2.1 o i 1)1. M)I)T 1 Qo 1 = = i 2 ^=1 i ■ ■ 6^- 9 / John Taylor and Company Hand-bell Catalogue THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■, mM»^ mS] JOHN TAYLOR & Co.'S H A N D - B E L L CATALOGUE. 1..^ )£l '->3 W SUCCESSORS TO THE ANCIENT FIRM OF WATTS, EAYRE & ARNOLD. OF LEICESTER, & ST. NEOTS, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, AND SUBSEQUENTLY OF OXFORD ^WOHN TAYLOR & CO;l MOST RESPECTFULLY SUBMIT THEIR fcsical Sai]d-bell Catalogue, AND Jo» iO>t 3& Jfc jjS^ Jy^ jy^ Tc the Public gt'iicrnlly and especially to Chauf^c and Tunc Ringers. J. T. & Co. particularly solicit that the excellence of their Hand-bells both as regards tune and tone, and also their superior finish may claim a large share of patronage. Tune playing upon Hand liells has become a much admired recreation. This clever and amusing pastime is not only practiced by regular ringers, but is now fi-equently introduced into Schools, Clubs, and also Private Families. A consequence of this increased popularity is that the old fashioned mode of learning tunes by figures or letters is almost discontinued, and a regular system of musical notation is now used. As an example of the present style of Hand-bell Music, in the following pages will be found two tunes arranged upon the modern principle. A great variety of pieces and tunes can be obtained from Hand-bell Music Publishers. ALL FORMER LISTS ARE CANCELLED. PRICES OF HAND-BELLS BY -^JOHN TAYLOR & CO-.t^ CHURCH AND HAP-BELL FOUNDERS, LOUGHBOf^OUGJi, > »«« (. Prices of Peals of Hand-bells in the Diatonic Scale, Peal of 8 Bells. Peiil u f 10 Belld. Peal f 12 Bells. Peal E 15 Bulls Size. Key. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Tenor No. 8 C. 15 6 2 3 6 2 11 6 3 3 6 v5 }} ., 9 13. 16 6 2 4 6 2 12 6 3 4 6 >i „ ]U A. 17 6 2 6 2 14 3 6 „ ^<^ F. 8 9 6 9 8 6 10 5 11 6 it ,. '^1 E. 9 18 6 10 19 6 11 17 12 19 6 )» ; 28 D. 11 11 12 14 6 13 13 14 17 6 JJ „29 C. 13 6 U 13 6 15 14 6 17 Sets of Two Octaves, each set containing 19 Bells, comprising two extra Half Tones in each octave. No 15 Size Key C. 5 1 6 16 M B. 5 7 17 » A. 5 12 6 18 » G. 5 19 19 )) F. 6 7 20 1} E. 6 16 6 21 )» Teu D. No 7 29 9 Size Teuor No. 22 Size 23 „ 24 „ 25 „ 26 „ 27 „ 9<3 Key G. B. A. G. F. E. U. £ s. d. 8 5 9 5 6 10 11 12 6 13 16 15 17 18 13 6 Key 0. .. 718978 £20 16 Sets of Three Octaves, each set containing 28 Bells, comprising Two extra Half Tones in each octave. Tenor £ s. d. £ s. d. No. 15 Sizo Key C. 6 17 6 Tenor No 22 Sizo Key C. . 10 5 6 „ 16 „ B. 7 3 )J 1) 23 )> B. .. 11 6 „ 17 „ A. 7 9 ,, )» 24 J) )i A. .. 12 12 „ 18 „ G. 7 16 f> Ji 25 )j „ G. .. 14 2 6 „ 19 „ F. 8 5 1> J) 26 n P. .. 16 „ 20 „ E. 8 15 'J 27 )> B. .. 18 3 6 „ 21 „ D. 9 8 )) J) 28 )J D. .. 20 13 Tenor No. 29 Size Key C. .£23 10 Sets of Two Octaves, Chromatic, each set containing 25 Bells. Tenor £ s. d. £ 8. d. No. 15 Size Key C. 6 17 Tenor No 22 Size Key c. . . 11 10 6 ,. 16 J) jt B. ... 7 1 6 M 23 ii J) B. . 12 8 ,, 17 )> V A. ... 1 10 6 n 24 M A. . 14 9 6 „ 18 )) jj G. 8 1 6 )» 25 M G. . 16 18 „ 19 jt n F. 8 14 6 ») 26 JJ F. .. . 19 15 6 „ 20 J) ,, E. 9 2 6 >' 27 It E. . 21 9 „ 21 »» 51 D. ... 10 3 6 )» 28 »J D. .. . 25 4 6 Tenor No. 29 Size Key c. • * ■ £29 9 - Sets of Three Octaves, Chromatic, each set containing 37 Bells. Tenor £ s. d. £ s. d. No. 15 Size Key 0. 9 5 Tenor No. 22 Size Key C. .. 14 4 „ 16 1) B. 9 9 6 „ 23 J» „ B. . . 15 2 » 17 »> A. ... 9 19 6 „ 24 J) „ A. .. . 17 5 „ 18 ?7 G. 10 11 6 „ 25 If „ G. .. . 19 16 „ 19 ,1 F. — 11 5 6 ,. 26 n „ F. . . 22 17 „ 20 }y E. 11 14 6 „ 27 >> „ E. .. . 24 12 6 ,, 21 J) D. ... 12 16 „ 28 ■) „ D. .. . 28 13 6 Tenor No. 29 Size Key C. ... £33 4 6 Sets of Four Octaves, Chromatic, each set containing 49 Bells. Tenor £ s. d. £ s. d. No. 22 Size Key C. . . 16 12 Tenor No. 26 Size Key F. .. . 25 8 ., 23 „ „ B. . . 17 10 > ,. 27 „ ., E. .. . 27 4 „ 24 „ „ A. . . 19 14 >i „ 28 „ ., D. .. . 31 6 » "^ » „ G. . . 22 6 »j „ 29 „ „ c. .. . 35 18 Sets of Five Octaves, Chromatic, each set containing 61 Bells. Tenor £ s. d. JC s. d. No. 26 Size Key F. . . 27 16 Tenor No. 28 Size Key D. .. . 33 14 „ 27 „ „ E. .. . 29 12 i» „ 29 „ „ c. .. . 38 6 The Prices quoted are for Nett Cash upon receipt of Invoice. Packing Cases charged e.xtra, which will be allowed for in full if returned, Carriage Paid, within ten days, and in good condition. Estimates for Peals of any other number and size will be given upon application. Addition to existing Peals, recasting Cracked Bells, and Repairs of all kinds promptly and carefully attended to. HAND-BELL TAPPING STANDS. JOHN TAYLOR & Co.'s Hand-bell Tapping Stands with improved Rails arranged so that any bell can be changed from the upper to the lower rail, or vice versa, to facilitate the playing of tunes in different keys. JOHN TAYLOR & Co. supply a large quantity of Musical Hand-bells for Tune playing. They are •frequently applied to for instruction in the mode of playing them. J. T. & Co. have no intention of •circulating their Catalogue as an instruction book ; they, however, will be pleased if they can assist in advancing the art and improving the taste for tune playing upon Hand^bells. With that object they respectfully submit a few elementary hints as a guide for beginners; and, to illustrate the principle of Hand-bell playing, John Taylor & Co. have selected two tunes, viz. : — " God Save the Queen " and "Lord Hardwicke's March" arranged for six performers, and assorted in a manner most suitable for beginners; if afterwards practitioners wish to follow up the exercise they will not find much difficulty in procuring more finished and elaborate pieces of music. Referring to the following pages of music, it will be observed that the full score of " God Save the Queen," is all shown on one line, but the march occupies two lines, one treble and the other bass; the six lines underneath are each to be appropriated to a performer and must be written on separate slips of paper, so that each performer can have his own copy before him. The Bells as assigned to each performer are specified at the beginning of his part to enable him to select those which he has to play in the tune. "God Save the Queen" is played upon a compass of thirteen Bells, ranging from No. i8 G to No. 6 E. - " Lord Hardwicke's March" upon a compass of fifteen Bells (two octaves) ranging from No. 22 C to No. 8 C. No. 15 C, Diameter across the mouth about 4I inches is generally written as above, the other notes being scaled from it. (Bo^ save tbc ©ueen. 1st. C, T). 2nd, A, B. 3rd. Ti, a. 4th. D, E. 5th. B. C. 6tb. G, A. & top E. ^i-n 1 < 1 ' 1 —^ i r=NI ^ia 1 — W— _l — ^-,_ S 1 »•— » — ' J J ^ ^ — *^ — h 1 — V « — ' 1 ^ J J^ 1 J -^ r-^% -mr •