Collection OF RARE AND CURIOUS TRACTS ON WITCHCRAFT AND THE WITH AN Original Essay on Witchcraft. PRINTED FOR D. WEBSTER, 35, WEST COLLEGE STREEt, 1820. EDINBURGH : Printed by Thomas Webster. CONTENTS. Page An Original Essay on Witchcraft, - - - News from Scotland, - - - - - - -13 To the Reader, 15 A True Discourse of the Damnable Life of Doctor Fian, and Sundry other Witches, lately taken in Scotland, - - - - - 17 Another Account of the Foregoing Transac- tions, from Sir James MelvilPs Memoirs, 36 Advertisement, ------- - -40 Extracts from King James's Daemonologie con- cerning Sorcery and Witchcraft, - - - 42 Notice to the Reader, - ------68 Answer of a Letter from a Gentleman in Fife, to a Nobleman, containing an Account of the Barbarous and Illegal Treatment of the Witches in Pittenweem, - - - - - 69 Another Letter concerning the Witches of Pit- tenweem, -_*__-___- 73 A Just Reproof to the False Reports contained in the two Foregoing Letters, - - - - 79 iv Page A Copy of the Indictment and Precept for Summoning the Jury and Witnesses, with the Warrant for the Execution, of the Witches at Borrowstouness, - - - - 95 Trial of Isobel Elliot and others, - - - -104 Confession of Helen Taylor, - - - - 107 Deposition of Manie Haliburton, - - - - 109 Declaration of John Kincaid, the Pricker, - 111 Trial of William Coke and Allison Dick, - -' 113 Amount of the Kirk's Share of Expense for Burning the said William Coke and Alli- son Dick, 123 Town's part on the above occasion, - - - 124 Account of the Expense of Burning Margaret Denham, ...._ 125 Minutes and Proceedings of the Kirk-Session of Torryburn, and the Confession of Lillias Adie, - - 129 Frazer on the Second Sight, - - - - - 147 The Publisher to the Reader, 150 Short Advertisement to the Reader, - - - 157 A Brief Discourse concerning the Second Sight, commonly so called, - - - ----- 159 AN ORIGINAL ESSAY ON WITCHCRAFT. IF we wish to form a just estimate of the human character in its progress through the various stages of civilization, from ignorance and barbarism, to science and refinement, we must search into the natural causes that actuate the human mind. The life of man is prolonged to a remoter period, but subjected to more casualties, and greater vicissi- tudes of fortune, than most other animals. From, these causes arises his anxious solicitude about fu- turity, and an eager desire to know his destiny ; and thus man becomes the most superstitious of all other creatures. In every nation there have been multitudes of oracles, augurs, soothsayers, diviners, fortune-tellers, witches, sorcerers, &c. whose busi- ness has been to communicate intelligence respect- ing futurity, to the rest of mankind. If we attend to history, we shall find this theory sufficiently con- firmed by experience. The most superstitious part of the species are soldiers and sailors, who are more 6 AN ORIGINAL ESSAY exposed to accidents than any other class. History is full of the superstitious observances of the Ro- man armies ; their regard to omens ; the entrails of victims ; the flight of birds, &c. and there are thou- sands of brave sailors of the present day, who would not sail in the finest ship of the British navy, with- out a horse-shoe were nailed on the main-mast. This passion of diving into futurity, naturally pro- duced a number of ' dealers in destiny's dark coun- cil^ who soon found it turn out a very lucrative profession. From knowing the secrets, it was na- turally inferred, that they were the favourites of those powers who are supposed to have the future happiness of mankind at their disposal. This we apprehend is the real source of that power which the priesthood hath ever exercised over the human mind. Pleasure and pain are the two great princi- ples of human action which has given rise to, the good and evil principle common to all nations. Those who held communication and commerce with the evil principle, are witches, wizzards, sor- cerers, &c. Although we have various laws and injunctions against witchcraft in scripture, yet we are still as much in the dark as ever, as no defini- tion is given of it, nor is the particular actions which constitute witchcraft enumerated, so as we can say wherein it consists. The story of the witch of Endor, is a case that throws more light on the sub- ject than any other. But she appears to have act- ed more in the character of one of our second sight- ed seers, than one of our modern witches. Ac- cording to our notions and ideas of witchcraft (as laid ON WITCHCRAFT. 7 down by that sapient monarch James VI.), it is a poor ignorant old woman, who, through misery or malice, gives herself to the devil, soul and body, and renounces her baptism ; for which considera- tions Satan engages to assist her with his power to work a number of petty mischiefs on such as she has a spite at ; and sometimes he advances a little of the ' needful,' which, unfortunately for the poor old Jutg, turns out to be ' naething but sklite stands, and this most unaccountable contract is generally sealed by * carnal copulation /' And yet, after be- lieving this, we call ourselves rational creatures, and other animals we term brutes ! ! Many people have wondered, how so exalted a personage as the devil formerly was in days of yore, should latterly have taken up with such low company as our mo- dern witches. He who tempted the very fathers of the church in so many various ways ; who kept the whole priesthood of the Catholic church constantly on the alert with holy \vater, exorcisms, &c. only to keep him in check ; who often attacked Luther and our other reformers, in very ungentlemany dis- guises ; and had even the audacity to insult our co- venanted saints, by bellowing like a bull, grunting like a pig, or groaning like a dying man. These were pranks something worthier of a devil than the tricks played off by the witches. Our King James gives the reason, because 4 the consuniation of the world, and our deliverance drawing neere, makes Satan so rage the more in his instruments, knowing his kingdom to be so neere an end.' James was a little out in his reckoning here, ' the consumption 8 AN ORIGINAL ESSAY of the world* not having taken place as yet, and the deviPs kingdom turning out to be rather better es- tablished than his own. So far was it from being near an end, that it was on the increase, caused chiefly by the absurd and stupid laws that were en- acted against it bv himself and successors. The devi'V kingdom is not to be destroyed by acts of parliament and burning of witches ; these expe- dients have been tried in vain all over Europe and America, without effect ; but now, when every per- son can bewitch with impunity, not a witch is to be found ; and the devil, though left at large, has re- treated to the Highlands and islands, where he is seldom seen, even by those who Siave the second sight. The irue engines for battering the strong hoids oJ Satan, and driving him and his imps into utter darkness, are science and philosophy ; these are the weapons that have compelled him to retro- gade movenu-nls, after lavishing rivers of holy wa- ter in vain. Thus the terrific claws of the devil, when seen by the distempered eyes of ignorant bi- gotry, appear to us truly horrible, but when viewed through philosophical spectacles, look as harmless as the lamb-skin gloves of a fine lady. These stories, however, convey a strong likeness of the times in which they were acted. In our day, it is almost impossible to believe, that human be- ings could give credit to such gross absurdities as we have laid before the public in this little work, were the evidence not indubitable. Far less, that judges, lawyers, and divines, should unite in mur- dering such numbers of poor ignorant helpless crea- ON WITCHCRAFT. 9 tures, for such mad chimeras, when it is hard to say, whether the poor victim, or the insane judges, were under the greater delusion. These wonder- ful tales of the doings of the devil with the witches, are taken from their own confessions, and from their delating of one another, as it is called. To us it does not appear improbable, but that too many of the poor deluded wretches actually imagined them- selves to be witches. Nor will this appear so very surprizing, if we consider the circumstances of the case. At that period, any person who doubted of witchcraft, was looked upon as an athiest, and worse than mad ; the whole country, from one end to the other, was continually ringing with tales of witches, devils, and fairies, with such other trash. Is it not then most likely, that people should dream about them ? and is there any thing unnatural in supposing, that they should mistake these dreams for realities ? as is evidently proved in several cases, and then confess, not the actions they really did, but the effects of their own disordered imagination. Moreover, when confined for this imaginary crime, they were tortured in all manner of ways, deprived of sleep, flung into water, and brodit, as they called it, being striped naked and searched for the devil's mark, in the most indecent manner. These con- fessions, after they were made, were nothing more than the wild ravings of a distempered imagination ; and such a tissue of inconsistencies, as no person of the present day would listen to. An old woman in the Isle of Teree (as related by Mr Frazer, page 165), took in her head that she was in heaven no AN ORIGINAL ESSAY less, and had eat and drank there ; and so firmly had the poor creature imbibed the notion, that it was with some difficulty she could be undeceived. A curious account of a pretended meeting with the devil, is given by a gentleman of Normandy, in the Memoirs of Literature for November 1711. " The pretended meeting, about which those who believe they have been at it, relate so many extra- vagant things, is only in their imagination. I own, that some country people, especially shepherds, do now and then rub their skin with some narcotick grease or ointments, which cast them into a sound sleep, and fill their imagination with a thousand visions. When they are thus asleep, they fancy they see every thing that was told them concerning the devil's meeting, by their fathers, who were also shepherds, or wizards, if you will have me to call them so. Whereupon I will inform you of what I have been told by a country friend of mine, who pretended to have a mind to go to the devil's meet- ing with his own shepherd, who had the reputation of being a great sorcerer. Having frequently urg- ed that shepherd to carry him thither, at last he obtained his desire. He went to him in the night at the appointed time. The shepherd immediately gave him something to grease himself withal. He took the grease as if he had a mind to rub his skin with it ; but he desired that the shepherd's son, who was to go to the devil's meeting with his fa- ther, should anoint himself first. Which being done, that gentleman told the shepherd, that he should be glad to know what would become of the ON WITCHCRAFT. 11 young man. Not long after, the young man fell fast asleep, and when he awaked, though he had not stirred from that place, he gave an account of every thing he thought he had seen at the deviPs meeting ; and even named several persons whom he pretended to have seen there. My friend perceiv- ed then, that what is commonly said of the deviPs meeting was a mere fancy. I have told you this story, that you may impart it to your brethren, who being prepossest with popular errors about witchcraft, do frequently hang and burn poor wretches, whose crime does only consist in the weakness of their imagination." A thousand more instances might be produced to show, that the devil hath no meetings any where, but in the perturbed brain of ignorant credulity. The history of superstition is however of great use; we there see its dangerous influence upon the peace and happiness of society its degrading ef- fects upon the character and manners of nations, in morality, literature, jurisprudence, and science. Theology seems to have been particularly infected with this pestiferous contagion. The clergy were generally in the front rank of witch-hunters, and through their influence, the most of them were put to death. In places where the minister was in- flamed with a holy zeal against the devil and his emissaries, such as Pittenweem and Torryburn, the parish became a perfect hot-bed for the rearing of witches ; and so plentiful a crop did it produce, that it appeared nothing else could thrive. But in places where the minister had some portion of hu- 12 AN ORIGINAL ESSAY, &C. manity, and a little common sense, the devil very rarely set foot on his territories, and witchcraft was not to be found. Since the repeal of the statutes against witchcraft, several prosecutions have been instituted against witches, who were convicted and punished ; but it was bewitching silly ignorant peo- ple out of their money, goods, and common sense, by pretending a knowledge of futurity a power of relieving maladies in man or beast or procuring the affection of some favourite swain to a love-sick maiden. The dupes of these impostors do not alto- gether escape, as they are made the laughing stock of their neighbours ; and by these means even this trade is now nearly annihilated. Happily for our times, the refulgent brightness of philosophy and science, hath dispelled these dark clouds of benight- ed superstition, and left us in possession only of our natural powers and faculties, which are quite enough. EDITOR. g front ^cotlantr : DECXAIUXO THE DAMNABLE LIFE OF' DOCTOR FIAN, al> . A NOTABLE SORCERER, WHO WAS Burned at Edenbrmigh in Januarte last, 1591. WHICH I>OCTOU WAS REGISTER TO THE DEVILL THAT SUNDRIE TIMES PREACHED AT NORTH BAIUUCKK KIRKE TO A DUMBER OF NOTORIOUS WITCHES. WITH THE TRUE EXAMINATIONS OF THE SAID DOCTOR AND WITCHES, AS THEY UTTERED THEM IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SCOTTISH KING. D1SCOVERIXO HOW THEY PRETENDED TO BEWITCH AND DROWNS HIS MAJESTIE IN THE SEA COMMING FROM DEN- :r ARKE ; WITH SUCH OTHER WONDERFULI, MATTERS AS THE LIKE HATH NOT BEIN HEARD AT ANIE TIME. Published according to the Scottish PR1NTEJ) FOR WILLIAM WRIGHT, EDINBURGH: XE-FftlNTKD FOIL D. ^VBSTEK, 35, WST COLLKOE STRET. 1820, TO THE READER, M. HE manifold untruths which are spred abroad concerning the detestable actions and apprehension of those witches whereof this historic following true- ly entreateth, hath caused me to publish the same in print, and the rather for that sundrie written coppies are lately dispersed thereof, containing that the said witches were first discovered by meanes of a poore pedlar travelling to the towne of Trenent ; and that by a wonderfull manner hee was in a mo- ment conveyed at midnight from Scotland to Bur- deux in France (being places of no small distance), into a merchant's sellar there ; and after being sent from Burdeux into Scotland by certaine Scottish merchants to the King's Majestic, that he discover- ed those witches, and was the cause of their appre- hension ; with a number of matters miraculous and incredible : all which in truth are most false. Never- theless, to satisfie a number of honest mindes, who are desirous to be informed of the'veritie aud truth XVI TO TUB UKADEE. of their confessions, which for certaintie is more stranger than the common reporte runneth, and yet with more truth. I have undertaken to publish this short Treatise which declareth the true dis- course of all that happened, and as well what was pretended by those wicked and detestable witches against the King's Majestic ; as also by what means they wrought the same. All which examinations (gentle reader) I have here truly published as they were taken and utter- ed in the presence of the King's Majestie, praying ihee to accept of it for veritie, the same being so true as cannot be jeproyed. A TRUE DISCOURSE OF THE APPREHENSION OF SUNDRIE WITCHES LATELY TAKEN IN SCOTLAND ; WHEREOF SOME ARE EXECUTED, AND SOME ARE YET IMPRISONED. WITH A PAR- TICULAR RECITALL OF THEIR EXAMINATIONS, TAKEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE KING'S MA- JESTLE. G D > by hi s omnipotent power, hath at all times, and daily dooth take such care, and is so vigilant for the weale and preservation of his owne, that thereby he disappointeth the wicked practices and evil intents of all such as by any means whatsoever seeke indirectly to conspire any thing contrary to his holy will : Yea, and by the same power he hath lately overthrowne and hindered the intentions and wicked dealings of a great number of ungodly crea- tures, no better than devils ; who suffering them- selves to be allured and enticed by the Devil whom they served, and unto whom they were privately sworne, entered into the detestable art of witchcraft, which they studied and practised so long time, that 18 "NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. in the ende they had seduced by their sorcerie a number of others to be as bad as themselves, dwell- \ ing in the bounds of Lowthen, which is a princi- pall shire or part of Scotland, where the Kinges Majestic useth to make his cheifest residence or abode ; and to the ende that their detestable wick- f dnesse which they prively had pretended against the Kinges Majestie, the commonweale of that eountrie, with the nobilitie and subjects of the same, should come to light. God of his unspeak- able goodness did reveale and laie it open in verie strange sorte, thereby to make known to the world that their actions were contrarie to the lawe of God and the naturall affection which we ought generally to beare one to another. The manner of the re- Dealing whereof was as followeth. Within the towne of Trenent, in the kingdome of Scotland, there dwelleth one David Seaton, who being deputie bailiffe in the said towne, had a maid called Geillies Duncane, who used secretlie to ab- sent and lie forth of her maisters house every other night. This Geillies Duncane tooke in hand to lielpe all such as were troubled or grieved with anie kinde of sickness or infirmitie, and in short 5pace did performe many matters most miraculous ; which things, forasmuche as she began to do them upon a sodaine, having never done the like before, made her maister and others to be in great admi- ration, and wondered thereat : by meanes whereof the saide David Seaton had his maide in great sus. pition that shee did not those things by naturall and lawfull waies, but rather supposed it to be done by some extraordinarie and unlawfull meanes, FROM SCOTLAND. 10 Whereupon her raaister began to grow verie in- quisitive, and examined her which way and by what meanes shee was able to performe matters of so great importance ; whereat shee gave him no aun- swere : nevertheless, her maister to the intent that hee might the better trie and finde out the truth of the same, did with the help of others torment her with the torture of the pilliwinkes upon her fin- gers, which is a griveous torture, and binding or \vrinching her head with a cord or roape, which is a most cruel torment also, yet would shee not con- fess anie thing ; whereupon they suspecting that shee had beene marked by the devill (as commonly witches are,) made diligent search about her, and found the enemies mark to be in her fore crag, or fore part of her throate ; which being found, shee confessed that all her doings was done by the wick- ed allurements and entisements of the devil, and that shee did them by witchcraft. After this her confession, shee was committed to prison, where shee continued a season, where im- mediately shee accused these persons following to bee notorious witches, and caused them forthwith to be apprehended, one after another, viz. Agnes Sampson, the eldest witche of them all, dwelling in Haddington ; Agnes Tompson of Edenbrough ; Doctor Fian, alias John Cuningham, master of the schoole at Saltpans in Lowthian, of whose life and strange acts you shall heare more largely in the end of this discourse. These were by the saide Geillies Duncane ac- cused, as also George Motts' wife, dwelling in Low- 20 UEWS PROM SCOTLAND. thian ; Robert Grierson, skipper ; and Jannet Blandilands ; with the potters wife of Seaton ; the smith at the Brigge Hal lies, with innumerable others in those parts, and dwelling in those bounds aforesaid, of whom some are alreadie executed, the rest remaine in prison to receive the doome of judge- ment at the Kinges Majesties will and pleasure. The saide Geillies Duncane also caused Ewpha- me Mecalrean to bee apprehended, who conspired and performed the death of her godfather, and who used her art upon a gentleman, being one of the Lordes and Justices of the Session, for bearing good-will to her daughter. Shee also caused to be apprehended one Barbara Naper, for bewitching to death Archbalde lait Earle of Angus, who lan- guished to death by witchcraft, and yet the same was not suspected ; but that he died of so strange a disease as the phisition kriewe not how to cure or remedie the same. But of all other the said witches, these two last before recited, were reputed for as civil honest women as anie that dwelled within the cittie of Edenbrough, before they were apprehend- ed. Many other besides were taken dwelling in Lieth, who are detayned in prison until his Ma- jesties further will and pleasure be knowne ; of whose wicked dooings you shall particularly heare, which was as followeth. This aforesaide Agnes Sampson, which was the elder witche, was taken and brought to Haliriud House before the Kinges Majestic, and sundrie other of the nobilitie of Scotland, where shee was straytly examined ; but all the persuasions which NEWS PROM SCOTLAND. 21 the Kinges Majestic used to her, with the rest of his counccll, might not provoke or induce her to confess any thing, but stoode stiffley in the deniall of all that was layde to her charge ; whereupon they caused her to be conveyed away unto prison> there to receive such torture as hath been lately provided for witches in that countrie ; and for as rnuche as by due examination of witchcraft and witches in Scotland, it hath lately beene founde that the devill dooth generally marke them with a privie marke, by reason the witches have confessed themselves, that the devill doth licke them with his long in some privie part of their bodie, before he dooth receive them to bee his servants, which marke commonlie is given them under the haire in some part of their bodie, whereby it may not easily "be found out or scene, although they bee searched ; and generally so long as the marke is not seene to those which search them, so long the parties which have the marke will never confess anie thing. Therefore by special commandment this Agnes Sampson had all her haire shaven off, n each part of her bodie, and her head thrawane with a rope according to the custome of that countrie, being a payne most grieveous, which they continued almost an hower, during which time shee would not confess anie thing untill the divel's marke was founde upon her privities, then shee immediately confessed what, soever was demaunded of her, and justifiying those persons aforesaide to be notorious witches. Item, the said Agnes Sampson was after brought againe before the Kinges Majestic and his councell, 2 NEWS FHOM SCOTLAND. and being examined of the meeting and detestable dealings of those witches, shee confessed, that upon the night of Allhallow Even last, shee was accom- panied as well with the persons aforesaide, as also with a great many other witches, to the number of two hundreth, and that all they together went to sea, each one in a riddle or cive, and went into the same very substantially, with flaggons of wine, making merrie and drinking by the way in the same riddles or cives, to the Kirke of North Barrick in Lowthian, and that after they had landed, tooke hands on the lande and daunced this reill or short daunce, singing all with one voice, Commer goe ye before, commer goe ye, Gifye will not goe before, commer let me. At which time shee confessed, that this Geillies Duncane did goe before them playing this reill or daunce, uppon a small trumpe, called a Jewes trumpe, untill they entred into the Kirke of North Barricke. These confessions made the Kinge in a wonder, full admiration, and sent for the saide Geillie Dun- cane, who upon the like trumpe did play the saide daunce before the Kinges Majestic, who in respect of the strangeness of these matters, tooke great de- light to be present at their examinations. Item, the said Agnes Sampson confessed, that the devill, being then at North Barricke Kirke attend- ing their coming, in the habit or likeness of a man, and seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoined them all to a pennance, which was, that they shoul^ kiss his buttockes, in sign of duty 3JEWS FEOM SCOTLAND. 23 Co him ; which being put over the pulpit bare, every one did as he had enjoined them : and having made his ungodly exhortations, wherein he did greatly inveigh against the Kinge of Scotland, he received their oathes for their good and true service towards him, and departed ; which done, they returned to sea, and so home again. At which time the witches demaunded of the devill why he did beare such hatred to the Kinge ? Who answered, by reason the Kinge is the greatest enemie hee hath in the world. * All which their confessions and depositions are still extant upon re- cord. Item, the saide Agnes Sampson confessed before the Kinges Majestic sundrie things, which were so miraculous and strange, as that his Majestic saide they were all extreme liars ; whereat shee answer- ed, shee would not wish his Majestic to suppose her words to be false, but rather to believe them, in that shee would discover such matters unto him as his Majestic should not anie way doubt of. And thereupon taking his Majestic a little aside, shee declared unto him the verie wordes which pass- ed between the Kinges Majestie and his Queene at Upslo in Norway the first night of marriage, with the answere ech to other ; whereat the Kinges Ma- * James, who boasted that he was born in the purest church on earth,' and whose courtiers called him ' the Childe of God,* was no doubt highly gratified at this declaration of the devil's hatred, because he was his greatest enemie on earth.' Thi3 was such a piece of flattery as suited the meridian of the mo- narch's intellects ED. 24 EWS FBOM SCOTLAND. jestie wondered greatly, and swore by the living God, that he believed all the devills in hell could not have discovered the same, acknowledging her words to be most true, and therefore gave the more credit to the rest that is before declared. Touching this Agnes Sampson, shee is the onlic woman who by the devill's perswasion should have intended and put in execution the Kinges Majesties death in this manner. Shee confessed that shee tooke a blacke toade, and did hang the same up by the heeles three dales, and collected and gathered the venome it dropped and fell from it in ane oister shell, and kept the same venome close covered, untill shee should ob- iaine anie part or peece of foule linnen cloth that had appertained to the Kinges Majestic, as shirt, handkercher, napkin, or anie other thing, which shea practised to obtaine by meanes of one John Kers, who being attendant in his Majesties chamber, de- sired him for old acquaintance between them, to help her to one or a peece of such a cloth as is aforesaide, which thing the saide John Kers denyed to helpe her to, saying he coulde not helpe her un- to it. And the saide Agnes Sampson by her depositions jince her apprehension, saith, that if shee had ob tayned anie one peece of linnen cloth which the Kinge had worne and fowlede, shee had bewitched him to death, and put him to such extraordinarie paines, as if he had been lying upon sharp thornes and endes of needles. Moreover shee confessed, that at the time when his NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. 25 Majestic was in Denmarke, slice being accompanied by the parties before speciallie named, tooke a cat and christened it, and afterwarde bounde to each part of that cat, the cheefest part of a dead man, and several joynts of his bodie ; and that in the night following, the saide cat was convayed into the middest of the sea by all the witches, sayling in their riddles or cives, as is aforesaid, and so left the saide cat right before the towne of Lieth in Scotland. This doone, there did arise such a tem- pest in the sea, as a greater hath not beene scene ; which tempest was the cause of the perishing of a boat or vessel coming over from the towne of Brunt Islande to the towne of Lieth, wherein was sundrie jewelles and rich giftes, which should have been presented to the now Queene of Scotland at her Majesties coming to Lieth. Againe it is confessed, that the said christened cat was the cause that the Kinges Majesties shippe at his coming forth of Denmarke had a contrarie winde to the rest of his shippes then being in his companie, which thing was most strange and true as the Kinges Majestic acknowlegeth, for when the rest of the shippes had a faire and good winde, then was the winde contrarie and altogether against his Majestic; and further, the sayde witche declared, that his Majestic had never come safely from the sea, if his faith had not prevayled above their in- tentions. * * It no doubt required the penetration of a witch to discover the strength of James's faith, which prevailed against their in- cantations, and saved him from perishing at sea. Those who C NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. Moreover, the saide witches being demaunded how the divell would use them when he was in their companie, they confessed, that when the divel did recyeve theme for his serventes, and that they had vowed themselves unto him, then he woulde car- nally use them, albeit to their little pleasure, in re- spect to his colde nature, * and would doe the like at sundrie other times. As touching the aforesaide Doctor Fian, alias John Cunningham, the examination of his actes since his apprehension, declareth the great subtel- tie of the divell, and therefore maketh thinges to appeare the more miraculous ; for being appre- hended by the accusation of the saide Geillies Duncane aforesaide, who confessed he was their register, and that there was not one man suffered to come to the divel's readinges but onlie hee, the saide Doctor was taken and imprisoned, and used with the accustomed paine provided for those of- fences, inflicted upon the rest as is aforesaide. First) by thrawing of his head with a rope, whereat he would confess nothing. conducted the examination of the witches, no doubt knew well enough how to extract this little piece of delicate flattery from the hags, so gratifying to the palate of their master. ED. * In the records of the kirk-session of Torryburn, in Fife- shire, so late as 1 103, is the confession of one Lillias Eddie, a supposed witch, who immediately after she had been initiated in the infernal mysteries, was taken behind a stook, it (being harvest time), and carressed by the devil. She likewise com- plains that his embraces were cold and unsatisfactory. The gross indelicacy of such stories are only to be equalled by their absurdity. "What a picture does it present to readers of the present day, of the manners of that age, when such topics could be gravely discussed by the King in councill ! ! NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. 27 Secondly, hee was persuaded by faire meanes to confesse his follies, but that would prevail as little. Lastly, hee was put to the most severe and cruell paine in the worlde, called the bootes, who, after he had received three strokes, being inquired if hee would confess his damnable actes and wicked life, his toong would not serve him to speake, in respect whereof the rest of the witches willed to searche his toong, under which was found two pinnes thurst up into the heade ; whereupon the witches did say, now is the charm stinted, and shewed, that those charmed pinnes were the cause he could not confesse any thing : then was he immediately released of the bootes, brought before the King, his confession was taken, and his own hand willingly set thereunto, which contained as followeth : First, that at the generall meetinges of those witches, he was always present, that he was clarke to all those that were in subjection to the divel's service, bearing the name of witches, that always hee did take their oathes for their true service to the divel, and that he wrote for them such matters as the divel still pleased to command him. Item, hee confessed that by his witchcraft hee did bewitch a gentleman dwelling neare to the Saltpans, where the said Doctor kept schoole, only for being enamoured of a gentlewoman whome he loved him- self ; by meanes of which his sorcery, witchcraft, and divelish practices, hee caused the said gentle- man that once in xxiiii howers he fell into a lunacy* and madness, and so continued one whole hower together ; and for the veritie of the sarae^ he caused 8 XEWS FROM SCOTLAND. the gentleman to be brought before the Kinges Ma- jestie, which was upon the xxiiii day of December last, and being in his Majesties chamber, suddenly hee gave a great scritch, and fell into madness, sometime bending himself, and sometime capering so directly up, that his heade did touch the seeling of the chamber, to the great admiration of his Ma- jestie and others then present ; so that all the gen- tlemen in the chamber were not able to hold him, untill they called in more helpe, who together bound him hand and foot ; and suffering the said gentle- man to lie still until his furie were past, hee within an hower came againe to himselfe, when being demaunded by the Kinges Majestie what he saw or did all that while, answered, that he had been in a sounde sleepe. Item, the saide Doctor did also confesse, that hee had used meanes sundrie times to obtaine his pur- pose and wicked intent of the same gentlewoman, and seeing himselfe disappointed of his intention, hee determined by all wayes hee might to obtaine the same, trusting by conjuring, witchraft, and sor- cerie, to obtaine it in this manner. It happened this gentlewoman being unmarried, had a brother who went to schoole with the saide Doctor, and calling the saide scholler to him, de- maunded if hee did lie with his sister, who answer- ed he did, by meanes whereof he thought to obtain his purpose, and therefore secretly promised to teach him without stripes, so he woulde obtaine for him three hairs of his sister's privitees, at such time as hee should spie best occasion for it ; which the NEWS FllOM SCOTLAND. %M youth promised faithfully to performe, and vowed speedily to put it in practice, taking a piece of con- jured paper of his maister to lap them in when hee had gotten them ; and thereupon the boy practised nightly to obtaine his maister's purpose, especially when his sister was asleep. But God, who knoweth the secret of all harts, and revealeth all wicked and ungodly practices, would not suffer the intents of this divelish Doctor to come to that purpose which hee supposed it woulde, and therefore to declaire that hee was heavily offended with his wicked intent, did so work by the gentlewoman's own meanes, that in the endc the same was discovered and brought to light ; for shee being one night asleep, and her brother in bed with her, sodainly cried out to her mother, de- claring that her brother woulde not suffer her to sleepe ; whereupon, her mother having a quicke ca- paeitie, did vehemently suspect Doctor Han's in- tention, by reason shee was a witch of herself, and therefore presently arose, and was very inquisitive of the boy to understand his intent, and the better to know the same, did beat him with sundrie stripes, whereby hee discovered the truth unto her. The mother, therefore, being well practised in witchcraft, did thinke it most convenient to meete with the Doctor in his owne arte, and thereupon took the paper from the boy wherein hee would have put the same haires, and went to a yong heyf'er which never had borne calf, nor gone unto the bull, and with a paire of sheeres clipped off three haires from the udder of the cow, and wrapt 30 XEWS FROM SCOTLAND. them in the same paper, which shee again deliver- ed to the boy, then willing him to give the same to his saide maister, which hee immediately did. The schoole maister, so, soone as he did recieve them, thinking them indeede to be the maids haires, went straight and wrought his arte upon them : But the Doctor had no sooner done his intent to them, but presently the hayfer cow, whose haires they were indeede, came unto the door of the church wherein the schoole maister was, into the which the hayfer went, and made towards the schoole maister, leaping and dancing upon him, and following him forth of the church, and to what place soever he went, to the great admiration of all the townsmen of Saltpans, and many others who did behold the same. The report whereof made all men imagine that hee did worke it by the divel, without whome it coulde never have been so sufficiently effected ; and thereupon the name of the saide Doctor Fian (who was but a young man), began to grow common among the people of Scotland, that he was secretly nominated for a notable conjurer. All which, although in the beginning he denied, and woulde not confesse, yet having felt the paine of the bootes, * (and the charme stinted as afore- saide) hee confessed all the aforesaide to be most * We have no doubt that the bootes were a most efficacious engine to procure a confession, and the Doctor would most likely have confessed that he had the inoon in bis pocket by the same means. ED. NEWS FROM SCOTLAND 31 true, without producing any witnesses to justifie the same ; and thereupon before the Kings Majes- tie hee subscribed the sayd confessione with his owne hande, which for truth remaineth upon re- cord in Scotland. After that the depositions and examinations of the sayd Doctor Fian, alias Cuningham, was taken, as alreddie is declared, with his own hand willingly set thereunto, hee was by the maister of the prison commited to ward, and appointed to a chamber by himselfe, where foresaking his wicked wayes, ac- knowledging his most ungodly life, shewing that hee had too much followed the allurements and en- ticements of Sathan, and fondly practised his con- clusions by conjuring, witchcraft, inchantment, sorcerie, and such like, he renounced the divel and all his wicked workes, vowed to lead the lyfe of a Christian, and seemed newly converted towards God. The morrow after, upon conference had with him, hee granted that the divel had appeared unto him in the night before, appareled all in blacke, with a white wande in his hande ; and that the di- vel demanded of him if hee woulde continue his faithfull service, according to his first oath and pro- mise made to that effect. Whome (as hee then saide), hee utterly renounced to his face, and said unto him in this manner, avoide, Satan, avoide, for I have listened too much unto thee, and by the same thou hast undone me, in respect whereof I utterly forsake thee : To whome the divel answered, that once ere thou die thou shalt bee mine ; and with 32 NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. that (as hee sayd), the divel brake the white wande, and immediately vanished forth of his sight. Thus all the daie this Doctor Fian continued verie solitarie, and seemed to have a care of his owne soule, and would call upon God, shewing himselfe penitent for his wicked lyfe ; nevertheless, the same night hee found such meanes that he stole the key of the prison doore and chamber in which he was, which in the night he opened and fled awaie to the Saltpans, where he was alwayes resi- dent, and first apprehended. Of whose sodaine departure when the Kings Majestic had intelli- gence, hee presently caused dilligent inquirie to be made for his apprehension ; and for the better effecting thereof, hee sent public proclamations into all parts of his land to the same effect. By meanes of whose hot and harde pursuite he was again taken and brought to prison ; and then being call- ed before the Kings Highness, he was reexamined as well touching his departure, as also touching all that had before happened. But this Doctor, notwithstanding that his owne confession appeareth remaining in recorde under his owne hande writting, and the same thereunto fixed in the presence of the Kings Majestic and sundrie of his councill, yet did he utterly denie the same. Thereupon the Kings Majestic percieving his stubborne willfullness, concieved and imagined that in the time of his absence hee had entered into newe conference and league with the dwell his maister ; and that hee had beene again newely NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. 33 marked, for the which he was narrowly searched, but it coulde not in anie waie be founde ; yet for more tryal of him to make him confesse, he was commanded to have a most strange torment, which was done in this manner following. His nails upon all his fingers were riven and pulled off* with an instrument called in Scottich a Turkas, which in England we call a pay re of pin- cers, and under everie nayle there was thrust in thro needels over even up to the heads. At all which torments notwithstanding the Doctor never shronke anie whit, neither would he then confesse it the sooner for all the tortures inflicted upon him. Then was hee with all convenient speede, by commandment, convaied againe to the torment of the bootes, wherein hee continued a long time, and did abide so many blows in them, that his legges were crusht and beaten together as small as might bee, and the bones and flesh so bruised, that the blood and marrow spouted forth in great a- bundance, whereby they were made unserviceable for ever. And notwithstanding all these grievous paines and cruel torments hee woulde not confesse anie thing, so deeply had the divel entered into his hart, that hee utterly denied that which he before avouched, and would saie nothing thereunto but this, that what hee had done and sayde before, was only done and sayde for fear of paynes which he had endured. Upon great consideration, therefore, taken by the Kings Majestie and his councell, as well for the due execution of justice upon such detestable 34 NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. malefactors, as also for examples sake, to remayne a terrour to all others hereafter that shall attempt to deale in the lyke wicked and ungodlye actions, as witchcraft, sorcerie, cunjuration, and such lyke, the saide Doctor Fian was soon after arraigned, condemned, and adjudged by the law to die, and then to be burned according to the lawe of that lande provided in that behalfe. Whereupon he was put into a carte, and being first stranguled, hee was immediately put into a great fire, being readie provided for that purpose, and there burned in the Castile Hill of Edenbrough, on a Saterdaie in the ende of Januarie last past, 1591. The rest of the witches which are not yet exe- cuted, remayne in prison till farther triall and knowledge of his Majesties pleasure. This strange discourse before recited, may per- haps give some occasion of doubt to such as shall happen to reade the same, and thereby conjecture that the Kings Majestic would hazzarde himselfe in the presence of such notorious witches, least thereby might have ensued great danger to his person and the general state of the land, which thing in truth might wel have beene feared. But to answer generally to such let this suffice ; that first it is well known that the King is the child and servant of God, and they but the servants to the devil ; he is the Lord's anointed, and they but vesseles of God's wrath ; hee is a true Christian, and trusteth in God ; they worse than infidels, for they only trust in the divel, who daily serve them, NEWS FROM SCOTLAND. 35 lill hee have brought them to utter destruction. But hereby it seemeth that his Highness carried a magnanimous and undaunted mind, not feared with their inchantments, but resolute in this, that so long as God is with him hee feareth not who is against him ; and trulie, the whole scope of this Treatise dooth so plainlie laie open the wonderfull Providence of the Almightie, that if hee had not been defended by his omnipotence and power, his Highness had never returned alive in his voiage from Denmarke, so there is no doubt but God woulde as well defend him on the land as on the sea, where they pretended their damnable practice. FINIS. ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF THE FOREGOING TRANSACTIONS, Extracted from SIR JAMES MELVIL'S Memoirs, page 388, octavo edition. ABOUT this time many witches were taken in Lothian, who deposed concerning some design of the Earl of Both well's against his Majesty's person. Which coming to the said Earl's ears, he entered in ward within the Castle of Edinburgh, desiring to be tried, alledging that the devil, who was a liar from the beginning, ought not to be credited, nor yet the witches, his sworn servants. Especi- ally a renowned midwife called Amy Simson affirm- ed, that she, in company with nine other witches, being convened in the night beside Prestonpans, the devil their master being present, standing in the midst of them, a body of wax, shapen and made by the said Amy Simson, wrapped within a linnen clojh, was first delivered to the devil ; who, after he had pronounced his verdict, delivered the said picture to Amy Simson, and she to her next neighbour, and so every one round about, saying, EXTKACTS FROM MELVIL's MEMOIBS. 3T This is King James VI. ordered to be consumed at tlie instance of a nobleman, Francis Earl Bothwell. Afterward again at their meeting by night in the kirk of North Berwick, where the devil, clad in a black gown, with a black hat upon his head, preach- ed unto a great number of them out of the pulpit, having light candles round about him. The effect of his language was to know what hurt they had done ; how many they had gained to their opinion since the last meeting ; what success the melting of the picture had, and such other vain things. And because an old silly poor ploughman, called Gray Meilt, chanced to say, that nothing ail- ed the King yet, God be thanked, the devil gave him a great blow. Thus divers among them en- tred in reasoning, marvelling that all their devilry could do no harm to the King, as it had done to divers others. The devil answered, il est un horn- me de Dieu, certainly he is a man of God, and does no wrong wittingly, but he is inclined to all God- liness, justice, and vertue, therefore God hath pre- served him in the midst of many dangers. * Now, after that the devil had ended his admonitions, he came down out of the pulpit, and caused all the company come kiss his arse ; which they said was cold like ice, his body hard like iron, as they * It was certainly very kind in the devil thus to vouch for James's being ' a man of God, and one who did no wrong wit- tingly, but was inclined to all Godliness, Justice, and Virtue.' This is a most excellent character. But posterity are inclined to be of Earl Bothwell's opinion, that the devil is a liar, and ought not to be credited. ED. D 38 EXTRACTS FROM MELVIL's MEMOIRS. thought who handled him, his face was terrible, his nose like the beak of an eagle, great burning eyes, his hands and his legs were hoary, with claws upon his hands and feet like the griffin ; he spoke with a low voice. The tricks and tragedies he played then among so many men and women in this country, will hard- ly get credit by posterity ; the history whereof, with their whole depositions, was written by Mr James Carmichael, minister of Haddington. * A- mong other things, some of them did shew, that there was a westland man, called Richard Graham, who had a familiar spirit, the which Richard they said could both do and tell many things, chiefly against the Earl of Bothwell. Whereupon the said Richard Graham was apprehended and brought to Edinburgh ; and, being examined before his Ma- jesty, I being present, he granted that he had a fa- miliar spirit which shewed him sundrie things, but he denied that he was a witch, or had any frequen- tation with them. But when it was answered again, how that Amy Simson had declared, that he caused the Earl of Bothwell address him to her, he granted that to be true, and that the Earl of Bothwell had knowledge of him by Effe Machal- loun and Barbary Napier, Edinburgh women. Whereupon he was sent for by the Earl Bothwell, who required his help to cause the Kings Majesty his master to like well of him. And to that effect * This probably is the author of the foregoing True Dis- course.' ED. EXTRACTS FROM MELVIL*S MEMOIRS. 89 he gave the said Earl some drug or herb, willing him at some convenient time to touch therewith his Majesty's face. Which being done by the said Earl ineffectually, he dealt again with the said Richard to get his Majesty wrecked, as Richard alledged ; who said, he could not do such things himself, but that a notable midwife, who was a witch, called Amy Simson, could bring any such purpose to pass. Thus far the said Richard Gra- ham affirmed divers times before the council ; nevertheless, he was burnt with the said Simson, and many other witches. This Richard alledged, that it was certain what is reported of the fairies, and that spirits may take a form, and be seen, though not felt. ADVERTISEMENT. FROM the foregoing < True Discourse,"* it will be seen what an active part James took in the exa- mination of Doctor Fian and the other witches. From this source he most probably collected those materials which he has wrought up into a Daemon- ologie, a work which no doubt contributed to ob- tain for him from the English bishops, the appela- tion of * the British Solomon? In this work he appears to be more intimately acquainted with the internal polity of the Demi's kingdom, than he was with his own. The kingdom of Satlwn was then in its zenith of power ; but, like other states and kingdoms, it has sunk into great weakness and de- bility. The ' horrid diet,' who could then make the greatest personages shake in their shoes, cannot now frighten a child ; and the ' roaring- lion? who used to be going about seeking whom he might de- vour, must surely be a better housekeeper than formerly, as he is never seen abroad, even by an old woman. ADVERTISEMENT. xli From the Daemonologie we have made copious extracts, that our readers may have an idea of the days of i langsynej when there was plenty of diets., witches, fairies, and water kelpies, all over the country. Those, therefore, who are anxious to know how affairs are managed in the ( kingdom of darkness, 1 and can rely on the word of a king for the truth of it, will be here amply gratified. So, courteous reader, I bid thee farewell, The EDITOR. EXTRACTS FROM KING JAMES'S DAEMONOLOGIE, SORCERY AND WITCHCRAFT. The First Entresse and Prentiship of them that give themselves to Witchcraft. THE persons that give themselves to witchcraft, are of two sorts, rich and of better accompt, poore and of baser degree. These two degrees answere to the passions in them, which the divell uses as meanes to entice them to his service ; for such of them as are in great miserie and povertie, he allures to follow him, by promising unto them great riches and worldly commoditie. Such as though rich, yet burne in a desperate desire of revenge, he allures them by promises to get their turne satisfied to their hearts contentment. It is to be noted now, that that olde and craftie enemie of ours assailes none, though touched with any of these two extre- mities, except he first finde an entresse ready for him, either by the great ignorance of the person he deales with, joyned with an evill life, or else by their carelessnesse and contempt of God. And EXTEACTS FROM DAEMOXOLOGIE. 43 imding them in an utter despaire, he prepares the way by feeding them craftely in their humour, and filling them further and further with despaire, while hee finde the time proper to discover himself unto them. At which time, either upon their walk- ing solitarie in the fieldes, or else lying pausing in their bed, but alwaies without the company of any other, hee, either by a voyce, or in likenesse of a man, inquires of them what troubles them, and promiseth them a suddaine and certaine way of remedie, upon condition, on the other part, that they follow his advise, and doe such things as he will require of them. Their mindes being pre- pared beforehand, they easily agree unto that de- mand of his, and syne sets another tryist where they may meete againe. At which time, before hee proceede any further with them, hee first per- swades them to addict themselves to his service, which being easily obtained, he then discovers what he is unto them, makes them to renounce their God and baptisme directly, and gives them his rnarke upon some secret place of their bodie, which remaines soare unhealed while his next meeting with them, and thereafter ever insensible, howso- ever it be nipped or pricked by any, as is daily prooved, to give them a proofe thereby, that as in that doing he could hurt and heale them, so all their ill and well doing thereafter must depend upon him ; and, besides that, the intolerable do- lour that they feele in that place where he hath marked them, serves to waken them, and not to let them rest, while their next meeting againe ; fearing 44 3EXTEACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. lest otherwaies they might either forget him, being as new prentises, and not well enough founded yet in that fiendly follie ; or else remembering of that horrible promise they made him at their last meet- ing, they might skunner at the same, and presse to call it backe. At their third meetinge, hee makes a shew to be carefull to performe his pro- mises, either by teaching them waies how to get themselves revenged, if they be of that sort, or else by teaching them lessons how by most vile and unlawfull meanes they may obtaine gaine and worldly commoditie, if they be of the other sort. The Witches actions divided into two parts The actions proper to their o&n persons The forme of their Conventions and adoring of their Master. THEIH actions may be divided into two parts ; the actions of their owne persons, and the actions proceeding from them towards any other ; and this division being well understood, will easily resolve what is possible to them to doe. For although all that they confesse is no lie upon their part, yet doubtlesly, in my opinion, a part of it is not indeede according as they take it to be, for the divell illudes the senses of these schollers of his in many things. To the effect that they may performe such ser- vices of their false master as he employs them in, the devill, as God's ape, counterfeits in his servants this service and forme of adoration that God pre- EXTRACTS FROM' DAEMONOLOGIE. 45 scribed and made his servants to practise ; for as the servants of God publikely use to conveene for serving of him, so makes he them in great numbers to conveene (though publikely they dare not), for his service. As none conveenes to the adoration and worshipping of God, except they be marked with his seale, the sacrament of baptisme ; so none serves Satan, and conveenes to the adoring of him, tli at are not marked with that marke whereof I al- readie spake. As the minister sent by God teach- eth plainely at the time of their publike conven- tions, how to serve him in spirit and trewth, so that unclean spirit, in his owne person, teacheth his disciples at the time of their conveening, how to worke all kind of mischiefe, and craves coumpt of all their horrible and detestable proceedings passed for advancement of his service : Yea, that hee may the more vilely counterfeit and scorne God, he oft times makes his slaves to conveene in these very places which are destinate and ordained for the conveening of the servants of God, (I meane by churches.) But this farre which I have yet said, I not onely take it to be trew in their opinions, but even so to be indeed ; for the forme that he used in counterfeiting God amongst the Gentiles, makes me so to think ; as God spake by his oracles, spake he not so by his ? As God had as well bloodie sac- rifices, as others without blood, had not he the like ? As God had churches sanctified to his ser- vice, with altars, priests, sacrifices, ceremonies, and prayers, had he not the like polluted to his service ? As God gave responses by Urim and Thummim, 46 EXTRACTS FEOM DAEMONOLOGIE. gave he not his responses by the intralles of beasts, by the singing of fowles, and by their actions in the aire ? As God by visions, dreames, and extasies, revealed what was to come, and what was his will unto his servants, used hee not the like meanes to forewarne his slaves of things to come ? Yea, even as God loved cleanenesse, hated vice and impuritie, and appointed punishments therefore, used he not the like, (though falsly I grant, and but in eschew- ing the lesse inconvenience, to draw them upon a greater), yet dissimulated he not, I say, so farre as to appoint his priests to keepe their bodies cleane and undefined, before their asking responses of him ? And fained he not God, to be a protectour of every vertue, and a just revenger of the contrarie ? This reason then mooves me, that as he is that same di- vell, and as crafty now as he was then, so will he not spare as pertly in these actions that I have spoken of concerning the witches'" persons ; but fur- ther, witches oft times confesse, not only his con- veening in the church with them, but his occupy- ing of the pulpit : Yea, their forme of adoration to be the kissing of his hinder parts, which, though it seeme ridiculous, yet may it likewise be trew, see- ing we reade that in Calicute he appeared in forme of a goat-bucke, hath publikely that unhonest ho- mage done unto him by every one of the people. So ambitious is he, and greedy of honour, (which procured his fall) that he will even imitate God in that part where it is said, that Moyses could see but the hinder parts of God for the brightnesse of his glory. EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 47 What are the wayes possible wJiereby the Witches may transport themselves to places Jarre distant ? And what are Impossible and meere Illusions of Satan ? PHI. But by what way say they, or thinke yee it possible, they can come to these unlawfull con- ventions ? * EPI.- There is the thing which I esteeme their senses to be deluded in, and though they lie not in confessing of it, because they thinke it to be trew, yet not to be so in substance or effect ; for they say, that by divers meanes they may conveene, either to the adoring of their master, or to the putting in practise any service of his committed unto their charge ; one way is naturall, which is naturall rid- ing, going, or sailing, at what houre their master comes and advertises them ; and this way may be easily beleeved ; another way is somewhat more strange, and yet it is possible to bee trew, which is, by being caried by the force of the spirit, which is their conducter, either above the earth, or above the sea, swiftly to the place where they are to meet ; which I am perswaded to bee likewise possible, in respect, that as Habakkuk was carried by the angel in that forme to the den where Daniel lay, so I thinke the divell will be readie to imitate God as well in that as in other things ; which is much more * The Daemonologie is written by way of dialogue, in which Philomathes and Epistemon reason the matter. 48 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. possible to him to doe, being a spirit, then to a mighty wind, being but a naturall meteore to trans- port from one place to another a solide body, as is commonly and daily scene in practise ; but in this violent forme they cannot be caried but a short bounds, agreeing with the space that they may re- tain their breath, tor if it were longer, their breath could not remain unextinguished, their body being caried in such a violent and forcible manner ; as by example, if one fall off a small height, his life is but in perill, according to the hard or soft lighting ; but if one fall from an high and stay rocke, his breath will be forcibly banished from the body before he can win to the earth, as is oft scene by experience ; and in this transporting they say themselves, that they are invisible to any other, except amongst themselves, which may also be possible in my opi- nion ; for if the devill may forme what kinde of impressions he pleases in the aire, why may he not farre easilier thicken and obscure so the aire that is next about them, by contracting it straite toge- ther, that the beames of any other man's eyes can- not pierce throw the same to see them ? But the third way of their comming to their conventions is that wherein I thinke them deluded ; for some of them say, that being transformed in the likenesse of a little beast or foule, they will come and pierce through whatsoever house or church, though all ordinarie passages be closed, by whatsoever open the aire may enter in at ; and some say, that their bodies lying still, as in an extasie, their spirits will be ravished out of their bodies, and caried to such EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 49 places ; and for verifying thereof, will give evident tokens, as well by witnesses that have seene their body lying senseless in the mean time, as by nam- ing persons with whom they met, and giving tokens what purpose was amongst them, whom otherwise they could not have known ; for this forme of jour- neying they affirme to use most, when they are transported from one countrey to another. PHI. But the reasons that moove me to thinke that these are meere illusions, are these first, for them that are transformed in likenesse of beasts or foules, can enter through so narrow passages, al- though I may easily beleeve that the divell could by his workmanship upon the aire, make them ap- peare to be in such formes, either to themselves, or to others ; yet how can he contract a solide body within so little room ? I think it is directly contrary to itselfe ; for to be made so little, and yet not di- minished ; to be so straitly drawn together, and yet feele no paine, I thinke it is so contrary to the qua- litie of a naturall bodie, and so like to the little transubstantiate god in the Papists masse, that I can never beleeve it. So to have a quantitie, is so proper to a solide body, that as all philosophers conclude, it cannot be any more without one, then a spirit can have one ; for when Peter came out of the prison, and the doores all locked, it was not by any contracting of his body in so little roome, but by the giving place of the doore, though unespied by the gaylors ; and yet is there no comparison, when this is done, betwixt the power of God and of the divel. As to their forme of extasie and spi- E 50 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. rituall transporting, it is certaine the soules going out of the body, is the onely definition of naturall death ; and who are once dead, God forbid we should thinke that it should lie in the power of all the divels in hell to restore them to their life again, although he can put his owne spirit in a dead body, for that is the office properly belonging to God ; and, besides that, the soule once parting from the body, cannot wander any longer in the world, but to the owne resting place must it goe immediately, abiding the conjunction of the body again at the latter day. And what Christ or the prophets did miraculously in this case, it can in no Christian man's opinion be made common with the divel. As for any tokens that they give for proving of this, it is very possible to the divel's craft to perswade them to these meanes ; for he being a spirit, may he not so ravish their thoughts, and dull their senses, that their body lying as dead, he may ob- ject to their spirits, as it were in a dreame, and re- present such formes of persons, of places, and other circumstances, as he pleases to illude them with ? Yea, that he may deceive them with the greater cfficacie, may he not, at the same instant, by fellow angels of his, illude such other persons so in that same fashion, with whom hee makes them to be- leeve that they mette, that all their reports and tokens, though severally examined, may every one agree with another ? And that whatsoever actions, either in hurting men or beasts, or whatsoever other thing that they falsly imagine at that time to have done, may by himselfe or his marrowes at that EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 5l same time be done indeed ; so as if they would give for a token of their being ravished at the death of such a person within so short a space thereafter, whom they beleeve to have poisoned or witched at that instant, might he not at that same houre have smitten that same person, by the permission of God, to the farther deceiving of them, and to moove others to beleeve them ? And this is surely the likelyest way, and most according to reason, which my judgement can finde out in this and whatsoever other unnatural points of their confes- sion. Witches actions towards others Why there are more Women of that Craft then Men What things are possible to them to effectuate by the power of their Master -What is the surest remedy of the harmes done by them. PHI. FORSOOTH your opinion in this seems to cary most reason with it ; and since ye have ended then the actions belonging properly to their owne persons, say forward now to their actions used to- wards others. EPI. In their actions used towards others, three things ought to be considered ; first, the manner of their consulting thereupon ; next, their part as instruments ; and, last, their master's part, who puts the same in execution. As to their consultations thereupon, they use them oftest in the churches, where they conveene for adoring ; at which time 52 EXTRACTS FfiOM DAEMONOLOGIE. their master enquiring at them what they would be at, every one of them propones unto him what wicked turne they would have done, either for ob- taining of riches, or for revenging them upon any whom they have malice at ; who granting their de- maund, as no doubt willingly he will, since it is to doe evill, hee teacheth them the meanes whereby they may doe the same. As for little trifling turnes that women have adoe with, he causeth them to joynt dead corpses, and to make powders thereof, mixing such other things thereamongst as h^ gives unto them. PHI. But before ye goe further, permit me, I pray you, to interrupt you one word, which ye have put me in memorie of by speaking of women ; What can be the cause that there are twentie wo- men given to that craft where there is one man ? EPI. The reason is easie, for as that sexe is frailer than man is, so is it easier to be intrapped in these grosse snares of the divell, as was over- well prooved to be trew, by the serpent's deceiving of Eve at the beginning, which makes him the ho- melier with that sexe sensine. PHI. Returne now where ye left. EPI. To some others at these times he teaeheth how to make pictures of waxe or clay, that by the roasting thereof, the persons that they beare the name of may be continually melted or dried away by continuall sicknesse. To some he gives such stones or pouders as will helpe to cure or cast on diseases; and to some hee teacheth kindes of un- couth poysons, which mediciners understand not ; EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 53 not that any of these meanes which he teacheth them (except the poysons, which are composed of things naturall), can of themselves helpe any thing to these turnes that they are employed in, but onely being God's ape, as well in that, as in all other things. Even as God by his sacraments, which are earthly of themselves, workes a heavenly eifect, though no waves by any cooperation in them ; and as Christ by clay and spettle wrought together, opened the eyes of the blinde man, suppose there was no vertue in that which he outwardly applied, so the divel will have his outward meanes to be shewes as it were of his doing, which hath no part or co- operation in his turnes with him, how farre that ever the ignorants be abused in the contrarie. And as to the effects of these two former parts, to wit^ the consultations and the outward meanes, they are so wonderfull, as I dare not alledge any of them without joy ning a sufficient reason of the possibilitie thereof; for leaving all the small trifles among wives, and to speake of the principall points of their craft, for the common trifles thereof, they can doe without converting well enough by themselves, these principall points, I say, are these they can make men or women to love or hate other, which may be very possible to the divel to effectuate, see- ing he being a subtile spirit, knowes well enough how to perswade the corrupted affection of them whom God will permit him to deal with, they can lay the sicknesse of one upon another, which like- wise is very possible unto him ; for since by God's permission he laide sicknesse upon Job, why may 3 54 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. he not farre easilier lay it upon any other ? For as an old practitian, hee knowes well enough what humour domines most in any of us, and as a spirit he can subtillie waken up the same, making it pec- cant, or to abound, as hee thinkes meet, for trou- bling of us, when God will so permit him. And for the taking off of it, no doubt he will be glad to re- lieve such of present paine as he may thinke by these meanes to perswade to be catched in his ever- lasting snares and fetters. They can bewitch and take the life of men or women, by roasting of the pictures, as I spake of before, which likewise is verie possible to their master to performe ; for al- though that instrument of waxe have no vertue in that turne doing, yet may he not very well, even by the same measure that his conjured slaves melts that waxe at the fire, may he not, I say, at these same tunes, subtily as a spirit, so weaken and scat- ter the spirits of life of the patient, as may make him on the one part, for faintnesse, to sweat out the humour of his bodie, and on the other part, for the not concurrence of these spirits, which causes his digestion, so debilitate his stomacke, that this humour radicall continually, sweating out on the one part, and no new good sucke being put in the place thereof, for lacke of digestion on the other, he at last shall vanish away, even as his picture will doe at the fire ? A nd that knavish and cunning workeman, by troubling him onely at sometimes, makes a proportion so neere betwixt the working of the one and the other, that both shall end as it were at one time. They can raise stormes and EXTEACTS FROM DAEMOKOLOGIE. 55 tempests in the aire, either upon sea or land, though not universally, but in such a particular place and prescribed bounds, as God will permit them so to trouble. Which likewise is very easy to be dis- cerned from any other naturall tempests that are meteores, in respect of the sudden and violent rais- ing thereof, together with the short induring of the same. And this is likewise very possible to their master to doe, hee having such affinitie with the aire, as being a spirit, and having such power of the forming and mooving thereof; for in the Scrip- ture, that stile of the prince of the aire, is given unto him. They can make folkes to become phren- ticque or maniacque, which likewise is very possible to their master to doe, since they are but naturall sicknesses, and so he may lay on these kindes as well as any others. They can make spirits either to follow and trouble persons, or haunt certaine houses, and affray oftentimes the inhabitants, as hath been knowne to be done by our witches at this time. And likewise, they can make some to bee possessed with spirits, and so to become very de- moniacques ; and this last sort is very possible like- wise to the divel their master to doe, since he may easily send his owne angels to trouble in what forme he pleases any whom God will permit him so to use. PHI. But will God permit these wicked instru- ments, by the power of the devill their master, to trouble by any of these meanes any that beleeve in him ? i,- No doubt, for there are three kindes of 56 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. folkes whom God will permit so to be tempted or troubled ; the wicked for their horrible sinnes, to punish them in the like measure ; the godly that are sleeping in any great sinnes or infirmities, and weaknesse in faith, t o waken them up the faster by such an uncouth forme ; and even some of the best, that their patience may be tried before the world, as Job's was. For why may not God use any kinde of extraordinarie punishment, when it pleases him, as well as the ordinarie rods of sicknesse or other adversities ? PHI. Who then may be free from these devilish practises ? EPI. No man ought to presume so farre as to promise any impunitie to himselfe ; for God hath before all beginnings, preordinated as well the par- ticular sorts of plagues, as of benefites, for every man, which in the owne time he ordaines them to be visited with ; and yet ought we not to be the more afraide for that, of any thing that the diveli and his wicked instruments can doe against us, for we daily fight against the diveli in a hundreth other wayes ; and therefore, as a valiant captaine affraies no more being at the combate, nor stayes from his purpose for the rummishing shot of a canon, nor the small clacke of a pistolet, suppose he be not certaine what may light upon him ; even so ought we boldly to goe forward in fighting against the diveli, without any great terrour for these his rarest weapons, nor for the ordinary, whereof we have daily the proofe. PHI. Is it not lawfull then, by the helpe of EXTRACTS FROM DAEMOKOLOGIE. 57 some other witch, to cure the disease that is casten on by that craft ? EPI. No wayes lawfull, for it is an axiome of theologie, that we are not to doe evil, that good maie come of it. PHI. How then may these diseases be lawfully cured ? EPI. Only by earnest prayer unto God, by amendment of their lives, and by sharpe pursuing every one, according to his calling of these instru- ments of Satan, whose punishment to the death will be a salutarie sacrifice for the patient. And this is not onely the lawfull way, but likewise the most sure ; for by the devil's meanes can never the devitt be casten out, as Christ say th ; and when such a cure is used, it may well serve for a short time, but at the last it will doubtlesly tend to the utter perdition of the patient, both in body and soulc, What sort of Folkes are least or most subject to re- ceive liarm by Witchcraft What power they have to harme the Magistrate, and upon what respects they have any power in prison And to what end may or will the Devitt appeare to them therein' Upon what respects the DeviU appeares in sundry shapes to sundry of them at any time. PHI. BUT who dare take upon him to punish them, if no man can be sure to be free from their unnatural invasions ? EPI, Wee ought not the more of that restraint- 58 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. from vertue, that the way whereby we clime there- unto be straight and perillous ; but, besides that, as there is no kinde of persons so subject to receive harme of them, as these that are of infirme and weake faith, so have they so small power over none, as over such as zealously and earnestly pursue them. PHI. Then they are like the pest which smites these sickarest that flies it farthest ? EPI. It is even so with them, for neither is it able to them to use any false cure upon a patient, except the patient first beleeve in their power, and so hazard the tinsell of his owne soule, nor yet can they have lesse power to hurt any, nor such as con- temne most their doings, so being it comes of faith, and not of any vaine arrogancie in themselves. PHI. But what is their power against the Ma- gistrate ? EPI. Lesse or greater, according as he deales with them ; for if hee be slothfull towards them, God is very able to make them instruments to waken and punish his sloth ; but if he be the con- trary, hee, according to the just law of God, and allowable law of all nations, will be diligent in ex- amining and punishing of them, God will not per- mit their master to trouble or hinder so good a worke. PHI. But fra they be once in hands and fir- mance, have they any further power in their craft ? EPI. That is according to the forme of their detention ; if they be but apprehended and detein- ed by any private person, upon other private re- EXTBACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE, 5$ spects, their power no doubt, either in escaping, or in doing hurt, is no lesse nor ever it was before ; but if, on the other part, their apprehending and detention be by the lawfull magistrate, upon the just respects of their guiltinesse in that craft, their power is then no greater than before that ever they medled with their master ; for where God begins justly to strike by his lawfull lieutenants, it is not in the devil's power to defraud or bereave him of the office, or effect of his powerful and revenging scepter. PHI. But will never their master come to visite them fra they be once apprehended and put in firmance ? EPI. That is according to the estate that these miserable wretches are in, for if they be obstinate in still denying, he will not spare, when hee findes time to speake with them, either if he finde them in any comfort, to fill them more and more with the vaine hope of some manner of reliefe, or else if he finde them in a deepe despaire, by all meanes to augment the same, and to perswade them by some extraordinarie meanes to put themselves downe, which very commonly they doe ; but if they be penitent and confesse, God will not permit him to trouble them any more with his presence and al- lurements. PHI. It is not good using his cpunsell I see then ; but I would earnestly know, when he ap- peares to them in prison, what formes uses he then to take ? EM. Divers formes, even as hee uses to doe at 60 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. other times unto them ; but ordinarily in such a forme as they agree upon among themselves ; or, if they be but premises, according to the qualitie of their circles or conjurations : yet to these capped creatures he appeares as he pleases, and as he findes meetest for their humours ; for even at their pub- licke conventions, hee appeares to divers of them in divers formes, as we have found by the difference of their confessions in that point ; for he deluding them with vaine impressions in the aire, makes himselfe to seeme more terrible to the grosser sort, that they may thereby be mooved to feare and re- verence him the more, and lesse monstrous and un- couth like againe to the craftier sort, lest otherwise they might sturre and skunner at his uglinesse. PHI. How can he then be felt, as they confesse they have done, if his body be but of aire ? EPI. I heare little of that amongst their con- fessions, yet may he make himselfe palpable, either by assuming any dead bodie, and using the tnini- sterie thereof, or else by deluding as well their sense of feeling as seeing, which is not impossible to him to doe, since all our senses, as wee are so weake, and even by ordinarie sicknesses, will be oftentimes deluded. PHI. But I would speere one word further yet concerning his appearing to them in prison, which is this, may any other that chances to be present at that time in the prison see him as well as they ? EPI. Sometimes they will, and sometimes not, as it pleases God. EXTRACTS FttOM DAEMONOLOGIE. 61 Of the Try all and Punishment of Witches What sort of Accusation ought to be admitted against tliem What is tfie cause of the increasing so farre tf their number in this age. PHI. THEN to make an end of our conference, since I see it drawes late, what forme of punishment thinke yee merit these witches ? EM. They ought to be put to death according to the law of God, the civill and imperial law, and municipall law of all Christian nations. PHI. But what kinde of death I pray you ? EPI. It is commonly used by fire, but that is an indifferent thing to be used in every countrey, according to the law or custome thereof. PHI. But ought no sexe, age, nor ranke, to be exempted ? EPI. None at all, (being so used by the lawfull magistrate), for it is the highest point of idolatry wherein no exception is admitted by the law of God. PHI Then barnes may not be spared ? EPI. Yea, not a haire the lesse of my conclu- sion, for they are not that capable of reason as to practise such things ; and for any being in com- pany, and not reveiling thereof, their less and ig- norant age will no doubt excuse them. PHI. I see ye condemne them all that are of the counsell of such craftes. EPI. No doubt the consulters, trusters in, over- seers, interteiners, or stirrers up of these craftes F G2 EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. folkes, are equally guiltie with themselves that are the practisers. PHI. Whether may the prince then, or supreme magistrate, spare or oversee any that are guilty of that craft, upon some great respects knowen to him ? En.-. The prince or magistrate, for further trials cause, may continue the punishing of them such a certaine space as he thinkes convenient, but in the end to spare the life, and not to strike when God bids strike, and so severely punish in so odious a fault and treason against God, it is not onely unlawfull, but doubtlesse no lesse sinne in that magistrate, nor it was in Saules sparing of Agag ; and so comparable to the sinne of witch- craft itselfe, as Samuel alledged at that time. PHI. Surely then, I think since this crime ought to be so severely punished, judges ought to beware to condemne any but such as they are sure are guiltie, neither should the clattering report of a carling serve in so weightie a case. EPI. Judgesought indeede to beware whom they condemne, for it is as great a crime (as Solomon saith), to condemne the innocent as to let the guilty escape free, neither ought the report of any one infamous person be admitted for a sufficient proof which can stand of no law. PHI. And what may a number of guilty per- sons confessions worke against one that is accused? En. The assise must serve for interpretuur of our law in that respect, but in my opinion, since in a matter of treason against the prince, barnes EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 63 or wives, or never so diffamed persons, may of our law serve for sufficient witnesses and proofes, I thinke surely that by a farre greater reason such witnesses may be sufficient in matters of high trea- son against God ; for who but witches can be prooves, and so witnesses of the doings of witches ? PHI. Indeed, I trow they will be loath to put any honest man upon their counsell ; but what if they accuse folke to have been present at their ima- ginar conventions in the spirit, when their bodies lye senseless, as ye have said ? EPI. I thinke they are not a haire the less guiltie ; for the divell durst never have borrowed their shadow or similitude to that turne, if their consent had not beene at it ; and the consent in these turnes is death of the lawe. PHI. Then Samuel was a witch, for the divell resembled his shape, and played his person in giving response to Saul. EPI. Samuel was dead as well before that, and so none could slaunder him with medling in that unlawful arte ; for the cause why, as I take it, that God will not permit Satan to use the shapes of si- militudes of any innocent persons at such unlawfull times is, that God will not permit that any inno- cent persons shall be slandered with that vile defec- tion, for then the divell would finde waies anew to calumniate the best ; and this we have in proofe by them that are carried with the pharie, who never see the shadowes of any in that court but of them that thereafter are tryed to have beene brethren and sisters of that craft. And this was likewise prooved EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. by the confession of a young lasse troubled with spirits, laid on her by witchcraft ; that although she saw the shapes of divers men and women troubling her, and naming the persons whom these shadowes represent ; yet never one of them are founde to be innocent, but all clearely tryed to be most guiltie, and the most part of them confessing the same. And, besides that, I thinke it hath beene seldome heard tell of, that any whom persons guiltie of that crime accused, as having knowen them to be their marrows by eye-sight, and not by hearesay, but such as were so accused of witchcraft, could not be clearely tried upon them, were at the least publikely knowen to be of a very evill life and reputation ; so jealous is God of the fame of them that are inno- cent in such causes. And, besides that, there are two other good helps that may be used for their triall ; the one is, the finding of their marke, and the trying the insensibleness thereof; the other is their fleeting on the water, for as in a secret mur- ther, if the dead carkasse be at any time thereafter handled by the murtherer, it will gush out of bloud, as if the bloud were crying to the heaven for re- venge of the murtherer, God having appointed that secret supernaturall signe for triall of that secret unnatural crime, so it appeares that God hath ap- pointed (for a supernatural signe of the monstrous impietie of witches), that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosome that have shaken off them the sacred water of baptisme, and wilfully re- fused the benefitie thereof. No, not so much as their eyes are able to shed teares (threaten and tor- EXTRACTS FROM DAEMONOLOGIE. 65 ture them as ye please), while first they repent, (God not permitting them to dissemble their ob- stinacie in so horrible a crime) albeit the women kind especially, be able othervvayes to shed teares at every light occasion when they will, yea, al- though it were dissemblingly like the crocodiles. PHI. Well, wee have made this conference to last as long as leisure would permit ; and to con- clude then, since I am to take my leave of you, I pray God to purge this countrey of these divellish practises, for they were never so rife in these parts as they are now. En. I pray God that so be too ; but the causes are over manifest that make them to be so rife ; for the great wickedness of the people on the one hand, procures this horrible defection, whereby God justly punisheth sinne by a greater iniquitie ; and on the other part, the consummation of the world and our deliverance drawing neere, makes Satan to rage the more in his instruments, knowing his kingdome to be so neere an end. And so farewell for this time. THE END AN ANSWER OF A LETTER FROM A TO >* A NOBLEMAN, i*ru> CONTAINING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE BARBAROUS AND ILLEGAL TREATMENT THESE POOR WOMEN ACCUSED OF WITCHCRAFT MET WITH FROM THE BAILLIES OF PITTENWEEM AND OTHERS WITH SOME OBSER- VATIONS THEREON. To which is added, An Account of the Horrid and Barbarous Murder, in a Letterjrom a Gentleman in Fife to his Friend in Edinburgh, February 5th, 1705. PRINTED IN THE YEAR 1705. THE two following Tracts give an account of the witches of Pittenweem in 1705. The first is a con- cise relation of facts, in which the minister and ma- gistrates are placed in no very favourable point of view. The second is an answer to the first, and seems chiefly intended to obviate the charges that are preferred against the minister and baillies, but in our opinion with no great success, as the princi- pal facts are admitted, and the only defence set up is, that the women were in reality witches. We have given this author's story in his own words, with such of his remarks as bear upon the narrative of the other pamphlet, which is all that is necessary at the present day. EDITOR. AN ANSWER OF A LETTER FROM A GENTLEMAN IN FIFE, &c. MY LORD, I RECKON myself very much honoured by your Lordship's letter, desiring me to write you an ac- count of that horrible murder committed in Pitten- Aveem. I doubt not, but by this time, your Lord- ship has seen the gentleman's letter to his friend thereanent ; I refer you to it, the author thereof being so well informed, and so ingenous, that Til assure you, there is nothing in it but what is gene- rally talked and believed to be true. All I can contribute to your Lordship's further information, shall be by way of a brief narrative of the minister and baillies unwarrantable impri- soning, and barbarous treating of the poor women. I need not write your Lordship a character of Patrick Morton, being now sufficiently known for a cheat It was upon his accusation allennarly the mini- ster and bail lies imprisoned these poor women, and set a guard of drunken fellows about them, who 70 ANSWER OF A LETTER. bypinching and pricking some of them with pins and clsions, kept them from sleep for several days and nights together, the marks whereof were seen by severals a month thereafter. This cruel usage made some of them learn to be so wise as acknowledge every question that was asked them ; whereby they found the minister and baillies well pleased, and themselves better treated. Notwithstanding of all this, some of the more foolish continued, as the minister said, hardened in the devil's service, such as White, Jack, Wallace, Patrick, and others ; all which, save the first, were ordered to the stocks, where they lay for several weeks. Ail this while Patrick Morton^s melancholly fancy (to give it no harsher term), being too much en- couraged by severals, and particularly by the mi- nister's reading to him the case of Barrgarran's daughter, continued roving after a wonderful man- ner, accusing for his tormentors some of the most considerable mens' wives in the town, but such as the minister and baillies durst not venture to impri- son. By this your Lordship may see, it was only the weakest that went to the walls. My Lord Rothes, accompanied with several gen- tlemen of good sense and reputation, came to Pit- tenweem, where finding these poor womens' confes- sions no wise satisfying, and Patrick Morton a cheat, informed the privy council thereof, who sent an order to send Patrick over to them. This turn being given, and Patrick finding that things were not likely to go so favourably with him as he before ANSWER OF A LETTER. 71 fancied, began to draw to his breeches, and in a short time recovered his former health, in which he still continues. By this time the baillies began to be as earnest in emptying their prisons, as ever they were forward in filling them ; so after a long and serious deliberation, they set them at liberty : but that their last step might be as illegal as their first, obliged each of them to pay the town-officer the sum of 8 lib. Scots ; to pay which, some of them were forced to sell some linnen they had reserved for their dead shirts and wynding sheets. I beg your Lordship's further patience a little to read these few following observations : Obs. \st, The baillies and minister sent and brought several of these women from places without their jurisdic- tionone from Anstruther, and another from the country at six miles distance. Obs. %d, What good could the minister propose to Patrick Morton by reading to him the book in- tituled the case of Barrgarran's daughter ? Obs. 3d, After so much injustice done to these poor women, the baillies and minister obliged them to pay the town-officer eight pound Scots, is wor- thy of your Lordship and the rest of the Lords of the privy council's considerations ; and it would be the height of charity to fall on a method to oblige the minister and baillies to refound it seven-fold. Obs. 46 estate of Burncasile, the proprietor being then minor and infant. It is entered in the factor's books thus : Mair for Margarit Dunhome the time sche was in prison, and was put. to death, 065 : 14s : 4>. Count gifin out be Alexander Louddon in Lyl- stoun, in ye yeir of God 1649 yeiris, for Mar- grit Dollmoune in Burncastell. Item, in ye first, to Wm. Currie and Andrew Gray for the watching of hir ye space of SO days, inde ilk day, xxx sh inde - - xlv lib Scotts Item mair to Jon Kinked fqr brod- ding of her * - . . . vi lib Scotts Mair for meat and drink and wyue to him and his man - -r iiij lib Scotts Mair for cloth to hir - - iij lib Scotts Mair for twa tare treis - - xl sh Scotts Item mair for twa treis, and ye ma- king of them to the warkmen - iij lib Scotts Item to ye hangman in Hadingtoun, and fetchin of him, thrie dollores for his pens, is iiij lib xiiii sh Item mair for meit and drink and wyne for his intertinge - iii lib Scotts * See hia declaration, page ill. 126 EXPENSE OF BURNING A WITCH. Item mair fer ane man and twa horss, for ye fetcheing of him, and ta- king of him hame agane xl sh Scotts Mair to hir for meit and drink ilk ane day, iiij sh the space of xxx dayes, is - vi lib Scotts Item mair to ye twa officers for yr fie ilk day sex shilline aught pennes, is - - - x lib Scotts Summa is iiij scoir xii lib xiiij sh GHILBEET LAUDEB. UM. LAUDEU BILZAUES. Takin of this above written soume twentie-seaven pundis Scotis qlk the said umql Margrit Din- ham had of her ain. 92 : 14 : 27 : : 65:14: MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SESSION OF TORRYBURN, IN FIFESHIRE, CONCERNING WITCHCRAFT. WITH THE CONFESSION OF LILLIAS ADIE. TAKEN FBOM THE SESSION EECORDS Torry, June 30th, 1704. SEDERUNT, WM. HUTTON, WM. DALGLISH, WM. REID, JOHN MITCHELL, DAVID CORKY, GEO. TILLOCH, WITH THE MINISTER. THE session being called, pro re nata, upon a fla- grant rumour, that Jean Bizet, wife to James Ta- nochie, had been molested by Satan, and had com- plained of some particular person of the deviPs in- struments in that trouble that she lay under. Where- upon the minister ordered the officer to cite the said Jean Bizet, also Lilias Adie and Janet Whyte, whom she was said to complain of; and also to cite Mary Wilson, who is said to have taken the charm by stroking up her head ; and also, he ordered the officer to cite Tanochie's daughter, with James Tanochie, James Whyte and his wife, Helen An- derson, and Mary Nielson, who are said to know something of the circumstances of that aflair. , Jean Bizet being called, compeared not, upon which the officer is ordered to cite her to the next. 2do, There being a public report that Janet Whyte should have threatened James Tanochie's family 130 MINUTES OF THE KIRK-SESSION Avith a mischief, but particularly his wife, before this befell ; the said Janet was called, and in- terrogate, if ever she threatened James Tano- chie's wife, she declares, that she never threat- ened any such thing, nor thought so. More- over, she said, that James his wife would not say so, otherwise she would lay down her head upon a scaffold. She said, that she was not at her since she took that distemper, and saw her not since, but saw her on the Monday before, and her husband's daughter, and Jean Archi- bald in Culross ; but upon the morrow the wo- man was troubled. James White being called, declared, that Jean Bizet was in a distemper upon Tuesday the 13th day of June, in Helen Anderson's house, betwixt 9 and 10 at night, and seemed drunk. Stio, That she drank not a gill in that house, but before she came to Helen's house, she was about half an hour in Mary Wilson's. 4to, She seemed to be strangely distempered, and he heard her say, Agnes, beware lest Lilias Adie come upon you and your child. %d t She said to Mary Nielson, Lilias Adie thinks to use me as she used your sister. 3/io, She complained upon Mary Wilson, but none saw the said Mary ; as she went home, she cry- ed, now, now, Jenny , Pll be Jetted now, there three blew doublets, frequently, and wringing her hands. Note She got a considerable sleep in Helen Anderson's. 5to, As she went home, he had let her go, and she OF TOHRYBUflN. not only went freely, but did run violently, without stumbling in the least, the breadth of Torry Park, and he had difficulty to overtake her, notwithstanding there was both a dyke and furrows in the way. 6fo, He declared, that he heard that the next day she was no better. Trao, He declared, that on the Monday before, Janet Whyte said to him, before James Alex- ander in Drumfin, that she would make Jean Bizet forethink what she had done to her in not paying her two barrels of ale which she sold her, on this purpose she could not get the maltman payed. zo, Helen Anderson being called, declared, that Jean Bizet was in her house, out of Mary Wil- son's, about 5 or 6 at night the foresaid day, and she seemed to be strangely distempered. L 2dty) Her eyes raised, and could drink none. Stio, Ater she had sleeped from 6 to near 9, and when she awaked, she cryed, by God he is going to take me ! by Christ he is going to take me! O Lilly with her blew doublet ! O Mary, Mary Wilson ! repeating Christ keep ine ! Upon which Helen said to her husband, did you ever see her in this condition ? He answered, never in my life, but she is too much taken up with that company, but let me to her, I shall ding the devil out of her. For this she appeals to James Tanochie and his son, She and James Whyte declares both, that they are clear to de- pone the same. 132 MINUTES OF THE KIRK-SESSION Agnes Henderson, wife to James Whyte, called, compeared, declared, that she was sent for to James Tanochie's wife the day foresaid, who was in a great trouble, and never saw her in the like. 2^7, That she sleept a while, and when she awoke, she cryed, O God ! O Christ ! there is Lilt/ coming to take me, and three blew doublets ! O Mary Wilson keep me, she is coming ! She adds, that Jean was in Mary Wilson's before she came to Helen Anderson's, and she said, that she desired her to go home, for Lilly will take you and the child both. She heard her say to Mary Wilson, it was not to you that she did evil, but to your sister, what aileth her at me, I never did her any ill. And as she went home, she seemed raised, but went and spak very well, and she went with her, she heard her speak often of Lilly by the way, that she was coming to take her. And she adds, that as she came first into the Newmiln, that she looked and spoke as heartsomely as ever she saw her, and seemed no way disordered ; and having carried one of James Whyte's children from the Newmiln to James's house. And, on the next day, being Wednesday, she went to see how she was, and found her com- plaining of a sore head, and in a sweat, and she seemed not right ; and she says, she is clear to de- pone what she has declared. Mary Nielson being called in, said, that when Jean Bizet came to her mistress Helen Anderson her house, she was not within, but she was within when she awoke out of her sleep. 2d, She heard her say, O God ! O Christ Jesus keep me ! 3tio, She Of TOIIRYBUEN. 133 heard her say, O keep me ! keep me ! there she is coming, Lilly Adie with her blew doublet ! 4/o, O Mary Wilson ! O Mary Wilson ! 5to, She said, as she went away out of the house, she did no ill to you, but to your sister. She is clear to depone all this. Jean Bizet being called in, declares, that on the foresaid Tuesday, she came to the Newmiln in the forenoon, carrying James Whyte's son on her back from the Craigmiln, and James Whyte was with her. 2d, She came first to Helen Anderson her house, and her husband being upon business, she went to Helen Tilloch her house. 3tio, She went to Mary Wilson's house, Avhere Lott Nicol, with Isobel Harlay, were drinking in the room next to the door, and she went by them to the room, where Mary Wilson filled a pint of ale and desired her to drink of it. She took a drink, but did not drink beyond a gill of it ; and Helen Tilloch, and Jean Tilloch, came in and drank the rest, with many others. 4fo, She could scarcely have been a quar- ter of an hour there, and that she returned to Helen Anderson her house immediately. Mary Wilson called, said, when Jean Bizet came to her house, she called for a choppin of ale, and stayed until that was drunk, and another was fill- ed, and a part of that was drunk. %d, There was none but Helen Tilloch and Jean Bizet, and her- self, at the drinking of that ale. 3io, Euphan Nicol came in, and she took a drink of it. 4fo, She declares, that Jean Tilloch was not within the door then. 5to, Robert Nicol and Catharine Mitchell, M 134 MINUTES OF THE KIRJt-SESSION and Margaret Nicol, sister to Robert Nicol, were drinking at the fire-side. 6to, She declares, that she seemeed no ways disordered with drink, nor any other way. Two, She went up to her on Thurs- day afternoon, and she found her lying on her bed, and straked her head, and whether she was imme- diately the better of it, or not, she knew not ; but she left her sitting at the fire-side with her child on her knee. Jean Bizet says, Jean Til loch was really there. 2d, She says it was Friday afternoon before she settled. Torryburn, 2 of men and women, is to me out of all doubt, and that effects follow answerable thereto, as little ques- tionable. But I have found so many doubt the matter of fact ; which I take to be the reason that 160 A DISCOURSE OF so little has been written of it, that I think it ne- cessary to say something briefly, that may put the existency of it beyond all scruple. If I should in- sert all the clear instances that I have had of this matter, it would be tedious and unnecessary, there- fore I will content myself, and I hope will satisfy the reader, with four or five instances, as follows. The first instance is by a servant of my own, who had the trust of my barn, and nightly lay in the same. One day he told me he would not any longer lie there, because nightly he had seen a dead corps in his winding sheets straighted beside him, parti- cularly at the south side of the barn. About an half year thereafter, a young man that had former- ly been my servant, fell dangerously sick, and ex- pecting death, would needs be carried near my house ; and shortly thereafter he died, and was laid up a night before he was buried in the same indi- vidual barn and place that was foretold ; and im- mediately the servant that foretold this came to me and minded me of the prediction, which was clear- ly out of my mind till he spoke of it. The second instance is after this manner. I was resolved to pay a visit to an English gentleman, Sir William Sacheverill, who had a commission from the English Court of Admiralty, to give his best trial to find out gold or money, or any other thing of note, in one of the ships of the Spanish armada, that was blown up in the bay of Topper- Mory, in the Sound of Mull. And having conde- scended upon the number of men that were to go with me, one of the number was a handsome boy THE SECOND SIGHT. 161 that waited upon my own person ; and, about an hour before I made sail, a woman, that was also one of my own servants, spoke to one of the sea- men, and bade him dissuade me to take that boy along with me, or if I did, I should not bring him back alive ; the seaman answered, he had not con- fidence to tell me such unwarrantable trifles. I took my voyage, and sailed the length of Topper- Mory ; and having stayed two or three nights with that liberal and ingenuous gentleman, who himself had collected many observations of the Second Sight in the Isle of Man, and compared his notes and mine together, I then took leave of him. In the mean time, my boy grew sick of a vehement bloody flux, the winds turn'd cross, that I could neither sail nor row, the boy died with me the eleventh night from his decumbiture, the next morning the wind made fair, and the seaman to whom the mat- ter was foretold, related the whole story when he saw it verified. I carried the boy's corps aboard with me, and after my arrival, and his burial, I called suddenly for the woman, and asked at her what warrant she had to foretell the boy's death ; she said, that she, had no other warrant but that she saw, two days before I took my voyage, the boy walking with me in the fields, sewed up in his winding sheets from top to toe, and that she had never seen this in others, but she found that they shortly thereafter died ; and therefore concluded that he would die too, and that shortly. The third instance was thus. Duncan Campbell, brother-german to Archibald Campbell of Invera, 162 A DISCOURSE OF a gentleman of singular piety and considerable knowledge, especially in Divinity, told me a strange thing of himself. That he was at a time in Kin- tyre, having then some employment there, and one morning walking in the fields, he saw a dozen of men carrying a bier, and knew them all but one, and when he looked again, all was vanished. The very next day, the same company came the same way, carrying a bier, and he going to meet them, found that they were but eleven in number, and that himself was the twelfth, though he did not no- tice it before ; and it is to be observed, that this gentleman never saw any thing of this kind before or after, till his dying day. Moreover, that he was of such solid judgment and devote conversation, that his report deserves an unquestionable credit. The fourth instance I had, to my great grief, from one John M'Donald, a servant of Lauchlan M'Lean of Coll, who was then newly returned from Holland, having the charge of a captain. This gentleman came one afternoon abroad to his past-time in the fields, and this John M'Donald meets him, and saw his clothes shining like the skins of fishes, and his periwig all wet, though in- deed the day was very fair ; whereupon he told privately, even then, to one of Coirs gentlemen, that he feared he should be drowned. This gen- tleman was Charles M'Lean, who gave me account of it. The event followed about a year thereafter, for the Laird of Coll was drowned in the water of Lochy in Lochaber. I examined both Charles M'Lean and John M'Donald, and found, that the THE SECOND SIGHT. 163 prediction was as he told me ; and the said M 4 Do- nald could produce no other warrant, than that he found such signs frequently before to forgo the like events. This man indeed was known to have many visions of this kind, but he was none of the strictest life. The fifth instance is strange, and yet of certain truth, and known to the whole inhabitants of the Island of Eigg, lying in the latitude of 56 degrees 20 minutes ; and longitude 14 degrees. There was a tenant in this island, a native, that was a follower of the Captain of Clanrannold, that lived in a town called Kildonan, the year of God eighty-five, who told publicly to the whole inhabitants, upon the Lord's day, after divine service, performed by Father O'Rain^then priest of that place, that they should all flit out of that Isle, and plant themselves some where else ; because that people of strange and different habits, and arms, were to come to the Isle, and to use all acts of hostility, as killing, burning, tirling, and deforcing of women ; finally, to discharge all that the hands of an enemy could do ; but what they were, or whence they came, he could not tell. At the first there was no regard had to his words ; but frequently thereafter, he begged of them to notice what he said, otherwise they should repent it, when they could not help it ; which took such an impression upon some of his near acquaintance, as I hat severals of them trans- ported themselves and their families, even then ; some to the Isle of Cannay, some to the Isle of Rum. Fourteen days before the enemy came 164 A DISCOURSE OF thither, under the command of one Major Fergu- son and Captain Pottinger, whilst there was no word of their coming, or any fear of them conceiv- ed. In the month of June 1689, this man fell sick, and Father O'Rain came to see him, in order to give him the benefit of absolution and extreme unction, attended with several inhabitants of the Isle, who, in the first place, narrowly questioned him before his friends, and begged of him to re- cant his former folly and his vain prediction ; to whom he answered, that they should find very shortly the truth of what he had spoken, and so he died. And within 14 or 15 days thereafter, I was eye witness (being then prisoner with Captain Pot- tinger), to the truth of what he did foretel ; and being before-hand well instructed, of all that he said, I did admire to see it particularly verified, especially that of the different habits and arms, some being clad with red coats, some with white coats and grenadier caps, some armed with sword and pike, and some with sword and musket. Though I could give many more proofs, as unquestionable as these, yet I think what is said, is sufficient to prove the being of such a thing as the same in hand ; and I cannot but wonder, that men of know- ledge and experience should be so shy to believe that there may be visions of this kind administered by good or bad angels ; there being nothing more certain, than that good angels suggested visions to the prophets of the Lord, before the coming of Christ in the flesh, and particularly to the apostle St John, after the ascension of our Lord ; likewise THE SECOND SIGHT. 163 that evil angels presented visions, as well as audible voices, to the 450 false prophets of Ahab ; the 400 prophets of the Groves, is as little to be doubted ; it being as easy, if not easier, to work upon the sight, as well as upon the hearing. We know but too well, that necromancers and magicians them- selves, have not only seen the shapes and forms of things, but likewise have allowed others to see the same, who had no skill of their art. A precedent for which, is the Witch of Endor. I remember, about 23 years ago, there was an old woman in my parish, in the Isle of Teree, whom I heard was accustomed to give responses, and likewise averred, that she had died and been in heaven, but allowed to come back again. And because she could not come to church, I was at the pains to give her a visit, attended with two or three of the most intelligent of my parish. I questioned her first whether she said she was in heaven ; and she freely confessed she was, and that she had seen Jesus Christ, but not God the Father, or the Holy Ghost ; that she was kindly entertained with meat and drink, and that she had seen her daughter there, who died about a year before ; that her daughter told her, though she was allowed to go there, that she behooved to come back and serve out her prentiship on earth, but would shortly be called for, and remain there for ever. She could very hardly be put out of this opinion, till I en- quired more narrowly of her children, if she fell at any time in a syncope ; which they told me she did, and continued for a whole night, so that they 166 A DISCOURSE OF thought that she was truly dead ; and this is the time she alleged she was in heaven. The devil took an advantage in the ecstasy to present to her fancy a map of heaven, as if it had been a rich earthly kingdom, abounding with meat, drink, gold, and silver. By the blessing of God, I pre- vailed with her to be persuaded that this was but a vision presented to her fancy by the devil, the father of lies ; and that she might deprehend the falsehood of it from this one head, that she ima- gined her body was there, as well as her soul, and that she did eat and drink, and was warmed, while, as her own children, and the neighbours that watch- ed her, did see, and did handle her body several times that night, so that it could not be with her in heaven. I did further examine her what war- rant she had for the responses she gave, which were found very often true, even in future contingent events. She freely confessed, that her father upon his death-bed, taught her a charm, compiled of bar- barous words, and some unintelligible terms, which had the virtue, when repeated, to present, some few hours after the proposition of a question, the an- swer of the same in live images before her eyes, or upon the wall ; but the images were not tract- able, which she found by putting too her hand, but could find nothing. I do not think fit to insert the charm, knowing that severals might be inclined to make an unwarrantable trial of it. This poor wo- man was got reclaimed, and was taught fully the danger and vanity of her practice, and died peace- ably about a year after, in extreme old age. THE SECOND SIGHT. 167 I know assuredly, that Janet Douglas, that was first a dumbie, yet spoke thereafter, who had given many responses by signs and words, and foretold many future events, being examined by Mr Gray, one of the ministers of the city of Glasgow, denied any explicitor implicit paction, and declared freely, that the answers of the questions proponed to her were represented by a vision in lively images, re- presenting the persons concerned, and acting the thing, before her eyes. This Mr Gray exchanged several discourses in write with Sir James Turner, concerning her. By this time, you may see that this theme de- serves the consideration of the learned : First, to enquire how much of this may come from a natural constitution and temperament, when confounded with a flatuous or melancholic distemper ; and what influence an external agent, namely, an angel, good or bad, may have upon the organ of the eye and the fancy, and how far the medium between the organ of the eye and an object visible, may be dis- posed for their purpose, namely, the air and light ; and what connexion may be found betwixt the re- presentations made to the eye or fancy, and the future contingent events that experience teaches do follow thereupon : as for example, a man is seen bleeding, or sewed up in his winding sheets, who is shortly to be wounded, or assuredly to die. As for the first, all the learned physicians of the world know too well by experience what great la- bour they have to cure the deceptions of the fancy, especially in hypochondriac diseases ; nay, patients 168 A DISCOURSE OF cannot be persuaded but they see men, women, fowls, and four-footed beasts, walking abroad or in their chambers. Seldom it is, that a man passes any great and turbulent fever, without the trouble of some such representations. It is memorable, that a gentleman, that had been a great proficient in physic himself, imagined at length that there was a quick frog in his belly ; and after he had travel- led over a good part of Italy, and consulted with the doctors of Padua, yet could not be cured, or dissuaded. He came at length to the learned phy- sician Platerus, in Bazil, who told him, that a frog by certain experience is known not to live above three years, so that his distemper continuing longer than three years, could not be caused by the frog, that could not live so long. Moreover, that his stomach would strangle the frog, and that the frog could not live any considerable time out of its own element, the water ; so that the properest and most specific medicines being made use of, it were a shame for him to be so obstinate. At last he was persuaded, and his fancy satisfied. This story is no less renowned of what befell Andreas Osiander, a man learned in most languages. When he was a young man, and being troubled with a quartan ague, a little before the fit he could not be per- suaded that he was in the house at all, but that he was in a wood, and much molested with wild beasts and serpents of all kinds ; neither could he be pre- vailed with that this was false, till Facius Cardanus was called for to him, who cured him for the time, so that he knew his friends that were sitting beside THE SECOND SIGHT. 169 him, and the chamber to be his own chamber ; but after Facius had left him, he was troubled with the same opinion and distemper, even till the ague had quiet him. I have myself seen a neighbour of my own, and my parishioner too, John M'Phale, that lived to the age of fourscore years, a man that was truly very sagacious by nature ; and though his sight was much decayed, the seat of his judgment was nothing touched ; and as he grew weaker, merely by old age, without any remarkable distem- per, I made frequent visits to him. One day as I was coming away from him, lie told me he had something of consequence to ask at me, and desir- ed all to remove except his wife and another gen- tleman, that was a friend of his. This done, Sir, says he, I desire to know by what warrant or com- mission so many of my friends, that are dead long ago, are allowed to come and discourse with me, and drink before me, and yet are not so civil as give me a tasting of it ? I told him, that it was only the trouble of his fancy, and his frequent thinking of the world to come and his friends that were gone before him ; and he replied to me very smartly. Sir, says he, I perceive it is the work of the fancy, for since I cannot see yourself, (for only by your voice I know you) how could I see them ? It was strange that he saw them the very mean time that others were in the house with him, and asked seve- ral questions at them, but got no answer. And, for all this, the seat of his wit was as entire as ever : moreover, this trouble left him a little before he died. 170 A DISCOURSE 01-' Many such illusions are reported of eremites, caused merely by the confusion of the brains, bred by their fasting and unwholesome food, which I shall not trouble the reader with. If you will ask how cometh this to pass, take notice of the following method, which I humbly offer to your consideration. Advert, in the first place, that visible ideas, or species, are emitted from every visible object to the organ of the eye ; repre- senting the figure and colour of the object, and bearing along with it the proportion of the distance, for sure the objects enter not the eye, nor the in- terjacent distant tract of ground ; and a third thing different from the eye and the object, and the dis- tant ground, must inform the eye. These species are conveyed to the brain by the optic nerve, and are laid up in the magazine of the memory, other- wise we should not remember the object any longer than it is in our presence ; and a remembering of these objects is nothing else but the fancies review- ing, or more properly the soul of man, by the fancy reviewing of these intentional species formerly re- ceived from the visible object unto the organ of the eye, and reconducted unto the seat of the memory. Now, when the brain is in a serene temper, these species are in their integrity, and keep their rank and file as they were received ; but when the brain is filled with gross and flatuous vapours, and the spirits and humour enraged, these ideas are some- times multiplied as an army, by mist ; sometimes magnified, sometimes misplaced, sometimes con- founded by other species of different objects, per- THE SECOND SIGHT. 171 haps by half and half, so that the fancy has two for one, one bigger than two of itself, and sometimes the half of one and the half of another, represented in one ; and this deception is not only incident to the fancy, but even to the external senses, particu- larly the seeing and hearing ; for the visus, or see- ing, is nothing else but the transition of the inten- tional species through the crystalline humour to the retiform coat of the eye, and judged by the com- mon sense, and conveyed by the optic nerve to the fancy. Of this we have a clear demonstration from the representation of external objects through a cry- stal in glass, upon any lucid, smooth, and solid re- flectant, placed before the glass in a dark chamber, which is one of the noblest experiments in the whole optics. Now, if these species formerly received and laid up in the brain, will be reversed back from the same to the retiform coat and crystalline humour as for- merly, these is in effect a lively seeing and percep- tion of the object represented by these species, as if, de novo, the object had been placed before the eye ; for the organ of the eye had no more of it before, than now it has ; just so with the hearing, it is nothing else but the receiving of the audible species to that part of the ear that is accommodated for hearing, so that Avhen the species are retracted from the brain to their proper organs, for example, the ear and the eye, hearing and seeing are per- fected, as if the objects had been present to influ- ence the organs de novo. And it is not to be thought A DISCOURSE OF that this is a singular opinion, for Cardanus, an eminent author of great and universal learning and experience, maintains this reversion of the species, and attributes his own vision of trees, wild beasts, men, cities, and instructed battles, musical and mar- tial instruments, from the fourth to the seventh year of his age, to the species of the objects he had seen formerly, now retracted to the organ of the eye, and cites Averroes, an author of greater re- nown for the same opinion. See Cardanus de sub- tilitate rerum paglna trecentesima prima. And it seems truly to be founded upon relevant grounds. I have observed a sick person, that com- plained of great pain and molestation in his head, and particularly of piping and sweating in his ears, which seems to have been caused by the species of piping and singing which he had formerly heard, but were now, through the plethory of his head, forced out of the brain to the organ of the ear, through the same nerves by which they were re- ceived formerly ; and why may not the same be- fall the visible species as well as the audible ? which seems to be confirmed by the optic experiment. Take a sheet of painted paper and fix it in your window, looking steadfastly to it for a considerable time, for example, some few minutes, then close your eyes very strait, and place a sheet of clean paper before your eyes, and open your eyes sud- denly, you will see the painting almost as lively as they were in the painted sheet with the lively co- lours. This compression of the eyes by consent, causes a compression of the whole brain, which THE SECOND SIGHT. 173 forces back the visible species of the painted sheet to the organ of the eye, through the optic nerve, which will presently vanish, if the reflectant did not help to preserve them. You may see then how much of these representations may be within our- selves, abstracting from any external agent or ob- ject without the eye, to influence the same. The second thing that comes under consideration is, the influence and operation of external agents, namely, an angel, good or bad. It is not to be denied, but good angels may help and dispose all our faculties, excite, elevate, and set them upon edge and action ; likewise, that evil angels may perturb, confound, and hurt, our external and in- ternal senses, (when permitted) particularly by stir- ring the spirits, humours, and vapours, which of themselves, when so stirred, help to make many shapes and representations, either regular or irre- gular, (as has been formerly observed) and withal, they can colorate external objects far beyond any painter, insensibly to the beholder, repente appll- cando activa passives ; and that they can alter the medium interposed between our senses and the ob- jects, by making it grosser or thinner, opaque or lucid, is a thing not to be questioned. For a clear proof of this I hope any rational man will allow me. That even the evil angels, who were created in a degree above us, must have a more penetrating wit than ours is, and having experienced from their creation, to this very day, and can be present to every experiment found out, or that is committed to writing by the art of man ; and withal, being 174? A DISCOURSE OP not subject to oblivion as man is, (for they have no material faculty to be obliterated), I say any ra- tional man will allow me, that they can do as much, and beyond what the art of man is able to do ; but so it is, that painters can make one object more pleasant than another, distorted and worse favour- ed than another, that any smoke may engross the air, that a cloud removed on or off the face of the sun, give way to the beams of it to illuminate the air, or to eclipse its light, that vapours and exha- lations, from sea and laud, multiply and magnify objects, mishapes and distorts them, and makes them of diverse figures, all in an instant, which is observable in hot summer days, especially in the end of the canicular days, for you may readily see about three or four in the afternoon, the same hills (providing they are situated at a considerable dis- tance from you) to be of diverse shapes, forms, and figures, changing very suddenly from one shape to another, for example, from a globe to a pyramid, from a pyramid to a quadrangular figure, &c. All which our ordinary multiplying, magnifying, and distorting glasses, produce. Moreover, that physicians can administer such medicines as may provoke a man to madness and rage, yea, to fantas- tic or hypochondriac fits ; so also medicines that move pleasant and unpleasant dreams, by exciting the melancholic or sanguine humours, raging or peaceable dreams, by moving the choleric or phleg- matic humour. How much more can the prince of the air do, and his retinue, who is better seen in the nature THE SECOND SIGHT. 175 of the elements and their compounds ; who is better seen in the nature of trees, plants, minerals, stones, the secret qualities of springs and fountains, rivers and lochs, and the influence of celestial bodies, &c. and who is better seen in the constitution of every man, his customs and inclinations, and his present state and bygone circumstances ; I say, in all these, he is better seen than any man, and can accommo- date them to his purpose beyond the greatest vir- tuoses. Let us therefore consider, that an evil angel be- ing permitted thereunto, can muster in our brain the latent intentional species of external absent ob- jects, and can present the same to the fancy in the methods best fitting his purpose, and not only so in time of our sleep, (for then indeed the fancy sticks witli more tenacity to what it apprehends), but also when we are not sleeping, he can deduce these species by forcing them out of the rooms or cells of the brain, to the organ of the eye and ear, and so of necessity a man either sitting or going in the high-way, will hear and see such things as these species do represent ; and seeing that naturally it may be done, as would appear from what is above spoken from the strength and force of medicines to operate upon the spirits and humours of man to work strange things, why may not a good or bad angel excite nature to it ? or by an immediate im- pulse force these material qualities to the organs of the external senses, as well as they can move their vehicles, which are the spirits and humours. The third thing proposed was, the connexion of .. , 176 A DISCOURSE OF these representations with the future contingent events that are observed to follow them, as for ex- ample, a second sighted man sees a winding sheet upon his neighbour, or blood running down his face, shoulders, or arms, he concludes that he must die, or be wounded in the face, shoulders, or arms. If you will ask what warrant he has for this, he will tell, he has found by experience, that whenever he saw the like of this, that he found death or wounds to follow. Quaeritur, then, what connex- ion can this representation have with an effect or contingent event not yet existant ? For answer to this, God, who knoweth all things, no doubt im- parteth much of the foreknowledge of things, not only to good angels, but also evil angels, for rea- sons well known to himself, particularly that they might give some true signs, and so have way to deceive in many things besides ; and though the signs foretold should surely come to pass, it does not infer that the doctrine of evil angels, and their lies that they would suggest to mankind, should be credited. This is clear from the 13th of Deutero- nomy, 1, 2, and 3, verses, If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass whereof he spake unto thee, saying, let us go after other gods, (which thou has not known), and let us serve them ; thou shalt not hearken to the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether you love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul. And A THE SECOND SIGHT. ITT this is very just with God when men give them- selves over to a reprobate and wicked mind, and evil and unwarrantable practices, expressly against the Lord's commands ; I say it is just with God to let evil angels or spirits delude them, and give way to these spirits in order to confirm their lies ; to appoint signs before hand, which signs, by God's appointment, may come to pass, answerable to the prediction. It may rationally, and very probably be concluded, that Allah's false prophets, in num- ber 400, have often foretold truth ; and this pur- posely by God's appointment, that they might be the better believed, and more easily persuade to lay siege to Ramoth Gilead ; and it is hard to conceive that Ahab should give them so much credit, or they themselves so extraordinary confident, if they had not had many truths suggested to them, and made proof of the same to Ahab. It is not for nought that we are commanded to try the spirits, and that rather by their doctrines, than their signs and won- ders, or fair and smooth pretences. Therefore, suppose these evil angels to know a contingent fu- ture event, either by a revelation, or natural or moral causes, they may, in the method foresaid make the representation of them to the eyes or ears ; as for example, an angel, good or bad, finds that either the lungs, heart, stomach, liver, or brain, are under such a consumption, as may against such a time kill a man ; or that he knows the secret con- trivance of a potent party that is resolved to wound or kill him, or that it is revealed to him it should be so (which may very well be, as has been above 178 A DISCOURSE OF noted), he can easily represent these before hand, though the event should follow but a considerable time thereafter ; he has no more to do than to re- verse the species of these things from a man's brain to the organ of the eye. Here ariseth a question from what has just been said, whether it be more probable that good angels make this representation (because men having this second sight are found to tell truth, and to be in- nocent in their lives, and free of any paction, either implicit or explicit, likewise free of any fraudulent design, and sound enough in the necessary articles of their salvation), or that it be done by evil angels for the trial of men and women, juggling with their fancy and external organs, and so have a patent way to tell lies among some truths. For answer to this question, I shall not be ready positively to de- termine these things, but I humbly conceive, that as the representations are oft done by evil angels, so likewise it is probable that it may be done by good angels. I cannot be so uncharitable to seve- ral men that I have known to be of considerable sense, and pious and good conversation, as to con- clude them to be given over to be deluded conti- nually by an evil angel : Moreover, I conceive that there are many good Christians, if they would ad- vert well, that have some secret tokens and signs of notable alterations to come, suggested to them be- fore hand ; and that these signs, some of them are common to them with others, as dreaming, which are often observed to be completely fulfilled, and that some of the signs and warnings are peculiar to THE SECOND SIGHT. 179 some persons, which fail not to answer to the things signified ; as for example, I have certainly known a man, that when he found an unvoluntary motion in such a member of his body, particularly his right hand or right eye, that was sure that some matter of joy would shortly come to his hearing ; and that if he found the same motion in the left eye or hand, it signified infallibly grief : And that which is more wonderful, the thing to come signified by these signs and warnings keeped an exact proportion with the continuance or vehemency of the motion ; if the motion continued long, so did the joy or the grief; if the motion was snell or vehement, so was the matter of grief or joy ; and finding that this man was both a good man, and of a right penetrat- ing wit, and had art enough, it moved me to use freedom with several other good men that had knowledge and sense enough to examine circum- stances to a hair. I found very many to acknow- ledge the very same thing, yet signified by differ- ent signs, (which shows they are not signa natu- ralia, but ex institute), which puts me in mind of Dr Brown's observation to the same purpose, in his inquiry into vulgar errors, where he concludes several presentations to be acted in us by our tute- lary angels that have the charge of us at the time. Mark this, though the signs be different in them- selves, yet to each particular person, his own sign is still significative of the same thing ; and why might not this of the second sight be counted amongst one of these ? I likewise humbly conceive, that God might compense the want of many other 180 A DISCOURSE OF gifts to poor men, by giving them this minor sort of knowledge. But I would advise all of them that have the second sight, to examine themselves, and to pray earnestly to God that no evil angel should have power to abuse their senses, because the devil still strives to imitate what God, or his good angels, communicates to his own children. I know that the common opinion of some philosophers and divines will be objected, and that is, that an- gels, good or bad, may condense the air, figurate and colorate the same, and make it of what figure or shape they please, so that this representation is made by external objects in effect emitting visible species to the eye ; and consequently, that it is not the reversion of the species formerly received; though, as I have observed before, that good and bad angels can alter the medium in a strange way, and can work great alteration on the elements and their compounds, I think it very improbable that any created power can bring the air to that solidity, and actually condense it, colorate, and figurate it, as to represent a man by a beast, or Peter by Paul, especially at such a distance as from one side of a chamber to the other. The miracles done by the magicians of Egypt is their Achillean argument ; but in short, I say, that what was done by the ma- gicians of Egypt, has neither been a delusion of the senses, (as some would have it) much less that the devil could produce the creatures de novo of con- densed air, and that for the following reasons : First, thence it would follow that Moses and Aaron were deluded as well as the Egyptians ; but the THE SECOND SIGHT. 181 last is false, therefore the first : Secondly , it would follow, that the fashioning and framing of Adam's body of clay, was but a mean act of creation in comparison of these creatures, if they should be fashioned and framed of condense air, which is na- turally a fluid element, not so easily stigmatized as the earth. I do not deny but the devil can snatch dead and quick bodies from one place to another, and that insensibly to the beholders, by pressing their optic nerves, as Franciscus Valesius has ob- served in his Sacra Philosophic, and I conclude with Abraham Couley, (no contemptible author) that the magicians of Egypt were after this man- ner served by the devil, to imitate God's power in the hands of Moses and Aaron. Mark, finally, if it were within the sphere of angelical power to take bodies of condense air, what needed them assume such material and earthly bodies as these angels that came to Abraham and Lot assumed ? whose bodies could be touched and handled, and whose bodies were not found to yield to the touch, as the most condensed air must do ; and it is very consist- ing with reason, that the angels, good or bad, should rather assume bodies of the element of the earth, which is a great deal more easily brought to the fi- gure and fashion of a body, than the air. Some curious spirits, perhaps, may desire to know whe- ther this second sight be hereditary or propagable from father to son ; and I think no wonder that some would think so, because the sanative gift of the king's evil is lineally traduced to the natural heirs of the crown of England ; and there is a whole 182 A DISCOURSE OF family in Spain, that has a sanative gift of some par- ticular diseases, which gift is propagated from the father to the son ; neither is it diminished or aug- mented by the morality or immorality of the per- sons, as has been observed by that famous phi- losopher and physician, Franciscus Valesius, who lived in that kingdom, and had time and opportu- nity to examine the truth of this affair. In short, I answer, that it is not propagable from father to son, neither peculiar to any particular family ; and as I have observed many honest men, free of all scandal that ever I could learn, to have it ; so I have observed many vicious persons to have it who foretold truth oft enough. Perhaps it may be doubted what should make this second sight more frequent here than in the heart of the kingdom ; I answer, that it is the lack of observation and inquiry that it should not be found there as well as here, fiecundo, that it passes under a great odium and disgrace with the most of men, which causes those that see it, conceal it. Thirdly, I confess that credulity and ignorance give occasion to evil spirits to juggle more frequent- ly, than otherwise they would have done. But sure it is, that men of little learning and education may be recompensed by notable presentations, not so obvious to others of greater parts. I remember of a nobleman in Spain, that was deaf and dumb from his infancy, and yet was taught by a monk to speak, and understand what was spoken to him, only by observing the motion of his lips that spoke to him. Sir Keneim Digby saw him, as he tells in his Trea- THE SECOND SIGHT. 188 tise of Bodies, and the monk that taught him, was a cousin of Franciscus Valesius. This was mare than ordinary sagacity and docility, and it is found, that many dumb persons foretel many things before hand, and it is a hard measure to conclu le all to be from evil spirits. In fine, as I noted before, as questionless Satan may, and often does, deceive after this manner, so it is as sure, it may be allow- ed, that good angels may forewarn this way, as well as by other signs and tokens, as Dr Brown observes. It is observed, that those who have the second sight, have this representation at any time of the day, but indeed more ordinarily in the morning and evening, and with candle light. The design of these weak conceptions on this sublime theme, is not to impose upon any man, freely leaving every man to follow his own judg- ment in things that offend not church or state, but that others of greater capacity may be stimulated to prosecute the same in a better method, humblj submitting myself to the judgment of my betters, to whose hands perhaps this pamphlet may come. PINIS. EDINBUBGH, Printed by Thomas Webster. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library p r -from,whjch it was borrowed. NOV 3 1989 191992 NON-RENE IM- OCT ix REC'D LD-URl DUE 2 WKS FROM IOEC 7 1993 t r A 000 046 643 3 Univers Sout] Lib: