LIBRARV OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFTT OK f\ u l>e University of KOTXDKI) 1IY JOHN I). ROCKEFELLER. t COMPMUTIVE m EXPERIMENTtL STODV OF OiCILLI PRODUCING BED PICMEHT. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTIES OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF ARTS, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE, IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY BY MARY HEFFERAN. JENA, GUSTAV FISCHER. 1904. H4 Contents. Page A. Introductory 1 B. His tori cal and Descriptive 3 C. Comparative and Experimental Stud y (Tables I -VIII) 20 I. Color determination of bacterial pigment 20 II. Variability in the Prodigiosus group 23 1. Introductory "23 2. Discontinuous variation or mutation 24 3. Range of normal variation 27 a) Growth and pigment on ordinary culture media . . 27 b) Growth and pigment on special solid media ... 29 c) Growth and pigment in non-proteid media .... 35 d) The effect of light upon pigment production ... 40 4. Summary 42 D. Notes on Groups of Red Chromogenic Bacilli . . 43 I. The Prodigiosus group 44 II. The Lactis erythrogenes group 44 III. The Rubricus group 44 Table IX 46 Table X 48 Bibliography 45 Reference List of Other Red Chromogenic Bacteria .... 54 1 si non A. Introductory. The mechanical difficulties of observing structures so minute as bacteria have led to the accumulation of much differential detail, and to an insistence on all points of unlikeness in physiological characters or cultural reactions. Further, the lack of uniform methods and standards of comparison has tended to produce an overwhelming multiplicity of inadequate species-descriptions, in which any slight variation from existing descriptions, e. g. as regards formation of colonies on gelatin, has been erected into a character of specific importance. But with the publication of Marshall Ward's series of studies on Thames bacteria, of F u 1 1 e r and John- ston's work on the bacteria of the Ohio River, and of Jordan's paper on some 600 germs found in the Mississippi River, a check has been put to indiscriminate multiplication of bacterial "species". Recently , again , the demonstration of linking intermediate para- typhoid and enteritidis forms in the colon-typhosus group, and of the marked range of individual variation occurring in other orga- nisms, has rendered especially important the questions of varia- bility and of the actual lines between "species", "varieties", and "races". The chromogenic bacteria afford, from the fact of their pig- mentation, a particularly suitable field for observation; and the non-parasitic nature of the special group here considered is another factor favorable for comparative and for variation study. The warping effect of parasitic life upon the physiological and morpho- logical character of organisms is well known, and more characte- ristic results are to be anticipated from the study of variation in a group of saprophytic organisms than in a group of pathogenic organisms. The agreement, among a number of bacteria, in a characte- ristic so marked as is pigment production, might conceivably place a series of red or yellow chromogenic germs in a category by themselves, and raise the question whether this agreement in color production be paralleled by agreement in biochemical and other features, and whether the pigmentation be a fixed, a variable, or a vital character of the organisms. So far, however, attention has not been directed to a series of chromogenic germs, with the exception of the comparative work done byThumm, byRuzi^ka, and by Jordan on strains of B. pyocyaneus, and of the chemical studies on bacterial pigments in general, referred to below. The best known of the red saprophytes, B. prodigiosus, has been 1 quite fully discussed since its first descriptions; but no more than two or three of its nearest relatives have at any time been in- cluded with it in the study. The parallel treatment attempted in this paper possesses certain points of value; but comparison of a relatively large] number of organisms has its obvious disadvantages as well as its advantages. The number brought under discussion is plainly too great to per- mit, in limited time and space, of extending the work on each germ into detail, or of carrying out all possible tests, chemical, spectroscopic and physiological. But, on the other hand, the com- parison of so many red chromogenic bacteria must throw some light on general features of relationship and variability which are apt to be obscured or lost sight of when attention is concentrated on a single organism or on a small group. With these considerations in mind, I have attempted compara- tive study of the following series of forty cultures of red chromo> genie bacilli. A few of these, often referred to in bacteriological literature, have been more or less completely studied as individuals, e. g. B. prodigiosus, B. kiliensis, B. lactis erythro- genes; but the majority, though frequently mentioned, have received only the most cursory descriptions. I have therefore prefixed to my comparative notes a brief description of each "species" here discussed. A list of red chromogenic bacilli not obtainable for study will be found at the close of the paper, where are also tabulated the data regarding my series. As an aid in determining the specificity of some members of the series, I obtained from various laboratories eight cultures of B. prodigiosus; the range of variability thus demonstrated for that species and the other parallels or differences between the allied cultures have suggested my closing note on grouping and differentiation. Red chromogenic bacilli described in this paper. B. prodigiosus (Ehrenberg) I VIII I, from University of Chicago. II, from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1902. III, from Board of Health, Chicago, 1902. IV, from University of Minnesota, 1903, V, from University of Minnesota, 1903. VI, from Yale University, 1903. VII, from Ontario, Board of Health, 1903. VIII, from University of Michigan, 1903. 'iber indie us (Koch) I, from KraTs Laboratorium, 1900. i, II O AJMAUMMMIIUIlj -LiTWS. II, from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1902; obtained by them from Parke, Davis & Com- pany, Detroit, 1899, obtained by the latter from the University of Michigan (?) several years before. B. ruber plymouthensis (Fiacher) I, from KraTs Laboratorium, 1899. * * II, (B. No. 18), from air at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., I'.iu). III, (II. No. ID), from air at Cold Spring HarUr. B. ki liens is (Breunije) from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1902; obtained by them from Parke, Davis & Company, 1&9. B. ruber balticus (Breunig, Kruse) from Krai'* Laboratorium, 1900. s B^ */&. B. miniaceus (Zimmermann) I, from Krals Laboratorium, 1901 II, from Hoagland Laboratory, Brooklyn, 1899. HI, from Rush Medical College, 1902; obtained by them from Hoagland Laboratory, Brooklyn. ^Y. rutilus (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1899. "K amyloruber (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1901. B. fuchsinus (Boekhout and de Vries) from Krai's Laooratorium, 19QO. B. ruber (Miquel) from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900. f^B. rubricus (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1901. ^B. rufus (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1901. B. ruber (Zimmermann) from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900. B. havaniensis (Sternberg) from University of Chicago. yt&. 1 act is ery thro genes (Hueppe) 1, from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900. II, from the Mississippi River, 1901. B. rubefaciens (Zimmermann) from Krai's Laboratorinm, 1900. B. lactorubefaciens (Gruber) from Gruber, 1902. B. ru til esc ens (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1901. B. my co ides roseus (Scholl) from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900. /BC mycoides corallinus (n. sp.) from the water of the Mississippi River, 1899. B. latericeus (Adametz) from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900, 1903. B. rubropertinctus (Grassberger) from Krals Laboratorium, 1902; not named by Grassberger. B. rosaceus metalloides (Tataroff) from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900 1 ). B. mesentericus ruber (Globig) I IV I, from Krai's Laboratorium, 1900, 1903. II, from the water of the Mississippi River, 1901. //o +) 50 40 48 80 20 10 da. 68 14 nearly black 90 10 B. prodigiosus. B. ruber balticus. 90 10 85 15 60 10 90 10 +) 85 15 (met. lus.) 30 (m. 1.) B. rutilus (n. sp., 1900) 65 35 100 80 15 95 2 1 /, 90 10 70 30 5 2V, (m. 1.) 10 3 15 10 Gel. stab. 10 B. ruber miquel. (liq.) Agar slant, 48 hrs. (1,5 % +) 80 20 (met. lus.) B. ruber indicus. Potato Gel stab. 85 10 62 26 68 22 80 20 10 da. 48 hrs. 10 da. 10 (colony) Agar slant, 48 hrs. (1,5 / ) 70 25 5 10 da. 80 10 Potato 5 30 Gel. stab. 10 (pellicle) 75 25 i, 10 (liq.) 100 B. ruber ply mouthen s is. Agar slant, 48 hrs. (1,5 / +) 57 35 10 da. 75 20 Potato 48 hrs. 30 22 23 10 da. 33 35 10 Gel. stab. 10 (pellicle) 80 20 >. , 10 (liq.) 100 B. rubricu s (n. sp.) (slow) Agar slant, 10 days 6330 2 B. havaniensis 10 55 45 B. rosaceus metalloides 10 5743 B. mycoides roseus 3 (1,5 / c +) 17 18 5 15 35 10 Potato 10 B. mycoides coral, (n.sp.) Agar slant, 10 Potato 10 12 10 10 (m.l.) 70 25 22 42 35 ,. (wrinkled) f>7 33 (1,5%-) 50 25 , (smooth) 28 42 III. The B. mycoides roseus group, including B. mycoides roseus, B. mycoides corallinus (n. sp.), B. rubropertinctus, B. latericeus (?). 4 12 - 23 - This group differs from the last in the presence of a con- siderable percentage of white , with sometimes a trace of yellow. Here would belong the so-called "salmon pink", "coral pink", "rose", or "flesh colored" cultures. Cultures producing "soluble" red pigment may be classed as the Lactis erythrogenes group, including B. lactis erythrogenes, B. rutilescens (n. sp.), B. rubefaciens, B. lactorubefaciens. B. mesentericus ruber is peculiar in producing its pink or red pigment only on potato, not upon agar. The term "Prodigiosus group" as used below, refers then to the series of Group I as described. II. Variability in the Prodigiosus group. 1. Introductory. In the discussion of variability or variation as regards bac- teria, several complicating factors are present. In the first place, the facility with which bacteria, more than any other class of or- ganisms, respond and adapt themselves to changes in the nature of their environment is a constant character in their biology. Again, a bacterial type, as we assume it, is more or less artificial, developed and maintained by our methods of culture, which are so arranged as to reduce or eliminate variation. And the old simple distinctions between typical varieties are now complicated not only by the natural variability of the organisms, but by the conception of intermediary paratypes, each with its own possibilities of variation. The variability of bacteria, whether manifested spontaneously or under compulsion, seems to find its expression principally in the loss of certain characters or in their return after loss. If, for instance, B. anthracis be exposed to a temperature of 42, B. tetani to a gradual admission of oxygen, orB. prodigiosus to the action of light, the organisms will all live and develop, but one will lose its power of sporulation, another its virulence, the other, its power of pigment production; and unless the abnormal conditions be maintained for many generations, and the process fostered by artificial selection, the organisms will, upon restoration to their usual environment, revert to their original "normal" type. These and many similar observations indicate that bacteria have a certain number of biological characters, without which they may continue to live; that these characters may be lost as a result of environmental modification, but are so far typical that they tend strongly to return. This "tendency to return" finds its nearest explanation quan- titatively, that is, in considering as a factor in variation not only the effect of the environment upon the organism , but also the nature of the compound of characters which we term a type. The aber- 24 - rant or white forms among the red, for example, may be considered as due to sudden or irregular predominance of characters always present, though latent or much in the minority; and the problem before the student of variability is the determination of the "lowest terms" to which an organism can be reduced, the discovery of the minimum and the maximum of characters which can be found to belong to each type. The only means at our command for such investigation is the modification of the nutritive medium. Such culture media as agar, the composition of which is uncertain, do not give definite results; and I have employed, as set forth below, compounds whose elements and arrangement are more accurately known. Whatever modifications of the organism, i. e., what- ever response, by disappearance of characters, has followed change in the environment, I have set down under the general head of range of normal variation, reserving the term discontinuous variation or mutation for the sudden appearance of by-forms with- out any apparent cause. For such sports I do not offer expla- nation. They may be due to a phenomenon parallel to what Wei s - mann, speaking of budding, calls "abnormal differential nuclear division", or they may arise in response to physical external causes, confined to a very limited area, and invisible to us. But along with the cases of "discontinuous variation" in the higher organisms, they offer an interesting problem in the origin and differentiation of varieties. 2. Discontinuous variation or mutation. Variations of bacterial cultures, apparently spontaneous in character, have been frequently noted. D y a r (65) considered that when tubes were filled with media from the same flask, inoculated at the same time from the same culture, and grown on the same shelf, variation resulting in such a series was "discontinuous". The possibility of contamination in bacterial cultures which may thus suddenly vary is always a question, which can only be decided by testing the new variety through a sufficient number of unchanged differential characters, as was done by Dyar in studying a "crusty" variety of B. lactis erythrogenes. The tendency, upon plating such a variety, for some of the colonies to revert to the parent type may be viewed as proof of the true nature of the variation. Among chromogenic cultures the most frequently observed "sport" variation is in the appearance of colorless colonies upon a plate where the majority of colonies are normal. Such colonies are of course more numerous in plates made from old or dege- nerate cultures, and decrease gradually with successive transferences. Thus, five B. prodigiosus cultures which were obtained from different laboratories showed the following variations in the early platings. All the plates were made in the same way, and were second dilution. The original agar cultures were evidently young, were all growing well, and were all pink or red in color except 25 No. V, which showed no pigment, and, as I was informed, had not for at least two months back. The first result on 48 hour agar plate was: B. prod. IV, 200 small colonies, apparently all orange red. B. prod. V, 2 pink colonies, 48 white. B. prod. VI, 300 to 400 colonies, all red. B. prod. VII, 35 soft spreading white colonies, 3 pink. B. prod. VIII, 5 smooth round colonies, all violet red. All the agar streak inoculations from red colonies, and some from white ones, gave ordinary red cultures of varying intensity; and it was evident that the number of abnormal white colonies which appeared as "sports" on the plates were in each case only an indi- cation of the degree to which the colorless variations of the original cultures had gained an ascendency over the red type through con- tinued unfavorable conditions, probably because of long intervals between transferences. That this was the case was shown by a second plating after rejuvenation, fifteen days later. The results of this were: B. prod. IV. 400 brilliant vermilion colonies. B. prod. V, 50 violet red colonies, 5 white ones. B. prod. VI, all red. B. prod. VII, 683 colonies, some spreading, all vermilion. B. prod. VIII, 26 smooth violet red colonies, 1 white. There are, however, exceptions to the good results of rejuve- nation, unless plating and careful selection of colonies is a part of the process. It sometimes occurs that an old culture on neutral agar which has stood in the stock case two or three months will give a brillant pigment on the first transference to neutral agar again, while successive inoculations will seem to diminish the pigment production. The first vigor may be the result of natural selection, but I have no explanation to offer for the later deterioriation in this case. Light colored or colorless colonies which appear as discontinuous variations upon plates often give rise to apparently constant varie- ties. Such a colony of B. ruber miquel produced a luxuriant white agar streak, which showed only a few pin-point dots of red. This was allowed to grow for several weeks, and the next and several future transfers gave pure white cultures with all the other characters of B. ruber miquel. Davis 1 ) notes "sports" of B. r o s a - ceus metalloides which gave rise to dark and to light colored varieties. Among my series several instances of discontinuous variation in mass cultures have appeared. A "crusty" variety of B. amylo- ruber occurred, as in the case of Dyar's B. lactis erythro- genes, after a summer's storage. The original culture had not become contaminated, the pigment of the wrinkled crusty culture was identical in violet red color and rapidity of development with that 1) Davis, N. F. (Science, Vol. XIII. 1901. p. 324.) 26 of the original, and all the other characters were true. Upon plating, some colonies gave rise to the original soft smooth growth ; a series of cultures made after exposing the variety for varying lengths^ of time to the sunlight also showed one tube like the original, a tube made after 30 minutes' exposure. This result is explicable on the theory of the selective action of sunlight, as noted below. Variations in colony contour, noted in the case of B. ruber indicus, B. rutilus, B. fuchsinus, B. amyloruber, and rarely for B. kiliensis, where proteus-like and round surface colonies appeared on the same plate, are to be explained partly through physical conditions of the media, and partly by spontaneous variations which arise in the viscidity of the capsular envelope or in the motility of the organism. Agar streaks from the proteus colonies were sometimes slightly more spreading, but the next plate might show total reversion to the round type. B. plymoutheusis is recorded in the original description as differing from B. prodigiosus in marked viscosity on agar and potato cultures. Dyar (loc. cit.) uses viscidity of B. plymouthen- s i s to distinguish it from B. prodigiosus and B. rosaceus metalloides. My culture also differed in producing gas in lactose and sucrose bouillon and in standard asparagin dextrose solution, as well as in a strong fecal odor. During a two years' obser- vation of this culture, viscosity seemed as constant a character of B. plymouthensis as any other of these differences. But the next year, upon revival of the cultures after two months' summer storage, B. prodigiosus I was found to evince the agar culture viscosity of B. plymouthensis. Contamination naturally suggested itself as first explanation, but plating and examination showed the prodigiosus culture to be true in all other respects as noted above, and it was necessary to ascribe the viscosity to a variation which had arisen in the old summer culture and become dominant accidentally in the first plating. Three different cultures now show this peculiarity, the third, B. prodigiosus VIII, presenting it when received at the laboratory. These observations make it necessary to drop the character of viscosity or capsule formation as differen- tial for B. plymouthensis. In general, what we are in the habit of regarding as important biological characters are not subject to sudden or spontaneous vari- ation; i. e M the power of liquefying gelatin, of producing gas, or of coagulating milk, does not appear or disappear abruptly with no apparent cause. As has been observed in varieties appearing in the same culture of B. coli 1 ), the variants are chiefly due to a morphological change, such as the production of more or less of the capsular substance upon which often depends the configuration of surface colonies, or to change in an easily disturbed physiological character such as excretion of pigment. 1) Smith, T., and Reagh, A. L. The agglutination affinities of rela- ted bacteria parasitic in different hosts. (Journ. ofMed. Research, Vol. IX. 1903, p. 270.) 27 3. Range of normal variation. a) Growth and pigment on ordinary culture media. Morphology. All the cultures of the Prodigios us group, except B. kilien- sis and B. ruber miquel, are small, actively motile bacilli. B. kiliensis is distinctly larger than B. prodigiosus, while B. ruber miquel is larger still and non-motile. None have spores. A gelatinous capsule is often present in B. prodigiosus and B. ruber plymouthensis. All of these organisms tend to be somewhat larger on solid media, especially on potato. B. prodigiosus and B. kiliensis showed peritrichial flagella ; the others were not examined for flagella. Cultural features. Gelatin. Plate colonies vary but slightly beyond the diffe- rences in appearance due to variation in the viscosity of the medium. In general the colonies are all like those described for B. pro- digiosus, with slight variations as to time and manner in which pigment and liquefaction appear. B. ruber miquel only, does not liquefy gelatin. The same variations in time and degree of lique- faction are seen in gelatin tube cultures, even in parallel inocu- lations made at the same time, into the same lot of gelatin and from the same culture. This is, however, not an unusual variation in a series of tubes inoculated from one colony, and is probably due in part, as shown by W hippie 1 ), to slight physical disturbances in the action of the proteolytic enzyme. A gar. Variation in the agar colonies, principally in contour and in coloration, is due to the same causes as in the gelatin colo- nies. Proteus- like colonies often occur, i.e., in B. ruber indicus, B. rutilus, B. fuchsinus, and rarely in B. kiliensis, but the usual Prodigiosus form is round. Pigment usually appears in granular masses throughout the colony, but often the colonies show fine concentric rings of pigmentation, with darker or lighter centres. My attempts to make accurate colored reproductions of these proved futile, since they are quite inconstant. One plate of B. prodigio- sus IV may be normally and uniformly pigmented; on another all colonies may become red from the edges inward, leaving at first a white centre; other cultures may have violet red centres and white edges. It is noticeable in such variations that they do not occur on the same plate, i. e., they are regular responsive, and not sport variations. Potato. The tendency to consider potato as a rejuvenating medium for B. prodigiosus is borne out by the vigorous growth and pigmentation of B. prodigiosus I VIII on this medium, cf. also B. kiliensis, rutilus, amyloruber, and ruber miquel. For B. ruber indicus, B. plymouthensis, and B. miniaceus, however, potato cultures were unsatisfactory for chromogenesis. Bouillon. Dense turbidity is always produced in bouillon by 1) W hippie, G. C., On the physical properties of gelatine, etc. (Techno- logy Quarterly. Vol. XV. 1903. p. 159.) \ ** f> - V* 28 all of these cultures, but great variation is shown in the amount of pigment elaborated and in the formation of pellicle. The amount of sugar present in the medium has an effect upon pigment production, as noted in the descriptions of the separate cultures; the reaction of the bouillon is also a feature, more pigment being produced ir. bouillon of slightly acid reaction. Usually in sugar free neutral bouillon B. prodigiosus I IV, VI, VII, and B. ruber miquel show slight coloration of the liquid and a red surface ring, but little true pellicle ; B. k i 1 i e n s i s and B. prodigiosus V give thick orange red surface membranes, while B. plymouthensis,B. raini- aceus, and B. prodigiosus VIII show color only in a pink or violet surface ring, and B. ruber indicus usually lacks pigment entirely in ordinary meat bouillon but produces it in abundance iu a peptone solution. On the other hand B. rutilus and B. amylo- ruber color the entire liquid deep red, in observing which fact we may remember their recent isolation. Milk. All except B. amylo ruber and B. ruber miquel acidify milk in 24 hours and coagulate it in from 24 (B. rutilus) to 72 hours at room temperature. Some of the cultures show pep- tonization of the casein. B. amyloruber does not coagulate, but precipitates the casein, while B. ruber miquel produces no change in milk except that of red pigmentation. Almost no variation is seen in these reactions in milk. Gas production. The appended table shows that great vari- ation is evinced in this respect, not only in the group, but in the same organism at different times, with different stocks of bouillon. The table gives only the limits of numerous determinations made with neutral 1,5 /o dextrose bouillon. Table II. Dex Per cent, of Gas trose Per cent. ofC0 2 Lac Per cent, of Gas :tose Per cent. ofC0 2 Sacci Per cent, of Gas larose Per cent. ofCO 2 B. prodigiosus I, II, III 034,5 100 IV 10 10-20 V 70 55 32 20 70 50 VI 40 98 40 98 VII 1020 1020 VIII __ B. ruber indicus I, II 30-70 100 2025 100 B. kiliensis (B. r. bait.) 30-40 26-28 27 21 30 20 B. plymouthensis I, II 7078 7078 38-42 7072 2530 7075 B. miniaceuB I, II, III 4000 40-05 36-40 3557 30-53 2070 B. rutilus (n. sp.) 2891 100-65 6-88 100-60 B. ruber miquel 3446 7779 B. amvloruber (n. sp) __ ___ and B. fuchsinus It is to be remarked that, except in the case of B. rutilus, th relation of C0 2 to the total gas produced remains fairly con- stant for each organism. B. rutilus produced 6065 %> C0 2 at first, but with gradual loss, after isolation, of the power to produce 29 a large amount of gas, it seemed also to lose the power to form anything but C0 2 . B. prodigiosus I usually failed to produce gas in 1/ dextrose, 1,5 2 | being more favorable. Oxygen and temperature relations. All of this group are facultative anaerobes, but grow without pigment in the absence of oxygen. Only B. ki lien sis and B. ruber indicus produce pigment at 37 C, although all are able to grow at that temperature. Indol production, nitrate reduction, odor. No indol is formed by the members of this group. Nitrate is reduced to nitrite in each case and often to free gas. The trimethylamine odor is often present in cultures of the Prodigiosus group, and a strong fecal odor is characteristic ofB. plymouthensis, B. pro- digiosus V, and VIII. B. ruber indicus only is said to be pathogenic for labora- tory animals. 2 ccm of a 48 hour bouillon culture inoculated intra- peritoneally killed a mouse in 48 hours. Unfortunately I was unable to make an autopsy. 20 ccm of a 48 hour agar suspension failed to produce any effect upon a guinea pig 1 ). b) Growth and pigment on special solid media. The earlier investigators of red chromogenic bacteria, Ehren- berg (26), Fresenius (27), and Cohn (30), concerned them- selves chiefly with the systematic position of B. prodigiosus; Erd- mann (28), and Schroeter (29) worked with the chemical nature of the pigment; Schottelius (35) was the first to pursue ecolo- gical studies upon the pigment production, without, however, much attention to the composition of the cultural media. His conclusions as to the conditions necessary for pigmentation were 1) a sufficient supply of atmospheric air, 2) a suitable temperature. Wasser- zug (37) experimented upon the effect of alkaline and of acid media, obtaining colorless races in alkaline bouillon. K uebler (38) repeated Wasserzug's procedure , but contradicted him and confirmed Schottelius in asserting the non-permanency of white cultures obtained by high temperature and alkaline media. The next important paper on the subject was that of Gale- otti (15), who studied eight chromogenic organisms, among them B. prodigiosus, L us tig's "red bacillus", and B. lactis ery- throgenes. He found that B. prodigiosus gave less pigment in liquid media than in solid, but that this was not due, as Wasser- zug had thought, to lack of oxygen, since an atmosphere of pure oxygen produced no better chromogenesis. He decreased the amount of peptone in the agar, and inferred that a scarcity of proteid did not prevent pigment production. B. prodigiosus was the only organism of his series in which pigment production could be impeded 1) Subcutaneous inoculation of 2 ccm. 48 hr. agar slant culture, suspended in 5ccm 0,85 % Nacl solution, causes illness in rabbits. A large abscess forms at the site of inoculation, from which a vigorous and pigmentforming culture of B. ruber indicus was isolated at the end of two weeks. Abscesses are also formed by B. prodigiosus 1 and VII, B. rutilus (n. sp.) , and B. amylo- ruber (n. sp.). Further investigations upon the pathogenicity as well as upon the agglutinative properties of these organisms are in progress. 30 by a high temperature without interfering with the luxuriance of development. White light had a limiting, red light very little effect upon the pigment; lack of oxygen and also pure oxygen were both detrimental 1 ). Galeotti thus concluded 1) that the power of chroinogenesis in bacteria is not connected indissolubly with the life of those bacteria; such microorganisms may be able to live without producing their characteristic pigment. 2) that the conditions of life which affect the chromogenic power are generally those which have an unfavorable influence upon the bacteria themselves in all their functions. 3) that, given conditions unfavorable to the production of pigment by any special chroraogenic microorganism, that organism will, in a longer or shorter period of time, reacquire the power of pigment production by adapting itself to the unfavorable conditions. G a 1 e o 1 1 i ' s first conclusion is supported by most investigators of bacterial chromogenesis, and by all the observations which are here cited as to the ease with which the power of pigment production is lost by some microorganisms. His second and third generalizations are, however, debatable. Noesske (18) says, speaking of B. pyocyaneus and B. prodigiosus, "Nicht trotz, sondern infolge zu uppiger Vegetationsbedingungen sistiert mauchmal die Farbstoffbildung auf unserer gebrauchlichen Bouillon." Noesske is supported by Wool ley (21), who concludes that B. pyocyaneus, B. jan- thinus, and B. prodigiosus show better development but less pigment in sugar media as compared with sugar free media; pig- ment is produced more easily in 1 / than in 2 / sugar media, with the exception of B. prodigiosus, which is alike in both cases, but better in glucose than in lactose or saccharose. The presence of sugar in nutritive media was, according to Wasserzug, detrimental to the pigment production of B. pro- digiosus; but Laurent (57) found that the influence of sugar could be counteracted by the addition of alkali, i. e., that the in- jurious effect was only indirect, through the acid formed from the sugar by the bacteria. Although no very definite conclusions can be drawn from media containing so many unknown elements as our ordinary bouillon or agar, a few preliminary experiments were made with agar as to the effect following on the elimination of some of its constituents. Cul- tures which had been 4 months on neutral sugar -free agar were transferred to similar fresh agar slant tubes. After rejuvenation by the bouillon, gelatin, and agar plate method, sugar -free and 1 1) cf. Pfeffer, W. Ber. der Kgl. Sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Leipzig, math.-phys. Klasse. 1896, p. 379, re Baumgartens Jahresb. 1896, p. 705. ,,Farbstoffbildende Bakterien verraogen den Sauerstoff locker zu binden (ahnlich wie das Hamoglobin) und ihn im sauerstofffreien Raum wieder abzugeben. Der Trager dieser Erscheinung ist der Farbstoff, der die gleiche Wirkung auch iso- liert im alkoholischen Extrakt zeigt, wahrend bei farblosen Bakterien em Gleiches noch nie beobachtet ist. Die Farbstoffbildung, die bisher mehr als eine Luxus- produktion erscheint, erscheint hiernach vieljeicht in einem fiir die Art un- gleich zweckmassigeren Sinne, indem sie vielleicht die Bedeutung hat, dem betr. Bakterium eine stete bereite Sauerstoffreserve zu sichern." 31 - dextrose agar slant tubes were inoculated from the same colonies, with the following results: Table III. 5 days, Rejuvenated Sugar-free neutral 24 hrs. 24 hrs. 5 days 5 days agar, after 4 months on Sugar- free Glucose Sugar- tree Glucose neutr. agar agar agar agar agar Gr. Pigm. Gr. Pigm. Gr. Pigm. Gr. Pigm. Gr. Pigm. B. prodigiosus I lux. red lux.' deep lux. pink, lux. red lux. red and pink trace white B. ruber indicus I pins pink, >> pink and trace white B. II - n n >' pink, pink and trace white B. ruber balticus orange 1 7J pink, orange >> red at red trace red top 1 ) B. ruber plym. I ?j pink J> pink >j red, thin red, violet red, trace luster, trace lustre B. ruber miquel red thin orange red pink orange violet red B. rutilus (n. sp.) pink 5> red red N red and white B. amyloruber wrink- violet j) deep ii ft violet ,, dark (n. sp.) led red pink red violet red B. plym. II lux. pink T) j> red, n red, luster luster B. kiliensis red, | )J red, fair J> red, trace trace trace B. miniaceus >j pink red, thin pink, >J red, luster trace luster trace A comparison of the five-day sugar- free agar growth shows B. plymouthensisl and B. rutilus' to have been apparently greatly benefited by the rejuvenating process, B. kiliensis and B. plymouthensis II as adversely affected, and the others as not affected at all. This may be due in part to the fact that no particular attempt was made to wait for colonies showing the highest pigmentation, but only to inoculate both tubes from the same colony. When we compare the results of 24 hours for the two agars, we find some interesting differences; the cultures are divisible at once into two classes. B. prodigiosus I, B. ruber indicus I and II, B. ruber balticus, B. ruber miquel, B. rutilus, and B. amyloruber, all show more pigment on sugar free agar. With the exception of B. ruber miquel, which was thin on sugar free agar, the development was of about the same degree of luxuriance on all. Three other cultures , B. plymouthensisl and II and B. miniaceus, gave a surprising result in comparison with the others, maximum pigmentation with green luster upon the sugar medium, 1) Later, more luxuriant and darker pigment on glucose agar. 32 and very little or none at all upon the sugar free agar. B. kill en sis is also of interest; it is a degenerate culture of feeble pigmentation, and still shows a lingering tendency to return to normal if oppor- tunity affords, i. e., upon a fresh transfer from an old culture, or upon transference to a new (here a sugar) medium. The five day growth presents the same differences, though less distincfly. The mosaic appearance of B. ruber indicus and B. rutilus is a beautiful expression of the existence of some pig- ment-producing individuals among the mass of those not producing pigment. This seems to argue that, here on solid media at least, the presence of sugar has the effect not of modifying the pigment, but of either permitting it unmodified or of inhibiting it. That the acid formed from the sugar is the inhibiting influence may be ques- tioned because of the early appearance of the differentiation. The effect of acid directly upon the pigment may explain the more violet red color of B. ruber miquel after five days, and the darker color of B. a m y 1 o r u b e r. The 'late and luxuriant appearance of pig- ment inB. ruberbalticuson sugar agar is a peculiar result entirely inexplicable on the acid theory. It is to be noted that the three cultures which produce early luxuriant pigment on sugar agar are among those, of the whole series, which produce the most active fer- mentation of sugars in the fermentation tube. It seemed possible to obtain some light upon the question of growth-luxuriance and pigment-luxuriance by eliminating the bouillon from the ordinary agar medium. Accordingly a series was grown upon agar 1,5 %, peptone 1 | , and water. This medium was first tried of different reactions, 1,5 | acid, neutral, and 1,5 | alkaline to phenolphthalein. The same medium, neutral, was used with the addition severally of 1 | pure dextrose, lactose, and saccharose. Two differences between the "meat-free" medium and the ordinary nutrient agar were noticeable, though hardly measurable. The growth is more limited, i. e., less spreading and "massy", and the pigment is in general more intense in the former. Some of this depends, without doubt, upon the vigor of the culture, a particularly vigorous strain being able to overcome slight differences in the media, expressed, in feeble strains like B. kiliensis, by a series showing distinct gradation. (See Table IV p. 33.) This 48 hour table brings out several points : 1) The tendency to violet red pigment on the more acid, to orange red on the more alkaline media. 2) The similarity of pigment color on dextrose and saccharose agar to that on sugar free agar of acid reaction. That is, acid is probably formed from assimilation of these two sugars. 3) The similarity of pigment color on lactose agar to that formed on sugar free neutral agar; i. e., lactose is probably not easily assimilated. This and the last named point seem to afford evidence of the activity of sucrase but not of lactase. 33 Table IV. 48 hours. 1,5 Gr. Agar 1 Pigm. r\ 01 ., pale yel. + 1 3) B. ery. rugat. Dyar (Dyar) yellow + folded 4) B. helvolus Zimm. n + slowly lux. soft ? 5) B. granul. Dyar g 6) B. rubefaciens + gel. and agar pale yel. yellowish + granular smooth coag. acid. ? in gel. 7) B. lactorubef. + + milk white > 8) B. rutilescens + gel. and agar + lux. j> + smooth A culture from Krdl of B. ros e oflu or esc ens Tataroff, which is said by Migula to be identical with B. lactis ery- throgenes, was evidently atypical, showing thin white growth and no pigment. It was non-motile, non-liquefying, and had no effect upon milk. III. The Rubricus group. These cultures were of interest because they are typical forms of a group of red chromogenic organisms quite different from the Prodigiosus group. I have no doubt that the whole series of small and non-motile, non-liquefying, slow growing red forms, i. e. 45 distinct from B. ruber miquel, are much more closely related than the members of the P r o d i g i o s u s group , if they are not all identical. This includes forms isolated and described by Dyar, B. zeta, B. delta, B. ferruginous, B. salmoneus, B. rhodocrous Overbeck, B. finitimus ruber, B. haema- t o i d e s Wright etc. Some of these are recorded as liquefying gelatin slowly or very slowly. The pigment ranged from salmon pink and orange to red. Milk is either unchanged or alkaline. I desire to express my grateful thanks to -Professor Edwin O.Jordan, of the University of Chicago, under whose advice and direction the work embodied in "this paper was carried out (See Table IX p. 4647, Table X p. 4851.) Bibliography 1 ). General. 1) Chester, F. D., Manual of determinative bacteriology. New York 1901. 2) E is en berg, J., Bakteriologische Diagnostik. Hamburg und Leipzig 1891. 3) Fliigge, C., Die Mikroorganismen. Leipzig 1896. 4) Fraenkel, C., Grundrifi der Bakterien kunde. Berlin 1894. 5) Kolle, W. and Wassermann, A., Handbuch der pathogenen Mikro- organismen. Jena 1902. 6) La far, F., Technical Mycology, transl. Salter. Vol. I. Lond9u 1898. 7) Lehmann, K. B. and Neumann, E. 0., Atlas and principles of bac- teriology, ed. from the second German ed. by G. H. Weaver, Phila. and London 1901. 8) Lustig, A., Diagnostik der Bakterien des Wassers. Jena 1893. 9) Mac, E., Traite pratique de bacte'riologie. Paris 1891. 10) Migula, W., System der Bakterien. Bd. II. Jena 1900. 11) Steinberg, G. M., Manual of bacteriology. New York 1892. 12) Zimmermann, O. E. E. , Die Bakterien unserer Trink- und Nutzwasser. Chemnitz. I und II. 1890. III. 1900. 13) Dieudonne*, A., Beitrage zur Beurteilung der Einwirkung des Lichtes auf Bakterien. (Arb. aus dem Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte. Bd. IX. Wien 1894. p. 405. (cf. full bibliography there given). 13a) , Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anpassungsfahigkeit der Bakterien an ur- spriinglich ungiinstige Temperaturverhaltnisse. Ib. 1894. p. 492. (with biblio- graphy). 14) Beck, M. und Schultz, P., Ueber die Einwirkung sogenannten mono- chromatischen Lichtes auf die Bakterienentwickelung. (Zeitschr. f. Hyg. Bd. XXIII. 1896. p. 490.) 15) Galeotti, G. , Eicherche biologiche sopra alcuni batteri cromogeni. (Lo Sperimentale. VoL XLVI. 1892. Fasc. 3. p. 261.) 16) Luckhardt, A. E., Ueber Variabilitat und Bedingungen der Farbstoff- bildung bei Spaltpilzen. Diss. Freiburg 1901. 17) Oliver, C. A., An experimental study of the effects of change of color upon pigment-bacteria, (Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. Vol. CXXIII. 1902. p. 647.) 18) Noesske, H., Versuche iiber die Bedingungen der Farbstoffbildung des Bacillus pyocyaneus. (Beitr. z. klin. Chirurg. Bd. XVIII. Tubingen 1897. p. 103.) 19) Schneider, P., Die Bedeutung der Bakterienfarbstoffe fur die Unter- scheidung der Arten. Diss. Basel 1894. (Arb. d. bakt. Inst. Karlsruhe. 1895. Abdr. im Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XVI. p. 633.) 20) Sullivan, M. X., The chemistry of bacterial pigments. (Abstr. im CentralbL f. Bakt, Bd. X. 1903. p. 386.) 1) Articles not seen by the writer are bracketed [ ], and the place from which the reference was obtained is subjoined. 46 Bio Morphology Cultural Features Name of Organism Source . . Nutrient broth tube Nutrient agar tube Gelatine plate Gelatine stab Potato tube Fermentatioa tube bi -^ , &,* & ^ ^j 2 a J3 gjM o 1 & 1 i o3 o I 1 G i-s 1 i| I I 1 1 d _g K^ J'-| | 5 i -c 25 I O QQ ^^ 3"^ "" H P B! i i 1 > H o-l B. prodigiosus I, II, III -f- ~~ 4- -(- 4* .:- _(- 4- 4- 4- B. prodigiosus IV, VI, Vft 4- + 4- + + f + 4- 4- 4- B. prodigiosus V 4- + + 4- + -r 4- 4- 4- 4- B. VIII 4- 4- 4- _j- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- B. ruber indicus I, II 4- 4r ^_ _l_ 4- 4- 4- B. ruber plymouth- ensis I, ft, III B. kiliensis, B. ruber 4- 4- ^ 4- * + + 4- 4- 4- balticus 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- B. miniaceus I, II, III + + _ 4- _ + h -1- + 4- 4- 4- B. rutilus (n. sp.) 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- B. amyloruber (n. sp.) 4- 4- . 4- + + + + 4- 4- 4- B. fucnsinus 4- 4- -- 4- 4- 4 4 -r 4- 4- 4- B. ruber miquel 4- -r 4- 4- + -r 4- 4- 4- B. rubricus (n. sp.) 4- __ 4- 4- + + _ B. rufus (n. sp.) 4- 4- -t- _l_ -r __ 4- B. ruber zimmermann + 4- _l_ , __ 4- B. havaniensis 4- - 4- + ' 4- B. lactis erythrogenes I, II 4- -- 4- 4- 4- - 4- h 4- 4- 4- B. rubefaciens 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- - - r 4- 4- 4- B. lactorubefaciens 4- + 4- 4- 4- - ; 4- 4- 4- 4- B. rutilescens (n. sp.) 4- _ 4- _ 4- 4- _ _ + _ + 4- 4- 4- + B. mycoides roseus B. mycoides coral- 4- 4- ; 4- + ' r 4* 4- 4- linus (n. sp.) B. latericeus (?) 4- i - 4- 4- 4- 4- ~ J J -r r 4- 4- 4- 4- B. rubro pertinctus B.rosaceus metalloides 4- - 4- 4- -i- 4- -t- F* ' 4- i 4- 4- 4- B. mesentericus ru- 1 ber, 1-IV r -r 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- - 47 - IX. logy Biochemical Features Pathogenesis SL : 3 : 1 > ~ is = r c8 Liquefaction Gas production Milk Nutrient agar tubes Mice A precip lus 4- lus 4- lus Lus rare hts lus lus + + sweet red red red red - 48 Table Bio Morphology Cultural Features Nutrient broth tube Nutrient agar tube Gelatine plate Gelatine stab Potato tube Fermentation tube Name of Organism Source fc "i :L 1> o| ? | -g .2 =3 ^a 1 ~ 2 12 a 11 i 1 -S IS ll - 1^ -j~ 1 1 13 Q 1 S * 1 ! 5 I g 1 1^ B. rubidus (Eisenberg) B. ruber aquatilis + 4- + + + --. + + + + (Lustig) water -j- - j_ _i_ _;_ 4_ i 1 B. sardinae (Du Bois St. Se"vrin) 4- f- + 4- + + -r 4- 4- 4- B. carneus (Tils) + + _ _ + + + _^ _l_ + B. ruber Berolinensis (Fraenkel) water 4- _l_ __ __ _j_ j _ L t _j. B. sulfureus (Holz- schewnikoff, -f + B. subfulvus (Matzu- schita). B. tuberi- genus 4, (Gonner- mann) _j- j. B. pneumonicus agi- lis (Schon) + + B. viguali (Matzu- schita) (B. Vigual) -f ~ _l_ _j_ _J_ _;_ _l_ red B. liquefaciens com- munis (Stern berg) 4- + -f B. pyocinnabareus wrinkl. red (Ferchmin) pus -r __ i i _ _i_ i i i red B. The've'nm pus 4- B. ruber lactis (Conn) B. rubiginosus (Keru) B. tuberosus (Kern) milk 4- + + + + + + + + B. rubescens (Zim- mermann) -\- i _i_ _j_ ! dry B. velatus (Matzu- J schita) 4- 4- \ red B. colere laterum water B. exiguus (Wright) B. haematoides .^_ + + (Wright) B. epsilon (Dyar) air + + B. zeta (Dyar) air 4- B. delta (Dyar) water 4- + B. ferruginous (Dyar) B. finii inm-i ruber air -i + + (Dyar; _l_ B. salmoneus (Dyar) 4- - 49 - X. logy Biochemical Features Pathogenesis 6 Liquefaction Gas prodaction Milk Nutrient agar tube ! Mice fs 1 if i I 1 a o QQ 1 1 1 fe CO 1 i li If P li 1 o 1 Gelatine .a a 1 | 1 1 1 55 1 I 5 1 i I 8 1 II si a + -I- + brick + * -f- + +? H ? red red + + * 4- | * + f + _i_ _j_ ^_ red + | + + + + pink yellow red red + red + - + + + + si. - ~ ; pink + + + red pink sL + 4- brick reddish- pink _i_ salmon Sl. 50 - Table X Bio Morphology Cultural Features Name of Organism Source Nutrient hroth tube Nutrient agar tube Gelatine plate Gelatine stab Potato tube Fermentation tube i - ~ jj g s a 1 I a X Q 1 1 1 Q 1 Wrinkled Charac- teristic app ranee 5 p. 1 00 I r Luxurian o B. rhodochrous Over- beck (Dyar) 4_ B. rubefaciens pyo- genes (Matzuschita) Bact. rubrum (Mi- + + + + + + + + + gula) _;_ _j_ _^_ Bact. erythromyxa Zopf (Migula) B. nibescens (Jordan) + + + + Bact. carnosum (Kern) j_ _l_ __ _I_ _j_ Bact. roseum (Losski) -j- + _|- 4. -f 4- rose B. nitrogenes (Mat- zuschita) B. deni- trificans II, Burri and Stutzer) + -r _j_ _^_ _^_ ^_ _>_ _|_ _{_ B. rubescens (Matzu- schita) (B. oogenes hydrosulfureus j. Zorkendorfer) -f _^_ _l_ ^. _^_ ^_ ^. B. subrubiginosus (Maschek) >|. _j_ _j_ B. lupini (Matzu- schita) _j_ i _j_ B. pseudomycoides (Migula) B. coccineus (Pansini) J J + + + + J + + B. rubellus (Okada) f + + + + + + B. thermophilus liquef. aerobiuB (Oprescu) _|_ _ _l_ !_ _^. _j_ B. thermophilus liquef. tyrogenes (Oprescu) + 4. 1 + + + + + B. mycoides ruber (Matzuschita) _|_ -f J. 4. 4- B.Dan teci (LeDantec) + -f _l_ B. apicum (Cane- strini) i 4_ _l_ -1- B. rubiginosus (Ca- tiano) _j_ 4- _l_ _j_ r -|- _j_ B. subcoccineus (Ca- tiano) -;- -f _l_ _j_ _ f J. _j_ B. kermesinus (Ta- taroff) -f + -i- -f _j_ + -|- -f + B. rosaceus marga- rineua (Jolles and Winkler) _|_ __ + _l_ ^_ ._ _(_ _ _ _l_ -f B. subrubeum (Kern) -f 4- + continued. - 51 logy Biochemical Features I Pathogenesis h^ I Liquefaction Gas production Milk Nutrient agar tubes Mice 1 Grows at bod? temperature Facultative anaerobe I | Gelatine | Blood serum 1 1 Saccharose broth 1 Nitrate reduced 1 I 'o c 1 1 3 Alkaline 5 'S .2 1 Fluorescence Intra-peritoneal inoculation pink + + -r + red + _ red pink + + flesh red + ~ rose + * red reddish red + -}- - red +55 + + + + + red + + I + + + red path, for bees + + red + 4- + orange red rose - 52 21) Woolley, P. G., Experiments made to determine the effect of sugar upon the pigment-formation of some chromogenic bacteria. (Johns Hopkins Bull. Vol. X. 1899. p. 130.) 22) Fermi, GL, Die Leim- und Fibrin-losenden und die diastatischen Fermente der Mikroorganismen. (Archiv f. Hygiene. Bd. X. p. 154.) B. prodigiosus. 23) 1819. Bizio, B. [Gazzetta privilegiata di Venezia. Aug. 24.] Spica No. 44 below. 1823. [Bibliot. Ital. o sia Giorn. di letterat., scienze ed arti. Vol. XXX- p. 275, Milano.l Spica No. 44 below. 24) 1844. See also id., Comptes rendus, Paris. Vol. XVIII. p. 951. 25) 1824. Sette [Memoria storico-naturale sull' arrossamento straordinario di alcune sostanze ah'mentose. Venice]. Spica, ib. 26) 1839. Ehrenberg, Chr. G. [Monatsber. iiber die zur Bekanntmachung ge- eigneten Verhandl. d. Kgl. preufl. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin.] Migula. 27) 1850. Fresenius, G. [Beitrage zur Mykologie. Frankfurt a. M. 1850 bis 1863]. 28) 1866. Erdmann, O. Bildung von Anilinfarben aus Proteinkorpern. (Journ. f. prakt. Chemie. Bd. III. p. 385.) 29) 1872. Schroeter, J., Ueber einige durch Bakterien gebildete Pigmente. (Cohns Beitr. z. Biol. der Pflanzen. Bd. I. Heft 2. p. 109.) 30) 1872. Cohn, F., Untersuchungen iiber Bakterien. (Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanzen. Bd. I. Heft 2. p. 127. See p. 151 ff., Ueber Pigmentbakterien.) 31) 1875. - [I. Heft 3. p. 142 ff.?J 32) 1875. Helm, O., Ueoer Monas prodigiosa und den von ihr erzeugten Farb- stoff. (Archiv f. Pharmacie. Bd. III. p. 19.) 33) 1879. Wernich, A., Versuche iiber die Infektion mit Micr. prodigiosus. (Cohns Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanzen. Bd. III. p. 105 (pubd. 1883). 34) 1886. Liborius, P., Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Sauerstoffbedurfnisses der Bakterien. (Zeitschr. f. Hygiene. Bd. I. p. 115.) 35) 1887. Schottelius, M., Biologische Untersuchungen iiber den Micrococcus prodigiosus. (Printed from Festschr. fur Koelliker. Leipzig. Abstr. in Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. II. p. 439 (1887). 36) 1888. Strazza, G. Beitrage zur Lehre iiber die Biologic der Mikroorga- nismen. (Wiener med. Jahrb. Heft 1.) 37) 1888. Wasserzug, E., Variations de forme chez les bacteries. (Ann. dePInst. Past T. II. p. 75, 153.) 38) 1889. Kuebler, P., Ueber das Verhalten des Micr. prodigiosus in saurer Fleischbriihe. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. V. p. 333.) 39) 1892. Griffiths, A. B. Sur la matiere colorante du Monas prodigiosa. (Comptes rendus de 1' Academic de Science. T. CXV. p. 321.) 40) 1892. Gorini, C. [Studi experimentali sul latte. Roma.] (Abstr. in Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XII. p. 666.) 41) 1893. Das Prodigiosus-Labferment. (Hygien. Rundschau. Bd. III. p. 381.) 42) Bordoni-Uffreduzzi, G., Fall von fuchsinahnlicher Bakterienfarbung des Fleisches. (Hygien. Rundschau. Bd. IV. p. 12.) 43) 1896. Scheurlen, E., Geschichtliche und experimentelle Studien iiber den Prodigiosus. (Archiv f. Hygiene. Bd. XXVI. p. 1.) 44) 1899/1900. Spica, P., Sulla materia colorante prodotta dal Micrococcus prodigiosus. (Kivendicazione di prioritd, per Bartolomeo Bizio.) (Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere, ed arti. Vol. LIX. Parte seconda, dis- perse 10. p. 10251031.) 45) 1899. Rosenberg, W. W., Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bakterien farbstoffe, insbes. der Gruppe des Bact. prodigiosum. Diss. Wiirzburg. 46) 1900. Kuntze, W., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bedingungen der Farbstoff- bildung des B. prodigiosus. (Zeitschr. f. Hygiene. Bd. XXXIV. p. 169.) 47) 1900. Ritter, G. Zur Physiologic des B. prodigiosus. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. VI. p. 206.) 48) 1900. Marx, H., Die Pathogenitat des B. prodigiosus. Eine Bemerkung zur Farbs toff prod uktion der Bakterien. (Archiv f. lain. Chirurgie. Bd. LXII. p. 347.) 53 49) 1902. Kraf t,E., Beitrage zur Biologic des B. prodigiosus und zum chemischen Verhalten seines Pigments. Diss. Wiirzburg. 49a) 1903. Bertarelli, E., Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen iiber die Bio- logie u. Pathogenitat des Bacillus prodigiosus. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XXXI V. p. 193.) B. ruber indicus (Koch). 50) K o c h , R. f Berichte iiber die Reise zur Erforschung der Cholera. 1884.] M i gu 1 a. 51) Fraenkel, C., Grundrifl der Bakterienkunde. 1891. p. 229. 52) Fliigge, op. cit. as 3), p. 302. 53) Migula, op. cit. as 10), p. 306. B. plymouthensis (Fischer). 54) Fischer, B. Bakteriologische Untersuohungen auf einer Reise nach West- indien. (Zeitschr. f. Hygiene. Bd. II. 1887. p. 74.) 55) Voges, O. , Ueber einige im Wasser vorkommende Pigmentbakterien. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XIV. 1893. p. 314.) B. ruber balti CUB \ (Breunig)> B. ruber kiliensis / 56) Breunig, J. [Bakteriologische Untersuchung des Trinkwassers der Stadt Kiel. Diss. Kiel, 1888.] Migula. 57) Laurent, E., Etude sur la variability' du bacille rouge de Kiel. (Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur. T. IV. 1890. p. 465.) 58) Petrow, N., Ueber einen neuen roten Farbstoff bildenden Bacillus. (B. sub- kiliensis). (Arbeit des Bakt. Inst. der Grossh. Hochschule zu Karlsruhe, 1902. p. 273.) B. miniaceus (Zimmermann). 59) Zimmermann, op. cit. as 12), Reihe I. p. 46. B. fuchsinus (Boekhout and de Vries). 60) Boekhout, F. W. J., und de Vries, J. J. Ott, Ueber einen neuen chromogenen Bacillus. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. IV. 1898. p. 497.) B. ruber (Zimmermann). 61) Zimmermann, O. E. R., op. cit. as 12), Reihe I. p. 24. B. havaniensis (Sternberg). 62) IS tern berg, G. M., Manual of bacteriology. 1892. p. 718. B. lactis erythrogenes (Hueppe). 63) Grotenfeldt, G., Studien iiber die Zersetzungen der Milch. (Fortschr. der Med. Bd. VII. 1889. p. 41.) 64) Tatarof f [Die Dorpater Wasserbakterien. Diss. Dorpat, 1891. p. 21, p. 60?] Migula. 65) Dyar, H., On certain bacteria from the air of New York City. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Vol. VIII. 1895. p. 324.) 66) Galeotti, G., see No. 15, ante. B. rubefaciens (Zimmermann). 67) Zimmermann, op. cit. as 12), Reihe I, p. 26. B. lactorubef aciens (Gruber). 68) Gruber, Th., Ueber einen die Milch rosa farbenden Bacillus. (Centralbl. f. Bakt, Bd. VIII. 1902. p. 457.) B. mycoides roseus (Scholl). 69) Grotenfeldt, loc. cit, p. 46. 70) Ei sen berg, op. cit. as 2), p. 84. 71; Migula, op. cit, p. 482 (B. mycoides)! B. latericeus (Adametz). 72) Adametz, L., [Die Bakterien der Trink- und Nutzwasser. Mitteil. der osterr. Versuchsst f. Brauerei u. Malzerei in Wien. Heft 1. 1888. p. 50.] Chester, op. cit as 1), p. 173. 73) Dyar, loc. cit. as 65), p. 361. B. rubropertinc tu s. 74) Grass berger, R., Ueber die nacn intraperitonealer Injektion von Markt- butter bei Meerschweinchen entstehenden Veranderungen. (Miinch. med. Woch. 1899. p. 343.) B. mesentericus ruber (Globig). 75) Globig, Ueber einen Kartoffelbacillus mit ungewb'hnlich widerstandsfahigeu Sporen. (Zeitschr. f. Hygiene. Bd. III. 1888. p. 323.) B. rosaceus metalloid es (Tataroff). 76) Tataroff [Die Dorpater Wasserbakterien. Diss. Dorpat, 1891.] Migula. 77) Hefferan, Mary, An unusual bacterial grouping. (Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. III. 1902. p. 689.) Reference list of red chromogenic Bacteria. (cf. Table X.) B. rubidus Eisenberg. Bakt. Diagnostik, p. 88. 1891 B. ruber lactis (Conn). Rep. Conn. Agric. Sta. 1899 Bact. pyocinnabareum (Ferchmin. "red pus") Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XIII. p. 103. 1894 Bact. rubiginosum (Kern) Arb. d. techn. Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Bd. I. Heft 4. 1896 B. rubiginosus (Catiano). Cohns Beitrage. Bd. VII. p. 538. 1896 B. subcoccineus 539. 1896 B. coccineus (Pansini). Virchows Archiv. Bd. CXXI1. p. 437 1890 B. sardinae (Du Bois St. Se'vrin). Ann. Past. T. VIII. p. 152. 1894 B. rubellus (Okada). Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XI. p. 1. 1892 B. carneus (Tils). ' Zeitschr. f. Hyg. Bd. IX. p. 294. 1890 Bact. rubrum (Migula). Migula. p. 488. 1900 Bact. erythromyxa (Zopf). p. 487. (Zopf himself (Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Gesellsch. 1891. p. 22) , calls his form a micrococcus). Bact. pseudomycoides (Migula). Bact. carnosum (Kern) cf. Kern above also Migula. p. 485. Bact. tuberosum (Kern) p. 490. B. rubescens (Jordan). Rep. Mass. State Bd. of Health, p. 835. 1890 B. roseus (Fischer) Die Bakterien des Meeres. p. 22 1894 B. rubrofuscum (Fischer) p. 36 B. mesentericus roseus (Zimmermann). Zimmermann. II. p. 26 1890 See Lustig. p. 72. Name (Kruse) see Fliigge p. 303. Bact. roseum (Losski). Die Mikroorganismen des Bodens. Diss. Dorpat. See Migula, p. 484. B. kermesinus (Tataroff). Die Dorpater Wasserbakterien. Diss. Dorpat. 1891 See Migula p. 858. B. exiguum (Wright). Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Vol. VII. p. 447. 1895 B. haematoides (Wright). p. 448. B. epsilon (Dyar). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Vol. VIII. p. 369. 1895 B. zeta - p. 369. B. delta p. 368. B. ferrugineus (Dyar) p. 361. B. fimt iiniis ruber (Dyar) ,, p. 361. B. salmoneus (Dyar) B. rhodochrous (Overbeck. Dyar) (Overbeck himself called the organism a micrococcus) See his art., Nov. Act. Leop. Carol. Acad. Vol. LV. D. 16. 1891 B. ruber berolinensis (Fraenkel, p. 252) Fliigge. Die Mikroorganismen. p. 303. 1896 B. sulfureus (Holzschewnikoff). Fortschr. d. Med. Bd. VII. p. 201. 1889 B. subfulvus (Matzuschita) = "B. tuberigenus 4", Gonnermann, Landw. Jahrb. Bd. XXIII. p. 656. 1894 B. velatus (Matzuschita) "B. tuberigenus 5". Gonnermann, Landw. Jahrb. Bd.XXIII. p. 657. 55 B. Lupini (Matzuschita) "B. tuberigenus 7", Gonnermann, Landw. Jalirb. Bd. XXIII. p. 657. B. pneumonicus agilis (Schou). Fortschr. d. Med. Bd. III. p. 483. 1885 See Neumann, Zeitschr. f. klin. Med. Bd. XIII. p. 73. 1888 B. viguali (Matzuschita) = Bac. [i Vigual, Fliigge. Bd. II. p. 283. B. liquefaciens communis (Sternberg). Fliigge. Bd. II. p. 315. B. rosaceus margarinicus (Jolles and Winkler). Zschr. f. Hyg. Bd. XX. p. 105. 1895 B. nitrogenes (Matz.) B. denitrificans II. Burri und Stutzer, Centralbl. f. Bakt. Abt. II. Bd. I. p. 362. 1895 B. erubescens (Matzuschita) = B. oogenes hydrosulfureus Zorkendorfer, Arch. f. Hvg. Bd. XVI. p. 391. 1893 B. subruoiginosus Maschek. B. rubefaciens pyogenes (Matzuschita). Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. XXIX. p. 378. 1901 B. subrubeus (Bact. subrubeum Kern). [Arb. aus d. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe. Bd. I. p. 450.1 B. thermophilus liquef. aerobius (Oprescu). Arch. f. Hyg. Bd. XXXIII. p. 166. B. tyrogenus Ebenda, p. 171. 1898 B. subthermophilus (Matzuschita) = B. thermophilus IV Rabinowitsch. Zeitschr. f. Hyg. Bd. XX. p. 161. 1895 B. sacchanphilus (Laxa). Centrabl. f. Bakt. Abt. II Bd. IV. p. 362. 1898 B. mycoides ruber (B. mycoides roseus?) Matzuschita. Archiv f. Hyg. Bd. XLI. p. 251. 1901 B. Danteci (Le Dan tec). Ann. Past. Bd. V. 1891. p. 656. Named by K ruse, Fliigge. Bd. II. p. 270. B. apicum (Canestrini) Fliigge, Bd. II. p. 233. B. mesentericus rubiginosus (Senger). Centralbl. f. Bakt. Bd. III. p. 603. Printed by Hermann Pohle, Jena. YC 88574 131000 rOLOGY H THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY :' J * m m dp