Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3-1716 EXILED IRISH PATRIOTS. SPEECH OF WILLIAM H. SEWARD, IN THE ( SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, FEBRUARY 11, 1852. THE SENATE resumed the consideration of the resolution submit- ted by Mr. FOOTE, of Mississippi, on the 2d December, expressive of the sympathy of Congress for the exiled Irish patriots, SMITH O'BRIEN and THOMAS F. MEAGHER, and their associates. Mr. SHIELDS had offered the following as a substitute : Strike out all after the enacting clause, and insert : " That while we disclaim all intention of interfering in any way in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, we deem it our duty to express, m a by blood dates restored to liberty, and permitted, if so disposed, to emigrate to this country. We would regard this act of clemency as a new proof of the friendly disposition of the British Government towards our Republic, and as calculated to strengthen the bonds of affection now happily existing between the people of the United States and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.' 7 Mr. SEWARD had proposed to amend, so that the resolution would read as follows : " That while we disclaim all intention of interfering in any way in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, we deem it our duty to express, in a courteous manner, our opinion that it would be highly gratifying to the people of the United States, (many of whom are natives of Ireland, and connected by blood with the inhabitants of that country,) to see Smith O'Brien and his associates re- stored to liberty, and permitted, if so disposed, to emigrate to this country. And that this act of clemency would be regarded as a new proof of the friendly dispo- sition of the British Government towards our Republic, and as calculated to strengthen the bonds of affection now happily existing between the people of the United States and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland." Mr. SEWARD rose and said : Mr. PRESIDENT : This resolution seems to me neither inconsiderate nor unimportant. It is a resolution which must have the assent of both Houses of Congress, and the approbation of the President of the United States, and so will become a national act. It recommends I BUELI, & BLANCHAXD, Printers. might, perhaps, say solicits clemency towards the patriots of Ireland who are suffering imprisonment in a penal colony ; and it is designed for the information of the British Government, and therefore must be regarded as an appeal by the United States to Great Britain. Sir, I think the proceeding is defensible upon the grounds of abstract justice and propriety, as well as upon a due consideration of the rela- tions of all the parties concerned. I beg leave to say, in the first place, that it is not altogether novel In character and principle. The patriots of Ireland, who are the sub- jects of this debate, are suffering imprisonment in consequence of an effort, honestly made, to restore their native land to liberty and inde- pendence. The sympathy expressed by this resolution for them springs from the same source from which the sympathy of the people of the United States has sprung, which has been habitually exhibited towards nations striving to assert the same rights the sympathy which was expressed by the people of the United States towards France in 1793, in 1830, and in 1848 ; towards Greece, towards the rising South Amer- ican republics, towards Poland, towards Germany, and towards Hun- gary. Even in form, sir, the measure assimilates itself to the action of Congress in regard to Louis Kossuth, who has been, through our interposition, released from imprisonment in Asia Minor, and brought to our shores, received, and welcomed as a guest of the United States. The interest which is expressed in this resolution for William Smith O'Brien, like that which is expressed toward Louis Kossuth, is not merely personal, but it is the reverential compassion indulged by the people of the United States for a fallen nation "in a man compris'd." It is not, then, the cause of William Smith O'Brien alone it is the cause of Ireland. The merits of a nation's cause, and of its defenders, involve not merely the particular accidents or incidents which bring the cause before us, but the whole life of the nation. So it was that our forefathers, in adopt- ing the declaration of American independence, reviewed the entire colo- nial experience in vindication of the act of abjuration of their allegiance to the British Throne. Ten centuries ago, sir, Ireland was an independent nation, possessing the elements and the forces of national stability. Ireland was guilty of one enduring crime it was the crime of proximity to England. Ire- land labored under one enduring misfortune it was the misfortune that, for many centuries, she had remained unconquered and uncon- querable. The crime provoked the cupidity of England, the misfor- tune begat divisions into septs and clans, and these civil distractions favored an invader. At the very moment, sir, when Henry, a Norman King of England the second of that name, I think was, as the chron- icle relates, " casting in his mind to conquer the adjacent island, because it seemed to him to be commodious, and because its inhabitants were savage and rude," he was applied to by a deposed Irish prince to rein- state him on the throne. The invader enjoyed one vast advantage : England had been successively subjugated by the Romans, the Danes, the Saxons, and the Normans, and in that rough experience she had acquired the consolidation and discipline which, combined with the en- ergy arising from a mingling of races, and an ambition springing from an insular position, have enabled her almost " to have the world in empire." The invasion, of course, did not result in restoring the Irish King, nor did it result in the conquest of Ireland. It ended in only the estab- lishment of a small colony upon the coast, enclosed with palisades, and therefore called " The Pale." Within the " Pale " were Englishmen, English lords, English manners, English customs, and English rule ; and without the " Pale " were the entire nation of Irishmen, with their hereditary princes, and their native language, customs, and manners. Acting upon the law of nations, as it was then understood, these races regarded each other as natural enemies ; and hence ensued wars unsparing and unrelenting. The Reformation forced a new element into this internecine strife. The Catholic Church in England had given place to one which suited its Kings and people better. Considerations of prudence, co-operating with a spirit of proselytism, determined the Government of England to subvert the Catholic Church in Ireland. The sword was the missal sent, and a ferocious soldiery were the apos- tles of the new faith. The Irish preferred their paternal religion to that which was so rudely recommended to them by their enemies. The " Pale," although backed by England, was too feeble to subjugate Ire- land ; and Ireland, distracted by the jealousies of her clans, was too weak to crush the "Pale;" and so for four hundred years continued wars, at the end of which both parties retained their relative positions and power. And thus all that important portion of the nation's life was worse than lost, in consequence of an imperfect conquest. At last, five hundred and twenty years after the first invasion by Henry, and at the close of the great battle fought on the banks of the Boyne, Ireland capitulated ; and at that time the entire twelve millions of acres of til- lable land were divided and parcelled out among the invaders and the few apostatizing natives. Ireland capitulated, and, by the treaty of Limerick, subjected herself to the government of the "Pale." But she reserved, in the most solemn manner, the liberty of conscience. This right the liberty of conscience was not only stipulated by the treaty of Limerick, but was solemnly guarantied by William and Mary, now the common sovereigns of the two countries. England, nevertheless, persevered in her policy of subverting the Catholic Church, changing only the means employed for that purpose. She perfidiously broke the covenants of peace, though they had been written in blood, and established a Penal Code, disfranchising the Cath- olic Irish people of all civil, political, social, and domestic liberty, as well as of their ecclesiastical rights, and thus substituted for invading armies the sterner despotism of the law, and withdrew the sword to re- place it with the scaffold. Sir, I shall not detail that atrocious code, but will content myself by giving a description of it, drawn by Edmund Burke, seventy years ago a description which time has now proved prophetic : " It is," says he, " a system full of coherence and consistency, well digested and well disposed, in all its parts fitted for the impoverishment" (yes, sir, these are the words,) "fitted for the impoverishment and the degradation of a people, and for de- basing in them of human nature itself." The after history of Ireland, Mr. President, is a record of frequent and generous, but unavailing struggles, by or in behalf of the People, to cast off that code, and, more recently, to redeem the country from its desolating effects. In the year 1778, Grattan, Burke, and Flood, profiting by the enthusiasm awakened throughout the world by the American Revolution, and by the embarrassment of the British Govern- ment in consequence of it, succeeded in obtaining from the British Par- liament a relaxation of the rigors of the code in regard to education and the rights of property ; and, in the year 1782, when the exigencies of the British Government had become more alarming, they succeeded in wresting from the British King and Parliament a renunciation of legis- lative and sovereign power over the Kingdom of Ireland ; and it was expressed in these solemn and memorable words : " The rights claimed by the people of Ireland, to be bound only by laws enacted by His Majesty and the Parliament of thai Kingdom, shall be and are established, and, at no time hereafter, shall be questioned or questionable." Sir, Ireland exulted for a delirious moment in national independence regained; but it was only for a moment, and that moment was delirious. Ireland required the repeal of the penal code, and demanded a consti- tution. The Parliament and the " Pale," constituted of a Protestant representation alone, and being in the interest of England, refused both. Discontent, wide and deep, pervaded the Irish people. Emmett, Fitz- gerald, and their associates, in 1798, conspired to raise the standard of insurrection ; but they were betrayed, and the rebellion was crushed in the germ. The Government of Great Britain now assumed that the people of Ireland had tried, fully and fairly tried, the experiment, and had proved themselves incapable of exercising the franchise of self-government. The British Parliament, therefore, sent down to the Parliament of the Pale what was called an act of Union, and in the year 1800 that mockery of a legislature adopted it, and surrendered its own perfidious and pernicious existence. By that act of Union, Ireland, in May, 1800, was in name united, but was in fact absorbed, and became virtually a province of the British Empire, with only the shadow of a representa- tion of the Protestant minority of the Kingdom in the British Parlia- ment. Daniel O'Connell, a jurist and advocate of surpassing genius, eloquence, and learning, inferring, from the failure of the men of 1798, that the time for a martial revolution had passed away, at least for the present, conceived the bold purpose of obtaining a repeal of the penal code and the restoration of his country to a place among the nations, by a process of civil agitation, always within the restraints of the law, and looking for the effect through the action of the King and Parlia- ment of England. In the year 1829 he obtained a signal triumph in the passage of the act of Catholic emancipation. There remained but one step between this memorable act and the freedom and independence of Ireland. That step was the repeal of the Act of Union. But the ruin and desolation resulting from the penal code, which Burke had predicted, pressed too hard upon the march of the Reformer. Ireland could not wait the slow progress and doubtful success of civic agita- tion. The nation divided between the parties of " Old Ireland," fol- lowing the lead of Daniel O'Connell and his peaceful standard, and of " Young Ireland," under the revolutionary banner set up by William Smith O'Brien. Now, in point of fact, it is possible that even if the Irish people had remained united, neither of those policies would have been successful ; but it is also certain, that when the nation divided and broke, both efforts signally failed. Daniel O'Connell died of a broken heart at Genoa, on a pilgrimage to Rome, and William Smith O'Brien, the leader of the Irish rebellion, being found without attend- ants, arms, or troops, was arrested, convicted of high treason, and sen- tenced to an ignominious death. His sentence being commuted by the Crown, he is now an exile in Van Dieman's Land. Simultaneously with the failure of these, the last efforts hitherto made for the redemption of Ireland, poverty and pestilence stalked abroad through that ill-fated country, exciting the sympathy of nations, and moving even the distant people and Congress of the United States to send relief. Depopulation of the Island assumed a frightful momen- tum, and, from that time to this, has continued to give the last con- firmation, which the most skeptical could have required, of the conclu- sion, that never on earth was a revolution more just or more necessary, than that attempted by William Smith O'Brien and his companions in exile. Sir, it is not my object, in this review, to excite prejudices, here or elsewhere, against England, or against the Protestant Church within that Kingdom. I have no such prejudices myself. I disclaim and disdain partisanship in regard to historic events. O'Connell was a Catholic ; Smith O'Brien is a Protestant. The rage of the sects has died away in the agony of the catastrophe which has involved the people of both in a common desolation ; and wise and sagacious men in England look on the decay of Ireland as an alarming presage of the decline of the Empire. But, sir, on an occasion like this, Ireland is entitled to, and from me she has received, her vindication. The policy of England was the policy of the age, and of the times, and of sys- tems ; and this is her sufficient apology. The sympathy of the American people, then, in behalf of Ireland, is just. I proceed to remark, that this sympathy derives intenseness from the conceded genius and proverbial virtues of the Irish people. The plains of Waterloo, and the heights of Abraham, attest that they are brave as well as sagacious in war. Like the Greeks, in their decline, they have enchanted the world with their wit and song and eloquence. They are confessedly confiding and generous to a fault, while their whole history and traditions, reaching now a period of a thousand years, exhibit not cne instance of unlawful aggression. Is not, then, the tribute proposed by this resolution due to such a people 1 And if so, why shall it not be offered 1 I am answered, that this is a question for the British Government, and that it is they, and not we, who are to extend clemency or pardon to the Irish exiles. I grant it, fully grant it. But men and nations are moved by persuasion. What is asked here, is not an exercise of clem- ency, but only a word of persuation whispered to the Power that can grant it. I am told that we may lawfully sympathize, as individuals, in the misfortunes of these unhappy men, and of their more unhappy country ; but that to us as a political body a State or nation or as tlie repre- sentatives the Government of a nation such sympathy is forbidden. This seems to me equivalent to saying that we may indulge sentiments of generous compassion, but we shall never carry them into beneficent action. The s} 7 inpathy of the several members of this Senate, or of this Congress, or of the individual citizens of the United States, will be unavailing. If that sympathy is truly felt by the nation, it can only be effectually expressed in the manner in which national sympa- thies, and determinations of the national will, are always made effect- ive by the action of the Government. And, sir, let me say, that there is only one code of morals for mankind, and its obligations bind them equally, whether they be individuals, subjects, citizens, States, or nations. I shall be told, that we may not intervene in this, which is a domestic affair of a foreign Government. It is true that we may not intervene in the affairs of any Government for unjust purposes, nor can we intervene by force for even just purposes. But this is the only restraint imposed on us by the law of nations. That law, while it declares that every Government has the absolute right to deal with its own citizens, accord- ing to its own laws, independently of any other, affords a large verge and scope for the exercise of offices of courtesy, kindness, benevolence, and charity. It is Montesquieu who says that " the law of nations is founded upon the principle, that ever) 7 nation is bound in time of peace to do to every other nation all the good it possibly can, and in time of war, the least evil it possibly can consistently with its own real inter- ests." It is upon this humane principle that diplomatic intercourse is maintained among the civilized nations of the earth, all of whom are by the law of nations regarded as constituting one great commonwealth. Again, Mr. President, it will be said that if we adopt this resolution, it will, however harmless it be in itself, furnish a precedent for mis- chievous intervention, either by ourselves in the affairs of other States, or by other States in our affairs hereafter. To admit this argument is to admit distrust of ourselves. We certainly do not distrust our own sense of justice. We do not distrust our own wisdom. So long as we remain here, then, we shall be able to guard against any such abuse of this precedent. Let us also be generous instead of egoistical, and let us believe that neither wisdom nor justice will die with those who occupy these places now, but that our successors will be as just and as wise as we are. So far as the objection anticipates an abuse of this precedent by foreign States, I have only to say, that if a foreign State shall ask of us just what we now propose, and no more, we shall have no difficulty and no ground of complaint. If it shall ask more, we shall be free to reject what shall then be asked, as the British Gov- ernment is free to reject our application. Sir, this proposition involves a view of the relations of the parties concerned. The people of Ireland are affiliated to us, as we are to the people of Great Britain. . Surely there can be no offence given by a younger member in offering mediation between the elder brethren of the same family upon a point of difference between them. But what if Great Britain should take offence at this suggestion ? What tli fin ? Whv. then England would be in the wrons, and we in the right. The time has passed when this country can be alarmed, by fear of war in such a case. No one will confess that he indulges any such apprehension. Sir, Great Britain will not take offence. She knows that her greatness and her fame are well assured. She has no motive whatever to affect wounded sensibility. She will receive this sugges- tion in the same fraternal spirit in which it is made. Nor will she refuse the boon. She knows as well as we do, that rigor protracted beyond the necessity of security to the State, reacts. She knows full well, that for the present, at least, sedition sleeps profoundly in Ireland, and that the granting of this appeal will protract its slumbers. Great Britain will be thankful to us for our confidence in her generosity, for her motto is, " Par cere subjectis et debellare superbos." While it seems to me that it is certain that we may, with propriety and success, make this appeal to Great Britain, the circumstances in which we stand, in regard to Ireland, render the duty of making it imperative. But for the instructions and example of the United States, Ireland would never have attempted revolution in 1798, nor would William Smith O'Brien now have been an exile ; for if it had not been for those instructions and that example, Ireland would long ago have sunk into the slumber of bondage that knows no waking. Again, sir : the failure of Smith O'Brien and his associates resulted from the ex- haustion of Ireland. That exhaustion has contributed largely to the elements of our wealth, strength, and power. If we had not withdrawn the political and physical means of self-defence and of resistance from Ireland during the last sixty years, she would now have been able to have maintained a successful rebellion. When O'Connell gathered the populace upon the hill of Clare, he found that Ireland was deserted by the vigorous, the young, the strong, and that he was surrounded by the aged, the poor, and the spiritless. It is these reflections upon the pro- priety of the act itself, and upon the relations in which we stand towards the parties to it, that persuade my vote in favor of this resolution. I have suggested to the consideration of the honorable Senator from Illinois, [Mr. SHIELDS,] some verbal amendments, which seem to me calculated to improve and perfect the resolution, in accordance with the wish he himself expressed. Their design is to guard more safely the dignity of Congress and of the United States. If rightly conceived, they will have that effect. But I am not tenacious of them. I shall not press them against the wishes of the Senator from Illinois. If they shall be adopted, the resolution will have my vote. If they shall not be adopted, it will have my vote. The resolution as originally intro- duced would have received my support. Equally shall it have my sup- port in the modified form it has assumed, through deference to the wishes of other Senators. And now, sir, when this resolution in any shape shall have been passed, there can be but one wish of mine in regard to the subject, that Congress would have power to gratify : That wish would be, that he who is now entitled to be regarded as the mover of the resolution, the honorable Senator from Illinois, [Mr. SHIELDS,] should be made the bearer of this appeal to the " Soveraine Queene," in whose will and pleasure the granting of it will rest. It is the remembrance of a scene in one of the oldest and best of English poems which suggests this wish. 8 It would be a goodly and a gracious sight to see that honorable Senator returning to his native land, after his chivalrous and yet modest sojourn here, the bearer of a proclamation of amnesty from the sovereign of his native country thus obtained. And I should rejoice to see the greeting of him by his countrymen, " Shouting and clapping all their hands on hight, That all the ay re it fils and flyes to Heavenc bright." /85X Rolling pH 8.f Mill Run F: NRLF