UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ANDREW SMITH HALLIDIL: THE THETA-PHI DIAGRAM PRACTICALLY APPLIED TO STEAM, GAS, OIL, AND AIR ENGINES. HENRY A. GOLDING, A.M.I.M.E., Chief Draughtsman, Messrs. B. Donkin and Co., an-l Assistant Lecturer, South- western Polytechnic, London. PRICE THREE SHILLINGS NET. THE TECHNICAL PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED, 31, WHITWORTH STREET, MANCHESTER. JOHN HEYWOOD, AND 30, SHOE LANE, LONDON; AND RIDGEFIELD, MANCHESTER. And all Booksellers. HALLIDIE PREFACE. IN the following pages an attempt has been made to present in as simple and practical a manner as possible, the use of the temperature- entropy diagram and the various methods of drawing it for different heat motors. That the subject presented peculiar difficulties, because of its unfitness for presentation in a popular manner, will readily be granted ; but I venture to think that one of the principal reasons for the lack of knowledge upon the subject by draughtsmen, steam students, and others has been the want of an elementary work, not overcrowded with mathematics. Most of the literature upon the subject has presented the mathematical rather than the graphical side of the question, with the result that students have become afraid of tackling what they believe to be an intricate mathematical investigation. Of the utility of the temperature-entropy diagram in representing the various thermal changes which take place in all heat motors there cannot be any doubt. To quote only one authority, Mr. Mark H. Robinson, in the discussion on Mr. Willans' last paper, said : " Up to a certain point the practical man might ignore the present paper, and others like it ; but if he aspired to design economical steam engines, he might derive more good from the study of, say, Mr. Macfarlane Gray's t) diagram than from many portfolios of working* drawings." Where authorities have been quoted or made use of, the particulars are given in the text, but I will take this opportunity of expressing my indebtedness to Professor Ewing for his work on " The Steam Engine and other Heat Engines," and his Cantor Lectures on the "Mechanical Production of Cold " ; to Professor Boulvin, for his articles in La Revue de Mecanique; and to various papers, principally those by the late Mr. P. W. Willans and Mr. Macfarlane Gray, published in the Proceedings of the Institutions of Civil and Mechanical Engineers. I also wish to thank the Council of the latter Institution for permission to reproduce some of the indicator diagrams and figures given in the reports of the Steam Jacket Research Committee. 119590 IV. PREFACE. I regret that in Chapter IV., page 70, a slight inaccuracy should have occurred. Referring to the late Mr. Willans' method of calculating the thermal efficiency in his central valve engine tests, I find that the lower temperature of 110 deg. Fah. was only assumed for the preliminary calculations of the comparative losses due to incomplete expansion in condensing and non-condensing engines, but for the actual trials the temperature in the exhaust chamber was taken in each trial separately, and used for calculating the thermal efficiency. (See line 10 in Appendix, Table I., Willans on " Condensing Steam Engine Trials.") I am also indebted to Captain Sankey for pointing out that the specific heat of gases is not constant at the high temperatures occurring in gas and oil engines, and therefore the calculations which involve the use of C p and C v for a gaseous mixture at high tempera- tures must necessarily be looked upon as approximate only. HENRY A. GOLDING. London, September, 1898. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION vii. CHAPTER I. ENTROPY. ARTICLE 1. Introduction 1 2. Entropy Diagrams 2 3. Entropy 4 4. Theoretical Entropy Diagram for Steam .... 5 CHAPTER II. ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. 5. Method of Constructing the Curves 7 6. Entropy of Water 10 7. Entropy of Steam 11 8. Entropy Diagram for Ice, Water, and Steam 11 9. Constant Volume Curves 15 CHAPTER III. CONVERSION OF INDICATOR DIAGRAM TO ENTROPY DIAGRAM. 10. Calculation of Dryness Fraction 1 11. Actual Example, Compound Engine 23 12. Complete Entropy Diagram (Professor Boulvin's Chart) 28 13. Application of Complete Entropy Diagram 33 14. Q (ft Diagram for Carnot Cycle 34 15. Condensation during Adiabatic Expansion 35 16. Adiabatic Expansion of Wet Steam 37 CHAPTER IV.-HEAT LOSSES, 17. Effect of Steam Jacketing 39 18. Theoretical Entropy Diagram for Superheated Steam 46 19. Effect of Superheating 49 20. Effect of Speed 56 21. Compounding r ' 9 22. Initial Condensation 63 23. Measurement of Heat Losses 68 VI. CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. APPLICATION TO THE GAS ENGINE. PAGE 24. General Considerations ". 73 25. Diagram for Theoretical Gas Engine 76 26. Diagram for Actual Gas-engine Trial 81 27. Corrected Diagram for Gas-engine Trial 89 28. Constant Volume Curves 92 29. Heat Losses in 7 Horse Power Gas Engine 94 CHAPTER VI. APPLICATION TO OIL AND AIR ENGINES. 30. Diagram for 20 Horse Power Diesel Motor 97 31. Stirling's Hot-air Engine.'. 101 32. Ericsson's Hot-air Engine 104 33. Entropy Diagram for Refrigerators 105 APPENDIX. Weight of Dry Saturated Steam 109 INTRODUCTION. THE following contribution to the temperature-entropy method of graphically solving thermo-dynamic problems marks a further step in advance in the practical application of the system to the every-day questions that arise in the study of the steam engine and other heat motors. Although the method was foreshadowed by William Gibbs in 1873, it is only within the last few years that it has been applied in practice. Unfortunately, information respecting it is scattered about in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in those of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and in various technical journals, both British and foreign. The Author has collected this information together, and has produced a work which treats the matter in a comprehensive manner, bringing it up to date so far as published materials allow. Though not prepared to endorse every view expressed, I can fully recommend the book as likely to be eminently helpful to those studying the subject for the first time. H. R. SANKEY, R.E. THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. rE%^ ' UNIVERSITY) CHAPTER I. ENTR--- 1. INTRODUCTION. THE representation of various forms of energy by means of a diagram has long been known and used with advantage by engineers and others. It is usually shown as a closed figure, the area of which represents energy (in either work, heat, or other units), and the ordinates, pressure or resistance overcome, and space passed through. The ordinary indicator diagram "is perhaps the most common example of such figures, but it does not show the reception and distribution of heat which takes place in all steam and other heat engines. Considering the great advance made by the science of thermo-dynamics in recent years, it is somewhat sur- prising to find that the representation of the thermal changes which take place in all heat engines, in the form of a " heat diagram," has been so little applied for practical use. The relative advantages of the mathematical and graphical methods of representing the result of any process are so well known, that it will be unnecessary to refer to them here ; beyond stating that where both methods can be employed the graphical very often becomes a useful adjunct to the mathematical, and is usually more easily grasped and understood by draughtsmen, students, and others. The introduction of entropy diagrams is mainly due to Mr. J. Macfarlane Gray, who, in a paper read at the Paris meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1889, 2T 2 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. first showed the method of representing the heat contained by water, steam, and various ideal substances, on what he termed a "theta-phi chart"; the vertical ordinates of which represented temperature, and the horizontal entropy. By denoting all absolute temperatures by the Greek letter (theta), and all quantities of entropy by the letter (phi), the diagram has come to be known in England as the " theta-phi diagram." In this book it will be preferable to adopt the Fahrenheit scale of temperature as that most used by practical men, and therefore absolute temperatures (Fah.) will usually be denoted by the Greek letter r (tau), in accordance with most of the recent works on thermo- dynamics. The practical application of the entropy diagram is perhaps more due to the late Mr. P. W. Willans, who, in a paper on " Non-condensing Steam-engine Trials," read before the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1888,* first used the diagram for the representation of steam-engine perform- ance. Since then Capt. H. R. Sankey, R.E., has extended the subject by applying the diagram to the marine engines tested by the Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ;t but there still seems to be a dearth of information on how to draw the diagrams that, it is hoped, the present book will, in a measure, supply. 2. ENTROPY DIAGRAMS. The theta-phi or temperature-entropy diagram is a graphic representation of the thermal changes which take place in a steam-engine cylinder during one cycle. It is plotted on a theta-phi chart, by calculations made from the mean indicator diagram of an experiment. As an aid to the thermo-dynamic study of the steam engine, it is much more useful than the better known indicator diagram, as it shows at a glance the thermal efficiency of the engine. The ordinary indicator * See Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. xciii., Part III. t See Proc. Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, February, 1894. ENTROPY. 3 diagram only shows the amount of work done, independent of the amount of steam used ; but the theta-phi (or as it is better written) diagram shows, by its area, the proportion of heat utilised to the heat received. COMPARISON OF 6 DIAGRAM WITH INDICATOR DIAGRAM. In the ordinary indicator diagram the area represents the work done on the piston in one stroke, the vertical ordinates being "pressure," and the horizontal abscissae "distance moved through." Similarly, in the diagram, the area VOLUME - FIG. 1. also represents work done, but in heat units; the vertical ordinates being absolute temperature (denoted by the Greek letter 0), and the horizontal dimension is what Clausius termed "entropy," named by Zeuner "heat weight," and represented by the Greek letter . In the indicator diagram the area represents the product of pounds (pressure) x feet (distance), or foot-pounds (work) ; so in the diagram the area represents the product of (absolute temperature) x < (entropy) in thermal units (work). 4 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 3. ENTROPY. Entropy is the co-ordinate with temperature of energy ; i.e., it is the length upon a diagram whose height is absolute temperature, and whose area is heat units. The meaning of the term will be better understood in the light of Carnot's principle of efficiency applied to a reversible cycle in which the heat is received at various temperatures. Fig. 1 represents such a cycle, where, in the first stage, heat is received at r i and discharged at T O ; in the second stage, a further quantity of heat is received at r 2 and discharged at r , and so on. Let Q x , Q 2 , Q 3 , &c., represent the various quantities of heat received at each stage. The area of the whole figure, which represents in heat units the work done W, will equal w = Qi (TI _ TO) + Qt (r - TO ) + 2 ( TS _ TO) + . . I T l T 2 T 3 or, for a general formula, W = Q (A r), in heat units ; where Q = heat received, r = temperature of reception (absolute), A T = difference of temperature between reception and rejection of heat. Let R = the heat rejected to the cold body, then Q = W + R ; but Q - Q! + Q 2 + Q a + ..... and W = Si (T! - r ) + Q (r 2 - r ) + & (r g - r ) + . or, by difference, R = QI + 9iT + Q]LL' + or, ?: or (the sum) ENTROPY. 5 That is to say, the algebraical sum of the changes of entropy in any complete reversible cycle is nil ; there- fore the entropy diagram for any reversible cycle must be a closed figure ; and the final quantity of entropy will be equal to the initial, no matter where the process be started. Entropy, therefore, is the fraction or ratio -*, representing the amount of heat taken up or rejected by a body, divided by its absolute temperature at that time. It can be calcu- lated from any arbitrary zero of temperature ; for water ana steam, it will be found most convenient to calculate the entropy above that already possessed by 1 Ib. of water at 32 deg. Fah., so as to avoid including the latent heat of water. It is usually plotted with temperature as ordinates to an abscissa of entropy. 4. THEORETICAL ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR STEAM. The thermal changes which take place when water is evaporated, expanded (as steam), and condensed, are repre- sented on the 6 diagram in the following way : Take 1 Ib. of water at the condenser temperature, say 7-3 deg. Fah. absolute, and let A represent its position on the diagram, fig. 2, its temperature T S and entropy O a being known. Now pump it into the boiler, where it is heated from r s to TI deg. Fah., and, as its temperature is increased, the process will be shown by an upward curve A F B, to correspond with the vertical temperature scale ; but, as it also receives heat, the curve must progress to the right to indicate its increased entropy. The change in its state by heating it from r 3 to TI deg. is therefore shown by the curve A F B, every incre- ment of temperature being accompanied by a corresponding increase in entropy, denoted by , where h is the heat contained in 1 Ib. of water at T deg. absolute temperature. Having reached the temperature r of the water in the boiler, it begins to evaporate, its temperature remains constant, but it receives an amount of heat (L^) known as THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. the latent heat of lib. of steam at r 1 deg. temperature. This is represented in fig. 2 by the horizontal line BC horizontal, because its temperature does not change during the operation ; the amount b c of its increase in entropy ENTROPY FIG. 2. being equal to its latent heat divided by its absolute temperature, or =i. Its total entropy Oc is made up of the two quantities O b and b c, representing the heat of formation as water (usually denoted by h), and the latent heat L, respectively ; its total heat H being the sum of the ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. 7 two, or h + L. At C the steam is admitted into the cylinder, and allowed to expand. If external heat be added to it during expansion, so as to keep it up to saturation point, it will follow the law of the saturation curve p v l ' os>25 = a con- stant, and its entropy will be denoted by the curve C D, such that all horizontal dimensions from A B to CD are equal to the latent heat of 1 Ib. of dry saturated steam divided by its absolute temperature. If the steam expands adiabatically, the entropy curve will be a straight vertical line C E ; because, as the steam neither receives nor loses heat, its entropy will be unchanged. This also shows clearly the amount of wetness which always accompanies adiabatic expansion, and the ratio of A E to A D represents the dryness fraction of the steam at the end of expansion. To indicate the condensing operation, the curve returns along the horizontal line from D to A, the temperature of the mixture remaining constant at T S deg., and its entropy being reduced from d to O a. CHAPTEK II. ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. 5. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING THE CURVES. HAVING explained the operations to which the theoretical entropy diagram for steam refers, it is necessary to find a means of drawing the two boundary curves A B and C D of the B chart shown in fig. 2. For ordinary steam engines it is not necessary to refer to temperatures below 100 deg. Fah. (corresponding to a pressure of about lib. absolute), nor higher than 400 deg. Fah., equal to about 260 Ib. absolute pressure. We have therefore 300 deg. Fah. range of tempera- ture to provide for, and a scale of 20 deg. Fah. to 1 in. will be found convenient if the chart be drawn on an ordinary sheet of sectional paper. For the base line, or entropy, starting from water at 100 deg, Fah., the maximum required will be 1'87 ; so that an entropy scale of 01 = 1 in. will be ample. These scales will give for area, 1 square inch = 8 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 20 deg. x 01 = 2'0 British thermal units. It must be distinctly understood that the 6 diagram is always drawn for 1 Ib. of H 2 O, whether it be steam, water, or a mixture of both steam and water. Having plotted the scales, we start at the bottom left-hand corner of the chart with lib. of 200 100 -100 -200 UJ - -1500 400. P -I -Z -3 FIG. 3. water at 100 deg. Fah., or 560 deg. Fah. absolute, and calculate the quantities of heat as above. First construct the curve of entropy of water, or aquene curve as it is some- times called, shown by A B, in fig. 2. As this curve is almost a straight line it is only necessary to calculate the value of ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. entropy for some 10 or 12 points, so commencing with water heated from 100 deg. Fah. to 125 deg. Fah. (see fig. 3), the heat given to 1 Ib. of water to raise its temperature from 560 deg. Fah. absolute to 585 deg. will be represented on the diagram by the area shaded in fig. 3. The area down to the absolute zero of temperature must be added, so as to include all the heat contained in the water. In this case, the heat received is 25'08 B.T.U. (see tables of Properties of Saturated Steam), and, therefore, the increase of entropy will 25*08 572-5' or 0'0438. Similarly, the value of can be calcu- 10 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. lated for any temperature, and should be tabulated as in Table L, both for the purpose of plotting the aquene curve, and for future reference. Table I. gives the values of the entropy of 1 Ib. of water for every 10 deg. Fah. from 32 deg. Fah. to 400 deg. Fah. 6. ENTROPY OF WATER. The aquene curve can also be plotted from calculations made by the aid of the calculus in the following manner : For any increase of temperature from r to r 1 (see fig. 4), where A h represents the heat necessary to raise 1 Ib. of water from T- O to TJ_ ; and r is the mean absolute temperature during the operation. Integrating this, we get fdh 0i =J ; T and, assuming the specific heat of water as unity, or rdt , / a i . 01 =/ ; and, solving this, we get 0! = loge TI_ - loge T ; or 0! = loge ^ ; T o that is, d 0, or any small difference in the entropy of 1 Ib. of water at any two temperatures is equal to the difference of the hyperbolic logarithms of the absolute temperatures. If the result be multiplied by the mean specific heat of water between the temperatures r L and T O> the formula becomes where s represents the heat necessary to raise 1 Ib. of water 1 deg. Fah., between r and T^ as compared with the heat ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. 11 required to raise 1 Ib. of water from 39 deg. Fah. to 40 deg. Fab. The values of s are given in Table I., page 12, together with the increase of entropy for every 10 deg. Fah., calculated by the above formulae, and the total entropy above water at 32 deg. Fah. The last column in Table I. gives the difference of entropy per 1 deg. Fah., for the purpose of interpolation. 7. ENTROPY OF STEAM. To draw the entropy curve for steam (C D, in fig. 2), an amount of entropy equal to must be added to the aquene curve, where L is the latent heat of 1 Ib. of steam at r deg. absolute temperature. The values of L and are given in Table II, page 13, for every 10 deg. Fah. from 32 deg. to 400 deg., together with the difference of entropy of steam per 1 deg. Fah. for interpolating, and the total entropy of steam and water (above 32 deg. Fah.) with its difference per 1 deg. It should be noted that fa + s, the entropy of water and steam TT at any temperature, is not equal to , where H = total heat of evaporation from 32 deg. Fah. at absolute temperature r ; because A, the sensible heat of the water, is not all received at temperature r, but at a gradually increasing temperature. 8. ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR ICE, WATER, AND STEAM. The entropy diagram for ice, water, and steam is shown in fig. 5, page 14. The curve AB, for ice, is drawn on the assumption that its specific heat is 0'504 at all temperatures. The heat given to lib. of ice per 1 deg. Fah. rise of temperature is, therefore, equal to 0'504 B.T.U., or h = 0-504 d t ; .1 = 0= 0-504^; T T or 2 - ^i = 0-504 x log* ^. 12 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. TABLE I. Entropy of water, from 32 deg. Fah. to 400 deg. Fah., calculated from the formulae, Ti - To = s (loge T I - log e T O .). Tempera- ture. Deg. Fab. t. Absolute tempera- ture. r. Specific heat. S. Increase of Total entropy entropy above water per 10 deg. Fah. [ at 32 deg. Fah. 0r ! ~ 0r * 0^. Difference of entropy per 1 deg. Fah. A 3 32 492 I 40 500 1-0 0-01613 0-01613 0-00202 50 510 1-0 0-01980 0-03593 00198 60 520 1-0 0-01942 0-05535 0-00194 70 530 1*001 0-01906 0-07441 0-00191 80 540 rooi 0-01871 0-09312 0-00187 90 550 1-002 0.01838 0-11150 0-00184 100 560 1-002 0-01806 0-12956 0-00181 110 570 1-003 0-01775 .0-14731 0-00177 120 580 1-004 0-01745 0-16476 0-00174 130 590 1-004 0-01716 0-18192 0-00172 140 600 1-005 0-OK3S9 0-19881 0-00169 150 610 1-006 0-01662 0-21543 0-00166 160 620 1-007 0-01637 0-23180 0-00164 170 630 1-008 0-01613 0-24793 0-00161 180 640 1-009 0-01589 0-26382 0-00159 190 650 1-010 0-01566 0-27948 0-00157 200 660 1-011 0-01544 0-29492 0-00154 210 670 1-012 0-01522 0-31014 0-00152 220 680 1-013 0-01501 0-32515 0-00150 230 690 1-014 0-01480 0-33995 0-00148 240 700 1*015 0-01461 0-35456 0-00146 250 710 1 017 0-01443 0-36899 0-00144 260 720 1-019 0-01425 0-38324 0-00142 270 730 1-021 0-01408 0-3^732 0-00141 280 740 1-022 0-01391 0-41123 0-00139 290 750 1-024 0-01374 0-42497 0-00137 300 760 1-026 0*01168 0-43855 000136 310 770 1-027 0-01343 0-45198 0-00134 320 780 1-029 0-01328 0-46526 0-00133 330 790 1-031 0-01313 0-47839 0-00131 340 800 1-032 0-01298 0-49137 0-00130 350 810 1-034 0-012S4 0-50421 0-00128 360 820 1-036 0-01271 0-51692 0-00127 370 830 1-038 0-0125S 0-52950 ' 0126 380 840 1-040 0-01245 0-54195 124 390 850 1-042 0-01233 0*55428 400 860 1-044 0-01221 0-56649 0-00122 i ENTROPY OF AVATER AND STEAM. TABLE II. Entropy of Dry Saturated Steam, from 32 deg. Fah. to 400 deg. Fah. Total entropy of Difference water + steam. Tempera- ture. Deg. Fah. Absolute tempera- ture. Latent heat. Entropy of of 1 Ib. entropy steam. per 1 deg. Fah. Per Ib. Difference per 1 deg. Fah. t. T. L. s =-*.' A S . i'}, + 0s. A 0?{> + S . 32 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 492 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 1091-7 1086-2 10793 1072-3 1065-3 1058 '3 1051-3 1044-86 1037-39 1030-42 1023-40 1016-39 1009-38 1002-37 995-33 988-30 981-24 974-18 96710 960-03 952-94 945-83 938-76 931-56 924-41 917-25 910-06 902-86 895-64 888-41 881-15 873-88 866-58 859-27 851-95 844-58 837-20 829-84 2-2189 2-1724 2-1163 2-0621 2-0100 1 -9598 1-9115 1-8649 1-8200 1-7766 1-7346 1-6940 1-6547 1-6167 1-5799 1-5442 1-5096 1-4760 1-4434 1-4118 1-3811 1-3512 1-3220 1-2938 1-2663 1-2395 1-2134 1-1880 1-1632 1-1390 1-1154 1-0923 1-0698 1-0479 1-0264 1-0054 0-9849 0-9649 0-00581 0-00561 0-00542 0-00521 0-00502 0-00483 0-00465 0-00449 0-00434 0-00420 0-00406 0-00393 000379 0-00368 0-00357 0-00346 0-00336 0-00326 0-00316 0-00307 0-00299 0-00292 0-00282 0-00275 0-00268 0-00261 0-00254 000248 0-00242 0-00236 0-00231 00225 0-00219 0-00215 0-00210 0-00205 0-00200 2-2189 2-1885 2-1522 2-1174 2-0844 2-0529 2-0230 1-9945 1-9673 1-9414 1-9165 1-8928 1-8701 1-8488 1-8278 1-8080 1 -7891 1-7709 1-7535 1-7369 17211 1-7058 1-6910 1-6770 1-6636 1-6507 1-6384 1-6265 16152 1-6043 1-5938 1-5837 1-5740. 1-5648 1-5559 1-5474 1-5392 1-5314 0-00380 0-00363 0-00348 0-00330 0-00315 0-00299 00285 0-00272 0-00259 0-00249 0-00237 0-00227 0-00216 0-00207 0-00198 O'OOISO 00182 0-00174 0-00166 0-00158 0-00153 0-00148 0-00140 0-00134 0-00129 0-00123 0-00119 00113 0-00109 0-00105 0-00101 0-00097 0-00092 0-00089 0-00085 0-00082 0-00078 Thus becomes infinity when T = ; and the real origin of the entropy scale should be at infinity on the left-hand side of the figure. For convenience of plotting the origin 14 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. has been taken as for water at 492 deg. Fah. (absolute), the amount of entropy on either side of this point being considered as positive and negative quantities. The break in the curve between B and C is due to the latent heat of water, or the heat required by 1 Ib. of ice at 492 deg. for t FIG. 5. conversion into water at 492 deg. Its amount is equal to 143 0-29. 143 B.T.U., and its entropy is therefore equal to The curves for water and steam are drawn as already explained. If the two curves CD and FE be produced, they will meet at a point known as the " critical tempera- ture" for water and steam, above which there can be no ENTROPY OF WATER AND STEAM. 15 liquid.* Mr. Macfarlane Gray* finds this to be at about 750 deg. Gen., or about 1,350 deg. Fah. (absolute). The area of the diagram, fig. 5, is such that each square represents 100 x 0-5 = 50 B.T.U, 9. CONSTANT VOLUME CURVES. Having constructed the two boundary curves of the 6 chart (the most tedious and difficult part of the process), it will be advisable to draw "constant pressure lines" and "con- 5 1-6 '7 18 '< FIG. 6. stant volume curves," as shown in fig. 6, in order to facilitate the transfer of indicator diagrams. The former are simply horizontal lines drawn across the chart between the two boundary curves, at a height corresponding to the tempera- ture of dry saturated steam, as given in the steam tables. If a temperature scale of 20 deg. Fah. to 1 in. be adopted, the * See Proc. Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, July, 1889, page 419. 16 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. pressure lines may be drawn for every 1 Ib. pressure up to about 20 Ib. absolute, but beyond this they should be re- duced to every 2lb., and afterwards to 51b. intervals, to prevent complicating the chart. These constant pressure lines are shown in fig. 6. The constant volume curves present a little more difficulty. They represent the loss of entropy due to a drop in pressure at constant volume, or that which takes place in the ordinary engine cylinder at release, when it opens to the condenser. IOO. For example, suppose lib. of steam at 100 Ib. pressure to expand, keeping dry, to 10 Ib. absolute, and then to open to the condenser so that the pressure falls to 2 Ib. absolute at constant volume, as shown in fig. 7. The 1 Ib. of dry steam at 10 Ib. pressure occupies 37 '8 cubic feet, and has an entropy of T64 above water at 100 deg. Fah. ; its pressure falls to 2lb. by condensing, without any increase in its volume, thus causing a reduction of entropy in the steam. At 2 Ib. pressure it would occupy 173 cubic feet if it were CONSTANT VOLUME CURVES. 17 all steam; but we know that it only occupies 37'8 cubic Q'T'ft feet, and therefore there can only be -J - ,or 0'218 Ib. of steam 17o in the cylinder after opening to the condenser, which will possess an entropy represented by the distance E D, in fig. 8, where the curve C D forming a part of one of the constant volume curved lines which have to be drawn. To construct these curves, divide the horizontal distance or entropy between the water and steam curves, at any particular pressure, into as many equal parts as there are cubic feet of volume to 1 Ib. of dry saturated steam at that pressure. For example, at 60 Ib. absolute pressure the specific volume of steam is practically 7 cubic feet ; and therefore the curves for 1, 2, 3, ST 18 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 4, 5, and 6 cubic feet constant volume lines (fig. 6) all cut the 60 Ib. pressure line at equal horizontal distances from one another. Another method of drawing the constant volume curves is based on the principle that dP L ^ varies as . or varies as 0. dr r This is found by equating the work done to the heat expended in a perfect steam engine working on the Carnot UJ (0 u) ft: 0. VOLUME. FIG. 9. cycle. Take 1 Ib. of water of volume O A, fig. 9, and pressure P^ ; evaporate it to dry steam of volume O B and temperature r x ; expand it adiabatically to C, fig. 9, where its pressure is P 2 , and temperature r 2 ; now condense it at this pressure and temperature until it occupies the volume O D ; and, finally, complete the cycle by compressing it adiabatically until it occupies its initial volume of O A. The efficiency of the cycle will be -^ ^ ; and the work done ENTROPY OF WATER AND will be equal to the area shaded in fig. 9, in heat units, or J . L ( TI ~ T2 j in work units. Now, if we \ T l / make P x - P 2 = d P very small, and T I - r 2 = d r also very small, the work done will be equal to the rectangle A B C D, which equals (vol. OB - vol. OA). (P x - P 2 ) where V and v are the volumes of 1 Ib. of steam and 1 Ib. of water respectively. Bat the work done is equal to the heat expended; therefore (V -v).d~p = J. Transposing J, and dividing all through by d T, we get Z^r *--* J (ir T But v = approximately 0'017 cubic feet, and V is a constant for any pressure, and J a numerical constant; therefore, for any particular pressure, -, varies as , or varies as 0. dr T In other words, the horizontal ordinates of any constant volume curve at various pressures are proportional to the value of ~ r for those particular pressures. For example, take 1 Ib. dry steam at 150 Ib. absolute pressure, which has a specific volume of 2 '978 cubic feet. The value of - 1-91 d r (see Table IA., Appendix of Cotterill on the "Steam Engine"), and or for steam alone (see Table II., page 13) 81816 20 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. At 100 lb. pressure, ^1=1-39, dr and therefore the ordinate for the 2 '978 constant volume curve will be '?-? x 1-052 = 0765. 1 Jl The values of for 2 -978 cubic feet of steam calculated in this way are given in Table III., and if they are plotted on the chart at their proper pressures, they will be found to form a constant volume curve for 2'978 cubic feet, which will be just inside the 3 cubic feet curve already drawn by the geometrical method previously explained. TABLE III. Value of Entropy for 2~978 cubic feet of steam, for drawing constant volume line. Absolute pressure. Pounds per square inch. P Temperature Fahrenheit. Degrees. t Ratio of dp dt from steam tables. Entropy of 2 -978 cubic feet of steam, by proportion. 150 358-16 1-91 1-05 100 327-57 1-39 0765 50 280-85 0-79 0-435 20 227-92 0-376 0-207 10 193-24 0-213 0-117 5 162-33 0-119 0-065 2 126-27 0-055 0-030 CALCULATION OF DRYXESS FRACTION. 21 CHAPTER III. CONVERSION OF INDICATOR DIAGRAM TO ENTROPY DIAGRAM. 10. CALCULATION OF DRYNESS FRACTION. To convert the ordinary indicator diagram to the 6 dia- gram, it will be necessary to have the following data furnished by an experiment : (a) Exact size of cylinders, and clearance volumes of each end of each cylinder. (6) Dryness fraction of the steam in each cylinder at any one period during expansion. (c) A mean indicator diagram for each cylinder. The diameters of the cylinders should be taken from gauges, and corrected to allow for the expansion of the cylinders when hot. The clearance volumes can be obtained either by calculation or direct measurement by filling the ports, volume that is, the volume which 1 Ib. of steam of the required dryness would occupy any initial point may be taken where the dryness fraction of the steam is known ; as at release, or 95 per cent of the forward stroke. In this particular trial, the weight of steam used was 6,284 Ib. per hour, or 2'4665 Ib. per stroke of steam and water passing through the cylinders, as found by measuring the air-pump discharge ; and at release, in the high-pressure cylinder, this weight of steam occupies 37 '35 COMPOUND ENGINE AT HAMPTON. 25 TABLE V. #0 DIAGRAM FOR COMPOUND ENGINE AT HAMPTON. HIGH-PRESSURE CYLINDER. Portion of stroke. Pressure in pounds absolute. Actual volume. Cubic feet. e

volume for that particular point, and is the specific volume of steam at the pressure shown, reduced according to its dry ness. The volume occupied by the 00791b. of water will be 0'079 x 0'017 cubic feet, and is quite negligible for all practical purposes. Knowing the Q volume at any one point, the < volumes for the other parts of the stroke are calculated by proportion i.e., at 10 per cent of the stroke the actual volume is 4 70 cubic feet, and the volume will therefore be 470 x 14-14 . The pressures and volumes for the low-pressure cylinder are similarly dealt with, and the figures are given in Table VI. The Q diagrams for this trial are given in fig. 11. It will be seen that in the example quoted no notice has been taken of the increase or reduction in the volume of steam due to the opening and closing of the passage in the main slide valve. This has not been possible in the present case, because the report does not mention when the main valve cut off ; but if the position of this had been known, a "kick" would appear on the 6 diagram, somewhat as shown dotted at X, in fig. 11, due to the closing of the passage in the main valve at the end of the forward stroke. The ordinary indicator diagram does not show this. As a check upon the accuracy with which the $ diagram has been drawn, its area should be measured by a plani- meter, and reduced to heat units according to the scales of temperature and entropy adopted. If the temperature scale ba 20 deg. Fah. to 1 in., and entropy 01

the required tangent. Knowing the values of tan a for various temperatures, the lines HL, M, N, P, Q, chart. The actual volume of the high-pressure cylinder at release is 37*35 cubic feet, which, divided by 2 '6274, gives 14'215 cubic feet volume at release for an imaginary cylinder containing lib. of mixture of proportionate dryness. Dividing the mean indicator diagram up into any number of equal parts, say 20, of the stroke, the volumes at the other points can be readily transferred to the chart by proportional compasses, or by dividing the actual volume of the cylinder and clearance at any part of the stroke by 2 '6274. The diagram being plotted, take any point e on it, and transfer into the first quadrant to meet the curve O A B, fig. 12, and thence into the second quadrant, as shown by dotted lines. Also transfer the point e into the third quadrant, and where it intersects its proper "constant temperature line" transfer into the second quadrant its intersection with the line previously 4T 34 DIAGRAM FOR CARNOT CYCLE. drawn at e 1 , giving a corresponding point on the entropy diagram. The process of transferring the indicator diagram from the fourth to the second quadrants is one of simple projection, and in reality it takes less time to do it than is occupied in reading how to do it. It should be noted that the difficult curves to be drawn are the fixed ones, whereas the new curves required separately for each experiment are simple ones, and easily drawn with a little practice. 14. e DIAGRAM FOR CARNOT CYCLE. Having shown how to draw the 6 diagram for a steam- engine test, it will be interesting to examine the great facilities afforded by it for explaining some of the various -r A B I ENTROPY. FIG. 13 phenomena that occur in the steam-engine cycle. In the first place, it should be noted that the

diagram in fig. 13. The work done per stroke is represented in fig. 9 by the area of the figure A B C D, but neither the heat received and rejected, nor its efficiency, are shown on the pv diagram. Transfer the same series of changes to the e diagram, shown in fig. 13. The "state point" A represents 1 Ib. of water, of temperature r lt and entropy O E, evaporated into 1 Ib. of dry steam, of the same tempera- ture T I} but with an increase of entropy shown by EF. At B, it expands adiabatically to C, its temperature falls to T 2 , but the amount of heat it contains is neither increased nor diminished, and therefore its entropy is the same at C as it is at B ; or, the expansion is shown on the e diagram by the vertical line B C, representing the fall in temperature from T! to r z . At C it is compressed isothermally, at the same temperature r 2 , but giving up a quantity of heat denoted by its reduced entropy from O F to O E. From D to A, adiabatic compression is represented by the vertical line D A, at constant entropy O E, but with an increasing temperature from r 2 to r x . The work done during the cycle is represented in heat units by the area of the rectangle A B C D, fig. 13, and the heat received by the area of the rectangle A B F E ; thus the efficiency, work done or heat received The line O E F corresponds to the absolute zero of temperature ; and should be much lower down than indicated on the diagram. The efficiency of this cycle can be proved mathematically, but it is seen much more clearly on the 6 $ diagram. 15. CONDENSATION DCTKISTG ADIABATIC EXPANSION. The 6 diagram also shows graphically the varying dry- ness of the steam during the expansion period of the stroke. Neglecting the volume of the water present, which (except in the case of very wet steam) is comparatively nil, the 36 CONDENSATION DURING ADIABATIC EXPANSION. proportion ^, shown in fig. 11, page 24, represents the OC OC dryness fraction of the steam at ?/, and, similarly, the dryness at any time during expansion can be scaled off the diagram. It also shows the amount of condensation due to the adiabatic expansion of steam. For instance, 1 Ib. of dry steam at 170 Ib. absolute pressure, expanded adiabatically to 20 Ib. UJ K o ~ < fc ul (L uJ ENTROPY. B FIG. 14. absolute, as shown by the line AB in fig. 14, will have a dryness fraction of ^^, or 0'8797. But the line C B repre- L- JJ sents the latent heat of 0'87971b. steam at 20 Ib. pressure, which should occupy a volume of 0-8797 x 1972 = 17'35 cubic feet. According to the law of adiabatic expansion viz., p.v l ' l3 $ = constant the volume occupied by lib. of steam at 170 Ib. pressure, initially dry, and expanded to 20 Ib., is 17*45 cubic ADIABATIC EXPANSION OF AVET STEAM. 37 feet. This difference may be due to the volume occupied by, and the heat contained in, the 0'12031b. water present, which is not shown by the $ diagram, but which should be allowed for when dealing with wetter steam. 16. ADIABATIC EXPANSION OF WET STEAM. If a mixture of steam and water be expanded adiabatically, it is shown on the entropy diagram by dividing the higher temperature entropy into two parts in the ratio of the dry- ness of the steam at the commencement of expansion. For example, take question No. 41, given in the Science and Art FlG. 15. Department's Examination in Steam, 1898, where lib. of stuff of 0'6 dryness is expanded adiabatically from 311 deg. Fah. to 230 deg. Fah., and it is required to find the weight of water present at the end of expansion, the entropy of 1 Ib. of water being given as 0'339 and 0*451, and that of 1 Ib. of dry steam as 1716 and 1'612 at the lower and higher temperatures respectively. Draw the approximate water and dry steam entropy curves A B and C D from the data given, as shown in fig. 15, and divide B C into two parts 38 ADIABATIC EXPANSION OF WET STEAM. representing to scale the dryness of the steam (0'6) at 311 deg. Fah. ; that is, make BE n BC = 6 ' and drop the perpendicular EF meeting AD in F at the A F lower temperature. Then =- will represent the weight of A -L' Tjl T~v - steam, or ~ *he weight of water present at the end of A. \J expansion. Using italic letters a, 6, c, &c., to represent the projection of their corresponding state points on the zero tempera- ture line, the result may be expressed numerically thus : bc = Oc - Ob, = 1-612 - 0-451 = 1161 ; If = (be) x 0-6 = 1-161 x 0'6 = 0-6966 ; Of=0b + bf, = 0-451 + 0-6966 = 11476 ; ad = Od-Oa 1 = 1716 - 0-339 = 1'377 ; fd = 0d- O/, = O d - O e, = 1716 - 11476 = 0'5684 ; fd = 0^684 ad 1-377 Answer = 0'41281b. water at end of expansion. It is clearly seen from fig. 15, that if the mixture be very wet to start with (say, consisting of 60 per cent of water and only 40 per cent by weight of steam), adiabatic expansion will produce a dryness, some of the water present becoming re-evaporated at the expense of the sensible heat in the hot water. This would be shown by "Cl T) "C 1 the ratio -v- t ^ being greater than -^ . EFFECT OF STEAM JACKETING. 39 CHAPTER IV. HEAT LOSSES. 17. EFFECT OF STEAM JACKETING. IN all steam engines a comparatively large proportion of the steam which enters the cylinder is condensed imme- diately upon its admission, and its work lost to the engine for that period of the stroke. A part of the heat repre- sented by this condensation is returned to the steam towards the end of the expansion period, when its capacity for doing work is considerably diminished ; or it may only be returned during the exhaust stroke, when (except in the case of more than cne cylinder) it is not only of no use, but impedes the free discharge of the exhaust by increasing the volume of the steam. Various methods have been adopted to reduce this initial condensation to a minimum, the principal of which are steam jacketing, superheating, compounding, and high speed. The various effects of these on the internal working steam of the engine, as shown by the 6

diagram, the table of densities given in the appendix being used for giving the pressures. The curves of dryness fraction shown underneath the mean indicator diagrams have been taken directly from the 6 $ diagrams, figs. 16 and 17, and show very clearly the gradual condensation and re-evaporation during the progress of the steam from the high-pressure cylinder to the condenser. At certain periods of the stroke both condensation and re-evaporation may be taking place at the same time ; in which case, the curves only show the excess of the one action over the other. The 6 diagrams for the trial "c," with steam in the jackets, are shown in fig. 16, and those for trial " d" without steam in jackets, in tig. 17. In comparing the two diagrams, the most noticeable difference is the enormously-increased area of those in tig. 17, especially in the case of the intermediate and low-pressure cylinders. The reason for this is, the water formed during admission to the high-pressure cylinder is gradually re-evaporated by the live steam in the jackets during its passage through the three cylinders, until, when it leaves the low-pressure cylinder for the condenser, it consists of 96 per cent dry steam and 4 per cent of water in the trial with all the jackets on, as compared with 65 per cent dry steam and 35 per cent water in the non- jacketed trial. EFFECT OF STEAM JACKETING. 45 The comparative areas of the diagrams in figs. 16 and 17 are given in Table VIIL, which gives the areas of the 9

DIAGRAMS FOR TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINE, WITH AND WITHOUT STEAM IN JACKETS. Trial and conditions. Cylinder. Area of 9 diagram in B.T.U , measured by planimeter. Volume factor for each cylinder. Heat utilised per stroke. Calculated from d diagrams. B.T.U. Calculated from ordinary indicator diagrams. Trial C. Steam in all < jackets. V H.P.C I.P.C 51-0 68-1 58-3 1674 2-47 2-865 2'82 20-5 23-8 20-7 65-0 20 -S 23-05 20-45 64-3 L.P.C Total Trial D. No steam in -{ jackets. I H.P.C I P C 43-5 58-45 34-52 13647 1-835 1-985 2-06 23-8 29-4 16-7 69-9 23-6 29-4 16-3 69-3 LP.C Total 18. THEORETICAL ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. When saturated steam is removed from the water from which it is generated, and heated beyond the temperature that corresponds to its pressure, it becomes superheated, the additional amount of heat received being Qi =Vp X ( TI -r); where Q ! = heat received as superheat per pound of steam ; C p = specific heat of superheated steam at constant pressure (usually taken as 0'48) ; r : = temperature after superheating ; r temperature of saturated steam of the same pressure. Its entropy is therefore greater than that of corresponding saturated steam, and is equal to s + 0-48 (loge r l - loge r\

which may intersect FIG. 20. the dry saturated steam curve CFG at K, in which case the steam will pass from the superheated to the saturated con- dition at K, and at the end of expansion be wet steam, with a dryness of AE AF' In order to have dry steam at F, the steam must be superheated up to the point H, the latter being found by drawing the vertical FH to intersect the superheated steam curve CDM. If the superheating be carried beyond this point, as, for instance, to M, the steam remains superheated throughout the whole of the expansion 48 ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. period (assumed adiabatic), and at release it still possesses an amount of superheat represented on the temperature scale by the amount N O, the curve F O being drawn by the same equation as C D M. Table IX. gives the entropy for 1 Ib. of superheated steam, starting with dry saturated steam TABLE IX. ENTROPY OF SUPERHEATED STEAM FROM DRY SATURATED STEAM AT 320 DEG. FAH. Temperature. Amount of superheat. Deg. Fah. Increase of entropy. d. Total entropy above water at 32 deg. Fah. diagrams in fig. 21. The smallness of the diagram in trial A is most noticeable, and shows the enormous loss by condensation during admission which is always produced in 52 EFFECT OF SUPEEHEATING. non- jacketed cylinders, especially small ones. The partial re-evaporation during expansion, at the expense of the heat FIG. 22. in the walls, tends to counterbalance the initial loss ; but even at release the weight of steam present in the cylinder EFFECT OF SUPERHEATING. 53 is only about one-half what it should have been. The amount of the loss in this particular case was very much increased 0-12 , (j-lAtukft Fio. 23. by the cut-off taking place very early (at one-sixteenth of the stroke), and the cylinder being so very small (Gin. 54 EFFECT OF SUPERHEATING. diameter, Sin. stroke); so that the clearance , surf ace, and surface of cylinder exposed to steam during admission, per FIG. 24. pound of steam present, would be very high indeed with a small engine working under these conditions. The conden- EFFECT OF SUPEKHEATING. 55 sation in a larger engine would be relatively much smaller, as shown by figs. 11 and 17. ^ " 7~r,at JJ In trial B, the diagrams for which are given in fig. 23, with the steam superheated only 31 deg. Fab., and still 56 EFFECT OF SPEED. without steam in the jackets, the reduction effected in the initial condensation is most marked. Instead of there being only 24 per cent of the steam which was admitted present in the cylinder at cut-off, as in trial A, there is now 41 per cent, and the drier walls have produced a larger amount of re-evaporation. In trial C (see fig. 24), with saturated steam in the cylinder and jackets, there is an initial dryness of 0'53 at cut-off, and the expansion is continued with a gradually- increasing dryness of steam, until at release all the water has been re-evaporated, and it is discharged to the condenser as all dry steam. In trial D, fig. 25, using steam superheated 59 deg. Fah. in both the cylinder and the jackets, all the water has disappeared by the time the piston has made 0'8 of its stroke, after which the curve crosses the dry-steam boundary, and is slightly superheated. The " toe " of the diagram in trial D has been calculated by assuming that superheated steam follows the law of expansion of a perfect gas, viz., that the product of the pressure and volume varies directly as the absolute temperature, or 2^ = a constant. T 20. EFFECT OF SPEED. . The effect of increased speed of rotation on the 6 $ diagram is not very marked. Fig. 28 shows the diagram for two trials on the same engine, at the same steam pressure, cut- off, and general conditions, but in the first trial (shown by the full line in fig. 28) the speed was 216 revolutions per minute, and in the second (shown dotted) at 115 revolutions, or about one-half. With the increased speed there is a little less initial condensation, but the re-evaporation during expansion is greater in the half -speed trial, probably because the time taken by the engine to complete any given portion of its cycle is longer in the latter case, and allows the jackets to make their influence more effective. These EFFECT OF SPEED. 57 diagrams are taken from Mr. Bryan Donkin's experiment, Nos. 121 and 122 (see Proceedings of the Institution of FIG. 2t Mechanical Engineers, January, 1895). The mean indicator diagrams and quality curves for the two trials are shown in 58 EFFECT OF SPEED. figs. 26 and 27 ; the former at full speed, and the latter at half speed. )0 40 SO SO fer- cenfcye of Jtrote FiO. 27. The trials of the late Mr. P. W. Willans on his central- valve engine, recorded in the Proceedings of the Institution EFFECT OF SPEED. 59 of Civil Engineers (vol. xciii., 1888, and vol. cxiv., 1893), prove that the percentage of steam not accounted for by the indicator diagram at cut-off' varies inversely as the square root of the number of revolutions per minute. In fact, the amount of initial condensation can be approxi- mately calculated by the following formula : W \oger I D x J N where W = the weight of steam per hour not accounted for by the indicator at cut-off ; I = the weight of steam per hour accounted for by the indicator at cut-off; r = number of expansions ; D = diameter of cylinder in feet ; N = revolutions of engine per minute ; c = a numerical coefficient, depending on the design of cylinders and conditions of working. For ordinary slide-valve engines, with an average amount of clearance surface, c can be taken at about 3 or 4 for jacketed cylinders and 6 for non-jacketed cylinders. The value of the coefficient c for the two trials just quoted (see figs. 26 and 27) is shown by the accompanying Table XI. to be 2'07 at full speed, and 211 at half speed. TABLE XL CONDENSATION AT Two SPEEDS : OTHER CON- DITIONS REMAINING CONSTANT. Steam condensed ^ Revs, per minute. Indicated steam at cut-off I. Pounds per hour. Actual steam used, from experiment. A. Pounds per hour. during admission. |g 'II" fl o W. Pounds Ratio W per hour. I 6 216-3 130-1 179-4 49-3 0-379 2 '07 114'9 68-0 104-1 36-1 0-531 211 21. COMPOUNDING. The use of high-pressure steam, requiring a greater number of expansions for economical working, has necessitated the COMPOUNDING. COMPOUNDING. 61 introduction of multi-cylinder engines, in order that the range of temperature in each cylinder shall not be too large. The question therefore arises, What is the most economical number of expansions i.e., what is the point beyond which the extra work gained per pound of steam by expansive working is more than neutralised by the loss due to initial condensation 1 The late Mr. Willans' trials seemed to point to the law r - P + 10 . ~25~ where r = most economical number of expansions ; p initial steam pressure (absolute) in pounds per square inch, for high-speed non-condensing engines ; but the author thinks that with moderate-sized engines, well jacketed, the expan- sions may be greater than those given by the above law, and would substitute the following rule, r = P_+_20 20 ??*+& as . being more in accordance with experimental results obtained with different engines. The enormous loss of heat which accompanies very early cut-off is clearly seen by comparing figs. 31 and 32. The diagrams given in fig. 31 are for a compound non-jacketed engine of about 400 I.H.P., tested by Mr. Michael Longridge on October 21st, 1896, the full particulars of which are recorded in the Report of the Engine, Boiler, and Employers' Liability Association for 1896 ; partly re-published in The Practical Engineer for October 15th, 1897. The diagrams indicate a fairly economical performance, as they almost fill up the available area between the steam and water boundary curves. Comparing them with the diagram given in fig. 32 for a compound non- jacketed engine of the same type, and indicating about the same power, but which was made much too large for the 62 COMPOUNDING. work required, it will be seen how the automatic expansion controlled by the governor destroyed the efficiency of the engine in the latter case (fig. 32). The mean indicator diagrams and quality curves for the two trials are shown in figs. 29 and 30. The cut-off in the high-pressure cylinder for Mr. Longridge's trial was 0'31 of the stroke ; <*^ FIG. 29. and for L the diagrams given in fig. 32 the mean cut- off in the high-pressure cylinder was 0'054 of the stroke. The result is, that the steam consumption is increased from 13'91b. per I.H.P. per hour in the former, to 27'21b. in the INITIAL CONDENSATION. 63 latter case. The importance of this waste is realised when one considers that a difference of 13 Ib. of steam per I. H.P. per hour for an engine of this size, running night and day, represents a loss of some 15 a week in the coal bill alone. FIG. 30. 22. INITIAL CONDENSATION. The weight of steam missing at cut-off may be accounted for in two ways. In the first place, it may be assumed to have entered the cylinder as hot water i.e., due to priming and condensation in pipes ; in which case it would part with its heat during expansion by evaporating a very small portion of the water formed by adiabatic expansion. Assuming a non-conducting cylinder, the expansion curve would then theoretically follow the dotted line B r, shown 64 INITIAL CONDENSATION. INITIAL CONDENSATION. 65 6T 66 INITIAL CONDENSATION. on the high-pressure and intermediate cylinder diagrams in figs. 16, 17, diagram ; then (1 - x) will be the weight of water in pounds present in the cylinder, as the diagram is drawn for 1 Ib. of the mixture. But the heat which (l-.e) pounds of water will evolve in cooling from a temperature T I to a temperature r is (1 - X) . S . (TJ_ - r), where s is the mean specific heat of water between r and r L INITIAL CONDENSAT Let r 1 equal the temperature of the steam at cut-off, and r the minimum temperature of steam in the cylinder. Draw- horizontal lines across the 8

= Gv d - t - + (Cp - Cv)^ . (5) T T V This is the general formula from which the change of entropy of a gas can be calculated under the various con- ditions of change. For example, during explosion in a gas engine the volume is constant, or very nearly so, and therefore d v = 0. Under these circumstances, d = Vv.d-*; which, integrated, gives = C.loge^ ...... (6) ~0 On the other hand, if the pressure remains constant, as is sometimes the case just after explosion in a gas engine, the volume and the temperature increase in accordance with Charles's law, viz., ^-i^Eg*..'-o.^. In this case, equation (5) becomes P .-; which, reduced, = dt = Cp.loge ^ . . . (7) APPLICATION TO THE GAS ENGINE. 75 Where both the pressure and the volume of the gas change, as during expansion in a gas engine, the change of entropy must be calculated from the formula representing the law of the particular expansion or compression, viz., P . V* = P! V/' (8) But, from equation (2), P . V = R . r, and, substituting the value of P = ^ in (8), we get 7, 1 7. (9) or, taking the value of ~ from (3), and substituting in (5), we get j n k - y d t ' Ic - 1 ' which, integrated, gives do) where 0! = initial entropy ; 02 = final entropy ; r 1 = initial temperature ; r 2 = final temperature. This is the general formula for finding the change in entropy in all changes represented by the law P . V* = P! Vi*. Given any expansion or compression curve of an indicator diagram for a gas engine, k is found by measuring any two co-ordinates, thus : P . V* = P 1 V/ ; . , = log P - log P! logVi - logV In the particular case where k = y that is to say, for 76 DIAGRAM FOE THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE. adiabatic expansion or compression the change of entropy becomes nil, as k - y = 0, and therefore 01 - 2 = C v x *I_? x log, - 2 = 0. & l T i The entropy diagram, therefore, for any adiabatic change. is a vertical straight line. 25. ENTROPY -DIAGRAM FOR THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE, WITH ADIABATIC EXPANSION AND COMPRESSION. The indicator diagram for a perfect gas engine, working on the Otto or Beau de Rochas cycle, is shown in fig. 33, with pressure as ordinates and volume as abscissa. In this diagram AB represents the compression of the charge, assumed to be adiabatic that is, following the law p . v y = a constant, where y is the ratio ^^ of the mean specific heats w V of the gaseous mixture. BC shows the explosion, with instantaneous increase of pressure at constant volume, and C D the expansion period, also assumed to be adiabatic. DA represents the exhaust, and AE the discharge and suction strokes. The entropy diagram for this cycle is shown in fig. 34, and is drawn for 1 Ib. of the gaseous mixture, the vertical ordinates representing absolute temperatures (r) and the base, entropy or 0. Starting with the mixture at A, it is compressed from volume V a to V 6 adiabatically, without receiving or rejecting any heat. The process is therefore represented in fig. 34 by the vertical line AB, the entropy at B being the same as at A. The pressure at B can be found by the general formulae or, taking 7 = 1*4 (its approximate value), log P b = log P a + 1'4 log Va - 1'4 log V6. The temperature at B is found from the general formulse DIAGRAM FOR THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE. where r b = absolute temperature at B ; P b = pressure at B in Ibs. per square foot ; V b = specific volume of the mixture at B ; Kp = specific heat of the mixture at constant pressure; K v = specific heat of the mixture at constant volume. FIG. [NOTE. K p and K v are in ft.-lb. unit?, = J x C p and J x Cv] where J = Joule's mechanical equivalent of heat = 772 ft.-lbs. 78 DIAGRAM FOR THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE. If the temperature of the mixture at A be known, and the ratio of the compression, the temperature at B can be calculated direct from the general formula for adiabatic compression of a gas rb = ra(r) y ~ l where r I and r a are the absolute temperatures at B and A respectively, r = ratio of compression = =^~ ; 7 = ratio of specific heats. From B to C the pressure is increased instantaneously before the piston has moved, and therefore the increase of temperature will be directly proportional to the increase of pressure, or rb X Pr. -P^ ; PC and fb being the absolute pressures in Ibs. per square foot at C and B respectively. When the pressure at C is not known, its theoretical temperature can be calculated from the calorific value of the gas, assuming perfect com- bustion ; thus where H = total heat of combustion of 1 Ib. of the particular gas used ; R = ratio (by weight) of the gas, air, and diluent to the gas. In actual practice, this theoretical rise of temperature is, for various reasons, never obtained. An average value of H for London lighting gas is about 19,000 B.T.U/s per pound. The ratio R varies very considerably with different types of engines and conditions of working, but is about 20 to 30 for lighting gas. The increase of entropy during explosion will be represented in fig. 34 by the logarithmic curve B C, whose equation is re d * -fCv.11', rb DIAGRAM FOR THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE. 79 which, integrated, gives c - b = Cv x loge r -^ ; rb that is, the increase of entropy from B to C is equal to the specific heat of the mixture at constant volume (about 018 to 0*19), multiplied by the hyperbolic logarithm of the ratio of the two temperatures. Knowing T c and (0 c - 6), the 80 DIAGRAM FOE THEORETICAL GAS ENGINE. curve B C can be plotted as in fig. 34, all intermediate points such as B x being calculated from the formula by sub- stitution, thus 0& x - 06 =Cv x log e T A. rb A short geometrical method of constructing such curves as B C and D A will be explained later. The adiabatic expansion is denoted on the entropy diagram by the vertical line C D, fig. 34, the gas neither receiving nor evolving heat, and the temperature falling from r c to rd ; the latter being obtained from the formula, 7 Pd x Vd = K P -Kv> and P d being obtained from the usual formula, Pd x Vrf? = PC x Vc^; or, as Vd = Va, and Vc = V6, Pd x Va 7 =Pc x V6^; or log P d = log P c + y . log V b y . log V a. From D to A, or exhaust at constant volume, the entropy diagram again assumes a logarithmic curve D A, fig. 34, the temperature at A falling to its initial point, and its change of entropy being equal to d-d = Cv x log* ^-. T a^ The exhaust and suction strokes A E do not have any effect upon the entropy diagram, as the temperature during those strokes is assumed constant. The diagram is completed by drawing O X at the absolute zero of temperature, when the work done per cycle will be equal to the area enclosed by A B C D, fig. 34, in heat units ; DIAGRAM FOR AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. 81 the heat received per cycle will be equal to the area B C X ? and the thermal efficiency or work done _ ^ ratio rf ^ twQ areag ABC D heat received O B C X The heat given to the exhaust gases will be equal to the area O A D X. It is evident from the entropy diagram that the two quantities ( c - 06) and ( d - a} being equal, and the two curves B C and A D following the same law, the ratio of the two temperatures is a constant quantity, and depends entirely upon the amount of compression that is, rb _ re TO, rd* and the higher this ratio, the higher will be the thermal efficiency. 26. ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR ACTUAL GAS-ENGINE TRIAL. For example, take the trial of a 7 horse power Crossley- Otto engine, made by Professor Capper, at King's College, London, on December 7th, 1892, full particulars of which are given by Mr. Bryan Donkin, in his book on " Gas, Air, and Oil Engines," from which the following data and mean indicator diagram (fig. 35), are taken. The principal particulars of the trial are : Cylinder, 8^ in. diameter by 18 in. stroke. Revolutions per minute 162'5 Explosions 71*2 Net I.H.P 13-32 Cylinder volume '591 cubic foot. Clearance volume 0'2467 Total volume 0'8377 Gas used (by meter) 27975 cb. ft. per hour. Gas used per explosion, at atmo- spheric pressure and temperature 0'06544 cubic foot. Gas used at pressure and tempera- ture in cylinder at A 0'0822 Air used (from cylinder volume)... 07556 cubic foot 7T per explosion. 82 DIAGRAM FOR AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. The mean indicator diagram, fig. 35, furnishes the following pressures and volumes : p a = 13-8 Ib. per square inch absolute. Pb = 67-8 PC = 240 P* - 240 re = 48-71 v,i = G'8377 cubic foot. vt> = 0*2467 v c = 0-2467 va = 0-2617 v e = 0-8377 The point E is taken on the ideal expansion curve, or the actual expansion line continued to the end of the stroke without exhausting. From the above pressures and volumes, the index k in the equation p a x v a k = pb x vb k is calculated to be For expansion, k = T3707 ; compression, k = 1*3022. During compression, the mixture consists of air, gas, and exhaust products, in known proportions, and of known chemical analysis ; therefore K p and K v for the mixture can be calculated in the same way as for any compound gas. The proportions of air, gas, and diluent present during compression are calculated thus : 1. Gas, '06544 cubic foot per explosion at atmospheric pressure and temperature, with a specific volume of 34'87 cubic feet per pound, = '^ 6 y = 0-001877 Ib. per explosion. 34 '87 2. Exhaust products left in cylinder at end of previous discharge stroke = 0'2467 cubic foot at 605 deg. Fah. absolute temperature, and 14"8lb. per square inch pressure. From Table XIIL, the exhaust gas was of 0'08201b. per cubic foot average density. DIAGRAM FOE AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TEIAL. .*. G'2467 cubic foot weighed 0'2467 x 0'0820, = 0-02023 Ib. at 492 deg. Fah. and 14'71b. pressure, = 02023 x ^ x M| = 0-01656 Ib. bOo 14 7 at 605 deg. Fah. and 14'8 Ib. pressure. 83 FIG. 35. 3. Air admitted per explosion occupied the total volume of the cylinder, less the volume of the exhaust products and gas. This was 0-8377 - (0-2467 + 0'0822) = 0'5088 cubic feet, and weighed = 0-03131 Ib. per explosion. 84 DIAGRAM FOE AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. o < 'l-slfe r- s M A S * 43 -S 'tJ.^S ^EH S o s O r o IP ^ S ^4 *7 * Q ,-X o O O o B f f ^" i**!" tO co o '3 -^ $ ^ S s S C ^~+ y ~ . ^^ ^ s J> X O 2 c 1 . 1 1 V j irbon-mon } irbon-diox and oxyge 1 Q ~ /. DIAGRAM FOR AX ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. Itf I" H o ~ "^ * 1 rC O - 86 DIAGRAM FOR AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. The mixture during compression therefore consisted of 0-001877 lb. gas ; 0*01656 lb. exhaust products ; 0-03131 lb. air. Total = 0-049747 lb. per explosion. The average specific heats of the mixture will be the specific heat .of each constituent part multiplied by its relative weight. For the gas, the mean specific heats C v and C p must be calculated from the chemical analysis, as shown in Table XII, from which C v = 0'5279, and Cp = 0'6961 ; or multiplying by 772, Kv = 407'5, and Kp = 537'4. Calcu- lating similarly for the exhaust products, as shown in Table XIIL, C v = 0-1716, and Cp = 0'2385, or K v = 132-5, and Kp = 1841. For air, the figures are Kv = 130'20, and Kp = 183'55. The mean specific heat of the mixture can therefore be found as shown in Table XIV., page 88 to be, Kp = 199-09, and Kv = 141 '43 foot-pounds, n = Kp - Kv - 57 '66 foot-pounds, and C p = 0*25788, Cv = 01832, 7 = JL = 1-4077. C v Adopting these values, the temperatures will be Tc = 840 * 240 = 2973 deg. Fah. absolute ; OYO 3154 deg. Fah. abaolute ; - 58 * DIAGRAM FOR AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. 87 It will be noticed that the temperature at A found by calculation (580 deg. Fah. absolute) is 25 deg. less than that (605 deg. Fah. absolute) previously assumed for calculating the relative weights of gas, air, and exhaust products in the mixture ; but this difference does not affect the result, as all the three constituents will be increased in weight by the same amount, and their relative weights for the corrected temperature will be the same. To draw the entropy diagram for the trial (see fig. 36), start with the mixture at B as the zero of entropy, when the entropy at C will be found from the formula, as explained previously (f>c - 06 = C V X loge - 01832 x log = 0-23158. 4>d - c = C p X loge T c = 0-25788 x loge = 0-01524 e ~ d = C V X = 000790. * - e = C V loge ^ - 01832 xlog.^ - 0-23112 i = C V X 1 y X loge - K 1 TI = - 0-02369. 88 DIAGRAM FOR AN ACTUAL GAS ENGINE TRIAL. Balancing up the quantities of entropy, thus C - 06 0-23158 - C 0-01524 e - 0c* 0-00790 0a - 0-23112 06 - 0a ....- 0-02369 0-25481 The result shows a numerical error of about 0'04 per cent, which is practically negligible, probably due to slight inaccuracies of calculation. TABLE XIV. SPECIFIC HEATS OF MIXTURE, FOR TRIAL OF 7 HORSE POWER CROSSLEY ENGINE. Constituent. Weight used per cvcle, Ibs. Kv for lib., ft. -Ibs. Kv for weight used, ft. -Ibs. Kp for 1 lb., ft. -Ibs. Kp for weight used, ft. -Ibs. Gas 0-001877 407-5 0*7649 537-4 1-0087 Exhaust products . . Air 0-01656 0-03131 132-5 130-2 2-1942 4-0765 184-1 183-55 3-1487 5-7469 Totals 0-049747 .. 7-0356 9-9043 K v for mixture = K p for mixture = 7-0356 0-049747 0-9043 0-049747 = 141-13 ft. -Ibs. perlb. = 199-09 ft. -Ibs. per lb. = Kj-Kw- 57-66 ft. -Ibs. per lb. The e diagram for the ideal cycle is shown by A B C D E, in fig. 36, and if the area enclosed be measured by a planimeter, it will be found to equal 171 '875 B.T.U. This represents the work which would be done by 1 lb. of gaseous mixture, and has to be corrected by multiplying by 049747 CORRECTED DIAGRAM. 89 to get the work done by the known weight of mixture in the cylinder per explosion. Thus, 171'875 x 049747 = 8 55 B.T.U. work done per explosion ; or, expressed in work units, 8 '55 x 772 = 6600 foot-pounds per explosion, which corresponds within 01 per cent with the value given "1 1000 ;. _ _.._ Fio. 36. by Mr. Donkin (6,594 foot-pounds), as found by measuring the ideal cycle ABCDE of the pressure volume diagram shown in fig. 35. 27. CORRECTED DIAGRAM FOR GAS ENGINE TRIAL. This ideal cycle has now to be corrected for the actual diagram, and, starting with the explosion period, the curves 90 CORRECTED DIAGRAM. BC and CD, in fig. 36, are correct for the actual diagram, but during the expansion period it will be seen that the actual pressure curve shown by the full line D G H J K L, fig. 35, differs very materially from the ideal expansion curve D E, shown dotted. It will therefore be necessary to take various additional points between D and F upon the actual pressure curve, such as G, H, J, K, and L, and calculate the temperatures and additional entropy at each of TABLE XV. ACTUAL EXPANSION CURVE : 7 HORSE POWER GAS ENGINE. Position. Pressure. Pounds per square inch. Volume. Cubic feet. Tempera- ture. Fah. absolute. Index of expansion. Increase of entropy. i+. Total entropy, 0. deg. D 240 0-2617 3154 ! 0-24682 1-3965 + 0-000521 G 170 0-335 2858 0-24734 1-4668 ! - 0-00175 H 134 0-394 2050 0-24559 1-4798 - 0-00185 J 109 0-453 2478 0-24374 1-2995 + 0-00463 K 80-5 0-572 2312 0-24837 1-3526 + 0-00190 L 62-5 0-6897 2164 0-25027 these points. For example, at G the pressure is 170 Ib. per square inch, and the volume 0'335 cubic feet ; the tempera- ture at this point will therefore be ^fg&SiS -*******+ and the entropy at G above that at D will be g - (pd C V X ~ y X loge . k - I r d The value of &, the index of the expansion between D and G, will be , _ log 240 - log 170 _ 1<3%5 * log 335 - log 0-2617 6 ' CORRECTED DIAGRAM. 91 when (p g - d becomes equal to = G'000521. The values of &, together with the temperatures, and entropy at the various points G, H, J, K, &c., are given in the accompanying Table XV., from which the actual expansion curve on the 6 diagram, D G H J K, fig. 36, can be plotted and drawn. For the exhaust period, the temperature and entropy can be calculated by the formula? already given, as follows : At M, just after release, where the actual pressure shown by the indicator diagram is 53 '8 Ib. per square inch, and the pressure F on the ideal expansion curve at the same volume is 56'79 Ib., the two temperatures will be The loss of entropy due to a drop in temperature from 2135 deg. to 2023 deg. at constant volume is equal to 91 ^Pi d = 0/ - 0m = 01832 x log e |j| = 0-00991. JUZo But this amount of entropy must be taken from that which the mixture would possess at F on the dotted curve. The entropy at F above that at D will be = 0-00713 add C + 0 where r 2 = 2,973 deg. and T X = 840 deg. If C be taken = C v for the trial just considered, viz., 01832, then the tan a = 01832, or a = 10 deg. 23 min., and P N will be found to scale 0'231. By drawing ordinates from the intersection of the curve with various temperatures between 840 deg. and 2,973 deg., such as 1,000 deg. Fah., 1,200 deg. CONSTANT VOLUME CURVES. 93 Fah., tkc., the change of entropy from 840 deg. Fah. to these temperatures can be scaled direct from the line M F, being equal to the intersected portions of the ordinates at 1,000 deg. and 1,200 deg., or R S and T U respectively. By adopting this method of graphically finding the intermediate values of entropy for points between B and C, much time and calculation will be saved, and if the curve be drawn accurately and to an open scale, the result will be sufficiently FIG. 37. correct for all practical purpose?. It should be noted that the most laborious part of the process, viz., drawing the logarithmic curve accurately, is only done once for all, and all other temperatures and values of C p and C v can be used on the same chart by drawing various inclined lines M P. The line V W, in fig. 37, is drawn for the period E to A of the 7 horse-power cycle just considered, the entropy at E being G'23112 above that at A. -94 HEAT LOSSES. 29. HEAT LOSSES IN 7 H.P. OTTO GAS ENGINE. In the entropy diagram for the trial of this engine, shown in fig. 36, the heat usefully employed as work is represented by the area enclosed by ABGDJLO; but it does not represent the total heat evolved by the explosion of the gas. Knowing the weight of gas used per explosion (0'C01877 lb.), and its calorific value (19,200 B.T.U. per lb.), the total available heat will be 0-001877 x 19200 = 36'04 B.T.U. This must be represented on the entropy diagram, as in fig. 38, by producing the explosion line B C to P, so that the area 6 B P p shall be equal to 724-5 B.T.U. per lb. of mixture. The theoretical temperature at P, due to complete com- bustion, can be calculated thus : Let x = rise in temperature from B, and Cv = specific heat at constant volume ; then x x Cv = 724'5, or x = 3955 deg. Fah., and temperature at P = 3955 + 840 = 4795 deg. Fah. absolute. The several losses can now be estimated direct from the entropy diagram, fig. 38, by measuring the areas they repre- sent, as follows : The net work done =ABCDJLO = 8'20 B.T.U. per explosion, or 22 '8 per cent of the total available heat. The heat given to the walls during compression, represented by the area a A B6, is equal to 0'77 B T.U. per explosion ; that given to the exhaust gases a A O M L I = 13*63 B.T.U. ; and the remainder, or I L J D C P^ = 13 '44 B.T.U., is transmitted through the cylinder walls. The total heat, therefore, given to the walls is 13'44 + 077 = 14 '21 B.T.U., and this will be equal to the heat given to the jacket water, plus the radiation of the cylinder and piston. The former of these was measured during the trial, and found to be 14 '02 B.T.U. per explosion, HEAT LOSSES. 95 thus leaving 0'19 B.T.U. for radiation. It is probable that some of the heat represented by a A LI will have passed through the cylinder wall, and be included in that measured by the jacket water, so that the actual radiation will be ENTROPY PXH CB of/narvtte FIG. 38. considerably in excess of 019 B.T.U. The details of the heat balance sheet, as measured from the entropy diagram, fig. 38, are given in Table XVII., and compare very favourably with the values given by Mr. Donkin in his report (Table V., Appendix A, of "Gas, Oil, and Air Engines"). 96 HEAT LOSSES. With an ideal engine, assuming a non-conducting cylinder, complete combustion, and exhaust at constant volume, with adiabatic expansion and compression, the work done per explosion would have been that represented by the area TABLE XVIL HEAT BALANCE SHEET FOR 7 H.P. GAS- ENGINE TRIAL. Area. (See fig. 27.) Description. B.T.U. per explosion. Per cent. b B C D d dDGKLl Heat received during explosion . . . Heat received during expansion . . 21-98 0-62 bBCVLl bEPp Total received shown on diagram . . Total received, calculated from weight of gas used 22-60 36-04 62-7 lOO'O LDCPjp aAOMLZ Difference = heat to jacket water.. Heat to exhaust gases 13-44 13-63 37-3 37-8 aAEb Heat to walls during compression. 0-77 21 Total heat lost 27 '84 77'2 ABCD JLO 8 -20 22'8 6BP Total received 36-04 100-0 R B P Q, instead of A B C D L. The maximum work theoreti- cally possible under these conditions is therefore equal to Tb ~ ra of the total heat evolved, amounting in this case to Tb 840_- 580 = o-3095 of 36 . 04 . 840 or 1115 B.T.U. per explosion. The net work actually obtained in the cylinder, being 8'2 B.T.U., was only 73 5 per cent of this. The Carnot cycle of maximum theoretical efficiency, when applied to a gas engine, is therefore not only misleading, but incorrect, because the entropy diagram for a gas engine can never become a rectangle, as in the case of that for the steam engine. DIAGRAM FOR DIESEL OIL MOTOR. 97 CHAPTER VI. APPLICATION TO OIL AND AIR ENGINES. 30. ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR 20 H.P. DIESEL OIL MOTOR. IN general, the method of drawing the entropy diagram for an oil-engine test is similar to that employed for the gas engine ; the temperature being calculated by the usual formula, P . V = R . T, and the entropy from the various equations used in the gas-engine tria], already described (see chapter v., page 75, &c.). As an illustration of a different cycle to the Otto, take that of the Diesel oil motor, described in The Practical Engineer, for May 6th, 1898. In this engine the compression stroke is followed by the admission of finely-sprayed oil injected by an air pump, and lasting from 5 to 10 per cent of the explosion stroke, according to the amount of power required. The ignition is effected by heating the air by adiabatic compression to a sufficiently high temperature as to cause the oil to explode. In other respects the cycle is similar to that of an ordinary gas engine. Taking the first trial made by Professor Schroter on a 20 horse power Diesel motor, the following particulars are taken from the Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscker Ingenieure for July 24tb, 1897 : Diameter of motor cylinder inches 9'856 Stroke of motor cylinder inches 15 725 Capacity of motor cylinder cubic feet 695 Volume of clearance (assumed 6 per cent) cubic feet 0*045 Revolutions per minute 171*8 Explosions per minute 85'9 Oil used per explosion Ibs. 002122 Air used per explosion Ibs. 0'039529 Total mixture per explosion Ibs. 0'041651 Professor Schroter estimates the mean specific heat of the gases at constant pressure at 0'264 ; and assuming the value of y to be T408, the value of C v will be 01875 ; or, expressed 8T 98 DIAGKAM FOR DIESEL OIL MOTOR. in foot-pound units, K p = 203'Sl, and K v = 14475, and R = K p - K v = 59 06 foot-pounds per pound of gas. From this, knowing the weight of mixture present, and its pressure and specific volume, its temperature can be calculated in the usual way r= P X V - P = pressure in pounds per square foot (absolute) ; V = specific volume of the mixture ; w = weight of mixture per explosion ; R = K p - K v for 1 Ib. = 59 '06 foot-pounds. VOLUME 0"]S C** ft Fio. 39. Thus, at point 1, at the beginning of the power stroke (see fig. 39), the temperature is T = 515 x 144 x 0-045 = u j F h 0-039529 x 59-06 " ' and at point 2, where the maximum pressure occurs, - = ^ = ^-. DIAGRAM FOR DIESEL OIL MOTOR. 99 assuming the^whole of the oil to have been injected during this portion of the stroke. From 1 to 2 the increase of entropy can best be calculated by the following formula : 2 - + 00 X loge ENTROPY FIG. 40. that is to say, calculate the difference of entropy due to the increase of volume, as at constant pressure, and add to it the difference of entropy due to the increase of pressure, as at 100 DIAGRAM FOE DIESEL OIL MOTOR. constant volume. After point 2 this second quantity p becomes negative, because the ratio of ^ is less than unity. "2 TABLE X VII L ENTROPY DIAGRAM : 20 H.P. DIESEL MOTOR. a Pressure Absolute Difference of entropy. Total a Lbs. per square - Volume. Cubic feet, tempera- ture. entropy from o Oi inch. Deg. Fah. Positive. Negative. position 1. 1 515 0-015 1430 0-09098 ' 2 558 0-060 1960 0-09098 0-06863 3 539 0-0797 2516 0-15961 0-06413 4 456 0-1145 3056 0-22374 0-03380 5 376 0-1492 3285 0-25754 0-02062 6 245 0-2187 3137 0-27816 0-02876 7 165 0-323 3120 .... 0-30692 0-00974 8 105 0-462 2S40 .... .... 0-31666 0-OT128 9 77 0-601 2709 .... 0-32794 0-00478 10 56 0-740 2426 0-32316 0-24699 11 15 0-740 684 .... .... 0-07617 0-00099 12 20 0-601 741 .... 0-07518 0-01273 13 31 0-462 883 .... 0-08791 0-00250 14 52 0-323 1036 .... 0-09041 0-02686 15 78 0-2187 1052 .... 0-06355 0-01250 16 125 0-1492 1150 .... .... 0-05105 0-00160 17 180 0-1145 1271 .... .... 0-04945 0-00340 18 305 0-0797 1500 .... .... 0-05285 0-05285 1 515 0-045 1430 .... .... Totals 0-34657 0-34657 This formula has been used for calculating the entropy throughout the whole of the cycle, because the expansion and compression curves on the p . v diagram do not approach STIRLING'S HOT-AIR ENGINE. 101 sufficiently to a simple curve of the nature Pj. V x n = P 2 V 2 n . The mean value of n for the expansion period, from 15 per cent of the stroke to the end (points 5 to 10, fig. 39), is 11894 ; but its value varies very much during the expansion. The mean value of n for the compression period (from points 11 to 1) is 1*2629, but that also varies a good deal. The mean indicator diagram from the motor cylinder, shown in fig. 39, is reproduced from the translation of Professor Schroter's trial, as published in the Engineer of October 15th, 1897. All the figures for calculating the entropy are given in Table XVIII., and it is satisfactory to note that in this case the positive entropy exactly counterbalances the negative, a good proof of the accuracy of the calculations. The mean effective pressure of the diagram in fig. 39 is 114 '5 Ib. per square inch, which equals 12,200 foot-pounds of work done per explosion. The area of the entropy diagram in fig. 40 is equivalent to 11,900 foot-pounds of work per explosion, or 2 per cent less than that shown by the p . v diagram. This difference is probably due to the various assumptions made in calculating the specific heats. These calculations do not include the power absorbed by the air pump, which must be taken into account when calculating the net L.H.P., to obtain the consumption of oil. 31. APPLICATION TO STIRLING'S HOT-AIR ENGINE. Air engines may be divided generally into two classes (a) those in which the air is heated at constant volume, and (6) those in which it is heated at constant pressure. Of the former class, Stirling's engine is perhaps the most common example ; and the cycle of operations for such an engine is shown on the pressure volume diagram in fig. 41, and on the temperature entropy diagram in fig. 42. In this engine the first operation is to admit a quantity of heated air at a temperature r x from the regenerator to the motor cylinder, and expand it isothermally at the higher temperature r L from A to B. The loss of heat due to the work done during expansion is 102 STIRLING'S HOT-AIR ENGINE. repaired by an external furnace, so as to keep its temperature constant during the stroke. At B the air is^passed through the regenerator, where it deposits some of its heat ; its tem- perature falling from r^ to r 2 , and its pressure from B to C at constant volume. AtfC communication withlthe regene- rator is closed, and the cooled air is compressed! isothermally at the lower temperature r 2 , indicated by the curve C D ; and, finally, it is passed through the regenerator again, to take up its deposited heat at constant volume ; its tempera- ture rising from r 2 to r lf and'its pressure from D to A. The FIG. 41. thermal changes which take place will be better understood by reference to fig. 42, which shows the entropy diagram for the same cycle lettered similarly to fig. 41. Here the straight lines A B and C D represent the isothermal expan- sion and compression at r r and r 2 respectively ; and B C and D A the constant volume curves, whose equation is : = C v x log " where = change of entropy between any two temperatures T I and r 2j and C v = specific heat of air at constant volume = 01686 B.T.U. per Ib. The heat supplied to the air during expansion is repre- sented in fig. 42 by the area A B b a ; and that deposited by STIRLING S HOT-AIR ENGINE. 103 the air in the regenerator by c C B 6. That rejected during compression is shown by the area d D C c ; and that taken up in the regenerator by the air at the end of the cycle by the area dDAa. The net work done during one cycle is represented in heat units by the enclosed area A B C D, and the net heat supplied by the furnace (excluding the regenera- tor, which only acts as a reservoir of heat) being A B 6 a, the efficiency of the cycle will be the ratio ABCD Atiba ' But the two curves D A and C B are similar that is, they are both logarithmic curves of the same equation between > I fro/try the same temperature limits, and therefore the area D A F will be equal to the area C B E. This must be so, because the amount of heat received from the regenerator is equal to the amount deposited in it, radiation being neglected. The area ABCD, representing the work done, will therefore be equal to the area of the rectangle F A B E ; and the efficiency becomes equal to FABE r- Thus it can be geometrically proved without any mathe- matics that the Stirling hot-air engine has theoretically a maximum possible efficiency, being equal to that of the Carnot reversible cycle. 104 ERICSSON'S HOT-AIR ENGINE. 32. APPLICATION TO ERICSSON'S HOT-AIR ENGINE. The other class of air engines, viz., those that receive heat at constant pressure, can be similarly treated. For example, take the cycle of Ericsson's engine, shown with pressure and volume as ordinates in fig. 43, and temperature entropy ordinates in fig. 44. In this case, the first stage is admission from A to B of hot air at constant pressure, with its consequent reception of heat, represented in fig. 44 by AB6. Then expansion isothermally at the higher tem- perature T I from B to C, followed by the exhaust at constant pressure from c to D, the heat rejected being equal to FIG. 43. c C D d ; and, finally, isothermal compression from D to A completes the cycle. The curves AB and CD, fig. 44, follow the equation = Cp x loge , T 2 where Gp = specific heat of 1 Ib. air at constant pressure = 0-2375. The net work done per cycle and per pound of air is the area enclosed by A B C D, and the net heat supplied, exclusive of that received from and given to the regenerator, is 6 B C c ; therefore the efficiency of the cycle is ABCD But 6BC.c the area a A B J must be equal to the area d D C c ; and the DIAGKAM FOB, REFRIGERATORS. 105 work done, or A B C D, is therefore equal to E B C F ; or the efficiency is EBCF = r, - r 3 6BCc T i as in the case of the Stirling engine. JSflt/vyby FIG. 44. ^33. ENTROPY DIAGRAM FOR REFRIGERATORS. The cycle of operations in refrigerators is exactly the reverse of that in the Garnot hot-air engine. Instead of taking in heat at a high temperature r it and transforming part of it into work, and rejecting the remainder at a lower temperature r 2 , as in the heat engine, the working substance in the refrigerator receives its heat at the lower temperature r 2 , and discharges it at a higher temperature r 1 , the extra energy required being obtained from external work done on the gas. The theoretically perfect cycle that is reversible is shown in fig. 45 with pressure volume ordinates, and in fig. 46 with temperature entropy ordinates. The first stage of the cycle, A to B, consists of the adiabatic expansion of a certain quantity of air, the temperature falling from T I to r 2 . From B to C the expansion is continued isothermally at constant temperature r 2 , the air receiving heat from the body which it is desired to cool, the amount of heat abstracted 106 DIAGRAM FOR REFRIGERATORS. being equal to the area E B C F, fig. 46. Compression com- mences at C, and is at first carried on adiabatically at constant entropy (or isentropically) from C to D, the Volume FIG. 45. temperature rising from r 2 to r lf and is finally completed by isothermal compression from D to A, at constant temperature T lt a quantity of heat being rejected to the water jacket equal to F D A E. The heat expended in the process is the equivalent of the work done on the gas, and is equal to the area A B C D in both diagrams. The heat absorbed from the substance to be cooled is equal to the rectangle E B C F, fig. 46, and the efficiency, therefore (in its thermo-dynamic sense), is equal to the ratio EBCF = _jrj_ AtiCD r x - r 2 ' It is thus seen clearly how the efficiency is increased bv reducing the difference of temperature between ^ and r 2 y and as the ratio may sometimes be greater than unity, it is better known as the "coefficient of performance" (see Howard Lectures, by Professor Ewing, on " The Mechanical Production of Cold," Society of Arts, 1897). DIAGRAM FOR REFRIGERATORS. 107 The series of operations in air refrigerators with an open cycle is somewhat different, and is shown in figs. 47 and 48. In this case the air is taken from the cold room and com- FIG. 46. pressed adiabatically [from A to B. It is then cooled at constant pressure, the temperature falling from B to C, fig. 48, and contracting in volume from B to C, fig. 47, after which it is passed into the expansion cylinder, where it expands adiabatically from C to D, and is discharged to the 108 DIAGRAM FOE, REFRIGERATORS. cold room again. The work done on the air in the compres- sion cylinder is equal to the area E B A F, fig. 47, or G C B H, fig. 48, and that done by the air in the expansion cylinder is equal to ECDF, fig. 47, or GDAH, fig. 48; so that the net external work required is the difference of these two quantities, represented by the area enclosed by A B C D in FIG. 48. both diagrams. The efficiency of the process will be repre- sented by the ratio of the two areas, ECDF fig 47- EB~AF }t1 ' but, as A B and C D are similar adiabatic curves, this will be equal to the ratio EC FD E B Or F A APPENDIX. 109 APPENDIX. TABLE OF THE WEIGHT OF DRY SATURATED STEAM. HAVING been engaged for some time past in carrying out and calculating the results of steam engine and boiler trials,, the author has keenly felt the want of a more complete table of the properties of saturated steam than those hitherto published ; one which would give the temperature, density, and total and latent heats for very slight intervals of pressure, in order to save the inconvenience of so much interpolation. In furtherance of this object, he compiled some time ago a new Table of the Density of Dry Saturated Steam, taking the well-known table of Prof. Dwelshauvers Dery, of Liege, as a basis, and extending it so as to give directly the density for every T Vlb. difference of pressure, with a list of additional weights which may be added to give the density for every i^lb. difference in pressure; the latter, of course, only being used when extreme accuracy is required. It is published now for the first time, with the hope that it may be of some service to others engaged in similar work. 110 APPENDIX. P CN ^ SS S S 3 1 S S g S t cp * r^ S S #c5 t>- - o LO (M CN *< ^ S S S 9 P 9 9 S CO" S 9999 -H ,-H C5 999 . >O aad -ut 'bs ' 10 O 1- CO 05 APPENDIX. Ill S S < Oi CO 9 3 S S c S co p p p p O CO CO r-i CO S r P P P P P I P I 1- H OO i-i 'p 'p 'p S S i I I O CO i- rH -* l~-- i 1 I I i p P m eo ^ o co co J-H ^ i co o co o co ? P P P P CO 00 S P o co <=> 55 ?O O l~ 1~ p p p p K g g p p p p p p i 1 e i g p p p p p p P P 9 S S S S ii s p p p p O Oi CO CO ^ -*i I 1 1 R S S 50 ?D O O 1- I- P P P P P P g i i US O S p p p 3 3 o . ' ' co io So ? p p S S O O CO 00 rH lO ' 1^- Oi rH <* 70 O CO O TTt Tt^ TJ1 TJ1 O O IO CO CO 1~ 04 TTI 50 01 ^< CO 'a a 8 g 116 APPENDIX. z> I 9 I 1 C-ICq C^JC^ WEIGHT OF DRY SATURATED STEAM cont - _. Weight in pounds per cubic foot for each ,' Ib. presbure. CO o s s CM 04 s ? S i i 04 04 01 04 ?i 04 04 04 CO s (N i cS i P P in o o o L- o 04 CO CO W CM CO 04 1 i 04 1 o 1 1 < * & ~* ft ro C: i i 01 ^t 1 u~ P s g P P 3 * CO 1 o CO 1 04 P o s S i 01 o i I CO CO CO CO CC CO CO CO P ? P I ? u? 1 b S 04 04 C; i i O i i O I-H 1- Ci O 01 CO >O i i i p p 1 i 3 1 1 s 1 ^1 Ji .- o >-- ,- * CO CO < 1 i i i | 1 1 i 1 I i I i "5 1 i fcO O O O C? O ^ ^ 1 i s s S 1 sq'B - ut 'bs aad -sqq cc cr. Oi C". -J 04 CO TT O O O s s CO o 9 o o 3 APPENDIX. 117 CO CO 1? 0> 8 g g g ^ I'- 00 OO to oc P r* 1 CO l i 53 CO O t- Ci O I-H -O-H COiO.t'-OfN'VOCXJOrM O^O'O^OCOcoi'. J^-t 1--OOGOCOCOOO C^ (N 71 1 ^ GVI (^ Cl y ? 1 s i 1 3 -M >O 1- rH >0 OS CO !>. t- CO Oi i l CN ) 01 Sc5 c5cNSl<:)J C 5 -^ 2 2 s I yf S3 Ill CO CO CO g CO CO CO CO CO oo b | 3 | S g | O .-< ?] o 2 S i CO i 8i M jg co CO p b o O5 Oi O O O C>1 -t (h co ^M Oi Oi Ci O O O n o, co co co 111 1 CO (M 00 5? CM CO Tt< b ^ <^> OO rH CO kO (M (M O i-l 03 ^ CO P co 7 s CO V p f- p M b i 1 1 1 1 I C-l CO < O 00 O i g 00 O O CO CO CO CO CO CO CO c. CO b 1III11 i-H (M CO S 00 1 1 CO o g CO CO CO CO ^jfs! I I i 1 I I ill i I I C-) CN OJ flu Oi Ci O O> O ^ C* (^ Ol 01 CO CO i 1 i 5 1 i r CO CO CO CO CO CO squ 'Ui 'bs aad -sin ajnsso.ij - ^ O J^ CO Ci oo o - CO * APPENDIX. 119 1-1 "* E I- s m CO 3 s s CO CO CO CO * ^ M Cl CO I 1 CO 1 CO 1 1 I p 1 - CO O 1- CO Cl CO CO CO rH CM CO <=> CO OT CO ~; p o 1 i I i in in co CO CO CO s to CM I p co co CO CO r- fe co in o ^ CO CO CO i i CO CO CO 1 co co co i CO CO CO 1 co CO CO p CO o 1 CO CO c^ rj co Cl r^ O S 1- <3s OS CO OS 1 C^ i 11 i i 1 1 8 i 1 3 1 l-l 1 1 t- S II tl co p CO p p I 3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO co CO CO CO s: s CO s rs CO M CO CO | S S (M ?l CO O 1 Oi CO CO JO CO CO CO CO 1 S CO 00 i CO 00 i 1 CO Oi S S | S S BJ co s i CO CO co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO n CO CO CO CO ^^ 01 1 CO 1 CO CM o 1 1 01 1 1 1 Ob 00 .*- ill 1 uO m (M CO 5< CO CO CO 1 CO t- CO I CO CO CO CO p GO S eS CO CO 00 1 tj co co co I 1 S J .'j O *O CO CO CO 1 1 CO 1 CO CO 1 O> Oa CO p co co 111 CO CO CO 1 CO CO 1 II o o o ei c5 o i 1 1 1 1 1 1 p o Cl CIS OS t- 1 1 1 ^H CO CO CO 1 S P P 1 IO to 2 CO O s i-H (M CO m o >n S S S s CO C5 O r-l rj co co 120 APPENDIX. IP s j a < H S O H H J M p H < 02 Q ^ o H w 2 O CO ^ 01 rH i I < (M O O O < t- GO OS * S S 0 (M 1 b | 1 1 1 1 | CO 5< ^ c -2 1 cr. o CO 1 9 o 00 OT CO CO s p 1 1 1 1 r~ 1 g b 00 to -* Ol O CO -^ iO to 1- 00 00 QO O m <4> 8 00 -^ (M O 1- 00 O O i-i ^ <>1 gj Cj S ^ CO 1 1 22 1 I 1 1 1 b O CO O t- "1 O ?1 s i 1 1- i 1 g 3 ^f ?! linn t~ t^ 1 I g p i i 1 1 o 1 IJW *< rH CO CS h- Gl ^5 co o t- f- t- ^ o o S 2 S 5 g SS S S o ill io 3 I I S i 50 t- t- t- t~ 1^ 00 id (/> 3 I DC ui ^ Ui o o > ^ 2 -i, r> INDEX. PAGE Adiabatic Expansion Curve 32 Adiabatic Expansion Condensation 35 Adiabatic Expansion of Wet Steam 37 Air Calculations, Gas Engine 83 Air Engines, Diagrams for 101, 104 Aquene Curve 8 Areas of Diagrams, Comparison of 46 Balance Sheet, Heat, Steam Engine 72 Balance Sheet, Heat, Gas Engine 96 Boulvin'a (Professor) Complete Entropy Diagram .' . . 28 Carnot Cycle . 4, 34 Chart, Theta-Phi 2 Clearance Volumes 21 Clearance Surfaces 54 Coefficient ot Performance 106 Compari-on of Areas 46 Complete Entropy Diagram 28 Compound Engine, Diagram for '23 Compounding, Effect of 59 Condensation Coefficient 59 Condensation during Adiabatic Expansion 36 Condensation during Expansion 44 Condensation. Initial 49, 56, 63 Constant Volume Curves 15, 92 Constant Temperature Lines 30 Conversion of Indicator Diagram 21 Cotterill, Professor, on Steam Engine 19, SO Critical Temperature 14 Cut-off, Most Economical 61 Density of Steam '. '22, 109 Diesel Oil Motor, Professor Schroter'a Test 97 Diesel Oil Motor, Temperature Calculations 98 Diesel Oil Motor, Entropy Diagram 99 Donkin, Mr. B., on "Experiments on Small Vertical Engine " 49, 57 Donkin, Mr. B., on "Gas, Air, and Oil Engines" 81 Dryness Fraction, Calculation 21 Dryness Fraction, Comparisons of 56 Efficiency, Thermal, Steam Engine 51, 69 Efficiency, Thermal, Stirling's Air Engine 103 Efficiency, Thermal, Refrigerators 106, 108 Engine, Compound, Diagrams for 23 Engine, Single-cylinder, Diagrams for 46 Engine, Triple-expansion, Diagrams for 39 126 INDEX. PAGE Entropy 3 Entropy of Water 7, 10 Entropy of Steam 11 Entropy of Superheated Steam 46 Entropy of Gases 74 Entropy Diagram 5 Entropy Diagram for Ice, Water, and Steam 11 Entropy Diagram for Gas Engine 87 Entropy Diagram for O il Engine 97 Entropy Diagram for Air Engines 101, 104 Ericsson's Air Engine 104 Ewing, Professor, on "Mechanical Production of Cold " lOo Exchanges of Heat 68 Exhaust Period, Gas Engine 91 Exhaust Products, Gis Engine 85 Exhaust Waste, Gas Engine 94 Expansion, Adiabatic 32, 35 Expansion, Most Economical 61 Expansion Period, Gas Engine 90 Gas, Coal, Analysis ' t 84 Gas, Coal, Specific Heat 84 Gases, Entropy of 73 Gases, Specific Heat of 73 Gas Engine, Theoretical 76 Gas Engine, Temperature Calculations 78 Gas Engine, Actual, 7 Horse Power hi Gas Engine, Ideal Diagram 87 Gas Eugine, Corrected Diagram 89 Gray, Mr. M. F., on " Theta-PM Chare " 1 Heat Balance Sheet, Steam Engine 72 Heat Balance Sheet, Gas Engine 96 Heat, Latent 6 Heat Losses, Steam Engine 39 Heat Losses, Measurement of 68 Heat Losses, Gas Engine 94 Heat Recovery Lines 66 Heat Weight 3 High-pressure Cylinder, 6 Diagram 25 Indicator Diagrams Compared with & . . , , 3 Indicator Diagrams Converted to 6 21 Initial Condensation 4 ( J, f>5, 63 Introduction of Diagrams 1 Jacketing, Steam, Effect of Latent Heat 6 Logarithmic Curves 79 Longridgtj Mr. M., 011 "Trials of a Compound Engine " 61 Losses of Heat 39, (58, 94 Low-pressure Cylindtr, Diagram 26 Main Valve, Passage in 27 Mixture in Gas-engine Cylinder 82 Oil Engines, 6 Diagram for 97 Priming Water 63- INDEX. 127 PAGE Quality Curves 21 Radiation, Gas-engine !4 Re-evaporation during Expansion 44 Refrigerators, Closed Cycle 105 Refrigerators, Efficiency 106, 108 Refrigerators, Open Cycle 107 Regenerator, Effect of 103, 104 Ripper, Prof. , on " Superheated Steam-engine Trials " 49 Sankey, Captain, on " Marine-engine Trials " 2 Scales for Kntropy Diagram 7 Schroter, Prof., on " Diesel Oil Motor " 97 Specific Heat, Water 10 Specific Heat, Superheated Steam 46 Specific Heat, Coal Gas 84 Specific Heat, Gas-engine Mixture 86 Specific Volume, Steam 17 Speed, Effect of 50 Standard Engine of Comparison 09 State Points 35 Steam, Entropy Diagram for r,, 11 Steam Jacketing, Effect of 3V) Stearn, Superheated, Diagram 46 Steam, Superheated, Effect of 49 Hteam, Wet, Expansion of 37 Stirling's Air Engine 101 Superheated Steam, 6 $ Diagram for 40 Superheated Steam, Entropy of 48 Superheated Steam, Effect of 49 Surfaces, Clearance 54 Temperature of Combustion 94 Temperature, Constant, Lines SO Temperature, Critical 14 Temperature in Gas Engine 80 Temperature in Oil Engine 98 Theoretical Gas Engine 76 Theoretical Temperature, Gas Engine 94 Thermal Efficiency, Steam Enurine 51, 69 . Thermal Efficiency of Carnot Cycle 69 Thermal Efficiency of Rankine Cycle 69 Therm*! Efficiency of Stirling's Air Engine 103 Thermal Efficiency of Refrigerators 100, 108 Triple-expansion Engine' Diagram 39 Volume Factor 27, 33, 45 Volume, Specific, Steam 17 Wall Action, Steam Engine 52 Wall Action, Gas Engine 94 Water, Entropy of 7, 10 Water, Specific Heat of ' 10 Weight of Steam . 22, 10i> Wet Steam, E xpansioii of 37 Willans, Mr. P. W., on " Non-condensing Steam-engine Trfals " 2 Willans, Mr. P. W., on " Condensing Steam-engine Trials " 58, 70 Work Losses . . .44 Printed by JOHN HEY.WOOD, Excelsior Works, Manchester. OF THE i UNIVERSITY OF Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 4s. 6d. net, post free anywhere. THE INDICATOR AND ITS DIAGRAMS : WITH X CHAPTERS ON ENGINE AND BOILER TESTING. By CHARLES DAY, Wh.Sc. Including a Table of Piston Constants. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 3s. 6d. net, post free anywhere. PROBLEMS IN MACHINE DESIGN. For the Use of Students, Draughtsmen, and others. 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