SfoQ- n^ "^aaAiNn-jwv -< Wi. m i©^ '^«aojiiv>jo>' ^OFCAL(F0% ^li/OJITVJJO'^ ^lOS-ANGfl ^TiiaDNVSOl^ %J13AINI1-; # "^(JAavaan-^ ^lOS-ANCnfj-^ o ^l-llBRARY% -A^HIBRAR' ^TiiaoNvsoi^ "^/^a^AiNnawv^ %ojiiv3-jo"^ ^'^m\m aWEINIVERS//, AjclOSANCEiav »I^ 111 ■^ j;OFCAllFO% ,<4,.0FCAIIF( ■^>&Abva8iv^^ "^"^omm ^mmms-^ ^^^ %il3AINn3V^^ ^OJITVDJO'^ hS^IUBRARY&X 33 '%0JI]V0JO>' ^fUNIVER% M-IIBRAR^ ^d/OJIlVDJO'^ %0JI1V3- % x^jcOFCAllFOff^ •^^ ^&Aav8aii •aOSA^JCFlfx^ ^vN^llBRARYO^ H^tUBRARY^A, «AWEUNIVER% ^lOSANCE m PI o %a]AlNfl3\\V^ ^&Abvaaii-^s^ ^ 'o '^/Sa3AINn-3WV ^.OFCAIIFO% ^^Aavaan-^^ ^E^lJNIVERy//i Cf o ^t'liBRARYQ^, -c^HIBRARYO/r., ^WEUNIVERy/A ':lOSANCEr% 53 BO > %il3AINa-3Wv* .^lOSANCElfx^ ^tllBRARYQ*- so .^;OF-CAiIFO/?^ "^/iaaAiNa-iwv^ ^^Aavaaiii'^^ .^WEUNIVERJ//, ^lOSANCElfjv ^ .— *. -Si o ^tllBRARYO^^ •*3 1 1 f^ ic ^^lllBRARYOr " aWEINIVER^ vvlOSANCElfX;v ^OFCAllFORij, >^0F-CAIIF0% &Aaviiaii-^^ .i^WEUKIVERJ/A o "%130NVS01^ .^WEUNIVER% ,^lllBRARYa- ^ ^MlUBRARYOci §1 ir^^ A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, SPECIMENS OF CLOCKS, WATCHES AND WATCHWORK, PAINTINGS, PRINTS, &c., IN THE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OF THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOCKMAKERS, DEPOSITED IN THE FREE LIBRAaY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON. LOx\DON : PRINTED BY E. J. FFL\NCIS & CO., TOOK'S COURT AND WINE OFFICE COURT, E.C. 187s. /3 rs" PREFACE. There are, probably, few subjects connected with Science upon which so little has been published in this country (except occasionally in periodical publications) as those re- lating to the Theory and Practice of the Art of Clock and Watch Making. The paucity of works upon this subject is the more surprising, when its importance, as connected with the maritime greatness and commercial prosperity of the British Dominions, is duly considered. The safety of its Navy (the source of all its greatness), and also the security of its Commercial Marine, which is the nursery to the former, entirely depend, according to the modern practice of navigation, upon the accurate measurement of time at sea. The productions of our neighbours the French relating to the Science of Horology are much more numerous, and several of them are extremely curious and interesting. Many individuals, from the difficulty of acquiring a general knowledge of the various inventions and improve- ments which have been made in this branch of Science, have lost much valuable time, and incurred a great expense, in bringing forward inventions which they supposed to be new, and in many cases in procuring Patents, of which printed descriptions were already in existence. Could these persons have had access to any public collection of works upon A 602920 ENGLISH LOCAL IV PREFACE. Horology, it is more than probable that much time would have been saved and inconvenience avoided. With a full conviction of the importance of the subject, the Court of Assistants of the Company of Clockmakers of the City of London first contemplated the formation of a Library ; and the Committee under whose immediate direction it was formed, being of opinion that a sufficient number of Volumes had been collected to be useful to the Practical Mechanic and to the Amateur, recommended to the Court that a Catalogue of them should be prepared, which recommenda- tion was promptly acquiesced in, and the same was printed in 1830. Since that period a great number of Volumes have been added to the Library; and on April 8th, 1872, in con- sequence of a letter addressed by Mr, Deputy S. E. Atkins, Clerk of the Company, to Mr. John Grant, the senior member of the Court and only surviving representative of the original Library Committee, suggesting a plan for transferring the Company's Library and Museum to the New Library of the Corporation of the City of London, which letter being laid before the Master, Wardens and C(jurt of Assistants of the Company, they, in accordance with the suggestions contained therein, coincided in the desirability of placing their Library and Museum where they would be more useful and accessible to the general jjublic, and — " Resolved, " That the Clerk be requested to communicate with rKl'.l'ACE. V the Corporation of the City of London, so as to ascertain upon what conditions they would undertake the charge of the Company's Library and Museum, maintaining the same in proper order, and finding suitable accommodation for them in their New Library, subject to removal by either party on proper notice, and to report the same to this Court." Upon the subject being submitted to the Library Com- mittee of the Corporation, they recommended the Court of Common Council to accept the care of the Library and Museum, on terms to be mutually agreed upon, and submitted the draft of a deed for carrying the arrange- ment into effect July i8th, 1872, which deed being approved by the Master, Wardens and Court of Assistants, was sealed February 27th, 1873. The Court of Assistants, recognizing the necessity of reprinting the Catalogue, on the 6th of April, 1874, passed the following order: — *' Resolved, "That a new Catalogue of the Books in the Com- pany's Library be compiled by Mr. W. H. Overall; the said Catalogue to contain the MSS. recently arranged by him, and also the collection of Clocks, Watches and Watch Movements, and all other articles belonging to the Company, recently deposited in the Guildhall Library and Museum of the City of London." 187B. A LIST OF THE MASTER, WARDENS, AND COURT OF ASSISTANTS OF THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOCKMAKERS, William Lawley, Esq. WnxhM. George Moore, Esq. James Scovell Adams, Esq. Alexander Angus Croll, Esq. John Grant, Esq. Joseph Fenn, Esq. John Carter, Esq., Alderman, F.R.A.S. George William Adams, Esq. John Garrett Curtis Addison, Esq. William Wing, Esq. Charles Wellborne, Esq. William Parker, Esq. William Butcher, Esq. Robert Dobree, Esq. CM. Samuel Elliott Atkins, Esq. Deputy. CONTENTS. PAGE Books ........ i Manuscripts 39 Prints ........ 62 Specimens ....... 65 Portraits . . . . . . • -97 A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, &c. &c. &c. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ABBOTT (FRANCIS) A Treatise on the manairement of Public Clocks, particularly Church Clocks; with hints for their improvement, and means for regulatin^^ them. Second edition. 8vo. London^ n. d. ADAMS (JOHN) The Mathematician's Companion, or a Table of Logarithms. '^vo. London, 1790 ALEXANDRE (JACQUES) Trait6 gdn^ral des Horloges. 8vo. Paris, 1734 ALLDRIDGE (W. J.) The Goldsmith's Repository; or. Treatise on the art of Assaying Metals. 8vo. London, 1789 ALMANACK (The Imperial), 1822 to 1826. 5 vols. i2mo. London, 1822-26 ALMANACK. The Ladies' Diary, or Woman's Almanack, for 1752. 8vo. London, 1752 ARNOLD (JOHN) Instructions concerning his Chrono- meters or Time-keepers. 4to. London, n. d. ARNOLD (JOHN) Answer to an anonymous letter on the Longitude. 4X.0. London, 1782 ARNOLD (JOHN) Certificates and circumstances relative to the going of his Chronometers. 4to. London, 1791 [ ^] ARNOLD (JOHN) Explanation of Time-keepers con- structed by him. 4to. London^ 1805 ART. Catalogue of antlent and mediaeval Art, exhibited at the Society of Arts. 8vo. London^ 1850 ARTISANS AND MACHINERY. The First Report. Yo\\o^ London, 1824 ARTS, Manufactures, and Commerce, Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the encouragement of, from 1783 to 1 83 1, with analytical Index to June, 1807. 47 vols. 8vo. London, 1783-1831 ARTS. The Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts, from 181 7 to 1830, with an Index to vols, i to 20. 30 vols. 8vo. London, 181 7-1830 ARTS AND SCIENCES. Register of the, with all the important and interesting Inventions, Improvements, and Discoveries. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824- 182 7 ARTS. The Register of, and Journal of Patent Inventions, edited by L. Herbert. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1828-32 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs and Transactions of the, from 1821 to 1832. 5 \q\s. d^X.0. London, 1822-33 [3] B. (W.) Touchstone for Gold and Silver Wares ; or, A Manual for Goldsmiths, with the several statutes now in force for regulating abuses committed in that craft, and the charter of the Goldsmiths taken from the record and truly rendred into English ; also the laws in force against brass hilts and brass buckles, &c. 8vo. London^ ^^17 BABBAGE (CHARLES) Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causes. 8vo. Londo7i^ 1830 BAILEY (ALEXANDER MABYN) 106 Plates of Mechanical Machines and implements of husbandry approved and adopted by the Society for the en- couragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 2 vols, in I, folio, London^ 1782 BECKETT (Sir EDMUND), Bart, [late E. B. Denison], LL.D. Q.C. F.R.A.S. A Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks and Watches and Bells. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London^ 1S74 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) L'Art de conduire et de regler les Pendules et les Montres, a I'usage de ceux qui n'ont aucune connoissance d'horlogerie. i2mo. Haye^ 1761 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Eclaircissemens sur I'invention, la theorie, la construction, et les epreuves des nouvelles machines proposees en France pour la determination des Longitudes en Mer, par la mesure du temps. 4to. Paris^ I773 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Traitd des Horloges Marines, contenant la theorie, la construction, la main-d'ceuvre de ces machines, et la maniere de les dprouver. 4to. Paris, ^77o BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Les Longitudes par la mesure du tems ; ou, mcthode pour determiner les Longitudes en Mer, avec le secours des horloges marines. 4to. Paris, 1775 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Essai sur I'Horlogerie. Second edition. 2 tomes, 4to. Paris, i 786 B 2 [4] BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) De la Mesure du terns; ou, Supplement au Trait(^ des horloges marines, et h. I'essai sur I'liorlogerie. \\.o. Paris ^ 1787 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Histoire de la mesure du terns par les Horloges. 2 tomes, 4to. Paris, 1802 BERTHOUD (FERDINAND) Tralt6 des montres a longitude, et Supplement au Trait6 des montres a longitudes. 4to. Paris, 1 792-1 807 BIRD (JOHN) Method of dividing Astronomical instru- ments. 4to. London, 1767 BIRD (JOHN) Method of constructing Mural Quadrants. 4to. London, 1768 BLAGRAVE (JOHN) The Art of Dyalling, shewing how to make Dyals to all plaines. 4to. Lo7idon, 1609 BOUGAINVILLE (M. de). Voyage autour du Monde, en 1 766, 7, 8, 9. Second edition. 2 tomes, 8vo. Paris, 1772 BOWRING (JOHN) Report on the Commerce and Manu- factures of Switzerland. Zvo. London, 1836 BROWN (HUMPHREY), M.P. Irish Wants and Practical Remedies : an investigation, on practical and economical grounds, as to the application of a government system of Railways in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1 848 BRUHL (COUNT de) Short Explanation of the most proper method of calculating a Mean Daily Rate. 8vo. London, n. d BRUHL (COUNT de) A Register of one of Mr. Mudge's Time-keepers. ^wo. London, 1771 BRUHL (COUNT de) On the Investigation of Astro- nomical Circles. 8vo. London, 1 794 [ 5] CASSINI (M. Fils) Voyage fait j)ar ordre du Roi en 1798, pour (^prouver les Montres Marines inventces par M. le Roy, avcc le m^moirc sur la meilleurc maniere de mesurer le terns en mer, par M. le Roy I'aind, Morloger du Roi. 4to. Paris ^ ^77^ CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE (M.) Voyage en Californie pour I'observation du Passage de Vdnus sur le Disque du Soleil le 3^ Juin, 1769. 4to. Paris, 1772 CHARITABLE TRUSTS' BILL Report of the proceed- ings in the House of Lords on the, commencing 27 March 1846, with an analysis of the Bill. 8vo. London, 1846 CHARITABLE TRUSTS' BILL Addenda to the Report. 8vo. London, 1846 CHARITABLE TRUSTS' BILL An Address to the Lords, shewing cause " why the Bill should not pass into a Law." Second edition. 8vo. London, 1846 CHARITIES. Reports of the Commissioners appointed by the House of Commons concerning the Charities in England for the Education of the Poor, with Indexes. 26 vols, folio, Lond-on, 1819-30 CHINA The History of, in Manuscript. 8vo. 1735 CHITTY (JOHN) Practical Treatise on the law relative to apprentices and journeymen, and to exercising trades. 8vo. London, 181 2 CHRONOMETER A Brief Account of, with remarks on those furnished by Parkinson and Frodsham to the Expeditions of Captains Ross, Parry, Sabine, &c. 8vo. London, 1831 CLARKE (HYDE) Contributions to Railway Statistics in 1845. 8vo. London, 1846 CLARKE (HYDE) Contributions to Railway Statistics, 1 846-1 848. 8vo. London, 184S CLARKE (HYDE) Practical and Theoretical considera- tions on the management of Railways in India. 8vo. London, n. d. [6] CLARKE (HYDE) Physical Economy : a preliminary enquiry into the physical laws governing the periods of Famines and Panics. 8vo. London^ n. d. CLARKE (HYDE) Lives of Richard Trevithick, C.E., and George Stephenson, C.E. 8vo. London^ n. d. CLARKE (HYDE) Geology of the Lake District. 8vo. London^ n. d. CLARKE (HYDE), LL.D. F.S.S. Researches in Pre- historic and Proto-historic Comparative Philology, Mythology, and Archaeology, in connection with the Origin of Culture in America and the Accad or Sumerian Families. Svo. London, 1875 CLOCHES Description de la Fonte des Cloches, avec 8 Planches, extraits de I'Encyclop^die. Folio, Paris, n. d. CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY Charter and Bye-Laws of the Company of Clockmakers of the City of London, incorporated 163 1, 7th Charles L 8vo. London, 1825 CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY Copies of the Livery Lists from 1786 to 1875. 8vo. London, 1 786-1875 [Wanting 1846, '54, '57, and '61.] CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY A Statement of the various proceedings and transactions that have taken place between the Court of Assistants of the Company and H.M. Government in relation to the Importation of Foreign Clocks and Watches. Svo. London, 1833 CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY The same, with Addenda. Svo. London, 1841 CLOCKMAKING Observations on the Art and Trade of Clock and Watch Making ; the causes and consequences of the numerous frauds and innovations resulting from the defect of the laws. Svo. London, 181 2 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS An Act for exporting Watches, Sword-hilts, and other manufactures of silver. Folio, 1698 [ 7] CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS Report on the Petition of, to the House of Commons. Folio, London^ 1 798 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS Report, &c., from the Committee on the Petitions of Watchmakers of Coventry. Folio, London^ 1 8 1 7 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider of the Laws relating to Watchmakers. ¥ oWo, Londo^i^ 1818 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS A Bill for the pre- vention of Frauds and Abuses in the manufacture, exportation, and importation of sundry wares, and for the relief of distressed workmen brought up to practice the manufacture of clocks and watches. Folio, London^ 181 8 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKERS A Bill to regulate the Manufacture of Clocks and Watches. Folio, London, 1819 CLOCKS, WATCHES, &c. List of Works upon, in MS. 4to. COCKER (EDW.)* Multum in Parvo, or the Pen's Gallantrie. (Specimens of Penmanship.) Oblong 4to. London, 1660 COX (JAMES) A Descriptive Inventory of the several exquisite and magnificent pieces of Mechanism and Jewellery in his Museum. 8vo. Lo7idon, 1773 CRESPE (FRANC^OIS) Essai sur les Montres a r^p^tition. 1 2 mo. Geneve, 1804 CUMMING (ALEXANDER), F.R.S. The Elements of Clock and Watch Work adapted to practice, in two essays. 4^^* London, 1 766 * He dwelt on the south side of St. Paul's Church, over a,c,-ainst Paul's Chain; he died in the King's Bench Prison in 1677, and was buried at St. Georg-e the Martyr's, Southwark. [8] GUMMING (ALEXANDER), F.R.S. The same, with MS. Notes by Thomas Grignion. 4to. Lojidon^ 1 766 GUMMING (ALEXANDER), F.R.S. The same, with MS. Notes by Mr. James Short and Mr. Bowring. 4to. London^ 1766 GUMMING (ALEXANDER), F.R.S. Observations on the effects which Carriage-Wheels with Rims of different Shapes have on the Roads. 4to. London, 1797 GUMMING (ALEXANDER), F.R.S. Observations on the causes that first occasioned the bending of the Axles of Wheel Garriages. 4to. London, 18 10 [9] DENISON (EDMUND BECKETT), M.A. A Rudi- mentary Treatise on Clock and Watch Making, with a chapter on Church Clocks, and an account of the proceedings respecting the great Westminster Clock. 8vo. London^ 1850 DENT (EDWARD J.), F.R.A.S. An Abstract from two lectures on the construction and management of Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. 8vo. London^ 1841 DENT (EDWARD ].), F.R.A.S. On the errors of Chronometers, and explanation of a new construction of the Compensation Balance. 8vo. London^ 1842 DENT (EDWARD J.), F.R.A.S. A Description of the Dipleidoscope, or double reflecting meridian and Altitude Instrument, with plain instructions for the method of using it in the correction of Time-keepers. 8vo. London^ 1843 DENT (EDWARD ].), F.R.A.S. On the Azimuth and Steering Compass. 8vo. London^ 1844 DERHAM (WILLIAM), M.A. The Artificial Clock- maker : a treatise of Watch and Clock Work. Wherein the art of calculating numbers for most sorts of move- ments is explained to the capacity of the unlearned; also the History of Clockwork, both ancient and modern. First edition. \2mo. London^ 1696 DERHAM (WILLIAM), M.A. The same, to which is added a Supplement. Second edition. i2mo. London^ i793 DERHAM (WILLIAM), M.A. The same. Second edition. i2mo. London, n. d. DERHAM (WILLIAM), M.A. F.R.S. The same. Show- ing to the meanest capacities the art of calculatino- numbers of all sorts of movements; the way to alter clockwork to make chimes, and to set them to Musical Notes ; and to calculate and correct the rnotion of pendulums ; also numbers for divers movements ; with the ancient and modern history of Clockwork. Third edition. \2mo. London, \^\^ [lO] DERHAM (WILLIAM), F.R.S. The same. Fourth edition. i2mo. Z^/2^(9;/, 1734 DERHAM (WILLIAM), D.D. F.R.S. The same. Fourth edition, corrected. i2mo. London, 1759 DERHAM (WILLIAM), D.D. F.R.S. Trait6 d'Hor- logerie pour les Montres et les Pendules, contenant le calcul des nombres propres a toutes sortes de mouve- mens ; la maniere de faire et de notter les carillons de changer et de corriger le mouvement du pendule. 8vo. PariSi 1731 DUBOIS (PIERRE) La Tribune Chronom^trique Scien- tifique et Biographique a I'usage des membres de la corporation des horlogers. 8vo. Paris, 1852 [ II ] EARNSHAW (THOMAS) An Appeal to the Public, stating his claim to the original invention of the improvements in his Time-keepers. 8vo. London^ 1808 EDINBURGH Philosophical Journal, from 1819 to 1830, edited by Drs. Brewster and Robert Jameson. 22 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 18 19-1830 ELLICOTT (JOHN), F.R.S. An Account of the influence which Two Pendulum Clocks were observed to have upon each other. 4to. Londo7i n. d. ELLICOTT (JOHN), F.R.S. Description of Two Methods by which the irregularities in the motion of a clock, arising from the influence of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum, may be prevented. 4to. Londo7i^ I753 ENGLAND, THE BANK OF Report from the Com- mittee of Secrecy of the Commons on the Charter. Folio, London^ 1832 ENGLAND, THE BANK OF A Copy of the Corre- spondence between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Bank of England, relative to the renewal of the Charter. 8vo. London 1833 EQUATION OF TIME, An Explanation of the Nature of, and use of the Equation Table for adjusting Watches and Clocks to the Motion of the Sun ; also the Description of a Time-keeper for Astronomical and other uses. 4to. London^ 1731 ESCAPEMENTS, Several Drawings of, with Description by W. Howells. Folio, MS. ETTEN (HENRY VAN) Mathematical! Recreations, or a collection of sundrie problems extracted out of the ancient and moderne philosophers, as secrets in nature, and experiments in arithmeticke, geometrie, S:c. i2mo. London, 1633 EUCLID, The Elements of, explained in a new, but most easy method; written in French by F. Claud. Francis Milliet de Chales, now made English. Fifth Edition. (Autograph of Alex. Gumming.) Svo. London, 171 2 [ 12 ] EXHIBITION, THE GREAT, 185 1 Catalogue of the. 4to. London, 1851 EXHIBITION, The State Ceremonial of the Declaration of Prizes to Exhibitors, July 11, 1862. 8vo. Londo7z, 1862 EXHIBITION, THE, 1862 Medals and Honourable Mentions awarded by the International Juries ; with a List of Jurors, and the Report of the Council of Chair- men. Zvo. London, 1862 [ 13] FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Tables and Tracts relative to several Arts and Sciences. 8vo. ^1^1 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. An Easy Introduction to Astronomy. Third edition. %vo. London, 1772 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. An Introduction to Elec- tricity. Second edition. ^vo. London, 1775 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Lectures on select sub- jects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics. Fifth edition. Zvo. London, 1776 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. The Art of Drawing in Perspective. Second edition. ^wo. London, 1778 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Select Mechanical Exer- cises. Shewing how to construct different Clocks, Orreries, and Sun-dials on plain and easy principles. Second Edition. ^vo. London, 1778 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Astronomy Explained on Sir Isaac Newton's Principles. Sixth edition. 8vo. London, 1778 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Lectures on Select Sub- jects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Optics, Geography, Astronomy, and Dialling. With Notes by David Brewster, LL.D., F.R.S. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S23 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Lectures on Select Sub- jects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, and Astronomy, adapted to the present state of science. By C. F. Partington. 8vo. London, 1825 FERGUSON (JAMES), F.R.S. Lectures on Electricity. With an Appendix, adapting the Work to the present state of Science, by C. F. Partington. 8vo. London, 1825 FLAX. Copies of the several Exemplifications of Patents passed in Great Britain relative to the machinery for spinning flax. 4to. Dublin, 1796 [ 14] FLEURIEU (M. d'EVEUX de) Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1 768 et 1 769, a differentes parties du Monde, pour eprouver en Mer les Horloges Marines Invent6es par F. Berthoud. .2 tomes, 4to. Pai^is, iJ'J2i FOOTE (RICHARD) The Pyrakodon, or Fire Detecter, a certain security against the destruction of property and loss of Hfe in cases of accidental fire. 8vo. London^ n. d. FOSTER (SAMUEL) Miscellanies, or Mathematical Lu- cubrations. Several Pieces translated into English, and published by John Twysden. (With MS. additions.) Folio, Lo7tdon, 1659 FRANKLIN (CAPT. JOHN), F.R.S. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea in 18 19, '20, '21, and '22. 4to. London^ 1823 FRANKLIN (CAPT. JOHN), F.R.S. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1825, '26, and '27. 4to. Loiido7i^ 1828 FRODSHAM (W. J.), F.R.S. Results of Experiments on the Vibrations of Pendulums with different suspending springs. 4to. London j 1838 [ -5 ] GARNIER (]. G.) Usage du Compas de proportion, suivi d'un traitc de la division des champs. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1794 GILBERT (DAVIES), F.R.S. On the Vibrations of heavy bodies in cycloidal and in circular arches, as compared with their descents through free space ; including an estimate of the variable circular excess in vibrations continually decreasing. 8vo. Loizdoji, n. d. GILL (THOMAS) Technological Repository ; or, dis- coveries and improvements In the Useful Arts. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-30 GOOD (JOHN) The Art of Shadows; or, Universal Dialling, with tables exactly calculated for the Lati- tude of 5 1 '30 min., viz., London. Second Edition, with additions. \2vi\0. London, 171 1 GRANT (MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES, VISCOUNT DE VAUX) The Means of finding the Longitude at Sea, gradually developed, discovered, and demon- strated. 4to. London, 1808 GREGORY (OLINTHUS) A Treatise of Mechanics, theoretical, practical, and descriptive. 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. London, 1806 [ i6] HALLUS, alias LINUS, (FRANCISCUS) Explicatio Horologii in Horto Regio Londini, An. 1669 erecti. 4to. Leodii Edicromcm, 1673 HANDS (WILLIAM) The Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1808 HARRISON (JAMES) An Introduction to a treatise on the proportions of the constituent parts of Bells. Svo. If tc//, 1 83 1 HARRISON (JOHN) Principles of his Time-keeper. 4to. London, '^7^7 HARRISON (JOHN) Account of the going of his Watch, from May 6, 1766, to March 4, 1767; together with the original observations and calculations of the same, by the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne. 4to. Londoji, 1767 HARRISON (JOHN) A Description concerning such Mechanism as will afford a nice or true Mensuration of Time ; together with some account of the attempts for the discovery of the Longitude by the Moon ; as also an account of the discovery of the Scale of Musick. 8vo. London, 1775 HARTMAN (JOHANN GEORGE) Necessary Instruc- tions for improving all Clocks by the height of wind- ing-up, horizontal j^osition, and by calculation. (In German.) Zvo. Halle, 1756 HATTON (THOMAS) Introduction to the mechanical part of Clock and Watch Work. 8vo. London, 1773 HENDERSON (E.) An Historical Treatise on I lorology ; shewing its rise and progress, from the earliest period down to the present time. 8vo. London, 1836 HOBBES THOM^ MALMESBURIENSIS, Vita car- mine expressa. Authore scipso. 4to. London, 1682 HOOKE (ROBERT), F.R.S. Description of Helioscopes, and some other instruments. 4to. London, 1676 HOOKE (ROBERT), F.R.S. Lampas; or, Description of some mechanical improvements of Lamps and Water- poises, ^to. London, 1677 L 17 ] HOOKE (ROBERT), F.R.S. Lectures and Collections. 4to. London^ 1678 HOOKE (ROBERT), F.R.S. Lectures De Potentia resti- tutiva, or of Spring. Notes of his Inventions in MS., at the end of the book. 4to. London, 1678 HORARY TABLES for Correcting the apparent dis- tance of the Moon and a Star from the effects of Refraction and Parallax. Published by order of the Commissioner of Longitude, with a Preface by A. Shepherd. Folio, Cambridge , 1772 HORLOGERIE Memoire sur I'Horlogerie, contenant diverses remarques sur les ouvrages et les pretensions de M. R. 4to. Paris, 1750 HORLOGERIE L'Art de I'Horlogerie ; ou, Manuel com- plet de I'horloger, et de I'amateur, d'apres Berthoud et les travaux de Wuillamy, premier Horloger du Roi d'Angleterre Georges IV. i2mo. Paris, 1827 HORLOGERIE Avec 50 planches. 4to. n. p. n. d. HORLOGERIE Encyclopddie Methodique, contenant 64 planches. Folio, Paris, n. d. HORLOGERIE Avec planches. Folio, n. p. n. d. HOROLOGY Extracted from the Encyclopaedia Londi- nensis. 4to. London, 1809 HUGENII CHRISTIANI Horologium Oscillatorium, sive de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demon- strationes geometricce. VoXxo, Paris, 1773 HUGHSON (DAVID), LL.D. An Epitome of the Privi- leges of London, including Southwark, as granted by Royal Charters, confirmed by Acts of Parliament, and established by ancient custom. i2mo. London, 1816 [ i8 ] IRONMONGERS' COMPANY A Catalogue of Works of Art, &c., Exhibited at Ironmongers' Hall. 2 vols. 4to. London^ 1869 [ 19 ] JACKSON (WILLIAM) Watch-case Maker, Trial of, at the Old Bailey, April 9, 1816, for transposing and removing the Marks of the Goldsmiths' Company from one Watch-case to another. Taken in Short-hand by J. A. Dowling. 8vo. LoJtdon^ 18 16 JANVIER (ANTIDE) Etrennes Chronomariquespourl'An 18 1 1; ou, precis de ce qui concerne le tems, ses divisions, ses mesures, leurs usages, &c. i2mo. Paris, 18 10 JANVIER (ANTIDE) Manuel Chronom^trique; ou, precis de ce qui concerne le temps, ses divisions, ses mesures, leurs usages, &c. 12 mo. Paris, 182 1 JANVIER (ANTIDE) Essai sur les Horloges Publlques pour les communes de la campagne. 8vo. Pa7'is, 1 8 1 1 JANVIER (ANTIDE) Des Revolutions des corps Celestes par le mecanisme des rouages. 4to. Paris, 1 8 1 2 JENKINS (HENRY) A Description of several Astro- nomical and Geographical Clocks. With an Account of their motion and uses, and a short account of a Marine Regulator. 8vo. London, 1778 JODIN (JEAN) Les Echappemens a repos compares aux echappemens a recul, avec un memoire sur une montre de nouvelle construction, suivi de quelques reflexions sur I'etat present de I'Horlogerie, sur la police des maitres Horlogers de Paris, et sur la nature de leurs statuts. i2mo. Paris, 1766 JONES (THOMAS) Description and Use of the Secto- graph. 8vo. London, 18 14 JONES (THOMAS) Companion to the Mountain Baro- meter. Consisting of tables whereby the operation of computing heights with that Instrument is rendered extremely simple and easy, whilst Its accuracy is Inferior to no other mode. Second edition. Z\o. London, 1^2 <^ JURGENSEN (URBAIN) Princlpes Gen^raux de I'exacte mesure du temps par les Horloges. 2 tomes, 4to. Copcnhaguc, 1805 JURGENSEN (URBAIN) Memoires sur I'Horlogerie exacte. 4to. Paris, 1S32 [ 20 ] KATER (Capt. HENRY), F.R.S. An Account of the Experiments for determining the variation in the length of the Pendulum vibrating seconds, at the principal stations of the Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain. 4to. London, 1819 KATER (Capt. HENRY), F.R.S. An Account of the Comparison of various British Standards of Linear Measure. 4to. London, 1821 KATER (Capt. HENRY), F.R.S. On the Errors in Standards of Linear Measure. /^to. London, 1830 KATER (Capt. HENRY), F.R.S., and LARDNER (DIONYSIUS), LL.D., F.R.S. Treatise on Mechanics. 8vo. London, 1830 KENNEDY (R. H.) Memorandum of the Life and public charities of Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, Bart., Citizen and Clockmaker. 8vo. London, 1855 [ 21 ] LANZ et BETANCOURT (MM.) Essai sur la composi- tion des Machines. Seconde (edition. 4to. Paris, 1819 LEPAUTE (J. A.) Traite d'Horlogerie, contcnant tout ce qui est necessaire pour bien connoitre et pour regler les pendules et les montres. Augment^ de la description d'une nouvelle pendule policam^ratique. 4to. Paris, 1 760 LEYBOURN (WILLIAM) Pleasure with Profit, con- sisting of recreations of divers kinds, viz. numerical, geometrical, mechanical, statical, astronomical, horo- metrical, cryptographical, magnetical, automatical, chymical, and historical. Publishecl to recreate ingenious spirits, to which is annexed a Treatise of Algebra. Folio, London, 1694 LONGITUDE AT SEA An Act to amend an act of the 58th of Geo. III., c. 20, for more effectually discovering the. Folio, London^ 1821 LUDLAM (Rev. W.) Astronomical Observations made in St. John's College, Cambridge, in the Years 1767 and 1768, with an account of several astronomical instru- ments. 4to. Cambridge, 1769 LUDLAM (Rev. W.) Directions for the Use of Hadley's Quadrant, with Remarks on the construction of that instrument. 8vo. London, 1808 LYONS (Capt. G. F.) Private Journal during the Voyage of discovery under Capt. Parry. 8vo. London, 1824 LYONS (Capt. G. F.) Narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Bay through Sir Thomas Rowe's " Welcome," in H.M. ship Griper, in the Year 1824. 8vo. London, 1S25 [ 22 ] MACKAY (ANDREW) The Theory and Practice of finding the Longitude at Sea or Land ; to which are added, various methods of determining the Latitude of a Place, and Variation of the Compass ; with new Tables. 2 vols, in i, 8vo. London^ i793 MANDEY (VEN.) and MOXON (J.) Mechanick Powers ; or, The Mystery and Nature of Art Unvailed. 4to, London^ 1696 MARGETTS (GEO.) Horary Tables, for shewing by inspection the apparent diurnal motion of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Latitude of a Ship, and the Azimuth, Time, or Altitude, corresponding with any Celestial Object. Folio, Londo7i, n. d. MARGETTS (GEO.) Description of the Horary Tables. 4to. London^ n. d. MASKELYNE (NEVIL), D.D., F.R.S. Answer to a pamphlet by T. Mudge, ]un., entitled, ' A Narrative of Facts,' relating to some Time-keepers constructed by his Father, Mr. Thomas Mudge. 8vo. London, 1792 MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Crispin Street, Spital- fields. A Catalogue of Books belonging to the. 8vo. London, 1804 MECHANICS' Magazine, Museum, register, journal, and gazette. 33 vols. 8vo. Londo7i, 1824-40 MECHANICS. The Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine, and Annals of Philosophy. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1824-6 MECHANICS. The London Mechanics' Register. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824-26 MECHANICS. New London Mechanics' Register, and magazine of science and useful arts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-8 MECHANICS' Oracle, and Artisans' Laboratory and workshop, by Alex. Tilloch, LL.D 4to. London, 1825 MECHANICS' Weekly Journal; or, Artisans' Miscellany of inventions, experiments, projects, and improvements in the useful arts. 8vo. London, 1824 [ =3 ] ■ MOINET (M. L.) Nouveau Trait6 gdn^ral astronomique et civil d'horlogerie thdorique et pratique. 2 tomes, 8vo. Parisy 1 848 MONNIER (M. Le) Observations de la lune, du soleil, et des (itoiles fixes, pour servir a la physique celeste et aux usages de la navigation. Folio, Paris^ 1 76 1 MORGAN (OCTAVIUS), M.P., F.S.A. Observations on the history and progress of the Art of Watch- making, from the earliest period to modern times. 4to. London^ 1849 MORTIMER (Mr.) The Universal Director; or, the nobleman and gentleman's true guide to the masters and professors of the liberal arts, manufactures, and sciences, and of the mechanic arts, manufactures, and trades established in London and Westminster. 8vo. London^ 1 763 MUDGE (THOMAS) A Register of the going of his first Time-keeper, from April 18, 1780, to May 7, 1781 ; with two other Registers of the same Time-piece. 4to. London^ n. d. MUDGE (THOMAS) Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on his Petition. MS. 8vo. April 29, 1793 MUDGE (THOMAS) Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, to whom it was referred to consider of the report which was made from the Com- mittee to whom the Petition of T. Mudge was referred nth June. Svo. Lo7idon, 1793 MUDGE (THOMAS) Description of the Time-keeper in- vented by the late Mr. T. Mudge, and on the means of improving watches, and more particularly those for the use of the sea. 4to. Lo7ido7i, 1 799 MUDGE (THOMAS, ]un.) Narrative of Facts relating to some Time-keepers constructed for the discovery of the Longitude at Sea, together with observations upon the conduct of the Astronomer Royal respecting them. Svo. London^ i79- [24] MUDGE (THOMAS, Jun.) Reply to the Answer of the Rev. Dr. Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal. 8vo. Londviiy 1792 MURHARD (W. AUG.) Litteratur der Mathematlschen Wissenschaften. Mathematical Library ; or, a complete Catalogue of Books in every department of science, including a Catalogue of every work published on Clock and Watch Making, from the earliest period to the Year 1804 (in German). 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 179 7- 1805 MUSSCHENBROEK (PETER van), M.D. The Elements of Natural Philosophy, translated by John Colson, M.A. and F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1744 [ 25 ] NAUTICAL ALMANACK, The, and Astronomical Ephe- merls, from 1767 to 1839. 72 vols. 8vo. London, 1 767-1837 NAUTICAL MAGAZINE, The, and Naval Chronicle. A Journal of papers on subjects connected with Maritime Affairs, from 1832 to 1874. 40 vols. 8vo. Z^;^*^'^';^, 1832-1874 [The volume for 1863 wanting.] NICHOLSON (JOHN) The Operative Mechanic and British Machinist, being a practical display of the manufactories and mechanical arts of the United King- dom. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1825 NICHOLSON (WILLIAM) A Journal of Natural Phi- losophy, Chemistry, and the Arts. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1 797-1802 [ 26 ] ORLEBAR (ARTHUR BEDFORD), M.A. Observa- tions made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at Bombay in 1846. 4to. Bombay^ 1849 OZANAM (M.) Recreations Mathematiques et Physiques. 2 tomes in i. 8vo. Paris^ 1696 OZANAM (M.) Recreations Mathematiques et Physiques. 2 tomes, Svo. Amsterdam^ 1698 [ 27 ] PARKINSON and FRODSHAM Observations on Chronometers supplied by them. From the Appendix to Captain Sir John Ross's Narrative of his Second Ex- pedition to the Arctic Regions, from 1829 to 1833. 4to. London^ 1S33 PARKINSON and FRODSHAM Changes of Rates in Chronometers, as stated to arise from their transfer from one place to another on Land, or by their removal from Land to Ship-board. 8vo. London^ '^'^ZZ PARR (WILLIAM) Treatise of Pocket Watches. Point- ing out the defects so generally complained of in their construction ; also stating a general rule adapted to mechanical practice, by which manufacturers may effectually avoid all irregularity in the formation of a watch. 8vo. Lo?tdon, 1804 PARRY (Capt. WILLIAM EDWARD), R.N., F.R.S. Journal of a Voyage for the discovery of a North- West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the Years 18 19-1820, in H.M. Ships Hecla and Griper. 4to. London^ 182 1 PARRY (Capt. WILLIAM EDWARD), R.N., F.R.S. Journal of a Second Voyage for the discovery of a North- West Passage, performed in the Years 1821, '22, '23, in H.M, Ships the Fury and Hecla. 4to. London^ 1824 PARRY (Capt. WILLIAM EDWARD), R.N., F.R.S. Journal of a Third Voyage, in 1824-5. 4to. London^ 1826 PARRY (Capt. WILLIAM EDWARD), R.N., F.R.S. Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole in 1827. 4to. Lo7ido7t, 1828 PARTINGTON (C. F.) The Clock and Watch Maker's Complete Guide. Comprehending the early history of the art, its progressive improvement and present state. 8vo. Lo7idoii, 71. d. PARTINGTON (C. F.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Steam-Engine. 8vo. London^ 1S26 [ 28 ] PATENTS Copies of several exemplifications of patents for Spinning Flax by Machinery. 4to. Dublin, i 796 PENDULUM Experiments relating to the pendulum vibrating seconds of time in the latitude of London. By Captain H. Kater, F.R.S. Folio, London, 18 18 PHILOSOPHICAL Collections (5 Nos.) I vol. sm. 4to. London, 1681 PHILOSOPHICAL Journal (Edinburgh). 25 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819-38 PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine, from the commencement to 1805, edited by Alex. Tilloch. 20 vols. 8vo. Lojido7i, 1 796-1805 PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine Vols. 43 to 68, edited by Alex. Tilloch and R. Taylor. 26 vols. 8vo. London, 1815-26 PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine New Series, edited by R. Taylor and R. Phillips. 1 1 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-32 PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine and Journal of Science Third Series, edited by Sir David Brewster, LL.D., Richard Taylor, F.S.A., Richard Phillips, F.R.S., and Sir Robert Kane, M.D. 37 vols. 8vo. London, 1 832-1 850 PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine and Journal of Science. Fourth series, conducted by Sir David Brewster, LL.D., Richard Taylor, F.S.A., Richard Phillips, F.R.S.L., Sir Robert Kane, M.D., William Francis, F.L.S., and John Tyndall, F.R.S. 26 vols. 8vo. London, 1851-1863 PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions, abridged from the Com- mencement to 1750. 12 vols. 4to. London, 1756 PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions at large, from 1751 to 1808. ^Z vo\^. ^\.o. London, 1752-1808 PHIPPS (CONSTANTINE JOHN) Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by His Majesty's Command,— in the year 1773. 4to. London, 1774 [ 29] POPPE (JOHN HENRY M.) Attempt at a History of the origin and progress of the theoretic-practical art of Watchmaking. (In German). i2mo. Gottingcn^ ^797 POPPE (JOHN HENRY M.) Circumstantial History of the theoretic-practical art of Watchmaking, to the end of the i8th Century. (In German.) 8vo. Leipsic, 1801 POWELL (JOHN) A Letter to Edward Ellice, Esq., M.P., on the general influence of large establishments on apprentices, in producing unfair competition, demoral- ization of character, parish burthens, insufficient work- men, injured credit, and decay of trade. 8vo. London^ 1819 PREUDHOMME (LOUIS BAPTISTE) Considerations Pratiques sur les engrenages de roues, et pignons, en Horlogerie. i2mo. Paris, 1780 [ 30] RAINGO (M.) Description d'une pendule a sophere mou- vante. 8vo. Paris ^ 1823 RAMSDEN (J.) Description of an Engine for Dividing Mathematical Instruments. 4to. Londoji, 1777 REGISTER of Arts and Sciences. 1823 to 1827. 4 vols. 8vo. Lo7ido7i, 1824-27 REGISTER of Arts and Sciences, and Journal of Patent Inventions. New series. 7 vols. 8vo. London^ 1828-32 RE ID (THOMAS) Horology, extracted from Brewster's Edinburgh Cyclopaedia, with MS. Notes by the Author. 4to. Edinburgh^ 18 19 REID (THOMAS) Treatise on Clock and Watch Making, Theoretical and Practical. 8vo. Edi7ib2irgk, 1826 Presentation Copy, on larg-e paper. Two Copies only were printed on this size. REID (THOMAS) The same, small paper. 8vo. Edinbiirghy 1826 REPEATING MOTION Stockten's Description of the. 4to. Loiido7i^ 1 8 19 REPERTORY of Arts and Manufactures, First series, 1794 to 1802. 16 vols, 8vo, Londo7i^ 1794- 1802 REPERTORY of Arts and Manufactures, Second series, 1 8 18 to 1825. 15 vols. 8vo. Lo7tdo7iy 18 18-1825 REPERTORY of Patent Inventions, New series, 1825 to 1833. 16 vols, 8vo, Lo7ido7t, 1 825- 1 833 REPERTORY of Arts and Manufactures. New series, 1834 to 1837. 8 vols, 8vo, Lo7ido7i, 1834- 183 7 ROBERTSON (JOHN) Treatise of such Mathematical Instruments as are usually put into a portable case ; with an appendix. Third edition. ^yo. Lo7tdo7i, 1775 ROBERT (Henri) Etudes sur Diverses Questions d'Hor- logerie. 8vo. Paris^ 1852 ROBERT (Henri) Considerations Pratiques sur I'Huile employee en Ilorlogerie. 8vo. ParJs, 1851 [31 ] ROBINSON (JOHN) System of Mechanical Philosophy, with Notes by David Brewster, LL.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh^ 1822 [Volume I wanting.] ROSS (Capt. JOHN) A Voyage of Discovery made under the orders of the Admiralty in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a North- West Passage. 4to. London^ 1819 ROSS (Capt. JOHN) An Explanation of Capt. Sablne^s remarks on the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay. Svo. London^ 18 19 [ 32 ] SABINE (CAPT. EDWARD) Remarks on Capt. J. Ross's account of the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1819 SABINE (CAPT. EDWARD) An Account of Experi- ments to determine the Figure of the Earth, by means of the pendulum vibrating seconds in different Latitudes. 4to. London, 1825 SARGUES (M. de) Universal Way of Dyalling; or, plain and easie directions for placing the Axletree, and marking the hours in Sun-dyals, after the French, Italian, Babylonian, and Jewish manner, by Daniel King. 4to. London, 1659 SCHOTT (CASPAR) Technica Curiosa, sive Mirabilia Artis, Libris XII. Comprehensa. 4to. Herbipol, 1687 SCIENTIFIC GAZETTE ; or. Library of Mechanical Philo- sophy, edited by C. F. Partington. 4to. London, 1826 SERVIERE (M. GROLLIER de) Recueil d'ouvrages curieux de mathematique et de mecanique. Second edition. 4to. Paris, 1751 SMEATON (JOHN) and LUDLAM (Rev. W.) Letters on Turret Clocks, MS., with Drawings. 4to. 1779 SMITH (JAMES) The Mechanic; or, compendium of practical inventions. 2 vols. 8vo. Liverpool, n. d. SMITH (JOHN) Horological Disquisitions concerning the nature of time, and the reason why all days, from noon to noon, are not alike Twenty-four Hours Long, with tables of equations. i2mo. London, 1694 SMITH (JOHN) The same, with MS. Notes by the late Mr. Cumming. i2mo. London, 1694 S(MITH) J(OHN) Horological Dialogues, in three parts, shewing the nature, use, and right managing of clocks and watches [3 Copies]. i2mo. London, 1675 SMYTH (Capt. W. H.), R.N., D.C.L., &c. Description of an Astronomical Clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. London, 1848 [33] STANHOPE (CHARLES, EARL) Principles of the science of tuning- instruments with fixed tones. 8vo. London^ 1806 STIRRUP (THOMAS) Horometria; or, the Complete Diallist. 4to. London, 1652 STRASBURG Description of the Cathedral and Clock of. (In German.) ^ 4to. Strasburgh, 161 7 SULLY (HENRY) Description abrcgce d'unc Horloge d'une nouvelle invention pour la Juste Mesure du Temps sur Mer. 4to. Paris, 1726 SULLY (HENRY) Regie Artificielle du Tems. Traite de la division naturelle et artificielle du temps, des Horloges, et des Montres de differentes constructions, de la maniere de les connoitre, et de les regler avec justesse. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmcntec de quelques Memoires sur I'Horlogerie, par M. Julien le Roy. 8vo. Paris, 1737 SUSSEX, The DUKE of Catalogue of the very Cele- brated and unique collection of Regulators, Clocks, Chronometers, and Watches, the property of. 4to. London, 1843 [ 34 ] TABLES for Correcting the apparent Distance of the Moon and a Star, published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude. 4to. Cambridge, 1772 THIOUT (M.) I'ain^, Trait^ de I'Horlogerie mechanique et pratique approuv6 par I'Academie Royale des Sciences. 4 tomes in 2, 4to. Paris, 1741 THOMSON (ADAM) Time and Timekeepers. 8vo. London, 1842 [ 35 ] VIGNIAUX (P.) Horlogerie Pratique, a I'usage des apprentis et des amateurs. 8vo. Toulouse, 1788 VULLIAMY (BENJAMIN LEWIS) Some Considerations on the subject of Public Clocks, particularly Church Clocks, with hints for their improvement; with a Supplement. 4to. London, 1828-30 VULLIAMY (BENJAMIN LEWIS) On the Construction and Theory of the Dead Escapement for Clocks. 8vo. London, 1846 D 2 [ 36 ] WALES (WILLIAM), F.R.S. Method of finding the Longitude at Sea by Time-keepers, with tables of equations to equal altitudes. 8vo. London^ 1 794 The same, second edition. 8vo. London^ 18 10 WALLACE, ROBERT, F.G.S. Some Account of John Smith, Clockmaker, taken from the Anti-trinitarian Biography of. MS. Zvo. London, \Z<^o WARREN AND FULLER, Messrs. Report of the Trial of with reference to the Goldsmiths' Mark upon Plate, &c., at the Somersetshire Assizes, held at Taunton, 6th April, 1849 ; taken in Short-hand by William H. Isaacs. 8vo. London, 1849 WATCHES, Chronometers, &c.. Titles of Patents relating to, from 1661 to 1857. MS. Folio WATCH and Clock Making. Observations on the Art and Trade of. 8vo. London, 181 2 WATCHMAKERS {sec Clock ^/^^ Watch Makers). WESTMINSTER Returns ordered by the House of Lords relating to the great Clock for the New Palace at. Folio, London, 1847 WESTMINSTER Portion of the Papers relating to the great Clock for the New Palace at. 4to. London, 1848 WESTMINSTER Returns to Parliament relative to the great Clock at. Folio, London, 1S47 — 1852 WHITEHURST (JOHN), F.R.S. Tracts, philosophical and mechanical. 4to. London, 181 2 WISE (HENRY) An Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from India, China, &c., performed by Ships in the Hon. East India Company's Service. 8vo. London, 1839 WOLLASTON (FRANCIS), F.R.S. Directions for making an Universal Meridian Dial capable of being set to any Latitude, which shall give the mean solar time of noon by inspection, without any calculation whatever. 4to. London, i 793 [ 37l WOOD (EDWARD J.) Curiosities of Clocks and Watches, from the earliest times. 8vo. London, 1866 WORCESTER (MARQUIS of) Century of Inventions, edited by C. F. Partini^ton, from the original MS., with historical and explanatory notes, and a biographical memoir. i2mo. London, 1825 [ 38 ] YOUNG (THOMAS), M.D. Lectures on Natural Phi- losophy and the Mechanical Arts. (At the end is a Catalogue of Works relating to Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts.) 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807 CHARTER, BYE LAWS, &c. CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY.— The Charter, Bye Laws, grant of Arms, Charitable Bequests, and other Official Documents ilhistrating the History of the Company l^\)Ho. On the cover is an engraved brass plate, with the Arms of the City of London and the Company, bearing- the following inscrip- tion — " Death could not cause my love to dye ; My love doth live though dead am I." The free guift of Richard Morgan to the Clockmakers of London. Symon Hackett, Master, 1647; Thomas Alcock, Onesiphorus Helden, wardens. Engraved by I. Droeshout, 176.^,— a relative doubtless of Martin Droeshout, who engraved the Portrait of Shakespeare for the first edition of his works. CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY.— The Charter and Bye Laws, with several other matters connected with the history of the Company, also a List of the Masters from 1632 to 1 716; Wardens from 1632 to 171 2; Assistants from 1632 to 1697 Folio. Note.—" This book is all that I had of Mrs. Goodwin, after her husband's desease, for my nine years' service in assisting him in the Clerkship of the Clockmakers' Company. The collection was made for his private use, and no ways belongs to the Company ; when I die it will be worth to my successor (whomsoever he shall be) twenty guineas, which I charge them whose hands it shall fall into not to part with it under. Witness my hand, this 20th day of February, anno dni. 1717. Franxis Speidell." " I St April, 1745.— The Renter Warden was desired to give a guinea to Mr. Shuckburgh for a Book, now produced, which appeared to be of the handwriting of Mr. Goodwin, a former clerk, containing copies of the Charter, Bye Laws, and other things relating to the Company."— 77((' Cninpunys Records. [4o] CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY.— Copy of the Charter incorporating the . Company, with the Bye Laws, examined by Tutet and Howse. The Act of Common Council for Regulating the Fellowship authenticated by Mr. Town Clerk Hodges, 1765. 4to. CLOCKMAKERS' COMPANY.— Copy of the Charter, Bye Laws, Act of Common Council, &c., with Index. Folio. CHARTER, BYE LAWS, and ACT of COMMON COUNCIL, for establishing and regulating the COM- PANY, &c, 1. Copy of the Charter of Incorporation granted to the Company, dated 22nd of August, 7th Charles I., 1631. 2. Order to the Company from the Committee for Cor- porations appointed by Parliament to deliver the Company's Charter to be examined, 21st Dec, 1652. 3. Order referring the Charter for examination to John Farwell, Esq., Counsel to the Commonwealth. 4. Order directing the Charter to be returned to the Com- pany, 27th Dec, 1652. 5. Letter from Ahasuerus Fromanteel as to the number of Apprentices admitted by the Company, 3rd March, 1656. 6. Order of the Company as to permitting foreigners to carry on the trade of Clock making and enrolling Apprentices, &c., 8th Sept., 1656. 7. Resolutions passed at a Meeting of the Freemen as to the management of the affairs of the Company, 8th Sept., 1656. 8. Petition of several Freemen of the Company to the Lord Mayor as to the Charter and the Rules made by the Company for regulating the Trade, 1656. [41 ] 9- Order of the Lord Mayor directing that Thomas Loomes should only keep two Apprentices instead of five, 25th February, 1656. 10. Petition of divers Freemen of the Company to the Lord Mayor in favour of the proceedings of the Court of Assistants. 1 1 . Petition of the Freemen to the same effect as the fore- going. 12 1 o * I Answer of the Court of Assistants to the complaint of J the Freemen and counter petition to the Lord Mayor. 14. Copy of a Petition to the Court of Common Council, and a Draft for an Act of Common Council which they submitted for approval. It was read in Common Council about July 1698, and supposed to have been thrown out before April 1699. 1 5. Report of Committee appointed by the Common Council to examine the Bill for regulating the Company, also a copy of the said Bill, 15th October, 1765. 16. Copy of the Act, 15th October, 1765. 17. Report of a Committee appointed by the Company to examine the Charter and Bye Laws of the Company, and to obtain Counsel's opinion as to the powers of the Company to compel Clockmakers, Freemen of other Companies residing within the City, or within ten miles thereof, to take up their freedom in this Company. Also as to compelling the Freemen of the Company to take up their Livery, &c. 18. Meeting of the Livery and Freemen of the Company as to the memorial presented by them to the Court of Assistants with reference to the grievance complained of, Feb. 26th, 1802. 19. Case with the Opinion of J. Adair, loth Jan., 1796. 20. Case and Opinion of Mr. Serg'- Merewether, 3rd March, 1832. 21. Case and Opinion of J. Mirehouse, Feb. 19th, 1831. 22. Report of a Committee appointed to prepare a Classified Catalogue of all books, papers, and documents be- longing to the Company, Jan. 7th, 1S17. 23. Abstract of the powers of the Company, fees payable, meetine:s of the Court of Assistants, • Secretary of State, as to the destitute state of the 81.; Trade. o ' I Letter to, and answer of Lord Sidmouth upon the same g J subject. GIFTS to the COMPANY for the POOR, &c. 1. Sir Robert Viner, Knt., Bond of, for repayment of ^100 lent by the Company to him, being an assignment upon the Exchequer for £^ yearly from Lady- Day, 1678. 2. Assignment from Jane Goodwin, widow and executor of Thomas Goodwin, assignee of Sir Robert Viner, Knt. and Bart., of a yearly annuity of ^3 to the Master Wardens and Fellowship of the Company, signed by Jane Goodwin, iSth January, 1706. 3. Letters of Administration under the seal of the Preroga- tive Court of Canterbury to Francis Speidell, to pay 3 per cent, per annum out of the exchequer to the Master Wardens, &c., of the Company from Jane Goodwin, executor of Thomas Goodwin, 31st March, 1708. 4. Assignment from Francis Speidell to the Master Wardens of the Company of the 3 per cent, per annum above mentioned, 13th November, 170S. 5. A paper referring to the above. 6. Official copy of the last Will of Thomas Goodwin, dated 13th June, 1694; also probate of the same. E [so] 7. Edward East, Deed of Gift from, of ^100 to the Master Wardens and Fellowship of the Company, in trust, to pay to five freemen, or their widows, twenty shillings annually, by two half-yearly payments ; signed by Edward East. 8. Henry Jones, Deed of Gift from, of ^100 to the Master Wardens and Fellowship of the Company, in trust, to pay to five poor freemen, or their widows, twenty shillings annually, 20th June, 1693 ; signed by Henry Jones. Q. Charles Gretton. Deed of Gift, dated the ist of September, 1701, between Charles Gretton and the Master Wardens and Fellowship of Clockmakers, giving upon trust to the Company the sum of ^^50, to pay yearly the sum of fifty shillings to apprentice the sons of deceased Freemen of the Company to the trade of Watch or Clock making (signed by Charles Gretton). There is an endorsement upon the back of the deed, altering and amending the gift. It is dated the 4th of July, 171 5, and signed by Charles Gretton and the Master and Wardens. 10. 1 Bank Stock. Original Receipts for the Bank of to > England Stock, 1697; with receipts for interest 20. J upon, 1 701, &c. 21. Samuel Wilson. Extract from the Register of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, of the last Will and Testament of, leaving money to be let out on loan to young tradesmen. 22. Devereux Bowley. Extract from the Will of, leaving ^500 4 per cent. Bank Annuities to the poor of the Company. 23.^ William James Frodsham. Extract from the Will of, & > leaving ^1,000 3 per cent. Bank Annuities to the 24.; poor of the Company, 1850. 25.^1 Samuel Fenn. Letter from Joseph Fenn, enclosing an o I Extract from the Will of his late uncle, Samuel Fenn, I leaving ^200 Bank Stock to the poor of the 26.; Company, 1821. I 51 ] Charities of the Company. 27. Letters from Nicholas Carlisle, Secretary to the Charity Commissioners, for a return of all Charities con- nected with the Company, September 25th, 1820. 28. Copy of the Commission. 29. Letter from Nicholas Carlisle, enclosinc^ a copy of the Commissioners' Report upon the Charities of the Company. ■})0. Printed Copy of the Charities of the Company. '\\ y 'I ' (.Letters from Charity Commissioners, under 16 & 17 { Vict. cap. 137, as to the Charities of the Company. Non-Frcemcn and Apprentices. 40. Order of the Recorder of London to compel persons carrying on the trade of Watch and Clock makers to become free of the Clockmakers' Company, 4th August, 1 64 1. 41. Informations against persons using the Art of Watch and Clock making who had not served their appren- ticeship thereto, 1652-4. 42. Letter addressed to the Court of the Company, for redressing the grievances suffered by the Trade, 1656, signed by the Members. 43. Heads of Ordinances referring to the employment of Foreigners and Non-Freemen in the Art of Watch- making, ordered to be printed (two documents). 44. Copy of Advertisement respecting bad work to be inserted in the Newspapers. 45. A List of the number of Apprentices bound, copied from the Orphan Books. 46. A List of the Watch and Clock makers who keep shops within the City of London, and are free of the Clock- makers' Company, and a List of those who are not free. 47. r Memorial from the Members of the Trade to the Court & I of Assistants, against Non-Freemen exercising the 48.1 craft of Watchmaking, with the Answer of the Court I thereto. E 2 [ 5^ ] 49- Forfeits in the Company for Non-appearance by the hour appointed. to >-Several Papers, Letters, &c., upon Apprentices, &c. 56.1 Papers and Letters referring to dispute between the to > Spectacle Makers' Company and the Clockmakers' 65.] Company. PROCEEDINGS as to the GRANTING of LET- TERS PATENT for IMPROVEMENTS in WATCHMAKING, &c. 1. Order of the King in Council, 2nd March, 1687, setting forth that his Majesty having appointed the 24th February last to hear the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Fellowship of the Clockmakers' Company against the granting of a Patent for the making and managing all Pulling Clocks and Watches, usually called repeating clocks, to Edward Barlow ; and after hearing both parties by their counsel, ordered that no Patent be granted. 2. Observations upon the Jewelled Watch named Ignatius Huggeford. This watch had been produced before the Committee of the House of Commons, and confirmed them against granting the Patent applied for by Nicholas Pacio, Peter Dcbaufree, and Jacob Debaufree. The watch had a stone fixed in the cock and balance work. This Paper gives a most interesting account of the Maker. 3. Jewelling Watches, Clocks, &c. Copy of a Petition of Nicholas Facio, Gent., and Peter Del)aufree, and Jacob Dcbaufree, Watchmakers, to the House of Commons, 6th December, third year of the reign of Queen Anne. It sets forth that Her Majesty had [ 53 ] granted by Letters Patent to the s:iid Petitioners, the sole use and exercise within the United Kin<;dom, and her other dominions, of a certain Art or Inven- tion, or working- or figuring precious or more common stones, and made use of in clock or watch work for fourteen years ; but that on acccount of the expenses of improving the invention, &c., soliciting a longer term of years. Leave given to bring in a Bill, 9th December. Bill brought in by the Marquis of Hartington to carry out the object of the Petition, and read a first time. 14th December, read a second time. 1 8th December, Petition of the Clock and Watch Makers in and about the Cities of London and West- minster with reference to the above, presented to the House of Commons, referred to the Committee to whom the Bill had been referred, with leave to the Petitioners to be heard by counsel before the Committee. 4.1 Letters, Petitions, &c., on the subject of Clay's Patent to 1- for Repeating Watches, with copy of Letters Patent, 37.J &c. 38. Copy of Letters Patents granted to Joseph Bosley, of Leadenhall Street, for improvements made in watches, by George IL 39. Copy of Mr. Bosley's Petition for a Patent, with Mr. Murray's opinion thereon, January, 1755. 40. Extracts from Acts of Parliament for preventing frauds in gold and silver wares, &c. 41. Letter from Thomas Lane, Clerk of the Goldsmiths' Company, upon the above subject, 7th May, i 788. 42. Report of the Committee appointed by the General Meeting of the Clock and Watch Makers of the Cities of London and Westminster, 3rd December, i 7S9. f Letters and Opinions of the Members of the Trade, 43. 1 in answer to questions proposed to them by a Com- to -1 mittee of the Company as to engraving the name of 77.1 the makers upon watches and clocks, and pirating the i name of any maker upon either watches or clocks. 78. Report of the Committee appointed by the Company upon the above question, with a fair copy of the correspondence, opinions, &c. [ 54] ^ f Correspondence between the Company and Privy '^'] Council for Trade, &c. ; and draft of a proposed Act o j of Parliament for regulating the importation and ' i^ exportation of watches, &c. 8 1 . Copy of a Bill for regulating the importation of clocks and watches, &c. 82.^ & 1- Sketch of a Bill to the same purpose. 83J 84. Extracts made by order of the Company as to pirating the names of good makers to bad work. 85. Memorial of the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assist- ants to the Committee of the Lords of Trade, 1809. 86. .Letter from the Goldsmiths' Company to the Clock- makers' Company, 28th October, 18 12. Sy. Statement of the number of gold and silver watch-cases marked at Goldsmiths' Hall from 1791 to 1797. 88.1 Letters, Opinions, Reports, &c., with reference to the to i- marking of gold and silver watch-cases, bows, and 1 33. J pendants, &c. 134. Letter from the Secretary of the Customs as to the duty to be levied upon watches, &c., 30th June, 181 2. 135. Letter from the Goldsmiths' Company to the Lords of Trade as to County Hall Marks upon watch-cases, &c., 19th June, 1830. 1 36. ^ Copy of a Memorial from the Clockmakers' Company to y to the Lords of the Treasury as to the above question, 138.J 1830. 139. Letter from Spring Rice to the Company as to the importation of foreign clocks, watches, &c.j 2nd March, 1832. 140. Copy of an Advertisement upon the same subject. idi ^ ^ * I Returns of the number of watches imported without I paying duty from 1829-32. 143. Copy of a Memorial of the Company to the Board of Trade, praying them to take steps for the protection of the trade. 144.^1 Letters as to marking P^orcign Clocks, Watches, &c., to ^ with the names of English Makers, &c., &c., 1839- 161.! 42. [ 55 1 COMPANIES for MAKING JVA TCIIES, <^c. '•I to^ Letters, &c., as to the importation of watches, &c. 8.J ^'1 Letter, Prospectus, Statement, &c., of the British Watch I and Clock making Company. 1 6. Neuc/idtel Gaze ffc, w'lih. an account of Ingolts's Patent for watch-making, 13th April, 1843. 1 7. The Prospectus of the National Company for the Manufacture of Watches. 18. The Prospectus of the Patent Chronometer Watch and Clock Company, Philcox's patent. 19. Indenture from the Lords of the Treasury, depositing three standards of brass for measuring, 4th September, 1671. 20. Order of the Lord Mayor (Abney), inflicting a fine of ^10 upon Mr. Fromanteel, for refusing to serve the office of Steward of the Company. 2 1. r Case and Opinions as to the powers of the Company for to ! compelling persons living within the City and its 25.1 Liberties, and carrying on the trade of watchmakers, ^ to be made free of the Company. 26. Letter from the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen to the Company, for a contribution towards defraying the expenses incurred in maintaining the Troops sent into the City for the protection of public and private property during the late tumults, 19th July, 1780. 27. Letter from the Lord Mayor (Plomer), enclosing a copy of a letter received from the Earl of Selburne for augmenting the domestic forces of the nation. 28. Letter to the Company from the Sheriffs of London as to a grant of money to assist the Society for the Discharge of the Persons Confined for Small Debts, with a view to celebrate His Majesty's 50th anni- versary of accession to the Throne, 20th October, 1809. 29. Reply of the Company. [ 56 ] 30. Letter from Peter Lock, Dep. Patent Searcher, London Docks, as to the seizure of 140 Watches made by Jew Watchmakers, with fictitious names, in- tended for exportation to Charlestown, 1 1 th August, 1810. 31. Letter from Henry Clarke as to a certificate being given by the Company to Freemen, 8th October, 1812. 32. Letter announcing the death of Mr. Henry Potter, Master of the Company, 4th September, 1813. 2,2)' Letter of Henry Clarke, returning an old watch and various movements. 34.] & 1^ Letters as to Officers of the Company. 35-1 36. Letter from Charles Smith, testifying that William Gammon had served his apprenticeship with him, and requesting that he may be admitted to the Free- dom of the Company. 37. A Protest against the Proceedings of the Company, signed by Isaac Rogers and Henry Clarke, 25th February, 18 14. 38.'! A List of the Books, Charter, Bye-Laws, Deeds, and to j- Property of the Company, signed by Members of the 40.'' Court, 181 7 to 1 81 8. ^ * I Letters, Resolutions, Petitions, &c., relative to the ^ I Warehousing Bill now before Parliament, Tune, 1822. 45. J t,^ ^ . 46. Copy of an Original Letter from Mr. Thomas Reid, of Edinburgh, to Mr. B. L. VuUiamy, 26th January, 1821. 47. 1 Two Letters from the Hon. Anne Seymour Damer, to r presenting a foreign Watch to the Company's Collec- 49.; tion; with the thanks of the Court for the same, 181 7. 50. Letter from Mr. William Harris, refusing to present the Resolution of the Company to the Duke of Sussex, I ith January, 181 7. 51. Copy of the Resolution. 52. Report of a Committee to the Court as to the Refusal of Mr. Harris to present the Resolution of the Court, 3rd February, 181 7. 54 & [ 57 ] 53- Memorial from the Liverymen and Freemen of the Com- pany as to the presentation of the Freedom of the Company to the Duke of Sussex, signed by thirty- four Members, 3rd February, 181 7. The Distress in the Watch and Clock Trade in the Parish of St. Luke's, 18 1 6 and 181 7. 56. Copy of an Advertisement of Mr. Fearn as to Porcelain and Bronze Clocks, &c., 1832. 57. Letter from \Vm. Auld, Esq., presenting an engraved Portrait of Mr. Reid, 1831. 58. Copy of a Letter from the Clerk of the Company as to putting up the Arms of the Conipany in one of the windows of the New Hall at Christ's Hospital, loth March, 1841. 59. Thanks to the Governors of the Hospital for the same, 13th March, 1841. o 'jLetters from Charles Frodsham, Esq., presenting a copy ^ j of the portrait of his father, 1858. 62. Letter from Thomas Reid, thanking the Court of the Company for electing him an Honorary Member, 6th December, 1825. 63. "I Letters from R. Hartley Kennedy, Esq., to the Com- & > pany, as to presenting the Honorary Freedom of the 64. i Company to Sir Jamsetjee jeejeebhoy, Knt., 1855. 65. Printed Paper referring to the same. 66. Original Letter from Cursetjee jamsetjee, acknowledging the Honorary Freedom of the Company. Bombay, 31st March, 1855. 67. Original Letter from Sir jamsetjee jeejeebhoy, acknow- ledging the Honorary Freedom of the Company. Bombay, 3rd March, 1855. 68. Letter enclosing a Bank Post Bill for ^150, to the Charitable Fund of the Company, from Sir jamsetjee jeejeebhoy. 69. Copy of Letter of Thanks from the Company for the same, July 7, 1855. ^n' I Letter of Thanks from Cursetjee jamsetjee and Sir j jamsetjee jeejeebhoy, 26th June, 1855. [ 58 ] ^Letters from Judge Halliburton, regretting that his '^'1 immediate return to America will prevent him from I becoming a Member of the Company, 9th May, 1855, '^'l and loth February, 1857. JT^. Letter from R. Hartley Kennedy, Esq., as to investing the Funds of the Company, March 29th, 1855. 74. Letter from R. Hartley Kennedy, Esq., upon his elec- tion to the office of Sheriff of London and Middlesex, September, 1855. 'J^' I Letters and Memorial with reference to R. Hartley o I Kennedy's affairs, 1858. Letters, Reports, and Memorandum with reference to the Library of the Company. 85.] to > 94-j ^^*| Letters, Petitions, and Documents with reference to the i Charitable Trusts Bill. lOI.J 102. Documents relating to a Clock for the Royal Exchange, July 19th, 1843. 103. Transcript of Notes taken at the Mansion House upon Mr. Anthony Myers being charged with having six gold watches with the forged marks of the Gold- smiths' Company upon them, 9th May, 1850. TAX UPON CLOCKS, WATCHES, &c. 1. Proposed Alterations and Additions to the Act of Parliament for enabling His Majesty to levy a Tax on Foreign Clocks and Watches. 2. Return to Parliament of the number and amount of Licences granted for selling Gold or Silver Plate in Great Britain for ten years, from 1807 ^^ 181 6. 3.] Petitions of distressed Watchmakers of Coventry, London, to ' Roxburgh, &c., to Parliament, and Proceedings 17.] thereon. [ 59] 1 8. Heads to the Clauses in the Bill proposed by the Committee of the Watch and Clock Trade. 19. Proposed Alterations and Additions to the Act of Par- liament for enabling His Majesty to levy a Duty on forei(^n Clocks and Watches. 20. A Bill for more effectually discovering the Longitude at Sea, &c., 9th March, 18 18. 21. A Bill to regulate the Manufacture of Clocks and Watches, 14th June, 1819. 22. Memorial of the Company to the Treasury, March 5th, 1830. ^ "2 "1 /^'[Letters, Returns, &c., as to the stamping of all foreign I Watches, and levying a Duty thereupon, &c. 44. A Return to Parliament of the number of Metal Clocks and Watches, and of Movements, &c., Exported and Imported since 1825, 5th July, 1833. 45. Advertisements cautioning the Public against purchasing Foreign Watches with English makers' names frau- dulently affixed to them, 1823. '1 'I Letters, &c., upon the Illicit Importation of Clocks, , I Watches, &c. 69.1 ' '\ Letters, &c., upon the Seizure at the Customs of I Watch-dials, Watches, &c. 78. Petition of the Company to the House of Commons as to the Seizure of Watches, &c., by the Customs, and the Sale thereof, February 8th, 1849. 79-1 to ' Letter upon the same subject. 91.J ■{3* I Memorials from the Company as to the Importation [ of Foreign Clocks, W^atches, &c., 1851-52. 93-j [ 6o] LETTERS and CORRESPONDENCE with the LORDS of TRADE on the ADJUSTMENT of COUNTERVAILING DUTIES of CLOCKS, WATCHES, &c., 1786-7. Presented by Mr. BENJ. L. VULLIAMY, December, 1812. &i Letters from Mr. Cottrell to Mr. Vulllamy, 1786-7. 2. 1 3. Suggestions as to marking foreign Watches, Clocks, &c. 4. Letter from F. Upjohn upon the same subject. 5. Suggestions for a Duty upon Watches, Clocks, &c. 6. Letter from Mr. Tutet, Master of the Company, upon the proposed Duties, i6th January, 1787. 7. Letter from S. Cottrell to Mr. Vulliamy, appointing a meeting with the Lords of Trade, 21st February, 1787. 8. Copy of Questions delivered by order of the Lords of the Committee of Council for Trade to Messrs. Vulliamy, Upjohn, Jackson, and Potter, for their answer in writing. 9. Copy of a Bill for granting to His Majesty certain Duties on Clocks and Watches, with MS. alterations in the margin. 10. MS. Alterations to be made in the above. 1 1 . Representation of the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants, to the Right Hon. William Pitt, Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, &c., as to the j^roposcd tax upon clocks and watches, 6th July, 1797. 1 2.] Statements submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to I by the Master of the Company upon the subject of a 1 4. J new standard for gold. 15.1 Copy of a Letter from Mr. G. Rose, enclosing a Statc- & I mcnt from the Goldsmiths' Company submitted to 16.J Mr. Pitt, 14th July, 1797. I 7. Letter from George Rose, stating Mr. Pitt's views as to the proposed Bill, i8th July, 1797. [ 6. ] 1 8. Memorial of the Company to Mr. Pitt as to the proposed Tax upon Watches, Clocks, &c., 28th November, 1797. 19. The Number and Weight of Gold and Silver Watch- cases marked at Goldsmiths' Hall in 1796 and 1797. 20. Copy of a Petition from the Company, praying for the Repeal of an Act for Levying a Duty upon Watches, Clocks, &c., 1798. 21 "" 'I Letters, Memoranda, &c., referring to the Tax upon [ Watches, &c. 32.J LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Library Committee. Minute-Book of the Library Com- mittee, 1 8 14 to 1836. Folio. Cash-Book, 1714 to 1828. 4to. Catalogue of the Library. 3 vols. 4to. Issue-Book from 1819 to 1841. 4to. PRINTS OF CLOCKS AND DESIGNS FOR CLOCKS, A Collection of PRINTS of CLOCKS and DESIGNS for CLOCKS, &c. Presented by the late B. L. VULLIAMY. 1. Astronomical! and Chronologicall Clock, shewing all the most usefuU parts of an almanack, by Jos. Naylor, near Namptwich, Cheshire, i 750-1. 2. Description de I'Horologeque Messieurs Les Comtes de Lyon ont fait faire dans I'Eglise de St. Jean I'annee, 1660, Opera et Studio Guillelmi Noorrisson Lugduni. Thourncyfor sculp. 1677. 3. The same, a later edition. STRASBURG. The famous CATHEDRAL CLOCK, Views of. 4. Horologium Astronomicum Argentoratense (with a description of the same in French). 5. Vera effigies ac descriptio Astronomici Horologii Argentincnsis in summo Templo extructi anno Christi m.d.lxxiv. 6. Horologium Astronomicum Argentoratense (with a description of the work in Latin). 7. Eigentliche Furbildung und beschreibung desz Kunstrcichen Astronomischen uhrwercks zu Straszburg. Brunn sculp. (Description in Ger- man.) [ 63 ] 8. Eigendliche Furbildung und beschreibung desz newen Kunstlichen Astronomischen uhrwercks zu Straszburg im Monster disz, 1574, Jahr vollendet zusehen. (Description in German.) 9. L' Horologe de Strasbourg, 10. A true figure of the famous Clock of Strasbourg, 1 1 . A small view of the Clock. 12. The Microcosm, with portraits of Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Henry Bridges. 13. A design for a Clock, xxxi. 14. A design for a Clock, with striking-bells. 15. A design for a Clock, xxviii. 16. A new and accurate Geographical Clock, shewing the time of day or night at most of the principal places of the world at one view, by John Gibson, 1761. 17. A design for a Clock, Philips del. et sculp., 1721. 18. A perspective view of the Altitude and Azimuth Instru- ment recently erected at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1847, Hare del. et sculp. 19. The very extraordinary Sun-Dial facing the market- place at Settle, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Buck and Feary del. et sculp., 1778. 20. A very curious and early wood engraving [of a Village Fair], shewing the church with a Clock in the tower, H. S. Beham, of Nuremburg, 1 53 i-i 549. [The works of this artist are now exceedingly rare]. 2 1 . An extraordinary Clock, the production of Jacob Love- lace, of Exeter; it took thirty-four years to complete the work; he died in 1716. The move ments are — ist, a moving panorama, descriptive of day and night ; day is beautifully represented by Apollo in his car drawn by four spirited coursers, accompanied by the twelve hours ; and Diana in her car drawn by stags, attended by the twelve hours, represents night. 2nd, Two gilt figures in Roman costume, who turn their heads and salute with their swords as the panorama revolves, and also move in the same manner while the bells are ringing. 3rd, A perpetual almanack, shewing the day of the month on a semicircular plate, the index returning to the first day of every month on the close of each month [64] . without alteration, even in Leap Years, regulated only once in 1 30 years. 4th, A circle, the index of which shews the day of the week with its appropriate planet. 5th, A perpetual almanack, shewing the days of the month weekly, and the equation of time. 6th, A circle shewing the Leap Year, the index revolving only once in four years. 7th, A timepiece, that strikes the hours and chimes the quarters, on the face of which the whole of the twenty-fours hours (twelve day and twelve night) are shewn and regulated. Within this circle the sun is seen in his course with the time of rising and setting by a horizon receding or advancing as the days lengthen or shorten ; and under is seen the moon, shewing her different quarters, phases, age, &c. 8th, Two female figures, one on each side of the dial-plate, representing Fame and Terpsichore, who move in time when the organ plays. 9th, A movement regulating the clock as a repeater to strike or be silent. loth, Saturn, the god of Time, who beats in movement while the organ plays, nth, A circle on the face shews the names of ten celebrated ancient tunes played by the organ in the interior of the cabinet every four hours. 12th, A belfry with six ringers, who ring a merry peal ad libitum; the interior of this part of the cabinet is ornamented with beautiful paintings representing some of the principal ancient buildings of the city of Exeter. 13th, Connected with the organ there is a bird-organ, which plays when required. Hackett, Litho., 1833. 22. A self-moving wheel for the working of all manner of wheelwork, described in the Gazetteer of June 15th, 1749. A LIST OF WATCHES, WATCH MOVEMENTS, CLOCKS, &c. ADDIS, Cornhill, London. William, the son of Robert Addis, of Bristol ; apprenticed to Georg-e Sims May'i, 173S ; made Free of the Company February 3, 1745 ; elected on the Court of Assistants April 2, 17S9; served the office ofWarden 1761-63; Master, 1764-5. 1. Gilt Movement (partially to pieces), No. 261 1. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, 1869. ANDERVALT, PASQUALE, Trieste. 2. A Hydrogen Gas Clock. The motive power of this Clock is hydrogen gas generated by the action of diluted sulphuric acid on a ball of zinc. The gas, thus formed, forces upwards a bell-shaped glass-receiver, which keeps the clock going until it nearly reaches the top of the coloured glass jar, when, by the action of a delicate lever, two valves are opened simultaneousl)-, one allowing the gas to escape, thereby causing the receiver to descend, and the other permitting a fresh zinc pellet to fall into the acid. The same operation is repeated as long as the materials for making the gas are supplied, and this is effected without winding or manipulation of any kind. Presented by Wm. WING, 1874. I' [ 66 ] ANONYMOUS. 3. An Alarum, in a beautifully engraved and pierced silver case, silver dial, with enamel figures. This has been constructed to be used in conjunction with a watch or timepiece, having- a hollow square for the insertion of the fuzee arbor ; the watch so used driving- the motion-work of the alarum. 4. A Silver Alarum, intended to be applied to the fuzee of a watch. 5. A Gilt Open-face Watch, with gold dial, hori- zontal escapement. No. 16023. This watch plays a tune at each hour, and can be made to play at pleasure. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, 1870. 6. A Small Octagon Watch, in a Crystal Case, engraved and gilt dial, hour hand only, with raised pins at each hour for feeling the time at night, called a " Touch Watch." A curious specimen of the Art. Presented by Mr. AULD, 1825. 7. An Oval Seconds Watch, with enamel dial, duplex escapement. An early specimen, formerly enclosed in a locket. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1849. 8. A Small Square-Weight Balance Time-tiece, hour hand only, silver dial, brass case, beautifully engraved and gilt. The subject being warriors on either side, and in the front a view of a town. At the top death's head and hour-glass, with the motto, " Respice fincm." It is in a good state of preservation, is an interesting specimen of the Art, and considered unique- Presented by GEORGE ATKINS, Clerk of tbe Company. 9. A Very Small Horizontal Movement, formerly set in a ring. [67] 10. A Very Small Vertical Movement. No fuzee. Probably intended for a ring. 1 1 . Part of an old French Eight-day Watch Move- ment, with two barrels in gear by teeth on rim, fuzee and chain, vertical escapement. PreBented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & Co., 1873. 12. An Early Specimen of Duplex Escapement. 13. A Very Fine Specimen of a Centre-Seconds Lancashire Movement. Presented by llessrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1848. 14. A Vertical Lancashire Movement. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS. 15. A White Skin Case, with Silver Mounting. A very beautiful specimen of case jointing. Presented by JOHN GRANT, 1874. 16. A Black Enamelled Case, ornamented. 1 7. Outer Case of a Watch, engraved and gilt, with an enamel portrait of a lady. Presented by Deputy S. £. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1873. 18. Two Antique Movements, with wheels, pivotted. Found in the Company's chest. 19. Two Movements, with square-cut teeth. One tx repeater, the other uncertain. 20. A Large Pocket Chronometer, Lancashire Move- ment. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. 2 1. A Movement for a small Pocket Chronometer. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. F 2 [ 68 ] 2 2. Two Skeleton Movements. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, 1869. 23. An Ancient Movement, with Tulip pillars. 24. An Ancient Movement, with Tulip pillars. 25. Two Movements by Ackers. 1778. 26. An Antique Movement, with Tulip pillars. 2 7. An Antique Movement, with peculiar Tulip pillars. 28. Regulator Pallets. Presented by B. L VTJLLIAMY. 29. Nine Dials, some enamelled on gold. 30. An Enamelled Gold Dial, with seconds. Cost of Manufacture, £1 lys. od. Presented by J. B. VTILLIAMY, 1778. 31. A Small Antique Breguet Key. Presented by Mr. WEBSTER. 32. Several Early Watch-keys. 33. Two Gold Antique Watch-keys, one of them enamelled. Presented by JOHN GEANT, 1875. 34. A Rude Specimen of a Wheel-cutting Machine, to be used in the vice. Presented by GEORGE PHILCOX, 1876. 35. A Plain Vertical Repeating Movement, of French manufacture, with enamel dial, chiefly remarkable for its diminutive proportions. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1876. [ 69 ] 36. A Very Thick Vertical Movement. The encrravin^ of the cock and slide are of a very rude character, indi- cating an early period of manufacture. Presented by EDWARD STEEETER, 1875. 37. Four sets of Antique Watch Pillars, of Lan- cashire manufacture. Presented by C. B. HARLE, 1876. ANOGENT ANGUIER. 38. A Silver-gilt Oval Hunting Watch, silver engraved edge. Made previous to the introduction of chains, gilt and engraved allegorical dial. Presented by CHARLES THISTLETON, of Whitehall Place. ARNOLD, JOHN. 39. A fine old specimen of a Pocket Chronometer, in silver-gilt case. Pivot detent escapement, with figure S compensation pieces carrying weights in direct line to centre of balance, re-sprung by Charles Frodsham for the purpose of testing the compensation. No. 28. Presented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & Co., 1875. 40. Specimen of a one-day Marine Chronometer, in octagon case, enamel dial, epicycloidal escape-wheel, adjusting balance spring stud. No. 14. Presented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & Co,, 1875, 41. A fine specimen of a two-days Marine Chrono- meter, in octagon case, with glass bottom and medallions at side, enamel dial, e^^icycloidal escape-wheel, move- ment jewelled to the centre wheel, gold balance spring, No. iH. Presented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & Co , 1875. ATKINS, FRANCIS. Born in 1730 ; apprenticed to Joshua Hassell December i, 1746 ; admitted to the Freedom, April 2, 17S9: to the Livery, Decem- ber 4, 1769; chosen on the Court of Assistants April 5, 1773; served the office of Warden 1777-79; chosen Master, Septem- [ 70 J ber 29, 1780; elected Clerk of the Company, December 5, 1785 ; succeeded upon his decease by his son George Atkins, December 22, 1809. 42. Plain Vertical Movement, No. 3659. Presented by his Grandson, S. E. ATKINS, 1876. BARON, JEAN, Etrecht. 43. Vertical Movement, with pierced pillars, enamel dial. Presented by EDWAED STREETEE, 1875. BARRONNEAU, L., /Paris. 44. French vertical Movement, without dial, made previous to the introduction of chains, hour- wheel turned by a lanthorn pinion on fuzee arbor. Presented by B. L. VTJLLIAMY, 1816. BARROW, NATHANIEL, Londini. Apprenticed to the Company, 26 January, 1653; made Free, 28 January, 1660; chosen to the office of Warden, 14 October, 1685 ; Master, 29 September, 1689. 45. Silver Double-case Astronomical Watch, denotes the hours, days of the week, months of the year, equation, moon's age, &c. 46. Metal Double-case Repeating Watch, with enamel dial, the inner case pierced and gilt. Presented by JOSEPH FENN, 1862. BARTHET, E. A., Marseille. 47. Thirty Hour Marine Chronometer, of French manufacture. Name, Barthet, No. 10. A very fine specimen of highly finished work ; has a beautiful pro- portioned barrel pendulum spring. The hours, minutes, and seconds are shown on distinct circles. It has also a metallic thermometer, the arrangements for which are between the dial and pillar plate, the scale, Reaumer's, [ 71 ] being indicated on the dial-plate by a delicate hand traversing about 1 50 degrees. This chronometer was picked up at sea from an abandoned vessel by the late Sir Wm. Walker, in the year 1846, when in command of the " Monarch," belonging- to Messrs. Green, of Blackwall, and was purchased of him for fifteen pounds by Messrs. Brockbank & Atkins. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKIWS, Clerk of the Company, sole representative of tliat Firm, 1875. BETTS, SAMUEL, Londlni. Apprenticed to Samuel Davis, for Job Betts, 7 October, 1675 ; made Free of the Company, 7 October, 16S2. 48. Green Enamelled Gold Watch (case damaged), case enamelled, with landscapes inside, green ena- melled dial, hour-hand only. Purchased by the Company, 1816. BINKS. 49. Gilt Lever Movement, jewelled throughout, capped, No. 759. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, 1869. BIZOT, h Paris. 50. A large thick Vertical Movement, with rack and piniony regulator cock pierced and engraved. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. BORRETT, GEORGE, Stowmarket. 51. Plain Vertical Movement, with square pillars, enamel dial. The cock and dial elaborately pierced and engraved. No. 120. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1876. BOYS, A., and DUDUICT, JACQUES. 52. An Ancient Clock Watch, striking on a bell, silver hour circle, hour hand only, the case gilt, pierced, and engraved. It had originally catgut and without pendulum spring, which has since been added, gilt en- [ 72] graved face, subject — Actaeon. " He saw Diana and her attendants bathing near Gargaphia, and for his rashness in approaching the place, the goddess sprinkled water over him, and he was changed into a stag and devoured by his own dogs." — Lempriere. Presented by C. R. FLETCHER LTITWIDGE, Esq., Holmrook Hall, Carnforth, through W. WING, Oct., 1874. BRADFORD, Strand. 53. Silver pair case open- face Watch, with enamel dial, No. 115. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1876. BRADLEY, LANGLEY, London, N. R. O. Apprenticed to Joseph Wise, 14 February, 1687; made Free of the Company, 14 February, 1694; served the office of Warden, 1724-26; Master, 1726. 54. Repeating Movement, with Stockden motion. BREGUET [ABRAHAM LOUIS]. 55. A small Movement, injured by fire. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. BREGUET [ABRAHAM LOUIS]. 56. Movement only, single hand, ruby cylinder, parachute and compensation, winds up from the centre, No. 1603. Sold to Mr. Menard by the above Firm in 1808. Cost 840 francs. Purchased by the Company, for £6 lOs., in 1853. BREGUET, k Paris. 57. A Gold Open-face Minute Repeating Watch, with Stockden motion. A very beautiful specimen. No. 128. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, 1870. [73] BROCKBANK, JOHN, London. Apprenticed to Jos. Hardin, July 28, 1761 ; admitted a Free- man of the Company, January 16, 1769; and made a Liveryman, April 7, 1777. 58. Horizontal Centre, Seconds Movement, with going fuzee, enamel dial, capped, beautifully engraved cock and name-piece. No. 161 7. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. 59. A Machine for calculating the distance travelled by wheeled carriages, made by the late Mr. John Brockbank for his own use, and attached to his gig. Presented by Mr. Deputy ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, sole representative of the Firm of Brockbank & Atkins, 1875. BROCKBANKS, London. John and Myles Brockbank. For John, see above, Myles, the son of Edward Brockbank, of Corners, in Cumberland ; apprenticed to his brother John, of 17, Old Jewry, February i, 1769; admitted a Freeman, July 8, 1776. 60. Thirty Hour Marine Chronometer, about the date 1 780, and has an escapement known as the cross spring escapement, upon Earnshaw's principle, a de- scription of which will be found in Earnshaw's Appeal, printed in 1808, and described as an evasion of his patent, with a bitter invective by the author against John Brockbank, whom he charged with having pirated his invention. No. 449. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, and sole representative of the Firm of Brockbank & Atkins, 1875. CABRIERE, CHARLES, London (Broad Street). Made Free of the Company in 1 726 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, 4 Oct., 1750 ; served the Office of Warden in 1 754-57 ; elected Master of the Company, 29 Sept., 1 757. 61. Vertical Bell Repeating Movement, No. 2572. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. 62. Gilt Ivlovement, highly wrought scroll pillars, No. 6017. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. [ 74 ] 63. Vertical Movement, with enamel dial and chased pillars, No. 908. Presented by EDWAED STEEETEE, 1875. CARGUILLOT, JEHAN, Abbeville. 64. Large Silver Clock and Alarm Watch, case pierced and engraved, gilt dial, with enamel hour circle. Purchased by the Company, for £5, at "Windsor, 1848. CARTWRIGHT, N., Lombard Street, London. 65. Plain Vertical Movement, with curiously pierced silver pillars, enamel dial, gilt pierced hands. No. 2100. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. CARTWRIGHT, THOMAS, Horologs: Principi Londini. Apprenticed to Christopher Gould, 4 December, 1693. 66. Vertical Movement, with crystal cock, curiously jewelled. Purchased by the Company, for £1, at Windsor, 1848. CLAY, WILLIAM, London. Apprenticed to Jeremiah Gregfory, 26 May, 1680 ; made Free of the Company, 5 December, 1687. 67. Small Silver-gilt Watch, brass engraved dial, hour hand only, made previous to the introduction of chains, box curiously chased with the old English rose, the outer case perfectly plain. COGNIET, /Paris. 68. Metal Gilt Watch, winds up by cannon pinion square, hour hand only, the case embossed and gilt, the subject being Apollo with his lyre. Purchased by the Company, 1821. [ 75 ] CORUN, h Montpellier. 69. An Ancient Vertical Movement, with enamel dial, and curiously pierced hands, with moveable slide for adjusting the escapement cock, jewelled with a ruby end piece. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1873. COURT, HENLEY, No. 5. 70. A Box Alarum patent repeater, made to receive any ordinary watch of the period, the fuzee square being inserted in a hollow receptacle attached to a pinion, which, being turned by the fuzee, acts upon a rack having divisions thereon, and by which it is set to the time the Alarum is required to be discharged. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of tbe Company, 1876. CREACK, WILLIAM, London. 71. Plain Vertical Movement, with enamel dial, in pair of cases, the outer case embossed and gilt. No. 18573. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. CRONIER, k Paris. 72. Gilt French Movement, double-pin escapement No. 692. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. DEBAUFRE, PETER, London. Made Free of the Company, 1 July, 1689. 73. Curious Silver Watch, with original lever escapement, small crystal at back to show the balance, beats half-seconds, has stop-work, silver dial (outer case wanting), the whole in good preservation. Purchased by the Company at Alexander Cumming's sale, July, 1815. DE CHARMES, SIMON, London. Made Free of the Company, 6 April, 1691. 74. Gold Double-case Repeater, gold dial. No. 27. The case is a fine specimen of early engraving and [ 76] piercing. This watch was the property of the Duke of Bridgewater, the originator of the canal called after his name : it was probably made for one of his ancestors, whose coronet (a Baron's) and cypher reversed are en- graved on the back. Presented by B. L, VULLIAMY, 1849. 75. Vertical Movement, with enamel dial. Presented by E. L VULLIAMY, 1849. 76. Vertical Movement, with pierced tulip pillars. Presented by EDWAED STBELTEE, 1876. DELANDER. Nathaniel Delander, chosen one of the Court of Assistants April 4, 1743; served the office of Warden in 1745-6, and that of Master in 1747. Daniel Delander and John Delander were also Members of the Company, 'J'], Gilt Movement, No. 488. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. DESBOIS & WHEELER, London. 78. A Metal Watch, No. 760. Late the property of Lady Frederick Campbell, who was burnt to death at Combe Bank, wife of Lord Frederick Campbell, youngest son of John, Duke of Argyle. (The curious eflfects of the fire arc shown upon the dial and other portions of the watch.) DEXTER, M., London. 79. Vertical Movement, enamel dial. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY. DUBOIS et FILS. 80. Centre Seconds* Movement, representing the vibration of the pendulum, silver dial. [17] DUCOMUN, C"^ dit BOUDRILE. 8i. Vertical Movement (without case), showing the rising and setting of the sun, the days of the month, and the months of the year. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1848. DUNLOP. 82. Small silver name-plate of dial of an Antique Watch. Presented by JOHN GEANT, April, 1874. DUPIN, PAUL, London. 83. GoLD-ciiASED Double-case Verge Repeating Watch, jewelled, the inner case engraved and pierced, the outer case richly and beautifully chased by Moser, the whole protected by a metal case covered with black skin, ornamented with gilt pins. Purchased by the Company, 1818. EAGLETON, CHRISTOPHER, London. Apprenticed to Charles Halstead, 4 June, 1683. 84. Silver Watch, No. 375, silver dial, outer case tortoiseshell, pinned with silver. In good preserva- tion. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY. EAST, EDWARDUS, Londini. An original Assistant at the incorporation of the Company, 1632 ; chosen Warden, 1638 ; Master, 29 September, 164S : and a second time, 4 October, 1652 ; chosen Treasurer, 1 1 October, 1687. 85. *Silver Oval Hunting Watch, with crystal centre, catgut. * Mr. East resided in Pall Mall, near the Tennis Court which Charles II., when Prince of Wales, resorted to. He frequently played, the stakes being- an "Edwardus East," as His Royal Highness called it ; that is, a watch of East's making. [ 78] 86. Metal Watch, outer case covered with black skin. 87. A Movement, with catgut, hour hand only- driven by lanthorn pinion on fuzee arbor. An antique specimen, in good preservation. 88. Clock and Alarm, given to the Company by Mr. Williams, of the House of Commons; movement only. A very large specimen, one hand making a revolution in twelve hours. The Alarm is discharged by moving the centre of the dial, which is of silver, and elaborately engraved. The construction of the Clock is with a locking- wheel. The Alarm was struck upon a bell. ELLWOOD, MARTIN, London. Made Free of the Company, January, 1687. 89. Silver Watch, curious tortoiseshell case, inlaid with silver, silver dial. EMERY, jOSIAH. 90. A Repeating Movement, horizontal escapement, ruby cylinder, helical balance spring with compensation curb, No. 1 123. Presented loj CHABLES FBODSHAM & Co., 1876. FAGUILLON, h Hesdin. 91. A Vertical Movement, no case or dial, the cock curiously pierced and engraved. Presented by Messrs. ADAMS, 1849. FROMANTEEL. Several of this name have been Members of the Company. 92. An Ancient Vertical Movement, with open scroll, engraved cock and slide, open pillars, no dial, hour hand only. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. [ 79 ] GLEAVE, MATTHEW. 93. Movement only, no dial or hour-wheel. GOUGH WILLIAM, London. 94. Silver Watch, silver dial (outer case wanting), No. 475. There is a peculiarity about the pendant work of this Watch, which is supposed to be for a maintaining power while the watch is being wound up. Presented by B. L. VULIIAMY, 1816. GOULLONS, /Paris. 95. A VERY CURIOUS SMALL GoLD Watch, the case enamelled in various colours, the design being raised in the Arabesque style, [horsehair], prior to the introduction of chains, hour-hand only, ornamental enamelled dial. A very beautiful specimen of the art of enamelling. Purchased by tbe Company, 1828. GRAHAM, GEORGE, Fleet Street. Apprenticed to Henry Aske, 2 July, 1688 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, 2 April, 1 7 16; served the office of Warden, 17 19-21 ; and chosen Master, 29 September, 1722; died November, 1751, aged 75 ; and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 96. A very sound Jewelled Vertical Movement, enamelled dial. No. 5074. Presented by Sir JOHN THOROLD, Bart. GRANT, JOHN (the Elder), Fleet Street. Apprenticed to Alexander Gumming, his uncle, whom he suc- ceeded in business ; elected on the Court of Assistants, Oct. 9, 1809; served the office of Warden, 1810 ; died May 4, iSio. 97. A Gold Lever Watch, in double case, No. 1479. Weighs 2 oz. 11 dwt. 2 grs. old standard. This watch has a double-roller escapement, a triangular ruby pin working in fork of lever, the small roller below being slit half way down to allow guard-pin to pass. The teeth of escape-wheel [ So] are uprig-ht, and are shaped somewhat like Arnold's cycloidal tooth-wheel, the action of the pallets being on the inside edges of the teeth. The pallets are fixed into arms forming a sort of fork working inside the escape-wheel teeth. This is one of the early attempts at the detached Lever Escapement. Presented by his Son, JOHN GEANT, 12tli October, 1374. 98. Gold Lever Watch, double bottom, No. 2802, weighs 3 oz. 6 dwt. 2 grains. This Watch has a double roller escapement, the ruby pin being placed behind instead of in front, as in the ordinary lever escape- ment, and the fork of the lever carried round the balance staff, the ends being turned up, so that the ruby pin, which is perfectly square, acts between them. A small roller is placed below, partly filed away, to allow the guard pin to pass. The escape-wheel is placed vertically, being driven by a contrite wheel, the pallets placed one below the other, allowing each tooth to glide off one pallet on to the other, very similar to Vulliamy's clock-pin escape- ment ; a delicate banking pin, adjustable, is secured to the top coil of pendulum spring, which acts when necessary on the spring stud. Each of these specimens has a compensation balance and cylindrical spring, and they are altogether of the highest character as regards workmanship. Presented by his Son, JOHN GRANT, 12th October, 1874. G(RANT), ](OHN) (the Elder). 99. Curious Lever Movement, with two balances, connected by a tooth-wheel, with two pendulum springs acting in contrary directions, with initials, " J. G., May, 180.0," figured in Cumming's Works. Presented by his Son, JOHN GEANT, 1850. G(RANT), J(OHN) (the Elder). 100. Silver Double-case, Open-face Watch, with enamel dial, vertical escapement. This Watch has a very peculiar mode of recording the time as a repeater, by simply turning the pendant gently round from left to right, as far as it will go, counting the number of ticks it makes on its return, which corresponds with the hour indicated on the dial by the hands, the pendant returning of itself. It is believed to be unirjue, and is curious from the singular method adopted to cause it to repeat the hours. Presented by his Son, JOHN GRANT, 1873. L 8r ] GRAPE, JOHN, London. loi. Plain Vertical Movcnient, with square pillars Marked CX. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1876. GRAY, BENJAMIN, London, Watchmaker to King George IL 1 02. Vertical Repeating Movement, enamel dial and silver rim. N. X. L 103. Plain Vertical Movement, dial and hands. No. 457. Made in 1737. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. 104. Gold Repeater, with Apollo's Head at the back. The running train between the plate and dial, marked r. s. c. Made originally for Sir Peter Somes, May ist, 1732. 105. Silver Pedometer, silver dial. Has the follow- ing inscription on the back : — " Made by B. Gray, Clockmaker to Georg-e II. Given to the Company of Clockmakers by his Great -Grandson, B. L. Vulliamy, 1849." Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. 106. A piece of mechanism in form of a Watch, engraved at back, " made by B. Gray, clockmaker to George IL, given to Charles Frodsham by his great- grandson, B. L. Vulliamy, 1849," supposed to be an idea for a pedometer for riding purposes. Presented by CHAELES FRODSHAM & Co., 1876. GRAY, B., and VULLIAMY JUST, London. 107. Gold Watch, vertical, enamel dial on gold. N. N. S. Outer case of shagreen. Cost, in 1753, ;^I3 15s. 7d.* to manufacture. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1853. * These prices are curious as contrasted with the cost of similar watches at the present day. G [ 82 ] GRAY, JOSEPH (Shaston). 1 08. A very Ancient Vertical Movement, with curiously pierced pillars, an early attempt at regulation by means of a screw and Index. Presented by C. R. HARLE, 1875. GREBAUNALL, ROBERT, /Rouen. 109. Silver Octagon, engraved case, subject, Jacob's Dream. Gilt dial, coat of arms inside the bottom, date about the middle of the sixteenth century. A very good specimen. Purchased by the Company, 1863. GREGG, FRANCIS, London. Apprenticed to John Clowes, 7 September, 1691. 1 10. A Bell Repeater, with silver cap. No. 6226. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. 111. A Repeating Movement, capped, enamel dial. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. GRETTON, CHARLES, London. Apprenticed to Lionel Wythe, 30 June, 1662 ; made Free of the Company, June 3, 1672 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, i July, 1689; served the office of Warden, 1697-9; chosen to the office of Master, 30 September, 1 700 ; and was a Benefactor to the Company. 112. A Gold Double-case Watch, with coloured gold chased dial, jewelled, the outer case struck up in imitation of engine-turning. 113. A Silver Double-case Alarm Watch, with silver dial. The box curiously pierced and engraved ; the outer case beine of skin, inlaid with silver. GRIGNION and SON, London. 114. An Eiciit Days Regulator, with 12 inch sil- vered dial plate, beating dead seconds. The escapement 1 83 ] is of a very peculiar and delicate construction, the pallet receiving impulse on one side only. There is also a very ingenious and simple mode of keeping the clock going during the time of winding. On inserting the key, a lever is raised which puts into gear a spring acting direcdy on the centre wheel, whereby the power is maintained during the process of winding. On with- drawing the key the spring becomes released, and returns to its former inert position. Presented by JOHN GRANT, 187fi. HALEY, CHARLES. 115. Gilt Movement, Remontoir escapement, dI'n.j Ii^v*. at fecit. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. 116. Gilt Pocket Chronometer, with enamel dial, pivoted detent, and peculiarly constructed compensation balance, No. — • Inv'. et fecit. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. HANDS, TIM., London. 117. Plain Vertical Movement, no didi, No. 885. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. HARPER, , London. 118. Plain Verge Movement, no dial. Tulip pillars. Presented by Messrs. G. & S. E ATKINS, 1850. HARRISON, JOHN. {See Portraits.) 119. Long Eight Days Clock in Wainscot Case, with transparent dial, the frames, wheels, and pinions being of solid oak, made by John Harrison, being his first production while following the trade of a carpenter at Foulby, near Pontefract, Yorkshire. One very similar is preserved at the South Kensington ]\Iuseum, date about 1715. Presented by W. THOMS, 1875. G 2 [ 84] HERBERT, CORNELIUS, " London Bridge." The Records of the Company show that there were two of this name, one apprenticed to the other, 19 January, 1690 ; made Free, 3 March, 170O; chosen one of the Court of Assistants, 14 January, 1722; served the office of Warden, 1725-6; and chosen Master, 29 Sept., 1727. The probability is that this was made by the elder Herbert, whose house stood on London Bridge. 1 20. A Plain Vertical Movement. Presented by Messrs. G. & S. E. ATKINS. HERON, ISAACK, New York. 121. Vertical Movement, No. 57, enamel dial, evi- dently English make. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMT, 1816. HIGGS and EVANS, London. 122. Vertical Movement, remarkable for the unique character of its pillars. No. 6314. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. HUBERT, ESTIENNE, k Rouen. 123. Old French Movement with catgut, pinion on fuzee arbor, no dial or motion. 124. A Small, Imperfect, Oval Movement, with cat- gut, hour wheel driven by lanthorn pinion (a fragment). Presented by B. L. VTJLLIAMY, June, 1816. HUBERT, ]EAN, h Rouen. 125. Metal Single-case Watch, enamel dial, formerly part of a timepiece. HUGGERFORD, IGNATIUS, Londini. A Freeman of the Haberdashers' Companj Brother of this Company, July 3, 1671. 126. Silver Watch, with tortoiseshell outside case. A Freeman of the Haberdashers' Company, admitted and sworn a Brother of this Company, July 3, 1671. L 85 ] mounted and studded with silver, silver dial, with rotary day of the month circle. This watch has a steal cock beautifully pierced ; it is remarkable for having- a jewel in the cock, and was produced before a Committee of the House of Commons, about 1704-5, to oppose the application for the grant of a Patent for jewelling- watches and clocks. The opposition to the Patent was made at the expense of the Company, and was successful, as appears by a document in the handwriting- of Edward Tutet, Master, dated 1785, and in possession of the Company. Purchased by the Company of Henry Magson, for £2 10s,, 15th January, 1804. HUGHES, WILLIAM, London. Apprenticed May 7, 1787. 127. Jewelled centre, seconds' movement, capped with enamel dial, square pillars, and beautifully engraved cock and name-piece, No. 41 13. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. HUNTER, THOMAS, London. 128. Vertical Movement, enamel dial, in green skin case, gilt, No. 768. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. HUNTT, EDWARD. 129. A fragment of an Ancient Movement, with tulij> pillars. Presented by GEORGE PHILCOX, 1875. JACKMAN, JOSEPH, London Bridge. 130. A large Vertical Movement. JULLIOTT, SOL., London. 131. Vertical Movement, No. 413. Date on main- spring, 1738. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS. KENDALL, LARKHAM, London. 132. Silver Watch in pair of cases, B. & V., very [ 86 ] curious and elaborate Remontoir escapement, coiled up compensation curb. Purchased at the late Larkham Kendall's sale, by the late Benjamin Vul- liamy, for £30, and presented by his son, B. L. VuUiamy, 1849. KNIBB, JOHN, att, Oxon. ^33' Vertical Movement, with curiously wrought pillars, no dial. Presented by F. PUTIEY, 1816. LAINY, DAVID. 1 34. Vertical Movement, of an early period, remark- able for its very peculiar cut pillars and its mode of fixing in case, hour hand only. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. LE COUNT, DANIEL, London. Made Free of the Company, 29 September, 1676. 135. VerticalMovement, No. 197, with tulip pillars, no dial. LE NOIR, h Rennes. 136. A Metal Gilt Watch, with enamel dial, with raised spaces for the hours, one hand only, winds up by cannon pinion ; the outer case engraved and gilt. Presented by C. H. IVERSON, 1875. LEPINE, Horloger du Roy. 137. A Silver Watch, with enamel dial, central seconds, lever escapement. 138. A Plain Vertical Movement, with enamel dial. No. 1612. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875, [ 87 ] LE ROY, JULIEN, /Paris. 139. Vertical Movement, No. 2721, no dial, curiously- pierced gold hands. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. 140. Plain Vertical Movement, with enamel dial and diamond hands. No. 13958. Presented by Deputy S, E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1876. LEROUX, ]., Charing Cross, London. 141. Gold Watch, in pair of cases. Very compli- cated and highly-finished escapement. Presented by Admiral LORD LYONS, 1859, LESTOURGEN, DAVID, London. David Lestourg^en, Watchmaker, admitted a Free Brother, 4 April, 1698. 142. Gilt Movement, No. 1386, enamel dial. A very good specimen. Presented by F. B. ADAMS, July, 1869. LINDESAY, G., "Servant to His Majesty," Watchmaker to King George IL 143. Vertical Movement, jewelled, enamel dial, No. 627. MARGETTS, GEORGE. Admitted a Free Clockmaker, 11 October, 1779; and to the Livery of the Company, October 7, 1 799, 144. A very large Watch, in metal gilt case, with enamelled back, showing mean time and sidereal differ- ence in hours, minutes, and seconds by three revolving enamel discs, horizontal escapement, No. 1098. Presented by CHAELES FRODSHAM & Co., 1875. MARKHAM, MARKWICK, London. 145. Vertical Movement, has a rolling verge, the cut of the balance-wheel reversed, 6826, with enamel dial. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. [88] 146. Vertical Movement, No. 6723. Chiefly re- markable for its elaborate and highly-finished pillars. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1848. MARTINOT, M., h Avignon. 147. Thick Frenxh Metal Watch, very large balance, which, when in motion, has the appearance of a pendulum, curiously chased gilt and enamel dial, winds up through the centre, outer case black skin. MASSEY, NICHOLAS, London. Made Free of the Company, 1693. 148. Imperfect Vertical Movement, curious for having an index on the top of the cock. MASTERSON, R^., at the Exchange, fecit. Made a Free Brother, 1683. 149. Oval Watch, in a silver hunting cockle-shell case, plain silver dial, hour hand only, catgut. A very curious specimen. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 50. Photographs of Clock Watch. These three photographs represent three different views of a Chronometer Clock Watch, made for W. A. Tyssen Amhurst, Esq., by W. Payne & Co., 163, New Bond Street, London. It strikes the hours and quarters hke a clock, when set, will strike the hours after each quarter, when the repeating- piece is used, it will, in addition to the hours and quarters, repeat the minutes ; it marks on the dial plate the days of the month and the days of the week, and also shows the age of the moon. The seconds' hand is a double one, and, in taking observations, by pressing a pin at the side of the case, one hand stops while the other moves on, indicating the number of seconds elapsing between the two events. Presented by Wm. WING, Master of tlie Company in 1873. 151. Ezekiel's Wheel. Made by George Stock well, of Sheerness, 1823. "The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl : and they four had one likeness : and their [ 89 ] appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides : and they turned not when they went. As for their ring's, they were so high that they were dreadful ; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four." — Kzekiel i. i6, 17, 18. MOORE, PETER, London. 152. Plain Vertical Movement, with square pillars. No. 10459. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. MUDGE, THOMAS, London. Apprenticed to George Graham May 4, 173O; admitted and sworn a Free Clockmaker, 15 January, 1738. 153. Very Curious and highly-finished Movement, with enamel dial, Remontoir escapement, having an early attempt at compensation applied to the curb. No. 260. Sold 22 August, 1755, and made for the King of Spain. It afterwards belonged to a Mr. Langdon. Presented by J. Grant, 1850. 154. Full Plate, centre seconds (movement only), London, No. 260. Dial enamelled on gold. This is a centre seconds Watch of a very complicated character, the seconds motion work being so arranged that it can be entirely detached from the escapement, which is a vertical one, with a solid verge. The balance is controlled by two flat spiral springs, one within the other, one only being acted upon by the index, the other being in connexion with a spiral compensation coil. There is in connexion with this movement a very elaborate amount of mechanism, the object of which is not immediately apparent, but is well worthy of the attention of the scientific enquirer. Presented by J. GEANT, 1850. 155. A very elaborate piece of work as a bridge or balance cock, the hole for pivot being formed by four friction-rollers, with diamond end bearing. Regulator with micrometer screw, and other fine adjustments for curb-pins which apparently have acted upon a straight piece of the balance spring. Taken from a vertical remontoire time-piece by Thomas Mudge. Presented by CHAELES FROESHAM & Co., 1875. [ 90 ] MUDGE, THOMAS, and DUTTON, WILLIAM. 156. Gold Duplex Repeater, with enamel dial, in a pair of cases, old standard, No. 1432. A fine specimen, in good preservation. Presented by C. FRODSHAM, January 11, 1869. M. Z. 157. Silver-gilt Oval Watch, with silver band and dial, showing the moon's age, the days of the month, and the days of the week. NELSON, JAMES, Londini. Apprenticed to Oswald Durant, 9 April, 1638 ; made Free of the Company, 1645. 158. Astronomical Watch, in Silver Oval Case, showing the hours, days, weeks, and months of the year, moon's age, sidereal time, equation, &c. Catgut, before the introduction of chains. NERRY, JOHN, London. 1 59. Vertical Movement, with curiously chased pillars, no dial. No. 233. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. NORTHCOTE, SAMUEL, Plymouth. 1 60. Vertical Movement, jewelled, with enamel dial and square pillars, No. 599. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. ORDSON, WILLIAM, London. 1 6 1 . A Vertical Movement, with square pillars and enamel dial, the hour circle represented by letters con- stituting the name "JAMES NEWMAN *," No. 8418. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. PATEY, WILLIAM. 162. Vertical Movement, with enamel dial, No. 204. Prosontod by B. L. VULLIAMY. [91 ] PERIGAL, FRANCIS, Royal Exchange, London. The son of Francis, of the Royal Exchang"c ; apprenticed to his father July 6, 1778 ; admitted a Free Clockmaker January 9, 1786; made a Liveryman January 8, 17S7 ; chosen on the Court of As- sistants January, 1803; served the office of Warden 1833-5; Master 1806. 163. Plain Horizontal Movement, jewelled, capped, No. 17912. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. PINCHBECK, CHRISTOPHER, London. {See Portraits.) 164. Small Repeating Movement, cap and bell, enamel dial. No. 56. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. PIKE, JOHN, London. Served the office of Steward of the Company in 1838. 165. Vertical Movement only. No. 1998. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY. OUARE AND HORSEMAN, London. Daniel Quare, "a g-reat clockmaker," admitted and sworn a Brother 3 April, 1671 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, 1697 ; served the office of Warden, 1705-1707 ; chosen Master, 29 Sep- tember, 1708. In 1676, he invented the repeating- movement in watches, by which they were made to strike at pleasure. 166. Repeating Movement (Stockden motion), jewelled, no dial. No. 1 1 1 7. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1850. ROBINSON, FRANCIS, London. Apprenticed to Thomas Williamson, 3 March, 1672; served the office of Warden in 1722-24 ; chosen Master in the room of Joseph Williamson, deceased, 7 June, 1725. 167. Repeating Movement, with enamel dial, No. 34, having a silver cap, upon which is engraved, "Servant to His Royal Highness." Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. [92 ] ROM ILLY, h Paris. 1 68. Silver single case, No. 25382. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1853. REYNOLDS, T., St. Martin's-le-Grand. 169. A Vertical Watch, in metal case, covered with tortoiseshell, No. 7081, a fine specimen of this description of work. Presented by Messrs. F. B, ADAMS & SONS, 1819. 1 70. Plain Vertical Movement, square pillars, wanting dial, No. 859. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875, SENIN, P., ^i Paris. 171. Portable Silver Sun-dial Compass, engraved. Presented by J. GRANT, 1853. SKINNER, MATHEW. Served the office of Steward in 1735 ; elected on the Court of Assistants, April 4, 1743; chosen Warden, 1744-5, and Master, 29 Sept., 1746. 172. Vertical Movement, silver cock. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk to the Company, 1873. SMITH, JOHN, London. 173. Jewelled Repeating Movement, enamelled dial, No. 8499. (In a very good state of preservation.) Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. SMITH, JOSEPH, Bristol. 174. Vertical Movement, silver cap and cock. No. 300. Presented by B L, VULLIAMY. I. 93 J SPENCER and PERKINS, London. 175. Pedometer, late the property of Her Majesty Queen Charlotte. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. SULLY, HENRICUS, invenit et fecit (1724), Horologer to the Duke of Orleans. 1 76. A Spring Clock, of novel construction, showing seconds and days of the month ; the action of the balance being combined with an adjustable lever acting vertically thereon. Fully described in his work, entitled, ' Description Abregde d'une Horloge d'une Nouvelle Invention pour la Juste Mesure du Temps sur Mer, avec le Jug-ement de I'Academie Royale des Sciences sur cette Invention.' Published 1726. Presented by JOHN THWAITES, Master, 1821. SWAAN, PIETER, Amsterdam. 177. A plain Vertical Movement, with elaborate chased and engraved pillars, enamel dial. A very ancient specimen. No. 620. Presented by EDWARD STREETER, 1875. TAYLOR,"THOMAS, London. Made Free of the Company, lO August, 1646. 178. Plain Vertical Movement, catgut, with beauti- fully pierced steel studs and cock. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1816. THOMAS, JOHN, London. 179. Vertical Movement, with enamel dial, square pillars, in silver pair of cases. No. 6029. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1875. TOMLINSON, WILLIAM, London. Served the office of Warden in 1730; chosen Master of the Company, 29 September, 1733. 180. Vertical Movement, enamel dial. No. 1427. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1848. [ 94] TOMPION, THOMAS, London, a celebrated Watchmaker. Made Free, 4 September, 1671 ; elected on the Court of the Company, 7 September, 1691 ; served the office of Warden, 1 700- 1 703 ; chosen Master, 29 September, 1 704 ; died, 1 3 November, 1 713, age 75; buried in Westminster Abbey. Tompion made a watch with a spiral balance, or pendulum spring, for King Charles II. One end of the spring was made fast to the arbor of the balance wheel, whilst the other was secured to the plate, and the oscillations were rendered equal and regular by its elastic force. He also invented the cylinder escapement, with horizontal wheel, in 1695. 181. Thick Verge Movement, with enamel dial, No. 2920. 182. Plain Verge Movement, no dial, No. 0598. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY, 1849. 183. Plain Vertical Movement, no dial, No. 2268. Presented by EDWARD STREETEE, 1875. TOMPION, T., and BANGER, E., London. Apprenticed to Charles Kempe, 2 April, 1694; made Free of the Company, 7 December, 1702. Banger Apprenticed to Joseph Ashby for Thomas Tompion, 27 September, 1687; made Free of the Company, 1694. 184. Repeating Clock Movement, with bell, No. 191. A curious specimen. TORADO, FRANCIS, Gray's Inn. Made Free of the Company, i April, 1633. His widow became a Pensioner in 1690. 185. Silver Oval Hunting Watch, silver dial, hour hand only, catgut, no pendant, with raised pins at each hour for feeling the time at night. Called a " Touch Watch." Presented by WM, PLTJMLEY, Jun., 1817, TOULMIN, SAMUEL, Strand, London. 186. Centre Seconds, Horizontal Movement, jewelled, No. 3361, enamel dial. There is a wheel on the L95 1 cylinder which communicates with a pinion, fixed on the balance, which is under the dial, the escape wheel and cylinder being under the cock, beats full seconds. A very curious specimen. Presented by B. L. VULLIAMY. 1830. WATTS, BROUNKER, London. Apprenticed to Joseph Knibb, 19 January, 1684; made Free of the Company, 5 February, 1693. 187. An Old Bell Repeating Watch, with a highly- finished coloured gold dial ; has a peculiar engraved and gilt cap. The case pierced and beautifully engraved, and in good preservation (outer case wanting). Presented by B. L. VITLLIAYT, 1816. WEBSTER, ROBERT, London. 188. Silver Bell Repeater, with silver dial, open engraved case, with crest a lion rampant crowned. Purchased by the Company, 1852. WINDMILLS, THOMAS, London. Apprenticed to Joseph Windmills, 17 January, 1686 ; made Free of the Company, 20 January, 1695 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, 6 July, 1 7 1 3 ; served the office of Warden, 1717; chosen Master, 17 19. 189. Repeating Movement; has an engraved and o;ilt rim. Presented by Messrs. F. B. ADAMS & SONS, 1848. 190. Vertical Movement, enamel dial, No. 8 736. Presented by F. PUTLEY, 1817. WOLVERSTONE, BENJAMIN, Londini. Apprenticed to R. Richards, 26 May, 1649; made Free of the Company, 24 March, 1657, 191. Curious Alarm Watch, silver dial, hour-hand only, box curiously pierced and engraved, case hand- somely studded. [96 ] VVRIGG, JOHANNES, in Govern Garden. One of this name made Free of the Company, 4th Nov., 1661. 192. A Fragment. YEATMAN, ANDREW. 193. Silver Verge Watch. Presented by JOSEPH FENN, 1862. V^eNVy-?/?^ PAINTINGS, PORTRAITS, &^. PAINTINGS. GRAY, BENJAMIN. VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN. Admitted to the Honorary Freedom of the Clockmakers' Com- pany 2 April, 1 78 1. VULLIAMY, FRANCIS JUSTIN. A TABLE with ARTICLES of VERTU, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, a WATCH, cScc, upon it. These were Bequeathed to the Company by BENJAMIN LEWIS VULLIAMY, Esq., ia 1854. MUDGE, THOMAS. Original Portrait by Nathaniel Dance. WAX PORTRAITS. ATKINS, GEORGE. The son of Francis Atkins. Born in Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, 1767; apprenticed to John Waldron, citizen and cordwainer ; made Free of the Company September i, 1788; admitted to the Livery October 13, 1788; chosen on the Court of Assistants H [ 98 1 April 4f 1808 ; succeeded his father as Oerk of the Company De- cember 22, 1809; resigned that office, after thirty-two years' service, upon being chosen on the Court of Assistants, October 1 1, 1841 ; the thanks of the Court presented to him for his long and faithful services January 10, 1842; chosen Warden 1844, and Master,, upon the decease of Mr. R. P. Ganthony, January 24, 1845 ; again elected Master September 29, 184S ; requested to sit for his portrait to Mr. Lucas January 12, 1852 ; died in 1855^ aged 88, Father of the Company. VULLIAMY, BENJAMIN LEWIS. Made a Free Clockmaker by purchase December 4, 1809; admitted on the Livery January 8, 181O; chosen on the Court of Assistants 181O; served the office of Warden 1846-47; Master 1821, 1823.. 1825, 1827, and 1848. A piece of plate presented to him, for the eminent services he had rendered to the Company during a long period of years, aad on the occasion of his having served the office of Master for the fifth time, April 2, 1849 > ^^^^ 1853. Presented to the Company by Mr. LUCAS, in July, 1861. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, &c, ARNOLD, JOHN. R. Davy, pinx. J. E. Reid, sculp. An ingenious mechanician. Was born at Bodmin, Cornwall, in 1 744 ; he carried on business in Cornhill, introduced several important improvements in the construction of Marine Chrono- meters, adopted the Cylindrical Balance-spring in 1776, was one of the competitors for the reward offered by the Board of Longi- tude under 12 Anne, c. 15, s. 2, 171 3, which promised £10,000, upon certain conditions, to those who should submit the best instrument for determining the Longitude. Although he did not gain the prize, the Board awarded him £,3,000 for the improve- ments he had made in Chronometers. He wrote several pamphlets upon his inventions; died 25 August, 1799, and was buried at Chiselhurst. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1874. ATKINS, SAMUEL ELLIOTT. A Photograph. Son of George Atkins. Born in Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, April 13, 1807: apprenticed to his father May 7, 1821 ; [99 ] admitted to the Freedom by patrimony March 7, 1831, and to the Livery December 2, 1839; succeeded his father as Clerk to the Comi^any January 10, 1842 ; upon the completion of the thirty- second year of his clerkship, he received the unanimous thanks of the Court of Assistants, which was inscribed on a presentation of plate, made to him in July, 1874; elected Member of the Court of Common Council for Cornhill, and appointed Deputy of the Ward, 1865. BREGUET, ABRAHAM LOUIS. A. Chazal, pinx. Lang-lume, lith. Born at Neufchatel January 10, 1747, his father being- one of the French refug^ees ; he was ajDprenticed in Paris, and subsequently became one of the greatest mechanical geniuses of his country. He was patronized by the Duke of Wellington, the Emperor of Russia, and the other Allies, in 1815. He made a chronometer for George IV. which had two pendulums : and for the blind he invented " Une Montre de Toucht,'' on which the hours were indi- cated by projecting pins round the rim of the case, while the pendant marked twelve o'clock. Died 17 September, 1823. Presented by C. FE0D8HAM, 1861. GUMMING, ALEXANDER, F.R.S., Edinburgh. S. Drummond, A.R.A., pinx. Henry Meyer, sculp. An ingenious Scotch mathematician, born at Edinburgh. He made a Clock for George III. ; it registered the height of the barometer during every day throughout the year, and cost nearly £2,000 : he was allowed £200 a year to attend to it. He wrote several essays on Clock and Watchwork, &c., in 1 766. Made an honorary Freeman of the Company July 2, 1781. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Corapany, 1874. EARNSHAW, THOMAS. Sir Martin Archer Shee, R.A., pinx. Samuel Bellin, sculp. There is a curious transit clock at the Greenwich Observatory made by Graham, but greatly improved and simplified by Earn- shaw. He was the inventor of the Cylindrical Balance Spring ; he succeeded in making Timekeepers so simple and cheap, that they were within the reach of private individuals ; he was one of the unsuccessful competitors for the Longitude Reward, but the Commissioners granted him £3,000 for the improvements he had made in Chronometers. Presented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & CO., 1874. [ loo ] ELLICOTT, JOHN, F.R.S. /Etat. 67, Clockmaker to His Majesty. Nathaniel Dance, pinx. Robert Dunkarton, sculp. Apprenticed to John Waters, September 5, 1687 ; made Free of the Company, July 6, 1696. Chosen on the Court of Assistants of the Company, 19 October, 1726; served the office of Warden from 1730-33. He was a mathematician of considerable ability, and read several papers before the Royal Society in 1752 upon the influence of heat and cold upon the rod of the pendulum. Died 1772. Presented by his Bon, EDWAED ELLICOTT, 1821. FRODSHAM, WILLIAM JAMES, F.R.S. Lithographed by Miss Ada Cole. Admitted a Free Clockmaker, October ii, 1802; and to the Livery of the Company, 7th October, 181 1 ; chosen on the Court of Assistants, January 12, 1824; served the office of Warden, 1833-3S; and twice elected Master, 1836-1837. He published several works, among them the results of experiments on the vibration of pendulums in 1838. He was a liberal benefactor to the Company, a pension for decayed Clockmakers being called after his name. Presented by CHARLES FEODSHAK, June 29, 1868. GRAHAM, GEORGE, Clockmaker. T. Hudson, pinx. J. Faber, sculp. Born at Rigg, Cumberland, in 1673. Apprenticed to Henry Aske, 2 July, 168S; made Free of the Company, 2 July, 171S; elected on the Court of Assistants, 2 April, 1716 ; chosen Warden, 1 7 19-2 1, and Master, 29 September, 1722 ; elected Fellow of the Royal Society, March 9, 1 720. He was the greatest Horologist of his day. Invented the Horizontal Escajjcment in 1724. Died November, 1751, aged 75, and was buried in Westminster Abbey by the side of his friend Tompion. He left £20 for the poor of the Company. Presented by Deputy 8. E. ATKINS, Clerk of tbo Company, 1874. HARRISON, JOHN. T. King, pinx. P. L. Tassaert, sculp., 1768. Born in 1693 at F"oulby, near Pontefract, Yorkshire, his father being a carpenter, to which trade he Ijrought up his son, who added to his income by occasionally assisting in surveying land and [ 'oi ] repairing- clocks and watches ; in 1 700 he removed with his parents to Barrow, in Lincolnshire, spending much of his time in improving the working parts of watches. In 17 14, the Govern- ment having offered a reward for a method of determining the longitude at sea, he presented himself before the Board of Longi- tude with an instrument which, after it had been submitted to Halley and others, was tried with partial success ; he was the inventor of the Compound Pendulum, and of several Timekeepers for ascertaining the Longitude at Sea, the last of which, on a voyage to and from Jamaica in 1761-2, ordered by the Commissioners of Longitude, was certified to have succeeded considerably within the limits prescribed by Act of Parliament of the 12th year of Queen Anne, and in 1 765 he received the reward of £20,000. He pub- lished in 1775 a descriptive account of such mechanism as would afford a nice or true mensuration of time. He was also the inventor of the Gridiron Pendulum, and of the method of prevent- ing- the effect of heat and cold upon Timekeepers by two bars of different metals fixed together. He died at his house in Red Lion Square, Holborn, 24 March, 1776, and was buried inHampstead Churchyard. JANVIER, ANTIDE, Horloger ordinaire du Roi, d^di(i a son ami Wagner. He was born at the little village of Jura in 1751 ; his father was a labouring mechanic. In 1769, at the age of eighteen, he had constructed several astronomical instruments ; in 1784 Louis XVI. appointed him Royal Horologer ; was the author of several astronomical works of great merit; died 23 September, 1835. Presented by C. FBODSHAM & CO., 1874. JEEJEEBHOY, Sir JAMSETJEE, Bart. A Photograph. Born in Bombay October 9, 181 1, son of Sir Jamsetjee Jec- jeebhoy, Bart., who was knighted by Her Majesty Victoria March 2, 1842; advanced to the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom August 6, 1857; a great benefactor to his country ; elected to the Honorary Freedom and Livery April 2, 185s ; a liberal contributor to the Company's charities, a pension being called after his name. He died April 14, 1859, and was succeeded by his eldest son, the present Baronet. KENNEDY, R. HARTLEY, M.D., F.R.A.S., Alderman. Lithographed by Vinter. Admitted to the Freedom and Livery of the Clockmakers' Com- pany, April 26, 1 85 I; chosen on the Court of Assistants, 1S53; [ I02 ] elected Alderman of Cheap Ward, 1854; chosen Sheriff of London and Middlesex, June, 1855 ; resig-ned his aldermanic gown, March 30, 1858. Presented by Mr, T£6G, 1866. MUDGE, THOMAS. Dance, pinx. Charles Townley, sculp., 1772. Born at Exeter about 17 10, his father being a schoolmaster at Bideford ; he apprenticed his son to George Graham, the then most famous of Watchmakers, May 4, 1 730. Whilst in his apprenticeship he became known as one of the best authorities upon Timekeepers. He succeeded to his master's business, carried on at the " Dial and One Crown," opposite the Bolt and Tun, Fleet Street. Ad- mitted a Free Clockmaker January 15, 1738. He was employed by Ferdinand VI. of Spain to make several Timekeepers. In 1771 he retired from active business, and turned his attention to chronometers, and in 1789 he, with several others, competed for the reward offered by the Board of Longitude for the most accurate Timekeeper for determining- the longitude, but uus unsuccessful ; however, in 1 793 a Select Committee of the House of Commons, assisted by several men of science, reported that Mr. Mudge was one of the first Watchmakers this country had produced, and recommended the Parliament to give him a reward of £3,000 for his improvements in the construction of Chrono- meters. He died in 1794. Presented by Deputy S. E. ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, January, 1874. PINCHBECK [CHRISTOPHER]. Isaac Whood, pinx. J. Faber, sculp. He lived at the sign of the " Astronomico-Musical Clock," Fleet Street, was the inventor of the metallic composition (imitation ^old) bearing his name. He died November 18, 1732, and was buried in St. Dunstan's Church, Presented by CHAHLES FBODSHAM & CO., 1876. REID, THOMAS. Thomas Lawrence, pinx. Charles Thomson, sculp. Of IC'linburgh. Presented with the Honorary Freedom of the Comi)any, October 10, 1825. He wrote a treatise on Clock and Watch Making in 1826. Presontod by CHARLES FKODSHAM & CO., 1874. [ I03 J ROY, JULIEN LE, Horlogcr du Roi, ancicn Dircctcnr a7itso{ both nations ; and in 1739 Louis XV. appointed him Horlog-er du Roi. He made several improvements in Timekeepers for use on board ship ; and in 1768 he went on a voyage to test his Timekeeper, and subsequently published several works upon the subject. Presented by CHAKLE8 FE0D8HAM & CO., 1874. TOMPION, THOMAS, Automatopaeus. G. Kneller, pinx. I. Smith, sculp. He was made Free of the Clockmakers' Company, September 4, 167 1 ; elected on the Court of Assistants September 7, 1691 ; served the office of Warden 1 700- 1 703 ; chosen Master Septem- ber 29, 1704. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, resided at No. 67, Fleet Street, at the corner of Whitefriars Street, succeeded in his business by George Graham. Died 20 November, 171 3, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Presented by Deputy S. E, ATKINS, Clerk of the Company, 1874. WILLIS, FRANCIS, Gretford, Lincolnshire. Well known for his great range of knowledge in Mechanics. Henry Sass, pinx. Wm. Ward, sculp., 18 13. Presented by CHARLES FRODSHAM & CO,, 1874, MISCELLANEO US. The original Grant of Arms, signed by Edward Walker, Garter King-at-Arms, January 30, 167^. Three china bowls, having the arms of the Company and the donor upon the sides. (Lowestoft manufacture.) A curious money-box (in iron). LONDON : PRINTED BY E. J. FRANCIS & CO. TOOK'S COURT AND WINE OFFICE COURT, E.C. b t^l Tj iKrYfei Mr &ahvij8ii# ^c'Aavaa ms/h. 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