B M D7T Dm the question of 'northern epirus at the peace conference BY NICHOLAS J. CASSAVETES Honorary Secretary of the Pan-Epirotic Union of America m EDITED BY v'- CARROLL N. BROWN, Ph.D/ M 1 PUBLISHED FOR THE PAN-EPIROTIC UNION OF AMERICA 7 WATER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. BY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMERICAN BRANCH 85 WEST 82nd STREET, NEW YORK 1919 THE QIIESTION OF NORTHERNEPIRUS AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE BY NICHOLAS J. CASSAVETES Honorary Secretary of the Pan-Epirotic Union of America EDITED BY CARROLL N. BROWN, PH.D. PUBLISHED FOR THE • PAN-EPIROTIC UNION OF AMERICA 7 WATER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. BY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMERICAN BRANCH 35 WEST 32nd STREET. NEW YORK 1919 < ^ Copyright 1919 BY THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS A:iiEiiiCAN Branch PREFACE Though the question of Northern Epirus is not pre- eminent among the numerous questions which have arisen since the pohtical waters of Europe were set into violent motion by the War, its importance can be measured neither by the numbers of the people involved, nor by the serious- ness of the dangers that may arise from the disagreement of the two or three nations concerned in the dispute. Northern Epirus is the smallest of the disputed territories in Europe, and its population is not more than 300,000. The question "of Poland involves a population of many millions and the imperial aggrandisement of Germany. The question of Alsace-Lorraine involves the pride of the French nation, the richest iron mines in the world, and the everlasting menacing of France by Germany. The Epirotic question does not press itself upon the attention of the English speaking peoples because of such weighty considerations. The struggle is not between two nations trying to con- quer each other. It is simply on the one hand the un- willingness of the Northern Epirotes to accept the Alba- nian rule, and on the other the anxiety of the Albanian chiefs to have the Northern Epirotes included in the Al- bania of tomorrow. Possibilities of international difficulties are not expected to ensue from the disagreement of the Epirotes with the Albanians. If worse comes to worst, there may be a repe- tition of the comico-tragedy of 1914, during which the Northern Epirotes rose in revolt against the Albanian rule, and hastened the downfall of a State which had been hastily created, and unwisely allowed to govern itself with- out even elementary knowledge of self-government. If the English-speaking peoples are invited to take in- PREFACE terest in the Epirotic question it is on purely ethical grounds. After the war, the English-speaking peoples of the earth will have emerged as the arbiters of the destinies of mankind. The world will be better, or will be worse, after the war, in proportion as the English-speaking peoples shall try to render justice fairly, and impartially, or shall disregard the rights, and prove indifferent to the liberties, of the small nationalities. The Epirotic question, then, is brought to the attention of the English-speaking world, as to a just tribunal, and the author of this brief study will feel justified in having attempted to put in print certain facts generally familiar only to students of Balkan history, if this just tribunal of the English-speaking world is thus induced to render jus- tice where justice is due. The writer of this brochure is an Epirote himself, and it may be only fair to the cause of those who differ from him on the question of Northern Epirus to warn the reader to be on the watch for any j^artiality which may overcome his sincere effort to bring out the facts as honestly and as truthfully as he knows how. A certain reserve is generally maintained by people to- ward writings which refer to persons or things favored by the authors. Rarely do people like to hear a man praise or even accuse himself. The opinions of others about our- selves are more readily accepted. In attempting to j^i'o- duce this brochure the author is, therefore, conscious that he is prejudicing the cause to which he is attached. If he ventures to write on the question of Epirus, it is only be- cause in his experience as a Secretary of the Pan-Epirotic Union in America, he has discovered that there are no authoritative writings of any very recent date on the ques- tion of Epirus, and that the journalists and political writ- ers whom he has met confessed their complete lack of familiarity with the Epirotic problem. The purpose of this brochure is not to give an exhaustive PREFACE history of the Albanians nor of the Epirotes. The aim of it is to bring out very briefly what the Epirotic question is, to give only the essential and outstanding facts of the problem, and to allow the readers to form their own con- clusions as to whether the Province of Northern Epirus should be included in the future Albania, or whether it should be reunited with Greece as in 1913. It is also the purpose of this booklet to bring to bear, here, the testimony of the men who have made partial or total studies of the Epirotes, and by quoting from their writings, extensively and fairly, to give to the readers as varied a testimony as will enable them to sift the facts and establish the justice of each of the disputant parties, the Epirotes and the Albanians. The author will try to prove that Northern Epirus is Greek in feeling, in thought, in culture, and in aspirations as w^ell as in blood. As an Epirote, he knows the feeling of the Epirotes, but he does not demand that his testimony be believed except as it is supported by disinterested and trustworthy authorities. To that end, he will quote ex- tensively from numerous writings on Epirus and Albania since 1800 a. d. The author wishes to express his indebtedness for the valuable assistance offered to him by JNIr. Evangelos C. Despotes, the present Secretary of the Union, in having readily contributed valuable information on the Pan-Epi- rotic Union of America, and to thank Professor Carroll X. Brown, of the College of the City of New York, for his revision of the manuscript and supervision of the publi- cation of this little book about Epirus. The Author, Private N. J. Cassavetes, 12th Division, U. S. A. CONTENTS Problem America and I The Epirotic Problem .... II The Albanian Propagandists and Their Arguments III History of Epirus IV Ethnology V Culture .... VI Geography of Epirus VII Population of Epirus VIII Schools .... IX Economic Aspects of the X Strategic Aspects XI Italian Ambitions XII Albanian Atrocities . XIII The Epirotic Question in in Great Britain . XIV The Epirotes in America XV Conclusion . . Bibliography Appendix A . Lecture Delivered by Colonel Murray, A.M M.V.O., in Morley Hall, January 7, 1913, Entitled "Nor: hern Epirus in 1913." Appendix B Communication of Mr. C. S. Butler to the "Man- chester Guardian" on September 30, 1914, on North- ern Epirus. Appendix C Communication to the "Daily Chronicle" of April 7, 1914, by Mr. Z. D. Ferriman, Author of "Home Life in Hellas" and "Turkey and the Turks." Appendix D Communication of the Honorable Pember Reeves, ex-Governor of New Zealand, to the "Daily Chronicle" of April 11, 1914. Appendix E Communication of the Greek Ambassador at London, J. Gennadius, to the London "Times" of AprU 20, 1914. C.B., PAGE 1 5 9 37 54 69 73 78 84 87 88 98 113 116 129 132 135 151 162 168 171 CHAPTER I THE EPIROTIC PROBLEM HISTORY OF THE PROBLEM In 1912, the Greek and Serbian armies were sweeping the Turkish and Albanian forces before them in Epirus and Albania, and were occupying Korytza and Durazzo, respectively. Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia, and Italy sent one to Greece, with the demands that Serbia evacuate Albania, and that Greece arrest her advance on Valona. Serbia withdrew her forces from Durazzo, and ^Ir. Venizelos immediately checked the advance of the Greek troops. Meanwhile, under the auspices of Austria, Ismail Kemal Bey, a Turkish Cabinet Minister, declared the in- dependence of Albania at Valona, while Essad Pasha, under the auspices of Italy, was striving to make himself King of part of Albania, at Durazzo. None but a hand- ful of Albanians joined Kemal Bey. A handful more joined Essad Pasha in opposition to Kemal. The great mass of the Albanians did not take part in the movement for an Albanian State. They did not under- stand; they did not care. They wanted to remain subject to Turkey, under whose regime they were left to them- selves, each clan under its own chieftain, free to plunder and to rob the Christian Serbs in Macedonia, and the Christian Epirots in Epirus. Austria was clearly intent upon creating difficulties for the Balkan Allies in order to split up the Balkan Feder- ation. Serbia was driven from the sea. Greece was threatened with the loss of Epirus. The Triple Alliance S> THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS was ready to plunge the world into the Great War. The Balkan melee was offering an excellent opportunity. Sir Edward Grey and President Poincare perceived the danger. They sought to avoid the catastrophe. They persuaded Serbia to withdraw Trom the sea, and prevailed upon Mr. Venizelos to renounce the Greek claims on Epi- rus. Thus, in 1913, in order to postpone the Great War, Northern Epirus was awarded to the Kingdom of Al- bania. The Greek army was forced to evacuate all the territory occupied in 1913. The Greek soldiers with tears, and amid the lamentations of the population, abandoned Northern Epirus. The Albanian soldiers were to occupy the Province thus evacuated. That was in the Spring of 1914. Suddenly, the Epirot population rose, and declared its intention to die rather than submit to Albania. The Epi- rotes declared their country independent and autonomous, and completely defeated all the Albanian armies sent against them under Austrian, Turkish, and Italian officers. The Provisional Government of Northern Epirus, under George Zographos, appealed for aid to the Powers, and asked that Northern Epirus be allowed to join itself to Greece. ]Mr. Venizelos, fearing European complications, denied the Epirot Deputies admission to the Greek Par- liament. The Great Powers were forced to recognize the Auton- omy of the Epirotes, but the Central Powers insisted that autonomous Epirus should be part of the Kingdom of Albania. The representatives of the Epirotic govern- ment were forced to accept the terms rather than keep up an unequal struggle. The Conference of the Representatives of the Powers accepted the terms of the Epirotes, which were as follows: (1) Northern Ej^irus is autonomous. (2) It recognizes King William of Wied as its legal sovereign. (3) It sends deputies to the Albanian Parhament. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 3 (4) The official language of North Eph*us is Greek. (5) The language in the schools is Greek; Albanian is only optional. (6) The Epirotes have their own militia, under their own officers, which cannot be used outside of Northern Epirus. The accejDtance of these terms, it is clear, meant com- plete independence for the Northern Epirotes. But no sooner was the Protocol of Corfu signed than a revolution broke out in Valona. King William of Wied fled. Al- bania was in utter disorder. Hordes of irregular Alba- nians began to invade Northern Epirus. Massacre, loot- ing and rapine ensued. Mr. Venizelos, fearing for the fate of the Epirotes, asked the Powers to be allowed to reoccupy Northern Epirus for the protection of the Epi- rotes from the savagery of wild jNIussulman tribes. The Powers consented, and the Greek Army returned to -Northern Epirus amid the frenzied enthusiasm of the population which believed that this reoccupation meant permanent union with Greece. Such was the state of af- fairs in Northern Epirus in 1914. The diplomats of the Central Powers had made up their minds that Northern Epirus was too fanatically attached to Greece to be separated by force. In 1914, the Great War broke out. In 1915, Mr. Venizelos was forced to resign and all Al- bania was occupied by the Austrians. The attitude of King Constantine became very suspicious, and the Allies ordered the Greek army demobilized. Under the pretext of protecting the Allied flanks, Italy occupied Northern Epirus; drove out the Greek civil au- thorities; forced the Greek schools to close; initiated a violent and unprecedented persecution of the Greek elergy; and imprisoned all the inhabitants who refused to call themselves either Italians or Albanians. The Albanians, encouraged by this anti-Greek policy of Italy, have set out upon an extensive campaign of propa- 4. THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS gaiula in order that Northern Epirus may be represented as Albanian. The Albanians, on the one hand, are carry- ing on a frightful persecution against the Greek popula- tion, slaughtering, expatriating, and intimidating the pop- idation; and on the other hand they are trying to convince the American and English peoples that the majority of the Northern Epirotes are Albanians. The Epirotic question has two aspects, namely, the Greek, and the Albanian. In its Greek aspect the ques- tion is a demand on the part of the Epirotes to unite them- selves to Greece. In its Albanian aspect it is an attempt on the part of certain Albanians, Austrians and Italians to incorporate Northern Epirus in the future State of Albania. What are the arguments of the Albanians? CHAPTER II THE ALBANIAN PROPAGANDISTS, AND THEIR ARGUMENTS 1. The Albanian Propagandists in America and in England Before we give the arguments of the Albanian propa- gandists, we think it is very necessary to explain who these propagandists are. In America, the Albanian propaganda for the subjuga- tion of Northern Epirus to the future Albanian State is carried on by three Albanian organizations: (A) the Vatra, (B) The Reverend Dako, (C) and the Skyperia. THE VATKA The Vatra, with its seat in Boston, is by far the most notorious Albanian organization. It has about 1,600 members. The President of the Vatra is the Reverend Fan Noli. The Representative of the Vatra in London is Faik Bey Konitza. The Vatra demands that not only Northern Epirus, but the entire province of Epirus, namely, Jannina, Preveza, and Konitza, be 'attached to the future Albanian State. The Vatra considers Greece as its great enemy, and its polemics are aimed against that country. The Vatra is pro-Austrian and anti-Italian in sympa- thy. Faik Bey Konitza was formerly consul of Turkey at Corfu. The Vatra is in favor of the return of William of Wied, ex-king of Albania, and at present an officer in the Aus- trian Army. THE re\t:rend dako The Reverend Dako group is bitterly antagonistic to the Vatra. This antagonism is due to the fact that the 5 6 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Vatra is pro- Austrian, while the Reverend INIr. Dako is in favor of an Italian protectorate over Albania. The Reverend Dako's views on the future of Albania are less imperialistic than those of the Vatra. The Rev- erend Dako, while claiming Northern Epirus as Albanian,, recognizes that in Southern Ej^irus the majority of the people are Greeks. THE SKYPERIA The Skyperia Society, with its seat in Worcester, INIass., is a very recent organization, a schism of the Vatra. The Skyperia acknowledges as leader not Faik Bey Konitza, whom it denounces as a traitor and a grafter, but Ismael Kemal Bey, a former Turkish Cabinet Minister,, and a pronounced friend of Vienna. While all three organizations are carrying on their work of making friends for Albania, and winning supporters in favor of the adjudication of Northern Epirus to Albania, the Vatra is by far the most energetic Albanian organiza- tion in America and in England. And it is for this rea- son that we consider here only the Vatra's arguments on the question of Northern Epirus. Before we proceed with our arguments it is, perhaps, advisable to state here that the Vatra does not represent any party in Albania itself. It is an organization of Al- banian immigrants here in America and the same is true of the Dako organization. The Skyperia has supporters in Albania — the partisans of Ismael Kemal Bey — few, in- deed, now. In Albania, no one single organization, no one single party exists w^hich can be said to represent a majority of the Albanian people. In Albania, the people are divided into clans, each clan supporting its own chieftain' against every other clan. By far the most powerful chief in Albania today is Essad Pasha, the defender of Scutari in 1912, and now fighting on the side of the Allies. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE T We come now to the arguments adduced by the Vatra; these arguments, we are sorry to say, have so misled a large body of unsus^Dccting men and women in America and England that the Epirotes are forced to protest against being taken for Albanians, and to refute these ar- guments that there shall be no doubt in the minds of the Americans and the English as to the ethnology, and the asj^irations of the Epirotic people. 2. The Arguments of the Albanian Propagandists IMr. Stavro, the Secretary of the Vatra, in an article published in many papers throughout the country, in order to arouse antagonism against Greece, wrote: "Greece occupies by the sword the Albanian region of Chameria, or Southern Epirus, as the Greeks call it, and two years ago had invaded and devastated the Albanian region of Korvtsa, and Argvrocastro, or Xorthern Epirus, as the Greeks call it." This quotation is a statement coming from the officials of the Vatra, and it shows very clearly what are the aspira- tions of this organization. "Greece occupies Southern Epirus." The Albanians in America are convej'ing the idea that Greece has occupied Southern Epirus against the will of the Southern Epirotes. They furthermore accuse Greece of devastation of the provinces of Korytsa and Argyrocastro, implying thereby that these provinces are Albanian. If one should ask the Albanians why they think that Epirus is Albanian they will answer: "Because historically Epirus has always been Albanian; because the Epirotes are Albanians; and because Epirus is indispensable to the economic and cultural progress of Albania." It is a matter of regret tliat the average American is quite unacquainted with the history of the Balkan races, and falls an easy prey to the first propagandist who at- tempts to win his attention. 8 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS The Albanians, taking advantage of the absence of his- torical knowledge about Epirus, give out the following- version of the history of Epirus: (a) "Epirus is a part of Albania. Epirus has always formed a part of ancient Illyria. Pyrrhus was Albanian. Under Skender Bey Epirus was Albanian." (b) "Ali Pasha, an Albanian, ruled over Epirus." (c) "Albanian Beys are in possession of the most fer- tile soil of Northern Ej^irus." (d) "The Northern Epirotes speak Albanian." (e) "The Northern Epirotes are the only cultured peo- ple in Albania. They are heeded to become the nucleus for the civilization of the wild Albanian tribes." To these contentions of the Albanian Propagandists, and of the misguided Albanophiles, the Epirotes answer with the follow^ing facts, dates and numbers, which w^ill speak for themselves. CHAPTER III HISTORY OF EPIRUS 1. Ancient We need not go further back than to Homeric times. In the sixteenth book of the Ihad, verse 233, we read : ''Zeus, King, Dodonean, Pelasgian, who dwellest afar, Ruling Dodona, the wintry, where sit Around your altar the Selles, priests Who never wash their feet, and sleep on the ground." And in the second book of Iliad, verse 749, in the enu- meration of the ships of the Greeks against Troy, Homer says : "Him followed the Enienes, and the war-like Perrhebeans, Who dwell around the wintry Dodona." And in the Odyssey, book 14, verse 327, Homer says: "And ordered him (Odysseus) to go to Dodona where He would hear from the divine and tall oak-tree the will of Zeus, In order to return to his dear native land Secretly or openly." And Strabon, book 2, page 50, writes : "Theopompus says that the Epirotes are divided into fourteen tribes. The most glorious of all are the Chaones ; then, the Molossians, for these have once ruled over all Epirus: first the Chaones, then the Molossians, who on account of the relationships of their kings (Aekidae) grew strong, and Dodona became famous because it was situated near them." Now, the Chaones, according to the Geographer Stra- bon, extended up to the Acroceraunian Mountains or 10 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS where Xorthern Epirus is today, while the oNIolossians in- hahited middle Epirus, extending from ^Macedonia to the Adriatic Sea opposite Pheacia or Corfu. Herodotus (VII, 129-130) writes that the Perrhebeans believed themselves descended from Apollo. Livy in book XXXIII, chap. 32, writes: 'The Per- rhebeans preserved their name and identity until Paulus Aemilius subjugated them." The famous French scholar Duruy in his History of Greece, writes: "A small district of Epirus was orig- inally called Hellas. Then the name passed to all Epi- rus, Thessalv, Beotia, Peloponnesus and Macedonia." (Vol. II, 159.) Also "Epirus was the jjoint of contact of the two peo- ples — the Illyrians and the Pelasgo-Hellenic." (Vol. II, 159.) Thucydides, Book I, 5, "The Thresprotians, whose coun- try contained Dodona and the valley of Acheron, where the dead are evoked, were considered by Herodotus as Hellenes." Plato in his 'Republic calls the Athamanes, an Epi- rotic tribe of Xorthern Epirus, Hellenes." Herodotus in Book II, 54, writes: "The oracle of Jupiter was established in Epirus by the Pelasgians who built him a temple. The Selles were his priests." Polybius (VII, 9, 1 sq.) writes: "To the south of the Acroceraunian mountains (these are the boundaries claimed by the Greek Epirotes today as the just bounda- ries between Greece and Albania) begins Greece." Eustathius in his Parecholae (1:321) writes: "Ac- cording to Herodotus the extreme boundaries of Greece are Thrace and Epirus." Rufus Testus in his Descriptio Orhis Terrae writes of Epirus as a part of the Hellenic fatherland. Scylax (page 22) ^vi'ites: "The barbarians, Hiero- stamices, Thesprotians. Hyllirians, Hylles, are the II- lyrian nation. After the Illyrians come the Chaonians, AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 11 the Thesprotians, dwellers of cities, then the Cassiopeans and the Molossians, dwellers of cities." It is necessary to notice that, in every instance, Epirus is distinctly separated from Illyria, and, without excep- tion, considered a part of the Hellenic land. It is im- portant also to notice that the Thesprotians, the Chaonians and the Molossians are not termed barbarians. They are said to have dwelt in cities, in contradistinction to the Illyrians, who dwelt in the mountains. Now, it is easily inferred from this that the Illyrians were uncivilized, while the Epirotes were civilized. Plutarch in the Life of Pyrrhus writes: "Tharrythas the king brought to Epirus the civilization of Athens." "The Illyrians invaded Epirus. A terrible fight en- sued in which the victory cost the Molossians 15,000 in dead," writes Diodorus. (XV — 13.) Plutarch tells us that King Admetus in the fifth century B. c. was called upon to send help to Athens against the Persians. It is well known that the Greeks did not ask help from barbarians, but only from the Greeks in that great emergency. When Themistocles was exiled by the Athenians, he was very well received by Admetus, King of Epirus. In 429 B. c. Tharymbas, son of Admetus, educated at Athens, introduced Athenian civilization. His son Arym- bas II, lover of art and literature, promoted learning and philosophy. To him the philosopher Xenocrates, of Chal- cedon, dedicated the four books on The Art of Good Gov- eminent. Pyrrhus in his great expedition against the Romans, had Greek and Epirot soldiers with him. After having de- feated the Romans he said: "See here an ordinance of Barbarians (meaning the Romans) which is not at all bar- barian." Now, were not Pyrrhus a Greek he would not call the Romans barbarians, for only the Greeks called all for- eigners barbarians. 12 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Just before the defeat of Perseus by the Romans a council of the Aetohans and Acarnanians took place to consult on whether they should accept the terms of the Roman ambassadors or should resist Rome in alliance with Philip of IMacedon. Lyssicus, an orator, rose and spoke thus: "Is it worthy of us, the descendants of heroes, to ally ourselves to bar- barians and to fight against our brothers, the Epirotes, the Achaeans, the Boeotians, and the Macedonians?" And Agesilaus of Sparta said to the Embassy of Philip, which threatened to punish the Greeks, if they did not assist him: "Let not Philip of Macedon try to combat his brothers, the Aetolians, the Epirotes and the other Greeks. Let him watch against the Romans. Let him protect all the provinces of Hellas. He wall thus unite the Greeks and intimidate the strangers by the unification of the Hellenic family." (Pausanias, 58.) It is very clear that sufficient proofs have been adduced to prove that in ancient times Epirus was Greek. The words of great historians, the judgments and testimonies of reputable authors, the declarations of popular assem- blies, defy eveiy attempt to make Epirus Illyrian. Thus, up to the time of the fall of Macedon, Epirus was completely Greek in character. This fact is strengthened by the statements about the enormous amount of loot which the soldiers of Paulus Aemilius carried away from the cities of Epirus to the Imperial City. Duruy describes the fall of Epirus in graphic terms. (Book ill, section 2, page 235.) "The Epirotes had allied themselves to Perseus. The Roman Senator, to make a salutary impression upon the Allies of Rome, pro- posed to treat the Epirotes as deserters, w^ho had forfeited their lives. The punishment was that the Epirotes be sold as slaves. But what severity this w^as towards a whole people! Paulus Aemilius wept, it is said, when he read AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 13 the decree. Cohorts, sent into seventy cities of Epii'us, received orders to piHage them and destroy their walls on the same day, at the same hour. The hooty was so large that each foot-soldier, after having laid aside for the treas- ury the gold and silver, received 200 denarii. Each trooper received 400 denarii. One hundred and fifty thou- sand Epirotes were sold as slaves. Paulus Aemilius sailed to Rome in the galley of Perseus. The triumphal proces- sion lasted three days, so vast was the amount of the spoils. On the first day, the statues and pictures were carried through the streets. On the second day, a long train of wagons loaded with weapons, and 3000 men carrying 750 vases, each of which contained three talents in coined sil- ver, and other vases and cups, remarkable for their size or their beauty of design, passed through the streets of Rome. On the third day, soldiers carried the coined gold in 77 vases, three talents in each, 400 wreaths sent by the cities of Greece and Asia, vases with gold, and gems and an- cestral gold cups. Then followed the captives, among whom were the children of Perseus and Kotys, the King of Epirus." This passage from Duruy dispels all doubts as to the ethnology of the Epirotes. If the Epirotes had been Illyrians, they would have been barbarians. They would not have had seventy cities, nor the marvellous riches and art treasures which Paulus Aemilius carried to Rome. But we may add that the coins, and the tablets of that period show beyond doubt that the Epirotes were Hellenes. In Duruy's History of Greece (III, section 2, page 237) we read on the votary tablet of the Athenians pre- sented to the God of Dodona after the Athenian victory against the Spartans, the words : "The Athenians have voted it, having won a naval battle against the Spartans." The tablet was excavated by Carapanos at Dodona. On page 235, book III, section ^2, of the same author one 14 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS can see a coin of the ^lolossians with the inscription in Greek, "Molosson," with a shield and a thunderbolt, the insignia of Zeus. There are scholars who differ from this view as to the ancient Hellenic origin of the Epirotes. The foremost among them is the German scholar Heinrich Kiepert. In his Manual of Ancient Geography, he writes: "The Epirotes were not originally of the Hellenic race. They belonged to the family of the Illyrians. After the Peloponnesian wars, they began to adopt the Greek lan- guage and manners." To which the German scholar Fich replies thus : "The incorrect interpretation of certain passages of Thucydides which call the Epirotes barbarians, on account of their cultural inferiority to the Athenians, has misled certain investigators. "They have believed that the Epirotes, who were not Hellenes at the beginning, were Hellenized later, con- founding them with the Illyrians, the modern Alba- nians. "These confused notions have been cast away all at once, and the cradle of Hellenism has been cleansed of all suspicion of barbarism. The inscriptions of Dodona show us the Epirotic dialect as one of those idioms of Xorthern Greece which were common to all the Greeks from the Acroceraunians to Boeotia, and to Southern Thessaly." From the fall of Epirus under Paulus Aemilius to the coming of the Turks, Epirus had seen Romans, Goths, Serbians, Venetians and Albanians as conquerors. This study is not concerned with the occupation of other races. It is concerned only with the magnitude and the duration of the Albanian invasion of Epirus. Twice was Epirus under the domination of the Albanian tribes. The first time was in a. d. 1368. The Albanians invaded Epirus, and tlie whole of Northern Greece in that year under the chieftain, Peter Leossa. The Albanians remained rulers of Epirus and northern Greece until the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 15 year 1422, when the Sultan Amurad entered Epirus, and drove the Albanians beyond Durazzo. The second time was in the days of the heroic Albanian chief, Skender Bey. The Northern Epirotes and especially the Chimariotes, allied themselves to Skender to fight the Turks in a. d. 1444. In a few years Skender died, and Epirus fell into the hands of the Turks. The life of Epirus under the Turks is very obscure. The coming of the Turks not only destroyed the Greco- Roman civilization of Epirus, but forced the learned and the intelligent Epirotes to seek new homes in Austria, Rumania, Russia, Italy, England and France. Scholars and other visitors who succeeded in going through Epirus before the Greek Revolution of 1821, de- scribe the condition of the Epirotes as most tragic and de- plorable. There were no free Greeks after the Epirotes were made slaves to the Albanian chiefs, who upon the death of Skender Bey, accepted the faith of Islam, and were compensated therefor with the lands and the services of the Epirotes. In the year 1804 Pouqueville visited Epirus, as envoy of France to the notorious Albanian Tyrant, Ali Pasha. This period is the period of the renaissance of the Greek people. We shall devote much of our historical study of this brochure to this marvellous period, as it is a wonderful period of Epirotic action, a period of heroism, of devo- tion, and of self-sacrifice of the Epirotes for the resusci- tation of Hellenism. Among the many writers on Epirus of this early period of the 19th Century we shall quote extensively from Pouqueville, an acknowledged scholar, a French Acade- mician, and a traveler who went to Epirus to study the conditions of the Epirotes and to report to his Govern- ment. 16 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Another authority from whom we shall quote is Perrhe- bus, an Epirote, a member of the Greek Revolutionary Committee, known as the "Philike Hetaerea." Perrhebus took part in all the struggles of the Epirotes against the Albanians, served as a captain during the Russian occu- pation, the French occupation, and the English occupa- tion of the Ionian Islands, and was a member of the first Constitutional Assembly of Greece. 2. Modern History A. 1821 General Perrhebus, whom we have described as one of the leaders of the Greek Revolution, writes in the intro- duction of his History of Epiriis: "Conditions were perilous in Epirus, as well as through- out the whole of Greece. It was not possible for one to write a history of Epirus, especially in the days of that abominable tyrant, Ali Pasha. "But two things there are which have forced me to be- gin to write and to spread among the Greeks the deeds of the Epirote revolutionists, the Suliotes and the Pargiotes. The one is the increase in the severity of the tyranny, and the other the entreaties of the leaders of the Greek Revo- lution." This brief introductory passage shows how crushing was the Albanian yoke upon the Epirotes. In 1885 appeared in the Fortnightly Review of April an article by V. H. Caillard, who accompanied a commis- sion sent by Gladstone to determine how far Epirus was Greek in sentiment. From ]M. Caillard's observations one can understand that Epirus since 1806 (the date of the advent of an Al- banian governor) had been subjected to a forced Albani- zation. The lands were confiscated; the religion of the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 17 Greeks was persecuted; the schools and the teachers were burned. The well-to-do were plundered. Those who dared assert their Greek nationahty were subjected to most diabolical tortures. The Greek population had become slave. In order to prox^itiate the Albanians, many of them became ]Mussul- mans. The people, losing touch with their schools and churches, were forced to learn the Albanian speech and to hide their Greek identity in order to mitigate the ruth- lessness of the tyrants. Pouqueville gives us a most vivid and gripi^ing account of what he saw with his own eyes of the cruelty of the Albanians to the Christians : "Ali seated on a balcony had the unfortunate French- men (200) brought before him one by one and beheaded, their heads and bodies being thrown into a ghastly heap. The executioner did his work well at first; but presently, overcome by the sickening sight, his legs gave way under him, and he fell dead to the ground. Ali continued the fearful work with his own hands." Pouqueville again writes : "Since 1740, the Epirotes had preserved a sort of semi- independence. But when in 1788 Ali became the Satrap of Jannina, the Epirotes were subjected to a most cruel persecution. Ali devastated Epirus. He robbed the churches and the ancient temples to make grotesque pal- aces and mosques. "The province which gave Greek letters to all the Greeks under the Turks, the province which had a Greek College, built with funds donated by Caplan and Zosimas, the province which had produced Meletius, the famous geographer, Soedonis, the Greek grammarian and author of the first Greek dictionary, and Psalides, the famous mathematician, fell into darkness, and her schools were closed. "The court of Ali Pasha is open to murderers, crimi- 18 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS nals and perjurers. His guards are assassins, his pages are the illegal sons of his depravity, his commissaries are mean Vlachs, ready to commit any crime; his public offi- cials prisoners who take glory in their crimes. Ministers who commit sacrilege against the living god are admitted into the innermost dark council rooms in order to disclose to Ali Pasha the innocence of the poor and the secrets of the confession of the repentant Christian Greek popula- tion. Spies, disguised in all forms, seek the property of the orphan, the widow and the weak. Timid virgins, hid- ing in the dark recesses of bolted chambers, cannot escape his scrutiny. The daughter is snatched from the bosom of her mother; and the son, the only support and hope of the family, is taken away by the Albanians ; honor, beauty, and chastity (male and female) are sacrificed to the most barbarous and shameless passions. Kindness and fa- vors never fall to the lot of good men. And yet, despite all the orgies of impiety, the Greek population holds on tenaciously to virtue and to religious life." "The Greeks of Jannina are very charitable. Nothing has been able to efface this quality from their souls. They never turn away their eyes from a victim disgraced by the Satrap. "All these unfortunates, without distinction, are the ob- ject of their solicitude. Thousands of innocent Greeks thrown into prison are taken care of by the Christian Greeks. "The clergy, the bishops, the monks, and the priests, by whom the worship of Christ was made to survive the Fall of the Greek Empire, comforted the Greeks by teaching them that being born Christians they should always think of their freedom. "Near Lucovo, at the sight of the men of Ali, whom the people recognized from afar, the inhabitants had closed their gates as at the approach of an enemy. So justly is the name of those belonging to the Pasha of Jannina AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 19 liated. While we were passing, the inhabitants hurled curses upon us. "We came near Oudessovo, which in 1798 was a beauti- ful village, and now had only one villa of Ali Pasha. All the inhabitants had been murdered because they had been Christian Greeks. "Then we came upon the town of Hagios Vassilios, the inhabitants of which had also been butchered in 1798 by the Albanians and the town was nothing but ruins now." "We passed by Nivitza Bouba, which had been de- stroyed in AjH-il, 1798. "As we were approaching Delvino, we heard shots. An Albanian officer returning announced that Ali's forces were taking Delvino. He advised me that it was not safe for me to appear as a Christian. He gave me Albanian dresses. "We entered Delvino. Flames were rising from the town. The Albanians had pillaged and set it on fire. "The officer informed me that he was showing too much kindness to a Christian. He said that every IMohamme- dan who shows friendship for the Christian is of a dubious character and unworthy of the true Faith of the Prophet. "We entered Dridgsi. An Albanian crier went out and demanded of the Greek people that each family should bring two lambs, chickens, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, wine, bread, and fodder for the horses. "It is impossible to describe how difficult it has proved for me to study the Greek people of this Province owing to the suspicions of the ruling Albanians. "But my observations have persuaded me that their large numbers, their courage, their industry, and their ac- tivity will some day chancre the face of Greece." Some time later Pouqueville wrote : "Hellas sprinkled with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus was destined to rise again among the free nations of the world. "The Epirotes, guided by the lights of their ancestors, 20 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS found again civilization. Without freedom, M'ithout money, abandoned by all the Christian world, inspiring in strangers only a barren pity, a disheartening indifference, and more often insulting depreciation, they were regener- ating their country. They had always looked upon them- selves as prisoners of war, never as slaves." And Eaton, an English traveller, wrote in his Voyage (II, p. 72) : "The Greeks are like generous racers champing at their bit, and indignant at the yoke which presses them." Again Pouqueville writes : "The forty villages of Zagori became fiefs to Ali Pasha. And for that reason the Zagorites abandoned their homes and flocks and fled to other parts of the world." General Perrhebus dedicates his History of Epirus to Greece and apostrophizes her thus : "jNIother Hellas, I am too poor to offer j^ou other gifts. I offer you this book, that contains the glorious victories, and acts of bravery of thy sons, the Souliotes. "The book I dedicate to you is not full of rhetorical fig- ures, nor of metaphysical inventions. It contains the deeds of your sons. It tells how Photos Tjavellas and others like him rushed for glory and for liberty to a glori- ous death, as to a happy holiday. "It tells how even the Grecian women of Epirus, like those daughters of Sparta, rushed with arms in hand against the barbarians." The Epirotes were brought to a point of desperation. Many of them left their fertile lands in the plains and fled to the mountains in order to live free. From these moun- tain fortresses they harassed the Albanians, whenever the latter committed acts of violence against the Greek peas- ants in the plains. Ali Pasha therefore made up his mind to exterminate them. As a consequence a series of wars ensued between Ali Pasha and these mountaineers, which ended in the Greek Revolution. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 21 After a vain attempt to subdue these warlike Epirotes of the mountains Ali Pasha resorted, as was his custom, to treachery. The English traveller Eaton in his Voyage, as well as Pouqueville, published the text of a letter sent by Ali Pasha to the two dauntless Epirot leaders, Botzaris, the father of the great hero of the Greek Revolution, and Tjavella. The letter reads as follows : "My friends, Capitan Botzaris and Capitan Tjavella, T, Ali Pasha, send you greetings. I know very well your valor and your manliness. I have great need of you. Come then, I pray you, as soon as you receive this mes- sage. Get all your valorous men with you, and come that we may go and crush my foes. "This is the time when I need your friendship. Now you can show how much love and friendship you have for me. "Your pay will be double that which I give the Alba- nians, because I know that your bravery is much greater than that of the Albanians. "I will not undertake to make the war without you. I shall expect you soon. I greet you. "Ali Pasha." This letter was deceitful and ruinous to the Souliotes. They knew that the professions of friendship on the part of Ali were only a snare. But in order to avoid arousing his anger, and to supply themselves with food and ammu- nition, the Souliotes decided to send only seventy men with Capitan Tjavella at their head. The Souliotes wrote to Ali that seventy Greeks with Tjavella as their leader were sufficient to ensure victory. Ali v.as much incensed but did not give vent to his rage. He ordered the Albanian troops to start their march northward against Argyrocastro. But secretly, he had given instructions to the Albanian commanders to 22 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS seize the Greeks and march against Souh. AH beheved that the Souhotes, confident in the presence of Tjavella ■with him, would be taken by surprise. As soon as the troops approached the outskirts of Souh, All ordered the soldiers to have games, in order that the Greeks might participate, and in so doing leave their arms aside. While the Greeks were engaged m games, Ali ordered them seized and bound. One of the Souliotes under a rain of shots, escaped and gave the alarm to the Greeks, who rose, men, women and children, and occupied the strong mountain fastnesses. Ali was disappointed. He returned to Jannina and im- prisoned Tjavella and his son Photos, w^ith the other sixty- nine men. After three months of imprisonment, owing to the in- creased activities of the Souliotes, who desired to punish the treachery of Ali, Tjavella was called by the Satrap. "Tjavella," Ali said to him, "it is from your hands that I demand Souli today. I promise to give you all the gold and every honor you may ask of me. If you refuse me, I will have you roasted alive, you and your only son. Photos, and all your men that are in my hands." "So long as I am imprisoned here," replied Tjavella, "never hope to possess Souli. But if you release me, you may hope to seize it." "And how shall I trust you?" asked Ali. "You have my only son in your hands. My son. Photos, is the dearest part of my soul." This hostage satisfied Ali. Tjavella hastened to Souli and wrote the following challenging letter to the Satrap: "Ali Pasha, I am glad that I have deceived a treacher- ous man like you. I am here to lead my country-men against a thief. My son may perish. But I will avenge his death with desperation. Some Turks, like you, will say that I am a pitiless father in that I am sacrificing my AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 23 only son to save myself. I answer, that if you seize these mountains, you will murder my son, my family and all my peoi^le. And I shall not live to avenge their deaths. But if we win, I shall have other sons. My wife is young. If my son, young as he is, is not satisfied to die for his country, he is not worthy to live, and to be known as my son. Proceed, then, treacherous Albanian. I am impa- tient to take vengeance. "I, your sworn enemy, "Capitan Lambros Tjavella." Eaton writes : "The Pasha did not think it fit in his first outburst of rage, to put his hostage to death, but sent him to Jannina, to his son Veli Bey, who governed in his absence. I was present when the boy was brought before him. He re- plied to the questions put to him with a courage and a bold- ness which surprised everybody. Veli Bey told him that he was waiting only for orders from the Pasha to burn him alive. " 'I am not afraid of you,' replied the boy, 'for my father will do the same thing to your father or to your brother if he lays hands on them.' " Ali Pasha gathered his Albanian forces and decided to crush the Greeks of Souli. He appeared before his troops and spoke to them. "My brave soldiers, you know very well how many evils the infidel Greeks have brought upon us ; how many towns and villages they have taken away from us; how many lands they have snatched away from our possession. If today we leave them alive, they will gradually dare to seize our homes, and capture our wives and children. "I, with your valor, have subdued all the other Greeks ; I have put to flight all my enemies, and now it is a shame that a handful of robber infidels should make us bolt our doors for fear of them. Remember how much blood has been shed by our brethren the Ottomans for the conquests ^4 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS of these lands? Now it is time for us to avenge their death, and to exterminate these troublesome Greeks. Our forces are many and brave. Today we need not much amnmnition. With swords in hands we will slaughter them. Those of you w^ho are valorous, and faithful ]Mo- hammedans, will show it today. I promise to all those who enter Souli victorious five hundred piastres each." Three thousand select Albanians rushed with unsheathed swords and swore by the Prophet not to return until Souli w^as captured. The battle raged for hours, without decision. Suddenly there was a lull towards the latter part of the afternoon. Both sides were exhausted by their fighting all the fore- noon under a hot July sun. The Greek women of the Souliotes, taking this lull to mean that the Greeks had been completely exterminated, came together to decide w^hat they should do. ]\Ioscho, the wife of Captain Tjavella, rose and said to them: "Sisters, the war has come to an end. The Albanians, it seems, have conquered, and have slaughtered our men and our boys — all our citizens. What must we do? Shall we surrender to the Turks? Shall we become slaves ? Or shall we die like our men and our boys?" "Death, death," cried out all the women. "If you prefer death," cried out JNIoscho, "take up arms and follow me. Let the old women and the babies remain behind, and let them after our death cast them down these rocks, and themselves jump after them." Over three hundred Greek women followed Moscho with arms. When they came near the battle-field and learned that there had come a lull to the battle own'ng to the exhaustion of the combatants, they decided that it would be an op})or- tune time to attack the exhausted enemy, and they risked their lives to save their country. Moscho rushed first, crying to her followers, "At them, at them, sisters, why do you look at the dogs?" AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 25 The yells of the women and the onrush of three hundred Souliote men to their aid, so disheartened the Albanians that they began to flee. When Ali learned that his army of three thousand Al- banians had been routed by the women of the Epirotes, he threw himself to the ground and tearing his cheeks he groaned in Albanian, "Bo, bo, Mendet Allah." "Alas, alas, pity me, my God." Pouqueville writes that in this battle the Albanians were 10,000 and the Souliotes 2,000 strong. The Greek popular muse has put into beautiful verse the heroic defense made by the women of Souli. "Three flags unfurled 'neath Souli, The one is of Muctar Pasha, the other o' Sellictari, The third, and proudest of them all Belonged to proudest Metzoboni. And Derno Drakos, loud of voice, Cried out from the high Souli : Where do you go, you Scotara, And you, hound, Sellictari, This is not Harmovo the frail, Nor craven Lamboviza. To make the women widow slaves And drag the babes to slaughter. This is the Souli, heroes' nest. Where women fight for freedom, Where Moscho girdles her broad sword And cries to women, 'Follow, Follow to slaughter every foe. Follow to strike a deadly blow. Follow to make our sires' homes free !' " In 1797 the French occupied the town of Preveza near Parga in the Adriatic Sea. Ali treacherously attacked the town with 4,000 Alba- nians. The French detachment and the Greek inhabitants put up a heroic resistance, but were cut down. Soon the city of Nicopolis was surrendered. Two hun- 26 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS dred French soldiers were captured and beheaded at Jan- nina. More than four hundred men (Greeks), and one thousand women and children w^ere carried into shameful captivity. The men were slaughtered. The women were sold to the haremliks, and the cliildren INIohammedanized. More than ten wars had already been made by xVli against the Souliotes and the Pargiotes. He liad delivered Ei)irus to destruction through sword, slaughter, and fire. He had made the Epirotes slaves to his Albanian mercen- aries. He had not, however, been able to subdue the Souliotes and the Pargiotes. Tired and despairing of defeating the brave defenders of Greek freedom, Ali proposed peace. The Souliotes were in great need of supplies, and al- though they had no faith in All's promises and agreements, they decided to conclude a temporary peace. Ali was made to swear solemnly that he would respect the treaty. Thirty Epirotes were sent to negotiate the treat3^ Ali seized and butchered them. Upon this occasion the Epirotes sent the following letter to Ali: "Ali Pasha, greetings. "Your conduct does nothing more than increase our detestation of your character, and inflame our rage to pun- ish you for your treachery. "Remember that so far you have murdered treacherously forty-seven of our citizens. You have added to the sac- rifices on the altar of our Fatherland thirty more victims. This additional sacrifice makes us more determined that our freedom shall never be taken away from us while we live. "All the Souliotes, "Young and Old." From that time on the Souliotes decided unanimously never to accept any more letters from Ah. Accordingly, AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 27 all the letters which came from him were thrown into the fire without being opened. The war continued, and the Epirotes kept harassing the forces of the Albanian Tyrant. Ali, realizing the needy condition of the Epirotes, thought that a generous offer of peace would induce them to lay down their arms. He offered them the following terms : 1. To pay them 2,000 pounds. 2. To allow them to move to any other place in Greece proper, provided they agreed never to return to Epirus. The Souliotes gave the following reply: "Vizier Ali Pasha, we greet you. "Our Fatherland is by far sweeter than all your money, and all the happy and fertile lands you promise us. You labor in vain. We never sell our freedom. You cannot buy it with all the treasures of the earth. We are de- termined to defend it until the last drop of our blood is spilt, until the last Souliote is dead. "The Souliotes, "Young and Old." Then Ali attempted to buy off certain leaders of the Epirotes. He sent a proposal to Captain Zervas. He projjosed to him that if Souli was surrendered to the Al- banians, Zervas would receive eight hundred pounds, and would be appointed governor of any province he might desire. Captain Zervas replied: "I thank you, my Vizier, for the love you have for me. As to the eight hundred pounds, I pray you, do not send them to me, because I do not know how to count them. Even if I had known how to count them, I would not be willing to give you one pebble from my native land in exchange. The high honors you prom- ise are worthless to me. Wealth and honors are to me mv 28 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS rifle and my sword, which defend the freedom of my coun- try, and make my name immortal. "Souli, May 4, 1801, "Jemas Zervas." Despite all his failures, either to subdue or to expel the Epirotes, who clung to their ancestral traditions and re- fused to be Albanicized, Ali was not discouraged. He approached Tjavella and promised to recompense him if he could persuade the Souliotes to abandon Epirus and move away to other lands in Western Europe. The Souliotes, surrounded on every side by enemies, hungering and needing ammunition, began to think of some arrangement with Ali. Botzaris, one of the great leaders, was inclined to come to an understanding with Ali, believing that this Satrap would refrain from exterminating the Epirotes if they showed a disposition to submit to him. But Tjavella urged that so long as Ali lived tliere could be no hope for any humane treatment of the Greeks. He insisted upon war to the bitter end. Botzaris became tired of the con- tinuous wars which were weakening the numerical strength of the last defenders of Greek freedom in Epirus. He accepted the terms of Ali. One of the terms was that Tjavella be expelled from Souli. Ali hoped that with the departure of the most formid- able enemy of the Albanians, Souli would soon fall victim to him. Tjavella left his country and went to Parga. His wife and children had been given to Ali as hostages. From Parga T j avella wrote to Ali : "Most High Vizier: Do not imagine, that you will And me timid because you have in your possession my wife and my children. The love of my Country makes me forget my wife and my children. You are in possession of them, do as you will with them. As for me and my people we AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 29 will never surrender to you our arms while we are alive. "December 4, 1803, Photos Tja^t:lla, "And all the Souliotes, "YouxG AND Old." Tjavella returned from Parga, and tried to persuade Botzaris that Ali would show himself treacherous and would ruin the Greeks. He advised that the Epirotes denounce the treaty and keep up the war to the last. But Botzaris did not follow this sound advice of Tjavella. The people of Souli were thus divided into two sections, one went with Tjavella at Kounghi, the other under Bot- zaris remained in Souli. Ali sent 7,000 Albanians to overtake and slaughter the followers of Tjavella before they reached Parga, but the prowess of this peerless Greek warrior saved the day for the few hundreds of Epirotes. Thus the heroic acropohs of Hellenic freedom in Souli was surrendered to the cruel invaders. Botzaris and his followers w^ent to Voungarelli, while Photomaras and Palaskas, two other great leaders with numerous followers, encamped near Zalongon awaiting the execution of the terms of the treaty whereby Ali was expected to give not only money, but also cattle and lands to these Epirotes. The monk, Samuel, alone remained in Souli, the last Greek in that heroic citadel of Hellenic traditions. When the Albanians entered the town, Samuel allowed many of them to come into the tower and, setting fire to the powder stored there, blew the tower up, killing him- self and hundreds of the enemy. After the departure of Tjavella Ali sent three thou- sand Albanians to attack Palaskas and Photomaras at Zalongon. When the Albanian chiefs Mouchtari and Benco came with their three thousand Albanians, instead of bringing 30 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EriRUS food and money, as the treaty provided, they ordered the Epirotes to follow them into captivit\' to Jannina; Pa- laskas in a brief council with the three hundred Epirotes decided to give battle and to perish rather than be carried as slaves to Jannina. The battle raged until the next morning. The handful of Epirotes, surrounded on every side, were falling rap- idly. Then, their wives taking their children made a circle. The elder of them singing a chant threw herself down the rock of Zalongan. The other women with the children in their arms holding one another by the hand as they danced jumped down the precipice, dying free. Only Palaskas and a score more of his men survived that terrible day. Another army was sent by Ali to Voulgareli and Reniassa to exterminate the Souliotes under Botzaris. The cruel hordes of Ali entered Reniassa. The men of the town were in a council meeting with Botzaris at Voulgareli. All the women and children of the town were defenceless. The wife of George Bozzi, a Captain, heard the Alban- ians smashing the doors of her home. She called her fam- ily of eleven, boys and girls, and asked them: "Which do you prefer, my children, the shameful life of slavery, or the glorious death of heroes and martyrs?" "Death, death!" replied the boys and girls. Then the brave mother drew to the middle of the room a box full of gun-powder, called her children close to- gether in a circle around the box, and taking a lighted torch, set fire to the gun-powder. The heroic family of George Bozzi met death that it might not be carried away to slavery. Finally, Ali gave battle for the last time against the remnants of the Epirotes of Souli near the JVIonastery of Selizo. After a desperate struggle of three months the Albanians, »S,000 strong, succeeded in defeating the few hundred Souliotes, whose women rushed and threw AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 31 themselves into the river at Selizo in order to escape dis- honor. The tragic and heroic history of Epirus m the 19th century rivals the heroic struggles of Greece against the Persians. But our purjDose is not to write a history of Ej^irus. We have dwelt so long upon this period because it is the period during which Epirus began to be subjected to a cruel oppression, to a savage persecution and to a forced Albanification. The history of Parga, its criminal sale by an unen- lightened British Government to the Albanian Tyrant, and the departure of the entire population of Parga to escape the madness of Ali, are familiar to the students of the history of the Greek Revolution of 1821. From the numerous quotations from Leake, Pouque- ville, Eaton and Perrhebus we can readily understand that Epirus has since 1800 undergone a most unprecedented process of violent Albanification. The marvel is that the Province of Epirus has retained so strongly its Hellenic sentiment in spite of an oppres- sion which would have extinguished the national char- acter of any other race less tenaciously attached to its ancestral traditions. It is only ignorance of history that makes certain well- meaning people write that the people of Epirus have been Hellenized. The historical truth is that a large portion of the Hellenic population of Epirus has suc- cumbed to cruel oppression, and has turned Moham- medan, and lost its mother-tongue. Pouqueville enumerates at least eighty villages which he had seen in ruins, after the Greek inhabitants had been murdered or driven to other lands by the ferocity of the JNIohammedans. One of the things which make many learned people think that Northern Epirus is Albanian, is the geographical term generally given to this Province by geographers and his- torians of recent decades. 32 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS ;Mr. Caillard, as we have seen, refers to the time when Kpirus was completely subjected to Turkey. "Epirus was demanded by Turkey as being so near to Albania" (not being part of Albania, mind you, but only near Albania) . In 1800 then, Epirus was included in the Turkish Prov- ince of Albania and the geographers and historians, follow- ing this arbitrary name, given to Epirus by Turkey, called it Southern Albania. Now it is no more logical to conclude that because Xorthern Epirus is called technically Southern Albania, it is Albanian in character, than to conclude that because INIacedonia was a Turkish Province its inhabitants are Turks, or that because Poland was a Province of Ger- many, its inhabitants are Germans. Mr. Caillard in the April issue of the Fortnightly Re- view of 1885 writes: "The country may be divided into three parts, viz.: Guegania or N. Albania, Toskania or Central Albania, and Epirus or South Albania. The latter can be said to be Albanian only in an arbitrary sense. On the coast line are the Tschams who are fast becoming Hellenized by their close intercourse with the Epirotes, whose fortunes they would probably prefer to follow. Their sympathies are so little with the Albanians, that when the latter came trampling down from the north to demonstrate against the Greeks, they threatened, as harvest time was near, to oppose them by force of arms, should they encroach upon their territories. As for the Epirotes, they may be con- sidered as purely Greeks. Their language is Greek, their names are Greek, they are thoroughly Greek in thought and feeling, habits and religion." B. 1821-1912. In 1821 the Greek Revolution broke out, in which the Epirotes played the most important and the most heroic AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 33 role. It was the indomitable courage of the Epirotes that attracted Lord Byron. It was the personality of INIarco Botzaris, the romantic warrior of Epirus, that made Lord Byron write: *'And yet how lovely is thine eye of woe, Land of lost gods and god-like men art thou, Again the Hellenes are free !" And "Fill high the bowl with Samian wine ! On Souli's rock and Parga's shore. Exists the remnant of a line Such as the Doric mothers bore." Carai'scakis, who cleared Central Greece from all the Turks and captured Athens, was an Epirote from North- ern Epirus. JNIessolonghi has become another Platea by the heroic death of Botzaris. The names of the Epirotes, the most brilliant of all the heroes of the Greek Revolution, might fill up a volume. When Greece was proclaimed free and independent, Epirus was left out together with Crete, Macedonia, the Islands, Thrace and the coasts of Asia Minor. England was afraid that a greater Greece would be a tool in Russian hands, and managed to make of Greece the smallest and poorest State in Europe. But the eyes of the Epirotes were ever turned towards Greece. The Greek world knew that Epirus was responsible for the liberation of a part of the Greek race. The Turks took very drastic measures to crush the rebellious and in- dependent spirit of the Epirotes who had brought success to the sanguinary struggle of the Greek Revolution. The Albanians had shown themselves the most cruel enemies of the revolted Greeks during the stupendous struggle for their independence. The Sultans therefore initiated a policy of Albanian 34. THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS aggTandizement at the exjiense of the Greek Epirotes. From 1830 to 1912 the Greek Epirotes underwent a period of relentless oppression on the part of the Alhan- ians. Only the ohstinacy of the Epirotes and their undy- ing attachment to tlieir native land have frustrated the indefatigable efforts of the Albanians to crush the Greek sentiment in Epirus. In 1897 the Greek soldiers made their first dash for Epirus. I remember the supreme joy of the E2)irotes at the news that the Greek forces were coming to free us and to unite us with our mother country, Hellas. I remember the desperation which seized us when we learned that those Greek soldiers, our brothers, had been driven back by the Albanians under Edem Pasha at Larissa. The sultans knew that the Conference of Berlin had decreed that Epirus was to be joined to Greece and they did everything to exterminate the Greek feeling in Epirus. But the most terrible blow that was given to Epirus was under the regime of the Young Turks who appointed an Albanian governor at Jannina. The Epirotes had not had an Albanian governor since the days of Ali. They trembled, recalling the terrible acts of that Satrap. And they had every reason to tremble. The Albanian Gov- ernor upon his arrival initiated a policy of violent Albani- fication. The leading Greek families of Epirus were pro- scribed. Our clergy were persecuted. Our schools which had been respected by the Sultans from the time of Ali Pasha were attacked by the Albanian Governor. He ^vas instructed by the Young Turks to strike a deadly blow at the Greek element in Epirus. Thanks, however, to the extreme severity of the Young Turks, and their blind zeal for Turkifying all the races in their empire, they succeeded in rousing the anger of the Albanians, who rose in revolt in 1908. It was in 1908 that the Greek Premier Theotokis w^rote to Ismael Kemal Bey asking what were the aims of the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 35 Albanians as to Epirus should Greece assist the Albanians to win their independence. Ismael replied that the just boundaries between Albania and Greece should be a line drawn from Valona to Mona- stir. Greece was ready to assist the Albanians. But Ismael Kemal's idea of independence did not appeal to the Albanians. They did not care for independence. They were satisfied under the Turkish rule. They objected only to taxation and compulsory military service. As soon as the Young Turks were forced to yield these points to the Albanians, the latter laid down their arms, and became again the devoted servants of the Em- pire. The danger to the Greeks now became more imminent. The Young Turks, having failed in their attempt to Turk- ify the Albanians found it next best to Albanicize the Greeks, the Serbs and the Vlachs. It was the danger which confronted EjDirus, that com- pelled Mr. Venizelos to hasten the consolidation of the Balkan Alliance before the Greek Army had been com- pletely organized. The Epirotes were sorely pressed. Young Turks, Albanians, Austrian propaganda, Italian propaganda were desperately resisted by the Epirotes, but the odds were too many against them. The war of 1912 came just in time to save Epirus from a violent denationaliza- tion. C. 1912-1914 The Balkan Wars of 1912 are fresh in our memories. We remember how the Greek Army advanced in Epirus and was received with untold enthusiasm by the Epirotes. We well remember the atrocities of tlie Albanians who fled before the Greeks. More than 40,00 Epirotes had escaped to the Island of Corfu. More than fifty villages S6> THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS in Xorthern Epiriis were sacked and burned by the re- treating Albanian soldiers under the Young Turks. The Albanians knew that they would never again have a chance to rob the Christian Greeks and destroyed every- thing as they went. Thus after 500 years of servitude and of continuous struggle for freedom the Epirotes were free. Unfortunately, Austria and Italy, who had looked u2)on Epirus and Albania for years as their legitimate prey,, realizing that so long as the Balkan Alliance existed neither of them could hope to seize Albania and Epirus,, under the 2)retext of championing Albania, demanded that Greece should withdraw from lands which had dreamed of the Greek flag ever since the 13th century, A. D. The events which followed after the withdrawal of the Greek troops from Northern Epirus have been narrated in the first part of this brochure. We have passed cursorily over the entire history of Epi-^ rus. We have allowed authors of recognized repute to tell the history of this heroic province. We shall now examine its ethnological character. CHAPTER IV ETHNOLOGY 1. Definition of Nationality Before we begin to give any data or statistics we should consider briefly what we mean by ethnology or national- ity. In the last decades two opposite theories of nationality have been advanced. The one is Prussian, the other Franco-British. Germany believes that Poland is German because it is absolutely indispensable to the well-being of Germany; Schleswig-Holstein is needed by Germany on account of the Kiel Canal, therefore it is German. Alsace-Lorraine is German because the language of these Provinces is German. To the contention that Poland, Schleswig-Holstein, and Alsace-Lorraine are opposed to union with Germany, the Prussians answer, that these Provinces are German and if their inhabitants do not submit to Germanization, it is the business of the German Government to use any means which will achieve such Germanization. The Franco-British theory of nationality may be gath- ered from the following: Lord Cromer in reviewing a splendid book by INIr. Toynbee on Neto Europe in the Spectator of JNlarch 1916, wrote as follows: "Every Democratic European will certainly agree that the basis of the reconstruction of the map of Europe must be sought in the more ample recognition of the principle of nationality. "Only a few peoples have grown up to nationality in 37 S8 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS the whole course of history. The great majority of Hving populations are undoubtedly unripe for it. "AVhat is a nation? The French scholar Casaubon was once taken to the great hall of the Sorbonne, and was told by the guide that on that spot discussions had been going oafor centuries. lie asked 'Qu' a-t-on decide?' "The same question may be asked today in regard to a nation. Centuries of discussions have taken place, and the question is 'Qu' a-t-on decide?' " But if abstract philosophy has failed, the experience of statesmen whose life-time has been spent in governing nascent nationalities may assist us to standardize our ideas of what "a nation" is. Lord Cromer wrote : "Community of race, religion and language does not in itself suffice to create a common and binding national sentiment. "The South American States are almost purely Span- ish in blood and in language and Catholic in religion. They were united in the achievement of one common ob- ject — their severance from the Old World. Nationality must involve a will to co-operate. Where that will is con- spicuous by its absence no nationality can, in the proper sense of the word, be said to exist. "When a cause invokes historical sentiment on its be- half, that cause is bankrupt of arguments reasonably ap- plicable to the actual situation." jNIr. Toynbee in his Future of Europe writes : "We do not think of nationality statistically, in terms of square miles, or human units, any of which can be balanced and jf necessary bartered against any other. For us, nationality is the spiritual experience and self expression of a human society. Our nation's existence is internal cohesion. "A national democracy is a living organism and it can no more multij^ly or decrease the parts of which it is composed than a man can add a cubit to his stature, or survive decapitation. The less concrete manifestations AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 39 of social, life in which nationality finds still greater sus- tenance are literature, art, religion. If an Alsatian pre- fers to read French poetry, rather than German, then he is French. If he likes to read Schiller rather than Guizot, or Heine rather than Lamartine, then he is a German." Then Mr. Toynbee analyses the German theory of na- tionality. He observes that the Germans hold that nationality is a "Legal Title." "The Treaty of San Stephano gave Bulgaria almost the entire Balkan Peninsula. Therefore, Bulgaria is legally entitled by agreement to the Balkan Peninsula. "A nationality is not determined by the will of the peo- ple, but by the mutual relations of the dynasties. "The ordeal of battle is a fair test of despotism's title to claim a people. "The dynast's ambitions constitute the principle of na- tional action. "Nationality is economic expansion, therefore the peo- ple of Alsace-Lorraine are Germans, the Greeks in Thrace and the Greeks and Serbs in :Macedonia are Bulgars. The small nations surrounding Germany are necessary complements to the protection and economic development of the Fatherland. Therefore, they are German. "Nationality is language. Flemings and Alsatians must be swept into the net because they speak German, despite their devotion to their respective nationalities. "Nationality is historical sentiment. The Turks can- not leave Adrianople because the tombs of the Sultans are there. The Bulgars must have Ochrida because the first Exarchate was established there in the Middle Ages. "The Germans claim Belgium and Burgundy because the mediaeval empire claimed them as its own." This historical sentiment is as ridiculous to the Franco- British as would be the claim that Normandy is British because the Plantagenets claimed it. "What a people wins in battle belongs to it." Herr 40 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Dernburg said to America that Belgium belonged to Ger- many because the Germans had shed much blood to con- quer it. AVhy on the same score the Belgians are not en- titled to Belgium for having shed more blood in defend- ing it, is not at all clear. Here we see historical sentiment at its highest. It can hypnotize a whole nation into calling evil, good, a deter- mination to hold by brute force and by nothing else. The mentality of the Germans and of the Bulgarians is very happily explained by Mr. Toynbee in the following passage. "The elder nations of Europe have kept their faces in- flexibly fixed towards the future; Germany and Bulgaria have committed the sin of Lot's wife and have been mas- tered by the hypnotism of the past." In conclusion the English idea of a nation is: "A concrete aggregate of people habitually in touch with one another, capable any day of reading the same poetry, or the same newspapers, of celebrating the same festival, of having the same referendum put to them, or of electing the same political representative. " Language and culture, tradition and environment, the present will to cooperate in a political organization, all these together constitute a given nationality." Mr. Clemenceau in his L' Homme Libre, some years ago was the first to enunciate the principle so lucidly de- veloped by JNIr. Toynbee. "What if I speak German?" wrote Mr. Clemenceau. "If I feel French, then I am a Frenchman." During a meeting of the members of the Royal Geo- graphical Society in January, 1915, Professor Lyde, who holds a chair on Economic Geography, lectured on "Types of Political Frontiers." Professor Lyde, paying attention only to ecouDmic matters, included many groups of na- tionalities in foreign states. Professor Spencer Wilkinson opened the discussion as to what "nationality" is, and said, AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 41 "There can be no one single criterion. We cannot lay down that merely community of speech makes a nation. There must be something more. I think, broadly speak- ing we all understand what nationality is, and I think that we should wish that if there are to be new borders in Europe, they should be so drawn as to bring into one fold, under one government, those people whose whole desire and wish is to form a single nation together. "When traveling through Macedonia a few years ago, I had the pleasure of travelling with a Greek lady with whom I discussed for a long time the question of the proper place of Macedonia. She asserted that a very large part of Macedonia, a much larger part than I could believe, was Greek, and that their country ought to belong to Greece. She referred to the peasants on her father's estates as being Greeks who talked Bulgarian, and I said, 'Surely, people who talk Bulgarian are Bulgars.' " 'Not a bit," she replied. 'The test of nationality is not their speech, but their will, "la volonte de chacun." ' "I am bound to say I could not answer her. "Has it not been a cause of very great trouble to Europe that for forty years a piece of territory, which no doubt was to a large extent German-speaking, Alsace-Lorraine, has been included in the boundaries of Germany, and the Germans could not assimilate its population?" {Boy at Geographic Magazine, February, 1915.) Taking then, the Franco-British, and not the Germanic definition of nationality let us examine how far it can be proved that the Epirotes and the Albanians have the requisites for forming one nation. 2. The Albanians as a Nation In the first place we shall examine the "will to co- operate" of the Albanians and the Epirotes. Have the Albanians a will to co-operate among themselves? In Blackwood's Magazine of April, 1903, Mr. Reginald 4« THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Wyon, who visited Albania and studied the people, wrote as follows: — "As to the people themselves, spoken of collectively as Albanians or sometimes as Arnauts, the idea gained thereby is erroneous. They must first be divided into three parts according to the three religions, namely, ^lo- hammedans, Greek Orthodox Christians, and Roman Catholic Christians. These three religious factions consti- tute three entirely different peoples each animated by fanatical hatred of the others, and they are subdivided into clans and factions ad lib. As each clan can be reckoned as a miniature autocratic kingdom, ready at any moment to go to war with its next door neighbor, the anarchy existing all over Albania can be faintly imagined." And again he writes: "The numerous clans live ab- solutely independent of each other, some in blood-feud, where they shoot each other at sight whenever they meet; several of these disputes occur annually amongst them- selves. Sometimes, the slaughter is great, at others they are content with half a dozen killed on each side." Dr. E. J. Dillon wrote in the Contemporary Review of April, 1903: "Each tribe hates the other wdth religious rancour." "A war-like nation like the Albanians would have long since won absolute independence and founded a powerful Balkan state, had it not been for the utter absence of any national striving for ideals. "During all the centuries of their chequered existence they have never advanced beyond the tribal stage, not even when the Albanian League was founded at Turkey's in- stigation (1878) in order to work for the restitution of Goosinye and Plava to Albania." In the Spectator of November 3, 1913, in an editorial, "The Future of Albania," we read, "The ^lohammendans and the Christians carry on civil war. The Tosks and the Guegs (Ghegs) never agree. The internal weakness of the country is increasing." AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 43 And in the same publication of February 21, 1914, we read : "Our sincere wishes for the success of Prince WilHam of Wied, who is about to enter the new Kingdom of Albania. A more picturesque, a more sporting, a more hazardous, or a more speculative enterprise for a ruler to undertake can hardly be imagined. The Albanians have never lent themselves to discipline and a demand for taxes will seem to many of them a kind of official brigandage — so long have they been able to avoid paying them. "Prince Wilham of Wied will find the people spht into more groups than ever; the main divisions of Guegs and Tosks, of Moslems, Roman Catholics and members of the Orthodox Church, are complicated by the allegiance to various chieftains who see new opportunities for personal ambition, and by an appreciable sentimental attachment to Turkey that lingers on in certain districts." And in the Spectator of May 23, 1914, "Essad Pasha's idea of reconciliation, of having Prince William as a Mpret (Bret), was not real. He had enjoyed, as Minister of War, more power than was good for him, and at last, the Mpret, who had been kept informed of his ambitious doings, challenged his intentions by requiring him to re- duce his body-guard. Essad Pasha declined and barri- caded himself in his house. He refused to surrender to the gendarmerie and fired on them when they surrounded the house." In the Spectator of May 23, 1914, we read: "Essad is gone, but the spirit of Essad will live on. The trouble is the same as it was under Abdul Hamid; the Albanians object to paying taxes and to giving com- pulsory personal service to a settled government. Various factions have also their various grievances; questions of language, religion and so on. But the instinct of the best fighting men among them is to place personal loyalty, how- ever arduous, to a feudal Chieftain before tame and con- 44 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS ventional subirission to a central power. Any one who lias a large enough number of troops at his disposal is 'King of the Road' in Albania." The Ex-Envoy of the United States to Athens, ]Mr. George Fred Williams, so notorious for his Albanophilism, wrote in Harper's Weekly of April 24, 1915: "Within a few weeks of his advent, Prince Wied had iSIohammedans killing Greeks in Christian Epirus, and Catholics slaughtering INIohammedans within view of his palace. "Wied was installed on February 21st and on May 24th he fled from his palace with his family and took refuge in the Italian cruiser jNIisurata. "On the 15th of June the Commander, Colonel Thomp- son, was killed and hundreds of men were slaughtered in the marshes. "I was surprised at the hurly-burly which I found at Durazzo. Everyone was at sword's point with everybody else. "Three months after this the Prince, his family, his Court, his Cabinet, the Commissioners, Foreign iSIinisters, gendarmes, soldiers and warships had fled from Durazzo and Albania was left as she is now without a govern- ment." In The Near East of April 5, 1918, we read the follow- ing: "Miss Garnett's contribution to our knowledge of Al- bania is valuable. Here is a classic instance of a house divided against itself. Apart from the fact that the ^los- lems constitute more than one half of the population, the prevailing tendency of the Highlanders is to become jMos- lems and of the Greek Christians to emigrate to Greece. In the course of time the country will become Mussulman." Innumerable testimonies of travellers, historians and statesmen might be adduced to prove that the Albanians have no national consciousness, and are altogether want- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 45 ing in *'the will to co-operate" which is the essential of a nationality. This truth is very unintelligible to Western peoples. iMr. H. W. Brailsford, a veteran writer on Eastern Ques- tions, gives us the key to Balkan nationalism in a valu- able study in the Contemporary Review of April, 1918: "The Arabs may have been bad subjects of the Turks, in the sense that they disliked taxation, conscription and any rule whatever other than that of their tribal chiefs ; but they resisted our occupation and have no aspirations for a more elaborate civilisation. The Arabs of the Hedjaz undoubtedly wish to be left alone, as nomads always do. It would be a grave mistake, however, to suppose that these primitive Arabs are nationalists as the Greeks and the Armenians are. "We shall go astray if we talk of liberating non-Turkish jMoslems from Turkish rule. The people who most need protection are the Christians." Dr. E. J. Dillon makes a similar remark in the Contem- porary Review of April, 1903: "In Turkey, Islam is the faith of conquerors; Christian- ity the creed of slaves. Islam has not modified its char- acter any more than the leopard has changed his spots. "Between IMoslems and Christians there can be no equal- ity. How can there be justice and equity? "We are told that Hilmi Pasha is an honorable man. So was Shakir Pasha an honorable man, who went to Armenia to introduce reforms. Shakir Pasha remained the honorable man that he had been, but the Armenians, whose lot he had come to better, were sent to the next world in thousands, and the word reform was blotted out of the vocabulary of the people of those parts." ^liss M. E. Durham, the foremost champion of a super- lative Albania, at the expense of the Greek Epirotes and the Serbians, is candid enough to make the following re- markable statement in the Spectator of July 22, 1911: 46 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS "Europe has a strange idea that the nature of the Turk has undergone a com2)lete and magical transforma- tion." Now, these remarks of Dr. Dillon, Mr. Brailsford, and Miss Durham, are of no inconsiderable interest. Two-thirds of Albania is INIohammedan, of the most fanatical type. The ^lohammedan Albanians for five hundred years have been considering the Christian Greeks and Serbs about them as slaves, "rayas." They have op- pressed, persecuted, robbed, and maltreated the Christians, as inferiors. By what accident is it that those same ignorant Moham- medans have altered their old ideas about the status of their Christian neighbors? If the Christians are put under one and the same govern- ment with a vast majority of these ignorant and fanatic JNIoslems, will it not be natural for them to deal with the Christians in the standard Moslem method — as "inferiors," as "slaves," as "rayas"? But aside from the difficulty of the inequality, and the resulting hatred between the Moslem and Christian, the Albanians are divided hoj^elessly Moslem against JMoslem, in an infinity of tribes and clans. We have seen from the testimonies of eminent writers that the Albanian people as a whole does not aspire to be- come a united nation. The Albanians as a w^hole do not demand that Epirus be included in Albania. They ob- ject to a united, and a constituted government of Albania. Xow we shall next consider the Epirotes, their desire for union, their will to co-operate with Greece, and their hatred and abhorrence of Albania: 3. National Senthnerif of the Epirotes IVIr. Toynbee in his Greek Policies Since 1883 (p. 26 and following) writes: "Greek nationalism is not an artificial conception of theorists, but a real force which impels all fragments of AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 47 Greek-speaking populations to make sustained efforts to- wards political union within the national state; the most striking example of this attractive power is afforded by the problem of Epirus (Himara, Argyrocastro, Korytza). "The Epirotes turned to the Greeks with whom they were linked in religion and politics by subjection to the government at Jannina, which employed Greek as its offi- cial language. They had appealed to the right quarter, for Greek culture under the Turkish yoke had accumulated a store of latent energy which converted itself into a vigor- ous national revival. "The case of Epirus is a good example of what Greek nationalism has meant during the last century. The Hellenism of today, although it is not the same as that of Ancient Hellas, yet has a genuine vitality of its own. It displays a power of assimilating alien elements to an ac- tive participation in its ideals, and its allegiance supplants all others in the hearts of those exposed to its charm. " 'We are Greeks like every one else, but we happen to speak Albanian, some of us,' said the Northern Epirotes to me. "The influence of Greek culture and its latent powers found expression in Epirus in a universal enthusiasm for education which has opened to individual Greeks commer- cial and professional careers of the greatest brilliance and often led them to spend the fortunes so acquired in endow- ing the nation with further educational facilities. "Public spirit is a Greek virtue; there are few villages which do not possess monuments of their successful sons, and a school is an even commoner gift than a church, while the State in Epirus has done nothing to help the Greeks. "The school house, in fact, is the most prominent and substantial building in an Epirotic village, and the gains which their alliance with the Greek nation has brought to the Greek Epirotes are symbolised generously throughout their country. For the Epirote the school is the door to 48 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS fortune and to his future. The language he learns there makes him a member of a nation, and opens to him a world wide enough to employ all the talent and energj'- he may possess if he seeks his future at Patras or Peiraeus, or in the great Greek communities of Alexandria and Constan- tinople. While if he stays at home it still affords him a link with the life of civilized Euro^^e through the medium of the ubiquitous Greek ncAvspaper. The Epirote then has become Greek in soul; he has reached the conception of a national life more liberal than the isolated existence of his native village through the avenue of Greek culture, so that 'Hellenism' and nationality have become for him iden- tical ideas, and when at last the hour of deliverance struck, he welcomed the Greek Armies that marched into his Country from the South and from the East after the fall of Jannina in the Spring of 1913, with the same enthusiasm with which all the other enslaved fragments of the Greek nation greeted the consummation of a century's hopes." But we may go a little further back. Pouqueville who spent ten years in Epirus has known the heart of the Epirotes. In connection with the ethnology of the Epirotes he writes in Book I, Chap. 1, p. 3, of his History of Greece: "Ali Tepelen was born about 1740. The unfortu- nate descendants of Hellen counted then 300 years of slavery and twenty-five centuries of historical traditions, conserved among them, to remind them of their origin. They were like those Gods banished from Olympus. They escaped the wreck because they had cast their anchor of faith in the bosom of a religion to which the Most High has promised duration for all time. But not so with their oppressors." It is very clear that the Epirotes are not the same as the Albanians. The former are united among tliemselves and their will is expressed for co-operation with Greece. Dr. Dillon in the CoritemjJorary Review of April, 1903,. writes : AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 49 "The Albanians have withstood the efforts of the Greeks, Romans, Slavs and Turks to assimilate them." But the Epirotes at least are assimilated by the Greeks. This shows that there is a difference of sentiment and na- tional aspirations between the Epirotes and the Albanians. When in 1914, Austria and Italy forced Greece to aban- don Epirus the inhabitants of Northern Epirus took up arms and repelled the Albanians. The Epirotes asked union with Greece. But the insistence of Italy forced them to be satisfied with the declaration of an Independent State. The Spectator of April 11, 1914, said: "The rising which is now embarrassing Prince William and is causing him to contemplate taking the field at the head of an Albanian Army was only to be expected. "It is a wretched beginning to the reign of Prince Wil- liam, and he has only himself to thank and not the per- versity or wickedness of the Epirote fire-brands, who are only behaving in the manner that could confidently have been predicted. "It is true that men of Greek race and speech in North- ern Epirus are cut off from their natural affinities. "Northern Epirus has been spoken of as the Ulster of Greece. When the Powers decided to include Northern Epirus within the boundaries of Albania, they did so because they could not agree on any other solution, and merely accepted the plan that divided them least. "It cannot be denied that as Northern Epirus is in very large part Greek, the people clamor for union with Greece." And the Literary Digest of April 18, 1914, under "Greek Revolt in Albania" wrote: "The 250,000 Greeks who were included in the new Albania by the Powers are reported in revolt, and Prince William of Wied, the Lohengrin of the German Court, thus finds opportunity to show his mettle at the outset of his reign. The Greeks of Epirus expected to be united with their fatherland under the treaty parcelling out the 50 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Balkan territory, and were disappointed, so they propose fighting- to hring Epirus under the Greek flag. Reports in the P^m'opean press say that they hold the important town of Korytza." Mr. George Fred Williams wrote in Harper's Weekly of April 24, 191.5: "^Meanwhile the Epirotes declared their independence. "The native ^Mohammedans opposed Wied by force. Wied purchased troops from the Roman Catholic moun- taineers of the North to defend Durazzo. He had also native iMohammedan adherents in Valona, south of Du- razzo, where he raised troops to attack the Orthodox Christian Epirotes and the ISIohammedan insurgents of JMiddle Albania within a few weeks of his advent." In the DeUneator of July, 1915, we read: "Albania (as delimited by Italy and Austria), includes the land of Epirus, one of the adored daughters of Greece, which like Thrace and Macedonia, is ever looking to the JNIother to free her from the foreign yoke." Bursian in his Geographie von Griechenland (I Para- graph 9), when he describes the modern inhabitants of Epirus, writes: "Pogoniani (a district in Xorthern Epirus with more than forty-five toMiis and villages) is thoroughly Greek." ]Mr. Rene Puaux was the Temps correspondent in Epirus in 1913-1914. ^Ir. Valley and ^Ir. Jessen were the correspondents of French and German papers re- spectivel\\ The three correspondents wrote what they saw passing under their eyes in Epirus, when the Powers were pre- paring to surrender Northern Epirus to Albania. INIr. Rene Puaux writes in his book, La Mallieureuse JEpire: "j\Ir. Valley and INIr. Jessen as well as I wired from Epirus what we saw with our own eyes. "If I succeed in persuading the French People to sympathize with the Epirotes and with their wonderful AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 51 love for Hellas, their Mother, and if I be able to offer my poor services for the struggle of the Epirotes, one of the most beautiful struggles, I shall feel the most sacred joy. Whatever may happen, the things I witnessed, the recollections, and the holy patriotism of the Epirotes move me. And when I think of them I am moved to tears." In his correspondence to the Temps of May 1, from Corfu he wrote : "Ten thousand Epirotes, refugees, have arrived here. The Albanians have burnt their homes. "But after the fall of Jannina hope has filled their hearts. In the future, the Greek Province of Epirus will be free. Under the protection of the White-and-Blue they will re- turn to Parga, Senitsa, Nivitsa, Corytsa. "Twenty-five villages opposite Corfu have been sacked and burned down by the Albanian hordes. "But now, a new life seems to animate the afflicted Epirotes— a new idea, the great idea of Hellenism. The Epirotes will now realize their dreams of centuries, their union with their Mother, Greece. "To surrender to an artificial Albania a people which differs from the Albanians in language, in civilization, in religion and in aspirations, is a crime. "All Epirus from Cape St. Basil to Cape St. John is absolutely Greek; the friends and relatives of these Epirotes constitute the intellectual and plutocratic aris- tocracy of Athens, and Patras." May 2, Corfu, 19U "It is not a question what Greece wants. It is a ques- tion what the Epirotes want. And should Greece be forced to refuse the Epirotes, they, none the less, are de- termined to secure their union with Greece. "If Epirus was a 'no-man's-land,' that is a land with- out national sentiment, it would have been very easy for Italy and Austria to swallow it. But North Epirus, which Italy pretends that she wants to give to Albania, 52 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS is the hearth of Neo-Hellenism. The Epirotes are more Greek tlian the other Greeks. "In Epirus there are six great centers of Hellenism, Jannina, the Zagoria (48 villages), ArgjTocastro, Met- sovo, Chimara, and Coiytsa. "From each one of these nests there have come out men M'hose first care after they have acquired wealth in foreign lands has been to spend tlieir vast fortunes for the realiza- tion of that beautiful dream of Hellenism, — the libera- tion and the unification of all the enslaved parts of the Hellenic Fatherland, and especially the union of Epirus with Greece. "Arsakis left his vast fortune for the education of Greek girls. With his wealth four Greek Colleges for women were endowed, one at Athens, one at Constan- tinople, one at Larissa, one at Jannina. "At the Arsakeion of Athens over 2000 Greek girls receive a College education and this is due to an Epirote from Chotachova, near Argyrocastro, which the Alban- ians are trying to include in Albania. "Zappas, the founder of many Greek schools in Greece and in Turkey, the founder of the JNIusemn of Art at Athens, was from Lambovo, near Argyrocastro. "Zographos, the founder of the Zographeon College, and the Zographeon Hospital at Constantinople, came from Kestonati, near Tepeleni. His son George Zographos has been jNIinister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, and be- came the President of the Autonomous State of Northern Epirus in 1914. "Of the two wealthy Greeks George Averoff, and Stournaras of Metsovo, the former built the Stadium at Athens, gave to Greece the cruiser Averoff which defeated the Turkish fleet in 1912, and established schools in Epirus, in Greece, and in Egypt, while the latter founded and en- dowed the splendid Polytechnic Institute at Athens. "The Zossimas established the first Greek College at Jannina long before the Independence of Greece, the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 53 Caplanes, and the Tositsas of Jannina bestowed all their fortunes for educational and patriotic works. "The millionaire Bancas of Corytsa gave all his wealth for Greek schools and hospitals both in Corytsa, and in Greece. "Anagnostopoulos, of Zagori, a famous and much hon- ored citizen of Boston, late Principal of the Perkins In- stitute for the Blind, left all his fortune for a Greek College for girls in Northern Epirus. "The list of Epirote patriots who have made fabulous fortunes abroad and have bestowed them for the education, and the liberation of every unredeemed Greek land, would fill volumes. "Their only thought was union with Greece, and for- tunes are even today left in the National Bank of Greece with the express terms in the wills 'to be used only for the liberation of Epirus, and her union with Greece.' " CHAPTER V CULTURE 1. The Culture of the Albanians The will to co-operate is a prime requisite in the forma- tion of a nation, but a "common culture" is also an im- portant and necessary element. It will be enlightening to consider first the culture of the Albanians, and then that of the Epirotes, and to observe the community or difference in culture of the two peoples. Doctor E. J. Dillon wrote in the Contemporary Review of April, 1903: "The wave of civilization has not even sprinkled with its foam the life of the people of the interior, whose besetting passion is a love of arms and booty. 'Fire, water and gov- ernments know no mercy,' is the common saying of the Al- banians. So they have freed themselves even from the government of their own people. "To the average Albanian the tribe is the state. "In their love of blood-shed and horror of humdrum and laborious living they resemble the Kurds, and feel like them that they have a better right to exist and thrive than the inferior races who are on earth merely for their sakes. "Neither the Mohammedans nor the Christians are chary of blood-shedding. "It has been calculated that about 25 per cent, of the entire population die violent deaths. "At times large tracts of land are given up to sanguinary vendettas. Not only do feuds to the death rage for gen- erations between two tribes but also between two families of the same tribe, and hundreds of persons are sacrificed 54 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 55 at sight to propitiate the blood-thirsty shades of parents or forbears. "That fierce lawless tribes should let themselves be tamed by a few gendarmes ; should uncomplainingly give up cus- toms more sacred to them than are the dictates of religion to Christians; should work hard for their livelihood, instead of robbing mere Giaours, and should treat the latter as equals and worthy of respect, is a set of j^ropositions which no man can seriously entertain who has realized their mean- ing. The thing is simply inconceivable ; it would indeed be easier far to force Englishmen to let themselves be gov- erned by the Baboos of Bengal, than to get the Albanians to give up the customs of their ancestors and their wild love of freedom for the sake of races which, loathing, they cannot even hate." Mr. Reginald Wyon wrote in Blackwood's Magazine of April, 1903: "No amount of impassioned preaching can drive into these men's minds that it is wrong to take another's life. "Sunday morning is an extraordinary spectacle amongst the Roman Catholic Clans. As the sun nears its zenith the clan has gathered together, rifles are piled in long rows against the church walls, and, revolver in girdle, bandolier round their waists, they enter the sacred edifice. "It once happened, during my visit, that while a congre- gation was deep in devotions, shots were heard outside — rapid firing such as portended fighting. As one man the worshippers rose, and before the priest had concluded the prayer, they were streaming at a swift double quick to- wards the fray, shooting as they swung along, to signify that help was coming. Before the priest had divested him- self of his robes, and followed his erring sheep, they were in the thick of the battle with a neighboring clan. A few hours later, the dead were laid out in the deserted church. "A curious watchfulness pervades every man — a quick scan of every rock and bush on walking abroad, and ever- loaded weapons. 56 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS "An Albanian never parts with his rifle — even tilling the patch of ground before his home, he will have his rifle slung from his shoulder ; if he is hoeing it is lying ready to hand in the next furrow. At church his rifle stands against the wall. The shepherd singing love songs to while away the long hours, has his rifle across his knees, and will lift it from time to time to aim at some object to keep his eye in practice. "With a sublime indifference to law they go armed to their teeth. "It is by no means a rare occurrence for the visitor to see a man shot in the street. "A man's hfe in Albania is worth one penny, as an edu- cated Albanian once told me, — that being roughly the price of a cartridge ! "The Albanian, while he is peacefully sleeping in his hut, may awake, — if he awakes at all — to find a board in the roof removed and a rifle or a revolver barrel pointing at him. "Should a traveller be observed taking notes, taking photographs, or measurements, then his life would be en- dangered. "He should remember never to be seen writing or sketch- ing, and should always behave as a pious Roman Catholic in Northern Albania, and as a pious Mohammedan in Middle and Southern Albania and should be constantly at- tentive never to betray himself by the omission of any little ceremonial. "I was present when an Albanian shot a Turkish soldier deliberately. He was caught and about to be tried. Within twenty-four hours the Turkish governor was hon- ored by a visit from a deputation of the murderer's clan. These men demanded their comrade's release, and when they were promptly refused, on the ground that the pris- oner must stand his trial for murder the deputation left with the warning that if he was not in their midst within forty-eight hours, the clan would descend and burn tlie AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 57 town. The Governor had but a handful of Turkish sol- diers. Needless to say, the man was released well within the time limit. "Professor Baldacci described them to me as 'Rough men, uncivilised in every respect, murderous, ruffians, bar- barous savages.' "After all they are great children who play with life as we play with games." The Spectator of November 8, 1913, wrote: "Albanian history has never instructed Europe in the terrors of trying to control mountainous and savage people like the Ghegs, whose normal life is fighting, and who would be surprised at being told that they were to die in their beds." And in the issue of February 21, 1914: "Even the palace of Durazzo, which is waiting to re- ceive the new King, is said to be the home of rats and snakes." In the Open Court of February, 1913, we read: "The inhabitants of Albania do not possess the usual customs of civilized countries. Most of the people are rob- bers, and brigands, and murder is not considered a crime. The stranger has no right to protection unless he is received at the hearth, according to the usage of primitive savages. He is an outlaw if he is found on the road, and may be shot down from an ambush without rousing the authorities to investigate the case. "Their supreme rule is not to recognize any authority above themselves. Every man takes the law in his own hands and deems it his privilege to rob and pillage wherever he can do so with impunity ; every one is inseparable from his weapons, and no man ventures on a journey or even in the public high-road without his gun. "They would not give up their arms; would object to paying taxes; would tolerate no censors; would brook no police; would not suffer their properties to be entered at recorders' offices ; were even opposed to sending their chil- 58 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS dren to school or to su})niitting their quarrels to courts. The old system of taking the law into their own hands, of stealing the cattle of others, of slaying the wayfarer is con- sidered part of the inalienable right of the country. It has been estimated that from 25 per cent, to 40 per cent, of the entire male population is exterminated by assassina- tion, and no authority has so far succeeded in stopping this custom." JNIr. George Fred Williams writes in Harper's Weekly of April, 1915: " 'Where the sword is, there is the faith,' is the belief of the Albanians. They are raised in superstition and suspicion." Mr. Reginald Wyon again writes: "IMore deaths occur annually from vendetta than from any other cause. The avenger is never wounded in the ful- filment of revenge. The avenger is not heroic; he waits for his victim, and only shoots when he knows he will kill, from behind a stone, beside the path the victim must tra- verse. The bullet comes at a few yards distance, usually from behind." Mr. H. J. O'Kie wrote in the Popular Science Monthly of August, 1889: "The Albanians are accustomed to train ganders for fighting, for which purpose they feed them with such herbs as contribute to the development of a pugnacious disposi- tion. When one thinks his goose's courage has been suffi- ciently developed, he sends a herald through the village uttering a challenge to any townsman having a gander which he is ready to pit in a combat to bring him to the ring for a match. "Such a challenge was sounded in the village of Lower Rogoza on the last day of August of last year. It was answered by a wealthy Albanian, who at once betook him- self with his goose to the place where such spectacles were exhibited. His antagonist was already in waiting, with about one hundred onlookers. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 59 "The match had gone on for about two hours, when one of the champions began to fail. His owner wanted to help him, but the proprietor of the conquering goose would not permit it. Irritated by this, the losing owner raised his gun and shot the other down on the spot." As to education, Mr. Reginald Wyon writes : "The country is unique in Europe; for while even little Montenegro has its schools, its law-courts, and its news- papers, Albania knows of none of these things. Their language consists of about six hundred words." And Dr. E. J. Dillon: " 'He who has often avenged is wiser than he who has been taught much,' is the opinion of the Albanian about education, which can hardly be said to exist in Albania." We think that more quotations would add but little to the evidence of these eminent travellers and writers whom we have quoted. It is simply shocking to think that a civilised, a cultured, a peaceful, and a progressive people like the Epirotes should have ever been even asked, not to say forced, to live and be governed by people who are wanting in the most elementary requisites of self-governing peoples. Mr. Charles Dilke cleverly said of the diplomats of Europe : "AVhat is Europe anyway? A number of wicked old gentlemen with decorations assembled around a green table." Signor San Giuliano, Herr Berchtold, and Sir Edward Grey belonged to the old school, which taught that "might is right," which did not care for the fate of small peoples, which bargained, bought and sold freely, remorselessly, the liberties, the lives, and the souls of unfortunate peoples which were fighting for the liberty and the civilization of Europe. What cared San Giuliano if the brave Epirotes, as cul- tured as the countrymen of Cavour, with wives as dear, and daughters as well brought up as those of the citizens 60 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS of Rome, were to be exposed to the brutality of those un- fortunate savages of Albania? But why should we wonder at the callousness of the old European diplomats in the case of Epirus, when we know that all the Christian peoples of Turkey have groaned under the inhuman tyranny of the Moslems, and the great Powers have time and again discouraged and hindered the Christian slaves from overthrowing their oppressor? 2. Culture of the Epirotes Let us, now, examine the cultural condition of the Epirotes. We have already quoted authorities, who testify that the Epirotes are a highly cultured people, and that they not only have absorbed Greek Culture but also have so de- veloped it as to make the culture of Epirus the most Hel- lenic of any. Pouqueville in Book I, Chap. I, page 2, of his Histoire de la Grece, writes : "The Turks founded and maintained their empire upon violence, characterised by injustice to the vanquished, and drawing its force from unrighteousness and from terror. They could, therefore, only follow the course of epidemics, which grow weaker as they grow older. Thus was it with Nineveh, Suza, Ecbatana, and Babylon. But it could not be so with a people which, although enslaved, preserved its language and its customs. "While yet under slavery, the Greeks in Epirus and throughout the Turkish Empire showed the traits of tlie Hellenes, and it was enough to encounter the indomitable mountaineers, in order to be convinced that some day the destinies of Greece would change. "Jannina long ago established endowments for the sup- port of the Greek teachers there. Chios has founded an academy. What voices of resurrection could be heard from Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia and those sons of Tubal Cain who work the mines of Pangason (Macedonia) ?" AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 61 Ami Boue, who in the middle of the 19th century tra- versed Epirus and Macedonia, writes in La Turquie d'Eu- rope,\o\. Ill, P. 447: "The monasteries are most numerous in Epirus and Macedonia," and in Vol. Ill, p. 521: "Instruction begins to receive more serious attention in Epirus where live the Greeks and the Vlachs. "The best Greek educational establishments are at Jan- nina, Larissa, Salonica, and Serres." Mr. C. S. Butler, the correspondent for the Manchester Guardian, wrote on September 30, 1914: "In jMay of last year I was at Korytsa, and witnessed a parade of 2,125 Greek school children of both sexes, from five years up to sixteen, who beamed with joy and pride as they filed past the Crown Prince of Greece, waving their little Greek flags. "Korytza has been the bone of contention between Epi- rotes and Albanians. This city has 25,000 inhabitants. It may readily be seen that the city is completely Greek, for 2,125 school children between the ages of five and sixteen would represent practically every family in the city. "The written and commercial language of the Albano- phone Epirotes is, and has always been Greek, even under Turkish rule. Even the most fanatical Albanians keep their accounts in Greek*. "At Argyrocastro, I was much surprised to see that the notables of Libochovo, a fanatical Moslem stronghold across the valley, sign their names habitually in Greek. All the extant letters, decrees, and orders of Ali Pasha, who certainly could not be accused of favoring the Greeks, are in Greek ; which clearly proves two things : That Greek was the only written language used in Epirus in his day, and that it must have been generally understood and spoken by the people of Epirus. "It is not the language, therefore, but the sentiment of a people which determines its national character. And N. m THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Epirus has for many generations expressed its national sentiment with no uncertain sound. To pass over the flourishing Greek institutions of learning of Jannina in the 17th and 18th centuries, which kept alive Greek letters and Greek aspirations in those dark days and which were sup- yorted entirely by the voluntary contributions of Epirotes, and to come down to the present age, Athens is full of S2)lendid public buildings, gifts of Northern Epirotes. The magnificant Academy of Fine Arts and the Astro- nomical Observatory were given by Sinas of Moschopolis (near Korytsa). Bangas, of Korytsa, left a building worth £20,000 as a bequest to the Greek Navy Fund. The Zappa brothers, who endowed Athens with her ex- position grounds and Constantinoj^le with her biggest Greek High School for Girls, were natives of Lambovo, north of Argyrocastro. Zographos (the father of the President of the Chamber of Deputies), founder of a large Greek school at Constantinople, and founder of the Prize Fund for the encouragement of Greek studies at Paris, was a native of Duriani, near Argja'ocastro. Averoff, the donor of the Greek battleship bearing his name and of the splendid Panathenaic Stadium, and Tositsa, and Stournara, who endowed Athens with its fine Pol5i:echnic School, were natives of Metsovo. I pass over a long list of generous gifts and endowments by Epirotes to Greece for patriotic Greek aims." Colonel Murray in a lecture given in INIorley Hall in London, January 7, 1914, before an audience of Oxford professors and other scholars and statesmen, said: "Education has opened the minds of the men and women. The school master is abroad in Epirus as elsewhere." INIr. Z. D. Ferriman, author of Home Life in Hellas and Turkey and the Turks, wrote to the Daily Chronicle on April 7th, 1914: "The Zographion is one of the many benefactions of Zographos to Hellenism. Not a few Greeks who have risen to distinction owe their studies in Europe to his gen- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 63 erosity. I did not know that Zographos was an Epirote; but the fact explained to me why his son, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, was heading now the revolu- tion against the Albanians. "The Metropolitan of Argyrocastro, Vassilios, was born at Labano, a mountain village north of Argyrocastro. He studied at the famous Theological College of the Isle of Halki, near Constantinople, was professor at the Gym- nasium of Serres, later taught at Adrianople, then became successively Metropolitan of Paramythia, Avlona, and Argyrocastro, in N. Epirus. "When Athens was in darkness, the appanage of a eunuch in the Seraglio at Stamboul, Jannina was a focus of Greek learning, and the travellers in the early 19th century tell us of scholars like Athanasius Psalida. Byron met one of his pupils at Athens, in 1801, and wrote of him that he was 'better educated than the fellow com- moners of most colleges.' I had heard of Lucas Via, of John Valeras, and other natives of Jannina, who brought to it the culture of the West, of the schools of Psalida and the Zossimas, of Sakellarios and Coletti, and Metra, but Dr. Georgitsis told me of more, and among others of the famous school founded by the brothers Philanthropinos in 1650, which flourished for more than a century. "This does not sound extraordinary as it is put down on paper, but if we try to realize the barbarous environment amid which these things were accomplished and the savage tyranny which essayed to thwart them, the achievement is little short of marvellous. It is a matter of wonder that Epirus has had to wait so long for her emancipation while other regions which deserved it less have long enjoyed it. But not all Epirus is free. Districts as Greek and as cul- tured as Jannina, Argyrocastro, Moschopolis. (Kory- tsa), where a printing-press was established nearly 200 years ago, are excluded, because a company of gentlemen seated round a green table in London have drawn a line on a map and decreed otherwise. 6i> THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS "I am writing this at the house of Dr. Georgitsis. His fourteen-year-old son, Sophocles, is seated opposite to me doing his lessons. He is at the Gymnasium, (the High School) which has existed for well nigh a century amid incredible difficulties. His school fellows of the senior class are not here. They have gone to join the Hierolochi- tae, the sacred band, to fight if need be for unredeemed Epirus. So has the doctor's nephew, who was residing lately at West Norwood. So has the best young blood of the countiy. "I shall meet some of them, for I leave today in order to try and give some account of the land which has been handed over to a fictitious state created to satisfy the covetous aspirations of two European Powers." We may add a few more remarks on the culture of Epirus. Rizarhios Scholi at Athens is the Theological Seminary of Greece. It w^as founded by Rhizos of Epirus, and more than fifty per cent, of the professors and of the students are Epirotes. Paul Melas, the famous Greek officer who went to ^lace- donia in 1902, and drove out the Bulgarian comitadjis, was an Epirote. To him Hellenism owes the rescue of INIace-* donia from the brutality of the Bulgars. When Mr. Venizelos left Athens in 1916, and founded his Provisional Government at Salonica, in order to com- bat the Germanophile King Constantine and lead the Greek people to the assistance of the cause of the Allies, the two men who with him formed the famous triumvirate, which finally drove out Constantine, and defeated Bul- garia, were Epirotes, from Northern Epirus ! General Danglis, the INIinister of War under the Provi- sional Government at Salonica, and the present INIinister of War of Greece is from Argj^'ocastron. The other prominent figure in the Triumvirate, Admiral Countoriotes, the present Admiral of Greece, and the vie- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 65 tor of the Dardanelles in 1912, when he was the admiral of the Greek Fleet, comes from North Epirus. The most classic poet of Modern Greece, Crystallis, comes from Epirus. In brief, Epirus is for Modern Greece what Massachu- setts or New England is for the United States. Epirus was the principal factor for the preservation of Greek culture, together with Constantinople for over 500 years. Epirus, through Souli, and Parga, through Tjavellas, Bozzaris, Diakos, Catsantones, Tjovaras, Androutsos and Caraiscakis, initiated and carried to a successful end the Greek Revolution of 1821-1829. Epirus has contributed more than any other Greek Province to the regeneration of Modern Greece with moneys, schools, and other princely gifts; and the Greek race looks upon Epirus, as the Americans look upon New England, with pride and affection. But the culture of the Epirotes is not only academic, for in the art of self-govermnent the Epirotes have achieved success which makes the chasm between them and the law- less tribes of the Albanians even greater. The historian Dumont in his excellent work La Tiirquie d'Europe, published in 1875, writes about the culture of Epirus : "To judge the Turks one should see the provinces; lodge in their houses ; live their lives as an unknown among them. In the same way to become acquainted with the Greeks, the Bulgarians or the Armenians one should not be content with visiting only the capitals of these nations. One must go to the country. I have travelled throughout the coun- try of the Epirotes. "In the districts the most remote and mountainous, the newspapers of Jannina or Athens arrive daily. "The Epirotes, like the rest of the Greeks, are excellent in the practice of their communal liberties. They have all the qualities requisite for the art of municipal government. <66 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS "Political life is very active and eloquence is much prized. " 'In Epirus, as throughout Turkey, a Greek village without a teacher,' says a proverb, 'is as rare as a valley without the corresponding hills.' "In villages where I could not count more than one hun- dred houses, the teachers showed nie their libraries. I could see there the classical collections of Tauchnitz. "Instruction is not compulsory, but none would consent to deprive his children of an education. "The expense of instruction is borne by the parents in each village. "Each village has its own treasury, and the moneys in them come from (a) bequests, (b) contributions by the Orthodox churches, (c) gifts of wealthy Epirotes abroad. "The budget is arranged according to the calculated ex- penses for the year. "In proportion to the resources of the community, churches are decorated, or new ones are erected ; a hospital is endowed; or a first-class teacher is imported from Athens ; a young man is sent to the University of Athens, or for studies abroad ; a road long neglected by the Otto- man Government is repaired. "It is a most rare case when two Greek parties appear before a Turkish Tribunal to adjust differences. Noth- ing does so much honor to the Greeks as the good sense with which, without a written law, without constitution, they know how to regulate their municipal affairs "The broadest democracy is the law of these communi- ties. Educational equality is almost perfect. Large for- tunes do not create great differences among them. "The poor are rare among them. Even the laborer who lives on his wages is never subjected to those hardships so frequent in our Western life. The vivacity of their spirit never changes. At the agora, at the church, at the theatre, the merchant, the worker, and the rich landowner, are always equals. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 67 "No people erect so many churches and chapels as the Epirotes. It was so with their ancient ancestors before Christianity. Hence this great number of edifices in honor of their heroes, or of the saints. "Pausanias, in his description of Greece proper, cites at every step monuments and altars. And I am sure there were many more which he has left out. "The Epirotes' taste for chapels is inherited from the Ancient Greeks. "Everywhere the warmest reception is given to strangers. "Activity is very great, and fortunes are not rare. A Westerner will find a comfortable home; the rooms vast, well ventilated, opening almost always to the east, are elegant, and simple. "The people emigrate to foreign lands but never forget to return to their homes. Never is a Greek afraid of a voyage. Motion delights him; and novelty enchants him. And he needs so little to make himself happy anyway. And making a living for a Greek is not a matter which worries him much. He is so ingenious. An Epirote who has only seen his own town or village is very rare. "If you are a stranger, in the evening they give you the best entertainment they can, and speak to you of Hellas, of the tyranny of the Turks and the Albanians, of the 'Megale Idea' or Great National Ideal, the union of all the Hellenes with Greece. "Thus one passes his days among these interesting peo- ple. Indeed, in order to be able to understand the Ancient Greeks, one should go and live among the descendants of Pericles and Thucydides. "For one cannot long live among them w^ithout recogniz- ing ancient traditions. Their language differs very little from the ancient Greek. The Romaic or Neo-Hellenic language is but a dialect, an idiom which was spoken but was not written, by the Ancient Greeks. Here one sees customs in daily life as old as Homer." 68 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS We have dealt with the cultural status of each of the two peoples — the Albanians and the Epirotes — because after all it is culture which is an unsurmountable barrier between the two peoples. The Epirote is peaceful, industrious, educated. The Albanian war-like, savage, untutored, idle, poor, and un- governable. The persistence of the Epirotes in preserving their char- acter is one of the things which strikes a Westerner when he visits the near East. Like the Jews, the Greeks are immortal. Neither the Turks, nor the Slavs, nor the Al- banians, nor the Xornians, nor the Francs, have been able to alter their national characteristics. ]Many towns and villages have been overthrown and burnt down. But each day they spring up anew from their ruins. It is a crime to force a people like the Alsatians to live under the rule of the nomads of Arabia, or of the savage tribes of Transcaucasia. And yet, this was the crime perpetrated by the Great Powers in 1913, when they decreed that more than one half of Greek Epirus should be driven by force of arms to live in the anarchy of Pan- Albanian brigandage. Having thus seen that the will of the Epirotes of North- ern Epirus to work together is definite and clean-cut and that it is outspokenly for union with Greece; having also seen that the cultural ties of the Epirotes and of the Greeks are too strong to be shattered by the unjust "decisions of politicians sitting round green tables," we pass to other considerations of secondary importance. Are there any Albanians in Northern Epirus, and what are the numerical proportions of the Greeks and Al- banians? And before we enter the discussion of numbers it is nec- essary to give our attention to a brief study of the geog- raphy, and the boundaries of the land of Northern Epims. CHAPTER VI GEOGRAPHY OF EPIRUS Having thus explained the Epirotic problem, it is now necessary to give the reader a general idea of the Province of Epirus and to point out what parts of it are coveted by the* Albanians, and refused to them by the Epirotes them- selves. Tlie Province of Epirus includes what was known under the Ottoman Empire as the Vilayet of Jannina and the Sanjak of Korytsa. More specifically, Epirus begins to the north at the Acroceraunian Mountains on the Adriatic coast slightly south of Valona, and eastward to the Lake of Ochrida. To the east Epirus is bounded by Macedonia, to the west by the Adriatic Sea, and to the south by the Gulf of Preveza and the Greek frontiers of 1912. The total area of the Province is about 5000 geographi- cal miles. The population is nearly 500,000. The frontier proposed by the Epirotes would leave to them the Vilayet of Jannina, with the Sanjaks of Jannina, Preveza, Goumenitza, in full; the larger part of the Sanjak of Argyrocastro, and in the Sanjak of Korytsa, the Kazas of Korytsa, and Colonia in full and half of the Kaza of Stazovo. These boundaries are far to the south of the original boundaries of Epirus in earlier days. But owing to the Islamisation of the inhabitants north of the Acroceraunian ^Mountains, the Epirotes consider the JNIoslems completely irreconcilable to the Christians and therefore have no desire to include in Epirus any lands north of these mountains. That Epirus extends at least to the Acroceraunian Mountains is not a vain invention of the Epirotes. At the beginning of our treatise we have quoted Ancient writers of Greece and Rome, and have seen that in the days 69 70 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS of Athens and Rome Epirus extended as far north as Durazzo. Philip Sea pubhshed a map in 1690-1701, "A New Map of The World," in which he puts the boundaries of Epirus above Valona, and includes Epirus in Greece. F. de Wit in 1680 published a map, "Turcicum Im- perium," according to which Epirus begins at Durazzo, and forms a part of Greece. Dancherus, in 1650, published his map, "Turcius Im- perius," in which Epirus begins north of Valona, and is part of Greece. B. Randolph, in 1650, published his map, "Graecia," in w hich Epirus, a province of Greece, begins to the north of Valona. G. Blau, in 1650, in his map, "Imperium Turcicum," describes Epirus as a Province of Greece, beginning to the north of Valona. Saurembergios' Map, "Macedonia Alexandri INI.," de- fines Epirus as a province of Greece which begins to the north of Valona. Pouqueville in 1804 produced his famous Histoire de La Grece, in which he gives a very illuminating table of the districts included in Epirus in ancient times as well as in 1804, under Turkish domination. We reproduce the table : Modern Ancient Modern Cantons Villages Sanjaks Provinces I Hellopia ( Jannina 54. M oil OS i a I Pogonion 40 Thynipeida Sarochovitsa 18 11 Courendas 24 Perrhebia III Zagori 44 Atintania Jannina IV \ Conitsa 36 Dolopia \ Sesanathes 18 V Anovlachia 37 Athamania Doumerca and VI Part of Radovitch 65 Paravia or Tetmez 15 Paroria AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE Modern Sanjaks Ancient Provinces Modern Cantons 7r Villages VII Drynopolis 43 Delvino Dryopia Himara 85 Chaonia Arboria 136 Parachaloraa 130 Philates 609 IX Chamouri Thesprotia Paramythia and | Cestrine Palio-Kistes j 54 X Aidonia or Aidonia 72 Celtica XI Sella Souli 4 XII Arta Cassiopia XIII Spianza and Lamari 25 Ambracia Rogous 42 XIV Amphilochia Arta 85 Total number of villages of Epirus 841 Pouqueville states that Epirus is a province of Greece, and begins north of Valona. We are indebted to Pouqueville for information on the ecclesiastical division of Epirus. It is well known that the Greek Church, like the Roman Catholic Church, in its ecclesiastical government, fol- lowed the imperial division into districts, ei3iscopates and so on. We give herewith Pouqueville's table of the ecclesiasti- cal division of Epirus: Metropolitan seat Archbishopric Bishopric Province 1. 2. Nicopolis Phoenice (Delvino) V V century 3. 4. 5. 6. Rogous Vonitza (Vonitsa) Actis (Arta) Dodona IX IX IX VI « 7. 8. Cassiopia (Jannina) Buthrotum IX V 9. 10, Drynopolis Photice or Velas V V « 12. Aidonia V t< 13. Anchiasmus (St. Quaranta) V u 72 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Kiej^ert, the most exact and scientific geographer of modern times, sets the boundaries of Epirus to the north of Valona, and includes Epirus in the h^nds called Greek. Epirus has five great centres of culture and commerce: Jannina, Konitza, Santi Quaranta, Argyrocastron, and Korytsa. The first two cities are in Southern Epirus, the last three in Northern Epirus. Although Korytsa and Konitza have each a college for boys and schools for girls, the collegiate studies of all the Epirotes are done by preference at the College Zossimaea at Jannina. Commercially, Jannina is the centre. The highways connecting Jannina, Santi Quaranta, Argyrocastron, Korytsa, are the only outlets of Epirus both to the Adriatic Sea, and to Monastir, and Salonica. High mountains completely isolate Korytsa and Argy- rocastron from Valona and the rest of Albania. There are no trade routes from Epirus to Albania. Northern Epirus has always looked upon Jannina as its educational and commercial metropolis. The Ottoman Empire found it politically practicable to govern the whole province through the Vali of Jannina. The Greek Patriarchate, following the ancient line of the political boundaries of Epirus, had all the churches of Epirus under the jurisdiction of the JNIetropolitan Bishop of Jannina. CHAPTER VII POPULATION OF EPIRUS The total population of Epirus is nearly 500,000. The statistical table on p. 77 gives the numbers of the various races inhabiting Epirus. In connection with the table it is well to remark that the total Greek-speaking population is greater than the total Mussulman population, or 193,925 and 116,815, respec- tively. The tables are compilations from the Turkish census of 1908. The Turkish government considered all the Mus- sulmans as Turks. In reality, however, with the excep- tion of 50,000 Turks, all the Mussuhnan population may be considered as Albanians. All the Greek-speaking, as well as the Albanophone, and Vlachophone Christian population was classed by the Turkish government under "Greeks." Taking away from tlie total Mussuhnan population the 50,000 Turks, who far from being Albanians entertain a deep-rooted hatred for the Albanians, as we shall show, we notice that the Greek-speaking population of Epirus alone is in the majority over any one element, and by far more numerous than the Moslem Albanians, or 193,925 Greeks against 116,815. The next important point to be considered is the na- tionality of the Vlachs. There are almost 16,623 Vlachs in Epirus. From time immemorial they are attached to the cause of Hellenism. They speak a broken jargon known as "Koutzo-Vlach" but they speak Greek better and read and write only Greek. The schools and the churches of the Vlachs are Greek. 73 74 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS . Rimiania made a desperate effort, and has spent millions of francs in an attempt to persuade the Vlachs that they were not Greeks but Rumanians. The result of 25 years of effort on the part of Rumania has proven the futility of all attempts to detach the Epi- rotes from their allegiance to Hellenism. The table of schools (p. 78) shows that in a population of 1G,G23 Vlachs, in 2.5 years the Rumanians have succeeded in showing only 103 pupils. Stournara and Averoff, two of the most eminent bene- factors of Greece, were Vlachs. The most ardent lovers of the Hellenic ideals are the Vlachs. The writer of this booklet is of Vlach parentage, and can testify to the ardor of this race for Greek culture, and Greek nationality. So far as we know, the only writer who has expressed himself in favor of the Vlachs joining the Albanians, is Mr. Brailsford. But Mr. Brailsford stands alone on this point. His attitude is due to the fact that he has never visited Epirus, and has never seen the Vlachs there. All the writers who have been in this province and have known the Vlachs are of unanimous accord that the Vlachs are perfect Greeks in every respect. Finally, there are 91,386 Greeks who speak Albanian in their families, but who also speak Greek and read and write only Greek. The Albanians clamor that these people who use a broken Albanian dialect in their homes are Albanian. The Albanophones are Greeks in sentiment ; they desire union with Greece; they despise and hate the Albanians, and in 1914 were the first to rise against the Albanian state^ demanding union with Greece, Looking at the statistical table of population, and cast- ing an eye on the map we shall notice that the larger num- ber of Albanophones are in Korytsa, INIargariti, Argyro- castron, Tepeleni and Premeti. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 75 These districts represent the richest districts of Epirus. The Albanians, invited by Ali Pasha in 1803, settled in the choice districts of Xorthern Epirus. The educated Epirotes of these occupied districts fled the country for fear of the wild Albanian Beys. The peasants became slaves, and were bound to the soil. These Greek slaves were forced by the necessity of pro- pitiating the savagery of their feudal lords to hide as much as possible their Greek sentiments. They adopted the dress and the language of their oppressors ; but they clung to the Christian Orthodox Church, the liturgv' of which was in Greek. These peasants in less than a century have lost their original language, just as in less than 40 years Ger- man pressure has altered the linguistic character of Alsace- Lorraine; but the traditions, the aspirations, and the ideals of these unfortunate Epirotes remained unchanged, thor- oughly Greek. The Greeks of the interior of Asia Minor speak only Turkish. But none will deny that they are as good Greeks as those born in Athens. The Spanish American republics speak Spanish, but they are not parts of Spain. In deciding upon the na- tionality of the Albanophones we should not take as a criterion the language, which today may be Albanian and tomorrow Greek. We should apply the measure de- scribed by Lord Cromer, IMr. Toynbee, and JNIr. Clemen- ceau — the will of the Albanophones themselves. And the will of the Albanophones w^as unmistakably made evident by their successful revolt against Albania in 1914. That the Albanophones are Greeks in sentiment and that they demand union with Greece w^e shall see later, from the testimonies of eminent writers who have been eye- witnesses during the struggle of 1914 in N. Epirus. Upon analysis of the proportions as given in the table, it is seen that in the most important districts the majority of the Greek element is indisputable. 76 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS That the Albanian dialect spoken by the Epirotes in certain districts of Northern Epirus does not prove that those Epirotes are Albanians historically is clearly demon- strated by authors who have made special studies on Epirus. Dr. Dillon writes in the Contemporary Review of April, 1903: "For the past ten years or more the Albanians have been slowly extending their territory, and without serious oppo- sition. Their Christian neighbors who occupied the land were either killed off or driven away in large numbers. "Thus 'the chivalrous brigands' have succeeded in be- coming predominant even where they are in the minority, seeing that they carry weapons openly and know how to use them, while the Christians are by law unarmed. "Many tribes live almost exclusively by the proceeds of organized depredations on the Christians who try to live and work in their neighborhood." The numerous quotations we have already cited from General Perrhaebus, the works of Pouqueville, Hob- house, and Leake are full of instances of forced Albanifi- cation. The following story, narrated to the author of this book- let by H. Bolo, a citizen of Boston, and a distinguished leader in the Epirotic Revolution of 1914, is perhaps the most potent evidence of the soundness of the contention that that portion of Northern Epirus which speaks Al- banian, besides Greek, was forced to alter its national lan- guage, in order to propitiate the furious savagery of the Albanian invaders. Mr. Bolo told the author one day in his youth he was sent by his parents to cany sheep from Argi^Tocastron to Jannina. "It was very necessary," he said, "that I learn Albanian, because, if I did not know Albanian, the Al- banians would have recognized me as a Christian and as a Greek, and would have stolen my sheep, and even killed AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 77 me and my attendants. But I had to do even more than that. I had to wear the head-gear of the Albanians." There are over 30,000 Epirotes in America. Most of them are simple, and untutored laborers. Everyone of them, I am sure, will tell a similar tale to that of Mr. Bolo. TABLE OF POPULATION OF EPIRUS The statistical table that follows is taken from the fa- mous work of Amadori Virgili, published in 1908. GREEKS Total Greeks Mussul- mans Total DISTRICT Greco- phones Alhano- phones Vlacho- phones Popula- tion Jannina Metsovo Liescovikion Preveza 72,674 5,862 6,100 12,543 20,162 1,400 17,340 9,936 13,178 12,231 3,865 18,615 1,400 '2,624 1,100 8,812 250 2,600 7,916 4,155 3,383 5,846 9,500 10,800 "ioo 2,138 2,381 64,874 5,882 8,734 12,542 21,283 10,212 17,690 12,536 21,094 16,38() 7,848 5,846 11,638 20,986 5,032 " 4,584 1,854 882 18,426 11,276 4,704 21,032 5,450 4,750 15,866 18,630 810 89,900 5,682 13,308 14,326 22 1 14 Louros INIargariti Philiates Paramythia Arg\'roeastron . . . l^elvinon Cheimarra Tepelen 68,638 28,966 17,260 42,126 21,836 11,998 91,412 Premeti Pogonion 30,158 81,806 Total Corvtsa 193,935 47,586 43,800 15,409 1,214 256,920 45,014 113,896 53,919 369,816 98,933 Total 193,935 91,386 16,693 301,934 166,815 468,749 CHAPTER VIII SCHOOLS We now come to the schools of Epirus : TABLE OF STATISTICS OF SCHOOLS IN EPIRUS: Number of Teachers Number of Pupils Number of Schools W 3 J^ a a o Jaxxika: City of Jannina.. (8) Jannina (incl. City of Jannina) .. .x?o8 Metsovo 8 Konitza 31 Leskoviko 34 Filiatai 34 Pararaythia 33 Total in the Sanjaks 397 Arg^tiocastro : Argyrocastro .... 50 Delvino 24 Premeti 35 Tepelen 18 Himara 8 Pogoni 43 Total in the Sanjaks 177 Preveza : Preveza 32 Louves 36 Margariti 30 Total 98 Berat: Berat 18 Scraperi 1 Lousina 25 Yalona 10 Total 54 Total in the Vilayet. .726 (1) (80) (2) .. 3Sl 8 20 1 36 3 36 , . 33 •• 459 59 33 39 22 14 57 224 1,467) (35) .. 9,417 63 482 . • 1,089 22 1,118 1,302 . . 732 12 14,140 85 1,916 ■ • • • 1,063 . . 1,118 18 589 507 • . 2,061 .. 7,254 18 40 36 31 • • • • 1,254 1,180 681 •• • * 107 • • 3,115 .. 28 21 29 16 • * 5 769 24 623 435 •• 40 74 864 13 5 5 1,851 96,360 103 40 40 School and church maps and statistics by ^madori Virgili, 1908. 78 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 79 Taking the table and analyzing it very briefly we are induced to notice that : 1. The Greek schools are evenly distributed throughout the entire Province. 2. There are no Albanian schools at all. 3. The Province presents a very high school attendance. In a Greek population of 301,934, nearly 27,000 children of both sexes attend Greek schools, that is, nearly 10 per cent, of the entire Greek population of Epirus. The schools are, in our opinion, a very convincing ex- pression of the will of the Epirotes to stay Greeks. Will an American send his child of from 5 to 16 years of age to a Mexican school when he can easily send him to an American? Does not the enormous number of schools, teachers, and pupils, show beyond any doubt that the par- ents, who prefer to send their children to a Greek school to learn the Greek language first before they learn any other language, to learn Greek History first, to express their thoughts in Greek, to say their prayers in Greek, to write to their parents in Greek, to learn their arithmetic and their plays in Greek, that those parents are Greeks and intend that their children shall be Greeks also? But the Albanophiles object to our school evidence. They claim that the Epirotes established Greek schools for three reasons : 1. They were not allowed by the Turkish Government to have Albanian schools. 2. The Greek language attracted them by its culture. 3. The Greek language is a commercial language in the Near East. That the Turkish Government discouraged Albanian learning is true. But it is no less true that the same Gov- ernment discouraged and hindered Greek, Bulgar, Serb, and Rumanian learning. Nevertheless, the Greeks, the Bulgars, the Serbs, and the Rumanians imposed their will upon the Turks and forced the latter to allow the teaching of their respective languages. Had the Albanians been 80 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS animated by a nationalist spirit, they could easily have forced the Turks to permit the teaching of the Albanian language. We know the fierceness of the Albanians too well to believe that they would have brooked Turkish inter- ference in Albanian affairs. If the Turks failed for 500 years to penetrate Albania, and impose taxes, and con- script the Albanians, how naive it is to contend that the Albanians were deprived of culture because of Turkish in- terference? The truth is that the Albanians hate educa- tion; and that the Epirotes have never shared with the Albanians any common aims or common ideals. To the contention that the Epirotes were attracted by Greek culture we will reply that the Epirotes in the last 30 years have been solicitously offered other cultures — the Italian and the Austrian — and yet the Epirotes have re- fused both of these cultures with resentment. Italy and Austria have opened schools throughout Epirus with the intention of teaching the Albanian lan- guage together with Italian, the German and French lan- guages. The Italians were so anxious that the Epirotes should cease to attend the Greek schools and learn Al- banian and Italian that the Italian Government not only subsidized Italian and Albanian schools and teachers, but also offered to pay every Epirote's child that attended their schools. Yet, the Epirotes have not patronized these foreign schools because they saw in them institutions which aimed at the denationalization of Epirus. The third contention that this language is a commercial language cannot stand. The Greek language is not as necessary in the commercial transactions of the orient as the German, the French, the English and the Italian lan- guages. The Austrian and Italian teachers promised the young Epirotes a much brighter career than that offered by a Greek education. The Italians offered the Epirotes not only a successful career in Italy or other countries of Europe, but also protection from the cruelty of the Turks. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 81 Every inducement was offered to draw the Epirotes from the Greek schools. The results of the prodigious efforts of the Austrians and Italians are seen in this paper. The Epirotes were not constrained to learn Greek. The case of Alsace-Lorraine and the forced attendance of the French children in the German schools cannot be ad- duced as a parallel to the attendance of the Epirote chil- dren in the Greek schools. The schools of the Epirotes are their own, built, managed and endowed by themselves, without Greek interference and without any assistance from Greece. In fact the Epirotes not only have not re- ceived assistance and inspiration from Greece, but are even responsible for most of the educational institutions of Greece herself. To form a slight idea of the vast cultural efforts of the Epirotes — efforts altogether spontaneous and unsubsidized — it is well to mention here that in a population of 300,000 Greeks in Epirus, there are 2,000 churches. Serbia with a population of 5,000,000, has not more than 2,000 churches. These contentions may be also met by the following considerations : ( 1 ) Albania is as old as Greece. If the Albanians had ever had a national consciousness, that national conscious- ness would have found expression in national culture, pop- ular songs and literature. The Greeks had been under Turkey for nearly five hun- dred years ; so have the Rumanians, the Serbs and the Bul- gars. During the period of their servitude these four na- tionalities gave evidence of national consciousness through their poets, their writers, their popular songs and their histories. Only Albania has remained to our day without a j)an- Albanian language, without national popular songs, without poets and without a single work of literature. (2) If the Northern Epirotes had had an Albanian na- tional consciousness, they would have done what the Bul- gars and the Rumanians did, at the beginning of the 19th century. They would have driven away the Greek priest 82 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPmUS and the Greek teacher, and would liave either established Albanian schools, or would have chosen the culture of an- other Christian nation, such as England, France, Italy or Austria. (3) The Turks brought to bear the same, or even more violent ojDpression upon Greek culture than they did upon the Albanian schools. It was only the force of the national consciousness of the Greeks, the Bulgars, the Serbs, and Rumanians which imposed upon the Turks the recognition of the rights of these subject nationalities to develop their national cultures under the Ottoman dominion. Had the Northern Epirotes been animated by an Albanian national feeling thej'^ would have succeeded as well as the Greeks in making Turkey recognize their right to have schools and churches for the education of their children in Albania. (4) In the last twenty years a unique opportunity was presented to the Northern Epirotes to emancipate them- selves from the "hated" Greek schools and churches, and to develop their ow^n Albanian culture. Austria and Italy were vying for the occupation of the eastern shores of the Adriatic. In order that some day these nations might have a justifiable claim on Albania, they initiated a feverish work of Austrianization and Itali- anization of Albania and Epirus. Austria sent numberless Catholic priests to Northern Albania, who established churches and catechised the northern Albanians in the interest of allegiance to Austria. Italy did the same thing in Southern Albania, and in Epirus. Italy, however, attempted to create a pro-Italian sentiment through schools. In all the important centres of Southern Albania and Epirus Italian schools began to spring up. The Italian schools w^ere better equipped than the local Greek schools. They offered advantages to the Epirotes which could not be obtained from the Greek schools. If the Epirotes would attend Italian rather than Greek schools they w^ere offered the following advantages: AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 83 (a) Protection against oppression by Turks and by Al- banians. (b) Free education. (c) Financial assistance to the parents of those Epirotes who sent their children to Italian schools. (d) Instruction in Italian and in Albanian. (e) Guarantee that the graduates from the Italian schools would be sent to Italian firms for profitable posi- tions. (5) The Itahan language is certainly better understood and more used in the commercial circles of the Near East than the Greek. It is evident that the Northern Epirotes had many op- portunities to learn Albanian, and to develop an Albanian culture in the Italian and Austrian schools, with very great advantages besides, but they preferred the schools of their own race. CHAPTER IX ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM We have mentioned that one of the arguments brought forward by the advocates of "Greater Albania" is the eco- nomic advantage to Albania of the annexation of North- ern Epirus. It is maintained that Albania without Northern Epirus is economically a bankrupt state. We could answer that no matter how much Albania needs Northern Epirus economically, if the Northern Epi- rotes object to their union with Albania, no justice can be done to the Epirotes by condemning them to die nationally and economically in order to save the future Albanian State. But leaving the will of the Epirotes out of the question, it is well to consider first whether Northern Epirus consti- tutes in reality a question of economic life or death for Albania ; and secondly, whether that part of Epirus which is left to Greece can subsist economically with Northern Epirus in the hands of a foreign state. We have already touched upon the economic unity of Northern and Southern Epirus in our chapter on the geog- raphy of Epirus. We have shown that nature has sepa- rated Northern Epirus from Albania by rugged moun- tains; that there are no roads connecting Valona with Northern Epirus; that from time immemorial the cities of Korytsa, Arg^^rocastron, Delvino, Santi Quaranta had Jannina as their commercial, industrial and intellectual centre. Albania in antiquity extended northward from Valona. 1 * 84 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 85 The Albanian race, more numerous once than today, has been able to subsist within the limits described by the Arco- ceraunian Mountains and the Black Mountains in Monte- negro. Under the Turkish Empire the Albanians have been able to live within their mountainous barriers without industries, without commerce. During the five hundred years of their subjugation to Turkey, Northern Epirus has never been commercially connected with Albania. No merchants from Northern Epirus buy from or sell to the Albanians to the north of Valona. All the commercial relations of Albania with other lands were established through Valona, Durazzo, or San Juan Di Medua. Now, the argument that Albania cannot live economi- cally without Northern Epirus is unintelligible, in view of the fact that by the union of Northern Epirus with Greece no old established commercial or industrial or intellectual relations are suddenly broken off. On the other hand, the inclusion of Northern Epirus in the future Albanian State will carry with it the economic death of the entire Province of Epirus, for one unit, one economic integer is thus broken up into two. Jannina, the economic heart of the whole province of Epirus, is cut off from three important arteries, Korytsa, Argyrocastron, Santi Quaranta, and is thus doomed to a complete and sud- den extinction as a first class city. Korytsa, a flourishing city, is connected with Argyrocastron-Jannina-Santi Quaranta on the one hand, and with jNIonastir-Salonica on the other. If Northern Epirus is included in Albania, Korytsa will be completely isolated from her two main markets, Jannin^ and Monastir-Salonica. Korytsa will be forced to carry on a meagre trade with Valona over most difficult mountains, and be cut off from Monastir (a Serbian city) and from Salonica, a Greek city, as well as from Jannina (a Greek city). Business relations established from time immemorial be- tween Jannina and Korytsa-Monastir-Salonica will sud- denly be broken off. Natural markets will be abandoned, 86 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS and new markets sought over mountains nowhere less than 1000 feet high. The division of Epirus into a Northern and a Southern Epirus, the one under Albania, the other under Greece, will render both parts of the country completely valueless for many years to come, until Albania becomes civilized enough and strong enough financially to build railways, make tunnels, and establish commercial communications between Korytsa and Valona, and until Greece opens new roads, and new commercial connections between Jannina and other Greek provinces. But what the Albanians regard as the panacea for the economic weakness of the Albanian State of tomorrow will not only fail to be such but will mean the economic death of both Northern and Southern Epirus- as well as the de- cadence of INIonastir, the capital of Serbian Macedonia. IVIoreover, the Albanians cannot claim that Northern Epirus is so rich in mines or other natural wealth that it will be the source of wealth very sorely needed by the new State of Albania. So far we have viewed the economic aspect of the in- clusion of Northern Epirus in Albania only from an Al- banian standpoint. If the Albanians are entitled to the liberty of demanding a Greek province on the ground that Albania needs it for economic reasons, why are not the Epirotes themselves, and the Greek people as a whole, entitled to the same liberty of demanding that Northern Epirus remain united to the rest of Epirus, and joined to Greece for economic, as well as for ethnic reasons? If Northern Epirus is needed by Albania, because Northern Epirus is rich, is not the same province needed by Greece for the same reasons? Is Greece so populous, so rich, so powerful that it can afford to slice off portions of her national possessions and offer them to her neighbors who tomorrow will turn against her and demand more ? CHAPTER X STRATEGIC ASPECTS But aside from the economic ruin that will visit Epirus through being thus 'cut in halves, we must consider the question under its strategical aspects. The boundaries as delineated by the Powers in 1913, consist of a mere line hastily drawn by Sir Edward Grey on the Epirotic map. Those memorable days of 1913 were the old days. They were the days of the old diplomacy. They were days when the rights of small nations were not troubling the con- sciences of the diplomats of the great Christian States of Europe. Italy and Austria clamored for a great Albanian state. A war with the Triple Alliance had to be avoided. What matter if 200,000 Epirotes were surrendered to a savage people? What did it concern the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain if the line which he scratched on the map of Epirus left Greece exposed on the north to the mercy of an enemy with much superior forces to her own ? On this subject, however, we simply touch at this point. In the succeeding pages we shall quote from a scholarly lecture of Colonel Murray of England, who as a soldier is very com- petent to tell us of the strategic disadvantages which will fall to the lot of Greece if Northern Epirus is separated from her. We are content here to mention that Albania and Epirus are separated by most excellent natural barriers, the Acro- ceraunian Mountains, which have been, and should be, the boundaries between Greece and Albania. 87 CHAPTER XI ITALIAN AMBITIONS ''Very soon," wrote Mr. Rene Puaux, the correspondent of the Paris Temps, from Eph-us in 1914, "the fate of Epiriis will be decided. The Great Powers, yielding to the pressure from Italy, will surrender to the suppositi- tious Albanian State lands inhabited by patriotic Greeks, delivering them to the tyranny of the Albanian Beys. Ital}" has written brilliant pages in world history, but now, she is writing a few detestable ones, all the more detest- able as she abjures all those principles which permitted her to become a free nation, in order to realize her imperial- istic dreams. "In seeking to create an Albanian state, as large as pos- sible, in the hope of dividing it up with Austria later, she thinks that Austria will allow her to occupy Valona. I do not pretend to be a prophet, but I am certain that sooner or later Serbia and Montenegro will be united, and will demand an outlet on the Adriatic through Albania, when Greece will again occupy the lands which are now wrested from her. Italy will have won nothing from her obstinacy and injustice, except the alienation of the sympathies of the Greek people. Mr. Di San Giuliano, in building castles in the air, and in applying a policy of malicious injustice will serve his country very poorly. "If Epirus is detached from Greece, Europe will have created another Alsace-Lorraine. Greece can never find rest until the entire Province of most Hellenic Epirus be- comes a part of the Greek State." Mr. Arnold Toynbee in his Greek Policies Since 1882, page 28, writes: 8S AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 89 "The Greek troops arrived just in time, for the Hellen- ism of the Epirotes has been very ten-ibly proved by murderous attacks from their Moslem neighbors on the north. These last, owing to their jNloslem faith, have always been with the Turks, the ruling class. They are superior to the Christians by the possession of arms, which under the Ottoman regime, were the monopoly of the ^Moslem. Now, however, the oppression seems to be over- past, and the Greek occupation to be a harbinger of security for the future." Unluckily, Epinis teas of interest to others besides its own inliabitants ; it occupies an important geographical position facing the extreme heel of Italy just below the narrowest point in the neck of the Adriatic, and the Italian Government insisted that the country should be included in the new Autonomous Albanian Principality, which the Powers had reserved the right to delimit by a provi- sion in the Treaty of London. Italy gave two reasons for her demand. First, she declared it incompatible with her own vital interests that both shores of the strait between Corfu and the mainland should pass into the hands of the same power, because the combination of both coasts and the channel between them offered a site for a naval base that could dominate the mouth of the Adriatic. Secondly, she maintained that the native Albanian speech of the Epirotes proved their Albanian nationality, and that it was unjust to the new Albanian nation to de- prive it of its most prosperous and civilised section. Neither argument, however, is cogent; the first' could be met by the neutralization of the Corfu straits, under such a guarantee as we have proposed for Mitylene and Chios ; it is also considerably weakened by the fact that the really commanding position on the eastern side of the Adriatic's mouth is not the Corfu Channel outside the Narrows, but the magnificent harbor of Avlona, just within them, a port of jNIoslem population to which the 90 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Epirotes have never laid claim and which would therefore, in any case fall within the Albanian frontier. The second argument is almost ludicrous: the destiny of Epirus is not primarily the concern of the Albanians, or for that matter, of the Greeks, but of the Epirotes them- selves and it is hard to see how nationality can be defined except in terms of their own conscious and expressed de- sire, for a nation is simply a group of men desirous of organizing themselves for certain purposes, and can be brought into existence not by any specific external factors, but soleh' by the inward will of its members. It was a travesty of justice to put the Epirotes at the mercy of the Moslem majority, which had been massacring them the year before, on the ground that they happened to speak the same language. Mr. Andre Cheradame in his Doiize Ans de Propagande en Faveur des Pays Ballxaniques, writes: "In Epirus Greece is confronted by Italy. The differ- ences are m-eat between the Govermnents of Athens and Rome. The Greeks, consequently, are very much stirred up by the project of Italian intervention in the south of Albania- and even in the region to which they lay claim. "And they are very much in the right, and declare that they have liberated Epirus with much blood, and that they mean to stay there, and that if Italy should decide to chase them out of Epirus, they would resist. 'More- over,' they declare, 'the part of Epirus to which we lay claim is inhabited by a very large majority of Greeks. Let there be a plebiscite, and it will be seen.' "The numerous schools, churches, monasteries that the Greeks have in Epirus is sufficient to prove that the Greeks run no risk in proposing a consultation of the population, and on this point the Italian sophisms are unjustifiable." And in pages 228 and following of the same work of Mr. Andre Cheradame, we read : "What are the frontiers of Albania? It is difficult to AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 91 tell, for the expression 'Albania' designates the most vague country in Europe. "In reality, Albania consists of frontier regions so in- definite, and inhabited by races so varied (Albanians, Serbs, Greeks) that neither Albanians, Serbs nor Greeks are in any way of one accord as to the exact limits of Albania. "Thus the Albanians pretend that Uskiib is Albanian, an assertion which is without the slightest foundation. As to the plain of Kossovo, which was inhabited in the Middle Ages by Serbians, and was the centre of the Serbian Empire, the Albanians have established themselves by force, persecuting and exterminating the Serbian population, which up to the first Balkan war lived under the terror of the Albanian oppression. "Austria-Hungary, having been frustrated by the Balkan Alliance in her plans to descend upon Salonica, and wishing to punish Serbia for her unwillingness to be subjugated by Austria, raised the problem of a ^Nlagna Albania to extend from Scutari to Jannina, and from the Adriatic to Uskub. "If this solution is adopted, which is the solution the most favorable to the Austro-Germans, the following re- sults would ensue : "Serbia would be forever shut from access to the Adriatic. The Albanians would be allowed to profit by their wholesale murders and persecutions and, by the dis- location of the Serbians and the Greeks under the Turkish rule, Serbia and Greece would be despoiled of lands be- longing to them by right of nationality and of untold sacrifices in blood in 1912. "A large Albania established on the Serbian and Greek territories is not only against the principles of nationality but also against the interests of the Allies both in this war and in the future. "The Albanians, under the Turkish regime, as corre-^ 92 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS ligionists of the latter, enjoyed under the Sultans the privilege of oppressing, of j^ersecuting, and dislodging the Serbians from Uskiib and Kossovo and the Greeks from N. Epirus. Out of 1,000,000 Albanians only 200,000 are Christians, 800,000 are ^lussulmans, and in sympathy ^vith Turkey and her allies. The Albanians who were forced out of Uskub and Kossovo by the liberating armies of Prince Alexander, and from Korytsa by the former Greek Crown Prince Constantine, have looked up to Bulgaria and to Austria. Should a large Albania be created at tlie exj^ense of Serbia and Greece, we should not entertain any doubts as to the attitude of new Albania towards our Balkan Allies, Serbia and Greece. Albania instigated by Austria-Germany will connive with Bulgaria and Turkey to attack Serbia and Greece. With a strong- Albania in the back of Serbia and of Greece, with a Ger- manized Bulgaria and Turkey, Prussia's road to the east will be always open and unimpeded. "The principle of nationality demands that N. Epirus be allowed to join itself to Greece. In 1914 when the con- gress of London decided to include in Albania a large por- tion of N. Epirus, the entire population of N. Epirus rose up and fought bravely against their subjection to the barbarous and savage Albanian domination. "Humanity also dictates that no civilized population should be forced to live under the ruthless hand of a savage people. The Greek people of N. Epirus, who have con- tributed more than any other portion of the Greek father- land to the regeneration of Greece, w^ho have given to Greece its greatest generals, benefactors, and educators, N. Epirus, which is the home of Greek schools and Greek churches, cannot be subjected to the savage rule of the tribes of Ghegs and Tores, who for 500 years have done nothing else but oppress, persecute and despoil the peace- ful and progressive Greek population of N. Epirus." Having cited the facts about the tragedy of TsTorthern Epirus as those facts are put by eminent writers, we can AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 93 now understand -why the Epirotic question is so difficult and why we invoke the justice of the English speaking nations, America and Great Britain, to give us freedom, and to allow us to pursue the dictates of our conscience. We have reached a point where we understand that the Epirotes have in reality no quarrel with the Albanians as to the Epirotic question but with the Great Power of the Adriatic, Italy. Italy and Austria, as Mr. Rene Puaux explains, decided to make a greater Albania in the hope of dividing it be- tween them later. In the Literary Digest of jNIay 6, 1915, we read the following quotation from L'ltalie, published in Rome. In this quotation Peter Kekaviqui, Secretary of the Marshalship at the Court of Wied, is said to have written: "Albania, in fact, being the creation of the Triple Alliance- it is on the fate of the Austro-Hungarian and German Armies that its future political existence de- pends. Not only the head of the State, but every Albanian citizen, without distinction of religion, should feel compelled to fight on their side, in recognition of the liberators of Albania." Mr. Reginald Wyon wrote in the Blackwood's Magazine of April, 1903: "It is to be remembered that a ceaseless agitation is in progress, chiefly on the part of Austria, (through the priests) and of Italy (by means of the schools) to gain in- fluence. "The time will come when at least two of the great Powers will have to seriously consider the Albanian prob- lem, who are both interested in its solution." The Literary Digest of February 21, 1914, said: "Austria-Hungary and Italy may regard the new King- dom as a chess-board for playing their game of rivalry in the Adriatic." In the Spectator of ]May 23, 1914, we read: "Perhaps, the chief obstacle to a working arrangement on the Epirote lines is that Italy does not approve of it, 94; THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS and so we come back to the fact that Italy's presence in Albania is a very significant thing. It is useless to prophesy. There is a mess; Austria and Italy may try to use that mess to their own profit." What was prophesied by the Spectator and by Mr. Reginald Wyon came true. Italy which had been lib- erated by France in 1856; Italy which was still suffering at the hands of Austrian despotism in the irredentist Italian lands, the Italy of Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi, had lost her beautiful traditions during her unnatural association with the Germanic Empires. Italy the liberal, and pacific, had grown to be Italy the ultra-imperialistic, the ultra-despotic. Greece had, since its independence, looked upon Italy w^ith compassion, while Austria ruled the plains of the Piave. Greek Epirotes by the thousands rushed across the Adriatic in 1856, to fight- and to shed their blood that Italy might become free. But in 1911, the whole Greek race was shocked at the discovery that Italy the beautiful, the Italy of Garibaldi, had already become a nation of the past. In 1911, Italy occupied the twelve Greek Islands known as the Dodecanese. The Greek population received the Italians with enthusiasm. General D'Ameglio promised the people freedom. And when the Greeks asked that they be allowed to be united to Greece now that Italy had driven the Turks from their homes. General D'Ameglio became infuriated. The Dodecanese ever since has been subjected to a tyranny the like of wliich the Greek race has never witnessed even in the blackest day of JNIoham- medan domination. The Greek schools have been closed, the Greek clergy have been under trying persecutions ; the spiritual leaders of the people are either in prison or in exile, for the crime of refusing to embrace Italian nation- ality and for desiring union with Greece. When in 1912, the Greek world learned of the decision of Italy to mix up in the Balkan affairs, a pained outcry AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 95 arose. They knew that Italy, not satisfied with the Greek Islands in the Aegean, was coveting the Greek province of Northern Epirus, that she might continually have a chance fOr further interference and expansion in the Balkans. And the Greek fears came true. Immediately after the fall of Jannina, Italy made it evident that she would not permit Greece to occupy permanently the Greek Province of Northern Epirus. jNIr. Venizelos would have risked a war with Italy had not the Balkan Alliance been undermined by the associated intrigues of Germany, Austria and Italy; with Bulgaria threatening war, with Austria mobilized, and with Turkey preparing to attack her victors, Mr. Venizelos reluctantly yielded to the cruel demands of the Italian government. We have told the story of the treaty of London, accord- ing to which nearly two-thirds of Epirus was given up to Albania. We have related the revolt of the Northern Epirotes and their successful repulse of the Albanian forces. We have touched upon the Conference of Corfu' whereby the Northern Epirotes were recognized by all the Powers, including Italy, as Greek-Epirotes, and their country as Epirus. We have seen that the Protocol of Corfu made N. Epirus autonomous, with Greek as the official language of the Autonomous State. We have also seen that immediately after the Conference of Corfu, Wied was driven out, that anarchy and civil wars broke out throughout Albania, and that the jNIoslem Albanian tribes, indifferent to the arguments of Italy about the brotherhood of Epirotes and Albanians, rushed into Northern Epirus, and began to plunder, burn and massacre the Christian Epirotes. We have mentioned how the Powers, including Italy, recognized the danger to the Epirotes from the wild JNIohammedan tribes, and permitted the Greek forces to reoccupy Epirus, and we have related how after Mr. Venizelos left Greece in 1916, Italy occupied Epirus. 96 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS The occupation of Northern Epiriis by Italy in 1916 was a repetition of the occupation of the Dodecanese in 1911. The only remarkable difference was the more in- tense spirit of hatred towards the Greek element, and the more systematic persecution' and extinction of the Greek element of Northern Epirus. We are aware that these statements seem so incredible to American and British readers that the risk is incurred of being considered either a maniac or an irresponsible lunatic. For no American or Britisher can ever imagine that Italy, which is today struggling for the liberation of her oppressed children, has launched out upon a tyrannical policy of suppressing the sentiment of the Northern Epirotes and of forcing them by violence to abjure their allegiance to their mother-countiy, Greece. Unfortun- ately for the Northern Epirotes and for the fair name of the cause of our Allies, Italy, even at this hour, has not lifted the cross from the backs of the Northern Epirotes. The Greek schools in Epirus which as we have seen had been the first Greek schools instituted after the regen- eration of Greece, the Greek Church which has kept the fire of Hellenism burning in Northern Epirus, have been subjected to a most barbarous persecution. Under the eyes, and by the approval of the Italian authorities, Albanian brigands have seized the leaders of the Northern Epirotes and have either killed them, or thrown them in prisons. The Greek teachers have been supplanted by Italians and Albanians. No Epirote can visit Greek Epirus. The Northern Epirotes asked to be allowed to join the Greeks in fighting the Austro-Bulgars in JNIacedonia, and they were flatly refused. The documents we cite here below are only a few among the hundreds which reach us daily, relating to the harrow- ing cruelties committed by the Albanians under the auspices of Italy. And we make them public not with any intention of casting aspersion on one of our Allies, AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 9T but in order to arouse the pity, and the sense of fair-play of America and England that they may take prompt steps and request Italy to put an end to a policy which as Mr. Rene Puaux writes will result in nothing else but in compromising the fair name of Italy and the noble struggle for which the democracies of the world are today shedding the blood of their youths. CHAPTER XII ALBANIAN ATROCITIES The following lists of atrocities and oppressions we have compiled from the daily Greek papers, in which rela- tives of the sufferers publish letters arriving from Epirus. ^ Norwich, Conn. April 14, 1918. Mr. Soteriades' letter: (extract) My dear Stephanos: I wish to announce to you that my cousin, Gregorios Soteriades (brother of the representative) was thrown into jail, in Argyrocastron, by the Italian Government, and died from maltreatment. Elias Soteriades. From a letter sent to Mr. Savas Papadopoulos by his people living in Northern Epirus : In Trikoupi, they killed Mr. Take Ntete. In the district of Argyrocastron the Albanians are rob- bing and killing the Greek population. In upper Lambovon, they killed four Greeks. In Vlacho-Gorantzi, they killed six Greeks. In the district of Zagori, they killed ten Greeks, and many others in other villages. There are only Italian and Albanian schools in these districts and no Greek schools or Greek priests are allowed. S Mr. Panagiotis Ditsianis' letter reads in part as follows : Mr. Cassavetes : Southbridge, Mass. . . . From a letter from Worcester, Mass., we learn the kiUing of five persons in Lower-Gorantzi (district of 98 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 99 Argyrocastron) in the most distressing way. The Alban- ians put out the eyes of their victims, then they cut their hands, legs and noses and left them half -dead. When this terrible fact was referred to the Italian Government, the officials said to the peasants: 'As long as you like to be united with Greece it is only suffering that you have to expect." A letter relating the above fact is in the posses- sion of Mr. Elias Liolios, Worcester, Mass. 4 A letter from Mr. N. Contes reads in part as follows: . . . The Italian officials, besides the fact that they allow the Turco-Albanians to commit all kinds of atrocities among the Greek population even under their very eyes, have dismissed all the Greek teachers from the town Sopiki (district of Pogoni) and put Italian teachers in their places. . . . N. Contes. 5 A letter from Mr. Eustathios Gegas reads as follows : Worcester, Mass., April 21,. 1918. To the President of the Pan-Epirotic Union, etc. All the letters that come from our distressed Northern JEpirus depict the situation in the darkest colors. The officials of the Italian Government seized many leaders in the community of Premeti, all honest men and with dependents. We do not know what their fate has been so far. Among them there are two merchants, two real estate men, one physician, one professor, one priest, and many others. . . . Eustathios GeGxVS. 6 A letter from Mr. Spyridon Batsaris reads as follows : Waterville, Me., Aug. 7, 1918. My dear President of the Pan-Epirotic Union: . . . All letters that are received here from our beloved 100 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS country are cut down by the Italian censor. Our people cannot write anything, not even about the lack of food, on account of the Italian fear. It is too bad that we enjoyed liberty only for a little while. Italian slavery is worse than Turkish ever was. . . . Spyridon Batsaris. 7 From a letter of jSIr. Athanasios Gegas: Worcester, Mass., June 10, 1918. ]My dear Secretary of the Pan-Epirotic Union: I have just received a letter from my people of the village "Glina" (district of Argyrocastron) and they in- formed me that Albanians have seized six Greeks from the village Upper-Gorantzi, and killed them. These Greeks were returning home from their farms. When this fact was reported to the Italian officials, they got the follow- ing answer: "As long as you want to be united with Greece, you are to suffer from the Albanians. . . ." Athanasios Gegas. 8 Extract from Mr. Pantos' letter : In a letter that I have received from my town I found a slip of printed paper put in by the Italian censor advis- ing me to write on the envelope, Droviani, Albania, instead of Droviani, Epirus. I cannot see the justice of the Italian government when she wants to liberate the Italians of Trieste on the one hand, and on the other hand enslaves the Epirotes, etc. K. Pantos. 9 From a letter of Messrs. Vasilios Vallevos & Constantino Vassos : My dear Mr. Cassavetes: A large Albanian band seized the following peasants^ from the village of Vlacho-Gorantzi : AT THE PEACE CONFEllE>:CE 101 1. John Bitsios, 70 years old and lame; 2. Basil Bitsios, 5; 3. Charalambos K. Bessios; 4. Evangelos Kentros ; 5. Constantine Papanastassios; 6. Demeter Telios. All of them suffered terribly at the hands of the Alban- ian brigands and finally died, etc. . . . Vasilios Vallevos, Constantine Vassos. 10 A letter from Mr. K. A. Pantos reads in part as fol- lows: My dear Mr. Cassavetes: ... A friend of mine and member of our association has adopted a Mohammedan girl and brought her up in the Christian religion. Now "Vatra" the Albanian associa- tion, whose president is a Christian priest, wants to take her away from him and give her back to the IMohammedan- Albanians. The girl is unwilling to go. . . . K. A. Pantos. 11 A letter from Mr. Stephan Gionis is in part as follows : Milwaukee, Wis. Mar. 9, 1918. Dear Friend: . . . On account of the murder of Mr. Papastathis ^ the officials seized seven persons (the list of names follows), and sent them in irons to Argyrocastron and Valona. . . . Stephen Gionis. 12 From a letter from Santi Quaranta the following para- 1 This Papastathis came to Worcester from Austria and remained there as a priest of the Albanians. He left Worcester a few years ago threatening to kill all Greeks that he could in Northern Epirus. He was killed by the Albanians of the opposite party. 102 THK QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS graph becomes interesting, in as much as the Italian censor erased four hues. Santi Quaranta April 12, 1918. Dear brother Sotii i : . . . On the 2Gth of the past month Natsios . . . (here the Italian censor interrupted the narration) and he lived up to the 9th of this month and then died. . . . Andreas. Note — It is obvious that the Italian censor would not allow any information as to what this man suffered before he died, to leak out. 13 Extract from a letter of D. Lavares: Dear Sir: I consider it my duty to let you know that our country- men are suffering in North Epirus from the Albanians and the local authorities as well. Letters that we have received from Sopiki (Pogoni) and from Vostina report that an Albanian band took prisoners three men, Char. Matsoulras, Thomas Kogionas and Char. Volios and after having whipped them burned them with boiling oil. Their fate is unknown. Also an Italian detachment arrested JNIr. P. INIauro- mates and seven women and put them in dungeons in Argyrocastro. Nothing is known as to the cause of this action on the part of the Italian officials. Etc., etc. (Signed) D. Lavares. 14 Extract from a letter of Mr. Vasilios Styliaras: Faviana, Italy, Feb. 11, 1918. My dear Friends, Pauteli Tsini and Theodore Notti : I have been here, as an exile, eight months. I was in prison in Valona for five months and now I am here an AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 103^^ exile on an island with no friends, and no countrymen around. I beg you to send me some money because I am in a great need, — etc. (Signed) Vasilios Styliaras. 15 Extract from a letter of Mr. Vasilios K. Lenas: Dear Sir: A little distance away from the village of Upper Lam- bovon (district of Argyrocastro ) Albanian brigands car- ried away the shepherds, Spyridon Memos, and his son Constantine and after receiving four thousand francs as ransom, set them free. This happened in July, 1917. In November of the same year another band of Albanian brigands killed JNIichael Gravos while he was working on his farm. In February 1918, Albanian brigands carried away Michael Louzes, a twelve year old boy and after re- ceiving 8,000 francs as ransom set the boy free. These Albanian brigands carried away many other people and after receiving heavy ransoms they left them free. (Signed) V. K. Lenas. 16 Jannina, May 25, 1918. My dear Nicholas : The Greek authorities have gone as far as Delirnakion since last October, and even as far as Kossovitza and Vos- tina. From there north all the places are occupied by the Italians. Now, you can imagine how we get along in our villages. The Abanians are supported by the Italians and do as they please. They are now wreaking their vengeance on the Christians. The Moslem Albanians have grown great and powerful. Bazes has again returned to our village, and has begun his old game — burning our poor huts. We are obliged to suffer everything, and to wait for the 104 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS arrival of the Greek army. I tell you now the Christians with joy and hopeVait for the arrival of the Greek troops, indeed with more joy than in 1913, when they were to be freed from the Turks. So much have they been op- pressed. In vain do we wait daily for the Greek forces to march into Northern Epirus. They are ordered to go to Saloniki. In all of North Epirus the Greek teachers have been dismissed by the Italians, and the Fratelli work as if they never intended to leave the place. Italian and Albanian teachers were sent to replace the Greeks. But the Albanian teachers have everywhere been driven out of the villages, and no parent will send his child to learn Albanian. Spyros. 17 A report sent by Basil, the Metropolitan Bishop of Dry- inopolis and Argj^rocastron, to Mr. B. Venizelos. July 18, 1917. I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the fol- lowing: During the ministry of your Excellency's predecessors I submitted again and again reports with accurate details concerning violations, murders, arson, and expatriation on the part of the Albanians, assisted in a very large measure by the local Italian military authorities both in North and South Epirus. But the former ministry of Greece informed me that it could not then approach the Italian Embassy at Athens owing to tlie attitude of the Allies toward the Government of King Constantine. Thus nothing was done by your predecessor's ministry to secure tolerable conditions of life for the innocent victims of Epirus. As a matter of fact, these unfortunate Greek AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 105 people have been deprived even of their spiritual leader- ship, by my violent expulsion on the 22nd of September, 1916, from Argyrocastron, escorted by an Italian guard of fifteen soldiers with bayonets fixed, as if I were a criminal. In fact, I was told that I was pernicious to public safety because I protested against the occupation of our towns by Italian troops who came to promote the Albanification of North Epirus. I do merely repeat now what in previous reports I have communicated to your Excellency's predecessors. The atrocities committed by the Albanians have been protested against by the Deputies from North Epirus, and by the numerous Epirotic Societies in the Kingdom of Greece. In May 1917, the Italian Government, in order to please a small minority of Albanians, declared Albania inde^Jcnd- ent and under her protection. I beg your Excellency to take drastic measures for the security of the lives and properties of the suffering Epirotes, and for the return of those who have been vio- lently expatriated to various unhealthy places, and more especially to a deserted island near Cyrenica, on the ground that they refused to raise the Albanian flag when Italy, having driven away the Greek authorities, established an arbitrary Albanophile regime. Hoping that your Excellency will be so good as to take salutary measures in behalf of the steadily perishing Greek population of North Epirus, I pray incessantly for your Excellency's health and happiness. Bishop of Dryinopolis and Argyrocastron. Athens, July 18, 1917. September, 1916. a) The Bishop of Dryinopolis and the trustee of the jSIetropolis Porphyrios Bumbos were violently expelled. b) The Monastery of IVIelana was forcibly occupied by Italian troops and surrendered to ^loslem Albanians who transformed it into a take or Turkish Mosque. 106 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS October, 1916. c) Ninety leaders of the Greek community in the town of Drymades, of Himara were expelled and transported to a little desert island near Tripoli, in Africa, and there are strictly secluded. Other victims have been thrown into the dungeons of Argyrocastron, accused of having refused to raise the Albanian flag. Such are the brothers Stavros and Anastasios Tsakas and others. . . . November, 1916. d) In the villages Trivouki, Kato Lamboven, and Hou- doukouki the Albanians have killed twelve Greeks. e) Three Moslem Albanians of Linbehovo with four Carabinieri attacked the Greek teacher Stephanos Katza- lides in the village Vrahosorourtzi, after having forced the door of the Greek school. December, 1916. f ) Thirty-two Christians from Drorsani, for the lack of postal service, sent letters to the Epirotic city of Jannina by messengers, and were immediately cast into dungeons. g) Near Kato Lamboven Christ Kentron Totes was killed. h) At Palaeocastron the priest Gregory was assassi- nated. i) In Tsagioupi an elderly Greek mother and her son were murdered. j) Near the village Lecles two young men of Greek parentage were murdered. k) In the district of Delirno, of Liountza, of Zagoria, on pretext of disarming the Greek population, very many innocent Greeks were cast into dungeons, others were beaten to death, some were expatriated, and the entire Greek population was terrorized. 1) Over 2,000 Moslem Albanians enlisted as volunteers, and under Italian uniform were sent to different parts of North Epirus to terrorize the Greek population to become Albanians. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 107 January, 1917. m) Italian Carabinieri desecrated the Holy of Holies of the Greek Orthodox Churches in the villages of Houmen- itza and Palaeocastron. February, 1917. n) In all the Greek villages, Italian schools were first opened, and now IVIoslem priests (Hodjas) are imposed upon the Christian Greeks, to teach the children the Albanian language. Very numerous ^loslem Albanian families take the place of the persecuted Greek families, in order that the world may be confronted by an accom- plished fact when peace is concluded and North Epirus may be assigned to Albania on the ground that it is in- habited by Albanians. o) In the village of Senitza of the district of Delirno a certain Mohammedan Albanian, Messia Ghiontas, with a band of thirty robbers stole away 360 head of cattle, and killed Michael Petrou, and carried away with them to the prisons of Dehrno a certain Christian Greek, D. Anas- tasopoulos where he died of exposure. March and April, 1917. p) In the village of Costari the Moslem Albanians Ve- hip Gotris and Tzape with eleven Albanian bandits de- stroyed the house of N. Cotes and seized Lambis Tsizis whom they bound to a tree, and killed by mutilating his body. q) In a town in Filiates, eighteen community leaders of Greek race were seized, and sent in irons to the dungeon of Argyrocastron, and their fates are unknown. r) The Greek priest Papagiannes of Depalitia was seized and sent in chains to the dungeon of Valona, under the accusation of having incited rebellion. s) Vassil St3diares, of Ostemnitsa, of the District of Premeti w^as shot, because lie had taken part in the rebellion of 1914 against the Albanian rule in North Epirus. On a 108 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS similar accusation the Albano-Italians hanged Gregory Kaliantzes of Ostemnitsa. t) In the town of Tsagouzi the Albanians demanded the surrender of a Greek Epirote, Nasios Kotos. Kotos did not appear. The Albanians seized Kotos' young wife, and demanded 5,000 drachmas, pretending that Kotos owed that sum to them. Upon her refusing to give up the money, they bound her to a tree, and murdered her by pouring over her body boiling oil. u) Seventeen villagers of the village of Lecles were butchered in the fields while they were working there, on the ground that they too had risen in rebellion against the Albanian state. v) During Passion week, the immemorial custom of ringing the bells was abolished. w) The communications between the portion of Epirus occupied by Italy, and that now belonging to Greece have been totally stopped. x) The Italians drove away the Greek officials, and col- lected the taxes which belong to the Greek government. y) All the civil and judicial clerks that occupied their positions under the autonomy of North Epirus have been dismissed, then imprisoned, and their properties confis- cated, and the amount of taxes paid by the Mussulmans to the Greek government was returned to the Mohammedan Albanians. z) Despite the assurances of Italy that her occupation of Xorth Epirus would be but temporary, and that such occupation was dictated by military necessities, the Italian commander in North Epirus, General Prussi, has raised with great ceremonies the Albanian flag, and announced officially the termination of the jurisdiction of Greece over North Epirus. z') On Easter day April 2, by permission of the Italian authorities a certain Papapanos from Roumania, came from Yalona to Argyrocastron and was appointed priest by the Itahan local authorities. Papapanos read mass in AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 109 Albanian. Whereupon the Christians rushed out. This disapproval of the Albanian language by the Christians of Northern Epirus annoyed the Italian authorities, who im- mediately afterwards ordered the arrest of forty wealthy Greeks of Argyrocastron. That Italy has followed, not the Italian traditions but German methods in the treatment of the Epirotes, is shown in the desperate appeal made by the Greek Deputies from Northern Epirus who were refused admission to the Greek Parliament by Mr. Venizelos, like the Cretan deputies in 1910, in order to avoid European complica- tions. The Deputies from Northern Epirus protest against the barbarous attempt of the military authorities of Italy to exterminate the Greek element of Northern Epirus. Protest of the Dejmties The deputies of Northern Epirus have submitted to the Greek Parliament a declaration affirming thereby the Hellenic character of their country, and its attachment to the mother country, Greece, and protesting against the vio- lation of its rights. They demanded admission to the Parliament to represent North Epirus. Premier Ven- izelos answered: "The touching appeal of the deputies from North Epirus finds a profound echo not only in the hearts of those who constitute the Parliament, but also in the soul of the entire nation. Unfortunately, the criminal policy of the Cabinet which succeeded the Cabinet of the Liberals re- sulted for North Epirus in the discontinuation of the Hellenic occupation effected by the Ministry of the Lib- erals with the consent or rather with the tolerance of all the Great Powers. Today, we are deprived of an inter- national title to North Epirus, although we are not de- prived of our just right to it. We do not abandon our just claims to North Epirus, but at this time we do not wish to create international difficulties. For this reason 110 THE QUESTION OF xNORTHERN EPIRUS we cannot accept here the deputies from North Epirus. Yet, we cannot forget that we are bound to this region by ties which it is true are not written down by any treaty, but which are more powerful than any human decisions, or any convention of nations. To this section of Hellas, the nation is bound not only by a common history of many thousands of years, but also by its ethnography, and by the resolute decision of the inhabitants who can never cease to be Hellenes, and can never agree to submit them- selves to a foreign domination. Even if the action of the ancient regime gave grounds for fear that those natural and undissoluble bonds would not suffice to make our title good in North Epirus, there cannot exist any such fear today, when Greece has entered the path which was im- posed upon her by her history, by her traditions, by her treaty obligations, by her vital interests. There can exist no such a fear today when Greece is making painful sacri- fices for the common struggle. She cannot fear the judg- ment of the Peace Table after the war, for she will be adequately represented there. It is impossible to imagine that Greece's just rights in Epirus will be disregarded, be- cause these rights are in perfect agreement with the noble ends for which the AUies are battling." The words of the Premier were received with great ap- probation even by his bitter opponents. In a very able editorial in the Christian Science Monitor, the painful situation of the Greeks in Northern Epirus and in the Dodecanese is pictured in a very frank and oj^en manner. The editorial bears the title, "Italy and Greek Nationalism," and reads as follows: "M. Venizelos, the 'Grand Old ]Man of Greece,' has often had to defend himself from his enemies, but lately he has had the far more formidable task of defending him- self against the suspicions of his friends. Rumors have been circulated of intrigues in which Greece is accused of a hostile feeling toward Italy and Italy of jealousy toward Greece. Now, the tug of war between the Greek and AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 111 the Italian has been over the ^^gean Islands and Epirus, and the upshot of the tussle is bringing Italy face to face with two very awkward factors which may roughly be termed geographical justice and Hellenism. The ^Egean Islands, though they appeared to be a kind of Tom Tiddler's ground when the Tripolitan Quarrel was on with Turkej^ are in reality so many duodecimo Cretes in their feeling for Greek nationalism. Italy very properly wrested some of them from the Turk, only to find that she had raised the troublesome hornet's nest of 'Union with Greece,' about her ears." The ruthless hand of the Roman Sulla once wiped out Greek nationality as represented by the Athenian state, and Rome became the heir of the ages and vmconsciously linked Greece with our own days; but nothing has ever served to wipe out Greek tradition or race from the ^geans. The islands are uniformly Greek in population, though the names of the great families of Rome or Naples may be writ upon some of them. But now that Italy has made the idea of national self expression her own, she will doubtless be morally bound, not only to Greece but to civilization generally, so far to satisfy national aspirations as to consent to the union of the occupied islands with Greece, if they so demand. Her retention of them is not altogether a matter of Greek complacency. Greek unity and nationalism are not merely the concepts of theorists, but real forces, which are spreading throughout the ^Egean and have manifested themselves in Epirus. This little territory on the Adriatic, its demand for political union with the national state, is one of the most striking examples of this protective power in Hellenism. The Epirotes may speak an Albanian dialect, but their rapprochement with the Greeks is concretely symbolized by the Greek schools established in generous numbers among them. The hour of their deliverance from INIoslem oppression struck with the entrance of the Greek armies in 1913. But un- fortunately Epirus was of interest to others besides its 112 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Hellenized iiiliabitants. It occupied an important geo- graphical position facing the extreme heel of Italy, at the entrance to the Adriatic, and Italy managed to have it in- cluded in the newly created principality of Albania, on the ground that both shores ought to be in the hands of the same power. The scheme for Albanian union proved abortive, as might naturally have been expected. The disposal of the Epirotes, it is now recognized, was a matter concerning the Epirotes themselves. No longer can a nation or people be brought into existence, or snuffed out, except by the inward, subjective leanings of its con- stituents. The award of the powers roused great indigna- tion in Greece, but not less so in Epirus. The inhabitants clamored for, and obtained, home rule and the recogni- tion of Greek as the official language of the administra- tion. The reoccupation by Greek troops became a neces- sity of the anarchy which followed the breakup of the artificial Albanian state, and Italy found a satisfactory material guarantee by the occupation of the strategical port of Avlona, to the north. She is, therefore, unlikely to demand Greek evacuation to the south. But that is not to say that the former rivals are settling down to the condition of good neighbors. The problem of Epirus can by no means be considered as permanently closed. But in the meantime it will be interesting to see what effect the "new mind of Europe," with regard to the rights of submerged territories or nationalities, will have upon Italy's claim to spheres of influence in the Greek archipelagoes. CHAPTER XIII THE EPIROTIC QUESTION IN AMERICA AND IN GREAT BRITAIN Geeat Britain, as the foremost European nation, has tak^n a very hvely interest in the Epirotic Question. Apart from Mr. Dillon, Mr. Wyon, and M. Caillard, who wrote at a time when Albania did not exist as a State, many writers of Great Britain have taken intense interest in the struggle between Epirus and Albania. In America only one gentleman has written and spoken in favor of the subjugation of Epirus, not only Northern Epirus, but the Southern also, that is, Jannina, Preveza and so on, to Albania — Reverend James Barton, the Gen- eral Secretary of A. B. C. F. M. Foreign Missions. We reproduce from the Boston Evening Transcript both an extract of a lecture by Dr. Barton and the reply of the Transcript. Dr. Barton's Speech at the Evangelical Alliance of Greater Boston in the Park Street Church "The newspapers of Boston and of America in general have applauded Montenegro for her attempt to rob Al- bania of one of her chief cities. INIontenegro has no more right to Scutari than Greece to Korytsa, Jannina, all Albanian cities, never belonging to their captors. The un- friendly attitude of Greece toward all religious and edu- cational advance is so conspicuous, that to allow Albania to remain under her jurisdiction is but to condemn the Albanians of that area to religious and mental stagna- tion." On May 21st, 1913, appeared in the Transcript the fol- lowing in answer to Dr. Barton: 113 114 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS "According to Turkish official reports there are in Korj'tsa 2200 Greek families and 500 Mohammedan Al- banians, four hundred of the latter having declared in favor of union with Greece. "In 1825 there were Greek schools in Korytsa, but not one Albanian. In the 18th century Korytsa had a Greek printing press. There are in Korytsa today, 1 Greek college for boys, 2 Greek high schools for boys and 2 for girls. There are 7 kindergartens with 2000 pupils. In the Korytsa district there are 114 Greek churches, 57 Greek schools, 260 teachers, and 1 Albanian school with 60 pupils. " Jannina is the Athens of Epirus in point of view of the number and quality of the Greek schools. "The Greek Government asked the Powers to allow the people of Epirus to decide by plebiscite their national senti- ments. Austria and Italy refused to accept such a solu- tion. They felt sure that the people as a whole would de- cide in favor of union with Greece." It is needless to say that Dr. Barton has never visited Epirus, and has, perhaps, never read any works on Epirus. Like the good Christian that he is, he believes that all his fellowmen are truthful like himself. And this faith in the veracity of Rev. Dako, a notorious organ of Italy's inter- ests in Albania, Protestant in religion, has misled Dr. Barton to make a statement which the Transcript has re- futed with much irony and with numbers which speak for themselves. In Great Britain the two warm advocates of a greater Albania are Sir Aubrey Herbert and Miss Durham. Miss Durham has visited Albania for two wrecks; she has become infatuated with what she calls "chivalrous brig- ands." She admits that she has spent only a few passing hours at Korytsa, and tells how she believes that the whole of Epirus is Albanian. Sir Aubrey has never seen Epirus. Relying on the reports of Albanians, he has accused the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 115 Greeks of having committed atrocious deeds against the Albanian population. Perhaps we can best confute what Miss Durham and Sir Aubrey Herbert say against the Epirotes by refer- ring the reader to the excellent lecture delivered by Col- onel Murray in ^Morley Hall on the 7th of January, 1913, on "Xorthern Epirus in 1913," which is reproduced in full in Appendix A (p. 135) . CHAPTER XIV THE EPIROTES IN AMERICA There are in America nearly 30,000 Epirotes from Northern Epirus. With very few exceptions most of them have their famihes in Northern Epirus. They have come to America fleeing the cruelties of the Albanians and the Young Turks. In 1914, many thousands of these Epirotes went back to help their brothers to beat off the Albanians' invasion of their liberated homes. After the conference of Corfu, whereby the Northern Epirotic Autonomy was recognized, the American Epirotes returned to America. But when Italy occupied Northern Epirus and the persecution of the Greek element began in that Province, the Epirotes in America, like those in Egypt, in Greece, in London, in Paris and in South Africa, became alarmed and organized themselves into what are known as the Pan-Epirotic Unions. The Pan-Epirotic Unions have been organized in order to bring the case of Epirus before the civilized world, and to demand justice from those who are to decide upon the destinies of the small nationalities at the great Conference of Peace. The Pan-Epirotic Union in America is one of the largest Epirotic Societies, including practically every Epirote in America. We take from the Constitution of the Pan-Epirotic Union in America the following passages which give the purposes and the aims of the Epirotes : Whereas: Northern Epirus, after its liberation by the victorious Grecian armies in 1913, has been forced anew 116 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 117 by certain Great European Powers to subjugation to the yoke of a savage and barbarous people: Whereas: the Northern Epirotes rose unanimously against assassination of their rights, and filed their pro- tests before the entire civilized world against their forced subjugation to the Albanian rule: Whereas : certain Great Powers have refused to recog- nize that Northern Epirus, liberated by the Greek army, is very Greek ethnologically and historically: Whereas: these great Powers and the Albanians. em- ploy every legitimate and illegitimate means in order that they may color Northern Epirus as Albanian, and to the end that they may mislead the very liberal and disin- terested opinion of the Great Republic of the United States: Therefore, We, the representatives of the Epirotic Associations in this hospitable land, having assembled our- selves in congress and deliberated, this day, Saturday, the 9th of jNIarch, in the year of our Lord 1918, in the Hall of the Knights of Columbus, in the City of Worcester, in the State of Massachusetts, do decide to found in America, a Pan-Epirotic Union. The purpose of the Union is the pursuance of the union of the entire Northern Epirus with the mother land, Greece : (a) By the enlightenment of the official and public opinions of America on the Hellenic character of the en- tire Province of North Epirus. (b) By their unalterable determination to protest most vigorously against any attempt to separate any portion of Northern Epirus from the mother-country, Greece. The following are the branches of the Pan-Epirotic Union in America : 118 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS 1. Henosis, 812 W. 63rd St., Chicago, 111. 2. Pyrrhus, 7V2 Oliver St., New York. 3. Pavlos Mela's, P. O. Box 230, Southbridge, Mass. 4. Marcos Bozzaris, 153 ^lechanic St., Worcester, ^Mass. 5. North Epirotic Amyna, G W. Market St., Akron, O. 6. Zalongon, 312 P. O. Box, Ambridge, Pa. 7. Brockton Society, 352 ^Main St., Brockton, Mass. 8. E. Zappas, P. O. Box 307, Clinton, ]Mass. 9. Eleutheria, 65 Appleton St., Boston, Mass. 10. Ch. Zographos, 154 Main St., Biddeford, Maine. 11. Agonizomene Epiros, 428 Erie Bldg., Cleveland, O. 12. Tjavellas, 962 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. 13. Lord Byron, Woonsocket, R. I., P. O. Box 508. 14. D. Doulis, 34a Walnut St., Peabody, Mass. 15. National Epirotic Society, Milwaukee, Wis. 16. George Averof, Franklin, N. H. 17. Ethnicos Pothos, Waterville, Maine. 18. Ethnike Amyna, 258^/2 E. Boardman St., Youngs- town, O. 19. Arsakis, P. O. Box 10, Yantic, Conn. 20. Agonizomene Himara, P. O. Box 324, Elyria, O. 21. Omonia Society, 135 Lincoln St., Lewiston, Maine* 22. Lowell Society, 11 Associate Bldg., Lowell, Mass. 23. George Stavros, 597 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. 24. Panagiotis Danglis, 919 Fourth St., Sioux City, la, 25. Kyanoleukos Simaia, P.O.Boxl66, So.Omaha, Neb. 26. Spyromehos, c/o Cr. Soteriades, 43 Pleasant St., Lynn, Mass. The Epirotes in the United States, grieved by the il- liberal policies of Italy, to whom they have always looked as to a free and democratic Christian country for help, protested very vigorously against the atrocious persecu- tions of their relatives in Northern Epirus, who resisted every oppressive measure applied against them to force AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 119 them to abjure their allegiance to Greek culture and to submit to the Albanian Beys. We give here in full the protests, etc., of the Pan- Epirotic Union in America handed to the embassies of France and Great Britain in Washington, to the embassy of the United States in Athens; — and to the congress of the ]Mid-European Union, which was held in Independ- ence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa. Legation Britannique, Washington, D. C. Your Excellency: — In addressing ourselves to the high representative of the Royal and Imperial Government of Great Britain, we feel that, however confident we may be in the justice of our cause, it becomes us, as subjects of an allied nation, in recommending a subject which may expose the Royal and Imperial Government of your Excellency to the hazard of the displeasure of another allied nation, while we explain the grounds for our recommendation, to ac- company our explanations with expressions of regret. We can assure your Excellency that there is not among all the subjects of the allied nations any group of men more deeply convinced than they who have the honor to address themselves to your Excellency, of the vital im- portance of making as few complaints, and of creating as few difficulties for the Allied Governments at this very crycial period of the war, as are humanly possible. So strongly are we impressed with this opinion that we would gladly compromise, pass over, or adjourn the re- dress of any personal injury rather than call upon the Government of your Excellency, at this moment, to take any measures which might have the tendency to involve it in misunderstandings w^ith one of our Allies. Yet, we feel that not our own private injuries, not our own per- sonal disappointments, but the interests of the cause of the 120 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Allies, — that cause which absorbs the anxious concern of every lover of liberty, — impel us to submit our case to your Excellency's notice, and to invite upon it your Ex- cellency's gracious attention. In order that we may be brief, we beg leave to state our case correctly and in the clearest manner in which we are able. From across the ocean, from that long-tried corner in which we were brought into the world, the Province of Xorth Epirus, mournful lamentations are daily streaming to us protesting against an illiberal policy of oppression on the part of officials of the Royal Government of our noble Ally, — Ital3^ Under the auspices and under the encouragement of the Italian officials, the Albanians are repeating these acts of cruelty which had brought our fathers and us to the verge of despair and expatriation. Our patience, our endurance, our national fortitude were ebbing away, and our love for our mother, Hellas, w^as being stifled year after year by the uncouth tyranny of the Albanian Beys. But the day finally arrived, — that sacred day, for which fifteen generations of Epi- rotes had waited, and the flag of Hellas waved over our bleeding native land radiating from its folds liberty, security, and national restoration. But, unfortunately, free Epirus, with its strategic position on the Adriatic, offended the interests of Italy, the third member of the Triple Alliance. Supported by Germany and Austria, Italy wrung from the unwilling Governments of Great Britain and France the consent to include our native land in the Albanian State in order that the Adriatic might remain a sea accessible only to the Triple Alliance. We demonstrated that we preferred to die rather than be separated from Hellenism. Since 191.5 the world was happy to behold the noble people of Italy abandon the unnatural alliance with the autocratic government and people of central Europe. AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 121 And we, the Epirotes, were relieved from the terrible nightmare of a renewed subjugation at the command of the country of Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi. Thank God, Italy is no longer afraid of the navies of England and France. Italy fears no longer that Greece, the protegee of England and France, will make North Epirus a naval base against the Triple Alliance. The fortunes of the Great War have necessitated the occupation of our dear native land. North Epirus, by the vahant soldiers of France and Italy. And France, faith- ful to her immortal traditions of justice and friendship for the peoples that strive for liberty, has won the undying love and the solemn loyalty of our fathers and brothers in the district of Korytsa. We rejoiced at the arrival of these brothers-in-arms, — the sons of free Italy. We ac- claimed them as liberators. But, we were soon to rue their arrival on account of their unsuspected enmity to our Hellenic convictions. Today, our schools are closed. Our teachers and our priests are under persecution. The sacred rights not denied to our fathers and to us by the cruel Ali Pasha and Sultan Hamid, are denied bv our Ally. The exasperating news of such an unprecedented in- tolerance, spreading itself like wild fire among our brothers in Greece and in America, sows doubt in the hearts of the Hellenes as to the ultimate justice to the small and the weak, and prepares the ground for the ubiquitous and poisonous German propaganda. Will not your Excellency, a British Ambassador, rep- resenting the mightiest and freest Empire under the sun, acquaint your Excellency's Government with the de- plorable condition of our brothers and fathers in North Epirus and employ your good offices so that our Ally, Italy, whose people is endeared to us through countless evidences of friendship in the past, may order the termina- tion of the unworthy task of exterminating Hellenism in North Epirus? Will not the Government of Great 122 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Britain mediate to the end that our schools where we learned to love freedom, and our Churches where we learned to love Christ, be restored to us and that the lives of our fathers and brothers be not jeopardized by their love for their mother country, — Greece? This, your Excellency, is the subject of or humble peti- tion. We would bear much and would forbear long, had it concerned only our own parents, our relatives, or our own freedom. Such is our anxiety that no trouble, no diversions should be caused to the Governments of our Allies from the main object of winning the war. If we have taken the liberty of addressing this petition to your Excellency, we were actuated for the greater part by a concern for the general cause of the Allies and for its good repute among the Greek people, who are already mingling their blood with that of their brethren from England, France, America, and Italy, in the great field of honor. Trusting in the British Justice of your Excellency for the relief of our brothers and for the vindication of the good name of the Allies, we are, (Signed) Your Obedient Servants, President, Councillors De. J. Gatsopoulos. V. Meliones, Vice-preside7its, ^I. Mitchell, S. Hatzigcanna, L. Kalyvas, N. C. Vardakas. E. John, Secretary, K. Gatsopoulos, N. Cassavettes. Legation Fran^aise, Washington, D. C. Your Excellency: — In addressing ourselves to the high representative of the Bepublic of France, we feel that we are turning to a familiar friend. The name of France, we have learned since our childhood in the mountain villages of North AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 123 Epirus TO revere and to love with as passionate a love as that with which we love Hellas, — our motherland. To divert your Excellency's overtasked attention from the present affairs which, we know, are exacting every minute of your Excellency's hour, we realize is not only uncivil and ungracious, but also unpatriotic at these critical times. We can assure your Excellency, how- ever, that no private interests, no selfish motives, no per- sonal injuries, however serious they might be, would have induced us to break in upon your pressing time. Only the conviction for which the admirable sons of immortal France are shedding their blood in profusion, has pre- vailed upon us to bring it to your Excellency's cognizance. From across the ocean, from that long-tried corner in which we were brought into the world, the Province of North Epirus, mournful lamentations are daily streaming to us protesting against the illiberal policy of oppression on the part of the officials of the Royal Government of our noble Ally, — Italy. Under the auspices, and through the encouragement of the Italian officials, the Albanians are repeating those revolting acts of cruelty which had brought our fathers and us to the verge of despair and expatriation. Our patience, our endurance, our national fortitude were ebbing away, and our love for our mother Hellas was being stifled by the uncouth tyranny of the Albanian Beys. But the day finally dawned, — that sacred day, for which fifteen generations of Epirotes had waited, and the flag of Hellenism waved over our bleeding native land, radiating from its white and blue folds liberty, security, and national restoration. But free Epirus was coveted by powerful nations. Italy, supported by Germany and Austria, insisted upon the separation of Epirus from Greece, for fear Greece should allow the straits to become the naval base for France and England against the Triple Alliance. We revolted, although Mr. Venizelos was forced with 124 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS heavy heart to abandon us to our own powers. We have demonstrated to the world that unless we are permitted to live united to our motherland, Greece, we will not shrink from death to the last of us. Since 1915, the world is happy to behold the whole people of Italy on the side of the champions of liberty and justice. We, too, the Epirotes, welcomed the entrance of Italy into the war with exultation, for we imagined Italy would no longer fear that Greece would allow the French and English fleets in the straits. We welcomed the valiant sons of France in the district of Korytsa, and those of Italy at Argyrocastro. And France, faithful to her immortal traditions of friendship for and justice to all peoples that struggle for their liberties has won the undy- ing love of our fathers and brothers for the chivalrous way the officials of France deported themselves toward them. On the contrary, Italy, in the words of a great French Philhellene, Mr. Rene Puaux, "n'a gagne a cette obstination dans Tin justice qu'a s'aliener pour tou jours I'amitie du peuple Grec." Today our schools where we learned to love Greece, to love France, to love Liberty, are shut down; the Churches, where we learned to worship our God, who will give France her victory, are no longer accessible to our parents and to our relatives. Our teach- ers and our venerable priests are dying in dungeons be- cause they are Hellenes, and wish to be united to Hellas. The exasperating news of such an unprecedented in- tolerance, spreading itself like a wild fire among our brothers in Greece and in America, instills in their hearts ugly doubts as to the ultimate justice to the small and the weak, preparing the ground for the ubiquitous and poisonous German Propaganda. Will not your Excellency, the Ambassador of France, representing the freest Republic in the World, acquaint your Excellency's Government with the deplorable con- ditions of our fathers and brothers in Xorth Epirus and employ your good offices to the end that our Ally, Italy, AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 125 whose people had so endeared itself to us in the past through her noble sons Cavour, Mazzini, and Garibaldi, may put an end to the unworthy task of exterminating Hellenism from North Epirus? Will not the Govern- ment of our beloved France mediate that our schools be restored to us and be reopened, our Churches returned and our relatives allowed to adhere to their national convic- tions? This, your Excellency, is the subject of our humble petition. We would bear much, and would forbear long, had it concerned only our parents, our relatives, and our freedom. Such is our anxiety that no diversion should be caused to the cares of the Governments of our Allies from the main object of winning the war. If we have taken the liberty to address this petition to your Ex- cellency, we were actuated, for the greater part, by a con- cern for the general cause of the Allies, and for their good repute among the Greek people, who are already mingling their streams of blood with those of the sons of France, America, England, and Italy, in the field of honor. Trusting in the love France cherishes for Hellas, for the relief of our fathers in Epirus, and for the vindication of the good name of our Allies, we are, Your obedient servants, The President, The Councillors Dr. J. Gatsopoulos. (Signatures) May 15, 1918. Legation des Etats Unis, Athenes, Grece. Your Excellency: The Epirotes dwelling in the Great Republic which your Excellency so nobly represents, in the Capital of Hellenism, enjoying the blessings of Liberty, Justice and Equality in a degree embarrassing for its generosity, have the honor to address themselves to your Excellency to ex- 126 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS press their admiration of, and their gratitude to America, and to ask your Excellency's mediation in behalf of our unfortunate brothers and parents in N. Epirus. We receive furtive news apprising us of their frightful sufferings at the hands of the Albanians under the auspices of our Ally, Italy. In Korytsa, where the noble French Army has been established, both we and the Albanians enjoy freedom. Our schools and our churches are open, and our parents are not under persecution. On the contrary, in the district occupied by Italian soldiers, our schools have been closed, our Churches taken away from us, and any one daring to call himself a Hellene, is cast into dungeon. When this unfortunate news reaches us, and, no doubt, it trickles back to Greece, it chills the ardor of the Hellenes for the cause of the Allies. The Hellenes believe that the Allies are too weak to be able to render justice, for while the Allies disapprove of all modes of oppression and are fighting to stamp it out, they do not insist that Italy show a liberal policy in N. Epirus. It is not only for the recovery of our Churches and the salva- tion of our parents from persecution that we appeal to your Excellency. We appeal much more for the cessa- tion of a policy which has very prejudicial effects upon the Greek people in Greece and in America, in respect to the great cause of the Allied World. We believe in America, in France and in England. We believe that they will do justice to all peoples and races. We are not asking justice for our own selves. We desire freedom and justice for all oppressed peoples. Will not your Excellency use his good offices to the end that our Ally, Italy, may order the cessation of the extermination of Hellenism in N. Epirus for the sake of the good reputation of our great cause? The Epirotes in America serving in the United States Army will be forever indebted to the gi-eat country your AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 127 Excellency represents in Greece and will repay you by laying down their lives generously for the glory of America. Your Obedient Servants: The President, The Councillors Dr. J. Gatsopoulos. (Signatures) Appeal to the Congress of the Unredeemed Nationalities c/o Mr. Vasilakaki, Greek Deputy, Independence Hall, Phila., Pa. Being advised that the Albanians have claimed North- ern Epirus as Albanian, we the Pan-Epirotic Union in America representing over 50,000 Epirotes, living in this great Republic and coming mostly from Northern Epirus, protest with all our might against such statements which present anything but the truth. We claim that Epirus has always been Greek in all ethnological and historical aspects and, that, although Northern Epirus was included in Albania in 1913 on the insistence of Austria-Hungary, it has nevertheless been recognized as Greek in Corfu. This statement of the Albanians is misrepresenting the truth, as was proven in 1914 at Corfu, when the European Powers recognized their mistake of adding Northern Epirus to Albania on the insistence of Austria-Hungary and Italy, by sign- ing the Protocol of Corfu, which protocol recognizes Northern Epirus as an Independent State with all the rights of self-government. This took place after the complete success of the Northern-Epirotic Revolution, which lasted for eight months and proved beyond doubt the Greek character of the Northern Epirotes from an ethnological point of view as any writer of history will admit. We were born Greek and our rights to church and schools were recognized by the Government of the Otto- man Empire. We are going to remain Greeks and in 128 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS case of need we will prove it once more by repeating the history of 1914. We believe that your Congress, which will present to the Peace Council the rights of the unredeemed national- ities, will not forget to set forth the rights of the North Epirotes who demand their union with Mother Greece in the most categorical manner on the basis of facts which have been proven true in all the ethnological and histori- cal past of the Epirotes. CHAPTER XV CONCLUSION Had not the Great War brought forth new ideals; had not the Great War brought forth a Lloyd George, a Wilson and a Clemenceau upon the arena of world politics, we should not have attempted to write this book- let. Rather should we have issued an appeal to the Northern Epirotes to take up arms and defend their homes and their sacred liberties against any tyrant. Fortunately for the Epirotes and for all the oppressed nationalities, the days of bargaining away the freedom and the lives of small nationalities has passed. Today the conscience of the world will not tolerate that the freedom of a nationality, however obscure and small it may be, shall be sacrified for the selfish advantages of the stronger imperialistic nations, and we are confident that the Epirotes have demonstrated that they are fully worthy of their liberty, by having sacrificed tens of thousands of lives struggling for five hundred years, not only to save their national conscience but also to preserve their Christian religion. Pouqueville bears witness to the superhuman struggles of the Epirotes to win freedom not only for themselves but also for the entire Greek race. In his Histoire de La Grece, Book I, page 2, he writes: "I shall show how the Greeks" (and he speaks of the Epirotes also) "fallen from their splendor, subjugated by the Romans, whom they tamed, degraded under the Theologian Emperors, con- quered by the Turks, whom they have failed to civilize, chafing un- ceasingly at their chains, ensnaring despotism in its own snares, came back to their heritage, and rose again to be a nation." The Northern Epirotes are Greeks in every respect. The numerous testimonies of men who have visited Epirus 129 130 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS can leave no candid and just person unconvinced as to the real wishes of the large majority of the people of North- ern Epirus. We have not put forth arguments and theories, but facts which have been sustained by the writings of eminent and well recognized writers of all the civilized and dis- interested European peoples, as well as of America. It remains with the peoples of America, France and England to render justice to the Epirotes or to condemn them to the yoke of the JNIoslem state, of a semi-barbar- ous people. "It is a travesty of justice," writes Mr. Toynbee in his Greek Policies Since 1882, "that a civilized and cul- tured people should be surrendered to the mercy of a primitive and wild people." We are confident that the facts which have been gathered from numerous writers, and enumerated in this booklet will persuade the freedom-loving and justice-lov- ing peoples of France, England, America, and Italy to grant the much desired freedom to the sorely tried people of Northern Epirus, by allowing it to unite with its motherland — Greece. But should the Northern Epirotes be again deprived of their freedom, and made a sacrifice to the selfish interests of a great Power, they are determined to resist to the last of them. What they did in 1914, they can repeat now. The Greek people can never rest until Epirus, from Preveza to the Acroceraunian INIountains, is included in Greece. The Powers may decide what they will. The Epirotes will demonstrate, if need be, once more that they value their liberties more than their lives. That the Northern Epirotes are not Albanians; that the Albanians are not brothers to the Christian Epirotes ; that the Epirotes hate the Albanians as their oppressors for five hundred years, that the Northern Epirotes cannot be secure under an Albanian domination, is very clearly seen AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 131 from the following quotation from the work of Mr. Toynbee : "Then (1914) the Moslem Albanians rushed against the Chris- tians and committed untold atrocities. "The reoccupation of Epirus by Greek troops had become a matter of life and death for the Epirotes, and in October, 1914, Venizelos took the inevitable step, after serving due notice upon all the signatory Powers to the Treaty of London. "No opposition or protest came against this action of Venizelos. "The Reclamation of Epirus is the most honorable achievement of the Greek national revival." We entrust our freedom, our lives and our homes to the justice of the peoples of America, England, France and Italy, and hope that a free Albania will not mean a subjugated Northern Epirus. In any case, the Northern Epirotes organized into one Pan-Epirotic Union representing all the Epirotes in Epirus, in Greece, in Egypt and in America, will battle to the last to win their freedom, or perish, if the justice of the Allies suffers itself to be imposed upon by the un- holy demands of the selfish and imperialistic interests of Great Powers. "Indeed," writes Mr. Rene Puaux, "the Epirotes are more Greek than the Greeks themselves." And Mr. Caillard, "The Epirotes from Valona to Preveza are Greeks in sentiment, culture, language and aspirations, — it is hoped that they will soon be Greeks also in name and be joined to their motherland, — Greece." BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Iliad 2. Herodotus 3. Aristotle — Meteorological 4. Plutarch — Life of Paulus Aeniilius 5. Pouqueville — Histoire de la Grece 6. Leake — Travels in Greece 7. Ami Boue, Turquie d'Europe 8'. Wordsworth — Greece 9. Stuart — Royal Geographic Society, London, Vol. 39, 1869- 10. Isambert — Memoirs Inedits de L'Epire 11. Kiepert — General Karte der Central Europa 12. Emile Legrand, Albania 1841-1903 13. Colquhoun — Albania 14. Brown, H. A. — A Winter in Albania 15. A. Legrand — Souvenirs de La Haute Albanie 16. Andre Duboscq — Syrie, Tripolitaine, Albanie 17. Fred Gibert — Les Pays d'Albanie et leur Histoire (1914) 18. Sir J. Hobhouse— A journey through Albania 1786-1869^ 19. Th. S. Hughes— Travels in Greece and Albania (1830) 20. E. E. Knight— Albania (1880) 21. J. W. Peacock — Albania the Foundling State of Europe (1914) 22. Paul Siebertz — Albania und die Albanesen (1910) 23. W. M. Leake — Researches in Greece — 1777-1860 24. L. Benloen — La Grece avant Les Grecs (1879) 25. Albania and the Albanians, Fortnightly Review, April, 1885 26. Blood — Vengeance — Popular Science Monthly 27. Albania Contemporary — Temple Bar 28. Roman Catholic Albania — Blackwood's Magazine, April,. 1903 29. The Albanian Question — Edinburgh Review 30. The Albanian Macedonian Committee — Spectator, June 1,, 1912 132 AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 133 31. Boston Evening Transcript, May 21, 1913 32. The jEgean and the Albanian Problems, Spectator, Feb. 21, 1914- 33. Albania, the Adriatic and the Balkans, Spectator, Apr. 11, 1914< 34-. Troubles of Albania, Spectator, May 23, 1914 35. Albania — Open Court, February, 1913 S6. Albanian Rising — Spectator, April 30, 1910, and April 15, 1911 37. The Wild Alhamgi— Delineator, July, 1915 38. The Skypetars — Harper's Weekly, April 11, and May 11, 1915 39. Italy and Albania — Contemporary Review, March, 1915. 40. The Comic Opera Kingdom — Literary Digest, March 6, 1915 41. Albania and Italy, Living Age, March 11, 1916 42. Albania's Plight — Outlook, January 19, 1916 43. Albania, Austria, Italy and the Adriatic — Contemporary Review, August, 1917 44. The Albanian Question, The Quarterly Review, July, 1917 45. The Albanian Question — Contemporary Review, October, 1917 46. Independent Albania — Living Age, August 11, 1917 47. Italy and Albania — Outlook, Aug. 8, 1917 48. The New Republic of Korytsa — Current History Magazine, N. Y. Times, July, 1917 49. Reestablishing Albania — Current History Magazine, N. Y. Times, August, 1917 50. Roman Albania — Century, March, 1917 51. Two Offers of Autonomy for Albania — Current History Magazine, N. Y. Times, July, 1917 52. A Home Rule Cry in the Balkans — Literary Digest, May 9, 1914 53. My Albanian Winter — Blackwood's Magazine, January, 1917 54. La Lutte Pour L'Adriatic — Review des Deux Mondes, Sept. 15, 1916 55. The Mastery of the Adriatic — Spectator, January 22, 1916 56. Northern Epirus in 1913— By Colonel Murray, A.M., C.B., M.V.O. 134 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS 57. Albania and Eplrus — Hon. W. Pember Reeves 58. Artificial Frontiers in the Balkans — F. de Jessen (Anglo- Hellenic League) 59. Greece and the Epirus Rising — Anglo-Hellenic League 60. The Northern Epirotes — C. S. Butler, Manchester Guardian, September 30, 1914 61. A Plea for a Civilized Epirus — Hon. W. P. Reeves (Anglo- Hellenic League) 62. Affairs in Albania — Morning Post, January 7, 1914 63. The Situation in Southern Albania — Westminster Gazette, Jan. 8, 1918 64. Hellas and the Balkan Wars — D. J. Cassavetti 65. Boston Evening Transcript, April 12, 1912 66. New Europe — Arnold Toynbee 67. La Malheureuse Epire — Rene Puaux 68. Douze Ans de Propagande en Faveur des Pays Balkaniques — Andre Cheradame APPENDIX A Lecture Delivered by Colonel Murray, A.M., C.B.,, M.V.O., IN MoRLEY Hall, January 7, 1913, En- titled "Northern Epirus in 1913" Colonel Murray said: — "Mr. Pember Reeves, ladies and gentlemen, — My claim to the honorable task of addressing you on the subject chosen for this lecture is based on noth- ing more than a ten week's tour through Epirus, extending, as you will see from this map, from Korytsa on the north to Himara on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. But, ladies and gentlemen, if you will bear with me for a short time, I think I can, at any rate, promise to tell you the truth about Epirus, and this will come not from a mere student, but from an eye-witness of what is going on in a district of Europe which is a terra incognita to most EngUsh people, and even to many Greeks ; and possibly, for this reason, my few remarks, however crude, dull and tamely expressed, may have some small use, for a great deal has been lately talked and written about Epirus which is the reverse of truthful, and which, on this account, has done incalculable harm in misdirecting the public mind, by holding up to view a false and misleading picture of facts as they actually exist and as I hope to describe them this evening. "Romance and fiction, ladies and gentlemen, when rightly made use of, have a high and honorable place in the world of letters for they help to stimulate the imagina- tion and inspire healthy thoughts in the minds of the young. But they are out of place, and have only a degrading influ- ence when used, as they lately have been, by those who ought to know better, sometimes ignorantly to deceive the public and prejudice a brave and virtuous people by the dissemination of mendacious calumnies which, if they were as true as they are false, would dishonor the Greek Govern- 135 136 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS ment, the Greek nation and the Greek army in the eyes of Europe. I am referring to those charges lately made hy an English member of Parliament through the medium of an English newspaper, charges which I declare to you are absolutely false, and which, though ignorantly brought forward, are so serious that I feel sure all right-thinking people will agree with me in saying that they should not have been made without previous verification. I don't propose to take up your time by going into these charges in detail, but I may say that when I was at Argyrocastro and Tepeleni a few weeks ago, I talked and dined with some of the so-called INIussulman notables alleged to have been put to death or imprisoned, or maltreated while the names of other murdered and tortured persons could not be traced at all. You may take my word for it that the whole of the charges brought against the Greek Government and the Greek Army are fictitious from beginning to end. During the course of my tour I made it an object to inquire of the INIussulman population of Epirus if they had any complaints against the Greek authorities, and I only heard one. A peasant at the village of Gustovitza said he had lost a dog which he was certain a Greek soldier had stolen, but he had no evidence to support his charge. As to Mus- sulmans being cut to pieces, tortured, and so on, the charges are as ridiculous as they are groundless. I hope we shall hear no more of them, but if we do I think we shall do right to treat them with the contempt, scorn and ridicule with which they have been treated by every man in the street in every village in Epirus — which they certainly deserve. "The party of foreign Press representatives with whom I was associated during the tour in Epirus consisted of M. Franz de Jessen, correspondent of the Temjis, M. Bles- sas, of the Figaro, Herr Tschentcher, of the Berlin Central Press, and myself. We were occasionally joined by gen- tlemen representing Greek newspapers, and for a short time by Captain Trapman, War Correspondent of The Daily Telegraph; but the four I have named remained to- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 137 gether throughout the tour, seeing always eye to eye, and working with the common purpose of finding out the truth. We made it an object to follow the International Commis- sioners, keeping them always in sight, and accompanying them when they paid visits to the villages. But as you are probably aware, these visits soon came to an end on account of divisions among the Commissioners, and for several weeks the Commission was marking time at Hersega and Liascovitch, while the Powers were considering what in- structions to send them. Whilst they were waiting we were not idle, but went over by ourselves ground which, at one time, we hoped to traverse in company with the Commissioners, but which, under superior orders, was eventually dropped out of their programme. "Now, perhaps, you would like me to say a few intro- ductory words about the Commissioners who were ap- pointed to delimit the frontier. England was represented by Lieutenant-Colonel Doughty- Wylie, C.N.G., lately Consul at Adana, and now holding the same position at Addis Ababa. He was assisted by Captain King, R. E., for topographical work. Lieutenant-Colonel Lallemand, of the French Artillery, and M. Krayer, Vice Consul at Volo, were the French delegates. Colonel Gouten, Rus- sian military attache at Athens, represented the Russian Government. The German delegate was Lieutenant- Colonel Tierry, of the General Staff, Austria-Hungary being represented by Herr Bilinski, and Herr Buchberger, who held the posts respectively of Consul-General and Vice Consul at Jannina until the capture of that place by His Majesty King Constantine. Signor Labia, late Italian Consul at Jannina, was the Italian representative, and was assisted by Captain Castoldi, who had formerly beeli in the Turkish service as a gendarme officer, or some- thing of the kind. "There is not a great deal to be said about these gentle- men or their work, and if there were it would be only wast- ing your time to talk about it. For they began to disagree 138 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS among themselves almost from the first day they met to- gether at Monastir, and when they referred their differ- ences to their Governments the reference led to so much discussion that Sir Edward Grey determined to end mat- ters by proposing a frontier of his own, which runs in a northeasterly direction from Cape Styles, to where it meets the Servian frontier at Lake Ochrida. This frontier, as proposed by England, has been accepted by the Powers, and has now been delimited in detail by the Commissioners, who comj^leted their work on the 18th December last, and have presumably returned to their respective countries. Ladies and gentlemen, I have no desire to hold up the Commissioners to ridicule, for it was not their fault, but the fault of the great Powers of Europe, that they were put into a ridiculous position, which only came to an end when Sir Edward Grey took matters out of their hands into his own. Their instructions were to go over the coun- try lying between the frontier claimed by Greece, and the frontier proposed by Italy (which is very nearly identical with that now approved by the Powers) and find out whether the inhabitants were Greeks or Albanians. But they were forbidden to receive any addresses or deputa- tions, or make any inquiries, except about the language spoken by the people. And, as everyone knows what lan- guage the Epirotes speak — an Albanian patois at home, and the Greek language outside home — the Commissioners' inquiries were useless, and had no determining effect one way or the other in regard to the nationality of the people. What added to the absurdity of the position was that only two members of the Commission could speak either Greek or Albanian, and one of these, Herr Bilinski, was too ill to leave his house, while the other, Captain Castoldi, made so many mistakes in translating answers that the Commis- sioners lost all faith in him as interpreter, and decided to ask for further instructions from their Governments, w^th the result I have already mentioned. "Having introduced you to the dramatis personee of the AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 139 drama which is now beginning to be enacted in Epirus, let us come closer with the subject of this lecture. Who are the Epirotes? When I was in Epirus I consulted no book, but just went and asked the people straight out who they were. Over and over again I put this question to them: Who are you? Are you Greek or Albanian? And whether it came from men, women, boys or girls, the answer was always the same, 'We are Greek, and we in- tend to remain Greek.' When I questioned ladies al)Out their nationahty there was no mistake about the spontane- ous sincerity of their opinions, which they expressed in militant language quite as forcible as that used by English suffragettes when they are on the warpath in search of the franchise. Nor were the two venerable archbishops, whose portraits I show on the screen, less decided in their opinion. 'Other people,' I quote the words of one of the Arch- bishops, 'may call us what they like, but surely we ought to know ourselves who we are better than Mr. Aubrey Her- bert, or Mr. Bourchier, or Mr. Brailsford, or Faik Bey. It is no good calling us by a name which doesn't belong to us, and which we don't want to bear. Make no mistake, please, we are not going to be Albanians at any price, and if the Powers try to change our nationality by handing us over to Albania, I know that our people will resist with all the force at their disposal, and the Greek Government will be powerless to restrain them.' This is typical of every answer I got to my questions, and there never was the slightest hesitation about the nature of the reply. Nor was this view of nationality confined to the Christian popu- lation of Epirus, for I found the same feeling prevalent among all the ^Mussulmans whom I consulted — and I pur- posely consulted many, because I was anxious to ascertain their opinion and wishes about their future. I was sur- prised with the result of my inquiries. At all interviews I made a point of taking notes of the conversation, and here are some of the answers which I received. I find the Mayor of Koritza, Ahmed Effendi, who is a Mussulman, 140 THE QUE^STION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS spoke as follows : 'We INIussulmans of Koritza come from the same original stock as our Christian townsmen, and we intend to stand alongside of them now at this crisis. I am quite sincere, and speak from my heart, when I say tliat all tlie IVlussuhnans of this district are perfectly con- tent with Greek rule, and wish to see it permanently estab- lished here.' Then I paid a surprise visit to the jNIiifti, who was not an Epirote but a Turk from Thrace, and he said much the same as the mayor. 'We are all very happy now under Greek rule, our religion is respected, and our rights observed. We w-ant to be Greek citizens, for the Greek Government has treated us with all possible con- sideration, and I have not the same confidence in any gov- ernment which may be set up in Albania.' Leaving the town of Koritza I rode out into some of the INIussulman villages in the neighborhood and found the same desire for union w'ith Greece. This is what the three head men of the iNIussulman village of Gratza said w^hen I asked them if they wanted the Turks back again : 'No, we are Greeks now, and shall fight for our Greek brothers to keep our independence.' Going on to Cipani, another iNIussulman village, the Mukhta, Suliman Bey, was still more emphatic. This is what he said: 'King Constantine is now our Sul- tan, and imder his rule we are happier than we have ever been before. We want to be left alone.' At Hersoga, the capital of Colonia, a Mussulman deputation presented an address to the Commissioners, the following being a trans- lation of the document : 'The undersigned representatives of the INIussulman community of the Caza of Colonia take the opportunity of the presence of the International Com- mission in their district to convey to the Commissioners their recognition of the freedom which they enjoy under the new regime in all that concerns their religion and their customs, as well as the absolute security which they now have for life and property. They have the honor to de- clare that they are now in possession of full liberty, that the Greek Army behaves towards the population in a AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 141 brotherly manner, and that their interests are firmly bound up with Greece, with which country they desire to be united.' This petition was signed by forty head men of twenty-five ISIussulman villages of Colonia. "To verify what was said in this address I paid a visit to Dalian Bey, the leading Mussulman Bey and largest land- owner in Colonia, who lives at Kief Zazi, about four hours from Hersega, and he corroborated every word of the ad- dress. Dalian Bey is an old man of eighty years of age, and he assured me that for the first time in his long life he knew what it was to live in peace and security. 'The brigands,' he said, 'who infested this country have all dis- appeared and gone back to their homes in Albania. We are now happy and contented under Greek rule. AH we want is to be left to ourselves.' "Let me show^ you the portrait of Haidar Bey Russi, the JVIussulman Mayor of Liascovitch, wearing the Greek colors. He performs his duties as mayor for no remunera- tion. Colonel Doughty-Wylie was his guest while at Liascovitch, and found him an intelligent and hospitable host. These are his words when I talked with him. 'The Mussuhiians and Christians of Liascovitch live like brothers together, and we are all quite happy now under Greek rule. I am on the town committee of defence, and, if necessary, I and my sons will light along with our Chris- tian townsmen for union with Greece. I know our town is behindhand in progress, but we have never had a chance of progressing under the Turkish Government, and now we must go ahead and develop on modern lines.' Tefik Bej', another Liascovitch landowner, and a very wealthy man, went even further than this in his professions of at- tachment to the Greek Government. 'The JNIussulmans even more than the Christians are thankful for the disap- pearance of Turkish rule and recognize all that the Greek Government is doing for them. Land is going up in value, and for the first time in my life I can visit my property without having to take an armed escort with me. I am a 142 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS Greek by descent, my ancestors having been converted to the Moslem faith l)y force wlien the Turks first came to Epirus. We are all Bekhtashis here, and the Sultan is nothing to us. We want political union with Greece; the Greeks understand us Mussulmans whereas the Slavs do not. The best thing for Epirus is to be joined to Greece. It is a natural result of the disappearance of the Turks, and any other arrangements will only be artificial, tem- porary and disturbing. Under the Turks we had to fortify our houses to protect them from brigands. Now we can ^Hill down the walls.' "From Liascovitch I went to Konica, and was greeted there by a deputation of Mussulman townsmen, who asked me to carry back their address to the Commissioners, beg- ging for union with Greece. Passing now on to Jannina I there saw the jNIussulman mayor of the town, and tlie Mufti, Fouat Effendi, and they both expressed themselves as being perfectly content with Greek rule. So also did Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Delvino, who called upon me while at Jannina, and with whom I had a long and interesting conversation. The Pasha is a Turk by descent, not an Epirote, but he has lived so long in Epirus that he has become more Epirote than the Epirotes. His is an inter- esting personality, for he is a Turk of the old school, and as such has a supreme contempt for the young Chauvinist Turks who have seized the reins of government in Con- stantinople. He was formerly an officer in the Turkish Army, and as A.D.C. to Sultan Abdul Aziz, came to Eng- land with him when he visited Queen Victoria in the early seventies. Afterwards he acquired property in Delvino, and has lived on it ever since his retirement from the public service. He told me what all other Mussulmans had said, that Greek government had brought peace and tranquillity to the country, and he hoped it had come to stay. As to Albania, his desire as a loyal IMussulman was to see a strong State created, but it should be confined to Albania, and no attempt should be made to encroach on Greek pre- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 143 serves. I was much impressed with the Pasha's good sense and wide vision, and I hope when the Epirotes form their provisional government on the 18th January next that ^lehemet Ah Pasha will be one of its members. "If there were time I could tell you the same tale in every town and village I visited. At Arg^'rocastro, at Tepeleni, at Klissura, at Premeti, and in all the villages round these towns I found the same spirit of contentment, and the same desire for Greek union. One village in par- ticular I must mention, that of Hormoven in the Drinos valley, about three hours out of Tepeleni. It used to be a Christian village till the time of Ali Pasha, who, applying the principles of the Koran in their literal sense, compelled the villagers to choose between Islamism or death. Hear- ing that a foreign traveller was passing through their vil- lage the whole of the men turned out, and the head man made an impromptu speech, saying the villagers were Greeks, not Albanians, and they wished to be united with their motherland. The visit was quite a surprise one ; the speech was quite spontaneous, and no Greek officials were present. "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope this and other evidence which I have brought before you this evening, and which, were there time, I could multiply ten-fold from data in my possession, will convince you, as it has convinced me, that the Epirotes are Greeks, not Albanians, and that when INIr. Bourchier and Mr. Aubrey Herbert call Epirus 'southern Albania,' they are calling it by a name which does not belong to it, and which the Epirotes disown as a libel on their nationality. I beg you will not misunder- stand me. We Philhellenes have no quarrel with the Al- banians, so long as the Albanians don't quarrel with us. We wish well to Albania, and we will do all we can to help its people to build up a free, progressive and civihzed State if it is possible to do so, standing on its own feet, and inde- pendent of outside support. The new State shall have fair play. We will do as Mr. Aubrey Herbert wishes us 144. THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS to do, and hold out tlie right hand of friendship. But there must be no poaching on Greek preserves, and Epirus is one of those preserves and intends to remain so. The Skumbi River is Albanian, but the Voyussa River is Greek. Ali Pasha of Tepeleni never went north of Valona, nor did Scander Bey ever come south of it. The Skumbi River is the natural ethnological boundary be- tween Ghegs and Tosks, who in classic days were known as Illyrians and Pelasgi, and in modern days as Albanians and Greeks. Left to themselves the Albanians and Greeks would soon settle matters on an ethnological basis, but the question is unfortunately complicated by the of- ficious interference of foreign propagandists and Albanian committees who, cuckoo-like, are encouraging the Al- banians to lay claim to land which doesn't w^ant them, and which doesn't belong to them. It is bad enough to break the tenth Commandment, but Mr. Aubrey Herbert breaks the ninth also when he bears false witness against the Greeks by accusing them of a 'policy of greed,' because, forsooth, they lay claim to property which always belonged to them till the Turks robbed them of it by force. If the Albanians listen to these law-breaking counsels then there" is nothing left for the Epirotes but to crj^ 'hands off.' "Now let us see what the great Powers of Europe, who have taken upon themselves the gi'atuitous duty of settlings matters between the Greeks and Albanians, propose. The dotted line on the map is the answer to this question, and you will see that it splits Epirus into two unequal halves, the greater half going to Albania, the lesser half to Greece. Strategically this boundary line leaves Jannina e?i Vair, cutting it off from communication with the Adriatic Sea at Santi Quaranta, and with the iEgean Sea at Salonica. The great trunk road from Santi Quaranta to Korytza, running parallel to the new frontier is, with a small gap between ^Nlissoverfera and Delvaki, which can easily be filled with a new road, given to Albania. So is Tepeleni, the ancient gateway into Epirus, which dominates the ap- AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE 145 proaches to the Jannina plain down the V^oyussa River on the east, and the Drinos River on the west. With the central approaches from the northwest in the hands of the Albanians, and flanks also secured to them, a Greek army based on Jannina would be placed at an enormous strategi- cal disadvantage at the opening of a campaign, so enor- mous that its offensive action would be hopelessly paralysed from the start. We have been told that Sir Edward Grey proposed this frontier as a compromise between a big Al- bania and a big Epirus, and that topographical considera- tions were alone taken into account in drawing the boundary line. This does not seem to be exactly the way to secure a scientific frontier. But, however that may be, the new boundary line places Jannina at the mercy of any foreign or Albanian force which would be concentrated be- fore the declaration of war on the Upper Voyussa and Drinos Rivers, within easy striking distance of the Epirus capital. If Greece had been forced down on her knees after fighting an unsuccessful war, she could not have had harder terms offered for her acceptance. Under pressure from Europe the Greek Govermnent may have, for the moment, to accept these terms officially, but government humiliation and national humiliation are not always synony- mous terms. There is a force behind all governments which, in great national crises, can be relied on to assert its power in open defiance of constituted authority. That force is the will of the people. We Englishmen have some- times taught our Government the strength of that force, and, if I mistake not, the Epirotes intend to teach the same lesson to Europe. If Governments propose, it is the peo- ple who dispose. "Where the London Ambassadors' Conference made its initial blunder was in deciding last August to give Korytza to Albania, and make Cape Stylos the Adriatic starting point of the new frontier. This decision begged the whole question which the International Commission was ap- pointed to investigate and prevented a boundary line being 146 THE QUESTION OF NORTHERN EPIRUS drawn in accordance with local ethnological conditions. What has now been done is to continue the line from JNIount Gramnios, where the Ambassadors' Conference left it, and tlie quickest and nearest way of doing this was that pro- posed by a stroke of Sir Edward Grey's pen, and now ac- cepted by the Powers. The frontier as agreed meets Ital- ian objections to the Greeks having command of the Straits of Corfu, and Austrian objections to Albania being