LIBRARY' OF CONGRESS A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH KEFKKKNCKS TO PERIODICA Li?) OX IMMIGRATION COMPILED INDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER I SECOND ISSIE WITH ADDITIONS 1 r2S4n WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 n :• /^ ,•. : '^ ■ ■■■ :•^ ■•■■ ■■■/' L. C. card, 5-20005 ^^ ^ PREFATORY NOTE TO SECOND ISSUE The present issue is mainly a reprint from tiie plates of the first. It has. however, been made to include the publications which have been added to the Library since the first issue by the substitution of recent titles for some of the early and less importiint works. The articles in periodicals. Congressional documents, consular reports, etc., have been brought to date. Among the new publications there are to be noted: Iininlg ration in its general a-s//eets in the jnltinor>'r classes in cvY/e-s'.— Hunter's "Poverty"; Riis's "The battle with the slums", and "How the other half lives". Consult also numerous articles in the periodical "Charities", published by the Cliarity organization society. New York. Lahorand int migration. — Adams and Sumner's ''Labor problems"; "Social progress, a year book'', 1904-1905; Warne's "The Slav inva- sion"; and Wright's "The influence of trade unions on innnigrants" in the "Commons", vol. 10, pp. 303-307; and Mass. Bureau of labor report on " Race in industry," forming Senate doc. No. 27, 58th Cong., 1st session. Method of dealing loith immigrants.— Miss Jane Addams in the "Commons", vol. 10, pp. 9-19; J. H. Hoose, in "Education", vol. 25, pp. 269-278. ••, -> ur 2 PREFATORY NOTE TO SECOND ISSUE Immigrant question in Great Britain. — Boutmy's "The English people"': Bradshaw and Emannel's "Alien immigration" (arguments pro and con); Buxton's "A handbook to political questions of the day"; C. Kinloch Cooke in the "• Empire review", vol. 9, pp. 208-228, 436-460, vol. 10, pp. 1-10; Gordon's "The alien immigrant"; School- ing's "Foreigners in England" in the "Fortnightly review", vol. 76, pp. 880-894; and the reports of Parliamentar}'- committees noted on pages 17 and 18 of this List. German immigration. — Canstatt's "Die deutsche Auswanderung"; Schwegel's "Die Einwanderung in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika". Italian immigration. — Bodio's "Notes sur la legislation et la statistique comparees de I'emigration et de I'immigration"; Bran- denburg's "Imported Americans" a record of experiences of one who assumed the character of an immigrant; the "Bolletino de I'emi- grazione" published by the Italian emigration commission; Lord's "The Italian in America". The periodical "L'ltalia coloniale" con- tains a number of important articles, written from the Italian stand- point. Two articles by Rambaud in the "Revue de Paris", June 1 and 15, 1905, are of exceptional interest. Among the discussions are Mc Laughlin's "Italian and other Latin immigrants", in "Popular science monthly", vol. 65, pp. 341-349; Jadot's " L'emigration ital- ienne" in "Questions diplomatiques et coloniales", vol. 18, pp. 209- 219; Speranza's "A mission of peace", in the "Outlook", vol. 78, pp. 128-131; Tosti's "Italy's attitude towards her immigrants", in "North American review", vol. 180, pp. 720-726; Robbins's "Italian to-day, American to-morrow", in the "Outlook", vol. 80, pp. 382-384. Slavic immigration.— W2iYnQ''s "The Slav invasion"; "The Slav in America", a symposium in "Charities ", vol. 13, pp. 189-266; Kucera's "The Slavic races in Cleveland" in "Charities", vol. 13, pp. 377-378; Svarc's "The culture which the Slav offers America", vol. 14, pp. 875-881; Lovejoy's "The Slav child: a national asset or a liability", in "Charities", vol. 14, pp. 882-884. Bihliograpky.—ThQ Report of the British Board of trade, pub- lished 1893 (noted on page 15 of this List), contains a list of books on immigration into the United States. Vol. 30 of the Special consular reports is on "Emigration to the United States" and compares present conditions with those of 1890, when F. L. Dingley made the report printed in Special consular reports, vol. 2. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bihliographei' Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington^ D. C, Aitgnd i, 1905 PREFATORY NOTF TO FIRST ISSUE The primaiT purpose of tliis List is to show material on the histor}' of iinnijoration to this country, with discussions on the economic influence of innnigration. The List, however, takes in some works outside of this scope. This is a consequence of notinfj all the works contained in the section of the shelves devoted to immitrration. There are therefore found treatises on emigration from one foreign country to another, as well as political and economic studies based on condi- tions abroad; handbooks issued b}- Western states to encourage set- tlement, which naturalh' are mere expositions of the resources of the states in qu(4stion, etc. The List is arranged as follows: List of books, 181 titles; Kcferences to articles in periodicals, 259; Congressional documents, lOd; Reports of the Commissioner of immi- gration, etc., 50; Treasury department decisions, 31 entries; and Consular reports, 103 entries. The history of Congressional investigation and legislation concern- ing immigration is summarized in Senate report no. 1333, 52d Con- gress, 2d session, which is a general report on proposed restriction of immigration. A list of Congressional documents from 1788-1903 is given on pp. 41-52 of this List. Prior to 1882 it was a question only of encouraging immigration. In that year a law was passed i)lacing some restrictions on immigration. In 1883 a report was presented providing for a commission aud joint commission on immigration. A report known as the '"Ford committee report" which dealt with con- tract labor, etc., forms House report no. 3792 of the 50th Congress, 2d session. The testimony taken was published in a ver}^ small edi- tion for the use of the Committee. The Librar}" does not possess a copy. As a result of investigations in 1890 a voluminous report was published as House report no. 3472, 51st Congress, 2d session. In Jul}', 1892, a report by a Committee which investigtitod the general subject of immigration and naturalization together with testimony taken was printed as House report no. 2090, 52d Congress, 1st session. The next important report is that issued as Senate report no. 1333, 52d Congress, 2d session. Senator Lodge's report, which advocated making illiteracy ah obstacle to immigration, forms Senate report no. 290, 54th Congress, 1st session. The report on the McCall bill, which 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS forbade the admittance of illiterate males over 16 years of age, is printed as House report no. 1079, 54th Congress, 1st session. The conference report on this bill forms Senate document no. 118, o-lth Congress, 2d session. The veto of this bill is printed as Senate document no. 185 of the same session. In 1902 a lengthy report was made b}' the Senate committee on immigration, which with the testimony taken, was printed as Senate document no. 62, 57th Congress, 2d session. The Act of March 3, 1903, which is characterized as a systematic codification of the various laws relating to immigration, is printed in the Statutes at large, vol. 32, part 1. pp. 1213-1222. The text of the laws down to 1893 are contained in the Annual report of the United States superintendent of immigration for the 3'ear ending June 30, 1893. Various editions of the immigration laws are noted on page 29 of this List. A digest of immigration laws and decisions was pub- lished by the Bureau of immigration in 1899 as Treasury department document no. 2108. Vol. 15 of the Reports of the Industrial com- mission, chapter 11, is devoted to "Immigration legislation and its workings." The Icnos of foreign countries regarding immigration are treated in Chandeze's "De I'intervention des pouvoirs publics dans Temigration et Fimmigration au xix^ siecle." Vol. 15 of the Reports of the Indus- trial commission gives the English text of laws of foreign countries affecting immigration and emigration. Current statistics of immigra- tion to the United States are given in the Reports of the Commissioner of immigration. General statistics of immigration of foreign popula- tion, based on census reports down to 1900, are given in vol. 15 of the Reports of the Industrial commission. Tabulated statistics showing the number, nationality, sex, age, occupation, and destination, from 1820-1903, are published in the "Monthly summary of commerce and finance" for June, 1903. Richmond Mayo-Smith's " Emigration and immigration" is a gen- eral study of the history of the economic phases of immigration. This work is a summarized histor}^ of immigration, with chapters on the economic gain by immigration, the social effects of immigration, and restrictions of immigration, and discusses special methods of regulat- ing immigration. " Immigration and its economic effects," based on a study of conditions in various industries, accompanied by papers on the foreign immigration in New York City and the agricultural dis- tribution of immigrants, is treated at length by John R. Commons in vol. 15 of the Reports of the Industrial commission, pp. 293-743. A statement of the investigation into the character of immigration made by consular officers of the United States is published in House executive document no, 157, 49th Congress, 2d session, and some of the papers contained in this document are reprinted in "Consular reports," vol. 22, no. 76, April, 1887. PREFATORY NOTE 5 Bi-omwell's •'History of immigrution to the United States" is a compendium of statistics on the general p. Map. 5^. The West Indies. General information for intending settlers. London, 1900. 95 pp. 8°. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 17 Great Britain. Emigrant^ information ojfice. The West Indies. Lrmdon, 1902. 110 ])p. 8'^. Home office. Return showing the names of all aliens to whom certificates of ntituniliziition have been issued and who have taken the oiitli of all<>giance between the 1st day of Janu- arj% 1903, and the 31st day of December, 19(»3, giving the country and phice of residence of the person naturalized. Ordered, by tlie House of Conunons, to be printed, 13 April, 1904. London., 190 !i.. 16pp. F. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional j)(tpei's.^ 1901i.. 12 Jf..) House of Commons. Report and special report from the Standing committee on law, and courts of justice, and legal procedure, on the aliens bill; with the ])roceedings of the committee. Ordered, 1)}' the House of Commons, to be printed, 7 JuW, 1904. London., 190 J^. IH pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 190 Jf. 24-2.) Parliament. Emigration statistics of Ireland for the year 1904. Report and tables showing the number, ages, conju- gal condition, and destinations of the emigrants from each county and province in Ireland during the year 1904; also the occupations of the emigrants, and the number of emi- grants who left each port in each month of the 3'ear, Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. Duhlin: Printed for His 2[ajesty^s stationei'y oflce.^ 1905. IJf., {1) pp. F^. {Great Brltai)i. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1905. Cd. 2Ji.67.) Royal commission on alien immigration. Report, with min- utes of evidence and appendix. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Printed for I Fix Majesty'^ s stationery office, 1903- 1904.. Jf.vols. in 1. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 190^. Cd. 17^1, 17^2, 17J^i.) The contents of the Report include: Part I. — Character and extent of the evil; Part II. — Measures adopted for the restriction and control of alien immigration in foreign countries and in British colonies. "Law of the United States," pp. 32-35. Select committee on emigration in 1826. Report, with a brief analysis of the evidence and appendix. London: John Murray, 1827. {6), 177 pp. 8^. 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Select committee on emigration from the United Kingdom. Report. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 26 May, 1826. 377 pp. Folded maps. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1826, vol. 4.) Select committee on emigration and immigration {foreigners). Report, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 27 July, 1888. 356 pp. F^. (/n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1888, vol. 11.) Select committee on emigration and immigration. Report, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 8 August, 1889. 113 pp. F^. (Jft Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1889, vol. 10.) G-reeley, Horace. Immigration. {In his Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy, pp. 306-322. Boston, 1870. 12°.) Guenther, Richard. United States legislation respecting immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1896, pp. 302-307. Boston, 1896. 8°.) Hale, Edward Everett. Letters on Irish emigration. Boston: Phillips, Sam/pson cfe comjmny, 185'2. 61/, pp. 8°. "First published in the Boston Daily Advertiser.'" , Hall, Prescott F. Selection of immigration. Philadelphia, 1904. 169-184 PP- S°- Cover-title. "Reprinted from The Annals of the American academy of political and social science for July, 1904." j Hart, Hastings H. Immigration and crime. V {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1896, pp. 307-313. Boston, 1896. 8°.) Heurtier, [N. J. J. F.] Rapport, fait au nom de la Commission chargee d'etudier les differentes questions qui se rattachent a I'emigration europeenne. Paris: Imp>rimerie Imperiale, 185Jf. 390 pj). 8^. Report made to "Le ministre de I'agriculture, du commerce et des travaux publics." Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. The alphabet as a barrier. {In his Book and heart, pp. 160-164. New York, 1897. 8°.) Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Immigration and head-money taxes. A series of papers and reports. Boston, 1877. 8 pamphletii in 1 vol. 8^. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 19 Hopkins, C. T. Common sense applied to the immigrant question: showing why the "California immigrant union" was founded, and what it expects to do. [San Francisco: TurnhuJI d^ Snuth, 1869.] 6i, xii /)p. S'^. Hoppe, A. Der Ansiedler in den Vcreinigten Staaten von Nord- Amei'ika. C'hi'ca(/o, lUinois: Brack vany, [1904]- U),4^pp. 8^. Contents. — Introduction. — The southern railroads and immigra- tion. — The South's need of immigrants. — Railway distribution of immigrants, by F. J. Warne. — Immigration and the South's de- velopment, by M. V. Richards. — The South's opportunities for immigrants.— Immigration and the southern states, by G. A. Park. — South Carolina's immigration department, by E. J. Wat- son. — Immigration to the South. — The railway immigration department, by S. A. Hughes. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Immigration association of California. First annual report, for the fiscal year ended ISovember 21, 1882. San Francisco: Bacon & company, 1882. 16 pp. 8°. Immigration convention, held at Charleston, S. C, on 3d, 4th, and 5th of May, 1870. Proceedings. Charleston, S. C: Walker, Evans cfe Cogswell, 1870. 8k pp. 8-. Immigration restriction league. Publications, nos. 1-41. Boston, 18H-190Jf. Jfi nos. 8°. No. 35 missing. Contents. — 1. The present aspect of the immigration problem. 2d ed. 1894. 14 pp. 2. Study these figures and draw your own conclusions. (4) pp. 3. Various facts and opinions concerning the necessity of restricting immigration. 1894. 14 pp. 4. Twenty reasons why immigration should be further restricted now. (4) pp. 5. Latest information about immigration. (Cor- rected to Feb. 13th, 1895. ) 6. The educational test as a means of further restricting immigration. 1895. 21 pp. 7. Latest statistics about immigration. (July 1st, 1894, to April 1st, 1895.) 8. What the Commission on the unemployed says about immigration. 1 sheet. 9. Latest figures about immigration. Comparison of the fiscal years ending June 30, 1894 and 1895. 2 pp. 10. What does the American press say about the fur- ther restriction of immigration? (4) pp. 11. Distribution of illiterate immigrants. (6) pp. 12. Do our states desire further immigration? What classes of immigrants do they want? (4) pp. 13. Is the educational test demanded by the country? See the list of newspapers in favor of it. 4 pp. 14. The present Italian influx, its striking illiteracy. (4) pp. 15. Immigration figures for 1896. (2) pp. 16. Immigration. Its effects upon the United States. Reasons for further restriction. 2d ed. 12 pp. 17. Bibliography of recent hterature on immigration. 2d ed. 4 pp. 18. Text of immigration bills introduced into 55th Congress, first session. March-July, 1897. 12 pp. 19. Immigration figures for 1897. (2) pp. 20. Endorsements of the illiteracy test for the further restriction of immigration. 4 pp. 21. Immigration and the .educational test, by Prescott F. Hall. 1897. 11 pp. 22. Foreign steamship agitation against the immigration restriction bill. 4 pp. 23. Forcible demand of the press for the further restriction of immigration by the illiteracy test. 7 pp. .24. The surprising circular of the Immigration protective league. Pur- pose and operation of the Lodge bill greatly misrepre.*ented. 5 pp. 25. Immigration figures for 1898. (2) pp. 26. Immigra- tion figures for 1899. (3) pp. 27. Immigration figures for 1900. (3) pp. 28. Bibliography of recent literature of immigration. (4) pp. 29. Immigration figures for 190i. (3) pp. 30. Digest of immigration statistics. Effects of immigration upon the United States and reasons for further restriction. Proposed legislation. 27 pp. 31. Some reasons for the adoption of the educational test as a means of further restricting and regulating immigration. (2) pp. 32. Effect of the educational test bill upon Germans. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION / 21 8 pp. 33. Restriction of immigration, l)y Francis A. Walker. 1899. 437-451 pp. 34. Whence our immigrants come, and where they go. Census figures of 1890 and liKK). 11pp. 3H. Immigra- tion figures for 1902. (3) pp. 37. The present status of the immigration prul)lem. 6 pp. 38. Immigration figures for 1903. (3) pp. .'W. Extracts from the report of the Commiasioner- general of immigration for the year ending June 30, 1903. 4 pp. 40. Burdens of recent immigration as illustrated in the State of New York, by Frank H. Ainsworth. 8 pp. 41. The restriction of immigration, l)y Robert De C. Ward. ^12) pp. Italy. Ministero degll ajf'ofl ^sti^ri. Commissainato delV emigrazio7ie. Bolletino dell' emi<^nizione. Roma: Tipograjia naz'ionalt^ 1903-1905. Currently received. James, Edmund J. Emigration and immigration. {In Lalor, John J. Cyclopaedia of political science, jwlitical economy, and of the political history of the United States, vol. 2, pp. 85-94. Chic^o, 1883. 8°.) Jarvis, Edward. Immigration into the United States. Boston: James B. Osgood and company .1 1872. {2)., 15 pp. 8°. " Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly for April, 1872." Jones, Thomas Jesse. The sociology- of a New York cit}- block. ±\\'W York., The Colamhla university pi'e^s.. The Maanillan company ., agents; London., 1\ S. King i&: son., WOlf.. 133 p)p. 8^. {Studies in history., eco?wrnics and prihlic laic, ed. hy the faculty of political science of Colurnhia U7iiversity, vol. XXI, no. 2.) Kapp, Friodrich. Immigration and the commissioners of emigration of the state of New York. New York: Douglas Taylor, 1S70. {I^)., Hi., 21^.1 pp. Plates. Portrait. 8°. Immigration. {In Journal of social science, vol. 2, pp. 1-30. New York, 1870. 8°. ) Kingdom, William, jr. America and the British colonies. Exhibit- ing at one \ iew the rompiirative advantages and disadvan- tages each countr}' oti'ers for emigration. London: Printed f on' G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1820. vii, (1), 359 pp. 8^. Kingsbury, Harmon. The immigrant's good Samaritan. I*uhlishcd hy Daniel Panshau\ Neio York, [184^\. 117 pp. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Kort overzicht en handeliding voor landverhuizers naar Noord- Amerika. Zutphen: W. C. Wandeven, 1187^\ 62 pp. 12°. Legoyt, Alfred. L'emigration europeenne; son importance, ses causes, ses effets. Guillaumin et cie, Paris., 1861. (^), Zv, 333 pp. 8°. Lehmann, Emil. Die deutsehe Auswanderung. Berlin: Verlag von Georg Reimer^ 1861. 103 pp. 8°. Levasseur, Emile. Emigration in the nineteenth century. {In U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Emigration and immigra- tion, pp. 720-734. Washington, 1887. 8°. ) ' ' Translated from ' 1' Economiste f ranyais, ' September 27 and Octo- ber 4, 1884." Livingston, [Edward] Discurso de Mr. Livingston, contra la ley de expulsion de extranjeros, dada en los Estados-Unidos de America. Acompanado de un prologo y de un comentario del traductor. Mexico: 1873. Imprenta de la " Yoz de Mexico.'''' v, 31 pp. The speech of Edward Livingston, esq., on the third reading of the alien bill. Philadelphia: Printed by James Carey., \1798\ 16 2)p- ;ti<.s ot alien arrivals at the port ot New York. Bureau oflahor .stafifttf'cs. Tenth annual report for the year 1892. Albany: James B. Lyon, 189-i. 2 vols. 8-. "Immigration," vol. 1, pp. 170-195. Sixteenth annual report, 1898. ^ew York and Alhany: Wynki>op Llallenheck Cravyford co., 1899. I^lates. 8^ Part II. "Immigration, its progress, extent and effect," pp. 954- 1150. Part III. " Investigation of alien lalx»r employed on state contract work," pp. 1151-1158. La Nuova legi.'^lazione sulla emiorazione c .sul rilascio dei passaporti per Te.stero. Como: Tipografia editrice ostinelli di Bertolini Nani e c, 1902. 195 j)j). 16^. Oetken, Friedrich. Reise eine.s deutschen Landwirth.s durch die Ver- einigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Zweite Autlage. Oldenburg, 1881. Schulzesche ILof-Buchhandlung. {li), 15Jf, (1) j)p. 7^°. Oldrini, Alexander. Italian immigration. A statement derived from the most recent statisfics (1891 and first quarter, 1892). (//* U. S. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1.333, jip. 265-277. ) Ontario. The innnigrant in Ontario! The premier province of Can- ada. Issued by authority of the government of Ontario. Brantford, Ont. : Printed by Watt cfc Shenston, 1884- 64- pp. Fo/'drd map. 8'-^. Pennsylvania. Department of intei'nal affairs. Annual report of the Secretar}' of internal aflairs. Part III. Industrial statistics, vol. 12, 1884. Ilarrishiirg: Lane S. Hart, 1885. 2pts.ini vol. Plates. 8~. Immigrant labor, pt. 1, i)p. 63-71. Peterson, P. A. Brodrafolkens storhetstid fir tVuhanden. [jVe70 York, 1891.] 8^. pp. 12-. Piper, Horace L. Report on necessary reforms in carrying steerage- passengers. 1873. {In U. S. 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 195-200.) 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ravenstein, E. G. The laws of migration. {In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 48 (1885), pp. 167-227; vol. 52 (1889), pp. 241-301. London, 1885-1889. 8°.) Richter, Dmitri] J. Die Auswanderung aus Russland und Finland. ( In Jahrbiicher f iir Nationalokonomie und Statistik. 3. Folge, 29. Band, pp. 69-77. Jena, 1905. 8°. ) Riis, Jacob A[ugust]. The battle with the slum. JVeiv Yad\ London: The Macmillcm company^ 190%. «i^ Jt.65 pp. Illustrations. Plates. 8°. "The battle with the slum" is properly the sequel to "How the other half lives." How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. Neic Yorl-: Charles Scribner's sons, 1903. xv, (i), 304- pp- Illustrations. Plans. W'^. Sanborn, F. B. Insanit}^ and immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1898, pp. 268-275. Boston, 1899. 8°. ) • Migration and immigration. {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1886, pp. 253-259. Boston, 1886. 8°.) Regulation of emigration, {In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1887, pp. 212-214. Boston, 1887. 8°. ) Sanders, Thomas B. Report, relative to the alterations in existing laws necessar}^ to secure effectual protection to steerage- passengers on emigrant-vessels. 1874. Januarj^ 1, 1873. {In U. S. 43d Congress, 1st session. Senate executive document no. 23, pp. 49-107. ) Sanderson, John P. Republican landmarks. The views and opinions of American statesmen on foreign immigration. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott dt co., 1856. 367 pp. n the immigration of skilled laV)or into the United States; Reports on emigration from Europe: Austria- Hungary; Belgium; France; Germany; (ireece; Italy; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Swit- zerland; United Kingdom. Reports upon immigration into Brit- ish North America; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies; Australia. Emigration in the nineteenth century, by Emile Levasseur. Memorandum on citizenship and naturali- zation. Bureau of lininigratlon. Digest of innnigration laws and decisions. Compiled l>y Chapman W. Maupin. Washington: Government j^rinting office, 1899. 1^7 pp. 8°. {U. S. Ti'easury department document no. 2108.) Immigration laws and regulations. March 11, 1893. Washington: Government printing office, 1893. 18 jip- 8^. (U. S. Treasury department docuTnefiit no. 1591.) Immigration laws and regulations. Ma}'^ 22, 1895. Washington: Government printing o-ffice, 1895. 20pp. 8^. (U. S. Treasury department document no. 177 4.) Immigration laws and regulations. Aug. 16, 1898. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 20 pp. 8"^. {U. S. Treasury department document no. 2034.) Inmiigration laws and regulations. April 9, 1900. Washington, Government jyrinting office, 1900. 20pp. 8^. Immigration laws and regulations. March, 1903. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 32 pp. 8^. Immigration laws and regulations. August, 1903. Washington: Government printing rinting office., 190 Jf,. 38 pp. 8"^. U. S. Department of commerce and labor document no. 10.) Bureau of statistics. Immigration into the United States. Immigrants arrived in the United States, by coun- tries, during the month of April, and the ten months ending April, 1904 and 1905. {In U. S. Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, no. 9, series 1904-1905. April, 1905, pp. 3885-3886. ) Similar statistics of immigration have been printed in the Monthly summary since July, 1893. See, also, United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. Quarterly reports of the chief of the Bureau of statistics. Department of labor. The Italians in Chicago. A social and economic stud3^ Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright. Washington: Government printing office., 1897 . Jfi9 2)p- 8°. {U. S. Department of labor. Ninth special report.) The slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia. Prepared by Carroll D. Wright. Washington: Government printing office., 189 Jf.. 620pp. 8^. { U. S. Department of lahor. Seventh special repoi^t. ) Department of state. Special consular reports. See Dingley, F. L. BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 31 United States. Industrial commhdon. Reports on immigration, including testimony, with review and digest, and special reports. WiVHhingtou : Government printing office, 1901. cxxiyi, Hlf.0 pp. 8°. {Vol. XV of the Commissi on'' 8 reports.) Contents.— I. Review of evidence and special report.«. II. Topical digest of evidence. Parti. Hearings before the Industrial com- mission on the subject of immigratiun. Part II. General statist- tics of immigration and foreign-born population, by K. Dana Durand. Part III. Immigration and it.s economic effects, by John R. Commons. Part IV. Chinese and Japane.'^e labor in the mountain and Pacific states, by Thomas F. Turner. President. Grover Cleveland. Immigration laws. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the House of Representatives, without his approval, House bill numbered 7864, entitled ''An act to amend the immigration laws of the United States.'' March 3, 1S'.>7. 5 pp. 8, {hlitli Congress., 2d session., Senate document no. 185.) Trea.surij department. Bureau of statistics. Innnigration and passenger movement at ports of the United States during the year ending June 30, 1893. Washington: Government printing office, 189 If.. 6 If. pp. 8^. Same. 1804. Washington: Government printing office, 1895. 77 pp. 8^. Same. 1895. Washington: Government p)rinting office, 1896. 83 pp. Folded plate. 8^. Immigration into the United States, showing number, nationality, sex, age, occupation, destination, etc., from 1820-1903. {In Monthly summary of commerce and finance, n. s., vol. 10, June, 1903, pp. 4333-1444.) Quarterly reports of the Chief of the Bureau of .-statistics; showing the imports and exports of the United States, and other statistics relative to the trade and indus- try of the country. Washi7igton: Government printing office, 1876-1893. 18 vols. 8°. Contain (|uarterly statements of statistics of immigration. Statistical a>)stract of the United States. Finance, coinage, mining, commerce, immigration, tonnage, navigation, the postal service, public lands, etc. Prepared . . . under the direction of the Secretary of the treasury. Washi7igion: Government jjrinting office, 1879-1902. 25 vols, in 2Jf.. 8^. See also Young, Edward. 1425—05- 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. War department. Division of customs and insvlar affairs. Immigration regulations for the island of Cuba. Washington: Govermnent printing office ., 1899. 9 pp. 8^. Immigration regulations for the Philippine islands. Washington: Government printing offict, 1899. 9 pp. 8°. Immigration regulations for the island of Porto Rico. Washington: Government p7'inting oflce, 1899 . 9 pp. 8^. Uruguay. Comision central de imnigracion. Estatuto y reglamento interno. Montevideo: Imprenta del telegrafo.^ 1866. 11pp. 12^. Venezuela. Congreso. Venezuela. Laws regulating immigration and public lands. {Washington: Government printing office., 1895. \ 50 pp. 8"^. {Bureau of the American republics, Washington, D. C. Special hulletin, June, 1895.) Villeneuve, Alphonse. Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Femigration; conference donnee a Rome par [!] par M. I'abbe A. Ville- neuve, le 21 mars 1891, sous les auspices du Comite de Rome pour Femigration italienne, extrait du xx™® siecle. Marseille: Impr. marseillaise, 1891. vi, 53 pp. 8^. Waghorn, Thomas. Waghorn on emigration to Australia on the broadest possible principles, for the future amelioration and prosperitj^ of Great Britain. London: Published hy George Mann, \18}fS\. 16pp. 8°. Walker, Francis A. Immigration and degradation. {In his Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 417-426. New York, 1899. 8°.) / Methods of restricting immigration. {In Ms Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 427-434. New York, 1899. 8°. ) Restriction of immigration. {In his Discussions in economics and statistics, vol. 2, pp. 435-451. New York, 1899. 8°.) Ward, Robert De C. The immigration problem; its present status and its relation to the American race of the future. New York: The Charity organization society, \1901i\. 16 pp. Cover-title. "Reprinted from Charities, vol. 12, no. 6." BOOKS ON IMMIGRATION 33 Warne, Frank Julian. The Slav invasion and the mine workers; a stud}' in immigration. Philadelphia and London: J. B. Llppincott company, lOOIf.. 211 J) J>' Frontlspleo' {imip). 12^. Webb, C. II. A manual for emigrants. New Yorl-: Printed by William Oshorn, 184^. 37 pp. 12^. Wells, George W. Facts for immigrants. Jacknonville., Fla.: PrlnUd at the pre-sH hook and joh office^ 1877. 39 pp. 8'-. The West-ward nuiicli of emigration in the United States, consid- ered in its bearing upon the near futuro of Colorado and New Mexico. Lancaster, Pa. : Inquirer printing and pvhlishing company^ 187 4. 63 pp. 8^. Whelpley, James Davenport. The problem of the iinniigrant; a l)rief discussion, with a sununar}' of conditions, laws, and regu- lations governing the movement of population to and from the British empire, l^'nited States, France. Belgium, Switz- erland. Germany, Italy, Austria-llungar}', Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia and Russia. London: Chapman cfc Llall, Id., 1905. vl, (2), 295, (1) pp. 8^. White, Arnold. Immigration of aliens. ( //* International congress of charities. Public treatment of pauper- ism, pp. 191-197. Chicago, 1893. 8°.) The problems of a great city. New ed. London: Bemlngton and CO., 1887. (10), 275 pp. 12^. "Emigration," pp. 64-115; "Colonization," pp. 116-129. Wilkins, William Henry. The alien invasion; with an introductory note l)y the Right Reverend the bishop of Bedford. London: Methuen d; co., 1892. xil, 192 pp. 12'^. {Social questions o^ to-day.) Appendices: A. Some obsolete alien acts. — B. The alien act of William IV. — C. Italian law as to vajirants. — D. Th<>„, ool. 52 {Apr. IG, 1891): 312. 1891. The immigration problem. Vj. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 52 {Apr. 30, 1891): 35Ji.-355. 1891. The language test for immigrants. A. A. Berle, E. C. Spencer. Nat 'ion, col. 52 {Apr. 30, 1801): 3G0-3G1. 1891. The immigration problem. Nation, col. 52 {2Iay 11^, 1891): 1^01. 1891. Lynch law and unrestricted immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. North America7i review, vol. 152 {May, 1891): 602-612. 1891. Immigration and the tariff. William McAdoo. Far It in, vol. 11 {June, 1891): 398-Jfi5. 1891. Foreign pauper immigration. S. H. Jeyes. F(rrt nightly review, n. s., vol. 50 {July, 1891): 13-24. 1891. Are our immigrants to blame? Oswald Ottendorfer. Forum, vol. 11 {July, 1891): 5J^l-5Jfi. 1891. Immigration and degradation. Francis A. Walker. Forum, vol. 11 {Aug., 1891): 63If-6U. 1891. Immigration: a symposium. The value of immigration. Charles The evil of inmiigration. W. H. Wilder. Dut}^ of the nation and the church toward immi- gration. George L. Curtiss. Methodist review, vol. 73 {Sept.- Oct., 1891): 709-726. 1891. The new immigration. J. H. Noble. Nation, vol. 53 {Sept. 17, 1891): 209-210. 1891. Immigration troubles of the United States. W. H. Wilkins. Nineteenth century, vol. 30 {Oct., 1801): 583-595. 1892. The immigration problem. E. P. Clark. Nation, vol. 54. {Jan. 7, 1892): 4-5. 1892. Methods of restricting immigration. William E. Chandler. Forum, vol. 13 {Mar., 1892): 128-142. 1892. Our national dumping-ground. A study of immigi-ation. fJohn B. Weber and Charles Stewart Smith. North American review, vol. 154 {April, 1892) : 4^4-438. 1892. Tbe immigration problem. Samuel Epes Turner. Social economist, vol. 2 {Ajiril, 1892): 359-365. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1892. Incalculable room for immigrants. Edward Atkinson. Forum, vol. 13 {May, 1892): 360-370. 1892. The invasion of destitute aliens. Earl of Dunraven. Nineteenth centu)^, vol. 31 {June, 1892): 985-1000. 1892. The present state of the immigration question. John Hawks Noble. Political science quarterly, vol. 7 {June, 1892) : 232-2 Ji3. 1892. The immigration problem in America. Westmhistei^ review, vol. 138 {July, 1892): 65-70. 1892. Gli Italiani a New York ed a Chicago. Giuseppe Giacosa. miova antologia, vol. 12^ {Aug. 16, 1892): 618-6}fi. 1892. Immigration. Francis A. AValker. Yale review, vol. 1 {Aug., 1892): 125-llt5. 1892. Studies in immigration. The Scandinavians in the Northwest. Kendric C. Babcock. The mine laborers in Pennsylvania. Henrj^ Rood. Forwn,vol. U{Sept., 1892): 103-122. 1892. Report of the Standing committee on immigration and inter- state migration. Lend a hand, vol. 9 {Sept., 1892): 155-172. 1892. Alien immigration. C. E. Howard Vincent. JS^eiv review, vol. 7 {Nov., 1892): 606-618. 1892. Immigration. Public opinion, vol. U {Dec. 10, 1892): 221-222; {Ltc. 31, 1892): 296-298. Press comments. 1893. Le probleme de I'immigration dans les Etats-Unis de I'Ame- rique. Pietro Sitta. Revue d'econotnie 'politique, vol. 7 {1893): 815-832. 1893. What immigrants contribute to industry. George F. Parker. Forum, vol. 11^ {Jan., 1893): 600-607.' 1893. Alien degradation of American character. Sydney G. Fisher. Forum, vol. U {Jan., 1893): 608-615. 1893. The quarantine bill. E. E. Hale. Lend a hand, vol. 10 {Jan., 1893): 1-6. 1893. The harm of immigration. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 56 {Jan. 19, 1893): J^2-It3. immigration: articles in periodicals 41 1893. Shall immigration be suspended. William E. Chandler. North American reui€u\ vol. 156 {Jan.^ 1893): 1-8. 1893. Perils of unsifted immigration. Joseph Cook. Our (lay, vol. 11 {Jan.. 1893): Jf2-]f7. 1893. A .solution of the immigration problem. William H. Jeffrey. American journal of politics., vol. 2 {Feb., 1893): 132- 13 If.. 1893. The other side of the immigration question. A. A. Halbrook. American journal of politics., vol. 2 {Feb.., 1893): 106-158 . 1893. A practical remedy for evils of immigration. Gustav H. Schwal). Forum, vol. U {Feb., 1893): 805-8 U. 1893. Why inmiigration should not be su.spended. Henry C. Hans- l)rough. North Ain erica?) rei'ieir, vol. 156 {Feb., 1893): 220-227. 1893. How to deal with oui- immigrants. Edward Everett Hale. Social economist, vol. J/. {Feb. , 1893) : 75-83. 1893. Immigration and the foreign born population. Richmond Mayo-Smith. American statistical association. Publications, vol. 3 {March- June, 1893): 30^-320. 1893. Chicago e la sua colonia Italiana. Giuseppe Giacosa. Nuova (intologia, vol. 12 If, {March 1, 1893): 15-33. 1893. Russian Jews as desirable immigrants. Ida M. \'un Etten. Foi-um, vol. 15 {April, 1893): 172-182. 1893. Italian immigrants and their enslavement. S. Merlino. F(mim, vol. 15 {April, 1893): 183-190. 1893. Philo.sophy of immigration and annexation. George Gunton. Social economist, vol. J, {April, 1893): 193-20,^. 1893. Unrestricted immigration dangerous to American institutions. William R. Wood. Am ei'ican journal of politics, vol. 2 {May, 1893): 512-524.. 1893. European peasants as immigrants. N. S. Shaler. Atlantic monthly, vol. 71 {May, 1893): 646-655. 1893. •• Unrestricted immigration dangerous." William R. Wood. Public opini(m, vol. 15 {May 27, 1893): 173-174. From the American journal of politics for May. 1893. The immigration question in Congress. Richard H. Sylvester. American journal (f politics, vol. 2 {June ^ 1893): 567-577. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Immigration. Richard H. Sylvester. E. D. McCrear}-. Public opmioH, vol. 15 {June 10, 1893): 221-222. From the American journal of politics for June. 1893. Immigration and the labor problem. Thomas Nixon Carver. American journal of politics., vol. 3 {July^ 1893) : 78-81. 1893. The restriction of immigration. Ellen Battelle Dietrick. Social economist., vol. 5 (July, 1893): 21-31. 1893. Should we restrict immigration? Arthur Cassot. American journal of politics, vol. 3 {Sept., 1893): 2JiS-251. 1893. The census and immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. Century magazine, vol. J^.6 {Sept., 1893): 737-739. 1893. History of immigration. Charles S. Hoyt. Lend a hand, vol. 11 {Oct., 1893): 276-291. 1893. Immigration and the sweating svstem. George Ethelbeii; Walsh. Chautauquan, vol. 18 {Nov., 1893): 17]^-179. 1893. The immigration problem. Public opinion, vol. 16 {Nov. 9, 1893): 122. From the New York Independent. 1893. Immigration of aliens. Arnold White. Charities review, vol. 3 {Dec, 1893): 70-78. 1894. Has immigration dried up our literature? Sydney G. Fisher. FoTU7n, vol. 16 {Jan., 1891^): 560-567. 1894. Is it practicable to regulate immigration ? John Chetwood,^>. Overland monthly, n. s., vol. 23 {Feb., 1894): 166-171. 1894. The immigration question. William H. Jeffrey. American journal of politics, vol. 4 {March, 189 Ji): 320-325. 1894. How we restrict immigration. Joseph H. Senner. North American review, vol. 158 {April, 189If) : JfdJf.-Jf99. 1894. The present aspect of the immigration problem. Kobert De C. Ward. Charities review, vol. 3 {June, 189 If) : 390-399. 1894. Immigration and the land question. C. J. Buell. Arena, vol. 10 {Nov., 189^): 807-8 U. 1894. The burden of indiscriminate immigration. Julia H. Twells. American journal of politics, vol. 5 {Dec, 189 If): 608-616. 1895. Alien immigration. Geoffrey Drage. Fortnightly review, n. ,s-., vol. 57 {Jan., 1895): 37-46. immigration: articles in periodicals 43 1895. I 111 mi lunation and naturalization. H. Sidne}' Everett. Atlantic mcmthly, vol. 75 { March, 1895): S^S-SSJ. 1895. Alien imniigration — a rejoinder. Arnold White. Fuitn'i^Jdly review, ;?. .v., v„L 57 {Manl,. 1S95): 501-507. 1895. Alien immigration. Geotirev Drage. Royal statistical society. Journal., vol. 58 {March, 1805): 1-35. 1895. The working-man and ininiio^ration. John Watrous Knight. Cjiaritit'x revii'iv, vol. .'t (May. 1805): 30J-J75. 1895. Canadian immigrant-;. Arthur Paterson. Natiojial review, vol. 25 {May, 1895): 399-Ifi9. 1895. Strangers within our gat€.s. ('hairihei'i s journal, vol. 72 {June 1, 1895): S}^!i.-S1^7 . 1895. Immigration. Edward F. McSweeney. AoH-riran federationist, vol. 2 {Dec, 1895): 172-175. 1895. Ha.s immigration increased population? Sydney G. Fisher. Popular science monthly, vol. 4^ {Dec, 1895): ^4^-^55. 1896. Our attitude toward foreigners. B. W. Williams. American magazine of civics, vol. 8 {Jan.. 1806): 64^-0'8. 1896. The protection of Italian emigrants in America. Luigi Bodio. Chautauquan, vol. 23 {April, 1896): Jf2-J^6. 1896. Immigration from Italy. J. H. Senner. Nat^th American review, vol. 162 {May, 1896): 61^9-657. 1896. The restriction of immigration. Henry Cabot Lodge. Our day, vol. 16 {May, 1896): 281-290. 1896. Restriction of immigration. Francis A. Walker. Ailayitic monthly, vol. 77 {June, 1896): 822-829. 1896. Is the foreigner a menace to the nation? W. G. Puddefoot. American magazine of civics, vol. 9 {July, 1896): 1-11. 1896. The restriction of immigration. Edward W. Bemis. Bihliotheca Sa\\ vol. 71 {Aug. 30, 1902): 1053-1057. " The competition of the Slav, generally speaking, with the Anglo- Saxon." 1902. America's welcome to the immigrant. Ernest Hamlin Abbott. Outlool', vol. 72 {Oct. ^, 1902): 257-261^. 1902. Americans in the raw. The high-tide of immigrants; their strange possessions and their meager wealth; what becomes of them. Edward Lowry. World\s work, vol. // {Oct., ^1902): 26U-^655. 1902. In the paths of immigration. James B. Connolly. Scribner's magazine, vol. 32 {Nov., 1902): 513-527. 1902. The weak spot in the American republic. J. Weston. Nineteenth century, vol. 52 {Dec, 1902): 905-912. Emigration from the United States to the Dominion of Canada. 1903. The historical and religious origins of our recent immigrants from eastern Europe. Reuben Parsons. American Catholic (/uartei'ly 7'evieiv, vol. 28 {Ja7i . , 1903) : 37-59. 1903. The alien immigrant. BlackwoocTrS EdinhurgJi magazine, rol. 173 {Jan. 1903): 132-1^1. 1903. The Italian immigrant in America. William E. Davenport. Outlook, vol. 73{Jackwater of immigration. Arthur P. Kellogg. Chmntiea, vol. 12 {Feh. 6, 1901^): 127-128. 1904. Immigration as a relief problem. Edward T. Devine. C%(rlt!e.s, vol. 12 {Feh. 6. 190^): 129-13S. 1904. Are we shouldering Europe's burden i' F. H. Ainsworth. rharitie.<^. vol 12 {Kh. 6', 100 Jf): ISJ^-lSo. 1904. Innuigration and dependence. Kate Hollada}' Claghorn. Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6*, 1904): 135-137. 1904. The immigration proV)lem, Robert De C. Ward. Charities, vol. 12 {F,h. (J. 1904): 138-151. 1904. Immigratfon and household labor. Frances A. Kellor. Charities, vol. 12 {FS. 6', 190^): 151-152. 1904. The need of a general plan for settling immigrants outside the great cities. Eliot Norton. Charities, vol. 12 {Feb. 6, 1904): 152-154. 1904. Racial composition of the American people. Industr}'. John R. Common.s. Chautauquan, vol. 38 {Feb., 1904): 533-543. 1904. Imported Americans. II. The overflow. Broughton Bran- den Imrg. Frank Leslie's popular monthly, vol. 57 {Feb., 1904): 399-413. 1904. 1 benetici deir emigrazione. Italia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 1 {Feb. -Mar., 190 !i): 248-250. 1904. From Italy to Pittsl)urgh: where the Pennsylvania Italians come from. Maud Howe. Lipplncotfs naujazlne, vol. 73 {Feb., 1904): 200-208. 1904. The problem of alien immigration. W. Evans-Gordon. I^atlonal review, vol. 42 {Feb., 1904): 907-915. 1904. Immigration from abroad into Massachusetts. Philip Edmund Sherman, New England magazine, n. s., vol. 29 {Feb., 1904): 67 1-681. 1904. A word on Italian immigration. William D. Foulke. Outlook; vol. 76 {Feb. 20, 1901,): 459-461. 1904. The distribution of immigrants. Outlook, vol. 76 {Feb. 27, 1904): 1,89 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Italian immigration. W. E. Davenport. Outlool% vol. 76 {Feb. 27, 190^): 527. 1904. Das Bevolkerungsproblem in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Harr}^ A. Fiedler. Freussiche Jahrhuchet^ vol. 115 {Feb., 190Ii): 276-316. 1904. The emigrant Jews at home. Ezra S. Brudno. World's worl', vol. 7 {Feb., 190 J^): U71-W9. 1904. Racial composition of the American people: social and indus- trial problems. John R. Commons. Chautauquan, vol. 39 {Mar., 190 Jt): 13-22. 1904. Imported Americans. III. Through the Q\tj of thieves. Broughton Brandenburg. Frank Leslie's popular monthly, vol. 57 {Mar., 190 Jf): 538-54S. 1904. For immigration: natural advantages awaiting it in Louisiana. Manufacturers'' record, vol. 4S {Mar. 3, 190^) : 131-132. 1904. Another view of alien immigration. Charles Rolleston. ]^ew liberal review, vol. 7 {Mar. , 190 li) . 1904. A menace to America's oriental trade. Wong Kai Kah. North American review, vol. 178 {Mar., 190Ji): JflJt.-Ji.2Ji.. 1904. Some aspects of the immigration problem. Roland P. Falkner. Political science quarterly, vol. 19 {Mar., 190 Jf): 32-Ji9. 1904. The Russian Jew Americanized. Ezra S. Brudno. ^Vorld''s work, vol. 7 {Mar., 190 Jf): JiS55-Jt567. 1904. The new American type. H. D. Sedgwick. Atlantic monthly, vol. 93 {Apr., 190 J^): 535-6 Jf^. 1904. What the United States owes the immigrant. Cyrus L. Sulz- berger. Charities, vol. 12 {April 23, 190 J^: Jf20-J,^J^. 1904. Racial composition of the American people: city life, crime and poverty. John R. Commons. Chautauquan, vol. 39 {Ajjr., 1904): 1 13-12 Jf. 1904. I linciaggi negli Stati Uniti e la emigrazione italiana. Augusto Fierantoni. L'ltcdia coloniale, anno 5, vol. 1 {April-May, 190Jf): Ji23-JiJi.7; anno 5, vol. 2 {July, 190 J^): 3Jf.-52. 1904. Italians in cotton-growing. Manufacturer's' record, vol. JfJ5 {Apr. 7, 190 J^): 2Jt9. immigration: articles in periodicals 1904. To build up Louisiana [interview with W. W. Heard]. Lee J. hi\ng\ey. Munafactureri recwd, vol. J^5 (Apr. U, 100 1^): 276-277. 1904. I< the new immigration dangerous to the country '. O. P. Austin. jVarth American reviev)., vol. 178 {Apr.., 1901^: 558-570. 1904. Our Italian immigrants. Outlook, >'ol. 70 {Ajjr. 10, 100^): 011-912. 1904. Solving the immigration problem. Gino Carlo Speranza. Outlool', vol. 76 (Apr. 10, 190^): 928-933. 1904. Our uninvited guests. Charles RoUe.ston. Westminster reviev:, vol. 101 {April, 1904.): Ifil-lfi6. 1904. Notes on the Italians in Boston. Robert A. Woods. Charities, vol. 12 {2Liy 7, 1904): 451-452. 1904. How it feels to be a problem: a consideration of certain causes which prevent or retard assimilation. Gino C. Speranza. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 190^): 457-463. 1904. The philanthropist-padrone. Charles B. Phipard. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4.70-^72. 1904. The exodus of a Latin people. William E. Davenport. Chamties, vol. 12 {May 7, 190^): 4.03-467. 1904. The agricultural possibilities of Italian immigration. Gustavo Tosti. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): ^2-4.76. 1904. The associated life of the Italians in New York city. Antonio Mangano. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4.76-482. 1904. The Italian and public health. Rocco Brindisi. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 4S3-486. 1904. Tuberculosis and the Italians in the United States. Antonio Stella. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1901^): 4S0-I^89. 1904. Some aspects of Italian housing and social conditions in Phila- delphia. Emily Wavland Dinwiddie. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1901^): 490-494.. 1904. A transplanted birthright: the development of the second gen- eration of the Italians in an American environment. Lilian Brandt. Charities, vol. 12 {May 7, 1904): 494.-499. 54 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1904. The Italian under economic stress. Kate HoUaday Claghorn. Charities, vol. m {May 7, 190 Jf): 50 1-50 J^. 1904. Racial composition of the American people: amalgamation and assimilation. John R. Commons. Chautatiquan, vol. 39 {2Iay, 1901^): 217-227. 1904. Bringing German immigrants to the South. C. E. Hayes. ''Dixie,'' vol. 20 {May, 190 Jf): 20-21. 1904. Imported Americans. IV. The voyage. Broughton Bran- denburg. Leslie's monthly magazine, vol. 58 {May, 190 Jf): 69-78. 1904. II proletariato intellettuale e il problema dell' emigrazione. Enrico Cocchia. Nxiova antologia, l^th ser. , vol. Ill {May i, 190Ii) : 89-99. 1904. Italian immigration. Robert De C. Ward. Outlook, vol. 77 {May 7, 190 J^): 95-96. 1904. [Constitutionality of the immigration law affirmed.] Albany law journal, vol. 66 {June, 190Jf): 173-17 Jf.. 1904. Immigration problems. J. C. Monaghan. Catholic world, vol. 79 {June, 190 Jf): 285-298; {July, 1904): 512-523. 1904. The Scandinavians in the Northwest. R. A. Jernberg. Home missionary, vol. 78 {June, 190 Jf): 89-9 Jf.. 1904. Imported Americans. V. Through Ellis island. Broughton Brandenburg. Leslie's monthly magazine, vol. 58 {June, 190Ii): 162-171. 1904. Immigrants and steamship wars. Nation, vol. 78 {June 16, 1901^): 1^65-1^66 . 1904. The immigration problem: a new view. Clarence H. Matson. Outlook, vol. 77 {June 25, 190^): Jf.6 1-1^6 J^. 1904. Immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly , vol. 65 {June, 190 If): 16Ji.-169. 1904. Problems of immigration. Frank P. Sargent. Am,e7'ican academy of political and social science. Annals^ vol. 2^ {Jidy, 1901^): 151-158. 1904. The diffusion of immigration. Eliot Norton. American academy of political and social science. Annals^ vol. 2Ji. {July, 190li): 159-165. immigration: articles in periodicals 55 1904. Selection of immigration. Prescott F. Hall. American academy of political and social science. AnnaL% vol. 2k {July, im): 167-m. 1904. Immigration in its relation to pauperism. Kate Hollada}^ Claghorn. American academy of political and social science. Annals., vol. U {J'h/^ 1^01^): 1S5-W5. 1904. Australasian methods of dealing with immigration. Frank Parsons. American academy of political and .social science. Annals., vol. U {July, WOJf): 207-220. 1904. Proposals affecting immigration. John J. D. Trenor. American academy of ])olitical and social science. Annals., vol. 2^ {July, 190Jf): 221-236. 1904. What emigration may mean to Italy. American monthly review of reviews., vol. 30 {July., lOOJi) : ■'09-111. Review of article by Enrico Cocchia in Nuova Antologia. 1904. Imported Americans. VI. The harvest. Broughtou Bran- denburg. Leslie^ s monthly magazine., vol. 58 {July., 190 If): 312-321. 1904. Italians of New England. Amy Woods. New England magazine, n. .s-., vol. 30 {July, 190 Jf): 626-632. 1904. Who shall regulate immigration? Outlook', vol. 77 {July 23, 1904): 681-683. 1904. The immigrant, past and present. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 65 {July, 190 Ji) : 224--22?. 1904. L' arret de I'emigration allemande. Ren6 Gonnard. Questions diplomatiques et colon iales, vol. 18 {Jxdy 1, 1904)' 26-35. 1904. La colonizzazione italiana negli Stati Uniti. A. I. LItidia colon iale, anno 5, vol. 2 {Aug. -Sept., Oct. -No v., 1904): 146-149, 260-266. 1904. The restriction of immigration. Robert De C. Ward. North American review, vol. 179 {Aug., 1904): 226-237. 1904. Italian and other Latin immigrants. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 65 {Aug., 1904) ■ 341-349. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. L'emigiation italienne. Louis Jadot. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 18 {Aug. 16, 190 Jf): W9-219. 1904. Alien immigTation: the present position. Henn' Seton Karr, D. J. Morgan, ^^^ Evans-Gordon [Letter to the editorj. Saturday review, vol. 98 {Aug. IS, 190Jt): W2-W3. 1904. Emigration from Ital3^ Bradstreefs, vol. 32 {Sept. 10, 1904); 591. "From 3d annual report of the Italian Commissioner-general of emigration to the Chamber of deputies." 1904. Immigration to foster cotton culture. D. A. Tompkins. Manufacturers' record, vol. 46 {Sej^t. 8, 1904): 173-174- 1904. Italian immigration. Manufacturers' record, vol. 46 {Sept. m, 1904): 221. Reviews letter of John A. Wyeth in Montgomery advertiser. 1904. A mission of peace. Gino C. Speranza. Outlook, vol. 78 {Sept. 10, 1904): 128-131. On Italian immigration. 1904. Hebrew, Magyar and Levantine immigration. Allan J. Mc- Laughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 65 {Sept., 1904): 4^^-h^' 1904. International control of immigration. James Davenport Whelpley. World's imrli, vol. 8 {Sept., 1904): 5254-5259. 1904. England's double problem of migration; an interview with Sir Howard Vincent. Charities, vol. 13 {Oct. 8, 1904): 59-60. 1904. Children of the steerage. Minnie J. Reynolds. Home missionary, vol. 78 {Oct., 1904): 189-195. 1904. La colonizzazione italiana negli Stati Uniti. \ Italia colon iale. anno 5, vol. 2 {Oct.-Nov., 1904): 260^6. 1904. The cotton suppl}^ and immigration. / Manufacturers' record, vol. 46 {Oct. 27, 1904): 349-35d. 1904. Immigrant farming community. E. F. Peck. * New England magazine, n. s.,vol. 31 {Oct., 1904): 207-210. 1904. Immigration and wages. Ainericayi economist, vol. 34 {Nov. 18, 1904): 241. immigration: articles in periodicals 57 1904. Alien exclusion. Blacklmrn Esterline. American law review^ vol. 38 {Nov.-Dec. , lOOJf): 836-8 Jf2. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. British colonial immigration hiw. [P>ditorial.J American syren and .^hipping., vol. 9 (J\y>/'. 12, 190Jf.). 133. Foreigners in England. John Holt Schooling. Foi'tnightly revieic, vol. 76 {N(w. 1, 190 1^): 880-89 J^. Reviews Report of Royal commission on Alien immigration. " Action should be taken to restrict the free entry of foreigners here and to rid this country of the presence of some of the aliens now living here." Japanese emigrants. W. Crewdson. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 56 {Nov., 190 If): 813-819. "The Japanese labourer will add to the prosperity of countries bor- dering on the Pacific." Alien colonies and the children's court. Ernest K. Coulter. North American review., vol. 179 {Nov., WOJi): 731-7Ifi. The immigration bugbear. Ernest Crosby. Arena, vol. 32 {Dec, 1901^): 596-602. The Slav in America. Chainties, vol. 13 {Dec. 3, 190 J^): 189-266. A complex immigration, pp. 190-192. A shepherd of immigrants. Emily G. Balch. pp. 193-194. The Bohemian women in New York. Jane E. Robbins. pp. 194-196. The struggle in the family Ufe. Mary E. McDowell, pp. 196-197. Slavs, 3Iagyars and some others in the new immigration. Kate Holladay Claghorn, pp. 199-205. The Bohemians in Chicago: a sketch. Alice G. Masaryk. pp. 206-211. Bohemian farmers in Wisconsin. Nan Mashek. pp. 211-214. The Sclavs in the anthracite coal communities. Peter Roberts, pp. 21.5-222. Some industrial effects of Slav immigration. Frank Julian AVarne. pp. 223-226. Slavs in the bituminous mines of Illinois. John R. Commons. pp. 227-229. The Lithuanians in America. A. Kaupas. pp. 231-235. Notes on the Poles in Baltimore. Laura B. Garrett, pp. 235-239. The Slovaks in America. P. V. Rovnianek. pp. 239-244. The Ruthenians in America. Ivan Ardan. pp. 246-252. The Doukhobors: their character and economic principles. Joseph Elkinton. pp. 252-256. Housing and social conditions in a Slavic neighborhood. Mary Buell .Sayles. pp. 257-261. The Magyar in New York. Louis H. Pink. pp. 262-263. 1904. Imported Americans. Evalyn C. Lovejoy. Current literature, vol. 37 {Dec, 190 J^): 532-538. Reviews Broughton Brandenburg'* "Imported Americans." 58 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1904. The Jewish laborer in London. Isaac A. Hourwich. Journal of political economy^ vol. 13 {Dec.., 1904): 89-98. "Review of 'Die jiidischen Arbeiter in London. GeorgHalpern.' " 1904. Thy neighbor the immigrant. Henry Otis Dwight. Missionary revleio of the toorld, vol. <27 {Dec, 190Jf): 881-89^. 1904. To-day's chance for the western settler. Charles Moreau Harger. Outlook, vol. 78 {Dec. 17, 190^): 980-982. 1904. Chinese and Japanese immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly , vol. 66 {Dec, 1904): 117-121. 1904. The agricultural distribution of immigrants. Robert De C. Ward. Popular science rnonthly, vol. 66 {Dec , 190 Jf) : 166-175. 1904. Railway distribution of immigrants. Frank Julian Warns. Railway world, vol. 48 {Dec. 10, 1904): 1403-1405. 1904. South Carolina's immigration department. E. eT. Watson. Railway world, vol. 48 {Dec 31, 1904): 1491-1492. 1905. The Slavic races in Cleveland. Magdalena Kucera. Charities, vol. 13 {Jan. 14, 1905): 377-378. 1905. Immigration: a field neglected by the scholar. Jane Addams. Commons, vol. 10 {Jan., 1905): 9-19. "Convocation address at the University of Chicago." 1905. Psychology of nationalizing foreign mind; or the educational problem of Americanizing immigrants. James H. Hoose. Education, vol. 25 {Jan., 1905): 269-278. 1905. Labour and the aliens bill. C. Kinloch Cooke. Empire review, vol. 8 {Jan. , 1905) : 541-567. 1905. The Scandinavian factor in the American population. George T. Flom. loira journal of history and politics, vol. 3 {Jan., 1905): 57-91. 1905. Where immigrants are wanted. P. L. Allen. Nation, vol. 80 {Jan. 5, 1905): 6-7. 1905. The character of our immigration, past and present. Z. F. McSweeny. National geographic magazine.^ vol. 16 {Jan., 1905): 1-15. 1905. Our immigration during 1904. National geographic magazine, vol. 16 {Jan. , 1905) : 15-27. immigration: articles in periodicals 59/ 1905. Naturalization of aliens. Outlook, vol. 79 {Jan. 28, 1905): 208-209. 1905. Keeping the new blood pure. Outlook, vol. 79 (Jo». 28, 1905): 219-221. 1905. Social and political effects of immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 66 {Jan., 1905): 2^3-255. 1905. Evening schools for foreigners. Adele Marie Shaw. World's ivork, vol. 9 {Jut.. 1905): 5738-57 U- 1905. Paternalism and the immigrant. Broughton Brandenburg. Charities, vol. 13 {Feh. J^, 1905): 1^32-^6. 1905. Immigration for 1904 reviewed. Kate Holladay Claghorn. Charities, vol. 13 {Feh. 4, 1905): !t52-li56. 1905. Immigration, numbers and quality. Chautanquan, vol. 1,0 {Feh., 1905): 507-508. 1905. Emigration: an international affair. James Davenport Whelpley. Fortnightly revieio, vol. 77 {Feb., 1905): 317-326. Living age, vol. 2U {^ar. 25, 1905): 705-713. Recommends an international conference on alien migration to bring about concert among nations to remedy present evils. 1905. An aboriginal argument against immigration. Manufaeture7's'' record, vol. J^7 {Feh. 10, 1905): 88. The argument criticised opposed encouragement of Southern immi- gration. 1905. The economic side of alien immigration. W. Evans-Gordon. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 57 {Feh., 1905): 29If-306. 1905. How immigrants are inspected. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular science monthly, vol. 66 {Feh., 1905): 357-361. 1905. The Italian immigrant on the land. Emily Fogg Meade. Charities, vol. 13 {Mar. J,, 1905): 5U-51^J^. 1905. Recent immigration; a field neglected by the scholar. Jane Addams. Educational review, vol. 29 {Mar., 1905): 21^5-263. 1905. [Immigrants at Ellis island.] Outlook, vol. 79 {Mar. 25, 1905): 730-732. 1905. The spirit of the west: what the Monroe doctrine does not oppose. Guy Raymond Halifax. Overland monthly, vol. 1,5 {Mar., 1905): 220-221. 60 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 1905. The foreigfner in New England. Joel 8. Ives. Connecticut magazine^ vol. 9 {Aj)/\, 1905): 2Jt.Jr-256. 1905. The emigration of state children. C. Kinloch Cooke. Umpire review, vol. 9 {Apr. -June, 1905): 208-228, 456-460. Views on the scheme, Sir Charles Elliott, pp. 457-458; Henry Luke Paget, pp. 458-459; Sir William Chance, pp. 459-460; David C. Lamb, page 460. 1905. Our Italian immigration. Nation, vol. 80 {Apr. 20, 1905): 304. 1905. The problem of immigration. Allan J. McLaughlin. Popular scie7ice monthly, vol. 66 {Apr., 1905): 531-537. 1905. Exclude Japanese labor. Augusta H. Pio. American federationist, vol. 12 {May, 1905): 274-276. 1905. Significance of the Canadian migration. Annie Marion Mac Lean. American journal of sociology, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 814-823. 1905. Denison house and the Italians. Vida D. Scudder. Commons, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 287-290. 1905. The influence of trade unions on immigrants. Carroll D. Wright. Commons, vol. 10 {May, 1905): 303-307. "Letter to President Roosevelt, in Department of labor, Bulletin." 1905. Italy's attitude toward her emigrants. Gustavo Tosti. North American review, vol. 180 {May, 1905): 720-726. 1905. The right of asylum. Speaker, n. s.,\ol. 12 {May 6, 1905): 135-136. On the Aliens Bill which is here regarded as "a product of the same policy of mob-management which creates the anti-Semitism of the continent. ' ' 1905. The case for the alien. M. J. Landa. Fortnightly review, vol. 83 {June, 1905) : 1094-1105. "Jewish immigrants desired in England." 1905. Control of emigration in Europe. James Davenport Whelpley. North American review, vol. 180 {June, 1905): 856-867. 1905. Italian to-day, American to-morrow. Jane E. Robbins. Outlook, vol. 80 {June 10, 1905): 382-384. 1905. Immigration to the southern states. Walter L. Fleming. Political science gitarterly, vol. 20 {June, 1905) : 276-297. immigration: articles in periodicals 61 1905. L'euiioiutioii italienue. Jacques Ramljaud. jRevue de Parh, vol. 12 {June 1, 1905): 601-622; {June 15, 1905): 871-89^. Contains numerous citations of monograph.-, special articles and reports. 1905. LY'migration hongroise. Joseph Mailath. Rcrne (iconomique Internationale, ml. 2 {June, 1905): JfS6-511. 1905. The culture which the Slav offers America. V. Svarc. Charitlcf<, vol. U {July 7, 1905): 875-881. 1905. The Slav child: a national asset or a liability. Owen R. Lovejoy. CharitieH, vol. IJ^ {July 1, 1905): 882-88 J^. 1905. Underground immigration. Broughton Brandenburg. Charities, vol. IJ^ {July 1, 1905): 896-899. 1905. How shall we select our immigrants. Robert De C. Ward. Charities, vol. 11^ {July S, 1905): 906-912. 1905. The coming of the Norwegians to Iowa. George T. Flom. Iowa journal of histm^y and politics, vol. 3 {July, 1905): 3^7- 383. 1905. What of the Italian immigrant? Folger Barker. Arrna, I'ol. -U {Auy., 1905): 17^-176. 1905. A Canadian's criticism of the Dominion immigration policy. E. C. Nelson. Empire review, vol. 10 {Auy., 1905): ^7-60. 1905. The Japanese invasion, J. M. Scanland. World to-day, vol. 9 {Aug., 1905): 899-901. LIST OF CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION Note. — The heavy-face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial numbers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of documents- 1788. Report of the Secretarj^ of the United States for the depart- ment of foreign affairs, respecting the importation of con- victs from the island of New Providence to Mar^^land. Sept. 16, 1788. Secret journals of Congress^ vol. k-i VP' kk^-k'k^' 1836. Resolution of the legislature of Massachusetts, to obtain the passage of a law to prevent the introduction of paupers into the United States. May 2, 1836. 1 page. 8°. ' Congress., 1st session. Senate doc. no. 3^2. 283 1836. Foreign paupers. Report of a committee and a resolution of the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts. Apr. 18, 1836. 3 pp. 8°. , ^^th Congress^ 1st session. House doc. no. "219. 291 1836. Report from the Secretary of the treasur}^, relative to the deportation of paupers from Great Britain, &c. Dec. 7, 1836. 25 pp. 8^. ^Iftli Congress., '2d session. Senate doc. no. 5. 297 1838. Memorial of 282 citizens of Sutton and 325 citizens of Mill- bur}^, in the state of Massachusetts, against foreign emigra- tion. Jan. 5, 1838. 1 page. 8^. 25th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 70. 322 1838. Message from the President, transmitting information in rela- tion to the introduction of foreign paupers into the United States. May 15, 1838. 20 pp. 8^. 25th Congress., 2d session. House executive doc. no. 370. 330 1838. Letter from the Secretary' of state, relative to emigrants from foreign countries, who have arrived within the last ten years. Apr. 21, 1838. 2 pp. 8^. 25th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 3Jf.6. 330 1846. Surgeons on packet ships: resolution relative to the safety of emigrants on board of packet ships, &c. Apr. 6, 1846. 3 pp. 8°. 29th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 182. 485 62 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 63 1847. Message from the President, in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. Feb. 20, 1847. 3 pp. 8 . ^9tli Congress, '2d sessum. Senate doc. no. 161. 495 1854. Message from the President, relating to the expedieno}- of further measures for the safety, health, and comfort of immigrants to the United States hy sea. May 4, 1854. 34 pp. 8'. 33d Congress., 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 58. 698 1854. Health of immigrants from foreign countries; two communi- cations from Her Britannic majesty's minister. June 2!), 1854. 6 pp. 8-. 33d Congress., 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 116. 727 1854. Copies of two communications from Her Britannic majesty's minister to the Secretar}' of state, relative to the health, on shipboard, of immigrants from foreign countries to the United States. June 30, 1854. 5 pp. 8"^. 33d Congress., 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 73. 702 1855. Resolutions of the general assembly of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations, against the introduction or importation of foreign paupers or criminals into the United States. Feb. 21, 1855. 2 pp. 8^. 33d Congress., 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 19. 772 1857. Resolution of the legislature of the state of Maine, in relation to foreign paupers and criminals. Dec. 18, 1857. Ipage. >i . 35th Congress., 1st session. Senate misc. doc. no. 12. 934 1858. Resolutions of the legislature of the state of Maine, relating to foreign paupers and criminals. Jan. 4, 1858. 1 page. 8^. 35th Congress, 1st session. House misc. doc. no. 16. 961 1858. Resolutions of the legislature of the state of Maine, relating to foreign paupers and criminals. Jan. 20, 1858. Ipage. 8~^. 35th Congress^ 1st session. House misc. doc. no. 30. 961 1858. Message of the President, on the subject of contracts made in Europe for inland-passage tickets for intending emigrants to the United States. Jan. 28, 1858. 67 pp. 8^. 35tJi Congress.^ 1st sessimi. Senate ex. doc. no. 26. 924 1864. Report from the Committee on agriculture, to whom was referred the petition of Berendt A. Froiseth, praying for the establishment of a bureau of immigration, and the enactment of suitable laws for the encouragement and pro- tection of foreign innnigrants arriving within the jurisdic- tion of the United States. Feb. 18, 1864. 8 pp. 8°. 38th Congress, 1st sessiim. Senate rejyoi't no. 15. 1178 1425—05 5 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1864. Report from the Special committee, to whom was committed so much of the President's message as referred to foreign emigration. Apr. 16, 1864. 8 pp. 8°. SStJi Congress^ 1st session. House report no. 56. 1206 1865. Encouraging immigration: papers submitted by Mr. Sherman. Jan. 23, 1865. 7 pp. 8°. 38th Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 13. 1210 1866. The Committee on commerce, to whom was referred House bill no. 481, entitled "A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to encourage immigration,' approved July 4, 1864, and an act entitled 'An act to regulate the carriage of pas- sengers in steamships and other vessels,' approved March 3, 1855, and for other purposes," submit the following letters from the State department as a report. Apr. 11, 1866. 6 pp. 8°. 39th Congress, 1st session. House report no. JfB. 1272 1868. Encouragement of emigration. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. July 3, 1868. 4 pp. 8°. If.Oth Congress, '2d session. House report no. 76. 1358 1870. Petition of the president and secretary of the Citizens' Asso- ciation of New York, praying the passage of the bill to incorporate the "International Society of the United States for the promotion and protection of immigration." May 11, 1870. 2 pp. 8^. Jf-lst Congress, 2 d session. Seriate misc. doc. no. 13Ji,. 1408 1871. German immigrants. Memorial of the German society of New York, relative to the proceedings in Congress regard- ing immigration. Jan. 30, 1871. 1 page. 8°. Jf-lst Congress, 3d session. House misc. doc. no. 55. 1462 1871. Memorial of the Irish emigrant society of New York. Feb. 6, 1871. 2 pp. 8^. Jf-lst Congress, 3d session. House misc. doc. no. 69. 1463 1871. Memorial of the legislature of Minnesota, in favor of the establishment of a national bureau of immigration. Mar. 7, 1871. 2 pp. 8°. Ji^d Congress, 1st session. Senate misc. doc. no. 2. 1467 1871. Special report on immigration ; accompanying information for immigrants by Edward Young. Mar. 15, 1871. 231 pp. 8^. Ji!2d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 1. 1470 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 65 187". . Joint resolution of the legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to protecting emigrants in this countr3\ Mar. 20, 1871. 2 pp. 8^. Ji.2d Congress^ Kesslon. JIou^'<, 2d ic. no. 102. 3163 1894. Immigration and alien contract labor laws. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. June 7, 1894. 1 page. 8 . 53d Congress., 2d session. House repaint no. lOlfi. Z2n\ 1894. Memorandum of resolutions passed b}' the Southern immigra- tion congress, held at Augusta, Ga., May 29, 30, and .31, 1894. June 9, 1894. 1 page. 8-. 53d Congress., 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 205. 3171 1894. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a com- munication from the Chief of the Bureau of statistics, in relation to the importance of the question of determining the movement, passenger and emigrant, from the United States to foreign countries, and enclosing a draft of a bill for that purpose. June 10, ls94. 3 pp. 8. 53d Congress., 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 239. 3226 1894. Letters from the Secretary of state and the Secretary of the treasury relative to an act providing for the inspection of immigrants by U. S. consuls, presented b}* Committee on immigration. August 2, 1894. 5 pp. 8^. 53d Congress., 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 253. 3171 1894. Remission of fines, penalties, etc. Report from the Com- mittee on interstate and foreign commerce. Juh* 25, 1894. 2 pp. 8^. 53d Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1318. 3272 1894. Resolutions adopted by the Farmers' National Congress of America, at its annual meeting at Parkersburg, W. Va., October 3-6, 1894. December 19, 1894. 3 pp. 8^. 53d Congress, 3d session. Seiiate misc. doc. n<>. 35. 3281 1895. Treasury department. Immigration and passenger movement at ports of the United States during the year ending June 30, 1894. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics. Washington: Governnient printing ujficc, 1895. 77 pp. Ir ■ 53d Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 6, pt. 2. 3317 1896. Report by Mr. Lodge, from the Committee on immigration. Feb. 18, 1896. 23 pp. 8-. Congress., 1st session. Senate report no. 290. 3363 Also printed as Senate report no. 13, 55th Congress, 1st session,^ Mar. 25, 1897. 70 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1896. Memorial to the Fifty-fourth Congress of the United States b}^ citizens of Polish nationalitj^ of Milwaukee, Wis., pro- testing against pending legislation restricting immigration so far as it affects Polanders. June 6, 1896. 3 pp. 8^. Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 307. 3357 1896. Report of the Commissioner of navigation to the Secretary of the treasury. 1895. Washmgton: Go nern7nent printing office, 1895. 2 pts. 8°. . 54-th Congress^ 1st session. Iloiise doc. no. ^8, jjt. 1-2. 3400 "Immigration," pt. 2, pp. 234-245. 1896. Amending the immigration laws. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. April 2, 1896. 2 pp. 8°. Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1079. 3460 McCall bill. To accompany H. R. 7864, forbidding the admittance to the United States of illiterate males over 16 years of age, excepting in the case of parents of persons residing in or afterwards admitted to this country. 1896. Consular inspection of immigrants. Report from the Com- mittee on immigration and naturalization. April 2, 1896. 3 pp. 8°. 5Jith Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1082. 3460 To accompany H. R. 58, known as the Stone bill, reporting certain amendments with the recommendation that the bill be passed. 1896. Better protection of American labor. Report from the Com- mittee on immigration and naturalization. May 1, 1896. 1 page. 8^. Congress, 1st sessioji. House report no. 1589. 3462 1896. Additional regulations concerning immigration. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturalization. May 4, 1896. 1 page. 8°. 54-th Congress, 1st session. House re2)ort no. 1597. 3462 1896. Mission to Italian government. Report of the Commissioner- general of immigration of the results of his mission to the Italiangovernment, October, 1896. Dec. 8, 1896. 8 pp. 8°. 54th Congress, 2d sessioti. Senate doc. no. 9. 3467 1897. Immigration laws. Conference report agreed to in the House. (On the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 7864), "An act to amend the immigration laws of the United States.") Feb. 10, 1897. 2 pp. 8°. 54-th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 118. 3470 Known as the McCall bill. CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 71 1897. Message from the President, returning to the House of Rep- resentatives, without his api)rovaK House bill numbered 7864, entitled "An act to amend the immigration laws of the United States." Mar. 3, 1897. 5 pp. 8^. Slith Congress^ 2d session. Senate doc. no. 185. 3471 McCall bill. 1897. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. Mar. 25, 1897. 23 pp. 8^^. 65th Congress^ 1st session. Senate report no. 13. 3569 Favors the illiteracy test for the exclusion of undesirable immi- grants. 1897. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. Dec. 17, 1897. 3 pp. 8°. 55th Congress., 2d session. House report no. 69. 3717 Restriction of immigration along the line of illiteracy. 1898. Immigrant station, Ellis island, New York. Report from the Committee on immigration. Mar. 15, 1898. 7 pp. 8. 55th Congress., 2d session. Senate report no. 679. 3622 1898. Lease of a portion of Ellis island. Apr. 27, 1898. 55th Congress.^ 2d session. Senate report no. 977. 3625 1899. Extension of immigration and contract labor laws to the Hawaiian islands. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. Feb. 13, 1899. 2 pp. 8. 55th Congress., 3d session. Senate report no. 165 J^. 3739 1900. Jorge Cruz. A statement of the action of the Treasur\^ department in the case of Jorge Cruz, a resident of Porto Rico, alleged to have been brought to New York under contract to labor in the United States. Apr. 11, 1900. 3 pp. 8^ 56th Congress., 1st session. Senate doc. no. 281. 3868 1900. Immigration of Japanese. A statement of the Commissioner- general of immigration in relation to the immigration of Japanese. May 15, 1900. 21 pp. 8°. 56th Congress., 1st session. Ilouxe doc. no. 686. 4000 1901. Amendment of immigration laws [relative to the insane, idiotic or epileptic]. Report from the Conunittee on immigration and naturalization. Feb. 8, 1901. 3 pp. 8^. 56th Congress, 2d session. Home report, no. 2751. 4214 1902. Immigration of aliens. Report from the Committee on immi- gration and naturalization. Mar. 18, 1902. 10 pp. x . 57th Congress., 1st session. House report no. 982. 4402 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. Improvements at Ellis island station. A cop}^ of a communi- cation from the Commissioner-general of immigration sub- mitting a request for authority to expend from the immi- grant fund a sum for improvements at Ellis island station. May 23, 1902. 5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress^ 1st session. House doc. no. 625. 4377 1902. Hearings before the Committee on immigration on the bill to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors in immigrant sta- tions and other public buildings. May 29, 1902. Washington: Government 'printing office., 1902. 27 pp. 8^. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 379. 4245 1902. Foreign immigration. Report from the Committee on immi- gration. June 27, 1902. vii, (1), 199 pp. 8'^. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 2119. 4264 Report, pp. i-vii; Statements before the Committee on immigration on the bill (H. R. 12199) to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States, June 4, 1902, pp. 1-171; Hearing ... on the bill (S. 3968) to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquoi-s in immigrant stations and other public buildings, April 23, 1902, pp. 17.3-199. 1902. Reports of the Industrial commission on immigration, includ- ing testimon3% with review and digest, and special reports. Vol. XV of the Commission's reports. Washington: Goi^ernnient printing office, 1901. cxxvi, 8^0 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 18 If.. 4345 1902. Regulation of immigration. Report of the Committee on immigration, United States Senate, on the bill to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States, with state- ments before the Committee in the first and second sessions of the Fiftj^-seventh Congress, ix, 484 pp. 8^. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 62. 4421 Penrose report. Contains the Hearings of January 15, April 23, June 4, and Decem- ber 8, 1902. Pp. i-ix, 33-231, contain reprint of Senate report no. 2119, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session. 1902. A copy of a communication from the Commissioner of immi- gration submitting an estimate of appropriation for improve- ments at immigrant station, Ellis island. Dec. 16, 1902. 5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d sessi/yn. House doc. no. 172. 4496 1903. Improvements at barge office and Ellis island, New York. A copy of a communication from the Commissioner-general of immigration, submitting an estimate of appropriation for improvements at New York stations. Jan. 5, 1903. 2 pp. 8 -'. 57th Congress, 2d session . House doc. no. 220. 4496 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION 73 1903. Immigrant station at Honolulu, Hawaii. A copy of a com- mnnication from the Commissioner-general of immigration submitting an estimate of appropriation for an immigrant station at Honolulu, Hawaii. Jan. .5. 1903. 3 pp. 8"^. 57th Congress^ M session. House doc. no. 22 If. 4496 1903. An act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States. Approved, Mar. 3, 1903. {In U. S. Statutes at large, 57th Congress, 1901-190.3, vol. 32, pt. 1, pp. 1213-1222.) 1904. Immigrant station at San Francisco, Cal. Report from the Committee on coumierce. Jan. 7, 19tM. 1 page. 8". 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate repoi't no. 176. 4570 1904. Information and display bureau at Ellis island. Report from the Committee on immigration. Apr. 8, 1904. '1 pp. ^^ . 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1936. 4575 1904. Regulating immigration of aliens into the United States. Report from the Committee on immigration. Apr. 13, 1904. 4 pp. 8^. 58th Congress., 2d session. Senate report no. 213Jf. 4575 1904. Extending exemption of head tax to citizens of Newfoundland. Report from the Committee on immigration and naturaliza- tion. Feb. 26, 1904. 2 pp. 8'. 58th Congress., 2d session. House report no. 1233. 4580 1904. Ellis island immigrant station, New York. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a com- munication from the Secretary of commerc-e and labor sub- mitting an estimate of appropriation for improvement at Ellis island immigrant .station, New York. Jan. 13, 1904. 4 pp. 8'-. d8th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 392. 4674 1904. Repairs of government property at Ellis island. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of commerce and labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for repairs of gov- ernment property at Ellis island. March 3, 1904. 2 pp. 8-. 58th Congress., 2d sessian. House doc. no. 580. 4676 1905. Immigration service at San Francisco, Cal. Letter from the Secretary of commerce and labor, transmitting a report of an investigation of the conditions of the immigrant service at San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 4, 1905. 3 pp. 8^ 58th Congress., 3d stssion. House doc. no. 166. ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE AND BY THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION, RESPECTIVELY 1820. Letter from the Secretary of state, with a transcript of the list of passengers who arrived in the United States from the 1st October, 1819, to the 30th September, 1820. Feb. 18, 1821. 288 pp. 8-. 16ih Congress^ 2d session. Senate doc. no. 118. 45 1821. Report of the Secretary of state, pursuant to the act to regu- late passenger ships and vessels, of the number of persons arriving in the several ports of the United States, from October 1, 1820, to September 30, 1821. Apr. 22, 1822. (•1) pp, 2-27 folded leaves. 8°. 17th Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. ISJi.. 69 1823. Report of the Secretary of state, made in compliance with the act of Congress of the 2d March, 1819, regulating passenger ships & vessels, of the persons arriving in the different ports of the U. States, from the 1st October, 1822, to 80th September, 1823. May 7, 1821. 3 pp, 2-22 folded leaves. 8°. 18th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 161. 103 1824-1825. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting an abstract of passengers arriving in the United States, for the fourth quarter of 1824, and the first, second, and third quarters of the year 1825. May 11, 1826. (4) pp, 2-21 folded leaves. 8°. 19th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 175. 140 1825. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the informa- tion required by the act of Congress of the second of March, 1819, entitled an act regulating passenger ships and vessels. Feb. 23, 1825. (4) pp, 2-23 folded leaves. 8^^. 18th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 108. 118 74 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION 75 1826. Letter from the Secretiiry of state, transmitting an abstract of pussengeis arriving in the U. States, from 1st Oct, 1825 to 30th Sept. 1826. Feb. 24, 1827. 3 pp. 2-24 loaves (partly folded). 8=^. 19th Con{//, 2d tse-si^m). J /o me doc. no. 1J(3. 154 1827. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the annual stiitement of the number and description of passengers arriving in the United States, on shipboard, for the year ending on the 30th September, 1827. May 16, 1828. 3 pp, 2-22 leaves (partly folded). 8-. Wth Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 286. 175 1828. Report from the Secretary of state, in compliance with "an act regulating passenger ships and vessels," for the year ending with the third quarter of 1828. Feb. 26, 1829. 2 pp. Folded leaves. 8^. 20th Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 98. 182 Same. Feb. 26, 1829. (2) pp, 2-22 folded leaves. 8°. 20th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 11^1. 187 1829. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the annual statement of the number and description of passengers arriving in the United States on shipboard, during the year ending on the 30th of September, 1829. May 28, 1830. 39 pp. 8^. 2l8t Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. Ilk- 198 1830. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting an abstract of American seamen in the several districts of the United States, for the year 1830; also, a statement of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending on the 30th Sept. 1830. Mar. 2, 1831. 37 pp. 8^. 21st Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 127. 209 ' 1831. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements: 1st, showing the number of passengers arriving in the United States from 30th September, 1830, to 3()th Septem- ber, 1831; 2d, an abstract of American seamen in the sev- eral districts of the United States, 1831. June 27, 1832. 42 pp. 8^. 22d Congress., 1st session. House doc. no. 293. 221 1832. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting abstracts of passengers arriving in the ports of the United States in the year 1832; also, of American seamen in the ports of the United States during the same period. Feb. 28, 1833. 52 pp. 8^. 22d Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 119. 235 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1833. Report from the Secretar}- of .state, with statement of passen- gers in ships arriving- in the United States in 1833. Apr. 3, 1834. 33 pp. 8°. ^36, Congress^ 1st session. Senate doc. no. 237. 240 Same. Apr. 9, 1834. 31 pp. 8°. 23d Congress.^ 1st session. House doc. no. 319. 257 1834. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a list of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1834. Mar. 3, 1835. 51 pp. 8°. 23d Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. ISIf. 275 1835. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements showing the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived into the United States from foreign countries during the year 1835. Apr. 23, 1836. 29 pp. 8^. Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 237. 291 18367 Report from the Secretarj^ of state, with statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1836. Feb. 16, 1837. 27 pp. 8^. Congress., 2d session. Senate doc. no. 178. 298 Same. Feb. 17, 1837. 27 pp. 8°. 2Ji,th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 163. 304 1837. Report from the Secretary of state, with statements of the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each collection district of the United States during the year 1837. June 12, 1838. 31 pp. 8°. 25th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. If78. 319 Same. June 12, 1838. 31 pp. 8°. 25th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. Jj,27. 331 1838. Report from the Secretary of state, with statements of the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each collection district of the United States during the year 1838. Feb. 22, 1839. 29 pp. 8-. 25th Congress, 3d session. Senate doc. no. 252. 340 Same. Feb. 22, 1839. 31 pp. 8°. 25tJi Congress, 3d session. House doc. no. 210. 347 1839. Report from the Secretary of state, with statements of the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each collection district of the United States during the year 1839. July 3, 1840. 25 pp. 8°. 26th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 59 If. 361 Same. July 7, 1840. 25 pp. 8°. 26th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 25 If,. 369 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION 77 1840. Report from the Secretai y of state, .showing the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in each collection district of the United States during the vear 1840. Feb. 22, 1841. 27 pp. 8^. 26th Omgrem^ 2d fiession. Senate doc. no. 206. 378 Sam£. Mar. 3, 1841. 27 pp. 8°. 26th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 116. 386 1841. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of passengers arrived in the United States during the year 1841. xMay 12, 1842. 35 pp. 8. 27th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 219. 404 1842. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of passengers arrived in the United States, from foreign coun- tries, during the year 1842. Feb. 24, 1843. 33 pp. 8. 27th Congress., 3d sessioji. House doc. no. 177. 422 1843-1844. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting state- ments of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States, in the three tirst quarters of the year 1843, and between the first of October, 1843, and 30th Sep- tember, 1844. Dec. 13, 1844. 50 pp. 8°. 28th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 13. 463 1845. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number of passengers who arrived in the United States during the year ending 30th September, 1845. June 26, 1846. 38 pp. 8°. 29th Congress., 1st session. Hoxise doc. no. 216. 486 1846. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the 3'ear ending 3(»th September last. Feb. 23, 1847. 38 pp. 8^^. 29th Congress., 2d session. House doc. no. 98. 500 1847. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers ari-iving in the United States during the 3'ear ending September 30, 1847. Mar. 3, 1848. 62 pp. 8°. 30th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. J^7. 518 1848. Letter from the Secretary of state, communicating the num- ber and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending September 30, 1848. Dec. 18, 1848. 70 pp. " 8^'. 30th Congress^ 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 10. 538 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1849. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending September 30, 1849. Dec. 31, 1849. 64 pp. 8°. 31st Congress^ 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 7. 572 1850. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement showing the number of emigrants to this country during the year 1850. Jan. 3, 1851. 46 pp. 8-. 31st Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 16. 598 1851. Letter from the Secretar}' of state, transmitting a statement of the number and designation of persons arriving in the United States from September 30, 1850, to January 1, 1852. May 3, 1852. 69 pp. 8<^. 32d Congress., 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 100. 644 1852. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting tabular state- ments showing the number, &c., of passengers who arrived in the United States during the last 3^ear. Feb. 12, 1853. 18 pp. 8°. 32d Congress., 2d session. House ex. doc. no. JfS. 679 1853. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the annual statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States by sea from foreign countries. Mar. 17, 1854. 24 pp. 8°. 33d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 78. 723 1854. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting the annual report of passengers arriving in the United States. Feb. 21, 1855. 40 pp. 8°. 33d Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 77. 788 1855. Letter from the Secretar}^ of state, transmitting the annual report of passengers arriving in the United States. Feb. 21, 1856. 41 pp. 8°. 3]^.tli Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 29. 851 1856. Report of the Secretary of state, in obedience to law, of pas- sengers arriving in the United States during the year ending Dec. 31, 1856. Feb. 18, 1857. 37 pp. 8^. Congress, 3d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 5J!f. 881 Same. Feb. 18, 1857. 37 pp. 8". 3Ji,th Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 78. 906 ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMMIGRATION 79 1857. Letter from the Secretiir}' of state, transmitting the annual report of passengers arriving in the United States. Feb. 16, 1858. 36 pp. 8'. 35th Congress^ Ist session. Senate ex. doc. no. 32. 924 Sayne. Feb. 16, 1858. 36 pp. 8°. 35th Coi^gresx, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 62. 955 1858. Report of the Secretary of state, communicating, in obedience to law, statements showing the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the j^ear 1858. Feb. 19, 1859. 40 pp. 8^. 35th Congress, 2d session: Senate ex. doc. no. 3J^. 984 Same. Feb. 15, 1859. 40 pp. 8°. 35th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 92. 1008 1859. Letter of the Secretary of state, communicating, in obedience to law, statements showing the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1859. Feb. 28, 1860. 38 pp. 8^. 36th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 32. 1048 1860. Letter from the Secretary of state, communicating statements of the number and designation of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1860. Mar. 2, 1861. 36 pp. 8°. 36th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 81. 1101 1861. Letter from the Secretary' of state, enclosing statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States on shipboard during the year ending December 31, 1861. May 12, 1862. 35 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 2d sessio7i. House ex. doc. no. 111. 1137 1862. Letter from the Secretar}^ of state, transmitting annual state- ment of the arrival of passengers for the year ending December 31, 1862. Feb. 14, 1863. 50 pp. 8^. 37th Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 67. 1163 1863. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statement of the number, age, sex, &c., of passengers arriving in the United States from foreign countries by sea during the year ending December 31, 1863. Mar. 10, 1864. 50 pp. S . 38th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 53. 1189 1864. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting statement of the number, age, &c., of passengers arriving in the United States by sea. Feb. 27, 1865. 44 pp. 8=. 38th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 76. 1229 1425—05 6 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1865. The report of the Commissioner of immigration of the expend- itures, &c., since the establishment of the bureau. Mar. 9, 1866. 88 pp. 8°. 39th Congress^ 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 66. 1256 1866. A report of the Commissioner of immigration, of the foreign immigration and of the expenditures of the bureau for the first three quarters of the year 1866. Jan. 14, 1867. 81 pp. 8°. 39th Congress.^ 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 39. 1289 1867. Report of the Commissioner of immigration, of the expendi- tures of the bureau for the year ending September 30, 1867. Dec. 5, 1867. 126 pp. 8^."^ If.OtJi Congress., 2d sessio7i. House ex. doc. no. 18. 1330 1868-1869. Report, in compliance with the act of Congress of March 3, 1855, regulating the carriage of passengers in steamships and other vessels. Apr. 1, 1870. 90 pp. 8°. Jf-lst Congress., 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 235. 1425 1870. Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a statement of the number, age, sex, and occupation of passengers arriving in the United States by sea, from foreign countries, during the year 1870. Feb. 3, 1871. 35 pp. 8^. It,lst Congress., 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 92. 1454 1869-1890. From 1869-1891 the statistics of immigration are found in the Annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of statistics (Treasury department) on the commerce and navigation of the United States. 1891-1904. Annual report of the Commissioner-general of immi- gration. 1891/92-1904. Washington: Govemrnent printing office, 1892-190 1^.. 13 vols, in ^. <§°. In 1892-1894 the report was that of the Superintendent of immigration. IMMIGRATION: ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT DECISIONS 1898. Employees of cxhi])itors at the Tninsmississippi and Interna- tional exposition c-onipany of Omaha, Nebra.ska. Vol. 1, 1898 (18811), pp. 61-62. 1898. Maintenance and deportation of alien immigrants. Vol. 2, 1898 (19869), pp. 326 -329. 1898. Requiring of steamship companies and masters of vessels bringing alien immigrants into the United States complete manifests. Vol. 2, 1898 (20143), page 651. 1899. Aliens landing at ports of the United States in transit to for- eign contiguous territory. Vol. 1, 1899 (20470), pp. 1,>-16. 1899. Alien immigrants [children horn in the United States of non- naturalized Vol. 1, 1899 (20747), page 416. 1899. Employees of exhibitors at the Philadelphia exposition asso- ciation of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, 1899 (20827), pp. 502-504. 1899. Horses and cattle of immigrants. Vol. 1, 1899 (21308), pp. 1206-1207. 1899. Examination of discharged alien seamen. Vol. 2, 1899 (21724), pp. 62(>-627. 1899. Admission into the United States of returning cattlemen. Vol. 2, 1899 (21752), pp. 66.5-666. 1899. Maintenance and deportation of alien immigrants. Vol. 2, 1899 (21864), pp. 858-861. 81 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1900. Alien seamen. Vol. 3, 1900 (21980), pp. 122-123. 1900. Employees of exhibitors at the Pan-American exposition of Buffalo, N.y. Vol. 3, 1900 (22292), pp. 544-545. 1900. Immigrants' teams, implements, etc. Vol. 3, 1900 (22422), pp. 682-686. 1900. Violation of immigration acts. Vol. 3,- 1900 (22444), pp. 712-713. 1900. Collection of head tax on Canadians going to Hawaii. Vol. 3, 1900 (22548), pp. 853-854. 1900. Admission into the United States of returning cattlemen. — Vol. 3, 1900 (22597), pp. 907-908. 1901. Fines or penalties imposed under the immigration laws. Vol. 4, 1901 (22790), pp. 154-156. 1901. Invoices of household goods, tools of trade, etc. , of immigrants. Vol. 4, 1901 (22823), page 191. 1901. Bobbinet lace makers [importation of two skilled workmen under contract]. Vol. 4, 1901 (22909), pp. 312-314. 1901. Alien immigrants [children born in the United States of non- naturalized aliens]. Vol. 4, 1901 (22999), pp. 441-442. 1901. Admissibility of aliens afflicted with tuberculosis of the lungs. Vol. 4, 1901 (23016), page 456. 1901. Admissibility of aliens afflicted with tubercle of lung. Vol. 4, 1901 (23085), page 528. 1901. Alien seamen. Vol. 4, 1901 (2.3296), pp. 797-801. 1901. Inspection of aliens landed at the ports of the Dominion of Canada. Vol. 4, 1901 (23343), pp. 859-862. 1902. Per capita tax on aliens. Vol. 5, 1902 (24089), pp. 838-839. 1903. Immigration regulations. Vol. 6, Mar. 13, 1903 (24286), pp. 225-230. DECISIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OK COMMERCE AND LABOR 83 1903. Immigration: departure of transit passengers out of the United States. Vol. 6, Apr. 14, 1903 (24351), pp. 311-313. 1903. Head tax on aliens [from Porto Rico]. Vol. 6, Apr. 23, 1903 (24378), pp. 353-354. 1903. Aliens [reasonable opportunity to be heard]. Vol. 6, Apr. 24, 1903 (24379), pp. 354-355. 1903. Head tax on aliens. Vol. 6, Apr. 29, 1903 (24391), pp. 372-374. 1903. Head tax on aliens. Vol. 6, May 7, 1903 (24419), page 407. DECISIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR 1904. No per capita tax on Filipinos from foreign ports. Decision no. 15, Mar. 21, 1904. 1904. Aliens— rejection of contract laborers. Decision no. 16, Apr. 9, 1904. 1904. Aliens — expense of deportation. Decision no. 18, Apr. 20, 1904. IMMIGRATION: ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS 1880. Canadian emigration to the United States. S. D. Pace. June •:0, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 41-42. 1880. Emigration from Hungary to the United States. Henry Sterne. May 19, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 98-99. 1880. Italian emig'ration. B. O. Duncan. May 15, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 127-129. 1880. Emigration from Norwa}'. Gerhard Gade. Apr. 19, 1880. Vol. 1, no. 1, October, 1880, pp. 192-193. 1881. The large emigration from Central and Southern Europe. Henry Dithmar. Feb. 26, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 556-557. 1881. Emigration from Wurtemberg. Report on its cause, charac- ter, and extent, and the laws by which it is governed. George L. Catlin. Mar. 8, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 557-570. 1881. Emigrants of the criminal and pauper class. A. E. Lee. Mar. 3, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 6, April, 1881, pp. 570-574. 1881. Emigration from Germany. H. J. Winser. Mar. 9, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 7, May, 1881, pp. 683-685. 1881. German emigration. James T. Du Bois. Mar. 30, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 7, May, 1881, pp. 701-702. 1881. Emigration of paupers and criminals from Wurtemberg to the United States. George L. Catlin. Mar. 31, 1881. Vol. 2, no. 8, June, 1881, pp. 895-898. 1881. German emigration to the United States. James M. Wilson. Apr. 1881. Vol. 3, no. 9, July, 1881, pp. 117-119 84 immigration: articles in u. s. consular reports 85 1881. Swiss emigration to the United States. Nicolas Fish. May 9, 1881. Vol. .3, no. 10, August, 1881, pp. 298-299. 1881.. German emigration iuid colonization. Wolfgang Schoenle. Oct. 28, 1881. Vol. 4, no. 14, December, 1881, pp. 625-626. 1882. Emigration from Hamburg. John M. Bailey. Nov. 1, 1881. Vol. 5, no. 15, January, 1882, pp. 84-86. 1882. Soliciting inmiigration from Europe.— Improper action of emigration agent.s. James T. Du Bois. Nov. 24, 1881. Vol. 5, no. 15, January, 1882, pp. 123-125. 1882. The last German census and emigration to the United States. Theodore Canisius. Jan. 10, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 16, February, 1882, pp. 193-194. 1882. German emigration statistics, 1871 to 1881, inclusive. Ferdinand Vogeler. Mar. 13, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 18, April, 1882, pp. 556-559. 1882. Emigration from Wiirtemberg to the United States. George L. Catlin. Feb. 9, 1882. Vol. 5, no. 18, April, 1882, pp. 593-596. 1882. Emigration from Hesse-Darmstadt. James Henry Smith. Apr. 30, 1882. Vol. 6, no. 21, July, 1882, pp. 461-164. 1882. Emigration from Switzerland to the United States. Frank H. Mason. July 24, 1882. Vol. 6, no. 22, August, 1882, pp. 540-542. 1883. Irish distress and emigration. Reports from various consul. 1S83. Vol. 9, no. 30, April, 1883, pp. 627-641. 1883. Mexico inviting immigration. P. H. Morgan. Apr. 25, 1883. Vol. 10, no. 32, August, 1883, pp. 332-348. 1883. Italian emigration. Frank G. Haughwont. Oct. 16, 1883. Vol. 11, no. 36, December, 1883, pp. 364-366. 1884. Emigration from Europe. Henry B. Ryder. Oct. 16, 1883. Vol. 11, no. 38, February, 1884, pp. 672-675. 86 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1884. Emigration from Wiirtemburg. George L. Catlin. Apr. 11, 1884. Vol. 12, no. 41, May, 1884, pp. 410-413. 1884. Preventing emigration from Austria-Hungary. James Riley Weaver. June 7, 1884. Vol. 13, no. 42, June, 1884, page 16. 1884. Emigration via Hamburg. J. M. Bailey. July 16, 1884. Vol. 14, no. 45, September, 1884, pp. 63-65. 1885. Norwegian emigration to the United States. Gerhard Gade. Dec. 8, 1884. Vol. 15, no. 51, March, 1885, page 599. 1885. Emigration via Bremen. John M. Wilson. Jan. 16, 1885. Vol. 15, no. 51, March, 1885, pp. 600-601. 1885. Canadian immigration, Seargent P. Stearns. Mar. 24, 1885. Vol. 16, no. 53, June, 1885, pp. 108-109. 1885. Immigration into Brazil. C. C. Andrews. Mar. 11, 1885. • Vol. 16, no. 54, July, 1885, pp. 408-409. 1887. Emigration from Europe. Reports from the Consuls of the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1887. 282 pp. Plates. 8°. Vol. 22, no. 76. April, 1887. Contents. — Immigration of skilled labor into the United States; Cost of living in Germany; Emigration from Austria-Hungary; Emigration from France; Emigration from Germany; Emigra- tion from Italy; Emigration from the Netherlands; Emigration from Norway; Emigration from Russia; Emigration from Sweden ; Emigration from Switzerland; Emigration from the United Kingdom. 1887. Immigration into Southern Brazil. Rule Letcher. Mar. 31, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 81, July, 1887, pp. 72-75. 1887. Emigration from Greece to the United States. William H. Moffett. May 24, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 83, September, 1887, pp. 443-444. 1887. Emigration from Piraeus to the United States. A. C. McDowall. May 10, 1887. Vol. 23, no. 83, September, 1887, pp. 444-445. immigration: articles in u. s. consular reports 87 1888. Emigration from Austria. Henry W. Gill.ert. Oct. 29, 1887. Vol. 25, no. 88, January, 1888, pp. 88-91. 1888. Loss to German indu.stry tiirough emigration. Jacob Mueller. Dec. 19, 1887. Vol. 25, no. 88, January, 1888, pp. 232-2.38. 1888. Emigration from and immigration into the United Kingdom in 1887. R. Giffen. Feb. 6, 1888. Vol. 26, no. 92, April, 1888, pp. 74-78. 1888. Emigration from Hamburg. William W. Lang. Jan. 12, 1888. Vol. 26, no. 93, May, 1888, page 208. 1888. Report of the Imperial emigrant commissioner [of Germany] for 1887. Transmitted by F. Raine. Vol. 26, no. 93, May, 1888, pp. 233-239. 1888. Emigration via Hamburg to the United States. William W. Lang. May 14, 1888. Vol. 26, no. 93, May, 1888, page 289. 1888. Emigration from Norway in 1887. Gerhard Gade. May 30, 1888. Vol. 26, no. 94, June, 1888, pp. 477-478. 1888. French and Italian immigration to the Argentine Republic. George W. Roosevelt. July 31, 1888. Vol. 27, no. 96, August, 1888, pp. 204-205. 1889. Emigration from German ports in 1888. F. Raine. Mar. 8, 1889. Vol. 30, no. 105, May, 1889, pp. 81-84. 1889. Italian emigration law. Philip Carroll. Feb. 20, 1889. Vol. 30, no. 105, May, 1889, pp. 168-171. 1889. Emigration from Spain to South America. Ramon O. Williams. May 3, 1889. Vol. 30, no. 106, July, 1889, pp. 239-244. 1889. Immigration into the A*rgentine Republic. Bayless W. Hanna. Apr. 7, 1889. Vol 30, no. 106, July, 1889, pp. 327-328. 1889. Emigration from Spain to the Argentine Republic. H. J. Sprague. July 3, 1889. Vol. 30, no. 107, August, 1889, page 547. 88 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1889. Italian emigration. Charles M. Wood. Aug. 9, 1889. Vol. 31, no. 108, September, 1889, pp. 63-64. 1890. Spanish emig-ration, R. W. Turner. Oct. 10, 1889. Vol. 32, no. 113, February, 1890, pp. 343-344. 1890. Emigration from Bohemia. Charles Jonas. Oct. 5, 1888. Vol. 32, no. 114, March, 1890, pp. 491-493. 1890. Bohemian and Hungarian emigration to the United States. Charles Jonas. Oct. 12, 1888. Vol. 32, no. 114, March, 1890, pp. 493-494. 1890. French emigration statistics. Oscar F. Williams. Feb. 6, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 117, June, 1890, pp. 229-231. 1890. Emigration from Marseilles. Charles B. Trail. May 22, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 117, June, 1890, pp. 363-365. 1890. Norwegian emigration. Gerhard Gade. June 7, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 118, July, 1890, pp. 524-525. 1890. Emigration from Ireland. William P. Smyth. Vol. 33, no. 118, July, 1890, pp. 536-537. 1890. Emigration from Amsterdam. D. Eckstein. Feb. 13, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 118, July, 1890, pp. 537-538. 1890. German emigration to the United States in 1889. W. H. Edwards. June 30, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 119, August, 1890, pp. 631-634. 1890. Emigration from German3\ W. H. Edwards. Aug. 12, 1890. Vol. 33, no. 119, August, 1890, pp. 660-661. 1891. Immigration to the Amazon. Joseph O. Kerbey. Dec. 9, 1890. Vol. 35, no. 125, February, 1891, pp. 312-315. 1891. Italian emigration, Charles M. Wood. Oct. 20, 1890. Vol. 35, no. 126, March, 1891, pp. 329-330. 1891. Emigration from Havre in 1890. Oscar F. Williams. Jan. 30, 1891. Vol. 35, no 127, April, 1891, pp. 497-498. immigration: articles ix u. s. consular reports 89 1893. The United Kinodoni in 1891 and 1892: Emigration and immigration. John C. New. Dec. 21, 1892. Vol. 42, no. 152, May, 1893, pp. 4:^-44. 1893. Immigration into Brazil, 0. H. Dockery. Feb. 10, 1893. Vol. 42, no. 153, June, 1893, pp. 239-240. 1893. Italian immigration. Baron Fava. Feb. 9, 1893. Vol. 42, no. 153, June, 1893, pp. 248-254. 1894. Emigration from Norway. (ierhard Gade. November, 1893. \'ol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 305-306. 1894. Italian emigration to the United States. Henry G. Huntington. November 27, 1893. Vol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 308-309. 1894. Immigration into Venezuela. E. H. Plumacher. Nov. 7, 1893. Vol. 44, no. 161, February, 1894, pp. 332-335. 1894. Emigration from Christiania in 1893. Gerhard Gade. Jan. 6, 1894. Vol. 44, no. 162, March, 1894, pp. 418-419. 1894, Emigration from Amsterdam to the United States. Edward Downes. Apr. 20, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 166, July, 1894, pp. 394-396. 1894. Italian emigration to the United States. Henry Greenough Huntington. Mar. 20, 1894. Vol. 45, no. 166, July, 1894, pp. 464-467. 1894. Emigration from Norway. Lauritz F. Bronn. June, 1894. Vol. 46, no. 168, September, 1894, page 137. 1894. Emigration of Japanese laborers. E. J. Smithers. Aug. 11, 1894. Vol. 46, no. 170, November, 1894, pp. 441-442. 1895. A German view of American immigration. Louis Stern. Jan. 18, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 177, June, 1895, pp. 265-266. 1895. Emigration from Wiirtemberg. Alfred C. Johnson. Apr. 9, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 177, June, 1895, pp. 368-369. 1895. Swiss emigration. Eugene Germain. June 5, 1895. Vol. 48, no. 178, July, 1895, page 528. 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1895. German emigration. Louis Stern. July 15, 1895. Vol. 49, no. 182, November, 1895, pp. 296-297. 1896. Immigration contract with Venezuela. E. H. Plumacher. Apr. 4, 1896. Vol. 51, no. 188, May, 1896, pp. 114-116. 1897. Canadian emigration to Brazil. Julian Haugwitz. Jan. 13, 1897. Vol. 53, no. 199, April, 1897, pp. 484-487. 1897. German emigration statistics. James C. Monaghan. Apr. 8, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 201, June, 1897, page 325. 1897. New channel for German emigration. Louis Stern. May 20, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 203, August, 1897, pp. 521-523. 1897. European emigration. James C. Monaghan. June 18, 1897. Vol. 54, no. 203, August, 1897, pp. 583-584. 1898. Immigration into the Argentine Republic. William I. Buchanan. Sept. 22, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 208, January, 1898, pp. 32-34. 1898. Emigration of Japanese. John F. Gowey. Oct. 21, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 208, January, 1898, page 132. 1898. Venezuelan immigration contracts. W. W. Russell. Jan. 10, 1898. Vol. 56, no. 210, March, 1898, pp. 361-363. 1898. Japanese immigration into Brazil. Frank D. Hill. August, 1897. Vol. 56, no. 218, March, 1898, pp. 403-406. 1898. Germaulemigration laws [literal translation], -Edward H. Ozmun. Mar. 25, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 213, June, 1898, pp. 230-234. 1898. Emigration from Ireland. Daniel Swiney. Mar. 14, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 213, June, 1898, page 235. 1898. Emigration from Switzerland. May 12, 1898. Vol. 57, no. 214, July, 1898, page 462. 1898. Italian immigrants in Venezuela. Francis B. Loomis. July 7, 1898. Vol. 58, no. 216, September, 1898, pp. 140-142. immigration: articles in u. s. consular reports 91 1898. Emigration from Amsterdam during 1897. G. J. Corey. Aug. 11, 1898. Vol. 58, no. 218, November, 1898, pp. 440-441. 1899. Emigration from German seaports in 1898. Louis Stern. Feb. 28, 1899. Vol. 60, no. 225, June, 1899, pp. 288-289. 1899. Colonization in Paraguay. John N. Ruffin. Mar. 7, 1899. Vol. 60, no. 226, July, 1899, pp. 563-564. 1899. Emigration to South America. Albert W. Swalm. Apr. 11, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 228, September, 1899, pp. 38-39. 1899. German emigration. Sept. 25, 1899. Vol. 61, no. 231, December, 1899, page 656. 1903. Immigration into ISorthwest Canada. L. Edwin Dudley. Dec. 15, 1902. Vol. 71, no. 270, March, 1903, pp. 452-453. 1903. Permits for immigration into the Transvaal. J. E. Proffit. Mar. .30, 1903. Vol. 72, no. 274, July, 1903, pp. 435-436. 1903. Emigration from Finland to the United States. Victor Ek. July 20, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 277, October, 1903, page 374. 1903. Immigration and foreign trade in Honduras. Alfred K. Moe. Sept. 5, 1903. Vol. 73, no. 279, December, 1903, page 644. 1904. Immigration into Canada. Henry S. Culver. Oct. 12, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 280, January, 1904, pp. 66-67. 1904. American immigration into the Canadian northwest. Oct., 1903. Vol. 74, no. 280, January, 1904, pp. 67-69. 1904. Norwegian emigration to the United States. Henry Bordewich. Oct. 10, 1903. Vol. 74, no. 280, January, 1904, page 221. 1904. Immigration into Manitoba from the United States. Vol. 74, no. 281, February, 1904, pp. 513-514. 1904. Immigration into the Transvaal and Orange River colonies. Vol. 74, no. 281, February, 1904, page 514. 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Immigrants into Canada. Vol 75, no. 283, April, 1904, page 281. 1904. Reduction in emigrant rates. Robert S. S. Bergh. Feb. 22, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 284, May, 1904, page 522. 1904. Immigration into Canada from the United States. W. R. HoUoway. May 17, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, page 974. 1904. Emigration attaches. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, pp. 1076-1077. 1904. New steamer line between Stettin and New York. Richard Guenther. March 25, 1904. Vol. 75, no. 285, June, 1904, page 1086. 1904. Emigration from Italy. Homer M. Byington. July 11, 1904. No. 288, September, 1904, pp. 9-11. 1904. German school for emigrants. No. 288, September, 1904, page 63. 1904. Emigration from England and Ireland. Joseph G. Stephens. Sept. 22, 1904. No. 289, October, 1904, page 176. 1904. Emigration from Hamburg and Bremen. Southard P. Warner. Sept. 15, 1904. No. 289, October, 1904, page 192. 1904. Immigration into and emigration from Argentina. D. Mayer. Sept. 22, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, page 60. 1904. Anomalies of ocean travel. James Boyle. Oct. 7, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, page 94. 1904. Emigration from Ireland in 1902 and 1903. Edward Harvey. Oct. 18, 1904. No. 290, November, 1904, page 136. 1904. Canadian trade. Henry S. Culver. Nov. 5, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, pp. 46-47. " Influx of immigration," page 46. 1904. Trieste as a port of emigration. F. W. Hossfeld. Oct. 31, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, pp. 116-117. immigration: articles in u. s. consular reports 93 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. 1905. Emigration and population, Sweden. Edward L. Adam.s. Oct. 27, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, page 144. Immigration into Brazil. No. 291, December, 1904, page 161. Immigration into Cuba. Jacob Sleeper. Nov. 12, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, page 305. Emigration and pa.ssenger movement through Havre, A. M. Tbackara. Nov. 10, 1904. No. 291, December, 1904, page .312. Emigration to the United States. Washingto7i: Government printing office^ 190^. xi\ 210 pp. 8^. {Special comuhir reports^ vol. 30. 58th Crmgress, 2d session. House document no. 732.) Contexts.— Department circular; Introductory immigration statis- tics; Immijrration into the United States, bycountrie.«, 1821-190.3; Total foreign-born population of the United States in 1900, and distribution by .sections; Official record of immigration, 1820-1903; Arrival in the United States of alien passengers and immigrants, by countries, 1828-1903; Passengers landed in New York, steerage and cabin, in 1903; Passengers landed in New York, steerage and cabin, 1897-1903. Europe: Austria-Hungary; Belgium; France; Germany; Greece; Italy; Malta; Netherlands; Russia; Scandi- navia; Spain; Switzerland; United Kingdom. America: Domin- ion of Canada; Mexico; Spanish American Republics. Austral- asia; Africa; Asia: Japan; Polynesia: Samoa. Immigration contract, Brazil. Je.sse H. Johnson. December 1, 1904. No. 292, January, 190-5, page 267. Italian emigration in foreign .steamships. Ernest L. Harris. Nov. 18, 1904. No. 292, January, 1905, pp. 292-293. Attracting immigration to Canada. W. R. Holloway. Dec. 21, 1904. No. 292, January, 1905, page 30H. Emigration through Bremen and Hamburg to the United State.s. Henry \V. Diedench. Feb. 16, 1905. No. 294, March, 1905, pp. 179-180. Immigration into Canada. W. R. Holloway. Feb. 1, 1905. No. 294, March, 1905. pp. 237-238. Emigration to the United States via Bremen in IIMM. Henry \V. Diedench. Jan. 31, 1905. No. 295, April, 1905, pp. 42^8. 94 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. Immigration into Mexico from the United States. Lewis A. Martin. March 1, 1905. No. 295, April, 1905, pp. 149-150. 1905. Exodus of Mexican laborers to the United States. W. W. Canada. March 10, 1905. No. 295, April, 1905, page 163. 1905. Emigration from Croatia-Slavonia to the United States. Frank D. Chester. March 25, 1905. No. 295, April, 1905, page 281. 1905. Assisted emigration from England. W. R. Holloway. March 7, 1905. No. 295, April, 1905, page 292. 1905. Emigration via Bremen. Henry W. Diederich. March 21, 1905. No. 296, May, 1905, pp. 116-118. 1905. Canadian land receipts and immigration. W. R. Holloway. March 24, 1905. No. 296, May, 1905, page 187. 1905. Emigration via Bremen and Hamburg. Henry W. Diederich. April 19, 1905. No. 296, May, 1905, pp. 198-199. 1905. Emigration via Bremen angl Hamburg. Henry W. Diederich. March 20, 1905. No. 296, May, 1905, page 397. 1905. Emigration from Spain. M. M. Price. No. 296, May, 1905, page 406. 1905. Irish emigration. S. S. Knabenshue. April 14, 1905. No. 297, June, 1905, pp. 24-25. 1905. Austrian emigration to the United States. Ernest L. Harris. April 19, 1905. No. 297, June, 1905, page 96. 1905. Immigration into and emigration from the United Kingdom. Walter C. Hamm. May 2, 1905. No. 297, June, 1905, pp' 180-182. 1905. British Columbia immigration service. L. Edwin Dudley. INIay 25, 1905. Daily consular reports, no. 2300, July 5, 1905, page 12. 1905. Irish emigration statistics for 1904. Alfred K. Moe. May 29, 1905. Daily consular reports, no. 2302, July 7, 1905, pp. 10-12. AUTHOR INDEX Page Al)b()tt, Ernest Hamlin 47 Airitelli, Pietro 50 Adams, Cyrus C 43 Adams, Edward L 93 Adams, Thomas Sewall 9 Addams, Jane 58, 59 Ainsworth, Frank H 21,51 Alcott, Winfield S 50 Allen, P. L 58 Altgeld, John Peter 9, 38 American social science association 9 Amerinus Senior, [pseud.] 23 Andersen, R 9 Anderson, A. S 9 Andrews, C. C 86 Ansell, Evelyn 50 Ardan, Ivan 57 Atchison, Rena Michaels 9 Atkinson, Edward 40 Austin, O. P 53 Bal)cock, Kendric C 40 Bailey, John M 85, 86 Balch, Emily G 57 Barker, Folger 61 Barnard, Helen M 9 Barrows, Samuel J 22, 45 Batchelder, Margaret < iold 49 Belcredi, G. G 46 Bell, C. H 28 Bemis, Edward W 37, 43 Bergh, Robert S. S 92 Berle, A. A 39 Bernheimer, Charles Seligman ... 9 Biasi, M. de 50 Biddle, Cadwalader 10 Bishop, Joseph B 38, 48 Bodio, Luigi 10,43 Bodley, John Edward Courtenay. 10 Bonney, C. C 38 Bordewich, Henry 91 Bontet, Federigo 48 Boutmy, l^mile < iaston 10 Boyesen, Hjalmar H 10, 37, 38 Boyle, James 92 Brabazon, Reginald, Lord 36 1425—05 7 Page Bradley, A. A 46 Bradshaw, Frederick 10 Brandenburg, Broughton 10, 50,51,52,54,55,59,61 Brandt, Lilian 53 Braun, Marcus 11 Brauns, Ernst 11 Brindisi, Rocco 53 Bromwell, William J 11 Bronn, I^uritz F 89 Brorup, Rasmus Peterson 11 Brown, William 36 Brudno, Ezra S 52 Bryant, Robert C 46 Buchanan, William I 90 Buell, C. J 42 Buenos Aires 11 Bureauof the American Republics. 11 Burnett, John 15 Busey, Samuel C 11 Bushee, Fredrick A 11 Butter worth, Arthur R 44 Buxton, Sydney Charles 11 Byington, Homer M 92 Byrne, Stephen 11 Canada, W. W 94 Canisius, Theodore 85' Canstatt, Oscar 12 Carroll, Philip 87 Carter, E. C 50 Carver, Thomas Nixon 42 Cassot, Arthur 42 Castro, Lorenzo 12 Catlin, George L 84, &■>, 86 Chance, Sir William 60 Chandeze, Gustave 12 Chandler, William E 39, 41 Chartrou, J 38 Chelard, Raoul 12 Chester, Frank I) 94 Chetwood, John 12, 3S, 42, 44, 46 Chickering, Jesse 12 Claghorn, Kate Holladay 12, 45, 51 , 54, 55, 57, 59 Clark, E. P 39 95 96 AUTHOR INDEX Page Clarke, Hyde 35 Cleveland, Grover 31 Cocchia, Enrico 54 Colne, C 12 Colorado. Board of immigration.. 12 Colton, Calvin 12 Commons, John R. 13, 31, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57 Connolly, James B 47, 48 Cook, Joseph 9, 41 Cooke, C. Kinloch 58, 60 Corey, G. J 91 Coulter, Ernest K 57 Coxe, A. Cleveland 38 Craig, B. F 13 Crewdson, W 57 Crosb V, Ernest 57 Croswell, Simon G 44 Culver, Henry S 91, 92 Curtiss, George L 39 Davenport, William E 47,52,53 De France, C. A 13 Devecchi, Parlo 46 Devine, Edward Thomas 13, 51 Diederich, Henry W 93, 94 Dietrick, Ellen Battelle 42 Digby, E verard 49 Dingiey, F. L 13 Dinwiddie, Emily Way land 53 Dithmar, Henry 84 Dockery, O. H 89 Dondero, C 46 Downes, Edward 89 Drage, Geoffrey 42, 43 Dreifuss, J 13 Du Bois, James T 84, 85 Dudley, L. Edwin 91, 94 Duncan, B. O 84 Duncan, Xorman 48 Dunraven, Earl of 40 Durand, E. Dana 14, 31 Duval, Jules 14 Dwight, Henry Otis 58 Eckstein, D 88 Edwards, W. H 88 Ek, Victor 91 Elkinton, Joseph 57 Ellena, V 14 Elliott, .Sir Charles 60 Emanuel, Charles 10 Emmet, Thomas Addis 14 English, E 10 Esterline, Blackburn 57 Everett, Edward 14 Page Everett, H. Sidney 43 Falkner, Roland P 52 Fava, Baron 89 Fiedler, Harry A 52 Fish, Nicolas 85 Fisher, Sydney G 40, 42, 43, 44 Fleming, Walter L 60 Flom, George T 58, 61 Florenzano, Giovanni 14 Flores, Antonio 14 Ford, Worthington C 37 Foulke, William D •. 5i Fox, Stephen N 37 Frangois, G 45 Frobel, Julius 14 Gade, Gerhard 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 Gale, Rhoda 43 Gardiner, O. C 35 Garrett, Laura B 57 Garrett, Philip C 14, 15 Gates, W. A 15 George, Henry 15 Germain, Eugene 89 Giacosa, Giuseppe 40, 41 Giffen, R 87 Gilbert, Henry W 87 Godkin, E. L 37, 39, 40 Gonnard, Rene 55 Gordon, Clarence 36 Gordon, W. Evans- 15, 48, 51, 56, 59 Gowey, John F 90 Great Britain. Board of trade 15, 16 Colonial office 16 Emigrants^ information office 16, 17 Home office 17 House of Commons 17 Parliament 17 Royal commission on alien im- migration 17 Select committee on emigration . . 17, 18 Greeley, Horace 18 Grossi, Vincenzo 48 Guenther, Richard 18, 92 Gunton, George 41, 46 Halbrook, A. A 41 Hale, Edward Everett 18, 40, 41 Halifax, Guy Raymond 50, 59 Hall, Prescott F 18, 20, 44, 45, 55 Hamm, Walter C 94 Hanna, Bay less W 87 Hansbrough, Henry C 41 Harger, Charles Moreau 58 Harris, Ernest L 93,94 AUTHOR INDEX 97 Page Hart, Hastings H 18,44 Harvey, Edward 92 I lan^dnvont, Frank G 85 HaufiTwitz, Julian 90 Hayes, C. E 54 Henry, Arthur 45 Heurtier, N. J. J. F 18 Hewes, F. W 49 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth .. 18 Hill, Frank D 90 Hill, Hamilton Andrews 18 Holloway, W. R 92, 93, 94 Hoose, James H 58 Hopkins, C. T 19 Hoppe, A 19 Hossfeld, F. W 92 Hourwich, Isaac A 58 Howe, Maud 51 Howell, Alfred 19 Hoyt, Charles S 19, 42 Hughes, S. A 19 Hunter, Robert 19 Huntington, Henry G 89 Hyde, Arthur Houghton 45 Ichenhaeuser, Justus 19 Immigration restriction league ... 20-21 Italy 21 Ives, Joel S 60 Jadot, Louis 56 James, Edmund J 21 Jarvis, Edward 21, 36 Jeffrey, William H 41, 42 Jernberg, R. A 54 Jeyes, S. H 39 Johnson, Alfred C 89 Johnson, Jesse H 93 Jonas, Charles 88 Jones, Thomas Jesse 21 Jusserand, A 50 Kapp, Friedrich 21 Karr, Henry Seton 56 Kaupac, A 57 Kellogg, Arthur P 51 Kellor, Frances A 51 Kerbey, Jose[)h O 88 Kingdom, William, jr 21. Kmgsbury, Harmon 21 Knabenshue, S. S 94 Knight, John Watrous 43 Kucera, Magdalena 58 Kuczynski, R. R 46 Lamb, David C 60 Pa«re Landa, M. J 60 I^ng, William W 87 Langley, Lee J 53 Lee, A. E 84 Legoyt, Alfred 22 Lehmann, Emil 22 Letcher, Rule 86 Levasseur, Emile 22, 29 Li^geard, Armand 36 Livingston, Edward 22 Lodge, Henry Cabot 38, 39, 42, 43, 50 Longstaff, ( Jeorge Blundell 22 Loomis, Francis B 90 Lord, Eliot 22 Louisiana. Bureau of immigration . 23 Lovejoy, Evalyn C 57 Lovejoy, Owen R 61 Lowry, Edward 47 Ludewig, Hermann E 23 McAdoo, William 39 McCall, Samuel W 70, 71 MoCreary, E. D 42 :McDowall, A. C 86 McDowell, Mary E 57 Mackenna, Benjamin Vicuna 23 McLanahan, Samuel 23 McLaughlin, Allan J 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60 ^NlacLean, Annie Marion 60 McSweeney, Edward F 43, 46 McSweeny, Z. F 58 Mailath, Joseph 61 Mangano, Antonio 53 Marcus, Moses 23 Marman, H . van der 23 Martin, Lewis A 94 Maryland. Bureau of immigration. 23 Masaryk, Alice G 57 Mashek, Nan 57 Mason, Frank H 85 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor 23 Matson, Clarence H 54 Matthew, Patrick 23 Maupin, Chapman \V 29 Mayer, D 92 Meade, Emily Fogg 59 Merlino, S 41 !Mesnaud de Saint-Paul, Jean 24 Meyers, John Frederic 24, 36 Meyrick, A. S 24 98 AUTHOR INDEX Page Mill, Hugh Robert 24 Millis, Harry A 24, 44, 45 Mills, David 50 Mitchell, Roger 47 Moe, Alfred K 91, 94 Moffett, Samuel E 48 Moffett, William H 86 Monachal!, James C 54, 90 Morgan, D.J 56 Morgan, P. H 85 Mudie, Robert 24 Mueller, JacoVj 87 Munger, T. T 37 Munroe, Kirk 45 Nelson, E. C 61 Nevers, -Edmond de 48 New, JohnC 89 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries 24 New York. Commissioners of im- migration 24-25 Bureau of labor statistics 25 Noble, John Hawks 39, 40 Norton, Eliot 51, 54 Oetken, Friedrich 25 Oldrini, Alexander 25, 68 Ontario 25 Ottendorfer, Oswald 39 Ozmun, Edward H 90 Pace, S. D 84 Paget, Henry Luke 60 Parisi, L 46 Park, G. A 19 Parker, George F 40 Parkhurst, Charles 39 Parsons, Frank 55 Parsons, Reuben 47 Paterson, Arthur 43 Peck, E. F 56 Pennsylvania. Department of internal affairs 25 Peterson, P. A 25 Philippovich, Eugen von 38 Phipard, Charles B 53 Pianti, Humbert de 49 Pierantoni, Augusto 46, 52 Pink, Louis H 57 Pio, Augusta H 60 Piper, Horace L 25 Plumacher, E. H 89, 90 Polenz, Wilhelm von 47 Powderly, T. V 37, 47 Powers, Fred. Perry 37 Pase Price, M. M 94 Proffit, J. E 91 Puddefoot, W. G 43 Raine, F 87 Rambaud, Jacques 61 Ravenstein, E. G 26 Reynolds, Minnie J . . 56 Richards, M. V 19 Richter, Dmitrij J 26 Rideing, William H 36 Riis, Jacob August 26, 47 Robljins, Jane E 57, 60 Roberts, Peter 57 Robins, Elizabeth 46 Roebling, John A 44 Rolleston, Charles 52, 53 Rood, Henry 40 Roosevelt, George W 87 Round, William M. F 38 Rovnianek, P. V 57 Ruffin, JohnN 91 Russell, W.W 90 Ryder, Henry B 85 Sabetta, Ugo Carleton 48 Sanborn, Alvan F 45 Sanborn, F. B 26 Sanders, Thomas B 26 Sanderson, John P 26 Santa- Anna Nery , Frederico Jose de 26 Sargent, Frank P 50, 54 Sayles, Mary Buell 57 Scanland, J. M 61 Schade, Louis '. 26, 35 Schick, John M 44 Schindler, Solomon 39 Schloss, David F 15 Schoenle, Wolfgang 85 Schooling, John Holt 57 Schulteis, Herman J 27 Schurz, Carl 44 Schuyler, Eugene 38 Schwab, GustavH 41 Schwegel, H 27 Scudder, Vida D 60 Sedgwick, A. G ,36 Sedgwick, H. D 52 Self, Edward 36 Senner, Joseph H 42, 43, 44 Shaler, N. S 41 Shaw, Adele Marie 59 Sherard, Robert H 27 Sherman, Philip Edmund 51 Sitta, Pietro 40 AUTHOR INDEX 99 Sleeper, Jacob y3 Smith, Charles Stewart 39 Smith, James Henry 85 Smith, Richmond Mayo . . . 27, 37, 38, 41 Smithers, E. J 89 Smyth, William P 88 Sonimerlatte, Paul 49 Spencer, p]. C 39 Speranza, Gino Carlo 48, 49, 53, 56 Spinola, F. B (56 Spragne, II. J 87 Stamer, William J. A 27 Stearns, Seargent P 86 Steiner, Edward A 47, 48, 49 Stella, Antonio 53 Stephens, Joseph G 92 Stern, Louis 89,90,91 Sterne, Henry 84 Straten-Ponthoz, Gabriel Auguste van (ler, comte 28 Strong, Josiah 27, 28 Strong, William 36 Sturz, J.J 28 Sulzberger, Cyrus L 52 Sumner, Helen L 9 Sundbiirg, Gustav 28 Svarc, V 61 Swalm, Albert W 91 Swank, James M 28 Sweeney, Helen M 43 Swiney, Daniel 90 Sylvester, Richard H 41, 42 Thackara, A. M 9:5 Thomason, D. R 28 Tiffany, O. II 28 Tompkins, D. A 56 Tosti, Gu.^tavo 53, 60 Trail, Charles B 88 Trenor, John J. I) 22, 55 Tuke, J. H 37 Turner, R. W 88 Turner, Sanmel Epes 39 Turner, Thomas F 31 Turner, Thomas J 28 Twells, Julia H 42 United States: President 31 Bureau of foreign commerce . . . 28-29 Bureau of immigration 29 Congress. Senate. Committer on immigration .30 Department of labor ;]0 Page United State.s — Continued Dejmrtment of commerce and labor 30 Bureau of statistics 30 Industrial comm ission 31 Treasun/ department. BureaK of statistics 31 President 31 ir«r dqjartment. Division of customs and insular affairs . . 32 Uruguay .jo Van Etten, Ida M 41 Venezuela 30 Villeneuve, Alphonse .32 Vincent, C. E. Howanl 40 Vogeler, Ferdinand S5 Wagener, Jno. A 35 Waghorn, Thomas 32 Walker, Francis A 21, 32, 39, 40, 43 Walsh, George Ethelbert 42 Ward, Robert De C 2I, 32,42,51,54,55,58,61 Warne, Frank Julian. 19, .33, 47, 49, 57, 58 Warner, Southard P 92 Watson, E. J 19, 58 Weaver, James Rilev 86 \\'ebb, C. H ." 33 Weber, John B 39 Wells, George ^V 33 Weston, J 47 Whelpley, James Davenport 33, 56, 59, 60 White, Arnold 33. 37, 42. 43 White, Henry 44 Wliite, Thomas, Jr 35, .36 Wilder, W. H..^ '39 Wilkins, William Henry 33,38,39 Williams, B. W " '43 Williams, Oscar F 88 Williams, Ramon () S7 Wilson, James 'SI s4 Wilson, John M 86 Winser, II. J 84 Wong Kai Kah 52 Wood, Charles M 88 Wood, William R 41 Woods, Amy 55 Woods, Robert Archey 33, 34, 53 Wood worth, John ^I 34 Wright, Carroll I ) 30, 34, 60 Wrightington, S. C 34 Young, Edward 34, 64 Zucca, Antonio 49 o SOUTHERN 6P.AN^^. UNIVERSITY, OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY. ^ U>S ANGELES, CALlF.