UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE By FREDERIC T. BIOLETTI. BULLETIN No. 174. (Berkeley, January 4, 1906.) SACRAMENTO: w. w. shannon, : : : : superintendent state printing. 1906. BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, Ph.D., LL-D., President of the University. EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF. E. W. HTLGARD, Ph.D., LL.D., Director and Chemist. (Absent on leave.) E. J. WICKSON, M.A., Acting Director and Horticulturist. W. A. SETCHELL, Ph.D.. Botanist. ELWOOD MEAD, M.S., C.E-, Irrigation Engineer. C. W. WOODWORTH, M.$., Entomologist. R. H. LOUGHRIDGE, Ph.D., Agricult?tral Geologist and Soil Physicist. (Soils and Alkali.) M. E. JAFFA, M.S., Assistant Chemist. (Foods, Ntitrition.) G. W. SHAW, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Chemist. (Cereals, Oils, Beet-Sugar.) GEORGE E COLBY, M.S., Assistant Chemist. (Fruits, Waters, Insecticides.) A. R. WARD, B.S.A., D.V.M., Veterinarian and Bacteriologist. E. W. MAJOR, B.Agr., Animal Industry. RALPH E. SMITH, B.S., Plant Pathologist. E- H. TWIGHT, B.Sc, Diplome E.A.M., Viticulturist. F. T. BIOLETTI, M.S., Viticulturist. WARREN T. CLARKE, B.S., Assistant Entomologist and Asst. Supt. Farmers' Institutes. H. M. HALL, M.S , Assistant Botanist. GEORGE ROBERTS, M.S., Assistant Chemist, in charge of Fertilizer Control. C. M. HARING, D.V. M., Assistant Veterinarian and Bacteriologist. ALBERT M. WEST, B.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist. E. H. SMITH, M.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist. G. R. STEWART, Student Assistant in Station Laboratory. ALICE R. THOMPSON, B.S., Assistant in Soil laboratory. D. L. BUNNELL, Clerk to the Director. R. E. MANSELL, Foreman of Central Station Grounds. : . JOHN TUOHY, Patron, ) r Tulare Substation, Tulare. J. FORRER, Foreman, ) J. W. MILLS, Pomona, in charge Cooperation Experiments in Southern California. J. W. ROPER, Patron, ) v University Forestry Station, Chico. HENRY WIGHTMAN, In charge, ) ROY JONES, Patron, ) y University Forestry Station, Santa Monica. J. H. BARBER, Foreman, ) VINCENT J. HUNTLEY, Foreman of Calif ornia Poultry Experiment Station, Petaluma. The Station publications (Reports and Bulletins), so long as avail- able, will be sent to any citizen of the State on application. A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE. In planning for the series of wine-making experiments which will be detailed in Bulletin No. 177, it was necessary to devise a cooling machine, both for the reduction of temperature of the heated must and for the control of the temperature of fermentation. While the machine made was intended only for a temporary and special purpose, it proved so efficient, and is at the same time so simple in construction and of such moderate cost, that it will be found useful in nearly all wineries where any attempt is made to keep the temperature of the fermenting wine within the most favorable limits. For this reason the construction and work of the cooler are described here, together with some of the pre- liminary tests made with small models before the full-sized machine was constructed. Description of the Cooler. — The machine consists essentially of a copper tube 220 feet long and 1^ inches in diameter, through which the wine is pumped and which is inclosed in a canvas irrigating hose 4 inches in diameter, through which cold water runs in a direction oppo- site to that of the wine. The whole is supported on a wooden stand, as shown in the figure on the cover of this bulletin where the cooler is shown in operation. Capacity of the Cooler. — The capacity (that is to say, the amount of wine which can be cooled in a given time) of any cooler of this type will depend on the number of degrees which the wine is lowered and on the difference of temperature between the wine and the water. The tests shown in Table I indicate that 1,000 gallons of must at 140° F. can be lowered 50° F. (viz., to 90° F.) per hour by the use of 1,100 gallons of water at 71.5° F. (see test 8). If the hot must has a temperature of 125° F., the same amount will be lowered by the same amount of water of the same temperature 41° F., or to 84° F. (see test 9). As fermenting wine never attains such high temperatures as these, test 10 is interesting as indicating what can be expected from the machine in controlling the temperature of a fermenting vat. This test shows that 1,000 gallons of fermenting wine can be lowered from 95° F. to 78° F. (viz., 17° F.) in one hour by the use of 850 gallons of water at 71.5° F. Comparison with Other Coolers. — In order to compare the work of this cooler with coolers of other forms, a factor was calculated repre- senting the number of gallons of wine cooled per hour 1° F. per unit 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. of surface, and for one degree of reduction of temperature of the wine, and for one degree of difference between the temperature of the hot wine and of the cool water. Given: R = Number of gallons of wine cooled per hour. F = Number of degrees Fahrenheit wine is lowered. D = Number of degrees of difference between the temperature of the hot wine and of the cool water. S = Number of square feet of surface of cooling tube. K = Number of gallons per hour cooled 1° F. per square foot of 8 and per each degree of F and each degree of D. Then, RXF K = DXS This factor K will doubtless vary considerably according to whether we are dealing with liquids very near together or very far apart in temperature, or if we pass very small or very large volumes of wine through the machine; but within the limits of practice, it was found very constant and gives a very simple and accurate measure of com- parison between different machines and different ways of using the same machine. For purposes of comparison, observations were made on two other wine-cooling devices. One of these devices consisted of a length of iron water-pipe placed in an irrigation ditch, and was used for cooling sherry in taking it from the heating house to the storage cellar. The piping consisted of 400 feet of 1-inch and 200 feet of 1-J-inch iron water-pipe, through which the wine was pumped. The test of this device is shown under No. 11 in Table I. TABLE I. Tests of Cooling Machines. o CO 1 Water. Wine. R F D K s Rate. 1st Temp. 2d Temp. Rate. 1st Temp. 2d Temp. 1 ) \ 450 71.0 91.0 550 99.0 79.0 550 20.0 28.0 5.46 72 2 >End closed... < 750 71.0 82.0 550 94.0 76.0 550 18.0 23.0 5.98 72 3 J I 750 71.0 81.0 550 92.0 75.0 550 17.0 21.0 6.18 72 4 End op e n ; i- much leak- r 900 68.0 109.0 900 117.0 91.0 900 26.0 49.0 5.27 72 5 i < i 900 68.0 98.0 1,000 102.0 84.0 1,000 18.0 34.0 7.35 72 6 900 68.0 92.0 1)00 95.0 82.0 900 13.0 27.0 6.02 72 7 age, i 900 68.0 900 82.0 77.0 900 5.0 14.0 4.46 72 8 I End open ; lit- [ tie leakage... r 1,100 71.5 114.0 1,000 139.0 89.5 1,000 49.5 67.5 10.19 72 9 qV,lp A h n q p of copper tube; c, gutter; d, copper tube; s, support. c ' coupling is too large and would obstruct the passage of the water too much. A very good coupling was designed by Mr. Meakin, which projects only one quarter of an inch from the tube and was found to answer the purpose perfectly. Fig. 5 shows the relative positions and actual sizes of hose, tube and couplings, and support. The small space between the lower surface of the copper tube and the hose is an advantage, as it increases the cooling surface in contact with the cooler water, which has a tendency to run along the lowest part. Support of Cooler. — The cooler should be placed on a support that raises it a few feet from the ground, both for convenience of working and to expose it more perfectly to the wind. A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE. 13 In order to control the amount of leakage, and to prevent more leak- age in one part of the machine than in another, some method must be adopted of varying and equalizing the water pressure in all parts of the hose. This it was found possible to do in the machine constructed by the means indicated in Fig. 6. The 220 feet of tubing was made in four lengths joined by three semi-circular bends, as shown in the figure referred to. The support was built to give a fall of 3 feet in the entire length, and as the water passed from the upper end to the lower the fall FIG. 6. Scheme of Cooling Machine, W —Entrance of warm wine. W,=Exit of cooled wine. E =:Entrance of cool water. E,=Exit of warmed water. tended to restore the pressure lost by friction and leakage. The amount of pressure was determined by 8 or 10 feet of rubber wine hose attached to the lower end through which the water escaped. By raising the end of this piece of hose, as at Ei, the pressure could be increased, and by lowering it decreased, to any required degree. For the purpose of swell- ing up the canvas hose a maximum pressure was obtained by screwing a cap on the end of the hose at Ei. When the machine is in working order, the best height for the exit Ex is easily found by trial. The wine enters the lower end of the machine at W and escapes at the upper, Wi. This upward passage of the wine is desirable, as it pre- 14 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. vents any interference with the flow due to the gas given off freely by the fermenting wine. The gas is carried upward regularly and perfectly. Temperature of the Water. — A certain amount of cooling will be obtained whatever the temperature of the water, provided it is lower than that of the wine, but the cooler the water the more effect it Will have. This is shown by the following tests made with the model cooler: TABLE in. Comparison of the Effects of Water of Different Temperatures. Temperature of Water. 1st Temp, of Wine. 2d Temp, of Wine. Degrees Cooled. 65° F. 75 92° F. 92 82.0° F. 85.5 10.0° F. 6.5 Thus, with the same conditions of flow and of temperature of wine and water, water at 65° F. reduced the wine 10° F., and water at 75° F. only 6.5° F. In practice it will probably be found that the necessary efficiency will be obtained with this machine only if the temperature of the water available is at least 20° F. lower than that of the maximum temperature which it is desired that the wine shall not exceed. That is to say, if it is desired to keep the fermenting wine below 92° F., the water used must not exceed 72° F. (See test 3, Table I.) When there is a difference of only 14° F., for example, the wine can be cooled only 5° F. at a practical rate. (See test 7, Table I.) This is too little for practical purposes. It is very necessary, therefore, that the water should be as cool as possible. For this reason it will usually be neces- sary to have a special reservoir or water tank for the use of the cooler. The water as it came from the well which was used in our cooling experiments had a temperature of 66° F., which was quite low enough for efficient cooling. After this water had been in a 20,000-gallon iron tank, covered above but exposed to the sun on the sides, for two or three days its temperature would often rise to over 80° F., which was much too warm for the purpose. Even during the vintage, when a great deal of water was being used and water was almost continually being pumped into the tank and drawn out, it was usually over 71 c F. when it reached the cooler. The water tank should be completely protected from the direct rays of the sun. The best way to do this would be to place a roof over it and then surround it with a screen which would keep off the sun but allow free circulation of air. If the sides of the tank were covered with canvas kept wet by some automatic sprinkling device, it is probable that the water instead of becoming warmer in the tank would be cooled. If this were done, the tank might be made large enough to- hold the water needed for several days. A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE. 15 It would be possible to pump directly from the well into the cooler, but this would be less convenient, as it would necessitate a special pump and well for the purpose and would require more supervision. Temperature of the Must or Wine. — With water at a given temperature, the hotter the wine the greater difference there will be between the temperature of wine and water, and therefore the more efficient the machine. Tests with the model cooler gave the following ratios: TABLE IV. Efficiency with Wine of Different Temperatures. 1st Temp, of Wine. 2d Temp, of Wine. Temperature of Water. Degrees Cooled. 100° F. 92 84 86.0° F. 82.0 76.3 66° F. 66 66 14.0° F. 10. 7.7 Thus, with all other conditions the same, the amount of cooling was nearly twice as much with wine at 100° F. as with wine at 84° F. The same is shown to be the case with the large cooler, as may be seen by comparing tests 4 and 6, where, the other conditions being identical, must at 109° F. was reduced 26° F., and must at 92° F. only 13° F. This shows that to obtain the maximum amount of work out of the machine the cooling should commence when the temperature of the wine is very near the maximum which it is to be allowed to reach. If the wine is to be allowed to reach 95° F. much time and labor is wasted by commencing to cool it when it has reached only 90° F., and still more if, as is sometimes advised, we cool the must before it has commenced to heat at all. Ratio of Volumes of Wine and Water. — The less wine we pass through the machine per hour and the more water, the greater cooling effect we will obtain. If, however, we pass the wine too slowly, we do not get enough work out of our machine, and on the other hand, if we pass the water too quickly, we lose too much of the cooling power of our water. The differences obtained with the model cooler with different ratios of water and wine are shown by the following results of tests: Degrees Lowered. Rate of water equal to that of wine 10.0° F. Rate of water 1| times that of wine 11.3 Rate of water 2 times that of wine. 13.2 These tests indicate that with a machine of this construction it would not pay to use more water than wine, for while an equal quantity lowered the wine under the conditions of the test 10° F., double this quantitv lowered it only 3.2° F. more. With the large machine it was found that satisfactory results were obtained when using a little less water than wine. (See test 10, Table I. ) 16 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Rate of Pumping. — The rate at which the wine should be passed through the machine to obtain the maximum efficiency is a function of the particular machine, and will differ according to its size. The machine used was found to work very satisfactorily when cooling 1,000 gallons per hour. (See tests 8, 9, and 10, Table I.) In order to calculate the size of machine necessary to accomplish a certain amount of cooling with a certain amount of water at a given temperature, a formula deduced from that given on page 3 may be used: RXF s = DXK The factor K will undoubtedly differ according to the size of the machine and according to the diameter of the copper tubing used, but unless these are very different from the machine described here, it will be approximately equal to 9 within the limits of cooling that will be used in practice. If, then, we take K to be 9, the volume of wine (R) to be cooled per hour as 1,000, and the number of degrees (F) which it is desired to cool the wine as 15, we can calculate the required cooling surface (S) as follows: S=DX 1 f° From S obtained in this way we can calculate the length (L) of copper tubing required according as we use 1^-inch, 1^-inch, or 2-inch tubing as follows: L = S X 3.054, for lj-inch copper tubing. L = S X 2.545, for l|-inch copper tubing. L = S X 1.909, for 2-inch copper tubing. The following table has been computed in this way for some of the commonest cases that are likely to occur : TABLE V. Length of Cooler Needed for Various Conditions. i-3 ■■a R=Rate. ! r> w t - = 13.8, or 13 hours 50 minutes; 1000 X lo or, as represented in the table, one cooling of 9 hours one day and another of „ 9000 X 8 . _ . , _. . , H= =4.8, or 4 hours 50 minutes lOtlt) X 15 the next. It is not necessary that the temperature of the vat after cooling should be as low as is indicated by the figures in parentheses in the last column but one of Table X. These figures simply represent the temperature which would be necessary if the cooling were instanta- neous. As the cooling takes time, heat is being generated by the fermentation at the same time that the cooler is removing heat. The final temperature of the vat, therefore, after the cooling, will be higher than that represented by the figures in parentheses. The difference will be very slight in the case of small vats, which are cooled quickly, but considerable in the case of large vats. In a 10,000-gallon vat. under the conditions represented in example III, during the first cool- ing of 9 hours, 15° F. would be removed by the cooler, but at the same time about 4° F. would be added by fermentation, so that when the cooling was finished the temperature of the vat would not be 80° F., but 84° F. This does not mean that the cooling has not been so effective as the calculation indicated. The production of heat has been accompanied by a diminution of sugar, and the possibility of a rise of temperature A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE. 23 in so far diminished. The effective cooling therefore has been 15° F., as shown by calculation. This shows the need of making these calcu- lations, for it is impossible to tell simply by testing the temperature of the vat when sufficent cooling has been effected. Cooling White Wine. — It is much more rare to find white wines fail- ing to ferment out dry than red. The reason for this is that, they much more rarely attain high temperatures during fermentation. There are several causes for this. In the first place the absence of a cap of pomace permits the heat to radiate off more freely; and in the second place, white wines are usually fermented in smaller casks or vats, which is also an aid to heat radiation; and finally, white musts are usually sulfured, which makes the fermentation slower, and this gives the heat generated more time to escape. This is well shown by the record of two fermentations in puncheons of white wine made this vear at Fresno: TABLE XI. Loss of Heat by Radiation in Puncheons of Fermenting White Wine. Sugar. Experiment VI. At crushing At 1 day At 2 days ... At 3 days . .. At 4 days . - . At 5 days ... Total loss of heat by radiation Experiment Via. At crushing At 1 day At 2 days , At 3 days At 4 days 22.5%B. 16.7 9.1 4.7 2.8 2.0 Temperature Observed. Total loss of heat by radiation 78° 85 88 88 88 87 F. 25.0%B. 78° 17.0 88 8.7 92 59 89 4.4 87 Heat Generated. 13.5° 17.8 10.3 4.5 2.0 P 18.5° 19.5 6.5 3.5 F. Loss by Radiation. 48% 84 100 100 150 81% 46% 80 146 157 80% In the first of these cases enough of the heat generated by the fer- mentation of 20.5% B. of sugar was lost by radiation to prevent the temperature of the wine rising above 88° F. In the second case, the fermentation started more rapidly during the first day, and although the total heat lost during four days was practi- cally the same as in the first case, there was more generated the first day, which shows itself in the rise to 88° F. instead of to 85° F., as in the first case. This rapid start caused the maximum temperature to be 3 degrees higher, e. g. 92° F. 24 UNIVERSITY OF 1 CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. This exemplifies the danger of starting the fermentation too rapidly by adding too large a quantity of yeast or starter. When the maximum temperature is reached, as much or more heat is lost by radiation as is generated by fermentation. In a properly conducted fermentation of red wine this does not usually occur until the wine is nearly dry. With white wine in small casks, owing to the much greater loss of heat, this usually occurs when the wine still con- tains 4 or 5 per cent of sugar. In cold seasons and localities the fall of temperature may be so rapid as to check the fermentation. While a cooling machine is rarely needed for white wines when fer- mented in small casks, it is quite otherwise when the fermentation takes place in large casks or vats. This is exemplified by the record of a 1,600-gallon cask of Burger made at Fresno this year. TABLE XII. Loss of Heat by Radiation and Cooling in a 1,600-gallon Cask of Fermenting White Wine. Experiment VIII. At crushinj At 1 day... At 2 days. At 3 days Sugar 21.5%B. 7.0 2.1 1.0 Temperature Observed. 80° F. 90 Cooled to 80° F. 86 89 Heat 'Heat Lost by Generated. Radiation. 34.0 °F. 11.5 2.5 70% 43% Heat lost by radiation 60% Heat lost by cooling 21% Total 81% i' In this case the heat lost by radiation, 60 per cent, is little more than in the red wine fermentation. If the wine had not been cooled when it reached 90° F., it would have risen to 95° or 96° F. The heat lost by radiation and removed by cooling in the 1,600-gallon cask were, together, capable of keeping the maximum only as low as it was kept in the 180- gallon puncheons by radiation alone. A NEW WINE-COOLING MACHINE. 25 o c-. ©J « is o ^ ■£ "» in r^» ci «3a y '■« s Ph ^ ^ * .2 © M> oc O s o « to O CO c « O a) H PH- Ph + ^ ^5 I o I o 55; cc Ho -05 lO ^ CO (M O 35 00 N CD lO CO W rH O 3: CO CD O ■* « CI H a X N © iO ^ C^l H i CO CO CO CO CO CM CM CM CN OJ CM CM CM CM t— 1 rH t—i i— 1 rH i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 ' 0) GO ^COCMHCncCNCDlC^CMHOaC'X^lOTtlCOCMrHOCOl-CDiO^COH i i WCOWMClCNCNCNNIMMCMNHHHr-IHHHHH ' ' CO CO CO CM rH © 00 I- CD *C ^cH CO i-l O 05 CO I- CD rH CO CM rH © 05 t- CD lO ~* CO CM ' ' ' CO«COCO!MNM(NCNNNIMHHHHHHHHH ' ' | CO C-l H O 3C' t- CD O Tf< CO N O 3C- CO N CD lO CO CN -H O ~ X CD LO ^ X N H i ■ i WMCONNCN1CNCNCNNCNHHHHHHHHH ; ' ' CO CO i— IO05XCDOr^c0ClrHC75XI~CD^Tt-0 -HH CO CI rH CI CI C) M (N H H H H H H H H H CD fr» -rtlCOCl-HOC'COt-CDlCrtlCli— 1 O 3 CO I- >C -* CO CI r- 1 i CM CI CI CI t— 1 rH i— 1 r- 1 i— 1 rH rH i— 1 — 1 I 00 CO CI rH O CO t^ CD lO "HH CO — 1 O 05 X 1^ CD rfl CO CI rH CI CI CI CI i— 1 i— 1 rH rH rH rH rH rH 1 d— IOOCl^COLO^COCr0 05CCI-CDiCCOCNrH CM CM CM rH rH rH i— IHHr l-H CD rH O 05 00 CD >C -hh CO CI rH 05 CO t~ CD >C -rt< CM i— 1 ' C) CI H H H H r- ll— ll— 1 rH 1 O ^ CO N iO ■* OC CI H O * 1* CD lO H cc H i i drHrH-HrHrHi— IrHrHi— 1 ll 73 74 OCCOt^CD-rfCOCMi— 1 O 05 l^ CD lO Tf CO CM rHi— It— ll—ti— irHrHrHrH CONCDlOCOCIHOOSXCDO'^COClH i— IrHrHrHrHi— IrHi— 1 CX| 1- CD lO Tti CI -H O 05 CO I— \0 -rH CO CI rH rH rH i— 1 rH rH i— 1 i— 1 *H I> coio^oOrHOOsaoi— co^cgcnth i rH i— 1 rH i— 1 rH rH o iC rf CO O O O. X 1^ CD iO CO CI H rH t— 1 tH t— 1 rH 0) CO rt i i i O0C)C0t^C0i0T}CDi0^WCNJ'-iO ^vons=s 26 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. «5 5> O I 5 e 6TH O O ^> 00 S a rCj 3 2 X> CO o m « ^ a p H Ph* Oh -5 II II ^ O a W> G •rH 9) o> o M 09 > v O ©• g I .I s II lO l-iOTfiMr-l05l->C-*MHO00t'-iOMNOait>©^c0H0J00C0iCC0N ' ^^^^TjlCOMnWWCOWCNMCNINCNfMHHHH '-'.iH ■ 0) C0^«iHO00C0TfW(MO05I^®^(NH0ii»CDiOC0NO00t>-lO^tNH ' Tt C0-HO00t-i0M-IOCXit^©-*C0HaiC0C0iCa5CNO©N>0'*(NH ' 1 1 ^•^^OOMCOCOmcOCNCNtNNCNNrtHHHHHH ' ■ . 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CN CN CN CN rH rH rH rH rH rH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 09 TjiCNrHOSOOCD-^CNrHOCOl-iOrtiCN ' 1 ' ' » ' ' ' ■ 1 ' ' ' ■ > ' OtOiOt-r^y-^r-ir-tT-^T-i^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 • 1 t 1 . 1 ▼« t^ COrHOOOt^lOCOrHOait^CDTf i 1 1 1 CM O O t^ CD tJ< CN O OS GO CD O CO CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 CN CN rH rH rH rH rH rH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OJ CO rHOS00CD^OCOrHaS00I>vOTt ' ' • ' ■ ' ' CN rH rH rH rH rH rH ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 j 1 1 1 CO OSt^CO-OCOCN j-t j-i t-{ i-t rH rH CO CO COCOOCOCNOOOCD»OTt