THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDIAN GEOLOGY; BEING A LIST OF BOOKS AND PAPERS, RELATING TO THE GEOLOGY OF BRITISH INDIA AND ADJOINING COUNTRIES, PUBLISHED PREVIOUS TO THE END OF A.D. 1887. COMPILED BY R. D. L OLDHAM, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. PRELIMINARY ISSUE. CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1888. SO ^ EY OnCER OF PRESIDENT I ROYAL C^LLIZGE OF SURGEONS OF AizC EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY NOTICE. The author of the Bibliography having compiled the work entirely of his own taste and at his leisure, I cannot but ex- press my thanks for his presentation of it to the Survey. Apart from the value of such a work to us, the aid it will surely afford to geologists in, and beyond, India makes its issue as one of the publications of the Survey a necessity also. WILLIAM KING, Director , Geological Survey of India. M368277 PREFACE. THE catalogue of books and papers contained in the fol- Igwing pages was commenced by me three years ago, and has been compiled in the spare time of a few short visits to Calcutta since then. Under these circumstances uniformity or completeness would be impossible, but it is believed that the catalogue is now practically complete, except, perhaps, as regards palaeontology, and that, while perhaps several papers may have been wrong- ly included, few, if any, of importance are omitted. The geographical limits selected have been those of the . territory subject to the Governor General and the States with which he has direct diplomatic relations ; but it has been found advisable in some cases to overstep these limits and to include papers relating to countries outside them. In such cases only those papers have been included which have a more or less direct bearing on the geology of the territories with which this catalogue is directly concerned. Besides purely geological papers there will be found many that deal principally with geography, archaeology, botany, &c., which have been included on account of some isolated or scattered geological observations contained in them. In these cases it has often been difficult to determine whether a paper should be included or not ; the general principle fol- lowed has been that where the notices are of early date, com- pared with our more complete knowledge of the region, they are included : but where of date subsequent to a tolerably complete account, and, consequently, wanting in fullness, ori- ginality, or accuracy, they have been excluded. Thus, the papers of this class will be found to be, for the most part, vi Preface. either of early date and dealing with districts now more or less well known, or modern and dealing with regions regarding which every scrap of information is still valuable. In apply- ing this principle there is great room for individual differences of opinion, and it is possible that many papers have been wrongly admitted and others wrongly omitted. Besides the papers catalogued there are many references to geology and economic mineralogy in the various gazetteers, district hand-books, settlement reports, &c., issued by Gov- ernment. Where these are mere compilations at second or third hand by non-geological writers they have not been in- serted, but where original or written by those who have a practical acquaintance with the subject they deal with they have been inserted. The entries are arranged alphabetically according to the names of the authors, or, in the case of anonymous papers, under the name of the subject with which they deal. In order to ensure uniformity all names beginning with De, D J , Du, Delia, &c., O, Mac, Fitz, &c., have been indexed under the prefix, as this is in some cases invariably, in others fre- quently, an integral part of the word ; in the case of the German prefix von, this has not been done. For the same reason compound names have always been indexed under the second half of the name, but, in the case of compound names and names with prefixes, cross references have been inserted in all cases where strict adherence to the rule would lead to delay or confusion. Papers of joint authorship are indexed accord- ing to that author's name which has alphabetical priority. They are, however, repeated, if necessary, after the papers of which the other author may be the sole writer. Under each author's name the papers are arranged in chronological order, except that papers published in the same volume of the same periodical are arranged consecutively. Except where too long for complete reproduction, the author's title has been given in full ; where too long the essential part Preface. vii has been given ; and where it has been necessary to invent or amplify a title, the words added are inserted in square brackets ; round brackets indicate part of the original title. Following on the title come the references ; of these the first is to the original publication in full of the paper; where more than one is given the second is usually to an abstract published in advance of publication in full, and will be recog- nised by its earlier date and greater brevity ; following on this come reprints or notices arranged in chronological order. No reprint or notice has, however, been inserted except where it contains some substantial part of the original paper, or where the original is difficult of access. Where cross references are given they are printed in small capitals. In abbreviating the names of periodicals, I have endea- voured to put them in such form that the periodical can be immediately recognised, and in those cases where the title is short and only referred to once or twice it has been printed in full. A list of the abbreviations used will be found at the end of this preface. The manner of indicating volume, page, and date, is that in universal use and does not require explanation. The limited time at my disposal and the deficiencies of the Calcutta libraries have prevented me from verifying every reference, but, as five-sixths at least have been extracted by myself, and a large number of the rest verified by comparison with the originals, or with the Royal Society's Catalogue, this will probably be of little importance. In conclusion, I have to thank those numerous authors who have obliged me by correcting the lists of papers written by them and to express my gratitude in advance to all who will point out any errors or omissions in the catalogue. LIST OF ABBREVIATED TITLES USED. [Those marked with an asterisk are not in the library of the Geological Survey or of the Asiatic Society of Bengal : of some of the others the sets are incomplete .] Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 4, Berlin. Abhandl. K. Baier. Akad. Wiss. Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Baierischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen. 8, Munich. * Abhandl. Naturhist. ges. Niirenberg. Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesells- chaft zu Niirnberg. 8, Nurenberg. Am. Assoc. Proc. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8, Salem. Am. Jour. Sci. The American Journal of Science and Art. 8, New Haven. Ann. de Chimie. Annales de Chimie, ou Recueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les Arts qui en dependent. 8, Paris. Ann. der Phys. u. Chem. Annalen der Physik und Chemie : von J. C. Poggendorf. 8, Leipzig. Ann. des Mines. Annales des Mines, ou Recueil de Memoires sur 1'exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. 8 3 , Paris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Annals of Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology. 8, London. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including. Zoology, Botany, and Geology. 8, London. *Ann. Phil. Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, and the Arts. 8, London. Ann. Sci. Nat. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologie animale etVegetale, 1'Anatomie comparee des deux regnes, la Zoologie, la Botanique, la Mine'ralogie, et la Geologic. 8^. Paris. As. Res. Asiatick Researches, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for enquiring.into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 4, Calcutta. B Bibl. Univ. Bibliotheqne Universelle des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts, faisant suite a la Bibliotheque Britannique redige"e a Geneve. Partie des Sciences. 8 3 , Geneva. Bol. Com. Map. Geol. Espaii. Boletin de la Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espana. Madrid. Brit. Ass. Rep. Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 8, London. Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris. Bulletin de la Societ6 de Geographic de Paris. 8, Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris. Bulletin de la Societe" Geologique de France. 8, Paris. Cal. Engin, Jour. The Engineer's Journal and Railway Chronicle of fodia and the Colonies. 4, Calcutta. Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist. The Calcutta Journal of Natural History. 8, Calcutta. Chem. News. The Chemical News, a Journal of practical chemistry in all its applica- tions to Pharmacy, Arts, and Manufactures. 8, London. List of Abbreviated Titles used. D Denk. K. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Denk-schriften der K. K. Akademie der Wissen- schaften : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche classe. 4, Vienna. *Edin. Jour. Sci. The Edinburgh Journal of Science, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, &c. 8, Edinburgh. Edin. New Phil. Jour. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements, &c., in the Sciences, &c. 8, Edinburgh. Edin. Phil. Jour. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the pro- gress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, &c. 8, Edinburgh. 'Froriep. Notizen. Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur und Heilkunde. 4, Erfurt und Weimar. Geol. Mag, The Geological Magazine or Monthly Journal of Geology. 8, London. Geol. Trans. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. 4, London. Glean. Sci. Gleanings in Science, 8, Calcutta. Ind. Ann. Med. Sci. Indian Annals of Medical Science. Ind. Economist. The Indian Economist, a Monthly Journal devoted to Economic and Statistical Inquiries concerning India. 4, Calcutta. Ind. Forester. The Indian Forester. Calcutta, afterwards Roorkee. Ind. Jour. Arts. Sci. Indian Journal of Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures. 8, Madras. Inland Customs Report. Report on the Administration of the Imperial Customs Department. Folio, Calcutta. Iron. Iron, an Illustrated Weekly Journal of Science, Metals, and Manufactures in Iron and Steel. 4, London. Jahrb. K. K. Geol. Reichs. Wien. Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4, Vienna. Jour. Agri. Hort. Soc. Ind. Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. 8, Calcutta. Joor. As. Soc. Beng. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8, Calcutta. Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8, Bombay. Jour. Ceylon As. Soc. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8, Colombo. *Jour. de Pharm. Journal de Pharmacie et des Sciences Accessoires. 8, Paris. Jour, de Phys. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et de 1'Hibtoire naturelle. 4, Paris. *Jour. des Mines. Journal des Mines ou Recueil de Memoires sur 1'exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. 8, Paris. Jour. Geol. Soc. Dublin. Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin. 8, Dublin. Jour. Ind. Archip. Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. 8, Singa- pore. List of Abbreviated Titles used. xi Jour. Roy. As. Soc. Journal of the Rojal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ire- land. 8, London. Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. 8, London. Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin. Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland. 8, Dublin. Jour. Soc. Arts. The Journal of the Society of Arts. 4, London. Jour. Straits, As. Soc. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8, Singapore. L *Lond. Jour. Hot London Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany. 8, London. M Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci. Madras Journal of Literature and Science, published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. 8, Madras. Mad. Mon. Jour. Med. Sci. The Madras Monthly Journal of Medical Science. 8, Madras. Mad. Quart. Jour. Med. Sci. Madras Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, 8 3 , Madras. Mem. Am. Acad. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4, Cambridge, U. S. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. 8, Calcutta. Mem. Wera. Soc. Edin. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. 8, Edinburgh. Mineral Mag. The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. 8, London. Min. Mitth. Mineralogische Mittheilungen gesammelt von Gustav Tschermak. 4, Vienna, (issued as part of Jahrb. K. K. Geol. Reichs. Wien). Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Monatsberichte der K. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 8, Berlin. N Nat. Hist. Rev. The Natural History Review and Quarterly Journal of Science. 8, London and Dublin. Nature. Nature, a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 4, London. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefactenkunde. 8, Stuttgart. *Oesterr. Zeits. Berg. Huttenw. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg und Hutten- wesen. 4, Vienna. Pal. Indica. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, being Figures and Descriptions of the Organic remains procured during the progress of the Geological Survey of India. 4, Calcutta. PalaBOntographica. Palaeontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit. 4, Cassel. Pal. SOC. Palasontographical Society. Petermann Mitth. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt fiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem gesammt gebiete der Geographic. 4, Gotha. xii List of Abbreviated Titles used. *Pharfflaceut. Jour. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 8, London. Phil. Mag. The Philosophical Magazine or Annals of Chemistry, Mathematics, Astro- nomy, Natural History, and General Science. 8, London. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of General Science, Phil. Trans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4, London; Proc. As. Soc. Beng. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8, Calcutta. Proc. Geol. SOC* Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 8, London. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 8, London. Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 8, Liverpool. Proc. Liverpool Lit. Phil. Soc. Report of the Proceedings of the Literary and Phi- losophical Society of Liverpool. 8, Liverpool. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History- 8, Boston. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 8, Dublin. Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography. 8, London. Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 8, Dublin. Proc. Roy. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 8, London. Proc. Zool. Soc. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 8, London. Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng. Professional Papers on Indian Engineering. 8, Roorkee. Prof. Pap. Thomason Engin. Coll. Professional Papers printed at the Civil Engineer- ing College, Roorkee. 8, Roorkee. Q Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 8, London. Quart. Jour. Sci. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Arts. 8, London. R * Rec. Gen. Sci. Records of General Science. 8, London. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. Records of the Geological Survey of India. 8, Calcutta. Rep. Gov. Mus. Mad. Reports on the Government Central Museum, Madras, and on the Government Museums at Bellary, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Mangalore, Oota- camund, Rajahmundry. 8, Madras. Rep. Surveyor General Ind. General Report on the operations of the Survey of India Department, administered under the Government of India. Folio, Calcutta. Scottish Geog. Mag. The Scottish Geographical Magazine. 8, Edinburgh. Sel. Pub. Corr. N.-W. P. Selections from the Public Correspondence of the Govern- ment of the North- Western Provinces. 8, Allahabad. Sel. Pub. Corr. Punjab. Selections from the Public Correspondence of the Punjab Government. 8, Lahore. Sel. Rec. Beng. Gov. Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. 8 y Calcutta. Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov. Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government. 8, Bombay. Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind. Selections from the Records of the Government of India. 8, Calcutta. List of Abbreviated Titles used. xili Sel. Rec. Gov. N.-W. P. Selections from the Records of the Government of the North-Western Provinces. 8, Allahabad. Sel. Rec, Mad. Gov. Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. 8, Madras. Sel. Rec. Punjab Gov. Selections from the Records of the Government of the Punjab and its dependencies. 8, Lahore. Sitz. K Akad. Wien. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicben classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8, Vienna. Sitz. K. Baier. Akad. Wiss, Sitzungsberichte der Komglichen Baierischen Akademie, der Wissenschaften zu Munchen. 8, Munich. *Sitz. K. Bohm. Gesel. Wiss. Sitzungsberichte der Konigl Bohmischen gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag. 8 J , Prague. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. 4, Philadelphia. Trans. Bo. GeOg. SOC. Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society. 8, Bombay. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. 8, Edinburgh. Trans. Geol. Soc. Cornwall. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Corn- wall. 8, Penzance. Trans. Lit. Soc. Bombay. Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay. 4, London. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. 8, Bombay. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. 8", Calcutta. Trans. N. Eng. Inst. Min. Mech. Eng. Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. 8 D , Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Trans. Roy. As. Soc. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 4, London. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 4, Edin- burgh. Verhand. Batav. Genootsch. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch genootschap der Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 4, Batavia. Verhandl. K. K. Geol. Reichs. Wien. Verhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4, Vienna. Vierteljahrs. Naturf. Ges. Zurich. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesell- schaft in Zurich. 8, Zurich. Zeits. Allg. Erdkund. Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde. 8, Berlin. Zeits. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. 8, Berlin. Zeits. gesammt. Naturw. Halle. Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften ; heraus-gegeben von dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine fur Sachsen und Thiirin- gen in Halle. 8, Berlin. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDIAN GEOLOGY. Abbot, J. 1. An account of a Remarkable Aerolite which fell at the village at Manic- gaon, near Eidulabad, in Khandeesh : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 880886, (1844). 2. On Kunker Formations, with specimens : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 442444, (1845). 3. Account of certain Agate Splinters found in the clay stratum bordering the River Narbudda: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 756 758, (1845). 4. Remarks upon the occurrence of granite in the bed of the Narbudda : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 821-822, (1845). 5. Account of the process employed for obtaining Gold from the Sand of the River Beyass ; with a short account of the Gold Mines of Siberia : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 266271, (1847). 6. Extracts from a letter, descriptive of Geological and Mineralogical Observations in the Huzaree district, dated Camp Puhli, in Huzaree, igth June 1847 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 1135 1140, (1847). 7. Inundation of the Indus, taken from the lips of an eye-witness (Ushruff Khan), A.D. 1842 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, 230232, (1848). Adam, J. 1. On the Geology of the banks of the Ganges from Calcutta to Cawnpore : Geol. Trans., ist series, V, 346352, (1821). 2. Geological notices and miscellaneous remarks relative to the district between the Jumna and Nerbuddah ; with an Appendix containing an account of the rocks found in the Baitool Valley, in Berar, and on the hills of the Gundwana Range ; together with remarks made on a march from Hussingabad to Saugar, and from thence to the Ganges : Mem. Wern. Soc. Edin., IV, 2457, (1822). . 3. Account of Barren Island in the Bay of Bengal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 128131, (1832). 4. Memoranda on the Geology of Bundelcund and Jubbulpore : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XI, 392410, (1842). Adams, A. Leith. i. Wanderings of a Naturalist in India, the Western Himalayas, and Cash- mere : 8. Edinburgh, 1867. B Ada Ans Geological Survey of India. Adams, A. Leith, cont. 2. Has the Asiatic Elephant been found in a fossil state? With additional remarks by G. Busk: Quart. Jour. Geol. W., XXIV, 496 499,. (1868). Agha Abbas. i. Journal of a Tour through parts of the Punjab and Afghanistan, in the year 1837. Arranged and translated by Major R. Leech, by whom the tour was planned and instructions furnished :Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XII, 564621, (1843). Aitchison, J. E. T. i. On the vegetation of the Jhelum district of the Punjab : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIII, 290 320. [Contains some geological notes at p. 291.] Alexander, J. E. i , Notice in regard to the Saline Lake f Loonar, situated in Berar, East Indies: Edin. Phil. Jour., XI, 308311, (1824). Allardyce, J. i . On the granitic formation and direction of the Primary Mountain chains of Southern India: Mad. Jour. Lit. '., IV, 327336, (1836). Allen, C. L. i. On the composition of two specimens of Jade (Karakash): Chem. News, XLVI, 216, (1882). Alum. i. Alum works in Kutch : Glean. Set., Ill, 384385, (1831). Amato, Pere, Gieuseppe d', see D'AMATO. Andaman Committee. i. Report of the Andaman Committee : &l. Ret. Gov. Ind*, XXV, 4 28,. (1859). Anderson, James. i. Account of the strata at the Diamond mines of Malivully : Edin. Phil. Jour., Ill, 72 73, (1820). Anderson, John. 1. A report on the expedition to Western Yunan via Bham6. 8. Calcutta, 1871. 2. Mandalay to Momien : A narrative of the two expeditions to Western China, of 1868 and 1875, under Col. Edward B. Sladen and Col. Horace Brown. 8. London, 1876. Andresen, T. F. i. [Copperjnines in Alwar] : Mining Journal, 1884, p. 1029. Ansted, D. T. i. Notice of the Coal of India, being an Analysis of a Report communicated to the Indian Government on this subject: Brit. Ass. Rep., 1846, pt. ii, pp. 6365. Bibliography. Ant AuS Antimony. i. Antimony mines in the Punjab, [Lahoul], reprinted from the Madras Spectator, iQth March 1857 : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XVII, (new series I), 254257, (1857). Applegath, F. i. On the Geology of a part of the Masulipatam District (abridged) : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XIX, 32-35, (1863). i. [On the supposed Kistna coal] : Jour. Soc. Arts, XXX, 590, (1882). Arracan. i. Appearance of a new Volcanic Island off the coast of Arracan: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 455, (1844). See also CHEDUBA. Assam. i. Mineral Indigo [vivianite] from Assam : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., Ill, 153, (1843). Atkinson, E. T. i. The Himalayan Districts of the North- Western Provinces: Gazetteer, N.- W. Provinces, Vol. X, Allahabad, 1882, [Physical Geography, pp. 61 no; Economic Mineralogy, pp. 259 298). Austen, H. H. Godwin. 1. On the lacustrine, or Kare*wah, deposits of Kashmere : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XV, 221229, (1859). 2. Notes on the valley of Kashmir: Jour. Roy, Geog. Soc., XXXI, 3037, (1859). 3. On the Geology of part of the North-Western Himalayas ; with Notes on the fossils, by Messrs. T. Davidson, R. Etheridge, & S. P. Wood- ward : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XX, 383387, (1864), XXII, 34, (1866). 4 . Notes on the Sandstone formation, &c., near Buxa Fort, Bhootan Dooars : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIV, pt. ii, 106107, (1865); Proc. At. Soc. Beng., 1865, pp. 90 91. 5. On the Carboniferous rocks of the valley of Cashmere, with Notes on the Carboniferous Brachiopoda, by T. Davidson, and an Introduction and resume, by R. A. S. Godwin-Austen : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc xxi, 492, (1865) ; xxn, 29-35, (1866). 6. Notes on the Pangong-lake district of Ladakh, from a journal made in 1863: Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., XXXVII, 343363, (1867); Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXVII, pt. 11,84117, (1868); Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXI,i 24, (1869). 7. Notes on Geological features of the country near the foot of the hills in the Western Bhootan Dooars : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXVII, pt. ii, 117123, (1868). 8. Extract from narrative report of Captain H. H. Godwin-Austen, in charge of No. 6 Topographical Party, Cossyah and Garrow Hills Survey: Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXI, 140 147, (1869). 9. Memorandum as to the Geology of the Jaintia hills and as to the distri bution of the tribes : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXIV, 6973, (1869). B 2 3 Axis Bab Geological Survey of India. Austen, H. H. Godwin, cont. 10. Notes to accompany a Geological map of a portion of theKhasi hills near Longitude 9 1 E : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXVIII, pt.ii, 127, (1869). 11. Notes from Assaloo, North Cachar, on the great earthquake, January loth, 1869 : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 91 99. 12. Earthquake in the Cachar hills. Extracts from letters: Jour. Roy. Geog, Soc., XIII, 370372, (1869). 13. Notes on the Geology and Physical features of the Jaintia hills : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXVIII, pt. ii, 151156, (1869) ; Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 64 65. 14. On the Garo hills : Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc.,XLIII, 146, (1873)- [Geo- logical Appendix, pp. 42 46.] 15. [Geology of parts of Naga hills and Manipur] : Rep. Surveyor General Ind., 187273, pp. 7984, (1874). 1 6. Notes on the Geology of part of the Dafla hills, Assam ; lately visited by the Force under Brigadier-General Stafford : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLIV, pt. ii, 3541, (1875). 17. Exhibition of a Celt found at Shillong: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1875, p. 158. 1 8. The evidence of a past Glacial action in the Nagi hills, Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLIV, pt. ii, 209 213, (1875). 19. Remarks on Himalayan glaciation: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1877, p. 4. 20. On the post-tertiary and more recent Deposits of Cashmir and the Upper Indus Valley : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1880, p. 589. 21. Presidential address to Section E. : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1883, pp. 576589. Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc., new series, V, 610 625; Nature, XX VIII, 552-558, (1883). Aytoun, A. 1. Report on the Geological Survey of the Belgaum collectorate : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc.,Xl, i 16, 3060, (1854); WESTERN INDIA, pp. 378397, (1857). 2. Geology of the Southern Concan: Edin. New Phil. Jour., 2nd series, IV, 67-85, (1856). 3. On the Origin and Distribution of the Regur, or Black Cotton, soils of the Indian Peninsula. 8, Edinburgh. Printed for Private circulation, 1863. B Babington, B. i. Remarks on the Geology of the country between Tellicherry and Madras : Geol. Trans., ist series, V, 328329, (1821). Babington, C. L. i. [Iron of Kutterbagga, 20 miles N.-E. of Sumbulpore] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XII, 163-164, (1843). Babington, S. i. On the Island of Salsette : Geol Trans., ist series, V, 13, (1821).' Bibliography. Bad Bal Baden Powell, B. H., see POWELL, B. H. BADEN. Baily, W. H. i. On Tertiary fossils of India : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1859, pp. 07 98. Baird Smith, R., see SMITH, R. BAIRD. * Baker, W. E. 1. Description of the Fossil Elephant's Tooth from Somrotee, near Nahun : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 638, (1834). 2. On the Fossil Elk of the Himalaya : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 506, 3. Selected specimens of the Sub-Himalayan Fossils in the Dddiipur collec- tion : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 565570, (1835). 4. Note on the Fossil Camel of the Sub-Himalayas : Jour. As. Soc. Beng^ IV, 694-695, (1835). 5. Report on a line of Levels taken by order of the Right Honourable the Governor General, between the Jumna and Sutlej rivers : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IX, 688 693, (1840). 6. Note on a Fossil Antelope from the Dadoopoor Museum : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XII, 769770> (1843)- 7. Remarks on the Alia Bund and on the drainage of the Eastern part of the Scinde Basin : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VII, 186188, (1846). 8. Memorandum on the prospect of remuneration in working the Iron Mines of the Raneegunge district. With a report by Professor Oldham: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXII, 484491, (1853). 9. Report on the upper portion of the Eastern Narra, its sources of supply, and the feasibility of restoring it as a permanent stream : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., XLV, 1-5, (1857). Baker, W. E. and Durand, H. M. 1. Table of Sub-Himalayan Fossil genera in the Dadupur Collection : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 291-293, 486-504, 661669, 739~74O, (1836). Fossil monkey's jaw in An. Sci. Nat. Paris, (ZooL), VII, 370 372, (1837); 'Phil. Mag., XI, 3336, (1837); Edin. New Phil. Jour., XXIII, 216-217, (1837). 2. Fossil Remains of the smaller carnivora from the Sub-Himalayas : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 576-584, (1836). Balfour, E. 1. Marbles (and Limestones) of the Madras Presidency: Sel. Rec. Mad. Gov., ist ser., II, 541, (1854). 2. On the Iron ores, the Manufacture of Iron and Steel,^and the Coals of the Madras Presidency. 8. Madras, (1855). 3. Report on the Government Central Museum : Sel. Rec. Mad. Gov., 2nd ser., XXXIX, (1857). 4. Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, commercial, industrial, and scientific: 8. Madras, 1887. 2nd edition, 5 vols., 8, Madras, 187173. 3rd edition, 3 vols., 8, London, 1885. 5. Index to Geological Papers in the Madras Journal of Literature and Science: Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., XXI (new sen, V), 158164, (1859). 5 Bal Geological Survey of India. Ball, V. 1. Stone implements in Bengal: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1865, pp. 127-128. 2. [On chipped implements from Bengal]: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1867, P- 143- 3. List of localities in India where ancient stone implements have been dis- covered : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1867, pp. 147 153. 4- The Ramgarh coal-field : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VI, 109 135, (1867). 5. On stone implements : Proc. As. Soc. Seng., 1868, p. 177. 6. On the ancient Copper Miners of Singhbdm : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 170175- 7. On the occurrence of gold in the district of Singhbhum, &c.: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, n 14, (1869). 8. Brief notes on the Geology and on the Fauna in the neighbourhood of Nancowry Harbour, Nicobar Islands : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., pt. ii, XXXIX, 2534, (1870); Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 250253. 9. Notes on the Geology of the vicinity of Port Blair, Andaman Islands : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., pt. ii, XXXIX, 231 239, (1870). 10. Remarks on Celts found in Singhbhum: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1870, p. 268. 11. On the occurrence of argentiferous galena and copper in the district of Manbhiim, south-west frontier of Bengal : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, 7476, (1870). 12. On the copper deposits of Dhalbhum and Singhbhiim: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., Ill, 94103, (1870). 13. The Raigur and Hingir (Gangpiir) coal-field: Rec. Geol, Surv. Ind., IV, 101 107, (1871). 14. The Chope coal-field: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 347352, (1872). 15. The Bisrampur coal-field: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 2541, (1873). 1 6. Barren Island and Narkonda*m : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 81 90, (1873); Geol. Mag., 2nd Decade, VI, 1627, (1879). 1 7. On the discovery of a new locality for copper in the Narbada Valley : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 6263, (1874). 1 8. On the building and ornamental stones of India: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 98-122, (1874). 1 9. Geological notes made on a visit to the coal recently discovered in the country of the Luni Pathdns, south-east corner of Afghanistan : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 145158, (1874). 20. The Raigarh and Hingir coal-field: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, IO2 121, (1875). 21. On an ancient Kitchen Midden at Chaudwar, near C attack : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, pp. 120-121. 22. On stone implements found in the Tributary States of Orissa : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, pp. 122-123. 23. On the Atgarh sand-stones near Cuttack: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,X, 63-68, (1877). 24. On the Geology of the Mahanadi Basin and its vicinity : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,X, 167186, (1877). 6 Bibliography. Bal Ball, V., cont. 25* On the Diamonds, gold and lead ores of the Sambalpur district : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 186192, (1877). 26. Geology of the Rajmehal Hills: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 155248, (1877). 27. Remarks on the Abstract and Discussion of Dr. O. Feistmantel's paper entitled " Giant Kettles (pot holes) caused by water-action in Streams in the Rajmahal Hills and the Barakur district" : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1877, pp, 140143- 28. On the origin of the Kumaon lakes : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 174182, (1878). 29. On --the Aurunga and Hutar coal-fields, and the iron ores of Palamow and Toree : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, pt. i, 127, (1878). 30. On the New Geological Map of India: Brit. Ass. Rep., 1878, pp. 532-533- 31. Exhibition of two stone implements from Parisnath Hill: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1878, p. 125. 32. On Stilbite from veins in metamorphic (gneiss) rocks in Western Bengal : Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, V, 114-115, (1879). 33. On spheroidal jointing in metamorphic rocks in India and elsewhere producing a structure resembling glacial " roches moutonne'es " : Proc . Roy. Dub. Soc., new series, II, 341 346, (1879); Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, V, 193198, (1879). 34. On the evidence in favour of the belief in the existence of floating ice in India during the deposition of the Talchir (Permian, or Permo- triassic) rocks: Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc., new series, II, 430 436, (1879); Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, V, 223 229, (1879). 35. On the coal-fields and Coal Production of India: Proc. Roy. Dub. S0r. f new series, II, 496523, (1879) 5 J our * Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, V, 230257, (1879); Brit. Ass. Rep. 1879, 334335- 36. On the mode of occurrence and distribution of Gold in India : Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc., new series, II, 524 546, (1880); Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, V, 258280, (1879). 37. On the mode of occurrence and distribution of Diamonds in India : Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc., new series, II, 551 589, (1880); Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc., Dublin, VI, 1048, (1880). 38. On the forms and geographical distribution of ancient Stone Implements in India: Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (Pol., Lit. & Antiqs.), 2nd series, I, 388 414, (1879) > Brit. Ass. Rep., 1878, pt. ii, p, 394. 39. Jungle life in India or the journeys and journals of an Indian Geologist : 8. London, 1880. 40. The Diamonds, Coal, and Gold of India; their mode of occurrence and distribution. 8. London, 1881. 41. On the identification of certain localities mentioned in my paper on the Diamonds in India: Jour. Roy. Dub. Soc., VI, 6970, Ci88i). 42. Geology of the Districts of Manbhiim and Singhbhiim : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 61-150, (1881). 43. Exhibition of an ancient stone implement made of magnetic iron ore : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1881, 120. 7 Bal Bat Geological Survey of India. Ball, V., cont. 44- On the origin of the so-called Kharakpur Meteorite: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1881, pp. 140142. 45. On the identification of certain Diamond Mines in India, which were known to, and worked by, the ancients, especially those which were visited by Ta vernier. With a Note on the history of the Koh-i-nur : Jour. As. Soc. Beng. y L, pt. ii, 31 44, (1881). 46. Additional note on the identification of the ancient Diamond Mines visited by Tavernier: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., L, pt. ii, 219 223, (1881). 47- A Manual of the Geology of India. Part III, Economic Geology. 8. Calcutta, 1 88 1. 48. On the coal-bearing rocks of the Upper Rer and Mand valleys in Western Chota Nagpur : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. t XV, 108 121, (1882). 49. The Mineral Resources of India and their development: Jour. Soc. Arts, XXX, 577-590, (1882). 50. On the mode of occurrence of precious stones and metals in India : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1884, pp. 731 732. 51. On some effects produced by Landslips and movements of the soil-cap which are generally attributed to other agencies : Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, VI, 193200, (1885). 52. On some recent additions to our knowledge of the gold-bearing rocks of Southern India: Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, VI, 201 206, (1885). 53. A geologist's contribution to the History of Ancient India : Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, VI, 221263, (1885). 54. On the newly discovered Sapphire Mines in the Himalayas : Proc. Roy. Soc. Dublin, IV, 393395, (1885). 55. The mineral resources of India and Burmah, being a lecture delivered at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition on the 5th June, 1886 : Mining Journal, LVI, 674675, (1886). 56. Zinc and zinc-ores : their mode of occurrence, metallurgy and History in India, with a Glossary of oriental and other titles used for zinc, its ores, and alloys : Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc., V, 321 331, (1887). Banerji, Chandrasekhara. i. The Kaimur range : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLVI, pt. i, 16 36, (1877). Barratt, J. 1. On the Beerbhoom Iron Works. 8. Calcutta, 1856, (printed privately), 2. Report on the Survey of the mineral deposits in Kumaon : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., XVII, 62-81, (1856). 3. On Carbonates of Alumina, sesquioxide of Chromium and Iron : Chemi- cal News, I, no in, (1860). Barren Island. i. [Report on Barren Island] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1866, pp. 212 217. Batten, J. H. i. Note of a visit to the Niti pass of the grand Himalayan chain : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 310316, (1838). 8 Bibliography. |Bat-~Bel Batten, J. H., cont. 2. A few notes on the subject of the Kumaon and Rohilcund Turaie : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 877914, (1844) ; KUMAON, pp. 128146, (1878). Batten, J. H., and Herbert, J. D. i. Journal of Captain Herbert's tour from Almorah in a N.-W., W., and S.-W. direction, through parts of the province of Kumaon and British Gurhwal, chiefly in the centre of the hills, vide No. 66, Indian Atlas : Jour. As. Soc. Beng. t XIII, 734 7$4, (1844). Batten, J. H., and Manson, E. i. Journal of a visit [by E. Manson] to the Melum and the Oonta Dhoora pass in Juwahir : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XI, 1157 1181, (1842). Bauerman, H. i. Report on the Iron ores of India: Gazette of India Supplement, 1874, pp. 14571459, 14941496- Becher, J. i. Letter [on the cataclysm of the Indus, i8th August, 1858] \Jour. As. Soc. Ben., XXVIII, 219228, 302, (1859). Beckett, J. O'B. i. Report on the Iron mines of Puttee Gowar in Zillah Kumaon and on the iron and copper mines of Puttee Lobah in Zillah Gurhwal : Sel. Rec. Gov. N.-W. P., Ill, 6776, (1853), and new series, III, 2238, (1867). Bedford, H. i. Extract from the Journal of Apothecary H. Bedford, deputed to Yenang- Young, in Ava, in search of Fossil Remains : Glean. Sci., Ill, 168 170, (1831). Bell, H. i. Masonry in Trap country, [Traps of Western India]: Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, I, 162172, (1872). Bell, H, C. P. i. The Maldive Islands : an account of the Physical features, climate, history, &c. Flscp. Colombo, 1883. Bell, T. L. 1. On the geology of the neighbourhood of Kotah, Deccan : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., VIII, 230233, (1852) ; WESTERN INDIA, 303307, (1857^. 2. Further account of a boring at Kotah, Deccan; and a notice of an Ichthyolite from that place: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., IX, 351 352, (1853). Bellew, H. W. 1. Journal of a political mission to Afghanistan in 1857, under Major (now Colonel) Lumsden ; with an account of the country and people. 8. London, 1862. 2. Record of the March of the mission to Seistan. 8. Calcutta, 1873. 3. Kashmir and Kashgar : a narrative of the journey of the Embassy to Kashgar in 187374. 8. London, 1875. Ben Bir Geological Survey of India, Benson. i. Fossil bones from Jubbulpore : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., II, 151, (1833); Benza, P. M. 1. Geological sketch of the Nilgherries : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 413-437, (1835). 2. Notes on the geology of the country between Madras and the Neilgherry hills, via Bangalore and vtd Salem: Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., IV, i 27, (1836). 3. Memoir on the geology of the Neilgherry and Koondah mountains : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., IV, 241299, (1836). 4. Notes, chiefly geological, of a journey through the Northern Circars, in the year 1835 : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., V, 43 71, (1837) ; part in Viza- gapatam Manual. 8. Madras, 1869; pp. 29 36. Bettington, Albemarle. i. Memorandum on certain fossils, more particularly, a new Ruminant found at the Island of Perim in the gulf of Cambay : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VIII, 340348, (1846). Betts, C. i. Hot spring at Pachete [Damuda valley] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 46, Beveridge, H. i. Were the Sundarbans inhabited in ancient times ? Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLV, pt. i, 71-76, (1876). Beyrich. 1. Ueber einige Trias ammoniten aus Asien : Monatsber. K. P. Akad. Wiss, Berlin, 1864, pp. 5970. 2. Ueber einige cephalopoden aus dem Muschelkalk der alpen und tiber verwandte Arten. [Ammonites from Himalayas] : Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1866, pp. 105 150 ; Monatsber. K. P. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1865, PP- 66 672. 3. [African ammonites allied to Cutch species] : Monatsber. K. P. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1877, pp. 97 103. Bhartpur. 1. Sketch of the geology of the Bhartpur District : Glean. Set'., II, 143147, (1830;. Bigge, H. i . Notice of the discovery of coal and petroleum on the Namrup River : Jour. As. Soc.Beng., VI, 243, (1837)- 2. Despatch from Lieut. H. Bigge, Assistant Agent, detached to the Naga Hills, to Captain Jenkins, Agent, Governor General, North-East Fron- tier. [Iron ore, hot springs, and limestones, near Golaghat] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., X, 129 136, (1841). Bird, J. i. A statistical and geological memoir of the country from Punah to Kittor, S. of the Krishna River : Jour. Roy As. Soc., U, 6580, (1835) ; Mad Jour. Lit. Sci., VI, 375-387, (1837). 10 Bibliography. . Bir Bla Birdwood, G. C. M. i. The Industrial arts of India. 8. London, 1880. Blackburn, C. H. i. Experiments on the coal of Find Dadan Khan : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 63, (1882). Blackwell, J. H. i. Report of the Examination of the Mineral Districts of the Nerbudda valley : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., XLIV, new series, (1857). Blainville, H. D. de, see DE BLAINVILLE, H. D. Blane, G. R. i, Memoir on Sirmdr : Trans. Roy. As. Soc., 1, 56 64, (1824) [mines, mostly in Jaonsar, on p. 61]. Blanford, H. F. i. Notice of the occurrence of Crystalline Limestone in the district of Coimbatore : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., XIX, new series, III, 60 65, 2. On the geological age of the sandstones containing Fossil wood, at Trivicary, near Pondichery : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci. t XX, new series, IV, 47-53, (1858). 3. On the geological structure of the Nilghiri Hills, (Madras) : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, pt. ii, 211248, (1858). 4. Description of a native copper mine and smelting works in the Maha- naddi valley, Sikkim Himalaya: PERCY, Metallurgy, I, 388 392, (1861). 5. On Dr. Gerard's collection of fossils from the Spiti valley, in the Asiatic Society's Museum: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXII, 124 138, (1863). 6. On the Cretaceous and other rocks of the South Arcot and Trichinopoly Districts, Madras : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, pt. i, i 217, (1863). 7. Remarks on rude stone Monuments in Chutia Nagpur : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1863, pp. 130131. 8. On a fossil amphibian (Labyrinthodon ?) from the Pachmarhi Hills, (Central India) : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIII, 336 -338, 442444, 461 462, (1864). 9. Note on a tank section at Sealdah, Calcutta : Jour. As. Soc. Beng.. XXXIII, 154158, (1864). 10. The fossil cephalopoda of the Cretaceous rocks of Southern India ; Belemnitidae-Nautilida3 : Pal. Indica, ist series, I, i 40, (1865). n. On the age and correlations of the Plant-bearing series of India and the former existence of an In do-Oceanic continent : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXXI, 519542, (1875). 12. [On a neolithic celt from S. India] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1868, p. 59. 13. [Remarks on Himalayan glaciation] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1877, p. 3. 14. Rudiments of Physical Geography for the use of Indian Schools, and a glossary of the technical terms employed. 8. gth ed. London, 1881. Blanford, H. F., andW. T., and Theobald, W. i. On the Geological Structure and relations of the Talcheer coalfield in the district of Cuttack : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, pt. i, 33 89, (1856). ii Bla Geological Survey of India. Blanford, H. R, and Salter, J. W. i. Palaeontology of Niti in the Northern Himalaya: being descriptions and figures of the palaeozoic and secondary fossils collected by Col. Richard Strachey. 8. Calcutta, 1865. Blanford, H. F., and Stoliczka, F. i. Catalogue of the specimens of Meteoric Stones and Meteoric Irons in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, corrected up to January 1866 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXV, pt, ii, 4345, (1866). Blanford, W. T. 1. On the Geological structure and physical features of the districts of Bancoorah, Midnapore, and Orissa, Bengal. Note on the laterite of Orissa: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, pt. iii, 249 279, (1859). 2. Report on the Beerbhoom Iron works. Flscp. Calcutta, 1860. 3. On the rocks of the Damuda group, and their associates in Eastern and Central India, as illustrated by the re-examination of the Raniganj field : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIX, 352358, (1860). 4. Account of visit to Puppa doung, an extinct volcano in Upper Burma : Jour. As. Soc. Beng.,XXXl, 215226, (1862) ; Brit. Ass. Rep., 1860, pt. 2, pp. 6970; BURMA, pp. 341350, (1882). 5. On the Geological structure and relations of the Raniganj coal-field, Bengal: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, i 195, (1863). 6. Report on the Pench river coal-field, in Chindwarrah district, Central Pro- vinces : Gazette of India Supplement, 1866, pp. 367 377. See No. 52. 7. On worked agates of the early stone age from Central India : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1866, pp. 230 234. 8. [On stone implements from Central India] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1867, pp. 136-138. 9. [On the superior antiquity of Indian stone weapons] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1867, pp. 144 145- 10. Note on the Geology of the neighbourhood of Lynyan and Runneekote, north-west of Kotree in,Sind : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, i 15, (1867). 11. On the Geology of a portion of Cutch : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VI, 17 -38, (1867). 12. On the traps and Inter-trappean beds of Western and Central India: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 137 162, (1867). 13. On the Geology of the Taptee and Lower Nerbudda valleys, and some adjoining districts: Mem. Geol. Sur. Ind., VI, 163 394, (1869). 14 On the coal-seams of the Tdwa valley : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 8 n, (1868) ; Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXIV, 3135, (1868). 15. On the coal-seams of the neighbourhood of Chanda : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 2326, (1868). 16. Coal near Nagpur: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 26, (1868). 17. Notes on route from Poona to Nagpur, vid Ahmednuggur, Jalna, Loonar, Yeotmahal, Mangali, and Hingungha"t : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 60-65, (^68). 12 Bibliography. Blanford, W. T., cont. 1 8. Note on the lead vein near Chicholi, Raipur district : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., Ill, 4445, ( l8 7O> ; Ind - Economist, I, 363, (1870). 1 9. Report on the coal at Korba in Bilaspur district : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind^ III, 5457, (1870) ; Ind. Economist, II, 43 44, (1870). 20. On the occurrence of coal east of Chhatisgarh in the country between Bilaspur and Ranchi: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, 7172, (1870). 21. On faults in strata: Geol. Mag., ist decade, VII, 115 118, (1870). 22. Account of visit to the Eastern and Northern Frontiers of Independent Sikkim, with notes on the Zoology of the Alpine and Sub-Alpine regions: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XL, pt. ii, 367420, (1871), XLI, pt. ii 30 71, (1872) ; Proc.As. Soc. Beng., 1871, pp. 167 170, 226 ,228. 23. Note on the plant-bearing sandstones of the Godavari valley, on the Southern extension of rocks belonging to the Kamthi group to the neighbourhood of Ellore and Rajamandri, and on the possible occur- rence of coal in the same direction: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV t 49 52, (1871). 24. Report on the progress and results of borings for coal in the Godavari Valley near Dumagudem and Bhadra"chalam : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 59-66, (1871) ; Ind. Economist, III, 45, (1871) ; Gazette of India Supplement, 1871, pp. 1117 1123. 25. Additional note on the plant-bearing sandstones of the Godavari valley : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 82, (1871). 26. Description of sandstone in the neighbourhood of the first barrier on the Godavari, and in the country between the GodaVari and Ellore : Rec, Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 107115, (1871) ; V, 2328, (1872). 27. Description of geology of Nagpur and its neighbourhood : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 295 330, (1872). 28. Note on the geological formations seen along the coasts of Baluchistan and Persia from Karachi to the head of the Persian Gulf, and on some of the Gulf Islands : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 4145, (1872). 29. Sketch of the geology of Orissa : Rec. Geol. Surv.\Ind., V, 56-65, (1872). 30. Note on Maskat and Massandim on the east coast of Arabia: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 7577, (1872). 31. Sketch of the geology of the Bombay Presidency : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 82102, (1872). 32. On the Nature and probable origin of the superficial Deposits in the valleys and Deserts of Central Persia : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIX, 493-503, (1873). 33. On some evidence of glacial action in tropical India in palaeozoic (or the oldest mezozoic) times : Brit. Ass. Rep., XLIII, pt. ii, 76, (1873). 34. On the physical geography of the deserts of Persia and Central Asia : Brit. Ass. Rep., XLIII, pt. ii, 162-163, (1873). 35. On Flint cores and flakes from Sakhar and Rohri in Sind : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1875, PP- 134136. 36. Report on water-bearing strata of the Surat district : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. t VIII, 49 55, (1875). 13 Geological Survey of India. Blanford, W. T., cont. 37. The Zoology and geology of Eastern Persia. 8. London, 1876, Vol. II. {See GOLDSMID, F. J.] 38. On the Physical Geography of the great Indian Desert, with special reference to the former existence of the sea in the Indus Valley ; and on the origin and mode of Formation of the Sand Hills : Jour. As. Soc.eng.,XLN, pt. ii, 86-103, (18/6) ; Geol. Mag., 2nd decade, III, 507 511, (1876). 39. On the geology of Sind : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 8-22, (1876). 40. Note on the geological age of certain groups comprised in the Gond- wa"na series of India, and on the evidence they afford of distinct Zoo- logical and Botanical Terrestrial Regions in ancient epochs : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 79-85, (1876). 41. Dr. Feistmantel's paper on the Gondwana series : Geol. Mag., 2nd decade, IV, 189, (1877). 42. Geological notes on the great Indian Desert between Sind and Rajputdna : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 10-21, (1877). 43. The Palseontological relations of the Gondwana system : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XI, 109150, (1878). 44. On the geology of Sind. (2nd notice) : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 161 173, (1878). 45. [Geology of] the Konkan : BOMBAY, pp. 23-27. 46. [Geology of the] North-Western Deccan : BOMBAY, pp. 50-52. 47. Account of the geology of Sind, with an exhibition of a geological map : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1878, pp. 3-8. 48. The geology of Western Sind : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, i 196, (1879). 49. Exhibition of a specimen of Hippuritic Limestone from Afghanistan : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1879, p. 202. 50. Report on the proceedings and results of the Geological Congress at Bologna: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 6476, (1882). 51. Report on the Pench valley coalfield : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 121 137, (1882). See No. 6. 52. Note of Mach in the Bolan Pass, and Shardg or Sharig on the Hurnai route between Quettaand Sibi : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 149-153. 53. Geological notes on the hills in the neighbourhood of the Sind and Punjab frontier between Quetta and Dera Ghazi Khan : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 105240, (1883). 54. Presidential address: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1879, PP- 33- 62 - 55. Presidential address to the geological section of the British Association, [Homotaxis as illustrated from Indian formations] : Rep. Brit. Ass., 1884, pp. 691 711 ; Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 32 51, (1885). 56 Report on the International geological Congress "of Berlin: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 13-22, (1886). 57. On additional evidence of the occurrence of glacial conditions in the Palseozoic era, and on the geological age of the Beds containing Plants of Mesozoic type in India and Australia: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 249 263, (1886). Bib Hog raphy. Bla Bor Blanford, W. T., cont. 58. On a Smoothed and Striated Boulder from the Punjab Salt Range : Geol. Mag., 3rd decade, III, 494-495, 574, (1886). 50 Note on a character of the Talchir boulder beds : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XX, 49. Blanford, W. T. and Medlicott, H. B. i. A manual of the geology of India, chiefly compiled from the observations of the Geological Survey : Pts. i and ii. 8. Calcutta, 1879. Blanford, W. T. and Stoliczka, F. i. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, based upon the notes and collections of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka. Geology. 4. Cal- cutta, 1878. YARKAND, No. i. Blanford, W. T. and H. F., and Theobald, W. i. On the geological structure and relations of the Talcheer coalfield in the District of Cuttack: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, pt. i, 33 89, (1856). Blochman, H. 1. Remarks on the Sundarban : Proc. As. Sfc. Beng., 1868, pp. 266-273. 2. Note on the fall of a Meteorite at Jullunder, in April, A.D. 1621 : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 167169. Bloomfield, A. i. Letter on pieces of copper and silver from Gungeria : Proc. As. Soc.Jleng., 1870, pp. 131134. Blundell, E. A. i. An account of some of the petty states lying north of the Tenasserim Provinces, drawn up from the Journals and Reports of Dr. D. Richard- son: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 601625, 688707, (1836). Boileau, J. T. i. Observations on the Sandstones of the quarries near Agra and on the results of experiments made thereon: Glean. Sci^ II, 158 160, (1830). Bolan pass. Letter on the Bolan pass:/0r. Roy. Geog. Soc., XII, 109. Bombay. i. Articles on the Geology of Portions of the Bombay Presidency, written for the Bombay Gazetteer. 8vo. Bombay, 1878. Contains, W. T. BLANFORD, Nos. 46, 47; R. B. FOOTE, Nos. u, 12, 13; A. LEITH, No. 2; T. THEOBALD, No. 27. Boring. 1. Report on the Experimental Boring for Fresh Water in Fort William : Glean. Sci., Ill, 124-125, (1831). 2. Report of the Committee, appointed on the 27th March, 1833, to consider on the expediency of recommending to the Government the continuance of the Boring Experiment : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 369-374, (1833) 3. Account of an attempt to form an Artesian Well at Tuticorin. From official papers : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XV, 167 172, (1848). 15 Bor Bra Geological Survey of India. Boring, cont. 4. Boring for water at the Red Hills, [Madras, Section in ] : Ind.Jour. Arts Sci. t 2nd series, I, 162, (1857). Bose, P. N. 1. Undescribed Fossil Carnivora from the Sivalik Hills in the collection of the British Museum: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXXVI, 119 136, (1880). 2. Undescribed Fossil Carnivora from the Sivaliks in the collection of the British Museum: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 263267, (1881). 3. Note on some Earthen Pots found in the alluvium at Mahesvara (Mahe- sur) : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., LI, pt. i., 226-229, (1882). 4. Geology of the Lower Narbadda valley between Nimdwar and Kawant : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XXI, 1-72, (1884). 5. Note on Lignite near Raipur, Central Provinces i^Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 130-131, (1884). 6. The Iron Industry of the Western Portion of the District of Raipur : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XX, 167170, (1887). Bournon, Count de. 1. Description of the Corundum Stone and its varieties, commonly known by the names of Oriental Ruby, Sapphire, &c ; with observations on some other mineral substances: Phil. Trans., 1802, pp. 233326. 2. A descriptive catalogue of diamonds in the cabinet of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 4. London, 1815. 3. Observations sur quelques-uns des Mine*raux, soit de 1'Ile de Ceylan soit de la c6te de Coromandel,.rapportes par M. Lerchenault de Latour. 4. Paris, 1823. 3. Description of certain gangues of spinelle brought from the Island of Ceylon : Phil. Mag., LXIII, 3036, (1824). Boyle, A. i. [Account of an eruption off False Island, Ramree] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, Proc., p. xxxv, (1844). Boyle, J. A. i. Nellore District Manual. 8. Madras, 1873, [Geology and Soils, compiled from notes furnished by C. JE. Oldham, Soils by Mr. Charles Rundall ; pp. 4C59]- Bradley, W. H. 1. Some account of the topography and climate of Chiculda, situated on the table-land of the Gawil Range : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VII, 167 185, (1845). 2. Notice of a native carbonate of soda found in the territory of the Nizam, India: Pharmaceut.Jour., XII, 515516, (1853). Brandis, D. 1. Suggestions regarding the management of the leased forests of Busahir in the Sutlej ralleyjof the Punjab. Flscp. Simla, 1 88 i. 2. Report of upon the Deodar Forests of Busahir. Flscp. Calcutta, 1865 16 Bibliography. Bra Bra Branfill, R. B. 1. Notes on the Tinevelly District. Dehra Doon, 1869. 2. Notes on the Physiography of Southern India : Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc. 9 new series, VII, 719735, (1885) : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1885, pp. 1124 1126. Breton, P, 1. Description of the animals and reptiles met with in the Districts of Ramgur, Surgoojah, and Sumbhulpore, and of the principal mineral productions of these provinces : Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Calcutta, II, 246 274,, (1826). 2. Account of the diamond workings and diamonds of Sumbhulpore: Edin. Jour. Set., VII, 134140, (1827;; Froriep. Notizen., XVIII, 145 150, (1827). Briggs, D. . 1. Memorandum on boulders in India: Mad. Jour v Lit. Sci., XIII, iSS- 189, (1844). 2. Report on the operations connected with the Hindustan and Thibet Road: Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind. t XVI, 1113, (1856). Brooke, H. J. i. On Poonahlite, a new species of mineral ; on the identity of Zeagonite and Philliprite, &c., and other Mineralogical notices : Phil. Mag., X, 109 112, (1831). Brooke, J. C. 1. Note on the Zinc Mines of Jawar: Jour. As. Soc. Beng n XIX, 212215, (1850). 2. The Mines of Khetree in Rajputana : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIII, 519 629, (1864). Broome, A. and Cunningham, Alex. i. Abstract Journal of the routes of Lieutenants A. Broome and A. Cunning- ham to the sources of the Punjab rivers : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., X, , (1841). Broughton, F. j. On the transition of Trap into Laterite : Jour. Bo. As. Soc t , V, 639 642, (1857). Broun, J. A. 1. On Magnetic Rocks in South India : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1860, pt. ii, pp. 2427. 2. On the velocity of earthquake shocks in the Laterite of India: Brit. Ass. Rep., 1860, pt. ii, pp. 74-75- Brown, R. i. Annual Report on the Manipur Political Agency : Sel. Rec. Gov. 2nd., LXXVIII, (1870). Brownlow, C. i. Note on the occasional existence of fresh water on the surface of the ocean: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 239, (1836). C I 7 Bro Bui Geological Survey of India. Brownlow, H. A. i. Report on the means and advisability of manufacturing artificial Hydraulic cements in the North- Western Provinces of India : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., ist series, VII, 400 412, (1870). Brownlow, H. A. and Desjoux, P. i. Notes on the proposed manufacture of Hydraulic cements in India : Prof* Pap. Ind. Eng.,-2nd series, I, 604 621, (1872). Brownlow, H. A., Higham, T. and Nielly, A. i. Extracts from reports and letters on kunkur limes and cements on the Bari Doab canal: Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, VI, 127168, :* (1877). Bryce, J. A. i. Burma : the Country and the people ; Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc^ new series, VIII, 481499, (1886). [Contains some notes on the hills west of the Kubo valley.] Buchanan, Francis [afterwards Hamilton]. 1. A Journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4. London, 1807. 2. Description of the Diamond mine at Panna : Edin. New Phil. Jour., I, 4954, (1819). 3. Account of the Mine or Quarry of corundum in Singraula : Edin. New Phil. Jour., II, 305 307, (1820). 4. On the Minerals of the Rajmehal cluster of hills : Glean. Sci., Ill, i 8,. 33 39 ( l8 30. Buckland, W. 1. Geological account of a series of Animal and Vegetable remains and of Rocks, collected by J. Crawfurd, Esq., on a voyage up the Irawadi to Ava in 1826-27 : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, II, 377 392, (1829) ; Proc* Geol. Soc., 1834, pp. 71 73; abstracted in Glean. Sci., I, 184 186, (1829) ; CRAWFURD, Embassy to Ava, ist ed., pp. 78 88, 2nd ed., II, pp. 143 162, (1834). 2. Supplementary remarks on the supposed power of the waters of the Irrawadi to convert wood into stone : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, II, 403-404, (1829) ; Edin. New Phil. Jour., VI, 6770, (1828). Buist, G. 1. Note on a set of specimens from Aden : Jour. Bo. As. S&c., I, 344-345, (1843). 2. Note on a series of Persian Gulf specimens : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 345-346, (1843)- 3. Annual address to the Bombay Geographical Society : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., IX, pp. li cix, (1850). 4. Notices of the most remarkable Meteors in India, of the fall of which accounts have been published : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., IX, 197 231, (1850). 18 Bibliography. Bui Bur Buist, G., cont- 5. On the general vibration or descent and upheaval which seems, at a recent geological period, to have occurred all over the Northern Hemisphere : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIX, 300 309, (1850) ; Edin. New Phil. Jour., L, 322 329, (1851); Brit. Ass. Rep., 1851, pt. ii, PP-55 53. 6. Floods in India in 1849 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XX, 186 192, (1851) ; Edin. New Phil. Jour., L, 5258, (1851). 7. Index to books and papers on the Physical geography, antiquities, and statistics of India. 8. Bombay, (1852). 8. The Volcanoes 6f India: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., X, 139 167, (1852); Edin. New Phil Jour., LII, 339 352, (1852), LIII, 3238, (1853) ; WESTERN INDIA, 169 206, (1857). 9. The* Geology of Bombay: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., X, 167 239, (1852). 10. On the Physical geography of Hindustan : Edin. New Phil. Jour., ist series, LVI, 328353, (1854). n. Notes on a journey through parts of Kattyvvar and Guzerat : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XIII, 11107, (1855). 12, On the principal depressions on the surface of the globe: Edin. New Phil. Jour., 2nd series, I, 253264, (1856). ^3. On the Physical geography of India : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XIV, . pp. vi xxi, (1359). 14. On the Physical geography of the Red Sea: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc.,, XIV, 1-40, (1856). 15. Remarks on the Laterite of Cochin and Quilon : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XV, pp. xxii xxiv, (1860). Bunbury, Sir C. J. F. 1. On a remarkable specimen of Neuropteris, with remarks on the genus : Quart. Jour. Geol, Soc., XIV, 243249, (1858). 2. Notes on a collection of Fossil plants from Nagpur, India: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XVII, 325 354, (1861). Burma. i . Papers on the Geology and minerals of British Burmah, reprinted by order of C. E. Bernard, C.S.I., Chief Commissioner. 8. Calcutta, 1882; Contains W. T. BLANFORD, No. 4 ; G. D'AMATO, No. i ; M. FRYAR, Nos. 4,5,6,7,8; F. R. MALLET, Nos. 14, 15, 16, 21, 26; T. OLDHABI, Nos. 1,8, 9, 10 ; E. O'RiLEY, No. 5; THEOBALD, Nos. 7, 10, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19; J. B. TREMENHEERE, Nos. 2, 3, 8; WHITE, No. i. Burnes, Sir A. 1. A memoir and supplementary memoir of a map of the Eastern Branch of the Indus. [Lithographed.] Flscp. Bombay, 1828. 2. On the geology of the Bank of the Indus, the Indian Caucasus, and the plains of Tartary to the shores of the Caspian : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, 111,491494, (1835); Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., II, 8 10, (1831); Proc. Geol. Soc., II, 8 10, (1838). 3. Comparison of the Indus and Ganges rivers : Jour. As. Sec. Beng.. I, 21 -23, (1832). C 2 19 Bur Bus Geological Survey of India. Burnes, Sir A., cont. 4. Notice of an earthquake at Lahore,- 22nd January, 1832 : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., I, 34, (1832). 5. Some account of the Sah mines of the Punjab : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 145148, (1832). 6. Peshawar coal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 267, (1833). 7. Description of the salt works at Panchpadder, MeVar : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 365 366, (1833). 8. Substance of a geographical memoir on the Indus : Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., Ill, 287289, (1833). 9. Papers descriptive of the countries on the north-west Frontier of India r The Thurr or Desert, Joodpoor, and Jaysulmeer : Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., IV, 88128, (1834). 10. Memoir on the eastern branch of the river Indus, giving an account of the alterations produced on it by an earthquake ; also a Theory of the formation of the Runn and some conjectures an the Route of Alex- ander the Great: Trans. Roy. As. Soc., III, 550 588, (1834). 11. Travels in Bokara, containing the narrative of a voyage on the Indus, from the sea to Lahore, with presents from the king of 'Great Britain : and an account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia. (2nd edition.) 3 vols., 12. London, 1835. 12. Presentation and a brief account of a series of the Geology and Fossil Conchology of the Cheri range in Cutch : Jour. As. Sac. Beng., VI, 1 3. On the Reg-Ruwan or moving sand : a singular phenomenon of sound, near Cabul : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 324325, (1838). Burnes, Alexander, and Gerard, J. G. I. A sketch of the Route and progress of Lieut A. Burnes and Dr. Gerard : Jour.As.Soc.Beng.,1, 139 145* (1832); II, 122, 143149^(1833). Burr, F. 1. Remarks on the auriferous deposits of India considered with special reference to their economic value : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XII, 30 37, (1840); Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., Ill, 355356, (1842). 2. Sketch of the Geology of Aden on the Coast of Arabia : Geol. Trans. y 2nd series, VI, 499502, (1842). Burt, T. S. i. Description of the Mode of Extracting salt from the damp sand-beds of the River Jumna, as practised by the inhabitants of Bundelkhand : Jour, As. Soc. Beng., 3336, (1834). Burton, Capt. R. F. i. The Nizam Diamond. Tfce Diamond in India : Quart. Jour. Sci. y VI, new series, 351360, (1876). Busk, G. i. Has the Asiatic elephant been found in a fossil state ? [by A. L. ADAMS], with additional remarks by G. Busk : Quart, Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIV, 496499, (1868); Phil. Mag. XXXVII, 152, (1869). 20 Bibliography. But Cam Butler, J. i. Earthquakes in Assam -.Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, 172 175, (1849). Bysack, Gaur Dass. i. On the Gopalpore aerolite : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1865, p. 94. Calcutta. i. Salt Water lakes in the vicinity of Calcutta, with suggestions for filling them up by warping : Glean. Sci., II, 201 207, (1830). Calder, J. 1. General observations on the Geology of India : As. Res., XVIII, pt. i, i22, (1833); Edin. New Phil. Jour. VI, 152188, (1829); Glean. Sci.,l, 211213, (1829). 2. Note on certain specimens of animal remains from Ava : Glean. Sci., I, 167170, (1831). Calthrop, C. W. i. Report on the hot springs of Kulu: Kulu Gazetteer. 2 vols., 8. Punjab Government, 188364; Vol. II, Appendix, pp. 150 -153. Calvert, John. 1. Notes on the mineral resources of India. 8. Calcutta, (1870?) 2. Kulu: its Beauties, Antiquities, and Silver mines. 8. Calcutta, (1871). Campbell, D. A. 1. On the notice of Alum or Salajit of Nepal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 482484, (1833). 2. Account of the earthquake at Kathmandu, 26th Aug. 1833 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 438 439> 5^4 5 6 7> a d 636639, (1833). 3. On the Nepalese method of refining gold : Jour. As. Soc. Beng. y III, 622 62 4. Journal of a trip to Sikkim, in December 1848, with a sketch map: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, 482541, (1849). 5. A journey through Sikkim to the frontiers of Thibet: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXI, 407428, 477~ 5 OI > and 563 575> ( l8 5 2 )- 6. Notes on Eastern Thibet : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIV, 2 1 5 240, (1855). Campbell, A. and Piddington, H. i. [Correspondence respecting the discovery of copper ore at Pushak, near Darjeeling] : Jour. As. Soc . Beng., XXIII, 206 210, (1854); XXIV, 251, 707708, (1855). Campbell, C. i. Account of the slate quarries in the Goorgaon District: Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., IV, 257260, (1867). Campbell, J. i. Remarks on nomenclature of Indian minerals contained in a paper on " Chemical Tests," by Lieutenant Braddock : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci. t X, 270271, (1839). 21 Cam Car Geological Survey of India. Campbell, J,, cont. 2. On the advancement of Geological Science in India : Mad. Jour. Lit, Set'., XI, 7886, (1840). 3. On an error in Dr. Thomson's Mineralogy: Mad. Jour. Lit. Set'., XI, 310 313X1840). 4. Report on the soda soils of the Barramahal : Jour. As. Soc.Beng., X, 159 162, (1841) ; Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VI, 163167, (1840). 5. Report on the Kaolin earth of Mysore: Jour. As. Soc. Seng., X, 163164, (1841) ; Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VI, 166168, (1840). 6. Report on the Manufacture of Steel in Southern India : Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 217, (1842). 7. On the Red Marl formation of Mysore : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 3242, (1842). 8. On the granite formation of the Salem and Barramahal Districts : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 153185, (1842). 9. Extract from letter [relating to Pondicherry fossils]: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist. t ll, 276279, (1842). 10. Extract from report addressed to the Coal and Mineral Committee : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 280283, (1842). 11. On the Schistose formations of the Table-lands of South India, with the characters of Hornblendic rocks : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 301 322, (1842). 12. Suggestions regarding the probable origin of some kinds of kunkur and the influence of deliquescent salts on vegetation : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., Ill, 2528, (1843). 13. On the Manufacture of bar iron in Southern India : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 386 400, (1843) ; V, 103-115, (1845); VI, 34 43.0846); Appendix, Rep. Gov. Museum, Madras, pp. 817, 1928, (1856). 14. On the Mineralogy of Southern India: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., VI, 199 200, (1846). Campbell, J. F. i. On Himalayan glaciation : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLVI, pt.ii, pp. I 10, (1877) ; Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1877, pp. 2-5. Campbell, J. M. i. Account of the Rajpipla Cornelians: Bomlay Gazetteer, VI, 1 98 207, (1880). Cantor, T. i. Notice of a skull (fragment of a gigantic fossil Batrachian) : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 538541, (1837). Carey, J. J. i. On stone celts from Khangaon : Supplement, C. P. Gazette, 4th Sep- tember 1869; Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1871, pp. 238239. Carey, V.J. i. On stone spindle whorls : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1866, p. 135. 22 Bibliography* Car Carless, T. G. 1. Memoir to accompany the survey of the delta of the Indus in 1837: Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., VIII, 328366, (1838) ; Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov. y xvn, 459-500, (1855). 2. Visit to the hot spring near Kurrachee : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., Feb. 1839, pp. 1318. 3. Report upon portions of the river Indus : surveyed in the years 183637 ; accompanied by a journal kept by that officer during that period : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., XVII, 501540, (1855). Carnac, H. Rivett. 1. [Stone implements exhibited by ] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1882, pp. 6 8. 2. Note on some geological specimens received from Prof. Dr. Fischer : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1883, p. 79. 3. On stone implements from the North-Western Provinces of India: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., LII, pt. i, 221 230, (1883). Carte, Alexander. i. On a fossil elephant's tooth obtained from the excavation of the Doab canal in Upper India : Jour. GeoL Soc. Dublin, VIII, 66 68, (1857 60) ; Nat, Hist. Rev., V, Proc., pp. 8486, (1858). Carter, H. J. 1. Geological observations on the composition of the hills and alluvial soil from Hydrabad in Sindh, to the mouth of the river Indus : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., II, 4043, (1848^). 2. Report on Copper ore and Lithographic Limestone from the S.-E. coast of Arabia : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., II, 400, 1848. 3. On Foraminifera, their organization, and their existence in a fossilized state in Arabia, Sindh, Kutch and Khattyawar : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., Ill, Pt.ii, 158 173, (1849). 4. Geological observations on the Igneous Rocks of Maskat and its neigh- bourhood, and on the Limestone Formation at their circumference : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., Ill, pt. ii, 118129, (1851). 5. Description of Orbitolites malabarica, illustrative of the spiral, and not concentric arrangement of the chambers in d'Orbigny's order Cyclo- stegues : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 142 145, (1857); Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd series, XI, 425427, (1853). 6. Description of some of the larger forms of Fossilised Foraminifera in Sind, with observations on their internal structure : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 124 142, (1857); Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd series, XI, 161 *77> I ^53 ; with alterations and additions in WESTERN INDIA, [infra No. 14] 533-550* (1857). 7. Memoir on the geology of the South-East Coast of Arabia : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., IV, 21 96, (1853^ : WESTERN INDIA, \infra No. 14], 55 1 627, (1857). 8. Geology of the Island of Bombay: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., IV, 161216, (1853); WESTERN INDIA, (infra No. 14), 116168, (1857). 9. Note on the pliocene deposits of the shores of the Arabian Sea : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., IV, 445-448, (1853). 23 Car Cau Geological Survey of India. Carter, H. J. cont. 10. On the true position of the canaliferous structure in the shell of Fossil Alveolina, d'Orbigny; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIV, 2nd series, 99 101, (1854). 11. Summary of the geology of India between the Ganges, the Indus, and Cape Comorin: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 179 336, (1857); WESTERN INDIA, (infra No. 14), pp. 628 776, (1857). 12. On contributions to the geology of Central and Western India: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 614 638, (1857). [Consists of several minor notices indexed under their various authors.] 13. Notice of D'Archiac and Hairnets Groupe Nummulitique de 1'Inde : Jour. Bo. As. S&c., V, 628637, (1857). 14. Geological papers on Western India, including Cutch, Sind, and the south-east coast of Arabia ; to which is appended a summary of the geology of India generally, i vol., 8. With folio atlas. Bombay, 1857. See WESTERN INDIA. 15. Report on geological specimens from the Persian gulf, collected by C. G. Constable : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXVIII, 4148, (1859), XXIX, 359 365, (1860). 1 6. On the structure of the larger Foraminifera : Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3rd series, VIII, 246 251, (1861). 17. Further observations on the structure of Foraminifera and on the larger specialised forms of Sind, etc.: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3rd series, VIII, 39333, 366 382,416 47, (1861) ; Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 31 96, (1861). 18. On contributions to the geology of Western India, including Sind and Baluchistan: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 161 206, (1861). [Records various minor notices, indexed under their respective authors.] 19. Notes on the geology of the Islands around Bombay : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 167178, (1861). 20. Discovery of a portion of Pegmatite in a Basaltic dyke in the Island of Caringa : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 178180, (1861). 21. Section of the trap in the Western Ghats : Jour. Bo. As. Soc. t VI, 181 182, (1861). 22. Notes on the fossil bones f rom Narrayanpur, near Saugor, Central India: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 204, (1861). Cautley, Sir P. T. i. Notice of the occurrence of Coal and Lignite in the Himalayas : As. Rts., XVI, 387-396, (1828). .2. On gypsum in the Himalaya: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 289 296, (1832). 3. Discovery of an ancient town near Behut, in the Doab : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 4344, (1834). 4. Further account of the remains of an ancient town discovered at Behat, near .Sehdranpur : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 221 229, (1834). 5. [Letters regarding Sewalik fossils and buried town at Behat] : Jour. As: Soc. Beng., Ill, 527528, 592593, (1834); IV, 585-587, (1835)- 6. Note on the gold-washing of the Gilmti River : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 279281, (1835). 7. Note on the fossil Crocodile of the Sevalik Hills : As. Res., XIX, pt. i, 2531, (1836). 24 Bibliography. Cau Cautley, Sir P. T., cont. 8. The fossil gharial of the Sivalik Hills: As. Res., XIX, pt. i, 3238, (1836). 9. Note on tlie teeth of the Mastodon & dents Strokes of the Siwalik Hills : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., V, 294295, (1836). 10. Note on Mastodons of the Sewaliks : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., V, 768 769, (1836). 11. On the remains of mammalia found in the Sewalik mountains, at the southern foot of the Himalayas between the Sutlej and the Ganges : Proc. Geol. Soc., II, 395 397, (1838). 12. On the discovery of quadrumanous remains in the Sewalik Hills: Proc. Geol. Soc.,11, 544545. (1838). J5. On the discovery of remains of a fossil monkey in the Sewalik Hills : Proc. Geol. Soc., II, 568 569,1(1838). 14. Note on a fossil Ruminant genus allied to Giraffidae in the Siwalik Hills: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 658659, (1838) ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ist series, III, 167 169, -(1839). 15. On the fossil remains of Camelidae of the Sewaliks : Jour. As. Soc. Beng. t IX, 620623, (1840). j6. On the structure of the Sewalik Hills and the organic remains found in them : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, V, 267278, (1840) ; Mad. Jour. Lit. \Sci., XII, 292304, (1840). 17. Report on the influence of the Jumna Canals on the Jumna River : Sel Pub.Corr.N.-W.P. t No. XLII, 137142, (1849); Sel. Rec. Gov N.-W. P., II, 5760, (1855) ; ibid., new series, 1^490496, (1868)] *8. Report on the Ganges canal works ; from their commencement until the opening of the Canal in 1854. 3 vols., with folio atlas. 8 and 4. London, 1860. Cautley, Sir P. T. and Falconer, Dr. H. 1. Synopsis of fossil genera and species from the upper deposits of the ter- tiary strata of the Sivalik Hills, in the collection of the authors : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., IV, 706707, (1835). 2. Sivatherium giganteum, a new Fossil Ruminant genus from the valley of the Markanda, in the Sivdlik Branch of the Sub-Himalayan Moun- tains : As. Res., XIX, pt. i, pp. 124, (1836) : four. As. Soc. Seng., V, 3550, (1836) ; Ann. Nat. Set. Paris, (ZooL), V, 348370, (1836) ; Sibl. Univ., IV, 392397, (1836). 3. Note on the Fossil Hippopotamus of the Sivdlik Hills : As. Res., XIX, pt. i> PP- 39~53 (1836). 4. Note on the Fossil Camel of the Sivdlik Hills : As. Res t , XIX, pt. i , pp. H5I34, (1836). 5. Note on the Felis Cristata, a new fossil Tiger, from the Sewalik Hills : As. Res., XIX, pt. i, 135 192, (1836). 6. Note on the Ursus Sivalensis, a new fossil species from the Siwdlik Hills: As. Res., XIX, pt i, pp. 193201, (1836;. 7. Notice on the Remains of a Fossil Monkey from the Tertiary Strata of the Sewalik Hills in the North of Hindoostan: Geol. Trans., 2nd series, V, 499504, (1840); Proc. Geol. Soc., II, 568569, (1338); Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XII, 304309, (1840). 25 Cau Chr Geological Survey of India. Cautley, Sir P. T. and Falconer, Dr. H., cont. 8. On additional Fossil Species of the order Quadrumana from the Sewalik Hills: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 354 360, (1837). 9. Communication on the Colossochelys atlas : Proc. Zool. Soc., XII, 5455, 8488, (1844). 10. On some fossil remains of Anoplotherium and Giraffe from the Sewalik Hills inthe north of India : Proc. Geol. Soc., IV, 235 249, (1846) ; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ist series, XIV, 501502, (1844); XV, 5559, (1845) ; Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 577589, (1845)* 11. Fauna antiqua Sivalensis, being the fossil Zoology of the Siwalik Hills in the north of India. 8, with folio atlas. London, 1846. Center, W. i. Note on Reh or alkali soils and saline well waters : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.. XIII, 253-273, (1880). Chamier, H. i. [Minute on the production of Bar iron in Southern India] : Appendix, Rep. Gov. Mus. Madras, 1856, pp. 29 34. Chaper. 1. De la presence du diamant dans une pegmatite de 1'Indoustan : Comptes Rendus,XCVllI, 113-115, 0884). 2. Note sur une pegmatite diamantifere de 1'Hindoustan : Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3rd series, XIV, 330 345, (1886). Cheduba. 1. Eruption of a mud volcano [on 3ist Dec., 1881]: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 141-142, (1882). 2. Fiery eruption from one of the mud volcanoes of Cheduba [on 2 3rd March, 1883] : Rec: Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 204-205, (1883). 3. Notice of a fiery eruption from one of the mud volcanoes of Cheduba [on 3rd July, 1886] : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 268, (1886). Chenevix, R. i. Analysis of Corundum, and of some of the substances which accompany it ; with observations on the affinities which the earths have been supposed to have for each other, in the humid way: Phil. Trans., 1802, 327 347 ; Jour, de Phys., LV, 409 426, (1802). Chevalier, E. i. Voyage autour du monde execute* pendant les annees 1836 et 1837, sur corvette "La Bomte" commande*e par M. Vaillant. Geologic et MineValogie. 8. Paris, (1844). [Cretaceous Rocks of S. India.] Christie, A. T. 1. Sketches of the Meteorology, Geology, Agriculture, Botany and Zoology of the southern Mahratta country : Edin. New Phil. Jour., V, 292 304, VI, 98101, (1828); VII, 4965, (1829) ; Mad. Jour. Lit. Set. IV, 185 193, 452 483, (1836) ; Geology in WESTERN INDIA, pp. 328 345, (1857). 2. On the Porcelain clay found at Mangalore : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., X, 967971, (1841). 26 Bibliography^ Chr Coa Christison, R. i. Chemical examination of the Petroleum of Rangoon-: Trans. Roy. Soc. din. t XUI, 118123, (1836). Christopher, W. 1. Account of Adam's bridge and Ramiseram Temple; with .a map of the said Temple: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VII, 130138, (1846). 2. Report of an experimental voyage up the Indus and Sutledge : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VIII, 144 173, (1849). 3. Ascent of the river Chenab: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VIII, 236 248, (1849). Clark, G. T. 1. On the neighbourhood of Bombay and certain beds containing Fossil Frogs: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Ill, 221 224, (1847). , 2. Remarks upon the Basalt Dykes of the mainland of India opposite to the Islands of Bombay and Salsette : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXV, 163 168, (1869). 3. On volcanic foci of eruption in the Konkan : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 6973, (1880). Clark, Hyde. i. Gold in India: Jour. Soc. Arts, XXIX, 243256, (1881); XXX, 590, (1882), Clark, J. 1. On the Lateritic formation : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., VIII, 334346, (1838^. 2. Geology of Bangalore and of some other portions of Mysore : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., IX, 89121, (1839). Clibborn, J. i . Irrigation from Wells in the N.-W. Provinces and Oudh : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 3rd series, I, No.xiv, 103132, (1883) ; II, No. lii, 105109, (1884). Clift, W. i. On the Fossil remains of two new species of Mastodon, and of other vertebrated animals, found on the left bank of the Irrawadi : Geol. Trans. 2nd series, II, 369376, (1829; ; Proc. Geol. Soc., 6971, (1834); Glean. Sci., I, 182184, (1829). Coal. 1. On the coal-field of Palamu : Glean. Sci., II, 217220, (1831). 2. Reports of a Committee for Investigating the Coal and Mineral Re- sources of India with reference to Coal and Iron. 8. Calcutta, 1838. Table of assays in Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 197 199, (1838); J. McCLF.LLAND, No. IO. 3. Reports and abstracts of the Proceedings of a Committee for the In- vestigation of the Coal and Mineral Resources of India, brought up to May, 1841 : Folio. Calcutta, 1841 ; partly in Jour. As. Soc. Beng,, VII, 948-962, (1838), IX, 198-214, (1840). 27 Co a Col Geological Survey of India. Coal, cont. 4. Abstract of the Proceedings of a Committee for the Investigation of the Coal and Mineral Resources of India, brought up to April 1842. Flscp. Calcutta, 1842. 5. Notes on Rajmehal Coal (from proceedings of Coal Committee) : CaL Jour. Nat. Hist., Ill, 501506, (1843). 6. Analysis of coal from the falls of the Jamuna river : CaL Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 444, (1845). 7. Report of a Committee for the Investigation of the Coal and Mineral Resources of India for May 1845. Folio. Calcutta, 1846. 8. Correspondence concerning the discovery of coal in Upper Assam by Lieutenant Dalton : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., VII, 213 216, (1847). 0. Discovery of coal at the foot of the Bhooteah hills : Cal Jour. Nat. Hist., VIII, 277, (1847). 10. Further discoveries of Coal on the Northern side of Assam: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., VII, 368, (1847). 11. Papers on the coal of the Nerbudda Valley, Tenasserim Provinces and Thayetmyo : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., X, 1856. 12. Notice of an exploration for Coal near Kotree in Scinde : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XIX (new series, III), 142, (1857). (Reprinted from Scindian, 1 3th January, 1857.) 13. Official correspondence regarding the existence of Coal and Iron in the Punjab. 8. Calcutta, 1859. 14. Reports on the coal Resources and Production of India : Sel. Rec. Gov. / ( l8 57). 2. Sur la mine de cornaline de Barotch entre Bombay et Brouda : BulL Soc. Geol. France, XIII, 669-670, (1856). Copper. i On the copper works at Singhana near Khetri in the Shekhawati country : Glean. Sci., Ill, 380384, (1831). Corbett, A. F. i. The climate and resources of Upper India, and suggestions for their im- provement. 8. London, (1874). Costello, C. P. i. Observations on the Geological Features, &c., of the country in the neigh- bourhood of Bunnoo and the Sanatorium of Shaikh Boodeen : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIII, 378380, (1864). Cotton, Sir Arthur T. i. Report on the Mahanuddi Delta. Report on the water communication between Calcutta and the Ganges. Memorandum on the proposed Mari Kanvdi Tank in Mysore. Iron or water for India. 8. Madras, 1859* 30 Bibliography. Cou Cul Coulthard, S. i. The Trap formation of the Sagor district and of those districts westwards of it as far as Bhopalpur on the banks of the rivet Newas in Omatwara : As. Res., XVIII, 4781, (1833); Glean. Sci., I, 216218, (1829) ; WESTERN INDIA, 207 230, (1857). Cowan, L. i. Memorandum on the produce of the Himalaya Hills. 8. Lahore, 1860. Cox, Hiram. i. An account of the Petroleum Wells in the Burmha Dominions, extracted from Journal of a voyage from Ranghong up the River Erai Wuddey to Amarapoorah, the present capital of the Burmha Empire : As. Res. t VI, 127137, (1799) * Phil - Ma 8-> E^ 226234, (1801). Cracroft, W. 1. [Limestone in Sylhet] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 74, (1832). 2. Smelting of Iron in the Kasya Hills : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 150 151, (1832). 3. [Information respecting the coal of the Khasia hills] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 250, 252253, 363, (1832). 4. Notes relative to the collection of some Geological specimens in the Kasia Hills between Assam and Nanklow : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 561, (1832) ; III, 293296, (1834). Crawfurd, H. i. [Smooth water anchorages on the Travancore coast]: Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XXII, 133-136, (1861). Crawfurd, J. 1. Geological observations made on a voyage from Bengal to Siam and Cochin China: Geol. Trans., 2nd series, I, 406 408, (1824). 2. Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court ofAvain 1827. 4, London, 1829. 2nd edition, 2 vols., 8, London. Edinburgh and Dublin. Contains BUCKLAND, No. i, in Appendix, i t ed., pp. 78 to 88 ; 2nd ed., II, pp. 143 162. 3. [Account of the Mission toAva]: Gazette of India, ist March, 1827 Edin. New Phil. Jour., Ill, 359 370, (1827). Crespigny, De. i. Discovery of beds of Lignite under Laterite at Ratnagherry : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 626628, (1857). Criper, W. R. i . Note on some Antimony Deposits in the Maulmain District : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 151153, (1885). Croockeurt, H. i. The Tin mines of Malacca: Jour. Ind. Archip., VIII, 112 133, (1854), [translated from Tidjschrift Voor. Nederl. Ind., November, 1851.] Cullen, W. i. Notice of the geological features of a route from Madras to Bellary in April and May, 1822 : Phil. Mag., IV, 355363, 435443, (1828). 31 Cul Dal Geological Survey of India. Cullen, W., cont. 2. Extract from a letter regarding graphite in Travancore : Mad. Jour. Lit* Sci. t XVIII (new series, II), 295 297, (1857). Cunliffe, C. E. i. [Fossils at Pondicherry] : Cal.Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 113 115, (184,2).- Cunningham, Alex. 1. Abstract Journal of the Route to the sources of the Punjab rivers : Jour,- As. Soc. Beng., X, i 6, 105115, (1841). 2. Journal of a trip through Kulu and Ldhul, to the Chu Mureri Lake in Laddk, during the months of August and September, 1846 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, pt. i, 201 230, (1848). 3. Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical, with notices of the surround- ing countries. 8. London 1854. 4. On stone and timber of the Gwalior Territory : Prof. Pap. Thomason Eng. Coll., Roorkee, No. IV, 1854. Cunningham, Alex., and Broome, A. i. Abstract Journal of the Routes of Lieutenants A. Broome and A. Cun- ningham to the sources of the Punjab rivers : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., 1 X, 1-6, (1841). Cunningham, Allan. i. Memorandum on the Irawadi river, with a monthly Register of its rise and fall from 1856 to 1858, and a measurement of its minimum discharge - Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIX, 175183, (1860). Cunningham, J. D. 1. Notes on Moorcroft's travels in Ladakh, and on Gerard's account of. Kunauar, including a general description of the latter district : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 172 253, (1844). 2. On the embankments of rivers, and on the nature of overflowing rivers in. Diluvial plains : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, 697 702, (1849). D Dalton, E. T. 1. Report of a visit to the hills in the neighbourhood of the Sobanshiri river : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 250 267, (1845). 2. Coal from Darjmu river, Upper Assam : Cal. Jour. Nat. His., VII, 214216, (1847). 3. Earthquakes experienced in Assam in the latter end of Jan. 1849 : Jur~ As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, I73-I74, (1849)- 4. Account of a visit to the Jugloo and Seesee rivers, in Upper Assam ; together with a note on the gold fields of that Province, by Major Hannay : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXII, 511 521, (1853). Dalton, E. T. and Hannay, S. F. i. Note on recent investigations regarding the extent and value of the Auri- ferous deposits of Assam, being abstracts of reports by Capt. E, T. Dalton and Lieut. Col. S. F. Hannay, dated October, 1855 : Mem. GeoL Surv. Ind., I, pt. i, 94 98, (1856). 32 Bibliography. Dal Dav Dalton, T. i. Notes of a tour made in 1863 64, in the Tributary Mehals, under the Commissioner of Chota Nagpore, Bonai, Gangpore, Odeypore, and Sirgooja:/0wr. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIV, pt. ii, pp. 31, (1865). Daly, D. D. i. Metalliferous formations of the [Malay] Peninsula: Jour. Straits As. Soc., No. II, pp. 193198, (1878). Damour, A. A. i. Note sur la Tcheffkinite de la c6te du Coromandel : Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 2nd series, XIX, 550552, (1862). D'Amato, Pere, Giuseppe. i. Short description of the mines of precious stones, in the District of Kyatpen, in the kingdom of Ava [Translation] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 7576, (i833J ; BURMA, pp. 285287, (1882). Dana, J. D. i. [Minerals from W. India] : Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, XI, 424, (1851). Dangerfield, F. i. [Geology of Central India] : Sir J. MALCOLM, Memoir of Central India, Vol. II, Appendix ii, pp. 313 349, (1823) ; partly in WESTERN INDIA, 231 246, (1857). Danvers, C. i. Memo, on Indian Coals, with reference to their employment as fuel for Indian Railways and Steamers: Gazette of India Supplement, 1868, pp. 8489. Danvers, F. C. i. Spons' information for Colonial Engineers, No. 3, India. 8. London, 1877. D'Archiac, E. T. and Haime, J. i. Description des Animaux Fossiles du groupe Nummulitique de 1'Inde, 4. Paris, 1853. Davidson, T. 1. On some Carboniferous Brachiopoda collected in India by A. Flemming, M.D. and W. Purdon, Esq.. F.G.S. : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XVIII, 25 35 (1862). 2. Note on the Carboniferous Brachiopoda collected by Captain Godwin- Austen : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XX, 387, (1864). 3. Note on some Jurassic and Cretaceous Brachiopoda, collected by Captain Godwin- Austen in the Mustakh hills in Thibet : Quart. Jour Geol. Soc., XXII, 3539, (1866). 4. Note on Carboniferous Brachiopoda collected by Captain Godwin-Austen in the valley of Cashmere : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. } XXII, 39 45, (1866). Davy, John. i. A description of Adam's Peak : Quart. Jour. Sci., V, 25 30, (1818). D 33 Dav De Geological Survey of India. Davy, John, -cont. 2. Description of certain rocks in the south of Ceylon : Quart. Jour. Sci., V, 233-235, (1818). 3. Chemical examination of some substances used in Ceylon as remedies against the bites of venomous serpents : Phil. 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On the Occurrence of the Cretaceous genus Omphalia near Namcho Lake, Tibet: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 2126, (1877). 30. Note on Estheria in the Gondwana formation : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 2630, (1877). 31. Note on " Eryon, comp. Barrovensis" McCoy, from the Sripermatur group, near Madras : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 193 196, (1877). 32. On Giant's Kettles (pot-holes) caused by water-action in streams in the Raj mahal Hills and Barakur district: Proc. As. Soc. Seng., 1877, pp. 7780. 33. Preliminary report and notes on the flora of the Kurhurbali Coal-field, its importance and relations to that of the Talchir shales and Damuda series. 8. Calcutta, 1877. (Printed privately.) 34. Kurze Bemerkungen fiber das Alter der sog, alteren Kohlenfiihrenden Schichten in Indien : Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol., 1877, pp. 147 159, 809811. 35. [Giants' Cauldrons] : Neu.Jahrb. Min. Geol., 1877, pp. 509 511. 36. Jurassic (Liassic) Flora of the Rajmahal group in the Rajmahal Hills : Pal. 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Note on the fossil genera Nceggerathia, Stbg., Nagger athtoptis, Fstm., and Rhiptozamites, Schmalh., in the Palaeozoic and secondary rocks of Europe, Asia, and Australia: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 61 62, (1880). 45. Notes on fossil plants from Kattywar, Shekh Budin, and Sirgujah : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 6269, (1880). 46. Palseontological notes from the Karharbari and S. Rewa fields : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,XIll, 176190, (1880). 47. Further notes on the correlation of the Gondwana flora with other floras : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 190193, (1880). 48. Further notes on the correlation of the Gondwana flora with that of the Australian coal -bearing system : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 250 253, (1880). 49. Flora of the Damuda and Panchet Divisions : Pal. Indica, series ii, xi & xii, III, pt. H, (1880) ; pt. iii, (1881). 50 Notes on some Rajmahal plants : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 148 152, (1881). ci. Palseontological notes from Hazaribagh and Lohardagga Districts : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 241263, (1881). 52. A sketch of the history of the fossils of the Indian Gondwana system : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., L, pt. ii, 168 219, (i88"i). 53. Popular guide to the Geological Collections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, No. 4, Palseontological collections. 8. Calcutta, 1 88 1. 54 Note on remains of palm leaves from the Murree and Kasaoli (Tertiary) beds: Rec. Geol Surv. Ind., XV, 5153, (1882). c e Fossil Flora of the South Rewah Gondwana basin : Pal. Indica, series ii, xi & xii, IV, pt. i, (1882). c6 Palseontological notes from the Daltonganj and Hutar coalfields in Chota Nagpur: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. t XVI, 175178, (1883). 57 The fossil flora of some of the coal-fields in Western Bengal : Pal. Indica, series ii, xi & xii, IV, pt. ii, (1886). 58. Ueber die pflanzen und kohlen-fiihrenden Schichten in Indien (bezie- hungsw. Asien), Afrika und Australien und darin vorkommende glaciale Enscheinungen : Si'tz. K. Bohm. Gesel. Wis., 1887, pp, 1109. Fenwick, R. H. i [Letters and Reports on Nerbudda Valley coal] : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., XIV, 74101, (1854). Fergusson, J. i On recent changes in the delta of the Ganges : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XIX, 321354, (1863). Fife, J. G. i. Report on the Eastern Narra : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., new series, LX, 1861. 44 Bibliography. Fin Foo Finnis, J. 1. Notice of coal near Hoshungabad: Glean. Sa\, III, 293 294, (1831). 2. A Summary description of the geology of the country between Ho- shungabad, on the Nerbudda, and Nagpoor, by the direction of Baitool : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 71 75, (1834) ; WESTERN INDIA, 467 471, (1857). Fisher, F. H. 1. Geological sketch of Masdri and Landour, in the Himalayas ; together with an abstract of the Thermometrical Register kept at Landour, dur- ing the year 1831 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 193 195, (1832). 2. Memoir of Sylhet, Kachar, and the adjacent districts : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IX, 808848, (1840). Flamming, A. 1. Report on the Salt Range, and on its Coal and other Minerals : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, pt. ii, 500526, (1848). 2. Diary of a Trip to Find Dadun Khan and the Salt Range : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, 661693, (1849). 3. On the Salt Range of the Punjab [Extracts of letters] : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., IX, 189200, (1853). 4. On the Geology of the Sooliman Range : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., IX, 346349, (1853) ; WESTERN INDIA, 528530, (1857). 5. Report on the Geological Structure and Mineral Wealth of the Salt Range in the Punjab : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXII, 229 279,338 368, 444 462, (1853) ; SeL Pub. Corr. Punjab, II, No. x, pp. 253 381, (1854). 6. Notes on the Iron ore of Kordna in the Jetch Dooab of the Punjab, with a qualitative analysis of the same : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 9294, (1854). Foley, W. 1. On coal from Arracan : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 368, (1833). 2. [On Fossil Shells and Coal from Kyouk Phyoo, Ramree] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng.,lll,M2, (1834). 3. Journal of a tour through the Island of Ramree, with a geological sketch of the country and a brief account of the customs, &c., of its inhabitants : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 20 38, 8294, 199 206, (1835). 4. Notes on the Geology, &c., of the country in the neighbourhood of Maul- mayeng, vulg. Moulmein : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 269 280, (1836). Foote, R. B. 1. Notes of a recent excursion to the Kolvmullays: Mad. Quart. Jour. Ned. Sci., new series, IV, 91 97, (1862). 2. On the occurrence of Stone Implements in various parts of the Madras and North Arcot Districts, with illustrations : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., 3rd series, pt. II, pp. i 35, (1866). 3. On the Distribution of Stone Implements in Southern India : Quart. Jour* Geol. Soc., XXIV, 484494, (iS6S). 45 Foo Geological Survey of India. Foote, R. B., cont. 4. Notes on the geology of the neighbourhood, Madras : Rec. Geol. Surv^ Ind., III, 11 17, ( l8 7o); Chingkput Manual. 8 C . Madras, 1879, PP- 58 and 383 390. 5 . Enquiry into an alleged discovery of coal near Gooty, and of the indica- tions of coal in the Cuddapah District : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 16 18, (1871). 6. Notes on the geology of the country between the towns of Juggiapett and Bellamkonta in the Kistna District: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 293 S' 7. On the discovery of Prehistoric Remains in India (Bellary) : Geol. Mag., ist decade, X, 187, (18 7 3). 8. On the geology of parts of the Madras and North Arcot districts lying north of the Palar river, and included in the sheet 78 of the Indian Atlas : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, i 32, (1873). 9. The auriferous rocks on the Dambal Hills, Dhdrwar District : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., VII, 133142, (1874). 10. Rhinoceros deccanensis : Pal. Indica, series x, I, p. i, (1879). 11. The geological features of the South Mahratta country and adjoining districts: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, pt. i, 1268, (1876). 12. [Geology of] Ratnagiri: Bombay Gazetteer, X, 12 21, (1880); BOMBAY 2837. 13. [Geology of the] Southern Mahratta country: BOMBAY, 53 67. 14. [Geology of] Sdwantwdri : Bombay Gazetteer, X, 390 399, (1880); BOMBAY, 38 49. 15. Notes on representatives of the Upper Gondwana series in Trichinopoly and Nellore Kistna districts: Rec. Geol. Surv.Ind^Xl, 247 250, 16. On the geological structure of the Eastern Coast from latitude 15 north- ward to Masulipatam : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, i 107, (1879). 17. On the Geology of N. Madura, Pudukotai State and S. Tanjore, and Trichinopoly within the limits of sheet 80 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 141158, (1879). 1 8. Rough notes on the Cretaceous Fossils from Trichinopoly: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 159 162, (1879). 19. Sketch of the Geology of the N. Arcot District: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 187208, (1879). 20. [Review of the] Manual of the Geology of India : Geol. Mag., Dec. ii,. VII, 7985, 127134, (1880). 21. Sketch of the work of the Geological Survey in Southern India: Mad. Jour. Lit. ScL, 1881, pp. 279328. 22. Notes on the occurrence of stone implements in the coast laterite south of Madras and in the higher level gravel and other formations in the South Mahratta country (abst.) : Brit. Ass. Rep., 1880, 589590. 23. Notes on a traverse across the gold fields of Mysore Rec. Geol Surv* Ind., XV, 191202, (1882). 46 Bibliography. Foo For Foote, R. B. t cont. 24. On the Geology of the Madura and Tinnevelly districts : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 1103, (1883). 25. On the Geology of S. Travancore : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 20 35, 26. Rough notes on Billa Surgam and other caves in the Kurnool district; Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 2734, (1884). 27. Mr. H. B. Foote's work at the Billa Surgam caves : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 200208, (1884). 28. Notes on the country between the Singareni coal-field and the Kistna River: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 1225, (1885). 29. Geological sketch of the country between the Singareni coal-field and Hyderabad: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 2530, (1885). 30. Notes on the results of Mr. H. B. Foote's further excavations in the Billa Surgam caves: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 227 235, (1885). 3 1 . Notes on the geology of parts of Bellary and Anantapur districts : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 97, (1886). 32. Notes on some recent Neolithic and Palaeolithic Finds in South India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., LVI, pt. ii, 259282, (1887). 33. Report on the auriferous tracts in Mysore. Bangalore, 1887. Foote, R. B., and King, W. i. On the geological structure of parts of the districts of Salem, Trichino- poly, Tanjore, and South Arcot, in the Madras Presidency (being the area included in sheet 79 of the Indian Atlas) : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 223386, (1864). Forbes, D. i. Report on certain samples of iron ore from the Chanda district, Central Provinces of India : Ind. Economist, III, 78, (1871) ; Gazette of India Supplement, 1871, p. 1342. Forbes, Edward. 1. Report on the collection of (Cretaceous) fossils from Southern India, presented by C. J. Kaye, Esq. and Rev. W. H. Egerton : Quart Jour. Geol. Soc., I, 7981, (1845); Cal.Jour. Nat. Hist., VI, 263 266, (1846). 2. Report on Fossil Invertebrata from Southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, VII, 97 174, (1846). Forbes, L. R. i. Report on the Ryotwaree settlement of the Government Farms in Palamow, 8. Calcutta, 1872. [Coal and Copper.] Forlong, J. G. and Fraser, A. i . Report on a Route from the mouth of the Pakchan to Kraw, and thence across the Isthmus of Kraw to the Gulf of Siam : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XXXI, 347362, (1862); INDO-CHINA, No. i, I, 285297, (1886;. Forrest, R. E. i. Memorandum on improvements in the irrigation of the DeyrahDoon and Remarks on the drainage of the Eastern portion of the valley : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., ist series, I, 5774, (1863). 47 For Fry Geological Survey of India. Forsyth, SirT.'D. i. Report of a mission to Yarkand in 1875, WItn historical and geographical information regarding the possessions of the Ameer of Yarkand. 4, Calcutta, 1875. Franklin, J. 1. Memoir on Bundelkund : Tram. Roy. As. Soc., I,. 259 281, (1826). [Mines and Minerals, p. 277.] 2. On the Diamond mines of Panna in Bundelkhand ; As. Res., XVIII, pt. i, loi 122, (1829); Edin. Jour. Set., V, 150166, (1831). 3. On the geology of a portion of Bundelkhand, Baghelkhand, and the Districts of Sagar and Jebelpur: As. Res.> XVIII, 23 46, (1833); Glean. Set., I, 213215, (1829). 4. On the coal-field of Palamu: Glean. Set'., II, 217220, (1830). 5. On the Geology of Bundelkhand, Baghelkund and Districts of Saugor and Jubbulpore: Geol. Trans., 2nd. series, III, 191 200, (1835); Proc. Geol. Soc., I, 8285, (1834). Fraser, H. 1. Further particulars regarding the Dandapur meteorite : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1878, p. 190. i Account of a journey to the sources of the Jumna and Bhagirathi rivers : As. Res., XIII, 171249, (1820). 2. Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himalaya Moun- tains and to the sources of the Rivers Jurnna and Ganges. 4. Lon- don, 1820. 3 Notes to accompany a set of specimens from the Himalaya Mountains : Geol. Trans., V, 6072, (1820). 4. Description accompanying a collection of specimens made on a journey from Delhi to Bombay; Geol. Trans., 2nd series, I, 141 161, (1824). c. Notes made in the course of a voyage from Bombay to Bushire in the Per- sian Gulf ; transmitted with a series of illustrative specimens : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, I, 409412, (1824). i Mineralogisches aus dem Ostindischen Archipel : Jahrb. K.-K. Geol. Reichs., Bd. XXVII, Min. Mitth., Heft, in, pp. 297309, (1877) ; Boll. Comp. Map. Geol. Espafi.,\l, 8790, (1879). Frere, Sir H. Bartle, E. 1 On the Geology of a part of Sind : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., IX, 349 35i, (1853); WESTERN INDIA, 530 532, (1857). 2 On the Runn of Cutch and the countries between Rajpootana and Sind : Brit. As. Rep., XXXIX, pt. ii, p. 163, (1869). 3 Notes on the Runn of Cutch and neighbouring regions : Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., XL, 181207, (1870). Frvar, Mark. i. A letter to the Proprietors and Managers of the coal mines in India, 12. London, 1869. Bibliography. Fry Ful Fryar, Mark, cont. 2. Note on the iron ores at Goonjwai, Lohara, and Dewulgaon in the Chanda district: Gazette of India Supplement, 1871, p. 1341; Ind. Economist, III, 78, (1871). 3. Report on coal exploration in the Chanda district : Ind. Economist, III, 4. Report on some mineraliferous localities of Tenasserim : Ind. Economist t IV, 4243, (1872); BURMA, pp. 413444, (1882). 5. [Coal atMoulmein] : Ind. Economist, IV, 130, (1872); BURMA, pp.444, 460462, (1882). 6. [Correspondence regarding Tenasserim minerals] : BURMA, pp. 445 449- 7. Report on minerals in the Amherst district of the Tenasserim division : BURMA, pp. 450459. 8. Report on minerals in Shwegyeen, Toungoo and Pahpoon districts, Tenasserim division: BURMA, pp. 462 475, (1882); Colliery Guar- dian, XXX, 390, (1873). Fryer, G. E. i. [On Burmese Celts] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1872, p. 46. Fulljames, G. i. Recent discovery of fossil bones in Perim Island on the Cambay Gulf: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 289-290, (1836); Bibl. Univ., IX, 198-199, 2. Section of the strata passed through in an experimental boring at the town of Gogah, in the Gujerat Peninsula, Gulf of Cambay : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 786-788, (1837). 3. A visit in December, 1832, to the cornelian mines situated in the Raj- peepla Hills, eastward of Broach : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., II, 74 78, (1835). 4. Note on the discovery of fossil bones of Mammalia in Kattiwar : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 30 43, (1841). 5. Observations on the Runn [of Cutch] : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VII, 127, (1846). 6. Remarks on a singular hollow, 12 miles in length, called Boke, situated in the Purantij Parganah of the Ahmedabad collectorate : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., VII, 164167, (1846). 7. A description of the salt-water lake called the Null, situated on the Isthmus of Kattywar : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 109 117, (1857). . 8. Discovery of nummulitic limestone in the Rajpipla hills : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 624 626, (1857). 9. Geology of the North Bank of the Narbadda from Baroda Eastwards : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 163-164, (1861). Fulljames, G. and Hugel, Baron Karl von. i. Recent discovery of fossil bones in Perim Island in the Cambay Gulf: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 288291, (1836). E 49 Gel Ger Geological Survey of India. Cell, R i. The Hill Forts of the Deccan : Good Words, 1878, pp. 2429. Geoffrey Saint- Hilaire, see Saint-Hilaire. Gerard, A. 1 . Journal of a journey through the Himalayah mountains from Shipke to the frontiers of Chinese Tartary; Edin.Jour. Sci., I, 41 52, 215225, (1824). 2. Narrative of a journey from Soobathoo to Shipke in Chinese Tartary : Jour. As. Soc. JBeng., XI, 363391, (1842). Gerard, A. and P. i. Account of a journey through the Himalaya Mountains : Edin. New Phih Jour., X, 295 305, (1824). Gerard, A. and Colebrooke, H. T. i. On the Valley of the Setlej River, in the Himalaya Mountains, from the Journal of Captain A. Gerard, with remarks by Henry Thomas Cole- brooke. [A few scattered geological observations] : Trans. Roy. As. Soc., I, 343380, (1826); Edin.Jour. Sci., V, 270278; VI, 2850, (1826). Getard, Alex, and Lloyd, Sir W. i. Narrative of journey from Caunporeto the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya Mountains, via Gwalior, Agra, Delhi, and Sirhind, by Major Sir William Lloyd : and an account of an attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasarowara, by Captain Alexander Gerard : with a letter from the late J. G. Gerard, detailing a visit to the Shaitool and Boorendo Passes for purpose of determining the line of perpetual snow on the southern face of the Himalayas, &c. Edited by George Lloyd. 2-vols., 8. London, 1840. Gerard, J. G. 1. Letter from the Himalayas. [Fossils] : Glean. Sci.,l, 92, 109-11, (1829). 2. Notice of the discovery of fossils in Thibet, 17,000 ft. above the sea, by J. G. Gerard : Edin. New Phil. Jour., X, 178, (1831). 3. Observations on the Spiti valley and the circumjacent country within the Himalaya: As. Res., XVIII, 238278, (1832). 4. Fossil Shells near Herat :Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 652, (1833). Gerard, J. G. and Burnes, Alex. i . Sketch of the Route and Progress of Lieut. A. Burnes and Dr. Gerard : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., I, 139 145, (1832) ; II, 122, 143149. (1833). Gerard, P. i. Remarks on some of the mineral productions of the Himalayas : Delhi Medical Journal, I, 6 2 - y I , 50 Bibliography. Gib Gol Gibson, A. i. A general sketch of the Province of Guzerat, from Deesa to Damaun: Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay, I, 177, (1838). . 2. Report on the iron ore found at Malwan : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 142 144, (1842). Gibson, J. i . On the composition of " Reh," an efflorescence on the soil of certain districts of India : Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., X, 277290, (1879). Gilchrist, P. C. and Riley, E. i . The iron-making Resources of the British Colonies as illustrated at the Co- lonial and Indian Exhibition; India : Iron, XXVIII, 476^478, (1886). Gilchrist, W. i. On the origin and formation of the Red soil of Southern India : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XI, 552-555* ( l8 55)- Giraud, H. 1. A chemical and microscopical examination of the Rock salt of the Punjab : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 303308, (1843). 2. An account of two aerolites, and a mass of Meteoric Iron, recently found in Western India : Edin. New Phil. Jour., XLVII, 53 57, (1849); Froriep. Notizen, 241 244, (1849). I Giraud, H. and Haines, R. i. Analysis of the Mineral Springs and various Well Waters in the Bombay Presidency: Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay, V, 242263, (1859). Giasfurd, J. i. Report on the progress made up to the ist May, 1839, in opening the experimental Copper Mine in Kumaon : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 471474, (1839). Glass. 1. Correspondence and papers relative to the manufacture of glass and .Earthenwares and Fire-bricks in India: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 589 609, (1842). 2. List of some of the articles which have been made at the Fattehpuf Flint Ware Factory: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., Ill, 152, (1843). Gmelin, C. G. 1. Analysis of cinnamon stone from Ceylon : Edin. Phil. Jour., XI, 129 132, (1824). 2. Analysis of a black mineral from Candy in Ceylon, named Candite : Edin. Phil. Jour., IX, 384387, 1823; Ann. de Chemie, XXV, 208 209, (1824). 3. Chemische untersuchung des Poonahlits und des Thulits : Annalen, Phys. Chim., 2nd series, XLIX, 538 540, (1840). Godwin Austen, H. H., see AUSTEN, H. H. GODWIN. Gold. i. Gold Mines at Malacca. Extract from the Proceedings of the Coal Com- mittee : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 539, (1844). B 2 51 Gol Gra Geological Survey of India* Gold, cont. 2. Account of the gold mines in the Province of Malabar, from official papers communicated by Government : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XIV, 154-181, (1847). 3. Correspondence regarding gold mines in Wynaad, Malabar district. 8. Madras, 1874. 4. The gold quartz regions of Southern India : Mining Journal, L, 67 68, (1880). Goldsmid, Sir F. J. i. Eastern Persia, an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-71-72. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1876. [Vol. II, Zoology and Geology by W. T. BLANFORD]. Gordon, A. i. Notes on the Topography of Murree : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 461469, (1854). Gordon, R. i. Report on the Irrawaddy river. Folio. Rangoon, 1879 1880, Grange, E. R. i. Extracts from the Narrative of an Expedition into the Naga territory of Assam : Jour. As. Soc. 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Bengali, 625628, (1838). 4. Memoranda of earthquakes and other remarkable occurrences in Upper Assam, from January 1839, to September 1843 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XII, 907908, (1843). 5. On the Assam Petroleum beds: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 817820, (1845). 6. Extracts from letters respecting the Jaipur [Assam] coal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, 167168, (1848). 7. Notes on the Gold fields of Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXII, 515 521, (1853). 8. Notes on the productive capacities of the Shan countries, North and East of Ava: Sel. Rec. Beng. Gov., XXV, 919, (1857). 9. Notes on the Iron ore statistics, and Economic Geology of Upper Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXV, 330344, (1856). Hannay, S. F. and Dalton, E. T. j. Note on recent investigations regarding the extent and value of the Auri- ferous deposits of Assam, being abstracts of reports by Captain E.T. Dalton and Lieutenant-Colonel S. F. Hannay, dated October, 1855 : Mem. Geol. Sur. 2nd., I, pt. i, 94 98, (1856). Hannay, S. F. and Pemberton, R. B. i. Abstract of the Journal of a Route, travelled by Captain S. F. Hannay, of the 48th Regiment, Native Infantry, from the Capital of Ava to the Amber Mines of the Hiikong valley on the South-East Frontie of Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 245 278, (1837). 55 Bibliography. Har Harcourt, A. F. P. i. The Himalayan Districts of Kooloo, Lahoul, and Spiti : Sel. Rec. Punjab Gov., new series, X, 79 80, (1874) ; also 8. London, 1871. Hardie, J. 1. Observations on the Geology of the Meywar District: Edin. New Phil. Jour., VI, 32933 6 ; VII > 116125, (1829). 2. On the Geology of the Secondary Formations of the Meywar District : Edin. New Phil. Jour., XI, 8290, (1831). 3. Outline of the Geology of the Bhurtpore District : Edin. New Phil. Jour., XIII, 328337, (1832); XIV, 7682, (1833). 4. Geology of the valley of Oodipur : Edin. New Phil. Jour., XIV, 263 285, (1833) J XVI, 56-67, 278-285, (1834). 5. Remarks on the Geology of the country on the Route from Baroda to Udayapur, via Birpur and Salambhar : As. Res., XVIII, pt. i, 82 99, (1833); Glean. Sci., I, 218220, (1829). 6. Sketch of the Geology of Central India, exclusive of Malwa : As. Res., XVIII, pt. ii, 27-92, (1833). 7. Explanation of the sketch giving a Geological section of the Strata from Nimach to Merta, published in the Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII, pt. ii, p. 92 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 238242, (1834). Harris, J. C. i. Notes on the Rainfall in the Basin of the River Mahanuddy and the floods consequent thereupon : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXX, 216 220, (1861). Hart, N. Some account of a Journey from Kurrachee to Hinglaj, in the Lus terri- tory, descriptive of the intermediate country and of the port of Sou- meanee : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IX, 134 154, 615, (1840). Haughton, J. C. 1. Memorandum on the Geological Structure and Mineral Resources of the Singhbhoom Division, South-West Frontier Agency : Jour. As. Soc. 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On the Chemical and Mineralogical composition of the Dhurmsala meteoric stone: Proc. Roy. Soc., XV, 214 218, (1867); Phil. Mag., XXXII, 266269, (1866). 7. Additional notice of the Zeolites of Western India : Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, II, (new series), 112 115, (1871). 8. On the chemical composition of some Zeolites from Bombay : Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Dublin, I, (new series), 252 256,(i868). Hay, R. G. 1. Fossil shells discovered by Capt. Hay in the neighbourhood of Bajgah, Afghanistan : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IX, 1126 1128, (1840). 2. Report on the valley of Spiti ; and facts collected with a view to a future Revenue Settlement: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIX, 429 448, (1850). Hay, R. G. and Thurburn, F. A. V. i. Report on the Turan Mull Hill [Satpuras] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XX, 502 516, (1851). Heath, J. M. 1. [Memoranda on the subject of the Salem Iron works] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 253255, (1832). 2. On Indian Iron and Steel: Jour. Roy. As. Soc., V, 390 397, (1839) ; Mad. Jour. 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Notes, chiefly Botanical, made during an excursion from Darjiling to Tonglo, a lofty mountain on the confines of Sikkim and Nepal : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XVIII, 419446, (1849). 3. On the physical character of the Sikkim Himalaya : Land. Jour. Bot., Ill, 2131, (1851). 4. A fourth excursion to the passes into Tibet by the Donkiah Lah : Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., XX, 4952, (1851). 5. Himalayan Journals ; or notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Moutains, &c. 2 vols., 8. London, 1854. Host, H. i. [Notice of garnet mines in Rajputana] : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXX, 7074, (1870). Hoste, E. P. de La, see DE LA HOSTE. Hot Springs. i. Temperature of the, at Peer Mungal or Munga or Mungear: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, pt. ii, 230, (1848). Hove. i. Tours for Scientific and Economical Research made in Guzerat, Kattiawar, and the Conkuns : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., new series, XVI, (1855). Hugel, Baron Karl von. 1. Notice of visit to the Valley of Kashmir in 1836 : Jour. 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Note on Slates at Chiteli, Kumaon : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, 43 44, (1870). 6. On the lead ore at Slimanabad, Jabalpur District, Central Provinces : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, 70-71, (1870). 7. The Karanpura coal-fields : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 285 342, (1871). 8. The Itkhuri coal-field : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 321 324, (1872). 9. The Daltonganj coal-field : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 325 346, (1872). 10. Coal in India: Rec. Geol. Sur. Ind., VI, 6466, (1873). 11. Note on some of the iron deposits of Chanda, Central Provinces: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 77 81, (1873) ; Gazette of India Supplement, 22 Aug., 1874, pp. 14891491. 12. Notes on some of the iron ores of Kumaon : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 15 20, (1874); Gazette of India Supplement, 22nd August, 1874, pp. 1466 1468. 13. Note on the raw materials for iron-smelting in the Raniganj field : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 20 30, (1874) ; Gazette of India Supplement 22nd Aug., 1874, pp. 1474 1481. 14. Petroleum in Assam : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 55 58, (1874). 15. Second note on the materials for iron manufacture in the Raniganj coal- field : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 122124, (1874). 1 6. Manganese ore in the Wardha coal-field: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 125126, (1874). 17. Note upon the subsidiary materials for artificial fuel : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,Vll, 160163, (1874). 18. Trials of Raniganj fire-bricks : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 1820, (1875). 19. On the relation of the fossiliferous strata of Mal^ri and Kota, near Siron- cha, Central Provinces: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 86, (1876). 20. The Wardha Valley coal-field: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 11^4 (1877). 21. Borings for coal in India : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 92 97, (1877). 22. Geology of the Upper Godaveri Basin between the Rivers Wardha and the Godavery, near Sironcha : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 17 30, (1878). 23. Note on a trip over the Milam Pass, Kumaon : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind XI, 182-187, (1878), 63 Hug Hun Geological Survey of India. Hughes, T. W. H., cont. 24. Satistics of coal importation into India: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 8387, (1879). 25. Notes on the S. Rewah Gondwana Basin : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 126138 and 311 320, (1836). 26. Notes on Mining Records, &c. : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 185 190, (1881). 27. Note on the Umaria coal-field : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 169 175, (1882). 28. Further notes on the Umaria coal-field : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 118121, (1883). 29. Additional notes on the Umaria coal-field: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 146 150, (1884). 30. The Southern Coal-fields of the Rewah G6ndwana Basin, Umaria, Korar, Johilla, Sohdgpur, Kurasia, Koreagarh, Jhilmili : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XXI, 137249, (1885). Humboldt, F. H. Alexander von. 1. Sur les chaines et les volcaris de 1'inte'rieur de 1'Asie, et sur une nouvelle Eruption dans les Andes: Journ. de. Geol., II, 136173, (1830) ; Ed in. New Phil. Jour., X, 227 240, XI, 145 159, (1831); Annal. der Phys. u. Chem.,XVIII, i 18, (1830), XXIII, 294301, (1831). 2. Recherches sur les systemes de montagnes et les volcans de 1'inte'rieur de 1'Asie : Ann. de Chemie, XLV, 208 215,337 348, (1830) ; Glean. Sci., Ill, 330332> (1831). 3. Fragmens de geologic et de climatologie asiatiques. 2 vols., 8, Paris, 1831 ; German translation, 8, Berlin, 1832. 4. Asie Centrale. Recherches sur les chaines de montagnes et la climato- logie comparee. 3 vols., 8, Paris, 1843 ; German translation, 2 vols., 8, Berlin, 1844. Hume, A. O. and Henderson, G. See HENDERSON, G. and HUME, A. O. Hunter, A. j. On the Improvements which have been made in the Pottery of India, &c. : Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., I, 93 105, (1850). 2. On the Pottery of India, showing the various substances required in the different branches of the Art: Ind. Jour. Arts &*'., I, 159 168, (1850). 3. On the indications of Coal in India: Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., I, 208 213, 4. List of articles from the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, the Produce of the Madras Presidency : Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., I, 241 261, (1850). 5. Report, &c., upon the Mineral Products of the Madras Presidency sent to the Great National Exhibition of 1851 : Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., I, 431444, (1851). 6. Lectures on the uses and applications of Plaster of Paris or Gypsum to the Arts and Manufactures : Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., I, 514 524, 580 584, (1851). 64 Bibliography. Hun Hux Hunter, A., cont. 7. Geological excursions near Madras : Ind. four. Arts Sci. t I, 568580, (1851). & The Resources of the Madras Presidency likely to be done justice to ere long: Ind. Jour. Arts Sci. y I, 636640, (1852). 9. Polishing slate : Ind. Jour Arts Set'., I, 674, (1852). 10. The Fossil Records of creation in Southern India : Ind. Jour. Arts Sci., 2nd series, I, 19, 4145. (1856); 137140, (1857). 11. Geological excursion at Bangalore: Ind. Jour. Arts Set., 2nd series, I> 2527, (1856). 1 2. Report on a collection of clays, &c., from Debrughur, Upper Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIV, 726728, (1855). 13. Abstract of a ten years' correspondence on the Resources of India : Ind. Jour. Arts Set., 2nd series, I, 5075, (1856). 14. On Coal in South India: Ind. Economist, II, 184 187, 210, (1871). 15. Report on the search made in several quarters in Southern India for indi- cations of Coal : Ind. Economist, III, 7576, (1871). Hunter, W. i. Analysis of the water drawn from a well in Fort William at the depth of 70 ft from the surface : Glean. 5V*'., 103 105, (1829). Hutchinson, C. H. i. Report on the new Tenasserim coal-field: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 390391, (1839). Hutton, T. 1. Journal of atrip to the Burenda Pass in 1836: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 901-938, (1837). 2. Journal of a trip through Kunawar, Hungrung, and Spiti, undertaken in the year 1838, under the patronage of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, for the purpose of determining the geological formation of the district : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 901949, (1839); *X, 489513, 555 581, (1840). 3. Geological Report on the Valley of the Spiti and of the route from Kot- ghur: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., X, 198 229, (1841). 4. Remarks on the Calcutta Delta: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 542560, (1842). 5. Notes on the Geology and Mineralogy of Afghanistan : CaL Jour. Nat. J2w/.,VI, 562 611, (1846). Huxley, J. i. Sketch of the geology of the Bhartpur District : Glean. Set., II, 143 147, (1830). Huxley, T. H. i. On some Reptilian Remains from Bengal : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. XVII, 362, (1861). F 65 Hux IrO Geological Survey of India. Huxley, T. H., cont. 2. The Vertebrate Fossils from the Panchet Rocks : Pal. Indica, ser. i\r, I, pt. i, (1865). 3. On Hyperodapedon : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXV, 138 1 52, (1869). 4. On the Classification of the Dinosauria, with observations on the Dinosau- ria of the Trias ; Dinosauria from the Trias of the Ural Mountains and India: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XX VI, '48, (1870). Impey, E. 1. Memoir an the physical character of the Nerbudda River and Valley,. &c., also a descriptive detail of the mineral resources of the Nerbudda Valley, and an analysis of the past correspondence of Government on the subject of the coal-beds in its vicinity : SeL Rec. Bo. Gov., XIV r i-37, (1854). 2. Description of the caves of Bagh in Rath: Jour. Bo* As. Soc., V, 543, (1856). 3. Discovery of Ammonitiferous Limestone near Jeysulmere in the Great Desert: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., VI, 16162, (1862). Ince, R. i. Hot Springs of Chittagong: Jour. As. Soc. Btng., XIV, Proc.,p. xxiii, (1845): Indo-China. 1. Miscellaneous papers relating to Indo-China. 8. London. 2 vols., 1886. Contains FORLONG and FRASER, No. i ; J. R. LOGAN, No. i ; J. Low, No. 2 ; G. B. TREMENHEERE, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 7 ; A. URE, No. 2 ; T. WARF>, No. 3. 2. Do., 2nd series; 2 vols. 8. London, 1887; contains J. R. LOGAN, No. 6. Inverarty, J. D. i. Report on the Rise, Progress, and Results of the late flood or overflow of the Indus which endangered the towns of Shikarpoor and Jacobabad : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVI, 4855, (1863). Iron. 1. Iran Works at Firozpur, [by A. E.] : Glean. Sci., Ill, 327-328, (1831). 2. Presentation of specimens of Iron Ore from Sambhalpur : Jour. As. Soc* Beng., I, 250, (1832). 3. Presentation of specimens of Ore and Iron and Steel in various stages of manufacture according to the native processes ; from Salem, Madras ; Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 250, (1832). 4. Papers regarding the Forests and Iron mines in Kumaon : SeL Rec. Gov* 2nd., VIII, (Supplement), 1856. 5. Reports on the Survey of the Mineral Deposits in Kumaon and on the smelting operations experimentally conducted at Dechouiee : SeL Rec. Gov. Ind., XVII, (1856). 66 Bibliography. Jrv Jac Irvine, Dr. R. H. 1. Some account of the general and medical topography of Ajmeer. 8. Calcutta, 1841. 2. A few observations on the probable results of a scientific research after Metalliferous deposits in the Sub-Himalayan range around Darjeeling. Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, pt. i, 137, (1848). Irwin. i. Memoir on the Soil, Produce, and Husbandry of Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 745804, 869 900, 10051015, (1839); IX, 3365, 189197, (1840). J. D. G. i. The Temperature of water in wells: Glean Set., II, 131 132, (1830). Jack, A. i. Extracts from letters relating to the country between Neemuch and Ferozepore: Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 555557, (1841). Jack, W. i. Notice respecting the rocks of the Island of Penang and Singapur, Straits of Malacca ; part of a letter to H. T. Colebrooke : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, I, 165, (1824). Jackson, W. 1. On the Iron Works of Beerbhoom : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 754-755, (1845)- 2. Notice of two heads found in the Northern Districts of the Punjab : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXI, 511, (1852). Jacob, A. A. 1. Reconnoissance of the Nerbudda Valley in Central India: Jour. Geol, Soc. Dublin, VI, 183, (1854). 2. Report on the Iron and Coal Districts of the Nerbudda Valley from Poonassa to Jubbulpore : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., new series, IX, 42 48, (1855); XIV, 136-141, (1855). Jacob, Le Grand. 1. Report on the Iron of Kattywar, its comparative value with British metal, the mines and methods of smelting the ore : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VII, 98104, (1843); Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., XXXVII, 465471, (1856). 2. Letter prefacing extract from journal of a trip from Sind to Kutch in 1852 : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVI, pp. xxxi-xxxiv, (1863). 3. Extract from Journal of a trip to Sind from Kutch in 1852: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVI, 2229, (1863). 4. Extracts from a journal kept during a tour made in 1851 through Kutch, giving some account of the Alum Mines of Murrh, and of changes effected in 1844 by a series of Earthquakes that appear hitherto to have escaped notice : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVI, 5666, (1863). F 2 .67 Jac Jen Geological Survey of India. Jacquemont, Victor. i. Voyage dans 1'Inde, pendant les anne*es 1828 a 1832, 4 vols. Text, 2 vols. Atlas. 4, Paris, 1841. Jameson, R. i. On the Graphite, or Black Lead, of Ceylon: Edin. New Phil. Jour. t XIII, 346, (1832). Jameson, W. 1. Remarks on the geology, &c., of the country extending between Bhar and Simla: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 1037 1056, (1839). 2. Extract from a letter to Mr. Clerk [Minerals from Kalabagh] : Jour. As. Soc.JSeng.,Xl, 13, (1842). 3. First Report by Dr. Jameson of his deputation by Government to examine the effects of the great Inundation of the Indus : Jour. As. Soc. Beng^ XII, 183^-225, (1843). Jamieson, H. W. i. OnBeekite from the Punjab: Geol. Mag., 2nd Decade, VI, 284 286, (1879). Jamieson, T. F. i. On the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, and their place in the History of the Glacial period : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XIX, 235 259, (1863). [Reference to glacial deposits in Central Asia, pp. 257-258.] Jenkins, F. 1. An account of some minerals collected at Nagpur and its vicinity with remarks on the geology of that part of the country : As. Res., XVIII, pt. 2, 195215, (1833); Glean. Sci., I, 226-427, (1829). 2. Further discovery of coal beds in Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 704706, (1835). 3. Announcement of two new sites of coal in Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 169170, (1838). 4. [Letters on the discovery of Coal of a very superior description, in a new situation in Upper Assam]: Cal. four. Nat. Hist., VII, 213 215, 368369, (1847). Jenkins, H. M. i. On some Tertiary Mollusca from Mount Sela,in the Island of Java (with a note on the nummulitic formation of India) : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XX, 4566, (1864). Jenkins, R. 1. Report on 'the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore; submitted to the Supreme Government of India. 4. Calcutta, 1827. 2. Announcement of two new sites of coal in Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 169, (1838.) 3. Note respecting the Jaipur [Assam] coal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 368, (1838). 68 Bibliography. Jer Ka Jervis, H. i. Narrative of a journey to the falls of the Cavery : with an historical and descriptive account of the Neilgherry Hills. 8. London, 1834. Jervis, T. B. i. On slate quarries in the Western Ghauts : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 514 Jessop & Co. i. Note on the smelting of the Iron Ore of the District of Burdwan : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 683684, (1839). Johnston, T. M. H. 1. Coal in the Nizam's territory [BerarsJ : Ind. Economist, III, 177, (1872). Jones, E. J. r. Notes on the Kashmir earthquake of 3Oth May, 1885 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 153 155, (1885). 2. Report on the Kashmir earthquake of 3Oth May, 1885 : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., XVIII, 221227, (1885). 3. The Southern coal-fields of the Satpura Gondwana basin (1887) : Mem. GeoL Surv. Ind., XXIV, pt. i, 158, (1887;. 4. On some Nodular stones obtained by trawling off Colombo in 675 fathoms of water: Jour. As. Soc. Beng. 9 ^LVl f pt. ii, 209 212, (1887). 5. Notes on Upper Burma : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 170194, (1887). Jones, S. 1. Some particulars regarding the Mineral Productions of Bengal: Glean. Set'., I, 281286, (1829). 2. Description of the North-West Coal District, stretching along the River Damuda from the neighbourhood of Jeria, or Juriagerh, to below Sanampur in the Pergunnah of Sheargerh, forming a line of about sixty- . five miles: As. Res., XVIII, pt. i, 163 170, (1833); Glean. Sci., I, 261 263, (1829). 3. Remarks on Cancar : Glean. Sci., I, 365 367, (1827). Jones, T. Rupert. 1. Notes on Fossil Cypridce from Nagpur: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XVI, 186189, (i86o> 2. A monograph of the Fossil Estheriiz: Pal. Soc., 4. London, 1862. 3. On Fossil Estherice and their distribution : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XIX, 140157, (1863). Jumna River. i. Reports on the Jumna River : 'Sel. Rec. Gov., N.-W. P., new series, IV, 437-495 (1868). K Kalikishen, Raja, and Prinsep, J. i. Oriental accounts of the Precious Minerals (translated by Raja Kalikishen ; with remarks by James Prinsep): Jour. As. Soc. Beng., I, 353363, (1832). 69 Kan Kel Geological. Survey of India. Kankar. i. On the Production of Cancar: Glean. Sci., I, 247, (1829). Kasia Hills. 1. Some account of the Casiah Hills [signed F.] : Glean. Set,, I, 252 255, (1829). 2. Excursion to the Chirrapunji Hills [signed C.] : Glean, Set'., Ill, 172 174 (1831). 3. On the manufacture of the Sylhet Lime: Glean. Set., II, 61 63, (1830). Kattiawar. i. Correspondence relative to geological action on the coast of : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVIII, pp. Ivi Ixiv, Ixix Ixxv, and Ixxxv ci, (1868). Kaye, C. T. 1. Observations on the Fossiliferous beds near Pondicherry and in the Dis- trict of South Arcot : Mad. Jour, Lit. Set., XII, 37 43, (1840) ; Cat. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 225230, (1842). 2. Further observations on the fossiliferous beds near Pondicherry, in con- tinuation of a paper which appeared in the Madras Journal of Litera- ture and Science for July, 1840: Cal Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 231 237 (1842). 3. On fossils discovered in. rocks in Southern India : Proc. Geol. Soc., Ill 4. Observations on certain fossiliferous beds in Southern India : Geol. Trans., 2nd series, VII, 8588, (1846); Proc. Geol. Soc., IV, 204 206, (1846). Keatinge, R. H. 1. Neocomien fossils from Bagh and its neighbourhood, presented by Lieu- tenant R. H. Keatinge : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., V, 621 623, (1857). 2. [Account of the Cretaceous beds of Bagh] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXVII, 117123, (1858). 3. Record of the occurrence of Earthquakes in Assam during 1877: Jour. As. Soc. Beng. t XLVIJ, pt. ii, 49, (1878). Keatinge, R. H., and Evans. i. Report on a passage made on the Nurbudda River, from the Falls of Dharee to Mundlaisir, by Lieutenant Keatinge, and of a similar passage from Mundlaisir to Baroach by Lieutenant Evans \Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 1104 1 1 12, (1847). Keene, H. G. i. Note on the stone industries of Agra : 8. Mirzapore, 1873. Kelaart, E. F. i. Notes on the geology of Ceylon. Laterite formation, Fluviatile deposits of Newera Elia : Edin. New Phil. Jour., LIV, 2836, (1852). Kelsall, J. i. Geology and Mineralogy [of the Bellary District] : Bdlary Manual. 8. Madras, 1872, pp. 90 97. 70 Bibliography. Ken Kin Kennedy, A. 1. Notice regarding the working and polishing of granite in India : Edin. Phil. Jour., IV, 349 35*> (1820). 2. Notice respecting the working and polishing of] granite in India: Edin. Jour. Sci.,IV, 281282, (1826). Kennedy, J. P. i. Report on the Iron and Coal Districts of the Narbadda Valley, from Poonassa to Jubbulpore : Set. Rec. Bo. Gov., new series, IX, 42 48, (1855). Kennedy, R. H. i. Extract of a letter on the Cornelians, &c., of Guzeratte : Trans. Med. Pliys. Soc. Calcutta, III, 425428, (1827). Kerr. i. On copper ore from Nellore : Jour. As, Soc. Beng., II, 94 95, (1833). King, J. S, i. Descriptive and Historical account of the British Outpost of Perim, Straits of Babelmandeb : Sel. Rec. Bo. Gov., new series, XLIX, (1877). King, W. 1. On the occurrence of Crystalline limestone in the vicinity of Trichino- poly : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set'., XX, (new series, IV), 272274, (1858). 2. An Account of the Kolymullays, one of the mountain masses in the Salem District of the Madras Presidency : Mad. Quart. Jour., VIII, 266-282, (1865) ; Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., 3rd series, I, pt. ii, 63 106, (1866). 3. Notes on the occurrence of stone implements in the North Arcot District : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., 3rd series, pt. ii, 36 42, (1866). 4. An account of parts of the Nullamullays, a range of mountains in the Kurnool District : Mad. four. Lit. Sci., 3rd series, pt. ii, 63 107, (1866). 5. [On stone implements from Madras] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1867, pp. 139-142. 6. On the KuddapahJ and Kurnool formations : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, 510, (1869). 7. Notes on a traverse of parts of the Kummummet and Hannamconda Districts in the Nizam's Dominions : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 46 55, 8. On the Kadapah and Karnul formations in the Madras Presidency : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, pt. i, 1291, (1872). 9. Notes on a new coal-field in the south-eastern .part of the Hyderabad (Deccan) territory : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 65 69, (1872). 10. Note on a possible field of coal-measures in the GodaVari District, Ma- dras Presidency : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 112 114, (1872)^- 1 1 . Correction regarding the supposed Eozoonal limestone of Yellambile : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 122, (1872). 12. Note on the Barakars (coal-measures) in the Bedadanole field, Godavari District, Madras Presidency : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 57 59,(i873). 7' Kin Geological Survey of India. King, W. cont. 13. Note on the progress of geological investigation in the GoddVari District, Madras Presidency : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VII, 158160, (1874). 14. Preliminary note on the gold-fields of south-east Wynaad, Madras Presi- dency : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VIII, 29 45, (1875). 15. Note on the rocks of the Lower Goddvari : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., X, 55 6 3> (1877). 16. [Geology of Cuddapah District}: Cuddapah Manual. 8. Madras, i75> PP- 1629. 17. Note on the progress of the Gold Industry in the Wynaad, Nilghiri District, Madras Presidency : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XI, 236 246, (1878). 18. Additional notes on the geology of the Upper Godavari Basin, near Sironcha: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIII, 1325, (1880). 19. On the Artesian wells at Pondichery: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIII, 113 152, (1880). 20. Additional notes on the Artesian wells at Pondichery : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,XIil, 194197, (1880). 21. Des puits arte"siens a Pondichery, et la possibility de de"couvrir de sources semblables a Madras. 8. Pondichery, (1880). 22. The gneiss and transition rocks and other formations of the Nellore portion of theCarnatic : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVI, pt. ii, 109 194, (1880). 23. The Upper Gondwanas and other formations of the coastal region of the Godavari District : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd. t XVI, pt. in, pp. 195 264, (1880). 24. Geology of the Pranhita Godavari Valley : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 151 311, (1881). 25. General sketch of the geology of Travancore : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XV, 87-93, (1882). 26. The Warkili beds and reported associated deposits at Quilon : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XV, 93102, (1882). 27. Record of borings for coal at Beddadanol : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XV, 202 207, (1882). 28. The Singareni coal-field and others adjacent to, or in, the Madras Presi- dency : 8. Madras, (1883). 29. Considerations on the smooth water anchorages or mud banks of Narra- kal and Alleppy on the Travancore coast : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVII, 14-27, (1884). 30. On the selection of sites for borings in the Raigarh-Hingir coal-field ; first notice : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVII, 123130, (1884). 31. Notes on auriferous sands of the Subansiri River ; Pondicherry lignite ; and phosphatic rocks at Masuri : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVII, 192 199, (1884). 32. Sketch of the progress of geological work in the Chattisgarh Division of the Central Provinces: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 169 200, (1885). 33. Geological sketch of the Vizaajapatam District, Madras : Rec. GeoL Surv. 2nd., XIX, 143157, (1886). 72 Bibliography. Kin Kni King W., cont. 34. Memorandum on the Malanj Khandi copper ore : JRec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 165-166, (1886). 35. Boring exploration in the Chhattisgarh coal-fields : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIX, 210234, (1886); XX, 194203, (1887). King, W., and Foote, R. B. i . On the geological structure of parts of the districts of Salem, Trichinopoly, Tanjore and South Arcot, in the Madras Presidency, (being the area included in sheet 79 of the Indian Atlas) : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 223386, (1864). Kirkpatrick. i. An account of the kingdom of Nepaul : 4. London, 1811. Kittoe, M. 1. Section of a Hill in Cuttack supposed to be likely to contain Coal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 152153, (1838). 2. Journal of a tour in the Province of Orissa [coal] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 679685, 10601063, (1838). 3. Report on the Coal and Iron mines of Talcheer and Ungool, &c v &c.; Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 137144, (1839). 4. Account of a Journey from Calcutta, via Cuttack and Pooree to Sumbul- pur, and from thence to Mednipur through the Forests of Orissa : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VIII, 367383, 474480, 606620, 671 68 1, Klaproth, M. H. 1. Sur le spath adamantin. [Transl.] : Ann. de Chemie, I, 183 187, (1789). 2. Analyse du Sapphir Oriental. [Transl.] : Jour, des Mines, III, No. xv, 5I _ 56, (1796). 3. Analyse de 1'oeil de chat. [Transl.] : Jour, des Mines, IV, No. XXIII, 9 J 5 079 6 )- 4. Analytical Essays towards promoting the chemical knowledge of mineral substances, translated. from the German. 8. London, 1 80 1. Contains Experiments on the Adamantine Spar [Corundum] of Bengal, 64 70 ; Examination of the Oriental [Ceylon] Sapphire, 71 77; Examination of the cat's eye from Ceylon and the coast of Malabar, 78 84 ; Exa- mination of the Jargon [Zircon] of Ceylon, 175 194; Examination of Spinell [from Ceylon], 316 324 ; Examination of the Oriental Garnet, 334337- 5. Chemische Untersuchung des Zirkons aus den nordlichen Circars : Jour. Chemie. u. Physik, IV, 386389, (1807). Knight. i. Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Tibet. 8. London, 1863. Knight, R. C. and Postans, J. i. Reports on the Manchur Lake, and Aral and Narra Rivers: Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VIII, 381389, (1846). 73 Kum Law Geological Survey of India. Kumaon. I. Official Reports on the Province of Kumaon. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878* Con- tains J. H. BATTEN, No. 2 ; G. W. TRAILL, Nos. 2, 3. Kurz, Sulpice. i. Report on the Vegetation of the Andaman Islands [contains some petro- graphical information). Flscp. Calcutta, 1870. L Lalor, J. 1. A report on Dhur Yaroo, in the Shikarpur Collectorate : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVII, 302320, (1865). 2. On the hill districts to the south-west of Mehur in Sind : Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay, VI, 271283, (1860). 3. On the composition of the liquid disengaged from Mud volcanoes, &c., in Sind : Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay, VIII, pp. xi-xii, (1862). 4. Rough notes, showing outline of the country between Kurrachee and Gwadel: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVI, 99115, (1863). Langstaff, Dr. i. Presentation of specimens of sandstone with vegetable impressions from Sikrigali [Rajmehal Hills ?J : Jour. A s. Soc. Beng., II, 45, (1833). Lamb. i. Note on an earthquake at Kamrup on the nth December, 1872 : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1873, p. 65. La Touche, T. D. 1. The Daranggiri coal-field, Garo Hills: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind XV 175-178, (1882). 2. Note on the Cretaceous coal-measures at Borsora in the Khasia Hills, near Laour in Sylhet: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 164166, (1883). 3. Notes on a traverse through the Eastern Khasia, Taintia and North Cachar Hills: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 198203, (1883). 4. Report on the Langrin coal-field, south-west Khasia Hills Rec Geol Surv. Ind., XVII, 143146, (1884). 5. Note on the Coal and Limestone in the Dorgrung River near Golaghat Assam: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 31 32, (1885). 6. Notes on the geology of the Aka Hills : Rec. Geol. Surv Ind XVIII 121 124, (1885). 7. Geology of the Upper Dehing Basin in the Singpho Hills : Rec Geol Surv. Ind., XIX, 111115, (1886). 8. Notes on the geology of the Garo Hills : Rec. Geol. Surv Ind XX 40 43, (1887). Lawder, A. W. 1. Mineralogical statistics of the Kumaon Division : Rec. Geol Surv Ind II, 8694, (1869). 2. Mineral statistics of Kumwiu Rec. Ggol. Sure. 7nd., IV, 19 27, (1871). 74- Bibliography. Lei Llo Leighton, E. W. i. The Indian Gold Mining Industry; its present condition and its future prospects. 8. Madras, 1883. Leith, A. H. 1. Discovery of more organic remains and minerals in the Trap of Bombay : Jour. Bo. As. Soc.. VI, 180, (1861). 2. The Town and Island of Bombay ; BOMBAY, pp. 15-^-2 2, (1878). Le Mesurier, H. P. i. [Description of finds of stone celts in Bundelcund] \'Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXX, 8185, (1861). Leonard, H. 1. Memorandum on the River Hooghly: Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., XLV, 121, (1864). 2. [Earthquakes in June and July, 1868] : Proc. As. Sot. Beng., 1868, pp. 256257. 3. [On the earthquake of 1869 in Cachar] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 102103. Liebig, G. von. i. Barren island (Account of a visit to Barren Island in March 1858) : Zeits. Deutch. Geol Gesel., X, 299304, (1858); Jour. As. Soc. Beng. XXIX, i 10, (186); Sel. Rec. Gov, Ind., XXV, 124131, Lime. i. On the manufacture of the Sylhet Lime : Glean. Set'., 11,6163, ( I ^3o). Listen, D. 1. Notes on the distribution of soils in the Goruckpore District : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 236240, (1841). 2. Note regarding the Salts in the soil" of the eastern portion of Zilla Go- ruckpore: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 125 126, (1842), 3. Some Memoranda on the geology of Sikkim : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 521532, (1844). Lithography. 1. Lithographic printing in Tibet: Glean. Set., I, no, (1829). 2. On the rise and progress of the Lithographic Art in India, with a. brief notice of the Native Lithographic stones of that Country : Glean. Sci., I, 5456, (1829). 3. On the application of the Jaisulmer Limestone to the purposes of Litho- graphy: Glean. Sci., III, 107110, (1831). Lloyd, H. E. and Orlich, L. Von. i. Travels in India (of Leopold Von Orlich), including Sinde and the Punjab, translated by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols., 8. London, 1845. Lloyd, R. i. A short notice of the coast line, rivers, and islands adjacent, forming a portion of the Mergui Province, from a late Survey : Jour. As. Soc. Beng.,\ll, 10271038, (1838). 75 LlO Low Geological Survey of India. Lloyd, Sir W., and Gerard, Alex. i. Narrative of a journey from Caunpore to the Boorendo Pass in the Hima- laya Mountains, via Gwalior, Agra, Delhi and Sirhind, by Major Sir William Lloyd ; and an account of an attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasarowara, by Captain Alexander Gerard ; with a letter from the late J. G. Gerard, detailing a visit to the Shaitool and Boorendo Passes, for the purpose of determining the line of per- petual snow on the southern face of the Himalaya, &c< Edited by George Lloyd. 2 vols., 8. London, 1840. Loch, G. i. Sylhet coal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 959963, (1838). Logan, J. R. 1. On the Local and Relative Geology of Singapore, including notices of Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, &c. : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 5 1 9 557, 667684, (1847); INDO-CHINA, No. i, II, 64112, (1886). 2. Discovery of coal in Ligor and Kedah, on the West coast of the Malay Peninsula: Jour. 2nd. Archtp., I, 151168, (1847). 3. Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Malay Peninsula : Jour. Ind. Archip., II, 83138, (1848). 4. Notices of the Geology of the East Coast of Johore : Jour. Ind. Archip., II, 625631, (1848). 5. Notice of the discovery of coal on one of the islands on the coast of the Malay Peninsula: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., IV, 1^2, (1849^). 6. The rocks of Pulo Ubin : with some remarks on the formation and struc- ture of Hypogene rocks and on the metamorphic Theory : Verhand, Batav. Genootsch. vun. Kunst. en Wettenshap. XXII, (1849); INDO- CHINA, No. 2, l| 2171, (1887;. 7. Notices of the Geology of the Straits of Singapore : Quart. Jour. Geol* Soc., VII, 310314, (1851) ; Jour. Ind. Archip., VI, 179217, (1852). Login, T. 1. On the delta of the Irrawaddy: Cal. Engin. Jour., I, 375 376, (1858). 2. Memoranda on the most recent Geological changes of the Rivers and Plains of Northern India, founded on accurate surveys and the Artesian well-boring at Umballa, to show the practical application of Mr. Login's theory of the abrading and transporting power of water to effect such changes: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXVIII, 186199, Lord, P. B. Some account of a visit to the plain of Koh-i-Daman, the mining district of Ghorband, and the Pass of Hindu Kdsh, with a few general observa- tions respecting the structure and conformation of the country from the Indus to Kabul : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 521537, (1838) : Cal. Jour Nat. Hist. t l t 564 574, (1861). Low, J, i. Notice of the Phoonga Caves in Junk Ceylon: Edin.Jour. Set'., VII, 57 58, (1827). 76 Bibliography. Low Lyd Low, J., cont. 2. Observations on the Geological Appearances and General Features of por- tions of the Malayan Peninsula, and of the countries lying betwixt it and 1 8 North Latitude : As. Res. XVIII, pt. i, 128-162, (1833) ; Glean. Set., I, 223 225, (1829) ; INDO-CHINA, No. i, I, 179 201, (1886). 3. A brief dissertation on the soil and agriculture of the British settlement of Penang or Prince of Wales' Island, in the Straits of Malacca ; includ- ing the Province of Welle sley, on the Malayan Peninsula, with brief refer- ences to the Settlements of Singapore and Malacca. 8. Singapore, 1836, 4. Notes on the geological features of Singapore and some of the Islands adjacent : Jour. 2nd. Archtp., I, 83100, (1847). 5. Notes on the coal-deposits which have been discovered along the Siamese coast from Penang to the vicinity of Junk Ceylon : Jour. Ind. Archip., I, 145149, (1847). 6. Memoranda respecting the Sumatran coal : Jour. 2nd. Archip., II, 755 757, (1848). Lumsden, J. G. i. [Extract of letter] on the island of Perim [Gulf of Cambayl: Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 2530, (1841). Lush, C. i. Geological notes on the Northern Conkan, and a small part of Guzerat and Kattiawar: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 761 767, (1836). Lushington, G. S. i. Report on the Government experimental working of the copper mines of Pokree in Ghurwal, with notices of other copper mines : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XII, 453472, 769, (1843). Lydekker, R. 1. List of the fossils collected by A. B. Wynne, in the Salt Range: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VIII, 4849, (1875). 2. Exhibition of a portion of the lower jaw of Teiraconodon magnum, Falconer, from the Sivaliks : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, p. 172. 3. Description of a cranium of Stegodon ganesa, with notes on the sub-genus and allied forms : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., IX, 42 49, (1876). 4. Notes on the fossil Mammalian faunae of India and Burmah : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd. t IX, 86-106, 154, (1876). 5. Notes on the osteology of Merycopotamus dissimilis: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., I44I53 (1876). 6. Occurrence of Plesiosaurus in India: Rec. Geol. Sur. Ind., IX, 154, (1876). 7. Notes on the geology of the Pir-Panjal and neighbouring districts: Rec. Geol. Sur. 2nd., IX, 155162, (1876). 8. Indian Tertiary and Post-Tertiary vertebrata : Pal. Indica, series x. Vol. I, Part 2 (1877). Molar teeth and other remains of Mammalia. Part 3 (1878). Crania of Ruminants. Part 4 (1880). Supplement to above. Part 5 (1880). Siwalik and Narbada Proboscidia. 77 tyd Geological Survey of India. Lydekker, R., cont. 8. Indian Tertiary and Post-Tertiary vertebrata : Pal. Indica, series x. cont. Vol. II, Part i (1881). Siwalik Rhinocerotidae. Part 2 (1881). Supplement to Siwalik and Narbada Proboscidia, Part 3 (1882). Siwalik and Narbada Equidae. Part 4 (1883). Siwalik Camelopardalidae. Part 5 (1883). Siwalik Selenodont Suina. Part 6 (1884). Siwalik and Narbada Carnivora. Vol. Ill, Part i (1884). Additional Siwalik Perissodactyla and Probos- cidia. Part 2 (1884). Siwalik and Narbada Bunodont Suina. Part 3 (1884). Rodents and new Ruminants from the Siwaliks, and synopsis of Mammalia. Part 4 (1884). Siwalik Birds. Part 5 (1884). Mastodon teeth from Perim Island. Part 6 (1885). Siwalik and Narbada Chelonia. Parts 7 & 8 (1886). Siwalik Crocodilia, Lacertilia, and Ophidia ; and Tertiary Fishes. Vol. IV, Part i (1886). Siwalik Mammalia, Supplement I. Part 2 (1886). The Fauna of the Karnul Caves. Part 3 (1887). Eocene chelonia from the Salt Range. 9. Notices of new and other vertebrata from Indian tertiary and secondary rocks: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 30 43, (1877). 10. Notices of new or rare mammals from the Siwaliks : Rec. Geol. Surv.Ind., X, 7683, (1877). 11. Note on the genera Char ornery x and Rha gather ium : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,X, 225, (1877). 12. Exhibition of the palate of an Anthropoid ape found in the Siwaliks of Punjab : Proc. As. Soc. Seng., 1878, p. 191. 13. Notes on the geology of Kashmir, Kishtwar, and Pangi : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. t XI, 3064, (1878). 14. Notices of Siwalik Mammals : Rec. Geol. Surv.Ind., XI, 64 104, (1878). 15. Indian Pretertiary Vertebrata. The Reptilia and Batrachia : Pal. Indica, series iv, I, pt. iii, (1879). 1 6. Geology of Cashmir, (3rd notice): Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 15 32, (1879). 17. Further notices of Siwalik Mammalia : Rec. Geol. Surv.lnd.,XII, 33 52, (1879). 18. On some Siwalik Birds: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 5257, (1879). 19. Popular guide to the Geological collections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. No. i ; Tertiary Vertebrate animals. 8. Calcutta, 1879. 20. A Sketch of the History of the Fossil Vertebrata of India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLIX, pt. ii, 840, (1880). 21. Geology of Ladak and neighbouring districts: Rec. Geol. Surv.Ind., XIII, 26 59, (1880). 78 Bibtiography. Lyd Lydekker, R., cont. 22. Teeth of fossil fishes from Ramri Island and the Pun jab \ Rec. Geol. Surv.Ind., XIII, 5061, (1880). 23. Geology of part of Dardistan, Baltistan, and neighbouring districts : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 156, (1881). 24. Note on some Siwalik Carnivora : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 5766, (1881). 25. Note on some Mammalian fossils from Perim Island: Rec. Geol. Surv. /c., II, 566-588, (1838); Bibl. Univ., XIV, 189-192, (1838). 10. Reports of a committee for investigating the resources of India with reference to coal and iron. 8 C . Calcutta, 1838, pp. 9-96. See COAL, No. 2 ; contains No. 6 supra. 11. Report of the coal committee. 8. Calcutta, 1840; Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 355-371, (1840). 12. On Cystoma a new genus of fossil Echinidea [from CherraPoonji] : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 155-187, (1841). 13. Stone and Marble quarries at Mirzapore : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., 429-430, (1841). 14. Remarks on the Deposits of the Calcutta Basin : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 452-458, (1841). 15. Extracts from a letter to Government on Capt. G. B. Tremenheere's report on the Tin of Mergui : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XI, 25, (1842). 16. Revised notes on the Fossils discovered by Messrs. Kaye and Cunliffe at Seedapett: Cal Jour. Nat. Hist., II, 238-244, (1842). 17. Notice of a Fossil Fish, the supposed Rana diluvii testis, or " Fossil Batra- chian" of Dr. Cantor: Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., Ill, 83-87, (1843). 1 8. Report of a committee for the investigation of the coal and mineral re- sources of India for May, 1845. -Flscp. Calcutta, 1846. 19. Notices regarding some fossil specimens from the neighbourhood of Lullutpore: Jour. Agri-Hort. Soc. Ind., VI, pt. ii, 56, (1848). 20. Report ot the Geological Survey for 1848-1849. 4. Calcutta, 1850. 21. Note on the Discharge of Water by the Irawaddy : Jour. As. Soc. Beng XXII, 480484, (1853)- 22. Report on the Southern Forests of Pegu : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., IX, 6 26, (1855)- 23. Analytical Report on specimens of coal from the Nicobar: Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXVII, 28, (1870). McClelland, J., and Griffith, W. i. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries : posthumous papers arranged by Dr. J. M. McClelland. 8. Calcutta, 1847; W. GRIFFITH, No. 4. Mackenzie, Colin. i. Account of the Pagoda at Jerwuttum : As. Res., V, 303 314, (1794). [Iron and Diamonds in Karnul.] McKennie, J. i Eight years' observations upon the effects of the groynes (twenty in number), with which is an attempted exposition of the theory of the Madras surf, submitted to the Commandant and Chief Engineer : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XXI, (new series, V), 342 348, (1859). Mackeson, F. i Report on the route from Seersa to Bahawalpore : Jour. As. Soc. Beng XIII, 297-313, (1844). G 81 McL McM Geological Survey of India. McLagan, R. 1. [Coal and petroleum of the Punjab]: Jour. Soc. Arts, XXX, 594, (1882). 2. The rivers of the Punjab : Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc., new series, VII, 705 7i8, (1885). McLeod, D. i.' Abstract Report of the Proceedings of the Committee appointed to superin- tend the Boring Operations in Fort William, from their commencement in December, 1835, to their close in April, 1840 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IX, 677687, (1840). McLeod, J. ..i. Memoranda on the pearl-banks and pearl-fishery, the sea-fishery and the salt-beds, of Sind : Sal. Rec. Bo. Gov., XVII, 699707, (1855). McLeod, T. E. 1. Abstract journal of an expedition toKiangHung on the Chinese Frontier, starting from Moulmein on the i3th December, 1836 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VI, 9891005, (1837). 2. On the Hotsprings of Palouk, Tenasserim : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., VII, 466-467, (1838). McLeod, W. i. Memorandum regarding specimens from Seoni, Chupara '.Jour. As. Soc. Beng.,V\, 1091 1102, (1837). McMahon, C. A. 1. The Blaini group and the "Central Gneiss" in the Simla Himalayas: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 204 223, (1877). 2. Notes on a tour through Hangrang and Spiti : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 57-69, (1879). 3. Note on the section from Dalhousie to Pangi via the Sach pass ; Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 305310, (1881). 4. The Geology of Dalhousie: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 34 51, (1882). 5. On the Traps of Darang and Mandi in the N.-W. Himalayas : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 155164, (1882). 6. Some notes on the Geology of Chamba : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 35 42, (1883). 7. On the Basalts of Bombay : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 4250, (1883). 8. On the microscopic structure of some Dalhousie rocks : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 129144, (1883). 9. On the lavas of Aden : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 145158, (1883). 10. On the altered basalts of the Dalhousie region : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 178 186, '(1883). 11. On the microscopic structure of some Sub-Himalayan rocks: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 186192, (1883). 12. Notes on the Geology of the Chuari and Sihunta pargannahs of Chamba: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 3437, (1884). 13. On the microscopic structure of some Himalayan granites and gneissose granites: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 5373, (1884). 82 Bibliography. McM Mad McMahon,C. A., cont. 14. On the microscopic structure of some Arvali rocks: Rec. Geol. Surv. Jnd., XVII, loi 118, (1884). 15. On fragments of slates and schists imbedded in the gneissose granite and granite of the N.-W. Himalayas : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 168175, (1884). 1 6. Some further notes on the geology of Chamba: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 79 no, (1885). 17. Notes on the section from Simla to Wangtu and on the Petrological character of the Amphibolites and Quartz Diorites of the Sutlej valley : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 65 88, (1886). 1 8. On the microscopic character of some Eruptive rocks from the Central Himalayas: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 115 119, (1886). 19. Notes on the microscopic structure of some specimens of the Malani rocks of the Aravali region: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 161 165, (1886). 20. Note on some Indian image stones : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 43 45, 21. Note on the Microscopic structure of some specimens of the Rajmahdl and Deccan traps: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 104 in, (1887^). 22. Some notes on the Dolerite of the Chor : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 112 -i 17, (1887). 23. Note on the foliation of the Lizard Gabbro. [Mode of intrusion of the Himalayan Granites]: Geol. Mag., 3rd decade, IV, 74 78, (1887). 24. The Gneissose Granite of the Himalayas: Geol. Mag., 3rd decade, IV, 212 220, (1887). 25. Some Remarks on Pressure metamorphism with reference to the Foliation of the Himalayan gneissose granite : Rec.- Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 203205, (1887). 26. A list and Index of papers on Himalayan Geology and Microscopic petrology by Col. C. A. McMahon, published in the preceding volumes of the Records of the Geological Survey of- India: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XX, 206214, (1887). McPherson, J. i. Table of Mineral springs in British India, with a few Remarks : Ind. Ann. Med. Sci., II, 205221, (1855). McPherson, S. C. i. On the Geology of the Peninsula: As. Res., XVIII, 115221, (1833). Madras. 1. Standing Information regarding the Official Administration of the Madras Presidency. 8. Madras, 1877; Mineral Resources, pp. 239241. 2. Do. 2nd ed., 8, Madras, 1879; Mineral resources, pp. 225 230. Madden, E. 1. Diary of an Excursion to the Shatool and Boorun passes over the Hima- laya in September, 1845 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XV, 79134, (1846). 2. Notes of an Excursion to the Pindree glacier, in September, 1846 lour As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 226266, 596, (1847;. G2 83 Mad Mai Geological Survey of India. Madden, E., cont. 3. The Turaee and Outer Mountains of Kumaon : Jour. As. 'Soc. Beng., XVII, pt. i, 349-450, 5 6 3626, (1848). 4. Supplementary notes to " The Turaee and Outer Mountains of Kumaon:" Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVIII, 603644, (1849). Magrath, R. N. i. Some observations upon Scinde ami the river Indus as far up as Bukkur: Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., May 1839, pp. 25 31. Malay Peninsula. i. On the Metalliferous deposits of the Malay Peninsula : Edin. New Phil. Jour., XLV, 332335, (1848), quoting Jour. Ind. Archip., II, 102. Malcolm, Sir J. i. A memoir of Central India, including Malwa, and adjoining provinces: 2 vols., 8. London, 1823; contains F. DANGERFIELD, No. i, in ap- pendix, vol. II, pp. 313 349- Malcolmson, J. G. 1. Notice of the fall of an Aerolite [on 2nd Jan., 1831, at Mangapatnam] : Glean. Sci., Ill, 389, (1831). 2. Note on Saline deposits in Hyderabad : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 77 79, (1833). 3. [Letter forwarding Geological specimens collected by Dr. Voysey] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 94, and Plate XX, p. 582, (1833). 4. Fragment of bone from a cave in the neighbourhood of Hyderabad : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 204205, (1833). 5. On the Fossils of the Eastern Portion of the Great Basaltic District of India: Geol. Trans., 2nd series, V, 537 576, (1840): Proc. Geol. Soc., II, 579584, (18331838) : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XII, 58104, (1840), WESTERN INDIA, i 47, (1857). 6. Fossil Shells in Hyderabad : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 302 303, 7. Geology of the South of India : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., I, 329 342, (1834). 8. Notes explanatory of a collection of geological specimens from the country between Hyderabad and Nagpur : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 96121, (1836); Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., IV, 194218, (1836). o. On the geology of the Basaltic plateau of India : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., VIII, 203 210, (1838). 10. Note on Fossil Plants discovered in the Sandstone rocks at Kamptee, near Nagpur \ Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I> 249 251, (1843). 11. On the occurrence of Quicksilver in the Lava rocks of Aden : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 341344, (1843). 12. [On stratified beds in contact with gneiss in Southern India] : Cal. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 107112, (1844). 1 3. Note on Lacustrine Tertiary Fossils from the Vindhyan Mountains near Mandoo, and on the period of the elevation of that chain : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., V, 368375, (1844). 14. Account of Aden : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VIII, 279292, (1846). 84 Bibliography. Mai Mallet, F. R. 1. On the gypsum of Lower Spiti, with a list of minerals collected in the Himalayas in 1864: Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., V, 153172, (1865). 2. Copper in Bundelkand : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 1617, (1868). 3. On the Vindhyan series as exhibited in the North- Western and Central Provinces of India : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, pt. i, 1129, (1869). 4. On the Geological structure of the country near Aden, with reference to the practicability of sinking Artesian Wells : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VII, pt. iii, 257284, (1871). 5. Mineralogical notes on the gneiss of South Mirzapur and adjoining country: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., V, 1823, (1872); VI, 4244, (1873). 6. Geological notes on part of Northern Hazaribagh : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VII, 3244, (1874). 7. Notes from the Eastern Himalayas : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 53, (1874). 8. On the Geology of the Darjiling district and the Western Duars : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, pt. i, 196, (1874). 9. Note on coals recently found near Moflong, Khasia Hills : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., VIII, 86, (1875). 10. On the coal-fields of the Naga Hills, bordering the Lakrwmpur and Sibsagar districts, Assam : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, pt. ii, 269363, (1876). 11. On recent coal explorations in the Darjiling District: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,X, 143 148, (1877). 12. Limestone in the neighbourhood of Barakar: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 148152, (1877). 13. On some forms of blowing machine used by the Smiths of Upper Assam : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 152 154, (1877). 14. The mud volcanoes of Ramri and Cheduba : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 188207, (1888) ; BURMA, pp. 238259, (1882). 15. Mineral resources of Ramri, Cheduba, and adjacent islands: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 207223, (1878) ; BURMA, pp. 259277, (1882). 1 6. Note on a recent mud eruption in Ramri Island: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 7072, (1879) ; BURMA, 277281, (1882). 17. On Braunite, with Rhodonite from near Nagpur : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 73-74, (1879)- 1 8. On Pyrolusite, with Psilomelane, occurring at Gosalpur, Jabalpur dis- trict: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 99100, (1879). 19. On Mysorin and Atacamite from Nellore : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 166172, (1879). 20. On corundum from the Khasi Hills: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 172, (1879). 21. Popular guide to the Geological collections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. No. 2, Minerals. 8. Calcutta, 1879. 22. Record of gas and mud eruptions on the Arrakan coast on I2th March, 1879, and in June, 1843: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIII, 206209, (1880); BURMA, pp. 281284. 85 Mai Geological Survey of India. Mallet, F. R., cont. 23. Onthe ferruginous beds associated with th? Basaltic rocks of North-Eastern Ulster. [Refers loLzterite]: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XYV, 139 148, (1881). 24. On Cobaltite and Danaite from the Khetri mines : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 190196, (1881). 25. On the occurrence of zinc ore (Smithsonite and Blende) in the Karnul district: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 196, (1881). 26. Notice of a mud eruption at Cheduba : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 196 197, (1881); BURMA, p. 285, (1882). 27. On Oligoclase granite at Wangtu on the Sutlej : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 238240, (1881). 28. On native antimony from Pulo Obin, near Singapore: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 303-304, (1881). 29. On Turgite from near Juggiapet, Kistnah District and on Zinc carbo- nate from Karnul: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIV, 304 305, (1881). 30. On Iridosmine from the Noa Dihing River, W. Assam, and Platinum from Chutia Nagpore : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 53 55, (1882). 31. On a copper mine near Yongri Hill, Darjiling, Arsenical pyrites from the same neighbourhood and on Kaolin from Darjiling : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 5658, (1882). 32. Analyses of coal and fire clay from the Makum coal-field, Upper Assam : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 5863, (1882). 33. On sapphires lately discovered in the N.-W. Himalayas: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,XV, 138141, (1882). 34. New faces on Stilbite from the Western Ghats : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, I53J55' (1882). 35. On the Iron ores and Subsidiary materials for the manufacture of Iron in the N.-E. part of the Jabalpur District: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 94 115, (1883). 36. On Lateritic and other Manganese ores at Gosalpur, Jabalpur District: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 116 118, (1883). 37. On native lead from Maulmein and Chromite from the Andaman Islands : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 203204, (1883). 38. A descriptive catalogue of the collection of minerals in the Geological Museum, Calcutta. 8. Calcutta, 1883. . 39. Popular guide to the Geological collection in the Indian Museum, Cal- cutta, No. 5, Economic Mineral Products. 8. Calcutta, 1^83. 40. On some of the mineral resources of the Andaman Islands, in the vicinity of Port Blair: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 7986, (1884). 41. Notice of a further fiery eruption from the Minbyin mud volcano, Cheduba island, Arrakan : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 142, (1884). 42. The Volcanoes of Barren Island and Narcondam in the Bay of Bengal : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XXI, 251286, (1885). 43. On the alleged tendency of the Arrakan Mud Volcanoes to burst into eruption most frequently during the rains : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X VIII, 124125, (1885). 44. Analyses of Phosphatic nodules and Rock from Mussoorie : Rec. Geol. Surv. /(/., XV11I, 126, (1885). 86 Bibliography. Mai Mar Mallet, F. R., cont. 45 On the mineral hitherto known as Nepaulite : Rec. GeoL Surv. Irid., XVIII, 235 237, (1885). 46. On soundings recently taken off Barren Island and Narcondam by Com- mander A. Carpenter, \<.N.,H.M.I.M.S. "Investigator": Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., XX, 4648, (1887). 47. Note on the "Lalitpur" meteorite: Rec. GeoL Surv'. Ind. t XX, 153154, (1887). Mallet, R. and* Oldham, T. i. Notice of some secondary effects of the Earthquake of 1 8th January, 1869, in Cachar: Quart. Jour. GeoL Soc., XXVIII, 255270, (1872). Maltby, F. N. i. [Mud banks on the Travancore coast] : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set'., XXII, 127 Manson, E. and Batten, J. H. i. Journal of a visit [by E. Manson] to the Melum and the Oonta Dhoora Pass in Juwahir. Edited by J. H. Batten : Jour. As. Soc. Seng.,XI t 11571181, (1842). Marchesetti, C. D. i. On a Prehistoric Monument of the Western Coast of India : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., XII, 215218, (1876). Marcadieu, M. 1. Report on the Ferruginous resources of Dhurmsala, Kangra, Mundee, Kotkhai, Rampoor and Jabal : Sel. Pub. Corr. Punjab, II, No. vii, i 1 6, (1854). 2. Report on the Kooloo Iron Mines and on a portion of the Mannikurn valley. (Communicated by the Government of India) : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XXIV, 191 202, (1855% 3. Report on the hot mineral spring of Tevah, Kangra District : Ind. Ann. Med.Sci., II, 532-535. (1855). 4. Report on the Thermal Sulphurous source of Lowsah, North East of Noorpoor, Kangra District : Ind. Ann. Med. Sci., II, 536 538, (1855). 5. Report on the determination of Iodine contained in the four saline springs, situated in the Jowala Mokhee valley, and of a spring of the same nature at Kangra : Sel. Pud. Corr. Punjab, IV, No. v, 2 14, (1810). 6. Presence of Brome in the Jivah mineral thermal spring and continuation of my report of the 2nd January, 1854 ; Sel. Pub. Corr. Punjab, IV, No. v, 15 19, (1860). Marcou, J. 1. Geological map of the world. Winterthur, 1861. 2. Carte gologique de la Terre: (with text in 4?). Zurich, 1875. Marryatt, E. L. i. Report on a visit to Patent Fuel manufactories /with reference to utilisa- tion of Salt Range Coal; : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng , 3rd-series, II, 40 52, (1884). 87 Mar Maz Geological Survey of India, Marsh, H. C. i. Description of a trip to the Gilgit Valley, a dependency of the Maharaja of Kashmir : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLV, pt. i, 119, (1876). Marsh, W. Notes on the occurrence of Gold and other Minerals in Mysore. Bangalore, 1887. Martin, M. i. The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India ; com- prising the districts of Behar, Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinajepoor, Puraniya, Rungpoor and Assam, in relation to their Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Fine Arts, Population, Religion, Education, Statistics, etc., 3 vols., 8. London, 1838. Mason, F.. i. The natural productions of Burma, or notes on the fauna, flora and miner- als of the Tenasserim provinces and the Burman Empire. 8. Maul- main, 1850. Mason, F. and Theobald, W. i. Burma : its people and productions ; or notes on the fauna, flora and min- erals of Tenasserim, Pegu, and Burma. Rewritten and enlarged by William Theobald. 2 vols , 8. Hertford, 1882-1883. [Geology and Mineralogy, vol. I, pp. 115.] Masson, C. 1. Narrative of various journeys in Baloochistan, Afghanistan, and the Punjab, including a residence in those countries from 1826 to 1838. 3 vols., 8. London, 1842. 2. Narrative of a journey to Kalat, including an account of the insurrection at that place in 1840, andja memoir on Eastern Baluchistan. 8. London, 1843- Masters, J. W. i. Extract from a memoir of some of the natural productions of the Angami Naga Hills, and other parts of Upper Assam : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVII, 57-59, (1848). Masters, J. W. and Prain, D. i. The Hot springs of the Namba Forest in the Sibsagar district, Upper Assam. Unpublished memoranda by the late J. W. Masters, Esq., with observations by Surgeon D. Prain, I. M.S., Curator of the Herbarium, Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1887, pp. 201-204. Mayer, J. E. 1. Quantitative analysis of the spring water of Ramandroog : 2nd. Ann. Med. Set., II, 239-242, (1855). 2. Report on the chemical Examination of several specimens of Salt from theLoonar Lake in the Deccan : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set'., XVII, (new series I), 15-21, (1856). Mazures, Des, see DES MAZURES. 88 Bibliography. Med Medlicott, H. B. 1. [Report on Coal in Jummoo.] COAL, No. 13, pp. 13-20, (1859). 2. On the Vindhyan rocks and their associates in Bundelcund : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, pt. i, 1-95, (1860). 3. On the Sub-Himalayan rocks between the Ganges and the Jumna : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XXX, 22-31, (1861). 4. Note on the Reh Efflorescence cf North- Western India and on the waters of some of the Rivers and Canals : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., XX, 326 344, (1863). 5. On the geological structure and relations of the southern portions of the Himalayan ranges between the rivers Ganges and Ravee : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., III, pt ii, 1206, (1864). Reviewed in Geol. Mag., ist decade, II, 310316, (1865). 6. Note relating to Sivalik Fauna : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XXXIV, pt. ii, 63 65, (1865); Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., Ill, pt. ii, 207 209, (1864). 7. The coal of Assam : results of a brief visit to the coal-fields of that pro- vince in 1865 : with geological notes on Assam and the hills to the South of it: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, pt. iii, 387 442, (1865). 8. On the Alps and Himalayas ; a geological comparison : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIII, 322, (1867); XXIV, 3452, (1868). 9. Mode of formation of granite veins at Sungnimpoor, India : Jour. Geol. Soc Dublin, I, 8788, (1867). 10. Notes on the Salt of the Salt Range : Sel Rec. Gov. Ind., LXIV, 146 155, (1868). 11. [On the action of the Ganges] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1868, p. 232. 12. [On the reported coal of Murree and Kotlee] : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXIV, (COAL, No. 14), 120126, (1868). 13. On the prospects of useful coal being found in the Garrow Hills, Bengal. Flscp. Calcutta, 1868 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., I, 1 1 i6,(i868,). 14. The boundary of the Vindhyan series to Rajputana : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., I, 6972, (1868). 15. Geological sketch of the Shillong plateau : Rec. GeoJ. Surv. Ind., II, 10 ii, (1869); Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Nil, pt. i, 151 207, (1869). 1 6. Memorandum on the wells now being sunk at the European Peniten- tiary, and at the site for the Central Jail, Hazaribagh : Rec . Geol. Surv. Ind., II, 14 20, (1869). 17. Sketch of the metamorphic rocks of Being : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, 4045, (1869). 1 8. On faults in strata : Geol. Mag., ist decade, VI, 341 347, (1869) ; VII, 473482. (1870). 19. The Mohpani coal-field: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, 63 70, (1870). 20. Note on the Narbadda coal-basin : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IV, 66 69, (1871). 21. An example of local jointing: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 77 79, (1872). 22. Note on exploration for coal in the northern region of the Satpura Basin: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 109 in, (1872). 23. Note on the Lameta, or infra-trappean, formation of Central India : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., V, 115 120, (1872). 89 Med Geological Survey of India. Medlicott, H. B., cont. 24. Notes o.n the Satpura coal-basin : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 133 188, (1873). 25. Sketch of the geology of the North-West Provinces : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 917, (1873). 26. Notes on a celt found by Mr. Racket in the ossiferous deposits of- the Narbada valley (pliocene of Falconer) : on the age of the deposits : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VI, 49 54, (1873) ; Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1873, p. 138. 27. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1873 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, i n, (1874). 28. Note on the habitat in India of the flexible sandstone, or so-called Itacolumyte : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,V\l, 30 31, (1874). 29. Notes from the Eastern Himalayas : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 53, (1874). 30. Coal in the Garo Hills : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 58 62, (1874). 31. Record of the Khairpur Meteorite of 23rd September, 1873; Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLIII, pt. ii, 3338, (1874). 32. [Letter on the prospects of an Artesian well at Umballa] : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, III, 123 127, (1874). 33. Trials of Raniganj fire-bricks: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 1820, (1875)- 34. Sketch of the Geology of Scindia's territories : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 55-59, (1875). 35. The Shahpur coal-field, with notice of coal explorations in the Narbada region : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 6586, (1875). 36. Note on the Geology of Nepal : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 93 101, (1875)- 37. Record of the Sitathali Meteorite of 4th March, 1875 : P^oc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, p. 115. 38. Record of the Judesegeri Meteorite of i6th February, 1876 : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, p. 221. 39. Record of the Nageria Meteorite of 22nd April, 1876: Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, p. 222. 40. The retirement of Dr. Oldham : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 27. (1876). 41. Note on the Sub-Himalayan series in the Jamu (Jummoo) Hills: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., IX, 4957, (1876). 42. Remarks on Himalayan glaciation : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1877, p. 3. 43. Note on Mr. J. F. Campbell's Remarks on Himalayan Glaciation : four. As. Soc. Beng., XLVI, pt. ii, n, (1877). 44. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1876 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, i 7, (1877). 45. Observations on underground temperature : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., X, 45-48, (1877). 46. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1877 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, 1-15, (1878). 9 Bibliography* Med Medlicott, H. B., cont. 47. Exhibition of the new Geological Map of India : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1878, p. 124. 48. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1878 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XII, 1 13, (1879). 49. Note on the Mohpani coal-field : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XII, 95 99, (1879). 50. Sketch of the Geology of Rajputana : Rajputana Gazetteer. 8. Cal- cutta; Vol. I, pp. 819, (1879). 51. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1879 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIII, i 10, (1880). 52. The Reh Soils of Upper India: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIII, 273 276, (1880). 53. [Account of some Geological specimens from Afghanistan] : Proc. As. Soc. Seng., 1880, pp. 3 4- 54. Exhibition of a specimen of Rock Salt from the Chakmani territory : Proc. As. Soc. JBeng.,.i88o, p. 123. 55. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1880: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, pp. i x, (1881). 56. The Nahun-Sivalik unconformity in the N.-W. Himalayas : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 169174, (1881). 57. Artesian borings in India: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 205 238, (1881). 58. Remarks on the Unification of Geological Nomenclature and Cartogra- phy : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, 277279, (1881). 59. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1881 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XV, i n, (1882). 60. Note on the supposed discovery of coal on the Kistna : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XV, 207210, (1882). 61. The Geology of Kumaon and Garhvval : Gazetteer of North-West Pro- vinces, India. 8. Allahabad. Vol. X, pp. in 168, (1882). 62. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1882 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVI i 9, (1883). 63. Notice of a paper by Capeain J. Clibborn, in the Professional Papers of Indian Engineering, on irrigation from wells in the North-West Pro- vinces and Oudh : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVI, 205 209, (1883) ; Prof. Pap. 2nd. Eng., 3rd series, I, 209 211, (1883). 64. Note on Chloromelanite : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1883, p. 80. 65. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1883: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd XVII 1-9, (1884). 66. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geologi- cal Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1884: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd XVIII 1-9, (1885). 91 Med Mer Geological Survey of India. Medlicott, H. B., cont. 67. Further considerations on Artesian sources in the plains of Upper India : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 112121, (1885). 68. Some observations on percolation as affected by current : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 146147, (1885). 69. Notice of the Pirthalla and Chandpur Meteorites : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIJI, 148149, (1885). 70. Preliminary notice of the Bengal Earthquake of uth July, 1885 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 156158, (1885). 71. Notice of the Sabetmahet Meteorite: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 257258, (1885). 72. Descriptive list of Exhibits for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, Lon- don, 1886 : 8. Calcutta, 1886. 73. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the. Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1885 : ^ ec - Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 1-9, (1886). 74. Memorandum on the discussion regarding the boulder beds of the Salt Range : Rec Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 131133, (1886). 75. Note on the occurrence of petroleum in India: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 185204, (1886). 76. Notice of the Nammianthal meteorite : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 268, (1886). 77. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India, and of the Geological Museum, Calcutta, for the year 1886: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind.,i 13, (1887). Medlicott, H. B. and Blanford, W. T. i. A manual of the geology of India, chiefly compiled from the observations of the Geological Survey. Parts I & II. 8. Calcutta, 1879. Medlicotc, J. G. 1. [Note on the Geology of the Narbadda Valley] : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., X, 1229, (1856). 2. Note on the geological structure of parts of Central India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXVIII, 303, (1859). 3. On the Geological Structure of the central portion of the Nerbudda district: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, pt. 'i, 101 278, (1860). Meredith, J. i. Notes on the topographical features of Assam, and their indications : Prof. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, p. 165. Merewether, Sir W. i. A Report of the disastrous consequences of the severe earthquake felt on the frontier of Upper Sind on the 24th January, 1852 : Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., X, 284286, (1852). Merewether, Lieut. i. Report on the different localities visited, in 1866, with a view to obtaining stone for the Kurrachee Harbour works : Prof. Pap.Jnd. Eng., ist ser., VI, 130144, 1869; Trans. Bo. Geog. Soc., XVIII, 8595, (1868). 92 Bibliography. Met Moh Meteorites. i. Account of Meteoric Stones, Masses of Iron and Showers of Dust, Red Snow, and other substances which have fallen from the heavens from the earliest periods down to 1819: Edin. Phil. Jour., I, 221 235, (1819). Middlemiss, C. S. 1. A fossiliferous series in the Lower Himalayas, Garhwal : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 73 77, (i 88 5). 2. Report on the Bengal Earthquake of July I4th, 1885 : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVIII, 20022.1, (1885). 3. Physical Geography of West British Garhwal, with notes of a route- traverse through Jaonsar Bawar and Tin Garhwal : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 26 40, (1887). 4. Crystalline and Metamorphic Rocks of the Lower Himalaya, Garhwal and Kumaon : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XX, 134143, (1887). Middleton, G. i. Analyses made at Colombo of Ceylonese varieties of Ironstone and Lime- stone : Edin. New Phil. Jour., IV, 169, (1828). Middleton, J. 1. Analysis of cobalt ore found in Western India : Mem. Chem. Soc.Lond., Ill, 3941, (18451848); Phil. Mag., XXVIII, 352, (1846). 2. Description of the stone common in Agra, Allahabad, Banda, and Mirza- pur : Sel.Pec. Gov. N.-W.P., II, 194200, (1855); Ditto, new series, v 3H 325, (1869). Middleton, J. E. i . On the useful ores and earths of Ceylon : Mad. 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Gov., new series, XLV, (1857). 95 Nel New Geological Survey of India. Nelson. i. Note of an Earthquake and probable subsidence of Land, in the District of Cutch, near the mouth of the Koree. or Eastern branch of the Indus : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., II, 103, (1846). Nelson, J. H. i. Mineralogy [of the Madura District] : Madura Manual. 8. Madras, 1868. pp. 23 42. Ness, W. 1. On the Warora Coal-field : Colliery Guardian, XXVIII, 745, (1874). 2. The Government Experiments in Iron-making in India : Colliery Guar- dt'an,XXX, 925, (1875). 3. Report on the Experiment of Iron [at Warora] : Gazette of India Sup- plement, 1876, pp. 480 482. 4. The Warora Coal-field : Colliery Guardian, XXXIV, 629658, (1877). Neumayr. i. Die Intertrappean beds im Dekan, und die Laramiegruppe im Westlichen Nordamerika : Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol, 1884, Band I, pp. 74 76; Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XVII, 8788, (1885;. Neville, H. i. Notes on the geological origin of South-Western Ceylon : Jour. Ceylon As. Soc., 1870 71, pp. ii 20. Newbold,T.J. 1. A visit to the Gold Mine at Batting Moring, and summit of Mount Ophir, or " Gunong Ledang," in the Malay Peninsula : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., II, 497-5 02 * (1833). 2. Some account of the Territory and Inhabitants of Naning, in the Malayan Peninsula: Jour. As. Soc. Seng., Ill, 601 616, (1834); MOOR'S Notices of the Indian Archipelago. 4. Singapore, 1837, pp. 246^ 254. 3. Note on the States of Perak, Srimenanti, and other States in the Malay Peninsula: Jour. As. Soc. Seng., V, 505 509, (1836). 4. Sketch of the State of Miiar, Malay Peninsula : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 561 567, (1836) ; MOOR'S Notices, &c., Appendix, pp. 73 86. 5. Note on the occurrence of Volcanic Scoria in the Southern Peninsula : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., V, 670 671, (1836). 6. A glance at the Banaganpilly Jaghire, taken while passing through that territory in March, 1836 : Mad. Jour. Lit. Set., Ill, 117 122, (1836). 7. Sur les Mines detain de Malacca : Bibl. Univ., VIII, 435 437, (1836). 8. On the Regar, or black cotton soil, of India : Proc. Roy. Soc., IV, 53 54, (1838). q. Sketch of the Malayan Peninsula: Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., VII, 52 68, (1838). 10. Description of the valley of Sondur : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., VIII, 128 152, (1838). 96 Bibliography. New Newbold, T. J., cont. 11. Political and Statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz. Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore, with a history of the Malayan States on the Peninsula of Malacca. 2 vols., 8. 'London, 1839. 12. Notice of River Dunes on the Banks of the Hogri and Pennaur : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., IX, 307308, (1839). 13. Some account, Historical, Geographical & Statistical, of the Ceded Dis- tricts : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., X, 109132, (1839). 14. The Beryl Mine of Paddioor and geognostic position of this gem in Coimbatoor, Southern India: Edin. New Phil. Jour., XXIX, 241 245, (1840) ; Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 171 175, (1840). 1 5. Notes, chiefly Geological, on Southern India, from the Banks of the Tum- buddra to those of the Cauvery : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 126 143, (1840). 1 6. A cursory note of the Gold Tract in the Kupputgode range. Manganese mines' near Wodoorti and Flint excavations in the Southern Mahratta country the corundum pits of the western part of Mysore and the Diamond mines of Kurnool : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 42 52, (1840). 17. Account of a Carboniferous stratum at Baypore, near Calicut, Malabar Coast : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 239243, (1840). 1 8. Note on the geological position of the Laterite in the vicinity of Beder : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 244245, (1840). 19. Geological Desiderata : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XI, 245250, (1840). 20. List of minerals for presentation to the society, collected from various parts of the Nizam's Territories, Ceded Districts, Kurnool, the southern Mahratta country, Mysore, &c. : Mad. Jour. Lit. Sci., XII, 16 30, (1840). 21. On the rock-basins in the bed 'of the Toombuddra, Southern India (Lat. 15 to 16 N.) : Proc. Geol. Soc., 1842, pp. 702 705. 22. Notes, principally geological, on the tract between Bellary and Bijapore : Jour. As. Soc. JfcftgvXI, 929 940, (1842); WESTERN INDIA, 308 23. Notes, principally geological, from Bijapore to Bellary, via Kannighirri : Jour. As. Soc.eng.,XI, 941 955, (1842) ; WESTERN INDIA, 317 327, (1857)- -24. Geological specimens offered to the Asiatic Society of Bengal : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XI, 11311135, (1842). 25. On the processes prevailing among the Hindus, and formerly among the Egyptians, of quarrying and polishing granite; its uses, &c.: with a few remarks, on the tendency of this rock in India to separate by concentric exfoliation : Jour. Roy. As. Soc.,Vll, 113 128, (1843). 26. On some ancient mounds of scoriaceous ashes in Southern India : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VII, 129136, (1843). 27. Mineral resources of Southern India: No. I, Copper Districts of Ceded Districts, South Mahratta country, and Nellore ; No. II, Magnesite formations ; No. Ill, Chromate of Iron mines ; Salem District : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VII, 150171, (1843). H 97 New Geological Survey of India. Newbold, T. J., cont. 28. Note on a recent fossil freshwater deposit in Southern India, with a few remarks on the origin and age of the Kanker, and on the supposed de- crease of thermal temperature in India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, _ 3I 8, (1844) ; Bibl. Univ., LIX, 186-190, (1845) ; PM- Mag., VI, 526-532, (1845). 29. Note on the Osseous Breccia and Deposit in the caves of Billa Soorgum, Lat. 15 25', Long. 78 15', Southern India: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 610611, (i844> 30. Notes, chiefly geological, across the Peninsula from Masulipatam to Goa, comprising remarks on the origin of the Regur and Laterite ; occur- rence of Manganese veins in the latter, and on certain traces of aque- ous denudation on the surface of Southern India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 9841004, (1844); WESTERN INDIA, 6685, (1857). 31. On the Temperature of Springs, Wells, and Rivers of India and Egypt, and of the Sea and Table-Lands within the Tropics : Phil. Trans., 1845, pp. 125140; Edin. New Phil. Jour., XL, 99115, (1845). 32. On the alpine glacier, iceberg, diluvial and wave translation theories; with reference to the deposits of Southern India, its furrowed and striat- ed rocks and rock basins: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 217 246, (1845). 33 Notes, principally geological, on the South Mahratta country. Falls of Gokauk. Classification of rocks : Jour As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 268 305, (1845); WESTERN INDIA, 346377, (1857). 34. Notes, principally geological, across the Peninsula of Southern India, from Kistapatam" Lat. 14 i/, at the embouchure of the Coileyroo river, on the Eastern Coast, to Hanawer, Lat. 14 16', on the Western coast, comprising a visit to the falls of Gairsuppa : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 398425, (1845). 35. Notes, chiefly geological, across the Peninsula of Southern India, from Madras, Lat. N. 13 5', to Goa, Lat. N. 15 30', by the Baulpilly Pass and ruins of Bijanugger: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 497521, (1845). 36. Notes, chiefly geological, across the Peninsula from Mangalore in Lat. N. 12 49', by the Bisly pass to Madras in Lat. N. 13 4': Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 641659, (1845). 37. Notes, chiefly geological, across South India from Pondichery, Lat. N. 10 56', to Beypoor in Lat. N. 11, 12', through the great Gap of Pal- . ghautcherry '..Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIV, 759782, (1845). 38. Notes, chiefly geological, on the Coast of Coromandel, from the Pennaur to Pondicherry : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XV, 204212, (1846). *q Notes, chiefly geological, on the Western Coast of South India \Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XV, 224231, (1846). 40. Notes, chiefly geological, from Seringapatam, by the Hegulla Pass, to Cannanore: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XV, 315322, (1846). 41. Notes, chiefly geological, from Koompta on the Western Coast (S. India) by the Devamunni and Nundi Cunnama Passes, easterly to Curnbum f Bibliography. New Nov Newbold, T. J., cont. and thence southerly to Chittobr, comprising a notice of the Diamond and lead excavations of Buswapiir : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XV, 380 396, (1846). 42. Summary of the geology of Southern India : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., VIII, 138-171, 213-270, 315 318, (1846) ; IX, 142, (1848) ; XII, 78 96, (1850). 43. Notes chiefly geological, from Gooty to Hydrabad, South India, compri- sing a brief notice of the old Diamond Pits at Dhone : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XVI, 477 *86, (1847). 44. On the Thermal springs of Calwa and Mahanandi in the Kurnool Pro- vince: Mad. Jour. Li*. Set., XV, 160 162 / (1848). Nichols, G. J. i. Note on the Joga neighbourhood and old mines on the Narbadda: Red Geol. Surv. Ind., XII, 173175, (1879). Nicholson, B. A. R. i. On the Island of Perim : Jour. Bo. As. Soc., I, 18 25, (1841). Nicholson, E. i. The Earth salts of Bellary : Mad.'Mon. four. Med. Set., VI, i a (1872). Nicolls, W. T. i. Memorandum to accompany a section and ground-plan of a Fossil Palm Tree discovered atSaugor: four. Bo. As. Soc.,V } 614 621, (1857). Nielly, A. 1. Essay on the Geology of Kunkur: Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, I, 598 603, (1872). . 2. Report on Experiments made on Kunkur mortars and concrete : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, II, 115 140, (1873). 3. On Kankar Limes and Cements on the Bari Doab canal : Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng. y 2nd series, VI, 378389, (1877). Nielley, A., Higham, T., and Brownlow, H. A. i. Extracts from reports and letters on Kunkur limes and cements on the Bari Doab canal: Prof. Pap. Ind. Eng., 2nd series, VI, 127 168 Nock, J. i. Report on the road from Sinde, from Subzul to Shikarpoor : Jour. As Soc. Beng., XII, 59-62, (1843). Novara. i. Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wuilerstorf-Urbair. Geologischer Theil. 4. Vienna, 1864 and 1866. Band ii, Abth, I. Geologische Beobachtungen wahrend der Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara, von F. von Hochstetter. H 2 o 9 Oak Old Geological Survey of India. o Oakes, R. E. i. [Letter relating to the discovery of flint implements at Jubbulpore] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1869, pp. 5153- Obbard, J. 1. On the Translation of Waves of Water with relation to the great flood of the Indus in 1858 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIX, 266282, (1860). 2. On the past and present condition of the River Hooghly : SeL Rec. Gov. Ind., XLV, 21 37, (1864). 3. Memorandum upon the probable alteration in the channels of the Hooghly from the Diversion of the whole or a portion of the waters of the Damoodha into the Roopnarain : SeL Rec. Gov. Ind., XLV, 37 42. Oldfield, J. N. i. [Iron ores of Heerapoor in Bundelkund] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, Proc., p. vii, (1844). Oldham, C. F. i Notes on the lost river of the Indian Desert : Calcutta Review, LIX, i 29, (i874). Oldham, C. JE. t and Boyle, J. A. i. Geology [of the Nellore District], compiled from notes furnished by Mr. Charles Oldham : Nellore District Manual. 8. Madras, 1873, pp. 40 -59- Oldham, R. D. 1. Note on the Naini Tal landslip : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., XIII, 277282, (1880). 2. Notes on a traverse between Almora and Mussoorie : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., 162 164, (1883). 3. Note on the Geology of Jaonsar : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVI, 193198, (1883). 4. Report on the Geology of parts of Manipur and the Naga Hills : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 217242, (1883). 5. Note on the Earthquake of 3ist December, 1881 : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., XVII, 47-53, (1884). 6. On the rediscovery of certain localities for fossils in the Siwalik beds : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 7879, (1884). 7. Note on the Geology of the Gangasulan Pargana of British Garhwal : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVII, 161167, (1884). 8. On the smooth water anchorages of the Travancore coast : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., XVII, 190192, (1884). 9. Rough notes for the construction of a chapter on the History of the Earth : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., LIII, pt. ii, 187198, (1884) ; Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1884, pp. 145 H7- 10. [On fossil bones from the Jumna alluvium] : Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1884 pp. 159 161. 11. Note on the probable age of the Mandhali series in the Lower Himalaya: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 7778, (1885). 100 Bibliography. Old Oldham, R. D., cont. 12. Memorandum on the probability of obtaining water by means of Artesian wells in the plains of Upper India: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XVIII, 1 10 112, (1885). 13. Notes on the Geology of the Andaman Islands: Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. t XVIII, 135145, (1885). 14. Memorandum on the correlation of the Indian and Australian coal- measures : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 39 47, (1886). 1 5. Memorandum on the prospects of finding coal in Western Rajputana : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIX, 122127, (1886). 1 6. A note on the Olive group of the Salt Range : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 127131, (1886). 1 7. Preliminary note on the Geology of Northern Jessalmer : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XIX, 157161, (1886). 1 8. Facetted pebbles from the Salt Range, Punjab : Geol. Mag., 3rd decade, III, 3235, (1887).' 19. On Probable changes in the geography of the Punjab and its rivers : an Historico-geographical study : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., LV, pt. ii, 322 343, (1887); Proc. As. Soc. Beng., 1886, pp. 171175. 20. The gneissose rocks of the Himalaya: Geol. Mag., 3rd decade, III, 461 465, (1887). 21. Preliminary sketch of the geology of Simla and Jutogh : Rec. Geol. Surv. / (1860). 23. Report on the present state and prospects of the Government Iron Works at Dechouree in Kumaon, May loth, 1860. Flscp. Calcutta, 1860. 24. [Note on Dr. J. L. Stewart's specimens from the Waziri country] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIX, 319, (1860). 102 Bibliography. Old Oldham, T., cont. 25. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1860 61. 8. Calcutta, 1 86 1. 26. [On the age of the Indian Coal-bearing strata] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXX, 177182, (1861). 27. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1861 62. 8. Calcutta, 1862. 28. Memorandum on the non-existence of "True" slates in India generally, and especially with reference to the slabs of the Kurnool District, Madras Presidency, showing to what purposes they could be applied : Jour. Roy. As. Soc., ist series, XIX, 3138, (1862). 29. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1862 63. 8. Calcutta, 1863." 30. Additional remarks on the Geological relations and probable geological age of the several systems of rocks in Central India and Bengal : Mem. Geol. Surv. India, III, pt. i, pp. 197 213, (1863). 31. Indian Mineral Statistics, Coal : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Ill, pt. i, Art. 2, pp. i 12, (1863). 32. On the occurrence of Rocks of Upper Cretaceous age in Eastern Bengal : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXIX, 524526, (1863). 33. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 186364. 8. Calcutta, 1864. 34. Note on the Fossils in the Society's Collection reputed to be from Spiti : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXXIII, 232237, (1864). 35. Memorandum on the results of a cursory examination of the Salt Range and parts of the districts of Bunnoo and Kohat, with a special view to the mineral resources of those districts : Sel. Rec. Gov. 2nd., LX1V, 126156, (1864). 36. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1864-65: 8. Calcutta, 1865. 37. On stone implements from Madras : Proc. As. Sot. Beng., 1865, p. 206. 38. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1865-66. 8. Calcutta, 1866. 39. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India and Director of the Museum of Geology, Calcutta, 1866-67. 8. Calcutta, 1867. 40. Coal Resources and Production of India. Fscp. Calcutta, 1867: Sel. Rec. Gov.Ind.,~LXIV, 40-73, (1868); Geol. Mag., IV, 264-265, (1867). 41. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Museum of Geology, for 1867: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., I, 39, (1868). 42. Lead in the district of Raipur, Central Provinces: Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., I, 37, (1868). 103 Old Geological Survey of India. Oldham,T., cont. 43. Coal in the Eastern Hemisphere : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., I, 37 39, (1868). 44. On the agate flake found by Mr. Wynne in the pliocene (?) deposits of the Upper Godavari : Rec.. GeoL Surv. 2nd., I, 65 69, (1868). 45. Report on the alleged Existence of Coal in the vicinity of Masulipatam : Gazette of India, Supplement, 1868, pp. 215 216, 396 397. 46. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of India and of the Museum of Geology for 1868 : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, 2534, (1869). 47. The coal-field near Chanda, Central Provinces : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ind., II, 94100, (1869). 48. Lead in the Raipur District, Central Provinces : Rec. GeoL Surv. Ivd., II, 101, (1869) : Sel. Rec. Gov. Ind., LXXIV, 98, (1869). 49. Meteorites [Khetri fall] : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., II, 101, (1869). 50. Mineral Statistics of India, Coal: Mem. 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"Childers :" Jour. As. Soc. Beng., X, 436 443> (1841). 7. Report on the Soils brought from Chedooba by H. M. S. " Childers" : Jour. As. Soc. Beng. t X, 447 449. 8. Note on the Fos?il Jaw sent from Jubbulpore by Dr. Spilsbury : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., X, 620 625, (1841). 9. Museum of Economic Geology of India : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XI, 322 326, (1842). 1 08 Bibliography. Pid Piddington, H., cont. 10. [Sulphur from Karachi] : Jour. As. Soc: Beng., XII, 736 738, (1843). 11. [Argentiferous Galena from Hisato, Chota Nagpore] : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., XII, 738, (1843). 12. Examination of a remarkable red sandstone from the junction of the Diamond Limestone and Sandstone at Nurnoor, in the Kurnool Terri- tory, Southern India. Received for the Museum of Economic Geology for Capt. Newbold, M. N. I., Assistant Commissioner, Kurnool : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XIII, 336338, (1844). 1 3. Chemical Examination of an Aerolite which fell at the village of Mamis;aon near Eidulabad, in Khandeish : Jour. As. 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Examination and Analysis of four specimens of Coal from the neighbour- hood of Darjeeling ; forwarded by A. Campbell, Esq., Supdt. : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 381386, (1854). 44. [Account of the peat of Bengal] : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 400 401 (1854). 45. Notes [on [the manufacture of iron] : with a catalogue of iron ores, wash- ings and smeltings : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 402 403, (1854). 46. Examination and Analyses of Dr. Campbell's Specimens of Copper Ores obtained in the neighbourhood of Darjeeling : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIII, 477 479> (1854). 47. Examination and analysis of two Specimens of coal from Ava : Jour. As. Soc. Bmg., XXIII, 714-717, (1854). 48. Memorandum on the Kunkurs of Burdwan as a flux for smelting the Iron ores, and on some smeltings of iron ores by Mr. Taylor of that district ; Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXIV, 212214, (1855). HO Bibliography. Pid Pot Piddington, H., cont. 49. 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Pri Prinsep, J., cont. bad District, Narbadda ; (3) Peat of the Calcutta alluvium dug up from 30 feet below the surface at the Chitpur lock gates ; (4) Argentiferous galena from the Borkhampti country on the sources of the Irawaddi river: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 434 438, (1833). 13. Note on the Fossil Bones discovered near Jabalpur : Jour. As. Soc. Seng., II, 583-588, (1833). 14.. Note on the coal discovered at Kyuk Phyu in the Arracan District Jour. As. Soc. Beng,, II, 595597, (1833). 15. On the occurrence of bones of Man in a fossil state : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., II, 632636, (1833). 1 6. Illustration of Herodotus' account of the mode of obtaining gold dust in the deserts of Kobi : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., HI, 206 207, (1834). 17. Note on the Fossil Bones of the Nerbudda valley, discovered by Dr. G. G. Spilsbury, near Narsinhpur, &c. : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., Ill, 396 403, (1834). 1 8. Note on the Fossil Bones of the Jumna River : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., IV, 500505, (1835). 19. 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Observations on some features in the Physical Geology of the outer Himalayan region of the Upper Panjdb, India : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXX, 61 80, (1874). 14. Notes on the Geology of Mari hill station in the Panjab : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VII, 6474, (1874). 15. The Trans-Indus Salt Region in the Kohat district: Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., XI, pt. ii, 105298, (1875). 36. Geological notes on the Kharian hills in the Upper Punjab : Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., VIII, 4648, (1875). 17. Note on the tertiary zone and underlying rocks in the North- Western Panjab : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., X, 107 132, (1877). 18. On " Remarks, &c." by Mr. Theobald upon Erratics in the Panjab : Rec* Geol. Surv. 2nd., XI, 150-151, (1878). 1 9. On the Geology of the Salt Range in the Punjab : Mem. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XIV, (1878). 20. Notes on the Physical Geology of the Punjab : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XXXIV, 347-375, (1878). 21. Notes on the Earthquake in the Punjab of March 2nd, 1878 : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XLV1I, pt. ii, 131140, (1878). 22. A geological reconnaissance from the Indus at Kushalgarh to the Kurram at Thai on the Afghan frontier : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XII, loo 114, (1879). 23. Further notes on the Geology of the Upper Panjab : Rec. Geol. Surv. 2nd., XII, 114133, (1879). 24. On the continuation of the road section from Murree to Ahtcttabad : Rec. Geol. Surv, 2nd., XII, 208 210, (1879). 25. Recent Publications of the Geological Survey of India : [collects mis- statements of his views in the Manual of the Geology o; ndia and Pakeontologia Indica] : Geol. Mag., 2nd decade, VI 429431, (1879); VII, 48, (1880). Wyn Yul Geological Survey of India. Wynne, A. B., cont. 26. On the Trans-Indus Extension of the Punjab Salt Range : Mem. GeoL Surv. Ind., XVII, pt. ii, 211305, (1880). 27. Travelled blocks of the Punjab: Rec. Ge&l. Surv r lnd.,XlV, 153 154, (1881). 28. On the connection between Travelled Blocks in the Upper Panjdb arrd a supposed glacial period in India r Geol. Mag., 2nd decade, VIII, 9799, (1881). 29. Further note on the connection between the Hazara and Cashmir Series - Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., XV, 164 169, (1882). 30. Notes on some recent discoveries of interest in the geology of the Punjab Salt Range: Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 859.3, (1886)*: Geol. Mag, 3rd decade, III, 131134, (1886). 31. A facetted and striated Pebble from the Salt Range, Panjab, India : GeoL Mag., 3rd decade, III, 492 494, (1886). 32. On a certain fossiliferous pebble band in the " Olive group," of the Eastern Salt Range, Punjab : Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., XLII, 341- 350, (1886), 33. Phosphatic nodules from the Salt flange : GeoL Mag., 3rd decade, IV. 95, (188;). Wynne A. B., and Waagen, W. i. The Geology of Mount Sirban in the Upper Punjab : Mem. GeoL Surv, Ind., IX, 331 350, '(1872). Wynne, A. B., and Warth, H. i. Extracts from Report on the economic aspect of the Trans-Indus Salt Region, by Dr. H. Warth, with additions by A. B. Wynne : Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. , XI, 299330, (1875). Yarkand. 1. Scientific results of the second Yarkand Mission, based upon the collec- tions and notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka. Geology, by W. T. Blanford. 4. Calcutta, 1878. 2. Syringo-sphaeridae, by P. Martin Duncan. 4. 1879. Young, C. B. i. A few remarks on the subject of the Laterite found near Rangoon : Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XXII, 196201, (1853). Young, S. D. i. An account of the General and Medical Topography of the Neilgerries : Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Calcutta, IV, 3678, (1829). Yule, H. i. Notes on the Iron of the Kasia Hills, for the Museum of Economic Geology: Jour. As. Soc. Beng., XI, 853856, (1842). 144 Bibliography. Yul Yule, H., cont. 2. A narrative of the mission sent by the Governor General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, with notices of the country, government, and people. General report by Capt. H. Yule ; Geological Report, by Dr. T. Oldham. 4. London, 1858. z L. Zigno, Achille de. See DE ZIGNO. 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