/v; LIBRARY University of California. Gl FT OF y. S. Supt. of Documents. Class Iv LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH BEFERENCES TO PERIODIC AT^S) RELATING TO PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. P. C. G^RIFFIISr CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ^'Jr-.u^^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF BOOKS (AYITII IlEFEllEXCKS TO PEKIODICAI^S) RELATING TO PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. P. C. C^RIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 o-ad INTRODITCTIOISr This List represents the contents of the Library on the subject of proportional representation. It includes also some titles on direct legislation and apportionment as related subjects. It does not embrace in its scope the initiative or referendum. The first systematic discussion of minority or proportional repre- sentation is said to l)e Gilpin's. '"On the representation of minorities," first issued at Philadelphia in 184:4. It was written to apply to the government of the city of Philadelphia. The scheme advanced by Gilpin is regarded as identical with the Libre Liste. or ticket vote, advocated by Naville in Geneva in isTl and now used in some of the Swiss cantons. In 1859 Thomas Hare published ''The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal," in which he elaborated a system of pro- portionate representation known as the '" Single transferable vote." This system was indorsed by John Stuart Mill in his "Considerations on representative government," which he declares to be •* among the greatest improvements yet made in the theory and practice of gov- ernment.'' In 1869 Senator Buckalew proposed a plan of cumulative voting as a part of a reconstruction scheme for suftrage in the South. The report of the committee favoring his proposition, together with liis speeches on the subject and other illustrative material, wci-e pu})lished in a volume described on page 8 of this list. Dutcher's "Minority or proportional representation," New York, 1872, is a record of the movements toward proportional r('i)rosentation in Great Britain and the United States, including an account of experi- mental legislation in various States, Forney's "Political reform by the representation of minorities," New York, 1894. is an argument for what is called the Hurnitz sys- tem. A translation of Burnitz's exposition of his system is printed in Forney's work, pages 1."')9-1T4. John R. Connnons's '• Proportional representation," New York, 189H, passes in review the various systems of proportional representation, giving also a r^sum^ of the progress of the cause in ditlerent countries. 3 Hi'^21 1 4 INTRODUCTION. It is a good statement of the histor}^ and development of the proposed reform in representation up to the date of its publication. The Bel- gian system had not been put into effect at that time. A scheme of proportional representation was introduced in Switzer- land in 1891 in the Canton of Ticino, and since that time has been adopted by several other cantons. Naville is one of the principal pro- moters of the cause in Switzerland. A full account of proportional representation in Switzerland is given in Kloti's " Die Proportional- wahl in der Schweiz," Bern, 1901. For accounts in English there are brief statements in McCrackan's ''Swiss solutions of American prob- lems," Boston, 1894; Vincent's "Government in Switzerland," Lon- don, 1898. The subject also enters largel}^ into the article b}" Prof. Louis Wuarin, of the University of Geneva, entitled "Recent polit- ical experiments in the Swiss democracy," printed in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, volume 6, Novem- ber, 1895, pages 361-380. In December, 1899, a system of proportional representation was adopted by Belgium. The text of the act providing for proportional representation is printed with some notes by P. Wauwermans in "Annuaire de legislation etrangere publie par la Societe de legislation comparee,'' volume 29, pages 463-171, also in Duthoit's "Le sutl'rage de demain," Paris, 1901, and in the "Revue de droit public et de la science politique," volume 14, November-December, 1900, pages 385- 424. A history of the movement in Belgium is given by Goblet d'Alviella in " La representation proportionnelle en Belgique," Bru- xelles et Paris, 1900. The system adopted in Belgium is known as the D'Hondt system. A tabulated statement by D'Hondt is noted on page 14 of the present list. Dupriez's " L'organisation du suffrage universel en Belgique," Paris, 1901, contains a bibliography^ of the movement in Belgium. Other treatises by Belgian writers are Aelvoet's " La representation proportionnelle," Gand, 1900; Biddaer and Somerhausen's "Elections legislatives; application de la repre- sentation proportionnelle," Bruxelles, 1900; Cameau's " La representa- tion proportionnelle en Belgique," Paris, 1901; Delcroix's "Elections legislatives," Bruxelles, 1900; Dumont's "Les elections en Belgique" in "Revue politique," vol. 25, pp. 314-329; "Les enseignemente du scrutin" in "Revue de Belgique," vol. 33, pp. 175-196, 303-318; Dupriez's "L'organisation du suffrage universel en Belgique," Paris, 1901; Duysters's "De nieuwe kieswet," Berchem-Antwerpen, 1900; Fromes's "Manuel pratique pour les elections legislatives,'' Bruxelles, 1900; Jacquart's "Statistique electorale," Bruxelles, 1900; Nerincx's "Le suffrage universel, le vote plural et la representation propor- tionnelle," Bruxelles, 1900; Van der Smissen's "La representation proportionnelle en Belgique et les elections generales de mai 1900," in "Annales des sciences politiques," volume 15; and Vanlaar's "Le INTRODUCTIOlSr. 5 mecanisme de la representation proportionnelle dans le nouveau sjsteme electoral beige," in ''Revue politique et parlementaire," volume 25. In the "Revue de Belgique," April 15, 1904, pp. 308-332, V. Van de Walle gives a statistical survev of elections in Belgium under the act of 1900. in which he points out defects and proposes a ''\foriiiule'''' for their correction. The periodical called '' La representation proportionnelle'' has been published since 1S83 in Brussels, in the interests of the D'Hondt sys- tem. A summary description of ''The Belgian system of propor- tional representation" is given by Robert Tyson in the '"Arena" for December, 1903. A fuller exposition is given by Mahaim, under the title "Proportional representation and the debates upon the electoral question in Belgium," printed in the ''Annals of the American acad- emy of political and social science," volume 15, May, 1900, pages 381-^01. In 1893 the American proportional representation league began the publication of the ''Proportional Representation Review," devoted to the advancement of the cause in this country'; which is still issued. There is a society' in France for the study of proportional repre- sentation which published a collection of material on the subject, including accounts of debates in various parliaments, which is described on page 19 of this list. For a general surve}' of the movement for proportional representa- tion up to 1899, the work hj Saripolos, "La democratic et Telection proportionnelle," Paris, 1899, is regarded by good authority as of the first importance. The application of proportional representation in municipal elections is discussed in Conkling's "City government in the United States." New York, 1899; Parson's "The city for the people; or, the ^Nlunici- palization of the city government and of local franchises," Philadel- phia, 1901; Wilcox's ''The study of city government." New York, 1897; and L. F. C. Garvin's article ''How to elfect municipal reform," in the "Arena,'' vol. 10, September, 1894. A. P. C. Griffix, Chief Bihl !o(i raphe)'. ) Herbert Putnam, Lihrarhin of Conr/ress. Washingtox. D. C, 2lay i?^, 1001^. A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION Aelvoet, Arthur. La representation proportionnelle; notes som- maires et pratiques a Tusage de tous les electeurs; avec tableaux s^noptiques a 1' usage des presidents et des temoins de bureaux electoraux. Gand: A. S!ffet\ 1900. 2S, {!) pp. S^. Amabile, Giuseppe. La proporzionalita nella rappresentanza politick e il sistenia dell' urna multipla. Napoli: E. 2larghierl, 1901. (5), 207 pp. T(Mts {partly folded). 8^. {On cover: Bihliotecadelle .^cienze giuridiche e soclaU, vol. a'c>\) AsliTvorth, T. R. Proportional representation applied to part}- gov- ernment; a new electoral system, by T. R. Ashworth and H. P. C. Ashworth. London: 8. Sonnen>ichtin c6 (va, lim.., 1001. vlll, 222., (2) pp. 8^. Bagehot, Walter. The English constitution, and other political essays. Latest rev. ed. New YorV: J). Ajpltton cfe cv>. , 1877. 6', vu—vlil., Ji68 pp. 12'-. "The scheme of Mr. Hare," pp. 216 et se(i. Barnes, William H. Histor}?^ of the thirty-ninth Congress of the L'nited States. NewYorl': JIarptrd'hrotherx, 1868. 630 pp. Portraits. 8^. "The basis of representation in the House," pp. oL'4-418. "Representation of the Soutiiern states," pp. 417-4."(a. Berry, John M. Proportional representation. The (lOve system. Notes on the inecjualitv and injustice of existing methods of electing representatives of the people, with the true remedy. Worct>. 12'^. {Lihrai'ii of economics and j)olitics.i no. 8.) Proportional representation. PuJjlisherx : Appeal to reason^ Girard^ Kansas^ 1902. 38 2)p- Cover-title. ■■ Representative democracy. jYew Yorl': Bureau <)f eeon<)iinc7'e8earch.^\1900\ 100 j> p. 12^. 'This little pamphlet lirings together the main arguments for direct legislation and proportional representation. The chief aim of the work, perhaps, is to show the importance of minority parties iu different sections of the country, of proportional representation as a means to united action without fusion." Social reform and the church, ^^'ith an introduction \yy Richard T. Ely. NeioYorl': T. Y. (lr(miellihcoiu}>anri.,\^1^9Ji\. a\ 176 p}^. 10 ■ "Proportional representation," pp. I.'i3-17(). Conkling, Alfred Ronald, City government in the United States: with a chapter on the Gn^ater New York charter of 185>7. 4th ed., rev. Mw York: D. Applet <»i d- <■<>., 1899. xvi, 21^,') pp. 1-2^. List of authorities, ]>. xv. "Proportional n'prcsciitatiou." iij.. 49, 209-210. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Courtney, Leonard Henry. Proportional representation. Speech in tne House of Commons, December 4, 1884. {Jh Hansard's Parliamentary debates, 3d series, vol. 294, pp. 659- 679. London, 1885. 8°.) The working constitution of the United Kingdom. JVew YorA\ London: The Macm'dlan co.^ 1901. viii, 383 "Proportional representation," pp. 21, 172-178. Crocker, Samuel. Our next republic. Cahhrell, Kansas: PulJhhed hy the author, 1887. 168 pjp. Frontispiece {portrait). 16"-'. Includes an advocacy of jiroportional representation. Delcroix, Alfred. Elections legislatives; commentaire de la loi du 29 decembre 1899 (representation proportionnelle). Bruxelles: K Gnijot, 1900. 98pp. 8°. ifilections legislatives; commentaire des lois des 28 juin 1894- 11 juin 1896 et 29 decembre 1899. 2. ed. Bruxelles: E. Guyot^ 1900. 331 pp. TaUes. 8°. Recueil des lois electorales beiges coordonnees et annotees. Bruxelles: X Guyot, 1900. 149, (2) pp. Folded sheets. 8°. Dillon, John F. Report on th5 constitutionality in New York of a system providing for ''minority representation" or " minor- ity voting.'' {In Forney, Matthias N. Proportional representation, pp. 53-56. New York, 1900. 24°.) Direct legislation record. A non-partisan advocate of pure democ- rac3\ vol. 1-7. ^^ew Tori', 1894-95; Newa.rl', X. -/., 1896-1900. 7 vols, in 1. Portraits. 8"^. From 1896 official organ of the National direct legislation league; from 1898 also official organ of the Canadian direct legislation league. Dumont, Hermann. Les elections en Belgique. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 25, Aug. 10, 1900, pp. 314-329. ) Dupriez, Leon. L'organisation du suffrage universel en Belgique. Vote plural, vote obligatoire, representation proportion- nelle. Paris: L. Larose, 1901. viii, 264 PP- ■^^^• "Bibliographie," pp. 253-262. La representation proportionnelle en Belgique. {In Revue du droit public et de la science jiolitique, vol. 14, Nov.- Dec, 1900, pp. 385-435.) Includes a bibliography and the Belgian law on the subject. A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION 11 ^ Dutcher, Salem. Minority or proportional representation; its nature, aims, history, processes, and practical operation. Neio YorJc: Uriited States inMlalumj coinpany^ 1872. 165 pj). 8^. Duthoit, Eugene. Le sutfrage de demain; regime electoral d'une democratic organisee. Paris: Perr'ni ,4 cie., 1901. (J), 263, {2) pp. i^°. The "Documents annexes" include: Annexe C. — L' introduction de la representation proportionnelle en Belgique, pp. 210-288; Annexe D. — Texte de la loi Beige 8ur la representation propor- tionnelle du 29 decembre 1899, pp. 239-250. Duysters, Edmond. De nieuwe kieswet. Uitleg derwet, betreffende de toepassing- der evenredige vertegenwoordiging op de verkiezingen voor de wetgevende kamers, en verschenen in het Staatsblad van 30 december 1899. 2. uitg. , merkelijk vermeerderd. Bercliem-Antwerpen: F. Mattheus JIendrichi\ 1900. 5 If. pp. Talle. 8"". ^ Eaton, Dorman B. The government of municipalities. Xew Yorh: Tht 21acmiUaii eompany., 1899. x., If98., IJ^,. llf pp. 8^. "Concerning free nominations and free voting; minority representa- tion," pp. 209-245. Appendix: "The neglected need of minority representation." See also pp. 2H0-261, 326. Einhauser, Rudolph. Proportionalwahl. {In Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, vol. 54, pp. 720- 729. Tiibingen, 1898. 8°.) / Fa-wcett, Millicent Garrett. Proportional representation and Hare's scheme explained. (7/1 Fawcett, Henry and Millicent Garrett Fawcett. Essays and lectures, pp. 336-368. London, 1872. 8°.) / Field, David Dudley. Representation of minorities. {In American social science association. Journal, vol. 3, 1871, pp. 133-147.) Fisher, Joshua Francis. The degradation of our representative sys- tem and its reform. Philadelphia: 0. Shenna?i, son cfe 6V>.-, printers, I860. ^7 pp. 8^. Fleming, Sandford. An appeal to the Canadian Institute on [electoral representation and] the ratihcation of Parliament. Toronto: The Copp, (litrl- coiiipa)iy., 1892. 176pp. 8^, "The appendix contains several pages of extracts, expressing the deliberate opinion of well known jnibiic writers, which are worthy of careful perusal. They indicate the tone of thought of minds differentlv constituted in our own conntrv, in Great 12 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Britain, in the United States and other countries. There are excerpts from the following: 1. A new plan of minority repre- sentation hj' J. R. Commons. 2. Proportional representation — The Gove system, etc. 3. Resume of Hare's work on the repre- sentation of minorities — especial h' jjrepared for the present publi- cation. 4. Translation and abridgement of the constitution and electoral law of Denmark — also especially prepared. ' ' ^ Forney, Matthias N. Political .reform by the representation of min- orities. New Yorl- PxMkhedly the mdlwr, 189k. {^i), 199 pj). 8°. "Favors Burnitz system, similar to 'Preponderance of choice.' Contains extensive bibliography, also references to magazine articles." Proportional representation; a means for the improvement of municipal government; with reports on the constitution- alit}^ in New York of a system providing for minority representation, b}- J. F. Dillon and S. Sterne. JVew Tori'.- E. TT: Johnsov, 1900. {2), Hi, 3-61 pp. Tables. 2JfP. Foulke, William Dudley. Proportional representation and municipal reform. {In National municipal league. Proceedings of the Indianapolis conference for good city government, [etc.], pp. 135-142. Phila- delphia, 1898. 8°.) Representation of different city interests in the council. {In National municipal league. Proceedings of the Milwaukee con- ference for good city government, [etc.], pp. 147-156. Philadel- phia, 1900. 8°.) Fran9ois, Charles. La representation des interets dans les corps elus: Paris, A. Rousseau; ' yon, A. Rey, 1899. xix, 363 pp. J^P. {Lyons Universite. Ann ales. JVoiw. ser.; II, Droit, let- tres; fasc. 2.) " Bibliograpliie," pp. 355-359. Fromes, Armand. Manuel pratique pour les elections legislatives, renfermant un expose complet des operations electorales dans I'ordre chronologique . . . et des tableaux svnop- tiques. 3. ed. Bruxelles: Veiive F. Larcier, 1900. 190 pp- 8^- Grilpin, Thomas. On the representation of minorities of electors to act with the majority", in elected assemblies. Fhiladelphia: J. C. Olarl. jrnnter. 18U- {2), 15 pp. 8°. (Reprinted in American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 7, pp. 238-252. Philadelphia, 1896. 8°. With an introduction by E. J. James. ) / Cal'FOB^ A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPOKTIONAL REPRESENTATION 13 "This i)aper is reinarkiible, as l)eing one of the earUest systematic discussions of tlie phin now known as ^Minority, or Proportional Representation. The paper antedates Thomas Hare's earhest essays on the subject of ^linority Representation by thirteen years; and that of James Garth Marsliall by ahnost ten years." Groblet d'Alviella, Eugene, voutte. La premiere experience de la representation proportion nelle integrale. {In Revue de Belgique, 2-^ ser., t. 29, July 15, 1900, pp. 187-214.) La representation proportionnelle a la constituante. \In Revue de Belgique, 2'^ ser., t. 28, March 15, 1900, pp. 201-223.) La representation proportionnelle et le projet de Smet. {In Revue de Belgique, '1'= ser., t. 29, June 15, 1900, pp. 97-117.) La representation proportionnelle et le regime parlementaire. {In Revue des deux mondes, vol. 157, Jan., 1900, pp. 37-65.) La representation proportionnelle en Belgique. Histoire d'une reforme. Bruxelles: P. Welssenhrach, 1900. xi '1\^ 176 pp. 8°. Groodnow, Frank J. Municipal problems. jVew York: The Macmillan company^ 1897. xUi., (i), 321 P2). 12'^. " Universal suffrage, " pj). 145-192. G-reat Britain. House of Lord.'i. Report from the Select committee of the House of Lords on the elective franchise in counties and boroughs. Ordered, to be printed, 16 Jul}- 1860. xviii, 617 pp. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional jiapers, 1860, vol. 12. ) The testimony of certain witnesses touched upon the question of proportional representation. G-rey, Henry G., Sd earJ. Parliamentary government considered with reference to a reform of Parliament. An essa}'. London: Richard JBentley.i 1858. xii, 219 2)})- 8^. Same. A new edition, containing suggestions for the im- provement of our representative s3'stem, and an examina- tion of the reform bills of 1850 and IS^il, London: John Jfiirnti/, 186Jf.. xxi{/\ (i), 360 pp. 8"^. Hare, Thomas. A treatise on the election of representatives, parlia- mentary and municipal. New and revised edition. London: Longmans.^ Green .^ etc. .^ 1861. xxxiv., 338 pp. 8°. "The classical treatise." Commons. The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal. 3d ed. , with a preface, appendix and other additions. London: Longmans., I860, xlvll., (1), 350pp. 12"^. / 14 LIBRA.RY OF CONGRESS Hare, Thomas. The election of representatives, parliamentar}^ and municipal. 4th ed. Adapting the proposed law to the bal- lot, with appendices on the preferential and the cumulative vote. London: Longmans^ Green^ Header^ and Dyei\ 1873. xlvii, {!), 380 jyjy.' 12°. On the application of a new statistical method to the ascer- tainment of the votes of majorities m a more exhaustive manner. {In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 23, September, 1860, pp. 337-356.) Hondt, Victor d\ Tables de division des nombres 1 a 400 par 1 a 31 et 401 {\ 1000 par 1 a 13 pour la repartition proportionneile des sieges en matiere electorale avec expose de la methode. Gand: A. Slfer, 1900. 16 j)])., 70 1. 2J^°. Horton, S. Dana. Proportional representation. {In Penn monthly, vol. 4, June, 1873, pp. 364-398.) Jacquart, Camille. Statistique electorale. I. La representation pro- portionneile des partis politiques. II. Les scrutins pour la chambre de 1894 a 1900. Bruxelles: O. Schepens di cie., 1900. 16 ])p. Tables. 8^. James, Edmund J. An early essay on proportional representation. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 7, pp. 233-252. Philadelphia, 1896. 8°.) Reprint of an essay by Thomas Gilpin, with introduction by Edmund J. James. The first apportionment of federal representatives in the United States. — {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol.' 9, pp. 1-41. Philadelphia, 1897. 8°.) Proportional representation and municipal reform. (771 National municipal league. Proceedings of the second national conference for good city government, [etc.], i)p. 129-135. Phila- delphia, 1895. 8°.) Jenks, Jeremiah W. The social basis of proportional representation. r {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 6, pp. 381-396. Philadelphia, 1895. 8°. ) Kloti, Emil. Die Proportionalwahl in der Schweiz. Geschichte, Darstellung und Kritik. Yon Dr. Emil Kloti von "V^'inter- thur. Bern: 8chm!d <& Francle, 1901. vli, ^80 pp. j>. 12'^. (Social science series, no. 40.) London. Reform league. Representative reform. Report of the Committee appointed by the conference of members of the Reform league, and others on Mr. Hare's Scheme of representation. London: Triihnerd; CO., 1868. 24p>p. <9^. Lubbock, Sir John. Representation. London: S. Sonnenschein iSc co.. 1890. {Ji), 90 p>p>. 12°. {The Imperial parliament .^ edited l)i/ Si/dnei/ Buxton, no. 2.) Favors the single transferable vote. Author is President of the Enfilisli Proportional Representation society. Lytton, Robert. The Danish electoral law of 1855. {In Fleming, Sandford. An appeal to the Canadian institute on the ratification of Parliament, pp. 41-49. Toronto. 1892. 8°.) McCrackan, W. D. Proportional representation. {In Bliss, W. D. P. ed. The encyclopedia of social reform, pp. 1123- 1127. New York, 1897. 8°.) 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mahaim, Ernest. Proportional representation and the debates upon the electoral question in Belgium. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 15, pp. 381-404. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°.) Mauranges, Maxime. Le vote plural, son application dans les elec- tions beiges. Paris: L. Larose^ 1899. {6).,'2S^2 pj)- -^'^. {Faculte de droit de V Universite de Paris.) Mead, Edwin D. Kepresentative government. {In Brooklyn ethical as^sociation. Man and the state, pp. 53-81. New York, 1892. 12°. ) Meyer, Ernst Christopher. Nominating systems: direct primaries versus conventions in the United States. Madison, Wis.: The author, 1902. xx, 501 jyp. 8^. With bibliographical references. " Minority representation," p. 69; " Projwrtional representation," pp. 464-472. Meyer, Georg. Das parlamentarische Wahlrecht. Nach des Verfas- sers tode hrsg. von Georg Jellinek. Berlin: 0. Haering, 1901. viii, 7SJ^, (2) jy}. 8-. " Minoritiitenvertretung und Proportional wahl," pp. 620-653. Mill, John Stuart. Considerations on representative government. London: Pa rlcr, son., ch Brown., 1861. mii, Slfi jp]j. 8^. Same. JVeio York: Ilarjyers, 1862. mii., 365 2)p- 12'^. Same. People's ed. London: Longmans, Green and co., 1875. vivi, 11^.1 'pi^. 12'\ Same. Xeio Yorh: 11. llolt and company, \189Sf\ 365 ^jp. 8"^. "The chapter in this book on 'True and false democracy; Repre- sentation of all, and representation of the majority only,' is one of the best statements of the reasons for giving minorities representa- tion ever published." Personal representation. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, May 29, 1867. With an appendix, containing notices of reports, discussions, and publications on the system in France, Geneva, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, the Australian colonies, and the United States. 2d ed. London: Printed hy llendtrson. Rait, and Fenton, 1867. 71pp. 6'°. Appendix A. Report by 3Ir. Lytton, on the election of representa- tives for the Rigsraad, pp. 17-43. This report deals with the system as applied in Denmark, by Minister Andrae. A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION 17 Mommaert, J etui. Lc mecanisme do la reprosontation pi oportioniielle (fapros la loi du 29 decembre 1899. Brn.telhs: SoclAkeMgedclllralrle, (K SchepensikcU., 1900. vkl, l^S pp. 8"^. Note sur Ics articles 2 et 3 du projet de loi electorale. Repre- sentation proportionnelle de la majorite et des niinorites. Brujcdles: Societe helge de lihralrie, O. Schepenn d; cie., 1899. 20 pp. S^. Extract from La Reprt'^^entatiou proiKjrtioimelle, May, 1899. Cover-title. Mulford, Elisha. The nation: the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. Boston: Houghton , Mijjiln and company , 1898. .rlv,J48pp. 8^. "On the reprei^entation of pulilic opinion and the rei)resentation of minorities," pp. 283-250. National municipal league. A municipal program; report of a com- mittee of the National municipal league, adopted by the league, November IT, 1899, together with explanatory and other papers. JVew York, London: The Jfacnulhin conqjany, 1900. -r/, (i), UQ VV- ^' • Proportional representation, pp. 57, 155, 165, 180, 219. Proceedings of the . . . conference for good city government . . . and . . . meeting of the National municipal league . . . riiiladfJpjlihi: National niunidpalhmjue., 1895-1903. 9 vols. contain freqnent references to })roportional representation. Naville, Ernest. La ([uestion electorale en Europe et en Amerique. 2'"*' ed. considerablement augmentee. (ienet^e et Bah: II. Georg, 1871. {8), .rir, ^S pp. 12-. Nerincx, Alfred. Le suttrage universe!, le vote plural et la repre- sentation proportionnelle. Bruxellex: J. Goemaere, 1900. 28pp. 8-. [Olivier, Louis. J Etudes complementaires do Representation politique vraie, par Sevcriu dc La Chapelle \j>.^cad.]. Gulngatnp: ^relllro- portionnel dans les elections municii)alcs francaises.— Le principe proportionnel dans les elections des conseils gcut'raux et d'arron- dissement. — Le suffrage nniversel, ses deux cadres, ses trois modes de scrntin. 25971—04 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Olivier, Louis.]- Le principe proportionnel dans les elections des eoiiseils generaux et des conseils d'arrondissements,- par Sevei'in de La Chapelle [jjsef/d.] Guingamp : Evt^ilhird-Bt'ehav ; Paris: F. P'tchon^ 1901. 16 Parsons, Frank, The city for the people; or, The municipalization of the cit}' g-overnment and of local franchises. Fhiladelphli: C. F. Taylor, [1S99\ 597 j)j\ S-\ [Equity series.) " Proportional representation," 2il>. -i'-t-^SS. See aho\}.'db\. Tabu- lates the votes of certain states at elections, showing the results that would have e\'olved by application of the systems of propor- tional representation. Same. Revision, August, 1901. F/u7ade7j)/,ia: 0. F. Taylor, [1901]. 70]^ p2>. 8^'. {Equity se?'ies.) Direct legislation; or, The veto power in the hands of the people. a F Taylor, FMladeljMa, Fa., \1900\ 173 j>2^. S"". [Equity series, vol. ^, no. 2.) Political Egypt and the way out. . Fhiladeljdu'a: C. F Taylor, 1898. 16 pjK ^^' {Equity series, vol. 1, no. 1\.) PyfFeroen, Oscar. L'electoral politique et administratif en Europe; etude de legislation comparee. Paris: Y. Giard db E. Briere, 1903. [J^), 370 jq^. IH^. Quincy, eTosiah Phillips. The protection of majorities or considera- tions relating to electoral reform. Boston : Roherts hrothers, 1876. 163 pp. 16^. Remsen, Daniel S. Primary elections; a study of methods for improv- ing the basis of party organization. mtcYorh: G. P. Putnam's sons, 189 J^. 121 pj>. i^°. {Ques- tions of the day, no. 77.) Same. 2d ed. MioYorh: G. P. P%itnMm'ssons,1895. 123 pp. 12^. {Ques- tions of the day, no. 77.) "Application of proportional representation at primaries." Representation, minority or proportional. {In The American annual cyclopgedia and register of important events of the year 1871, pp. 678-681. New York, 1872. 4°.) A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION 19 La Representation proportionnelle. Revue mensuelle. 4.-19. annee. /j'/v/,/vV/.^v, JSSo-lUOO. m vols, in -5. 8'-. Favors D'llondt system. Tin* xolunie for 1885 contains a full account of the international congress at Anvers. Saripolos, N. La deiiioc-ratie et relec-tion jn-oportionnclle. Etude histoi'ique, juridique et politique. Paris: A. Rfmxseau^ 1899. wliii^ l^Hl ])p. 8-.. Societe pour I'etude de la representation proportionnelle. Paris. La representation proportionnelle; etudes de legislation et de statistique eouiparers pul)liees sou.s les auspices de la Societe pour I'etude de la representation proportionnelle; documents legislatif&et debats parleuientairesdes prineipaux etats d'Europe et d'Amerique, statistiques electorales. Pari.-t: F. Pic hon., 1888. xvi., o2Jf.j)i). Folded maj}^. 8'. Contents: Desprinciiiesdela i-epresentation proportionnelle, des pre- cedes proposes jwur 1' assurer et de leur application a la France, par iNIaurice Vernes. Les debats du parlement anglais relatifs a la representation proportionnelle, par Auguste Arnaune et Andre Leboi). Les debats des assenil)lees legislatives des Etats-Unis d'Amerique relatifs a la representation i)roportionnelle, par 'SI. Bruwaert. Les debats du parlenient bresilien relatifs u la repre- sentation proportionnelle, par le baron d'Ourem. Les debats du parlement dauois et des assemblees legislatives des divers pays scandinaves relatifs a la representation proportionnelle, par Pierre Dareste. Les debats des corps legislatifs suisses relatifs a la representation proportionnelle, par Ernest Roguin. Les debats du parlement beige relatifs a la representation proportion- nelle, par Max Botton. Les debats du parlement portugais rela- tifs a la representation proportioniielle, par ii. Laneyrie. Les debats du ])arlement italien relatifs a la representation jiropor- tionnelle, par P. Sarraute. Les debats du parlement espagnol relatifs ii la representation proportionnelle, par Fernand Daguin. Les debats des republiques de la Plata relatifs a la representation proportionnelle, d'apres J. -J. de Arechaga. Les debats des assemblees francyaises relatifs a la representation proportionnelle, par Maurice Vernes. Note sur les cartes statisticjues relatives aux Elections generates en France de 1881 et 1885, dressees par ^'ictor Tiirquan. Sterne, Simon. On representative government, and personal repre- sentation. Based in part upon Thomas Hare's treatise, entitled ''The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal." PUladi^phin: J. B. Lij^piueotf d^ co., 1871. 237 2>P- 12^- "An able presentation of the Hare system, simplified and adapted to American institutions. Mr. Sterne at present advocates the Swiss svstem." 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Sterne, Simon. Opinion as to the constitutionality in New York of a system providing for "' minority' representation," in the election of a board of aldermen and councilmen in a city. {In Forney, MatthiaH N. Proportional rei)resentation, pp. 57-61. New York, 1900. 24°.) Stetson, Simeon. The people's power; or, How to wield the ballot. San. Fmnelseo: W. IT. Ilmton d^ eo., 1883. 63 pp. 8°. Sullivan, J. W. Direct legislation by the citizenship through the initiative and referendum. JVew Yo7'l-: Twentieth century puhlisiung co.., 189'2. (2), v, (2), 6-lWpp- S°. The best presentation of direct legislation, with occasional references to proportional representation. Syme, David. Representative government in England, its faults and failures. London: K. Bud, Trench dc. c<>., 1881. ryv^^Wjyp- 8^. Theodor, Leon. La reforme electorale; discours prononce par Leon Theodor, depute de Bruxelles a la seance du 12 juillet 1899. BruxeUes: J. Seretdi 2IoHSset, 1899. 18 j.>j). 12°. {Federa- tion des nationaax-indej)enda7ds de V arrondissenient de Sriurelle.'^.) > Turner, A. J. The gerrymander of Wisconsin. A review of the .' legislative apportionment act of 1(S91. / {Portage,Wis.: The author, 1891.} '26 pp. lUustratimi.^. 8'^. Cover-title. Maps and statistics of a remarkable legislative gerrymander, since declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. f United States. J4.0tJi Congress, 3d session. Senate report no. 271. / Report from the Select committee on representative reform. March 2, 1869. K) pp. 8°. Contains: Arguments in Parliament, liy Rt. Hon. Robert Lowe, Lord Cairns, and ]\Ir. Praed; The cumulative vote. Earl Urey; Limited and cumulative voting, John Stuart Mill; Of true and false democracy — representation of all, and representation of the majority only, John Stuart Mill; The electoral colleges, their defects and failure, and remedies proposed, John H.Wheeler. Van der Smissen, Edouard. La representation proportionnelle en Belgique et les elections generales de mai 1900. {la Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 15, July, 1900, pp. 509-522; Sept., 1900, pp. 575-604.) Vanlaar, Maurice. Le mecanisme de la representation proportion- nelle dans le nouveau systeme electoral beige. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 25, July 10, 1900, pp. 67- 87.) A LIST OF BOOKS ON PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION 21 Vauthier, Louis Leg-er. Des precedes electoraux et du vote cnmulatif . "Extrait de la Kevui' internationale de sociologie, avril, 1898." Villey-Desmeserets, Edniond Louis. Legislation electorale com- paree des principaux pays d'Europe. I\iri.'<: A. Lirose. \_dc.\. 1900. Kvii\ (2), 299 pj?. 8^. "La repre^^entatir)n projiortionnelle des iiiinoritt's et des interets," pp. 120-15S. Ware, Williaui R. Applieation of Mr. Hare's systeui of voting to the nomination of overseers of Harvard college. (/;; American social science association. Journal, vol. 3, pp. 192- 198. New York, 1871. 8°.) Wilcox, Delos F. The study of city g-overnment, an outline of the problems of municipal functions, control and oi'ganization. jVt'w Yin^k: The 2[acw ill ai\ conqxiny, 1897. mv^2G8 pj). 12^. " Proportional representation," pp. 1.30-157. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1835. The rationale of political representation. Review. Monthly revieii^ vol. 137 (Moj, 1835): 38-5 Jf.. 1852. The expected reform bill. Edlnhirgh revieii^ vol. 95 {Jan., 1852): 213-280. " Origin of the right of majorities," pp. 2.57-261. "Exclusive reiiresentation of majorities," pp. 269-278. 1854. Marshall on the representation of minorities, Edlnhurgli revierv^ vol. 100 {Jnhj, 185 Jf): 226-235. 1860. Representation in practice and in theor}'. Thomas Hare. Fraser's iiuKjazhw, vol. 61 {Fel>., I860): 188-201^. 1860. Representation of every locality and intellig'ence. Thomas Hare. Fraser's magazine, vol. 61 (Ajjr.., 1860): 527-5 J^S. 1860. On the application of a new statistical method to the ascer- tainment of the votes of majorities in a more exhaustive manner. Thomas Hare. Royal statistical society. Journal^ vol. 23 {Sept., 1860): 337-356. 1860. Rights and dignity of minorities. De Boio's review^ vol. 29 {Wov., 1860): 631-638. 1862. Suggestions for the improvement of our representative sys- tem. Thomas Hare. Macmillaii's magazine, vol. 5 {Feh., 1862): 295-301. 1862. A few remarks on Mr. Hare's scheme of representation. G. O. Trevelyan. 'Macriiillairs magazine, vol. 5 {Apr., 1862): Jf.80-IfS6. 1862. Considerations on representative government. John Stuart Mill. North American revie^c, vol. 95 {July, 1862): 228-255. , 1863. Ideal of a local government for the metropolis. Thomas Hare. Macmillan''s magazine, vol. 7 {Apr., 1863): 44-^-44'i'- 22 PROPOKTIONAL REPKKSENTATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1865 23 'Personal representation." A review of Hare's Election of representatives. We.sf/»nt.sterrevieiv, vol. ,U (Oct. i, l^Oo): JUo-JM. 1866. Practical considerations on the representation of minorities. J. Boyd Kin near. Fortnightly n-vlev^, vol. k- {Feh. lo, 186G): 1,9-6^. 1866. Individual responsibility in representative government. Thomas Hare. FoHnightly revieiv, vol. ^ {Mar. 15, ISOG): .J60-358. 1866. Principles of representation. Edward Wilson. Fortnhjhthj review, vol. .'4. {Aj>r. 1, 186G): J^21-lfS(}. ^ 1867 The tvrannv of the majority. Thomas Hare. Xorih A.Jerlcan review, vol. 101, {Jan., 1867): 205-230. ^1867. Personal representation. David G. Croly. Galami. rol. ], {July, 1867): 307-31!,. "* 1867. Personal representation. Jatlon, rol. 5 {Aug. 15, 1867): 130. 1869. Recent discussions on the representation of minorities. Princeton review, vol. J,l {Oct., 1869): 581-601. 1870. Le sutiraoe universel dans Tavenir et le droit de representa- tion dcs minorites. Eugene Aubry-Vitet. Revue des deux niondes, vol. 87 {May 15, 1870): 375-404,. 1870. Proportional representation. /*utaat/i"s Magazine, n. s., vol. 5 {June, 1870): 711-720. 1870. Proportional representation. Millicent G. Eawcett. Macnullans magazine, vol. 22 {Sept., 1870): 376. 1871. Minority representation in Europe. Thomas Hare. American social science association. Journal, vol. 3 {1871): 185-191. 1871. A short explanation of Mr. Hare's scheme of representation. Millicent (i. Fuwcett. Afacrnlllaa's magazine, col. 23 {Aj^r., 1871): 481-487. --* 1871. Forms of minority representation. Edward Stanwood. Xorth Anierlcan reiiiew., vol. 113 {July, 1871): 1-20. _> 1871. Minoritv representation. Simon Sterne. Nation, vol. 13 {Aug. 3, 1871): 69-71. y 1872. The machinery of politics and proportional represenlation. William P. Ware. Anterlcni law review, vol. 6 {Jan., 1872): 255-287. 24 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1872. On the representation of minorities. Tlionias Gilpin. Penn vioiithhj, vol. 3 {July, 1872): SI^-359. 1872. Redistribution of political power. E. H. KuatchbuU-Hugessen. MacnilUani< magazine^ vol. '27 {Nov.^ 1872): 67-76. 1873. Proportional representation. S. Dana Horton. Penn monthly, vol. ^ {June, 1873): 36^-398. 1874. A new theor}'^ of minoritj^ representation. Alfred B. Mason. Wew EiKjlander, vol. 33 {July, 1874): 573-fi82. 1875. Order and progress. Leslie Stephen. Forfmghtly rev!ev\ n. s., vol. 17 {Ju7ie i, 1875): 820-834. 1875. A note on representative government. Thomas Hare. FortniglMy remew, u. -y., vol. 18 {July 1, 1875): 102-107. 1879. The representation of minorities. Leonard Courtney. NlneUenili century, vol. 6 {July, 1879): Ul-156. 1881. On methods of electing representatives. H. K. Droop. Poyal statistical society. Journal, vol. 44 {'J^^oic, 1881): I4I- 196. Discvssio7i, p2^. 197-202. 1883. The English radicals and minorit}' representation. Nation, vol. 37 {Oct. 25, 1883): 347. 1883. Minority representation. J. Parker Smith. Spectator, vol. 56.2 {Nov. 10, 1883): I444-I445. ^ 1883. Proportionate representation. Frederic Seebohm. Contemporary revlev.\ vol. 44 i-^^'^'-i iS83): 905-915. 1883. The minority vote. Spectator, vol. 56.2 {J)ee. 15, 1883): 1617-1618. 1884. Parliamentary reform: minority representation. J. Parker Smith. Westmifister revieiv, vol. 63 {Jan., 1884): 163—175. 1884. Proportional representation. Robert B. Hayward. Nmeteenth century, vol. 15 {Feh., 1884): 293-304. ^1884. Proportional representation; a practical proposal. eTohn ' Westlake. Contemporary revleiv, I'ol. 45 {Mar., 1884): 41'''-4^3. Also reprinted for tlie Proportional representation society. 1884. Proportional representation. Sir John Lubbock. Nineteenth century, vol. 15 {Apr., 1884): 703-716. > 1884. Proportional representation. A test election. H. O. Arnold- Forster. Nineteenth centxiry, vol. 15 {Ajn'., 1884): 716-720. PEOPORTIONAL KEPRESENTATION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 25 1884. rroportioiial representation. Saturday reviev\ ml. 57 {Apr.. 10. JSS'i): 494,-49-k 1884. Representation and misrepresentation. Westminster review, vol. 65 {Aj^r., ISSJ^): 392-^20. 1884. The representation of minorities. G. Shaw Lefevre. C(mtem2)orary rerie^o, vol. I^o {May., ISSIi): 71Jf-733. 1884. Proportional versus majority representation. Albert Grey. Nineteenth century, vol. 10 {Dec. 1884): 935-964. ^ 1885. Representation and misrepresentation. I. The crusade for proportional representation. G. Shaw Lefevre. II. The coming steps in representation. Thomas Hare Fortnujhtly review, n. s.. vol. 37 {Feh. 1. 1885): 202-222. 1885. Proportional representation: objections and answers. Sir John Lubbock, Leonard Courtney, Albert Grey, and John Westlake. Mnetce?ith century, vol. 17 {Feh., 1885): 312-320. 1885. The miners' view of proportional representation. S. Neil. Time, vol. 12 {Mar., 1885): 259-265. 1886. Proportionate representation; contemplated with reference to the idea involved in it. Aul)rey de Vere. Bahlin revieiv, vol. 98 {Jan., 1886): 1-22. 1886. Workino- men on minority representation. Nation, vol. 43 {Sei)t. 16, 1886): 229. ^ 1891. A new plan for minority representation. John R. Commons. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 4 {Nov..^ 1891): 410-412. 1891. An Imrepresentative Congress. Stoughton Cooley. BelfonVs monthly, vol. 1 {Dec. 1891): 377-381. y 1892. The rights of minorities. Nation, vol. 54 {Jan. 7. 1892): 4. 1892. Legal disfranchisement. Stoughton Cooley. Atlantic monthly, vol. 69 {Aj>r.. 1892): 542-546. / 1892. The slaying of the gerrymander. Stoughton Cooley. Atlantic monthly, vol.^69 {May, 1892): 678-682. y 1892. How to abolish the gerrymander. Jolin 1\. Connuons. American monthly review of re cievs. vol. (', {Dec. 1892): 541- 544. r 1893. Proportional representation. W. D. McCrackan. Arena, vol. 7 {Feh.. 1893): 290-297. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS y^ 1893. Proportional representation. Stouuhton Cooley. N<^ir England magazine^ roJ. S{3Iai\. 1S93): 116-121. / 1893. Proportional representation. John K. Commons. Twentieth centtvry^ rol. 10 {June 29., 1893),' vol. 11 {July., 6, 13, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 21^, 31; Sept. 21, Oct. 5, 1893). 1893. Why municipal government fails. Stoughton Cooley. American journal of politics, vol. 3 {Aug., 1893): 178-189. 1894. Proportional representation, AV. D. McCrackan. JS^eu^ England magazine, vol. 9 {Eeb., 1891^): 608-700. )" 1894. Effective voting the only effective moralizer of politics. Catherine H. Spence. Arena, vol. 10 {Nov., 189 Jf): 767-776. Favors proportional representation. 1895. Proportional representation, William Dudley Foulke. Public opinion, vol. 18 {June 6, 1895): 634--63S. 1895. Proportional representation. William Dudley Foulke. American magazine of civlc><, vol. 7 {Oct., 1895): M)0-}f.07. /1895. Should the Supreme Court be reorganized ? and proportional representation be demanded for the election of Representa- tives in Congress ? James M. Ashley, Arena, rol. U {Oct., 1895): '221-227. ^ 1895. Kecent political experiments in the Swiss democrac}'. Louis Wuarin. Anur.'can academy of p>olitlcal and social science. Amials, vol. 6 {Nov., 1895): 361-380. /1895. The social basis of proportional representation. Jeremiah W, Jenks, Am-encan academy 1895. Proportional representation conference. / American academy of p>olltical and social science. Annals, vol. 6 {Nov., 1895): 537-5 W- 1895. De Torganisation du suffrage universel. IV. La represen- tation proportionnelle des opinions. Charles Benoist. Revue des deux mondes, vol. 132 {Dec. 15, 1895): 760-781. 1896. Proportional representation: a remedy for nmnicipal niisnde. J. Eugene Whitne}'. American magazine of civics, col. 8 {Eeh., 1896): 127-133. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 27 1896. ^Municipal reform by proportioiuil representation. M. N. Forney. Cltlzen,\ol. 1 {Feh., 189G): 27S-^Hii. ^ 1896. An early essay on proportional representation. Ednuiiul J. James. American academy of political ami .social scieuci'. Ann"l.% vol.7 [Mar., 1896): 233-252. 1897. Proportionalwahlen znr wiirtteinberiiisclien Al)t>eordneten- kamnier. Annalen des deutschen Belches fur Gesetzgebung , Vervmltuug and StatlMlk, {1897): 326-328. 1898. La representation proportionnelle. K. Saleilles. Revue du droit public et de la science politique, vol. {Jan.- June, 1898): 215-231^; 38o-.'43. 1899. Note sur les articles 2 et 8 du i)roiet de loi electorale: repre- sentation de la majorite et des ininorites. Jean Monunaert. Representation proportionnelle, 17.-18. annee {May, 1899): 125-lU' 1900. Les debuts du mouvement proportionnaliste en HeJoiciuc Goblet d'Alviella. Revue de Belglque, 2e ser., t. 28 {FeK 15, 1900): 97-122. 1900. Proportional representation and the debates upon the elec- toral question in Belgium. Ernest ]\Iahaim. American academy of political and social scle^ice. Annnf, rol. 25 {3/ar., 1901): 317. 1901. Couuncnt opc'rcr hi rcfornic electorale. L'organisation de la representation proportionnelle. Emile Maccjuart. Rernr politique d pa rl< no ntalre, v,>l.30{Oct. 10, 1901): 03-78. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. La representation proportionnelle et 8on application a Geneve. X. S. Combothecra. Revue dii droit pyhlJe et de la science poUtiq^ie^ vol. 17 {Jan.- Fel., 1902): 50-77. 1902. Le referendum et le droit d'initiative en Suisse. Georges Renard. Revue j>olitique et parlementaire., vol. 33 {Aiu/. 10. 1903): 263-2S7. 1902. Needed political reforms. (Number one). Direct legislation; or, The initiative and the referendum, and the I'ecall. Eltweed Pomero3\ Arena, vol. 28 {Nov., 1902): J^6I^-P0. 1902. Needed political reforms. (Number two). Proportional rep- resentation, or efl'ective voting. Robert Tyson. Arena, vol. 28 {Dec, 1902): 610-617. 1903. The Belgium system of proportionaP representation. R. Tyson. Arena, vol. 30 {Dec, 1903): 591-597. 1904. Practical measures for preserving democracv. I. Two argu- ments against direct legislation. Eltweed Pomeroy. II. How proportional representation has worked in Belgium. Robert Tyson. Arena, vol. 31 {Feh., 1901^): 153-166. 1904. Une enquete sur le vote "obligatoire:''' les elections munici- pales et la representation proportionnelle des partis. A. Bechaux. Correspondant, vol. 2U, {Feh. 25, 190 If): 7Jt8-752. AUTHOR INDEX. Page. Aelvoet, Arthur 7 Amabile, Giuseppe 7 Arechaga, J. J. de 19 Arnaune, Auguste 19 Arnolil-Forster, H . (^ 24 Ashley, James M 26 Ashworth, H. P. C 7 Ashworth, T. R 7 Aubry- Vitel, Eugone 23 Bagehot, Walter 7 Barnes, William H 7 Bechaux, A 2S Benoist, Charles 26 Berry, John M 7 Biddaer, Pierre 8 Bonnefoy, Gaston S Botton, Max 19 Brown, William Jethro S Bruwaert, 19 Buckalew, Charles R 8 Burke, Edmund 8, 9 Burnitz, Gustav 9 Cairns, Hugh ]\rCalmont, Lord . . . 20 Cameau, Paul 9 Coudjothecra, X. S 28 Commons, John Rogers 9, 25, 26, 27 Conkling, Alfred RonaM 9 Cooley, Stoughton 25, 26 Courtney, Leonard Henry 10,24,25 Crocker, Samuel 10 Croly, David G 23 Daguin, Fernand 19 Dareste, Pierre 19 Delcn.ix, Alfred 10 Dillnn, John F 10,12 I)< )mergue, J 15 Droop, II. R 24 Dumont, Hermann 10 Dupriez, Leon H^ Dutcher, Salem 1 1 Dnthoit, Eugene 1 1 Duysters, Eb(jck, Sir John 15, l.ytton, Robert McCrackan, W. D 15, 29 Ptige. 11 11 9 11, 23 11 11 11 12 27 12 26 12 8 12 14 24 13 27 13 13 25 13 24 25 24 14 14 24 14 14 27 14 26 23 14 24 15 19 15 19 25 15 15 20 24 , 25 15 25 , 26 30 AUTHOR INDEX Page. Macquart, Emile 27 Mahaim, Ernest — 16, 27 Mason, Alfred B. 24 Mauranges, ^laxime 16 Mead, Edwin D 16 Meyer, Ernst Christoplier 16 Meyer, Georg 16 Mifl, John Stuart 16, 20, 22 Mommaert, Jean 1 7, 27 Mulford, Elisha 17 National municipal league 17 Naville, Ernest 17 Neil, S 25 Nerincx, Alfred 17 Olivier, Louis 1 7-18 Ourem, Baron d' .- 19 Parsons, Frank 18 Pomei-oy, Eltweed 27, 28 Praed, Winthrop :M 20 Pyfferoen, Oscar. 18 Quincy, Josiali Phillips 18 Remsen, Daniel 8 IS Renard, Georges 28 Roguin, Ernest 19 Saleilles, R 27 Sarij^olos, N 19 Sarraute, P 19 Seebohm, Frederic 24 Severin de La Chapelle [pseud]. See Olivier, Louis. Smith, J. Parker 24 Somerhausen, Emile 8 Spence, Catherine H 26 Stanwood, Edward 23 Stephen, Leslie 24 Sterne, Simon 12,1 9-20, 23 Stetson, Simetjn 20 Sullivan, J. W 20 Syme, David 20 Theodor, Leon 20 Trevelyan, G. O 22 Turner, A.J 20 Turquan, Victor 19 Tyson, Robert 28 United States. 40th Congress, 3d sessioyi 20 Van der Smissen, Edouard 20 Vanlaar, ]Maurice 20 Varrentrap, (/Jeorge 9 Vauthier, Louis Leger 21 Vere, Aubrey de 25 Vernes, Maurice 19 Villey-Desmeserets, Edmond Louis 21 Ware, William R 21, 23 Weitenkanipf, Frank, //• 9 Westlake, John 24, 25 Wheeler, John H 8, 20 Whitney, J. Eugene 26 Wilcox," Delos F 21 Wilson, Edwanl 23 Wuarin, Louis 26 '^Xi^Vt^;^ •'^Miil --■. ..'.■.../■V.V V' • /."■'', -? ' '!i^l^■^;V-■ ^W>^- ■i''5l^'^;'.; .■■^■„V ■.,>,--V^,VV- I ■„■■,■;'■■ ■i^-; ■.^jjfv; ;!. >i;.;*i. ::r;X^ \,-.;^^/fi0flM