davis I ecer Deveaux An order was drawn by His Honour the Governor, on the Treasurers in favor of James Simpson, for the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars, being money allowed by the Assem bly for the support of a family distressed by the enemy. A petition signed by a number of the inhabitants of the County of Burke, was presented to the Board and read, whereupon, RESOLVED, That the merits of the said petition be referred to Col John Twiggs, and that such persons who have signed the same, and are known to be friends of these States, that he render them every sendee in his power to prevent for the future, the 232 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS illegal practice of plundering them, which it is said has been the case by persons from the back Country. And if any of the said signers should refuse to take the oath prescribed by the late law, that he make known the same, to this Board, that proper steps may be taken against them. And if it should appear proper at this time to the said Colonel John Twiggs to give out ammuni tion to any of them, that he be empowered to give such quantity to each as he mav deem necessarv. March 24 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Lindsay Peter Deveaux John Cunningham Myrick Davis Humphry Wells. WHEREAS, it appears that several negroes have been taken out of the state, belonging to various persons; And whereas, such illegal and scandalous practices tend to the ruin and dishonor of the State RESOLVED, That Blassingame Harvey be empowered and authorized to take up all such negroes as he shall find to be con veyed out of the State as aforesaid, and have them brought back, that the suffering and distressed owners may have such as shall not appear to be forfeited agreeable to the laws and ordinances of the State; And that it be recommended to the Magistrates of the States of North and South Carolina to give all necessary aid to the said Blessengame Harvey in the executing this resolve. WHEREAS, a representation has been made to this Board by Captain George Robertson, of the State of South Carolina, of MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 233 V^-S^:., V . : .. , the melancholy situation of John Grant who had his House robb d, seven negroes plundered and himself wounded by the en emy. And that the remainder of his negroes were taken from him prior to that by Col. Benj. Few; by all which treatment he is reduced to a state of the most languishing distress. AND WHEREAS, it appears that the said negroes which were taken from him by the said Col. Few, are advertised to be sold, on Saturday the 25. instant; in order therefore, that the unhappy, and much injured man may be preserved from total ruin, and his family from perishing, to the great dishonor of all public justice and humanity. RESOLVED, That the sale of the said negroes be postponed until the next sitting of the General Assembly or to further orders of this Board, that the said John Grant may have an opportunity of having his case properly stated and his negroes returned. His Honor the Governor, laid before the Board a letter from the Honoble Brigadier General Williamson setting forth the great want, the Quarter Master and Commissary in the confed- eral line, were in for money to supply the demands of the army now in this State; as also an extract of a letter from General Lincoln requiring him to apply to the Governing Powers of this State, for a loan until a Supply arrives from Congress; whereupon, RESOLVED, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be lent to the said Quarter Master and Commissary for the use of their departments, taking their receipts to return the said sum as soon as possible into the Treasury of this State. An order was drawn on the Treasury by his honor the Gover nor, in favor of Ann Brown, relict of James Brown, deceased, for the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars, being money allowed by the Assembly for the support of a family distressed by the enemy. 234 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS March 25 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Cunningham. An order was drawn on the Treasury by His Honor the Gov ernor in favor of Captain Barren for three thousand and seven teen dollars, being the pay of himself and company, for services rendered the United States from 22 nd day of April 1779, to the 18. August 1779, and advanced out of the Treasury of this State on account of the United States. March 2i st 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor John Lindsay John Cunningham Peter Deveaux D. M c Murphy. Humphry Wells The petition of William Candler was presented to the Board and read; praying that a Committee of the Board might be ap pointed to examine his accounts this State, with the Auditor General ; and report their opinion on the same as soon as the nature of the case will admit. RESOLVED, That the prayer of the petition cannot be granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 235 The petition of John Garnett was read, setting forth that one Thomas Whitehead owes to the Petitioner the sum of 5000 dollars, which he promised to pay to your petitioner, if he pro cured and delivered to him a negroe who had been taken from the said Whitehead by persons having no authority so to do; that the said Garnett procured and delivered to him the said negroe, but that the said Whitehead has since the delivery joined the British Troops and taken almost the whole of his property within their line, he therefore prays that he may be appointed a Commissioner to take charge of the said Whiteheads estate until the Legislature can take such steps to secure the same. RESOLVED, That the said John Garnett do deliver unto Sam 1 Stirk Esq all the property belonging to the said Whitehead, to be disposed of as the General Assembly may think fit. Application being made to the Board, by the Continental Com missary of purchases, for the loan of a sum of money to supply the demands of the Army, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to draw an order on the Treasurers in his favor for ten thousand con tinental dollars, taking his receipt for the same & return the said sum into the Treasury. 236 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS April 25 th 1780 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor The President Myrick Davies John Cunningham Caleb Howell. Humphry Wells The petition of Thomas Lee and the certificate of the Cheif Justice was presented to the Board and read, praying that a re- survey of a tract of land whereon John Dooley lives, and which was heretofore determined, on a Caveat entered against him and given in his, the said Lee s favor ORDERED, That a resurvey do take place, and that the same be returned into the Surveyor Generals Office, and there remain until the further order of this Board. The petition of William Dukes \vas read setting forth (See same). ORDERED, That this day week Blessingame Harvey do attend this Board in order to make his defence to the same, with such witnesses as may be necessary. WHEREAS, several complaints have been made to this Board by sundry persons against Col John Dooly and Major Smith, who have deprived them of their cattle and other property, and several of the said persons being well affected to the American cause whereby such illegal practices tend to the infamy and degra dation of the same; ORDERED, That they do attend this Board on the fifth day of May next, in order that the circumstances may be enquired into. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 237 May 5 th 1780 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor The President John Lindsay Humphry Wells Daniel M c Murphy Howell Peter Deveaux My rick Davis John Cunningham. WHEREAS, Blessingame Harvey hath this day appeared to an swer the complaint made against him by William Dukes relative to two negroes. ORDERED, That the determination of this matter be referred till this day fortnight. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to take immediate measures for erecting redoubts and other plans of de fence for the Town of Augusta, at such places as he shall judge most necessary for the public safety. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue a proclamation requiring all persons who have located lands in such parts of this State and have not settled the same, to come in agreeable to the terms of the act in that case made & provided, to settle the same under the penalties therein contained RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to appoint a future day for entering caveats by persons who have, or pretend to have titles or rights to lands in Wilkes, Richmond and Burke Counties, to shew cause, if any they can, why grants should not pass to persons claiming the same. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to 238 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS appoint future and stated days for signing grants to the inhabi tants of the aforesaid Counties, as well as of the other Counties of this State, and all other persons claiming grants for tracts or lots of land in the same. RESOLVED, That it be recommended to His Honor the Gover nor, to write to Major General Lincoln relative to the distress that the planters in this State have suffered, by the Continental Officers, in taking their property without giving them the least satisfaction in payment for the same. And that it be recom mended to him to have these grievances redressed as soon as possible. RESOLVED, That the following persons from henceforth re ceive the several fees hereinafter mentioned as fees of Office for doing the matters of business mentioned opposite to such fees ; and that no public Officer his deputy or agent, or person acting as such shall on any pretence whatever, demand or receive any further or other fees than is allowed in the table, any usage or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. GOVERNORS FEES. Dollars Warrant for land signing same 16. Every grant signed and sealed 60 . Signing and Sealing a testimonial 40. Signing a Marriage license 80. The Great Seal to any paper 14. A Dedimus Potestatem 40 . SECRETARY S A Warrant for land . MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 239 Dollars Filing the Fiat A grant for land, for prepaiing the wax & affix-1 ing the same for the Seal, if five hundred acres } or under J If above five hundred acres Letters of Guardianship A testimonial with the Great Seal Every search Recording or copying any deed Per copy sheet .... A Marriage license and bond Entering satisfaction on Mortgage Entering a brand or mark Prepairing and countersigning a Dedimus Potes-) tatem j A Commission for a place of profit amounting to\ the value of fifteen pounds per annum or up-|- wards . , J If under that Value Preparing the wax and attending the fixing the Great Seal to any paper CI^RK OF THE COUNCIL Drawing & reading a petition An order on that petition The Copy of any paper exceeding two copy sheets per copy J 240 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Dollars The copy of any paper not exceeding two copyj sheets 3 A citation of summons Entering any paper per copy sheet, or copies of them Every oath in Council (State oaths excepted) .... Reading, countersigning & entering all grants| signed in Council ] Attending and entering the minutes on caveats for land & order thereon Reading reasons or any written evidences relating} thereto j Attend 5 & administering State oaths to any per-) son admitted to any place of profit, and giving}- certificate thereof if required for a place up wards of fifteen pounds pr. An A place of that value or under For drawing, countersigning and Sealing Militia) Commissions . . ( j For every order on the Treasurers drawn by direction of the Governor in Council . . THE SURVEYOR GENERALS FEES. For a copy of every warrant and a precept thereon For a new precept or prolonging an old one For every hundred acres of land surveyed MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 241 Dollars For each plat, record of that plat, and certificate! thereon j For the Survey of a Town lot For a plat of a Town lot, recorded & certificate of same For an attested copy of plat For a Search (that is every different name) .... For a certificate For business done by special order of Council^ not herein provided for ] For a copy of a warrant without a precept, and certifying the same FEES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF GRANTS. Every Audit of a Grant for land Every search THE REGISTER OF GRANTS FEES. Registering any Grant per copy sheet. A certified copy of any grant per copy sheet Every search THE DEPUTY SURVEYORS FEES. For every survey under 20 miles from his place of abode . Viso, for even* survey per hundred acres 16 r r-vol 2 242 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Dollars Also, for a plat of each survey, certified and re-| turned to the Surveyor Generals Office j For every survey above twenty miles from his] place of abode, for every 20 miles exceeding j- that distance J For running out a Town Lot if cleared If not cleared For a certificate of the same returned to the Sur-| veyor Generals Office j Tuesday 9 th May 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President Humphry Wells John Lindsay Caleb Howell Peter Deveanx Myrick Davies. John Cunningham RESOLVED, That Friday, the eighteenth instant be the day for hearing such caveats as may have been entered with the Clerk of this Board, and every Friday following be the day for the hearing of such caveats as may in future may be entered after the eighteenth instant as aforesaid. RESOLVED also, That Tuesday the twenty second instant be the day for signing grants for lands, where no contested title MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 243 shall appear; and to continue every Tuesday until the same is finally completed ; and that on the said day lands will be ordered to any person petitioning for the same provided the application is agreeable to a former order of this Board. RESOLVED also, That all persons claiming grants for lands do, on the twenty second instant, and every day Council shall be held after that time, apply themselves or by their Deputy for the same. WHEREAS, in consideration of the close investiture of Char leston by the enemy, and the absolute necessity there is, of open ing a communication between the Country and that Town, the taking of which appears to be the principal and only object of the enemy; and on the preservation whereof, the general safety in a great measure depends; And whereas, by a report of a Council of Officers, convened by His Honor the Governor, it appears that the militia of this State are adequate to the defence of the same, more especially as large drafts have been lately made from the regular forces of the Enemy in the lower parts of this State and sent to Charleston. RESOLVED, That the militia belonging to South Carolina and now in this State, do immediately proceed to the assistance of Charleston, except the independent Companies of the aforesaid State. RESOLVED, That it be recommended to His Honor the Gov ernor, to consider what further aid of the militia, belonging to the State, the safety of the same, and the circumstances of the enemy s force will admit of, to be sent for the assistance of Charleston. RESOLVED, That the thanks of this Board be returned to Brigadier General Williamson, for his past attention to tlv s State, and that His Honor the Governor be requested to furnish the Governor of South Carolina with a copy of these resolves. 244 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to take proper measures for having brought into this State the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, sent by an escort by the Board of War, from Congress, and which are now at Camden. RESOLVED, That Mr. President, Mess rs Lindsay, Howell, De- veaux and Wells be a committee to fix the fees of office to be taken by the public officers of this State, and report thereon on Friday next. WHEREAS, it has been represented to this Board, by the Com missioners appointed to administer the Test, to the inhabitants in and about the Town of Augusta, that William Manson and Andrew Johnston have refused to take and subscribe the Tett when summoned so to do. ORDERED That the said William Manson and Andrew John ston do attend on this Board on Friday next, to shew cause why the law. ordaining and enjoining a Test, should not be executed with respect to them. WHEREAS, it has been represented to this Board by Mary Size- more, that she has since the departure of her husband, who has joined the British Troops, been plundered by a number of per sons of the property she had in possession; and prays that proper persons may be appointed to take charge of the same in order that justice may be administered to his creditors. RESOLVED, That Alexander Ottrey and Henry Dukes be ap pointed Commissioners to take charge of the property of Wil liam Sizemore, and require all persons having in their possession any part of the same to deliver it into their hands. ORDERED, That David Emanuel be appointed one of the Com missioners for administering the Test to the inhabitants of the County of Burke in the room of Daniel MMurphy Esq. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 245 The Board met May 12 th 1780. Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President Mr. Davis Mr. Wells, Mr. Deveaux Mr. Howell Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Lindsay William Manson appeared before the Board agreeable to order of the ninth of May, and having declared that he could not, on account of conscientious scruples, take and subscribe the Test, as he proposed to spend the remainder of his xlays in Great Britain. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor take proper meas ures for removing the said William Manson within the enemy s Lines, and that he be allowed a proper time for disposing of his effects Andrew Johnston having appeared agreeable to order ORDERED, That it be referr d untill Tuesday next for consid eration. 246 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met May 1 6 th 1780. Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President Mr. Davis Mr. Wells Mr. Deveaux Mr. Howell Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Lindsay WHEREAS, a petition was presented and read ; signed by a number of the inhabitants residing in and about the Town of Augusta, praying the Board to suspend the operation of the law enjoining a Test, with respect to Doctor Andrew Johnston, and the Board being inclined from humanity as well as an attention to the names of the persons subscribed to the said petition, many of whom merit great consideration. RESOLVED, That all further proceedings in the case of the said Doctor Andrew Johnston be postponed until the meeting of the Assembly. The Board met May 19 th 1780. Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President John Cunningham Mr. Howell Mr. Deveaux Mr. Lindsay Mr. Davies George Wyche and Hugh M c Gee appeared before the Board MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 247 and qualified as Commissioners for administering the Test to the inhabitants of the lower parts of the County of Richmond. The aforesaid persons likewise qualified as Magistrates for the said County. Mr. Dukes and Mr. Harvey having attended agreeable to the order of the fifth of May instant, by their Councel and having been heard relative to the matters set forth his petition RESOLVED, That the said William Dukes be referred to a Comt of law for his remedy. May 23 d 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Mr. President Mr. Davis Mr. Cunningham Mr. Lindsay. Mr. Wells RESOLVAED, That it is the opinion of this Board, that His Honor the Governor should retire to some place of safety, either South or North Carolina, as from a longer delay his situation might endanger the liberty of his person RESOLVED, That the public monies be placed in the hands of the President and be paid off, as the occasion of public service may require, under his direction ; and that of the Executive Council, in the absence of His Honor the Governor RESOLVED, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be advanced 248 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS out of the Treasury of this State, to the Continental Officers, for bearing their expences in their journey to the Northward and that His Honor the Governor draw in favor of Lieutenant Colonel Moore for the same. May 24 th 1780. The Board met Present His Honor the President Mr. Wells Mr. Lindsay Mr. Davies. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay into the hands of Colonel John Dooly, twenty thousand dollars, the same being advanced to him by the State for the payment of the Troops under his command, taking his receipt to be accountable for the same, and return it into the Treasury as soon as he can obtain money from the confederal Chest. An order was drawn on the Treasury by His Honor the President in favor of Doctor Humphry Wells for medicine pur chased for the Director General of the Hospitals in this State, for two thousand, five hundred and twenty six dollars. Also His Honor the President drew an order on the Treasury in favor of Samuel Sterk for two thousand dollars in part of his Salerary as Secretary to this Board. Also an order on the Treasury in favor of John Lindsay Esq. (a Member of this Board,, for two thousand, four hundred and ninety for his attendance from the 12 th Feb y 1780 to the 26 th May Inst. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 249 May 25. 1780 Present His Honor the President Mr. Wells Mr. Lindsay Mr. Davies. An order was drawn on the Treasury by His Honor the Presi dent in favor of Titus Hollinger for six hundred dollars for house rent for the Treasury and Secretary of States Officer. An order was drawn in favor of John Milledge Esq. Attorney General, for three thousand dollars, in part payment of his Salary allowed him by the House of Assembly. ORDERED, That the Treasurers pay into the hands of Colonel John Twiggs twenty thousand dollars * * RESOLVED, That an order be drawn on the Treasury by His Honor the President, in favor of Colonel John Twiggs the same to be advanced to him as a loan by this State for the use of the Continent, for the payment of persons employed in secret ser vices. RESOLVED, That His Honor the President be requested to draw on the Treasury in favor of the Continental Quarter Mas ter, Richard Wylley Esq. for eight thousand dollars, for the use of this Department, taking his receipt to return the said sum as soon as possible into t"he Treasury of this State. RESOLVED, That His Honor the President be requested to draw on the Treasury in favor of the Honble. Brigadier General Wil liamson for ten thousand dollars, taking his receipt to return that .sum as soon as possible into the Treasury of this State. RESOLVED, That His Honor the President, be requested to 250 draw on the Treasury in favor of the Continental Commissary Seth John Cuthbert, for fifteen thousand dollars, for the use of his Department; taking his receipt to return the said sum as soon as possible, in to the Treasury of this State. Augusta 19 th August 1781. This day, the Executive Council, chosen by the Representa tives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met; pro ceeded to the choice of a President : when Myrick Davies Es quire was unanimously chosen. Present Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot Joseph Woodruff Humphry Wells James Jones Daniel Coleman ORDERED, That Humphry Wells and Charles Odingsel be a Committee to employ a door keeper. Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Joseph \Voodruff Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel James Jones Daniel Coleman The petition of Abenton & Rachel Felps was laid before the Board and read. RESOLVED, it is the opinion of this Board, that the prayer of the petition comes under the cognizance of the Courts of Justice, and that this Board can take no order in the matter. The House adjourned till to-morrow 9 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 251 August 20 th 1781. The Board met according to adjournment Present His honor the Governor Myrick Davis Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel James Jones Daniel Coleman A Bill for the regulation of the Militia of this State being sent by the Honble. the House of Assembly; the Council pro ceeded to take the same into consideration, return d with amend ment A Bill for making certain persons citizens, and for burying in oblivion, the crime of the British protection, was laid before the Board, by a Committee from the House of Assembly, for their consideration, was approved of. ORDERED, That James Jones and Charles Odingsel Esquires, be a Committee to wait on the House of Assembly, with the foregoing bills, with the proposed amendment. A Bill for the prevention of internal conspiracies and other purposes, was brought before the Board by a Committee of the House of Assembly, The Board upon considering the bill proposed, that an oath be annexed to the said bill, to be taken by the several Commit tees. ORDERED, That Mr. Coleman and Doctor Wells do wait on the Honorable House of Assembly with the said Bill. Adjourned till 4 O Clock. 252 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday August 22 nd 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel. An act to continue the several acts heretofore made, was laid before the Board, taken in to consideration and approved of. ORDERED, That a Committee be appointed to wait on the Honorable House of Assembly with said act; and that Messr 8 Ravot & Woodruff be that Committee. Adjourned till 4 O Clock. The Board met according to adjournment Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel Daniel Coleman Joseph Woodruff James Jones. Agreeable to a resolve of the Honble the House of Assembly His Honor the Governor proceeded to qualify the Justices, for the different Counties within this State, when the following Gen tlemen were duly qualified. The House adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 253 Thursday, August 23 rd 1781. The House met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Joseph Woodruff Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel Daniel Coleman Two letters from Col Clark, one to His Honor the Governor, and the other to the Speaker of the House of Assembly, was laid before the Board and read. WHEREAS, disputes have arisen concerning the Col Wood ruffs appointment as Deputy Q. M. Genl. ORDERED, That Col Woodruff be requested to act as Deputy Q. Master Genl. for this State, untill such time as the matter can be properly elucidated, and that he be empowered to employ assistants. ORDERED, That Col Woodruff be requested to apply to the Commissioners of sequestered Estates, for such Negroes and other articles belonging to them as he may want for his Depart ment. Adjourned till 4 O Clock. 254 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Charles Odingsel Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells Daniel Coleman ORDERED, That a General Muster of the Militia of this State, be on Thursday the 3<D th Instant, and that a draft be made of one half of the same, and that they hold themselves in readiness to inarch at a minutes warning. ORDERED, That the D. Q. Master General, do immediately proceed to make every exertion in collecting horses, Waggons & every other Material necessary in his Department. WHEREAS, it is absolutely necessary that the Commissary and Quarter Master, do immediately provide necessaries for the sup port of an Army. RESOLVED, That they have power to impress all articles which shall be wanted in their several departments, and cannot otherwise be had, giving certificates to the persons from whom such articles are impressed, specifying the quantity and quality and in case of cattle where the owners cannot immediately be found, they are to keep an account of the marks, brands & age thereof. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 255 Friday August 24 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Daniel Coleman Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel. ORDERED, George Walton D. C. General do immediately apply to the late acting Deputy Commissary General for all pub lic stores he may have in his possession. Adjourned till- 4 O Clock. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel Joseph Woodruff Daniel Coleman. ORDERED, That Mr. Chesley Bostick, late acting Deputy Q. M. & Commissary General, deliver all public stores in his pos session to the Deputy Q. M. & Commissary General or their order. WHEREAS, the daily depredations committed in this neigh borhood convinces this Board of the necessity of immediately putting in Execution the act of Assembly, entitled An act for the prevention of internal conspiracies & for empowering certain Committees therein named, to examine into the conduct of cer tain suspicious persons. 256 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the Committees for the several Counties do proceed to put the said act, immediately into execution. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Sunday August 26 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel Daniel Coleman Humphry Wells On information rec d by His Honor the Governor, that the enemy are now embodied to march against this post, it is the opinion of this Board that the draught of one half the militia of this State, be immediately made and embodied at the Station on Spirit Creek, and that His Honor the Governor do issue or ders. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10. O Clock MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 257 Monday 2 7 th August 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel On an appeal of Samuel and Judah Lyons, who was ordered off by the Committee of the County of Richmond, before this Board. ORDERED, That they have leave to carry the said negro woman down with them. The Board adjourned. Wednesday August 2Q th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel Humphry W T ells Doubts arising whether Mr. John Wilkinson, appointed Jus tice of the peace, and Register of Probates for the County of 17 r r-vol 2 258 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Richmond, by the late Assembly, be admitted to take the oaths of Office, Resolved in the negative. The petition of Mrs. Mackey was laid before the Board & read. No. i. The petition of Mary Ingram and Elizabeth Douglass was laid before the Board and read No. 2.. The petition of Elizabeth Mode was laid before the Board and read No. 3. ORDERED, That the Committee for the County of Richmond do, on Friday next, lay before this Board, the reasons and evi dence which influenced them to order the said Petitioners within the British lines. RESOLVED, That Major John S. Eustace be appointed Adju tant General for this State, with the rank of Colonel. WHEREAS, from information it appears that the Delegates for this State in Congress have obtained an order on Joseph Clay Esq r Deputy Pay Master General, to the army in the Southern States for 1500 Sterling, in bills of exchange on France, for the purpose of procuring cloathing and other neces sary supplies for the militia in actual service belonging to the said State. RESOLVED, That the said Joseph Clay Esq. be desired and empowered to negotiate the said bills, and to apply two thirds of the avails thereof, in purchasing cloathing and other neces saries for the said Militia, and to transmit the remainder to the Treasury of this State. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 10. O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 259 August 30 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Myrick Davis Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis James Bryan, Esquire Treasurer for this State, appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, waited on the Board and took and subscribed the following oath Viz, I, A. B. appointed Treasurer of this State, do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I will during my continuance therein; well, faithfully and honestly, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the Office of Treasurer of this State; And that I will not on any occasion or pretence, apply any monies, which shall or may be in my hands, belonging to this State to any private uses or pur poses whatsoever So help me God JAMES BRYAN Treasurer. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10. O Clock. 260 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday 3i st August 1781 The Board met Present His Hone: the Governor Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Joseph Woodruff Daniel Coleman Charles Oclingsel Humphry Wells Abraham Ravot The petition of Jane Oliver & Sarah Johnson was laid before the Board and read. ORDERED, That the Committee be desired to lay before the Board this afternoon, at three O Clock the reasons and evidence that influenced them to order the above petitioners off. Committee of Richmond County for ordering off suspected persons Reports, On the petition of Mrs. Mary Mackey. ORDERED, That the prayer of the petition be granted On the petition of Mrs. Douglass Mrs. Ingram The prayer of the said petition can by no means be granted in any respect. On the petition of Elizabeth Mode. The prayer of the petition cannot be granted. ORDERED, That the Commissioners for the County of Rich mond, do deliver to the Commissary of issues one Hhd. of To bacco for public use. The Board adjourned till five O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 261 The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. The Committee report, On the petition of Jane Oliver and Sarah Johnson, That neither of them can be admitted, as having connections in the British lines. The Board adjourned till Tuesday morning 10 O Clock. Tuesday September 4 th 1781. The Boaid met according to adjournment Myrick Davis Esquire President Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Charles Odingsel Humphry Wells Abraham Ravot. The petition of John Wilkinson was laid before the Board and read. This Board is of opinion that the act alluded to does by no means hinder Mr. Wilkinson from doing his duty as a Soldier, as that would be the likeliest thing to clear him of any charge that might be brought against him in consequence thereof. They are further of opinion that the prayer of the said petition does not come under their jurisdiction. The Board adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. 262 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 6 th September. The Board met Present Myrick Davis Esquire James Jones. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis A letter being rec d from Major General Greene directed to His Honor the Governor, ORDERED, That the same be read. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Friday September 7 th 1781. The Board met President Myrick Davis Esquire Charles Odingsel Joseph Woodruff James Jones Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 263 Tuesday September n th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jenkin Davis Humphry Wells Joseph Woodruff Jonathan Bryan A letter from Lieut. Colonel Jackson was laid before the Board and read. RESOLVED, That Lieut Col Jackson be empowered to pur chase, one hundred Dragoon Horses for the use of his corps, and that he give certificates on this State for the same, payable in four months, with interest from the date which certificates shall be paid out of the monies arising from the sales of the sequestered and absentees estates; or received as specie by the Treasury in payment of Taxes. And that he be allowed to give a sum not exceeding thirty pounds sterling for each horse. ORDERED,, That the D. Q. M. General for this State, be em powered to purchase horses, such as may be wanted, for the use of his Department, giving certificates as above mentioned The Board adjourned till tomorrow morning 10 O Clock 264 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday 12 th September 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Humphry Wells Jenkin Davis A Letter from Major Stirk was laid before the Board and read. ORDERED, That the consideration be postponed. The necessity of procuring arms, for the use of this State, appears so fully to this Board, it is therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to appoint such persons as he may think necessary, to procure, or if not otherwise to be had, to impress iron, steel or any other requisite in order to forward the same. And that he be likewise empowered to employ a sufficient number of per sons to work the same ijito arms for the purpose above men tioned; giving certificates for all articles so procured, payable in four months, out of the monies arising from the sales of sequestered estates. The Board adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 265 Friday September 14 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis Joseph Woodruff Humphry Wells. A Letter from Major Stirk was laid before the Board and read postponed. As a Register of Probates has not yet qualified for the County of Richmond, therefore ORDERED, That all persons who have any property in their hands, belonging to the Estate of Mr. James Goldwire, deceased, do deliver the same to Mr. Abraham Marshal appointed an Executor to the last will & testament of said deceased. The petition of Judah Hicombotom was laid before the Board Inadmissible. The Board adjourned till Monday 9 O Clock. 266 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday 17 th September 1781. Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot. ORDERED, That Col William Few pay into the hands of His Honor the Governor the money brought by him from Congress to be applied as necessity may require. The sum of seven hundred and seventy dollars was paid by Col W m Few into the hands of the Governor. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be desired to send a talk to the Creek Indians, and likewise to write a letter to the Governor of Pensacola. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor enquire into the state of Colonel Jacksons Regiment and give such orders as may appear necessary, in order to cloath the same. A Letter from Col Eustace was laid before the Board and read postponed. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 267 Tuesday 18. September 1781. The Board met according to adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis James Jones Charles Odingsel Humphry Wells Adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. Saturday 22 nd September 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman Humphry Wells Charles Odingsel. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to supply Mr. Odingsel with a sum of money for the purpose of purchasing salt for the use of the Troops of this State; and order a number of pack horses to be sent with an escort, for the same. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 O Clock. 268 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday 24 ih September 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells Dan 1 Coleman Charles Odingsel RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered and requested to order a draft of one half the militia that re main undrafted in Burk and Richmond Counties and one third of the whole militia of Wilkes County and march them to join Gen 1 Twiggs. The Board adjourned till Wednesday 10 O Clock. Wednesday 26 th September 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write a letter to Major General Greene representing the situation of this State, and soliciting of him such aid from the Continental army as can be spared. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor supply Major MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 269 Charles Odingsel with ten guineas, and General Twiggs with twenty guineas for the service of this State. The petition of William Tan-in was laid before the Board and read Not granted. The Board adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. Friday September 28* 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman Abraham Ravot Colonel Jackson having represented to this Board, that horses cannot be obtained fit for service, at the price limited in a re solve of the 7 th Instant. RESOLVED, That he be authorized to give a sum not exceeding forty five pounds sterling for each horse as Specified in the aforementioned resolved. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue a proclamation, setting apart a day of public thanksgiving for the late success of the American arms. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 O Clock. 270 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday October 2 nd 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman Humphry Wells Abraham Ravot James Jones. The petition of Abbington Felps was laid before the Board and read granted provided the appeal was lawfully made. The petition of Martha Hooker was laid before the Board a-nd read Thereon ORDERED, That the Committee of Burk County be requested to lay before this Board the reasons why they ordered Mrs. Martha Hooker within the British Lines, she having appealed. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Wednesday October 3 rd 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Daniel Coleman Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells James Jones. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to march, immediately, the remaining part of the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 271 militia of Richmond & Burk Counties to join General Twiggs, in order to relieve the remainder of those first drafted from the said Counties. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to send as soon as possible two men with a talk to the Creek In dians & a letter which they are to forward to the Governor of Pensacola, and that they take and subscribe the following oath I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will to the best of my know ledge fulfil the the instructions which is given me by His Honor the Governor of this State, and that I will not by any means give or cause to be given any other talk to the Creek Indians, than that which is given me by him So help me God. RiCH d HENDERSON JOHN ANDERSON The Board adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. Friday October 5 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Humphry Wells Jenkin Davis James Jones. ORDERED, That Thursday the i8 th Instant September be a day of public thanksgiving & prayer; and that notice be given thereof ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered to 272 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS issue a press warrant, to impress any horses which may be found in any of the cornfields belonging to the sequestered Estates, of which all persons are required to take particular notice. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 O Clock. Tuesday October 9 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Abraham Ravot The Board adjourned till Tuesday at Head Quarters in Burk County. Howells plantation in Burk County Tuesday October i6 th Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis James Jones. ORDERED, That a number of Militia Dragoons and mounted Infantry be immediately raised for the service of this State, to be enroled for three months and subject to the regulations of the militia law, provided that each Dragoon do furnish himself MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 273 with a good horse, sword and pistols, and each of the Infantry do furnish himself with a good horse and gun, that each Com pany consist of at least thirty privates, a Captain and Lieuten ant It is however not to be understood that any officer is to take a man out of a draft untill he has at least twenty men en> roled and equipt for service, at which time, General Twiggs, or in his absence, the officer next in Command, shall review them, when the term of their enrolment shall commence. And His Honor the Governor is hereby requested & empowered to issue recruiting orders for that purpose. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Camp, Wednesday October 17 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis James Jones ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor pay Mrs. Wereat six pounds 10/6. specie for Two Ibs of flour for his household use, and charge the same to ace* of this State. ORDERED, That Col John Martin be appointed Commissary of Military Stores in the room of Major Stirk who has resigned.. Adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. 18 r r vol 2 27 1 THE REVOLUTIONARY kECOKDX Camp, Friday IQ" October i/i i/ The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman James Jones Abraham Ravot Esq rs WHEREAS, the freeholders of the County of Richmond neg lected to appoint a Sheriff for the same, at the last general elec tion. Therefore, RESOLVED, That Lewis Gardner Esquire be appointed to that post. The petition of sundry inhabitants of Burke County was laid before the Board and read. Referred to the Board of Com missioners, and request they report thereon, on Tuesday next. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor issue a dedimus to the Honble. William Few & John Germany Esq rs or either of them, to qualify the Magistrates of Richmond County; and that the Court of said County, have power to appoint a Clerk for the time present. The Board adjourned till to-morrow. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 275 Camp, Saturday October 2O th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Daniel Ccleman James Jones Jenkin Davis Esquires WHEREAS, there is but one brigade in the field, there appears to be no occasion for an Adjutant General, therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to discharge Col John Skey Eustace, appointed Adjutant General of [Militia by this Board the 29" of August last ORDERED, That the Commissary of issues at August:;., fur nish the waggons from Wilkcs County with a load of corn for each, taking a receipt for the same. The Board adjourned till Tuesday next. [Monday October 22 nd .1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davies Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman James Jones. WHEREAS, There is an immediate necessity for a Commis sary of hides and tallow, it is therefore, 276 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That Mr. Lemuel Lanier be appointed for that purpose, and that the Commissioners of sequestered Estates do furnish a negroe to assist him in the business. This Board having taken into consideration the petition of Mrs. Martha Hooker, of the 29 th September, with the report of the Committee of Burke County thereon, it is therefore, RESOLVED, That the prayer of said petition be granted and as it appears since that time, that her husband Nathan Hooker is dead, it is therefore recommended to Commissioners of se questered estates, to postpone the sale of the personal estate of the said Nathan Hooker until the meeting of the next Genl. Assembly. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. Tuesday October 23 rd 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jenkin Davis Abraham Ravot Daniel Coleman James Jones. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to order an escort of twenty five men and two waggons to be ready at Augusta, to proceed to head quarters, as soon as possible, with Colo. William Few, in order to pro cure a supply of ammunition &C. The Board adjourned till to-morrow. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 5*77 Wednesday October 24 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jenkin Davis James Jones Daniel Coleman Abraham Ravot Esquires ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to order, immediately, the whole of the militia of this State to join camp as soon as they can possibly be col lected The Board adjourned till Friday morning October 26 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis James Jones. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to furnish Col Martin Com r of Military Stores, with a sum of money in order to enable him to purchase one hundred weight of lead for the use of the troops of this State. The Board adjourned to Augusta on Tuesday next at 10 O Clock. 278 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday October 30" 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot James Jones Humphry \Yells RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be allowed to ap ply twenty guineas of the money in his hands, to his own pri vate use, he to be accountable for the same. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Wednesday 3i st October 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Joseph Woodruff Humphry Wells Jonathan Bryan James Jones. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor issue a special Commission of Oyer and terminer to His Honor the Chief Jus tice, or the Senior Assistant Justice, appointing Monday the 12 th day of November next, for trial of all criminals within the County of Richmond ; and that the same be convened at Augusta. Adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 279 Tuesday November 6 th 1781. The Board met # Present His Honor the Governor. Myrick Davis Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodmff James Jones Humphry Wells Daniel Coleman. ORDERED, That Mr. William Lord be appointed Commissary cf hides & tallow, in place of Mr. Lam 1 Lanier who has declined serving. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor let Col Woodruff have twenty four dollars, for the use of his department. Adjourned till Friday next. Friday November Q th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis Joseph Woodruff James Jones ORDERED, That His Honor pay Mr. Daniellys acct. for rid ing express to & from Philadelphia, out of the public money in his hands, taking his receipt. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and 280 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS empowered to order the remainder of the Militia of the County of Richmond to march to camp, in order to relieve those now on duty. Any Company is to have credit for what men are en roled in the three months service, which belong to their re spective districts. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered and requested to pay Mr. Lindsay four pounds sterling in part of his annuity. The Board adjourned till Tuesday next. Tuesday November 13 th 1781. Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Joseph Woodruff W m Gibbons James Jones Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel RESOLVED,, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue orders to the Commissaries to employ drivers for collect ing the cattle from the S side of Ogechee, and that General Twiggs be requested to cover the same. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to is sue orders to the purchasing Commissary that they collect no breeding cattle for the Slaughter and that they collect cattle in such manner as will be least distressing to any of the inhabi tants of this State. ORDERED, That Col Jackson be ordered to make a return, to His Honor the Governor, of his legion at this post with a MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 281 particular description of all artificers, women, children, &C. And that His Honor the Governor take such measures thereon as he may think necessary. ORDERED, That Mr. Nathaniel Hicks be allowed to draw five rations, Mrs. Wereat rations, Mrs. Zebray two rations, she being in distress. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning Wednesday November 14 th 1781. Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel William Gibbons. RESOLVED, That the following regulations be immediately adopted by the forage Masters department That the Councillors draw two rations. Cheif Justice two All persons having a certificate from His Honor the Governor, of his being in public service, agreeable to his order The Continental and Militia Officers agreeable to the Conti nental regulations for the Departnt . . And that six quarts of corn be deemed a ration. ORDERED, That the salt purchased by Major Odingsel be put into the hands of the Commissary of Military Stores and issued to none, except by an order, from His Honor the Governor. 282 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor furnish Major Oding- sel with the sum of twenty guineas in specie for the purpose of purchasing salt for the use of the Militia of this State. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Thursday 15 th November 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan William Gibbons Humphry Wells Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor furnish Doct. Dun- vvoodie with four half Johannases for the purpose of providing necessaries for the use of the sick in the Hospitals of this State. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning. Friday November i6 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Joseph Woodruff William Gibbons James Jones Humphry Wells. Daniel Coleman ORDERED, That the issuing Commissary supply the women & MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 283 children of Col Jacksons Legion with twenty five & half rations daily. ORDERED, That Mr. Lawson have an order for three bushels of corn weekly, & Mr. Patterson two bushels weekly they to" be accountable. ORDERED, That notice be given to the Electors, for the Coun ties in Alarm, that they meet at Augusta, in order to elect mem bers to represent them in General Assembly of the State. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 O Clock. Sunday evening i8 th November 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan William Gibbons Daniel Coleman Joseph Woodruff Jenkin Davis RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order Genl. Twiggs with what men is with him in Camp & Col MKay with those of the three months service to repair imme diately to Augusta. And that Col Martin be ordered to collect as soon as possible the whole of his battalion to meet at this post. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning. 284 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday November 19 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman William Gibbons Joseph Woodruff RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to countermand the orders sent last night to L l Col M c Kay. The Board adjourned till to-morrow. Tuesday November 2O th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan William Gibbons Daniel Coleman James Jones Joseph Woodruff ORDERED, That Col M c Murphy be permitted to draw rations for his family agreeable to the regulations of Council, he to be accountable. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 285 Wednesday November 2i st 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan William Gibbons Jenkin Davis James Jones Information being made to Council that a quantity of public hides, was put into the hands of S r Patrick Houston to be tanned on halves, & that a small part only have been received, There fore, ORDERED That His Honor the Governor be desired to apply to the commanding officer in South Carolina for the remainder of the said leather. On application of Col MIntosh ORDERED That His Honor the Governor give orders for Col c MIntosh to receive five bushels of corn, he to be accountable. On application ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be directed to give an order to Mrs Emely Horn for two bushels of corn & 3O lb beef per month (she being an object of charity) till otherways or dered by this Board. And that the Attorney Genl. be allowed to draw the same rations as one of the Executive Council. It appears to this Board absolutely necessary that a number of public horses therefore, ORDERED, That the D. Q. M. Genl. or his Deputy be em powered to purchase a number of horses to be paid for in cattle 286 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS belonging to the sequestered estates, at such time and place as shall be agreed on, the horses not to exceed the value of ten likely cows & calves each. & that the persons who purchases shall make report of every such purchase to the Governor and Council. Friday November 23 rd 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Jenkin Davis Abraham Ravot "William Gibbons James Jones. RESOLVED, That the Council approve of the orders given by His Honor the Governor for aiding S Carolina in the present emergency. The Board adjourned till Tuesday next. Sunday morning Nov r 25 th Si. Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot Joseph Woodruff William Gibbons On application of Messr 8 Joel Philips & Edw d (recommended by Mr. Lindsay) for a supply of corn for their families MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 287 ORDERED, That they be furnished with half a bushel of corn p r Mo. for each white in their families for two months; they to be accountable. Adjourned till Tuesday morning. Monday November 26 th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan William Gibbons James Jones. WHEREAS, some doubts may arise respecting- the place for holding the annual election in the County of Richmond. RESOLVED, That it be recommended to the Magistrates and electors of the aforesaid County to meet at Brownsborough on the first tuesday in December next, there to elect their Repre sentatives in General Assembly & civil officers for the ensuing year. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. 288 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 27 th November 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff William Gibbons Abraham Ravot Humphry Wells James Jones. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to pay Messr 3 Henderson & Anderson the sum of five half Johan neses each, for their services in going to the Indian Nation. RESOLVED, That Mr. Lam 1 Lanier & Mr. Archibald Bealle have an order to draw rations & forage they to be accountable. The Board adjourned till Friday next. Friday November 3O th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Humphry Wells William Gibbons James Jones Abraham Ravot RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to raise such a number of Militia as he may judge necessary in order to intercept any party or parties of Indians that may be going to or from Savannah. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 289 RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to* order a scout from Col Clark & Dunns Regiment to keep lookout on this side the Oconee River to be relieved from time to time, until further orders from this Board. ORDERED., That His Honor the Governor be requested to inform Col Clark, by letter, that such distressed persons as make application, having a certificate from the commanding officer of the district, of the number and situation of his family, will be supplied with corn in such manner as will be most convenient; And that the same instructions be given Col Dunn as far as will be necessary in distributing to the poor, and distressed of his regiment. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning. Tuesday morning 4 th December 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Jos. Woodruff. Will. Gibbons. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered im mediately to order out all the militia of this State, in order to- oppose the enemy who are now marching towards this port. The Board adjourned till Monday next. 19 r r vol 2 290 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday December io th 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis James Jones William Gibbons Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot Jonathan Bryan. Joseph Woodruff WHEREAS, There are great abuses in the O. Masters depart ment, by officers foraging their crops at the different plantations, whereby great waste is made in issuing the same, therefore, RESOLVED, That the D. Q. Master General do appoint an assistant, whose business it shall be to collect forage & provis ions, and issue the same at a magazine to be established at or near Spirit-Creek. ORDERED,, That His Honor the Governor take such measures as will recompense the Indians, in some manner, (who came down with intelligence) for the horses they have lost, And that he direct Col M c Murphy to give them such presents as he may have it in his power to do. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor pay the Secretary five guineas in part of his salery. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 291 i Tuesday II th December 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot. Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel William Gibbons James Jones. Jenkin Davis RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to order a draft of one third of the Militia of this State; to be rendezvous d at Spirit-Creek as soon as possible to be marched on foot. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to take measures for conveying the body of the late Myrick Davis Esq. President of the Executive Council, to this place; and that Mr. Lewis be requested to prepare a proper discourse for his interment. And this Board will attend the same. ORDERED, That Col Johnston have leave to draw two ra tions, he to be accountable. And that Col M c lntosh have leave to draw forage for two horses, to be accountable. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to take measures for releiving the family of the late Myrick Davis Esq. should they be in need. The Board adjourned till Friday next. 292 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS > Monday 17 th December 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Daniel Coleman Charles Odingsel William Gibbons. Joseph Woodruff ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to order one half instead of one third of the Militia to be immediately drafted and ordered to rendezvous at Spirit- Creek. Friday December 2i st 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Joseph Woodruff. William Gibbons. Charles Odingsel ORDERED,, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order twenty bushels of for the relief of Benj n Hart he having a recommendation from Col Clark. The Board adjourned. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 293 Monday December 24 th The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Charles Odingsel William Gibbons RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered to order the present draft of militia to be marched as mounted in fantry. The Board adjourned. 28 th December 1781. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff William Gibbons Charles Odingsel RESOLVED, That His Honor be requested & empowered to order two pack horses to be immediately furnished to send to General Greene for a small supply of ammunition and that His Honor write Gen 1 Greene on the occasion. 294 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Augusta Wednesday 2 nd January 1782. The Executive Council for the State of Georgia met. Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel Jenkin Davis Holman Freeman Benjamin Andrews Abraham Ravot William Glascock James Maxwell Andrew Burns. Jonathan Bryan. The Board proceeded to ballot for a President when, on cast- in up the pole, it appeared that Stephen Heard Esquire was duly elected. The Board adjourned. Thursday January 3 rd 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel Thomas Lewis William Glascock Andrew Burns Abraham Ravot Jenkin Davis Benjamin Andrew James Maxwell. The Board proceeded to the choice of a Clerk, when Mr. Abraham Jones was unanimously chosen. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 295 WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Henderson, (the Indian Interpreter) has lately been plundered by the emissaries of our enemies, and his family being now in the greatest distress therefore, RESOLVED, That Mr. Henderson be allowed to draw three rations untill something further can be done for him RESOLVED, That Mr. Andrews, Mr. Davis & Mr. Odingsel be a committee to draw up rules for the government of this Board, and report to-morrow. The Board adjourned till to-morrow ten O Clock. Friday January 4 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard William Glascock Andrew Burns Benjamin Andrew James Maxwell Thomas Lewis. Jonathan Bryan Mr. Andrews from the Committee to draw up rules for the government of this Board, reported the same, which was agreed to and is as follows. First That every Member sit uncovered when his honor the Governor or President takes the chair. Second That every Member attend at the hour to which the Board stands adjourned, on default to be fined in the sum of one dollar, unless a reasonable excuse being approved of by the Board. 296 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Third That when a Member rises to Speak he shall not be interrupted. Fourth That no Member shall absent himself from this Board without first obtaining leave, any one so absenting him self shall be fined one dollar. Fifth That no Member shall make use of any indecent lan guage before the Board, any one so offending shall for every such offence forfeit two dollars. Sixth That when the Board is adjourned no Member shall quit his seat until His Honor the Governor or President leaves the chair. Seventh That any Member having any thing to communi cate to the Board, shall do it standing & address himself to the chair. The Board adjourned till to-morrow afternoon. Saturday January 5 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Andrew Jonathan Bryan William Glascock Andrew Burns James Maxwell Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Sen r Charles Odingsel. It appears to this Board, by the deposition of James Rusin that the Indians & Tories have been & are now doing mischeif in the upper part of this State. Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 207 RESOLVED, That Lieut Col Cunningham be immediately di rected to proceed as speedily as possible with what men he has at Spirit-Creek, to Wilkes County, and that General Twiggs be made acquainted with the same ; And likewise that Col Cunning ham be supplied with a small quantity of ammunition for the inen under his command. The Board adjourned till Monday 10 O Clock. Monday January 7 th 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel Benjamin Andrews James Maxwell Thomas Lewis William Glascock Andrew Burns Abraham Ravot Holman Freeman ORDERED That His Honour the Governor be empowered and requested to supply Col Jackson with what ammunition he can spare from this post. Major Deveaux from the House of Assembly waited on the Board with an ordinance empowering His Honor the Governor to issue a proclamation ordering all officers &C. was read recommend that the words "in General Assembly met" be in serted in the said ordinance. ORDERED, That Mr. Odingsel & Mr. Burns be a Committee to wait on the House of Assembly with the ordinance and pro posed amendment. Adjourned till to-morrow 10. O Clock. 298 Tuesday January 8 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Benjamin Andrew James Maxwell Thomas Lewis Holman Freeman Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot William Glascock Andrew Burns. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to supply Capt Alexander with what ammunition he can spare ; for the use of Wilkes County Militia. RESOLVED, That this Board do approve of the conduct of His Honor the Governor respecting the orders given Lieut Col M- Kay in an expedition to the Southward. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. Wednesday January 9 th 1782. The Board met President, Stephen Heard Benjamin Andrew Andrew Burns William Glascock Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel James Maxwell Two bills, by a Committee from the House of Assembly was MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL laid before the Board, viz, a Bill entitled "An act to repeal an act to draw a line &C. and a bill entitled an act to relieve dis tressed citizens of this State &C. was read and approved of. ORDERED, That Mr. Ravqt & Mr. Lewis be a Committee to wait on the House of Assembly with the said bills. On the report of a Committee appointed to take into consider ation the situation of the State, the House of Assembly came to the following order, which was transmitted by them to His Honor the Governor., Viz, House of Assembly January 7 th 1782. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be desired to dis pose of the Carolina State Troops, now under the command of Major Moore, as may best tend the benefit and interest of this Country. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. Thursday January io th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Holman Freeman Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel William Glascock Andrew Burns Benjamin Andrew James Maxwell Thomas Lewis Abraham Ravot. The head warrior of the Talesus having come down to bring intelligence & in order to enquire the news and what damage had been lately done. 300 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to pre pare a talk to give him to-morrow. RESOLVED,, That His Honor the Governor be requested one ration daily to be issued to Mrs. Findley, she being an object of charity A memorandum of sundry articles being drawn up to be recommended to the Honbl. Assembly RESOLVED, That Mr. Burnes and Mr. Freeman be a Commit tee to wait on the House of Assembly with the same. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. Friday January II th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard William Glascock Jon. Bryan Charles Odingsel Andrew Burnes James Maxwell Benjamin Andrew Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Abraham Ravot. Holman Freeman The petition of Charles Waters, referred by the Honble. the House of Assembly, to this Board, was read. ORDERED, That the consideration of the said petition be post poned until monday next Mr. Heard in the Chair Major Deveaux, (a Committee, from the House of Assembly waited on the Board with a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act for burying in oblivion certain high crimes &C. the same was read and approved. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 301 i ORDERED, That Mr. Lewis & Mr. Lawson be a Committee to wait on the House of Assembly with the said bill. Col Jackson with the bill entitled an act for the confiscating the estates &C. waited on the Board, the same was read (an amendment recommended. ORDERED, That Major Odingsel & Mr. Freeman be a com mittee to wait on the House of Assembly with the same. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 O Clock. Saturday January 12 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard James Maxwell Benjamin Andrew William Glascock Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel Andrew Burns Thomas Lewis. ORDERED, That Mr. Freeman & Mr. Odingsel be a committee to wait on the Honble Assembly with some recommendations from this Board. ORDERED, That Col Burns & Mr. Ravot be a committee to wait on the House of Assembly with a recommendation from this Board. Adjourned till 4. o clock Met according to adjournment Adjourned till monday morning. 302 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday January 14 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel William Glascock Andrew Burnes Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Mr. Gibbons, Speaker of the Honorable House of Assembly laid a letter before this Board, from him to the president of Con gress, which was read. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to supply Col Dunn with twenty doz. cartridges for the use of the upper battalion of Richmond County. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order the D. Q. Master General to furnish Mr. Branham with three houses for secret service. In compliance of an order of the Honoble. the House of As sembly, His Honor the Governor is hereby requested and em powered to affix the Great Seal of this State to a power author izing James Miller to take into his possession sundry negroes &C. & applying them as therein directed Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 303 Tuesday January 15 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Charles Odingsel Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot William Glascock Thomas Lewis. Jonathan Bryan WHEREAS, many negroes and other property belonging to this State, have been clandestinely conveyed out of the same into the Northern States; RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered to authorize Mr. Blassingame Harvey to make strict search and enquiry after the said negroes & other property so taken as afore said, and take the same into his possession, and make a return to the Governor & Council of this place, of the same. ORDERED, That Mr. Woodruff and Mr. Heard be a commit tee to examine into the state of Col Jacksons Legion & report the same to this Board. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. 304. THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday January i6 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Abraham Ravot William Glascock Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel Stephen Heard. Joseph Wooruff ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to Col M c Kay requesting his attendance with all the offi cers of his corps on Friday next at this place. ORDERED, That His Honor the Gov. be authorized to employ a negro fellow named belonging to the estate of Andrew M c Lean, if it appears that the said negro has not been hired out before, by the Commissioners of sequestered es tates. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to give Mr. Dollar an order for a negro wench hired by him from the Commissioners of sequestered estates, which negro is now in the possession of Mr. Joshua Inman. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MINUTES, OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 305 f Thursday January ij th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Abraham Ravot Joseph Woodruff William Glascock Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel. Jonathan Bryan WHEREAS it appears necessary that an agent should be ap pointed for each Comity for the purpose of procuring an exact return of all property belonging to the sequestered estates, and make a report of the same to this Board as soon as possible, agreeable to an order of the House of Assembly therefore, D, That John Lindsay Esquire for the County of Wilkes, Arch d Beale for Richmond, Lem 1 Lanier for Burke, Caleb Howell for Effingham, James Bryan for Chatham, & John Raker for Liberty & they be & are hereby appointed agents for the purpose aforesaid. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write circular letters to the above named agents, informing them of their appointment, & inclosing a copy of the foregoing reso lution. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be authorized to appoint a person for the purpose of purchasing horses for the use of Col Jacksons troop of horse to be kept up for the service of this State, agreeable to a resolution of Assembly. Adjourned till to-morrow 10. oClock. 20 r r vol 2 306 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday January i8 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel William Glascock Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Andrew Burns On debate whether or not that negroes belonging to the se questered estates should be given for horses for the mounting Col Jacksons Troop, and other exigences of this State, finding the certificates inadequate to the purpose, the yeas and nays were taken. Yeas Jonathan Bryan Jos Woodruff Stephen Heard Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Andrew Burns Nays. Charles Odingsel William Glascock. ORDERED, That Col Heard and Col Woodruff be a com mittee to agree for, and purchase a number of horses for the use of this State, for which they are to give negroes having each valued by indifferent persons before a barter takes place. ORDERED, That the Clerk of the Assembly be requested to furnish the commanding officer of each regiment with a copy of the militia law, if demanded. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 307 Saturday January 19 th 1782. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to order a draft of one half of the militia of Burke, Effingham & Richmond Counties; and one third of the militia of Wilkes, to serve for two months, to be marched on foot and rendezvous at Spirit Creek, except those of Burke & Effingham, who will meet in the said Counties, as soon as possible. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to furnish Col Jackson with twelve doz. cartridges for the use of his regiment. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. Sunday January 2O th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Stephen Heard Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Andrew Burns Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. 308 Monday January 2i Bt 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel Andrew* Burnes ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered to employ a person to act as register of certificates & private Sec retary and that this Eor.rd will recommend that a Salery be paid him for the same. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be authorized to hire to Mr. Chesley Bostick, a pair of mill stones he to be ac countable for them & deliver the same up the first day of Nov. next, they being confiscated property. ORDERED, That Colo. Burns be added to the committee for the purchasing horses for the use of this State. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to furnish the Members of this Board with half a doz. cartridges each, for their personal security. Major Odingsel protests against the order of Friday last re specting the purchasing horses to be paid for in negroes. First Because the Legislature had pointed out a way the negroes should be disposed of. Secondly Because the Legislature have passed an act, wherein they stipulated a sum to be issued in certificates by His Honor the Governor, for the purpose of providing such articles as should be necessary in the several departments. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE .COUNCIL. 309 Thirdly That this Board cannot, without the consent of the Legislature make a lawful bill of sale for any negroes. Fourthly That he looks upon it to be stabbing the credit of the certificates, as it will be a plea for those who has provis ions to sell (which this State must purchase from Carolina) to be paid in negroes. Adjourned till to-morrow nine o Clock. Tuesday January 22 nd 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Abraham Ravot Andrew Burns Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel Joseph Woodruff WHEREAS, There are vacancies in the upper battalion of Richmond County, of Field Officers, therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to require CoP Jackson to convene the officers of the said battalion en Friday next, in order to elect a Col & Major for the same. I, A. B. appointed Auditor for this State, do solemnly and sincerely swear in the presence of Almighty God, that I will, during my continuance therein, well, truly, faithfully & honestly, to the best of my abilities, execute the office of Auditor, without favor, affection, partiality or hope of reward So help me God The above oath taken by Mr. John Wilkinson. 310 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order a sergeant and four men from Col Jacksons Dragoons to collect all such negroes as they may receive intelligence of, be longing to the confiscated estates, and make a return to this Board. WHEREAS, agreeable to an act of Assembly, agents have been appointed for each County, to collect all property, belonging to the confiscated estates, and as no person .will undertake the same unless an adequate salery is allowed therefore, RESOLVED, That this Board will recommend to the House of Assembly, at the next meeting thereof, that such persons so appointed, be allowed the sum of fifty pounds each, for their trouble, or in proportion to the services done. Adjourned till Friday 10 o Clock. Friday January 25 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Thomas Lewis. Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot Andrew Burns WHEREAS, the House of Assembly has granted certain sums to the widows & children of those brave citizens of this State who have fell in the cause of America, therefore ORDERED, That Milly Horn, Neomia Ledbetter, Sarah Glover and Ann Bayles, be allowed to draw thirty seven bushels of corn from the Commissary, in such proportion as their neces- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 311 sides require the same to be deducted out of the sums granted them by the House of Assembly. Viz, Milly Horn, 4 Children, 10 bushels] Xeomia Ledbetter, 5 Chil n 1 1 D [37 Bushels. Sarah Glover, 2 Children 5. do. Ann Bayles 5 Children n. do. WHEREAS, by information of General Twiggs, it appears he has a small quantity of indigo, which was put into his hands as a Commissioner. ORDERED, That General Twiggs be permitted to apply the same to his use for moving his family from the Northward, he to be accountable for the same. WHEREAS,, by a certificate from Capt Skinner, it appears that Mr. Uriah Motte, has a wife & five small children, and not being capable of supporting them, therefore, ORDERED, That he have an order on the Commissary for eleven bushels of corn, he to be accountable for the same should he be included in the act for relief of distressed persons. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. Monday January 28 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel Andrew Burns. I Adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. 812 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday January 2Q th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel Andrew Bums Abraham Ravot ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor, order the Com missary General, without loss of time, to have six hundred bush els of corn ground up into meal, in such manner as he may think most for the advantage of this State, and that the D. Q. M. Gen 1 be ordered to supply boats &C. to transport the same. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue orders to Mr. Andrew Shields, to take into his possession any negroes belonging to the confiscated estates, and have not been hired out. WHEREAS, it appears that the frontiers of this State, from information, is equally in danger of being distressed by the Indians &C. and as there is an expedition now forming in N and South Carolina against the Indians, therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to countermand the orders respecting a draft of Militia for the County of Wilkes Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MIXUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 313 Wednesday January 3O th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingse Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel Andrew Burns Mr. Woodruff, from the Committee appointed to agree for, and purchase a number of horses, for the mounting Col Jack- sons corps & other exigencies of this State, Reported, That they had purchased sixty horses which were valued in the manner following. Bo of Cap 1 Lock & Cole 21 horses a 26. 10 s 556, 10 " of William Stephenson 4 do. a 22. 10 s 90, o " " " " i do 17. 10 " of Daniel Cany 16 do a 30 480. o " of Major White 12 do 30 . 360 o " of Capts. Lock & Cole 6 do. 60. WHEREAS, information has been made to this Board that there was a number of negroes, the property of David Baldwin late of this State, in possession of Mr. Robert Middleton there fore, ORDERED, That Middleton be called on to render account to this Board in what manner he came by the said negroes which being done, it appears by a bill of sale of the same, that Mr. Mid dleton had purchased the said negroes and paid a sum of money in part ; it is therefore, further 314 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the said Middleton do give his obligation to His Honor the Governor, for the balance due by him for the same. Information being made, that a negro wench and two children, the property of Nichols, late of this State are in posses sion of Mr. William Few Sen r the same being investigated, it is therefore, ORDERED, That Mr. Few be ordered to deliver the same to His Honor the Governor or any person who may be appointed by him to receive them, they being the property of this State. Adjourned till Friday 10 O Clock Friday February I st 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Charles Odingsel Andrew Burns. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that the late House of Assembly had not in idea, the militia law referred to in the reso lution respecting the auditing the militia accounts of this State; they are further of opinion that the said law- has not any retro spect to any thing except as a state charge, which could not be intended to include the accounts to be laid before Congress, therefore, RESOLVED, That the Auditor be directed to audit all militia MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 315 accounts agreeable to the regulations of Congress, until August last, and after that, agreeable to the act made at that time WHEREAS, the late House of Assembly have ordered that the sum of thirty pounds specie, should be paid yearly to Mr. John Lindsay, and that his Doctors bill should likewise be paid and as no money is now in the Treasury to discharge such sums there fore, RESOLVED. That Mr. John Lindsay have an order from His Honor the Governor, to receive a horse of the value of, from the D. Q. M. General in part of the salery voted as afore said : ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order the Commissary to issue bushels of corn for the relief of sundry families in the manner following George Moore, a blind man & family; five bushels of corn The widow Lott & six children, 12 bushels James Simpson & family 12 bushels, they being objects of charity, and no other provision being made which can at present be put in practice. The Board adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock. Tuesday February 5 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Charles Odingsel William Glascock Abraham Ravot Hugh Lawson The petition of William Jones was laid before the Board and read 316 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That it lie over for consideration ORDERED, That Col Jackson be supplied with three horses, specified in his application, from the Quarter Masters Depart ment. His Honor the Governor being hereby requested to give orders for the same. The petition of Thomas Cooper was read, ORDERED to lay over until Savannah shall be taken. The petition of sundries inhabitants of the Kiokees was laid before the Board and read ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order the Commissary to furnish Mr. James Mercer with fifteen bushels corn, and that Thomas Mercer his son be exempt from militia duty in order to attend the family of his father, they be ing in the greatest distress. The Petition of Mrs. Isabella Chapman was read. ORDERED, That Mrs. Chapman have an order for one ration daily until further orders. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be authorized to ap point Mr. David Harris Capt. of a patrol of eight men to do duty between the Ogechee & the Kiokees ; and that he be authorized to take such men as he may think most suitable pro vided they are not in the present draft. WHEREAS, the certificates ordered to be issued by His Honor the Governor for the purpose of purchasing corn &C., for the use of this State, are found inadequate to the intended purpose; therefore, RESOLVED, That the Commissary & Q. Master Generals be empowered to impress corn from the different plantations hav ing such a quantity as will be thought necessary for the support MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 317 of their families & work horses; and if the persons from whom it shall be taken, will not take the said certificates, that they shall give a certificate for the quantity to be settled hereafter. The Board adjourned till Friday 10 o Clock. Friday February 8 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Stephen Heard Joseph Woodruff Abraham Ravot Jonathan Bryan Charles Odingsel Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis William Glascock. The petition of Elizabeth Laws was laid before the Board and read. Ordered to lie over for consideration. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to give orders to the Commissary to furnish the families of Charles Folkson and Mrs. Mary Standley, with fifteen bushels corn for the relief of their families, they having a certificate of being dis tressed for provisions RESOLVED,, That His Honor the Governor be requested to give orders to the Commissary General, for to furnish Captain Hill with thirty bushels corn, for the use of the inhabitants on the Frontiers of Richmond County. WHEREAS, it appears by information to this Board, that a number of cattle and hogs belonging to the confiscated estates, have been taken up and branded by persons having no preten sions thereto. 318 ORDERED, That Mr. William Jones be wrote to, to appear before this Board, on Tuesday next , to give such information concerning the same, as may be in his power : And that he be required to bring such evidence as will be necessary to support the said charge. ORDERED That His Honor the Governor, be requested to write to the Governor of South Carolina, requesting him to order all persons, officers & others, to aid and assist such per sons as may be sent from this State to collect the property be longing to the same. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 o Clock. Tuesday February 12 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel Abraham Ravot William Glascock Hugh Lawson WHEREAS, information has been made to this Board, that a number of persons living in and about this place are daily draw ing provisions from the public. Therefore, RESOLVED, That Mr. Glascock and Mr. Edmund Bugg be a committee to enquire into the situations of such families, and order the rations of such, to be stopped, as are not entitled to them by their employment or being real objects of charity; And report their proceedings to this Board. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor, be empowered to MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 319 issue orders to the Commissary General, to supply Mrs. Osborn with ten bushels corn, she coming under the act for the releif cf distressed persons. And that Mr. Edward Cartledge be per mitted to draw two rations as a Doctor for the Militia of this State. Likewise order five bushels of corn to be issued to Mrs. Susannah Haile, she coming under the act for the relief of dis tressed persons. ORDERED, That Major Woodruff, Major Odingsel and Major Ravot be a Committee to wait on General Wayne, with His Honor the Governor; and that they be empowered to transact any business which may be necessary, and report the same to this Board on their return to this post. Adjourned till Tuesday 5 th March. Tuesday March 5 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Andrew Burns. Joseph Woodruff Major Woodruff, from the Committee to wait on Gen 1 Wayne with His Honor the Governor, report, 320 19 th Feb 7 1782. The committee met Present Honor the Governor, Joseph Woodruff Charles Odingsel Jon Bryan Jenkin Davis. That Mr. Woodruff & Mr. Odingsel be a Com mittee to wait on General Wayne, to receive his propositions for and admitting the absent citizens & other inhabitants of this State now within the British lines. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. The committee met according to adjournment A letter from the Honble Brig 1 " Gen 1 Wajtie, recommending proclamations to be issued for opening a door for the absent citizens of this State, & for encouraging desertion from the enemy was read. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested and empowered to issue the above proclamations, viz, one, for open ing a door for reception of citizens, and another to encourage desertion from the enemy. RESOLVED, That this Board do approve of the report of the said Committee. WHEREAS, business of importance render it necessary that the General Assembly of this State, should convene, at an earlier period than that to which it stands adjourned, Therefore ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to issue a proclamation thereby summoning the General Assembly of this State, to meet at Augusta on Tuesday the i6 th day of April next. WHEREAS information has been made to this Board, that a number of evil disposed persons are defacing the marks & brands MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 321 of cattle, and otherways embezzling property belonging to the. confiscated estates. Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to empower the Agents in the different Counties to employ a cer tain number of persons to assist them in collecting cattle & other confiscated property into such hands as will be most for the ad vantage of this State; and that they receive the sum of half a dollar a head for cattle so collected, to be paid out of the same when disposed of. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order thirty bushels of corn to be delivered Mr. Cartey agreeable to an order of the late House of Assembly. And that four ra tions p r day be allowed Mrs. Lord, (Mr. Lord to be accountable.) two rations daily to Mrs. Mary Triplett a widow, until further orders ; four rations to Mrs. Clark & six children, she being an object of charity. His Honor the Governor having rec d a letter from the Gov ernor of N Carolina, informing him of a number of negroes, said to be the property of one Dill of this State, being stop d in the hands of the Comm s for the County of Rowan of that State. ORDERED, That Mr. Woodruff and Mr. Burns be a Committee to superintend the building the public Jail in this Town. And that they be empowered to call on the Quarter Master for such carriages or other Materials as they may want, in order to carry the same into execution. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the Governor of N Carolina, desiring him to have the negroes, which he mentions to be lodged in the hands of the Commr 8 of Rowan County of this State, disposed of in the most convenient and advantageous manner for the benefit of this State, transmitting an account sales of the same as soon as pos sible, the same appearing to confiscated property. Adjourned till tomorrow 10 o Clock. 21 r r-vo!2 322 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS / Tuesday March 12 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Thomas Lewis William Glascock Hugh Lawson. Joseph Woodruff ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor give orders for Mrs. Mary Stanly, & Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson to be supplied with twelve bushels corn each, in part of their annuities voted by the late House of Assembly. WHEREAS, the general scarcity of corn in this State render it necessary, for the same being procured from S Carolina. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to order the Commissary General to make enquiry upon what terms corn can be procured from: S Carolina, And that he report the same to this Board as soon as possible. And that His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the Governor of S Caro lina representing the distressed situation of this State, for grain ; and requiring his assistance in procuring such a quantity as will answer the present emergency. Adjourned till Friday 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 323 Friday 15 th March 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Thomas Lewis William Glascock, Hugh Lawson Joseph Woodruff The petition of William & Archibald Little was laid before the Board and read. ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petitions be granted. WHEREAS, the greater part of the public accounts being 1 not yet audited, the question being put whether His Honor the Gov ernor should proceed to issue standing certificates on those ac counts, already audited, the yeas and nays were taken as follows. Yea. Joseph Woodruff. Nays. Stephen Heard, William Glascock & Thomas Lewis. ORDERED, That the Council do approve of the orders given by Col Heard in favor of the following widows viz, Mrs. Abi gail Carter of Wilkes County, for twelve bushels corn, Mrs. Lett of Burke County for ten bushels ; Mrs. Thompson of Wilkes County for 6 1/2 bushels; Mrs. Wells of Richmond County for 6 bushels Mrs. Triplett of Burke County for two daily rations, they being widows and entitled to the benefit of the act for the releif of distressed persons. WHEREAS, many of the plantations belonging to the confis cated estates have not been rented by the former commissioners which occasion many disputes by those in possession thereof, therefore, 324 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to impower the Magistrates, to rent out all such plantations as have not heretofore been let; And that they likewise settle all dis putes that may arise between contending parties respecting the same, they are likewise desired to make returns to this board of all such transactions. ORDERED, That Mr. David Harris be appointed agent for the County of Richmond in place of Mr. Archibald Beall who has declined serving. Adjourned till Monday next 10 o Clock. Tuesday 19 th March 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Joseph Woodruff Thomas Lewis Andrew Burns. Mr. John Appling appointed Register of Probates for the County of Richmond, appeared and was duly qualified. Adjourned till Friday next 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 325 Tuesday April 2 nd 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Stephen Heard Andrew Burns William Glascock Hugh Lawson. Joseph Woodruff WHEREAS,, there are many articles for sale, now in possession of Mr. Ignatius Few, that are absolutely necessary for the use of this State, which he proposes to dispose of for negroes, which shall be valued, & received in payment therefore RESOLVED, that His Honor the Governor be requested to em power the Com 7 General to purchase the said articles for the use of this State, and retain the same in his hands untill the meeting of the House of Assembly for their approbation. And that in the mean time Mr. Few be empowered to receive public negroes, in part of the same. ORDERED, That the distribution of the rice procured from S Carolina for the relief of the suffering inhabitants of this State, be lodged in the hands of the Councillors for the different Coun ties and they are hereby empowered to call on the Commanding officer and Commissaries in each County to furnish such car riages and guards as will be necessary to convey the same to this State. The Board adjourned till Friday next. 326 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday April 4 th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor WHEREAS, by the requisitions of Brig. General Wayne it ap pears essentially necessary, for the safety and preservation of this State, that he be supplied with 200 good rifle men, to enrol them selves for the term of two months, to assist him in his future operations, Therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor do immediately fall upon such ways and means, for completing the same as the situation and circumstances of this State, will admit of, And that they be raised in the following proportion viz, The County of Wilkes, 50 Men, The Counties of Richmond and Burke 75 each. Each man so enroled shall be entitled to one good Milk Cow, & calf, as a bounty, exclusive of their pay; and upon a return being made to this Board, of the names of the men so enroled; his Honor the Governor is hereby authorized and em powered to order the Agents of the respective Counties to which such men belong; to deliver such Cow & Calf to them or their order as soon as they may be collected ; And that proper care shall be taken during their absence to supply their families with necessary provisions. The Board adjourned till Thursday next. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 32" Thursday April II th 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Charles Oclingsel Joseph Woodruff. Andrew Burns Monday April 2Q th 1782. The Board met Present The President "William Glasccck Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Cha s Odingsel Andrew Burns A petition from Mr. Locke was read requesting to be paid for horses sold the public. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write to Col Jackson at Ebenezer to furnish Capt. Locke if pos sible, with a sufficient number of Negroes to discharge what the public is due him for horses; said negroes to be valued by men appointed by Col Jackson and Capt 1 Locke A letter from Ignatius Few, requesting to be paid for articles sold the public RESOLVED, That a letter be wrote to Simon Beckum to value 328 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS some negroes, Mr. Few has in possession, and that the valuation be discounted from what the public is due Mr. Few, and a return be made to this Board of the same. A Letter from General Wayne to his honor the Governor, was read. Wherein he mentions a number of the Militia had de serted. ORDERED, That Col Clark be immediately furnished with a list of the deserters from each County, And he be requested to give orders to each commanding officer of the County to have them immediately apprehended and sent down to General Wayne, there to be dealt with according to the law of this State. An order from the honorable the House of Assembly to His Honor the Governor, was read : respecting what measures have been taken to bring the several persons, who have received pub lic Monies from this State, to account for them ; And also that he will order to be laid before this house, an account of the sales, expenditures (if any) as well as Monies received or due from the sales of the sequestered estates, and of every other matter relating to them, or the monies arising from them : And also an account of what sequestered property is belonging to this State, in whose possession it is, and on what condition they hold the same; and also of every other matter wherein the funds or property of this State is concerned. And likewise, that he will direct to be laid before us, the monthly returns of the Quarter Master & Commissaries for provisions & stores, purchased & is sued by them. ORDERED, That a Committee from this Board wait on the honorable House of Assembly, with bonds & notes of the sales of the sequestered estates, and the Committee inform the House, that the Auditor of accounts, had advertized respecting the bring ing of all persons to an account for what public Monies have been received, but that no attention was paid to the same, That Major Odingsels & M r Lawson be that Committee. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 329 Col Emanuel representing the situation of the inhabitants of Burke County for ammunition. ORDERED, That the President do draw on the Commissary of Military Stores, for ten weight of gun powder, and twenty weight of lead, for Col Emanuel, for that County. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. Augusta 30 th April 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present The President William Glascock Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel. Andrew Burns Agreeable to a resolve of the House of Assembly respecting the articles purchased, by His Honor the Governor from Cap 1 Ignatius Few, a certain quantity thereof was left for the use of the Governor & Council. The same being inspected by a Com mittee from this Board, Report, that there is 75 lb Sugar, 9 bushels salt, & 23 Galls. Rum. This Board taking the above into consideration, resolve that the distribution be as follows. To the President 2 Galls, rum; to each Member one Gall", the remainder for the Governor, to be disposed of as he may think proper To the President io lb Sugar, to each Member 5 lb the remainder to be disposed of as the Governor may think 330 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS proper The salt, to the President 2 qts; to each member one, the remainder to be disposed of as the Governor may think proper To the Messenger of this Board 5 lb Sugar, one qt. Salt, 1/2 Gal. Rum. A Committee from the House of Assembly waited on this Board, with a bill of confiscation for their perusal & advice : the Committee was, Mr. Howley & Mr. Washington The Board adjourned till this afternoon 4. oClock. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present The President William Glascock Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel. Andrew Burns Wednesday I st May 1782. The Board met Present The President William Glascock Thomas Lewis Hugh Lawson Charles Odingsel. Andrew Burns The Board proceeded to peruse the bill of confiscation and appointed a Committee to return the same to the House with MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 331 some recommendations And that Col Burns and Mr. Odingsel be that Committee. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morn g 9 o Clock. Thursday 2 nd May 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present The President "William Glascock Hugh Lawson Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsel. Andrew Burns Mr. Samuel Stirk, agreeable to an order of the House of As sembly, appeared before this Board with vouchers for the ex penditures of 377,603 1/2 Continental dollars being for monies paid to Col John Stirk deceased, as Treasurer for this State, The President gave Mr. Sam 1 Stirk a receipt for the same as Exor. of Col John Stirk. The Board taking the above vouchers into consideration RESOLVED, That they be put into the hands of the Auditor General, to be liquidated, in order to bring individuals to account for monies advanced them, which they promised to account for,, when called on.~ The Board adjourned till to-morrow morn g 10 O Clock. 332 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Friday 3 rd May 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present The President William Glascock Thomas Lewis Hugh Lawson Cha s Odingsel. Mr. Patrick Jarvis A. C. P. informs this Board that for want -of horses, he cannot supply this post with beef, and there being public horses in and about Augusta in the Quarter Masters De partment. ORDERED, That the President be requested to give orders, that the Quarter Master furnish Mr. Jarvis with two horses for that purpose. Mr. Jarvis likewise informs this Board, that for want of a guard he cannot furnish this port with corn, as he knows where 150. bushels can be spared, therefore, RESOLVED, That the President, (His Honor the Governor "being indisposed) be requested to issue orders to Col Clark, to furnish Mr. Jarvis immediately with a guard of six men from the County of Richmond, to enable him to get the said corn. The Board adjourned till to-morrow 10 O Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 338 Friday io th May 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock Andrew Burns Peter Deveaux Lemuel Lanier Holman Freeman This Board taking into consideration the necessity of imme diately sending into Carolina for the rice granted by that State, for the releif of the suffering poor, find that no persons can be got to bring the same, on the terms agreed upon by the House of Assembly, without very great difficulties & expence to the State, Therefore, RESOLVED, That one third part be allowed to any person or persons, that will bring the said Rice from Pocotaligo, to this port ; as a reward for their trouble and expence. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morn s 9 O Clock. Saturday II th May 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock Peter Deveaux Lemuel Lanier. Andrew Burns Holman Freeman A petition from John Walton, requesting leave to discharge- 334 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Col MMurphy s note, given for Deer skins, to this State, if certificates would be rec d in payment, was read, ORDERED, That the same be laid over to a future day. A memorial and affidavit from Col Johnston was read, giving information that David Harris had taken a certain negroe fellow, named Peter from William Hatcher; who had hired him from Johnston ; which negroe appears to this Board to belong to Shem Butler, and it is but just & right that Col Johnston should have the labour of him, for his trouble in taking and bringing him to a place of safety. Therefore, RESOLVED, That Capt. Harris deliver the said negroe to Col Johnston, and that his Honor do give the said Johnston an order for him, on his giving sufficient security for not making way with the said negroe. This Board having been some time without a Clerk, and rind ing that no one can be procured to act for the salary at present allowed by law. RESOLVED, That this Board will recommend it to the Assem bly at their next meeting to augment the salery of Clerk of the Council, the same, at present, being entirely inadequate to the service. The Board then proceeded to the choice of a Clerk, when Sea born Jones was elected. The Board adjourned till 10 o Clock Monday next MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 335 Monday 13"* May 1782. The Board met accordingly Present His Honor the Governor Lemuel Lanier Holman Freeman Peter Deveaux Andrew Burns. A letter from Mrs. Tabitha Stallings, setting- forth that Ig natius Few,, has threatened to take a negroe man named Jack, out of her possession, which her husband had bought of the Widow Lloyd, was read; And the Board considering that this negroe is not secreted public property ; and does not come within the order given Mr. Few, Therefore, ORDERED, That Capt Stallings be allowed to keep the said negroe man Jack till further orders from this Board. A Letter from Capt Cuthbert was read, setting forth his hav ing lost a horse, which he had been obliged to impress while on public business to Savannah with a flag. The Board consider ing the circumstances of his case, and the necessity for his con duct, RESOLVED, That Capt. Cuthbert be furnished with an order, by His Honor the Governor, on the Quarter Master General, for a horse of nearly an equal value of that which was lost, to enable him to make restitution to the owner. This Board to be furnished with the brands and description of the horse lost, that he may hereafter be claimed as public property. The Board adjourned till Wednesday next, 9 o Clock. 336 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday 15 th May 1782. The Board met according to adjournment Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock, Peter Deveaux Holman Freeman Lemuel Lanier The public salt reserved for the distressed inhabitants of Rich mond County, not being called for by the person appointed by the House of Assembly, and people being greatly distressed for the same, ORDERED, That the same be left to the distribution of Mr. Glascock and Mr. Burns. The Board then adjourned till Friday morn 8 10 o Clock, Friday i; th May 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock, Lemuel Lanier Peter Deveaux Andrew Burns Holman Freeman A petition from the Officers of the Regiment of militia of Richmond County was read, praying the removal of L* Col Lit- tleburg Bostwick, from his command. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 337 ORDERED, That L l Col Eostwick be required to attend this Board at their next meeting, to answer to the complaints set forth in the said petition, and that His Honor the Governor cio send him orders to that purport. Mr. Abraham Jones, producing a certificate from Gen 1 Wayne, cf his having supplied the army with three hundred and sixty seven Galls, and three quarts of whisky, at a time when the army was suffering greatly for liquor. ORDERED,, That he be furnished with an order from this Board on the Commissioners of confiscated estates, to pay him for the whiskey, the sum of three hundred and twenty one pounds, fif teen shillings and six pence in negroes at cash price. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 10 o Clock. Tuesday 2i st May 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock, Holman Freeman Peter Deveaux Lemuel Lanier On application of Capt. Patrick Carr, respecting the new form ing of his corps, to consist of Dragoons & Riflemen. RESOLVED, That the Council approve the same, that they may be raised for three months, to commence, from the time of their going on duty, and to be known by the name of Carrs Independ ent Corps, to consist of two Companies of thirty men each; one, 22 r r -vol 2 338 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of Dragoons and the other Riflemen, commanded by one Cap- rain Commandant ; two Captains and two Lieutenants ; And that Commissions be issued accordingly by his honor the Governor for that purpose. A letter from the Honorable Brigadier General \Yayne \vas read, when he strenuously requested a supply of liquors for the use of his army serving in this State, therefore RESOLVED, That a Committee be appointed for the purpose of purchasing the same. And that Mr. Glascock and Mr. Lanier be that committee. The Board adjourned till Friday morn 8 9 o Clock. Friday May 23 rd 1782. The Board met according to adjournment Present, His Honor the Governor William Glascock, Peter Deveaux Lemuel Lanier Holman Freeman From the present scarcity of provisions and the improbability of a future supply, and the distressed situation of the Indians. Therefore, RESOLVED, That they be put out in such families as may choose to take them in order to provide for their present support. The Board taking into consideration the present mode for issuing the certificates agreeable to the resolve of the late House of Assembly, Therefore RESOLVED, That the same be printed, and that five thousand, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 339 seven hundred and sixty certificates be immediately struck off, and that Capt. Rob 1 Green be authorized and appointed from the Board to proceed to Carolina in order to superintend the printing of the same. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 27"* May 1782 g o Clock. Additional minutes of Council of Friday May 23. Mr. Lockhart, the Assistant Commissary appeared before the Council and represented that several widows and others, with their children were destitute of provisions and no mode of sup ply. Therefore, RESOLVED, That the under mentioned persons be supplied by the Commissary, with the following rations, viz, Widow Triplett & 2 Children Two rations. Widow Lett & 5 Children Three rations. Widow Davis & I Child Two rations. Mr. Henderson & 2 Children . . . Two rations. Tuesday 27 th May 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock, Peter Deveaux Benjamin Lewis Lemuel Lanier Lieutenant Col Bostwick attended agreeable to an order of this Board, in order to answer to the several Complaints, set 340 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS forth in a petition, preferred against him by the officers of the I st Battalion of Militia of Richmond County, The officers at tending in support of the same, and this Board taking the same into consideration, and finding that the present alarming situa tion of this State has an immediate occasion for the exertion oi every citizen, and finding that the said officers are determined not to do duty, nor obey the orders of the said L { Col Bostwick This Board considering that the safety, peace, and welfare of the Citizens ought ever to be their first object. Therefore, RESOLVED, That it be recommended to His Honor the Gover nor to suspend the said L l Col Bostwick from any further com mand until a Court of enquiry can be convened in order to in vestigate the several complaints alledged against him in the said petition. The Board adjourned until Savannah in Council 14 th July 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Andrew Burns. Peter Deveaux "| William Glascock, Jenkin Davis V Esquires Jonathan Bryan J RESOLVED, That Messr 8 Clay, Wereat & John Habersham Es quires be appointed a Committee to procure a supply of goods &. for the use of the public and army. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 341 Savannah 15 th July 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Peter Deveaux ) William Glascock Jenkin Davis > Esqr" Andrew Burns. ) WHEREAS, there is a great reason to believe that numbers of negroes and other property, belonging to the good people of this and the United States are now secreted in and about the Town and Garrison of Savannah to their great injury & prejudice, It therefore becomes a duty indispensable on us to take every means in our power to detect such abominable proceedings and prevent those abuses, if possible, in future. Therefore, RESOLVED, Messr 3 Joseph Clay, James Habersham, John Habersham, John Houston, William Le Conte, John Wereat, William O Bryan. John Kean, Peter Deveaux, Thomas Stone, Peter Taarling, and Joseph Woodruff Esquires do take into their immediate possession and custody all suspected property of what ever kind soever, and give public notice of the same, by advertise ment, in order that the inhabitants may apply for, and after proof being made, obtain such property as they are or may be justly entitled to. 342 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah July i8 th 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan William Glascock ^) Andrew Burns Jenkin Davis > Esquires Peter Deveaux Benjamin Lewis J The petition of Richard Dunavan Murray, being preferr d, requesting permission to take possession of the Vendue House, in order to keep a House of Entertainment : and also for license for the disposal of spirituous liquors. The petition being considered, was granted. The petition of James Fields for the office of Sheriff for the County of Chatham his petition was, after deliberation, granted. Mr. Daniel Nunes pray d for the office of Clerk of the Market, granted. Savannah iff 1 July 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis "J William Glascock Benjamin Lewis > Esquires Andrew Burns Lemuel Lanier J By virtue of a resolve of the honorable the House of Assembly, passed this day, prohibiting the exportation of any kind of goods, salt or other merchandise out of the Town of Savannah, until leave is first had or obtained from said House And also for pre- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 343 venting monopolies & other unfair practices in respect to the said goods, or other Merchandise : And also for laying in a quantity of salt directed to be reserved for the public use, agreeable to a resolve of the House passed the i6 th Instant, Therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor do immediately issue his proclamation prohibiting the exportation of the afore said articles; and that orders be immediately issued to the Gen tlemen of the Committee to take proper measures for procuring and reserving the quantity of salt, agreeable to the said resolves. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. Savannah the 2O th July 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan William Glascock "| Andrew Burns Jenkin Davis > Esqr 8 Peter Deveaux Benj" Lewis ) The Board taking into consideration the application of M-. Richard Henderson, for the supply of necessary dry goods for himself and family, also two negroes, a fellow & wench belonging to the confiscated estates in order to attend and assist his family during his absence to the Indian Nation, being taken into con sideration, therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to give orders for the same. The Board adjourned to Monday morn 8 10 o Clock. 344 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah Monday 22 nd 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan William Glascock ^ Andrew Burns Thomas Maxwell >Esq r Jenkin Davis Peter Deveaux J The application of the widow Elizabeth Wright being taken into consideration, ORDERED, That the said widow Wright be supplied with three rations pr. day for one fortnight for the support of her family she being accountable for the same. ORDERED, That the Sheriff of Chatham County be directed to take into his possession the press & types in the Printing Of fice, late James Johnstons, and keep them in charge till further orders. The Board adjourned till 9 o Clock to-morrow Savannah 23 rd July 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan William Glascock "j Thomas Maxwell Jenkin Davis V Esquires Andrew Burns Peter Deveaux ) ORDERED, That notice be given the Gentlemen of the Commit- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 345 tee, to know whether they have procured the quantity of goods, salt & c ordered by the House of Assembly to be engaged for the use of this State. The Board adjourned to 9 O Clock to-morrow. Savannah 24. July 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Thomas Maxwell Peter Deveaux Jenkin Davis William Glascock Usui ORDERED, That Mr. John Barkly be furnished with an order for twenty five pounds worth of goods, agreeable to a resolve of the House of Assembly. WHEREAS, by report of the Committee appointed to procure goods &C. for the public,, it appears impracticable for them to find out the quantity of salt, in this Town, agreeable to a resolve of the House of Assembly; request the same might be referred to the Governor & Council. Therefore, RESOLVED, That the Attorney General be directed to call on the several Merchants and others to declare upon oath the quan tity of Salt and rum they have in possession also the time when, where & from whom purchased. WHEREAS, by a resolve of the House of Assembly of this day, the sales of the confiscated estates are postponed for one month. RESOLVED, That the Commissioners be directed to notify the same to the inhabitants of the respective Counties. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock To-morrow. 346 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 25 th July 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment Present His Honor the Governor William Glascock Thomas Maxwell ) ^ T , . -P, . > Esquires Jenkm Davis j The petition of William Christee being preferred, RESOLVED, That he the said Christee have an order to take his property where ever it may be found, proving the same. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor, be requested to take immediate measures for procuring three thousand bushels of salt and six hogsheads of rum for the public use. A letter from Major Odingsel enclosing his commission, re questing his resignation as Major of the first Battalion of the militia of the County of Chatham the same being laid before the Board and considered was accordingly accepted. Savannah 3<D th July 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis Esquires His Honor the Governor quitted the chair when the following bills were laid before the Board. Viz, An Act for preventing improper or disaffected persons, emi- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 347 grating from other places and becoming citizens of this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Being read, agreed, to the following amendment, instead of the words "this act shall continue and remain in full force for three years This act to be perpetual. An Act, for opening the Courts of Justice under certain re strictions therein mentioned, being read and returned without amendment. A resolve of the Honble. the House of Assembly, bearing date the 28 th instant, authorizing and empowering his honor the Gov ernor to appoint proper persons in the different parts of this State to collect all the arms, now in the possession of any of the inhabitants thereof which did belong to the British Government. The same being considered Therefore, RESOLVED, That Robert Greer be appointed to collect the same for the County of Chatham John Waldhower for the County of Effingham. The application of Moses Nunes Esq. praying to be appointed Clerk of the Market for the Town of Savannah. ORDERED, That the same be granted, and that a warrant be granted him for that purpose. The Board taking into consideration the application of Mrs.. Martha Evans, respecting the taking into possession the child and effects of the late Randal Evans, her son, which are at pres ent detained from her by John Gilbert Therefore, RESOLVED, That the said Mrs. Martha Evans be empowered^ to take the said child and effects into her possession (first taking an inventory and appraisement of the same by two different per sons on oath, and making report to this Board. RESOLVED, That Mr. Roger Lawson be furnished with two 348 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS horses in lieu of his that were lost in the public service ; and that an order issue to the Deputy Quarter Master General for that purpose, he first having them appraised by two indifferent persons. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. Savannah 3 I st July 1782 The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor. Jonathan Bryan "] Benjamin Lewis ^Esquires. Jenkin Davis j WHEREAS Information has been lodged with this Board ; that numbers of people who have been very active against the good citizens of this State, and others whose names are mentioned in the bill of attainder and confiscation, did remain in Savannah after the evacuation by the British, and are now strolling about the Streets of this To\vn, And Whereas, those characters are still suspected of being in imical to the liberties of America. Therefore RESOLVED,, That the Attorney General be directed immediate ly to lay hold of all such suspected characters, and commit them to the common Jail of Savannah; making report of the same .to this Board in order that their conduct may be enquired into. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock To-morrow morning. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 34^ Savannah I st August 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis ) ^ Benjamin Lewis Peter Beveaux / ^ sqm Application being made by Mr. John Brandon for his secret Cervices in discovering the situation of the Indians at the standing peach tree, RESOLVED,, That the sum of sixteen pounds be granted the said Brandon for the above services, and that he do receive a written certificate for the same. RESOLVED, That advertisements be posted forbidding persons indiscriminately from turning their horses or cattle on the planta tions late the property of Sir James Wright, or from cutting rice off the same, which has late been practised to the great injury of the public, excepting the Members of the Council and Assembly. or those of the military line. Application by petition being made by Capt. Francis Coclding- ton respecting the procuring some negroes, the property of his wife and sister, from East-Florida, the same being considered,, permission was accordingly granted. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morning. 350 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 2 nd August 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Peter Deveaux \ K Benjamin Lewis Jenkin Davis / hsqm Agreeable to a resolve of the Honble. the House of Assembly ORDERED, That Mrs. Elizabeth Gresham be furnished with fifteen bushels of salt ; and that an order be issued to the keeper of the public store for that purpose. WHEREAS, the departments of Commissary General of pur chases and issues, in the upper parts of this State, appear at pres ent to be entirely useless, and of course a burthen to the State. Therefore, RESOLVED, That the said Departments be immediately dis missed from further employ, and that His Honor the Governor be pleased to issue orders in consequence. The Board adjourned to. 9 o Clock to-morrow morning. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 351 Savannah 3 rd August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis ] Benjamin Lewis [ Esquires Peter Deveaux j The Board adjourned to Monday morning 9 o Clock. Savannah 5 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan ] Benjamin Lewis > Esquires Peter Deveaux j His Honor the Governor quitted the Chair and the following bills were laid before the Board. An Act for preventing improper or disaffected persons, emi grating from other places and becoming citizens of this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Being read and agreed to The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morng. 352 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 6. August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis j squ j res Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux j The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morn.g. Savannah 7 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Peter Deveaux Benjamin Lewis ) ^ Jenkin Davis John Lindsay \ " The Board adjourned to Q o Clock to-morrow morning. Savannah 8 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Tenkin Davis ^ Benjamin Lewis John Lindsay V Esquires Peter Deveaux J Application being made, by petition, to this Board, by Eliza- MINUTES OF TH EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 353 beth Wright, for rations for herself and family the same being, considered - Therefore, ORDERED, That four daily rations be ordered for one month after the date hereof, for the support of herself and family. The application of Horatio Marbury, by petition, for horses being -considered, the same could not be complied with. A letter being read from Robert Greer Commissary of Military stores in the said department, the same being considered There fore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested, :o issue orders to the said Robert Greer, fully empowering him to procure all such stores as may rppertain to his department. A letter being read from Mr. Daniel Nunes praying to be ap pointed to the office of Venclue Master, the Board being informed by Mr. John Lindsay, that the Honorable the House of Assembly had already appointed Air. John Gibbons, therefore the same could not be complied with. The application of Nehemiah Wade Esquire, Dep. Quarter Master General requesting a supply of some articles forliis de partment, the same being considered, Therefore, RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to give orders for that purpose. The petition of Mr. Benjamin Lloyd praying to be appointed Clerk of the Court for the County of Chatham, the Board taking the same into consideration RESOLVED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morning 1 . 23 r r vol 2 354 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 9 th August 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Tenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis ) ,< T i T j r> ^ T- > Esquires, John Lindsay Peter Deveaux J The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morning. Savannah io th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis ] Peter Deveaux f- Esquires. John Lindsay J The Board adjourned to Monday morning 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 355 Savannah 12 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Benjamin Lewis ~\ Edward Jones John Lindsay V Esquires Peter Deveaux J The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. In Council Savannah 13"* August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux ) p . Edward Jones John Lindsay } ^ A letter received from Col William M c lntosh, containing proposals, recommending a mutual agreement between the State of Georgia, and the Province of East-Florida, to prevent plunder ing or murdering in either of those places, the same being read and considered. Therefore, RESOLVED, that it be recommended to his honor the Governor to take such measures as will tend to effect so desirable a purpose. Which in our opinion will be conducive to the interest and wel fare of this State. 356 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That Col W ra M c lntosh, Samuel Stirk and John Wereat Esquires be appointed Commissioners for that purpose. The petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan being read and con sidered, Therefore, ORDERED, That three rations be granted pr. day for one month from this date for the support of herself and two chil dren. The petition of Mrs. Lucy Tondor being read and considered. Therefore ORDERED, That five rations per day for one month be grant ed, from the date hereof, for the support of herself and four children. The application by letter from Mr. Seth John Cuthbert being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the said application be granted. The application by letter from Mr. Benjamin Stites respecting the procuring a vessel at Bermuda with a cargo of salt, rum &C being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, that the said application be granted. The Memorial of Mr. Peter Henry Morel being read and con sidered, Therefore, ORDERED, that the said memorial be granted. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow r morng. 14 th The Board met & adjourned to to-morrow 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 357 In Council Savannah 15 th Aug* 1782. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis John Lindsay ) ^ Edward Jones Peter Deveaux j His Honor the Governor presented letters from Governor Matthews & Gents Greene & Perkins, respecting a supply of two thousand bushels of salt for the suffering back inhabitants of South Carolina ; The Board taking the same into consideration and rinding our own supply being inadequate to such a demand, Therefore, ORDERED, That application be made to the Merchants of this Town who have salt in possession to furnish the supply required and their terms, which are immediately to be forwarded Gov r Matthews; in case said terms cannot be complied with by the State of S Carolina, this Board do agree to furnish them out of the public salt, reserved for the use of this State with the quantity of five hundred bushels, it being all that can possibly be spared. The petition of Mr. John Mitchel and Mr. Thomas Hogg British Merchants, requesting they might proceed to Charleston on private business and to return to this place, the same being read and considered was accordingly granted, they having com plied with the conditions of a parole. The petition of Mr. Peter Henry Morel requesting permission to proceed to Charleston & from thence to the Island of Bermuda, in order to settle his private concerns & likewise to introduce into this port a vessel and Cargo, the same being read and considered was accordingly granted. 358 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council Savannah i6 th August 1782. * The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor f: Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux 1 ^ John Lindsay Edward Jones. / bsqui Two letters being presented this Board by Major Habersharn from Doct. Brownfield Surgeon of the Hospital at the great Swamp, representing the melancholy situation of the Hospital si that place for the want of necessary supplies for the said Hospital Therefore, ORDERED, That the said articles requisite for the said Hos pital be immediately furnished. And that one quarter cask of wine, one of rum and eight bushels salt be procured for that pur pose. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. In Council Savannah 17 th Aug 1 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux , u o 11 i to* V Esquii John Lindsay Edward Jones The application of Mr. Nathan 1 Hicks and James Scott who are here on public business, and being destitute of money and supplies, Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 359 ORDERED, that they be supplied with three daily rations for four days for themselves and servant. The petition of Thomas Lee was presented, setting forth that ^ome time in the year 1778. John Dooly (since deceased) entered a caveat against the petitioners obtaining a grant for three hun dred acres land on Savannah River, in Wilkes County where he resided ; that upon hearing the said caveat before his honor the president (Richard Wylly Esquire) and the members of the hon ble Council the same was unanimously determined in the peti tioners favor; That the said John Dooly made a second applica tion to the Board, for a hearing on account of his not having the testimony of some material witnesses who were then absent, in consequence of which it was granted the parties attended by their Counsels and a full investigation was had : and the right of the land in question (by the President and Council, given unanimously in favor of the petitioner; and the assistant Judge of the County of Wilkes ordered to put the said Lee in possession, but that he did prior to his death hold the same, and since his decease his relict has refused to give up the premises. Whereby he has received great and manifest damage and kept out of pos session of his property contrary to all law and good order. There- fore, praying that the land above mentioned may be, agreeable to former orders of the Executive, restored by him, and peaceable and quiet possession given him by the assistant Judges of the County, ORDERED, That the prayer of the petition be granted and that Benjamin Cathings, Zach. Lamar, Robert Harper Esquires Assistant Judges of the County of Wilkes, do issue process for putting the said Thomas Lee in possession of his land. And that they call on Col Elijah Clark or the officer commanding the Mili tia of that County, to enforce this order \vith the militia of that County or such part as may be deemed necessary. And that as soon as the land office is opened, that the said Lee, make a re- 360 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS turn of his works, in order that a grant may pass to him for the same The petition of Docf Sam 1 Bucroft praying to be taken off the classing list of the County of Chatham ; the same being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted. The application of Capt. James APKay pointing out the bad repair of the roads to the Southward, praying that Commission ers may be appointed to repair the same. The Board taking the same into consideration therefore, ORDERED, That Cap* James M c Kay, Benjamin Stites, Francis Coddington, with Messr 3 William Maxwell and George Cubage be appointed Commissioners to superintend the same. And that they be directed to proceed upon the said business immediately. And that Mr. William Bryan, Jacob Casper Waldhower Capr. Richard Guyn, be appointed Commissioners of the Western Roads, from the Town of Savannah to Ravanhurst Mill ; and that they be directed to proceed upon the same without delay. The application of Mr. Nathan 1 Hicks, Assistant Com 7 of issues, of Augusta, respecting two barren cows & one two year old heifer which he borrowed for public use, Therefore, ORDERED, That the agent of Richmond County be directed to replace cattle of equal value. And that an order be issued for that purpose. N. B. one barren cow borrowed of Capt. Barten, one ditto of M r Brannum, & one two year old heifer of Nath 1 Hicks. The Board adjourned4o 9 o Clock Monday morning. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 361 The Board met according to adjournment. The i8 th August. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-mor row morning. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. In Council, Savannah August ig" 1 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis Edward Jones. ^ Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis > Esquire?. Peter Deveaux John Lindsay j ^" r^^^T^ . : ? . r. .* * v"v i .- . *" It being represented by the Dep 7 Quarter Master General that a quantity of oznab 53 is wanted for the use of his depart ment for repairing collars &C. for the public teams Therefore, ORDERED, That he be furnished with twenty five yards for that purpose. The petition of sundry whig inhabitants of the Town of Sa vannah praying the liberation of Doct r Andrew Johnston in con sideration of his Medical abilities being so essentially necessary towards the health and preservation of the good people of this Town, at this dangerous and unhealthy season of the year. The same being read and considered, that in consideration of the many reasons pointed out in the said petition Therefore, ORDERED, That the Sheriff of the County of Chatham be permitted to extend the limits of the said Doct. Andrew Johnson to the Town of Savannah and Yamacraw and the Trustees Gar- 362 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS dens he the said Johnston to be and continue in the possession and custody of the said Sheriff until the next meeting of the hon !o the House of Assembly, or until a convenient opportunity offers to Ship the said Doct. Andrew Johnston to some British Port, rgreeable to the Act of confiscation and attainder. The Board adjourned to 4 o Clock this afternoon. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis ) Benjamin Lewis John Lindsay bs(m The petition of Mr. Nathaniel Hicks being read and consid ered Therefore, ORDERED, That three bushels of salt be granted him out of the public Store The application of Lieut. Col John Cooper for the supply of sundry necessaries for the use of the Troops under his command, being read and considered. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Col Cooper be supplied with the fol lowing articles Viz, five barrels rice, twenty bushels salt; ten gallons rum ; fifty two pounds brown sugar, twentv pounds coffee. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow r morng. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 363 In Council Savannah 2O th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Lindsay ) -p Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux { Dessentient s to the resolve of yesterday, respecting the limits of Doct. Andrew Johnston being permitted to be extended to the Town of Savannah and district of Yamacraw & the Trustees Gardens. First Because we do not find the Governor and Executive Council furnished with any authority by the constitution to sus pend, in any instance, the positive laws of the State. Secondly Because we conceive the removal of the prisoners from the common Jail, according to the resolution of the Exec utive Council, is contrary to the law of the land. Thirdly Because we cannot in conscience, accede to a resolu tion, which we conceive to be illegal, unnecessary and impolitic. Illegal for the reasons before mentioned ; Unnecessary, because the prisoner suffers no other confinement, than was foreseen and intended by law. And impolitic, because it discovers a want of firmness and determination in the Executive Department ; which cannot, in our opinion, at any period, be more necessary than at the present. Jx LINDSAY JENKIN DAVIS- The petition of Mrs. Mary Dews, widow, applying for rations for herself and three children, the same being read and consid ered, Therefore, 364 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That three rations be allowed per day, for one month, for the support of herself and three children. WHEREAS, it is absolutely necessary that ways and means be immediately fallen upon for the present support of the Gentle men Members of the Hon ble the Executive Council by virtue of a resolve of supply of the Honble. the House of Assembly of the 4th instant. And in the opinions of this Board, no other mode can, at present, be fallen upon. Therefore, ORDERED, That the agents for the County of Chatham be im mediately ordered to procure negroes belonging to the confiscated estates to be lodged in the hands of the Governor in order to be disposed of for that purpose, as otherways there is just reason to fear that public business must inevitably be protracted. And that His Honor the Governor be requested to issue the neces sary orders for that purpose. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. In Council Savannah 2i st August 1782 The Board met according to adjournment Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis \ Benjamin Lewis John Lindsay / ^- ^ The petition of Joseph Atkinson, a Continental Soldier, pray ing the restoration of his property, which has been seized on by the Commissioners, being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted by reason of his having been taken off the act of confiscation and MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 365- attainder. And that His Honor the Governor be requested to issue an order for that purpose. The application of James Field Esq. for requesting the super- intendance o-f collecting negroes and other property belonging to the citizens of this State and South Carolina ; which has been and is now unlawfully kept from their right owners being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said James Field, Esq. be appointed to superintend that business. And he is hereby fully authorized and empowered to execute the same. The application of Mr. Jon" Bryan for two bushels public salt, ORDERED, That the same be granted him in part of supplies granted the Honble the Council. The petition of Amos Whitehead respecting the amercement of his property being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the operation of the amercement law towards the said Whitehead be suspended, until the meeting of the Hon llle the House of Assembly And that the Commissioners of for feited estates be furnished with a copy of this order. (fees paid) The petition of John Sebert being read and considered There fore, ORDERED, That Col James Jackson be directed to furnish the said Sebert with his pay and discharge agreeable to the terms of his enlistment The application of Mr. John Morel requesting the command of the White Bluff Company, being read considered, There fore, 366 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That he take the immediate command of the said Company at White Bluff. A certificate of Col James Jackson respecting Andrew Snider, who acted as pilot to General Wayne in the service of this State, being considered Therefore, ORDERED, That on account of his superior exertions, as speci fied in said certificate, that the said Snider do receive at the rates of four pounds, current money of this State, from the time that Gen 1 Wayne crossed the river, to the fall of Savannah this to be deemed a continental charge. The petition of Mrs. Grace Lyons, for herself and four . % hil- dren requesting rations being read considered Therefore, ORDERED, That four daily rations be allowed for one UK nth from the date hereof, for herself & four children. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow Morn 6 In Council Savannah 22 nd Aug. 1782. The Board met according to adjournment Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis "I p John Lindsay Peter Deveaux J The petition and affidavit of John Milledge Esq r and re ceipt of the Sheriff of the County of Chatham, the same being read and considered. Therefore, ORDERED, That on the said Milledge s producing an affidavit from Mrs. Demere to the Commissioners of forfeited estates, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 367 setting forth that his said negroe, Pope, was seen in the posses sion of a certain Mr. Locke of the State of N Carolina who said he had received the said negroe in part payment of a debt clue him from this State, and that the affidavit of the said Milledge- ville setting forth that he never did, directly or indirectly dis pose of, bargain or sell the said negro Pope to any person or persons in any manner whatever, and that the said negroe Pope is bona fide his own right and property; that then and in that case, the Commissioners of forfeited estates be, and are hereby directed to furnish the said Milledgeville a negro of equal value, the said negro Pope being a prime slave. The petitions of Nicholas Subtrain, John Husler, Christopher Cramar and David Metzger, being read and considered There fore, ORDERED, That each and every one of them be discharged the service. The petitions of George Rolfes and Francis Brooks, being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That each of these before mentioned be referred to the next meeting of the Honble. the House of Assembly. The petition of John Newdigate being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Newdegate be taken off the classing list. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morn g . 368 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met according to adjournment. In Council Savannah 23 rd Aug 1 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Lindsay % Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux > Esquires.. Edward Jones J The petition of Francis Lewis, praying to be taken off the. classing list, being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted. That Captain Patrick Walch be furnished with goods out of the public store, to the amount of a sum not to exceed ten pounds specie. WHEREAS, the Privateer Brigantine commanded by Captain Samuel Goodhue, now lying in this Port, has lately captured and brought in as prize, the Sloop Swift, on board of which, amongst other things there happens to be a number of negroee, part of which appear to be the property of some of the good citizens of this, and the next State. And whereas, information has been made to this Board, that the said Captain Goodhue means shortly to depart this port, without libelling or condemn ing the said prize, which would prove a great inconvenience to the citizens aforesaid, as in this case the persons claiming part of those negroes, must be obliged to follow this prize to some other port of the United States to assert their claims at vast expences, subverting justice. Therefore, It is Ordered,. That the said Captain Samuel Goodhue be in structed, to libel for condemnation the Sloop Swift aforesaid with her Cargo, tackle, furniture and apparel &C. in order That the negroes on board the said Sloop may be restored to those who MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 369 have a just claim to the same, upon their paying salvage agree able to the rules and regulations of the Honble the Continental Congress. ORDERED, That Captain Samuel Goodhue, be furnished with a copy of this order. In Council, Savannah 27 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis "| Peter Deveaux John Lindsay > Esquires Jon n Bryan ) ORDERED That Mr. James Parker, Doct. Samuel Bucroft, John Morel & Joseph W m Spencer be appointed Commissioners to superintend the repairs of the Skideway roads Frederick Rolfes, Frederick R William Struthers James Habersharn, Joseph M c Lean be appointed to superintend the Little Ogechee Southern Roads. And that they be directed to proceed on the same im mediately The Board adjourned to 5 o Clock this afternoon. The Board met according to adjournment. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morn g . 28 th The Board met according to adjournment and adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morning. 24 r r vol 2 370 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 29 th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davi c ) John Lindsay Peter Deveaux > Esquires. Benjamin Lewis ) WHEREAS, it appears by a resolve of the Honble. the House of Assembly, bearing date the fourth day of August, that Messr" Frederic Rolphs and John Strong were appointed to the offices of purchasing and issuing Commissary s for this State. And whereas, the said Honble House, directed that His Honor the Governor, should write to his Excellency Gen 1 Greene, recom mending the said Rolphs and Strong to be confirmed in their ap pointment And Whereas, it appears by a letter fro:r His Excellency Gen 1 Greene, that Congress had totally changed their plan of arrangement, for the civil staff, and that they appoint no Com missaries or Quarter Masters ; and therefore, that it is not in his power to either confirm or reject any appointments made in the State or in the Field ; but recommends as the properest mode for the State to pursue, to appoint agents for those purposes, and which is also recommended by Col Carrington, Quarter Master General of the Southern Army. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Frederick Rolphs & John Strong be confirmed in their respective appointments by this State under the title and denomination of Agents, And that this Board do confirm the same. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morn 8 MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 371 In Council, Savannah 3O th August 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Jonathan Bryan 1 -p Benjamin Lewis John Lindsay / ORDERED, That Col Jenkin Davis one of the Members of this Honoble Council, be supplied with one hundred pounds of public flour. The petitions of George Rolfes and Francis Brooks being re considered Therefore, ORDERED, That they and each of them, be taken off the class ing list. The petition of Thomas Walker being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED That the same be referred to the Honble the House of Assembly; The petition of John Lyons being read and considered There fore, ORDERED, That he do receive pay agreeable to his rank during the time of his service. The application of Col Adlai O shorn of Rowan County North Carolina, by Edward Jones Esquire, one of the Honble. Execu tive Council, soliciting the appointment of the Office of Register of Probates for the County of Chatham. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Adlai O shorn Esq r be and is hereby appointed to the said office, and that His Honor the Governor 372 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS J > I . ..i ! J . . .i . . , , : i 1 :..).*: i .< . . :; be requested to communicate the same to him as soon as pos sible. A motion made by Mr. Edward Jones and seconded by Mr. Peter Deveaux, that we do immediately proceed to the choice of a President. The Board accordingly proceeded to ballot for the same, when it appeared that the Honorable Edward Jones Es quire was duly elected. The Board adjourned to 4 o Clock this afternoon. The Board met according to adjournment. The Board adjourned to n o Clock to-morrow. The Board met and adjourned to Tuesday the third of Sep tember 1782. Savannah, In Council Tuesday 3 rd Sept. 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Govenior Jonathan Bryan John Lindsay. 1 _ Edward Jones Benjamin Lewis J ^ s< l m The petition of Hetty Seabury being read and considered. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Mrs. Seabury be allowed two rations MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 373 per day, for her family for the space of one month from this date. The application of Mrs. Store, being read and considered- There fore., ORDERED,, That the said Mrs. Store be permitted to proceed to and return from Charleston, agreeable to the prayer of her application. The application of Mrs. Sarah Bennett, being read and c n- sidered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Mrs. Bennett and family be allowed three rations per day for one month from this date. The application of Mrs. Deane, being read and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Mrs. Deane be permitted to proceed to, and return from Charleston, with her property, consisting o: negroes. The petition of Thomas Yarbrough being read and considered. Therefore, ORDERED, that the procuring a substitute be postponed and that the prayer of his petition be referred to the Honble. the House of Assembly. WHEREAS, various complaints have been made to me in Coun cil, that the merchants who remained in the Town of Savannah, upon the evacuation of the same, by the British Troops under certain generous and liberal restrictions, granted them by His Honor the Governor with the advice and consent of the Honble. the Executive Council ; and concurrence of the Honble. Brigadier Gen 1 Wayne, confirmed by the Honble. the House of Assembly, that the said merchants have and now do, in violation of the 374 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS faith reposed in them, and contrary to the aforesaid generous and liberal restrictions, extorted and still do extort enormous and very extravagant prices from the good citizens of this Town and State aforesaid, for their goods, wares and merchandize. Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested im mediately to issue his proclamation, strictly prohibiting and for bidding such mal-practices in future, under such penalties as in the same may be declared. The Board adjourned to Thursday morn g 9 o Clock. The Board met and adjourned to Friday 6 th Septr. 1782. In Council Savannah 6 th September 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Edward Jones ) ,_, John Lindsay Benjamin Lewis j " WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Governor in Council by information on oath, that Mr. Belchers presumed Clerk cr agent had agreed with a number of persons lately come to Town with flour for sale. And whereas, such agreement should b? consistent with the proclamation lately issued by His Honor the Governor in Council ; And whereas, the same flour was by the agreement aforesaid to be exchanged for salt and other goods. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the said Clerk or Agent do supply the owners MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 375 of the flour aforesaid with salt at the following rate, to wit, nine shillings and four pence per bushel; it appearing to the Board upon a minute examination to be the cash price, and other good.-:, conformable to the proclamation aforesaid, in exchange for the said flour, to him bargained or disposed of as aforesaid at the cash price, the said flour appearing likewise to this Board, upon a strict enquiry to be at the rate of thirty shillings per hundred weight, and that the respective parties be served with a copy of this order. The Board adjourned to 4 o Clock this afternoon. The Board met according to adjournment 4 o Clock P. M. afternoon. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board by information of Messr 8 Burke and Strosier, parties concerned in the purchase of a quan tity of salt and other merchandise from the House of James Belcher Merchant of this Town, that Mr. Walker, in behalf of Mr. Belcher, his employer, refuses to deliver the quantity of salt &c. according to the agreement entered into with them, and in direct violation of an order of this Board to that effect. There fore, ORDERED, That unless the said Walker, in behalf of his em ployer, Mr. Belcher, do immediately deliver the said salt &C. according to said agreement, that this Board do give order that the said Store be immediately broke open, and the quantity of salt taken out and delivered to the said Burk and Strosier agree able to said agreement, and that the said door be immediately after nailed up, and a Centinel placed over the same; to prevent a waste of property, until further orders from this Board, he the said Walker, agent for the said Belcher, having already re ceived full consideration for the salt, &C. and who has since absented himself from the said State; apparently with a view, 376 not to comply with the order of this Board, hereunto referred. And that His Honor the Governor be requested to give ordei to the Sheriff to cany this order into effect. The petition of Elizabeth Hamerer being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said petitioner and family be allowed three rations per day for one month from the date hereof. The Board adjourned to Tuesday io th September. 1782. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. In Council, Savannah io th September 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis Esquires Peter Deveaux John Lindsay Esquires WHEREAS,, it appears to this Board, that the Deputy Quarter Masters Generals Department, under the present arrangement i. : not only a heavy expence, but a useless burthen to this State. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said department be done away altogether. cind that the said Quarter Master be directed to make immediate returns to this Board of all the public horses, waggons, Boats, and other stores in his possession or under his direction belong ing to the said Department; And that he be served with a copy of this order. ORDERED, That Mr. John Bernard be appointed to the com mand of the Sea Islands company. WHEREAS, it appears necessary that Commissioners be ap pointed for the public Market of Savannah Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 377 ORDERED,, That Messr 3 Stirk, Montaigut and Thomas Mills, l)e Commissioners for that purpose. ORDERED, That Mrs. Elizabeth Wright have her four daily rations continued one month from this io th inst. Also, Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan to her have her three daily rations continued one month from the 13 th instant. Also, Mrs. Lucy Tender to have her five daily rations con tinued for one month longer. The application of Capt. John Milton, being read and consid ered. Therefore, ORDERED, That he the said Milton be allowed four rations per day for three months, when applied for; for which he is to be accountable. The application of Messrs. O Bryan and Clay, Commissioners of the Pilotage, in behalf of Ichabud Higgins, to be appointed a branch Pilot, for the bar and river of Savannah ; And also, praying that the said Ichabud Higgins, be allowed rations for the space of he to be accountable for the same, the Board taking the same into consideration, Therefore, ORDERED That the said Higgins be appointed a branch Pilot for this Bar & River, and to be allowed rations agreeable to said application. WHEREAS it appears to this Board, that there is a deficiency of acting Magistrates in the County of Chatham. Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to ap point one or more Magistrates for said County as may be suffi cient for carrying on the necessary duties appertaining" to said Office. The Board adjourned to Friday 13 th Instant. 378 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met according to adjournment. In Council, Savannah 13. September, 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Peter Deveaux Benjamin Lewis Jonathan Bryan Esqr The application of Mary Muslain, a young girl, about fifteen years of age, who has lost the use of her limbs. The Board tak ing her case into consideration. Therefore, ORDERED, That she be allowed one daily ration for her present support. ORDERED, That Mr. John Strong issuing agent, issue no rations, but by order from this Board or Major Habersham. WHEREAS, it appears absolutely necessary to this Board, that a Commissary of Prisoners be appointed. Therefore, ORDERED, That William M c lntosh Esquire be and he is hereby appointed to that office. ORDERED, That Nehemiah Wade Esq. be allowed three rations per day, for one week, being the time allotted for the settlement of his accounts in the Quarter Masters Department. And thai, Joseph Humphrys be allowed one ration per day during the time he may be employed in taking charge of the public waggons and Teams The Board adjourned to-morrow Morn g 9 o Clock. .MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 379 The Board met. In Council, Savannah I4. th Sept. 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis 1 Benjamin Lewis } Esqrx Peter Deveaux J The petition of John Riley being read and considered, There fore, ORDERED, That lie be allowed two daily rations for one month from this date. The petition of John Lonrman being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said petition be referr d to the Honorable Assembly. The Board adjourned to Tuesday next. The Board met on Friday the 2O th September 1/82. Present His Honor, Edward Jones, President. Jonathan Bryan ] Benjamin Lewis } Esqr s William Glascock J ORDERED, That Frederic Rolfes Esq. Agent of purchases for this State, do take into his possession all horses, waggons, and 380 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS public Stores, now in the hands of the late Deputy Quarter Mas ter Nehemiah Wade. ORDERED, That Mrs. Mary Dews, be continued her three rations per day for one month from this date. ORDERED, That Nehemiah Wade, Deputy Quarter Master Gen eral clo make return of the quantity of salt received of the mer chants since the evacuation by the British Troops, and his issues of that article since that period ; that it may be known, what quantity remains to be delivered to make up the three Thousand bushels ordered to be procured for the use of the State. The Board adjourned to Tuesday next. In Council, Savannah I st October 1/82. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis William Glascock Peter Deveaux WHEREAS it appears to this Board, that Ademus Bu r ke Esq. late appointed to the office of Cheif Justice of this State, has neither by letter accepted the said appointment, nor attended to the duties thereof, and of course the Courts must be altogether neglected or laid aside for the present, to the great injury of this State, unless some other should be appointed in his stead, per teirpore. Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to write Richard Howley Esquire soliciting his acceptance of the said office, on the foregoing conditions ; And that the Attorney Gen eral be directed to prepare a Commission for that purpose, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 381 WHEREAS, Major Richard Call by letter to His Honor the Governor, has solicited the appointment to the office of Surveyor General of this State. This Board taking the same into con sideration Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Richard Call be and he is hereby ap pointed to the said office of Surveyor General of this State afore said. The Board adjourned to to-morrow morn g 9 o Clock. Iii Council, Savannah 2 nd October 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan Jenkin Davis William Glascock - Peter Deveaux Esqrs. The petition of Francis Urvoy with a certificate from Col James Jackson, being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Petitioner be supplied with ten bushels of public salt, as a gratuity for his services The petition of George Bazil Spencer to be appointed Meas urer and Surveyor of lumber for the County of Chatham, being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said G. B. Spencer be and is hereby ap pointed a Measurer and surveyor of lumber for the County afore said. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow morng. 382 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah Georgia In Council 8 th October 1782. Present, His Honor the Governor William Glascock Jenkin Davis Peter Deveaux Jonathan Bryan ORDERED, That His Honor the President, Edward Jones Es quire be furnished with ten bushels of the public salt, at two and a half dollars per bushel, he to be accountable for the same. ORDERED, That Francis Little be furnished with six and hah bushels of salt, for the amount of his account in full to the S fl1 instant, being three pounds, eighteen shillings, for the support or five of the Cherokee Indians, Prisoners of this State. The Board adjourned to the II th instant at 9 o Clock Morn ing. In Council. Savannah II th October 1782. The Board met according to adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Jonathan Bryan William Glascock | ^ s Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux [ The application of Samuel Stirk Esquire, respecting the rais ing a Volunteer Company of Infantry for the Town of Savan nah, to be selected from the different companies of Militia being read and considered Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 383 ORDERED, That he be permitted to raise the said corps agree able to the foregoing application. The application of George Embeck, Barrack Master, for eight negroes, to be employed in taking care of the public wood and assist in procuring forage for the public horses, being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That he be directed to procure six negroes from the different plantations, contiguous to Savannah, where they can be most conveniently spared. The Board adjourned to Tuesday next 15 th current. In Council, Savannah 19 th October 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones William Glascock ) Thomas Maxwell Lemuel Lanier } ^ r WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that there are a number of Taverns and tipling houses in the Town of Savannah and various other parts of this State, for the reception of disorderly persons, to the great disturbance of the peaceable inhabitants cf the same, and in order to prevent those abuses in future. There fore, ORDERED, That no person within the limits of this State be allowed to retail spirituous liquors under the measure of three gallons, under the penalty of twenty five pounds specie, in this Town and other parts of this State, without permission and license being first had and obtained from this Board agreeably to an Act of Assembly of this State, (for license 10. specie 884 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The application of Captain Patrick Carr, being read and con sidered. Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to pre pare a Commission for Cap* Barton, to raise a Company of Vol unteer Horse, to consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Cornet & Thirty privates to be annexed to Carr s Legion, under the command of Capt. Patrick Carr. for the defence and protec tion of this State, also, ORDERED, That Capt. Patrick Carr, be immediately furnished with thirty pair of pistols, for the use of his Legion he to be ac countable for the same. The Board adjourned to Monday 2i st Instant at 9 o Clock. The Board met and adjourned to the 22 nd October Inst. Savannah. In Council 22 nd October 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell ~| William Glascock Lemuel Lanier > Esqr 8 Jonathan Bryan ) WHEREAS, there are a number of notorious characters, who infest the roads and other parts of this State, and are continually murdering and plundering the virtuous inhabitants of the same, and in order to the more effectually expelling and totally anni hilating those enemies to mankind (those hellish and diabolical fiends) from the face of the earth. Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 385 ORDERED That any person either employed in the public serv ice or othenvays, shall not only be released from his term of enlistment, but shall also receive the sum of ten guineas as a reward on his producing to the Governor and Council in Savan nah the body, or good and sufficient proof that such of the under mentioned persons are absolutely and bona fide killed 1 Samuel Moore 2 George Cooke 3 Henry Cooper Jun r 4 William Cooper 5 Samuel Cooper 6 Henry Cooper Sen r 7 Noah Harrill 8 Cndcl Mobly. 9 Ludd Mobly 10 Capt. Marler. 11 William Langham 12 John Jarvis 13 John Webster 14 Joseph Adams 15 Swearing Jones 1 6 Philip Thomas 386 THE REVOLUTIONARY U 1 8 Thomas Altman 19 Elias Bonnell 20 Owen Harrigall 21 Clark Johnson 22 Jack Hague. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock 23 rd Instant. The Board met agreeable to adjournment Savannah, In Council 23 rd Oct. 1782. L-. Present jv... ... ,,.. His Honor the Governor Thomas Maxwell Jonathan Bryan ) Lemuel Lanier William Glascock ? Esquires Edward Jones ) WHEREAS, it appears to the Governor and Council that the services of Col Daniel MMurphy, as superintendent of Indian Affairs, are no longer necessary to this State. Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Colo. Daniel M c Murphy be immedi ately suspended from the said appointment and he is hereby ac cordingly suspended. It is Further Ordered, That the said Colonel Daniel M- Murphy be furnished with a copy of this order. ORDERED, That Jonathan Bryan Esquire be supplied with six bushels of salt; Thomas Maxwell, Esquire, be supplied with MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 387 three bushels of salt; and Lemuel Lanier Esquire with three bushels of salt, to be delivered out of the public store; each of them to be accountable for the same. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. The Board met agreeable to adjournment Savannah, In Council October 24 th 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell \ William Glascock Lemuel Lanier V Esquires. Jonathan Bryan J WHEREAS, several papers have been laid before this Board yy Mr. William Struthers, the same being- read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the operation of the amercement law, with respect to him, the said William Struthers, be suspended until the next meeting 1 of the honorable the Legislature of this State; to which the said papers are referred, and the operation of the said amercement law, with respect to him the said William Struthers until the time aforesaid, is hereby accordingly sus pended. The petition of John Butler Maxwell being laid before the Board, praying the punishment inflicted in the confiscation law might be so far mitigated in his behalf as to permit him the said John Butler Maxwell, to go to, and remain at, his plantation in the County of Chatham (still holding himself a prisoner to the Sheriff of the said County) until the next meeting of the Hon- 388 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS orable the Legislature of this State, the same being read and con sidered. Therefore, ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted, and is hereby accordingly granted. And that the Sheriff of the County of Chatham be furnished with a copy of this order. The petition of Mr. Donald M c lntosh being laid before the Board and being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the person of him the said Donald M c lntosh be exempted from the operation of the confiscation law until the next meeting of the honorable the legislature of this State ; to which his petition is referred. The Board adjourned to to-morrow. 9 oClock. Savannah In Council 3O th Oct 1782. Present His Honor the Governor The Honble. Edward Jones, President. Jonathan Bryan Thomas Maxwell / ^ _ Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux j In consequence of sundry applications laid before the Govern or and Council, respecting purchasing negroes from the inhabi tants of East-Florida, which being debated and considered, Therefore, ORDERED, That it is the opinion of this Board, that the citi zens of this State, be allowed to purchase negroes from British- subjects, late residents of Georgia and now in East-Florida; MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 389 agreeable to a resolve of the late House of Assembly And that they be allowed to export produce and lumber for the payment of such purchases On application made the Governor and Council, ORDERED, That John Riley be allowed two rations pr. day for one month in consideration of his being a cripple and unable to support himself and family A petition from John Couzin being read, praying for a fur lough, to go to Burke County and there to remain till the meei- ing of the House of Assembly referred to Major Habersham The petition of Thomas Gibbons being read, praying that he may be liberated, until the meeting of the General Assembly ORDERED, That he be permitted to remain at his Mothers plantation, and be allowed to pass to and from Savannah, to his mothers aforesaid, still holding himself a prisoner to the Sheriff of Chatham County. And that the Sheriff be furnished with a copy of this order. Savannah In Council 2 nd Nov r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President iS }Esqf Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux A petition from a respectful number of free-holders and citi zens of the County of Chatham, being read praying that an 390 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS immediate embargo be laid on provisions of every kind, for the space of three months next ensuing ORDERED, That a proclamation do issue laying an embargo on provisions of every kind agreeable to the prayer of the said petition, for the space of three months And that the Secretary be ordered to prepare a proclamation. In consequence of a petition from a number of respectable in habitants of Chatham County, praying that Mr. Robert Por- teous, now a prisoner to the Sheriff of the County aforesaid be released ORDERED, That the Sheriff be directed to discharge the said Poteous, And that he the said Poteous do immediately depart the limits of this State. A petition and Affidavit of Mrs. Mary Wright, being read, concerning a negro boy, June, in the possession of Richard Hen derson; possession of which negro was given said Henderson, pro. tempore. for his services Therefore, ORDERED, That the said negro, June, be restored the said Mary Wright, he appearing to be the property of Joseph Wright deceased. And that an order do issue from His Honor the Gov ernor for that purpose MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 391 Savannah In Council 5 th Nov. 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Edward Jones Esq r President. Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis Jonathan Bryan > Esqr 8 ORDERED, That the resolves of the Honble. the House of As sembly of the 1 6 th and 19" July last, respecting the British Mer chants be published in the next Gazette for the information and conduct of the said Merchants. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. The Board met agreeable to adjournment Savannah In Council 6 th Nov. 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis ) p _ Peter Deveaux Jonathan Bryan ) ^ The application of Mr. James Greenhow, a British Merchant, being laid before the Board, the same being read and considered, ORDERED, That the said Greenhow be permitted to send the Schooner, Carolina, to Skedaway in order to take on Board five hundred bushels of corn for exportation with the quantity of rice purchased by him, now on board the said Schooner; as the pur- 392 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS chase was prior and not presumed to interfere with His Honor the Governors proclamation, laying an embargo on the exporta tion of provisions from this State. Savannah In Council 7 th Nov r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor The Honble. Edward Jones Esq., President Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis } p . Peter Deveaux Jonathan Bryan } ^ The remonstrance and petition of a number of respectful citi zens of the Town and Neighborhood of Savannah being laid before the Board, the same being read and considered There fore, ORDERED, That it is the opinion of this Board that every de gree of respect and attention be paid the same ORDERED That the account of Daniel Geroad amount.g to sixteen pounds, for a Boat bought for the public service by the Commissioners appointed for the building of Gallies and procur ing Boats for the defence of this State be paid MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 393 r Savannah In Council 13 th Nov r 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President. Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis \ ~ Holman Freeman / ^quires. In pursuance of a resolve of the Honble. the Legislature of this State, July 28 th 1782. appointing the Honble. Stephen Heard Esquire, to send for, and receive three hundred bushels of salt or thereabouts, for the use of the inhabitants of the County of Wilkes, he receiving produce from the said inhabitants for the same, with the amo 1 of any charges. And he being not disposed to undertake the said appointment and recommending Zachariah Lamar Esq. for that purpose, ORDERED, That the said Zachariah Lamar, be and he is hereby appointed in the room of the Honble. Stephen Heard Es quire The application of Edward Davis Esquire being read and considered, ORDERED, That he be supplied with three bushels of salt, out of the public store, he being accountable for the same. The petition of Richard Leake, And iNewdigates application being considered, ORDERED, That they and each of them be furnished with a Commission of a letter of Mark, for their vessels giving the usual bond with security to His Honor the Governor. ORDERED, That Donald MLeod, Thomas Young, John Glen, John Mulryne Tatnall, and William Forrester proceed within 394 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS forty Eight hours to Char 8 Town, agreeable to the tenor of their Flag, produced to the Board the seventh instant. The petition of Seth Deane being read and considered. ORDERED, That the said Seth Deane be discharged from his inlistment with Capt. Patrick Carr, agreeable to the prayer of his petition. The petition of Stephen Millen being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the operation of the amercement law in his behalf, be suspended until the next meeting of the Honble. Leg islature. The Board adjourned to Friday next. The Board met by adjournment. Savannah In Council 15 th Nov r 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President. Thomas Maxwell ] Benj n Lewis [ Esqrs. Holman Freeman J The petition of a number of the inhabitants of the County of Effingham being read and considered, ORDERED, That Colo. Stephen Johnson and Capt. M c Kenzie be and are hereby appointed Magistrates for the said County of Effingham agreeable to the prayer of the said petition. The Board adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 395 Council Chamber, Savannah i6 th Nov r 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President. Thomas Maxwell 1 Benj n Lewis > Esqrs. Holman Freeman J In pursuance of a proclamation dated 15 th October 1782. b) the United States in Congress assembled, expressing their desire the Thursday the 28 th of Nov. Inst. ensuing be appointed a day of solemn thanksgiving in conformity thereto we recommend to the inhabitants of this State, that the said 28 th day of Novem ber Instant be set apart as a day of solemn thanksgiving through out the State. The Board adjourned to Tuesday next 10 o Clock. Council Chamber, Savannah 19"" Nov. 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President. Thomas Maxwell ] Benj n Lewis }- Esqrs. Jonathan Bryan j Mr. Francis Paris is hereby required and ordered to furnish His Honor the Governor and Council with the sum of one hun dred and twenty pounds specie, on Friday the 22 nd Instant, or to deliver into the custody of the Sheriff of the County of Chatham, three negroes of the names, viz, George, Tom and Emanuel, on the said day at 10 o Clock in the forenoon 396 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Agent, Mr. Frederic Rolfes, is hereby authorized and im- powered to impress forage for the use of the Continental Horse, until the next meeting of the Board ; distressing no particular persons. The Board adjourned to Friday next. Council Chamber, Savannah 22 nd Nov r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Thomas Maxwell Benj n Lewis Jonathan Bryan Edward Jones. JEsqr 8 The petition of M r Frederic Rolfes being read and consid ered Therefore, ORDERED, That Mr. Samuel Stites be and is hereby appointed as an assistant to the said Rolfes with the usual rations and pay. ORDERED, That Edward Jones and Thomas Maxwell Esqr 8 be and they are hereby appointed to examine the bonds in the hands of the Commissioners of the forfeited estates. And that they do make report to this Board on the next Council day. The Board adjourned to 10 o Clock to-morrow morn.g MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 397 ; * Council Chamber, Savannah 23 rd Nov r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Thomas Maxwell Benj n Lewis \ Edward Jones Jonathan Bryan j ^ The petition of sundry officers of Burke County recommend in : Hugh Lawson Esq. to be appointed Colonel of the Alilitia of tluii County Therefore, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to have a Commission made out, appointing the said Hugh Lawson, Col onel of the Militia of the said County of Burke; in the room cf Colonel Emanuel who has retired A letter from Colonel James M c Kay being laid before the Board,, respecting the out layers and Torys, who infest this State, the same being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the said James M c Kay be authorized and per mitted to raise a company of ten or twelve men for the purpose of suppressing these blood-thirsty and diabolical villains and for the protection of the peaceable inhabitants of this State, And that His Honor the Governor be requested to order a Com mission made out for that purpose The Board adjourned to Tuesday next 10. o Clock. 398 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 26 th November 1782. Present, His Honor The President Edward Jones Esq r Thomas Maxwell ] Benjamin Lewis Jonathan Bryan Benjamin Lewis V Esqrs. WHEREAS, it appears that there may be a want of salt, for ti; use of the Continental Troops, as \vell as the citizens of th>- State, !j !; -j^ ORDERED, That the exportation of salt is hereby prohibited from this day until the next setting of the Assembly and further ORDERED, That the Secretary do prepare a proclamation pro hibiting the same accordingly. ORDERED, That Mr. Thomas Lamar be furnished with ten bushels of salt out of the public store, on account of a quantity of arms, amunition &C. brought from Augusta agreeable to r return of 3O th August last by the Commissary of Military Stores, in part of his account for that purpose. The Board adjourned to 10 o Clock Friday next. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 399 In Council Savannah 29 th Nov r 1782. Present The Honble. Edward Jones Esq. President. Thomas Maxwell ] Benjamin Lewis [ Esqrs. Jonathan Bryan j The papers of W m Temple Coles, respecting negroes he re ceived from the public of this State in payment of horses being read and considered, ORDERED, That the said W m Temple Coles, be referred to the next setting of the Assembly. The Board adjourned to 10 o Clock to-morrow. Council Chamber, Savannah 3O th iNov r 1782. Present, His Honor The President, Edward Jones Esq r Thomas Maxwell ] Benjamin Lewis [ Esqrs. Peter Deveaux J The Board adjourned to Monday 2 nd December 10 o Clock in the morning. 400 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Council Chamber, Savannah 2 nd Decenf 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell } Esqrs. Benjamin Lewis A letter from Col. John Skey Eustace, respecting the feeding and transportation of sundry negroes from Char 8 Town, belong ing to the inhabitants of this State, being read and considered Therefore, ORDERED, That the whole of the said expence be enumerated by Col John Skey Eustace and Major Peter Deveaux, who were appointed Commissioners for that purpose and the same be pro portioned agreeable to the number they may have brought the same to be paid by their respective owners. The Board adjourned to to-morrow morn.g 8 o Clock. Council Chamber, Savannah 5 th Dec r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell \ ^ Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux / The petition of Solomon Milner, for the purpose of procuring negroes, his property, now at S* Augustine being read and con sidered Therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 401 ORDERED, That the said Milner have permission to procefe 1 there on board the Flag-, Schooner from thence John Toble?-" blaster, and to carry with them one hhd. of Tobacco, to bear His expences, and twenty four head of poultry for provisions The Board adjourned to 9 o^ Clock to-morrow. Council Chamber, Savannah 6 th Dec r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Tones Thomas Maxwell 1 ^ i iisnrs Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux j The application of Capt. John Morrell to proceed to S Augus tine in a Flag-, respecting his taking with him, some provisions for his support while there endeavoring to procure his negroes lately taken and carried there, Therefore, ORDERED, That the said Morrell be allowed one hundred bushels corn and two barrels rice to defray the expences attending this business Council Chamber, Savannah 23 rd Dec r 1782. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell ) g . Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux / J WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that there is at present no- 26 r r- vol 2 402 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS apparent prospect of a scarcity of provisions in this State, His Honor, with the advice of his Council aforesaid, thinks proper to supercede a proclamation of His Honor dated the 2 nd ultimo lay- Ing an embargo on all sorts of provisions, by a proclamation of this date It is Hereby Ordered, The same be supercedecl under certain restrictions, until the determination of the Legislature is known on the same. Adjourned to 9 o Clock to-morrow inorn.g Council Chamber, Savannah 3i st Dec r 1782. WHEREAS, Major John Habersham and Samuel Stirk Esquire, were appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, to class the persons who resided in and about the Town of Savannah, and the County adjacent. And Whereas, it appears, from the return made by the said Gentlemen, that the business was by them performed, and that many of the said persons, so classed as afore said, have neglected to furnish the Continental army with sub stitutes ORDERED, That the said Major John Habersham and Saniuei Stirk Esquire, do immediately require the said persons to furniih their substitutes to the Continental Army within fifteen days f ror. the date hereof, And in case the persons so classed as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to obey the tenor of this order ; that im mediately after the expiration of the said fifteen days, the sa/ Major John Habersham and Samuel Stirk do take the names of each class and draw from among them one name, who shall be deemed the substitute, and shall serve as a Continental Soldier, until the class furnishes another in his room. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 403 Council Chamber Savannah 4 th Jan y 1/83. Present His Honor the Governor Edward Jones Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis Peter Deveaux Esqr 3 WHEREAS, persons from other States come into this Town cr Country adjacent, whose characters are not known either to the civil or Military authority. AND WHEREAS, it is absolutely necessary for the safety of the State, that every enquiry should be made and report thereof made to this Board. RESOLVED,, That every transient person arriving in this Town, do within twenty four hours after his or her arrival, at tend the Attorney General, and make report to him, and in case any suspected character should be found within the limits of the said Town or the Country adjacent, they will be immediately secured and confined as enemies to this and the United States and dealt with accordingly. RESOLVED ALSO, That any person under the above descrip tion that have, since the fifth day of August last or shall come into any of the other Counties in this State, that they do, within the time limited, appear before the nearest Justice of the said County and make report as aforesaid, who is hereby required to transmit regularly once every month a return of persons to the Executive Authority of this State. WHEREAS, some time since, sundry negroes were legally con demned in the Court of Vice Admiralty, to the use of this State, and set up at public sale, for the particular purpose of defraying the present exigencies of Government and for other purposes And W T hereas, the same were sold for the satisfying the said 404 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS exigencies. And Whereas, it appears to this Board, that the monies arising therefrom have not as yet been paid into the Treasury, and the said exigencies and purposes yet remain unset tled It is therefore, ORDERED,, That the bonds given by sundry persons in part or whole of the said payments for such negroes sold as afore said, be assigned by His Honor the Governor unto Jonathan Clarke Esquire for the sole purpose of defraying and satisfying the same; and that he take such steps for recovering the money due, or seizing the property so sold as shall appear to him most eligible for the purposes herein before mentioned Council Chamber Savannah 7 th Jan y 1/83. Present His Honor the Governor Thomas Maxwell Benjamin Lewis ) p rg Peter Deveatix Edward Jones } ^ ORDERED, That the Commissioners of Forfeited Estates do immediately proceed to procure the ten negroes, for His Honor the Governor, from any person or persons who have forfeited the same, for the purpose of supporting the family and person in the exercise of Government, agreeable to a resolve of the Honorable the House of Assembly passed in Augusta, the 4 th day of May 1782. And that the said Commissioners be furnished with a copy of this order. Members of the Executive Council for 1783. Chatham .James Bryan )^ John Morel {Esquires MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 405 Effingham Jenkin Davis l^ W m Holzendorf f Es( l m Burke John Fulton fesauires Benj n Lewis $ nsqm Richmond Zacharias Fenn Esquire Wilkes Walton Harris J James Little ) Liberty John Elliott James Stuart SIR, In notifying to your honor your appointment to the Office of Chief Magistrate of this State, we cannot but congratulate our Country on so happy an occasion. The early and decided part which your honor took in the cause of America, and exertions in the course of the arduous and important struggle which pre ceded the auspicious dawn of independence, confirm us in the fullest assurances, that under your administration a continued practice of Whig principles will prevail ; and a strict execution of those wise and salutary laws, which have been passed in former Assemblies for completing the safety and welfare of the State. Your honor may rely on the assistance and support of the Assembly on every occasion ; and we shall think we only fulfil our duty in discharge of the high trust reposed in us, by affording every aid in our power that can promote the general tranquility and establish JVhigism on a permanent foundation. J. H. Speaker. 8 th January 1783. 406 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS His Honor the Governor s answer. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly. I esteem your unsolicited appointment of me to the office of Chief Magistrate of this State, as the greatest honor; and am affected with sentiments of the warmest gratitude on the oc casion. The early and decided part which I took in the cause of America originated from a full conviction of the justice and rectitude of the cause we engaged in, has uniformly continued as the principle of my heart, and I trust will, to the last mo ments of life. If I can, by a strict attention to the various objects of Govern ment, and a steady and impartial exertion of the powers with which you have invested me, carry into execution, the w r ise and salutary laws of the State, it will afford a pleasing prospect of our future welfare, brighten the dawn of independence, and es tablish the genuine principles of whigism on a firm and perma nent foundation. The Confident reliance, Gentlemen, on the wisdom of the Council you have assigned me, and the firm support of your honorable House, affords a flattering expectation of succeeding in this difficult and important trust. (Signed) L. HALL. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 407 In Council, Savannah 9 th January 1783. Present His Honor the Governor Benjamin Lewis Jenkin Davis ^ John Elliott Zacharias Perm > Esquires. John Fulton and James Bryan J The Board proceeded to the choice of a Clerk or Secretary when David Rees was by a majority chosen. John Riley was appointed Messenger and Door-keeper. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o clock. In Council Savannah io th January 1783. The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis "| Walton Harris John Elliott > Esquires. Zacharias Fenn John Fulton J Application of Motlina Powledge for half bushel salt fur nished the public. ORDERED, That the same be returned her. which was ac cordingly, returned. Motion made that a President be chosen agreeable to the Constitution postponed till more Members attend. 408 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Letter from Charles Thompson Esq r Secretary to Congress, dated 4 th November 1782, notifying the appointment of His Ex cellency Elias Boudinot Esq. to the Presidency for the ensuing year. Application of Samuel Stirk Esq r one of the Commissioners on a late embassy to S l Augustine, in a Flag &C. requesting that certain articles bought of Mr. Greenhow, for that voyage, charged to the private account of the said Samuel, may be placed to the account of the State, was read Whereupon, ORDERED, That Mr. Greenhowe be requested to debit the State for the same. Letter from Cap 1 Patrick Carr, 28 th Decem r 1782, was read. ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Honorable the House of Assembly. Petitions Joseph Fox and Isaac Cloyett was read ORDERED, That the same be referr d to the Honorable House of Assembly. Adjourned till 4 o Clock afternoon. The Board, as above mentioned, met by adjournment. Affidavit of Doctor John Irvine, setting forth the bad state of health of a certain William Ross, who came in a Flag from S* Augustine, and that it would endanger his life to send him off at this juncture, was read ORDERED, That the said Ross have permission to remain on shore till Tuesday next; then to proceed with Gregory Cozens Flag, Good Intent. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 409 Petition of William Peacock dated 15 th Decem r 1782, was read. ORDERED, That it be referred to the Honorable House of Assembly. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. Savannah II th January 1/83. The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis Benjamin Lewis ) John Elliott Zacharias Fenn > Esquires. John Fulton Walton Harris J Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honorable House of Assembly, by the Secretary with sundry papers of a public nature. Council Chamber II th January 1783. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, A variety of papers received during the administration of the late Governor, have been handed to me and are of such a nature as to require the attention of your Honorable House I hope the affair of the Indians will engage your early attention. Application made for a passport for the Flag, Schooner S k John, to depart this State. Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 o Clock. 410 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 13 th January 1783. / The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis ~| John Elliott Benjamin Lewis > Esquires Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris J Motion made that a Committee be chosen to draw up certain rules and regulations for the government of this Board when Jenkin Davis, Zacharias Fenn and John Elliott were chosen. Application of James Weatherford to send by one of the Flags, to East Florida, the children of Martin Weatherford granted Letter from Capt. Lowe praying permission for himself, Mrs &. Miss Tatnall, to remain here till some family concerns were adjusted was read ORDERED, That it lay over till to-morrow. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. AllXUTESOF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 411 14 th January 1/83. The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Zacharias Fenn "| John Elliott Jenkin Davis > Esquires. Walton Harris Benjamin Lewis J Application Frederic Rolfes, purchasing Agent, for an order to obtain supplies in his department, ORDERED, That he be furnished with powers and instructions to enable him to procure such supplies. Copy of the order follows, SIR, You are hereby directed and empowered to make diligent ex ertions in procuring supplies for your department, on account of the public, if the same can be found on any of the amerced estates, you will take such part as you may have occasion for, at the same time giving proper receipts for every such article, and keep a regular account thereof, to be rendered when called for at all times, having special regard not to injure individuals, more than the necessity of the measure lays you under, this order to continue in force until provision shall be made by the House of Assembly, to obtain supplies in some other way and no longer. D. R. Secy E. C. John Dollar Esquire attended the Board and qualified, with giving security, as Sheriff for Liberty County. 412 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS House of Assembly, January 13 th 1783. The House being- informed that a number of Creek and Chero kee Indians have been some time on the Oconee s with a number of negroes, horses and other property, that has been plundered and carried off by the enemies of this State, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to appoint some person or persons, to receive the aforesaid prop erty, deliver it to the proper owners, and to send a talk to said Indians, with some presents proper for the occasion. That His Honor the Governor be and is hereby authorized to call on the Commissioners of Confiscated and amerced es tates, for so much of that property, as may be necessary to purchase goods to the amount of a sum not exceeding one hun dred and fifty pounds for that purpose. Ex* from the Min. JN WILKINSON C. II. A. Pursuant thereto, the following order issued. Gentlemen, His Honor the Governor being authorized by the Honble. House of Assembly, to call on the Commissioners of confiscated .and amerced estates, for a sum not exceeding one him . I red and fifty pounds of such property, for the purposes therein men tioned, You are therefore requested to furnish, as soon as may be, the said sum to his Honor. By order of His Honor D. REES P. Sec 7 The Commissioners of Confiscated } and Amerced Estates. " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 413 The letter of Capt. Lowe, laid over from yesterday was taken into consideration ORDERED, That they be permitted to remain on shore till Sunday next; provided, they give assurance, that in the interim they provide themselves with a Boat or other conveyance to re turn to S l Augustine agreeable to the tenor of their Flag. Application made by Capt. Cozens, to remain till sunday next, to have his vessel cleaned Granted Adjourned till 3 o Clock this afternoon. Letter from George Baillie Jun r (son of Ann) ad dressed to the House of Assembly, accompanied by a resolve of the House, was read Whereupon, ORDERED, That the said George Baillie Jun r , be permitted to proceed to South Carolina, in order to procure a quantity of corn not exceeding four hundred bushels, for the use only of the said Ann and her family. Four poor women came from S* Augustine in the Flag, Cozens, namely, Mrs. Sizemore, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Silk-cock and prayed to come on shore, they were in dulged and permitted to stroll to their former habitations. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 414 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 15 th January 1783. The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis \ John Elliott Zacharias Fenn j Message from His Honor the Governor to the House of As sembly. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen; The papers respecting Indian affairs, which I had the honor of transmitting to your Honorable House a few days past, should be glad to review, and request they may be returned for that purpose as soon as convenient. John Greene Esq r attended the Board and qualified as Sheriff of the County of Effingham, took the oaths and gave security according to law. Application made by Higgins, the Pilot, for rations for him self and two men, for thirty days Granted, he to be accounta ble for the same. House of Assembly 15 th January 1783. Letter from Capt. Lowe requesting Mrs. & Miss Tatnall and himself, to remain ten days longer than the time already granted them, ORDERED, That the letter of Mr. Lowe on behalf of himself Mrs. & Miss Tatnall be referred to the Governor and Council with a recommendation, should no inconvenience appear to them arising from the measure, they be permitted to stay the time re quested Ex. from the min. JN WILKINSON C. H. A. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 415 ORDERED,, That the request be granted, and that the Secre tary do give them such permit. Sundry accounts from British Merchants, residing in Savan nah, for goods supplied the public and army, under convention with General Wayne were examined, ORDERED thereon, That the same be referred to the Honora ble House of Assembly soon as they can be all collected. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 1 6 th January 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis "| Benjamin Lewis Zacharias Fenn V Esqrs. Walton Harris John Elliott J Petition Marjery Haven, Widow, praying for a pass for S* Augustine, on her way to Europe, also to carry provision for her family and six or eight barrels rice which she was obliged to take instead of cash, for articles she sold to procure her pas sage for Ireland was read" .-V ORDERED, That a passport be granted Marjory Haven and her family as requested and permit to carry provisions for them but whether she can be permitted to carry six or eight barrels of rice or not, be referred to the Honoble House of Assem- bly- ORDERED, That Mr. Fulton and Mr. Fenn be the Commit- 416 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS tee to carry the said petition and order thereon, to the Hon orable House of Assembly. The said Committee returned and reported that they went with said petition and order, but that the House was adjourned for the day. Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Friday 17 th January 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis "| Benjamin Le\vis Zacharias Fenn > Esquires. Walton Harris John Elliott J The Committee appointed to draw up rules and regulations for the government of this Board, presented the same, ORDERED, That they lay on the table for consideration Message to the Honoble. House of Assembly, with the peti tion and order thereon, of yesterday. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen &C We beg leave to acquaint your Honorable House, that having appointed a Clerk, Messenger and Door-keeper to this Board, we request your Honoble. House will be pleased to provide such salaries for them, as shall appear adequate and sufficient to en gage them to give constant attendance on us. Letter from John Wallace, a British Merchant, requesting MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 417 permission to go to Charles Town, S Carolina on business of. some consequence was read Granted Adjourned till 10 o Clock Monday morning- Message from His Honour the Governor, to the Honblc House of Assembly. Mr. Speaker, arid Gentlemen &C. I made immediate application to the Commissioners of the Confiscated and Amerced Estates agreeable to your order of the 13 th Inst, for the supplies therein mentioned, to procure some presents for the Indians, but not receiving any as yet, must recommend to your Honble. House that a supply some way be procured as soon as possible to enable me to carry into exe cution your benevolent intention. And as some of the Indians are impatiently waiting at the Oconee, and others expected to arrive daily, and as some time will be necessarily taken up in procuring and conveying to them the intended presents, hope your Honble. House will take this matter into immediate consid eration i Council Chamber i8 th January 1783. Brought by the Messenger of the House. House of Assembly January 17 th 1783. Message from His Honor the Governor and Executive Coun cil was read. ORDERED, That the petition of Marjory Haven be referred back, to His Honor the Governor and Council to proceed on as they may judge proper. 27 r r vol 2 418 . THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, that the message from the Council respecting their Clerk, Door-keeper and Messengers salaries be referred to a Committee for the estimation of the respective salaries for the current year. Extract from the Minutes JN WILKINSON C. H. A. Monday 2O th January 1783. The Board met by adjournment Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis [ p Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn ) " " Gerald Byrne in a Flag from S l Augustine, came before the Board, produced his papers and interceded to remain as a citi zen of this State, ORDERED, That he must immediately return as mentioned in his Flag, and that he attend this Board to-morrow morning n o Clock. Brought by the Messenger of the House. House of Assembly, 2O th January 1783. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to call on, and require all and every person or persons who may have in their hands, bonds or other specialties, belonging to this State, on which monies may be due or owing ; together with all papers respecting finance, to deliver them to him, and that he MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 419 be requested to lay a state thereof, before this House, on or before Monday next. Ext. from the minutes JN WILKINSON C. H. A. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 21 st January 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Fulton ^ Zacharias Feiin Walton Harris V Esquires. James Bryan ) Message from His Honor the Governor, to the Honble. House of Assembly, by the Secretary to the Ex. C. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen, A letter yesterday received from His Excellency Genl Greene, I take the liberty of laying before your Honorable House, and as it contains excellent observations on the present particular situation of this State, considered in a Military view, pointing out some valuable regulations for our defence and security; and also, as it recommends, with propriety, the necessity of immediate supplies for the army, hope, it will meet with that attention, which those important objects require. Council Chamber 2 I st January 1783. In Council, Savannah 2i st January 1783. 3, the Honorable House of Assembly on the 2o th in- 420 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS stant, did resolve that His Honor the Governor be requested to call on and require all and every person or persons, who may have in their hands, bonds or other specialties, belonging to this State, on which monies may be due or owing, together with all papers respecting finance, to deliver them to him, and that he be requested to lay a state of them before their House, on or before Monday next. ORDERED, That all and every person or persons, having in their hands, such bonds, specialties or papers respecting finance do forthwith deliver or cause the same to be delivered to his Honor the Governor, thereby enabling him to comply with the said resolve. N. B. This notice was put up at sundry places. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Harris a Committee carried the accounts of sundry British Merchants to the Honorable House of Assem bly, and returned. Capt n John Howell, commanding the Galley, Sailors Delight, came into Council and informs that last Friday night, being near the place called Dovjboy, one of the southern inlets of this State, he brought to a boat, from the people of which, he learned that a number of armed boats were actually fitting out at S l Augustine to be man d with negroes and tory refugees, intended to infest the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, to plunder and procure provision which they said was very scarce in Florida ; These boats were to be under convoy of an armed Sloop of sixteen guns, commanded by one Hood, And that he was informed, that provisions were frequently transported from the southern parts of this State to East-Florida, under pretence of Flags or otherwise House of Assembly January n th 1783. On motion, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 421 immediately prepare and send a talk to the kings and beloved men of the Creek and Cherokee nations and inform them that it is the desire of this State to meet them in a Congress at the Big Shoals on the Oconees, on the first day of May next, in order to demand a cession of land as a consideration or attone- ment for the many injuries ; and to renew our treaty of peace and friendship with them; and to negociate such other matters, as may be consistent with the safety and interest of all parties. And whereas, it will be expedient and necessary that Com missioners be appointed by this House, to join His Honor the Governor or any person or persons by him appointed to attend the said Congress of Indians Therefore, RESOLVED, That this House will proceed to the appointment of such Commissioners on Monday next Ext. from the Minutes JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Motion made and seconded, that a Committee be appointed to re-consider the resolve of Saturday last, being the i I th , re specting a cession of lands from the Indians; that such Com mittee do report the number of Commissioners necessary, and the mode of appointment The Committee appointed to re-consider the resolves of Satur day last, respecting Indian Affairs made a report ; which, after some amendments, was agreed to and is as follows. That it is the opinion, that the number of the Commissioners to be appointed are seven, and that they be appointed by this House, and that any five of them or more, together with His Honor the Governor, in case of emergencies of the State will admit of his being present, shall constitute a Board, vested with full power and authority on the part of this State, to treat, 422 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS confer, and agree with the aforesaid Indian Nations, on all mat ters relative to a cession of a claim of land, and to negociate and agree on such other matters and things as may be conducive to the mutual interest and safety of all parties. And your Com mittee are of opinion, that the time for holding the said Con gress is too distant and they apprehend, that the fifteenth day of March next be the time of holding the said Congress. Ext. J. WILKINSON. In Council, Savannah 2i st January 1783. WHEREAS, it has been represented to this Board, that per mitting British Officers to be at large in this State, at this juncture, may be of dangerous tendency, whereupon, RESOLVED, That Capt. Lowe, who came in a Flag, com manded by a certain Gregory Cozens, from East-Florida, be limited to the plantation whereon John Mulryne now resides, thereon to remain till it may appear consistent with good policy to enlarge his bounds; And that the Commissary of prisoners be requested to acquaint him immediately therewith. Message from His Honor the Governor to the House of As sembly. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen, Having reeceived the following information from Capt Howell, I thought it necessary to lay it before your Honorable House, that the earliest opportunity may be embraced, to provide against any plundering boats, that may be designed to infest the coast. If the information received by Capt Howell, from the people of the Boat, was true, it ought to rouse our attention to provide for our safety. If false, at that time, still, from the ac counts daily received, of the great scarcity of provisions to the southward, we have reason to fear, that an attempt of a similar nature, may be soon framed against us. So that in either case, I think, if the State can provide a Galley, or some suitable armed MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 423 vessel, to protect our coasts, it may be a means of preventing any attempts to annoy us. Council Chamber ) 21 st January 1/83. ) Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 22 nd January 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Jenkin Davis j Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn > Esquires James Bryan i .; ; ) House of Assembly 2i 8t January 1783. The House proceeded to ballot for Commissioners to hold a Congress with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, when counting the ballots, General MIntosh, General Twiggs, Colonel Clark, Colonel William Few, Edward Telfair Esq., Colonel John Mar tin, and General Elbert were declared duly elected. Ext. &C. JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Application Ann Stuart, to go to S* Augustine on private business Granted Application, Rachel Hover to go to S l Augustine on private business Granted Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10. o Clock. 424 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 23 rd January 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Fulton } Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris > Esquires James Bryan ) Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honble. House of Assembly. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. Application has been made to me to order supplies for the Continental Battalion and other troops in this State, and a pro posal of obtaining such supplies by exchanging negroes, belong ing to the State for the same, as the demand is pressing, must recommend it to your Honorable House to take this matter under immediate consideration. Council Chamber ) Sav h 23 rd Jan y . 1783. j Adjourned till 4 o Clock P. M. Petition of Cornelius Collins, setting forth that he had given his private note for sixty bushels wheat, obtained for, and ap propriated to the public use, whilst on duty in this State. ORDERED, That the consideartion thereof be postponed. House of Assembly 23 d January 1783. WHEREAS, there is an absolute necessity to procure provisions for the Continental Troops now on duty in this State, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 425 RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered to enter into such contracts for that purposee as may be thought advantageous. And that he be further empowered to call on the Commissioners of forfeited estates for two negroes to fulfil such engagements. Ex* from the Min. JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. Friday 24 th January 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn [ ^ Walton Harris James Bryan J nsqrs Sundry applications being made respecting the restrictions of the 2o th instant laid on Capt Lowe ORDERED, That the same be taken off. Application of Joel Walker to go to S l Augustine in the Flag, Schooner Felecity, to recover some debts and look for some of his negroes Granted. House of Assembly 23 d January 1783. That a Committee be appointed to confer with His Honor the Governor on the subject of his Message to this House, of the 2i st instant and that Mr. Telfair, Mr. Clay, and Mr. John Hous- toun be the Committee for the above purpose. JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 426 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 2 5 th January 1783. Three of the Members gave their attendance and adjourned till Monday Morning 10 o Clock. House of Assembly 25 th January 1783. By a Committee. A Bill for taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the amercement law of this State; and for restoring- him to r*5 all the rights, priviledges and immunities of a free Citizen, was read the second time, ORDERED, That the said bill be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that Mr. Fort and Mr. John Andrew ; be a Committee to wait on them with the same. Ext. from the Min. JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A, Monday 27 th January 1783. Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis Walton Harris ^ Zacharias Fenn John Fulton > Esquires James Bryan James Stuart ) Application of William Thompson, a British Merchant to go to S 1 Augustine by the Flag, Schooner Felicity, to transact some MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 427 business and return by the said vessel or the next opportunity was read Granted. Petition of George Barnes, praying permission to go to S* Augustine, with the Flag, Schooner Felicity, and to carry his family, three negroes, his baggage and provisions necessary for the passage was read. ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Honble House of Assembly, respecting carrying away the negroes The Board proceeded to the choice of a President, when on summong up the ballots, the Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. was found to be, by a large Majority, duly elected. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Savannah 28 th January 1/83. The Board met, Present Honble Jenkin Davis Esq r President John Fulton, James Bryan ) Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris / Petition of William Barton, George Luscomb, Thomas Woods, prisoners, belonging to the British ; and Henry Crofts, late prisoner but now exchanged, on their parole and going to S 4 Augustine, praying to be allowed some rations to subsist on whilst here, and on their way thither ORDERED, That the Commissary of prisoners do furnish them with ten days rations for the above purpose, and that the Com missary of Prisoners do cause the same to be charged to account of rations supplied the British. 428 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Present, His Honor the Governor, 4 o Clock P. M. Application of Col S. Johnston, for three bushels salt, to be delivered Capt. Lanier for public use Granted He to account how the same is appropriated, also, requesting that he could have Philip Mensey, Joseph Dawtry, and Parris Simms, to go tip with the said Lanier, on the same purpose they went up on heretofore, as it is dangerous for him to go up alone ORDERED, That the Commanding Officer be requested to let the said three men go up with Capt. Lanier, for the above pur pose. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Savannah 2g th January 1/83. The Board met, Present The Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Zacharias Fenn \ ^ Walton Harris James Stuart J h S( l ul The Committee appointed to draw up rules and regulations for the future government of this Board, Report, That they had drawn up the same, which being read, para graph by paragraph, were unanimously agreed to by the Board, and are as follows to wit, i. Every Member to attend at the time of adjournment or forfeit, for every quarter of an hour after till he attends, the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 42S sum of two shillings and four pence, specie, valuing the dollar at 4/8. without a reasonable excuse offered to, and accepted of by the Board. 2. When His Honor the Governor takes the Chair, every Member to take his seat uncovered. 3. An}- member speaking on a subject to address himself to the Chair, standing and not be interrupted bv any other Member. 4. No member to speak on any one subject, more than twice, without first obtaining special permission for that purpose. 5. No member to absent himself, without first obtaining leave, under the forfeiture of two shillings and four pence money aforesaid. 6. Any member making use of indiscreet or unbecoming lan guage whilst at the Board to forfeit one dollar specie 7. Any member coming into Council drunk, to forfeit one dollar specie. 8. All and singular the above fines and forfeitures to be paid into the hands of the Secretary of the Board for their use, and that as soon as they become due Col Clark produced to the Board a certificate from Capt. S. Alexander, setting forth that himself, Capt Heard and Capt Beckcom, had enroled in their companies of riflemen, forty four privates, and that they had marched them, down near Savannah, w r here they joined General \Vayne, agreeable to a Resolve of the Honorable House of Assembly ; passed at Augusta 23 rd April 1782. A certificate accompanied the same by Col Clark afore said they were brought to the field and served under General Wayne during his stay in Georgia. On which the Board are of opinion that there ought to be produced a regular Pay Roll of the same, with the names particulary of every man, the time of their enlistment and discharge respectively. 430 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Honorable House of Assembly. Joseph Austin acquainted the Board, that a certain Capt. Hooten and his plundering crew, carried him to Kilkenny, where they hauled up their Boat to repair her, from which place he made his escape on Monday night last ; he heard them say they intended to proceed to Crooked River, with intent to rob one Jackson there. A. Bill brought from the Honorable House of Assembly by a Committee, entitled "An act for taking William Stephens from and out of the amercement law and restoring him to all rights and priviledges, liberties and immunities of a free citizen" was read and approved of. ORDERED, That Mr. Fulton and Mr. Stuart be a Committee to carry back the said bill. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Savannah 3<D th January 1783. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn "j John Fulton James Bryan V Esquires" James Stuart j Petition of Nathan Holden to be considered as a citizen of this State and to bring in with him certain negroes purchased of James Butler, previous to the evacuation of Savannah, also to have assurance from this Board, that the same shall not be liable to seizure and confiscation was read Granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 431 Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honble House of Assembly. Mr Speaker and Gentlemen, A state of such bonds and specialties as I have been able to obtain, in consequence of your resolve of the 2O th instant, is herewith transmitted your Honble. House also a letter received from Mr. Rae, superintendent of Indian Affairs ; which, I would recommend to your consideration The Indians already arrived are numerous ; more, with the Talasee King are daily expected ; consequently considerable supplies of provisions will be wanted to support them, till they can be properly dismissed ; I have directed Mr. Rae to take a particular description of the property they have, or may deliver; and wish some further regulations might be pointed out, respecting the necessary supply, and the disposition of the property I have further to recommend to your Honorable House; to fix on the most convenient places for stationing the Dragoons ordered by Genereal Greene for our defence, and also the necessary supplies. I am informed twenty of them are already arrived in this Town, and as many more on their way and now waiting for directions to what places they shall repair Hope you will take this matter into your imme diate consideration. I have also received certain intelligence of two Galleys of the enemy being below cockspur, yesterday evening and of their having captured two Schooners & several boats, in consequence of which, I have engaged Capt. Howell with his Galley and men, and with volunteers from on Board several vessels in the river; . and also a detachment of a Captain and twenty men from the Continental line, with an armed boat to go in pursuit of the enemy. On this occasion I have given Capt Howell an assur ance, that his Galley shall be on the risque of the State, and pay ment to be made him, for the necessary supplies, till he returns Hope this will meet your approbation and concurrence. 432 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS House of Assembly 3O th January 1783. ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to in form the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops ; that it is the pleasure of this House, that the twenty dragoons on their way to this State, take the best rout to the Town of Au gusta in this State, to wait such orders as they may from time to time receive. RESOLVED, That this House do approve of the Governors engagement with Capt. Howell, that his Galley, be at the risque of the State ; and that he be allowed for the expences and neces sary supplies on this occasion. Ex 1 from the Min. (signed) JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 3i st January 1783. The Board met, Present Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton James Stuart James Bryan Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris Esqrs. WHEREAS, it is highly necessary for the preservation of good order and the internal police of this State, that due attention and respect be paid by every officer of Flags of Truce, and all other persons coming in such, from S l Augustine or any other Port or Harbour of the enemy. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 433 It is ordered, That from and after the day and date hereoi* no Flag of Truce, or vessel whatever, coming as such shall, Oil any pretence whatever, presume to come up the river Savannah, above the Fort, without special permission first had and obtained for that purpose, from His Honor the Governor and Commander in Chief for the time being, or the Executive Council, or from some other person, by him for that purpose authorized. That no person whatever, Captain or Passenger coming on such Flag, or Vessel, presume, on any pretence whatever, to quit the same, or come on shore without permission as aforesaid be first had and obtained for that purpose. That all letters, or other papers brought in such Flag or Vessel be immediately sent to His Honor the Governor, and the Execu tive Council, the Commanding Officer of the Military, or to some other person, by him or them for that purpose appointed; and by every such person so appointed immediately to be trans mitted to His Honor the Governor and the Executive Council. That on any person or persons coming in such Flag or Vessel, and refusing to deliver all such letters or papers as aforesaid the Officer at the Fort, for the day, and the Commissary of Prison ers or either of them, are hereby empowered and required to enter on board every such vessel, and there to make diligent and strict enquiry and search for the same. And every such person, coming in any such Flag or Flags as aforesaid, that shall hie found in the practice of such non delivery or concealment of letters or other papers is hereby deemed, and shall be held, un worthy of any indulgence from this Board. That all Flags &C. to undergo the like search and examina tion for letters &C. at their quitting this State, and that no let ter be suffered to go, or be put on board any such Flag, without being first produced to His Honor the Governor or Executive Council, any person whatever coming under the above descrir>- tion, and shall contemptuously or otherwise presume to do or 28 r r v. 1 2 434 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS cause to be done, anything contrary to this order shall be im mediately taken and put into close confinement, where he, she or they shall remain untill released by order of His Honor the Governor or Executive Council. That this order is meant to extend to all and singular the Ports, Harbours, Inlets and Creeks, within this State, as far as the distance and situation of such place or places respectively admit of ORDERED, that the military Commanding Officer of the Garri son, the Commissary of Prisoners, and the Collector for the Port of Sunbury in the County of Liberty be respectively served with a copy hereof, which they are hereby requested and enjoined to see put in strict execution. WHEREAS, it is represented to this Board, that a certain Gre gory Cozens, sometime since in a Flag from S l Augustine, com manding the same, hath, contrary to the intent and meaning of his Flag, refused to return to S l Augustine aforesaid, but in di rect violation of such, and the general tenor of Flags, proceeded to enter into traffic with one or more of the British Merchants. And further, that he the said Gregory Cozens, hath, without any license or permission, solicited or obtained from this Board, the Honorable House of Assembly or any other power, competent to grant the same presumed to make sale of the said Flag, called, "the Good Intent;" to some one or more of the British Mer chants aforesaid, thereby incapacitating himself to return as it is pretended, therefore, ORDERED, That the said Gregory Cozens, do and shall depart this State in the Flag, that shall first proceed for S l Augustine aforesaid. And that the Commissary of Prisoners do acquaint him therewith. Memorial of Andrew Burnes, respecting a bond given in the year 1782. to a Mr. Smith and mislaid, praying, that on his deposition of knowing of said bond, as to where it was or MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 435 might be, another might be filled up to the same purpose was read ORDERED, to lay over till further search be made for the origi nal. Benjamin Lanier, Theophilus Lundy and John MKenzie qualified as justices for the County of Effingham. Samuel Stirk Esquire, Attorney General being sent for at tended the Board, and gave as his opinion that the Sloop Good Intent, whereof Gregory Cozens was late Master, is liable to seizure and confiscation. Daniel MMurphy attend the Council and qualified as Register of Probates for the County of Burke. The Board adjourned till Monday next 10 o Clock. 3 d February 1783. The Board met, and adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Message from His Honor the Governor to the H. A. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. The repeated applications made to respecting the want of sup plies for the support of the Continental Troops in this Town, in duces me again to recommend to your Honorable House that some mode may be pointed out for their speedy relief as it may prevent their pilfering under the severe laws of necessity which I am informed has been the case to the injury of some of our good citizens. And that some suitable person or persons may be appointed to furnish the proper supplies for the detachment of Dragoons ordered to Augusta and the mode of procuring such supplies. 436 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS I have also, to recommend to your Honorable House the peti tion of Mr. Henderson, herewith preferred; He has just arrived and as I am desirous he may speedily return, to go forward to the Creek-Nation with a talk, inviting them down to our in tended General Congress, and to carry dispatches to the Super- intendant, Mr. Rae, in answer to those received and herewith sent you ; I beg leave to request your Honorable House to take his petition into your immediate consideration. And also to make some provision for Mr. Cozens, who accompanies him in his journey to the Nation. Council Chamber Savannah, 3 d February 1783 Tuesday 4 th February 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. James Stuart James Bryan \ ~ Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris / t!/S( l rs - John Lawson Jun r attended and qualified as Collector for the Port of Sunbury. Petition J. Carney to go to E. Florida with J. Holden was read and granted. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 437 Wednesday 5 th February 1783. The Board met, Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. Presid James Bryan James Stuart Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn Message from His Honor the Governor to the H. A. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. A letter received from His Excellency Governor Tonyn, is herewith transmitted your Honorable House, containing a requi sition of so important a nature, that I must request that you will take the same into your deliberate consideration and come to such resolutions thereon as may enable me to return an answer consistent with the safety, interest and honor of the State. I have further to recommend to your Honorable House the con sideration of some immediate payment to Mr. Henderson and Cousins to enable them to return and proceed to the Creek Na tion soon as may be. Council Chamber House of Assembly Feb y 4 th 1783. ORDERED, That the Clerk do transmit to His Honor the Gov ernor, a list of the Civil Officers, appointed for the present year, And that His Honor be requested to make official communication to them in order that they may qualify according to the Constitu tion. House of Assembly January 3i st 1783. The House proceeded to the election of the several civil offi cers for the present year, when the following were chosen ; viz, 438 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS George Walton, Chief Justice; Samuel Stirk, Attorney Gen eral; John Martin Treasurer; John Milton, Secretary; Richard Call, Surveyor General; Joseph Woodruff, Collector for the Town and Port of Savannah; John Lawson Jun r , Collector for the Town and Port of Sunbury; George Jones, Register of Probates for the County of Chatham; Benjamin Heard, for the County of Wilkes ; John Appling, for Richmond County ; Daniel M c Murphy, for Burke County; Theophilus Lundy, for Effingham County; and Thomas Baker, for Liberty County. Ex 1 from J. WILKINSON C. H. A. House of Assembly 4 th February 1783. RESOLVED,, That as whereas it appears that the inhabitants of Liberty County, who have lately returned to their habitations, since the restoration of American Government, labor under the greatest distress for the want of grain of every sort for the sup port of themselves and their families ; and as it is a duty incum bent on all wise Governments, to contribute to the releif and maintenance of their citizens by all just means in their power. RESOLVED,, That His Honor the Governor be authorized and empowered to contract for, and procure two hundred bushels of rice, for the use of the inhabitants of Liberty County ; they to be accountable; And for this purpose, to apply any part of any property, real or personal, vested in the State, in payment of said rice. Ex 1 from the Minutes J. WILKINSON C. H. A. His Honor the Governor, in Council. The Honorable George Walton Esq. attended the Board and qualified as Cheif Justice for this State, agreeable to a resolve of the Honorable the House of Assembly, and in conformity to the Constitution. Adjourned to morrow morning 10 o Clock. MIXUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUXCIL. 439 i February 6 th 1/83. The Board met, Application made by Margaret Clarendon to go to Charleston Granted Application made by Marjory Spalding, to go to E. Florida Granted. Application made by Peter Duboy to go to Cha s Town- Granted. A bill was brought from the Honorable House of Assembly entitled "A bill for the releif of sundry poor and indigent per sons" some clays since by Mr. Benjamin Andrew and Mr. Alex ander, but as it was generally unintelligible, it was sent back by Mr. Stuart and Mr. Harris, a Committee. House of Assembly Feb y 5 th 1783. The Committee appointed to confer with His Honor the Gov ernor respecting the purchasing Capt Howell s Galley report, which was agreed to. They have conferred with His Honor respecting the same, and they recommend to the House, that His Honor the Governor be empowered to purchase the said Galley, with her guns, tackles, furniture. Boats &C. for the use and on account of this State, for a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds, sterling, and there after to officer, man and contract with some person for the find ing of the said Galley on public account and to cause her to be employed in such manner, and for such purposes as His Honor the Governor may judge most conducive to the security of the commerce of this State, and the protection of the Islands and inlets within the same. Your Committee further Report, That it appears to them, there are bills of exchange belonging to this State, in the hands of the late Governor, drawn 440 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS by an order of Congress on the Minister Plenipotentiary at Ver sailles, to the amount of eighteen dollars; and they recommend that His Honor the Governor he authorized to obtain the said Bills and appropriate them towards the purchase of this Galley, as far as the same will go, and for the ballance, as well as for the necessary expenditure for Bounty provisions, and other mat ters respecting the said Galley from time to time. His Honor the Governor be empowered to draw on the Treasury of this State or to apply any public monies for that purpose. Extract from the minutes T. WILKINSON C. H. A. Application James Walsh to go to East Florida -Granted. Copy of an order to Mr. Josiah Powell. Sir, Agreeable to the resolve of the Honorable House of Assembly authorizing me to contract for, and procure two hundred barrels rice, for the use of the inhabitants of Liberty County they to be accountable; and to apply a sufficient part of any property real or personal, vested in this State for payment of s d rice ; I hereby authorize and empower you, in my stead to contract for. and procure the quantity of rice above mentioned assuring the person or persons you may purchase of, that I will, as far as in me lies, comply with the said resolves. Sir, Your ob l & humble Serv* Josiah Powell Esq r (signed) L. HALL. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 441 Friday / th February 1/83. The Board met, Present The Honorable Jenkin Davis, Esq; President Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris James Stuart James Bryan A bill to bring in a bill for empowering a less number of Com missioners to be a board, than is mentioned in the Act passed at Augusta the 4 th May 1782. for inflicting penalties on, and con fiscating the Estates of such persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State, and for other purposes therein men tioned, brought from the House of Assembly by Mr. Few and Mr. Johnson was read ORDERED, That Mr. Fenn, and Mr. Harris be a Committee to return the said bill without an}- amendment. Bill for the relief of helpless orphans, widows and other in digent persons, was brought ORDERED, to be returned with some amendment. Bill fixing the depreciation to one standard was read. Bill to enable Commissioners to build a Court House and Jail, and establish a Town in the County of Richmond was read. Bill for building and repairing Court Houses and Jails in the several Counties, and for other purposes therein mentioned, was read. ORDERED, That Mr. Fenn and Mr. Bryan be a Committee to carry back said bills. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o clock. 442 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 8 th February 1783. The Board met, Present The Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. President. James Stuart Walton Harris } p Zacharias Fenn James Bryan \ ^ As the Honble. House of Assembly were in a Committee of the whole House yesterday, when Mr. Bryan and Mr. Fenn, a Committee from this Board, carried several bills to them, ORDERED, That they be returned by Mr. Fenn and Mr. Har ris, a Committee. Application made by Patrick Crookshanks, for John Conir to go to S* John, East Florida, with Tobacco Granted John Jones attended the Board and qualified as Magistrate for Burke. Application made by Capt Lowe for a Flag and passport for himself, Mrs & Miss Tatnall. in an open boat with six hands for S l Augustine, & Mrs Tatnalls servant, also permission to put on board, Capt. Cozens, some poultry and other stores with their baggage, was read, and in part. Granted. Application of Richard Henderson and William Cousins, that their tavern expences whilst in Town should be defrayed by this Board, they to be hereafter accountable was read Amount 8. 5. 4 Assump. Granted. George Jones attended the Board and qualified as Register of Probates, for the County of Chatham. Bill to point out a mode for the recovery of property unlaw- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 443 fully acquired under the British usurpation and withheld from the rightfull owners, and for other purposes therein mentioned, brought from the Hon House of Assembly by a Committee, Mr. Johnson & Mr. Lundy was read. ORDERED, That Mr. Harris and Mr. Bryan be a Commitee to return the same without any amendment. Application made by Col Clarke to go to East-Florida, to recover sundry horses plundered from him, and permission to put on board fifteen barrels rice to defray the expences attending thereon Granted. Application made by His Honor, Lyman Hall Esquire, to be permitted to ship, for East-Florida by Capt Cozens, a Flag six barrels rice to defray the charges attending the recovery of some negroes, plundered from him and carried thither Granted. Application Meredith Davis, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Spalding to proceed to East-Florida. Granted. WHEREAS sufficient reason hath been rendered this Board to evince the illegal practice of shipping off provisions and other articles in the several Flags of Truce, and other vessels fre quenting this Port and Harbour, contrary to the tenor of Flags of Truce, the customs and usages of Nations in such cases, and the express permission raid directions of the Executive authority of this State. Therefore, ORDERED, That from and after the day and date hereof any Master of a Fl?g of Truce, or passenger going therein, or any other person or persons whatever, who shall, contrary as afore said, ship or put on board any Flag or Flags of Truce, or other vessel going as such or otherwise, from this Port or Harbour to any other Port or Harbour; or cause or suffer to be put on board any such Flag or vessel as aforesaid any manner or kind of provision or produce, otherwise than what is expressly and particularly mentioned and set forth in the Flag passport or other 444 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS permission obtained for such Flag or Flags of Truce, or other vessel as aforementioned, from his Honor the Governor, and Commander in Cheif for the time being, by and with the advice, and consent of the Executive Council, the same and every part and parcel thereof, shall be and is hereby declared to be liable to seizure and confiscation the appropriation thereof to be here after pointed out- It is further ordered, That the Collectors for the Ports and Harbours of Savannah and Sunbury respectively be hereby em powered and required to make diligent and strict enquiry and search for the purpose aforesaid on board every such vessel as above mentioned ; and all and every such article of whatever kind not expressly mentioned in such permission obtained as above directed the said Collectors or either of them within their respective limits and jurisdictions, their deputy or deputies may immediately and they are hereby required and enjoined, without further directions or instructions, to seize on, and into his and their custody and possession take, making a regular return there of to His Honor the Governor and Executive Council soon as possible after such seizure shall be made, that the same may be further dealt with as to law and equity shall appertain. ORDERED, That the Secretary of this Board to serve or cause to be served Joseph \Yoodruff and John Lawson Jun r Esq rs with a copy hereof. Board adjourned till monday morning 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 44* Monday io th February 1783. The Board met, Present The Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. President. John Fulton Walton Harris ) ^ s Zacharias Fenn James Bryan j" George Smith, his wife and three children and one negroe boy,. Adam Smith, Nicholas Harter, David Hungerpuhler, a wife and one child, and John Hungerpuhler came from Nassau and begged permission to pass to the four holes in South Carolina, near which they formerly resided. Granted. ORDERED, That Mr. Frederic Rolfes do forthwith transmit an account of the expenditure of the public salt, the quantity on hand &C. &C. Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honble. House of Assembly. Mr. Speaker & Gentlemen &C. Agreeable to your resolve 23 d ult I have frequently called on the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates, but not being: as yet furnished with the negroes mentioned in said re- O ^ solve, have not been able to fix a contract for the necessary sup plies. The troops in this Town are now again destitute of pro visions, and the detachments of Dragoons ordered to Augusta in the same situation I have to request your Honorable House will take both these cases into consideration and direct in what manner they may be supplied I have further to recommend to your Honorable House the appointment of a Member to take his seat at the Council Board in room of Charles Crawford Esq. of Richmond County resigned. And also a Member for Wilkes, 44.5 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS County instead of James Little Esq. who has not taken his seat in your Honorable House and that a suitable provision may be made for the support of the Honorable the Executive Council. Council Chamber Sav h io th February 1/83. Application Cap 1 Lowe - - Murphy and Mr. Andrew M c - Lean to go to East Florida. House of Assembly 5 th February 1/83. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to recommend to the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops, doing duty in this State, to establish a small command on the Island of Cock-Spur, or such other place as will best pro tect the Port and Harbour of Savannah ; and that if it shall be found necessary to erect any small works for the better effecting the security of the said Port and Harbour; that His Honor the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council be and they are hereby empowered to cause the said works to be erected and to take such other measures as they may find necessary to com plete the same. And as it will be necessary to have some iron cannon to mount at the said battery, as well as at other places, that His Honor the Governor be empowered and required to con tract and agree with any person or persons whatever, for the importing and bringing in for the use of this State, four eighteen or twenty four pounders together with a quantity, not exceeding two tons of cannon, and two tons of musket powder, with a proportionate quantity of shot for the said guns, and also a suffi cient quantity of lead, and this House will provide a sum suffi cient for the said purposes. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered and required to inform the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops, that twenty dragoons late from the State of South Caro lina, are intended to occupy a post at or near Meazles Ferry on Ogechee, and that it is the wish of this House they hold them- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 447 selves in readiness for that purpose. And that His Honor the Governor be empowered and required to draw supplies of forage and provisions in such manner as may prove least burthensome to the inhabitants, for the purpose of Continental supplies, untill contracts and better modes can be regularly made and provided. Ext. (signed) JOHN WILKINSON C. H. A. Davis and Joseph Austin, of their own free will and accord voluntarily attended the Board, took and subscribed the oath of allegiance to this State, &C. &C. Lieut. Col Cooper applied to the Board for thirty pair of pistols for the use of the militia, under his command ; and a sufficiency of flints for the same, ORDERED, That the same be granted say 30 pr. pistols 120. flints. Council having examined the several persons sent by the At torney General ; amongst them a certain Richard Collet was examined whereupon, ORDERED, That the Attorney General be empowered and re quired to deal with him as to justice shall appertain. (Copy) House of Assembly 25 th July 1782. RESOLVED, that the Governor be requested to order any of the public stores or arms belonging to the State, to be removed to any place that may be necessary, and made such use of as he, with the advice of his Council may be of opinion, that the ex igencies and defence of the State may require. A true copy. (signed) JOHN WILKINSON. Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honorable the House of Assembly. 448 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. As some doubts have arisen respecting the extent of the gra tuity, ordered by the Honorable House of Assembly, by their resolve of the first May 1782. to the Officers who composed the line of the State on the establishment of the United States, and as no regular return hath been made of such Officers, must re quest your Hon. House will decide whether the Officers, who were deranged at the time of passing s d resolve are entitled to receive the said gratuity and whether the Officers of the Dra goons, and widows of Officers composing the line at that time (since deceased) shall be entitled likewise Adjourned till 10 o Clock to-morrow morning. II th February 1783. The Board met, Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq r President John Fulton John Elliott "} Walton Harris James Bryan V Esqr" Zacharias Fenn j Application Thomas Palmer to go to S l John s E. F. Granted. Council taking into consideration a resolve of the 5 th instant respecting sending twenty men (Dragoons) to Meazles Ferry on Ogechee, and the ways and means for supplying the same with provisions &C. ORDERED, That Mr. Chesley Bostick, at Augusta, and Mr. Meazles, on Ogechee be engaged to provide the necessary sup plies for the same, in consequence whereof the following order was wrote them, viz, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 449 You are by advice and consent of the Honble Executive Coun cil, hereby authorized and empowered, as agent to contract for, and supply the detachment of Dragoons, which are ordered to he stationed at Augusta, on the best terms you can possibly; for the benefit of the State and in such manner as may prove least burthensome to the inhabitants and it will also be your duty to supply forage as well as provisions, and charge the whole the vState. Sir, Yours &C. (Signed) L. H. Mr. Chesley Bostwick. N. B. a similar one sent to Theophilus Luncly Briar Creek. Bill brought from the House of Assembly by Mr. Few, entitled "A hill for opening the land office, and for other purposes therein mentioned" was read, and ordered to lay on the table for fur ther consideration Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Wednesday 12 th February 178,3. The Board met Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq r President. John Fulton Walton Harris John Elliott Zacharias Fenn The bill for opening the land Office & was again taken into consideration and 29 r r vol 1 450 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That with the following amendments it be re turned by Mr. Elliott and Mr. Fenn. Proposed amendments to the land bill & First ... As it is a well known fact, that the unlocated lands, now remaining within the present boundaries of this State, is poor refuse land ; that the Inhabitants of this Country do not think worth applying for, consequently, the idea will be com municated to intended comers from other States, and thereby defeat the desired and wished for advantages resulting to this Country by emigration; For they will say, and very naturally, that if they must purchase. barren heaths and dreary wastes they may as well brave their few pence in the Country where they at present reside in; from which, and other considerations, it is our opinion and advice that such of the unlocated lends as are in the present boundaries of this State, be generously gii en to all such adventurers who will come and accept of them. And for that purpose, that the clause respecting purchasing c. be omitted, as tending obvious!} to render null and void the intention of hold ing out encouragement to migrators Secondly . . . We advise and recommend a total change or abolishing of fourth paragraph ; as it now appears to us unprece dented, impolitic and unjust Unprecedented, as such method of appointing County Surveyors yearly and every year, hath not been known or made use of in our land, but if this must be the case, let the County Surveyors be chosen during good behaviour and not yearly Nor hath the mode of obtaining warrants &C. for land, in the manner therein pointed out been the custom of any of our neighboring States. Impolitic, as it will involve the Grantees or Proprietors in innumerable perplexities and expences unnecessarily accumulated by being necessitated to run thro so many offices; every one of which, will, probably, cost the persons applying, severally, as much as the former and accustomed mode of obtaining warrants &C. altogether ; and Unjust, as it is cal culated to obliberate, even the shadow of an equal representation MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 451 from the inhabitants of this State, in ordering warrants to be issued from each County for land, to the manifest injury of the inhabitants in general, being distant from where the lands, so to be granted, are, by giving in effect all the good and valuable lands in this State, and to which every, the most distant citizen thereof has just and equal claim to the disposal of, to a jew, to wit, the inhabitants of such particular County ****** tj ie partiality intended by this mode is strikingly obvious, and ought to rouse the the most humble citizen. Those great and in valuable sources of wealth are, by that paragraph, without the consent and advice of the representatives in general, who are the true, and only proprietors, to be given and disposed of, at the will and pleasure of the Justices of of that County, or a majority of them, thereby shutting out all the other inhabitants of the str.te ; or at best giving them only the refusals after the particular inhabitants of the said County, or their next neighbours are satis fied with the fat of the soil. By this paragraph also, the right of disposing of our property, only by the consent of ourselves, or our legal representatives, is snatched away from every free man of this state; except the Counties aforesaid, and the invaluable and inherent priviledges 01 being" represented in the hearing and determining all caveats, wherein the Inhabitants of the Easternmost and Southernmost Comities, ought in justice and equity to be fully and impartially represented; the inhabitants of all the central and lowest Coun ties will be as mere cyphers in the disposal of their own property, even denied a voice m the most consequently great and important concerns of the State. For remedy whereof, we do recommend, on the strength of the said reasonings, that the clause of para graph for selling the nnlocated lands, within the present bounda ries of this State be repealed; and th?t the mode of obtaining lands by warrants &C. be as heretofore had in like cases; or that a Court be appointed for the express purpose of receiving petitions for land, granting of warrants, hearing of caveats &c. to be com posed of one member out of each County, to be, if necessary 452 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS added to the Executive Council ; and that they, or a majority of the said Court so to be composed, shall be deemed competent to exercise all the powers relative to the land office for the pur pose aforesaid. AND WHEREAS, in the 9 th paragraph it is provided for, and ordered that any person being entitled, on the 29 th day of Decem ber 1/78, by any law or order of the present government, to a grant of lands already run and located by such person or per sons, that in all and every such, case, the said grant shall now ac tually pass, and be signed and scaled without any further or ad ditional cha rages or incumbraces in ccn.-equen :e of this law, upon the sair.e, except Office Fees. The Council are of opinion, and recommend that a clause or paragraph be added, entitling all and singular, the persons who emigrated into this State, under the encouragement, and by virtue of, a proclamation, issued in the year one thousand, seven hundred and seventy eight, in order to procure lands and set tlements in the same but from the local situation of our affairs at that time, the warrants and grants for the said lands could not then be had and obtained, but that they sat down several parcels or tracts of land theretofore unlocated, and improved the same more or less, to a prior right or inheritance in and of the said lands so sat down on and improved, or their legal representa tive Provided always nevertheless, that this paragraph sluili not extend, nor be intended or construed to intend extending beyond the present temporary boundaries of this State. The Council further advise and recommend, that to prevent advantages being taken by a few designing men to the damage and injury of the people at large, a clause be added in the io a paragraph of the said bill for opening the land office, and in the 15 th line of the same, and until the mode of granting such lands as may be added to the present boundary of this state shall be agreed on and determined by the Legislature and published by proclamation issued from His Honor the Governor and Execu- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 453 tive Council . . . and as to the be inflicted on persons who trans gress the known laws, rules and regulations of this State in gen eral, and this paragraph in particular, respecting people en croaching on the lands the property of the Indians. The Council are of opinion that every such offender ought to be rendered incapable of ever holding any lands or possessions in this State, or from the priviledges of applying for, or obtain ing any warrant or warrants for land within this State for ever. House of Assembly 12 th February 1783. RESOLVKD That His Honor the Governor be empowered, out of the first monies in the Treasury, to pay to Cap 1 Peter Emanuel De La Plaigne, considering his particular situation the sum of fifty pounds. Extract from the ir,inutes. J. WILKINSON. Message from His Honor the Governor Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. I request the return of the letter received from Governor Tonyn, and that I may be furnished with such resolutions as your Honorable House may have entered into respecting the same. Adjourned and met 454 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 13 th February 1783. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esqr. President Zacharias Fenn John Elliott \ James Bryan J John Morel attended the Board and took his scat as Councillor for the County of Chatham. Theophilus Luncly attended the Board ?nd qna ired as Regis ter of Probates for the County of Effinghara. Thomas Ogden made application for a permission to S l Au gustine. Granted. House of Assembly 5 th & n th February 1783. RESOLVED, That this House will appoint agents \vith powers and instructions to settle and adjust the Northern boundary of this State, and that His Honor the Governor be requested to com municate this resolution to His Excellency the Governor of South Carolina, in order that the Legislature thereof may co operate in this measure. The House proceeded to the choice of Agents with powers and instructions to settle and adjust the Northern Boundary of this State when the following Gentlemen were chosen, viz, Gen eral Lachlan MIntosh, John Houston and Edward Telfair Es quires. Extract from the minutes J. W. C. G. A. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 455 14 th February 1/83. The Board met Present Honbl 6 Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Zacharias Fenn \ ^ John Elliott John Morel / ^ S( l rs - Message from His Honor the Governor to the H. A. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen & c I have to request your Honorable to appoint a Committee of conference that I may lay before them some matters respecting the civil list, of the state. Another of the same day. I have received a letter from His Excellency Benj" Gerrard, Governor " of the State of South Carolina, covering some re solves of their House of Representatives, respecting the appoint ment of Commissioners on their part, to treat with Commis sioners on the part of this State, on the proper mode of fixing the boundaries of the two States, and as I shall communicate, as soon as may be, to the Governor of South Carolina, similar re solves of your Honorable House, shall be glad to know if any addition is necessary, before my dispatches are closed. House of Assembly 14 th February 1783. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be acquainted that this House, having already taken up subjicted contained in his Message, respecting the boundary between this State and South Carolina, and appointed agents for that purpose, have not any thing further to observe on that head. -56 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council 14 th February 1783. Sir, Pursuant to a resolve & I recommend to you to establish a small command on the Island of Cock-spur, or Tybee, for the protection of the Port and Harbour of Savannah, and if neces sary to erecting any small works thereon for that purpose. Major Habersham commanding the Continental Troops in Georgia I am C. (Signed) L. HALL. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 15 th February 1783. The Board met House of Assembly 9 th February 1783. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered and required to issue his proclamation, requiring all the citizens of this State, to make out and render to him, within four months from this date, to be lodged in the Secretary s Office, a true and just account of all losses and damages sustained by them, by means of the ravages of the enemy since the commencement of the present war, particularly specifying the same, and that the said losses and damages be sworn to, before the Chief Justice, or any one or more of the Assistant Judges. RESOLVED unanimously, that His Honor the Governor in Council, be authorized, empowered and required to grant and sign a Commission, under the Great Seal of this State, to Lachlan M c lnto3ii, John Houscton and Edward Telfair Esqrs., Agents ap- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 457 pointed to settle and adjust the Northern Boundaries of this State and in and by the said Commission to grant them the said Agents or any two of them full and sufficient power and au thority to enter & proceed upon, and with all convenient dispatch to finish and conclude, or endeavor to finish and conclude the said business with the State or Legislature of South Carolina ; or any person or persons by them or under their authority duly authorized for that purpose as Agents or Commissioners of that State, in such way and manner as shall be comformable to the rights of the inhabitants and free citizens of this State as declared and secured to them as well by charter, bearing date the day of in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hun dred and thirty two, as by a proclamation after the Treaty of Paris, in the year 1763. ORDERED, That a copy of the above be immediately present ed to His Honor the Governor, and that Mr. Clay and Mr. Few, be a Committee for that purpose. Ex. from the min. JOHN WILKINSON C. G. A. Pursuant to a resolve of the Honorable the House of Assem bly, 5 th inst. His Honor, by and with the advice and consent of the Council did purchase of Capt. John Howell of North Caro lina, a Galley, called the "Sailors Delight," with all and singular the apurtenances to her belonging, as per inventory, for the sum of five hundred pounds sterling; and thereupon, paid into the hands of Mr. Thomas Ogden, Merch* eighteen hundred dollars in seven setts Bills of Exchange, drawn on our Minister & c at Versailles, which were received from the late Governor, Martin. On which the said Thomas Ogden gave a bill of sale for the said Galley dated at Savannah 12 th Ins 1 House of Assembly 12 th Feb y 1783. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to 458 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS t^i.ke such order on the letter from Governor Tonyn, of East Florida, as in his opinion will best tend to the honor, interest and safety of this state. Ext. JN WILKINSON C. G. A. In Council T5 th February 1783. ORDERED, That the Sec y of the State be required to prepare a proclamation on the resolve of the Hon. House of Assembly of the 9 th Inst. requiring all the citizens of this State to make out, and render to him, within four months from this date a true and just account of all losses and damages sustained by them, by means of the ravages of the enemy & c & c Adjourned till Monday morning next 10 o Clock. House of Assembly i6 th February 1/83. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be empowered and requested to make such communication to the Commander in Chief of the Southern Army, or any of our Allies, or friendly powers, as he, in his opinion may deem necessary to promote the common cause, and if the safety and defence of this State should require, to pursue such measures as may be expedient, and this House will make good all expenditures not exceeding five thou sand pounds. RESOLVED, That the late Governor, Col Martin, be requested to deliver the bonds, received by him for the amount of sales of a certain number of Negroes condemned for the use of this State, to His Honor the Governor. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to pay the Attorney General, his last years salary, out of the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 451) monies arising from the sales of a certain number of Negroes condemned for the use of this State. Extract & c JA S JONES Clk. pro. tern. In Council Savannah T7 t!l Fcb y 1783. Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton John Morel Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris Esqrs. Richard Call attended the Board and qualified as Surveyor General of this State. Thomas Ogden produced an account against this State, for the Galley, Sailors Delight, purchase money 500. and an ac count cf expenditures on a late cruise prior to the purchase, amo 1 42: i/: 2. Gerald Byrne applied to the Board for permission to proceed to S l Augustine, in an open boat, and his wife in the Schooner Felicity, John Collins, Master; having given bond in the Secre tary s Office Granted. Message from His Honor the Governor to the Hon. H. A. Mr. Speaker & Gentlemen &C C Agreeable to your resolve of yesterday I applied to the late Governor Martin, for the delivery of bonds referrd to, and re ceived for answer the letter herewith transmitted your Hon orable House, which I recommend to your attention, with the order of the Honorable the Executive Council, of the 4 th January 460 last past, appropriating those bonds, as appears by their minutes, which also beg leave to lay before you, and request that your Honorable House will decide on the propriety of insisting on the delivery of those bonds, and how far the order of Council appropriating the same should take effect. Adjourned. The Board met by adjournment 1 8 th February 1/83. Present His Honor the Governor. Honbl. Jenkin Davis Esqr. President John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris John Morel. Capt Brown, of the State Galley, Sailors Delight, attended the Board, stating that there were four people on pay in the service -of the said Galley, and that rations were wanted for the same ORDERED, That the issuing agent be required to issue rations for them accordingly. Application being made by Mr. William Struthers for permis sion to go to Europe, agreeable to a resolve of the Honorable House of Assembly Granted. RESOLVED, That all Flags of Truce, coming from any Port or Harbour, of the enemy, to any Port, Harbour, Creek or inlet in this State to the Southward of Tybee, do, without going on shore, or holding any correspondence with the inhabitants of this State as aforesaid, or without -delivering any letters of communication or embassy whatever, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 461 proceed to the Port and Harbour of Savannah in the said State, that the purport of their so coming, shall be first communicated to this Board. ORDERED, That the Collector of the Port and Harbour of Sunbury, his deputy or deputies, be empowered and strictly en joined to take cognizance of every such Flag or Flags of Truce, or other vessel coming under such pretensions into any of the Harbours, Creeks or inlets as aforesaid, who shall presume to make any delay in any such Harbour, Creek or inlet; or put on shore, from any such Flag, or Flags of Truce or other Vessel as above described, any person or persons, paper or papers, or any other article whatever, without as above directed, And that the said Collector, his deputy or deputies, shall immediately take charge of every such Flag or Flags of Truce, or other Vessel as aforesaid and then conduct, or cause to be conducted, without any delay, to this place, that they may be further dealt with, as to law, Justice and custom of nations shall appertain. It is further ordered, That the Commanding Officer of the Militia for, and in the County of Liberty be likewise empowered and required to issue his orders, in consequence hereof, to all the Officers of the Militia under his command, that they be vigi lant in apprehending any such offenders as mentioned above, who may be found, in the absence, out of the knowledge, or thro the neglect, of the said Collector his deputy or deputies, that they may be dealt with accordingly. ORDERED,, That the Secretary of this Board, transmit a copy of this resolve and order to the Collector aforesaid, his Deputy or Deputies and to the Col of Militia aforesaid, for his and their future government. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. 462 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Savannah 19 th February 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. President. John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris On Motion, ORDERED, Tlial the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates he required to immediately attend the Board- Order issued accordingly. WHEREAS, information hath been lodged with this Board by Joseph Woodruff, that a female child, named Susannah Ham mond, hath been barbarously and cruelly dealt with by a certain under pretence of being bound to during British usurpation in this State. ORDERED, That the said Joseph Woodruff be empowered to take the said child from and out of the possession of the said and her retain in his charge till further order be taken thereon James Jones, Francis Pugh. Jared Irwin and John Clements Esqrs. attended the Board and qualified as Magistrates for Burke County. Petition James Adamson praying permission to go to East Florida in an open boat with three hands and to return Granted. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 463 Savannah 2O th February 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honble. Jenkin Davis President. John Fulton Zacharias Fenn ) ^ Walton Harris ( ^ sar * Letter and petition of Capt. James M c Kay on account of John Maxwells Estate, was read laid by for another time. Letter from Seaborn Jones, respecting a house, the property of his brother, occupied by the soldiery, was read ORDERKD, to lav on the Table. In Council Savannah Ji st Feb y 1/83. Present His Honor the Governor. Honbl. Jenkin Davis Esqr. Pres dt John Fulton Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn > Esqrs. The petition and letter of yesterday from Capt James MKay \vas re-considered ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates, do permit the negroes late deemed the property 464 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of John B. Maxwell to plant and follow other occupation till a future day, without any trouble or molestation whatever on the score of being confiscated or otherwise. The letter of Seaborn Jones of yesterday was taken into fur ther consideration whereupon, ORDERED, That the Commanding Officer of the Soldiery be requested to have the Troops removed from the said House, and possession given to the petitioner on behalf of the Proprietor. 22 nd February 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn Esqrs. The Board taking into consideration the difficulty of supply ing the Troops doing duty in this State, on account of the great scarcity of provisions. And whereas, great numbers of the good citizens of this State, have, and are daily expected to return to the same, with their families, with the expectation of procuring supplies on their return, which said Troops and good citizens as aforesaid with their families will probably suffer yet more difficulties, unless some step be taken to prevent the exportation of grain and other provisions for a limited time, whereupon, ORDERED, That His Honor the Governor do issue his procla mation prohibiting the exportation of any sort of grain from and out of this State, untill the fifteenth day of May next, unless the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 465 said prohibition shall be taken off, or license granted for that purpose by His Honor and this Board. ORDERED, That the Secretary of the State be furnished with a copy of this order, and that he be requested to prepare a proclamation for the above purpose, for His Honor s inspection and for the press. Florence Sullivan Esq r admitted an Attorney at Law, by the Honble. House of Assembly, attended the Board and qualified accordingly after having taken and subscribed the State oath. 25 th February 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton Zacharias Fenn John Morel > Esqrs. Memorial of John Wereat, Attorney for Thomas Savage,, praying an order for some provisions for his negroes was read. Order thereon, That it is impracticable for this Board to com ply with it at this time. Letter of Mordecai Sheftall requesting permission to ship off sixty two whole, and twenty nine half barrels, Philadelphia Flour, 8 Firkins Butter, 4 bbls. bread, 4 bis. pork, 30 kegs biscuit and some loose onions, to Charleston, South Carolina, setting forth that he imported the said articles into this State and cannot get sale for them here. Granted. Motion made that the support of the Executive Council dur ing their attendance, be taken into consideration. 30 r r TO! 1 466 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLYKP. That the Councillors while they attend on that duty, and no longer, ought to be allowed, three dollars per day, in lieu of a salary, as heretofore determined by the Honbl. House of Assembly the 4 ; " of August last. ORPERED. That the said sums of three dollars per day, for each Councillor be allowed them accordingly, and that the same shall be paid weekly if demanded; for which purpose it is fur ther, ORDEREP. That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates do pay into the hands of the Secretary to this Board, so much money as will answer the above purpose of de fraying the accounts of the Councillors, attending on business us aforesaid. Motion made that the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates he required to give their attendance at the Hoard this afternoon. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Savannah jo th February 1783. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor. John Fulton John Morel "j Benjamin Andrew Zacharias Fenn V Esqrs. Walton Harris ) Benjamin Andrew Ksq. this day took his seat at the Board. Application made by James Lemon to go to S l Augustine. Granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 467 Zacharias Fenn Esq. one of this Board produced his account for fifty one days attendance in Council, and eight days allowed coming from, and returning to Richmond County, in all fifty r.ine days at three dollars per day makes $177.00 C r by cash received 16.00 Balance due. $i6i.ooZ. F. Walton Harris produced his account for the same considera tion fifty one days attendance, and ten days allowed him going from, and returning to Wilkes County, making sixty one days at three dollars per day is $183.00 C r Bv cash , 16.00 Balance due M r Harris. . . .$167.00 Walton Harris Esq. qualified as a Magistrate for the County of Wilkes. Zacharias Fenn and Walton Harris Esq s obtained leave of absence for one month. WUHREAS, nothing can have a greater tendency to promote the honor of God, the propagation of the Christian religion, and the spiritual welfare of the citizens residing in this state than the regular performance of divine service. And whereas, the several churches throughout the County of Chatham, and other Counties in this State, are much out of repair, owing to the great reglect of them for many years past. RKSOLVED, That it be recommended to the inhabitants of the said County of Chatham, to meet at the different churches there in, on the second Saturday of March next, and the inhabitants cf other Counties as soon as may be after the publication hereof, to elect and choose fit and discreet persons for vestry men and church wardens, and other officers for their respective churches for one year next ensuing. 468 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the same be sent to the Printer of the Geor gia Gazette for publication. The Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. In Council 2/ th February 1783. Two members met and adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Friday 28 th February 1/83. Two members met and adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Saturday I st March 1/83. Two members met and adjourned till Monday morning 10 o Clock. This day John Goldwire and Charles Odingsells waited on His Honor the Governor, and in consequence of his (John Gold- wire,) being taken off the confiscation, and put on the amerce ment act, took up the bonds given by Charles Odingsells afore said for two tracts of land sold as the property of the said Gold- wire, in Effingham County confiscated. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 469 In Council Savannah 3 rd March 1783. Present His Honor the Governor. Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Benjamin Andrew John Morel ? Esqrs. Proposals made by William O Bryan for bringing 1 in the Records and other public papers belonging to this State, now in Virginia or Maryland was read ORDERED, That the removing the said papers &C. be post poned till a future day. Petition Lieut Col Cooper of Liberty County Militia, setting forth that the Militia when embodied, would stand in need of supplies of provisions whilst on duty, ORDERED, to lay on the table till to-morrow. Petition of John Butler Maxwell for permission to remain on his late plantation at Ogechee, till the meeting of the next As sembly was read. Not granted. Application of Mr. James Greenhowe, a British Merchant to ship a few barrels rice, purchased from South Carolina, to East Florida, was read Referred for future deliberation. Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 470 TPIE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday 4 th March 1/83. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honbl. Jenkin Davis Pres 1 John Fulton Benjamin Andrews Esqrs. Petition of CoP Cooper of yesterday, was re-consideied, ORDERED, That ten barrels rice and two bushels salt be al lowed him for the purposes therein mentioned, and that an order Le drawn on the issuing Commissary or Agent for the same. Application made by Mr. Higgins, the Pilot, for rations for himself and t\vo men for thirty days from this date, he to be accountable for the same Granted. ORDERED, That Lieut. Col Jackson be requested to make a return of the Public Horses, that were in his corps, with their saddles & c the preceding year. ORDERED, That N. Wade, late Deputy Quarter Master, be requested to make a return of the public waggons and horses that were in his department the preceeding year. ORDERED, That Mr. Rolfes be again required to render this Board an exact return of the public salt, received by him, the dis tribution thereof, and the quantity remaining on hand. Mr. N. Wade answered the above order by a letter, informing that he had made a return of all the public waggons, horses &C. that came into his department whilst he was in Office, to the Hon- ble. Col Martin, late Governor. Mr. Wade also produced a re turn of the public horses, waggons & c MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 471 ORDERED, That the Secretary do write to the several persons having public horses, and waggons, mentioned in the said re turns, requiring them to render an account thereof to this Board. The Board adjourned till Thursday morning 10 o Clock. The Board was summoned to attend His Honor the Governor in Council. 5 th March 1783. Present His Honor the Governor. Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Morel Benjamin Andrew "\ -^ John Fulton / Esc l uires William Gibbons Sen r Esq., Foreman of the Grand Jury and Lis fellows, waited on His Honor the Governor in the Council Chamber, with the following information, to wit, Savannah March 5 th 1783. The Grand Jurors, having in a body, waited on His Honor the Governor, to inform him, by the Foreman, that they had, on this morning, made three efforts to lay before the Chief Justice and his associates at the Superior Court, certain present ments, agreeable to the duties of their body; that each effort had been attended with a peremptory denial from the bench, nor was the foreman permitted to present the grievances to the Court; it being urged, that they could only be read by the proper officer ; and he being unable to publish it without the concurrence of the bench, the Grand- Jurors were informed by the Chief Justice that the Court were resolved. Upon which, they retired to their 472 Chamber and called on the Attorney General, for his decision; The Attorney General, was decidedly of opinion, that present ments were to be made in such rotation as the Grand Jurors should determine ; and as the Court had adjourned before they could return, the Grand Jurors pray for a redress of this griev ance, from His Honor the Governor, by a suspension of the Chief Justice for the present Sessions, thereby enabling- them to pursue the functions of their body, and to preserve the current of Justice, which must otherwise become stagnant. M (Signed) W GIBBONS Foreman. The Board, after maturely deliberating on the information, given by the Grand Jury for the County of Chatham, are of opinion that the Chief Justice ought to be suspended from exer cising the Office of Chief Justice for the present Sessions ; and he is hereby declared to be suspended for the present Sessions. ORDERED, That the Secretary of this Board, do notify the same to the Chief Justice, the Foreman of the Grand Jury, and thro the Attorney General, to the Assistant Judges for the County aforesaid. Thursday 6 th March 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. The Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq r President John Fulton John Morel 1 ^ Benjamin Andrew / Letter James Gunn praying an order may issue to take a Ne- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 473 gro, named June, the property of the Estate of Joseph Wright, deceased, out of the possession of Richard Henderson was read Granted Letter from James Field, praying to be appointed a Vendue- Master in the Town of Savannah, was read. Davis Rees, appointed by the Honorable House of Assembly one of the Justices for the County of Chatham, was qualified as such before the Board. Jenkin Davis and Abraham Ravot Esqrs. attended the Board and qualified as Assistant Justices for the County of Effingham. WHEREAS, it hath been represented to this Board, that there is a scarcity of Magistrates : Petition of Rudolph Burhulter was read, ORDERED, That it be laid befoie the several Magistrates for the County of agreeable to a late act of the General Assem bly. Thomas Baker Esq. attended the Board and qualified as Regis ter of Probates for Liberty County. Application of Cap 1 Peter Emanuel De La Plaigne, for the payment of fifty pounds, pursuant to a resolve of the Honble. House of Assembly, dated 12 th February last. ORDERED, That an order be drawn on the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced property, to pay the said sum of fifty pounds to the said De La Plaigne out of the amercement of Benjamin Farley s Estate. Tuesday II th March 1783. No. Council. 474 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 13 th March 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honble Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton ) ^ r xiscirs benjamin Bryan and James Bryan j On Motion, ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates, do proceed to the sale of certain confiscated property, to wit. One tract of land on Whitmash, 380 acres, late the property of Joels One tract of land on White Bluff, 100 acres, late the property of One half lot in Savannah, and one negro fellow named Jacob late the property of George Fox. The said sale to commence on Thursday next at the hour of twelve in the forenoon, for cash only, to be paid in Gold and Silver, before the property thereof be altered, being for the purpose of raising money to procure Indian Goods, and other pressing exigencies William Lyford, (proscribed) forwarded, from Thunderbolt, to His Honor the Governor a Flag from Governor Tonyn and a letter from himself, praying permission to come to Savannah to adjust some private business answered in the negative. ORDERED, That he do immediately return to East Florida. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 475 Amongst others, he forwarded a letter from John Haley, of S ( Augustine, humbly imploring permission for the said Lyford tc return to this State with his family to reside. Adjourned till Tuesday next. Tuesday i8 th March 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis President John Fulton James Bryan Esqrs. Application of Patrick Crookshanks to export grain to E. Florida, which lie would bring from S Carolina, was read not granted. Application James Greenhow to export rice, which shall be brought from S Carolina, to E. Florida was read not granted. Memorial, Mary Ingram, praying that James Ingram, her husband, proscribed, may visit her & was read not granted. Petition Leonard Cecil, that he might Ship for S l Augustine, about 30 bis. Rice, which was paid him on account in S Caro lina, and now on board his vessel, was read Inadmissible Permission granted to A. Johnston for a negro, Jo and a child to go to East Florida, to Mrs. Jane Farley security is given & c 476 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 2O th March 1783. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor. Honble. Jenkin Davis President John Fulton Tames P>rynn Esquires. Application made by Major Finley, commanding the Continen tal Troops at Thunderbolt for supplies of provisions & RESOLVED, That an order do issue empowering the purchas ing Agent, or his deputy, to procure such provisions as may be necessary, either by purchase or impressing from the inhabitants of the state, so that the same be done in the least manner preju dicial or distressing to the inhabitants thereof. Order granted. This day John Wereat, Auditor General, produced two accounts against the state, amounting, in principal and interest, to seven hundred and ninety three pounds, eighteen shillings and two pence, which sum was resolved, by the honorable House of As sembly, II th Feby. last, should be received in payment of any bond or bonds he may have given to, and for the use of this State. And as they exceeded the amount of his bond and in terest amounting to six hundred and sixty nine pounds, six shillings and two pence, there remained a balance due the said John Wereat of one hundred and twenty four pounds, twelve shillings, specie value, for which His Honor the Governor gave him a certificate. Sundry papers from William Temple Coles Esq. of North Carolina, respecting negroes he had purchased the last year from a Committee & c And which were proved from him & c was read MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 477 ORDERED,, That the same be referr d to the next General Assembly. Petition of John Kell, dated 28 th Feb y 1783, praying to be appointed and confirmed in the business of Auctioneer for the Town, Harbour and Port of Savannah, was read Granted. On motion, ORDERED, That the lands of Sir Patrick Houstoun on or near Cathead, containing- three thousand acres, be sold by the Commis sioners of confiscated and amerced estates, on Tuesday next at 12 oClock at the Vendue House in Savannah, to the highest bidder, for cash, to be paid in gold and silver only, he having hitherto, tho frequently thereunto required, refused to pay his amercement. Petition Robert Grier, Commissary of Military Stores, pray ing for one or two pieces linnen, was read laid safely by Petition William Hornby, to carry or send four or five barrels Rice to S l Augustine, to defray charges on recovering his negroes there Permission for four barrels was granted. Petition of James Fields was reconsidered whereupon, RESOLVED, That as one Auctioneer is deemed sufficient for this place at present, and that Mr. John Kell has already been appointed to that place, the Board cannot, consistently, make another such appointment The Board adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock. 478 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 25" March 1/83. Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Honoble Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Benjamin Andrew John Morel James Bryan Esqrs Petition Darius Dalton of S Carolina, setting forth that he was taken near the month of Ashepoo River, by a British Galley, praying permission to go to S l Augustine after his property, and to carry with him four barrels Rice, to defray his expences there and hack Granted. Petition Thomas Stone, praying permission to send by some Flag, going to East-Florida, as much Rice as will serve fourteen negroes on their way hither. RESOLVED, That he be permitted to send four bis. Petition, John Morel, praying permission to ship five hundred bushels corn to S f Augustine to defray the expences attending getting his Negroes- . . Granted. On representation that Commissioners are much wanted for the Streets and Commons of Savannah, Ewensburg-h, Yama- craw and the Trustees Gardens, ORDERED, That William Stephens, Samuel Stirk, John Morel and Edward Davies Esqrs; Major John Habersham and Mr. Mordecai Sheftall be appointed for that purpose accordingly. Board adjourned till morrow morning 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 479 In Council, Savannah 26 th March 1783. Present His Honor the Governor. Honble Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton James Bryan \ ^ Benjamin Andrew J " ORDERED, That Charles Jones, D. Q. M. be and he is hereby authorized to procure, in the least distressing manner, a supply of corn and forage for the Dragoons, doing duty in this State, on the Island of Skidoway, in such quantity and proportion, from the several families on said Island, as they can spare, without being distressed, And that the same, if not otherwise to be ob tained, be impressed for the purpose aforesaid. This order to continue in force till further orders by advice of Council. (signed) L. HALL. Extended, 2 d April, for one week, to plantations on Savannah River. ORDERED, That the tract of land, the property of Sir Patrick Houstoun. on Cat-head & c ordered for sale on Tuesday last, be sold on Monday the 31* Instant, as per former order. Application John Fulton Esq. for bl. Rice . Granted. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates, furnish Mr. Henry Allison, with such number of negroes as he is entitled to receive by virtue of his certificate for services in Col Jacksons Corps, agreeable to a law of this State dated and that an order do issue accordingly. Mr. Greenhow, on application of sundry persons from Liberty County on condition of supplying them with corn, is allowed to 480 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS clear out from this Port, two hundred barrels rice, which he is to receive from Mr. Heyward S Carolina. Application Peter Raymond to go to East Florida, in quest of some negroes, and to carry for provisions, 3OO lb rice Granted 27 th March 1783. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis, Esq. President John Fulton John Morel Esquires. Whereas, it is represented to this Board, that there are many cattle in different parts of this State, the brands of which have been by wicked and designing persons, obliterated and marks cut away or otherwise defaced or altered, so that the same canncr with justice and certainty be claimed by individuals Therefore, RESOLVED, That all such cattle as aforesaid, the property of which, as cannot be sworn to, is hereby considered the property of the State in general. ORDERED, That Major James Maxwell, Cap 1 Samuel We, William Quarterman, Doct. James Dunwiddie and Lazarus Mal lard, be authorized, empowered and required to use and take all diligent ways and means to have all such cattle collected and se cured for the public use; the particular appropriation thereof to be directed by a future order from this Board. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 481 Savannah 28 th March 1783. Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Benjamin Andrew ) ^ John Morel j On information that Magistrates are wanted in that part of this County, Southward of the River Ogechee, commonly called Oge- chee Neck, or the lower part of S 1 Philips, and William Maxwell Francis Coddington and Benjamin Stites have been represented as fit persons to be Magistrates. ORDERED, That they be accordingly appointed. On like representation from the districts distinguished and known by White Bluff and Little Ogechee, ORDERED, That Cap 1 John Morel, Thomas Netherclift, ars l James Parker, be appointed for the said district of White Bluff ; and that Francis Bourquin and Doct. Frederic Rehm be, and the\- are hereby, appointed Justices for the district of Little Ogechee aforesaid. ORDERED, That the Secretary of this Board do inform thrr: officially thereof, that they may attend the Board and qualify ac cordingly. On information that Samuel Krows Esq r declines acting as Justice of the peace for the County of Effingham. ORDERED, That Godlieb Needlinger of the said County be ap pointed in his room and that he be officially informed thereof in order that he may qualify as such 81 r r vol 2 482 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Capt. Benjamin Nelmes, Master of the Sloop, Betsy; accom panied by William Thompson, Mate; Martin Nichols, Benjamin Hind, John Lambert and John Alay, Seamen ; belonging to the Sloop, Betsy. Yv hereas, they, the said Mate and Men, complain that the said Capt. Nelmes assumes a right of detaining them, contrary to the true intent and meaning of their agreement and the motives of their shipping with him Whereupon, the Board are unanimously of opinion, that the said mate and seamen, are entitled to their immediate discharge, and ought to receive their wages until this day. David Murdoch made application to go to S l Augustine- Granted. WHEREAS, it has been found impracticable to supply the inhabi tants of Liberty County, with the two hundred barrels of rice, agreeable to a resolve of the late House of .Assembly, dated 4 " February last. And whereas, proposals have been made to them and to this Board by James Greenhow that, for the consideration hereafter to be mentioned, he the said Greenhow will furnish the said inhabitants of Liberty County with three thousand bushels of corn; three hundred bushels of rough rice, and forty bushels of clean rice, they to be accountable to the said Greenhow. for the same in value or kind The condition of granting such supplies is to be, that the s 1 Greenhow. shall have permission to ship for East Florida, two hundred barrels of rice, which raid rice he has owing to him in South Carolina and is to be brought therefore, from thence. The Board taking into mature consideration, the distressed sit uation of the inhabitants aforesaid and weighing the humane and benevolent intention of the Honble. the House of Assembly in the said resolve of the 4 th Feb.y last Whereupon, they have, ORDERED, That in consequence of the said Greenhow s fur nishing the said supplies of grain when the same shall be de- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 483 mandecl ; he shall have permission to ship the said two hundred barrels of rice from this Port; the same to be brought from South Carolina aforesaid. WHEREAS, the procuring presents for the Indians at the in tended treaty to be held on or about the first day of May next, at the Springs near Augusta, is of the utmost consequence to the peace, safety and welfare of this State. And whereas, the Hon- oble the Legislature at their sitting did vote a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred pounds to be appropriated for that purpose, in such way and manner, and to be raised from and out of any public property, as his Honor the Governor should think most expedi ent and effectual. And whereas, it hath been found utterly im practicable to procure the said goods but from East Florida, and the Treasury of this State being at present altogether empty ; it bath been resolved, after mature and deliberate consideration, that there is no alternative but permitting rice to be shipped to East Florida aforesaid, by special permission, to pay for such goods as may be purchased for the above purpose. ORDERED, That Mr. John Kell have special permission to Ship off so many barrels rice as this Board shall from time to time think proper. Board adjourned till Tuesday I st April next. 484 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council I st April 1/83. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President Benjamin Andrew John Fulton John Morel > Esqrs. Petition of William Hornby praying the Council to cause a prosecution against him to be stoped or suspended till the meet ing of the next General Assembly. That the Attorney General be recommended to delay issuing the said process till the meeting of the next House of Assembly accordingly. John Milton, Secretary, applied to this Board to be confHv in the appointment of Notary Public, for the State of Georgia, setting forth, that it ought to be connected with his office of Sec retary The Board are of opinion, that altho the words of the Constitution, do literally forbid any person holding two offices, yet these two in nature are so like one and the same office, an 1 the infant state of the Country at present, will justify the measure whereupon, RESOLVED, That the said John Milton be, from henccfonvar appointed, reputed and taken as the Notary Public of this State accordingly On which the said John was sworn in as such. Application by John Collins in a Flag, Schooner Friendship. from East Florida, to come to the wharf to throw out ballast- Granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 485 WHEREAS, the Commissioners of forfeited and amerced have received from Sir Patrick Houstoun, the sum of one hun dred pounds specie, in part of his amercement; he prays indul gence for the payment of the remainder till the meeting of the next Assembly, and that all proceedings against the said Sir Pat rick Houstoun, on account of the same, do cease until the said time Granted Application made on account of Mrs. Jones, wife of William, proscribed, setting forth that the Public have had in their pos session since November last, her property. ORDERED, That an order do issue from this Board, that she may have the said boat delivered up to her. Petition John Mitchell, a British Merchant, praying permis sion to ship, for East Florida, thirty bis. rice Inadmissible. - Application Charles Odingsells, a> one of the Commissioners of confiscated estates, for one bushel salt, for the public negroes at Dublin, granted conditionally Provided, that if it shoul hereafter appear, that the said negroes are not public property, the estate of John Maxwell must be accountable for the same. Petition of William Wallace, at present, resident of Charles Town, late, of Sunbury in this State, praying that he may have permission to return to this place, setting forth, also, amongst other good causes, that his name was not in the confiscated act. Whereupon, ORDERED, That the petitioner, William Wallace, have pe " mission to return to, and become a resident of this State, as here tofore; and entitled to all the priviledges and immunities of a free citizen, that he was entitled to at any time previous to the ninth day of January 1779. mentioned in said petition. Petition, Messr 8 Owens and Thompson, containing proposals, 486 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS that in order to make some remittances to East Florida, they may be granted permission to ship, for that place, three hundred barrels rice, they promise to deduct 300. St.g from their ac counts against the State of Georgia. ORDERED, To lay over for consideration. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 2 d April 1783. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor. Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton John Morel Esq rs Application from one Amos Whitehead, setting forth, that it was impracticable for him to raise his amercement mone- amounting to about and prays indulgence on paying 12. specie down, for the payment of the remainder, till the rneetinp; of the next House of Assembly ORDERED, That the Commissioners of forfeited and amerco.! estates, on receiving the aforesaid sum of 12, be permitted rr. grant him the said indulgence. Application of Alexander Allison for permission to ship one barrel rice, on board Schooner, Friendship, John Collins Master, bound to East Florida, to defray the expences attending getting his negroe from thence Granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 487 WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, that a searcher, for the port of Savannah, is much wanted. ORDERED, That James Cochran Esq. be and he is hereby ap pointed Searcher for the said Port. On like representation, James Cochran aforesaid, was nomi nated and appointed Flag-Master for the aforesaid Port of Sa vannah. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of forfeited and amerced property, do collect the several negroes, and other movable prop erty, that is now squandering and lurking in this State. And that they do forthwith proceed to sell the same, or such part thereof as they can lay hold of. at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for gold and silver only, on Monday next at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, to raise money for answering the pressing emergencies of the State. GEORGIA, \VHEREAS, it appears to His Honor the Governor and the ex ecutive Council, that Vincenzo Lirardor, from East Florida, hath obtained permission from the Governor of that Province to procure provisions from Georgia aforesaid. And whereas, it further appears that the said Vincenzo Li rardor, thro ignorance and simplicity hath brought with him six casks wine, and two boxes sugar, therefore, in consideration of his ignorance, the Board hath granted him the said Vincenzo Lirardor permission to return to East Florida aforesaid, and to take with him the said six casks of wine and two boxes sugar. And all and singular the citizens of the United States of America are hereby desired not to interrupt, molest or disturb the said Vincenzo Lirardor, his Vessel or effects. The Board met 3 d April, and having nothing material on hand, as well as being few in number, adjourned till the 8 th instant. Present, His Honor the Governor Honb 1 Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton James Bryan | John Morel James Stewart [ Petition, Henrietta Jones, wife of William, attainted, for per mission to ship TOO bushels corn to him at S l Augustine Rejected Petition James Guernon, confined on board the Flag Sloop Good Intent, from East Florida, to come on shore, to settle some private business, and that he is willing to confine himself to the house of Mr. Richard Leake Granted. Petition of Peter Nephew, praying to have the occupying of Ogechee Ferry. Not granted. John Brown, Master of the State Galley, called Sailors Delight waited on His Honor the Governor and resigned his commis sion as Captain of the same, which was accepted. ORDERED, That the ferry over Great Ogechee, be sold; or leased for one year, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday next, at the Vendue House on the Bay, Savannah Petition of Henrietta B. Jones, wife of William, Attainted, praying that a certain negroe, named now in the hands of the Commissioners of confiscated estates shall remain unsold till the meeting of the House of Assembly. Granted. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 489 The further consideration of Messr 8 Owens Thompson s pe tition was deliberated whereupon, ORDERED, That the prayer of the said petition be granted, on condition that the three hundred barrels rice, therein mentioned, be procured from the State of South Carolina. And that previ ous thereto the said sum of three hundred pounds, be entered to the credit of this State on their accounts. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 9 th April 1783. The Board met by adjournment. Present as yesterday. Proposals made by Luke Mann WHEREAS, there are in custody, at this time, several negroes belonging to James Butler, late of this State ; and the same have been ordered to be sold for cash at public outcry, to the highest bidder, to answer the present pressing demands of government. And whereas, the said Luke Mann, hath proposed to pay the sum of one hundred pounds specie, for the use of government on loan and that the said negroes be suffered to remain in the possession of the said Luke Mann, and not subject to be taken from him, by any person or persons whatever, during the term of two months. ORDERED, That the said negroes be delivered the said Luke Mann, for the time above mentioned, on his advancing to H s Honor the Governor the sum of one hundred pounds, for the use of the State. 490 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS N. B. This matter droped by default, on the part of the said Luke Mann. ORDERED, That the house and lot in Augusta, which lately bo- jonged to James Ingram, be sold to procure corn and other sup plies to be made use of at the treaty to be held with the Indians, and that the same be appraised by three freeholders, on oath, lo ascertain the value thereof in cash ; and that it be considered < a. pledge to the amount of the appraisement, to such person .r persons who shall deliver to Mr. Rae the superintendant of In dian Affairs, corn or other supplies at cash price, to his accept ance. The said House and lot to be sold by the 2O th May next to the person or persons who shall render such supplies, at the sum appraised at, or the cash to be paid to the amount thereof. It being represented to this Board, that Mr. Andrew M Lean is nominated, by the Commissioners appointed to hold a Treaty with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, at Augusta, the first ( f May next, as agent to purchase goods to be given them on that occasion, agreeable to a list or schedule delivered him for that purpose, as near as may be Therefore, ORDERED, That the public property and other resources of {] State be pledged for the payment of such goods, to the amount of fifteen hundred pounds And should the articles of goods that shall be supplied, exceed the said sum of fifteen hundred pounds. then, and in that case, that it be referred to the Honorable Hoi^c of Assembly to provide for the same. Adjourned till Saturday next 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 491 15 th April 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Eulton James Stuart 1 ^ B Zacharias Fenn James Bryan / ORDERED, That the conditions of sale of Ogechee Ferry, be as follows. The highest bidder to be the purchaser or occupier for the term of one year, the rent of the same, to be paid quarterly in .-pecie, not subject to any deductions for repairs or otherwise. The purchasers is to give bond with sufficient security, for the true performance of the above conditions. The said ferry, on failure or neglect of payment of any quarters rent, shall be sub ject to be resold to the highest bidder as at present. ORDERED, That the purchasing and issuing agents, do make returns of all property by them received, and how appropriated, by to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. ORDERED, That the like order do issue to the Commissary of military stores. ORDERED, That Captain James Fields be requested to deliver to this Board on Thursday morning next, all such bonds, and other specialties as he may have in his possession, the property of this State. ORDERED, That one of the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates proceed to Richmond County, in order to col lect the horses and negroes which he may find there, belonging to the public; and that he get the same appraised by three or 492 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS more respectable freeholders on oath to ascertain the value there of in cash. And also such, and so many tracts, of land, belong ing to the public, as may be sufficient to purchase five thousand bushels of corn; and which shall be considered as a pledge, t> the amount of the appraisement, to such person or persons wh^ shall supply Mr. Rae, the Superintendant of Indian Affairs with corn or other supplies at cash price to his acceptance, which said property shall be sold for the purpose aforesaid, on the 2O th May next, And also, that the said Commissioners do collect, or secure, so as to be collected, all such sums as are due on the amercement act, and sequestered estates; to be delivered to Mr. Rae aforesaid, as may be necessary to be made use of in aid of other engagements to procure a sufficient quantity of corn and beef for the support of the Treaty to be held with the Indians in May next. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 1 6 th April 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. lenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Zacharias Fenn ) r James Stuart / hsc l rs - The purchasing and issuing agents prefered petitions to the Board, praying longer time to prepare returns and their ac counts. Granted. L. Marbury s very extraordinary proposals for procuring sup plies & c for the Indian Treaty was read Ordered to lay on th: table. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 493 ORDERED, That the purchasing and issuing agents, do im mediately make out a return of all such articles of provisions, and other matters belonging to the public, as they have on hand, to be laid before this Board, and that they be indulged a few days to make out their accounts. Sent. Petition John Simpson was read, praying permission to Ship to East-Florida, ten barrels rice, in order to pay for a negroe fellow taken from him on the 9 th January 1779. Granted. Petition Major John Milton, setting forth that he had large claims against the Estate of James Butler, and prayed to have permission to take a negroe boy, named Moses, late the prop erty of the said Butler, into his possession, until he shall have an opportunity of laying his claims before the Honble. House of Assembly Avas read. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 1 7 th April 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis, President. James Stuart Zacharias Fenn John Fulton ? Esqrs. Mr. Fenn and Mr. Stuart, a Committee from the Council ap pointed to enquire what rice was on hand, in possession of the purchasing agent, and what articles remained in the possession of the issuing agent, Report, That the purchasing agent has remaining, three barrels rice, in the cellar of Mr. Conoisie, and seventeen barrels rice <\ -. 494 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the plantation of Mr. Struthers. And that the issuing agent, has one pair steelyards; one wooden gallon measure and one half-bushel, the property of the public. ORDERED, That Air. Taylor be informed that Mr. Rolfes, i;- 110 longer in the department of purchasing agent, therefore he is -hereby required to retain in his possession, whatever rice there may yet remain on his plantation, the property of the State. Ar.-.\ that he be further required and ordered, not to let go, any part of the said rice, on any occasion whatever, but on the order of His Honor the Governor & Executive Council ORDERED, That Mr. Rolfes, purchasing Agent, be informed that the State hath no further occasion for his services in that department Order served. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Friday April i8 th 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. President John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Benjamin Andrew John Morel WHEREAS, sundry weighty and important matters make it requisite that the Honorable the House of Assembly, be called previous to the day of their adjournment. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be advised and em powered to call the Honorable House of Assembly to meet in Savannah, in the County of Chatham, on Thursday the first day MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 495 of May next, to proceed on business of the State and that he do issue his proclamation for that purpose accordingly. Dissentient, Because I think the House of Assembly, tho called together previous to the time of adjournment, yet it ought to be called to meet at Augusta, agreeable to their resolve at ad journing - (signed) ZACHA S FENN. Adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock. 22 nd April 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. Presid 1 John Fulton James Stuart Esq ORDERED, That Lieutenant Col Cooper be required to make a return to this Board of the expenditure and appropriation of the ten barrells rice, two bushels salt, thirty pair pistols, and one hundred and twenty flints, on or before the first day of May next. Adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock. 49 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday 29 th April 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Esq. Presid* John Fulton James Stuart Esqrs. ORDERED,, That the proclamation received from His Excell ency, the President of Congress, announcing the cessation of hostilities, and requiring strict obedience to be paid to the ob servance thereof, be published in the next Gazette of this State. Doctor Rehm and F. H. Bourquin, attended the Board and qualified as Magistrates for the district of Little Ogechee; in the County of Chatham. Adjourned till Monday next 10 o Clock. Council Chamber 30"* April 1783. Present His Honor the Governor Thomas Netherclift and John Morel Esqrs. were qualified as Magistrates for the district of White Bluff, in the County of Chatham, pursuant to their appointment by this Board. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 497 Monday 5. May 83. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton John Morel 1 ~ Zacharias Fenn James Stuart / Petition Solomon Shad, praying permission to carry six bar rels rice to S l Augustine for defraying expences recovering three negroes in the Province of East Florida & L Granted. Petition Edward Davies, praying permission to ship, for Is land S l Thomas, a few barrels rice, Granted. Petition, Thomas Hogg, a British Merchant, praying permis sion to ship to East Florida, some provisions as other British Merchants had done & c . ORDERED, That permission be granted him on the same con ditions that Messr 8 Owens & Thompsons 1 to wit, that he shall pay to the use of this State, or credit it if he has an account against twenty shillings specie per barrel, if rice, or in the same proportion if other grain. And also, that he give rood assur ance to this Board, that he will replace the same in quantity and kind, in this State from South Carolina, or elsewhere. Petition William Stuart of North Carolina, for payment for a waggon and team sold to the late Governor for 146. Lewis Cope produced his account of sundry articles of pro visions provided for a public dinner last, ORDERED, That the same shall be paid him. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 82 r r vol 2 408 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday 6 th May 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor [ohn Fulton Zacharias Fenn } , James Bryan f Esc l rs " ORDERED, That a letter from His Honor the Governor, to His Excellency Patrick Tonyn, Esquire, Governor of East Florida, bearing date 21 st April, and of which, the following is an exact copy, he published for the information and satisfaction of ail concerned. ORDERED, That the order of Council of J r l!i January last, be republished and continued in the Gazette of this for three weeks successively. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock 7 th May 1783. Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton Zacharias Fenn \ James Stuart James Bryan j Petition James Belcher and Thomas Netherclift to proceed to S l Augustine, and to carry with them, to bear their expences, eight barrels rice and fifty bushels corn Granted to carry the rice, but not the corn. On motion, ORDERED, That the prohibition on exporting rice and other MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 499 kind of grain, be continued as set forth in the proclamation of His Honor the Governor, dated the till the first da) of juiy next ensuing , unless otherwise ordered; and that the same be published in the Gazette of this State. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. The Board met 8 th May 1783. Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton Zacharias Fenn. An order was granted to Andrew M Lean to receive from th? Commissary of Military Stores 138 shirts, iC92 lb lead, 1036 Mints, to send to the intended Treaty with the Indians. And for a barrel of rice from Corvoisie for provisions for the Commis sioners. Letter from the Commissioners of confiscated and amerce* estates was read desiring to know with what authorities thcv were vested, whereupon, ORDKRKK. That the said Commissioners are invested with fi M power and authority, and they are hereby directed and required to immediately collect the several amercements levied within this State, and where an} partial indulgence hath been granted, < i certain conditions, that the intent of said conditions be respected, and as soon as the time, by said conditions, is expired, that tkc- do. forthwith, proceed as if no such condition had been made. Petition of \Yilliam Stuart, heretofore mentioned, w?s taken into consideration Whereupon. 500 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That an order on John Lindsay, now in North Caro lina be given him, for the sum of one hundred and forty six pounds sterl s being the amount of his bond, payable out of any public negroes he may have in possession, the property of this State. ORDERED, That one barrel rice be granted to be sent to Au gust a for the use of the Commissioners at the Indian Treaty. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Friday 9 th May 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Esqrs. The memorial of James Clark, late a citizen of this State, set ting forth that he was far from being an obnoxious character, and not included in the bill of attainder, praying permission to bring his family into this state to reside, ORDERED, That the permission be granted him accordingly. Petition of James Greenhow, praying to be received a citizen of this State, was read and not determined. Adjourned till Monday morning 10 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 501 Monday morning 12 th May 1783. The Board met agreeable to adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Jenkin Davis Esqrs. The petition of Francis Corvoisie for payment of storage o ~ rice, either in cash or said rice, was read, accompanied with an offer to purchase the rice remaining in his store, being five bar rels, for v/hich he would pay cash Granted. Petition of Edward Davies, in behalf of John Pooler C of S l Thomas s, a Danish Island, setting forth that they had sent another valuable cargo of goods into this port, which would be sold on so reasonable an advance as would be a great relief to the citizens of this state and praying permission to load the said vessel, called the schooner Swift, whereof is Master, Thorn-is Brownlowe, with one hundred barrels rice Granted Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. Tuesday 13 th May 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Honble. Jenkin Davis Presid 1 John Fulton Zacharias Fenn. Esqrs. ORDERED, That the Collectors for the different ports, within 502 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS this state, be directed to admit it to entry and unloading all ves sels having goods, wares and merchandizes on board, from ail parts of the world, without distinction, till further orders. The Board adjourned till the I2 U1 June next; then to n-ecl His Honor the Governor, in Council, at Augusta. Augusta, In Council 12 th June 1/83. The Board met as per adjournment 13 th ult at Savannah. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn ^ ^ Walton Harris John Fulton ( ^ sqrs ORDERED, That Robert Bonner be required to make a return, to this Board, tomorrow, of all such public property as may have come into his hands, either by delivery of the Quarter Master. his deputy or otherwise; And that Mr. Bonner be served with a copy hereof immediately Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 13 th June 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton ) ^ Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris / Advised that His Honor the Governor do issue his proclania- MIXUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 503 tion. forbidding all persons from travelling over, and marking trees, on the lands in this state, allotted for the Indians huniinr ground; or going thro the same to the Indian Xations wither special leave and license first had and obtained for that purpose. ORDERED, That Mr. Chesley Bostwick do attend this Board on Monday next 9 o Clock. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates d > advertize for all persons, who have purchased any of said prop erty, to comply with the conditions of sale in ten days. Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 14 th June The Board met and adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 15 th June The Board met as per adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Tcnkin Davis Walton Harris ) . Zacharias Fenn John Fulton 5 hsqui Petitions of Alexander Inglis, William M Kimmy, James MKie, John Rose and Thomas Elfe, praying to be received, with their property, under the protection of this State was read. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 504 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Augusta 1 6 th June 1783 The Board met per adjournment Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis |ohn Fulton \ ^ Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn J bsc l mres - ORDERED, That Col James Martin do attend the Board to morrow 9 o Clock. That Richard Henderson do attend the Board to-moi row o o Clock. That P-cbert Bonner and Patrick Jarvis do attend this Board to-morrow 9 o Clock. Chesley Bostwick attended the Board and informed of some public negroes. Adjourned, till to-morrow 9 o Clock. June 17 th 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honour the Governor Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn 1 SQU j res John Fulton Walton Harris j Application of John Garret, for a negroe fellow, by an order from Col Martin inadmissible Robert Bonner attended the Board and made a return of pub lic property left in his hands. James Martin, Col, attended the Board. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 505 ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates do collect the public property and have the same appraised by two freeholders in order for sale. ORDERED, That Jenkin Davis and Zacharias Fenn, be a Com mittee from this Board to call on, and examine all persons who they may think have public property in their hands, or having knowledge of any, to make a return thereof to this Board. Patrick Jar vis attended the Board. RESOLVED, on the petitions of Alexander Inglis, and others, read the 15 th instant as follows. That the act of Assembly of this State, proscribing certai.i persons therein named ; and confiscating their estates, real and personal, is explicit and preemptory, and does not admit of any power or authority in the Executive Department of this Govern ment to suspend its operation, either in whole or in part, from taking effect in its most extensive import. RESOLVED, That every person in a similar predicament, under the act O f the Legislature of South Carolina, or any other Sister State, and not proscribed in this, may, whilst they continue under that description, receive a temporary protection only; and must, from a due consideration of the federal union, be delivered up to such sister state, together with their personal property, when ever demanded. RESOLVED, That until the definite treaty of peace, has abso lutely taken place, and until the provisional articles in said Treaty contained, have, by Congress, been recommended, and adopted by this State; in their full meaning and extent, no person what ever, who is proscribed by the said act of confiscation, may, CT can be admitted into the same, agreeable to the said act. Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 50(> THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS June ]8 th . The Board met and adjourned till to-morro\v. June 19" The Board met as per adjournment. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton 1 r Walton Harris Zacharias Fenn J : ORDERED, That Chesley Bostwick do attend this Board, en Tuesday next. Petition of Francis Hancock, praying that he might be ad mitted a citizen of this State, and have a protection for him self and property A temporary protection granted him. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated property do collect all the negroes that have been hired out by order of the public of this State, since the commencing of the year 1781. That the said Commissioners have the acts of land, late the property of Lachlan M. Gilvray, appraized by three freeholders, on oath. Adjourned till Tuesday next 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 507 June 24 th 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Tenkin Davis Walton Harris \ ~ i, . . T-S > Esquires Zachanas Fenn } ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates, do sell the tract of land, late the property of Lachlan M c Gilvray ; and what other public property may come into their hands, on Saturday next. Remonstrances & of sundry whig citizens p respecting- <\ certain Doctor M Leod, now residing in this State, under a tem porary protection, was lately acting in the British services, and therein had rendered himself particularly offensive and obnoxious to the good people of this State, by administering (as it is said) poisonous medicines the unfortunate prisoners (amerjcan) & was read. ORDERED, thereon. That such temporary protection as hath been granted to the said Donald MLeod, on his coming into this State continue for the space of ten days, after he has re ceived a due notification hereof, and no longer. And that the Attorney General be, and he is hereby directed to give immediate notice hereof to him the said Donald M l Leod & c that he remove from this State, within said time and take proper measures to enforce a compliance with this order. ORDERED, That the Attorney General be, and he is herelv- directed to take particular notice of all emigrants, and that such as are proscribed by the act of attainer. be immediately appre hended and committed to Jail, according to the direction of said act. Adjourned till Wednesday 2 nd July next. 508 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Wednesday 2 nd July. The Board met, and having- nothing material before them, ad journed till Monday next. Monday / th July. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris "I John Fulton Zacharias Fenn > Esqrs. John Morel J The Board were informed that John Lindsay had brought some negroes from North Carolina, Consideration thereon, postponed till to-morrow. Letter from John Todd, praying to be permitted to return to this State was read Ordered to lie on the table Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. N. B. The proceedings of Council, from the 12 th June till this day, was wrote down by J. Davis Esquire; the Secretary being gone to Savannah, to carry the proclamation, calling the Assem bly to Augusta &, to be printed ; to bring up some books and pa pers ; and other business ; and copied into the book by the Secre tary on his return. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 509 Thursday 8 th July 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris ] Zacharias Fenn John Fulton > Esquires. John Morel ) Message from His Honor the Governor, to the Honorable House of Assembly, this day convened viz, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Honorable House of Assembly, Agreeable to the powers vested in me, I have called you to gether, that I might lay before you, such matters, as concern the welfare of the State, and require your immediate consideration So great an event as that of a general peace having actually taken place between the bellignent powers, claims your fnst at tention An event, ordered by the decree of heaven, and brought about by means, which, thro the various stages of a tedious and distressing war, were evidently marked with a concurrent display of Almighty Power, graciously presiding over us, an;l working wonders in our favour- -An event, which proclaims the United States Free, Sovereign, and Independent, and surrounded with the blessings of an advantageous and honorable peace, v. i 1, when ratified, give us ian!c and dignity in the grand arrangement of Sovereign States and Empires. The advantages of peace are so numerous, and so important, that whilst they demand from us, the most devout and fervent expressions of gratitude, to the supreme ruler of the universe; at the same time, cannot fail to inspire, sentiments and sincerest ioy, at the opening of a scene so delightful, in prospect, and s:> 510 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS diffusive in its blessings And on this occasion I beg leave to cffer you my hearty congratulations Blessings, unless improved, change their nature; and neg lected, will involve us in the severest calamities; We ought, therefore, to embrace the opportunity, and carefully attend to such objects and measures as may, by a wise regulation, be pro ductive of permanent advantages to the community, both with regard to our good citizens, whose virtuous attachment, whilst they had in view this glorious period, suffered the severest trials : And also with regard to those who have unhappily merited our displeasure, by aiding in that scene of blood, which, we now hope, is forever closed. Interest, Humanity, prudence and justice, will characterize your deliberations at this important crisis, and fix, with pre cision, such a criterion, respecting the property and persons of real British Subjects; and of those also, who were in districts, in possession of the King of Great Britains arms, and of every other description, that took place during the war. that there may remain no doubt, how each may be treated with propriety by the Executive Authority, on a peace being fully established. I took the earliest opportunity of writing to the Governor of East Florida, a copv of which, will be laid before you; convex - ing those sentiment.-;, which I conceived might be most for the interest and honor of the State, on the prospect of peace. I have ordered to be laid before your honorable house, the principal matters respecting Indian Affairs, included in Treaty ami accounts; and would observe, that it appears from the talk. and other information, received from the Creeks, that they seem to be displeased at the encroachments made on their hunting- grounds. They observe that numbers of people are frequently o traveling over and marking trees, on the Oconee lands o o They are alarmed, and utterly decline making the cession we MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 511 hoped to obtain from them They complain of being ill-treated when last among us: and they had reason to complain; for all their horses, 40 or 50 in number, \vere stole from them: and twelve head of cattle, their own property, brought down to pur chase goods ; besides 80 or 90 head belonging to the State, were also stole. If they are capable of feeling the inconveniency of being plundered of their property, to gratify a banditti of theives, they must, and we are well informed they do, resent the injury. Nor is it difficult to foresee, that unless some conciliating plan is adopted, we shall soon be precipitated into a war, which will greatly distress, if not ruin, the present settlers of this State: I must, therefore, recommend to your Honorable House to frame a law to restrain these enormities complained of, and to prohibit, under severe penalties, any person or persons travelling over, or marking trees, on their hunting grounds; or opening or carry ing on any correspondence or intercourse whatever, with them ; without special license from authority, for so doing And also, to frame and establish such a system of commercial regulations. as may, under the conduct of respectable characters, at once afford an advantageous emolument in support of government, and prevent the many evils, which will otherwise, unavoidably ensue, from ignorant and ill designing men. The various exigencies of government, and a discharge of such engagements as have been entered into without sufficient means at command, to answer those important purposes, call for the speedy aid of your Honorable House. I have ordered an estimate to be laid before you, of the differ ent demands on the public ; and an account of the expenditures of such public monies as have been employed in answering the demands of the State, during the present administration ; bv which it will evidently appear, that it is absolutely necessary to devise ways and means for the discharge of public debts and sup port of Government. And I am persuaded, will induce your honorable house seriously to consider of the propriety and neces- 512 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS sity of laying a tax as may be commensurate to the ability of the good citizens of the State; to be paid at the return of the next crop, either in money or such specific articles of produce, as may answer the purpose of specie. As to the confiscated property, there is reason to believe that the large claims, already preferred, the gratuitous certificates, and those on audited accounts will, when applied, nearly, if not totally exhaust that fund. And at the same time I must recom mend, that your Honorable House will adopt, and fix such regu lations, as by being properly applied, will bring forward those resources of the State, which, at present, escape the Command of the Executive Authority. For this purpose, that you will con sider the necessity of an act of Assembly to enable the Executive Authority to order, whenever necessary, a Special Court, to com pel speedy and a certain compliance with just demands in favor of the public. From a view of the profligate, and wicked lives of many in the community, it appears that some laws, to restrain vice, and en courage virtue, are of the highest importance to the welfare of the State. It being certain, that almost all the evils of govern ment, originate from men of corrupt principles and abandoned manners. In addition, therefore, to wholesome laws, restrain ing vice; every encouragement ought to be given to introduce religion, and learned Clergy, to perform divine worship, in honor of God ; and to cultivate principles of religion and virtue among our citizens For this purpose, it will be your wisdom to lay an early foundation for endowing Seminaries of learning: nor can you, I conceive, lay in a better, than by a grant of a sufficient tract of land, that may, as in other governments, hereafter, by lease or otherwise, raise a revenue, sufficient to support such valu able institutions. And here I must remind you of some provis ion of this kind, made under a former government here; and to consider how it has .been disposed of And also, if there is not, at this time, a very considerable property in the hands of indl- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 513 vicluals, which ought to be drawn forth and applied, under the direction and management of this State, in the promotion of learning and piety. Courts of Justice are essential to guard the liberties, and vin dicate the rights of a free people. The suspension, therefore, of the Chief Justice, on his refusing to receive the presentments of the Grand Jury, was a measure, which the Executive Authority of Government, found themselves under the disagreeable neces sity to order, in faithfulness to the trust reposed in them, but at the same time lamented the unhappy occasion. I have to submit- to your Honorable House the propriety of a resolution, or the rilling that important office according to your wisdom. I must also recommend to your consideration, a revision of the law of this State, for opening the land office, as a matter that re quires the most serious deliberation It ought to be framed on the wisest principles, to guard against monopoly, to encourage population, and also to secure the future resources of the State, In this last view, it is our opportunity, which, if once neglected, will be irretrievably lost forever. In the recess of your Honorable House, I have received dis patches from Congress, which will be laid before you, recommend ing such measures as our connection with that Honorable Body, require us to adopt, and ought, without delay, to be attended to. In the course of your deliberations, you will, no doubt, consider ho\v far, in equity, honest debtors shall be compelled to pay an interest on debts, contracted previous to the war; and which, it was impossible for them to discharge during that period, by reason of the "War And, I also request, that you will fix some regula tions respecting the certificates issued pursuant to law, as gratui ties to officers &C and those issued on audited accounts : and decide how far they shall be received to discharge, interest par- 33 r r vol 2 514 ticularly, as well as principal on bonds given for the purchase of confiscated property and at what period of time, they shall re spectively be considered as payment : Also whether the temporary rertificates given by the Auditor General, on accounts by hirr: .audited, against the State, for supplies or otherwise, shall not be received in payment as above required, when transferred or nc- gociated. J must, lastly, recommend to your Honorable House, an early- attention to the state and condition of our Soldiery ; the disposal of the State Galley; and a proper deposit of the remains of war A war, which was terminated in glory, and placed us in the open view of new scenes, which require the wisest deliberations, that we may at once, with ease to the citizens, and honor to the State, discharge our engagements, and secure to ourselves and pos terity, the blessings of a permanent peace. Council Chamber Augusta 8 th July 1783 Nothing material before the Board, they adjourned till July 9 th 1783- July 9 th 1783. The Board met as per adjournment. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn ^ Walton Harris John Morel > Esquires. John Fulton J Adjourned till the io th and from thence to the II th July 1783. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 515 July II th 1783. ORDERED That the memorial and petitions of Mackie, M c - Kemmy and Elfe, with a letter from Col Martin, be referred, by Committee, to the Honorable House of Assembly, and that Mr. Harris and Mr. Fenn be that Committee. Message from His Honor the Governor to the Honorable the House of Assembly, by the Secretary to the Council. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &C. The several letters from Generals Greene and Wayne, and also a letter from the Attorney General, are herewith transmitted to your Honorable House for your information on their contents. Council Chamber, Augusta | n t!l July 1783. ( ORDERED, That Mr. George Eimbeck be appointed to collect, receive and take into his possession and custody, all the military stores, in this State, belonging to the same, or to the Continent at large. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. Augusta 12 th July 1783. The Board met &c. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esq. President Walton Harris John Fulton \ ^ Zacharias Fenn John Morel j f A Bill to empower certain Commissioners herein appointed to 516 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS regulate the hire of porters and labour of slaves in the Town of Savannah, was brought from the House of Assembly, by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Irwin a Committee. Memorial of Danold MLeod was read, praying the further protection of the State, until a full and clear investigation of lr : - character can be had &c. ORDERED, That it be referred to the Honorable House of Assembly. Petition of Col James M ( Neil for bounty land for himself and the Regiment was read Ordered to lie on the table. Adjourned till Monday next 9 o Clock. Monday 14 th July 1/83. The Board met. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President John Fulton Tohn Morel 1 > Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris / ORDERED, That Mr. Harris and Mr. Morel be a committee to return the bill brought up from the House of Assembly on the 12 th with the following amendments, to wit, The Council are of opinion, that an explanatory clause should be added to the first paragraph, to remove doubts arising from the words contained in the six last lines of the said paragraph ; And that the clause be, "provided nevertheless, that any person or persons having a slave or slaves of their own, may employ MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 517 them at any time or times, in preference to hiring any of the said licensed laborers, anything herein contained to the contrary noc- withstanding." The Council are of opinion, that the words "the several" in the latter part of the third, or former part of the fourth line, of the third paragraph, are superfluous; and that in the eighth line of the fourth paragraph, there appears to be wanting, some word to be read between the words "every" and "for" The Council recommend that a revision or amendment be made in the 12 th line of the aforesaid fourth paragraph, on the words "or employ any slave to sell fruit except fish." Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. In Council Augusta 15 th July 1/83. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President John Morel Zacharias Fenn "I ,-* Walton Harris } Esquires. A Bill to continue the laws of this State, near expiring: was brought up from the House of Assembly, by a Committee Mr. Ware and Mr. Burnett. Board adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock The following message was sent up from His Honor the Gov ernor to the Honorable the House of Assembly, by the Secreta ry of Council. 518 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen &c. I have to request your Honorable House will appoint Coun sellors for the Counties of Liberty, Richmond and Wilkes, in room of Benjamin Andrew, Charles Crawford and James Little Esquires resigned. Also, that your Honorable House will make provision for their support; and determine the daily or other pay that shall be allowed them during their attendance at the Board. Council Chamber | Augusta 15 th July 1783. j i6 th July 1783. The Board met. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire, President Walton Harris John Fulton \ ^ John Morel Zacharias Fenn / ^ m The Bill to continue the laws of this State, near expiring, was ordered to be returned to the Honorable House of Assembly, without any amendment, by Mr. Fenn and Mr. Harris a Com mittee. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 519 17 th July 1783. The Board met. Present, Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris \ _, John Morel John Fulton j ^ m Message from the Honble. the President, to the Honorable the House of Assembly. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, Having received information that there are numbers of people daily coming into this State from South Carolina and East Flori da, of infamous characters and dangerous principles, whereby the peaceable inhabitants are in continual danger of their lives and loss of property I have to request your Honorable House may take the same into your immediate consideration. Also, that your Honorable House may appoint Commissioners of the roads for the different Counties. Council Chamber, Augusta 17 th July 1783. House of Assembly July 12 th 1783. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor and Executive Council, be requested to fall upon some safe and effectual mode to have public records and papers brought back from the North ward, to this State ; and that they be authorized and empowered to employ any fit person or persons to undertake this business; and therefore, to pay the same out of any monies which may come into the Treasury by Taxes, transient duties, or otherwise. The Committee to whom was referred the petition of Thomas 520 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Elfe, James M l Kay, William M c Kimmy and John Rose, pray ing to be admitted to settle in this State, although included in the confiscation act of South Carolina, which, after some amend ments was agreed to, and is as follows. That they are of opinion, that as the General Assembly of that State is now sitting, some reciprocal mode ought to be concerted and adopted between the two states for persons in such situations; but in the mean time, the persons and property of those who have thrown themselves on our mercy, ought to be protected. With respect to that part of the petition of John Rose praying protec tion and security for his property in this State : Your Committee see no objection to granting the same. Ext. from the minutes (Signed) JN WILKINSON C. G. A. On representation being made to the Board, by the Honorable Benjamin Lanier Esqr. one of the Assistant Justices for the County of Effingham, that a Magistrate is wanting for the upper district of the said County on Ogechee, and withal recommend ed Drury Jones as a fit and proper person for the same There fore, ORDERED, That the said Drury Jones be appointed a Magis trate for the said County, and he is hereby appointed accord ingly. Petition of George Wyche was read, praying a decree in his favor to close lines of a piece of land on Savannah River, near Spirit Creek, claimed and held by Chesley Bostwick, There upon, ORDERED, That as the said dispute is in nature of a caveat, it be referred to the Court where Caveats are heard and deter mined. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 621 Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock at which time the Board met, and having nothing material before them adjourned till July 19 th 1/83- July 19 th 1783. The Board met accordingly. Present, Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President John Morel Zacharias Fenn "1 ^ Walton Harris } ^quires. WHEREAS, it hath been represented to this Board, that there are books and papers relative to the taking up lands in the County of Wilkes, otherwise called, the ceded lands ; in the custody, pos session or knowledge of a certain Joseph Mattocks in the said County. ORDERED, That the said Joseph Mattocks, do forthwith de liver, or cause to be delivered to Walton Harris Esquire, all and singular the said books and papers ; and all other and every evi dence respecting, touching or concerning the said ceded lands. Adjourned till Monday next 9 o Clock. 522 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS July 2i st 1783. The Board met accordingly. Present Honorable Jenkin Davis Esquire President John Fulton John Morel 1 ^ Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris J " Sundry letters and papers forwarded by His Honor the Gov ernor, received from their Excellencies the President of Congress and the Commander in Chief, was read and ORDERED, to be laid before the Honorable House of Assembly, ciccompanied by the following Message from His Honor the President. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen, &c. His Honor the Governor having received dispatches from His Excellency the President of Congress, and from His Excellency the Commander in Chief hath transmitted them to this Board. I have ordered them to be laid before your Honorable House with out delay. Council Chamber Augusta 2i st July 1783. The following Bills were brought up from the House of As sembly, by Mr. William Gibbons Jun r and Mr. Harper. Bill for laying a duty on transient trade, and also a duty on vendues, and for the more effectual recovery of arrears due and owing this State on acts passed to that effect also Bill to amend an act for laying out a road through Newington Village. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 523 July 22* 1783. The Board met, and after perusing the two bills brought up yesterday and returning them without amend ment, by Mr. Fulton and Mr. Morel, Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. July 2 3 rd 1 783. The Board met. Present His Honor the President Zacharias Fenn John Fulton Walton Harris John Morel \ Esquires. A Bill to relieve certain persons therein described &c. &c. was brought up from the House of Assembly by Mr. Ware and Mr. Fenn. Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. July 24 th 1783. Present His Honor the President John Morel Zacharias Fenn ) & Walton Harris \ Esqmres Mr. Morel and Mr. Harris, a committee from the Board, re turned to the House of Assembly, the Bill to relieve certain per sons &c. &c. &c. without any amendment. 524 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS House of Assembly 2^ July 1783. The Committee to whom was referred a letter from James Stuart, Attorney for MCartan Campbell, Reported, and after some amendments made thereto, the House agreed to the same, and is as follows, viz, That they having" made enquiry of the Committee and find that not a slave, from his Carolina State, was amerced at the time of valuation being made, there was not any demand or claim; and that they employed persons to appraise the estate that was well acquainted with the situation of it. Your Committee are of opin ion the said amercement ought to be paid agreeable to an act made for that purpose. Extract from the Minutes. (Copy) JN WILKINSON C. G. A, ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates be required to make and execute sufficient titles, to Gen eral John Twiggs, for a house and lot in the Town of Augusta, knocked off to him some time since at public auction, he having complied with the conditions of sale. ORDERED, that the Commissioners of Confiscated and amerced estates do immediately enact the said amercement agreeable to an act for that purpose made and provided. Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 525 25 th July 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the President John Fulton John Morel ) ^ Zacharias Fenn Walton Harris } ^ S( l uires - Bill to amend the land act was brought. Nothing material before the Board, adjourned till 26 th and from thence to the 27 th and from thence to the 28 th July, then met as above. Bill for laying out the reserve land in the Town of Augusta into acre lots ; the erecting an academy or seminary of learning and other purposes therein mentioned, was brought by Mr. Emanuel and Mr. Pugh. 29 th July 1783- Bill for raising the sum of : - : - by imposing a tax on the in habitants of the State of Georgia, was brought up by Mr. Alex ander and Mr. Middleton. The Bill entitled "A Bill to repeal and amend some part of an "act entitled "An act for opening a land office" was taken into consideration and sent down to the House by Mr. Morel and Mr. Harris, with the following remarks. The Council are of opinion, and again recommend, that the clause of paragraph in the said act, empowering the Justices in the respective Counties to issue warrants for lands, ought to be 526 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS repealed, and that the issuing the same revert to the former channel, that is to say, that it ought to go through the Governor and Council as formerly. The Council are of opinion that the second clause or para graph of the said amendment begins abruptly, and the words "and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid" be the be ginning of the said clause of paragraph. And that the word head" in the seventh line of the third paragraph be erased, and the word "hand" inserted there instead. The Bill for laying out the reserved land in the Town of Au gusta into acre lots, the erecting an academy, or seminary of learning, and for other purposes therein mentioned, was sent to the House by Mr. Morel and Mr. Harris without remark or amendments. The Bill for the purpose of raising the sum of f : : by imposing a tax on the inhabitants of the State of Georgia, for the use and support of the government thereof, from the first day of January last to the thirty first day of January 1/84, was returned to the House by Mr. Morel and Mr. Harris, with the following pro posed amendments, to wit, The Council observe with much concern, the backwardness of the Honorable House of Assembly in taxing their constituents and themselves. They are induced to offer, to their serious and deliberate consideration, how inadequate to the great and press ing exigencies of this State such a small sum will be as one quar ter of a dollar, therein mentioned. They would suggest to the Honorable House the absolute necessity of a sufficient, as well as speedy tax being laid upon the inhabitants of this State; or the government thereof must inevitably fall into extreme distress and confusion. The letter forwarded to your Honorable House at your last sitting, from the Honorable Major General Greene ; the many and pressing remonstrances from the Superintendant of MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 527 Finance; the letter from his Excellency the Commander in Chief and that from His Excellency the President of Congress; all, earnestly urge, and evidently demonstrate the necessity of a tax : and your own observations will certainly dictate the sufficiency or insufficiency thereof. The Council cannot think your Honora ble House will turn a deaf ear to so many great, wise and disin terested characters ; all pressing you to consult the case of your constituents, by degrees lightening their burthens, by an early adopting taxation. The Council will not insult your judgement, prudence and re gard for those you represent by making use of any more argu ments to invite or persuade your Honorable House to endeavor to deprecate our distresses numerous debts, and our many obliga tions, by reconciling it to yourselves to lay a tax of, at least on half a dollar on every negroe, Mulatto or other slave, and one half dollar on every Town lot in lieu of the quarter of a dollar men tioned in and by said Bill. ORDERED, That the following persons (being thereunto rec ommended) be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of the several roads within this State, viz, Chatham County White Bluff Road; John Houston, John Morel, Thomas Netherclift and Nath 1 Adams. Western Road, as far as black-creek William Bryan, John Morel, Joseph Cuthbert and Richard Guinn Effingham County Western Road William Holzendorf, John Eigle, Jenkin Davis, John Gravenstine, Lewis Morgan, David Thorn, Caleb Howell, Theophilus Lundy. Ogechee Road Benjamin Lanier Sen r , John Meazles, Drury Jones, James Cook, Clifton Bowen, Frederic Reifton. Burke County River Road Raymond Demere, John Greene, Edward Telfair. 528 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Quaker Road Caleb Cox, Francis Boykin, Abner Bickham, Thomas Lewis Sen r , Thomas Lewis Junr. John Duhart, John Shai-p, James Lambert, Williams, Jacob Lewis, William Lord. From Burke County Court House to Rocky Comfort. Roger Lawson, Jared Irwin, Blasingham Harvey, John Clements, Samuel Barron and Matthew Jordan. From Buck-Head to the Quaker Road. James Pugh, Reuben Lett, Matthias Gray. From Queensborough downOgechee to Horse Creek. Lemuel Lanier, John Jones, John Lott, Francis Pugh, Zebulon Cox, Dan iel M c Murphy, Stephen Johnston, Patrick Carr. From M c Bean to Odtims Ferry & from thence to Rocky Creek. Job Price, Hall Hudson, John Stallings. Richmond County from MBeans to Augusta Robert Jones, Breton Dawson, Robert Bonner. From the Sand-Bar to Raes Creek. William Glascock, Peter Parris. From Raes Creek to Little River W m Simms, Tho" Greer sen r , James M c Xeil, W m Few, sen r , John Stuart. From Brownsborough to Wrightsborough. Benjamin Few, Charles Burke, and William Candler. From Tho s Greer s to the Cherokee Path, near the mouth of Little River. John Germany, Samuel Payne. From Augusta to Wrightsborough by Isaac Lowe s. Isaac Lowe, sen r David Walker, Greensbury Lee, Samuel Willson, Simon Bickham MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 529 From Wrightsborough to Savannah Town on Little Briar Creek. David Robinson, John Smith, Nathan Harris. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 3<D th July. The Board met and adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 31 st July. The Board met and adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. I st August 1/83. The Board met as per adjournment 3i st ult Present The Honorable the President. John Fulton Zacharias Fenn 1 ^ Walton Harris John Morel j Usqm t ! . ! ;. General Twiggs produced his account of sundries, and at the same paid the balance due the State thereon to the President 11. 13. 9 ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated and amerced estates do pay or cause to be paid to James Fox or order, as soon as possible, the sum of five pounds specie, being the sum ai- lowed him for seven weeks hire of a room for a Council Cham ber. 34 r r vol 2 530 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 2 nd August 1783. Littleberry Bostwick produced to the Board, his appointment as Justice of the peace, in addition to those already appointed, for the County of Richmond and was qualified accordingly. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated property do pay, or cause to be paid, out of the monies arising from the persons amerced, to Robert Bonner or order whatever ballance shall remain on a settlement with him for two hundred bushels corn, by him paid for, in behalf of the public in the year 1781. WHEREAS it hath been represented to this Board, that Mag istrates are wanting in addition to those already appointed for the Town of Augusta in the County of Richmond, and the Hon orable House of Assembly having adjourned without supplying the said deficiency, ORDERED, That Major George Handler and Col Samuel Tack be appointed Justices of the peace for the Town of Augusta aforesaid, in addition to those already appointed- George Handley and Samuel Jack Esquires attended the Board and qualified as Magistrates for Richmond County; as did also, Hepworth Carter Esquire, for the County of Liberty. The Board adjourned till Tuesday 12 th Instant, then to meet His Honour the Governor, at the Government House, Savannah. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 531 Government House Savannah 12 th August 1783. The Board met agreeable to adjournment 2 nd Instant. Present His Honor the Governor Tenkin Davis John Fulton 1 _< James Bryan } Esquires. Nothing before the Board they adjourned till to-morrow. 13 th August 1783. The Board met as yesterday WHEREAS, application hath been made to this Board, by the Attorney General for a return of all persons liable to bear arms in the County of Chatham, distinguishing their age and occu pation, in order that jury lists may be made out agreeable to law against the ensuing Courts. ORDERED, That the Commanding Officer of the Chatham County Militia, do immediately require the Captain, or other officer, commanding companies, to make out, and deliver to him an exact list of all persons serving under their command and enrolled in their companies, under the regulation aljove set f Drth, for the purpose aforesaid- The Board adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock. William Gibbons sen r Esquire attended His Honor the Gov ernor, in the Council Chamber, and was. by the Secretary of the Council sworn as an Assistant Justice for the County of Chatham. 532 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 19 th August 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton ") ^ V T 1 AT 1 } Esquires. Tames Bryan John Morel J John Martin Esquire attended the Board, qualified and gave bond as Treasurer of this State. In Council, Savannah 19 th August 1783. John Godlieb Neidlinger attended the Board and qualified as a Magistrate for the County of Effingham. ORDERED, That the Messenger do acquaint the Clerk of the Assembly that he is required to attend this Board with the Jour nals of that House to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly of this State, entitled "An act for inflicting penalties on, and confiscating the estates of, such persons as are therein declared guilty of treason, and for other purposes therein mentioned," it is, among other things, enacted, "That if any of the persons mentioned in said act, shall remain in this State, sixty days after the passing of this act, or "shall "return to this State, the Governor or Commander in Chief for "the time being, is hereby authorized and required to cause the "persons so remaining in, or returning to this State, to be appre- "hended and committed to Jail, there to remain, without bail or "mainprize, until a convenient opportunity shall offer, for trans porting the said person or persons beyond the Sea s to some "part of the British Kings dominions ; which the Governor or "Commander in Chief for the time being, is hereby required to "do; and if any of the said persons shall return to this State "after such transportation, then and in such case, he or they "shall be adjudged, and they are hereby declared to be guilty "of felony, and shall, on conviction of their having so returned "as aforesaid, suffer death without benefit of Clergy. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 533 And whereas, since the making and passing of said act, the General Assembly of this State, at their late Sessions, to wit, at Augusta, did resolve, that John Glenn, Thomas Young, Thomas Gibbons, James Spalding, Levi Sheftall, and others who are named in the said act, should be taken therefrom, and put on the Bill of amercement. And whereas, no bill of amercement hath been passed since making the said resolution, on which arose a question, viz, whether the aforesaid act for inflicting penalties &c. so far as relates to those persons mentioned in said resolution is and ought to be considered as repealed. And the Attorney General, (being thereunto required by this Board) gave his opinion thereon, and is as follows Viz. "I have perused the resolutions of the Honorable the House "of Assembly passed at Augusta, respecting the aforesaid pei- "sons; and in answer to the question proposed by His Honor the Governor, I must remark, that -I do not conceive that the "aforesaid resolutions, can in any point of view, suspend the "operation of the act of confiscation and banishment with respect "to any persons mentioned in the aforesaid bill and named in the "said resolution. No law can be altered, amended, dispensed "with, suspended or repealed, but in the same forms, and by the "same authority; for it is a maxim in law, that it requires same "strength to dissolve, as to create an obligation. (signed) SAM ! STIRK Atty Gen 1 Whereupon, this Board are unanimously of opinion, and do advise His Honor the Governor, to cause the said act of confisca tion and banishment to be put in strict execution, agreeable to the letter and spirit thereof. ORDERED, That James Cochran and Thomas Taylor, be ap pointed Commissioners of the Ogechee Road, in room of Fred- 534 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS eric Rolfes deceased, and William Struthers departed this State, in addition to those already appointed. House of Assembly 15 th July 1/83. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor, and Council be recommended and requested to transmit to the Executive an 1 Legislative powers and departments in every state in the United States, a list of persons, at this time, within our act of atain- der, banishment and confiscation; and request a list from them. of persons named in their law; so that by this correspondence each state may know, or be informed from time to time, what is done by each State, relative to those persons so proscribed. Extract from the minutes (signed) JN WILKINSON C. G. A. Adjourned till to-morro\v morning 9 o Clock. 2o th August 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton ) James Bryan j Charles Odingsells Esquire, one of the Commissioners of for feited estates, this day wrote a resignation to this Board. On application of James White, a Continental, maim d Sol dier, belonging to the Georgia Line, for necessaries. ORDERED, That Mr. Eimbeck, keeper of the public store, do supply him oznab gs for two shirts and two pair of trousers; one pair of shoes and cloth for a jacket ; to be charged him in account. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 535 WHEREAS, there has been of late, a number of violent rob beries and depredations committed by a lawless, armed banditti of ruffians, who are, frequently way-laying, plundering and rob bing the peaceable citizens of this State. To remedy which evil, it is the opinion of this Board, that some speedy measures should be adopted, and accordingly advise, that His Honor the Gov ernor do issue orders to the commanding Officers of the respective regiments, to detach, on patrole duty, an officers guard, or such number of men as they shall judge sufficient to patrole by day and night; and to appredend all such robbers and plunderers, and them secure, in the most effectual manner, that justice may be done. And whereas, there are a number of emigrants daily ariving in this State; that the said patrole shall take up such they shall find and convey them before some Magistrate to be examined and to be dealt with as the law, and safety of the State requires. N. B. This, with a letter, was sent to the different Colo 6 Com ds Regiments Adjourned till 26 th Instant, no business on hand, the Board met and adjourned till 2 nd September 1783. 2 nd September 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Tenkin Davis Tames Bryan ) ^ Walton Harris f Es( l uires - Proposals of James Weatherford, offering to take command of a party of men, to protect the inhabitants from plunderers &C ; was read 536 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Board taking into consideration the case of the State Galley, and being informed that she would soon decay for want of being made use of, resolved that the same be sold. Where upon, ORDERED, That John Kell, a licensed auctioneer, do put up the said Galley, with all her rigging, tackle and furniture, at public auction, on Tuesday next, to be sold for cash only. The property not be altered till the terms are complied with. Pursuant to resolve of the Honorable House of Assembly at Augusta, dated the day of July last, His Honor the Gov ernor drew an order on M c Cartan Campbell, for one hundred pounds sterling, if so much should be found clue on his amerce ment, payable to the Honorable George Walton Esquire, as Chief Justice. Adjourned till to-morrow 10 o Clock. 3 rd September 1783. The Board met and having nothing material before them they adjourned till Tuesday next MEMORANDUM. Gave George Eimbeck an order to receive rations viz, 2 b beef per diem, (from L- Cops) he to be accountable to the State, to be charged by said Cope. Omitted from I st Instant. Gave Lieutenant MLean, of Little Ogechee, an order on Mr. Eimbeck, Keeper of the military stores, for six pair pistols; to be accountable for when thereunto required. Omitted from the ^ th Instant. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 537 9 th September 1783. The Board met. Present, Hi s Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis James Bryan Walton Harris James Stuart \ Esquires. Petition James Douglass, praying to have a house and lot in Broughton Street, (sold as the property of Samuel Douglass, proscribed) given up to him, the same, as he alledges, being given to him by the said Samuel, in the year 17/7, as part pay ment for his services. ORDERED, That the same be referred the Board of claims. Letter from Captain James MCay, representing that the crop of rice on the estate of John B. Maxwell cannot be got in, with out assurances can be given, that the negroes will not be sold or carried away. The Board, on mature consideration of the primises, were unanimously of opinion that the crop of rice, made on lands, late the property of the said John, and by negroes, late deemed the property of the same, ought to be secured as the property of this State. Whereupon, ORDERED, That the said Captain James Mackay, be empowered to collect the said negroes (said to be squandered.) and au thorized to retain them under his care and management for the purpose of securing the said crop of rice as before mentioned. Letter from John Milton Sec y , praying an order on James Mossman for the sum of fifty pounds, out of his amercement, to be in part of his salary due the said John Milton. Petition of Francis Davis, praying to be admitted a Measurer and culler of lumber in the County of Chatham. Was read Granted and sworn accordingly. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o Clock. 538 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 10 September 1783. The Board met. Present, Hi s Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris ) John Fulton \ ORDERED, That George Rolfes do deliver up a note of hand given by W m Struthers to Frederic Rolfes, deceased; for as the same has been paid to the order of Council. ORDERED, That Major Habersham be requested to furnish this Board with a return of the public Horses, he received at several times into service. ORDERED, That James Myers l>e requested to render an ac count to this Board, respecting a public horse, he bought, as it is said of Nehemiah Wade D. Q. M. ORDERED, That John Kell, lawful! Auctioneer, be requested to transmit to this Board, the bond or other obligation he took from John Dollar, for the payment of the rent of Ogechee Ferry. Adjourned till Thursday i8 th . Thursday the i8 th The Board met and having nothing ma terial on hand, they adjourned till Tuesday the 2$ Ti MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 589 The Board met. Present, Hi s Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Morel ) John Fulton Walton Harris j The Board proceeded to the choice of a person to supply the vacancy in the Board of Commissioners of confiscated estates, in the room of Charles Odingsells Esquire resigned ; and Hep- worth Carter Esquire was chosen. Petition of Edward Davies, requesting the Board would as certain what shall be allowed him as Auditor General &., in time past. Referred to the next Council day when the petition will be heard. Petition Robert Grier. praying a new order m lieu of one purchased by him of Peter Parris, for six cows and calves, given on the Commissioners of confiscated estates ; and by the said petitioner lost or mislaid. Ordered, thereon, that he may have an order similar to, and in lieu of, the said order so lost or mislaid. ORDERED, That the public vendue House be leased on Tuesday next, by the Commissioners of confiscated estates, untill the first day of January next ; And also the buildings erected on the bay by James Herriott (proscribed) to be sold on that day, for cash only. ORDERED, That John Kell, Auctioneer, be requested to put in at public outcry, the Galley, Sailors Delight, belonging to this State to be sold for cash or credit. James Weatherford, produced an affidavit taken by Joseph 540 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Pierce Jun r , that he believed a certain wench & c . was the prop erty of the said Jos. and also his own affidavit to the same pur port. The Board are unanimously of opinion, that the proof is in sufficient ; and that the said James do satisfy this Board how he came by the said property. Adjourned till Tuesday 3O th September, at which time they met 3O th September 1783. The Board met Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton Walton Harris John Morel John Wilkinson attended the Board and produced a resolved of the Honorable House of Assembly in his favour respecting his certificates and audited accounts, making the same a lawful payment for any purchase he might have made at the sales of confiscated estates; and offering full payment for a purchase he made near Thunderbolt; but not having been able to ascertain the boundary line, of the said tract, yet this is looked on as a lawful tender of the said payment ; to be accepted when the con tents can be known. Petition Joseph Fox, in favor of John Fox, his brother (pro scribed) praying that a negroe boy, who deserted him, when he was here in a Flag from East Florida might be returned him was read postponed. Petition of Ezekil Stallings was read claiming some negroes as the reward of services rendered by himself & brother. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 541 Application of Charles Odingsells for land due him as refugee agreeable to an act of Assembly, having produced a certificate from Gen 1 Marion, of having faithfully exerted his abilities under him as Captain and Brigade Major. The Board are of opinion that he is highly dese rving of the land he applies for, on account as well of the said act, as for the faithful discharge of his abilities in the cause of his Country and freedom. And that His Honor the Governor, be requested to sign him a certificate for that purpose accordingly. Commodore Bowen attended the Board and offered some argu ments why he should be entitled to land among other emoluments as a Colonel of Foot. Referred till this day se enight. Captain John Dollar being called before the Council, respect ing his purchasing the occupancy of Ogechee Ferry, which was sold hi m at the rate of 120. per annum. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 8 o Clock. October I st 1783. The Board met Present, His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Morel ) Walton Harris John Fulton / Esquires. Hepworth Carter Esquire, attended the Board, was qualified and gave security as Commissioner for the confiscated estate, Petition of Ezekiel Stallings, on account of himself and brother was taken into consideration Whereupon, ORDERED, That the final determination thereof be postponed 542 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS till some resolve respecting the deranging the State Legionary Troops, can be had for guidance. Application Mr. John Garrett, respecting a quantity of liquor supplied the army under General Wayne, was taken into con sideration. Referred to the Honorable the House of Assembly. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. 2 nd October 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Fulton 1 r Walton Harris John Morel j bsqui ORDERED, That the Commissioners of forfeited estates do en deavour, by all means in their power, to collect all the public property, such as negroes, waggons, waggon wheels, horses and guns, that can be found, and expose the same to public sale for cash only. ORDERED, That the said Commissioners do also, expose at pub lic sale, or otherwise, after due notice being given thereof, one house and lot at yamacraw late the property of John J. Zubly dec d ; one house and lot in Savannah, late the property of Alex- ?nder Willey; two and a half lots in Savannah, late the property of John Graham ; one house and lot in Savannah, late the prop erty of Bazil Cowper; one house and lot at yamacraw, late the property of John Glenn; one house and lot on the Bay, in the tenure of Thomas Mills, and two tracts of land on Hutchison s Island, late the property of Lachlan MGilvray; all of which premises have been already sold as confiscated property, and relinquished to the State, or not complied for by the several pur chasers thereof, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 543 passed at Augusta, on the 29 th July, last; for cash only, to be paid in gold and silver, to the acceptance of the Council, for the purpose of making good, engagements entered into on behalf of the state, for defraying the expences of the Members attend ing the Board, and to answer other, the exigencies of Govern ment &. &. ORDERED, That the said Commissioners do, forthwith, collect all the several sums of money, due by virtue of the amercement act, and in case of refusal or neglect of the payment thereof, that the said Commissioners do immeditely seize on, and dis pose of, the property real and personal of every such offender, without admitting any manner of excuse or shewing any further indulgence. Adjourned till Wednesday 8 th October. No Council met on the 8 th . In Council October 14 th 1783. Present, His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Morel \ ^ John Fulton Walton Harris, j Jj squi ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated property have the houses, lots and tracts of land, advertized for sale, ap praised by three freeholders : likewise the public salt, corn and negroe cloth. ORDERED, That all persons who are liable to the pains and pen- 544 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS allies of the act of banishment and confiscation, do immediately depart this State; and it is hereby required that immediate in formation be given of all persons who shall harbour or conceal any person or persons, who are included, or liable to be included in the act of banishment and confiscation of this State. Copy of order sent the Attorney General. SIR, You are hereby directed to have the names of all such persons as are included in the act of attainder, their heirs or devisees, who have, as yet, not been named, to be properly named and certified in the several Counties within this State, and a return thereof to be made to this Board. By order & c . & c . In Council Savannah 15"* October 1783. Present, His Honor the Governor. Jenkin Davis John Fulton "I Walton Harris John Morel J Esquires ORDERED, That the Commssioners of confiscated estates do advertize in the Gazette of this State, to receive proposals for the purchase of the houses, lots and land, advertised for sale on monday last, for cash ; and to make return of such offers as shall be made to them, to this Board, on or before Tuesday next ; and that the said premises be sold on that or the following day, o the highest bidder. Col John Martin appointed by the Honorable the Legislature one of the Commissioners for Indian Affairs, having declined acting as such for the future ; and Brigadier Lachlan M c lntosh, appointed also as above, having signified to this Board, that it is not in his power to attend the Treaty with the Indians at Au- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 545 gusta: His Honor the Governor has informed this Board, that the remaining Commissioners are desirous that an appointment should be made of some Gentlemen to supply the vacancies that now is, and may happen at the said Treaty by neglect or refusal to act ; the Board taking the same into consideration, have nom inated and appointed the following persons to supply the va cancy aforesaid, in the following order, viz, The Honble. Andrew Burnes, William Glascock, & Charles Crawford Esquires to be Commissioners, one or more of whom to join with those present so as to make a sufficient number to constitute a Board. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. The Board met i6 th October, and adjourned till Tuesday next 9 o Clock. The Board met 2i Et October, as per adjournment Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris John Fulton John Morel l Petition William Webb, praying permission to remain in this State was read and rejected. Petition Col James McNeil, praying certificates for sundry officers and men, to obtain land was read Ordered thereon, that the papers produced as vouchers for the said claims were insufficient. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates re- 86 r r rol I 546 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ceive proposals at the Vendue House, for the purchase of the houses, lots and lands advertized for sale this day and that the persons making the highest offers for any of the premises, be directed to apply to this Board this afternoon, between the hours of 4 and 6 and lay their offers & proposals before them ; and in -case they are accepted by the Board, they shall be deemed pur chasers, and in the mean time, the auction to be postponed till to-morrow. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. 22 d October 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton ) ^ Walton Harris John Morel ( J: ORDERED, That the Commissioners of forfeited estates, do pay Jenkin Davis, on account, thirty pounds, fifteen shillings. The Board received a letter from Brigadier General M Intosh, President of the Board of Claims against the confiscated estates, requesting the Council to nominate and appoint a person in the room of James Cochran Esquire, resigned; and Major John Habersham was unanimously chosen. The Board proceeded to the appointment of a Collector of the Taxes for the County of Chatham, in the room of Edward Lloyd resigned, when James Field was chosen. Edward Davies w::s heard before Council, and the matter re ferred to Tuesday next. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates do MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 547 postpone the sale of sundry premises by them advertised, till Saturday next 10 o Clock in the forenoon, then to be sold for cash only to the acceptance of this Board. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated Estates do give John Kell an order on Edward Davis for the sum of eleven pounds, sixteen shillings specie, in part Indian supplies by him furnished; which sum is to be deducted from a purchase, lately made by the said Edward Davies, of confiscated property. ORDERED, That a lot of ground in the Town of Sunbury, known by the number sixteen, in the plat of said Town, be ap praised by three freeholders, (respectable) to ascertain the value thereof in specie, to be paid immdiately, and that the same be conveyed in fee simple to John Kell and heirs forever, in part payment of his account for goods supplied the Indian Treaty in July last, and cash advanced for the State Galley. Petition George Walton Esquire and Major Habersham was read The Board are of opinion that they are not competent to determine on it. The Board took up the consideration of subsistence for George Eimbeck, Keeper of the Fort, and Military and other public stores in this State ; and are of opinion that the sum of fifty pounds be allowed him per annum, whilst he may be employed therein, he finding himself. And that James White, a maimed, continental soldier be allowed at the rate of ten pounds per an num, in addition to allowance already made him : provided he behaves himself becomingly. ORDERED, That a Flag and Staff be procured for the Fort and that His Honor the Governor be requested to contract with some person or persons for that purpose. And also to procure a keg of powder some lead and other material for the Fort. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 23 rj October 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton \ _ Walton Harris & John Morel J ^squires. ORDERED, That the Surveyor Genera! be requested and re quired to transmit or cause to be transmitted, monthly, and every month, to this Board, an account of all caveats depending, or de termined in any of the Courts for trying caveats within this State, to serve as guide for signing of grants. Also that a cer tificate be required before signing any grant, for land, from the Justices of the land Court, of the County where such land lies; purporting that there be no just bar, or impediment to the sign ing the same. And that the same has been improved and cul tivated the space of time required by the land act. WiiEREAS, information hath been received, that numbers of disbanded soldiers from East Florida and elsewhere, are coming into this State, many of whom, are originally from other States, from which the peace and safety of this State may be endan gered. Therefore, ORDERED, That all such disbanded soldiers, and others coming as aforesaid, shall, immediately on their arrival here, take their departure for the state they belonged to and resided in last, prior to the war. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates be authorized and requested to pay David Rees, the Secretary to this Board, the sum of one hundred and twenty five pounds specie on ace* and in part of his salary, granted him by the Hon orable the Legislature MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 549 WHEREAS, the act imposing a transient duty is studiously evaded by persons importing goods, wares and merchandize into this State, under the specious pretence of such articles being con signed to citizens thereof, therefore, ORDERED, That the Attorney General or his deputy do make strict enquiry into the same, that the true intent and meaning of said act may not be frustrated. Adjourned till Monday next 10 o Clock. Monday 27 th October 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris Jarnes Bryan James Fulton Abraham Ravot and Hepworth Carter, two, and a majority of the Commissioners of confiscated estates, attended and gave notice that they had, pursuant to the orders and directions by them received from the Executive Council, proceeded, on the forenoon of Saturday last, being the twenty seventh instant, to the sale at public outcry, of the two tracts of land on Hutchin- sons Island, confiscated as late being the property of Lachlan M c Gilvray (proscribed) and that Lyman Hall Esquire, other wise called the Honorable Lyman Hall Esquire, & c . then and there, to wit, on the forenoon of the said 25 th Instant, at the Vendue House in Savarnah, being the last and highest bidder, for one of the said tracts of land, containing one hundred and t .vcnty acres, the same was knocked off to him for the sum of four pounds sterling in specie, pr. acre, amounting in the whole to the sum of four hundred and eighty pounds. And that the 550 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS other tract, containing eighty five acres, belonging as aforesaid, was likewise exposed to sale at public outcry at the time and place aforesaid, and Thomas Washington Esquire, then and there being the highest and last bidder therefor, the same was knocked off to him for the sum of six pounds, seventeen shillings per acre, amounting to the sum of five hundred and eighty two pounds, five shillings sterling money as aforesaid. And also that they had, pursuant to orders and directions to them, given by this Board, on the 21 st instant, requiring them to give public notice that they would receive offers and proposals for the purchase of sundry premises in the Town of Savannah, confiscated, give i such notice at the Vendue House and elsewhere. And that David Rees, Secretary to this Board, was the only person making any offers or proposals for the premises following, viz, for one lot* and small tenement thereon erected, situated on and Street confiscated and sold as the property, late of Baz l Cowper, proscribed, the sum of fifty pounds specie, also for two lots and a half, known by the numbers 3. 4. and 5. bounded by Street on the by Street on the and confiscated and sold as late the property of John Graham proscribed, for the sum of thirty pounds each lot and fifteen pounds for the half lot; the said premises were accordingly, sold to the said Davis Rees for the sum of one hun dred and twenty five pounds sterling money aforesaid, being the exact sum and sums severally and jointly, that the said premises were appraised at by freeholders on oath. The pay ment, as well for the two tracts of land as for the other premises being to the acceptance of this Board made, they are declared to be duly sold. Whereupon, ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates be empowered and requested to make and execute good and sufficient titles to the several purchasers above named respectively, for the said premises by them purchased, as aforesaid. *N. B. The above premises have been claimed by Thomas Savage Esquire. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 551 The Commissioners of confiscated estates gave notice to tin s Board that they had got the lot in Sunbmy ! N 16 to be valued, agreeable to an order of the 22 nd Instant by freeholders on oath, and that it was appraised at eighty pounds specie, also that they had sold a house and lot on the bay, British property, to Thomas Mills, for two hundred and fifty pounds specie, pay able * . & c . made acceptable to this Board. ORDERED, That the said Commissioners be authorized, em powered and requested to make and execute sufficient titles to the said John Kell, and his heirs for the lot N 16. in the Town of Sunbury as above mentioned and directed in the order of 22 nd Instant : And also to the aforesaid Thomas Mills for one house and lot purchased as above and now in his tenure. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. Tuesday 28 th October 1783. The Board met. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton ) ^ James Bryan { Es( * uire Memorial John S. Eustace, being read, praying payment for his expences to S l Augustine the last year as State agent, as it is set forth and alledged. Ordered, that the determination thereof be postponed till Tuesday next. Memorial Raymond Demere, praying redress respecting some purchases he made, and was disappointed in complying for, by neglect of (as he says) the Attorney General & c . & c . 552 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The Council advise His Honor the Governor to request the Commissioners of confiscated estates to suspend the sale of the said purchases until determination thereon can be had. Petition of Captain Peter Emanuel De La Plaigne, praying payment of fifty pounds, pursuant to resolve of the House of Assembly at Augusta. Postponed till Tuesday next. A certificate in favor of. John Berricn, given by General Lach- irtii M lntosh, was read and debated The Board are of opinion, and do determine that he is not en titled to more land than a Captain in the Line. ORDERED, That the Clerk of the Market, be required to regu late, as far as in him (by virtue of his appointment lies, the ex orbitant high price of provisions brought to Savannah Market. WHEREAS :, it hath been represented to this Board, that in, and at the last general sales of confiscated estates, many persons were accepted as securities for the purchasers, who were worth, per haps not a foot of land in the State; and in some, and indeed, too many instances, where both the purchaser and security were not sufficient for interest alone; from all which the public re sources of this State, are liable to many and great impositions and damages Therefore. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates be required to take and accept of none but good and sufficient se curities at the ensuing sales, by having good personal security or other lands of the purchaser or purchasers, their security or securities (besides those to be purchased at the said ensuing sales) mortgaged or otherwise made liable for the said purchase or purchases hereafter to be made. And that the said Commis sioners do officially apply to the Attorney General on the behaf of this State, requesting his opinion touching and concerning what they shall require and may accept as good and sufficient se curity for every such purchase to be hereafter made as aforesaid. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 553 Major John Habersham, elected on the 22 nd Instant to supply the vacancy in the Board of claims &c. occasioned by the resig nation of James Cochran Esquire, having acquainted this Board, by letter to their Secretary, that it was out of his power, without detriment to to his private affairs, to serve in the said appoint ment. \Yhereupon, the Board proceeded to the choice of another person to supply the said vacancy; and John Keil Esquire being mentioned and recommended, was unanimously appointed to serve at the said Board. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates be empowered and required to pay the Honorable Jenkin Davis the sum of one hundred and thirteen pounds 11/4. on account to enable him to discharge some debts unavoidably contracted by him whilst attending this Board. Adjourned till Tuesday /i th November 1/83. Tuesday 4 th November 1783. Two members met but not being able to make a Board, ad journed till Tuesday the II th Instant. Tuesday II th November 1/83. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton | ^ T -D t Esquires. James Bryan ) ORDERED, That a proclamation be issued, forbidding any person or persons making any encroachments on the lands lately relinquished by the Indians at Augusta. 554 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Application of Oliver Bowen was taken into consideration and order made thereon : that as there appears some ambiguity in the case, and that it can be of no great detriment to him to wait till the meet g of the next House of Assembly, it be referred to the Legislature. Application of John S. Eustace, read on the 28" ult was again read, and referred to the next General Assembly. Petition of Joseph Fox of the ,?o th September was again read and ORDERED, That he cannot be returned to East Florida. Petition of Edward Davis, heretofore read and postponed was taken into consideration and thereupon, ORDERED, That in the first instance the petitioner be request ed to make answer in writing to the following quere s, to wit, Quere Whether, by the nature of your appointment as Auditor you did not conceive yourself elected or appointed for one year only ? How far did you proceed in adjusting and liquidating the acct s of the State or otherwise? In conveying the Books and Papers to the Northward what expences were you at for carriages? And what carriages were they you employed for that purpose? If Continental, how are they disposed of ? ORDERED, That public notice be given in the Gazette of this State, that all persons indebted to the same, for interest due on bonds or othenvise, do immediately discharge the same, or they may expect to be proceeded against as the law directs, without distinction. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 555 \YiiEREAS, it is represented to this Board that many inconven iences do arise to the detriment of the trading interest in this Town, by no person being appointed a Harbour Master for the: Port of Savannah, v. hereby good order would be maintained and disputes prevented between Ship Masters and others concerned in shipping; And Ichabud Higgins, late and at present acting Pilot, being recommended as a proper person for that station therefore, ORDERED, That the said Ichabud Higgins be. and he is hereby appointed HarbourMaster for the port and harbour of Savannah accordingly. The Board adjourned till Tuesday next 10 o Clock in the fore noon. Tuesday i8 th November The Board met and adjourned till Tuesday 25 th November 1/83- Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Fulton 1 ^ \\r U TLT T r> r Esquires. Walton Harris James Bryan J Grants signed in Council this day by His Honor the Governor. To James Harvey. . . .two grants . . for 400 Acres each. To ditto one ditto for 200 Acres .... To Henry Graybill.. i ditto. .. for 25o Acres To Moses Powell ... i ditto for 400 acres To Kedar Powell . . i Grant . for loo acres I Brought down To Michael Harvey . i ditto.. 350 acres by John Harvey. To Thomas Harvey. . i ditto 300 ditto To James Hogg i ditto 200 ditto To John Harvey I ditto.. 300 ditto To ditto i ditto 200 ditto. } 556 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Holman Freeman attended Council and gave information that Samuel Scott had illegally obtained his grant for acres of land in Wikes County, at the month of Pistol Creek. ORDERED thereon, that a letter be wrote to the Assistant Jus tice and Justices composing a Court for granting lands in sai l County, requesting them to investigate the said matter and re turn thereof make to this Board. Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 o Clock. Wednesday 26 th November 1783. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris John Fulton Letter from Robert Jones dated 2i st November 1783. inform ing that there was a bond in the hands of a certain Thomas Gib bons, proscribed, due by him to this State, which he was willing to pay provided he should be indemnified by the State against the said bond. Amount of said bond 150. sterl.g. ORDERED, That he be wrote to requesting him to pay the same to the Commissioners of confiscated estates on behalf of this State, and that thereon he shall be held, taken and justified, fully discharged and acquited of and from the said bond, and of evei\ part and parcel thereof. Letter from Col Elijah Clark dated 2i st Instant, repuestin^; that a certain tract of land in Richmond County, late Ingrain s, may be appraised at its specie value; and that he will take it in payment for goods supplied the Indian Treaty and to pay off Riflemen, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 557 ORDERED, That the same be appraised by Zacharias Fenn, John Germany and William Few Esquires, and delivered to him the said Clark accordingly. And that the Commissioners oi" confiscated estates do make good and sufficient titles to Col Rob ert Middleton for a lot of ground in Augusta, late the property of valued at on the day of last past, for the said purpose of paying Riflemen &c. &c. Adjourned till 3 d December 1783. Wednesday 3 d December The Board met. Present t His Honor the Governor jenkin Davis . Walton Harris 1 ^ James Bryan John Fulton J Petition of Sarah Frazer, praying that a lot of ground in the Town of Sunbury, N I- sold some time since as the property of her husband. Donald Frazer. proscribed, and not complied for, ihould remain unsold till the meeting of the next House of As sembly was read - The Board are of opinion, and do determine that they cannot put a stop to the proceedings of the Commissioners of confiscated estates on such pretensions ; And suggest that if the Legislature would give her up the said lot, supposing it to be unsold, they can very easy compliment her with the value it sold for. Adjourned till to-morrow morning. 55S THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Thursday 4 th December 1/83. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis \Valton Harris 1 r James Bryan John Fulton j hsc l llires - An account of Cornelius Collins \vho acted (as per certificated John Martin.) in the capacity of Major Commandant at August?, the 2 nd August 1782. amounting to eighty nine dollars and half specie, being, as it is said, for sundries purchased by him for the immediate supply of the military horse occ. 6cc. was read. The Council was unanimously of opinion, that as the supplies r.bove mentioned could not be procured or purchased by any other means, and that his chearfulness in advancing his cash and credit for the above purpose demand the attention of this Board and the public. They therefore, recommend and advise His Honor the Governor to give the said Cornelius Collins an order on the Treas ury of this State for the said sum. The petition of Elizabeth Young, wife of Thomas Young, praying a suspension of the sale of some lands oir Ogechee Neciv &c. was read The Board are of opinion that the property referred to in the said petition, was in Liberty County; and known by the name South-Hampton &c. that the determination of right to land being- situate and lying in Chatham County, as Ogechee Neck is, could not be had in any Court in the County of Liberty, and that they have been informed, that the lands mentioned in the said petition was purchased by, and otherwise the absolute property of, the said Thomas Young. Therefore, they are of opinion, that the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 559 said lands must be sold as the confiscated property late of the said Thomas, according to law. ORDERED, That an order be drawn on the Treasury of this J State, in favor of the Honorable George Walton Esquire, Chief Justice, pursuant to a resolve of the Honble. the House of As sembly, passed at Augusta, the day of last past. ORDERED, That the Attorney General be requested to enter a caveat against Micajah Williamson, in the land Court for the County of Wilkes, to prevent his obtaining a grant for land be longing to this State, formerly the property of Robert Cunning ham of South-Carolina. And that he also be requested to call on John Lindsay, William Downes, Sanders Walker, Abraham Bid- die, John Awtry, Abraham Landers, Reuben De Jernatt, and Seaborn Jones to give evidence in support thereof. Memorial of Captain James Mackay praying that the Estate of John B. Maxwell, so reputed, might not be sold till the meet ing of the next General Assembly, was read a second time not granted. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o Clock. Friday 5 th December 1783. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris 1 ? . James Bryan John Fulton J Letters from Messr 8 Owens & Thompson, setting forth that *60 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS they were paying a heavy rent for a store, wherein was public salt, begging to have the same removed that they might give it up. also setting forth that they had, in April last, given their note of hand, which they ought to have called a receipt, for three hun dred pounds, to be deducted out of their accounts against this State, conditioned for the priviledge of shipping three hundred barrels of rice to East-Florida, at a time when there was a gen eral embargo laid on shipping grain ; but that they had not been ?ble to ship more than one hundred barrels, before the peace was announced, whereby their purposes, on which the above proposal was founded, were at once frustrated. They, therefore, humbly beg that they shall not be compelled to pay for the said priviledge, more than in proportion to what they actually shipped. ORDERED thereon, that if the said Owens & Thompson do agree to take up their note in full satisfaction for the three hundred bushels of salt, purchased of them for the public use, His Honor the Governor be empowered and requested to settle it with them in that manner. Application of Mr. Owen Owens on behalf of himself and others, being British Merchants, for payment of their accounts against the State, setting forth that they would willingly take lands in payment thereof. Whereupon, ORDERED, (pursuant to a resolve of the Honorable the Legis lature entered into on the day of .last past,) that the tract or parcel of land called Monteith, situate in the County of Chatham, sold as the forfeited property of John Gra ham proscribed, and again revested in the State by relinquish- ment &c. be set aside for that purpose ; and that William Bryan, William Gibbons, sen r and Richard Guinn be empowered and re quested to value and appraise the said tract or parcel of land. called Monteith, containing six thousand hundred and acres, at the specie value, and a return of the said appraisement so made upon oath, to be transmitted to this Board in six days from the date hereof. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 561 ORDERED, That John Cooper, Lt. Col, be requested to make a return to this Board, of the rice, pistols &c. he obtained by or der from this Board some time since, and how appropriated. ORDERED, That George Rolfes do attend this Board on Wednesday next 10 o Clock in the forenoon. Wednesday io th December 1/83. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Tenkin Davis Tqhn Fulton "I ^ Walton Harris John Morel f ^ sc t uires - ORDERED, That the lots in the Town of Sunbury, known by the numbers I, 2. 24 and 27: and one lot in Savannah, late John Graham s, also one half lot. in ditto, late Chapman s : some public salt, canvas, thread, some Queen stones and a filtering ditto, be appraised by three respectable freeholders on oath, to ascertain the value thereof in specie : And that Francis Cocldington, John Kell, and Thomas Washington, be the appraisers thereof ; and ihat they make a return thereof soon as ma}* be, to this Board. Also, that a tract of land of six hundred acres, Augustins Creek, be appraised by the appraisers of Monteith. Petitions of Alexander Bisset and Henry Sonerby, late if East Florida, praying to have leave to bring their slaves and effects into this State Granted till the meeting of the Legis- - Petition of Mary and Israel Flert, praying that Samuel Krows 86 r r TO! 2 562 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS and Jenkin Davis might take them and their small remaining property under their guardianship and care. WHEREAS, request hath been made to this Board, by the Presi dent of the Board of Claims &c. that the Clerk of the Honorable House of Assembly might be required to attend them with the minutes of the said House, to be a guide in their determinations; And that the Commissioners of confiscated estates be requested to furnish them with an accurate return or list of all sales of the Estates and other property so confiscated and sold, by virtue of the said confiscation act. Also a message from the President of the said Board to his Honor the Governor and Council, that a sum of money should be advanced them to purchase books, and other necessaries for the said Board of Claims ; and to defray their necessary expences, while sitting thereat. ORDERED thereon, that the Clerk above mentioned be required to attend the said Board of Claims, with such papers and resolves as they may want. Also that the said Commissioners do, with all convenient speed, furnish the said Board with a full and accurate return of all sales had and made of the confiscated estates : And that the said Commissioners do pay into the hands of the Clerk of the said Board of Claims for the purpose above requested, the sum of ten pounds specie, taking his receipt to be accountable for the same. Adjourned till monday next MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 62 Monday 15 th December 1783. In Council. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Morel John Fulton Walton Harris V Esquires. ORDERED, That the lots in Sunbury and Savannah, appraised on the io th Instant, be sold by the Commissioners of confiscated estates, on Tuesday the 23* Instant, to the highest bidder for cash only, to be paid to the acceptance of this Board, before the prop erty is altered. Petition Hampton Lillibridge was read, praying for the sale of a certain tract of land called the Laurel Hill or Middle plantation, late the estate of Sir James Wright, which the Petitioner pur chased at the general sales in June 1/82, be postponed till the meeting of the Legislature Granted. Application of Owens & Thompson proposing to take the white oak plantation at an appraised valuation in cash, in part of their accounts against the public Order made thereon, that certain lands advertised for sale, be leserved for the purpose of discharging the accounts of the Brit ish Merchants and payment of goods supplied for the Indian Treaty, viz, Montieth Plantation, late John Graham s; White Oak Plantation, late James Butler s, Kincaids upper planta tion, four hundred acres ; Douglass plantation six hundred acres, on Augustins Creek. Application made by Joseph Clay and Joseph Habersham on behalf of Col Hamilton, late of East Florida, that he might be indulged the liberty of remaining at the plantation of John Mul- ryne, called Bonadventure, till the first day of January next; granted 564 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 1 6 th Michael and David Dixon, inhabitants of North Caro lina, made application for lands as having right thereto, being once enlisted in the minute battalions of this State. The Board having taken the same into consideration, and al;-,o required the opinion of the Attorney General thereon, which lie gave in the words following, to wit, "The resolution of the Hon orable the House of Assembly, of the 3 d June 77, for raising two battalions of minute men for the defence of the State, and after wards fully explained by a subsequent resolution ; partially sets forth, that the bounties of land to be given to such men as should enlist in the said battalions for two years, was the intention of the Legislature to encourage the settlement of the State and promote the defence thereof, by bringing setlers, as well as soldiers, and not to embody or enlist the inhabitants thereof, which would frustrate their intention and by no means contribute to its de fence. I am clearly of opinion that the certificates to be presented by the Officers and Soldiers, serving in the said battalions should particularly set forth that the persons were not, in the first in stance, inhabitants of this State, and that they were in actual ser vice at the time the battalions were disbanded ; if they should not produce satisfactory proof, and which the resolutions require, to shew 7 that they have complied with the contract on their part, 1 cannot think that the Government of this State is bound to com ply with the requisitions they have made." are of opinion, that n? the chief intention of the Legislature in the said resolution ap peared to be calculated for the setling, as well as the defending this State, and that therein they have not complied on their part, with the conditions held out therein, which was to entitle them to the bounty of land therein specified Therefore they cannot think themselves authorized to grant certificates for such lands as required, without the further advice and directions of the Leg islature thereon; That the same be refer d to the Honble. House of Assembly at their next, or some future meeting MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 565 On application Stallings and others, for negroes, they having served in the Georgia State Legion &c. ORDERED, That the Commissioners of forfeited estates d .> collect confiscated negroes sufficient to satisfy the demands of the said Petitioners and others belonging to said Corps, made in lieu of pay and bounty : they, first producing to them the said Com missioners their right therefor ; and also an accurate and full return of their said corps or legion shewing at once, what the de mand of the whole amounts to, and certified accounts of the many negroes already furnished them ; and how they were particularly and respectively appropriated. And that thereon, they, the said Commissioners, deliver them as many of such negroes, if they can be procured, as will answer the said demand. And also that they require and take sufficient receipts for all negroes already delivered to, or taken by the said Corps, or any of them, or that shall hereafter be delivered them. 22 nd December 1783. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris John Morel & John Fulton Memorial Richard How r ley, praying to withdraw his relin- quishment, of the White Oak Plantation, late James Butlers was read. The Board having taken the said memorial into mature consid eration ; and also the relinquishment he had signed respecting the same, have agreed and fi THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS That the relinquishment, as made by the memo rialist, do stand untill the meeting of the Legislature. Memorial Peter Bard, praying that no more of the estate oi the late Rev d John J. Zubly deceased, may be sold; as the Legis lature had resolved that one third of the said estate should l.t granted the heirs of the deceased. Granted. Application made by Richard Howly and James Jackson Es quires, Attornies for James Butler, Administrator of all and sin gular the estate of CoP EHsha Butler, late of Chatham County in the State of Georgia, deceased : that certain negroes taken, o v said to be taken by the Commissioners of confiscated estates, Dr their order; as the confiscated property late of John Butler Max well, proscribed, might be returned to the said Administrator. ORDERED thereon, (after having the said Attornies on behalf of the Administrator, and the Attorney General on behalf of the State, that the said application be granted on condition that the said Administrator, or his Attornies, do give good and satisfactory security in the penalty of a sum, amounting to double the value of all the negroes taken as above mentioned, and all the negroes inserted and contained in the Inventory and appraise ment by the said Attorneys produced to this Board this day that they shall be safely returned to the aforesaid Commissioners, a majority of them or either of them; unless they can and will, well and sufficiently make it appear to the Executive Authority then being, and that within one month after the records of this State shall be brought into the same, that the said property ought not to be considered as the property of the said John Butler Max well by any will, grift, or bequest of the said Elisha Butler, de ceased; except the Honorable the Legislature shall otherwise determine thereon. The Board, having resumed the consideration of the petition or memorial of Edward Davies, and the answers to the quere s put to him, on the n th ult, do agree and determine, that they MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 567 cannot judge of his account till tlie books arrive, to shew them how far he proceeded in auditing accounts. And further are of opinion, that his appointment of Auditor ought to cease on the instant that another was appoined for that purpose : and it would be very inconsistent to have two Auditors in this State at one and the same time, the appointing of the latter naturally making null and void, from that time, the appointment of the former. Therefore, they refer the whole to the Honorable the Legisla ture. 23 d December 1783. WHEREAS, by resolve of the Legislature at Augusta; His Honor the Governor was required to direct the Surveyor General to run the South West line. And whereas, not long after, and before any opportunity presented for executing the same, another or second Treaty was held with the Indians, whereby the tem porary boundary of this State was enlarged. The Board are of opinion, and advise His Honor the Gov ernor that the running of the said line, be deferred till the next meeting of the Legislature ; as it may, perhaps, be deemed neces sary at the same time, to divide the said land into Counties or otherwise, which will require particular directions. ORDERED, That the plantation, called Kincaids upper planta tion, containing four hundred and fifty Acres, be disposed of at the appraisement, valued at the sum of one thousand, seven hun dred and fifty pounds specie by William Gibbons, Richard Guinn, and William Bryan, in payment of the debts contracted with Andrew M c Lean and others for goods supplied the Indian Treaty. And whatever surplusage may be, to be applied towards defray ing the accounts of the Members of this Board, and other im mediate exigencies of the State. Adjourned till the 2 d January 1784. 568 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Tuesday January 2 d 1784. The Board met Present His Honor the Governor Walton Harris John Fulton Zacharias Fenn John Morel Jenkin Davis (in the afternoon) On motion ORDERED, That William O Bryan and John Davidson be ap pointed Inspectors of Tobacco for the Town of Savannah and County of Chatham. Grants examined in Council and signed by His Honor the Governor. To John Jones for 400 Acres Wilkes County. " William Wagner 250 " ditto. " Saunders Walker 500 " ditto. ditto 600 " ditto. " ditto 250 " ditto. Joshua Saunders 400 " ditto. " ditto 300 " ditto. " Benf Catchings 300 " ditto. ditto .200 . ditto. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 569 Saturday 3 d January 1784. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis John Morel 1 Zacharias Fenn John Fulton V Esquires Walton Harris His Honor the Governor, previous to withdrawing, laid before the Board his account of expenditures for the public service of the State, the greater part of which appears to have been cash advanced or assumed greatly to the benefit and saving of this State, as also his account of salary pr. resolve of the Legislature amounting in the whole to eight hundred and fifty three pounds, six shillings and two pence half penny specie; as pr. Ace 1 particu lars. The Board having approved thereof, ORDERED, That the same be considered and received as and in full satisfaction and pay for one tract of land, situate on Whitemarsh called Long Point, purchased by His Honor, of the Commissioners of confiscated estates, at public auction for the sum of 182. 1.6. and also for one other tract of land, situate on Hutchinsons Island, so called, late the property of Lachlan M c - Gilvray, purchased as aforesaid, of the said Commissioners, in manner aforesaid for the sum of four hundred and eighty pounds. And that the said Commissioners be empowered and required to give and execute good and sufficient titles to His Honor for the said premises respectively. And that whatever balance may remain due him on his said account, shall be allowed and paid him out of any public monies that shall be received; or be es teemed and received as satisfactory payment or discount for any sum or sums that His Honor may have been under the necessity of drawing to assist and enable him in supporting himself and 570 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS family as the dignity of his station and the State required. And also that the said Commissioners be empowered and required to make and execute good and sufficient titles unto Thomas Wash ington for a. tract of land on Hutchinson Island aforesaid, con taining eighty five acres, purchased of, and in manner as afore said, for the sum of five hundred and eighty two pounds, three shillings, he having paid therefor to the acceptance of this Board, by goods supplied the Indian Treaty at Augusta in May last, for which goods prompt payment was promised him, as per his re ceipt for that amount given to His Honor the Governor, on an order drawn by Andrew MLean. Also, that Job Pray, David Rees and Coshman Pollock do re ceive titles from the said Commissioners, for the purchases by them, respectively, made, at a cash public sale, at the Vendue House in Savannah on Tuesday the 23 d December ult, they having, severally, made payments to the acceptance of this Board. WHEREAS, it appeared to this Board most eligible, in order for discharging certain engagements entered into by the Legisla ture, more especially that of procuring supplies for holding a Treaty or Treaties with the Indians, and presents for them ; to have certain lands set aside and appropriated for that purpose, and among others, that tract called Kincaids upper plantation, containing four hundred and fifty acres, appraized at the specie valuation thereof, by three freeholders, at the sum of one thou sand, seven hundred and fifty pounds specie; And it appearing to this Board, that there was a balance due Andrew MLean for sundry supplies, by him furnished for the Treaty or Treaties aforementioned, of the sum of one thousand and seventy one pounds, 4 s /5 d /i/2 specie; and the said Andrew M c Lean having made proposals on account of himself and others with him con cerned, that they would take the said plantation at the valuation thereof aforesaid, and after deducting the said sum of 1071. 4. 5 1/2. from the valuation aforesaid, they would pay the balance that should then remain due the State to wit, the sum of 678. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 571 15. 6 1/2. to the requisition and acceptance of this Board. Where upon, ORDERED, That the Commissioners aforesaid be empowered and required to make and execute good and sufficient titles to the said Andrew MLean or to Messr 8 Clay, Telfair & C as he or they may direct therein, for the said tract of land called Kin- caids upper plantation, containing or said to contain, four hun dred and fifty acres the payment of the said sum of seventeen hundred and fifty pounds specie, being made to the acceptance of this Board. Application made by Major Car for some powder, lead and flints, for eighty men that he kept in readiness for immediate duty or any emergency. ORDERED, That he be furnished with one thousand cartridges, (having bullets in them, for the public magazine; and eight dozen flints he to be accountable for the same. Mr. George Eimbeck made application to this Board for part of his pay allowed him by order of Council of the 22 d October last past. It was agreed on that he should have an order on His Honor the Governor for the sum of 25. being half years pay due him &c. Adjourned till Monday next 10 o Clock. 572 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Monday 5 th January 1784. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris John Morel John Fulton Zacharias Fenn Esquires The Honorable Jenkin Davis produced his account for attending Council 306 days @ 3 dollars pr. day .... dered you By sundries per acct. ren- Honorable John Fulton produced his account for attending Council 365 days @ 3 dollars per day is ... dered you By sundries pr. acct. ren- Honorable Walton Harris produced his acct. for attending Council 310 days @ 3 dollars per day is By sundries per acct. ren dered you Honorable Zacharias Fenn produced his account for attending Council 188 days @ 3 dollars per day . . . dered you By sundries per acct ren- S. Df S. D 228. 4. o 189. 9. ii 255.10. o 36. 9- 8 189. . 95. 8. 9 131. 12. O 50 5- o Balances 38. 14. i 219. o. 4. 93- ii. 3 81. 7. o MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 573 Honorable James Bryan produced his \ S D S account for attending Council 73 days | (a 3 dollars pr. day is : 51- 2 - Balances By sundries per acct. ren- dered you , | 10. 17. 8 40. 4. 4 i Honorable Benjamin Andrew produced his acct. for attending Council 33 days (a 3 dollars pr. day 23. 2. o By sundries, cash paid you j| 4.13. 4 18. 8. 8 Honorable John Morel produced his account for attending Council 167 days (a 3 dollars pr. day 116. 18. o By sundries per acct ren- dered you 29. 2. n 87.15. i David Rees, Secy. Ex. Council produced his acct. for Salary and Sundries 1218. 6. u By cash 16. 7. 4. order j on Conmis. 201. 19. 7 !2i8. 6. i John Riley, Messengr. &c. produced his acct. salary . . . | 30. o. o By cash & an order on the Governor 30. - -579- - 9 The Board having approved of the above several accounts, ORDERED, That they do pass, and as many of them as choose, may have an order on Andrew MLean or Messrs. Clay, Telfair & C for the balance due them respectively, pursuant to an agree ment and promise by them made at the time of their purchasing Kincaids upper plantation aforementioned. 574 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Accounts not yet received from Honble. John Elliott and James Stuart Esquires for their attendance in Council. Board adjourned till to-morrow morning. Tuesday 6 th January 1784. The Board met. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Walton Harris ) ^ Zacharias Fenn / Esquire Application of the Chief Justice for the balance of his account ORDERED, That an order be drawn on Messr 3 Clay, Telfair & C in his favor for what balance may be due and owing from the purchase of Kincaids upper plantation, say 47. 3. 9 1/2. Application made by Richard Henderson that he might have his salary paid him, ORDERED, That he be paid forty pounds on account. Application Samuel Stirk Esquire for payment of his salary for the year last past, being two hundred pounds ; adding that he had a bond in the Treasurers hands which he was desirous of taking up with discounting ; ORDERED, That an order for that purpose be drawn on the Treasurer accordingly, he making the State debtor for the same. Honble John Elliott produced his account for attending Coun cil in the year 1783, 38 days a 3 dollars per day is. . .26. 12. Cash paid him by House Assembly 10 dollars. . . 2. 6. 8. 24. 5. 4 MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 575 In Council, Savannah 7 th January. Present His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn ) Walton Harris John Fulton J The account of John Elliott Esquire being examined and ap proved of, ORDERED, That an order be drawn on the Treasury in his favor for the balance, say 24. 5. 4 specie. Richard Henderson paid the 40. allowed him in Council yes terday, in manner following, to wit, By His Honor the Governor 15. By an order on Clay, Telfair & C 25. 40. - The account produced by His Honor the Governor on the 3 d Instant and approved of, notwithstanding the sums to be allowed Mr. George Eimbeck and Richard Henderson were not then ex actly ascertained, by the same being fixed, and His Honor as suming said respective sums as above mentioned; the account stands thus; His Honors account against the State Amount 5 to 853. 6. 2 1/2 By two tracts of land purchased of the Commissioners of confiscated estates at public auction 662. I. 8*/2 By cash & sundries pr. acct particu lars 120.. .. By balance due His Honor to be pass ed to his credit or received as pr. order of the 3 d Instant 71. 4. 6 853. 6. 2 1/2 By order of the Board &C. D. REES Sec 7 Adjourned till to-morrow 9 o Clock. 576 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council Savannah 8 th January 1784. The Board met and being of opinion that the time intended for their sitting as a Council was constitutionally expired they dis solved the Board. By order &c. D. REES Sec y Friday 9 th January 1/84. Savannah. The Honorable John Houstoun Esquire being elected Gov ernor of the State by the Honorable the House of Assembly and having attended and taken the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, met the Council, the President whereof, to wit, John Habersham Esquire, having previous thereto, attended the House and taken the oath prescribed for him, (a list whereof is as follows to wit, Liberty County Philip Lowe & James Powell Burke John Greene & John Fulton Wilkes Geo. Walton & Daniel Coleman Richmond James M c Neil & Zacharias Fenn Chatham .... Williams Stephens & John Habersham Effingham Jenkin Davis & John Spencer. of which number, the following only were present, to wit. Esquires MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 577 John Habersham Esquire President James Powell Zacharias Penn "j John Greene William Stephens 1 sau ; res John Spencer George Walton j Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis J His Honor the Governor informed the Council he had nothing immediately to lay before them, they adjourned. In Council Tuesday 13 th January 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Spencer "") George Walton Philip Lowe I -^ James Powell John Greene ( Daniel Coleman J i His Honor the Governor and the Executive Council, having proceeded to the election of a Secretary and Messenger, it ap peared that David Rees Esquire was unanimously elected Secre tary and John Riley Messenger. The following resolve having been laid before the Council by His Honor the Governor, to wit, "House of Assembly 12 th January 1784. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be authorized to receive the nominal sums of twenty Treasury Certificates from Mr. William Graves as the account of so many certificates to be given in, agreeable to a resolve of the late House of Assembly, held at Augusta in July and August last : and that the account of the said nominal sums be considered on the same footing 7 r I^-TO! 2 578 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS those are, which may be produced by virtue of the said resolve; this House considering the justice of Mr. Graves s case, and that the same were lost by him in his retreat from the British Forces : And that His Honor the Governor be empowered to give the said William Graves, a certificate for the nominal amount, he producing satisfactory security in treble the nominal sum, should his case appear unjust in future, or that the same have been ac tually received." And Thomas Netherclift and John Hardy Esquires, having offered themselves as Mr. Graves s securities, ORDERED, That the security be accepted of and the Certifi cate issue accordingly, on the said securities giving a proper bond. The Council adjourned. In Council i6 th January 1784. Present The Honble. John Habersham Esq. President George Walton Daniel Coleman ^ John Greene John Spencer V Esquires James Powell William Stephens ) John Elliott and Philip Lowe Esquires having been appointed Justices of the peace, by the Honorable House of Assembly, for the County of Liberty; and Caleb Howell and John Spencer Esquires for the County of Effingham; attended and took the oaths of office before the President in the absence of His Honor the Governor. ORDERED, That the Secretary of the State be directed to prepare a Dedimus; addressed to Caleb Howell, Theophilus Lundy and Benjamin Lanier, for qualifying Daniel Bonnel, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 579 David Meazle and Drury Jones Esquires, who are appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, Justices of the peace for the County of Effingham; it being 1 inconvenient for the said Daniel Bonnel, David Meazle and Drury Jones Esquires to give personal attendance at this Board. The Council adjourned. In Council, Tuesday 2O th January 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham George Walton ^ Daniel Coleman John Greene I p Zacharias Fenn John Spencer William Stephens J The following grants were this day signed by His Honor the Governor in Council ; to wit, For John Cunningham 350 Acres in Wilkes County " Augustin Davis 200 " Ditto " Absolem Davis 83 " ditto " Joseph Catchings 200 " ditto " Seamore Catchings ....200 " ditto " Alexander Awtry 150 " ditto " Daniel Coleman 650 " ditto " Samuel Alexander 200 " ditto " Jonathan Downes 300 " ditto " Samuel Alexander 200 " ditto " Absolem Biddle 350 " ditto " William Downes 300 " ditto " Seamore Catchings 200 " ditto 580 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS For William Foster 550 Acres in Wilkes County " Samuel Alexander 450 " ditto Henry D. Downes 300 " ditto Joshua Saunders 200 " ditto The Council adjourned. In Council Savannah 23 d January 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Greene ~1 Philip Lowe Daniel Coleman ! p William Stephens Zacharias Fenn [ ^ squi George Walton Jenkin Davis The following grants were this clay signed by His Honor the Governor in Council. For Randolph Ramsey 300 Acres. . .Wilkes County " James MNeil 200 " ... Richmond County " Nathan 1 Marshall Martin. .600 " ...Wilkes County " Catharine M c Neils 750 " ... ditto " James M c Neil 250 " ... ditto " Moody Burt. . . .one acre lot (n 29.) Old Town Augusta Richmond County There being several applications for bounties of land by the several officers and men who composed the two battalions of minute men raised by resolve of Assembly passed June 3 d 1777. It is agreed and ORDERED, That by the said resolve of the 3 d June 1777, and a subsequent one, passed March I st 1778, the Bounty is clearly MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 581 due to every officer of the rank of captain, and upwards, who was in Commission at the time of the reduction of the said 2 nd bat talions, whether he was commissioned in, or an inhabitant of this State or otherwise. 2 nd ... That every other officer or soldier belonging to the said battalions of the degree of a Lieutenant or under, who was in service at the time of the said reduction, is also entitled to his bounty; provided he produces a Certificate from the Col or any other field officer of the battalions he belonged to, if a Com missioned Officer; or from his Captain or Commanding Officer of the Company, countersigned by the Col or other field officer of the battalion, if a private; of his being in service at the time of said reduction. And also, that at the time of his being com missioned or inlisted, (as the case may be) he was not an inhabi tant of this State, nor had he resided in any part thereof, for twelve months preceeding the said commission or enlistment. 3 d ... That for the conveniency of the Officers and men, belonging to the said battalions of minute men, and also to preserve uniformity, there be a number of blank certificates, agreeable to the above orders, struck off and furnished the Colo nels or other commanding officers of the said battalions and that the Secretary of Council do procure this, to be done at public charge. A letter from Chesley Bostwick Esquire, respecting some prop erty in his hands, belonging to the estate of Henry Preston Es quire, deceased, was laid before the Board; but it appearing to be a matter not properly coming before them, the application was dismissed. The Honorable Lyman Hall Esquire, late Governor, having returned an inventory to this Board, of a number of trifling household articles belonging to the public, which remained in his hands; and desiring directions what should be done with them, 582 It is ordered, That as the said articles are perishable and lia ble to be destroyed, that the messenger do sell the same at public sale, and make return to this Board of the amount sales thereof, when they will make further order in the premises. In Council, Savannah 27 th January 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham James Powell George Walton John Spencer Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman ^ Esq re John Greene Zacharias Fenn William Stephens J It is ordered, That the Surveyor General do, in all warrants returned into the Secretary s office for grants to be made out on the same, certify whether the grantee was, on the 29 th December 1778, entitled to a grant of the land then applied for; or whether the same is founded on a new warrant from the Board of Justices. Council adjourned. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 583 In Council, Savannah 28 th January 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham Daniel Coleman } James Powell George Walton ^ William Stephens Zacharias Fenn Jenkin Davis J Richard Ayecock Esquire, elected Sheriff for the County of Wilkes, attended His Honor the Governor in Council, produced his certificate of election and took the oath of office as pre scribed by law. Information being laid before the Board that John Black, alias Blackman, and Benjamin Davis, two persons confined in Jail on a charge of murder, had broke out on the evening of the 22 nd instant, and made their escape therefrom; and that the Jailor, Thomas Jones, was suspected of being concerned therein ; as he had (as it is said) on the same night, committed a rob bery and since gone off, with the said Black and Davis. It is ordered, That a proclamation be issued and published in the next Gazette, offering the following rewards for apprehending and securing the said offenders, so that they may be brought to justice; that is to say, for Thomas Jones, 50. John Black &c., 25; Benjamin Davis, 25. 100. Sterling. ORDERED, That the above be sent to the Honorable House of Assembly requesting they will be pleased to provide a sum sufficient to answer the purposes of the said proclamation. The following grants were this day signed by His Honor the Governor in Council, to wit, 684 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS For John Heard 150 Acres Wilkes County Charles Burkes 1400 Acres ditto Stephen Heard .... 1965 Acres ditto Stephen Heard .... 650 Acres ditto Charles Burkes .... 300 Acres ditto Stephen Heard .... 300 Acres ditto William Smith 200 Acres . . . . ditto In Council, Savannah 3O th January 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens ") Daniel Coleman John Spencer I ^ Philip Lowe Zacharias Fenn George Walton James Powell J This day His Honor the Governor in Council, signed a grant to Benj* Ridon for two hundred acres land in Wilkes County. In Council, Savannah 3 d February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens "^ Daniel Coleman John Spencer i ^ Philip Lowe Zacharias Fenn George Walton James Powell J It is ordered, That the Harbour Master do signify to all masters of Ves- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 585 sels, immediately on their arrival in port, that it is expected they wait on His Honor the Governor, or in case of his ab sence, on the Honorable the President, and report themselves to him, before they enter at the custom house or presume to break bulk And further, that the said Harbour Master do, if required, accompany the said Masters of Vessels to the Gov ernor, or in case of his absence, the Presidents House. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the Harbour Mas ter with a copy of the above. A Letter from Major Pat. Carr, being laid before the Board, containing several matters of information, in particular, a charge supported by three affidavits against Benjamin Lanier Jun. It is resolved and ordered, that the said Affidavits properly belong to the Judiciary Department and therefore ought to be immediately lodged with the Attorney General ; and in respect to the other contents of the said letter as they appear to be of consequence, that they be sent to the Honorable the House of Assembly for their perusal and order thereon. Letter from the Honorable Lyman Hall Esquire, late Gov ernor, mentioning that he had in his hands some canvass be longing to the public, and desiring to know what he should do with the same. ORDERED, That the said canvass be delivered into the hands of Thomas Gibbons & C, lawful vendue Masters, and, as an article of that kind is liable to perish; that the same be imme diately sold at public auction and the neet amount to be paid into the. Treasury; they, the said Thomas Gibbons & C re turning an account thereof to this Board, and taking out the legal commissions for their trouble. A plat from Capt. Ignatius Few, for 900 acres of land laid before the Board, with a request from the Surveyor General, to be instructed whether he should pass the same stating the case 686 to be, that the Board of Justices had granted two new, and seperate warrants, upon two old, and seperate warrants to the said Capt. Few, for the quantity of 900 acres of land in all, that the County Surveyor, had accordingly run two several tracts adjoining each other, upon the said warrants; that the plats of the same were returned into the Surveyor Generals Office. The said Capt. Few, was desirous of putting the said two plats and forming them into one body, and taking only one grant for the whole; on which case the Board are of opinion, that the Surveyor General can possess no discretionary power under the act of Assembly to vary from the form and manner in which the Justices have granted the said land; and there fore, as they stand granted for two different tracts in their books, the Surveyor General must make two distinct plats, so as to preserve a correspondence with the records of the several offices; consequently there must be two distinct grants for this 900 acres aforesaid. This day His Honor the Governor in Council signed the fol lowing grants, to wit, To. .Thomas Pace for 100 Acres. . . .Richmond County. " ..Ignatius Few .... " 70x3 " . . . .Wilkes County " ..Ignatius Few .... " 250 " .... do do In Council Savannah 6 th February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham James Powell ^ Philip Lowe Zacharias Fenn I ^ Daniel Coleman George Walton William Stephens J Benjamin Green having applied to the Board for the reward MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 587 of 50. sterling, offered by proclamation by the Governor, and approved of by the Honble. the House of Assembly, for appre hending and bringing down Thomas Jones, late Jailer, and pro ducing a receipt from the Sheriff of Chatham County for the body of the said Thomas Jones, It is agreed and ordered, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury for the said reward of 50. sterl 8 to be paid immediately to the said Benjamin Green, and placed by the Treasurer to the debit of the Contingent Fund. Letter from Oliver Bowen Esquire, praying bounties of land as a refugee and a citizen, being laid before the Board, the Gov ernor desired the opinion of the Council on the following points. I st Is a Continental Officer or Soldier, supposing him in ac tual service and in all respects doing his duty, during the time the British were in possession of any part of this State, entitled to what is called the Refugee Bounty or to the other bounty for steadfastly doing his duty under the act of 2O th August 1781. on his producing ample certificates of his good conduct. Answer The Council are unanimously of opinion, that a Continental Officer being entitled to a double bounty, that is to say, one from the Continent and one from the State, and being moreover drawing pay, and only performing the duties of the profession Jie had chosen, and which were no further incon venient to him (considered as a military man) in the field in one Country than in another is not therefore entitled to either what is called the Refugee Bounty, or the other Bounty under the act of 2O th August 1781. 2 n<ji y j s a Continental Officer or Soldier after he receives his bounty land entitled to come in and claim his head rights as a citizen. Answer. .The Council are of opinion he is. 588 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Petition of Thomas Gibbons, praying to have a years lease of the Vendue House was read ORDERED, That he be referred to the Board of Commission ers for the Town of Savannah. Sundry letters from Caspar, Voghh & C dated Hambury 2o th December 1782 was read. ORDERED, That they be laid before the Honorable the House of Assembly for their perusal. This day His Honor the Governor in Council, signed the following grants, viz, For Ignatius Few 300 acres \Vilkes County James MFarland 100 acres Ditto James MFarland 200 acres ditto James M c Farland 50 acres ditto John Winkfield 450 acres ditto Ignatius Few 200 acres ditto James MFarland 200 acres ditto James MFarland 100 acres ditto John Pinkston 400 acres ditto Benjamin Thompson . . 500 acres ditto Nehemiah Wade 350 acres ,. .ditto Austin Martin 300 acres ditto Robert Walton 250 acres ditto Granaway Martin 200 acres ditto " Ignatius Few 600 acres ditto MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 589 In Council Savannah io th February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Jenkin Davis ^ William Stephens John Greene ! _ Philip Lowe Daniel Coleman George Walton James Powell Several letters received by the Governor, to wit, one dated at the cape 28 th September 1783, from Rouse & C respecting a Treasury certificate in their hands for 2009 3/4. One ditto, dated 23 d December 1783, from the President of Congress urg ing the necessity of Delegates being sent forward immediately, another from the same, dated 26 th December 1783. inclosing an act of Congress to the same effect; and another, dated the 25 th December 1783, from Benjamin Harrison Esquire, Governor of Virginia, on the subject of our commerce with Britain, and enclosing an act of their State, with an extract of a letter from one of their embassadors, being laid before their Board It is ordered, That the said several letters, with the enclosures be carried by the Secretary to the Honble. the House of Assem bly for their order thereon. Petition Mica j ah Williamson praying that a grant of a cer tain tract of land in Wilkes County may pass to him and be signed; and it appearing that the said grant is now caveated, by the Attorney General in behalf of the State It is ordered, That the signing of the said grant be postponed until the dismission or determination of the said caveat, agree able to law, in the County and before the tribunal to which it belongs. 590 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The following grants were this day signed by His Honor the Governor in Council. To John Ramsey 250 Acres Wilkes County " Benjamin Few ....... 600 " Ditto " William Few ,650 " Do. " William Few 300 " Do. " Margaret Holliday .. 350 " Do, " Benjamin Few 2150 " Do. " John Holliday 200 " Do. In Council Savannah 13 th February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Green James Powell Philip Lowe William Stephens Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis It is resolved, That no grant of land on an old warrant, for the future will be signed, except the following words, to wit; "for which the said A. B. was entitled to a grant previous to the 29 th December 1778, the same being ordered by the Board of Justices in said County on an old warrant run and located before that period, as appears to me from the return of the County Surveyor, into my office" be inserted in the certificate from the Surveyor General, annexed to the grant. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the Surveyor Gen eral with a copy of the above resolve. WHEREAS on the 6 th day of this Instant, February, this Board ordered a draft (and the same was accordingly issued and sign- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 591 ed by His Honor the Governor) on the Treasury for 50. sterl g in favor of Benjamin Greene for a reward offered by the Execu tive, and approved of by the Legislative authority of this State; And whereas, the said draft being presented, the Treasurer would only pay 25. in part thereof, altho measures were used to throw a sufficient sum into the Treasury to answer the said draft, it being the determination of this Board, as a necessary step towards restoring public credit never to draw but where there were funds provided to answer their drafts without the least delay. The Board taking 1 the premises into consideration do order, that the Treasurer attend this Board immediately, to shew cause why he did not pay the whole of the said draft agree able to the tenor thereof ORDERED, That a copy of the above be served on the Treas urer by the Messenger of this Board; and that he be informed that the Board wait for his immediate attendance. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council Viz, To Zachariah Philips 500 Acres Wilkes County " Thomas Brown 200 Do. " Greenberry Lee 400 Do. " Daniel Coleman 300 Do. " Robert Day 200 Do. " Thomas Owen 200 Do. " Mary Whatley 200 Do. " Nathaniel Howell 300 Do. " John Querns 200 Do. " John Querns 100. Do. " John Querns 500. Do. " Andrew Burns 400 Do. " George Dooly 500 Do. " Absolem Biddle 450 Do. " Meridith Catchings . . . 100 Do. " Micajah Williamson . . .200 Do. 592 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS To Fred k Leapham 900 Acres Wilkes County " Evan Ragland 500 Do. " John Cain 250 Do. " Thomas Brown 350 Do. " Robert Harper 900 Do. " Robert Harper 300 Do. The Treasurer having attended the Board pursuant to order, offered his reasons for not having paid the draft in favor of Benjamin Green in full, which, appearing to have been founded altogether on misapprehension, It is now, ORDERED, That he pay the balance of the said draft in full. In Council, Savannah 17 th February 1784. ! i Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham George Walton Jenkin Davis Zacharias Fenn John Green James Powell William Stephens Daniel Coleman Jacob Cronberger Esquire, attended Council, produced his appointment by the Honorable House of Assembly Register of Probates for the County of Effingham and was qualified accord ingly. This day a letter was received from Philip Lowe Esquire, informing His Honor the Governor and Council that he could not attend any longer as a Member. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 593 In Council, Savannah 2O th February 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn Jenkin Davis John Green William Stephens Daniel Coleman George Walton It is agreed that the following Message be sent to the Honor able the House of Assembly. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Honoble the House of Assembly. However backward this Board may feel themselves to in terfere in matters which are supposed to rest with your Honble. House, yet truth, and the public good constrain them to declare it will be impossible for the members of Council to continue sitting during the time for which they are appointed unless a suitable provision shall be made before the rising of Assembly, for their subsistence payable monthly. The Members of your Honble House, who live at a distance, are well acquainted, not only with the inconvenience which at tends a personal absence from home, but also with the enormous expence of lodging at a boarding house in Savannah, and there fore, will anticipate every suggestion on the subject of enabling the Council to pass through their tour of duty without ruining themselves, or being the ruin of those at whose houses they lodge. The members of this Board wish not to gain any thing by their appointment, but think it equitable and just that whilst they are on public duty, they should be at public expence. The Board beg leave to inform your Honorable House, there are two vacancies in Council which they request your Honorable 38 r r vol -i 594 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS House will be pleased to fill up before you rise. One for Liberty County, in the room of Major Lowe, who has relinquished his seat; and the other for Richmond County in the room of Col M c Neil or Col Middleton, neither of whom ever took their seats. The Board wish also, to intimate that it will be requisite to provide a sum of money to defray the expence of carrying up the public papers, and procuring a proper house in Augusta for the Governor and Council to sit in when they shall repair there, and open a land court agreeable to your late law, and for the other unavoidable expence attending that business. A petition from Daniel Young, Zachariah Henderson and Mordecai Baldwin, Lieutenants; and others, privates; who were in the minute battalions, setting forth the hardships they laboured under, in consequence of not being allowed Bounty Lands in common with other Soldiers of said battalions, merely because they were residents in this State at the time of their en listment; being presented, and the Board taking the same into consideration, are of opinion that the case of the petitioners is peculiarly hard ; especially, as it is suggested they were not, at the time of their being raised, informed of the distinction made between those who were raised in the State, and those raised in any other State; and lament that it is not in their power to grant the Petitioners relief. They, nevertheless, recommend this matter to the consideration of the Legislature, not doubting they will put all the officers and soldiers in those battalions, who served with equal fidelity, on the same footing; especially when it is considered that the number of those who stand ex cluded from Bounty Land, by the present law, is very trifling in comparison to the whole. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 595 In Council Savannah 24 th Feb y 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham George Walton ^) John Green James Powell I , Zacharias Fenn Daniel Coleman [ ^ sc l uires - William Stephens J The Board beg leave to acquaint your Honorable House, trnt Nathan Brownson Esquire, having offered himself to qualify as a Justice of the peace for Liberty, Glynn and Camden Coun ties, a difficulty arises whether the said Nathan Brownson, Esquire, is now considered as a Justice of the peace for the said Counties, having been appointed so long ago, as the year 1782, but not having qualified then or at any time since, nor is his name inserted in any general commission since that period. The Board, therefore, wish to be informed whether the said Nathan Brownson Esquire, is considered by your Honorable House as a Justice of the peace for the Counties aforesaid for the present and current year. To the Honorable the Speaker ^ and Members of the Honorable ! , . ., the Legislature of the State f of Georgia John Hardy Esquire attended His Honor the Governor in Council, produced his appointment by the Honorable the House of Assembly, as Justice of the pe^ce for the Counties of Liberty, Glynn and Camden, and was qualified accordingly. Nathan Brownson Esquire attended the Honor the Governor in Council produced his appointment by the Honble. the House of Assembly, as a Justice of the peace for the Counties of Liberty, Glynn and Camden and was qualified accordingly. 596 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS This day His Honor the Governor in Council signed a grant of land to Edward Jones for 300. Acres in Wilkes County. In Council Savannah 27 th February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham George Walton ~) William Stephens Daniel Coleman I James M c Farland Zacharias Fenn f James Powell } James MFarland Esquire, elected by the Honorable the House of Assembly a Member of this Board for the County of Richmond, in the room of Robert Middleton Esquire who re fused taking his seat. The Governor having proposed some business to the Board, Mr. Fenn stated an objection that there was not a competent number present to go upon business; and insisted that, by the Constitution, no business could be done, unless there was, at least, one member present from each County. The Governor observed, this being a matter of consequence, he wished for the opinion of the Board thereon, for his future government; and therefore, proposed the following question; Whether in every case, or act of Government appertaining to the Executive Department, there must, at least, be present, one member from each of the six Counties; or whether four members from four different Counties, being a majority of the Counties who appoint Councillors, will be considered as suffi cient to go upon business and exercise the powers of Govern ment, supposing a larger number cannot be got together, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 597 The following Gentlemen of the Council are of opinion that the letter of the Constitution seems to require the presence of, at least, one member from each County; yet, from the necessity cf the case, and from this consideration; that the most dread ful consequence might result from a stagnation of government, which, would always happen in case of death, sickness, or other unavoidable casualty which should prevent the presence of one Member from each County, who is required by the Constitution to attend where the Governor resides ; And further, from this consideration, that the uniform practice (as they are informed) with other Governors ever since the foundation of the Constitu tion, hath been to consider any four of the Council, from four different Counties, as a sufficient Board, in the recess of the House of Assembly, to do business. They are of opinion, the Governor will be safe, and they do accordingly advise him to consider any four Members, from four different Counties, as a competent number to go upon business, and with him to exer cise the powers of government, supposing a larger number do not attend in Council The aforesaid Gentlemen further recom mend that this matter be laid before the House of Assembly at their next meeting for their opinion thereon. Mr. Walton ) ,. The President "I ~, \/r r 1 r Wilkes T\T cu u r Chatham Mr. Coleman ) Mr. Stephens j Mr. M c Farland, Richmond Mr. Powell Liberty. To the above, Mr. Fenn dissents, as thinking the Governor cannot, by the Constitution, exercise any of the Executive powers of Government, w r ith a less number than one member from each County. He, therefore, recommends that measures be taken to oblige a sufficient number to attend; and that no business, in any case, or under any casualty, be done, without such sufficient number. WHEREAS, it will be highly inconvenient, for the Sheriffs, Justices of the peace, and other officers of the several Counties, 598 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS distant from the seat of Government, to attend personally to take -their respective oaths of office ; and to comply with the other forms required &c. It is therefore RESOLVED, That in every case where the same shall be ap plied for, a Dedimns Potestatem shall and may be issued, by His Honor the Governor in Council, directed to the Chief Jus tice and the four assistant Judges of the County, and also any three or more of the Justices of the peace of the said County authorizing and empowering them, or any three or more of them, of which three or more, the Chief Justice, or one or more of the Assistant Judges must be part, to receive bonds where the same shall be required, and in all respects to qualify for their re spective offices, all such Officers and Justices of the peace for the said Counties respectively, according to the due forms of law. And that such Dedimus Potestatem, be made out by the Secre tary in the usual form. If for Justices of the peace, at public charge; but if for any officer, appointed to an office of profit, at his own expence. His Honor the Governor in Council signed two Dedimus Potestatem Doctor s Nathan Brownson and William Read having at tended Council, made application for their gratuity of one hun dred guineas as per resolve House of Assembly of and their Bounty of land &c. And at the same time laid before the Board, the following resolve of the House of Assembly, date 1 6 th Februar^ 1783: to wit. "House of Assembly February i6 th 1783. "RESOLVED, That the Officers of the Hospital and Medical "Department, being citizens of this State, be put on the same "footing, respecting their pay, and depreciation and other emolu- "ments, as the officers belonging to the line of this State. Extract from the Minutes JOHN WILKINSON C. G. A. .MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 599 ORDERED,, That the said Doctors Brownson and Read do re ceive the same gratuity as the officers of the line of this State; and their bounty of land agreeable to their rank; And that the Secretary of State be directed to prepare such gratuitous cer tificate accordingly. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the following Grants, to wit, For Edward Jones 300 Acres Wilkes County " Micajah Williamson . . . 100 Do Do " Charles Heard 400 Do Do " William Thornton . . . .400 Do Do " James Freeman 250 Do Do " George Tureman 250 Do Do " John Cunningham .. ..250 Do Do "Elijah Clark 200 Do Do " Micajah Williamson .. .450 Do Do " Elijah Clark 1000 Do Do " Elijah Clark 200 Do Do " John Cunningham 200 Do Do " John Heard 300 Do Do " John Milner 600 Do . . . .1 . . Do " Edward Jones 750 Do Do " John Milner 400 Do Do " Micajah Williamson .. .150 Do Do " Micajah Williamson . . .200 Do Do " Holman Freeman 600 Do Do " Stephen Heard 2 343 Do Do " George Tureman 450 Do Do 600 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 28 th February 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn ^ George Walton William Stephens > Esquires James Powell J ORDERED, That public notice be given in the Gazette, that all persons possessed of audited claims or certificates against this State, have it at their option to pay in the same for con fiscated property to the amount of one half their purchases, or to fund the same agreeable to act of Assembly in such case made And that the Treasurer is ready to receive such payments from purchasers, and to make out certificates of the new denomina tion for those who choose to fund ; which certificates will be signed by His Honor the Governor in Council every Tuesday and Friday in each week and then delivered out. In Council I st March 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor James Powell George Walton William Stephens Zacharias Fenn Captain John Brown, appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, Searcher for the Port of Savannah, and Daniel Nunez appointed, likewise, Harbour Master for the said Port, attended His Honor the Governor in Council, and took the oaths of office to them respectively pointed out. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 601 It is peremptorily ordered, that the Clerk of the Assembly do immediately attend this Board with the minutes of the pro ceedings of the Honble. the House of Assembly, at their last session: And that he do furnish the Governor with a fair copy thereof, within three days from this date, otherwise he will be considered as guilty of neglect, and a contempt of the Execu tive Authority. The Honorable George Walton Esquire, appointed Chief Jus tice, by the Honorable the House of Assembly, attended His Honor the Governor in Council, and took the oath of office &c. &c. John Milton Esquire having signified, in writing, his inten tion to decline acting any longer as a Notary Public, It is ordered, That Edward Davies Esquire be appointed a Notary Public in his stead, and that he do attend the Board and qualify him self for that office. It being represented to this Board, that there is a quantity of public salt lying on hand in Savannah at an expence and daily waste, and also several public State waggons going to decay, It is ordered, that the said salt and waggons be sold at pub lic auction by some Vendue Master, and the nett amount sales thereof paid into the Treasury And it is further ordered, that J. George Eimbeck Esquire do superintend this business, and make a return of the proceedings thereon to this Board. The Governor laid before the Board official dispatches from Congress, covering a proclamation or ratification of the defini tive treaty of peace, and a resolve in consequence thereof, in regard to confiscated estates. Also two letters from Governor Guerard by whom the papers from Congress were forwarded ; 602 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS and who had promised the express ten guineas for bringing the same to Georgia. ORDERED, That the express be paid the said ten guineas, and that the Governor do give a draft for the same on the Treasury. The Board, taking the dispatches of Congress and the procla mation or ratification of peace into consideration, do resolve and order, That the said proclamation or ratification be read and published, by the Sheriff, thro the Streets of Savannah on Wed nesday next; that the Militia of the Town and the vicinity thereof, be paraded and mustered on the occasion; And that the Governor accordingly issue orders for the purpose. And further, that His Honor the Chief Justice be furnished with a certified copy of the said proclamation for his government; and that he be requested to cause the same to be published and pro claimed in the different Counties of this State at his ensuing circuit. It is also, ORDERED, That the Printer be furnished with a copy of the said proclamation, and directed to published the same in the next, and two succeeding Gazettes, and, It is further ordered, that the said proclamation be recorded in the Secretary s Office; and thereafter, that the same be lodged among the papers of Council, until the next meeting of the As sembly; and then laid before the House, together with the re solve of Congress, which accompanied it, to be disposed of as the said House shall think proper. Extract of an act passed the last Sessions in Savannah entitled "An Act for laying out two new Counties to the Westward" &c. Queres thereon put by the Governor to the Council. I st . . . Was it the intention of the Legislature that all grants for land within the late temporary boundary should be signed MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 603 generally, as soon as brought into the Secretary s Office, without requiring any sum of money for those that were granted on pur chase; or waiting for the cultivation of three acres to every hundred acres, or the expiration of twelve months. Answer The Council apprehend, from the words of the law, and the construction thereon, which they have learned from the mem bers of the Legislature, that the intention was, that that part of the condition under the former land act, which requires the party to wait for twelve months, and to cultivate three acres to ever hundred acres, before he should be entitled to his grant, should be done away; that the party might claim his grant whenever he had completed his survey, and paid the considera tion money and office fees, altho it should be in one month after the date of his warrant; altho he should not have cultivated one acre of his tract. In respect to those who obtain warrants on their own head rights; the Council think them entitled to their grants as soon as they complete their surveys, without conforming to any condition whatever ; provided, they are resi dents in this State; but that condition must lie with the Board of Justices before they grant the warrant of Survey. 2 d!y . . . It is necessary, taking the above clause, and the 9 section of the former land act together, that the party applying for a grant on an old warrant, should shew or make it appear to the Governor before signing thereof, that such old warrant was actually run and located prior to the 29 th December 1778. Answer. The Council apprehend this matter lies with the board of Jus tices, and they cannot think the Governor has any more to require, than that it be inserted in the Surveyor Generals certifi cate, annexed to the Grant, that the land was ordered by the Board of Justices on an old warrant ; if that is certified, and the Survey appears legal so far as comes to the Governors knowl- 604 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS edge, the Council think the grant ought, under the clause in the last act, to be signed, provided there is no caveat depending against the same. 3 dly . . . Is a person entitled to any indefinite quantity of land under old warrants or is he restricted to one thousand acres ? Answer The Council are of opinion that whatever quantity of land a person had warrants for on the 29 th December 1778, be it over or under one thousand acres, he is entitled to have a grant or grants for, now under the said ninth section of the former land act, and that without being delayed or subjected to any in- cumbrances but the Office fees. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the fol lowing Grants, to wit, For Stephen Bishop. . 250 Acres Wilkes County " W m & John Anderson 200 " Do. " Hezekiah Lindsacum 300 " Do. " Margaret Brady 200 " Do. " John Rutherford 300 " Do. " Zacharias Philips 200 " Do. In Council Savannah 2 d March 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn ^ John Green J enkin Davis V Esquires James Powell J James Maxwell Esquire produced his appointment of a Justice MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 605 of the peace for the County of Liberty, was accordingly qualified at the Board. Edward Davies Esquire, pursuant to his being appointed to succeed John Milton Esquire as Notary Public, attended Council and took the oath prescribed for him on that occasion. Captain Nathaniel Pearre having offered his service to bring in the public records and papers of this State from the north ward, under the resolve of Assembly passed on the day of February last, en the following terms, that is to say, thirty five pounds, to be paid in advance in cash, and seven hundred and fifty acres of land to be granted him on his return and com pleting the business. It is agreed and ordered, that this Board will employ and do hereby accordingly appoint the said Capt Pearre to bring in the said public papers and records on the terms and conditions pro posed by him And do order that the Treasurer pay and advance him the said thirty five pounds in hand. A Letter from General MIntosh, dated I st March 1784, being laid before the Board, claiming in behalf of the Georgia Line, I st a bounty of lands, both as refugees and faithful citizens, in addition to the bounties allowed them as military men from the Continent and the State; 2 dly the liberty of running the lands granted as bounties in any part of the State without being con fined to the reserve made for the army, which, the General thinks, was intended to secure absentees in their claims; observing, that the act of 1783 gave them that liberty, and the act of 1784, does not repeal such clauses ; 3 rdly the priviledge of obtaining warrants and running their lands immediately, without being obliged to wait till the land Court is opened in Augusta; observing, that the officers are chiefly down here, and that it will be more con venient to apply in Savannah, than attend in Augusta, RESOLVED, As to the I st point; that the General be furnished 606 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS with the resolution of this Board on the 6 th ult in answer to a letter from Oliver Bowen Esquire. As to the 2 d The Council are of opinion that, by the second clause of the act of February 1 7 th 1783, the officers and Soldiers of the Line, are entitled to take up their bounties any where within the late temporary bound ary; but should they incline to go into the two new Counties; that they are, by the act of February 25 th 1784, expressly con fined and restricted to the reserve made for them on the forks of the Oconee River. As to the 3 d The Council are of opinion that, by the clause of the said act of February 25 th 1784, no land can Le granted or warrants be issued for lands within the two new Counties before the I st Tuesday in April next, on which day it is expressly declared, a land court shall be opened at Augusta for the purpose of granting out lands under, and by virtue of the said act, which implies that the land court for the purposes men tioned in the last act should be considered as shut till the said first Tuesday in April; more especially, as the II th Section of the former land act expressly declares : no lands shall be run or taken up in those Counties, or any where else beyond the then boundary, till leave was given, and the mode pointed out by the Legislature, which leave is now by them fixed to the first Tuesday in April. In Council Savannah 5 th March 1784. Present, the Honorable the President George Walton John Green ^ Zacharias Fenn John Spencer V Esquire James Powell Letter from Richard Call Esquire. Surveyor General, respect ing the best mode of conveying the papers, belonging to his office to Augusta, was laid before the Board Whereupon, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 607 ORDERED, That the Surveyor General be informed that this Board approve of the means pointed out in his letter; and that he be requested to forward the said papers with all expedition. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the said Richard Call Esquire with the above resolve. Mr. William Few and Mr. Brownson, two of the Trustees of the College to be established in this State, presented a resolve of the House of Assembly, of which the following is a copy. House of Assembly 25 th February 1784. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor be requested to Grant eight land warrants for five thousand acres each, in the names of John Houston, James Habersham, William Few, Joseph Clay, Abram Baldwin, William Houstoun and Nathan Brownson Esquires, or their successors in office, in trust for the College that is to be established in this State; that one or more of the said trustees be requested to proceed immediately; with a Surveyor or Surveyors, and superintend the surveying of the said land in each County agreeable to the act for that purpose made. That His Honor the Governor be requested to draw an order on the Treasurer in favour of the said Trustees, for the sum of twenty pounds for the purpose of paying chain bearers and de fraying the necessary expence of surveying." Extract from the minutes (Signed) JOHN WILKINSON C. G. A. Whereupon, ORDERED, That the Secretary furnish the above named Gen tlemen with an extract from the minutes of Council of the 2 nd Instant, relative to the granting of warrants, for their informa tion. It is further ordered, That the Honorable the President, in 608 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the absence of His Honor the Governor, do draw an order on the Treasury for twenty pounds sterling- in favor of the Trustees agreeable to the resolve above cited. In Council, Savannah 9 th March 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham George Walton "} Jenkin Davis John Greene V Esquires James Powell Zacharias Fenn J ORDERED, That the Collector be directed to inform this Board what sum of money he hath in his hands, with which he can fur nish the Treasury, arising from the duties payable into his office. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, by a proclamation and or ders from His Excellency Governor Tonyn, that the British Troops are about to evacuate East Florida. And whereas, it is represented that many negroes and other property belonging to the citizens of this State, and which were carried off from the same, are now in the said province of East Florida, in the hands and possession of certain persons there. It is therefore, RESOLVED, That it is necessary and expedient, that some per son or persons should be immediately sent from this State, as a Commissioner or Commissioners to His Excellency Governor Tonyn, requiring that the said negroes and other property be restored to their respective owners, agreeable to the Treaty of peace; and that such Commissioner or Commissioners, do ad vertise, previous to their setting off, for all persons who have lost negroes or other property which they suspect to be in East Florida, to give in an account of the same, and furnish proper .MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 609 proofs and powers for recovery thereof. And whereas, Peter Bard Esquire having offered himself as a Commissioner for the purposes aforesaid and to go at his own private expence it is agreed that the said Peter Bard be accordingly appointed a Com missioner for the purposes aforesaid : and that he be furnished with an extract of this, and the preceding resolution of Council. ORDERED, That the Treasurer do furnish this Board with a. State of the Treasury, that is to say, of all the monies that have been brought in, and of all the issues therefrom, commencing on the I st January, and ending on the I st March Instant inclusive, and that he do, in future, at the end of every two months, during the present year furnish a like state to this Board. ORDERED, That the Secretary do serve the Treasurer with a copy of the above order The petition of Thomas Jones, a person convicted at the last sessions in Savannah, and sentence to punishment being pre sented It is RESOLVED, That this Board do no.t conceive there are any circumstances in favour of the said Tliomas Jones within their knowledge, which entitle him to the interference of the Executive Department. In Council, Savannah II th March 1784. -; Present, His Honor the Governor George Walton Zacharias Fenn ^ John Green John Habersham V Esquire Jenkin Davis J The Board, having reconsidered the application of the Trus- 39 r r vol 2 610 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS tees for the endowment of a College, and having perused the land act are of opinion, that it was the intention of the Legisla ture to discriminate, and give the preference to this survey of all others; and considering the general interest and concern in the institution in question, they do resolve, that warrants of survey may immediately issue from the Governor in Council, in Savannah before the opening of the Land Court in Augusta, for laying out the said land alloted by the said act for the endow ment of a College. And it is accordingly, ORDERED, That the Secretary of the State do immediately make out eight warrants for the same that is to say, four of ^ooo acres each, in Franklin County and four more of the like quantity each, in Washington County, in manner pointed out by the Land act; And that the Governor do sign the same. The same were accordingly, signed this day in Council ; by His Honor the Governor. Pursuant to order of Council of the 2 d day of this instant, March, a Commission under the Great Seal of the State, was made out and signed by His Honor the Governor, to Capt Pearre, authorizing him to take charge of the public papers and records and bring the same back to Savannah, It is ordered, That the Commissioners of confiscated estates do, immediately lodge all bonds and mortgages which, at present, remain in their hands for confiscated property, in the Treasury; and that the Treasurer do forthwith furnish this Board, with an account and state of all bonds in his office for confiscated property which have been lodged there otherwise than by a Com mittee of the House of Assembly. Application being made to the Board by Philip Minis, a citizen of this State, setting forth, that he had imported an assortment of goods from Holland which said goods, being brought into Charleston, were charged with a duty of 2.y 2 per cent, which he MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 611 was obliged to pay; that the said goods being now brought up to this State, agreeable to consignment, without even breaking the packages, were now charged with another duty of 2^2 pr. cent, by the Collector of Savannah ; which the said P. Minis conceives to be hard upon him and injurious to the trade. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the Collector be directed to take bond and security agreeable to law from the said P. Minis, for the amount of the duties, but not to insist upon payment of the same until after the rising of the next House of Assembly; that at the first meeting of the Legislature, the case be laid before them ; and that it be recommended that this State endeavour to concert some method with the State of S Carolina of reciprocally granting a draw back to the citizens of each State in similar cases, where the consignment has not been altered from the form in which it was at first made, and where the packages have never been broken open, until they arrived where the consignee actually re sided. WHEREAS, a Sloop Francis Watlington Master, going down the river was lost. And whereas, the few articles which were saved from her, being sold at Vendue, the Vendue Master, Richard Leake, has retained the Vendue Tax en the same. And whereas, it appears from the decision of the House of Assembly in two similar cases, to wit, the one of Ebenezer Bailley, and the other of one Nichols, that the Legisla ture did not conceive the Tax ought to be exacted in such cases. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the said Tax, retained by the said Richard Leake, be returned to the said Francis Watlington, or his At torney, on either of them giving note with security to pay the same into the Treasury immediately on the rising of the next House of Assembly, in case the said House shall not, during their Session remit the same, as they have done in the two cases be fore mentioned. 612 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 12 th March 1/84. Present His Honor the Governor James Powell George Walton ~) John Habersham John Green > Esquires Zacharias Fenn J It is ordered, That the Commissioners appointed by an act passed at Au gusta on the 29 th July 1783 for repairing the Filature in Savan nah, be requested to proceed in the said business : and that they signify to the Board what money will be immediately wanted, ever and above what has been already paid into the hands of Samuel Stirk Esquire to enable them to begin upon the same. Petition of Joseph Woodruff Esquire, praying an assistant deputy was read ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Legislature at their next meeting. On reconsideration It is ordered, That the following be the notice given in the Gazette, under the order of the 28 th February last. That all persons possessed of audited claims or certificates against this State, may now, according to their several and re spective cases, either pay into the same for confiscated property to the amount of one half their purchases, or fund the same agreeable to act of Assembly in such case made. That the Treas urer is ready to receive such payments from purchasers, and cer tificates of the new denomination will now be given out to those MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 613 who fund ; which said certificates will be signed by His Honor the Governor, in Council, every Tuesday and Friday in each week. In Council, Savannah i6 th March 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens ^| James Powell Zacharias Fenn V Esquires John Spencer George Walton J The presentments of the Grand Jury for the County of Chat ham, being laid before the Board by order of the Honorable the Superior Court of the said County; it is ordered as follows. On the second That, until the Legislature shall consider of the expediency and propriety of incorporating the Town of Savannah, it be recommended to the Commissioners of said Town, and Common thereunto belonging, that they execute and perform the several duties required of them by act of Assem bly passed I st May 1760, which was revived and continued by another act passed 3<D th July 1783. On the latter part of the 3 d That all Justices of the peace in and throughout the State be enjoined and required to en force the act of Assembly, passed 4 th March 1/62, entitled "An act for preventing and punishing vice, profaneness and immor ality, and for keeping holy the Lords day, commonly called Sun day" against all persons who shall be guilty of the practices com plained of in the said presentment. On the Fourth That a copy of the presentment be delivered to the Commissioners of the pilotage under the late act; and 614 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS that they be informed this Board are ready to give them every support and assistance falling within their Department; con vinced of the necessity there is of making the pilotage an object of serious attention. On the Fifth That it be notified by public advertisement in the Gazette, that the Commissioners of the respective wads, particularly the causeway complained of, make themselves liable to a prosecution which will, certainly, be ordered against them in case of further neglect. That the person who keeps the Ferry on Ogechee River is liable to a penalty of five shillings for every day he neglects having the Boats and landings, together with other matters men tioned; in proper order and repair, by the act for establishing the said ferry, passed the II th April 1768, which is now of force And that the officers of the Militia be required to execute the several duties required of them by the parole laws, which, it is thought, will be fully adequate to the redress of all grievances en this head. On the Sixth That it be notified to all persons concerned, in and throughout this State, that it is the opinion of this Board, that, altho the Constitution and practice thereunder have altered the mode of appointing Constables, yet as soon as any person is elected to that office, he falls at that instant subject to the act of Assembly passed 27 th March 1759, which was revived and continued by another Act passed 3O th July 1783, both in respect to his duty and the penalties incurred for refusal to act in the first instance, and for breach or neglect of duty afterwards. And in case of any persons refusing to serve who has been voted in at the general election, and paying the penalty inflicted by this act, this Board are of opinion, that the vacancy ought to be filled up in the manner pointed out by the 6 th clause of the said act cf Assembly, out of persons who have never, since the resolution, acted as Constables, until the office shall have gone round as directed by law. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 615 ORDERED, That the foregoing orders of Council, be pub lished in the Gazette immediately after the presentments of the Grand Jury. In Council, Savannah 17 th March 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens ") Zacharias Fenn James Powell > Esquires George Walton John Spencer j A petition from a number of persons in Wilkes County being laid before the Board, the Governor desired the opinion of Council on the following points I st ... Has the Board a right to suspend the operation of the land act, complained of, beyond the time appointed therein for opening the land Court? or, supposing them to possess the right, is it expedient and proper to exercise the same upon the present occasion? The Board on reading over the land act, find the same does positively require that a land court shall be opened at Augusta on the I st Tuesday in April next, for the purpose of granting out lands under the said act. And that there is no discretionary power therein lodged with the Executive to postpone the opening the said Court. They are therefore, unanimously of opinion, on a settled principle, that no Executive, as such, can possess the power of suspending the operation of a positive law, that this Board has not a right to postpone the opening of the land Court beyond the time appointed by law. 2 nd ... Is it necessary and advisable to call the Assembly, 616 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS in consequence of the said petition, at an earlier day than they stand adjourned to? The Council, rinding only nineteen names to the petition be fore them, tho they are informed those are very respectable characters, yet as they are all from one County, and are so small a proportion of the inhabitants thereof, they cannot advise the Governor to call the Assembly at an earlier day than they stand adjourned to, without a more general application for that pur pose, from the inhabitants of the State. John Martin Esquire, Treasurer for the State, having, by letter of this date, signified -his desire of resigning said office. It is ordered, That the said John Martin Esquire, do furnish this Board, with a State of the Treasury, and also of all the bonds for confiscated property or otherwise, lodged in his office ; as likewise of all other matters appertaining to the Treasury; and that then he be permitted to resign the said office. William Stephens Esquire, appointed a Magistrate for the County of Chatham, by the Honorable the House of Assembly, was this day sworn accordingly, before His Honor the Governor in Council. The Collector of the Port of Savannah, applied to the Board for instructions on the following case, viz, There are three Mer chants Copartners in trade one of them is a citizen here, an other arrives with a Cargo of goods, but has never before been in America; the third remains in England, a subject of Britain; the Cargo of goods is the property of, and consigned to, the three copartners by name i The question is, whether these goods are liable to the transient duty? The Council taking the premises into consideration are of opinion, on reading the act passed 4 th March 1762, which runs in the following wads "any goods, wares or merchandize not be longing to, or consigned to any person resident in this, (then) MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 617 province" that two thirds of the said Cargo of goods which be longed to, and were consigned to the t\vo Copartners who were not residents in this State, are liable to the said transient duty. WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly passed 2/ th March 1759, entitled "an act to prevent Masters of Vessels from carrying off persons in debt, from this (then) Province/ which was revived and continued by another act passed 3O th July 1783, it is di rected and required, that the Master or Commander of every Ship, or Vessel arriving in this Port, do, before he trade with any person or persons whatsoever; or do unload or land any goods, wares or merchandise (perishable green fruit or living creatures only excepted) enter into bond in the Secretary s Office with one sufficient freeholder or well known Merchant, in the penalty of one hundred and fifty pounds sterling conditioned as therein mentioned. And whereas, there are several other regu lations mentioned and contained in the said act to be complied with on the part of the said Masters or Commanders of Vessels, which, it is represented to this Board, are, together with the one above mentioned, totally neglected. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the Collector do, upon the arrival of any Ship or Vessel in this Port, and upon the Master or Commander thereof coming to his office to enter, inform the said Master or Commander with the forms and regulations contained in the said Act : and see that the same, as far as lies with him be complied with And in case of refusal or neglect by the said Master or Commander, that a proper report thereof be made, in order thai prosecutions may be commenced for the penalties thereby in curred. And whereas, it is also enacted, by the said law, that all and every person or persons, capable of contracting debts, who have, may or shall reside within this State for the space of thirty days, (except as therein excepted) shall before he, she or they obtain a license or ticket to go from this State, set up his, her or their names in the Secretary s Office twenty one days, or shall give bond in the said office with two sufficient securities in the 618 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS penalty of one hundred and fifty pounds sterling, conditioned as therein mentioned ; which said regulation together with others on the part of persons intending to depart this State, are, as it is represented to this Board, often times neglected to the injury of their creditors. It is therefore, notified to all persons con cerned, that the several clauses of the said act, will, in future, be strictly enforced against all defaulters, and the penalties in curred by any neglect of the same duly exacted- And whereas in and by another act of the assembly passed 9 th June 1761, also revived and continued by the act aforesaid, and commonly called the attachment act, it is provided in the 13 th clause or sec tion thereof; that where any person about to depart this State, shall, thirty days before his departure give notice by entering his name in the Secretary s Office, and by advertisement in the Ga zette, or in case of no Gazette, at some noted place in the parish where such person shall reside, and the watch or venclue House in Savannah of his intended departure; and that he is ready to answer any suit that shall be brought against him ; and in the mean time shall be always ready to give bail to any writ or summons that shall be issued against him. And in every such case the person or persons neglecting or refusing to commence his, her or their suit, while the party to defend shall be present and offering to answer the same as aforesaid, shall not have any benefit by the said attachment act; nor shall attach the absent party s estate or effects for any matter or cause of action whatso ever, arising from such notice given as aforesaid. ORDERED, That the foregoing be published in the Gazette for three successive weeks. It is ordered Pursuant to a resolve of Assembly date 14 th February 1/84, that the Governor do give an order on the Treasurer for one hundred and twenty five pounds specie, the same being so much audited, as appears by a certificate from the auditor, in favor of John Smith, in part of Col Martins contracts laid before the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 619 House, for waggons purchased, which sum is to be paid out of bonds, at present, in the hands of the Attorney General, which the Treasurer is, by the said resolve, authorized to call for. And whereas, it appears that this very waggon and team bought of the said John Smith, is the waggon and team which Nehemiah Wade Esquire is to account for to the State, by the resolve aforesaid. It is therefore, ORDERED, That a copy of the foregoing be lodged with the auditor, who is required to proceed for an account of the same against the said Xehemiah Wade in manner pointed out by the late law. The several public Officers of this State having represented to this Board the inconveniences they labour under for want of proper hours fixed for keeping open their respective offices, and doing business : It is ordered, For the present, and until the Legislature shall make an order to the contrary, that the office hours of all the public Offices, in Savannah be from nine to one in the forenoon, and from three to five in the afternoon ; during \vhich hours all such officers are required to give constant attendance in their respective offices every day in the week, Sundays and holy days only excepted. 620 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah 19 th March 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens James Powell \ ^ Zacharias Fenn George Walton j ^ S( l mres A letter from Mr. William Clark, formerly, of Augusta, be ing laid before the Board, requesting protection and leave to settle in this State; and it appearing there is no legal objection to the said William Clark, the person of that name who is named in the act of banishment, being of S l Andrew s Parish, and a different man from the present William Clark. It is ordered, pursuant to resolve of Assembly dated 25" Feu- ruary 1784, That the said William Clark receive a protection from this Board until the law shall be passed pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the rights of citizenship. A Letter from Lachlan Mlntosh, Major General, setting forth that he received a certificate for Bounty Lands according to rank of Brigadier General, whereas it ought to be agreeable to his Commission from the President of Congress and the Secretary at was dated for the rank of a Major General. It is ordered, That a certificate be given him for the difference between the right of a Brigadier and a Major General, the same being five hundred acres. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, that Josiah Powell Es quire, who formerly acted as a Commissioner of confiscated property under the act of confiscation and banishment, passed at Augusta on the 4 th May 1782, did, whilst he acted in that office, advance several sums of money out of his pocket for carrying the said act into execution, amounting in all to eighteen pounds, nine shillings and four pence, which said accounts MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 621 amounting to that sum, he hath got properly audited and certi fied by the Auditor And whereas, in and by the 19 th clause of the said act, it is enacted, that such expences shall be allowed by the public; and the said Josiah Powell, having proposed to take the same by way of discount, with the public against so much of the specie part of a bond of his, now in the Treasury for confiscated property : It is ordered. That the said eighteen pounds, nine shillings and four pence be allowed as so much of the specie part of the bond of the said Josiah Powell, under the authority of the said law, and in consideration of a similar allowance to Major Oding- sells, another of the said Commissioners, being made by the Honorable the House of Assembly. ORDERED, That Nathan Brownson and John Martin Es quires, late Governors of this State, be requested to favor this Board, as soon as may be, with a return of the number of Militia of the different Counties of this State, who were in actual ser vice during their respective administrations. In Council Savannah 23 d March 1784. Present His Honor the Governor James Powell George Walton ^ Zacharias Fenn Jenkin Davis > Esquires John Fulton William Stephens J This day the Honorable John Fulton Esquire, took his seat at the Board. A letter from the Auditor, respecting his auditing Treasury certificates for money, formerly, to wit, in the years 1777 and 622 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 1778, lent the State, being- laid before the Board It is there fore resolved and ORDERED, That this Board possess no power in regard to such certificates, but what is expressly given by the Honorable the House of Assembly, and upon looking over the minutes of the last Session of the said House they find only four cases in which the priviledge of auditing the said certificates and re ducing the amount into specie is given and granted, that is to say, Mr. Graves, Mr. Downes Mr. Walton and Mr. Langworthy; and they are, therefore, of opinion, that all other cases of this nature must lie over and wait the order of the House of Assem bly; And in regard to the said certificates which are taken up and exchanged as mentioned in the Auditors letter, this Board are of opinion, that the same ought to be lodged in the Treasury, there to remain until they shall be ordered to be burnt and de stroyed by the said House. WHEREAS, the Honorable the President and some Members of the Executive Council, are required to proceed to Augusta by the I st Tuesday in next month to open a land court there. And whereas, the wads being at present infested with robbers; It is ordered, That a guard, consisting of an officer and from 6 to 12 horsemen, be furnished by the commanding officer of each County to escort the President and Members of Council thro such County; that is to say, the guard of Chatham to es cort the said President and Members of Council to the lower line of Effingham County, that the guard of Effingham County be ready there, and escort them to the lower line of Burke Coun ty; that the guard of Burke County be ready there, and escort them to the lower line of Richmond County ; and that the guard of Richmond be ready there and escort them to Augusta. That a copy of the foregoing be sent to the respective commanding officers; and that they be informed, at the same time, that the President and Members of Council will set out from Savannah on Tuesday the 3O th day of this instant, March. And that is MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 623 required that the several guards do so order themselves as to be in readiness at the several and respective places before pointed out to them, at the proper times when they may expect the President and Members of Council to be along, or one day sooner. John A lartin Esquire, having resigned the office of Treasurer, It is agreed, that Seth John Cuthbert Esquire be and he is hereby accordingly appointed to that office in the room of the said John Martin, on his giving the security of twenty thousand pounds required by resolve of Assembly dated 2 5 th February, before his entering on the duties of the said office, and taking the necessary oath of qualification. A petition from Mercy Watts, praying leave for her husband, Cha 8 Watts, who is named in the act of banishment, to come into this State for twelve months under, as she conceived, the terms of the Treaty of peace, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the said Mercy Watts be furnished with an extract of that part of the report of a Committee, afterwards agreed to by the House of Assembly on the i/}. th February last, which relates to this business, and was in answer to a Message from the Gov ernor on this very subject. An affidavit of John Hodges respecting some men on the South side of the Alatamaha River being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That a copy of the said affadavit be immedi ately sent to Col Baker, and that he be directed to take such measures as shall appear necessary for protecting the settle ments or for interrupting the said plunderers, by turning out a sufficient party of the militia of his Regiment for that purpose, in case he shall judge it requisite : and also that a copy of the said affidavit be sent to Major Carr for his information and guide. 624 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS It is ordered, That a copy of the resolve of Assembly dated 26 th February last, be transmitted and furnished the Surveyor General, and that he be directed to proceed on the said business without the least delay. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed a grant to Robert Walton for 98 acres Richmond County. Omitted from the ig th Instant. A letter dated i8 th instant from Major General M c lntosh, being laid before the Board, it was resolved as follows. I st That the Board, so far as lies within them, will concur in the mode pointed out by the General, of numbering certifi cates and running lands for the soldiery in the reserve made for them since the same is by general consent, with this exception, that they are doubtfull how far the land court will be invested with a discretionary power of putting the holders of certificates on a better or worse footing than the original proprietors them selves would be, or how far they can take notice of such trans fers or sales of a mere right not reduced to possession as the General refers to. ndly within the respective Counties are to be surveyed by the County Surveyors respectively, and the Assistants appointed by them. And therefore, this Board are not competent to the appointment of a particular Surveyor for the lands within the reserve be longing to the Soldiery. 3 rdly That the Governor do write a letter to General M c ln- tosh informing him of the foregoing being the sense of the Board; at the same time assuring the General, they feel every inclination to carry the intentions of Congress and the State into effect, in the manner that shall appear most for the benefit and advantage of the line and other forces belonging to Georgia. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 625 David Montaigut Esquire, appointed Comptroller, by the Hon orable the House of Assembly, attended his Honor the Gov ernor and took and subscribed the oath of office pursuant to law. In Council, Savannah 26 th March, 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Jenkin Davis James Powell Zacharias Fenn ^ John Fulton George Walton William Stephens Application being made to the Board by George Miller, Richard Sill, and Alexander Bisset of East Florida, Planters, requesting protection and leave to settle in this State, and it ap pearing there is no legal objection to the said persons, It is ordered, pursuant to resolve of Assembly, dated 25 th Febry. 1784, That the said G. M. R. S. and A. B. receive a protection from this Board until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the rights of citizenship. General Elbert acquainted the Board, that the bounty of land allowed him as Col ought to be that of a Brigadier General, and produced his Commission, bearing date 4 th November 1783, It is agreed, That a certificate be given him for the deficiency different between the Bounty allowed, a Colonel and a Brigadier Gen eral, being seven hundred acres. Application being made by Edward Davies Esquire, for the 40 r r-v 1 2 626 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS admission of James Cassels, a person named in the act of ban ishment of South Carolina. It is resolved, That persons under that description are among such as the Assembly, by their resolve of 25 th Feb y 1784, in tended should be considered as under a legal impediment; and therefore, not admissible as citizens. Seth John Cuthbert Esquire, appointed Treasurer, in the room of John Martin Esquire resigned, attended His Honor the Gov ernor, in Council, and took and subscribed the oath of office; and gave bond with security as required by resolve of Assembly dated 25 th Feb y last. In Council, Savannah 29"* March 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor James Powell John Habersham \ Kscmires John Fulton George Walton / William Barnard Esquire, appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, one of the Justices of the peace for the County of Chatham, attended His Honor the Governor, in Council, and took and subscribed the oath of office. George Handley Esquire, appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, one of the Justices of the peace for the Counties of Liberty, Glynn and Camden, attended His Honor the Governor in Council, and took and subscribed the oath of office. A certificate from the Auditor for 334. i. 4, payable to MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 627 David Harris and his company, being offered by Mr. Abram Jones to be funded; and it appearing that altho the resolve of Assembly, dated July 14 th 1783, made such certificates good, yet by letter from Mr. Wereat of 29 th March 1784, it appears that there were some errors the said account. The Governor desired the opinion of the Council, whether the said certificate ought to be funded. The Council are of opinion, that it ought for the present, but nevertheless, as it appears by an endorsement on the said cer tificate, that 115. in part thereof is to be paid to Mr. Abram Jones, the Council recommend, that Mr. Jones be permitted to take out a funded certificate for that sum and that the balance, say 219. i. 4^ which is more than the amount of the charges objected to, remain unfunded until the said account shall be properly liquidated and settled. ORDERED. That there be a draft on the Treasury in favor of John Riley, Door-keeper, for a quarter of his salary, in con sideration of his being obliged to go to Augusta to attend the Land Court. In Council, Savannah 2 d April 1784 Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Benjamin Andrew \ ^ John Fulton Jenkin Davis j Application being made by Doctor Nathan Brownson for the bounty granted to refugees and also that to citizens who should steadfastly do their duty from the period, and in manner pointed 628 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS out by the resolve of Assembly the following appeared to be the case Doctor Brownson, in December 17/8, went off, a refugee from this State, he continued so, till about June 1781, he then accepted a Continental appointment, which he held for two months, he then relinquished that appointment and came into this State, of which he was appointed Governor, in August 1781, he continued Governor for the remainder of the year, and a faithful citizen afterwards till the evacuation of the British in July 1782; he then accepted of a re-appointment of the same Continental office which he held till the peace Is Doctor Brown- son, under these circumstances, entitled to the two Bounties now claimed by him? having, already, received his bounty as a Con tinental Officer, and the gratuity of one hundred guineas under the resolve of the 9 th January 1782. It appears to the Council that Doctor Brownson was placed in that situation, that he might have made his election and claimed bounty, either as a citizen or a Soldier during the time of his absence from home, and as he had made such election and taken up his bounty as a Soldier, which amounts to one thousand acres, and moreover, received one hundred guineas as a gratuity for his Continental services, which were only for two months, and is, also, entitled to pay for that time ; that, there fore, he is not now entitled to claim any other bounty; the refugee bounty being compensated for by what is before men tioned, and that called the citizens bounty by the salary the said Doctor Brownson received or is entitled to as Governor of the State. ORDERED, That Capt. E mbeck do let Mr. William O Bryan have a quantity of bricks not exceeding five thousand out of the ruins of the barracks, as applied for by him, taking his receipt to return a like quantity to the public when required. The Board, on considering the resolve of Congress, of the 13 th September 1783, are of opinion, that the officers of the Con tinental Army, are entitled to the bounty of land, both from the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 629 Continent and State agreeable to the promotion made by the said resolve; that is to say, as every Officer who holds the same rank now, that he did in the year 1777 is promoted one grade higher, therefore it follows, every Brigadier, becomes a Major General; every senior full Colonel, a Brigadier; every senior Lieutenant Colonel, a full Colonel; every senior Major a Lieutenant Colonel; every eldest Captain, a Major; every eldest I st Lieutenant, a Captain; and every eldest second Lieu tenant, a I st Lieutenant, and It is ordered, that they accordingly have certificates for the bounty allowed the said ranks respectively. WHEREAS; Major General MIntosh, on the 2 nd February last, applied to fund the sum of 5581. 12. 4 under the releasing act ; but on account of the Treasury business being, at that time, and for some time after, deranged, by reason of a variety of cir cumstances first ; and afterwards the resignation of the Treasurer the same could not then be done, The Board are, therefore, of opinion, as the said sum is now funded, and the delay heretofore hath not been owing to the General, that the certificate ought to carry interest from the said 2 d February last, and do order, that a note thereof be made on the back of the said refunded certifi cate. Tuesday 5 th April 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Benjamin Andrew ) ^ John Fulton J Esqm Who, not being sufficient to form a Board, adjourned without doing any business; agreeing, nevertheless, that an express be sent for the Effingham Member at his charge. 630 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Friday 9 th April 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Benjamin Andrew John Fulton 1 ^ John Spencer William Stephens j WHEREAS, a number of idle and disorderly persons, some of them of notoriously bad characters, are daily coming into this State, from the Southward, It is ordered, That the Justices of the peace, constables and other peace officers be vigilant in enforcing the vagrant act, passed 29" February 1764; the late vagrant act, passed 5 th August 1782, having expired with the war, against all such persons as shall appear to fall thereunder; and it is further ORDERED, That every Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel arriving from the Province of East Florida, within one month from this date do, before he shall suffer any passengers to land, make a report of their names to the Attorney General, if he shall arrive in any part of the County of Chatham or to one of the Assistant Justices, if he shall arrive in any part of the County of Liberty ; and obtain a permit or license from the said Attorney General or Assistant Justice, for the landing of such passengers. And it is further ordered, That, upon the landing of such per sons the said Attorney General or Assistant Justice, do examine them and, according to circumstances, take order respecting them. And if it shall appear the said persons belong to any of the Northern States, that the said Attorney General or Assistant Justice (as the case may be) do give them a permit to pass with all expedition to the district of the State to which such persons belong specifying therein that if such persons are found loiter- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 31 ing in this State, the Justices of the Peace are required to cause them to be dealt with as vagrants. ORDERED, pursuant to two resolves of Assembly, dated 24 th & 25 th days of February last, that John Wereat Esquire, have a draft upon the Treasury for the balance of his salary up to the first day of January last, amounting to 587. 16. 10 3/4 agree able to the account thereof rendered in by him. A petition from Sarah Frazer, respecting a negroe girl claimed by the petitioner and now in the possession of Jeremiah Carney, being laid before the Board, and it being suggested that the State hath a claim to the said negroe, as belonging to the estate of Arthur Carney, named in the bill of banishment and confisca tion It is therefore, ORDERED, That the said petition be referred to the Commis sioners of Forfeited Estates; and that they be directed to take the necessary steps thereon in behalf of the State. And if the said Carney, or any other person, now in possession of the said negroe, refuse to deliver her up, on application of the said Com missioners, that they do immediately inform the Attorney Gen eral thereof, who is directed to prosecute such person or persons, under the 13"* clause of the confiscation act or otherwise pro ceed against them according to law. RESOLVED as the opinion of this Board, that the late duty act passed 26 th February 1784, does not abrogate or do away the transient duty act passed 4 th March 1762, or any other transient duty; that it appears negroes were not comprehended in the said transient duty act of 4 th March 1762; but that another act passed 29 th September 1773, which extended the said transient duty to negroes ; that the said last mentioned act was, on being sent to the British King in Council, rejected, and, consequently, by the Constitution and government then acknowledged, the same became totally annulled and was not of force when the revolution happened ; that, nevertheless, in and by an act, passed 632 . THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS at Augusta on 3o th January 1783, the said act of 29 th September 1773, hath been, amongst others, revived and continued, and is now of force. The Board are therefore of opinion, as the law now stands, the transient duty on all goods, wares and merchandize, and negroes is due and payable by importers liable to the same as well as the general duty on trade imposed by the late act. ORDERED, That a copy of the above be furnished the Col lectors of the Ports of Savannah and Sunbury; and that they be directed to govern themselves accordingly. A memorial from John Collier, being laid before the Board, stating some facts and desiring to know whether he was liable to the transient duty. RESOLVED as the opinion of this Board, that the said John Collier is liable to the said transient duty, he having never, from any thing that appears to the Board, gained a residence in this State prior to the present period. On the petition of Justus Hartman Scheuber, accompanied with a recommendation from a number of citizens, It is ordered, as there appears no legal objection to the said Justus Hartmen Scheuber, that he receive a temporary protec tion in this State till a law shall pass pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the right of citizenship, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed the 25 th February 1784. A petition from George Melvin, respecting a suit brought, or to be brought by Levi Sheftall with some inclosures, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the same be referred to the Chief Justice in the first instance, and to the House of Assembly ultimately, if the said George Melvin shall so incline, it not being in the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 633 power of this Board to afford him relief, tho they think him well entitled thereto from what appears to them. John Love having applied for a license to act as a Vendue Master, It is ordered, That such- license be accordingly made out and signed by the Governor on his. the said John Love s taking the oath and other wise complying with the terms of the act passed 29" July 1783. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasurer in favor of Richard Donovan Murray for 60. 5. 6. being the amount of his account for providing the public enter tainment on the proclamation of peace. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Lewis Coope for 22. 3. o. being the amount of his account for furnishing provisions and liquors to the militia on the proclamation of peace. A petition from Josiah Tatnall Junior being laid before the Board setting forth that he was desirous of settling in this State, and that there was no legal objection to him, and therefore praying a temporary protection from this Board untill a law shall be passed pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the rights of citizenship, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed 25 th February 1784. It is ordered accordingly. RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that, under the re solve of Assembly of 2i st February 1784, and the other resolve of 9 th February 1783, therein referred to, any drafts from the British Merchants to the amount of their respective liquidated and audited demands, as they appeared in the said resolve of the 9 th February 1783, and the auditors books, for goods supplied 634 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the public immediately after the evacuation of this Town, will be good payment for the interest of any bonds in the Treasury for confiscated property so as such payments of interest are made in a general way, and without making any distinction between certificates and specie. Several letters, to wit, two, of the 3 d and 2O th February last, from the President of Congress, urging the necessity of sending on a representation, and informing that Edward Williams Es quire was appointed to audit the Continental accounts in this State And several from Amsterdam were received and laid be fore the Board. In Council, Tuesday 2o th April 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton Jenkin Davis James Powell Letter from James Jordan dated 15 th April 1784, requesting leave to relinquish some purchases of lands made at the late sales of confiscated property. RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that the indulgence prayed for cannot be granted, the releasing act making all sales under it absolute ; in manner therein pointed out. Letter dated 2Q th March 1784, from Ben. Lanier, giving some information respecting some Robbers from East Florida, ORDERED,, That the same be referred to Col Davis and Mr. Powell of this Board, and that they give the necessary informa tion to the inhabitants of Liberty and Effingham MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 635 RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Major Lowe for sixteen pounds, six shil lings and eight pence, for his attendance from 13 th January to 17 th February 1784 as a Member of this Board pursuant to re solve of Assembly. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of William Stephens Esquire for twenty five pounds, four shillings for his attendance from the 6 th January to 29 th February 1784, as a Member of this Board, pursuant to resolve of Assembly. A letter from William Moore dated April 6 th 1784 respecting 3500 acres of land, late the property of William Manson, a per son named in the act of confiscation, and now advertized for sale, was laid before the Board. ORDERED, That the said letter be referred to the Commis sioners of Confiscated estates and that they act in the premises according to Justice and the law in such case made. In Council, Wednesday 2i st April 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton 1 ^ Jenkin Davis James Powell J ^ S( l uires WHEREAS, the Honorable the House of Assembly in and by a resolve of the io th February 1783, did empower and direct the then Governor and Council to appropriate so much of the con fiscated property as monies arising from the amerced estates as would fully discharge the debts of the British Merchants 636 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS therein specified and by another resolve of the 2i st February 1784 the said last mentioned resolve is extended to the present Governor and Council. And whereas, in and by another resolve of the 26 th February 1784 the Commissioners are directed to sell, for cash or bills of Exchange, confiscated property to the amount of one thousand pounds for the purpose of defraying the expences of the Continental Delegates. And by another re solve of the date last mentioned, certificates from the Treasury to any Member of Assembly or Council for the amount of his account for attendance, are directed to be taken and received in all payments as specie. And whereas, on the 2O th day of this instant, confiscated property to the amount of two hundred and forty six pounds, ten shillings, hath been sold under the resolve of 26 th February 1784, that is to say, two negroe fellows for the sum of one hundred and twenty four pounds, and one tract of six hundred acres land late belonging to Samuel Douglass for one hundred and twenty two pounds, ten shillings making, to gether, two hundred and forty six pounds, ten shillings as afore said; which, together, with one hundred and seventy seven pounds, which the said British Merchants agree to lend and ad vance to the State and to charge on the same footing with their ac counts now due, will make, in all, four hundred and twenty four pounds payable in cash or good bills, to be appropriated to the use of the said Delegates, agreeable to the said resolve of 26 th February last, which, it is judged, will answer the present pur pose sending on the said Delegates. And it being evident that confining the sales to cash or bills of exchange must inevitably, make the lands sell considerably under their value. It is there fore, ORDERED, That the sales of all lands remaining unsold, which were advertized for sale on the 2O th Instant for cash or bills of exchange, be adjourned over untill Friday the 3O th day of this Instant, April ; that such lands be then sold for cash or bills of exchange, pursuant to resolve of 26 th February last, or drafts from, or discounts with the British Merchants, specified in the MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 637 resolve of io th February 1783, and 2i st February 1784, or for certificates from the Treasury to any member of the Assembly or Council for his attendance agreeable to resolve of 26 th Feb ruary 1784. And that the Commissioners of Confiscated Es tates do, in the two intervening Gazettes between this, and the said day of sale, give notice of those terms ; and declare the same on the day of sale, and in all respects take care that the same be strictly complied with. Provided nevertheless, that when the amount sales of the property sold on the said 30" April Instant shall rise to 6986. 4. i. that then the Commis sioners do adjourn the sales until further orders of this Board. Memorial from Joseph Pannell Esquire, County Surveyor for Washington County, being laid before the Board, praying that two more assistant Surveyors for the said County, in addition to the six already appointed, should be nominated by this Board. RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that, by the seventh sec : of the late land act, the power of appointing Assistants is altogether referred to the County Surveyor himself and not to this Board ; but the said County Surveyor cannot, by the said land act, exceed the number of six of such Assistants. ORDERED, That public notice be given in the Gazette requir ing all the Justices of the Peace of Chatham County, to meet at the Court House in Savannah, on Monday next at 10 o Clock in the forenoon for the purpose of filling up vacancies in the Office of Constables for the said County, pursuant to the act of Assembly of 27 th March 1759. A petition from William Fox, in behalf of Joseph Fox, a person named in the act of banishment, praying leave for the said John Fox to come into this State, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the said William Fox be furnished with an extract from the minutes of this Board in answer to the peti- 638 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS tion of Charles Watts on the 3 d March last, and the extract from the resolves of Assembly therein referred to. A petition from, Jeremiah Carney being laid before the Board, in respect to a negroe girl, named in the petition of Sarah Frazer presented on the 9 th day of April Instant, It is ordered, That the said petition be referred to the Com missioners of Confiscated Estates and the Attorney General, . who are desired to consider of the same, at the time they proceed on the order of the 9 th Instant. A petition from Patrick Crookshanks and Alexander Speirs, being laid before the Board, stating some matters, which appear to involve difficult questions of law, It is ordered, That the same be referred to the Attorney Gen eral and that he be desired to furnish this Board with his opinion thereon as soon as possible. It is ordered That in future the collectors of Savannah and Sunbury do oblige every Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel arriving in this State, and entering at their respective offices, to lodge in the Custom-House the Register of such Ship or Vessel until they are about to depart again and that then no such Ship or Vessel shall be permitted to clear out, or receive their Register back again, until the Master or Commander there of shall produce and shew to the Collector a receipt from the Powder Receiver for the quantity of powder, or duty in lieu thereof, to which such Ship or Vessel is liable; And also, a re ceipt for all other duties and fees to which such Ship or Vessel is subjected by the laws of this State. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 639 In Council, Friday 23 d April 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton 1 ^ Jenkin Davis James Powell j ^ sc l uires It is ordered, That the Commissioners of Confiscated Es tates do pay into the Treasury by Monday morning next at ten o Clock in the forenoon the amount sales of two negro fellows, advertized for sale on the 2O th Instant under the resolution of 26 th February last, for cash or good bills of exchange for the express purpose of defraying the expences of the Continental Delegates, otherwise the bonds of office of the said Commis sioners, will be ordered to be put in suit. ORDERED, That the said Commissioners be immediately served with a copy of the above. Several letters being received by the Governor were laid be fore the Board and read, to wit, One from Count D Estaing, dated 2O th December 1/83, claim ing twenty thousand acres of land promised him in Georgia, an other from the Seiur Antoine Reire, Charles De La Foreste, dated I st April 1784, signifying his appointment of Vice Consul of France, in Georgia, and notifying his arrival in Charleston; but observing that he had received orders to remain at Charles ton and perform the duty of Consul until other provision should be made for that place. This letter also, covering a copy of a notification from Congress of the recognition of the said Vice Consul in that character, and calling on this State to furnish the said Vice Consul with an exequatur of his quality, and to cause the same to be published in one or more Gazettes. And fur ther signifying that he was furnished with powers from Count 640 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS D Estaing to take possession of the said 20,000 Acres of land, and desiring to know what was done in that business Where upon, It is ordered, I st That as it appears the said 20,000 acres of land were promised by the State to the said Count D Estaing, there ought to be a warrant issued from the land court in Au gusta, directed to the Surveyor General, causing him, imme diately to admeasure and lay out, that quantity of good land in one of the new Counties; and that the same be held in reserve until the meeting of the Assembly on the I st July next; to whom it will be referred in what manner to complete the said donation, or do therein as they shall judge proper. 2 naiy That the Executive Authority of this State cannot, with propriety, furnish the Sieur Antoine Reire Charles De La For- este with an Exequatur or Notification of his quality, or cause the same to be published in the Gazette until the arrival in this State of the said Sieur Antoine Reire Charles De La Foreste; but immediately on such his arrival, the Governor and Council will furnish him with the said Exequatur in the form recom mended by Congress, and also cause a copy thereof to be pub lished in one or more Gazettes of this State. 3 rdly That the Governor do communicate the substance of these resolves to the said Sieur Antoine Reire Charles De La Fcreste as early as possible. A petition from William MIntosh, Capt, being laid before the Board, stating some facts in regard to debts due the public. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the said petition be referred to the Attorney General who is directed to report specially to this Board, on Tuesday next, whether any, and what bonds were given to the public by the said Capt. MIntosh or his deceased Brother for the negroes mentioned in the said petition; whether the said MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 641 bonds have been put in suit ; at what stage the said suit is ; whether any, and what defence has been made or sett off offered against the said bonds by the obligors ; and also, any other mat ter or thing concerning the same, material or necessary for the information of this Board. A letter and petition from Gideon Dupont, being laid before the Board representing that he had made useful discoveries in the cultivation of rice, which he is willing to communicate on a recompence being made him. ORDERED, . That the same be referred, agreeable to the peti tioners request, to the House of Assembly at their next meeting. It is ordered, That Mr. Stephens and Colo. Davis be a Com mittee to form a rough estimate of the supposed value of the lands advertized for sale on Friday the 3O th Instant according to the best information they can obtain to serve as a guide for the Commissioners in disposing of the same. And that the said Committee do attend at the said sale in behalf of the public to assist and advise the said Commissioners. ORDERED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of the Honorable James Powell Esquire, a Member of this Board, for his attendance on the same up to the 24 th In stant, agreeable to his account, and the resolve of Assembly in such case made. In Council, April 27 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens James Powell \ ^ John Fulton John Spencer J J It is ordered, pursuant to the act of Assembly lately, to wit, 41 r r vol 2 612 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS on the 26 th February 1784, passed, that the several Colonels or other Commanding Officers of regiments in and throughout this State do, as soon as possible, cause elections to be held for filling up vacancies of officers belonging to the said regiments, re spectively, agreeable to the mode pointed out by the said law. And that two Justices of the peace at least, of the County, at tend at the said elections and grant or countersign certificates to the persons chosen as officers in order to entitle them to their commissions from His Honor the Governor. ORDERED, That the Colonels or other Commanding Officers of the Regiments of Chatham, Liberty and Effingham Counties do, immediately, order and keep out proper scouting parties from their respective Regiments to protect the inhabitants against the Horse theives and other plunderers who are said to be lurking within the said Counties. And it is further ORDERED, That patrole duty thro the Streets and suburbs of Savannah be performed by the Town Militia in such manner, and to consist of such numbers as the Field Officers of the Chat ham Regiment shall agree upon, and that such patroles be di rected to take up and confine until morning, and then carry be fore two Justices of the peace to be dealt with according to law, all negroes not having a lawfull ticket from their Masters; or disorderly or suspicious white persons whom they shall find in their rounds, after the Hour of ten o Clock at night, when the guard shall set. And it is further ORDERED, That these orders and regulations shall continue one month from this day. The Attorney General having given in his report respecting the case of Capt. M c lntosh agreeable to the order of Friday last, the Board resolve as follows I st That the Court of law was the proper place for these matters to be considered after suits had been instituted on the bonds. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 643 2 naiy That if the law was so far against the petitioner as to determine both the Court and Jury in favor of the State it would be highly unwarrantable in this Board to releive the Petitioner. 3 dly That, as the conduct of the Court in business of this na ture appears to have been approved of by the Honorable the House of Assembly by their resolve of the 24 th February 1784, the Board, who are equally subject as the Court to the resolves of Assembly, cannot, with propriety, interfere in Capt. M c ln- toshs case ; but must have the law to its course, or the petitioner to be releived by the Honorable the House of Assembly, if they shall think fit; more especially, as by another resolve of the 26 th February 1784, there are express directions given for immedi ately, recovering and collecting all the monies due on the bonds given for negroes sold by order of the Court of Admiralty. The Commissioners of confiscated estates, having been served with the order of Friday last, represented that they had been deceived in regard to the intended sale of the two- negroes men tioned in the said order, but informed the Board they could get as much, or more money at private sale for them on condition they should be empowered to dispose of them in that way. RESOLVED, As the opinion of this Board, in case the bidder for the said negroes at public auction on the 2O th Instant, has not complied with the terms of sale he can have no property in, or right to them; and that, in that case, the Commissioners will be well justified in disposing of the negroes to another, who will pay the money for them And as the resolve of Assembly of of 26 th February 1784, empowers the said Commissioners to dis pose of confiscated property to the amount of 1000 at public or private sale, the Board will ratify, so far as lies with them any private sale of the said negroes, which the said Commissioners may make so as the amount received shall not be under what the said negroes were knocked off at, on the 2O th In.itant. The Attorney General, agreeable to the order of Friday last, 644 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS reported his opinion on the petition of Messr 8 Crookshanks and Spiers; which case and opinion being taken into consideration, the Board determine as follows, I st . . . That, whereas, by resolve of Assembly, passed on the II th February 1784, a duty of 2 1/2 per cent, is laid, on the prime cost of all goods, wares and merchandize imported into this State from any port whatsoever And by act of Assembly passed the 26 th of the same month, a specific duty is laid upon certain enumerated articles and a duty of 21/2 per cent, on all other imports into this State. It is therefore, RESOLVED, That in regard to all imports between the II th and 26 th of February, the Collectors and Treasurer ought to be governed by the resolve of the II th February, and in regard to all imports since the 26 th February the act of that date ought to be the guide. 2 dly . . . That, as by acts of Assembly passed 4 th March 1762, and 29 th September 17/3, revived and continued by act passed 3<D th July 1783, a duty of 21/2 per cent, is laid upon all goods, wares and merchandize, and negroes imported by any transient person into this State ; and by the third sec : or clause of these several acts, there is a proviso that where any part of the said goods or negroes shall remain unsold, or shall be re-exported, that then, upon oath thereof made to the Treasurer, there shall be a drawback of Tax to the amount of the said goods or negroes (under the restrictions mentioned) so re-exported. The Board are, therefore, of opinion, that the case of Messr 3 Crookshanks and Spiers, will come under this proviso in regard to the transient duty ; and that they will be entitled to the indul gence therein mentioned, on their making the necessary affidavit, or proof required by law. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 645 In Council, Tuesday 4 th May 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor \Yilliam Stephens Benjamin Andrews \ ^ Jenkin Davis John Fulton J hsquires ORDERED, That the order of this Board of April 9 th last, re specting idle and disorderly persons coming into this State from the Southward be continued for one month longer from the 9 th day of this Instant, May, and that the same, together with the present order be published in the Gazette for three weeks. WHEREAS, it is represented to this Board, that there are still arrearages of Taxes due by divers defaulters in the County of Chatham under the act of Assembly passed the 3i st July 1/83, It is therefore, ORDERED, That the late Collector, James Field Esquire, do within ten days, deliver in to the Treasurer, agreeable to the 14 th Section of the said law, a list of all such defaulters; and pay into his office all monies that may now remain in the hands of the said Collector; and otherwise comply with the directions of the said law. And it is further ORDERED, That the said Treasurer, on receipt of the said list of defaulters, do issue warrants, and otherwise proceed against them as in and by the 15 th and other Sections of the said act is directed. And it is further ORDERED, That the said Treasurer do write to the several other Collectors of the different Counties in this State informing them that there is a necessity that they should immediately pay into the Treasury all monies that may still remain in their hands, and make a return to him of all defaulters so that warrants mav 646 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS issue against them. And in case the said Collectors shall make default herein, the said Treasurer is ordered to make report to this Board and otherwise proceed against them according to law. George Jones Esquire, Register of Probates for the County of Chatham, having requested leave of absence for one month, It is ordered. That such leave be accordingly granted ; and that the said George Jones have the consent and approbation of this Board in appointing David Montaigut Esquire his deputy dur ing his absence. ORDERED, That it be notified to the Continental Delegates, to wit, Major General M c lntosh, William Houstoun, William Few, William Gibbons, Edward Telfair and Joseph Habersham Esquires, that it is expected and requested by this Board, that they, or at least two of them, do, without delay repair to Con gress, their credentials being now ready for them, and the funds of the State in a situation to furnish them with money, (which they shall receive on application to the Governor,) sufficient to defray their expences according to the provision made by the Honorable the House of Assembly ; and it is agreed that each Delegate who sets out in the course of this month shall receive an advance of allowance according to the time he engages to stay he to be accountable for the same. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish each of the said Delegates with a copy of the above order. Application being made, by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates to the Board for payment of an account presented, being the charges on the late sales. It is ordered, That all reasonable expences attending the said sales be paid and deducted out of the amount of the same, but that the Commissioners commissions lie over till the next sales. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. C47 A letter from Major Patrick Carr, dated 28 th April 1784, in closing a letter of 13 th same month from Timothy Barnard, being laid before the Board. ORDERED, That a copy of the said letter from Timothy Bar nard be immediately forwarded to the Honorable the President DOW at Augusta. In Council, Friday 7 th May 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis William Stephens ) Benjamin Andrew John Fulton j A petition of William Thompson, accompanied with an affi davit of Doctr. William Bryan, praying to be admitted a citizen. ORDERED, That the said William Thompson receive a tem porary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed pointing out the mode of admitting persons to> the right of citi zenship, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed 25 th February 1784. WHEREAS, divers sales of confiscated property have lately taken place by virtue of orders of Council of the 2i st and 27 th days of April last, founded on the resolves of Assembly therein referred to, It is ordered, That the Commissioners of the said Confiscated property do settle for the same with the Treasurer by paying into his hands what monies they have received, and furnishing him with a state of British Merchants debts and certificates which 648 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS they have accepted of in payment, pursuant to the said resolves. And it is further ORDERED, That the said Treasurer be furnished with a cer tified copy of the said British Merchants debts taken from the auditors books ; and also, an extract from the Journals of the House, dated io th February 1783, to enable him to state and settle the said marters in his books. That he, likewise, be fur nished with an extract from the Minutes of Council of the 2i st and 27 Ul of last month on that subject; that he be directed to re ceive from the said British Merchants the sum therein men tioned, agreed Lc, be advanced in cash by them And, thai he do state and settle the whole of this business in such manner as to exhibit in his books an account of the debits and credits of the two funds voted and agreed to be raised by the resolves of io th February 1/83, and 26 th February 1784. That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Capt. De La Plaigne for forty two pounds, being a bal lance due on a vote of the House of Assembly of August Application was made by Samuel Stirk Esquire offering some audited certificates in part payment of his bond due the public for negroes purchased at the sales under the order of the Court of Admiralty some time ago. RESOLVED,, That this Board cannot admit of the same, the releasing act making such bonds payable in specie and nothing else and the resolve of Assembly dated 24 th February last also precluding such mode of payment as determined by this Board in the case of Capt. M c lntosh on the 27 th of last month that, therefore, the said Samuel Stirk must be referred to the House of Assembly if he apprehends himself aggrieved. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 649 In Council Wednesday 12 th May 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Benjamin Andrew \ ^ John Fulton Jenkin Davis / ^ squi This day His Honor the Governor in Council signed the fol lowing grants. Micajah Williamson 300 Acres Wilkes County Joseph W illiams I 35^ Do Joseph Williams 400 Do Benjamin Andrew Esquire having produced an account, amounting to eighteen pounds, eight shillings and eight pence for money due him for his attendance in Council last year, and the same appearing to be entered on the Council Books of that period, and approved of by the then Governor and Council. It is ordered, That the said Benjamin Andrew have a draft upon the Treasury for that sum agreeable to a resolve of Assem bly passed 26 th February 1/84. In Council Friday 14 th May 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Benjamin Andrew John Fulton } ^, William Stephens Jenkin Davis \ ivsqm William Houstoun Esquire, having, by letter, signified his being ready to proceed to Congress, and there to remain for six 650 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS months ; and William Gibbons Esq r also, his intention of proceed ing with him, there to remain for four months, It is ordered, That the said Delegates have drafts on the Treasury for the amount of their allowance for the said respec tive terms, agreeable to the resolve of Assembly in such case made. This day the following grant was signed. Oliver Lewis Esquire 239 Acres. . . .Effingham County. A petition of Ralph De Pass and Jacob De Pass, accompanied with a certificate of Philip Minis, praying to be admitted citizens of this State, ORDERED, That the said Ralph De Pass and Jacob De Pass receive a temporary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the right of citizenship pursuant to a resolve of Assembly passed 25 th February 1784. A petition of Capt Thomas Newell being laid before the Board respecting the tonage of small craft, RESOLVED, That the petitioner be referred to the law in such case made as the matters contained in the said petition do not,, properly, come before this Board. A petition of David Leion, accompanied with a letter of recom mendation from M. Sheftall, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, ORDERED, That the said David Leion do receive a temporary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship agreeable to resolve of Assembly passed 25 th Feb y 1784. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 651 In Council, Wednesday 19 th May 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Jenkin Davis 1 John Fulton Benjamin Andrew f hsc l mres ORDERED, That the 6 th 7 th and part of the 9 th Sections of an act of Assembly passed 26 th March 1767, entitled "an act to prevent the bringing into and spreading of malignant and con tagious distempers &c. &c" also the I st and 2 d Sections of another ?ct passed the io th May 1770, for amending the said first men tioned act, be published in the Gazette; the said acts having been revived and continued by a late act of Assembly passed 3O th July 1783. ORDERED, pursuant to the 4 th Section of the act aforesaid passed 26 th March 1767, that upon the Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel going to the Custom House of Savannah or Sunbury to enter, the Collector of the said port, do> administer an oath or affirmation to such Master or Commander to make a true answer to all such questions as shall be asked him touch ing the health of his crew ; and that thereafter the said Collector do ask the following questions of such Master or Commander, to wit, whether the place from whence the Vessel came last was healthy? Whether all the persons, passengers included, then on board such vessel, are in health and free from the small-pox, malignant fever, and all other contagious distempers? Whether any died during the voyage? of what distempers? and how long since? And that upon the said questions being answered, the said Collector do, according to circumstances, either admit such ship or vessel to an entry, and permit her to land her cargo, or otherwise act in the premises according to the directions of the said law. 652 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Mr. Abraham Ravot, one of the Commis sioners of confiscated property for 3. in part of his account against the public he to be accountable for the same. ORDERED, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed January 19 th 1784, that the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury for 30. in favour of the Honble. George Walton Esquire, in part of his Salary, he to be accountable for the same. In Council Tuesday 25 th May 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Green "} John Spencer John Fulton Esquires Benjamin Andrew J RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Mrs. Lucia Tondee for 10, pursuant to resolve of Assembly, dated 23* February 1784. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Benjamin Andrew Esquire for 14. being the amount of his account for one months attendance in Council up to the 20 Instant, pursuant to resolve of Assembly dated 26 th February 178.1. ORDERED, That Abraham Ravot Esquire, one of the Com missioners of confiscated estates do, within ten days, attend this Board and shew cause why he hath in direct contradiction to an express resolve of Assembly, dated 24 th February 1784, relin quished the sale or discontinued the advertisement of 750 acres of land said to be late the property of John Grayham and claimed by Major Demere. Petition from Richard Leake being laid before the Board, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 653 RESOLVED, That as it appears by the Journals of the honor able the House of Assembly, that they, on the 24 th February 1784, long after the order referred to on the said petition, or dered the land in question to be sold, that, therefore, this Board cannot, with propriety, interfere in the premises, but must leave the Petitioner to his remedy pointed out by the said order of 24 th Feb y 1784. A petition of John Thompson accompanied with a certificate from David Montaigut, John Kell and Job Pray; praying to be admitted a citizen of this State. ORDERED, That the said John Thompson do receive a tem porary protection from this Board untill a law shall be passed pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship agreeable to resolve of Assembly, passed 25 th Feb ruary 1784. Petition of William Blogg, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, ORDERED, That the said William Blogg do receive a tempo rary protection from this Board untill a law shall be passed pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citi zenship, agreeable to resolve of Assembly passed the 25 th Feb ruary 1784. In Council Friday 28 th May 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Benjamin Andrew \ John Fulton John Spencer j A letter from Major General M c lntosh being laid before the 6o4 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Board complaining of certain enormities having been committed by a party of men lately out under the command of Cap* West, It is ordered, That a copy of the said letter be sent to Col Baker, commanding Officer of Liberty County ; and that he be directed to make enquiry into the affair, and as soon as possible, transmit to this Board a true and full account thereof. And it is also ORDERED, That a copy of the said letter be transmitted to the Assistant Judges of the said County, and that they be directed to act in the premises according to law and the further informa tion they shall obtain and procure. WHEREAS,, there is great reason, from information lately re ceived, to suspect that a certain Banditti collected and collecting upon the River, St. Marys may make inroads into this State, It is ordered, That notice thereof be given to Col Baker, Major Carr, and the commanding officer of Effingham County. And that they be respectively directed to be upon their guard against such incursions. A letter from Major Lachlan MIntosh as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners appointed to visit and view the Ten nessee Lands, having been land before the Board, It is resolved, That as the Assembly have not referred any part of that business to the Executive Department, it might be deemed improper in them to interfere therein Neverthe less, as the Commissioners applied for advice in the premises, this Board are of opinion that the Commissioners who are in Savannah ought to consult, by letter or a personal interview, as they think best, with the other Commissioners in Wilkes County, on the propriety of proceeding. And that, in case they find the report mentioned in the letter from Major MIntosh to be true, this Board are of opinion the said Commissioners MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 655 will be well justified in desisting from their Journey until the next meeting of Assembly. WHEREAS, the public arms, belonging to this State are much neglected, and, at present, in very bad order and condition, It is ordered, and agreed with Gonder, who appeared before Council and consented to the same, that the said Gonder do repair and clean up one hundred stand thereof of the best; Also thirty pair of horsemans pistols, so as to put them in com plete order ; and afterwards, that he the said Gonder, do, as often as may be necessary for one year from this time, clean them up, and oil them so as to have them, always, in good con dition. And in consideration whereof, this Board agree to pay the said Gonder at the rate of ten pound per annum, commencing from this date, and order that 5. thereof be advanced as soon as the said arms shall be completed, repaired and cleaned for the first time. In Council Tuesday I st June 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens Tenkin Davis ) ^ T i T^ 1^ T u /-A r Esquires John Fulton John Green j Several letters were laid before the Board, to wit, one from His Excellency Benjamin Harrison Esquire, Governor of Vir ginia, dated II th March 1784, respecting some Spaniards and others, attempting a settlement within the limits of our State; another from Timothy Barnard, dated 2O th May 1784, covering copy of a letter to him from Alexander M c Gillivray, dated 26 th April 1784, both those letters respecting the present temper of the Indians, and their dislike to the settlement of the Oconee lands : 656 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, on the first letter, that as it appears the land herein mentioned is the very land which the Assembly, at their last Session had in contemplation, and entered into resolves about, that, therefore, nothing be done herein until the next meeting of the Assembly, when the said letter shall be laid before the House Save only, that a copy of the said letter he furnished the Commissioners, appointed to view and examine the Tennes see lands, for their information. On the other two letters It is ordered, That copies thereof be transmitted to the Presi dent at Augusta, and that it be recommended to him to let the contents thereof be known so that persons going out to survey lands may be on their guard. This day the following grant. Abraham Marshall 200 Acres Wilkes County. Application being made by William Gibbons Esquire stating that in consequence of resolves of Assembly passed at Augusta on the 9 th and io th days of July 1783, John Peter Wagnon Es quire, had delivered up to him the Commissioners titles, to gether with a relinquishment thereon, of the wharf lot and build ings alluded to in Mr. Gibbon s petition, It is ordered, That the said conveyance and relinquishment be lodged in the Treasury, with the bond and mortgage of the said John Peter Wagnon ; and that the same wait, in their pres ent State, the order of the Honble. House of Assembly in the premises. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 657 In Council, Friday 4 th June 1784. Present, His Honor, the Governor William Stephens Benjamin Andrew Jenkin Davis John Fulton RESOLVED, That the Governor do issue a draft upon the Treasury in favour of John Newman and James White, two Continental Soldiers, belonging to the Georgia Line, who have become maimed in the service, for ten pounds each, in part of the bounty allowed, by the State, to persons in that situation; And that, in case any Merchant will let the said persons have goods, to the amount of their said drafts, respectively, the same shall be taken in payment of any duties at the Custom House And it is further, ORDERED, That a draft which the Governor gave upon Mr. Leonard Cecil for three pounds in favor of said White, be deemed a part of his 10, and that the same be received from Mr. Cecil as above mentioned at the Custom House. ORDERED, That Benjamin Andrew and William Stephens Esquires be appointed a committee to make a valuation and ap praisement of certain tracts of land advertised for sale by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates on the 8 th Instant. And that, unless the said lands shall rise, at the sale, above such val uation, the sales be adjourned from day to day until they reach the appraisement or until, the further order of this Board. \VHEREAS, There are no Justices qualified to act in the dis trict of Great Ogechee and it being represented to this Board, that those appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, cannot conveniently come to Town, it is therefore, ORDERED, That a Dedimus Potestatem be issued to the Chief 42 r r vol 2 658 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Justice authorizing him to qualify the said Justices if he shall, at any time, go into that District ; he to make due return of the said Dedimus with his proceedings thereon. Petition from Andrew Turnbull, praying to he admitted a citi zen of this State, ORDERED, That the said Andrew Turnbull do receive a tem porary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the right of citizenship; agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed the 25^ February 1784. A petition from Alexander Morrison, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, ORDERED, That the said Alexander Morrison do receive a temporary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citi zenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly, passed the 25 th February 1784. In Council, Tuesday 8 th June 1784. Present, His Honor, the Governor William Stephens Jenkin Davis 1 ^ . John Green John Fulton / * Petition of Edward Jones Esquire, complaining of the hard ship he labours under, in respect to an execution against him for a public debt, being laid before the Board, ORDERED, That the consideration of this matter be post- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 659 poned until the close of the next Session of Assembly ; and that, in the mean time, the execution against the said Jones be staid. Abraham Ravot Esquire, pursuant to the order of 25 th May 1784, appeared before the Board and offered some reasons for his conduct in regard to the Island called Demere s ORDERED, That the matter be referred to the House of As sembly at their next meeting. A letter from Edward Telfair Esquire, being laid before the Board, respecting some lands late the property of the estate of John Forbes Esquire deceased, ORDERED, That the said letter be sent to the commissioners cf confiscated Estates; and that Mr. Telfair be referred to the resolution of Assembly, dated 24" February 1784, by which he will find that he must establish the claim he sets forth, in a court of law. Joseph Welscher and Abraham Dacosta having applied for a license to act as Vendue Masters, It is ordered, That such license be accordingly made out and signed by the Governor, on they, the said Joseph Welscher and Abraham Dacosta s taking the oath, and otherwise complying with the terms of the act, passed thee 29 th July 1783. 660 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Tuesday 15 th June 1784. Present, His Honor, the Governor William Stephens John Greene, ^ John Spencer John Fulton. > Esquires Benjamin Andrew j On the written application of the Attorney General ; and pur suant to the resolve of Assembly 26 th February 1784. It is ordered, That William Stephens Esquire, be appointed a Council for the State to assist the Attorney General in making defence against a writ of error brought by Woodruff qui tarn claimants vs, Findley and others Libellants ; and that he be al lowed a reasonable fee for his trouble therein. A letter from the Attorney General, respecting one Charles Watts, a person named in the act of banishment, being laid be fore the Board. It is ordered, That the Attorney General be furnished with an extract of the order of this Board, of the 23 d March last, on the application of Mercy Watts Also, with an extract of the resolve of Assembly of the 14 th February last, in answer to the Gover nors Message for his guide in the premises. Application being made by Joseph Woodruff Esquire, Collec tor of the Port of Savannah, for a quarters salary, amounting to 62. It is ordered, That the Governor do, accordingly, give a draft upon the Treasury for the said sum, being due 22 nd last month. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 661 In Council, Friday i8 th June 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton } James Powell John Spencer > Esquires Benjamin Andrew ) Grants signed this day, Joseph Griffin, 350 Acres, Wilkes Saunders Walker, 1050 Acres, Wilkes John Callaway, 200 Acres, Wilkes Jonathan Ragan, 200 Acres, Wilkes Jonathan Ragan, TOO Acres, Wilkes WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that certain persons in the State of South Carolina, have attempted to run the lands Ivingr in the forks of the Tugalo and Kiowee branches of Savan- - 1 O nah River, and certain other persons have attempted to form set tlements on the Western Territory of this State as is represented to this Board by the Governors of Virginia and North Carolina all which acts are manifestly encroachments upon the property of this State It is therefore, ORDERED, That it is expedient and necessary that the Gov ernor do, forthwith, publish a proclamation, declaring, explicitly the boundaries and jurisdiction of this State as defined by the original Charter and late Treaty of peace; that he do, likewise, write to the Governors of Virginia and North Carolina ; And further, that a commission under the Great Seal be sent to Doct. Noble Wimberly Jones, in Charleston, and that he be re quested to enter a caveat, in behalf of this State in the Secre tary s Office there, against any grant or grants for lands, within 662 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the district above mentioned, being signed by the Governor of South Carolina. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, by representation from the Honble. the Chief Justice, that Richard Lang, a prisoner, con fined in the Jail of Savannah, stands charged with having com mitted a felony in the State of South Carolina ; And whereas, it is proper in such case, that the said Richard Lang be forth with removed and conveyed into that State, in order to take his trial and Col William Ferrel having undertaken to convey him to Charleston It is ordered, That the Sheriff of Chatham County, deliver the Body of the said Richard Lang to the said Colonel William Ferrel, on the said William Ferrels giving a receipt for him, and entering into a recognizance before the Chief Justice, that he will accordingly, safely convey the said Richard Lang to Charleston; and there deliver him to the Sheriff or other proper officer, within one month, whose receipt is to cancel the receipt and recognizance of the said William Ferrel. And it is further, ORDERED, That the Treasurer do advance the said William Ferrel ten guineas, to enable him to proceed in this business, which sum is to be debited to the State of South Carolina. Several letters wrote by the Governor, that is to say, one to Governor Guerard of South Carolina ; one, to Governor Harri son of Virginia ; one to Governor Martin of North Carolina ; one to Doctor Jones of Charleston ; together also, with the form of a caveat to be entered in the Secretary s Office of Charleston, the Commission for that purpose ; and also the form of a procla mation, pursuant to a proceeding order of this day on the sub ject .of encroachments attempted within the lines of this State; being laid before the Board, the same were considered and ap proved of; and It is ordered, that the said proclamation do, accordingly issue and be published in the Gazette of this State. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 663 In Council, Tuesday 22 nd June 1784. Present His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Spencer ^ Jenkin Davis John Fulton V Esquires James Powell J A letter dated 5 th June 1784 from His Excellency Governor Guerard of South Carolina, inclosing a copy of one of the 4 th of the same month, from the Honorable Judge Burke to the said Governor Guerard in answer to an application of the Governor of this State, respecting one Boothe, a prisoner, confined in Charleston, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the said letter and its enclosures be trans mitted to the Chief Justice of this State, in order that he may take the necessary steps on the subject matter of the same. A petition of Francis Wellington, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, ORDERED, That the said Francis Watlington do receive a temporary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed 25" February 1784. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury, in favor of Benjamin Andrew Esquire for 13, io s , 8 d being the amount of his account for attendance in Council from the 2O th May, to the i8 th Inst. June, pursuant to resolve of As sembly, dated 26 th February 1784. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of John Spencer Esquire, for 24, 5, 4 being 664 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the amount of his account for attendance in Council from the 5 th January to the 22 nd June 1784, pursuant to resolve of Assem bly dated 26 lh February 1784. In Council, Friday 25 th June 1/84. Present His Honor the Governor William Stephens James Powell ] r John Spencer John Fulton j * Petition from Messr 5 Pray and Watlington being laid before the Board, praying that a cargo of negroes, lately imported from S fc Croix be excused from performing quarantine, RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that the act of 26 th March, being positive, leaves no discretionary power in this Board to dispense with the quarantine in any case whatso ever. Petition of John Doran, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, being laid before the Board, ORDERED, That the said John Doran do receive a temporary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly, passed the 25 th February 1784. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor do give a draft, authorizing the Treasurer to retain and pay himself one quarters Salary and to place the same to the debit of the Civil Estab lishment. RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor do give the Sec retary of State a draft upon the Treasurer for 10 in part of arrears of Salary due him, to enable him to proceed to Augusta. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 665 In Council, Wednesday 3O th June 1784. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of William Stephens, Benjamin Andrew, James Powell, Jenkin Davis and John Spencer Esquires, Mem bers of this Board, for ten pounds each on account of monies due them for attendance in Council, . and to be accounted for by them ; pursuant to Resolve of Assembly dated the 26 th day of Feb y last. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of John Fulton Esquire, for one hundred and eighty dollars, being the amount of his account for attendance in Council from the 23 d March last, to 23 d June Instant, pursuant to resolve of Assembly dated 26 th February 1784. Petition from William Steven, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, ORDERED, That the said William Steven do receive a tem porary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed the 25 th February 1784. In Council, Augusta, Tuesday July 13" 1784 Present, His Honor the Governor The Honble. the President William Stephens James Powell ^ John Green John Fulton V Esquires Zacharias Fenn Daniel Coleman This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. 666 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS A paper containing a recommendation from a number of gentlemen, who are members of the Honorable the House of Assembly and who met in Augusta agreeable to adjournment, was laid before the Board and read, ORDERED, That the consideration of the same be postponed for the present. In Council, Wednesday July 14 th 1/84. Present His Honor the Governor The Honorable the President James Powell Daniel Coleman "| Zacharias Fenn John Fulton V Esquires John Greene J RESOLVED,, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Daniel Coleman, Zacharias Fenn, George Walton, and James M c Farland Esquires, Members of this Board, for 4. each, to be accounted for in their salaries for attendance on public duty, pursuant to resolve of Assembly dated the day of February last. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Andrew Whitefield for the amount of his account, being 14, o, n, being for supplies furnished the In dians ; and that the same be charged to the contingent fund. Thomas Burton Esquire, a Justice of the peace, appointed by the Honble. the House of Assembly, for the County of Burke, attended and qualified as such agreeable to law. A head man and several others of the Creek Nation, attended the Board and delivered a talk from their Nation, which w r as answered by the Governor in Council. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 667 This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants. For Dyonisius Oliver 650 Acres Wilkes County Do. .200 Do... Do. .. In Council, Thursday July 15 th 1784. Present His Honor the Governor The Honorable President. James Powell Daniel Coleman ") Zacharias Fenn John Spencer V Esquires John Green J The Governor having put the following questions to the Coun cil, the following answers were given by them. I st May the Land Court which was opened in Augusta on the first Tuesday in April last be continued; or did the same close at the end of three months under the act of Assembly ? Ans r The Council are of opinion that the Land Court is not closed under the act of Assembly; but that the receiving and granting petitions for Land, and other business of the said court, may, and ought now & in future, to be transacted by the Governor or the President and Council, wheresoever they shall choose to set, that is to say, whether in Augusta or Savannah. 2 nd It being suggested there are many frauds committed in the surveys of land in the two new Counties can there be any general rule made in regard to the stopping all grants for lands in the said Counties until the meeting of Assembly? Ans r The Council are of opinion, that there can be no such general rule made But that every grant presented must stand 668 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS upon its own footing and be signed or rejected according to cir cumstances. RESOLVKD, That this Board will continue to sit in Augusta for and during the remainder of this month, and then adjourn to Savannah ; and that public notice hereof be given, so that persons having business with the Executive, or the Land Court, may govern themselves accordingly. Application being made by Colonel Thomas Napier, accom panied with an affidavit from him, setting forth that he had, thro accident, lost a number of Land Warrants therein specified, both as to number and quantity; and praying tint duplicates of the same might issue. It is ordered, That such duplicates be accordingly granted, on his, the said Thomas Napiers giving bond in the penalty of 1000. sterling with two sufficient surety s, that in case the said warrants are recovered, or shall come to his hands they shall be delivered up to be destroyed and that the State shall be in demnified against any injury or abuse by reason, or in conse quence of the said warrants being lost as aforesaid. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council For Elijah Clark 1600 Acres Wilkes County " Ditto 550 Acres " Ditto 400 " " John King 200 " " " Elijah Clark 1325 " " John King 400 " The Heirs of John Buckhalter 800 " " Silas Mercer 300 " " Ditto 500 " " John Sallis 200 " " Solomon Newsom . . 400 " " Robert Middleton. . . 350 " Richmond County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 669 In Council, Friday July i6 th 1/84. Present His Honor the Governor The Honble. the President James Powell Daniel Coleman > John Spencer Zacharias Fenn Esquires. John Green ) Application being made by Col John Jones, setting forth, that, having applied for a bounty of land as a refugee, the same was ordered him, but that the warrant has been, by some other person taken out without his knowledge or consent; that he is now desirous of exchanging the said warrant, which was located to one of the new Counties, for a warrant for one of the old Counties. It is ordered, That the said John Jones do enter a caveat in the books of the Secretary of this Board against any grant be ing signed on the bounty warrant of the said John Jones in the new Counties; and that he be permitted to apply for, and take up his bounty land, in any of the old Counties he shall think proper, on application to the Board of Justices of such County. It being represented to this Board, that the back inhabitants of this State are greatly alarmed in consequence of a late mur der being committed, (as is supposed) by a party of Indians. It is ordered, That Colo. Elijah Clarke do immediately take the necessary steps for protecting the inhabitants of the several districts within his battalion, and preventing the people from breaking up their settlements by ordering and keeping out scout ing parties, and otherwise proceeding as his prudence and the intelligence he shall receive, may suggest; taking the utmost 670 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS care, nevertheless, not to do any act, which may hastily bring on a rupture with the Indians if the same can be avoided. A petition from Solomon Kemp, being laid before the Board, ORDERED, That the petitioner be referred to a Court of law, who, in case of his not being the person meant by the Confisca tion act, will be fully releived by an action, should his property Le taken away. In Council, Augusta, i"/ th July 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham Daniel Coleman 1 John Green John Spencer > Esquires Zacharias Fenn James Powell J Mingohoope and another Head Man of the Chactaw Nation attended the Board and delivered a talk from the Head Men of their Towns, which was answered by the Governor in Council. RESOLVED, That presents to the amount of twenty pounds sterling be purchased and given to the said Chactaw Cheifs, and to each of their eight male attendants, a blanket, shirt and kettle ; and to each of the seven females a blanket and two handker chiefs, with the addition of three yards of calico to the Head Man s two wives, the same to be on public account and charged to the contingent fund. RESOLVED, That the presents purchased of Messr 8 M c Lean, Elbert & C two days since, and given to the Chiefs of the Creek Nation, amounting to be paid for by an order on the Treasury, and charged to the contingent fund. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 671 This day His Honor the Governor signed a grant in Council for Edward MGary 200 Acres Wilkes County. It appearing to this Board that there was due to Colo James Martin, on the I st January 1/83 under, and by virtue of a re solve of Assembly, dated in January 1782, the sum of fifteen pounds st g as a salary for keeping the ferry in Augusta. It is ordered. That the said Colonel James Martin do re ceive the Governor s draft upon the Treasury for that sum, to be charged to the contingent fund. In Council, Monday 19 th July 1784. Present His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn ) John Spencer James Powell Esquires Daniel Coleman ) This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For Henry Ware Sen 450 Acres Wilkes County. " Joseph Wise 550 " " Thomas Hooper 200 " 672 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Wednesday July 2i st 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Daniel Coleman ^ James Powell Zacharias Fenn V Esquires John Green John Spencer j This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For George Murray 124 Acres Wilkes County " Ditto 950 " " " Basil Lamar 100 " " Dyonisious Oliver 300 " " " " Ditto 500 " " " Ditto 400 " " " Nicholas Ware 100 " " " John Roberts 300 " " " Joseph Wise 200 " " John Leath 250 " .. .. Richmond County " John Gamble 150 " Wilkes County William Hollinger 200 " Burke County A paper, purporting to be in the nature of a remonstrance against delaying to call the Legislature, signed by four gentle men, to wit, Richard Howley, and Nathan Brownson Esquires, said to be two Members elect, but who have not yet qualified, cr taken their seats as such ; Edward Telfair Esq r chosen a Dele gate to Congress, but who has never as yet signified his accept ance of that appointment, and John Hardy Esquire, a Member of the Honble the House of Assembly, being laid before the Board, and the same taken into consideration, It is resolved, unanimously, that as the said paper is signed by so small a portion of the community, and as a reputable part of the Legislature lately met in Augusta and entered into a MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 673 recommendation, which has been already before the Board; that, therefore, the present paper ought not to influence the Governor and Council in their determination on so momentus a subject as the convening of the Legislature, either one way or the other. A letter dated the 3O th June 1784, and signed by Alexander M c Gillivray, together with a talk from the Creek Nation were laid before the Board, ORDERED, That the consideration of the same be postponed for the present. On the application of William Temple Coles, respecting three negroes which were sold and delivered to him by the State and have been since claimed and recovered by law from him by an other person, in North Carolina, It is ordered, That as the case of the said William Temple Coles appears to be singularly hard, that he be furnished with an order for 15 : on the Treasury in part of his demand against the public, and that the rest, together with his account lie over until the meeting of Assembly. Captain John Woods, who accompanied the Chactaw Chief from the Nation with a talk, having presented his accounts for expences as well for himself as for the Indians, It is ordered, That the expences of the said Captain Woods, and the other white men with him, since they have been in Au gusta, amounting to 17: 19: 2. also 10 to the Linguist, John Peachland; and likewise the expences of the Indians for pro visions found by Mr. Andrew Whitefield, amounting to 18, 13, n l /2, be allowed; and that the said Capt. Woods, John Peachland and Andrew Whitefield be, respectively, paid these sums by order on the Treasury. And it is further ORDERED, That the other charges of the said Captain Woods 43 r r vol 1 674 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS be referred to the House of Assembly with a recommendation from this Board, that he obtain a reasonable satisfaction for the same. RESOLVED, That a suit of clothes, in a .plain taste, together with an Indian Gold Laced Hat be provided and sent as a com pliment from this State to French Mestobee, the Chief Man of the Chactaws : and that the same be charged to the public. In Council, Friday July 23 d 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor Daniel Coleman Zacharias Fenn 1 squ j res John Spencer John Green f This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grams in Council. For John Leath 50 Acres . . . Richmond County " Edmund Cartledge Jun r 200 " " Ditto ditto 125 " " Ditto ditto Sen r 100 " " Mary Mcntcrief 100 " " Obadiah Fugna 300 " Burke County " Dyonisius Oliver 600 " \Yilkes County " Ditto 650 " " Ditto 1000 " " Joseph Williams 50 " " " Thomas Mercer 100 " " Application being made by John Appling, accompanied with an affidavit from him. setting forth that he had. thro accident, lost a number of land warrants therein specified, both as to N MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 675 and quantity, and praying that duplicates of the same might issue, It is ordered, That such duplicates be accordingly granted, on his, the said John Appling, giving bond in the penalty of sterling, with two sufficient sureties, that in case the said wai - rants are recovered, or shall come to his hands, they shall be delivered up to be destroyed; and that the State shall be indemni fied against any injury or abuse, by reason, or in consequence of the said warrants, lost as aforesaid. ORDERED, That a copy of the letter received from Alex r M Gillivray and laid before the Board on Wednesday last, be pent to Colo. Clark, and also a copy of the Indian talk therein inclosed, for his information and guide and that of the people on ihe frontiers. A memorial from James Rae Esquire, praying payment of his accts. for advances and services in his department of Indian Affairs, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the said memorial be referred to the House of Assembly at their next meeting. The account of sundry presents given to the Tallassee and Fat Kings by order of the President and Council, in pursuance of a resolve of Assembly passed February 23 d 1784, and amounting to 52: 16: ii being laid before the Board, It is resolved, That th? r5n r ernor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Messr s M c Lean, Elbert & C by whom the said presents were furnished, for the said amount to be charged to the fund of contingencies. A letter dated 2 d July 1784 from N. Wimberly Jones Esq r respecting the caveat in South Carolina against signing grants of lands in the forks of the Tugalo and Keowee branches of Sa vannah River, being laid before the Board, 676 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS It is resolved. That the Governor do signify to N. Wimberly Jones Esq r that it was not the intention of the Board by the com mission sent him, that he should be authorized to do anything further than to enter the caveat, and then let the matter rest for a decision agreeable to the articles of confederation. John Appling, Register of Probates for Richmond County, having by letter dated 23 July 1784, resigned the said orrice, It is resolved, That Lewis Gardner shall be, and he is hereby appointed Register of Probates for the said County until the next general election by the Assembly, pursuant to the constitution. Lewis Gardner having been, by the Tax act passed 3i st July 1783, appointed Collector of Taxes for the County of Richmond, and having refused to act, as appears by the information of Zacharias Fenn Esq r , a member of this Board, whereby, no Taxes for the said County have, as yet, been collected, It is resolved, and agreed, That William Barnett the present Sheriff of Richmond County, be and he is hereby appointed Tax Collector for the County of Richmond, in the room of the said Lewis Gardner, with all the powers given him by law for the purpose of collecting the Taxes, and doing the duties required by the said Act of July 1783. In Council, Monday July 26 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Daniel Coleman James Powell ) _ John Spencer Zacharias Fenn j " \ Two acct s viz, one to Messr 8 M c Lean, Elbert & C amounting to 20: 6/8 and the other to Mr. John Peter Wagnon & C amounting to 16: 10/6 for presents furnished the Chactaw MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 677 Indians, under the resolve of the 17 th Instant, being laid before the Board, It is resolved, That the Governor do give drafts upon the Treasury for the same. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For James Harvey 400 Acres Wilkes County " Micajah Williamson ....200 " " Ditto 300 " " Ditto 200 " " Ditto 350 " " Ditto ,200 " " Evan Harvey 200 " " Cader Powell 200 " " William Byars 700 " " Thomas Mercer 300 " " Benjamin Jenkins 575 " .. Washington County " W m Green Sen r 2871/2 "... A petition of Nathaniel Hix, respecting a quantity of corn purchased by him of Airs. Elizabeth Bugg, for public use, being laid before the Board, It is resolved, That the matter herein contained cannot come before this Board, it being of judiciary cognizance. 678 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Tuesday July 27" 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn Daniel Coleman 1 John Spencer j arnes Powell / ] - sc J uires On application of Elizabeth Perkins, setting- forth the peculiar hardships she labours under in consequence of an execution beinp- issued against her on a recognizance in behalf of the State; and the same being supported by several affidavits the report of a number of respectable persons of Wilkes County. It is ordered, That the said execution be stayed in the Sheriffs hands at whatever stage the same now is, until the rising of the next Session of Assembly; on her, the said Elizabeth Per kins, giving good security, that is to say, Barnard Heard and John Freeman Esquires, to the Sheriff, in double the amount of the said execution, that she will not remove, or put out of the way, any part of her effects- which have been levied upon by the said Sheriff, under, or by virtue of the said execution; but that the same shall be forth coming, in case the said House of Assembly do not release and give up the said debt; the said effects to remain in the hands of the said Elizabeth Perkins from this time until the expiration of the period aforesaid. Roger Lawson, appointed Register of Probates for Burke County having by letter, dated 24 th July 1784, resigned the said office, It is resolved, That Benjamin Lewis Esquire, be appointed to succeed him therein until the next general election ; and the said Benjamin Lewis having accepted thereof, attended the Board and qualified according to law. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 679 In Council, Wednesday 28 th July 1/84. RESOLVED,, That the Governor do issue a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Messr s John Peter Wagnon & C for 4., 4, being the amount of the suit of clothes ordered to French Mes- tobee by order of Council of the 2i st Instant. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For Francis Traywick 200 Acres Wilkes County . " William Evans 200 " " Ditto 200 " " George Dart!ciin 200 " " George .Murray 641 " " William Stark 200 " " William Bcntley 200 " " William Leveret* 200 " " John Williams 400 " " Thomas Leverett ...200 " " Edward Harrison 200 " Jacob Kennebrew 350 " " Walton Harris 400 " " Jonathan Ashberry 200 " John Neally 100 " William 814115 148 Burke County a . . . Richmond County ORDERED, That a copy of Mr. M c Gillivrays letter lately re ceived by the Governor, together with a copy of the talk therein inclosed, be sent to Major Carr by the Secretary of this Board. RESOLVED, That the office of the Surveyor General be con tinued in Augusta until the first of September next, and then removed to Savannah ; and that public notice thereof be given by the Surveyor General in the different Counties of the State. ORDERED, That a copy of the caveat, entered in the books of 680 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS the Secretary of this Board by George and John Galphin, be made out and delivered to the Surveyor General, and that he be directed not to pass any platts for land within that district, except, for 15000 Acres therein mentioned, until this Board shall have considered and instructed him thereon when they shall have heard the caveat. In Council, Thursday July 29" 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn Daniel Colenian John Green John Spencer Esquires Jair.es Powell This clay His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For Alexander Caswell 250 Acres Burke County " Eleanor Tremble 200 " " Samuel Gomery 200 James Stallings Esquire, appointed a Justice of the peace for the County of Richmond, attended the Board and qualified as such according to law. A petition from Fitz Maurice Hunt, in behalf of Henry Hunt ; his father, being laid before the Board, praying that certain grants for lands should be passed and signed, the same was taken into consideration, and thereupon, it was resolved, as the opinion of this Board, that, by the latter part of the i6 th section of the second land act, passed on the 25 th February 1784, the grants to, and in the name of the said Henry Hunt, who is, at present in the Kingdom of Ireland, cannot pass or be signed, that, altho it should be admitted that the said Henry Hunt were a citizen of this State, and not a subject of Britain, yet, merely on ac- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 681 count of his nonresidence here at this time, the said grants could rot pass ; and that this was the intention of the Legislature is evident, from the 8 th and 13" Sections of the same act; and also the 4 th section of an act prior thereto, passed the I st August 1783, which deny grants to inhabitants of our Sister State, altho, they are, by the confederation, expressly declared to be entitled to the rights of citizenship of this, until they actually move into, and become residents in this State, which shews, that residence, and merely citizenship, is the criterion on which depends the signing of grants : But as it is well known that the said Henry Hunt was an useful member of this community and hath never been thought unfriendly to American Measures, (tho alledged to be a British Subject, and a free holder in his Britanic Maj esty s dominions) this Board are of opinion, and do, therefore, resolve, and ORDKR, That the said Henry Hunt ought and shall have a re serve of the lands now applied for, until the rising of the next Session of Assembly and that no other person, whatsoever shall be suffered to obtain a grant for any part thereof within that period. Benjamin Catching ] I Caveat entered in the books of the Micajah Williamson J Secretary of the Executive Council. This Caveat being depending upon the Governor and Council; the parties, by their Attornies, that is to say, Mr. Catching by Mr. Baldwin, his Attorney; and Mr. Williamson, by Mr. Jones, his Attorney ; agreed that the following points should come on to be heard immediately, and without any further notice, as being by consent of parties that is to say; I st Can a general Caveat, entered by one district Surveyor against another, be heard and determined by this Board? or does the laying out and marking of these district lines lie alto gether with the County Surveyor? 682 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 2 nd1 Supposing a dispute to arise between two district Sur veyors, about what lines the County Surveyor did really intend for the respective districts; who is to determine the same? that is to say, the said County Surveyor or this Board? The Board, taking- the said two points into consideration, do resolve and determine as follows To the first- That, in as much as the public interest is no way concerned whether a tract of Country falls within one dis trict or another; and as the law does not confine the Surveyor General to mark and lay out equal districts, but leaves that at his own discretion. And further, as the act, in the 7 th Section gives the power of appointing the six District Survevors, to the County Surveyor, and directs that he lay out and appoint a district for each, and requires that all the works of the said Dis trict Surveyor, should be returned to the County Surveyor it is clear and evident that the District Surveyor must be considered created by, and to be the deputies of the County Surveyor, who has a general superintendency over them, ought to settle and adjust all differences in regard to their districts and sec that they conduct themselves properly, the County Surveyor being the person to whom the State would look, and make accountable Li case of any abuse or misconduct in his assistants or deputies. Under this view, the Board are of opinion that any such general caveat as the present in the Council Books is irregular and can not be brought to a trial before the Governor r.nc! Council. To the second That the Board conceive a sufficient answer is given hereto in the above resolve, they, nevertheless, add that they do not conceive the County Surveyor ought to change or alter his district lines, after once having fixed them : if he should do so, it will be good cause of complaint against him, on account of the confusion such an act would produce. But so far as the respects the District Surveyor, the Board conceive the County Surveyor ought to decide. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 683 Colo. Pannill, County Surveyor for Washington, having, nev ertheless, for the sake of further satisfaction being called upon and sworn, hath declared he did not vary or alter the said dis tricts ; and hath also furnished a certificate as well from himself as the Surveyor General of the different districts in Washington County. The Board do, therefore, RESOLVE, That the same shall, in future, guide them in respect to such districts, raid do now order, that the present caveat, of Benjamin Catching against Micajah Williamson, be dismissed. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that in an action with the enemy, on or about the day of J 775. be come disabled in both his arms and rendered incapable of sup porting himself; whereby, under the act of Assembly, passed the io th January 1/82, he has become entitled to a gratuity of 50. per annum. Jt is therefore, OR^ERE:), That the said.. do audit his account from the commencement of his gratuity up to the 12 th day of July iTo.-i, and obtain the auditors certificate thereof for the amount, and that the Governor do give him a draft on the Treasury for 60. sterling, being in full of his gratuity up to the 12 th da this Instant, July. 1 In Council, Friday, July 3O th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn John Greene ^ Daniel Coleman James Powell V Esquires. John Spencer RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Daniel Coleman Esquire, for 50. 14. 4; and 684 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Zacharias Fenn for 53 1/2 for their attendance in Council pur suant to resolve of Assembly, dated iQ th January last. A petition from a respectable number of inhabitants of the Counties of Richmond and Wilkes, praying that this Board would continue to set some time longer in Augusta, for the pur pose of trying caveats and completing other land business being presented, and the same taken into consideration It is resolved and ordered, as follows, I st That the Governor and Council being, at present, under a necessity of proceeding to Savannah on public business, will, nevertheless, return to Augusta on the io th September, r.ncl re main at the said place until the first of October following. 2 iKii 5 - That it be recommended to all persons having disputes about land in the new Counties, that they enter their caveats in the Book left with "\Y m Freeman Esquire, acting Secretary of the Executive Council, on or before the io th of August, so thai; legal notice may be given and other steps taken to have the said caveats ready for a hearing by the time the Governor and Council shall return to Augusta as aforesaid ; that the parties do then attend with their witnesses and every thing ready. ycny That jf also be recommended, to all pe^ons concerned to have their plaits passed through the Survevor Generals Office, and, in all respects, ready for the grant, in case they shall he entitled to the same, by the said ioth of September. 4 thly That the Surveyor General, notwithstanding the order of the Instant, shall, also, continue his office in Augusta until the said I st October, and then remove the same to Savannah lor dispatching the business in the lower parts. 5 thly That public notice of the foregoing resolves and orders be given by the Secretary of this Board, by affixing copies of the same at two or more public places in Augusta. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 680 The Board, having taken into consideration a letter from Alexander M c Gillivray, with an Indian Talk therein enclosed, mentioned in the minutes of the instant, do resolve that it will be proper that the Governor do write an answer to M r M c Gillivray. and inform him that the matters contained in his letter and the Indian Talk, are of such magnitude and importance, that they require the consideration of the Legislature, and that they shall he, accordingly, submitted to that body; as soon as they shall next meet ; In the meantime, that this Board desire to express their sincere disposition for peace whilst the same can be preserved on terms safe and honorable. A petition of Robert Bonner, praying to be redressed in re gard to some contracts made in behalf of the public, being laid before the Board. RESOLVED, That the petition be referred to the Honorable the House of Assembly, the indulgence prayed for not coming within the department of this Board. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. For William Norris 200 Acres Wilkes County. " Ignatius Few 300 " " John Black 500 " " Ignatius Few 900 " " Thomas Walker 100 " Burke County. " John Rutledge 200 " " Thomas Yarborough . . 100 " " W ra Sheffield 200 " " John Bell 100 " " Thomas Yarborough . . 100 " " John Bacon 287^ " .. Washington County. " John Brown 230 " Andrew Shields 230 " Ditto 2871/2 " . . 086 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS For Andrew Shields . , . . . 2871:, " . .Washington County. " Daniel Dumpier 230 " " " Thomas Chilclries 230 " " " Joseph Pannill 300 " " " Ditto 300 " Ditto 435 " .. " Asa Morganson . 287% " " David Chilclries 230 " Peter Deveaux 86j% " Lewis Gardner Esquire, appointed of Register of Probates for the County of Richmond, by order of Council of the day of July Instant, attended the Board and qualified himself for that office, according to law. And then . The Board adjourned to meet in Savannah. W m FREEMAN D. C. E. C. In Council, Savannah io th August 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham James Powell ) ^ George Walton Jenkin Davis j Petition of John Haupt, praynig a protection agreeable to a re solve of the General Assembly, ORDERED That the said John Haupt do receive a temporary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship, agreeable to a resolve of Assembly, passed the 25 lh February 1784. Petition of Peter Taarling and Jacob Brice of the Town of Savannah was read, praying to be admitted Vendue Masters. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 6*7 ORDERED That the}- be accordingly admitted upon giving bond and otherwise complying with the terms of the act of Assem bly in such case made and provided. Petition of Carrol "Williams, a soldier, late in the Georgia Line, praying his bounty of two hundred and thirty acres land in the reserve was read Granted And a warrant was, accordingly, issued this day. Joseph Welscher and Abraham Dacosta, Vendue Masters, hav ing dissolved their copartnership, and surrendered their license to this Board, the said Abraham Dacosta applied for leave to take out the said license in his own name. It is ordered, accordingly, on the said Abraham Dacosta giv ing bond and otherwise complying with the terms of the act of Assembly in such case made and provided. John Wood, late Pay-Master in the Georgia Line, made appli cation to the Board for his bounty land, as a Captain s Rank ana produced sundry certificates, vouching for his being in the said appointment, the time required by law &C. Ordered, That a warrant be granted him accordingly Franklin County 690 Acres, N In Council, Savannah 17 th August 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Green 1 ^ T 1 T-, T o 11 r Esquires Jenkm Davis James Powell J This day His Honor the Governor in Council signed a grant for 100 Acres land to Meredith Davis Richmond County. 688 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WHEREAS, three different tracts of land were some time since, under the authority of the confiscation and releasing acts, and in obedience to a resolve of the Honorable the House of Assembly dated the 26 th February 1/84. exposed to sale by the Commis sioners of forfeited estates. And whereas, Edward Telfair, Rich ard Leake and William Platt became purchasers thereof, and signed the usual obligations in such cases, to comply with the terms ; But whereas, they, the said purchasers, having, afterwards, refused to comply, the said premises were again exposed to sale, and certain other persons became the purchasers thereof, for sums, considerably under what the said lands were first knocked off at ; And whereas, under and by virtue of the act of Assem bly, passed 29 th July 1/83, commonly called the releasing act, the said first purchasers are liable for the difference in the said two sales. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the said obligations be delivered into the hands of the Attorney General, by the Commissioners, and that he be directed to put the same in suit immediately, in order to re cover the difference of money between the said two sales, agree ably to the said law. WHEREAS, this Board did, at its last meeting agree upon the propriety of sending a congratulatory letter to the Spanish Gov ernor of East-Florida, by Major Pierce. And whereas, the Gov ernor having, accordingly, wrote such letter, and laid a copy of the same before this Board ; RESOLVED, That this Board do approve of the said letter, so sent by Major Peirce as aforesaid. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, that, from the report of three Justices of the peace, a negroe fellow called Moses, the property of John Spencer Esquire, was lately convicted of felony, but recommended to mercy, It is therefore, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 689 RESOLVED, That the execution of the said negroe fellow, be respited until the rising of the next Session of Assembly, and that his case be laid before the House during their said next sitting; the said negroe not to be discharged from custody before the As sembly shall decide on his case. Alary Moore having applied to the Board for a compensation for public services of which she produced a number of certifi cates, RESOLVED, That the same be referred to the Honorable the House of Assembly But as the said Mary Moore, appears to be in distress, RESOLVED, That she receive out of the Treasury, for the present, one guinea, to be charged to the contingent fund. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of David Rees Esquire, Secretary of this Board, for the twenty five pounds being for one half years sal ary, the same to be charged to the civil establishment. ORDERED, That a list of all caveats, entered in the books of the Secretary of this Board, up to the io th day of this Instant, August, respecting lands in the two new Counties be published in the Gazette; and that the parties in the same do attend at Augusta, with their witnesses and proofs, in order for a hearing and decision before the Governor or President and Council, im mediately after the expiration of thirty days from and after Thursday next the ig th Instant when this notification will be, for the first time, published in the Gazette. ORDERED, That the foregoing order be continued in every Georgia Gazette to be published between this and the 19 th day of next month. 44 r r-vol 2 690 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS The caveats are as follow. George & John Galphin vs All persons Thomas Napier vs Thomas Sanders Michael Dixon vs Roger Lawson David Harris vs Holman Freeman Geo. Freeman Evan Ragland & others James M c Keil vs Leonard Marbury Sanders Walker vs John Kimbrough. Willis Pope William Duke William Hammett Mica jah Williamson Mordecai Baldwin and others Samuel Hicks vs Perry 1A tract of land in the fork of Great Ogechee Williamson s J Swamp Washington acres. Washington County. Washington County. Washington County. l }- Richmond County appeal Washington County. Nathaniel Christmas vs \ Micajah Williamson William Young & others J Washington County. Washington County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 691 Richard Aycock vs Joseph Heard Samuel Smith vs Hutchins Johnson Thomas Glascock vs William Downes John Cobb vs John Greene John Brown vs Joseph Phillips William Little vs William Magee alias Maguhee I l Washington County. Wilkes County Appeal Washington County. Washington County. Washington County. } Washington County. In Council, Savannah, 2 5 th August 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens James Powell John Green \ ^ John Spencer J " WHEREAS, Divers great and weighty Matters require the meet ing of the Legislature It is therefore, RESOLVED. That the Legislature be accordingly called to meet 692 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS in Savannah, on the first Wednesday in October next ; then and there to sit for the dispatch of public business ; and that the Gov ernor do issue his proclamation for that purpose ; and cause the same to be published in the Gazette. A memorial from John Lucas, Esquire, being laid before the Board, setting forth, that he purchased a House and lot in Sa vannah at the first sales of confiscated property; but. owing fo some neglect, the said premises become lapsed and were sold over again ; that, nevertheless, he, the petitioner, had given his bonds for the money, which are now lodged in the Treasury ; and the petitioner, therefore, prayed that his said bonds should now be delivered back to him. It is ordered, that the bonds of the said John Lucas be, accord ingly delivered back to him by the Treasurer, on there being a certificate by the Commissioners endorsed on the said memorial, that the said premises were so sold over again, as is set forth; or on the same appearing to the Treasurer, on the books of the said Commissioners. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give drafts upon the Treas ury in favor of John Spencer Esquire for 14. and James Powell Esquire for 20. 5. 8, being for their respective attendances in Council up to this clay ; pursuant to resolve of Assembly dated the 26 th day of February last. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the fol lowing grants, viz. To Nicholas Subtrine 400 acres Wilkes County. " Joseph Subtrine 400 " Ditto MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 693 In Council, Savannah, 3i st August 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Spencer \ John Green / Israel Bird, Esquire, appointed a Justice of the peace for the County of Effingham, by the Honorable the House of Assembly, attended Council and was qualified, accordingly, as such. That the Secretary do write a letter to Benjamin Andrew Esquire, a Member of this Board, to whom two letters have been, already written, requiring his attendance on Friday next, in Council, there being several weighty matters which have lain over for want of a full Board ; that the said letter be sent by express at the expence of the said Benjamin Andrew, unless a good opportunity should otherwise offer in the course of this day. In Council, Savannah, 3 d September 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Green \ ^ Jenkin Davis Benjamin Andrew j ^ Petition of John Mylne, praying protection in this State as a citizen thereof, ORDERED, That the said John Mylne, do receive a temporary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed, pointing 694 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS out the mode for admitting persons to the right of citizenship : agreeable to a resolve of Assembly, passed 25 th February 1784. ORDERED, That the Treasurer do require the several Venclue masters to settle their accounts and pay up their respective taxes to the present period as far as they are liable to do so by lav,-, or otherwise, that he do deliver an account of their bonds to the Attorney General, who is directed to put the same in suit without delay. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Benjamin Greene for 20. being the balance due of his account against the public up to the 6 th day of June last, for the allowance given by act passed the io th day of January 1782, to persons who became maimed, crippled or disabled in the service of their Country. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of John Green Esquire for 49. 9, 4 for his attend ance in Council, as per his account examined, pursuant to a re solve of Assembly. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of John Riley, Messenger & Door-Keeper to the Council for 15. 2, St g in part of his salary, pursuant of a resolve of Assembly. Petition of Roger Cannon, praying a temporary protection,, was read. ORDERED, That the said Roger Cannon do receive a tempora ry protection from this Board until a law shall be passed pointing- out the mode for admitting persons to the rights of citizenship, agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed the 25 th February 1784. Application being made by John Martin Esquire, for the bal ance of his salary in the year 1782, amounting to 285, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 695 RESOLVED, That, as the Board is informed this matter is con nected with other acts which have been before the House of Assembly, That, therefore, the same lie over until the meeting o{ the Legislature and then to be laid before them. ORDERED, That the Powder Receiver do deliver to the order of Major Pat. Carr, a keg, not exceeding I5 lbs w* powder, with lead equivalent, for the use of his company, he to be accountable for the same to the public. Petition of Levi Sheftall, being laid before the Board, praying that a suit against Cap 1 William MIntosh, on a bond for confis cated property might be stayed, for the reasons set forth. RESOLVED, That this Board cannot grant the prayer of said petition but refer the petitioner to the House of Assembly. Petition from Col John Baker, accompanied with several vouchers, being laid before the Board, setting forth, that he had several large and just demands against the public, which, by rea son of the Auditor s absence from Town, he could not get au dited ; and therefore praying that a suit, in the Attorney Gen erals hands against him on a bond for confiscated property might be stayed. RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, I st That as those bonds were placed in the hands of the Attorney General, by special order of the House and not of this Board ; that therefore, it would be improper for the Executive to interfere, but under very peculiar circumstances. 2 ndiy ^ at as t h e t j me ii m ited by the act of 29 th July 1783, for admitting of discounts or receiving certificates, is now ex pired, that, therefore, even if the said accounts were audited, as the law now stands, the same could not be received in discount; and, therefore, this Board do not conceive themselves empowered to make the order prayed for. But recommend that the petition 696 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS of Col Baker be taken into consideration by the House immedi ately on their meeting. Petition Elizabeth Watson, late widow of William Lambeth, deceased who died a Lieutenant of one of the Georgia Cont 1 Gal ley s praying his bounty land - was read Granted. Petition Elizabeth Watson, late widow of Nathan 1 Hughes deceased, who died a Lieutenant of the Georgia Cont 1 Artillery, praying his bounty land was read Granted. The Board agreed to remove the location of three warrants for bounty land, from Washington County to Franklin to wit. For Elijah Sapp 287 y 2 acres N 1509 William Sapp 287 V 2 ditto " 1858 Menoah Cloud 575 do " 1047 And then adjourned to meet at Augusta on the io th Instant. D. REES Sec y E. C. In Council, Augusta, Tuesday Septr. 14 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Daniel Coleman Zacharias Fenn "j Jenkin Davis John Green V Esquires. James M c Farland J Richard Aycock \ Caveat entered the 3O th July 1784 vs J- which came on by consent, to be heard Joseph Heard I on this day The Board are of opinion that the defendant ought not to have the land, but that the Plain tiff, on having the same surveyed for him will be entitled to a grant thereof. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 697 In Council, Wednesday, September 15 th 1784. Daniel Colemen Jenkin Davis James MFarland Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn John Green > Esquires. Wilkes County. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, To John Harvey 250 Acres Sam 1 Hawkins 200 " Andrew M Nabb . . . 200 " Alex M c Nabb 350 " Thomas Glascock . . 850 " Richard Heard ....250 " Thomas Glascock . . . 200 " James Hogg 350 " David Sidwell .... .400 James Harvey 400 " Cornelius Dysart ... 150 " Jonathan Woods .... 150 " Mann Simrns 200 " To the Trustees 5000 " Ditto 5000 " Ditto 5000 " Ditto 5000 " Richmond County Washington County. In Council Thursday, September i6 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green Daniel Coleman Zacharias Fenn James M c Farland lenkin Davis V Esquires. This day, His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council, viz, 698 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS For John Roberts 287^ acres Charles Stone 575 " Nehemiah Tunis 345 " Robert Manning 287^ " Cap 1 Zachariah Phillips 2871/2 " Hezekiah Beal 575 " Jacob Awtry 287^ " Samuel Jack 2871/2 " William Philips 575 " Zachariah Philips 575 Solomon Marshall 287*^ Nathan Wooten 287^ Mann Simms 2871/2 John Fuller 287^ Harris Coleman 575 John Glaspy 2871/2 Absolem Islands 287% Thomas Allen 287^ Abner Leggett 2871/2 Alexander Awtry 862% Henry Allison 287% James Bowie . . . ., 287% James Finley 2871/2 William Patterson 287% John Wiggins 287% Thomas Snelson 287% William Carrell 287% John Dean 287% Micajah Castavous . . . .2871/2 Silas Moates 287% Simon Moates 2871/0 Henry Castleberry 287^ Wiliam Moates 2871/2 Buckner Harris 575 Peter Watson 2871/2 Benjamin Davis 2871/2 Reuben Jackson 2871/2 Timothy Pitman 2871/2 William Jackson 2871/2 Owen Fort 2871/2 Walton Harris 2871/2 Peter Beson 2871/2 John Holms 2871/2 Jeremiah Welcher 2871/2 Washington County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 699 In Council, Friday, September i/" 1 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green James M c Farland Zacharias Fenn Daniel Coleman ") Jenkin Davis > Esquires. This day. His Honor, the Governor, signed the following grants in Council viz, For John Patterson 575 Cap 1 Zacharias Philips. .575 Joshua Inman 862^2 Sam 1 Holliman 28714 Jeremiah Bugg 2 7^ Charles Burch 287^ Thomas Childry 287^4 Zacharias Henderson . .460 Simon Salters 2 &7 l /2 John Evans 287^ Archibald Hatcher .... 287 J / 2 David Jones 28754 Joseph Avent 287*4 Samuel Whatley 575 Dan 1 Young . . 28714 John Roberts 575 Jeremiah Bugg 920 Jeremiah Kendall 287*4 Heirs of Rich* Willie. . .287^ Edward Rowell 287*4 Heirs of W m Willie ....287*4 John Oliver 287*4 acres Washington County. 700 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Saturday September i8 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green James M c Farland Daniel Coleman Zacharias Fenn ^ Jenkin Davis V Esquires This clay His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, For the Heirs of John Davis . 287^ Acre; Seaborn Jones 575 " John Berry 287^ " Thomas Johnson 287^ " Daniel JVPNair 287^ " James Culbreath 575 " William Freeman 575 " John Bennett 575 " William Collier 287^ " Thomas Brannons 287^ " William Cone 287^ " William Barnett 287^ " Nath 1 Hicks Jun r 747^2 " William Ramsy 287^ " Daniel MNeil Sen 287^ " James Simpson 287^ " Ralph Kilgore 287^ " Michael M c Neil 287^ " Heirs of Arch* M c Neil . . 287^ " James MXeil 1035 " Stephen Glover 690 " Christopher Chambliss .575 " Peter Culbreath 287^ " Nathaniel Smith 287^ " Samuel Ramsy 287^ " Joshua Woods 575 " John Averett 287^ " Elijah Anderson 287^ " John Culbreath 287^ " Jesse M c Neil 287^ " John Maddox 5875^ " Thomas Cribbs 287^ " Washington County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 701 Thomas Woodworth ...300 Alexander M c Alphin . . . 200 Richard Bellamy 200 Thomas Shannon 200 Henry Wideman 200 Basil Lamare 200 George Barber 500 William Bently 300 John Edes Sen r 50 Solomon Xexvsom 400 Francis Holton 287^ Nicholas Ware 100 Zachariah Lamar 700 Robert MGarry 200 John Sallis 200 George Dooly 200 Basil Lamare 250 Richard Aycock Jun r . . 200 Francis Traywick 200 Joseph Wise 550 George Doolv 200 William Thorn 200 Richard Scruggs 100 David Thorn 200 Samuel Gates . , .200 Wilkes County. . Effingham County .Burke County 702 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Monday September 2O th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn Jenkin Davis 1 ^ Daniel Coleman John Spencer j hsqui This day, His Honor, the Governor, signed the following grants in Council viz, WILKES COUNTY. For Holman Freeman , 500 Acres. " Ditto 600 " Ditto 400 " Ditto 400 John Freeman 550 Ditto 1000 James Adams 200 James Finly 200 W ra Thompson 200 Mary Scott Townsend 200 James Bishop 400 Nathan Fowler 400 Sarah Fugate 300 James Adams 300 William Hammett 200 Axom Oneil 250 James Finly 400 Benjamin Thompson 200 John Hammett 200 James Finly 400 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Richard Careton 287^ Acres Randolph Ramsy 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 703 Burross Hickinbottom 287^ acres Clement Stuart 287^ " Isaac Richardson 287^ William Maddox 287^ " RICHMOND COUNTY. William Germany 200 Acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Shaddock 575 Acres. Nicholas Bugg 2871/2 William Where 287^ " Alexander Anderson 287^2 Jesse Morgan 575 William Philips 575 James Harris 287^ " John Jones 287^ " Lewis Powell 287^ " William Glascock 1000 " William Barnett 287^ " Isaac Skinner 287^/2 David Carter 287^ " Daniel M c Neil 287^ " Dempsey Justice 287^ Charles Stewart 287^ " Lewis Davis 287^ " 704 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Tuesday, September 2i st 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn John Green "I Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman J hs( l uires - Sanders Walker vs John Kimbrough Willis Pope William Duke William Hammett Micajah Williamson Mordecai Baldwin & others . Caveat entered 28 th July 1784, Th .s matter came on to be tried this dav. The Defendant, Williamson, under takes for all the defendants. An exception was taken by Mr. ojnes of Council for the defendants, to any evidence being ad mitted against the return of the County Surveyor, through the Surveyor Generals Office, certifying the division line between the two districts; and the same being debated by Council on both sides, the opinion of the Board thereon was taken. Mr. Fenn, Mr. Davis & Mr. Coleman were of opinion that the plaintiff had a right to go fully into this business, and call what evidence he thought proper, on the same. Mr. Green are of opinion that, the return made by the County Surveyor, for fixing the said line, was to be the guide of this Board, in respect to the said district lines, as much as the law was, in regard to the County lines and that, therefore, no viva voci evidence ought to be admitted to controvert the said return so made by the said County Surveyor and Surveyor General and in which said opinion the Governor perfectly coincides with Mr. Green. After this the defendants Counsel produced an affidavit of MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 705 some material evidences being wanting, and, therefore, prayed that the said caveat might lie over. this was objected to by the plaintiffs Counsel The Board ordered that the said caveat do lie over until to morrow week, then to come on peremptorily. Samuel Smith 1 vs f Caveat Hutchings Johnston J An Appeal from the verdict of Wilkes County Court, The verdict confirmed. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. For Ruth Bonner 400 Acres. Samuel Griffith 287^ " John Taylor 287^ " Patrick Carr 862^ " Samuel Bloodworth 287^ " William George 1000 " WILKES COUNTY. Richard Tyner 300 Acres. William Moss 600 James Easter 300 William Lovell 200 Mark Thornton 200 Andrew Hamilton 300 Samuel Tyner 200 William Boner 300 Isham Sharp 300 William Thompson 200 William Ramsey 200 Stephen Bishop 200 45 r r vol THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Evan Ragland 450 Acres. Axom Oneal 200 Thomas Kemp 200 Joel Doss 600 William Jackson 200 James Bishop 136 Sarah James 250 Samuel Crockett 200 Edward Welborn 300 Joseph Allen 200 Peter Edwards . . . . . 350 James Little 250 Edward Black 500 Joseph Nail 200 William Webb 400 Samuel Hunter 200 James Easter , 250 James Edwards 200 John White -oo John Gambol 200 Samuel Taylor 200 John Giles 2< John Black 250 Charity Bowers 100 John Middleton 200 Richard Jones 200 FRANKLIN COUNTY. The Trustees 5 Acres Ditto 5000 Ditto 50 Ditto . 5 " .MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 707 In Council, Wednesday 22 nd September 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fcnn John Green 1 , Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman / F ^ sc l mres - ORDERED, That Joseph Pannill Esquire, County Surveyor for Washington, together with the six district Surveyors, appointed by him in the said County, do attend this Board on Wednesday next at 10 o Clock in the forenoon, to explain and settle the division lines in the said County; and that all parties do bring with them, what evidence they think necessary, so that some per manent rules may be adopted ; and the several districts ascer tained for the future guidance of this Board in regard to the signing of grants. And that, in the mean time, all grants for lands in any contested districts do lie over and not be presented for signing. And it is further, ORDERED, That the said County Surveyor do prepare and bring with him a correct chart or sketch of the County of Wash ington with the several districts marked out thereon, agreeable to his division of the same. ORDERED, That a copy of the above be served upon the Sec retary; another copy be sent to Joseph Pannill Esquire; another to each of the Assistant or district Surveyors, and another be posted up in some public part of the Town of Augusta, so that the same may be publicity and generally known to all concerned. Thomas Blackshare ] vs } Caveat entered July 1784. William Downs J This matter coming on to be heard, and it appearing the plaintiff had already obtained a grant for an other tract of land on warrant X 5, in the name of Xathan Wooten, on which very warrant it was the said plaintiff now wanted to obtain the present land. It is therefore, 708 RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that this caveat be dismissed and judgment given for the Defendant. William Glascock Esq r one of the Inspectors of Tobacco, ap pointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly, having by letter to the Governor resigned the said appointment. It is resolved, That Robert Dixon be appointed an Inspector of Tobacco in the room of the said William Glascock. This day His Honor the Governor signed a grant in Council, for George Mathews 700 acres land, Wilkes County. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grams in Council viz, WILKES COUNTY. For Tunstale Roan 300 Acres Jane Runnells 200 Garrett Tureman 200 William Jackson 200 Benjamin Thomas 200 Benjamin Howard 200 George Mathews 400 Nathaniel Bullock 400 Jacob Kennebrew 350 Joshua Perry 400 Enoch Stringfellow 200 Nathaniel Coates 200 Jonathan Ragan 100 Anthony Cooper 500 William Philips 3 George Mathews 800 Ditto 5 Willis Whatley 250 Joshua Perry 4 Richard Runnels 107 George Tureman 200 Joshua Perry 4 MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 709 WASHINGTON COUNTY. For William Candler 1 150 Acres James Bishop 287^ " John Whitesides 287^ " Nathaniel Hicks 300 " Rev d Abraham Marshal 287^ " Samuel Hicks 200 Thomas Tucker Sen r 287^3 " Daniel Ayres 460 " John Gamble 287^ " Henry Leverett 287^ " Drury Minis 287^ " John Lawson Irvin 287^ " Jared Irwin 287^ " John Peal 287^ " Benjamin Catching 787^ " Alexander Irwin 575 Richard Ryon 575 John Darby 287^ " William Irvin 287^ " Thomas Johnston 287^ " Benedick Hammock 287^ " In Council, Thursday, September 23 d 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor 1 J Zacharias Fenn Daniel Coleman John Green Jenkin Davis Robert Dixon, appointed an Inspector of Tobacco, in the room of William Glascock Esq. who resigned ; attended the Board and qualified himself for the said appointment agreeable to law. 710 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Caveat entered i6 th July i;-3_<. David Harris vs Holman Freeman Geo. Freeman Evan Ragland David "Wilson William Rog e v s James Cokn:an & James Hill The Board are of opinion that the plaintiff is entitled to n warrant of Survey on- N 366, and thereafter a grant for hn quantity of land out of the disputed ground; that then the de fendants have their parts for the remainder to hear date a day, at least, subsequent to the plaintiffs grant. Baldwin, of Counsel for the defend ants, moved that the name of Holman Freeman be struck defendants, on his filing a disclaim ?.n-J release of the land in q was ordered accordingflv, Appeal on a caveat tried in the County Court of Richmond Count. Horatio I .Iarbury in behalf of Leonard Marbury vs , James M ( Neil } be so far reversed as to allow the ap pellant to come in for his two improvements, which are supposed to cover 400 acres of land, being two head-rights, in preference to all other surveys or warrants; provided the lines of the said 400 acres shall not run into any improvements of the respondents. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, RICHMOND COUNTY. William Lee ........................ 100 Acres Zacharias Fenn ..................... 287^2 Ignatius Few ........................ 400 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Job Hinton Joseph Hickinbottom acres MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 711 James Kelly 2871-3 acres Henry Tine 230 Y\ r illiam Anderson 287^/2 " Zachnriah \Yheeier 287^/2 " Robert M Mullin 287^ " John Parker 287^ " Ignatius r e\v 287^ " John Stephens 287^ " WIIvKES COUNTY. John Banks ice acres Ignatius Few 350 " Jeremiah Duck 250 " Enoch Stririo-fellow 200 " Thoir.as Owens 200 " Seth Stubblefielcl 200 John Querns 400 " Robert V/cie . .2CO " Starn vSii^mons 200 James Ay cock ico Jarne--. Gravet 400 John Er!es Sen r ico Peter Strozier 700 \Viley & Tisdall Whatley 400 E^-an Ra^land 200 Jacob Martin 200 Churchwell Hooper 200 Christopher Blanton 200 Claiborn Newsom 200 Drury David MCullar 400 John Simmons 650 Hezekiah Bussey 200 Basil Lamare 600 Ignatius Few 400 Margaret Davidson 200 712 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Zachariah Lamar 250 acres Basil Lamare 100 Thomas Mitchell 575 William Fenn Serf 750 Evan Ragland 400 John Hubbard 200 Hezekiah Bussey 200 William Fenn Jun r 600 Ignatius Few 200 Noah Cloud 200 George Lumpkins 1250 Travis M c Kinny 150 John Webb Jim r 200 In Council, Friday, September 24 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green Zacharias Fenn 1 p a Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis J " On application of Henry Ware Sen r setting forth, that, having had in his possession four land warrants, N 2402. 2512. 2283. & 1782. granted to the different persons therein named, he, the said Henry Ware, has accidently lost the same as by his affidavit annexed, and therefore, praying that the said warrants might be renewed, and that he, said Henry Ware, might obtain dupli cates of the same It is ordered, accordingly, on his, the said Henry Ware, giving the Council bond with two securities, in such cases provided. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 713 This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Charles Wildes 287^ acres James Bishop 287^ " James Rushing 2871/2 " John Oneil 287^ " David Gaston 345 Jacob Brandon 287^2 " Titus Hollinger 287^ " John Beckham 287^ " Benjamin Barlimore 287^2 " Stephen Bishop 287^ " Joseph Catchings 287^ " RICHMOND COUNTY. Samuel Payne 250 acres Nicholas White 200 " Samuel Payne 50 WIUCES COUNTY. Samuel Gilmore 250 acres James Scott 200 " Samuel Hoof 200 " Jesse Walton 200 " William Heard 257. ." Nicholas White 200 " John Kelly 300 " John Bentley 200 " Travis MKenny 250 " Susannah Williams 100 " Benjamin Howard 300 " Gannaway Martin 400 " John Holmes 150 " William Smith 140 " 714 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Solomon Barefield 500 acres Jacob M c L,endon 250 " Ditto 250 " Ditto ioo " Dyonisins Oliver o^o " Edmund Cartledge 400 " George Bagby 2-;o " Peter Smith 200 " Joseph Grey 27 =5 " Sanders Walker 200 " Ditto 475 " Ditto 300 " Ditto 500 " Ditto 800 " Ditto 350 " Ditto . .200 " In Council, Saturday, September 25 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman Zacharias Fenn This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council, viz, WILKES COUNTY. Mary Morgan 350 acres Gannaway Martin 250 " Jeremiah Cloud 200 " Sampson Monger 200 " Solomon Palmer 550 " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 715 William Philips 75 acres William Dean 200 George Walton II S C Echvard Murphy 3^ Jeremiah Walker - 6 4 Edmund Newgent 200 Owen Fluker 9 CO Daniel Jackson 3 Hezekiah Eussey 200 William Walker 200 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Samuel Wilder 287^ acres William Little | vs } Caveat entered July 1784. William lUagee alias, M c Gehee j On motion of the plaintiff, grounded on an affidavit, of his witnesses being absent; and that he could not, with safety, come to trial at present, and by consent of M r Jones, Attorney for the Defend 1 John Cobb ] vs J- Caveat entered July i/8-i- John Green j Postponed until the next term for trial of caveats, by consent of both parties Seaborn Jones Esquire for the Plaintiff. John Brown ] vs J. Caveat entered Jvtly 1784. Joseph Philips j Postponed until the next term for trial of caveats by consent of both parties Mr Baldwin for the Plain tiff. 716 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Monday September 27 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman j> p John Green Zacharias Fenn } WHEREAS, by a former resolve of this Board, it was directed that the office of the Surveyor General should be returned to Sa vannah on the first of October next, but it being represented there are divers persons in the upper Counties who have not, as yet, to complete their business in that Office, It is therefore, RESOLVED, That the said office be continued in Augusta until the first day of November next, and then be positively removed to Savannah for the conveniency of such of the inhabitants of the lower Counties as have business to do in the said office. Michael Dixon ] vs [ Caveat entered July 1784. Roger Lawson J The Board are of opinion the defendant, Roger Lawson ought to have a grant for the land in question. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 717 In Council, Tuesday, September 28 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green Zacharias Fenn \ ^ Jenkin Davis Daniel Coleman j w " Ezekiel Stallings ] vs } Caveat entered 2i st August 1784. Edward Rowell j The Board are of opinion the defendant, Edward Rowell, ought to have a grant for the land in question. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants, in Council. viz, FRANKLIN COUNTY. For Count De Estaing 5000 acres Do 5000 " Do 5000 " Do 5000 " In Council, Wednesday, September 29 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Green Zacharias Fenn ) ^ Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis ( This clay His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz. 718 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS COUNTY. Benjamin Scott <- oo acres Benjamin Mooseley IOO " Jacob Hamilton . 2"o " Thomas Mitchell ^ co <> Edward M : Geary ICO Rachel Cook _ 2GO John Lankford 0,5 " Thomas A vent .200 " Thomas Mitchell . . . .400 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jesse Pugh 287 T /2 acres George Waynewright 28^-2 " Thomas Smith 287^ " John Freeman ^ " James M c Farland 287^ " Mathew Marshall 287 T X " Edward Powell CQO " WILKES COUNTY. James Borin 2OO acres Julius Nail 200 " Lewis Clarke o- o " Thomas Gregg 300 " Daniel Murphy 200 " Thomas Gregg 300 " Samuel Sewell . . ^QQ " O WASHINGTON COUNTY. John M c Farland 287^ acres John Triel 287^ " Edward Prather 287^ " Thomas Watson 287^ " Jesse Brooks : 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 719 WILKES COUNTY. Charles Burkes 100 acres Abigail Weils 150 " Leslie Coates 250 " Saundcrs Walker 500 " John Favours 200 " WIIvKES COUNTY. Cuthbert Hudson 150 acres Julius Howard 550 " Elizabeth Griffin 350 " Willey Davis 200 " Thomas Morgan 200 " George Dooly 100 " Hannah Anderson 200 " Aly, Mary & Darling M c Daniel 200 " Priscilla Jones 350 Thomas Gregg -300 " James Morgan 200 Jacob Pmcll 200 " John Castleberry 200 " Samuel Waller 3 " Thomas Mitchell 200 " Ed\vard Watts 200 " Richard Cureton 160 " John Simmons 3 Susannah Wall 200 " Asa Hooks 250 " Arthur Atkins 200 William Davis . 200 " 720 John Stuart 400 acres John Thurmund 200 " Robert Simms 200 " Thomas Bethany 200 " Mark Holliman 200 " Davis & Joseph Mims 200 " Edward Pharr 200 " Harmon Runnells 200 Benjamin Moosely 500 James Davis 200 " James Easter 450 Joseph Busson 200 " Matthew Hubbard 200 " RICHMOND COUNTY. John Shelman 200 William Sturges 400 " James Caldwell 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Heirs of John Sutton 287^ " William Sikes 287^ " Holman Freeman 690 Thomas Smith 287^ " Edward Kelly 575 James Davis 287^ " Benjamin Joiner 575 William Hill 287^ " Charles Harvy 287^ " John Glowers 287^ " Benjamin Wells 575 Joshua Miller 287^ " Heirs of Joshua Welch 287^ " Isaac Ramsy 2 8?/ / 2 " Nicholas Hughes 287^ " John Chambers 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 721 In Council, Thursday, September 3O th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn enn 1 is } Jenkin Davis This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, FRANKLIN COUNTY. Joseph Nail 575 acres William Simmons 287^2 " Thomas Patton 287^ " Henry Black 575 " Edward M c Garry 575 Ezekiel Cloud 575 Thomas Gregg 575 Stephen Westbrook 690 " Joel Doss 575 VVILKES COUNTY. Elijah Clark 600 George Bagby 400 " Richard Whatley 250 Isaac MLendon 400 " RICHMOND COUNTY. Thomas Greer 200 acres Sarah Richardson 200 " Samuel Scott 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Robert Perrett 287^ acres Samuel Brannum 287^ " John Coleman 287^ " 46 r r TO! 1 722 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS John Quails 2 &7 l /2 acres Edward Hagan 287^ " Howell Rowell 287^ " John Killgore 287^ " i WILKES COUNTY. Matthew Hubbard 400 acres Robert Leverett 250 " Holman Freeman 1 150 " Samuel Niel 200 " Hezekiah Bussey 400 " Thomas Walton 400 " William Morgan 200 " Stephen Gilmore 200 " John Oneil 300 " William Yancy 200 " William Chapman 300 " Joseph Henderson 200 Samuel Alexander 200 William Hammett ico " FRANKLIN COUNTY. Henry Nail 287}^ " Heirs of Nicholas Jarvis 575 Reuben Nail 287^/2 " Robert Graves 287^ " Moses Tremble 287 */> " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Samuel Underwood 287^ acres Stouton Hoyman 287^ " Edward Boyd 287^ John Tureman 287^ Isaac Razer 287^ " James Stallings 690 William Motte 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 72! Stephen Hayman ~^>7 l /2 acres John Querns 287^ " John Taylor 287^ " William May 287^ " Jacob Dennis 287^ " Charles Williams 287^ " Moody Burt 287^ " John Rice 287^ " Joseph Statin 287^ " Bartley Anderson 444 " Thomas Lamare 287}^ " John Ramsey 287^2 " Randolph Ramsey 287^ " RICHMOND COUNTY. John Peek 200 acres Hannah Cahvell 200 " John MOueen 250 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Patrick Jan-is 287^ acres George Dooly 575 " i/ 2 James Allison 575 Charles Williams 287^ " Thomas Mitchell 287^ " John Gileson Evins 200 FRANKLIN COUNTY. John Burke 287^ acres Thomas Yarbroth 287^ " WILKES COUNTY. Sanders Walker 200 acres Jonathan Ragan 35 William Hammett . 200 " 724 James Lambert 200 acres Axom Oneal 250 " John Holmes 1 50 " Moses Powell 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Brantley 2 &7 l /2 acres Robert Day 287^ " John Lamare 1000 Leonard Moss 287^ " Edward Hagan 287^ " Isaac Betsill 550 " RICHMOND COUNTY. William Mayes 200 " FRANKLIN COUNTY. William Glascock 287^ acres John Shannon 287^ " Robert Gilgore 287^ " Robert Taylor 287^ " John Harvy 287^ " Robert Hatcher 287^ " Robert Bonner 287^ " Henry Anderson 287^/2 " Charles Harvey 287^ " WASHINGTON COUNTY. John & George Golphin 1 5000 acres James Stallings 1000 Ambrose Gordon 700 George Gressl 287^ " John M c Munn 287^ " James Moor 287^ " George Invin 287^ " John M c Farland 287^ " Axom Oneil 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 725 WILKES COUNTY. John Lindsay 300 acres John Lindsay 400 " John Lindsay 400 George Dooly 200 Garland Winkfield 40 " James M c Farland 950 " Samuel Walker 250 " Josiah Carter 200 " William Lawson 200 Josiah Carter 200 " Joseph Pannill Esquire, County Surveyor for Washington, to gether with Thomas Lewis, Nicholas Long, Benjamin Catching, Micajah Williamson and Jesse Sanders five of the Assistant Sur veyors of the said County, attended the Board, pursuant to the order of the 22 d day of this Instant; and being all duly sworn, were severally examined, when the Board, after mature delibera tion, determined, and do resolve that the district or division lines, returned and marked in a draft, under the hand of the said County Surveyor, and countersigned by the said Assistants, are, and shall be considered as the true district or division lines of the said County in future, and shall be the guide of this Board in respect to the passing and signing grants. And whereas, whilst some parcels of land were in dispute between the said District Surveyors divers surveys were made for different persons, of the same peice of ground, which, by law, are void in case the land is not found to be now within the district of the Surveyor who made such survey. It is nevertheless, resolved by this Board, that it shall be a standing rule and instruction to the Surveyor General, as well as the County Surveyor, in all cases where a surveyor has been made, or where two or more surveys of the same peice of land has been made, by two different Surveyors, to give the preference to the first Surveyor, notwithstanding the land may not now fall within the district of the Surveyor who 726 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS made the survey, on condition that the person who had such survey made for him, do, within three months apply to the right surveyor and have the land run over again for him or her, and the works properly carried thro the offices for a grant. And it is further the opinion of this Board, that, in all cases where it now appears, that any Surveyor has surveyed, without his own district, that such Surveyor ought to be compelled to return and refund what fees he has received for the paid business And whereas, Mr. Solomon Pendleton, the Assistant Surveyor for district N I. did, on the twentieth day of this Instant, Sep tember, enter a caveat in behalf of several persons therein named against any grant passing for a large tract of land, on a supposi tion that the same fell within his district, which said tract of land is now found not to fall within district N i. and as some of the persons named in the said caveat disavow the act of the said Mr. Pendleton, and it does not appear he has any written authority from any of the others, and as the only point upon which the merits of the said caveat could turn, is now adjusted and settled, and moreover, as this was the day appointed by general consent, for all the Surveyors, to attend the Board in order to obtain a settlement of these contested points, of which all parties had notice, It is therefore, RESOLVED, in order that the number of persons who are de tained and delayed by this caveat, may be put to no further un necessary trouble and expence, that the said caveat be dismissed, the same being already, fully determined by the first part of this rule, is highly irregular in many other points, and contrary to the judgment of this Board, in a similar case already given. Sanders Walker ] Caveat entered 28 July 1 784. vs John Kimbrow Willis Pope \ The Board are of opinion that the W m Duke, \V m Hammett Micajah Williamson & Mordecai Baldwin caveat of the Plaintiff, ought to be dismissed, and grants passed for the Defendants. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 727 RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of Mr. Andrew Whitefield for 82, io/ for supplies and presents to the Indians by order of this Board at the late conference and treaty with them, as appears by the amount and vouchers of the said Andrew Whitefield. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of William M e lntosh Esquire, for 47. 17. 8, being the amount of his account for presents supplied the Indians, by order of the Board, at the late conference and treaty with them, as appears by the account and vouchers of the said William MIn- tosh. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Mrs. Randolph for six dollars for the use of her room whilst the Council set in Augusta. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that the case of Nathaniel Hicks is peculiarly hard, in that, he having procured some corn for the Troops at a time, when there was no other way of getting it, is now sued and his effects seized for the very provisions so procured. It is therefore, RESOLVED, That that the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of the said Nathaniel Hicks for the amount of his demand, being 10. io and that the same be charged to rhe contingent fund. Galphins ] vs J All persons J siderations of consequence vs \- This caveat appearing to involve some con- J side It is ordered, That the same do lie over until the next sitting of Assembly and be then referred to them, and that in the mean time no grants be signed for any lands within the district claimed by the plaintiffs. 728 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS William Brown having, by letter, reesignecl the appointment of an Inspector of Tobacco, RESOLVED, That Mr. Abia Clay be appointed an Inspector in his room who attended the Board and qualified as such, accord ingly. Col Heard appointed a Commissioner to view the Tennessee Lands appeared before the Board and gave some information on that business. RESOLVED, That this matter be adjourned over until the meeting of the Assembly on the sixth of next month. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of John Green for 13. I. 4 being for his attend ance in Council up to this day and charge the same to the estab lishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury, in favor of Col. M c Farland for 26. io/. being for his at tendance in Council up to this day and charge the same to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Colo. George Walton for f 18. 13, 4. being for his attendance in Council up to this day and charge the same to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas - -ury in favour of Zacharias Fenn for 10. 14. 8 being for his at tendance in Council up to this day and charge the same to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Daniel Coleman Esq r for 11. 13/4 being for his attendance in Council up to this day and charge the same to the establishment. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 729 In Council, Friday October I st 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor. George Walton James MFarland ^ Daniel Coleman Jenkin Davis V Esqrs. John Green Zacharias Fenn j This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jonathan Youngblood 2875^ acres Thomas Fuqua 287^ " Heirs of Richard Harvy 287^ " Joel Barnett 287^ " Benjamin Howard 287^/2 Hughlrvin 287^ " William Clark 287^ " George Neil 287^ " Aaron Sinquefield 287^/2 Reason Bowie 287^ And then the Board adjourned to meet in Savannah. W m FREEMAN D. C. E. C. 730 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah, 8 th October 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor. John Habersham Benjamin Andrew A letter from the Chief Justice being laid before the Board, desiring to know their construction of the 19 th Sec. of the Con stitution, and the latter part of the first clause of the act of As sembly passed the 24 th February 1784, in regard to criminals wrn shall be sentenced to death ; and the Board taking the same into consideration, do resolve their opinion to be as follows, I st That in all capital convictions, the time of execution ought to be fixed by the Judges at so long a period as, according to the distance of the County from the Seat of Government, to give the Executive Authority sufficient time to interpose in favor of a person condemned to death, if they shall think necessary or proper to do so, And in case the Executive do not interpose by a special order to the Sheriff but on the contrary determine to leave the law to its course, that the Sheriff ought to cause or carry the sentence into execution under the rule of court, and without requiring any further warrant from the Executive Authority 2 ndi y That at the end or close of the Session in each County, the Chief Justice or Judges ought, as expeditiously as possible, to cause a report of all capital convictions and sentences that took place during that Session to be laid before the Executive Au thority. Two letters, one from General Green, dated 12 th September; and the other from John Bowman, Esquire, dated 2O th Septem ber 1784, complaining of a number of persons, who were cutting down live oak, on the Island of Cumberland, being laid before the Board, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 731 RESOLVED, That the Governor do write a letter to the Spanish Governor of East-Florida, and also another to Governor Tonyn on the subject; and request their interposition to prevent those unwarrantable practices. A letter from the Chief Justice dated 6 th October 1784, request ing an advance of twenty pounds, in part of his salary, being laid before the Board, RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury, in favor of the Chief Justice, for that sum, to be charged to the establishment. The Treasurer having applied for another quarters salary viz, fifty pounds to be paid him, RESOLVED, That the Governor do, accordingly, give him a draft for the same, to be charged to the establishment. In Council, Savannah 12 th October 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor. John Habersham John Spencer "I John Fulton Benjamin Andrew f ^ S( l uires WHEREAS, information has been made to this Board, by the Attorney General, in obedience to an order from the Chief Jus tice, that John Maxwell, a person named in the act of confiscation and banishment, passed at Augusta on the 4 th day of May 1782, is now lurking at some part or place within this State, without any permission or protection for that purpose. It is therefore 732 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, in conformity to the terms and directions of the said law, that the Governor do issue his warrant, under the Great Seal, directed to the several Sheriffs of the respective Counties within this State, strictly commanding and requiring them, with out the least delay, to make diligent search and enquiry in, and throughout their respective Counties for the said John Maxwell ; and having found him, that they do apprehend and commit him to /ail, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize until a convenient opportunity shall offer for transporting the said John Maxwell beyond the seas to some part of the British Kings Dominions ; and that, then, they do cause him to be so transported, according ly, after which, to make due return of the said warrant, together with the proceedings in the premises. The State vs Daniel Bonnell } Robbery The Younger j A report or summary of the trial, verdict and sentence in this case, beinf made, and the same duly considered, the Council unanimously advise, that the Executive Authority do not inter pose, but, on the contrary, leave the law to its course, which is. accordingly resolved and determined upon, by the Board. The State ] vs George Armstrong [ Forgery & Jacob Hale J A report or summary of the trial, verdict and sentence in this case, being made and the same duly considered; the Council unanimously advise, that, in consequence of the criminals being recommended to mercy the Executive Authority do reprieve them and each of them, until the meeting of Assembly, who may de termine on their cases as shall be judged fit. which is accordingly resolved and determined upon by the Board. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 733 This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the fol lowing grants, to wit, Edward Keating 200 acres Wilkes County. William Godbe 200 " Burke County. George Dooly 450 " Wilkes County. Frederick Jones 250 " Burke County. In Council, Savannah 22 a October 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor. William Stephens John Fulton \ Jenkin Davis James Powell J ORDERED, That a list of all caveats entered in the books of the Secretary of this Board, up to this day, and still and deter mined respecting land in the two new Counties, be published in ihe Gazette and that the parties in the same do attend at Savan nah with their witnesses and proofs in order for a hearing and decision before the Governor or President and Council on and immediately after the second Tuesday in December next. ORDERED, That the foregoing order be continued in every Georgia Gazette to be published between this and the said second Tuesday in December next. The caveats are as follows. Nathan 1 Christmas ~) vs i Micajah Williamson \ Washington County. William Young and others 734 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS John John Cobb vs Green 1 } Ditto. J John Brown vs Joseph Philips \- Ditto. J William Little ) vs j William Magee alias Magetree } Ditto. Francis Pugh } vs Isaac Poloc Lockhart k & others Johnson vs \ Kerr [ Washington County. 1 [ Franklin County. Hem- Jesse Roundtree vs Reason Bowie I " Washington County. John Ragan vs Richard Call Micajah Williamson County. and others Nath 1 Coates vs Sitha Hammitt William Perritt Cornelius Smith and others John Armor vs Thomas Wooten or any other County. County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCII, 735 Charles Burke vs Micajah Williamson or any other Thomas Napier vs Jacob Landers or any others County. Washington County. William Downes vs Elijah Gillet and all others Washington County. Patrick MElmurry vs Daniel Burnett Wilkes County. Elijah Clark vs Richard Woods James Cunningham vs Benjamin Green Thomas Carswell vs Micajah Williamson Miles Duncan vs Joseph White John Fling vs Peter Youngblood County. County. W n County County. 1 j- W n County 736 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Absolem Islands & Stephen Bishop vs Michael Whatley } County. John Whatley Sam 1 Sinkfield and all others Heirs of Reuben Guilder ] vs } Wilkes County. Arthur Smith J Nehemiah Dann vs Micajah Willimson William Young Sam 1 Harper County. Mordecai Balden John Kimbrer Willis Pope, W m Duke, W m Hammett and all others. Travis M c Kinny ] vs } Washington County. Thomas Snelson John M c Kenny vs Leben Watson & all County. vs others RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of John Green the Younger, who became disabled, in the Service of the State, in both his arms, for 60. being two years allowance granted to persons in his situation by act of As sembly passed on the io th day of January 1782, the said two years, commencing on the 12 th July 1782, and ending on the 12 th July 1784; and that the said sum be charged to the contingent fund. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 737 This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the fol lowing grants, to wit, WILKKS COUNTY. Solomon Palmer 200 acres, William Hughes 200 " Abraham Baldwin 200 " R. C. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Hugh M c Neelly 287^ acres Sterling Jenkins 250 W. C. Philip Combs 300 W. C. WILKES COUNTY. Elizabeth Partee 200 acres. RICHMOND COUNTY. John Shackelford 200 acres. Joseph Staten 200 acres. WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Bags 287^ acres. Daniel M c Neelly 287^ William Downes 300 RICHMOND COUNTY. Jesse M c Niel 200 acres Ebenezer Sterns IO William Crittenden 15 WlkKES COUNTY. Miriam Lincecum 200 acres James May 4 Owen Fluker 800 WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Martin Jun r 287^ acres 47 r r vol 2 738 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WILKES COUNTY. William Downes 300 acres. Margarett Dawster 200 " Stephen Heard 500 " James Hill 500 " RICHMOND COUNTY. John Dean 1 50 acres. In Council, Savannah 26 th October 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habershain James Powell ) ^ John Fulton John Spencer f qU1 Captain Spencer having produced an account in favor of Jen- kin Davis Esquire, for his attendance in Council during the year 1782, amounting to seventy seven pounds, three shillings, and the same appearing to be entered on the Council Books of that period, and approved of by the then Governor and Council It is ordered, That the said Jenkin Davis have a draft upon the Treasury for that sum, agreeable to a resolved of Assembly, passed the 26 th February 1784. S, the Honorable House of Assembly, by resolve pass ed 20 th February I784j did appoint certain commissioners to re pair to the River Tennessee, within this State, for the purposes therein mentioned. And whereas, the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, having accordingly repaired thither, did form a Board, and proceeding to business, amongst other things did ap point certain Militia officers, as by the said resolve of Assembly MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 739 they were authorized to do, that is to say, John Levier Esquire, Col ; John Donilson L l Colo, and Valentine Levier Jun r Major ; It is therefore, RESOLVED, pursuant to the direction of the said resolve of As sembly that militia commissions do, accordingly issue, and be signed by the Governor for the said officers, and likewise that twenty blank commissions be signed and delivered to Col Heard, one of the said Commissioners to be carried to the said Board and filled up at their next meeting for the Captains and Subalterns of the Battalion of which the persons above mentioned are Field Officers. This day the following grants were signed by His Honor .the Govenior in Council, viz, WILKES COUNTY. Micajah Williamson 200 acres Bernard Heard 300 " Micajah Williamson 200 " Micajah Williamson 141 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Gideon Patterson 2 &7 l /2 acres James Hammett . 287^ " WILKES COUNTY. Charles Parks 200 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas MGehee 5/5 acres WILKES COUNTY. Samuel Smith 400 acres Joseph Turnbull 200 " Samuel Smith 100 Micajah Williamson 500 " 740 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Abner Leggett 150 " Stephen Heard 800 " Andrew West 200 " WILKES COUNTY. John Gillmore 200 acres Jeremiah Brantly 200 " Rob 1 & W m Germany 500 " John Peters 200 " John Holmes 162 " John Holmes 200 " John King 400 " John Cloud 400 " John Clements 200 In Council, Savannah 2 d November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton ) _ Jenkin Davis James Powell J ^squires RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of the John Fulton Esquire, for twenty five pounds, four shillings, being for his attendance in Council up to the first Instant, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed 26 th February 1784, and that the same be charged to the establishment. WHEREAS, by act of Congress of the 2O th February 1782, the Superintendant of the finances of the United States is author ized and directed to nominate a fit person for Commissioner to settle the accounts between the said United States and each par ticular state, in manner pointed out and directed by the said act MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 741 of Congress, such person, nevertheless, subject to the appropria tion of the Legislature or Executive Authority of the particular State for which he is so nominated. And whereas, the said Su- perintendant, to wit, Robert Morris Esquire, did, by letter bear ing date 3 d February 1784 signify to His Honor the Governor, that he had, in pursuance of the said act of Congress, nominated Edward Williams Esquire, as Commissioner for Georgia, for the several purposes therein mentioned ; RESOLVED, therefore. That this Board do approve the nomina tion of the said Edward Williams as Commissioner for the pur poses aforesaid; and that His Honor the Governor do signify the same to the said Superintendant of Finances. WHEREAS, Samuel Salters Esquire, Senior Assistant Justice, presiding at a land Court, having, by letter to the Governor, signi fied that there was great demand for some person to act as County Surveyor, for the Counties of Glynn and Camden ; that Christo pher Hillary Esquire, was nominated as such, by the Honorable House of Assembly; but that the said Christopher Hillary had never, as yet, acted or qualified in the said appointment. It is therefore, ORDERED, That the Secretary of this Board do write a lettjr to the said Christopher Hillary requiring him, within one month, attend and qualify himself for the appointment aforesaid, or else, to signify his determination in the premises. The following grants were, this day, signed by His Honor the Governor, in Council. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Greer 575 acres. Jonathan Wood 287^ WILKES COUNTY. James Howell 400 " Thomas Greer . 200 " THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WILKES COUNTY. William Greer 200 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Daniel Evans 2 7 l /2 acres WILKES COUNTY. Cornelius Cochran . .200 acres In Council, Savannah 5 th November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor William Stephens John Fulton 1 ^ James Powell Jenkin Davis j ^ S( l uires A letter of the 26 th September last, from Alexander M c Gilvray, in the Creek nation, being" laid before the Board ; and read, It is ordered, That the same be referred to the House of As sembly at their next meeting. Two petitions, one, from Thomas Greene, in behalf of the peo ple of the Natchez Settlement ; and the other, from a number of persons in East-Florida, being laid before the Board, It is ordered, That the same be refered to the House of As sembly at their next meeting. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Mrs. Tondee for fifteen pounds, pursuant to re solve of Assembly, dated 5 th August 1782, and that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 743 This day His Honor, the Governor, in Council, signed the following grants, viz, Richmond County. Washington County David Harris .... 200 acres. Robert Jones .... 2873/2 acres Robert Long. . .287^ " Lewis Friel 287^ " In Council Savannah 9 th November 1/84. Present, William Stephens James Powell John Fulton John Spencer WHEREAS, This Board did, on the 28 th day of January last, with the concurrence of the Honorable House of Assembly, offer a reward of twenty five pounds to any person who should ap prehend, and deliver at the common Jail in Savannah, Benjamin Davis who had broke out from the same. And whereas, Benja min Greene, having, accordingly, apprehended and delivered at the common Jail in Savannah, the said Benjamin Davis, is, there by, become entitled to the said reward, It is therefore, RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of the said Benjamin Greene, for the said twenty five pounds as the reward aforesaid; and that the same be charged to the Continent fund. This day, the following grants were signed by His Honor the Governor, in Council; WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Pennington .................. 2 &7 l /2 acres Samuel Berryhill ..................... 287^ " Travis Fenn ......................... 287^ " 744 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah, November 12 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens ~| James Powell John Fulton Daniel Coleman (concurred) ) A letter dated :6 th October 1/84, from John Woods, contain ing some inclosures of consequence in regard to the disposition of the Indians, being laid before the Board, It is resolved and ORDERED, That copies of the said letters be sent to Colo. Clarke, of Wilkes County, without delay. But as the subject matter of said letters appears to involve many considerations : that, therefore, it will be expedient and proper not to come to any final determination on the same until the meeting of the Assembly in January next. It is, also, RESOLVED,, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of M c Cumpsey, who brought the said letters, by Express, for sixteen dollars, to be charged to the contingent fund. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council, signed the fol lowing grant, to wit, For David Thorn . . 44 acres land Effingham County. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 745 In Council, Savannah i6 th November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham James Powell ) Daniel Coleman James M c Farland V Esquires Jenkin Davis John Fulton J Christopher Hillary Esquire, County Surveyor, for the Coun ties of Glynn & Camden, pursuant to the order of the 2 d Instant, attended and informed the Board, he \vas ready to qualify, ORDERED, That the said Christopher Hillary be referred to the Justices of the Land Court, for the Counties of Glynn and Cam- den for his qualification to be made and given before them, pur suant to the 8 th Sec. of the Land Act, passed 17 th February 1783. RESOLVED,, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of James Rae Esquire for eight pounds, eight shill ings and two pence, for supplies to the Indians at different times in Augusta, by order, partly, of the President ; and that the same be charged to the contingent fund. RESOLVED,, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Major Pat. Carr, for eleven pounds, three shill ings and six pence, for supplies to the Talasee King and other Indians on their return home. And that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. The Governor having stated the case of Col Martin, and notified that he had made application for a final settlement of his account and an order for the balance thereof, on the Treasury, put the following questions thereon. I st . Whether Colo. Martins account can, or ought to be set tled by this Board, and an order given on the Treasury for the balance due him? Or, whether the same ought to be referred to the House of Assembly. 746 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS 2 ndly . How is that balance to be settled, that is to say, ought Col Martin to be allowed rations whilst he remained in Augusta in his Government over and above the ten negroes, voted by resolve, dated 4 th May 1782, or ought such vote to be considered in full of every thing except his Salary. The Board having taken the first question into consideration, are of opinion that the settlement of Colo. Martins account, ought to be referred the House of Assembly : and that this Board can not, with propriety, interfere therein, by which answer to the first question, it became unnecessary to put the second to the Board. In Council, Savannah 23 d November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Fulton ^ James Powell Daniel Coleman > Esquires Zacharias Fenn J RESOLVED, That a license be granted to Major Pat. Carr, to carry on a trade with the Creek Nation of Indians, on his com plying with the terms of an act of the General Assembly, passed 25 th February 1784, and that the Secretary of this Board do take the necessary bond, and prepare the proper license to be signed by the Governor for that purpose ; the said bond to be lodged, thereafter, in the Treasury. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Major Pat. Carr, for three guineas, the same being to reimburse him for a quantity of rum, which, it appears, he expended in public service with the Indians, in the course of last year, by order of the Governor. And that the same be charged to the contingent fund. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 747 WHEREAS, some time since, one Lang, a notorious offender, was sent from this State to Charleston for his trial. And where as, the passage money of the said Lang & his guard, amounting to four and a half guineas is not yet paid to Captain Jeremiah Dickinson altho it is said the same hath been paid in Charleston to Col Farrell who escorted the said Lang down; It is there fore, RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of the said Capt. Dickinson for the said four and half guineas, to be charged to the Contingent Fund: And that the same be debited to Colo. Farrell who is required to reim burse the Treasury in the same. WHEREAS, it is expedient and proper that strict patrols be kept up during the holi-days, that is to say, from the 15 th of December to the io th of January, in the several districts in the Counties of Chatham, Liberty and the lower part of Effingham, It is therefore, RESOLVED, That the Governor do issue orders, for that pur pose, to the several Colonels of the said Counties. And that ex tracts of the most material clauses of the patrole laws be annexed to such orders. The Attorney General to make out a copy of such extracts for each Colonel. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Joseph Woodruff Esquire, Collector for Savan nah, for one hundred and twenty five pounds, being for six months salary up to the 22 nd November Instant; And that the same be charged to the establishment. The following grant was this day signed by His Honor the Governor in Council, viz, For James Martin (Col) 920 acres. Washington County, Application being made by Capt. Nathaniel Pearre, accom- 748 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS panied with an affidavit of William Greer, setting forth, that the six several land warrants, viz, Capt Pearre 460 acres, in the reserve William Green . . . . 287^/2 do Bounty. 81 1. John Gibson 2< &7 l /2 do do. 140. Wiatt Bonner do purchase 1822. Frank Smith 287^ acres Bounty 1668. Alexr. Smith 287^ do do were stolen out of his possession, praying that duplicates war rants of the same might issue; It is ordered. That such duplicates be, accordingly granted, on his, the said Capt. Pearre, giving bond in the penalty of Pounds, with two sufficient securities, in case the said warrants are recovered, or shall come to his hands, they shall be delivered up to be destroyed and that the State shall be indemnified against any injury or abuse, by reason, or in consequence, of the said warrants being lost as aforesaid. In Council, Savannah, 26 th November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor James M c Farland John Fulton } Daniel Coleman William Stephens > Esquires James Powell ) WHEREAS, by way of note, at the foot of the Chief Justices charge to the Grand Jury of Liberty County, ordered to be laid before this Board with the presentments of the Grand Jury, ?. section is published in the Gazette as an article of the Constitu tion, which, by comparison, differs essentially from the words contained in the said Constitution. In order, therefore, to pre- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 749 vent any person being deceived or misled on a question of some moment, It is ordered, That the said article of the Constitution, as it really stands, be published in the next Gazette, which article, being copied, verbatim, from the Constitution is as follows "2. The Legislature of this State shall be composed of the "Representatives of the people, as is hereinafter pointed out. : "and the Representatives shall be elected yearly and every year "on the first Tuesday in December; and the Representatives, so "elected, shall meet, the first Tuesday in January following, at "Savannah, or any other place or places where the House of As- "sembly, for the time being, shall direct." A petition of Alexander Johnston Spiers and Patrick Crook- shanks, Merchants, accompanied with a letter from Richard Howley Esquire, praying the interposition of this Board, in respect to a suit now depending against the said Petitioners, being laid before the Board, RESOLVED, That this Board will not, from any thing alledged. or appearing to them, interfere in the premises. RESOLVED,, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Priscilla Jennings, Widow, and four children of her, the said Priscilla Jennings, for four years allowance, amount ing to seventy two pounds granted by act of Assembly, passed, January io th 1782, and that the same be charged, to the Con tingent fund. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Jean Runnels, widow of Frederic Runnels de ceased, and four children, for three years allowance, amounting to seventy two pounds, granted by act of Assembly, passed io lh January 1782, and that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. 750 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Lettice Duke, widow of Henry Duke, and three children ; for four years allowance, amounting to sixty four pounds, granted by act of Assembly, passed io th January 1782, and that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favour of Daniel Coleman Esquire, for eleven pounds, four shillings and four pence, being for his attendance in Council up to the 3<D th November including five days to go to Wilkes County, pursuant to resolve of Assembly passed 26 th February 1784, and that the same be charged to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of James MFarland Esquire, for ten pounds, five shillings and four pence, being for his attendance in Council up to the 29 th November including four days returning, pursuant to resolve of Assembly, passed 26 th February 1784, and that the same be charged to the establishment. Petition William MKennon praying permission to come into and be protected in this State &. &. was read. ORDERED, That the said William M Kennon do receive a tem porary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the rights of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly, passed 25 th Feb ruary 1784. Petition Joseph Washam, praying permission and a protection in this State & c . &. was read. ORDERED, That the said Joseph Washam do receive a tem porary protection from this Board, until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the rights of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed 25 th Feb ruary 1784. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 751 In Council, Savannah, 3O th November 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham William Stephens ") James Powell Jenkin Davis V Esquires John Fulton Zacharias Fenn J RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Daniel Dannelly, who hath produced a certificate from Samuel West Esquire, of his being wounded and maimed in the service of his Country, for thirty pounds, the same being for two years gratuity up to the 12 th July last, allowed by the act of Assembly passed io th January 1782. And that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. RESOLVED, pursuant to resolution of Assembly, dated io th Jan uary 1784, that the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of the Honorable the President, for five pounds, the same to be laid out by him for the use of James White, a person maimed and deprived of the arm, in the service of the Country. And that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board, by the Affidavit of John Wereat Esquire, that a certain tract of eight hundred acres of land on Crooked River, advertized by the Commissioners of Con fiscated Estates, as the property of Charles Wright Esquire, is under a particular predicament and that Miss Elizabeth Burring- ton of Charleston, Spinster, hath an equitable claim to the same It is therefore, ORDERED, That the sale of the said 800 acres of land be post poned by the said Commissioners until after the meeting of the next House of Assembly. RESOLVED, pursuant to a resolution of the Honorable House of Assembly dated 25 th February last, that the Governor do give a draft upon the Treasury in favor of James Johnston, 752 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Printer, for the amount of his audited account being two hun dred and sixty eight pounds, eight shillings and one penny half penny. And that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that after a full settlement of accounts with Chesley Bostwick Esquire, by John Wereat Esquire, Public Auditor, there is a balance coming to the saicl Chesley Bostwick of notwithstanding which, a Judg ment had been obtained and execution is now issued against the said Chesley Bostwick for a sum of money, which, it appears, he has, by express orders paid in corn It is therefore, RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of the said Chesley Bostwick, for the said balance, and that the Attorney General be directed to enter satisfaction in the name of the State on the said Judgement so obtained as aforesaid on the payment of his fees. And it is further ORDERED, That the accounts of the said Chesley Bostwick be lodged with the Auditor in order that he may make the proper charges against the United States, for such articles as lie against them. RESOLVED, That Mrs Howell and five children be per mitted to pass, unmolested, to Major Carr, who is required to place them on a vacant plantation, recommended, as it is said, by him, as suitable for them, near the old Towns. And that whilst she, and her children conduct themselves inoffensively, they receive the protection of the laws. This day His Honor the Governor, in Council signed the fol lowing Grants viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Richard Burton 230 acres John Linen 230 " Franklin Willm. Corban 230 " Pat. Kneal 230 " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 753 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Pat. Kneal 230 acres WILKES COUNTY. James Oricks 250 acres Jacob Dansby 200 " In Council December 3 d 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor Willm. Stephens John Fulton p Zacharias Fenn James Powell WHEREAS, Richard Call Esquire, Surveyor General, hath been, for some time past, in Charleston ; and there are daily applica tions for plats, at his office, but for want of some person au thorized to sign the same they cannot be had. And whereas, it is a great hardship upon persons coming from remote parts of the State, to be obliged to wait at a heavy expence in Savannah, for a considerable time, and, perhaps, after all, compelled to go away without having their business done. It is therefore, RESOLVED, That Thomas MCall, who, at present, keeps the said office as substitute to the said Surveyor General, be appointed and authorized to pass and sign the said plats and certificates an nexed to the same, during the absence of the said Surveyor Gen eral,, or the further order of this Board; that the said Thomas M c Call do, nevertheless, sign his name as Pro Surveyor General, and that he previously thereto give bond, with two securities, in the penal sum of 500. Ster 8 . conditioned for his good behaviour, and attend this Board and take an oath for the faithful dis charge of the trust reposed in him. And it is further 48 r r vol 1 754 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS ORDERED, That the said M c Call, do write to the said -Richard Call to repair to Savannah without delay to attend to the duties of his office, or shew cause to this Board why he doth., or can not In Council Savannah 8 th December 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn \ James Powell John Fulton > Enquires. William Stephens ) WHEREAS, it is represented to this Board, that five hundred acres of land, being part of a tract of twelve hundred acres, ad vertised for sale, on the 2O th day of this Instant, by the Commis sioners of forfeited estates, as the property of Jermyne and Charles Wright, on Butter-Milk Bluff, on the River S l Mary, were reserved, and intended by the public for a Town And whereas, it cannot, at present, be ascertained, in what part of the said tract the said reserve lies It is therefore, RESOLVED, and ordered, That the sale of the said twelve hun dred acre tract, be postponed until after the meeting of the next House of Assembly, to whom will be referred to make what order they shall think proper in the premises. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give two drafts upon the Treasury in favor of Mr. John P. \Vagnon, the one for five pounds, sixteen shillings and the other for two pounds, eighteen shillings; making, together, eight pounds fourteen shillings; being for supplies furnished the Indians at Augusta, by order of the Governor and Council ; and that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 755 This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. WILKES COUNTY. Henry Graybill ........................ 400 acres. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Randal Jackson ...................... 287^/2 acres Owen APGarr ....................... 287^ " Michael Harvey ...................... 287^ " COUNTY. Jordan Wells ......................... 200 acres. Will m Candler ......................... 600 " Will" 1 Candler ......................... 300 " John Whitesides ....................... 200 " John Lamar .......................... 250 acres John Kelly ............................ 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. James Ryon ......................... 287^2 acres Peter Jackson ....................... 287^ " WILKES COUNTY. Henry Graybill ........................ 100 acres Peter Jackson ......................... 200 William Tyler ......................... 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Harvey ........................ 287^ acres Moses Powell ........................ 287^ " Cacler Powell ........................ 287^ " RICHMOND COUNTY. Joseph Boggs ......................... 200 acres Ignatius Few .......................... 200 Will" 1 Candler . ------ 200 " 756 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WILKES COUNTY. John Bates ............................ 250 acres William Wiggins ....................... 350 RICHMOND COUNTY. Jeremiah Btigg ...................... 50 acres. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Will 1 " Candler ....................... 287^ acres. RICHMOND COUNTY. Ambrose Holliday ..................... 100 acres. COUNTY. Ignatius Few .......................... 800 WASHINGTON COUNTY. William Gardner ..................... 287*^ acres WIIyKES COUNTY. Ignatius Few .......................... 200 acres Ignatius Few .......................... 200 Ignatius Few .......................... 200 ERANKUN COUNTY. Benj a Jones ......................... 2 8//^ acres. RICHMOND COUNTY. William Few ......................... 300 acres. WILKES COUNTY. Willm. Candler ........................ 200 acres Willm. Candler ........................ 600 " Willm. Anderson ...................... 200 acres. William Candler ....................... 850 " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 757 FRANKUN COUNTY. Hezekiah Kendrick 287^ acres. Petition of Montague Simonds, accompanied with a certificate of recommendation, praying to be admitted a citizen was read ORDERED, That the said Montague Simonds do receive a tem porary protection from this Board until a law shall be passed, pointing out the mode for admitting persons to the rights of citizenship agreeable to a resolve of Assembly passed 25 th Feb ruary 1784. In Council, Savannah, 9 th December 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor Zacharias Fenn William > Fenn James Powell 1 r Stephens John Fulton j hsqm This Day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council. RICHMOND COUNTY. Stephen Day 200 acres. WILKES COUNTY. Gravener Stewart 400 William Downes 450 William Phillips 400 " Joel Brooks 200 " William Sanson 1200 " Joseph White 200 " Thomas Childers 200 " William Pinkerton . . 200 " 758 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WASHINGTON COUNTY. Joseph Lesley ....................... 287^ acres WILKES COUNTY. Thomas Adkins ....................... 200 acres. John Woodall ......................... 200 " William Veazy ........................ 200 " Benjamin Thompson .................... 200 " Martha Waters ........................ 200 " William Smith ......................... 150 " Job & Providence Brooks ................ 300 " Joel Phillips .......................... 950 acres. Joseph Brown ......................... 200 " Charles Bonnar ........................ 400 " Martha Stewart ........................ 200 " EFFINGHAM COUNTY. George Bryan ..................... 200 acres Jesse Pugh ........................ 250 " Wilkes Dread Wilder ..................... 350 " Andrew Willson ................... 200 " " William Phillips .................. 200 " John Beall ........................ 400 " Rebecca Bonnar ................... 200 " " Rhoda White ...................... 200 " Francis Nichols .................... 200 " Effingham William Lee ....................... 100 " Richmond Dread Wilder ...................... 100 " Wilkes RICHMOND COUNTY. Benjamin Jenkins .................. 150 acres COUNTY. Ruth Bonnar ...................... 200 acres Benjamin Willson .................. 400 " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 759 In Council, Savannah 14 th December 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Spencer j James Powell John Fulton > Esquires. William Stephens ) A petition from Alexander Johnston Spiers in behalf of him self and Patrick Crookshanks being laid before the Board, re specting a cargo of Negroes, yesterday seized for non perform ance of quarantine, required by act of Assembly, passed 26 th March 1767, and the said party having alledged several matters in excuse of himself which cannot be made appear until the return of the Collector to Town. It is therefore, RESOLVED, That on condition the party claiming the said ne groes will give bond in the penal sum of 4000, \vith two good securities to the same, that the said negroes, (death only except- ed) shall be, at all times, forth coming when called for; and that no advantage shall be taken of any delay in regard to the prose cution, that, in that case, the negroes be suffered to remain, for the present, and until further orders, in the hands of said claim ants and that the information be not filed in Court until Monday next : but that, on that day, it be positively filed by the Attorney General, unless otherwise ordered by this Board. And it is further ordered, That the Treasurer be admitted as Informer in this case, who shall prosecute., as well for himself as for the State. John Cobb vs > Caveat John Green } RESOLVED, as the opinion of the Board, that the caveat be dis missed, and that the Defendants works do pass. 760 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council, Savannah, 15 th December 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham James Powell ) ^ John Fulton John Spencer j " This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz WILKES COUNTY. William Anglin 200 acres. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Elijah Gillett 1000 acres WIUCES COUNTY. Richard Call 500 acres Heirs of John Thompson 300 " RICHMOND COUNTY. Isaac Lowe Sen r 287^ " WILKES COUNTY. Hugh Jones 125 acres Joseph Jackson 400 " Heirs of John Thompson 150 " Richard Call 500 " Zacharias Phillips 300 " Stephen Hogge 200 " Jacob Hoge 460 " BURKE COUNTY. Edward Telfair 500 acres William Phillips 200 " Wil. William Downes 575 " Wash. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 761 WILKES COUNTY. Richard Call 5 acres Fred k Lepham 250 " David Ten-ill 200 " Thomas Harkins 200 " William Holliday 400 " FRANKLIN COUNTY. Robert Thompson 287^ acres WILKES COUNTY. Zachay Phillips 100 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Heirs of Robert Morgan 200 acres WILKES COUNTY. Jacob Hoge 200 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Benjamin Nicholson 200 acres Jesse Horn 100 WILKES COUNTY. Richard Call 400 acres EEFINGHAM COUNTY. Richard Scruggs 200 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Henry Wagners 287^ acres WILKES COUNTY. Richard Call 5 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. William Lee. . TOO acres 762 WIUtES COUNTY. Alex r Luckies 200 acres Jesse Pugh 150 " Jacob Henley 250 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas M c Call 287^ acres. In Council, Savannah, Thursday, i6 th Dec r 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor > Esquires. John Habersham James Powell Zacharias Fenn John Spencer William Little ] vs } Caveat William M c Gee alias M c Gehee J RESOLVED, as the opinion of this Board, that this caveat be dis missed, and that the defendants work do pass. RESOLVED, That the Board will meet to-morrow morning precisely at 9 o Clock, for the trial of Caveats; that they will, then, proceed to call the docket as the causes stand on the same, and in case the parties are not ready they will either dismiss the said caveats or proceed ex parte, as the case may be, unless good cause of excuse shall be shewn for the absent parties. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants, in Council, viz, MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 763 RICHMOND COUNTY. John Maddox 200 acres James Waters 200 William Tindall 200 " Henry Walden 200 " WIIvKES COUNTY. Thomas Glascock 772 acres. David Luckie 200 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jacob Castleberry 287^/2 acres. WILKES COUNTY. John MDonald 200 acres Charles Jackson 200 " George Freeman 250 " James Finsley 200 " Richmond Lyclcla Guy 200 " In Council, Savannah, December 17 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor James Powell John Fulton ) John Spencer William Stephens > Esquires. Zacharias Fenn ) Francis Pugh vs Isaac Lockhart Pollock & others Caveat The defendants having made default in appearing, the Board 764 proceed to hear the cause on the part of the plaintiffs and thereupon are of opinion that the Plaintiffs ought to have the land in dispute, and that his works do, accordingly, pass the office for the same James Cunningham vs Benjamin Greene 1 Caveat The Board are of opinion that this Caveat be dismissed, and that the defendants works do pass. Nathaniel Christmas vs Micajah Williamson William Young & others Johnson Caveat I vs Henry Kerr John Ragan vs Richard Call Micaja h Williamson & others Absolem Islands & Stephen Bishop vs Michael Whatley John Whatley Sam 1 Sinkfield & all others John Brown versus Joseph Phillips Jesse Roundree vs Reason Bowie } Caveat j i } Caveat Caveat 1 }- Caveat j Caveat MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 765 John Amor vs Thomas Walton or any others Thomas Napier vs Jacob Landers or any other Patrick M Elmurry vs Daniel Burnet Thomas Carswell vs Micajah Williamson K~ John Fling vs Peter Youngblood Miles Duncan vs Joseph White Heirs of R. Gilder vs Arthur Smith Nath 1 Coates vs Sitha Hammit W m Perrit Corn 8 Smith & others Charles Burks vs Micajah Williamson or any other l } Caveat I \- Caveat i l \- Caveat j l } Caveat J 1 \- Caveat j 1 ^ Caveat J 1 ^ Caveat Caveat } Caveat 766 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS William Dowries vs \- Caveat Elijah Gillet & others Elijah Clark ] vs } Caveat Richard Woods J Nehemiah Dunn vs Micg 1 Williamson W m Young, Sam 1 Harper}* Caveat Mor d Bolden, Jn Kimbro Willis Pope, W m Duke, W m Hammet & others The foregoing Caveats were all dismissed for non attendance of the parties. Travis M c Kenny vs Thomas Snelson John M. Kenny \- Caveats vs Leben Watson & all others. RESOLVED, as the opinion of the Board that these matters be referred to the County Surveyor of Washington and as the dis putes depend on the district lines, that he be directed to settle and adjust the contentions pursuant to the order of Council on that head, dated in Augusta 3O th Sep r last; that two months from this day be allowed for that purpose; and that, in the mean time, the works of both parties, Plaintiffs and Defendants be stopt in the Secretary s office. V" WHEREAS, Captain William Cones hath lately, in several in stances exerted himself much in suppressing Robbers, and is thereby become entitled to the thanks & acknowledgements of his Country. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 767 RESOLVED, therefore, that this Board will and do strongly recommend to the Honorable the House of Assembly, that they make a compliment of 200 acres of land, late William Powells, on the South side of Great Ogechee to the said Capt. Cone for his services. And that, in the mean time, the sale of the said 200 acres be adjourned over for one month, by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates, in order the House of Assembly may have an opportunity of passing their opinion on the above recommenda tion. And it is further, RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of said Capt. Cone, for the use of himself and men, as a reward for their exertions, for the sum of 25. sterl 8 the same to be charged to the Contingent Eund. WHEREAS, several matters, on which parties appear to found equitable claims, in respect to the following tracts of land, have been laid before the Board, and as the meeting of the Legislature, who must finally, determine the said cases, is near at hand. It is therefore resolved, and ORDERED, That the sale of the said several tracts of land, be adjourned over by the Commissioners for one month from the intended day of sale, then to come on, unless otherwise ordered by the Legislature that is to say, 400 acres late the property of John Forbes 900 acres 400 acres Thomas Skinner, Effingharn County. Petition from Luke Mann, being laid before the Board re questing land for some services ORDERED, That the same be referred to the House of As sembly. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, 768 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RICHMOND COUNTY. Mann Sims 800 acres John M c Duffee 100 " Major Eubank 200 " WILKES COUNTY. Tabitha Thompson 250 " Benjamin Scott 400 " Richard Woods 250 " RICHMOND COUNTY. James Fleming 200 " BURKE COUNTY. Harris Tomerlin 200 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Mann Sims 200 acres Jacob Greathouse 1 50 " Henry Taylor 100 " Jesse Morgan 100 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. William MGehee 400 acres Thomas Kelly 287^ " In Council, Savannah 24 th December 1/84. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Fulton p Zacharias Fenn James Powell RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas- MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 769 urer in favor of James Powell Esquire, for 28. 18. 8, being for two months attendance in Council, pursuant to a resolve of As sembly, dated February 1784. And that the same be charged to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft in favor of the Treasurer for 50. being for one quarters salary due him on the 23 d day of this Instant, December, and that the same be charged to the establishment. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council, viz. RICHMOND COUNTY. Burns Higginbottom 150 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Archibald Beall 862^2 acres EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Sharrod MCall 200 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Edward Powell 5 acres EEEINGHAM COUNTY. Thomas MCall 200 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. William Matthews 287^ acres RICHMOND COUNTY. John Pulk 200 acres John Paulk 200 " John Dennis Jun r 200 " 49 r r vol 2 770 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WASHINGTON COUNTY. Onsby Carney 287^ acres James Jackson 1207^ acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Judith Higginbottom 150 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Hotighton 250 acres William David 575 acres Josiah Taylor 287^ " John Germany 287^ " Misheck Matthev;s 287^ li Edward Hall 287^ " John Young Jun r 287^ " Thomas Marbury 287^ " Williams Wallace 287^ " Philip Hornby 575 RICHMOND COUNTY. Samuel Jones 100 acres Daniel Danerly 690 " Wash. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Charles M r Call 200 acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Elizabeth Shadwick 100 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Geo. Hart 287^ acres George Folds 287^ " EFFINGHAM COUNTY. George MCall 200 acres MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 771 RICHMOND COUNTY. Richard Castleberry ................... 287^2 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. William Matthews .................... 2 ^7 l /2 acres Nathaniel Hudson ..................... 287^ " Onsoy Carney RICHMOND COUNTY. Piiscilla Tumbleston .................. 150 acres CHATHAM COUNTY. John Lucas ............................ 536 acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Edward Young ........................ 2 &7 l /2 acres In Council, Savannah, December 28 th 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham John Fulton Zacharias Fenn James Powell The Governor laid before the Board, the report of three Jus tices which he had yesterday received, respecting the trial and sentence of three negroes fellows, the one named Peter, belonging to William Harden, the other named Tom. belonging to the estate of Baillie. RESOLVED, That this Board will not interfere in the matter but leave the law to its course. 772 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favour of Captain Eimbeck for 10 in part of his allow ance for taking care of the Fort and public arms : and that the same be charged to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of Joseph Woodruff Esquire, for 6. 2/ . the same being for so much advanced by him for furnishing liquor to the militia on 4 th July last, by the Governors order ; and that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Laramore 2 7 l /2 acres William Webster 287^ " Benjamin Welch Joshua Sanders Benjamin M c Cormack 287^ " Robert Williamson 575 Samuel Pain . 287^ " John Heard Sen r 287^ " Thomas Vickers 287^ " Job Jackson 287^/2 " RICHMOND COUNTY. Samuel Cartledge 200 Acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Aycrs 2 87/ / 2 acres Joseph Woodruff 690 " John Milner 287^ Mich 1 Rafforty 287^ Walton Whateley 287^ Charles Waters 287^ MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 773 John Pearry -^ 1 A acres Matthew Griffin 287^ " Andrew Dicks 287^ BURKE COUNTY. Elisha Bargeron 100 Acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mark Sanders 287^ Acres. John Sapp 287^ " Powell Hamper 2 ^>7 1 /^ John Coleman 287^ John Ragan 287^ " John Bentley 287^ " Stephen Heard 287^ " WILKES COUNTY. Isaac Avera 250 Acres WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Sapp 287^ Acres Emanuel Sapp 2871/2 Samuel Longston 287^2 Charles Simmons 287^ Lewis M c Gee 287^ " Solomon Pendleton 1 149 Charles Simmons :. 287^ " 774 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS In Council^ Savannah, December 3i st 1784. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn j ^ John Fulton James Powell ] h/sqi11 RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas urer in favor of James Jackson Esquire, Attorney at Law, for ten guineas the same being for retaining and pleading fees in sev eral actions, wherein he, by desire of the Governor joined the Attorney General in behalf of the public, under the authority of the resolve of Assembly, dated February 1/84; and that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. Application being made for protection to Martin Palmer, who, it is said, hath been, for eighteen years last past, a resident of East Florida and it appearing by certificate of the Attorney Gen eral, that there is nothing to his knowledge against said Palmer, It is therefore, RESOLVED, on the recommendation of John Palmer, a member of Assembly, that the said Martin Palmer do receive a temporary protection from this Board, pursuant to the resolve of Assembly dated February last. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jeremiah Cloud 287^2 Acres Abraham Lamb 287^ " Col Stephen Johnson 862^ " James Allen 287^ " Reuben Lett 287^ " William Bishop 287^ " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 775 COUNTY. John M Kenny ..... ................... 200 Acres EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Reuben Bynam ........................ 200 acres. WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Burks ......................... 575 Acres Solomon Palmer ..................... 2 7/ / 2 " John Perkins ........................ 28754 " Seymour Catching .................... 575 " Daniel Marshall ...................... 28754 " James Youngblood ................... 2875^ " Sanders Walker ..................... 747^ " WIL,KES COUNTY. Loveless Savage ................. 200 Acres Rich d Reuben Allen .................... 200 " John Pitman .................... 300 " Reuben Allen .................... 250 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Zacheus Marshall .................... 2875/2 Acres Daniel Young ....................... 287^ " Peter Purking ....................... 28754 " William Ayers ....................... 287^ " Richard Barefield .................... 287^ " Laban Thompson .................... 28754 Abraham Marshal .................... 747^ " William Wilder ...................... 28754 " Edward Young ...................... 287^ " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Joseph Walkers ...................... 28754 Acres Joseph Marshall ...................... 287^ " 776 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Dill Sapp ........................... 287 */ 2 Acres Samuel Cartledge .................... 287*^ " Peter Pevy .......................... 287*4 " WILKES COUNTY. Levy Marshall ......................... 200 Acres RICHMOND COUNTY. Daniel Marshall ........................ 400 Acres. COUNTY. William Wilder ........................ 600 Acres Job Galloway .......................... 430 " Heirs of James Gokhvire ................ 400 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. John M l Lean ........................ 287^ Acres Thomas Shaw ....................... 287^ " William Morgan ..................... 287^ " Joshua Burnett ...................... 287^ " Benjamin M c Cormack ................. 287*4 " In Council, Savannah, January 3 d 1785. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn \ ^ John Fulton James Powell / ^ sc l uires - RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas urer in favor of David Rees Esquire Secretary of this Board, for 25. being for his half years salary, due him since the last pay ment ; And that the same be charged to the establishment. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 777 RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of David Rees, Esquire, for 19. 7. 10 being for advances by him for House rent for the Land Court in Augusta, Stationary and other matters for public use. And that the same be charged to the contingent fund. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft, in favor of John Riley, upon the Treasurer, being the remaining sum due him as Messenger to this Board, for 10. the same to be charged to the establishment. Petition of David Rees Esquire, being laid before the Board and read, praying that an allowance be made him for an Assis tant which he was obliged to hire in Augusta, ORDERED, That the same be referred to the Honorable House of Assembly. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Robert Middleton ....................... 575 Acres. BURKE COUNTY. Charles Hudspeth ...................... 100 " WASHINGTON COUNTY. Thomas Hearthorn ................... 287^ Acres. WILKES. Thomas Harris ........................ 200 COUNTY. Michael Cope .......................... 35 Acres Elias Cozart . ................... 200 " 778 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WASHINGTON. Joseph Finshwell ..................... 287^ acres Geo. Pettigrew ......................... 150 William Edwards ...................... 100 George Reynolds ....................... 400 BURKE. David Meazle .......................... 150 Christian Nulson ....................... 100 WASHINGTON. William Davis ......................... 575 WIUCES. John Dudley ..................... ...... IO o James Patrick ......................... 200 William Noble ......................... 200 John Conner .......................... 350 BURKE. Samuel Irvin ............. . 2 oo WASHINGTON. John Jones 287^ Edmund Beards 287^/2 Thomas Wooten 287^ Dill Sapp 287^ William Hewett 287^ Philip Nowland , 287^ Robert Lethgoe 287^ RICHMOND. William Zachary 200 MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 779 WASHINGTON. William Forster ........................ 575 Acres WILKKS. Ann Milligan .......................... 100 " WASHINGTON. James Hogg Sen r Nicholas Burt ......................... 200 " William Barnard ....................... 600 " WASHINGTON. John Bentley ........................ 287^ " William Lamar ...................... 287^ " John Glamkin ....................... 287^ " WILKKS. Gideon Anderson ....................... 400 " John & Isaac Dennis .................... 700 BURKE COUNTY. Richard Burney ........................ 100 " COUNTY. George Pettygrew ...................... 200 " WASHINGTON. William Mitchell ..................... 287^ " Joseph Harper ....................... 345 WIIvKES- John Wingfield ........................ 200 " John Todd ............................ 200 " 780 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WASHINGTON. William Sapp ....................... 287^ " Samuel Lamar ................. 287^ Acres David Meazles ................ 150 " Burk. James Allen .................. 28754 " William Fitzgerald .................... 200 Acres WASHINGTON. Reason Bowie ....................... 287^ " WILKES. James Luckie .......................... 200 " Philip Combs .......................... 200 " Samuel Barnett ........................ 200 " WASHINGTON. Lewis Gardner ....................... 28754 " William Fitzgerald ..................... 200 Acres. James Cochran ......................... 200 " John Harris ........................... 200 " James MDonnell ...................... 200 " WASHINGTON. Henry Townsend Robert Lithgoe ....................... 287^ " WIUCES. William Ellis .......................... 400 " MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 781 WASHINGTON. Joshua Sapp 287^ acres WILKES. Stephen Nobles 200 " James Hammet 450 " WASHINGTON. John Perkins 287^ " In Council, Savannah, January 4 th 1/85. Present, Plis Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn "| James Powell John Fulton V Esquires. William Stephens J RESOLVED, That it appears to this Board, that, on a settlement of accounts with Captain Eimbeck, Keeper of the Fort, up to this day, there is a balance of : n. 9. due and owing to him over and besides the remainder of his salary, after deducting the sum of ten pounds, which has been paid him in part of his said salary. And it is further ordered, that all the papers and vouchers of the said Cap 1 Eimbeck, now before the Board be lodged and deposited in the Treasury. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that there is due and owing from the public of this State to M r Leonard Cecil, the sum of 589. 12. 8. And whereas, by two resolves of Assembly, the one dated io th February 1783, and the other dated 2 I st February 1784, the Governor and Council were directed to pay the same out of any of the funds of this State. It is therefore, RESOLVED, and ordered, that the Governor do give a draft 782 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS upon the Treasurer in favor of Leonard Cecil for the said sum of 589. 12. 8, that the said Leonard Cecil do not negotiate or pass away the said draft, but that a credit on the same from time to time, as he shall have duties on any other monies to pay to the Collector or into the Treasury, shall be as good as cash until the whole shall be paid. And that, thereafter, he do give up the said draft, with a receipt in full on his account, to be annexed to the same. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give drafts upon the Treas ury in favor of the following gentlemen, for the following sums, the same being for their attendance in Council up to this day, as per their respective accounts, lodged with the Secretary of this Board. And that the same be charged to the establishment pursuant to a resolve of Assembly dated February 1784. To the Honorable the President 83. 14. 8 To the Honorable William Stephens ... 10. 10. 8 To the Honb 1 John Fulton 31. 14. 6 To the Honble. Zacharias Fenn 24. 5. 4 150. 5- 2. To the Honble. James Powell for two days 1 8. 8 RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas urer in favor of Samuel Stirk Esquire, the Attorney General, for the sum of 139. 13. 11/2 being for fees and other charges for public business done by him in his said office. And that the same be charged to the Contingent fund. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas urer in favor of Samuel Stirk Esquire, for 50. being for his last years salary, agreeable to a vote of the Assembly. And that the same be charged to the establishment. RESOLVED, That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas ury in favor of William Stephens Esquire for the sum of 5. 8- 9. being for retaining and pleading fee in an action of Woodruff MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 783 qui tarn claimants vs. Findley & others, wherein he joined the Attorney General by desire of Governor and Council of 1 5 th June last, on behalf of the public, under the authority of the resolve of Assembly dated February 1784, And that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council viz WILKES COUNTY. William Terrill Sen r 87 Acres. WASHINGTON. Elijah Pugh 287^ " WILKES. Richard Call 500 " Nathan Burnett 300 acres John Gibson 300 " John Barnett 200 " Benjamin Davis 200 " John Barnett 200 " FRANKLIN. Nathan Barnett 575 " WASHINGTON. Richard Holliman 2 &7 l /2 Acres Thomas Taylor 287^ " Heirs of Charles Williams 460 " William Hunt 575 John Abbott 575 " 784 WILKES. William Luckie ..................... t . . 200 " WASHINGTON. Thomas Shaw ....................... 2871/2 " WILKES. Alexander Luckie ...................... 200 " FRANKLIN. Jesse Webb ......................... 287^ " WASHINGTON. James Martin ........................ 287^ " William Brown ...................... 2871/2 " David Carson ....................... 287^2 " WILKES. Nathan Barnett , 250 acres WASHINGTON. Joseph Robertson 2871/3 " FRANKLIN. Daniel Barnett 2875^ " WILKES. Micajah Williamson 2OO WASHINGTON. William Brady 287^ " Joseph Williams 28-5^ " Gideon Patterson 28717 " Henry Cope David Carson David Holliman 2 g MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 785 In Council, Savannah, January 5 th 1785. Present, His Honor the Governor John Habersham Zacharias Fenn James Powell John Fulton ^ Esquires. William Stephens EDy That the Governor do give a draft upon the Treas urer in favor of George Hardwick for ten guineas, the same being for riding express s to Major Carr and Captain Cone, respecting the late robberies and that the same be charged to the contingent fund. This day His Honor the Governor signed the following grants in Council, viz, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Elijah Clarke 1150 Acres, James Johnston 345 " Samuel Paine 2 %7 l /2 " John Candler 287^ " John Kitts 287^ " Mark Holliman 287^ " Robert Hudson 287^ " Wiliam Newberry 287^ " - Joshua Ford 287^ " John Stephens 575 " Littleberry Bostwick 575 " Ephraim Bowen 575 George Walton 575 " wii/KES. Joseph Gibbons 500 " 50 r r vol 1 786 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS WASHINGTON COUNTY. Samuel Carson ....................... 287^2 Acres Henry MKenny ..................... 287^ " Alexander M c Dougals ................. 287^ " John Mann ......................... 287^ " .Nehemiah Wade ..................... 287^ " Mark Sheftall ....................... 575 William Satterwhite .................. 287^ " Antom Crumbley ..................... 287^2 " Samuel Creswell ....................... 350 Nicholas Long ......................... 800 WASHINGTON. William Hollinger .................... 287^ Samuel MCulloch .................... 345 John Clarke Jun r ..................... 287^ And then the Board adjourned. January 6 th 1785. This day the Honorable House of Assembly having proceeded to the choice of a Governor for the current year, the present Gov ernor and Council considered their Term as expired, and, there- lore, did not meet agaitL O V THE LAND COURT, HELD IN AUGUSTA FROM GTH APRIL TO 26TH MAY, 1784. (From Jtate Archieves.) GEORGIA At a Court, held at Augusta, in the County of Richmond, for the purpose of granting out lands, under, and by virtue of, an act passed at Savannah the 25 th February 1784, on Tuesday the 6 th day of April 1784, Present, The Honorable the President Daniel Coleman George Walton Zacharias Fenn James M c Farland Application having been made to court, by sundry individuals, attending the same, to know whether persons possessing certifi cates from the Officer commanding the Regiment they served in, who have omitted to exchange them for others signed by His Honor the Governor, would be entitled to receive warrants for the certificates first mentioned. The President put the following question to the Court. Whether the Court were of opinion that warrants might issue on certificates which have not been signed by His Honor the Gov ernor agreeable to a resolve of the House of Assembly, dated the 12 th January 1782. Mr. Coleman, Mr. MFarland and Mr. Walton were of opinion that as no part of the last land act, expresses that the certificates signed by commanding officers, of regiments, should be ex changed for others signed by His Honor the Governor, warrants may issue on those signed by said officers, especially, as it has been the uniform practice of His Honor the Governor to submit the examination of the said certificates to those members of (789) 71-0 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Council, who were best acquainted with the persons in whose favor they issued almost all of whom are now 7 members of, & present in Court. The following notification w 7 as ordered to be made public, to wit, A Notification Land Court / h April 1784. The public are hereby notified that, on Tuesday next, the i3 lh of April Instant, the Secretary will be ready to receive petitions from persons applying for warrants, on every day in each week ; (Thursday, Friday and Sunday excepted,) from the hours of sjeven to one in the forenoon, and from three to seven in the afternoon, until Tuesday the 27 th of said Month inclusive, and that, on Monday the 17 th of May next, the Court will be ready to issue warrants agreeable to law. To give as general satisfaction as possible to those concerned it is determined that the names of all those who send in their petitions on or before the day above mentioned, namely, the 27 th of April Instant shall be deposited in a box, and an adequate pro portion of numbers in another on the 17" of May, the day ap pointed for issuing warrants, a child will be appointed by the Court to each box, one to take the names out and the other the numbeis, and the warrants will be numbered accordingly; By this means the petitioners will have an opportunity of obtaining their Warrants, at nearly one and the same time; and, con sequently, be, as much as possible, on a footing in laying their warrants. It is recommended to all concerned, that they present their petitions within the time prescribed, in order that they may not loose the chance which the above lottery will give them of ob taining a fortunate number; and further, as the Court will be obliged to suspend the receiving any more petitions until those first deposited are drawn. JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT. 791 Land Court, Augusta 8 th April 1784. Present, the Honorable the President. Zacharias Fenn George Walton ) Daniel Coleman James MFarland Esquires. John Greene ) Memorial of Gen 1 George Mathews John Cobhs, Thomas Napier, Francis Willis and James Marks Esquires, was presented to the Board respecting a reserve of two hundred thousand acres of land ORDERED, That the consideration thereof be postponed till Monday next. A number of the Officers of the Georgia Line, being desirous to know whether, as a certain district is reserved for themselves, the Soldiers, Seamen & c . by the late land act, the boundaries of which, are expressly marked out ; they may not receive warrants on their petitions before the time pointed out by the notification of yesterday And further, the said Officers beg leave to inform the Board, that, by an act of Congress, bearing date, the 1783 all officers who then held the same rank they did in 1777, are entitled to receive commissions a grade higher they, therefore, hope the Board will allow them in their warrants the difference arising between their former and present rank, upon their pro ducing from Authority a certificate that they are entitled to such additional rank. ORDERED, That the consideration thereof be postponed till Monday next. 792 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Land Court, Augusta 12 th April 1/84. Present, the Honorable the President. George Walton Daniel Coleman | James M Farland f Esqmres " The Board proceeded to take into consideration the memorial of Gen 1 Matthews, & John Cobbs, Thomas Napier, Francis Willis, and James Marks Esquires, which was postponed to this day, And they are of opinion that, according to the true intent and meaning of the 7 th Sec. of the land act passed at Savannah 25" 1 February 1784, the Memorialists and others from the State of Virginia, who apply in person, are entitled only, to a reserve of land, in either of the new Counties to the amount of their head rights according to the said act for the term of fifteen months from the passing of the same. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the above Gentlemen with a copy thereof. The Board took into consideration the application of the Officers of the Georgia Line, which was postponed to this day, and are of opinion that no warrants can, with propriety, be issued until the time pointed out by the late notification, in as much as such partial indulgence might give umbrage to the people in gen eral. With respect to the additional County, the Board agree as to the propriety of it being included in the warrants of those who, produce proper vouchers of their being entitled to it under the act of Conress dated ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the said Officers with a copy thereof. JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT. 793 Land Court Augusta 13 th April 1784. Present, the Honorable the President. George Walton Daniel Coleman \ ^ Zacharias Fenn James M c Farland / nsq Pursuant to the notification of the 7 th Instant, the Court by the Secretary of the Ex ve Council, began to receive petitions for land warrants as per books A. B. & C, and proper columns there in marked for that purpose. 14 th A petition from General Geo. Matthews, John Cobbs, Thomas Xapier, Francis Willis, and James Marks, was presented, praying they might have an appeal to the Executive in full Coun cil on the decision this Board passed yesterday, before such steps may be taken as to prevent a full execution of the express law in their favor on this head by individual and personal application made to this Board. In answer to which the Board beg leave to inform the said Gen tlemen that they can have no objection to their appealing to the Executive in full Council ; but, that they cannot consistent with the notification issued by them on the 7 th Instant consent to any further postponement of the time for executing the business of the land Court. ORDERED That the Secretary do furnish the Petitioners with a copy of the above. A Memorial from a Committee of the Officers, in behalf of themselves, and the Officers, Seamen and Soldiers of the Georgia Line was presented, setting forth the inconveniences that must result to them by waiting for their Warrants the time prescribed by the Notification Whereupon, ORDERED, That the Memorialists be informed that, altho this 794 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Board are fully sensible, no disadvantage could arise to any other denomination of Citizens, by granting them the indulgence re quested, yet, they cannot consent to gratify them for the reasons already mentioned. A petition from James Rae Esquire was presented, setting forth that he had acted upwards of four years as D y Comm y Gen 1 of purchases for this State, and that he thinks himself entitled to a bounty of land agreeable to his rank, under the laws of Con gress and the State. On which the Board observe that Mr. Rae s Commission from Congress is dated in August i///, and that he resigned the same in February following; they therefore do not think him entitled to a bounty under the act of Congress referred to ; but, as he also acted some time in the same character under the orders of the State, they recommend that he apply to the Legislature. Land Court, 23 d April 1/84. ORDERED, That the Surveyors of the Counties of Franklin and Washington be informed that it is the desire of this Board, they do not run any lands in the said Counties on Warrants that have the smallest erasure upon them ; and that they respectively notify the same to their Assistants. Land Court 28 th April 1784. An affidavit of James Marks Esquire, was presented, setting forth that he intends bringing in with him from the State of Vir ginia, head-rights of his family that have not heretofore been JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT. 795 allowed lands in this State to the number that entitles him, under the present laws, to one thousand acres of land. Also a petition of the said James Marks, setting forth that he is one of those in whose favor a reserve of two hundred thousand acres of land was made, on the 13" Feb y 1783, and by virtue of a late act of Assembly, dated 25 th Feb y 1784, is authorized to fix on the County and place where he would choose, and therefore prays a Warrant of Survey may pass in his name for one thous and acres of land, beginning at the Mouth of Town Creek &. On the affidavit the Court remark that Mr. Marks makes oath he never received lands for the head rights he intends to bring into the State, but does not make it appear he has never received any land in this State and as he petitions for the full amount that can be granted to any one person, this should appear. With respect to the petition The Board refer Mr. Marks to their decision of the 12 th Instant on a similar application made by sundry Gentlemen from the State of Virginia, among whom he was one. Land Court, Augusta 13 th May 1784. The President laid before the Board a letter from his honor, the Governor, covering an order of Council, dated the 23 d April last, that this Board should issue a Warrant directed to the Sur veyor General causing him to admeasure and lay out twenty thousand acres of good land, which was promised by the State to Count De Estainge in one of the new Counties ; and that the same be held in reserve until the meeting of the Assembly in July next, to whom it will be referred in what manner to complete the said donation, or do therein as they shall judge proper. Whereupon the Board proceeded to issue a Warrant directed 796 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS to Richard Call Esquire, Surveyor General, requiring him to have the said twenty thousand acres of land admeasured and laid out in Franklin County immediately, agreeable to the aforegoing order. Land Court, Augusta 15 th May 1/84. A letter from Richard Call Esquire. Surveyor General was laid before the Board requesting some directions with respect to the Boundary line between the Counties of V\ ilkes & Washington. the same having been originally imperfectly marked, or the marks being worn out &C. Respecting which the Board are of opinion that the Surveyor General should first endeavor to obtain a sight of the Treaty be tween the people of this County and the Indians in 1/73, which doubtless will furnish him with the necessary information, and in failure thereof, they recommend that he take the oath of some creditable persons as to the spot commonly called the Cherokee Corner, and the words of the said Treaty in General and from thence chop a plain and fair line agreeable to the said Treaty & the information of such person or persons between the said two Counties of Washington & Wilkes. A memorial from the Surveyor General was also laid before the Board setting forth that the present number of Assistant Sur veyors for the new Counties is insufficient, and praying that an augmentation thereof may take place. Whereupon the Board concur \vith the Surveyor General in opinion that the present number of Assistants to the County Sur veyors is insufficient and therefore recommend that he appoint, or cause to be appointed, a number of Assistants not exceeding two to each district, in addition to the number prescribed by the JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT. 797 last land act, until the meeting- of the Legislature in July next, when the said appointment will be confirmed or rejected as they may think proper. ORDERED, That the Secretary do furnish the Surveyor Gen eral with a copy of the foregoing. Land Court, 2O th May 1784. The issuing of the Warrants is unavoidably postponed to Mon day next, the 24 th Instant, on the morning of which day precisely at 10 o Clock that business will commence. As it may be inconvenient for many persons to attend, all such are informed that they may obtain their Warrants by giving their friends a written power to receive them, and the Clerk is now ready to take the Powers into his office. The Land Court are sorry this business cannot sooner be ac complished : they hope the people will be convinced they have hitherto used every possible expedition. By Order. Land Court 2i st May 1784. WHEREAS, there are a number of Warrants that are elapsed by being detained by Caveats and other unavoidable causes ; and others that have been surveyed after the time limited in the War rants as appears by a representation made to this Board by the Surveyor General, RESOLVED, therefore, that it is their opinion that the said Sur veyor General should pass all elapsed plats ; and that a further time of three months be allowed for all Warrants that are elapsed. 798 THE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS Land Court Augusta, 22 d May 1784. A letter was received from Richard Call Esquire, Surveyor General, informing the Board that he had appointed M r Gregg to run the line circumscribing the Indian Hunting Grounds, and is apprehensive it will be dangerous going without a Guard &C. Whereupon, ORDERED, That Col Clark, commanding in Wilkes County be requested to furnish a party, consisting of an Officer and twelve men properly armed and accoutred to protect the said Mr. Gregg in the execution of the above business. Land Court, Augusta, 26 th of May 1784. A petition was received from William Glascock, Esquire, and sundry others, respecting the fees that should be received by the Clerk of the Land Court. , After mature deliberation on the said Petition the Court are of opinion that the fees to the Clerk of the Court established by law are as follows. s d For drawing a petition o : 2 : 6. For reading a Petition o : I : o. For an order on that Petition o : i : 6. For the copy of any paper not exceeding two copy sheets. . . . 1 j o : i : 0. o: 6: 6. In case the petition is drawn by the Petitioner deduct : 2 : 6. 4 : o. The Door Keeper and Messenger is entitled to. . . . 2: 4: on each Petition. JOURNAL OF THE LAND COURT. 799 With respect to the fee of the Secretary of the State, of one shilling and nine pence for Countersigning each Warrant, the Court do not find any such fee mentioned in the fees to be de manded by the Secretary of the State, and think the act unnec essary. The Court are sensible that custom heretofore has authorized the Clerk of the Council to take three shillings and six pence from every Petitioner whether he., the Clerk, drew the petition or not, and that under this idea and from no wish to extort, Mr. Rees has taken the same as his predecessors. Upon the whole, the Court recommend, that Mr. Rees refund what he has taken through mis-apprehension to those by whom he has been paid, and make public the fees the Court think him entitled to agreeable to the late fee-bill. INDEX. Abbott, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Accounts of Councilors for services presented and approved, 572. Accounts, public, not yet audited, 323. Act to prevent internal conspiracies to be put into effect, 256. Act of confiscation, amendment to recommended 301. Act for preventing improper persons from becoming citizens of this state, ap proved by the Council, 351. Act of confiscation, no person named in, can be admitted into this state, 505. Act to prevent bringing into and spreading contagious distempers to be published, 651. Adams, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Adams, Joseph, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Adamson, James, granted permission to go to East Florida, 462. Adkins, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Alarm to be fired throughout the state, 77. Alarming condition in the Back Country, 95, 669. Alexander, Capt. S., certificate of referred to House of Assembly, 429. Alexander, Colonel, to be supplied with ammunition, 298. Alexander, David, to be paid for riding express, 45. Alexander, Samuel, appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 49; grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 580, 722. Allen, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 774, 780. Allen, Joseph, grants for signed by the Governor, 706. Allen Reuben, grants for signed by the Governor, 775. Allen, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Allison, Alexander, permitted to ship rice, 486. Allison, Henry, to be furnished negroes, 479; grant for signed by the Gov ernor, 698. Allison, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Altman, James, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Airman, Thomas, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 386. Anderson, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. 51 r r vol 1 802 INDEX. Anderson, Bartley, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Anderson, Elijah, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Anderson, Gideon, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Anderson, Hannah, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Anderson, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Anderson, James, qualifies as Collector of the Market at Savannah, 17. Anderson, John, and Richardson Henderson, sworn to carry out instructions to the Governor, 271. Anderson, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 711, 756. Anderson, William and John, grant for signed by the Governor, 604. Andrew, Benjamin, takes oath as continental delegate, 202; give draft for balance of salary, 649 ; draft given to on salary, 652 ; to appraise certain tracts of land advertised for sale, 657; draft to for services as Councilor, 663; draft to for 10 on salary, 665; to be sent for to attend Council, 693- Anglin, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Appling, John, qualifies as Register of Probates for Richmond County, 324; elected Register of Probates for Richmond County, 438; petition of for duplicate land warrants granted, 675 ; resigns as Register of ProbaieL- for Richmond County, 676. Anns, public, ordered to be repaired and cleaned, 655. Armstrong, George, and Jacob Hale, convicted of forgery, reprieved until meeting of the Assembly, 732. Artillery to be put in good condition, 120. Ashberry, Jonathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Ashb} , Thomas, to restore negro girl to John Sills, 218. Assistant Judges to be furnished with copy of order for holding court, 147. Atkins, Arthur, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Atkinson, property of restored, 364. Atkinson, Joseph and Joseph Reeves, apprehended with British goods, or dered into custody, 190. Attorney General, to arrest and commit to jail at Savannah suspected per sons, 348; last year s salary to be paid, 458; not to issue process against Wni. Hornby, 484; to have attainted persons committed to jail, 507; to ferret out tax dodgers, 549; to enter caveat against Micajah William son, 559 ; opinion of on application of soldiers, inhabitants of North Carolina, for land bounties, 564; report on case of Capt. Mclntosh, 642; letter from respecting Chas. Watts, under sentence of banishment, 660. Auditor directed to audit militia accounts agreeable to regulations of Con gress, 314. Auditors of Public accounts ask instructions, 64. . INDEX. 803 Auditor General, vouchers for the expenditure of $377,603.50, money paid Col. John Stirk, Treasurer, to be put into hands of the Auditor to be liquidated, 331 ; to proceed against Nehemiah Wade, 619. Audited Claims against the State may be issued in payment for confiscated property, bought or funded, as provided by the House of Assembly, 600; to be received in payment for confiscated property or funded at the option of holders, 612. Augusta, committee appointed to superintend building of guard house in, 151; church in, to be used as hospital, 160; old fort in, to be repaired, 191 ; public buildings in, 197; jail to be repaired, 203; Commissary at, to issue corn to wagoners in Wilkes County, 275 ; twenty dragoons or dered to, to await orders, 432. Austin, Davis and John, take oath of allegiance, 447. Austin, Joseph, statement of, 430. Avent, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Avent, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Avera, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 7/3. Averett, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Awtry, Alexander, grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 698. Awtry, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Aycock, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Aycock, Richard, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; to administer oath in Capt. Dooly s and Capt. Stewart s company, 205 ; qualifies as sheriff of Wilkes County, 583 ; caveat of against Joseph Heard, 696. Aycock, Richard, Jr.. grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Avers, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Ayers, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Ayers, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. B Bacon, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 685. Bagby, George, grants for signed by the Governor, 714, 721. Bags, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Eaillie, George, Jr., permitted to go to South Carolina for corn, 413. Baker, Col. John, to report to Col. Dooly. 139; appointed to make return of property belonging to sequestered estates in Liberty County, 305 : to protect inhabitants south of the Alatamaha against plunderers. 623: petition of, that suit on bond be stayed not granted, 695. Baker, Thomas, elected Register of Probates for Liberty County, 438; quali fies, 473- 804 INDEX. Baldwin, Abraham, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Baldwin, Lieut., Mordccai, petition of concerning land bounty, 504. Banks, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Banyers, Augustin, loses a negroe, 221. Barber, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Bard, Peter, memorial of concerning estate of Rev. John Joachim Zubly, deceased, granted, 566; appointed commissioner, to go to East-Florida, 609. Barefield, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Barefield, Solomon, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Bargeron, Elisha, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Barkly, John, twenty-five pounds worth of goods ordered to, 345. Barlimore, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Barnes, George, petition of for leave to go to St. Augustine referred to House of Assembly, 427. Barnard, Timothy, letter of to be forwarded to the President at Augusta, 647 ; letter from concerning temper of the Indians, 655. Barnard, William, qualifies as Justice of Peace for Chatham County, 626; grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Barnett, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Barnett, Joel, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Barnett, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Barnett, Nathan, grants for signed by the Governor, 783, 784. Barnett, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Barnett, William, appointed Tax Collector of Richmond County, 676 ; grants for signed by the Governor, 700, 703. Barracks for soldiers to be provided, 29 ; sufficiently finished to receive troops, 86. Barren, Captain, $317.00 ordered to for services, 234. Barton, Capt, authorized to raise Company for Carr s Legion, 384. Barton, Wm., and other British paroled prisoners, to have rations, 427. Bates, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 756. Bayles, Ann, corn to be delivered to, 310. Beal, Hezekiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. I>eale, Archibald, appointed to make return of property belonging to se questered estates in Richmond County, 305 ; declines serving as agent for Richmond County, 324. Beall, Archibald, grant for signed by the Governor, 769. Peall, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Bealle, Archibald, and Lemuel Lanier, to draw rations, 288. Beards, Edmund, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Eeckham, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. INDEX. 805 Beckum, Simon, requested to value negroes in possession of Ignatius Few, 327- Belcher, James, and Thomas Netherclift, permitted to carry rice to St. Augustine, 498. Belcher, Mr., 1,500 advanced to, 124; Clerk or Agent, ordered to exchange salt for flour at stipulated price, 374. Belcher, William, to receive powder and lead for Indians, 67. Bell, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Bell, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 686. Bellamy, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Bennefielcl, John, execution of suspended, 176, under sentence of death clemency refused, 178. Bennett, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Bennett, Mrs. Sarah, allowed three rations a day, 373. Bennett, William, reports robberies in St. John s Parish, 26. Bentley, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 713, 773, 779. Bentley. William, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Bently, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Bernard, John, appointed to command Sea Islands Company, 376. Berrien, John, entitled to no more land than a captain in the line, 552. Berry, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Berryhill. Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Beson, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Bethany, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Betsill, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Biddle, Absolem, grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 591. Biddle, Absolem, and John Hill, to administer oath of abjuration on south side Little River in W ilkes County, 205. Bilboe, John, member of Executive Council, 182. Bill for the regulation of the militia, considered and amended, 251. Bill for making certain persons citizens, and for burying in oblivion, the crime of the British protection, agreed to, 251. Bill for the prevention of internal conspiracies, etc., approved with amend ment, 251. Bill to continue several acts in force considered and approved, 252. Bill to repeal an act to draw a line, etc., and a bill to relieve distressed per sons, read and approved, 299. Bill of confiscation presented to the Board, 330; confiscation bill returned to the House with some recommendations, 330. Bills, important, from the House of Assembly to be laid before the Board, 345. 806 INDEX. Bill for taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the amerce ment law of this State, etc., 426; approved, 430. Bill for the relief of sundry poor and indigent persons sent back to the House, being unintelligible, 439. Bill for empowering a less number of commissioners to be a board, etc , agreed to without amendment, 441. Bill for the relief of helpless widows and orphans, retun.ed with amend ments, 441. Bill fixing the depreciation to one standard, read, 441. Bill to enable Commissioners to build a court house and jail and establish a town in the county of Richmond, read, 441. Bill for building and repairing court houses and jails in the several counties, etc., read, 441. Bill to point out a mode for the recovery of property unlawfully acquired under the British usurpation and withheld from rightful owners, etc., read, 442. Bill for opening the land office, etc., read, 449; amended, 450. Bill to regulate the hire of porters and labour of slaves in the town of Sa vannah, presented, 515. Bill to continue the laws of this State near expiring, returned to House of Assembly without amendments, 518. Bill for laying a duty on transient trade, and also a duty on vendues, etc., and bill to amend an act for laying out a road through Newington Vil lage, presented, 522 ; returned without amendments, 523. Pill to relieve certain persons therein described, etc., returned to House without amendments, 523. Bill for laying out the reserve land in Augusta into acre lots, the erecting an academy or seminary of learning, etc., presented, 525 ; returned to House without amendments, 526. Bill for imposing a tax on the inhabitants of the State of Georgia, presented, 525 ; returned to the House with amendments, 526. Bill to amend act for opening a land office, returned to the House with remarks, 525. Bird, Israel, qualifies as Justice of Peace for Effingham County, 693. Bishop, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 702, 706, 709, 713. Bishop, Stephen, grants for signed by the Governor, 604, 705, 713. Bishop, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 774. Bisset, Alexander, petition of to bring slaves and effects into this State granted, 561 ; granted protection, 625. Black, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Black, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Black, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 686, 706. INDEX. 807 Blackshare against Downes, caveat dismissed, 707. Blanton, Christopher, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Blogg, William, granted temporary protection, 653. Bloodworth, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Board of claims, Clerk of House of Assembly ordered to attend, with papers desired, 562 ; to be furnished return of all sales of confiscated estates, 562; 10 ordered to, to purchase books, 562. Boggs, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 755. Bonds or officers to be filed and recorded in Secretary s office, 17. Bonds belonging to this State must be laid before House of Assembly, 418. Boner, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Bonnell, Daniel, convicted of robbery, clemency refused, 732. Bonnell, Elias, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 386. Bonnell, Major accused of cowardice by Col. Wells, 57. Bonnar, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Bonnar, Ruth, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Bonner, Mr., to purchase salt, 132. Bonner, Rebecca, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Bonner, Robert, to be furnished nails for repairing old fort for the use of (he General Assembly, 196; ownership of negroes in possession of to be investigated, 205 ; committee appointed to investigate ownership of negroes in possession of, reports, 209. 217: to make return of public property, 502; ordered to attend the Board, 504; makes return of public property, 504 ; Commissioners of Confiscated estates to pay balance due him, 530; petition of referred to House of Assembly, 685; grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Bonner, Ruth, grants for signed by the Governor, 705. Borin, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Bostick. Chesley, furnished salt for Richmond County, 5 ; member of Coun cil, 6; qualifies as Justice of Peace for Richmond County, 35; paid for services as Councilor, 39; a pair of mill stones to be hired to, 308; to supply troops at Augusta, 448. Bostock, Chesley, required to attend Council, 23. Bostwick, Chesley, member of Council, 6; to be sent for, 102; salary paid to, i2i ; ordered to attend Board, 504, 506; to have draft for balance due, 752. Bostwick, Lt. Col. Littleburg, petition from officers of the regiment of militia of Richmond County praying for removal of, 336; required to attend Board to answer complaint of officers of militia, 337 ; appears before the Board, 339 ; suspended from his command, 340. Bostwick, Littleberry, qualifies as Justice of Peace for Richmond County, 530 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 785. 808 INDEX. Bounties for General Wayne s riflemen provided 326. Bounty of five hundred acres to be provided for persons who settle between St. Mary s and St. John s Rivers, 50. Bourquin, Francis, appointed Justice for Little Ogechee, 481. Bourquine, Henry, appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Bourquin, F. H., qualifies as magistrate for Little Ogechee, 496. Bowen, Commodore, letter from laid before the Board, 25; to make monthly return to the Governor, 70; refuses to sign ration bills, 101; claims colonel s bounty, 541. Bowen, Ephraim, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Bowen, Oliver, to settle with naval board before leaving the State, 87; in contempt, suspended from his command, 119; to be tried by House of Assembly, 122; not entitled to refugee bounty, 587. Bowers, Charity, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Bowie, James, to administer oath of abjuration, 49; grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Bowie, Reason, grant for signed by the Governor, 729, 780. Box, Philip, qualifies as magistrate, 109. Boyd, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Braddock, Capt, to repair to Sunbury with prisoners, 92. Brady, Margaret, grant for signed by the Governor, 604. Brady, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Brandon, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Brandon, John, allowed 16 for work in secret service, 349. Branham, Mr., to be supplied with three horses for secret service, 302. Brannons, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Br annum, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Brantley, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Brantley, Jeremiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Brice Jacob, and Peter Taarling, appointed vendue master, 686. British merchants, accounts of for supplies referred to House of Assembly, 415 ; audited drafts of, good in payment of interest on bonds, 634. Bromfield, Ezekiel, discharged from parole on giving security, 79. Brooks, Francis, taken off the classing list, 371. Brooks, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Brooks, Job and Providence, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Brooks, Joel, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Brownfield, Dr., surgeon of hospital, granted supplies, 358. Brown, Ann, $360 ordered for the relief of, 233. Frown, Capt. John, to have rations for crew of galley "Sailor s Delight," 460; resigns commission as captain of "Sailor s Delight," 488; qualifier INDEX. 809 as searcher for the port of Savannah, 600; grant for signed by the Gov ernor, 685. Brown, John, caveat against John Phillips postponed, 715. Brown, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Brown, Oliver, petition for land referred to the legislature, 554. Brown, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 592. Brown, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Brownson, Nathaniel, asks for commission as Justice of Peace, 595 ; qualifies as Justice of Peace, 595; applies for bounty and gratuity, 598; entitled to but one bounty, 628. Brownson, Nathan, and William Few, trustees of the College, present reso lution of House of Assembly asking Governor to issue warrants for forty thousand acres of land, 607. Erownson, Nathan and others, remonstrance of, 672. Brownson, Nathan, and John Martin, former Governors of this State, to make return of militia in different counties, 621. Bryan, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Bryan, James, takes oath of office as Treasurer of this State, 259; appointed to make return of property belonging to sequestered estates in Chatham County, 305. Bryan, John, two bushels of salt allowed to, 365. Bryan, Jonathan, six bushels of salt allowed, 386. Buckhalter, John, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 668. Bucroft, Dr. Samuel, petition of to be taken off classing list granted, 360. Bugg, Edmund, brings money from Gen. Lincoln, 136 ; to be allowed $10 per bushel for corn, 219; appointed to enquire into condition of families receiving rations, 318. Bugg, Jeremiah, commissioned as captain, 173; grants for signed by the Governor, 699, 756. Bugg, Nicholas, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Bugg, Sherwood, commissioned as ist Lieutenant, 173. Bullock, Nathaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Bimnell, Daniel, to administer oath abjuration, 48. Burch, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Burke, Ademus, appointed Chief Justice, not having accepted, Richard How- ley to be asked to accept appointment, 380. Burke County, notorious offenders in jail in, 82; jail in, to be guarded, 83; troops to be sent to the relief of Burke County, 132 ; recruits to camp in, to be supplied with ammunition, 134 ; guard to be reinforced about the fort in, 134 ; petition of inhabitants of, 195 ; petition referred to Col. Twiggs, 231 ; petition of inhabitants of, referred to Board of Com missioners, 274; to be furnished with gun powder and lead, 329. 810 INDEX. Burke, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Burkes, Charles, grants for signed by the Governor, 584, 719. Burks, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Burnes, Andrew, appointed Commissioner of Indian affairs, 545. Burns, Andrew, memorial of concerning bond, 434; grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Burns, Col., authorized to purchase horses, 308. Burns, Mr., appointed to distribute salt, 336. Burnett, Nathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Burnett, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. Burney, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Purrell, Daniel, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Burt, Moody, commissioned as Captain, 140; grants for signed by the Gov ernor, 580, 723. Burt, Nicholas, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Burton, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 752. Burton, Thomas, qualifies as Justice of Peace for Burke County, 666. Bussey, Hezekiah, grants for signed by the Governor, 711, 712, 715, 722. Busson, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Byars, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 677. Bynam, Reuben, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Byrne, Gerald, petition of to remain a citizen of this State rejected, 418; granted permission to go to St. Augustine, 459. Cade, Budd, to be confined on galleys, 6. Cain, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 592. Caldwell, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Call. Richard, appointed Surveyor General, 381, 438; qualifies as Surveyor General, 459; letter from concerning removal of his records to Au gusta, 606; grants for signed by the Governor, 760, 761, 783. Callaway, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 661. Calloway, Job, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. Cahvell, Hannah, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Candler, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Candler, William, petition of for appointment of committee to examine ac counts, 234; grants for signed by the Governor, 709, 755, 756. Candler, William and others, to appear before Council to make known ob jections to officers in command, 216. Candler, William, and William Jackson, to administer oath of abjuration in upper part of Richmond County, 204. INDEX. 811 Captains to take rank as their companies are filled, 49. Cannon to be removed from Wilson s Fort, 137. Cannon, Roger, granted temporary protection, 694. Careton, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Carney, Arthur, returns under flag of truce to Florida, 20. Carney, Jeremiah, petition of referred to Commissioners of Confiscated Es tates, 638. Carney, J., permitted to go to Florida, 436. Carney. Onsby, grants for signed by the Governor, 770, 771. Car, Major, application for ammunition granted, 571. Carr, Capt. Patrick, new formation of his corps approved, 337; to be furn- ished .with thirty pair of pistols, 384; letter to be referred to House of Assembly, 408; prefers charges against Benjamin Lanier, Jr., 585; to have ammunition, 695 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 705 Carr, Major Patrick draft to issue to, for supplies furnished Tallassee king, 745 ; licensed as Indian trader, 746 ; three guineas to be paid to for rum for Indians, 746. Carrell, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Carson, David, grants for signed by the Governor, 784. Carson. Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Carter. David, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Carter, Hepworth, qualifies as magistrate for Richmond County, 530; chosen Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 539. Carter. Josiah, grants for signed by the Governor, 725. Carter, Thomas, qualifies as magistrate, 139; to administer oath of abjura tion in upper part of \Vilkes County, 205. Carter, Thomas, and others, to superintend elections near Spirit Creek, 140. Cartey, Mr., corn to be delivered to, 321. Cartledge, Edmund, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Cartledge, Edmund, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 674. Cartledge, Edmund, Jr., grants for signed by the Governor, 674. Cartledge, Edward, permitted to draw two rations as a Doctor for the militia, 3IQ- Cartledge, Samuel, grants for signed by the Governor, 772, 776. Cassels, John, banished from South Carolina, not admissible to citizenship in Georgia, 626. Castavous, Micajah, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Castleberry, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Castleberry, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Castleberry, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 771. Caswell, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 680. 812 INDEX. Catchings, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 568, 709; cave it of against Micajah Williamson dismissed, 683. Catchings, Benjamin & Col. Downs, letter from concerning prisoners par doned, 178. Catchings Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 579, 713. Catchings, Meredith, grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Catchings, Seamore, grants for signed by the Governor, 579. Catchings, Seymour, grant for 1 signed by the Governor, 775. Castleberry, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Cattle, unidentified, declared to be the property of the State, 480. Caveats, orders concerning, 66; Governor to appoint day for entering, 237; day fixed for hearing, 242 ; to be reported monthly by Surveyor Gei> eral, 548; by one District Surveyor against another, . 681 ; in new counties to be entered with William Freeman, Acting Secretary of Ex ecutive Council, 684; list of to be published in the Gazette, 689, 733; list of pending, 733, 764. Cecil, Leonard, petition of to ship rice rejected, 475; Governor to issue draft to for 589, 781. Certificates of indebtedness to be issued under supervision of Capt. Green, 338. Chambers, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Chambliss, Christopher, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Chapman, Isabella, to have one ration daily, 316. Chapman, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Chatham County, militia captains of, to make returns, 62; artillery company is continued in service, 84; payrolls of militia of presented, 112; election of field officers held in, 129; agents for, to procure negroes belonging to confiscated estates to be sold by the Governor for means to support members of Executive Council, 364 ; commanding officers of, to make returns, 531; Justices of the Peace in, to meet at court-house to fill vacancies in office of constables, 637. Chief Justice, to inform Sheriff what prisoners in Savannah jail are prison ers of war, 90; opinion of, as to prisoners is Savannah jail, 93; letter to, 165 ; to report whether Grierson & McLean have entered into recognizance for appearance at court, 200; suspended from office, 472; notified of his suspension, 472; to have order on Clay, Telfair & Co., for salary, 574; to have proclamation of peace proclaimed in different counties, 602 ; letter from asking construction of nineteenth section of the constitution, and of an act of Assembly regarding criminals under sentence of death, 730; reply of Executive Council to enquiry, 730; draft for 20 on salary to issue to, 731; misquotes the constitution, INDEX. 813 748; articles of constitution misquoted by, to be printed correctly in the Gazette, 749. Childers, Thomas, summoned before Board to testify, 203 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 757. (. liildries, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 685. Childries, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 685. Childry, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Chisohn. Thomas, qualifies as Surveyor General of the State, 28. Christee, William, granted permission to take his property, wherever it may be found, 346. Civil officers, list of furnished the Governor, 437. Clarendon, Margaret, permitted to go to Charleston, 439. Clark, Elijah, commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel, 137; required to attend next General Assembly, 193 ; letter from laid before the Board, 253 ; to be furnished with list of deserters and to give orders for the apprehension of, 328 ; ordered to furnish Patrick Jarvis with a guard from Richmond County to enable him to secure corn, 332 ; appointed commissioner to treat .with Creeks and Cherokee Indians, 423; granted permission to go to East Florida, 443; will take Ingram s land at appraiser s price. 556; grants for signed by the Governor, 599, 668, 721, 785 ; to protect inhabitants of the districts within his battalion, 669; letter of Alexander McGillivray and Indian talk referred to, 675. Clark, James, granted permission to bring his family into this State, 500. Clark, Mrs., four rations allowed to, 321. Clark, William, requests protection and leave to settle in this State, 620; grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Clarke, John, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Clarke, Jonathan, bonds given in payment for confiscated negroes to be as signed to, 404. Clarke, Lewis, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Clay, Abia, appointed tobacco inspector, 728. Clay, Joseph, qualifies as magistrate, 109; qualifies as member of Council, 170; petition of in behalf of Col. Hamilton granted, 563. Clay, Joseph, Pay Master, 10,000 advanced to, 91, 101. Clay, Joseph, Deputy Pay Master General, ordered to return money bor rowed, 183; letter to, 207; to negotiate bills of exchange and buy cloth ing for militia, 258. Clay, Wereat & Habersham, appointed to procure goods for public uses, 340. Clements, John, qualifies as magistrate for Burke County, 462; grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Clerk of Council, salary of fixed, 125 ; oath to be taken by, 146 ; com- 814 INDEX. pensation to be provided for, 184; salary of inadequate, 334; Seaborn Jones elected Clerk, 334. Clerk of House of Assembly, ordered to attend Council with House Jour nals, 532 ; ordered to attend Board of Claims with certain papers, 562 ; peremptorily ordered to lay before Council Journals of the House, 601. Clerk of market to regulate prices of provisions brought to Savannah, 552. Cloud, Ezekiel, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Cloud, Jeremiah, grants for signed by the Governor, 714, 774. Cloud, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Cloud, Noah, grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Clowers, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Cloyette, Isaac, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 408. Coates, Leslie, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Coates, Nathaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Cobb, John, against John Green, caveat postponed, 715; caveat dismissed. 759- Cochran, Cornelius, grant for signed by the Governor, 742. Cochran, James, appointed searcher for the port of Savannah, 487; appointed flag master for the port of Savannah, 487; appointed Commissioner for Ogechee Road, 533 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Cochran, Robert, qualifies as Deputy Surveyor, 9. Cockspur Island, Governor to request small garrison for, 446; defensive works to be erected at, 446; letter from the Governor concerning estab lishment of a small command on, 456. Coddington, Capt. Francis, given permission to secure certain negroes in East- Florida, 349; appointed Justice in St. Philip s Parish, 481. Coleman, Daniel, grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 591 ; to be paid for services as Councilor, 666, 683, 728, 750. Coleman, Harris, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Coleman, John, furnished salt for YYilkes County, 5 ; ordered to equip his men and report to the Governor. 32; grants for signed by the Governor, 72i, 7/3- Coles. William Temple, papers of concerning negroes received in payment of horses referred to House of Assembly, 399; sundry papers of referred to General Assembly, 476; deprived of certain negroes, to be given order for 15, 673. Collector for the port of Sunbury to be served with copy of order concern ing flags of truce, 434. Collector of the port of Savannah asks instructions. 616: instructions to, 617. College, trustees of to have preference over all others in location of war rants, 609; Governor signs eight warrants in favor of, 610. INDEX. 815 Collet, Richard, to be dealt .with as Attorney General may think just, 447. Collins, Cornelius, petition of, 424; to be paid for supplies, 558. Collins, John, in schooner "Friendship" from East-Florida, permitted to come to the wharf to throw out ballast, 484. Collier, John, liable to transient duty, 632. Collier, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Colonels in Chatham, Liberty and Effingham Counties to keep out scout to protect inhabitants against horse thieves and plunderers, 642. Combs, Philip, grants for signed by the Governor, 737, 780. Commanding officers of troops authorized to impress for age for public use, 227 ; to be informed that it is the pleasure of the House that the dragoons on their way to this State go to Augusta and await orders, 432. Commanding officers of the Garrison, to be served with copy of order con cerning flags of truce, 434 ; certain information to be communicated to by the Governor, 446; to cause elections to be held to fill vacancies, 642. Commissary General, report on salt, 4; to put Surgeons in possession of house, 33 ; to repair scout boat, 44 ; to purchase camp kettles, 49 ; to enquire upon what terms corn can be bought in South Carolina, 322 ; in the upper part of the state, services dispensed with, 350. Commissary to be appointed in each county, 104; to employ drivers and gather cattle south of Ogechee, 280; to have six hundred bushels of corn ground into meal, 312. Commissary and Quarter Master, authorized to impress supplies, 254; em powered to impress corn, 317. Commissary of Prisoners to be served with copy of order concerning flags of truce, 434. Commissary of military stores to make return of all property received, 491. Commissioners to purchase provisions, compensation of, 118. Commissioners of Claims, 149; to report to Executive Council, 149. Commissioners of Confiscated Estates, to procure negroes for the support of the Governor s family, 404; must immediately attend the Board, 462; ordered to sell certain property, 474; to collect and sell negroes lurking in this State, 487 ; to proceed to Richmond County to collect horses and negroes belonging to the public, 491; powers of defined, 499; to collect public property and have same appraised, 505 ; to collect all negroes that have been hired out, 506; to execute titles to Gen. Twiggs, 524; to pay John Fox for rent of a room for a Council Chamber, 529; to pay Robert Bonner, balance due him, 530; to rent public vendue house, 539; ordered to collect all public property and sell at public outcry for cash only, 542 ; to sell John Joachim Zubly s house at Yamacraw, 542 ; to sell house and lot of Alexander Wylly in Savannah, John Graham s 81 G INDEX. lots in Savannnah, Basil Cowper s lots in Savannah, John Glen s lot at Yamacraw, Thomas Mill s lot on the bay, and Lachlan McGilvray s land on Hutchinson s Island, 542; ordered to collect all sums due for confiscated property, 543; to have all land advertised for sale appraised by three freeholders, 543; to see that all persons subject to the act of banishment immediately leave the State, 543; to advertise for bids for all property now advertised for sale, 544; to receive proposals for pur chases of confiscated property, 545; to pay Davis Rees 125 on account of salary, 548; appear before Board and submit report, 549; to make titles to property sold, 550; report lot in Sunbury appraised, 551; authorized to make titles to John Kell to lot in Sunbury, 551; to accept none but good and solvent securities, 552; to pay Jenkin Davis 113. 553 ; to make return to Board of Claims of all sales made, 562 ; to collect negroes sufficient to satisfy demands of Stallings and others who served in Georgia State Legion, 565 ; to make titles to the Governor to certain land in full settlement of his account, 569; to make titles to Job Pray, David Rees and Coshman Pollock to property purchased, 570; to make titles to Andrew McLean, or Clay, Telfair & Co., to Kincaid s upper plantation, 571; to deposit all bonds given them in the Treasury, 610; to require masters of vessels to lodge their registers in the Custom House, 638; to pay to the Treasurer certain money, 639; will ratify sale of certain negroes at private sale, 643 ; expense of to be paid at once, 646 ; to settle with Treasurer, 647 ; to postpone sale of certain land, 767. Commissioners of Roads appointed, 360, 527. Commissioners to attend Congress of Indians to be appointed by the House, 421. Commissioners to repair filature and report money necessary for that purpose, 612. Commissioners for the town of Savannah to continue to act under Act of 1760, 613. Commissioners to Tennessee River appoint militia officers, 738, Committee appointed to enquire what quantity of salt has been purchased by the State, 7; to superintend building of guard house in Augusta, 151; committee appointed to write to Treasurers of this State requiring their immediate attendance on the Board, 151 ; report of said commit tee, 151 ; committee appointed to draw up instructions for continental delegates, 170; committee appointed to investigate ownership of negroes in hands of Robert Bonner reports, 209, 217; committee appointed to draw up rules for the government of the Council, 295; committee appointed to purchases horses reports, 313; committee appointed to wait on Gen. Wayne, 319; report of, 320; commmittee to wait on Gen. INDEX. 817- \Yayne to receive propositions for admitting absent citizens within British lines. 320; report of approved by the Board, 320; committee appointed to superintend building of a public jail, 321 ; committee to wait on the House with bonds and notes of sales of sequestered estates, 328 ; com mittee of House waits on the Board with bill of confiscation, 330; committee appointed to procure goods for public use, 340; com mittee on rules appointed, 410; report of. 416; committee appointed to confer with the Governor on the subject of his message, 425; com mittee appointed to confer with the Governor concerning purchase of Capt. Howell s galley, reports. 439 ; committee on petition of McCartan Campbell reports, 524. Company of Cavalry and Company of Artillery to be formed out of Chatham County Battalion, 73. Companies, six new, to be raised at once, 96 ; officers of to have rations and double pay of minute men, 96. Cone, Capt. William, grant for signed by the Governor, 700 : active in sup pression of robbers, 766 ; Council recommends bounty of 200 acres t o, 767 ; draft upon the Treasury in favor of, for the use of himself and men as a reward for services, 767. Confiscated Estates, agents to collect property belonging to. paid salary, 310; cattle belonging to unlawfully branded. 317: agents authorized to em ploy persons to assist in collecting cattle, etc. belonging to. 321 ; dis putes concerning plantations of confiscated estates, 323 ; resolution con cerning same, 324. Conir, John, given permission to go to East-Florida, 442. Conner, John, grant for signed by the Governor. 778. Constables subject to Act of 1/59. 614. Constitution, the. articles of misquoted by Chief Justice to be printed cor rectly in the Gazette, 749. Continental delegates to have $20,000 out of the State Treasury ana $10,000 out of the United States Treasury, 202; oath of. 202; requested to proceed at once to Congress, 646. Continental officers, $10,000 to be advanced to, 247. Continental line in Georgia reduced in number, 185; officers of, how elected, 185; Gen. Elbert recommends certain officers for, 186; peti tion of officers of, 187 ; senior officers to receive brevets, 188. Continental money, ordered to be lodged in the Treasury, 19. Continental soldiers, entitled to head-right in addition to bounty, 587. Continental troops, commanding officers of to submit report to the Governor and Gen. Howe, 48. Cooke, George, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. 52 r T voi 1 818 INDEX. Cook, Jones, Florida scout, cattle to be seized, 39. Cook, Rachael, grant for signed by lie Governor, 718. Cooper, Anthony, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Cooper, Henry Sr., plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Co-jpsr, Henry, Jr., plunderer and murderer outlawed, 385. Cooper, Lieut. Col. John, to be furnished supplies, 362; pistols for use of militia furnished to, 447; petition of, for supplies, 469; allowed ten bushels of rice and two bushels salt, 470; to make return to Board of expenditure of supplies furnished, 495, 561. Cooper, Lewis, paid for provisions and liquor furnished militia on proclama tion of peace, 633. Cooper, Samuel, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Cooper, Thomas, petition of read, 316. Cooper, William, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Cope, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Gope, Lewis, account of, for provisions for public dinner ordered paid, 497. Cope, Michael, grant for signed by the Governor, 777. Corhan, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 752. Corn, to be supplied distressed persons by Col. Clark and Col. Dunn, 289; scarcity of corn in this State renders it necessary for some to be bought from South Carolina, 322. Cornels, Mrs., ordered to appear before the Board, 180. Corvoise, Francis, petition of, for payment of storage claims, 501. Cotes, Jonathan, qualifies as Deputy Surveyor, 9. Council, see Executive Council. Council of War, resolutions of House concerning, 34. Court to be held in Richmond and Wilkes Counties, 147, 150. Court of Oyer and Terminer ordered to try criminals in Richmond County, 278. Cousins, William, tavern expenses allowed, 442. Cousin, John, petition for furlough referred to Major Habersham, 389. Co/art, Elias, grant for signed by the Governor, 777. Cozens, Captain, permitted to remain on shore until Sunday, 413. Cozens, Gregory, ordered to immediately depart this State, 434. Crawford, Charles, furnished salt for Richmond County, 5 ; paid for services as Councilor, 45; appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 49; ap pointed Commissioner of Indian affairs, 545. Creswell, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Cribhs, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Crittenden, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Crockett, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Crofts, Henry, paroled British prisoner, furnished rations, 427. INDEX. 819 Cronberger, Jacob, furnished salt for Effingham County, 5; qualifies as Register of Probates for Effingham County, 592. Crookshanks, Patrick, petition of, in behalf of John Conir, 442; petition to export grain to East-Florida rejected, 475; petition of referred to At torney General, 638. Crookshanks & Spiers, entitled to drawback on unsold negroes, 644; Council refuses to interfere in suit pending against, 749 ; cargo of negroes be longing to, seized for non-performance of quarantine, 759. Crumbley, Antom, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Culbreath, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Culbreath. John, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Culbreath, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Cunningham, Lieut. Col., ordered to upper part of State to suppress Indians and Tories, 297; to be supplied with ammunition, 297. Cunningham, John, takes seat as member of Council, 201 ; grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 599. Cunningham. John, against James Green, caveat dismissed, 764. Cureton, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Cuthbert, Capt, Quarter Master ordered to furnish him horse of equal value of one lost while on public business, 335. Cuthbert, Seth John, President pro tem. of Executive Council, 145; appli cation of granted, 356; appointed Treasurer to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Martin, 623; takes oath of office as Treasurer, 626. Cuthbert, Seth John, Continental Commissary, $15,000 advanced to, 250. Cuvler, Henry, appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 48. D Dacosta, Abraham, appointed vendue master, 687. Dacosta, Abraham, and Jos. Welscher, granted auctioneer s license, 659. Dalton, Darius, petition of to go to St. Augustine and carry rice, granted, 478. Damages by ravages of war, all persons to make out account of, 456. Danerly, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Danielly. Daniel, appointed Messenger of Council, 136. 151, 197. Danielly, Mr., to be paid for riding express to and from Philadelphia, 279. Dannelly. Daniel, draft for 30 to issue to, 751. Dansby, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 753. Darby. John, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Dardain, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Davies, Edward, powder to be bought for public use, 67; presents to the Board case of Sloop Nancy. 91: qualifies as Auditor General, 127; 820 INDEX. granted permission to ship rice to St. Thomas, 497 ; petition of, in behalf of John Pooler & Co., to load their schooner of rice, granted, 501 ; desires to know what compensation as Auditor General will be, 539; memorial of referred to House of Assembly, 566; appointed Notary Public, 601 ; qualifies as Notary Public, 605. Davies, Myrick, takes seat as member of Council, 150; elected President of Council, 250; body to be brought to Augusta, 291; Governor to relieve family of, if in need, 291. Davies, Mr., ordered to take charge of Henderson s mill, 167. David, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Davidson, John appointed inspector of tobacco for the county of Chatham, 568. Davidson. Margaret, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Davis, Absolem, grant for signed by the Governor, 579. Davis Angu.-.tin, grant for signed by the Governor, 579. Davis, Benjamin, reward paid for apprehension of, 743. Davis, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 698, 783. Davis, Edward, qualifies as Register of Probates for Effingham county, 40; required to answer certain questions, 554. Davis, Francis, sworn as lumber measurer, 537. Davis, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 720; Davis, Jenkin, member of Executive Council, 6; granted leave of absence, 23; protests against release of Dr. Johnston, 363 ; elected President of Council, 427 ; qualifies as Assistant Justice of Effingham County, 473 ; to examine persons suspected of having public property, 505 ; draft for 10 in favor of, for services as Councilor, 665 ; draft for balance of salary to issue to for services in 1782, 738. Davis, Capt. Jenkin, to detail a Sergeant and twelve men to guard magazine at Ebenezer, 46. Davis, Col. Jenkin, member of Council, to be supplied with flour, 371. Davis, John, Heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Davis, Lewis, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Davis, Meredith, granted permission to go to East-Florida, 443; grant for signed by the Governor, 687. Davis, Willey, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Davis, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 719, 778. Dawson, Britain, appointed inspector of provisions, 116. Dawster, Margarett, grant for signed by the Governor, 738. Day of fasting and prayer to be observed, 75, 395. Day, Robert, grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 724. Day, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Dean, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 698, 738. INDEX. 821 Dean, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Deane, Mrs., permitted to go to Charleston and return, 373. Ueane, Seth, discharged from enlistment with Capt. Carr, 304. De bruh, Goddard, delivers Seal of State to the Governor, 22. Dedimus to qualify magistrates in Richmond County, 33 ; dedimus to be prepared to qualify Justices for Effingham County, 579; dedimus to qualify Justices in Great Ogechee, 657. D Estaing, Count, warrant for twenty thousand acres to issue to, 640; grants for signed by the Governor, 717. ;)efaupeyret, Jean Pierre Andris, appointed Captain, 71. Delegal, Philip, ordered before Council, 125 ; appears before Board and is paroled, 126. De La Foreste, Sieur Antoine Riere Charles, the Gpvernor can not furnish exequatur until arrival of in this State, 640. De La Plaigne, Captain Peter Emanuel, allowed 50, 453 ; to be paid 50 out of the amercement of Benjamin Farley s estate, 473. De La Plaigne, Capt. Peter, asks payment of 50, 552. De La Plaigne, Capt., to be given draft for balance due him, 648. <le Longig, Sheraud, appointed Lieutenant of the Congress galley, 68. Demere, Raymond, complaint of against the Attorney General, 551. Dennis, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Dennis, John, sent by Gen. Lincoln with prisoners to stand trial, 168. Dennis, John, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 769. Dennis, John and Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. De Pass, Ralph and Jacob, granted temporary protection, 650. Deputy Quarter Master General, ordered to collect horses, wagons, etc., 254; to purchase horses to be paid for in cattle belonging to confiscated estates, 285; to supply boats to transport meal, 312; department of, abolished, 376. Deputy Surveyors, instructions to, 29. Peveaux, Mr., summoned before Board to testify concerning the conduct of Mrs. Eustace, 184. Deveaux, Major Peter, to be paid by owners for bringing certain negroes from Charleston, 400; grant for signed by the Governor, 685. Dews, Mary, widow, allowed three rations a day, 363 ; three rations a day continued to, 380. Dickinson, Capt., to be paid four and a half guineas for conveying Lang to Charleston, 747. Dicks, Andrew, grants for signed by the Governor, 773. Diers, Moses, petition for relief of, 172. Disbanded soldiers not to remain in the State, 548. 822 INDEX. Dixon, Michael and David, petition for bounty land referred to House of Assembly, 564. Dixon, Robert, appointed inspector of tobacco, 708; caveat of against Roger Lawson, 716. Dollar, John, qualifies as sheriff of Liberty County, 411. Dollar, Capt. John, called before Council, 541. Dollar, Mr., to have an order for negro in possessir n of Joshua Inman, 304. Don, William, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Donilson, John, commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, 739. Dooly, George, grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 701, 719, 723, 725, 73^. Dooly, John, qualifies as sheriff for Wilkes County, 28 ; complaint of Thomas Lee against, 117; commissioned as Colonel, 137; instructions for, 138; makes return of citizens from Wilkes County who signed the delegation of the late House, 146; answer to letter of, 168; letter from concerning criminals under sentence of death in Wilkes County, 175 ; letter to, 176 ; letter from, 181; to garrison forts in Wilkes County, 202; to appoint officers for two companies to garrison fort on western frontier, 215 ; caveat of, against Thomas Lee, reconsidered 225 ; ordered to appear be fore the Board, 236 ; twenty thousand dollars advanced to for the pay ment of troops, 248. Doorkeeper of Council, salary of fixed, 125. Doran, John, granted temporary protection, 664. Doss, Joel, grants for signed by the Governor, 706, 721. Douglass, Elizabeth, petition of laid before the Board, 258; petition rejected, 260. Douglass, James, petition for restoration of house referred to the Board of Claims, 537. Downes, Colonel, to administer oath of abjuration, 205. Downes, Henry D., grant for signed by the Governor, 580. Downes, Jonathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 579. Downes, William, to collect flour at Wrightsboro, 104; 5,000 to be paid to, 112; appointed to purchase provisions in Wilkes County, 113; dedimus to issue to for qualifying officers of Wilkes County, 219; grants for signed by the Governor, 579, 737, 738, 757, 760. Downey, Edmund, under sentence of death, clemency refused, 178. Downs, Col., and Benjamin Catchings, letter from, 177; answer to letter of, concerning criminals, 178. Dubose, Isaac, qualifies as Deputy Surveyor, 35. Duboy, Peter, permitted to go to Charleston, 439. Duck, Jeremiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Dudley, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. INDEX. 82S Dukes, Henry, and Alexander Ottrey, appointed to take charge of properly of William Sizemore, 244. Duke, Lettice, widow, draft for 64 to issue to, 750. Dukes, William, petition of, 236; referred to coi:rt of law for remedy, 247. Dumpier, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 685. Dunlap, Joseph, qualifies as keeper of arsenal, 15 ; appointed inspector of provision?, 116. Dunn, Col., to be supplied with cartridges, 302. Dunn. Sarah, complaint of, 206 ; property ordered restored to, 206. Dumviddie. Dr. James, to collect unidentified cattle for public use, 480. Dumvoodie, Dr., to be furnished four half Johanneses for providing neces saries for the sick in hospitals of this State, 282. Dupont, Gideon, petition of, referred to House of Assembly, 641. Duty Act of 1784 continued by Council, 631. Dyers, Mrs., permitted to go to Savannah to recover negroes, 173. Dysart, Cornelius, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. Easter.- James, grants for signed by the Governor, 705, 706, 720. Ebenezer, magazine at, to be guarded, 39, 82. Edes, John Sr.. grants for signed by the Governor, 701, 711. Edwards. James, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Edwards, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Edwards, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Effingham County, guard in to paid, 126. Elbert, Brigadier General, resolution of House referred to, 182; Congress urged to offer Gen. Hamilton in exchange for, 189; recommended for promotion to Brigadier General in the Confederal army, 189; api>oint- cd Commissioner to treat with Creek and Cherokee Indians, 423; asks bounty of Brigadier General instead of that of Colonel, 625. Elections ordered to fill vacancies in militia, 70. Elfe, Thomas, petition of to be received under the protection of this State, 503; petition of referred to House of Assembly, 515. Elliott, Lieut. Col. John, to convene officers for the purpose of electing a colonel instead of Sandiford, 40. Elliott. Col. John, to make detail to intercept cattle driven off by Florida scout, 46 ; to order new draft, 54. Elliott, John, to have order for salary as Councilor, 575; takes oath as Jus tice of the Peace for Liberty County, 578. Ellis, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Elphinston, Capt, letter from, HO. 824 INDEX. Emanuel, Asa, paid for riding express, 138. Emanuel Colonel, to be furnished lead and powder for Burke County, 329. Emanuel, David, appointed to administer test oath in Burke County, 244. Embargo on exportation of provisions, 79; embargo continued, 121; em bargo on provisions of every kind, 390; embargo on provisions re moved, 402; embargo on exportation of grain, 464. Eiiibeck, George, Barrack Master, authorized to procure six negroes from nearby plantations, 383. Eimbeck, Captain, draft for 10 ordered to in part payment of allowance for taking care of fort and public arms, 772 ; papers and vouchers of, to be deposited in the Treasury, 781. Eimbeck, George, to collect and hold all military stores, 515; given order for rations, 536; 25 on salary paid to, 571. Emigrants arriving to be taken before magistrate to be examined, 535. Enemies, internal, expulsion of, 27. Enemy s lines, no one to go within without permission of Board, 1/6. Eubank, Major, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Euick, Adam, paid for candles, fire wood, etc., 128. Eurick, Adam, Messenger, 50 paid to, 123. Eustace, John Skey, commissioned as Major, 51; appointed Adjutant Gen eral, 258; appointment as Adjutant General cancelled, 275; to be paid by owners for bringing certain negroes from Charleston, 400; asks py- m.ent of expenses to Sunbury, 551. Eustace, Mrs., granted permission to go after her negroes, 179. Evans, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 742. Evans, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Evans, Martha, to take possession of child and effects of her son, Randal Evans, 347. Itvans, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 679. Swins, John Gileson, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Executive Council, adjourns to meet at Augusta, 77; meets at the house of "Andrew Hobson in Augusta, 129; approves action of the Governor in sending spies within enemy s line, 193; adjourns to meet at Heard s Ford. 213; rules for the government of, 224, 295, 428; new Executive Council meets, 250; approves of order given by Col. Heard supplying corn to certain widows, 323; committee from the House presents con fiscation bit! to, 330; appoints committee to return confiscation bill to the House with some recommendations, 330; members of, for 1783, 404; members of, allowed three dollars per day for expenses, 466; deeming time for which they were appointed expired, they dissolve, 576; members of. for 1784, 576; four members of from four different counties to constitute a quorum, 597; opinion of, concerning certain INDEX. 825 grants, 603; reply of, to Gen. Mclntosh concerning bounties, 606; de cline to advise a call session of the Legislature, 616; opinion of, con cerning audited certificates, 622; will continue to sit in Augusta until end of month, then adjourn to Savannah, 668; agree to removal of location of three bounty land warrants, 696; reply of, to enquiry of Chief Justice, 730; refuse to interfere in suit pending against Alex ander Johnston Spiers and Patrick Crookshanks, 749; Governor lays report of Justices concerning trial and sentence of negroes before, 771; Board will not interfere, but leave law to its course, 771. Executive Department, has no power to amend or modify provisions of acts of proscription, 505. Farrel, Lt. Col. William, letter from, 30. Farret, Col., to pay Treasurers for negroes 216. Favours, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Fees for public officers, 238; committee appointed to fix fees of, 244. Felps, Abenton and Rachael, petition of, 250. Fenn, Travis, grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Fenn, William, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Fenn, William, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Fenn, Zacharias, to examine persons suspected of having public property, 505; raises point of no quorum, 596; dissents, 597; paid for services as Councilor, 467, 666, 684, 728, 782 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 710. Ferrel, William, ten guineas advanced to, to enable him to take Richard Lang to Charleston, 662. Ferry over Great Ogechee ordered to be sold or leased for one year, 488; conditions of sale, 491 ; keeper must keep in good order, 614. Few, Benjamin, Commissary, order to for 3,383 to issue to, 80; grants for signed by the Governor, 590. Few, Ignatius, and Aspey, ordered to restore to Sarah Dunn property taken from her, 206; ordered to appear before the Board, 206. Few, Ignatius, articles in possession of, necessary for the use of this State, to be paid for in negroes, 325; letter from asking pay for articles sold the public, 327; resolution concerning same, 327; part of supplies bought from left for use of Governor and Council, 329; supplies bought from, how distributed among Governor and Council, 329; grants for signed by the Governor, 586, 588, 686, 710, 711, 712, 755, 756. Few, William, commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel, 140; takes seat as member of Council, 150; takes oath as continental delegate, 202; given order on President of Congress for ten thousand dollars, 216; 826 INDEX. given order on Treasurer of Georgia for ten thousand dollars, 216; to pay to the Governor money brought from Congress, 266; dedimus to issue to, to qualify magistrates of Richmond County, 274; to be furnished with wagons and escort to secure ammunition, 276; appointed Commissioner to treat with Creek and Cherokee Indians, 423; grants for signed by the Governor, 590, 756. Few, William, Sr., ordered to deliver negroes in his possession to the Governor, 314. Few, Colonel, and Mr. Gibbons, to confer with Gen. Mclntosh, 153. Few, Wm., and Mr. Brownson, trustees of college, present resolve of House of Assembly requesting the Governor to issue warrants for forty thousand acres of land, 607. Fields, James, appointed Sheriff of Chatham County, 342; appointed to collect negroes and other property unlawfully kept from right ful owners, 365; letter from asking to be appointed vendue master, 473 . petition of to be appointed auctioneer rejected, 477; to deliver to the Board such bonds as he may have in his possession, the property of this State, 491; appointed Tax Collector for Chatham County, 546. Findley, Mrs., to have one ration daily, 300. Finley, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Finley, Major, purchasing agent to purchase or impress supplies for, 476. Finly, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 702. Finsley, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Finshwell, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Fitzgerald, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 780. I lag to be provided for fort, 547. Flag of truce, to be sent with prisoners to St. Augustine, 89; letter from the Governor concerning, 94; not to come up Savannah River without permission, 433; no person coming on such flag to come on shore without permission, 433; papers and letter brought in to be immediately transmitted to the Governor and Executive Council, 433; to be searched before quitting state, 433; orders to master of, 433; from places south of Tybee must first land at Savannah, 460. Fleming, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Flert, Mary & Israel, petition of, 561. Florida scout commit depredations, 36; families of to be removed from Ogechee settlement, 97. Fluker, Owen, grants for signed by the Governor, 715, 737. Folds, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Folkson, Charles, family of, to be furnished corn, 317. INDEX. 827 Folliett, Dr., ordered to vacate house, 193; ordered to vacate glebe in Augusta, 197. Forage Masters Department, regulations of, 281. Forbes, Thomas, commissioner for exchange of prisoners, instructions to, 107. Ford, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Forfeited lands, sales of now advertised postponed, 636. Forrester, William, ordered to proceed to Charles Town, 393. Forster, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Fort, Arthur, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Fort, Owen, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Foster, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 580. Fournier, Mr., 800 paid to, 86. Fournier, Mr., & John Wereat, appear before the Board, 106. Fowler, Nathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Fox, Joseph, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 408; petition of for negro boy, 540; { etition rejected, 554. Fox. Joseph, under sentence of banishment, asks permission to return to this vState, 637. Fox, William, petition of in behalf of Joseph Fox, 637. Frauds committed in surveys in two new counties, 667. Frazer, Sarah, petition of that land be not sold until legislature meets, 557; claim for negro girl referred to Commissioners of forfeited estates, 631. Freeman, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Freeman, Hohnan, furnished salt for Wilkes County, 5; member Ex ecutive Council, 6; complaint of concerning land, 556; grants for signed by the Governor, 599, 702, 720, 722. Freeman, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 599. Freeman, John, required to attend the next General Assembly, 193; grants for signed by the Governor, 702, 718. Freeman, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. French Mestobee, Chief of Choctaws, to be sent suit of clothes, etc., 674. Friel, Lewis, grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Fryer, Aaron, accused of treasonable practices, 19. Fugate, Sarah, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Fugua, Obadiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 674. Fuller, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Fulsom, Benjamin, furnished salt for Wilkes County, 5. Fulton, John, member Executive Council, 6, 621; paid for services as Councilor, 77, 665, 740, 782; petition for rice granted, 479. Fuqua, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. 828 INDEX. Gainer, Richard, 91 paid to, 93. Galleys, to whose authority subject, 68; captains of to appear before Board, 88; captains of, to take orders only from the Governor, 88; captains of, appear before the Board, 92. Galley "Sailor s Delight," purchased from Capt. Howell, 457. Galley, "Washington," a guard to flag of truce, 108. Galphin, John and George, copy of caveat entered by to be delivered to the Surveyor General, 680. Galphins,. caveat against all persons referred to House of Assembly, 727. Gamble, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 672, 709. Gambol, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Gardner, Lewis, appointed Sheriff Richmond County, 274; appointed Register of Probates for Richmond County, 676; qualities as Register of Probates for Richmond County, 686; grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Gardner, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 756. Garnett, John, to deliver property of Thomas Whitehead to Samuel Stirk, 235. Garret, John, application for negro inadmissable, 504. Garrett, John, claims paid for liquor furnished Gen. Wayne, 542. Gaston, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Gates, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. General Assembly, Governor requested to issue proclamation conven ing, 320. George, William, grant for signed by the Governor. 705. Germany, John, dedimus, to issue to, to qualify magistrates of Richmond County, 2/4; grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Germany, Robert & William, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Germany, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Geroard, Daniel, account ordered paid, 392. Gibbons, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Gibbons, Thomas, permitted to remain at his mother s plantation, 389- Gibbons, William, Sr., foreman Grand Jury, submits information to Governor and Council, 471; qualifies as Assistant Justice for Chatham county, 531. Gibbons, William, delegate to Congress, to have draft on Treasury, 650; land relinquished to by John Peter Wagnon, 656. Gibson, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Giles, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. INDEX. 829 Gilgore, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Gillett, Elijah, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Gillmore, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Gilmore, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor. 713. Gilmore, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. G .asco Ck, Mr., appointed to enquire into condition of families receiving rations, 318; appointed to distribute salt, 336. Glascock, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 697, 763. Glascock, William, chosen President of Council. 136; appointed Com missioner of Indian affairs. 5.15; grants for signed by the Governor, 703, 72-4- Glamkin, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Glaspy, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Glen, John, ordered to proceed to Charles Town, 393. Glover, Sarah, corn to be delivered to. 310. Glover, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Godbe, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 733. Goldwire, James, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. Goldwire, John, takes up bonds, 468. Golphin, John & George, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Gomery, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 680. Goodhue, Capt. Samuel, ordered to libel sloop "Swift" and cargo, 368. Gordon, Ambrose, grant for signed by the Governor. 724. Gordon, John, to administer oath of abjuration in upper part of Wilkes County, 205. Gorham, John, appointed Surveyor General, 227. Governor, to furnish return of land and naval forces, 3; requested to station land forces so as to prevent depredations, 3; requested to make return of militia, 9; authorized to contract for supplies for minute men, 24; to examine abstracts before giving paymaster drafts, 32; requested to suspend dedimus, 38; to give counter sign, 53; invested with extraordinary powers, 76; advised to draft militia of W ilkes and Richmond Counties, 103; to write to Gov erners of North Carolina and Virginia, 104; to instruct purchasers of provisions, 113; advances 5,000 to George Whitefield to enable him to purchase provisions, 127; to write to President of Congress concerning continental establishment, 188; requested to convene Legislature at Augusta on first Tuesday in January, 191; to advise the commanding officers of confederal troops whenever militia is ordered on duty, 199; to draw warrant on treasury for one thousand dollars in favor of Samuel Stirk, 205; requested to send to Joseph Clay, Deputy Pay Master General, for money in his hands, 207; re quested to call out the militia, 208; proclamation by requiring the 830 INDEX. people to stand tirm, 210; requested to embody half of the militia at Augusta, 212; requested to go at once to Congress, 214; procla mation by forbidding plundering, 228; to loan one hundred thousand dollars to the Quarter Master and Commissary in the confederal service, 233; requested to draw warrant on treasury in favor of Continental Commissary for ten thousand dollars, 235; requested to take measures for erecting defense for Augusta, 237; requested to issue proclamation requiring absentees to return and settle their land, 237; to appoint a day for entering caveats, 237; to write to Gen. Lincoln concerning spoliations by continental officers, 238; to send Georgia militia to assistance of Charleston if safety of State will permit, 243; requested to secure three hundred thousand dollars sent by board of war from Congress for use of this State, 244; re quested to retire either to South or North Carolina, 247; qualifies Justices for several counties, 252; requested to procure or manu facture arms and to impress iron for this purpose, 264; to send talk to Creek Indians, 266; to write to Governor of Pensacola, 266; to enquire into condition of Col. Jackson s regiment, 2.66; to furnish Mr. Odingsel money to purchase salt for the troops, 267; to order draft of one half of undrafted militia in Burke and Richmond Conn- ties, 268; to draft one-third of the militia of Wilkes County, 268; to write to Gen. Greene for aid, 268; to supply Major Odingsel and Gen. Twiggs with money, 269; requested to appoint day of Thanks giving, 269; to issue order to impress horses, 272; to pay Mrs. Wereat 6 for flour for personal use, 273; to apply twenty guineas of money in his hands to his own private use, 278; to be empowered and requested to pay Mr. Lindsay 4 in part of his annuity, 280; to be requested to issue orders to Commissaries to employ drivers for collecting cattle, 280: requested to issue orders to purchasing Com missaries to collect such cattle as will be least distressing to in habitants of this State, 280; to furnish Major Odingsel with twenty guineas for purchasing salt, 282; to apply to the commanding offi cers in. South Carolina for leather tanned by Sir Patrick Houstoun, 285; to raise militia to intercept Indians going to and from Savan nah, 288; requested to draft one-half instead of one-third of the militia, 292; to send pack horses to Gen. Greene for ammunition, 293; to dispose of Carolina troops as he may deem best, 299; to deliver talk to head warrior of the Talesus, 300; requested and em powered to affix Great Seal of this State to power authorizing James Miller to take into his possession sundry negroes, 302; authorized to employ negroes belonging to McLean, 304; to appoint agents to purchase horses for Col. Jackson s troops, 305: to appoint private Secretary, 308; to hire pair of mill stones to Chesley Bostick, 308; INDEX. 831 authorized to furnish members of Council with one half dozen cartridges each, 308; to be requested to countermand order respect ing draft of militia for \Vilkes County on account of danger from Indians, 312; requested to write to Governor of South Carolina asking aid for persons sent from this State to collect property be longing to the State, 318; requested to issue proclamation for ad" mitting absent citizens, and proclamation encouraging desertion from the enemy, 320; to issue proclamation convening the General As sembly, 320; letter to, from the Governor of North Carolina con cerning negroes held in that State, 321; to write to Governor of North Carolina to dispose of negroes held in that State, 321; to write to the Governor of South Carolina concerning the distressed situation of this State for grain, and ask assistance, 322; order from House of Assembly to the Governor concerning persons who have received public money, 328; requested to lay before the House ac count of sales and expenditures of sequestered estates, 328; re quested to have monthly returns of Quarter Master and Commis saries for provisions, etc., laid before the House, 328; to issue proc lamation prohibiting exportation of goods, salt, or other merchan dise from Savannah, 342; to procure supply of salt for public use, 343; requested to furnish Richard Henderson with supplies and two negroes, 343; to take immediate steps to secure three thousand bushels of salt and six hogsheads of rum, 346; to issue proclama tion prohibiting extortion, 374; requested to appoint one or more magistrates in Chatham County, 377; reply of, to address from House of Assembly, 406: message from, 409; authorized to call on Commissioners of confiscated estates for 150, 412; requests return of certain papers, 414: message from concerning presents for In dians, 417; message from enclosing letter from Gen. Greene, 419; to send talk to Creek and Cherokee Indians asking them to meet in Congress at Big Shoals on the Oconees, 421; to appoint Com missioners to meet Indians at Big JHioals, 421; message concern ing statement of Capt. Howell, 422; to procure supplies for conti nental troops, 425; committee appointed to confer with the Gov ernor on the subject of his message to the House, 425; message from transmitting state of bonds and specialties, and letter from Mr. Rae concerning Indian affairs, 431; message from concerning want of supplies for continental troops, 435; message from, to House of Assembly, transmitting important letter from Governor Tonyn, 437; to procure rice for inhabitants of Liberty County, 438; message from concerning supplies for troops, 445; to request small garrison for Cockspur Island, 446; empowered to erect defensive works for Cockspur Island. 446; to give commanding officers of 832 INDEX. continental troops certain information, 446; may remove public stores and arms as exigencies may require, 447; message from con cerning gratuities, 448; message from requesting return of Gov. Tonyn s letter, 453; requests committee of conference on matters respecting civil list, 455; message from concerning boundary be tween South Carolina and Georgia, 455; letter from, to Major Habersham, recommending establishment of small command on Cockspur Island, 456; to issue proclamation requiring all citizens of this State to render an account of losses and damages sustained by ravages of the enemy, 456; to appoint commissioners to settle northern boundaries of this State, 456; message from, enclosing letter from Gov. Martin, 459; advised to call House of Assembly in extra session, 494; to issue proclamation forbidding trespass on In dian hunting grounds, 503; message from announcing general peace, 509; message from transmitting letters from Generals Greene and Wayne, 515; requests appointment of Councilors for certain coun ties, 518; to lay papers and letters from the President of Congress before the House, 522; advised to put act of confiscation and ban ishment into strict execution, 533; draws order on McCartan Camp bell for one hundred pounds, 536; requested to defer running of southwest line, 567; lays before the Board account of expenditures for the public, 569; authorized to receive nominal sums from Wil liam Graves, 577; lays before Council sundry letters which are re ferred to House of Assembly, 589; asks opinion of Council as to what constitutes a quorum, 596; may issue dedimus to civil officers, 598; announces ratification of the definitive treaty of peace, 601; asks opinion of Council concerning certain, grants, 602; Council s answer thereto, 603; signs eight warrants in favor of trustees of college, 610; cannot postpone operation of any law, 615; lays cer tain letters before the Board, 639; to issue proclamation declaring explicitly boundaries and jurisdiction of this State, 661; to have draft for one quarter s salary, 664; to give Secretary of State draft for 10, 664; to write letter to Alexander McGillivray, 685; con gratulatory letter of, to the Spanish Governor of East-Florida, 688; to write letters to Spanish Governor of East-Florida and Governor Tonyn, 731; to sign commissions in blank for captains and subal terns in Tennessee, 740; lays before the Board report of Justices respecting trial and sentence of negroes, 771. Governor and Council, thank citizens and soldiers for extinguishing fire, 60; to have public records brought back from the northward, 519; directed to transmit to executive and legislative departments in every State in the United States list of persons named in act of confiscation and banishment, 534; to return to Augusta for purpose of trying INDEX. 838 caveats, 684; House of Assembly having elected new Governor and Council, present Council considers term expired and adjourn sine die, 786. Governor and Council of South Carolina, letter to, 162. Graham, John, qualifies as magistrate, 139; to superintend election near Spirit Creek, 140. Grand Jury, presentments of laid before the Board, 613. Grant, form of sent to House of Assembly, 28; grants in ceded lands not to issue, 63; grants other than in ceded lands to be issued, 63; grants to issue to citizens of this or any other State on certain con ditions, 226; persons claiming grants to apply for them, 243; grants on old warrants not to be signed except on certain conditions, 590; grants to issue for number of acres called for in warrant, 604. Grant, John, negroes taken from, not to be sold, 233. Graves, Col., applies for money for fort and barracks at Sunbury, 91. Graves, John, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Graves, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Gravet, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Gray, Robert, appointed door-keeper, 7; 50 paid to, 123. Gray, Thomas, paid reward and appointed Captain for vigilance in pur suing Florida scout, 46. Graybill, Henry, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 755. Greathouse, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Green, Benjamin, to be rewarded for apprehending Thomas Jones, late jailor, 586. Greene, Benjamin, draft to issue to for 20, 694; reward paid to for cap turing Benjamin Davis, 743. Green, John, draft to issue to, for attendance as Councilor, 694, 728. Green, John, the younger, disabled in service of the State, to have draft for 60, 736. Greene, John, qualifies as sheriff of EfHngham County, 414. Greene, Major General, letter from, 262. Greene, Thomas, letter from, in behalf of the people of Natchez settle ment, referred to House of Assembly, 742. Green, William, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 677. Greenhow, James, British merchant, permitted to send schooner to Skedaway, 391; application of to ship rice postponed, 469; petition of, to export rice rejected, 475; allowed to clear with two hundred pounds of rice, 479; to furnish supplies to people of Liberty County, 482; petition to be received a citizen of this State postponed, 500. Gregg, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 718, 719, 721. Greer, Robert, appointed to collect arms in Chatham County, 347. 53 r r vol 1 334 INDEX. Greer, Robert, Commissary, authorized to procure stores for his depart ment, 353. Greer, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 7 2I > 74*- Greer, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 742. Gresham, Elizabeth, salt to be furnished to, 350. Gresham, Mrs., permitted to go to Savannah, 147. Gref.sl, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Grey, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Gricr, Robert, petition of, 477; petition of, for new order in lieu of one lost granted, 539. Grierson, James, in contempt of the Legislature, 200; nolle prosequi to issue on case against, 229. Griffin, Elizabeth, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Griffin, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 661. Griffin, Matthew, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Griffith, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Guard for fort containing ammunition reinforced, 134. Guerard, Governor, of South Carolina, letter from referred to Chief Justice, 663. Guernon, James, petition of, to come on shore to settle private business granted, 488 Guinn, Richard, appointed to purchase provisions in Chatham County, 113. Gunn, James, petition of to take negro out of the possession of Richard Henderson granted, 472. Guy, Lydda, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. H Kabersham, Major John, instructions to concerning continental soldiers, 402; letter to, from the Governor, 456; to make return of public horses, 538. Habersham, John, President of Council, 576. Habersham, Joseph, petition of in behalf of Col. Hamilton, 563. Habersham, Colonel, appears before the Board, 8. Hagan, Edward, grants for signed by the Governor, 722, 724. Hague, Jack, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 386. Haile, Mrs. Susannah, corn to be delivered to, 319. Hale, Jacob and George Armstrong, convicted of forgery, reprieved until meeting of the Assembly, 732. Hall, Charles, Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Hall, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Hall, Lyman, granted permission to ship rice to East Florida, 443. INDEX. 8^5 Hall, Lyman, late Governor, reports to Council household articles in his possession belonging to the public, 581; reports that he has in his possession canvas belonging to the public, 585. Hamilton, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Hamilton, Colonel, permitted to remain at John Mulryne s plantation, 563- Hamilton, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Hamerer, Elizabeth, allowed three rations a day, 376. Hammerer, John Daniel, appointed magistrate, 64; appointed vendue master, 86. Hammet, William, required to attend the next General Assembly, 193. Hammett, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 739, 781. Hammett, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Hammett, William, to return corn to the widow Whatley, 216; to su perintend distribution of salt in Wilkes County, 227; grants for signed by the Governor, 702, 722, 723. Hammock, Benedick, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Hamper, Powell, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Hancock, Francis, and others, confined on board prison ships, petition of inhabitants concerning, 172. Hancock, Francis, granted temporary protection, 506. Handley, Major George, appointed Justice of Peace for Richmond County, 530; qualifies as Justice of Peace, 530; qualifies as Justice of Peace for Liberty, Glynn and Camden, 626. Harding, William, captain in Col. Jack s regiment, to be court-martialed, 8; dismissed from service by court-martial, 12. Hardwick, George, draft to issue to for ten guineas for riding express, 785. Hardy, John, member of Executive Council, 182; qualifies as Justice of Peace, 595. Hardy, John and others, remonstrance of, 672. Harkins, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Harper, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Harper, Robert, grants for signed by the Governor, 592. Harrigall, Owen, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 386. Harrill, Noah, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Harris, Buckner, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Harris, David, to be appointed captain of patrole of eight men to do duty between the Ogechee and the Kiokees, 316; appointed agent for Richmond County, 324; ordered to deliver negro in his posses* sion to Col. Johnston, 334; auditor s certificate in his favor con sidered, 627; caveat of against Holnian Freeman and others, 710; grant for signed by the Governor, 743. 836 INDEX. Harris, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Harris, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Harris, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 777. Harris, Walton, grants for signed by the Governor, 679, 698. Harrison, Benjamin, Governor of Virginia, letter from concerning Span iards, 655. Harrison, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Hart, Benjamin, assistance to be rendered to, 292. Hart, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Harter, Nicholas, permitted to go to South Carolina, 445. Harvey, Blessingham, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Harvey, Blassingame, authorized to collect negroes carried out of this State, 232; to appear before Board to make his defense, 236; appears before the Board, 237; to be authorized to make search and enquiry after negroes and other property carried to northern States, 303. Harvey, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Harvey, Evan, grant for signed by the Governor, 677. Harvey, James, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 677, 697. Harvey, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 697, 755. Harvey, Michael, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 755. Harvey, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 555. Harvy, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Harvy, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Harvy, Richard, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Hatcher, Archibald, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Hatcher, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Haupt, John, granted temporary protection, 686. Haven, Marjory, widow, application for passport granted, 415. Hawkins, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. Hayman, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Heard, Bnrnard, to administer oath of abjuration in Capt. Williamson s and Capt. Austin s companies, 205; grant for signed by the Gov ernor, 739. Heard, Benjamin, elected Register of Probates for Wilkes County, 438. Heard, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 599. Heard, Colonel, to contract for keeper at Sand Bar Ferry, 192; order of, supplying corn to widows, approved by Council, 323. Heard, Colonel, Commissioner to view Tennessee line, makes report, 728. Heard, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 584, 599. Heard, John, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Heard, Joseph, caveat against, 696. Heard, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. INDEX. 8i7 Heard, Stephen, appointed inspector of provisions, 116; member of Executive Council, 182, 197; elected President of Council, 223, 294; grants for signed by the Governor, 584, 599, 738, 740, 773. Heard, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Heard, Colonel, & Colonel Woodruff, appointed agents to purchase horses for the State and to pay for them in negroes, 306. Heard s Fort, designated as place for transacting public business, 212. Hearthorn, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 777. Henderson, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Henderson, Richard, plundered by the enemy, 295; allowed to draw rations, 295; application for assistance for his family during his absence in Indian Nation granted, 343; tavern expenses allowed, 442; ordered to attend the Board, 504; to be paid 40 on account, 574- Henderson, Richard, and John Anderson, sworn to carry out instructions of the Governor, 271; to be paid five half Johanneses for going into the Indian nation, 288. Henderson, Robert, discharged from parole on giving security, 79. Henderson, Zachariah, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Henderson, Lieutenant Zachariah, petition of concerning land bounty, 594- Henley, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 762. Hewett, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Hickinbottom, Burross, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Hickinbottom, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 710. Hicks, Nathaniel, and James Scott, on public business, supplied with rations, 358. Hicks, Nathaniel, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Hicks, Nathaniel, commissioned as 2d Lieutenant, 173; to be allowed to draw five rations, 281; to be given cattle to replace those borrowed, 360; to have three hundred bushels of salt, 362; grant for signed by the Governor, 709; to be paid for corn purchased by him for troops, 727- Hicks, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Higginbotham, Philip, confined without legal authority, ordered to be discharged, 198. Higginbottom, Burns, grant for signed by the Governor, 769. Higginbottom, Judith, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Higgins, Ichabud, appointed branch pilot, 377; to receive rations, 414; appointed Harbour Master, 555. Hill, Captain, to be furnished corn for frontier inhabitants of Richmond County, 317. Hill, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 738. J338 INDEX. Hill, John, to administer oath of abjuration in Wilkes County, 205. Hill, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Hilliary, Christopher, must either accept or decline office of County Surveyor, 741; offers to qualify as County Surveyor, 745. Hinchenbrook, commanded by Capt. Pray, to be taken into public serv ice, 129. Hinton, Job, grant for signed by the Governor, 710. Hix, Nathaniel, petition of concerning corn bought from Mrs. Bugg, 677. Hogg, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. Hogg, James, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Hogg, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 555. Hogg, Thomas, British merchant, granted permission to ship rice on certain conditons, 497. Hogge, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Hoge, Jacob, grants for signed by the Governor, 760, 761. Holden, Nathan, to be considered a citizen of this State and to bring with him certain negroes, 430. Holliday, Ambrose, grant for signed by the Governor, 756. Holliday, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 590. Holliday, Margaret, grant for signed by the Governor, 590. Holliday. William, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Holliman, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Holliman, Mark, grants for signed by the Governor, 720, 785. Holliman, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Holliman, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Hollinger, Titus, lumber supplied to, 192; forbidden to sell liquor to soldiers, 193; paid six hundred dollars for rent. 249; grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Hollinger, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 672, 786. Holmes, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 713, 724, 740. Holms, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Holton, Francis, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Holzendorf, William, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Hoof, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Hooker, Martha, ordered within British lines, appeals to Council, 270; petition granted, 276. Hooks, Asa, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Hooper, Churchwell, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Hooper, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 671. Horn, Mrs. Emely, to have two bushels of corn and thirty pounds of beef per month, 285. Horn, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Horn, Milly, corn to be delivered to, 310. INDEX. Hornby, Philip, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Hornby, William, permitted to ship rice, 4/7. Horses and wagons obtained from forfeited estates to be turned over to the Commissary General, 55. Hospitals to be provided for naval and land forces, 17. Houghton, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. House of Assembly, message to, 4, 8, 10, 519; message to concerning brigantine "Recovery," 13; to be called by proclamation to meet at Augusta, 73; resolution of, concerning reduction of troops, referred to Gen. Elbert, 182; resolution of concerning funds in hands of Gen. Lincoln and Joseph Clay, 182; urged to enact law to punish contempts of the Legislature, 201; order of, to the Governor, con cerning persons receiving public money and also order concerning sales and expenditure received or due from sequestered estates, etc., 328; order of Council thereon, 328; address of, to Governor Hall, 405; extracts from Journals of, 412; bills returned to, 441, 442; will appoint agents to adjust northern boundary, 454; Clerk of, ordered to attend Council with Journals of the Hor.se, 532; message to ask ing compensation for members of Council sufficient to pay for rub- sistence, 593. Houstoun, Governor, message from to House of Assembly, 4; rei-orts having received certain papers from his predecessor, 16; letter from, to Governor of East-Florida, concerning flag of truce, 94; sends continental money, 136; elected delegate to Congress, 1/5; to be notified of election to Congress, 180; to advise Governor of South Carolina of the resolution of the House appointing agents to adjust the northern boundary, 454; to be commissioned, agent to settle northern boundary, 456; elected Governor of Georgia, meets- with the Council, 5/6. Houstoun, Sir Patrick, land of to be sold for cash, 477, 479; having pavd 100 specie, proceeding against suspended, 485. Houstoun, William, delegate to Congress, to have draft on treasury, 649. Hover, Rachael, permitted to go to St. Augustine, 423. , , Howard, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 708, 713, 729. Howard, John, appointed purchasing agent in Richmond County, 113. -. Howard, Julius, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Howe, General, Governor to ask information of, n; letters from laid be fore the Board, 21, 25; letter from concerning expedition against East- Florida, 27; letter from concerning manning galleys with continental troops, 33. Howell, Caleb, takes seat as member of the Council, 201 ; appointed to make return of property belonging to sequestered estates, in Effingham County, 305 ; takes oath as Justice of the Peace for Effingham County, 578. 840 INDEX. Howell, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 741. Howell, Capt. John, statement of, 420; message from Governor concerning statement of, 422. Howell, Mrs., and children, permitted to pass to Major Carr, 752. Howell, Nathaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Howley, Richard, elected President of Executive Council, 182; to be Chief Justice pro tempore, 380; memorial of to withdraw his relinquishment of White Oak plantation, 565; Board orders relinquishment to stand, 566. Howley, Richard, and James Jackson, attorneys for James Butler, application for certain negroes granted conditionally, 566. Howley, Richard and others, remonstrance of, 672. lioyman, Stouton, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Hubbard, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Hubbard, Matthew, grants for signed by the Governor, 720, 722. Hudson, Cuthbert, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Hudson, Nathaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 771. lludson, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. h udspeth, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 777. Hughes, Nicholas, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Hughes, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Humphreys, Joseph, allowed one ration a day, 378. Hungerpuhler, David, permitted to go to South Carolina, 445. Hungerpuhler, John, permitted to go to South Carolina, 445. Hunt, Henry, petition for grant rejected, 680; reservation of land ordered for, 68r. I hint, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Hunter, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. I Independent companies discharged from service, 83. Indians, friendly, to be furnished with clothing, etc., 63; put out in private families, to be supported, 338. Indians, to be recompensed for lost horses, 290; letter from Mr. Roe con cerning, 431. Indians, Catawba, supplied with goods, 64. Indians, Creek, twenty persons killed by in ceded lands, 90; wor with appre hended, 103 ; Governor to send talks to, 266 ; chiefs of, presents to, to be paid for out of contingent fund, 670. Indians, Creek and Cherokee, talk to be sent to, 412; talk to be sent to asking them to meet in congress at Big Shoals, 421 ; commissioners ap pointed to treat with, 423. Indian Johny, unjustly imprisoned, 67; 50 allowed to for lost cattle, 67. INDEX. 841 Inglis, Alexander, to be received under protection of the State, 503. Ingram, Colonel, letter from, 133; $1,000 sent to, 134. Ingram, James, required to appear before the Council, 194; appears before Council and is put on parole, 195; house and lot lately belonging to ordered sold to procure corn to be used at the treaty with the Indians, 490, Ingram, Mary, petition for permission for her proscribed husband to visit her rejected, 475. Ingram, Mary, and Elizabeth Douglass, petition of laid before the Board, 258; petition rejected, 260. Inman, Capt. Joshua, returns the delegation from Burke County, 170; ap pointed Captain of Independent Company, 192 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Irvin, Hugh, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Irvin, John Lawson, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Irvin, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Irvin, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Irwin, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Irwin, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Irwin, Jared, qualifies as magistrate of Burke County, 462; grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Islands, Absolem, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. , ack, Col. Samuel, orders to, 31; ordered to equip men and report, 32; ap pointed Justice of Peace for Richmond County, 530; qualifies as Jus tice, 530; grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Jackson, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Jackson, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Jackson, James, appointed Register of Probates for County of Chatham, 23; grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Jackson, James, attorney at law, ten guineas paid to for professional serv ices, 774- Jackson, James, and Samuel Stirk, to pay treasurer money in their hands, 220. Jackson, Job, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Jackson, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel, authorized to buy "horses and pay for them with certificates on the treasury, 263; Governor to enqlire into state of his regiment and give orders concerning clothing for, 266; author ized to buy horses at 45 Stg., 269; to make return of his legion, 280; 842 INDEX. women and children of his legion to be furnished rations, 283 ; to be supplied with ammunition, 297, 307 ; Governor requested to order Ser geant and four men from dragoon of, to collect negroes belonging to confiscated estates and make return, 310; to be supplied with three horses, 316; requested to furnish Col. Locke with negroes sufficient to pay for horses furnished the public, 327 ; to make return of horses, 470. jackson, Peter, grants for signed by the Governor, 755. Jackson, Randal, grant for signed by the Governor, 755. Jackson, Reuben, grant for signed by the Governor, 608. Jackson, William, to administer oath of abjuration, 204; grants for signed by the Governor, 698, 706, 708. James, Sarah, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Jamieson, John, petition to return temporarily to this State refused, 61. Tail, public, committee appointed to superintend building of, 321. Jarrett, Devereux, appointed inspector of provisions, 116. Tarvis, John, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Jarvis, Nicholas, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Jarvis, Patrick, to be furnished two horses in order to supply post with beef, 332; to be furnished guard to enable him to secure corn, 332; or dered to attend the Board, 504; grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Jenkins, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 677, 758. Jenkins, John, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Jenkins, Sterling, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Jennings, Priscilla, draft for 72 to issue to, 749. Johnson, - , to be appointed Captain Lieutenant, 71. Johnson, Clark, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 386. Johnson, John, a Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Johnson, Joseph, a Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Johnson, Sarah, and Jane Oliver, petition of, 260; petition rejected, 261. Johnson, Stephen, appointed magistrate for Effingham County, 394 ; grant for signed by the Governor, 774. Johnson, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Johnston, Andrew, ordered to attend the Board, 244; proceedings against in matter of test oath postponed, 246; to be released on account of his medical abilities, but considered in custody of the sheriff, 361 ; grante d permission to send a negro and a child to East Florida, 475. Johnston, James, printer, sheriff to take possession of press and type be longing to, 344; Governor to issue draft to for 268, 751; grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Johnston, Col. S., to draw two rations, 291 ; affidavit of concerning negro in possession of David Harris, 334; negro to be delivered to, 334; peti tion for salt granted, 428. INDEX. 843 Johnston, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Joiner, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Jones, Abraham, elected Clerk of Council, 294; to be paid for whiskey fur nished Gen. Wayne for the army, 337. Jones, Benjamin, implicated in robberies, 37. Jones, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 756. Jones, Charles, D. Q. M., procures corn for dragoons, 479. Jones, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Jones, Drury, appointed magistrate for Effingham County, 520. Jones, Edward, elected President of the Council, 372 ; to be furnished ten bushels of salt, 382 ; appointed to examine certain bonds, 396 ; grants for signed by the Governor, 596, 599; complaint of, 658. Jones, Frederick, grant for signed by the Governor, 733. Jones, George, elected Register of Probates for Chatham County, 438; qual ifies as Register of Probates, 442 ; granted leave of absence, 646. Jones, Henrietta, wife of William Jones, attainted, petition to ship one hun dred bushels of corn to her husband at St. Augustine rejected, 488; pe tition of, praying that negro in hands of Commissioners of confiscated estates remain unsold, granted, 488. Jones, Henry, to administer oath of abjuration in Capt. Dooly s and Capt. Stewart s companies, 205. Jones, Hugh, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Jones, James, qualifies as magistrate for Burke County, 462. Jones, John, of Liberty County, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Jones, John, of Burke County, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; quali fies as magistrate for Burke County, 442. Jones, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 568, 703, 778. Jones, Col, John, desires to exchange land warrant, 669; ordered to enter caveat against any grant being issued on his bounty warrant, 669. Jones, Mrs., wife of William Janes, proscribed, to have boat delivered to, 485. Jones, Noble Wimberly, commissioned to enter caveat in behalf of this State in Charleston, 661 ; letter from respecting caveat entered in South Caro lina, 675. Jones, Priscilla, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Jones, Robert, letter from concerning bond in hands of Thos. Gibbons, 556; grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Jones, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Jones, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Jones, Seaborn, elected Clerk of Executive Council, 334; letter from concerning house occupied by the soldiery, 463; order to remove 844 INDEX. troops and give possession of house to, 464; grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Jones, Swearing, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Jones, Thomas, jailor, reward offered for, 583; clemency refused to, 609. Jones, William, petition of, 315; ordered to give information concerning branding cattle belonging to confiscated estates, 318. Jordan, Charles, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Jordan, James, requests leave to relinquish purchases of lands, 634; request refused, 634. Justice, Dempsey, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Justices of the Peace, to be more cautious in probates, 81; to enforce act for preventing vice, profaneness and immorality, etc., 613. K Keating, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 733. Keebler, William, member Executive Council, 6. Kell, John, appointed inspector of provisions, 116; appointed auctioneer at Savannah, 477; to sell galley at auction, 536; to give up John Dollar s bond, 538; ordered to sell galley "Sailor s Delight" at auc tion, 539; given order for supplies furnished Indians, 547; elected member of Board of Claims, 553. Kelly, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Kelly, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Kelly, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 713, 755. Kelly, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Kemp, Solomon, petition of referred to court of law, 670. Kemp, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Kendall, Jeremiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Kendrick, Hezekiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Kennebrew, Jacob, grants for signed by the Governor, 679, 708. Kenny, John, against Watson, caveat referred to County Surveyor of Washington County, 766. Kent, Charles, member Executive Council, 6; required to attend Coun cil, 35- Kilgore, Ralph, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Killgore, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Kiokees, petition of inhabitants of, read, 316. Kincaid s Upper Plantation, to be disposed of to satisfy debt, 567. King, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 668, 740. Kitts, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Kneal, Pat, grants for signed by the Governor, 752, 753. INDEX. 845 Latreyte, Capt. John, Letter of Marque granted to, 30. Lamar, Basil, grant for signed by the Governor, 672. Lamar, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 755. Lamar, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Lamar, Thomas, to be furnished salt, 398. Lamar, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Lamar, /.achariah, appointed to receive salt for Wilkes County, 393; grants for signed by the Governor, 701, 712. Larnare, Basil, grants for signed by the Governor, 701, 712. Lamare, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Lamare, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Lamb, Abraham, grant for signed by the Governor, 774. Lambert, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Lancaster, William, ordered to attend the Board, 98; refused to do printing, 101; printing office of, impressed for public use, 102. Land Court to remain open either in Augusta or Savannah, 667. Land Office to be opened, 226. Lands between Ogechee and Beaver Dam Creek not to be surveyed, 66. Land warrants in Back Settlements, 118. Lang, Richard, charged with felony, to be delivered to Col. Ferrel to be conveyed to Charleston, 662. Langham, William, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Langworthy, Edward, elected delegate to Continental Congress, 175. Lanier, Benjamin, appointed to purchase provisions in Effing ham County, 113; qualifies as Justice of Peace in Effingham County, 435! gives information concerning robbers, 634. Lanier, Lemuel, appointed sheriff for Burke County, 14; qualifies as sheriff, 15; with twenty men to guard Burke County jail, 83; al lowed 100 as gratuity for essential service, 83; appointed Commis sary of hides and tallow, 276; order to draw rations, 288; appointed to make return of property belonging to sequestered estates in Burke County, 305; to have three bushels of salt, 387. Lankford, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Laramore, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Laws, Elizabeth, petition of read, 317. Lawson, Hugh, appointed Colonel of Burke County militia, 397. Lawson, John, Jr., appointed Collector at Sunbury, 436, 438. Lawson, Roger, appointed inspector of provisions, 116; to have two horses in lieu of those lost in public service, 347; appointed Regis- 846 INDEX. ter of Probates for Burke County, resigns, 678; caveat against, 716. Lawson, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 725. Leake, Richard, Letter of Marque granted to, 393. Leapham, Frederick, grant for signed by the Governor, 592. Leath, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 672, 674. Ledbetter, Neomia, corn to be delivered to, 310. Lee, Capt, remnant of his company to be attached to artillery, 38. Lee, Greenberry, grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Lee, Thomas, appointed inspector of provisions, 116; complaint of against Dooly, 117; to be put in possession of land, 220; land re covered from Dooly to be re-surveyed, 223; caveat of, against Dooly, reconsidered and referred to the court, 225; petition of for resurvey granted, 236; petition of concerning land claimed by Dooly, 359. Lee, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 710, 758, 761. Leggett, Abner, grants for signed by the Governor, 698, 740. Legislature called at special session at Savannah, 691. Leion, David, granted temporary protection, 650. Lemare, Basil, grant for signed by the Governor. 711. Lemon, James, granted permission to go to St. Augustine, 466. Lepham, Frederick, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Lesley, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Lethgoe, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Lett, Reuben, grant for signed by the Governor, 774. Letters, sundry, laid before the Board, 171; sundry letters written by the Governor, together with the form of a caveat, to be entered in the Secretary s Office in Charleston, laid before the Board, 662. Leverett, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Leverett, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Leverett, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Leverett, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Lewis, Benjamin, appointed Register of Probates for Burke County, 678. Lewis, David, member Executive Council, 6; salary paid to, 123. Lewis, Francis, taken off the classing list, 368. Lewis, Oliver, grant signed for, 650. Liberty County, trustees of forfeited estates in to furnish Capt. Pray and Capt. Braddock with negroes, 95. Lillibridge, Hampton, petition of, that sale of certain tracts of land be postponed, granted, 563. Lincecura, Miriam, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Lin<ch, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 752. Lincoln, General, Lyman Hall and George Walton appointed to confer INDEX. 847 with, 124; letter to, 135, 155, 174; letter from, 169; orders removal of confederal troops out of State, 208; remonstrance against his conduct in withdrawing troops, 212. Lindsacum, Hezekiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 604. Lindsay, John, furnished salt for Wilkes County, 5; member of Execu tive Council, 6, 197; to be paid 40 in full for attendance in Council, 77; given order on the treasury for $2,850, 218; paid for services as Councilor, 248; appointed to make return of property belonging to sequestered estates in Wilkes County, 305; to be given horse in part payment of his claim, 315; protests against the release of Dr. John ston, 363; to be paid 146, the amount of his bond, 500; grants for signed by the Governor, 725. Lindsay, Mr., the Governor requested to pay 4 Stg. in part of his an nuity, 280. Lipham, Lieut. Colonel, expenses of paid, 33. Lirardo, Vicenzo, allowed to take wine and sugar back to Florida, 487. Lithgoe, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Little, Francis, to be furnished with six and a half bushels of salt, 382. Little, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Little, William, against William McGee, caveat dismissed, 762. Little, William and Archibald, petition of granted, 323. Lloyd, Benjamin, appointed Clerk of Court for Chatham County, 353. Locke, Col., petition of requesting to be paid for horses sold the public, 327; to be furnished negroes to discharge what public is due him for horses, 327. Lockwood, Joshua, to be paid for powder, 108. Long, Nicholas, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Long, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Longston, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Lord, Mrs., four rations a day allowed to, 321. Lord, William, appointed commissary of hides and tallow, 279. Lott, widow, corn to be delivered to, 315. Lourman, John, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 379. Love, John, a Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Love, John, license granted to as vendue master, 633. Love, Mrs. Jemima, permitted to depart this State and not return, 108. Love, William, a Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Lovell, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Low, Isaac, appointed inspector of provisions, 116. Lowe, Captain, letter from, 410; permitted to remain on shore until Sunday, conditionally, 413; letter from asking permission to remain ten days longer referred to Governor and Council, 414; limited to 848 INDEX. John Mulryne s plantation, 422; restrictions removed, 425; appli cation of concerning passport partly granted, 442. Lowe, Isaac, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Lowe, Philip, takes oath as Justice of Peace for Liberty County, 5/8; declines to serve longer as member of Council, 592. Lowe, Major, paid for services as Councilor, 635. Lucas, John, bonds of to be delivered to him by the treasurer, 692; grant for signed by the Governor, 771. Lucena, Mr., salt to be returned to, 126. Luckie, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Luckies, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 762. Luckie, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Luckie, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Luckie, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Lumpkins, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Lundy, Theophilus, qualifies as Justice for Effingham County, 435; elected Register of Probates for Effingham County, 438; qualifies as Regis ter of Probates, 454. Luscomb, George, paroled British prisoner, to have rations, 427. Lyford, William, proscribed, petition to come to Savannah rejected, 474; ordered to return immediately to East-Florida, 474. Lyons, Mrs. Grace, four rations allowed to, 366; permitted to come on shore, 413. Lyons, John, to receive pay agreeable to his rank, 371. Lyons, Samuel, and Judah, ordered out of Richmond County, permitted to take negro woman with them, 257. M Mackay, Capt. James, to collect Maxwell s negroes and gather rice, 537. Mackey, Mrs., petition of laid before the Board, 258; petition granted, 260. Maddox, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 700, 763. Maddox, Joseph, sent back to Gen. Lincoln to stand trial, 168. Maddox, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Magazine keepers, instructions to, 61. Magistrates, list of for each county to be published in the Gazette, 52. Mallard, Lazarus, to collect unidentified cattle for public use, 480. Mann, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Mann, Luke, appointed Commissary, 49; contracts for supplies, 58; 500 advanced to, 59; quern stones furnished to, 60; proposition to pay for use of negroes accepted, 489; same dropped by default on part of, 490; petition of, requesting land for services, referred to House of Assembly 767. INDEX. 849 Manning, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 698." Manson, William, refuses to take test oath, 244; ordered to appear be fore the Board, 244; appears before the Board, 245; to be removed within the enemy s lines, 245. Marbury, Colonel, to defend frontier, 48; loans money to the Stale; 134; $1,000 borrowed from returned, 136; letter to requiring him to bring Nehemiah Wade before the Board, 152. Marbury, Horatio, application for horses rejected, 353; caveat of against James McNeil, 710. Marbury, L., proposals for procuring supplies for Indian Treaty read, 492. Marbury, Thomas, requested to appear before Council, 194; grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Marler, Capt, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Marrying without license, 89. . ; . Marshal, Abraham, executor for James Gold wire, 265; grants for signed by the Governor, 709, 775. Marshall, Abraham, grant for, 656. Marshall, Daniel, grants for signed by the Governor, 775, 776. Marshall, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Marshall, Levy, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. Marshall, Mathew, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Marshall, Solomon, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Marshall, Zacheus, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Martin, Alexander, petition of considered, 20; takes oath of loyalty, 20. Martin, Ann, permitted to depart this State and not return, 108. Martin, Austin, grant for signed by the Governor, 588. Martin, Gannaway, grants for signed by the Governor, 588, 713, 714. Martin, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Martin, Col. James, ordered to attend the Board, 504; di;aft to for 15, salary for keeping ferry at Augusta, 671; grants for signed by the Governor, 747, 784. Martin, John, qualifies as sheriff of Chatham County, 28; appointed town Major, 53; elected Treasurer, 438; qualifies as Treasurer, 531; desires to resign office as Treasurer, 616. Martin, John, late Governor, to deliver bonds to Treasurer, 458; applica tion of, for balance of salary as Governor, 694. Martin, Col. John, appointed Commissary of military stores in room of Major Stirk, resigned, 273; to be furnished money to purchase lead for use of troops, 277; appointed Commissioner to treat with Creek and Cherokee Indians, 423; accounts of not to be settled by the Council but by the House of Assembly, 746. 54 r r voi 2 350 INDEX. Martin, John, and Nathan Brownson, former Governors, to make return of militia in this State, 621. Martin, John, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Martin, Major, to answer for his conduct, 130; presents excuse for absence, 132. Martin, Mrs., granted permission to go to East-Florida, 443. Martin, Nathaniel Marshall, grant for signed by the Governor, 580. Masters of vessels to report to the Governor, 585. Masters of vessels from East-Florida to report names of passengers to the Attorney General before landing, 630. Ma thews, George, grants for signed by the Governor, 708. Matthews, Governor, requests two thousand bushels of salt for suffering inhabitants of South Carolina, 357. Matthews, John, negro in hands of to be sold at public outcry, 209. Matthews, Misheck, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Matthews, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 769, 771. Mattocks, Joseph, ordered to deliver books and papers relative to ceded lands to Walton Harris, 521. Maxwell, James, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; qualifies as Jus tice of Peace, 604. Maxwell, James and others, to collect unidentified cattle for public use, 480. Maxwell, John, negroes of to plant without molestation on the score of being .confiscated, 464; information concerning, 731; sheriffs to make diligent search for, and commit him to jail, 732. Maxwell, John Butler, confiscation law suspended as to, 388; petition for permission to remain on his plantation rejected, 469. Maxwell, Thomas, to be Captain of the galley "Bulloch," 92; to have three bushels of salt, 386; appointed to examine certain bonds, 396. Maxwell, William, member of Council, 6; appointed magistrate in Oge- chee Neck, 481. May, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. May, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Ma yes, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. McAlphin, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. McCall, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. McCall, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. McCall, Sharrod, grant for signed by the Governor, 769. McCall, Thomas, authorized to pass and countersign plats and certifi cates, 753; grants for signed by the Governor, 762, 769. McCormack, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 772, 776. McCullar, Drury David, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. McCulloch, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. INDEX. 851 McCumpsey, - , draft to for $16 for riding express, 744. McDaniel, Aly, Mary and Darling, grant for signed by the Governor, 719- McDonald, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. McDonnell, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. McDougals, Alexander, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. McDuffee, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. McFarland, Col. James, takes seat as member of Council, 596; grants for signed by the Governor, 588, 718, 725; draft to issue to for serv ices as Councilor, 666, 728, 750. McFarland, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. McGarr, Owen, grant for signed by the Governor, 755." McGarry, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. McGarry, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. McGary, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 671. M,cGeary, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. McGee, Hugh, to administer oath of abjuration in lower part of Rich mond County, 204; qualifies as commissioner for administering test oath, 246; qualifies as magistrate, 247. McGee, Lewis, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. McGehee, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 739. McGehee, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. McGillivray, Alexander, letter from laid before the Board, 673; copy of letter from to be sent to Col. Clark, 675; copy of letter from to be sent to Major Carr, 679; Governor to write letter to, 685; letter from referred to House of Assembly, 742. McGilvray, Lachlan, land of to be appraised, 506; land of to be sold, 507- Mclntosh, Donald, confiscation law suspended as to, 388. Mclntosh, Brigadier General, Congress requested to employ him else where, 189; letter from, claiming in behalf of Georgia Line, boun ties, 605. Mclntosh, Colonel, reply to letter of, 171; to have five bushels of corn, 285; to draw forage for two horses, 291; proposition recommending agreement between State of Georgia and province of East- Florida to prevent plundering or murdering, 355. Mclntosh, Lachlan, chosen agent to settle northern boundary, 454; to be commissioned as agent to settle northern boundary, 456; asks bounty of Major General and not Brigadier General, 620; resolu tions on letter of, 624; entitled to interest on funded certificate, 629; complaint of against Capt. West referred to Col. Baker, 653; letter from, resolution on, 654. Mclntosh, William, appointed Commissary of prisoners, 378; petition 852 INDEX. of referred to the Attorney General, 640; report of Attorney Gen eral on case of, 642; draft for 47 to issue to, 727. McKay, Charles, asks guard for magazine at Ebenezer, 39; paid for services in guarding same, 62; to hire men to guard magazine at Ebenezer, 82; to be paid for services as keeper of magazine at Ebenezer, 94; lead sent to, 94; appointed inspector of provisions, 116. McKay, James, authorized to raise a company for suppressing outlaws and tories, 397; petition of concerning Maxwell s estate, 463. McKay, Lieutenant Colonel, sent southward, 298; to attend the Council with his officers, 304. McKennon, William, granted temporary protection, 750. McKenny, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. McKenny, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. McKenny, Travis, grant for signed by the Governor, 713; caveat of against Snelson and others referred to County Surveyor, 766. McKenzie, Captain, appointed magistrate for Effingham County, 394. McKenzie, John, qualifies as Justice for Effingham County, 435. McKie, James, petition of to be received under the protection of this State, 503; petition of referred to House of Assembly, 515. McKimmy, William, petition of to be received under protection of this State, 503; petition referred to House of Assembly, 515. McKinny, Travis, grant for signed by the Governor, 712. McLean, Andrew, proceedings against to be arrested, 218; nominated as agent to purchase goods for Indians, 490; to receive certain mili tary stores for Indians, 499. McLea, Captain James, appointed Commissary in Wilkes County, 100; 500 advanced to, 100; 3,000 paid to, 120; required to attend next General Assembly, 193; to superintend distribution of salt in Wilkes County, 227; allowed balance of eleven hundred and eighty-five dol lars, 227. McLean, Elbert & Co., to have draft to pay. for presents furnished Tal- lassee and Fat King, 675; draft to for presents furnished Choctaws, 676. McLean, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. McLean, Lieutenant, given order for pistols, 536. McLendon, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. McLendon, Jacob, court to be held at house of, 147; grants for signed by the Governor, 714. McLeod, Donald, ordered to proceed to Charles Town, 393; accused of administering poison to prisoners, 507; temporary protection of continued ten days only, 507; prays further protection, 516. McLeur, John, demands payment of account of John Clements in con tinental money, 99. INDEX. 853 McMullin, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. McMunn, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. McMurphy, Daniel, to administer oath of abjuration, 48, 205; appointed to purchase provisions for the county of Burke, 113; takes oath as member of Council, 201; to draw four rations a day for his family, 284; services as Superintendent to Indian Nation no longer needed, 386; qualifies as Register of Probates, 435; elected Register of Probates, 438. McXabb, Alex, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. McNabb, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. McNair, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. McNeelly, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. MicNeely, Hugh, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. McNeil, Archibald, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. McNeil, Daniel, ST., grant for signed by the Governor, 700. McNeil, Daniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. McNeil, Colonel James, petition for bounty land for himself and regi ment, 516; petition for bounty certificates, 545; grants for signed by the Governor, 580, 700. McNeil, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. McNeil, Michael, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. McNeils, Catharine, grant for signed by the Governor, 580. McNeilly, John, appointed magistrate instead of Thomas Little, 55. McNeil, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. McNorrell, William, declines to qualify as sheriff of Burke County, 14. McQueen, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Meazle, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Meazles, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Meazles, Mr., to supply troops stationed at Augusta, 448. Melvin, George, petition of referred to Chief Justice, 632. Mercer, James, to be furnished corn, 316. Mercer, Silas, grant for signed by the Governor, 668. Mercer, Thomas, to be exempted from militia duty, 316; grants for signed by the Governor, 674, 677. Merchants to declare on oath how much salt and rum they have in their possession, 345. Messenger of Council, salary of fixed, 125; messenger to be employed, 184; to be paid $20 per day, 184. Meyers, James, to account for public horse, 538. Middleton, Col. Robert, member of Executive Council, 182; to put house in repair for public use and church in repair for meeting of next Assembly, 193; leave of absence granted to, 194; supplied with powder and lead, 196; to render account of negroes in his possession, 854 INDEX. 313; to give his obligation to the Governor for balance due on ne groes, 314; grants for signed by the Governor, 668, 777. Middleton, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Milledge, John, Attorney General, three thousand dollars paid to in part payment of salary, 249; negro to be delivered to, 366. Millen, Stephen, amercement law suspended as to, 394. Miller, George, granted protection, 625. Miller, James, Governor to affix Great Seal to power authorizing him to take in his possession sundry negroes, 302. Miller, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Miller, Samuel, member of Council, to be sent for, 6, 102; required to attend the Board, 35; appointed Commissioner for exchanging prisoners, 107; paid for services, in; 343 refunded to, 128. Milligan, Ann, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Militia bill returned to the House with amendments, 251. Militia dragoons and mounted infantry to be immediately raised for three months, 272. Militiamen to be allowed bushel of salt in addition to pay, 219. Militia, vacancies among officers in to be filled by election, 87; militia of all counties except Wilkes and Richmond to be drafted into three divisions, 103; new officers of militia to be elected, 123; officers of to continue to serve until new election, 133; put on same footing as South Carolina militia, 154; on duty, to be supplied with rations as confederal troops, 199; general muster of, and a draft, 254; draft of one-half of ordered, 256; militia of Richmond and Burke Counties to join General Twiggs, 271; entire militia of State ordered into service, 277; entire militia called out, 289; one-third of the militia to be called out and rendezvoused at Spirit Creek, 291 ; present draft of militia to be marched as mounted infantry, 293; one-half of mili tia in Burke, Effingham and Richmond Counties to be drafted, 307; one-third of militia in Wilkes County to be drafted, 307; militia in Wilkes not to be drafted on account of danger from Indians, 312. Milner, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 599, 772. Milner, Solomon, permitted to go to St. Augustine after negroes, 400. Milton, Captain John, four rations a day allowed to, 377. Milton, Major John, petition of to take negro boy into his possession read, 493. Milton, John, Secretary of State, sworn as Notary Public, 484; asks for salary, 537; declines serving longer as Notary Public, 601. Mingohoope and another Head Man of Chactaw Nation attend the Board and deliver talk, 670; presents to the amount of 20 to be given to, 670. Mims, Drury, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. INDEX. 855 Minis, Davis and Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Minis, Peter, complaint of concerning impost duties, 610; to give bond for, but not to pay at once impost duty demanded, 611. Minutes and proceedings of former Governor and Council to be laid before House of Assembly, 3. Minute Battalions, in want of provisions, 18; officers and privates in, resident in Georgia not entitled to bounty, 594; officers and privates in, Council will recommend that Assembly grant bounties to, 594. Minute men to be paid for services, 43; arms of to be repaired, 44. Mitchell, John, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Mitchell, John, British merchant, petition of to ship rice rejected, 485. Mitchel, John, and Thomas Hogg, British merchants, granted permis sion to go to Charleston, 357. Mitchell, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 712, 718, 719, 723. Mitchell, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Moates, Silas, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Moates, Simon, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Moates, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Mobley, Cudd, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Mobley, James, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Mobley, Ludd, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Mode, Elizabeth, petition of laid before the Board, 258; petition re jected, 260. Money to be loaned for support of continental troops, 18; money a; pro- priated for the relief of fire sufferers in Charleston, 22. Monger, Sampson, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Montaigut, David, qualifies as Comptroller, 625; to act as Deputy Regis ter of Probates, 646. Montcrief, Mary, grant for signed by the Governor, 674. Moon, Mrs., permitted to come on shore, 413. Moor, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Moore, Captain, detachment of company of to guard magazine at Ebene- zer, 44. Moore, George, corn to be delivered to, 315. Moore, Mary, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 689. Moore, Samuel, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Moore, William, letter from concerning property of Wm. Manson, pro scribed, referred to Commissioners of confiscated estates, 635. > Mooseley, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Moosely, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Morel, John, to be commissioned ist Lieutenant, 63; to take command of White Bluff Company, 365; allowed one hundred bushels corn and two barrels rice, 401; takes seat as Councilor for Cha-th.un 856 INDEX. County, 454; petition of, to ship corn to St. Augustine, granted, 478; appointed Justice for White Bluff, 481; qualifies as magistrate for White Bluff, 496. Morel, Peter Henry, memorial read and granted, 356; petition granted, 357- Morgan, Elizabeth, granted three rations a day, 356. Morgan, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Morgan, Jesse, grants for signed by the Governor, 703, 768. Morgan, Mary, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Morgan, Robert, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Morgan, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Morgan, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 722, 776. Morganson, Asa, grants for signed by the Governor, 685. Morrison, Alexander, granted temporary protection, 658. Moses, a negro convicted of felony, respited until meeting next General Assembly, 689. Moss, Leonard, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Moss, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Motte, Uriah, corn to be delivered to, 311. Motte, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Munro, Mrs., permitted to go and return with Commissioners to St. Augustine, 108. Munro, Simon, forbidden to land on Georgia shore, 108. Murdoch, David, granted permission to go to St. Augustine, 482. Murlain, Mary, allowed one ration daily, 378. Murphy, JXaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Murphy, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Murray, George, grants, for signed by the Governor, 672, 679. Murray, John, named in bill of attainder, returns to the State, 97. Murray, Richard Dunavan, .vendue house le| to for tavern, 342; paid for providing public entertainment on proclamation of peace, 633. Mylne, John, granted temporary protection, 693. N Nail, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Nail, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 706, 721. Nail, Julius, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Nail, Reuben, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Napier, Colonel Thomas, lost land warrant duplicated for, 668. Navy board, two members of authorized to act, 54. Neally, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. INDEX. 857 Needlinger, Godlieb, appointed Justice of Peace for Effingham County, 481. Negroes captured at Savannah sold, 215; negroes running loose about Savannah, committee appointed to take charge of, 341; negroes may be purchased by citizens of this State from British subjects now in East-Florida, 388; negroes given in exchange for supplies for Continental Battalion, 424. Neidlinger, John Godlieb, qualifies as magistrate for Effingham County, 532. Neil, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Nelson, Mrs. Elizabeth, corn to be delivered to, 322. Nephew, Peter, petition of, praying to have the occupying of Ogechee Ferry, not granted, 488. Netherclift, Thomas, appointed Justice for White Bluff, 481; qualifies as magistrate for White Bluff, 496; granted permission to carry rice to St. Augustine, 498. Nevin, John, gives information on oath, 37. Newberry, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Newdigate, Captain, to recruit men for galleys, 120. Newdigate, John, taken off the classing list, 367. Newdigates, , granted Letter of Marque, 393. Newell, Capt. Thomas, petition of, 650. Newgent, Edmund, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Newman, John, bounty allowed to, 657. Newsom, Claiborn, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Newsom, Solomon, grants for signed by the Governor, 668, 701. Nichols, Francis, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Nicholson, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Kiel, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Noble, Hannah, statement from concerning cattle referred to Major Ravot, 85. Nobles, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 781. Noble, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Norris, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 685. North Carolina, letter from the Governor of, concerning certain negroes, 321. Nowland, Philip, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Nulson, Christian, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Nunes, Daniel, appointed Clerk of Market in Savannah, 342; petition of to be appointed vendue master rejected, 353; qualifies as Harbour Master for the port of Savannah, 600. Nunes, Moses, commissioned as linguist, 51; appointed Clerk of the Market for Savannah, 347. 858 INDEX. Oath of abjuration, all persons over sixteen years must take, 48; oath of abjuration, 204. O Brian, William, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; proposal of, to bring in records and public papers of this State now in Virginia or Maryland, read, 469; appointed inspector of tobacco for Chatham County, 568; to have brick out of ruins of barracks, 628. Odingsel, Major, Governor to furnish twenty guineas to, to purchase salt for the militia of this State, 282; protests against order con cerning purchasing horses to be paid for in negroes, 308; resigns commission, 346. Odingsells, Charles, to have salt for public negroes at Dublin, 485; re signs as Commissioner of forfeited estates, 634; application of for bounty granted, 541. Office hours fixed, 619. Officers of Continental Army, entitled to bounty of land both from the continent and the state, 628; advanced one grade and bounty al lowed on advanced grade, 629. Officers, non-resident, not to recruit in this State, 54. Officers and soldiers of Second Battalion entitled to bounties, 580. Ogden, Thomas, granted permission to go to St. Augustine, 454; claim for galley, "Sailor s Delight," presented, 459. Oliver, Dyonisius, qualifies as magistrate, 140; to superintend election near Spirit Creek, 140; grants for signed by the Governor, 667, 672, 674, 714. Oliver, Jane and Sarah Johnston, petition of, 260; petition rejected, 261. Oliver, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Oneal, Axom, grants for signed by the Governor, 706, 724. Oneal, John, 35 ordered to in lieu of money lost in fire, 68. Oneil, Axom, grants for signed by the Governor, 702, 724. Oneil, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 713, 722. Oricks, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 753. Osborn, Col. Adlai, of North Carolina, appointed Register of Probates for Chatham County, 731. Osborn, Mrs., corn to be delivered to, 319. Ottrey, Alexander and Henry Dukes, appointed to take charge of property of Wm. Sizemore, 244. Cwen, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Owens, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 711 Owens & Thompson, petition of to ship rice postponed, 485; petition granted, 489; petition of agreed to conditionally, 560; petition of re jected, 563. INDEX. 850 Pace, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 586. Pain, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Paine, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 785. Palmer, Martin, to receive temporary protection, 774. Palmer, Solomon, grants for signed by the Governor, 714, 737, 775. Palmer, Thomas, permitted to go to East-Florida, 448. Pannell, Joseph, County Surveyor, may appoint assistants not exceeding six, 637; ordered to appear before the Board, 707; with his assis tants appears before the Board, 725; caveat against dismissed, 726. Pannill, Joseph, commissioned as Major, 68. Paris, Francis, ordered to pay 120 to Governor and Council, or deliver up certain negroes, 395. Parker, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Parker, Col. Richard, thanks of the Board to be given, 189; authorized to impress salt, 190; requested to answer why salt sent to Gen. Lincoln was not delivered to the militia, 190; requested to remove troops from the old fort in Augusta, 191; land assigned to for garden, 200; requested not to remove Virginia troops out of this State, 208. Parks, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 739. Parnill, Joseph, grants for signed by the Governor, 685. Parriss, Peter, property taken to be delivered to, 139. Partec. Elizabeth, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Patrick, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Patrol, a strict, to be kept up in several counties during Christmas holidays, 747. Passengers arriving in this State to be examined, 630. Paulk, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 769, Patterson, Gideon, grants for signed by the Governor, 739, 784. Patterson, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Patterson, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Patton, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Pay Master of State Troops, no money to be paid except on warrant of the Governor, 32. Payne, Samuel, grants for signed by the Governor, 713. Peacock, William, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 409. Peal, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Pearre, Capt. Nathaniel, proposition of to bring state records from the northward accepted, 605; commission for signed by the Governor, 610; petition of, for duplicate land warrants stolen, 748. 860 INDEX. Pearry, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Peek, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Pendleton, Solomon, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Pennington, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 743. Perkins, Elizabeth, execution against to be stayed, 678. Perkins, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 775, 781. Perrett, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Perry, Joshua, grants for signed by the Governor, 708. Persons appointed to purchase provisions to make monthly report, 114; to give bond, 114. Persons having public wagons and horses to return them to Council, 471- Persons, no, named in act of confiscation can be admitted into thii State, 505; persons, idle and disorderly, order respecting to be con tinued in force, 645. Peters, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. Pettigrew, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Pettygrew, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Pettygrew, Captain, complaint of, 12. Pevy, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 776. Pharr, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Philips, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 698, 703, 708, 715, 758. Philips, Col. Zachariah, to build new fort at Harris old fort, 202; grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 604, 608, 699. Phillips, Joel, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Phillips, Joel and Edward, to have one half bushel corn monthly for each member of their families, 286. Phillips, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 757, 760. Phillips, Zacharias, grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Phillips, Zachay, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Pickens, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Pinkerton, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Pinkston, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 588. Pistols and swords to be purchased for the State, 219. Pitman, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Pitman, Timothy, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Plunderers to render account of property in their possession, 149. Pmell, Jacob, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Polhill, Nathaniel, qualifies as Clerk Superior Court of Effingham County, 40. Porteous, Robert, to be released by the sheriff and leave the State, 390. Pourcen, John, paid for cordage, 102. INDEX. 861 Powder Receivers at Savannah and Suntmry, to report quantity and con dition of powder, 15. Powell, Cedar, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 677, 755. Powell, Edward, grants for signed by the Governor, 718, 769. Powell, James, member of Council, to be given draft on Treasury for services, 641, 665, 692, 769, 782. Powell, Josiah, copy of order to, 440; former Commissioner of con fiscated estates, to be reimbursed, 620. Powell, Lewis, grants for signed by the Governor, 703. Powell, Moses, grants for signed by the Governor, 555, 724, 755. Powledge, Motlina, salt to be given to, 407. Prather, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Pray, Job, paid for fitting up sloop "Revenge," 47. Pray & Watlington, petition of to land negroes without performing quarantine refused, 664. President of Congress, letter from, 15. President of Council invested with power to call out militia, 153; to issue warrant for 20 in favor of trustees of the College, 607. President and Council, to attend funeral of President Wells, 221; a guard provided for in going to Augusta to open a Land Court, 622; paid for attendance in Council, 782. President of South Carolina, letter from, 102. Printer to publish proclamation of peace in Gazette three times, 602. Prisoners, exchange of proposed, 180. Prizes, how to be disposed of, 139. Proclamation requiring the people to stand firm, 210; proclamation forbid ding plundering, 228; proclamation requiring absentees to return and settle their land, 237; proclamation setting apart a day of thanksgiving for the success of the American arms, 269; proclama tion for admitting absent citizens and; proclamation encourag ing desertion from the enemy, 320; proclamation >convening the General Assembly, 320; proclamation prohibiting exporta tion of goods, salt or other merchandise from Savannah, 342; proclamation prohibiting exportation, 374; proclamation requiring all citizens of this state to render account of losses and damages sustained by ravages of the enemy, 456; proclamation announcing cessation of hostilities to be published in Gazette, 496; proclamation forbidding trespassing on Indian hunting grounds, 503; proclama tion forbidding persons encroaching on lands lately relinquished by the Indians, 553; proclamation offering rewards for apprehending persons charged with murder, 583; proclamation announcing Treaty of Peace to be read by sheriff throughout streets of Savannah, 602; 862 INDEX. proclamation declaring explicitly the boundaries and jurisdiction of this State, 661. Provisions, embargo on exportation of, 79; mode of purchasing pro* visions, 115; embargo continued, 121; prices of increased, 123; em bargo on provisions of every kind, 390; embargo on provisions re moved, 402; embargo on exportation of grain, 464. Public business may be transacted by State officials in other States than Georgia, 209. Public officers, fees of fixed, 238; committee appointed to fix fees of, 244. Public money to be placed in the hands of the President of Council, 247. Pugh, Elijah, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Pugh, Francis, qualifies as magistrate for Burke County, 462. Pugh, Francis, caveat against Francis Lockhart and others, judgment for plaintiff, 763. Pugh, Jesse, grants for signed by the Governor, 718, 758, 762. Pulk, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 769. Purchasing and Issuing Agents to make return of all property by them received, 491; petition of for longer time to prepare returns granted, 492; ordered to make immediate return of all articles of provisions in their hands, 493; report of, 493. Purking, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Q Quails, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Quarter-Master, commanding officers to appoint, 132; abuses in de partment of, 290; to furnish Patrick Jarvis with two horses, 332; ordered to furnish Capt. Cuthbert with a horse, 335. Quarterman, William, to collect unidentified cattle for public use, 480. Querns, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 711, 723. R Rae, James, petition from concerning supplying continental troops, 28; 4500 paid to as Commissary General for the continental troops, 31; letter from concerning Indian affairs, 431; memorial of, asking payment of accounts referred to House of Assembly, 675; draft to issue to for supplies furnished Indians, 745. Rafforty, Michael, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Ragan, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Ragan, Jonathan, grants for signed by the Governor, 661, 708, 723. INDEX. 863 Ragland, Evan, grants for signed by the Governor, 592, 706, 711, 712. Ramsey, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 590, 723. Ramsey, Randolph, grants for signed by the Governor, 580, 723. Ramsey, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Ramsy, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Ramsy, Randolph, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Ramsy, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Ramsy, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Randolph, Airs., draft to issue to for six dollars for rent of rooms in Augusta, 727. Rations to which certian companies are entitled, 65. Ravot, Abraham, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; qualifies as As sistant Justice for Effingham County, 473; to attend the Board and show cause, 652; draft to for 3, 652; appears before the Board and offers explanation of his conduct, 659; same referred to House of Assembly, 659. Raymond, Peter, to go to East-Florida in quest of negroes, 480. Razer, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Read, William, applies for bounty and gratuity, 598. Rees, David, elected Clerk of Executive Council, 407, 577; qualifies as Justice for Chatham County, 473; draft issued to on salary, 689, 776; draft for 19 to issue to for advances for house rent for the Land Court in Augusta, 777; petition of, for allowance for assistant, referred to House of Assembly, 777. Reese, David, qualifies as Collector for the port at Sunbury, 35. Reeves, Joseph, and Joseph Atkinson, apprehended with British goods, ordered into custody, 190. Rehm, Dr. Frederic, appointed Justice for Little Ogechee, 481; qualifies as magistrate for Little Ogechee, 496. Resolves of Assembly to be forwarded to Colonels Jack, Stewart and Coleman, 47; to be forwarded Major Wilder, 47. Resolution respecting horses for public service, 183; resolution that the Board will provide for compensation of its Clerk, 184. Reynolds, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Rials, Joshua, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Rice, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Rice to be distributed for relief of inhabitants of this State to be lodged in hands of Councilors, 325; rice granted by South Carolina, one- third to be allowed persons bringing same to this port, 333; rice to be shipped to East-Florida to pay for presents for Indians, 483; prohibition on exportation of rke continued, 498. Richardson, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Richardson, Sarah, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. 864 INDEX. Richmond County, court to be held in for trial of offenders, 147, 150; lower Battalion in, to join Col. Few, 154; citizens of, who signed delegation of late House of Assembly, 154; militia of lower Bat talion of, to elect officers, 161; committee for Richmond County to submit reasons for ordering certain persons within the British lines, 258; report of committee, 260; Commissioners of Richmond County ordered to deliver Commissary of Issues one hogshead of tobacco for public use, 260; election of Representatives to be held at Brownsborough, 287; vacancies in upper Battalion of field officers ordered to be filled, 309; corn to be furnished inhabitants on fron tier of, 317; petition of officers of militia of, asking removal of Capt. Littleburg Bostwick, 336. Ridon, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 584. Riley, John, allowed two rations a day, 379, 389; appointed Messenger and Doorkeeper, 407; elected Messenger of Council, 577; paid part of salary as Doorkeeper, 627; draft to issue to on salary, 694; draft to issue to for 10 due him as Messenger, 777. Roan, Tunstale, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Robbers and plunderers, orders concerning, 535; infest the road between Savannah and Augusta, 622. Roberts, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 672, 698, 699. Roberts, Rhuben, Florida scout, all civil and military officers to en deavor to apprehend, 57. Robertson, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 784. Rolfes, Frederic, confirmed as Commissary, 370; ordered to take into his possession all horses, wagons and public stores now in the hands of Nehemiah Wade, 379; authorized to impress forage, 396; authorized to procure supplies, 411; to submit report of public salt on hand, 445, 470; to be informed that the State has no further need for his services, 494. Rolfes, George, to deliver up Wm. Struthers note, 538; ordered to at tend the Board, 561. Rolfes, George and Francis Brooks, taken off the classing list, 371. Komand, Major, iron for public use delivered to, 18; loan made to, 33. Rose, John, petition of to be received under protection of this State read, 503. Ross, Thomas, appointed vendue master, 127. Ross, William, of St. Augustine, permitted to remain on shore until Tuesday, 408. Roving commissions to be issued to persons who raise companies of fifteen men, 50. Rowell, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Rowell, Howell, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. INDEX. 865 Rules for the government of the Executive Council, 224, 295, 428. Rum and beer given soldiers, 61. Runnells, Harmon, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Runnells, Jane, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Runnels, Jean, draft to issue to for 72, 749. Runnels, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Rushing, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Rutherford, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 604. Rutledge, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 686. Ryon, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 755.- Ryon, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Sallis, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 668, 701. Salters, Samuel, to adminster oath of abjuration, 48. Salters, Simon, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Salt furnished several counties, 5; persons applying for must take oath , 5; exportation of prohibited, 17; to be disposed of to inhabitants-, 50; reserve of one hundred bushels ordered for five Independent Companies, 60; embargo on exportation of salt continued, -60, 80; salt to be purchased for public use, 219; exportation of salt pro hibited, 398. Sand Bar Ferry, Col. Heard to contract for keeper of, 192. Sanders, Abram and Mordecai, sent back by Gen. Lincoln to stand trial, 1 68. Sanders, Mark, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Sanders, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Sanders, William, commander of pilot boat, to be supplied with am munition, 107. Sandiford, John, resigns commission as Colonel, 40. Sanson, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Sapp, Dill, grants for signed by the Governor, 776, 778. Sapp, Emanuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 773. Sapp, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 773. Sapp, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 781. Sapp. William, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Satterwhite, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Saunders, Joel and Thomas, sent back by Gen. Lincoln to stand trial-,. 1 68. Saunders, Joshua, grants for signed by the Governor, 568, 580: Savage, Loveless, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. 55 r r vol 2 INDEX. Savage, Thomas, not to have provisions for negroes, 465. Savannah, to be patroled at night, 42; public wells in to be repaired, 64; artillery company to serve as fire company in, 84; artillery company in not exempt front patrol duty, 84; company of calvary patrol in, to recommend some person for Captain, 85; prisoners in jail at, accused of treason, 85; one-third of the ammunition in Savannah to be sent to Ebenezer, 119; town of taken by British troops, public business of a civil nature ended, 129; negroes captured in Savannah to be sold, 215; merchants in Savannah sell goods at exorbitant prices, 373 i Commissioners for streets and commons of Savannah appointed, 478; lots in to be appraised, 561; appraised lots to be sold at public outcry, 563. Savannah and Sunbury, instructions to commanding officers at, 25: collectors at may search outgoing vessels, 444. Scrieuber, Justus Hartman, granted temporary protection, 632. Scott, Benjamin, grants for signed by the Governor, 718, 768. Scott, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Scott, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Scout on Oconee River, Governor requested to order, 289. Striven, General, body guard for, 95. Scruggs, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 701, 761. Seabury, Mrs. Hetty, allowed two rations per day, 372. Seal of the State, delivered to the Governor, 22. Febert, James, Col. Jackson to furnish him with his pay and discharge, 365. Secretary of Council, ordered to write to George Walton, William Hammet, John Freeman, James McLean and Elijah Clark requiring their attendance on the next General Assembly, 193. Secretary of State, authorized to grant passes, 29; to be allowed usual fees, 44; oath of, 199; to prepare proclamation concerning losses and damages sustained by ravages of the enemy, 458. Scigar, George, to administer oath of abjuration in and about Augusta, 204, qualifies as Register of Probates for Richmond County, 214; qualifies as Deputy Surveyor General, 215. Settles, Francis, petition of referred to Deputy Quartermaster General, 225. Sevier, John, commissioned Colonel, 739. Sevier, Valentine, commissioned Major, 739. Scwell, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Shackelford, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. SKad, Solomon, granted permission to take rice to St. Augustine, 497. Shaddock, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Shadwick, Elizabeth, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. INDEX. 867 Shannon, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Shannon, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Sharp, Howard, to be confined on galleys, 7. Sharp, Isham, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Shaw, John, summoned before the Board to testify, 203. Shaw, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 776, 784. Sheffield, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 686. Sheftall, Levi, petition rejected, 695. Sheftall, Mark, grant for signed by the Governor, 786. Sheftall, Mordecai, granted permission to ship goods to Charleston, 465. Sheftall, Mr., gun powder to be delivered to, 126. Shelman, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Sheriff of Chatham County, to take possession of press and type belong ing to the late James Johnstons, 344. Shields, Andrew, to take into his possession negroes belonging to confiscated estates not hired out, 312; grant for signed by the Governor, 686. Shirley, William Stubl,y, plundered by South Carolinians, 152; civil au thorities of South Carolina asked to aid in the recovery of his property, 153. Sidwell, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. Sieur, Antoine Reire Charles De La Foreste, the Governor cannot furnish exequatur until his arrival in this State, 640. Sikes, Mrs., to be furnished supplies, 107. S kes, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Silkcock, Mrs., permitted to come ashore, 413. Sill, Richard, granted protection, 625. Sills, John, complaint of, 217; property restored, 218. Simmons, Charles, grants for signed by the Governor, 773. Simmons, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 711, 719. Simmons, Starn, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Simmons, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Simms, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Simms, Mann, grants for signed by the Governor, 697, 698. Simonds, Montague, granted temporary protection, 757. Simpson, James, order on treasury granted to, 231; corn to be delivered to, 315; grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Simpson, John, granted permission to ship rice, 493. Sims, Mann, grants for signed by the Governor, 768. Sims, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Sinquefield, Aaron, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Sizemore, Mary, complaint of, 244. 868 INDEX. Sizemore, Mrs., permitted to come on shore, 413. Skideway Road, Commissioners appointed to repair, 369. Skinner, Isaac, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Slaves, male, to be drafted for service in expedition against East- Florida, 78. Slich, Samuel, to be paid 250 on salary, 85. Sloop Betsy, mate and crew of, entitled to discharge, 482. Sloop commanded by Capt. Hague to be taken into public service, 129. Slut, Samuel, appointed Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners, 107. Smith, Adam, permitted to go to South Carolina, 445. Smith, Burwell, commissioned as Major, 137; complaint against, 236; ordered to appear before the Board, 236. Smith, George, wife, children and negro permitted to go to South Carolina, 445. Smith, Nathaniel, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Smith, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 714. Smith, Samuel, caveat of against H. Johnston, 704; grants for signed by the Governor, 739. Smith, Thomas, grants for signed by the Governor, 718, 720. Smith, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 584, 713, 758. Snelson, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Snider, Andrew, to be paid for services, 366. Sonerby, Henry, petition of to bring slaves and effects into this State granted, 561. South Carolina, letter from President of, 20; State of South Carolina charged with six hundred pounds of gun powder, 91; militia of, in this State to go to the assistance of Charleston, 243; persons pro scribed by, may have temporary protection in this State, but must be delivered up on demand, 505. South Carolinians, attempt to run lands in the forks of the Tugalo and Kiowee Rivers, 66 1; order thereon, 661. Spalding, Marjory, granted permission to go to East Florida, 439. Spalding, Mrs., granted permission to go to East-Florida, 443. Spears, Abram, paid for riding express, 136. Spencer, John, takes oath as Justice of Peace for Effingham County, 578; draft to issue to for service as Councilor, 663, 665, 692. Spencer, John Bazil, appointed Measurer and Surveyor of Chatham County, 381. Speirs, Alexander, petition of referred to Attorney General, 638. Speirs & Crookshanks, see Crookshanks and Speirs. Spirituous liquors not to be retailed without license from Executive Council, 383. INDEX. 869 Stallings, Ezekiel, claims negroes as reward for his services, 540; caveat of against Rowell, 717. Stallings, James, qualifies as Justice of Peace for Richmond County, 680; grants for signed by the Governor, 722, 724. Stallings, Tabitha, letter from concerning negro, 335; order thereon, 335- Stallings, and others, members of Georgia State Legion, to be. given negroes in lieu of pay and bounty, 565. , Standley, Mrs. Mary, to be furnished corn, 317. Stanly, Mrs. Mary, corn to be delivered to, 322. Stark, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. State, alarming condition of, 75; public property of the State to be pledged for payment of goods to be given Indians, 490. State officers and forces to be governed by rules governing continental forces, 31. State lottery, to lodge money in State Treasury, 74. State troops, allowance of pay by the State is above pay allowed by Congress, 184. Staten, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Statin, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Stephens, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 711, 785. Stephens, Mr., and Col. Davis, to furnish estimate of value of land ad vertised for sale, 641. Stephens, William, qualifies as Attorney General, 28; appointed Town Major, 42; bill to remove disabilities of laid before the Council, 426; bill for the relief of approved, 430; qualifies as Magistrate for Chat ham County, 616; paid for services as Councilor, 635, 665, 782; with Benjamin Andrew to appraise certain tracts of land advertised for sale, 657; appointed Associate Counsel to assist the Attorney Gen eral, 660; 5 allowed to for assisting the Attorney General, 782. Sterns, Ebenezer, grant for signed by the Governor, 737. Steven, William, granted temporary protection, 665. Stewart, Ann, permitted to go to St. Augustine, 423. Stewart, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. Stewart, Colonel, orders to, 31; ordered to equip his men and report, 32. Stewart, Gravener, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. Stewart, Martha, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Stewart, William, appointed Clerk of Court in Chatham County, 13; qualifies, 17. Stirk, John, appointed Treasurer, takes oaths of office, 198. Stirk, Mr., applies for leave to bring flag of truce to Ebenezer, 181. 870 INDEX. Srirk, Samuel, appointed to sign the money ordered by House of As sembly, 64; money advanced by to be refunded, 117; paid for sign ing commissions, 126; elected Clerk of Council, 197; paid for services as Secretary to the Governor and Council, 198; appointed to admin ister oath of abjuration to inhabitants in and about Augusta, 204; appointed to sign money, 214; given order on the Treasury for several sums, 217; paid for services as Clerk to the Board, 248; appears be fore the Board with vouchers for expenditure of money by Col. John Stirk, late Treasurer, 331; given receipt for same, 331; authorized to raise Volunteer Company in Savannah, 382; instructions to concern ing continental soldiers, 402; application of, that articles charged to his private account may be placed to the account of the State, granted, 408; Samuel Stirk, Attorney General, opinion of concerning Sloop Good Intent, 435; elected Attorney General, 438; construction of "An act for inflicting penalties on, and confiscating the estates of such persons as are therein declared guilty of treason," etc., 532; order to for salary, 574; audited certificates offered in part pay ment for negroes declined, 648; paid for services as Attorney Gen eral, 782; draft to issue to for 50 in payment of last year s salary, 782. Stirk, Samuel, and James Jackson, to pay money in their hands to the Treasurer, 220. Stites, Benjamin, authorized to procure cargo of salt and rum, 356; appointed Justice in St. Philip s Parish, 481. Stites, Samuel, appointed Assistant to Frederic Rolfes, 396. St. Mary s River, banditti on to be looked after by Col. Baker, Major Carr and commanding officer in Efnngham County, 654. Stone, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Stone, Thomas, petition of, to send rice with flag of truce, granted, 478. Store, Mrs., permitted to go to Charleston and return, 373. Storr, John, appointed Commissioner of Trade, 68. Story, James, and John Matthews, negroes in hands of to be sold at public outcry, 209. Strangers entering town to report fo the Governor, 41; strangers with out passes to be apprehended, 52. Stringfellow, Enoch, grants for signed by the Governor, 708, 711. Strong, John, confimed as Agent, 370; to issue no rations except on order of Major Habersham, 378. Strozier, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Struthers, William, amercement law suspended as to, 387; granted per mission to go to Europe, 460. Stuart, Clement, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. INDEX. 871 Stuart, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Stuart, William, of North Carolina, petition of for payment for v/agon and team sold to Governor, 497. Stubblefield, Seth, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Sturges, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Subtrine, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 692. Subtrine, Nicholas, grant for signed by the Governor, 692. Sullivan, Florence, admitted an Attorney at Law, attends the Board, 465. Sunbury, battery at to be completed, 65; attack on apprehended, 72; galleys at to be manned, 73; Collector at, instructions to concerning tiags of truce, 461; commanding officers at, to remove troops from house of Mr. Jones, 464; lots in to be appraised, 547, 561; salt, thread, canvas and queen stones in, to be appraised, 561; appraised lots in, to be sold at public outcry, 563. Supreme Executive Council appointed, 141; John Wereat chosen Presi dent of, 146; members of, take oath of office, 146; oath of Clerk of, 146; disclaim having judicial and legislative power, 148; member of, 155- Surgcon, commanding officer to take, 133. Surveyor General, to report caveats monthly, 548; to make certificates in land warrants, 582; asks instructions as to Capt. Few s grant, 585; office of to be continued in Augusta until September ist and then removed to Savannah, 679; office of to" be continued in Augusta until ist of October, 684; further continued, 716. Surveyor surveying out of his district must refund fee.s, 726. Suspected persons in Richmond County, Commissioners to take charge of estates of, 37; return of to be made, 130. Sutton. John, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Sutton, Thomas, appointed ist Lieutenant, 71. Taarling, Peter and Jacob Brice, appointed vendue masters, 686. Tate, Adam, petition of, 229; President to give certificates of good con duct to, 230. Tatnall, John Mulryne, ordered to proceed to Charles Town, 393. Tatnall, Josiah, Jr., granted temporary protection, 633. Tattnell, Mrs., and Miss, petition in behalf of, 410; permitted to remain on shore until Sunday, 413. Taylor, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Taylor, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 705, 723. Taylor, Josiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. 872 INDEX. Taylor, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 724. Taylor, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Taylor, Thomas, appointed Commissioner for Ogechee Road, 533; grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Taylor, Dr., charges against, 183; to be arrested and kept in custody, 183- Tax Collectors, to pay into the Treasury all money in their hands, 645.- Tax defaulters, list of to be delivered to the Treasurer, 645. Teasley, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Telfair, Edward, furnished salt for Burke County, 5; to administer oath of abjuration, 48; elected delegate to Continental Congress, 175; takes oath as Continental delegate, 202; given order on President of Congress for ten thousand dollars, 216; given order on Treasury of Georgia for twenty thousand dollars, 216; appointed Commissioner to treat with Greek and Cherokee Indians, 423; chosen Agent to set tle and adjust the northern boundary of this State, 454; to be com missioned Agent to settle the northern boundary, 456; letter from concerning land to be sent to Commissioners of confiscated estates, 659; grant for signed by the Governor, 760. Telfair, Edward, and John Houstoun, to be notified of their election to Congress, 180. Telfair, Edward and others, remonstrances of, 672. Telfair, Edward, Richard Leake and William Platt, suit to be entered against, 688. Tennessee Lands, letter from Major Mclntosh concerning, 654. Terrill, David, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Terrill, William, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Thanksgiving, day of appointed, 75, 395. Thomas, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Thomas, John, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Thomas, Col. John, under arrest, petition of, 81; to be discharged from parole upon giving security, 81. Thomas, Philip, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Thompson, Benjamin, qualifies as deputy surveyor, 33; grants for signed by the Governor, 588, 702, 758. Thompson, Charles, Secretary to Congress, letter from announcing the appointment of Elias Boudinot as President, 408. Thompson, James, granted leave of absence from the State, 120. Thompson, John, heirs of, grants for signed by the Governor, 760. Thompson, John, granted temporary protection, 653. Thompson, Laban, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Thompson, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. INDEX. 873 Thompson, Tabitha, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Thompson, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 702, 705. Thompson, William, British merchant, permitted to go to St. Augustine, 426; granted temporary protection, 647. Thorn, David, grants for signed by the Governor, 701, 744. Thorn, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Thornton, Mark, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Thornton, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 599. Thunderbolt, oyster house, at to be procured for reception of the sick, 3i- Thurmand, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Tindall, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Tine, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Tine, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Tocabatichers, King of, presents delivered to, 68. Todd, John, petition of to return to Georgia, 508; grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Tomerlin, Harris, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Tondee, Mrs. Lucia, draft to issue to, 562. Tondee, Mrs., to have draft for fifteen pounds, 742. Tondor, Lucy, five rations per day allowed to, 356; same continued, 377- Tonyn, Governor, letter from, no; letter to enclosing list of persons at tainted, in; Commissioners to be sent to, to secure negroes and other property of citizens of this State, 608; Governor of Georgia to write letter to, 731. .Town Major appointed for Savannah, 41. Townsend, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 780. Townsend, Mary Scott, grant for signed by the Governor, 702. Transient persons to report to the Attorney General, 403. Traywick, Francis, grants for signed by the Governor, 679, 701. Treasury certificates to be paid off, 87. Treasurers of this State ordered to attend the Board immediately, 151; letter to, 151. Treasurer, ordered to appear before the Board, 591; ordered to pay balance of Gen. Greene s warrant, 592; to make report of condition of treasury, 609; to report on bonds in treasury, 610; to issue war rants against tax defaulters, 645; to be furnished with certified copy of debts of British merchants, 648; draft to for salary, 731, 769. Treaty of Peace, proclamation announcing, 602. Tremble, Eleanor, grant for signed by the Governor, 680. Trentfield, Mrs., permitted to go down with Commissioners, 108. Treutlen, John Adam, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. 374 INDEX. Triel, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Triplett, Mrs. Mary, two rations a day allowed to, 321. Trustees of Franklin College, grants for signed by the Governor, 697, 706. Tucker, Thomas, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 709. Tumbleston, Priscilla, grant for signed by the Governor, 771. Tunis, Nehemiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Tureman, Garrett, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Tureman, George, grants for signed by the Governor, 599, 708. Tureman, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Turnbull, Andrew, granted temporary protection, 658. Turnbull, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 739. Twiggs, John, Commissioned as Colonel, 138; member of Executive Council, 182; to hire or impress wagons to haul lumber, 194; to be supplied with powder and lead, 196; to administer oath of abjuration in Burke County, 205; to assemble his command and other troops at Augusta, 212; petition of inhabitants of Burke County referred to, 231; twenty thousand dollars ordered to for secret service, 249. Twiggs, General, to assemble troops at Augusta, 283; permitted to use indigo in his hands toward moving his family, 311; appointed Commissioner to treat with Creek and Cherokee Indians, 423; presents account, 529. Tyler, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 755. Tyner, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. Tyner, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 705. U Underwood, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Urvoy, Francis, supplied with ten bushels of salt, 381. V Vacancies in militia to be filled by election, 9. Vagrant act to be enforced, 630. Veazy, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Vendue Master to sell public salt and wagons, 601; must pay taxes to date, 694. Vickers, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Vinzant, Nicholas, a Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. INDEX. 875 W Wade, Nehemiah, one of the Treasurers, to be apprehended and brought before the Board, 152. Wade, Nehemiah, Deputy Quartermaster General, to have supplies, 353; allowed three rations a day, 378; ordered to make return of salt, 380; to make return of wagons and horses, 470; claims to have al ready made return of wagons and horses to Gov. Martin, 470; grants for signed by the Governor, 588, 786; Auditor to proceed against, 619. Wagner, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 568. Wagners, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 761. Wagnon, John Peter, relinquishes land to Win. Gibbons, 656; to have warrant for Supplies furnished Indians at Augusta, 754. Wagnon, John Peter & Co., draft to for presents furnished Chactaws, 676; draft to in payment of clothing ordered to French Mestobee, 679. Wagons and teams used by the State, owners to be allowed pay for use of, 219. Walch, Capt. Peter, furnished with goods, 368. Walden, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. W r aldhower, John, appointed to collect arms in Effingham County, 347. Walker, Benjamin, commissioned as Captain, 63. Walker, Jeremiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Walker, Joel, petition to return to his family referred to magistrates, 169; permitted to go to St. Augustine, 425. Walkers, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Walker, Mr., Agent, for Mr. Belcher, ordered to deliver salt according to agreement of Belcher, 375. Walker, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 725. Walker, Sanders, caveat of against Kimbrough and others, 704; caveat dismissed, 726; grants for signed by the Governor, 714, 723, 775. Walker, Saunders, grants for signed by the Governor, 568, 661, 719. W r alker, Thomas, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 371; grant for signed by the Governor, 686. Walker, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Wall, Susannah, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Wallace, John, British merchant, permitted to go to Charleston, 416. Wallace, Williams, grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Wallace, William, permitted to return to this State, 485. W aller, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Wallicon, Daniel, advances money to the State, 137; commissioned as Major, 138. Walsh, James, permitted to go to East-Florida, 440. 876 INDEX. Walton, George, contracts to supply minute men, 34; appointed Com missary, 24; qualifies as Magistrate, 140; to superintend election near Spirit Creek, 140; required to attend next General Assembly, 193; takes oath as continental delegate, 202; given order on Presi dent of Congress for ten thousand dollars, 216; given order on treasury of Georgia for twenty thousand dollars, 216; elected Chief Justice, 438; qualifies as Chief Justice, 438; warrant for salary, 559; takes oath as Chief Justice, 601; draft given to on salary, 652; draft to for services as Councilor, 666, 728; grants for signed by the Gov ernor, 715, 785. Walton, George, Deputy Commissary General, to demand of his prede cessor all public stores, 255. Walton, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Walton, John, to administer oath of abjuration, 48; loans money to pay for salt, 136; petition of, 333. Walton, Robert, grants for signed by the Governor, 588, 624. Walton, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Waltour, Jacob, to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Ware, Henry, Sr., grant for signed by the Governor, 671; asks renewal of land warrant, 712. Ware, Nicholas, grants for signed by the Governor, 672, 701. Ware, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Washam, Joseph, granted temporary protection, 750. Watch service, twenty citizens to be detailed for, 42; names of citizens, 42. Waters, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Waters, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 763. Waters, Martha, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Waters, Thomas, takes oath of loyalty, 28. Watkins, John, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Watlington, Francis, tax collected on lost sloop returned to, 611; granted temporary protection, 663. Watson, Elizabeth, late widow of Nathaniel Hughes, petition of for Nathan Hughes bounty land granted, 696. Watson, Elizabeth, late widow of Wm. Lambert, petition for Wm. Lambert s bounty land granted, 696. Watson, Peter, grant for signed by the Governor, 608. Watson, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Watson, William, appointed sheriff of Liberty County, 124. Watts, Charles, letter from Attorney General concerning, 660. Watts, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 719. Watts, Mary, requests that her husband, Chas. Watts, under sentence of banishment, be permitted to return to the State, 623. INDEX. 877 Way, Parmenas, appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Wayne, Brigadier General, letter from recommending proclamation to issue for admitting absent citizens and encouraging desertion from the enemy, 320; riflemen to be provided for, 326; letter from, to the Governor, concerning desertions in the militia, 328; deserters to be ap; rehended and sent to Gen. Wayne to be dealt with, 328; re quests supply of liquor, 338. Waynewright, George, grant for signed by the Governor, 718. Weatherford, James, proposition of to take command of force to protect inhabitants against plunderers, 535; claims negro wench, 539. Weatherford, Martin, children of, to be sent to East-Florida, 410. Webb, George, Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Webb, Jesse, grant for signed by the Governor, 754. \Vebb, John, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 712. Webb, William, petition to be allowed to remain in this State rejected, 545- Webb, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Webster, John, plunderer and murderer, outlawed, 385. Webster, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Welborn, Edward, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. Welch, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Welch, Edward, petition concerning, referred to special committee, 89. Welch, Joshua, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Welcher, Jeremiah, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Wells, Col. Andrew Elton, salt to be delivered to, 51; to show cause why he disobeyed orders concerning cattle, 54; attends the Board in response to summons, 57. Wells, Abigail, grants for signed by the Governor, 719. Wells, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 720. Wells, George, commissioned as Colonel, 138; court of enquiry con* cerning, 140; ordered to deliver up petition of inhabitants of Rich mond County, 150; not recognized as Colonel of Lower Battalion of Richmond County, 153; refuses to return copy of charges against him, 160; virtually acknowledges by his conduct truth of charges, 160; not to be obeyed as officer of Lower Battalion, 161; elected President of Council, 197; election of as President of Council con firmed, 202; President of Council with members of Council compe tent to transact all public business, 214; death of, 221. Wells, Humphry, to superintend election of officers in Lower Battalion of Richmond County, 161; required to attend the Board, 184; mem ber of Council, 197, 201; elected President of Council, 221; to take possession of estate of George Wells, deceased, 222; paid two thou- 87* INDEX. sand five hundred and twenty-six dollars for medicine purchased for the Director General of Hospitals, 248. Wells, Jordan, grant for signed by the Governor, 755. Wells and Odingsel appointed to employ a doorkeeper, 250. Welscher, Joseph, and Abraham Dacosta, granted auctioneer s license, 659. Wereat, John, furnished twelve gallons of rum, 12. Wereat, John, Continental Agent, petition and memorial of laid before the Board, 105 ; ordered to attend the Board, 106 ; petitions of referred to House of Assembly, no; takes seat as President of Supreme Executive Council, 146; renders his accounts as Auditor General, 476; to have draft for balance of salary, 631; affidavit of concerning lot of land advertised for sale, 751. Wereat, John, and Mr. Fournier, appear before the Board, 106. Wereat, John, and Colonels Elbert and W r hite to be heard, in; appear before the Board, 112. Wereat, Mrs., to be paid for flour, 273; allowed rations, 281. West, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 740. West, Capt. Samuel, to collect unidentified cattle for public use, 480. Westbrook, Stephen, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Whateley, Walton, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Whatley, Mary, grant for signed by the Governor, 591. Whatley, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 721. Whatley, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Whatley, Wiley and Tisdall, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Whatley, W r illis, grant for signed by the Governor, 708. Wheeler, Zachariah, grant for signed by the Governor, 711. Where, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 703. White, James, disabled soldier, supplied with clothing, 534; bounty allowed to, 657; to have draft for 5, 751. White, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 706. White, Joseph, grant for signed by the Governor, 757. White, Nicholas, grants for signed by the Governor, 713. White, Rhoda, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Whitefield, Andrew, draft to for supplies furnished Indians, 666, 727. Whitfield, James, appointed Secretary of State, 122. Whitehead, Amos, amercement law suspended as to, 365 ; indulgence granted on payment of 12, 486. Whitesides, John, grants for signed by the Governor, 709, 755. Wideman, Henry, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Widows and children destitute of provisions, rations issued to, 339. Wiggins, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 698. Wiggins, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 756. INDEX. 879 Wilder, Dread, grants for- signed by the Governor, 758. Wilder, Driad, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Wilder, Major, money advanced to for raising and equipping five compa nies, 49 ; cooking utensils to be delivered to, 49 ; commission to be deliv ered to at once, 49; to report to the Governor concerning arms and equipment, 49; disposition of his companies, 50; affidavit of concerning behavior of Col. Thomas, 75 ; tried by court martial and broke, 96. Wilder, Samuel, grant for signed by the Governor, 715. Wilder, William, grants for signed by the Governor, 775, 776. Wildes, Charles, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Wilds, George, Florida scout, cattle of to be seized, 39. Wilkes County, court to be held in for trial of offenders, 147, 150; letter to magistrates of, 173 ; resolution concerning building of forts in, 183. Wilkinson, John, appointed clerk of Council, 136 ; not permitted to take oath as Justice of Peace or Register of Probates, 257; petition of re jected, 261; takes oath as Auditor, 309; audited certificates of to be re ceived in payment for confiscated property, 540. Williams, Carrol, bounty warrant issued to, 687. Williams, Charles, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 783. Williams, Charles, grants for signed by the Governor, 723. Williams, Edwad, appointment as Commissioner to settle accounts between this State and the United States approved, 741. Williams, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 679. Williams, Joseph, grants for signed by the Governor, 649, 674, 784. Williams, Pride, and others, committee appointed to intercede with Gen. Lincoln in behalf of, 172. Williams, Susannah, grant for signed by the Governor, 713. Williamson, Col., directed to hire negroes from owners if necessary, 78; asks for supplies for his forces, 104; authorized to appoint Commissary, 105 ; authorized to impress provisions, 105. Williamson, General, requested to bring his brigade into the State, 208 ; re quested to assist Mrs. Young in the recovery of her negroes, 224; thanked by the Board for assistance to this State, 243; warrant for ten thousand dollars to, 249. Williamson, Micajah, caveat against to be entered, 559; petition for grant postponed, 589; grants for signed by the Governor, 591, 599, 649, 677, 739. 784; caveat against dismissed, 683. Williamson, Robert, grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Willie, Richard, heirs of, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Willie, William, heirs pf, grant for signed by the Governor, 699. Willson, Andrew, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Willson, Benjamin, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. 880 INDEX. Wingfield, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 779. Winkfield, Garland, grant for signed by the Governor, 725. Winkfield, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 588. Wise, Joseph, grants for signed by the Governor, 671, 672, 701. Wood, Captain John, bounty warrant granted to, 687. Wood, Jonathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 741. Wood, Joseph, Jr., appointed patrolman instead of John Martin, 53. Woodall, John, grant for signed by the Governor, 758. Woods, Capt. John, expenses in conducting Choctaw chiefs from the nation ordered paid, 673 ; copy of letter from, to be sent Col. Clark, 744. Woods, Jonathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 697. Woods, Joshua, grant for signed by the Governor, 700. Woods, Richard, grant for signed by the Governor, 768. Woods, Thomas, paroled British prisoner given rations, 427. Woodruff, Colonel, dispute concerning appointment of, as Quartermaster General, 253 ; requested to act as Deputy Q. M. General, 253 ; requested to apply to Commissioners of sequestered estates for negroes, etc., 253 ; to have twenty- four dollars for the use of his department, 279; reports for the committee appointed to purchase horses, 313. Woodruff, Joseph, to take charge of artillery, 90; appointed Commissary cf prisoners, 116; elected Collector of the port of Savannah, 438; au thorized to take possession of female child, 462; salary paid to, 660, 747; draft ordered to for liquor furnished the militia, 772; grant for signed by the Governor, 772. Woodworth, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 701. Wooten, Nathan, grant for signed by the Governor 698. Wooten, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Wright, Dionysius, appointed to administer oath of abjuration, 48. Wright, Elizabeth, widow, three rations a day allowed to, 344; allowed four rations a day, 353 ; four rations a day continued to, 377. Wright, Sir James, plantation of, near Savannah, reserved for public use, 55 ; rice, corn and steers of, to be delivered to Commissary General, 56 ; plantation of, on Ogechee to be reserved for public use, 56; committee appointed to write to, on the subject of his parole, 180; required to either pbserve his parole or procure in exchange Col. Elbert, Major Habersham, or others, 181 ; plantation of, not to be despoiled, 349. Wright, Jermyne, and Charles, sale of land of postponed, 754. Wright, Mary, negro June ordered to be restored to, 390. Wyche, George, commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel, 138; to administer oath of abjuration, 205; qualifies as Commissioner for administering test oath, 246; qualifies as Magistrate, 247; petition of referred to court, 520. Wylly, Colonel, to endeavor to get wagons at twelve and a third dollars a day, 170; ordered to impress wagons if necessary, 170. INDEX. 881 Wylly, Major, appointed Commissioner for exchanging prisoners, 107. Wylly, Richard, member of Executive Council, 6; paid 50 for attendance in Council, 105. Wylley, Richard. Continental Quartermaster, eight thousand dollars ad vanced to for the use of his department, 249. Wynn, John, Sr., appointed to purchase provisions in Liberty County, 113. Yancy, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 722. Yarborough, Clement, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Yarbrough, Thomas, grants for signed by tiie Governor, 685, 686. Yarbrough, Thomas, petition of referred to House of Assembly, 373. Yarbroth, Thomas, grant for signed by the Governor, 723. Young, Captain, leave of absence granted to, 120. Young, Lieut. Daniel, petition of concerning land bounty, 594. Young, Daniel, grants for signed by the Governor, 699, 775. Young, Edward, grants for signed by the Governor. 771. 775. Young, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Young, petition of. praying for suspen sion of sale of land, disallowed, 558. ^ oung, John, under sentence of death, pardoned, 178. Young, John, Jr., grant for signed by the Governor, 770. Young. Mary, complaint of. 223 ; Gen. Williamson requested to assist her in recovery of negroes, 224. Young, Mrs., permitted to go down with Commissioners, 108. Young. Thomas, and others, ordered to proceed to Charleston with flag of truce. 393. Youngblood, James, grant for signed by the Governor, 775. Youngblood, Jonathan, grant for signed by the Governor, 729. Zachry, William, grant for signed by the Governor, 778. Zebray, Mrs., allowed two rations, 281. 56 r r vol 2 882 INDEX. INDEX TO LAND COURT. Augusta, Land Court meets at, Call, Richard, Surveyor General, letter from requesting instructions con cerning lines between the counties of Wilkes and Washington, 796; referred to treaty with the Indians" in 1773, 796; to take sworn testimony as to the location of Cherokee Corner, 796; asks for more Assistant Surveyors, 796; authorized to appoint more Assistant Surveyors, 796; to pass elapsed grants, 797 ; letter from, 798. Clark, Colonel, to furnish a guard of an officer and twelve men to protect Mr. Gregg while running line of Indian hunting grounds, 798. Clerk of Court, fees of, 798. Cobbs, John, and others, memorial of, concerning reserve of land, 79 1 J memorial disallowed, 792 ; appeal to Executive Council, 793. D De Estainge, Count, warrant for twenty thousand acres in Franklin County to issue to, 795. Doorkeeper and Messenger, fees of, 798. Georgia Line Officers, ask precedence in issue of warrants, 791 ; ask warrant for rank one degree above their rank in 1777, 791; petition rejected, 792; protest of, against waiting for their warrants, 793. Governor s certificate not necessary to secure bounty warrants, 789. Gregg, Mr., appointed to run line circumscribing the Indian hunting grounds, 798; guard provided for, 798. Land Court meets at Augusta, 789. INDEX. 883 M Marks, James, petition for land, 795. Marks, James and others, see George Matthews. Matthews, Gen. George, and others, memorial of, concerning reserve of land, 791 ; memorial disallowed, 792 ; appeal to Executive Council, 793. N Napier, Thomas, and others, see George Matthews. P Precedence of applications to be determined by lot, 790. R Rae, James, petition for bounty under act of congress rejected, 794. Rees, Mr., Clerk of Council, to refund fees taken by mistake, 799. Secretary ready to receive petitions for warrants, 790. Secretary of State, statement concerning fees, 799. Surveyor General to pass all elapsed plats, 797. W Warrants, issuing of postponed. 797; need not be applied for in person, 797: elapsed warrants, three months allowed for, 797. Willis, Francis, and others, see George Matthews. DATE AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS "" RlBRARIES V. I,