UNIVERSITY or CMIfORNIA 1 r^ re -.«& C .■^^« =LM ^< ^CAJL v«LS ^^^^^^ ^'^ Cl. mxt]^, Digitized by tine IntemetiArciiive in 2008 witii fundipg "from IVIicrosoft Corporation f PREFACE. I know not how to apologise for submit- ting a Second Edition of this little Book to the notice of the Angling few, after the appearance of so many by clever writers, except the many calls I had for it, and a sincere desire of improving farther upon a craft that has not hitherto been clearly pro- mulgated by a real practitioner ; conse- quently my great object is to benefit and amuse my readers, by giving them something practical, which at the present time may be particularly wanted by those who love to make their own flies, whose wants, without doubt, will be found sufficiently supplied in ^ this book ; the tyro will appreciate it as op w M-^^'^ — ^ — ~~ — ^ii>^ VI valuable to him, and the senior angler who may, perchance, be in possession of it, and who may be singularly fond of making his flies, and amusing himself dyeing the hackles and colours, &c., will, I am persuaded, con- sider it a treasure. My endeavours have been unceasing for many years past, in striving to please the great Salmon Fishers and Trout Fishers of this Country, and I must confess that my labours have not been in vain ; they have generously conferred upon me their very kind patronage and good will, benefits for which I hold them in very great estimation. Under these circumstances, I have taken much pains to write the book in a befitting manner to suit their tastes and purposes, although my inability in many instances has been an obstacle, nevertheless with all my faults I claim the title of Fisherman, an humble and unimportuned name which no reasonable dispensation can deprive me of. From my boyhood, I took great delight in filing along the banks of the beautiful and Vll romantic streams of my native land, Ireland ; and having also been for many years a skilful Fly Fisher of no little commendation, in both Great Britain and Hibernia, it is my desire to impart to the world, plainly and easily, the knowledge I have acquired, that all those who wish to become masters of the art, may, by patience and practice, and a close adherence to the instructions I shall lay down, derive the fullest benefit from my experience. I have endeavoured in the following treatise on Fly-making, to divest the subject, as far as possible, of all technicalities and super- fluities ; at the same time, I have entered into such full details in the construction of the Fly, that by adopting the process I have pointed out, and following the instructions I have given, the aspirants to the art of Fly- making may speedily become proficients. In this little book there will be found nothing imaginary, but it is purely written from the practice of angling, so that I may without scruple, justly entitle it The Art -<#^ — -^#>^ Vlll OF Fly-making, Angling, and Dyeing OF Colours. It is also interspersed with many useful remarks that will no doubt agreeably entertain my readers. No man has taken such pains to improve upon the angler's craft as I ; on every article in the whole range of fishing tackle I have made some improvement on rods, flies, lines, reels, and tackle of every sort ; and in these pages have left a lasting memorial of my handicraft to the fly-fisher, from whom I have hidden nothing that might retard him in his progress, and who will appreciate it for the great deal of matter propounded in little compass to prevent incumbrance ; that the lovers of fly fishing, which has superior claims, may have an opportunity of keeping it in their side pocket, — to be convenient and handy when on their piscatory excursions, the exercise and variety of which will be found advantageous to the health, and the calming of the mind — things not to be purchased ; enjoying at the same time the harmonious notes of the warblers of the grove, and musing IX upon the diversity of the prospects around, while straying along the beautiful streams and vallies of this delightful country. The list of flies I have given, will be found very valuable, and the tyro will take great delight in imitating these flies necessary for use, and suiting the colours exactly to each, keeping to their symmetrical forms as they appear with his light materials. This beau- tiful branch of fly-making, peculiarly my own, cannot fail to perfect the angler who is scientific and ingenious, the result of which will be never-failing success. I have added to the art of fly-making full instructions, and the most approved receipts for dyeing mohair, pighair, feathers, and other materials most useful and appropriate for imitating the natural flies and stuffs the most killing for Trout and Salmon; and which will retain their brilliancy through all the vicissitudes to which they may be exposed. To bring the Engravings of the flies to the greatest perfection, I have stood at the elbow of the artist who executed this part of tlie work, that tliey might be turned out exact to my own models, which renders them and the descriptions more intelligible, as the shade in the fibre of each feather is shown in the plate, in the clearest and finest manner imaginable, that it may be properly seen how these artificial flies are constructed, — the resemblance of those beautiful ones, the productions of the Great Author of Nature, that Trout and Salmon do love to feed upon. I have also given the principal rivers of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, with the flies best adapted to each, which will enable the fisher to have all things in readi- ness on his arrival at their localities, and sally out on the finny tribe fearless of dis- appointment ; and for the younger branch of anglers, I have shown the various sorts of fish, with the tackle and baits best adapted to catch them. The catechism of fly making which I have introduced will be found very curious and instructive to the young beginner, and will afibrd him every opportunity of retaining s, XI ' the whole process, that when rehearsed in the mind, and perfectly understood, he may apply, with more certain facility, the hand to both material and hook. Published by the Author, WILLIAM BLACKEE, At 54, Dean Street ^ SoJio, 1855. ^5 3Ltst of ^Utt^. ^ Plate ^*^^ 1. Blacker Fly-fishing . . Frontispiece, 2. Titlepage. ,« « -^ o 3. An easy method to mate the Trout-fly . opposite 3 4. An easy method of making a Salmon-fly . . .8 5. The hest method of making a Tront-fly ... 13 6. To make the Palmer's . . . to/aee 20 7. How to make the Salmon-fly . . . : ^^ 8. Process of making the Gaudy Salmon-fly. opposite 30 9. The plate of Feathers . . . to/ace 34 10. To make the Winged Larva .... 42 11. Plate of Six Flies Catechism . . . .46 12. Plate of 15 Trout-flies, opposite Jlies for March b7 is! Plate of 16 Flies opposite 65 14. Plate of Larvas and Green Drakes . opposite 78 16. Plate of Gaudy Flies, Nos, 1, 2, 3, . opposite 105 16. Plate of three Salmon-flies, Nos. 4, 5, 6, opposite 108 17. Plate of four Flies, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10 . . HO 18. Large Spring Salmon-fly . . • . . 116 19. Plate of 7 Flies and Salmon, . . to face \ 45 20. Plate of Minnow tackle, &c. , . to face 216 21. Plate of Pike tackle, &c 221 22 » Paternoster and Barbel tackle . . . • 230 An Extract of a Review of William Slacker's Art of Fly Making^ &fc, ^c, ^-c, takefi from " Bell's Life in London," April Sth, 1855. " The Art of Fly Making, Angling & Dyeing OF Colours. By W. Blacker, — Mr. Blacker has been a celebrated trout and salmon angler from early boyhood, ^f and he is known to be the best maker of trout and salmon /O flies alive. We have never seen such flies as his, for naturalness of shape, appropriateness of colour and for beauty and solidity of finish. In making flies he has PS^a^^- -^^^^^^ "caught a grace beyond the reach of art^" and this he exhibits in the Sanspareil work before us. It contains no fewer than seventeen engravings on steel and copper, of trout and salmon flies, in every stage of fabrication, from the whipping of hook and gut together to the finishing of the head. These engravings^ every plate crowded with figures, are executed after his own models and under his own Surveillance, and carefully and beautifully coloured, he standing, as he says, " by the artist's elbow. " They contain coloured representations of hackles, wing-feathers, fur, silk, tinsel, in their natural state, and prepared for forming the artificial insect. His profusely illustrated instructions for making salmon-flies are entirely original there being nothing at all like them in any work extant, and he must be a dull scholar indeed, who shall not, after brief study of them, become his own salmon fly dresser Mr, Blacker withholds no secret and spares no pains in developing by the aid of pen and pencil his own method, and we consider it the best, of making artificial flies for every variety of trout and salmon. He gives numerous, well-tried recipes for dying feathers and all other materials, the colours necessary for the successful operations of the fly- maker. He points out how rods are best made, the best sort of winches, lines and hooks, and proves himself a safe guide to the purchaser. He teaches how the rod, and line and flies, are to be used — the art of casting with them, how a river is to be fished, and how a fish, whether trout or salmon, is to be struck, hooked and landed. He describes the best trout and salmon rivers in the empire, the right season for fishing them, and gives an illustrated list o! the flies, stating the materials of what they are to be made, that kill best on them. On flies, favourites of his from experience, he dwells with pleased and pleasing minuteness, and for the first time discloses how the ^* winged larva," a deadly invention of his own, is to be constructed. Never, was a book more honestly and conscientiously written. It glows with deep-felt enthusiasm for his art, and with a generous desire of revealing everything that pertains to the perfect acquisition of it in all its branches. It is a work of I great labour and long pains-taking, unique at all points, and xi^ no one could have written it but a practical angler of long, I ^ passionate, and devoted experience in the capture of salmon 'y ^ and salmonidae, aad of ne plus w/^ra perfection in the art of ™ Til making artificial flies, and concomitantfishiHg tactle. The vrork is published by himself, at 54, Dean Street, Soho. and we recommend it more earnestly than we have ever done any other work of the sort." An Extract from " Bell's Life," April 29th, 1855. "I shall copy a few of Mr« Blacker 's patterns as given in his recently-published and very valuable work, entitled Art of Fly Making, ^q. He is by far the best flymaker I have ever known, and his opinions on flies and fly-fishing deserve the attention of us all. In the book just named he says of the Yellow Sally : — "This is the forerunner of the green drake or May-fly. The trout take this little fly freely if made after this description :— ** Body, buflF-cloured fur and a small yellow hackle for legs round the head ; wing9 of the buff-coloured feather inside the wing of the thrush. Hook, 13" " Several ways of imitating the May-fly. First. Blacker»s, as glren in his Art of Fly Making :— The body of this beautiful fly is made of yellow green mohair, the colour of a gosling newly hatched, and ribbed with yellow-brown silk, a shade of light brown mohair at the tail, and a tuft of the same at the shoulder, picked out between the hackle, the whisks of the tail three black hairs, three-quarters of an Inch long ; the hackle to be dyed a greenish buff (dye, according to my recipe, a silver dun hackle with bars across it, called a cuckoo,) or a light ginger hackle bordering on yellow. The wings, which should be made full, and to stand upright, are made of mallard's feathers dyed of a greenish buff, or yellowish shade ; a brown head of peaeock harl tied neatly above the wings on a No. 6 hook. The wings may be made of the tops of two large dyed mallard's feathers, with fibres stripped off at the butts of the stems, tied back to back. These feathers stand up well and appear very naturally in the water. Large-sized ones kill well in lakes, with bright yellow mohair bodies ribbed with gold twist. •• Second way, from A Handbook of Angling.— Body, bright yellow mohair, or floss silk, ribbed sparingly with light bronze paacock harl; wings, mottled feather of the mallard dyed a pale yellow green. They are to stand nearly erect, and to be slightly divided. Legs, a couple of turns of a red-ginger hackle; tail, three hairs from the rabbit's whisker. Hook, 5, 6, and 7.— Another way : Body, yellow- brown mohair; wings, mallard's feather dyed yellow, and black head ; legs, yellowish hackle ; tail and hooks as before. During the season of the May-fly, should the weather be gloomy, with a strong warm wind, I would angle with three flies on the casting-line of different sizes, and of colours slightly differing, buff, yellow, and, and one of them made buzz. The largest fly should be used as the stretcher ; the smallest the upper bob. Till \ An Extract from " Bell's Life," April 1st, 1855 " The I Ondine " 2?i the Book of the Salmon, by ''^Ephemera,'* •*Gold tip ; tail, small, brilliant topping, light blue tag; body, blue • peacock harl, closely ribbed with fine gold twist ; two joints of green trogan feather, and one of red orange hacltle under the wings, and over their butts blue jay; wings, a careful mixture of fibres of bustard, silver pheasant, yellow and blue macaw teal, guinea-hen and golden pheasant tail and neck-feathers, surmounted by a topping ; feelers, blue and yellow macaw, and bright peacock harl, head. Hook, No. 7 and 8. This waterwitch, sculptured originally by Blacker, is pro- perly called "Ondine" The first time I saw it I nearly lost my senses, and was upon the point of becoming its victim. ♦* The May-fly and Phelim Rhu are best made by Blacker, of Dean Street, Soho j Phelim is one of his many good inventions. Dressed on the smallest sized grilse hook, it will on dark days and evenings, and in full water kill sea trout and large common trout in every locality. See a celebrated claret fly plate No. 4, page 108." Prince Albert's Letter to the Author, enclosing £10. Nearly eleven years have rolled by, since I sent a copy of the first edition of this work to His Royal Highness Prince Albert, who conferred upon me much honor by a favourable reply to it, at that time I took great pains to illustrate it with specimens of the most costly and beautifully executed salmon and trout flies imaginable, many of which were worth a guinea a piece. In this new edi'ion for 1855 I have given numerous copperplates of these excellent killing flies surperbly painted to suit the rivers qf Ireland, Scot'and, England, and Wales; such choice specimens are they that I think salmon and trout will not refuse them in any river in Britian, they are models of gracefulness, and will prove very attractive to the finny tribe, they are all general favourite flies of mine, and of the great salmon and trout fly fishers of the present day. The angler should never fail to try them wherever he roamed in rivers known or unknr'wn to him, and succesfui experience has given me an opportunity of recom- mending them with the greatest, confidence, they have killed fish when they have been half gnawed away, and as a fisherman I look upon them with admiration although they are the work of my own fingers, I think I will not say amiss if I predestinate that the real en- thusiastic fly fishers, nine out of ten, will be in love with them. THE LETTER. *^ Buckingham Palace, May 7th, 1844. " Mr. Anson is commanded by His Royal Highness ^) Prince Albert to enclose Mr. Blacker a cheque for ten (j pounds for the Work on Angling which accompanied his ^ \ letter, the receipt of which he will have the goodness to ^ acknowledge," <#$- THE ART OF FLY-MAKING, ETC., ETC., By WILLIAM BLACKER To give something that will convey a durable and correct idea of Fly-making, Angling, and Dyeing of Colours to my pupils, is what I aim at, and desire they should imderstand : for when they are inhaling the fresh breezes on the river's bank, observing with delight the varied tints and delicate forms of the winged insects skimming the surface, and the sportive trout, pitching over and over, taking them down, this is the time, no doubt, when far from the din of a busy town they will thank me for my trouble in directing their attention to the proper shades, which is the most essential of all things in the Art to be considered. The amusement and pleasing recollections of the Fly-fisher, (when studying ■f#^ ^^my- the various colours and materials necessary for the formation of the artificial fly — those fanci- ful ones which salmon take so freely, and the imitating, if possible, by the aid of tliese materials, those beautiful ones in Nature), will be infinitely more pleasing than can be well comprehended by a careless observer of the craft. Many a pleasant hour may be spent, that otherwise would prove tedious, when confined to quarters of an unfavourable day, far from home, looking over your dubbing book and tying a fly. It gives relief to the uneasy mind by calming the disorders that disappointments may have caused, and by cheering the hearts of those who pursue it as a relaxation and enjoyment. The recommen- dations on Angling are without number, and there is nothing can delight the heart of the fly- fisher so much as to see the fish rise at the flies on the surface of the water, and their beautiful appearance when landed on the bank; this, with the varied scenery which the windings of the river presents to the imagination, as you roam along, are inducements that cannot fail to gratify the admirer of sportive fish and rushing streams. AS "StABT USTWC^ TOMMSSi TEE TE0FT-]?Lr. c Sil^ txmrid the. ^hank , poife . Hare fur roll-J on ictJy Hj pcujfc 7 ScS. I have seen, in days when the fish are not in the humour of taking, a fly tied neatly near the tint, somewhat gaudy, will unquestionably entice them to rise, and will decidedly be more advantageous than fishing without j)lan. In days when the natural flies are most numerous, the trout will not take tlie artificial fly so freely; on the contrary, when these insects are rarely to be seen, if the angler can find the colour that is then prevailing, and imitate it, his success will be considerably increased. In these pages will be found descriptions of Flies that will kill well in every river and lake in the United Kingdom. And those in the " Hand Book of Angling," and the " Book of the Salmon," by the celebrated "Ephemera," will also be found excellent throughout the Kingdom. AN EASY METHOD TO MAKE THE TKOUT FLY. (See Plate.) The tyro will provide himself with a dubbing book, containing numerous compartments, to hold feathers, furs, pig hair, mohair, hackles, wing feathers, silk, tinsel, scissars, pliers, knife. f^ and every other article necessary for fly- making — all of which may be procured at my Shop, 54, Dean Stkeet, Soho, with Eods, Eeels, Lines, Gut, Hooks, Artificial Baits, and every denomination of Fishing Tackle, of the most superior quality in London. Having laid out your materials on the table, seat yourself by a good light, and proceed as follows : — Take a piece of fine silk, and pin one end of it on your knee, take the other end between your left fore-finger and thumb, and with the right, take a small piece of shoe- maker's wax, well tempered, and rub it all over the silk, keeping it tight in your left till it is all covered with the wax, rub it well on the end you are about to tie on the hook with, to keep it firm, for it will be found a very great object to use the wax throughout the making of the fly, as with the working of the tying silk it rubs off with the hand. There is a very beautiful silk of all colours to be had on spools, which ribbons are made of, that works very finely on the hook; w^hen you wax it, take two or three folds of it, and pin it evenly on your knee, as before (or hold it between your teeth and twist it), twist it gently between your fingers a little so that you can wax it well, pro vide a piece of leather about an inch wide and an inch and a half long, double it, and lay a piece of nicely tempered wax between the folds, flatten it, and when you wax the silk, take the leather between your fingers, open the edge of it, and rub the wax on the tying silk in the same way as before, and you will not break the silk so easily, or dirty your fingers with the wax. You now take the hook by the bend in the left fore-finger and thumb, give two or three turns of the silk round the shank, flatten the end of the gut a little, which keeps it from drawing off, and tie it on underneath about half way down the hook firmly, this done, lay on a little varnish with your pencil. Take a piece of finer silk to make the fly with, and fasten it near the end of the shank, do not bring the silk to the extreme end of the shank to leave room for the wings, as they are apt to slip over on the gut if tied on too near. You strip off two pieces from the woodcock or starling wing, and lay them together evenly at the points, that the wings may be double , when tied on (see the Trout-fly wing cut out of I the woodcock feather, in the Plate), see that ^■iw^- you do not make the wings too long when tymg them on, let them be a little longer than the bend ; press them tightly with your nails on the hook where you tie them on, and do not clip the ends of the wings with your nails, which gives them an unnatural appearance, but whether you lay them on first, or tie them on the reverse way and turn them back, make a judg- ment of the proper length ; you now tie the wings on the reverse way at the end of the shank, with two or three rolls of the silk, give a rmming knot over it, and clip off the refuse ends of the roots of the feather ; now before you form the body or tie on the hackle, turn the wings up in their place with the thumb nail of the right, and divide them in equal parts with a needle, draw the silk in and out between them, take a turn or two over the roots to keep them firmly in their place, and fasten with a running knot behind them next your left ; then tie on the hackle, to suit the size, by the root (the soft flue previously picked off), close to the wings on its back, and give a knot over it, take the hackle by the point in your pliers, and roll it over the shank close m under the wings two or three times on its side, % keeping the outside of it next the wings, then draw it (the hackle) right through them, let the pliers hang with the point of the hackle in them at the head, and take two turns of the tying silk over it, fasten on the end of the shank which was left a little bare, cut off the silk and hackle points, give another knot or so to secure it before so doing, and lay on a little varnish at the head ; now tie on a piece of fine tying silk opposite the barb on the shank, take two fibres of a mallard feather and tie them on about three-eighths of an inch long for tail, to extend over the bend of the hook, and with one knot tie on a piece of fine floss silk about three inches long to rib the fly ; mix a little of the hare fur with yellow mohair, and draw a small quantity of it out of the lump with the right hand, take the hook by the bend in your left, lay the silk and hair over the end of the third finger, the hook being held in, twist the silk and hair together and roll it finely to the shoulder, give a running knot or two with the silk close to the hackle, take care to have a little more of the fur next the shoulder to make the body nicely tapered ; you may con- tinue to make the body from where you rolled -^m€ — ^ ^^m>- |klc })ody SctAe at t/u Tail.. nouldtf^ Tolled ever the^ Fly fuushoL 9f P according to the colour of the wings you intend to make (see the turkey tail and mallard wings prepared, in the plate of feathers), tie them on the reverse way, a little longer than the bend of the hook where they are turned up (see the wings tied on the reverse way, Plate VII., on Salmon Hooks) ; these are tied on as the trout fly wings just described, and when turned up appear like the wings of plate No. 1, in an easy method of making a salmon fly — in this plate may be seen every thing necessary in making a plain salmon fly — these flies will be found good killers a great way up rivers from the sea. You hold the hook by the bend, and tie in the hackle at the head of the fly by the root end, and the tinsel to rib it in like manner (see the hackle tied on and the tinsel, Plate TI.) ; about the same place where the hackle is tied on, tie three or four harls of the peacock's tail, twist them round the tying silk, and roll it down to the tail, and fasten with a running knot (see the body of Plate II.) the tying silk is now left hanging at the tail, where may be seen a small portion of the harl left cut, to shew where it was fastened ; you roll the tinsel over the body to the same place and tie, three 10 turns of the tinsel is sufficient ; you then take the hackle by the end in your right hand, and roll it sideways in rotation with the tinsel, twisting it in your finger and thumb as you turn it over, to keep it slanting from the head, tie it in at the same place with a running knot, and clip off the ends of the hackle ; you may tie in a short tail at this place, wax your silk, and finish with two or three running knots, cut off the tying silk, and touch them with a little varnish, to keep them from slipping — press down the hackle between your fingers which slants it to the tail — as the hackle is run over the body from the head to the tail of this fly, it will appear in the formation of the body (Plate III., on Salmon Hooks); when the fly is made with the hackle only struck round the shoulder, take two or three turns of it under the wings, and tie it in there (see Plate III., in an easy method of making a Salmon Fly). The body may be seen in this fly with the tinsel rolled over it, and tied in at the tail ; a piece of the liarl, tinsel and silk left to shew how it is done. The tinsel and harl are cut off, and with the tying silk, which is seen hanging, tie on a tail of topping, or mohair, #<#^- 11 ;f^^ ^^; feather of macaw, mallard, or any other to suit the taste or colour of the fly ; you may tie on an ostrich harl, or peacock's harl, head like Plate I.; where the tying silk may be seen hanging: the three flies on this plate, which are correctly engraved, will he found most valuable to the young beginner; and it is an expert method for the salmon fisher, when in a hurry, to make a fly or two for immediate use. When you wish to mix plain wings without dividing, tie them on first at the end of the shank, and form the head like No. 1 in this plate, which I think is the neatest of any, and suits best in rivers not very full of water. If you notice this plate correctly, it will be seen to correspond with the shape of the natural dragon fly ; and as this fly, of various hues, is reared at the bottom of the water, it must be an alluring bait for the salmon and large trout ; for when it first leaves the element of its birth, and proceeds to the banks of the river in a very feeble state, directly it receives strength it commences skimming the surface, preying upon the insects flying in the air at this time, and, when it comes weakly out of the water, the fish, no doubt, take it freely. 12 There is another sort of fly that proceeds % from the water, about the size of the flies on this plate, the body of which is of the colour of the blue feathers on the peacock's neck exactly, its legs are a dark brown colour, almost black, hanging long, and few of them; the wings, which stand upright on its back, or I may say, its head and shoulders, for the head and wings at the roots, and legs spring all out of the one lump which is very thick here in comparison to its beautiful slender body of many joints ; the wings, I say, are a bronze brown with a moon in all the four like the peacock's tail feather, which in the artificial fly would be just the colour mixed with a little drake feather ; there are some of tliem all brown, and some with bright green bodies, and blue green as above ; all these beautiful insects must aff'ord food for the fish. This of course accounts for the artificial representation in use, and it cannot be denied that they take them for natural ones, which the fly-fisher, according to fancy, forms most fantastically, varying on most of tlie rivers. Vfcker \.y V 9^:^ Ea6kL^ 13 TO MAKE THE TROUT FLY, IN THE BEST AND s MOST APPROVED METHOD. (See Plate with Picker). ^ The reader will lay out his materials before him on the table, which consist of hook, gut, wings, hackle, feather for tail, l)ody of fur, floss silk, or peacock harl, silk to rib it, wax, tying silk, &c., all things now ready, proceed as follows : — Wax a piece of fine China silk, about a foot in length ; if it is spool or ribbon silk, twist two pieces together, and take one end between your teeth, twisting with your fingers and thumbs, not too much ; take the other end in the left, and wax it up and down till it is covered with the wax all over ; you may pin it on your knee as in the first plan, and wax it ; take the hook by the bend in the left hand, say a No. 6 or 7 to begin with, placing your silk just waxed on the shank under your left thumb nail, and give two or three turns of the silk towards you, flatten the end of the gut a little, and tie it on to the hook about half way down the shank, at the 1 same time hold the gut and hook tightly between your nails, and shift it as you go up <#^ -^^1 B a 14 ;<#^ --^m^; or down, on the hook shank with the tying silk ; the hook firmly tied on, take out one of the wing feathers of the hen pheasant, and cut out of the centre of it two equal pieces to compose the wings, (see the piece cut out for the trout fly wing in the plate of Feathers), you lay these two pieces together even at the points, take them between the nails of the right hand, place them on the end of the shank between the finger and thumb of the left, and give two or three turns of the silk over them tightly, winding the silk towards you, cut off the roots of the feather slantingly with your scissars, as this swells the fly at the shoulder when forming the body ; the wings are now tied the reverse way, (see No. 7 Plate, at the sign of the " picker.") The three flies at top of this plate I will explain, when I show how tlie wings are turned back in their place. You now turn the hook in your fingers and hold it by the head, and of course you roll the tying silk from you; form the tail, body, and hackle, while holding your hook by the shank shift it in your hand till the nails are opposite i the barb, where you tie on a tail (see Plate VII j m You now draw a little mohair or fur out of the 15 piece lying on the table, and lay it along the tying silk sparingly, twist it round the silk, and roll it up to the shoulder, or nearly so, and give a running knot; take a small hackle and cut it at the point (see hackle at the bottom of this plate), or, instead of cutting it, draw it back a little with the fingers, as you may see the growse hackle prepared in the plate of feathers, or hackle cut at point in the plate of feathers ; tie the hackle on at the centre of the body at the point where it is cut, and give a running knot, and to fill up the space between that and the shoulder, roll on a little more fur, and give a knot with the silk ; wax your silk occasionally, as it wears off; you now turn the hook round in the fingers and hold it by the bend; this turning of the hook is the most curious and convenient part of it ; the hackle appears standing on the fly, as in Plate II., or V. You take the hackle by the end in your right hand, and roll it up to the shoulder in a slanting direction, giving it an extra turn or two at the head, as you see Plate YII., tie it down, and cut off the stem of the hackle; take the fly between your finger and thumb, keeping the fibres of the hackle under them out of the way 16 while you turn up the wings ; you now divide # them in two with a needle or " picker," turn up the off side one first and tie it down, then the one next you, and turn the silk in and out between them, to keep them asunder ; you then draw all under your fniger and thumb, and with the tying silk, give two turns over the ends, which forms a head, and fmish on the small bit of hook left at the head, take a turn or two of the silk round the gut to guard it, and take two running knots ; the fly now appears as Plate IV., press the fly between the fingers which slants the hackle towards the tail. As this is a valuable plate of flies to work upon, I will here commence with Numbers 1, 2, 3, and then 5 and 4, these two latter flies are bodies of gaudy sea-trout ones, or grilse flies. The wings are tied on last of the three flrst flies — jou hold the hook by the bend in the left, and tie on the hook, gut, and tail, as you see in Plate I.; you tlien place on a little inohair to form the body, as in Plate II. ; before you reach tlie shoulder you tie in the hackle, as No. 2, and leave a little of the end of tlie hook to receive the wings, and let the silk hang at the head ; you now take the hackle 17 by the end in your right, and roll it slantingl;y on its side or partly on its back, placing the third finger of the hand, the fly being held in against the hackle at each roll till you come to the shoulder, take a turn of the silk over it cut off the stem, and give a knot ; let the silk hang at the place you are about to tie on the wings, the fly now appears as Plate III., and in this plate you may perceive the right length the hackle ought to be for the size of the hook ; you then cut off two pieces from the starling or woodcock wings, and lay them together to make the wings of the fly full, and to appear double when finished, or a piece of mallard feather, like the wings of Plate IV. ; you now hold the fly between the fore-finger and thumb nails of the left hand, close to where you see the silk hanging (Plate III.), tie on the off side wing first, holding tight by the nails to keep it on the top of the shank so that it will not turn round with the silk, wax your silk here, keep the middle finger of the left against it while you take up the other wing, and tie it on in like manner on the near side ; this plan makes a division in the wings. You must endeavour to keep them tight on the end of the shank, or -<^l^ ^ ->#^- 18 they will fall over on the gut, but by holding tight with the nails, and drawing tightly with the tying silk, you may soon prevent mistakes, and use every thing sparingly to prevent clum- siness or you will never get on. Now cut off the ends of the wings closely, and finish with a turn or two, and a running knot or two at the very head, and the fly will appear like the finished fly, Plate IV., lay on a little spirit- varnish at the head, which keeps it firm — (this varnish you may procure at the oil and colour warehouses, or at doctor's shops, that which is used for rods is best.) Now for the two Plates V. and VI. : — Wlien the hook and gut is neatly tied on, as Plate I., you take a hook, size of the above two, and a hackle to suit ; you hold the hook by the bend in the left, and opposite the barb where you see the silk hanging at No. 1, you take a piece of tinsel, tie it on, and give two or three turns just immediately below where you tie in the tail (see the tip of tinsel below the tail, Plate v.), take an ostrich harl and roll it on for tag, which you will see just above the tip of tinsel, then tie on a topping above that, as you may see, then the piece of tinsel to rib the -<#^- 19 vV body, which you may see extending longer than the tail ; you now take a piece of floss silk, fine, and form the body of it from the tail to the shoulder, as you see the taper body of Plate V., and during the interval tie in the hackle on the centre of the body, at the point where the silk is hanging to receive the wings ; take the end of the hackle in your right (first roll the tinsel as the body of Plate VI.) finger and thumb, and roll it slantingly over the body in rotation with the tinsel, as you see in this latter plate, and tie it down at the end of the shank, leave the silk hanging as in this i)late, touch it at this place with varnish ; you may wing it with turkey or " glede" (kite's) tail feather, mallard, &c., like the plate of the plain fly, oj)posite No. 7, or like the wing of the gaudy Irish salmon fly immediately under that number at the bottom of the plate, (I mention these two flies in this manner to. distinguish them from the plate on Salmon Hooks). These two are models of a plain, and gaudy Irish fly; the delicacy of the body of the gaudy one, as the silk and tinsel is so finely wrought between each joint of harl and hackles, is beyond com- pare ; and the wing is finely mixed, although 90 not so perfect as the beautiful engravings of the twelve salmon flies. Before I begin the gaudy salmon fly, I will here show how the palmer is made, in two or three ways. TO MAKE THE PALMER, OR DOUBLE-HACKLE FLY. You tie on the hook firmly as before, and prepare two hackles for the fly, as you may see in the plate of Feathers, two hackles tied together at the roots, which keeps them on their sides evenly while rolling them on ; you hold the hook by the shank in your left hand, tie in the hackles, the inside downwards, that when tied on and finished, the outside of the feathers appears to the eye (see the hackle tied in at the points, and the body and tinsel rolled on, at the bottom of the plates of Trout Flies for the season) ; tie in the tinsel to the body, and the peacock's harl, or mohair, or floss silk, to form it, at the same place — turn the hook in your fingers, and hold it by the bend; take the harls in your right hand, and roll them up to the head, or mohair, or your floss silk in the same way; take a turn of the tying silk over, i^m^ -5^1 T© MAKE THE PALMIER OIR IDOIZTBLE MACJlbLElRIX ScHarl, tied- SIL^SCSEK'^ ITOflM^KIIK!©, 21 C#^^ ^ -^0>] with a running knot, clip o£F the ends of the haii, (leave a little of the end of the shank of the hook bare to finish on, or you will not be enabled to roll the two hackles neatly up to this place). Next, roll the tinsel over the harl, and tie, slope it as you go up ; then take hold of the hackles in your right hand, and roll them over the body close beside the tinsel slopingly, taking care at the same time to keep the third or middle finger of the hand the fly is heLl in tight against them at each turn, and roll them closer as you go up to the shoulder, pull them tight here, and if there are any fibres left on the stem of the hackle that are superfluous, pull them off, still keeping your finger against them, and holding hard the hook ; now take a roll or two of the tying silk over them and the knots, give the stem another pull to tighten them, and clip it off, tie down the head neatly with two running knots, and varnish it; press the fly between your fingers to slant the hackles down- wards ; and if any of the fibres of the hackles stand the wrong way cut them off, although, if they are rolled evenly together on their sides or back, you will turn the fly out correct, — see the beautiful Palmer in the plate, with the hook 2-2 tied in on the back, which is a perfect model, — these hooks are tied together on the same piece of gut first, and then make the fly over them. It is difficult to perform this job until you know how to make a palmer on a single hook. The foregoing is my favorite way of making a palmer, but you must be proficient before you can manage it well. I will here show how it can be made in a very easy manner, when you are able to handle the materials, and tie on nicely. When you have the hook and gut neatly tied on, take two hackles, and tie them in at the end of the shank by the roots on their back, tie in the peacock harl and tinsel to rib it at the same place; holding your hook of course by the bend in the left hand, take hold of the two hackles in your pliers by the points, and when the tinsel and body is rolled on, turn the hackles over the body close with the tinsel on their backs slopingly, till you reach the tail ; here let go the pliers, and they will hang with the ends of the hackles still in them, till you take two turns of the silk over them, clip off the ends of the hackles, and tie it neatly with two running knots, lay on a little varnish ; the fly will look rather rough in this method when tv S a-bnotv Hooks . 23 finished, but with a little pains you will soon accomplish it ; press down the fibres with your fingers, and cut away the superfluities. You should have a palmer ready made before you always while making this fly, which will facili- tate you in your progress. When you find it diflicult to place on the hackles first while you are making a fly, pull off one side of the fibres, and lay two evenly together, and draw them back at the points where you tie them in, as the hackle in the plate of Feathers, and roll them always slopingly over the body to the shoulder, on their edge with the outside of them next the head ; and, according as you come up to the end of the shank, roll them closer, which makes the fly appear full there, press them well down with your fingers, (see the three-hackle, or Palmer Flies for Trout, 7, 8, and 9). The hackles of these three flies are beautifully struck. HOW TO MAKE THE SALMON FLY, AS SHOWN IN THE BEAUTIFUL PLATE OF ENGKAVINGS ON SALMON HOOKS. Eeader, you will have an idea of the sorts of materials you require for the different processes 24 on each hook in the plates, as the models were tied by me in strict proportion, and are most exquisite engravings: You take a piece of twisted gut to form the loop on the fly, double it over a needle, or " picker," to form an eye, and pare off the ends slantingly to lie nice and even when tied, as you may see in Plate I. on Salmon Hooks ; wind your waxed silk round the shank of the hook about four or five times, before placing on the gut; hold the hook in the left hand near the end of the shank, lay the gut-loop underneath, and hold on between your finger and thumb tightly, to prevent it turning round when you lap the tying silk over it, and keep shifting your fingers down the shank out of the way of the tying silk in its progress to the tail, wliich you will see in Plate I. You now draw out a small piece of yellow, or red mohair, keep it tigJit between the nails and tie it on, first tip the fly immedi- ately under the tail, as in Plate I. ; you make it even with your scissars at the point, as tliat tail is seen ; you now take a piece of yellow or orange floss silk, and lap it from the tail about two-eighths of an inch up to where you see the hackle and tinsel tied in, Plate II. ; after having Sf ^25 tied the hackle and tinsel on as you see it there, (you may draw the point of the hackle back, as the hackle prepared in the plate of Feathers, instead of cutting it at the point, as you may see also the hackle cut, in the plate of Feathers). You now shift your finger and thumb up the body a little, and just where you finished the knot over the floss silk twist a little pig hair round the tying silk sparingly, and roll it over the shank to the head, or within the eighth of an inch of the head, as you may see in Plate II. ; you now take the two pieces of tinsel in the right hand and roll them up slopingly to where the silk is hanging, Plate II., and whip it down ; you next take the stem of the hackle in the right hand, and roll it evenly beside the tinsel on its side, or partly on its back (this is done by giving the stem a gentle twist in your fingers) till you bring it to the head where there may be two or three extra rolls of it given to make it full at the shoulder, or where you tie on the wings, (see the hackle, beautifully rolled on from tail to shoulder, Plate III). You now take a piece of mallard feather, stripped off I with your nails, and press it small at the end of the roots where it is to be tied on, (see f 26 the Mallard Wing prepared in the plate of Feathers) ; you strip another piece like it, and lay them even together ; you take the other two pieces in like manner and do the same, so that each wing, when tied on, will be double ; you now take the fly, Plate III., in your hand be- tween the nails close to the shoulder, and wax well the piece of silk that hangs here ; you take up one wing and lay it on at the off side, and give two whips of the silk over it tightly, holding on at the shoulder well with the left hand, to keep the wing from turning round under the belly ; you now take up the near side wing, and lay it on in like manner, whipping it twice over, and then a running knot, (see the Mallard Wings, tied beautifully on, Plate IV.) ; and in that plate you see the root ends pro- jecting over the loop, cut them off, and finish it with three or four turns of the silk, and two knots, close to the root of the wings to make all even. I will now proceed to show how the other three flies are formed — 5, 6, and 7. These may be termed middling gaudy, and are famous for the rivers in the north of Scotland, or the clear waters of Ireland. You perform the operation of tying on the hook sr as Plate I ; tip the fly at the tail, and tie on a topping ; take a piece of black ostrich or peacock harl, tie it in at the roots, and roll it evenly over the shank two or three times (see the harl tag, Plate V); tie in the hackle above the ostrich tag, leave it hanging, and roll the twist up the body, previously formed of floss silk nicely tapered (see the Body of Plate V); take the hackle in the right hand, and roll it evenly with the tinsel, and fasten it as Plate YI; leave the silk hanging here to tie on the wings and the head. The wings of Plate VII, may be seen tied on the reverse way, and the body and hackle formed afterwards ; they are now ready to turn back in their proper place to hang over the body, this is done by turning them neatly up with the thumb nail of the right hand, and laying them evenly on each side of the fly, with the best side of the feather out. The spots and shades which are perceivable in the wings and hackles of all the engraved specimens of fly, are shown to great perfection — I have described the whole of them, to match the shades exactly, so that it is impovssible to go astray when tying on each fibre of feather. aa We will now return to Plate VI, and teach how it is to be winged — You cut off a strip from the turkey tail feather, which must be unbroken, as a whole wing; after measuring the proper length of it for the hook, you draw each piece small with the nails where it is to be tied on, as the strip is broader at the root, so that, take it on the whole, it must be narrow where this piece of feather is made small at the roots, as seen in the plate of Feathers, to keep it so whole, touch it with a little varnish, and let it dry a little on the table. You take hold of the fly in your left hand, close to the head, draw the fibres of the hackle out of the way by placing them under your fingers ; take the wing in your right hand and lay it on, catching it between the left finger and thumb on the top of the hook tightly, and give two rolls of the tying silk over it ; take up the other wing, like tlie last, and lay it on the near side, and lap the silk over it in like manner (renew tlie silk with wax before the wings are tied on) ; you now may tie on a few fibres of golden pheasant neck, and . tail feathers at each side of the wings just put on, and a piece of macaw feather at each side ; -^^< 29 :<#^^ — ^^^ head it with ostrich, or roll a little pig hair round the silk sparingly, lap it over twice, and finish by giving two running knots over it close to the root of the wings (see the wing of the middling plain Salmon Fly, Plate II, im- mediately above the Sea-Trout Fly and May Fly. The reader will perceive in this plate on SALMON HOOKS, that I havo just described a garden, as it were fully cultivated, there is hardly a space left waste, like the broad fields of industrious England, whose sons "never, never shall be slaves." All the other plates are likewise full of useful matter, which will prove my hard labour, and at the same time show that I have hid nothing from the Fly-Fisher in all the processes. If the fly (Plate V., on salmon hooks) is winged with feathers, like the Irish gaudy wing, prepared in the plate of Feathers, it will be found to approach near the gaudy fly at the bottom of the plate, with "picker" at top. I will now describe the process of making the Gaudy Salmon Fly, the plate of which is invaluable to the Salmon fisher: — 30 PEOCESS OF MAKING THE GAUDY SALMON FLY. (See Plate.) You commence by tying the hook and gut firmly together, and that it may be more easy and convenient to the reader to accom- phsh this process of making the Gaudy Sahuon Fly, I will tell how it is done in my own favourite way. — Take the hook in the left hand and hold by the shank immediately opposite the barb, here fasten on a piece of fine tying silk, finer than you tied the hook and gut on with, tie on a piece of tinsel, and roll it over the hook three or four times to tip tlie fly ; place the nail of tlie left thumb on it, and tie with one knot (see the tip on the first fly in the plate, just below the ostrich tag); take a middling size golden pheasant topping, and tie it on just below the ostrich tag with a piece of tinsel, about a finger length, to rib the body (see the tinsel); take a hackle to suit the size of the hook, draw it a little back from the point, that is the fibres (see the hackle ready to tie in at tail in the first fly) ; take a fibre of ostrich, tie it on, and give two or three rolls uf it from you, and as you turn it over keep the -<8^- 31 soft pile of the feather towards the tail, as this m will make the tag appear even, and give a running knot, the less knots the better at this point to prevent clumsiness ; now take a piece of pig hair, and twist it round the tying silk (see the pig hair round the silk, and the hackle tied on just above it), roll the pig hair over the body, giving it a turn or two between the ostrich tag and the hackle, that when the hackle is struck it may appear from the centre of the fly to the shoulder; the pig hair is now on, roll the tinsel over it slopingly till you come within the eighth of an inch of the loop ; take hold of the end of the hackle in the right hand, and roll it up on its edge, or partly on its back, in rotation with the tinsel, and tie it down with two knots, clip off the end of the hackle and tinsel. If the fly is to be made with the hackle struck only round the shoulder (see hackle tied in at shoulder, on the second fly in this plate. I have not numbered the three flies on this plate, to distinguish it from the plate of an EASY METHOD OF MAKING A SALMON FLY.) See pig hair body and tinsel rolled on ; shift your hand up the hook in the left, and hold by the 32 middle, take the hackle in the right, and roll it from you closely round the shoulder, (see hackle tied in at shoulder), leaving at the same time enough of the hook bare at the end of the shank to tie on the wings, and to roll on the jay feather (see jay hackle ready), the hackle supposed to be rolled round the shoulder, cut off the tinsel and pig hair which you see on the piece of silk, leaving another piece attached in the same place to tie on the wings (see the piece of tinsel and pig hair left at the head ready to be cut off, and the silk hanging to tie on the wings — second fly). The first fly, which we made above, is now no other in appearance than the third fly at the bottom of the plate, which shows hook, body, and tinsel. We now come to the most critical part of tying on the gaudy wings firmly, (see mixed gaudy wing ready to tie on). You take a neck-feather of the golden pheasant with a piece of silver pheasant tail, a piece of peacock wing, a teal feather, and a piece of wood-duck, &c., lay them all evenly together, and break the fibres between your nails, when you tie them on the hook to make the whole small, as you may see done at the root of the wing hi tlie 38 X ^ plate ; take another golden pheasant neck feather, and prepare it exactly like the last, ^ that the wing may be the same at each side when tied on ; you now take hold of the fly in the left, the fibres of the hackle remaining under your finger and thumb, cut away the bit of tinsel and hackle-stem first, take the wing in your right, and lay it on the best side next you, and hold it tight with the left finger and thumb nails ; give two laps of the silk over it, press it down tightly with the thumb nail, and take another turn of the silk, place the third finger against it to keep it on, till you lay on the off side wing ; take it up as you did the other, and tie it down at the small part of the end, on the off side, hold it tight between the left finger and thumb, pressing it at the same time well down with the thumb nail of the right, take two rolls of the silk firmly over it, hold on manfully with the left, and give it another nail or two with the right thumb, make a running knot, lay it down awhile to rest your fingers ; clip off the roots left hanging or projecting at the head closely (be careful always to leave enough of the hook bare to re- ceive the wings, or you cannot manage it easily), ^.^7^ --^#>: 34 now take two or three turns more over the head to make it tighter and even, leaving a little bit of the point to stand out ; you then take a strip of macaw, and tie it on each side, clip off the ends, take an ostrich harl and tie it on about the centre of the head, and roll it over from you two or three times, the do\Miy part of the stem next the loop to keep it all the one way, and when up to the root of the wings, take the silk which hangs here lap it twice over, and give a running knot ; clip off the silk and end of the harl, lay on a little varnish very lightly at the point, and where the silk has been just tied down, keep the varnish off the ostrich harl; you may take a little pig hair, and twist it round the silk, roll it over the head very sparingly, and finish at the root of the wings in the same manner, laying on a little varnish. I will here repeat the tying on of the gaudy wing, with two or three fibres of various sorts of feathers, &c., which may be a little more easy .to accomplish than the foregomg to the young beginner. When you have the tail, tinsel, and hackle put together on tlie hook, and the eighth of an &rou^e Baclde prepared .^^ I-roujt FlyWin^ toppi^ Bzcnck oFHacJ-oUs jrreparecL for dveif Jrieh Gtaidy Wtn^ prepa^n^d ^ M aUcird TVv nQ pTyspfired thrJootck 35 inch of the shank left bare to receive the wings ; wax the silk well that it may make the head firm, and proceed thus. — First strip off two fibres of the peacock's wing feather, and place them with three or fom^ fibres of brown mallard, and the same quantity of spotted turkey tail, add to it a piece of neck and :tail feather of the golden pheasant, with a little guinea hen, teal, and red macaw feather, yellow, orange, and blue. Keep these all even together, and break them at the roots like the gaudy wdng in the last plate, and divide them in equal parts ; now having mixed both your wings alike, take up one wing in your right fore-finger and thumb nails and hold it tightly, take up your fly with the left hand, and with the right hand place the wing on at the off side, laying it under the fore-finger of the left hand, and with the right hand give two turns of the tying silk over it, at the same time holding on tight between the nails of the left hand, and press it down with the thumb nail of the right, which keeps the head firm ; then in like manner take up the other wing and place it on the near side, keep the wings m the same length, and to extend two eighths of s\ 36 <#$^ ^5#>- an inch longer than the bend of the hook, having taken two laps over the near side wing, cut off the root ends at the head closely, holding tight with the left-hand nails, and press both wings down tightly with the right thumb nail; wax the silk well here, and lap it over the part where you cut off the ends evenly ; bring the silk down on the gut and give three or four rolls of it just below the point of the shank to guard it from friction when throwing the fly ; bring the silk up again close to the root of the wings, and tie on a fibre of blue and yellow macaw tail feather for horns, let them be the eighth of an inch longer than the wings, clip off the ends ; take a jay feather and prepare it, tie it on at the off side of the head with the bare side next the belly of the fly, roll it with the right hand over the head, about three turns, and lap the silk over it while under the nail of the left ; cut off the stem, lay on a blue kingfisher feather each side, tie on a black ostrich harl, give three or four rolls of it over the head, letting the stem be next the root of the wings as you roll it, take it under the nail of the left thumb, and lap two turns of the silk over it close to the root of the wings. 37 J^ and with the finger and thumb press up the fibres of the ostrich towards the wings, to make it stand even in its proper place ; put off the silk, and lay on a little varnish at the point of the head, and your fly is completed. As it is my intention to instruct the reader in every point necessary for his benefit, accord- ing to my own knowledge and experience, throughout the pages of this book, it affords me much pleasure to be enabled to do so, and to offer something to the fly-fisher worth having, there is scarcely a page he opens that he will not find something valuable to himself, if he is a real lover of the art. " There is a pleasure in angling that no one knows but the angler himself." I will now show how the India-rubber Green Drake is made, with a cock-tail, like the beau- tiful engraving in the plate, (see Green Drake). The Grouse, and Golden Plover hackle may also be made in a similar manner, to suit fine evenings in the summer, without the tail. To compose the fly, take a piece of gold tinsel, and cut a long strip of light india-rubber very thin, hackle, wings, tail, and all laid down ready, — tie the gut on the top of the hook, to 38 m proiec '^ project about three- sixteenths of an inch below the bend, or tie the gut underneath in the usual way, and lay a piece of gut on the top somewhat thicker, to work the tail upon, (see the tail in the engraving, — look often at the flies to refresh the memory) ; take three hairs of the mane of a black horse, and tie them on the end of the piece of gut, about an inch in length, let the silk be fine and well waxed, then tie in the end of the gold tinsel, and the finest end of the piece of india-rubber at the tail, that the thick end may be towards tlie shoulder to make it taper ; after the body is made very even with a little yellow floss silk, hold the fly by the shank in the left hand, with the nails in close contact with each other, and roll the tinsel closely up, shifting your hand ; this fastened down with the tying silk, take hold of the india-rubber in the right, and the extreme end of the gut tail in your left nails ; warm the rubber a little in the fingers to soften it, draw it out to its full extent, and roll it over the end of the gut, and at every roll keep the third finger of the left hand tight against it to prevent it starting, move the nails up the hook as you proceed with the rubber to the shoulder; 39 give two laps of the tying silk over it, and a running knot. The body now formed, take a very light brown grouse hackle (see the grouse hackle prepared in the plate of Feathers, — the partridge and the plover hackles are prepared in the same way, and all feathers of this shape for the throat, you may either draw them back at the end, or cut them like the wren tail feather), and tie it on at the shoulder, roll it about three times over on its back, keeping the fibres down towards the left under the fingers, tie the stem with a running knot, and do not give too many laps of the tying silk at the head to make it bulky, for it occasions the wings to turn round on the hook, as then there is no foundation for them, but when they are tied hard on the hook, they sit firm — ^you can not wing it neatly otherwise ; to prevent a vacancy at the shoulder, lay on a little yellow- green mohair to fill it up, and roll the hackle over it, you may now guard the gut with the silk before you tie on the wings, do not allow the body of the fly to come too close up to the head, or as I said before, you cannot tie on the i wings properly. Now take the dyed mallard feather for the wings, strip two pieces off, and c ^ 40 lay them together for one wing, and two pieces for the other wing in like manner; hold the body by the left close to the head, and lay on the off side wing first, hold it tight imder the nails of the left, and take a turn or two of the silk tightly over it, take up the other wing and lay it on, ©atehing it under the nails of the left, taking two turns more over it in the same way, and press it tight down with the nails of the right thumb, give another turn or two of the silk, press back the roots of the wings with the thumb nail of the right, cut them close of!, roll the silk evenly over it, and give two knots, now take a peacock's harl, tie it in by the root end, and roll it over the head two or three times towards the wing, and tie it firmly here with two knots of the tying silk, cut off silk and harl, lay on a little varnish, and your fly is completed ; press up the head to make it look even, cut off all superfluous fibres that may stand uneven, so that all will appear like the plate. There is another excellent way of making a body : — thus, take a piece or length of very flat gut, and soak it well in hot water till it becomes soft, tie it in at the end of the tail 41 m as you did the india-rubber, form a body nicely tapered of straw, roll some white floss silk over it at intervals, roll the soft gut closely over it to the head and tie it fast; then put a small partridge hackle round the throat, and wing it the same as before. Before you lay on the straw, cut it taper to suit the size of hook you are using, gold-beater's skin rolled over flat gold tinsel is also good. I will here teach the making of the beautiful Winged Lakva, specimens of which are shown in the plate with the May Fly. There is nothing can exceed the beauty of these flies, and as artificial specimens for killing fish during easterly winds they are invaluable. It was in a strong east wind which lasted some weeks, five or six years ago, that I had such great success with this sort of fly in the river Tweed ; grilse, sea-trout, and river-trout took it greedily. The two engravings in the plate of these flies are very beautiful. It would be a general killer in heavy running rivers under trees, or in rapid streams. 42 z^M^- ^ TO MAKE THE WINGED LAEVA. Tie on the hook and gut as before (say a hook about No. 8) and form a brown body of mohair on it, wing the fly with a portion of hen pheasant tail feather and woodcock wing ; having the yellow brown body formed on the hook, and the wings ready to tie on, take a piece of the shrivelled larva you will find attached to the ends of the lengths of salmon gut, choose those that are nice and taper, and at the fine end tie on two fibres of golden pheasant neck feather for tail, clip off the end of the gut, lay on a little varnish at the end of the tail to keep it from coming off; now tie on the larva close to the shoulder, cut off the end of the gut, lay on a little varnish there, take some mohair of the same colour as the body, and roll it over the throat to cover the tying, leaving at the same time enough of the hook to receive the wings, you then take a light brown grouse hackle, off the neck of the bird, and roll it twice round the shoulder for tlie legs, or a woodcock feather, to be found at the root of the wings, outside, the latter I think TO MAKE THE 'W3J!f(GrB© ZL^ASSi'VA. / 1 - I of sTficdl jLarvtZi Win^JtcuJfle, u^ harl forJtead&ed on to »ha^ /ww 43 is best. Now tie the wings on a little longer than the bend of the hook, clip off the ends at the head, and form a head with a piece of pea- cock harl, of a bronze colour as usual, fasten with the silk, and cut off all the superfluities. It would be well to draw out a little of the mohair at the shoulder to hang over the larva body, and to flatten the end of the gut a little where you tie on the tail, which keeps it on. Tie the larva at the side, so as it may appear like a double body to the fish in the water. It may be made by tying on the wings first, and let them remain until the body, the larva, and the hackle, are all tied in their proper places, and then turn back the wings over the body with your thumb nail, and tie them firmly down with the silk, taking two laps over the roots, and finish with two knots on the end of the shank immediately above the head. Do not neglect to tie in the larva tightly below the wings at the shoulder, to prevent it drawing out from the mohair body. You must hold on tight and press it well down with the nail of the right thumb, as you do the wings when tying them on last. It is best to look at the larvas engraved in the plate occasionally, to u give you an idea how it is done. Wlien the wings are turned up last, and a head formed of the root of them with the tying silk, you next roll on a piece of brown peacock harl at the root of the wings, a harl with long pile or fibres is best, as you can press it up with your fingers to hang over the root of the wings. The great nicety in making this fly to look well is, in tying on the two fibres of the golden pheasant feathers at the tail with fine silk, and the tying on of the larva itself at the shoulder of the fly, and then covering the silk that ap- peared bare with a little mohair twisted round the tying silk, and then rolled over it ; it is over this bit of mohair the hackle should be rolled, and secured with two knots. The wing of the small larva in the plate is tied on last, and a most curious and killing looking fly it is; the other one does best in deep water, or for grilse or sea-trout in July and August, particularly in the latter month. The Salmon Fly, No. 11, in the centre of the plate, with the larvas, is a capital specimen for the light streams north of the Tweed, and would kill well in tliat splendid river at low water in summer, particularly at the " Throughs," three miles above the town of Kelso. The above fly I will describe hereafter, with the other engravings in the plates. To proceed regularly with the various methods of Fly Making, before touching on another subject, will be much more convenient to the tyro as he proceeds, so I will finish this branch of an "Angler's Education" with a Catechism, which will be found instructive and very curious to the beginner. It is accompanied with a copper-plate engraving of six flies, showing the whole process to the eye, which cannot fail to give a lasting idea to the fly maker who will properly study it. In this last process, the reader should lay out every thing necessary for making a single fly in a piece of folded paper, so that he can look at the various articles as he rehearses them over in the book, — this will keep them more strongly in his mind. Have each article to suit the size of the hook exactly, that when the fly is completed, it will appear in strict proportion : for instance, the hackle should be chosen small to suit the legs of the trout fly, and the large flies to have hackles 46 off the saddle of the cock, that are old and stiff, to withstand the motion of the water ; and fine silk, both floss and tying for the bodies of the small flies, and every thing in unison, as you read in the book; handling every thing sparingly, delicately, and nicely in the fingers. There is a good deal of the " battle fought" by letting the nails grow to a pretty fair length so as to hold on grimly. A CATECHISM OF FLY -MAKING, By WILLIAM BLACKER. Question. — What do you mean by Fly-making? Answer. — I mean the artificial assimilation of those beautiful insects that appear on brooks and rivers during the summer season. Q. — What are these artificial flies used for in general ? A. — They are principally used to afford gentlemen rural amusement and recreation, by their taking botli trout and salmon with the rod, line, and fly. Q. — Name the different materials requisite for making the Artificial Fly. ^ [LACSKiliS 'S AIFdlT ©IF [FlLY-G^AKDKl© To moA'c t/teT/vut-fZy as taught irt (At. Catech ism. Oizt and Tail tie^i orv . tieilon, S^Jifohfti/- rvund tJui Silk TheTinsd (^ "\ rolled en.ScTTack^ tied cd point. TluHackU 31ohair rolled on yvitfv t/ie Tirusel. ifody:8(^ wina tied on last. i-^ TlzcTly ^p^g^^f^-^i^ompleted with Turned winjs The CoclUail . 47 A. — The necessary materials for making the Artificial Fly are as follows : — various kinds of feathers, furs, mohair, pig hair, dyed hackles, silks, tinsel, &c., &c. Q. — When the tyro has all the materials prepared, and seated at the table, how does he commence to make the fly ? A. — First, the hook is firmly tied on the gut, and one eighth of an inch of the end of the shank left bare to receive the wings (see plate, hook, gut, and tail, tied on). Q. — How are the wings tied on ? A. — They may be tied on the reverse way first, at the extreme end of the shank, and after the tail, body, and legs are formed, turn up the wings, divide and tie them down, and form the head. Q. — Is there any other way of placing on the wings of a trout fly ? A. — Yes, by forming the tail, body, and legs first, and tie on the wings last. Q. — Having the wings the reverse way, to appear in strict proportion over the fly when turned, what is the next part to be performed ? A. — Next, I take hold of the shank opposite the barb in my left, and here tie on a short 48 piece of tinsel for the tip, roll it over two or three times evenly, and secure it with a running knot, immediately above this tie on the tail. Q, — When the wings are tied on reversed, the tip and tail secured, how do you form the body? A. — I take hold of the hook in my left hand close to the tail, and with my right draw out a small quantity of mohair, twist it round the tying silk close to the hook, draw it gradually full under the fingers to taper it, I then roll it closely over the shank to the root of the wings and fasten it. Leave a vacancy to receive the hackle if rolled on at the shoulder. Q. — If there is not sufficient mohair twisted on the silk to form the whole body, what must be done ? A. — When the mohair on the silk becomes short, I tie it down on the centre of the shank, and tie in the point of the hackle here (see the second and third flies in the plate of this process), and apply a little more stuff to fill the shoulder, leaving a little of tlie hook to receive the wings. Q. — Having tied the hackle on towards the ■-'^^\ 49 ^ shoulder of the fly, how do you strike it in its ^ proper place ? A. — I hold the hook in my left hand by the bend, and with the right take hold of the stem of the hackle and roll it round the shank on its back, and tie it down (the fly may be ribbed and hackled from the tail like the fourth fly in the plate). Q. — The hackle, body, tail, and tinsel now neatly tied, how do you tie on the wings ? A. — I now hold the fly in my left hand by the body, drawing the fibres underneath my finger and thumb out of the way, lay on the wings double, catch them under the nails of the left and give two laps of the tying silk over them, press them down at this place with the right nail divide and let the fibres of the hackle spring up between them, cut off the roots, lap the silk closely over the head and fasten with two knots (see the cock tail at the bottom of this plate). Note. — The wings of this fly were tied on first, as seen, and turned up last; the fuller the fly is at the shoulder the more the wings will stand upright on the back, and it often -<#^ — - — ~ — ^^m^\ c 3 50 occurs that when the wings of the fly lie flat on the back, and it happens to be an end fly on the casting line, which is usually under the surface of the water, that the fish takes it for a drowned fly eagerly, and the wings much longer than the bend of the hook, this is not unnatural, as the wings of numbers of the brown and olive flies seen on the water have their wings much longer than the body, and when not on the wing He flat on their backs. I will here give a more easy way of making a Trout fly. Q. — How do you commence to make the Fly in this way ? A. — I tie on the wings first, turn them up, tie down the head, and finish the fly at the tail. Q. — Wlien the wings are tied on first, and turned before you commence the body and legs, how do you proceed ? A. — I take a small hackle to suit the size of the hook, strip off the flue, and tie it on by the root at the head, and a piece of tinsel to rib the body. Q. — Having tied on the hackle thus, what is the next thing to be done ? 51 A. — I draw out a little mohair, twist it tightly round the tying silk, roll it down to the tail and fasten it, and roll the tinsel over in like manner. Q. — The body and tinsel being formed, how is the hackle struck on ? A. — I take hold of the hackle in my right hand with either my fingers or pliers, and roll it over the body to the tail, fasten and cut off the ends, tie in a tail and the fly is complete. This is the style of the fifth fly in the plate. Q. — When a fly is to be made in the above way without wings, called a hackle fly, how is it done? ^.—Having previously tied, I take two hackles of equal size, lay them even together, and tie them on by the roots at the end of the shank, and then the piece of tinsel to rib it. Q. — How do you form the body and tinsel after tying on the hackles ? A. — I twist a very small quantity of mohair round the silk and roll it to the tail, or a peacock's harl, and fasten it there, over this I roll the tinsel. Q. — As the hackles are a nice point to per- form, how are they struck ? &^ ^ 52 A. — I take hold of the hackles with the pliers at the points, both to stand the one way, give two rolls round the shoulder to make it full, and proceed with them slantingly on their backs to the tail, let the pliers hang with them and roll the tying silk twice over them, cut off the superfluous fibres of the hackles, take two running knots, and lay on a little varnish to harden the tying, press down the hackles with the fingers to slope them towards the tail, and the fly is completed. Q. — When you wish to make a larger Salmon Fly, how do you undertake it ? A. — I tie on the hook and gut firmly together, as in Plate 1, on salmon hooks, take hold of it by the shank opposite the barb, roll on a piece of broad tinsel to tip it, tie on a topping for tail, with a black ostrich tag. Q. — Having gone thus far, how do you manage the pig hair body ? A. — Having laid before me two or three colours of pig hair, I roll a piece of fine floss silk on first next the tail, I then twist a piece of pig hair on the silk, roll it up towards the head, shifting up a little and tie, take another piece of hair, and another, and do in like 53 manner (see the pig hair body of No. 2, on SALMON hooks). Q. — How is the hackle struck on over the body? A. — Having held the fly by the shank to form the body, I now turn it and hold it by the bend, the hackle and tmsel previously tied in, as in Plate II, on salmon hooks, I roll the tinsel up first and the hackle next in rotation with it ; Plate V. will show the tinsel rolled over the floss silk body, and the hackle ready to roll on. Q. — Having rolled on the hackle, and turned a jay hackle over the shoulder, how do you proceed with the wing ? A. — I take two golden pheasant neck feathers and tie them on tightly first, then sprig them at each side with various fibres of feathers (see the wing in the plate prepared). Q.^How do you cover the lump occasioned by the quantity of tying silk at the head ? A. — I draw out a small quantity of pig hair, twist it on the tying silk, and roll it over two or three times towards the root of the wings tightly, give three knots, lay on a little varnish, cut off the silk, and the fly is finished. 54 Note. — If you make a pike fly, use large double hooks and gymp, with broad tinsel, and make the body full with pig hair, large saddle- cock hackles for legs, wing them with peacock moon feathers, and add two large blue beads over spangles for eyes, and green or red pig hair towards the head. Fasten on the beads with fine copper wire, rolling it over the head two or three times, and also three times through the eyes, and tie down the wire tightly with the silk ; roll the pig hair round the silk and then over the head and between the beads, fasten it with three knots, and lay on the varnish. These large artificial flies kill pike or jack best on windy days with rain; they will not rise at the fly on fine days, except there is a strong ripple on the water. You humour the fly on the surface as you would move a salmon one, using a strong rod, reel, and line. K he is a large fish, he will rush off with the fly when hooked ; but, if a small one, lift him out when he makes a double quick shake on the top of the water. I would advise the fisher to strike a jack quickly, for he often throws the fly out of his moutli when he finds tlie deception. 55 THE TEOUT FLIES FOE THE SEASON. I will now give a description of those flies which will be found most killing, as they are imitations of the natural ones that appear in each month, so that the fly-fisher may practice with them to very great advantage. The numbers of each correspond with the engravings in the plates of the catalogue of flies. The Tkout is a game and sportive fish, and affords much amusement to the fly-fishers, as well as being generally esteemed the best of our fresh-water fishes for the table. The spawning time of the trout is much the same as that of the salmon, about October and November, and their haunts very similar ; they fix upon some gravelly bottom to deposit their spawn, in either river or lake, and are never good when big with roe. After they have spawned they become lean and wasted, and their beautiful spots disappear; in this state they retire to the deep and still parts of the 56 river during the winter months. As soon as the weather becomes open in February, they begin to leave the deeps and approach the rapid streams, where they soon obtain vigour for the summer sport. They delight in sandy and rocky beds and pools, into which sharp and swift streams run, and under shady banks, behind large stones and in eddies ; in streams where there are sedges and weeds in the spring of the year. In the summer months they get strange, and haunt the deepest parts of swift running streams; they are found also at the upper ends of mill-pools and weirs, under bridges, and in the return of streams where the water boils in deep places. At the de- cline of the year they resort to the tails of streams and deep water. They are in season from February till the end of September. These few suggestions may benefit the young angler by giving him an idea of knowing where to cast his flies for them. ■<#^- fs^ -^^^ 1L^%3^; '^^ 57 FLIES FOE MAECH. No. 1. The Maech Bkown. — The body is made of light brown mohair, mixed with a little fur of the hare's neck, and a little yellow mohair, ribbed with yellow silk ; a small brown partridge hackle for legs (this feather is fomid on the back of the partridge), hen pheasant wing feather for the wings, and two fibres of the same bird's tail feather for the tail of the fly. No. 8 hook. This fly is well taken by the trout, and continues good till the end of April. The following flies appear before the March brown, but it being a great favorite, I have given it first. No. 2. The Early Dark Dun.— The body is made of water-rat's fur, mixed with a little red mohair, the red more towards the head, an iron-blue dun hackle for legs, and the wings of water-hen or water-rail wing. No. 9 hook. There is another variety or two of this fly that kill well in February and March, which are as follows : A black red hackle, with the above wings and body; a mallard wing, and 58 the above body; a peacock harl body, a soot- coloured dun hackle, and a tip of gold. No. 10 hook. There is a small fly, which I term the " heath fly," which is an excellent one in this month, and is made thus : The body is made of the fine fur of the belly of the hedgehog, or rat back fur (common rat), mixed with red squirrel fur, and a little orange mohair, rolled on thin and taper ; a small silver grey hackle for legs, and winged with the grey tail feather of the partridge. A grey mallard and red squirrel fur makes another good fly. No. 10 hook. No. 3. The Little Blue Dun. — The body is made of mole's fur, slightly mixed with bright yellow mohair, a light blue dun hackle for legs, and starling wings. No. 12 hook. This delicate little fly appears on cold days in March, and is well taken by the trout from ten till four in the evening, with the little red dun. No. 4. The Oeange Dun. — The body is made of orange and hare's fur, a honey dun hackle for legs, and grey mallard wings. No. 10 hook. Good on windy days in this month and the next. There should be but 59 little hackle used on small flies in the early season, as the fur is sufficient or nearly so. No. 5. The Maelow Buzz. — The body is made of peacock harl, a dun hackle over it from the tail, and two dark red ones round the shoulder, rib of silver. This fly does best where there are large trees growing over the river banks. No. 6. The Brown Hackle. — The body is made of yellow brown mohair, a little orange fox fur, and two short fibred brown-red hackles rolled from the tail over the body, and ribbed with gold wire for evening fishing. It will be found a good one for large trout in river or lake, winged with hen pheasant tail, and forked with two fibres of the same feather, hook No. 10 for the small fly, and No. 6 for the larger size. There is also a small red fly comes on in this month, very killing ; the body is made of red squirrel's fur, a turn of a red hackle round the throat, and grey mallard wings mixed with partridge ; hook No. 8. BO FLIES FOR APRIL. No. 7. The Soldier Fly. — The body is made of scarlet-colored mohair, ribbed with fine gold twist, and two black-red cock hackles run up over the body from the tail, (it is made also with orange floss silk body, ribbed with black silk), a small furnace hackle round the throat and a darkish starling wing. The dark red furnace hackle has a dark mark round the edges. It may also be made to advantage witli peacock harl and black-red hackles over it, and tipped with gold. The latter way makes it the " cochybonddu " of Wales. It kills best on windy days in general, with the cow-dung fly, and partridge hackle. No. 8. The Cuckoo Hackle. — The body is made of peacock's harl, and two dark dun hackles, with darkish bars across them, rolled up to the throat ; give it a tag of yellow green silk, at the end of the tail, silver. The Granam fly may be made thus : — Tlie wings are made of hen pheasant wing feather, 61 hare's ear fur for body, and a grizzled cock hackle for legs. It is a four-winged fly, and when it flutters on the water it is very much like the engraving in the plate ; but when it sails down the surface, the wings lie flat on its back, and as soon as it touches the water it drops its eggs ; the trout take it freely for about a week in this month, with the gravel or spider fly, — dun body, black hackle, and wood- cock wings ; some use lead-coloured body. No. 9. The Black Palmer, or Hackle. — The body is made of yellow floss silk, ribbed with silver tinsel, and two short fibred black hackles struck on from the tail to the shoulder. Hook No. 8. — Vary the body of this fly with peacock harl without the silver, and it will be a capital one for light clear water on No. 12 hook. Use the cow-dung fly on windy days, with the above-named one. No. 10. The Dun Fox Fly.— The body is made of the fur found on the neck of the fox next the skin, mixed with golden yellow mohair. The wings are the wing feather of the starling or fieldfare, with two fibres of a stiff honey dun cock hackle for tail ; pick out the fur a little at the shoulder for legs; hook No. 12. Never 62 was there a better little fly than this thrown on the water, it will kill fish any day in the year. Put on the little black hackle, with peacock harl body with it as a drop fly ; and when the dun fox is used as a drop fly, put on the Mai'ch brown as a stretcher. There may be seen three shades of this fly on the water at the same time occasionally; the other two shades are the ash and blue fox, — the first is a very light dun colour of the fox cub's neck or face, the other is of a darker blue shade ; they are great favorites with the trout, artificially; in mild weather throughout the summer, a small wren and grouse hackle may be used with them, the bodies made very thin and taper, and rather full at the shoulder — the wren with orange mo- hair body, and the grouse with golden yellow floss silk body. No. 11. The Dun Deake. — The body is made of golden olive mohair, mixed with hare's ear fur, the light and dark, and forked with two short fibres of brown mallard. The Avings are made of land-rail wing, and a little brown mal- lard, mixed nicely together. Hook, No. 9. There is a dark red, and a dark dun fly on the m water at the same time as the dun-drake, all of ^^^^ ««^' 63 which will be found good ones till the end of May. The Irish name for the dun drake, is "Coughlan,"^ made thus: — The wings, grey- partridge tail ; the body, light brown bear's fur, with bright yellow mohair, hare's fur from the face, mixed altogether, forked with two stripes of a dark mallard's feather, and a partridge hackle. No. 8 hook. In Ireland they consider this the most useful fly they have in April and May, as a stretcher, used with the little dun fox, and black-red, (soldier fly). No. 12. The Stone Fly. — The body is made of brown mohair ribbed with yellow silk, a tuft or tag of yellow mohair or silk at the tail, and a little yellow mohair worked in under the shoulder, over which roll the hackle, which should be of a brown-red colour ; the wings are made of the hen pheasant tail mixed with copper brown mallard, made full, and larger than the body. No. 6 hook. If this fly is made of good colours, as above described, hardly any large trout, in humour of taking, can well refuse it. An odd one of them may be seen in March, when the weather is mild ; but in April and May, when it becomes more * " Taylor's Angler." 64 congenial to them, they appear numerous towards the evening. Eibbed with gold twist, it makes a famous grilse fly. No. 13. The Yellow Sally. — The body is made of buff-colored fur, and a small yellow hackle for legs round the head ; the wings are made of the buff- coloured feather inside the wing of the thrush. No. 13 hook. This is the forerunner of the Green Drake or May fly. The trout take this little fly freely, and it is a most excellent killer on fine days, if made according to the description. It will be found on the water till the end of May. The partridge hackle is also good in this month. FLIES FOR MAY. No. 14. The Black Gnat. — The body is made of black hair from the spaniel's ear which is fine and soft, or a black ostrich feather clipped very close, and a small black hackle for legs ; the wings are from the starling's wing feather. No. 13 hook. This is a good fly throughout a clear day, used as a dropper with the foregoing fly, and ^vren tail. It floats on the surface of the water in \ [ELACSD^IEia'S AKT ©IF WLY'^Amm'Q^. Flie^ descrihed in CatoiL>^ie I exxxct size I w n ^ ^ 66 numbers on sultry days with mild showers of rain. It may be varied to advantage with blue silk body. No. 15. The Little Beown Midge. — The body is made of brown mohair with a shade of orange mohair at the shoulder, two turns of a small brown-red hackle for legs ; the wings are made of brown mallard and a little strip of land-rail mixed. No. 13 hook, snick bend. There appears to be a variety of small flies on the water with the above fly about the middle of the day, dark browns, pea-greens, and dun flies, all water insects, which the trout take very freely. No. 16. The Little Ikon Blue. — The body is made of a little light coloured water- rat's fur mixed with a few hairs of yellow, an iron blue coloured dun hackle for legs, and the wings from a blue dun feather to be found underneath the wing of a dun hen, or starling wing feather, tail it with a dun hackle, two fibres. No. 10 hook. It sails upright on its legs on the water, with both tail and wings cocked up, so that it would suit best as a bob fly. It will be found a useful fly throughout the season, varied a little in shade according to 66 © the weather, the darker ones on fine clear days. The Coachman, Oral, and the Governor flies will be found good ones in this month towards night, when the beautiful White Moth may be also seen. No. 17. Haee's Ear and Yellow. — The body is made of the light part of the fur ,from the hare's ear, ribbed with yellow silk; the wings are from the wing of the starling or field- fare, and two stiff fibres of honey dun cock's hackle, from the rump for tail, to cock up, pick out the fur at tlie head for legs. No. 12 hook. It will kill fish every day in this month, and will be found] good till the end of July. It may be also called the Little Cocktail. No. 18. The Green Drake. — The body of this beautiful fly is made of yellow green mohair, the color of a gosling newly come out of the shell, and ribbed with yellow-brown silk, a shade of light brown mohair at the tail, and a tuft of the same color at the shoulder, picked out between the hackle, the whisks of the tail to be of three black hairs of tlie mane of a horse, about three-quarters of an inch long; the hackle to be a greenish "buff dyed, (dye a ^> silver dun hackle with bars across it called a cuckoo), or a light ginger hackle bordering on a yellow. The wings, which should be made full, and to stand upright, are made of dyed mallard feathers of a greenish buff, or yellowish shade : a brown head of peacock harl tied neatly above the wings, No. 6 hook. The wings may be made of the ends of two large dyed mallard feathers, with each side stripped off, and the beautiful long ends to form the wings, tie them on whole back to back, a little longer than the bend of the hook — these feathers stand up well and appear very natural in the water; large size ones kill well in lakes, with bright yellow mohair bodies and gold twist rolled up them ; a long honey dun palmer kills well on windy days, allowed to sink near the bottom, ribbed with gold twist (see the palmer in the plate with double hook). The trout take it no doubt for the Creeper or "Cad Bait;" a very small swivel tied on at the head, would improve its life-like appearance in the water as you move it with the rod ; and the larger size one would also do better with a swivel. No. 19. — The Gkey Deake. — The body is made of pale yellow mohair, or floss, three 68 fibres of dark mallard for tail, ribbed with brown silk, a grizzled dun-cock's hackle for legs, or silver grey ; grey mallard for wings, and a peacock harl head. The body should be made taper, and full at the head, it is a capital fly on rough days in May and June, and used to advantage on warm evenings. The body may be also made of dun fox fur, grey at the ends, a silver grey hackle for legs, and forked with three hairs from a fitch's tail; the wings grey mallard and widgeon mixed. It is also made of straw body, grey cock's hackle, and mallard wings — these two methods are very good. They kill well in Scotland, and in Ireland are called the "Grey Cochlan." These flies may be seen in "Taylor's Angler." Mr. Taylor was an angler of no small pre- tensions, he was very fond of the Irish coloured flies, and has adopted many of them as stand- ards for Scotland, England, and many rivers in Wales. 69 FLIES FOE JUNE. No. 20. — The Great Red Spinner. — The body is made of red mohair, ribbed with fine gold wire, and a red cock hackle for legs ; the wings are made of brown and grey mallard, the grey underneath ; two fibres of stiff cock's saddle hackle for tail, No. 6 or 7 hook. The Small Red Spinner is made as the above, but instead of mallard use starling wings. It is an excellent fly for a dark evening in June and July, with the furnace hackle. No. 21. — The Alder Fly. — The body is made of brown coloured peacock harl, a black- red cock hackle for legs, the wings are made of hen pheasant tail feathers, hook No 6. There is another way or two of making this fly which cannot be beaten, they are mostly used in Ireland, and are known to be killers in England and Scotland. The body is made of bronze brown mohair, a very small brown grouse hackle round the head, and the wings from a brown spotted hen's wing, No. 8 hook. The other is made with grey and red partridge tail mixed for wings, a copper brown peacock harl body, and a dark brown red hackle off a cock's neck for legs. The legs may be also made of the wren's tail or woodcock hackle, this feather is found on the roots of the out- side of the wings of the woodcock. These are good flies in lakes or rivers for large trout — ^rib with gold for lakes. No. 22.— The Sand Fly.— The body is made of the sandy coloured fur from the hare's pole, mixed with orange mohair, and a small ginger coloured cock's hackle for legs ; the wings are made of a sandy coloured brown hen's wing, No. 10 hook. An excellent little fly on fine days with a little wind and occasional showers. There is another little fly that will be found equally good, made thus: — the wings are made of red and grey partridge tail featliers, orange body, and black-red hackle rolled up from the tail to the head, it will kill well on dark days, ribbed with gold, No. 8 hook. No. 23. — The White Moth. — The body is made of white mohair, which is lively ribbed with orange floss, a white cock's hackle rolled round the shoulder ; tlie wings from a white 71 feather of the swan that grows over the back. It may be varied with cream colom^ed mohair, very light ginger hackle, and abuifwing from a hen of that colour ; and a browner one may be made from a matted brown hen's wing, or light brown grouse tail, or large hackle off the rump of the same bird, brown-red cock's hackle, the whole to be made full, of good coloured and stiff materials, that they may not absorb the water, and alight heavy when thrown on the surface. No. 24. The Oak Fly. — The body is made of orange silk, and a little hare's ear fur under the shoulder, rib it with a furnace hackle from the centre of the body up (if the hackles are tied on at the tail they are very apt to get cut with the teeth of the fish in a very short time). The wings may be made from the mottled brown hen, or the woodcock wings, of a red tinge. No. 8 hook. This fly cannot be too highly valued for its killing qualities. It will be found useful for large trout of a windy day with a grey cloud over head, and not likely to rain. " Mr. Bowlker," in his " Art of Angling," mentions the oak fly in this manner : *' The oak, ash, woodcock, cannon, or down-hill fly, l comes on about the sixteenth of May, and con 72 ^ tinues on till about a week in June ; it is to be found on the butts of trees, with its head always downwards, which gives it the name of the down-hill fly. It is bred in oak-apples, and is the best of all flies for bobbing at the bush in the natural way, and a good fly for the dab-line, when made artificially." The wings are made from a feather out of the wing of the partridge or woodcock, the body with a bittern's feather, and the head with a little of the brown part of hare's fur. The hook. No. 6. Some dub it with an orange, tawny, and black ground, and with blackish wool and gold twist; the wings off the brown part of a mallard's feather. FLIES FOE JULY. No. 25. The Great Whirling Dun. — The body is made of water-rat's fur, mixed with yellow mohair, and ribbed with yellow silk ; a reddish blue dun hackle for legs ; grey mallard wings, or starling — try both. No. 8 hook. There are two or three varieties of this fly, which make their appearance in this month, and are very killing on fine, mild days, with 73 ^^m^ ^ —-5^; % occasional showers ; their colours run from a dark to a light sky-blue. " Mr. Bowlker," in his " Art of Angling," an authority which I like, as he was himself a fisherman, speaks thus of one of these beautiful flies : "It comes on about the end of May, and continues till the middle of July. It is a neat, curious, and beautiful fly; its wings are transparent, stand upright on its back, and are of a fine blue colour, its body is of a pale yellow, its tail forked, and the colour of its wings. It is a fly that the fishes take extremely well from seven o'clock in the evening till sun-set. The wings are made from the light blue feather of a hen ; the body is made with pale yellow mohair, mixed with light bhie fur, and ribbed with a fine cock's hackle, dyed yellow, the hook, No. 8." This is taken from " Bowlker's" original work. No. 26. The Little Peacock Fly. — The body is made of bright brown peacock's harl, with a tip of gold at the tail, or gold colour floss silk ; a red hackle for legs, and a starling wing. This little fly comes on about the L middle of July, and continues till the end of i I August. It may be used to advantage on fine 74 days, with the hlue dun, and cinnamon brown. I have seen this latter fly on the river " Mole," in August, of a fine brown colour, and plump in the body, about the size of the Great Whirling Dun. The body was red brown, the legs an amber brown, the wings were a mottled light brown, and the tail of the same colour as the wings. I have seen the above fly some time after on the "Bann," in the north of Ireland, a river six times the size of the Mole, not half the size, in August. This circumstance of the difference in size, must be the nature of the soil through which the rivers flow ; the " Bann " is a gravelly bed, full of large stones, with a very full strong running stream ; the "Mole" not so. It is my opinion that in the summer months there is more sport to be had with flies as small as can be made, than with the general run, except late in the evening, then use a large fly — a brown, or white moth, where a large fish shows himself. No. 27. — The Blue Blow. — The body is made of mole's fur mixed with yellow mohair, run very taper from the tail up ; the wings are made of a tom-tit's tail feather, or water hen ; the tail is two hairs of a mouse's whisker, or ^^m^. iibres of dark dun hackle ; the body is picked out a little at the head to imitate legs ; the fly altogether to be made very small and delicate, hook No. 13. These little flies may be seen on good size rivers in hundreds, in the summer on sultry days ; v^here there is a stone project- ing out of the water they gather round it, and with the motion are carried up and down on the side of the stone, where large trout lie, like ant bears, sucking them in by the dozen ; the wing of the water-rail is capital to imitate that of the fly. There is another excellent killing fly that may be used with the above, made thus ; — body, gold colour mohair ; tip of gold; woodcook or wren hackle for legs ; grey part- ridge tail for wings ; and two fibres of the same for tail; No. 10 hook. They are good where the river is low, and are excellent till the end of August, used with the little brown fly, and ash fox. There are also three little flies which are very good in this month and the next, and although they are not very well known by name, nevertheless they will be found killing. First, the " Orange Wren," with orange mohair body, and wren tail hackle. Second, the " Golden D 2 4 Wren," with golden yellow mohair body, and wren tail hackle for legs. Third, the " Green Wren," with green floss body, and wren tail for legs. The Brown Wren, and the little Peacock Wren, are also good. No. 13 hook. The latter little fly is called the " Shiner." No. 28. The Yellow Dun.— The body is made of light buff-colom-ed fin*, white sable fur dyed yellow, and a honey dun cock's hackle for legs; two fibres of the same feather for tail; the wings are made of starling wing feather. No. 12 hook. This pretty little fly is a great favoiu-ite with the trout in the evenings of sultry days, till the end of August and September. FLIES FOR AUGUST. No. 29. The Red Dun. — The body is made of red orange hair, over which roll a small dun hackle; the wings are a dun grey, and are made of starling wing feather, mixed with a little mallard. No. 10 hook. It may be varied thus: Red legs and dun body; orange floss body, over which roll a black hackle, and W- 77 ^> starling wing. The size of hook to vary from No. 10 to No. 7. This is an excellent fly in rapid streams where there are large trout ; it is so attractive that they cannot refuse it when it moves over them. Trout that lie or haunt strong streams, are called, in Ireland, " Hunters." The cause is, no doubt, through their being thin and long in the body, and are possessed with enormous mouths to take in their prey. They take small trout freely. No. 80. The Ant Fly. — The body is made of brown floss silk, and a small fibred peacock harl at tail ; a brown red hackle for legs, and wings of starling feather. No. 10 hook. There is a black ant the same size as the above, and a red and black one much larger; the black one is made of black floss for the body, small black hackle for legs, and a black- bird's wing for the wings of the fly. The small ones kill on fine days, and the larger ones when there is a strong wind, which blows them on the water, and causes a ripple. No. 31. The Capeker. — The body is made of brown mohair, or floss silk of a copper colour, and tipped with gold at the tail; a 78 brown red cock's hackle at the shoulder for legs, and winged with the woodcock wing feather. No. 8 hook. This fly may be seen on fine sultry days whirling up and down over the water, and occasionally dipping on the sur- face; the trout take them very freely. This fly will be found on the water till the end of September, with the paler dun, yellow dun, blue dun, and willow fly. The greyling also like these little flies. The Winged Labva. — The body is made of brown mohair; the larva is attached to this body at the shoulder, and tailed with two fibres of golden pheasant neck feather, a woodcock hackle round the shoulder, and winged with hen pheasant tail, mixed with a little woodcock or partridge tail feather, and a bronze peacock head. No. 8 hook. It will be found a good fly on dark windy days in this month and the next, and during the prevalence of winds from the east ; it will do best where a strong rapid stream runs into a deep pool. A Substitute for the Winged Larva : — The body is made of bright golden yellow mohair, which looks very transparent; a woodcock wing, and a hackle off the same bird, with ^[LACSSSEO^'S AmV ®[F [F[L.Y°RS/?^IKQK© 79 two fibres of golden pheasant neck feather for tail. No. 8 hook. The Willow Flies. — The body of the first is made of blue squirrel's fur, mixed with a little yellow mohair ; a blue dun cock's hackle round the shoulder, and a tomtit wing. No. 8 hook. The second fly is made of orange silk body, ribbed with fine black silk ; a very dark furnace hackle round the head, and blackbird's wing. No. 10 hook. The third fly is made of the wings or blue feather of the sea-swallow, for the wing of the fly, and the lightest blue for that can be got for body (the fine blue of the fox's neck, next to the skin ; the fur of a very young water-rat, or the lightest blue fur of the squirrel); a light dun cock's hackle, and a tail of the same. No. 10 hook. These little flies will kill till the end of October, and are excellent fur greyling. There are hundreds of other flies that make their appearance on the water through the summer months, which come under the angler's notice when in pur- suit of his pastime, that may be imitated to advantaore, the varieties of which must fill the mind with admiration. 80 FISHING EODS AND FLY FISHING. For a trout rod, to have a good balance from the butt to the extreme top, it is es- sentially necessary that the wood should be well-seasoned, straight in the grain, and free from knots and imperfections. It should con- sist of three or four joints, according to fancy. There is not the least occasion for a rod to be glued up in pieces first, and then cut into lengths and fitted with ferrules, for then you have the unnecessary trouble of lapping the splices, but it is best to clean each piece sepa- rately, and measure the exact taper each piece should be to one another with the ferrules to fit in the same proportion, the least thing wider at the lower end than at the top ; the ends to be bored for the tongues to fit into tightly to prevent shaking, that when they are double brazed they may fit air-tight. The ends must be bored previous to planing down the substance of the pieces, and tied round with waxed thread to prevent them from opening or cracking, so that tliese pieces may be pushed into each end of the •^m^ 81 boring whilst the rod is planed up to its proper substance or size, except the tops, which should be well glued-up pieces of bamboo cane, and filed down to their proper sizes to suit the other parts of the rod ; this may be also done by fastening the tongue of the top in the bored joint next in size. The butt should be made of ash, the middle piece of hickory, and the top of bamboo, which is the lightest and toughest of all woods that can be brought to so fine a consistency. The length of the rod for single -hand fly fishing should be from twelve to thirteen feet long — a length which may be used with great facility without tiring the arm. The butt should be easy in the grasp and not a great deal of timber in it ; the next piece to be nearly as stout as the butt above the ferrule for a foot and a half, this prevents its being weak at that particular part, which otherwise would cause the rod to be limber in the middle ; the next or fourth piece to be stiffer and lighter in the wood to keep up the top ; the whole rod to stand nearly straight up when held in the hand, and to have a smart spring above, which assists materially in getting out the line when throwing. The splices of S'2 \ the tops should be tightly bound over with the m finest silk, well waxed, and over all three or four coats of good varnish that is not liable to crack. You cannot bind the splices tight enough with coarse three-cord silk, the top being so small it cannot be drawn together near so well as with fine silk, and when the varnish rubs off it opens and admits the water, which loosens the glued splice inside. The fine waxed silk is to be preferred by all means, as it lies closer on the wood, becomes harder, and makes the splice stiffer to work with the other parts. When the whole is ringed, ferruled, and fitted for the reel complete, it should not (a twelve foot) exceed one pound; it will afford great comfort to the fly fisher in his innocent pursuit, and will not fatigue him during a long summer day. The reel should be light, in proportion to the rod, and to contain thirty yards of silk and hair line made fine and taper, and when the rod is grasped in the hand a little way above the reel, the balance should be the same above the hand as below it, so tliat it may be used with the greatest ease. The beautiful rent and glued -up bamboo- 83 cane fly rods, which I turn out to the greatest perfection, are very valuable, as they are both light and powerful, and throw the line with great facility. The cane for these rods must be of the very best description, or they will not last any time. They will last for years if properly made, and of course the fisher must take care of them ; they are best when made into pocket rods, in eight joints, with all the knots cut out, and the good pieces between each knot rent and glued up ; these may be had in my shop of as good a balance as a three- joint rod, most superbly made of the lightest brazings. They make capital perch and roach rods with a bait top added to the extra fly top, with bored butt to hold all. These rods can be made to suit a lady's hand for either boat or fly fishing. The salmon rod should be made in four pieces or joints. The butt of the best long grained solid ash, the wood of which is not so heavy as hickory, and is not liable to break at the ferrule, that is, if the ferrule is put on *' flush," without letting it into the wood by scoring it; the piece above the butt, and the joint next the top, should be of the very best 84 well-seasoned hickory, Avithout crack or flaw; the tops to be made of the best yellow bamboo cane, either rent and glued up in three pieces, or spliced in short lengths with the knots cut away; the first joint to be nearly as stout as the substance of the wood above the ferrule as the end of the butt for a foot and a half, to prevent the rod being limber in the middle; the next joint that holds the top should be very smart, and come up at a touch when bent with the hand, and the extreme Hghtness of the cane top prevents all appearance of its being top-heavy, which cannot be prevented with lance-wood, imless it is made very fine indeed, and then it becomes useless. The length of the rod should not exceed seventeen or, eighteen feet long, and for light rivers, six- teen feet is quite long enough ; if the angler fly fishes for salmon from a boat, fourteen feet will be suflicient, made, of course, very powerful throughout, as in some large rivers a salmon will take the fly close to tlie boat in strong and deep streams. The rings should be pretty large, to admit of the line running freely, and the joints double brazed, which prevents the bare wood of the tongues twisting off when 85 ^<#^- : ^ fthe rod is taken to pieces after a day's fishing, particularly when they get wet. The reel fittings should be about a foot and a half, or say twenty inches from the extreme end, that there may be room for the left hand to grasp it easily below the reel, which prevents the rod hanging heavy on the arms, and will balance it much better than having the reel too near the end of the butt. When the salmon rod is bent after playing a fish, it can be easily straightened by turning it when the next fish is hooked, and allow the line to run through the rings on the top of the rod ; by holding it in that position, you can see how you are winding up the line on the reel, and regulate it according as the fish runs towards you, for if the reel is held underneath when the fish is on, if he runs towards you, it cannot be seen whether the line runs on in a lump or not, which, if it does, often causes it to stop, and may occasion the loss of your fish. The most essential and nicest point of all is in casting the line and trout flies neatly on the water, which, when properly accomplished in a masterly way, will be the greatest means to- wards the success of the fly fisher in hooking D 3 86 and catching his fish. In the first place, the fisher should keep as far off the water as possible when throwing next his own side, and make it a rule, whenever he can, to angle on the bank fi:'om which the wind blows, as it will enable him to throw the flies across to the opposite bank, and play them gently down the stream in a slanting direction towards him, moving backwards as they approach his side, drawing them up along the bank if the stream is any ways deep, as a trout of good size is often lying in such a place when undistm'bed, as you fish cautiously down. The line should not be let off the reel too fast when you begin to throw, that the stream may be carefully covered near you, and as you move along let it off so as to cover the whole of the water. Hold the rod firmly above the reel in the right hand, and take hold of the end of the casting line in the left, give it a motion towards your left shoulder, and over the head with a circle to the full length of the flies behind you, and with a spring of the rod and motion of the arm bring them right before you on to the stream, as straightly and lightly as possible, and by this method you will prevent 87 them whipping off behind in a very short time ; allow the line always to stretch to its full length behind, and keep them on the move, with the backward sweep of the rod round the head propel them forward to the place you desire they should fall, and I do not doubt that you will make neither splash nor ripple on the surface. And when a fish makes a rise, move the rod upwards with a gentle pull, which is better than striking hard, as the small hook is easily driven, and there is no occasion to break the hold or line. Never hold too hard on a large fish, but let him run if he will, a small one may be landed immediately. By no means attempt to go **an angling" without a landing net, as there may be danger in losing your fish, after having the trouble or sport of playing him a long time, and the bank high on your side. I have been always in the habit of fishing down the stream, throwing my flies slantingly to the opposite bank, and letting them fall gradually with the current, and walking slowly along lifting and throwing them at my leisure — it is all fancy whether up or down you go, so as it is well done — what you have habituated yourself to in fly fishing 88 in general, that do. Keep your shadow as much as possible off the water, and when you land your fish let his head drop into the net first, and his whole weight will follow, lift him clean up on the bank with a pull of the net towards you, as this prevents him dropping out. FLY-FISHING FOE SALMON. When you begin fly-fishing for Salmon, you must be careful not to let out too much of the reel line first, but when you become accustomed to it, and are master of throwing a short one, let it out gradually till you are enabled to cover the pool over which you cast with ease. If you practice throwing over a smooth wide part of the river, you will see how your line falls on the water, whether thrown in a lump, or light and straight without a splash ; but at one time you may cast the line right out over the stream at its full length, and on giving another cast you may allow the line to fall on the water in the middle of it first, and the fly to fall last, which is not so good, but in either way the fish will rise and take it ; by the last cast you may get the line farther ofi*, and 89 the fly alighting near the opposite bank, it is very apt to be taken by a fish lying close under it ; and when throwing, keep the point of the rod up out of the water, and do not let it strike it ; throw across in a rather slanting direction, allowing the fly to sweep down without a curve in the middle of the line, and at the same time move the rod playfully to give the fly a life- like appearance; drawing it in towards your side of the bank, moving it up and down gradually with the current, and when a fish takes the fly raise your hand, and fasten the hook without a jerk, holding up your rod at the same time with what is termed a "sweet fast," that it may not get slack at any time till you have killed him ; when you poise the rod in your hands for a throw, the whole knack is in keeping the left hand steady, and with a turn of the right hand cause the line to make a circle round the left shoulder and over the head, propel it forward with the spring of the rod, keeping the fly going all the time till it falls on the water before you as straight as possible ; when you lift the fly out of the water to throw again, you require to make use of the strength of the right arm, giving it the proper 90 turn round with the wrist, making a sweep of the extent of the line behind you, and with the spring and power of the rod direct the fly on that part of the stream where you desire it should fall ; letting the line out occasionally off the reel with your hand, which gives the fly a very natural motion on the water, moving it gradually down towards your side, when you lift the line out and make another throw as before a little lower down, and so on until you cover the whole stream. You may change to the left hand when you are tired with the right, or according to the side you are fishing from, to facilitate and ease yoiu* exertion as much as possible when throw- ing a long line. When I have happened to be in a barn at a farm house on the river side, I have often thought when taking up the flail to thrash awhile, whilst the man was resting himself, that the exertion was remarkably like throwing the fly with the Salmon rod, the whole method appears to be in the turn of the wrist and arm, for when the flail is raised up and wound over the left shoulder, with a certain impulse known to one s self you propel it forward over the head, striking the sheaf on 91 the ground with full force on any part you like, where you think there are any ears in it. Many may not be acquainted with flail thrashing, but were they to understand the knack, it is easily done; so, also, is the using of the salmon rod, with a little practice, and observing a good thrower if you happen to meet one on the river, or an old fisherman you employ. Keep yourself steady on your feet, and your body well up when casting, as it gives more power to the muscles, and when a salmon is fairly hooked it will prevent your being nervous or striking too quick, but as I said before, rise your hand and keep the line taut ; as the fish will often rise several times out of the water in succession when first pricked with the hook, on finding himself detained ; when he runs keep the rod nearly perpendicular, as the spring of it will soon tire him out ; if he is a good way off and makes a rush towards you, wind up your line quickly, keeping it taut at the same time, and moving backwards till he is near your own shore : if he rolls over in the water apply the gaff and lift him out, but if ha is not regularly beat he will rush off again on 92 seeing the gaff with great strength, give in he must at last by the gentle strain of the rod that is always upon him. He often gets sulky, and lies down on the bottom of the river, when it will be found difficult to start him again : a clearing ring let down the line on his nose will cause him to run, and when he does so, it is best to bear stronger upon him, as in so doing you have the best chance of quickly tiring and capturing him. I think it the best plan to lay the gaff under him, and gaff him in the gills, which prevents tearing or making a hole in the fish. The Salmon reel should be made of the lightest and hardest material, not too much contracted, but a good width, that the line may be wound up evenly without incum- brance; a plain upright handle is much the safest when playing a fish, as the portable ones are apt to crack or snap off if they meet the least obstruction in the running out of the line ; and the portable handle stands too far out, which catches the line almost every time it is drawn off or a cast given. Small reels may be made with portable handles, without any fear of their breaking, as tlie fish are small and can be managed easily. 93 The salmon line should be of silk and hair eight-plait or four-plait, eighty or a hundred yards long, and for small rivers, sixty yards for a sixteen feet rod. The casting line for clear waters should be half treble and half single gut, to suit grilse or small salmon flies in summer ; and in the spring of the year when large flies are in use, good strong-twisted gut, three yards long, is what is necessary for a heavy reel line, particularly in large rivers, as the Shannon and the Bann in Ireland, and the Tweed in Scotland. There are not three better Salmon Eivers in the world than the above, were the salmon allowed access into them during the summer months for the amusement of those great angling gentlemen who would visit them during that period, or even if there were but a few let up past the " cruives " or " cuts," that there might be a sprinkling for them to throw flies over. It would not matter to them what nets the fishermen along the shores of the estuaries used, as they only aflect the " Cruives," or "Fixed Traps " built across the rivers, as of course less fish run into them, and there would be abundance of salmon and grilse go up the 94 ; 97 as edibles, but it has been recently discovered that they prey upon herrings, sprats, fry, and other dainties in their native element ; and as these fish are very nutritious and fat in them- selves, no doubt the nomrishing channel in them receives the substance of the food very quickly, as it appears to be digested so rapidly in their stomachs. He leaves the sea for the fresh water rivers about January and February, and continues to run up till September and October, their spawning time, and some spawn after this time ; they are often big with roe in December and January, in the end of August or the beginning of September ; when they are in roe regularly, they cannot be in proper season ; they get soft, their beautiful color and spots vanish, and they do not appear like the same fish. They travel up rivers as far as they can possibly get, into lakes and their feeders, and tributaries of large rivers, where they take delight in the broad gravelly fords, and strong deep running currents, which they like to be as clear as crystal, to effect which they will leap over weirs, waterfalls, "cuts," "cruives," and "traps," when there is a flood rushing over them, to the great delight of the 98 fly fisher, who loves to see them run and escape these obstructions. The male fish is supplied by nature with a hard gristly beak on the end of the under jaw, which fits into a socket in the upper jaw to a nicety; with this the Salmon go to work with their heads up stream, rising their tails sometimes nearly perpendicular, and root up the sand and gravel in heaps, leaving a hollow between, wherein the female deposits the eggs ; the male fish still performing his part, chasing away the large trout that are ready to root it up (the spawn), he covers it over substantially against the forthcoming winter's floods and storms. By this time he becomes wearied, spent, and sickly, and then turns himself roimd and makes head for the sea, where, if once happily arrived, he soon makes up for the debility in his blue, his fresh, and ever free element. The refreshing and purging nature of the salt water soon makes him once more strong and healthy, he may be seen leaping and playing in the sea near the river's mouth on his recovery. I have been told by fisher- men that they proceed in shoals to the ice fields in the North Seas, and return to the 99 rivers and estuaries in the spring and summer as they departed, in large shoals ; they discover themselves in the bays by jumping out of the water as they near the river. The Salmon haunts the deepest, strongest, and most rapid rivers, and is rarely to be seen in those wherein there is much traffic, or that are sullen or muddy. They prefer the upper parts of rough streams that run into large pools, and the tails of these pools, behind large stones, in the middle and at sides of waterfalls in the eddies, these are the parts to throw for them, but the fisherman on the water will show the angler all the best places. The best months to angle for them are from March till the middle of August, after September they are out of season. They will take the fly best from six or seven o'clock in the morning till nine, and from three in the afternoon till dark, with a good wind blowing up stream. I have hooked them on the very top of a precipice, after surmounting the leap, where they lie to rest in the first deep pool they come to ; they generally run down over the rocks or falls of water to the pool beneath, when they often get killed by the rapid descent. 100 THE SALMON FEY. These beautiful little fish, the production of the spawn of the salmon, make theu' appear- ance in March and April, and if a flood happens to rise or swell the rivers about the end of the latter montli, they are taken down in great numbers, till at last they enter the brackish water, where they grow in a short time as large as white trout. The salt water adds much to their growth. In the following spring and summer they run up the rivers in great quanti- ties if they are allowed, and return to the sea again before winter. On their second return up the rivers they will be grown very large, and are then called *' Grilse," or " Peals," &c. There is a Salmon Trout of the same species, which is rounder in proportion to the Salmon, of a reddish hue when in season ; it has small fine scales, beautifully intermixed with rich red and black spots on both sides of the lateral lines, from head to tail, and its handsome head is spotted over, as also the covers of the gills ; the tail is shorter, and not so much forked as the salmon, and the fins are very strong. The 101 flesh is most delicious, and some prefer it to salmon. They may be seen in the Fish- mongers' shops from May till the end of August. Another species is the Sewen of Wales, the Wliite Trout of Ireland and England, and the Whiting of Scotland ; they are very bright in colour, and run about the size of Mackerel; they haunt the roughest, strong streams, and gravelly bottoms. When they are hooked on the fly they will spring repeatedly out of the water, and afl'ord pleasant sport for the angler. They take small gaudy flies like the Salmon Trout, and when the water is low, dun flies, black hackle flies with silver ribs, and grouse hackles of a light brown colour and yellow bodies. The hooks about Nos. 6 and 8. Another species is the Bull-Trout, which has a short thick head, and a brownish body, covered with spots of a brown colour, and are found in all rivers having communication with the sea, and their tributaries, if there are no obstructions to prevent their running up. They are found running up the rivers in June and July, and in these months and August, are in good season. They are rather a dry fish. 102 The Par or Last- Spring are most plentiful in salmon rivers from May till the end of August, and are very much like the salmon fry, only for the dark bars across them, and towards the end of the season they are variously marked. There is no little fish so plump and lively when taken with the fly, except tlie Salmon Fry. As the Sea-Trout are known to grow to the weight of sixteen and twenty pounds in large rivers, such as the Tweed, the Shannon, and the Bann, the Par may be the fry of these fish, which run up the rivers in the spring and summer. These Sea-Trout differ much in shape and colour to the real Salmon, and are what are termed Salmon in the London markets. — This I heard from a fisherman at the mouth of the Tweed, who pointed out a large creel full to me, just taken in the nets, and amongst the whole there was but one Salmon. The Sea-Trout may be known by being paler, and covered witli more spots, and by being longer and thinner in the body ; the head is also much longer. There is a rich golden hue over the Salmon when you get a side look of it; the body is plump and boar-backed, the head is very small, 103 and there are few spots, except above the lateral lines. I have seen the Par so numerous in the Eiver Dovey, in Wales, that a man (a guide), took my salmon rod, and a cast of four small flies, the sun shining, and in two hours he killed nine pounds weight of these fish, about a finger in length or less. It perfectly sur- prised me; but it seems that this was but a small quantity in comparison to what the fishers were in the habit of taking out in a day. It appeared so, as the inn-keeper's wife potted them in large jars. These rivers abound with Sewen, Sea-Trout, and White Trout ; the first- named fish is the White Trout of Wales, which corresponds with the Irish fish of that name, and called in Wales, Sewen. The Par may be the fry of these fish, which are of the Salmon species, and ought to be protected by law. 104 A DESCKIPTION OF THE FIFTEEN SALMON FLIES ENGRAVED IN THE PLATES. These fifteen Salmon Flies may be con- sidered by my readers as specimens of real perfection, and the " dons" of the present time amongst the great Salmon fishers. There is such a combination of colours in them through- out, that they will be found most killing in the rivers of Scotland and Ireland, if made on hooks of sizes to suit each, and their proper seasons. I have taken the greatest pains imaginable to make them in proportion, and of the most choice materials, which will greatly amuse the amateur in his leisure hours to imitate them, and if he goes by the models, and their descrip- tions, he will find them, when completed, what may be termed by a Salmon fisher, magnificent. Their life-like and alluring appearance, when humoured attractively with the rod and line, will cause them to be very deceptive to the Salmon, and they will rise out of the water at them with liiLAeOmi^'S A[^T (^F Fn^Y-C^AKOIr^© 105 such greediness (the fun of it is) as to mistake them for living insects. I have seen them swim after the fly for some distance, as quietly as possible, before making a rush at it, then seize it, show their back fin, and then the points of their tail — the break of the water they have made closes — you " rise your hand," and the hook is " anchored." No. 1. I shall name this The Spieit Fly, in consequence of its numerously-jointed body, its fanciful, florid, and delicate appearance. Its colours will be found most enticing to the fish, and is a sister fly to Ondine, in the " Book of the Salmon," by " Ephemera." The wings are made of six toppings, with a broad strip of wood duck on each side, a red Hymalaya crest feather at top, a cock of the rock feather, blue kingfisher feather at each side, a black head, and feelers of macaw. The body is made of joints of black, orange floss, and a tip of gold tinsel at the tail, tail two small toppings, a tag of puce silk and ostrich, (it must be tied with very fine silk that the body may not be lumpy, but to show gradually taper from the tail to the head, and the hackle to be stripped at one side to roll even), and at -^#^- 100 each joint a scarlet hackle, with a tip of gold tinsel under each joint, to make it lively looking. There is a purple hackle, or very dark blue, struck round the shoulder. The size of the hook is No. 6 or 7. Salmon, B or B B. No. 2. The wings are composed of golden pheasant tail feather, mixed with the following : strips of bustard, scarlet macaw, wood-duck, mallard, yellow macaw body feather, silver pheasant, and a topping over all, extending a little longer than the other feathers ; blue and yellow macaw feelers. The wing, as above, should be laid out on a piece of paper, ready to tie on after the body and legs are formed, the jay rolled over the head in this fly, and the head tied on last, of black ostrich. The tail is a topping, mixed with a strip of wood-duck feather, tipped with silver twist, a tag of gold- colour floss, and black ostrich ; the body puce floss to the centre, and the remainder orange pig hair or mohair, ribbed with broad silver tinsel, and a guinea-hen rump feather rolled over the orange beneath the jay hackle. This is about as tine a specimen of a Salmon fly as ever was thrown into the water, and will kill Salmon and Grilse, made small, in every 107 Salmon river in Great Britain. The hook No. 6 or 9, Limerick. The best Irish hooks are numbered from No. 1, largest Salmon size, to No. 10, Sea- Trout size. No. 3. This is another of the Spirit Flies that kill so well in the rivers of Ireland and Scotland, at high water, particularly the Spey and Tweed. The wings are made of the fol- lowing mixtures of feathers, each side of the wings to be alike : Brown mallard, • bustard and wood-duck ; a topping, scarlet macaw, teal, golden pheasant neck feather, a strip of yellow macaw, and feelers of blue and yellow tail ; a head of black ostrich ; the tail to be a topping, mixed with green and red parrot tail ; the body is composed of joints, first a tip of silver, a tag of morone floss, a tag of black, a joint of brown, green and brown-red hackle, puce and red, green and yellow, blue and orange, with a tip of gold tinsel at each joint, a very small red hackle, and two red toucan feathers round the shoulder, and blue kingfisher's feather on each side of the wings. The hook No. 6, and No. 10 for Grilse. No. 4. A celebrated Claret Fly, of very kill- 108 ing qualities both in Scotland and Ireland, and in the Thames as a trout fly. The wings are composed of two wood-duck feathers wanting the white tips, and two strips of the same kind of feather with white tips ; the head is made of peacock harl ; the tail is two or three strips of hen pheasant tail, with a short tuft of red orange macaw body feather or parrot, tipped with silver, and gold ribbing over the body, which is formed of claret i^ig hair, over which roll two- richly dyed claret hackles^ struck in fine proportion from the tail up. The hook No. 6 or 10. It is a capital fly in lakes for large trout, as a breeze or gentle gale only causes a ripple, and a strong wind does not do so well in lakes with the fly, as it makes waves, although good for a large size minnow. No. 5. A brown fly, a general favorite among the " old ones," on every salmon river in Ire- land and Scotland, particularly the latter, and in rivers a good way up from the sea, on a dark day, with a good breeze blowing up the stream. The following fly, No. 6, may be used in a similar manner. The wings are made of the golden pheasant tail that has tlie long clouded bar in the feather, rather full, and two rather m^A(^\mm'i> A^T @^ 7V^-j^A^m. -^^p* lOQ i-^l^ J^. V broad strips of light brown white-tipped turkey tail feather at each side ; a good size peacock harl head, and feelers of scarlet macaw feather ; tipped at the tail with gold tinsel — the tail a small bright topping, and a tag of gold-colour floss silk ; the body is made of cinnamon, or yellow-brown pig hair or mohair, ribbed wdth double silver twist; over the body roll a real brown red cock's hackle, and round the throttle roll on a bright red-brown small-spotted grouse hackle, or a brown mottled feather of the hen Argus pheasant's neck or back. B B hook, or a No. 8. No. 6. A Silver Grey Fly, a great favorite on the lakes of Killarney for Salmon and Grilse, and at Waterville, in the County of Kerry, for Sea and White Trout,' made small on a No. 10 hook, about the size of a No. 6 Trout hook of English make. The wings are made of golden pheasant tail feather, mixed with mallard, red macaw, blue and yellow body feathers of the macaw, guinea hen, and golden pheasant neck feathers, with feelers of blue and yellow macaw, a black head ; tipped at the tail with silver and orange floss tag, the tail a topping mixed with red and blue macaw fea- 110 ther, (those blues that are found under the wings of that bird which are of a very light hue) and guinea hen : the body is made of the silver dun monkey if it can be got, light dun fox or squirrel fur, or dyed blue dun mohair mixed with yellow, — all these are good for a body, ribbed with broad silver tinsel, and a hackle of a real dun cock that has a yellowish motley shade throughout it, rolled up to the head, and round the shoulder a bright orange dyed hackle, underneath which tie in a little orange mohair. It may be varied with a claret hackle at the head, or a fiery brown one. No. 9 hook. A small grilse or sea- trout hook, for small rivers in either Scotland or Ireland, and also in the rivers of Wales, where it is a native dun colour among the anglers. It will be found a " don " to rise them. No. 7. A large dun palmer with a double hook, which, will be observed, is of a tortuous shape in the body, as it appears in the plate. The shape may be obtained by tying the hooks back to back, the top one to be tied about quarter way down the shank of the end one, and the gut tied tightly on each, (twisted gut of course when you form a loop). ^ IB!LA(S1XI1I^'S ^.m.'^r @W i7n=V-8aAC^i]r^5(5o Ill It will be found a " killer " in large pools surrounded with trees in stormy weather, and in rapid streams running into or near the sea, where they take it most likely for a shrimp, as it corresponds in color. The legs are composed of about six hackles of a real blue dun old cock-saddle feather, having a motley yellowish hue, and peacock harl head, rather full ; the body is made of orange pig hair and yellow mohair mixed, the former drawn out amongst the fibres of the hackles, which must be struck on two at a time, commencing at the tail, till it is all built up to the head, where there may be three hackles to make it fuller, — it would be as well to have a small swivel at the head, that it might spin gently round when moved in the water. No. 9 hook, or small grilse size for large trout. It may be varied with gold, old dun cock's hackles, and red body. No. 8 is a beautiful specimen of a gaudy fly. The wings, which are finely mixed of rich feathers, are made of the following sorts : — orange, yellow, and blue macaw body feathers, three strips of each ; teal, bustard, and golden pheasant neck feathers broken in strips ; silver pheasant tail, light brown golden pheasant tail E 3 lU feather, and a topping over all a little longer ; a peacock harl head, and blue and yellow feelers. The body is formed in three joints, a tip of gold twist at the tail, a tag of peacock harl, and a bright small topping for tail ; first, a joint of yellow floss, a joint of peacock, and two feathers of the red-tipped feather of the crest of the cock of the rock tied short above the harl and ribbed with gold ; the next is a blue floss silk joint ribbed with gold, a peacock harl rolled on close, and two feathers of the crest of the cock of the rock tied close above it ; and the third is an orange floss silk joint, a peacock harl tag, and ribbed with gold, two of the red-tipped feathers tied on close as above, and a blue jay round the shoulder. No. 8 hook on B. This is a famous grilse fly. No. 9 is another great beauty, and a capital grilse or small salmon fly for any river under the sun. The wings are made of two jungle- cock feathers, and two shorter feathers of the golden pheasant neck, the w^hite ends of the jungle-cock to show well beyond the golden pheasant neck, two broad strips of wood-duck, one at each side, and a topping or two extending longer than the other feathers for feelers, a •<#«-• 113 I black ostrich head ; a tip of gold at the tail, a tag of yellow-green silk, a tag of black ostrich, and a bright topping for tail, above the ostrich a blue tag, and the body made of claret floss silk, ribbed with gold tinsel, and claret dyed hackle struck over the body, with a blue jay feather at the shoulder. The hook B or BB. No. 10. This is a famous high water fly for all salmon rivers, particularly in Scotland, and is not unlike the once celebrated "Parson Fly," the favourite killer in all rivers of the Keverend St. John's ; there is no salmon can resist its attractions in rapid pools in rivers near the sea. The preceding fly. No. 9, will be found to kill better a few miles higher up from the sea, as all plain flies do. If the No. 9 is winged with brown mallard or brown turkey tail feather, it will be found just the thing. The wings are made of two golden pheasant neck feathers, with a broad strip of peacock wing feather on each side, and a strip of scarlet macaw tail feather, the latter to be a little longer than the other feathers, a black ostrich head with a full brilliant blue jay feather round the shoulder. The body is made thus : — a tip of silver twist, a yellow floss silk tag, two small 114 toppings for tail, the body is of golden yellow pig hair or mohair, ribbed with silver twist, with two golden yellow dyed hackles with a black streak up the centre, rolled from the tail to the head. No. 9 hook, B, or BB. No. 1 1 is a fly that will kill grilse or salmon in the light running rivers of the North of Scotland, and in all rivers where the salmon and its varieties haunt, and is made of different sizes. The wings are made of a few fibres of each of the following feathers : black and white small spotted bustard rump feather, teal, wood-duck, silver hen pheasant tail, and the silver cock pheasant tail black and white spotted feathers, the neck feather of the golden pheasant, and the red spear feather of the same bird, and at each side two small feathers of the black and white jungle cock, a black head, and topping. The body is made half yellow and half purple pig hair or mohair, the latter colour next the head, over which roll close up two black heron feathers off the crest ; a tip of gold, and a small topping for tail, and over the yellow or purple body roll double gold twist. No. 7 hook, or B B. The Sea-Trout Fly underneath No. 11 in the 115 same plate, will be found a killer either for sea-trout or grilse, in the rivers in Scotland, and the South of Ireland. The wings are made of a dark brown grouse hackle that grows on the rump of the bird, just above the tail, mixed with a small quantity of light brown turkey tail, or kite tail, which is the salmon tail glede of the north, and two feelers of blue and yellow macaw ; a black head ; the body is made with a tip of silver twist at the tail, and a tag of black ostrich ; the tail is a mixture of golden pheasant neck feather, and brown mallard, two or three fibres of each ; the body is blue floss silk, rather light, with an old black cock's hackle rolled over it, ribbed with fine silver twist ; round the shoulder roll a claret or scarlet hackle. The hook No. 10, or C, double CC, or B, for grilse. There may be three or four varieties of this fly made thus : — body blue, with blue jay, same wings, with a little neck feather of the golden pheasant; orange body, same coloured hackle, and same wings, blue jay at head ; a dun body, with fiery brown hackle at the head ; a claret body — a yellow body, and small grouse ; blue body, and guinea hen ; and a yellow body, with guinea hen ; a 1J6 black body, black hackle, and the same wings and tail ; a black flj, with teal wings ; a brown body, brown hackle, and " glede " wings, two fibres of the same for tail. All these are the choicest colours for sea-trout and grilse flies in every salmon river in the kingdom. No. 12. Is a large Spring Fly used gene- rally in the Shannon, and the Tweed, when the rivers are very high and rapid. It will be found a magnificent specimen of a gaudy salmon fly, and is the proper size for March and April, when the fulness of the stream prevents the fish from seeing smaller ones. This fly will be seen to perfection in the Plate. With this, I will describe three or four others of the same size, of different colours, which came into my possession fi:om Castle Connell, on the Banks of the Shannon. The wings of No. 1*2 are made of the small spotted brown Argus tail feather, golden phea- sant tail, and the black and white peacock wing feather; scarlet and blue macaw, and in the centre an orange macaw feather whole, those that are tipped with blue and green — they are found on the shoulders of the red macaw and down the back ; a tuft of broken neck feather r ^^^ , ^5^^ 117 of the golden pheasant at the head, and feelers of blue and yellow macaw ; a black head ; a tip of gold at the tail, a tag of blue, another of orange floss and black ostrich, a good sized topping in the tail, and at its root a tuft of red spear feather of the golden pheasant rump ; there is about half an inch body at the tail end, made of yellow mohair, and yellow hackle over it, ribbed with gold, the remainder of the body is made of puce floss silk, with a dark wine-purple hackle struck over it, ribbed with silver twist and flat gold, and a yellow body feather of the macaw rolled round the shoulder. The hook, No. 2 or 3, large Salmon size. SPKING FLIES. The following fine large flies will be excellent killers in the Shannon, the Tweed, the Thurso, the Spey, and the Tay, in the spring season. The bodies to be made small, the wings large. No. 1. The body is made of sky blue floss silk, ribbed with broad silver tinsel, tip of silver, and orange tag; a dark blue hackle from the tail up ; two toppings in the tail, a lis large yellow pig hair or mohair head (white seal fur dyed yellow does well), a blue jay round the shoulder; the wings are a large yellow and a large blue feather of the macaw, which grows on the back and under the wings of that bird, two orange macaw feathers an inch shorter on each side of them, two toppings, a mixture of argus, bustard, scarlet and blue macaw, good size strips of each. No. 1 hook, full salmon size. No. 2. The body is made of black floss silk, tipped with silver, tag of orange, ribbed with broad silver plate up the body, beside which a claret hackle, and the tail two toppings ; the wings are made of a large red rump spear feather of the golden pheasant in the centre, four large toppings with a mixture of sprigging at each side of the following : Argus pheasant tail, bustard, blue and yellow macaw, blue jay at the shoulder, and a large size head of puce pig hair. Hook No. 1 or 2, Spring Salmon size. No. 3. The body is made of black floss silk, ribbed with silver, orange tag, tip of silver, tail a topping with a little red ; the wings are made of the whole yellow feathers of the macaw 119 '■^^ ■ -^^# which grow under the wings of the bird, two m tipped feathers mixed with bustard, Argus, blue and scarlet macaw, and a blue head of pig hair or mohair. No. 1 or 2 hook. No. 4. The body is made of light puce floss silk, ribbed with silver plate and gold twist, a claret hackle over it, tipped with silver, a topping for tail, and orange tag; the wings are made of yellow macaw, a red spear feather, four toppings, a mixture of bustard golden pheasant tail, kingfisher's each side, and a large blue head of mohair. (It cannot be too large for the Shannon). No. 1 hook, large Salmon size. No. 5. The body is made of puce floss, ribbed with broad silver and gold twist, purple hackle over it, orange tag, tip of silver, and tail a topping; the wings are made of two body feathers of the yellow macaw, mixed with blue macaw tail and Argus, two large toppings, and a dark blue pig hair head. Salmon hook No. 2, spring size. No. 6. This is another excellent fly. The wings are like the last named fly ; a black floss body, ribbed with silver, and yellow hackle over it ; a large blue head, picked out to hang down ^/ 120 like a hackle. No. 3 hook. This is a fly of '• The Ogormans," of Ennis, in the County of Clare, see his Work on Angling. The two Salmon Flies in the plate, with " picker," are described for Killamey. SALMON EIVEES. It will be most advantageous to my readers that I should give them some accurate accounts of the various Salmon Kivers, pointing out at the same time the best station on each where sport may be expected with the fly, and to know where to proceed before starting on their angling excursion, as the whole fun is in know- ing the right places to prevent disappointment. There are numerous small size rivers, the local flies for which are of a plain and sombre hue, and which it will be necessary the fisher should be acquainted with — these I will give as I proceed. In summer, when the rivers are low, small plain flies are best, or rather so on dark days, with a good ripple, then they will entice them. They do not rise often when the sun is warm. 1-2 J ^<^3g^^ — - ^'^m^: m except in rapid streams. Use small black bodied flies with silver and middling gaudy wings, mixed with teal or cock of the north feather* — change it to a gaudy one if they do not take the black. Early in the mornings before the sun strikes the water, and from three o'clock till dark, or about sunset is a good time to move a large fish with a fly he likes. The two flies at the bottom of the plate with "picker," are most likely ones for that time in the day. The plain one is brown body, and wings of mallard. The bottom one is green body, and mixed wings of gaudy feathers ; the body is a jointed one, of peacock green. I made it nearly twenty years ago, — it is a beautiful specimen of a gaudy fly for rapids after a flood. THE KIVEK TWEED. I will begin with this large and beautiful salmon river, which runs rapidly along the borders of Fngland and Scotland, taking a course from West to East. It flows majesti- cally through a highly picturesque and cul- tivated country, washing many good towns on E -2 sS U2 its way to the sea, where it discharges its valuable waters at Berwick. The town of Kelso is the best station, as there is good fishing above and below it. There is a magnificent spot for a month or more of salmon fishing at a place called " The Throughs," three miles above the town, — it is a real picture of a place to the eyes of the fisher. Higher up is St. Boswell's, and a little higher, Melrose — both charming places. There is good angling in the Tiviot, at Kelso, in the spring ; it runs into the Tweed on the oppo- site side. The trout are numerous in it. There are several capital stations below the town, where the fish take the fly most freely, which is not the case in most of the rivers of the same magnitude. The fifteen painted salmon flies will be found excellent killers in this noble river, and the six large spring flies. I have killed Grilse, Sea-Trout, and Eiver- Trout with the Winged Larva at the " Throughs" in August. Easterly winds were prevailing at the time, and the fish would not stir at any other sort of fly. When the river runs very low small flies are best. 123 THE EIVEK SHANNON. This is the largest and finest Salmon river in Britain. There is not a river in Norway that can be compared to it for fishing, were it properly used. The angler must proceed to its banks before he can say, conscientiously, that he has ever seen a salmon river. In its course it expands into three large and beautiful lakes, Lough Allen, Lough Eee, and Lough Derg. There are numerous islands in the latter one, with ruins of religious edifices, &c. This noble river receives many tributaries, in which there is capital fly fishing, with rapids and falls of water till it reaches Limerick. It runs a hundred and twenty miles to this place, and sixty more to the sea. It is on leaving the lakes that it abounds with many delightful streams — the haunts of large Salmon and fine Trout. Six miles above Limerick, at Castle Connel, there is a splendid place for the fly, and Trout fishing is good. The angler will here behold a scene that will greatly amuse him. There are other capital casts for Salmon up to Killaloe, where the Pike and Eels are of an 124 extraordinaiy size and quality. Lough Derg is close to this place, in which are caught the *' Gillaroe" Trout; they have gizzards like tur- keys, are short and round in the body, very red in the flesh when cooked, and they have a most delicious flavour. The best flies for the Shannon are the fifteen painted ones, and the six large flies for spring. You cannot fail with these beautiful flies. THE LAKES OF CLARE. From the town of Killaloe the angler may proceed to the lakes of the County of Clare. You go west to the town of Broadford, eight miles distant, where there are three or four lakes, the furthest off one, Dromore ; this town is eighteen miles off, and about eight from the county town, Ennis, on the river Fergus. Twelve miles up this river is Corrafin, a neat town, near which is the celebrated lake of " Inchiquin," famous for its large trout and splendid views. Here the angler will find boats and every accommodation. The flies in my list for the season will kill m 125 ^ ^m exceedingly well in these lakes, made two or three sizes larger, and in fine weather the size they are. They are fond of grouse hackle, wrens, browns, turf-coloured flies, amber, black, gi'ey, &c., &c., with brown grouse wings. The " yam fly " 'i^ is not used here. Before the tourist angler leaves Killaloe, if he has time, he should by all means see the antiquities of the place. Lough Derg and Holy Island, where there are to be seen the ruins of seven churches, and a round tower 70 feet high, the entrenchments of " Brian sMMkieV' King of Munster, at Cancora, and his tomb near the Cathedral in the town. This ancient town is seated on the western bank of the Shannon, in the County of Clare, over which there is a bridge of nineteen arches ; at a short distance below it, this grand river rolls over tremendous ledges of rocks, where there is an excellent fishery. It is a great pity that this fine river should be prevented from being of the greatest benefit to the country through which it runs, all owing to the ''cruives," the "stake nets," "bag nets," * Net. ^ 126 and every other destructive invention that can he contrived for the v^holesale slaughter of the splendid Salmon. Oh ! look to it, you that have the power. From Limerick the angler may proceed to Athlone and Galway, but I should advise him to proceed to the south first, and fish the Blackwater and the lakes of Killarney; Mr. Jas. Butler has prohibited the fishing at Water- ville this spring, in consequence, as he says, "of the numbers visiting, coupled with acts of poaching." I should say the lake is free, as it always was and ever has been, knowing that Mr. Butler is most polite to gentlemen. THE LAKES OF KILLAKNEY. From Mallow, on the Blackwater, the angler proceeds to Killarney. It would be as well to go to Lismore, farther down from Mallow, where there is good Salmon fishing to be had ; there is a Mr. Foley here (who rents the "weirs" of the Duke of Devonshire), he is most polite to strangers, and allows them to fish in the weirs, which are of some extent ; and most of s^ 127 the Gentlemen residing on its banks, from Lismore up, will allow the stranger to fly-fish through their grounds, send their keepers to shew them the best places, and are most hos- pitable and polite. At the Killarney junction. Mallow, the angler takes his seat, and in a little time is delighted with the sight of the Lakes. I visited Killarney in 1848, on an angling excursion in Ireland, to recruit my fallen spirits, if possible, after many years of industrious labour, "and it is myself that would advise the sickly to go there, if he had legs to walk on," says poor Pat. To my great disappointment at the time, the Lakes were netted by their respective owners, which rather damped my spirits after going so far "a fishing" — my sport there was but inferior. It is not so now, many thanks to Lord Kenmare and Mr. Herbert, who have put a stop to the netting and other contrivances, to the delight of the anglers and inn keepers of the neighbour- hood. I have been given to understand that the Salmon fishing is capital now in the lakes and river. At Ennisfallen Island there is a favourite cast, and another between that and Ross Island ; another to the south west of it ; 128 ;1 16-2 on the Belfast and Ballymena Railway. I have spent many a day on these waters, when a young man. From Shane's Castle, the Earl O'Neil's, to the bridge, and from the town of Antrim to Shane's Castle, there are large trout taken with the fly; at the end of May, and throughout June, the whole surface of the lake along the shore is covered with the natural fly. The Drake, in the Plate, would be a good one made on a large size hook, to throw amongst them. Earl 'Neil grants permission to gentlemen to fly-fish in the demesne of Shane's Castle, by sending a note from the inn at Randalstown, to the Steward. There are numerous rivers running into Lough Neagh, from ^ve diiOferent coi^ties, which it borders. The Bann rises in the Mourne Mountains, in the County of Down, and passing through the Lough, issues out of it at the Bridge of Toome, forming a stu- pendous body of fresh water. The Lough is twenty-three miles long, and twelve in width. To get at the various small trout rivers running into all these great lakes in tlie north of Ireland, I would recommend, to gain 163 information of the cross-roads, Leigh's Koad m Book of Ireland and Dublin Eailway Guide. The angler will now take his departure from the north and proceed to Dublin, via Belfast and Draugheda, at this place he comes to the river Boyne, where he may spend a few pleasant days at " Old Bridge," a place about three miles up the river at the "weirs." There is good Salmon fishing at this place when the tide is out, and on the flow of the tide he will take capital Grilse and Sea-Trout. For the Boyne, the best flies are claret, brown, olive, green, orange, and black, with brown mallard wings, and turkey tail feathers. Plain ones in general are best. LAKES OF WESTMEATH. After leaving Draugheda, the angler will reach Dublin by rail in a very short time, where he will take his place in the railway carriage for Mullingar, the coimty town of Westmeath ; here, he is in the centre of numerous fine lakes, well stored with large trout that will take the fly most freely in May 164 and June ; the whole country round this place is most pleasingly diversified by romantic sites, gentlemen's mansions, and extensive lakes. There are two lakes in the neighbom-hood, or environs of MuUingar, which are "Lough Ennel" and "Lough Owel," to the north of the town ; the first named one is the best for large trout. There are good boats and fishermen to be had here. A little farther northward is Lough Iron, and the river Jenny, which takes its course to the Shannon. The best lake of them all is "Derevaragh," still further to the north; the town of CastlepoUard is the best station to stay to fish this fine lake ; the trout rmi twelve and fourteen pounds in it. Lough Lane and Dromore are close to the last named lake. The angling in May is most excellent, with the green drake ; it is called the drake season, and at this period the largest fish are caught ; the green drake which I have described, is the right sort for the lakes, with large whole upright wings double the ordinary size. The trout flies in general are brown, green, grey, red, black, hare's ear and yellow, hare's ear and brown, hare's ear and olive, fiery brown. 165 J% claret, orange, and yellow flies, and in rough weather gaudy grilse flies are good. The flexible minnow would be a capital bait, drawn after the boat, when the trout are not inclined to take the fly. — See an angling tour of the lakes by " Jeffery Green Drake." There is very good salmon and trout fishing to be had in the County Tipperary, at the town of Cahir, situated on the Suir ; Kilcommon Cottage on the river side, is a place of great beauty, and the angler may amuse himself in the demesne of Lord Cahir, which contains 560 acres ; this place and Clonmel may be reached by railway from Dublin, and on arriving at Kilkenny there is very good fishing in the river Barrow at the town, on the road to Cahir. There is a small river called Killmacow, two miles above Waterford, running into the Suir, in which there is beautiful trout fishing, in the Spring and June. There are some nice streams in Wexford, for salmon and trout fishing. The "Slaney,"at Scarrawalsh Bridge, near the Barony Forth, is capital for sea trout, in August and the early Spring ; there is good trout fishing the higher you proceed up this fine river. 166 In Lord Courtown's demesne, beyond Tara Hill, there is good grilse and sea trout fishing, the river runs through the town of Bally- cannew, a few miles above Gorey; Lord Courtown's is not far from Gorey, who will allow any gentleman to angle with the fly in his charming demesne. They say that his lordship can contrive to "fish these fislT^ into the kettle alive out of the river, part of which runs under the mansion ; I cannot tell how true this may be, the river runs close to the house, in which there are plenty of salmon and trout. The flies used here are rather gaudy, sea trout size ; and the list of flies for the season will answer admirably for trout fishing. From the above place the angler may con- veniently visit the rivers in the County Wick- low, which are all trout streams, arriving at Arklaw, on the river Ovoca. There is a very nice river-'"^ running along the southern side of the Wicklow Mountains, passing by a place called "Little Aghrim," from whence to the wooden bridge, three miles from Arklow, there is excellent trout fishing in ♦ The Biver Derry. 5^ 167 March, April, and May; it passes through a long lough or piece of deep water, out of which the trout issue in the spring into the river; there is no obstruction on its banks from the Wooden Bridge Inn up to Aghrim. There is a bridge crosses the river three miles up from the Wooden Bridge, where the angler may fish up to Aghrim or down to the "Meetings." The Wooden Bridge is called the *' Lower Meetings of the Waters," — this is the most beautiful place of any in the neighbourhood of the Vale of Ovoca, as you can see fine vales from the mount behind the Inn; although from the grounds of Howard Castle, where the little and great Avon meet, the views are sub- lime, — this is Moore's '* Sweet Vale of Ovoca, where the bright waters meet." From the town of Rath drum to the Meetings there is good fly fishing in the spring ; through the vale there is no angling in the river, in consequence of the copper mine water running into it from the hills on each side, Cronebane, and Balymurtagh. There is very little fishing in the river Dargle, as the stream is so small, but the scenery is magnificent, particularly in the 108 ;<^P^ -_.^^. vicinity of Powers Court Waterfall, it is about two miles and a half from the village of Powers Court. The best way to go from Dublin to fish the rivers "Avon" and "Deny," would be through Bray and Eathdrum ; begin here to fish the Avon, to the Bridge at Howard Castle ; and from the Wooden Bridge angle up the Derry to Aghrim, I never saw so many small trout in my life as there are in this beautiful stream, in the spring; there are numbers of small rivers descending the Wicklow Mountains, towards the east, south, and west, in which the trout run small. We will return to Dublin and pay a visit to the once celebrated "salmon leap," at Leixlip, a few miles west of the City — this is a charm- ing place, where a few days may be spent to advantage ; the groves and rocks, and the romantic glen are the theme of admiration. And the Park of Castletown, the most beauti- ful in the Kingdom ; from the ancient castle at the end of the town there are views of the river and waterfall. The salmon fishing has been spoiled here by the sewers of the City running into the Liffey. 169 At New Bridge, on the banks of the LifFey, the station before you come to Kildare, on the Cork railroad, close to the celebrated " Curragh of Kildare," a race course of 3000 acres of verdant plain, there is capital trout fishing in April and May, and pretty fair sport may be had throughout the summer ; the flies to suit the river Liffey are very small, and those little ones in my list for the season will answer well. THE EIVER LEE, AT COEK, Would be as good a place as any in Ireland *'to go to fish," were it not for the "weirs," and foul play in many ways, which is practised alj the way up, on the poor salmon ; there is some little sport to be had in it in the spring, and after heavy rains. The flies to suit it are rather plain and small, blue, grey, brown, claret, and green ; mallard wings, mixed with a little golden pheasant tail and neck feathers ; blue macaw feelers, black head, and mixed tails like the wings. Hook B C C, in high water BB and No. 9. 170 SALMON BIVEBS OF SCOTLAND. We will bid adieu to old L-eland for a season, and its fair city Dublin^ "with the blue sky over it," and step into the steam boat at Kings- ton for Holyhead, seat ourselves in a carriage, and trundle off to bonny Scotland — a country of many waters, stored with fine fish ; we cross the Tweed, at Berwick, of pastoral fame, and dash into " Auld Keekey" with flying colours in no time. The beautiful city of Edinburgh must not be left without viewing it from end to end, as it is worth while to spend a day or two in it, if you have not been there, were it only to jinspect its monuments and antiquities, which are numerous, in fact, the city at large is a com- plete ciu-iosity. From here the angler will be able to take rail for Perth, on the banks of the famous "river Tay;" and as the line touches on Stirling, should it be convenient, there might be a day or two spent on the Forth. There are abundance of trout about four miles up the river, and some salmon ; small plain flies suit it best. 171 THE EIVEB TAY. This beautiful salmon river is the principal one in Perthshire, in its course it expands into Loch Tay, on leaving which it finds itself a channel and becomes rapid for miles ; it has a long course, passing the towns of Dunkeld and Perth, and falls into the sea at Dundee. The river Erne, after a long and rapid course falls into the Tay below Perth. There is also the "Tim el," at the pass of Cillecrankey, on the road to Inverness from Dunkeld, and is fourteen miles from the latter place, there is a small inn close to the river, in which there is good trout fishing; the coach from Perth stops here to change horses and breakfast ; it is a fine rushing stream. And also the "Keith," at Blair Dummond, where there is a very high waterfall, the sound of which can be heard at some distance ; it falls into the Tay. There is excellent angling for salmon and sea trout in the river Tay, five or six miles above Perth, in September and October; the white trout are in abundance in this river in the latter month ; the salmon run very large in 172 this water, in April, May, and June, and are best taken with large salmon flies of rather a sombre hue. At the town of Dunkeld there is famous fishing in the Spring and Autumn. From Dundee to Perth and Dunkeld, through the "Carse of Gowrie," the Valley of the Tay is one of the most beautiful parts of all Scotland, in my estimation; at both sides of the river it is interspersed with excellent gentlemen's seats, and beautiful grounds. There is a fishery a little above the Bridge of Perth, which is very productive. The flies to suit this fine river are : — No. 1. Brown pig hair bodies, ribbed with gold, dark brown-red hackle, wings light brown spotted turkey tail, red tag, and a scarlet joint above it ; the body to be made long and taper. Hook No. 8. Bather large for the spring. No. 2. A bronze peacock harl body, ribbed with gold tinsel, a brown-red hackle, and wings of mallard mixed with hen pheasant tail, the tail of the golden pheasant, red tail of mohair cut short, and the body to be thin. No. 9 hook. No. 3. Brown mohair body, with a long i red-brown spotted grouse hackle ; the wings a 173 mixture of mallard, brown turkey, and a little hen pheasant tail. Hook No. 8 or 9. ^> No. 4. A puce mohair body ribbed with silver, purple hackle over it, yellow tail of small topping, and a yellow hackle round the shoulder; wings of golden pheasant tail, with a little spotted bustard, a topping over all, and a black head. Hook No. 8 or 9. (A piece of wood- duck each side.) No. 5. An orange body ribbed with black silk and gold tinsel, topping in the tail, and a black-red hackle over it, (a hackle with the black streak running all the way through it) ; scarlet tag and tail ; wings light brown turkey tail, rather lighter at the tips, a few fibres of wood-duck each side, the same quantity of bustard, and a bronze head. Hook No. 9, or for high water, No. 7. This fly will be found an excellent killer in the Tay, or any other river in Scotland. These, with the twelve painted and engraved flies, no man can desire better. Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 11, will be found excellent in low water, and Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, in high water. The Sea-Trout Flies are orange bodies, mixed wings, jay at shoulder, silver tinsel, and 174 a small topping for tail. Hook /// or C, say No. 6, Kendal. Blue body, black hackle ribbed with silver, and mallard wings. Hook C C. Green body, black hackle, gold twist, and dark brown turkey wings. Light brown body, red hackle, gold twist, two fibres of red Ibis for tail, and glede wings. Hook No. 6 or 7. In low water they take them rather small, with the tinsel, of course. Hare's ear body, ribbed with silver twist, a greyish dark hackle, the colour of the dark fur on the ear, mallard wings, and tail of the same. Make another fly mixed with orange and yellow mohair. A black fly ribbed with silver tinsel, black wing with white tips, black hackle, and a yellow head and tail. Hook C. It would be as well to try very small gaudy flies occasionally, as you may rise a grilse during the time you are fishing for white-trout. A grilse loves to rise at a middling gaudy fly after leaving the sea. Blue, green, and red flies are all good. I will give three more favorites tliat will not ^ miss : — 175 No. 1. Body brown claret colour, mixed with the far of hare's ear, ribbed with silver twist, a short black hackle, wings rather light brown mallard, and a black head. Hook, Green Drake size, or No. 6. No. 2. A black body, tipped with orange silk, ribbed with silver twist, a black hackle, and dark brown turkey tail wings. Hook No. 6 or C, varied with blue body and black- red hackle. No. 3. A blue dun body, a dun hackle ribbed with silver twist, tail two fibres of mal- lard, and grey mallard for wings. Hook C, or No. 6. A fly with an olive body, and one with yellow and mallard wings> are good. These flies will be found great killers where the fish are plentiful, with a good ripple on the water, and would do admirably on the. Dee and Don, at Aberdeen. 176 THE DEE AND DON. These rivers run into the sea at Aberdeen, and are excellent for Salmon and Trout fishing — the Dee for Salmon, and the Don more for Trout, which are most delicious for the table ; they cut as pink as Salmon. The white-trout fishing is good here in October, and the flies I have just given for the Tay will kill admirably in these rivers ; and for salmon, will be capital ones, made a size or two larger. When I visited that country a few years back, I walked up the Dee one evening, and at a shallow ford, above the bridge, there were two men " stroke- hauling" the salmon as they run up out of the pool below, and which they called their rented fishery; they rushed into the stream with a sort of net in their hands, and had them out in quick time. As the fish run, the water did not appear to cover their backs. I was told, were it not for this practice, the river would be swarming. 177 THE EIVEK SPEY. This splendid Salmon river runs through Elginshire, and a nobler one there is not to be found for fishing with the salmon fly, par- ticularly in high water, and in the large pools when the water is low. In summer there is little sport to be had, except in these pools, with a good ripple, and towards the sea, from the bridge at Fochabers, a capital station, with an excellent inn. Early in the morning and late in th^ evening, are the best times in the heat of summer. I had a fly sent me some years past, by McPherson Grant, about the size of C or drake size, with which he killed a salmon, twenty pounds weight, in the Spey. The body of the fly was made of yellow silk, red cock's hackle, toucan tail ribbed with gold, jay at the shoulder, a neat gaudily mixed wing, feelers of blue and yellow macaw, and a small black head. It was one of my flies, which, if made on large size hooks, will kill anywhere. The above little fly is just the sort for low 1 water, and should be adopted, made very small, i in the summer months. The salmon should ■i; % in the water to the right), to Greenock, is most enchanting ; opposite this fine town the angler will observe a grand expanse of deep and blue salt water, bordered in the distance with mountains dark and high, filling the imagi- nation with awe, while pacing the decks of the frail but well appointed little steam boat Helen McGregor in the gloom, as she creaks away- through briny silvered waves of lakes, estuaries, and straits, to Caledonia's ''noblest work" — the Great Canal. Bounding a rough northern head land, where seven currents meet, of seas, sounds, and straits, Crenan in the wake, com- passing the shore in Jura Sound, the "little Helen" struggling with the swelling tide, ap- peared to be standing still though at full speed; Loch Etive, on the starboard — into whose bosom, Awe's serpentine waters steal at solitary '*Bunaw;" Lismore in the distance, Mull in our wake, due West — the rapid sub- siding — through it "the fair one" tripped gal- lantly. In these "meetings of the waters," what oceans of salmon sported and played at large in their blue and fresh element, far from the wily bars! The "Heroine" seemed at once to be stepping up hills from lock to lock, till she 182 levelled the base of "Ben Nevis ;" close to which mighty mountain, the " fair one " squatted for the night. Glad enough were her living freight to get on firm footing, and wend their way across a mossy plain, without a rolling stone, to a little house under a hill, that kept beds " well aired," and " usquebaugh," for travellers. At the dawn of morning, through the haze, could be descried, " Fair Helen," smoking — her steam was up — sitting, '* sidey for sidey," by the lofty Ben, the sight of which, to look up at, was staggering. He had yet his nightcap on of hazy grey, but enough of the giant hill could be denoted that his base on that side was hewn away, faciHtating the great track. This morning, away went the "fair one," rattling like " sticks a breaking." Hurrah for Fort William — a voice, " and the Camerons of Lochiel," — ^here we are at Crystal Laggan, Lochiel, and Lochey's excellent waters for the Salmon Trout — (I will give the flies to suit them a little further on). " Fair Helen" began her movements slowly for some time, creeping through locks, o'er hills, in basins — Macomer on the starboard, — Lochiel, farewell ! — now skimming into saltless " Lochey's" (famed for 188 l^m^ its ancient mountain clans) soft and balmy waters; through the lake she dashed, breast high — a strait ahead — steaming by Bala- lister at seven knots by the log, soundings the deep nine, " Fair Helen" entered the gorge, and now rushing down an inclined plain, to the fear of the timid, and delight of the stout- hearted, double quick did run the " fair one," making up for lost time experienced in the " meeting of the waters" — through lock gates, up hills, &c., now through an embankment, nearing Fort Augustus, and the head of Loch- ness, down she settled between two stupendous lock gates. " What aw-fu' gates ! " What work bestowed on them — what an enormous depth are they — the wet and muddy sides of which beat chilly. Down, " down below," went the " fair one," till she levelled the golden waters of — '' 0, that lovely lake," — into which she slipped like a fairy elf. After her cold incarce- ration, " Helen the Fair" tripped merrily down the centre of the "fathomless Lochness," the sun breaking, beamed out upon us cheeringly after the chill and hazy morning. Like looking- glass did that sun-lit lake appear, stretching m away before us, losing itself in the distance, G 2 184 %m^ § bordered by hills and mountains on either side, till on the larboard was seen Morrison's lonely glen and meandering stream. We neared the bay, sounded whistle, and lowered steam. A few minutes more, and off went the Helen McGregor, making head like a waddling duck through the valley of golden^-i' waters. Hush ! The mountain sylph is heard in the cabin. Hush! by the powers, it's Phillips, warbling the incantation of the wizard of the glen. " Farewell to the mountain, And sun-lighted vale." O, shade of Wilson ! the soul of Scottish song. Angler, may you rest in peace. On tlie starboard was observed the *' Falls of Fyres," descending, perpendicularly, over a craggy precipice — most curious. "Bonny Helen" slid smoothly along, till, at the "heel of the evening," we entered the last embankment of Caledonia's Grand Canal, just where the beautiful river Ness issues out of " that lake," opening into a lovely and fertile valley, in the * There is a kind of slimy weed, of a yellow colour, that is produced at the bottom of the lake, whicli causes \ that appearance, and is injurious to fly fishing in the is river. "^^ ^^S^ ■ -5^1^ 186 centre of which is a boat upset, an antiquity, covered with motley trees. A few minutes more and we were safely landed at the quay of the fair and sweet metropolis of the ancient Highlands, Inverness, seated on a hill above the river. O, I sigh for the days that will never return ! High and airy rock, I split upon you twice, steering northwise fra' bonny Dundee^ through the " Carse o' Gowrie," by Laburnam, to famed Dunkeld, on Tay's noble waters ; Blair Athol and Fore's Macbeth crossed the source of Spay, through a waste and dreary plain, with villages far apart, where ran those weirdy thinly kilted lads to see the "four-in- hand ;" up hill, down dale, and heathered moor we steered, till at length we galloped towards the glooming, by the graves of dark CuUoden's blood-stained field — nearing the city, on went the drag, and over a well macadamised road, "knapped" by the hardy highland wight, we hurried into Inverness. Alas ! this bronchial asthma, that shuts me from that fishing. Fond memory brings the light of other days around me. 186 SALMON FLIES FOR FOET WILLL^M, &c. &c. The flies to suit the various waters sur- rounding Fort William are generally of a me- dium size and middling gaudy. The engraved ones in my list, for Salmon in general, from No. 2 to 11, will kill well. The hst for the season for Trout. No. 1. Light blue body, rib of silver, guinea hen hackle, blue jay, topping in tail; wings, teal, mallard, guinea hen rump feather, peacock wing feather, and blue and yellow feelers of macaw. No. -9 hook, or B B. No. 2. A small size fly like the above, varied with black floss body. A good sort for the Lochy. Hook Cor CO. No. 3. A fly like the first, varied in the body thus : yellow tag, silver tints, and a small top- ping for tail ; a blue mohair joint, then a red one, another blue joint, then an orange one under the fly at the shoulder, and a blue head. Hook No. 9 or BB ; a C for lake Trout. No. 4. A claret fly, witli wings and tail like 187 . the first one, varied with yellow-brown body and hackle, and ribbed with gold. B B hook, and C C for lake Trout, with a bronze head. No. 5. A fly with grass-green floss silk, ribbed with gold, black-red hackle, and blue head; the wings and tail like the first. Vary the body with different greens. Hooks from CC up to No. 9. No. 6. A black body, with black legs, silver tinsel and cock of the north rump feathers for the wings ; some call it the " copperkeilsey." Hook C, CC and B. This is the celebrated Kenloch of Kenloch. SALMON FLIES FOR THE NESS. No. ]. Body half black and yellow, a jay and purple hackle ribbed with silver, orange head, mallard, peacock wing and jungle cock wings. HookBB. No. 2. Body black hair, orange tag, ribbed with gold and silver, black hackle, jay at the shoulder, wings mixed, of guinea hen, teal, two small tipped feathers, and two toppings over all a little longer, tail a small topping, and a 188 bronze head. Hook B or BB. This will be found a great killer in the Ness and Beauley, a beautiful stream at the head of the Murray Firth. No. 3. Body yellow-brown pig hair, ribbed with gold, small , topping for tail, red cock's hackle and blue jay, wings of golden pheasant tail, mixed with mallard, neck feather, teal, and guinea hen, green parrot and macaw feelers, and a black head. Hook No. 9 or B ; for low water, C. This is a capital fly for either the Ness or Beauley. These, with the painted flies, made small, will suit well. There is a kind of yellowish slimy weed on the bottom of the Ness which proceeds from Loch Ness, that is injurious to the propagation of the salmon of late years, and it affects the fly fishing considerably, to the great disappoint- ment and vexation of the good anglers of the north. THE KIVER SHIN. Classic Shin, on whose heath-clad banks and flowing waters the great and good fly fishers roam, who never saw " Kelt of Baggit" tliere — the haunt of monarchs of the sea, and shep- herd swains that watch His flocks, and feed His Dams — the theme of poetess, and the learned. O, ''Ephemera," how beautifully written is that "Book of the Salmon;" how exquisitely delineated that "Ova;" how admirably that " golden fish," which bounds up falls and cata- racts in that purling "meandering" stream; how charming to gaze upon that lovely " God- dess of the Brooks" — the famed Ondine — how rightly represented. Oh ! excellent " Ephe- mera" — my good and constant friend — the " great and good Will Blacker's" tears (I blush) descend like rain through these sky lights, and damp the very sheets my palsied pen doth blot. Alas! well-a-day — that noble salmon fishing — what sport ! These lean and bellows'd sides are winded — this flattened chest, once full, now dented — these calves, once plump, now thin and gone — these shins, once clad, are g^ : 190 now protruding. The *'puss" more chronic ^ heaves, yes, I still can fish ! These cheeks, how pale (their bones *' can't grind"), once rosy, the pride of more than "Keva's" lovely blooming rose, my blessed bosom friend, my wife, whose lamp is trimmed. 0, " Ephemera! " friend, when shall we meet, with rod in hand, on pure and crystal Shin? — " When summer comes, The heather bells entice, Our feet to roam. The mournful dove, Within the dale invites, To peace and love." O, summer's glorious sun ! I await thee, to tan this shrivelled, shorn hide. O ! come, and regenerate this sapless tree with heavenly warmth. My heart's in the Highlands, My heart is not here ; My heart's in the Highlands, Chasing the deer, Chasing the wild deer, And following the roe, My heart's in the Highlands, Wherever I go. 1 cannot add a fly to the list for the Shin in the "Book of the Salmon," by "Ephemera," 191 except that I submit to the notice of the great salmon fishers of Shin those model flies in my list for trial, which, no doubt, will kill. I never fished the Shin, although I have been twice near it. Mr. Young, of Invershin, the renter of the river, will show gentlemen angling there every possible facility, civility, and politeness. The " Queen's Gap," in the cruives, is lifted on sabbath days. THE RIVER THURSO. The Thurso, famed for its fresh run salmon throughout the year, is the most northern river in Scotland. The town of Thurso, in Caithness-shire, is the best station, and the route, from Aberdeen to Wick. The salmon flies for Thurso are rather of a plain and sombre cast, varying in size through the fishing months. The river is remarkably high and full in the spring, in consequence of the melting of the snow and ice, and at that period requires large flies, like No. 12; further on in the season they are much smaller in size, like Nos. 1, 2, 3, to No. 11, which are capital ones for it, and the other engravings are like- 192 wise good in low water for the fresh run grilse. Throughout the summer months the following are also good for this river : — No. 1. Body black floss silk, orange tag, tip of gold, small topping for tail, black-red hackle, mallard wings mixed with peacock wing, a topping over all, and a black head. Hook BB,B. No. 2. Body claret silk, claret hackle, ribbed with gold, a short topping tail, with silver tip, mallard wings mixed with tipped feathers, ma- caw feelers, and a black head. Hook No. 9, or B. This is an admirable fly for lake trout, on C hook. No. 3. Body yellow-brown mohair, red hackle, a short topping for tail, ribbed with gold, claret hackle round the shoulder, and mixed wings rather grey, and inclined to be gaudy. No. 9 hook, or BB. C, for lake trout. No. 4. A black fly, with yellow head, tail of mohair, black hackle, ribbed with broad silver, wings black turkey tail with white tip, varied with brown turkey tail. A fly of each is useful. Hook No. 8 or 9. No. 5. A green fly, both body and hackle, mixed wings rather gaudy, ribbed with gold, .;!^^K)^ I 193 ^i*$^— ^ ^ ^ orange head, topping in tail, varied with a black-red hackle, and light green silk body ribbed with gold twist. Hook B or BB. No. 6. A dark brown fly, brown red hackle and body, ribbed with gold twist, and glede wings, varied with brown spotted turkey tail feather or mallard, one of each. Hook No. 8 or 9, B for low water. There is a good deal of guinea hen and teal feathers used in the flies of these northern rivers, which appears to be an improvement, with jungle-cock and Avood-duck. There is a river issues out of Loch Naver, a short way from the source of the Thurso, which falls into the sea in the same direction west of the town of Thurso ; it has a winding course, and would be a very good river for salmon were it well preserved. There are numerous rivers running into the firths on the east side of Sutherland, which produce salmon and fine trout that run up from the sea : — the Wick and Helmsdale in Caithness, the Brora near Golspie, the Dornoch into which the river Shin flows, Drummond and Loch Clash, Dingwall river and lake, and the river Beauley at the head of the Murray Firth. 191 Lord Lovat is the owner of this river, and he is very willing to grant permission to gen- tlemen to fish on sending in their cards. THE EIVER ESK. The North and South Esk are rivers of Forfar, falling into the sea near Montrose. The North Esk is the best of the two, and affords excellent angling for salmon and sea-trout in August and September. These rivers may be visited by rail from Aberdeen or Dundee, at * the present day. I have been told by a gentle- man residing at Forfar, that the North Esk was sometimes swarming with salmon and grilse to an incredible extent. The wealthy proprietor of the river will give instant permission to gentlemen to fly fish, information of which he can obtain at the town of Montrose, on the Great Northern Railroad. The flies to suit tliese rivers are small and plain. A small claret fly with mallai'd wings ; a fly with brown body and a furnace hackle, mallard wings mixed with blue peacock neck , feather, strips of mallard in tail, and gold. ^^ HookCorCC. 195 A.n orange body fly of floss silk, a black hackle, gold, the wings mixed of light and dark mallard, the light feathers are found under the wings of the wild drake on the body, the brown copper-coloured ones on its back growing down from the roots of the wings, (use floss silk for the bodies). A black fly, with silver and black hackle, and teal wings mixed with blue peacock neck. Hook C or C C. V LOCH LEVEN. The trout fly fisher staying at Stirling, or its neighbourhood, on the Great Northern, will find himself agreeably situated in the centre of many beautiful streams, to which he may have easy access. At the town of Kinross, by the head of Loch Leven, is a nice station for the lake, and at the village of Largo, to fish the river Leven, below which place it enters the sea at the mouth of the Firth of Forth. A short distance from Largo, near the Promon- tory, is the town of Anstruther, famous for a monument to the memory of " Maggy Lauder." I had the pleasure of once seeing it. 196 On the Edinburgh and Northern line from Stirling, is the town of Kettle, on the " River Eden," a good station. There are grilse and sea-trout run up it out of the bay of St. Andrew's, in the spring and autumn. Try about the town of Cupar, and near its source, at " Auchtermuchty." The flies to suit it are, hare's ears, black hackles, red hackles, and furnace flies, varied in size. THE RIVEB ALLAN. This is a good stream for trout fishing; it enters the Forth below Stirling, just above the town of Aloa. It has an extraordinary winding course, flowing through a picturesque country, and famed in poetic lore as "Allan's winding stream." " On the Lanks of Allan water, When the sweet spring time did fall, Lived the miller's lovely daughter, The fairest of them all. For his bride a soldier sought her, And a winning tongue had he ; On the banks of Allan's water, There was none so gay as she." 197 Sea- trout and grilse run up the Allan in spring and autumn, which afford good sport. The small trout flies in my list suit this river capitally. A few miles above Stirling there is good fishing up to Loch Katrine, commencing below the town of Dumblane, on the Scottish Central Line, and fish up to " Callander," on the east of Ben Lomond. Dumblane is famed as the birth place of '* Charming Jessie," in Burns' poetic muse — " The sun had gan' doun O'er the lofty Ben Lomond, And left the red clouds To preside o'er the scene, When lanely I stray'd in The calm summer gla'ming, To muse on sweet Jessie, The flower of Dumblane." There is another stream that runs down from "Aberfildy" to Stirling, in which there is ex- cellent trout fishing. It has a winding course, falling over rocks, rushing through gorges, down precipices in its way, where it forms deep holes for itself, which in the summer are the haunts of large and fine trout. The flies to suit it are, small dark hare's 198 ■.^m^ ears, small black hackles, red and black ants, browns, small duns, and hare's ear and yellow, the blue blow, the brown midge, and in the spring, the March brown, and stone fly, for large flsh. There is a very nice stream running out of "Loch Lomond" into the river Clyde, at the town of Dumbarton, in which there are sea- trout in the spring and autumn. They take very small dun flieSj silver greys and black midges, the dark hare's ear, and red hackle. The picturesque Loch Lomond affords good trout fishing along its gravelly shores, and near the islands. There are two flies that kill well in it, which are as follows : Black body and hackle, tip of silver, wings of the short bronze feathers of the back of the peacock. No. 6 hook, or///. The other one is, red body, red hackle, and a wing like the first, both tailed with two fibres of the feather of the wings. I received these two flies from a gentleman, one time when I was at Glasgow, who confirmed them as " out-and-outers." There are fish called Pullen, very numerous J in Loch Lomond, the shape and size of her- § rings, which are also numerous in Loch 199 Neagh, in the north of Ireland. They sell in Belfast as " fresh water herrings." When a young man, I denominated Belfast my favorite home, among my dear friends of the rod and gun. Newry, in the County of Down, was the home of my ancestors. My first crying was behind " Cronebaun " hills, in the County of Wicklow, near the " Ovoca," famed for "sweetness" and poetic muse of Erin's humble bard, Tom Moore. Looking over the Wicklow sands, where many a i)Oor fisherman foundered, in the village* of " Red Cross," was the first sight my " mama" got of me ; like a cloistered nun, I was covered in a veil, which, they say, would always keep me from the " briny depths." Many " crosses" have I had since January 14th, 1814, the "hard winter" which corresponds with that of last year. Mature years of experience make wise men. Forty and one summers having rolled over my head, the dishevelled ringlets of which are now sprinkled with " honorable grey" — bashful man, hide your blushes — my ruddy tint flies when I tell you, my dear anglers, that my sincere desire is to love every good man, as God * The mansion is roofless, says " Rory O'More." 200 has taught me. There is no one I despise, disposed at all times to revere superiors, con- descend to those who perchance may be my inferiors, continent to kind friends, and for- giving to enemies, if any. Unless we profit by charity, all other profit seems void. LOCH AWE AND RIVER. This celebrated lake, on the western side of Scotland, may be conveniently reached from GJasgow. There are steam boats sail two or three times a week up Loch Fine to Inverary, where there can be every information gained respecting conveyances to the inn at Loch Awe, where boats and men are to be had. It is a long and narrow lake in places, and in summer most cheering and pleasant to the fly fishers resorting there. Good angling may be found in the river running by Glenorchy into the lake, where it again issues out of it, and is called the River Awe. It runs with a full and rapid stream, has but a short course, falling into the salt water lake, or estuary, called " Etive," opposite tlie island of Mull. 201 There could be no better river or lake in the kingdom for salmon, were it not for the "cruives," that, of com^se, "weed them all away," the proprietor of which is most obliging to grant permission to gentlemen anglers who visit it. The purity of these waters facilitates the propagation of the salmon wonderfully, were they allowed ingress and egress. When the fishing laws are altered, and a reformation made, there will be grand fly fishing, as good as can be found in Norway. In the neigh- bourhood of good salmon and trout fishing rivers, the people, whom the anglers employ, are very much benefited, and particularly inn- keepers, on their banks, and in towns where there is not much traflic. The angler's heart is *' in fishing" wherever he goes. The salmon and trout flies to suit Loch Awe and river (my memoranda are generally correct). No. 1. An original and most killing fly for salmon : — Body black ostrich harl, ribbed with gold, a tag of yellow mohair at the tail, tail a very short topping, a ricli black-red hackle rolled over the black sparingly, and a mallard wing, made to stand well up and apart. Hook BB, or No. 9. C for lake trout. 202 'S' No. 2. A brown body, black hackle ribbed with gold, and grouse wings. Hook C C. No. 3. Bronze peacock body, ribbed witli gold twist, black-red cock's hackle, and dark brown grouse rump feather mixed with turkey tail for wings. Hook BB. C for trout in the lake. No. 4. A cinnamon fly, with glede wings mixed with jungle cock, and ribbed with gold. B hook. No. 9 for the river. No. 5. A black body, silver tinsel, black hackle, full teal wings, yellow head, and tail. Hook B. No. 6. A dark green fly ribbed with gold, silver pheasant tail mixed with mallard for wings, a small topping in tail, and orange head. Hook BB, or 0. A blue fly with teal wings and blue hackle ribbed with silver, topping in the tail, and red head of mohair, hook B, or BB ; and a fly with peacock harl body, black hackle, hen pheasant tail wings mixed, and the tail of the cock bird. Hook B, or C for trout. The large trout flies in my list for the season are excellent ones for the lake, and Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 11, for salmon. 203 There is good salmon fishing to be had in Islay, south of Mull. The steam boat from Glasgow calls there twice a week. Mr. Camp- bell, the laird, resides in the island, who gives permission, unhesitatingly, to gentlemen making application to him. The river is at the landing place of the steamer ; the salmon, which are numerous in it, take small gaudy flies — blue body and hackle, brown, claret, red, black, and green flies. There is also salmon fishing to be had in *' Jura Isle," a little to the north of Islay. THE RIVERS IRVINE, GIRVAN, AND STINCHER, IN AYRSHIRE. In this westerly quarter may be found excel- lent Salmon and Trout fishing in the spring and autumn in these beautiful streams, which can be reached from the city of Glasgow every day by rail. The Stincher is the best for salmon, the flies for which are browns, blacks, reds, and greys, I all plainly dressed ones. I will describe one §1 here, a great favourite of a gentleman friend of 204 mine, Mr. Murdoch, — Stephen Blair, &c. At Glasgow, some years ago, on my stay in that city ; I give his name, as he used to call my flies *'mest noble flees," and laughed heartily to see the manoeuvring of the hook in my fingers. The body of Mr. Murdoch's fly was in joints of pig hair picked out, and at the head a black- red hackle ; first, there was a tip of gold, a tag of yellow hair, then a joint of orange, a joint of fiery brown, a joint of claret, and a joint of black pig hair or mohair, sjjaniel hair is best ; the wings a light brown turkey tail feather with white tips, tied on topping a little longer than the bend of the hook, a very small topping in the tail. Hook No. 8 for high water. Mr. Murdoch was a native of Ayr, and a keen fisher, and used to speak much of his angling in the " waters o' Doon." From Ayr, the angler may proceed to the lakes of Cumberland, via Carlisle, Keswick, and Bowness. :^S^- .- ^^\ 205 EIVEES OF WALES,— THE CONWAY. There would be excellent salmon fishing in Wales were the rivers properly preserved. The Conway (North Wales) is a beautiful stream, and it is a great pity it should be neglected ; however, I believe it will be very soon pro- tected from the nets, &c., as there are a few spirited gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Llan wrist and Aberconway, who will rent and preserve it for fly fishing only, all the way up from the town of Conway to Capel Curig. The salmon flies in my list, made on small size hooks, will suit it well, varied according to the state of the water ; and my list of trout flies will be foimd admirable for it. Informa- tion respecting season tickets, and rules of the fishing, may be obtained at the Inn at Llan- wrist. THE KIVER DOVEY. The Dovey is a nice stream, but runs off very soon, like all others descending from the mountains. The salmon would be, never- 206 theless, very plentiful in it, as there are many capital large pools for them to haunt, if they were allowed to reach them. It is so very much netted at its mouth that it cannot he possible for fly fishing to be good. The neigh- bourhood of Machynlleth is the best place to fly fish it. In the spring and autumn the salmon flies in the plates will be found admi- rable for it, made on C C hooks, and C for low water. The furnace and black-red hackles are excellent local flies, made on C hooks, for summer. Sewen take small duns, and the Cochybonddu. RIVER TIVEY. The Tivey is considered the very best and most prolific river in all Wales. It has a long and winding course to Cardigan, and before it reaches this place, at Newcastle Emlyn, it is a picture of a river for salmon fishing. Lampeter, higher up, is a very good station, near to which place are the " Tivey Pools," where the fish lie in low water. My list of both salmon and trout flies would be excellent for the Tivey, dressed on small hooks. -^d^; 207 THE WYE, MONMOUTH. The Wye, at the town of Monmouth, and up towards Leominster, is an excellent river for salmon ; and the Usk, in the same quarter, is also good for salmon and fine trout. The latter river is a very short way from the Wye, and may he conveniently reached from Mon- mouth to Abergavenny, close to which town it passes, and enters the mouth of the Severn at Newport; the Wye falls into it higher up, at Chepstow. The painted flies in the plates will be just the sort for the Wye made smaller, and will suit the Usk admirably, dressed smaller still. There is a local fly or two which T will give, viz. — Body yellow mohair bordering on orange, a red ginger cock's hackle long in the fibre rolled over it, ribbed with plate gold, a red tail, and light brown turkey tail feather with white tips for the wings. Hook No. 9. Another fly with the same body, and wings of the bittern's neck, two feathers should be tied in, and the whole to stand well up. Another fly, with brown body, brown hackle, brown wings, and tail, ribbed with gold. The 208 Dun Palmer, in the Plate No. 7, and the Dun Salmon fly, No. 6, made on smaller size hooks, will be found excellent ones. Nos. 4, 5, and 10, are also good, the latter for high water. Never were there better flies seen for the Welsh rivers in general than these, made to suit the state of the water. THE EIVER SEVERN. The river Severn has its source in Mont- gomeryshire, takes a long course, passing the towns of Welshpool and Shrewsbury. It is a fine stream, and there could be no better one were it well preserved. There is excellent greyling fishing below Shrewsbury, but little or no salmon fishing. " Mr. Taylor," in his Book on Angling, who was a native of this place, says, ** that he hooked and killed a greyling in the Severn, below Shrewsbury, ^ye pounds weight. The EivER Thame rises in Wales, near Bishop's Castle, and joins the Severn below Worcester. It produces excellent fish, par- ticularly trout and greyling. Begin to fish at Ludlow, and move down the stream. The flies in my list are good for it. 209 THE TRENT is a good river for greyling fishing, near the town of Newark, on the Nottingham and Lin- coln Eaikoad. The flies to suit it are small blue duns, cochybonddus, small black hackles, orange duns, red hackles without wings, wren hackles, small grouse hackles, ash duns, willow flies, blue blows, &c. The well known Lakes and Eivers of Cum- berland are excellent for fly fishing, particularly Ulswater for trout, and the beautiful Lake Windermere for a fish called Char. These delicious fish take a fly like the sea-trout, which they resemble in shape, although much darker in colour. A small fly made on No. 8 hook, or No. 6, with puce body and hackle, ribbed with silver, the wings of brown mallard, and a tail the same feather as the wings ; a fly with an orange body, black hackle, and mallard wings; another with woodcock wings, orange body, and furnace red hackle; a fly with a bronze peacock harl body, rib of gold, black hackle, and jay wings, varied with light grey mallard for wings; and my list of trout flies 210 ^ f-^SlAT^ for the season will be found excellent for the trout in the lakes and rivers. Bowness, Patterdale, Poolybridge, and Kes- wick, are all nice stations, where men and boats may be had conveniently. KIVEES OF YOKE AND DEKBY. The beautiful streams of these counties are excellent for trout fishing, and the scenery varied and pleasing throughout. The river Wharf is a delightful stream in the neighbour- hood of Bolton Abbey, a well known place of "Hofland." See his painting of it, which gives a good idea of the magnificent scene. Harrowgate, and Harewood Bridge, would be very convenient stations for the fly fisher to stay at. The greyling are good here, and the small duns, wren, and grouse hackles, do well ; the Dottrille hackle, and black and red hackle, with yellow waxed silk bodies, and starling wing, are good ; a small fly with peacock body, black hackle, and starling wing. No. 13 hook, or 12. These flies may be seen in my list. They will also kill well at Driffield. 211 THE HODDEE. Whitewell is a favourite spot for anglers to meet during the May fly season, it is beautifully situated for scenery and sport > my list of flies will be found excellent killers in this stream for both trout and greyling ; there is a com- fortable inn here. KIVEES OF DERBY. Derbyshire is watered by many delightful streams, which abound with trout and greyling, the owners of which allow the angler to fish without the least hesitation on making applica- tion and sending in his card. The Eiver Dove, at " Dove Dale," is as charm- ing a place for a few days fly fishing as any in the County, and is famed for the pleasing recollec- tions of the early days of " Walton and Cotton's" rambles on its banks. There is an inn at the entrance of the Dale, and Maple ton and Ash- bourne convenient stations. The flies to suit the Dove are, small duns of various sorts, greys, and browns, as described in my list for S12 the season, there cannot be better flies for it if made to answer the state of the water. The beautiful river Wye, at the town of "Bakewell," is a capital stream for the fly, and many a good angler makes his appearance here in the drake season ; the winged larva and May fly in the engraving would do w^ell on windy days, when the natural May fly did not show itself in great numbers ; my list for the season will be found excellent ones for the Wye. The Derwent is also another nice fly-fishing stream for trout and fine greyling ; the best places to proceed to fish would be Baslow and Rowsley Bridge, my list of flies will suit it well. THE RIVERS WANDLE AND COLN. These rivers are convenient to London, and are famous for fly fishing : they are in general private property, but the owners are very civil in granting one or two days' angling on appli- cation and sending your card. There are two or three places on the Wandle that may be angled in at will, about the neighbourhood of Carshalton, and Ackbridge ; and on the Coin, 213 ;<#^- ' -'^#>; at Watford and Eickmansworth. The flies to suit the Wandle are generally well known, which are — the Carshalton cocktail, dark hare's ear, blue and pale duns, little peacock fly, furnace fly, small soldier fly, and little black red palmers, the little brown midge and the March brown made very small, small black gnat, and red ant, these flies may be seen in my hst for the season, they cannot fail to afi'ord diversion. The flies to suit the river Coin, are — the brown Caperer, large cinnamon fly, brown-red palmer, and Orl fly with a dun hackle and yellow body, the stone fly, March brown, brown grouse hackle, wren-tail fly, large red ant, black gnat, and dun drake, a red hackle fly made full with the red and grey tail feather of the partridge mixed, bronze peacock harl body. Hook No. 8. The Great Whirling Dun, Eed Spinner, the Coachman, and the Large Governor flies will be found with those good for the evening, with a nice ripple on the water. The river Itchen, at Itchen Abbas, Hants, is a very nice stream for fly fishing, and the Avon at Salisbury Plain, the Kennet, at Hungerford, m Berks, is also good, and the river Mole at Leatherhead, Surrey, is a beautiful stream for fly fishing, in the vicinity of Eandal's Park. It has been preserved in the park for years, and abounds with large trout. Whitchurcli and Stockbridge are also good places for the fly, in Hampshire; and the famed " Lea " at Ware, the resort of many a good London angler; the river Stour is another fine trout stream, it receives the rivers of Wilts in its course, waters Hampshire, and falls into the sea at Christchurch. My list of flies will kill here. There are many very beautiful rivers in Devonshire for trout fishing, which are, the Ex at Exeter and Tiverton, the Ax at Axminster, and the Tamar which separates Cornwall and Devon, a very considerable river, in which there are salmon and fine white trout in the spring of the year, March and April. Laun- ceston would be the most convenient station for the tourist angler to fish this fine river. The salmon in it take small flies, with claret and dark brown bodies, ribbed with gold, mal- lard wings mixed with a little tipped feather, and tails of the same ; at high water they rise 215 and take more gaudily dressed ones, made on B and BE hooks. I sent the colours to a gentleman to suit thi^ river some time ago, who told me it would be an excellent one for salmon, were it well taken care of. He made his own flies. I have also sent fishing colours, hackles, and flies, to suit every river, or nearly so, in Great Britain, to gentlemen residing on their banks, which has been a great advantage to me in obtaining the knowledge of the local flies, but in general my flies have succeeded best in the hands of those Fly fishers who have made it their study and practice. It will be seen that I have not withheld the local flies for each river from accompanying my own, and those great anglers who visit Norway will find the Salmon flies in the plates most killing, and it will be a great advantage to them to have this book in their possession, to give them a knowledge of fishing colours, and the various modes of dressing both salmon and trout flies, the delineation of which they will see I have given to a nicety, having studied from my youth, and learned from my own observation. 216 ^mM I have been all my life too fond of fishing, ^ which has been sometimes to my disadvantage, but I loved the scenes of woods, green hills, of singing birds, meadows, and fresh air, rushing rivers, and above all, to look at the beautiful fish jumping to catch the fly on the surface of the water. BAIT FISHING. THE KIVEK THAMES. After jumping over old " tower 'd" Thames on our way to the south, we now return to him to wind up this little chapter on rivers ; there cannot be a better river for the purposes of trolling, spinning, or bait fishing in general, than the Thames, there is not a town on its banks from Eichmond to Oxford, that does not afford capital angling with the bait, and in many places large trout may be caught with the fly in the evening, these large trout are very delicious and grow fat on the quantities of minnows and gudgeons which they prey upon, and of which there are an inexhaustible supply. PUU.1. Minnow TcicJth for T7Y>ut. Artificial Minnow for Trout. 217 ^; dipped in potashes, finished in turmeric and alum ; you will have a sooty olive by adding but very little of the turmeric root. A sooty olive may be made by dyeing black hackles in yellow first with alum water, add fresh yellow stuff three times to the dye pot, and dip them in potashes. A wine purple may be made from light dyed blue hackles, put them in the red dye of madder, Brazil, or cochineal, and dip them twice in potashes. Liver-coloured hackles may be had from brown red hackles, barked with alum, and boiled in Brazil-wood juice, dipped in liquor of potash. A bright olive may be made from fustic and oak bark, adding a little turmeric and alum water. A fiery cinnamon may be had from yellow dye, Brazil juice, and madder mixed, boil these well, and add a little turmeric with alum. A golden crottle may be made from stone crottle and yellow dyes with turmeric and alum water. Tlie stone crottle is best for all golden colours, but as it may not be easily got at, use madder instead ; golden orange may be had ^ 255 from the above, adding a little potashes, and boil very slowly. A pea green may be had by dyeing yellow first, and add a few drops out of the blue dye bottle, till it comes to the shade, it may be darkened to a leek or bottle green. A stone blue, — bark the hackle with alum, and add to the alum water as much of the pre- pared dye out of the bottle as will make it dark enough, this may be easily seen from the appearance of the liquor in the dye pot. A Prussian blue is done in the same way, keep- ing out the indigo, and adding the Prussian blue. Dip a red into potashes and you have a light wine purple ; blue and red dye is best. Dip a good yellow in potashes, well boiled and stir, and you will have an orange. A little tartar is good for all colours but black. Sumach, logwood, iron liquor, and copperas, will form a black. Boil a small quantity of coppieras with logwood, and it will dye gut properly. A tawny cinnamon may be dyed from stone crottle or madder, mixed with turmeric, alum, and a little tartar, these must be gently boiled in fresh stuff, adding a little copperas. 256 THE MATEEIALS NECESSAKY FOE AKTIFICIAL FLY MAKING. The necessary articles used for fly making in general are as follows : Those feathers that are of a most gaudy hue are best for the wings of salmon flies, which are golden pheasant feathers, cock of the rock, the crest of the Hymalaya pheasant, the blue and yellow ma- caw, the scarlet macaw, red macaw, green par- rot's feathers, particularly the Amazon parrot tail, the scarlet Ibis, blue king fishers, and chattern, the splendid Trogan, the Argus phea- sant, the bustard, red parrot, and the Bird of Paradise ; the wood-duck feathers (try the cock of the north feathers, black hackle, white body, and gold) ; the jungle cock ; the spotted turkey, brown, light, and dark feathers ; brown mallard, or wild drake ; teal feathers ; heron feather, black and blue ; glede or kite tail feathers ; grey mallard, widgeon, and shovel duck; va- rious dyed and natural cock hackles ; grouse 257 hackles ; guinea hen hackles, the rump and back feathers ; silver pheasant, cock and hen bird tail, wings, and body feathers ; yellow toucan feathers ; blue jay feathers, and the wings of the jay for trout flies ; peacock feathers, off wings, tail, and body ; black ostrich feathers, and the white ostrich for dyeing all colours for the heads of flies, &c., with floss silk of every shade; gold and silver twist, and plate of different sizes ; pighair, mohair, furs, &c. The materials for small trout flies are, mo- hair, furs of every colour, water rat, fitch, squirrel, mole's fur, hare's ears and neck furs, mouse and common rat fur, martin's fur, sable fur, black spaniel's hair off the ear, black bear's hair for tailing the drake, and all white furs dyed of various shades, such as yellow, yellow- green, gold, orange, cinnamon, light duns, &c.; starling vdngs, grouse feathers, snipe wings, woodcock wings, thrush and blackbird's wings, fieldfare wings, wren tails, tomtit tails, bunton lark wing, skylark wings, sparrow wings, land- rail wings, water-hen wings, water-rail wings, partridge tails and hackle feathers, brown hen wings, tail, and body feathers, dun hen wings, &c, ; dun cock hackles, dun hen hackles, dottril 258 wings and hackles, and all dun, brown, and grey feathers that can be found on every bird that flies are useful for imitating the natural insects ; tying silks of every shade, yellow and orange being the favorites ; hooks of sizes, and silk-worm gut. And now to wind up the line. I humbly beg to say that if I have deceived the friends of the rod in anything, they have a right to be indifferent with my profession of friendship, and ought to retain a sensibility of my mis- fortune ; my conscience is clear it is not so, for I know that I would deceive myself were I to think that I could do without my admirable friends of the angle — without me they could do — but I value their worth, as in hope I rest, although they say " hope told a flattering tale." I am not deceived by flattery, be it far from us ; I dislike deceit. I have hid nothing; I have done my endeavours in this book to show the youths of the angle, as well as the great fly fishers, all I know about the matter so far, and as the Chinamen say, that *' time and industry convert a mulberry leaf into a silk shawl," so perseverance will be the means of the fly maker's success, if he allows himself an oppor- 259 tunity of accomplishing that which he requires to know and to perform, and at the same time neglect not to 'prepare for the "coming strug- gle," it will be hi,s own fault if he does not become a skilful angler, &c. I will therefore consider myself highly honoured if the young gentlemen of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, appreciate my labour, and to be enabled, by the natural genius they possess, descending from Him who visited us through the ** Orient" from on high to enlighten our understandings in every good, to find out the information they desire in the perusal of these pages. 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