StiMBlKS rSMT — ^.i^ ^ ---ifc ,:^i EMPIRE STATE NOTAB LES HARTWELL STAFFORD PUBLISHER. INC. A-4 EAST 23 RD STREE.T, NEW YORK, N.Y. «M EMPIRE STATE NOTABLES FORLWORD ^ HE Great Macaiilay, in liis History of Eni^land, lamented thai he eon Id not find the likenesses of many of I he men of whom he wrote. That I he pieture, h) one who saw it nnderstand- ingly, was snj)plemental to, and even more informing tlian the written word. Thai liie lines of stress and toil, the furrows of menial eoneentration, the broad, intellectual brow, and Ihe clear, brighl eye, tell, as no written record can tell us, that it is no sluggard nor weakling who is ])ortrayed, bul a clean cul man of bailie. P'or truly, the warrior does nol always wear a sword. The printed word may err. The face of the man is nature's record, stamped where all may read. To the stu- dent of physiognomy, not only does the face tell the man, but environment and mentality, changing from generation to generation, stamp the spirit of the time on the coun- tenances of the men of that pei'iod. Comj)are the likenesses of men of live generations since with llie pictures of men of ten generations ago, and there will be observed a distinct difference of type, compare these with men of today and Ihere is a dislincl difference from eillier of the other two. Fifty or even forty years ago, befoi'e the evolution of the processes of modern engraving, a work of the scope and magnilude of this \'olume was impossible. Engravings were Ihen made wiiolly by hand, a ledious, laborious, and ex- pensive piocess, llie plates varying wilii llie skill and artistic ability of each individual workman. There were not enough skilled craftsmen in the world to j)r()(luce in an ordinary lifetime the number of dies included in this volume. 6 Empire State Notxbles foreword Ai^ain, plalcs produced, as modern engravings are made, largely by photography on sensitized metal, from a photograph which is itself an absolute reproduction, and cannot vary from the original, have a uniformity and truth- fulness impossible to the unaided human hand. This book embraces within its covers the largest and most comprehensive collection of portraits ever published in one single volume in the world. The subjects have been chosen in the very broadest sense. Thej' are those, who wherever born or reared, in business or connections, in social life or in politics, are parts of the fabric of the great Empire State. The uses of this work are many. It will be of constant use and reference in newspaper offices and in Libraries, in homes and in places of business. The photographs themselves are examples of high class work, and include productions from the Studios of J. G. Gessford, a photographic artist of the first rank; George Prince, formerly of Washington, who has personally posed and photographed every President of the United States from Andrew Johnson to \Yoodrow Wilson, Pirie Mac- Donald, Marceau, Sarony, Pach Bros., Stein, White, Davis & Sanford, Lippincolt, Campbell Studios, Alman & Go., Aime Dupont, Underwood & Underwood, and the Lifshey Galleries of Brooklyn. The publisher is especially indebted, for able and loyal guidance, through many pitfalls and bitter assaults, to his counsel, Mr. Bernard Robinson and Mr. Joseph E. Lauber, of the law firm of Robinson & Lauber, who not only wisely and vigorously defended him, but cheered the darkest day with a warm spirit of personal friendliness and kindliness, which can never be fully appreciated nor forgotten. INDLX Aaroiis, Sidney Henry Abbe, Robert, M. D. Ackerson, T. Benton Adams, Henry Sherniiin . Adams, John Quincy Adams, W. 1. Lincoln Adams, William Ci-ittenden Adee, Philip Henry Adler, Jacob Adler, Leon N. Adrian, Joseph M. . Ager, Dr. L. C. Agnew, George B. Agostini, Emilio M., I). 1). S. Ahcrn, H. E. . Ahern, J. L. . . Aitken, Harry E. Aked, Dr. Charles I-". Albee, Dr. Fred Houdlett Albright, William B. Aldcroftt, Richard B., Jr. Aldrich, Herbert L. Alexander, Alexander Alexander, John White . Alexander, Welcome T., M. D Alger, George William .\llen. Rev. Fred Hovey . Allen, Frederick Hobbes Allen, Frederick Lathrop Allen, Henry W. Allen, Dr. J. A. Allen, James Lane Allen, John Johnson Allen, William Harvey Ailing, Newton Diielle Altai, Henry S. Ambler, A. S., M. D. Am Ende, Dr. Charles . . Ames, I'rank Darwin Amster, Dr. J. Lewis Anderson, Austin B. Anderson, Ellery O. Anderton, Stephen Philbin Andrade, Alejandro, D. D. S. Andrews, Barrett Andrews, Charles Andrews, W. E., M. D. S. Angell, Richard Amasa Anthony, Richard Allaid Applelon, Francis Randall, Ji Arbuckle, Joseph Archbold, John Diistin Ai-den, lulwin Hunter I'cndell Aring, Geo. H. K. Armstrong, David Maltland Aronson, Rudolph Arroyo, Julian A. . Ashley, Frank M. . Ashley, Dr. Maurice C. . PAGIi 240 Ashton, Rev. J. W. 325 Astarita, Antonio C. 599 Atterbury, Rev. Anson Phelps C46 Atwater, Elliott 121 Auringer, Obidah Cyrus 50(i Auslander, Alfred . 598 Auspacher, Louis Kaufman 146 Austin, Dr. David Penfield 537 Austin, V. C. . 504 Ayres, Stephen Beckwith 442 Babb, George W. 327 Babcock, George H. 274 Babcock, Ralph W., D. I). S. 387 Babcock, Willoughby W. 459 Babst, Earl D. 249 Bacchus, Rev. John Greenwood 690 Bache, Jules S. 99 Badger, William Otis, Jr. 327 Baer, William Jacob 489 Bailey, Frank 146 Bailey, Leon Orlando 652 Bain, Hon. W. H. 506 Bainbridge, Dr. William Seama 632 Baiter, Charles W. G. 328 Baker, Charles Whiting . 149 Baker, Dwight B. . 97 Baker, Stephen 146 Baker, Hon. Thomas F. . 146 Baker, Thomas O. . 599 Baker, William Edgar 328 Baketel, H. Sheridan, A. M., M. D. 651 Baldwin, Henry de Forest 145 Baldwin, Prof. J. Mark . 654 Baldwin, James 478 Baldwin, Leroy W. 649 Baldwin, Reuben Stanley 328 Baldwin, William J. 307 Ball, Albert 600 Ball, David C. 297 Ballict, Thomas M., Ph. D., Dean 523 Bamford, Austin C, D. D. S 145 Bancroft, Francis Sydney 145 Bandler, Samuel Wyllis, M. 1). 387 Banks, Iklgar James 652 Banks, Henry Ward, Jr. . 36 Bannerman, George W. . 328 Banning, Dr. Hubert 270 Banning, Hubert Ashley . 460 Barber, Donn . 145 Barbour, Rev. Henry M. . 144 Bard, Albert S. 453 Bardeen, Llewellyn J. 658 Bardwell, Darwin L. 69 liarker, Wendell Phillips 034 Barnaby, Kenneth T. 690 Barnes, Gilbert Hicks . 290 Barnes, Rev. L. C. . 575 Bai'nes, Thurlow Weed . 329 Barnes, W. Anson . Empihe State Notables INDEX Barnet, Morris S. Barney, J. Stewart . Barney, Rev. L. \V. . Barney, Marshall A. Barnhart, John Hendley, M. D Barr, Edward . Barra, Caesar B. F. Barrows, Rev. William Stanle Barry, Gerald J. Bartcher, Charles A. Bartlett, John Poniercy Bartlett, Philip Golden Bartlett, William H. Bartley, Dr. Elias Hudson Bartley, Thomas J., D. D. S. Baruch, Dr. Emanuel de Mam Baruch, Dr. Simon . Baskerville, Charles, Ph. D., I Bates, Charles Austin Batten, Rev. L. W. . Batterman, Heniy Lewis Battle, George Gordon Bauer, Dr. Frederick M. Bauer, Oswald A. . Bauerdorf, Charles F. Eaum, Herbeit Bauman, E. W., D. D. S. Baumann, Gustav . Bayne, Howard Randolph Beach, Edward Stevens Beale, Phelan Beam, William H. . Beard, Daniel Carter Beattie, Charles Maitlant Beatty, Robert A. . Becker, Neal Dow .- Becker, William J. . Beckwith, Clinton . Beddall, Edv ard Fitch Bedell, Frederick Beebe, Charles William Beecher, Willis Judson Beeman, Dr. Roy Herber Begg, Dr. Colin Luke Begg, William Reynolds Behan, P. J. . Belasfo, David Bell, Clark Bellew, Kyrle . Bellinger, Henry Myers, Jr. Belmont, August Belmore, Bruce W. . Benjamin, E. L. Benjamin, Marcus . Bennett, George Milton, M. D. Bennett, James Gordon Bennett, James L. . Bennett, William M. Bennington, Hon. J. R. Rensel, Walter, M. D. Benson, John P. PAGE 505 Benson, Peter . 560 Bentley, Madison 115 Bentley, Rev. Walter E. 143 Benziger, August 397 Berau, Edward R. . 496 Berg, Charles I. 230 Bergamini, J. Van Wie 421 Bernheimer, Charles L. 143 Bernheimer, Lorin S. 1-13 Bernstein, Heiman . 142 Berry, William J. C. 147 Bertschn^ann, Jacob 53 Berlschmann, Louis 32!) Best, Alfred M. 387 Beuerman, Dr. John A. 330 Beurger, Dr. Leo 330 Beyea, Dr. James Louis 398 Bickerton, Joseph Ponsford, J 509 Bickham, Dr. Warren S. 95 Bielby, Isaac P. 600 Bier, Dr. S. H. 275 Bigarel, Dr. Frank D. 330 Bigelow, Clarence Otis 278 Bilhoefer, Dr. A. J. 142 Billings, Dr. John S., Jr 601 Billings, Dr. John Shaw 321 Bingham, Albert Perry 681 Bingham, General Theodore .\ 148 Binns, Charles Fergus 142 Birnkrant, Maxim . 276 Bishop, Ernest Simons, \. B., .M. D 276 Bishop, James C. 645 Bishop, Dr. Louis Faugeres 289 Bissell, George Edwin . 493 Bissell, Rev. Pelham St. George 142 Black, James . 443 Black, William Harmon 74 Blakeslee, Rev. Francis Durbin 436 Blanchard, Judge James Armstrong 333 Blanchard, Rev. Joseph N. 42 1 lilauvelt, George A. 121 Blenuer, Carle Joan 299 Bleyer, Dr. J. Mount 308 Blood, John H. 141 Bloodgood, Robert F. 535 Bloomingdale, Emanuel Watson 691 Blum, Edward C. . 141 Blum, Heiny, D. D. S 684 Blyniyer, William H. 260 Rodman, Edward Cushm 400 Boehm, William Henry 239 Boese, Quincy Ward 395 Bogardus, John Haile 663 Bogart, John . 3.30 Bogert, Prof. G. G. . 657 Bogert, Marston Taylor 523 Bogert, Walter Lawrence 229 Boisse, Jacques L. . 72 Boland, John . 331 Boldt, Hermann J., M. D. 566 Bolles, A. Eugene . Empire State Notahles Bolles, John A. Bolton, Reginald P. Bomeisler, Louis Edwin . Bond, George Hopkins Bond, Walter H. . Bondy, William Bonney, Nelson P. . Bonwit, Paul J. Booraem, John Van Vorst, M Booraem, J. Francis Booth, L. M. . Borg, Sidney C. Boring, William A. Born, R. O., M. D. . Bosler, William I). Boston, Charles Andeison Bostwick, Charles Francis Both, Dr. H. . Botsford, E. F. Bottenus, James Bottomley, John Boughton, Willis Bouton, Archibald Lewis Bovie, Verne Morgan Bowden, Prof. Joseph Bowe, John E. Bowman, Henry Hopper Bowman, Dr. James Edgar Bowman, William Law . Bowns, Howard S. . Boyd, James Churchill Boyer, Norman Boylan, John J. Boynton, Edward Briggs Boynton, Frank L. Boynton, George R. Brady, Stanley, A. B., M. I). Brady, William A. Brainsby, John Woodward Branch, Charles C. . Branch, Col. James R. . Brand, Herman Austin Brandeis, Arthur D. Brann, Rt. Rev. Henry Athana Brann, John A. Braun, Marcus Braunlich, Dr. Arthur- R. liiekes, David, M . D. . Brennaii, Dr. Robert i;mer>' Brennei-, Victor D. . Brevoort, Rev. James Ueriw ick Brewei-, Calvert Brewer, John Hyall Bicvvster, Gcorf^c Thomas Brewster, William T. Brice, Wilson Bridgeman, Heibeit L. . Briesen, Arthur von Briggs, Prof. Charles A. . Briggs, Walter J. Bright, Louis V. . INDEX PAGE 138 Brill, Abraham A., Ph. B., M. D. .^,75 Brinley, J. R. . 138 Brinnier, William D. 279 Brinsmade, Dr. Daniel B. 254 Bristol, Prof. Charles Lawrence 138 Bristol, John Isaac Devoe 248 Britt, Philip J. .'ill Britton, Eugene .^iVO Brockway, Zebulon Reed r)(l() Bromfleld, Percy B. lite. Brothers, Dr. Samuel F. . 172 Brown, Judge Addison . r)t)5 Brown, Rev. Arthur Jutlson 333 Brown, B. H. Innes 138 Brown, Bolton Colt 137 Brown, Dickson Q. 80 Brown, Elmer Ellsworth 388 Brown, Col. Franklin Q. 21() Brown, Gerald R. . 001 Brown, Henry Kirke Bush 137 Brown, Rev. Henry iSf. . 045 Brown, J. Romaine 399 Brown, James Noel 289 Brown, John Franklin 420 Brown, John George 04 Brown, John M. 239 Brown, Raymond C. 396 Brown, William J. . 137 Brownell, Everelt (larnsey, M. I). 502 Brownell, George Francis 480 Brownell, Silas Brown . ()53 Brown-Scheuyeaulle, James H. 002 Brundage, Albert Harrison, A. M., M. I). 589 Phar. 1)., M. S. 137 Bruner, l-^rank \. . 031 Brush, Gilbert P. . 334 Bryant, Dr. W. Sohier 087 Bryce, Lloyd . 254 Buchman, Albert . 136 Buck, Dr. A. H. . 503 Buckley. Rev. James Monroe 130 Bull, J. Edgar 511 Bullock, Bradford Arthui- 105 Bunn, Rev. Albert Carrier 13C Burch, Right Rev. Charles S. 053 Burchell. George W. 308 Burgess, Edward Guyi'e . 334 Bui-gess, Right Rev. Fiederick .334 Burkett, Charles William 032 Burleigh, George William 010 Bui'liligham, Chai les C. . 403 Burnham, John 15. . 032 Burns, William J. . 037 Burrell, Rev. David James 420 Burrell, Rev. Joseph Dunn 202 Burrows, Rev. G. SlierTnaii 050 Busbcy, Hamiltuii 136 Bush, Robert P. 125 Bushnell, Clarence Mimson 135 Butler, N. R. . 289 Butler, Nicholas Murray, Ph. D., LL. D 10 Kmi'iri: State Notahi-Es INDEX lUltlcr, William Allen liutU-nwi'iscr, Joseph 1.. . Byrne, Andrew Byrne, Joseph Cabell, Harlwoll Catinian, Kev. Samuel I'arkes (■.aider, Willlani M. Calleiider, James P. Callieot, Theophiliis Carey Camerden, Henry B., M. I). Caniei'er, Arthur A., D. I). S. Cameron, Alexander Cameron, I'^rederiek W. . Campagnoli, John Campbell, I'rank E. Campbell, John A. Cof^aii Campbell, La Mot I . Canup, Rev. M. lAither Carlisle, John Nelson Carnegie, Antlrew . Carr, NVilliam, 1). 1). Carrabine, Oscar, M. 1)., 1). 1) Carroll, Lauien Carson, Rev. John I'leming Carslarphen, I'rank i;. . Carter, Dr. De Laney Carter, Ernest T. . Carter, Rev. Lewis E. Carter, Richard Carter, Rev. W. Carter, William Harding Cartwright, Rev. Richard S. Carver, Raymond B. Cary, Charles, M. 1). Casazza, Ceorge J. . Case, George ('.. Case, Jason D. Casey, Edward Pearce Castle, Wilmot Caswell, Rev. Edw inWIiiltier Caflin, l"re(lerick Ward . Catlin, J. I Caughey, Bev. .lohn Lyon Cavana, Martin, M. D. . f^avanagh, Daniel J. Chadbourne, William M. Chadwick, John Rogers . Chalmers, Thomas C, M. D. Chamberlain, Eugene Tylei- Chambers, Walter Boughton Chapin, Edwin Seymour Chapin, Dr. Henry Dwight Chapin, Henry Edgeiton Chapman, Elverton B. Chapman, William P., Ji. Chase, Austin C. Chase, Emory Albert Chase, Rev. Piatt Noble . Cheney, Orion Howard . Chester, Alden Chester, George Randolph i:!l (lliiislian, Bev. George M. I'AVl (^hrystie, Thomas Mackaness Liullow i;il (llnirch, W'illiani (Sonant 1711 Churchill, Capt. James . 27(i Churchill, Thomas W. . !)7 Cillis, Hubert . • . II Clancy, J. B. . i;U Clark, Herbert W. . ()74 Clark, Jefferson 3.3() Clark, John Bates . 388 Clark, William l.-ia Clark, William C. . 2:)1 Clarke, Dr. Arthur Vernon (iOl Clarke, Lewis L. ,")42 Clarke, R. Floyd 'i?,^ (;iearwater, Hon. Alphonso Trumpl 7.") (;iendenin, Bev. Prank M. 98 Cleveland, Hol)art 49 Cleveland, J. Wray '>27 Clews, Heniy . .■iS.') Clinch, Edwar<l Sears 385 Clinton, Eugene 133 Close, Dr. Stuart . 9.") Clute, John Allen . 48 Coast, Oscar B. .330 Col)l), Bev. Henry Evertson 694 Coblentz, Virgil, A. M., Ph. D., Ph 12:? Cockran, W. Bourke 81 Cochrane, I'rancis . 112 Coe, D. S. .")54 Coe, Rev. Edward Benton 109 <>)e. Prof, (ieorge Albert 4(i Collin, William Edward . 307 Cogswell, William Brown .')66 Cohan, George M. . 129 Cohen, Dr. A. B. . 14 1 (^ohen, Abraham .■)70 Cohen, William Nathan . .-)2lt C.)hn, :\Ioritz, D. D. S. . 128 Cohn, Morris, Jr. 260 Colby, Bainbiidge . ■553 Cole, Dr. Carter Standard 94 Cole, George Watson 305 Coley, Hon. Harrison W. ()7 Collier, Edward L. . 263 Collier, Frederick J. 160 Collier, William Miller . 336 Collin, Hon. Frederick . 35 Collyer, Herman Livingston, M. Vj. 565 Colnon, Aaron J. 488 Comstock, Anthony 309 Conable, George W. 420 Congdon, Henry Martyn . 457 Congdon, Herbei't W'lualnn 229 Conklin, Robert S. . 52 1 Conklin, Roland R. 36 Conklin, William (i. 123 Conn, Frank W. 459 Connery, Thomas Bernard Joseph 39 Connett, Eugene V., Jr. . 672 Connolly, Rt. Rev. Msgr., James N Empire State 11 INDEX (^oiiratl, Aitliiir Conroy, William H. (Conway, Patrick Conway, Thomas 1". Cook, Walter . Cooley, Klmer EIIsnn oiMli Cooley, James Selh, M. I), ('ooley, James T. Cooper, Prank Copeland, Dr. Royal Samuel Coppell, Herbert Cordes, August William . Corning, Edward Cornwallis, Kinahan Cornwell, William Caryl Coudert, Frederic Rene . Coughlin, John H., M. D. (;ourtney, Charles Edward Courtney, Right Rev. Frederic Coverly, William Cowan, James R. Cowenhoven, Charles T., Jr. Cowles, James Lewis Cowles, Justus A. R. (;ox, Archiliald Cox, Palmer . Cox, Hon. Rosslyn M. Coxe, Alfred Conkling Coyle, Richard, LL. D., V. V. Coyle, William M. . Craig, Rev. .Seth Clayton Crampton, Dr. Charles Ward Crandall, Dr. Floyd Milford Crandell, Walter S. Crane, Bi-uce . Cravath, Paul Diennan . Creamer, Francis A. Cieamer, Thomas J. Creighton, John R. . Crimmins, John Daniel Croniie, Rev. James Cromwell, William Nelson Cronson, Reul)en, M. I). . Cross, W. Redmond Cruikshank, James H. , Cruikshank, Warren Cruse, Ceorge E. Cryer, J. Fred Cuddeback, Hon. William Hei Cullen, Hon. Edgar Montgome (.11 11 en, Thomas H. Culver, Henry 15. . Cn mining, Alexander Cummings, >hilllie\\ ,1 Cunningham, .lolni L. Cunningham, S. A. . (^imningham, Thomas l.oughi Cunningham, Dr. W. P. Cuoco, Cerard J. Curtis, David A. (Curtis, Frank C. 1). PAGE 079 Curtis, Dr. George Lenox i;{l Curtis, Heiny S., Ph. D OS."} Curtis, James R. 295 Curtiss, Fiank 564 Curtiss, Julian W. . 132 (kishman, Joseph Wood 337 Cushner, Meyer R. . 131 Cutler, Otis H. 245 Cutting, Seth Hudson 338 Cutujian, Avac, A. M., M 448 Daggett, V. Chapin 564 Dailey, John F. 513 Dale, Francis Colgate 239 Daley, Frank H. 478 Dall, Horace Hoi ley 131 Daly, Arnold . 338 Daly, Maurice 530 Damrosch, Frank . 86 Dana, Dr. Arnold (luyot 545 Dana, Myron T. 447 Danforth, Dr. A. G. 253 Darling, Dr. Byron C. 514 Darlington, James Henry 514 Daulton, (Jeorge 264 Davenport, Charles Renedicl 63.'! Davenport, Henry Joralemon 73 Davenport, William Bates 35 David, John 76 Davidson, A. Sidney 623 Davies, J. Clarence 113 Davies, Dr. R. C. . .309 Davis, Dr. Achilles Edw 326 Davis, Asa B., F. A. C. S 477 Davis, Bramwell 631 Davis, Frederick Willis 216 Davis, George S., LL. D 66 Davis, H. B. . 44 Davis, Herbei t E. . 64 Davis, Dr. John Edward 604 Davis, Minor Meek . 94 Davis, William T. . 131 Davis, Dr. Willis Oscar ,338 Dawson, Miles M. . 475 Day, Joseph P. 605 Day, Thomas Iteming 602 Dean, Frank . 130 Dean, Maurice R. . 221 de Belleville, Frederic 37 de Bermingham, Dr. Jos» 36 Debevoise, Thomas McEli 72 DeForest, Johnston 294 de Friese, Lafayette Ho 261 Deghuie, Dr. C. J. . 67 De Haven, Frank 539 De Koven, Reginald 471 De I-acy, George C. 513 Dclalleld, Dr. Francis 310 Delafleld, Frederick P. 295 Delaneld, Lewis L. 650 Delafleld, Richard . 279 De Leon, Daniel Loun sl)ery M. [ith 12 Empire State Notables Deiiiing, (".hai-les Clerc . Deniing, Horace E. . Deming, Philander Deniorcsf, NVilliani Curtis Denby, Edwin H. . Denlingcr, Rev. Harry K. Denniau, l-'rederick H. . IJennis, Leonidas Denno, \Villard J., M. 1). Ueiiton, Myron Preston, M. 1). de Selding, Herman de Selding, Joel S. . Detmer, Julian K. . Devine, Edward Thomas De Vito, Dominii'k C. Dew, J. Harvie de Walltearss, S. Dewey, Charles Melville Dewey, Charles Oliver Dexter, Geoige T. . Deys, Rev. Heorge Nelson Dickinson, J. H. Dietz, Frederick Dike, Norman S. Dillon, Arthur Dimond, Col. Thomas Dittenhoefer, Abiam Jesse Dix, Hon. John A. . Dixon, Dr. George Sloan Dixon, Thomas, Jr. Doane, Right Rev. William ('. Docharty, Augustus T. Dodd, Louis Frederic Dodge, Greenville Mellen Dodge, Stephen Webster Doelger, Joseph Doernberg, Walter S. Doherty, Leo Vincent Dolowit, Maurice A., D. D. S. Donihee, Vincent P. Donnelly, John E. . Donovan, T. F. Dooley, Rev. John H. Dooley, Chief John J. Doremus, Cornelius Doris, Abraham L. Dos Passos, John R. Dougherty, (ieorge S. Dougherty, Harry Vincent Dowling, Daniel J. . Downer, (Charles Alfred . Downs, Dr. Walter R. G. Doyle, Rev. Alexander P. Doyle, Richard J. . Drake, John Sterling Draper, Andrew Sloan, LL. D Draper, Charles Albert . Draper, Daniel Dreier, Carl Dreiser, Theo. Dressier, Louis INDEX PAGE 195 Driggs, Laurence La Tourette 129 Driscoll, George W. 251 Drummond, Andrew Lewis 603 Duane, Dr. Alexander 569 Dufner, Edward 114 Dumont, Charles Walter 241 Dunbar, Ennoll 139 Dunn, John P. 341 Dunnell, Rev. William Nichol 341 Dunning, A. W. 603 Dunscomb, Samuel Whitney, 603 Durand, John Stewart 510 Durkec, Eugene Winslow 413 Dutton, Hon. R. J. . G04 Dworzak, Rev. Joseph C. lit Dwyer, J. Garfield, M. D. 604 Eager, William P. . 636 Eames, Wilberforce 479 Earl, PMward . 428 Early, Cornelius J. 668 Earp, Wilbur F. 443 Eastman, George William 491 Eaton, Rev. Charles A., D. D. 40 Eaton, Dr. Homer . 569 Eberhard, Dr. Ernest 490 Eddy, Charles R. . 139 Eddy, Clarence 32 Edenborn, William 310 Eder, Phanor J. 287 Edgar, Dr. .Limes Clifton 83 Edmonds, Sanuu'l Owen 621 Edson, Walter H. . 239 Edwards, Rev. I'ranklin Royd 573 Edwards, George Wharton 563 Edwards, Harry 493 Edwards, John Harrington 238 Edwards, Ward R. . 137 Ehlermann, Carl, Jr. 389 Ehrentrantz, Walther 238 Ehrhorn, Oscar W. 238 Ehrich, William Joseph 534 Eichmann, Andrew E. 105 Eichner, Emmanuel A. 69 Eickemeyer, Rudolph 425 Eidlitz, Otto M. 238 Elmer, August 237 Einhorn, Dr. Max . 551 Eiseman, Raljbi Aaron 551 Eisendrath, Simeon B. 253 Eldi idge, t'red Larnac 398 Elkiiis, Henry O. . 396 Elkus, Abram I. 110 Elliman, Douglas L. 237 Elliott, Dr. George R. 605 Elliott, Mortimer F. 49 Elliot, Rev. Walter 546 Ellis, George Williams 423 Ellis, Nathaniel 499 Elmer, Herbert Charles 673 Emley, J. Noble 682 Emmet, William Le Roy Empire State Notables INDEX 13 Enirick, Paul Wagenseller English, J. Bernard Enos, Alaiison T. . Erlanger, Abraham L. E]scher, Henry, Jr. . Estes, David Foster t^vans. Rev. Anthony H. . Evaixs, Hem y . Evans, William S. . Everitt, Dr. Chauncey Valentine Ewing, Dr. William Alexander Faber, Rudolph C. . Fackler, Dr. David Parks Fagnani, Charles Prospero l-'ahnestoik, Harris Charles Fahys, George E. . Failing, F. M., D. D. S. . Fairbairn, Dr. Henry Arnold Fairchild, Benjamin Lewis Fairchild, Herman Le Roy Faiichild, Julian D. Fairchild, Julian P. Falconer, William Hem y F"anciulli, Francesco Fanning, William Joseph Farley, Cardinal John Miiiph Farley, Robert Emmet t Farrar, John Redmond . Farrell, James Ambrose Farrell, Thomas M. Farrell, Hon. W. E. Farrington, Frank . Fassler, Leo Fay, Charles J. Fearey, Morton Lazelle . Feigensohn, D., A. B., D. D. S. Fetter, William S. . Ferguson, Rev. Daniel Araunah Ferguson, Samuel L Fernald, Rev. James t^hampli Ferris, Clarence Clark I->rris, Morris Douw Ferris, Van Wyck . Ferriss, Stark B. I'ertig, Henry M. Fethers, Daniel Larkin I'ichman, Al. M. I'ichman, Max M. . FiIlebro\\n, Charles Bowdoln Finch, Edward Bronson, M. I). Finch, F:dw. Lucius, Ph.D., P.S.I). Finch, Edward R. . Finch, F W., D. D. S. . Finch, John R., D. D. S. . Finley, Dr. John Huston Fischel, Han-y Fischer, Dr. Charles S. . Fish, John Albert . Fisher, Edward D., M. D. Fisher, Robert W. . Fisk, Archie Campbell . PACK 590 Fiske, Rear Admiral Bradley Allen 60.) Fiske, Edwin Williani ri?)^) Fiske, Haley ... 687 Fiske, Harrison (Irey 2;{6 Fiske, Pliny . 422 I'iske, Stephen 91 I'itch, Ashbel Parmelee . 4:i2 E'itch, Joseph . 23.') Fitch, Theodore .'502 Fitch, Dr. William E. . ;{1I Fitzgerald, John Joseph . .')9ll Fitzgerald, Lawrence .Ml Fitz, Mahony, M. J. 0(1 Fitzpatrick, Rev. Malitk J. 469 Flagg, Ernest . .'ilO Managan, .lohn 390 Flanagan, Luke 342 Fleck, Henry T. 23.") Fleischman, Samuel M. . 41,') Fleitmann, Frederick T. 474 Fleitmann, William Medlicott 474 I'leming, William H. 60.') Fletcher, Austin Barclay 690 Fleury, George A. . 13.') Flinn, Rev. Victor Cause 102 Flint, Dr. Austin . 235 Flint, Charles Rantlett . 42 Floersheimer, Samuel 230 Floy, Henry . 659 Fogarty, Thomas . !S5 Folks, Homer 662 Follmer, Charles Jennen 234 Foran, Augustus E. 235 Ford, Charles M., M. D. . 232 Ford, George Burdett 389 Ford, Simeon . 108 Ford, Wayland F. . 92 Fordyce, Alexander Robert, J 231 Fornes, Hon. Chas. V. . lit Fosdick, J. Sheldon 231 Foskett, Eben, M. D. 231 Fossume, Finn L., D. D. S. 432 Foster, Charles Leonard . 231 Foster, Scott . 294 F"owler, Russell S., M. D., F. A. C. 59 Fox, Dr. Andrew J. 699 Fox, Edward, I). 1). S. . 699 Fox, George J. 517 Fox, Mortimer ,1. . 342 Francis, Charles 343 Francolini, Joseph Nicola 203 Frank, Henry 343 Fianke, Frederick C. 390 F'ranklin, Benjamin 400 Franklin, Frederick William 605 I'ranklin, Morris 342 Frantz, Dr. J. F. . 537 I'raser, Horatio Nelson . 322 I'rayer, Eugene 242 Frear, Hiram Pcrley 589 I'rccdman, Lewis Herbert 14 Empire State Notables 1- rcriiKUi, Wi'liloii W'iuaiis French. Danii-l Chester . Freneh, Darwin G. . Frew, Walter Kdwin I'riederang, >hix I". Friedhiiider, William S. Friedsani, Miihael . Friend, Arthur S. . Friend, Jolni H. Frissell, Algernon S. Frohnian, Daniel F-rost, Henry Raymond Fry, Charles Philip Furguson, Franklin L. F'urst, Michael Gable, H. C. . Gabriel, Mgrditch Sinibad, M Gabriels, Right Rev. Henry Gaillard, William Eyre (iibso Gaines, Richard Heyward liallup, Hon. Asa O. Garand, Rev. P. S. . Gardner, William J. Garfein, Raphael Garrison, Dr. John Buggs Garvin, Frederick W. Gaston, George H. . . . Gates, Rev. Milo Hudson Gay, Edward ... Geer, Rev. William Montague Gehrung, .Julien August, A. M Genns, Rev. Duncan M. . George, Henry, .Jr. . George, William Reuben Gerdes, John . Gesner, Rev. Richmond 11. Gessford, J. G. Gibb, W. Travis, M. 1). . Gibboney, Stuart Gatewood Gibbs, John Wilson, M. 1). Gibncy, Eugene C. . Gibney, Dr. Virgil Pentlloton (iibson, Charles Dana Gignoux, Dr. J. Er nest . Gilbert, Abraham S. Gilbert, Charles Benajah Gilder, Joseph B. Gildersleeve, Henry Alger Gildersleeve, Oliver Gilflllan, W. Whitehead. M. 1). Gill, John W. Gillam, Manly .M. . Gillis, A. R. . Gilpin, C. Monteith Ginnasi, Dr. Francis Gips, Adrian Girdner, Dr. John C. Gladding, Albert F. Gleitsman, Dr. J. W. Glynn, Martin H. . Goebel, George C. . INDEX I'AliE 488 Goetz, Philip Becker 631 Goetze, Frederick A. 508 Gold, Abraham S. . 466 Gold, Louis 1530 <ioldan, S. Ormond .")16 Goldberger, M. B. . 511 Guiding, John Noble 233 Goldthwaite, Tarleton 562 Gonzalez, Antonio C. 444 Goode, Feniniore C. 688 Goodell, Rev. Charles Leroy 233 Goodfried, Dr. Ignatius L. 444 Goodhart, S. Philip, M. D. 607 (ioodman, Dr. A. L. 258 Goodwin, Henry L. 401 (iordon, Guy Wood 311 Gordon, William S. 102 (loss, Wright Dillingham 607 Gossler, Philip G. . 63 Gotthcil, Richard James Hoi 277 (ioukl, Edwin 108 Gould, (ieorge Jay . 432 Goulden, J. A. 514 Graef, Dr. Charles . 344 Grafner, William O. 226 Graham, Harry E. . 426 Graham, William James, D. D 87 Granniss, Robert \., Jr. . 642 Grant, Edward Bobbins . 86 Grant, Frederick Dent 315 Grant, Rollin P. KMl <;ray, Charles Perley, .M. D. 4 1 Gray, Henry G. 7() Gray, Niel, Jr. 226 Gray, William Steele 89 <ireeff, J. G. William, M. 1). 7(HI Green, James (Christopher 345 Green, Warren L. . 226 (ireenbauni, Adolph 345 Gieene, Charles Thurston 534 Greene, Edward R. 345 Greene, Gen. Francis V. . 633 Greene, George Sears, Ji'. 303 Greene, Richard T. . 293 (Jreenfield, Jacob 676 Greenwood, M., Jr. 652 (ireer. Rt. Rev. David Hunun 40 Gregory, Alfred 541 Greves, James Sandl'ord . 346 Griebel, George H. . 624 GrifTnig, Timothy M. 490 Grilling, Hon. W. Irving . 579 Griltis, Rev. William E. . 276 GrifTith, Charles H. 347 Grimth, Dr. Frederic 544 GrilTith, Frederick Winter 346 Griggs, Edward Howard, A. M 77 Griggs, Herbert Lebau oAa Griscom, Clement Acton, Jr. ," Groom, Wallace P. . '»- Grose. Rev. Howard Ben.iamin 225 Grossman, Morris . H. I). Empire State Notables 15 INDEX Grossman, Moses H. Grout, Edward M. . Gru, George (Jubelinan, Osiar L. Gudewill, Rudolph H. i:., 1). <iuggenhei?ii, Solomon R. Gunii, Archibald (iiumisou, H. F. (iuthric, William Dameron Haher, Fei'ilinand Irving Haherman, Joshua . Hairen, Louis F., A. M., C. 1-:. Hager, Albert Richard Hager, George R. Halin, I5ernard Haines, F'rancis t). . Haines, John Peter Haines, Robert Tericl Haire, Robert J. Hale, William Henry Hall, Benjamin I^lihu Hall, Bolton . Hall, George Henry Hall, Rev. Randall Cooke Hall, Samuel S. Hall, Rev. Thomas (Aiming Hall, Walter Henry Halligan, John J. . Hallock, Rev. Gerard IJenjami Halloek, Rev. Joseph Newton Hallock, Prof. William . Halsey, Henry Halsey, Robert Hiutin, Halstead, Jacob Hamilton, Dr. Allan Mi Hamilton, Braddin Hamilton, Rev. C. A. Hamilton, Rev^ Edwartl Hammalian, Jacob M. Hannnalian, .Fohn M. Hammalian, Paul M. Han)malian, Peter M. Hannner, lu-nest V.. L. . Hammer, William .1. Hannnond, Henry Bull lhimn)ond. William W. . Hancock, Ivrn^st La Touche Hand, Edward. M. I). Hand, Josejjh A. llaney. .Fames Parlon Hanna, Ghailes Auguslils Hamia, .lohn A. Ilansehnan, Veiy Rev. .loscph llardenbrook, William T. Harding, Hairy Alexis Hare, J. Montgomery Hare, Monlgomery . Hare, William Harney, George F/lward . Harper, Geoi-ge- W., Jr. . Ilarriman, I'rank W. A. I!. J. LL. 1 1-le I'Aia; 222 22 1 171 :;;io .528 (i.37 (!.')(» 22.'! 22S 101 .')7(; 223 59 253 221 493 685 221 272 278 221 ()4(l 127 128 90 090 220 115 121 117 15.-! 3 IS 319 220 115 91 701 701 701 701 292 585 220 11 667 318 609 421 ■17 61 103 675 416 432 220 4.33 562 219 g:; Harrington, Howard Sawyei' Harriott, Alexander M. . Harris, Rabbi Maurice 11. Harris, Sam. H. Harris, Sidney Harris, Dr. Thomas J. Harrison, Birge Harrison, F'rancis Burton Hart, (ieorge S. Hart, Louis M. Hai tman, Jacob W. Hartmann, Heni-y . Hartwell, John A., M. I). Harvey, Alexander . Harvey, Hoiace J. . Harvey, Leon Addison Hasford, A. R. Hastings, Thomas . Hatch, George W. . Hatch, Dr. John Le/lingwell Haughwout, J. Ard Haupt, Louis, M. D. Haviland, C. Augustus . Hawes, James William . Hawkins, Eugene Dextei- Haw ley, Charles B. Hawn, Henry Gaines Hay, E. G. Hay, Louis Condit . Hayden, F'rank (^ase Hayes. Patrick Haynes, Dr. Irving S. Hays, Arthur (iarfield Hays, Daniel Peixotto . Hays, Harold M., A. M., M. 1 Hazen, William Livingston Hearst, William Randolph Heaton, Augustus George Heberl, Dr. Paul Z. lieckniaii, I)i-. .lacob Hedges, Job F^lmer . Hecne, Dr. I'eidinand Hegarly, Rev. Richard . Hegenian, John Rogeis . Heim, Dr. John O. . Heimann, Di-. Waller .lames Heinze, Olio C. Hellman, Julian A. Hemenway, John !•". Ileinstr-eel, Dr. Hairy Howard Henderson, Hon. Leonard Do Ilendrick, F.llwood llendiick, Michael J. llendrickson, D. de Lancey Heiuiessy, Hon. John F. . Henney, James B. . Henry, Capl. Dominick . Heniy, lulward Lamson . Ilemy, Rev. John R. Hemy, Philip Waller Heniy, Sluarl )., F C. S. ckei 16 Empire State Notables Henson. Dr. 11. I!. . Hepburn, A. Haitoii H(rl)st, Max, I). I). S. . Ilcriug, Daniel Webster Herman, A. W., I). D. S. Hern:ann, Dr. Charles Hermans, James, 1). D. .S. Herriii};, Major William P. Herrman, Moses Herts, Benjamin Russell Hertz, Alfred . Hervey, Walter Lowrie, I'll. 1). Hessberg, Albert Hessberg, Samuel . Hester, Rev. St. Clair Hettrick, John T. . Higgins, Alvin McCasliii Higgins, Charles Melboui;; Hill, Edward Bruce Hill, Frederick Trevr . Hill, Henry Wayland Hill, Dr. Isadore Let ii . Hill, James P. Hill, Robert William Hill, Thomas A. Hill, William Burr Hilles, Charles D. . Hilliard, John Gerald Hillis, Rev. Newell Dwighf Hinrichs, F. W. Hirsch, Joseph Hirseh, Nathan Hirth, Friedrich Hiscock, Frank H. . Hitchcock, Dr. Urban Gillesp Hoar, Friend . . Hobbs, Charles B. Hochdorf, M. Harold Hodge, J. Aspinwall Hodge, Richard Morse . HolTman, Benjamin Hoffman, Charles F. Hoffman, Frank Sargent Hogan, Edward J. . Hogan, Judge Jno. W. Holden, Timothy N., M. 1). Holland, Charles Herbert Holley, Montford C. Hollis, Le Roy, M. D. . Holmes, Jabish Holt/nann, Jacob L. Holtzf ff, Lazarus S. Hooper, Franklin William, LI Hooper, Rev. William Berrian Hoover, Rev. Francis T. . Hopkins, Eustis Langdon Hopkins, Louis Davis Horanburger, Herman Hord, Horace B. Horn, Dr. John Hoinblowcr, William Butler INDEX PAGE .313 Horton. Harry Lawrence 460 Hough, Romeyn Beck 391 Houghton, Rev. (ieorge (Jarke 117 Hovey, Edmund Otis ;{.")() How, Francis . 3.-) I Howard, Leland O., M. D., Ph. D., LL. D. 385 Howard, R. R. .')21 Howard, Wesley O. 41 Howe, Dr. J. Morgan Gijl Hoy, David Fletcher 681 Hoye, Stephen M. . .56 Hoyt, Colgate . . 50 Hoyt, Gerald L. 58S Hoyt, W. Heniy 86 Hubbard, Elbert 163 Hubbard, Rev. Henry E. 217 Hubbell, Charles Bulkley 5.')0 Hi'bbell, Dr. Hiram P. . 131 Huddleston, Dr. John H. 193 Hudson, Hem y 277 Hudson, Walter G. . 351 Huff, Rev. John W. 218 Huff, Perez F. 51 Hughes, Charles Evans . 216 Hughes. George M. . 200 Hughes, Very Rev. John J. 433 Hiihner, Leon 437 Hulbeit, G. Murray 91 Hull, Dr. Henry J. . 292 Hulse, Rev. Hiram R. . 515 Humphreys, Alexander Cromb 515 Hunsicker, Alvin . 401 Hunt, Dr. Charles F. 36 Hunt, 1)1-. Edward Livingston 351 Hunt, William F. . 215 Hunter, Rev. George McPhers< 267 Hunter, George William . 20;i Hunter, Thomas, Ph. D., LL. D. 215 lluplel, .^dolph G. . 417 Hupfel, J. Chr. (i. . 240 Hurry, Randolph . 621 Huriy, Rutgers Ives 105 Husson, Dr. John 609 Hutchinson, Henry E. . 30 Hutchinson, John W., Jr. 351 Hyamson, Rev. M. . 433 Hyans, Edward M. . 535 Hyde, Dr. Miles Goodyear 79 Hylan, Hon. John F. 215 Hyman, Arthur R. . 215 Hyslop, James Harvey . 521 Iglehart, Rev. F. C. 415 lUoway, Dr. Henry 84 Ilsley, John P. 97 Imbric, H. T. . 510 Ingersoll, Raymond Vail 599 Ingersoll, William Henry 586 Ingraham, Edgar Floyd . 214 Ingram, Edgar G., D. D. ^ 313 Ingram, John W. 37 Insley, Albert Empire State Notables 17 liiteniann, Alfred C. Ireland, Robert Diiiuan . Irvine, Frank Isham, Samuel Israels, Charles Henry Jackson, Frank Watterson Jackson, John Edwin Jackson, L. . Jackson, Dr. Meyer Jackson, Samuel Macaiiley Jackson, Hon. William H. Jacobi, Dr. Abraham Jacobs, Joseph J. . .Jacobs, Simon M., M. D. . Jacobsohn, William, 15. S., M Jaeobson, Dr. Aithur C. . Jacobson, Habbi Ezekiel . .lacobson, Isaac Nathan . Jacobus, (^harlels C. Jaegers, Albert J a go, Frank E. .lames, Dr. Charles S. James, Dr. Harrie A])ijah Jarcho, Dr. Julius . Jeffeiy, V. T. . JellitTe, Clifton N. . Jenning, ('.apt. J. W. Jeiniings, Frederic I?. Jernigan, George F., 1). 1). S. Jerome, William Tiavers Jessup, Dr. (jeoi ge Pierson Jessup, Henry Wynans . Jewell, Captain Dana L. . Jewett, Dr. Frederic Albert Johnson, Ed^^ard A. Johnson, Herbert H. Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Rossiter . Johnston, Thomas Jones Joline, Adrian Hoffman . Jonas, Ralph . Jones, K. Clarence . Jones, Gen. Edward F'ranc Jones, Prof. Edward N. . Jones, Edwin A. .lones, F. RobeiMson .tones, G. Stanton Floyd Jones, L. H., D. D. S. . .lones, Paul, Ji-. Jones, W. G. . .loiflan, Claik I,. Jordan, Richard, M. 1). . Joscphsson, Axel Joslin, Hon. J. W. . Joy, Dr. Homer Thrall . Judd, Aspinwall, M. D. . Judson, Dr. Adoniram Bro\\ n Judson, Rev. Edward Judson, William Pierson Juhring, John C. Juillard, Augustus D. INDEX PAGE 212 Jimod, Louis Henri 212 JiMior, Dr. Kenneth Frank IIT) Jursik, Anton (i.{8 Kahn, David W. .")0(i Kalish, Dr. Richard .'>29 Kameii, Bernard Israel 027 Kane, David . .'■>2G Karapetoir, Vladimir :{20 Karibe, Dr. Ruel B. 676 Karlin, William 72 Katz, Maik J. . ;}25 Kaufman, Leo. 295 Kaufmann, Edwaul 353 Kcan, Rt. Rev. Mgr. John J. 353 Kearney, Rt. Rev. John I". 353 Kearney, Robert (',. Ill Keigwin, Rev. A. Ivlwin . 267 Keister, George 111 Keller, Arthur Ignatius . 612 Keller, Dr. Henry . 678 Kelley, Augustus W. 31 1 Kelly, John F. 351 Kelley, William I). 351 Kelley, Rev. William Valentin 255 Kellogg, Abraham L. 157 Kellogg, Di'. I'klward Leiand 68 Kellogg, Luthei- Laflin 1!)7 Kelly, Edward Jeremiah 386 Kelly, James Allison 211 Kelly, Joseph D. 356 Kelsey, Charles Boyd, A. M., >1 2(t!) Kelsey, Frederick T. 217 Kelsey, Horatio Nelson . 351 Kelsey, Otto . 211 Kemmerer, Ivlwin \\'aller 512 Kempton, Charles W. 63 Kempton, Dr. J. T. . 617 Kendall, Dr. Frederick O. 21 1 Kendall, Messmore 21(1 Keinian, George 211 Kennedy, Rev. John Daviil 115 Kennedy. Hon. John J. . 2 lit Kent, William 12:! Kephart, Rev. William H. 268 Keppler, Tobias A. 137 Kerfoot, Branch Price 130 Kerr, Abram Tucker 312 Kerr, Albert B. 210 Ketcham, Stanley Ryan . 600 Keyser, Ernest Wise 210 Kheel, .Samuel 351 Kidder, Camillus G. 20!) Kiessling, Calvin 71 Kilroe, Edwin P. . 355 Kimball, Alfred R. 355 Kimball, Charles W. 355 Kimball, Daniel Tomlinson 99 Kimball, I'rancis 582 Kimball, iMancis H. 501 Kindred, Dr. J. J. . 510 King, David Bennett Emi'UU-: Statp: Notables Xing. David ,lamcs \ing, Horatio (".nlliiis Una. .lacob A. \iiiS. I>i". Saimu'l Tlionias \iiiRsl)iiry. Howard Thayer \iiiiian, Alexander Plioeiiix W \iiiiiey. Dr. Charles \V. , Kinsley, William J. Airkwood, James irtland, Michel law, Male leeberg, Gordon S. P. . vlein, Henry . <lein, Simon Robert, M. I)., V vline, William Fair \lotz. Dr. Herman Gustav \napp, John D. \nauth, Wilhelm Knight, Hon. Erastus Cole vnobloeh, Henry F. J. . Knopf, Dr. S. Adolphus vnott, David H. Kobbe, Gustav ■ioeh, K. Van Der Horst Kohler, Max James Kohn, Arm in Kolle, Dr. Frederick Strangi; Keller, Dr. Carl Korn, Dr. Abraham Kornbluth, Samuel Kornfeld, Alfi-ed Ephraim Kosch, Harry G. Koss, Charles G. Kramer, Herman vrum, Hon. P. S. . Kuhn, Arthur K. . vunitzer. Dr. Robert Kunstler, Isidor, D. D. S. Lachicotte, W. B. . Laconibe, Hon. Eniile Heniy Ladd, Rev. Horatio Oliver Ladinski, Dr. L. J. . Lafrentz, F'erdinand W. . Laidlaw, James Lees Laidlavv, Dr. Walter Laimbeer, Francis E. Lake, Howard Clarence . Lament, Watson l.andon, Robert Judson . Landrefh, Olin Lane, Chester H. Lane, Howard V. . Lane, Theodore T. . Langstaflf, John Elliott, M. D., L. R. Lanier, Charles Larkin, Adrian H. . La Roche, Dr. P. B. Larremore, Wilbur Larrimer, Jesse P. . Lasky, Jesse L. Lathrop, F. Oakes . C. P. . — ••• — INDEX PAGE 522 I.aiibcr, .loseph 20.") I.aiibei-, Joseph E. . fild Lauer, Judge FMgar J. :{0.', Lauterbach, F^dward 201 Lautman, A. Albert 468 Law, I'rank !•;. .•558 Law, Dr. James 493 Law, W. W. . 691 Lawrence, Edwin Goidon 204 Lawrence, Eflinghani 687 Lawrence, Townsend 202 Lawrence, Walter Bowne 243 Lazell, Morton 358 Leach, Arthur Burtis 636 Leale, Dr. Medwin 360 Leary, Capt. Cornelius 429 Leavift, Charles Wellford, Jr. 471 Leavitt, John Brooks 48 Leaycraft, J. Edgar 203 Ledcrer, George W. 359 Lee, Dr. Elmer 678 Lee, William Morgan 413 Le F>vre, Ralph .'519 Leggett, George H., D. D. S. 202 Leibenderfer, Ralph John 202 Leibert, Right Rev. Morris W 359 Leinbach, Rev. Paul Seibert 359 Leland, Arthur S. . 359 Lemcke, Ernest Eduard . 202 Lent, B. Frank 651 Leo, Dr. Michael . 222 Leon, Maurice 20-1 Lester, William Christie 46 Letanchc, Rev. Dr. Joseph 60 Leverich, Charles Duncan 201 Levermore, Charles Herbert 360 Levi, Joseph Charles 392 Levi, Nathaniel H. . 677 Levien, Arnold 35 Levy, Felix H. 85 Levy, Jefferson Monidc 358 Levy, Leopold 462 Levy, Louis J. 451 Lewis, Daniel F". 123 Lewis, Very Rev. Mgr., J. V. 266 Lewis, Liston Leon 260 Lewis, Richard James 256 Lewisohn, Frederick 245 Lewisohn, Walter . 579 Lilien, Edward 204 Lillibridge, Ray Downs , 58 Lincoln, Lowell 269 Lindheini, Norvin R. 360 Lindsay, Samuel M. Cune 454 Linn, W^illiam Alexander 210 Lippincott, Harold PMward 360 Litchfield, Electus D. 66!) Littauer. Hon. Lucius Nathan 47 Littell, Joseph Reed 688 Little, George F., A. B., M. D. 610 Little, Joseph James Empire State Notables 19 Littleflrld, Walter . Livermorr, Arthur I^. Livingston, (leorge . Livingston, John (i. Livingston, John H., Ji-. . F<ivingston, Rev. William Lloyd, Henry Albert Lobenstine, Dr. Ralph Waldo Locke, John R. r>ock\vood, Harold A. Lodge, Prof. Gonzalez Loew, Marcus London, Horace London, Monte Longfellow, Frederick W. Loomis, John R. Lord, Austin Willard Lord, (Chester Sanders Lord, Herbert Gardiner . Loree, Leonor Kresnel Loth, Rernard Longh, James Edwin Love, Robertas Lovejoy, Thomas E. Loveland, Hon. A. E. Loveland, John W. Lovell, Arthur S. . Lovis, Henry C. Low, A. A. . Lowe, John Z. Lowther, William Earlc Lucas, Charles W. . Lucey, Dennis H. Luckenbach, Edward F. . Ludgate, Isaac Luhan, Joseph F. C, Ph. G., M Lukeman, H. Augustus . Luqueer, Frederic Ludlow Lyman, Hart Lynch, Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. S. iV. Lynch, Rev. Thomas J. . Lyon, Jonathan F., M. I). Lyons, (Charles Salmon Lyons, Dr. D. Stanley McAdam, (ieorge Harrison McAdam, Rev. William J. McAllister, Addams Stratt< n McAIpine, Rev. Ghas. A. . McAneny, (ieorge McBarron, John D., M. 1)., A. B. McBee, Silas . McBurney, Charles McCarthy, Hon. D. . McCarthy, Maurice J. McCastline, William H., M. D. McClelland, Lefferts Augustine, M. McCloskey, Joseph . McClung, I-ec . McClure, B. H. McClure, Samuel Sidney McClure, Rev. WHliam J. INDEX PAGli es.'i McCluskey, Rev. Thomas J. . 2.59 McCorkle, Walter L. 487 McCormick, Robert M. . rf7i McCorry, Alfred E. F. . fill McCready, Rt. Rev. Charles . 110 McCuIloh, Allan 487 McCullough, John (Jritlith .162 McEIfatrick, William H. 150 McGare, Rev. Thomas !•". 693 McGown, Rev. William Knight 6.'i9 McGrath, Rev. John B. . 688 McGrath, John Joseph, D. D. S. 19.") McGuinness, Rev. James Holmes 195 Mcllhiney, Dr. Parker Cairns . 227 Mclnnes, Hamilton . 550 Nfclntyrc, Ewen 561 McKenna, Thomas P. 672 McKeon, John Savage 401 McLaughlin, George 547 McLean, John Emery 487 McLellan, Hugh 419 McMahon, Edward Waid 655 McMahon, Dr. J. J. 429 McMahon, James 76 McMillan, Rev. Thomas . 284 McMurdy, Dr. William Smith . 194 McNaboe, James F. 485 McNamee, Daniel V. 507 McPhail. Dr. Donald T. . 190 McVaugh, William Taylor 261 MacArthur, Rev. Robert Stuart 194 MacCoun, Townsend 247 MacCracken, Henry Mitchell . 545 MacCracken, John Henry 70 MacDonald, George 361 Macdonald, George Alexander 628 Macfarland, Rev. Charles Stedman 419 MacGrath, Harold . 438 Mack, Hon. Norman Edward 104 Mack, William 106 Mackay. George Devereux 362 Mackay, Rev. Dr. John Reynolds 618 Mackenzie, James Cameron 362 MacKenzie, Robert, D. D., LL. D. 284 Mackimion, Bergan Arling 109 MacNaughton, Dr. J. L. . 655 MacNeille, John R. . 301 MacRae, Farquhar J. 62 MacVeagh, Charles . 363 Madden, William J. 655 Magonigle, Harold Van Buren 298 Mahan, Alfred Thayer 71 Mahany, David 193 Maher, Dr. J. J. E. 299 Mahon, William J. . 363 Mailliband, John . 193 Malcolm, William H. .528 Male, Hyman, D. D. S. . 625 Maloy, .loseph H. 672 Maltbie. Milo Roy . 107 Man, Henry Hubbell 20 Empire State Notables Maim, Louis .... Maiiii, William D'AUdii . MaiiiK's, David Manniiifi, I'.dward H. Manning. Ucv. Williams Thonia:. Mansfield. Hcmy Buckingham Mantel 1, Hohert Bruce Margolies, Edward . Marks, Miss Frances Hilda Marks, Judge Jacob Marling, Alfred Erskine Marple, Dr. Wilbur Boileau Marsellus, John Marsh, Robert McC. Marshall, Richard J. Marshall, Waldo H. Martin, C. 1). . Martin, Clinton Somervillc Martin, Edward Sandford Martin, Heibert S. . Martin, Samuel Howe Marvin, Frederic Rowland Marx, Joseph E. Mason, D. A. . Massecar, Dr. I'rederick Herbert Mathews, Charles Thompson Mathcwson, Doi'glas Matthews, Brandei- Matthews, Dr. Frederick ( amei Matthews, Dr. Schuyler Colefi .Matthews, Thomas A. Mattlage, Chas. l-'iederick Maurer, Dr. George E. Maurice, Ai thur Bartleft Maxwell, William H. Maxwell, William K. May, Dr. Calvin Sloane . May, Charles Sibly May, Lewis H. Mayer, Joseph Mayers, Jacob H. Maynard, George Willoughby Maynard, Reuben Leslie . Meade, Richard W. Meader, Hern an Lee Meagher, Frank L. . Meeker, RoUin W. . Meleney, Clarence I-!;dmuml Melick, David Bartin( Meltzer, Charles Hem y Melville, Henry Mendelson, Samuel Mendelson, William Merrigan, Dr. Thonas Davis Merrill, Edward Bagley . Merrill, Edwin Godrey Merrill, Rev. William Pierson Merritt, Edward Reeve . Mersereau, William H. , Meyer, Charles F'erdinand Meyer, Willy, M. D. INDEX PAGE 685 Meyer, Theodore Arthur . C.-,7 Mickle, Hon. John P. (;91 Middlebrook, Joseph W. 113 Middleton, Rev. Edmund Smith 87 Miles, Rowland 55.3 Milholland, William Hem y (;S5 Miller, Rev. Elmer Pliny (;i2 Millei-, Dr. F. E. . (;<I7 Millci, Dr. George A. 2!)(') Millci-, George MaccuUmh CM Miller, John W. :J61 Miller, Dr. Lewis H. 529 Miller, Matthew K. . 191 Milki-, Samuel H. . 68 .Miller, Seaman 439 Milliken, Col. J. F. . 540 Minfoi-d, Levis Wain 500 Minogue, Rev. P. J 671 .Miniath, Ferdinand R. 507 .Mitchel, John Purroy (■.12 Mitchell, Dr. Charles Augustus 121 Mitchell, Coi nelius von Erden 597 Mitchell, John Fulton Berrien 520 Mitchell, Prof. S. Alfred .".61 Mitchell, William . 560 Mittendorf, Dr. Alfred Derby 62 Mittendorf, Dr. William Frederick 671 Mittelstaedt, Dr. Charles Bernhard 315 Moen, A. Rene 327 Moerchen, Hclhnuth 484 Moffat, Dr. John Little . 543 Moffett, Robert Leslie 304 Monae-Lesser, .\di)lph, A. .M 665 Monroe, Paul . 100 Mocdy, E. C. . 191 Mooncy, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Joseph F 305 Moore, Dr. Albertus Adair 012 Moore, Charles Harry 012 Moore, Hoyt Augustus 581 Moore, Very Rev. J. W. . 013 Moore, Matt . 028 Mooic, Dr. Veraenuis A. . 190 Mooie, William Stanley . 681 Moorehouse, Henry I xui;"' 500 Moran, Dr. James . 256 Moran, Thon:as 259 Morey, Jonathan B. 407 Morgan, Appleton 157 Morgan, F^dward M. 058 Morgan, George 1). . 190 Morgan, William Fellow e> 098 Morgenthau, Henry 097 Morison, A. P. 303 Morris, Edgar Coil . 190 Morrisey, William G. 47." Morrison, George Austin, Jr. 625 Morrison, Robert Burns . 473 Morrison, William J., M. A. 571 Morrow, Dwight Whitney 613 Morse, Daniel Parmelec . 321 Morse, Richartl Cary Empire State Notables 21 Morsp, Waldo Grant Morton, Levi Parsons Mosher, Edgar Seebcr Mosher, Lev\is H. Mosler, Heniy Moss, Flank, LL. 1). Motley, .lanu's ^l. Mott, Prof. Lewis 1". Mott, Lulher Wright 'Moyse, Leon ^Fiiir, Dr. Josepli Mulford, Vincent Strong Mullen, Hon. ,J. W. . Mulligan, .Joseph T. Munroe, Heniy Sniilh, Ph. I)., Munsey, I'rank A. . Muralt, Carl Leonard de MiM'phy, C.hailes I'rederiek Mui-phy, Daniel l'>. . Muriay, Aichibald (iordon Murray, Dr. Charles Basil Muriay, David Murray, William D. Muiiill, William Alphonso Murtaugh, Hon. .lohn V. . Musgrave, ^^'ayne M. Musso, Dr. Guiseppe Muzzey, David Saville Myers, I'lank (".. Myers, Rol)ei I Madison -Myers, Waller P, . Myers, William S. . Natlal, C.hailes C.olem:m . Nagler, Maurice Nammack, Dr. Charles lOdwai Nash, Howai'd I'. . Nash, Dr. Philip Ingram Nash, William Alexander Nash, Capt. William H. . Nathan, .Joseph Navogk, William C... I). 1) S. Near, livlri W. Needham, Charles Aiislin N.-ir, i:imei- H. Nehi-mauer, Nicholas. .Ir. Neil, .lames, A. M., M. I). Neilsoii, lioherl II. . Nelson, Charles Ah'xaiider Nelson, Right Hev. Uidiaid II( Neuhergei', iSenno Neuman, l';iy . Neumann, Joseph . Neumann, lUidolph Neumann, Dr. William f. Neuslaedter, Marcus, M. I)., I Newman, I'lank I'.aldii Newland, David Judsoii . Newton, Rollin C. . Nicola, A. . . . .Sicoll, De Lancy NicoU, James Craig S. D INDEX PAOIC 188 Nicolson, .John 31 Nims, Harry D. 271 Xissen, Ludwig 242 Noble, Herbert 03") North, Dr. Charles H. 2(i(i North, Rev. Frank Mason 482 Norton, Eliot . 398 Norton, William Edward 440 Noyes, Charles F. . 4,55 Oakley, Alonzo Gore 302 Obendorfer, Gustav O.r.c, O'Brian, L. A., D. D. S. . 73 O'Brien, Di . Michael C.hristoi)her (123 O'Brien, T. D. 1(12 O'Callaghaii, Dani<>l ,1. M. 071 O'Callaghan, Thomas 58.") Ochtman, Leonard . 188 Odell, Hamilton 429 O'Donnell, Joseph Francis Aloysiuf 188 (J'Donovan, William Rudolf 307 Ogden, William Hurnel . 178 <-gl<S Joseph . 271 Ogilvy, Dr. Charles 419 Ogren, Charles A. . 45 Olcott, Chauncy 283 Olcott, Eben Ersklne 540 Olcott, Jacob Van Vechten 418 Olcott, William M. K. 024 Oldham, I^ev. George Asliton 403 Olidort, Joseph B. . . 187 Olin, Stephen Henry 482 Olmsted, Bishop Chai les Tyb 26S Oinisted, liverelt W. 272 (Msen, John C. ."05 Olyphant, Robert 73 Olyphant, RoJjert Morrison 307 Onderdonck, T. W., D. D. S. 460 Opdyke, Stacy B., Jr. 09 Oppenheim, Dr. Nathan . .518 (.'ppenheimer, Solomon . 39.') Opper, Frederick Burr 272 O'Reilly, George 0.30 O'Reilly, John l\ 5.3.'5 Ormrod, Hon. William L. 79 Orteig, Raymond 307 Orvis, Geoige . 210 Orvis, Orlando I). . 447 Osbaldeston, Dr 83 Osboi lie, Sanuu 486 Oshlag, Dr. J. 187 Osnalo, Aiithon,\ 700 Osnalo. Dr. Michael 700 O'Sullivan, Judge Thomas C :tO.S Oswald, John Clyde 308 Oltiiiger, Marx .').')!! Otto, Louis Charles 250 Otlaway, Hon. Arthur B. 471 Outerbridge, I'kigene Harvey .581 Outerbridge, Dr. Paul . ■ 187 Overslreet, Harry Allen . 628 Overton, Rev. Daniel Hawkins lulwiii Turn I Diiltield N. 22 Empire State Notables INDEX Overfon, Dr. Frank Ovitt. Albert B. Paccione, Dr. Doruenico . Page, Edward Day . Page, William H. . Palen-Klar, A. Julian Palmer, Archie Emerson Palmer, Ernest H. . Palmer, Frederick William Palmer, J. (".ulbeit . Palmer, Leslie Richard . Palmer, Louis Hooker Paltsits, Victor Hugo Papae, Archibald Papazian, Rev. M. (1. Park, William B., D. D. S. Parker, Alton Brooks Parker, Dr. Clinton B. Parker, Dr. Jason Samuel Parker, Le Roy Parker, Terry Parkhurst, Dr. Charles H. Parrish, Dr. Edward Parsons, Edgerton . Parsons, James A. . Parsons, Samuel Parsons, Washington EvereH Parsons, William Barclay Partridge, Dr. Edward Lasell Partridge, Franklin Lord Partridge, John Nelson . Partridge, S. S. . Paskus, Benjamin G. Pate, William Lacey Patri, Angelo . Patrie, J. L. . Patterson, William J. Payne, Charles Thomas . Payson, Rev. George S. . Peabody, Charles Augustus Peabody, Royal Canfleld Pearson, Thomas Gilbert Peck, Bayard Livingston Peck, William Emerson . Peckham, William Clark Peckham, William Gibbs Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham Pellew, Charles Ernest Pelton, Rev. De Witt L. . Pcndergast, J. Lynch Pendry, William H. Penny, Very Rev. WilUiam L. Pepe, Vincent O. Perkins, J. Newton Peters, Henry H., D. D. S. Peters, John L., D. D. S. Peters, Rev. John Punnett Peters, Joseph R. Peters, Ralph Peters, William Richmond Peterson, Dr. Edward W. PAGE 316 Pettis, Clifford 184 Phelan, Thomas A. 369 Phelps, Edward Bunnell 483 Phelps, Henry Willis 184 Phillips, David Lewis .576 Phillips, Edgar J. . 424 Phillips, Jay Campbell 59 Phillips, Lewis 126 Piciulo, Donato 184 Picke, Herbert L. . 283 Pickering, Arthur Donova 482 Pierce, Franklin 537 Pitske, Edgar 614 Piatt, Chester C. 96 Piatt, Edmund 396 Piatt, Dr. Isaac Hull 241 Platten, John W. . 393 Plummer, John Franklin 306 Podell, David Louis 277 Poillon, William Clark 196 Polk, William Mecklenberg, M 90 Pollitzer, Dr. Sigmund 370 Pool, Dr. Eugene H. 435 Popcke, Rev. William 48 Porter, David .")59 Porter, Holbrook Fritz John 580 Porter, Joseph Leroy 583 Porter, Dr. William Hen 370 Posner, Louis S. 615 Post, Augustus 528 Post, Charles Henderson 246 Post, George A. 27ri Post, John H. 183 Potter, Dr. Evan Styles 409 Potts, F. A. . 47 Potts, Joseph . 183 Poucher, J. Wilson, M. D 183 Powell, Hon. D. E. . 117 Pratt, Addison Strong 428 Pratt, Dallas Bache 533 Pratt, Rev. George Starkweath 418 Prellwitz, Dr. Otto Emil 182 Prendergast, William A. 481 Prentice, Robert Kelly 659 Pressinger, Austin E. 182 Preston, H. L. 455 Preston, Jonas M. . 402 Prettyman, Virgil . 120 Price, Charles Wilson 463 Price, George . 182 Price, Dr. George M. 103 Prince, Edward Salem t)14 Prince, Ralph Earle 127 Proctor, Thomas R. 39.T Provost, Andrew J.. Jr. 39?. Pryor, Judge Roger .\tkinson 110 Pugsley, Cornelius .\mory 578 Pulitzer, Walter 547 Pullen, CD.. 484 Pulsifer, Nathan Trowbridge 370 Pumpelly, Josiab Collins Empire State Notables INDEX 23 Purdy, Lawson Putman, Howard Putnam, George Haven Pyne, Moses Taylor Pyne, Percy Rivington 2nd Pyrke, Hon. Berne A. Quimby, Dr. A. Judson . Quinlan, James Rabinowitz, Dr. Meyer . Rabinowitz, Aaron . Rae, William P. Raggi, Dr. A. .1. Raimo, Joseph J. V. Rainforth, Dr. Selden I. Rambaut, Thomas Daniel Ramsell, Dr. E. Benjamin Randall, Henry T. . Randall, William Rradley Eiandolph, Kdniund Dutilh Ranger, Henry Ward Rankin, Edward W. liansom, Rastus Seneca . Rapp, Dr. Samuel . Rasmus, Carl O. Rawitser, Herman Rawlings, Carroll (".. Ray, Thomas H. Ray, William Raymond, Rossiter Worthington Read, George R. Reardon, Mark S. 3rd . Redfield, Hon. William Cox Reed, Henry Snyder, A. M. A. S. M Reed, Robert Rentonl Reed, William Belden Reeves, George W. . Rehn, Frank Knox Morton Reid, Whitelaw Reilly, Dr. Thomas K. . Reinhardt, Isaac B. Reinhart, William A. Reisner, Rev. Christian I". Reith, Georg(; . Rcmensnyder, Rev. .luniiis Re Reynolds, I). A. Reynr)lds, Geoige (1. Reynolds, James Rronson Rhotles, Fred H. . Rice, Calvin W. Rice, George Staples Bice, Harry Milner Bice, Isaac Leopold nice, Saiiiuel M. Ititc, William (;otli:itii Bich, (iaiiies Barrell. .Ii'. Bich, Hon. .lames B. Bichard, Oscar I.. . Bichards, Ellis Gi-ay Bichards, Frederick Baiwiaid Bichards, Frederick T. . Richardson, H. K, . E. I). ril PAGE 63 Richardson, James F. 250 Richardson, Ransom L. 649 Riekerson, Charles E. 179 Ridder, Herman 450 Ridder, Victor Frank 74 Rieger, William H. 303 Riehle, Theodore M. 623 Riggs, Royal E. T. . 371 Rinaldi, Frank J. . 622 Rinehart, James R. G. 616 Rines, George Edwin .'J72 Ring, Welding 179 Roberts, Charles C. 372 Roberts, James S. . 179 Robeits, .loseph Ranks 372 Robei-fson, Morgan . 178 Robinson, Miss Ada Edith 449 Robinson, Rernard 430 Robinson, C. Eeighton, D, 629 Robinson, Charles .Mnlloi 251 Robinson, I'klward . 178 Robinson, George Henry .317 Robinson, H. I'inley, M. 693 Robinson, Hal 510 Robinson, Leonard G. 473 Robinson, Oscar D. 28ii Robinson, Seth B. . 507 Roche, W'illiam J. . 583 Rockefeller, Dr. Henry Oscar 615 Rockefeller, John Davison 282 Rockwell, Rev. Joseph Henry 33 Rockwood, Nash 540 Rockwood, William Hewitt 290 Rodenbeck, Adolph J. 450 Rodewald, Frederick Leo 75 Roe, Albert James . 635 Roe, General Charles F. . 670 Roe, Clinton T. 412 Roe, Gilbert E. 178 Roe, William I. 57 Roeser, John Edwai-d 100 Bofrano, Michael A. 522 Rogers, Hon. W'atson M. . 98 Rogers, William C. 5.38 Rohe, Charles 177 Roome, Allison Bui'ton . 177 Roome, Howard Le Chevalier 255 Roome, William J. 588 Roosevelt, Samuel Montgomei 578 Roosevelt, Theodoi-e 550 Roosevelt, William I'.inlcn 453 Root, Dr. Arthur Lewis . 179 lioot, Elihu . 47 Root, Talbot . .525 Rose, Dr. Achilles . 57 Rose, ArthiM- Vecl . 446 Rose, Malcolm Cameion, M. 435 Rose, William R. . 530 Rosenberg, Arthur Leonai'd 669 Rosenberg, Ely 533 Rusenbluth, Benjamin, M. D. 24 EMFinr-: State Notables Ross, George . Hoss, J. Stewart Hossiter, Edward Lawreiue Hossiter, Khrick Kensett ISothschild, Simon F. Kouss, Charles Broadway Howe, Stuart Henry Rowland, .lames How ley, Henry Hownlree, Bernard . Hoy, Frank Austin, 1). 1). S Hubner, Prof. Martin Cornelius Hnckstuhl, I'rederick Wellington Hut^er, Adolph lUmkel, Louis Ruppert, Jacob, .Jr. Rush, Thomas E. . Rushmore, Charles Edward Russell, Charles Howland Russell, Isaac l-'ranklin . Russell, Walter Russell, William Hepljurn Russell, Winter Ryan, Thomas Fortune . Ryder, Rev. Charles .1. . Ryle, Arthur . Sackett, Henry Woodward Sackett, .John Thompson St. .John, Merle I. . Salant, Henry Salomon, Bernard .1. Salomon, William . Sammis, Edson Buidelle Samuels, Maurice Victor Sanl'ord, Rev. Ezra Terry Satterlee, Francis Le Roy, M. D. Satterthwaite, Dr. Thomas Edward Sattig, Rev. John Henri . Saulsbury, Willard Saunders, Leslie M. Saunders, Thorndike Saunders, William Lawrence Saville, Marshall Howard Sawyer, S. Nelson . Saxe, John Godfrey Scan Ion, M. T. Scannell, Ignatius A. Schaap, Michael Schaefer, J. Louis . Schaefer, Rudolph J. Schamberg, Dr. Morris I. Scharps, Benjamin Schautrier, Robert Haven Schenck, Dr. Peter Lawrence Schenk, Joseph 1'. . Scherb, Capt. H. H. Scheuer, Ralph Schieren, Charles Adolph Schiff, Jacob Henry Schiffmacher, Edward C. Schloss, Norman P. S, INDEX PAGI-: 17.') Schmidt, Adolph 174 Schnitzer, William Morangc ftil Schoeneck, Hon. Charles C. 558 Scholey, Rev. Charles Herbert 512 Schoonhoven, John James 537 Schoonmakcr, Dr. Perry 408 Schoonover, Dr. NN'aiicn 501 Schiag, Louis . 5.32 Schultze, Emile 577 Schumacher, Henry J. .323 Schumer, Dr. Henry (;,S3 Schuyler, ('.. E. (;27 Schwartz, (ierald C. 173 Schwaitz, John J. . 531 Schwartz, Morris 492 Schwartzman, Charles H. 290 Schwartzman, Theodoi e I. 17;! Schw iebei't. Hem y . 197 Scott, Hon. Charles 40 Scott, Edward W., Jr. . 627 Scott, John 1-. 262 Scolt, Ralph Lane . 2(>5 Scott, Rufus Leonard 452 Scott, W. Irving 117 Scribner, Sam. A. . 507 Seabuiy, William Jones . 229 Seaman, Alfred P. W. 282 Seaman, Henry Rowman 174 Seay, Dr. Cornelius James 173 Sebring, Arad Joy . 505 Sebring, Edgar I). . 454 Seibert, Albert i:. . 173 Seidman, Nathan H. 087 Seitz, Oscar Roland 99 Selignian, Edwin Robert A. 321 Sell, Edward Herman M., M. 1 317 Selleck, Frederick H. 108 Sells, Elijah Watt . 183 Semendinger, Theodore . 245 Senesac, John Baptist Hubert, I). I). 172 Serracino, N. . 577 Seton, Ernest Thompson 402 Severance, Claude M. 39 Severn, Edmund 172 Seward, William H. 21;') Seymour, Alexander 1). . 172 Seymour, John Sammis . 171 Shaffer, Newton Melman, M. I). 450 Shafler, Samuel B. . 492 Shallcross, Cecil F. 300 Shallow, Edward B. 171 Shannon, Rev. Frederick I". 601 Sharp, Clayton Halsey, Ph. D. 379 Sharp, Dr. James Riddle 086 Sharpe, Wilmer 1). . 70 Shaw, Frank A. 497 Shaw, Harry Juilson 505 Shaw, N. Archibald, Jr., M. A 451 Shay, Joseph A. 171 Shearer, Rev. George Lewis 273 Shearer, Dr. Leander Howard Empire State Notables 25 Sheldon, Charles E. Shelton, William Atwootl Slvepard, Woolsey Adams Sherman, Arthur Leighton, M Sherman, Charles Colebrook Sherman, Frederick \V. . Sherma)!, Philemon Tecumsel Sherman, Thomas Townsend Shields (Coquina), Col. G. () Shields, Mr. Nelson T. . Shinier, Edgar Dubs Shipman, Andrew Jackson Shipman, Frederick H. . Shipman, Rev. Herbert Shouts, I'heodore Perry . Shore, Albert V. Short, George W. Shramm, Paul H. . Shufeldt, Dr. Hoberl Wilson ShuU, (Jeorge Hariison . Shultz, Dr. P. David Sichel, Dr. C. C. Sieber, Edwaid G. . Siedler, Charles Silverman, Hobert M. Simms, Dr. .Joseph Simon, Rol)ert lulward . Simons, Rev. George Albert Simpson, .John WoodruO" Singleton, Thomas W. Sizer, Robert Ryland Skeele, Franklin H. Slade, Dr. Charles Blonnl Slosson, Edwin lunery Smiley, Daniel Smillie, George Hem y Smith, Charles Bennett Smith, Clarence Bishop . Smith, Cornelius liishcp Smith, Elwood C. . Smith, Eugene Smith, I'rank I-'. Smith, Geoige .Moore Smith, George T. Sjnilh, .James MacGicgor Smith, I-. Berlrand Smith, lAicien ICaslei- Smith. R. Tellair Sneden, Aiilnir Diiranl . Snell, Thomas Smo\s, Elbridgc Gcii>' Snow, Dr. W'illiitm I'.ciiham Snyder, 1). I>. . Solow, Dr. Eeon ,|. . Sinners, Arthur S. . Somers, Donald Mcl,;inc Sonnakolb, I'ranklin Schuyler Sooysmith, Charles Sousa, .lolm Philip Spann, Dr. .James II. Spargo, John . INDEX PAGI-: ,r,() Spaulding, Hon. Louis Mason 598 Speir, Francis 170 Spellissy, Denis Aloysius .'522 Spencer, Dr. (Charles I*"rancis (ll.S Spencer, Rev. Paul Mansfleld 2l(i Spiegel, Ral)bi Adolph KiS Spingarn, Louis, I'll. D., M. L 201 Spitzka, Di-. Edward Anthony ()7(i Spooner, John Colt . 38(i Si>rague, Heniy I^. . -Mil Sprague, Jolm Hobart 1(18 S(|uieis, Arnon Lyon .i;{(» Stabler, Walter 85 Stafford, Bartholon:e\\ La buz 547 Stall'ord, George Albert 497 Stafford, Hart well . 592 Stahel, Julius H. . 022 Stanton, John Robert 357 Stanton, Willaid George 410 Stark, Samuel 380 Starr, Aliietl Russell, M. 1)., I 317 Starrett, Theodore . 554 Stathopoulo, E. A. . 497 Stead, Charles Mason 523 Slebbins, Charles Maurice 297 Stelibiiis, George Coles . 021 Slebbins, Hon. H. H. 100 Steele, Hiram Roswell . 117 Sleell, Willis . 501 Steinway, Chailes Herman 494 Stern, Charles Mann 503 Stern, Meyer . 378 Sterner, Albert 410 Stetson, l<"rancis Lynde 255 Stevens, Edward I'raneis 035 Stevens, Edward Lawrence 062 Stevens, Edward Livingston 108 Stevens, Dr. (Jeorge Thomas 85 Stevens, Rev. \V. liertrand 50 Stevenson, Archibald I-:\\ ing 280 Stewart, Robert 594 Stewart, Di'. W. H. . 532 Stickney, liuridiam Coos 497 Slieglitz, Allred . . . l(W) Slillman, Francis Hill 598 Slillman, James 558 Slillman, Dr. Ralph (Irilliths 59 1 Stimson, Lewis Atterbmy, M. 508 StItI, i:dwai(l W.. M. Sc, I'd. 523 Slivers, John 1). 130 Stoddard, Charles Herbert 380 Sloddard, l-'rancis Hovey 5 1 Stoddard, John L. . .395 Slod.larl. ■riidiiias Allied 108 Stokes, William l^arle Dodge 107 Stonebridge, William lleiinan 031 Stoul, Newlon K. . 577 Stover, .losejih Woodman 02() Stowc, Lyman Beeeher .380 Straus, Jesse I. 060 Straus, Oscar Solomon .L. D. 2G Empire State Notabees Strauss, Charles Strauss, Charles A. Strickland, Alfred Hastings Strodl, George Thomas, M. D. Strong, Rev. Josiah Strong, Dr. S. Meridith . Struthers, Joseph . Stump, A. NVelles Sturgis, William P. Sturhahn, Carl 1\ , Sugarinaii, William Sullivan, .lames ¥.. . Siilzer. William Simmer, Charles P. Summers, ('.apt. .James Collin Sutherland, Dr. I'red. H. Sutro, Theodore Swain, Ceo. J". Swain, Harold Swan, Dr. Kugene La Forrest Sweeny, Dr. Thompson T. .Swenarton, W. Hastings . Swett, Rev. Paul F. Swift, Dr. Edward P. . Swift, Frederick Rotch . Swift, George Montague, M! I) Swinburne, Dr. G. K. Sylvester, A. L. Tabor, Charles F. . Taft, Albert A., M. D. . Tailer, Edward Neufville Taller, T. Suffern . Tait, Haiold . Talbot, Harry A. .' Talcott, James Talley, .\lfred J. Tanner, Frederick ( hauncey Tappart. Ernest A. . Tarter, Selig . Tasker, Lawrence H. Taupier, Wilfrid J. Taylor, Harry L. . Taylor, J. S. . Taylor, Robert Coleman . Taylor, \V. H. Ten Eyck, John C. . Ten Eyck, Petei- Gansevooil Tenny, Levi S. Terry, Charles Thaddeus Tesla, Nikola . Thachpr, Alfred B., Ji-. . Thachei-, Edwin Thacher, Thomas Thalmann, F^dward Ernst Thayer, John Van Buren Thomas, Dr. Emery Jordan Thomas, Rupert Barnes . Thomas, Samuel Bell Thomas, Seth E., Jr. Thomas, Dr. William Stuigis Thomen, Otto J. INDEX PAGE 281 Thompson, Aaron D. 240 Thompson, Edgar M. 164 Thompson, George Kramer 382 Thompson, J. Campbell . 526 Thompson, Robert Means 382 Thompson, Robert William, J 583 Thompson, Samuel Clarence 259 Thompson, T. Kennard . 464 Thompson, Rev. Wm. Gordon 438 Thonis, George 595 Thorn, Walter 560 Thome, Robert 32 Thorne, Samuel 544 Thoine, William Van Sclioonha 614 Thornley, Josiah Payne, M. D. 382 Thuiber, Charles DeForest 281 Thuiber, Rev. Edward Gerris 536 Thurbei-, Dr. Samuel Wood 164 Tibbets, Henry Remsen . 382 Tieck, Gustav J. E. 383 Tietjen, Christian I". 234 Tiffany, Joseph B. . 84 Tim, Irving Howard 383 Tilden, Samuel Jones 164 Tilford, Fiank 383 Tilton, Rev. Edgar, Jr. . 383 Tilton, Edward Lippincott 486 Tingley, Monroe Wootl 249 Titchener, Edmund H. . 299 Todd, Charles Burr 517 Todd, Henry Alfred 440 Todd, Herbert 580 Todd, Robert W. 163 Tolman, William Howe . 451 Tomlinson, William Thomas 281 Tompkins, Charles L. 163 Tompkins, Daniel J. 122 Tompkins, Hamilton Bulhxk 595 Tonnele, John Newhouse 595 Tooley, F. L., D. D. S. . 680 roop. Rev. George H. 41 Topakyau. Hayozoun Hnhann 407 Torek, Dr. FraU7 163 Toussaint, Alfred l".. 541 Towle, Stevenson 162 Towne, Charles ,\rnette . 45 Towne, Heniy Robinson 162 Townsend, Edward 281 Towse, John M. L. . 495 Tozer, William St. John . 148 Tracy, Gen. Benjamin I'rankl 574 Tracy, l^varts 147 Tracy, Dr. Samuel Galele.x 451 Treadwell, Eugene . 442 Treman, Charles K. 384 Trenhohn, l-"rank 495 Trexler, Rev. Charles Daniel 258 Tribus, Louis Lincoln 495 Truman, Henry H. . 384 Tschlrky, Oscar 475 Tucker, Carl Efl'erera Empire State Notables Tucker, Willis Gay ford, M. D, Tapper, Dr. Henry Allen Turley, James Anthony . Turnbull, John Turner, E. A. . Turner, Francis Samuel . Turrell, Edgar Abel Tuska, Gustave R. . Tuttle, Dr. Lamar Kuy . Tuttle, Winthrop Murray Tyler, Cornelius Boardnian Tyndall, Rev. Henry M. . Uhlfelder, Simon Uhle, John Bethel I . Unangst, Charles Underhill, Abram S. Underhill, Frederic Edgar Underwood, J. R . . Underwood, William James Untermyer, Samuel Upjohn, Hobart Brown . Urquhart, William Wallace Vail, Theodore N. . Valentine, Dr. William Augustus Van Alen, William . Van Damm, Raphael Vandegril't, George Wonson, A. M., Vanderlip, Frank Arthur Vanderveer, Stephen Lott Van De Water, Rev. George Roe Van Doom, W. . . Van Dorn, Hon. John Van Duzer, Henry Sayre Vann, Irving Goodwin Van Namee, Calvin D. . Van Pelt, John Vredenburgh Van Pelt, William J. Van Schaick, Eugene Van Valen, Charles B. Van Vliet, Dense M. Van Winkle, William Mitchell Van Wyck, Augustus Van Wyck, Frederick Varian, Alfred \V. . Verbeck, General William Very, Samuel R. T. Viereck, George Sylvester Vincent, Dr. Wesley Grove Vineberg, Dr. Hiram N. . Vines, Dr. Kds\ai(l H. Vogel, Martin . Voislawsky, Dr. Antonio I'hin Volk, Douglas Vonnoh, Robert Voorhces, Dr. James D. . Voorhees, Rev. Oscar McMiirt Voorhis, Rev. Ernest Voorhis, John R. . Vorhaus, Louis J. . . Vreeland, Herbert Harold Wabst, Hugo ... INDEX PAGE 625 Wadhams, Frederick Eugene 118 Wagar, Mortimer H. 270 Wagg, Alfred H. 451 Wagner, Bernard Matthew 620 Wagner, Franklin A. l.')9 Wagstaff, Col. Alfred 270 Wahle, Charles G. F. .582 Waid, D. Everett 37.S Wainwright, John W. .542 Waite, Byron Sylvester 272 Wake, Charles 92 Walbridge, John K. .59(1 Walcott, Philip K. . 268 Waldo, Dr. Ralph . 264 Walker, Albert Heniy 158 Walker, Alexander . 490 Walker, Di-. Le Roy Pope 5.'>6 Walker, William Wallace 158 Wall, Bernhardt 157 Wallace, Dillon 558 Wallace, John Findley 50."? Wallach, K. Richard 479 Waller, Dr. Newton B. . 373 Walsh, J. Irving 557 Walsh, Thomas 285 Walsh, Rev. William H. . 374 Walter, William 1. . 467 Walton, David Stoddard 157 Walton, Robert Kelsey 83 Warbasse, Dr. James Peter 544 Ward, Frank Edwin 60 Ward, Henry Marion 252 Ward, John Seely 77 Ward, Levi A. 157 Ward, William Hayes 557 Warman, Cy. . 615 Warner, Earl S. 156 Warner, I'ranklin Humphrey 596 Warner, John Dc Witt 522 Warner, Dr. Lucien Calvin 160 Warner, Warren W. 291 Warren, Prof. G. V. 280 Warren, Moses Allen 167 Washburn, Albert Heniy 411 Washburn, Hev. I'raiicis 557 Washburn, Wllllani Ives 676 WashiMSton. William De H. 374 Washington, Wllllani Lanier .'571 Waleriuan, Lewis F.dsoii .371 Watson, Jesse 296 WaUcville, William AIIxmI Ma 318 Walls, Dr. Bobcil 64(1 Waiigli, 'riicodoic l.claiid 626 Wealhcibcc, Hicks Arnold 375 Weaver, Fislni l>. . 12S Weber, (.. \'.. . 84 Webster, Dr. David 543 Websler, I'lanklin . 222 Webster, George Noyes 521 Webster, Dr. Henry Goodwin 596 VVelher, Loreoz F. J. 28 Empire State Notables INDEX Weingardt, Areiid H. Weiiisteiii, Dr. Han-is Weir, Dr. Robert Fulton Weissc, Dr. I'ancuil D. . Welch, Fred. S. Welch, Winthrop A. Weld. .7. Fdward Weldoii. C.liaiies Dalci- . Welker, Dr. Fiankliii Wells, Frank Maury Wels, Isidor WfUtworth, John 15. Werner, A.lolph Wesendonck, Max A. West, Dr. William . Westervelt, \vaiiier VV. . Westinghouse, Georg;» Wetche, Dr. C. Frederick Wctherbee, Gardner Whalen, John Wheeler, Edward Jewitt . Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell Wheeler, Herbert Locke, D. I). S. Wheeler, L N., D. D. S. . Whipple, Dayton H. White, Edward Payson . White, Frank . White, Dr. r.eorge Starr White, Horace White, James Teii y White, Dr. John Hlake . White, John Stuart White, Lazarus White, Michael Alfred l-dwin White, Rev. Robert R. . Whitman, Charles Seymour Whitney, Alfred Rutgers, Jr. Whitney, Edward R. Whitridge, Frederick Wallingford Wicke. George H. Wiener, Adam Wiener, Dr. Joseph Wiggins, Russell Wilbur, Hon. Howard C. Wilbur, John A. Wilcox, Delos Franklin . W'ilcox, Ransom E. Wilcox, Dr. Reynold Webb Wilde, John Wilder, Marshall Pinckney Wile, Dr. Ira Solomon Wilgus, William John Willcox, Stephen K. Willcox, Walter Francis . Willgus, Ralph Orville . Williams, Hon. George Van Siclen Williams, Dr. James Jeremiah, Jr. Williams, Mornay . Williams, Roger B. Williams, Roger H. Wills, Charles Tomlinson Wills, Louis Charles PAOF. 171 ;',7C) 37(5 37(5 53 .581 273 043 319 l.-).-> 2(50 l.')l .")r).^ 425 320 io;2 .539 327 080 440 008 l.")2 3!l.'> .394 81 2 12 252 .358 32 003 37(5 IK) (•i:> (■.(•)i 92 80 409 153 511 153 319 25 1; 71 597 04 1 598 304 498 080 299 582 524 403 153 38 377 152 440 555 532 152 Wilson, Edgar Bright Wilson, l-"loyd liaker Wilson, Gen. James Grant Wilson, Thomas B. ^\■indmuller, Louis Wing, Aithur Kyle . Wing, George Sherman . Wing, Heniy Hiram Wingate, George Wood Winter, Dr. Henry Lyle . Winters, Joseph E., M. I). Wise, Hdmond Eli . Wise, John S., Jr. . Wise, Rabbi Steplien S. . Wissler, Clark Witherspoon, Hei-bert Wittson, Girard Samuel . Wolf, Dr. Heinrich F. . Wolf, Hemy WoliT, Alfied J. Wollf, Meyer . Wolfson, Abraham, D. D. S. Wollman, William J. Wood, J. Leonard . Wood, Dr. J. Walter Wood, William W., D. D. S. Woodhull, Daniel E. Woodman, Raymond Hunting WoodrulT, .\mos Edwin . Woodruir, Ernest Hall Woodruff, Timothy L. Wooils, Arthur Woodward, Christopher H. R. Workum, Julius I". Wright, Charles D., D. 1). S. Wright, Claude Wright, Rev. George Edwin Wright, Rev. Merle St. Croix Wurzbach, Fred A. . Wyatt, H. J. . Wyeth, Dr. George A. Wynne, Di-. Shirley Wilmotte Yawger, John Francis Yeomans, Di'. Frank C. . Yost, Joseph Warren Y'oung, Rev. John J. Young, Richard A. . Youngling, Dr. George S. Zabriskie, Frank L. Zabriskie, George Zeh, Dr. Merlin J. . Zehnder, Charles H. Zerega, Louis A. di, M. I). Zimmerman, Eugene Zinsser, August, Jr. Zinssmeister, Carl . Zobel, Frederick C. Zobel, Robert P. . . Zucca, Antonio Zucker, Peter ... Zukor, Adolph EMPIRE STATE NOTABLES THEODORE ROOSEVELT Author, Orator, Statesman President of United Slates 1901-1!»(I8 ELIHU ROOT Sec'y of Wai-, U. S. 189!)-1904, Sce'v of Stale, L'. S. 1905-1909, United States Senator 1909 New York City CHARLES EVANS HUGHICS C.overnor of New York I90fi-1910, Jnstirc U. S. Supreme Court 1910 to -~ Washington, D. C. 32 Empire State Notables — .*. — . PUBLIC OFFICERS WILLIAM SULZER Lawyer, Governor of New York January- October, 19L3 New Yoik City MARTIN H. GLYNN Elected Lieutenant-Governor of New York Nov. 4, 1012. Became Governor Oct. 17, 1913, Editor and Publ. of Albany "Times-Union" Albany, N. Y. HORACi: WHITE La\\yer, Ex-Lieutenant (iovernor and E.\- Governoi- of New York Syiacusf, N. Y. JOHN A. DIX Governor of New York 1010-12 Thouisou, N. Y. Empire State Notables 33 PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. WM. COX REDFIELI) Secretary Department of Commerce and Labor 1903 • New York City OSCAR SOLOMOX; STRAINS Fornui' AniI)assador to Tlirkey, Was U. S. Min. to Tlirkey, Appt. Ani1)assador Extraor- dinary and Plenipotentiary to Turkey 1910 New York City FRANCIS RFRTOX II.\I!I!IS()N Lawyer, (lovcrnor-Oencral ol' llic I'liilippines New York Cily WM. MILI.i:i? COLLIER Lawyer, Diplomat, l-jivoy l-^xtraordinary and Minister Plenipolenliary of U. S. to Spain I'.HK, Auburn, N. Y. 34 Empire State Notables public officers LEVI PARSONS MORTON The Morton Trust Co., Former Vice-Pres. of United States 1889-93, and Governor of HON. .JOHN F. HYLAN Magistrate Brooklyn, N. Y. New York 1895-97 New York City MICHAEL .1. HENDRICK American Consul at Belleville, Ont., 1893 and at Moncton, N. B., 1908 Moncton, N. B., Canada CLIFFORD PETTIS Sunt. State Forests (N. Y.>, Lecturer on Forestry, University of ^ ermont Port Clyde, Maine Empire State Notables — -••• — PUBLIC OFFICERS 35 HON. EMILE HENRY LACOMBE Jurist, U. S. Circuit Judge New York City HON. ALFRED CONKLING COXE Judge U. S. Circuit Court, Second Circuit Since 1903 Utica, N. Y. EUGENE TYLER CHAMBERLAIN United Stales Commissioner of Navigation Washington, D. C. JUDGE 1:DGAR J. LAUER Jurist, Elected November, 1905, Justice of Supreme Court of City of N. Y. for 14tli District, Borough of Manhatan, Which OITlce H(! Now Holds New York City 36 Empire State Notables public officers EDGAR MONT(;(>MERY CULLEN Jurist, Chief Judge Court «'[ Appeals, Chosen September 2, 1904 Brooklyn, X. Y. FRANK H. HISCOCK Justice Supreme Court IsmMS''''^ J^^ge Court of Appeals 1906 Syracuse, X. Y. CHARLES AN1)RE\VS Jurist, Ex-Mavor of Syracuse. Assoc. Justice NY. Court of Appeals 1870-81 Appt. Chief Justice 1881, Re-elected Assoc. .Justice Court of Appeals 1884, Nominated hy Both Paries and Elected Chief Judge 1893, Retired Dec, 31, 1897 Syracuse, N. Y. EMORY ALBERT CHASE Associate Judge Court of Appeals Catskill, N. Y. Empire State Notables 37 PUBLIC OFFICERS wiLLiAAi hi:rmax CUDDEBACK Judge Court of Appeals 19L3 Buffalo. N. Y. WILLIAM BUTLER HORN BLOWER, LL. D. Counsellor-at-Law, Associate Justice Court of Appeals 1911 New York City junor: rocick atmnson pisyor Lawyer, Jurist, Jiidse of C.oiul ol' Coiniiiou Pleas 18!)0, .luslicc of Supicuie Court of New York 18<.) I-IS'.)'.) New York Cily JUDGE JAMES ARMSTRONG BLANCHARD .ludge (leueral Sessions 1899, Judge Supreme Court 1901-1915 New York City 38 Empire State Notables public officers HON. FREDERICK COLLIN Jurist, Court of Appeals, Mayor of Elmira 1894-98, President Board of Education 1887-94 and 1899-1910 Elmira, N. Y. CHARIJ:S MANX STERN Lawyer, Appointed Deputy Attorney General of the State of N. Y. 1909 Albany, X. Y. GENERAL THEODORE A. BINGHAM Major General TJ. S. A. (Retired), Police Commissioner N. Y. City 1906-9, Consulting Engineer Ne\y York City HON. GEORGE VAN SICLEN WILLIAMS Public Service Commissioner, Lawyer, Williams & Richardson Ne\y York City Empire State Notables 39 PUBLIC OFFICERS ALDEN CHESTER Jurist, Justice Supreme Court Third Judicial District, Term Expires 1918 Albany, N. Y. SAMUEL NELSON SAWYER Justice Supreme Court 1907 — Palmyra, N. Y. JUDGE JNO. W. HOGAN Jurist, Justice Supreme Court, Term Expiring 1926 Syracuse, N. Y. WESLEY O. HOWARD Jurist, Elected Nov., 1892, Justice Supreme Court of N. Y. for Third District for Term Expiring 1916 Troy, N. Y. 40 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS WILLIAM NATHAN COHEN Lawyer, Justice Supreme Court LSi»7-1S9.S New York Citv ISAAC FRANKLIN RUSSELL fj'o/''^^?'.' "'' ^^'^' ^'- Y. University Since 1881, Chief Justice of the Court of Special Sessions 1910 New York City HENRY AL(;ER GILDERSLEEVE Jurist, Judge Couit of Ceneral Sessions 1875-89, Superior Court 18(»l-!)(i, Supreme Court 1897 New York City NORMAN S. DIKE Appointed by (iov. Higgins Counlv Judge of Kings County Court and Elci t<<i for lull Time in November. 1907 Brooklyn, N. Y, Empire State Notables 41 PUBLIC OFFICERS HARRY L. TAYLOR Jurist, County Judge of Erie County RufTalo, N. Y. DANIEL \. McXAMEl' County Judge of Columbia County 1912- Hudson, X. Y. \\M. W. HAMMOND Lawypi-, I']x-CoiMily Judge of I'jie Cf)unfy lUilLilo, N. Y. HON. MOSi:s HERUMAN Jusliee Coiul of Sjiec. Sessions City of N. Y., Meiu. LegislaUiie IS'JI, Asst. Dist". Attornev l«l»H-1!)iM, I'l-es. I'aik Hoard 1!MIC)-19(>7, Citv Magistrate I!»(l7-I!>i:i New York Cily 42 Empire State Notables public officers JOHN REDMOND FARRAR Lawyer, Mem. of Assembly of N. Y. 1908-09, Elected Justice Municipal Court of City of X. Y. for Full Term of Ten Years Reginning January 1, 1910 Brooklyn, N. Y. JOSEPH FITCH Lawyer and City Magistrate, Appointed City Magistrate 1908 Brooklyn, N. Y. JUDGE SOLOMON OPPENHEIMER Elected Justice of Municipal Court of City of N Y. for Sixth District 1909, for Term Expiring 1919 New York City ISAAC P. BIELBY \ttornev and Counsellor-at-Law , Librarian Fifth Judicial District Court House, G. A. R. Veteran Utica, X. Y. Empjre State Notables 43 PUBLIC OFFICERS COL. ALFRED WAGSTAFF Lawyer, Pres. Am. Soc. for Ihe Prev. of Cruelty to Animals, Clerk of the Appellate Div. Supreme Court, Pres. N. Y. & Brooklyn Bridge 1890-180L Clerk of N. Y. Court of Common Pleas 1892-189:5 New York City DR. ABRAHAM L. KELLOGG County Judge Oneonta, N. Y, HON. JAMES F. RICHARDSON County Clerk Suffolk County Riverhead, N. Y. ADOLPH J. RODENBECK Jurist, Mayor City of Rochester 1902-1903, Judge Court of Claims, State of N. Y., 1903-12 Rochester, X. Y. 44 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS WILLIAM M. (ALDER Member of Con^ifss li»OL Banker and Biiildir Biooklvn. X. Y. THOMAS J. CREAMER Ex-Memher of Congress Xcw Yoilc City HENRY GEORGE, JR. Congressman New York City HON. LUCIUS NATHAN LITTAUER Begent of the University, State of New York. Member U. S. Congress 1.S!)7-1907, Littauer Rios. Gloversvillc, N. Y. EMPtRE State Notables 45 PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. PETER (;AXSEV0(JRT TEN EYCK Congressman 28th District New York, Democrat AlJjany, N. Y. EDMUND PLAIT PuliiisluT, Alem. Congress, Eleecled to (i.'ird Congress Ironi 2(HIi DIst., N. Y., Since 1891 Engaged in Pul)lication oC Poiighkeepsie Eagle, Which Has IJeen in Possession of Family Since 1828 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. HON. J. R. CLANCY Manulaclurer, ICIecled to ('..'{rd Congress lioni 35th New York District Syracuse, N, Y. HON. .lOHN I'. MURTAUCIH Stale Senator list Demociatic District 1!)11-1!)12-1!M:! Elmira, N. Y. 46 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. WILLIAM L. ORMROD Senator Churchville, N. Y. HON. THOMAS B. WILSON Trustee of Cornell University 1909 by Gov. Hughes and Reappointed 1912 by Gov. Dix, State Senator Halls, N. Y. HON. HERMAN KRAMER Member of Assembly Brooklyn, X. Y. RAYMOND B. CARVER Member of Assembly 191,"?, 27th Assembly District, County of New York, Civil Engineer New York City Empire State Notables — ~,%, — . PUBLIC OFFICERS 47 HON. J. L. PATRIE Author of The Murtaugh Patrie Hydo- Electric Bill Catskill, N. Y. JESSE P. LARRIMER Assemblyman 16th Assembly District, Kings Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES AUGUSTUS HANNA National Bank Examiner for New York City Sinre 1899 New York City WILLIAM GORllAM RICE Manufacturer, Member Board of Finance, Albany, N. Y., U. S. Civil Service Comm'r Under President Cleveland 1894-1897 New York City 48 Empire State Notaules PUBLIC OFFICERS FRANK v.. CARSTARPHEN Counsellor-at-Law, Assistant United States Attorney Southern District of N. Y. (11)13—) New York City HON. JOHN J. KENNEDY Treasurer of the Statp of New York, Elected I'JIO Albany. N. Y. HON. ERASTUS cole KNIGHT One of the Comptrollers of the State, Ex- Mayor of Bullalo, Pres. and (len. Mgr. of Isle of Pines Home & Plantation Co. Buffalo, N. Y. HON. .lAMES A. PARSONS Depuly Allorney General Albany, N. Y. Empire State Notables 49 PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. OTTO KELSEY Sup't Insurancp State of N. Y., Elected Comptroller 1904 and Served I'litil App't Sup't of Ins. May 17, lOOfi, by Cov. Higgins (ieneseo, N. Y. ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER, LL. D. Educator, Conim'r of Education of Slate of N. Y.. Mem. of U. S. Bd. of Indian (>nmm'rs 1902, Pres. Lniv of Illinois IS!) 1-1001 Albany, N. Y. HON. .lOHN NELSON CAHLISLI-; Appointed by Gov. Sulzer State Comm'r of Highways May I, 1!H:5, Member Law Firm Carlisle & Carlisle Albany, N. Y, CHARLES 1I;R(;1'S BINNS Director N. Y. State School of Clay Working and Ceramics Alfred, N. Y. 5U Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. CHARLES E. TREMAN Banker, Mpichant, Siip't of Public Works, President Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank. Treman King & Co., Inc. (Jobbers of Hardware) Ithaca, N. Y. \VM. .1. ROCHE Lawyer, Senior Member Wm. J. & \\m. C. Roche, City Att'y of Troy ISS.VlSSe, City Comptroller 188fi-1890. Corporation Counse"l 1890-1900 Troy, N. Y. HON. ALPHONSO TRUMPBOUR CLEARWATER State Probation Comm'r Appointed September 16, 1910; Justice Supreme Court 1898, Judge Court of Appeals 1909, Jurist, Publicist, Elected Dist. Att'y of Lister Co., N. Y., 1877, Re-elected 1880, ifiHS Elected County Judge Kingston, N. Y. BYRON SYL\i,.MtR WAITE S. General Appraiser Since 1902 New York City Empire State Notables 51 PUBLIC OFFICERS MILO ROY MALTBIE Member Public Service Comm'r for First Dist. N. Y., Prof. Economics & Mathematics Mount Morris College 1893-1895 New York City HON. ROBERT P. BUSH Public Service Court 2nd District (Known as the Grand Old Man of the New York State Legislature) Horseheads, X. Y. WILLIAM C. ROGERS Acting Commissioner of Labor, Chairman State Board of Arbitration, Chairman State Industrial Board Albany, N. Y. HENRY BOWMAN SEAMAN Civil Engineer, Chief Engineer Public Serv. Commission 1st District State of N. Y., Now Consulting Engineer New York City Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS COL. SAMUEL JONES TILDEN Manufacturer, Fiscal Supervisor of Cliarities President Tilden Co., Pharni. Preparations New Lebanon, N. Y. MEYER WOLFl", M. D. Civil Service Commissioner, Phvsician, Appointed Civil Service Commissioner by C.overnor Sulzer 1913 New Y^ork City THEODORE SEMENDINGER County Coroner of the County Rockland, New York, 1913-1916 Congers, N. Y. HON. LOUIS MASON SPAULDING Albion, N. Y. Empire State Notables — ••• — PUBLIC OFFICERS 53 HON. ^YM. H. BARTLETT Amenia, X. Y. HON. EDWIN WM. FISKE Mayor of Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon, N. Y. IIOX. FBED. S. WELCH Colleclor of Stale & Counlv Tax for 1 years. Overseer of Poor for 2 Years & Postmaster 4 Years of the Town of Alleghany, N. Y.. Dealer in Sand and (iravel. Also Farming Alleghany, N. Y. ERNEST HALL WOODRUFF Lawyer, Secretary Olean Chambebrs of Commerce 1910-19L3 Olean, N. Y. 54 Empire State Notables PURUr OFFICERS GENERAL FRANCIS V. GREENE President Niagara Lockport A- Ontario Power Co., Police Commissioner New York 1903 New York City HON. ARTHUR B. OTTAWAY Lawyer, Dist. Att'y Chautaugua Co. 1883-86, Co. Judge Chautaugua Co. Since Jan. 1, 1906, Member Law Firm Ottaway & Munson Westfleld, N. Y. HON. JOHN F. HF.NNESSY County Clerk of Saratoga County Ballston, Spa. D. P. SNYDER County Clerk Belmont, N. Y. Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS 55 HON. CHAS. SCOTT County Superintendent of Highways State of New York 1908-1911, Postmaster 1911 Fort Plain, N. Y. HON. n. J. button Sheriff of Schoharie County, State of N. Y. Schoharie, N. Y. Hon. LEONARD DECKER HENDERSON, M.D. Coroner for Columbia Co., Grad. N. Y. Univ. Med. ColL March, 1889, Ambulance Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital from April, 1889, to April, 1890 Hillsdale, N. Y. HON FARRELL Herkimer County District Attorney Frankfort, N. Y. 56 Empire State Notables — ••• — PUBLIC OFFICERS ELWOOI) C. SMITH Lawyer, Justice of Town of Monroe 1905 New burgh, N. Y. ALBERT HESSBERG Counsellor-at-Law, Ass't Corp'n Counsel Under U. S. Supreme Court Justice Rufus W. Peckham & Ex-Att'y-Gen. S. W. Rosendall 1881-85, Mem. Firm Rosendall & Hessberg Albany, N. Y. WILLIAM BATES DAVENPORT Former Public Administration Kings Co. Brooklyn, \. Y. NVALTER LOWRIE IIERVEY. Ph. 1). Examiner, Writer, Lecturer on Educ. Topics. Mem. N. Y. Bd. of Exam. Since 1898, Mem. Exec. Com. Child Welfare Com, Since J909 New York City Empire State Notables 57 PUBLIC OFFICERS EDWARD y\. MORGAN Postmaster of New York New York City JOSEPH OGLE Postmaster Greenport, N. Y. HON. .TAMl.S i;. I'.ICII Postmaster Since February, 1898 Hobart. N. Y. \VM. A. REINHART Postmaster Inw'ood, N. Y. 58 Empire State Notables public officers WILLOUGHBY W. BABCOCK Postmaster Prattsburg, N. Y. JOHN M. BROWN Postmaster Port Jefferson, N. Y. HON. HOWARD V. LANE Postmaster Riverhead, N. Y. HON. ALEXANDER M. HARRIOTT Postmaster Rye, N. Y. Empire State Notables 59 PUBMC OFFICERS HON. CHAS. E. SHELDON Postmaster, Editor of the Chautaugua News, Serving His Fourth Term of Postmaster Sherman, N. Y. HON. DANIEL LARKIN FETHERS Postmaster Sharon Springs, N. Y. HON. GEORGE R. HAGER Postmaster Stamford, N. Y. % ft^ I HON. ERNEST H. PALMER Postmaster South Glens Falls, N. Y. 60 Empire State Notables — .9, — PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. P. S. KRUM Postmaster Afton, N. Y. HON. JOHN P. MICKLE Postmaster Chatham, N. Y. HON. WILMER D. SHARPE Postmaster Loomis, N. Y. HOX. JOHN VAN DORN Postmaster Mt, Morris, N. Y. Empire State Notables — .«. — . PUBLIC OFFICERS 61 HON. JONATHAN B. MOREY Postmaster Dansville, N. Y. JOHN F. KELLY Postmaster Kings Park, N. Y. HON. JOHN A. HANNA Postmaster Dover Plains, N. Y, HON. JONAS M. PRESTON Postmaster Delhi, N. Y. 62 Empire State Notables — ■••— PUBLIC OFFICERS JOHiN PURROY MITCHEL Major City of New York (1914—) New Y^ork City WM. A. PREXDERGAST Comptroller City of N. Y. Since 1910, Re- elected for Second Term 1913 New York City GEORGE McANENY Elected President Borough of Manhattan November, 1909, Elected President Board of Aldermen November 4, 1913, President Friendly Aid Society of New- York New York City DOUGLAS MATHEWSON Lawyer. Elected President Borough of Bronx November, 1913, Deputy Comptroller City of New York 1910-1913 New Y'ork City Empire State Notables 63 PUBLIC OFFICERS ARTHUR WOODS Police Commissioner New York City JOSEPH JOHNSON Ex-Fire Comm'r, Deputy Fire Coinm'r 1910-1912, Fire Comm'r 1912-1914 New York City LAWSON PURDY Lawyer, President Department Taxes and Assessments, Member Nat. Municipal League New York City RICHARD HEYWARD GAINES Chief Chemist of the N. Y. Board of Water Supply New York City 64 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS HOX. JOHN- E. BOWE Deputy Commissioner, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity \ew Brighton, X. Y. HENRY H. TRUMAN Of Early Colonial Ancestry, Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange from 18Vi9-1907, Mayor of Orange 1890-1892 Orange, N. J. JOHN B. CREIGHTON Secretary Borough President Brooklyn, N. Y. HENRY S. CURTIS, Ph. D. Supervisor of Playgrounds Since 1905 \Vashinglon, D. C. Empire State Notables — ,%. — PUBLIC OFFICERS 65 GEORGE O'REILLY Assisitant Corporation Counsel in Charge Bureau for Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes New York City LAZARUS WHITE Division Engineer Board of Water Supply New York City SAMUEL CLARENCE THOMPSON Civil Engineer, Engineer Under Conini'r of Street Improvements and Dept. of Parks Since 188?., Engineer of Highwavs Borough of Bronx Since 1808 ' New York Cifv HON. D. E. POWELL Cattaraugus, N. Y. 66 Emm HE State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS CAPT. CORNELIUS LEARY In Active Police Service Fol■ty-t^\o Years, Captain 1907-1913 New York City FRANCIS A. CREAMER Police Captain New Y'ork City WILLIAM C. CLARK Chief of Battalion N. Y. F. I\ New York City WILLIAM CLARK Cliief of Battalion N. Y. F. D. New York City Empire State Notables public officers 67 MATTHEW J. CUMMIXGS New York Fire Department New York City PETER BENSON New York Fire Department New Yort City DANIEL J. CAVANAGH Captain N. Y. F. D. New York City JAKE I'EANACAN New York Fire Department New York City (58 Empire State Notables — .»• — PUBLIC OFFICERS JOHN MAILLIBAND New York Fire Department Brooklyn, N. Y. CAPT. J. W. JENNING New York Fire Department Brooklyn, \. Y. RICHAUI) .1. MAHSHALL In l^re Department Since Sept. 11, 1893 Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE J. FOX New York Fire Department New York City Empire State Notables 6U PUBLIC OFFICERS CAPT. DOMIMCK HENRY Police Captain New York City CAPT. WILLIAM H. NASH Engine Co. No. 71 New York City CHIEF .JOHN J. DOOLEY Cliiof .^^rd Hatlalion New York Fire Dept. New York City GEO. H. E. ARINO Postmaster Long Beach, L. I., N. Y. 70 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS ANTHONY COMSTOCK Sec'y N. Y. Soc. for Suppression of Vice, Appointed Special Agent (Now Called Insp.> Post OfTice Dept. March 5, 1873, and Until Jan., 1907, Served Governor of U. S. in That Capacity Without Salary New York City DAVID KANE Police Captain New York City CAPT. H. rl. SCHKRB Ne\\ York Fiic Department New York City ISAAC LUDGATE York Fire Department New York City Empire State Notables public officers 71 G. E. WEBER Chief of Battalion N. Y. F. D. New York City HON. HOWARD C. WILBUR Catskill, N. Y. HON. D. McCarthy Cozenavia, N. Y. HON. W. H. BAIN Cana.joharic, N. Y. 72 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. WM. H. JACKSON Lawyer \\'est New Brighton. N. Y. HON. .1. B. BENNINGTON Balnvia, N. Y. HON. LAWRENCE FITZGEBALD Auburn, N. Y. THOS. H. CULLEN Shipping Agent, Assemblyman 1895-189/ State Senator 1898-1912 Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire State Notables public officers 73 HON. J. \V. MULLEN Morgaiiville, N. Y. HON. ROSSLYN M. COX Middletown, N. Y. HON. JOHN K. ^YALRRIDGE Saialoga, N. Y. HON. H. H. STEBBINS Rochester, N. Y. 74 Empire State Notables PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. BERXF. A. PYRKE Port Henry, N. Y. HON. HARRISON W. COLEY Oneida, N. Y. HON. .7. W. JOSLIN, M. D. Johnstown, N. Y. CLINTON BECKWTTH Herkimer, N. Y. Empire State Notables 75 PUBLIC OFFICERS HON. W. IRVING GRIFFING Glens Falls, N. Y. HON. RANSOM L. RICHARDSON Fillmore, N. Y. .lUDGF. GEORGE W. REEVES Watertown, N. Y. HON. LA MOTT CAMPBELL Wanipsville, N. Y. 76 Empire State Notables public officers HON. A. E. LOVELAND Brooklyn, X. Y. HON. THOS. F. BAKER Utica, X. Y. REV RICHARD COYLE, LL.D.-V. F. .Jamestown, N. Y. WM. REUBEN GEORGE Founder of the Junior Republic Freevillc, N. Y. Empire State Notables public officers 77 IRVING GOODWIN VANN La^\ye^, Jurist. Mayor of City of Syracuse, N. Y., 1879-1880; Justice Supreme Court 1882-1895, JiKlsre Court of Apneals 1895-1913, Since Then OfTicial Referee, etc. Syracuse, N. Y. HON. WATSOX M. ROGERS Jurist, Justice Supreme Court of N. Y. Term Expiring December 3, 1914 Watertown, N. Y. for ALBERT F. GLADDING Jurist, Justice of the Supreme Court for the 6th Judicial District for the Term Expiring Dec. ."{I, 1920 Chenango, N. Y. TIMOTHY L. WOODRUFF ^Deceased) Lieutenant Governor of New York State 1897-1900, Director Numerous New York Institutions and Corporations Brooklyn, N. Y. 78 Empire State Notables public officers FRANK N. BRUNER President Logan Club of Brooklyn, Super- vising Inspector Repair Division, "Bureau of Highways Brooklyn, X. Y. JULIUS H. STAHEL U. S. Consul at Yokoliama, Japan, ISfid-lSfiO, Consul General at Shanghai, China, 1S84-1885 Xew York City HOWARD P. NASH City Magistrate 2nd Division Brooklyn, N. Y. ZEBULON REED BROCK\VAY Penologist, Mayor of Elmira lOdd-litO: Elniira, N. Y. Empire State Notables public officers 79 LE ROY HOLLIS, M. D. Coroner Oswego Co. 1904, Elected 1905 Health OfTicer Town of Sandy Creek and Town of Boylston Laconia, N. Y. HORACE J. HARVEY American Consul, Fort Erie, Canada, Member Buffalo Merchants Exchange Buffalo, N. Y. IRKDKRICK WINTER flRIFIlTH Niiilacturfr. Stale Senator 1910, President Palmyra Printing Co. Palmyra, \. Y. NICHOLAS NEHRBAUER, .IR. Member of Assembly Long Island City, N. Y. 80 Empire State Notables public officers \ HON. CHARLES SEYMOUR WHITMAN Prpsident City Magistrates' Court. N. Y C and Judge of Court of General Sessions! NoAv District Attorney N. Y. County New York Citv CHARLES FRANCIS ROSTWICK Assistant District Attorney New York City DAVID ILElCHEU HOY Registrar Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. JOHN HARRINGTON ED\VARDS Clergyman, Author, Member Thcta Union Seminary Alumni Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire State Notables 81 PUBLIC OFFICERS HOMER FOLKS Social Worker, President State Probation Commission, Yonkers, N. Y. New York Citv ROBERT WILLIAM HILL Supt. State and Alien Poor, State Board of Charities. Became Connected with State B'd of Charities of N. Y. 1898, Appt'd Sec'v 1906, Pres. Nat. Assn. of Poor Law Othcials 1910-11 Albany, N. Y. HON. lUCHAUl) CARTER Postmaster Greene, N. Y. DAYTON H. WHIPPLE Postmaster of Allamont 16 Years, Altamont Carriage Works Altamont, N. Y. 82 Empihe State Notables THE CLER(iY Rt. Rev. DAVID HUMMEL GREER, D.D., LL.D. Episcopal Rishop of New York Xew York City RT. REV. FREDERICK RURGESS, D. D. Episcopal Bishop of Long Island Garden City, X. Y. RT. REV. CHARLES S. BURCH Sufl'ragon Bishop of the Diocese of New York New York City R T. REV. CHAS. TYLER OLMSTED Bishop of Central, N. Y., July 11, 1004 Utlca. N. Y. Empire State Notables the clergy 83 RT. REV. WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE (Deceased) Episcopal Bishop of Albany. Elected 1868 and Consecrated February, 1869, Bishop of Albany Albany, N. Y. RT. REV. RICHARD- HENRY XELSO.N, D. D. Episcopal Bishop of Albany, Consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of Albany May 19, 1904, Bishop of Albany, .May 17, 191.^ Albany, X. Y. HI. Ri:v. .LVMi:s he.nry darlincton pisriipnliafi ISishop, Consccralcd 19(1:, fiisl IMshop f)f l)ioccs(! Ilarrisbiir;:. Pa REV. (;i:()R(;i: roe va.n de \vati:r, d. d. Reclor SI. Andrews Proleslant l-;piscopaI Church New York C.ity 84 Empire State Notables the clergy REV. PALL F. SWETT SuppriiitPiulcnt Charity Foundation of Lent; Island Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. EDGAR M. THOMPSON St. James Church Brooklyn, X. Y. REV. WILLL\M BERRIAN HOOPER Church of Prince of Peace, Gettysburg, Pa., Clergyman Episcopal Church, Connected With Trinity Parish New York City ERNEST VOORHIS Clergyman, StatT of Cathedral of St. the Divine, N. Y. City, Since 1900 Ne^v York City John Em p J RE State Notables THE CLERGY 85 REV. CORNELIUS RISHOP SMITH, D. D. Rector Emeritus St. James Episcopal Cluirch New York Citv REV. HERRERT SHIPMAN Rector Church of the Heaveuly Rest New York City REV. HORATIO OLIVKK CADI) A. I'.. A. M. Rowdoin, S. T. D. Hohjirl, Hcclor 18!)(i iind Rector EnicrKus 1!>10 of (Irace Churcli, .lamaica, N. Y.. Educator, Hisloriau and IMilor Riclipiiniid Hill, \. Y. Ri;v. .101 IN DAVID kenni:dy R<cl(>r St. Marks Cliurch Rrooklyn, N. Y. 80 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. GEO. CLARKE HOUGHTON, D.D. L.L.S. Ret'tor Church of the Transfiguration New York Citv REV. ST. CLAIR HESTER, A. >r., D. D. Rector Church of the Messaiah, Rrooklyn, Since 1898. .\rchdeacon of Northern l?r()oklyn for Ten Years New Y'ork City REV. \V.>r. MONTAGUE GEER ir St. Pauls' ChapeL Trinity F'arish New Y'ork City RT. REV. FREDERICK COURTNEY Rector St. James Episcopal Church New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy 87 REV. MILO HUDSON GATES, D.DS., T.D. Vkar Chapel of the Intercession, Trinity Parish >se\v York Citv UR. WILLIAMS THOMAS MANNING Rector of Trinity Parish, New York City New Y'oik City RLV. DR. FRANK M. CLENDKNLN. D. D. Rector of St. Peters Chiinli New York City REV. JOSEPH N. RLANCHARD Rector of (irace Church, Madison, N. J. Madison, N. ,1. 88 Emimki-: State Notables THE CLERGY REV. GEORGE STARKWEATHER PRATT Retor All Souls Church, Rector Anton Memorial Church Since 1f)0.", New York Citv REV GEORGE ASHTON OLDHAM Ordained Priest June 10, 1906, Act. Chaplain Coluniljia Univ. 1906-1908, on Clergv Staff of Grace Church, N. Y. City. 190:)-19b6, etc. New York Citv I'RANCIS WASHBURN Clergyman, Has Had Rectorship of Several Parishes in Archdeaconry of Orange Since 1879. Chiefly St Andrews," Walden, N. Y. and Church of Holy Spirit, Kingston 1882-1892, and Was Eour Years Sec. of .\rchdeaconry Newburgh, N. Y. REV. (;. SHERMA.N BURROWS Rector St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Sec. Diocese of Western X. Y., Lecture on Homi- letics iS: Litingics, De Lancy Divinity School. Grand Prelate. Grand Commandery. Knights Templar, State of New Yoik North Tonawanda, N. Y. Empire State Notables the clergy 89 REV. RICHMOND H. GESNER, R. A., R. D. Doctor of Sacred Theology, Curate of St. John's Church 1886, Rector for 4 Years at Hyde Park and 8 Years Rector of Christ Ch. Oswego, N. Y. REV. HIRAM R. HULSE Protestant Episcopal Rector Suffern, X. Y. REV. i:i)GAR TII.TON, .JR. Clergyman, Pastor Harh-m TSefornied Church Since 1898 New York City REV. DAVID JAMES RURRELL Clergyman, Reformed Church of America New Yoi'k City 90 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY DR. CHARLES H.. PARKHURST Clergyman, Pastor Madison Sq. Presbyterian Church, N. Y. City, Since 1880, Pres. Sec. for Prevention of Crime 1891-1908 New York Citv CHARLES PROSPERO FAGNANL D. D. Reverend Professor Union Theological Seminary New Y'orlj City REV. THOMAS CUMING HALL Prof. Christian Ethics Union. Theological Seminary New Y'ork City ^VM. JONES SEABURY, D. D. Presbyterian Diocese of New York, Professor of Ecclesiastical Polity and Law, General Theological Seminary New York City Empire State Notables 91 THE CLEKG\ ROBERT Mackenzie, d. d., l.l. d. Secretary of the College Board of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. New York City REV. JOSEPH DUNN BURRELL, D. D. Pastor Classon Ave. Prebyterian Church Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. KDWARl) J. HAMILTON Member Prcsljytcry of New Ym I'hiinfield, N. .1. HEV. ANTHONY H. EVANS, D. D. Pastor West Presbyterian ('lunch New York City 92 E M p I K E S JAT E Notables THE CLERGY REV. ROBERT R. WHITE Pastor, Faith Presl)yterian Church New York City F.DWARI) GERRISH THURBER Clergyman New York Cilv REV. DANIEL ARAUNAH FERGUSON, D. I). Pastor Presbyterian Church Since 1875 Hammond, N. Y. REV. HENRY M. TYNDALL Clergyman. Founder. Trustee and President of the People's Tabernacle New York City Empire State Notables 93 THE CLEIUiY REV. DANIEL HAWKLNS OVERTON Pastor Islip Presbyterian Church. For Twelve Years Pastor Greene Avenue Presbyterian Chnreh, Rrooklyn Islip, Long Island, N. Y. REV. DR. JOHN REYNOLDS MACKAY Clergyman, Hecanie Pastor of North Pres- byterian Church February 9, New York City 1908 REV. A. i:i)\VIN KICICWIN, I). D. Pastor West ICiul Presbylerlan Church New York Cilv REV. CHAItl.l S lllHI'.l.Kr SCHOLEY Clergyn)an, Since May 2!), I'.KIS, Pastor I'irsI I'rcsbylcriaii ('.lunch I'iccpoit, N. Y. 94 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. GEORGE McPHERSON HUNTER Sec'y Am. Seamen's Eriend Society, N. Y., Presbyterian, Alpha Signia, Glasgow Univ., Scotland, New Brunswick Theol. Seminary, Author "New .\cts of the Apostles" and "The Sailor in Sailortown" New Y'^ork City NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS Pastor of the Plymouth Church, Clergyman, Author Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. .TOHN LYON CAUGHEY, I). D. Pastor First Presb'n Church, l-'orm. Pastor the Memorial Presb'n Church, Rochester, N. Y., the Harlem Presb'n Church, N. Y. City Glens Falls, N. Y. REV. JAMES CROMIE Pastor Woodstock Presbyterian Church New York City Empire State Notables 95 THE CLERGY Rev. ANSON PHELPS ATTERBURY, Ph.D.,D.D. Clergyman, Pastor of the West Park Presbyterian Church New York City REV. L. \V. BATTEN Professor in the General Theological Seminary New York City REV. .JOHN |-I,i:min(; (ARSON, I). 1). Paslor Central Presbyterian Churdi Brooklyn, N. Y. Ri:V. i;i)WARO BENTON COE Minister ol Befornied Protestant Dutch Church New Yoi'k (^ily m Empire State Notables THE CLERGY rt. rev. morris W. LEIRERT, D. D. Bishop of Moravian Church New York City REV. VICTOR CAUSE FLINN Pastor Third Moravian Church New Y'ork City REV. M. G. PAPAZIAN Minister of the Armenian Evangelical Church New York City REV. PAUL SEIBERT LEINBACH, D. D. Minister Hamilton Grange Reformed Church New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy 97 REV. SAMUEL PARKES CADMAN, D D Pastor of Ihe Central Congregational Church, Author and Lecturer Brooklyn, \. Y. REV. WM. H. KEPHART, D. D. Pastor North Congregational Church New York City FRANCIS T. HOOVER Clergyman, Writer, Pastor Cambria Congregational Church Lookport, N. Y. REV. FRED IIOVEY ALLEN Clergyman, Author, Lecturer New York City 98 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY Rev. JUNIUS B. REMEXSXYDER, D.D., LL.D. Pastor St. James Lutherman Church New York City REV. JOHN J. YOUNG, D. D. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Since September 1, 1893 New Y'orP: Citv REV. CHARLES DANIEL TREXLER Pastor Organized English Lutheran Chuicli of the Good Shepherd Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. M. LUTHER CANUP Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Epiphany New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy 99 REV. EDWARD JUDSON Minister, Memorial Baptist New York Citv ROBERT STUART MacARTHUR Clergyman, President Baptist World Alliance New York Citv EZRA TERRY SANFORD Pastor North Baptist Clnirch, Anthor, Baptist Pioneers in New York New York City DR. CHARLES E. AKED Clergyman, Author "Eternal Punishment," Minister of Fifth Ave. Baptist Church 1907 New York City 100 Empire State Notables THK CLERGY Rev. Db. GEO. ALBERT SIMONS, A.M.. D.D. Superintendent of the Russia Mission and of the ^lethodist Episcopal Church, Residing at Sf. Petersburg, Russia REV. CHRISTIAN F. REISNER Pastor Grace M. E. Church New- Yorlt City REV. FRANCIS DURBIN BLAKESLEE Educator, Pastor Ihames St. M. E. Church. Newport, R. I., 1886-1887. President Iowa Wesleyan University 1899-1900 Binghaniton, N. Y. JAMES MONROE BUCKLEY Minister, Editor, Entered Ministry of M. E. Church 1859, Elected Mem. Gen. Conf. M. E. Church 1872 and Once in 4 Years to Each Session Till Now, Mem. Bd. Mgr's State Hosp. for Insane, Trenton, N. J., for 5 Yrs. ; Prs. Bd. Mgr's M. E. (Seney) Hosp. Brooklyn, N. Y., Since Its Foundation Morristown, N. J. i Empihk State Notables 101 THE CLERGY REV. FRANK MASON NORTH Clergyman, Since 1912 Corresponding Sec'y Board of Foreign Missions. M. E. Church New York City REV. \VILLL\M VALENTINE KELLEY', D. D. Methodist Clergyman and Author, Editor the Methodist Review New York City REV. CHARLES LEROY GOODELL Appointed to St. Paul's M. E. Church 191.T New York (^ily lUCV. RICHARD HICGARTV Pastor Winsted Methodist I^piscopal Church New York City 102 Empire State Notables — .•• THE CLERGY HIS EMINENCE JOHN CARDINAL FARLEY Archbishop of New Y'ork New York City RT. REV. HENRY GARRIELS Catholic Bishop of Ogdensburg Ogdensburg, N. Y. VERY REV. MONSIGNOR J. V. LEWIS Rector Church of St. Francis De Sales New Y'ork City VERY REV. JOHN J. HUGHES, C. S. P. Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Superior General of Paulist Fathers New York City Empire State Notables 103 THE CLERGY VERY REV. J. W. MOORE, C. M. Priest St. John's College Rrooklyn, N. Y. VERY REV. JOSEPH F. HANSELMAN, S. J. Provincial Maryland, N. Y. Provinces, S. J. New York City VERY REV. WM. L. PENNY Rector of the Church of the Aiininu-intion New York City Rt. Rev. Msgr. JOSEPH V. MOONEV, P.A.V.G. Psisfor Sacred Heart of Jesus, Roman Catholic Church, Vicar General Archdiocese New York City 104 Empire State Notables I THE CLERGY RT. REV. JOHN F. KEARNEY, P. R. Rector St. Patrick's (Old Catholic Cathedral) New York City RT. REV. MSGR. JOHN J. KEAN, L.L.D. Rector of the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus New York City RT. REV. CHAS. McCREADY Catholic Clergyman, Rector Church of Holy Cross Since 1877 New York City RT. REV. MSGR. J. S. M. LYNCH, D. D. Missionary Rector St. John's Church Utica, N. Y. Empire State Notables the clergy 105 RT. REV. HENRY ATHANASIUS RRAXN, D. D., LL. D., LiTT. D. Rector St. Agnes Church, First Priest from the North American College, Rome, Italy New York City RT. REV. MSGR. JAMES N. CONNOLLY Rector of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel New York City REV. .JOHN H. DOOLEY Rev. of Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church New York City REV. WALTER ELLIOTT, C. S. P. Rector of Apostolic Mission House, Catholic University of America New York City 106 Empire State Notables the clergy REV. MALLICK J. FITZPATRICK Director Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, Mount Loretto, S. I. New York City REV. DUCAN M. GENNS Rector, St. Thomas Church, Police Chaplain, Roroughs of Brooklyn and Queens Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. THOMAS J. LYNCH Supervisor of Correction Work for Catholics, Director of Catholic Protective Society New York City Rev. JOSEPH C. DWORZAK, D.D., J.D., Ph.D Rector of St. Casimir's Church Yonkers, N. Y, I Empire State Notables 107 THE CLERGY REV. WILLIAM J. McCLURE Rector of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Stapleton, S. I., N. Y. REV. JOS. HENRY ROCKWELL, S. J. President College of St. Francis Xavier New York City REV. W. BERTRAND STEVENS Rector St. Ann's Church New- York City REV. WM. H. WALSH Italian Mission of Our Lady of Loretto, Catholic Priest and Member Society of Jesus New York City 108 Empire State Notables the clergy 1 REV. JOHN B. McGRATH Pastor of St. Thomas, the Apostle New York City REV. JOHN HENRI SATTIG Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. P. S. GAR AND Pastor of St. Mary's Church Clayton, N. Y. REV. P. J. MINOGUE Permanent Rector St. Brigids' Roman Catholic Church New York City Empire State Notables the clergy 109 VERY REV. WILLIAM J. McADAM Consultor General of the Society of the Priests of Mercy, Rector of Our Lady of Lowides Grotto Church Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. RICHARD S. CARTWRIGHT, C. S. P. Assistant Superior Church of St. Paul the Apostle New York City REV. DR. JOSEPH LETANCHE Rector of St. Clemens Church New York City HEV. E. C. IGEEHART New York City 110 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. ALEXANDER P. DOYLE Rector of Apostolic Mission House Paulist Fathers Brookland, S. C. REV\ THOMAS McMILLAN Church of St. Paul and the Apostle, Paulist Fathers New Y'ork City REV. WILLIAM LIVINGSTON Church of St. Gabriel New York City REV. .lOHN PUNNETT PETERS ClerSA-man. Author, .Assistant Rector St. Michael's Church 1883-1893 New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy in RABRI STEPHEN S. WISE Free Synagogue New York City REV. EZEKIEL JACOBSON Congregation Binai Israel New York City RABBI MAURICE H. HARRIS New York City RABBI ADOLPH SPJKdEL, Ph. D. R:il)l)i and Minister at Congregation ShaareJ Zedck of Harlem New York City 112 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY RABBI AARON EISEMAN New York City REV. L. C. BARNES New York City REV. GEO. M. CHRISTIAN New York City REV. W. CARTER New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy 113 REV. HENRY EVERTSON CORB Riverside Day Nursery, Riverside Ass'n, Waldensian Aid Society, American Tract Society, etc., etc. New York City RICHARD GARY MORSE Gen. Sec. International Y. M. C. New York City RKV. SETH CLAYTON CRAIG Paslor, Charlton Street Memorial Church and the |{ro(mic Street Tabernacle New York City DR. HOMER I;AT0N Clergyman and Publishing Agent New York City 114 Empire State Notables .«* THE CLERGY REV. HARRY K. DEN LINGER New York City REV. .JAMES CHAMPLIN FERNALD Clergyman, Author, Editor, Funk & Wagnalls New York City REV. J. W. ASHTON Rector St. Stephen's Church Olean, N. Y. J. HARVIE DEW (Deceased) Christian Science Practitioner New Y'ork City Empire State Notables the clergy 115 Rev. GERARD BEN J. FLEET HALLOCK, D.D. Clergyman, Author, Pastor of Brick Church Rochester, N. Y. REV. L. W. BARNEY Sound Beach, Ccnn. HENRY E. HUBBARD Rector St. Paul's Church Waterloo, N. Y. Ri:V. C. A. HAMILTON I-"irst Rector St. Margare New York City 110 Empire State Notables the clergy REV. JOHN R. HENRY Clerg>-nian New York Citv REV. DR. M. HYAMSON New York City REV. GEO. H. TOOr >[atteawan, N. Y. REV. \VILLL\M KNIGHT McGOWN Clergyman, Rector Grace Emmanuel Church Since 1894, Assistant at Holy Trinity Church, Harlem, 1888, Rector of Emmanuel Church 1892-1894, Since Consolidated with Grace Emmanuel New York City Empire State Notables 117 THE CLEKGY REV. GEORGE LEWIS SHEARER Clergyman, Sec'y Emeritus American Tract Society, Chairman Ex. Com. Society for Providing Ev. Lit. for Rlind, V. P. Citizens' Eastside Improvement Association New York City REV. CHAS. STEDMAN MACFARLAND Secretary Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America 1912, Instructor Yale University 1899-1900, Clergyman, Author New York City REV. CHARLES J. RYDER, D. 1). Corresponding Sec'y American Missionary Association New York City Ri;v. (;eo. s. payson New York Cilv 118 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. PAUL MANSFIELD SPENCER New York City REV. THOMAS F. McGARE Haverstraw, N. Y. DR. HENRY ALLEN TUPPER Clergyman New York City REV. GEO. EDWIN WRIGHT New Y'ork City Empire State Notables 119 THE CLERGY REV. MERLE ST. CROIX WRIGHT Clergyman, Minister for 26 Years in Present and Only Church, The Lenox Ave. Unitarian New York Citv JAMES CAMERON MACKENZIE Educator, Clergyman Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. REV. FREDERICK F. SHANNON Preacher, Author, Lecturer, After- Dinner Speaker New York City ALRERT JAMES ROE, C. S. New York City 120 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. ALRERT CARRIER RUNX, M. D. Founder of the St. Peter's and Elizabeth Bunn Memorial Hospitals, Wuchang, China, Now Rector St. Mathews Church New York Citv REV. WALTER E. BENTLEY Rector, Church of Ascension New York City REV. DE WITT L. PELTON, Ph. D. Rector St. .lames Episcopal Church, Ford- ham, N. Y. C, Chaplain Eighth Coast Artillery District N. G. N. New York Citv Y. REV. .JOHN GREENWOOD RACCHUS, D. Rector Church of Incarnation Brooklyn, N. Y'. Empire State Notables 121 THE CLERGY WILLLS JUDSON BEECHER Clergyman, Theologian, Professor Hebrew Language & Literature, Auborn Tlieological Seminary 1871-1908, Resigned Auburn, N. Y. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Clergyman, Assistant Prof, and Librarian Auburn Theological Seminary Since 1907 Auburn, N. Y. CLAUDE M. SEVERANCE Clergyman, Missionary in Japan 1890-1895, Pastorates Cleveland, Baltimore and N. Y. City, General Secretary N. Y. Bible Society 1905-1907, Author, Lecturer Eld red, N. Y. EREDERIC ROWLAND MARVIN Congregational Clergyman and Author Albany, N. Y. 122 Empire State Notables THE CLERGY REV. CARL ZINSSMEISTER Missionary Superintendent Lutheran Church Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. ERNEST A. TAPPERT Pastor Washington Heights Evang. Luth. Church New York City HENRY LYMAN MOOREHOUSE Corresponding Secretary American Baptist Home Mission Society New York City REV. WILLIAM POPCKE Clergyman New York City Empire State Notables 123 THE CLERGY REV. LE^^TS E. CARTER, A. B. Pastor Fifth Ave. M. E. Church Since April, 1909 Troy, X. Y. REV. PLATT XOBLE CHASE, Ph. D. Methodist Episcopal Clergyman Since 1875, Member X. Y. Conf. M. E. Church Kingston, X. Y. REV. HOWARD BEX.IAMIX CROSE, D. D. Clergyman, Since January 1, 1 !K» I Editorial Secretary American Baptist Home Mission Society UostdU, Mass. DR. WALTER LAIDEAW^ Clergyman, Isl Pres. Moliawk and Hudson River Humane Soc. 1887-1892, Founder and Isl Pi-es. Evangelical Alliance, Watervliet, X. v., 1888-1890; Asst. Minister St. Xicholas Collegiate Reformed Church 1894-1895 Xew York Citv 124 Empire State Notables the clergy REV. JAMES HOLMES McGUIKNESS In Charge of Church at Arden, X. Y., on the Estate of E. H. Harriman Since 1895, Founder of the Parishes at Chester and Greenwood Lalce, X. Y. Chester, X. Y. REV. ELMER PLINY MILLER Clergyman, Secretary Albany Archdeaconary. Rector St. Luke's Church Catskill, X. Y. OBIDAH CYRUS AURIXGER Clergyman, Author, Pastor First Church, Forestport, X. Y., Since 1904 Forestport, X. Y. REV. JOSEPH XEWTOX HALLOCK Clergyman, Editor Xew York City Empire State Notables the clergy 125 LEON ADDISON HARVEY Minister Fourth Unitarian Church Brooklyn, N. Y. REV. WILLIAM NICHOLS DUNNELL Clergyman, President Clergymen's Mutual Insurance League Red Bank, N. J. REV. HENRY M. BROWN Clergyman New York Cily PROF. DR. CHARLES A. BRIGGS Clergyman, Educator, Author New York City 12(5 Empire State Notables .». — THE CLERGY REV. FREDERICK WILLIAM PALMER Pastor Central Presbyterian Church, Auburn, N. Y., Since 1893 Auburn, \. \. REV^ PELHAM ST. GEORGE RISSELL Assistant Grace Church, Van Vorst, Jersey City, N. J. Jersey City, X. J. REV. JOHN W. HUFF Pastor First Raptist Church, Waterford, Sec'y Waterford Chamber of Commerce, Mem. N. Y^. State Waterways Assn., Mem. Nat. Rivers and Harbors Cong., Mem. N. Y. State Rarge Canal Terminal Conference, etc. Waterford, N. Y. REV. FRANKLIN BOYD EDWARDS Clergyman, Was Assistant Pastor Tompkins Av. Cong'l Church and Now Pastor South Cong'l Church, B'klyn, X. \. Rrooklyn, X. Y. Empire State Notables the clerc.y 127 REV. RANDALL COOKE HALL General Theology Seminary, Assistant in Church of St. Mary the Virgin New Yorl: City REV. WILLIAM E. GRIFEIS Clergyman, Author, Lecturer, Organizer Public Schools in Japan 1870-74 Ithaca, N. Y. of REV. WIl.MAM HAYES WARD Associate Editor of The Independent 18()8-70, Since 1897 ICdilor New York City REV. .1. NEWTON PERKINS Rector Church of Reconciliation New York City 128 Empire State Notables the clergy REV. OSCAR McMURTIE VOORHEES, D. D. Pastor of the Mott Haven Reformed Church, Secretary of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa New York Citv REV. EDMUND SMITH MIDDLETON Clergyman, Teacher, Writer New Y'ork City REV. ARTHUR JUDSON BROWN Secretary Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions; N. \. C, Since 189.') New York City REV. EDWIN WHITTIER CASWELL Retired Clerg>man Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYERS 129 THOMAS McKLRATH DEBEVOISE Rounds, Hatch, Dillingham & Debevoise, Lawyers; Dir. Century Mortgage Co., Mark & Haniniacher Co. and The Debevoise Co. New York City HORACE EDWARD DEMING Lawyer, Was Mem. Sp'l Com. Municipal Reform Org'ns to Draft Proposed Changes in Const, of State of N. Y. Relating to Gov't of Cities and Counsel Senate Com. to Investigate Administ'n of Civil Law of State, 1894, etc. New Y'ork City GEORGE C. DE LACY Counsel I or-at-Law New York City GEORGE C. CASi; Attorney Brooklyn, N. Y. 130 Empire State Notables — ■*■ — LAWYERS J. EDGAR BELL Gifford & Bull, Patent Lawyers New York City GEORGE E. CRUSE Gifford & Bull, Patent Lawyers Xew Y'ork Citv H. B. DAVIS Lawyer, Director and Trustee in Six Realty Corporations, Expert in Real Estate Law New York City MILES M. DAWSON Counsellor-at-Law and Consulting Actuary New York City Empire State Notables 131 LAWYERS WILLIAM NELSON CROMWELL Sullivan & Cromwell, Lawyers New York City EDWARD RRUCE HILL Sullivan & Cromwell, Lawyers New York City FREDERIC RENE COUDERT Coudert Bros. Co., T>awyers New York Cily JAMES T. COOLEY Lawyer New York Cily 132 Empire State Notables LAWYERS FRANCIS COCHRANE Lawyer New York Cily EDWARD SEARS CLINCH Lawyer, Ex-Judge N. Y. Supreme Court. Counsel Am. Baptist Home Mission Soc. and Other National, State and City Organizations New York City ELMER ELLSWORTH COOLEY Bennet & Cooley, Counsellors-at-Law New York City BAINBRIDGE COLBY Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 133 R. FLOYD CLARKE Author and Counsellor-at-La\v, Corporation and International Practice New York City JOHN A. LOGAN CAMPBELL Attorney New York City LAI REN CARROLL Could & Wilkie, F^awvers; Mem. Hoard Aldermen Cily of N. Y. 1!>11-10 New York City ALEXANDER CAMERON Lawyer, Counsel N. Y. Telephone Co, New York Cily 134 Empire State Notables LAWYERS SILAS BROWX BROWXELL Brownell & Lathrop, Bio\\neU & Patterson, CounseIIors-at-La\v ; Secretary Bar Associa- tion of the City of Xe\\' York Xew York City JAMES P. CALLEXDER Lawyer, General Practice Xew York City WILLIAM A I.I.I N BUTLER Wallace, Butler & Brown, Lawyers; Ex-Pres. The Lawyers' Club New York City AXl)Ui:\\ BYRXi; Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables 135 LAWYERS PHILIP J. BRITT Lawyer, Assignee for Benefit of Creditors of Stock Excliange, Firm of N. B. Mack & Co. New York City WALTER J. BRIGGS Lawyer, Mgr. Dept. Foreign Law, Mingle & Wood New York City WILLIAM J. BROWN Counsellor-at-Law New York City WILLIAM JOSEPH FANNING Lawyer, General Practice New York City 136 Empire State Notaules LAWYERS ARTHUR VON BRIESEN Counsel lor-at-Law, Briesen & Knauth, Pres. Legal Aid Soc. and of National Alliance of Legal Aid Societies New York City HERMAN AUSTEN BRAND Lawyer, General Practice New York City JOHN A. BRANN Lawyer Npw York City CHARLES C. BRANCH Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 137 CHARLES ANDERSON BOSTON Lawyer New York City JOHN BOTTOMLEY Lawyer, Vice-Pres., General Mgr. and Sec'y Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of N. Y. New York City WILLIAM LAW BOWMAN Attorney, Civil Engineer, Author, Architec- tnr;il and Engineering Law New York Cily FRANK L. BOYNTON Lawyer New York City 138 Empire State LAWYERS JOHN A. BOLLES Finegan & Bolles, Lawyers New York City WILLIA^t BONDY Attorney-at-Law New Y'ork City LOUIS EDWIN BOMEISLER Lawyer New York City WILLIAM D. BOSLER Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables 139 LAWYERS LEONIDAS DENNIS Lawyer, General Counsel United States Fi- delity and Guaranty Company New York City JACQUES L. BOISSE Lawyer New York City •JOHN HAILE BOGARDUS Attorney and Counselior-at-Law New York City ABRAM JKSSI-: 1)ittenh()i;i-i:r Lawyer, Dittenhoeler, Gerbci- & .lames, Attorneys New York City 140 Empire State Notablfs LAWYERS GEORGE A. BLAUVELT Lawyer, General Practice, Two Terms As- sembly, One Term Senate New York City QLTNCY WARD BOESE Lawyer New Y'ork City WILLIAM ILVll.MU-N BLACK Lawyer, President Tlie Association for New York Lawyers, Former Commissioner "' Accounts of New York New York City of WILLIAM H. BLYMYER Counsellor-at- Law- New York City Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYERS 141 WILLIAM REYNOLDS BEGO La^^ycl■, Byrne & Cufclieon New York City B. H. INNES BROWN Lawyer, Byrne & Cuttheou New York City JOSEPH PONSFORD BICKERTON, Jl\. Lawyer, Author, Educator New York City CLARK BELL l.awyc)' and Writer on Legal Topics, Editor and PuJ)lisIier "Medico-Legal Journal" New York (^ity 142 Empire State Notables — .%, — . LAWYERS JOHN POMEROY BARTLETT Bartlett, Brownell & Mitchell, Lawyers, Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights New Yoik City CHARLES F. BALERDORF Lawyer, Dcyo & Bauerdorf New York City EDWARD STEVENS BEACH Lawyer New York City NEAL DOW BECKER Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 143 WENDELL PHILLIPS BARKER Lawyer jNew York City GERALD J. BARRY Lawyer New York City CHAULi:s A. I'.AH'i'CHER Lawyer, Editor, With Equitable Life Assur- ance Society of U. S. New York City MARSHALL A. BARNEY Lawyer, Pres. Anti-Aulo Tax Co., Pres. James Prior's Sons, Inc. New York City 144 Empire State Notables LAWYERS LEON ORLANDO BAILEY Counsellor-at-Law, Indiana State 1883-1889, Asst. U. S. Atty. 1887-188 Attorney General 1888-1892 New Y'ork City Senate ). Asst. JOSLl'll AKliLCKLE Counsellor-at-I-aw New York City EARL D. BABST General Counsel, National Biscuit Co. New York Cily HUBERT ASHLEY BANNING Patent and Corporation Attorney New York City Empire State Notables 145 LAWYEKS ELLERY O. ANDERSON Andeison, Iselin & Anderson, Lawyers New York City STEPHEN PHILBIN ANDERTON Lawyer, Beekman, Menden & Grisconi New York City I'RANCIS R. APPLirroN, JR. CoiinselJor-at-Law New York Cily .JOHN JOHNSON ALLEN Lawyer, Vice-President Ray Ridge Improvement Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. Park 146 Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYEKS FREDERICK LATHROP ALLEN Counsel lor-at-La\v, General Solicitor Mutual Life Insuiance Co. of New York New Y'ork City RICHARD B. ALDCROFT, JR. Lawyer, Mem. Bd. of Education of N. Y City 190.3 to 1912, Clubs, Manhattan and N. Y. County Lawyers Ass'n New Y'ork Citv PHILIP HENRY ADEE Lawyer, Adee & Connell New York City FREDERICK HOBBES ALLEN Allen & Cammann, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 147 JOHN WOODRUFF SIMPSON SJmpson, Thacher & Bartlett, Lawyers New York City THOMAS THACHER Simpson, Tliacher & Bartlett, Lawyers New York City PHILIP GOLDEN BARTLETT Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, Lawyers New York City JULIUS F. WORKUM Lawyer, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett New York City 148 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ALFRi:ii li. rilACHER, JR. Simpson, Tliachcr & Barllett, Lawyers New York City SENATOR HOWARD RANDOLPH RAYNE CounsclIor-at-Law. Chairni. Senate Judiciary Coniiniltee 1911-1912 New York c;ity GEORGE ZABRISKIE Zabriskic, Murray, Sage & Kerr, New York City Lawyers HENRY G. GRAY Zabriskic, ?»Iurray, Sage & Kerr, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables 149 LAWYERS GEORGE WILLIA>r ALGER Coiinselloi'-at-Law, Alger & Simpson New York City JOHN FRANCIS YA\VGE;R Counsellor-at-La\v New York City i'i;iER zi (;ki;r Coiiiiscllor-al-Law, Pres. Board of I'.diicMl i( CIpvpland 1887-1888 New York Cily CHRISTOPHER H. R. WOOOWARD Lawyer, Brewer, Vice-Pres., See'y and Dir. Clausen-l'Ianagan Brewing Co. New York City 150 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOHN R. LOCKE Lawyer New York City EDWARD BRKiHT WILSON Lawyer, Speaker of House, Tennessee Legislature 1901-1903 New York City AMOS EDWIN WOODRUFE Counselloi--at-Law, General Practice New York City, 1874 GIRARD SAMUEL WITTSON Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables — ■•• — - LAWYERS 151 ARTHUR KYLE WING Wing & Wing, Lawyers New York City GEORGE SHERMAN WING Wing & Wing, Lawyers New York City EDMOND ELI WISE Wise & Seligsberg, Lawyers New York City JOHN S. WISE, JR. J. S. & H. A. Wise, Lawyers New York Cily 152 Empire State Notables LAWYERS EVERETT PEPPERRELL WHEELER r.ouiisellor-at-Law, >reni. Roard of Educa- -1879, Ch. Civ. Serv. 1884-1889, 1895-1897 Xew York City Roard MORN AY WILLIAMS Lawyer, Chairman N. Y. State Child Labor Committee Xew York City LOUIS CHARLES WILLS Lawyer, Successor to Fisher & Voltz Rrooklyn, N. Y. WARNER W. WESTERVELT Law yer New York City Empire S tatk N ota b i. i: s 153 LAWYERS FREDERICK WALLIXGl'ORD WHITRIDGE r.awyer. Receiver Third Ave. Railwny Co. New York City RALPH ORVILLE WILLGUS Assoc, with Ex-.Tudsre Henry A. Gildersleeve in Practice New York City HENRY HA[.Si:V Lawyer New York City ADAM WIENER Lawyei-, Member of N. Y. Counly I.awyen Association New York C'itv 154 Empire State Notables • — ••. — . LAWYERS WILLIAM IVES WASHBURN- Lawyer, Corporation, Insurance, Religious Corporation Law New York City JOHN SEELY WARD Counsellor-at-Law Philanthropist, Vice-Pres. *A , •'"senile Asylum, Vice-Pres N Y ASS n for Improving the Condition of the Poor, Tieas. The Prison Ass'n of NY New York City JOHN R. WENTWORTH Lawyer New York City GEORGE NOYES WERSTER Gumming & Wehster, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables 155 LAWYERS ROBERT WILLLVM THOMPSON, JR. Thompson, Warren & Pelgram, Lawyers New York City MOSES ALLEN WARREN Thompson, Warren & Pelgram, Attorneys and Counsellors New York City TIIEODOHt'; I,i;LAM) WAl'dll Con rise li()i--at- Law New York City I 15ANK MALliY WELLS Couiisellor-al-Law, Wells & Moore New York City 156 Empire State Notables LAWYERS EUGENE VAN SCHAICK Van Schaick & Brice, Counsellors-at-La\v New York City HENRY MARION WARD Lawyer New York City K. RICHARD WALLA CH Lawyer New York Cily Law City CHARLES G. 1". WAHLE »yer. Appointed by Mayor McCleHan as ;" Magistrate of City of New York; Resigned 1908 New York City Empire State Notables 157 LAWYERS SAMUEL UNTERMYER Mcni. (nissciilicimcr, Unleimyer & iSIarsliall, Lawyers Now York CAly STEPHEN LOTr VANDERVEER Aron & Vanderveer, Lawyers New Y^ork City DAVID l',Ai;i INI' MICLK.K l>a\vyer, Gencial Practice New York City CALVIN D. VAN NAMEE Lawyer, Member of Assembly, Richmond Co., State of N. Y., Session of 1901 and 1914 New York City 158 Empire State Notables .«. — . LAWYERS CHARLES ARNETTE TOWNE Towne & Spellman, Lawyers; Ex- U. S. Senator and Member of Congress Minnesota and Ex-Member of Congress of New York New York City FRANK TRENHOLM Counsellor-at-Law New York City ABRAM S. UNDERHILL Lawyer New York City WILLIAM JAMES UNDERNVOOD Counsellor-at-Law, Estates and General Corporations, Director Several Corporations New York City Empire State 159 LAWYERS RICHARD T. GREENE Counsellor-at-Law, Greene, Hurd & Stowell New York City WILLIAM ST. JOHN TOZER Counsellor-at-Law New York City FRANCIS SAMUEL TURNER Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOHN NEWHOUSE TONNELE Counsellor-at-Law New York City 160 Empire State Notables LAWYEHS WILLIAM MITCHELL Mitchell & Mitchell, Counsel lors-at-Law New York City CORNELIUS VON ERDEN MITCHELL Counsellor-at-Law, Mitchell & Mitchell New York City WILLIAM MITCHELL VAN WINKLE Mitchell & Mitchell. Counsellors-at-Law New York City JAMES MAC GREGOR SMITH Lawyer and Legal Writer New Y'ork City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 161 J. CAMPBELL THOMPSON Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law New Yorl< City ALRERT HENRY WASHRURN Counsellor-at-Law, Comstock & Washburn New York City ROBERT W. TODD Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOSHUA HABERMAN Lawyer New York City 162 Empire State Notables LAWYEKS JOHN C. TEX EYCK Lawyer New York City ROBERT STEWART Lawyer Brooklyn, X. Y. LEVI S. TENNEY Lawyer New York City ROBERT THORNE Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables ••• — - LAWYERS 163 JOHN T. HETTRICK Lawyer New York City ROHERT (;oLi;.\IA\ TAYLOR Lawyer, M. A. .(Univ. Va.) 1884, (Univ. Va. 1886), Ass't Dist. Att'y N. Y. County 1902 New York City A^^■^ a. talrot Coiiuscllor-iit-Law New York Cily i'Ri-:i)eiu(:k chauncey tanner Lawyer, Woodford, Rovec and Rutcher, First Deputy Attorney General, N. Y. 1910 New Yoik City 164 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ALFRED HASTLNGS STRICKLAND Lawyer New York City FREDERICK ROTCH SWIFT Lawyer, Mem. Van Vorst, Marshall iV Smith Since 1912 New York City SAM L EL STARK Lawyer New York City HAROLD SWAIN Lawyer, Real Estate and General Practice New York City Empire State Notables 165 LAWYKHS BURNHAM COOS STICKNEY CounscUor-at-Law, Patent Piactid^ New York City DENIS ALOYSIUS SPELLISY Lawyer New York City Al'.NON LYON SQUIEHS Squiers & Lee, Lawyers New York City WILLARD GEORGE STANTON Coimsellor-at-Law New York City 166 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOHN COIT SPOONER Lawyer, U. S. Senator from Wisconsin 18S.->-1891, 18!)7-1()07 New York Citv LAFAYETri-: HOYT DE FRIESE Lawyer, Firm of Steel, de Friese & Steele, Int'l & Am. Litigation, Mem. The Am. Soc. of Lit'l Law, Union League Club of N. Y The Royal Soc. of Arts & Various Other Societies & Organizations London, Eng. HIRAM ROSWELL STEELE Lawyer, Trustee N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Mem. Law Firm Steele, de Friese & Steele New York City ARCHIHALl) EWINC; STEVENSON Lawyer, Graham & Stevenson New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 1G7 DONALD McLANE SOMERS Lawyer, Black, Varian, Bigelow & Soniers New York City ALFRED W. VARIAN Lawyer, Black, Varian, Bigelow & Somers New York City I' sim:iu Lawyer, Sen. Mem. Spclr & IJaillell New York City NATHAN II. Si:iI)MAN Law ye r Brooklyn, N. Y. 1G8 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ANDREW JACKSON SHIPMAN Lawyer, Blandy, Monncy & Shipman, Regent "' ^' of State of N. Y., Pres. Mohansic State Hospital New Yorls City of Univ. PHILEMON TECUMSEH SHERMAN Lawyer, Taft & Sherman, Alderman N Y City 1898-1900, Conim'r of Labor State of N. Y. 1905 New York City clar[-:nce ijishop smith Haight, Sandford & Smith, Attorneys for Hamburg-Am. Line and other S. S. Lines New York City ALBERT E. SEIBERT Seibert, Paddock & Cochran, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYERS 169 RALPH LANE SCOTT Counsellor in Patent Causes New York City RUFUS LEONARD SCOTT Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOSEPH A. SHAY Lawyer New York City OSCAR ROLAND SEITZ Lawyer, General Practice New York City 170 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOHN SAMMIS SEYMOUR Seymour, Seymour & Megrath, Patent and Corporation Law, U. S. Commissioner Patents, 1893-1897 New York City of WOOLSEY ADAMS SHEPARD Counsellor-at-Law, Benjamin, Shepard, Houghton & Taylor New York City .j» /*•■»> CHARLES H. SCHWARTZMAN Schwartzman & Schwartzman, Lawyers Brooklyn, N. Y. THEODORE L SCHWARTZMAN Schwartzman & Schwartzman, Lawyers Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire State Notables 171 LAWYERS EDWARD C. SCHIFFMACHER Coiinsellor-cit-Law, Waterway League, Greater New York and Long Island New York City GERALD G. SCHWARTZ Attorney-at-Law, General Practice New York City HON. MICHAEL SCHAAI' Law yer New York City RKN.TAMIN SCHARPS Sella rps & Scharps New York City 172 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOHN GODFREY SAXE Worcester, Williams & Saxe, Lawyers; Sen. 1911-1912, Author, Treatise on N. Y. Laws Relating to Elections New York City THORNDIKE SAUNDERS Lawyer Xew York Citv IGNATIUS A. SCANNELL Lawyer New York Glly ARTHUR LEONARD ROSENBERG Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables ■ — ••• — ■ LAWYERS 173 CHARLES EDWARD RUSHMORE Lawyer, Rushmore, Rlsbee & Stern New York City HENRY SALANT Lawyer and Ex-Senator, Elected State Sen. from 19th Sen. Dist. on Prog. Ticket 1912 New York City ADOLPH RL'GER Lawyer, Ruger Bros., Pres. and Di Thompson Ely Realty Co., etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. EDSON BURDETTE SAMMIS Lawyer New York City 174 Empire State Notables — .«• LAWYERS MICHAEL A. ROFRANO Attorney and CounseIli)i-at-Law, Comm'r of High^^ays New York City MERLE L ST. JOHN CounscIlor-at-La\v, Condemnation and Municipal Law New York City J. STEWART ROSS Lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. EMMANUEL A. EICHNER Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 175 GEORGE ROSS Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOHN EDWARD ROESER Lawyer New York City CLLNTON T. ROE Lawyer New York City GILREin i;. IIOE Lawyer, Genei-al Pi-aclise, Roe & McCombs New York City 170 Empiki-: State Notables LAWYERS NASH ROCKWOOD Rockwood & Haldane, Lawyers; Sai-atoga County Judge 1900-1913 New York City SETH B. ROBINSON Attorney New York City JAMES B. G. RINEHART Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOSEPH BANKS ROBERTS Lawyer, Merriman & Roberts New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — LAWYERS 177 ROYAL L. T. UK.GS Lawyer, Gannon, Seibert and Riggs New York City THEODORE M. RIEHLE Lawyer, Specializing in Insurance Law New York City C.EORGE G. REYNOLDS Lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES BRONSON REYNOLDS Lawyer, Chairman Citizens Union Exec've Com. 1897, Head Worker Univ. Settlement Soc. 1894, Ass't Dist. Att'y N. Y. Co. 1910-13 New York City 178 RMPiriE State Notables LAWYKHS RASTUS SENECA RANSOM Lawyer, Surrogate New York Co. 1888-1894 New Y'ork City DAVID MURRAY Lawyer Ringhamton, N. Y'. ISAAC R. REINHARDT Lawyer New York City HENRY T. RANDALL Counsellor-at-Law New Y'ork City Empire State Notables 179 LAWYERS MOSES TAYLOR PYNE Lawyer, Trustee New York City JOSEPH J. F. RAIMO Counsel lor-at-Law, Assoc, as Trial Counsel in Many Important Criminal Actions New York City THOMAS DANIEL RAMBAUT Lawyer New York City JOSIAII COLLINS PUMPELLY Lawyer, Retired New York City 180 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ADDISON STRONG PRATT Lawyer, Assist. U. S. Attorney for Southern District of New York 1909-1913 New York City RORERT KELLY PRENTICE Lawyer, W. P. & R. K. Prentice New York City JOHN H. POST Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOSEPH POTTS Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables 181 LAWYERS AUSTIN E. PRESSINGER Counsellor-at-Law New York City GILBERT P. BRUSH Pressinger & Newconibe, Lawyers New York City DAVID LOUIS l^ODLLL Counsellor-at-Law New York City ei)(;ar pitske Counsellor-at- Law- New York City 182 Empire State Notables LAWYERS WILLIAM (.inns im:(:kham Lawyer New York City BAYARD LIVINGSTON PECK Lawyer, Secretary and Treasurer Alloy Steel Forging Co. New York City EDGAR J. PHILLIPS Phillips & Avery, Lawyers New York City WILLIAM H. PEN DRY Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables 183 LAWYERS WILLARD SAULSBURY Lawyer, United States Senator 1911 Committee on Coast and Insular Survey Wilmington, Del. CHARLES THOMAS PAYNE Lawyer, Winthrop and Stimson New York City WILLIAM LACI<:Y PATE Counsellor-at-Law New York Cilv WILLIAM J. PATTERSON Lawyer, General Practice New York City 184 Empire State Notables LAWYKKS WILLIAM M. K. OLCOTT Lawyer, District Attorney New York County 1896-1898, Judge N. Y. City Court 1898-1899 New York City J. CULBERT PALMER Lindsay, Kalish & Palmer, Lawyers New^ York City ALBERT B. OYITT Lawyer, Assistant to the Corporation Counsel New York City WILLIAM H. PAGE Lawyer, Pres. New York Athletic Cluh New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 185 JACOB VAX VECHTEN OLCOTT Lawyer, Ex-Member of Congress New York City CHARLES A. OGREN Lawyer New York City DANIEL J. M. O'CALLAGHAN Lawyer, Member Political Liberty Society, Sec'y and Treas. of its National Committee New York City THOMAS O'CALLAGHAN Lawyer New York City 186 Empire State Notables — ••• — • LAWYERS HAMILTON ODELL Lawyer New York City HARRY D. NIMS Lawyer New York City HERBERT NOBLE Noble, Estabrook & McHarg, Lawyers New York City ELIOT NORTON Lawyer, Mem. Ass'n Bar City of N. Y. New York City Empire State Notables — •• — . LAWYERS 187 DE LANCY NICOLE Lawyer, Nicoll, Anable & Lindsay, Assistant District Attorney N. Y. County 1885-1888 New Y^ork City JOHN NICOLSON Lawyer New Yorli City WALTER 1'. MYKIJ Counsellor-at-Eaw, Ma naffer Palmer Estalc New York City Courllandt ELY NEUMAN Counsel lor-at-I^aw New York City 188 Empire State Notables LAWYERS APPLETON MORGAN, LL.D. Lawyer, President New York Shakespeare Society, Vice-Pres. General National Society War of 1812, etc. New York City WALDO GRANT MORSE Lawyer New York City ARCHIBALD GORDON MURRAY Lawyer, Member Ass'n Bar City of N. County Bar Ass'n, etc. New York City CHARLES FREDERICK MURPHY Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 189 (lEORGE MACCULLOCH MILLER Counsellor-at-Law (Retii-ed) New York City SEAMAN MILLER Counsellor-at-Law Now York City HELLMUTH MOERCHEN Counsellor-at-Law New York City ROBERT L. MOFFETT Lawyer, General Practice New York City 190 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ■■ -sft- i?-'-yv •■•■■lafer HENRY MELVILLE Lawyer, Pres. State Board of Managers of Reformatories since 1908. IMember of Board since 1902 New York City REUBEN LESLIE MAYNARD Counsellor-at-Law New York City ^VILLIAM HENRY MILHOLLAND Lawyer New York City ED^VARD BAGLEY MERRILL Lawyer and NN'riter, Librarian Bar Ass'n 1895-97, Author "Hints Upon Professional Etliics," etc., etc. New York City Empire State Notables 191 LAWYKHS ROBERT Mc. C. MARSH Counsellor-at-Law New York City HENRY HUBBELL MAN Lawyer, Man & Man Since 1892, President Thompson Power Co. New York City WILLLVM K. MAXWELr. Lawyer New York City Wn.LIAM J. MAHON Lawyer New York Cify 192 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JAMES F. McNABOE Lawyer New York City HAMILTON McINNES Counselloi-at-Law, Surrogates Court Practice New York City THOMAS P. McKENNA Counsellor-at-Law New York City EDWARD WARD McMAHON Lawyer, Pres. University Club of Brooklyn 1912-1914 New York City Empire State Notables — •e< — LAWYERS 193 FREDERICK TREVOR HILL Lawyer New York City JOSEPH McCLOSKEY Lawyer, Corporate Suretyship Expert New York City I'.OIil.m M. Met.or.NHCK Lawyer New York City MAURICE J. MCCARTHY Lawyer New York Cily 194 Empire State Notables LAWYERS HAROLD EDWARD LIPPIXCOTT Lawyer New Yorlj City LOUIS S. POSNER Dos Passes Brothers, Attorneys-at-Law New York City ARTHUR S. LOVELL Counsellor-at-Law New Yorlj City CHARLES W. LUCAS Lawyer New Yorls City Emi'iri: State Notables — .«. LAWYERS 195 CHARLES CLERC DEMING Counscllor-at-L;nv, Alexander & Green New York City ALLAN McCULLOH Lawyer, Alexander & Green New York Cily HORACE LONDON Lawyer New York City MONTE LONDON London & Davis, Lawyers New York City 190 Empire S tat e N o ta b l e s LAWYERS JOHN W. INGRAM Ingram, Root, Massey, Clark & Lowe, La^\yel■s New York City JOHN Z. LOWE liiyrani. Root, Massey, Clark & Lowe, Lawyers New York City TERRY PARKER Counsel lor-at-Law New York and New Jersey GEORGE THOMS Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables 197 LANVYEUS l-RANCIS LYNUE STETSON SIclsoii, Jciuiiiigs & Russoll, (j)mis('llors-;(l- New York T.ily iRi-:i)ERic B. ji-:nnin(;s Sldsoii, Jenniiiss & Russell, Couiiselloi-s- at-Law New Y'oi'l'; City (.iiAMi.i;s ii()\vt>ANi) iussi:ei, Stclsoii, .IcmiiiiKS & Russell, CouiisellDrs-al- Eaw New York Cily HENRY L. Sl'ISAdUi: Sletson, .lemiiiiHs & Russell, Counsellors- at-Eaw New York f'.lly 198 Empire State Notables LAWYERS CHARLES MacVEAGH Stelson, .Tfiinini^s * RnsspU, Counsellors-at- Law New Yoili City EDWARD R. GREENE Stetson, .Toniiiiigs & Russell, Counsellors- at-Law New York City ARTHUR GARFIELD HAYS Hays, Kaufman & Lindheim, Counsellois- at-Law New York City NORVIN R. LINDHEIM Hays, Kaufman & Lindheim, Counsellors- at-Law New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 190 JOSEPH CHARLES LEVI Real Estate and Equity Lawyer New York Citv FERDINAND R. MINRATH Lawyer, Hoadly, Lauterhach & Johnson New York City EDWARD LAUTERRACH Lawyer, Hoadly, Lauterhach & Johnson Lawyer New York City EUGENE TREADWELL Lawyer, Associated with Hoadly, Lauterhach & Johnson 189G-19i3 New York Cilv 200 Empire Stati: Notables - — .o>- — - LAWYKHS WILLIAM BURR HILL Lawyer New York City EDWARD LILIEN, Jur. Dr. Eoreign Law Expeit Xe\v Yoi 1: C.ily >r. HAROLD HOCHDORF Lawyer Ne\v Y'ork City LISTON Ll-.u.S LEWIS Lewis & Kelsey, Counscllors-:il-L:i\v New York City Empire State — ••• — LAWYEKS 201 ARTHUR K. KUHX International Lawyer, Author and Lecturer New York City FELLX H. LEVY Lawyer, Mem. Congress, Spec. Counsel to U. S. Dept. of Justice & Spec. Ass't to U. S. Att'y Gen. in Prosecution, of Tobacco Trust 190.^-07 Under Pres. Roosevelt's Adniinisfn Xew York City RALi'ii .JOHN leii'.i;m)i:i!I'i:r Counsel lor-a I- Law New York City MALiiici: i.i:i)N Lawyer, Wrilei- New York City 202 E ISr V I H E S TAT E N T A BEES ••• LAWYERS MAX JAMES KOHLEU Counsellor-at-Law, Trustee Baron de Hiisch Fund Xew York City GORDON S. P. KLEEBERG Myers & Goldsmith, Counsellors-at-Law Xew York City ARMIN KOHN Counsellor-at-Law New York City SAMUEL KORNBLUTH Lawyer New Y'orli City Empire State Notables 203 LAWYERS HENHY F. J. KNOBLOCH Lawyc'i-, I'lesident Coppermines Co. Npw York City EDWARD R. FINCH Finch & Coleman, Lawyers New York City c. 1:0 1>, (■.!•: ali:\am)i:r macdonald Lawyer. Capitalist. Aiillior New York City UICIIAIU) JAMES LEWIS Lawyer New York City 2U{ Empire State Notables LAWYERS HOWARD THAYER KL\(;SBLRY Lawyer, Associated with Lee & Lee 1893- 1900, since then with Coudert Bros. Xew Y'ork Cily MITCHEL KIRTLANI) Counselior-at-Law New York City CHARLES G. LOSS Thompson, Koss & Warren, Counsellois-at- Law Xew York City CHES'll.H H. I. AXE Counsellor-at-La\v Xew York Cily Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYERS 205 GENERAL HORATIO COLLINS KING Counsellor-at-Law Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVID DENNETT KING Counsellor-at-Law New York City l)ANIi:i, TO.MLINSON KLMISALL Lawyer Now York City 1:D\\I\ I>. KlLROi:, LL. H., I'n. D. Liiw.vcr, Allilcic, LecliiiTr, Author of "IIisl( of Tammany Hall" New York City 20G Empire State Notables LAWYEHS CAMILLUS G. KIUUER KiddcT, Ayres & Riggs, Lawyers New York City MESSMORE KENDALL Kendall & Herzog, Lawyers; Pres. Los Olnias Estate New Y'ork City BRANCH PRICE KERI-OOT Lawyer, Counsel United States Express Co, New York City SAMUEL KHEEL Kheel & Orenstein, Lawyers Brooklyn, N. Y. RMPinn State Notables 207 LAWYERS FREDERICK T. KELSEY Lewis & Kelsey, CounseIlors-at-La\v New York; City JOSEPH I). KELLY Lawyer, General Practice, Rep. in Legislature 12th District of New York New York City JA.Mi:s ALLISON KIOLLY Lawyer New York Clly EDWARD .1I:1U:M1A11 KELLY Lawyer and l^lucator New York City 208 Empire State Xotafjles LAWYERS ATHER LAFLIN KELLOdC Kelloge & Rose, Lawyers New York City EDWARD KAUFMANX Lawyer, Tax Commissioner, Ex-County Clerk of Kings County New York Citv ROBERT C. KEARNEY Lawyer New York City WILLIAM KARLIN Lawyer New York City K M 1 ' I lu: S r AT e No r\ urns 20!) LAWYERS HENRY WYNANS JESSUP La\\vei-, Author of Surrogates Court Piactice, Three Editions New York City AXEL JOSEPHSSON Lawyer, General Counsel Swedish Chamber of Commerce of New York New York City HDhNAKI) ISUAl'.L KAMJ:N Lawyer New York Cily DAVID \V. KAHN Counsellor-at-Law Nuw York City 210 E:mpire State Notables LAWYEKS ADRIAN HOFFMAN .lOLINE Joliiie, Larkin & Ralhbone, Lawyers New York City ADRIAN H LARKIN Joline, Larkin & Rathbone, Counsellors-al- Law New York City CLARK L. JORDAN Lawyer New YoiK City PAUL JONES, JR. Attorney and Connsellor-at-Law, Practice New York City General Empire State Notables 211 LAWYEHS WILLIAM TRAVERS JEROME Lawyer, District Atlorney for County New York 1001-1000 New York Cily RALPH JONAS of Lawyer, Jonas, Lazansky & Neuburger, V. P. and Dir. Tower Manvifactiuing & Novelty Co. New York City i:i)\VAI'.l) A. JOHNSON CoiMiscllor-al-Law, I'ornierly Dean of Sliaw University, Law Department New York City THOMAS JONES JOHNSTON Lawyer New York City Hmi'ihi: S iath Nojaui.ks .«. — LAWYKHS ARTHUR R. HYMAX I'liskiis, Cohen & Gordon, Lawyers New York City RAYMOND VAIL INC.ICRSOLL Lawyer, Member Rrooklyn Ciiiild Ass'n, elc. New York City ALFRED C. INIKMANN Lawyer, General Praetiee New York City R0I5LRT D. IRELAND Lawyer New York City Empire State Notahles 21: LANYYEHS CHARUKS J5ULKLEY HUBBELL Lawyer New Yoi'k r.ilv JOHN \V. HUTCHINSON, JK. La\^yer, Ass't Corporation Counsel 1902-1904, Chairman ol" the Speakers Bureau of th(' Republican National and State Conuuittee New York Citv RANDOLPH HlRIiV Lawyer New York <^iU' M.OX III UNI':!'., M. A., LL. Lawyer. Aiilhor ol' Niinieious Arlieles on Lileraiy and Hislorical Siiji.jccls New York Cily 214 Empire State Notables LAWYERS \V. HENBY HCnT r,ounsellor-at-I>aw Xew York City STEPHEN >t. HOYE Counsellor-at-La\v Xew York City HORACE H. \U)\\\> Counsel lor-at-Law New Y'ork City R. R. HOWARD Lawyer New York City Empire State Notaules LAWYERS 215 1-RIEND HOAR Attorncy-at-Law, Generiil Practice New Y01I5: City J. ASPINWALL HODGE Lawyer, Corporate Law and General Practice New York City JA15ISH HOLMES Pixon & Holmes, Lawyers New YorK City JACOli L. IIOI/rZMANN Law & Holtzniann, Lawyers New York Cily R M l> I H !•: S TA TK N OTA 15 LE S LAWYEUS PAUL DRENNAN C.RAVATH Cinvjilh ct Henderson, Lawyers New York Cily HOYT AUGUSTUS MOORE Cravath & Henderson, Lawyers New York City ROBERT H. NEILSON Cravalh & Henderson, Lawyers New Yoik City THO.MAS A. HIE Counsellor in Patent Causes New York C.ity Empire State Notables LAWYERS 217 ALVLN McCASLIN HIGGLNS Counsel lor-at-Law New York Cily JAMES B. HENNEY Attorney New York Cily JAMES WILI-LVM IIA\Vi:S Lawyer New YoiU City IHANK CASE HAYl)i:X Lawyer New York Cily 218 EMiMHii Stati: Notables LAWYERS C. AUGUSTUS HAVILAND Attorney-at-La\v, Poet, Author Brooklyn, X. Y. J. ARD HAUGHWOUT Esselstyn & Haughwout, Lawyers New Y'ork City JACOB AY. HARTMAN Counsel lor-at-Law Xew Y'oiK City E. G. HAY Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 219 HOWARD SAWY1-:U HARRIXCTON ir:iirington, ISishani & Englar, Lawycis New York City si!)m:v nAUHis Lawyer, General Praclice New York City Il:ii|)ir iV Clciiiculs, ( .(Hiiiscl lors-al-Luw New Yoik Cily HENRY HART.MANN (■.(iiinsclloi-al-Law, (■.()inniaiul( r-iii-Cliicr Uiiilcd Roys Rrifiadcs of Anicrica New York Cily 220 Empire State Notables LAWYERS MOXT(;()\EUY HARE Counsellor-at-La\v Mew York City HENRY BULL HAMMOND Lawyer Xe\v Y'ork City lOHN J. HALLIGAN Lawyer New Y'orls City BRADOIN MAMILIDN LawMT. Pres. Ten Years Kiiii'keiinH'kci- Riding C.liil) New Y'ork City Em p IRK StatI': Notm-.i^is LAWYERS 221 FRANCIS D. HAINES Counsel lor-at- Law New Yoivk City J. FRED CRYER Counsellor-at-Law New York City, Anlli liiioii I.S'.IC, I I'.OI.ION IIAI.I. iir, 'rrcasinci- I, ndiider and V. Rcl'orni Ass'n New York Cilv COL. in;;sli( I'., N. Ulll s Tax RORinrr ,t Lawyer New YoiU Cily HAM 222 E M I • I H i: S lA'l- K N () TA I ! L E S LAWYERS MOSKS U. (iROSSMAX House, Grossman & Vorhaus, Lawyers New York Dilv Lulls j. vorhaus House, Grossman & Vorhaus, Lawyers New York City HARRY G. KOSCH House, Grossman & Vorhaus, Lawyers New Yoik City ALlIU'l) .1. WOLFF House, Grossman & Vorliaus, Lawyers New York Citv EMPinr. State Notables — .«. — LAWYERS 223 WILLIAM DAMERON GUTHRIE Guthrie, Bangs & Van Sinderen, Lawyer, Writer New York City AN rOMO (.. (iOXZALEZ Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, Member Columbian Celebration Comm. 1892, Pres. Spanish-Anu'i-ican Benevolent Soc. 1897 New York City GEORGE GRU Attorney New York City ALBERT RICHARD HAGER Counsellor-ul-Law New York Cily OO ( Kmimhe Statk N0TAr.LE<; — ••« — - LAWYERS EDWARD >r. GROLT Lawyer, Ex-Comptroller City of Ne\v York, Judge Advocate and Major, 2nd Brigade N. G. S., N. Y. 1894-1904 Xew York City MORRIS (IROSSMAN Counsel lor-at-Law, Social Worker New York City JAMES SANDFORD GREVES Lawyer New York City ABRAHAM S. GOLD Lawyer New York City Empirk State Notables 225 LAWYERS GEORGE C. GOEREL Lawyer New York Citv TARLETON GOLDWAITE Lawyer New York City GUY WOOD GORDON Lawyer New York C.ily WILLIAM S. GOHDON Lawyer New Yoik Cily 220 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOHN BROOKS LEAVITT, LL. D. Advocate New York City STUART G. GIBBONEY Lawyer New York City FREDERICK W. GARVIN Lawyer, Palmer & Series New York Cily JOHN GERDES Lawyer, Lecturer N. Y. University, Pres. Progressive Club, Kings County New York City Empire State Notaules — .«. — LAWYERS 227 EUGENE DEXTER HAWKINS Lawyer, Hawkins, Dclafield & Longfellow New York City FREDERICK P. DELAFIELD Lawyer, Hawkins, Delafiekl & Longfellow New York Clly Li;\VIS L. JJELAl IIJJ) Lawyer, Hawkins, Delafleld & Longfellow New York Cily FREDERICK W. LONGFELLOW Lawyer, Hawkins, Delafleld & Longfellow New York City 228 K M I' 1 H E S TAT E N O TA 15 L E S ••• LAWYERS PHILIP K. WALCOTT .awyer, Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow New York Cily ALFRED GREGORY Lawyer, Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow New Y'ork Cily FERDINAND IRVING HABER Lawyer New York City CHARLES H. GRIFFITH Counsellor-at-Law, Assistant U. S. Attorney New Y'ork City Empire State Notables 229 LAWYERS COL. HliNRY \V. SACKLTT Lawyer, Sackott, (;iiapnuiu & Stevens, Lawyers; Sec. Hudson I'liltoii Celel)i ation. Trustee (>ornell University New York City WILLIAM I' CHAIRMAN, .Hi. SaekeK, Cliapnian & Stevens, Lawyers New Yoi'k City •:iJ\V. LIVINdSTON STLVKNS Sackett, (Chapman & Stevens, Lawyers New York Cilv WILLIAM M. I5F.NNr.TT Lawyer New York Clly 230 Empire State Notables LANVYKRS CAESAR B. F. BARRA Attorney and Coiinsellor-at-La\v New York City ANTUMO C. ASTARITA Lawyer, Trustee Italian Savings Bank New York City JAMES AMBROSE FARRELL Lawyer, Secretary Phi Gnninia Delta Club New York City MEYER B. CUSHNER Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 231 MORRIS DOUW FERRIS Attorney, Hunt, Hill & Belts New York City STARK B. FERRISS Counsellor-at-La\v, Ferris & Storck New York City CLARENCE C. FERRIS, A. I',., I.l>. 1). Lawyer, President Spuyten Diivvil Real Estate Co. New York City SAMLEL I. Il-:R(iUS()N Counsellor-a I- Law- New York City 232 Empire State XoTArjLEs — ••.. — . LAWYEHS COL. ALEX. ROBT. 1-ORDYCE, JR. Counsellor-at-Law, Assistant Quarter Master General State of New Jersey, Member N. J. Mate (.ivil Service Commission New York Citv 1912-1916 CHARLES LEONARD FOSTER Lawyer New York Citv LOUIS HLRBEIVJ- I RKEDMAN ■loline, Larkin & Rathbone, Lawyeis New York City MORTON LAZELL FEAREY Riirlingham, Montgomery & Reecher, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 233 AUSTLX BARCLAY FLETCHER Counsellor-at-Law New York City ASH BEL PARMELEE PITCH Moll & Grant, Lawyers New York City ni:\liV RAYMOND I-IU)ST Lawyer New York Cily ARTHUR S. FRIEND Lawyer, Wise and Lichtenslein New York City 234 Empire State Notables LAWYERS ABRAM L ELKUS LaNvyer, Author, Regent of the University of the State of New York ABRAHAM COHEN Lawyer New York City New York City LEO FASSLER Counsel lor-at-Law New York City \V HASTINGS SWENARTON Patent and Corporation Law, Ex-Examiner U. S. Patent OfTice New York City Empire State Notables 235 LAWYERS ROBERT EMMETT FARLEY Lawyer, Banker, Pres. Gramatan Nat. Bank, Bronxville; Pres. Scarsdale Est., Gedney Farm Co., Sen. Mem. Farley & Rumsey, Lawyers White Plains, N. Y. BENJAMIN LEWIS FAIRCHILD Counsellor-at-Law, Member of Congress U. 1895-1898 New York City WIIJ.IA.M S. EVANS Almy, Van Gordon, Evans & Kelly, Altorneys-at-Law New York City CHARLES ,L 1-AV Wliile & Case, Lawyers New York City 236 Empire State Notables LAWYERS HENRY ESCHER, JR. Lawyer, Mem. Firm Esther & Fox appointed Vice-Consul of New Y'ork New York City until Switzerlaiul in SAMUEL 0\VEN EDMONDS r.ounsellor-at-Law, Patent Causes New York City WILBUR F. EARP Attorney-at-Law New Yoili City GEORCE \VILLIAM EASTMAN Eastman & L.astman, Lawyers New York City Empire State Notables — ••• LAWYERS 237 JOHN R. DOS PASSOS Lawyer, Specialty of Law of Corporalions and Slock Exchange Brokers Practice, etc. New York Citv JOHN P. DUNN Lawyer New York City RICHAlii/ .1. I>(»VLI', Counsel lor-a I- La vv New York City CORNELIUS J. EARLY Lawyer New York City 238 Emi'ire State Notables — .«< — ■ LAWYliKS WALTER S. DOENNBERG Lawyer New York City VINCENT P. DONIHEE Counsellor-at-Law New York City JOHN E. DONNELLY Counsellor-at-Law New York City ABRAHAM L. DORIS Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 239 LOUIS FREDERIC DOUD Rosendale & Dodd, Lawyers New York City HENRY HOPPER BOWMAN Smith & Bowman, Counsellors-at-Law New Yort City KINAHAN CORNWALLIS Lawyer, Editor New York City BRUCE W. BELMORE Lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. 240 Empire State No tables — ••• — - LAWYERS THOS. ALFRED STODDART Stoddart & Barnes, Lawyers New York City BENJAMIN HOFFMAN Lawyer New York City CHARLES A. STRAUSS Strouse and Strauss, Attorneys aiid Coun- sellors-at-Law, Member National Dem. Lluli New YorU City SIDNEY HI-.NRY AARONS Allorney and Counsellor-at-Law New York Cily Empirk State Notables — .«. — LA\VVi:iiS 211 MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT Lawyer, General Solicitor Standard Oil Co. of \ew Jersey New York City WALTER L. McCORKLE Counsellor-at-Law, Pres. & Dir. Tobacco Leaf Pub. Co., Sec'y & Dir. Am. Typewriter Co. New York City |'Ri:i)i;mi(;k h. denman Lawyer, President and Director Associated (Collection Co. of New York New York Cily .JUDGE AI/rON RROOKS PARKER Lawyer, Api>()inled hv Gov. Hill 1885 .Tustice of Sup. C.ourl of \. Y. to I'ill Vac'y, Elected 1.) iMill Terni NVitliout Opp'n 188(1, Apptd. to S(e. Div. CM ot Appeals 1889, El'd 1897 Chief Judge C't of Appeals of N. Y., Res'd 190J New York City 242 Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYERS EDWARD PAYSOX WHITE Lawyer Ruffalo, N. Y. LEWIS E. MOSHER Lawyer, General Practice Elmira, N'. Y. ROBERT W. FISHER Lawyer Mechanicsville, N. Y. DILLON WALLACE Lawyer, Author Matteawan, N. Y. r". M I ' I R E S r A r E No TA ! j l e s LAWYEHS 243 WAYLAND F. FORD Attorney, Senior Member Firm Ford Si. Ford La Fnrgcvillc, N. Y. HENRY IvLEIN Lawyer Kingston, N. Y. WILLIAM I). l)lUNMi:i5 T^awycr Kingston, N. Y. M. T. SCANLON Lawyer Malone, N. Y. 14 Empihk State Notables — •■ — LAWYERS WALTER H. EDSON Attorney-at-La\v Falconer, N. Y. FREDERICK J. COLLIER Lawyer Hudson, N. Y. J. SHELDON FOSDICK Lawyer Jamaica, N. Y. HON. GEO. W. DRISCOLL Lawyer Syracuse, N. Y. Empire State Notables 245 LAWYERS \\M. MORGAN LEE Counsellor-at-Lav Poiighkeepsie, X. Y. FRANK COOPER Lawyer Schenectady, N. Y. LESLIi: M. SAUNDERS Lawyer St. Regis Falls, N. Y. .Il'DSON LANDON Law yer Schenectady, N. Y. 240 Empire State Notables , — ••• — LAWYERS FREDERICK W. SHERMAN Ea\\ yer Portihester, N. Y. E. F. liOTSFORD Lawyer Plattsburgh, N. Y. EARL S. WARNER Lawyer Phelps, N. Y. S. S. PARTRIDGE Lawyer Phelps, N. Y. Empire State Notables — ••• — LAWYEKS 247 CAPTAIN DANA L. JEWELL Captain 3rd New York Infantry, Lawyer Olean, N. Y. FRANK H. DALEY Lawyer Peekskill, N. Y. CHARLES W. KIM MALL Lawyer Penn Yan, X. Y. DENNIS R. LLCEY Lawyer Ogdensburg, N. Y. 248 E :M V I H E S TAT E N O TA B L E S LAWYERS JAMES P. HILL District Attorney of Chenango County, Attorney-nt-Law Norwich, X. Y. HON. EUGENE CLINTON Attorney and Counsellor Norwich, X. Y. NELSON P. BONNEY Attorney and Counsellor Xorwich, X. Y. RONVLAXD MILES Lawyer Xorthport. X. Y. Empire State Notables _ — .#. — . LAWYERS 24"J GEX. EDWARD l-F.ANC. JONES Scnle Manufacturer, Lieutenant-Governor o[ New York 1886-1891 Binghamton, N. Y. MORRIS COHN, JR. Lawyer Niagara Falls, X. \. (■.HAS. F. TAHOPv iV; W'ilkie, Attorneys and Counsellors- at-Lav RulTalo. \. Y. J. L. AHERN Attorney and Counsellors-at-Lnw Buffalo, N, Y, 250 Empire State Notables LAWYERS E. C. MOODY Lawyer Binghamton, X. Y. ROLLIN W. MEEKER Lawyer Binghamton, N. Y. WM. H. SEWARD Banker, Lawyer, Brigadier General U. S. Volunteers Auburn, N. Y. HOWARD PUTMAX Lawyer Amsterdam, X. Y. Empire State Notables 251 LAWYKHS TREDERICK EUGENE WADHAMS Lawyer, Secretary New Yoik Bar Association Since 1899 Albany, N. Y. EDWARD W. RANKIN Lawyer Albany, N. Y. piiilani)i:k demino Reporter, Aiillior, Lawyer Albany, N. V. I'Hi;i)l-:itl(.lv \V. CAMERON Lawyer, Director JMrst National Rank of Albany, Truslee Cliambei- of Commerce Albany, N. Y. 2o2 Empire State Notables LAWYERS I'RANK WHITE. :\r. A. Lawyer Author of "White on Corporations " I-ormer First Deputy Attorney General, NY Lecturer on Corporation Law New York Citv ROirr. KELSEY WALTON Counsellor-at-Law, Parker, Davis, Wagner and Walton, New York Citv HENRY SAYRE VAN DUZER Lawyer Judge, Advocate, President The Holland Society of N. Y. 1909-1910 First Brigade, N. G. N. Y. 1889-1898 New York Citv JACOB halsti:ai) Lawyer, Director First National Hank of .Mamaroneck, Director Halstead Land and Development Co. New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 253 BERNARD HAHX Lawyer, Adams & Hahn, >[ember of the r.itizpiis' Municipal Com. ol' 107, Member of Local School Board of the C.ity of New York New York City PHANOR J. EDER T^awyer, Makes Specialty Spanish-American Law, Vice-Consul of Columbia in New York City Since 100). Pir. ITnited Export Co., etc. New York Cily DANIEL J. DOWLING Lawyer New York Cily CHAULF.S r. COWICNHOVEN, JR. Lawyer New York City 251 Empire State Notables LAWYERS EDWARD L. COLLIER Lawyer New York City WALTER H. BOND Lawyer New Yoili City JOHN WOODWARD BRAINSBY Lawyer, Copyright and Trade Marks New York City JEl'lLUSON (.LARK Lawyer New York City Em PI HE State Notarles LAWYERS, ETC. 255 EDGAR D. SEBRIXG Howard & Sebring, Attorneys and Counsellors Waverly, N. Y. FRED. H. RHODES New York and New .Jersey State Manager, Berkshire Life Insurance Co. of Mass. New York City I'. .n:i'Fi:iu' Alliance House, Head of Missionary Home in Eiglilh Avenue New York Cily DANIEL SMILEY Proprietor of Lake Mohawk Mountain House Mohawk Lake, N. Y. 25 G Empire State Notables LAWYERS, ETC ERANK L. MEAGHER Captain Co. "M", HOth Infantry, N. Y. N. C. Kingston, N. Y. DAVID JUDSON NEWLAND Lawyer, President American Blind Stitoh Machine Co. New YorU City WATSON LAMONT Atlorney and Counsellor-at-Law Coblesltlll. N. Y. RUSSELL WIGGINS Lawyer Middletown, N. Y. Empire State Notables — .«. — LAWYERS 257 BEHXARD ROBINSON Robinson & Laiiber, Lawyers New York City JOSEPH E. LAUBER Roljinson & Lauber, Lawyers New York City (;i;oRGE WOOD \vlnc;at1': I.MW^cr, Author, Senioi- Member Law Wingate & Ciilleii New York City .lOlIN I)i: WITT WARNER Lawyei-, Publicisl, Mem. Law Firm Warner, Wells A- Koil) Since 1005, Editor Ithaca Daily Leader LS71, Mem. ri2d Congress from 11 Ih N. Y. District and of r>.3d Congress 13th N. Y. District New York City i58 E M P I R li S TAT E No T A B L E S LAWYERS MICHAEL FURST Lawyer, Asst. Corporation Counsel 1894-1808 Brooklyn. X. V. DANIEL PEIXOriO HAYS Hays, Hcrshfield & WolC, Counsellors-at-Law New York City SAMUEL BELL THOMAS Lawyer, Leader in Reform Movements New York Cily LEONARD Cr. ROBINSON La%\ver, Social NVorker, General Manager The 'Jew Ish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society New York City Em 1' I hi; S ia ri; Noiaijlks LAWYERS 25!) CHARLES HERBERT STODDARD Counsel lor-al-I-iiw New York Cily ARTHIR r.. LIVERMORE L;i\\ yer New Y(hI< Cily ELY r()si;nri:r(i Lawyer New York Cily A. WELLES STUi>H' Lawyer New York Cily 200 K.Mi'iHK Statk Not.\i;i.i:s LAWYKRS IREDERICK WARD CATLIX ('■(■iicial Counsel Occiiii Ai-cident & ('■iisiraiilcf (■.Dipuraliim, I>f(].. V. S. Consul CciktuI, :\Iiiiiich, I'.;iv:ui;i, 1.S0(I-1.S'.)I New YoiL: r.ilv HOWARD CLARENCE LAKE Lawyer, Api)oiiilc(l l)y Chas. S. ^Vllilnlan i)('piily Assistant District Attorney Now York City HENRY MYERS RELLINGER, JR. Counsellor-at-Law New Yorls City ERANlv .1. RINALDl Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State 261 i.a\vyi:hs THOMAS TOWNSENl) SHERMAN Coiinsollor-at-I^aw, Evtuts, Clionic & Sherman Xcw York City r.RADlOKD ARTHIK BULLOCK Law yer Xp\\ York City ALIvVANDEll CL'MMING,, A.M., I"ii.l). Coiinscllor-at-Law, I-pctiircr and Aiilliof, I'icsidcnt InivfTsily I'oriini ol' Anunica New York Cily WILLIAM I;AULE LOW THEIi Lawyer New York Cily 262 Empire State Notables LAWYERS WILSON BRICE Van Shaick & Rrice, Lawypis New Yorh; City WILLIAM HEPBURN RUSSELL Lawyer, President Boston National League Baseball Co. New York City WILLIAM THOMAS TOMLINSON Lawyer, Smith and Tomlinson New York City CHARLES W. G. BAITER Counsel lor-at-Law New Y'ork City Empire St\te 26^ LAWYERS THOMAS W. CHURCHILL Lawyer, Presidenl Uoaid of Education City f)f New York New YorK City WILLIAM MERRIAM CHADBOURNE Lawyer, Chairman Law Committee, N. County Progressive Committee New York City CAPTAIN WILLIAM .1. C. BERRY Lawyer, Librarian and .Iiidfif, Advocate Guard, Balallion of New York New York City Old HARRY EDWARDS Lawyer, General Practice New York City 264 Empire State Notables i..\\VYi:i{s .70H\.S.1'(JN iJi.i OllEST I.awyei-, Memljer Law Firm DeForest Bros. Xew Yoi-k City ARCHIBALD COX Lawyei-. Trademarks, Unfair Competitions, Patents and Analageous Cases Xcw York City CHARLES UNAXGST Counsellor-at-La\v New York Citv HARRY JUDSON SHAW Lawyer, ^fember Law Firm Patterson A Shaw Until March, 1907, Then Became Assoc. With A. H. Bickmore & Co., Bankers New York City Empire State Notables 205 LAWYEUS AARON J. COLNON Assistant District Attorney (1911 — ) Xe^v Yorlx City SAMUEL THORXE Lawyer, Asst. District Attorney 1901-190: New York City COL. J. F. MILLIKEN I-a\\yer, Elecled Col. 5111 ReRiment Pennsylvania 1874 New York C.ily N. C. o( \ViNTi:R RUSSELL Lawyer, Leclurer, Anthor, Nat. Chairman, Speakers lUireau Woodrow Wilson ColL Men's League New York City 5GG Empire State Xotap.les — .«. — lawyf:rs CHARLES C. RURLINGHAM Lawyer Xew Yoik Citv IRANK -MUSS, L.L. D. Laxyyei-, Counsel Lexow Committee 1894, lolice Commissioner 18i»7-1898, Counsel Maze! Committee 1899, Assistant District Attorney 1910-1914, Member Firm Moss Laimbeer, Marcus & Wels New York City FRANCIS E. LAIMBEER Lawyer, Member of Assembly 1895-1898, Moss, Laimbeer, Marcus & Wels New York City ISIUOR WELS Lawyer, Member Firm of Moss, Laimbeei Marcus & Wels New York City Empire S jat e N o ta n l e s 2G7 LAWYERS CHARLES R. HORRS CounscIlor-at-Law, Gifford, Hohbs & Rc:ir( New YorK City ALFRED P. \V. SEAMAN r.awyci-. Justice, President of the Roard of Assessors, New York City, P^iim of Gifford, Hobhs & Reard New York City G. MURRAY TIULRi:in' Pierce, Iiull)ert iV: Hopkins, l>a\vyers New Yorl< Cily ISAAC XATHAX JACORSON Lawyer, May ct .laeoljson. General Practice New York City 268 Em p IRK State Notables — .*. — - LAW vi:iis CHARLES COLEMAN XADAL Lnwvf'i-, XadaL Jones & Mo^\ Ion Xew York City EDWIN A. JONES Lawyer, XadaL Jones & Mowton Xew York City CLAREXCE MUXSON RLSHXELL Lawyer, Rushnell, Dolson & Kent, Attorneys Boston, Mass. JOHN BETHELL UHLE I-aw yer Yonkers, N. Y. E^iiMiu- State Notables — ■•• — LAWYERS 269 THICODORE T. LANE Lawyer, Secrelary, Treasurer and Director Mai-iiK! Const. Co. New Yor]< Cil>' EUGENE PRAYER Lawyer, Prayer & Alden New York City M'Ol'Ol.l) i,i;vv Lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. I'RANCIS KIMBALL Alloniey and Counsellor, Consultation Clerk Appellate Division Supreme Court, 3rd Dept. Albany, N. Y. 270 E M 1* 1 H I-: S lAT I-: N o r.\ u 1. 1: s - — .«. — - LAWYERS charlks is. eddy [.jiwycr, Member l-"inii Simpson, 'I'IkuIut it r.MilIelt New< Cilv i/.l(.llAUI) AMASA ANGELL Aiij^ell & Viiienliiip, T-;i\vyers \e\v Y'ork Cilv i:i)C.AU ABEL TURREl.L Law yer New Yorli Cily .lAMES ANTHONY TLRLEY Counselloi-at-Law, President Xavier A. A. New Y'ork City E M V 1 1{ I-: S TAT H N O TA 15 I . K S - — .«. — . LAWYERS 271 IRVING HOWARD TIFFT Lawyer, Director and Counsel Manhattan Securities Co. and Other Financial and Industi-ial Corporations, District Conuniltee Man Citizens' LInlon, etc. New York City EDGAR SEFBLR MOSHEH Lawyer, Pjeice & Moshei' Auhuin, N'. Y. WII.I I \ \l l>. Ml i;l!AY Lawyer, Presidenl Silvei Ray Association lor Christian Conf. and Training New YorK City MAMll/rON lU LL()Ci\ t'OMl'KINS liawyer. Collector <ir IJooks New Yoik Cily 972 E M P 1 H E S 1 AT E No T A BEES LAWYERS CORNELIUS BOARDMAX TYLER Lawyer, Tyler & Tyler Since ^lay, 1903 New YorK City AIALRICE XAGLER Lawyer New York City WILLIAM HENRY HALE Lawyer New York City IRVIN NV. NEAR Lawyer Hornell, N. Y. Empire State Notables 273 LAWYERS WILLIAM R. ROSE Rose Sc Paskus, CounscIIors-al-Law New York; Cily I'.EXJAMIX ('.. PASKIS Rose & Paskus, Counsellors-al-Law New York Cily NOU.MAN P. S. SCIIEOSS ('.oimscllor-iil-Eaw, Colmiibiii A. M., E.E. I!,, Ros(' & Paskus New York (^iiy ,1. i;i)\\ Al!l) Wl.l.I) Law yer New York Cily 274 Empire State Notables LAWYERS JOB ELMER HEDGES Lawyer, Secretary to Mayor Stronf? 1895-97, City Magistrate ISIay-December 1897, Deputy Attorney General State of New York 1900, LT. S. Comm'n of Internat. Fisheries 1912 New York City GEORGE WaLLIAM BURLEIGH La\\ yer New York City GEORGE B. AGNEW Lawyer, Member National Guard of N. Y. for Fifteen Years New York City FLOYD BAKER WILSON Lawyer, Mexican Mine Owner New York City Empire State Notables — .». — LAWYERS 275 GEORGE GORDON RATTLE 0'Go]-man, Rattle & Marshall, Attorneys Counsellors-at-Law New Yorlc City ami JESSE WATSON Lawyer New York City .ii:i<it:ms()N aioniu^I'; lf.vv l,;i\\yer, Mcnil)ei- of ."ililh, G2iid and (ilJrd Ward in Congress, Mendier of Committee on Foreign Affairs, Owner of Jefferson Home- stead, Monticello, Va. New YorK City AL1'.1:RT S. RARl) liaifl tV: Calkins, Attorneys and C.ounselloi-s- at-Law New Yoii< ("ilv 270 Empire State Notables LAWYERS IIARTWELL CAliKLL Cabell & Oilpin, Lawyers New York City C. MONTEITH GILPIN Cabell & Gilpin, Lawyers Ne%v York City WILLIAM H. i;i:am Lawyer Sew York Cily PIIF.LAN BEALE Lawyer New York City E M P I n E S TAT E N O '1 A W I . E S . .«. LAWYEUS 277 HON. ASA O. (lALLUP Lawyer, Manager, Treasurer and General \Ianager Lake Placid Club Since 1900 Lake Placid, X. Y. HENRY \VAYLAXD HILL, L.L Attorney-at-Law Buffalo, N. Y. 11. .). WYA'IT Attoiney-iit-Law New Viirlv- f:iiy Llv nOY PARKER liawyei" Halavia, N. Y. 278 Empire State Notables LA\YYERS CARL EFFEREM TUCKER Lawyer, Council of Niagara Falls 1908-190'.) Niagara Falls. N. Y. OSAYALD A. BAUER Bauer & Magee, Lawyers Piermout, N. Y'. TIMOTHY M. (.I'.IMTNG Lawyer, Vice-President Suffolk Co. National Pank, Twice County Judge of Suffolk Co. Riverhead, X. Y. BENJAMIN ELIHU HALL Lawyer, President State Board of Tax Commissioners N. Y. Since 1907 Saranac Lake, X. Y. Empire State Notables 27» LAWYERS GEORGE HOPKINS BOND Lawyer Syracuse, N. Y. FRANK C. CURTIS Patent Lawyer, Served C Years in N. G. S. N. Y., Successor to Firm of Mosher & Curtis Troy, N. Y. RALPH EAULE PRINCE Lawyer, Author New York City ALBERT HENRY WALKER Lawyer, Author, Lecturer, Member Conn. Legislature 1891-1892 New York City 280 Empire State Xotadles LAWYERS FRANKLIN A. WAGNER Lawvpr, Member of Cmporation Law Firm ■ Parker, Davis, Wagner & Wallon New York City FREDERICK VAN ^VYCK Lawyer New Y'ork City IK.ENE SMITH Lawyer New York City :mile sciULTZE Law \ er New iorli City Empire State Notaijles 281 LAWYERS CHARLES STRAUSS Piesidcnt Roord of Water Supply, Menilx'i Law I'^iim Strauss, Reich & Rover New York City THLOnORE SUTRO Lawyer, Journalist, Author and Oralo Member Law Firm Sutro & Wright New York City ALI Ri:i) .1. TALId-Y Lawyer, l',\-Menil)er Municipal Civil Seivice Oiiiuuission, elc. New York (^ily CIIARLl.S rilAJJlM'.rS TERRY Lawyer and I'rol'essor of Law Colmnhia I'niversily, I'l-esidenl Chairman Tenemenl Shade Tree (;omn)ission of Tree Planting Association of New York Cily New York (^ily 282 Empire State LAW Yi:ns GENERAL BEX.I. FRANKLLN TRACY Lawyer, Soldier, Cabinet OfTu-iaL Appoinlcd U. S. District Attorney 18C6, Serving Until 1S7."!, Appointed and Served as Sec'y of Navy Dnring Benj. Harrison Adniin'tion 1889-189;', New Yorls City JOHN THOMPSON SACKETT Lawyer, Member Law Firm Sackett & Lang, Vice-Pres. Borough Building Supply Co., etc. New York City THOMAS H. RAY Lawyer New York City MARK S. REARDON, 3rd Lawyer New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 283 DWIGHT WHITNEY MORROW Lawyer, Simpson, Thacher & Rartlett New York City WAYNE M. MUSGRAVE Lawyer New York City FRANKLIN PIERCi; Counsellor-at-Law New York City LESLIE RICHARD PALMER Lawyer, President First National Bank Croton, N. Y., Member Federal Board of New York New York City of Reserve 284 E.MPiRK State Xotafjles LAWYERS GEORGE HARRISON Mr.ADAM Lawyer, Journalist New Yoi-k Citv JOSEPH W. MIDDLEBROOK Lawyer New Y'ork City JOHN \V. LOVELANI) Law yer New York Cily GEORCI- AUSTIN MORRISON, JR., A.M., L.L.R. Lawyer, .\iilhor New York (ily Empire State 285 LAWYKKS ALBERT B. KERR La\\yer, Znhriskie, Murray, Siigo & Kerr, Director Coal & Iron National Bank of City of New Yoik New York City .1. NOBLE EM LEY Lawyer, Director New York and Brooklyn Brewing Co., Organized International Time Recorder Co. New York City liAl'ilAl'.L VAN l)AM\I T,a \\ ycr New Yoik City .i()si;i'ti iti;i;i) \.i\\\:i.\. .■iwver, I'.iinaj^cd l^xclusi vely in Patent, Trad. Mark and Cojiyriglil Can^(■^ New Yoik City 286 Empire State Notables LAWYERS NATHANIEL ELLIS Lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE WILLIAMS ELLIS Lawyer New Yoilc C.ily OSCAR W. EHRHORN Law Practitioner and Lecturer New York City JOHN STEWART DURAND Coiinsellor-at-Law. Director New York Transfer Co. New York City Empire State Notables 287 LAWYERS LAURENCE LA lOURETTE DRIGGS Lawyer New York City MAURICE B. DEAN Corporation T^aw New York City SAMUEL WHITNEY DUNSCOMB, JR. Attornov-in-Law, Department Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 18!)i) New Yoik (^ily THOMAS DIXON, JR. Author, Lawyer, Member of North Carolinn L'esislaliiro 1885-188G New York City 288 Empire State Notables LAWYERS % JAMES B. CURTIS r.awyer, Pres. Delta Tan Delta I'l aternily. Director Various Corporations New York City HENRY .TORALEMON DAVENPORT Couiisellor-at-Law Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORCK FRANCIS UROWNELL Lawyer, SpraKue, Mool, Sprague & IJro^\nell New York Cilv .IL'Dtil-: ADDISON liliOWN 0>eeeaM<i llUli Judge United Slates District Court N. Y. 1881, Scientific Director New York Rotonical Garden New York City E M 1' 1 H E S lA T E N ( ) J'A I ! I . li S 281) LAWYI^RS HON. VERNE MORGAN BOVIE Member General Assembly 1913, Bovie & Wilson, Attorneys New Yoili: City CHARLES MAITLAND BE.ATTIE La^^yel• niul Wi'iler New Yolk Cily I.OIIS V. BRIGHT I.iiwyrr New York Cily WIl.l.IAM OTIS BADGER, JR. T-nwyer New York Cily 290 E M I' I H E S TAT E N O T A U L £ S LAWYERS HEXRY de FOREST RALDWIN Lord, Day & Lord, Lawyers Ne^v York (^ily THOMAS E. RUSH (;i>iiiisflIoi--at-La\v, Rush & New York Cily .HMAN A. AUROYO Attorney-at-Law, Ex-Judge of Venezuela New York City RORERT RENTOUL REED Lawyer, Caldwell, Masslich & Reed New York City Empire State Notables LAWYERS 291 STEPHEN HENRY OLIN Lawyer New York Ci(y AUGUSTUS VAN WYCR I>awy pr NfW Yoik Cily JUDGE THOMAS C. O'SULLIVAN Jurist, Appointed Judge Court of General Sessions for Term Expiring Ore. ,'!!, I'Jl'J New York City J. A. GOULDEX Congicssnian Bronx District, New Y'^orls Cily, Ten Years New York City 292 Emimhi-: State Xotahles LAWYERS WILLIAM HENRY INGERSOLL Lawyer Rrooklyii, X. Y. ERNEST E. L. HAMMER Lawyer New Yoi-k City TOBIAS A. KEPPLER Law yei' New Y'ork Cily 1'. W. HINRICHS Lawyer Xew Y'ork Cily Empire State - .«. — la\vyi:hs 293 W. HOURKE COCKRAN Lawyer, Member of Congress 1887-1889 niul 18!)1-189r> New York Citv HON. JOHN JOSEPH FITZGERALD Lawyer, Member Congress, Elected to oOth and 57th Congresses from 2nd N. Y. District and to 58th, 5!)th, (Htlh, Cilst, f)2nd and 63rd from 7tli N. Y. District Brooklyn, N. Y. AIU'.AIIAM S. GILHl^RT L:i\\ yer New Yorlt (^ity I5ENJAM1N FRANKLIN (;ounsellor-at-Law New York Cily 294 Empire State Notables LAWYERS SAMUEL >r. FLEISCHMAN Counsellor-at-Law New Yoik City MAXIM BIRNKRAXT Lawyer New York City HENRY B. CULVER Lawyer New York City HENRY M. FERTIG Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law New York City Empire State Notables 295 LAWYERS GERARD J. CUOr.O Lawyer New Yoik (',i]y ROBERT S. CONKLIN Lawyer New York City JOSEPH .7. JACOBS Lawyer New York City THOMAS F. CONWAY Lawyer New York City MX) E^rpiRE State Notahles — ••• — . I.AWVI.liS. I.DIC.A roHS. VAC. ILlX.l-: .lACOH MARKS ■lustioe or llie Municipal Court, Elcilcd I'.MIT .luslicc o( (lie >ruiiii-ipal Court lor (ill) DisI M;iiili:illaii Coi- Term i:xpirini4 HHS New York Citv MARTIN VOCEL l.a\\yer, Asst. Treasurer N. Y. SuIj Ti-easury, Member Law I"ii-in Vogel & Vogel, Nominated by I'residenI Wilson October 18, 191.'!, Asst. Treasurer U. S. at N. Y. New Yorl-; Cilv (IKORGE .mci.aL(;HL1N Lawyer, Sec'y State Commission ol Prisons, Member N. Y. Assembly 1897-1.S0.S (Cbairni. Com. Privileges and Elections i Siiuc .Ian. 1. 1899 Albany, N. Y. IRANK EUWjN ward Organist, Columbia University l'.)(U-li)i: Educator, Autlior New Yoik City Empire State Notables 297 PHYSICIANS, siu(ii:()Ns AM) di:niists HERMANN J. I50LDT, M. D. ProCfssor of (iynecology nl Ihe New York Post Cii ;i(luiilo Medical School nnd Hospiliil Now York CA[y DR. J. LEWIS AMSTER Denionstratoi- and Insliuctor ol' Anatomy h'ordhani University Medical College, Attending Surgeon Union Hospital New York Citv L. 'I()<)LI-;y. I). I). S. DenlisI New York Cily DR. JOSEPH SIMMS Pli.Nsician, Lecturer, Authoi-, Lectured 'I'liroiigliout the World New York Cily 298 Empire State Notables physicians and dental surgeons W M. WALLACE WALKER, M. D. S., D. IJ. S. New York Cily (:IL\RLES >rcBURNEY. >r. D. Physician New York City DR. ABRAHAM WOLFSOHN, D. D. S. General Practitioner New York City DR. LUCIEN CALVIN WARNER Physician. Manufacturer, Practiced Medicine Until 1874, Then Engaged in Importing Business New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 299 DR. A. A. TAFT Physician and Surgeon Kpene, N. H. WILLIAM H. McCASTLIXE, M. D. University Pliysician, Columbia University New York City DR. ROY lILl'iBERT BEEMAX American Osteopathic Association, The N. Y. State Osteopalliic Society, Tlie New Jersey Osteopathic Society New York City DR. IRA SOLOMON NVILE Attending Pliysician to Sanitarium for Hebrew Children. Assistant Pediatric Department Vanderbilt Clinic New York City 300 E:\rpinr: State Notap.lks — .«. — . I'llYSK.lANS. srH(;i:()NS \M> DKNTISTS i)H. L1-: HOY ]'()i>i'; \vam\i:h Pliysiciiiii Mild Siirjjjcou, X. Y. INT.S A. M. A. N'cw Yorl-: Cilv 1)H. HENRY KELLER Asst. Oi-tli()j)cdic Surgeon Roosevelt Hosp., X. Y. Poix clinic Hosp., Visiting Othopedist, Harlem Dispensary New Y'ork City DR. J. MORGAX HOWi: N. Y. Homeopathic 1879, Americ;in InsliUili of Homeopathy, Slate Honieopalh Xew York City -MORRIS I. S(:HAMRER(;, m. d., d. d. s. Oral Surgeon to N. Y'. Post Graduate Hosp. and School of ^fedicine. Chairman Section of Stomalology, iVmerican ^Fediial Assn. New York City E M I • I H E S TAT !■: N O TA P. I- E S — - .#. — . PHYSICIANS ANi) SUKC.EONS, ETC. 301 DR. NATHAX OPPENHEIM Physician, Intfino N. Y. City Hospital Attending Physician Children's Deparlmcnt Sydcnliani Hospital New Yoil< City ACHILLES EDWARD DAVIS Pliysician New York Cily S. ORMOND (iOLDAN, M. D. New Yoi-li City iu:v. citARi^ics A. :n[calpine ClciKvniaii, I'.dilor Tlic Rochester Raptist Monthly Roclicsler, N. Y. 302 E IM FM R n S lAT E N TA H T. E S PHYSICIANS AND SUIUIKONS DR. J. WALTER WOOD I'hysician and Surgeon, Assistant Rcgisliii of Records of Borough of Rieliniond Port Riehniond, S. I., N. Y. CHAUXCEY VALENTINE EVERITT, M. D. Medical Director of the Fidelity and Casujilly (;.). of New York New York City FRANK D. BIGAREL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, President New York Tablet Co. Port Leyden, N. Y, JOSEPH MLIR, M. D. The Muir Radium Institute New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 303 J. ERNEST r.IGNOUX New Yoilc Cily DR. JAMES RIDDLE SHARP Pliysiciaii, Visiting Physician Out Patient l>(I)l. I'rcsbytprian Hospital, N. Y., 1892-3-4, Maiiliallnn Eye and Ear Hospital 1894 New York Lily DR. A. H. RUCK Physician, Author "Diseases of the Ear," Vest Pocket Dictionary New York City A. JUDSON OUIMRY, M. D. Clinical Professor of Roentgenography N. Y. Polyclinic Hospital and Medical School, Rocntgeiiographer to the N. Y. Fonnrtling Hospital and Central and Neurological Hosp. New York City 304 Emi'iiu; State — -••• — I'UVSICIAXS AN-n SL'H(ii;()NS HEYNOLO \M:I5I5 WILCOX, M. 1).. L.L. D. Presidciil Mcdioiil lioard and Consulting Pliysiiian of St. Maik's Hospital Xtw York Cilv I)K. SHIHLKY WILMOTTI-: WYNNE Physician aud Sursenn, Asst. Registrar Dept. of Hoallli N. Y. C.., Asst. Singpon C.. N. Dcpt. \\est Side Ccrniaii Hospital and Oisijcnsaiy Now Y'oik Citv 1)1!. HicNKY coonwiN Wi;i'.STEr. Physician nrooklyn, N. Y. I»l!. MAX I'.INHOHN Physician. ^'isilinK Phxsician to (uM-ninii Hospital New Y'ork Cilv Rmi'iki: State Noi uikks 305 PHYSICIANS ANr) SI HCiKONS DR. CHARLES EDWARD XAMMACK Visiting Physician Bellevup Hospital Since 189fi, St. Lanrcnop's Hospital Since 18!»(1, St. Vincent's Hospital Since litOS, Consulting Physician St. Josepli's Hospital, Yonkers New Y'orl: Cily DR. SAMUEL THOMAS KING I'liysician, Surgeon, Meniber Citv Health Board Since 1887 Brooklyn, N. Y'. MARTIN CAVANA, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Sylan Beach, N. Y. DR. I'RANK (,. Yi:()MANS New York City 306 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS JASON SAMUEL PARKER, M. D. Atfendins Surseon ^Vhi^e Plains IlospiUil White Plains, N. Y. CEORCE M. I'UIC.E, M. D. Siiigeon 1o Hospital of Good Shepherd and Syracuse Eree Dispensary Syracuse, N. Y. HniA:\I P. HIIU5ELL. M. D. Physician Stamford CHARLES H. NORTH, M. D. Medical Supt. Danncinora State Hospital for Insane Convicts Panneniora, N. Y. Empire State Notables physicians and surgeons 307 CHARLF.S CARV, M. D. Physician, Formerly for 12 Years Prof. Anatomy and 6 Years Prof. Materia Medica & Therapeutics, Since 1002 Prof, of Clinical Med. in University of Bnlfalo, Attending Physician Buffalo General Hospital Buffalo, N. Y. DR. SAMUEL GATELEY TRACY Physician, Specialist in Nervous and Chionic Diseases, Inventor of the Electrophone, an Electric Device to Enahlo the Deaf to Hear, Elecho Therapeutic Dept. of Post Grad. Coll. & Hosp., Neurol. Dept. of Vanderbilt Clinic New Y'ork Citv CHARLES AM ENDE, M. I). Physician New YorK City WM. SEAMAN BAIN BRIDGE, Sc. D., M. I). Physician and Surgeon, Prof. Surgery N. Y. Polyclinic Med. School and Hosp., Surgeon N, Y, Skin and Cancel- Hosp., etc. Now York Cily 308 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS COLIN LUKE BEGG, A. B., M. D. Surgeon, Urological Department New York Post Graduate Medical School, Cystorcopist Columbus Hospital New York Cilv ^ y ARTHUR 1!. D. niiAlXLICH, M. Graduate College Physicians and Surgeons N. Y. City, Visiting Physician St. Francis. St. Joseph's and Riverside Hospitals New York City DR. JOHN S. BILLINGS, JR. Physician New York Cily LOUIS FAUGERES BISHOP, M. D., A. M. Prof, of Diseases of the Heart & Circulation in the :\Iedical Dept. of Fordham University. N. Y. C, Visiting Physician to the Lincoln Hospital New York City Em p IRK State Notahles PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 300 ARTHUR VERXOX CLARKE, ISI. D. Physician and Surgeon New York City DR. HENRY DWIGHT CHAPIN Physician and Author New York City CHARLES WARD CRAMPTON, M. D. Physical 'I'rainlnf;, Physician New York City CARTER STANDARD COLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Adjunct Professor Surgery and Attending Surgeon N. Y. Post Graduate Medical School and Hosp. 1897-1909 New York City 310 Empihe State Notables physicians axd surgeons DR. GEORGE LENOX CURTIS Physician and Author New York City DR. W. P. CUNNINGHAM Physician New Y'ork City DR. RYRON C. DARLING Physician New York City DR. GEORGE SLOAN DIXON Surgeon and Pathologist New Y'ork Eye and Ear Infirmary New York City Empire State Notari-es PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 311 DR. JAMES r.TJFTON EDGAR Surgeon to Manhattan Maternity Hospital and to Emergency Hospital of Bellevue Hosp. New York City DR. C. T. DEGHUIE New York City Dli. WII.I.IAM A[,!:XANDi:i5 KWING I'liysician, Nfcinljcr N. Y. County \redical Society, N. Y. Academy >rcdicine, American Medical Assn., Beta Theta Fi Fraternity New York City WII.I.IAM i;. I'lTCII, M. I). "I'cdiahlcs," IMiysiclan and Surgeon, Prcs. and Treas. Gaillards' Soulliern Medicine, Director Cuban Commercial Co. New York City 312 Empire State Notables I'lIYSlCIANS AM) SURGEONS Sin 1-REDERIC r.RIFFITH, M. D. ?eon. For Varying Terms Engaged in IRVING University Hosp., Pennsylvania Hosp., Phila. Polyclinic, N. Y. Hosp., House of Relief, St. Vincent's Hosp., Vanderhilt Clinic, Rellevne Hospital New York Cilv HAYNES, Pn. 15.. M. I). Professor of Applied Anatomy and Clinical Surgery Cornell University Medical College. N. Y. Visiting Surgeon, Harlem and Red Cross Hospitals, etc. New York City DR. THOMAS .T. HARRIS New York City GOODMAN Visiting Physician to the A. Jacobi for Children German Hospital New York City Dept. Empire State Xotables 3i; PHYSICIANS AND SLRGEONS WALTER ja:\ies HEIMAXX, ^r. D. Adjunct Dernatologist Gernitin Hospital, rnstructor in Dernatology CoineH Univ. Medical School New York City HARRY HOWARD HEMSTREET Physician Riooklyn, N. \. H. B. HENSON, M. I). Visiting Physician to Knickerbocker Hospital New York City .JOHN HORN, >r. I). Visiling Earyngologist and Otologist ol' the German Hospital New York City 314 Empire State Notables physicians and surgeons RDWAHD I.1VIX(.ST()N HUNT, M. D. Instructor in Neiirolsv Columbia University, Neurologist to St. Luke's, City, Lincoln, Cenlrnl nnd Neurological Hospitals New York City DR. HENRY ILLOWAY Formerly Prof, of Diseases of Children Cmcinnati College of Medicine, Author of "Constipation in Adults and Children," etc., "The Sunnner Diarrhoeas of Infants," etc. New Y'ork Citv CHARLES S J \MI S, M. 1). Adjunct Prof, of Rhuiology and Gnyngology Fordham Medical College New York City EDWAHl) LEI. AND KELLOGG Phys. and Surg.. Chief of Clinic N. Y. Polvc. Disp'y. Chief of Clinic Gouv. Hosp. Disp'v, Asst. Attend. Phys. Minturn Hosp. Since 1903 New York City Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 315 DR. J. J. KINDRED River Crest Sanitarium, Ex-Congressman Astoria, N. Y. J. J. E. MAKER, M. D. Surgeon and Gynecologist New Yorli City I'RANK CAMI-:nON MATTHi:\VS, M. Pliysic'iau New York City WILIJAM SMITH McMURDY, M. D. Princeton, Mantiatlan Eye anrl Ear Hospital Princeton, Man. Eye and Ear Hospital New York City HG Empire S tat e Notables - — ••■ — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. ALRERirs ADATR MOORE Physician and SLummi, Inslructor Cornell Univ. Med. College, Asst. Visiting Surgeon Obstetrical Division Bellevue Hosp., Asst. Surgeon Manhattan Maternity Hospital, etc. XeAv Yorl\ C ilv DR. FRANK OVERTON Physician, Author, Director Patchogue Bank, Patchogue Electric Light Co. Patchogue, N. Y. DR. SIGMUND POLLITZER Physician, Author of About 50 Papers, Prof. Dermatology N. Y. Post Graduate Medical College New York City EUGENE H. POOL, M. D. Attending Surgeon to French Hospital N. Y. Associate Attending to N. Y'. Hospital New York City Emi'iiU'; State No taui.hs — ••. — . I'UVSICIANS AM) SL'K(;i:<)NS 317 DR. SAMUEL RAPP Physician, Interne Mt. Sinai Hospil:il, N. Y. City, 187 (; Held Olliic of Coroner of IJotli Hlo Crandc and Hinsdale Coiinlies, Colo. New Yoik r, ilv THOMAS EDWARD SATTERTHWAITE Physician, Surgeon, Patliologist St. Luke's Hospital 1872-1882, Presbyterian Hospital 187:i-1888, A I'ounder and Pi'es. American Therapeutic Society 1902-190:; New York Cily DR. c. c. siciii;i. Physician New York City CHAULES IliANCIS ^PE\CEU, M. 1). Physician, lioronRli Cliief of the Division of ("icneral Sanitary Inspection, lioTouuli ol liroiiN, Mcmhcr Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, elc. New York (^ity 318 Empire State Notables . — ••■ — I'UYSICIANS ANU SLUdEOXS OR. AXTOMO PHINEAS VOISLAWSKY Engaged in Practice Limited to Ear, Nosi and Throat, Consultant Otologist and Laiyngologist New York Citv ^v^r. a. malrice de nvatteville, m. d. Licentale of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Edinburgh, Eel low of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Physician to the Swiss Benevol. Soc. of X. Y. Xew York Cilv ROBERT ^VATTS, M. D. Consulting Gynecologist Roosevelt Hospital, Consulting Physician to City and St. Mary's Hospital New Y'^ork City DAVID ^VERSTER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Surgeon Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Consulting Surgeon to the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled Xew Y'ork Citv Em I' 1 HE State Notables . — .*. — PHYSICIANS ANi> SUU(!l':ONS 3iy DR. FRANKLIN WELKER Physician, General Practice New York Cily JOSEPH WIENER, y\. I). New York Cilv Dii. nn;i. r.. kaiui; New Y'lik Cily Itn. lilCIIAUD KALISH New York City 320 Emi'Iiu^ Sjaii: Notables — .9. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS J. V. FRAN.TZ, M. I). President of ihe Dentists Supply Co. New York City LEKIHTON ROBINSON, D. Dental Specialties New York City l)H. MICHAEL OSNATO Physician, General Practice New York City DR. MEYER .l.YCKSDN New York City Empire S tat e No ta 15 l e s — .«• — PHYSICIANS, SLRGEOXS and DENTISTS 321 GUSTAV .1. E. TIECK, :M. D. Surgeon St. Mark's Hospital, Surgeon Polyclinic New York City DR. FRANZ TOREK Attending Surgeon to the German Hospital in the City of N. \. and to the N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., Adjunct Prof, of Surgery i« the N. Y. Post-Graduate Medical School New York City ^\1M,IA^[ w. WOOD, o. d. Prosthelic Denlistiy New York City E. W. BAUMAN, D. D. S. New York City 322 E M I' I H !•: S TAT I- N () TA H L E S .«.. PHYSICIANS, SUHCKONS and DENTISTS CORNELllS JAMLS SJ.A\, M. D. Deputy Surgeon New Yoik Hospital, Chief r.enito Urinary Clinic, House of Relief New York Hospital New York City np:\vton mi:lman shait-er, m. d. Prof. Enierilus Oilhopedic Surgery, F"ouiider X. Y. State Hosp. for Crippled and Deformed Children, Consulting Surgeon St. Luke's and Polyelinie Hospitals New York Cilv ARTHUR LITGHTON SHERMAN, M. D. Naw vlft r']'* ,^"SPon, Assistant Surgeon New York City Hospital, Lecturer New Y'ork Polyclinic New York City i:i)\VAKD D. IISHICH. M. D. Professor, Nervous and Mental Diseases, University and Rellevue Hospital Medical College New Y'ork City E M P I R E S TAT E N TA B L E S 323 PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS and DENTISTS FRANK AUSTIN ROY, D. D. S. New York City MALCOLM CAMERON ROSE, M. D. Pliysician and Surgeon, Opthalniology New York City BENJAMIN R0S1:NI'.LI III, M. I). New York Cily DR. A(.IIILLi:S ROSI' Ph.vslciiin, Aiilhof of Rooks on Medicine and Medico-Uisl. Suh.jects, and Modern Greek Language of which Some Have Repn Trans- lated into (iernian and Greek New York Cily ;{24 IvM I'l HF. Statk Notables — .%, — I'HYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. AUSTIN FLINT Physiologist, Alienist and Consulting Physician New Yorl: City \VILLV MEYER, M. D. Surgeon X. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp., ProL of Surgery N. Y'. Post Graduate Med. School, Surgeon German Hosp., Prof, of Surgery N. Y. Post Graduate Med. School and Hosp., N. Y'. Lifiniaiy for Women iV: Children, etc. New Yorl; Cilv WILLIAM MlCCKLENRERt; POLK, M. I). Dean and Dieclor Cornell University Medical College, Visiting Surgeon Department Gyne- cology, Bellevue Hospital New York City FRANCIS LE ROY SATTERLEE, M. D. Physician, Author "Treatise on Gout and Rheumatism" New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 325 LEWIS ATTERBURY STIMSON, M. D., L L D Surgeon Professor of Surgery Crne'u Univ.' Medical College, Consulting Surgeon New York Hospllnl New Yor7: C.tly ROBERT ABBE, M. 1). Surgeon St Luke's, N. Y. Cancer, Ruptured and Crippled, Babies and Roosevelt Hospitals New Y'ork City ABRAHAM .lACOJil Pliyslcian New York Clly .i<)si;pii i;. \viNri;u.s, .m. d. Professor (,r Diseases of Children, Cornell I mversily Medical College New York Cily 326 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS DR. ALFRED DERBY MITTENDORK Ophlhiilniic Surgeon New York Nose, Thioal :ind LiiiiK Hospitnl New York Cilv DR. FLOYD MILFORD CRANDALL, M. D. Physician and Editor, President New York County Medical Society New York City ti. SMERIDAN B.\KETEL, A. M., M. D. Instructor in (lenito-Li inary Surserv Lone Island Collefre Hosp.. Asst. Cxenito-Urinarv Surgeon House of Relief of N. Y. Hospital Editor of the Medical Times ' New York City DR. WILLLIAM WEST Osteopathic Physician New York City Empire State Notables physicians and surgeons 327 UR. FRED HOL'ULETT ALBEE Orthopedic Surseon, Author, Professor and Adj. Prof. Orthopedic Surgery, University Vermont and Post Graduate School of N. Y. New York City DR. SCHUYLER COLEFAX IMATTH i:\VS Mem. of American Osteopatliic Association Member the N. \. Stale Osteopathic Society, Member of Osteopatliic Society of tlie City of New York New York City DR. c. iiu:im:hh;k wincHE Osteopath New York City OIL L. c. agi:r Rrooklyn, N. Y. 328 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS A. S. AMBLER, M. D. Physician, General Practice College Point, N. Y. W. E. ANDREWS, M. D. S. New Y'ork City WELCOME T. ALEXANDER, M. D. Physician New Y'ork City DR. J. A. ALLEN New York City Empire State Notables . — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SLRGEONS 325) SAMUEL WYLLIS BANDLER, M. D. Gynecologist and Ohstetiician New Yorlc Cily DR. DAVID PEN FIELD AUSTIN Physician and Snrgeon. Gi-adnate of the P. & S. or New York City, Class of 1860 New Y'ork City -IAS lit DSON liAHTLEY Piiysician and Clieniist Rrooklyn, N. Y. DR. MAI luci: c. asiili:y Middlclown, N. V. 330 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DP.. SIMON UAUUCH Author, Piofessiir of Hydrolhcinpy, College Physicians and Surgeons. Columljia Univ., Pioneer of Free Interior liallis. Propogandist of Hygienic Living New York Citv EMANUEL DE MARNAY RARUCH, M. 1). Physician and Author Ne%v YorK City (ii:oRGE MILTON RENNETT, M. D. Practicing Physician and Surgeon. Late House Surgeon of Harlem Hospital, N. \. New York City DR. FREDERICK M. RAUER Metropolitan Hospital Blackwells Island Empire State Notables — ••• — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 331 WALTER HENSEL, M. D. Sanitary Superintendent Dept. of Healtli, New York City (Retired), Associate in Hygienic and Preventative ^ledicine Medical Department, Columbia University New Y'orlj City DR. JAMES LOUIS REYEA Pliysician, Elder University Place Pi'esbyt'n Cluirch, Has Keen in National Cuiard More Than 25 Years New York City DK. .lOIlN A. l;i:i i:i'.MAN New York City DR. LKo iu;i K(.i;it Physician and Surgeon New York City 332 Empire State Notables .«. PHYSICIAXS AND SURGEONS DR. WARREX S. BICKHAM Siirgf<)n. Instructor Surgery. Post (Iraduate Mcdiial School and Hospital, Surgeon Man- hattan Stale Hospital Xe\v Yoil< City •■^ / DR. JOHN S. BILLINGS Physician New York City DR. S. H. BIER New Y'ork City DR. A. J. BILHOEFER New Yorl< City iM I' 1 H I ; S JA r E N ta b l e s — .*. — . PHYSICIANS ANi) SURtiEONS 333 ERNEST SIMONS RISHOP, A. R., M. D. Lecturer, Dept. of Medicine Polyclinic Med. School and Hospital, Internist Writer on Narcolic Diseases, etc., Visiting Physician Workhouse Hospital, etc. New York Cily DR. J. MOUNT RLEYER Physician, Specialist in Throat, Nose and Lung Diseases, Member Royal Academy of Medicine, Member ol' 20 Scientific Societies in 1' ranee, Italy, Mexico, etc. New York. City R. O. I'.ORN, M. I). EmeriUis Professor Ophthalmology N. Y. Polyclinic New York Cily l'Ri:iil.i;i( K lii:DELL Physician, Electrician, Author Ilhaca N. Y. 334 Empire State Notables %.. — PHYSICIANS AXi> SURGEONS STANLEY BRADY, A. B., M. D. Physician New York City DR. ROBERT EMERY BRENNAN ■■iirKt'"'!!, Lecturer in Surgery at tlie New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital New Y'ork City DAVID BREKES, M. D. Physician and Surgeon New York City ALSHAHAM A. BRILL, Pii. B.. M. D. Chict of Clinic of Mental Diseases, College of Physicians and Surgeons New Y'ork City Emimhk State Notamles — ••• — PHYSICIANS AM) SURGEONS 335 DR. DANIEL B. BRINSMADi: t'hj siciiiii. Member Academy oF Medicine, American Medical Association New Yorli City EVERETT GArtNSEY BROWNELL, M. D. Physician New York City ALBERT HARRISON )5RUNDAGE, A. M., M. D., Phar. D., M. S. Physician, Lecturer, Author, Toxicologist Brooklyn, N. Y. DH. SAMl I:L I". BROrillCRS Physician, Chief Court Clerk, One (it l-'ounders and Executive Mend)ers and Secretary of American Medico-Pharma- ceutical League, etc., etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. '63(5 Emi'ihi-: Stati- Xotauli-s — ••■ — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. DE LANCY CARTER Visiting Pliysician, N. Y. Nose and Throat Hospital Dept. of Tuberculosis, Secetarv Am. Motlicinc Soc. loi- lh,. Study of Alcoho'l New Y'oi].: Ciiv DR. \V. SOHIER BRYANT Physician, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat New York Citv DR. HENRY R. CAMERDEN New Y'ork City THOMAS c. chal:mers, M. D. Physician, Late Major Surgeon N. S. V., Associate Visiting Physician Jamaica Hosp. Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. Empire State Notahles — ••■ — - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 337 HERMAN LIVINGSTON COLLYER, M. D. Treasurer of N. Y. Aeademy of Medicine 1899-1906), Librarian Committee 189G-1900 and 1906-1911 New Yorfe City DR. STUART CLOSE Physician, Prof. Homeopatliic Philosophy. N. Y. Homeopathic :\Iedieal College, etc., etc Founder Brooklyn Hahneniannian As'sn. ' Brooklyn, N. Y. THOMAS MACKANESS LUDLOW CIII'.YSTIE Physician and Surgeon New York (;ity JAMES SETH COOLEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Coroner Nassau Co. 1900-1911, District Superintendeni Schools Since 1912 Mineola, \. Y, 338 Empire State Notahles physicians and surgeons JOHN H. COUGHLIN, M. D. Visiting Physician to Gouvcrneur Hospital, Clinical Professor of :\redicine at rordham University Medical School New York City REUBEN CRONSON, M. D. Surgeon, President Medical Board Philanthropic Hospital New York City AVAC. CUTUJIAN, A. M., M. D, Physician and Surgeon New York City DR. ROYAL SAMUEL COPELAND Physician New York City Empire State Notables physicians ani> surgeons 33!) ASA B. DAVIS, F. A. C. S., M. D. Medical Director and Attending Surgeon Lying-in Hospital New Yoik City JOHN EDWARD LOUNSBERY DAVIS, M. D. Consulting Physician N. Y. Homeopathic College 1877 New Yoik City DR. A. (i. DANI'ORTH New Vorl( City DR. R. C. DAVIES C.ranville, N. Y. 340 Empire State NoTAiiLEs — -.». — - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. JOSE M. DE RERMINGHAM Physician and Surgeon New Yorl: City DiA. WILLIS OSCAR DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Brooklyn, N. Y. J, GARFIELD DWVER, M. D. New York City DR. FRANCIS DELAFIELD Physician ami Pathologist. Served as Phys'n to'Bellevue Pathologist and Physician to Roosevelt Hospital and Surgeon to N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary New York City Empire State Notables 341 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS WILLARD J. DENNO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Assistant Chief Division of Tuljerculosis, Dciiaitinciit of Health, N. Y. Citv, Asst. Attending Surgeon N. Y. Polyclinic New Yorl-: City MYRON PRESTON DENTON, M. Physician NeAV York City Dii. (;i;()H(;i; a. i'.mjott Orthopedic Surgeon Monfellore Hospital New York City DH. DAVID PARKS I'ACKLER Consulling Acluai-y Session, lix-President AclUiU'ial Society of America New York City 342 Empire State Notaules PHYSICIANS, SURGRONS axd DENTISTS L. H. JONES, D. i;. S. Member l-"irst District Deiitfil Society New York Cilv DR. HENRY ARNOLD FAIRBAIRN Attending Physician to St. John's Hospital Rrooklyn, N. Y. DR. CHARLES S. FISCHER Hastings-on-Hudson i:i/\VAHi) I'.RONSON FINCH, M. D. A. B., A. M. Trinity College 1891, M. D. College Physicians and Surgeons Columbia Univ. 1894, Mem. Rellevue Alumni Soc, Am. Med. Assn., University Club, etc. New York City Empire State Notables ■ — ••■ — PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS and DENTISTS 343 KDW. LUCIUS FINCH, P.H.D., P.S.D., M.D. Visiting Physician State Hosp'Is, Specialist in Nervous Diseases New York City \V. ITNCH, I). U Dentist New York City CHAS M. i Ol'.D, M.. 1). Professor of Anatomy and Hislorogy at Ihe College of Dental and Oral Surgery of N. Y., Consulling Surgeon at Ihe Randall's Island Hospital New York City lUJSSKLL S. FOWLICR, M. D., F. A. C. S. Surgeon and Author, Chier Surgeon First Division German Hosp., Brooklyn Surgeon Methodist Episcopal Seney Hospital Brooklyn, N. Y. 344 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS EBEN FOSKETT, M. D. Lecturer on Gynecology, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Adjunct Visiting Gynecologist Bellevue Hospital Ne^v Yorls City DR. ANDREW J. FOX Physician, Medical OITicer Brooklyn Equitable Life New York City MGRDITCH SIMBAD GABRIEL Physician, Writer New York City DR. JOHN BOGGS GARRISON Physician and Surgeon, Member Visilin? SlalT Hahnemann Hospital New York Cily Empire State Notables 345 PHYSICIANS AND SLRGEONS JULIEN AUdUST GEHRUNG, A. >I., M. D. Assistant Surgeon New York Eye and Ear Infli'mary, etc. New Y'ork City \V. TRAVIS GIBl?, M. D. Attending Gynecologist Central and Neui'o- logical Hospital, Attending Surgeon Workhouse Hospital New York City .KJHN WIESON (URRS, M. D. V. S. ICxainining Surgeon, House Physician Ilolel I'.elleclaife, Hotel Continental New Yoik (^ity VIHGIL PENDEETON GIHNEY' ()rtho|>e<lic Surgeon, Suigeon-in-Chief H()si)ital lor HelieC of Rupluieil and Crippled New York City 310 Empire State Notables — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS w. \vhitrhp:au gilfillan. m. d. Eye Surgeon, City and French Hospitals, Sailors, Snug Harbor and House o( Refuge New York City JOHN C. GIRDNER Pliysician, Surgeon, Author, Inventor of Surgical Instruments New York City DR. J. W. Gl.EITSMAN New York City IGNATIUS U. GOODFRIED Physician, Chief Ear, Nose and Throat Dept. Mount Sinai Hospital New York Cily Empire State Notap.les — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON'S 347 S. PHILIP GOODHART, M. D. Sppi'inlist in Nervous and Mental Diseases New York City CHARLES PERLEY GRAY, >'. l.\ Physician and Surgeon Harvard 1901, Gyne- cology Instruclor, Posl-Graduate Med. School and Hosp., Gvnecologv Woman's Hospital O. P. D., N. E. Dispensary New York City -»«IP«««hw,_ DR. CHAS. GRAEI' New York City DR. ERANCIS GINNASI New York City 818 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS ANi> SURGEONS ROBERT HURTIN HALSEY, A. B., M. D. Adjunct Professor of Medicine New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Attending Physician Columbus Hospital New York City JOHN A. HARTWELL, M. D. Assistant Prof, of Surgery and Prof, of Clinical Surgery Cornell University Medical College, Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital New York City EDWARD HAND, M. D. General Practice New York City J. G. WILLIAM GREEFF, M. D. Physician .\djunct, Visiting Physician to German Hospital and Disi)cnsary New York Cily Em PI hi: State Notables , — .9. — . PHYSICIANS ANi> SURGEONS 349 DR. ALLAN McLANE HAMILTON Physician, Consulting Neurologist to ' Manhattan State Hospital New A'orl< City DR. JOHN LEFFINGWELL HATCH Physician and Surgeon, Assistant in the Genito Urinary Clinic Post-Graduate Hosp. New Yorls City LOUIS HA 11' I', M. D. physician to St. Francis Home, Treasurer ('■ernian Poliklinik NevN York City HAROLD M. HAYS, A. M., M. D., F. C. S. I'ar Snrg.'on, N. Y. ICye and Ear Inlirmary Cily llospilal, lilackwells Island New York Cily 350 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DU PALI, Z. HKHKHT M. D. C. M. McGill, M. C. P. S. Ontario, L. R. C. P. London, English Wi'iter, Founda- tion Fellow of the British Gynecological Society, Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, etc. New York C.ilv I^H. \. W. HERMAN New York City DR. JOHN A. HELM New Yoik City DR. FERDINAND HEENE New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — IMIYSIC.IANS AND SURGEONS 351 DR. URBAN GILLESPII': niTCMCOCK Physician, Attending Surgeon N. Y. I've and jEar Inrumaiy, Throat Department. 1.S8!I-1!)()0 Poughkeepsie, \. Y. TIMOTHY' X. HOLDEN, M. D. Physician, General Practice New Y'ork City DR. ISADORE LEON HILL New York f'.lty DR. CHARLES IM-:R.NL>lNN New York City 352 R M I • I R K S TAP E N O TA B I . E S — .(. — . PHYSICIANS AM. SLRCKONS DR. JOHN H. HUDDLESTON Visiting Physician (ionvcrneur Hospital. Willard Piirker Hospital and Riverside Sanitarium. Consulting Physician United Hospital of Portchester New York Cifv DR. HENRY .1. HULL New York City |)H. CHARLES 1'. HUNT General Piactice New York City DR. .lOHN HUSSON Chief Surgeon Rankci-s Life Insurance Co, of New Y'ork New Y'ork City E M P 1 H E S TAT E N () JA 1 J I . i: S .». . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 353 MILES GOODYEAR HYDE, >r. D. Physician and Surgeon, Author "The Girl from Mexico," etc., etc. New York City SIMON M. JACOBS, M. D. Assistant Ophthalmic and Aurol Institute, Adjunct Oto Lynyologist Bronx Hospital, Cliicf Clinic Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Lebanon Hospital New York City WILLIAM .lACOIiSOlIN, B. S., M. I). Physician and Author, Diseases of (Ihililren New York City ARTHUR C. .lACOBSON Physician and Medical Editor Brooklyn, N. Y. 'a:^\ I'" M I > I R I-; S T\r E N () TA !J L E S PHYSICIANS AM> SURGEONS RICHARD JORDAN, M. D. Pathologist Now York City DR. FREDERIC ALRERT JEWETT Medical Inspector Dept. ot Health 188()-190(). Chief Inspector lUneau of Contagious Diseases, N. \'. Dept. of Health, etc. Rrooklyn, X. Y. HARRIE ARIJAH .lAMES, M. Obstetrician New York City JULIUS JARCHO, M. D. Adjunct Gynecologist Sydenham Hospital, Chief Gynecologist Clinic, Sydenham Hosp. New Y'ork City E M I • I R !■: S TA T E N T A H L E S PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 355 ASPINWALL JUDD AllcndinR Surgeon Lutheran Hosp., Altending Surgeon Post Graduate Hosp., Adjunct Pro!'. Suigery Post Graduate Med. School, Consult. Surgeon St. Vincent's Hosp., Bridgeport New York City nR. AnONIRAM BROWN .TUDSON Medical Examiner New York State Civil Service Commission, Specialist in Ortho- paedic Surgery New York Cily KENNETH IRANK .11 NOR, M. I). Discoverer of a Chemical Internal Cure for Cancer New York City II0MI:R THRALL JOY, M. D. New York City 356 Empire Statk Notables PHYSICIANS AND SLRGEONS CHARLES BOYD KELSEY, A. M., M. D. Surgeon Specialist in Diseases of tlie Rectum, Secretary of the N. Y. Post Graduate Hospital New Y'ork City DR. .T. r. 1\i:mi'ton New Y'ork City DR. FREDERICK O. KENDALL University Medical College. M. D., Tuft's College, A. M. New Y'ork City DR. GEORGE PIERSON JESSUP Physician and Surgeon, Surgeon Staten Hospital, S. R. S., Infirmary, etc. New Drop, N. Y. Empire State Notables 35: PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS RORERT WILSON SHUFELDT Physician, Author Washington, D. C. DR. MERLIN J. ZEH Physician and Surgeon Watervliet, N. Y. .1. WILSON POUCHER, M. D. IMiysician and Surgcoii, Served Thiougli Spanish-American War as Surgeon of New Yoik Volnnleeis Fonghkeeijsle, N. V. i)H. i:i)WAltl> HERMAN M. SELL IMiysician, Chairinan Seclion on Tlieory and Practice! of Medicine in N. Y. Academy of Medicine, Vice-I'r'esident and Treasurer American Academy of Medicine Wiiile Plains, N. Y. 358 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS ANF) SURGEONS SIMON ROBEUT KLEIN, M.D., Ph.D., M.A. Eornierly ^SFajor Surgeon and Pathologist of the Imperial Royal Austro-Hungarian Army, Professor of Histology and Embryology Fordham University School of Medicine New York City L. .7. LADINSKI, M. D. Professor Gynecology New Y'ork Polyclinic Medical School New York City CHARLES W. KINNEY, M. D. New York City DR. GEORGE, STARR WHITE Physician and Surgeon Yonkers, N. Y'. Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 359 DR. S. ADOLPHUS KNOPF Physician, PioCessor of Medicine, Dept. ol' Plithisiolhciapy at the N. Y. Post-Gradiiale Med. School and Hospital, Senior Attending Physician to the Healtli Dept's Riverside Hospital, Sanatorium I'oi- Consumptives New Y'oik City rni:DERICK STRANGE KOLLE Pliysician, Autlior, I^adiogi aplici' to M. E. Hosp., Rroolvlyn, Assl. IMiysician Contagious Diseases Hosp., Rrooklyn, IS!) I, Prominent in X-Ray Applications and FJectrotherapj New York City I HH. AliRAIlAM KORN New York City DR. CARL KOLLER New York City 300 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS "V ROBKIVl Kl MIXI.i;. M. D. Attending Physician and a Founder of Sydenliani Course, Post-Graduate Hospital Xew York City DR. HERMAN GUSTAV KLOTZ Physician, Connected with German Hospital and Dispensary New York City DH. P. 13. LA ROCHE New York Cily .JOHN ELLIOTT L.\XGSTAFF, M.D., L.R.C.P. (Edinl)urgh"l, Pliysician and Surgeon, Geii'l Practice, Physician to St. John's Hospital New York City Empire State Notables 361 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JAMES LAW, M. D. Member of Ihc Grand Council, Medical Examine)- for IIk; Royal Arcanium, ete. Xe-.v Ydik Cilv MEDWIN LEALE, M. D. Physician, Served Throughoiil Spanish- American Wai- as Surgeon lo N. Y. Vol. Cav. New York City DR. i;i.mi:r lef. Physician, Was Assislanl Surgeon War with Si)aiu New York Cily .l()Si:i'll !•■. C. l.rilAN, Ph. G., M. 1). I'rcsidciil. ricasiiici- and Director American- liolieniian Mining and 1-^xploring (>>. New York Cily 362 Empire State Notables physicians and surgeons DR. I). STANL1:Y LYONS New Yoi'k City DR. RALPH \VALDO LOUENSTINK Surgeon N. Y. Cily, Served as Interne St. Luke's Hosp., IV-.' Y'ears Late Atteniling Phvsician N. Y. Lving-in-Hosp., and Adj.- Asst., Attending Gynecologist to Rellevue Hospital New Y'ork City (iEORGE F. LITTLE, A. R., M. D. Brookyn, N. \. JONATHAN r. 1-YON, M. D. New Y'ork City Empire State Notables 363 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS LEFFERTS AUCUSTINE McCLELLAND, M.D. Phys., Since lOO?. luiff. Excl. in Otological & Rliino-Laryngol Work, Wnisbuig & Germ. Evangeline Hosp., Prof. Dis. Ear, Nose and Throat, B'klyn Post-Grad. Hosp., etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. .lOHN I). McBARUON, M. D., A. B. College Phys. and Surg. Col. Univ., N. Y. C, 181)2; Form. Asst. Gynecologist to Gen. Mem. Hospital, Author "Faulty Metabolism and Faulty Diagnosis," New York City THOMAS DAVIS Mi:HlilGAN, M. 1). F.ineiMtus Professor of Anatomy, F'ordham Univ., Visiting Surgeon St. Lawrence Hosp. New York City DONALD r. McPHAIL, M. D. Surgeon, Eye, I^ar and Thi'oat Dept. North i:astern Dispensary, Surgeon General New York Scollish Highland Heglment, etc. New York City 364 Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS (;eo. e. maurer, m. d. New York City WILRUR ROILEAU ^FARPLE, M. D. New York City DR. J. J. Mc>rAHON New Yoik City DR. FREDERICK HERBERT MASSECAR Physician New York City Emi'Ihl: State Notables 365 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS MILLER Consulting Physician and Siiigoon to St. Francis and St. Josepli Hospitals and Looniis Sanitarium at Liberty, Author of Vocal Art Science, Voice Vocal Alias, Evolution ol" Voice and Compound on Nose and Throat New York City DR. LEWIS H. MILLER Physician, lingagcd as Specialist in Treat- ment of Throat, Nose and Ear, Acting Laryngologist and Rhinologist, Polhemus Memorial Clinic Since 18!)3 Brooklyn, N. Y. CALVIN SLOANE MAY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon New York City CHARLIES AldLISTUS MITCHELL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Visiting Physician, Oiildoor Deparlnienl New York Homeopathic M(<rual College and Ilospilal New York City 3(JG Empihi- State Notaijlks — ••• — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DH. WILLIAM FREDERICK MITTENDORF Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon of St. Marks' Hospital, President of the Physicians Mutual Aid Association New York City CHAS. B. J. MITTELSTAEDT, M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Med. College, Member of In i ted States Army Reserve Corps New York City Medical ADOLPH MONAl. LLSSLl;. A. M., M. D Surgeon-in-Chief American National Red Cross during Spanish-American War, Co- Founder of N. Y. Red Cross and HospUal New York Citv DR. JOHN LITTLE MOFFAT Physician, Senior Member American Institute of Homeopathy New York City Empire State Notaijles 367 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS CHARLES BASIL MURRAY, M. D. New York City JAMES MORAN, M. D. New York Cily DR. PHILIP INGRAM NASH Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES NEIL, A. M., M. D. New York University IS.IO New York City 3(i8 I^Mi'iHi: SiAri' \()tai;m:s — ••■ — PHYSICIANS AM) SIHCEONS MICHAKF, CHRISTOPHER O'BRIEN, M. D. Adjunct Prof, of Modifine, Fordham Univ. School of Medicine, Lecturer Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis X. Y. Polyclinic Med. School. Consulting Physician St. Mary's Hosp., Waleibury, Conn.,' Mem. N. Y. Academy of >iedicine New Y'ork Cily DR. CHARLES OGILVV Surgeon, attending Surgeon N. Y. City Chil- dien's Schools and Hospitals (Randalls Island), Attending Surgeon X. Y. Post-C.rad. Ho^p. (Orthopedic Dept.), Adjunct Prof. X. Y. Post-Crad. School, Xew York Citv WM. E. XEUMAXX, M. D. Xew Y'ork City MARCUS XEUSTAEDTER, M. D., Ph. 1). Instructor in Xeurologv at the Xew York University and Rellcvue Hospital Medical College, Xew York City Empire State Notables 3GU PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. EDWIN TURNER OSRALDESTON Physician and Surgeon (Retired) New York Cily DR. PAUL OUTERBRIDGE Acting Attending Surgeon to Woman's Hosp. Also Attending to the Memorial Hospital Old Marion St. Maternity Hospital New York City DR. J. OSHLAO Manager of Manhattan Stale Ilospllal, Consulting Plivsician and Surgeon of Central Islip Stale Ilospilal NcNN' York Cily DOMENICO PACCIONE, M. I). New York City 370 lO.MI'lHK StATK NotAMLES IMIVSrCIANS ANi> SURGEONS EDWARD PAHlilSlI. M. D. Physician, Served in Porto Rico as Asst. Surgeon and First Lieut, under Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Physician in Charge of San Juan Military Hospital, Member American Assn. Study and Pievention of Tuberculosis l?rooklyn, N. Y. EDWARD LASELL PARTRIDGE, M. D. Physician, Prof. N. Y. Post-Graduate Med. College and Adjunct Prof. College Phys. and Surgs., Columbia University New York Cilv ISAAC HULL PLAT'I', M. Physician ^Vallingford, Pa. EDWARD ^V. PETERSON, M. D. Adjunct Professor of Surgerv New York Post-Graduate Medical School New York City Empire State Notables PHYSICIANS AM> SURGEONS 371 DR OTTO EMIL PRELLWITZ Adjunct Prof. Diseases of Nose and Throat N. Y. Polyclinic Med. School and Hospital, Laryngologist Colunil)us Hospital New York Cily DR. EVAN STYLES POTTER Physician and Surgeon, Late Asst. Visiting Surgeon Columbus Hosp., N. Y. City, Lec- turer and Demonstrator of Anatomy and Operative Surgery N. Y. Post-Graduale College and Hospital New York City WILLIAM HENRY PORTER, M. D. Pi'ofessor EmeiMtus New York Posl-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, etc. New York City MI'.YER RAI'.INOVITZ, M. Adjunct Gynecologist Rcth Israel Hospital, (iynecologlst Sydenham Hospital New York Cily 372 KMi'iHii Staik Notables •• — . PHYSICIANS AM> SLRdKONS SELDEX I. RAIXFORTH, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Head Dept. of Gyne- cology Presbyterian Hospital Dispensary, etc. New York City JACOB HECKMAN, M. D. Instructor in Surgery Post-Graduate School, Surgeon-in-Chief German Dispensary O. D.. Attending Surgeon to Philanthropian and St. Marks Hospital New York Citv DR. A. J. RAGGI New Y'ork City E. BENJAMIN RAMSDELL Medical Omcer Fire Department New Y'ork Citv Empire State Notables — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 373 \VM. AUGUSTUS VALENTINE, M. A., M. D. I'amily Physician, President and Trustee Good Samaritan Dispensary New York City H. FINLEY ROBINSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon New York City 1)1'.. I.AMAIi laV TITTLI': Osliopnihic I'hysiclaii, Mcniljcr Anicrii • (slcopalliic Associalioii, New York Osl patliic Clinic, elc. New Yolk Clly DR. IIICM'.Y OSCAR liOCKi:!" KLLER I'hysii'ian and SuiKcoii, Was Medical Dii'ector of 2(illi Ward Ilonicxr Dispensaiy and ll(isi)ilal lor Ten Years Brooklyn, N. Y. 374 E]\rpiRE State Notables PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS r.KORGE VVONSON YANDKGRIFT, A.M., M.D. Opthalmologist, Cornell Medical College, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary New York City DR. \YESLEY GROYE YIN CENT Surgeon, Asst. Attending Surgeon New York Post-Graduate Hospital, Asst. Surgeon N. Y. Post-Gard. and Presbyterian Dispensaries New York City EDWARD H. YINES, M. D. New Y'ork City DR. HIRAM N. YINERERG Surg.. Gynecologist to St. Marks Hosp.. Monte- flore Home for Chr. Inv., Attending Gynecol- ogist Mt. Sinai Hosp., Yis. Gynecologist Har Moriah Hosp., New York City Empire State Notables physicians and surgeons 375 DR. JAMES D. VOORHEES Physician, Resident Physician Preshvterian Hosp. 1894-1896, N. Y. Foundling ' Hosp. 1896-1897, Sloane Maternity Hosp. 1897-1900 New York City DR. JAMES PETER WARBASSE Surgeon, Author, Asst. Attending Surgeon Seney Hosp. 1892, Attending Surgeon 1905, Attending Surgeon German Hosp., Brooklyn, 1903, Chief 1906, Spec. Ed. Am. Journal of Surgery Since 1908, New York City NEWTON B. WAELER, M. D. Physician, General Practice New York City Dli. UAEPH WAI.DO Gynecologist lo Eeljanon Hospital, Associate Surgeon to Women's Hospital New York City 37(5 Empire State Notables physicians am) surgeons JOHN BLAKE WHITE Physician and Surgeon, Specialist Mfd. mid Surgical Diseases of Heart and Lungs, Med. Author, Visiting Surgeon Dept. of Co nee lion. Consulting Physician Littleton Hospital New York Cilv FANEl'IL D. AVEISSE, M. D. Connected -with Faculty of N. Y. Collegt Dentistry Since 1865 as ProL Anatomy. Surgical Pathology and Oral Surgery and as Dean of the Faculty Since 1897 New Y'ork Citv HARRIS WEINSTEIN, M. D. Visiting Physician Philanthropian Hospital New York Cily DR. ROBERT FULTON WEIR ProL of Surgery College Phvs. and (Columbia") Since l.S<t2 New York Cily Suri Empire State Notables c ■ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 37^ HENRY LYLE WINTER, M. D. Neurologist, Aulhoi-, Foinieily Instructor in Diseases of the Nervous System, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. College, Also Consulting Neurologist St. Luke's Hosp., Newburgh, Pres. First Dist. Branch, Med. Society of the State of New York New York City JAMES JEREMIAH NVILLIAMS, JR., M. 1). Physician, General Practice New York City DR. CICORdE S. YOUNdLINd Pliysician, (leneral Practice New York City DH. HElNRIt.H E. WOLI' Institute of Physical Therapy New York City 378 Empire State Notables — .«. — PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GEORGE A. WYETH, M. I). Cystoscopist, Polyclinic Hospital New York City LOUIS A. tli ZEREGA, M. D. New York City CHARLES RLOUNT SLADE, M. D. Physician, Teacher and Lecturer in the Univ. and Rellevue Hosp. Med. College, Md.; Med. Inspection lor Dept. of Health Three Years New York City Airi'lRR LEWIS ROOT, M. D. AltcndiiiK Physician Metropolitan Hospital and Hahnemann Hospital. New York Olty Empire State Notables — .*. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 379 PETER LAWRENCE SCHENCK, M. D. IMivsician (Retired), Consulting Surgeon Kings Co. Hosp. 1882-1910, Visit. Physician Kings County Penitentiary 1889-1905 Brooklyn, N. Y. PERRY SCHOONMAKER, M. D. Physician, Instructor Otology New York Post Graduate Hospital. Otologist, Rhmo- logist and Laryngolist Harlem Hosp. Clinic New York City WARREN SCHOONOVER, M. D. House Physician North Eastern Dispensary New York City HICNRY SCHCM1:R, M. D. Surgeon Bronx Hospital New York City :m Empire State Notabi,es . — .«.. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LI;ANDER HOWARD SHEARER Medical Ollicer Squadron A., N. G., N. Y., Interne at BeUevue Hosp. 1901-1903, Demon- strator in Physiology Columbia Univ. Since 1911, Visiting Physician Since 1911, Assistant Physician in Va'nderbilt Clinic 19(1.3-09, etc. New York City P. DAVID SHULTZ, M. D. New York City DR. WILLIAM BENHAM SNOW New York City JAMES H. SPANN, M. D. Physician, General Practice New York City Emimhe State Notables — ••. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 381 LOUIS SPINGARN, Ph. D., M. D. New York City DR. GEORGE THOMAS STEVENS Physician, Prof, of Physiology and Diseases of the Eye, Union University Medical College 1870-1870 and Surgeon to Albany Hosp. elc. New York City DR. NY. H. STEWART New York City I DR. RALPH (llill-I'TlllS STILLMAN Physician New York Cily 382 E M I • I n I ; S TAT f; Notables — .«. — . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS EUIENE LA FORREST SWAN, M. D. Brooklvii. N. Y. DR. FRED. B. SUTHERLAND New York City GEORGE THOMAS STRODE, M. D. New York City DR. S. MERIDITH STRONG Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire State Notables — ■•• — PHYSICIANS AND SURC.EONS 383 DR. EDWARD P. SWIFT Phvsician, Prof. Physical Diagnosis, X. Y. Homeopathic Med. College and Hosp. for Women 1904, Visiting Physician Flower Hospital 1010, etc. New Yoik City GEORGE MONTAGUE SWIFT, M. D. Physician, Genei-al Practice, Associated with Dr. Henry F. Walker Since 1883 Ncvv York City THOMPSON T. SWEI:NY, M. D. New York City DR. G. K. SWINBURNE New York City 384 Kmi'Hu; StatI'; XotaijlI'S — .«. — I'lnSIC.IANS AM> SIHC.EOXS K.MKIJY .lOHDAN THOMAS, M. D. I?altimorc Med. College 1902, Formerly Con- iiecled with St. Luke's, .1. Hood Wright Memorial and St. Elizabeth Hospitals New York City WILLIAM STUUdlS THOMAS, M. D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Through Span. -Am. War in U. S., Porto Rico, al Sea and in Cuba, Hes'd U. S. X. 1898, Chief Surg. Clinic St. Luke's Hosp., Res'd 1912, New York City DR. JOSIAH PAYNE THORNLEY General Practice and House Physician Hotel Ansonia New York City DR. S.\MLT:L \VOl)l) THURRER Chief of Clinic and Instr. Dept. of Laryn- gology Col. Univ., Laryngologist to Orph. Home and Asylum, New York City Empire S'lAir: Notaijles — .•. — DENTAL SURGEONS 385 DR. willta:\[ (,ARR Dean of College of Dental and Oral Siugery of New York, Professor of Oral Surgery New York City OSCAR CARRABINE, D. D. S. Orthodonist, Lecturer on Orthodontia at the First District Dental Society, etc. New York City Dl!. I INN L. I'OSSL.Mi:, I). I). S. ICx-Prcsidciil New York Sludy Clulj, Ex- Picsidcnt Institute Denial 'rcelinir[ue New York City .IAi\li;S IIF.RMANS, 1). 1). S. Alciiiher First District Denial Society Stale of New York, Member National Dental Assn. New York City 386 Emimri- State Notables dental surgeons (iEO. F. JERNIGAN, D. D. S. Member American ^fedical Association, Nat. Dental Association, N. Y. State Dental Soc, Eirst District Dental Society New York City Mem. N. Y. Soc, NELSON T. SHIELDS, D. D. S. Am. y\c(\. Assn. Nat. Dental Assn.. State Dental Soc, First District Dental Odontological Soc and Hon. Mem. of the Third District Dental Soc New York City L. A. O'RRJAN, D. D. S. Prof, of Oral Pathologj- and Dental Thera- peutics N. Y. Homeopathic Medical School New York City KALl'll \V. BABCOCK. D. D. S. Graduate of Univ. of Pennsylvania 1902, Member of First District Dental Society New York City Empire State Notables 387 DENTAL SURGEONS EMILIO M. AGOSTINL D. D. S. Mem. of Psi Oswego Dental Assn.. JNIem. of First Dental Soc. of N. Y., Ex-Instructor Poreelain and Gold Inlay of N. Y. College of Dentistry New York Gll\' ALEJANDRO ANDRADE, D. D. S. Member of Amei-iean Academy of Dental Surgery, President of the Columbian Commercial Clul) of New Y'^ork New Y'ork City ALsriN C. IJAMIor.I), 1». 1). S. Allcnding Dentist of New York Dispensary New York City THOMAS J. HARTLEY, I). D. S. New York College of Dentistry, l-'oiiner Visiting Dentist I"iv(! Point House and Indiislry l^'ordliani Hospital New York City 588 Kmi'Iiu; Staii: Nojaules — .«. — DKN'IAL SURGEONS ARTHUR A. r.AMRRER, D. D. S. (;r;u)iiale of New York College ol' Denlislrv. Denioiislinlor of (^lieniical Ucnlislij Xew York Cilv DR. ARNOLD GUYOT DANA Piaelicing Surgeon Denlist New York City DR. H. BOTH Dentist New York City HENRY BLUTif, D. D. S. New York City Emimre State Notahles 380 DI-.NTAI, SIHCICONS D. ]>. S. Surgeon Dentist, Formerly Surgeon Dentist lo the Montefiore Home and the Good Samai-ilan Disxjensary, Discoverer of Dr. l'"eigensohn's Toolliaclie Slop N'ew York Cilv MAURlCi: A. DOLUWIT, D. ]). S. Dental Surgeon to Belh-David Hospital New York City i Dli. A. I; (ulll'.N Denlist New Voik (Jly Mor.n/ col IN. \i. I Denlist New York Cily 300 P'^rriRE State Notap.les Dl.NTAL SUUC.EONS RUDOLPH H. E. GUDEWILL, D. D. S. Professor of Dentistry New York Scliool of r.liiiie;il >r<'(lieine. Attending Dental Siii-gcon West Side German Dispensary NCw York Citv >r. FAirjNG, D. U. S. Dentist New Yoi-k City JOHN R. FINCH, D. D. S. Brooklyn, N. Y. EDWARD EOX, D. D. S. Former Dental Surgeon to Out Patient Department, Roosevelt Hospital New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — . DENTAL SURGEONS 391 WILLL\M JAMES GRAHAM, D. D. S. Buffalo University 1902 Bi-ooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE H. LEGGETT, D. D. S. New York City EDGAR (i. INGRAM, 1). D. S. New York CoIIcru of Dcnlisliy New York Cily MAX IIERRST, 1). D. S. Dentist New York Cily 392 E iNl I> I FU^ S TAT E N O TA B L E S .«. DENTAL SURGEONS ISIDOR KUXSTLER, D. D. S. Consulting Dental and Oral Snigcf New York City DR. J. L. MacNAUGHTON Dentist, Late Instructor at the New College of Dentistry New York Citv York HYMAN MALE, D. D. S. New York Cily R. MICHAEL LEO Dentist New York City Empire State Notables 393 DENTAL SUUGLONS JOHN BAPTIST HUBERT SEXES AC, D. D. S. Mcnil)or Illinois State Dental Society, ^lem. Chicago Odontograpliic Society New Yorl< Cilv CLINTON B. PARIvEB, D. D. S. Dentist Brooklyn, N. Y. HENRY ir. PI;TEBS, I). D. S. New Yoi'k City JOHN L. pirncRS, d. d. s. New York City 394 Empire State Notables DENTAL SURGEONS ALFRED RUSSl.l.l. S 1 AUR, M. D., D. D. S. Professor of Operative Dentistry and Dental Therapeutics at the New York College of Dentistry New York City T. \V. ONDERDOXCK, D. D. S. New York Citv CHARLES D. WRIGHT, D. D. S. Specialist on Crown Bridge Work, also Porcelain Intery Work New York City L N. WHEELER, D. D. S. New Yoik Cilv Empirk State Notables di'.ntal surghons, etc. 395 HKRRERT LOCKI-: WHEELER Associated with Dr. .1. Morgan How, in Dental Eirm of Howe & Wheeler Since 1901. Prof. Prosthetic Dentistry, College of Dental and Oral Snrgery of New York New Yoik Ciiv DR. LEOX .L SOLOW Dentist New York City WILLIAM C. NAVOC.K, I). I). S. Denlist Brooklyn, X. V. I'. L. BEN.IAMIX Sec'y Seahiiry X- .loluison, Pliainiacenlical Pi'ei)a rations New Yoi-k (^ity 39G E:\ri'ii{E State Notables niAIAl. SLRGEONS, ETC. WALTER R. G. DOWNS, D. D. S. Specialist in Artifui;\l Teeth Xe\v Yoils r.ilv WII.EIAM B. PARK, D. D. S., Dentist New York City DR. .lAMI.S i;i)(;ar isowma.n Private Sanitarium Greenwich, Conn. EDMUND H. IIICHENER Binghn niton. X. Y. Empire State Notables 3!) 7 EDUCATORS (;i:oi'.(;r watsox cole Rihliograplicr, Dodd, Mead & Co. New York Cily JOHN' HEXDLEY RARXHART, M. D. ihlicgnipluT, New Yoi-k Rotaniial Gardens, Bronx Park New York Cily lOIIX T,. STOnOARU Leclurcr New York Cily IHANCIS IIOVl.V SroDDARO Dean of llic Collcf^c ol' Alls and I'lire Scicnco. New York University, Since 1911 New York Cily :i!).s E M p I u i: S lA r e N o ta p. l i: s ]:ducatohs PROP. LEWIS p. MOTT College of City of New York New York City HARRY ALLEN OVERSTREET Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department of Philosophy, College of the City of New York, Since 1011 New York City CHARLi:S IJASKERVILLE, Ph. U., F. C. S. College of City of New York, Professor of Chemistry New York City PROF. CHARLES ALFRED DOWNEll Educator, College of the City of New York. Vice-President Association of Doctors ol Philosophy, Columhia University New York City Empire S tat e N o ta u l e s 399 EDUCATORS HENRY MITCHELL MacCRACKEX Chancellor Emeritus, New York Universily New York (My ELMER ELLS^VORTH RROWN Chancellor, Ne^\■ York Univei-sily Xew Yoi'k C.Wy ARCHIRALI) LIAVIS ROITON New York University, Deaii of the New York I'liiversity College ol' Arts and Pim'c Science New York City .lOIIN II1:NRY ^rA(:CRACKEN l'icsi(h'nl and I'rol'essoi' Philosophy, West- minsler College, Fulton, Mo., 1«!)!)-1!)03; Syndic New ^'ork Univcisily and Processor of P(dilics Since 1!)03 New York Cily 400 IvMi'iiu: SiATi' N()TAui,i;s EDUCATORS DR. JOHN' HLSTON FIN LEV Commissioner of IMucation Slate of New York 1011, Ex-President College Cily of New York Albany, X. Y. NICHOLAS MURRAY lU TUER, Ph.D., L.L.I). President Columbia T'niversify New York City VIRGIL C015LENTZ, A. ^L, Pii. D., Pii. M. Professor of Chemistry Dcparlment of Pharmacy Columbia L'niversity New York City .lOHN R.VIES CLARK Economist, Educator, Professor Political Economy Columbia University New York City Em PI HE State Notaijees 401 EDUCATORS IREDERK.K A. (lOETZE EdiK-ato)-, Engineer, Dean of the ScIkkiIs of Mines, Engineering and Cliemistry and Con- sulling Engineer Columljia Univ. Since 1907 New York Cilv I\1CHARD JAS. HORATIO (iOTTHEIE Educator, Coliini])ia Univcrsily Nc^^■ York Cily I'ROE. ERIEDRICH HlRTll i:ducator, Author, Prof. Ctiinese Eilcialiirc and Head Chinese Deparlnicnl ('uliiinliia I'liivcrsily, clc. New York Cily IlliRRlORI' GARDINER I.Oin) iMliicntor. Professor of Pliilanlhropy, Coliind)ia Univcrsily New York City 402 Empire State Notables EDUCATORS PAUL MONKOi: Univcrsitv Prof., Adjunct Prof., History of Ed'n 1899-1902, Since 1902 Teachers' Coll., Columl)ia University, Lectuier in Education Yale University 1906-1907 Xew York City PROF. HENRY SMITH MUXROE, Ph.D., S.D. Professor of Mining, School of Mines, Columbia University New Yorl< Cilv CHARLES ERNEST PELLEW Chemist, Adjunct Professor Chemistry Columbia University 1897-1911 NcN\' York (^ity PliOl". >L\RSHALL HOWARD SAVILLE Aidiaeologist, Prof. American Archaeology, Columbia University, Since 1903 New York City Empire State — *•* — EDUCATORS 403 PROF. HENRY ALFRED TODD Educator, Author, Professor of Romance Philology, Columbia University New York City EDWIN ROBERT A. SELIGMAN Adjunct Professor 1888-1890, McVickar Prof. Political Economy, Columbia Universily, Since 18!)1 New York Cilv 'HOI'. G. P. WARREN Ithnra, N. Y. WALTER FRANCIS WILLCOX Since 1901 Professor Political Economy and Statistics, Cornell Universily, and 1902-1907 J)ciill of (he I'aciilty of Arts and Scirncii llhaca, N. V, 404 E M I • I li I : S T \J' !• N TA I! L E S EDICATORS 'm|^ A Hi; AM TUCKER KEHli Anatomist, Educator Ilhaca, X. \'. EDW IX WALTER KEMMERER Piofpssor of Economics and Ilnance, Cornell University Ilhaca, X. Y. I'HOl-. 0. C. BOGERT I'rofcssor of Law lUiaca, N. V. I'HoE. i:vi;iiEri' w. olmsteu Prof, of Roman Lanj^iiages and Literature, Cornill University llluua, X. Y. R:\rpinr: Statk Notap,m-s 'I Of) EDUCATORS CHARLES MAURICE STEBIUNS Educator, Author, Teacher Boys' High School Riooklyii 1003-1908, I^ecUirer in Cornell University Summer Session 1907-1900 Brooklyn, X. Y. EDWARD 1 RAXCIS STJAICN'S f-ibrarian and Diicctor Pratt InsliUile tree Uhrary Riodklyn, X. Y. PR()|-. 1 JIANK SARGENT IIOEI MAN Professor of Philosophy, Union College! Schenectady, X. Y. THOMAS O. RAKER ICducator, Iv\-Prcsident Westchester Counly Teachers Association, Society Doctors of Pedagogy, N. Y. Educational Council, etc. Brooldyn, X. Y. 40G Emi'IRi: State Notables I'DlCATOltS THOMAS HUNTER, Ph. D., L. L. D. PiTsiflpiit Emeritus, Normal College New YoT-lc City GEORGE S. DAVIS, L. L. D. President Normal College of the City of New York New York Citv W'M. If. MAXWELL City Supt. of Schools, N. Y. City; Ex-Pres. Nat. Educational Assn., Pres. State Council of Superintendents and Pres. Dept. Super- intendence Nat. Educational Assn. New York City EDWARD B. SHALLOW, A. M., D. S. C. .\ssociate City Superintendent Public Schools New York City Empire State Notables educators 407 ED. LAWRENCE STEVENS Assoc. City Siipt. of Schools, Educator, Inst. Slate Noiiual School, Or}j;anizccl Schools in Borough of Ouccus, 18!)8 as Borough Supt., In Charge of High Schools of City Since 1904 Now York City CLARENCE i:i)MLM) MELENEY Associate City Supt. of Schools Since 1903, Prof. Elcmentarv Teaching Supervision and School Law in Teachers College, Col. Univ. 1893-90, Asst. Supt. of Schools N. Y. C. 1890 New York City i;d. \v. stitt, m., sc, Pd. d. District Superintendent of Schools New York Cily New York City .r. S. TAYLOR District Supt. of Schools, Author, In 1902 Was Chosen Dist. Supt., Has Been on Faculty of N. Y. Univ. as Lecturer on Teaching and School Administration New York City 4U8 1-^ Ml' I UK Stati-: X()TAi;i,r:s EOrCATOHS DAliWIX L. bari)wi:li. District Siipcrjutcndent in Cliaist- nf Schools, Xew Yoi'li (lity New York Cilv STl ART HRNRY ROWE Principnl \V:i(lIcisl'. Hish School, Teacher, Author. Iloart of Dept. of Psychology and Principal of Education Brooklyn Training School for Teachers Since 1901 Xew York City JOHN C. OLSEX Teacher, Chemist, Author, Instructor in Physics and Chemistry, Austin High School, Chicago, 111., 1895-1898; Prof. Analytical Chemistry Poly. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., Since 1900, etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. WILLIAM S. EELTER I-diicalor, I'rincipal (lirls' High School Brooklyn, X. Y. EMPinE State NoTAtiLES '100 KDLCATOHS WILLIAM J. MORRISON, M. A. Momber of llie Comniiltee on the School of Pedagogy, President Rroolilyn Teachers Association Brooklyn, X. Y. AXGELO PATRI Principal, Public School Teacher, Sociologist New York City Author, ICDWAHI) R. WIiriMCY Principal Schenectady High School Since 1!>08 Schenectady, N. Y. .lOHN .JAMi:S SCIIOOMIOVRN Biologist, Lecturer, President American Assn. for the I'lanting and Preservation of City Trees, etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. 110 Empire State Notables l-.nUCATOHS EDWARD RORINSOX Director >retropoIitan >[useiun of Art, Hon. Professor I-'aciilty of Fine Arts, Colunihia University, Since 190G New York City JOHN STUART WHITE Educator Chicago, HI. ^ EDMUND OTIS HOVEY (jeologlst, Ameiican Museum of Natural History New York City MARSTOX TAYLOR ROGERT Professor Columbia University, Oiganic Chemistry New York Gily Empire State Notables 411 EDUCATORS TOWN SEND MacCOUN Geographer and Historian New York City N. ARCHIBALD SHAW, JR., M. A. President and Treasurer Hamilton Institute for Boys, Inc., Principal Hamilton Institute for Boys, Inc., Since 1892 New York City At, BERT PERRY BINGHAM (■e<jlogist Hamilton, N. Y. GEN. WILLIAM VERRECK The Manlius School, Aide to Gov. Hughes 1909, Pres. & Head Master St. John's School, Manlius, N. Y., 191()-]912; Appointed Major General State of New York 1912 Manlius, N. Y. H2 Kmi'Ifu: SiATr; Xo'rAniJiS i:i)L('.A roHS WALLACE P. GROO-M Economist, elc, with Brooklyn Inslitiilc ol' Arts and Sciences Since 18!)l! I'.rnoklvn, X. Y. \VILLL\M LIVIXGSTOX HAZEX, B.A., L.L.H. Hcadniastei- Bainai'd Scliools, Xe\\' York f^aptain U. S. Y. Spanish-American \Yar Xew York Cifv DI'.. THOMAS I-. RHILLY ofessor Thei'apeiilics, jVfedical Department Fordham University, Author, Medical Economics A'ew York City Hi:HHERT L. I'ICKR Etiiicator, Principal St. George's School Since 1907 New York City Kmi'Ii;e State Notai;i,i;.s - .#. — EDUCATORS 41;? EDWAI'.D THOMAS DEVIMC Eilucalor, Aiilhor, Social Woi-ker, ftrt'iiibci' Council American Academy Polilical and Social Science, elc., etc. Now York Cily EDWARD B. MAXNlN(i Composer New York Cih- sriU'iii;N iisi\i; Aullior, Dranialist, .loiiriialisi New York Cily CI sr.W KOBRE Anllior, .louinalisl New York Cily 414 Em I' I HE State EDUCA'IOHS CLAYTON HALSIiY SHARP, Pji. 1). Vicc-Pres. and Tech. Dir. Electrical Testing I.aboiatoTics, X. Y. City, Past Picsidciil llliiniiiiMlinK luisinccring Society, I'cilow Am. Inst, of i:iectiical Engineers and ol Am. Assn. foi- the Advancement oi' Science White plains, X. Y. DR. EDWARD ANTHONY SPITZKA Director and Professor of General Anatomy The Ilaniel Bnnsle Institute of Anatomy of the .Icll'erson Medical College Pliiladelpliia, Pa. i:i)(;ar coit morris Professor Department of English, Syracuse University Syracuse, N, Y, 1. ELAND O. HOWARD, M. 1)., Pn. 1)., L.L. I), Chief Rurcau of Entomology U. S., DepI, Agi'icnlture \Vilsllinglo|i, 1). C. Empire State Notaules 415 EDUCATORS FRAXKLIN WILLIAM HOOPER, L.L. ]). Director Rrooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences Rrooklyn, N. Y. lIEliMAX LE ROY FAIRCHILD Geologist, Professor Geology University of Rochester Since 1888 Rochesler, N. Y. HENRY HHAAM NVING lOducafor, Author, Prof. Animal Husbandi'y Cornell Univ., Since 190.'! Prof. Husbandly Cornell University illiaea, X. Y. FRANK n<viM: Dean Cornell Universily College of l.i\\\ llhaca, N. Y. •ik; Ivmi'IHl: Sta'ii: XoTABJ.iis ••■ — • EDUCATORS HERBERT CHARLES ELMER Professor of Latin, Cornell l'nivcisil> Ithaca, X. Y. GEORGE HARRISON SHULL liotanical Investisator, Botanical ICxpei't U. S. Bnicau of Plant Industry 1002-1904 Cold Spring Harbor. X. Y. i:U\VLN EMERY SLOSSOX I'lof. (Chemistry Univprsity of Wyoming. (Iiomist of Wvoniin^; Asricullural E\p'l Slalion 1, Sill -189:'',, etc.. Literary E.lilor The Independent. X. Y., Since 1901 New Yorii City llAlil'.V ALE.VIS HAUDING Itacleriolo'iist. President Geneva Board of lleaHh Recreation (ieneva, X. \. E Ml' I hi: Stati; Notaiii^ls - ••• — EOUCATOHS 117 VIRdIL l>Ki:TTY>rA\ l",ihi( .iliT. I'riiifipal Horiu-c Xoini;i Since ISil.') Xc'W York (;il\ RICHARD MORSE HODGE Exlfiisiiui Lecturer in Riljlical Lileraliire Columbia I'niversily New York City l).\Mi;i, WERSTEIi lll.HINC iMliu'alor New York City I'ltOI". WILLIAM HALLOCK I'.iluralor, Menilx'i- New York Slale Scieiicr Tea (• hers Assoeialion New York Cily 418 Empire State Notables educators HENRY FRANK Lecturer, Autlior', Oinlor New York City THOMAS (.li.BKKT PEARSON Secrelaiy nnrt Ex-OfTiccr National Association Audubon Societies, Professor Riology State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro, X. C, 1!t()l-100.'?. etc. New York Citv DAVID SAVILLE Ml ZZEY Teacher, Lecturer, Author New York City PROI". .lAMES HARVEY HYSLOP Secretary American Society for Psychical Research New York City Empire State Notables educators 419 WILLIAM ALPHOXSO MURRILL Botanist, Assistant Director New York Botanical Garden New York City PROF. S. ALFRED MITCHELL Astronomer, Member Astron & Astrophy Society, Phi Beta Kappa New Yorl? City FREDERIC LUDLOW LrOUEER Educator, Principal Public School 152 Brooklyn, N. Y. .TA:\rES EDWIN LOUGH Educator, Prof. School of Pedagogy N. Y. University Since 1901, Secretary School of Pedagogy and of Washington Sqti. Collegeale Division New York City 120 E.MI'IRL S'lATli NoTAIJLliS KDUCATORS CHARLES HERBERT EEVERMORE Ex-PiesidoiU of Adelplii College, Professor of History in Adelphi College Since 1912 Brooklvn. X. Y. tu-:nry edgerton chapin EdiiciUor, Riolosist Richmond Hill. X. Y. WILLIAM T. BREWSTER, A. M. Provosl of Barnard Collese ;nid Professor of English Xcw Y'orl\ Cily PROP. JOSEPH BOWDEX Piol'essoi- Malhcnialics Adelplii College Brooklyn, X. Y. Empire State Notahles 421 DDUC.ATOKS THOMAS M. I5AI.L1RT, Ph. I). [•'flucnlor, Siipl. Schools, Spriiisfield, Mass., l.S.S8-l!HM. I)c:m of School of Pcclagosy. New York University New York Cily ALBERT BALL Assistniit Piof. of Physics anil Engincpriiif New Yoik r.ily HON. (;ilAlU,i:s ('.. SCHOENEC.K Wllh P.(L of ICd'ii for Iho Pasl S Yrs., Churn School Disl. ;!7 Bor. of B'klyn, Vicc-Prcs. (".omni'cial 'I'ravclcrs of [,. I., and Now with I*. ISnllnntinc iV- Sons, Brewers and Maltsters, I'.xtensive Bnilder of Honses in His Locality Brooklyn, N. Y. IU:Y. WILLIAM STANLEY BABUONYS, M. A. Head Master of the De Yeaux College Niagara Falls, N. Y. 422 Empire State Notables KDUCATDHS REV. THOMAS J. McCLUSKEY, S. President Foidham University Fordham, N. Y. SAMUEL M. CUXE LIXDSAY Educator and Sociologist Columbia Univ. New York City DR. VERAEMUS A. MOORE Educator Ithaca, N. Y. D.WID FOSTER ESTES Clergyman, Baptist, Librarian Colgate University Since 1898 Hamilton, N. Y. Empire State Notables EDUCATORS 423 CLARK WISSLEU Anthropologist, Instructor in Kd'n \. Y. C. 1901-1902, Lecturer on Anthropology, Col. Univ. 190.")-1009, Curator of Anthropology, Am. Museum of Natural History Since 190S New YorK City DANIEL DRAPER, Ph. D. Meteorologist, New York Meteorological 0])servatory at Central Park New Y'ork City OSCAR D. ROI'.INSON (Deceased .July 11, 1911) Mcinher- National i;(lucational Association, Principal Albany Iligli School Albany, N. Y. PROE. EDWARD N. JONES I'rinclpal New York Training Scliool for Teachers Since 1901 New York City 121 E^rl'll{I: Stair Notahlks DUCATOlvS MADISON liKNTLl-Y Assi>l:inl I'l-olessor Psychology, C.oincll I'liivprsity lllmcn, X. Y. ARCHIE KMEHSOX PALMEil SccrctMiy of IJoiird of luhicalion Xf'W York City JAMES PATiTOX HAXICY Physician, Educator Dii-ector of Ait Hlj-h School. X. Y. Cili New Yorl? City CHARLES WII.LLVM I'.EEP.i: Ornithnlosist Xew York City EMiMRr: State Notaiu.ks INSl UANCI': 125 coi'iNELirs i)OHi;Mrs I'rfsidciU The Gernianiii lAI'c Iiisuraiu-c ('.)., New Yoi-1^ Cilv IlllU-IM' CI!. MS Vice-President Gerinaiiin Life Fiisiirance Co. Trustee ficrnian Sa\iii<>;s Hank, Rossia [ii^ 111 aiui- C(i. and (Icrnian Society New YoiU Cilv MA.\ A. \Vi:SKM)()NCK Second Vice-T'resiclenI r.crniania l.ili Insili'iiiU'e Co. I'l.KI.Z I-. 1 1 LIT-' Insniaiice Specialist, AfanaRer and Wi'iler New Voik Cilv 12C> Empire State Notables IXSl'RANCi: JOHN RO(iERS HEGEMAN President Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. New York City HALEL FISKE Vice-Pres. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. New York City GEOR(iE II. (iASTON Second Vice-President Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. New York City JAMES S. ROBERTS Secretary Metropolitan Life Insurance New York City Empire State Notables 427 INSURANCE ^^'ALTER STABLER Coniplruller Metropolitan Life Lisurance Co. New Yr,rl< Cilv GERALD R. BROWN Comptroller Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States New Yorl.: Citv I. oris BERTSCHMANN Bertschniaini it Maloy, Ceiieral Insiii'ancc Brokeis, l-"iic. Marine, Life, etc. New York City JOHN ISAAC DEVOl': BBISTOL Manager New York City Agencies of llic Nortlnv eslern Mutual Life Insurance Co. New York City 2S K:\riMRE State Notables INSLRANCK CHARLES AUGUSTUS PEABODY President Mutual Life Insurance (".o. New Yo)].: New Yoik GEORdE T. DEXTER Second Vice-Piesident Mutual Life Insu)ance Co. of New York Xi-w Yorlc Cilv SAMUEL S. HALL Assistant Actuary of the Mutual Life; Insurance Co. New Yorl< Cilv HORACE HOLLEY DALE Manager Oldest Branch OlTice in the Point of Location of New York City, the Northwest- ern Mutual Life Insurance Co. New Yoi-lv Cily I^Mi'iin: Sta'iI': Noiap.iJ'S 42!) INSUl^ANCE THOMAS K. LOVEJOY PiesitUiit ManliaKfiTa Life Iiisiiiaiice Co. New York ('i(v JOHX D. KNAl'P Oisaiii/ci- and (iencial Manager Xalional 'I'cniiicraiuc'i- Iiisuiaiu(^ Socicly New York Cily i)AMi:r, i>.. Ml lii'iiY Mcicliaiil, I'lcs. Iiidis iiliia I I iiih^rw li Icis' Associalion of U. S., 'I'roslccr lioclicslci r.Iiamhci- of Coiuiiicico Koc-hcslcT, X. Y. ■%■ l-Hi:i)i;iU(,lv \VII.I.IA>( I'HANKMN l.alc Associali' Acliiar> of llic New York \,Hi- liisiii-aiicc Co., Aiillior " TIkiiijaIiIs oil ClliiiiaUi I'lohlcrus"'' T'oxloii, Xcw Zcahuid 430 E M IM H E S TA r F. N T A B L E S INSURANCE FREDERICK H. SHIPMAN Tieasurer New York Life Insurance Co. New York City EDMUND DUTILH RANDOLPH Consulting Treasurer N. Y. Life Insurance Co., Ex-President Continental National Rank New York City C. STANTON FLOYD JONES Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co, New York City GEORGE W. RARR General Attorney and Manager the Northern Assurance Co., Ltd., of London New York City Empire State Notables 431 INSURANCE ALFRED :Nr. BEST Publisher, Rest's Insurance Reports New York City JACOR BERTSCHMANX American Manager Switzerland Marine Ins Co., American Consul for Switzerland New Yorl: City U. S. COE Secrelaiy and Direcfoi- Home Tilh- Insurance Co. of New York New York City W M. II. CONROY Ii<si(Iciil X'ice-PresidenI Massacluisells liondiiif,' and Insurance Co. New York City 432 1*^ M 1' I R I-: S TATE N OTA IJ Mi S INSLKANCli HEXRY EVANS President Continental Insurance Co. and The I'idelily Phenlx Insurance ('.<>., elc. New York City J. MONTGOMERY HARK d Slates Manager Norwich Union Eire Insurance Co. New York Cilv \V1LLIAM J. GARDNER Insurance Oflicial, Assistant General Manaf^er American Rranch of The Ocean Accident \- Gnaranlee Corporation, Ltd., of l.oiKJon, Jln^Iand, Since Kill New York City VAN WYCK FERRIS •nl I'niled Slates Rranch of llu Assurance Coii^oration New York Cily Empire State NoiAiiLEs 433 INSURANCE CHARLES D. HILLES Dwislit & Hillc's, Resident IMSfs. Employeis [.iiil)ilily f:oiporalion, Ltd., Chaiim. Rcpul). National Committee New York Cilv CHAS. HERBERT HOLLAND Viee-Piesident and General Manager Royal Indenuiity Co. New York Cilv WILLIAM HARi: United Stales Manager Norwich Union I'iro Insnranee Society New Yoik (;ity A. R. HASFORD Assistant Manager Hoyal Insurance Co., Ltd, New York Cily 434 E :M T' I H E S TAI-E N OTA n LE s INSUUANCE HORATIO XEbSOX KELSEY Manngcr U. S. Pii-anch Hamburg Bremen Eire Insurance Co. Xcw York City ALOXZO GORE OAKLEY Manager ol the Uuitetl Stales I'klelily Ouaraiity Co. Xcw Y'ork City wiEi.iAM BURxm' 0(;i)i:n \V. B. Ogden & Son, Eire Insiiraneo I'nderwriters Xcw Y'orlx Cily Wll.l.lAN' .). MADDI.N LiJ'e Insui.iiuc, \ssislant Manager Xew Yorls Cily Empire State Notables insurance 435 CIIAlU.i:s HENnKRSOX POST r. S. M:nias<'i" Calidoniiiu Insurance Co. of Scollantl, President Calidonian-Ameritan Insiiiance Co. of Now York New York City i:llis gray Richards ^lanager United States Rranch Nortli British and Mercantile Insurance Co. and President Commonwealth Insurance C.o. of New York New York Cily I.DCl'.UTON PAI\S()NS ('arsons A: (]o., Insui'ance l!rok( Average Ad.juslers New York Cily ALMSON BURTON HOOMi; Manager Brooklyn and l.onft Island Dejit. nf the Continental Insniance Co., Manager Konu Island Deparlinenl of the I'idelily,- IMicnix I■"ir(^ InsiM'ance Co, New YorH Cily 436 Emi'IHI' State NotaijM'S INSURANCE ELBRIDGE GERRY SNOW President Home Insurance Co., Trustee X. Y. Life Insurance Co., Directoi- North River Savings BaTik and Other (Corporations New York (;ily EDWARD EITCH BEDDALL United States Attorney for Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., President Queens Insurance Co. of Anieiica New Yoik Cily CECIL F. SHAI.LCROSS Manager Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. New Yolk Cily FRANK W. CONN President Manufacturers and Business Men's Association of New York. Special Agent New Y'ork Telephone Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. KMi'inn State Notahmzs 437 ixsuRANcr: JOHN GERALD HILLIAUl) Fire Insurance Uiidoiwritcr New York City GEORGE \V. BLRCHELL Vice-President Queen Insurance Co. New York City LEO VINCEX'l' l)<)Iii:HrV Insui-ance Rroker, Mem. Alpliii Phi I'rat. and Alpha Phi Alumni Assn., Mem. Hoard of Alderman, City of N. Y., Representative 51st Aldermanic Dist., Having I?een Designated by 51st Dist. to Succeed Ald'nian A. IJ. Kline on His Reconiing Mayor of City of N. Y., on Death of Mayor Gaynor Sept. 10, 1913 nrooklyn, N. Y. I'. H()lii;UTSON JONES Insurance Oflicial, Assistant Seci-elary I'idelity & Casually Co. of N. Y., 1910-13 New York City 438 Empire S tat e N o r\ n e e s IN SL RANGE HART LYMAN Chairman of the Board Ameritan Surety Co. Trustee North River Savings Bank, N. Y. Former Editor New York Tribune New York City FRANK E. LAW Vice-President Fidelity & CasuaUy New York City Co. CHARLES WAKE Manager F.([uilable Life Assurance Soc, etc. New York City CARL F. STURHAHN >[anager and General Attorney for I'. S., Rossia Insurance Co. of St. Petersburg, Prussian Life Insurance Co. of Berlin New York City Empire State Notables 439 JAMii:ilS, CAl'l TALISTS, MiaUJlANIS, IVVC EDWARD EARL Vice-President Irving National Rank Xew York Cifv HICKS ARNOLD WEATHERBEE Arnold, Constable & Co. New York City WALDO H. MARSIIAIJ, Picsldciil American Locoination Co. and (Jllicer and Dir. in Many Olh(;r Corporations New York City HON. CHARLES V. I'ORNES iMerclianI, I'oriiieriy Meml)er of Congress New York City 440 E MP inn State Xotaulp.s . — .«. — HAM\IN(i AMt 1-I\\N<.I.\I. ALEXANDER D. SEYMOUR President Manufacturers National Brooklyn, N. Y. Rank (lEORC.E A. FLEURY President United Slates Title (niaranty Brooklyn, N. Y. R(JGER R. AVIELIAMS Manulacturer, President First National Bank, President Ithaca Savings Bank Ithaca, N. Y. T. SUFFERN TAILER Banker; Taller & Co. New York City K\rprnF, STAir: Notabi-ks — -.»^- — U.\NKIN<; AM) I'lNANCIAI. 441 CHARLES C. JACOBUS (lovernor Consolidalcd Stock Exchange and President llie Consolidated Clearing House of New Yoik, Ltd. Xew York Cifv JASON D. CASE Banker, President Board of Trade, Pi-esidenl (Mtizcns' Bank of Arcade, N. Y., Since Its Organization in 1883 Franklinville, X. Y. WILIJAM ALi;X.\M)EP. I-TNN I'.ank ['resident, Aullior. Tiustee Joluison Public Library, Hackensack, N. J., Coinin'r of Palisades Interstate Park, President J'pople's National Bank Hackensack, N. J. HON. I!. FRANK LENT I'jilcred Banking and Brokeiage, New Yoik City, Laler Engaged in Music Business, Moved to Itliaca 1893 and Engaged in Same Business Ithncn, N. Y. 142 Empirk State Notables l!ANKIN(; AM. llNANClAh JOHN VAX 15 URKX THAYER P)aiiker, Second Vice-Presifient Union Trnst r.o. of New York Xpw Y'ork City EUGEXE BRITTOX Broadway Savings Xew York Citv JOSEPH M. ADRIAX President German Exchange Bank, Presidenl Michael J. Adrian Corporation New York City WILLIAM EDWARD COITTX Investment Banker New York City Empire State Notai;i.ks — .«. — . BANKING ANU 1-lNANCIAI. 443 WILLIAM (.. CONKLIN President Franklin Savings Bank New York City WILLIAM JOSEPH BECKER Banker New York City FRED LARNAC ELDBIDCE Banker, Vice-President ICnipire Trust Co. New Yoik Cily J. IL DICKINSON Stock Brokei- New York City Ill Empire Stath Notables iANKINC. AMI I'lNANriAL PLINY FISKE Hanker, Harvey Fiske & Sou New York City ALGERNON S. FRISSELL President Fifth Ave. Bank New ynrV: Citv EDWARD BOBBINS GRANT Stock Broker, Treas. and Dir. Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange, etc. New York Cily CHARLES PHILIP FRY Stock Broker, Dealer and Broker in Investment Securities New York Cily Empihk State Notaui,i;s — .•• — . BANKING AMJ FINANCIAL 445 E. CLARENCE JONES Head of Banking Firm of E. Clarence Jones & Co., Member New York Stock Exchange New York Cily COLGATE HOYT Banker and Broker, Senior Member Bankin}j5 and Brokerage Firm of Colgate, Hoyt ct Co. New York Cily AMBKI) H. KIMBAI.I. Broker New Yoik (^ily LEO. KAl'EMAN SIdckhi (ikcr. Member N. Y. Stock F-xcliange New York Cily 446 E M 1 M n !•: S TAT E N T A B L E S .«. IJAXKIXG AMJ FINANCIAI. OSCAR L. RICHARD Banker and Steamship Agent New Yorli City CHARLES MASON STEAD Retired Banker, One of the Fonndei-s of Open Board of Brokers, Vice-President Ne\\ Yoik Stock Exchange 187T-1881 New York Cily EITHER WRKIHT MOTT Banker, Representative in Congi-ess, 2Slli District, New York Oswego, N. Y. JOHN WHALEX President niid Director The Bank of \Vashinglon Heights New York City Empire State Noiaules — .«. — . BANKING AND ICUL'CATIONAl, 447 CHARLES Deforest thurber Bank Cashier, Cashier of Citizens National Bank of Saratoga Springs Saratoga Springs, N. Y. JAMES R. COWAN (Deceased July II, IVtll) President National Bank of Hobart, N. Y., Since Its Organization in 1,S!tl, Member N. Y. Assembly (i Yea}s Hobart, N. Y. JAMES BA EDWIN Author and ICducalo New York City (II Alii. IS ai,i;.\anih:b neeson l,il)r;iri:m. Aullmr, De])nly Eibrarian and |l';i(l rvcrciciicc Librarian Cuhnnbia I'niv. I. S<):!- 1 !)(»!», clc. Now York Cily 448 K M I ' 1 It !•: S 1 AT Ii No TA li I. E S liANKIN(i AND IINANCIAI GERALD L. HOYT Maitland, Coppell & Co., Bankers New York Cilv DALLAS BACHE PRATT >raHIand, Coppell & Co., Bankers New York City HERBERT COPPELL Maitland, Coppell & Co., Bankers New Y'ork City FRANK L. ZABRISKIE Real Estate Operator, Pres. .\storia Bulldinf^ Co., Pres. Astoria Investors Co., Trcas. Lords Court Building New York Cily Empire State Notables banking and fix ax cia l 449 W.M. BRADLEY RANDALL Financier, Director Banks. Trnst Co.'s and Other Corporations New York City NEV/TON E. STOUT Stock Broker, Firm of Stout & Co., Bankers and Brokers New York City WILLIAM MORANGE SCHNITZER Slockklioldcr New Yuik Cilv EDGAR DUBS SHIMER Trustee Jamaica Savings Bank Jamaica, L. I. 45U Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL V. P Director WILLIAM BELDEN REED & Trustee of Harlem Savings Bank, Ostego and Herkimei Co., etc., etc. New York City Railroad LUDWIG NISSEN Merchant, Capitalist, Banker, Ludwig Nissen & Co. New York City J. LOUIS SCHAEFER Banker, Vice-President and Treasurer W. R. Grace & Co. New York City PERCY RIVINGTON PYNE 2nd Banker, Pyne, Kendall & HoIIister New York City Empire State Notables .«. BANKING AND FINANCIAL 451 JAMES L. LAIDLAW Laidlaw & Co., Bankers New York City JOHN TURN BULL Laidlaw & Co., Bankers New York City JAMES TALCOTT Banker and Commission Merchant, Dii Manhattan Co •3ank, Am. Hosiery Co. »Vew York Cilv JACOB HENRY SCHIIE Banker, Treas. Monlefiore Home for CIn-onic Invalids, Dir. Cily Nat. Hank, Western Union Teh-graph Co., etc., etc. New Yf)rk (jtv 452 Empihi: State Notables ■ — ••■ — BANKING AND FINANCIAL THOMAS lolillNK RYAN Financier, Director Giiarnnty Trust Co., Am. Tobacco Co., etc. New York Citv FKLDEUiClv i.t:o KODEWALD Banker, J. W. Davis & Co., Mem. N. Y. Stock Exchange, Mem. ]MetropoIitan Club, N. Y. Y'acht, Navy League of U. S., Automobile Club of America, etc., etc. Nev- Ynrls Citv WM. DE H. WASHINGTON Capitalist, State Com. Highways New York City WILLIAM LAN. WASHINGTON Steel ^fanufactnrer and Banker, Atwood, Violett & Co., Bankers and Mem. N. Y. Stock and N. Y. Cotton Exch., etc., Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. Elliot Washington Steel Co. 189.3-98 New York Citv Empire State Notables 453 BANKING AND FINANCIAL JOHN DAVLSOX ROCKEFELLER Capitalist, Founder Standard Oil Co. New York City JOHN DUSTIN ARCHBOLD Capitalist, President Standard Oil Co. New Jersey New York City of R(M'.i:ht M(ji;iiis(>N olyphant President 'I'lic Delaware and Hudson Co. 1881-1!»01, Capitalist, Railway Ollicial New York ISAAC LEOPOLD RICE Financier, Pres. Car LiglitinK & Power Co., Pres. oT America and loiuni Pulilisliins C-o. New York CItv 454 Empire State Notables banking and i'inancial GEORGE DEVEREUX MACKAY Banker, Member Firm Vcrniilye & Co. 1880-1905, Mackay & Co., since 1905 Pres. Acme Ballbearing Co., etc. New York Cily \VILLIAM SALOMON William Salomon & Co., Bankers New York City CHARLES LANIER Winslow, Lanier and Co., Bankers; Director in Many Institutions and Corporations New York City EDWARD ERNST THALMANN Ladenberg, Thalmann i^- Co., Domestic and Foreign Bankers New York City Empire State Notables 455 '.ANKING ANB FINANCIAL STEPHEN HYATT PELHAM PELL Banker and Broker, S. H. P. Pell & Co. Stock and Cotton Brokers New York City ROBERT MEANS THOMPSON Financier, Chairman Board of Directors International Nickel Co. New York City LEON MOYSE Moyse & Holmes, Cotlon and Stock Brokers New York City A. P. MORISON Stock Brokei- New York (^ity 456 Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL ARTHUR BURTIS LEACH Banker, A. B. Leach & Co., Investment Securities New York City EFITNGHAM LAWRENCE Banker and Broker, Mem. N. Y. Stock Exch. New York City TOWNSEND LAWRENCE Member N. Y. Stock Excliaiige, .1. L. Graliam & Co., Brokers New York Cilv W. AV ALTER BOWNE LAWRENCE B. Lawrence & Co., Stock Brokers; of the N. Y. Stock Exchange New Y'ork City Mem. Empire State Notables — ••■ — BANKING AND FINANCIAL 457 GEORGE JAY GOULD Capitalist, Pies. Inteinat. & Great Northern Ry. 1893-1911, Vice-Pres. and Dir. Western Union Telegraph Co. 1901-1910, etc., etc. New York City OTTO C. HEINZE Financier New York City CLlllON N. .ii:i,Lii-i'i: Vice-Pres. Aniericiin Lij^lit and 'riiutiori <'. Emerson, McMillan it (>>., I'.aiikcis New York City ELVERTON R. CHAPMAN Banker and Broker New York City 458 Empire State Notables banking and financial H. T. IMBRIE Stock Broker, Member of N. Y. New York City Stock Exch. WILLIAM P. EAGER W. P. Eager & Co., Stock Broker, Director Consolidated Clearing House of N. Y'., Ltd., Dir. Consol. Stock Exch. Bldg. Co., etc., etc. New York City WILLIAM JO.'- Brok< New Vol 1 EHRICH City HARUY L. (.RAHAM Broker Slocks and Bonds New York Citv Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL 459 ORION HOWARD CHENEY Lawyer, Ranker, Former Superintendent of Banks of State of N. Y. New York City ROLAND R. CONKLIN Banker, Capitalist, Pres. Havana Telephone Co., etc., etc. New York City FRANCIS COLGATE DALE Capitalist and Philanthropist New York Citv H. E. AHERN Sec'y U. S. Trust Co. of New York New York City 400 Empire State Notables — ••• — BANKING AND FINANCIAL AUG! '-T BELMONT Financier, Capitalist, August Belmont & Co. Bankers New York City JOHN ROGERS CHADWICK Schuyler, Chadwick & Rurnham, Bankers and Brokers New York City REUBEN STANLEY BALDWIN Railroad and Industrial Ronds New York City RICHARD ALLARD ANTHONY Capitalist, Vice- Pros. Boonton Iron & Steel Co., Vicc-Pies. Boontcn Rubber Co., Treas. Lnando Hard Rubber Co., etc., etc. New York City Empire State Notables banking and financial 461 JAMES NOEL BROWN James N. Brown & Co., Bankers, Dir. East Brooklyn Savings Bank, Sprague National Bank, etc., etc. New York Citj- FRANK BAILEY Capitalist, Vice-Pres. Title Guaranty & Trust Co,, B'klyn, Pres. Realty Associates, etc., etc. Brooklyn, N. Y. LOWELL LINCOLN First Vice-Pres. Greenwich Savings Bank, Director Mechanics & Metals National I?ank, etc., etc. New York City CORNELIUS AMORY PUGSLEY Pres. Westchester County National Bank since 18!)", Ex-Pres. Gen. S. A. R. of U. S. New York City 402 Empire State Notables BANKING AND I INANCIAL FERDINAND W. LAFRENTZ Financier, Pres. American Surety Co. of N. y., Pres. The American Audit Co., etc. New York City ROLLIN P. GRANT President Irving National Bank New York City THOMAS R. PROCTOR Pres. Second National Bank, American Hard Wall Plaster Co., Trustee Utica Savings Bank, Utica Trust Co., etc. Utica, New York WILLIAM CLARK POILLOX Banker, Ex-Pres. The Mercantile Trust Vice-Pres. Bankers Trust Co. New York City Co. since 1911 Empire State Notables banking and financial 463 JOHN W. FLATTEN President U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. New York City J. LYNCH PENDERGAST Banker, Pres. and Dir. U. S. Safe Deposit Co, New York City CALVERT BREWER Vicc-Pres. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. New York City ROBERT MADISON MYERS Chairm. Bd. of Dir. Nat. Bank of Commerce,. Treas. L. H. Gardner Paper Co., Mumford,^ N. Y.; Treas. The Gardner Citv Paper Mills Co., St. Catharines, Ont.; Head Firm R. M, Myers & Co. Rochester, N. Y. 464 Empire State Notables banking and financial ALEXANDER WALKER Banker and Real Est., Pres. Colonial Hk of N. Y. since 1893, Engaged in Stone Cuttnig Business under Firm Name of Gillie & Walker and Subsecfuently in Real Estate Business Firm of Walker & Lav.son New York City WILLTA^T P. STURGIS Pres. The Dime Savings Bk. of Williamsburg Brooklyn, N. Y. SAMUEL H. MILLER Vice-Pres. Chase Nat. Bank and First Nat. Bank of Bound Brook, N. .1., Dir. Madison Trust Co. of N. J., Sec. Ouincy, Omaha and Kansas City Ry., etc. New York City FBEl). A. W URZRACH Pres. and Dir. The Bronx National Bank, General Mgr. Francis Keil & Sons, Largest Manufacturing Hardware Concern in State New York City Empire State Notables banking and financial 465 WARREN W. WARNER Pies. Bryant Park Bank New York City WILLIAJVI HEWITT ROCKWOOD Pres. Union Square Savings Bank, Treas. West End Ass'n, Treas. Savings Bank Ass'n of State of N. Y. New York City WILLIAM J. ROOME Prcs. Excelsior Savings Bank New Yoik Cilv JOSEPH NICOLA ERANCOLINI Pres. Italian Savings Bank New York City 4(j() Empire State Notables — •• — bankintt and financial WILLIAM ALEX. NASH Banker, Chairman of the Board, Corn Exchange Bank New York City WALTER EDWIN FREW Pres. Corn Exchange Bank .Vpw York Citv LEVI A. WARD Manager The Corn Exchange ll'.nik New York Citv AU(.rsi ZINSSIH, JR. Lawyer and Banker, Pres. Yorkville Bank New York Cily Empire State Notables — .«. — BANKING AM, FINANCIAL 467 JAMES STILLMAN Chairman of the Board, National City Bank New York City FRANK A. VANDLRLIP President National City Bank New York City EDWARD TOWNSLND Pks. Importers and Traders National Bank, Dir. I$:ink('is 'I'lust Co., etc., cle. New York Citv ClllilsriAN I". TIET.IKN Pres. West Side Bank, Vice-Pres. and Dir N. Y. County National Bank New York City 4{)8 Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL ARTHUR S. SOMERS Pies. Sumner Savings Bank, Brooklyn New YorV City CLARENCE OTIS BIGELOW Pies. West Side Savings Bank New York City COL. J. WRAY CLEVELAND Scc'y Title Guarantee and Trust Company New York City ALEX. P. \V. KINNAN Pres. Union Dime Savings Bank New York City Empire State Notables — ••■ — BANKING AND FINANCIAL 4G9 A. BAUTUN HEPiiURN Chaiim. of the Board Chase Nat. Bank, Pi-es. N. Y. Clearing House Association, Pres. Cham))er ol Commerce State of N. Y., etc. New York City HERBERT LEBAU GRIGGS Pres. Bank of New York N. B. New York City A. HARRIS C. FAHNESTOCK r)irec>.)r, Ex-Vice-Prcs. First National Rank New York City SCOTT I-OSTOR Pres. Peoples Bank of New York New York City 470 Empire State Notables — ••• — BANKING AND FINANCIAL JOSLl'H BYRNE Vice-Pres. and Cashier Merchants Nat. I'.aiik New York City RICHARD DELAFIELD Pres. The National Park Bank New York City STEPHEN BAKER Pres. Bank of the Manhattan Co. New York City LEWIS L. CLARKE Pres. American Exchange National Bank New York City Empire State Notables — ■•■ — BANKING AND FINANCIAL 471 AREND H. WEIN(iARDT Knauth, Nachod and Kuhne, Bankers New York City OSCAR L. GUBELMAN Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, Bankers New York City \VILHi:i.M KNAUTH Knaulh, Nacliod and Kuhne, liank New York C:iv ROLLIN C. NEWTON Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, Bankers New York City 472 Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL GEORGE HENRY ROBINSON Fisk & Robinson, Bankers New York City ARTHUR S. LELAND Arthur S. Leiand & Co., Bankers New York City HENRY CLE\VS Henry Clews & Co., Banker, Orator, Publicist New York City SIDNEY C. BORG Simon Borg & Co., Bankers, etc., elc. New York City Empire State Notables BANKING AXD FINANCIAL 473 EDWIN GODFREY MERRILL Pres. Union Trust Co. of N. Y. New York City AUGUSTUS W. KELLEY First Vice-Pres. Union Trust Co. of N. Y, New York City EDWARD RI:KVE MERIMTT Vice-Pres. Union Trust Co. of N. New York City Y. CARROLL C. RAWLINGS Vice-Pres. and Trust OHicer Union Trust Co. of New York New York City 474 Empire State Notables BANKINO AND FINANCIAL S. A. CUNNINGHAM I>:(s. Bankers Safe Deposit Co., Pics. N. Y. State Safe Deposit Ass'n New York City JULIAN D. FAIRCHILD Pies. Kings Co. Trust Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. LEROY \V. BALDWIN Pres. Empire Trust Co., etc., etc. New York City JULIAN P. FAIRCHILD Vice-Pres. and Trustee Kings County Trust Co., Trustee East River Savings Institution, Dir. Security Safe Deposit Co., etc., etc. Brooklyn. N. Y. E^MPiRE State Notables — .«. — BANKING AND FINANCIAL 475 COL. FKANKLLN Q. BUOWN Uedmond & Co., Bankers; Dir. in Manv Banks, Railroads and Financial Institutions New York Cilv JOHN 1-ULTON B1:HBIFN IMITCMELL Redmond & Co., Bankers New Yoik Cilv OTTO J. THOMEN R.'dniond ^ Co.. Mank'Ts: Meinlier N. Y. Stock Fxchanjic New York Cilv \Y. REDMOND CROSS Redmond \- Co., Rankers; Dir. in Railroads New York City 47<i Empire State Notables BANKING AND FINANCIAL JAMES C. BISHOP Banker New York City HENRY WAUL) IJANKS, JR. Luke, Banks & Weeks, Mem. New York Stock Exchange New York City FREDERICK LEWISOHN Lewisohn Brothers, Bankers and Copper Producers New York City NVALTER LEWISOHN Lewisohn Brothers, Bankers and Copper Producers, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange New York City Empire State Notables baxkixg and financial 477 HARRY LAWRENCE HORTON H. L. Horton & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Ex-Pres. New Brighton, S. I. Meml)er of N. Y. Stock Exchan-e New York City WILLIAM S. CRANDELL Coi-poration OfTicial, INIeni. New York Stock Exchange, Lawyer New York Citv LOLIS CONDIT HAY Stock Broker, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange New York Cily ELLIOTT ATWATER Mem. New York Stock Exchange New York Cily 478 Empire Stati: Notables banking and financial JULES S. BACHE J. S. Bache & Co., Bankers, Director in Various Corporations, etc., etc. New Yoi-k City WILLIAM J. WOLLMAN J. S. Bache & Co., Bankers New York City \VILLL\.M CARYL CORNWELL Associated with .1. S. Bache & Co.. Bankers New York City NEWTON 1)1 i:lle .^LLING Vice-Pres. National Nassau Bank New York Citv Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 479 THEODORE N. VAIL President American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Western Union Telegraph Co. New Yorfe City SAMUEL M. RICE Chairman of Roard Distilling Co. of America, President Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Co. New York City CHARLES OLIVER DEWEY Educator, Trustee Guardian Savings Rank Brooklyn, N. Y. LEWIS EDSON WATERMAN Manufacturer of Eounlain Pens New York Cily 480 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. JOHN FIX DLL Y WALLACE Consulting Civil Engineer, President West- inghouse. Church, Kerr & Co., Electric Prop's Co., Chief Engineer Panama Canal 1904-1905 New York City JAMES CHURCHILL BOYD Vice-President Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. New Y'ork City FRANK CURTISS President American Distributing Co., Rectifiers of Alcohol New Y'^ork City JULIAN \V. CURTISS Second Vice-Prcsi('cnt A. G. Spaulding & Bros., Sporting Goods New York Cily Empire State Notables 481 CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. WILLIAM EMERSON PECK Export Merchant, President Wm. E. Peck & Co. New York City CHARLES RAN LETT FLINT Flint & Co., Merchants, Dir. Transportation and Industrial Corporations New York City DR. HURERT RANNlNCr Koi inerly Secretary of American Chaniher of Commerce foT- the Levant, Constantinople, Turkey New York Cilv WILLIAM STEELE GRAY President Wm. S. Gray & Co., Importers and Exporters of Chemicals New York City 482 EMPiHii State Notables — .«.^ — . CAPITALISTS, MLHCHANTS, ETC. DR. GEORGE A. MILLER Veterinarian New York City JAMES M. MOTLEY Exporter, Vice-Pres. and Dir. Sabana-Grande Honduras Mining Co., Vice-Pres. and Dir. of R. W. Hebard & Co. of Panama and N. Y. New York City WILLIAM S. MYERS Director Chilean Nitrate Propaganda New York City LOUIS HOOKER PALMER Banking & Operation of Pub. Utilities. Appt. Asst. to Gen. Mgr. of Met. St. R'y Co. 1908. Supt. of Transp. DepL Apr., 1909; Res'd Nov. 1. 1912, and Became Associated with Org'n of Harrison Williams, New York City Empire State Notables — <•> — . CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 483 C. D. PULLEN Oil and Carbon Development Co. New York City JOHN FRANKLIN PLUMMER New York Manager The Locomobile d. America New York Cilv of (lEOROE A. POST The Railroad Rusiness Association New York City KDVVARI) DAY PAGE Retired Merclmnt, I'artiiei- I'aulkner, Page & Co. 1881, Senior Partner 1900 Until Retire- ment (Dec. .■?!, 1911), Eirni Est. 18.M, Spec. Partner Hollbrook, Corey & Co. 1912 New York City 484 Empire State Notables ■ — ••• — CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. JOHN ROBERT STANTON Treasurer Mohawk and Wolverine Mines New York City DICKSON Q. BROWN Tide Water Oil Co. New York City THOMAS A. MATTHEWS President N. Y. & N. J. Lubricant Co.. Member N. Y. Chamber of Commerce New York City WILLIAM RICHMOND PETERS Peters Whi*" ^- Co.. \rp^rViiint5. President of Phosphate Mining Co. New York City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 485 HORATIO NELSON ERASER President The Eraser Tablet Co., Ex- Treasurer N. Y. College of Pharmacy New York City HENRY C. LOVIS Seabury and Johnson, Pharmaceutil Prep. President International Journal of Surgery Co. New York City i:\vi;n McIntyre Ewen McIntyre & Son, Retail Druggists New York City A L' GUST EIMER Pres. of Eimer & Amend, Est. IS.'il, Chem., Racteriological and Assay Lab. Supplies, Pres. of Electric Heating Apparatus Co. New York City 486 Empire State Notables - — ••• — CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. BEN NO NEUBERGER E. R. Rosenwald & Bro., Tobacco Merchants New York City A. L. SYLVESTER Director Havana Tobacco Co. New York City CLEMENT ACTON GRISCOM, JR. Corporation OfTicial. President The Griscom Russell Co.. President Audiffren Refrigciating Co. New York City LOUIS M. HART President Canimeyer Shoe Establishment New York City Empire State Notables capitalists. merchants. etc. 487 GEORGE LIVINGSTON Pies. N. Y. Centadrink Co., Sec'y-Tieas. DGC Valve Co., Comm'r Bd. of Educ'n 1889-1901, Comm'r Public Works ^Mnnbf^ttan) lOOl-O.i New York City JAMES MeMAHON Trustee Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Science, Trustee Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, Pres. & Dir. Geneva Mineral Water Co., Vice- Pres. and Trustee Irish Emigrant Society New York City BERNARD LOTH Manufacturer, Retired, President Fori Wasli- ington Ridge Association, Mem])er Advisory Board Corn Exchange Bank, elc. New York City HENRY ALBERT LLOYD Lawyei', President and Director Atlantic Export Co., President, Treasurer and Dir. Brazora Land and Cattle Co., etc. New York Citv 488 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. WELDON WINANS FREEMAN Vice-President and General Manager Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE MAC DONALD President Nassau and Suffolk Lighting Co., President MacDonald Construction Co., etc. New York City EDWIN SEYMOUR CHAPIN Vice-President Wellsbach Gas Lamp Co. New York City WRIGHT DILLINGHAM GOSS Merchant, Manufacturer. Inc. Goss & Edsall Co. 1891, and Empire Brick & Supply Co., in 1902 Became Its President New York City Empire State Notables 489 CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. HENRY WILLIS PHELPS Vice-President American Can Co. New York City HENRY ROBINSON TOWNE Manuacturer, Pres. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., Mfrs. of Yale Locks, Builders, Hardware, Chain Blocks, etc.; Life Mem. and Ex-Pres. Am. Soc. Mech. Engravers., Pres. (1908-13) Merchants Assn. of N. Y. New York City RAY DOWNS LILLIBRIDGE Pres. and Dir. Ray D. Llllibridge, Inc., Clancy Metals Process Co., Moore Filters Co. of N. Y., Pacific & Northwestern R. R. Co. New York City WILLIAM R. ALBRIGHT The Sherwin Williams Co. New York City 490 Empire State Notables — %, — CAPITALISTS. MERCHANTS, ETC. COL. THOMAS DIMOND Manufacturer Iron Work for Buildings, Colonel Seventh Regiment Veterans, President Iron League of N. Y. & N. J. New York City ARNOLD LEVIEN Iron Works New York City FREDERIC EDGAR UNDERHILL Merchant, President of Underhill Clinch & Co., Hardware New York City MANLY M. GILLAM Advertiser, Pres. Union Standard Furnace Co. and Bush Engine Co., Dir. North Am. Smelter and Furnace Co., Evans Engine Co., Georada Co., National Dairy Supply Co. New York City Empire State Notables lawyers, capitalists, merchants, etc. 491 OTIS H. CUTLER President American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co. New York Citv FREDERICK DIETZ President and Treasurer R. E. Dietz & Co. Lantern and Street Lamp Manufacturers New York City H. (,. (.Aiii.i-: General Sales Agent American Iron & Steel Manufacturing Co. New York City CARL EHLERMANN, .IR. Counsellor-at-Law New York City 492 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. JACOR RUPPERT, JR. Brewer, Jacob Ruppert Rrewery, President Astoria Silk Mills & Alaska Industrial Co., etc. New York City RUDOLPH J. SCHAEFER President F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co. New York City ADOLPH G. HL'PFEL Brewers, A. Hupfel & Sons, Treasurer N. ■■ State Brewers and Maltsters Association New York Citv J. CHR. G. HUPFEL J. Chr. G. Hupfol Brewing Co. New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 493 JOSEPH DOELGER Joseph Doelger & Sons, Rrewers, President White Oak Stave and Lumber Co. New York City ROBERT A. BEATTY Of Robt. Beattv Co., Bottlers of Imported Ales and Stout New York City JOHN PETER HAINES Humanitarian New York City WM. J. KINSLEY Expert in Handwriting New York City 494 Empire State Notables — .». — . CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. DWIGHT B. BAKER Meichandising, Lumber, Coal Manufacturing, Building and Mining, With Widely Scattered Interests Throughout the Country Brooklyn, X. Y. W. AX SON BARXES Arbitrator Xew York City ROBERT RYLANI) SIZER Lumber Merchant, President and Director Robert R. Sizer & Co., President and Director The Sizer Timber Co. New York City BARTHOLOMEW LABLZAN STAFFORD Wholesale Lumber New Y'ork City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 495 SETH E. THOMAS, JR. Secretary and Treasurer Seth Thomas Clock Co. New York City DANIEL J. TOMPKINS President U. S. Guarantee Co. New York City RLPERT RARNES THOMAS Chairman Committee on Sites Board of Education, President The Lay and Way Co. New York City NIKOLA TESLA Electrician, Electrical Investigator and Inventor, Discoverer of the Rotating: Magnetic Field, etc. New York City 496 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. CHAS. HERMAN STEINWAY President Steinway & Sons, Pianos New York City EDWARD BARR Machinery and Supplies New York City FRANCIS HILL ST1LL>L\N President and Dir. of Watson Stillman Co. New York City L. M. BOOTH Cliemist, Director of L. M. Booth Co. New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 497 GEORGE T. SMITH President Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. Jersey City, N. J. CHARLES SIEDLEH Director First National Rank Jersey City for 37 Years, Mayor of Jersey City 1876 Jersey City, N. J. RALi'H s(.m:ri:R Old Firm of S. Schciicr and Sons, Inventor, Auliior and Musician New Yorl< Cily ALBERT F. SHORE President, Treasurer and Director Sliore Instrument and Maiuifacluring Co. New York City 498 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. EDWARD GUYRE BURGESS International Elevating Co., Grain Elevators New York City EDWARD CLSHMAN BODMAN Milmine. Bodman & Co., Grain New York City A^ JOHN HOBART SPRAGUE Vice-President and Treasurer D. P. Winne Co., President WTieatena Co. New York City JOHN WILDE President Samnel Wilde's Sons Co.. Teas. Coffees and Spices New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 499 CHARLES ROHE Provision Dealers and Soap Mfrs., Rohe & Bros., Viee-Pres. West Side Bank, Treas. North River Savings Bank, Pres. Eastern Live Stock Express Co. New York City CARL UREIER Director and Manager W. J. Wilcox, Lard and Refining Co. New York Citv (iILlJi:UT HICKS JiAHNES Xew York Manager Samosct Chocolalc Co of Boston New York Cilv i:t (IKNE WINSLOW DURKEL H. Diiikee & Co., Condiments, Spices and Sauces New York City 500 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. CLINTON SOMERVILLE MARTIN John S. Martin & Co. (Cheese), Produce Commission Merchants, Vice-Pres. Louisville Cold Storage Co., Omcer and Director in Various Other Corporations New York Citv GEORGE S. HART Rutter and Cheese, President Geo. S. Hart & Co., Ex-President Second Ave. R. R. Co., Ex-President Central Crosstown R. R. Co. New York City DAVID M AH ANY President and Director A. Gross & Co., Candles New York Citv LEVIS WALN MINFORD L. W. Minford & Co., Sugar and Coffee Rrokers New York Citv Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 501 JOHN C. JUHRING President Francis H. Leggett & Co., Director Coal & Iron Bank, Trustee Citizens Savings Bank New York Citv WM. FELLOWES MORGAN President Brooklyn Bridge Freezing and Cold Storage Co. New York City FRANK TILFORD Banker, President Park & Tilford, etc., etc. New York Citv JAMES ROWLAND James Rowland & Co. 'Eggs and Butter). Provision Commission ^lerchants New York Cilv 502 Empire State Notables — ••• CAPITALISTS, merchants, ETC. CHARLES H. ZEHNDER Iron Manufacturer and Coal Operator. President and Director Austen Coal & Coke Co., Mt. Hope Mineral R. R. Co. New York City D. DE LANCEY HENDRICKSON New York Sales Manager W. H. Piper & Co. "Sonman" Bituminous Coal New York City T. D. O'BRIEN T. D. O'Brien & Co., Coal New Yoil; City HOWARD S. BOWNS Pattison & Bowns, President Buck Ridge Mining Co., Shamskin, Pa. New York City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 503 FRANKLIN H. SKEELI' President Skeele Coal Co., Director Clen Ridge Trust Co. New York City PROF. J. MARK r.ALDWIN Foreign Correspondent of the Institute of France New York City COL. ,(AMi:S R. I'.RANCH Pres. and Dir. of Rranchland Coal Co., Giivandolte Coal Co., Guan River Coal Co., Major Vth Reg. & Int. U. S. Vols., Spanish- Am. War, Lt. Col. 1st Virginia Cavalry Hranchfleld, W. Va. WILLIAM WALLACE URQUHART Rptiicd Sea Captain, Received Gold Medal of Honor from I'i'eiich Govt, and Silver Beaker I'lom Rrilish Govt, for Services Rend, at Sea Ridoklyn, N. Y. 504 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS. ETC. EUGENE HARVEY OUTERBRIDGE Merchant, in 1881 Became Resident Partner of Firm Being Harvey & Outerbridge, Vice- Pres. and Mgr. Dir. Pantasote Leather Co. (N. J.), Pantasote Co. of W. Va. New York City HON. THOS. W. SINGLETON Dealer in Hides, Leather Findings, etc.. Superintendent of Rome Custodial Asylum Rome, N. Y. LEON N. ABLER Manufacturing Chemist New York City WILLIAM I. WALTER Retired Merchant, Direct<»r Lawyers Mortgage Co., etc. New York Citv Empire State Notables 505 CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. CHARLES ADOLPH SCHIEREX Mayor of Brooklyn 1894-5, Founder and Sen. Mem. Firm of Charles A. Schieren & Co., Pres. Germania Savings Bank of Brooklyn New York City BERNARD J. SALOMON Salomon & Phillips, Leather Importers, President Armstrong Leather Co. New York City MORRIS S. RARNET President Barnet Leather Co. New York Cilv DANIEL PARMELEE MORSE Morse & Rogers, Wholesale Boots and Shoes: Director Irving National Rank, etc. New York City 506 E .MI' IRE State Notables .» CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. W. I. LINCOLN ADAMS Pres. Styles & Cash, Printers, Stationers. Lithographers and Blank Book Mfrs Pres. Montclair Trust Co., etc., etc. '' New York Citv J. FRANCIS BOORAEM Treas and Gen'I Mgr. of N. Y. American Enameled Brick and Tile Co., Pres. & Treas of the Cinch Expansion Bolt & Engineering Co. of N. Y., etc. etc. New York City ALEXANDER ALEXANDER Pres. National Gum & Mica Co., National (ilue & Gelatine Works, National Color & (>hemical Works, Maine Products Co., etc. New York Citv CHAS. HENRY ISRAELS Israels & Harder New York Citv Empire State Notables *. — . CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 507 ARTHUR RYLE Will. Ryle & Co., Silk Importers New York City HERBERT S. MARTIN President and Treasurer M. Martin & Co., Secretary Cotton Garment Manufacturers Association of New York New York ^A\y WILLIAM RAY Cotton Merchant New York CItv A. A. LOW Wholesale Dry Goods New York City 508 EmpiRE State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. SAMUEL FLOERSHEIMER Manufacturer of Costumes New York City DARWIN G. FRENCH Vice-President Arnold Print Works New York City ALVIN HUNSICKER Vice-President and Gen'I Manager Standard Oil Cloth Co. New York City CHARLES JENNEN FOLLMER Follmer, Clogg & Co., Umbrella Mfrs. New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 509 CHARLES AUSTIN BATES Advertising New York City A. \V. DUNNINCr President A. W. Dunning & Co. New York City WM. MEDLK.ori 1 Li:iTMANN Fleitniann & Co., I?;inkers and Commission Merchants New York City I"REl)i:i!l(.l^ 1. ILEITMANN I'Icitmann & Co., Bankers and Commission Merchants New York City 510 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. JULIAN F. DETMER President Detmer Woolen Co., Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers New York City EUSTIS LANGDOX HOPKINS Dry Goods, Commission Mercliant. Bliss, Fabyan & Co. New York City HERMAN RAWITSER Pres. and Dir. Fabyan Woolen Co., Pres. and Dir. Mystic Woolen Co., Treas. and Dir. S. Rawister & Co, Inc. (Wool Stk.) New York City AUGUSTUS D. JUILLIARD Merchant and Banker New York City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 511 PAUL J. BONWIT Bonwit, Teller & Co., Dry Goods Merchants New Yorl< City MICHAEL FRIEDSAM President B. Altman & Co., Dry Goods- Merchants New York City ABTHl R D. BRANDEIS Stern Bros., Dry Goods New York City GEORGE H. WICKE PiTsident Wm. Wicke Ribbon Co. New York City 512 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. DAVID C. IJALL President Cotton Exchange, St Louis Mo 1895-6, Organizer tlie Round Rail Cotton Movement, Manufacturer of Chemicals New YorK Cijy CHARLES L. RERNHEIMER Pres. Rear Mill Mfg. Co., Chairm. Arbitration Com. Chamber of Commerce, Trustee Raron de Hirsh Fund, ]Managing Dir. N. Y. Rd. of Trade & Transportation, Delegate This Year to the Nat. Republican Convention at Chicago New York Citv SIMON F. ROTHSCHILD Abraham & Straus Rrooklyn, N. Y. EDWARD C. RLUM Abraham & Straus Rrooklyn. N. Y. Empire State Notables — .«. — CAPITALTSTS, MKHCHANTS, ETC. 513 OTTO M. EIDLITZ Mi'i.-, EidUtz & Son, Builders; Germania Bank, President U. S. Supply Co. New York City Director Mortar EDWARD CORNING President and Treasurer Edward Corning Co., Builders New York City MATTHEW K. MILLER President Miller, Reed Co., Buildei General Contractors New York City and THOMAS LOUGHRAN CUNNINGHAM Contraclor and Builder New York City 514 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. DAVID S. WALTON D. S. Walton & Co., Paper: President and Director National Folding Box & Paper Co. New York Citv JUSTUS A. B. COWLES Lawyer, President W. H. Parsons & Co. Pefepscot Paper Co. New York City RAPHAEL GARFEIN Contractor Manufacturer New York Citv JAMES LEWIS COWLES Economist New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 515 JOSEPH HIRSCH Joseph Hirsch & Sons, Merchants New York City NATHAN HIRSCH Joseph Hirsch & Sons. Merchants; President Elector on Wilson Ticket New York City JOSEPH LEROY PORTER Pres. Joseph L. Porter Co., Inc., Importer and Commission Merchants New York City WM. TAYLOU McVAUGH VicePresident Jos. L. Porter Co., Inc.. Importers and Commission Merchants New York City 516 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MEUCHANTS. ETC. MEYEH STEKN Jacob S. Beriiheimer & Bro., Converters of Cotton Goods New York Cilv JULIAN A. HELLMAN Jacob S. Bernheimer & Bro., Converters of Cotton Goods New York City WILLIAM S. FHIEDLANDER Jacob S. Bernheimer & Bro., Converters of Cotton Goods New York City LOBIN S. BERNHEIMER Jacob S. Bernheimer & Bro., Converters of Cotton Goods New York Citv Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 517 LOUIS HENRI JUNOD L. H. Junod & Co., Importers of Embroi- deries and Laces, Consul of Switzerland New York City GEORGE ALRERT STAFFORD G. A. Stafford & Co., Dry Goods Commission Merchants New York City EDWARD NLUFVILLl': TA1L1:H Retired Dry Goods Merchant, Capitalist and Realty Owner, Director German-American Bank, Greenwich Savings Rank, etc. New York City CHARLES ROWDOIN l-ll.LKBROWN Manufacture!-, Political Economisl. In Dry Goods Business Since 1867, Was President and General Manager Glenark Knitting Co. at Woonsocket, R. I., 1881-190?. Boston. Mass. 518 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. EMANUEL WATSON BLOOMINGDALE Merchant, Member Insurance Co., Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States, Director Phoenix National Rank New York City JAMES BLACK Linen Importer and Manufacturer New York City JOSEPH NATHAN Cotton Converters, Denzer & Nathan, Youngest Prominent Converter of New York Citv JOHN DAVID President .li>hn David Men's Clothing and Furnishings New York Citv Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 519 E. VON DER HORST KOCH President of H. C. F. Koch & Co., Inc., Merchants New York Citv GEORGE E. FAHYS Vice-President and Director of Joseph Fahys & Co., Manufacturers of Watch Cases New York City MORTIMER H. WAGAR Stock Broker, Financier New York City STANLEY RYAN KETCH AM Corporation OtFicial, Secretary and Treasurer Ketcham & Co., etc. New York City 520 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. D. A. MASON Real Estate New York City JESSE I. STRAUS L. Straus & Sons, China and Cut Glass New York Citv WILMOT CASTLE Manufacturing Sheet Metal Goods, Trustee Rochester Chamber of Commerce and Mechanics Savings Rank Rochester, N. Y. JOHN R. RURNHAM President American Game Protection and Propagation Association New York Citv Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 521 HERBERT HAROLD VREELAND Capitalist, Financier, Pres. Houston, West St. & Pavonia R. R. Co. and Its Successors, the Met. Street R'y Co., Intcrurban Street R'y Co. (now N. Y. City R'y Co.), Met. Securities Co. New York City THURLOW WEED BARNES President of Corporations and Connected With International Business New Yorlx City LAZARUS S. HOLTZOFF Custom House Broker, Head L. S. Iloltzoff & Co. New York City MA.IOR WM. P. HEBRINC, Capitalist Watertovvn, N. Y. 522 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. DAVID JAMES KING Member Stock Exchange New York Citv DEUSE M. VAN VLIET Cotton Broker, Member Both N. Y. Cotton Exchange and New York Pi-oduce Exchange New York City FREDERICK WILLIS DAVIS Banker and Real Estate Broker New York City GEORGE REITH Banker and Broker. Geo. Reith & Co., Investment Securities New York Citv Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 523 THOMAS SNELL Painter and Contractor New York City JAMES L. BENNETT Contractor Brooklyn, N. Y. ROBERT M. SILVERMAN Contractor, Builder and Operator New York City Manager AUSTIN B. ANDITISON of J. G. Braun, Importer of Steel Mouldings, Tubing and Forgings New Yoik Cil 524 Empihe State Notables - — .«. — CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. WILLIAiM BROWN COGSWELL Vice-President and Managing Director Solvay Process Co Syracuse, N. Y. AUSTIN C. CHASE Manufacturer , Syracuse, N. Y. EUGENE V. CONNETT, JR. E. V. Connett & Co., Hat Manufacturers New York Citv STEPHEN K. WILLCOX Fn rmer and Stock Broker Smyrna. N. Y. Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 525 GAINES BARRETT RICH. JR. General Manager Federal Telephone & Telegraph (;<)., Director BufTalo Chamber of Commerce Ruffalo. N. Y. GEORGE H. BABCOCK Manufacturer, President and Treasurer H. H. Babcock Co., Manufacturers of Carriages and Automobiles Watertown, N. Y. ^^^mm^^^. '%w^ V. C. AUSTIN Head of F. C. Austin Drainage Excavator Co. Chicago, III. MONRO); WOOD riNGLEY Comptroller International Mercantile Marine Co. New York Cily 526 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. SAM. A. Sl.KIBNER General Manager Columbia Amusement Co. New York City L. JACKSON Railroiuls New Yoik Cilv MAURICE DALY Billiardist New York City REV. JOSIAH STRONG Clergyman, President American Tnslitiit.? of Social Service Since 1898 New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 527 WARREN L. GREEN President American Bank Note Co. New York City DANIEL E. WOODHULL Vice-President American Bank Note Co. New York City ANDREW CARNEGIE Philantliropist, Capitalist New York City EDWIN GOULD Capilalist New York City 528 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. LEE McCLUNG Financier, Director Phoenix Mutual Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. New York Citv Life JOSEPH H. MALOY Insurance, Director Mariner Harbor National Bank, Director N. Y. and Richmond Gas Co., Trustee Richmond County Savings Bank New York City SOLOMON R. Of the Firm of M. Director American Smelters Securities Co. New York City GUGGENHEIM Guggenheim's Sons, JOHN NELSON PARTRIDGE (Retired) Pres. Brooklyn, Citv and Newton Railroad 1886-1897, Director Hamilton Trust Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., etc. New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 529 JOHN MARSELLUS Manufacturer, President John Marsellus Manufacturing Co. Syracuse, N. Y. JOHN F. DAILEY Grain and Wool Dealer Rochester, N. Y. FRANK WATTERSON JACKSON Importer and Exporter, President Abbotsford Realty Co. New York City THOMAS A. J'HELAN (Deceased) Importer, Senior Member George W. Lane & Co., Oldest Tea Importing House in U. S. New York Citv 53U EivipiHE State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. FREDERICK BARNARD RICHARDS Manufacturer, Secretary New York State Historical Association Glens Falls, X. Y. LLEWELLYN J. RARDEN Merchant, Assemblyman, Elected Member Assembly 1908, Has Been Engaged in WTiole- sale Produce, Coal and Lumber Business, Bellona Sta., Since 1890 Cage, N. Y. CHARLES EDWARD COURTNEY Oarsman Ithaca, N. Y. NIEL GRAY, JR. Manufacturer, Owns and Manages the Oswego Machine Works, Vice-President Oswego (Chamber of Commerce Oswego. N. Y. Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, eic. )3I ROBERT OLYPHANT Trustee Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Dir. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co., Dir. Fidelity Bank, Dir. Thompson Starrett Co., Pres. Hospital Saturday and Sunday Assns, First Vice-Pres. Sons of the Revolution in the State of N. Y., New York Cily I'.ICHARl) A. YOUNG President and Director Richard Youn» Co., Leather New York City LOUIS runki:l Pres., Mgr., Dir. Runkel Bros., Inc., Cliocohit Manufact'rs, Pres. and Dir. Castle Realty C( New York City \VELDIN(. r.lN(; Merchant, Senior Mem. Mai Her and Ouereau, President N. Y. Produce Exchansic, Trustee ^VillinInsl)UI•Rh Savings Rank, etc. N( w York Cily 532 Empire Stati: Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. HENRY ROWLEY President American Chicle Co PresiVlent Sen Sen Chiclet Co., President V(Uh S^! Realtv Co., President Postal Transfer Service, etc. New Y'ork Citv NATHAN TROWRRIDGE PULSIFER President Valentine cl- Co., Established 18.'?2, Manufacturers of Varnishes and Colors New York Cilv CHARLES TOMLINSON WILLS Ruilder and Ranker N'c\v York Citv GENERAL GEORGE MOORE SMITH President and Director of Candee, Smith i Holland Co.. Masns. Mtls. New York Citv E M F I H I-: S lAT E X O TA li 1 . K S 533 CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. W. W. LA\V Hetiicd Carpet Merchant, President liriarclifT Realty Co., Dir. Nairn Linoleum Co., etc. New York City ROYAL CANFIELD PEAROD\ Merchant, President and Director New Jersey Co., American Stoker Co., President and Director Underford Gas Producer Co. New York City hi:nhy i:. hichahdson Wholesale Lumber Culfport, Miss. i:lmi;u h. neit--, m. e. Manager lirown A Sharpe ManufacturiuK Co. Providence, R. 1., Machinery and Tools New York City 534 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. HENRY E. HUTCHINSON Bank President, Dir. Brooklyn Dispensary, Brooklyn Nursery and Infant Hospital Brooklyn, N. Y. EUGENE C. GIBNEY Educator New York City N. R. BUTLER New York City T. F. DONOVAN New York City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 535 WALTER G. HUDSON Ne\v York City WALTER THORN New York City P. J. BEHAN New Yorls City MONTFORD C. HOLLEY District Deputy, Grand Master 37th District Lockport, N. Y. 536 Empire State Notables capitalists, merchanis, etc. GEORGE F. SWAIN Boston, Mass. JOHN ALLEN CLLTE Walkins, N. Y. PATRICK HAYES Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES DUNCAN LEVEHICH Corona, N. Y. Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 537 CHARLES BROADWAY ROUSS (Deceased) Capitalist, Philanthropist, Wholesale Merchant and Johber New York Citv JOHN ALBERT FISH Insurance and Investment Broker, President Stanford, Hine and Fish, Inc., Associated with Herbert, Robertson & Co., Inc., Bankers — New York City VICTOR HUGO PALTSITS Historian, Librarian New York City JACOB ADLER New York City 538 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MKKCHAiNTS, ETC HENRY HUDSON Pres. Heuiy Hudson Co., Ex-Mayor Hudson, N. Y., Trustee Hudson Fulton Celebrations, niiector National Bank of Hudson Hudson. N. Y. D. A. REYNOLDS President Great Eastern Telephone Co. President and Director Coast Line Telephone Co. New Y'^ork; City GEORGE D. MORGAN President D. S. Morgan & Co., ButTalo, N. Y.. Vice-President and General Manager General Railway Signal Co. Rochester, N. Y. HAYOZOUN HOHANNES TOPAKYAN Merchant and Counsel General New York City Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 539 GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE Engineer, Manufacturer, Inventor, Pres. and Dir. Can. Westinghouse Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., Cooper Hewitt Elec. Co., Hoboken, N. J., Xernst Lamp Co., Pittsburgh, Director Westinghouse, Churcli, Keer & Co., etc. New York City FRANKLIN HUMPHREY WARNER Manufacturing Chemist, Secretary, Treasurer and Director Warner Chemical Co. New York City JOHN E. CI nnin(;ham Firf Insurance ['resident. President and Di filen I'alls Insurance Co. Since 1892 Glen Falls, N. Y. ELLWOOD HENDRICK Stock Broker, Superintendent and Secretary Albany Aniline and Chemical Works 1881" New York Cily 540 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MEUCHANTS, ETC. V. CHAPIN DAGGETT Daggett & Ramsdell, Pharmacists New York City HENRY SNYDER REED, A. M., A. S. M. E. Financier, Business Organizer New York City C. D. MAHTJN Wells, Fargo tk Co. New York City DR. GLTSEPPE MUSSO Inter-Continental Telegraph & Telephone Co. New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 541 A. SIDNEY DAVISON Coal Xe^v York Citv F. A. POTTS F. A. Potts & Co., Wholesale Coal Trade New York City W. 11. TAYI.OK President the St. Clair Coal Co. New York Cllv OLIVER (IILDERSLEEVE Shipbuilder, Merchant, Pres. Gildcrsleeve Ship Building Co. of Gildcrsleeve, Conn.; Dir. Barge & Coal Co. of Tidewater, Ala.: Pres. U. S. Graphotype Co. of N. Y. City New York City 542 Empire State Notables CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. WINTHROP MURRAY TUTTLE S. Tuttle's Son & Co., Coal, First Lieutenant Troop "C" U. S. Volunteer Cavalry 1898 New York City E. A. STRATHOPOULO Musical Instruments New Y'^orl< City FRANK E. CAMPBELL Undertaker New York Cilv HERBERT R. JOHNSON Broker New York City Empire State Notables capitalists, merchants, etc. 543 CHARLES FREDERICK MATTLAGE Chas. F. Mattlage & Sons, Salt Fish and Provisions New York City JOSEPH WOODMAN STOVER President and Director Gamewell Auxiliary- Fire Alarm Co. New York City JOHN R. VOOHHIS Siipt. of Elections, State of N. Y., Stale Sunt of Elections by Governor Dix 1911 New York City CHARLES MULFOUD ROBINSON .\ullior of Standard Works on City Planning Whose Advice Has Reen Sought" by Many Cities and Towns Rochester, N. Y. 544 Empire State Notables STEAMSHIPS, UAXKIXG, ETC. ADRIAN GIPS Managing Director Holland-America Line I Rotterdam) New York Citv W. VAN DOORN Manager General Agency Holland America Line New York \V. EMLEN ROOSEVELT Ranker, Roosevelt & Son New York City CHAS. P. SUMNER General Agent Cunard Line New York City Empire State Notables STEAMSHIPS, CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 545 JOHN F. HEMENWAY Sec'v and Treas. Irvington Mfg. Co., Newark, N J • Sec'y and Treas. Smith Hardware Co., Ltd., Montreal, Canada; Dir. Am. Wringer Co., New York City and Providence, R. I. New York City NATHANIEL H. LEVI President Broadway Board of Trade, Member Boaid of Directors of the Eagle Savings and Loan Co., Member Advisory Board of Corn Exchange Bank Brooklyn, N. Y. WILLIA.M COVERLY Henderson Brothers, Steamship Agents, Anchor Line New York Cilv EDWARD v. LUCKENBACH Towing Transportation New York City 546 Empire State Notables RAILROADS and TRANSPORTATION EBEN ERSKINE OLCOTT President Hudson River Day Line, Firm Olcott & Corning, Consult. Mining Engineers New York City JOHN GRIFFITH McCULLOUGH Vice-President Chicago & Erie Railroad Co., Director Railroad and Financial Companies New York City CHARLES ALBERT DRAPER Purchasing Agent N. Y., Ontario & Western Railway Co., Member American Museum of Natural History, Sons of Revolution, etc. New York City MARK J. KATZ Lawyer, Director Raltimore & Southern Railroad Co., etc. New York City Empire State Notables 547 RAILROADS and TRANSPORTATION EDWARD LAWRENCE ROSSITER Treasurer New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. and Numerous Railroad Corporations New York City RALPH PETERS President Long Island Railroad New York City riiEODORE pi-:rry SHONTS President Intcrborough Rapid Transit Co. New York City LEONOR lRi:SNEL LOREE President Delaware Hudson Co., Diitctor Raltimore and Ohio Railroad New York City 548 Empire State Notables RAII.r.OAl) ANU TRANSPORTATION WILLIAM VAN SCHOONHAVEN THORNE Director of Piiichases Union Paciflc Systems, Viee-Prr-siflcnl and Director Union Paciflc Railroad Co. New Yoil< Citv DANIEL F. LEWIS Railway Official, President City Rail'vay Brooklyn, N. Y. GEORGE M. HUGHES Railway Official, President and General Manager New Jersey. Indiana and Illinois Railroad New York City WILLIAM EDEN BORN Capitalist, Since 189S Vice-President Mem. Execntive Comm. American Wire Co. New Orleans, La. and Steel & Empire State Notables 549 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EDWARD M. HYANS, C. P. A. Certified Public Accountant, President Certified Audit Co. of America New York City ELIJAH WATT SELLS, C. P. A. Senior Member Haskins & Sells, C. P. A. New York City 1 AUOUIIAU J. MacKAK Certified Public Accountant New York City EUAN CIS HOW, C. P. A. New York City 550 Empire State Notables PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS anu CAPITALISTS HARRY MILNER RICE Commissioner of Accounts City of New York. Vice-President American Audit Co. New York Citv JOHN R. LOOMIS Loomis, SufTern & Fernald, Certified Public Accountants New York Citv RAYMOND C. BROWN Certified Public Accountant New York City CHARLES MELBOURNE HIGGINS Capitalist, Witli Standard Oil Co. Since Sept. 8, 1872, of which he is Director New York Citv Empire State Notables detectives 551 GEORGE S. DOUGHERTY Dougherty's Detetcive Bureau, N. Y., 1911-14, Deputy Comm'r of Police in Charge of De- tective Div. City of N. Y., 1888-1911 with Pinkerton's Nat. Detective Agenecy, N. Y., from Operative to Superintendent New Yoik C.ily HARRY V1N( KNT DOUGHERTY Doughertv's Detective Bureau, N. Y., Est. 1902 by H. V. Dougherty, 1893-1902 Famous Detective in U. S. and Europe, Founder and Organizer of Dougherty's Military Police, Policing Best Amusments in the World, etc. New York City ANDREW LEWIS DRUMMOND Drummonds Detective Agency, U. S. Secret Service, Treasury Department 1871-1894, Chief 1890-1894 New York City JOHN BOLAND Mooney & Roland, Detective Agency New York City 552 Empire State Notables I^KTECTIVKS, CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. PHOTO COPYRIGHT ?V P. J. STEIN, N. Y. WILLIAM J. BURNS President The Wm. J. Burns International Detective Agency, Inc. New York Citv LOUIS WINUMULLER (Deceased) Louis Windniuller & Rnelker. Merchants, Treasurer Reform Club New York City CLAUDE WRIGHT Robert J. Wright and Sons, Fertilizers New York City ANTONIO ZUCCA Importer of Italian Products, President Italian Chamber of Commerce, Came to U. S. 1869 and Est. House of Zucca & Co. New York City Empire State Notables V - — >•• — MILITARY AND NAVAL 553 .Jit £ft. HENRY BUCKINGHAM MANSFIELD Rear Admiral U. S. N., Retired as Rear Admiral June 15, 1905 Brooklyn, N. Y. REAR ADMIRAL BRADLEY ALLEN FISKE Rear Admiral U. S. N., Commanding U. S. S. Tennessee 1908-1910, Commanded 5th, 3rd and 1st Divisions Atlantic Fleet, October, 1911, January, 1913 Washington, D. C. P.ii J, al U, L. CATLIN S. A., Bat. Major (lencral U. S. Vol. Oswego, N. Y. DR. ALEXANDER DUANE Served as Lieutenant U. S. N. in Spanish- American War, Being in Charge of Second Dist., Coast Signal Service, Comprising Approaches (o N. Y. City and Philadelphia New York City 554 Empire State Notables military, artists, lawyers, etc. THEODORE FITCH Lawyer New York City WILLIAM HARDING CARTER Major General U. S. A. Washington, D. C. DR. PARKER CAIRNS McILHINEY Chemist, In 1894 Became Associated with Louis C. Tiffany in His Artistic Productions in Glass, Enamels, Metals and Pottery New York City EDWARD G. SIEBER Artist New Y'ork City Empire State Notables EDUCATORS, ARCHITECTS, CAPITALISTS, MERCHANTS, ETC. 555 DONN BARBER Architect Xew York Citv ADOLPH WERNER President of the College of the City of New York New York Citv ALAN SON T. ENOS President Enos & Watkins New York City Co. ROGER H. WILLIAMS Treasurer and Dir. Crane Valve Co. Since 1901, President and Gen. Manager Scientifle Photo Co., Banker, Lawyer, Manufacturer New York City 556 Empire State Notables — .«. — ARCHITECTS and HOTEL MEN- ALBERT BUCHMAX Buchman & Fox, Architects New York City MORTIMER J. FOX Buchanan & Fox, Architects New York City FRANK DEAN Proprietor St. Margaret Hotel New York City J. R. UNDERWOOD Manager Alberniarle-Hoffn an New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — ARCHITECTS 557 JOHN VREDENBURGH VAN PELT Architect, Author and Professor of Architecture New York Cilv WILLIAM VAN ALEN Architect New York City n. EVERETT WAII) Architect New York Cilv SAMUEL R. T. VERY Architect New York City 558 Empire State Notables ARCHITECl S HOBART BROWX UPJOHN Architect, All Souls Church, Watertown, St. John's Church, Bangor, Maine Xew York City EVARTS TRACY Tracy & Swartwout, Architects Xew Yorls City LLCIEX EASTER SMITH Architect New York City EHRICK KEXSETT ROSSITER Architect Xew York City Empire State Notables architects 559 SAMUEL PARSONS Landscape Architect, Samuel Parsons & Co. New York City FRANK EATON NEWMAN Architect New York City MORRLS SCHWARTZ Architect New York City W. STANLEY MOORE Architect, General Practice New York City 560 Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS CHARLES THOMPSON MATHEWS Architect of Lady Chapel, St. Patrick's Cathedral, etc., Author "The Renaissance Under the Valois," "Story of Architecture," etc. Ne^v York City HAROLD VAN RUREN MAGONIGLE Architect New York City THEODORE ARTHUR MEYER Architect 'New York Citv HERMAN LEE MEADER Architect, Author New York City Empire State Notables 561 ARCHITECTS WILLIAM H. McELPATRICK Architect, Manhattan Opera House, Metro- politan Opera House, Knickerbocker Theatre, Columbia Theatre, etc., etc. New York City AUSTIN WILLAHU LORD Architect, Lord & Hewlett, Prof, of Archi- tecture and Dir. School of Architecture, Columbia Univ., Formerly Architect to the Isthmian Canal Commission New York City IRANCIS H. KIMRALI. Architect. Kmpirc, Trinity, U. S. Realty, City Invesliufi Rldf?., Adams Express HIdg., etc. New York Citv GEORGE KEISTER Architect New York City 562 Empire State Notables architects GEORGE EDWARD HARNEY Architect New York City GEORGE H. GRIEBEL Architect New York City JOHN H. FRIEND Architect New York City GEORGE BURDETT FORD Of Geo. B. Post & Sons, Architects, Cou- sultants to City Plan Com. of Board of Estimate and Apportionment, N. Y., and to City Plan Commissions of Newark, N. J., etc. New York City Empire State Notables architects 563 ERNEST FLAGG Architect, Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C, St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y., etc. New Yorlt City J. fitz mahony Architect New Yorl-; City SIMEON 1!. EISENDRATH Architect, Formerly Commissioner of Riiildings, Chicago, III. New York Citv STEPHEN WEBSTER DODGE Of Dodge & Morrison, Architects New York City 504 Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS AUGUST WILLIAJSI COKUES Consulting Architect New York City WALTER COOK President American Institute of Architects New York Citv HERBERT WH1:aTON CONGDON Hf-nry M. Congdon & Son, Architects New York Citv HENRY MARTYN CONGDON Henry M. Congdon & Son, Architects New York C.ilv Empire State Notables — ••• — ARCHITECTS 565 GEORGE \V. COXABLE Upjohn & Conable, Architects New York City WALTER BOUGHTON CHAMBli:RS. Architect New York City WILLIAM A. ISOHING Architect, Designed nnd Built II. S. Immigr. Station, Ellis Island, Received Gold Medal Palis I'xposition 1!)()(), Knight Templar New York City CHARLES I. BERG Architect, F. A. L A., Cer. Sec'y N. Y. Cliap. Am. Inst, of Archilccls 1897-1900, Sec'y Architectural League, N. Y., 188;j-90— 1893-95 New York City 56G Empire State Notables architects, etc. JOHN P. BENSON Architect, General Practice New York City J. STEWART BARNEY Architect New Yorl-: Citv GEORGE J. CASAZZA Architect New York City JAMES E. SULLIVAN Athletic Oflicial, Asst. Am. Dir. Olympic Games, Paris, 1900, Sec'y Am. Commission Olympic Games, Athens, Greece, 1906, Ath- letic Dir. Pan-Am. Exposition, BufTalo, 1901 New York Citv Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS 567 ARTHUR DONOVAN PICKERING Architect, General Practice New York City EDWARD LIPPINCOTT TILTON Architect, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Treasurer N. Y. Society of the Archaeological Institute of America New York City I'HEDERICK C. ZOBEE Architect, Specialist on Commercial Buildings New York Cily N SERRACINO Architect New York City 568 Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS GEORGE KRAMER THOMPSON" Formerly Kimball & Thompson, Architects, Manhattan Life. Empire, New Standard Oil Ruildings, etc. New York Citv ROBERT BURNS MORRISON Dodge & Monison, Ai-chitects New York Cilv ARTHUR DURANT SNEDEN Architect, Member A. A. I. A., Architectural League, Soc. Beaux-Arts. Architects. Union League Club, etc. New York City JAMES CHRISTOPHER GREEN Architect, General Practice, American Bank Note and Hearst Buildings New York City Empire State Notables — .*. — . ARCHITECTS 569 EDWIN H. DEN BY Architect, Denby & Nute New York City ARTHIH 1)11, LOX Architect, Dillon, McLellan & Beadel New York City HERBERT E. DAVIS Architect, Davis, McGrath & Kiessling New York City HIRAM IM:HI>I:y I'REAR Architectural Decorator New York City 570 Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS SETH HUDSON CUTTING Archit<>ct and Builder New York City EDWARD PEARCE CASEY Architect New York City J. U. 13RINLEY Brinley & Holbrook, Landscape Architects New York City J. VAN WIE BERGAMINI Architect New York City Empire State Notables 571 ARCHITECTS HUGH McLELLAN Architect New York City WILLIAM H. MERSEREAU Architect New York City THOMAS HASTINGS Architect New York City CALVIN KIESSLING Architect New York City Empire State Notables ARCHITECTS, ETC. ELECTUS D. LITCHFIELD Aichitecl, Formerlv with Tracy, S^^art^vout & Litchfield Xew York City SAMUEL B. SHAFLER Architect, Private Resident and Apartment Buildings New Yorlj City LORENZ F. J. WEIHER Architect New York City WARD B. EDWARDS Utica. N. Y. Empire State Notables ENGINEERS, ETC. 573 ALFRED RUTGERS WHITNEY, JR. Engineer, President The Whitney Co. Builders New York City GREENVILLE MELLEN DODGE Civil Engineer, Major-General, U. S. A. Chief Engineer, Union Paciflc, Texas Pacific, M. K. & T., etc.. Council Bluffs, Iowa STEVENSON TOWLE Civil Engineer, Chief of Sewers 1870-1880. Rapid Transit Comni'r 1887, Park Comm'r 1898, Consulting Eng. to I). P. W. 1889-1897. Cons'g Eng. to Sewerage Rapid Transit 1897 New York BERNARD MATTHi:w WAGNER Civil Engineer, Organization, Design and Construction New York City 574 Empire State Notables ENGINEERS CHARLES HARRY MOORE Civil Engineer, Engineer of Grade Crossings Erie Railroad Co., Chicago & Erie Rairoad Co., etc. New York City JOHN G. LIVINGSTON .7. Livingston & Co., Electrical Engineers and Contractors New York City EDWIN THACHER Civil Engineer, Formed Concrete-Steel Engineering Co. New York City ALFRED AUSLANDER .\rchitect and Engineer New York City Empire State Notables engineers 575 FRANK M. ASHLEY Patent Attorney and Mechanical and Electrical Engineer New York City PHILIP WALTER HENRY Consulting Engineer New York City MINOR MEEK DAVIS ETIectrical Engineer Brooklyn, N. Y. REGINALD P. BOLTON Consulting Expert Engineer New York City O/b Empire State Notables ENGINEERS A. JULIAN PALEN KLAR Engineer, Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. & Social Sciences, N. Y. Acad. Sciences, Am. Economic Assn., Am. Soc. of Intern. Law, Am. Polit Social Sciences, Geog. Soc, etc. Rrooklyn, N. Y. LOUIS F. HAFFEX, A. M., C. E., LL. D. Civil Engineer New York City JtJHN VAN VORST BOORAEM, M. E. Consulting Engineer and Chemist New York City JOHN BOGART Consulting Engineer New York City Empire State Notables 577 ENGINEERS THEODORE STARRETT Eingineer and Constructor New York City CHARLES SOOYSMITH Consulting Engineer New York City WILLIAM LAWRENCE SAUNDERS Engineer, IngersoII-Sergeant Drill Co. President Inger soil-Rand Co. New York City BERNARD ROWNTREE Mem. American Inst, of Electrical Engineers, Assoc. Mem. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Associale American Soc. of Civil Engineers New York City 57.S E isi I » 1 H E State No r a b l e s — .«. — . ENGINEERS, ETC. WILLIAM HOWE TOLMAN, Ph. D. Directoi- American Museum of Safety, Safety Engineer New York Citv GEORGE STAPLES RICE Consulting Engineer New York Cily JOSEPH R. PETERS Organization and Efficiency Expert New York City JOSEPH B. OLIDORT T'lcsidont The Great Suburban Jniprovement Co. of N. Y., President Rutherford ConstJ Co., Dir. and Vice-Pres. People's Hospital| New York City Emi'Itse SiAij-: N(ri.\i!ij:s 57') ENGINEERS T. KENNARD THOMPSON D. Sc, Consulting Engineer New York Citv CHARLES WELLFORD LEAVITT, JR. Civil and Landscape Engineer New York City A. i;. (.11. 1. IS Mechanical Engincci-, Master Mcclianic The Solvay Process Co. Syracuse, N. Y. OLIN LANJ)REIII Civil Engineer and I'ioIcnsoi o|' Lngineerin-?. Dean of Engineering Deparlinenl Vanderbill Universily 1880-94 Schenectady, N. Y. iSd Empire State Notables engineers \vashin(;ton livKiunr parsons Meclianienl and RcfrigpialinR Ensinopr, Goii'l Man:ig(M- Newark Hygeia ko Co. (18!)C.-19(K!), Since 1003 Engaged as ConsiiHing Engineer New York City ANDREW J. PROVOST, JR. Consulting Civil Engineer, Lederle & Provost New- York City HAROLD TAir Civil Engineer New York City DR. ALEX. CROMRIE HUMPHREYS President Humphreys & Miller, pyil^ «J''' Mechanical Engineering, Specialty - Engineering New York City Gas Empire State Notables — .«. — . i:\(iiM;i:us and Aiicurrr.cTS 581 WILLIAM LE ROY EMMirr Engineer, Inventor, Aullioi- Schenectady, X. \. WILLIAM F. HUNT Consulting Engineer New York City WIXTllliOI' A. WELCH (Decease.!) Aichilect New Yo] k (^ity JOSEPH WAHHlvN YOST Arcliilect, Memljer I'irni D'Oench & Yost New York Cilv i8L> Empire State Notables l.NGINRERS, inc. WILLIAM JOHN WILGUS Civil Engineer, With N. Y. C. & H. R. R. and Leased Lines, Successively as Assl. Kng'r, Resident Kng'r. Chief Asst. Eng'r, Eng'r Maintenance of Wav, Chief Eng'r and Vice-President i.S0;!-lf)07 Xew York City WILLIAM PiERSON JL DSON Consulting Engineer, Member American Soc. C. E., ISl. I. C. E., President Rroadalbin Electric Light and Power Co. Rroadalbin antl Oswego, X. Y. CUSTAVE R. TLSKA Consulting L-ngineer, President and Chief ICngineer American Process Co., Presidenlt and Director Atlantic Construction Co. New York City GEORGE \V. 15ANNERMAN Paints and Varnishes Rrooklvu, N. W Empire, State Notables i:N(;iM:Ens, irrc. 583 WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS Engineer, Cliief Engineer N. Y. Siibwsiy 18!) l-lDOTi, Member Isthmian Canal Comm'n 1001, Trustee Colinnljia University, etc. New York City Kossrn:K worthinc.tox Raymond Min. Engineei-, Metallurgist, Lawyer, Author, Lecturer on Mining Law, Columbia Univ. 1903, One of the Founders, Vice-Pres. 1871, 1S76-1877, President 1872-1875, Secretary 1884-1910, and Secretary Emeritus Since 1910 New York City .l()Si:iMI S'lIUIIIICRS Ijdilor, Member American Insliliilc Minin Engineers, Alumni Associalion School o Applied Science, Columhia Univcrsily New Yoi'k (;ily STACY R. OPDYKE, JR. Civil I'jigineer, Contractor, Rridge Engineer, N. Y., \. II. and H. R. R. New York City i81 Empire State Notables ENGINEERS, ETC. A. NICOLA Contracting Engineer New York Citv WILLIAM KENT Cf)nsiiliing Engineer, Anthor of Engineering Ne^^■ Yorlj City CHARLES W. KE.MPTON Mining Engineer New York City JOSEPH MAYER Civil Engineer, Made Design for Proposed Sydney Harbor Rridge in Australia, of the Bridges for Buffalo & Susquehanna R"v Co. Between Wellsville & Buffalo & Many Other Bridges and Steel Struc. and Foundations New Yorlj City Empire State Notables ENGINEERS, ETC. WILLIAM D. KELLEY Civil Engineer New York Citv VLADIMIR KARAPETOFF Electrical Engineer New York Cily CARL LEONARD de MLRALP Muralt & Co., Consnitiiig Engineers New YorJs Cily NVILLIAM J. HAMMER Consulting Elecfrieal Engineer New York City r>8G Empire State Xotarles ENGINKKHS and AISCIHTECTS GEORGE SEARS GREENE, JR., C. E. Civil Engineer, Ex-Engineer-in-Chief Dept. of Docks Xe\v York. City HENRY FLOY Gonsiilting Elec. & Mech. Engineer, Installed First Really High Tension Elec. Transmission Undergi-oiind. Member of American Institute (if Elec. Engineers,, etc. New York City WILLIAM HENRY BOEHM, B. S., M. M. E. Superintendent Dept. of Steam Boiler and Fly Wheel Insurance, The I'idelitv and Casualty Co. of N. Y., Prof, of Engineering State College of South Carolina 1,S<)7-1901 New York City HERMAN H()RANRrR(;ER Architect New York Cilv Empire State Notables 587 ENCINEEIiS H0\. LOUIS LINCOLN TUIBUS Triljiis c^ Mnssii, Consiiltiiig Ensiiu-eis, Com- missioner of Pulilic Works and Consultinfi; Engincci- Borough of Richmond Since l!l()2 New York City WILLIAM .T. BALDWIN' Consulting Engineer New York Citv .lOIIN 1'. II.SLi;V Mechiinlcal Ijigineer New Yoik City WILLIAM I.IX.AB BAKI:B W. I-. Baker & Cr)., Consulting luiglnccrs New Yoik City 588 Empire State Notables i:\(.iM,i:i!s CALVIX \V. RICE Spcretaiy Am. Society Mechanical Engineers, Second Vice-Pres. Xeinst Lamp Co. 19(12-03, etc.. Consulting- Ens. Gen. Elec. Co. lOO.'j-OCi Xe^v York City HOLBROOK FRITZ JOHX PORTER Mechanical and Industrial Engineer, Vice- President Xernst Lamp Co. Xew York City .lOHX SAVAGE McKEOX President L. I. Life Savings Association, Sec'y and Trustee Kings Co. Savings Inst. Brooklyn, X. Y. SAMUEL HESSBERG Member Jules S. Bache & Co., Bankers, Since 1893 Albany, X. Y. Empire State Notap.les — .«. — REAL ESTATE 589 EDWARD BRIGGS BOYNTON Pi'csidcnl American- Real Estate Company New Yorli City JOHN EMERY McLEAN Assist. Sales Manager Axnerican Real Estate Co., Bond Dept., Vice-President Canadian Club of New York New York City ARCmi'; CAMPP.i;!.!. l ISK Real EslalH New York City .H)I1N \v. m]mj;r President I'nilcd Really Co. of New York. John W. Miller Co. New York City 5!»(l E M I ' I n I- S PAP E N o lA n I , E s — .«. — . REAL ESTATE EDWARD R. BERAU Real Estate Brooklyn, N. Y. PAUL WAGEXSELLER EMRICK Real Estate Brooklyn, X. Y. RUDOLPH C. FABER Prosiilcnl D. A. Cushinan Realty ("orporalioii, Vice-President and Treasurer G. ^^'. Faber, Inc., Cigar Importers New York City JOSEPH WOOD CUSHMAN President J. W. Cuslnnan & Co., Real Estate New York Cilv E M [' I IS K S TAi' E N o r A I ; 1 . n; s 5'Jl m<:AL EST ATI': HOWARD LE CHEVALIER ROOME Real Estate, President William J. Roome & Co., Inc. New York City WILLIAM I. ROE lical Estate Operator, Established 1810 New York City LOITS SCIIRAG .Specialist Alanliattan Real Estate New York City HENRY .1. SCHlMA(;iIi;U Real Estate, Henry Scluiniacliers' Sons New York City 5!)2 Empire S t at e N o t a c l e s REAL ESTATE GEO. \V. SHORT Real Estate New York City W. IRVIXG Sr.OTT Real Estatrt New York City FREDERICK H. SELLECK Real Estate New York City JOHN F. SCOTT Real Estate New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — REAL ESTATE 593 EDWARD W. SCOTT, JR. Real Estate Broker New York Citv HENRY SCHWII-liERT Real Estate and Insurance fRoroiigh Bronx) New York City .lOHX J. SCHWARTZ Real Estate Operator and Builder, President Sterling Realty Co., President Sterling Bldg. and Operating Co. New York City C E. SCHUYLER Real Estate New York City 51)1 E M 1' 1 R E S TATE N OTA B 1> E S HEAL ESTATIi WILLIAM EARLE DODGE STOKES Ri';il Estate Operator and Builder, President Cliesapeake Railroad Co. New York City \VM. HERMAN STOXERRIDGE Real Estate and Insurance New York City R. TELFAIR SMITH Rnl Estate and Insurance New York City 1T\ANK E. SMITH Real Estate New York City Empire State Notables 595 REAL ESTATE AARON D. THOMPSON 'icsident Plainfleld Sand and Riiilding Co., Real Estale Developers and Operators New York City LAWRENCE H. TASKER Real E.slale, President Tasker-Halsled Really Co., Treasurer New York Aereage Eslales Co. New York (lily si:lig tarti:r lii'ul i;.slale, deneral Rusiness Rrokcr New Yoik Cily WII.I.IAM SUGARMAN Alto Uuildiiit^ Co., Real Eslalct New York Cily if)(i KMi'iia: State REAL EST AT R CHARLES B. VAX VALEN Real Estate New York City HUGO WABST Real Estate and >[ortgages New York City SIMON UHLFELDEFv Real Estate New York City ALl-RED E. TOUSSAINT Real Estate Broker and Appraiser New York City I-'- Ml' 1 1; J. S'lATi- Xo'JAi;l.i:s HEAL ES'J'A'I i; 597 JOHN A. WILJiLJi III'; I5ungaIow Man., President 0<<aii Jjca Fjr<; Island Co. New York Citv •J. IHVIXG WALSH ri'':il listale. Broker and Appraisei- New York City AIJ iU-Jj H. \VA<if/ f<«-al Estate Nr;w York Cily •fOSi.i'ii i:. >iAji\ J'.'iuLiandt JU;ally Co., Sccjctary Anieriean Llfc'tririiy E(-<;noMii/ing Co. New Yoik City 'M KMPinn Statk NoTAni.ns r.KAL KSTATE am) LAWYl'.US WM. CRITTENDEN ADAMS Real Estate Operator, Financier, President Rutgers Realty Co., President S. F. Adams Realty Co., etc., etc. New York City LEONARD RACON SMITH Lawyer, Strong, Smith & Stronp New York City RANSOM H. WILCOX Wilcox & Sheltoii, Real Estate, Trustee Harlem Savings Bank New York Cily WILLIAM ATWOOD SHHLTON 01' Wilcox & Shellon, Real Estate New York City Empirp; State Notahles 599 REAL I'STATF, ]>OUGLAS L. ELLIMAN President Douglas L. Elliman & Co., Inc., Real Estate Director in Various Corporations New York City T. BE.N'IOX ACKERSON Real Estate Owner, President T. R. Ackerson & Company New York City iii:m',y w. Ar-Ei:\ I'rcsidcnl Inler-Horough Really Co., Prcsh of 'I'lu; Inlcr-l'ioi-oiij!ili Cd. New York City l.oriS DWiS IIOI'KINS Real Estate Broker and Agent New York Cily GOO F M I» I R E S TAT E N TA V. L E S REAL ESTATE J. ROMAIXE RROWX Real Estate, Plate Glass Insurance, President City N. Y. Insurance, Director Washington Heights Bank New York City STEPHEN RECKWITH AYRES ^rf' S^^l!*"' Piesiilent and Director Bronx- dale Realty Corporation, Union Co. Realty Corporation, etc., etc. Xew Y'ork City FRANK DARWIN AMES Real Eslate, Firm of Ames ^^ Co. New York City HENRY LEWIS BATTEUMAN President Barwin Really Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. KMPinr; State NoTAP.r.r.s 001 REAL ESTATE JAMES HOTTEXUS Real Estate New York Cilv HERBERT BAUM Real Estate New Yoik City IIERBF.RT W. (I, ARK Real Estate New Yoik Cily .JOHN CAM PA (; NOLI i'rcsidcnt Sovereign Realty Co, New York Cily 002 K%rriRn Statp: NoTAniKs UI'AL ESTATi; WARREN CRriKSHAXK Prpsiflcnt Cruikshank Co., Real Estate Agents Xcw York City JOSEPH L. P.UTTEXWEISER Real Estate Operator New York City JOHN J. P.OYLAX Heal Estate Brokei-, State Senator 1913 New York City .TOIIX H. REOOI) Real Estate and Buildings New York City KMPini- Statp. NoT.\r.i,ns C03 REAL ESTATE JOSEPH P. DAY Real Estate Auctioneer, President Two Terms Real Estate Board of Brokers New York Citv WILLIAM CURTIS DEMOREST President Realty Trust New York Citv m:ii.\iA\ i)i: si'.ldin*; De Selding Bros., Real Estate, Appraisei Agent New York Clly and JOEL S. DE SELDlNd Real Estate Broker and Agent, De Selding Brothers New York City COl EMPinr: State NoTAiU-ns REAL ESTATE HON. JOHN DANIEL CRIMMINS Real Estate Operator, Trustee and Director ill iMnancial and Other Institutions New York Citv S. DE WALLTEARSS Real Estate Auctioneer, Broker and Appraiser Xew York Citv DOMMICK C. DE VITO I). C. De Vilo & Co., Real Estate Operators and Brokers, Member Real Estate Board of New York, Treasurer Demas Realty Co. New York City BRA:Nf\VELL DAVIS Real Estate and Building New York City Empire State Notables REAL ESTATE GO.) J. BERNARD ENGLISH lical Estate Broker and Appraiser, Pioneer in Values Long Acre Square Section New York City WM. HENRY FALCONER Real Estate Broker New York City HARUi iiot.HEL Retired Real Esl. Operator, DcvolinK Time lo Communal Work, Ex-Pres. Harlem Hehiew Educ. Inst., Vice-Pros. Belli Israel Hosp.. Ti-cas. Ilelircw Sheltering & Innnigranl Aid Society, etc., elc. New York Cily JOHN STERLING DRAKE Heal Estate in All Its Rrancltes New York Cily 606 Empire State Notables HEAL ESTATE JOHX XOBLE GOLDIXG Ileal Estate Agent, Broker and Appraiser Xe^^ York City HENRY L. GOODWIN Real Estate Xew Y'ork City MORRIS FRAXKLIX Real Estate Ooerator and Builder, Owner of the Eureka ^\■hite Sulphur and Min. Spiinss Rathinfi Pavilion and Park at Saratoga Park. S, Y., Also Founder and Owner of I'r-anklins Beafh, Saratoga Lake, X. Y, New York Cily FREDERICK C. FRAXKE Assistant Mana^rer Great Neck Iniprovement Co., Neck, L. 1.. Real Estate New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — REAL ESTATE 607 WM. EYRE GIRSON GAILLARD President McVickar Gaillard Really C,,., \ ice-President N. Y. Real Estate Security Co. New YorJs City EENIMORE G. GOODE Real Estate Specialist in Leasing Rusiness Property New York City iSli'.^', o'".'^''^"''''""''' T^diicalion Soc. Roslon, ivoJ ;,.^o ■??■ l^";y'"' (College Clareniont Col. 18;»8-l!>0i, Real Est. Inveslor and Operator Nc\s York f:i(y AIK)I-PH GREEXRAUM Presidciil ol' Mcliiclieii Really Suburhan Renl Instate Co. and Mortgages New York Cily 008 E M I' I H E S TAT E N O TA B L E S REAL ESTATE JAMES H. CRUIKSHAXK Real Estate Operator New Yorl: City DAVID PORTER Real Estate Broker and Appraiser. President Shinnecock Hills & Peconia Bay Realty Co., .\ppraiser for City of N. Y. Equitable Life .\ssiiiance Society, etc., Dir. Home Trust Co. New York City M. GREENWOOD, Jli. Real Estate New York City \\TLLIAM O. GRAFNER Editor, Proprietor and General Manager The Wm. O. Grafner Farm Agency New York Cily E M I ' IRE S lAT E N TA B 1 . E S GOO REAL ESTATE W. G. JONES Real Estate Investments New York City RUTGERS IVES HURRY Real Estate Rroker New York City i;i)\\Ai;i) .r. General Real Instate, Agenl for Woolwortli Building, Highest Ruilding in Ihe World New York City .IOSi;PII A. HANI) SecreUny Aelna Real Estate & Loan (". New York City 01(1 Emfmuh Sta'I'i-: N()rAi;M:s HEAL ESTATE WILLIAM CHRISTIE LESTI:H Win. C. & A. Edward Lester, Real Eslale, Vice-President Real Estate Board innr)-1!)n7 New Yoik City F. OAKES LATHROP New England and Southern Real Estate Exchange New York City JACOB A. KING Real Estate and Insurance New York City ANTON .TURSIK Real Estate and Insurance New York City Empire State Notahles 01 J REAL ESTATE ALFRED ERSKINE MARLING President Horace S. Ely & Co., Real Estate, President Real Estate Exchange 189G-1897 New York City EDGAR LEAYCRAFT Real Estate Agent, Treas. Frankklin Savings Rank, Prcs. N. Y. City Church Extension and Miss. Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church New York City JOHN LIVINGSTON, JR. President the Town and Counly Home Land Rureau and Manager of the Real Estate Deparljnent of Town and County New York Cily ALFRED E. F. McCORRY Real Estate, Factory Site Specialist New York City 012 Emi'iue State Notablks REAL ESTATE LEWIS Troasiirci- Lewis H. May Co., Diroctor NatioHal P)aiik of Far Rockaway, Trcasiiifi- Edcnicrc Roaltv Co. New York City CHAS. SIRLY MAY Real Estate and Mortgages, Vice-Pre.sicleiit Alma Realty Co. New York City SAMUEL HOWE MARTIN Real Estate and Insurance New York City i:i)WARlJ MARGOLIES Real Estate New York City Empire State Notables real estate 013 WILLIAM (i. MOimiSEY Hf.-il Estfite, President Brooklyn Boaid of Real Estate Brokers New York City A. RENE MOEX Treasurer Ruland & Whiting Co., Real Estate Brokers and Agents New York City CHARLICS I'EBDIXAM) MI:YER Heal Estate, Agent, Broker, Appraiser New Yoik City JACOB H. MAYERS Auctioneer and Appraiser New York Cily 614 Empire State Notables REAL ESTA'I'R JOHN F. O'REILLY <J"Reilly & Dahn, Real Estale Agents, Rrokers and Appraisers New Yorl.; Cit" MARX OTTIXGER Representing Ottinger & Bro., Real Estate New York Citv ARCHIBALD PAPAE Brande-Papae Co., Real Estate New York City VINCENT O. PEPE Pepe & Rro., Real Estale New York City Empire State Notables — .«. — HEAL ESTATE 615 GEORGE R. READ Geo. R. Read & Co., Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Auctioneers New Yorlf City WILLIAM J. VAN PELT Real Estlae Dealer, Vice-President and Dir. IL Read & Co., Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Auctioneers NeAV York Cilv G ERANKLIX LOni) I'AHTHIDGE Real Estate New York Cily (ll^Ol^Cil': PRICE lieyl I'.slale Auctioneer, ISroker and Appraiser New York City (51 fi Empirf State NoTAnLES — ••• — HEAL KSTA'IE CHARLES F. XOYES I'icsidc-nt LIuis. !•". Noyes Co., Real Estate New York (^itv FISHER P. WEAVER Secretary Chas. F. Xoyes Co., Real Estate XcAv York City WILLIAM P. RAi: Presideiil, Manager and Director of Wm. P Rae Co., Real Eslnte Brooklyn, N. Y. JOSEPH F. A. O'DONNELL Real Estate New Y'ork City Empire State Notacles REAL ES'IATI-: and K1>UCAT0RS 017 KENNETH T. BARNAHY Real Estate New York Cily J. CLARENCE DAVIES Real Estate Rrokci- New York Cily TALROT ROOT !(al Eslalc and MaiiaKci- of I'i-o|)crlies New York Cily HENRY r. I'LICCK Educator New York City 018 Empire State Notables UKAL ESTA'li: DAVID LEWIS PHILLIPS r.. .1. Phillips & Co., Real Estate Brokers, Auctioneers and Appraisers New Yorlc Citv CHARLES SALMON LYONS Real Estate Broker, Firm of L. J. Phillips & Co. New Tori: Citv ROBERT A. GRANMSS, JR. Vice-President Pease & EUinian, Inc., Peal Estate and Insurance New York City ERANCIS SYDNEY BANCROFT Secrelarv and Director Pease .X: Elliinan. Real Estate New York City Empire State Notables 019 UF.AL KSTATE WILLIAM H. iMALCOLM Prt-sidcnt Bryant Bank Bealty Co., Member ol' the New York Board of Biokers and the Westchester County Chamber of Commerce New York City LOUIS GOLD Beat Esitate Operator, Business Organizer, Contractor Brooklyn, N. Y. I- HANK A. SHAW Real Kstale Agent, Broker and New York City Appii LOUIS J. LEVY Real Estate New York City 020 Empire State Notables HF.AL estate ROr.EKT p. ZOIiEL resident lirimswick Realty Co., Director Centiiiy Bank Xe\v York f'.ilv E. A. TURNER Real Estate and Insurance New York City HENRY REMSEN llHBliTS Long Island Real Estate Brokej- and Appi-aiser New York City JACOR CREENFlEI.l) Real Estate Operator, President St. Nicholas Park Neiglii)orlio<)d Assn. New York City Empire State Notables REAL ESTATI': G21 HENRY MORGEXTHAU Presidont Henry Morgenthau Co., Diplomat, Lawyer, U. S. Embassy, C.onslanliiiople, Turkey New Yoi'k Cily RORERT EDWARD SIMON Vice-President Henry Morgenthau Co. New Yoi'k City CHARLES V. HOI FMAN President Estate of Charles I'redeiiek Hoirnian, Inc. New York Cily AUGUSTUS T. DOCHARTY lical l''slale. Secretary DeparlmenI oC Docks 1889-18!)"), Secrelary N. Y. Fire DeparlmenI 18!)8-190L Since then in Real Estate Rusiness New York City 022 1^^ M I ' I U !•; S JAT E No TA 1 5 L E S — ••• — ARTISTS, REAL ESTATE, ETC. PAUL H. SHRAINIM Artist Buffalo, N. Y. CHARLES E. RICKERSON Real Estate and Insurance New York City EIJWARD SALEM PRINCE Socrolary and Treasurer E. S. Prince Co. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages New Yorls City AARON RABINOWITZ President Spear & Co., Real Estate New Y'ork City Emimhr State Notables HEAL ESTATE and FINANCIAE (i2:{ JOSEPH T. MULLIGAN Heal Estate Broker and Appraiser New York City JAMES QUINLAN President Greenwich Savings Bank New York City WILLFAM M. COYLE Real Estate New York City DONATO PICIULO Real ]':statc New York City (524 KmP\ HE S JAT E X (J TA IJ IJ • S — ,%. — . CLERGYMEN, ETC. REV. WM. FORDOX THOMPSON St. Ann's Clnirch Riooklyii, N. Y. ARAD .lOY SEBRINC Piistor RfTormed Church of Kalsb;i;\n Since May 20. ISS.") Saiigcrtics, N. Y. JOHN \V. (ilLI, Rcclor SI. Luke's Church, Uridycporl, (^onii., Rector St. Thomas' Church, Long Island City Valcour, N. Y. 1 KANK C. MYERS Secretary Child Welfare Connnillci New York City E M I ' 1 1< !■ S TAT E No T.\ HI. E S ••• . CLERGYMEN, CHEMISTS, ETC. ()25 REV. CHARLES A. EATON, D. D. 'iislor of Madison Ave. Baptist Churcli New York City REV. WILLIAM EIERSON MERRILL Clcrsynian, Pastor Brick Presbyterian CImrch Since 1911 New York Citv WILLIS (;AVL()Rn Tl'CKI.i;, .\L I). liciiiisl, Since 1!»()2 Professor Clieiiiislry and Toxieoln^^y, Alliniiy Medical Colle-ic Aljjauy, N. Y. 11. H. McCU'RI' New Yoi'k f^ily GliO E M 1 ' I i; E S TAT 1- X O L\ n L E s ARTISTS, SCLLFTOUS, ETC. JOHN PHILIP SO USA Bandmaster, Composer, Author New York City ALBERT STERNER Painter, Graphic Arts New York City i'>i;knhardt wall Artist, Etcher, Past Department Commander United Spanish War Veterans New Yort; City llOBERT VONNDH. N. A. Portrait, Figure and Landscape Painter. Mem. Nat. Academy of Design, .\rchiteclural League, Lotus, Nat. Arts, .Salmagundi Clubs New York City r: M I • I H r: S JAT E N o t\ b l e s ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. C>27 JOHN EDWIX JACKSON Artist, Illustrator and Painter, Regular Exhibitor at the New York Water Color Club, etc. New York City EDWARD LAMSON HENRY Genre and American Historical Painter New York City WALTER RUSSELL Ai-tist, Writer Now York City EREDI'.niCK WELLINCTON RUCKSTUHL Sen 1 1) I or New York City 028 Kmi'nu: State Notaijlds AniisTs, sculptors, etc. JAMES CRAIG NICOLE Artist, President American Water Color Society, etc. New YorU Cily THOMAS MORAN Artist, Painted "The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and Chasm of the Colorado" New York City GEORGE WILLOLGHBY MAYNARD Arlist, Painter New York City IL AUGUSTUS LUKEMAN Sculptor, Member of the National Academy, Designs Moniunents, Portraits, Statues, etc. New York Cily Emi'ihe State Notables . — .«. — AliTlsrs, SCL'LPTOHS, ETC. 629 HENRY WARD RANGER Artist, Dii-pctor Sixty-Seventh Slrcet Sliidio Riiilfling, President Sixty-Sevenlh Slreet Alelier Association, ete. New York Cilv JAY CAMPRELL PHILLIPS Ai-tist, Portrait Painter New York City I'REDERICK RIRR OPPER lliis Rccn Doing Humorous illusli'ative Work on Will. R. Hearst's N. Y. I'apers Since 18!»!) New York Cily Artist, Xationa LEONARD OCHTMAN Specially ol' Landscapes, Manaser I liislilnic of Ar(s & i.etlers. Society American Arlisis, elc. New York Cily (i'M) Empire State Notadles — .«. — ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. ■i$f* CHARLES AUSTIN XEEDHAM Artist New York Cily CHARLES B. HAWLEY Organist, Composer New York Cily HAL RORINSON LaLidscape Artist New York Cily MAX F. FRIEDERANG Artist, Scientist New York Cily RMPiRr: State Notahles ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. (131 RRUCE CRANE Artist New York City WILLIAM T. DAVIS TiTistee and First Vice-President Staten Island Association of Arts and Sciences New Yorlt City DANIEL CnESTi:R |-HENCII sculptor. Designer of Monumenls, Stalues, etc. New York City JOHN 1-LANAGAN Sculptor, Designer of Monunicnial Clock in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. New York City 032 KMPinn State Xotablhs AKIlsrs, SCL'LI'TOUS, ETC. JOHN WHITE ALEXANDER Aiiist, Anifiicfin Fine Arts Society, >rclii polihin >[iisciim of Art, etc., clc. Xew York City VICTOR D. BRENNER Medalist, Received Awards Paris Exp. 1900 and Pan-,\nierican Exp. 1901, Designed ^ledal for Prince Heniy Commeni. Visit to America New York City ION COLT BROWN Aitist New York City .JOHN HYATT BRE\VI:R Organist, Composer New York City Empire State Notables — ••• — Ainisrs, scL'LProus, etc. 633 SAMUEL MONTGOMERY ROOSEVELT Chairman National Association of Portrait Painters New York City CHARLES DANA GIRSON Artist New Yorli City wrrj.iAAf .[ACOI5 i{ai;r Ailisf, President American Soc. of Minialuie Painters, etc., etc. New York Cily I'ALMI'.R COX Artist and Author New York Cily G34 Empire State Notables — .«> — ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. FRANKLIN SCHUYLER SONNAKOLB Concert Pianist, Composer, Essayist, In- structor, Editor, Foimder Sonnakolb System •Nucleous Modern Research in Technique," Masters, Rubinstein, Von Bulow, Joseffy, Pychowsky, Neupert, etc. New York Citv CARLE JOAN BLENNER Artist, Portrait and Genre Painter New York Citv GEORGE R. BOYNTON Artist, Portrait Painter New York City DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG, LL. D. Artist, Member National Academy of Design, Life Fellow Metropolitan Museum of Art, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, etc. New York City Empire State Notahees — -•• — ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. G35 AUGUST BENZIGER Artist and. Painter New York City GEORGE HENRY SMILLIE Landscape Painter New York City FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN (Deceased) Artist New Yorlc City CHARLES C. ROBERTS New York City );3G KMPrnn State Notables — .«. — AlVriSTS, SCULPTORS, ETC.. WILLIAM ED WAR I) NORTON Artist fMarine Subjects) New Yor>: City CHARi,i:s mi:lville i)i:wry Artist \f\v York City W WILIJAM FAIR KLINE Ailist New York City i:i)WARi) 1)1 i-m:u Piiliilcr of I'orlriiits iind Figiiie Siibjfcls New Yoik (^ily Emi'ihi-: Statf. No r\i;i,i:s — .«. — AlillSTS, SCULPTORS, lac. 637 GEORGE WHARTON EDWARDS Artist New York City GEORGE THOMAS BREWSTER Sculptor New York Cilv I'HOMAS I'OGAinV Artist, llhislrnldi- iNcw Yoric Cilv ARCHII5ALD GUNN Artist, I'osfpi- Dcsi)«iH'r Now York Cily (138 E M I ' 1 H E S TAT E N O TA 1 ! I, E S AHTISTS, SCULPTORS, ETC. ALCL.STL.S (.LOIK.C HEATOX Artist, Author New York City SAMUEL ISHAM Mem. Society American Artists, Academician, National Academy of Design, etc. New York City ERNEST WISE KEYSER Sculptor, Mural Decorator New York City ARTHUR IGNATIUS KELLER Artist, Illustrator. Member American Water Color Society, N. Y. Water Color Society, etc. New York City Empire S tat e N o ta i? i, e s artists, sculptors, etc. (i3f) BIRGE HARRISON Artist, Painter of American Landscapes, Writer, Scene Specialty New York City HEXRY MOSLER Artist, Sculptor and Portrait Painter New York City HENIW KIJ<KI JU SH 15P,()\VN Sculptor Newjnirgh, N. Y, WILLIAM RUDOLF O'DONOVAN Sculplor, Painlci' and Wrilci' New Yorli. Cily C40 I'> M 1 ' I H F. S TAT E N O T A 1 5 L E S AHTISTS, SCULPTORS, KTC. UHV. JAMES RENAVICK RREVOORT Arlist, Elected Associate 1861, Member Nat. Academy of Desisn 1863, Where He Has Been Professor of Persoective, >fem. Holland Social Club, etc. New Yorls City GEORGE HENRY HALL Artist, Academician National Academy Design New York City of ROBERT F. BLOODGOOD Arlisl, Mem. of Museum of NaUual Mislory, Bronx Park Zoo Society, Sons of Picvdlutioii New Yorli Cily DOUGLAS YOLK Artist, Painter, American Nat. Academy of Design, Prof. 10 Years Cooper Iiislitiiliotl New Yorli Cily Empire State Notables artists, sculptors, etc. 641 FRANK DE HAVEN Artist, Landscapist New York City JOHN GEORGE BROWN Artist New York City GEORGE EDWIN BISSELL Sculptor New York Citv ALBERT INSLEY Artist New York City 642 Empire State Notables ARTISTS, sculptors, ETC. OSCAR R. COAST Artist, Landscape Painter, Exhibitor, Nat. Academy and Other Exhibitions, Member of Various Clubs, Societies, etc. Iowa Citv, Iowa JOSEPH LAURER Artist (Mural Painter) New York Citv EDWARD GAY Artist New York City ALBERT JAEGERS Sculptor Suffern, N. Y. Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 643 HERMAN BERNSTEIN Author, Journalist, Translator, Editorial Writer on the "American Hebrew," Author •'Flight of Time" and Other Poems, Con- tributed to Post, World, Herald, Times, etc. New York City THOMAS WALSH Critic and Poet New York City HENRY WOLF Artist, Engraver New York City CHARLES DATER WELDON Artist New York City 644 Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. LEWIS PHILLIPS Expositor on Local Conditions, Real Estate Broker New York City DELOS FRANKLIN WILCOX Author, Franchise and Public Utility Expert, Chief of Bureau of Franchises, Public Serv. Comm'n for First District N. Y. 1907-1913 New York City JOHN FRANKLIN RROWN Editor New York Citv CAPT. JAMES COLLING SUMMERS Yachting Editor New York Tribune New York Citv Empire State Notables — ••• — JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. 645 JAMES H. BROWN-SCHEUYEAULLE Book Reviewer to Alaska Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., Material Scientist, Writer New York City WILLIS BOLGHTOX Teacher, Writer, Lecturer, Editor "Irving's Life of Goldsmith." Member Beta Theta Phi Fraternity New York City DANIEL CARTKIi BEARD Illustrator, Author, Editor New York City (;EN. JAMES Oii\rti> r WILSON Author, Editor, Erected Statues in Central Park to Poet Ilalleck and Christopher Columbus (for Which Was Kniglited by Queen Regent of Spain), Since 18()5 Engaged in Lit. Pursuits in N. Y. C, Also a Popular Lecturer and Speaker New York City 646 Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. CHARLES FRANCIS President, Treasurer, Manager and Director Charles Francis Press New York City GEORGE DAULTON Author, Magazine Writer New York Citv THOMAS RERNARD JOSEPH CONNERY Editor, Author New York City HENRY SHERMAN ADAMS Editor The Spur New York City Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. 647 EDWARD HOWAKD dUIGGS, A. M., L. H. D. Author and Lecturer New York Citv GEORGE KENNAN Author, Journalist, The Outlook New York City ROSSITER JOHNSON Author and Editor New York City GEOR(H<: WILLIAM HUNTER Lecturer, Writer, Teacher, Scientist New York City 648 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. MORGAN ROBERTSON Magazine Writer and Author New York City AUGUSTUS POST Author, Writer, Lecturer New York City CHARLES COLEBROOK SHERMAN Editor and Writer New York City ARTHUR VEEL ROSE Author, Pottery Expert, General Manager Haviland & Co. New York City Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. 649 HENRY S. ALTAI Journalist New York City GEORGE HAVEN PUTNAM President G. P. Putnam's Sons, President and Treasurer Putnam's Monttily Co., Publishers New York City JOHN M. L. lUWSE Journalist, Organized Towse Publ. Co., Publ. of The Furniture World, 1895, Pres. & Treas. of Co. for Five Years, Now Vice-Pres., Sec'y and Dir. Towse Publ. Co. New York City ERNEST THOMPSON SETOX Author New York City 650 Empire State Notables journalists. authors, etc. H. F. GUNNISON Business Manager Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Treasurer Eagle Warehouse and Storage Co- Brooklyn, N. Y. HERBERT L. BRIDGEMAN Business Manager The Standard Union Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVID A. CURTIS Newspaper Writer, Author, Librarian of New York City 1892-1893 New York City A. EUGENE BOLLES Publisher New York City Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 651 ALFRED EPHRAIM KORNFELD General Manager Engineering News PuLL Co., Associate American Society Civil Eingineers New York City JAMES LANE ALLEN Author New York City ^..-*- FRANKLIN WEBSTER President The Insurance Press New York City BERGAN Alil.l.N(, MACKINNON Manager Circulation Pictorial Review Since 1907 New York City 652 Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. JOS. B. GILDER President and Treasurer The Critic Co. 1893-1901, Editor Putnam's Monthly New York City BARRET r AM DREWS Secretary and Advertising Manager Vogue Publ. Co., Vanity Fair Publ. Co., President Eastchester Mortgage and Realty Co. New York City HERIiHlVI 1.. ALDKICH Publisher, President Aldrich Publishing Co., Marine Engineering, Inc., The Boiler Maker, etc., etc. New York City WILLIAM CON ANT CHURCH \V. C. & F. P. Church, Publishers, Editor "Army & Navy Journal," Author "Life of John Ericsson," etc. New York City Empire State Notables 653 JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT Editor of American Agriculturist, Secretary of Orange Judd Co., Author "Agriculture for Beginners" New York City MARCUS BRAUN Editor of "Fair Play' New York City NORMAN BOY EH Managing Editor The Smart Set Magazine New York City CHARLES WHITlNd RAKER Editor, Civil Engineer V. P. Engineering Publishing Co. New York City 654 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. EDGAR JAMES BANKS Archeologist, Lecturer, American Consul at Bagdad, Turkey, 1897, Discov'd Inscriptions (4500-2800 B. C.) in Babylonian Ruins New York City CHARLES LAWRENCE BRISTOL Zoologist, Educator New York City WILLIAM HARVEY ALLEN Director Bureau of Municipal Research and Training School for Public Service New York City THOMAS FLEMING DAY Editor The Rudder. President The Rudder Publishing Co. New York City Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 655 WALTER LITTLEFIELD Journalist, Editorial StafT N. Y. Times 1897, Member Various French and Italian Lit. Socs., Author of "The Truth About Dreyfus" New York City ADDAMS STRATTON McALLISTER Technical Editor, Author, Associate Editor Electrical World New York City SILAS McBEE Editor The Constructive Quarterly New York Cily RORRRTUS LOVE Journalist, Author, Assistant Manasing Editor Ann Press Association New York City 656 Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. JOHN CLYDE OSWALD Editor, Publisher, President Oswald Publishing Co. New York Citv CHARLES WILSON PRICE President Electrical Review Publ. Co., luc. New York City EDWARD RUNNELL PHELPS Editor, Author, President Thrift Publ. Co. New York City VINCENT STRONG MULFORD President Optical Publishing Co., Director Thompson-Starrett Co. New York Citv Empire State Notables 657 JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. JAMES GORDON BENNETT The New York Herald New York City WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST Journalist New York City WALTER PULITZER Author, Editor, Publisher, Composer, Chessist New York City WILLIAM D'ALTON MANN Editor "Town Topics," Col. L. S. Volunteer Cavalry 1862-1865, Inventor of the Mann Boudoir Cars New York City 658 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. CHARLES HENRY MELTZER Playwright, Clitic, Journalist, Music Clitic and Special Writer N. Y. American New York City LOUIS KAUFMAN AUSPACHER Dramatist, Lecturer New York City EDWIN HUNTER PENDELTON ARDEN Actor and Playwright New York City LYMAN BEECHER STOWE Journalist, Lecturer and Social Worker, Secretary of National Association of Junior * Republics New York City Empire State Notables 6^9 JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. WILLIAM CLARK PECKHAM Educator, Lecturer and Writer, Professor Physics Adelphi College Since 1896 Brooklyn, X. Y. PROF. GONZALEZ LODGE Educator, Author, Editor, Professor of Latin and Greek, Teachers College of Columbia University New Yorlc City THOMAS M. FARRELL Cigars New York City IIOBART CLEVELAND Heroy and Marrener, Importers of Photo- graphic and Optical Glass New York City 660 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. JOHN SPARGO Author, Lecturer, Art Critic New York City PHILIP BECKER GOETZ Teacher, Author North Evans, X. Y. PROF. GEORGE ALBERT COE Educationalist, Author New York Cilv DANIEL DE LEON Editor, Lecturer in School of Political Economy of Colunil)ia University Six Years New York City Empire State Notables — ■•• — JOURNALISTS. AUTHORS, ETC. 661 JOSEPH B. TIFFANY Artist and Musical Critic New York City MICHAEL ALFRED EDWIN WHITE Author New Y^ork City ROBERT HAV1:N SCHAUFFLER Author and Musician, Author of Romantic Germany, The Musical Amateur, Scum o' the Earth, and Other Poems, Romantic America, etc. Greenbush, Mass. SAMUEL DUFFIELD OSBORNE Author New York City 662 Empire State Notables journalists, authoks, etc. HON. NORMAN EDWARD MACK Editor, Publisher, Lawyer, Member Dem. National Committee Since 1900 and Its Chairman since July, 1908 Buffalo, N. Y. CHARLES BENNETT SMITH Editor of the Courier Since 1896, Elected Member of Congress November, 1910 Bufifalo, N. Y. CY. WARM AN Author Montreal, Quebec, Canada FRANK FARRINGTON Pharmacist. Writer Delhi, N. Y. Empire State Notables 663 JOURNALISTS. AUTHORS, ETC. JAMES TERRY WHITE Author, Editor, Publisher, President and Director James T. White &' Co., Publishers, President and Director Nat. Press Rureau New York Citv HENRY O. ELKINS Editor The Steuben Courier Rath, N. Y. HON. JOHN D. STIVERS Senator, 2.5th District P:ditor. Publisher, President Stivers Printing Co. Middleton, N. Y. MARCUS BENJAMIN Editor II. S. National Museum Washington, D. C. 664 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, ktc. RUDOLPH EICKEMEYER Portrait and Pictorial Photographer New York City HENJAMLN RUSSELL HERTS Editor, Author New Yorlj City ALEXANOEH HARVEY Editor, W'riler Nev York City ERNEST EDUARD LEMCKE Rookkseller, Publisher, Importer, Senior Member Firm of Lemcke & Buechner New York City Empire State Notables 665 JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. EDGAR FLOYD INGRAHAM E. F. Ingrahani Advertising Co. New Yorli City H. L. PRESTON Editor and Publisher, The Produce News New York City ARTHUR BARTLETT MAURICE Editor Since January, 190(>, Joint Editor Bookman with Frank Moore Colby Ne-w Yor'k City MATT MOORE Dramatist and Actor New York City €66 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc; WILLIAM MACK Editor-in-Chief Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure C. Y. C. New York City CHARLES WALTER DUMONT Designer and Founder of Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure C. Y. C. New York City RALPH LE FEVRE Editor, Author New Platz, N. Y. ELRERT HURBARD Autlior, Journalist, Banker. Lecturer, Editor The Fra and The Philistine East Aurora, N. Y. Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 667 CHARLES BENEDICT DAVENPORT Biologist Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. HAROLD MacGRATH Author Syracuse, N. Y. ERNEST LA TOUCHIC HANCOCK Journalist, Contributed to London Examiner, Truth, Referee, etc.. Also to N. Y. Herald, World, Sun, Press, Times, etc. Averne, N. Y. JOHN R. MacNEILLE Auditor, Statistician, Appraiser, Auditor Since lOO.'i International Paper Co. Stamford, Conn. 608 Empire State Notables clergymen, journalists, authors, etc. REV. HENRY M. RARBOUR Rector of Church of the Beloved Disciple New York City REV. GEORGE NELSON DEYS Church of the Advocate New York City EDWARD JEWITT WHEELER Editor Current Opinion (Formerlv Litera- ture) Since 1905 New York City DR. JOHN W. WAINWRIGHT Medical Editor and Writer, Mem. American Medical Assn., Medical Society of State and County of New York, etc. New York City Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 669 WILBUR LARREMORE Lawyer, Editor N. Y. Law Journal Since 1891 New York City CHARLES BURR TODD Author, Journalist, Member N. Y. Historical Society and Society American Authors, etc. Coronado, Fla. ALFRED STIEGLITZ Editor, Publisher, Photographer New York City FREDERICK T. RICHARDS Artist, On Regular Staff N. Y. Life Since 1888 and on Collier's Weekly. Cartooned for N. Y. Herald and N. Y. Times, etc. New York City 670 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. HERMAN RIDDER Pres. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, Trustee Emigrant Industrial Savings Rank, etc. New York City VICTOR FRANK RIDDER Treasurer New Yorker Staats-Zeitung New Yorlj City WHITELAW REID f Deceased) Editor, Diplomat, Editor N. Y. Tribune New York City GEORGE EDWIN RINES Editor, Encyclopedist, In 1903 Appt'd Maug. Ed. Encyclopedia Americana, 1906 Vice-Pres. and Mang. Ed., United Editors Assn. of United Ed. Encyclopedia and Dictionary, etc. New York City Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. 671 FRANK A. MUNSEY Publisher Munsey's Magazine, The Cavallier, The Argosy, The All-Story and The Railroad Man's Magazine, etc. New York City PHILIP G. GOSSLER Electrical Engineer, Secretary and Vice- President A. B. Leach & Co. Since 1909 New York City ORLANDO D. ORVIS Inventor, , Expert Penman, Portrait Painter, Composer and Player on Many Instruments •New -York City EDWARD SANDFORD MARTIN Writer, Author, Member Staff of Harper's Weekly, Life, etc. New York City 672 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. SAMUEL SIDXEY McCLURE Editor and Publisher, Editor McClure's Magazine, President S. S. McCIure & Co Publishers " New York City CHESTER SANDERS LORD ^^1w'"t^ ^"^'^1" '^^'^ ^"" 1880-1913, State «egent. Secretary Lotos Club 1893-1904, Vice-President 1904-1914 Rrooklyn, N. Y. TtRORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author New York Citv LLOYD BRYCE Editor and Author, U. S. Minister to Nether- land and Luxemburg New York City Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. 673 WILBERFORCE EAMES Librarian, New York Public Library New York City THEODORE DREISER Author, Editor, John Lane Publishing Co. New York City WILLIAM H. FLEMING Author, Editor, Lecturer New York City STUART HENRY Author. President N. Y. State Security Co. New York City 674 Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. THEOPHILUS CAREY CALLICOT Lawyer and Journalist, Chief Editor The Times, The Union and The Argus, Albany 1871-1910, Retiring in 1901, Now Sojourning in Germany Albany, \. Y. ROMEYN BECK HOUGH Author, Publisher Lowville, X. Y. HAMILTON BUSBEY Author "Recollections of Men and Horses' and Other Standard Works New York City CHESTER C. PLATT Editor "Batavia Times," Former Secretary to Ex-Governor Sulzer Batavia, X. Y. Empire State Notables JOURNALISTS, AUTHORS, ETC. 675 WILLIAM T. HARDENRROOK Publisher American Captains of Industry New York City GEORGE W. HATCH Insurance Journalist, Editor and Manager Insurance Age New York City JOSEPH JAMES LITTLI'; J. J. Little & Co., Printers, Twice President Roard of Education, Mem. Congress 1891-93 New York City PERCY R. ??ROMFIELD Advertising Agent New York City 676 Empire State Notables journalists, authors, etc. GEORGE SYLVESTER VIERECK Author, Associate Editor Current Opinion New- York Citv SAMUEL MACAULEY JACKSON Editor, Educator New York City CHARLES BENAJAH GILBERT Author, Lecturer New York City COL. G. O. SHIELDS ("Coquina") Publisher, Organized League of American Sportsmen. Pres. 1898-1913. Organized and Was President Camp Fire Club 1899-1903 New York Citv Empire State Notables hotels and restaurants 677 FRANK W. HARRIMAN Managing Director Hotel Ansonia New York City GUSTAV OBENDORFER Managing Director Hotel Ansonia New York City RAYMOND ORTJCIG Proprietor Cafe Lafayette and Hole! Brevoort New York City \V. B. LACHJCOT'iE General Manager Mercanlile Lunch Co. New York City 678 Empire State Notables HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS FRANK E. J AGO Manager Hotel MeAlpin New York City DAVID H. KNOTT Hotel Proprietor, The Judson, The Holly The Earle, Arlington, Member New York State Assembly 1913 New York City AIGUSTLS E. FORAN Managing Director Hotel Netherland New York City M. B. GOLDBERGER Proprietor Abingdon Hotel New York Citv Empire State Notables HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS 679 WALTHER EHRENTRANTZ Manager Carlton House New York City CAPTAIN JAMES CHURCHILL Manager of Churchill's Restaurant New York City LOUIS CHARLi;S OTTO Porprietor "Tlie Allerton" New York City ARTHUR CONRAD Restaurateur New Yoi-k City 680 Empire State Notables HOTELS AND restaurants WILFRID J. TAUPIER Secretary, Treasurer and Dir. Delmonico's New York City OSCAR TSCHIRKY Hotel Waldorf Astoria Xew York City GEORGE ORVIS Hotel Lorraine Xew York City GARDNER WETHERBEE Treasurer and Director Hawk & Wetherbee, Hotel Manhattan New York City Empire State Notables 681 HOTELS, TRANSPORTATION, EDUCATORS GUSTAV BAUMANN Hotel Proprietor, The Holland House, etc., President Hotel Association of the City of New York New York City SIMEON FORD New York City RICHARD W. MEADE President and General Manager New York Transportation Co. and Fifth Ave. Coach Co. New York City MYRON T. DANA Principal Fredonia State Noinial School Since 1906 Fredonia, N. Y. 682 Empire State Notables musicians and composers REGINALD DE KOVEN Composer, President the De Koven Opera Co., Founder and Conductor Washington Symphony Orchestra New York City RAYMOND HUNTINGTON WOODMAN Organist, Composer, Conductor, Organist First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, Since 1880, Professor Music Packer Collegiate Institute Since 1895 New York Citv LOUIS DRESSLER Organist, Choral Instructor, etc. New York City DR. ERNEST EBERHARD Doctor of Music, Founder and President Emeritus of the Grand Conservatory of Music. Pedagogue Composer, Author of Numerous Theoretical Works, etc. New York City Empire State Notables 683 MUSICIANS AND COMPOSERS PROF. MARTIN CUUNF.LIUS RUBNER Dean of Dept. of Music, Columbia University, Since September, 1904 New York City CLAR1..N(.I. I.DDY Organist New York City PATRICK CONWAY Conductor, Conway's Famous Band, Music Bandmaster Syracuse, N. Y. WALTER LAWRENCE BOGERT Musician New York City 684 Empire State Notables musicians and composers ALFRED HERTZ Musician New York City GEORGE COLES STEBBINS Twenty-Five Years Associated W'itli Moody and Sanliev, Associate Editor of Ttieir Hymn Books. Singer, Director and Composer of Many Facious Hymns Brooklyn, N. Y. KYRLE BELLEW I Deceased) Actor New York City EUGENE ZIMMERMAN Caricaturist, Honorary Member Elmira Press Club Horseheads, N. Y. Empire State Notables — .». — ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. 685 CHAUNCY OLCOTT Actor New York City ROBERT BRUCE MANTELL Tragedian New York City LOUIS MANN Actor New York City ROBERT TERREL HAINES Actor New York City 686 Empire State Notables ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. ARNOLD DALY Actor Xew York City JOSEPH 1\ SCHENK Theatrical Manager New York City ENNOLL DUNBAR Actor New Y'ork City MARSHALL PINCKNEY WILDER Entertainer, Lecturer, Author New York City Empire State Notables actors, playwrights, etc. 687 MARC KLAW Klaw & Erlanger, Theatrical Managers New York City ABRAHAM L. ERLANGER Dramatic Manager, Theatrical Producers, Klaw & Erlanger New Yorls City WILLIAM A. BRADY Producer and Manager, Playhouse New York City MAURICE VICTOR SAMUELS Playwright New York City 688 Empire State Notables ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. DANIEL FROHMAN Theatrical Manager New York City MARCUS LOEW Proprietor Loew's Theatrical Enterprises New York City il.ssL L. LASKY Theatrical Producer New York City SAM H. HARRIS Treasurer, Manager and Director to Cohan & Harris Publishing Co., President. Treasurer and Director George M. Cohan Theatre Co. New York City Empire State Notables 689 ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. HARRISON GREY FISKE Theatrical Manager New Yorlc City ADOLPH ZUKOR Founder and Pres. of the Famous Players Film Co., tlie First Film Enterprise to Pre- sent tlie Famous Players of the Day in Their Foremost Successes in Motion Pictures New York City HENRY G/VLNKS HAWN President Hawn School of Speech Arts, Carnegie Hall New York City i:i)\VIN GORDON LAWRENCE Author, Director Lawrence School of Oratory New York City 690 Empire State Notables ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. HARRY E. AITKEN Playwright, President Mutual Film Co. New York City RUDOLPH ARONSON Theatrical Manager. Composer, Orchestral Music New York City FRANCESCO FANCIULLI Randmaster, Composer New York City WALTER HENRY HALL Organist, Musical Director, Author and Composer of Church Music New York City Empire State Notables 691 ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. DAVID BELASCO Manager and Playwright New York City FRANK DAMROSCH Director Institute of Musical Art of the City of New York New York City JAMES KIRKWOOD Actor, Famous Players Co. New York City DAI VI) MANNES Musician Now York City 692 Empire State Notables actors, playwrights, etc. GEORGE M. COHAN Actor, Playwright New York Citv EDMUND SEVERN Composer, Violinist, Lecturer, Teacher New York Citv WILLIS STEELE Playwright, Author New York City WILLIAM H. RIEGER Vocal Instructor and Tenor Singer New York Citv Empire State Notables 693 ACTORS, PLAYWRIGHTS, ETC. GEORGE \V. LEDERER Theatrical Manager New York City HAROLD A. LOCKWOOD Moving Picture Actor, Famous Players Co. New York City ANDREW E. EICHMANN Brooklyn, N. Y. CARL G. RASMUS New York City 694 Empire State Notables actors, playwrights, etc. ERNEST T. CARTER Musical Director and Composer, Formerly Lawyer New York Citv FREDERIC DE BELLEVILLE Actor New York Citv HERBERT WITHERSPOON Grand Opera and Concert Singer New York Citv JOHN JOSEPH McGRATH. D. D. S. New York City Empire State Notables military and naval 695 FREDERICK DLM GRANT (Deceased) Major General, United States Army New York Gitv GENERAL CHARLES F. ROE Rrig. General United States Vols, and Major General N. G. N. Y., etc. New Yorls City CHARLES THURSTON GRLIAE Major, United States Army New York City ALFIU'.I) riLWI.K .MAHAN Rear Admiral United Stales Navy, President Naval War College 1880-1889 Quoque, N. Y. THL MAKERS OF THL BOOK 'i I S simple as it seems to tlie uninitiated, ^^ this volume represents tlie unremit- ting labor for a long period of time of more than a score of people. The print- ing was done by Messrs. Xeiinmnn Brothers, "The Linguistic Printers," and it would tax the best capacity of any printing house to e([ual it. The publisher deems it fitting here to acknowledge the able assistance and advice of Mr. Henry Snyder Reed, and re- grets that he was unable to obtain in time to grace the ensuing pages, the photographs of Miss Mary Louise Clarke, whose able and conscientious supervision of the earlier stages of the work laid the foundation on which the superstructure was built; Miss Helen Dorothy Berry, whose careful atten- tion to office details was of great value, and Mr. William Clement Leonard, whose sys- temization of office methods along the lines of modern efficiency standards was of much help to the selling organization. Empire State Notables 697 THE MAKERS OF THE BOOK HARTWELL STAFFORD Editor and Publisher New York Citv WILLIAM MEMJELSON Salesmanager New York City / MISS ADA KDFTH ROBINSON Associate Editor New York City MISS ITtAXCES HILDA MARKS Associaffl Editor New York City 098 Empire State Notables THE MAKERS OF THE BOOK J. LEONARD WOOD Associate Editor New York City HERBERT TODD Associate Editor New York City CHARLES L. TOMPKINS Associate Editor New York City SAMUEL MENDELSON Associate Editor New York City Empire State Notables 699 THE MAKERS OF THE BOOK ADOLF SCHMIDT Salesman New York City A. ALBERT LAUTMAN Salesman New York City AL. M. FICHMAN Salesman New York City MAX M. FICHMAN Salesman New York City 700 Empire State Notables THE MAKERS OF THE BOOK JOSEPH NEUMANN Neumann Brothers, Printers, Linguistic Printers' Company New York City RUDOLPH NEUMANN Neumann Brothers, Printers, Linguistic Printers' Company New York City J. G. GESSFORD Photographer New Y^ork City ANTHONY N. OSNATO Salesman New York City Empire State Notables THE MAKERS OF THE BOOK 701 PAUL M. HAMMALIAN Union Photo Engraving Co. Ne\v York City PETER M. HAMMALIAN Union Photo Engraving Co. New York City .lOHN M. HAMMALLVN Union Photo Engraving Co. New York Cily JACOB M. HAMMALIAN Union Photo Engraving Co. New York City ■J JiT^ jBkX V^HBI THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara J i:^55 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. %^E^ ^y^^c "i f} -\