GENERAL SIR WILLIAM HOWE S ORDERLY BOOK 1775-1776 WITH PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE ; MILITARY RETURNS; AND HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. GENERAL SIR WILLIAM HOWE S ORDERLY BOOK AT CHAKLESTOWN, BOSTON AND HALIFAX JUNE 17 1775 TO 1776 26 MAY TO WHICH IS ADDED THE OFFICIAL ABRIDGMENT OF GENERAL HOWE*S CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT DURING THE SIEGE OF BOSTON, AND SOME MILITARY RETUBNS AND NOW FIRST PRINTED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS WITH AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION By EDWARD EVERETT HALE THE WHOLE COLLECTED AND EDITED BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STEVENS LONDON: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STEVENS 4 TRAFALGAR SQUARE, CHARING CROSS 1890. E : H7 INTEODUCTION HIS curious Orderly Book, which presents every detail of the administration and discipline of the English Army in the siege of Boston, has been happily preserved for the use of Historians, among the American manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Institution, in London. The existence of this original Manuscript was known to Dr. Jared Sparks and to Mr. Bancroft, who referred to it, and made use of it in some few details. What they have taken from it, has been enough to shew how curious is the light which it throws on one of the most interesting periods of American history. While it existed only in manu script, however, it was practically useless. Mr. B. F. Stevens, therefore, so soon as he examined it, requested and obtained the permission of the Managers of the Royal Institution to have a careful and complete copy of it made under the supervision of Mr. Benjamin Vincent, their very efficient, talented, and courteous Librarian, by his able assistant Mr. Henry Young, and this copy is now printed. Strictly the book is Gen 1 Howe s Orderly Book, begun on the day of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Into this book, in the regular line of daily duty, are copied, for the information of Howe s separate command at Charlestown, the general orders of his superior in rank, General Gage. On the 10th of October, 1775, however, the chief command passed from Gage to Howe. After that period, this book iv INTRODUCTION. contains the originals of Howe s general orders to the whole English Army in Boston. General Clinton having been appointed to take command of the post at Charlestown, the special orders of that garrison no longer appear in this volume. It has been thought best to preserve the spelling and punctuation, even when evidently incorrect. The accurate student will be glad to know that what he has under his eye has not been changed in any manner from the original. The proof-sheets, indeed, have been carefully corrected from the original manuscript in the Library of the Koyal Institution. GENERAL SIR WILLIAM HOWE, whose orders to the soldiers in his command make up the greater part of this book, was the son of the second Viscount Howe. The family was an English family of dis tinction in Somerset, Wilts, and Dorset for several generations. The great great grandfather of Sir William Howe was John Grubhain Howe, of the county of Notts, one of two brothers who were both knighted by Charles II. , in "due recompense for their respective services. 77 John Grubham Howe married Annabella, the youngest of three illegitimate daughters of Emanuel Scrope, Earl of Suiiderland. The lady was afterwards legitimatised by Act of Parliament, and became Lady Armabella Howe. Her husband s family became possessed of the portion of the Scrope Estate situated in Notts. Sir John Grubham Howe left four sons. The second, John, was the ancestor of the Lords Chedworth, a title now extinct. SCROPE the oldest son, was the grandfather of Gen. Sir WILLIAM HOWE, the author of these general orders. INTRODUCTION. v A fourth son, Emanuel, married Ruperta, the natural daughter of Prince Rupert, third son of Frederic, called King of Bohemia, by Elizabeth, daughter of James I. EMANUEL HOWE was a general in the English Army, and was Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Hanover, afterwards George I., " and from this circumstance" says Sir John Barrow, writing in 1838, " probably originated that intimacy with the Royal House of Hanover, which subsists to the present day." It is interesting here to observe, that so far as Sir William Howe s mcompetency in America led to the independence of the United States, this intimacy cost the House of Hanover quite as much as it was worth. S GROPE HOWE, oldest son of Sir John Grubham Howe, and older brother of Gen. EMANUEL HOWE, joined King William III. at his landing, and in 1701 was made Baron Clenawley and Viscount Howe ; he married Anne, the daughter of John Earl of Rutland, and Juliana, daughter of William Lord Alington, by whom he had two sons and several daughters. Of these sons, EMANUEL SCROPE succeeded him as 2nd Viscount. He married Sophia Charlotte Mary Kielmansegge. She was the daughter to the wife of Baron Kielmansegge, Master of the Horse to George I., when Elector of Hanover, this lady being Sophia Charlotte, daughter of Count Platen. She was the mistress of George I., and was created by him Countess of Darlington. While the wife of Emanuel Scrope is called Sophia Charlotte Kielmansegge, it is understood on all hands that she was the natural daughter of George the First. It is in this way that her son George Augustus, Lord Howe, was named by the Hanoverian Royal names. And, as late as 1837, just before the A2 vi INTRODUCTION. death of King William IV., he said to Sir John Barrow, who was engaged in writing the life of Lord Howe, the Admiral, brother of our General Sir William Howe, that "the Admiral was a great favourite with his father (George III.) and indeed a sort of connexion of the family." In fact, Mademoiselle Kielmansegge, his mother, was half- sister of George 11^. ; he was cousin to Frederic, the Prince of Wales, and second cousin of George III. Sir William Howe held the same relationship to the King. But I do not recollect any allusion to this relationship in the American writers of their time. In many passages of Admiral Lord Howe s life, he received marks of confidential favour, which are best accounted for by his consulship to George II. and George III. Thus at the beginning of the career of the young Duke of York, who died in 1767, he was entrusted, for his naval education, to Howe s personal care. William Howe was born on the 10th of August, 1729. Three years after, his father, the 2nd Viscount, was named Governor of Barbadocs. He arrived in that Colony in 1733, and died there 2J March, 1735. His titles were inherited by his oldest son George Augustus, born in 1724. This is the Lord Howe who was killed in Abercrombie s unfortunate attack on Ticonderoga, July 5-6, 1758, and in whose memory the province of Massachusetts erected a monu ment in Westminster Abbey.* The titles passed, at * The inscription is "The province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, by an Order of the Great and General Court, bearing date February 1, 1759, caused this Monument to be erected to the memory of George, Lord Viscount Howe, Brigadier General of his Mfijrsty s Forces in America, who was slain July C, 1758, on the march of Ti cornier oga, in the thirty- fourth year of his age ; in testimony of the sense they had of his services and military virtues, and of the affection their officers and soldiers bore to Ills command." The monument represents " the Genius of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in a mournful posture lamenting the fall of the hero, and the family arms, ornamented with military trophies." INTR OD UCTION. vii the death of Lord George, to his brother Richard, the celebrated Admiral, who was made Earl Howe as a reward for his great victory over the French fleet. Horace Walpole says of him : " He was un daunted as a rock, and as silent, the characteristics of his whole race." Perhaps Walpole means to include the Georges. On his death in 1799, the English titles became extinct, but the Irish titles were inherited by his brother William, the General Howe of our Revolution, and the author of our military orders.* A writer of the time, quoted by Sir John Barrow, says : " The two brothers had in common the sullen family gloom . In one thing they differed, Sir William Howe hated business and never did any. Lord Howe (the Admiral) loved business, dwelt upon it, and never could leave or end it. Their uniform character through life has been, and is to this day, haughty, morose, hard-hearted, and inflexible." William Howe was perhaps at Barbadoes with his father when a child. But I have found no men tion of this early American experience. When a boy, he was sent to Eton, and early in life he entered the English army, as a cornet in the Duke of Cumberland s dragoons. An anecdote, not well authenticated, makes him compare the slaughter at Bunker Hill with that at Fontenoy and at Minden, as if he had been an eye witness of all these battles. If is certain that he was not at Minden. But he was in his sixteenth year when the Battle of Fontenoy was fought, and it is just possible that he may have joined his regiment before that fatal day. His name first appears in history, under the command of Wolfe, in the attack on Quebec. In the celebrated surprise by which the heights of * The present Earldom of Howe is a new creation, or re-creation, made in 1821, and the first Earl was the son of Admiral Howe s daughter. viii INTRODUCTION. Abraham were mounted at night Howe led the way, in command of the Light infantry and the High landers. The contemporary account says that u the Light Infantry under Col. Howe, layingholdof stumps and boughs of trees, pulled themselves up, dislodged the guard and cleared the path." He and his Light- Infantry were the first English troops engaged on the plains of Abraham, and he took without difficulty a four-gun battery. When Wolfe s line of battle was complete, the Light Infantry under Howe protected the rear and the left. The report says afterwards, that "Col. Howe, with the Light Infantry, covered the left wing in such a manner as entirely to frustrate the attempts of the enemy s Indians and Canadians upon the flank." " He sallied out frequently on the flanks of the enemy, and often drove them into heaps." After the peace, in 1764, Howe obtained the command of the Fourth Regiment of Foot. In 1772 he became a Major General, and when, early in 1775, the Home Government determined to reinforce Gen. Gage, who was in command at Boston, Howe was sent out with them. He was, at this time, Colonel of the Welsh Fusiliers. The volume in the reader s hands shews the disposition which he made of his immediate command on the morning of the battle of Bunker Hill. In an address which he made to his own men on the English right, before advancing, he said, "I shall not desire you to go a step further than where I myself go at your head." He kept his word. It was his detachment which three times made that terrible movement against the American left, in which one company of the 52nd Regiment had every man killed or wounded. Every officer of Howe s personal staff was killed or wounded : and it was said that his own white silk stockings were red with the blood which they wiped from the tall grass, on INTRODUCTION. ix which the dying men had fallen. He bore a charmed life himself, and sustained no injury. Gen. Gage was recalled, really in disgrace, after the battle, and Howe succeeded to the command. The very valuable and curious Precis of the corres pondence between him and the Home Government, which Mr. Stevens has added to this volume, resumes very thoroughly Howe s view of the position of affairs, and the details given in the Orderly Book itself, leave almost nothing to be asked for the history of the " Siege of Boston." The Orderly Book and the Precis are indeed his biography for the year bet ween the battle of Bunker Hill and the embarkation of the army at Halifax for the attack on New Ycrk. The reader will observe that as early as October 9, 1775, Howe proposed twenty battalions for New York (see page 303), or twenty thousand men. The Home Government more than answered that appeal; they reinforced him so largely that when he entered New York Harbour in 1776, he had under him an army of 31,625 men, the largest and finest force which any English General commanded in America. His use of this force seems to have been soldierly and wise, and at the time it brought him unmingled felicitation at home. Before winter came, he was able to send home the news of the capture of New York, and that he had taken post in that city. The next year he moved the army to Philadelphia, and won the battle, which seemed so critical, of Brandy wine. At home this success was recognised with enthusiasm and he was made a Knight of the Bath. But side by side with the narratives of his suc cesses, came those of Burgoyne s defeats. The con temporary criticism of England threw upon Howe, as well as upon the Government, the responsibility of Burgoyne s surrender at Saratoga. Why was not Gen. x 1XTR Ol) UCTION. Howe co-operating with his unfortunate subordinate ? " A junction between Howe and Burgoyne was the object," says a writer, perhaps Edmund Burke, in the Annual Register of 1778. l i It might reasonably have been imagined that the northern army should advance to the southward or the southern army to the north ward. But the minister despatches one army from New York still farther south, and sends the other to follow it from Canada in the same direction. So that if they both continued their course till doomsday it would be impossible for them to meet." Lord North, himself, at the head of the ministry, fell in with the charges which were made against Howe. He said on the 17th of February, 1778, when moving his scheme of conciliation, that without con demning the generals, or calling their conduct into account, he had been disappointed. " Sir William Howe had been, in the late actions, and in the whole course of the campaign, not only in the goodness of troops, and in all manner of supplies, but in point of numbers too, much superior to the American army which opposed him in the field." To such criticism, Howe owed his recall, and, on the 8th of May, Sir Henry Clinton arrived in Philadelphia to take his place. The contemporary account says this was greatly to the regret of the officers and soldiers. It is certain that the whole army seemed to unite with enthusiasm in that most extraordinary fete the " Mischianza" which expres sed, in a " variety of entertainments" the respect and admiration in which the army held him. Thomas Paine gives this account of the Mischianza. " Gren. Howe bounces off with his bombs and burning hearts, set upon the pillars of the triumphal arch, which at the proper time of the show, burst out in a shower of squibs and crackers, and other fireworks, to the de- INTRODUCTION. XI lectable amazement of Miss Craig, Miss Chew, Miss Redman, arid all the other Misses, dressed out as the fair damsels of the Blended Rose and of the Burning Mountain, for this farce of Knight Errantry. 7 The officer, whose letter was published at the time in the Annual Register 1778, p. 264, said " Not even the pleasure of conversing with my friend can secure me from the general dejection I see around me, or remove the share I must take in the universal regret and disappointment which his approaching departure hath spread throughout the whole army. We see him taken from us at a time when we most stand in need of so skilful and popular a commander ; when the experience of three years, and the knowledge he hath acquired of the country and people, have added to the confidence we always placed in his conduct and abilities. You know he was ever a favourite with the military ; but the affection and attachment which all ranks of officers in this army bear him can only be known by those who have at this time seen them in their effects. I do not believe there is upon record an instance of a Commander in Chief having so universally endeared himself to those under his command ; or of one who received such signal and flattering proofs of their love. That our sentiments might be the more universally and unequivocally known, it was resolved amongst us, that we should give him as splendid an entertain ment as the shortness of the time, and our present situation, would allow us." And the same letter onpage 270 of the Annual Register closed with saying i I have seen him receive a more flattering testimony of the love and attachment of his army, than all the pomp and splendor of the Mischianza could convey to him. I have seen the most gallant of our officers, and those whom I least suspected of giving xii INTRODUCTION. such instances of their affection, shed tears while they bade him farewell. The gallant and affectionate General of the Hessians, Knyphausen, was so moved, that he could not finish a compliment he began to pay him in his own name and that of his Officers who attended him. Sir Henry Clinton attended him to the wharf, where Lord Howe received him into his barge, and they are both gone down to Billingsport. On my return, I saw nothing but dejected counte nances." On the other hand, the opinion left on record by Maj. Wemyss of the same army in his MS. notes, is this, " Lieut. Gen. Sir W m Howe succeeded General Gage with the good opinion of the army, but it was soon discovered that however fit to command a corps of grenadiers, he was altogether unequal to the duties of Commander-in-chief, of which his misconduct on almost all occasions, particularly at the beginning of the war at Long Island, White Plains and Trenton are undoubted proofs. His manners were sullen and un gracious, with a dislike to business, and a. propensity to pleasure. His staff officers were in general below mediocrity, with some of whom, and a few field officers he passed most of his time in private con viviality." After his recall he was subjected to very careful examination in the inquiry made into the conduct of the war for three years, an inquiry which furnishes some of the most interesting materials for his history. He was never afterwards employed in military service abroad; but at home he received a series of lucrative and important appointments. He succeeded Lord Amherst as Lieut. Gen. of the Ordnance in 1782. He became Colonel of the 19th Dragoons in 1786. In 1795 he was appointed Governor of Berwick, and in 1805 was removed from that command to the INTRODUCTION. xiii more important Station of Governor of Plymouth, which post he held till his death. After his return from America he represented Nottingham in several Parliaments. His family had long had interests in that neighbourhood. But I find no notice of his taking any important part in Parliamentary business excepting in the inquiry as to the conduct of the war, when he himself moved for papers on that subject to be laid before Parliament. He died on the 12 th of July, 1814, in his 85 th year, after a most painful sickness. The Orderly Book, which has so fortunately been preserved, enables us to follow the history of the Siege or Blockade of Boston, as the Commanding oificer in that city saw the changes from day to day. Howe arrived in the Cerberus man of war, in com pany with Clinton and Burgoyiie, with large rein forcements, on the 24 th of May, 1775. Gen. Gage was the Commander in Chief, and at the same time the political governor of the Province, but he had been shut up in Boston, since the 20 th of April, and his authority went no farther than the town. Bur- goyne always carried the title of "General Elbow- room," after saying, as they arrived in the harbour, " We ll soon give the General Elbow room." The new commanders, with their larger force, at once proposed to take and fortify the hills of Charles- town, and Dorchester Neck, hills now historical as Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights. This purpose of the English was quickly made known to Gen. Ward, the American commander, and it was to meet it at once, that he ordered Prescott on the night of the 16 th of June to take possession of the hill in Charlestown. The battle of Bunker Hill followed. Howe was directed to lead the attack, and his Orderly Book begins with his dispositions for that service. xiv INTRODUCTION. The reader will observe that his head-quarters were, for a time, established on Bunker Hill itself. After the morning entry of June 20 th , where the orders are given by Gen. Pigot in Howe s absence, Gen. Gage s Boston orders are copied into the same book, and for a considerable period, both series are preserved here. So soon as Howe takes the whole command the General orders are his. The reader, therefore, has in this book, side by side, the general orders given to the whole garrison of Boston, and those given to the particular force at Charlestown on Bunker Hill. The Boston orders cover, of course, the wider ground, and are noted as " General orders," while the Charlestown orders are " General Howe s orders," or simply " Morning orders." Up till the 10 th of October, when Gage was superseded by Howe, the General orders are from General Gage s office.* On the 29 th of September, Clinton, whose rank was next to Howe s, takes the command of the force at Charlestown. The book generally speaks of the Heights at Charlestown, and not of Bunker Hill. The full compilation known as Force s American Archives and other similar reviews of the history of the Siege enable the reader to follow the orders in. this volume with almost certain light. There can be no piece of American History of which the detail has been more carefully studied, and the present publi cation, which has long been awaited by students of history, may be fairly said to complete all that was needed for a full understanding of the fortunes of Boston and indeed of the new born nation, in this critical year. * The Cerberus, with Howe s commission arrived on the 26th of Sep tember. Howe acknowledges it by a letter to the Earl of Dartmouth on the 5th of October. But the public announcement is only made on the 10th. Washington knew of the change as early as the 5th. He mentions it in a letter of that day. INTRODUCTION. xv The reader who traces here the progress of scurvy in the English army, and who notices the unfavourable conditions of the hospital, will under stand why Howe made no active movement during the hot summer of 1775 and the autumn of the same year. Such severity of discipline as appears in the entries on page 46, shews how low was the tone of the army, and how poor the standard by which it had been recruited. Burgoyne s letters have given similar intimations. The letters abridged in the Precis at the end of this volume shew that no serious plans of invasion from Boston were proposed after Bunker Hill. Yet the English public were sometimes entertained by fictitious accounts of such invasions, and there were moments when Washington seems to have expected one. On his journey towards Boston in July, he took it for granted that Gage would move out immediately. He himself lost no occasion to press his enemy. Congress was constantly suggesting an attack. Washington called several Councils of War (the most important were on the llth of September, the 18th of October, and the 22nd of December) to consider plans, all of which till that of March voted that the time had not come. On the 26th of August he advanced his works, in the way which he describes in a letter to Lee, August 29, 1775, " On Saturday night last we took possession of a hill, advanced of our lines, and within point blank shot of the enemy on Chariest own Neck. We worked incessantly the whole night twelve hundred men, and before morning got an intrenchment in such forwardness as to bid defiance to their cannon. About nine o clock on Sunday they began a heavy can nonade, which continued through the day, with out any injury to our work, and with the loss of xvi INTRODUCTION. four men only, two of whom were killed through their own folly. 7 This movement is referred to in Howe s general order of Aug. 28th. Had Howe known how ill-supplied with powder was his enemy through the summer, he would have been less inactive. A return made by Gen. Gage in July shows that the strength of his army on paper was then 13,500 men. But from this must be deducted the large number of wounded men he had in hospital after Lexington and Bunker Hill. There, alone, were one thousand and eight men. There were also the scurvy sick and others depleting this force, and Washington made probably a somewhat exaggerated estimate of its efficiency when he rated it at eleven thousand five hundred fighting men on the 18th of July. By returning invalids to England, and by some southern expeditions it was reduced to 7,759 men on the 18th of October, of whom 1,724 were not fit for duty. See page 322. This number grew less and less till January, and even on March 5th, after some reinforcements, when Howe sent Percy with a detach ment to storm the works which Ward and Thomas had built and occupied on Dorchester Heights, he had but 6,646 men fit for duty. There is no reason for wonder, that, with so small a force, he shrank from an encounter to which only defeat was possible. On one occasion, Washington had such reason to expect an attack that he asked the Provincial Congress for a reinforcement of militia, which they ordered. Within two days, on better information, he withdrew the order. This may have been due to his knowledge that Howe had taken command in Gage s place, it may be that with Gage s fall, Washington s information was not so accurate. Gage s enemies INTRODUCTION. xvii intimated that information slipped out through his incompetent staff and handsome American wife. The orders of Howe, through October, contain many traces of his anxiety and eagerness to maintain careful watch on the outposts. The only aggressive movement alluded to in the General Orders, is the attack on Phipps s Farm on the 5th of November. On page 131 the reader will find the thanks expressed to tiie Light Infantry. The following is the account given of this movement by Capt. Nathan Hale, who was at Winter Hill at the time. " Thursday, 9th, 1 O cl. P.M. An alarm. The enemy landed at Lech mere s Point to take off cattle. Our works were immediately all mann d, and a detachment sent to receive them, who were obliged, it being high water, to wade through water nearly waist high. While the enemy were landing, we gave them a constant cannonade from Prospect Hill. Our party having got on to the point, marched in two columns, one on each side of the hill, with a view to surround the enemy, but upon the first appearance of them, they made their boats as fast as possible. While our men were marching on to the point, they were exposed to a hot fire from a ship in the bay, and a floating Battery, also after they had passed the hill. A few shot were fired from Bunker s Hill. The damage on our side is of one Rifleman taken, and 3 men wounded, one badly, and it is thought 10 or more carried off. The Rifleman taken was drunk in a tent, in which he and the one who carried the worst wound were placed to take care of the Cattle, Horses, &c. and give notice in case the enemy should make an attempt upon them. The tent they were in was taken. What the loss was on the enemy s side we cannot yet determine." INTRODUCTION. Howe s army went into Winter quarters 011 the 12th of December. The reader will notice the full directions for this change of life at that date and at the 13th. It is on the 12th that the large part of the garrison, held on Bunker Hill till that time, is withdrawn. Col. Knowlton s spirited attack on the Eng lish outposts at Charlestown, which broke up so suddenly the performance of Gen. Burgoyne s play, " The Blockade of Boston," took place on the 8th of January. The allusions in the orders of the 9th and 10th refer to this affair. Howe s anxiety as to the behaviour of sentinels shows itself again in the general order of the 21st of January. On the 15th of that month he is obliged to inform Lord George Germain that he has put the troops on short allowance, even of salt provisions. The destitution of Boston was becoming so severe that the civilians left in the town, not seven thousand in number, were obliged in the month of February to make a generous charitable contribution for the benefit of the poor of their own number. The original subscription paper has lately been found, and is in the possession of Judge Mellen Chamberlain, of the Boston Public Library. The subscribers appointed Dr. Caner, Mr. Paddock, Mr. Gue, Mr. Gay and Mr. Snelling a committee to distribute their alms ; sub scribing " from a charitable disposition to relieve our fellow creatures from those distresses which are incident to a long blockade wherein the widow and orphan, the aged and infirm soonest and most severely feel the effects of scarcity." The subscrip tion was 144. The Precis of Correspondence, copied from Volume 290 of the American Series in the Public Record Office in London, has been added to the Orderly INTRODUCTION. xix Book by Mr. Stevens, because it gives the connected History of the Siege, in the confidential statement made by the Commander-in-Chief to his employers at the time, and shews the reader also, what were their plans, and what dispositions of theirs he had to rely upon. Many of the separate letters have been before published, but this Precis, which was prepared by an English official at the end of the Campaign, now appears in print for the first time. It is impossible to read it without sympathy for the Commander. EDWARD E. HALE. OEDEELY BOOK SIE WM HOWE CA.MP A.T 1775. General Morning Orders. Saturday, June 17 th 1775. The Companys of the 35 th and 49 th that are ar rived, to Land as soon as the Transports can get to the Wharf, and to Encamp on the Ground mark d out for them on the Common. Captain Handfield is appointed to Act as assistant to the Deputy Quarter Mas r General & is to be Obey d as such. The 10 Eldest Companys of Grenadiers and the 10 Eldest Companys of Light Infantry (Exclusive of those of the Eeg ts lately landed) the 5 th and 38 th Regiments to parade at Half after 11 clock, with their Arms, Ammunition, Blanketts and the provisions Order d to book d this Morning, They will March by Files to the long wharf. The 43 d and 52 d Regiments with the remaining Companys of Light Infantry and Grenadiers to parade at the same time with the same directions and March to the North Battery. The 47 th Regiment B 2 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 and 1 st Battallion of Marines will also March as above directed to the North Battery after the rest are Em- bark d, and be ready to Embark there when Order d. The rest of the Troops will be kept in readiness to March at a Moments Warning. 1 Subaltern, 1 Serp 1 Corp 1 1 Drummer and 20 private to be left by each Corps for the Security of their respective Encampments. Any Man who shall quit his rank on any pretence, or shall dare to Plunder or Pillage will be Executed without Mercy. The Pioneers of the Army to parade Immediately and March to the South Battery where they will Obey such Orders as they will receive from Lieut 1 Col Cleveland. The Light Dragoons mounted to be sent Immedi ately to the Lines where they will attend and Obey the Orders of the Officer Commanding there. Two more to be sent in like manner to Head Quarters. Signals for the Boats in Divisions moving to the attack on the Rebell s Entrench d on the Heights of Charlestown. June 17 th 1775 (viz 4 ) Blue Elag To Advance Yellow Do. To lay on Oars Red Do. To Land Heights of Charlestown June 18 th at 9 clock in the morning. Gen 1 Howe s Orders The Troops will Encamp as soon as the Equipage can be brought up. Tents and provisions may be expected when the Tide Admits of Transporting them to this side. The Corps to take the Duty at the Entrenchm* June 18 ORDERLY BOOK. 3 near Charlestown Neck Alternately, The whole (those on the last mention d Duty Excepted) to furnish One third of their Numbers for work, with Officers and N on- Commiss d Officers in proportion and be relieved every four Hours. The party s for work to carry their Arms Lodge them securely while on that Duty. Gen 1 Howe expects that all Officers will Exert themselves to prevent the Men from Straggling Quit ting their Companys or platoons, and on pain of Death no Man to be Guilty of the Shamefull and Infamous practice of pillaging and pilfering in the Deserted Houses. When Men are sent for Water, not less than Twelve w th a Non Commiss d Officer to be sent on that Duty. The 47 th Beg 1 to Continue at the post they now Occupy. The Soldiers are by no means to Cutt down Trees unless Order d. Gen 1 Howe hopes the Troops will in every Instance shew an Attention to Discipline & regularity on this Ground equal to the Bravery and Intrepidity he with the greatest satisfaction Observ d they Display d so remarkably yesterday. He takes this Opportunity of expressing his publick Testimony of the Gallantry and good Conduct of the Officers under his Command during the Action, to which he in great Measure Ascribes the success of the Day. He Considers par ticularly in the Light, the Distinguished Efforts of the General s Clinton and Pigot. The Corps of Light Infantry will relieve the Grenadiers at the advanced Intrenchment this Even ing at Seven. When the 52 d Beg 1 Encamp an Officer and Twenty Men of that Corps will remain at the post they now Occupy. B 2 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 As soon as the Ground is mark d out for the Encampment, the several Corps will Immed 1 ^ make Necessary Houses. Heights of Charlestown. Sunday 18 th June 1775. Parole Gage. C. S. Clinton. Field Officer for the Picquets this Night L* Colonel Patterson. He will receive Orders from Gen 1 Howe for Arrangeing and Posting the Picquets, They will Mount at Gunfiring in the Evening, Eeturn to their Encampments at 4 in the Morning & remain Accoutred the whole Day The above Duty will be furnish d for this Evening as follows (viz 1 ) Cap n3 Sub 3 Serj ts Corp ls Drum 18 Priv ts 4888 200 The reports of Guards and Picquets to be made to Brig r Gen 1 Pigott. Heights of Charlestown Morning Orders at 7 Clock Monday June 19 th 1775. The Camp Guards to be reduced as low as possible and not to Exceed a Serj* Corp 1 & 9 Privates from each Corps. No person to be Admitted into Camp (Except Officers of the Navy and Army) unless furnish d with Passes granted by the Commander in Chiefs Orders, or those that are Immediately Employ d in His Majesty s Service, all others who attempt to pass the Gentry s, or are seen lurking about the Camp, are to be Stopt and Carry d to Gen 1 How s quarters. Lieut* Marr and Ensign Buchannon of the 37 th Reg* and Ensign Callaghan of 63 d are to attend Gen 1 Howe till further Orders. June 19 ORDERLY BOOK. 5 Heights of Charlestown Monday June 19 th 1775. Parole Bourgoyne. C. S. Pigot. Field Officer for the Picquets this Night Major Short. For tomorrow Mght Major Bruce. Adjutant and Quarter Master this day from the Corps of Light Infantry. For to morrow from the Grenadiers. Major Mitchell of the 5 th Reg* of Foot is appointed to Command the Grenad rs till further Orders. The Officers Commanding Corps will Direct their Mens Arms and Ammunition to be strictly Examin d, the former to be immediately Clean d and put in the best Order, and the State of botli to be reported in Writing as soon as possible. The greatest attention and care must be taken to keep the Camp and Environs Clean and free from putrefaction, the different Corps having prepared Necessary Houses, the Quarter Masters will have them Cover d with fresh Earth every Morning, and Constant Care must be taken that the Men frequent them only, The Qua r Master on Duty is Directed to pre pare Necessary Houses also Contigious to all advanced or Detach d Guards for the use of those on Duty who cannot have Access to their Regimental Ones. All Gentries on Camp Duties to have their Bayonets fix d Those advanced towards the Enemy are not wantonly to throw away their Ammunition, nor to Fire unless Fired at, and they are strictly Directed to be observant and watchfull of the Ap pearance of any Men approach^ their Posts from the Country, when unarmed & Coming Inoffensively towards them and that they have reason to suppose their Intention is to Surrender themselves, The Officer Commanding at the advanc d Posts are to receive and protect such people unanoy d & Order them to be immediately Conducted by a Non Com- miss d Officer to Head Quarters, 6 SIR WILLIAM HOirJE S 1775 The Gentry s on Duty from the 47 th Reg Quarter d at the Entrance into Town as well as those at the Eedoubt lately Storm d by the Troops are to allow no persons Avith 1 proper passes to Come beyond their Posts, and on their perceiving any persons that are not Drcst in Uniforms Stragiing, and of Suspicious Appearance, to prevent any Sinister Views, such persons are to be immediately secur d and sent Prisoners to Head Quarters. Fresh and wholesome Water being an Object of Importance to the Health of the Troops it is most strictly Enjoyn d, that none of the Men On pain of punishment disturb the Water or abuse the Tackle of any of the Wells in the Neighbourhood of the Camp. Gen 1 Howe desires the Order of Yesterday may be punctually Obey d directing one third of the Men off Duty (with Commiss d and non Commiss d Officers in proportion) employ d at the works Carrying on, and to be relieved every four Hours. The Gen 1 expects the Men will perform the labour rcquir d of them with Chearfulness and Alacrity. The work at the Lines and Redoubts will be suspended from Eight this Evening till to morrow Afternoon at 4, This Interval is allow d to give time for putting the Arms and Necessarys in proper Order, And it is expected that every Necessary Duty will thereafter be perform d with 1 Hesitation or Interruption. The Guard of an Officer & 20 Men of the 52 d advanced at the Breast work upon the Causeway of Charlestown leading towards the Neck will be taken this Evening by an Officer and Twenty Detach d from the Trenches. The field Officer Commanding there will always see this Guard posted and give the Officer such Orders as have been Directed for ad vanced Guards. The Guard of a Serjeant and Twelve Order d to June 19 ORDERLY BOOK. 7 Mount at the Eedoubt in the rear of the Camp will also be reliev d this Evening by a Detachment of the same Number from the Guard at the Lines. These Guards being Detach d from the Field Officer at the Lines will report to him. The Gen 1 Parade to be in the front of the first Line of the Encampment Extending from the right to the road on the left of the 5 th Reg 1 . The Duty of the Lines will be done by Picquets untill further Orders. These Picquets will mount at 7 and the Outlay ing Picquets at Gun firing every Evening. The Orderly Hour will be at Eleven in the Fore noon. In Case of Alarm the Corps will Immediately Strike their Tents and form in the Front of their respective Encampments, L t Co 1 Walcott will Command at the Lines this, and L fc Co 1 Gunning to morrow Evening. Heights of Charlestown After Order 4 Clock Monday Afternoon June 19 th 1775 All the Surgeons and Mates of the Different Corps Encamp d here to return to Boston this Evening, Except the Surgeons of the 63 d Reg 1 and 2 d Battallion Marines, The Mates of the 38 th 1 st Battallion Marines. The Exigence arising from the state of the sick and wounded in the Gen 1 Hospital in Consequence of the Action of the 17 th makes this Arrangement Necessary. The Officers Commanding the Men at the works are requested to Divide themselves proportionably Extending from right to left of the Spaces Occupy d by the Men at work ; that they may by the presence 8 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 and Encouragement of their Officers Exert themselves as much as possible. The provision Guard of a Serjeant, Corpo 1 and 6 Private to be furnish d Alternately by the Different Corps of the Line. The 5 th Reg 1 will take it this Evening, it will be reliev cl the same time the other Guards are. A Return of the Kill d wounded Missing in the Different Corps in the late Action of the 17 th to be given in as soon as possible. The Officers to be mentioned Nominally in these Returns. Major Bruce takes the Picquets this Evening in place of Major Short taken 111. Heights of Charlestown June 20 th Tuesday Morning Orders at 7 by Brig r Gen 1 Pigot. (In Gen 1 Howe s Absence) The different Corps will Immediately prepare Cooking places, Lieut 1 Sutherland will show the Qua r master s the Ground Allotted for that purpose. The Broken fences or other useless Wood laying Scatter d in different parts of the Camp to be Col lected in One Spot in either front or rear of the Several Corps. A Working Party of a Serjeant, Corp 1 and 20 Private to parade immediately with 1 Arms, The Serjeant will March his Party to the Stormed Redoubt which is to be Clear d of Rubbish, and a Shade Erected for Sheltering the Guard plac d there. General Morning Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 18 th June at 10 Clock. The Men belonging to the different Corps that have come into Town with wounded Soldiers, or for other purposes will Immediately prepare to Return, they will Parade at Two Clock on the Common, and June 19 ORDERLY BOOK. 9 be March d to the Boats at Winnysimmitt Ferry by a Carefull Serjeant who will Conduct them over the Water to their respective Corps. Each Corps to send the Names of these Men to the Major of Brigade of the day as soon as possible. Parties from the different Corps to be immediately sent to the North Battery and Winnysimitt Ferry to pick up their wounded and carry them to the Gen 1 Hospital. The Paliasses left in the Grenad r L* Infr 5 th 38 th and 52 d Encampments to be Collected in one spot and Deliver d to the Deputy Quarter Mas r Gen 1 when sent for. Morning General Orders Boston 19 th June A Eeturn of the Wounded and Dead of each Keg 1 in the General Hosp 1 and Keg 1 Hospitals to be given in as soon as possible to the Deputy Adjutf Gen 1 . All arms and accoutrern ts or anything else belong ing to the Troops found on the field of Battle or in any other place to be sent to the Main Guard where they will be Assorted and remain till further Orders. General Orders Head Quarters Boston 19 th June 1775. The Commander in Chief Returns his most grate- full thanks to Major Gen 1 Howe for the Extraord 1 "? Exertion of His Military Ability s on the 17 th Ins fc . He returns his thanks also to Major Gen 1 Clinton and Brigad r Gen 1 Pigott for the Share they took in the success of the day as well as to Lieut 1 Colonels Nesbitt, Abercromby, Gunning and Clarke, Majors Butler, Williams, Bruce, Tupper, Spendlove, Smelt and Mitchell, and the rest of the Officers and Soldiers who by remarkable Efforts of Courage and Gallantry Overcame every Disadvantage and Drove the Rebells io SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 from their Redoubt and Strongholds on the Heights of Chaiiestown and gain d a compleat Victory. General Morns Orders 9 Clock Head Quarters Boston 20 th June 1775. A Return of the Volunteers to be sent imme diately to the Depy Adjut Gen 1 . Two Women from each Corps to be sent to the Gen 1 Hospital as soon as possible and four per Company to go to the Troops on the Charlestown side, the latter will be order d to assemble on the Market Place at 2 Clock. A List of those Women to be given to a Serjeant who will attend to Conduct them to the Ferry, see them in the Boats and will be an swerable that no more go than the Number Order d. Heights of Charlestown June 20 th 1775 Brig r Gen 1 Pigott s Orders. (in Gen 1 Howe s absence) Parole Howe. C Sign Percy. Field Officer for thePicquet s this Night Major Tupper. For the Lines to morrow Night Major Mitchell. For the Picquet s to morrow Night Major Sill. Adjut* and Qua r Mas r from 5 th Reg*. The numbers for Guard and other Duty s as Order d Yesterday. The 38 th Reg 1 furnishes the provision Guard, and the 5 th , the Centinels for the General Officers. Gen 1 Orders Head Quarters Boston 20 th June 1775. The Barracks of the 5 th Reg* is allotted for the Women of the 35 th 49 th and 63 d Reg ts . The Quarter Masters of those Corps to meet the Barrack Master at the above ment d Barracks this Afternoon at 5 Clock and receive their Different Rooms. June 2 1 OEDERL Y BO OK. i i Gen 1 Howe s Orders, Camp on the Heights of Chaiiestown. Wednesday Morns at 6 Clock 21 st June 1775. The Corps who have wounded Men in the Hosp 1 at Boston to send (& furnish) them w th necessarys (particularly Clean Linn en) as soon as possible. The Men s Tents being Floor d w th Boards will much Contribute to preserve Health, as many Boards therefore as can be Collected to be brought to the front of the Encampment, and afterw ds proportion? distributed for that purpose. No Soldier belonging to the Corps Encamp d here to be absent from his Company after Gun firing, and no Officer or Soldier to go to Boston unless there is an Absolute Necessity, and then to return as soon as possible. All the posts and rails that already are, or here after can be Collected are to be Carry d to the Rebells Redoubt and piled up there. The people employ d in Mowing and making Hay for the publick Service adjacent to the Encampment are not to be Molested, and as the Commander in Chief has Order d Forage for the Officers of the Army it is expected they will use every Endeavour to prevent the Men or Women of their sev 1 Corps from wasteing or destroying it, The Carts sent for the Forraging Service are not to be taken from it for any other Purpose with* the General s Orders. If any Men or Women are detected selling or giving Rum to the Soldiers the former will be severely Punish d, the Latter Dismissal with Infamy from Camp and the Soldiers found Intoxicated will have no further Allowance of Rum served out to them. All working parties for the future to parade with 1 Arms. 12 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Wednesday 21 st June 1775 Parole Boston C. S. Cambridge. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For Picquet L 1 Col Patterson. For the Lines Major Bruce Adjut* & Quarter Mas r from 38 th R,eg fc . The 43 d furnishes the provision Guard; and the 38 th the Centrys for the Gen 1 Officers this Evening. The party s on fatigue to Cease working from 12 to 2 afternoon. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Thursday 22 d June 1775. Brigadier Gen 1 Pigott s Orders (During Gen 1 Howe s Absence) Parole York C. Sign Halifax. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For Picquet L 1 Col Walcott For the Lines Major Tupper Adjut* and Qua r Mas 1 from 43 d Reg*. The 52 d Reg* furnish the Provision Guard and the 43 d the Gentry s for the Gen 1 Officers this Evening. The non-Co rnmiss d Officers and Soldiers are not to be permitted going to Boston with* passes sign d by the Commanding Officers of their Respective Corps unless attending on Officers. The Gen 1 is sorry he is obliged to repeat the Order given on the 19 th Ins 1 respecting an Examinat n and report of Arms & Ammunition, such Corps who have not attended to that Order he expects will Im mediately Comply with it. The Arms, Accoutrements or necessary s in pos session of any of the Troops that do not belong to them are immediately to be returned to the proper Owners or sent together with all unserviceable arms June 22 ORDERLY BOOK. 13 to the Main Guard at Boston agreeable to the Gen 1 Orders from Head Quarters June 19 th . It is found also necessary to repeat the Order of the 19 th for Cleaning the Streets, front & rear, of the different Encampments of all Hutts, Rubbish, & Filth. The Quarter Masters of the several Corps are imme diately to attend to this Order. The Commands Officers will be answerable the Number of Women with their respective Corps do s not Exceed four ^ Company agreeable to the General Orders of the 20 th that those be the best behaved and bring or keep no Children with them. If any Women are found in Camp Contrary to this Order they will be dismiss d and sent Prisoners to Boston with Posi tive Directions not to be permitted to return from thence to this Camp L* Baker of the 5 th Reg* is appointed to do the Duty of a Major of Brigade to this Corps of Troops, and Lieut 1 Marr of the 47 th Reg* to act in The Deputy Quarter Masr. GenTs Department till fur r Orders & they are to be Obey d as such. General Orders Dated Head Quarters at Boston 21 st June 1775. As all Reg ts were once compleated with Arms to the Establishm* those who make Demands to Compleat them to their Effectives, are at the same time to Acco 1 for the Deficiencies & how they have happen d. The Officers of the Army are acquainted that a Vessell will sail about Friday next for England, All Letters to be sent to the Secretary s Office. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 22 d June 1775 Thursday 10 Clock at Night. Gen 1 Howe s Orders. The Dorothy and Catherine Transport and the 14 3IR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Brilliant will be off Charlestown Ferry to morrow Morning at 6 Clock to receive the baggage & Camp Equipage of the 63 d Reg* on board, The Britannia and Eagle Transports will be there at the same time to receive the Baggage and Camp Equipage of the 2 d Batt n Marines, which will be put on Board, and the Troops to Embark at 5 in the Afternoon. Boats will attend for that purpose. The Men will carry with them the Provisions issued out to them. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 22 d June 1775. All persons belonging to, or followers of the Army are forbid to sell Spirituous Liquors, Excepting at the Regimental Canteen, One, only one of them to be allow d to each Reg* subject to the Regulation of the Officer Commanding the Reg* And as, the Appoint ment of a Sutler depends upon the Commanding Officers of Corps it is expected that Hence forward they will be Answerable for the Sobriety of the Soldiers under their Command. All other Sources of Spirituous Liquors but that of the Canteen being Effectually stopt up from the Non-Commission d Officers & Soldiers by the Proclamation. As some of the Reg ts have gone out with* Provi sions, to prevent the like Accident the different Corps are always to have two clays Provisions ready Cook cl. The Reg* of L* Dragoons to take the Guard on Beacon-Hill till fur r Orders Consisting of a Serj* 2 Corporalls and 9 Private to Mount this Evening. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Friday 23 d June 1775. Parole London C. S. Dullin Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. June 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 15 For Picquet L* Col Gunning. For the Lines L fc Col Clarke. Adjut fc & Quar r Master from the 52 d Reg 1 A Guard of a Serj 1 Corp 1 and Twelve will be posted this Evening on the first Eminence on this Side the Beach where the Troops landed on the day of the Action, The Serj* will receive Orders on the General Parade, The Guard at the Storm d Redoubt will for the future Consist only of a Corp 1 and Six. These two Guards in the rear of the Camp will (as well as that over the provision) be furnish d alter nately by the Corps of the Line, The former will be given this Evening by the Light Infantry, and the latter by 1 st Batt n Marines, The Centrys for the Gen 1 Officers by the 52 d Reg To prevent Irregularity in parading the different Party s for work, An Orderly Drum will be Directed by the Quarter Master for the day, to beat the pioneers March at 4 in the Morning & at every Suc ceeding relief, This will be a signal for the whole to Assemble. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Friday Evening at Nine June 23 d 1775. The Men and Officers of the 1 st Batt n of Marines now on Duty to be relieved to morrow Morning at 4, that Corps will strike Tents & be in readiness to March as soon as the Artilly Waggons receive their Baggage and Camp Equipage. They will Embark at 11 on board of Transports that will lay off Charlestown Ferry where Boats will attend for that purpose. The whole Line will turn out with Arms and Accoutrements to morrow Morning at 6 The Corps in the front of their respective Encampments. Lieut Col Walcott field Officer of the Picquets 1 6 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 will also take Charge of the Troops in the Lines and relieve Major Tupper to morrow Morning at four. The Corps of Light Infantry relieve the party of Marines on Guard over the Provisions. Gen 1 Orders dated Head Quarters Boston 23 d June 1775. As Arms and Accoutrements have been Collected at the Main Guard and assorted, The different Corps to send as soon as possible and take away their own. The Regiments to give in Eeturns of their Sick & Wounded in the Regimental Llospitall s to the Comm r >" Gen 1 as soon as possible. Each Reg* to send a Carefull Serjeant to the Reg 1 Hos 1 to Examine into the Men s Necessary s and see that they are provided w th Clean Linnen. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Saturday June 24 th 1775. Parole Abercromby C. S. Pit cairn. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines Major Bruce. For the Picquets Major Mitchell. Adjutant and Quarter Master from 1 st Batt n Marines which Corps Re-incamps on their former Ground. The out Lying Picquets to be reduced to 100 Men w th Commiss 1 and Non-Commis d Officers in pro portion to be Equally Divided and posted in the two advanced Redoubts. The Field Officer Commands but does not lye out w th these Picquets. Capt n Brown of the 52 fl Reg 1 is appointed an Assist 1 Engineer, Capt n McCan of the Royal Welch Fuzileers having been also Order d to Act in that June 2 5 ORDJERL Y BOOK. 17 Department these Officers are not to do any other Duty in the Line till fur r Orders. The Guards in the rear of the Camp & over the Provisions, tog r w th the Gentry s for the Gen 1 Officers to be furnish d this Evening by the Corps of Grenadiers. There will be no work to morrow and the Officers & Men off Duty will attend Divine Service at Eleven forenoon, it will be perform d in the front of the Center Eedoubt. Camp on the Heights of Charles. Saturday 25 th June 1775. Parole Hervey C. S. Leer ass. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines L Col Walcott For the Picquets L* Col Gunning. Adjut* & Quar r Master from the Corps of L* Infantry. The 47 th Reg* will this Evening & in future furnish the Guard of 1 Serj* 1 Corp 1 & 12 in the rear of the Encampment (the other Detach d Guards at the Stormed Redoubt and over the provisions) tog r w th the Gentry s for the Gen 1 Officers to be furnish d by the 5 th Reg 1 The Picquets to Consist as before of 200 Men, Officers in Proportion, one half only of that Number to lay out and posted as Order d yesterday. The partys for work Consisting of the same pro portion (before Order d) to parade at 4 to morrow Morning. The Qua r Mas r of the day to be attentive & regular in Giving the Signal and seeing every relief for that Duty March off. The Troop for the future to beat at 8 in the Morning, other Camp Duties at the Accustomed Hours. iS SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 17 IS Camp on the Heights of Charlestown, Monday 26 th June 1775 at 4 in the Morning. A Guard of 1 Snbal 11 1 Serj 1 and 15 Private to be paraded immediately and posted at Chaiiestown Ferry, the Officer will place Gentry s & take such Measures as will Effectually prevent Irregularities happening there and that no person be permitted unless those on Duty to Come to this Camp from Boston (Officers & their Servants excepted) with 1 a pass granted by Order of the Commander in Chief. And no Non-Commiss d Officer or Soldier to be Ferryed over from this to the Boston Side with 1 Authentick passes from publick Officers or those Commanding Corps. The above Duty to be furnish d this Morning by the 5 th Keg*. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown, 26 th June 1775. Parole Shrewsbury C. S. Hertford. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines Major Bruce. For the Picquets Major Tupper. Adjut 1 and Q r Master from the Corps of Grenadiers. The Guard in the rear of the Encampm 1 from the 47 th Reg 1 mounted at Gun-firing may retire to the Cantoonment of that Corps after Reveille beating in the Morning. As it will be Salutary and may be an Essential means of preserving health among the Troops it is strongly recommended the Commanding Officers wou d Cause their Men to Bathe in the Salt Water Mornings and Evenings when the Tide admitts. Attention must be had the Men do not Continue long in the Water (nor those who are unacquainted with Swimming) risk any Accident happening by going beyond their Depth. June 21 ORDERLY BOOK. 19 The Men s Tents to be struck every fair Day, The Quarter Masters will inspect they are Clean d & the Kubbish removed. The 38 th Eeg t will this Evening furnish the Centrys for the General Officers and the Guards at Charlestown Ferry, at the Storm d Kedoubt & over the Provisions. Gen 1 Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 26 th June, 1775. An Officer to be sent every Day at Guard Mount ing to Charlestown iferry. He will call on the Deputy Adj fc General this Evening to Receive his Orders. It being reported that some of the wounded Men in the Gen 1 Hosp 1 have not Change of Linnen par- larly the Grenad rs , The Comm r in Chief Orders that they are Immediately provided therewith. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Tuesday June 27 th 1775. Parole Percy C. S. Alnwick Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines L* Col Gunning. For Picquet L 1 Col Clark Adjut* and Q r M r from 5 th Reg t The Detach d Guards (already mentioned in former Orders) and Centrys for the Gen 1 Officers to be furnish d this Evening by the 43 d and to morrow Evening by the 52 d Reg* The Order of yesterday Directing the Men to Bathe Mornings and Evenings only & not to continue long in the Water, is not properly attended to, they are altogether to deferr this Exercise when the Tide only admits of it in the Heat of the Day. The preservation of the few Houses left in Charlestown (as much as possible) unimpair d being c 2 20 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 177$ an Important Object, any of the Soldiers Detected in future in attempting Shamefully to Purloin any part of these Buildings will assuredly be punish d most severely, The Gen 1 Considers such Instances of Devastation and Irregularity a Disgrace to Dis cipline. To prevent any unnecessary waste of ammunition the Men relieved from Duty s are not to draw their Muskett Shot Daily, this only to be done in Wett or Damp Weather when the Cartridge may be suppos d damaged and unfit for real Service. The Order of the 18 th Ins* directing one third of the Men off Duty with Officers in proportion being Employ d at the works carrying on, & relieved every four Hours is either Misunderstood, or not attended to, The Gen 1 expects more regularity, and attention to Orders, the Quarter Master for the day must see the party s for work paraded every relief, those at work are not to leave it till the preceding partys arrive, and the directing Engineer distributes them to their different Stations. It is also Expected the Officers Commanding the working party s will be attentive their Men are Diligent while Employ d. The reliefs to be regular and Incessant every 4 Hours from 4 in the Morning till 8 at Night. Head Quarters Boston 25 th June 1775. The following promotions are made by the Com mander in Chief till His Majesty s pleasure is known. 4 th Keg* (Hodgsons) 18 June 1775. L* Benj n Fish to be Qua r Mas r & Ens n . Mat w Halcott from 38 th Keg* to be L* Vice Eooke preferr d 5 th Keg* (Percy s) 25 th June 1775. Capt n L* John Smith to be Capt n Vice Downes Dead of his Wounds. June 25 ORDERLY BOOK. 21 L* Benj n Baker to be Capt n Lieut 1 Vice Smith pre- ferr d. Ensign Joshua Paul Minchin to be Lieu* Vice Baker preferr d. Pat k England Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Minchin Preferr d. 14 th (Keppel s) 18 th June 1775. Ensign Geo. Brown to be Lieut 1 Vice Bruere KilTd. Ja s Grant Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Brown preferr d. 22 d (Gage s) 24 th June 1775. Major John Campbell to be L* Col. Vice Aber- cromby Dead of his wounds. Major Christ r French serving as Capt n to be Major Vice Campbell preferr d. Capt n L* Hob 1 Simpson to be Capt n Vice French Preferr d. L* Edw d Handfield to be Capt n L* Vice Simpson preferr d. L* Rob* Lindsay serving as Ensign to be L* Vice Handfield preferr d. Eich d Porter Volunteer to be Ens n Vice Lindsay preferr d. 35 th (Campbell s) 29 th April\115. Ens n Art r Ross to be Lieut* Vice Pringle dec (l , John Madan Volunteer to be Ensign, Vice Ross preferr d. 18 th June 1775. Ens u James Lamb to be Lieut* Vice Baird Kill d. Dan 1 Shaw Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Lamb preferr d. 38 th (Blayney s) 18 th June 1775. Ensign John Serjeant to be Lieut 1 Vice Dutton Kill d. 22 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 17 75 James Darcus Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Sarjent preferr d. Edward Cornwallis Moncrief Volunteer to be Ensign, A^ice Halcott preferr d. 47 th (Carlton s) 18 th June 1775. Ensign James Poe to be Lieut 1 Vice Gould Kill d. Tho s Bunbury Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Poe preferr d. Ensign Henry Baldwin to be Lieut 1 Vice liilliard Kill d. Joseph Dowling Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Baldwin preferr d. 52 d (Claverings) 18 t]l June 1775. Capt n Fra s Richmond Humphry s to be Major Vice Williams Kill d. Capt 11 Lieut 1 Andrew Neilson to be Capt n Vice Humphry s preferr d. L 1 And w M c llwaine to be Cap 11 L 1 Vice Neilson preferr d. Ensign Tho s Randall to be Lieu 1 Vice M c llwaine preferr d. Eob 1 John Harrison Volunteer to be Ens 11 Vice Randal preferr d. Lieut 1 Henry Crawford to be Capt 11 Vice Addison Kill d. Ens 11 Martin Hunter to be Lieut 1 Vice Crawford Preferr d. David Vans Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Hunter prefer rd. Lieut 1 John Thompson to be Capt n Vice Davidson Kill d. Ens 11 Honble W m Chetwynd to be Lieu 1 Vice Thompson preferr d. Art r Brooks Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Chet wynd preferr d. Lieut 1 Henry Rooke from 4 th Reg 1 to be Capt 11 Vice Smyth Kill d. June 2 7 ORDERL Y BOOK. 23 Ensign John Fuge to be Lieut t Vice Higgins Dead of his Wounds. Adjut* ^Eneas M c Kay to be Ensign Vice Fuge Preferred. 63 d (Grant s) 18 th June 1775. Ensign John Roberts to be Lieut 1 Vice Dalrymple Kill d. Ja s Drury Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Roberts preferred. 65 th (Urmston s) 18 th June 1775. L* Jonas Watson to be Captain Vice Hudson Kill d. Ens n John Bailie to be Lieu*, Vice Watson preferr d. Joseph Hardy Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Bailie preferr d. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 27 th June 1775. The Surgeons of the Reg 1 Hospitals are desir d to give Lists to the Commissary Gen 1 of all such Men who were wounded on the 17 th Ins* & who require Wine and Oatmeal, and the Men will receive n Certain proportion of these Species in Lieu of other provisions. These Lists to be Sign d by the Officers Commanding Corps. The Quar r Masters of Corps to apply to the Commiss r y Gen 1 to Morrow Morning who will deliver a proportion of Vinegar to each Corps to be served out twice a Week, a pint to each Mess every time. The Gen 1 requests the Officers Commands Corps will Order a Carefull sober Woman to be sent to the Gen 1 Hosp 1 to take care of their Wounded Men who are greatly suffering for want of proper Attendance. Two more Women from each Corps to be sent as soon as possible to the Gen 1 Hospital. 24 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Lieut 1 John M c Kinnon of 47 th Reg is appt d Quar r Mas r to the Corps of Grenadiers. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Wednesday June 28 th 1775. Parole Berwick. C. S. Newcastle. Field Officers for Duty at the Lines to morrow Evening. At the Lines Major Tupper The Picquets Major Mitchell Adjut and Qua 1 Mas r from 38 th Eeg t The 1 st Batt n Marines will furnish the Out Guards and Centrys, the Field Officer of the Picquets will daily visit the Hospitalls and report. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 28 th June 1775. The Eeg ts are again acquainted that there are still a number of Arms and accoutrements in the Main Guard and are Directed to send for them as soon as possible. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Tuesday 29th June 1775. Parole Carlisle Cou r Sign Hespetli Field Officers for Duty to morrow. At the Lines L 1 Col Clarke For Picquets Major Humphry s Adjut* and Q r Mas 1 from 43 d Keg* The Corps of L 1 Infantry furnish the Out Guards & Centrys, &c. The Officers Commanding Corps are desired to inspect the Situation of their Men w th respect to Blanketts, to furnish and Replace such as arc lest or unprovided Immediately. June 29 ORDERLY SO OK. 25 The Men s Leggings are also to be sent for and to be wore on Duty, & a proportion of Watchcoats sufficient in severe weather to Shelter the Men on Guards and out lying Picquets. To secure Alertness in the Centinell s and Guards in front and rear of the Encamping The Field Officers & Captains of the Camp Picquets will during the Night Alternately visit them, The former a little before day Break, and he will announce to the Capt ns the Hours he thinks proper they shou d go their rounds. The Men of the Different Corps Encamp d & Canfcoon d on this side who are reported sick & unable to do their Duty, are previously to be examined by the Surgeons & Mates attending before their Keception into the Hospital Established here. This to be done in the Morning between 8 & 9 Clock when those who are Objects for the Hospital will be Distinguished, and such who are found to have only Slight Complaints can remain in Camp, and are to be Conducted every Morning from 6 to 8 (by an Or derly Corp 1 ) to the Hosp 1 where their wounds may be Dress d, or proper Medicines administred to them, & Excepting such as meet w th Accidents or are suddenly taken 111, it is expected all application at the Hosp 1 will be Confin d to the before ment d Hours, The Com manding Officers of Corps will send the Men w th Venereal Complaints to the Gen 1 Hosp 1 Immedly. The Men admitted to the Hosp 1 here are to be on a Similar footing with those in the General Hosp 1 and are to receive no pay or Provisions from their Corps while they Continue there. The respective Companys of the Corps Encamp d here to provide Brooms for Sweeping & keeping their Streets Clean. 26 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Friday June 30 th 1775 Parole Plymouth. C.S. Cornwall Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines Major Mitchell For Picquets U Co 1 Walcott. Adjut* and Q r M r from 52 d Beg 1 The Corps of Grenad rs furnish the out Guards &c. The Orders respecting Arms belonging to different Corps (Deposited at the Main Guard in Boston) being sent for is still unComplyed with. As soon as the Corps on this Side have received the Arms that do and returned those that do not belong to them, An Exact State of both Arms and Accoutrements from each Corps to be then given in as soon as possible. Some of the Quar 1 Mas rs have been Inattentive to the Orders for throwing the fresh Earth every Morn ing on the Necessary Houses, Gen 1 Howe desires the Officer Commanding Corps Will take Steps to render it unnecessary for him to repeat Orders. A Woman from each Corps to be sent immediately to assist in Cleaning the Hospital in Charlestown and attending upon the Sick, they will receive Directions from M r Morrison who is appointed to superintend it. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Plead Quarters Boston 29 th June 1775. The Barrack Mas r is to Collect all the Timber and fire Wood at Charlestown, and to lodge it for the use of Government, No other person is allow d to take any Timber and fire Wood from Charlestown. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Saturday July 1 st 1775. Parole Exeter C.S. Taunton. July 2 ORDERL Y BO OK. 2 7 Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines Major Humphry s. For Picquets Major Bruce. Adjut* and Q r M r from 1 st Batt n Marines. The 5 th Keg furnish the Out Guards &c. The Corps to give in Weekly returns every Mon day Morning. The Officers first or next for Duty not to quit Camp to prevent which their Tour of Duty must be an nounced in Keg 1 Orders. The Women Order d yesterday from the different Corps to assist at the Hospital did not attend, If the Neglect is theirs they are to be Dismiss d from Camp, The Quarter Master s to see the Orders Immediately Comply d with. Sergt Griffin of 38 th Keg to attend at the Gen 1 Hospital in Charlestown till fur r Orders. The Corps furnish no Men for Work to morrow All the Officers and Men off Duty to attend Divine Service at Eleven before noon in front of the Encamp ment. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Sunday 2 d July 1775. Parole S 6 Ives C.S. Lizard Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines L* Co 1 Walcott For Picquets L* Col Gunning Adjut* and Quarter Master from the Corps of L* Infantry. The 38 th Keg 1 furnishes the Out Guards &c. All issuings of Kum to happen before Noon. The utmost Care must be taken it is properly mixed w th Water which is to be done in the presence of a Commission d Officer. The Corps to begin receiving it alternately. The 28 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Commanding Officers of Corps to see their Men s Arms and Accoutrem ts put in proper Order and any Deficiencys replaced Immediately. To prevent Irregularity or Inattention in future at the Gen 1 Hosp 1 on this side Each Corps will send an exact list to M r Morrison (directing there) both of their Patients in the Hospital and Convalescents Order d to Attend, and to be Conducted thither every Morning agreeable to the Order of the 29 th June for that purpose. On the firing of 3 Cannon on the Stormed Redoubt, the whole Corps of Troops Encamp d and Quarter d here will turn out with Arms and Accoutrements, and form in the front of their respective Encampments and Cantoonments. The Order of the 19 th of June with regard to Striking Tents on an Alarm is Countermanded, & the Officers Commanding Corps will cleferr it unless they receive particular Orders for that purpose. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 2 d July 1775. The Commanding Officers of Corps to make a strict Examination into their Men s Ammunition, see if any of it has been spoiled during the Wett Weather, and that the Men have a proper Method of keeping their Ammunition from being Damaged. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 3 rd July 1775. Parole Asburton C.S. Plymouth Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening At the Lines Major Bruce For Picquets Major Tupper. Adjut 1 and Quart 1 Mas r from the Corps of Grena rs 43 d Reg* furnishes the Out Guards &c. July 4 ORDER L Y SO OK. 2 9 The Corps of J> InfV and 43 d Batt n will Change their Encampment to morrow Morning. Lieut 1 Marr of the 47 th will shew the Ground to the 43 d . The Centinells at all Guards (& particularly those Advanced at the Lines and in the rear of the Encampment) to Challenge every person Approaching them during the Night, and to permit none to pass them with* the Countersign. The Arrangement of the Sick and Convalescents at the Gen 1 Hosp 1 in Charlestown is still Neglected hy the different Corps notwithstands repeated Orders for that purpose, The Men to be Conducted thither this Morning by the Orderly Non Commission d Officer were Hours later than they ought to have been. It is therefore positively Ordered that for the future the Convalescents or patients Newly reported be brought and appear at the Hospital precisely every Morning at Six, and that an exact List of all the Sick both in and out of the Llospital be given at the same time to the Surgeon in Attendance. The Commanding Officers of Corps will be Answerable that Orders are more punctually attended to & Obey d. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Tuesday 4 th July 1775. Parole Honiton C.S. Launceston Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines I/ Co 1 Gunning For Picquets L* Col 1 Clark Adjutf and Q r M r from the 5 th Reg* The 52 d Keg* furnishes the Out Duties &c. To Ensure attention and prevent mistakes in the method to be observed respecting the Gen 1 Hosp 1 the following Extracts from former Gen 1 Orders issued at Head Quarters Boston (in May and June last) are repeated to the Troops here (viz 4 ) 3 o SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 May 29 th " Any Woman who may be wanted as " Nurses at the Gen 1 Hosp 1 or to do any other busi- 44 ness for the Service of the Troops, and shall refuse " to do it will be immediately Struck Off the Provi- " sion List." 11 th June, " No Soldier to be sent to the Gen 1 " Hospital with 1 a Written Order from the Off r of " his Company, or the Surgeon of the Keg*, and to be " accompany d by a Non-Commission d Officer who " will give an Acco 1 of such Necessarys as are sent * 4 with him that they may be re-deli ver d in Case of his "Death. If this is neglected no one can be Account- 44 able for Deficiencies. "When Soldiers are ordered to be discharged "from the Gen 1 Hospital notice will be sent the 44 Keg 1 to w ch they belong that Non-Commiss d Officer 44 may attend to receive them." " As Soldiers will be supply d w th every thing that " is thought Proper for them while in the Gen 1 44 Hospital they will be under the usual Stoppages of 4i 5 d ^ Day, No provisions to be drawn for them, A 44 subsistence sent them." Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston. 3 d July, 75. Complaints being still made by the Brig r General and field Officers when Visiting the Guards and Centinells, of the same Neglect and In-attention in many Officers, Guards and Centinells as before Com- plain d of, The Commander in Chief finds himself Obliged to repeat the Order of the 9 th of June, w cl) lie expects is strictly Comply d with, & no Excuse will be taken, where any want of Care, Attention and Alertness shall be found. Each Corps to send a Carefull person to the General, as well as to their Regimental Hospitals to July 3 ORDERL Y BOOK. 31 take an Acco 1 of their Sick and Wounded thai they may Asscertain the Number of Men they have in them, and provide each Man w th a Change of Linnen, which Order tho before given has not been Com ply d with by some of the Corps. A Gen 1 C 1 Mart 1 to Sitt on Thursday next the 6 th Ins 1 at 10 Clock in Concert Hall to try all Prisoners that may be brought before them. Major Bassett of 10 th Keg t Presid 1 Capt ns - 17 th Reg* L 1 Dragoons ... ... 1 Corps of Light InfV ... ... 1 Grenadiers ... ... ... 1 4 th Reg 1 1 10 th 1 18 th & 65 th 1 23 d 1 35 th 1 38 th 1 49 th 1 1 st & 2 d Batt n Marines 2 Total 12 Ensign Metham 10 th Reg 1 to be Deputy Judge Advocate to whom the Names and Dates of the Mem bers Commissions, the Prisoners Names and Crimes, & Evidences Names to be sent as soon as possible. The Quar r Mas r9 of the sev 1 Regim ts to go through their Regimental Hospitalls, and search for Arms and Accoutrements belonging to their Corps, and make a report of the same to the Deputy Adjut 1 Gen 1 . They will likewise examine the Women s Habita tions for Blanketts as it is reported they have a great number which do not belong to them. A return to be given in to the Deputy Adjut 1 Adjut 1 Gen 1 as soon as possible from every Reg 1 of 32 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 such Women and Children as the Eeg ts want to send Home. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown After Orders 8 at night 4 th July 1775. The arrangement for a Proportion of one third of the Men off Duty, being furnish d by the different Corps for work, (and relieved every 4 Hours) is found Inade quate and the performance of the Troops on that duty Observed to be Languid and Tardy. Gen 1 Howe therefore thinks proper to order in future a Detachm t to Continue permanently at Work from Eeveille beating in the Morning till Gunfiring in the Evening with* Interruption or Discontinuance, for w ch reason their Meals must be Cook d for, and Carry d to them by their Companions off duty. This party to Consist to morrow of 3 Sub s 4 Serj ts 4 Corp ls 2 Drums 130 Private. The Gen 1 expects to have reason to Commend, & not to Censure the attention and Alertness of the Officers on this necessary Service. General Orders Dated at Head Quart rs Boston 4 th July 1775. Major Bruce of the 38 th Beg 1 to make up the Accounts of the Drafts and Becruits he brought over for the sev 1 Begiments, The Drafts from England Commence pay by the Beg ts that received them from 3 d March, those from Ireland as well as the Becruits from 3 d April. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Wednesday 5 th July 1775. Parole Warrington C.S. Barnstalle July 5 ORDERL Y BOOK. 33 Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines Major Tupper For Picquets Major Mitchell Adjut 1 and Qua r Mas r from the 38 th Keg*. The 1 st Batt u of Marines furnishes the Out Guards &c. The 5 th Keg 1 will Change their Encampment to morrow and occupy the Ground shewn to L t Co 1 Walcott. The 38 th and the Corps of Grenad rs will extend to the right, the former as farr as the road, and the latter towards Mystick River. The Nurses employ d at the Hosp 1 in Chariest 11 to be on a Similar footing with those at the General Hospital in Boston to receive 6 cl Sts ^ day & an Entire ration of Provisions. The field Officer Commanding at the Lines to permit no person to pass the advanced Centrys with 1 Orders. After Order 5 o Clock. Some of the Soldiers wives having brought spirituous Liquors from Boston to this Camp, contrary to Orders ; the permission for their passing from thence, hither, is stopt, untill further Orders. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters. Boston 5 th July 1775. The Corps to be Carefull to strike such Women off their provision Lists as are employ d in the General Hospitall s, as they receive provisions in the Hospitall s and are not to be supplied in a Double Capacity. The Effects of the late Capt n Downes of the 5 th Keg 1 to be sold at His House in Boston on Friday Morning next at 10 Clock, and those of the late Capt 11 Hudson of the 65 th Keg 1 on Saturday Morning at 10 Clock at the Encampment of the 65 th . D 34 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The sev 1 Corps to give in returns to morrow morning at 9 Clock to the Major of Brigade for the day of what Ammunition they have made up since last returns, exclusive of 60 rounds ^ Man. The Comm r in Chief is pleased to Direct the Members for the Gen 1 C fc Martial Ordered to sitt to morrow Morning at 10 Clock to be taken from the Eeg ts in Town and to be furnish d as follow (viz ) Members. 4 th Beg t 2Capt ns 10 th 2 23 d 1 35 th 1 40 th 1 49 th 1 63 d 1 18 th & 65 th 1 2 d Batt n Marines 2 Total 12 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 6 th July 1775 Parole Wey mouth C.S. Poole* Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines L* Col Clark. For Picquets Major Humphry s. Adjut fc arid Qua r Mas r from 43 d Keg*. The Corps of L fc Infy furnishes the Out Guards. Upon any people coming in and surrendering thems 8 at the Lines, the field Officer Commanding will immediately dispatch them Conducted by an Officer to Gen 1 Howe s Quarters, or in His absence to Brig 1 Gen 1 Pigots. A List of the Names and a return of the Numbers July 6 ORDERLY BOOK. 35 of Women and Children in every Corps Encamp d here to be given in immediately specifying those present with the Corps that the issuing their pro visions may be properly regulated, and the quantity asscertained. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Friday 7 th July IT 75. Parole Eingwood C.S. Christclmrch Field Officers for duty to morrow Evening. For the Picquets ]> Co 1 Walcott. For the Lines Major Mitchell. Adjut fc and Qua r Mas r from the 52 d Reg*. The Corps of Grenad rs furnishes the Out Guards &c. M r Goldthwaite Dep? Barr k Mas r in Boston having provided a quantity of Spruce, proposes to Brew & deliver it out to the Troops at the rate of one Dollar for 32 Gall 3 to be paid Monthly or Musterly. The Commanding Officers will inform M r Gold thwaite what Quantity they Chuse sho d be sent to their respective Corps, it will thereupon be issued Daily. General Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 6 th July 1775. A return of every Officer, Serjeant, Drummer, Eank and file of each Corps, As also a List of the Names of the Women Children and all other persons followers of the Army, not Soldiers, for whom the Corps draw provisions to be given to the D? Adjutf Gen 1 on Wednesday Morning next. Any persons who are not drawn for, are omitted in the Lists will not be allowed provision hereafter, The Reg ts will likewise give in a List of the Widows of the Deceased Soldiers and their Children. 36 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 7 th July 1775. No Officer or other person whatsoever to go into any House in Town with 1 leave from the Proprietor or person who has it in Charge unless permission be granted on proper application being made for the same. In the returns ment d in yesterday s Orders, it is expected the Reg 13 will make out accurate Lists of their Women and Children, Including those of their Grenad r and L 1 Company s, & marking opposite their Names whe r in the Town of Boston or on the Charles- town side, This Order is Preparatory to a Gen 1 Muster, and no person who does not appear will be allow d provision unless very good reasons can be given for their Non Attendance. Till fur r arrangements are made Major Gen 1 Clinton & under him, Brig r Gen ls Earl Percy and Jones are appointed to the Command & Inspection of the following Corps (viz 1 ) 4 th 23 d 35 th 40 th 44 th & 2 (I Batt n Marines. Major Gen 1 Burgoyne & under him Brig r Gen 1 Robertson are appointed to the Command and In spection of the 17 th Keg 1 (L 1 Dragoons) 10 th 49 th 59 th 18 th & 65 th Res 1 of Foot. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 8 th July 1775. Parole Lymington C.S. Farmouth Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines Major Humphrys. For Picquetts Major Bruce. Adjut 1 and Q r Mas 1 from 1 st Batt n Marines. 5 th Reg 1 furnishes the Out Guards &c. The Men s Wearing Watchcoats and Leggings on Duty will be directed by the Officers Commanding July 8 ORDERL Y BOOK. 37 Corps who are to jadge when it is proper & requisite. Some Soldiers of the Different Corps have been observed Gaming, The Commiss tl & non Commiss d Officers are desir d to be attentive that for the future nothing of this sort appears among the Men, Such instances of Idleness & Depravity are always (& par ticularly at this time) to be prevented & suppress d. The advanced Centrys not to suffer those of the Rebells during the Night to come forward from their day Posts. If they see them advance, they must call and Order them to return to that former station, w ch if they Disobey, the Centrys are immediately to inform the Corporal of the Guard of their having come forward, but they are not to fire unless they see Occasion, in their own Defence, Or to Alarm the Guards. The advanced Guards and Gentry s, are to fire on any of the Rebell s they perceive Endeavouring to pvent Deserters Coming in. The Troops in this Encampment will attend Divine Service to morrow at 11 as before Ordered. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 8 th July 1775. It having been observed that Officers out of Curiosity quit their Corps, improperly go where firing may happen, It is the Commander in Chiefs Orders that on any future Occasion of Alarm, the Officers remain w th their Corps, and be ready to March when Ordered. The Arms Accoutrements found in the Gen 1 and Reg 1 Hospital! s belonging to Different Corps to be sent to the Main Guard, where they will be 3 8 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Assorted and each Keg 1 to send on Monday Morning for their own. Spruce Beer will be sold Delivered in any part of the Town at the rate of One Dollar "f 1 Barrell returning the Empty Casks, as full ones are brought in. The Commands Officers will apply for further particulars to M r Goldthwaite. The sale of the late Capt n Downes s Effects is put off to Monday the 10 th Ins 1 . Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Sunday 9 th July 1775. Parole Newport C.S. Calshot Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines L 1 Col Walcott. For the Picquets L 1 Co 1 Gunning. Adjut* & Qua r Mas r from the Corps of L 1 Infr. 38 th Reg 1 furnishes the out Guards &c. All orders issued relating to the Men are to be Carefully read and explain d to them. Great atten tion is to be observed that those on Duty may as early as possible after relief also hear them read in their turn, so that no Individual may have cause to Plead Ignorance. Gen 1 Howe desires that the Officers who daily Visit and inspect the Men s Messing and Diet, Direct that every Mess may have a distinct fire place, & that the Cooking places of the different Corps are separate from one Another. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Monday 10 th July 1775. Parole Portsmouth C.S. St. Helens July 1 2 ORDERL Y BOOK. 39 Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines Major Bruce. For Picquets Major Tupper. Adjut* and Q r Mas r from the Corps of Grenad rs The 43 d Keg 11 furnishes the Out Guards &c. Serj* Major Fowler of the 38 th Reg* is appointed to Act as Adjut* to the Corps of Grenad rs till further orders. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Tuesday 11 th July 1775. Parole Pendennis C.S. St. Maws Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines L* Col Gunning For the Picquets L t Col Clark Adjut* and Quar r Mas r from the 5 th Keg* The soldiers belonging to this Camp (Officers Servants Excepted) are not to pass from this side the Water to Boston after 12 at Noon each Day. The light Dragoons will take the Guard w ch the 47 th had upon the point near their Encampment. The Adjutants are desired to be more regular in future in giving in their Returns to Major Small at the time appointed. The 47 th Reg* gives the Guard at the Stormed Redoubt till fur r orders. The Guard at the Ferry and the Centrys for the General Officers to be included in the Gen 1 Detail for Guards. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Wednesday 12 th July 1775 Parole Aughrim C.S. GinJcel Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines Major Tupper For Picquets Major Mitchell. Adjut* and Qua r Mas r from 38 th Reg* 4 o 722 WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Women belonging to this Camp having passes from the Officers Commanding the Corps they belong to, are to be permitted to go & return from Boston. The Orderly Drummers of every Corps to Con tinue at their respective Quarter Guards from Gun firing in the Evening, till after Eeveille beating, and the Non Commiss d Officers Commanding these Guards to be answerable the Drum rs are Attentive to the Taps and beat the Reveille regularly. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 13 th July 1775. Parole Chichester C.S. Goodwood. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines L t Col Clarke Eor Picquetts Major Humphry s. Adjut* and Q r M r from 43 d Reg Head Quarters Boston 12 t]l July 1775. The following Promotions are made by the Com mander in Chief till His Majesty s Pleasure is known (viz 1 ) 5 th (Percys) Ens n Benjamin Hill 62 d Keg* to be Lieut* Vice Lord Rawdon preferred 12 th July 1775. 10 th (Sandford s) Ensign Henry De Berniere to be Lieut 1 Vice Verner Dead of His Wounds. Henry Stark Volunteer to be Ensign, Vice Debernier preferr d 30 th June. 35 th (Campbell s) Capt n L* Phillip s to be Capt 11 Vice Lyons Dead of his wounds 28 th June 1775. Lieut* Colin Campbell to be Capt n L 1 Vice Phillip preferr d Do Jufy 1 2 ORDERL Y BOOK. 41 Ensign Clark to be Lieut* Vice Campbell preferr d. Sam 1 FitzGerald Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Clark preferr d. 43 d (Carey s) Capt n Edward Cane to be Major Vice Spendlove Dead of his Wounds. Capt n L* Rob* M c Kenzie to be Capt u Vice Cane preferr d. Lieut* Chas. M c Lane to be Capt 11 Lieut* Vice M c Kenzie preferr d. Ensign Tho s Wilkinson to be Lieut* Vice M c Lean preferr d. John Montague Clark Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Wilkinson preferr d 10 th July 1775. 47 th (Carlton s) Lieut* James Poe to be Adjut* Vice Ensign Tur ner 12 th July 1775. 52 d (Clavering s) Warren Lisle Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Graham dead of his wounds, 4 th July. 63 d (Grant s) Lieut* Henry Lysaght to be Captain Vice Stopford who retires. Ensign John Clark to be Lieut* Vice Lysaght pref d . Ensign John Money to be Adjut* Vice Lysaght 11 th July. Lieut* R* Hon ble Francis Lord Rawdon of the 5 th Reg* to be Capt 11 Vice Foillett retires 12 th July. (Staff) Capt n L* Ja s Urquhart to be Town Major Vice Cane preferr d 10 th July 1775. (Gen 1 Hosp 1 ) W m Rob* Roberts to be Surgeon M r Geo. Browne to be Apothecary Vice Roberts 42 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 14 th July 1775. Parole Petersfield C.S. Postdown Field Off r for Duty at the Lines to morrow Evening Major Humphreys Major Mitchell s Illness having occasioned Major Humphrys taking the Command of the Picquet s last Evening, Major Cane will be on that Duty this, and L* Co 1 Walcott to morrow Evening. Adjutant & Quart r Mas r from 52 d Eeg t Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 15 th July 1775. Parole Southampton C.S. Rumney. Eield Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines Major Cane Eor Picquets Major Bruce Adjut* and Q r Mas r from 1 st Batt n Marines. Major General Howe desires the Officers belonging to this Corps having leave of absence to go to Boston will return to the Camp before 9 Clock at Night the Boats not being allow d to pass the fferry after that Hour unless by particular Direction from a Gen 1 Officer. The non-Commission d Officers sent to Boston with party s are to be Carefull to assemble their Men at the Ferry upon their return & bring them over together, & all Non-Commiss d Officers & Soldiers are to be in Camp in time for the Eoll Calling at Gunfning. The Troops to attend Divine Service to morrow at the usual Hour, they will Assemble in the Eear of the Encampment and arranged in Order to be as much as possible Shelter d from the Heat by a Grove of Trees on the left of the 43 d Keg* July 1 1 ORDERLY BOOK. 43 Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 13 th July 1775. The respective Surgeons to examine the Men of their Corps in the Convalescent Hosp 1 and send such Men over belongs to the Troops on the Charles town side as they find sufficiently recovered to walk about. 14 th July 1775. The Effects of the late Capt n Lyons of the 35 th Reg t to be sold on Monday Morning, those of the late Major Short and L* Shea in the 2 d Marine Encamp ment, to morrow Morning at 10 Clock, likewise those of Capt n Campbell and L t Gardiner on Monday morns next at the same Hour & Place. (47 th Keg*). 31 st March 1775. Capt n Paulus ^Emilius Irving to be Major Vice Cairncross who retires. 1 st Lieut* Rob t Douglass of 23 d Eeg t to be Capt n Vice Irving. 52 d 26 th April 1775. Ens n Tho s Randall to be Lieut* Vice Holland Dece (1 Elias Terrott to be Ensign Vice Randall Gen 1 Orders Head Quar rs Boston 11 th July 1775. The Quar r Guard to face Outwards & not towards the Reg ts . The Picquets are to be form d and Mounted as Directed in the Orders of the 13 th July 1774 that all the Reg ts may follow the same methods of forming and returning their Picquets, and w th respect of going & receiving rounds the Corps lately Arrived are desired to send their Adjutants to Copy the Orders on that Head of the 12 th July 1774 with those for 44 SIX WILLIAM HOWS 1775 Mounting the Picquet of the 13 th w ch they will find at the Depy Adjut 1 Gen 13 Office. Camp on the Heights of Chaiiestown. Sunday 16 th July 1775. Parole Salisbury C.S. Clarendon. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines L* Co 1 Walcott. For Picquets L* Col Gunning. Adjut* and Q r Master from the Corps of L* Infantry. Camp on the Heights of Charlestowii 17 th July 1775. Parole Stockbndge C.S. Andover. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines Major Bruce For Picquets Major Tupper Adjut* and Q r Mas 1 from the Grenad 1 3 Any Soldier Convicted of opening the Tombs or Graves in the burying Ground in Charlestown will be severely punish d, and they are forbid going there unless when upon Duty, Added to the meanness of such practice a pestilence from the Infection of the Putrify d Bodys might reach the Camp. The Soldiers going to Town w th passes are not to be permitted Carrying Canteens w th them. Camp on the Heights of Chaiiestown. Tuesday 18 th July 1775. Parole Marlborough C.S. Amesbury. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines L fc Col Gunning. For Picquetts L* Col Clarke. Adjut 1 and Q r Master from the 5 th July 19 ORDERLY BOOK. 45 The Tools that are in the several Encampments Except such as are under the Care of L 1 Marr, are to be carry d to the Artillery Park (Major Farrington will give Directions for the Care of them) from whence the Capt ns Brown & M c Can will send for as many as they want at the works. The Tools at the works to be Collected every Evens and put under the Care of a Gentry at the lines untill they are wanted in the Morning. Soldiers coming over the ferry after the time appointed will be Confin d by the Officer Commanding the Guard on this side. Camp on the Heights of Chaiiestown. Wednesday 19 th July 1775. Parole Newbery. C.S. Heading. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. At the Lines Major Tupper For Picquets Major Mitchell Adjut 1 and Qua r Mas r from 38 th The Effects of the late Captain Kerwin of 6 th Reg 1 and L 1 Jordan of the Navy to be sold to morrow Morning at 9 Clock at Gen 1 Howe s Quar rs in Boston. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quar rs Boston. 19 th July 1775. The Officers of the Army are desir d to send their Horses to Grass at Chaiiestown as they cannot at present be supply d with Forrage. Returns to be given in to the D^ Adj t Gen 1 early on Friday Morning next of the present State of each Reg 1 Including the Grenad rs and L 1 Company s. Capt 11 Cayler of the 46 th Reg 1 is appointed Aid de Camp to Major Gen 1 Howe and is to be Obey d as such. 46 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Gen 1 C fc Martial of w ch Major Bassett of the 10 th Reg* was Presid* is Dissolved. Gen 1 after Orders Dated at Head Quar rs Boston 6 Clock Afternoon July 19 th Capt n Rich d Sym s of the 52 d Eeg* try d by the Gen 1 O Martial of w ch Major Bassett was President for wounding a Marine of which wound he is supposed to have Died, but it appearing to the Court what he did was in his own Defence, when in the Execution of his Duty, do honourably Acquit him of any intention to Kill the deceased. W m Moran and Ja s Edwards private Soldiers in the 35 th Reg 1 try d by the above Gen 1 O Martial for Assaulting L 1 Chartar of the Marines are found Guilty of the Crimes laid to their Charge and sen tence the prisoner W m Moran to receive 1000 Lashes & the prisoner James Edwards to receive 600 Lashes. Tho s Bell private Soldier in the Marines try d by the above Gen 1 C 1 Martial for robbery is found Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge and sentenced to receive 1000 Lashes. Duncan M c ffarland private Soldier in the 3 d Division of Marines try d by the above Gen 1 C t Mar tial for Robbery is found Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge and sentenced to Suffer Death. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentences, and Orders the punishments Adjudged the Prisoners Tho s Bell of the Marines to be put in Execution, at such times & in such proportions as the Officers Commanding their respective Corps shall Direct. The Commander in Chief likewise approves of the Sent 00 pass d on the prisoner Duncan M c ffarland and Orders it to be put in Execution, by Hanging the s d Duncan M c ffarland on Monday Morning next at 6 Clock. July 20 ORDERLY BOOK. 47 Capt n Smith of the 5 th Reg 1 and Capt n Disney of the 44 th Reg 1 are appointed Majors of Brigade, and are to be Obey d as such. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Thursday 20 th July 1775. Parole Bristoll C.S. Chepstow. Field Officers for duty to Morrow Evening. For the Lines L 1 Co 1 Clark. For Picquets Major Irving Adjut 1 and Q r Mas r from 43 d Reg 1 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Friday 21 st July 1775. Parole Hereford C.S. Monmouth Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening. Att the Lines Major Mitchell. For Picquetts Major Humphry s. Adjut 1 Q r M r from 52 d Reg 1 Some Irregular Women having been found in this Encampment, the Commanding Officers of Corps are requested to attend to the Order of the 20 th June respecting the number of Women allow d to each Company belonging to the Corps here. The Troops of the 17 th Reg 1 L 1 Dragoons will remove from their Station on this Side and be relieved by two others from Boston to morrow Morning. Gen 1 Orders at Boston 20 th July 1775. As the Brigades are broke by Reg ts being on the Heights of Charlestown, the following Corps Com posing the right Wing of the Troops in Boston, are put under the Command and Inspection of Major Gen 1 Clinton, and under him Brig rs Gen 1 Earl Percy Jones (viz 1 ) 18 th Reg 1 Corps of L 1 Infr Grenad rs 4 th 44 th 10 th 22 d Reg ts also the 23 d Reg 1 Encamp d on Fort "Hill. SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The left Wing to be under the Command and Inspection of Major Gen 1 Burgoyne, and under him Brig rs Gen 1 Eobertson (viz 1 ) 17 th Reg* Dragoons 45 th 63 d 35 th 49 th Eeg ts 2 d Marines 40 th Reg ts also, the 59 th Keg 1 in Barracks in King S 1 & 4 Companys of the 65 th Reg 1 Encamp d on Willis s Wharf. The 10 th Reg 1 to move their Encampment to morrow Morning at 8 Clock, The Dep- v Q r M r General or his Assist 1 will shew them their Ground. A Gen 1 C 1 Martial to sitt to morrow Morning at 10 Clock in Concert Hall to try all Prisoners that shall be brouht before them. L 1 Col Patterson of the 63 d Reg 1 President. Dragoons 22 d 1 Capt u ^ 2 do 23 d 1 do 35 111 1 do 40 th 45th 1 do 1 do Members. 49th 1 do 63 d 1 do Grenad rs 1 do L 1 Company i do ; Ens n Metham D Names and Dates ? Judge Advocate to whom the of the Members Commissions, Prisoners Names and Crimes, and Evidences Names to be given in as soon as possible. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Saturday 22 d July 1775. Parole Pembroke C.S. Cardigan Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening At the Lines Major Irving. For Picquets Major Cane. Acljutfand Q r Mas r from 1 st Marines. July 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 49 Head Quarters Boston 21 st July 1775. The Commander in Chief has been pleas d to make the following Promotions till His Majesty s pleasure is known (viz 1 ) 38 th Reg 1 (Blayney s) 21 st July 1775. L* Rob 1 Christie to be Capt n I/ Vice Croker Dead of his Wounds . Ens 11 Peter Purdon to be Lieut 1 Vice Christie preferred. Q r M r Art r Mitchell to be Ensign Vice Purdon prefer r d: M r Geo. Fowler to be Quar r Mas r Vice Mitchell preferr d. After Orders Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 22 d July 1775. The Troops to attend Divine Service to morrow at the usual Hour. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 23 d July 1775. Parole Milford C.S. Glamorgan. Field Officers for Duty to morrow Evening For the Lines Major Humphry s. For the Picquets L* Col Walcott. Adjut 1 and Q r M r from L* Infantry. Soldiers passes going to Boston are to be signed only by the Field Officers Commanding Corps to which the men belong and the passes are to be given to the Officer of the Guard at the Ferry on this Side when the men returns, and he will deliver them at the time he makes his report. The business the Soldiers go upon to Boston to be Specified in the passes. Soldiers are not to remain in the Hutts after 8 Clock in the Evening. If any are found in them E 5 o SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 after that hour the Hutts will be pulled down and the Owner if not a Soldier will not be allowed to Continue in Camp. The Guard for the Lines are in future to be told Off in the parade in three Divisions. Head Q rs Boston 22 d July 1775. The Commanding Officers of Corps to Send exact Lists Signed by themselves to the Comm y General of the Number of Sick and Wounded in their Eegimental Hospital in Boston whom it is Necessary to Serve with fresh provisions, and not any to be mentioned in these Lists whose case does not absolutely require the Small Assistance of Fresh meat that can be provided from time to time. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 24 th July 1775. Parole Eadnor C.S. Ross. Field Officers for duty to morrow Evening. For the Lines Major Cane For the Picquets Major Bruce. Adjutant and Q r Mas r from the Corps of Grenadiers. The Eounds are to Visit the Gentries of the Guards they Inspect. As some of the Soldiers have taken the time of Challenging from the Admirals Gun at 9 Clock, they are to be Acquainted that the Centrys are to Chal lenge at Dusk without Attention to the Hour, the Admirals Evens or Morns Guns are not to be regarded as Signals for the Camp, nor is the time of Beating the Eeveille to be Governed by the Latter. The Field Officers Commanding in the advanced Works will give directions to have Earth thrown into the Necessary houses made for the Use of that Guard ; every Evening before the Eelief. July 26 ORDERLY OOK. 51 Head Quarters Boston 23 d July 1775. In Consequence of Strong application from the Preside and Members of the General Court Martial and the former Good character given the prison 1 Duncan M c ffarland the Commander in Chief is pleased to pardon him. The Court of Enquiry of which Capt n Vallass of the 10 th Eegiment is President is dissolved. After Orders 24 th July Heights of Charlestown, Tis again Ordered that the Officers and Soldiers are not to pass or go up to the Advanced Centrys unless in the Execution of their Duty and at no time to pass them without the Knowledge of the Field Officer Commanding in the Advanced Works. As the Victuals for the Out Guards are not to be Carry ed beyond the Lines, care to be taken that those Guards are relieved in Order to their having their Victuals in due time within the Works. Frequent Mistakes having happened in posting the Out Guards and Centrys belonging to the Advanced Works The Field Officers will be Carefull that the Orders they Deliver when relieved are perfectly understood. The Picquets in Case of Alarm between Gun fireing and Eeveille beating are to Assemble in the rear of the Quarter Guard of the 43 d Eegiment. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 26 th July 1775. Parole Warrington C.S. Wigan Field Officers for duty to morrow Evening. Lines Major Bruce Picquets Major Tupper. Adjutant and Quarter Master from 38 th Eeg fc The Centrys on the Out Posts are to be double E 2 52 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 and are to be Selected (at least one on every Station) from the most Experienced of the Soldiers upon the advanced Guards they are not to Separate or move about upon their posts at Night, but are to be Vigi- lent, Silent and Attentive to their duty. The Ammunition in each Corps to be distributed Equaly, and a return to be given in of the number of Cartridges every man has in his possession ; when Ammunition is wanting application will be made to Gen 1 Howe for an Order to the Comms Officer of Artillery for the delivery of it. The Officer of the Ferry Guard will not take the passes from the Officer s Servants. The advanced Centrys as well as those in Camp to have their Bayonets fixed. Head Quarters Boston 25 th July Officers Commanding Guards or Out posts are not to Suffer people to come upon, or visit their Posts without a Pass. A return of the Light Infantry and Grenadier Company s to be given to the Dep> Adjutant General on Thursday Morning next at 9 Clock. The following Field Officers are appointed to the Grenadiers and Light Infantry, Viz 1 To the Grenadiers L t Col Agnew, Major Smelt and Major Mitchell, To the Light Infantry L l Col Clark, Major Butler and Major Musgrave. Major Mitchell to Command the Grenad rs En camped in Boston, and Major Musgrave the L 1 Inf- v A return to be given by each Keg* to the Comm r y General as soon as possible of the Number of Persons they draw provisions for Including Women, Children and all others on their provisions Lists, as well as the Sick in the different Hospitals. July 26 ORDERLY BOOK. 53 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 27 th July 1775. Parole Liverpool C.S. OmsJcirJc. Field Officers for duty at the Lines to morrow Evening. Lieu 1 Col Gunning, whose Indisposition yesterday prevented his taking the Command of the Picquets and Major Tupper came on that Duty, which will be taken this Evening by Lieu* Col Clark, and to morrow by Major Mitchell. The Issuing Rum and Beer to the Troops in this Encampment will be between 8 & 12 Daily, The Corps to Commence receiving them Alternately beginning to morrow with the L* Infantry. General Orders dated at Head Q rs Boston 26 th July 1775. Lieu* David Hamilton of the 4 th or Kings Own Regiment of Foot, tryed by the General Court Martial of which Lieu* Col Patterson is president for Dis obedience of Orders and neglect of Duty, is not found Guilty of Disobedience of Orders or neglect of Duty, and therefore Acquitted. Benjamin Husthwaite private Soldier in the 4 th or Kings Own Regiment of Foot, tryed by the above General Court Martial for Mutiny and Insolence to Lieu* Lenthall of the 23 d Regiment of Foot or Royal Welsh Fuzileers, is acquitted of the charge of Mutiny but found Guilty of Insolence to Lieu* Lenthall which being a breach of the 3 rd Article of the 20" Section of the Articles of War he is Sentenced to receive 500 Lashes at such place and time as the Commander in Chief shall think proper. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentence. The Kings Carts are to Work the following 54 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Hours only, Viz from 5 to 8 in the morning from 9 to 12 at Noon and from 2 till 6 at Night. No Officer or any other person, tho they may have Orders for Carts, are upon any Account to oblidge the drivers to Work hut during the above Hours. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 28 July 1775. Parole Lancaster C.S. Manchester. Field Officers for duty this Evening at the Lines. (Instead of L* Col Gunning relapsed in his Illness) Major Tupper and to morrow Evening L* Col Clark . For the Picquets Major Irwing. Adjutant and Q r Master from 52 d Hegiment. Soldiers are to be sent to the Hospital upon the first appearance of their being taken with the flux or Feverish Complaints, Their remaining in Camp after they have Contracted either of those Disorders, rendering the Case tedious and difficult, but when taken early they may expect a Speedy recovery. All Soldiers returning Drunk from Boston or having Out Stayed their passes are to be Confined by the Officer at the ferry Guard and reported to Brig r General Pigott. No Soldier is to lie out of Camp or in a Hutt without leave from Major Gen 1 Howe. The Boards in Charlestown are not to be taken from thence but by an Order from Brown of the 52 d Capt n M c Can of the 23 d or Lieu Marr of the 47 th Eeg t3 Lieu Col Nesbit will give his Gentries Orders Accordingly, to prevent any Contravention to this Order. General After Orders, Head Q rs Boston at 6 in the Evens 27 th July 1775. July 28 ORDERLY BOOK. 55 The General Court Martial of which L* Col Patterson is president is dissolved. A General Court Martial Consisting of 3 Field Officers and 10 Captains to Sitt to morrow morning at 9 Clock in Concert Hall, to try Capt n Payne of the 18 th or Koyal Eegiment of Ireland, on the charge Exhibited against him by Lieu* Fowler of Said Regim* ; and such other prisoners as Shall be brought before them. Lieu 1 Col Sir Harry Calder President Major Bruce Major Blunt The Corps on the Heights of ) ~ , . Charlestown furnish ... j 4 Ca P tams 1 st Division in Boston ... 2 2 nd do do ... 2 3 rd do do ... 2 Deputy Judge Advocate to whom the Names and dates of the Members Commissions and Evidences Names to be given as Soon as Possible . Morns General Orders Dated Head Q rs Boston at 9 Clock 28 th July 1775. The General Court Martial Ordered to Sit this Morning at 9 Clock is not to Sit till 10, The members to be Wholly taken from the Troops in Boston, and the following to be added to those Ordered Yesterday Viz* L* Col Bruce 17 th Reg* L* Dragoons ... 1 Captain 1 st Division ... ... 1 2 d do 1 3 d do 1 Captain Adye of the Royal Regim* of Artillery, Deputy Judge Advocate. 56 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestowii 29 th July 1775. Parole Westmoreland C.S. Kendal. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Major Humphries. Adjutant and Quarter Master from 1 st Batt n of Marines. The Light Dragoons, JJ Infantry, 43 d 52 d and 1 st Marines to parade for Divine Service tomorrow morn ing at 9 Clock, in the front of the 43 d Regiment The Royal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th and 47 th Reg ts at 11 Clock on the Grand parade: Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 30 th July 1775. Parole London C.S. Westminster. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Irving. Picquets Major Cane. Adjutant and Q r Master from the Corps of L* Infantry. The General is very much displeased that his Orders with regard to not examining Prisoners has not been Complied with ; And if his Orders that all parties and Reliefs shou d March off with fixt Bayonets had been observed, the Soldiers cou d not have failed to Destroy a Number of the Rebels last Night. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 1 st August 1775. Parole King George C.S. Hanover. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Cane Picquets Major Bruce. Adjutant and Quarter M r from the 5 th Regim* A Return of the Strength of the 45 th Reg* to be July 3 1 ORDERL Y BO OK. 5 7 given in as soon as they Encamp ; that Corps to fur nish a proportion of the Duties from the Line tomorrow Evening. Gen 1 Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 31 st July 1775. The 45 th Regiment to Strike their Tents tomorrow Morning at 5 Clock, and will March and encamp on the Heights of Charlestown, The Dep? Q r M r General will have Carts and Boats to Transport them and their Baggage to Charlestown. The Commanding Officers of those Corps who received Drafts and Recruits from England and Ire land, to Send the Deputy Adjut fc General on Wednes day Morns Next. Lists of their Names mentioning from what Reg ts the Drafts came. Those Reg ts that had Recruits come for their particular Corps in any of the Ships that brought Drafts and Recruits to mention their Names in a Seperate line, from those they got by Draft. The Several Corps to send returns to the Comm r y General tomorrow morning Early, of their Sick and wounded Officers, and Men, for whom fresh meat is absolutely Necessary. Brig r Gen 1 Grant being arrived will do duty as Brigadier-General . The Commander in Chief is pleased to Remit three, of the Five Hundred Lashes, adjudged Benj n Hus- thwaite private Soldier in the 4 th or Kings Own Regi ment and to Order that he receives the remaining two hundred Lashes at such time and place as the Officer Commanding the Corps to which he belongs Shall direct. 58 SIP. WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 2 d August 1775. Parole Dumfries C.S. Glasgow. Field Officers for duty to morrow Evening. Lines Lieu 1 Col Monckton Picquets Major Tupper Adf and Q r Master from 38 th Reg* this Evening. The following Corps encamped here are arranged in 3 Div ns Viz 4 ( T -U4- T f ( 5 th Res ist J Ll g ht Infantry 9nd l 59d 1 Grenadiers " 1 ^ , , . ( ( 1 st Marines The Out Dutys to be furnished Alternately by these Divisions, beginning this Evening with the 3 rd which will be relieved tomorrow by the 1 st Division, furnish ing also the Adjutant and Quarter Master for the day A Working Party to be furnished this Evens by the 2 nd Division Consisting of S S C P 2 2 2 40 to parade at 8 Clock, and follow the directions they receive from Capt 11 M c Can Assistant Engineer. Gen 1 After Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 1 st August 1775, 5 Clock. The Several Corps to give in returns to the Deputy General on Thursday Morning next at 9 Clock of Such men as it is necessary (and who are able to be sent to England) either from wounds or from other Complaints. The Corps will likewise give in Lists of Such Women as are desirous of going to England. Capt n Browne of the 52 nd Keg 1 is appointed to do the duty of Brigade Major, till further Orders. August 4 ORDERLY BOOK 59 General After Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 6 Clock 1 st August 1775. The Grenadiers and Light Infantry Comp>" s of those Eegiments that are not Compleat to be put on an Equality as to Numbers with the Battalion Comp^ s as Soon as possible. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 3 rd August 1775. Parole Hamilton C.S. Dunbarton Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Bruce Picquets Lieu 1 Col Gunning The 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties and give the Adju 1 and Q r Master for the day. Sergeant Pratt of the 59 th Grenadiers is to Attend the Assistant Deputy Q r Master General till further Orders. The Officers Commanding the 5 th 38 th 43 rd 47 th 52 nd Reg ts and 1 st Batt n of Marines to Compleat the Grenad r and Light Companys to the following Num bers Agreable to the Gen 1 Orders of the 1 st Ins 1 Viz 1 5 th Keg 1 to 33 Rank and File 38 th to 34 do 43 d to 34 do 47 th Reg* to 35 do 52 d to 35 do 1 st Marines to 45 do Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 4 th August 1775. Parole Sterling C.S. Dumblaine Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening For the Lines Lieu 1 Col Walcott 60 SIP. WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 For the Picquets this Evening instead of L* Col Gunning (Indisposed) Major Mitchell and L* Col Clark tomorrow The 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjut* and Q r Mas r from the 43 d Keg t The men on the Advanced Posts are not to be allowed to take their Watch Coats or Blankets down with them, their Comrades may carry them to them in the Morning Such Corps as may want Cartridges to Compleat their men to 40 Hounds, will apply for an Order for the Delivery of the Number required. Gen 1 Orders dated Head Q rs Boston 3 d August 1775. A Transport being Ordered to Sail in a few days for London, the Corps will take the Opportunity of writing by her to their Agents for any thing they may want for the Use of the Officers and Soldiers Gen 1 After Orders dated Head Q rs Boston August 3 rd 1775 % after 5 Clock. All Soldiers to wear their Cartouch Boxes Over their Shoulders and not round their waists The Adjutant or Serjeant Major of each Corps to be at Head Quarters tomorrow Morning at 10 Clock The Deputy Adjutant General will give them further Directions. Gen 1 Orders dated Head Quarters Boston 4 th August 1775. The Several Corps to examine their Cartridges Some being reported too large, Others too Small, and August 5 OEDEEL Y BO OJT. 6 1 give in to the Artillery all that are not of a proper Size. When Eegiments Send men to be employed in Making Cartridges they are not to Send raw Recruits, but Such men as Understand how to make them, who will Obey the Directions of the Officer appointed to Superintend them. Every Corps to apply to the Artillery for a former, and be carefull that it is exact as to Size with the Pattern former, that they may know what Size to make their Cartridges of, when they are Ordered to do it Eegimentally After General Orders dated Head Quarters 2 Clock August 4 th 1775. Lieu 1 Alex r Ross of the 45 th Regiment is appointed to Act as Assistant Engineer till further Orders. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 5 th Augt 1775. Parole Perth C.S. KillilcranJcy Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. For the Lines Major Tupper For the Picquets Major Irving The 1 st Division take the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from the Grenadiers The Soldiers Ordered into the advanced Breast Works will carry Water with them in their Canteens The Officers Commanding in those Works will be responsible that their men do not straggle to the front. Capt n M c Can and Lieu 1 Ross will have all the Tools under their Care lodged in the Rebel redoubt from whence they are not to be delivered, but by their Orders 62 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Some Eegiments having lost Tents, those who have more than properly belong to them, are to report the Numbers. Gen 1 Orders dated Head Quarters Boston 5 th August 1775. The Invalids returned by the Several Corps to go to England, are to be sent to the General Hospital on Monday Morning next at 9 Clock where they will be examined by the Physicians and Surgeons of the Hospital and reported as soon as possible to the Com mander in Chief Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 6 th August 1775 Parole DundalJc C.S. Taymoutli. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Major Humphries The 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 52 nd Kegiment Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 7 th Aug* 1775 Parole Dundee C.S. Forfar Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines L 1 Col Clark Picquets Major Cane 3 d Division takes the Out Dutys Adjutant and Q r Master from the 45 th Regim* The men may take their Watchcoats with them to the advanced Works, the Officers are not to suffer them to be wore unless the wheather is bad. August^ ORDERLY BOOK. 63 Gen 1 Orders Dated Head Q rs Boston 7 th August 1775. Capt n Adye of the Hoyal Artillery is appointed Deputy Judge Advocate to the Troops in Boston. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 8 th August 1775. Parole Blair C.S. Montrose. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Irving Picquets Lieu 1 Col Monckton The 1 st Division takes the Out Duties. Adj fc and Q r Master from the Corps of L 1 Infantry Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 9 th August 1775 Parole Aberdeen C.S. Angus Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Humphrys Picquets Major Bruce The 2 d Division takes the Out Duties The Adjutant and Q r Master 1 st Batt n Marines. s c A Working party of 2 2 & 40 Pioneers to Parade tomorrow Morning at 5 Clock at the Rebel Eedoubt, they are to provide themselves with Small Axes. Gen 1 Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston gth Aug t 1775 . All Letters for England to be sent to the Secre- tarys Office by Saturday Next The following promotions are made by the Com mander in Chief till His Majestys pleasure is known viz - 64 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 43 rd Reef Careys Ensign Thomas Dunbar to be Lieu* Vice Wilkin son who resigns 7 th Aug* 1775. Archibald Kennedy Volun r to be Ensign Vice Dunbar prefered. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. After Orders. 2 Clock August 9 th 1775. The field Officers Commanding in the Lines are to Inspect all Detachments under their Command going to the Out Posts, and they will repeat to every Relief the proper Directions to prevent the Soldiers in the Advanced Works fireing Idly and without good Aim. The Officers in those works will take care to leave Sufficient Space between the Sand bags for placeing the pieces in the Vacancies, without which it is impos sible for the men to Aim properly and the Bayonet shou d not be fixed for this Mode of Fireing The Relief for the Lines will march from the parade a short time before Gunfireing but shou d the Enemys fire be brisk from their Guards, the Field Officer may then Detain the New Guard upon the parade untill Dusk Gen 1 Orders Dated Flead Quarters Boston 9 th Aug t 1775. The different Corps to give returns this Evening to the Commissary Gen 1 Signed by the Officers Com manding of the Number of Sick and Wounded in the General and Reg 1 Hospitals for whom it is Necessary to Issue fresh provision, which they will receive tomorrow Morning. August 10 ORDERLY BOOK. 65 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 10 th Aug* 1775. Parole Bamf C.S. Cullen Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Cane Major Bruce being taken 111, L* Col Walcott will take the Picquets this Evening and Major Tupper tomorrow. The 3 d Division takes the Out Duties The Adjutant and Q r Master from 38 th Reg The rails Surrounding the wells, in the ruins of the Villages and Environs of the Camp, are on no Account to be moved. General Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 10 th August 1775 Those Regiments that Send Invalids to England, to give each man 8 Weeks pay deducting 6 weeks provision Money Out of it, for the time he is Sup posed to be on board Ship. A fortnights pay is allowed each man on his Landing, to carry him to his place of Abode, or to Subsist those who are recommended to Chelsea Hospital till they are Ad mitted by the Board Lieu* Thorn 3 Baker of the 5 th Regim t will take Charge of the Subsistence for these Men, and deliver it to them on their Arrival in England. He will likewise take the Command of them on Board Ship, and give Such Directions as he shall think proper for the Preservation of good Order. No man to be sent who has not been approved of by the Surgeons of the Hospital, and a List of their Names to be given by every Corps to Lieut* Baker The Effects of the late L Col Abercrombie to be Sold by Auction at the Large tree in the front of P 66 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 the Encampment cf the 22 d Eegiment tomorrow Morns at 11 Clock Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. August 11 th 1775. Parole Inverness C.S. Elgin. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu 1 Col Monckton Picquets Major Mitchell The 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from the Grenadiers. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 12 th Aug 1 1775. Parole Sutherland C.S. Caithness Eield Officers for Duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Bruce Picquets Lieu 1 Col Clark The 2 d Division takes the Out Duties The Adjutant and Q r Master from the 5 th Eegim 1 . Tools being wanted for Work this Evening The Commanding Officers of Corps will immediately direct particular perquesition among the Tents and Hutts near their respective Encampments for Such as have been Secreted by the Soldiers and Order them to be carryed directly to the Eedoubt in Question, Agreable to the Order of the 5 th Ins 1 which has not been Complied with The Light Dragoons, Light Infantry, 43 rd 45 th & 52 d Eeg ts to parade for Divine Service tomorrow Morning at 9 Clock in front of the 43 d Eeg 1 The Eoyal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th and 1 st Batt n of Marines at 11 Clock on the Grand Parade August 13 ORDERLY BOOK. 67 General Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 11 th August 1775 The following promotion is made by the Com mander in Chief till His Majestys pleasure is known Viz* Staff of the Hospital William Bruce Esq r to Act as Physician to the Hospital 10 th August 1775. General Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 12 th Augt 1775. The Invalids of the Several Eegiments Approved of by the Surgeons of the General Hospital and Ordered to be Sent to England to be in readiness when Called upon. The Adjutants of the Several Corps will get Lists of their Names. For the future all Guards and Centinels to have their Bayonets fixt and are on no Acc t to unfix them when on Duty General After Orders Dated at Head Quarters Boston 12 th August 1775 2 "Clock The different Corps to Send tomorrow Morns to the Commissary General and receive a Proportion of Fresh Beef for their Sick and Wounded in Reg 1 Hospitals. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 13th Aug t 17 75. Parole Shetland C.S. Orkney Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu Col Walcott. F 2 68 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Picquets Major Irving. 3 rd Division takes the Oat Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 43 d Eegiment The Fascines that are already (and will in future be) made by the Different Corps to be Collected, and Deposited at (and given in charge of) their Respective Quarter Guards. Heights of Charlestown August 13 th 1775 2 Clock After Orders The Soldiers may take Such Wood for Fuel, as can be found among the Ruins of Charlestown, but Boards that may be used for other purposes, are not to be taken to Burn. The Corps are not to make Collections of Fuel for their own particular use, the Wood for the Kitchens must be in Common till further Orders. Heights of Charlestown August 14 th 1775 Morning Orders at 8. A proportion of Oatmeal will be issued to the Troops in Lieu of Pease and Rice till further Orders Gen 1 Orders dated Head Quarters Boston 13 th Aug 1775 When Regiments want Cartridges in the room of those damaged, The Q r Mas r to collect the Ball and deliver them in at the Same time they receive fresh Cartridges or else they will be made to pay for the Ball, being a very Necessary (Economy. August 14 ORDERLY BOOK. 69 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 14 th Aug* 1775. Parole Derry C.S. Antrim. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Tupper Picquets Major Humphrys 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adj 1 and Q r Master from the Corps of Light Infantry. Gen 1 Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 14 th Augt 1775 The Surgeons of the Hospital having Examined more Invalids of the Different Corps than were at first returned, Some of which are to go to England, the Corps to which they belong to send their Names as well as the Names of those men first Ordered to Lieu* Baker of the 5 th Regiment as soon as possible. The mens discharges to be made Out and Ready to be delivered them, that there may be no delay when they are Ordered to Embark, a fortnights Sub sistence for each man to be delivered to L* Baker who will take charge of it, and give it them on their Landing in England. John Wrenshaw and Edward Slator private Soldiers in His Majesty s 35 th Regiment of Foot try d by the Gen 1 Court Martial of which L* Col Sir Henry Calder is President for Robbing the Store of M r Will m Taylor Shopkeeper in the Town of Boston of a Quantity of Flour The Court is of opinion that the Prisoner John Wrenshaw is Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge and doth adjudge him to receive 500 lashes by the Drummers of the Regiment to which he belongs The Court is further of Opinion that the Prisoner Edward Slator is Guilty of Assisting the Said John 70 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Wrenshaw in the above Robbery and partaking the benefit arising from the Sale of the Flour and doth adjudge him to receive 300 Lashes by the Drummers of the Regiment to which he belongs. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentences on the Prisoners John Wrenshaw and Edward Slator and Orders them to be put in Exe cution. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 15 th August 1775 Parole Donegal C.S. Strabane Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu* Col Gunning Picquets Major Cane 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 52 d Reg* Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 16 th August 1775 Parole Sally shannon C.S. Ulster Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Lieu* Col Monckton 3 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Qu r Master 45 th Eegiment The fences round the Wells having been taken away in defiance of the Order of the 10 th Ins 1 Soldiers Convicted of such future Inattention & Disobedience may Expect to meet with the Severest punishment. Serjeant Ferguson of the Light Company 43 d Hegiment is to Collect and take charge of all the Engineers Tools in this Encampment till further Orders August 16 ORDERLY BOOK. 71 Whereas some evil minded person did on Monday last in the Middle of the day Cutt off the Tail of a little black Cow belonging to Brig r General Pigott whoever will give information against the person Guilty of so much Cruelty shall receive a Guinea Keward. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 17 th Augt 1775. Parole Sligo C.S. Longford Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu 1 Col Clark Picquets Major Bruce 1 st Division takes the Out Dutys Adjutant and Quarter Master from Corps of Grenad rs The Commanding Officers to give directions for Collecting all the Engineers Tools still dispersed and in possession of their respective Corps, they are there upon to report to Brig r Gen 1 Pigott, and the Tools to be Deposited in the Grenadier Redoubt under the Care of Serjeant Ferguson who will Acknowledge the Receipt of them. The Non Commissioned Officer Commands the Grenadier Quarter Guard will be answerable that no person Except publick Officers or those employ d in the Engineers Department are to have Access to the Tools and whose Order only they are to be delivered Out. Gen 1 Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 16 Aug st 1775 The different Corps to give in Immediately to Major Moncrieff the Names of the Invalids, Women and Children who are to go to England, but no other Names to be inserted than those who were returned Prior to this day. 72 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 General Orders Dated Head Quarters Boston 17 th August 1775 Complaint having been made, that the Ferry men at Chaiiestown ferry, frequently receive 111 usage from the Military and are Harrass d to a great degree by Constant Employment, as well as the men in the Transport Boats, who ply there to Assist the Service, not in the Line of their Duty. The Commander in Chief therefore thinks Proper to Order, that Neither Officers nor Soldiers, shall for the future presume to Strike or otherwise 111 treat the ferry men, or people employ d in the Transport Boats, but are on all Occasions to apply to the Officer Commanding the Guard, who is placed there to see that due Order is kept, and that all proper Assistance is given to Officers and Soldiers passing the ferry. The Invalids Women and Children Ordered to be sent to England, to Embark on Saturday Morning next at 6 Clock on Board the Charming Nancy Trans port, lying at the long Wharf. A Serjeant of each Corps to see their Own people embarked, and give Lists of their names to Capt n Handyfield Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General, who will attend the Embarkation. Gen 1 Orders dated Head Q r3 Boston 18 August 1775 One days fresh provision will be Issued to the Troops tomorrow, The Q r Masters of the Different Corps to Attend the Commissary General Early in the Morning to receive it. Heights of Charlestown August 18 th 1775 Parole InnisMlling C.S. Boss. August 21 ORDERLY BOOK. 73 Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Irving Picquets Lieu 1 Col Walcott The 2 d Division gives the Out Duties Adj* and Q r Master from 1 st Batt n Marines Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 19 th August 1775. Parole Galway C.S. Tuam. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Humphry s Picquets Major Tupper 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjt and Q r Mas r from 38 Eegiment The Koyal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th & 1 st Marines to parade for Divine Service tomorrow Morns a t 9 Clock The L 1 Dragoons, L* Infantry, 43 d 45 th & 52 d E ts at 11. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 20 th August 1775. Parole Limerick C.S. Clare. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Cane Picq ts Lieu 1 Col Gunning. 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Mas r from the Corps L* Infantry Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 21 st August 1775 Parole Bandon C.S. Kerry Major Cane being taken 111, L* Col Monckton will 74 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 take the Duty at the Lines this Evening Major Bruce tomorrow Evening Major Mitchell the Picquets. 2 d Division take the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 5 th Regiment. The Commanding Officer of the Lines will take Care that the men for the Eelief of the Fleshes at Noon, do not leave the Lines untill they have got their Dinners. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 22 d Augt 1775. Parole Kinsale C.S. Bantry Eield Officers for Duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Lieu* Col Walcott. Picquets Lieu* Col Clark 3 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 43 rd Regiment Head Quarters Boston 20 th August 1775. The following Reg ts (Viz*) 22 d 35 th 40 th 44 th 45 th 49 th and 63 rd to Send each One Non Commissioned and 10 private tomorrow Morning to the Royal Artillery, who are to remain and do duty with the Artillery as the Additionals from other Corps have done. Col Cleaveland will take care to have them In structed in the Use of the Great Guns as soon as possible If there are men in those Corps, who know any thing of the Artillery Service, they will be Sent in preference to others Capt n Bamford of the 40 th Regiment is appointed an Assistant Engineer and Lieu* Adair of the 2 d Batt n of Marines an Overseer of the Works. August 24 ORDERLY BOOK. 75 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 23 rd Aug* 1775 Parole Cork C.S. Blarney Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Tapper Picq ts Major Irving 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from the Corps of Grena diers. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 24 August 1775 Parole Youghall C.S. Killworth Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Lieu* Col Gunning Picquets Major Humphrys. 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 52 d Regiment When the 1 st Division is upon Duty in Case of an Alarm at Night, the Grenadiers remaining in Camp Off Duty are to Assemble on the Bight of their Quarter G d And the Light Infantry will Assemble to the Left of their Quarter Guard in front of Col Clark s Tent The 2 d Division being upon Duty The 5 th Regiment will Occupy the Line between the Left Redoubt and the Six pounder upon that flank The 52 nd Regiment will Occupy the flank of the Lines from the right redoubt to the Opening upon that flank The Marines will form at the Head of their Own Encampment and will act from thence as Occasion may require The 3 rd Division being upon Duty the 38 th Regi ment will take the Left flank of the Lines from the left Redoubt to the Six pounder 76 SIR WILLIAM HOWE 1 S 1775 The 43 rd Eegiment taking the other flank as Ordered for the 52 nd The 45 th will form in front of its own Encamp ment The 1 st Division being upon Duty this Regi ment will march to the front and form in the bottom in a line between the left flank of the 38 th Eegiment and the Village The 43 rd and 52 d Eeg t3 will form into four Columns in Lines having a Company in front of Each Column, and will march to the front of the Eight Wing of the Grenadier Encampment, from whence they will charge with their Bayonets any force Attempting to pass the right flank of the Lines Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 25 th August 1775. Parole Dungarvon C.S. Clonmell. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Lieu* Col Monckton 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 45 th Eegiment The proportion of Sheep allotted for the Officers of the Different Corps under General Howes Immedi ate Command will be delivered this Afternoon at Six, for which purpose the Q r Master will at that hour meet Lieu 1 Marr Assis 1 D- v Q r Master General in the field Adjoining the General Hospital Those of the Cavalry and Eoyal Artillery excepted who will receive theirs with their Eespective Corps in Boston. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 26 th Aug st Parole Charleville C.S. Mallow Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. August 27 ORDERLY SO OK 77 Lines Lieu* Col Clark Picquets Major Bruce 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Mas r Corps of Light Infantry Serjeant Blackgrove of the 45 th R* to Attend Lieu* Marr Ass* D? Q r M r General till further Orders in place of Serjeant Pratt of the 59 Grenadiers, who returns to His Company The L* Dragoons, L* Infantry, 43 d 45 th & 52 d R ts to parade for Divine Service tomorrow at 9 Clock The Eoyal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th & 1 st Marines at 11. Head Quarters Boston 25 th August 1775 As Wood cannot be got, but at an Extravagant Price, that the Sick in Eegimental Hospitals may not Suffer for want of Fuel, The Barrack Master for the future is to Deliver to Each Regiment for the Use of the Hospital the fuel allowed by the Barrack Regu lations for two Companys Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 27 August 1775 Parole Wat erf or d C.S. Kilkenny Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Irving Picquets Lieu* Col Walcott 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 1 st Marines Such of the Corps as have neither their Surgeons or mates with them upon this Ground, will Order their Mates to Attend in Camp for the Care of their Sick The Commanding Officers of Corps will direct that 78 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 the Ammunition Expended on Duty be replaced as soon as possible. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 28 th Aug st 1775. Parole Wexford C.S. Kildare. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Humphry s Picquets Major Tupper 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 38 Regiment The Rebels Works being now advanced near to those of this Camp, from whence they may the more Readily Insult this Corps, The Utmost Alertness is expected from the Troops, as well in the day as in the Night, which if Attended to, Should the Rebels pre sume to make an Attack upon us, It is not doubted But they would meet with the Same fate they did on the 17 th June, The Officers will not therefore quitt the Camp by going to Boston, with out the most Urgent Business, and upon no Account more than One third to be absent at the Same time The Utmost Attention to be given that the Sol diers do not Lie in the Hutts, upon proof of diso bedience of this Order, The Hutts will be all pull d down, Except Such as may belong to Officers Head Quarters Boston 28 th August 1775. It is the Kings positive Orders that no persons are returned on the Strength of any Regiment as Yolunt rs except they are present and Actually able to do duty August 2<) ORDERLY BOOK. 79 After Orders 6 Clock A General Court Martial Composed of Officers from the Troops on the Heights of Charlestown, to Sit tomorrow morning at 8 Clock (On the Drum head) to try William Beck Soldier in the 43 d Regiment for Desertion and Such other prisoners as Shall be brought before them. Lieu* Col Nesbit of 47 th Eeg t President, Twelve Captains Members Lieu* Alex r Eoss of the 45 th Regiment Dep? Judge Advocate, to whom the Names and dates of the Officers Commissions, Prisoners Names & Crimes & Evidences Names to be given as soon as Possible Detail L* Dragoons L 1 Infantry Grenadiers 5 th Reg t 38 th 43 rd 45 th 47 th 52* 1 st Marines Total Captains 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Members Camp on the Heights of Charles town 29 th Aug st 1775 Parole Drogheda C.S. Dimdalk Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu 1 Col Monckton Picquets Lieu 1 Col Gunning 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master from Grenadiers So SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Head Quarters Boston 29 th August 1775. All Keturns called for from the different Corps are to be Signed by the Officers Commanding The Physicians and Surgeons of the General Hospital, to examine the men in the Regimental Hosp ls of those Corps that are over at Charlestown for which purpose the Quarter Master or an Officer from each Corps, to Attend at 9 Clock tomorrow Morning at the Manufacturing house, the Regimental Surgeons to Order all Out lyers to be at the Regimen tal Hospital that they may be examined ; and the Q r Master or Officer employed on this Occasion will take charge of all Such men as the Physicians or Surgeons shall Judge fit to Join, and carry them Immediately to their Corps Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 30 th August 1775 Parole Belfast C.S. Downe Field Officers for Duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Bruce Picquets Major Mitchell 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 5 th Regiment Head Quarters Boston 30 th August 1775 William Beck private Soldier in Capt n M c Kenzies Company of the 43 rd Regiment of Foot, tryed by the Gen 1 Court Martial of which Lieu* Col Nesbit of the 47 th Regiment is President, for Desertion, is found Guilty of the Crime laid to his charge and Sentenced to Suffer Death, by being hanged by the Neck till he is Dead, being the most Ignominious manner of In flicting the punishment of Death, due to so infamous September i ORDERLY BOOK. 81 a Crime as Desertion to the Kebels of his Country The Commander in Chief approves of the Sen tence of the above General Court Martial and Orders it to be put in Execution immediately, in such place on Charlestown Neck as Major Gen 1 Howe shall think fit to Order The above General Court Martial is disolved The Regiments that have given Additional Gun ners to Serve in the Royal Artillery are to Settle their Accounts and to furnish them with Necessarys in the Same manner as the Rest of the men of the Corps The Auction at General Haldimands is putt off on Account of the Bad wheather to Friday next Heights of Charlestown 30 th August 1775. After Orders J past One Clock The Picquets of every Corps Encamped and Cantooned on this Side (The Light cavalry included) to parade at Four this afternoon in Front of the 43 rd Regiment to Attend the above mentioned Execution. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 31 st August 1775 Parole CarricJcfergus C.S. Monaghan Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu* Col Walcott Picquets Lieu* Col Clark 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 43 rd Regiment Morning Orders 7 Clock 1 st Sep r 1775. A Return to be given in immediately of the Names G 82 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 of Such men of Each Corps as have been sent to this Camp in Consequence of the General Order of the 29 th last past (for Examination of the Sick and Wounded) and if there are any of them unable to do duty, the reason to be mentioned against their Names Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 1 st Sep r 1775 Parole Tipperrary C.S. Casliell Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Tupper Picquets Major Irving 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from the Corps L 1 Infantry. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. 2 d Sep r 1775 Parole Maryborough C.S. Belisle Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Lieu 1 Col Gunning Picquets Major Humphry s 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from 52 d Eegiment The Koyal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th and 1 st Battalion of Marines to parade for Divine Service to morrow morning at 9 Clock L* Dragoons, L* In fantry 43 rd 45 th and 52 d Eeg ts at 11. Head Quarters Boston 1 st Sept r 1775 No Amputation or other intricate operation to be Undertaken by any of the Surgeons, without Consul tation first held with the Surgeons and Physicians of the General Hospital and a proper Number of them September 2 ORDERLY BOOK. 83 to be always present whenever any Operation is per formed. This Order to be observed by the Surgeons in the General Hospital, as well as those of the different Corps Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Sep r 3 d 1775 Parole Leinster C.S. Dublin Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Lieu 1 Col Monckton 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 45 th Regiment Head Quarters Boston 2 d Sep r 1775. The General Court Martial of which Major Mar tin of the Royal Artillery is president, having tryed Captain William Holmes of the 4 th or Kings own Reg 1 of Foot for Unsoldier like behaviour upon Ser vice in his Willfully neglecting his Duty by pre tending to be 111 making a practise of it and thereby imposing a hardship on the Officers of his rank in the Regiment The Court is of Opinion that the Said Cap n Holmes appears from the testimony of Several Wit nesses to have been for a Considerable time in a bad State of health nevertheless these Witnesses have not Sufficiently proved that he was more particularly so on those days on which the prosecutor lays the Strength of his charge, than on Several other days, when he Voluntarily did his duty, and as Several Con versations and Circumstances upon his declining his duty have been laid before the Court which appears strongly in favour of the prosecution, The Court is fur ther of Opinion that the prisoner Cap n Will m Holmes G 2 84 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 is Guilty of the Crime laid to his charge and doth therefore Adjudge that (Capt n Holmes) be reprimanded by the Major General Commanding the Division to which the 4 th or Kings Own Regiment belongs at the head of that Division. The Commander in chief approves of the Sentence of the General Court Martial and Orders it to be put in Execution at Such time and in Such Manner as the Major General Commanding the Division shall think proper to direct. Head Quarters Boston 3 rd Sep r 1775 At 12 Clock tomorrow will be Sold a number of Cattle and Sheep arrived from Quebec and Nova Scotia If the Eeg ts want any they will Send to the long wharf to buy them. In Yesterdays Orders respecting the Reprimanding Capt n Holmes it is not to be understood that he is to be reprimanded personaly by the Major General, but that the Major General should Order it to be done in Such manner as he thought proper, The Court Martial not having power to give directions to a General Officer. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 4 th Sep r 1775 Parole Killarney C.S. Munster Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Lieu* Col Clark Picquets Major Bruce. 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master. Corps of Grenadiers. The Alarm Guns are removed from the Rebel Redoubt to the rear of the Artillery Park. September 5 ORDERLY BOOK. 85 Head Quarters Boston 5 Clock 3 d Sep r 1775 The Purveyor of the General Hospital on Send ing proper persons with a Note from himself to M r White who will Attend each Morning at Nine Clock at the pasture near M r Howes House, and the other near M r John Effins will receive Greens for the Use of the Sick, In like manner and at the Same hour the Surgeon of each Regimental Hospital on Sending a person with a note Signed by himself will receive Greens for their Regimental Hospitals But it is to be Understood that none of those persons go into the pasture only attend and receive what M r White will deliver them. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 5 th Sep r 1775 Parole Shannon C.S. Boyle Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Irving Picquets Lieu t Col Walcott. 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 1 st Marines Head Quarters Boston 4 th Sept r 1775. A Return of Artificers in each Corps to be sent to the Deputy Adjutant General on Wednesday Morning next at 9 Clock. Head Quarters Boston 5 th Sep r 1775. The Auction at General Haldimands House will positively come on tomorrow Morning at 10 Clock. William Browne private Soldier in His Majestys 59 th Regiment tryed by the General Court Martial of which Major Martin of the Royal Artillery is presid On an Accusation of Robbery is not found 86 SIH WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Guilty of the Crime laid to his charge, he having clearly proved Alibi and is therefore Acquitted The Commander in chief approves of the Sentence of the General Court Martial The Effects of the late Lieu 1 Anderson to be sold tomorrow at 11 Clock in the rear of the Marine Encampment. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 6 th Sep r 1775. Parole Duncannon C.S. Viper Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Major Humphry s Picquets Major Tupper 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 38 th Eegiment Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 7 Sep r 1775. Parole Sussex C.S. Richmond Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines L* Col Monckton Picquets Lieu* Col Gunning. 1 st Division takes the Out Duties. Adjutant and Q r Master Light Infantry Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 8 th Sep r 1775. Parole Hastings C.S. Battle Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Bruce Picquets Major Mitchell 2 d Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 5 th Eegiment September 10 ORDERLY BOOK. 87 Head Quarters Boston 7 th Septem r 1775 First Lieu* Francis Daugherty of His Majesty s marine forces tryed by the General Court Martial of which Major Martin of the Royal Artillery is presi dent and Accused of the Murder of Lieu 1 Ander son of Said Corps is not found Guilty of the Crime laid to his charge, and the Court doth therefore hon ourably Acquit him. The Commander in chief approves of the Sen tence of the General Court Martial. The above General Court Martial is Dissolved. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 9 th Sep r 1775 Parole Gravesend C.S. Tilbury Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Lieu* Col Walcott Picquets Lieu* Col Clark 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 43 rd Reg* L* Dragoons, L* Infantry, 43 d 45 th & 52 nd Reg* 3 to parade for Divine Service tomorrow Morning at 9 Clock Royal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th and 1 s * Marines at 11. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 10 th Sep r 1775. Parole Winclielsea C.S. Eye Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Tupper Picquets Major Irving 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master: Grenadiers The Effects of L* Higgins and Ens 11 Greene late of the 52 d Regiment to be Sold at Vandue tomorrow Morning at 10 Clock at S d Regiments Mess Room at 88 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Charlestown, Among which are the following Articles, Viz* A Watch a Steel and Silver mounted Sword, a Case of Silver mounted Pistols 2 Sashes a flute 2 new Mattrasses, Blankets, Sheets and Cot a piece of Silk for Waistcoat and Breeches 2 new plain Hats and 2 Laced Some White Manchester Cotton for Breeches, Shirts, Stockings, Books- Boots Spurs c c &c. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown Sep r 11 th 1775 Parole Eomney C.S. Kent Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Major Humphry s 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 52 nd Eegiment Major Tupper being taken ill L* Col Gunning will take the Duty at the Lines this Evening and Major Mitchell tomorrow Evening. The Six Light Infantry Company s that are to Join this Corps tomorrow, are to Encamp on the left of the 45 th Eegim t L* Marr Ass* Dep^ Q r Master General will shew them their Ground. The Evening Gun for the future to be fired in the Eear of the Artillery Park Head Quarters Boston 10 th Sep r 1775. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the Hon ble Major Gen 1 Howe to the Command of the 23 rd Beg* of Foot or Eoyal Welsh Fusileers, Vice L* Gen 1 Boscawen deceased His Majesty has been pleased to make the following promotions in the Army in North America Viz* 45 th Eeg* (Havilands) Capt n John Wright to be Cap* of a Compy Vice Mitchell Deceased 30 th May 1775 Lieu* Alex r Eoss September 13 ORDERLY BOOK. 89 to be Capt n Lieu 11 Vice Wright, Ensign Terence MaGrath to be Lieutenant Vice Ross and Will" 1 S fc Leger Gen* to be Ensign Vice MaGrath. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotion, till his Majestys pleasure is known Viz* 38 th Reg* (Blayneys) Volunteer John Cock to be Ensign Vice Mitchell Dead of his Wounds 8 th Sep r 1775. The Corps of Light Infantry under the Com mand of Major Musgrave to march on Tuesday Morning at 8 Clock to Join the Troops on Charles- town heights under the Command of Major General Howe. The Deputy Q r Master General to provide them with Carriages for their Baggage and boats to take them Over Charlestown ferry. The Quarter Masters of the Several Corps to be Acquainted that they are to give returns to the Dep> Q r Master Gen 1 of Such men as were wounded and lost their Blankets on the 17 th of June being rendred by their wounds Unable to take of them, They will be carefull to return only those men who were wounded on that day and are now living Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 12 Sep r 1775 Parole Canterbury C.S. Andover. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening. Lines Lieu* Col Clark Picquets L* Col Monckton 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adj* and Quarter Master 45 th Reg*. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 13 th Sep r 1775 Parole Quebec C.S. Wolfe 90 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Irving Picqnets Maj r Bruce 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master Grenadiers In Consequence of Major Musgraves Light In fantry Joining this Corps, The duty Divisions are to be as follows 1 st Division 2 nd do 3 rd do Maj r Musgraves L* Inf> r Grenadiers 4 9rd L* Infantry 5 th 52 nd 38 th 45 th 1 st Marines When the 1 st Division is upon duty, The 43 rd in Case of Alarm will take the left flank of the Lines, between the left Redoubt and the Six pounder The Grenadiers taking the Eight flank Major Mus graves L t Infantry in Case of alarm will form on the left flank of L* Col darks Corps The 2 ud Divis 11 being upon Duty the 5 th takes the left flank and the 52 nd the Right flank. These two Corps forming to the front of the Right of the Grenadier Encampment ; when the 1 st Divi sion is upon duty The other alarm posts to remain as before directed. Head Quarters Boston 13 th Sep r 1775 Lieu* William Hamilton of the 63 rd Reg* try eel by the General Court Martial of which Major Smelt is president, for having knocked Down and other wise 111 treated M r Benj 11 Harrison Mate of the Eagle Transport is honourably Acquitted of the Same, the Court being of Opinion, he is not Guilty of the Crime Stated in the Charge Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 14 th Sep* 1775. Parole Dover C.S. Deal 1 5 September ORDERL Y BOOK. 91 Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Humphry s Picq ts L* Col Walcot 2 n(i Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Mas r L* Infantry The Guards in the advanced Breast Works are to be relieved in future at 10 at 12 and at 6 of the Clock The field Officer Commanding in the Lines will order the two most experienced Subalt 113 under his Command to take those duties at the relief at two in the Morning and he will avoid Sending young En signs to those Out Posts during the night The Soldiers for the relief at two in the After noon will dine before they leave the Lines. Head Quarters Boston 14 Sep r 1775 The Several Corps to give to the Depy Q r Master General, a list of the names of Such Officers as have Received Tents and Marquees from his Store Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 15 th Sep r 1775. Parole Sandwich C.S. Thanet Major Irving being taken ill last Night at the Lines, Major Humphrys doing that Duty. Lieu fc Col Monckton will take it this Night and Major Butler tomorrow Picquets Major Tupper 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adj* and Q r Master 38 th Keg fc Two Orderly Light Dragoons will in future be sent every evening at Gun firing to the Lines where 92 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 they will attend on the field Officer till the morning at Sunrise, and then return to Camp Camp on the Heights of Charlestown. Sep r 16 th 1775 Parole Rochester C.S. Chatham Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines I> Col Walcot Picquets L 1 Col Clark 1 st Division takes the Out Duties. Adjutant and Q r Master 43 rd Eegiment The Royal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th and 1 st Marines to parade for Divine Service tomorrow Morning at 9 Clock The Light Dragoons, Light Infantry, 43 rd 45 th 52 ud Reg ts at 11. Head Quarters Boston 16 th Sep r 1775 The troops in Boston to be Victualled by the Commissary General on the days and in the follow ing Order Monday The Eoyal Artillery, 4 th 18 th 22 nd 23 rd and 65 th Reg ts Tuesday the Marines, Light Dragoons and 59 th R t and Such part of the Reg ts here whose Corps are encamped on Charlestown heights Wednesday the 10 th 35 th 49 th and 63 rd Regiments Thursday the Grenadiers, 40 th & 44 th Reg ts and Rangers The issuing to be each day at 9 in the Morning and One hour to be allowed for each Regiment A toothpick case has been lately found and may be enquired for at M r Roberts s the Jeweler near the town house Lieu 1 Col Gorham is appointed Lieu t Col Com mandant of a Corps to be raised under the appella tion of the Royal Fensible Americans. Major Moncrieff is appointed Major of the said Corps. September 20 ORDERLY BOOK 93 Lieu* Col Gorham will immediately take under his Command and Direction, all the Officers that have been appointed to Said Corps, and the men that have been raised to Compleat it. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 17 th Sep r 1775 Parole Southward C.S. Greenwich Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Bruce Picquets L* Col Clark 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 5 th Regiment Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 18 th Sep r 1775 Parole Hounslow C.S. Kingston. Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines L* Col Gunning Picquets Major Musgrave 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 45 th Regiment Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 19 th Sep r 1775 Parole Gilford C.S. Surry Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Tupper Picquets Major Mitchell 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 2 nd Light Infantry. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 20 th Sep r 1775 Parole Essex C.S. Chelmsford Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening 94 SIE WILLIAM HO WE J S 1775 Lines L* Col Clark Picquets Maj r Irving 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties. j fc and Quarter Master 52 nd Regiment Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 21 st Sep r 1775 Parole Colchester C.S. Harwich Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Musgrave Picquets Major Humphries 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 1 st Marines Head Quarters Boston 20 th Sep r 1775 The Commanding Officers of Corps will Order the messes of their Regiments to be Visited, to See that the men boil their pots, as many are accused of Selling their provisions. It is recommended by the Hospital, not to Suffer the Pork to be fried, being very Prejudicial to the mens health. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 22 nd Sep r 1775 Parole King George C.S. S* George Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Mitchell Picquets Major Cane 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master from Grenadiers. The Commanding Officer at the Lines, Seeing Occasion to fire the Cannon will give his Orders Accordingly and Send to Acquaint either Brigadier General Pigott or Major General Howe. Upon the first Notice of Cannon fireing at the Lines a Captain of Artillery will immediately Attend there. September 24 ORDERLY BOOK 95 The Guard of Artillery at the Lines in future to remain 24 hours. Soldiers are to return to Camp from Boston by 4Clock in the afternoon, Drunken men or those absent from Roll-calling without leave will not be indulged with Liberty of going to Boston, after having been guilty of Such disobedience, nor are the Soldiers to be absent from their respective Encampments without leave after Gun fireing. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 23 rd Sep r 1775 Parole Suffolk C.S. Ipswich Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Irving Picquets L* Col Monckton 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master Light Infantry The 43 d 45 th 52 d Eeg ts to Attend Divine Service tomorrow Morning at 9 Clock The Royal Artillery, Grenadiers, 5 th 38 th 47 th 1 st Marines at 11. No woman to be allowed to pass the ferry without a pass from the Commanding Officer of the Corps to which they belong, and the pass is to be taken from them by the Officer of the ferry Guard when they return from Boston. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 24 th Sep r 1775 Parole Newmarket C.S. Bury Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Humphrys Picquets Major Butler 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 38 Eegiment 96 SIR WILLIAM HOLE S 1775 Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 25 th Sep r 1775 Parole Norwich C.S. Norfolk Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Cane Picquets Major Bruce 1 st Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Quarter Master 43 rd Keg 1 As the Several Corps furnish Non Commissioned Officers for duty in proportion to the Numbers they respectively Return Effective, the Commanding Offi cers not to permit Corporals to mount Guard as Serjeants or private as Corporals A house in Charlestown being fitted for recover ing men, Such as are in that State to be Sent to M r Morrison for his Examination before they are admitted. A Carefull Convalescent Serjeant will be ap pointed to look after them and regulate their Messes they will receive provisions from their respective Corps. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 26 th Sep r 1775 Parole Or ford C.S. Lynn Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines L* Col Monckton Picquets L* Col Gunning 2 nd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 5 th Regiment Head Quarters Boston Sep r 25 th 1775. Orders Lieu 1 Alex r Fowler of the 18 th or Royal Irish Regiment of Foot, tryed by the General Court Mar tial of which Major Smelt is president, for having behaved in a Manner Unbecoming the character of an Officer and a Gentleman, by Exhibiting, frivo lous, Malicious, Wicked and ill grounded charges September 26 ORDERLY BOOK. 97 against Capt n Benj n Cha 9 Payne of S d Regiment be fore a General Court Martial. The Court upon mature Deliberation of the matter is of opinion, that Lieu* Alex r Fowler is guilty of the Crime laid to his charge, and thereby of a breach of the 23 rd Article of War of the 15 th Section, and doth thereby adjudge, that he be dis charged from His Majesty s Service as the Said 23 rd Article of the 15 th Section directs. The Com mander in Chief approves of the Sentence, but in Consideration of the recommendation of the Court, through Circumstances favourable to the Prisoner, thinks proper to remit the punishment adjudged him. Winifried M c Cowen retainer to the Camp, tryed by the above General Court Martial, for having stolen the Town Bull and Causing him to be killed is found Guilty of the Same and Sentenced to be tied to a Carts Tail, and thereto receive 100 lashes on her bare back in different portions in the most publick parts of the town and Camp and to be imprisoned three months. The Commander in Chief approves of the Sen tence and Orders it to be put in Execution. Some evil minded person or persons having wounded One of the Artillery horses with a Bayonet or Tomhawke and another of them has been cruely treated by tying him neck and heels and his tongue almost cutt off. Any one informing Major Farring- ton of the Royal Artillery of the Person Guilty of such cruel and Barbarous Actions, except the person or persons Concerned, Shall receive 5 Guineas reward. Camp on the Heights of Charlestown 27 th Sep r 1775 Parole Pigot C.S. Huntington H 9 8 77? WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Field Officers for duty tomorrow Evening Lines Major Butler Picquets L t Col Clark 3 rd Division takes the Out Duties Adjutant and Q r Master 45 th .Regiment Head Quarters Boston 27 th Sep r 1775 Parole Whitehall C.Sign Monmouth Brigad r General for to morrow Brigad r Robertson Field Officers for the Lines L t Col Hamilton For the Day Major Hillman Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj 1 Quart r Mast r & Surgeon 1 st Division The 1 st Division takes the Guards The 2 nd Working Parties The King has been pleased to Order the Com- ander in Chief to" Express His Majestys Thanks both to the Officers & Soldiers, for their Resolution & Gallantry, with which they Attacked & Defeated the Rebels on the 17 th of June last who had every Ad vantage of Numbers & Situation & more Especially express to Generals Howe & Clinton & Brigad r Pigot the Sense His Majesty Entertains of the Spirit, Resolution & Conduct by which they Distinguished themselves so much to their Honor upon that Day. Head Quarters Boston Sep r 28 th 1775. Parole Shaftsbury C.Sign Fair field Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines L 1 Col Carr For the Day Major Dilkes Major of Brigade Disney Adj 1 Quart r & Surgeon Second Division The Second Division takes the Guards The 3 d Division takes the Working Parties The Reg ts who have not Rec d 200 bays Batt. September $Q ORDERLY BOOK. 99 Forage Money, as well as the Oft rs of such other Corps who have not Eec d it with their Corps to give in their Names to the Q.M. General Immediately The Commanding Officers of Corps will take care to provide their Men Immediately with Leggins, Caps, & other warm Cloathing against the Winter. Head Quarters Boston 29 th Sep r 1775 Parole Sussex. C. Sign Portsmouth. Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines L t Col Campbell For the Day Major Sill Brigade Major Brown Adj* Q r Master and Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First The working parties A Detachment of One Captain, Two Sub ns Two Serjeants 1 Drum & Fifty Eank & File from the Two Battalions of Marines to hold themselves in Eeadiness to Embark to morrow Morning when Ordered. Major General Clinton to take the Comand of the Troops on the Heights of Charlestown. The Fresh Provisions which have been Distributed to the Troops are intended as a Gratuity to them and they are not to pay for it. Head Quarters Boston 30 th Sep r 1775 Parole Somerset C.Sign Dublin Brigad r Gen 1 Officer for tomorrow Lord Percy Field Off* for the Lines Major Gaul For the Day Major Ogilvie Adj* Q r & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second The Working Parties H 2 ioo SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Brigade Major for tomorrow Smith The Comander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions. Till His Maiestys 1-1 pleasure is known. 43 rd Reg* Ens n W m Todd to be Lieu* Vice Dawson Dead. George Eagle Volunteer to be Ensign Vice Todd Preferr d 3 d Sep r 1775. 45 th Keg* Richard Veale to be Surgeon in the Hospital John Mallett to be Surgeon Vice Veale Preferr d. 49 th Keg*, Ensign Nolle t Philips to be Lieu* Vice Wilson Pre ferr d 9 th Aug* 1775 65 th Keg* Lieu* Stephen Winthroppe to be Capt n Lieu* Vice Koberts Dead. Ens n Henry Miller to be Lieu* Vice Winthroppe Preferred. William Fitch Ensign Vice Miller Preferred 16 th August 1775. Head Quarters Boston 1 st Oct r 1775. Parole Dundee C. Sign Fife Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Officer for the Lines Major Souter For the Day L* Col Agnew Major Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards Third Division The Working Parties Head Quarters Boston 2 d Oct r 1775 Parole Worcester C. Sign Rye Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Milward October 3 ORDERL Y BOOK. i o i Field Off r for the Day L* Col Maddison Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Q r Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division takes the Guards 1 st Division Working Parties The Comander in Chief has been pleased to Allow 165 Days Forrage to the Army on Ace* of the Dearness of Provisions & other Disadvantages the Officers have been under from Unavoidable Circum stances. The Corps to give in Keturns as soon as possible of the above Number of Days Head Quarters Boston 3 d Oct r 1775 Parole Dochester C. Sign Chester Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines Major Bassett For the Day L t Col Patterson Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Quart r Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second The Working Parties Benjamin Doran private Soldier in His Majesty s 63 d Keg 1 & John Cox & John Woods private Soldiers of His Majesty s 23 d Keg 1 or Koyal Welsh Fuzileers tried by the General Court Martial of which Major Smelt is president for Robbing M r Coffins Store and Found Guilty of the Crime laid to their Charge & Sentenced to Keceive Six Hundred Lashes Each in such manner and in such place as the Comander in Chief shall be pleased to Direct William Lamb of the 63 d Keg 1 tried for the Same Crime is Acquitted The Comander in Chief approves of the above Sentences & Orders that the Prisoners John Cox & 102 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Jn Woods of His Majestys 23 d Reg*, or Royal Welsh Fuzileers & John Doran of His Majestys 63 d Reg*, do Receive the Punishments Severaly Adjudged them, at the Head of their Respective Reg ts . at the Dis cretion of the Commanding- Off rs . The above General Court Martial is Dissolved. A Drawer in the Council Chamber having been broke open & the Seals of this Province with the Governors Private Seal & the Seal of the Judge of Probate, having been Stolen from thence, a Reward of Ten Guineas will be paid for the Discovery for the person or persons who Committed said Robbery or if any person concerned in the Theft shall declare the same & Deliver up the Province Seal to the Secretary he will be pardoned. The Different Corps to give in Returns to the D. A. General on Thursday Morning next at 10 o clock of the Number of Arms they have in Store Exclusive of what will Arm their present Effectives. Head Quarters Boston 4 th Oct r 1775. Parole Westmoreland C. Sign Brunswick Brigad 1 " Gen 1 for tomorrow Lord Percy Field Officer for the Lines Major Grant For the Day L* Col Sir Harry Calder Major Brigade Smith Adjutant, Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards Third Division takes the Working parties For Work to morrow at the New Works, two Cap n3 Four Sub 113 6 Serj ts G Corp 18 2 Drums & 200 Private. At the Lines, 1 Sub 1 Scij 1 1 Corp 1 1 Drum & 30 private. The Other Working Parties as Usual. October 6 ORDERL Y BOOK. 103 After Orders Seven Clock in the Evening. His Majesty has been pleased to make the Following promotion in the Army in North America. Col Hugh Earl Percy to be Major General in America only 22 nd June 1775. For the Day tomorrow Brig r Gen 1 Robertson in the Eoom of Earl Percy. Head Quarters Boston 5 th Oct r 1775 Parole Doncaster C. Sign. Shoreham Brigad 1 General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Blunt Field Officer for the Day L t Col Bruce Major of Brigade Lesslie djt Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division The Third Division takes the Guards The First Division the Working parties Head Quarters Boston 6 th Oct r 1775 Parole Nottingham C.Sign Liverpool Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines L* Col Hamilton For the Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon 1st Division First Division takes the Guards. Second do the Working parties His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions in the Army in North America. Viz* 4 th Reg* Ensign James Butler to be Lieu* Vice Knight Killed. Lieu 1 Thorns to be Adj* Vice Hutchinson Resigned io 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 5 th Ens n W m Charleton to be Lieu 1 Vice Jackson Deceased 16^ Eeg t Edward Heyes Gentleman to be Ens n Vice Becker preferred. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions. 55 th Reg 1 Major William Butler from the 65 th Reg 1 to be Lieu 1 Col Vice Pigott Preferred. 47 th Capt n Thomas Gamble from the 16 th Reg 1 to be Cap n Vice Smelt Preferred. 65 th Reg 1 Major Smelt from the 47 th Reg 1 to be Major Vice Butler Preferred. 16 ih Reg 1 Ensign George Sproul from the 59 th Reg 1 to be Lieu 1 Vice Gamble Preferred. 18^ Reg 1 Edm d Prideaux to be Lieu 1 Vice Irish Resigned Ens n J. Perry from 45 th Reg 1 to be Ens n Vice Prideaux Preferred. 45 th Reg 1 William Runton to be Ensign Vice Perry 59 th Regt Hon blc David Lesslie to be Ensign Vice Sproul pre ferred The Officers of the Army to go into Mourning for the Death of Her late Majesty, The Queen of Denmark, to commence on Sunday next & continue till further Orders. They are to wear black Crape round the Arms only. L 1 Hutchinson of the 4 th or Kings Own Reg 1 is appointed Aid de Camp to Major Gen 1 Earl Percy. A Detachment of 1 Capt n 2 Sub s 2 Serj ts 1 Drum & October 7 ORDERL Y BOOK. 105 50 Rank & File to be taken from the whole Army to Parade this Evening at half after 5 Clock, Those in Boston, on the General Parade, those from Charles- town, at the Ferry Stairs where Boats will be ready to Receive them, The Troops in Boston to give 1 Cap* 1 Sub 1 Serj fc 1 Drum r & 30 Eank and File, Those on Charles Town Heights 1 Sub. 1 Serp 20 Rank & File. The Detachment of Marines before Ordered, to parade at the same time. The whole to be under the Comand of. The Officer Comanding the Line Guard not to March off when the Tide is up but to wait, untill the Water is Sufficiently low to permit them to March under cover of the wall. As an Examination will be taken by His Majesty s Council concerning the loss of the Province Seal, All Officers who may be called upon by the Council, are to Attend them & give Answers upon Oath to such Questions as may be asked them. After Orders Eight Clock at Night The Lieu ts of the Several Reg ts who can purchase to give in their Names and the Dates of their Commissions to the Adj t General to morrow at 12 Clock, All Letters for England to be sent to the Secretarys Office, by tomorrow Evening. Head Quarters Boston 7 th Oct r 1775 Parole Durham C. Sign Dover Brigad r General Officer for to morrow Roberston Field Officer for the Lines Major Hillman For the Day L Col Collins Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Quart r Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division gives the Guards Third the Working Parties io6 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Whereas the House of M r Quirney in South Street late the Quarters of Major General Burgoyne has been broke open and many Valuable Effects taken away, any person who will give Information so that the Offenders may be Apprehended & brought to Condign Punishments, shall Receive Five Guineas Reward by applying to Capt. Gardner. As a farther Encouragement to apprehend the Offenders, His Ex- cell c - v the Commander in Chief is pleased to promise His Pardon to any person concerned who will make a full Discovery of his or her Accomplices. As there is Reason to suspect that Joseph Wil- loughby, late helper in Capt. Gardners Stable, has been concerned in the above Ilobbery & who has since Absconded, All persons who may have an opp^ of apprehending him are desired so to do any who secrett him after this Advertisement will be Deemed Accomplices. He is a short Brown Man Wears his own Hair & is very Lame of his Eight Side Oc casioned by a Broken Thigh. Head Quarters Boston 8 th Oct r . 1775. Parole Huntingdon C. Sign Exeter. Brigad r Gen. 1 for tomorrow Jones Eield Officer for the Lines Major Dilkes Do. for the Day L 1 Col Can. Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Quart r Mast r & Surgeon from the 3 (1 Division. Third Division gives the Guards Eirst Division the Working Parties. Head Quarters Boston 9 th Oct r 17 to. Parole Carmarthen C. Sign Dartmouth. Brigad r General for tomorrow Grant October 10 ORDERLY BOOK. 107 Field Officer for the Lines Major Sill Field Officer for the Day U Col Campbell Major of Brigade Lesslie Adjt Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division Gives the Guards Second Division the Working Parties The Reg ts never having given in Eeturns of their Arms and Accoutrements lost in Action, are to give them in as soon as they can, to the D.A. General. Pelham Winslow Esq rc is appointed Fort Major to His Majestys Fortress of Castle William in the Room of John Philips Superceded. Head Quarters Boston 10 th Oct r 1775 Parole Howe C Sign Clinton Brigad 1 " Gen. 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Gaul Field Officer for the Day Major Ogilvie Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Q r Mast 1 & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards The 3 d the Working Parties The King having Ordered the Comander in Chief to repair to Britain that during his Absence Major General Carleton shou d Comand His Majestys Forces in Canada & upon the Frontiers with the full powers of Commander in Chief, and That Major General Howe should have the like Comand within the Colonies on the Atlantic Occean from Nova Scotia to West Florida Inclusive. Orders are hereby given to the Troops to Obey the said Major Generals Accordingly. Promotions. The Comander in Chief has been pleased to Make the Following promotions, till His Majestys pleasure is known. icS SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 64 th Reg 1 Ensign John Foster Hill to be Lieu 1 Vice Blood who Retires D Ens n William Gratton to be Ensign Vice Hill prefered 7 th Oct r 1775. 18 th Reg* Ensign Francis John Kelly to be Lieu 11 Vice Fowler who Retires. Major Bruce of the 38 th Reg t is apointed to do Duty in the Corps of Light Infantry in the Room of Lieu 1 Col Butler who will join his Reg 1 After Orders Major General Howe Commander in Chief has been pleased to appoint Cap n Cuyler of the 46 th Reg 1 & Cap n Balfour of the 4 th Reg 1 Aid de Camps, & Cap n M c Kenzie of the 43 d Reg 1 Secretary. Head Quarters Boston 11 th Oct r 1775. Parole Gago C. Sign Antwerp Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Fowler For the Day L 1 Col Agnew Major of Brigade Brown Adj 1 Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division takes the Guards The First Division takes the Working Parties The Following promotions are made by His Excels Gen 1 Gage till His Majesty s pleasure is known. 43 d Reg 1 The Honorable Cap 11 Charles Stewart from 35 th Reg 1 to be Major Vice Cane who Retires 8 th Oct r 1775 October 12 ORDERLY BOOK. 109 35 th Reg fc Lieu* H. Peter Ellison from 64 th Reg 1 to be Cap n Vice Stewart 8 th Oct r 1775 64 th Reg* Ensign G. Montgomery Metham from the 10 th Eeg t to be Lieu* Vice Ellison prefered 8 th Oct r 1775 After Orders. The Second Battalion of Marines under the Comand of Major Souter to hold themselves in Readiness for Embarkation on the Shortest Notice. The Grenad rs & Light Infr Companies of the 2 d Battalion of Marines with Baggage, Camp Equipage &c to join their Respective Battalion tomorrow Morn ing on Boston Common. Boats will attend to bring them over Ferry at 8 Clock. Lieu 1 Col Agnew for the Lines to morrow & Major Millward for the Day. Head Quarters Boston 12 th Oct r 1775 Parole Holland C. Sign Dort Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines L l Col Maddison For the Day Major Bassett Major of Brigade Smith Adjt Q r Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second the Working Parties. The 18 th Regiment to do Duty with the Second Division till further Orders. Soldiers being found Guilty of pulling down Houses, or Fences may depend on being severely punished & all Gentries who may be detected in Con niving at or Suffering any Irregularities near their posts must not Expect Mercy for such neglect of Duty. no SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Five Companies of the Second Battalion of Marines are to go on Board the Grand Dutchess of Russia & the other Five Company s on Board the Sea Venture Transports. Those Comp? 8 that go on Board the Grand Dutchess to send their Baggage on Board to morrow at ten Clock. At the Long Wharf they will apply to the Deputy Q r Master General for Carts to carry their Baggage. Head Quarters Boston 13 th Oct r ( 1775. Parole Amsterdam C.Sign Harlem Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Robertson Field Off r for the Lines L Col Patterson Field Off 1 for the Day Major Grant Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards Third the Working Parties The Order for the Embarkation of the 2 d Batt. of Marines is Countermanded. The Grenad 1 3 & Light Infantry Companys of said Battalion to join their Respective Corps on the Heights of Charles Town this afternoon at 3 Clock. They will apply to the D.Q.M. General for Carriages to carry their Baggage to Charles Town Ferry where Boats will be Ready to take across the water. The following Massons from the Different Corps to Attend M r Goldthwait Barrack Master to morrow Morning at Seven Clock. 5 th Reef IQ^Regt 18 th Reef 23 d Reg* "Warmeils Taylor Yance Xuttles Plomer Stevens Groves Groves 35 th 49 th Regt Lock Voluns Waits Chapmans Owen October 14 ORDERLY BOOK. 1 1 1 59 th Retf 63 d Reef 65 th Retf Smith Smothergill Apleton Stevens Palmer Dayley The 18 th Eeg t to do duty with the 1 st Division as usual. General Howe desires the Guards will not Turn out to him without being particularly Ordered so to do. Head Quarters Boston 14 th Oct r 1775 Parole Utrecht C. Sign Williamstadt Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines L* Col Sir H. Calder For the Day Major Blunt Major of Brigade Disney. Adj* Quart 1 * Mast r Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division takes the Guards The First the Working Parties. The Commanding Officers of Corps not to Allow their Sutlers to Sell Liquors to Soldiers, or any other person that does not belong to their respective Reg ts , upon Conviction of a Disobedience of this Order the Liquors will be destroyed & the Delinquent not have leave to Sell any in future. Women belonging to the Army convicted of selling Spirituous Liquors will be confined in the Provost till their is an opp? of sending them away from hence. All Money due by the different Departments to the Troops for Work, to be paid weekly into the hands of the Quart r Masters of the Several Corps which the Commanding Officers will Order to be Accounted for to the Men at proper periods. Head Quarters Boston 15 th Oct r 1775. Parole Nimeguen C. S. Breda ii2 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Brigad r General for to morrow Grant. Field Officer for the Lines L* Col Bruce Field Officer for the Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Brown Adjutant Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division. First Division takes the Guards The Third the Working Parties A Captain & 2 Subalterns of the Eoyal Eeg t of Artillery to Mount at the Lines till further Orders. The Guards to Mount for the future at Nine Clock in the Morning. Head Quarters Boston 16 th Oct r 1775. Parole Boisliduc C. Sign Venlo Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Off* for the Lines L* Col Hamilton Do. for the Day Major Hillman Major of Brigade Smith Quart r Master Surgeon 2nd Division. Second Division Gives the Guards Third Division the Working Parties Officers Commanding Guards are frequently to Visit their Gentries & to be particularly Attentive to the Gentries Understanding their Orders if they find Orders are given to the Gentries which they Judge to be Unnecessary they will Report them in Writing when Relieved when there is a Captains Guard he will Detach his Subalterns upon this Duty as he thinks proper. The Sentries upon the Common are not to Chal lenge a Single Boat on the Side of the Cambridge River Unless she Rows towards the Shore as they make take for Granted if a Boat Rows at a Distance that it s the Guard Boat from the Ship of War laying off Bartons Point. A General Court Martial Consisting of one Field October 17 ORDERLY BOOK. 113 Officer Captains & 4 Sub ns to sit to morrow Morn ing at 10 Clock in Concert Hall to try all such prisoners as are brought before them. Lieu 11 Col Collins President Cap ns Sub. Light Dragoons ... ... 1 1 First Division ... ... 2 1 Second D 3 1 Third D 2 1 8 4 The Prisoners Names & Crimes & Evidences Names with the Dates of the Members Commissions to be given in to the Deputy Judge Advocate as soon as possible. After Orders. In Consideration of the Scarcity of Fresh Pro visions the Officers will Receive Sheep in the same proportion as at the last Issuing. The Corps in Boston will Receive from Capt n Handfield, at Charlestown Ferry to morrow Morning at 9 Clock. Those Corps on the Heights of Charlestown will apply to Lieu 1 Man. The Staff will Attend at the Same Time & Place. Head Quarters Boston 17 th Oct r 1775. Parole Stockholm C.Sign Sweden Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Dilkes For the Day L Col Carr. Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division gives the Guards 1 st the Working Parties The Camp Guards of each Corps to consist of 1 Serj* 1 Corp 1 & 12 Private untill further Orders. i ii 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 There are to be no Sentries from the Pickets that Lay in the Camp. No Demands will be made in Future by Capt n M c Kenzie of Fees of Commissions Issued by the Commander in Chief. The Commander in Chief is pleased to make the following Promotions, till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Viz* 35th Reg* Ensign Solomon Eagle from the 43 d Reg* to be Ens n Vice Madden Deceased. 43^ Reg* Oliver Dowling to be Ensign Vice Eagle Removed. Head Quarters Boston 18 th Oct r 1775 Parole Denmark C.Sign Minden Brigad r General for tomorrow Grant Field Officer for the Lines Major Sill Field Officer for the Day L* Col Campbell Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division Gives the Guards Second The Working Parties. C. Sub n S. The New Works to consist of 2 68 C. o 8 2 & 300 private till further Orders. Upon an Alarm the Brigadier General of the Day will Repair to that part of the Camp where he may Judge his presence most Necessary. The Brigade Major of the day will in future carry the Orders to the Brigadier of the Day & will Attend upon him in the Evening to Receive his Comands. The Lines being in perfect security by the Field Officers Guard against any Sudden Attack that can October 1 9 ORDERL Y BOOK. 115 be made upon them, The Brigadier need not in give his first Attention to them. The Allertness of the Troops in this Army is highly commendable but the Camp is not to get under Arms in case of Alarm unless it is Serious, nor are the Piquets of the Line to turn out without directions from the Field Officer, or from a General Officer, this Order is not to prevent the Commanding Officers in the Extensive situation of this Camp turning out the Piquets of their particular Corps at Night. The Piquets of the Infantry in Boston Camp are not in future to assemble upon the General Parade in case of alarm but are to join their Eespective Quarter Guards where they will wait for further Orders. Gentries in Camp are not to be taken from the Piquets nor the Piquets to be turned out by the Vissiting Officers or Rounds. When the Line is Ordered under Arms Major General Burgoyne will Comand the Eight Wing & Major General Lord Percy the Left untill further Orders. The Brigad r Generals will be with the Eing & Left Wings according to their Seniority. Upon any Eiotous Proceeding or quarrelling hap pening near a Gentries post if he cannot put an End to it by his own Authority he is to call to the Guard, and Gentries are to be particularly careful not to give any Molestation to the peaceable inhabitants of the Town. Head Quarters Boston 19 th Oct r 1775 Parole Marlborough C. Sign Blenheim Brigad r General for tomorrow Eobertson Field Officer for the Lines Major Gaul I 2 u6 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 For the Day Major Ogilvie. Major of Brigade Brown, Brown 2 nd Brigade Adj 1 Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Brigade Gives the Guards 3 d the Working Parties 2 C. 4 S. 6 S. 6 Corp 1 * 2 Drum rs & 200 Private for Work at the New Works from 6 till twelve at Noon. The like Number to work from twelve till the Evening. The Commanding Officers of Corps to take care, that proper Directions are given for their Officers being provided with Camp Equipage for the Ensuing Campaign. The Ammunition in the Mens possession above 36 Eounds per Man to be taken into the Eegimental Store & the Commanding Officers of Corps will take care that they are kept compleat to that number till further Orders. Ee turns to be sent to the D. A. General on Mon day Morning next from each Corps of the Names of such Invalids as the Commanding Officers may Judge necessary to be sent to Europe. The Officers of the Army to go out of Mourning, for her late Majesty the Queen of Denmark on Sun day next. Head Quarters Boston 20 th Oct r 1775. Parole Lisle C.Sign Eamalies. Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officers for the Lines Major Souter For the Day L* Col Agnew Major of Brigade Smith Adj t Quart r Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division takes the Guards 1 st the Working Parties. October 2 1 ORDERL Y BOOK. 117 For the better Regulating the Market for Pro visions brought into this Harbour. The Cap* of the Port has Directions to prevent all Owners or Masters of Vessels disposing of any part of their Cargo or Provisions untill a Permit for the Sale is Granted by the Commander in Chief & in order to give due force to this Regulation Officers or other Persons except those belonging to the Ship or such as may be in the Course of their Duty are not to go on Board these vessells untill the Time appointed for the Sale to begin of which publick notice will be given. Some Cattle & other Provisions brought by the Schooner Peggy Thomas Rochford Owner will be sold by Publick Sale to morrow at 12 Clock upon the Long Wharf. The General Officers of the Army, the Staff, the Light Dragoons, & Regiments of Foot to give in Returns of their Effective Horses to the D.Q.M. General Head Quarters Boston 21 st Oct r 1775 Parole Oudenarde C.Sign Malplackett Brigadier General for tomorrow Grant Field Officers for the Lines Major Millward For the Day L t Col Maddison Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj t Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second Division takes the Working Parties Prisoners are not to be Received by any Guard, without a Crime unless by order of the Comander in Chief or where Circumstances make a small delay for Enquiry Necessary. Those corps that have not complied with the Order of the 9 th Instant relative to giving in Returns of Arms & Accoutrements to give them in Immediately iiS SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 & it is Expected for the future when Returns are called for, that they are in given in without the smallest delay. The Light Dragoons will patrole the Streets every Night under the Direction of L 1 Col Birch. William Groan private Soldier in the 17 th Reg 1 of Light Dragoons try d for Desertion by the General Court Martial of which L t Col Collins is President , is found Guilty & sentenced to Suffer Death. Henry Darke private Soldier in the 18 th Reg 1 of Foot tryed by the said Court Martial for Desertion is found Guilty & Sentenced to Receive One Thousand Lashes upon his bare back with a Catt of Nine Tails. Thomas Parker of the 23 d Reg 1 of Foot tryed for breaking open Robbing the House of Lieu 1 Shut tle worth of the Royal Artillery is found Guilty & Sentenced to Receive One Thousand Lashes on his bare back with a Catt of Nine Tails. The Comander in Chief approves of the above Sentences & directs the Commanding Officers of Corps to which the Prisoners Thomas Park & Henry Dark belong, to them from the Provost & to Order the punishment to be Inflicted upon them by the Drummers of their Respective Corps, Agreable to the Sentences of the General Court Martial at such times as they shall think proper. The General Court Martial of which 1} Col Collins is President is dissolved. The Commander in Chief is pleased to appoint L 1 W m Ramsay of the 35 th Reg 1 to be Town Adj 1 of Boston. Head Quarters Sunday 22 d Oct r 1775. Parole Carelton Countersign S* Johns Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Officer for the Lines Major Bassett October 2 3 ORDERL Y BOOK. 119 For the Day L* Col Patterson Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Quart r Mast r & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division the Guards Third the Working Parties Upon the Fireing of three Cannon from the Hill in front of the 22 d Reg 1 the Troops will immediately get under Arms. These Alarm Guns are not to be tired but by order of a General Officer. Head Quarters Boston Munday 23 d Oct r 1775. Parole Canada C. Sign Montreal Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Grant. Field Officer for the Day Sir H. Colder Major of Brigade Brown Adj 1 Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First Division has the Working Parties The Rotation of Duty being altered the following Reg ts composing the 3 d Division to take the Guards to morrow, viz* 4 th 18 th 23 d 35 th & 59 th The First Division composed of the following Corps Viz Grenad rs 10 th 22 d 49 th & 65 th to take the Working Parties The Field Officer of the Day & Captains of the Picketts to go the Rounds only in Camp. The Captains will Receive Directions from the Field Officer, at what Hours they are to go. The Capt 8 & Subal ns of the Main Guard to go the Rounds in the Center of the Town, their Rout will be pointed out to them by the Town Major. John Lay, Master of the Schooner Patty will Sell Beef & Salt Fish, to morrow Morning at 10 Clock. After Orders. The Three Troops of Light Dragoons on the 120 Sill WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Heights of Charles Town to Return to Boston to morrow Morning at 9 Clock. They will receive fur ther Orders from L 1 Col Birch. Head Quarters Boston 24 th Oct r 1775. Parole Newfoundland C Sign St. Lawrence Brigad r General for tomorrow Grant. Field Officer for the Lines Major Blunt. For the Day L* Col Bruce Major of Brigade Smith Adj 1 Quart r Mast r & Surgeon 1 st Division. 1 st Division Gives the Guards. 2 nd Division composed of the following Corps the Working Parties Viz* 40 th 44 th 63 d & 2 nd B. Marines Tomorrow being the Anniversary of His Majestys Accession to the Throne, the Artillery will Fire a Royal Salute at Twelve Clock, which will be followed by Three Vollies from the Picketts of the Line. The Field Officer of the Day will March the Pic ketts to King Street at half-past 11 Clock Draw them up between the Town house & Order them to Fire as soon as the Royal Salute have done Fireing. The Commander in Chief having been informed that many of the Soldiers sell their provisions to the Inhabitants, the Comands Officers of Corps will be Particularly Attentive to the Mens Messes being Regularly Visited, which will in a great Measure put a stop to such Irregularities. The Invalids Returned by the following Corps, Viz* 4 th 5 th 10 th 18 th & 22 nd to be at the Manufactory Hospital tomorrow Morning at 10 Clock when the Physicians & Surgeons of the Hospitalls will attend to Examine them. Head Quarters Boston 25 th Oct r 1775 Parole Quebec C.Sign Placentia October 2 6 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 2 1 Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Officer for the Lines Major Smelt For the Day L* Col Hamilton Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon Second Division. Second Division takes the Guards Brigade Major Lesslie The Third Division the Working Parties The Working Parties to Breakfast before they go to Work in the Morning & they are for the future to Parade at half after 7 Clock & to be at Work by Eight Precisely. The Invalids Returned by the following Corps Viz* 23 d 35 th 40 th 43 d & 47 th to be at the Manufactory Hospital to morrow Morning at 10 Clock in Order that that they may be Examined by the Physicians & Surgeons of the Hospital. David Fletcher of the Sloop Endeavor laying at the Long Wharf has Liberty to Sell his Sheep, Oxen, Geeze, Fowls, Potatoes & c to morrow Morning at 10 Clock. Head Quarters Boston 26 th Oct r 1775. Parole Louisbourgh C.Sign Halifax Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines L t Col Collins For the Day Major Dilkes Major of Brigade Disney Adj Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First the Working Parties The Invalids Returned by the following Corps Viz* 38 th 49 th 52 d 59 th 63 d 64 th 65 th 1 st & 2 d Batt. of Marines, to be sent to the Manufactory Hospital to morrow Morning at 10 Clock to be Examined by the Physicians & Surgeons of the Gen 1 Hospital. 122 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Head Quarters Boston 27 th Oct r 1775 Parole Anapolis C. Sign Salem Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Grant Field Officer for the Lines L* Col Carr For the Day Major Sill Major of Brigade Brown Adj t Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division the Guards Second the Working Parties An Officer from each of the following Corps Viz t 4 th 5 th 10 tb 18 th 23 d 38 th 43 d 47 th 52 d 59 th 64 th 65 th to Attend at the D.A. Generals Office on Mun- day Morning next at 12 Clock. Each Officer will bring a State of his Corps after Eeceiving the last Eecruits & Drafts on the 16 th of June, that they may be charged with their proportion of Eecruits that Deserted in Ireland when under Major Bruces Command. Head Quarters Boston 28 th Oct r 1775 Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines L 1 Col Campbell For the Day Major Gaul Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division The Second Division takes the Guards. The Third the Working Parties Spruce Beer being Eecommended for the Soldiers by the Physicians of the Hospital as a preservative against Scurvy, the Corps in Boston (the 59 th Excepted) will Eeceive from M r Goldthwait, Spruce Beer at the Allowance of 3 pints p r day, to each man, to be paid for by the Soldiers at a Dollar p r Barrel containing from 30 to 32 Gallons, Brewed with Five Quarts of Molasses & Ten Quarts of Essence of Spruce. A Quarter Master from the Line will Attend every October 29 ORDERLY BOOK. 123 Brewing to see that the Beer is Brewed with those Proportions of Molasses & Spruce, for farther par ticulars the Commanding Officers will have a copy of M r Goldthwaits proposals. Crutches being very improper to be used by the Wounded Men when contractions of the Limbs are apprehended the Surgeons of Reg ts will attend to this practice & prevent any bad use being made of them by the Eecovering Men of their Eespective Corps. The Generals & Staff Officers to Receive Forage on Mondays, The Officers of the Army on Tuesdays & the Light Dragoons on Wednesdays. Head Quarters Boston 29 th Oct r 1775. Parole Lynn C.Sign Lincoln Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Officer for the Lines Major Souter Field Officer for the Day L t Col Agnew Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division The Third Division Gives the Guards 1 st the Working Parties Some North British Merchants Residing in Town with their Adherents having Offered their Services for the Defence of the place, The Commander in Chief has Ordered them to be Armed & Directed their being formed into a Company to be called the Royal North British Volunteers, they will be Distinguished by a Blue Bonnet with a S fc Andrews Cross upon it. M r James Anderson to be Cap n 1 st Lieu* Will" 1 Blair, 2 d Lieu* P. Black 3 d Lieu* J. Fleeming. The Guard Room & Alarm post to be near Fanmel Hall. The Company will mount a Guard at Gun Fireing & Pat- role the Streets within a certain District & will take into Custody all Suspicious & Disorderly Persons found in the Streets at improper Hours. i2 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Commissary General will Issue Rations of Provisions to this Company Accords to the Return Signed by Cap* Anderson The Picquetts of the Line to Assemble upon the General Parade to morrow Morning at 9 Clock to Attend the Execution of William Croan of the Light Dragoons. Orders for the Line Guard Thirty good Men from each Bastion to be pick d out for the Flech Guards during the Night those Men are to be Reserved for that Duty only & are not to be posted as Sentries in the Lines during the Course of the Day, when the Subaltern Oif r Marches out at Mght to take charge of the Fleches his Guard is to be formed by Ten Men from each Bastion & that Guard is to be Relieved every Hour, till the Subal terns Guard is called off at day Light. The Remain ing part of the Detachment in each Bastion to be formed into Two Divisions the First Division to Man the Works at Night & to continue upon Duty two Hours, they are to be Relieved by the Second Division & are to continue upon Duty in that manner Alternately till day Break when the whole Detachment is to form & Remain under Arms one Hour. A Subaltern Off r to be constantly upon Duty in each Bastion during the Night, never to go into the Guard Room during that time & to be Relieved every Hour. A Captain to go Alternately from the Bastions to Visit the Block House & Neck Guards he is likewise to Visit the Sentries Round the Line Works, very few Sentries are Necessary by Day. The Wickett Gate to be kept Shut with one Sen try in the Day & Two from Gun Fireing till day Light within the Gate, which is never to be opened without the Knowledge of the Field Officer, an Officer to be present at the Time who is to w^ait to see it Shut again. October 3 1 OEDEEL Y BOOK. 125 Head Quarters Boston 30 th Oct r 1775. Parole Notingham C Sign Darby Brigad r General for tomorrow Grant Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Milward Field Off* for the Day L* Col Maddison Major of Brigade Disney Adjt Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division 1 st Division takes the Guards Second Division the Working Parties Ebenezer Woodward, James Lowd & Thomas Full Masters of Fishing Boats are directed to carry their Vessells to the South End & to sell their Fish to the Inhabitants of the Town with whom the Troops are not to interfere & and then will Seven Boats come to the Long Wharf with Fish for the Navy & Army. Head Quarters Boston 31 st Oct r 1775. Parole Newark C Sign York Brigad r General for tomorrow Brigad r Robertson. Field Officer for the Lines L* Col Patterson Field Officer for the Day Major Grant Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards Third Division the Working Parties. Major Milward having been taken 111 this Morn ing, Major Basset is ordered to Relieve him on the Line Guard. Major Dilkes is appointed to the Corps of GrenacT 3 in the Room of Major Smelt who s 111 Health will not permit him to continue any longer with them. Major Dilkes will therefore immediately join the Six Companys in this Camp. The Commanding Officers will Send Arms & 126 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Ammunition for their Becovering Men in their Kespective Keg 1 Hospitals ; will appoint a Rendezvous for them in case of an Alarm, & Order such Officers as they may Judge proper to take the Com mand of them. Head Quarters Boston 1 st Nov r 1775 Parole Newcastle C. Sign Durham Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Off r for the Lines L* Col Sir H. Calder For the Day Major Blunt Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Quart r Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division the Guards 1 st The Working Parties As long as the Weather continues Moderate the Soldiers in Boston Camp are to Work without their Coats. Head Quarters Boston 2 d Nov* 1775. Parole Morpeth C. Sign Berwick Brigad* General for to morrow Grant Field Off* for the Lines L t Col Bruce For the Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division gives the -Guards Second the Working Parties Head Quarters Boston 3 d Nov r 1775. Parole Alnwick C Sign Hexham Brigad r General for to morrow Robertson Field Off* for the Lines L t Col Hamilton For the Day Major Dilkes November 5 ORDERLY BOOK. 127 Maj r Brigade Disney Adj t Q r Master & Surgeon 2 d Division 2 d Division takes the Guards 3 d Division the Working Parties As soon as the Winter Quarters are Marked for the Troops, Commanding Officers of Corps will Send their Recovering Men into the Houses & appoint Officers & Serjeants to have the care of them. No more Graves to be made in the Burial Ground upon th left of the Marine Encampment. Soldiers dying in the General Hospital may be Buried in the Ground at the back of the upper Hospital & those dying in the Regimental Hospitals, will be interred in the nearest Burying Ground- Head Quarters Boston 4 th Nov r 1775. Parole Cumberland C Sign Carlisle Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Jones For the Lines L* Col Carr For the Day Major Sill Adj 1 Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Maj r Brigade Brown Third Division Gives the Guards First Division The Working Parties His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions, Viz 1 44th R eg t Cap n Henry Hope from the 27 th Reg 1 to be Major Vice Grant who Retires 7 th May 1775. Head Quarters Boston 5 th Nov r 1775. Parole Westmoreland C.Sign Kendall Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Grant Field Off r for the Day L* Col Campbell For the Lines Major Gaul i28 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1777 Adjt Quarter Master & Surgeon 1st Division First Division Gives the Guards Second Division the Working Parties Major of Brigade Smith Head Quarters Boston Munday 6 th Nov r 1775 Parole Lancaster Countersign Liverpool Brigad r General for to morrow Eobertson Field Officer for the Day Maj r Ogilvie Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Hope. Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj t Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division Gives the Guards Third Division the Working Parties The Pay Masters of Reg ts may Receive the Sub ce for the Officers of their Respective Corps from the D.P.M. General taking the Dollar at 4/8 Sterling. The Officers belonging to the Gen 1 Hospital may also ap ply to the D.P.M. General for their pay at the same Rate. A General Court Martial consisting of 1 Field Officer 8 Captains & 4 Subalterns to sit to morrow Morning at Ten Clock in Concert Hall for the Tryal of W m Shields private Soldier in the 40 th Reg* & such other Prisoners as shall be brought before them. Major Dilkes President Light Dragoons 1 Cap 1 1 Sub. x 1 st Division 2 1 I V Division 2 Capt* 1 Sub. f 3 d D 31 The Names & Dates of the Members Commissions, the Prisoners Crimes, & Evidences Names, to be given to the D. Judge Advocate as soon as possible. November 7 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 2 9 Plead Quarters Boston, 7 th Nov r 1775. Parole Warrington C.Sign Chester Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Off r for the Lines Major Souter For the Day I/ Col Agnew Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division takes the Guards 1 st the Working Parties The Following Corps to send Masons & Brick Layers to the Barrack Office to morrow Morning at 9 Clock when they will Receive Directions from the Engineer Masons Bricklayers Light Dragoons 1 2 4 th 1 10 th 1 18 th 2 23 d 1 35 th 1 49 th 1 59 th 1 2 d Marines 1 Total 4 8 The Comander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions, till His Majestys pleasure is known. 45 th Reg* L* George Hutchinson from the 4 th Reg* to be Cap" Vice Newton by Purchase 7 th Nov r 1775. L* John Hales from the 65 th Reg 1 to be Cap n Vice Moore by Purchase. 4 th Reg* Ens n Thomas Russell to be Lieu* Vice Hutchison preferr d K i 3 o SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 65 th Reg t Ens n Henry Blacket to be Lieu 1 Vice Hales preferr d General Hospital Michael Croker to be Apothecary Head Quarters Boston 8 th Nov r 1775 Parole Liverpool C.Sign Flint Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines L Col Maddison For the Day L* Col Patterson Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Q r Master & Surgeon 1 st Division 1 st Division takes the Guards 2 d Division the Working Parties After Orders. A part of the Light Infantry to be Eeady to come to Boston to morrow Morning at 9 Clock, in the flat Bottom d Boats now on the Charles Town side. s s c A Detachment of 1 1 1 & 20 private to Assemble on the General Parade to morrow Morning at halfpast 8 Clock, this Detachment will take their Blankets with them, & Embark on Board the Empress of Russia as soon as paraded. Head Quarters Boston 9 th Nov r 1775 Parole Carnarvon C. Sign Bangor Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Officers ) Lines L* Col Patterson tomorrow j Day Major Grant Major of Brigade Smith Quarter Master & Surgeon 2 d Division Second Division takes the Guards Third Division the Working Parties November i o OEDEEL Y BOOK. 131 In consequence of Major General Clintons Report of his intire Approbation of the Alacrity & Attention of the Officers Soldiers of the Detachment of Light Infantry under the Comand of Lieu 1 Col Clark, that landed yesterday at Phipps Farm. The Comander in Chief desires Lieu 1 Col Clarke may be informed with the Officers & Soldiers that composed this small party that he has the highest satisfaction from Major General Clintons Report, such spirited conduct of Officers with the same Soldier like obedience, in the Execution of their Commands, so apparent yesterday, will ever insure Success to the Kings Troops, when ever these Rebel Bands shall presume to shew them selves before them. The Barracks of the 23 d or Royal Welch Fuzileers being prepared for their Reception the Reg* will quit their Encampment & go into them. The Commanding Officer will give Directions that the Boards the Men have had to Floor their Tents with are Collected & Preserved. Head Quarters Boston 10 th Nov r 1775. Parole Anglesea C. Sign Carnarvon Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Jones Field Officers ) Lines L* Col Sir Henry Calder to morrow j For the Day Major Blunt Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First the Working Parties The Subsistance of Officers Agreable to the Orders of the 6 th Instant is to Commence from the 25 th Oct r last Inclusive & to be Received from the D.P.M. General by Warrant from the Commander in Chief. K 2 132 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 W m Shields private Soldier in His Majestys 40 th Reg 1 of Foot Tried by the General Court Martial of which Major Dilkes is President, for having quitted his post, broke into a Store & Stole Goods from thence whilst he was Gentry over the said Store, is found Guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge & Sentenced to suffer Death. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentence. His Majesty has been pleased to Direct that the Reg ts in America (the 18 th & 59 th Excepted) should be forthwith Augmented by an Addition to Each of the Two Companies, of 1 Serj 1 1 Drum & 18 private Men, as also that Two Companies, Each consisting of 1 Cap 1 1 Lieu 1 1 Ensign 3 Serj ts 3 Corp 13 2 Drum" & 56 private Men, should be added to each of the Said Reg ts , In consequence of which His Majesty has been pleased to make the following Appointm ts in the Reg 19 under the Comand of the Hon ble Major General Howe. 4 th Reg 1 Foot Cap* Jeremiah Sleigh of the 79 th Reg* to be Cap 1 . 15 th Aug 1 1775 Lieu 1 John Rowland late of the 61 st Reg 1 to be Lieu 1 D Hodgson, Gentleman to be Ens n D 5 th Reg 1 of Foot Cap 1 Anthony Haslam of the late 83 d Reg 1 to be Cap 1 15 th Aug 1 1775. Lieu 1 James Innes late 73 d to be Lieu 1 D. James Stewart, Gentleman to be Ens 11 D. 10 th Reg 1 of Foot Cap 1 L 1 Donald M c Bean late 78 th Reg 1 to be Cap 1 15 t]l Aug 1 1775 Lieu 1 John Arnold late 72 d to be Lieu 1 W m Reed, Gentleman, to be Ensign. November i o ORDERL Y BOOK 133 14 th Beg* Cap* John Daniel late 95 th Beg* to be Capt n 15th Aug* 1775 . Lieu 1 Eandall Borrough late 72 d to be L* James Tulliker Gentleman to be Ensign 16 th Beg 6 Cap* Henry Eglington Connor late 96 th to be Cap* Lieu* James Grant of Cap* Campbells late Independ* Compy to be Lieu* O Connor, Gentleman to be Ensign. 22 d Retf Cap* W m Cowley late 84 th to be Captain L* Daniel Brick late 20 th to be L* Nath 1 Chrystie Gentleman to be Ensign 23 d Reg* Cap* Bich d Temple, late 104 th to be Cap* L* Eob* Wood late 68 th to be L* William Wells, Gentleman to be 2 d L* 35 th Reef Cap* Lewis Eay of late 90 th Reg* to be Cap* Lieu* Charles Menzies late 42 d to be Lieu* Hugh Campbell, Gentleman to be Ens n 38 th Beg 6 Cap* W m Handfield late 94 th Eeg* to be Cap* Lieu* Eob* Campbell late 114 th to be L* W m Davies, Gentleman to be Ensign 40 th Beg* Cap* Edward Eyre late 110 th to be Cap* L* Charles Bourke late 109 th to be L* Barnard Dennis, Gentleman to be Ensign 43 d Beg 6 Cap* Jn Treby late 80 th Eeg* to be Cap* L* Henry Ainslie late 110 th to be L* Jn Price, Gentleman to be Ens n 44 th Beg* Cap* W m Cawthorne late 85 th to be Cap* L* Jn Eichmond Humphreys late 111 th L* i 3 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Fenton, Gentleman to be Ensign 45 th Reg* Cap 1 Horatio Armond Powlett late 106 th to be Cap t L* Jii Edwards late 110 th to be L 1 Henry Hawley, Gentleman to be Ensign 47 th Reg* Cap t Archibald Robinson late 100 th Reg 1 to be Cap* L* Barnard Geo. Ward, late 96 th to be L 1 W m Eyre Gentleman to be Ensign 49 th Reg* Cap 1 Geo. Reynolds late 106 th Reg 1 to be Cap 1 Lieu 1 Duncan Robertson late 87 th to be L 1 Duffield Gentleman to be Ensign 52 d Reef L* John Watson late 97 th Reg 1 to be L 1 John Charles Middleton, Gentleman to be Ens 11 63 d Reg 6 L* W m Marshall late 108 th to be L 1 Jn Birmingham Gentleman to be Ensign 64 th Retf L 1 Peter Russell late 94 th to be L 1 Edward Manly Price Gentleman to be Ens n 65 th Reg* L 1 Herbert Gould late 113 th to be L 1 Edward Hay, Gentleman to be Ensign His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions in the Army in North America. 14th p teg t L 1 Cor s Smelt to be Adj 1 Vice Bruce Killed 18 th June 1775. The King having made this promotion previous to L 1 Lawries Appointment by General Gage 4Qth ^ James Dodds Clerk to be Chaplain Vice Dyer Deceased 1 st Sep r 1775. 59 th Reg* Rich d Vere Drury Gentleman to be Ensign Vice November 1 1 ORDERL Y BOOK. 135 M Donald Eetired 14 th AugUTTS. General Hospital Michael Croker to be Apothecary to the Hospital at Boston 5 th Aug* 1775. Mates to Hospital Hatfield Turner Harbuckle Fouke Haselton Thomas Head Quarters Boston 11 th Nov r 1775 Parole Merioneth C.Sign Wales Brigad r General for tomorrow Grant Field Off rs for ) Lines L t Col Bruce Duty tomorrow J Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Disney j fc Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second Division Gives the Working Parties The King having been pleased to Appoint Col Smith of the 10 th Keg* to be one of His Majestys Aid D Camps. The Commander in Chief Appoints him to Act as Brigad r General in this Army. As most of the Artificers in the different Corps are Employed in preparing Quarters for the Troops, this Service would be much Obstructed, if the Number of Men Necessary to make furniture for the Officers Barrack Rooms were called off from the Works & as the Furniture used in Tents may be Applied to this purpose. The Comander in Chief thinks proper to Allow every Field Officer Four Pounds & every other Officer Forty Shillings in Lieu of Furniture, & besides this, the Barrack Master will Furnish every Field Officer with two Grates, each Captain with one, & a Grate for every two Subalterns, This is not to be considered as a presi- 136 SIR WILLIAM HOWKS 1775 dent, & is only Granted on this Uncommon Occasion. Every Reg 1 Hospital may have Three Grates deli vered to the Surgeon & Fuel will be allowed them for three Rooms till the number of Sick lessens. So soon as the Troops come into Quarters the Barrack Allowance, Agreable to the Rules & Regulations for the Troops in America will com mence, beside the Officers who are directed to be provided for by these, the Following Officers are to be allowed Fuel & Candles. A Major Gen 1 is to Receive an All ce for 4 Rooms A Brigad 1 Gen 1 for 3 The Purveyor Physicians of the Hospital 2 Surgeon of the Hospital ... ... ... 1 Two Mates to have an Allowance for one 1 The Chief Engineer is to be Allowed ... 2 The other Engineers According to their Rank in the Army. As the places where the Kon Commissioned Officers Men are to be lodged, differ Require different Quantitys of Fuel to warm the Rooms & Dress the Provisions, The Barrack Master General is to Allot the different Corps a proportion of Fuel Candles or Lamps suited to their Numbers Circumstances. After Orders Deserters serving in this Army or in any of the Reg ts under Orders to join are Pardoned & are to continue in the Reg ts they now Serve in Head Quarters Boston 12 th ]N T ov r 1775. Parole Denby C.Sign Conway Brigad r General for tomorrow Robertson Field Officers ) Lines L* Col Hamilton for duty tomorrow J Day Major Hillman November 1 4 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 3 7 Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon & Guards 2 d Division Second Division the Working Parties The Light Dragoons will enter into their Winter Quarters Allotted to them as soon as they are pre pared for their Eeception. The Officer of the Charles Town Ferry Guard in his Report, will mention all Officers Names & the Number of Soldiers that pass the Ferry after Eight Clock at Night. Head Quarters Boston 13 th Nov r 1775 Parole Abergavenny C. Sign Radnor Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Officers j Lines L< Col Carr for Duty to morrow) Day Major Sill Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division Gives the Guards First the Working Parties Cap* Collett with his Comp> T will change into the Transports Henry & Henry & Esther & hold them selves in Readiness to proceed to Halifax. Jn Farring- ton 49 th Job Edge 35 th John Benson 10 th Reg ts & John Davis of the 2 d Batt. of Marines, Bakers by Trade, to be sent to the Deputy Quarter Generals Office to morrow Morning at Eight Clock. Head Quarters Boston 14 th Nov r 1775 Parole Monmoutli C.Sign Ross Brigadier General for tomorrow Grant Field Officer for the Day L Col Campbell Field Officer for the Day Major Gaul i 3 8 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division 1 st Division the Guards 2 d the Working Parties Head Quarters Boston 15 th Nov r 1775. Parole Cardigan C.Sign Pembroke. Brigad r General for tomorrow Robinson Field Officer for the Lines Major Ogilvie For the Day Major Hope Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon Second Division Second the Working Parties 3 d the Guards. L* Edward M c Gourin of His Majesty s Koyal Fensible American Reg* tryed by the General Court Martial of which Major Dilkes is President, for going on Shore without leave & Maurading, Challenging his Commanding Officer in the Execution of his Duty, being Drunk on Duty, behaving unlike a Gentleman to an Officer on Duty, Disobedience of Orders, quiting his post, taking his party to a tour when the Enemy were within 4 or 5 Miles, is found Guilty & Sentenced to be Dismissed His Majestys Service. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sen tence. The above General Court Martial is Disolved. It having been Represented to the Commander in Chief, that the Soldiers have got many of the Fire Buckets belonging to the Town, the Commanding Officers of Corps are directed to have them collected with all Dispatch & put under the care of their Respective Quarter Masters & Report to the D> Adj 1 - General the Number they collect. A General Court Martial consisting of 1 Field Officer 8 Captains & 4 Sub ns to sit tomorrow Morning November 17 ORDERLY BOOK 139 at 10 Clock in concert Hall to try all such prisoners as shall be brought before them. L* Col Birch of the 17 th Dragoons Presid Eoyal Artillery 1 Captain & 1 Sub n ^ 1* Division 3 Captains 1 D ! Mpmberg 2 d Division 2 D 1 D f ers 3 d Division 2 D 1 D The Names & dates of the Members Commissions, Prisoners Names & Crimes & Evidences to be sent to the Deputy Judge Advocate as soon as possible After Orders 6 Clock L* Col Birch being 111, Major Sill is Presid* of the General Court Martial, Ordered to sitt tomorrow Head Quarters, Nov r 16 th 1775. Parole Bristol C.Sign Bath Brigad r General for tomorrow Jones Field Off r for the Lines Major Souter For the day L t Col Agnew Major of Brigade Brown Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First the Working Parties All Gentries from the Advanced Posts to be Doubled & are to be ordered not to Seperate in their Walks. Head Quarters Boston 17 th Nov r 1775 Parole Exeter C.Sign Devon Brigad r General for to morrow Grant Field Off rs for Duty ) Lines Major Milward to morrow J Day L^ol Maddison Brigade Major Smith 140 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division takes the Guards Second the Working Parties Many of His Majestys loyal American Subjects residing in Boston with their Adherents having Offered their Service for the defence of the place, The Commander in Chief has Ordered them to be Armed directed them to be formed into Three Companies under the Command of the Hon blc Timothy Buggies to be called the Loyal American Associaters, they will be Distinguished by a White Sash Round the left Arm. The Honorable Timothy Ruggles, Commandant First Company Abijah Willard Captain Thomas Bearnan ) -, 8 t T : mi ts George Leonard ) Thomas Danforth \ Sam 1 Payne L 2 d D James Putnam, Jun r J Second Comp? James Putnam Cap* John Serjeant l lst T . ts Dan 1 Oliver j [ Jer h Dumas Rogus ^ John Euggles I 2 d L t9 Stephen Jones j Third Company Francis Green, Captain Ebenezar Spooner ) -, , f T . T i T > 1 st Lieu ts Josiah Jones j Abraham Savage^] W m Chandler I 2 d Lieu ts Nathaniel Coffin J Brigad r Euggles will Appoint Guard Rooms & Alarm Posts for these Companies & give them the Necessary Orders. The Commissary General will November!? ORDERLY BOOK. 141 Issue Rations of Provisions to these Comp> 3 Accord ing to the Returns signed by their Command 1 In consequence of the Augmentation His Majesty has been pleased to make of one Serj fc 1 Drum r & Eighteen private Men to each of the Ten Companies. It s the Commander in Chiefs pleasure that the Commanding Officers of Regim ts do immediately Appoint the Add 1 Serjeants & Provide the Additional Drummers as soon as they can be had, they will also appoint Three Serjeants 3 Corp 13 & Two Drummers for the English Add 1 Companies The Non Commis sioned Officers & Drummers having been Already appointed for one Comp^ in England Each Reg t will have upon the Recruiting Service in England one Corp 1 & one Subaltern with a Serj*, Corp 1 & Drum r to each Officer, those Reg ts that have had, who have leave to go Home for the Recovery of their Health or that have now Officers in that pre dicament in Europe, will not send others from hence, as those Gentlemen are to be appointed for the Recruiting Service. The Commanding Officers of Reg ts will appoint to the Additional Company s, Ordered to be Raised in England, such Officers as they Judge least fit for Active Service in America. Either from want of Health, or from any other cause, these parties will go in the Transport that will be Appointed to carry Home the Officers of the 10 th & 59 th Reg t3 The Commanding Officers of Regiments will send immediately to the D y A. General the Returns of what Camp Acquipage they have Directed to be pro vided for their Officers. Agreable to the Orders of the 19 th of Oct r they will like wise mention in the Re turns what Mode they have fallen upon of supplying the Men of their Respective Corps with Necessaries for the Ensuing Campaign. The Guards to Mount in Leggins or Cloth 142 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Gaiters till further Orders. Those Corps that are not provided with them to provide themselves as soon as possible. Head Quarters Boston 18 th Nov r 1775 Parole Cornwall Counter Sign Truro Brigad r General for tomorrow Eobertson Field Off rs for ) Lines Major Basset Duty tomorrow j Day I/ Col Patterson Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon Second Division Second Division takes the Guards Third Division takes the Working Parties. Upon the Discovery of a Fire, Notice is to be given as Usual, by the Ringing of Bells & the Cry of Fire in the Streets, at which time the Reg t3 will Immediately get under Arms on their Regimental Parade & wait there for further Orders, Unless when a Fire may break out in the Quarters of the Reg 11 ; & in that case, the Corps is to quit the place, to make Room for the Inhabitants, who are to Repair to the Fire with all the Buckets in their possesion to give their Assistance, every House holder putting up a Light in a Front Window. A Caution to be observed upon all Alarms whatever. All persons failing so to do, will be punished in a most Exemplary Manner. The Bells are not to Ring for the Alarm more than One quarter of an Hour. The Fire Wards, the Engine Masters & Men Acting under them, are not to be interrupted by any Officer or Soldier in the Execution of their Duty. The Firewards, known by Red painted Staffs, with Heads of Brass are to have the whole Management & Conduct of the Engines & People Assembled to Extinguish a Fire. November 18 ORDERLY BOOK. 143 Neither are the Inhabitants to be Stopped or impeded in Times of Fires, by the Milatary unless they are Armed, in which case they are to be taken into Custody. All the Associated Companies, from the essential Service they may be of, are to Attend the Fires with out Arms : the Royal North British Volunteers excepted, who have been already Appointed to a particular Duty with Arms. Women belonging to the Army will not be Allowed to be present at any Fires that may happen. A Premium of Twenty Shillings Sterling will be given to the Men who bring the first Engine, & work it, at the Fire. The Firewards are to take into their possession, all Buckets found in Vacated Houses, & to Distri bute them among the Residing Inhabitants. As the Reg ts get into their Winter Quarters, L 1 Col Cleavland will Order the Additional Art? Men to join their Respective Corps. The Adj ts will Receive Directions from the D. A. Gen 1 daily for such of them as may be wanted for Artillery Duty till further Orders. Cap 1 L 1 Congreve of the Royal Reg 1 of Artillery is appointed Aid DCamp to the Commander in Chief. Cap 1 L 1 Benj n Baker of the 5 th Reg 1 is appointed Major of Brigade to the Army. Lieu 13 Marr of the 47 th Reg 1 & Baily of the Welsh Fuzileers are appointed A. D. Q. M. G ls . L 1 Baily will proceed to England with the first Ships to have the care of the Camp Equipage Ordered there for the Ensuing Campaign as well for the Officers as for the Soldiers, & he will apply to the Com manding Officers of Corps for their Directions Re specting any Necessarys for the Soldiers that will be wanted from Europe. One Cap n One Sub n 1 Quart r Mast r 2 Serj ts & 2 i 4 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Corp ls of the 17 th Light Dragoons to hold themselves in Readiness to go to England on the Recruiting Service. A Return from the different Reg ts of the Names of the Officers that are to go on the Recruiting Service & likewise a present State of the Royal Reg ts of Artill^ Light Dragoons & Reg 13 of Infantry to be given to the D. A. General Immediately, the Grenad r3 & Light Companies to be included in the Returns of their Respective Reg ts . A Return to be given in from the different Reg te to the D. A. Gen 1 to morrow Morns o f the Number of Men that have not had the Small Pox. Head Quarters Boston 19 th Nov r 1775. Parole Falmouth C.Sign Penryn Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Off r for the Lines Major Grant For the Day D Col Sir Henry Calder Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Quarter Master Surgeon 3 d Division 3 d Division the Guards First the Working Parties The Commanding Officers of Reg ts will take care to have the Chimneys in their Respective Quarters Swept before their Men make Fires in them & will Report when they are all clean, when their Quarter Masters will Receive paym t by Applying at the Bar rack Office. Quarter Masters of Corps will call at the Barrack Office to morrow, when they will receive a prop n of Bedding for each Reg 1 The Quarter Masters to Attend at the Ferry Ways to morrow at 11 Clock to Receive a prop n of Sheep for the use of the Officers. A Guard of 2 Serj ts 2 Corp ls & 36 private, taken November 20 ORDERLY BOOK. 145 from those Add 1 Gunners Keturned to their Corps, to mount with the Artillery every Morns till further Orders. 1 Corp 1 & 21 private to parade at 4 Clock in the afternoon at the South Battery, as a Reinforce ment to the Royal Artillery who are to join their Respective Corps in the Morning. The Companies of the 17 th Reg t to give their prop n for Duty. Head Quarters Boston 20 th Nov r 1775. Parole St. Ives C.Sign Stilly Brigad r Gen 1 for to morrow Grant Field Off r for the Lines Major Blunt For the day L Col Bruce Major of Brigade Brown Adj 1 Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division First Division the Guards Second the Working Parties In consequence of the Augmentation His Majesty has been pleased to make in his Reg ts of Foot serving in North America the following Establishment is to take place the 25 th Aug fc 1775. Establishment of a, Battalion of 12 Companies 1 Col 1 p Col 1 Major 9 Cap ts 14 L ts 10 Ensigns 1 Chaplain 1 Adj* 1 Quarter Master 1 Surgeon 1 Mate 36 Serf 36 Corp ls 24 Drummers 2 Fifers 672 Private Including 3 Contingent Men p r Company Total 855. The Officers of Grenad rs & Light Infantry who are in Health to do duty here are not to be sent on the Recruiting Service. Commanding Officers of Reg ts will give such Orders as they think to their Additional Recruiting Cap ts & direct them to call upon their Respective Agents upon their Arrival in London for any further Orders that may have been given from the War L i 4 6 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Office for them, those Officers will also wait on the Secretary of War & the Adj 1 General. The Invalids that are to be sent Home are to go under the care of their Eespective Corps, their Acc ts to be settled & their Discharges to be given to the Officers who have the care of them. Returns to be given in Immediately by the different Corps to the D.A. General of the Number of Women & Children who are desirous of going to England. A Detachment of 1 Sub. 2 Serj ts 2 Corp 1 * 2 Drum" & 40 private from the 10 th & 23 d Reg ts & Two Artillery Men with Ammunition Blankets & Necessarys & two days Provisions to parade to morrow Morning at 9 Clock, the whole to be under the Com mand of L* Seix of the 64 th Reg 1 who will Receive the Men on the Gen 1 Parade. Head Quarters 21 st Nov r 1775 Parole Godolphin. C.Sign Helstone Brigad 1 General for to morrow Robertson. Field Officer for the) Lines Major Smelt Duty to morrow j L 1 Col Hamilton, the Day Major of Brigade Smith Adj fc Quarter Master & Surgeon Second Division Second Division the Guards Third the Working Parties L* William Hamilton of the 63 d Reg 1 to be Tried to morrow by the Gen 1 Court Martial now Sitting, for the following Crimes, 1 st for being Drunk upon Duty, Second for offering Violence against his Cap tain when Ordered under an Arrest, Thirdly, for Refusing to go under an Arrest when Ordered, 4 th For behaving in a Scandalous, infamous manner, & unbecoming the Character of an Officer & a Gen tleman. November 22 ORDERLY BOOK. 147 After Orders 3 ClocJc. A Quantity of Live Stock, will be sold by Publick Auction, on Board the Ship Julius Caesar lying at the long Wharf, to morrow Morns at 11 Clock. The following Carpenters to be on the General Parade to morrow Morning at 9 Clock, to Attend the Engineer till further Orders. 4 th Reg* Serf Sams & Corp 1 Burn 1 th Reg* John Board 63 d Reg* Benj n Carter & George Hill 63 d Grenad rs Corp 1 Dunlivie, Philip Milner 59 th Reg* James Might. 40 th Reg 1 Jn Shudd. Head Quarters Boston 22 d Nov r 1775 Parole Tavistock C. Sign Bedford Brigad r Gen 1 for tomorrow Jones Field Off r for the Lines Major Hillman For the Day Major Dilkes Major of Brigade Lesslie Adj* Quarter Master & Surgeon 3 d Division Third Division takes the Guards First the Working Parties The Troop to beat at 9 in the Morning the Guards to March off at 10 & the Taptoo to beat at 8 Clock in the Evening till further Orders. A Drum from each Corps in Barracks or Quarters to Assemble at the Main Guard at Troop, Retreat, & Taptoo Beating, the whole to beat off with the Drums of the Main Guard up Kings Street to the Town House, where the Drummers of the different Corps will seperate & take the shortest Rout to their Respective Barracks or Quarters continuing to Beat, those of the Main Guard to Return to their Guard. The King has been pleased to make the following Promotions in his Marine Forces serving in North America, Viz 1 1 48 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Second L* Francis Lewis, to be first L* Vice Brown Deceased. Volunteer Geo. Collins to be 2 d U Vice Lewis Promoted Cap* L* Jesse Adair to be Adjutant Vice Johnston Promoted AJ .. ^ -, After Orders. The small pox being like to spread, it is Recom mended to the Commands Officers of Corps to have such of their Men Enoculated as have not had it & that as soon as possible, if there are any Men who Refuse to be Innoculated, a list of their Names to be sent to the D.A. G. Immediately. When Gen 1 Clinton thinks proper he will send the Women belonging to Charles Town Camp, to Boston give such Orders as he shall Judge Neces sary for their being disposed of in the Quarters of the Corps to which they Respectively belong. Head Quarters 23 d Nov r 1775 Parole Asliburton. Countersign Totness. Brigad 1 General for to morrow Grant Major of Brigade Disney Adj t Quarter Master & Surgeon 1 st Division. First Division gives the Guards. Second the Working Parties Field Off* 8 for Duty \ Lines L* Col Can to morrow j Day L* Col Campbell The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions, till his Majestys pleasure is known. The Royal Fencible American Reg 1 Gorehams L fc John Walker from half-pay in Gorehams Rangers, to be L 1 Vice M c Gowrin Reduced by the Sentence of a Gen 1 Court Martial 14 th Nov r 1775. November 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 149 4 th Reg* Hodgson Cap* L* John Ferrier to be Cap fc of the Add 1 Compy. L* John Crammond to be Cap* L fc Vice Ferrier Pre ferred. Ens n Thomas Kussell to be L* Vice Crammond Pre ferred. Ens n Ch s Breny to be L* to the Ad 1 Compy. all 25 th Aug* W m West, Gentleman to be Ens n Vice Russell Pre ferred 22 d Nov r Ens n John Hay to be L* by purchase Vice Hutchin- son Preferred 7 th Nov r 1775. 5 th Reg* Percys Cap* L* Benjamin Baker to be Cap* of the Add 1 Compy L* Thomas Baker to be Cap* L* Vice Benj n Baker pref d Ens n Rob* Patrick, to be L* Vice Baker preferr d Ens n W m Nunwick to .be L* to the Additional C, 25 th Aug k W m Pierce Bennett, Gentleman to be Ens n Vice Patrick preferr d 20 th Nov r 1775 Thomas Harris Gentleman, to be Ens 11 Vice Nunwick preferr d 22 d do L* Benj 11 Hill to be Adj* Vice Benj n Baker Resigned 11 th Nov r 1775 10 th Re<f Sandfords Cap* L* Julius Stirke to* be Cap* of the Add 1 C L* Anthony Botet, to be Cap* L* Vice Stirke preferred Ens n Jer. Lister to be L* Vice Botet preferred Ens n Rich d Bessett to be L* to the Ad 1 Compy 25 th Aug* James Foxer Gentleman to be Ens n Vice Lister pre- fer d 21 s * Nov r 14 th Reg* Keppds Cap* L* James Urquhart to be Cap* of the Ad 1 C L* W m Brown to be Cap* L* Vice Urquhart prefered Ens n Th A. Wools to be L* Vice Brown preferred Ens n Fra s Percival Elliot to be L* to the Ad 1 Compy 25 th Aug* 150 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 16 th Betf Gislornes 25 th Aug 1 1775. Cap t L* W m Barker, to be Cap 1 of the Additional L 1 Thomas Usher to be Cap 1 L 1 A r ice Barker preferred Ens n Eich d Carrique to be L 1 Vice Usher prefered Ens n Thomas Barrow to be L 1 to the Additional C 22 d Beg* Gages D. Cap* L 1 Samuel Fenner to be Cap* of the Ad 1 C L 1 Andrew Grant to be Cap 1 L 1 Vice Fenner prefered Ens n Thomas Potter Everard to be L 1 Vice Grant D a Ens n Boyd Porterneld to be L 1 of the Ad 1 C 23 d Reef Howes 25 th Aug 1 1775. Cap 1 L 1 Thomas Mecann to be Cap 1 of the Ad 1 C 1 st L 1 Fred k McKenzie to be Cap 1 L 1 Vice Mecan prefered 2 d L 1 John Hirghinton to be 1 st L 1 Vice McKenzie, D 2 d L 1 Henry Fitzgerald to be 1 st L 1 to the Ad 1 C Ens n Lewis Haldimand from 60 th Reg 1 to be 2 d L 1 Vice Hirghinton prefered 2 th No v r 1775 Th s Stekilin, Gent, to be 2 d L 1 Vice Fitzgerald pre fered 21 st Nov r 1775 Bygrove Gent, to be 2 d L 1 to the Ad 1 C22 d Nov r 1775 2 d L 1 Eichard Julian to be 1 st L 1 by purchase Vice Lenthall Retired 22 d Nov r 1775 35 th Betf Camplells 25 th Aug 1 1775 Cap 1 L 1 Colin Campbell to be Cap 1 of the Ad 1 C L 1 Hugh Massey to be Cap 1 L 1 Vice Campbell preferred Ens n Paliser Wheeler to be L 1 Vice Massey prefer d Friday Head Q rs Boston, 24 th Nov r 1775. Parole Dartmouth C.Sign Exmouth General Officer to morrow, B.Gen 1 Robinson Field Officers } Lines Major Gaull ) Day Major Ogilvie November 24 ORDERLY BOOK. 151 Major of Brigade, Browne Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon, 2 Division 2 nd Division the Guards 3 d Works Parties As soon as a Reg 1 is fix d in its Quarters, B.Gen 1 Robertson will be pleas d to report to the Commander in Chief, if the Officers are properly lodg d, accor ding to the order of the 21 st of Sept r last, for their being quarter d within the district of their respective Corps. A Reward will be given to any Soldier who takes up a middling siz d Red Cow, and a Lamb which attended it. The Lamb had a number of Burrs in its Wool ; both the property of M r Apthorp the Pay M r General. Tho s Bailey, Grenadier of His Majestys Corps of Marines, try d by the Gen 1 Court Martial of whicli Major Sill is President ; for Striking L* Russel of the 4 th or Kings own Reg* and for Insolent and Mutinous Behaviour. The Court do not in the first instance find him Guilty, it appearing that he did not know L* Russel to be an Officer at the time of his striking > him, but have found him guilty of the subsequent charges, and do therefore Sentence him to receive 800 lashes on his bare back with a Cat o nine tails. Rich d James, Private Soldier in His Majestys 18 th RegS try d by the above Gen 1 Court Martial; for disobedience of Orders, by going into a Store, whicli he was order d not to enter, and of Stealing a Buc- kett, a Bottle, and some Mollasses out of said Store, and quitting his Arms whilst he was Sentry ; is found guilty and sentenc d to receive 500 lashes on the bare back with a Cat o nine tails. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentences. 152 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Saturday. Head Quarters, Boston, 25 th Nov r 1775. Parole Honiton. C.Sign Taunton Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Jones 17- 1 1 r\&. f Lines Major Hope Field Officers x ^ ^ J . c ( Day Major Souter Major of Brigade, Smith Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon, 3 d Division 3 d Division the Guards, 1 st the Working Parties A Return to be given immediately by each Corps, of the number of Officers, Serj ts Drum 8 , Rank and file including Invalids, Women and Children that are to go to England. The Commands Officers of the Corps to which the prisoners Tho 8 Bailey and Rich d James belong to take them from the Provosts, and to order the punishments to be inflicted upon them by the Drum 8 of their respective Corps, agreeable to the Sentence of the Gen 1 Court Martial in Yesterday s orders, at such times as they shall think proper. Additional Promotions on the Augmentation. o 5 th Regt. Ensign Ambrose Russel from the 50 th Reg* to be Ensign to the Additional Compr 22 d Nov r 38 th Reef Rob t Brownrigg Gent, to be Ensign vice Handasydc pref d 21 st Nov r George Dunbar Gent, to be Ensign to the Additional Compy 22 d do. 64 th Rerf Rob 1 Walker Gent, to be Ensign vice Strong pref 1 22 d do. 65 th Reg* 2 nd L t Tho s Pitcairn from the 3 d Batt n Royal Artil lery, to be Ensign vice Parry pref d 21 s do. November 2 6 OEDERL Y BO OK. 1 5 3 A mistake having been made in the Succession in the 16 th Reg 1 of Foot. L* Carrick s name to be erraz d, and Ens n Tho s Barrow to be L* vice Usher, 25 th Aug fc 75. 22 nd Beg* George Fraser Gent, to be Ensign, vice Everard pref d 21 st Nov r 75. Sunday. Head Q rs Boston, 26 th Nov r 1775. Parole Glastonbury C.Sign Wells Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B. Gen 1 Grant Lines L* Col Agnew Day Major Mil ward Major of Brigade Leslie Q r M r & Surgeon 1 st Division 1 st Div n y e Guards Field Officers j 2 nd the Working Parties The Regiments that were encamp d on the Com mon, and those on the left of the Common, to fill up the holes where their respective encampments stood, and make the ground even ; this to be done as soon as possible. When there is Ice on the Ground and the walking slippery so as to endangour the Men s falling, the Guards to march off with unfix d Bayonetts. The Orders that have been given, not being clearly understood by some Corps, with respect to Officers who are to go on the recruiting service ; each Corps is to send immediately to the. D. Adj fc Gen 1 , the names of such Officers who are to go on the Reg ts ace 1 , as well as the names of the Officers who are to go for the additional Company, mentioning such as are already in England intended for the additional Compy or the recruiting Service, as well as those going on leave of absence. 154 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Reg ts to send no Drummers for the additional Compy, it being intended they shou d find them in England, in the best manner they can. The Commissary Gen 1 will deliver to the Troops, 7 p ds of flower, 4 p ds 10 Ounces of Pork, and 6 Ounces of Butter for one man p r Week, untill further Orders; instead of 7 p ds of flower and 5| p ds of Pork. Additional Promotions. 44 th Reef Tho s Swectenham Gent, to be Ensign Vice Hasard pref d 22 nd Nov r 1775 Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 27 th Nov r 1775. Parole Bridgeivater. C.Sign Somerset Gen 1 for tomorrow, B.Gen 1 Robinson. -n- 1 1 mx f Lines L* Col Maddison lield Officers < ^ ^ T . ^ ( Day Major Basset. Major of Brigade Disney Q r M r Surgeon, and Guards, 2 nd Division 3 d the Working Parties Those Reg ts here having Ensigns in Europe already appointed, or to be appointed there in con sequence of the late augmentation; no Subalterns fit for duty are to be sent from hence upon the Recruiting service, unless by particular leave from the Commander in Chief. The Commanding Officers of Eeg ts will give directions accordingly to their respective Agents. The Reg ts to send returns immediately to the D. Adp Gen 1 conformable to the above Order. Tuesday. Head Quarters, Boston, 28 th Nov r 1775. November^ ORDERLY BOOK. 155 Parole Barnstable C.Sign Dorset Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B.Gen 1 Jones T- ij r\m f Lines L* Col Patterson Field Officers < ^ ^/r ^ ( Day Major Grant Major of Brigade, Browne Adj* Q r M r , Surgeon, and Guards, 3 d Division 1 st the Working Parties A Return to be given in immediately by every Corps, of the names of such men as are willing to be innoculated for the Small Pox. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston 29 th Nov r 75. Parole Shaft sbury C.Sign Blandford Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B.Gen 1 Grant 17- 1 1 /-^ f Lines L Col Sir H. Calder Freld Officers j Day Major Blunt Major of Brigade, Smith Adjt Q r M r Surg n and Guards, 1 st Division 2 nd Working Parties The Physicians of the Hospital, will Inspect once a fortnight, the Regimental Hospitals, and will report the state of them to the Command r in Chief. It having been represented to the Command 1 in Chief that the meat, intended for the Sick in the Gen 1 Hospital, is frequently purloin d, any person convicted of that unnatural Theft, will be punish* d with the utmost rigor, and a reward will be given for information, that may convict the delinquent. Thursday Head Quarters Boston 30 th Nov r 1775 Parole Dorchester C.Sign Weymouth Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B. Gen 1 Robertson 156 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Lines L* Col Bruce Field Officers ^ -^ ^ . ~ ,, Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Leslie Adj t Q r M r Surgeon & Guards, 2 nd Division 3 d the Working Parties A Return to be sent to the Barrack Office by each Corps, of the names of every Officer present, except those going to Europe, that they may receive their furniture money. The Q r Masters will likewise give returns to the Barrack Master, of the non Com- mission d Officers & private men in their respective Corps, exclusive of those in Gen 1 Hospital, that he may proportion the Fuel at the rate of Twelve men to a room. Friday Head Quarters Boston 1 st Dec r 1775 Parole Bridport C.Sign Axminster Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. Gen 1 Jones IT- 1 1 n.ffi ( Lines L* Col Hamilton rield Officers \ -^ ^ T . -.-, ( Day Major Hilman Major of Brigade, Disney r M r 9 g urgn & Guards 3 d Division 1 st Working Parties The Small Pox spreading universally about the Town, makes it necessary for the safety of the Troops, that such men as are willing, and have not had that distemper shou d be innoculated immediately ; and the Command" Officers of Corps will give directions to their respective Surgeons for that purpose, and order that they are put in houses by themselves, and that they have as little intercourse as possible with those men who refuse to be innoculated. L* W m Hamilton of His Majesty s 63 d Reg* of Foot, try d by the Gen 1 Court Martial of which Major Sill is president. For being Drunk upon Duty, offering December 2 ORDER LY BO OK. 1 5 7 Violence against his Cap fc when order d in an Arrest, refusing to go under an Arrest when Order d, and behaving in a Scandalous, infamous manner, unbecom ing the Character of an Officer and a Gentleman. The Court is of opinion, that L* W rn Hamilton is not guilty* of the first charge exhibited against him, viz* being drunk upon Duty, and do therefore ac quit him of the same. With respect to the other Charges, they are of opinion that he did refuse going in Arrest when order d, and that he was not Justifiable in so doing ; but his Conduct appears to have proceeded rather from an Error in Judgement than from any inten tional Criminality. Lastly the Court is of opinion that he is Guilty of the Second and fourth Charges exhibited against him viz* Offering Violence against his Capt n when order d under an Arrest, and behaving unbecoming the Cha racter of an Officer and a Gentleman, in breach of the 23 d Article of War of the 15 Section, and doth therefore Adjudge that he the said L*W m Hamilton, be discharg d His Majesty s Service, as the said article of War directs. The Command* in Chief approves of the above sentence. The above Gen 1 Court Martial is disolv d. The Commander in Chief has been pleas d to make the following promotion till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Ensign Bascowan of the 4 th Keg* is appointed to be a Lieut* in the 63 d Keg* vice Hamilton. The Keg* s to carry all the fascines in possession of their respective Q r Guards, to the Hill near Barton s Point, this afternoon. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 2 nd Dec r 1775. 158 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Parole Christ Church C.Sign Hingwood Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Grant Lines L* Col Collins Field Officers \ T >. T t n -, ^ ( Day L* Col. Carr Major of Brigade, Leslie Adj fc Q r M r Surgeon & Guards, the 1 st Division 2 nd Working Parties The Invalides of the different Reg ts that are to go to England, to embark on board the Lyon Transport; they will be attended on the passage by the Surgeon of the 59 th Keg* and are to be subsisted by their re spective Corps to the 24 th Dec r . L 1 Col: Hamilton to appoint Officers and Non Commiss d Officers of the 59 th Ileg*, to take charge of them to London, to whom their Subsistence is to be given, deducting their pro vision-money. The Lyon Transport will be order d to London, and upon her arrival there, the Officer Commands will send a return to the Secretary at War, specifying the time the Invalides are Subsisted to, and the number of days they have been victuall d on board Ship after the 24 th l)ec r , and will require fur ther Orders for his proceeding ; and if the Ship puts in to any other port by Stress of Weather, he will take that opportunity of reporting his arrival to the Secretary at War. Eeturns to be given in immediately, by each Corps, of the names of the Invalides order d to embark. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 3 d Dec r 1775. Parole Lymington C.Sign Hurst Castle Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B.Gen 1 Eobertson Field Officers I Lines Maj * or Sil1 5 } Day, L Col: Campbell Major of Brigade, Smith December 4 ORDERL Y BOOK. 159 Adj fc Q r M r Surg n and Guards 2 nd Division 3 d the Working Parties His Majesty has been pleas d to order, that the private men of the 18 th & 59 th Reg ts shou d be incor porated into the Corps here. The Draughts to be settled with to the 24 th Dec r and the Subsistence and ballances to be paid to the Reg ts that receive them, and the provision money to the day they are VictualTd to be paid in to the Pay M r Gen ls hands, by the Reg ts they leave. Certificates will be given by the Comands Officers of Reg ts to entitle the two Eegim ts draughted, to 5 pounds per Man. Each Draught will get Clothing and 1 Guinea and a half from the Reg ts that receive them. The 18 th Reg will be draughted on Tuesday morning at 11 o Clock upon the parade, when the Adj ts will attend the D. Adj fc Gen 1 for the men, who will Join their respective Corps as soon as draughted. The Draughts to take their Arms with them. A Return of Accoutrements wanting to compleat the Reg ts to the old establishment, to be given in immediately, specifying those lost in Action. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 4 th Dec r 1775 Parole, Southampton C.Sign, Eumsey Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B. Gen 1 Jones Field Officers I Jf nes *{ a J or Gaull ( Day Major Ogilvie Major of Brigade, Disney Adj fc Q r M r Surg n & Guards, 3 d Division 1 st Working Parties The Invalides to embark to morrow morning at 11 o Clock on board the Lyon Transport lying at Hancock s Wharf. Capt n Herbert of the 59 th Reg 1 160 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 will have the Comm d of them and will attend on board Ship to receive their ballances and discharges agreeable to the order of the 2 nd instant. The Grenadier and L* Infantry Companies of the 65 th Reg*, to come to Boston to morrow morning at 9 o Clock. L* Col Bruce will order them to be shown the Quarters assign d them. Two Carts from the D. Q r M r s department, and two from the Royal Artillery, to attend the Barrack M r to morrow morning at 8 o Clock, They are to be employ d in unloading the Vessels with Coal and Wood till that business is Compleated. Tuesday. Head Quarters, Boston, Dec r 5 th 1775. Parole Yarmouth. C.Sign CalsJiot Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Grant Field Officers j Lines Major Hope I Day, Major oouter Adj* Q r M r Surg n & Guards, 1 st Division 2nd Works Parties The -frequent depredations committed by the Soldiers, in pulling down houses and fences, in defiance of repeated orders, has induc d the Com mander in Chief to direct the Provost to go his rounds attended by the Executioner, with orders to hang up upon the spot the first man he shall detect in the fact, without waiting for further proof by trial. The Commanding Officers are to take particular care that the Soldiers are acquainted with this order. The Officers and non Commission d Officers Com manding Guards, to be answerable for all the Utensils they are supply d with, and that they are deliver d over to the relieving Officer. All difficiencies to be reported, or the Guard with whom the difficiencies are discover d, will be made accountable for them. December 7 ORDERLY BOOK 161 Wednesday. Head Quarters, Boston, 6 th Dec r 1775 Parole Winchester Countersign Farnham. General Officer to morrow, B. Gen 1 Robertson n- ij r\m ( Lines L fc Col. Iield Officers { Major Major of Brigade, Browne. Adj Q r M r Surgeon, and Guards, 2 nd Division 3 d the Working Partys A Report to be made by the Commanding Officers of Reg ts whether they have received the Clothing for 1775. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 7 th Dec r 1775 Parole Andover Countersign Amesbury Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. Gen 1 Jones Field Officers j Lines L CoL Maddison | Day, Major Basset Major of Brigade, Smith Adjt Q r M r Surgeon, & Guards, 3 d Division 1 st Divis n the Working Partys The Commander in Chief has been pleas d to make the following promotions till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Lt w m Norton of the 44 th Reg* to be Capt n in that Reg*, vice Stawel, by purchase. Ens n Tho s GofF, of the same Reg* to be Lieut, vice Norton preferrd. Some Irish Merchants residing in Town, with their adherents, having offer d their service for the defence of the place, the Commander in Chief has order d them to be Arm d, and directs their being form d into a Compy to be call d the Loyal Irish Volunteers. They will be distinguished by a white Cockade. 162 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 M r James Forrest, Captain W Grenville Hoar ) John Brandon J John Eamage | Jonathan Stearns 2 nd Lieu ts Ralph Cunningham j Their Guard room and Alarm post, to be near the Mill Bridge. This Comp^ will mount a Guard every evening, and Patrole the Streets, and take into Cus tody all suspicious and disorderly persons found in the Streets at improper hours. The Commissary Gen 1 will issue rations of pro visions to this Compy, according to the return sign d by Cap* Forrest. Friday Head Quarters, 8 th Dec r 1775 Parole Fordinglridge C.Sign Wilton Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Grant Field Officers { ^ ines L C r i" Pa ( terson ( Day Major Grant Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r M r Surgeon & Guards 1 st Division 2 nd the Working Parties The Reg ts that have received intrenching Tools from the Engineers department, will immediately re turn the same to the Store, in the Corner of Dock Square, where persons will be ready to receive them conformable to the receipts given. The strictest perquisition will be had to this order, as it is appre hended the Soldiers may have lost or embezzled some of the Tools. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 9 th Dec r 1775. December 10 ORDERLY BOOK. 163 Parole Newberry Countersign Berkshire Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Smith -n- 1 1 f\c ( Lines, L* Col. Sir H. Calder Field Officers | Day? Major Blmt Major of Brigade, Leslie Adp Q r M r , Surgeon & Guards, 2 nd Division 3 d the Working Partys The Q r Masters to call at the Barrack Office to receive a proportion of bedding for their respective Corps. The Commanding Officer at the Lines is not to suffer any letters to be sent into the Country, unless they are rec d from head Q rs . The Commander in Chief is pleas d to make the following promotion till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Eoyal Fensible Americans. Constant Connor Gent, to be 2 nd Lieut, vice Eeynolds resisn d. 13 th Nov r 1775 Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 10 th Dec r 1775. Parole Abingdon Countersign Berclay Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B. Gen 1 Eobinson. Field Officers \ **"***? . Co1 Q B e ( Bay, Major Smelt Major of Brigade, Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon Grenadiers The Eegiments recruiting parties, women, and Children that are to embark for England are to receive provisions for Tuesday next only. The 59 th Eeg t to be draughted to morrow morning at 11 Clock upon the parade, when the Adj ts will attend the D. Adj fc Gen 1 , and the draughts to Join their respective Corps as soon as draughted. The Draughts to take their Arms with them. M2 164 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Part of the Troops at Charlestown will enter into their Quarters at Boston to morrow. The Grenad rs , 44 th & 2 nd Batt n Marines, to go into their Quarters tomorrow. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 11 th Dec r 1775 Parole B anbury C. Sign Bur ford Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Jones -n- ^J /^.ce ( Lines, Major Hilman lield Officers j Day> ^ ^ CoUins Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 23 d Reg t Major Gen 1 Clinton to have the inspection of the L* Dragoons, Agnew s Grenad rs , and the following Eeg ts viz* 4 th , 5 th , 10 th , 17 th , 22 nd , 23 d , 35 th , 38 th , & 40 th Reg ts - Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will inspect Musgrave s L* Infr, 6 Compy 3 of Grenad rs , 43 d , 44 th , 47 th , 49 th , 52 nd , 63 d , and two Batt ns of Marines. Cap* Wymess 40 th Reg 11 to Command the 6 Comp} TS of Grenadiers till further orders. A Detachment of 3 Cap ts , 6 Sub s , 9 Serj fcs , 9 Corp 13 , 3 Drum", and 150 private, from the 4 th and 10 th Reg ts each, to hold themselves in readiness to go to Charles- town to morrow morning at 10 Clock. Field Officers for the Command at Charlestown, L t Col. Agnew, and Major Basset, Two Adj ts and 2 Surgeon s mates to attend the detachment at Charlestown, belonging to the Corps order d for that duty. The 3 Alarm Guns are placed upon Beacon hill, from whence the morning & evening Guns will be fired. The Detachment of Artillery at Charlestown to be reliev d from thence tomorrow morning. December 1 1 ORDERL Y BOOK. 165 The Eeg ts that have rec d drafts from the 18 th & 59 th Reg ts , to give receipts for the Arms they receive with them. The 5 pounds given for each draft from the 18 th & 59 th Reg ts , is to answer for the debts of those men ; and it is expected the drafts are provided with a proper proportion of Necessaries by the Reg ts from whence they came. The Eeg t9 leaving this place, to give in their pro vision returns to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , to the time they embark, and the other Corps that have not given in theirs to 24 th June, to do it immediately. An Officer from each Corps that received drafts from the 59 th Reg*, to attend at Cap fc Hewitson s Quarters tomorrow morning at 10 Clock, to receive the Acc ts and Ball ces due on their drafts. During the Winter Quarters the Soldiers Acc ts to be settled and Ballances paid at the end of every 12 Weeks, and such Reg ts as have not already done it, to settle with their men to the 24 th Oct r last. The Commander in Chief is pleas d to make the following promotion till HisMajestys pleasure is known 40 th Eeg\ Ens n John Geason, to be Lieut, vice Cope by pur chase, 11 th Dec r 1775 A Gen 1 Court Martial to sit to morrow morning at Concert Hall to try all such prisoners as shall be brought before them. Major Gaull, President Light Dragoons 1 Cap* 1 Sub Artillery 1 1 st Division 2 1 2 nd d 21 3 d d 21 Members 8 i66 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Names, and dates of the Members Commis sions, prisoners names, & Crimes, to be sent to the D Judge Advocate as soon as possible. Tuesday. Head Quarters, Boston, 12 th Dec 1 1775. Parole Warwick C.Sign Coventry Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Jones n- 1 1 r\rd j Lines, L* Col. Nesbit Field Officers } Gran( . Major of Brigade, Browne Adp Q r M r & Surgeon, 22 nd Eeg t The Corps being come from Charlestown the Garrison duty is to be done till further Orders accord ing to the annex d plan. Divisions 1 st L* Infantry 35 th 44th 2nd 3d 22 nd 38 th 52 nd Three Eeg ts alternately 23 d | to take the Lines Neck 40 th | Blockhouse & Main 63 d I Guard, Lines and Neck each give 100 men is 200 Main Blockhouse 50 53 103 o r\ o oOo 1 st Division, 43 d 49 th 2 nd Div n , 45 th & 1 st Marines 3 d Division, 47 th 2 nd Marines, two Eeg ts alternately to take the following Guards. Advanc d Eedoubt ... 50 Artillery d ... 50 Marine d ... 50 Hughes Wharf ... 30 Foxes Hill .... 15 Provost Guard . . . .12 Kings Stables . . . .15 Hatches Wharf . . 6 218 December 1 2 ORDERL Y BOOK. 167 17 th Reg 1 4 Comp ys , daily duty. Beacon Hill L fc Dragoon Redoubt, 15 each 30 Musgraves L 1 Infy & 6 Comp ys Grenad rs Bartons Redoubt 30 The following Guards to be taken by Corps as they are Regimental Guards, and Sentries to be furnish d being contiguous to them. Corps Guards Sentries L 1 C. Agnews G rs Artillery Workshop 1 st Batt n Marines Charlestown Ferry 2 nd Batt n do. North Battery 45 th Reg t Cattle Guard Artillery Wood Yard bellow Fort Hill 1 40 th Brig r Jones 1 38 th Old Wood Yard 1 35 th Brig r Smith 1 22 nd New Works 1 44 th Brig. Robinson 1 49 th Gen 1 Clinton 1 King s Stables, Brig r Grant 1 For duty to morrow, 22 ud 38 th , 52 nd , 47 th Reg ts and 2 nd Marines. The 17 th , Mus. L t InfV, and 6 Comp? Gren dra will begin to take the duty assign d to them tomorrow. The Grenad rs L t Inf> Comp> s to be compleat d by their respective Reg ts to 36 rank & file, taking care to give no men but such as are proper for those services. Serj 1 Joseph Jarvis of the 63 d & Serj 1 George Collier of the 44 th Reg 1 to attend the Engineer till further orders. The 18 th , 59 th , & 65 th Reg ts , the Recruits partys, women, and Children of the different Corps that are to go to England, to embark to morrow morning at 10 o Clock. x68 Silt WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 L* Vivus of the 1 st Marines, is appointed Adjutant to Agnews Corps of Grena,d rs No person whatever to be allow d to pass Charles- town Ferry, except publick Officers, or with a pass from the Commander in Chief ; and if to come from thence, by a pass from the Officer of the detachment. All Letters for England to be sent to the Secre- tarys Office by tomorrow evening. The Reg ts that have rec d drafts from the 59 th Reg*, will send to L* Col Hamilton this evening, certificates agreeable to the orders of the 3 d , and likewise a receipt for the fire-locks, Bayonets, & Cartouch Boxes they have rec d with them Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 13 th Dec r 1775 Parole Oxford C.Sign Blenheim Gen 1 Officer, Smith Field Officers j *f nes > Co1 ^ Paterson ( JJay Major Bruce Major of Brigade, Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon Clerks L* Infr The Garrison duty to be done by detachment from the whole Army till further Orders. Each Corps to mount a Barrack Guard of 1 Serjt, 1 Corp 1 and 12 private; and a Piquet of 1 CapS 1 Sub, 1 SerjS 1 D : 20 R : & file These Officers will inspect the Guard and Sentries of their respective Corps, go the rounds within the districts of their Quarters frequently during the night, and see that patroles go from the Guards at different hours, who, as well as the rounds, are to take up all disorderly people and suppress every kind of irregu larity. The Officers of the Piquet, likewise to visit the men s quarters at Tatoo beating, receive the Reports December 1 3 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 69. of every Comp> , and see that no Soldier is absent from his Quarters at that hour. George Webb, Charles Stuart of the 4 th Keg*, Tho. Webb, 23 d and Joseph Carry draft 47 th to attend the Barrack master till further orders. Proposals for supplying Wood to the Garrison. Every Corps to furnish an Officer & 20 Men, or more in proportion to their numbers, such as the Com mands Officers judge the fittest for this service, par ticularly those who understand the use of the Ax. These are to be furnish d with a proper proportion of Tools, and they are to be continued at the work till a sufficiency of fuel is provided. The Barrack M r Gen 1 or his deputy, will point out such Wharfs, houses, old Ships, and trees as each Reg* may use for its share. The Wood to be placed where the Command ing Officer of the Reg* may direct. When regularly piled up, it is to be measur d, and the Soldiers will be allow d 5 Shills 3 Sterls for each Cord they so provide and pile, this will be deliver d to the care of the Reg* as a fund for their supply of fuel. The Officer who acts as an overseer will be allow d 5 Shillings $> day and the men will be allow d a Gill of Rum a day and do no other duty, a proportion of Tools to be furnish d by the Royal Artillery, 2 Iron Crows, 3 Cressent Saws, and handspikes, Ten Axes, 6 Wedges, 3 Mawles & 2 fathom of Rope, by the Barrack Master 45 th Eeg t 2 nd L* Haldimand of the 23 d Reg* to be Lieu* vice Hough ton, resign d. The Reg* 3 who have not sent Certificates and receipts agreeable to yesterdays orders to L* Col. Hamilton, to do it immediately. After Orders ^ past five A Cap* from Agnews Grenad rs , and a Cap* from the 10 th Reg*, the oldest to the advanced Redoubt, iyo SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 the Youngest to the Artillery Eedoubt, of which they will take the Command, obeying such directions of going the rounds on the Common as they shall receive from the field Officer of the day. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 14 th Dec r 1775 Parole Uxbridge Countersign Hounslow Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Robinson -c<- ij rvrc ( Lines, Sir H. Calder Field Officers \ T . \ T . I Day, Major Blunt Major of Brigade Smith Adp Q r M r & Surgeon, 35 th The Commanding Officers of each Transport to send a return to the D. Adj 1 Gen 1 of the number of Officers, Serj ts , Corp ls , Drum 1 8 , Private, Women, and Children of each Corps embark d on Board their respective Transports for England. Each Corps to send one man to the Ordnance Office tomorrow morning at S o Clock who are to be employ d in making Cartridges, and to be kept con stantly on that duty till further orders. All the Corps are to receive 4 Days fuel, and are to expect no further supply but from the Labor of their several Working parties. The Officers Commands Reg ts are to fix some place in their Cantonments for a Magazine. The Officers appointed to command the Works parties, to receive their instructions & Tools this after noon at the Barrack Office, and are to begin working tomorrow morning. The Working parties with the Engineer and D. Q r M r Gen ls departments, are not to receive Rum from their Corps, as they receive an allowance daily from those Offices. Two Cap ts from the Garrison to Visit in the day December 16 ORDERLY SO OK. 171 time and repair every evening at Gun fireing to the Redoubts on the Common, and follow the same directions given the Cap ts for that duty in yesterdays after Orders. They will leave the Guard at day light, and report to the field Officer of the Day. Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 15 th Dec r 1775 Parole Woodstock C.Sign Whitney Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Pigot -n- ij /^.cc / Lines L* Col. Collins Field Officers | Day Major Tupper Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 38 th Reg* All Reports of Guards, or from Officers on any other duty usually made to the field Officer of the day, are to be sent to the Main Guard, by Nine O Clock in the Morning. M r Boyd, Surgeon s Mate of the Hospital, is ordered to act as Surgeon to the Corps of L* Infantry, and M r Whiteman to the Corps of Grenadiers. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 16 th Dec r 1775 Parole Bagshot C.S. Reading Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Jones. n- u <^c 1 Lines, L* Col. Monkton Field Officer { ^ Major mman Major of Brigade, Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 40 th Reg* The Q r Master of each Reg* to give receipts to the Officers Commanding the Wooding parties for the fuel they deliver to them, and distinguish the number of Cords of light from hard Wood. 172 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 John Sweeny, & Owen Flanagan drafts from the 59 th to the 63 d Reg & Corp 1 Eobert Stuart of the 52 nd Beg to attend the Engineer till further Orders. L* Powel 49 th to be Aclf to the 6 Comp^ of Grenad rs , and Serf Eichardson to act as Q r M r to said Corps. L* Campbell 44 th Keg* to be Adj fc to the 6 Comp ys of L* Infantry. The Commander in Chief having thought proper to order two Issuing Stores for the greater Con venience of Victualling His Majesty s forces, the fol lowing regulations are to take place on Monday next. The 5 th , 22 nd , & 23 d Eeg ts to be victuall d on Mon day, at Jackson Distill House near Liberty Tree. The 35 th , 38 th , 40 th , & 52 nd Eeg ts on Tuesday at the same place. The 63 d Eeg 1 st Div n Grenad rs & 1 st Div n L* In fantry, on Wednesday at the same place, The Eoyal Artillery, 4 th , 17 th , & 43 d Eeg ts to be Victuall d on Monday at the Old Issuing Store on Greens Wharf. The 2 nd Batt n Marines, 44 th , 45 th , 47 th Keg* 8 on Tuesday at the same store. The L* Dragoons, 2 nd Div n Grenad rs , and 6 Comp ys L* Infantry, and the 49 th Keg 1 on Wednesday at the same place. All the other departments as usual. No provi sions to be deliver d without two returns of the Corps sign d by the Commands Officer, one for the Com missary Gen 1 , the other with a receipt sign d by the Q r M r of the Eeg* for the Contractors Agent. The Issuing to begin at 9 o Clock in the morning at both Stores, and one hour to be allow d for serving each Corps. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 17 th Dec r 1775. December 18 ORDERLY BOOK 173 Parole Egham. Countersign Staines Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Grant -M- 1 1 f\nc. ( Lines Major Musgrave Reid Officers Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 43 d Reg 11 Colonel Massy of the 27 th Regiment having ar rived at Halifax in Nova Scotia. The Commander in Chief is pleas d to appoint him to act as Brigadier General. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 18 th Dec r 1775 Parole EicJimond Countersign, Kew Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Smith n- -ij r\c f Lines, Mai or Sill Reid Officers ( t Major of Brigade, Leslie Adj 1 Q r M r & Surgeon 44 th Reg 1 Officers commanding works where there are Bat- terys, are not to allow the inhabitants to loiter near them, nor to suffer Officers nor Soldiers, publick Offi cers, Engineers & Artillery Off rs excepted. Soldiers on Picquet are not to be disturb d at night to go the rounds Regimentally ; the Officers on that duty to take a man from their Barrack Guard when they Visit the Quarters of their respective Corps. The different Corps to send their returns immedi ately to the Barrack M r Gen 1 of such Officers as are entitled to furniture money, and the Q r Masters to call on Wednesday morning to receive it. M r Studholme is appointed Major of Brigade, to Brigadier Gen 1 Massy. 174 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Tuesday Head Quarters Boston, 19 th Dec r 1775 Parole Southward C. Sign Kent Gen 1 Officer to morrow Robinson -TV -ij /-i-o: ( Lines Mai or Mitchell Field Ofc**| t Day L t Col. Clerk Major of Brigade Baker Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon, 45 th Reg 1 All working Parties to be allow d half a pint of Rum <$- Day, and the men upon Guard a Gill. The Sick and those off duty, are not to receive any till further Orders The Commanding Officers of the several Corps will receive from the D. Q r M r Gen 1 8 Stores, 30 Gallons of Rum at a time, which will be issued by the respective Q r Masters, who are to give in returns of the Issues when they will receive a further Supply. Returns to be given to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , of the Horses that were lost by Officers on the 29 th of April last. Wednesday Head Quarters Boston, 20 th Dec r 1775 Parole Greenwich C.Sign Woolwich Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Jones -n- TJ i^c ( Lines L* Col. Carr Field Officers j ^ Major OgiMe Major of Brigade, Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 47 th Reg* Lieut. Terrence Macgrath of His Majesty s 45 th Reg* of Foot, try d by the Court Martial of which Major Gaull is President, For behaving in a Scanda lous infamous manner, such as unbecoming the Charrecter of an Officer and a Gentleman, particularly by insulting L* Houghton late of the same Reg* with December 2 1 OEDERL Y BO OK. 1 7 5 gross expressions without provocation, and by assaulting and beating Mm in a Violent manner when he made no ressistance. The Court upon due consideration of the Evidence for and against the prisoner L* Terrence Magrath, together with what he had to offer in his defence, is of opinion, that his treatment of M r Houghton does not amount to Scandalous infamous behaviour, such as unbecoming the Charracter of an Officer & a Gentleman, as is stated in the Charge ; but that it was highly improper and unwarrantable, & doth therefore, by Virtue of the power & authority in them Vested by the 3 d Article of War, of the 20 th Section, Adjudge, that he the said Terrance Magrath be suspended from all duty & pay for the space of Three Months, & be publickly reprimanded in such manner & at such place, as the Command r in Chief shall be pleas d to direct. The Command r in Chief, looking upon his repri mand to L* Terrence Magrath to be so inferrior to the sensure pass d upon him by the Court, that he has declin d any proceedings farther than by his approbation of the sentence, which will take place from this day. Serjt Lippe of the 49 th L* Infantry Comp? is appointed to act as Q r M r to Major Musgraves I/ Infantry. The 65 th Reg* to disembark as soon as the Trans ports come up, and go into their former Quarters. Thursday Head Quarters Boston, 21 st Dec r 1775 Parole BlacJckeath C.S. Dartford Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Grant I?- -M c , f Lines, L* Col. Campbell Field Officers . 1 176 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 Major of Brigade, Disney Adj Q r M r & "Surgeon, 49 th All persons who may discover Artillery Stores of any sort in houses in Town, are immediately to ac quaint the Commanding Officer of Artillery of it. The Troops to be serv d weekly with fuel on the following days. The Q r Masters to send returns to the Barrack Office each day they are to be serv d of the names of the Officers, the number of men in Barracks, exclusive of those in Gen 1 Hospital and at Cha s Town, as those at Cha s Town draw the fuel there. Artillery 1 st & 2 nd Corps of Grenad & 4 th Reg on Monday. L fc Dragoons, 5 th , 10 th , 17 th , & 35 th on Tuesday, 22 nd , 23 d , 38 th , 40 th on Wednesday. 43 d , 44 th , 45 th , 47 th on Thursday 49 th , 52 nd , 63 d , & 65 th on Friday * 1 st & 2 nd Batt ns , 1 st & 2 nd Corps L fc Infantry on Saturday. As hand Carts are provided for the Troops to carry their fuel, the Reg ts are to return them to the Barrack Yard, that each Reg* may have Carts enough to carry their fuel for men and Officers on their serving days, & the Q r M r Serj ts to attend the Wood Yard, and see they have their proper allowance. The Gen 1 and Staff Officers having no men to draw their allowances, it will be sent them when apply d for at the Barrack Office. Friday Head Q rs Boston, 22 nd Dec r 75. Parole Gravesend C. Sign Tilbury Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Smith j Lines L* Col. Buttler 1 -r^ ir TT ( Day Major Hope December 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 177 Major of Brigade, Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 52 nd The Officers and men of Col: M c Lean s Corps, to embark tomorrow morning at 8 o Clock on board the favorite Transport lying at Hutchinson s Wharf in order that they may sail immediately for Halifax. The Sentry s on the Long Wharf not to suffer any common sea man from the Transports to come into Town after Six o Clock in the evening. Saturday Head Q rs Boston, 23 d Dec r 75 Parole Sittingbum C.S. Cheerness Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Eobinson Field Officers j If nes *J a J or Jumphrys ( Day, Major Souter Major of Brigade, Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surg n 63 d Reg* The Commanding Officer of Artillery having frequent occasion to send over to Charlestown, his passes for the Officers and men of the Artillery are to be received by the Officers of the ferry Guards. An Infusion of Hemlock Spruce having been found very beneficial in curing the Scurvy at Quebec, the Gen 1 recommends it to the Commanding Officers of Corps to order it immediately to such of their men as have the least appearance of a Scorbutic taint. By applying to the Gen 1 Hospital, they may receive a proportion of Spruce for that purpose, and directions for using it. The fuel provided by the Working partys to be deliver d to the receipts of the Q r Masters, who will issue it to the Reg ts agreeable to the Barrack regula tions. The Corps will use that first before they apply for Coals. Two Cord of light wood to be considered as one of heavy. N 178 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The evening and morning Gun to be for the future fired at the Artillery Redoubt. Sunday Head Q rs Boston, 24 th Dec r 75 Parole Sandwich C.Sign Margate Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Jones Lines, Major Stuart Day, L* Col. Paterson Major of Brigade, Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 1 st Marines. Field Officers Monday Head Q rs Boston, 25 th Dec r 75. Parole Thanet C.Sign Deal Gen 1 Officer to morrow, G 1 Grant -r,. , , , ( Lines, L 1 Col. Sir H. Calder Field Officers j Day> Major Blunt Major of Brigade, Smith Adj fc Q r M r Surgeon, 2 ud Marines The detachment of Marines to embark tomorrow morning, they will receive further orders relative to the Ships that are to receive them, and hour of going on Board, from the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , or his assistants. This detachment to be under the Command of Major Grant of the 40 th Keg* The Commanding Officers of Corps to order their Q r Masters to attend at the Long Wharf to receive a Butt of Porter for each Corps, which will be sent to their Quarters for Christmas. Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 26 th Dec r 1775. December 28 ORDERLY BOOK. 179 Parole Dover Countersign Eumney Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Smith Field Officers { Lines L< Col. Bruce L Day, Tupper Major of Brigade, Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surg n Musgraves L* Infy A detachment of Three Cap ts , 6 Sub 3 , 9 Serj ts , 9 Corp ]s , 3 Drum", & 150 private, from Clerks L* Infy, 22 nd , 23 d , & 35 th Keg ts to parade tomorrow morning at 10 o Clock, & relieve L 1 Col. Agnew s detachment at Charlestown. Field Officers for the detachment L* Col. Nesbitt & Major Bruce. Two Adj fcs & 2 Surgeon s Mates from the Corps order d for this duty, to attend the detachment The Quarter Masters of Corps to be answerable for the empty Porter Butts, for which they will be oblig d to pay, if either lost or destroyed Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 27 th Dec r 1775 Parole Eye C. Sign Hastings Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Eobertson Field Officers \ ^ nes Jf CoL Collins ( Day, Major Smelt Major of Brigade, Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, Agnew s Grenad 1 Thursday Head Q rs Boston, 28 th Dec r 75. Parole Sussex C. Sign Lewis Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Jones Field Officers ( Lines, LJ Col. Monkton ( Day, Major Hillman Major of Brigade, Leslie Q r M r & Surgeon 4 th Keg* N 2 i8o SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 The Working Partys order d for the Engineer, to parade at 8 o Clock in the Morning and continue without intermission till three when they will be dismiss d. No Artifficers or others employ d in public works of any kind whatever are to be taken off from their respective dutys. After Orders Thursday 6 o Clock. Alarm Posts, in case of the Alarm Guns being fired. The Corps first to form upon their private Parades. Two Battalions of Marines to remain 43 d the opening in front of Cap* Montresor s Quarters. 45 th Keg 1 in the rear of Barton s Point Redoubt. 17 th in case of an attack upon the point, to sup port Musgraves L* Infantry. Musgraves L* Infantry 4 th with its left near the light Dragoons Stables, its right extending to the Barracks Wemys Grenadiers piquet in Bartons Point Re doubt & form to the left of the Redoubt Clear of the houses. 47 th right to the L* Dragoon Redoubt. 49 th right to Gen 1 Clinton s Quarters extending along the Common about the line of the Artillery encampment. Agnews Grenadiers upon the left of the 49 th 40 th to the left of Grenadiers Clertfs L l Infantry in the rear of the 40 th 35 th upon the left" of the 40 th 63 d to the left of the 35 th upon the ground of its late encampment. Decemler 2 9 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 8 1 10 th ) to send detachments to the neck Bastions. 22 nd j Their private parade to be in the Street in front of NCAV Works. 52 Rd Liberty Tree 65 th Wharfs near their Quarters 23 d Rear of Agnew s Grenadiers 38 th Bear of the 49 th 44 th Town House 5 th Its own parade North British Volunteers, Long Wharf. Irish Compy, Store Houses near the Dock. Brigadier Generals. Robertson at the head of the 49 th Pigot, to attend to Barton s point Jones, at the head of the 63 d Grant, upon the right of the 47 th Smith, at the Neck. The Quarter masters of Corps to attend to morrow morning at 10 o Clock at the Market place, where they will receive a proportion of Hogs for the Officers of their respective Corps. Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 29 th Dec r 75 Parole Grimstead Countersign Chichester Gen 1 Officer to morrow, Jones Field Officer, Major of Brigade, Disney Adj t Q r M r & Surg n 5 th Reg* The 17 Reg* of Light Dragoons & the Reg t3 of Foot that left Ireland before the 24 th of June last and have not been muster d since their arrival in America are immediately to prepare Muster Rolls from the time they came on the British Establishment, to the 1 82 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1775 24 th Dec r 1775. The Reg ts already Muster d to the 24 th June, are to make theirs from the 25 th of that month to the 24 th Dec r following. The Commands Officers of the several Corps to prepare proper Cellars in their respective Q rs to receive 20 Butts of Porter and a quant^ of potatoes, for which they will give receipts and Issue them to their men in such manner as the Command r in Chief shall direct. As soon as the Cellars are ready they will acq 1 " the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , and he will order these articles to be sent to them. A list of Bakers in each Corps include Non Com- miss d Officers to be given in to morrow morning at 9 o Clock, specifying such as are experienc d in the business from those who may have work d occa sionally at the Trade. Saturday Head Q rs Boston, 30 th Dec r 1775 Parole Guilford Countersign Kingston Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Grant T^- ij rvrc f Lines, Maior Sill Field Officers < ^ , T v , T ., , ,, { Day, Major Mitchell Major of Brigade Browne Adj fc Q r M r & Surg n 10 th Reg* The districts as follows are appointed to each Corps. The Commanding Officers will accordingly inspect them taking care to prevent all irregularities, put a stop to Dram Shops, make a return of persons names that have Licences, mentioning by whom Sign d. The Officers of the Piquet will receive directions from their respective Commands Officers, for Visiting & pattroling within the extent of their district, taking two Men with them from their Eegim 11 Guard to December 30 ORDERLY BOOK 183 attend them. The Soldiers "Wives are not to lodge out of their respective districts. The Pattroles of the 10 th Reg* to visit the right hand of Orange Street, from the New Works to the Neck. Those of the 22 nd Keg from Allen s Wharf near L* Col. Campbell s Quarters, all the left hand side of Orange Street to the Neck, & the Lanes leading to the Water. Those of the 63 d are to Visit from where the Hay Market stood, up Pleasant Street & all lying between this & Holies Street. Those of the 35 th Keg*, all that part of the Town that lyes between Holies Street & Frog Lane in cluding the Quarter where L 1 Col: Carr lives. Those of the 40 th are to Visit Newburry Street, between Frog Lane & Water Lane, & all the Alleys lying between those Streets & the Common. The Grenadiers, are to visit all the Lanes lying between Water Street & Bromfield Lane, & running between those & the Common, also Common Street. Those of the 49 th , to visit Beacon Street, School Street, part of Cornhill, Queen s Street, & Tremount Street. Those of the 45 th , to visit Cambridge Street from Shardons Lane, South wark Court, Hanover Street to the Mill Bridge, & all the Lanes from that Street to the Mill Pond North of Celd Lane, also Wings Lane & Union Street. Those of the 17 th , to visit Cold Lane, Sudbury Street, Tremount Street as far as Earl Percys, & all the Lanes between Cambridge Street & the Mill Pond as far as Shardon s Lane. Those of the 4 th to visit Cambridge Street, from Shardons Lane to the Westward, with all the Lanes leading from thence towards Beacon Hill, also Stam ford Street. 1 84 SIJR WILLIAM HOWE 8 1775 Those of the Grenadiers, Quarters in West Bos ton Meeting House, to visit Chamber Street, Lind Street, Green Lane, & all the Lanes leading from thence to the Mill pond. Those of the 47 th to visit their own Quarters. Those of the 6 Comp> s of L* Infantry, to visit Levrett Street, & all the Lanes in the neighbourhood of Bartons point. Those of the 43 d to visit Back Street as far as Princes Street, Middle Street, from that to Mill Bridge, likewise Ann Street, & Fish Street as far to the Northward as Sun Court, with all the Lanes from Back Street to the Mill pond, from Back Back Street to Middle Street, from Middle Street to Fore Street & Ann Street, & from thence to the Water. 1 st Batt n Marines, to visit Princes Street from the Corner of Back Street to Charlestown Ferry, likewise Middle Street to Winnisinett Ferry, all the Streets & lanes lying between them. 2 nd Batt n Marines, to visit Fish Street, Ship Street, & Lind Street to Charlestown Ferry, with all the Lanes from these to the Water, also all the Streets and Lanes between Sun Court & Winnisinett Ferry leading from Fish Street Ship Street to Middle Street. Those of the 44 th to visit King Street, part of Cornhill from the Town House to Milk Street, all Milk Street as far as Olivers Dock, with all the Streets & Lanes between that King Street, also that part of Cornhill from the Town House to the Theatre, all the Lanes between that King- Street. Those of the 38 th to visit, from their Barracks to Olivers Dock, Fort Hill Lane, part of Milk Street, the Eope Walks, Greens Lane, all the Cross Lanes within that district. Those of the 23 d to visit Cow Lane, Long Lane, December 31 ORDERLY BOOK. 185 part of Milk Street, Bishop s Alley & the Lanes from thence to Marlborough Street & part of Summer Street, with the Lanes from Cow Lane to the Water. Those of the 65 th , to visit part of Summer Street, Flounder Lane, part of Belchers Lane, & South Street to Wind Mill point, with all the Lanes & Wharfs within that district. Those of the 5 th to visit part of South Street, part of Summer Street, Blind Lane, Short Street, & all the Lanes leading to the Water between Short Street & South Street. Those of the 52 nd to visit Auchmuttys Lane, from Short Street to Liberty Tree, & all the Lanes lead ing to the Water. Those of the Light Infantry, to visit part of Orange Street from Allen s Wharf, with the Lanes leading from thence to the Water, also Newburry Street, Summer Street, as far as the New South Meeting House Blind Lane, & Pond Street. The Pay Masters of Reg ts to give to Cap 11 M c Ken- zie a list of their respective Drafts rec d from the 18 th & 59 th Eeg ts , that an Order may be given by the Command r in Chief for the payment of their Bounty- money. The Q r Masters of Corps to call on the D. Q r M r Gen 1 when they will receive an order for One Hun dred pair of Creepers for the respective Corps, for which they will give receipts & be answerable. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 31 st Dec r 1775 Parole Hertford Countersign St Albans Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Smith. Field Officers k f? nes > T L ; f lerk ( Day, L* Gol. Carr i86 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Major of Brigade, Leslie Adf Q r M r & Surgeon 17 th Regt His Majesty has been pleas d to make the follow ing promotion in the Hospital in America, viz* Doc tor Rich d Veale to be Physician, 28 Sep*. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 1 st Jan? 1776. Parole Dunstable C.Sign Bar net Gen 1 Officer tomorow Eobertson. v 1 1 r\& ( Lines, Major Ogilvie -bielcl Officers } ^ T t A -, -, -,, ( Day, L t Col. Campbell Major of Brigade Baker Q r M r & Surgeon 38 th Reg* Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 2 nd Jan? 1776 Parole Wooburne C.Sign Northampton. Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Pigot. -n- 1 1 ^c ( Lines Major Irvine lidd Officers , J L , Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surg n , 40 th The Command r in Chief is pleas d to appoint M r W m Bruce, to be Surgeon to the General Hospital. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 3 d Jan? 1776 Parole Coventry C. Sign Warwick. Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, Jones -n- u r^rc ( Lines, Major Hope Reid Officers | Day) ^ Hu ^ pherys Major of Brigade Disney January 3 ORDERL Y BO OK. 1 8 7 Adj* Q r M r & Surg 11 43 d Reg* Tho s Owen, Henry Johnston, private Soldiers in His Majesty s 59 th Reg 1 , try d by the Gen 1 Court Martial of which Major Gaull is president ; for having broke into & rob d the Store of Mess rs Coffins Store keepers of sundry Goods. The Court having duly considered the whole matter before them, is of opinion that the Pris rs Tho 8 Owen & Henry Johnston are Guilty of the Crime laid to their charge, & doth therefore, by virtue of the power & authority to them given & granted, by the 2 d Article of War of the 20 th Section, Adjudge, that the said Tho s Owen & Henry Johnston do suffer death, by being hang d by the Neck untill they are dead. Tho 3 M c Mahon private Soldier in His Majestys 43 d Reg 1 of Foot Isabella M c Mahon his Wife, try d by the above Court Martial, for receiving sundry Stoln goods knowing them to be such, are found guilty of the crime laid to their Charge, & therefore adjudge the said Tho 8 M c Mahon to receive 1000 Lashes on the bare back with a Cat of Nine Tails, at such time place as the Command 1 " in Chief shall please to direct ; & the said Isabella M c Mahon to receive 100 Lashes on the bare back at a Cart s tail in different portions in the most conspicuous part of the Town, & to be imprisoned for 3 Months. Tho s Jones & W m Ives private Soldiers in His Majestys 59 th Reg 1 of foot, try d by the above Court Martial; for having forceably enter d a dwelling house, Stolen from thence sundry Goods the owners of them unknown, are found guilty of the Crime laid to their charge, Sentence them to receive 800 Lashes each. John Witherington, private Soldier in the 1 st Batt n of Marines, try d by the above Court Martial, for having stolen a piece of Linen from the 1 88 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Shop of Arch d Wilson Store-keeper, also a Shirt the property of Serf Dawson of the 38 th Keg 1 , is found Guilty of the Crimes laid to his Charge, & adjudg d to receive 500 Lashes. John Brown private Soldier in His Majesty s 44 th Keg 1 , try d by the above Gen 1 Court Martial, for Mutiny, is found guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge, & sentenc d to receive 500 Lashes. John Henesey private Soldier in the 52 nd Keg 1 of Foot, & Ann Henesey his Wife, try d by the above Gen 1 Court Martial, for having broke open a house, & stolen from thence Sundry goods the property of Pattrick Donnegan. Are not found Guilty of the Crime laid to their Charge ; & the Court doth there fore acquit them. Ja s Cairns private Soldier in His Majestys 22 nd Keg 1 , try d by the above Gen 1 Court Martial, for having Stolen sundry goods, is found guilty of the Crime laid to his charge, and adjudged to receive 400 Lashes. Timothy Spillman private Soldier late of the 59 th Keg 1 , now of the 63 d Keg 1 of Foot, try d by the above Gen 1 Court Martial, for having committed an assault on the person of Mrs. Moore an inhabitant of Boston, & beating her almost to death, is found guilty of the Crime laid to his charge, and adjudg d to receive 1000 Lashes. The Command r in Chief approves of the above Sentences, orders the Commands Officers of the Corps to which the prisoners, Tho s M c Mahon, Tho s Jones, W m Ives, John Witherington, Jn Brown, Ja s Cairns, & Timothy Spillman, belong, to take them from the Provosts, to order the punishments to be inflicted upon them by the Drummers of their respective Corps, agreeable to the sentence of the Gen 1 Court Martial. The above Gen 1 Court Martial is disolv d. January 4 ORDERLY BOOK. 189 The King has been pleas d to make the following promotions in the Marine forces serving in the Army in North America, viz fc The Honorable Cap t John Maitland, to be Major, vice Chudley deceas d. Cap 1 I/ Tho s Johnston, to be Cap fc vice Sabine Deceas d. 2 nd L* John Shea, to be 1 st L fc , vice Bright promoted. 2 nd L* Sam 1 Ellis to be 1 st L* vice Pritchard put on half pay. 2 nd L fc John Dyer to be 1 st L* vice Stuart resign d. Those Corps who have not deliver d in the weekly returns of their Working partys to the Commands Engineer since the 18 th Dec r , are to give them in immediately to the 31 st Dec r inclusive. They are likewise to return the intrenching Tools they rec d in Camp, agreeable to the Orders of the 8 Dec r last. When Working parties of any sort receive Eum from those that employ them, they are not to be drawn for by the Corps, nor to receive Rum in a double Capacity. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 4 th Jan? 1776. Parole Stafford Countersign Litchfield Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Grant. -TV 1 1 n& C Lines, Major Souter Reid Officers | Ma j or tuart Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 44 th Reg*. Cap* Dundas is appointed suppernumerary Aid-de- Camp to Major Gen 1 Clinton. His Majesty has been pleas d to appoint Brigadier Gen 1 Pigot, to be Colonel of the 55 th Reg*. The L* Infantry Comp? of the 17 th Reg* to do duty with Major Musgraves Corps of L* Infantry, & T90 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 to go into the Quarters of the 44 th Reg 1 as soon as they are embark d. The L 1 Infantry of the 55 th Reg 1 to do duty with L 1 Col. Clerk s Corps, & to go in to the Quarters of the L 1 Compy of the 4 th Reg 1 , as soon as they are embark d. Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 5 th Jan^ 1776. Parole Manchester. C. Sign Derby Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Smith T" -ij /^-o: C Lines, L 1 Col. Agnew Field Officers } T , A/r . ^ b t Day, Major Basset Major of Brigade, Leslie Adj 1 Q r M r Surgeon, 45 th Reg 1 The Commander in Chief is pleas d to make the following promotions till His Majesty s pleasure is known. 52 nd Reg 1 Addison to be Ensign. 40 th Reef L 1 John Graves Simcoe from the 35 th Reg 1 to be Cap 1 by purchase, vice Green. 35 th Reef Ens n Rob 1 Gordon from the 44 th Reg 1 to be L 1 vice Simcoe. 63 d Reg* Ens n Ebeneazer Radford to be L 1 by purchase vice Murray Prior. 23 d Reg* Ens n M c Ewen from the 14 th Keg*, to be L 1 vice Haldimand promoted. 14 th Reg* Volunteer Migges to be Ens n vice M c Ewen. The Troops to be serv d with provisions next Issuing days at the following rates. January 7 ORDERLY BOOK. 191 7 p^ Flour for which the Baker gives 9 p d bread. 1 p d dry d Codd fish (in lieu of 1 p d salt Beef, or 9 oz salt pork) 3 p ds Pork 3 pints Oat Meal or pease, 1 oz. Oil 5 oz. Butter. 1 p d 14 oz. flour more (in lieu of 7 oz. pork) & 8 oz Eice Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 6 th Jan? 1776 Parole Chesterfield C. Sign Mansfield Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Robertson T? ij /-uc c Lines, L* Col. Patterson Jbield Officers ] ^ Tt n -, . TT n u I Day, I/ Col. Sir H. Calder Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 47 th Reg* The two Surgeons Mates belonging to L* Col. Ag- new s Corps of Grenad rs & L 1 Col. Clerk s L* Infantry, to return to the Gen 1 Hospital, & the Sick of those Corps to be taken care of by their respective Surgeons. The Q r Masters to collect all the fire buckets in the Q rs of their respective Corps, & keep them in their possession, till they are otherwise disposed of; & the Q r M r s of those Corps that were encamp d on the heights of Charlestown, to deliver the Extra Tents & Tent poles they rec d from the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , to morrow morning at 10 o Clock, on the Long WharfV to Cap* Marr A. D. Q r M r Gen 1 . Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 7 th Jan? 1776. Parole Nottingham C. Sign Newark Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Pigot 192 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 I?- 1 1 f\c f Lines, L 1 Col. Bruce lield Officers \ T . Tt ^ -, ~ ,,. [ Day, L 1 Col. Collins Major of Brigade Smith Adj 1 Q r M r & Surgeon 49 th Reg* A Major & 4 Captains to sit tomorrow morning at 10 o Clock, to inquire into a Complaint made by Cap 1 Holmes of the 4 th Reg 1 , against Cap 1 Webster Paymaster of that Reg fc & report their Opinion to the Command 1 in Chief. The Judge Advocate will attend this Court of Inquiry & direct the Witnesses to attend. Major Campbell of the 55 th for this duty. The L 1 Infantry Companies of the 4 th 44 th Reg ts to embark on Wednesday morning at 11 o Clock on board the Kitty Transport. These Companies to be subsisted to the 24 th April inclusive. The Troops to be serv d with 2 Quarts of Porter per Week to each man. A detachment of 3 Cap ts , G Subs, 9 Serj ts , 3 Drums, & 150 private, from each of the following Corps viz 1 38 th , 40 th , 43 d & 44 th Reg ts to be in readi ness to go to Charlestown on Wednesday morning, to relieve the detachment under the Command of L 1 Col. Nesbitt. Field Officers for this detachment, L 1 Col. Patterson, and Major Blunt. 2 Adj ts & 2 Surgeon s Mates from the Corps order d for this duty to attend the detachment. In consequence of the loss which Non-Commis- sion d Officers & Soldiers must sustain, by drawing back their Stoppages remitted to them by His Majestys most gracious Bounty, the Reg ts for the last half year ending the 24 th Dec r 75, are directed to give in as soon as possible to Cap 1 Rob 1 MKenzie, exact acc ts of the same in the usual form, including those men only who have been actually effective in America & no longer than for their time of Service. Januarys ORDERLY BOOK. 193 Captains for the Court of Inquiry. Agnews Grenad r8 . . 1 Wemys s D . . . 1 10 th Keg* ... 1 17 D . 1 4 After Orders 7 o Clock. The Troops to receive one Weeks Coals. The Corps to be serv d, and the Q r Masters to send returns to the Barrack Office, agreeable to the Orders of the 24th j) ec r 75. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 8 Jan y 76 Parole, Stamford C. Sign, Grantham Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Jones T7- 1J f\cc f Lines Maior Tupper Field Officers < ^ T t A , ^ *T , ( Day, L 1 Col. Monkton. Major of Brigade, Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 52 nd Keg t The Sour Crout in possession of each Reg 1 being in too small quantities to be deliverd to the Soldiers in General ; the Reg 11 Surgeons are to take it into their Charge & appropriate it to the use of such men of their Corps as have the Scurvey. A Working party of 1 Cap*, 1 Sub, 2 Serj ts , 2 Corp ls , 1 Drum, & 50 private, to parade tomorrow morning at 8 o Clock & March to Bartons point Redoubt, where they will receive their directions from the Engineer. This party to be continued till further Orders. Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, Jany 9 th 1776 o i 9 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Parole Tux ford C. Sign Doncaster Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Grant n- u r\c. f Lines Maior Goodenousrh Field Officers 1 ^ ,, ^ c ,, { Day Major Smelt Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 55 th Eeg* The detachment ordered to be in readiness to go to Charles town, to parade tomorrow morning at 10 o Clock. Commands Officers of Guards are to be particu larly attentive to inform their Sentrys, that they are not to fire, except in the last extremity upon discover ing the enemy. Where there are double Sentrys, one of them is to return quietly to the guard in case of Alarm, & the other is to remain untill he may be forced back. It is a great mark of the want of dis cipline, when a Soldier fires his piece without cause, as appears to have been the case last night by some of the Sentrys at Charlestown. After Orders 9 o Clock The Light Infantry of the 4 th & 44 th Eeg ts order d to embark tomorrow, not to embark till Thursday morning 10 o Clock. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston 10 th Jaitf 76. Parole, Lincoln C. Sign, Boston Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Smith Field Officers j Jf es > Jf Col. Walcot ( Day, Major Human Major of Brigade, Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon 63 d Reg 4 In case of Alarm in the night, the Eeg ts to turn out quietly, as many of them did on a late occasion : but the Drums not to beat to Arms on anv account. January n ORDERLY BOOK. 195 If an Alarm shou d happen in the day time the Commands Officers of Corps will, if they think it necessary, order their Drums to beat to Arms, as the Soldiers may be dispers d & at a distance from their Quarters. The Detachment order d to parade this morning, to parade tomorrow morning at 10 o Clock. Lewis of the 63 d & Patterson of the 52 d Reg ts Millers by trade, are order d to attend M r Leonard at the Mill Bridge immediately. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 11 th Jan? 76. Parole, Rutland C. Sign, Peterborough Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Robertson T?- -M f^ffi f Lines, L Col. Clerk Jbield Officers < ^ ,.- . .., | Day, Major Musgrave Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 1 st Batt n Marines The Court of Inquiry of which Major Campbell is President, having examined into the Complaints ex hibited by Cap 11 W m Holmes of the 4 th or King s Own Beg 13 against Cap* John Webster paymaster of said Corps, viz t That Cap* Webster had detained for more than the space of one month, a part of his, Cap* Holmes s Comp y 3 pay, and made illegal deduc tions from the same ; are of opinion, that Cap* Web ster s Conduct as paymaster (as farr as came under their Cognizance) has been uniformly Just & upright; and that the Complaints exhibited against him by Cap* Holmes, are frivolous & totally void of founda tion. The Command 1 " in Chief approves of the above opinion, & orders the Court of Inquiry to be disolv d. o 2 196 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 12 th Jan? 76. Parole, Orford C. Sign, Lynn Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Pigot Field Officers j , L , ineS Col S ( Day, Major oil! Major Brigade, Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 2 nd Batt n Marines The Alarm post of the 55 th Beg 1 to be in Tremount Street, their left to Beacon Street, right extending towards Earl Percy s Quarters. The Piquets of the L* Dragoons & Eeg t9 of Foot, to assemble on the Gen 1 parade to morrow morning at 10 o Clock, to attend the execution of Tho s Owen & Henry Johnston, private Soldiers late of the 59 th now of the 23 d Keg 1 of foot. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 13 th Jan? 1776 Parole, Norwich Countersign, Yarmouth Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Jones Field Officers j {fes, 9 L CampbeU ( Day, Major Mitchell Major of Brigade, Disney Adj fc Q r M r & Surgeon 1 st Batt n L* Infantry An Hospital Mate is to attend regularly at the Factory Hospital, from 5 of the evening, to 9 at Night. Sentry s not to allow Transports or Merchants Ships Seamen to pass the Wharf after 6 in the Evening, except when they may be upon duty. The Eeg ts will send to I> Col. Cleveland such wounded men as are unfit for duty with Arms, to receive his Orders for making Cartridges with the Altai? January 14 ORDERLY BOOK. 197 L fc Roberts of the 43 d L* Infantry being order d to attend the Commissary Gen 1 , will not do any other duty untill further Orders Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 14 th Jan? 1776 Parole, Easton Countersign, Grafton Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Grant T" ij f\m ( Lines, L fc Col. Buttler Field Officers \ ^ Major Q^ Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 2 nd Batt* L* Infantry The undermention d Corps to send Bakers to attend the Commissary Gen 1 tomorrow morning at 8 o Clock viz fc 4 th Reg fc , W m Warran W m M c lntosh 10 th d John Cairncross 22 d D James Mills 38 th Bailiss, John Lewis. 43 d Serp Farley, And w Gentles 44 th Corp 1 Sparks, Jacob Lawser 49 th John Farrington 55 th James Fitzpartrick 65 Tho s Curry. The men belonging to the different corps employed as Carpenters to the Engineer s department, being discharg d from the publick Works, are to Join their respective Regiments. They will return the Tools they are possess d of to Mr. Smith master Carpenter tomorrow afternoon, near the draw Bridge in fore Street. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 15 th Jany 1776 198 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Parole, Ipsivich Countersign, Harwich Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B.Gen 1 Smith TT 1 1 /^/r: f Lines, Mai or Ogilvie Field Officers -< TV r T 1 JDay, Major Irvine Major of Brigade, Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surg" 1 st Batt n Grenad Tho there are Orders that Sentrys within the Town do not demand the Countersign, yet they are to be cautious not to let parties with Arms, or that may appear suspicious to them, come within reach of seizing their Arms, & are to be as much upon their guard against surprise as if they were advanced near the enemy. Some Sentrys tho posted next the enemy, having neglected the former precautions lately, the Commanding Officers of Corps are to be particularly attentive that the young are well instructed in this essential branch of their duty; the safety of an Army often depending upon the allertness & propriety of a single Sentry. The Officers Commands Guards must be respon sible for all neglects of their Sentrys, proceeding from the want of the necessary information being given to them. The Rum order d to be given to the Guards, is to be serv d out every morning by the several Q r Masters, to a Serj 1 of their respective Corps, to be deliver d to the men upon the Regimental parades, the Lines & Block house excepted ; the proportion for those Guards will be deliver d to a Serj 1 belonging to them, upon the General parade, & the men will receive it when the Field Officer commands without the Neck shall direct. Captain Lord Rawdon of the 63 d Reg 1 is appointed Suppernumerary Aid-de-Camp to Major Gen 1 Clinton, in place of Cap 1 Dundas who remains with his Regi ment. January 18 ORDERLY BOOK. 199 Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 16 th Jan^ 1776 Parole Colchester Countersign Chelmsford Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B.Gen 1 Robertson Field Officers I Lines Ma J r H P e JL. 1CJLU. Vy 111 L/C I O < -T-V -m - -r-r -I I Day, Major Humpherys Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 4 th Regiment Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 17 th Jan? 1776 Parole, Essex Countersign, Maiden Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B.Gen 1 Pigot f^rr, ( Lines, Mai or Souter Officers ! ^ iv/r cj. ( Day, Major Stuart Major of Brigade, Smith Q r M r & Surgeon 5 th Regiment Tomorrow being the Anniversary of Her Majesty s Birth-day, the Artillery will at Noon fire a Royal Salute. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 18 th Jan? 76 Parole, Charlotte C. Sign, S* George Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B.G 1 Jones. v 1/1 n^ f Lines, L* Col. Agnew Jcield Omcers < ^ T t n i XT -u-j. ( Day, L 1 Col. Nesbit Major of Brigade, Disney Adj 1 Q r M r & Surgeon 10 th Reg* Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 19 th Jan? 76. Parole, Southward. C. Sign, Surry 200 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Grant Field Officers Lines, Major Campbell Day, L* Col. Sir H. Calder Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r M r & Su-rg n 17 th Reg* The Arrival of some Coal making it no longer necessary to supply the Troops with fuel from old Houses & Wharfs, the Officers Commands the parties in making this supply, are to see that all the Tools be returned to the Barrack Office by tomorrow evening. They are to get certificates from the Q r Masters of Corps, specifying what hard Wood & what light Wood they have deliver d. The Barrack master will pay for these agreeable to orders, two Cords of the Last being equal to one of the first. The Troops, on the days appointed next Week, will receive a week s fuel, half in Turf. Necessary money may be had at the Barrack Office, for the effectives present in each Corps, at 9 d p r Man, next Week. After Orders, 2 <j Clock. The Command 1 " in Chief is pleas d to make the following promotions untill His Majesty s pleasure is known. 10 th Eeg* Cap 1 Vattas to be Major, vice Basset, by purchase. L* Barker of the 4 th Reg 1 to be Cap* vice Vattas. 4 th Keg* Ens n Bryan Bell of the 44 th Reg* to be Lieut, vice Barker. 35 th Reef Cap* Cockburn to be Major vice Gaull, by pur chase. L* Cornelius Smelt of the 14 th Reg* to be Cap* vice Cockburn. L* James Lambe, to be Adj* vice Simcoe. January 2 1 ORDERL Y BOOK. 201 Ens n Tho 3 Pitcairn of the 65 th Reg 1 to be L* vice Smelt. I/ And w Lawrie to be Adf vice Smelt promoted. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 20 th Jan? 76 Parole, Barnet G. Sign, S* Allans Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. Gen 1 Smith -rv u f^m f Lines, Maior Bruce Field Officers ] ^ T t ^ i r> c Day, L fc Col. Bruce Major of Brigade, Leslie Adj fc Q r M r & Surgeon 22 d Reg 1 Returns to be given in immediately by every Corps of such Officers as are willing to purchase. The Commands Officers of Corps to practice their Recruits & drafts in fireing at marks, and may, when they think it necessary, order the whole out for that purpose. They will give notice the day before to the D. Adj fc Gen 1 , when they propose to fire. L 1 Col. Cleveland will order a proportion of pow der & Ball & paper to be given each Corps on appli cation for it, in order that they may make their own Cartridges for this use. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 21 st Jan? 76. Parole, Kensington C. Sign, Colebroke Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. Gen 1 Robertson T?- ij f\m C Lines, L* Col. Collins rield Omcers ] ^ -\/r rp <- Day, Major Tupper Major of Brigade Baker Adj 11 Q r M r & Surgeon, 23 d Reg" The Regiments & Corps will report to the Briga dier Generals, untill further Orders, as follows. To Brigadier Generals Robertson the 38 th , 44 th , 1 st & 2 nd Batt n3 Marines 202 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Pigot Musgraves L* Infantry, Wemys s Grenad, 17 th , 45 th , & 55 th lleg ts Jones 5 th , 23 d , 35 th , 52 d , & 65 th Eeg ts Grant 4 th , 40 th , 47 th , & 49 th Reg ts & Agnew s Grenad rs . Smith Clerks V Infantry, 10 th , 22 d & 63 d Regiments Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will call for such returns reports as he may want, having, in the absence of Major Gen 1 Clinton, the inspection of the Garrison. The Commands Officers will avoid sends Soldiers upon advance Guards that have not serv d One year at least, nor is any Soldier, under that time of service, upon any account to be posted as a Sentry next the Enemy. That Duty must be taken as a post of Honor by the most experienc d Soldiers upon the Guard, being a post of the first consequence. The Reg ts & Corps will send to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 for 100 weight of Sour Grout for the use of the Officers. The 45 th , 49 th , 52 d , & 55 th Reg ts will be for the next relief at Chariest own under the Command of L fc Col. Sir H. Calder, & Major Tupper. The Troops will receive a proportion of potatoes with their provisions, next week. Monday Head Quarters Boston 22 Jan? 76. Parole, Hungerferd C. Sign, Hath Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G 1 Pigot s 17- ij /-k.rc I L* Col. Monkton Lines Field Officers < ^ . ^ -, I Day, Major (jroodenough Major of Brigade Disney Adj fc Q r M r & Surgeon 35 th Reg 1 The Commander in chief is pleas d to make the January 2 3 ORDERL Y BO OK. 203 following promotions till his Majesty s pleasure is known. 64 th Setf L* Charles Latan from 22 d Eeg t to be Cap fc vice Fleming by purchase. 22 nd Eetf Ens n W m Hay from 64 th Eeg to be Lieut* vice Latan promoted. The Troops are acquainted that some Corps will fire Ball at 11 O Clock to morrow morning on the Common. Tuesday Head Q rs 23 rd Jan? 76 Parole Bristol C. Sign Wales Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Grant Field Officers f ^ines L Col. Walcot < Day, Major Human Major Brigade Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 45 th Eeg* A return to be given in immediately of what Arms & Accoutrements that Reg ts have lost during the last Campaign and since they came in to Winter Quarters specifying whether in Action, or by Desertion, & mentioning the places where lost. The Commands Officers of Corps to suppress all Dram Shops in their respective districts that are not licenced by Brigad r Gen 1 Robertson. A Detachment of 3 Cap* 6 Subs 9 Serg ts 3 Drum mers & 150 Rank and File from each of the following Corps viz 45 th 49 th 52 nd Reg ts 2 Cap ts 4 Subs 6 Serj* 2 Drums & 100 R & file from the 55 th Eeg*& 1 Cap* 2 Subs 3 Serf 1 Drum & 50 E. & file, from L* Comp yi of the 49 th & 55 Eeg ts to parade on Thursday morning at 10 O Clock, & to relieve L* Col. Patter son s Detachment at Charlestown. Field Officers for 204 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 this Duty I/ Col. Sir H. Calder & Major Tupper 2 Adj ts & 2 Surgeons Mates from the Corps order d for this duty to attend the detachment. Some Corps will fire to morrow morning at 11 o Clock & at Barton s point and Hatches Wharf. Wednesday Head Quarters Boston 24 th Jan? 76. Parole Stroud C. Sign Gloucester Gen 1 Officer to morrow G. Smith -u- 1 1 r\ffi f Lines M. Musgrave Field Officers ] 7 . Tt n -, , c Day, L* Col. Carr. Major of Brigade Browne Adj* Q r Mast r & Surg n 63 rd Reg 1 The Commander in Chief appoints Jonathan Mallet Esq rc Chief Surgeon to the Hospital, which appointment he will hold with that of Purveyor. When the Commands Officers of Corps chuse to practice their men in firing of Balls they will do it between the hours of 11 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon till further orders. The Commander in chief is pleas d to appoint L* Charles Hanfield of the 22 nd Keg* to be Adj* to that Keg 1 vice Laton promoted. Palfryman 5 th , Thrubshaw of the 38 th Gauk 52 nd & Legg 23 rd masons by Trade, to be order d to attend the Engineer immediately. Thursday. Head Quarters Boston 25 th Jan? 76. Parole Uxbridge C. Sign Limpster. Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. Kobertson. TT 1 1 /^.cc C Lines Mai or Sill Field Officers { Day L t ^ oL CampbeU January 27 ORDERLY BOOK. 205 Major of Brigade Leslie Adj* Q r Master & Surgeon 65 th Keg* The Q r Masters of Corps to attend at the Long Wharf to morrow morning at 10 o Clock to receive a proportion of Hogs for the Officers of their re spective Corps. Friday Head Q ra Boston 26 th Jan? 1776 Parole Leicester C. Sign Derby Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G 1 Jones Field Officers I Lines M ^ Mitchell 1 1 Day L t Col 1 Butler Major of Brigade Baker fc Q r M r Surgeon 1 st Batt n of Marines. Saturday Head Quarters Boston 27 th Jan? 76 Parole Quebec C. Sign Caiieton Gen 1 Officer to morrow Grant Field Officers ( ^ ines J^J 01 T ? lvie ( Day, Major Irvine. Major Brigade Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 2 nd Marines. Sunday. Head Q rs at Boston 27 th Jan? 76 Parole Newark C. Sign Grantham Gen 1 Officer to morrow Smith TV u Km f Lines Mai or Hope Field Officers | ^ M.Humphreys Major of Brigade Leslie 206 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Adj fc Q r & Surgeon 1 L* Infantry The Commands Officers will take care that none of the Soldiers Join their Eeg ts from the Gen 1 Hos pital without regular dismission from thence, as the stoppage will be continued by the Hospital for such men as are not discharg d by the Clerk. Monday Head Quarters Boston 29 th Jan? 76 Parole Berwick C. Sign Newcastle Gen 1 Officers to morrow .Robertson I?- TJ r\z f Lines Mai or Souter Field Officers ] T , v ~ < Day Major btewart Major of Brigade Baker Adjt Q r M r Surgeon 2 nd L* Infantry The Soldiers ammunition is to be daily inspected by an Officer of a Comp?. The damag d cartriges re placed & the proper Number of rounds kept in good order, The Adj ts are to be careful to examine the ammunition of the men mounting Guard upon the Eeg u Parades. Tuesday Head Quarters Boston 30 th Jan? 76 Parole Durham C.Sign Morpeth Gen 1 Officer to morrow Pigot Field Officers ( Ma J r Vatass Lines JL 1L1U. willCc-io 1 T\ ~\ir r\ i i <- Day Major Cockburne Major Brigade Smith Q r Master & Surgeon 1 st Grenadiers Wednesday Head Quarters Boston 31 st Jan>* 76 February 2 ORDERLY BOOK. 207 Parole York C. Sign Beverley Gen 1 Officer Jones T" u me C Major Campbell Lines Field Officers { t NsMt t Major of Brigade Disney Q r Master & Surgeon 4 th Reg fc If there are any Reg ts that have not yet fitted their Cloathing, it is to be done without loss of time & the Commands Officers of those Eeg ts will apply to the Officers Commanding the detach d Corps for the Assistance of their respective Taylors untill their Cloathing: is finished. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 1 st Feb> 76. Parole Halifax C. Sign Leeds. Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Grant T?- ij f\cc. f Lines L* Col. Patterson Field Officers < -^ ^ . ^ \ Day Major Bruce Major Brigade Brown Adj t Q r M r & Surgeon 5 th Reg* A return of the Number of rounds of ammuni tion in possession of each Corps for their Rank & file including Convalsents to be given in immediately. Mich 1 Goldthwaite & Handesyde are appointed Mates to the Gen 1 Hospital. Friday Head Quarters at Boston 2 nd Feb? 76 Parole Shefield C. Sign Doncaster Gen 1 Officer to morrow Smith T^I/I r\ffi f Lines Major Blunt Jbield Omcers < ^ Tt J ,, ^ (_ Day L 1 Col 1 Bruce Major Brigade Leslie jt Qr Master, Surgeon 10 th Reg 1 ao8 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The Troops may receive Spermacetic Candles from the Barrack M r at the rate of 1 p d Spermacetic for 2 p d of Tallow. Saturday Head Quarters Boston 3 d Feb? 76 Parole Peterborough C. Sign Ely Gen 1 Officer to morrow Eobertson -I?- i ^ rue f Lines L* Col. Collins Field Officers \ T . iv/r /-. i i { Day, M. Goodenough Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 17 th Reg* L* Sproule of the 16 th Reg 1 is appointed assistant Engineer. Sunday Head Quarters Boston 4 th Feb? 76 Parole Rutland C.Sign Belvoir Gen 1 Officer tomorrow Pigot rv u r\c ( Lines L 1 Col. Monkton Field Officers J ^ ^ ^ Wakot Major of Brigade Smith Adj* Q r Master & Surgeon 22 d Eeg t Two days fresh provisions in Beef & Pork will be given to the Soldiers in part of next Weeks allow ance for which there will be no Stoppage made Monday Head Quarters Boston 5 th Fob? 76 Parole Cambridge C. Sign Euston General Officer to morrow E.G. Jones Field Officers ( ines ^ a J or ?? llman { Day Major Musgrave Major of Brigade Disney February 6 ORDERLY BOOK. 209 Adj 4 Q r M r & Surgeon 23 rd Reg* The 47 th & 63 rd Reg ts Clerks L* Infantry & 1 st Batt n Marines will be for the relief at Chaiiestown Thursday next under the Command of L l Col. Bruce & Major Goodenough. Tuesday. Head Quarters Boston 6 th Feb? 1776. Parole Grantliam C.S. Suffolk Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G 1 Grant -GV ij r\tc f Lines Mai or Sill Field Officers | ^ D ^ C Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 35 th Reg* Regimments going to the field for Exercise, are to March from the Center by Companys or Divisions and are not to use the Drum or fife for Marching or Signals when in the field. The Strictest Atention to be Paid to the Soldiers amunition which is to be frequently inspected and Great Care taken that it is not wasted. The Commander in Chief is pleas d to Make the Following Promotion till His Majestys Pleasure is Known. 2 d L* Alex r Wilson from 4 th Batt n Royall Artillary to be 2 d I/ vice Staclan Deceas d. A Return of Volunteers serving in Each Corps to be Given in immediately with the Dates of their entertainment. A Detachment of 3 Cap ts , 6 Sub, 9 Serj ts , 3 Drums, & 150 R. & file from 47, 63 d Reg ts , & Clerks L* Infantry 2 Cap t9 , 4 Subs, 6 Serj ts , 2 Drums & 100 R. & file from 1 st Ba" Marines & 1 Cap fc 2 Subs, 3 Serj ts , 1 Drum & 50 R. & file from 2 d Batt n Marines to Parade on Thursday -Morning next, at 10 O Clock p 210 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 to Relieve L* Col. Sir H. Calders Detachment at Charleston. Field Officers for this Duty I> Col. Bruce and Major Goodenough 2 Adj ts & 2 Surgeons Mates from the Corpes ordered for this Duty to Attend the Detachment. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 7 th Febr 1776 Parole Norway C.S. Shetland General Officer Tomorrow B. G 1 Smith T" i j f\c. f Lines Mai or Mitchell Field Officers | Day L t ol . Campbell Major of Brigade, Leslie A t Q r M r & Sureon 38 Reg 1 Thursday Head Quarters Boston 8 th Feb? 1776 Parole Sweden C. S. Baltick. General Officer Tomorrow Robertson T u r\c. f Lines Maior Ogilvie Field Officers | Day L ^ ol> jf utler Major of Brigade Baker Q r M r and Surgeon 40 th Reg 1 Vinigar for the Soldiers not having been Drawn regularly from the Commissary the Q r M r of Corps are to Attend to its being Rec d as usual at 2 Quarts p r week for a Mess of Six men. The Commanding Officer of Corps to Provide their Serg ts with firlocks if they have them to Spare, if they have not a sufficient number for that Purpose They will Apply to the Commanding Officer of Artillary for Carbines to Compleat them with fire Arms. Friday Head Quarters Boston 9 th Feb? 1776 February i o ORDERL Y BOOK. 211 Parol Stockholm C.S. Finland Field Officers ( J* a iL Irvine w ( Day Major Hope. General Officer Tomorrow B. G. Pigot Major of Brigade Smith Adg* Q r M r and Surgeon 43 d Reg 1 In Case of Alarms the Piquets to Assemble as follows 10 th & 22 d to Join in the Centre of there own Quarters 5 th 23 d 38 th 52 d 65 th near Liberty Tree their left Extending towards the Barracks of the 52 d 63 d Hewes Wharfe Clerks L fc Infantry Agnewes Granadeirs 35 th & 40 th Artillary Work Shope, 4 th 44th 47 th 49 th 5g th in the Rear of the L t D ragoons Eedoubt Weyrnes Gr s , 17 th 43 d 45 th & 2 d B u of Marines Between the 4 th Baracks and pest House there left Extending to the L* Dragoons Stables Musgraves L* Infantry their own Parade. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 10 th Feb? 1776 Parole Siberia C. S. Russia General Officer tomorrow, Jones n- 1 1 r\c. ( Lines, Maior Humphreys Field Officers i ^ , T J . c : (. Day Major Souter Major of Brigade Disney Adf Q r M r & Surgeon 44 th The following Corps to Send irnmediatly to the Commissary Generals Store to receive their proportion of potatoes. 40 th , 44, 43 d , 45 th , 47 th B 28 th , 6, 2, 4, 10 th , 49 th , 52, 55 th , 63 d , 35 th , B 4 th , 4, 8, 2, 2, 23 rd , 22 d 17, 4, 2 M s B 28 th , 4, 16, 4, 10 1 st M s , 1 st L fc Iny, 1 st Grend rs K. A. B 12 th 50, 28 30, p 2 212 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotion, till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Eoyal Artillery Will m King Loveil Serf Major, to be 2 d L fc 4 th Batt n , Vice Wilson appointed 2 d L* in the 23 d Reg or Roya 1 Welsh Fuzileers Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 11 th Feb? 1776 Parole Muscow C.S. Petersburg^ Gener 1 Officer to morrow Grant -n- 1 1 mv ( Lines Maior Stewart [Day Major Vatass Major of Brigade Brown Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 45 th Reg 1 Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 12 th Feb? 1776 Parole Riga C.S. Mittaw General Officer to morrow Smith -n- i -i f^rc. f Lines Maior Cockburn Field Officers j Day Ma j or Campbell Major of Brigade Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon 49 th Reg 1 All Guards are to get under Arms when Visited by the Brigadier Gener 1 or Field Officer of the Day, & the Visiting Off r will observe if the Guards in case of attack, would take up their ground to the best advantage. He will also inform himself of the Com manding Officer, whether he perfectly understands how to conduct himself upon an alarm, as well as to the posting the day & night Sentrys, with the Orders February 12 ORDERLY BOOK. 213 given to them; & with respect to every other Matter relative to the post, instructing the Officer in all points, to which he may be incompetant, and as it is not to be expected that the number of young Officers in this Garrison, from want of experience, can have a Suitable knowledge of the Service, The Com mander in Chief requests the elder Officers will take every opportunity of aiding them with their instruc tion. The Barrack master is to compleat the bedding of each Reg*, so that with what has been already delivered, each double birth may have 3 blankets, or 2 blankets & a rugg. The Quarter Masters are to indent for the bedding they formerly received as well as for what they now get. The Sheets delivered, are to be return d to Serj fc Foster, at the Work House, long lane, & the money paid for washing them, no furneture to be removd out of the Barracks, without an order from the Barrack M r Gener 1 . And wheras it is reported that Soldiers abuse their Sheets & Blankets, by Carrying Meat, bread & Coals ; any who shall be found guilty of such a Shamefull practice, are to be coniin d, and punish d for disobedience of Orders. The Setts of Ship bedding, to be delivred to the Q r M r Gener 1 ; each Q r M r will take recepts for what they give in, so as to cancel their recepts given to the Barrack M r The Reg ts are desired to take away their Coals on the days appointed for their delivery. The Names of the Officers who have been wounded, and have paid for lodging during their illness, without having rec d any allowance, to be sent by the Commanding Officer of each Corps, to the Barrack M r , fixing the number of days each Officer was so circumstanced. 2i 4 SIR WILLIAM HOWE 1 8 1776 Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 13 th Feb? 1776 Parole Dantzic C.S. Wolga Gener 1 Officer tomorrow, Robinson -n- 1 1 r\rc f Lines L 1 Col 1 Nisbett Field Officers | Day D Col , p atterson Major of Brigade Baker Adjt Q r M r & Surg n 52 d Keg 1 Those Corps that have given in returns of Carbines for their Serj ts will receive short Musquets in lieu of them, which will be delivred at the Town House to morrow Morning at 11 Clock. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 14 th Feb? 1776 Parole Neiper C.S. Don General Officer to morrow Pigot Field Officers Lines Major Bruce Day Major Blunt Major of Brigade Smith jt Q r M r & Surgeon 55 th Reg 1 The Commander in Chief desires to return his thanks to Col 1 Leslie & Major Musgrave, for their planning & Conducting the Service of last night, & to the Officers & Soldiers of the detachment under their Command for their Spirited behaviour on the Occasion. He also highly approves of the alacrity of the troops in general last night, & of their Soldier like manner in getting under Arms without the least noise or confusion. Such Steady behaviour plainly indicates the powerfull supperiority they must ever preserve over the unnatural enemy we have to contend with, when an opportunity shall offer to determine it. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston 15 th Feb? 1776 February 17 ORDERLY BOOK. 215 Parole Poland C.S. Narva General Officer to morrow, Jones Major of Brigade Disney Aclj t Q r M r & Surgeon 2 d Marines Major Musgrave will give in a return to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 , of the Detachment that was under his Command on the Morning of the 14 th including the men that carried the Biers and ArtiH7, likewise those Artillery men that were with Colonel Leslie, that they may receive a pair of Shoes and Stockens each. Col 1 Leslie will give a return of the Detachment of the 64 th for the same purpose. The Corps to attend to morrow Morning to re ceive a proportion of Onions from the Commissary General, at the place where they receive Potatoes. Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 16 th Feb? 1776 Parole Soristhenes C.S. Pultawa Gener 1 Off 5 to morrow Grant ( Lines, L* Col 1 Monkton Field Officer j Day? L t Col i Walcot Major of Brigade Browne Adj 1 Q r M r & Surgeon Grenadiers Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 17 th Feb> r 1776 Parole, Frankfort C.S. Oder TT 1 1 r^rc f Lines, M. Hilman Field Officers j ^ M Musgrave General Officer tomorrow Smith Major of Brigade Leslie Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon 2 d Grenadiers The Corps to give in Eeturns to the Command ing Officer of Artillery on the 1 st of every month, of 216 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 what Arms & Ammunition they want ; & not to apply at any other time, Except in cases of Necessity. The Countersign not to be demanded in Town, only by the Sentrys from the Guards & posts on the Common, Bartons Point, Neck, Block House & Lines. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 18 th Feb> 1776 Parole, Warsaw C.S. Cracon Gener 1 Officer tomorrow Robertson i7- 1 1 f-& f Lines Mai or Sill Field Officers ) Day Lt fa Cajr Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surg n 4 th Keg* Agnew s Grend 4 th 5 th & 10 th Reg^ 8 will be for the relief at Charlestown on Thursday next under the Command of L 1 Col 1 Collins & Major Hillman. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 19 th Feb? 1776 Parole Moravia C.S. Bender Gener 1 Officer to morrow Pigot Field Officers I Lines? Ma J or Mitcliel ( Day, L t Col 1 Campbell Major of Brigade Smith Adj fc Q r M r & Surg n 5 th Reg 1 All the Armourers in the Several Corps to be sent to the Royal Artillery where places are pro vided for them to Work in, & to be employ d in re pairing the Arms of the different Ke ts Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 20 th Feb> 1776 February 2 1 ORDERL Y BOOK. 217 Parole Belgrade C.S. Buda General Officer to morrow Jones TT u r\rc f Lines, M. Ogilvie Field Officers | Day> L t Col ? Butler Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 17 th Keg* A detachment of 3 Cap* 6 Sub 3 , 9 SerjH 3 Drums, & 150 R. & F. from each of the following Corps Viz. Agnews Grend rs , 4 th , 5 th 10 th Reg ts to Parade on Thursday morning next at 10 Clock, to relieve L t Col 1 Bruces detachment at Charles town. Field Officers for this duty, L* Col 1 Collins Major Hillman. 2 Adj ts 2 Surg n Mates, from the Corps ordered for this duty to attend the detach ment. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions till His Majesty s pleasure is Known. 17 th Keg* The Hon ble I/ William Leslie, to be Cap 6 Vice Lyons, by purchase. Ens n Forbes Champagne from 4 th Keg fc to be L* Vice Leslie. Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 21 st Feb? 1776 Parole, Constantinople C.S. Cyprus General Officer to morrow Grant T?- 1 1 f^c. f Lines, Mai or Irvine Field Officers ( -^ Ma j Qr Hope Major of Brigade Browne Adj fc Q r M r & Surgeon 22 d Reg* The Several Keg ts to give returns to the Com manding Officer of Artillery to morrow morning at 10 Clock, of what Arms they have lost in Action. 218 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Such Corps as have not already given in returns of provisions issued out to them previous to 24 th June last, to send them as soon as possible to the Dep. Q r M r Gener 18 Office. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 22 d Feb>* 1776 Parole Damascus, C.S. Georgia, Gener 1 Officer tomorrow E.G. Smith Field Officers I LineS Ma J r Hum P hre y s ( Day, Major Souter Major of Brigade Leslie Adj fc Q r Master & Surgeon 23 d Keg 1 Friday Head Quarters, Boston, 23 d Feb? 177G Parole, Alexandria, C.S. Smyrna General Officer to morrow B. G. Robertson TT 1 1 f^c ( Lines Mai or Stuart Field Officers j ^ Ma j Qr ^^ Major of Brigade Baker Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 35 th Keg* General half yearly returns of Issues of provisions from 25 th June 1775 to 24 th Dec r following to be given by every Keg 1 to the D. Q r M r Gener 1 on the 2 d of March next. Complaint having been made that Some of the Graves are not dug deep enough ; the Q r M r of the Day for the future to Superintend the place of burial for all Soldiers, & see that the dead are properly interr d. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 24 th Feb? 1776 February 2 5 ORDEUL Y BO OK. 2 1 9 Parole Babylon, C.S. Tigris Gener 1 Officer to morrow B. G: Pigot -cv u r\m ( Lines L* Col 1 Agnew Field Officers | Day Major Ca * pbe ll Major of Brigade Smith Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon 38 th Keg* The Field Officer Commanding at the Lines to take care that no relief of Sentrys or Patroles go out of the Works without being inspected by an Officer, who will be responsible that the Orders respecting out-Sentrys & Patroles are properly attended to. Those Keg ts that want Arms to compleat their present Effectives, to apply to the Officer of Orden- ance for them on Monday Morning next at 10 Clock giving returns and receipts for what they receive. After Orders 2 Clock. A Working party of 2 Sub 3 , 2 S. 2 C. 1 D. & 60 private, without Arms to parade to morrow at J past 11 Clock. The Officer Commands will take his directions from the Engineer who will be there to re ceive them. The men to eat their dinners before they come to the Parade. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 25 th Feb? 1776 Parole Sag dad, C.S. Ormus General Officer to morrow B. G. Jones TV 1 1 r\m f Lines L t Col 1 Nesbit Jbield (Jiricers { -^ -rt n n -n A \ Day L fc Col 1 Patterson Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 40 th Keg For Work to Morrow at the New Battery near the Magazine 2 Sub , 2 S, 1 D, & 62 K. & file to Parade at 7 Clock, & work till noon, the like 220 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Number to Parade J before One, & work till Sun Sett, the other Working parties as usual Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 26 th Feb? 1776 Parole Bengal C.S. Indus General Officer tomorrow B. G. Grant Field Officers ( Lines > Ma J or Bruce i Day, L* CoF Sir Henry Colder Major of Brigade, Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 43 d Eeg t The Men of the Royal Artillery at the Redouts and Posts, are not to be put Sentry ; but where Sen try s are wanted over Guns, the Guard to furnish them. Tuesday Head Quarters, Boston, 27 th Feb? 1776. Parole, Madrass C.S. Coromandel General Officer to morrow B. G. Smith -n- 1 1 f^^c. ( Lines Mai or Blunt Field Officers Tt J n -,, -,, Day U Col 1 Bruce Major of Brigade Leslie Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 44 th Eeg* As the firing from the Battery s at Bartons Point & the Magazine might Occasion an alarm in the night, in case of Alarm , the Three Guns from Beacon Hill will be answer d by four from Fort Hill, which will be the signal for the Troops getting under Arms, and repairing to their Several Posts. Sower Grout will be delivered to the Troops at the rate of ^ pound a man p r Week. The Commanding Officers to deliver it to the Officers of their Corps, in such Quantitys as they shall think proper. It is February 2 8 ORDERL Y BOOK. 221 recommended that the Soldiers shou d eat the Sower Grout Sliced, with Vinegar. In case the Kebels shou d fire on any of our Bat- treys or Redouts, Officers off duty are desired to be carefull that they do not come into the Line of fire, nor to assemble in Numbers on any of the Heights within shot, so as to draw a fire on them. Those Reg ts that have not paid the postage of their Letters receiv d by the Pacquets, to pay the same immediately to Cap 11 M c Kenzie Secretary to the Commander in Chief. No Trees to be cut down in any part of the Town, or on the Common, except by permission. The Guards & Sentrys to be acquainted with this Order. The following Mates of the General Hospital are appointed to attend the Corps of Light Infantry & Grenadiers. Clerks L t Inf tr >" Geo. Fre d Boyd Musgraves ditto Mich 1 Goldthwait Agnews Grend rs James Whiteman "Wemy s Ditto Thomas Walker Wednesday Head Quarters, Boston, 28 th Feb? 1776 Parole China C. Sign Pekin General Officer to morrow B. G. Robertson Field Officers I LineS > Ma J r Tu PP er 1 Day, Major Goodenough Major of Brigade Baker Adj< Q r M r & Surgeon 45 th Reg 1 The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions till His Majesty s pleasure is Known. 17 th L* Dragoons. Cap* Rich d Crewe to be Major Vice Bishopp, by purchase. 222 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 L* W m Stone Montgomery from the 44 th Foot, to be Captain, Vice Ore we. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 29 th Feb r ? 1776 Parole Manilla C.S. Canton General Officer to Morrow, E.G. Pigot T?- ij n-cc f Lines, L fc Col 1 Monkton Field Officers Major of Brigade Smith t Q r M r & Surgeon 47 th Eeg fc Reg ts when formed by Company s in Batt n , or when on the General Parade, are always to have their Files 18 Inches distant from each other, which they will take care to practice for the future, being the Order in w ch they are to Engage the Enemy. When Reg ts send their unserviceable Arms, either to be repair d or put into Store, the Ramrod s to be sent with them, or the Reg 1 will be charg d with what they are deficient, and made to pay for them. To prevent disputes in Settling the Acc ts of the Gen 1 Hospital, the Surgeons of the different Corps to apply to Morrow Morning at 10 Clock, to the Clerk of the Gen 1 Hospital for blank Tickets of admission for their Sick, without which none will be received for the future, which tickets are to be Sign d by an Officer of the Company to which the Man belongs, & by the Surgeon or Mate of the Reg fc Friday Head Quarters 1 st March 1776 Parole Cambria C. Sign, S* David Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. G 1 Jones v- 1 1 rv-ffi f Lines, L* Col. Gunning lield Officers { T , AT IT [ Day, Major Musgrave March 3 ORDERLY BOOK. 223 Major of Brigade Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 49 th Reg* The Commander in Chief is pleas d to make the following promotion, till His Majestys pleasure is known. 44 th Reg* Ensign George Kelly to be Lieut, Vice Mont gomery promoted. Saturday Head Quarters, Boston, 2 d March 1776 Parole, Bombay r , C.S. Mocoa General Officer tomorrow B. G 1 Grant T<- 1 1 r\& f Lines, Mai or Sill Field Officers { -^ T t r< i n [ Day, L* Col. Carr Major of Brigade Browne Adjt Q r M r & Surgeon 52 d Reg* Commanding Officers of Corps when in want of bedding or Blanketts for their Reg tle Hospitals, are to apply to the Commander in Chief, & not to make further charge for those Articles in their Contingent Acco* Returns of ammunition in possession of every Corps to be given in to morrow Morning at 10Clock. Distinguishing what is in the Mens possession and what is in Store. No person to presume to Kill Pigeons that are not their own property. The Guards to take notice of this order & apprehend all persons who shall disobey it. Sunday Head Quarters, Boston, 3 d March 76 Parole, Alexandria C.Sign, Egypt Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. G. Smith 224 #/7? WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 -n- ij /^-rc f Lines Major Mitchell lield Officers < -,->. Tt ^ -, ^ , ,, L Day L 1 Col. Campbell Major of Brigade Leslie Adj fc Q r M r Surgeon 55 th Reg 1 The 17 th 22 d 23 d Eeg ts Marines will be for the relief at Charlestown on Thursday next, under the Command of L fc Col. Monkton Major Musgrave. The 38 th 43 d 44 th Reg ts 2 Batt n9 Marines, to send their Arms that want repairing, to the Armory, tomorrow morns a t 10 o Clock. The Guards & Sentrys in every part of the Garrison, to be very attentive to any firing from the Enemy s Works ; & in case of shells falling at or near their Posts, so as to endanger the houses catching fire, they will immediately apprise the neighbour hood of it, that it may be extinguish d as soon as possible. Monday Head Quarters, Boston, 4 th March 76. Parole, Algiers C. Sign Tunis Gen 1 Officer tomorrow B. G 1 Robertson Field Officers ( Lines Ma J or ilvie I Day, L* Col. Buttler Major of Brigade Baker Adj 1 Q r M r & Surg n 63 d Reg* Such Corps as have not 60 rounds of Cartridges, with what they have in store & in the Men s possession, to apply immediately to L 1 Col. Cleveland, to compleat them to that number. The Troops to have one days provision ready dress d, to carry with them, in case of their being crder d out at short notice. March 6 ORDERLY BOOK. 225 Morning Orders, 5 th March 1776 The following Keg ts to embark immediately at the long Wharf, carrying with them the days pro visions as order d yesterday, to be under the Command of B. Gen 1 Jones The Troops not to load. 40 th Reg* to embark on Board the Goodintent 44 th Sea Venture 49 th Venus 52 d ... Spy 55 th ... ... ... ... Success The Barrack Guards to consist of Convalescents. Head Quarters, Boston, Tuesday 5 th March 1776 Parole, Gibraltar Countersign, Mahon Clerk s & Musgrave s Corps of L* Infantry, Agnews & Wemy s Grenadiers, 23 d & 38 th Eeg ts to parade this evening at 7 o Clock, & be ready for em barkation. The two Corps from Barton s point will march to the Long Wharf as soon as form d; the whole to have their Canteens fiU d with Rum & Water, to take the day s provisions order d to be ready dress d their Blankets with them. Those Corps not to Load; and their Barrack Guards to consist of Convalescents. The other Corps will receive their Orders from B. G 1 Pigot __________ After Orders half past 10 o Clock A Working party of 2 Cap% 6 Sub 8 , 9 Serj ts 2 Drums & 220 Rank & file to parade to morrow morning at 8 o Clock, L* Col. Cleveland will send to receive them on the parade, & direct in what manner they are to be employ d. Morning Orders, 6 th March 1776 10 o Clock Gen 1 Officer for this day, B. Gen 1 Pigot Q 226 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 -cv i j r\.cc. C Lines, Mai or Irvine Field Officers ] -^ iv/r -o- * Day, Major Hope Major of Brigade, Smith Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 1 st Batt n Marines The Guards to parade at^l o Clock. Wednesday. Head Quarters, Boston, 6 th March 7G Parole Madrid Countersign Cadiz Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. G 1 Jones Field Officers! ^ ^F Humpherys ( Day, Major Souter Maj or of Brigade, Disney Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon 65 th Keg 1 C S S D P. A Detachment of 1 2 3 1 & 50 B. & file from each of the following Corps viz 1 17 th , 22 d , 23 d , 35 th , 40 th , 43 d , 44 th , 45 th , 47 th Eeg ts , & 2 nd Marines, to be in readiness to relieve L l Col. Collins s detachment at Charlestown tomorrow, they will receive further Orders for the time of parading ; Field Officers for this duty, L* Col. Monkton, & Major Musgrave, One Adj* One Q r M r & 2 Surgeons Mates from the Corps order d for this Duty to attend the detachment. The Corps not to issue Bum to their Men going to Charlestown tomorrow, as they will receive it when they get there. The General desires the Troops may know that the intended expedition last Night was unavoidably put off by the badness of the Weather. The following Working parties to be furnish d by C S S D the Troops at the hours specified, viz 1 1231 & 100 E, & file to parade this evening at 6 o Clock & march to Charlestown Ferry ; another party consisting of the same number to parade at that hour & proceed to the March 7 ORDERL Y BOOK. 227 C S SD South Battery ; 2 4 6 2 ft 200 B. ft file to parade tomorrow morning at 9 o Clock & march to the South Battery. L* Col. Cleveland will give directions how those partys are to be employ d. For Work to morrow at 7 o Clock for the Q r M r S S D Gen 1 1 1 1 ft 40 E. & file. S C Manufactory Hospital at the same hour, 1 1 & 18 private. The Corps are immediately to return all the Sheets in their possession, to the Barrack Store in Kings Street, likewise any other Barrack furniture that is not immediately in use, for which the Barrack M r will give Keceipts on the back of the indent. Morning Orders 7 th March The Detachment orderd to be in readiness to go to Charlestown under the Command of L* Col. Monk- ton, to parade at 12 o Clock. Thursday Head Quarters, Boston, 7 th March 1776 Parole, Hungary Countersign, Greece Gen 1 Officer to morrow, B. G 1 Grant -n- 1 3 f^m \ Lines, Major Vattas Field Officer s\ AT ^ IT. [ Day, Major Lockburn Major of Brigade, Browne Adj* Q r M r & Surgeon, 2 d Batt n Marines The Eeg ts are to bring immediately all the Barrack furniture, but such as are Judg d necessary for the Voyage to the Store in Kings Street, where the Barrack M r will give receipts on the back of the Indents for what is then deliver d. As the Eeg ts are answerable for what they receiv d, it is recommended to them to keep as little as is merely necessary as Q2 228 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 many Grates as can be spared shou d be brought to the same Store, only what is necessary for Cooking to be withheld. The Troops may have some Wood, if wanted. Every Keg 1 is to take care of the Hand Carts they have ; the Wheels are to be fastened in the Quarters of the several Transports, these being very necessary for a future service, and not easily replaced. The Commanding Officers of lleg ts are to send the Masters of Transports alloted for the respective Corps, with the Q r Masters, to M r Chamier the Comissary Gen 1 to receive the provisions ordered for the different Ships, for which the Masters of Trans ports are to give receipts, & the Commanding Offi cers are to give all the assistance in their power to put the Provisions on board, & are to report to the Gen 1 when the Ships are Compleated with the several articles of provisions agreeable to the distribution which has been given to the Commissary Gen 1 ; this must be done immediately by the Transport Boats, in which the lleg ts should Assist each other. Each Reg 1 to receive 18 Butts of Porter at Cow- per s Meeting House, to morrow Morning at 10 O Clock, to be put on board their respective Trans ports, & issued to the Troops after they embark. After Orders 7 O Clock. The Commanding Officers of Corps to order every Dram Shop in their respective Districts to be shut up, & to forbid Liquors to be sold on any Account, to be Attentive that their Men are in their Quarters as soon as possible in the Evening, to be particu larly carefull that they arc all Present at Taptoo Beating. If any Person is detected in Selling Spirituous Liquors in Contradiction to this Order they are to be made Prisoners, & the Liquor found in their Possession destroyed. March* ORDERLY BOOK. 229 Head Quarters Boston Friday 8 th March 1776 Parole Granada C.S. Barcelona Gen 1 Officer tomorrow E.G. Smith Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Campbell For the Day L Col. Nisbit Adj* Q r M r Surgeon 4 th Reg fc Major Brigade Leslie The Commanding Officers of Corps to give the strictest Attention to the regularity & Discipline of their respective Corps, which it may now be more necessary than of late to look to, from the Duty in which the Soldiers are employ d, & as the Troops may be hourly called upon to attack the Enemy in Case a proper Opening should offer where the Rebels least expect it. There being a large Quantity of Rum to be put on board Ship for the Use of the Army, the Command ing Officers of Corps are to give the proper Directions that the Rum be destroyed within their respective Districts that is not bought up for the Use of the Navy, or Army : & the General flatters himself the Soldiers will not at this Time relax in their Discipline, to oblige him to have Recourse to the most rigourous Means, which he must carry into Execution however it may be disagreable to him, in Order to put a Stop to Drunkeness in the Garrison, which has been too prevalent of late. The Corps of light Infantry & Grenadiers, to do no Duty in the Garrison except working Parties in the Day. The Troops to return immediately to the Engineer Store in the Corner of Dock Square near Fanuel Hall, whatever intrenching Tools they may have, & also the Carpenters Tools they received for fitting up their Quarters agreable to the Receipts given in. 2 3 o SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Morning Orders 8 O Clock 9 th March 1776 Return of the Officers, Serjeants, & Drummers, that carry Arms, & Rank & File of the 10 th 17 th 23 d -& 55 th Grenadiers, Sick & Convalescents not included. Head Quarters Boston 9 th March 1776 Parole Arragon C r S. S*. Roche Gen 1 Officer to morrow E.G. Robertson Field Officer for the Lines, L* Col. Patterson For the Day L Col. S r Heii r ? Calder Major Brigade Baker Adjut, Q r M r & Surgeon 5 th Keg* The Working Parties to parade at 5 O Clock in the Morning till further Orders After Orders 9 O Clock at Night Those Men returned by the different Reg ts as are accustomed to How Boats are to be kept on such Duties where they may be most expeditiously re lieved, that they may be Assembled as soon as possible if called for. The Several Corps to put their Convalescents & Women on board Ship as early as possible. Morning Orders 9 O Clock, Sunday 10 th March The Commanding Officers of Corps to be re sponsible to have all their Sick, Convalescents, & Women, on board their respective Transports before Six O Clock this Evening, & the strictest care taken that the Town be not set on Fire by Accident or by Design. Any Person detected setting Fire to the Town without Authority will suffer immediate Death. The Officers will send their Bedding & Soldiers Knapsacks on board to Day ; all Transports & other March n ORDERLY BOOK. 3 i Vessels may expect to receive immediate Orders to proceed to King Road. The Masters of Transports & other Vessels will follow such Directions as they may receive from the Officers of the Navy. Upon Ringing the Church Bells at Night the Troops are to get under Arms. Plead Q rs Boston Sunday 10 th March 1776 Parole Shuldham C r S. Chatham Geri 1 Officer to morrow B.G. Pigot Field Officer for the Lines Major Blunt For the Day L t Col. Bruce Major Brigade Smith Adjutant, Q r M r & Surgeon 17 th Reg 1 After Orders 8 at Night 10 th March It having been reported to the Commander in Chief that a Number of Men have been seen drunk in the Streets & about the different Wharfs, the Commanding Officers of Corps to order the Rolls to be called immediately, & be answerable that none of the Men off Duty leave their Barracks during the Night. Morning Orders past 8 O Clock 11 th March 1776 The Troops to have all their Baggage on board Ship by five O Clock this Afternoon, if any is found on the Wharfs after six, it will be thrown into the Sea. The Field Officers to superintend the Wharfs imme diately, L* Col. Collins to take Charge of Hancocks & the Wharfs contiguous to it, where Transports lay, & give such Directions as he shall think proper 2 3 2 SIR WILLIAM HOWE 8 1776 for the speedier removing any Baggage that may be on them, & to see that they are entirely clear of all Rubbage by Six, & that the Communication is free to the Vessels that lay at them. Major Tupper will in like Manner superintend Long Wharf, Wills s, & Wheelwrights, Care to be taken that the flat Boats are not damaged, by People being suffered to throw too heavy things into them or by other Means. The Commanding Officers of Corps, to go on board their respective Transports, immediately, & to see that there is no Baggage put on board contrary to Orders, All Household Furniture, & other use less Luggage to be thrown overboard. To report the State of their Transports to the Commander in Chief as soon as possible, & whether after the Troops are em barked the Vessel is like to be so much crowded as to Obstruct the Navigating her. All Flat Bottom Boats in Possession of the differ ent Corps to be returned immediately to L 1 Bourmaster at the long Wharf, & None to be made use of but by an Order from him. Any Woman belonging to the Army, that may be found in Town after One O Clock, will be taken up & sent to the Provost & will be left behind. Head Q r9 Boston Monday 11 th March 1776. Parole Saville C r S. Center Gen 1 Officer tomorrow, B. G. Jones Field Officer for the Lines L 1 Col. Walcott For the Day Major Hillman Major Brigade Disney Adjutant, Q r M r & Surgeon 22 d Reg The Officers to lay in their Mens Rooms this Night, & not surfer one of them to be absent from their Quarters on any Account. March 12 ORDERLY BOOK. 233 After Orders 2 o clock. The Officers of the working Parties, on the Wharfs to receive such Orders as the Field Officer appointed this Day to superintend them shall give. The Commanding Officers of Corps to give strict Orders, that their Men are kept as much as possible in their Quarters, & not to suffer them to be employ d by the Inhabitants, as much Drunkeness arises from it. Head Q rs Boston Tuesday, 12 th March 1776 Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Grant Field Officer for the Lines Major Sill For the Day L* Col. Carr Major Brigade Brown Adjutant, Q r M r , & Surgeon 23 d Keg* The Commanding Officers of Corps to take Care that Room is made in their respective Transports, to receive the Provisions that will be put on board for the Use of the Troops during the Voyage, they will likewise attend to the Preservation of the Wheels of the hand Carts, & have them fastened on the Quarters of their Transports agreable to a former Order The several Corps to take on board their Trans ports any Spades, Shovels, Pick, & felling Axes, &c., that they may have in their Possession. The Troops to be supply d with Biscuit, instead of Flour, they are to apply immediately for it at M r Loyds Contractor. The Officers to continue to lay in the Mens Bar racks till further Orders. The Rolls to be called frequently, & all Soldiers that are absent in the Evening, to be sought for & brought to their Quarters The Commanding Officers of Reg ts to report in writing to the Commander in Chief if they have got 234 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 on board the Weeks Provisions that was ordered Yesterday. The Q r Masters to apply to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 for i a Pint of Rum for their working Men. After Orders 4 O Clock The Q r M r3 to receive a Weeks Flour from the Contractor to morrow Morning at 5 O Clock for their respective Reg ts , which the Commanding Officers are to order on board their respective Transports, & re port to Gen 1 Howe when it is done Morning Orders 13 th March 7 O Clock The Eowers returned by the different Corps, to parade at 12 O Clock without Arms, & not to be put on Duty till further Orders, those on Duty to be relieved. Head Q rs Wednesday, 13 th March 1776 Parole Africa C r S. Fez. Gen 1 Officer to morrow E.G. Smith Field Officer for the Lines D Col. Campbell For the Day Major Ogilvie Maj r Brigade Leslie Acljut*, Q r Master, & Surgeon 35 th Reg* The Troops that are to embark at the long Wharf, are to march in two Columns, the right Column to be composed of 22 d , 65 th , 23 d , & 44 th Reg ts . Left Column, 17*, 45 th , 63 d , 35 th , & 38 th Keg ts . The Corps to embark at Hancock s Wharf to march in one Column, the 43 d , 47 th , 48 th , 49 th , 10 th , 55 th , Brigadiers General, Robertson & Grant, will super intend the Embarkation of the Troops at Long Wharf, March 13 ORDERLY BOOK. 235 & Brigadiers Gen 1 Jones & Smith, at Hancocks Wharf. If the Troops are ordered under Arms this Night they are not to load. The Additional Gunners to join their respective Corps at 6 O Clock this Evening. Eum will be delivered to the Troops at 3 O Clock this Afternoon, in the same Proportion & at the same Place as received Yesterday. The Q r Masters of Corps to subsist their Women & Children on board Ship, with Flour & Rice only, till further Orders, & that to be issued to them with Economy. A small Quantity of Eish may be given to them with it. Each Corps to apply immediately at N 16 on the long Wharf for a Barrel of Salt fish, to be divided among the Men & Women. After Orders 3 O Clock The Corps furnishing Eowers, will send a Pro portion of Officers on this Duty till the Embarkation begins. The Commanding Officers will appoint the most experienc d in similar Service as follows, (viz 1 ) C ts Sub 8 Agnews Grenadiers ... 1 10 th Reg 2 3 23 d 1 44 th 1 1 49 th 1 52 a 1 2 55 th 1 Total 4 10 The above Specified Number of Officers to repair to the long Wharf as soon as possible, where they 236 SIX WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 will receive Directions from Major Campbell of the 55 th Reg*, who superintends the Arrangement of the Flatt Bottomed Boats. The Drummers Fifers, who are not fit to carry Arms, to be sent on board Ship immediately, & the Arms of those Men of the several Reg ts employ d as Rowers, to be put in the most convenient Place possible on board the Transports, that they may be got at immediately if wanted. The Convalescents to take Charge of them, be ready to hand them into the Boats. After Orders past 4 O Clock Two days Provisions to be cooked by the Corps to morrow Morning. L* Col. Butler is Field Officer for the Day to morrow, instead of Maj r Ogilvie Morning Orders 8 O Clock 14 th March 1776 The Officers & Soldiers on board Ship not to come on Shore on any Account without the General s express Permission. A Return of each Corps to be given in immedi ately accounting for the Officers & Men on Shore only, the Rowers not to be included. The Corps which furnish Rowers to send to Maj r Campbell of the 55 th Reg -t the Names of the Rowers, mentioning the Wharfs & Number of the Boat to which each belongs, distinguishing those from the Rowers whose Destination was not fixed Yesterday, by being shewn the Boats they are to row in. It is the Generals positive Orders to the Com manding Officers of Corps, not to suffer their men to straggle from their Barracks, at any Time neither by Day nor Night, if Soldiers are absent at Roll Calling, search to be instantly made for them till they are found & brought to their Quarters. March 14 ORDERLY BOOK. 237 The Keg ts to apply to M r John Gushing at the Golden Ball near the Markett, where they will receive Rum, at J a pint p r Man, at 12 O Clock this Day. Returns of the issuing of Rum to be signed by Officers commanding Officers of Corps, & to include those present only. Head Q rs Boston 14 th March 1776. Thursday. Parole Senegal OS. Goree Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Robertson Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Irving For the Day Maj r Hope Major Brigade Baker Adjut* Q r M r Surgeon 38 th Reg Where Stoves have been removed from the Soldiers Barrack Rooms, no fire to be made on the Hearth s, on which the Stoves stood, as there is great Danger of the Beams below being set on fire by the heat of the Bricks, which has been already the Case in two Instances, The Commanding Officers of Corps to order this necessary Precaution to be attended to. The Commander in Chief finding notwithstanding the Orders that have been given to forbid Plundering Houses have been forced open & robbed, he is there fore under a Necessity of declaring to the Troops, that the first Soldier who is caught plundering, will be hanged on the Spot. The Commander in Chief having been informed that Depredations have been committed in the Town House, offers the following Rewards, to any Person, or Persons, who shall convict any Person or Persons of Cutting, & defacing the King s Queens Pic tures, destroying the Records & other publick Papers (Viz.) For the King s Picture 50 For the Queen s Picture ... ... ... 50 For other Pictures, Records, or Publick Papers 20 238 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The Commanding Officers to take care that the above Order is read to the Men of their respective Corps. All Orders sent or delivered by Cap t Charles Lyons, late of the 17 th Reg 1 , are to be obeyed as from one the Gen ]s Aid De Camps. The Officers of the Army are desired to give In formation at Head Quarters, of any Naval or Military Stores, they may have Intelligence of, being lodged or concealed in Town. The Commander in Chief has appointed Cap 1 Ch 3 Lyons to be a Cap 1 of a Company of Vollunteers. The Q r Masters of Corps to carry Returns of their Officers on Shore to the Q r M r Gen 1 , where they will receive an Order for some Beef to be delivered them. Patroles to go from the Picquets round the Dis tricts of their respective Corps, in the Day, as well as by Night, & to take up any Seamen they may meet with in Town, & confine them in the Main Guard, where they are to remain till an Officer of the Ship they may belong to calls for them. After Orders 6 O Clock The Patroles to go, & the Rolls to be called as ordered last Night & no Soldier to be suffered to remain out of his Barracks after Retreat Beating. The Commanding Officers of Corps to send such Officers on board their Transports as they shall think necessary to take charge of the Convalescents, & keep good Order. When the Reg ts are assembled for Embarkation, & the Guards formed, the files to be counted, & report to be made at Head Quarters if all are present, by the Adjutant, or an Officer of the Corps. March 15 ORDERLY BOOK. 239 Morning Orders 8 O Clock 15 th March 1776 Agnew s Grenadiers ; 1 Compy to take the Main Guard, 1 Compy in the Town House, 1 Compy at the Artillery Eedoubt, & Fox Hill. Wemys s Grenadiers 1 Compy Marine Redoubt. L* Infantry Clerk s, & Musgraves, 4 Compy 3 to the Lines with Major Bruce, 1 Compy at the Block House, 2 at the Neck, 5 in houses at the New Works, 2 in the 63 d Church, 1 at Hughs s Wharf, 1 at Hatches Wharf. 4 th takes Barton s Point Eedoubt. 5 th Advanc d Redoubt. 17 th Grenadiers the Grenadier Church 55 th Grenadier Compy at the 49 th Guard Room, detaching a Corp 1 & Six to Beacon Hill. Col. Agnews Grenadiers upon the Gen 1 Parade Cap* Wemys, at the Artillery Work Shop. 4 th Reg 1 in their own Barracks 5 th Reg* near S r Heny Calder s Quarters. The Companies of L* Infantry, & Grenadiers, & Detachments from the Reg ts to Order to relieve the Guards, to assemble on the Gen 1 Parade at 9 O Clock. The remaining part of the Corps to parade at 12. The whole Garrison to Parade at 12 O Clock, on their Regim 1 Parades, & wait for further Orders, except the 10 th & 22 d Reg ts who are to march as soon as parad d to Liberty Tree where they will halt, keeping the same side of the Street on which they are Quartered. The Officers of the several Corps, to send imme diately to L* Robertson at the Bake house near Beacon Hill, to receive their Proportion of Bread for themselves, or for their Men. - 4 o SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 After Orders 10 O Clock The Officers & Bowers to parade immediately Opposite the Main Guard. The Commanding Officers of Corps to take Care that their Men do not quit their Ranks, nor to suffer them to be guilty of any Irregularity in their way to embark. An Orderly Officer from each Corps composing the Bear Guard, to Assemble at Gen 1 Burgoynes Gate, instead of Brig r Gen 1 Grants as first Ordered. After Orders 12 O Clock The Commanding Officers of Corps to be answer able that all the Fires are extinguished, in their Quarters before they leave them. Head Q rs Boston Friday 15 th March 1776 Parole Guinea C r S. Cape Coast Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Pigot Maj r Brigade Smith The Beg ts to return to their Barracks, & parade to morrow Morning at 4 O Clock on their Begimen- tal Parades. The Guards to remain as they are now posted, the Grenadier Company at the Town house to S C P Detach 1 1 & 12 for the Gen 1 Guard, the Re mainder with one Sub: Officer to join the Main Guard. L* Col. Clerk will reinforce the Lines with two Companies at Gun Firing, the rest will return to their Barracks, parade at 4 O Clock in the Morn ing, taking care when they march not to interfere. The Rowers to return to their Reg ts & parade at 3 O Clock to morrow Morning in King s Street. March 31 ORDERLY BOOK. 241 Evening Orders 15 th March 1776 Field Officer to morrow for the Lines, Maj r Irving For the Day Maj r Hope Morning Orders \ past 7 O Clock 16 th March 76 Two Days Provisions to be issued to the Troops immediately which will be delivered by the Q r Mas ters of Corps from their respective Transports. The Troops will receive Rum of M r Gushing at 12 O Clock, in the same Proportion, & at the same Place they received it the 14 th Head Q rs Boston Saturday 16 th March 1776 Parole Sicily C r S. Malta Gen 1 Officer to morrow B. G. Jones Field Officer for the Lines Maj r Humphries For the Day Maj r Souter Maj r Brigade Disney Adjut* Q r Master & Surgeon 45 th Reg* The Rowers to parade to morrow Morning at 3 O Clock in King s Street, the Rear Guard to parade at the same time, to be posted & to relieve the Guards as Yesterday, the Old Guards to join their Corps as soon as relieved. The whole Garrison to be under Arms at 4 O Clock in the Morning, & to be in readiness to embark when ordered. After Orders 1 O Clock Each Corps immediately to receive one Cask of Biscuit on the long Wharf from Major Campbell 55 th Halifax 30 th March 1776 Parole Massey C r S. Legge Halifax 31 st March 1776 Parole Halifax C r S. Windsor R 242 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Halifax 1 st April 1776 Parole Howe C r S. Shuldhani Halifax 2 d April 1776 Parole Piercy C r S. Pigot Plead Q rs Halifax Wednesday 3 d April 1776 Parole Legge C r S. Halifax His Excellency the Governor having, for the Benefit of the Navy & Army, fixed the Price of Pro visions by Proclamation, No Officer or Follower of the Army is on any Account to give more than is therein specified. The Commanding Officers of Transports to direct the Masters of their respective Ships to have the Boats hoisted half way up the Sides, every Night at 8 O Clock no Boat to be absent from the Ship after that hour. Any Woman that comes on shore, not to be suffered to return on board again. The Commanding Officers are not likewise to suffer any Flour to be taken out of their Transports except by Order of the Commissary General. The Reg ts are again desired to take the greatest Care of the Porter Butts, as they will be made to pay for all they shall destroy or cannot account for. Memorandum . The General having been informed, that Boats from the Town went on board the Transports last night with various things to sell, as it is Appre hended there may have been some improper Proceed ings, the Commanding Officers of Transports are de sired to make Enquiry, if any thing was sold on board their Ships, the Quality, & by whom, to report the same. April 4 ORDERL Y BOOK. 243 Head Q r9 Halifax Thursday 4 th April 1776 Parole Arluthnot C r S. Dartmouth Field Officer for this Day Major Moncrief Adj* 14 th Reg* The two Companies of the 14 th & the three Com panies of the 65 th to do Duty as one Corps till further Orders. Field Officer for the Day tomorrow Maj r Conran. Adjutant 27 tb Keg* Quarters being preparing in the Town for the Troops, when ready, as many Men as they will contain will be brought on Shore, in the mean time the Com manding Officers of Corps will air their Men when the Weather permitts, on Georges Island, or on the Dartmouth Side of the Harbour, taking Care that the Soldiers do not committ any Depredations on the Buildings ; they will take their Arms for Exercise, or to fire at Marks as they will think proper. A Proportion of Officers always to remain on board the Transport still they are evacuated, when the Commanding Officers want a Boat they will apply to their respective Masters of Transports for them, & the Officers are not to detain the Boats without an absolute Ocasion. All reports within the Garrison to be made to Major Gen 1 Earl Percy, & he will regulate the Duty, which is to be done by the Corps now on Shore till further Orders. The King having been graciously pleased to give the Brevet Rank of Colonel in the Army to L* Col. Cleaveland of the Royal Reg* of Artillery, & having been pleased to appoint L* Col Agnew, & the Hon ble L* Col. Leslie of the 64 th & 44 th Reg t9 to be his Majesties Aid-de-Camp with the Rank of Col. in the Army, Col 3 Cleaveland, Agnew, & Leslie, will take Rank as Brigad rs General in the Army in America, under the Command of Major Gen 1 Howe. K2 244 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions in the Army. 4 th Reg* Major Harry Blunt, of the 23 d Reg* to be L* Col. Vice Maddison who retires 24 th Dec r 1775 5 th Reg* Tho s Basset Gent : to be En 3 Vice Charleton pre ferred 23 d June 75. 17 th Reg* L* Col. Mawhood of the 19 th Reg t to be L* Col., Vice Derby 26 th October 1775 23 d Reg* Cap* W m Blakeney to be Major Vice Blunt pre ferred 24 th Nov r 1775. 27th R eg t Major Jn Maxwell 15 th Foot to be L* Col. Vice Beckwith who retires 11 th Nov r 1775 28 th Beg* Tho s Morrison of the R. Ho. Emigrants to be Surgeon Vice Jameson preferred 19 th Oct r 1775 35 th Reg* L* Arch d M c Alister, to be Cap* Vice Jenkyns who retires 25 th July 1775. L* Josh a Banks, to be Q r Master Vice M c Alister D 38 th Reg* B. G. Rob* Pigot to be Col. Vice Blayney de ceased 11 th Dec r 1775 40 th Reg* Major Ja s Grant, to be L* Col. Vice Grant pre ferred 11 th Dec r 1775. 55 th Reg* B. G. Ja s Grant of the 40 th to be Col. Vice Pigot 11 th Dec r 75. Surgeon George Miligan to be Surgeon to the Garrison of Mobile 4 th Dec r 1775. Rich d Grant, Clerk, to be Chaplain of the Garri son of S* Johns Vice Walsh deceased, 7 th Dec r 1775 April 5 ORDERLY BOOK. 245 Surgeon W m Douglass to be Surgeon of the Garrison of South Carolina Vice Miligan removed 11 th Dec 1 1775. 4 th Keg* Cap* L* Jn Crammond to be Cap 1 Vice Sleigh. 16 th Dec r 1775 L* JnBarron to be Cap* L* Vice Crammond. D En 3 Jn Tho s Maddison to be L* Vice Barron D 28 th Keg* 1 st L* Rich d Ridley of the 23 d Reg* to be Cap* Vice Skeen who retires 16 th Dec r 1775. 43 d Reg* L* W m Miller to be Cap* Vice Lawrie who retires 19 th Dec r 1775 Leaves of Absence 47 th Reg* Chaplain Whitty to 1 st June 1776 52 d Reg* En s Terrot 12 Months from 9 th Oct r 1775. The two Corps of R.F. Americans, & R.H. Emi grants, to prepare to be mustered on Monday next. Lost at the long Wharf at Boston a Portmanteau, containing a Variety of wearing Aparell, the Property of M r Chamier Commissary Gen 1 . Any Person who shall return the same or any Part of them shall be handsomely rewarded. Cap* Cha s Lyons late of the 17 th Reg*, is ap pointed Town Major of Halifax in the Room of Cap* Marsh resigned. Head Q rs Halifax Friday 5 th April 1776 Parole Massey C r .S. Annopolis Field Officer for tomorrow Maj r Moncrief Adjut* R. F. Americans Cap* Ant> Farrington of the R. Reg* of Artillery is appointed Maj r Brigade to B. Gen 1 Cleaveland The Picq* 3 to be increased to 3 Cap* 3 , 3 Sub 9 , 6 Serf, 3 Drum, & 60 Rank & File. 246 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The Field Officer of the Day will go his Eounds & direct at what hours the Cap ts & Subalterns of the Picq ts shall go theirs, the Cap ts of the Picq ts & the Officer of the Main Guard will report to the Field Officer of the Day. After General Orders One Serj 1 one Corp 1 & 12 Private, to mount im mediately as a Guard for Provost, they are to parade at the Main Guard, where they will be received by the Provost. Head Q rs Saturday 6 th April 1776. Parole Lunenburgh C r S. Canso Field Officer to morrow Maj r Conran Adjutant 27 th Keg 1 None of L fc Col. Gorham s Corps to be employed at the publick works till they are dismissed from the Drill. A General Court Martial consisting of one Field Officer 8 Cap ts & 4 Sub s to sit on Monday Morning at 10 O Clock, at the House of Assembly to try En 8 Foxer of the 10 th Keg* & such other Prisoners as may be brought before them. President L* Col. Carr Cap ts Sub- Artillery ... ... ... 1 1 4 th Keg* 1 1 5 th 1 1 10 th 1 1 17 th 1 22 d 1 33 d 1 35 th 1 Total 8 April 8 ORDERL Y BOOK. 247 The Names of the Members, Dates of Com missions, Prisoners Names, & Crimes, to be sent immediately to the Deputy Judge Advocate. The Commanding Officers of Corps are not to let their Men go on Shore at Georges Island as that is occupied by the Artillery. After General Orders 6 O Clock The Detachment of 23 d or Royal Welch Fuziliers on board the Saville Transport to disembark to morrow Morning. One Subaltern & 24 Sank & File of the R.F.A. Reg* will be employed in catching Fish for the Use of the Troops, they are to go on board such Vessels as the D. Q r M r Gen 1 shall direct. It is recommended to the Officer who has vol- luntarily undertaken to superintend this necessary Piece of Service for the Good of the whole Army, to pay every attention to it in his Power. Head Q rs Sunday 7 th April 1776 Parole Fort Cumberland C r S. Minis Field Officer for to morrow Maj r Moncrief Adjutant 14 th & 65 th Reg ts Commanding Officers of Corps, to apply to the Barrack Master Gen 1 tomorrow Morning for their re spective Districts, & land their Men as soon as their Quarters are in Condition to receive them. The Surgeon of the 17 th Reg* to apply to the Purveyor of the Hospital for Wine for the Sick of the Reg t3 . Head Q rs Monday Halifax 8 th 1776 Aprill Parole Newfoundland C r S. St. Johns. Field Officer for the Day Major Conran Adjutant 27 th Reg* 248 SIR WILLIAM HOWE 8 1776 Commanding Officers of Corps, to send reports in writing to the D. Adj* Gen 1 , when their Men land, & the Number of Men & Officers they bring on Shore. The Commanding Officers will direct their Pro visions for their Corps to be taken from their Tran sports to the 14 th Incl : A Quantity of Port Wine, & some Limes, will be sold on board the Brigantine Crawford, to morrow at the Wharf near the Markett Place. The Commanding Officers of Corps, immediately to send Eeturns to M r Butler, of the Quantity of Spruce Beer they may want, for their respective Reg ts who will brew it as soon as possible & deliver it at /If p r Gallon. Head Q rs Tuesday, 9 th April 1776 Parole Cape Sable C r S. Placentia Field Officer to morrow Major Moncrief Adjutant K.H. Emigrants The 1 st Division of light Dragoons to march to morrow on their way to Windsor, the 2 d Division on Thursday, & the 3 d Division on Friday. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions, till his Majesties Pleasure is known. 14 th Keg* Foot Cap t L l W m Brown to be Cap 1 Vice Blackett dead. ]> Jn Battut to be Cap 1 L* Vice Brown preferred. En s Ja s Boyce to be L 1 Vice Battut preferred. Cap* L* Jn Battut to be Cap f - Vice Fordyce killed. L* W m Kamsey from 35 th Keg 1 to be Cap 1 L* Vice Battut preferred. En s Ch s Ogle to be L* Vice Leslie killed. En s the Hon blc Ja s Lindsay to be L* Vice Napper dead of his Wounds. April jo ORDERLY BOOK. 249 Head Q rs Wednesday 10 th April 1776 Parole Fort Edward C r S. Fort SacJcville Field Officer for the Day Maj r Conran Adjutant 27 th Reg* The Commanding Officers of Transports, are re quested to give the D. Q r Master Gen 1 the most par ticular Account they can of the Quantity of Flour received on board their respective Ships at Boston, of which no exact Return could at that time be made ex clusive of what they received for the Use of the Troops. A Return of Vollunteers, with the Dates of their entring into the Service, & by whom recommended, to be given in immediately. Two empty Porter Casks to be sent by each Corps to the Brewery joining the Dock Yard, to be filled with Spruce Beer for the Men. The Troops on board Ship, as well as shore that are landed, to be victualled according to the Allow ance on Shore till further Orders. The Reg ts lately arrived from Boston may draw Fuel & Candles for 4 Rooms for the Officers of each Reg t and 4 Rooms for the Non-Commissioned Officers & Private, they land at the Rate directed by the Barrack Regulations. The General, & Staff Officers, will have Allow ances agreable to the former Order. The 5 th , 17 th , 23 d , & 40 th Reg ts will have Axes delivered to them, & cut their own Fuel, for which they will be payed at the rate of 5/ p r Chord, by the Barrack Master Gen 1 . The 14 th Reg* to move from their respective Quarters into those which L* Co 1 Gorham s Corps will give up to them. The Troops quartered in the Green Hospital, Barrack & Grenadier Barrack, to move into Rooms in the New Barracks, which the Barrack Master will shew them. 250 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 His Majesty has been pleased to make the following Promotions. 14 t]l Reg* Maf Gen 1 Rob* Cunningham to be Col. Vice Keppel removed 18 th Oct r 1775. 43 d Reg* Rev d Christopher Taylor to be Chaplain Vice Derby who retires 2 cl 6ct r 1775 63 d Reg* Hon blc Bethewn Hark, Gent, to be En s Vice Croker transferred 29 th Sep r 1775 47 th Reg* Rev d Erwin Whitley to be Chaplain Vice Edward Whitley who retires 9 th Sep r 1775 Head Q rs Thursday ll t]l April 1776 Parole Gaspie C r S. Lawrence Field Officer to morrow Major Moncrief Adjutant 14 th & 65 th Reg* Cap* Ramsey to take the Command of the De tachment of the 14 th Reg* in this Garrison. His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions in his Reg ts of Foot Marine Forces. 47 th Reg* En s Arch d French to be L* Vice Shaw by Purchase Marine Forces Comp3~ s Cap ts in Room of 61 st Jn Skitch Shandle dead 1 st Cap 1 L fc 10 th Alex r M c Donald Skitch preferred 29 th Fento Griffiths Anderson dead First L* 35 th Tho s Trollop Griffiths promoted Head Q rs Friday 12 th Aprill 1776 Parole Anticostia C r S. Eosiet Field Officer for the Day Major Conran Adjutant R.F.A. Reg* 47 th Reg* to hold themselves in Readiness for Embarkation. April i$ ORDERLY BOOK. 251 The Six Companies of light Infantry, that were under the Command of Maj r Musgrave, to be joined by the light Companies of the 27 th & 64 th Reg ts , on the Citadell Hill at 9 O Clock to morrow Morning, if the Weather be fair Major Musgrave will exercise them. The Armourers of the different Corps to be on the Parade tomorrow Morning at 10 O Clock, when a proper Number will be pitched upon to be employed in repairing the Arms for the Army, each Corps to send 10 Stand of Arms to the Armoury, to be repaired at 2 O Clock, & as soon as they are finished a like Number to be sent. The different Corps to send immediately to the Hospt 1 Ships, for their recovered Men, agreable to a List received from the Purveyor. As the Scarcity of Forage is so great, the Comm r in Chief wishes the Officers will not purchase Horses. A Eeturn to be given in immediately specifying the Number of Vacant Commissions in each Corps, & in what Manner they became vacant, whether by Purchase, Promotion, or belonging to the Additional Companies. Head Q rs Saturday 13 th Aprill 1776. Parole Labradore. C r S. Esquimaux Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief. Adjutant R.H.E 3 The 4 th , 35 th , & 49 th Eeg ts to parade for Exercise, on the Citadell Hill, on Monday Morning next at 9 O Clock. The Commanding Officers of Corps, to be answer able that proper People be sent on Shore at Dartmouth, to superintend the Women, & others that may be left there to wash or for any other Purpose, who are to 252 SIS WILLIAM IIOJ! r S 1776 be accountable for all Depredations that may be com mitted on the Houses or Estates of the Inhabitants. Head Q rs Sunday 14 th Aprill 1776 Parole Mexico. C r S. Vera Cruze Field Officer for tomorrow Maj r Conran Adjutant 27 th Keg 11 The Corps will apply to the D. Q r M r Gen 1 for Sour Grout, & will issue to the Men, at the rate of 3 Ib. p r Man, p r Week, & it is recommended to the Commanding Officers to give particular Directions that they make a proper Use of it. The following Reg ts to send each a Carpenter to the D. Q r M r General viz : 4 th , 5 th , 10 th , 17 th , 22 d &23 d Eeg ts ; it is desired they may be such men as may be most used to fitting up Transports. The Troops to receive their Provisions from on board Ship till further Orders, the Halifax Garrison excepted. When Reg ts are ordered out for Exercise, they are not to be joined by their Light or Grenadier Comp ies unless particularly ordered. The light Infantry Comp>* 3 of the 5 th , 10 th , 23 d , 38 th , 43 d , 52 d , 55 th , & 63 d Reg ts to assemble on the Citadell Hill to morrow Morning at 9 O Clock & to be exercised by Major Musgrave. Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will give Directions for Exercising the 3 d Keg 1 . A Working Party of 1 Serj & 12 Men to parade to morrow at 6 O Clock, & go to the Wood Yard, where a Person will be sent to direct them. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions till His Majesties Pleasure be known. April 16 ORDERLY BOOK. 253 14 th Keg* Hen? Lumsden Gent : to be En 3 Vice Boyce preferred. En s Ch 8 W m Morden from R.H.E 3 to be En s vice Ogle preferred. En 8 Jn Day from D to be En 8 Vice Lindsey preferred. 52 d Reg* L* Hamilton, to be Cap* L* Vice M c Kil- wain 13 th April 1776. En s Fran 3 Grove to be L* Vice Hamilton by Purchase. Staff Officers L* W m Spaight of the 65 th Reg*, to be Assistant D. Q r M r Gen 1 14 th April! 1776 Head Q rs Monday 15 th April, 1776 Parole Guadaloupe C r S. Eustatia Field Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham. Adjutant R. F. A 8 The Corps ordered for Exercise this Morning to parade on Wednesday Morning, at the same hour, if the Weather will permitt. Head Q rs Tuesday 16 th April! 1776 Parole Surinam C r S. Carthagena Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief Adjutant R. H. E 8 En s Fran 8 Foxer of His Majesties 10 th Reg* of Foot try d by the General Court Martial, of which L* Col. Carr is President, for behaving in a Scandalous & infamous Manner, unbecoming the Character of an Officer & a Gent : is found guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge, & sentenced to be dismissed his Majes ties Service, as the 15 th Section of the 23 d Article of Warr directs. The Commander in Chief approves of the above Sentence. The above Gen 1 Court Martial is dissolved. Soldiers are not to go on Shore on the Dartmouth Side with their Arms, unless under the Command of 254 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 a Cap*, & are not allowed to disband, or fire, except by the Direction of their Officers, who will be answer able that no Irregularities are committed for the future. Head Q rs Wednesday 17 th April, 1776 Parole Darien C r S. Portabello Field Officer for tomorrow Major Conran Adjutant 14 th & 65 th Eeg t No Soldier, Seaman, or Woman, to be allowed to land at Creighton s Landing Place, which is apro- priated solely to the Use of the Gen 1 Hospital. The Grenadier Comp ys of the 4 th , 10 th , 17 th , 23 d , 35 th , 40 th , 44 th , 49 th , 55 th , 64 th & 65 th Eeg t3 , are to parade to morrow Morning at 9 O Clock, on the Cita- dell Hill, & to be exercised by Major Musgrave. The 5 th , 52 d , & 38 th Batalions to parade for Exer cise at the same time & Place, Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will give Directions for exercising them. A Box lately sent from England, & supposed to have been landed from the Centurion Man of Warr with other Baggage, is still missing, any Person who will return the same or any Part of the Contents to Major Shooter will be handsomely rewarded. Head Q rs Thursday 18 th Aprill 177G Parole Chagre C r S. Panama Eield Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham Adjutant E. II. E s His Majesty having thought proper to augment his Army in North America, by reinforcements from Europe, of National & Eareing Troops, has also deemed it indispensably necessary to augment the Staff of the said Army, by the Appointment of an Adjutant General. April 1 9 ORDERL Y BOOK. 255 The Commander in Chief has been pleased to apoint L* Col. Patterson of the 63 d Reg* to be Adju tant General to the Army under his Command, & he is to be obeyed as such. The Peggy to move to Georges Island, with the Amitus Providence. One Flatt Boat to remain with each Keg*, & the others will be hauled on Shore to be repaired, under the care of L* Bristol ; the Boats in Use with the Reg ts to have only ten Oars, & Commanding Officers to be responsible that no heavy Baggage, Wood, Casks, or any other Articles, are put into them, by which they might receive Damage. When the Reg ts land for Exercise, they will bor row the Boats from each other, for the Convenience of carrying their Men at one Embarkation. The 4 th , 5 th & 10 th Eeg ts will receive one Days fresh Fish, at the rate of two Pounds p r Man, in Lieu of Salt Provisions, for which they are not to pay, & they will only receive Six Days Pork next Week instead of Seven. The Corps ordered for Exercise this Day, to parade to morrow Morning at the same time & Place. Two Men from each of the following Corps to be sent to the Royal Artillery to morrow Morning at 8 o Clock, to be employ d in making Cartridges for the Use of the Troops, viz. 4 th , 5 th , 10 th , 17 th , 22 d , 23 d , 27 th , 35 th , 38 th , 40 th , 43 d , 44 th , 45 th , 49 th , 52 d , 55 th , 63 d , 64 th , 1 st & 2 d Batalions of Marines. The R. F. A s not exempt from Duties of Fatigue for the future. Head Q ra Friday 19 th Aprill 1776 Parole Havanna C r S. Cuba. Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief Adjutant 27 th Reg 1 256 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The 17 th , 40 th , & 45 th Keg ts to parade to morrow for Exercise at 9 O Clock, on the Citadel! Hill, Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will give Directions for exercising them. The Grenadier Cornp 5 " 3 of the 5 th , 22 d , 27 th , 43 d , 45 th , 52 d , 63 d , 1 st & 2 d Batalions of Marines, to parade at the same time & Place, & to be exercised by Maj r Musgrave. Head Q r3 Saturday 20 th April! 1776 Parole Matazies OS. Mariel Field Officer for to morrow Major Conran Adjutant E. F. A 3 The ten Stand of Arms that want repairing, to be sent for by each Corps to the Armoury, on Mon day Morning at 8 O Clock. The 22 d , 43 d 63 Keg ts to parade on Monday Morning at the Citadell Hill, at 9 O Clock, Maj r Gen 1 Earl Percy will give Directions to exercise them. The light Companies of the 17 th , 22 d , 27 th , 35 th , 40 th , 45 th , 49 th & 64 th Reg ts to parade at the same time & Place, Maj r Musgrave will exercise them. Head Q rs Sunday 21 st Aprill 1776 Parole Pensacola C r S. Orleans Field Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham Adjutant K.H.E 3 Major of Brigade Baker Major Gen 1 Earl Percy will be pleased to give what Orders he shall think proper for the Detail of the Garrison. The Men who die on board Ship in the Harbour to be sent on Shore to be buried. April 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 257 Head Q rs Monday 22 d Aprill 1776 Parole Mobile C r S. Florida Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief Adjutant 14 th & 65 th Eeg ts Major of Brigade Leslie In consequence of the Keport made by L* Col. Grant, of the good Order & Behaviour of the Detachment late under his Command, the Gen 1 is pleased to signify his entire Approbation of their Conduct, & desires his Thanks may be given to DCol. Grant, Maj r Maitland, all the Officers & Men of that Detachment. The Commanding Officers of Eeg ts are desired not to allow their Men to straggle into the Country, either with or without Arms, All Soldiers & Sea men belonging to the Transports who are found one Mile from Town, are ordered to be apprehended & sent to the Provost. A Vessel will sail for England in about three Days, another in about ten, all Letters to be, sent to the Secretarys Office The Eeg ts & Comp> s that paraded this Morning, to parade on Wednesday Morning at 9 Clock. Head Q rs Tuesday 23 d Aprill 1776 Parole Missisippi C r S. Fort Chartres. Field Officer for tomorrow Maj r Conran Adjut* E.H.E 8 Major of Brigade Studholme The Troops ordered for Exercise to morrow Morning, not to parade till Thursday Morning. All Letters for Europe to be sent to the Orderly Eoom by 12 O Clock each Day, till such time as the Vessel sails, & not to the Secretaries Office, as has been directed. 258 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Head Q rs Wednesday 24 th Aprill 1776 Parole Cherokee OS. Chactau Field Officer for to morrow I/Col. Gorham Maj r of Brigade Smith. Head Q rs Thursday 25 th Aprill 1776 Parole Huron OS. Lake Erie Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief. Maf of Brigade Disney Adjut* 27 th Eegt The 23 d , 44 th , & 64 th Eeg ts to parade to morrow Morning on the Citadell Hill, Major Gen 1 Earl Piercy will give Directions for exercising them. Friday Head Q s 26 th Aprill 1776 Parole Ontario OS. Niagara Field Officer for to morrow Major Conran Major of Brigade Brown Adjutant 14 th & 65 th Eeg ts The Q 1 Masters of Eeg ts on board Ship to send the Ships Boats on board, where they will receive from 40 to 60 Bush ls of Potatoes for each EegS to be issued to the Troops at a Peck each Man every Week. When any Troops are embarked on board of Transports intended for Sea, & Provisions put on board them by the King s Commissary, they are to be victualled at two thirds Allowance full weight, which is to be issued, by the Master, Purser or Steward, assisted by the Q r M 1 his Scrj*, or other Person appointed, & for Provisions so delivered the Troops are to pay tw T o thirds Stoppage Money being One Penny three Farthings which with the Necessary Money to the Master at i Penny will amount to /2, that on the Arrival of the Troops at their destined April 26 ORDERLY BOOK. 259 Ports, although they should remain on board the Transports, they are to be victualled at full Allowance & Weight as if on Shore, paying for the whole Eation /2J Necessary Money for the Master ^ total Stoppage p r Eation /3. No necessary Money to be allowed the Masters of Transports, unless the Articles they should supply are properly provided. As the Masters are not to be allowed the Eights by Weighing at 14 ounces p r Ib. they are not to be chargeable with Leackage, or Wastage, unless it should appear there has been an Embezlement. The Troops embarking at Boston for Halifax, to be settled with according to the above Eegulations, & the Stoppages for the Utensils to be made, pro vided the Masters furnished any reasonable Propor tion of them, for the Numbers they should properly have had on board. Those who had none to furnish had of Course no Eight to demand the Allowance. The Commissary of Stores will settle with the Masters of Transports for the Provision allready delivered to them, give such Directions as may be most expedient for adjusting such Business in future in all Cases where they are to be accountable. The Commanding Officers of Eeg ts will be pleased frequently to visit their Transports, to take Care their Officers do not improperly interfere with the Masters of their Transports, either in taking Possession of Births that do not regularly belong to them, or with respect to the Boat, or other Service of the Ship. A Field Officer of the Line will every other Day visit the Hospital Ships ; he is to see they are kept in perfect good Order, clean well aired, & report all extraordinaries in writing to the Commander in Chief. Field Officer for this Duty Major Humphries. s2 260 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The 27 th , 55 th , & 64 th Eeg ts with the Remainder of the light Comp> s to parade to morrow Morning for Exercise as usual. Head Q rs Saturday 27 th Aprill 1776 Parole Oswego C r S. Ohio Field Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham. Major of Brigade Baker Adjutant B.F.A 8 The R.F. American Reg* to parade on Monday at One O Clock upon the Gen 1 Parade, in Order to be reviewed by Major Gen 1 Earl Piercy, they will prepare a Return accounting for the State of the Beg*. Head Q rs Sunday 28 th Aprill 1776 Parole Pitsburgh C r S. Pensilvania Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief Major of Brigade Leslie Adjutant R.H.E 8 Field Officer to visit the Hospit 1 Ships Major Souter. Head Q rs Monday 29 th Aprill 1776 Parole Cherokee C r S. Lancaster Field Officer for tomorrow Maj r Conran. Major of Brigade Studholme Adjutant 27 th Reg* The Mail for England will be closed this Eve ning at Six O Clock. Two hundred days Baugh & Forage Money will be issued to the Troops, the Pay Masters of Reg ts will immediately give in the Returns to D. Q r M r Gen 1 accordingly. A Return of Men in each Corps absolutely unfitt for Service to be immediately given to the Adjutant General. May i ORDERL Y BOOK. 261 The two Batalions of Marines to parade to morrow Morning at 9 O Clock for Exercise. The K.H.E 8 will be reviewed by Major Gen 1 Earl Piercy at One o Clock in the new Barrack Yard, they will prepare a Keturn accounting for the State of the Reg*. Head Q rs Tuesday, 30 th Aprill 1776 Parole Panama OS. Quito Field Officer for to morrow L fc Col. Gorham Major of Brigade Smith Adjutant E.H.E 8 Field Officer to visit the Hospital Ships Major Maitland. The Inspection of the K.H.E 3 will be to morrow at One O Clock. A Keturn of the State of the Arms of each Keg* to be given in as soon as possible. The Commanding Officers will take out their Heg ts to exercise, as they shall judge proper. It is earnestly recommended to the Officers, by the Commander in Chief, to lighten their Baggage as much as possible, as no heavy Baggage of any sort can be allowed to be taken on board Ship, when the Army is put in motion. The 35 th , 38 th , 40 th , & 43 d Eeg ts to send each a Man to the Q r M r Gen. 1 tomorrow Morning at 8 O Clock, who understand the use of the Axe, & cutting down Timber, if they are acquainted with the Oar making Business they will be preferred on that Account. Head Q rs Wednesday 1 st May 1776 Parole firazille C r S. Peru Field Officer for tomorrow Major Moncrief 262 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Major of Brigade Disney Adjutant 14 th & C5 th Reg ts Harth Soldier in the 5 th RegS Freeman 10 th , Braccon 43 d , Burley & Lane 49 th , to be sent to D.Q r M r Gen 1 this Afternoon by 3 O Clock, by whom they are to be employed till further Orders. The R.II.E 9 . to be under Arms tomorrow at One O Clock on the General Parade. Head Q rs Thursday 2 d May 1776 Parole Plata OS. S t Janeiro Field Officer for to morrow Major Conran. Major of Brigade Brown Field Officer to visit the Hospital Ships Major Steward Adjutant R.F.A 8 . Six Women p r Compy will be allowed to embark with each Reg*, the Commanding Officers will be responsible that no more Women are received on board nor any Children. Provisions will be allowed at the rate of half a Ration for each Woman, a Quarter for each Child that is left behind. Head Q rs Friday 3 d May 1776 Parole Tobago C r S. Barbadoes Field Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham Major of Brigade Baker Adjutant R.H.E*. Major Gen 1 Earl Piercy will be pleased to review the Arms & Ammunition of the Army by Reg ts at such times Places as he shall think most expe dient. A. Return to be given in by each Corps, by Sunday Noon, to the Adjutant Gen 1 at the Court House of such Women as wish to go to England. May 4 ORDERLY BOOK. 263 A Guard of 1 Serj* 2 Corp ls & 9 Private, to parade to morrow Morning at Guard Mounting, to pro ceed to the Dock Yard, where the Serj* will receive Orders from Cap* Spry Engineer. The Commander in Chief is pleased to make the following Promotions till His Majesties pleasure be known. 5 th Reg* En s Rob* King to be L* Vice Raymond who retires 15 th Aprill 1776. 23 d Reg* 2 d L* Jn Willson to 1 st L* Vice Bidley by Purchase 16 tb Dec r 75. 35111 R eg t En s Tho s Marry from the 10 th Reg* to be L* Vice Ramsey promoted 25 th Dec r 1775. En s David Campbell from 4 th Reg* to be L* Vice M c Allister by Purchase 29 th Dec r 1775. 38 th Reg* L* W m Waid to be Cap* Vice Otto re tired by Purchase 3 d May 1776. En s Lovert Ask to be L* Vice Waid by D. 40 th Reg* Cap* Sam 1 Broadstreet to act as Major Vice Grant promoted till His Majesties pleasure be known. Cap* L* Adlum to be Cap* Vice Broadstreet. L* W m Harris to be Cap* L* Vice Adlum. En s James Forbes to be L* Vice Harris. 43 d Reg* En s Jn Ware to be L* Vice Miller pre ferred by Purchase 19 th Dec r 75. 64 th Reg* L* Jn Lewis to be Cap* Vice Everest resigned 3 d May 1776. En 3 Dennis Kelly to be L* Vice Lewis by Purchase. Head Q rs Saturday 4 th May 1776 Parole S f Vincents C r S. Guadeloupe Field Officer for tomorrow Major Moncrief Major of Brigade Leslie Adjutant 27 th Reg* Field Officer to visit the Hospital Ships Maj r Vattas. 264 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 The Men returned unfitt for Service of the Eoyal Artillery, 4 th , 5 th , & 10 th Eeg ts , to parade on Monday Morning at 8 O Clock, at the Court House, to be in spected by the Physicians & Surgeons of the General Hospital, the Surgeons of the Ecg ts to attend with their Keturn of the Mens Names. The Commander in Chief thinks proper to inform the Line, that the Flank Comp> s are not intended embark with their respective Eeg ts . Head Q rs Sunday 5th May 177G Parole S* Domingo C r S. Cuba Field Officer for to-morrow Major Conran Major of Brigade Studholme Adjutant E.H.E 8 Four Men p r Reg 1 to parade to morrow Morning on the General Parade, at Six O Clock, to be employed in making Cartridges, & to be continued on that Duty till further Orders. The Garrison and such Beg ts as are on the other Side of the Water exccpted. After Gen 1 Orders Six O Clock. The Commander in Chief desires the Names of such Officers, of the different Corps, as understand any thing of Fortification, are capable of being- employed in the Engineers Department may be sent to the D. Adjutant Gen 1 to morrow Morning at 9 O Clock. Head Q rs Monday 6 th May 177G Parole Dominica C r S. S* Lucie Field Officer for to morrow L* Col. Gorham Major of Brigade Smith Field Officer to visit the Hospital Ships Maj r Coburn Adjut 4 27 tb Beg* May 8 ORDERLY BOOK. 265 His Majesty has been pleased to appoint En 3 Peter Kimble of the 35 th Keg 1 to be En s in the 4 th or King s own Reg 1 his Commission bearing date 23 d June 1775. The Men returned unfitt for Service, of all those Corps that have not been inspected, to be sent to the Court House to morrow Morning at 8 O Clock, if the Weather is fair, The Surgeons of their Reg ts to attend with Returns of the Mens Names. Head Q rs Tuesday the 7 th May 1776 Parole Bahama C r S. 8 t Nicolas Field Officer for to morrow Major Moncrief Major of Brigade Disney Adjutant 14 th 65 th Reg ts The following Officers are appointed Overseers of the Works Yiz. Cap Bamford, 40 th Reg*, L 1 Need- ham, 27 th I/ Doyle & L 1 Vattaney, 55 th , L 1 Metham 64 th , I/ Collins 1 st Marines, & L 1 Nugent 2 d D who will parade with the working Party & take their Di rections from Cap 1 Spry Commanding Engineer. A Working Party of 1 Cap 1 , 2 Sub 3 & 100 Men each from the 4 th , 17 th , 22 d , 23 d , 35 th , & 38 th Reg 13 to parade to morrow Morning at Six O Clock, on the General Parade, & to receive their Orders from Cap 1 Spry, they are to continue on this Duty 4 Days, & the Men who come from on board Ship to bring a Days Provisions with them. A Return of Camp Equipage, in Possession of each Reg 1 , to be given in to morrow at Orderly time. Head Q rs Wednesday 8 th May 1776 Parole Carthagena C r S. Jamaica Field Officer for to morrow Major Conran Major of Brigade Brown 266 SIR WILLIAM HOWES 1776 Field Officerto visit the Hospital Ships Maj r Broadstreet Adjutant R.F.A 8 Major Moncrief with 1 Cap 1 , 6 Sub s , 1 Surgeons Mate, Six Serjeants, Six Corp ls , two Drummers, & one hundred & Eighty Six Private, of the R.F. A s , to hold themselves in Eeadiness, on the Shortest Notice, to march to Windsor there to embark for Fort Cumber land. Cap 1 McKinnan of the R.H.E 8 with 4 Sub*, 4 Serj ts , one Drum & 100 Rank & File, to be in Readiness to March at the same time to Fort Edward, there to remain till further Orders. L 1 Vattaney of the 55 th Reg 1 , being a double Com missioned Officer, is taken off the Duty of Overseer of the Works. Mr. Boyde Mate of the Gen 1 Hospital is appointed Surgeon to the R.H.E 8 Head Q rs Thursday 9 th May 1776 Parole Madeira C r S. Cape de Verd Field Officer to morrow L 1 Col. Gorham Major of Brigade Baker Adjutant R.H.E 8 Field Officer to visit the Hospital Ships I/ Col. S r Hy Calder The Out Posts of S* Margarets Bay, & Fort Sack- ville, to be immediately withdrawn. A General Court Martial consisting of a Brigadier Gen 1 , Six Field Officers, & Six Cap ts , taken from the Troops arrived from Boston, to sit on Saturday Morn ing next at 10 O Clock, in the Court House, for the Tryal of all such Prisoners as shall be brought before them. Brigadier Gen 1 Pigot President Members. Major Ogilvie L 1 Col. Campbell L 4 Col. Butler May 10 ORDERLY BOOK. 267 Members Major Hope Major Humphries Major Sooter 38 th 1 Cap 40 th 1 43 d 1 44th i 45 th 1 49 th 1 Names & Dates of Commissions of the Members, Prisoners Names, & Crimes, & Evidences Names, to be sent to D. Judge Advocate. Head Q rs Friday 10 th May 1776 Parole Africa C r S. Ooree Field Officer to morrow Major Campbell Major of Brigade Leslie Adjutant 27 th Keg* A Guard of one Serj*, one Corp 1 , & Six Men from the 23 d Reg 11 to mount tomorrow Morning, on Pedley s Hill, & to receive their Orders from Cap* Spry, each Heg 1 will have an Officer of the Day, who is to Patrole during the Night round the Quarters of the Keg*. The Commanding Officers of Corps, will give such Orders, to the Officers on this Duty, as they shall judge necessary, for the Security, & good Order of their respective Quarters. Cap 11 L fc Barran is appointed to visit the Engineer, to have the Care of the Works of Fort Cumberland, & to receive his Orders from Cap 1 Spry. The Pay Masters of Reg ts are to give Bills of Ex change on their respective Agents, at 21 Days Sight, payable to Messrs. Pringle and Cheap, for the Madeira Wine that they received; Such Reg ts that have not received to the Amount of 50, to pay in Cash, the 268 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Bills or Money to be pay d to Mess 1 3 Lawtor Wind sor, by 10 O Clock tomorrow Morning. The Eeg ts to send Carpenters to the Gen 1 Parade, to morrow Morning at Six O Clock, in the following- Number 4 th ... 3 35 th ... 2 52 d ... 2 5 th ... 2 38 th ... 1 55 th ... 2 10 th ... 1 40 th ... 2 64 th ... 2 17 th ... 1 43 d ... 2 65 th ... 2 22 d ... 2 44 th ... 2 1 st Marines 2 23 d ... 2 49 th ... 1 Total ... 31 These Men to be employed by Cap 1 Spry Engineer, from whom they will receive their Orders. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions, till his Majesties pleasure is known. 5 th Reg* 2 d L* Allex 1 Wilson from 23 d Reg* to be L* Vice Mclntosh by Purchase 6 th May 1776. 40 th Keg* L* Rob* Moysten from G-5 th Reg* to be Cap* Vice McLane by Purchase. 55th ifegt Cap* W m Sutherland from the R.F.A^ to be Cap* Vice Grey dead 14 th Aprill 177G Ch s Wright Gent, to be En s Vice Kelly by Purchase 65 th Reg* L* Sam 1 Ellis from the Marines to be L* Vice Moysten by Purchase th May 17 7G R.F.A 3 L* W m Leslie from 44 th Reg* to be Cap* Vice Sutherland removed to 55 th 14 th Aprill 1776 4 th Batalion of Royal Artillery Jn Roberts Gent. to be 2 d L* Vice Seymour resigned. Head Q rs Saturday llth May 1776 Parole Spain C r S. Madrid Field Officer for to morrow & to visit the Hospital Ships Major Bruce May 12 ORDERLY BOOK 269 Major of Brigade Studholme A Working Party of 1 Cap*, 2 Sub s , & 100 Men each from 43 d , 44 t]l , 45 th , 49 th , 52 d & 55 th Reg ts to parade to morrow Morning at G O Clock, they are to continue on this Duty 4 Days, to receive their Orders from Cap t Spry Engineer, those Men that come from on board Ship to bring one Days Provi sions with them. The Duty of the Garrison to be hereafter taken in turn by the Reg ts on this side the Water, who furnish no Working Parties, the Guards in the New Barrack to be furnished by the Reg ts in that Barrack only. The 63 d Reg* to give the Guards, Adjutant, & Q r M r for the Day to morrow. The 64 th Reg* the Working Parties usually fur nished by the Garrison. The Flank Comp ys to be immediately compleated to the late Establishment of 39 Rank & File, a parti cular State of those Comp ys seperated to be given in to the Maj r of Brigade of the Day on Monday Morning at 10 O Clock, at the Orderly Room, & an Embarka tion Return of the Eight Batalion Companies of each Reg* to be given in at the same time. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotion, till his Majesties Pleasure is known. 38 th Reg* En 3 Chaplain Swiney to be L* Vice Sutherland promoted 4 th May 1776. Head Q rs Sunday 12 th May 1776 Parole Germany C r S. Shuldham Field Officer to morrow & to visit the Hospital Ships L* Col. Collins Major of Brigade Smith 65 th Reg* G ds , Adjut* & Q r M r of the Day 270 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 4 th Reg 1 working Parties A Serj 1 & 3 Private to be added to the Citaddl Hill Guard. His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions Major Gen 1 W m Howe to be Gen 1 in America only 1 st Jan> 1776 Major Gen 1 Henry Clynton 1 st Sept r 1775. Jn Bnrgoyne 1 st Sept r 1775. Hugh Earl Piercy, 1 st Jan? 1776. Ch s Earl Cornwallis 1 st D to be L 1 Generals in America only. Brigadier Gen 1 Eyre Massey 1 st Jan> 177G Joseph Vaughan 1 st D D Rob 1 Pigot .1. 1 st D<> 1) Vallentine Jones 1 st D 13 Ja s Grant 1 st 13 D" W m Phillips 1 st D I)" Eich d Prescot 1 st J) D u to be Major Generals in America only. Brigadier Gen 1 Robinson of the 16 th Reg 1 is appointed Col. of the 2 (1 Batalion of Royal Americans in the room of Major Gen. 1 Haldiman promoted. Major Gen 1 Jones of the 52 cl Reg 1 is appointed Col. of the 62 d Reg 1 Vice Stroud deceased. The Reg 1 Brigadier Robinson is appointed to, not being in this Country, & the late Promotions of Gen 1 Officers, including those only whose Reg ts are here, The Commander in Chief is pleased to appoint Gen 1 Robinson to serve during the Campaingne, as a Major General, he is to take Rank agreable to that he holds in the Army. Head Q 1S Monday, 13 th May 1776 Parole Granada C r S. Seville Eield Officer to morrow and visit the Hospital Ships Major Tucker. May 1 4 ORDERL Y BOOK. 271 Major of Brigade Disney 1 st Marines give the G ds , & Adjutant of the Day tomorrow 2 d D working Parties The Block House Guard to be taken by the 38 th till further Orders. The Officers appointed to Commissions in the New Corps raising by L* Col s M c Clean, Gorham, Legge, are immediately to give Option between their two Commissions, & serve with the Corps they shall fix upon. They are to give in their Determinations in writing to the Adjutant Gen 1 to morrow at Orderly time, at the Court House. Cap* M c Kane of the Welsh Fuzileers having the Command of a Flank Comp^ is removed from the working Duty. The Commander in Chief desires L* Col. Collins will signify to the Officers & Men of the Marine Corps, his entire Approbation of their good Appear ance & Order of this Day. E,ob t Witton Soldier in the 52 d Reg 1 , a Tin Man by Trade, to be sent to the D. Q r M r Gen ls Office immediately, where he will receive Directions to be employed. Serjt Jarvis of the 63 d Beg 1 , Joseph Watkins & Jn Short of the 4th, Jn Moore Ch s Collins of the 23 d , Jn English Jn Mott 43 d , Sawyers by Trade, to assemble on the Gen 1 Parade to morrow Morning at Six O Clock, they are to be employed by Cap* Mon- trazore Engineer from whom they will receive their Orders Head Q rs Tuesday 14th May 1776 Parole Arbuihnot C r S. Halefax Field Officer for tomorrow L* Col. Monckton 272 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Major of Brigade Brown 5 th Reg 1 give the Guards, Adjutant Q r Master to morrow Working Party 17 th Reg 1 A Guard of 1 Serj 1 1 Corp 1 & 12 Private to parade at Guard Mounting to morrow, the Serj 1 will march his Guard to the North Block house, obey such Orders as he shall receive from Cap 1 Spry. His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing Promotions. 17 th Reg 1 Foot Cap 1 Turner Strobenzie of 17 th Dragoons, to be Major, Vice Goodenow who retires 7 th Jany 1776 65 th Reg 1 Cap 1 Tho s Dundass from 63 d to be Major Vice Smelt who retires 20 th Jan> 1776 The Commander in Chief is pleased to make the following Promotions till His Majesties Pleasure be known. 49 th Reg 1 En s Jn Wrigglesworth to be Adjutant Vice Gore by Purchase 13 th May 1776 Ja s Stanley Gent, to be Ensign Vice Wriggles- worth by D "D The Commander in Chief is pleased to form the Grenadier Light Infantry Comp ys into 4 Batalions. The 1 st Batalion of Grenadiers composed of the fol lowing Corps Viz. 4 th 23 d To be Commanded by I 5 th 27 th L 1 Col. Meadows 10 th 35 th Major Mitchel I 17 th 38 th 22 d 40 th Second Batalion of Grenadiers , 43 d 55 th To be commanded by 1 44 th 63 d L 1 Col. Monckton 45 th 64 t]l Major Steward I 49. 1 st Marines 52 d 2 d D May 15 ORDERLY BOOK. 273 First Batalion of light Infantry To be commanded by ( 4 th 17 th 27 th Major Musgrave " 5 th 22 d 35 th Maj r Dundass ( 10 th 23 d 38 th Second Batalion of Light Infantry To be Commanded by ( 40 th 45 th 55 th Maj r Maitland \ 43 d 49 th 63 d Maj r Strobenzie ( 44 th 52 d 64 th Commanding Officers of Transports are not to de mand Porter from the Masters of their respective Ships, as there is no more Porter to be issued till further Orders. L* Smith 49 th Reg 1 is appointed Aid De Camp to L* Gen 1 Earl Piercy. Cap* Wemys from 40 th Reg 1 Aid De Camp to Major Gen 1 Robertson. Cap* Leiman of 38 th Reg 1 Aid De Camp to Maj r Gen 1 Pigot. L* Chitwin Aid De Camp to Maj r Gen 1 Jones are to be obeyed as such. The 2 d Batalion of light Infantry to parade to morrow Morning at 9 O Clock on the Ground on which the Marines are reviewed. Head Quarters, Halifax, 15 th May 1776 Parole Fort SacJcmlle C.Sign Fort Edward Field Officer for the Day & to visiting Hop 1 L* Col. Gorham Major of Brigade Baker 22 nd Reg* Guards, Adj* & Q r M r of the day to morrow 23 d Working parties A Working party of 1 Cap*, 2 Sub 3 , & 100 Men, from the 63 d , 64 th , 65 th , 1 st & 2 d Batt n Marines, & 4 th Reg*, to parade to morrow at 6 Clock ; they are to continue on this duty four days, receive their Orders from Cap* Spry. 274 SIR WILLIAM HOWE $ 1776 8 Bushels of potatoes to be issued to each Com pany of His Majesty s Troops ; those on board trans ports to apply at the Commissary General s Office for an order to the Master of the Sloop Cellary lying at Mangers Wharf ; those on Shore to be serv d at the issuing Store. A Company of the K.II. Emigrants to be ready to embark at the shortest warning for S t Johns, New foundland, to relieve a Compy of the 65 th Keg 1 now there ; the Commanding Officer of that Corps will order a return to be sent to the I). Q r M r Gen 1 , of the strength of the Company they embark, that three Weeks provisions may be put on board the Vessel that carries them. The 2 d Batt 11 of Grenadiers to parade on Friday Morning the 17 th at 9 O Clock upon the ground the L* Infantry assembled this day. A return of Arms of each He^ 1 that have wooden O ramrods to be given in tomorrow at Orderly time. The Officers commands on board the Horse trans ports, are to be responsible that no damage be done to the Stalls, Mangers, or Platforms of their respec tive Ships. His Majesty has been pleas d to make the follow ing promotions, viz 1 45th Pteg t L* Onslow Beckwith, of the 23 d EegS to be Cap tain, vice Moore who retires 7 th Feb> T 1776. Lt W m Wood of the 23 d Reg 1 , to be Captain, vice Newton, who retires, 2 d March 76. 23 d Keg* 2 nd Lieut John Blake, to be 1 st L 1 vice Blake prefer d 10 th Feb? 1776. 2 nd L* Charles Apthorp to be 1 st L 1 , vice Wood preferr d, 2 d March 76. May 16 ORDERLY J500K. 275 f j H d Q rs Halifax Thursday 16 th May 1776 Parole Her Majesty C. Sign The Queen For the Day to morrow Major Hillman Major of Brigade Lesslie 27 th Regin^ G ds Adjut 1 & Q r Master 35 th Regim 1 Working party s. The Flank Companies on Shore not to be sent on Board Ship till further Orders. Each Kegiment to send 5 Men more to the General parade to morrow Morning at 6 Clock, to be employed in Making Cartridges. It is requested the Comm d Officers of Corps will send such men as have been Employed Before, & if possible not Change them. The Marines to pre repair to disembark imme diately. The Command r in Chief hath been pleased to make the following promotions. 16 th Regim 1 Major Alex r Dickson appointed Lieu 1 Col till His Majesty s pleasure is known. Vice Robertson prefer d. Capt. Val. Gardner from 55 th Regiment appointed Major untill His Majesty s pleasure is known, Vice Dickeson. 44 th Regiment 2 d Lieu 1 H. Nicholas from the Marines to be Lieu 1 Vice Lesslie prefer d 11 th May 1776 46 th Regiment Capt n Will m Lessley from R.F.A. to be Captain Vice Cayler Prefer d D 52 d Regiment Major Mungo Campbell from 55 th Regiment appointed Lieu 1 Col Vice Jones Prefer d till His Majesty s pleasure is known. T2 276 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Capt n Cornel 8 Cayler from 46 th Eegiment appointed Major Vice Campbell. Capt n Lieu 1 Decimus Reynolds to be Captain Vice Gardner 11 th May 1776. Lieu* Robert Lucas to be Capt n Lieu* Vice Rey nolds Prefer d 11 th May 1776. Ensign Tho s Stanley to be Lieu* Vice Lucas Prefer d D date. Royal F. Americans Lieu 1 James Grant from half pay to be Captain Vice Lesslie removed D date. 55 th Regim* Lieu* Mich 1 Hamerton to be Capt n Vice Stratford who retires d date. Ens 11 Peter Marland to be Lieu* Vice Hamerton D date. 63 rd Regiment Ens n Christ 1 Leister to be Lieu 1 Vice Radford who retires 15 th May 1776. R.F. Americans 1 st L* Geo/Burncs to be Captain Lieu 1 Vice Crosby who retires 15 th May 1776 2 d Lieu* Peter Clinch, to be 1 st Lieu 1 Vice Burnes D date. Adjutant Solomon King to be 2 d Lieu 1 Vice Clinch d Date. H d Q rs Halifax Friday 17 th May 1776 r< r\ { Parole Portugal \ C.Sign Lisbon Field Off r to morrow & to Visit the Hospital Ships Lieu* Col Walcot. Major of Brigade Sholdholme Guards, Adju* & Quart r Mast r 43 d Regiment Working parties tomorrow 44 t]l Regiment The Commissary of Stores will as soon as possible put on Board of each Transport 8 Weeks provision in May 17 ORDERLY BOOK. 277 proportion to the Number of men they are to Victual, of which he will have advice from the D. Q r Master General and report to the Commander in Chief as the Ships are Comple d . The Officers of the Staff of the several depart ments are to give in their accou ts for the last Quart r ending 31 st March as soon as possible that warrants may be granted for their payment. Th 03 Bennett BlackSmith of the 5 th Regim to be sent to the Deput? Q r Master Generals Office Imme diately. A working party of 1 Serjeant 1 Corporal & Men to be at the Dock Yard to morrow at 8 Clock. & to receive their Directions from Capt n Sleater. The Gren dr Companies of the 2 Batt ns of Marines to be augmented to 45 Eank file p r Comp> r . The several Corps will apply to morrow Morning at 9 Clock to M r Reed at M r M c Namaras on Butlers wharf for Shoes agreeable to the Returns they gave in, those Corps that choose may receive 15 Pairs More, they are to be paid for on receipt. A return to be gave in at orderly time of the Vacancies in each Regiment marking suchEnsigncies as are recommended to be sold at home. His Majesty has been pleased in Consequence of his Services in America to promote Major Sherriif to the Rank of Lieu 1 Col in the Army. Captain Lesslie 46 th Regiment is appointed Major of Brigade in the Room of Major Brigade La. Maister on duty in Canada. Capt ns M c Kenzie 23 rd Regiment Lewis 64 th are appointed Majors of Brigade. Major Small is appointed to do duty in the Adju tant Generals Department. 278 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Posting the Majors of Brigade in Seniority. 1 st Brigade Smith 2 d do Disney 3 rd do Brown 4 th do Baker 5 th do Lcsslie 6 th do M c Kenzie Light Infantry Lewis Major of Brigade, Studholme, to do duty with the Brigade remaining at Halifax. Complaints having been Made to the Commad 1 in Chief of the Irregularity in Victualing the Troops on Board Ship it is his Orders that the Comm d - Officers of Regiments do inquire into the same and report upon it if they judge Necessary to the Adj t Gen 1 . H d Q rs Halifax Saturday 18 th May 1776 P, n J Parole OPorto \ C. Sign does For the Day to morrow Major Musgrove Major of Brigade M c Kenzie The 45 th Guards adju* & Quart 1 Master 49. the Working parties The Commander in Chief desires the Troops may be informed that he is determin d to Punish with the greatest regiour any Soldier who is detected in pulling down houses, Fences, or destroying any thing else belonging to the inhabitants. The 2 Battal 113 of Marines to Land to morrow Morning at 6 o Clock, Those men in the Small Pox to be sent to the Hospital on Georges Island. The General is greatly surprised to find there arc still complaints from the men on Board the Hospital Ships, of the want of Necessaries, & desires the Commanding Officers of Corps will enquire into it & order such Men to be supplyed as have Occasion. May 18 ORDERLY BOOK. 279 The Detachm 1 of the R.H.E. for S 1 Johns to Embark tomorrow on Board the Sloop Gen 1 Gage at 12 "Clock. The Comm d s Officers of Corps will put their Baggage on Board their respective Transports, as they are made ready to receive them. The Troops when embarked will be Victualed upon Shore Allowance untill further orders. The Command 1 in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions. 63 rd Regiment Lieu 11 Edw d Drurey to be Captain Vice Dundass preferred 16 th May 1776 Ens n Tho s Gibson to be Lieu 1 Vice Drurey prefer d 16 th May 1776 R.H.E. Charles M c Donald Gent, to be 2 d Lieu 1 18 th May 1776. Quart r Master Fowler of the 38 th Regim 1 is ap pointed Adjutant to the 1 st Batt n of Gren diers till further orders. The following Corps to send Carpenters to the General Parade at 6 Clock tomorrow Morning Viz 1 4 th 4. 5 th 2. 10 th 1. 17 th 1. 22 d 2. 23 d 2. 35 th 2. 38 th 1. 40 tb 2. 43 d 2. 44 th 2. 49 th 2. 52 nd 2. 55 th 1. 64 th 1. 65 th 1. 1 st Mar 8 1. Total 29. Capt 11 Spry will give Directions for employing them. Distribution of Transports. Corps. Ships names. Tuns. Total. Total men / James & William 393 1 st L 1 Infantry j G d D. of Russia 308 \ 939 ( William f Ranger 3 d L 1 Infantry Betty Stevenson 352 \ 879 ( Betty Higgins . . 280 SIJR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Corps. Ships names. Tuns. Total. Total men ( Symetry ......... 336 \ l st Grend rs Friendship ...... 333 1109 I WMtby ......... 350 ) f Ocean ............ 242 ) 2 nd Grenadiers Hartfielcl ......... 404 998 I Saville ............ 352 J 4 Eeiment Pacifick ......... 676 ... 356 5> do j Amity s Admonit" 410 ) 6 ( Experiment ...... 202 j Esabella 362 ) rnr <,,-- 10t " do >> Three Sisters , . 213 > 5 22 J do Emp ss of Russia G82 367 9 *.a do -f Elinor 3 3 I 014 349 I Hunter 311 / 27 th / Eagle 344 \ rru ,. R 35 th ( -r> ^ -o c>rf\ ^ 6U4 OOO ^ Prince Ruport... 260 ) f Sea Venture ... 299 } \ Yenus 309 40 th Re^ j ^P, ;*V;"" loo 1 GIG 368 ( William & Mary 393 j 43 rd Regiment G d Duke of Russia 672 326 ( America 305 , r ^ opo 44t " i Baltick Merc . 34G ^ Gyl 6 Auo-o ............ 332 1 o-r 45 th ...... i -D -?v O^K 5" oo < 0/5 Brilliant .......... 225 j Favorite ......... 280 r ^ fif T) IP 1 C H T I tl < < t)UJ Rochford ......... 297 I l I May 1 9 ORDERL Y BO OK. 2 8 1 Corps. Ships names. Tuns. Total. Total men Neptune 285 1 ^or 947 T* O f\ f\ i OO^J t_) jL i Peggy 300 ) ctti -n f Royal George ... 352 ) nQA , no 55> Eegiment | E J olution . 332 [ 684 ( Resolution White 358 1 - v do ! Good Intent ... 353 | 711 2 64 " do FathersGoodWill 333 1 \ Steplienson ) Head Q rs Halifax Sunday 19 th May 1776 Parole Ferrol G.O. ( C.Sign Corienna F. Officer to morrow & to Visit the Hospital Ship Lieut. Col Gunning. Major of Brigade Lewis The 52 d Regim* the G d3 & Adjut* & Q r M r of the Day The 55 th Regiment the working parties tomorrow. A working party of 1 Cap t 2 Subs 100 men each f rom 5th_i7_22 23 27 & 35 th Regiments to parade to morrow Morning at 6 Clock & to continue on this duty 4 days & to receive their orders from Cap 1 Spray Engineer. The Grend rs & Light Infantry Comp} 3 being formed into Batt ns are to do no duty with their Regiments till further orders. Capt n Montgomery of 17 th Drag ns being appointed to a Company in the 9 th Regim 1 Foot of a Prior date to that of his Troop is immediately to join his Regi ment. The following Ships are appointed to Carry the General Officers Baggage and such Generals as do not go on Board Ships of War will find Accommoda tions for themselves Aid-de-Camps & Brigade Majors. 282 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Major General Robertson & Major Gen 1 Grant on Board the Charming Nelly, Major Pigot & Brigd 1 " Gen 1 Agnew on Board the Earl of Effingham, Major Gen 1 Jones Brig dr Gen 1 Smith on Board the Russia Merchant, B. Gen 1 Lesslie on Board the Adventure Dalton. Lieu 1 Vavons, Marines, is appointed Adju 1 to the 2 d Batt n of Grend rs & Serj 1 Richardson 45 th Reg 1 to act as Quart 1 Master till further orders. Serjeant Williamson of the 4 th , or King s Own, to act as Quart 1 M r to the 1 st Batt n of Grend rs The General Officers are to give in a return of the Horses they take with them. Hugh Holmes 26 th Regim 1 Tho s Thorpe 23 rd Reg* W m Easop 47 th Tho s Bays of 38 th Reg 1 deserters are to join their Regiments Immediately by having Ob tained their pardon from the Commander in Chief. His Majesty has been pleased to make the following Promotions. 43 rd Reg 1 Ens 11 Tho s Dunbar to be Lieu 1 Vice Wilkinson who retires 7 th August 1775 Arch d Kennedy Volimtier to be Ens n Vice Dunbar prefer d do 49 th Regim 1 Cap t Lieu* James Grant to be Capt. Vice Hey- burne Deceased. Lieu* Robert Wilson to be Capt n Lieu 1 Vice Grant prefer d. Ens n Will 111 Roberts to be Lieu* Vice Wilson prefer d. Joseph Wigglesworth Volunteer to Ens 11 Vice Roberts prefer d 9 th Aug 1 1775 65 th Reg 1 Ens n George Gordon to be Lieu 1 Vice Smith Dead of his Wounds 2 d August 1775. Lau ce Gallespie Volunt r to be Ens n Vice Gordon do. May 20 ORDERLY BOOK. 283 Staff of North America Capt n Jn Smith 5 th Regiment, Capt n Daniel Dis ney 44 th Regiment, to be Majors Brigade to His Majesty s Forces in North America 19 th July 1775. Capt. William Browne of 52 d Regiment to be do 1 st August 1775. Staff Promotions from the War Office detached to Hospital North America. Doctor Charles Blackden to be phisician 9 th October. Field to be Surgeon do. Doctor Jn Mervin Nooth to be purveyor & phi sician Extraordinary do. Paine to be Apothecary do. Surgeon Thompson Forster to be Surgeon do. Surgeon James Jameson of the 28 th Reg fc to be Apothecary do. Staff Promotions received since the above. Doctor Rob t Knox to be phisician to the Forces in north America 1 st Jan? 1776. Doctor Hugh Kenedy to be do do Surgeon Will m Barr to be purveyor to an Hospital to the Forces in North America do. Surgeon Pinol Coal to be Surgeon to the Forces in North America. Jn Hays to be do do Jn Weyre to be do do Vincent Wood to be do do Rich d Thope to be Surgeon to the Hospital at Bos ton do. Dan 1 Mandeville to be Apothecary do do Head Q rs Halifax 20 th May 1776 ^ Q f Parole Biscay \ C. Sign S* Vincents Field Officer for the Day tomorrow Major Sill. Major of Brigade Smith The 63 rd Regiment G ds Adju* & Q r M r tomorrow Working Party s from 64 th Regiment 284 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 1 Sub & 25 Men of the Detachm* of the 14 th Beg* to join the Working party of the 17 th Begim* tomorrow at 6 Clock for three days. The Detachment of the 28 th Beg* lately arrived from Ireland, on Board of Victuallers to be collected by Ens n Bochford, who will remain with them on Board the Transports of the 63 d Beg 1 , those of the Six to be put on Board the Transports of the 5% d under the care of Lieu 1 Pepper of the Sixth, those of the Eight & 47 th to be collected by Ens n Eyre of the 47 th to go on Board the Transports of the 38 th Begim 1 till further orders. Lieu 1 Jn Brandon of an Associated Company of Volunt, Alex r M c Mullan, Jos h Shepard of that C, Tried by the Gen 1 Court Martial (whereof Brigd r Gen 1 Pigot is President) and acquitted. The Command 1 in Chief is pleased to approve of the same. The General Court Martial is disolv d. An Extensive & generous Subscribtion having been commeiic d, & continued in Great Britain for the Encouragment & relief of the troops employed on the present most important Service in America, the Object & progress of which will be explained by a printed paper delivered to every Corps. The Comm dr in Chief has thought proper to com mit the inspection distribution of the gifts already arrived to a Board of General Officers. The Corn- man^ Officers of Begim ts are desired to present a List as soon as possible to Edward Winslow Esq r Secret^ to the Board of Gen 1 Officers of all such persons in their respective Begiments as they may judge proper objects for this Bounty. Brigd r Gen 1 Clievland has appoin cl tomorrow the 21 st at the Armourey at 9 Clock in the Morning to receive the Arms from the different Corps, returned insufficient by Lieu 1 General Earl Percy, a day May 20 ORDERLY BOOK 285 will be pitched on for issuing out arms to replace them. It is the Generals Orders that the Several Regim* 3 do accou* with & Clear off their Men to the 30 th April last inclusive or as near that Period as possible. Taking care they are furnished with the Necessaries requisite for the service of the ensuing Camp a report of which is to be made in writing to the Gen 1 by the Comm d s Off rs of Regiments. His Majesty has been pleased to Make the follow ing promotions 4 th Regiment Major Hen? Blunt of the 23 rd Regiment to be Lieu 1 Col Vice Madeson who retires 24 th Decem r 1775. Ens n Jn Hay to be Lieu* Vice Hutchinson prefer d do. Ens 11 Forbes Chameny to be Lieu* Vice Gold who retires 26 th Jan? 1776 5 th Regiment Tho s Bassett Gen* to be Ens n Vice Charleton pre fer d 23 d June 1775. Mch s Revitt Gen* to be ensign Vice Balaguire who retires 15 th March 1776 10 th Regiment Oliver Moore Gen* to be Ens n Vice Walsh who is otherwise provided for 30 th January 1776. Capt n Jn Vattass to be Major Vice Bassett who retires 13 th Jany 1776 14 th Regim* Ens n Will m Hamilton of the 69 th Regim* to be Ens n Vice Baggs who exchanges 16 th March 1776 16 th Regim* Lieu* Grogan to be Q r Mast r Vice Jones 24 th Feb- v 1776 23 rd Regim* Lieu* Geo. Hutchinson of the 4 th Regim*, to be Cap* Vice Blakeney prefer d 24 th Nov r 1775. Tho s I) 1 Saumerez Gen* to be 2 d Lieu* Vice who retires 25 th Jan? 1776. 2 d Lieu* Geo. Wilson to be 286 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 1 st Lieu* Vice Raddley prefer d 9 th Feb. 1776. Jn Couglilan Gen* to 2 d Lieu* Vice Wilson prefer d do. 28 th Keg* Ens n Will m Stewart to be Lieu 1 Vice King who retires the 14 th March 177G 35 th Eeg fc Gilbert Waugh Gen 1 to be Ens 11 Vice Kemble, 27 th Deccmb 1 1775. Capt n Jam 3 Cockburne Vice Gall Who retires 13 th Jan? 1776. 37 th Regim 1 Lieu 1 Francis Graham to be Capt n Lieu 1 Vice Elliot 27 th Januy 1776. Ens 11 Eyre Coote to be Lieu 1 Vice Graham do. 40 th Reg 1 Ens n Alex 1 Phillip Forbus to be Lieu 1 Vice Gard ner who retires 1 st May 1775. George Brown Gen 1 to be Ens 11 Vice Geson prefer d 8 th Feb. 1776 44 th Reg 1 Ens n Geo. Kelly to be Lieu 1 Vice Montgomery 10 tb Feb. 1776. David Boswell to be Ens n Vice Kelly do. Sam 1 Roberts Gen 1 , to be Ens 11 Vice Goff prefer d 19 th Feby 1776. 47 th Regim 1 Ens n Jn Pierey of the 18 th Foot to be Ens u Vice Lance who exchanges 18 th March 1776 64 th Regim 1 Tho s Freeman Gen 1 to be Ens 11 Vice Hamilton who retires 15 th Feb> T 1776. 65 th Regim 1 Lieu 1 Jn Hales to be Capt n Vice Brabazon who retires 12 Dec r 1775. Ens n Zacha? Bailey to be Lieu 1 Vice Hales do. H d Q rs Halifax Tuesday 21 st May 1776 Parole Cape Finister r\ & rf * 0. oign Ortuga May 2 1 OUDERL Y BOOK. 287 For the Day & to visit the Hospital Ships to morrow Major Mitchell. Major Brigade Disney 65 th Reg* G ds Adju* & Q r Master tomorrow 1 st Marines the Working parties His Majesty s having been pleased to order that the private Men of the 65 th Regim* should be Drafted in the Regim ts here, the Drafts to be settled with to Friday the 24 tk Inclusive when the Regim* will be Drafted, & the Sub ce & Balance to be paid to the Regiments that receive them to the 24 th June. The provis n Money to the Day they are Victu d to the 24 th Ins 1 to be paid into the paymaster Generals hands by the Regiment. Certificates will be given by the Comm d s Officer of the Regiment to entitle the Regim ts Drafted to 5 p r Man each Draft will get Cloathing & 1 Guinea & an \ from the regim 1 who receives him. The Commanding Officers of Reginr 1 & Corps are desired to send returns immediately to the Deput? Q r Mast r Gen 1 of the Number of Officers men & Women that they allot to their respective Trans ports in order that provisions may be put on Board accordingly. The Commanding Officers of those Regiments that served at Boston will order their Q r Masters to attend Q r Master Gratton of 64 th Regiment on Board the Renown Donation Ship at 8 Clock tomorrow Morning to receive their several proportions of Shoes, Stockings & Caps, sent by the Society for the relief of the Soldiers. The inclosed Fields adjacent to this Town, are on no Account to be entered by parties for Exercise or otherways, as any Circumstance preventing the growth of Grass, or Grain, will Senciably affect the Publick Service. 288 SIR WILLIAM HOWES 1776 Capt n Parker of the 27 th Eegim t is appointed Aid-de-Camp to Major General Massey. Major Brigade Monerieffe to do duty with the Corps of Grenadiers. The Commander in Chief hath been pleased to Make the following Promotion 23 rd Eegiment 2 d Lien 1 John Brown to be 1 st Lieu* Vice Wil liams who retires 20 th May 1776. Head Q rs Halifax Wednesday 22 a May 1770 r n ( Parole Vigo I C.Sign Gallecia For the Day tomorrow Lieu* Col Carr. Major of Brigade Browne Guards, Adjutant & Quart 1 Master from 2 (l Batt n Marines Working parties from 1 st Light Infantry. The following Corps are appointed to remain here under the Command of Major General Massey. The Detachment of the 14 th 2 Battalions of Marines, Two Light Companies of Marines, E.F. Americans, E.H.E. and Nova Scotia Volunteers, with such Men as are deemed fit for Garrison Duty from the Different Corps of the Army. As the Army will shortly Move from hence, the Commanding Officers of Corps will give the Necessary Directions for putting their Baggage on Board the Transports allotted to them without loss of Time, & the Troops to be all Embarked by Monday the 27 th Ins 1 One Flatt Boat to be alloted to each Corps, & the remainder to be put on Board the Ships best able to carry them, by y Directions of Lieu* Bowmaster. The Horse Ships not to have Flatt Boats. Each Ship with Troops to carry 50 Faciens upon their Quarters. The Commanding Officers will give May 23 ORDERLY BOOK. 289 orders for Making them ; The length to be 6 Feet with three Picquets, 3 Feet 6 Inches long for each Faciene. Lieu 1 Col Gorham R. F. Americans is appoin d to the Command of Fort Cumberland, & to march on Friday the 24 th with the Detachment for that Post. Capt n M c Kinnan of the R. H. E. to march at the same time with the Detachment for Fort Edward. The 65 th Regim* to be on the General Parade on Friday at llClock to be drafted The Adjutants of those Corps that receive Drafts to attend the Deputy AdjV General at the Orderly Room at 10 the same day; The Drafts to take their arms with them, all Debts not exceed g 10 Shillings to be paid by the Regiment that receives the Draft to the Company he comes from. A State of each Corps to be given in tomorrow at orderly time. The Corps appointed to remain here to take the Garrison Duty Friday the 24 th . The working Duty exclusive of the Garrison to be done by Detachments from the Regiments on Board. The Commander in Chief is pleased to make the following Promotions. 17 th Eegim* of Foot Ens u Math w Anketell from 55 th Regiment to be Lieu* Vice Lesslie prefer d 11 th May 1776 55 th Foot - Shouldholme Gen 1 to be Ens n Vice Stanley prefer d 12 th May 1776 Those Regim ts that have any Men on Board the Horse Ships are immediately to remove them. Head Q rs Halifax Thursday 23 rd May 1776 r n j Parole Bourdeaux j C. Sign Bochelle For the Day & to Visit the Hospital Ships tomorrow Major Ogilvie 2 9 o Sill WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 Major of Brigade Baker. A Capt n from each Brigade, with a Subalt 11 & 37 Men from each Regiment (The Garrison 10 th , & 40 th Reg* s excepted) to parade to morrow Morning at 6 Clock for work. Capt n Spray Command^ Engineer, or his assistants will direct in what manner they are to he told off. Brigad r General Cliveland has appointed to mor row Morning at 9 Clock to issue arms to the difP Regi ments; the Q r Masters will attend to receive them. A Return to be given in by the Q r Mast 1 of each Regiment to Major Brigade Studholm of the num ber of Women Children intended to be left here. The arms Received by the Serjeants of the 65 Reg* to be returned to the Armoury immediately after the reg %t is Drafted. Cap 11 Payne of the 18 Reg* and Lieu 1 Robertson of the 4 3 d are appointed assistants to the deputy Q r M 1 Gen 1 . The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotion. 17 th Reg* of Foot Ens n Sam 1 Obryan to be Lieu* vice Mortimer who retires 23 d May 1776 52 d Reg* Surgeon Dundon from the R. F. Americans to be Surgeon Hope preferr d 23 d May 1776. Captain Batte is appointed Major to said Reg*. Cap n Grant with His Company is appointed to succeed him. Cullen to be Surgeon vice Dundon Removed. Lieu* Brown from half pay is appointed Fourica to the Army with the Rank of Cap n & to be observed as such. Head Quarters Halifax 24 th May 1776 p ~ f Parole Rochort C.S. Garroone Jfay 24 ORDERLY BOOK. 291 For the Day to morrow Lieu* Col Campbell Major Brigade Lesslie The working parties from the Brigade as ordered yesterday. The pay Masters of those Reg ts that have received Drafts from the 65 th Regiment, to call on Cap n M c Kay pay master to morrow morning from 10 to 12 to settle the accounts of the Respective Drafts. The following Hosp 1 Mates are intended to do duty with the Light Infantry and Grenad r Corps. First Light Infantry John Handyside, 2 d Do James Whiteman, 1 st Grenad rs Thorn 3 Walker 2 d do Jn M Cullough. Sick & wounded Soldiers in the Hospital at Georges Island to be left under the care of Doctor Jeffrys, from whom M r Goldthwaite and M r Moor- head two Mates appointed to remain here, will receive their directions, and one of them to reside constantly on the Island. Those Men returned for Garrison Duty from the different Regiments to parade on Sunday Morning at 10 Clock on the Street before the Court house, an Hospital Surgeon with a Surgeon from each Regi ment to attend at the same time. All reports & returns of the Regiments doing the duty of the Garrison to be hereafter made to Major General Massey. The Army to be Compleated to two Flints per Man besides which the Regiment will receive one Flint p r Man for the Battalion Comp> s & two for the Light Infantry Grenad 1 3 , from the Deputy Quart r Mast r General, which they are desired to take the greatest care of as they are of a better sort. The Flints will be delivered to the Q r Masters of Corps at 8 Clock on Monday Morning, those from the Ordinance Office will be delivered at 10 Clock. u 2 292 SIR WILLIAM HOWE S 1776 A return to be given to Brigd 1 Gen 1 Cliveland by each Corps of the Number of Arms in the ranks with wooden ramrods, which arms they will deliver into the Armoury on Monday Morning at 10 Clock, & receive other arms in Lieu of them. The Q r Masters of the following Eegim ts Viz f Eoyal Artillery, 4 th , 5 th , 10 th , 14 th ; 17 th , 22 d , 23, 27 th , 35 t<h , 38 th , 40 th , 43 rd , 44 th , 45 th , 49 th , 52 d , 55 th , 63 d , 64, 1 st & 2 d Batt ns of Marines. Eoyal F. Americans E.H.E. are to apply to Q r Master Greaton of the 64 th Eeg 1 on Board the Ship Eenowii for their proportion of the donation Tobacco to morrow between the hours of Nine & twelve. The Commanding Officers of the different Eeg ts will order it to be issued to such Men on as use Tobacco in small Quantity s at a time so that this donation of the Society may serve for the Campaigne. The 1 st & 2 d Battal 119 of Marines are to receive five hundred pound each, The E.F. Amer ns E.H. Emeg ts three hundred pound each The three Com panies of the 46 th , 150 lbs The Companies of the 14 th , S0 lbs & all the other Eegim ts 400 lbs each His Majesty has been pleased to make the follow ing promotions. 44 th Eegim 1 Will Campbell Healey Gen* to be Ens 11 22 d November 1775. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following Promotions. 5 th Eegim* Lieu 1 Jn Westhorpe from 63 d Eegim 1 to be Cap tain Vice Jackson who retires. 24 th May 1776 16 th Eeginr* Lieu* Sam 1 Cliveland from 7 th Eegim* to be Captain Vice Chad wick who retires 24 th May 1776. May 25 OEDERL Y B OK. 293 44 th Regim* Lieu* T. Griffiths Eidsdale to be Cap fc vice Willing- ton who retires 23 rd May 1776. Ens n Arch d Kennedy from 43 rd Regim* to be Lieu* Vice Ridsdale Prefer d do. 65 th Reg* Ens 11 Robert Arbuthnot from 40 th Reg* to be Lieu* Vice Westhorpe Prefer d. H d Q rs Halifax Saturday 25 th May 1776 r n ( Parole MedocJc. ( C. Sign Liore. Field Officer & to Visit the Hospital Ship M r Hope. Major Brigade M c Kenzie. Working party s as usual. Regiments having two Ships alloted to them are not to embark untill both are ready to receive the Troops, of which they will be informed by applica tion to the Depy Q r M r General. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the following promotions. 40 th Regim* Lieu* Jn Doyle to be Adju* Vice Harris by purchase 24 th May 1776. 64 th Regiment Ens n Will m Greatein to be Lieu* Vice Mont gomery Metham prefer d 24 th May 1776. 65 th Reg 1 Lieu* Henry Millar to be Adju* Vice Westhorpe 24 th May 1776. Lieu* George Montgomery Metham from 64 th Regiment to be Capt n Vice Compton who retires 24 th May 1776. Head Q rs Halifax Sunday 26 th May 1776 P PI j Parole Billane U> U> ( C.Sign Bell 294 SHI WILLIAM HOWE S ORDERLY BOOK. Field Officer for to morrow L 1 Col Butler Major Brigade Lewis The Grenadiers & Batt us of the Line are to form in future in three Ranks with the Files as formerly ordered at 18 Inches intervals. The Regiments to take on Board Ship the Wheels belonging to their hand Carts & the Bodys if they can stow them. The Q r Masters of each Corps to report to morrow to the Dep> Q r M r General the State of prov" ordered to be put on Board their respective Transp ts Capt" Everass Late of the Gl th Reg 1 is appointed an assistant in the Engineer departing & is to supper- intend the repairs to be made at Fort Edward in this Province. The Two Comp ys of Grants & Campbles Lately arrived from New York are to be Mustered on the Parade at 11 Clock on Tuesday Xext. The Acco ts of the 2 Batt lls of the R.II. Emegrants to be immediately settled & given to Cap* M Kenzie Secretary to the Commander in Chief. The 1 st Brigade to parade on Tuesday Morning at 10 on the Ground under the City dale Hill where the Grend 1 8 & L f Infy were inspected. The Regiments to give Returns to the Depy Q r M r Gen 1 of such Officers as have join d them since the Batt. & Forrage Money was issued to the Troops that they may receive it. The Officers belonging to Regim ts not here are not included in this Order. The Facienes ordered to be Made & taken on Board the different Transports are to be bound with five withs & made up very tight. Working party s as usual. [Here ends Sir William Howes Orderly Book. If* 295 Roster of Field Officers 13 Dec r L* Col Agnew, 44 th Reg 1 Major Basset 10 th L* Col Nibbet 47 th fcl^ Major Grant 40 th L*Col Paterson 63 rd Major Bruce 38 th L* Col Sir H. Calder 49 th Major Blunt 23 d L* Col Collins ) . TV*- - rr [ Marines Major 1 upper j L* Col Monkton 45 th Major Hilman 22 nd L* Col Barnard 23 d Major Musgrave 64 th L* Col Walcott 5 th Major Sill 63 d L* Col Gunning 43 d Major Mitchell 5 th L* Col Clerk 43 d Major Gaull 35 th L* Col Carr 35 th Major Ogilvie 4 th L* Col Campbell 22 d Major Irvine 47 th L* Col Buttler 38 th Major Hope 44 th Major Humphries 52 d Major Souter, Marines Major Stuart, 43 d Brigadiers Eobinson Grant Pigot Smith Jones Brigade Majors Small Browne Smith Baker Disney Leslie [This Roster is on the lack of the last leaf of the Orderly Book, and ends the volume. f*] Precis of Correspondence with GENERAL HOWE from Vol. 290 America and West India Series of Manuscripts in Her Majesty s Public Record Office. Precis of Correspondence with General Howe: directed to evacuate Boston : his plans of operations : instructions from the Secretary of State : authorized if necessary to destroy all property at Boston : measures to be taken for security of Nova Scotia and Newfound land: military details of levies, stores operations near Boston: intention to attack Neiu York. IN July 1775, The King having signified His plea sure that General Gage should return to England to lay before His Majesty a State of his Command, and to assist in the consideration of such Measures as might be necessary to the future plan of Operations, a Commission was passed appointing Major-General Howe to be (during General Gage s Absence) Commd r in chief of all His Majesty s Forces employ d and to be employed within the Colonies lying upon the Atlantic Ocean ; A like Commission was given to General Carleton to command the Troops employed or to be employed in Canada, and upon its Frontiers, both which Commissions were of the same Tenor and Authority with those given to the Generals Amherst and Wolfe, when Commanding separate Corps of Troops in America in the last War. On the 2 d of August 1775, Lord Dartmouth acquainted Major Gen 1 Howe by Letter of that Arrangement, transmitted to him his Commission, and signified to him that he was to receive the full appointment of Commander in Chief, observing, at the same time, that if in the course of the Service the two Armies that was supposed would act separately should 300 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 in future Events be joined, the Command of the whole would, in that Case, devolve upon General Carleton, as the superior Officer : His Lordship, at the same time, referred him to a separate Letter to Gen 1 Gage, of the same date, respecting the Force to be employed in North America in the succeeding year and the Ideas which had been suggested of the different places of Operations, under different Circum stances and Events, and he was told that General Gage was directed when he came away to leave that Letter with him for his Information. In a separate Dispatch from Lord Dartmouth to Major Gen 1 Howe, dated the 5 th of September ob serves to him that altho he had not in the separate Dispatch to Gen 1 Gage of the 2 nd of August thought fit in General to give any Opinion upon the different Ideas which had been suggested of the future plan of Operations, contenting himself with stating nakedly the propositions themselves, yet he had ventured to describe some of the obvious Advantages that would attend the taking Possession of New York, & the hazard of the Army s continuing at Boston. That every days Intelligence since shewed more clearly both the one & the other, and then his Lordship, after describing the State of the Troops cooped up in Boston & exposed to numberless wants, difficulties and danger, observed, that it was not only advisable but necessary to abandon Boston before the Winter & to dismantle Castle William, and having embarked all the Stores and Artillery, and afforded to the well dis posed Inhabitants every means of getting away with safety, to remove with the Troops either to New York or to some other place to the Southward, which con siderations of superior Advantage should point out as the most proper, and where a Squadron of the King s Ships might lye in the Winter : His Lordship then proceeds to point out the advantages of such a September WITH GENERAL HOWE. 301 Measure in various lights, and concludes with direct ing him to make an early return of every thing that would be wanted for the ensuing Campaign, and authorized him to appoint such Persons to be Adju tant General and Quarter Master General as he should think most fit for those Situations. On the same Day, viz*, the 5 th of September 1775, Lord Dartmouth, in a secret Dispatch, acquaints General Howe with the application made to the Empress of Russia for a Body of Infantry to serve in North America, that in consequence of a favorable answer from that Court the Minister was Instructed to agree for a Corps of 20,000, that the greatest part would be sent to Quebec early in the Spring, and it was hoped that we should have an equal number of British Troops in North America in the next year. On the 8 th September Mr. Pownall in a letter to Major Gen 1 Howe suggests to him, as a matter for his Consideration, the great Advantage, in different Views, of removing, if possible, the Effects in the Town of Boston, as well those belonging to the Rebels as those belonging to the well affected ; And pointed out the necessity there was, from fresh advices relative to Nova-Scotia, of having a particular Attention to the Security of that Colony, he also acquaints him that Goods had been purchased here as presents to the Indians, and that they would be sent to him, & to Gen 1 Carleton, in proper Proportions. On the 22 d of Septem r 1775, Lord Dartmouth in a Dispatch to General Howe acquainted him with the alterations which had been made in the Distribution of the 17, 27, 46, & 55 Eegiments under Orders to embark at Corke for North America, the Object of which alteration was to get, if possible, 4 of the said Regm ts to Quebec, one to Halifax His Lordship also transmitted to the Gen 1 a State of the Victualling & Store Ships, taking in Provisions & Stores for 302 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 Boston ; acquaints him with the Directions given to the Admiralty for providing Convoy for those Vessels, & concludes his Letter with observing that the last Advices from America were the fullest Evidence of an open & declared War on the part of the Associated Colonies, and, therefore, there was no consideration left but that of proceeding against them in all Re spects, with the utmost Vigour, as the open & avowed Enemy s of the State. On the 27 Oct 1775, Lord Dartmouth acquaints General Howe with the Arrangements made for Re cruiting the different Corps in America, and for the augmentation of each Corps, & signifies to him His Majesty s Pleasure with regard to the Officers to be sent to England for raising those Recruits, and the new Levies ; and his Lordship, in that Letter, ac quaints him that the fair Prospect we had of suc ceeding in Our Treaty with Russia for a Body of Infantry w r as, at best, but doubtfull. On the 14 November General Gage arrived in London from America, and brought with him Dispatches from Major General Howe of the 5 th 9 th Octin the latter of which he States some of his Ideas with re gard to the ensuing Campaign, premising that Boston would without some unforeseen Accident be in no Danger during the Winter, but, on the contrary that the Reinforcement of 5 Battalions from Ireland, which he had been acquainted were to be sent him would enable him to distress the Enemy by Incursions along the Coast, and he pointed at Portsmouth in New Hampshire as an Object of Attack. He States that from all appearances respecting the Rebel Army nothing more would probably be attempted during the remainder of the Campaign, and that the King s Troops were then Employed in preparing Quarters for the Winter, and providing for the Security of Boston and the at Charles Town ; he then November WITH GENERAL HOWE. 303 proceeds to consider the different Ideas suggested in Lord Dartmouth s Letter of the 2 ncl August, he states the Objections that lay to opening the next Campaign by acting with his whole Force against the Rebels at Boston. That his Strength was not adequate to such a Division of his Army as might enable him to keep Possession of Boston, and at the same time make an attempt to take Post at New York, and therefore desires Instructions upon that head, saying, that if his Orders should be to leave a Force at Boston, & proceed with the remainder to New York, not less than 5,000 Men or 8 Battalions would be necessary ; That such a Force under the command of General Clinton, would probably find Employment for 10,000 Rebels, in which Case, he would propose 20 Bat talions for New York, a part of which to be left there for the defence of that Town, and the remainder to be employed in opening a Communication with Canada, which if effected and secured by proper Posts the two Corps might then proceed in separate Routes into the Province of Massachuset s Bay, as Circumstances might arise That, however, upon the whole, he was of opinion that by the entire Evacuation of Boston and taking hold of Rhode Island the Army would be better connected, and a variety of other Advantages which he fully stated would be gained : That, how ever, the Harbor of Boston should be Blocked up, and to that end a small Force might be entrusted with Security on some commanding Spot in the Neighbor hood of Nantasket Road. Upon the Intimation given by Lord Dartmouth that it was hoped the Army for the ensuing Campaign would amount to 20,000 Men, he expresses a wish that it might be composed of 34 Battalions of 10 Companies at 59 Rank and File, and if 6 Battalions could be added by an equal partition of them between Canada & Rhode Island the Effect would be ade- 3 o4 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 quate to the Expence ; He concludes with wishing that the Troops for the Boston Division may be em barked by the beginning of February, so that the Campaign might open in the middle or latter end of April, and recommends that some of the old and expe rienced Officers with him may be provided for in the Additional Companies. On the 18 November Lord George Germain acknowledged the Receipt of these Dispatches, acquaints the General that every Effort would be made to send as early as possible the Re-inforcements that were required, and that although our JSlegociation with Russia for foreign Auxiliaries had not succeeded as we expected, and Recruits came in slowly, yet, if we were not deceived in other Views, he would certainly be enabled to take the Field with an Army of 20,000 Men : His Lordship then observes that all Our Advices from the Southward confirm us in our hopes that the southern Expedition would be attended with Advantage and Success, and that the greatest part of the Regiments employed on that Service would probably join him earlier, and in a better t State than if sent from hence in the Spring. On the 27 th December Major General Burgoyne arrived from Boston in the Boyne with Dispatches from General Howe dated the 26 th 27 of Nov r , & 2 nd 3 rd of December, In these Dispatches General Howe begins by stating that Lord Dartmouth s Dis patches of the 5 th September, directing the removal of the Troops from Boston arrived so late that they could not be carried into Execution, for reasons which are fully represented, the principal of which were the want of a sufficient number of Transports (there being a Deficiency of 11,062 Tons in, the Quantity necessary for the whole Embarkation at once, and that if they were embarked in separate Divi sions, at different Periods, more would be hazarded December WITH GENERAL HOWE. 305 than Prudence would justify. He then says they are under no apprehensions of Attack or Surprize by the Rebel Army, on the contrary, it was very much to be wished they would make such attempt; that, however, from Sickness of the Army, and the extent of Post to be defended, the Force would not be adequate to any undertaking of Consequence, such as the Possession of Ehode Island, New York, Philadelphia or Charles Town. He then proceeds to propose that in the Spring what remained at Boston of the 6 5 th Regiment should be sent to Halifax, which, with Lieut* Col: Gorham s Corps, and what were there of Maclean s Recruits, added to the Militia which Governor Legge had acquainted him would be raised, wou d, he hoped, put the Dock Yard and Town in perfect Security : That in that Case he should order the Detachment of the 14 Regiment at Halifax to join him as soon as the 65 th arrived : That for the Blockade of Boston Harbor one Battalion should be entrenched at Hull, near Nantasket Road, where the King s Ships of War might securely Winter, instead of Castle William which pursuant to his Majesty s Orders would be distroyed upon the Evacuation of Boston. That the next object would be taking hold of Rhode Island, with 10 Battalions, under the Comm d of General Clinton, that there would then remain 16 Battalions for New York, that there would however be wanting in the Spring 6 or 7000 Recruits, and he suggests that they may possibly be raised by procuring from the Hessian and Hanoverian Armies 100 Men for each of the 27 Battalions ; By 100 Men to be added to each Battalion from the Substitutes of the English Militia, and the remainder about 7,000 Men to be composed of Recruits raised in the ordinary method ; That after all the Force, when so completed, would not be adequate to an active offensive Cam paign on the side of New York and Rhode Island, as x 306 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 there would be but 5,000 fighting Men for the latter and 8,000 for the former ; and, therefore, he proposes a Reinforcement of 4,000 Russians, of which 1,500 to be added to Gen 1 Clinton s Army, & 2,500 to the Corps at New York the remainder of this private Despatch, namely of the 26 th of November, relates entirely to his Ideas of what had been suggested in a Letter from Mr. Pownall respecting the removal of the Effects at Boston, which he approving, and to the appointm* of an Adjutant General and Quarter Master General: In his Dispatch of the 27 th Nov r he men tions that one Transport had arrived with 4 Companies of the 17 th Regiment, as also two Transports with 4 Companies of Artillery, and two Ships with Ordnance Stores, but that the Nancy Ordnance Store Ship was supposed to have been taken, he adds that contrary to his Expectation the whole Army was not yet in Winter Quarters, but that he hoped the whole wou d be under Cover in a few Days ; That the sickness in the Army had rather encreased of late, from the severity of the Season, but as there was nothing Epedemical it would soon Recover, if they did not wait too long for the Flocks, Bedding, Blankets, &c a expected from Eng land; He then observes that the number of Seamen for the Transports was very deficient, proposes that they should be Compleated, and that the King s Ships should have their War Establishment ; He then States an Expedition which had been resolved upon by Gen eral Gage & Adm 1 Graves, for the Destruction of Cape Ann and Falmouth; That it was afterwards found in expedient to make an Attack upon Cape Ann, but that after giving notice to the Inhabitants of Ealmouth to remove themselves and Effects, it was distroyed on the 18 Oct r , about 500 Houses & 14 Sea Vessels having been Burnt & Distroyed ; He then mentions the arrival of a Vessel on the 10 th of October from Gen 1 Carleton giving an account of the dangerous December WITH GENERAL HOWE 307 Situation of that Province; That in consequence thereof he had determined to send and had ordered a Battalion of Marines to embark on board Transports, in order to proceed to Quebec under Convoy of the Cerberus, as settled with Admiral Graves ; That accordingly everything was ready on the 13 th when he received a letter from Adm 1 Graves declaring the Attempt unadvisable & impracticable; That upon this Letter he dropped the Design of sending the Transports, intending to procure smaller Vessels, better adapted to work their way up the River ; but not being able to get them fitted for Sea in any reasonable time, he was compelled to drop the Design, and sent back the Express Boat on the 13 th . The foregoing is all that appears material to be stated from the Dispatches of Gen 1 Howe brought by Major Gen 1 Burgoyne ; but it maybe necessary to add that with these Dispatches Gen 1 Howe transmitted full Returns, States & Estimates of every thing that would be wanted for the ensuing Campaign, pursuant to the Orders he had received from Lord Dartmouth, the Directions for the Preparation of which, so far as they regard the Department of the Secretary of State, will be seen in a separate Precis. On the 5 th January Lord George Germain acquainted Gen 1 Howe that his Letters by Gen 1 Burgoyne had been received, and that the reasons he assigned for not removing from Boston, in consequence of the Directions he had received from Lord Dart mouth fully justify the Resolution he had taken on that head, & that even could he have procured a sufficient Quantity of Transports to have effected the Evacuation as proposed, it would nevertheless have been an unadvisable Measure ; His Lordship further acquaints him that the King has in general approved his Plan of Operations for the ensuing Year, and then proceeds to the Consideration of those parts of the x2 308 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 Dispatches which Suggests the means of augmenting his Force, and to an explanation of the arrangements that were making for that purpose, and for answering his Requisitions ; That the plan of augmentation by incorporating 2,000 Men into each Battalion from the foreign Troops in British Pay & from the Militia was, for many Reasons, liable to great Difficulty and Ob jection ; That therefore, he must depend for the Augmentation upon Recruits, & upon the additional Battalions proposed to be raised in Scotland by General Fraser, and upon the additional Battalion to be added to the 42 d Regiment ; And it was further Observed to him, that the southern Expedition would furnish him with one more Battalion than he had included in his Calculation, The whole, therefore, of the Augmentation, including the Recruits, is stated at 4,400 Men, and he is encouraged to expect a Corps of foreign Troops, not less than 10,000, in consequence of the Engagements which had been entered upon, & nearly concluded with the Prince of Hesse, and Elector of Brunswick for 17,000 Men : His Lordship then States that the deficiency he represents in the Tonnage of Transports will be fully supplied by the Transports and Store Ships already gone and pre paring to go ; all which are to be at his disposal after their arrival and after they have landed their Cargoes. Upon the Demand for Horses & Waggons his Lordship observes that it is of a nature and extent very difficult to be complied with; That, however every endeavor will be exerted, hoping at the same time that a great part of the Service for which Wag gons and Horses are Demanded, may, from the nature of the Operations, be performed by Water Carriage, and therefore, he had pressed forward a Supply of Flat Bottomed Boats, of which 32, & 10 Yauls, & as many Cutters were ready, & 40 more in hand. January WITH GENERAL HOWE. 309 That the Demand for entrenching Tools and other Articles in the Engineers Department had been already supplied, but that Directions would be given for a second Supply of the same sort, and also for making good what had been taken in the Nancy Transport : That with regard to the Provisions and Forage there was no doubt but that the utmost Activity would be used in the Department of the Treasury for forwarding that Branch of the Service ; His Lordship then approves the Measures which General Howe had resolved upon for sending relief to Quebec, laments the obstacles which had prevented the Execution of them, and States in general the steps which had been taken here for that purpose ; Upon the Expedition for burning Falmouth his Lordship observes that he has no doubt that Adm 1 Graves had good reasons for the Step he took, and that the Commander of that Expedition did not pro ceed to extremities without an absolute refusal on the part of the Inhabitants to comply with the Eequi- sitions which appeared by the Dispatch of the Lords of the Admiralty to have been made to them. Upon the Subject of the Kemoval of the Effects of the Town of Boston, his Lordship signifies the King s pleasure that if practicable the whole should be re moved ; but that he must repeat to him, what had been said in M r Pownal s Letter, that he must use his own Discretion, according to Circumstances as they shall appear at the time ; for, however desirable it might be that they should be secured yet it was an object not to be attended to if it should create any Difficulty or Hazard in the Evacuation, for, in that Case, the Destruction of them would be fully justified. Upon that part of Gen 1 Howe s Commission which gives him authority to Post Officers upon Vacancies, upon general Terms, the King s pleasure is signified that it is not to be understood in any case to apply to 3 io PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 the Vacancy of a Regiment ; that as to the Vacancies of Lieu 1 Colonel & Major he may post officers to such Vacancies untill His Majesty s pleasure is known, and His Majesty will, if he thinks fit, confirm them by Commissions here, and, that with regard to the Artil lery it was to be understood that he should not fill up any Vacancy but in the Rank of second Lieutenant, in which Rank he was to grant Commissions, and also in all other Corps below the Rank of Field Officers. On the 1 st of February 1776 Lord George Ger main acquaints General Howe that the utmost Efforts had been made to press forward every preparation for the ensuing Campaign ; that these Preparations had been greatly retarded by the uncommon severity of the Weather, but that it was hoped that the Rein forcements for his Army would be embarked before the end of March. His Lordship then states to Gen 1 Howe the steps that had been taken for having a considerable Force in Canada early in the Spring ; that General Burgoyne was to act as second in Com mand to Gen 1 Carleton, and that he wou d proceed thither with 8 Regm ts from Ireland, which it was hoped would be ready to embark about the 20 th of March. He is told that if Quebec is lost, and Gene ral Carleton should not survive, the Command of the whole of His Majesty s Forces, in that Case, was to devolve upon him; That Majors Gen 1 Clinton, Bur goyne, Lord Percy, & Lord Cornwallis were to have the Rank of Lieut Generals in America : The old Colonels, who now act as Brigadiers, to be Major Generals, & the other Colonels to be appointed Brigadiers ; That in case of the whole Command de volving upon him, he was to dispose of the different Inferior Commands as he should think fit : That, consequently, it would be in his power either to appoint Gen 1 Clinton to the Command of the Troops in Canada, or to leave General Burgoyne in that February WITH GENERAL HOWE. 31 r Com d ; That, however, it was His Majesty s Plea sure that Lord Cornwallis shou d serve in Canada, and that he and his Regiment should be sent thither as soon as they returned from the Southward; His Lordship then observes upon the necessity of having Attention to the Security of Nova Scotia & New foundland, and signifies His Majesty s Pleasure with regard to the Steps to be taken for that purpose ; and his Lordship concludes this Dispatch with informing him of the orders given for a Detachment of Guards, consisting of 1,000 Men Rank and File to hold them selves in readiness to proceed to North America, adding only that the King had declared His Intentions that he would not employ any general Officer from hence superior in Rank to the Majors General Clinton,, Burgoyne, Lord Percy, or Lord Cornwallis ; and that tho no regular Cartel might possibly be settled with the Rebels for the Exchange of Prisoners, yet there was no doubt that the General s own Discretion wou d find the means of effecting such Exchange, without the King s Dignity & Honor being Committed, or His Ma jesty s Name used in any Negociation for that purpose. Besides the Dispatches from General Howe brought by Major General Burgoyne, some other Dispatches dated later in December were received early in January. In the first of these, which is dated the 13 th December, General Howe informs that since the Departure of the Boyne on the 5 th of that Month, there had been no arrivals from Britain, and that there was great Reason to fear from the prevalence of Northerly Winds that the Transports having on board the 17 th , 27 th , 28 th , 46 th & 55 th Regiments, as also the Storeships, had been forced off the Coast; That these Considerations and the State of Provisions and Stores had given rise to very alarming apprehensions, which were encreased by the great danger there was of de fenceless Vessels falling in with the Rebel Privateers, 3 i2 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 which in great Numbers infested the Bay of Boston, from the different Ports to the Eastward which the Admiral was of opinion could not be Blocked up with out the Assistance of a Land Force, which could not possibly be spared ; He adds that the Troops entered into Winter Quarters the preceedingDay; that 6 Com panies of the 65 th Eegiment were embarked & ready to Sail for Halifax, & that the 18 th & 59 th Kegiments having been Drafted into other Corps, the Commis sioned and Non-Commissioned Officers and Invalid would be sent to England under Convoy of the Tartar. In another Letter of the 14 th December General Howe expresses his Apprehension from the small Quantity of Fuel in Store, which could not last longer than three Weeks at full Allowance for the Garrison, and therefore he had been reduced to order some of the Wharfs to be taken up, which, if a Supply did not soon arrive would be their only Resource ; He also repeats that the small Quantities of Provisions in Store, and the Difficulties that Ships bound to that Port met with both from bad Weather, & in escaping from the Enemy s Privateers filled him with Alarms. In another Letter dated the 19 th of December, Gen 1 Howe informs that upon Advices received of General Massey s arrival at Halifax with his Eegiment, he had countermanded his Orders for 6 Companies of the 6 th Regiment; That since his last Letter four Storeships had got in with most seasonable Supplies ; That Gen 1 Washington had proposed an Exchange of Prisoners, to which no possitive Answer would be given with* the King s Order ; That the small Quan tity of salt Provisions in Store had induced him to send a Transport to S t Eustatia to purchase a Cargoe, by which means he hoped a sufficient Supply would be procured if the Victuallers from England should loose their Passage : That he had also fitted out two Transports which were to Sail to Georgia, under Convoy February WITH GENERAL HOWE. 313 of the Scarborough & two armed Schooners, in order to procure Cargoes of Rice, which he hoped wou d be effected with the Assistance of Sir James Wright and that he should send with this Armament two hundred Marines under the Command of a Field Officer. On the 26 th Dec r Gen 1 Howe acquaints Lord George Germain with Intelligence he had received from Cape Nicholas Mole of the great Quantity of Arms & Ammunition with which the Rebels were supplied at that place. On the 7 th Feby L d Geo Germain answers the Letters from Gen 1 Howe, dated the 19 and 26 Dec r and approves the steps which he had taken for getting Salt Provisions from S*. Eustatia & Rice from Georgia. On the 15 th January Gen 1 Howe acquaints Lord Geo Germain that the 6 missing Companies of the 17 th Regm 1 6 Companies of the 55 th were arrived. And on the 16 February he acknowledges having received Lord Dartmouth s Dispatch of the 22 Oct, with Duplicates of other Letters from hisLordship, and from M r Pownall, the originals of which hadnot come to hand, That, observing by a Copy of a Letter to the Lords of the Admiralty from Lord Dartmouth of the 22 d Sep r that the Provisions sent out by order of the Treasury were intended for the Fleet as well as the Army, he had given a Proportion of Porter to the Ships, altho the Seamen did not stand so much in need of those Refreshments as the Soldiers. He incloses a State of the Deficiencies in the provision Contract, says, he had Dispatched a Vessel to N. York, where he learned from Gov r Tryon there was a pros pect of getting some Provisions, & as the Victuallers for the Navy lately arrived could not conveniently afford a Supply for 6 Weeks he was reduced to the Necessity of putting the Troops on short Allowance, so that their Dependence was not totally upon the Contractor s Ships ; one of which, however, arrived 3 14 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 the 13 th with Oats Flour and Pease. General Howe then proceeds to take notice that if the 17 th , 27, 28, and 55 th Regiments were to go to Quebec as seemed to be intended, and he was also to detach a part of his Army to Halifax for the Security of that Place ; These Drains, together with the southern Expedi tion, would considerably reduce the expected Strength for the Spring, so that unless a large Force was sent from Great Britain early in the Spring he found an other defensive Campaign would be the conse quence, for, by the want of a Force to act early the Rebels would have time to entrench wherever they chose, in which Case, tho we should get possession of New York without resistance, we must not expect to carry their entrenched Camps but with great loss : Whereas, on the contrary, if the Army was in Force at the opening of the Campaign it would probably by rapid Movements bring the Rebels to Action upon equal Terms before they could cover themselves by Works of any Consequence ; He then, again, hints at the disadvantages of a defensive Campaign but says that if the Army to the Southward succeeds in possessing itself of any Post of Importance to be held he shall not call it of to the main Army, unless Gen 1 Clinton should report that the well affected Inhabi tants are able of themselves to maintain their ground ; He then remarks that with a proper Army of 20,000 Men, having 12,000 at New York, 6,000 at Rhode Island & 2,000 at Halifax, exclusive of an Army for the Province of Quebec, the then unfavorable Appearances would wear a different Aspect, but with fewer Troops the Success of an Offensive Campaign would be doubtfull ; He then States the hopes held out to him by Governor Try on, that upon the arrival of a Force at New York, he should be able to raise 2,000 Men, and desires Directions in regard to the Bounty-Money, Payment & Cloathing of provincial March WITH GENERAL HOWE. 315 Levies, and in what manner the Officers are to Eank ; Gen 1 Howe then States the steps he should take for Transporting the Army to New York, but says that Boston cannot be evacuated without the aid of Transports from Europe, and one great difficulty in that Operation would be the removal of the Inhabi tants and their Effects ; he then acquaints the Secre tary of State that the 6 missing Companies of the 55 th were arrived ; That to all appearance the leaders of Kebellion were determined upon an active War, repeating that the apparent Strength of his Army for the Spring did not flatter him with the hope of bringing the Rebels to a decisive Action. On the 23 rd January he says he had that day, & not before received Lord Dartmouth s Dispatch by the Centurion, and particularly the secret Letter of the 5 th Sept r acquainting him with the steps which had been taken for procuring foreign Auxiliaries and expresses his Wish that at least 8,000 of the foreign Troops might be sent to him, altho he feared they could not arrive in time for the early Operations of the Campaign upon which the future Success of it so much depended. On the 28 March Lord G Germain acquaints Gen 1 Howe with the Treaties made for the foreign Auxiliaries, that the 12,200 of them Auxiliaries being the whole Body of Hessians were intended to serve in his Army, and that the Brunswickers, Waldeckers, & the Regiment of the Hereditary Prince of Hesse, together with 9 British Battalions, and the whole of L* Colonel M c Lean s Corps were to serve in Canada ; That the Transports for the first Division of Hessians, amounting to 8,200 Men were then compleated and on their Passage to the Place of Embarkation ; That a Detachment of Guards, amounting to 1,098 Men, . formed into a distinct Corps was on it s March to Portsmouth, and that there was a Prospect that the 3 i6 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 first Division of Hessians would arrive in time, so that they might proceed with the Guards. His Lordship then- States his Idea that these Troops should proceed to Rhode Island, that he should, according, give the necessary Instructions for that purpose, in confidence that upon their arrival there they would find Orders for their further Proceedings, or otherwise that a proper number of Cruizers would be stationed on the Coast to watch their Arrival, and proceed with them to such other place as he should appoint. His Lordship then States that great Diffi culties had attended the procuring Transports, so that no Judgment could be formed when a sufficient number wou d be ready for the second Embarkation, but it was hoped it would not be long first, & that the 42 nd 71 st Eegmt 3 making together 3,466 Men would embark in the Clyde by the 20 th April ; His Lordship then acquaints him with the Delays and Difficulties which had attended the fitting out the Armament for the southern Expedition, and refers him to a Copy of his Letter to General Clinton, wrote after Intelligence had been received of the dispersion of the Fleet after it left Cork, observing, that the Effect of the Orders contained in that Letter would be that the whole, or the greatest part of that Armament, would join him as early as the Troops could come from hence, so, that, he might be able to open the Campaign in the Month of May or beginning of June ; That of late we have had better Success in our Recruiting, and that what Men had been collected would be sent to him by different opportunities ; but that it was feared that we should not procure in time for ensuing Campaign all that were necessary to compleat the Augmentation. His Lordship then ob serves, that as he had in his Disposition of Bat talions included the 6 th Regiment at S t Vincent, it was the King s Intention to have given him that March WITH GENERAL HOWE. 317 Regiment compleat, by turning over to it the effective Men of the 48 th . That, however, by the slow pro gress in forming the additional Battalions and Companies of the Eoyal Americans, That Arrange ment cou d not be effected, but that he might take the 6 th Regiment in it s present State, and send Transports for it whenever he could spare them. That the Operations in Canada must depend upon the Situation of Affairs there when the Force arrives ; But, if the Rebels shou d in consequence of their Repulse on the 31 December, have given up all thought of Conquest on that side, which was very probable, there was ground to hope that the Army would advance into the Colonies by the passage of the Lakes, and that every preparation had been made here that could give facility to such a Plan; That upon a view of all the Objects of the Campaign, the securing the Assistance of the Indians was an im portant Consideration : That every proper step had been taken for that purpose, and that Colonel Guy Johnson, who was now here, would be sent out to him with the like Powers given to Sir W ra Johnson in 1756. That with regard to the wish that he had Expressed, to have orders concerning the Bounty Money & Pay of the Provincial Levies, & the Rank of their Officers ; it had been already directed that the Officers were not to be entitled to half-pay, or to have any other Rank than what was allowed to the like Corps in the last War ; That the Commander in chief was to supply the Sums necessary for Levy Monies and Pay, but that the Cloathing Arms and Accoutrements, and also Tents & Camp necessaries would be sent from hence. His Lordship then con cludes his Dispatch with Congratulating the Gen 1 upon the Appointment of his Brother to be the Naval Commander in Chief in North America. 3i8 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 On the 27 April, Lord Geo. Germain transmits to Gen 1 Howe the embarkation Returns of the Hessians and Guards, and also a Copy of his Lordship s Letter of Instructions to General Heister, and of the Orders given to the Admiralty respecting the Naval part ; His Lordship also acquaints him that the 42 & 71 Regmt 8 were probably all on board the Transports in the Clyde, and transmits to him a Copy of his Letter of Instructions to Sir W m Erskine, commanding Officer of that Corps. On the 2 d May Lord George Germain received a letter from Gen 1 Howe, addressed to Lord Dartmouth, dated on board His Majesty s Ship Chatham Nantasket Road, 21 March 1776, in which he acquaints his Lordship that, after all his struggles to supply the Army with Provisions from the southern Provinces and the West Indies, from whence some of the Vessels were not returned, and after an anxious expectation of more Transports to convey the Troops, Stores, Civil Officers & Effects, the Enemy by taking possession and fortifying the commanding Heights on Dorchester Neck, in order to force the Ships by the Cannon to quit the Harbor, he was reduced to the necessity either of exposing the Army to the greatest Distress by remaining in Boston, or of withdrawing from it. That the preserving his Force, when it could no longer act to advantage left him no room to doubt of the propriety of removal ; That he took his Resolution on the 7 March, & executed it on the 17, without the least molestation from the Rebels. The Gen 1 then, in order to explain the State he was reduced to in the Article of Provisions, incloses the Commis sary s report upon that Subject ; He then relates the measures taken by the Rebels to possess them selves of Dorchester Neck, and relates the new Works which they had erected at Phipp s Farm, from which place, and from Roxbury, they had begun to Can- May WITH GENERAL HOWE. 319 nonade the Town ; That upon advice of the Enemy s Intentions to possess themselves of Dorchester Neck, upon discovery of the Works they had begun for that purpose, he determined upon an Attack with all the Force he could collect ; That his Attack was to have been made on the 5 th March by 2,400 who were rendezvoused at Castle William, but the Wind coming contrary and blowing very hard, the Ships were not able to get to their Destination, & the Attempt be came impracticable ; That the stormy weather con tinuing all the next day & night, gave the Enemy time to improve their Works, to bring up their Cannon, and to put themselves into such a State of Defence that he could promise himself but little Success in Attacking them, and therefore he judged it the most advisable to prepare for the evacuation of the Town, Adm 1 Shuldham assuring him that he would supply him with one Month s Provisions. The General then States the difficulties he had to en counter with from the Disproportion of Transports; That the Enemy, however, giving no interruption everything was got in ready by the 14, and the opera tion effected by the 17 th , after having destroyed all such Military Stores as could not be taken on board, and having also, pursuant to orders, demolished Castle William ; The Gen 1 then States his reasons for going to Halifax, which under all it s disadvantages was the only place where the Army could remain until Sup plies arrived from Europe; That upon his arrival there his first Attention would be to the Defence of the Town & Dock Yard, which, being effected, he concluded that three Battalions with Gorham s & Maclean s Corps would be sufficient for it s Protection ; That he should also detach 3 Regiments to Quebec, and should hold himself in readiness to proceed with the rest of the Army, which might consist of about 5,000 Men to New York, and that, altho that Force 320 PRECIS OF CORRESPONDENCE 1776 might be too small to expect more from it than the Possession of the Town, which in itself is a most important Post, yet he should attempt it at all Hazards as soon as possible, apprehending it would be more advisable to pursue that Measure without delay, than by waiting for Reinforcements from Europe, of which he had no certainty, to give the Rebels time to form an Army in the Province of New York; That he was sensible how much more desireable it would have been to have proceeded to NCAV York ; but the Con dition of the Troops crowded in Transports without regard to convenience, the inevitable Disortment of Stores, and all the incumberances with which he was clogged, made that impracticable, & were Considera tions which he hoped would lead His Majesty to approve his Determination. It may be proper here to remark that all the Letters mentioned to have been reced from General Howe were addressed to Lord Dartmouth, and that at the time Gen 1 Howe evacuated Boston, and when he wrote the last mentioned Dispatch he was wholly unacquainted with Lord Geo. Germain s Appointm* to be Secretary of State, nor had he received any one of the many Dispatches which his Lordship had wrote to him, acquainting him with the steps which had been taken for sending him a Reinforcement greatly exceeding what he either expected or required. On the 3 d May Lord G. Germain acquaints Gen 1 Howe that under the Circumstances of the miscarriage of his Dispatches, and of his not having received Supplies, the step which he very prudently took of withdrawing from the Town of Boston was entirely approved by the King, and in the execution of which he had given the fullest proof of His Majesty s Wisdom & Discernment in the choice of so able and brave an Officer. His Lordship recapitulates in general the Arrangement made with respect to the May WITH GENERAL HOWE. 321 Troops to be employed on the different Services under his command and that of General Carleton, and acquaints him with the actual State of the different Embarkations and concludes with saying that the plan he proposed for attacking ]N"ew York as soon as possible was becoming that Spirit & Vigour with which he had always acted; but adds that as such large Reinforcements were going to him, he wished they might arrive before the time of his carrying that plan into Execution, that his Eorce might be so increased as to render his Success more certain. [Here ends the Precis. Various Military ficlums; also in TW.290. Boston. Return 1 st Octob r 177-5. 11: 14 th November Effectives Hank & File Present and fit for Duty. Total. Foot including Marines 5,094 7,33b Light Dragoons 107 -07 5 Comp of Artillery 174 214 0,035 7,751) T , (Sick 14311 Infantry | 0n Command ]90 JSick 39^ 1,083 Ll - ht Dm S( On Command ll Artillery Sick 22; 7,718 7,75 J Boston. Eeturn 21 st : Xovcm r 1775 K : 27 Dcccm r Effective Hank & File Present and lit for Duty. Total. Foot including Marines 4,831 0,934 Light Dragoons 14!) 208 9 Comp 3 of Artillery 342 412 5,322 7,554 T , (Sick 1,031^ Infantry | Qn Command 49 Light Drag 3 Sick 58 Artillery Sick 34 j 7,094 7,554 1776 VARIOUS MILITARY RETURNS. 323. Boston. Return 12 th January 1776 R/. 22 d Febry Effectives Rank & File Present and fit for Duty. Total. Foot including Marines 4,827 7,201 Light Dragoons 158 207 Artillery 335 393 5,320 7,801 T f (Sick 1,309^ Infantry j Qn Command > 967 _ 9 Light Dragoons Sick 28 Artillery Sick 34 ; 7,658 7,801 Boston. Return 17 th March 1776. R/ 6 th June Effectives Rank & File Present and fit for Duty. Total. Foot including Marines 6,135 7,122 Light Dragoons 182 206 Artillery 329 384 6,646 7,712 T f (Sick 5591 Infantry j Command 3,3 1 I 922 Light Drag 9 Sick 3 Artillery Sick 32j 7,568 7,712 v 9 3 2 4 VARIOUS MILITARY RETURNS. 1776 Eeturn of Garrison. Halifax 17 Ap 1 1776 P 7o S rdut* fit Sick On Command. Total Effectives Bank & file SCO 89 79 1,113 Halifax. Return 4 th June 1776. E/ 5 th July Effectives Rank & File Present and fit for Duty. Total. Foot including Marines 7,161 8177 Light Dragoons 162 206 Artillery 338 397 7,661 8780 T f (Sick 6051 Infantry | On Command 25g | Light Drag D (On Command 111 Artillery Sick 34 J 8,581 8,780 INDEX Abercrombie, see Abercromby. Abercromby, Lt. Col., thanked, 9; dead, 21 ; effects to be sold, 65. Accomplices in Robbery, information re quired, 106. Accounts to be settled, 81, 165, 291, 294 ; General Hospital, 222 ; to be given in, 277. Accoutrements (see arms), Instructions lespeeting, 9, 16, 24, 26, 37, 203; lost in action, 107, 117, 159, 203 ; to be sent from England, 317. Adair, Jesse, Overseer of Works, 74 ; pro moted, 148. Addison, Capt., killed, 22. Adjutants, to attend Deputy Adjutant G-eueral, 289. Adjutant General, return of Men un fit for service to be given in to, 260 ; corps to give in a return of Women desirous of going to England to, 262; Officers to give in their determinations in writing to, 271 ; Officers commanding Regiments to report to, 278. Adlum, Capt. Lieut., promoted, 263. Admiralty (Lords of) requisitions to Fal- mouth refused, 309; Letter from Lord Dartmouth, 313; Orders from Lord Q-. Germaine to, 318. Adye. Captain, Deputy Judge Advocate, Ag-new, Lt. Col., Field Officer to Grena diers, 52; Field Officer for the Day, 100, 108, 116, 123, 129, 139 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 109, 153, 161, 190, 199, 219 ; Field Officer for command at Charlestown, 164 ; detachment to be relieved, 179; H. M. Aide-de-Camp, 243 ; to take rank as Brigr. General, 243; to embark on the "Earl f Effingham," 282 ; Field Officer, 295. Ainslie, Henry, promoted, 133. Alarm of fire, 142 ; Night, 194 ; Day, 195 ; Orders to Picquets in case of, 211 ; Orders to Troops in case of, 220. Alarm Guns removed, 84 ; not to be fired but by order, 119 ; on Beacon Hill, 164, 220 ; orders respecting, 180, 220. Alarm Posts, to remain as directed, 90 ; orders, 180; position of, 123, 162, 196. Allowances for Officers, 249. Amherst, Genl., succeeded by Howe, xii.; commissions to Howe and Carleton of same tenor and authority as that to, 299. Amitus Providence, Orders, 255. Ammunition (see Arms) to be examined, 5, 12, 28, 206, 209 ; to be distributed equally, 52 ; expended to be replaced, 78; limit for Troops, 116 ; for men in Hospitals, 126 ; returns relating to, 34, 207, 216, 223 ; waste of, 20, 209; to be reviewed by Majr. Genl. Percy, 262 ; supplied to the Rebels, 313. Anderson, Captain, dead, 250. Anderson, James, Captain of Royal North British Volunteers, 123 ; returns to be signed by, 124. Anderson, Lieut., effects to be sold, 86. Anketell, Matthew, promoted, 289. Apleton, a Mason, to attend Barrack Master, 111. Apthorp, Charles, promoted, 274. Apthorp (Pay Master General), loss of Cow and Lamb, 151. Arbuthnot, Robert, promoted, 293. Armament for Southern Expedition, 316 Armourers to be sent to Royal Artillery 216; orders, 251. Arms (see Accoutrements and Ammu nition) to be examined, 5, 12 ; regiments, complement, and deficiencies, 13, 284, 292 ; instructions respecting, 9, 13, 16, 24, 26, 37, 107, 165, 216. 219, 236; returns to be given in, 102, 117, 203, 217, 261, 274, 292 ; for men in Hospitals, 126 ; sentries to be cautious of, 198 ; repairs of, 216, 224, 251, 256 ; unserviceable, 222 ; to be reviewed f 262 ; issue of, 284, 290, 292 ; to be returned to Armoury, 290, 292 ; supplied to Rebels, 313 ; to be sent from England, 317. Arnold, John, promoted, 132. Articles to be sold, 88. Artificers, a return to be made, 85 ; em ployed, 135 ; not to be taken off duty, 180. Artillery, Captain to attend at the Lines, 94 ; to fire a royal salute, 120, 199 ; detach ment to be relieved, 164 ; Guard, 167 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176; Court Martial, 246 ; to occupy George s Island, 247 ; arrival of four Companies, 306 ; Mili tary returns, 322, 323, 324. Artillery Redoubt, evening and morn ing gun to be fired, 178. Artillery Stores, Order respecting, 176. Ask, Lpvert, promoted, 263. Associated Companies, to attend Fires without Arms, 143. Attack, determined upon by Howe, 319 ; idea abandoned, 319. Auction at Haldimand s, postponed, 81 ; day and time fixed, 85. Auxiliaries (Foreign) steps taken for procuring, 315. Axes to be delivered to regiments, 249. Bagrgragre, Orders to Troops respecting shipment, 231, 232, 255, 261, 279, 288. Bagrgrs, Ensign, exchanges regiment, 285. Bailey, Thomas, tried for striking Lieut. Russel, and for insolence, sentenced, 151. Bailey, Zachay , promoted, 286. Bailie, John, promoted, 23. Bailiss (a Baker), to attend Commissary General, 197. Baily, Lieut ; appointed Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General, and ordered to proceed to England, 143. Baird, Lieut. ; killed, 21. Baker, Benjamin, Major of Brigade, 13, 143, 174, 178, 186, 191, 195, 199, 201, 205. 206, 208, 210, 214, 216, 218, 221, 224, 230, 237, 256, 260, 262 266, 273, 290, 295; pro- 326 BAKER B OS TON. Baker, Benjamin, continued. moted, 21, 149 ; posted in Seniority, 278. Baker, Thomas, to take charge of invalids for England, 65, 69 ; promoted, 149. Bakers, list of, to be given in, 182. Balagnire, Ensign, retires, 285. Baldwin, Henry, promoted, 22. Balfour, Captain, Aide-de-Camp, 108. Ball, practice, 203, 204. Ballances, Order respecting, 159; to be given to Captain Herbert, 160 ; time to be paid, 165. Bamford, Captain, Assistant Engineer, 74 ; Overseer of the Works, 265. Bancroft, George, III. Banks, Joshua, promoted, 244. Barker, Lieut (of the 4th), promoted, 200. Barker, William, promoted, 150. Barnard, Lt. Col., Field Officer, 295. Barr, William, promoted, 283. Barrack Allowance, to commence, 136. Barrack Furniture.Orders to Regiments concerning, 227. Barrack Guard, Orders to mount, 168 ; to supply the Hounds, 173 ; to consist of Convalescents, 225. Barrack Master, Instructions to, 26, 77, 135, 136, 156, 169, 200, 227, 249; returns to be made to, 156 ; to provide Troops with Spermacetic Candles, 208 ; to complete bedding of each regiment, 213 ; Order re specting Quarter Masters receipts given to, 213 ; to give receipts for furniture, 227. Barrack Master General, to provide Wood, 169 ; returns to be made to, 173 ; furniture not to be removed, without an Order from, 213 ; to provide quarters, 247; to pay regiments for cutting Fuel, 249. Barrack Office, returns to be sent each day to, 176, 193 ; application for allow ances to be made at, 176 ; Tools to be re turned to, and money obtained at, 200.. Barran, see Barron. Barren, John, promoted, 245 ; appointed to Fort Cumberland Works, 267. Barrow, Sir John, v., vi., vil. Barrow, Thomas, promoted, 150, 153. Bartons Point Bedoubt, a working party to march to, 193. Bascbwan, Ensign, promoted, 157. Basset, Thomas, promoted, 244, 285. Bassett, Major, to preside at Court Mar tial, 31 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 101, 118, 125, 142 ; Field Officer for the Day, 109, 154, 161, 190 ; Field Officer for com mand at Charlestown, 164 ; replaced by Captain Vallass, 200; retires, 285; Field Officer, 295. Battalions, establishment, 145 ; required for Halifax, 319. Battalions of the Line, Orders, 294. Batte, Captain, promoted, 290. Battut, John, promoted, 248. Bayonets, Order respecting, 67, 153 ; Order to charge with, 76. Bays, Thomas, pardoned and ordered to join regiment, 282. Bearman, Thos,, appointed 1st Lt., 140- Beck, William, tried for desertion, 79 ; sen tenced, 80, Beckwitb, Lieut. Col., retires, 244. Beckwith, Onslow, promoted, 274. Bedding 1 , to be delivered to Quarter Masters, 144 ; to be completed, 213 ; for Regimental Hospitals, 223 ; to be sent on board, 230 ; urgently needed, 306. Beef, will be sold, 119; allowed to Soldiers without stoppage, 208 ; to be delivered to Quarter Masters, 238. Beer, time for issue, 53. Bell, Bryan, promoted, 200. Bell, Thomas, tried for robbery and sen teuced, 46. Bells, to be rung for the Alarm, 142. Bennett, Thomas, to be sent to Deputy Quarter Master General s Office, 277. Bennett, William Pierce, promoted, 149. Benson, John, to be sent to Deputy Quarter Master General, 137. Berniere, Henry De, promoted. 4D. Bessett, Richard, promoted, 149. Bidley, Lieut., replaced byLt.\Villson,263 Billing-sport, xii. Bills of Exchang-e, to be given by Pay Masters, 267. Birch, Lt. Col., to direct patrolcs, 118; to give orders to Light Dragoons, 120 ; Presi dent, Court Martial, 139 ; ill, 139. Birmingham, John, promoted, 134. Biscuit, for each Corps, 241. Bishopp, Major, replaced by Capt. II. Cre\ve, 221. Black, P., to be 2nd Lieut, of North British Volunteers, 123. Blackden, Charles, promoted, 283. Blacket, Henry, promoted, 130. Blackett, Captain, dead, 248. Blackgrove, Sergeant, to attend Lieut. Marr, 77. Blair, William, to be 1st Lieut, of Royal North British Volunteers, 123. Blake, Lieut., replaced by 2nd Lieut. J. Blake, 274. Blake, John, promoted, 274. Blakeney, William, promoted, 244, 285. Blankets, reported abuse of, 213; for Regimental Hospitals, 223 ; Corps to take with them, 225; urgently needed, 306. Blayney Colonel, dead, 244. Blood, Lieut., retires, 108. Blunt, Harry, Field Officer for the Lines, 103, 120, 145, 207, 220, 231 ; Field Officer for the Day, 111, 126, 131, 155, 163, 170, 178, 214 ; Field Officer for detachment at Charlestown, 192; promoted, 244, 285; Field Officer, 295. Board, John, to attend Engineer, 147 Boards (flooring), to be collected and pre served, 131 Boats, not to pass ferry after stated time, 42; to attend, 109, 110; flat, not to be damaged, 232, 255; flat bottom, to be returned, 232 ; Major Campbell in charge of flat bottomed, 236; orders respecting, 242, 255, 288 ; ship, to be hoisted every night, 242 ; not to be detained, 243 ; one flat, to remain with each regiment, 255, 288 ; to be repaired, 255 ; a supply of flat bottomed, attainable, 308. Borrough, Randall, promoted, 133. Boscawen, Lieuteuant-General, dead, 88. Boston, siege of, iii., ix., xiv., xix. ; in. B OSTONB YGR VE. 327 Boston, continued, vasion of, xv. ; destitution of, xvtii. ; hazard of the Army s continuing at, 300 ; to be abandoned, 300 ; removal of effects advised, 301, 306, 309 ; in no danger during Winter, 302 ; Troops employed in provi ding for security of, 302; opinion as to evacuation, 303 ; Harbor to be blocked up, 303, 305 ; evacuation contemplated, 305,307,309, 312; bay infested bv Eebel Privateers, 312 ; evacuation of, 318, 319, 320. Boston Common, Troops to encamp on, 1. Boswell, David, promoted, 286. Botet, Anthony, promoted, 149. Bounty, list of persons deserving, re quired, 284 ; directions desired respecting, 314; sums necessary to be supplied by Commander-in-chief, 317. Bourke, Charles, promoted, 133. Bourmaster, or Bowmaster, Lieut., corps to return flat bottom bouts to, 232 ; to give directions respecting flat bottom boats, 288. Box (landed from Centurion), missing ; re ward offered for recover of, 254. Boyce, James, promoted, 248. Boyd, George P., ordered to jjct as Surgeon to Light Infantry, 171 ; to attend Corps of Light Infantry and Grenadiers, 221 ; Sur geon to Koyal Hospital Emigrants, 266. Boyde, see Boyd. 41 Boyne " The, arrival of Major Gen. Bur- goyne in, 304 ; departure of, 311. Brabazon, Captain, retires, 286. Braccon (43rd Eegt.), to be employed by Deputy Quarter Master General, 262. Brandon, John, to be 1st Lieut, of Loyal Irish Volunteers, 162; tried by Court Martial and acquitted, 284. Brandywine, battle of, ix. Bread, Officers to receive their proportion of, 239. Breny, Charles, promoted, 149. Brewery, two porter casks to be sent for spruce beer, 249. Brick, Daniel, promoted, 133. Bricklayers, to attend at Barrack, 129. Brigade. Orders to Captains, 290 ; working parties from, 291 ; Orders to 1st, 294. Brigade Maj or of the Day, Order to,114. Brigadier Generals, Orders, 115. Brigadier General of the Day, Order to, 114, 115, 212. Bright, Lieut., promoted, 189. Brilliant Transport, to receive Camp Equipage, 14. Bristol, Lieut., to have the care of boats requiring pepairs, 255. Britannia Transport, to receive Bag gage, 14. Broadstreet, Samuel, to act as Major, 263 ; Field Officer, to visit Hospital Ships, 266. Brooks, Arthur, promoted, 22. Brooms, to be provided, 25. Brown, Lieut. (Marines), dead, 148. Brown, Lieut. (52nd Regt.), promoted, 290. Brown, George (14th Regt.), promoted, 21. Brown, George (40th Regt.), promoted, 286. Brown, JoUn (23rd Begt.), promoted, 288. Brown, John (44th Regt.), tried for Mutiny and sentenced, 188. Brown, William, promoted, 149, 248. Brown (see Browne), Browne, Captain (52ud Regt.) ; Assistant- Engineer, 16; to apply for number of Tools required, 45 ; boards not to be removed but by order of, 54 ; Brigade Major, 58, 99, 101, 105, 108, 112, 116, 119, 122,125, 127, 130, 137, 139, 145, 151, 155, 161, 162, 166, 173, 177, 179, 182, 189, 194, 197, 200, 204, 207, 209, 212, 215, 217. 220, 223, 227, 233, 258, 262, 265, 272, 288, 295; posted in Seniority, 278; Major of Brigade in North America, 283. Browne, George, promoted, 41. Browne, William, tried for robbery, 85 ; acquitted, 86. Brownrigg, Robert, promoted, 152. Bruce, Major, Field Officer for Picquets, 5, 8, 27, 36, 42, 50, 56, 63, 71, 77, 84, 90, 96 ; thanked, 9; Field Officer for the Lines, 12, 16, 18, 28, 39, 44, 51, 59, 66, 74, 80, 86, 93, 201, 214, 220 ; Field Officer for the Day, 103, 168, 207, 268 ; Field Officer for de tachment at Charlestowu, 179; ill, 65; appointed to Light Infantrv, 108 ; Orders, 32, 239: Field Officer to "visit Hospital Ships, 263 ; Field Officer, 295. Bruce, Lieut. Col., Field Officer for the Lines, 112, 126, 135, 155, 163, 179, 192 ; Field Officer for the Day, 120, 145, 186, 201, 207, 220, 231 ; instructions to, 160 ; to command detachment at Charlestown, 209, 210 ; detachment to be relieved, 217 Bruce, Wm, promoted, 67; Surgeon, 188. Bruere, Lieut., killed, 21. Brunswick (Elector of), engagements entered on with, 308. Buchannon, Ensign, to attend General Howe, 4. Buckets, to be distributed, 143. Bunbury, Thomas, promoted, 22 Bunker Hill, iii., vii., viii., ix., xiii., xiv., xv., xvi., xvii., xviii. Burgoyne, General, ix., x., xiii., xviii. ; letters, xv., to command and inspect several regiments, 36, 48 ; to command Right Wing, 115; orderly officers to assemble, 240 ; promoted, 270 ; arrived with dispatches, 304 ; dispatches carried by, 307; to act as second in com mand to General Carleton, 310; Orders, 310; to be Lieut. General, 310; or General Clinton to command in Canada, 310 ; no general officer to be employed superior in rank to, 311. Burley (49th Regt.), to be employed by Deputy Quarter Master General, 262. Burn, Corporal (carpenter), Orders, 147. Burnes, George, promoted, 276. Butler, Lieut. Col. (38th Regt.) ordered to join his regiment, 108 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 176. 197 ; Field Officer for the Day, 205, 210, 217, 224, 236, 294 ; appointed on Court Martial, 266; Field Officer, 295. Butler, Major, thanked, 9 ; Field Officer to Light Infantry, 52; Field Officer for the Lines, 91, 98 ; Field Officer for Picquets, 95 ; promoted, 104. Butler, James, promoted, 103. Butler, Mr., to brew and supply Spruce beer to the regiments, 248. Bygrove (Gent.), promoted, 150. 328 CAIRNS CHARLES TO WN. Cairns, James, tried for stealing, and sen tenced, 188. Cairncross, Major, retires, 43. Cairncross, John, to attend Commissary General, 197. Calder, Sir Harry, President of Court Martial, 55, Field Officer for the day, 102, 119, 144, 191, 200, 220, 230; Field Officer for the Lines, 111, 126, 131, 155, 163, 170, 178 ; to command several regiments at CharlestowH, 202; Field Officer for De tachment at Charlestown, 204 ; detach ment to be relieved, 210 ; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 266; Field Officer, 295. Callaghan, Ensign, to attend General Howe, 4. Gamp, to be kept clean, 5; to be cleared of useless wood and broken fences, 8 ; necessaries to be sent from England, 317. Campaign, probable time given for open- ins, 316 ; objects of, 317. Campaign (Defensive), probable plans, 314 ; disadvantages, 314. Campaign (Offensive), success, doubtful, 314. Campbell, Major (55th Eegt.), President at Court of Inquiry, 192 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 200, 207, 229 ; Field Officer for the Day, 212, 219, 267, 291 ; to give direc tions to Rowers, 236 ; to superintend liat- bottomed boats, 236 ; names of rowers to be sent to, 236 ; Corps to receive one cask of biscuit from, 241 ; promoted, 275. Campbell, J. (22nd Regt.), promoted, 21. Campbell, Colin (35th Regt.), promoted, 40, 150 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 99. 122, 175, 196, 234; Field Officer for the Day, 107, 114, 127, 137, 148, 153, 186, 204, 210, 216, 224 ; Patroles to visit near his Quarters, 183 ; appointed on Court Martial, 266; Orders to his Company, 294; Field Officer, 295. Campbell, Captain, effects to be sold, 43. Campbell, David, promoted, 263. Campbell, Hugh, promoted, 133. Campbell, Robert, promoted, 133. Campbell, Lieut. (44th Regt.), Adjutant of Light Infantry, 172. Camp Fquipage, Officers to be provided with, 116 ; return to be given in, 265. Camp Guards, 2, 4, 113. Canada, Corps to be employed in opening a communication with, 303; steps being taken to have a considerable force in, 310 ; Operations in, 317. Candles, allowed to Officers, 136, 249; Order respecting Spermacetic, 208. Cane, Major, Field Officer for the Lines, 42, 50, 56, 65, 73, 96 ; Field Officer for Picquets, 48, 56, 62, 70, 94 ; ill, 73 ; retires, 108. Cane, Edward, promoted, 41 Caner, Dr., xviii. Canteens, to be filled with rum and water, 225 Cape Ann, destruction resolved on, 306; an attack found inexpedient, 306. Cape Nicholas Mole, Arms and Ammu nition supplied to the Rebels at, 313. Caps, sent for the relief of Soldiers, 287. Captains for Court of Inquiry, to sit, 192; selected, 193. Captains of Camp Picquets, instructions to, 25 ; to go the Rounds only in Cam]) and to receive directions from Field Officer, 119, 246. Carbines, order respecting, 210. Carleton, Major General, to command H.M. Forces in Canada, 107,299; Superior Officer, 300 ; presents for the Indians to be sent to, 301 ; arrival of a vessel from, 306 ; General Burgoyne to act second in com mand to, 310 ; instructions to Major General Howe in the event of "the decease of, 310; arrangement made with respect to Troops under command of, 321. Carpenters, Orders to Men belonging to Corps employed as 197; to be sent to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252 ; to be sent to General Parade, 268, 279; em ployed by and to receive orders from Captain Spry, 263. Carr, Lieut. Col. (35th Regt.) Field Officer for the Linos, 93. 122, 127, 137, 148, 174, 196 ; Field Officer fur the Day, 106, 113, 158, 185, 204, 209, 216, 223, 233, 238 ; patroles to visit near quarters, 183 ; President Court Martial, 246; mentioned, 253 ; Field Officer, 295. Carriages to be provided, 89. Carrick, see Carrique. Carrique, Richard, promoted, 150; name to be erased, 153 Carry, Jos., to attend Barrack Master, 169. Carter, Benjamin, Orders, 147 Cartridges, a return to be given in, 52; order respecting, 60, 68, 224; to be ex amined, 61 ; Order respecting making, 61, 170, 196, 201, 224, 264, 275; damaged, to be replaced, 206 Carts, Order respect ing, 160 Casks, Order respecting, 255 Castle William, to be dismantled, 300; to be destroyed, 305 ; men assembled at, 319 ; demolished, 319 Casualties, a return to be given in, 8 Catherine Transport, to receive Camp Equipage, 14 Cattle, to be sold. 84, 117 Cawthorne, William, promoted, 133 Cayler, Captain (46th Regt.), Aide-de- Camp, 45, 108; replaced by Capt. W. Lessley, 275 ; promoted. 276 Cellars, to be prepared, 182 Centurion, Man of War, a box missing, landed from the, 254 ; dispatch to Major General Howe by the, 315 Cerberus, Man of War, arrival of Howe^ Clinton, and Burgoyne in, xiii Certificates, Order respecting, 159, 168, 169, 200, 287 Chadwick, Captain, retires, 292 Chamberlain, Millen, Boston subscrip tion, xviii. Chameny, Forbes, promoted, 285 Chamier, Mr., see Commissary General Champagne, Forbes, promoted, 217 Chandler, William, appointed Lieut., 140 Chapmans (a Mason), to attend Barrack Master, 110 Charlestown, Opinion of Maj. Genl. Howe, respecting taking possession! of, 305. CHARLESTO WNCOPE. 329 Charlestown Ferry, Guard to be posted at, 19 ; persons not allowed to pass, 168. Cliarlestown Heights, xiv. Charleton, William, promoted, 104. Charming 1 Nancy, Transport, invalids to embark, 72. Chedworth, Lord, title extinct, iv. Chetwynd, Hon. William promoted, 22. Chew, Miss, xi. Chimneys, Order respecting, 144. Chitwin, Lieut., Aide-de-Camp, 273. Christie, Eobert, promoted, 49. Chrystie, Nathl., promoted, 133. Chudley, Major, dead, 189. Church Bells, ringing signal, 231. Civil Officers, to be conveyed by Trans ports, 318. Clark, Lt. Col. (43rd Eegt.), thanked, 9, 131 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 15, 24, 34, 40, 47, 54, 62, 71, 77, 84, 89, 94, 185, 195 ; Field Officer for Ph-quets, 19, 29, 39, 44, 53. 60, 66, 74, 81, 87, 92, 93, 98 ; Field Officer for Light Infantry, 52; Field Officer for the Day, 174 ; 55th Regt. to do duty with his Corps, 190 ; to reinforce the Lines at Gun-firing, 240 ; Field Officer, 295. Clark, Ensign (35th Regt.). promoted, 41. Clark, John (63rd Regt.), promoted 41. Clark, John Montague, promoted, 41. Clarke, see Clark (Lt. Col.) Cleaveland, see Cleveland. Clerk, see Clark (Lt. Col.) Clerk of General Hospital, applica tion to admit sick to be made to, 222. Cleveland (Lt. Col.), to command pioneers, 2 ; instructions to, 74, 143 ; men unfit for duty to be sent to, and to make Cartridges, 196; to order powder, ball and paper to be given to Corps 201 ; applica tion for Cartridges to be made to, 224 ; to direct employment for working parties, 225, 227 ; appointed Colonel 243 ; to take rank as Brigadier General, 243 ; a Major of Brigade appointed to, 245 ; will receive Arms from the Corps, 284 ; to issue Arms to the Regiments, 290; a return of Arms to be given to, 292. Clinch, Peter, promoted, 276. Clinton, Sir Henry, iii., xiii., xiv. ; to take Genl. Howe s place, x., received by Lord Howe, xii. ; thanked 3, 9, 98 ; to command and inspect several regiments, 36, 47, 99, 164 ; instructions, 148 ; a super numerary Aide-de-Camp appointed to, 189, 198 ; garrison to be inspected by Major General Percy in the absence of, 202 ; Sromoted, 270 ; force under command of, esired, 303 ; to command 10 battalions, 305 ; additions to Army proposed, 306 ; Lieut. General, 310 ; or General Burgoyne to command in Canada, 310 ; no general Officer to be employed superior in rank to, 311 ; to report, 314 ; letter from Lord G. G-ermaine to, to be referred to, 316. Cliveland, Samuel, promoted, 292. Clothing 1 , order respecting, 161, 207 ; drafts to receive, 287. Clothing- of Provincial Levies, direc tions desired respecting, 314 ; to be sent from England, 317. "Clyde," The, embarkation of regiments, 316, 318. Coal, Pinol, promoted, 233. Coals, Order respecting, 193, 213 : arrival of, 200. Cock, John, promoted, 89. Coburn, see Cockburn Cockburn, Captain, promoted, 200, 286 ; Field Officer for the Day, 205, 227 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 212; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 264. Cockburne, see Cockburn. Coffin, Nathl., appointed Lieutenant, 140. Coffins, Mr., store robbed, 101, 187. Collett, Captain, instructions to, 137 Collier, George, to attend Engineer, 167 Collins, Lieut.-Col. (Marines) Field Officer for the Day, 105, 164, 192, 269; Field Officer for the Lines, 121, 158, 171, 179, 201, 208 ; President, Court Martial, 113 ; to command detachment at Cliarlestown, 216, 217 ; detachment to be relieved, 226 ; to take charge of Hancocks and Wharfs contiguous, 231 ; to direct removal of baggage, 232 ; Overseer of Works, 265 ; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 289 ; instructions, 271 ; Field Officer, 295. Collins, Charles, to be employed by Capt. Montrazore, 271. Collins, George, promoted, 143. Commanding: Engineer, returns of working parties to be given in to, 189. Commissary General (Mr. Chamier) to issue rations of provisions, 141,154, 162, 259, 276, 277 ; returns signed by Com manding Officer to be sent to, 172 ; to furnish onions, 215; to furnish and dis tribute provisions, 228 ; flour not to be taken out of Transports but by order of, 242 ; loss of a portmanteau the property of, 245. Commissioned Officers, to be sent to England, 312 Commissions, dates of, to be given in by those who can purchase, 105 ; a return of number of vacant, in each Corps, 251 ; to Ma j. -Gen. Howe and GeneralCarleton, 299. Commons (House of), xix. Complaints, to be inquired into and re ported upon, 278. Compton, Captain, retires, 293. Congress, xv. Congreve, Capt. Lt., Aide-de-Camp, 143. Connor, Constant, promoted, 163. Connor, Henry Eglington, promoted, 133. Conran, Major, Field Officer for the Day, 243,247. 249, 250; Field Officer, 246, 252, 254, 256 , 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265. Contractor s Agent, return to be sent to, 172. Contractor s Ship, arrival of, with Oats, Flour, and Peas, 314. Convalescents, a sergeant appointed to look after, 96; to receive provisions, 96; order respecting ammunition in possession of, 207 ; Barrack Guards to consist of, 225 ; to be put on board Ship, 230 ; Orders to, 236 ; Officers to take charge of, 238. Cooking-places, to be separate, 38. Coote, Eyre, promoted, 286. Cope, Lt., replaced by Ens. J.Geason, 165. .33 CORNWALLIS CO UNTERSIGKS. Cornwallis, Charles (Earl), promoted, 270; Lieutenant General, 310; to serve in Canada, 311 ; no general officer to be em- plo3 - ed superior in rank to, 311. Corps at Boston, Orders to Adjutants, 43, 60, 67 ; to give in returns of men and women for England, 58 and 262 ; instruc tions to, 60, 71, 91, 101 ; Orders respecting Cartridges, 60, 61, 170,224; names of In valids going to England, 65, 69 ; to apply for Fresh Beef for sick and wounded, 67 ; Orders to Sergeants, 72 ; to receive fresh provisions, 113 ; to receive an allowance of Spruce beer, 122 ; Orders to, 153, 155, 156, 165, 168, 169, 177, 180, 189, 201, 202, 211, 225, 227, 230, 233, 234, 236, 243, 251, 253 ; to give in names of Men willing to he in oculated, 155; to receive fuel, 170, 193; to send in returns, 173 ; Officers to attend detachment, 179 ; districts appointed to, 182 ; to give returns of working parties to Commanding Engineer, 189 ; intrench- ment tools to be returned, 189 : Orders to men emplo3 - ed as Carpenters, 197 ; returns of Officers willing to purchase, 201 ; to make Cartridges, 201 ; Orders to lire, 203, 204 ; ammunition returns to be given in, 207 ; to receive Muskets, 214 : to receive onions, 215; to apply for Arms and Ammunition on the 1st of the month, 215; provision returns to be given in, 218; to complete number of Cartridges, 224 ; not to load, 225 ; to receive orders from Brig. Gen. Pigot, 225; not to issue Jhmi to men going to Charlestowu, 226 ; to return flat bottom boats, 232; to apply for salt fish, 235 ; Orders to, furnishing Uowers, 235, 236; provision orders, 236, 248; a return of each to be given in, 236; to parade, 239, 253, 255 ; to receive one cask of biscuit, 241 ; to exercise with Arms and lire at Marks, 243; duty to be regulated, 243 ; to send for recovered Men, 251 ; to apply for, and to issue Sour Crout, 252; to send for repaired Arms, 256 ; to give in returns of Men unfit for service, 260 ; Orders concerning Shoes, 277 ; a printed paper to be delivered to, 284 ; one flat bottomed boat to be allotted to each, 283; a state to be given in, 289; to take Garrison Duty, 289 ; return of Arms with wooden ramrods required, 292 ; aug mentation of, 302. Corps encamped at Charlestown, Orders, 11, 12, 15, 28, 68, 77, 153, 156, to give in weekly returns, 27; to be arranged in three divisions, 58; requiring Cartridges to apply for order, 60; to guard against insult from the Eebels, 78 ; to apply to Lieut. Man, 113 ; to give in names of Men willing to be inoculated, 155. Corps at New York, proposition for the augmentation of, 306. Coug-hlan, John, promoted, 286. Countersign, not to be demanded in Town, 216 ; whom to be demanded by, 216. Counter Signs, Alnwick, 19 ; Amesbury, 44, 161 ; Andover, 44, 89 ; Angus, 63 ; An- nopolis, 245; Antrim, 69; Antwerp, 108; Axrninster, 156; Baltick, 210; Bangor, 130 ; Bantry, 74 ; Barbadoes, 262 ; Barce lona, 229 ; Baruet, 186 ; Barnstable, 32 ; Bath, 139,202; Battle, 86; Bedford, 147 ; Belisle, 82 ; Bell, 293 ; Belvoir, 208 ; Ben der, 216 ; Berclay, 163 ; Berkshire, 163 ; Berwick, 126; Beverley, 207; Blandford, 155 ; Blarney, 75 ; Blenheim, 115, 168 ; Boston, 194 ; Boyle, 85; Breda, 111 ; Bruns wick, 102; Buda, 217 ; Burford, 164 ; Bury, 95 ; Cadiz, 226 ; Caithness, 66 ; Calshot, 38, 160 ; Cambridge, 12 ; Canso, 246 ; Canton, 222 ; Cape Coast, 240 ; Cape de Verd, 266 ; Cardigan, 48 ; Carleton, 205 ; Carlisle, 127 ; Carnarvon, 131 ; Carthagena, 253 ; Cashell, 82; Center, 232 ; Chactaw, 258 ; Chatham, 92, 231 ; Cheerness, 177 ; Chelmsford, 93, 199 ; Chepstow, 47 ; Chester, 101, 12i) ; Chichester, 181 ; Christchurch, 35 ; Clare, 73 ; Clarendon, 44 ; Clinton, 4, 107 ; Cloes, 278 ; Cloumell, 76 ; Colebrooke, 201 ; Comvay, 136; Corienna, 281; Cornwall, 26; Coro- mandel, 220 ; Coventry, 166 ; Cracon, 216 ; Cuba, 255, 264 ; Culleu, 65 ; Cyprus, 217 ; Darby, 125 ; Dartford, 175; Dartmouth, 106, 243; Deal, 90, 178; Derby, 190, 205; Devon. 139 ; Don, 214 ; Doncaster, 194, 207 ; Dorset, 155 ; Dort, 109 ; Dover, 105 ; Downe, 80; Dublin, 14, 83, 99; Dum- blaine, 59; Dunbarton, 59 ; Dundalk, 79; Durham, 126; Egypt, 223; Elgin, 66; Ely 208; Esquimaux, 251; Eustatia, 253; Euston, 208; Exeter, 106 ; Exmouth, 150; Eairlield, 98 ; Far mouth, 36; Furnham 161; Fez, 234; Fife, 100 ; Finland, 211 ; Flint, 130 ; Florida, 257 ; Forfar, 62 ; Fort Chartres, 257 ; Fort Edward, 273 ; Fort Sackville, 249 ; Gallecia, 288 ; Garroone, 290; Georgia,218; Giukel, 39; Glamorgan. 49; Glasgow, 58; Gloucester, 204 ; Good wood, 45; Goree, 237, 267; Grafton, 197 ; Grantham, 193, 205 ; Greece, 227 ; Green wich, 93 ; Guadaloupe, 263 ; JIalefax, 271; Halifax, 12, 121; Hanover, 56; Harlem, 110; Harwich, 94 198; Hastings, 179; Helstone, 146; Hertford, 18; Hexham, 126 ; Houuslow, 170 ; Huntington, 97 ; Hurst Castle, 158 ; Indus, 220 ; Ipswich, 95 , Jamaica, 265; Kendal, 56; Kendall. 127 ; Kent, 88, 174 ; Kerry, 73 ; Kew, 173 ; Kildare, 78; Kilkenny, 77 ; Killikranky, 61 ; Kill worth, 75 ; Kingston, 93, 182 ; Lake Erie, 258 ; Lancaster, 260 ; Launccstou, 29 ; Lawrence, 250 ; Lecrass, 17 ; Leeds, 207; Legge, 241; Lewis, 179; Limpster, 204; Lincoln, 123; Liore, 293; Lisbon, 276; Litchfield, 189 ; Liverpool, 103, 128; Lizard, 27; Longford, 71; Lynn, 96, 196; Madrid, 268; Mahon, 225; Maiden, 199; Mallow, 76 ; Malplackett, 117 ; Malta, 241 ; Manchester, 54 ; Mansfield, 191 ; Margate, 178; Mariel, 256; Mespeth, 24; Mindeu, 114; Minis, 247; Mittaw, 212; Mocoa, 223; Monaghan, 81; Mon- mouth, 47, 98; Montreal, 119; Mont- rose, 63; Worpeth, 206; Minister, 84; Narva, 215; Newark, 191 ; Newcastle, 24, 206; Niagara, 258; Norfolk, 96; North ampton, 186 ; Oder, 215 ; Ohio, 260 ; Omskirk. 53; Orkney, 67; Orleans, 256; Ormus, 219; Ortuga, 286; Panama, 254; Pekin. 221 ; Pembroke, 138 ; Penrvn, 144 ; Pensilvania, 260; Percy, 10; Peru, 261; CO UNTERSIGNS DEPUTY. 33* Counter Signs, conti/uted, Peterui r jugu, 195; Jfetersburgh, 212; Pigot, 5, 242; Pitt-aim, 16; Placentia, 120, 248; Plymouth, 23; Poole, 34; Porta- bello, 254; Portsmouth, 93; Postdowri, 42 ; Pultawa, 215 ; Quito, 261 ; Radnor, 137; Uamalies, 116; Reading, 45, 171 ; Richmond, 86 ; Ringwood, 158 : Kochelle, 289; Rosiet, 250; Ross, 50, 72, 137; Rumney, 179; Rumsey, 159; Russia, 211; Rye, 87, 100; St. Alban s, 185, 201 ; St. David, 222 ; St. George, 94, 199; St. Helen s, 33 ; St. Janeiro, 262; St. John s, 118, 247; St. Lawrence, 12J ; St. Lucie, 254; St. Maws, 39; St. Nicholas, 235; St. Roche, 230; St. Vincent s, 233; Salem, 122; Scilly, 145; Seville, 270; Shetland, 210; Shoreham, 103 ; Shuldham, 242, 269; Smyrna, 218; Somerset, 154; Staiues, 173; Strabaue, 70; Suffolk, 209; Surry, 93, 199 ; Sweden, 113 ; Tauutou, 26, 152 ; Taymouth, 62 ; Thanet, 91 ; The Queen, 275 ; Tigris, 219 ; Tilbury, 87, 176 ; Totness, 148 ; Truro, 142 ; Tuam, 73 ; Tunis, 224; Ulster, 70; Venlo, 112; Vera Cruze, 252; Viper, 86; Wales, 135, 203; Warwick, 186 ; Wells, 153 ; Westminster, 56; Weymouth, 155; Whitney, 171; Wigan, 51; Williamstadt, 111; Wilton, 162; Windsor, 241; Wolfe. 89; Wolga, 214; Woolwich, 174; Yarmouth, 196; York, 125. -Court of Enquiry, dissolved, 51, 195 ; to be held, Judge Advocate to attend, 192. Court Martial (General) to sit in Con cert Hall, 31, 48, 55, 113, 128, 139, 165 ; to sit and Members composing, 34, 139, 246, 266 ; dissolved, 46, 55, 81, 87, 102, 118, 133, 157, 188, 253, 284; time iixed to sit, altered, 55; Members to be taken from Troops in Boston, 55 ; drum-head, 79. Cow (Red) lost and reward offered, 151. Cowley, William, promoted, 133. Cox, John, tried for robbing a Store and sentenced, 101 ; order respecting punish ment of, 102. Craig-, Miss, xi. Crammond, John, promoted, 149, 245. Crawford (.Brigantlne), Wine and Limes to be sold on board, 248. Crawford, Henry, promoted, 22. Creepers, to be provided, 185. Creigiiton s Landing: Place, appro priated to the use of the General Hospital, Crewe, Richard, promoted, 221. Groan, William, tried for desertion and sentenced, 118 ; to be executed, 124. Croker, Capt. Lieut., dead, 49. Croker, Ensign, transferred, 250. Croker, Michael, promoted, 130, 135. Crosby, Capt. Lieut., retires, 276. Cruelty to animals, 71, 97. Cruizers, to watch arrival of Troops, 316. Crutches, Order respecting, 123. Cullen, (Surgeon), promoted, 290. Cunning-ham, Ralph, to be 2d. Lieut, of Loyal Irish Volunteers, 162. Cunning-ham, Robert, promoted, 250. Curry, Thomas, to attend Commissary General, 197. Gushing-, John, regiments to receive Rum from, 237, 241. Cuyler, see Cayler. Dalrymple, Lieut. ; killed, 23. Danforth, Thomas, appointed Lieut.; 140. Daniel, John, promoted, 133. Darcus, James, promoted, 22. Darke, Henry, tried for desertion and sentenced, 118. Dartmouth (Lord), Information to General Howe, 299, 302; dispatch to General Howe, 300, 301, 315; ideas sug gested, considered, and opinion of Gen. Howe, 333 ; delay in arrival of dispatches from, 304 ; Orders to Gen. Howe obeyed, 307 ; receipt of dispatch and duplicates of letters acknowledged, 313 ; letter to Lords of the Admiralty, 313 ; receipt of a letter by Lord G. Germaiue, addressed to, 318 ; letters received from Gen. Howe, addressed to, 320. Daug-herty, Francis, tried for Murder and honorably acquitted, 87. Davidson, Captain, killed, 22. Davies, William, promoted, 133. Davis, John, instructions to, 137. Dawson, Sergt. (33th Regt.), J. Wither- ington found guilty of stealing a Shirt belonging to, 183. Dawson, Lieutenant, dead, 100. Day, John, promoted, 253. Dayley (a Mason), to attend Barrack Master, 111. Dead, to be properly interred, 213 ; where to be buried, 256. Dead in General Hospital, a return to be made of, 9. Dead in Regimental Hospitals, a return to be made of, 9. Debts, to be paid, 239. Deficiencies, to be reported, 160. Dennis, Barnard, promoted, 133. Depredations, Soldiers detected com mitting, to be hanged, 160 ; rewards offered for the conviction of persons who have committed, 237; persons described who are to be accountable for, 252. Deputy Adiutant General, list of drafts and recruits to be sent to, 57 ; to give directions, 60, 143; a return of Artificers to be sent to, 85 ; Corps to give in returns to, 102, 107, 144, 146 ; names of invalids necessary to be sent home, to be sent to, 116 ; names of Officers for Recruiting Service to be sent to, 144, 153 ; a return of the number of Men who have not had Small Pox to be sent to, 144; names of men refusing to be inoculated to be sent to, 143 ; regiments to send returns to, 154 ; Adjutants to attend the, 159, 163, 239 ; re turns to be sent to, 170 ; to be apprised of recruit firing, 201 ; Officers commanding Corps to inform when cheir men land and number, 248; Officers names who understand Fortifications, to be be sent to, 264. Deputy Judgre Advocate, Prisoners names and dates,&c. to be sent to, 43, 55, 113, 128, 139, 166, 247, 267. Deputy Pay Master General, applica tions for Pay to be made to, 123. 332 DEP UTYDR UMMER S Deputy Quarter-Master General, Orders, 48, 57, 89; names of Officers who have received Tents and Marquees to be sent to, 91 ; application to be made to, for Carts to carry baggage, 110 ; returns to be given in to, 117, 260, 287, 294 ; provision returns to be given in to, 165, 218, 294 ; returns of Horses lost, to be given to, 174 ; to give orders to detachment of Marines, 178 ; to be informed when Cellars are ready, 182; to give Quarter-Masters an Order for Creepers, 185 ; Order respecting Tents and tent-poles given by, 191 ; regi ments and Corps to send to, for Sour Crout, 202, 252 ; detachment return to be given in to, 215 ; Quarter-Masters to apply to, for Eum for working Men, 234; to direct what Vessels shall be used to catch Fish, 247; Hour account to be given to, 249 ; Car penters to be sent to, 252 ; Men to be em ployed by, 262 ; to direct employment for E. Witton, 271; return of the strength of the Company about to embark to be given to, 274; to advise number o f Men to be victualled, 277 ; a blacksmith to attend, 277 ; two assistants appointed to, 290 ; to deliver Flints to Quarter-Masters of Corps, 291 ; regiments to apply for infor mation to, 293: Derby, Chaplain, retires, 250. Deserters pardoned, 136. Deserters and Thieves, punishment, 2, 3, 80, 118 ; order referring to, 37. Detachment, to embark, 99, 130, 279 ; to parade, 104, 105, 146, 179, 194. 195, 203, 209, 227 ; Orders to, 130, 164, 179, 192, 194, 209, 289; to go to Charlestown, 192, 203, 209, 226; Officers and Soldiers of, thanked, 214 ; to be rewarded, 215 ; to relieve Guards, 239; to disembark, 247; Grant s, highly commended, 257. Dickson, Alexander, promoted, 275. Dilkes, Major, Field Officer for the Day, 98, 121, 12ti, 147 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 106, 113 ; Corps of Grenadiers and to join six companies in Camp, 125; President, Court Martial, 128, 132, 138. Discharges, to be made out, 69; to be given to Captain Herbert, 160. Disney, Captain, Major of Brigade, 47, 98, 101, 103, 107, 111, 114, 119, 121, 125, 127, 129, 135, 138, 144, 148, 154, 153, 159, 164, 171, 176, 179, 181, 186, 193, 196, 199, 202, 208, 203, 207, 211, 215, 217, 219, 223, 226, 232, 241, 258, 262, 265, 271, 287, 295; Flank Company s return to be given to, 269 ; posted in Seniority, 278 ; Major of Brigade in North America, 283. Disobedience, Order concerning Soldiers guilty of, 95. Districts, appointed to each Corps, 182. Divine Service, where to be performed, 17 ; Officers and Men off duty to attend, 27, 37, 42, 49. 56, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95. Division 1st, to furnish Out-Duties, 58, 61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96 ; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 58 ; Order referring to, 75, 76 ; altered, 90 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 98, 99, 101, 1,3, 107, 109, 112, 114, 117, 120, 122, 125,126, 123, 130, 135, 133, 140, 145, 148, 153, 155, 153, 160, 162; to furnish Guards, 93, 99, 101, 103, 107, 109, 112, 114, 117, 120. 122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 135, 133, 140, 145, 143, 153, 155, 158, 160, 162; to furnish work ing parties, 99, 101, 103, 106, 108, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 123, 126. 127, 129, 131, 137, 139, 144, 147, 152, 155, 156, 159, 161 ; additions made and Orders, 166. Division 2nd, to furnish Out-Duties, 59, 62, 63, 65, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 85, 85, 88, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96; Adjutant and Quarter Master for the Day, 59 ; Order referring to, 75 ; altered, 90 ; to furnish working parties, 98, 99, 101, 103, 107, 109, 114, 117. 120, 122, 125, 126, 128, 130, !:, 137, 133,140,145,148, 153, 155, 158, 160, 162 ; to furnish Guards, 98. 100, 102, 105, 107, 110, 112, 116, 119. 121, 122, 125, 127, 123, 130, 137, 142, 146, 151, 154, 156, 159, 161, 163; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 98, 100, 102, 105, 107, 110, 112, 116, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 130, 137, 133, 142, 146, 151, 154. 156, 159, 161,163; additions made and Orders, 166. Division 3rd, to furnish Out-Duties, 58, 60, 62, 65, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83, 88, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98 ; Order referring to, 75 ; divisions altered. 90 ; to furnish work ing parties, 98, 100, 102, 105, 107, 110, 112, 116, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 130, 142, 146, 151,154, 156, 159, 161, 163; to furnish Ad jutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 99, 101, 103, 106, 108, 111, 113, 116, 119 , 121, 123, 126, 127, 129, 131, 137, 139, 144, 147, 152, 155, 156, 159, 161 ; to furnish Guards, 99, 101, 103, 106, 108, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 123, 126, 127, 129, 131, 137, 138, 139, 144,147, 152, 155, 156, 159, 161 ; additions made and Orders, 166. Dodds, James (Clerk), promoted, 134. Donnegran, Pattrick, house broken into and goods stolen, 188. Doran, Benjamin, tried for robbing a Store and sentenced, 101 ; order respecting punishment of, 102. Dorchester Heig-hts, xiii., xvi. Dorchester Neck, commanding heights on, fortilied and taken possession of, 318 ; measures taken by Eebels to possess them selves of, 318, 319. Dorothy, Transport, to receive baggage, 14. Douglass, Eobert, promoted, 43. Douglass, William, promoted, 245. Dowling 1 , Joseph, promoted, 22. Dowling", Oliver, promoted, 114. Downes, Capt., dead, 20 ; effects to be sold, 33 ; postponement of Sale of effects, 38. Doyle, John (40th Eegt.), promoted, 293. Doyle, Lieut. (55th Eegt.), Overseer of Works, 265. Drafts, to be settled with, 159, 287 ; order respecting, 159, 163, 185, 287, 289, 291 ; to practise firing at marks, 201 ; to receive Clothing, 287. Dram Shops, prohibited, 182, 228; not licenced by Brigr. Gen. Eobertson, to be suppressed, 203 ; to be shut up, 228. Drummers, Orders to, 147 ; not to be pro vided for Additional Company, 154 ; not fit to carry Arms to be sent on board ship, DR UMS FLEMING. 333 Drums, Orders, 194, 195. Drunkenness, rigorous means to put a stop to, 229 ; Order concerning, 233. Drunken Men, order concerning, 95; a report made respecting, 231. Drurey. Edward, promoted, 279. Drury, James, promoted, 23. Drury. Richard Yere, promoted, 134. Duffield, , promoted, 134. Dunbar, George, promoted, 152. Dunbar, Thomas, promoted 64, 232. Dundas, Captain, supernumerary Aide- de-Oamp, 189 ; replaced by Captain Lord Rawdon, 198 ; promoted, 272 ; to command 1st battalion Light Infantry, 273. Dundon, Surgeon, promoted, 290. Dunlivie, Corporal, Orders; 147. Dutton, Lieutenant, killed, 21. Duty, rotation altered, 119. Dyer, John, appointed 1st Lieutenant, 189. Dyer, Chaplain, dead, 134. Eagle, George, promoted, 100. Eag\e, Solomon, promoted, 114. Eagle Transport, to receive Camp Equip age, 14; Mate ill-treated, 90. Easop, William, pardoned for desertion and ordered to join regiment, 282. Economy, necessary, 68. Edure, Job, instructions respecting, 137. Eawards, James, tried for assault and sentenced, 46. Edwards, John, promoted, 134. Effectives, to be completed, 219 ; to be conveyed by Transports, 318. Elliot! Francis Percival (14th Regt.), pro moted, 149. Elliot. Captain Lieutenant (37th Regt.), replaced by Lieut. Francis Graham, 286. Ellis, Samuel, promoted, 189, 268. Ellison, H. Peter, promoted, 109. Embarkation, regiments to assemble for, 238 ; 47th Regiment to be in readiness for, 250 ; return to be given in, 269 ; Royal Hospital Emigrants to be in readiness for, 274 ; actual state of different, 321. Engine Masters, Order respecting, 142. Engineer, not to receive Rum from Corps, 170 ; to give directions to working party, 193; Masons to attend, 204; to direct Officer commanding working parties, 219. Engineers Tools, to be collected, 70, 71 ; only certain persons to have access to, 71. England, Patrick, promoted, 21. English, John, to be employed by Captain Montrazore, 271. Entrenchment Corps, to take duty, 2. Erskine, Sir William, letter of instructions to, 318. Everard, Thomas Potter, promoted, 150. Everass, Captain, Assistant in Engineer department, 294. Everest, Captain, resigned, 263. Execution, to take place, 81, 124, 196. Eyre, Edward, promoted, 133. Eyre, William, promoted 134; orders, 284. Falmquth, destruction resolved upon, 306; inhabitants notiliedto remove effects, 306; destroyed, 306 ; refusal of inhabitants to comply with requisitions, 309. Farley, Sergeant, to attend Commissary General, 197. Earring-ton, Major, to give directions for care of Tools, 45 ; information respecting cruelty to Artillery Horses to be given to, 97. Farring-ton, Anthony, Major of Brigade to Brigadier General Cleveland, 245. Farrinarton, Jn., Instructions respecting, 137 ; to attend Commissary Genl., 197. Fascines, to be collected, 68 ; order respecting, 157, 294; ships to carry, 288 ; orders and dimensions for making, 289. Favorite, Transport, to sail for Halifax, 177. Fences, order referring to, disobeyed, 70 ; not to be pulled down, 109 ; persons detected pulling down to be punished, 278. Fenner, Samuel, promoted, 150. Fenton, , promoted, 134. Ferg-uson, Sergeant, to collect and take charge of Engineers Tools, 70 ; to acknow ledge receipt of Tools, 71. Ferrier, John, promoted, 149. Ferry Men, ill-usage of, 72. Field, promoted, 283. Field Officer commanding at Charles- town, to see Guard posted, 6 ; instructions respecting persons surrendering, 34. Field Officer of the Day, to go the Rounds only in Camp, 119 ; Ord er to, 120, 212, 246 ; to give instructions, 170 ; reports to be made to, 171, 246 ; Order concerning reports usually made to, 171 ; to give directions to Officers of Picquets, 246. Field Officers commanding Corps, sol diers passes to be signed by, 49. Field Officers commanding the Lines, Orders, 64, 91, 219, 259 ; to visit Hospital Ships, 259. Field Officers commanding Works, to give directions, 50 ; Order concerning, 51. Fields (enclosed). Order respecting, 287 Fifers, not fit to carry Arms to be sent on board ship, 236. Files, to be counted, 238. Fire, Orders to regiments in case of, 142, 143 ; Corps ordered to, 204 ; persons detected setting, to the Town to suffer death, 230; riot to be made where stoves stood, 237 ; Commanding Officers to be answerable that, are extinguished, 240. Fire Buckets, to be collected, 191. Firewards, Order concerning, 142; In structions, 143. Fish, Benjamin, promoted, 20. Fish, permitted to be sold, 125; allowed Women and Children on board ship, 235 ; to be caught for the troops, 247; to be served to several regiments, 255. Fitch, William, promoted, 100. Fitzg-erald, Henry, promoted, 150. Fitzgerald, Samuel, promoted, 41. Fitzpatrick, James, to attend Commis sary Genial, 197. Flanag-an, Owen, to attend Engineer, 172. Flank Companys, not to embark witli respective regiments, 264; to be comple ted, 269; not to be sent on board ship, 275. Fleeming-, J., 3rd Lieut, of Royal .tforth British Volunteers, 123. Fleet, dispersion of the, 316. Fleming 1 , Captain, replaced by Lieut, Chrirles Latan, 203. 334 FLETCHER G OLD Til WAITE. Fletcher, David, permission to sell Sheep, Oxen, etc., 121. Flints, Order respecting, 291. Hour, Order respecting, 242; account of the quantity received on hoard ship to be given in, 249 ; received, 314. Fbillett, Captain, retires, 41. Fontenoy, battle of, vii. Forage, not to be wasted, 11; referred to, 45 ; allowance made, 101 ; sent to Officers, 123 ; scarcity of, 251 ; to be forwarded, 309. Forage Money, names required of those who have not received, 98, 99; to be issued, 260 Forbes, James, promoted, 263. Forbus. A. P., promoted, 286. Force s American Archives, xiv. Fordyce, Captain, killed, 248. Forrest, James, Captain of Loyal Irish Volunteers, 162 ; to sign returns, 162. Forster, Thompson (Surg.), promoted , 283. Foster, Sergeant, Sheets to be returned to, 213. Fouke, .Mate to Hospital at Boston. 135. Fowler, Major, Field Officer for the Lines, 108. Fowler, Sergeant Major, Adjutant to Grenadiers, 39. Fowler, Alexander, tried for exhibiting ill-grounded charges, 96; sentenced and punishment remitted, 97 ; retires, 108. Fowler, George, promoted, 49, 279. Foxer, Francis, to be tried by Court Martial, 246; tried for scandalous be haviour and sentenced, 253. Foxer, James, promoted, 149. Fraser, General, additional battalions pro posed t be raised by, 308. Fraser, George, promoted, 153. Freeman, Thomas, promoted, 286. Freeman, , to be employed by Deputy Quarter Master General. 262. French, Archibald, promoted, 250. French, Christr., promoted, 21. Fresh Meat, scarcity of, 50; wounded Officers and Men requiring. 57. Fresh Provisions, given gratuitously to Troops, 99 ; scarcity of. 113. Fxiel, Order respecting, 68, 77, 1S6, 156, 170, 171, 200, 249 ; to be served to Troops, 176 ; carts provided to carry. 176 ; to be delivered to receipts of Quarter Masters, 177; required, 312. Fuge. John, promoted, 23. Full, Thomas, directed to sell Fish, 125. Furniture, allowance made in lieu of. 135. 156; not to be lemoved without orders, 213. Furniture Money, Officers to receive, 156, returns to be sent in of Officers en titled to receive, 173. Gage, General, General Orders, iii., xiv. , reinforced, viii. ; recalled ix.; political Governor, xiii.; copies of Boston orders, xiv.; mentioned, xv., xvi. ; returns to England, 299; General Howe to make reference to a letter to, 3CO ; dis patch to, 300; brings dispatches from General Howe, 3C2 ; Expedition resolved on. 3C6. Gallespie, Lance., promoted, 282. Gamble, Thomas, promoted, 104. Gaming:, to be suppressed, 37. Gardiner, Lieut., Effects to be sold, 43. Gardner, Captain, persons entitled to- reward to apply to, 106. Gardner, Val., promoted, 275. Gardner, Lieutenant, retires, 285. Garrison, Two Captains to visit Guards, 170, 171 ; to be inspected, 202 ; to parade, 239 ; to be under Arms and in readiness to Embark, 241 ; reports to be made to Majr. Genl. Percy, 243, Orders, 264. Garrison duty, plan given, 166; order, 168 ; taken in turn by certain regiments, 269, 289; men on, to be commanded by Majr. Genl. Massey, 288; Men returned for, to parade, 291 ; Orders to regiments doing, 291. Gauk (Mason), to attend Engineer, 204. Gaul, Major (35th Regt.), Field Officer for the Lines, 99, 107, 116, 127, 150, 159; Field Officer for the Day, 122, 137, 197 ; Presi dent Court Martial, 165, 174, 187; replaced by Captain Cockburn, 200; retires, 286 ; Field Officer, 295. Gay, Mr., xviii. Geason, John, promoted 165, 286. " General Gage " Sloop, detachment to embark on, 279. General Muster, Order preparatory to, 36. General Officers, to apply for allowances, 176; crder, 249; to give a r-turn of Horses, 282 ; Gifts to be inspected by a Board of, 284. General Parade, where to take place, 7. Gentles, Andrew, to attend Commissary General, 197 George I., v. George III., vi., xix. Germaine, Lord George, xviii., xix.,. acknowledges receipt of dispatches, 304 ; observations on the Southern Expedition, 3C4 ; considers evacuation of Boston un- advisable, 307 ; objections to Augmenta tion from Foreign Troops, 308 ; observa tions on the demand for Horses and Waggons, 308; laments obstacles which prevented relief being sent to Quebec, 309 ; observations on the burning of Falmouth, 309 ; acquaints Genl. Howe of prepaiations for ensuing Campaign, 310; answers to letters from Genl. Howe, 313 ; informa tion to, 313; information to Gen. Howe, 315, 318 ; embarkation returns of Hessians and Guards transmitted, 318; copy of letter of instructions to General Heister and Sir W. Erskine, 318 ; acknowledges a letter addressed to Lord Dartmouth, 318 ; Secretary of State, 320 ; H. M. s approval of Geid. Howe conveyed by, 320. Gibson, Thomas, promoted, 279. Gifts, distribution of, 284. Goff, Thomas, promoted, 161. Goldthwaite, Michael, proposition to- brew Spruce, 35 ; applications respecting Sprur-e to be made to, 38 ; to deliver Spruce beer to Corps. 122 ; to torward proposals to Commanding Officers, 123; Mate to Gene ral Hospital, 207 ; to attend Corps of Light Infantry and Grenadiers, 221 ; to receive directions from Dr. Jeffrys, 291. GOODEXOUGII G UARDS. 335 GoodenOUgrh, Major, Field Officer for the Lines, 194; Field Officer for the D.iy, 2JJ, 203, 221 ; to command detachment at Cii irlestown, 209; Field Officer for duty at Onarlestown, 210 ; retires, 272. Gordon, George, promoted, 232. Gordon, Robert, promoted, 190. Grore>, Adjutant, replaced by J. Wriggles- worth, 272. Gorham, Lieut.-Colpnel, to command Royal Fensible Americans, 92 ; Order con cerning his Corps, 246; Corps to give up quarters to 14th Regt., 249; Field Officer, 253, 254, 256, 253, 260, 261,262, 264, 263, 273 ; a new Corps being raised, 271 ; Field Offic-r to visit Hospital Ships, 273 ; to commxnd Port Cumberland, 289; Orders. 239 ; Corps to go to Halifax, 305, 319. Gould, Herbert, promoted, 134; retires, 235. Gould. Lieutenant, killed, 22. Graham, Ensign, dead, 41. Graham, Francis, promoted, 286. " Grand Duchess of Russia," Five Companies of Marines to go on board, and to s>end baggage on board, 110. Grant, Major (44th Regt.), Field Officer for the Lines, 102,119, 144; Field Officer for the D.iy, 110, 125, 130, 155, 162, 166; retires, 127. Gran 1 :, Major (40th Regt.), to command detachment of Marines, 178; promoted, 244 ; tli inked, 257 ; Order to his Company, 294 ; Field Officer, 295. Grant, Brigadier General, arrived, 57 ; Brigadier General, 57,99,101, 103, 106, 109, 11O14, H7, 120, 122, 125, 126. 127. 130, 135, 137, 139, 145, 148, 153, 155, 153, 160, 162, 173, 175, 178, 182, 189, 194, 197, 200, 203, 295, 207, 209,212, 215, 217, 220, 223, 227,233, 2J5; Orders, 181; several regiments to report to, 202; to superintend embarka tion of Troops, 234; Order to Orderly Officers countermanded, 240; promoted, 244, 270 ; to go on board the Charming Nelly, 282. Grant, Andrew, promoted, 153. Grant, Jarnes, promoted, 133. Grant, James (49th Regt.), promoted, 282. Grant, James (14th Regt.), promoted, 21. Grant, James (R.F.A.), promoted, 276. Grant, Captain, promoted, 2?0. Grant, Richard, promoted, 244. Grates to be furnished, 135 ; to be delivered to Surgeons, 136; regiments recommended to return, 228. Gratton, William, promoted, 108; Quarter Masters to attend, 287. Graves, Admiral, expedition resolved on, 306; Letter to General Howe, 307 ; observations on the part taken on the burning of Falmouth, 309. Graves (see Tombs), Order concerning, 44, 127 ; complaint made about, 218. Greate n, William, promoted, 293. Greaton, Quarter Master, application for tobacco to be made to, 292. Green, Capt., replaced by J. G. Simcoe, 190. Green, Francis, promoted, 140 Greene, Ensiga, effects to be sold, 87. Green s Wharf, several regiments to be victualled at, 172. Grenadiers, Orders, 1. 33, 63, 75, 90, 109, 11J, 145, 164, 167, 183, 215. 229, 239, 240, 231,294; to furnish Guards and Sentries, 17, 26, 35, 53 : to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 18, 28, 33, 44, 50, 53, 61, 63, 71, 75, 79, 84, 87, 90, 94; return to be given in, 52 ; to be commanded by Agnew, Smelt and Mitchell, 52 ; to complete Numbers, 59, 167 ; to parade for Divine ser vice, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; Major Mitchell to command at Boston, 52; to furuisli Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 163, 179, 198, 206, 215 ; a Captain to take command, 169 ; where to be vic tualled, 172, to be served with fuel, 173 ; Order to Patroles of. 183, 184 ; Order to Surgeon s Mates of, 191 ; Tsvo Captains to- sit at Court of Inquiry and report, 192, 193 ; to report, 2J2 ; Order to Picquets of, 211 ; Agnew s, to relieve at Charlestown, 216, 217 ; to be ready to embark, 225 ; rowers to be furnished, 235 ; to receive directions, 236 ; to relieve Guards, 239 ; to be formed into two battalions under Lieut.-Col. Meadows, Major Mitchell, Lt.-Col. Monckton and Major Steward,. 272 ; second battalion to parade, 274 ; dis tribution of transports, 28J ; proportion of Flints allowed, 291 ; inspection, 294. Grey, Captain, dead, 2t)8. Griffin, instructions to, 27. Griffiths, Fento, promoted, 253. Grogran, Lieutenant, promoted, 285. Grove, Francis, promoted. 253. Groves, a Mason, (18th Regt.), to attend Barrack Master, 110. Groves, a Mason (23rd Regt.), to attend B irrack Master, 110. Guard, to be posted, 15, 18 ; to parade, 18, 233 ; Orders, 263, 272 ; to receive and to from Capt. Spry, 267. Guard at the Lines, to relieve and to report. 7 ; to be told off in parade, 53 ; Orders, 124. Guard for Provost, to mount and parade at Main Guard, 246. Guard Mounting:, a guard to parade at, 263, 272. Guard of Artillery at the Lines, Orders, 95. Guard Quarter, Orders, 43. Guard Booms, 123, 162. Guards, Order respecting Bayonets, 67, 153 ; Orders, 111, 141, 147, 153, 212, 221, 224, 269 ; time to mount, 112 ; Orders respecting Prisoners, 117; reports to be sent to Main Guard, 171 ; allowance of Ruin per day, 174 ; rum to be delivered to, 198 ; to furnish Sentries over Guns, 220 ; to apprehend persons who kill pigeons, 223 ; to be attentive to any firing from Enemy s works, 224 ; to parade, 226: to be formed, 238 ; to remain as posted, 240 ; to be relieved and to join Corps, 241 ; addi tions to be made to Citadell Hill, 270; Orders to a detachment, 311 ; a detach ment to go to Portsmouth, 315; embarka tion returns of, 318. Guards (advanced), Orders, 37, 39, 202; hours to be relieved, 91. 336 GUE HOSPITAL. Gue, Mr., xviii. Gun (Evening), where to be fired, 88, 178. Gun (Morning), where to be fired, 178. Gunners (Additional), for Royal Artillery, 81 ; a guard to i.iouut with Artillery, 145 ; to join respective Corps, 235. Gunning 1 , Lieut.-Col., to command at Lines, 7 ; thanked, 9 ; Field Officer for Pk-quet, 15, 17, 27, 38, 44, 59, 73, 79, 86, 96 ; Field Officer for Lines, 19, 29, 39, 44, 70, 75, 82, 88, 93, 222; indisposed, 53, 54, 60 ; Field Officer for the day, 173, 281 ; to visit Hospital Ships, 281 ; Meld Officer, 295. Guns (Great), Men to be instructed, 74. Halcott, Matthew, promoted, 20. Haldiman, Major Genl., promoted, 270. Haldimand, General, postponement of Auction at, 81; day fixed for Auction, 85. Haldimand, Lewis, promoted, 150, 169, 190. Hale, Nathan, account given by ? xvii. Hales, John, promoted, 129, 28*6. Halifax, security of, 314; Army at, 314, 319 ; defence of Town and Dock Yard, 319. Halifax Q-arrison, Order concerning,252. Hamerton, Michael, promoted, 276. Hamilton, Ensign(64thRegt.). retires, 286. Hamilton, Lieutenant (52nd Regt.), pro moted, 253. Hamilton, Lieut.-Col., Field Officer for the Lines, 98, 103, 112, 126, 136, 156 ; Field Officer for the Day, 121, 146 ; to appoint Officers for Invalids, 153; certificates and receipts to be sent to, 168 ; order repeated, 169. Hamilton, David, tried for disobedience of Orders and acquitted, 53. Hamilton, William, tried for ill-treating Mr. B. Harrison and acquitted, 90 ; tried for several offences, 146, 156 : acquitted, 157; tried for other offences and sen tenced, 157. Hamilton. William (69th Eegt.), pro moted, 285. Hand Carts, regiments to put in order, 228 ; wheels to be attended to, 233 ; Order respecting shipment, 294. Handesyde, John, Mate to General Hos pital, 207 ; to do duty with 1st Light infantry, 291. Handneld, Captain, Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General, 1 ; names of per sons embarked to be given to, 72 ; to dis tribute provisions, 113. Handneld, Edward, promoted, 21. Haiidfleld, William, promoted, 133. Handyfield, see Handneld. Handyside, see Handesyde. Hanfield, Charles, appointed, Adjt., 204. Hanover (Ifrvyal House of), v. Harbuckle, Mate to Hospital at Boston, 135. Hardy, Joseph, promoted, 23, Hark, Honble., Bethewn, promoted, 250. Harris, Thomas, promoted, 149. Harris, William, promoted, 263; replaced by J. Doyle, 293. Harrison, Benjamin, ill-treatment of, 90. Harrison, Robert John, promoted. 22. Harth. , (5th Regt.),to be employed by Deputy Quarter Master General, 262. Haselton, , Mate to Hospital at Boston, 135. Haslam, Anthony, promoted, 132. Hatfield, , Mate to Hospital at Boston, 135. Hawley, Henry, promoted, 134. Hay, Edward, promoted, 134. Hay, John, promoted, 149, 285. Hay, William, promoted, 203. Hays, John, promoted, 283. Healey, William Campbell, promoted, 292. Health, instructions respecting Officers , 141 Heister, Genl. .letter of instructions to,318. Henesey, Ann, tried for housebreaking and acquitted, 188. Henesey, John, tried for housebreaking and acquitted, 188. Herbert, Captain, to have command of invalids, 159, 160. Hesse (Prince of), engagements entered upon with, 308; Regiment, to serve in Canada, 315. Hessians, body to serve in General Howe s army, 315 ; first division, to embark, 315 ; embarkation returns, 318. Hewitson, Captain, to pay accounts and balances, 165. Heyburne, Captain, dead, 282. Heyes, Edward, promoted, 104. Hig-gins, Lieutenant, dead, 23; effects to be sold, 87. Hill, Benjamin, promoted, 40, 149. Hill, George, Orders, 147. Hill, John Foster, promoted, 108. Hilliard, Lieutenant, killed, 22. Hillman, Major, Field Officer for the, Day, 98, 112, 136, 156, 171, 179, 194, 203, 232", 275 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 105, 147, 164, 208, 215 ; to command detach ment at Charlestown, 216, 217 ; to give Orders to Officers of working parties, 233 ; Field Officer, 295. Hirg-hinton, John, promoted, 150. Hoar, William Grenville, promoted, 162. Hodg-son, Ensign, promoted, 132. Hog-s, allowed to Officers, 181, 205. Holland, Lieutenant, dead, 43. Holmes, Hugh, pardoned for desertion and ordered to join regiment, 282. Holmes, William, tried for wilfully neglecting duty, 83 ; sentenced, 84 ; com plaint made against Captain Webster, 192 ; opinion of Court of Inquiry upon the complaint, 195. Hope, Surgeon, replaced by Surgeon Dun- don, 290. Hope, Henry, promoted, 127; Field Officer for the Lines, 128, 152, 160, 186, 199, 205 ; Field Officer for the Day, 138, 176, 211, 217, 226, 237, 241, 293 ; Member of Court Mar tial, 267; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 293 ; Field Officer, 295. Horses, to grass, 45 ; cruelty to, 97 ; return of lost to be made, 174 ; not to be purchased, 251 ; a return to be given by General Officers, 282 ; observations by Lord G. Germaine on the demand for, 308 Horse Ships, not to have flat boats, 288 ; men on board to be removed, 289 Hospital (Convalescent), men to be examined, 43. HOSPITAL HO WE. 337 Hospital (Factory), an Hospital Mate to attend at, 196. Hospital (General), wounded to be taken to, 9 ; two women to be sent to, 10, 23, 29 ; wounded men to be furnished with neces saries, 11, 19, 30 ; Orders repeated, 29, 30; women nurses, admission and discharge, 30 ; spruce to be supplied and directions for using it, 177 ; Creighton s landing place for the use of, 254. Hospital(Manufactory), Instructions, 227. Hospital Mate, Orders, 196. Hospital (Regimental), Men s necessaries to be examined, 16 ; men to be examined and Outlyers to attend, 80 ; Surgeons to apply for Greens for the Sick, 85 ; to be inspected, 155. Hospital Ships, Corps to send for recov ered Men, 251 ; to be visited by a Field Officer of the Line, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268, 269, 270, 273, 276, 281, 287, 289, 293; complaints made by Men on board to be enquired into, 278. Hospital Surgeon, Orders, 291. Hougrhton, Lieutenant, resigned, 169 ; insulted, 174. Household Furniture, Order respect ing, 232. Houses in Charlestown, to be pre served, 20, 278 ; fitted for recovering men, 96. Howe, Annabella (Lady), iv. Howe, Anne, v. Howe, Emanuel, married, v.; General in English Army, v. Howe, Emanuel Scrope, genealogically mentioned, v., married, v. Howe, George Augustus, genealogically mentioned, v., vi. Howe, George Augustus (Viscount), eldest son of Second Viscount Howe, vi.; killed and monument erected in memoriam, vi. Howe, John, genealogically mentioned, iv. Howe, John Grubham, great great grand father of Sir Wm. Howe, iv.; married, iv. Howe, Juliana, daughter of Lord Ailing- ton, v. Howe, Richard (Admiral Lord), brother of Sir W. Howe, vi.; cousin to George n. and George in., vi.; titles passed to, vi.; death, vi. Howe, Ruperta, v. Howe, Scrope, genealogically mentioned, iv., v.; made Baron Cleuawley and Vis- courit Howe, v.; married, v. Howe, Second Viscount, father of Genl. Sir William Howe, iv.; Governor of Bar- badoes, vi. Howe, General Sir William, chief in com mand, iii., ix., viv.; son of Second Viscount Howe, iv.; relationship to King, vi. ; date of birth, vi.; Irish titles in herited by, vi.; life of, vii., viii.; battle of Brandy wine, ix.; Knight of the Bath, ix.; recalled, x.; nattering testimony, x., xi.; succeeded Lord Amherst, xii.; Go vernor of Berwick, xii.; Governor of Ply mouth, xiii.; death, xiii.; mentioned, xv., xvi., xvii., xviii. ; Absent, 8, 10, 12 ; thanked, 9,98 ; to be applied to for an Order for Ammunition, 52 ; Soldiers not to lie out of Camp without leave, 54 ; to order place for execution of W. Beck, 81; to command Royal Welsh Fusileers, 88 ; to be acquainted when it is necessary to fire Cannon, 94 ; to command H. M. Forces in Nova Scotia, 107 ; promotions made, 243 ; promoted, 270 ; Pz-ecis of Correspondence, 299 ; Commander-in-Cliief , 299 ; informa tion from Lord Dartmouth, 299, 302 ; referred to a letter to General Gage, 300 ; dispatches from Lord Dartmouth, 300, 301, 315 ; to remove to New York, 300; to make a return of necessary things for ensuing Campaign, 301 ; to appoint suit able persons to be Adjutant General and Quarter Master General, 301 ; secret dis patches from Lord Dartmouth, 301, 315 ; letter from Mr. Powiiall, 301 ; to pay attention to the security of Nova Scotia, 301 ; Presents for the Indians to be sent to, 301 ; object of alterations in distribu tion of several regiments, 301 ; informed of directions given to Admiralty, 301 ; informed of an open and declared War by Associated Colonies, 302; Officers to be sent to England for raising Recruits, 302 ; dispatches from, 302, 306, 311, 812; gives his opinions with regard to ensuing cam paign, 302 ; ideas suggested, 303 ; desires instructions, 303, 314 ; wish expressed re garding -the Army for Campaign, 303 ; recommends experienced Officers to be provided in Additional Companies, 304; acquainted that every effort will be made to send required re-inforce- ments, 304 ; observations on the Southern Expedition by Lord G.Germaine, 304; dispatches carried by Major Genl. Burgoyne, 304, 307; gives excuses for not having executed Lord Dartmouth s directions, 304 ; proposes the remainder of 65th Regt. should be sent to Halifax, 305 ; suggestions respecting Recruits, 305 ; proposes a reinforcement, 306 ; opinions respecting suggested removal of effects at Boston, 306 ; arrangement made with Admiral Graves, 307 ; design abandoned, 307 ; estimates of necessaries for ensuing campaign transmitted by, 307 ; justified in remaining at Boston, 307; plan of operations for ensuing year approved, 307; observations respecting augmenta tion of Forces, 308 ; demand for Horses and Waggons. 308 ; Lord G. Germaine laments obstacles which prevented send ing relief to Quebec, 309; use discretion as to removal of effects at Boston, 309 ; commissioned to post Officers to certain Vacancies, 310 ; information from Lord G. Germaine, 310, 315; to command H.M. Forces in the event of General Carleton s decease, 310; instructions to, respecting promotions, 310 ; to endeavour to effect an exchange of prisoners, 311 ; informa tion from, 311, 312, 313. 314, 315 ; means taken for procuring a supply of Salt Pro visions, 312 ; letter to Lord G. Germaine, 313 ; approval of means taken for procur ing Salt Provisions and Rice, 313 ; infor mation to Secretary of State, 315; gives his opinions on the strength of his Army, 338 HO WEKIELMANSEG GE. Howe, Sir William, continued. 315 ; treaties made for foreign Auxiliaries, 315; troops to proceed to Rhode Island, 316; to send Transports for 6th Eegi- nient, 317 ; congratulated on the ap pointment of his brother, 317 ; Hessians and G-uards embarkation returns trans mitted to, 318 ; copy of instructions to General Heister transmitted to, 318 ; copy of Orders to Admiralty transmitted to, 318 ; copy of instructions to Sir W. Erskine sent to, 318 ; letter addresed to Lord Dartmouth, received by Lord G-. Germaine, 318 ; resolutions of, 318 ; sends Commissary s report to Lord Dartmouth, 318 ; states reasons for going to Halifax, 319; proceeds to New York, 319; letters received addressed to Lord Dartmouth, 320 ; unacquainted with LordG-.Germaine s appointment, 320; miscarriage of dis patches, 320 ; letter from Lord G. Germaine, 320 ; able and brave Officer, 320 ; arrange ment made with respect to troops under command of, 321. Hudson, Captain, killed, 23; effects to be sold, 33. Humphreys, J . Eichmond, promoted, 133. Humphries, see Humphrys, Major. Humphrys, Major (52nd Eegt.), Field Officer for Picquets, 24, 34, 40, 47, 56, 62, 69, 75, 82, 88, 94 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 27, 36, 42, 49, 63, 73, 78, 86, 91, 95, 177, 211, 218, 226, 241 ; Field Officer for the Day, 186, 199, 205; to inspect Hospital Ships and report, 259 ; Member of Court Martial, 267 ; Field Officer, 295. Humphrys, Fras. Eichmond, Captain, promoted, 22. Hunter, Martin, promoted, 22. Husthwaite, Benjamin, tried for mutiny and insolence, and sentenced, 53 ; portion of sentence remitted, 57. Hutchinson, Adjutant, resigned, 103. Hutchinson, George, Aide-de-Camp, 104; promoted, 129, 285. Huts, Order referring to, 50, 78; to be searched, 66. Ice, on the Ground, dangerous, 153. Ignorance, Men not to have cause to plead, 38. Ill-TJsagre, complained of, 72. Indians, presents for, 301; assistance to be procured, 317. Infantry, Military returns, 322, 323, 324. Information, wanted, 71, 106; re ward offered for, 71, 106 ; required of Naval or Military Stores concealed in Town, 238. Innes, James, promoted, 132. Inoculation, recommended, 148, 156. Invalids, to be examined, 62, 120, 121 ; to be in readiness when called upon, 67; names to be given in, 71, 116 ; to embark, 72, 158, 159 ; Orders to, 120, 121, 146, 158 ; accounts to be settled, 146 ; a return of, who are to go to England, 152 ; names, ordered to embark, 158; to be sent to England, 312. Irish, Lieutenant, resigned, 104. Irish Merchants, offer by, 161. Irvine, see Irving. Irving 1 , Major, Field Officer for Picqnets, 47, 54, 61, 68. 75, 82, 87, 94; Field Officer for the Lines, 48, 53, 63, 73, 77, 85, 90, 95, 186, 211, 217, 226, 237, 241 ; Field Officer for the Day, 175, 198, 205 ; ill, 91 ; Field Officer, 295. Irving 1 , Paulus JEmilius, promoted, 43. Irwing 1 , see Irving. Issuing- Stores, time for, 172. Ives, William, tried for house-breaking and sentenced, 187. Jackson, Captain, retires, 292. Jackson Distill House, several regi ments to be victualled at, 172. Jackson, Lieutenant, dead, 104. James, Eichard, tried for stealing and sen tenced, 151. Jameson, James, replaced by T.Morrison, 244 ; promoted, 283. Jarvis, Joseph, to attend Engineer, 167 ; to be employed by Capt. Montrazore, 271. Jeffrys, Doctor, sick and wounded Sol diers to be left in care of, 291. Jenkyns, Captain, retires, 244. Johnson, Col. Guy, to join G-enl. Howe, with like powers as Sir W. Johnson, 317. Johnson, Sir William, like powers given to Col. G-. Johnson as those to, 317. Johnston, Henry, tried for robbing a Store and sentenced to suffer death, 187 ; executed, 196. Johnston, Thomas, promoted, 189. Jones, Brigadier General, to command and inspect several corps, 36, 47; Brigadier General, 98, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 129, 131, 137 139, 144, 147, 152, 155, 156, 159, 161, 164, 166 171, 174, 178, 179, 181, 186,193, 196,199,205, 207, 208, 211, 215, 217,219, 222,226,232, 241, 295 ; Orders, 181, 232 ; several regiments to report to, 202 ; to command several regi ments, 225 ; to superintend embarkation of Troops, 235 ; promoted, 270; appointed Colonel, 270 ; Lieut. Chitwin appointed Aide-de-Camp t >, 273; replaced by Major Campbell, 275 ; to go on board the Eussia Merchant, 282. Jones, Quarter Master, replaced by Lieut. Grogau, 285. Jones, Josiah, appointed Lieutenant, 140. Jones, Stephen, appointed Lieutenant, 140. Jones, Thorn is, tried for houss-breaking and sentence 1, 187. Jordan, Lieutenant, effects to be sold, 45. Judge Advocate, to attend Court of Inquiry, 192. Julian, Richard, promoted, 150. Kelly, Ensign, replaced by Chs. Wright,268. Kelly, Dennis, promoted, 263. Kelly, Francis John, promoted, 103. Kelly, George, promoted, 223, 286. Kemble, Ensign, replaced by G. Waugli, 286. Kenedy, Hugh, promoted, 283. Kennedy, Arch I., promoted, 64, 282, 293. Keppel, Colonel, removed, 250. Kerwin, Captain, effects to be sold, 45. Kielmanseg-g-e, Baron, v. Kielmanseg g S, Mary Sophia Charlotte, genealogically mentioned, v.,vi.; wife of Emanuel Scrope Howe, v. KIELMANSEGGELINDSA Y. 339 Kielmansegge, Sophia Charlotte, daugh ter of Count jf laten, v.; created Countess of Darlington, v. Kimble, Peter, appointed Ensign, 265. King-, Lieutenant, retires, 286. King-. Robert, promoted, 263. King 1 , Solomon, promoted, 276. King s Carts, to work only at hours stated, 54. King- s Picture, reward offered for the conviction of persons defacing, 237. King s Ships, War establishment pro posed by G-en. Howe, 306. Kitty Transport, Light Infantry Com- panys to embark on, 192. Knapsacks (Soldiers ) to be sent onboard, Knight, Lieutenant, killed, 103. Knowlton, Colonel, xviii. Knox, Robert, promoted, 283. Knyphausen, General, compliment to General Howe, xii. La Maister (Major of Brigade), on duty in Canada, 277. Lamb, lost, description of, 151. Lamb, James, promoted, 21, 200. Lamb, William, tried for robbery and acquitted, 101. Lance, Ensign, exchanges regiment, 286. Lane, , to be employed by Deputy Quarter Master General, 262. Latan, Charles, promoted, 203. Lawrie, Captain, retires, 245. Lawries, Lieutenant, promoted, 134, 201. Lawser, Jacob, to attend Commissary General, 197. Lawtor and Windsor, Messrs., Bills to be paid to, 268. Lay, John, will sell Beef and Salt Fish, 119. Lechmere s Point, enemy at, xvii. Lee, letter from General Washington, xv. Legg (a Mason), to attend Engineer, 204. Legge, Lieut. Col., a new Corps raised by, 271 ; information to Maj.-G-eiil. Howe, 305. Logging s, Officers to direct when neces sary to wear, 36. Leiman, Captain, Aide-de-Camp, 273. Leister, Christr., promoted, 276. Lenthall, Lieutenant, retires, 150. Leonard, Mr., Lewis and Patterson to attend, 195. Leonard, George, appointed Lieut., 140. Leslie, see Lesslie. Leslie, Lieutenant, killed, 248. Leslie, Lieut. Col., thanked, 214 ; Aide-de- Camp, to take rank as Brig. Geul., 243. Leslie, Hon. William, promoted, 217. Leslie, William (46th Regt,), promoted, 268, 275; Major of Brigade, 277 ; posted in Seniority, 278 ; to go on board Adventure Dalton,*282. Lessley, see Leslie, 46th Regt. Lesslie, Major of Brigade, 98, 100, 103, 107, 110, 113, 117, 121, 123, 126, 128, 131, 138, 142, 147, 153, 156, 158, 163, 168, 173, 177, 179, 186, 190, 194, 198, 201, 205, 207, 210, 212, 215, 218, 220, 224, 229, 234, 257, 260, 263, 267, 275, 291, 295. Lesslie, Hon. David, promoted, 104. Letters, where to be sent, 13, 63, 105, 168, 257; order respecting, 163, 257; postage to be paid to Captain McKeu- zie, 221. Lewis, Francis, promoted, 148. Lewis, , 63rd Regt., to attend Mr. Leonard, 195. Lewis, John, 38th Regt., to attend Com missary General, 197. Lewis, John, 64th Regt., promoted, 263; Major of Brigade, 277, 281, 294; posted in Seniority, 278. Lexington, xvi. Licenses, a return of persons who have, 18?. Light Dragoons, Orders 2, 14, 117, 248 ; to take G-uard, 39 ; to parade for Divine Service, 56, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92 ; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; patrole the Streets, 118; to return to Boston, 119, 120; to receive further Orders, 120 ; to receive Forage, 123 ; winter quarters, 137 ; a return required of present state of, 144 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; picquets to attend Execution, 196; Orders, 248; Military returns, 322, 323, 324. Light Dragoons (17th Regt.), Troops to remove Station, 47 ; to return to Boston, 119, 120 ; to receive further Orders, 120 ; Order to certain Officers, 144 ; to prepare Muster Rolls, 181. Light Infantry, viii., xvii.; Orders 1, 3, 16, 17, 53, 75, 88, 89, 90, 109. 130, 131, 145, 167, 180, 225, 229, 239, 281 ; to furnish Guard, 15, 24, 34; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 17, 27, 38, 44, 49, 56, 58, 63, 69, 73, 77, 82, 86, 91. 93, 95 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 168, 179, 196, 197, 206; Orders to change Encampment, 29 ; a return to be given in, 52, 144 ; to parade for Divine Service, 56, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87,92 ; to be commanded by Major Musgrave, 52; to furnish Out Duties, 58 ; to complete Numbers, 59, 167 ; to march, 89; to join respective Corps, 110 ; Officers and Soldiers praised, 131 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 179 ; Order to Patroles, 184; 17th Regt. to do duty with, 189 ; Order to Surgeons Mates of Clerk s Corps, 191 ; Musgrave s, to report to Brigr. Gen. Pigot, 202 ; Clerk s, to report to Brigr. Genl. Smith, 202 ; a detachment of Clerk s, to relieve at Charlestown, 209 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to be in readiness for embarkation, 22b ; to relieve Guards, 239 ; to be formed into two battalions, 273 ; to parade, 273 ; to assemble, 274; Distribution of Trans ports, 279 ; to furnish working parties, 288; proportion of Flints allowed per Man, 291 ; inspection of, 294. Light Infantry (6 Companys) to take duty, 167 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; Order to Patroles, 184 Musgrave s, to report, 202 ; to be joined by 27th and 64th Regiments on Citadell Hill, 251 ; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 251. Limes, to be sold on board the Brigantine Crawford, 248. Lindsay, James (Hon.), promoted, 248. 340 LINDSA Y MARINES. Lindsay, Eobert, promoted, 21. Lines, to be reinforced, 240. Lippe, Sergeant, appointed Quarter Master, 175. Liquor, order respecting, 228. List, required, of persons who are objects for Bounty, 284. Lister, Jer., promoted, 149. Live Stock, to be sold by Auction, 147. Lock, a attend Barrack Master,110. Lovell, William King, promoted, 212. Lowd, James, directed to sell Fish, 125. Loyal American Associaters, three Companies to be formed under command of Hon. T. Euggles ; distinguishing badge, 140. Loyal Irish Volunteers, a company to be formed ; distinguishing badge, 161 ; Orders, 162, 181. Loyds, Mr. (Contractor), Troops to apply for Biscuits, 233. Lucas, Eobert, promoted, 276. Luggage, useless, to be thrown over board, 232. Lumsden, Henry, promoted, 253. Lyon Transport, ordered to London, 158. Lyons, Captain, dead, 40 ; effects to be sold, 43. Lyons, Charles, replaced by Hon. W. Leslie, 217 ; Orders to be obeyed, 238 ; Cap tain of a Company of Volunteers, 238 ; Town Major of Halifax, 245. Lysaght, Henry, promoted, 41. McAlister, Archibald, promoted, 244. McBean, Donald, promoted, 132. McCan, Captain, Orders, 16 ; to apply for Tools, 45; boards not to be removed but by Order, 54 ; to direct working party, 58 ; where to lodge tools, 61. McClean, Lieut.-Col., a uew Corps being raised by, 271. McCowen,Winifred, tiiedfor stealing the Town Bull and sentenced, 97. McCullough, John, to do duty with 2nd Grenadier Corps, 29L McDonald, Alexander, promoted, 250. McDonald, Ensign, retires, 135. McDonald, Charles, promoted, 279. McEwen, Ensign, promoted, 190. McFfarland, Duncan, tried for robbery and sentenced, 46 ; pardoned, 51. McGkmrin, Edward, tried for disobedi ence of Orders and sentenced, 138. Macgrath, Terrence, promoted, 89; tried for insulting Lieutenant Houghton, 174; defence offered ; sentenced to be publicly reprimanded and suspended, 175. Mcllwaine, A., promoted, 22, 253. Mclntosh, Lieut., replaced by Lt. Alex. Wilson, 268. Mclntosh, William, to attend Commis sary General, 197. McKane, Captain, to command a Flank Company, 271. McKay, Capt., Pay Masters to call on, 291. McKay, yneas, promoted, 23. McKenzie, Fredk., promoted, 150 ; list of drafts to be given to, 185 ; Maj. of Brigade, 277, 278, 293 ; posted in Seniority, 278. McKenzie, Eobert, promoted, 41 ; ap pointed Secretary, 108: no demands of Fees of Commissions to be made by, 114 regiments to send in accounts of stop pages to, 192 ; regiments to pay postage of letters to, 221 ; accounts of Eoyal Hospital Emigrants to be given to, 294. McKilwain, see Mcllwaine. McKinnan, Captain, Orders, 266, 289, McKinnon, John, Quarter Master, 24. McLane, Charles, promoted, 41 ; replaced by Lieut. Eobt. Moysteu, 268. McLean, Colonel, Officers and Men of his corps to embark, 177 ; proposal concerning recruits, 305 ; Corps to serve in Canada, 315 ; Corps required at Halifax, 319. McMahon, Isabella, tried for receiving stolen goods and sentenced, 187. McMahon, Thomas, tried for receiving stolen goods and sentenced, 187. McMullan, Alexander, tried by Court Martial and acquitted, 284. McNamara, Mr., Mr. Eeed residing with, 277. Madan, John, promoted, 21. Madden, Ensign, dead, 114. Maddison, Lieut. Colonel, Field Officer for the Day, 101, 117, 125, 139 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 109, 130, 154, 161; retires, 244, 285. Maddison, J. T., promoted, 245. Madeira Wine, bills of exchange to be given for, 267. Magazine, a place to be selected for, 170. Mail, time specified for closing, 260. Main Guard, Captains and Subalterns to go the Eounds, 119; route to be pointed out by Town Major, 119 ; reports to be sent to, 171 ; Seamen found in Town, to be con fined in, 238; Officers and Bowers to parade opposite, 240 ; a portion of Grena dier Company to join, 240; Guard for Provost to parade, 246. Maitland, Hon. John, promoted, 189 ; thanked, 257 ; Field Officer to visit Hos pital Ships, 261 ; to command 2nd Bat talion of Light Infantry, 273. Mallet, Jonathan, Chief Surgeon and Pur veyor, 204. Mallett, John, promoted, 100. Man, Lieutenant, to distribute fresh pro visions to Corps, 113. Mandeville, Daniel, promoted, 283. Marines, a detachment to embark, 178 ; to receive orders from Deputy Quarter Master General, 178 ; review, 273 ; to pre pare to disembark, 275 ; a detachment to be commanded by Major General Massey, 288 ; Orders to a battalion, 307 ; two hundred under Orders to be commanded by a Field Officer, 313; Military returns, 322, 323, 324. Marines (1st Battalion), Orders, 2, 66, 75, 166, 167, 180, 268, 279 ; to furnish Guard, 15 ; to embark in transports, 15 ; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 16, 27, 36, 42, 48, 56, 63, 73, 77, 85, 94 ; to furnish Out-Guards and Sentries, 24, 33 ; to parade for Divine Service, 56, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; to be victualled by Com- misary General, 92 ; a detachment to parade, 105 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, MARINES MONCRIEFF. Marines, continued. and Surgeon, 178, 195, 205, 226 ; order to patroles, 184 ; to report to Brigadier General Kobertson, 201 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 209, 224 ; two men to make cartridges, 255; to parade for exercise, 256, 261 ; to furnish Guards and Adjutant, 271 ; JOrders to working party, 273; to furnish working parties, 287; Order to Quarter Master, 292 ; quantity of Tobacco allowed, 292. Marines, (2nd Battalion), Orders, 109, 110, 164, 166, 167, 224 ; Order countermanded, 110 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 178,196,205, 215, 227; Order to Patroles , 184 ; to report to Brigr. Genl. Eobertson, 201 ; a detachment to relieve at Charles- town, 209, 226 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; Officers to attend detachment, 226 ; two men to make cartridges, 255; to parade for exercise, 256, 261 ; to furnish working parties, 271, 273 ; Grenadier Companies to be augmented, 277 ; to land, 278 ; to furnish Guards, Adjutant, and Quarter Master, 288; a detachment to be com manded by Major General Massey, 288 ; Order to Quarter Master, 292; Quantity of tobacco allowed, 292. Marines, 43rd, to parade for Divine Service, 56. Marines, 52d, to parade for Divine Service, 56. Marine Corps, approbation expressed to officers and men, 271. Marland, Peter, promoted, 276. Marr, Lieut., to attend General Howe, 4 ; to act in Deputy Quarter Master General s Department, 13; instructions to, 29, 76, 88 ; boards not to be removed but by order of, 54 ; Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General, 143 ; tents, and tent-poles to be delivered to, 191. Marry, Thomas, promoted, 263. Marsh, Captain, resigned, 245. Marshall, William, promoted, 134. Martin, Maj., President Court Martial, 83. Masons, to attend Barrack Master, 110, 129. Massey, see Massy. Massey, Hugh, promoted, 150. Massy, Colonel, appointed Brigadier-Gen eral, 173; promoted, 270; an Aide-de- Camp appointed to, 288 ; to command several Corps, 288; reports and returns to be made to, 291 ; arrival at Halifax, 312. Master of " Sloop Cellary," Troops to apply for an order to, 274. Masters of Transports, to receive provisions from Commissary-General and give receipts, 228 ; to follow directions, received from Officers of the Navy, 231 ; application to be made to, for boats. 243 ; Order respecting, 259 ; to furnish Uten sils, 259 ; Commissary of Stores transac tions with, and Officers not to improperly interfere with, 259 ; not to issue Porter to Officers commanding Transports, 273. Mates, Orders, 7, 25 ; to attend in Camp, 77. Mawhood, Lieut.-Colonel, promoted, 244. Maxwell, James, promoted, 244. Meadows, Lieut.-Colonel, to command 1st Battalion, Grenadiers, 272. Meat, theft of, 155. Mecann, Thomas, promoted, 150. Men, employment for, off Duty, 6 ; to parade, 8; to march to Boats, 9; to be conducted to their respective corps, 9 ; to carry provisions, 14 ; proper, to be employed in making Cartridges, 61 ; recovering, to be examined by Mr. Mori- son, 96 ; Orders respecting, willing to be inoculated, 156 ; allowance made, 169 ; Order respecting Victualling of, 277 ; to be furnished with necessaries, 285 ; a return required of the number allotted to Transports, 287. Men on Advanced Posts, Orders 60. Men unfit for Service, a return to be given to Adjutant General, 260; to be inspected, 264; Order concerning, 265. Menzies, Charles, promoted, 133. Merchants Ships Seamen, not allowed to pass Wharf after a certain time, 196. Mess, to have a distinct fire-place, 38. Metham, G. Montgomery, Deputy Judge Advocate, 31 ; promoted, 109, 293"; Over seer of Works, 265; replaced by W. Greateiu, 293. Middleton, John Charles, promoted, 134. Migg-es, Volunteer, promoted, 190. Mig-ht, James, Orders, 147. Miligun, George, promoted, 244. Military, not to obstruct at fires, 143. Millar, see Miller. Miller, Henry, promoted, 100, 293. Miller, William, promoted, 245. Mills, James, to attend Commissary General, 197. Milner, Philip, Orders, 147. Millward, see Milward, Milward, Major, Field Officer for the Lines, 100,117,125,139; Field Officer for the Day, 109, 153, 161 ; ill, 125. Minchin, Joshua Paul, promoted, 21. Minden, battle of, vii. " Mischianza," account of, x. Mistake rectified, 153. Mitchell, Ensign, dead, 89. Mitchell, Captain, dead, 88. Mitchell, Major, to command Grenadiers, 5, 52, 272; thanked, 9; Field Officer for the Lines, 10, 26, 35, 47, 56, 62, 70, 76, 83, 88, 94, 174, 205, 210, 216, 224 ; Field Officer for Picquets, 16, 24, 33, 39, 45, 53, 60, 66, 74, 80, 86, 93 ; Field Officer for the Day, 182, 196, 287 ; Orders to, 24 ; Field Officer to visit Hospital ships, 287; Field Officer, 295. Mitchell, Arthur, promoted, 49. Monckton, Lieut. Colonel, Field Officer for the Lines, 58, 66, 73, 79, 86, 91. 96, 171, 179, 202, 208, 215, 222 ; Field Officer for Picquets, 63, 70, 76, 83, 89, 95 ; Field Officer for the Day, 193, 271 ; to command detach ment at Charlestown, 224, 226 ; Orders to detachment under command of, 227 ; to command 2nd detachment of Grenadiers, 272 ; Field Officer, 295. Moncrief, Ed., Cornwallis, promoted, 22. Moncrieff, Major, names of Invalids, Women, and Children going to England 342 OFF1 CER. Moncrieff, continued. to be given in, 71; Major of the Royal Fensible Americans, 92 ; Field Officer for the Day, 243, 245 ; Field Officer, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 263, 265 ; Orders to, 266 ; to do duty with Corps of Grenadiers, 288. Money, Order respecting due to troops, 111 ; provision to be paid to Paymaster General, 159, 287. Money, John, promoted, 41. Monkton, see Monckton. Montgomery, Capt., appointed to a Com pany in the 9th Eegimeut of Foot, 281. Montgomery, Wm. Stone, promoted, 222. Montrazore, Captain, to give employ ment and Orders to Sawyers, 271. Moore, Captain, replaced by Lieut. J. Hales, 129; retires, 274. Moore, Mrs., T. Spillman found guilty of an assault on, 188. Moore, John, to be employed by Captain Montrazore, 271. Moore, Oliver, promoted, 285. Moorhead, Mr., to receive directions from Dr. Jeffrys, 291. Moran, William, tried for assault and sentenced, 46. Morden, Charles William, promoted, 253. Morrison, Mr., to superintend cleaning Charlestowu Hospital, 26 ; Corps to send list of Patients and Convalescents to, 28 ; to examine recovering men, 96 ; Surg., 244. Mortimer, Lieutenant, retires, 290. Mott, John, to be employed by Captain Montrazore, 271. Mourning-, to be worn by officers, 104 ; countermanded, 116. Moysten, llobert, promoted, 268. Musgrave, Major, to command Light Infantry, 52, 273 ; duty divisions altered, 90 ; Field Officer for Picquets, 93 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 94, 173, 181, 204; Field Officer for the Day, 195, 208, 215, 222, 278; thanked, 214; to give in a return of detachment under his com mand, 215 ; to command detachment at Charlestown, 224, 226; Orders, 251; to exercise several regiments at Citadell Hill, 252, 254, 256; Field Officer, 295. Muskets, corps to receive in lieu of car bines, 214. Muster Rolls, Eegiments toprepare,181. Names of men sent to Charlestown Camp to be given in, 82. Nancy, Ordnance Store Ship, taken (supposed), 306; entrenching tools taken in, to be made good, 309. Napper, Lieutenant, dead, 248. Naval or Military Stores, officers to give information of any they may have intelligence of, 238. Necessaries, complaints made of the want of, 278. Needham, Lieut., overseer of works, 265. Neilson, Andrew, promoted, 22. Nesbit, see Nesbitt Nesbitt, Lieut.-Colonel, thanked, 9- instructions to, 54 ; President Court Mar tial, 79 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 166, 214, 219; Field Officer for detachment at Charlestown, 179; detachment to be relieved, 192; Field Officer for the Day, 199, 207, 229 : Field Officer, 295. Newfoundland, security of, 311. Newton, Captain, replaced by G. Hutchin- son, 129 ; retires, 274. New Works, Order stating who are to work at, 102, 116 ; to consist of, 114. New York, capture of, ix. ; advantages that would attend taking possession of, 300; Major-General Howe to remove with Troops to. 300 ; defence of, 303 ; opinion of Major-General Howe respecting taking possession of, 305 ; force not adequate to an active campaign at, 305 ; possession of, 314, 320; Army at, 314; arrival of a force desired, 314 ; Army to be transported to, 315, 319 ; desirable to proceed to, 320; plan proposed for attacking, 321. Nibbett, see N~esbitt. Nicholas, II,, promoted. 275. Nisbett, see Nesbitt. Non-Commissioiied Officers, to assem ble Men at Ferry, 42 ; to be in Camp for Roll Calling, 42 ; Fuel allowed to, 136 ; a list to be given in, 182 ; Order respecting Stoppages of, 192 ; Fuel and Candles allowed to, 249 ; to be sent to England, 312. Non-Commissioned Officers com manding Grenadier Quarter Guard, answerable for persons having access to Tools, 71. Nooth, J. Merviu, promoted, 283. North, Lord, x., xix. NorthBattery,woundedtobepickedup,9 North British Merchants, offer, 123. Norton, William, promoted, 161. Nova Scotia, security of, 301, 311. Nova Scotia Volunteers, a detachment to be commanded by General Massey, 288. Nugent, Lieut., Overseer of Works, 2 65. Nunwick, William, promoted, 149. Nurses at Charlestown Hospital, wages, 33. Nuttles.a Mason, to attend Errck.Mstr.,110. Oath, answers upon, required, 105. Oatmeal, issued to the Troops, 68. Oats, received, 314. Obryan, Samuel, promoted, 290. O Connor, promoted, 133. Officer commanding Artillery, to be acquainted if Stores are discovered, 176; authorised to give passes to Officers and Men of Artillery, 177 ; application to be made to, for Arms, &c., 210, 215; regi ments to give in returns of what Arms they have lost in Action, 217. Officer commanding Guard at Charlestown, Order, 45. Officer commanding Guard at the Lines, to command detachment on parade, 104. Officer commanding the Lines, Orders to, 74, 163 ; to order when it is necessary to fire Cannon, 94. Officer commanding Lyon Transport, Orders, 158, 170. Officer commanding H.M. Corps of Marines, to order sentence passed on T. Bailey to be executed, 152. Officer commanding 1st Marines, Orders to, 59; Order respecting punishment adjudged J. Witherington, 188. OFFICER OFFICERS. 343 Officer commanding 5th Reg., Orders, 59. Officer commanding 18th Regiment, to order sentence passed on R. James to be executed, 152. Officer commanding 22nd Regiment, Order to, respecting punishment adjudged J. Cairns, 188. Officer commanding 38th Regiment, Orders to, 59. Officer commanding 43rd Regiment, Orders to, 59 ; Order respecting punishment adjudged T. McMahon, 188. Officer commanding 44th Regiment, Order respecting punishment adjudged J. Brown, 188. Officer commanding 47th Reg. , Orders, 59. Officer commanding 52nd Reg., Orders, 59- Officer commanding 59th Regiment, Order respecting punishment passed on Thomas Jones and William Ives, 188. Officer commanding 63rd Regiment Foot, Order respecting punishment adjudged T. Spillman, 188. Officer commanding Royal Hospital; Emigrants, Orders, 274. Officer of the Ferry Guard, passes to be given to, 49 ; to deliver passes and make report, 49; not to take passes from Officers servants, 52; to coniiue drunken soldiers and report, 54 ; to see that due Order is kept, 72 ; to take passes from women who have been by the Ferry, 95 ; instructions to, 137; to receive passes from Officers commanding Artillery, 177. Officer of the Main Guard, to report to Field Officer of the Day, 246. Officer of Ordnance, regiments requiring Arms to apply to, 219. Officers, Orders, 13, 36, 38, 42, 45, 51, 62, 72, 105, 117, 232, 242, 254, 259 ; proportion of Sheep allotted to be delivered, 76, 113 ; not to quit the Camp, 78 ; thanked for gallantry, 98 ; to go into mourning, 104 ; provided with Camp Equipage, 116 ; to go out of mourning, 116 ; to give in returns of their Effective Horses, 117 ; to receive Forage, 123 ; names required of those willing to purchase, 201 ; of detachment thanked and conduct highly commended, 214 ; caution to elude Rebels line of fire, 221 ; to send Bedding and Soldiers Knap sacks on board, 230; to lie in their Men s rooms, 232, 233; on board ship, not to come on shore without permission, 236 ; desired to give information of any Naval or Military Stores they may have intelli gence of, 238; a proportion always to remain on board Transports, 243; not to detain boats without absolute occasion, 243 ; regiments to draw Fuel and Candles for, 249 ; desired not to purchase Horses, 251 ; to be answerable for irregularities of Soldiers, 254; to lighten baggage, 261; names required, who are capable of assist ing in Engineers Department, 264 ; instructions to, appointed to Commissions in New Corps, 271 ; a return required of the number allotted to Transports, 287; a return required of, who have recently joined, 294 ; Order concerning, 294 ; rank of, 315, 317. Officer of the Corps, to send for proportion of bread, 239; to parade opposite Main Guard; 240. Officers, commanding corps, lists to be signed by, 23, 50 ; Orders, 23, 24, 28,37, 77, 94, 96, 111, 116, 118, 126, 127, 133, 148, 153, 169, 177, 178, 195, 201, 206, 210, 228, 232, 233, 235, 236 ; to endeavour to render a repetition of orders unnecessary, 26; to defer Order of the 19th, 28 ; instructions respecting Men s ammunition, 28, 116; answerable that orders are obeyed, 29 ; to state quantity of Spruce required, 35 ; to direct when men are to wear watchcoats and leggings, 36 ; passes issued to women by, 40; to direct time to execute punish ment, 46 ; to attend to order of 28th June, 47 ; to state number of sick and wounded requiring fresh provisions, 50 ; returns to be signed by, 64, 80, 172 ; to give Orders respecting Tools, 66, 71 ; to report, 71,138 ; to order the messes of their regiments to be visited, 94, 120 ; to provide Men with warm clothing, 99 ; will receive a copy of proposals, 123 ; to send Arms and Ammu nition to recovering men, 125; to appoint a rendezvous in case of alarm, 126 ; to direct boards to be collected, 131 ; to have fire buckets collected, 138 ; to give direc tions to surgeons, 156 ; to give orders re specting Men who are to be inoculated, 156; quantity of rum to receive, 174; to order spruce to Men who have Scurvy 177 ; Orders, 182, 210, 236, 237, 240, 243, 247, 248, 267, 278, 279, 287 ; to give re ceipts, 182; to inspect districts, 182 ; to be attentive to instruct young Sentries, 198 ; to practise Recruits and Drafts in firing at marks, 201 ; to suppress Dram Shops not licensed by Brigadier-General Robertson, 203 ; to practise men in firing balls at given hours, 204; to provide their Sergeants with fire locks, 210; names of wounded Officers to be sent to Barrack Master, 213 , to deliver Sour Crout to Officers, 220; Order respecting Bedding and Blankets; 223 ; to order Dram Shops to be shut up, 228 ; to attend to regularity and discipline of Corps, 229, 240 ; to give directions re specting Rum that has not been bought, 229 ; to be responsible to have Convales cents on board at stated time, 230 ; to order the Rolls to be called, 231 ; to be answerable that none of the Men off duty leave their Barracks, 231, 236 ; to see there is no Baggage on board contrary to orders, 232; to report state of Transports. 232 ; not to allow their Men to be employed by Inhabitants, 233 ; to attend to the preser vation of wheels of Hand Carts, 233; re turns of the issuing of Rum to be signed by, 237 ; to be careful that Orders are ex plained to the men, 238 ; to send Officers ou board Transports to take charge of Convalescents, 238 ; to be answerable that all Fires are extinguished in their Quarters, 240; to air their Men when weather permits, 243 ; to apply to Barrack 344 OFFICERS PAROLES. Officers, continued. Master General for their respective dis tricts, 247; to send reports to Deputy Adjutant-G-eueral when their men land, 248 ; to inform Mr. Butler of the quantity of Spruce beer wanted for regiments, 248 ; to be answerable for persons who are employed to superintend duties at Dart mouth, 251 ; to give directions for the proper use of Sour Grout, 252; to send efficient men to make Cartridges, 275; to direct Baggage to be put on board Trans ports, 288 ; to give orders for making Fascines, 289. Officers commanding detached Corps, to apply to, for assistance of their Tailors, 207. Officers commanding Guards at Boston, Orders to, 52, 112, 160, 194, 202, 212 ; t > fre quently visit Sentries, 112 ; to be answer able for Utensils, 160 ; responsible for neg lect of their Sentries, 198. Officers commanding Horse Transports, responsible for damage done to Mangers, Stalls, &c., 274. Officers commanding Men at the Works, Orders to, 7, 64. Officers commanding Picquets, to give directions, 182. Officers commanding Regiments, Orders, 141, 144, 145, 154, 160, 28?, 228, 234, 255, 257, 259, 261, 262, 278, 284. 285, 287; to make a return of what Camp Equipage is required, 141 ; to report, 144, 161, 228, 234, 285 ; to give directions, 154 ; to give certifi cates, 159, 287 ; to fix a place for a Maga zine. 170 ; Flour to be ordered by, 234 ; to order Tobacco to be issued to Men in small quantities, 292. Officers commanding Transports, Orders, 242, 243, 249 ; not to demand Porter, 273. Officers commanding Wooding parties, receipts of Fuel delivered to be given to, 171 ; to order Tools to be returned to Bar rack Office, 200. Officers commanding Working parties, to receive instructions and Tools, 170 ; to take directions from Engineer, 219. Officers commanding Works, not to allow people to loiter near Batteries, 173. Officers of the Day, to Patrole, 267; to receive orders from Commanding Officers of Corps, 267. Officers of General Hospital, instructions respecting pay, 128. Officers, Guard, to be posted, 6. Officers of the Navy, to give directions to Masters of Transports, 231. Officers of tlie Picquet, Order to, 173, 182. Officers of the Staff, to give in their Accounts, 277. Officers of the Working- Parties, to receive orders from the Field Officer, 233. Ogilvie, Major, Field Officer for the Day, 99, 107, 116, 128, 150, 159, 174. 234, 239 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 138, 186, 198, 205, 210, 217, 224; Lieutenant-Colonel Butler appointed instead of, 236 ; Member of Court Martial, 266; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 289 ; Field Officer, 295. Ogle, Charles, promoted, gfg. Oliver, Daniel, appointed Lieutenant, 140. Onions, Corps to receivea proportion of, 215. Operation, Consultation to be held before, 82 ; a proper number of Surgeons to be present, 83. Opinion, approval of, 195. Orderly Book, in., ix., xiii. ; added to, xviii. Orderly Drummers, directions for,15,40. Orderly Hour, time, 7. Orderly Lag-lit Dragoons, to be sent to the Lines, 91 ; to attend on Field Officer.92. Orderly Officer, from each Corps, to assemble at General Burgoyne s gate, 240. Orders, to be strictly attended to, 20, 29 ; to be carefully explained to Men, 38 ; not obeyed ; displeasure expressed, 56, 70 ; not complied with, 66, 117 ; from the King, 78 ; meaning made clear, 84 ; to the Troops, 107 ; not clearly understood, 153 ; to Working party, 193 ; by Capt. Charles Lyons, to be obeyed, 238. Otto, Captain, retired by purchase, 263. Out Guards, to be relieved, 51. Out Posts, to be withdrawn, 266. Overseer, allowance made, 169. Owen, T., tried for robbing Messrs. Coffin s store and sentenced, 187; executed, 196. Owen, a Mason, to attend Brrck.Mstr.,110. Paddock, Mr., xviii. Paine, appointed Apothecary, 283. Paine, Thos., account of " Misohianza," x. Palfryman, a Mason, toattendEngr., 204. Palliasses, to be delivered to Quarter Master General, 9. Palmer, a Mason, to attend Barrack Mas ter, 111. Paper, an explanatory, delivered to the Corps, 284. Parade, time fixed for, 17, 105, 193, 194, 195, 251, 255, 257, 260, 290; for exercise, 251, 253, 254. Pardon, offered, 102, 106. Parker, Captain, Aide-de-Camp, 288. Parker, Thomas, tried for robbing the house of Lieutenant Shuttleworth, and sentenced, 118. Paroles, Abercromby, 16; Aberdeen, 63; Abergavenny, 137 ; Abingdon, 163; Africa, 234, 267; Alexandria, 218, 223; Algiers, 224; Alnwick, 126: Amsterdam, 110; Anapolis, 122; Andover, 161; Anglesea, 131 ; Anticostia, 250 ; Arbutlmot, 243, 271 ; Arragon, 230; Ashburton, 28, 148; Augh- rim, 39 ; Babylon, 219 ; Bagdad, 219 ; Bag- shot, 171 ; Bahama, 265 ; Bamf, 65 ; Ban- bury, 164; Baudon, 73; Baruet, 201; Barnstable, 155; Ballyshannon, 70; Bel fast, 80; Belgrade, 217; Bengal, 220; Berwick, 24, 206; Billane, 293; Biscay, 283; Blackheath, 175 ; Blair, 63 ; Boisliduc, 112; Bombay, 223; Boristhenes, 215; Bos ton, 12; Bordeaux, 289; Bourgoyne, 5; Brazille, 261 ; Bridgewater, 154; Bridport, 156; Bristol, 47; Bristole, 139, 203; Cam bria, 222; Cambridge, 208; Canada, 119; Canterbury, 89 ; Cape Fillister, 286 ; Cape Sable, 248 ; Cardigan, 138 ; Carelton, 118 ; Carlisle, 24; Carnarvon, 130; Carrickfer- gus, 81; Carthagena, 265; Carmarthen. 106 ; Chagre, 254 ; Charleville, 76 ; Char lotte, 199; Cherokee, 258, 260; Chester PAROLES PERMISSION. 345 Paroles, continued. field, 191; Chichester, 40; China, 221; Christ Church, 158 ; Colchester, 94, 199 ; Constantinople, 217 ; Cork, 75 ; Cornwall, 142 ; Coventry, 186 ; Cumberland, 127 ; Damascus, 218 ; Dautzic, 214; Darieri, 254 ; Dartmouth, 150; Denmark, 114; Denby, 136; Derry, 69; Dominica, 264; Doncas- ter, 103; Donegal, 70; Dorchester, 101, 155; Dover, 90, 179; Dumfries, 58; Dun- dalk, 62; Dundee, 100, 62; Duucannon, 86; Dungarvon, 76; Dunstable, 186; Drogheda, 79 ; Durham, 105, 206 ; Eastou, 197; Egham, 173; Essex, 93, 199; Exeter, 26, 139; Falmouth, 144; Ferrol, 281 ; Ford- ingbridge, 162; Fort Cumberland, 247; Fort Edward, 249; Fort Sackville, 273; Frankfort, 215 ; Gage, 4 ; G-ago, 108 ; Gal- way, 73; Gaspie, 250; Germany, 269; Gibraltar, 225; Gilford, 93; Glastonbury, 153 ; Godolphin, 146 , Granada, 229, 270 : G-rantham, 209; Gravesend, 87, 176; Greenwich, 174 ; Grimstead, 181 ; Guada- loupe, 253; Guilford, 182; Guinea, 240; Halifax, 207, 241 ; Hamilton, 59 ; Hastings, 86; Havanna, 255; Hereford, 47; Her Majesty, 275 ; Hertford, 185 ; Hervey, 17 ; Holland, 109; Honiton, 29, 152; Houns- low, 93; Howe, 10, 107, 242; Hungary, 227; Hungerford,202; Huntingdon, 106; Huron, 258 ; Inniskilling, 72 ; Inverness, 66; Ipswich, 198; Kensington, 201; Kil- larney, 84 ; King! George, 56, 94 ; Kinsale, 74; Labradore, 251; Lancaster, 54, 128; Leicester, 205 ; Leinster, 83 ; Limerick, 73; Lincoln, 194; Lisle, 116; Liverpool, 53, 130 ; London, 14, 56 ; Louisbourgh, 121 ; Lunenburgh. 246; Lymington, 36, 158; Lynn, 123; Madeira, 266; Madrass, 220; Madrid, 226; Manchester, 190; Manilla, 222 ; Marlborough, 44, 115 ; Maryborough, 82; Massey, 241, 245; Matazies, 256; Medock, 293; Merioneth, 135; Mexico, 252 ; Milford, 49 ; Missisippi, 257 ; Mobile, 257 ; Monmouth. 137 ; Moravia, 216 ; Mor- peth, 126; Muscow, 212; Neiper, 214; Newark, 125, 205; Newberry, 163; New- bery, 45 ; Newcastle, 126 ; Newfoundland, 120, 247; Newmarket, 95; Newport, Nimeguen, 111 ; Norway, 210 ; Norwich, 96, 196 ; Nottingham, 103, 125, 191 ; On tario, 258; OPorto, 278; Orford, 96, 196; Oswego, 260; Oudeuarde, 117; Oxford, 168 ; Panama, 261 ; Pembroke, 48 ; Pen- dennis, 39; Pensacola, 256; Percy, 19; Perth, 61; Peterborough, 208; Peters- field, 42; Piercy, 242; Pigot, 97; Pits- burgh, 260: Plata, 262; Plymouth, 26; Poland, 215 ; Portsmouth, 38 ; Portugal, 276; Quebec, 89, 120, 205; Radnor, 50; Richmond, 173 ; Riga, 212 ; liingwood, 35; Rochester, 92; Rochort, 220; Romney, 88; Rutland, 195, 208; Rye, 179; St. Domingo, 264 ; St. Ives, 27, 145 ; St. Vin cents, 263 ; Salisbury, 44 ; Sandwich, 91, 178; Saville, 232; Senegal, 237; Shafts- bury, 98, 155 ; Shannon, 85 ; Shefield, 207 ; Shetland, 67; Shrewsbury, 18 ; Shuldham, 231 ; Siberia, 211; Sicily, 241 ; Sittingburn, 177 ; Sligo, 71 ; Somerset, 99 ; Southamp ton, 159- Southwark, 93, 174,199; Spain, 268; Stafford, 189; Stamford, 193; Ster ling, 59 ; Stockbridge, 44 ; Stoekholm, 113, 211; Stroud, 204; Suffolk, 95; Surinam, 253; Sussex, 86, 99, 179; Sutherland, 66; Sweden, 210 ; Tavistock, 147 ; Thanet, 178 ; Tipperary, 82 ; Tobago, 262 ; Tuxford, 194 ; Utrecht, 111; Uxbridge, 170, 204; Vigo, 288; Warrington, 32, 51, 129; Warsaw, 216 ; Warwick, 166 ; Waterford, 77 ; West moreland, 56, 102, 127; Wexford, 78; Wey mouth, 34 ; Whitehall, 98 ; Winchel- sea, 87 ; Winchester, 161 ; Wooburne, 186; Woodstock, 171; Worcester, 100; Yarmouth, 160; York, 12, 207; Youg- hall, 75. Passes, Order concerning, 12, 18, 49, 177 ; business to be specified in, 49 ; persons not to pass Ferry without a Pass, 95, 168. Passes into Camp, 4, 18. Paterson, see Patterson. Patrick, Robert, promoted, 149. Patroles, Orders to, 168, 183, 238 ; Order respecting, 219. Patterson, Lieut.-Colonel, Field Officer for Picquet, 4, 12 ; President Court Mar tial, 48, 55 ; Field Officer for the Day, 101. 119, 130, 142, 178, 214, 219; Field Officer for the Lines, 110, 125, 130, 155, 162, 168, 191, 207, 230 ; Field Officer for detachment at Charlestown, 192; detachment to be relieved, 203; Adjutant General, 255; Field Officer, 295. Patterson, 52nd Regiment (Miller), to attend Mr. Leonard, 195. Pay, men in hospital not to receive, 25 ; allowed to Invalids, 65. Pay of Provincial Levies, directions desired respecting, 314 ; sums necessary to be supplied by Commander-in-Chief, 317. Pay Masters, Orders to, 128, 185, 291 ; to give in returns to Deputy Quarter Master Genl., 260; to give Bills of Exchange, 267. Pay Master General, provision money to be paid to, 159, 287. Payne, Captain, to be tried by Court Mar tial, 55; Assistant to Deputy Quarter Master General, 290. , Payne, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant, 140. ; Peas, received, 314. " Pegrg-y " (The), Orders, 255, Pepper, Lieutenant, Orders, 284. Percy, Earl, xvi. ; to command and inspect several corps, 36, 47 ; Brigadier General, 99, 102; promoted, 103, 270; to command Left Wing, 115; to inspect several regiments, 164; to inspect the Garrison, 202 ; reports within the Garrison to be made to, 243 ; to regulate duty done by the Corps, 243 ; to give directions for exercising Regiments, 252, 254, 256, 258 ; to give Orders to the Garrison, 256; to review Royal Fensible Americans, 260 ; to review Royal Hospital Emigrants, 261 ; to review Arms and Ammunition by regi ments, 262 ; Lieutenant Smith appointed Aide-de-Camp to, 273 ; Arms returned, insufficient by, 284; Lieutenant General, 310; no general Officer to be employed superior in rank to, 311. Permission, Officers and Soldiers on board ship, not to come on shore without, 236. 346 PERMIT PR VISIONS. Permit, necessary for the sale of pro visions, 117. Perry, J., promoted, 104. Persons, Order to, who may discover Artillery Stores, 176 ; Order to, employed to superintend duties at Dartmouth, 251. Philadelphia, army moved to, ix.; opinion of General Howe, respecting tak ing possession of, 305. Philips, Hfollett, promoted, 100. Phillip, Captain, Lieut., promoted, 40. Phillips, William, promoted, 270. Phipps Farm, attack on, xvii. ; new works erected at, by the Eebels, 318 ; Ee- bels cannonading Boston Town from ]S T ew Works at, 318 ; works improved, 319. Physicians, to inspect Eegimental Hos pitals, 155 ; to inspect Men returned unfit for Service, 264. Picquets, Order, 4, 7, 17, 51, 114, 115, 120, 124, 168, 173 ; reduction of number of, 16 ; Field Officer to command, 16 ; to be formed and mounted, 43 ; where to assem ble in case of Alarm, 51, 115, 211 ; to par ade, 81 ; to attend executions, 81, 196 ; each corps to mount, 168 ; to be increased, 245. Piercy, see Percy. Piercy, John, promoted, 286. Pig-eons, not to be killed, 223. Pig-ot, see Pigott. Pig-ott, General, xiv. ; Picquet to report to, 4 ; thanked, 3, 9, 98 ; Orders, 8, 10, 12, 225 ; Soldiers out-stayed their passes to be reported, 54; report concerning Tools to be made to, 71 ; to be acquainted when it is necessary to lire Cannon, 94 ; General Officers, 17 1, 186, 191, 196, 199, 202, 206, 208, 211, 214, 216, 219, 222, 225, 231, 240, 295; appointed Colonel, 189; Orders to, 181 ; promoted, 244, 270 ; President, Court Martial, 266, 284 ; Aide-de-camp appointed to, 273 ; to go on board the Earl of Effingham, 282. Pioneers, to parade, 2, 63; to be provided with Axes, 63. Pitcairn, Thomas, promoted, 152, 201. Platen, Count, v. Plomer, a Mason, to attend Earrack Master, 110. Plundering-, Soldiers caught, to be hanged, 237. Poe, James, promoted, 22, 41. Pork, not to be fried, 94; allowed to Soldiers without stoppage, 208 ; Order re specting, 255. Porter, a butt allowed to each Corps, 178 ; Order respecting, 182, 228 ; quantity allowed to Troops, 192 ; to be issued to Troops after they embark, 228 ; not to be issued, 273 ; a proportion given to the Seamen, 313. Porter Butts, Eegiments to pay for what they cannot account for, 242 ; two empty to be sent to the Brewery for Spruce beer, 249. Porter, Eichard, promoted, 21. Porterfield, Boyd, promoted, 150. Portmanteau, reward offered for the recovery of lost, 245. Portsmouth (New Hampshire), described by General Howe as an object of attack, 302. Potatoes, Order respecting, 182 ; Troop to receive a proportion of, 202, 258, 274 Corps to send to Commissary General s store for, 211. Powel, Lieutenant, Adjutant of Grena diers, 172. Powlett, Horatio Armond, promoted, 134. Pownall, Mr., suggestion made to General Howe, 301; concurrence of General Howe in the suggestion, 506 ; repetition of remarks contained in letter from, 309; duplicates of letters from, acknowledged, 313. Pratt, Sergeant, to attend Assistant- Deputy Quarter-Master-General, 59 ; re turns to his Company, 77. Precis of Howe s Correspondence. Premium, offered, 143. Prescot, Eichard, promoted, 270. Prescott, xiii. Price, Edward Manby, promoted, 134. Price, John, promoted, 133. Prideaux, Edmund, promoted, 104. Pringle & Cheap, Messrs., bills of ex change to be made payable to, 267. Pringle, Lieutenant, deceased, 21. Prior, Murray, replaced by E. Eadford, 190. Prisoners, to be tried by Court Martial, 79, 266 ; names to be given in, 79, 128, 139, 166, 247, 267 ; Order respecting, 117 ; pro posed exchange, 311, 312. Pritchard, Lieut., put on half pay, 189. Probate Seal, stolen, 102. Promotions, 40, 41, 43, 49, 64, 67, 89, 100, 103, 104, 108, 114, 127, 129, 132, 133, 148 to 150, 152, 154, 157, 161, 163, 165, 169, 186, 189, 190, 200, 203, 204, 209, 212, 217, 221, 223, -244, 245, 248, 250, 253, 263, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 279, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 310. Prospect Hill, cannonade, xvii. Province Seal, stolen, 102 ; examination concerning the loss of, 105. Provisions, 14 ; guard to be posted over, 19 ; men in hospital not to receive, 25 ; women employed in General Hospital not to receive, 33; a list of persons for whom the Corps draw, 35, 42 ; fresh issued, 72, 208; men accused of selling, 94, 120; arrangements made for better regulating the Market, 117; to be sold by public sale, 117 ; rations to be issued, 141 ; Order, 163, 172, 208, 225, 252, 258, 265, 269, 274 ; returns to be given in, 165, 218 ; troops to be served with, 190, 202, 233 ; general half- yearly returns of issues to be given in, 218 ; Troops to have one day s, ready dressed, 224 ; ordered for ships, 228 ; to be cooked by the Corps, 236; to be issued to Troops, 241 ; price fixed by proclamation, 242 ; to be taken from the Transports, 248 ; Troops to pay Stoppage Money, 258 ; whom to be issued by, 258 ; rations allowed to Women and Children, 262; to be put on board Transports, 276, 287 ; state of, 294, 311, 312 ; to be forwarded, 309 ; scarcity of salt, 312 ; approval of steps taken for procuring salt, 313 ; intended for the Fleet, 313 ; prospect of getting,313 ; endeavours to obtain, 318; Commissary s report on Article of, 318 ; supplied, 319. PROVISION CONTRACT REGIMENTS. 347 Provision Contract, deficiencies in, 313. Provost (The), Orders to, 160, 246. Public Record Office, xviii. Punishment, Men detected selling Bum to Soldiers to receive, 11 ; to be put in execution, 46, 102, 118, 152 ; threatened, 70 ; remitted, 97 ; Soldiers pulling down houses or fences, to receive, 109 ; persons not obeying Orders to receive, 142. Purchase. Lieutenants who can to give in Names, 105. Purdon, promoted, 49. Purveyor of General Hospital, Orders to, 85 ; Surgeon of 17th Regt. to apply for Wine for Sick, 247 ; to give a list of recovered Men to Corps, 251. Putnam, James, appointed Captain, 140. Putnam, James, Junior, appointed Lieu tenant, 140. Quarter Masters of Corps, Orders to, 23, 27, 31, 68, 72, 76, 80, 89, 144, 163, 171, 173, 176, 177, 178, 181, 18b, 191, 205, 213, 235 ; to take charge of Men fit to join, 80 ; money due to Troops to be paid to, 111 ; to give in returns, 156, 174, 193 ; to issue Kum to Commanding Officers, 174; to give names of Officers and number of Men to be served with fuel, 176 ; to issue fuel to Regiments, 177 ; to be answerable for empty porter butts, 179 ; to receive a pro portion of Hogs, 181, 205; to receive an Order for one hundred pair of Creepers, 185; to collect Fire buckets, 191; to deliver up extra Tents and tent-poles, 191 ; to serve Kum, 198 ; to give Certificates to Officers commanding Wooding parties, 200 ; to attend to Vinegar being received for the Soldiers, 210 ; to indent for bed ding received, 213 ; to receive provisions for Ships, 228 ; to apply for Hum for working men, 234; to receive Flour from Contractor, 234 ; to give Officers returns to Quarter Master General, 238 ; to receive an Order for Beef, 238 ; to deliver pro visions to Troops, 241 ; Flints, to be deliv ered to, 291 ; to report state of provisions to be put on Board, 294. Quarter Master of the Day, to super intend the place of burial for soldiers, 218. Quarter Master General, Ship bed ding to be delivered to, 213 ; Men to work for, 227 ; Officers returns to be given to, 238; to give orders for Beef, 238; Men who under stand the use of the Axe to be sent to, 261. Quarter Master from the Line, to attend brewing of Spruce beer, 122. Quarter Masters of Regiments, Orders, 258 ; to receive Shoes, Stockings, and Caps, 287; to receive Arms, 290; to give in a return of the number of women and children to be left, 290. Quarter Master Sergeants, to attend Wood Yard, 176. Quebec, dangerous situation of, 307; measures resolved upon for sending relief to, 307 ; design abandoned, 307 ; obstacles which prevented relief being sent, lamented, 309 ; instructions, in the event of, being lost, 310 ; army at, 314. Queen s Picture, reward offered for the conviction of persons defacing, 237. Quirney, Mr. [Mr. Quincey?], house robbed, 106. Raddley, Lieutenant, promoted, 286. Radford, Bbeneazer, promoted, 190; retires, 276. Rails, not to be moved, 65. Ramage, John, appointed 2nd Lieu tenant, 162. Ramsay, William, Town Adiutant of Boston, 118 ; promoted, 248 ; to take com mand of detachment of 14th Regiment, 259. Ramsey, see Ramsay. Randall, Thomas, promoted, 22, 43. Rawdon, Francis (Right Hon. Lord), pro moted, 41 ; supernumerary Aide-de- Camp, 198. Ray, Lewis, promoted, 133. Raymond, Lieutenant, retires, 263. Rear Guard, to parade and relieve Guards, 241. Rebel Privateers, infest Bay of Boston, 311, 312 ; Ships escaped from, 312. Rebels, Order to Officers respecting, 221 ; Arms and Ammunition supplied to, 313 ; time to entrench, 314; to be brought to Action, 314, 315 ; repulsed, 317 ; probable abandonment of conquest, 317 ; no moles tation from, 318 ; measures taken by, 318 ; time to form an Army, 320. Rebels Redoubt, post and rails to be collected and carried to, 11; tools to be lodged in, 61; parade at, 63 ; Alarm Guns removed from, 84. Rebel Works advanced near the Camp, 78. Receipts, Order respecting, 168, 219, 227 ; to be given by Officers commanding corps,182. Records and Public Papers, reward off ered for the conviction of persons destroyiug,237 Recovered Men, Corps to send to Hos pital Ships for, 251. Recruiting Captains (Additional), Orders, 145. RecruitingService.instructions respect ing, 141 ; a return of the names of officers who are to go on, 144, 153. Recruits, Order respecting, 57, 163; to embark, 167 ; to practise tiring at marks, 201 ; wanting, 305 ; to be depended on for augmentation, 308, 316 ; success in obtain ing, 316 ; to be sent to Gen. Howe, 316 Redman, Miss, xi. Redoubt (Stormed) to be cleared of rub bish, 8 ; orders respecting Guard at, 15 ; guard to be posted at, 19 ; Cannon to be fired, 28; Guard to be provided by 47th Regt., 39. Reed, William, promoted, 132. Reed, Mr., application for shoes to be made to, 277. Regiments, Orders, 61, 65, 84, 153, 154, 157, 165, 194, 196, 201, 202, 209, 219, 222, 227, 228, 240, 249, 252, 267, 274, 285, 293, 294 ; to report number of Tents, 62 ; to be increased, 132; to return Carts to Barrack Yard, 176; to prepare Muster Rolls, 181; to give in Stoppage Accounts, 192 ; Orders concerning Coals, 213 ; to give in returns of Arms lost in Action, 217; to give in general half-yearly returns of issues of provisions, 218 ; requiring Arms, to apply to Officer of Ordnance, 219 ; Order con- 348 REGIMENT REGIMENT. Regiments, Orders, continued. cerning postage of letters, 221 ; Order respecting Arms, 222 ; Order respecting Barrack furniture, 227 ; to put in order and take care of Hand Carts, 228 ; to put Porter on board Transports, 228 ; to apply for Rum, 237 ; to assemble for embarka tion, 238 ; o parade, 240, 257, 290 ; Order respecting Porter butts, 242, 249 ; Order respecting Spruce beer, 248, 249 ; to borrow boats, 255 ; specified number of Men to make cartridges, 264, 275 ; to send Car penters to General Parade, 268; Order concerning drafted, 287 ; receiving Drafts, to pay debts, 289 ; working duty to be done by detachment on board, 289 ; men on board Horse Ships to be removed, 289 ; orders to, doing Garrison duty, 291; quantity of tobacco allowed, 292; three, to be sent to Quebec, 319. Regiment. 3rd, to be exercised, 252. Regiment, 4th, to be victualled by Com missary General, 92 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; order to a detachment of, 164 ; where to be victualled, 172; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 179, 199, 207, 216, 229; Order to Patroles, 183; Light Infantry to go into Quarters of, 190 ; Orders to embark, 192, 194 ; Orders respecting subsistence of, 192 ; Orders, 180, 197, 239, 246, 268, 279 ; to report to Brigadier General Grant, 202 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; a detachment, to relieve at Charlestown, 216, 217 ; to parade for exer cise, 251, 254, 255 ; to send a Carpenter to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254 ; to receive fresh fish in lieu of salt pro visions, 255 ; two men to make cart ridges, 255 ; Orders to Men unfit for ser vice, 264; Orders to Surgeons, 26 4 ; a working party, to parade, 265 ; to furnish working parties, 270, 273 ; distribution of Transports, 280 ; Orders to Quarter Mas ters, 292. Regiment, 5th, to parade, 1 ; Orders, 8, 17, 18, 66, 75, 90, 181, 239, 246, 252, 268, 279; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 10, 19, 29, 39^ 44, 56, 66, 74, 80, 86, 93, 96 ; to furnish provision guards, 10, 27, 36 ; barracks allotted to women, 10 ; to change encampment, 33; to parade for Divine Service, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; where to be vic tualled, 172; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 181, 199, 207, 216, 230 ; Order to Patroles, 184 ; to report to Brigadier General Jones, 202 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 216, 217 ; to be supplied with Axes and cut their own Fuel, 249 ; to send a Carpenter to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252 ; to parade for exercise, 254, 255, 256 ; to receive fresh fish in lieu of salt provisions, 255; two men to make cartridges, 255 ; Orders to Men unfit for Service, 264; Orders to Surgeons, 264 ; to give Guards, Adjutant, and Quarter Mas - ter, 272 ; distribution of Transports, 280 ; Orders to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 6th, detachment to be put on board Transports of the 52nd, 284 ; Orders to 6 Companies countermanded, 312; included in the disposition of Battalions, 316 ; allowed to General Howe, 317. Regiment, 8th, detachment to be col lected, 284. Regiment; 10th, to move encampment, 48 ; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; a detach ment to parade, 146 ; Orders to detach ment of, 164 ; a Captain to take Com mand, 169 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 182, 199, 207 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; a Captain to attend Court of Inquiry, 192, 193 ; Orders, 181, 197, 230, 234, 246, 252, 268, 279 ; to report to Brigadier General Smith, 202; Orders to Picquets, 211 ; a detachment to rcli ". ;.t Charlestown, 216, 217 ; Rowers to be fur nished from, 235 ; to receive directions from Major Campbell, 236 ; to parade and to march, 239 ; to send a Carpenter to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252; to parade and be exercised by Major Mus grave, 254, 255; to receive fresh Fish in lieu of salt provisions, 255 ; two men to make cartridges, 255; Orders to Men unfit for Service, 264 ; Orders to Surgeons, 264; distribution of Transports, 280; Orders to Quarter Master, 292. Regiment, 14th, to furnish Adjutant, 243, 247, 250, 254, 257, 258, 262, 265 ; Two Companies and Three Companies of the 65th to do duty as one Corps, 243; to move their respective quarters, 249; detachment to be commanded by Captain Ramsey, 250 ; detachment to join Working Party of 17th Regiment, 284; detach ment to be commanded by Major General Massey, 288; Orders to Quarter Master, 292; quantity of Tobacco allowed, 292; Orders to detachment, 305. Regiment, 17th, Order to the Companies of, 145; Orders, 167, 180, 230, 234, 2:}9, 246, 268, 279 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; Order to Patroles, 183; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 186, 200, 208, 217, 231 ; Orders to the Light Infantry Company, 189, 190 ; a Captain to attend Court of Inquiry, 192, 193; to report to Brigadier-General Pigot, 202; Order to Picquets, 211 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestowu, 224, 226 ; Officers to attend detachment, 226 ; Surgeon to apply for Wine for the Sick, 247 ; to be supplied with Axes and cut their own Fuel, 249 ; to send a Carpenter to Deputy Quarter- Master-General, 252; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255; two Men to make cartridges, 255 ; to parade for exer cise, 256 ; Orders to working party, 265 ; to furnish working party, 272 ; distribu tion of Transports, 280 ; detachment from 14th Regiment to join working party, REGIMENT REGIMENT. 349 Regiment, 17th, continued. 284 ; Order to Quarter-Master, 292 ; re-dis tribution, 301 ; arrival of four Companies, 306; non-arrival of Transports, 311; arrival of six missing Companies, 313 ; ob jections raised to going to Quebec, 314. Regiment, 18th, to be victualled by Com missary General, 92; to do duty with second division, 109 ; to do duty with 1st Division, 111 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant-General s Office, 122; incorporation of private Men, 159 ; to be drafted, 159 ; Order to Adjutants, 159 ; to embark, 167 ; debts of drafts provided for, 165 ; Order to Pay Masters respecting drafts received from, 185 ; drafted, 312. Regiment, 22ud, Orders, 74, 167, 181, 197, 234, 246, 268, 279 ; to be victualled by Com missary General, 92; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 166, 201, 208, 217, 232 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; a de tachment to relieve at Charlestown, 179, 224, 226 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; to report to Brigadier-General Smith, 202; Orders to Picquets, 211 ; Officers to attend detach ment, 226 ; to parade and to march, 239 ; to send a Carpenter to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252 ; two men to make cartridges, 255; to parade for exercise, 256 ; Orders to working party, 265 ; to furnish Guards, Adjutant, and Quartet- Master, 273; distribution of Transports, 280 ; Order to Quarter-Master, 292. Regiment, 23rd, to be victualled by Com missary General, 92 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant-General s office, 122; Orders to quit encampment, 131 ; a de tachment to parade, 146, 179 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 164, 201, 209, 218, 233; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 179, 224, 226; Order to Patroles, 184 ; Orders, 181, 230, 234, 252, 268, 279; to report to Brigadier-General Jones, 202 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to be ready for embarkation, 225 ; Officers to attend detachment, 226; Rowers to be furnished, 235 ; to receive directions from Major Campbell, 236 ; to disembark, 247 ; to be supplied with Axes and cut their own fuel, 249 ; a Carpenter to be sent to Deputy Quarter Master General, 252 ; to parade for exercise, 254, 255, 258; two men to be sent to Koyal Artillery to make cartridges, 255 ; Orders to working party, 265 ; a Guard to mount and receive Orders from Captain Spry, 237 ; to furnish Working Parties, 273; distribution of Transports, 280 ; Orders to Quarter- Masters, 292. Regiment, 27th, to furnish Adjutant, 243, 246, 247, 249, 252, 255, 258, 26 J, 263, 264, 267, 275 ; Orders, 251 ; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 251 ; two men to be sent to Uoyal Artillery to make cartridges, 255; to parade for exercise, 256, 260; Quarter-Master, 275 ; distribution of Trans ports, 280 ; Orders to Quarter Master, 292 ; re-distribution, 301 ; Non-arrival of Trans ports, 311 ; objections raised against going to Quebec, 314. Regiment, 28th, detachment to be col lected, 284 ; non-arrival of Transports, 311 ; objections raised against going to Quebec, 314. Regiment, 33rd, Orders, 246. Regiment, 35th, to land, 1; Quarter- Master to meet Barrack-Master of 5th Regiment, 10; Orders, 74, 167, 180, 234, 246, 261, 268, 279; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon, 170, 202, 209, 218, 234 ; where to be vic tualled, 172; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 179, 226 ; Order to Patroles, 183; to report to Brigr.-General Jones, 202; Order to Picquets, 211; Officers to attend detachment, 226 ; to parade for exercise, 251, 254, 256 ; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; two men to be tribution of Transports, 280; Orders to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 38th, to parade, 1 ; to furnish provision Guard, 10; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 12, 24, 33, 39, 45, 51, 58, 65, 73, 78, 86, 91, 95 ; to furnish Guards, 12. 19, 27, 38, 58 ; Orders, 33, 66, 75, 167, 181, 197, 224, 2^5, 234, 252, 261, 268, 279; to parade for Divine Service, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter-Master, and Surgeon. 171, 186, 210, 219, 237 ; where to be vic tualled. 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 184 ; a de tachment to relieve at Charlestown, 192 ; Officers to attend detachment, 192; to re port to Brigr.-General Robertson, 201 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to parade and be ready for embarkation, 225 ; to parade for exercise, 254, 255 ; two men to be sent to Royal Artillery to make cartridges, 255 ; Orders to working party, 265; a Captain to be appointed Member of Court Martial, 267 ; Block House Guard to be taken by, 271 ; distribution of Transports, 280 ; two detachments to go on board Transports, 284 ; Order to Quarter-Masters, 292. Regiment, 40th, Orders, 74, 167, 180, 225, 261, 268, 279 ; to be victualled by Com missary General, 92 ; to furnish Adju- tant,Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 171, 186, 210, 219 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; a detachment to relieve duty, 192, 226 ; Officers to attend detach ment, 192, 226 : to report to Brigr.-General Grant, 202; Order to Picquets, 211; to embark, 225 ; to be under the command of Brigr.-Genl. Jones, 225 ; to be supplied with Axes and cut their own fuel, 249 ; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; two men to be sent to Royal Artillery to make cartridges, 255 ; to parade for exer cise, 256 ; a Captain to be appointed Member of Court Martial, 267; Distribu- 350 REGIMEN1 REGIMENT. Regiment, 40th, Orders, continued. t ion of Transports, 280 ; Order to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 42nd, additional battalion to be added to, 308 ; to embark, 316 ; probably on board the " Clyde," 318. Regiment, 43rd, to parade, 1 ; to furnish provision guard, 12; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter-Master, 12, 24, 34, 40, 47, 60, 63, 74, 81, 87, 92, 96 ; to change encamp- in ent, 29; to parade for Divine service, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; Orders, 76, 90, 166, 180, 197, 224, 234, 252, 261, 268, 279 ; an officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant- General s Office,122; where to be victualled, 172 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 173, 187, 211, 220; to be served weekly with fuel, 176; order to patroles,184 ; a detachment to relieve duty, 192, 226 ; officers to attend detachment, 192, 226; Order to Picquets of, 211; two men to be employed in making cartridges, 255 ; to parade fo r exercise, 256 ; a Captain to be appointed a member of Court Martial, 267 ; Orders to working party, 269 ; to fur nish guards, Adjutant, and Quartermaster, 276 ; distribution of transports, 280; Order to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 44th, Orders, 74, 164, 167, 181, 197, 224, 234, 268, 279 ; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92; where to be vic tualled, 172 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter- Master, and Surgeon, 173, 189, 211, 220 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; Order to patroles, 184; 17th Eegt. to go into quarters, 190 ; to embark, 192, 194, 225 ; Order respecting subsistence, 192 ; a de tachment to relieve duty, 192, 226 ; officers to attend detachment, 192, 226 ; to report to Brigr. General Eobertson, 201 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to be commanded by Bri gadier General Jones, 225 ; Eowers to be furnished by, 235 ; to receive directions from Major Campbell, 236; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; two men to be employed in making cartridges, 255 ; to parade for exercise, 258 ; a captain to be appointed a member of Court Martial, 267; Orders to working party, 269 ; to furnish working parties, 276 ; distribution of tran sports, 280; Order to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 45th, a return of strength to be fiven in, 56; to furnish a proportion of uties, 57, to strike tents and to march, 57; to furnish out duties, 58; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 62, 70, 76, 83, 89, 93, 98 ; to parade for Divine service, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, S5 ; Orders, 74, 76, 166, 167, 180, 202, 234 ; where to be vic tualled, 172; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 174,190, 203, 212, 221, 241 ; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; to report to General Pigot, 202 ; detachment to be commanded by Calder and Tupper, 202, 203 ; a detach ment to relieve at Charlestown, 203,226; Order;to Picquets, 211; officers to attend de tachment, 226 ; two men to be employed in making cartridges, 255 ; to parade for exercise, 256 ; a captain to be appointed a member of Court Martial, 267 ; a working party to parade and to receive orders, 269; to furnish Guards, Adjutant, and Quarter Master, 278; Distribution of Transports, 280 ; Orders to Quarter Masters, 292. Kegiment, 46th, quantity of Tobacco allowed, 292 ; redistribution of, 301 ; non- arrival of Transports, 311. Regiment, 47th, Orders, 1, 3, 66, 166, 167, 180, 234; to furnish Guard, 17, 39; Orders to Guard, 18; to parade for Divine Service, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; where to be victualled, 172; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 174, 191, 222 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 184 ; to report to Brig adier General Grant, 202 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestowu, 209, 226 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; Officers to attend detach meiit, 226 ; to be in readiness for embarkation, 250; detachment to be col lected, 284. Kegiment, 48th, Orders, 234; contem plated disposal abandoned, 317. Regiment, 49th, to land, 1 ; Quarter Master to meet Barrack Master of 5th Eegiment, 10; Orders, 74, 166, 167, 180, 197, 202, 234, 268, 279; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; where to be victualled, 172; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master and Surgeon, 176, 192, 212, 223; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; to report to Brigadier General Grant, 202 ; detachment to be commanded by Calder and Tupper, 202, 203 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 203 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to embark, 225 ; to be commanded by Brigr. General Jones, 225 ; Eowers to be furnished, 235 ; to receive directions from Major Campbell, 236 ; to parade for exer cise, 251, 254, 256 ; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; two men to be em ployed in making cartridges, 255; a Captain to be appointed a Member of Court Martial, 267 ; a working party to parade and receive orders, 269 ; to furnish working parties, 278; distribution of Transports, 280; Orders to Quarter Masters, 292 Regiment, 52nd, loss viii. ; orders, 1, 3, 75, 76, 90, 167, 181, 202, 252, 268, 279 ; to furnish guards, 12, 15, 19, 29 ; to furnish Adjutant and Quarter Master, 15, 26, 35, 42, 47, 54, 62, 70, 75, 82, 88, 94 ; to parade for Divine Service, 66, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; where to be vic tualled, 172; to be served weekly with fuel, 176 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master and Surgeon, 177, 193, 214, 223; Order to Patroles, 185 ; to report to Brigadier General Jones, 202; detachment to be commanded by Calder and Tupper, 202, 203; a detachment to relieve at Charlestowu, 203 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to embark, 225; to be commanded by Brigadier General Jones, 225 ; Eowers to be furnished, 235; to receive directions from Major Campbell, 236 ; to parade for REGIMENT ROBBER Y Regiment, 52nd, continued. exercise, 254, 255, 256; two men to be employed in making cartridges, 255 ; a working party to parade and receive orders, 269; Distribution of Transports, 281 ; Guards Adjutant and Quarter Master, 281 ; detachment of 6th Regt. to be put on board Transports, 284 ; Orders to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 55th, General Pigot appointed Colonel, 189; Orders to Light Infantry, 190; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master and Surgeon, 194, 214, 224 ; position of alarm post, 196; Orders, 197, 202, 230, 234, 239, 252, 268, 279; to report to Brigadier Q-eneral Pigot, 202 ; detachment to be commanded by Calder and Tupper, 202, 203; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 203 ; Order to Picquets, 211 ; to embark, 225; to be commanded by General Jones, 225 ; Rowers to be fur nished, 235 ; to receive directions from Majr. Gen. Campbell, 236 ; to parade and be exercised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; two men to be employed in making car tridges, 255 ; to parade for exercise, 260 ; a working party to parade and receive Orders, 269; Distribution of Transports, 281; to furnish working parties, 231 ; Orders to Quarter Masters, 2d2 ; Redistribution, 301 ; non-arrival of Transports, 311 ; arrival of six missing Companies, 313, 315; objec tions raised against going to Quebec, 314. Regiment, 59th, to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; Order to Surgeon, 158 ; iucor- poration of private men, 159 ; to be drafted, 163; Order to Adjutants, 163; to embark, 167 ; debts of drafts provided for, 165 ; Order to Pay Masters respecting drafts received from, 185 ; drafted, 312. Regiment, 63rd, Instructions to Quarter Master, 10 ; Orders, 74, 180, 234, 252 ; to be victualled by Commissary General, 92 ; where to be victualled, 172 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; to furnish Adju tant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 177, 194, 204, 224 ; Order to Patroles, 183 ; to report to Brigadier General Smith, 202 ; a detachment to relieve at Charlestown, 209 ; two men to be sent to Royal Artillery to make Cartridges, 255 ; to parade for exercise, 256 ; to furnish Guards, Adju tant, and Quarter Master, 269, 283 ; Orders to working part}*, 273 ; distribution of transports, 281 ; detachment from 28th Regiment to remain on board Transports, 284 ; Order to Quarter Masters, 292. Regiment, 64th, an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122; Orders, 251, 268, 279; to be exercised by Major Musgrave, 251, 254 ; to parade for exercise, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260 ; two men to be sent to Royal Artillery to make cartridges, 255 ; to furnish working parties, 269, 273, 283; distribution of Transports, 281 ; Order to Quarter Mas ters, 292. Regiment, 65th, to be victualled by Com missary General, 92 ; an Officer to attend at Deputy Adjutant General s Office, 122 ; to embark, 167 ; to disembark, 175 ; Orders, 175, 181, 197, 234, 258, 279, 287 ; to be served with fuel weekly, 176 ; Order to Patroles, 185; to report to Brigadier General Jones, 202 ; to furnish Adjutant, Quarter Master, and Surgeon, 205, 226; Orders to Picquets, 211 ; and two com panies of 14th to do duty as one Corps, 243; to furnish Adjutant, 247, 250, 254, 257, 258, 262, 235 ; to parade and be exer cised by Major Musgrave, 254, 255 ; to furnish Guards, Adjutant, and Quarter Master, 269, 287 ; Orders to working parties, 273 ; to be relieved, 274 ; to be drafted, 287, 289, 291; Orders respecting provision Money, 287 ; Arms to be returned to the Armoury, 290 ; proposal by General Howe respecting, at Boston, 305 ; embarkation of six companies, 312. Regiment, 65th Grenadiers, Orders, 160. Regiment, 65thLght. Infntry.,Ord s.,160. Regiment, 71st, to embark, 316; probably on board the Clyde, 318. Regimental Guard, Two Men to attend Officers of the Picquet, 182. Regimental Surgeons, Orders, 193. Reinforcement, ordered, 145; required, 304 ; proposed by Major General Howe, 306; shortly to embark, 310; uncertain, 320 ; steps taken to send to Gen. Howe, 320 ; a lar^e, to go to Gen. Howe, 321. Relief for the Lines, time to march for Parade, 64. Repairs, to be made at Fort Edward, 294. Report, to be made, 161, 171, 202; Adju tant to make, to Head Quarters, 238 : Orders, 291. Retreat Beating-, no soldier to remain out of Barracks after, 238. Returns, to be given in, 45, 57, 64, 81, 89, 101, 102, 107, 116, 118, 144, 146, 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 170, 173, 174, 176, 189, 201, 202, 209, 218, 219, 223, 236, 262, 277, 287, 291, 294 ; to be signed, 80, 141 ; respecting Arms and Accoutrements lost, 203 ; general half-yearly of issues of pro visions, 218 ; specifying number of vacant commissions, 251. Reveille, Orders, 40, 50. Revitt, Nicholas, promoted, 285. Reward offered, 71, 97, 102, 106, 151, 155, 237, 245, 254. Reynolds, Decimus, promoted, 276. Reynolds, George, promoted, 134. Reynolds, Lieutenant, resigned, 163. Rhode Island, opinion of Gen. Howe ; respecting taking possession of, 303, 305; force not adequate to an active Campaign, 305 ; army at, 314 ; troops to proceed to, 316. Rice, to be procured, 313; Steps taken for procuring approved of, 313. Richardson, Sergeant, to act as Quarter- Master to Corps of Grenadiers, 172. Richardson, Sergeant (45th Regt.), to act as Quarter-Master, 282. Ridley, Richard, promoted, 245. Ridsdale, T. Griffiths, promoted, 293. Riotous Proceedings, instructions to Sentries respecting, 115. Robbery, of Seals, 102 ; of valuables, 106. 35* OBERTSSCHG ONERS. Roberts, Mr. (Jeweller), Enquiries for toothpick case to be made to, 92. Roberts, Captain Lieut., dead, 100. Roberts, Lieutenant, to attend Commis sary General, 197. Roberts, John, promoted, 23. Roberts, John, promoted, 268. Roberts, Samuel, promoted, 286. Roberts William, promoted, 282. Roberts \Viiutim Robert, promoted, 41. Robertson, En^adier General, to com mand and inspect several regiments, 36, 48; Brigadier General, 98, 100, 105, 110, 112, 115, 118, 121, 125, 126, 128, 130, 136, 142, 146, 155, 158, 161, 179, 186, 191, 195, 199, 201, 204, 206, 208, 210, 216, 218, 221, 224, 230, 237 ; Field Officer lor the Day, 103 ; Orders, 151, 181, 282 ; specilied regi ments to report to, 201; appointed to license Dram Shops, 203; to superintend embarkation of Troops, 234; replaced by Major A. Dickson, 275 ; Capt. Wemyss (Wymess ?), appointed Aide-de-Camp to, 273 ; to go on board the Charming Ts T elly,282. Robertson, Lieutenant, 43rd Eegiment, Assistant to Deputy Quarter Master Gen eral, 290. Robertson, Duncan, promoted, 134; Officers to send to, for proportion of Bread, 239. Robinson, Brigadier General, 138, 150, 154, 163, 170, 174, 177, 214, 295 ; Colonel of the 2nd Battalion of Royal Americans, 270 ; to serve as Major General, 270. Robinson, Archibald, promoted, 134. Rachfbrd, Eusigu, to collect detachment of 28th Regt., 284. Rochford, Thomas, owner of " Schooner Peggy," 117. Rogus, Jeremiah Dumas, appointed Lieu tenant, 140. Rolls, to be called frequently, 233 ; to be called as ordered, 238. Rooke, Henry, promoted, 22. Ross, Alexander, to act as Assistant Engineer, 61; to lodge tools in Rebel Redoubt, 61 ; Deputy Judge Advocate, 79 ; Prisoners names and crimes to be given in to, 79 ; promoted, 88. Ross, Arthur, promoted, 21. Rounds, Orders, 50, 168; picquets not to be turned out by, 115. Row Boats, Order respecting men accus tomed to, 230. Rowers, to parade without Arms, 234; those on duty to be relieved, 234 ; Orders to Corps furnishing, 235, 236; names to be sent to Major Campbell, 236 ; to parade opposite Main Guard, 240 ; to return to their Regiments, 240 ; to parade, 240,241. Rowland, John, promoted, 132. Roxbury, Boston cannonaded from, 318 ; works improved, 319. Royal Artillery, Orders, 66, 145; to parade for Divine Service, 73, 77, 82, 87, 92, 95 ; additional Gunners provided to serve in, 81 ; to be victualled by Commis sary General, 92 ; Officers to mount at the Lines, 112; a return to be made of the present state of, 144 ; to furnish a propor tion of Tools, 169 ; where to be victualled, 172; Armourers to be sent to the, 216 ; men not to be put sentry, 220. Royal Fensible Americans, a corps to be raised under the appellation of, 92 ; to prepare to be mustered, 245 ; to furnish Adjutant, 245, 250, 253, 256, 260,262, 266 ; a portion to be employed in catching fish, 247; Orders, 247, 260, 266; not exempt from duties of fatigue, 255; to parade, 260; to be reviewed by Major General Percy, 260; a detachment to be com manded by Major General Massey, 288 ; a detachment to march to Fort Cumberland, 289; to apply for their proportion of Tobacco, 292 ; quantity of Tobacco allowed, 292; slow progress in forming additional Companies of, 317. Royal Hospital ? Emigrants, to pre pare to be mustered, 245 ; to furnish Adju tant, 248, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 260, 266 262, 264, 266 ; to be reviewed by Major General Percy, 261 ; Orders, 261, 262, 26a, 274 , to be inspected, 261 ; a company ready to embark, 274 ; a detachment to embark, 279; to relieve a Company of the 65th Regiment, 274 ; a detachment to be commanded by Major General Massey, 288; a detachment to march to Fort Edward, 289 ; to apply for their proportion of Tobacco, 292 ; quantity of Tobacco allowed, 292; accounts to be settled, 294. Royal Institution, iii., iv. Royal North British Volunteers, how they are to be distinguished, 123; Orders, 123, 181 ; rations of provisions issued to, 124. Royal Salute, to be fired, 120, 199, Ruggles, John, appointed Lieutenant,] 40. Ruggles, Timothy, Commandant of Loyal American Associaters, 140; to appoint Guard Rooms and Alarm Posts, 140. Rum, not to be sold to the Soldiers, 11 ; to be mixed with water, 27 ; to be issued, 53 ; Order respecting, 170, 174, 189, 226,229; to be served by Quarter Masters, 198 ; to be supplied by Quarter Masters, 193 ; to be supplied to Working Men, 234; to be delivered to the Troops, 235, 241 ; to be supplied to Regiments, 237; returns of issuing, to be signed, 237. Runton, William, promoted, 104. Rupert , Prince, v. Russell, Ambrose, promoted, 152. Russell, Peter, promoted, 134. Russell, Thomas, promoted, 129, 149. Russia, Empress of, applied to for a Body of Infantry to serve in North America, 301. Sabine, Captain, deceased, 189. St. Lieger, William, promoted, 89. Salt Fish, to be sold, 119 ; Corps to apply for a barrel of, 235. Sams, Sergeant, Orders, 147. Saumerez, Thomas D., promoted, 285. Savage, Abraham, appointed Lieut., 140. Saville, Transport, detachment of 23rd Regiment on board, to disembark, 247. " Scarborough," The, Transports under Convoy of the, 312, 313. Schooners, Two armed, ordered to Georgia, 313. SCROPE SMITH. 353 Scrope, Emanuel, iv. Scrope Estate, iv. Scurvy, xv., xvi. ; spruce recommended for curing, 177 ; Sour Grout to be used by men who have, 193. Seal, Governor s private, stolen, 102. Seamen, Patrol -s to take up any they may find in Town, 238 ; to be confined in the Main Guard, 238; Orders to, 254; Order concerning, belonging to Trans ports, 257 ; deficiency for Transports, 306 ; a proportion of Porter allowed to, 313. Sea Venture Transpor t, live companies to go on board, 110. Secretary of State, informed of the arrival of six missing companies of the 55th, 315. Seix, Lieutenant, to command a detach ment, 146. Sentences, approved, 46, 53, 70, 81, 84, 86, 87, 97, 101, 118, 132, 138, 151, 157, 175, 183, 253 ; to be put in execution, 81, 84, 97, 118, 152, 175 : remitted, 97. Sentinels, orders to, 29, 67. Sentries, to challenge at dusk, 50; who neglect duty not to expect mercy, 109 ; Orders, 112, 114, 115, 194, 196, 198, 221, 224; directed to use discretion in firing, 194 ; censured, 194 ; instructed to be cautious and alert, 193 ; not to neglect precautions given, 198 ; Order respecting, 202, 212, 219; 220 , to be attentive to any firing from Enemv s works, 224. Sentries (advanced), Orders, 37, 139 ; soldiers not to pass, unless in the execu tion of duty, 51 ; to have Bayonets fixed, 52 ; to be doubled, 139. Sentries on Camp Duties Orders to, 5, 6; not ^o be taken from the Picquets, 115. Sentries on the Long Wharf, Orders to, 177. Sentries on the Out Posts, to be selected from experienced soldiers, 52 ; to be vigilant and attentive, 52 ; counter sign to be demanded by, 216 ; Order re specting, 219. Sentry from the Guards, countersign to be demanded by, 216. Sergeants, to be provided with firelocks, 210; to receive short Muskets in lieu of Carbines, 214. Serjeant, John, 33th ttegt., promoted, 21. Serjeant, John (Loyal American Associa- ters), appointed Lieutenant, 140. Serj eants Guard, to be relieved and to report, 7. Seymour, Lieutenant, resigned, 263. Shade, to be erected, 8. Shandle, Captain, deceased, 250. Shaw, Lieut., replaced by A. French, 250. Shaw, Daniel, promoted, 21. Shaw, John, appointed 1st Lieutenant, 189. Shea, Lieutenant, effects to be sold, 43. Sheep, proportion to be delivered, 76, 144 ; to be sold, 84. Sheets, to be returned to Sergeant Foster, 213 ; charge for washing, to be paid, 213 ; reported abuse of, 213 ; Corps to return, to Barrack Store, 227. Shepard, Josh., tried by Court Martial and acquitted, 284. Sherriff, Major, promoted, 277. Shields, William, to be tried by Court Martial, 123 ; tried for robbery and sen tenced, 132. Ships, boats to be put on board, 288 ; orders, 288; arrival of two, with Ord nance Stores, 306 ; difficulties, 312 ; forced to quit the Harbor, 318 ; unable to get to their destination, 319. Shoes, corps to apply for, 277 ; Quarter Masters to receive, 287. Sholdholme, see Studholme. Shooter, Major, loss of a box belonging to, 254 ; Member of Court Martial, 267. Short, Major, Field Officer for Picquets, 5 ; 111, 8 ; effects to be sold, 43. Short, John (Sawyer), to be employed by Captain Montrazore, 271. Shouldholme, promoted, 289. Shudd, John, Orders, 147. Shuldham, Admiral, assures Major General Howe of provision supply, 319. Shuttleworth, Lieutenant, house broken open and robbed, 118. Signals for boats attacking, 2. Sill, Major, Field Officer for Picquets, 10 ; Field Officer for the Day, 99, 122, 127, 137, 196, 233 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 107, 114, 153, 173, 182, 204, 203, 216, 223, 233 ; President Court Martial, 139, 151, 156; Field Officer, 295. Simcoe, John Graves, promoted, 190. Simpson, Robert, promoted, 21. Skeen, Captain, retires, 245. Skitch, John, promoted, 250. Slator, Edward, tried for robbing a Store, 69; sentenced, 70. Sleater, Captain, to give directions to working party, 277. Sleigh, Jeremiah, promoted, 132. Small, Major, Adjutants to give in returns to, 39; to do duty in Adjutant General s Department, 277 ; Brigade Major, 295. Small Pox, a return to be made of the number of Men who have not had, 144 ; anticipated spread, 143; a return to be made of the number of Men willing to be inoculated, 155; spread, 156; men who are willing, to be inoculated, 156 ; men suffering with, to be removed, 278. Smelt, Major, thanked, 9; Field Officer to Grenadiers, 52; President Court Mar tial, 96; Field Officer for the Day, 103, 112, 126, 135, 156, 163, 179, 194 ; promoted, 104; Field Officer for the Lines, 121, 146; retires fro in the Grenadiers, 125 ; retires, 272. Smelt, Cornelius, promoted, 134, 200. Smith, Colonel (10th Regt.), Aide-de- Camp, 135; to act as Brigadier General, 135 ; Brigadier General, 163, 168, 173, 176, 179, 185, 190, 194, 193, 201, 204, 205, 207, 210, 212, 215, 218, 220, 223, 229, 234, 295 ; Orders, 181 ; several regiments to report to, 202 ; to superintend embarkation of Troops, 235; to go on board the Russia Merchant, 232. Smith, Lieutenant (49th Regt.), Aide-de- Camp, 273. Smith, Lieutenant (65th Regt.), dead, 282. Smith, Mr. (Master Carpenter), tools to be returned to, 197. Smith, a Mason, to attend Bar k M st r, 111. A A 354 SMITH STUART. Smith, John (5th Regt.), promoted, 20; Major of Brigade, 47, 100, 102, 106, 109, 112 , 116, 120, 122, 126, 123, 130, 137, 139, 146, 152, 155, 153, 161, 163, 170, 171. 174. 178, 186, 192, 196, 199, 295. 296, 203. 211, 214, 216, 219, 222, 226, 231, 240, 253, 261, 234, 269, 233, 295 ; posted in Seniority, 273 ; Major of Brigade in North America, 283. -ill, a Master, 111. Smotherg-ill, a Mason, to attend Barrack Smyth, Captain.k illed, 22. Snelling 1 , Mr., xviii. Sobriety, Order concerning Soldiers, 14. Soldiers, instructed where to wear Car- touch Boxes, 60 ; Orders, 72, 91, 126, 253, 254 ; thanked for gallantry,93 ; not to pull down houses or fences, 109; not to sc-11 their provisions, 120; recommended to tiki- Spruce beer, 122 ; instructions where they are to be buried, 127 ; detected committing depredations to be hanged, 169, 237, allowance for, 169, 203 ; Order respecting stoppages, 192, 206; experienced, to be posted as sentries next the enemy, 202 ; not to join their regiments from the Hos pital without regular admission, 205; ammunition to be daily inspected, 296, 209 ; reported abuse of sheets and blan kets by, 213: found guiity of abusing sheets and blankets to be punished, 213 ; of detachment thanked and condtvt highly commended, 214; warning respect ing drunkenness, 229: absent from Roll- Calling to be brought to their quarters, 233, 236; on board ship, not to come on shore without permission, 236, 253 ; not to remain out of Barracks after Retreat beating, 238; Order concerning, belonging to Transports, 257 ; detected pulling down houses or fences to be punisned with freat rigour, 278 ; Order respecting ick and Wounded, 291 ; porter sent out to, 313. Soldiers at Advanced Breast Works, to carry water in Canteens, 61. Soldiers belonging 1 to Charlestown, Orders to, 39, 44, 49, 50, 51, 63, 95 ; to be in Camp, time for Roll-Calling, 42, 95; forbidden to open Graves, 44 ; warning to, 45, 70 ; who have contracted disorders to be sent to Hospital, 54; Order respecting drunken, 54; disobedience of, 70; not to lie in the Huts, 78. Soldiers "Wives, permission to pass to Camp, withdrawn, 33; not to lodge out of district, 183. Sooter, see Sonter. Sour Grout, Regimental Surgeons to take charge and appropriate, 193 ; for use of Officers, 212, 220; to be delivered to the Troops, 220 ; recommended to be eaten with vinegar, 220, 221 ; to be issued to the Men, 252. Souter, Major, "Field Officer for the Lines, 100, 116, 123, 129, 139, 189, 199, 206 ; to command 2nd battalion of Marines, 109; Field Officer for the Day, 152, 169, 177, 211, 218, 226, 211: Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 269 ; Field Officer, 295. Spaig-ht, William, Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General, 253. Sparks, Corporal, to attend Commissary General, 197. Sparks, .Tared (Dr.), Hi. Speudlove, Major, thanked, 9; dead, 41. Spillman, Timothy, tried for assault and sentenced, 183. Spirituous Liquors, Order respecting, 14, 33, 111; persons detected selling, to be m\de prisoners, 223. Spooner, Ebenezi, appointed Lieut., 140. Sproul, George, promoted, 104; Assistant Engineer, 293. Sproule, seeSproul. Spruce, recommended to Men who have Scurvy, 177. Spruce Beer 1 , price per barrel, 38; recorn- meuded for thn soldiers, 122; to ba delivered to the Regiments, 248, 2W. Spry, Captain, to eive Orders to Sergeants of Guards, 263, 272 ; to give directions t.> Overseers of Works, 265; to give Ord"rs to working parties, 265, 269, 273, 231, 290 ; to give orders to guard of 23rd Regiment, 267; to give orders to Capt. Lieutenant B irran, 267 ; to employ and give orders to Carpenters, 268, 279. Staclan, Lieutenant, deceased, 209. Staff, Adjutant General appointed, 254. Staff Officers, to apply for allowances at Barrack Office, 176; Order respecting allowances, 249. Stanley, James, promoted, 272. Stanley, Thomas, promoted, 276. Stark, Henry, promoted, 40. Stearns, Jonathan, promoted, 162. Stekilin, Thomas, promoted, 150. Stevens, B. F., iii., ix., xix. Stevens, a Mason (10th Regt.), to attend Barrack Master, 110. Stevens, a Mason (59th Regt.), to attend Barrack Master, 111. Steward, see Stewart. Stewart, Hon. Charles, promoted, 103; Field Officer for the Day, 206 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 212 ; Field Officer to visit Hospital Ships, 262; to command 2nd battalion of Grenadiers, 272. Stewart, James, promoted, 132. Stewart, William, promoted, 286. Stirke, Julius, promoted, 149. Stocking s, Quarter Masters to receive, 287. Stopford, Captain, retires, 41. Stoppag-es, Order respecting, 192,208, 259. Stoppag-e Money, Troops to pay, 253, 259. Stores, state of, 311 ; to be conveyed by Transports, 318 ; military, destroyed, 319; disordered state of, 320. Store Ships, non-arrival of, 311 ; arrival of four, 312. Stoves, Order respecting, 237. Stratford, Captain, retires, 276. Streets, Order to keep clean, 13. Strobenzie, Turner, promoted, 272 ; to command 2nd batt. of Light Infantry, 273. Stroud, dead, 270. Stuart, Lieutenant, resigned, 189. Stuart, Major, Field Officer for the Lines, 178, 218; Field Officer for the Day, 189, 199; Field Officer, 295. Stuart, Chas., to attend Bar k Master, 169. Stuart, Robert, to attend Engineer, 172. STUDHOLME TROOPS. 355 Studholme, Mr., appointed Major of Brigade to Brigadier General Massey, 173 ; Major of Brigade, 257, 269, 264, 269, 276; to do duty witli the brigade at Halifax, 278 ; returns to be given in by Quarter Masters to, 290. Subalterns, Order respecting, 155. Suoalterns of the Picquets, Orders to, 246. Subscriptions, begun and continued, 284. Subsistence, Order respecting Officers, 131; Order respecting Invalids, 158; Order respecting Drafts, 159, 287. Supplies, required, 319 ; not received, 320. Surg-eons, Orders to, 7, 23, 25, 43, 62, 65, 80, 120, 121, 123, 153. 191, 222 ; not to per form operations without a consultation, 82 ; order to be observed by all, 83 ; to ex amine Men returned unfit for service, 264. Surg-eons Mates, Orders to, 191, 192, 204, 210, 217. Surg-eons of Regiments, Orders to, 264, 265, 291 . Sutherland, William, promoted, 268. Sutherland, Lieutenant, to shew Quarter Master ground allotted for cooking places, 8 ; promoted, 269. Sutlers, not to sell liquors to Soldiers, 111 ; warned, 111. Sweeny, John, to attend Engineer, 172. Sweetenham, Thomas, promoted, 154. Swiney, Chaplain, promoted, 269. Sym, Richard, tried for murder and ac quitted, 46. Tailors, Order respecting, 207. Taptoo, see Tattoo. " Tartar," The, Invalids and others sent to England under convoy of, 312. Tattoo, time to beat, 147; men to be present at beating, 228. Taylor, a Mason, to attend Barrack Master, 110. Taylor, Christopher, promoted, 250. Temple, Richard, promoted, 133. Tents, to arrive, 2, to be floored with boards, 11; to be inspected, 19; Order respecting, 62 ; loss.of, 62 ; to be searched, 66; extra and tent poles to be delivered to Assistant Deputy Quarter Master G-enl., 191 ; to be sent from England, 317. Terrott, Elias, promoted, 43; leave of absence granted to, 245. Thomas, mentioned, xvi. Thomas, Mate to Hospital at Boston, 135. Thompson, John, promoted, 22. Thorns, Lieutenant, promoted, 103. Thope, Richard, promoted, 233. Thorpe, Thomas, pardoned for desertion, and ordered to join regiment, 282. Thrubshaw, a Mason, to attend Engr. ,204. Tickets, Surgeons to apply for blank, of admission signed, 222. admission to their apply Sick, 222; to be Tobacco, donation, 292 ; to be issued to the Men, 292. Todd, William, promoted, 100. Tombs (see Graves), Order concerning, 44. Tools, instructions respecting, 45 ; to be collected, 45 ; wanted for work, 66 ; en trenching to be returned, 162, 189, 229 ; men to be furnished with, 169 ; to be re turned, 197, 200; Carpenters, to be re turned, 229 ; directions to be given for a supply of entrenching, 309. Toothpick Case, found, 92. Town Bull, stolen and death of the, 97. Town House, depredations committed in the, 237. Transports, Order to Commanding Officers of, 170; Order respecting com mon sea-men from the, 177 ; not allowed to pass Wharf after a certain time, 196 ; porter to be put on board, 228 ; to receive orders, 230 ; state of, to be reported, 232 ; Arms of Men employed as Rowers to be put on board, 236; to be frequently visited, 259; provisions to be put on board, 276, 294 ; baggage to be put on bo ird, 279, 288 ; distribution of, 279, 280, 281 ; Fascines to be taken on board, 294 ; deficiency of, 304, 307; arrival of, 306; deficiency in the tonnage of, 308 ; fear expressed that, have been forced off the Coast, 311; two to sail to Georgia, 312; completed, 315 ; difficulties in procuring, 316 ; to be sent for 6th Regiment, 317 ; anxiously expected, 318 ; disproportion of, 319 ; Troops crowded in, 320. Treby, John, promoted, 133. Trees, not to be cut down, 3, 221. Trollop, Lieutenant, promoted, 250. Troop ,time to beat, 147. Troops, Testimony of bravery displayed by, 3; four women to be sent to, 10; to retuin necessaries, 12; to embark, 14, 288; Orders, 17, 42, 49, 105, 107, 115, 119, 125, 164, 225, 231, 234, 235, 257, 274, 293 ; bathing recommended, 18 ; Orders res pecting bathing, 19 ; extracts from former general orders repeated, 29, 30; repri manded, 32 ; utmost alertness expected from, 78 ; Members for Court Martial, 55 ; fresh provisions issued, 72, 241 ; order respecting victualling, 92, 249, 258, 279 ; fresh provisions distributed gratuitously, 99 ; Order respecting money due to, 111 ; praised for alertness, }15 ; quarters pre pared, 135 ; men willing to be inoculated, 156; to be served weekly with fuel, 176, 200 ; to be served with provisions, 190 ; rate of provisions for, 191 ; to be served with Porter, 192, 228 ; coals to be supplied. 193 ; to receive potatoes, 202 ; to receive Spermacetic Candles from Barrack Master, 208 ; conduct commended, 214 ; Signal to get under Arms, 220; Sour Crout to be delivered, 220 ; Order respecting pro visions, 224, 252 ; information to, 226, 237, 278 ; to furnish working parties, 226 ; allowed wood, 228 ; to return tools, 229 ; Order respecting baggage, 231 ; provisions to be put on board, 233 ; to receive Bis cuit instead of Flur, 233; Rum to be delivered to, 235, 241; Fish to be caught for the use of, 247 ; to move into rooms in N"ew B.irracks, 249 ; Potatoes to be issued, 258, 274 ; Stoppage money, 258 ; regula tions given, 259 ; Baugh and Forage Money, 260 ; Order on board Transports, 274 ; irregularity of victualling, 278 ; encouraged, 284 ; time for embarkation, 304; to be employed in providing for the security of Boston, 302 ; removal of, 304 ; 356 TROOPS WILLINGTON. Troops, continued winter quarters, 312 ; put on short allow ance, 313; proceed to Rhode Island, 316; to be conveyed by Transports, 318 ; condi tion, 320; arrangements made with respect to, 321. Troops (Foreign), desired by Major General Howe, 315. Tryoil, Governor, information respecting Prisoners, 313 ; hopes held out by, 314. Tucker, see Tapper. Tulliker, James, promoted, 133. Tupper, Major, thanked, 9; Field Officer for f icquets, 10, 18, 28, 39, 44, 51, 58, 65, 73, 78, 86, 91; Field Officer for the Day, 171, 179, 201, 270 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 12, 24, 33, 39, 45, 54, 61, 69, 75, 82, 87, 93, 193, 221 ; to be relieved, 16 ; instruc tions to, 33 ; ill, 83; to command several regiments at Chariestown, 202 ; Field Officer for detachment at Chariestown, 2 14 ; to superintend Long Wharf, &c., &e., 232; to visit Hospital Ships, 270; Field Officer, 295. Turner, Mate to Hospital at Boston, 135. Urquhart, James, promoted, 41, 149. Usher, Thomas, promoted, 150. Utensils, to be delivered to relieving Officers, 160 ; stoppages to be made, 259. Vacancies, a ret urn in each regt. to be given in, 277; instructions respecting, 310. Vallass, Captain, President of Court of Inquiry, 51 ; promoted, 200, 285 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 206, 227 ; Field Officer for the Day, 212, 218 ; Field Officer to visit Hospital Sbips, 263. Vance, a Mason, to a tend Bark. Master,110. Vans, David, promoted, 22. Vatass, see Vallass. Vattaney, Lieutenant, Overseer of the Works, 265 ; released from duty, 266. Vattass, see Vallass. Vaugiian, Joseph, promoted, 270. Vavons, Lieutenant, appointed Adjt., 282. Veale, Richard, promoted, 100, 186. Veriier, Lieutenant, dead, 40. Vessels, to be unloaded, 160; shortly to sail for England, 257; danger of defence less, 311 ; dispatched to New York for provisions, 313 ; not returned, 318. Victuallers, from England, 312; arrival of, 313. Vincent, Benjamin, iii. Vineg-ar, Orders respecting, 210 Visit- ng- Officer, Orders, 212, 213. Vivus, Lieut., appointed Adjutant, 168. Voluns, a Mason, to attend Brrck Mstr, 110. Volunteers, a return to be sent to Deputy Adjutant General, 10; order referring to, 78 ; a return of, serving in each Corps to be given in, 209 ; a return of, with dates of entering into service to be given in, 249. Wag-g-ons, Observations by Lord G. Ger- maine, on the demand for, 308. Waid, William, promoted, 263. "Waits, a Mason, to attend Brrck Mstr, 110. Walcott, Lieut.-Colonel, to command at Lines, 7; Field Officer for Picquets 12 26 35, 49, 65, 7;i, 77, 85, 91 : to take charge of Troops, 15 ; Field Officer for the Lines, 17, 27, 38, 44, 59, 67, 74, 81, 87, 92, 195, 203, 232 ; Field Officer for the Day, 173, 181, 208,215, 222, 276; to visit Hospital Ships, 276; Field Officer, 295. "Walker, John, promoted, 148. Walker, "Robert, promoted, 152. Walker, Thomas, to attend Corps of Light Infantry and Grenadiers, 221 ; to do duty with 1st Grenadier Corps, 291. Walsh, Chaplain, dead, 244. Walsh, Ensign, provided for, 285. Ward, Barnard George, promoted, 104, Ward, General, xiii, xvi. Ware, John, promoted, 263. Warmells, a Mason, to attend Barrack Master, 110. Warran, William, to attend Commissary General, 197. Warrants, granted for payment of ac counts, 277. Warren, Lisle, promoted, 41. Washing-ton, General, xv, xvi ; proposes an exchange of Prisoners, 312. Watchcoats, Officers to direct when necessary to wear, 36, 62 ; Order respect ing, 60. Water, Men to fetch, 3 ; not to disturb, 6. Watkins, Joseph, to be employed by Captain Montrazore, 271. Watson, John, promoted, 134. Watson, Jonas, promoted, 23. Waug-h, Gilbert, promoted, 286. Webb, George, to attend Brrck Mster, 169. Webb, Thomas, to attend Brrck Mster, 169. Webster, Captain complaint made against, 192; examination and opinion of Court of inquiry, 195. Wells, William, promoted 133. "Weniys, Captain, see Wyniess. Wemyss, Major, MS. notes of, xii. West, William, promoted, 149. Westhorpe, Adjutant, replaced by II. Millar, 293. Westhorpe, John, promoted, 292. Weyre; John, promoted, 283. Wharves, to be superintended by Lieut. - Col. Collins, 231 ; to be superintended by Major Tupper, 232 ; Order concerning, by Major-General Howe, 312. Wheeler, Paiiser. promoted, 150. White, Mr., to distribute Greens for the use of the Sick, 85. Whiteman, Mr., to act as Surgeon, 171; to attend Corps of Light Infantry and Grenadiers, 221 ; to do duty with 2nd Light Infantry Corps, 291. Whitley, Erwin, promoted, 250. Whitley, see Whitty. Whitty, Edward, leave of absence granted to, 245 ; retires, 250. Widows of Deceased Soldiers, a list to be made of, 35. Wig-g-lesworth, Joseph, promoted, 282. Wilkinson, Lieutenant, resigns, 64, re tires, 282. Wilkinson, Thomas, promoted, 41. Willard, Abijali, promoted, 140. Williams, Lieutenant, retires, 288 Williams, Major, thanked, 9; killed, 22. Williamson, Sergeant, to act as Quarter- Master, 282. Willing-ton, Captain, retires, 293. WILL UGHB Y YORK. 357 Willoug-hby, Joseph; suspected of rob- "Wood, Robert, promoted, 133. bery and to be apprehended, 106 ; warning Wood, Vincent, promoted, 283. to persons who may secrete, 106 ; descrip- Wood, William, promoted, 274. tion of, 106. Woods, John, tried for robbing a store Willson, John, promoted, 263. and sentenced, 101; Order respecting Wilson, Alexander, promoted, 209, 268. punishment, 102. Wilson, Archibald, a piece of linen stolen Woodward, Ebenezer, directed to sell rom the shop of, 188. Fish, 125. Wilson, George, promoted, 285. Wood Yard, a Working Party to attend Wilson, Robert, promoted, 282. at, 252. Wine, to be procured for the sick, 247 ; to Wools, Thr.mas A., promoted, 149. be sold on board the Brigantine Craw- Working 1 Duty, Orders respecting, 289. ford, 248. Working- Parties, to parade without Winnysimitt Ferry, wounded to be Arms, 11, 219 ; to be furnished, 58, 269, 270; to parade, 58, 63, 180, 193, 219,225, pi, ked up at, 9. Winslow, Edward, list of persons deserv ing bounty, to be submitted to, 284. Winslow, Pelharn,appointed Fort Mjr., 107. Winthroppe, Stephen, promoted, 100. Withering ton, John, tried for stealing, 187, 188 ; sentenced, 188. Witnesses, to attend Court of Inquiry, 192 Witton, Robert, to be sent to Deputy Quarter-Master-General s Office, 271. Wolfe, General, vii.; commissions to General Howe and General Carleton of same tenor and authority as that to, 299. Women, Order respecting, 13, 40, 47, 148, 232, 242; not to be allowed to pass the Ferry without a pass, 95 ; Order concerning wed 226, 227, 230, 252, 265, 269, 273, 281 ; to be provided with Axes, 63 ; Order concerning, 102, 170, 229 ; Orders to, 121, 170, 180, 193, 219, 220, 226, 227, 252, 277, 281, 293, 294 ; not to receive Rum from Corps, 170 ; allowance of Rum per Day, 174 ; Order respecting fuel provided by the, 177; returns to be given in, 189 ; Order respect ing Rum allowed to, 189 ; to receive direc tions from Engineer, 193 ; Order respect ing provisions, 265, 269 ; to receive orders from Captain Spry, 273 ; to receive orders from Captain Sleater, 277; ordered from the Brigade, 291. Wounded, Sick and, arrangements made for, 7 ; returns to be made, 16, 57, 64, 89 ; Order concerning, 50, 191 ; not to suffer for want of fuel, 77 ; Order concerning soldiers, 291. selling spirituous liquors, 111 ; not allo-v to be present at fires, 143 ; to be put on board ship, 230; persons employed to superintend, 251 ; Orders to. 254 ; specified number to embark with each reginvnt, Wounded, in General Hospital, a return 262 ; a return to be given in of such who to be made, 9; to receive a change of wish to go to England, 262 ; a return re- linen, 19; Orders repeated, 31. quired of the number allotted to Trans- Wounded, in Regimental Hospital, a re ports, 287. turn to be made, p, 16. Women and Children, a return to be Wounded Soldiers; names of men ac- made of the number required to be sent companying to be sent to Major o home, 32; names and numbers to be Brigade, 9. given in, 34, 35 ; an accurate list to be Wrenshaw, John, tried for robbing a made,36; names of those going to England, store and sentenced, 69; sentence to be to be given in, 71, 152 ; to embark, 72, 167 ; carried out, 70. Order respecting, about to embark, 163; Wriggles worth, John, promoted, 272. to subsist on Flour and Rice on board Wright, Charles, promoted, 268. ship, 235 ; rate of provisions allowed for, Wright, Sir James, assistance required, 313 262; a return required of the number to Wright, John, promoted, 88. be left at Halifax, 290. Wymess, Captain (40th Regiment), to Women employed in General Hospital, to command six companies of Grenadiers, be struck off provision list, 33. 164 ; Aide - de - Camp to Major-General Wood (see Fuel), extravagant price asked Robertson, 273. for, 77 ; proposal for supplying, to the York (Duke of), vi. Garrison, 169 ; where to be placed, 169 ; Order respecting, 171, 177, 228, 255. PRINTED BY S. STRAKER & SONS, B1SIIOPSGATE AVENUE, LONDON ; AND BEDIIILL. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES COflTDfllDEl