':;;;•',' LIBRARY OF OOISTGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER /- --^ SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, < l-DS ANGELES, CALiF. LIBEARY OF COISTGRESS LIST or REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 It 28 til L. C. card, 14—30013 . • . .• .•• .♦. •*: • • :•:••! • • •• ••••• ••••• • ::: v.: I • • • • • • • • • » p TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Prefatory note 4 Bibliography 5 Periodicals 6 General &-18 Special investigations 18-26 Laws, regulations, etc 26-29 Reports of prisons, etc 29-35 Congresses, societies, etc - 36-39 Articles in periodicals 40-51 Speeches in Sixty-third Congress, second session 52-53 Bills before Congress 53-54 Foreign countries 54-63 Author index 65-70 Subject index 71-74 3 PREFATORY NOTE The list on prison labor here presented notes the literature of the subject from the point of view of the prisoner, of the State or com- nuinit y, and of labor. It is printed to meet the demand for the litera- ture itself, which arose from the introduction of several bills in Con- gress to limit the effect of the regulation of interstate commerce in convict made goods, and to prohibit the importation and entry of such goods. Keeping in mind the main purpose of the list to aid in legislation, special efforts have been made to include the reports of prisons and other institutions of detention which have had actual experience with convict labor (see pages 29-35), and the reports of special investiga- tions into the conditions and effects of prison labor (see pages 18-26). Acknowledgment is due to Mr. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and to Mr. Frank Morrison, its secre- tary, for a number of reports and for pointing out a series of articles in the "American Federationist" and other periodicals which give the point of view of organized labor. A general discussion of the subject in all its aspects will be found in the number of the Annals of the American academy of political and social science devoted to "Prison labor," vol. 46, whole no. 135 (see item no. 14 in the list). The "Table of contents" (page 3) shows the classification of the references. The " Subject index" (pages 71-74) points out the litera- ture on special and more minute phases of the subject. H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliographer TTerbeut Putnam Libranan of Congress Washington, D. C, Aprils, 1915 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 *National committee on prison labor. New York city. Tentative bibliography on prison labor. New York, 1910. 4 ^- Typewritten. 2 New York. Public library. List of works relating to crimi- nology. New Yorl-, 1911. 2p.l., 362 p. 26^"^. ' Prison labor: p. 240-246. Reprinted from New York Public Library. Bulletin, May-Nov. 1911, V. 15. Z5118.C9N5. 3 New York. State library, Albany. Bulletin. Legislation, no 1-40. Albany, 1891-1911. 40 v. 23'='^. Issued irregularly. Includes an annual summary or index of state legislation, 1890-1908; Digest of governors' messages, 1902-1908; and Review of legislar tion, 1900-1907/8. Consult the index of each volume under Con- vict labor. Z881.N61BL Z6457.A1N5 4 TJ. S. Bureau of labor. Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the United States, prior to March 1, 1902. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1902. 287 p. 23^"^. Convict labor: p. 67-70. 2-19301 Z7164.L1U6 5 Bureau of labor statistics. Reading list on convict labor. [ Washington, 1913.] 4 I. Mimeographed. 6 Virginia. State library, Richmond. Legislative reference lists. 1912. Richmond, Va., 1911. 70 p. 23''^. "Convict labor": p. 21-28. 10-33149 ZBSl.VSlIi *Not at present in the Library of Congress. % LIBKAKY 0\- CON GUESS PERIODICALS 7 The International record of charities and correction. Ed. by V. II. Wines, v. 1-3; 1886-1888. New York cfc London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1SS6-88. 3 v. tab. ^QY"^. monthly. None published June, 1887. "EstablLshed in 1886, and had a brief existence of two years and a half." — Oharities review, v. 6, p. 3. 2-19655 HV1.I6 8 The Journal of prison discipline and philanthropy ... v. 1, Jan. 1845-1914. Philadelphia, J. Tatum [etc.] 1845-1914- 53 v. plates, ports., plans. 22^-24'''^. CA 8-2624 HV8987.A4J7 9 Prisoner's friend: a monthly magazine devoted to criminal re- form, philosophy, science, literature, and art . . . [New ser.] V. 1- 1846-1856. Boston, 1846-1856. 8 v. plates, ports., plan. 23-43^'='^. weekly. CA 8-2612 HV7231.P9 10 Revue penitentiaire. Bulletin de la Societe generale des prisons. 1. annee, aoijt, 1877-1914. Paris, A. Ohaix et cie. [etc.] 1877-1914. 38 v. plans. 25'^'^. monthly. 8-22712 HV7232.R4 GENERAL 1 1 Academy of political science, New York. Good roads and convict labor. New York, The Academy of political science, Columhia uni- versity, 1914. iv, 92 p. 24^'^™. (Its Proceedings, vol. IV, no. 2.) Contents. — i. Foreword, by C. II. Davis. — u. Employment of con- vict labor on road construction in northern states, by S. Wilmot. — lu. Prison industries of the state of Wisconsin, by E. S. WTiitin. Bibliographies: p. 65-68 and p. 1)1-92. 14-13467 HV8925.A4 H31.A4,v.4,no.2 12 Alexander, Ilooj^or. Tlie convict lease and the system of con- tract labor: their ])lace in liistory. (Tn Southern sociological congress, Nashville, Tenn., 1913. The South mobilizing for social service. Nashville, 1913. 24''™. p. 161-174.) HN79.A2S7 1913 KEFEKENCES ON PRISON LABOR 7 13 Altgeld, Jolm Peter. Live questions, Chicago, Geo. S. Bowen and son, publisher's agents, 1899. ^2 p. I., 1009 p. incl. plates, plates, ports. 24'^^^ Prison labor: p. 64-107. 11-29197 HN64.A48 14 American academy of political and social science, Phila- delphia. Prison labor. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science, 1913. vii, [1], 2^0 p. 25"'^. (Its Annals, vol. XL VI [whole no. 135].) "The papers in this publication were collected and edited by E. Stagg Whitin and J. P. Lichtenberger." Contents. — Introduction: Industrial penology, by E. S. Whitin. — Trend of reform: The new penology, by T. Roosevelt. The wage- earner and the prison worker, by J. Mitchell. Women and prison labor, by Helen V. Boswell. — The governor's problem: WTiy I could not pardon the contract system, by G. W. Donaghey. Pre- vention of crime, by A. O. Eberhart. Reform through labor, by E. N. Foss. New theory as to punishment of crime, by H. S. Hadley. The problem of prison labor, by O. West. — The problem of administration : The ideal for Kansas, by J. K. Codding. Prison labor on public roads, by T. W. Tynan. The reform of the indi- vidual, by F. Moore. Working for the individual, by D. C. Pey- ton. The activities of delinquent boys, by E. L. Coffeen. — Direct- ing the labor of convicts: Convict labor in highway construction, by J. H. Pratt. Outdoor work for convicts — a symposium: i. County road camps in Arkansas, by J. Asher; ii. Outdoor work in Michigan, by W. K. Bryant; in. Good opportunities for prison labor, by H. R. Cooley; rv. Experimental road work in Ohio, by J. R. Marker; v. The workhouse as a reformatory, by F. R. Mc- Donald. One year of honor system in Oregon, by P. E. Bauer. Illinois jails and the Kangaroo court, by H. H. Hart. New Hamp- shire's experiment in using prison labor to support paupers, by E. L. Page. The courts and prison labor, by G. Cosson. — The atti- tude of organized labor: The trade-union attitude towards prison labor, by J. P. Frey. The state-use system, by C. Lovely. — The burden of crime: Punishing the innocent, by C. Aronovici. Prison labor and social justice, by F. E. Lyon. Prison labor reform in New Jersey, by C. L. Stonaker. Prison labor in the District of Columbia, by W. H. Baldwin. 13-8356 Hl,A4,v.46 HV8925.A6 15 The American year book; a record of events and progress, 1910-1913. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1911- 1914. 4 V. 20^"^. 1910: "Prison labor": p. 465-i66. 1911: "Prison labor": p. 374, 384-385. 1912: "Convict labor": p. 262-263, 440-442, 1913: "Prison labor": p. 449-453. 11-1626 E171.A585 72983°— 15 2 8 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 16 Arenal de Garcia Carrasco, Coiiccpcion. Estudios peniten- ciarios. Madrid, V. Sudrez, 1895. 2 v. 18Y^- (Ohras completas. t. 5-6.) "Del trabaju en la prision preventiva": v. 1, p. 61-71; "Del tra- bajo " : V. 2, p. 83-113. 13-4981 HV8669.A7 17 Aschaffenburg, Gustav. Crime and its repression. Tr. by Adalbert Albrechl . . . with an editorial preface by- Maurice Parmelec . . . and an introduction by Arthur C. Train. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1913. xxviii, 331 p. diagrs. 23h^'^. {The modern criminal science series pub. under the auspices of the American institute of criminal law and criminology.) "The means of punishment": p. 265-285. 13-15896 HV6037.A83 18 Boies, Henry Martyn. The science of penology; the defence of society against crime. New York and London, G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1901. xvii 459 p. 23^"^. "Prison labor": p. 264-286. 1-19835/3 HV8665.B6 19 Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington (Charlesworth). Branded; a monograph on prison work. New York, A. D. F. Randolph company, 1897. 4^ p. IW"^. 10-32186 HV9272.B8 20 Bowring, Sir John. Prison labour and discipline. {In National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions, 1869. London, 1870. 22cm. p. 246-257.) Discussion: p. 257-262. H11.N2 1869 21 Brindley, John Edwin. History of road legislation in Iowa. Iowa City, la.. State historical society of Iowa, 1912. xiii, 422 p. 24Y'^. {Iowa economic history series, ed. hy B. F. Shamhaugh.) See index under Convict labor. 12-33665 TE324.I8B8 22 Brockway, Zebulon Reed. Fifty years of prison service; an autobiography, by Zebulon Reed Brockway, superinten- dent of the Elmira reformatory from the time of its open- ing in 1876, to the year 1900. New York, Charities publication committee, 1912. xiii, 437 p. front., plates, ports., chart. 20^'^. "The prison labor investigation": p. 286-298. 12-14938 HV9272.B85 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 9 23 Cable, George Washington. The silent South. New ed. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1889. v, [v]-^i f., 1 I., 213 p. front, (port.) 18^"^. "The convict lease system in the Southern states": p. 115-182. 12-2880 El 85. 61. CI 96 24 Carlton, Frank Tracy. The history and problems of organized labor. Boston, New York [etc.] D. 0. Heath cfc company, [''1911]. xi, 483 p. 20^^^. "Prison labor": p. 424-430. 11-23522 HD6508.C2 25 Carpenter, Edward. Prisons, police and punishment; an in- quiry into the causes and treatment of crime and crim- inals. London, A. C. FifieU, 1905. 153 p. 20^^^. " Prison reform " : p. 64-79. 6-1290 HV8665.C3 26 Cartwright, Henry. Prison labour. {In National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions, 1867. London, 1868. 22'^'". p. 275-276.) Discussion: p. 276-281. H11.N2 1867 27 Cassidy, Michael J. Warden Cassidy on prisons and convicts; remarks- from observation and experience gained during thirty-seven years continuous service in the administra- tion of the Eastern state penitentiary, Pennsylvania. PMladelpMa, Patterson & White, 1897. 122 p. plates, parts., plans. 23^^. "Prison labor": p. 63-93. 10-32178 HV9471.C3 28 Croll, Alexander Angus. Piece-work sentences for prisoners. < Issued by the Howard association. > {London, R. Barrett and sons, printers, 187-.] 4- V- ^2'^'^. 11-7205 HV8911.H8 29 Cuche, Paul. Traite de science et de legislation penitentiaires. Paris, F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1905. 2 p. I., ii, 510 p. 25^"^. ' ' Organisation du travail " : p. 280-293 ; " Le travail penitentiaire " : p. 368-395. 12-33761 HV9666.C8 30 Drahms, August. The criminal, his personnel and environment ; a scientific study . . . with an introduction by Cesare Lombroso. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1900. xiv p., 1 l, 402 p. iricl. tables. 19^"^. Convict labor: p. 343-351. Apr. 5, 1900-10 HV6045.D8 10 LIBEARV OF CONGRESS 30a Edwards, Alba M. The labor legislation of Connecticut. [New Yorh, Pub. for the American economic association hj the Macmillan co., 1907.] viii, 322 p. 25'^"'. {Publica- tions of the American economic association. 3d ser. v. viii, no. 3.) Convict labor: p. 216-251. HBl.A5,3d ser.v.8 7-30620 HD7835.C8E2 31 Falkner, lloland Post. Die Arbeit in den Gefiingnissen. Jena, G. Fischer, 1888. viii, 89, [1] p. 24'^'^. {Sammlung nationaldJconomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Ilalle a. d. S. hrsg. von Dr. Th. Conrad. 5. Bd. 1. Hft.) l-G-985 HD4868.F2 32 Finty, Tom, jr. Prison conditions in the South. {In Southern sociological congress, Nashville, Tenn., 1912. The call of the new South. Nashville, 1912. 23*"". p. 92-103.) Lease system: p. 93-99. HN79.A2S7 1912 33 Fogarty, E. J. Interstate transportation of convict-made goods. Congressional record, 63d Cong., 2d sess., v. 51, no. 90 {cur- rent file): 6341-6342. 34 *Fryer, William J. Convict labor. A letter to the governor- elect of New York. [New York, 1879.] 7 p. 35 Garofalo, Ilaffaele. Criminology. Tr. by Robert W}Tiess Millar, with an introduction by E. Ray Stevens. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1914- xl, 478 p. 23^^- {The modern criminal science series, pub. under the auspices of the American institute of criminal law and criminology.) Convict labor: p. 412-413. 14-2935 HV6038.G35 36 Gladden, Washington. Social facts and forces. Nev) York c& London, G. P. Putnam^s sons, 1897. iv p., 1 l, 235 p. 19^'"^. The trade unions and prison labor: p. 67-68. 4-3771/3 HN64.G6 37 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Copy of correspondence between the Board of trade and the Foreign office, and between the Foreign office and certain of Her Majesty's representa- tives abroad, on the subject of foreign prison-made goods. London, Printed for II. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, 1897. iv, 23 p. 33^"^. {Parliarnent. Reports and papers, 1897, v. 37. Cd. 8339.) J301.K6 I897,v.37 BEFEKENCES ON PRISON LA30R 11 38 Gt. Brit. Foreign office. Reports from Her Majesty's representa- tives in certain foreign countries on ])rison labour. London, Printed for II. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, 1894- 88 p. 33'^^. (Parliament. Reports and papers, 1894, v. 90. Cd. 7550.) Commercial. No. 8 (1894). J301.K6 1894,v.90 39 Green, Sanford Moon. Crime: its nature, causes, treatment, and prevention. Pliiladelplna, J. B. Lippincott company, 1889. 346 p. inch front, (port.) 21'^'^. "Convict labor": p. 338-341. 10-17293t HV6035.G8 40 [GriflB.th, Goldsborough Sappington.] Argument on the contract labor sj'stem and the reformation of convicts. [Baltimore, 187 — ] cover-title, 8 p. 22^"^. 10-34438 HV8929.M35G8 41 Grubb, Edward. Methods of penal administration in the United States. Notes of a personal enquiry, February and March, 1904. 2d ed. Issued by the Howard asso- ciation. London, Wertheimer, Lea cfc co., [1904]. ^4 p. 21'^'^. "Labour laws": p. 7-8; "The contract system": p. 15-16; "The leasing system " : p. 52-53; "Peonage": p. 53-56. 13-23996 HV9471.G8 1904a 42 Hart, Hastings H. Convict labor. {In Cyclopedia of American government. New York, 1914. 26*^™. V. 1, p. 466-467.) References: p. 467. JK9.C9,v.l 43 [Heilbron, William Caspar.] Convict life at the Minnesota state prison, Stillwater, Minnesota. 2d ed. St. Paul, Minn., W. C. Heilbron, ['^1909]. 155 p. incl. illus., plates, ports, front. 19\'^^. "The twine factory": p. 118-122. 10-12107 HV9475.M6H5 44 Henderson, Charles Richmond. The cause and cure of crime. Chicago, A. C. McClurg db CO., 1914. 175 p. 18'"^. [The national social science series, ed. by F. L. McVey.] "Prison labor and its products": p. 105-109. 14-18490 HV6035.H4 45 An introduction to the study of the dependent, defective and delinquent classes. Boston, D. C. Heath and company, 1893. x, 277 p. 20""^. "The employment of convicts on public works and ways": p. 221-222. 1-4204 HV33.H4 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 46 Henderson, Charlos Richmond. Modern prison systems. Tlieir ortjanization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1903. xxxvi, 319 p. 23'^'^. ([ [7. /S.] 57t}i Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. no. 4^2.) See index under Industries. 3-29881 HV9441.H5 47 , ed. Correction and prevention. New York, Charities puUication committee, 1910. 4 v. front, plates, ports., facsims. 24'^^. {Russell Sage foun- dation [publications]) "The public road system " : v. 2, p. 78-85. "The state farm system": v. 2, p. 85-88. 10-20642 HV9471.H5 48 Outdoor labor for convicts; a report to the governor of Illinois. Chicago, The University of Chicago press, 1907. xv, 154 V- 22^^^. 7-30447 HV8897.H6 49 High, Fred. Prison problems, propounded in prose and poetry. Chicago, The Platform, 1912. 176 p. 20'^^. Convict labor: p. G9-75, 105-111. 13-22835 HV9469.H5 50 Holmes, J. A. Road building with convict labor in the southern states. {In U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1901. Washington, 1902. 23^^^°". p. 319-332.) S21.A36, 1901 51 Holtzendorff, Franz Joachim Wilhelm Phili])]) von, and Jage- mann, Eugen von, eds. Handbuch des Gefangniss- wesens in Einzelboitragcn. Hamhurg, J. F. RicMer, 1888. 2 v. 38 pi. tah. 23'"\ See index v. 2 under Arbeit. l-G-1137 HV8667.H8 52 Howard association, London. Convict labour in the United States. [London,, Wertheimer, Lea <& co., printers, 1906] 12 p. 22'^'^. 7-26998 HD4869.U4H7 53 International prison commission. Tlie reformatory system in the United States. Kc[)orts prepared for the Inter- national prison ctunmission. S. J. Barrows, commis- sioner for the United States. WasJdngton, Govt, print, off., 1900. 1 p. I., 24O p. plates, ports. ^23^^. {[U. S.] 56th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. 459.) \. Convict labor: p. 21, 30-34, 176.^ 7-27410 HV9304.I6 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 13 54 Keeler, Clarissa Olds. The crime of crimes; or, The convict sys- tem unmasked. [Washington, D. C, Pentecostal era company, 1907.] 29 y. illus. 23^'"^. 7-26922 • HV8988.K3 55 Keller, Frances Alice. Experimental sociology. Descriptive and analytical. Delinquents. New York, London, The Macmillan co., 1901. xvi, 816 p. £1cm Prison labor: p. 134-137, 175-176, 187-191. 2-961 HV6035.K3 55a Maryland. Bureau of industrial statistics. Report. 1910. Baltim ore, 1911. 357 p. 23 h '=™. Prison labor: p. 213-217. 8-32573 HC107.M3A15 1910 55b Missouri. Bureau of lahor statistics and inspection. Toilers of Missouri, 1910. Jefferson City [1911]. 236 p. 23'^'". (Red hooJc, paH 2.) Convict labor question: p. 19, 143, 161, 164, 215-236. 11-28167 HD6517.M8A4 56 Montana. Bureau of agriculture, lahor and industry. Report, 1909-1910. Ft. II. Labor. Helena, Mont., Independent puhl., CO. ,[1910]. 183 p. 26^'^- Con\act labor: p. 42-51. HC107.M9A2 1909-10 56a National free labor association. Road making by convict labor. New Yoric, National free lahor association, 1913. IfS p. 22h'^'^. (Series no. 1 — Road work. Bulletin no. 1.) "A list of articles on convict road work": p. 48. 14-13118 HV8925.N33 57 The OflBLcial good roads year book of the United States, 1912- 1914. Washington, D. C, The American association for highway improvement, 1912-1914. 3 v. 28Y'^- Contains material on convict labor. 12-14988 TE23.04 58 *Pennsylvania prison society. Memorial of the society on convict labor, to the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United vStates. [Philadelphia, 1S88.] 4 p. 14 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS 59 *Perry, Jolin S. Analysis of the vote on prison contract labor ])oIled November 6, 1883, with comments from various sources. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., I884. 22 p. 60 A few considerations in respect to prison labor. [Albany? N. Y., 1S78.] cover-title, 36 y. 26'"^. Memorial to the state Legislature. 10-34439 HV8893.P5 61* Prison labor in New Jersey. With a letter from A. S. Mep-ick. [Albany, 1883.] 27 p. 62 Prison labor, with tables showing the proportion of con- vict to citizen labor, in the prisons of the state of New York, and of the United States. Albany, Weed, Parsons and company, printers, 1885. 5Jf. p. 2^1. cm CA 11-544 HV8893.P53 63 Pollitz, Paul. Strafe und Verbrechen, Geschichte und Organi- sation des Gefangniswesens. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1910. vi, I4O p. 18h'^. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt; Sammlung wissenschaftUch-gemein- versidndlicher Darstellungen. 323. Bdchen.) "Arbeitsbetrieb": p. 64-74. 10-22770 HV8667.P6 64 Potts, Charles Shirley. Crime and the treatment of the crim- inal. Austin, Tex., [1910]. 86 p. 23'^'^. (Bulletin of the Univer- sity of Texas, no. I46. Humanistic series, no. 8.) "Labor — its uses and abuses": p. 29-31. 10-28793 HV8665.P7 65 Pratt, Joseph Hyde. Economics of convict labor in road con- struction. [CJiapel Hill, N. C, 1914.] 15 p. 23"'^. (North Carolina geological and economic survey. Good roads circular no. 97.) TE24.N8A4,no.97 66 Prison reform league. Crime and criminals. Los Angeles, Cal., Prison reform league publisliing company, ['1910]. X, 320 p. incl. front, (port.) illus. 18'"^. "Southern convict camps": p. 117-129. 10-9269 HV8982.P8 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 15 67 Rylands, Louis Gordon. Crime; its causes and remedy. London, T. F. Unwin, 1889. iv, 26 i p. 21<=^. "On the treatment of the adult criminals": p. 137-250. 2-21851 HV6115.R8 68 Shepherd, Edward. Is it expedient and practicable to make prison labour productive and remunerative ? (In National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions, 1867. London, 1868. 22'^'". p. 210-212.) H11.N2 1867 69 [Simpson, Harry G.] The prisoners of the Ohio penitentiary. The daily routine of their lives. Columbus, 0., Hann & Adair, 'printers, 1883. vi p., 1 I., [9]-128 p. incl. front. 17^"^- Labor: p. 21-22. 10-34619 HV9475.04S6 70 Smith, Samuel George. Social pathology. New York, The Macmillan company, 1911. viii p., 1 I., 380 p. 21'='^. Prison labor: p. 190-195. 11-27126 HV31.S7 71 [Spear, John Murray.] Labors for the prisoner. [Boston? 1849.] 12 p. 23'^'^. 11-21054 HV9276.S7 72 Stewart, Ethelbert. Convict labor in the United States. {In Bliss, W. D. P., ed. New encyclopedia of social reform. New ed. New York, 1908. 25^'^'°. p. 291-294.) H41.B62 73 Stone, Roy, coinp. Notes on the employment of convicts in connection with road building. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1898. 21 p. iUus. 23"'". (Z7. S. Dept. of agriculture. Office of road inguiry. Bulletin no. 16, rev.) Agr 9-2433^ TEl.U6,no.l6 73a Texas. Bureau of labor statistics. Biennial report, 1909-10. Austin, Tex., 1910. 291 p. 23"^. Law relating to convict-made products and synopsis of laws in other states: p. 8-11. 11-33012 HC107.T4A3 1909-10 72983°— 15 3 16 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS 74 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. Protection of labor and industries from competition of convict labor and manufactures . . . Report. < To accompany H. R. 1231S. > [WasUngton, Govt, print, of., 1906.] IS p. 23'"^. {59th Cong., 1st sess. House. liept. 4782.) Submitted by Mr. Gardner, of New Jersey. Ordered printed June 6, 1906. 6-35222 HV8893.TJ6 75 H. R. 4040, 4064, 4883. Competition of penal labor. Hearings before subcommittee no. 4, Committee on labor of the House of representatives, April 1, 8, 13, 1908. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 117 p. 23<''^. James P. Conner, chairman of subcommittee. 8-35348 HV8893.U6 76 H. R. 4040, 4064, 4883. Competition of penal labor. Hearings before subcommittee no. 4, Committee on labor of the House of representatives, April 1, 8, 13, 1908, with appendix, and before a full committee April 27, 1908. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 173 p. 23'^'^. James P. Conner, chairman of subcommittee. 9-34663t HV8893.U6 1908 a 77 H. R. 12000, 12001, 21322, competition of penal labor. Hearings before subcommittee no. 4, Committee on labor, of the House of representatives, March 8 and 23, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 153 p. 23'^'^. E. L. Taylor, jr., chairman of subcommittee. 10-35490 HV8893.U6 1910 78 H. R. 3646. To establish Department of labor. Hearings before subcommittee no. 2, Com- mittee on labor of the House of representatives. May 25 and 26, 1910. Members of subcommittee no. 2, Sixty- first Congress, Edward B. Vreeland, chairman; E. H. Madison, Amos L. Allen, Henry T. Rainey, James H. Cov- ington, John H. Shreve, clerk. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 60 p. 23'''^. 10-35798 " HD8051.B3 1910 79 Peonage in western Pennsylvania. Hear- ings on House resolution no. 90. August 1, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 119 p. 23^"^. William B. Wilson, chairman. "Brief of testimony in peonage investigation": p. 118-119. 11-35719 HD8039.M62U6 1911a REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 17 80 XT. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. Convict-made goods in interstate commerce. Keport. {V^asiiington, Govt. pHnt. of., 1912.] 3 p. 24'"^. (62(1 Cong., 2d sess. Uouse. Rept. 222.) Submitted by Mr. Hensley, from the Committee on labor. 12-35061 Hy8923.A6 1912 81 Regulation of interstate commerce as to products of convict labor. Report. [^VasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1913.] 4 p. 24'^'^. {63d Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 93.) Submitted by Mr. Watson. Ordered printed December 2, 1913. 13-33835 HV8923.A6 1913 82 Senate. Corrvmittee on interstate commerce. Interstate commerce in convict-made goods. Hearings ... on S. 2321, a bill to limit the effect of the regulation of inter- state commerce between the states in goods, wares, and merchandise wholly or in part manufactured, mined, or produced by convict labor or in any prison or reform- atory. March 13, 18, 19, and 26, 1914. WasMngton, Govt, print, of., 1914. J V- ^v ^^^ V- 23^"^. Francis G. Newlands, chairman. 14-13113 HV8923.A6 1914c 83 Comm,ittee on the judiciary. Interstate com- merce in convict-made goods. Hearing [July 3-6, 1912]. Washington, Govt, print, of, 1912. 52 p. 23^"^. \ HV8923.A6 1912 b 84 West, Oswald. The problem of prison labor. {In Governors' conference. Proceedings, 1911. Lakewood, N. J., The Lakewood press, 1912. p. 258-266.) JK2403.G5 1911 85 Whitin, E. Stagg. Prisoners' work. Boston, American Unitarian association, [1914-] 26 p. 18Y'^. {American Unitarian association. Department of social and public service. Social service series. Bulletin no. 27.) HN37.U5A6, no.27 86 and Charles Henry Davis. Honor men and good roads everywhere, pub. jointly by National committee on prison labor. National highways association; reprinted with some additions, from Proceedings of the Academy of political science, January, 1914, under the title of ''Good roads and convict labor." [Boston, The Everett press company], ^1914- 16 p. illus. 25^"^. 14-12326 TE23.W4 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 87 Wines, Enoch Coob. The state of prisons and of child-saving institutions in the civilized world. Cambridge [Mass.] J, Wilson cfc son, ISSO. a:xiii, 719 p. See index under Labor. 11-2367 HV9443.W7 88 Wines, Frederick Howard. Punishment and reformation, a study of the penitentiary sj^stem. New enl. ed. New Yorl, T. Y. Crowell & company, ['19101 ^v, 387 p. 19Y'^. (Lihrary of economics and politics.) See index under Labor, convict. 10-2292 HV8665.W55 89 *Wright, Carroll Davidson. Hand labor in prisons. Boston, 1SS7. 19 p. 90 Outline of practical sociology. With special reference to American conditions. 5th ed., rev. New York [etc.], Longmans, Green, and co., 1902. 1 p. I., xxvii, [2], 481 p. maps, diagr. 20^'^'^. (American citi- zen series [v. 1].) "Prison labour and the reformation of convicts": p. 378-389. 3-723 HN57.W92 91 * Prisoiv labor. [n. p., 1899.] 22 p. 92 Some ethical phases of the labor question. Boston, American Unitarian association, 1902. 4 p. I., 207 p. 19'^^. "The ethics of prison labor": p. 161-207. 2-24907 HD6961.W8 93 ""Yocum, W. D. Argument before the Committee on trade and manufactures of the Legislature of New York, in opposi- tion to the manufacture of hats in state prison, etc. New YorTc, 1879. 15 p. SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS 94 Alabama. Governor, 1911-1915. {Emmet O'Neal.) Convict department, its management. Sworn statement, by Emmet O'Neal, governor of Alabama, before investigating committee. Montgomery, Ala., The Brown printing company, state printers and hinders, 1913. 1^2 p. 23^"^. "Contracts": p. 43-63. 13-33189 HV8320.A6 1913 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 19 95 Boston. Deyt. of 'public institutions. Committee on contracts. Report of Committee on contracts, on the subject of their visit to penal and reformatory institutions. 1874. Boston, Rockwell and Cliurchill, city printers, 1875. 13 p. Signed: J. K. Fagin. Institutions in Albany, Rochester, Detroit, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. 10-34760 HV8929.M4A5 1874 96 Chicago. Civil service commission. Report on the investigation of prison labor and management, House of correction, city of Chicago. Inquiry conducted at the request of the Committee on finance, December 11, 1913, to March 24, 1014. [Chicago, Cameron, Amherg d) co., printers, lOl^.-] 66 p. incl. illus., plan, tahles. 25Y™'' Statutory provisions, organizations, management, record system, inmates and prisoners, contract labor, extension of industries, present industries, conclusions, and recommendations. 14-10365 HV8929.I4C4 97 Connecticut. Committee on State prison. Report of the Com- mittee appointed by the General assembly, in 1841. New Haven, Oshorn ci- Baldwin, 1842. 79 p. 21 Y"^. {Doc. no. 6.) Deals principally with convict labor. CAll-1196 HV8326.A7 1842 98 Special comvnission on contract convict labor. Report with accompanying papers, Jan. 1880. New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers, 1880. 247 p. 23^"^. {Connecticut. Legislative documents, 1880, v. 1, no. 9.) J87.C8 1880p 99 Gt. Brit. Prison commission. Report of the commissioners of prisons and the directors of convict ])risons, with appen- dices. (For the year ended .31st March, 1914.) Part 1. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Harrison and sons, 1914- 152 p. 2Jf.^^. {Parliament. Papers hy com- mand. Cd. 7601.) Prison industries: p. 43-45, 92-93. HV8423.A25 1914 100 Idaho. Commission on prison labor. Report of Commission on prison labor to the Legislatiu-e, state of Idaho, twelfth session. Boise, Idaho, A. Cunningham & co., printers and hinders [1913?]. 14 p. incl tables. 23'"'. John W. Snook, chairman. 13-33210 HV8929.I2A4 20 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 101 Illinois. Bureau of labor statistics. Convict labor. (In its Fourth annual report, 1886. Sprint;;field, 188G. 22"'°. p. 5-142.) HC107.I3A2 1886 102 Iowa. Attorney generaVs office. The report of the committee appointed to investigate the character of the warden and the general management of the Iowa penitentiary at Fort Madison, together with a report concerning the jail sys- tem of Iowa, with recommendations. Des Moines, E. H. English, state printer, 1912. 2 f. I., [3]-95 p. 23'^'^. George Cosson, attorney general, M. A. Roberts, Parley Sheldon, committee. "Substitutes for contract labor": p. 32-62. 14-31010 HV8335.A7 1912 103 Kansas. Bureau oflahor and industry. Contract convict labor. (In its Tenth annual report, 1894. Topeka, 1895. 234"'". p. 1-104.) HC107.K2A2 1894 104 Maine. Legislature. Senate. Committee on state prison. Re- port on convict labor. February 1, 1887. [Augusta, Burleigh <& Flint, printers to the state, 1888.] .ffi p. 23"'^. {Senate doc. no. 4-5.) J87.M2 I887d 105 Maryland. Penitentiary, Baltimore. Report of the Com- mittee on prison manufactures. September, 1842. Baltimore, Printed hy Lucas & Deaver, 18^2. 22 p. 24^'^. Submitted by Rob. Howard, L. W. Gosnell, George Musgrave, directors. CA 11-1207 HV8925.M37 106 Penitentiary penal commission. Report. [Baltimore, 1913.] 3^1 p. plates. 23^-^. Eugene O'Dunne, Rednlond C. Stewart, George L. Jones, com- mission. "The contract system of the Maryland pemtentiary " : p. 78-102, 269-282. 13-33053 HV8340.A7 1912 107 Massachusetts. Board of prison commissioners. Special re- port of the general superintendent of prisons of Massa- chusetts upon the various methods of em]5loying prisoners on ])ubnc works and hinds, as required by chapter 52 of the resolves of 1897. February, 1898. Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1898. 60 p. plates. 23^"^. F. G. Pettigrove, general superintendent. 9-5002t HV8897.M4 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 21 108 Massachusetts. Board of 'prison commissioners. Special re- port upon the prison industries, January, 1912. [Boston, Wriglit cfc Potter printing company, state printers, 1912.] 10 p. 23Y'^. (Massachusetts. Legislature. House. Doc. no. I643.) J87.M4 1912g 109 Board of state cliarities. Special report on prisons and prison discipline, made under authority of the Board of state charities. Boston, Wriglit & Potter, 1865. I4I p. 23^"^. {Public documents, 1865, no. 19 {supplementary).) F. B. Sanborn, secretary. Discusses principally convict labor in Europe and Massachusetts. CA 10-4724 HV8341.A6 1865 110 Bureau of statistics of labor. Convict labor. {In its Tenth annual report, 1879. Boston, 1879. 23'=«. p. 15-57.) HC107.M4A2 1879 111 Convict labor. {In its Eleventh annual report, 1880. Boston, 1880. 23'='°. p. 73- 121.) HC107.M4A2 1880 112 General court. Joint special committee on contract con- vict labor. Report, January, 1880. {Boston, Band, Avery & co., 1880.] 3^6, 4 p. 24'"^. {Senate. Documents, 1880, no. 3) J87.M4 1880£ 113 Michigan. Board of prison industries. Report. Lansing, Micli., Wynlcoop Hallenbeclc Crawford co., state printers, 1910. I4. p. 23'"^. Signed: Fred M. Warner, Edward C. Anthony, John W. Adams, Leonard Freeman. 11-19691 HV8929.M5A5 1910 114 Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Convict labor. (In lis Fourth annual report, 1887. Lansing, 1887. 24J<"". p. 1-233.) HC107.M5A2 1887 115 Governor (Fred M. Warner). Convict labor. Message, March 17, 1909. (7n Michigan. Legislature. House. Journal, 1909, v. 1. Lansing, 1909. 23I'''". p. 631-635.) J87.M5 1909c,v.l 116 Joint prison board. Prison system of Michigan. An account of the penal and penitentiary system and insti- tutions of the state of Michigan. Lansing, Robert Smith print, co., 1899. 32 p. 24'^'^. Work: p. 16-21. HV8342.A6 1899 22 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 117 Minnesota. State hoard of corrections and charities. Report of a committee appointed by the governor to investigate the matter of the punishment of convicts at the Minne- sota state prison. [St. Paul, 1891.] 124 f. ^3'^'^' 1-3671 117a Missouri. General assembly. Senate. Special committee to investigate the penitentiary. Report. Mar. 30, 1909. (In Senate journal, 1909. Jefferson City, Mo., 1909. 23^'"". p. 789-793.) J87.M8 1909b On the convict labor systems of New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois and Missouri. In favor of the contract system. 118 National committee on prison labor. Importance of the prison labor problem: a proposal for a comprehensive investigation of the problem . . . resolutions, and a ten- tative survey of the field. New York, 1910. 6 numb. I. Typewritten. 119 Penal servitude, by E. Stagg Wliitin. New Yorlc, National committee on prison lahor, 1912. 3 p. I., vii, Hi, 162, viii p. front., illus. (incl. maps) plates, port. 28^"^. "Brief summary of the findings of the National committee on prison labor."— Pref. Appendix i: Report on the House of correction, Jessup, Maryland; Appendix ii: Prison labor in party platforms. Prison labor in governors' messages. Prison labor in legislation. 12-13647 HV8925.N3 120 New York (State). Bureau of labor statistics. Report on con- vict labor, with testimony of manufacturers and worlonen on the result of contract labor in New York state prisons. Albany, Weed, Parsons and company, I884. 125 p. 23^"^. (Its annual report, 1883) HC107.N7A3 1883 121 Commission on prison labor. Report, together with the proceedings of the Commission, minutes of evidence, and an index of subjects. Albany, The Argus company, printers, 1871. 2 p. I., [iii]- Ixviii, 325 p. 23^'^. [Legislature, 1871. Assembly. Doc. 18.] Signed: M. S. Myers, E. C. Wines, Thomas Fencer, commissioners. 10-10051 HV8929.N6A3 1871 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 23 122 New York (State). Legislature. Assembly. Select committee on state prisons. Report, January 7, 1852. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, printer to tlie Legislature, 1852. cover-title, 256 p. 2SY'^. ([Legislature, 1852. Assembly. Doc. no. 20]) George Underwood, chairman. Discusses principally convict labor. CA 10-5311 HV8352.A5 1852 123 Special committee on conmct labor in the penal institutions of the state. Report, Apr. 28, 1899. (JnNew York (State). Legislature. Assembly. Documents, 1899. New York, 1899. 23^""'. no. 66, p. 1-56.) J87.N7 1899q 124 Senate. Committee on state prisons. Report on numerous petitions for the suppression of all mechan- ical labor and instruction in the state prisons. [Albany? I84I] 20 p. 26^"^- {Senate [doc] 5^) CA li-1206 HV8929.N6A3 125 Prison comtnission. Investigation of the state prisons, and report thereon, 1876. [Albany? 1877.] cover-title, 812, v p. 23 h'"^. Signed: Sinclair Tousey, Archd. C. Niven, Louis D. Pilsbury. 8-12366 HV8352.A7 1877 126 Superintendent of state prisons. Report of the superin- tendent of prisons relative to the contract convict labor system in response to a resolution of the last assembly. March 25, 1880. [Albany, Weed, Parsons and company, printers, 1880.] 92 p. 23'^'^. {Assembly doc. no. 96.) J87.N7 1880q 127 Ohio. Bureau of labor statistics. Prison labor. {In its Twenty-fifth annual report, 1901. Columbus, 1^02. 24''™. p. 451-499.) HC107.O3A2 1901 128 Special report. Prison labor. 1902. [Columbus, 0.], F. J. Eeer, state printer, 1902. 34 p. 24^"^. 5-16406 HV8929.03A3 129 Special report on prison labor. 1910. Columbus, 0., F. J. Heer printing co., 1911. 4^ V- iUus. Introd. signed: H. W. Benson, special agent. 12-33092 HV8929.03A3 1910 72983°— 15 i 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 130 Ohio. Commission on prison reform. Prison reform. Report of special commission appointed by Governor James M. Cox. [IlansfieU] Oliio state reformatory, [1913]. 9 p. 25"^. A. F. Shepherd, Rutherford H. Piatt, J. A. Leonard, Harris R. Cooley, commissioners. Reprint from Ohio bulletin of charities and correction, April, 1913, pub. by Ohio board of state charities, Columbus. "Possibilities and limitations of the state-use system": p. 5-7. 13-33085 HV8355.A6 1913 131 * Commission on contract labor system in the Ohio peni- tentiary. Report . . . on examination into contract labor sysl ems in the Ohio penitentiary. Columbus, 1884' -4^ V- 132 Ontario. Legislative assembly. Special committee on prison labor. Report, 1908. Printed by order of the Legislative assembly of Ontario. Toronto, L. K. Cameron, printer to the Icing, 1908. 44- P- J. P. Downey, chairman. 8-19372 HV8931.C34A5 1908 133 Pennsylvania. Auditor generaVs office. State prisons, hospi- tals, soldiers' homes, and orphan schools controlled by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, embracing their history, finances, and the laws by which they are governed. [Harrisburg], C. M. Busch, state printer, 1897. 2 v. plates, ports. 26^'^. 7-31644 HV98.P4A3 1897 134 General assembly. Joint special committee on contract convict labor. Report . . . with accompanying testimony, January 16, 1878. Harrisburg, L. S. Hart, state printer, 1878. 269 p. 24<^^. HV8929.P3A3 135 Tennessee. General assembly. Senate. Committee on penal institutions. Prison operations from December 1, 1902, to November 30, 1904, inclusive. Nashville, Tenn., Foster (& Webb, printers, 1905. 122 p. Committee: E. G. Tollott, chairman, D. E. Garrett, secretary, T. W. Pope, James May. Discusses principally prison labor. 7-36510 HV8362.A7 1906 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 25 136 Tennessee. State Tiigliwaij commission. Special message of Gov. Malcolm R. Patterson. State highway comm^ission and road improvement in Tennessee. January 10, 1911. [Nashville? 1911.] cover-title, 21 p. ^S^"^. 11-33059 TE24.T2A5 1911 137 U.S. Bureau of labor. Convict labor. Washi7igton, Govt, print, of., 1887. v, 612 p. 23^^. {Arv- nual re/port of the commissioner of labor, 2d, 1886.) Carroll D. Wright, commissioner. Issued also in the Congressional series, no. 2470, as House ex. doc. 1, pt. 5, V. 5, 49th Cong., 2d sess. Pt. II consists of Historical notes and Convict labor laws in the United States. 11-12140 HD8051.A3 138 — Convict labor. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906. l[9If V- -^^1^™- {An- nual report of the commissioner of labor, 20th, 1905.) Charles P. Neill, commissioner. Issued also in the Congressional series, no. 5046, House doc. 906, 59th Cong., 1st sess. Two earlier reports have been pub. by the Bureau giving the results of investigations made in 1885 (Second annual report, 1886) and in 1895 (Bulletin no. 5, July, 1896.) "Convict labor laws" : p. 615-787. 11-12156 HD8051.A3 HV8923.A6 1905 139 Bept. of justice. Report of Hon. Charles W. RusseU, assistant attorney-general, relative to peonage matters. Department of justice . . . October 10, 1907. [Washington, Govt, print off., 1908.] 11 p. 23'='^. 8-18544 HD4875.XJ5A6 1908 140 Report on peonage, by Charles W. Russell, as- sistant attorney-general. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 38 p. 23^"^. 8-35447 HD4875.U5A6 1908b 141 Industrial commission. Report on prison labor. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1900. 166 p. 23^'^'^. {TJte commission's Reports, vol. iii.) "Summary of convict-labor laws": p. 141-166. 4-18093 HC101.A3,v.3 142 Virginia. Governor {Wm. H. Mann). Communication . . . relative to the emploj^ment of convicts and submitting proposal therefor. Jan. 15, 1912. [Richmond, 1912.] 4 p. 23""^. {Senate doc. no. 2.) HV8929.V8A5 1912 26 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 143 Washington (State). Special investigating commission on Iligh- ivaij department. Report of Special investigating commis- sion on Highway department. Report of the Board of control on state rock-crushing plants; working convicts on state roads and at crushing plants. [Olympia, E. L. Boardman, public printer, 1910.] 50 p. 2J^'^'^. 11-33061 TE24.W2A5 1910 144 Wisconsin. Bureau of lahor and industrial statistics. The binder twine industry as a prison employment. (In its Fourteenth biennial report, 1909-1910. Madison, 1911. 22*'-'=. p. 143-210.) Includes financial results in other states. HC107.W6A2 1909-10 LAWS, REGULATIONS, ETC. 145 American association for labor legislation. Prison labor legislation, 1911-1913. (In American labor legislation review, Oct. 1911, v. 1: 122-131; Oct. 1912, V. 2: 486-487, Oct. 1913, v. 3: 411^13.) HD7833.A55,v.l-3 146 Clark, Lindley Daniel. The law of the employment of labor. New York, The Macmillan company, 1911. xiii, 373 p. "Convict labor": p. 122-123. 11-30805 HD7834.C62 147 Hardy, Rives B., comp. A digest of the laws and practice of all the states of the Union in reference to the employment of convicts. Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent public printing, 1911, 17 p. 22'^'^. 11-23861 HV8925.H3 148 Stronach, Alexander. Prisons and prisoners. {In American and English encyclopaedia of law. 2d ed. Montpe- lier. Long Island, N. Y., 1902. 23|''". v. 22, p. 1298-1310.) Convict labor: p. 1302-1306. Suppl. v. 4: p. 482. 149 U. S. Bureau of labor. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Washington, Govt, print, of., W08. 1662 p. 23^"^- (An- nual report of the commissioner of labor, 22d, 1907.) Charles P. Neill, commissioner. Issued also in the Congressional series, no. 5325, as House doc. 982, 60th Cong. , 1st sess. "Convict labor": p. 95-118. 11-12157 HD8051.A3 HD7833.A4 1908 EEFEEENCES ON PRISON LABOR 27 150 U. S. Bureau of labor statistics. Labor laws of the United States series, no. 1-5. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913-1914- ^ '^- fold. tab. 23Y'^- {Bulletin of the United States Bureau of labor sta- tistics. Wiole no. Ill, 112, I48, 152, 153.) L 13-80 HD8051.A5 151 Federal and state laws relating to convict labor. Letter from the Secretary of labor, transmitting, in re- sponse to a Senate resolution of November 10, 1913, a compilation of all federal and state laws relating to con- vict labor, setting forth all legislation regulating the sale and transportation of convict-made products in so far as the same relates to interstate commerce, and information tending to show the effect on free labor of the sale of con- vict-made goods, and data as to the class or description of industries in which convict labor is employed, and the value of the products of such labor. May 22, 1914. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. 238 p. incl. tables. 23cm^ (^5c? Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 494.) 14-30711 HV8923.A5 1914 152 Industrial commission. Report on labor legislation. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1900. 1 p. l, 308 p. 23^"^- (The commission's Reports, vol. v.) Includes digests of existing statutes of the states and territories. Convict labor, by Victor H. Olmsted and William M. Steuart, p. 167-213. 4-18095 HC101.A3,v.6 153 Whitin, Ernest Stagg. The caged man; a summary of existing legislation in the United States on the treatment of pris- oners. Prepared on the Henry Bergh foundation for the promotion of humane education in Columbia university. New YorJc, The Academy of political science, 1913. iv, 136 p. 24Y'^- {Proceedings of the Academy of political science in the city of New YorJc. vol. iii, no. 4.) How may he be worked? p. 24-46. Also published by Columbia university as Bulletin of social legisla- tion no. 1. New York, 1913. 117 p. 23<="'. 14-30078 HV9469.W5 H31.A4,v.3 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 154 Alabama. Board of inspectors of convicts. Hulcs and regula- tions for the government of county and municipal convicts of Alabama, adopted by the Board of inspectors of con- victs and the state prison inspector, June 24th, 1913, approved by the governor June 24th, 1913. Montgomery, Ala., Brown printing company, 1913. 29 p. Discusses principally convict labor. Library of Congress has also 1906 edition. 13-33246 HV8929.A2A4 1913 155 Laws, statutes, etc. The code of Alabama. Nashville, Tenn., MarsTiall cfc Bruce co., 1907. 3 v. 26^'^™'. Con\ict labor: v. 3, 116512-6571, 6580-6606. 8-11771 156 California. Laws, statutes, etc. The prison laws of California. A compendium of the laws relating to the duties of prison officials, the maintenance of state prisons, and the treat- ment of convicts, in force in California, comp. from original sources and annotated. By Frederick S. Wythe. Sacramento, W. TT. Shannon, supt. of state printing, 1909. XV, 195 p. 17'"^. Convict labor: p. 74, 89-91, 99-100. 10-33086 HV8324.A6 1909 157 Georgia. Laws, statutes, etc. An act [to provide for the future employment of felony and misdemeanor male convicts upon the public roads . . . ] Approved Sept. 19, 1908. Atlanta, C. P. Byrd, 1908. 8 p. 22\<^^. 158 Kentucky. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts, 1912. Frankfort, The Kentuclcy state journal pub. co., 1912. 708 p. 00\cm "An act to amend the constitution of the commonwealth of Ken- tucky by allowing the employment of convict labor upon public roads and bridges": p. 150-151. 159 Massachusetts. Board of prison commissioners. The prison oilicers' hand book containing laws relative to prisons. Prepared by F. G. Pettigrove. Boston, Wright cfc Potter printing co., state printers, 1905. 181 p. 25''^. "Labor of prisoners": p. 45-54. e-18055 HV8341.A6 1905 ^KEFERENCES ON PEISON" LABOR 29 160 Michigan. Joint 'prison hoard. Proposed prison legislation, present laws in force, and reasons why changes are desir- able, including the proceedings, for the year 1912, of the Joint prison and affiliated boards of Michigan. [Lansing? 1912.] cover-title, 76 p. fold. tab. 25Y'^- O. H. L. Wernicke, president. Includes synopsis of proposed legislation, reports of preliminary committees, statistics concerning convict labor, proceedings of mid-summer meeting of Joint prison boards, proposed Good time law, proposed bill creating Joint penology commission, etc., etc. "Prison industries": p. 34-39. 13-33002 HV9475.M5A4 1912 161 New York (State). Laws, statutes, etc. The consolidated laws of the state of New York, 1909. New YorJc city. The American law looJc company, 1909. 7 V. ^4^™. Convict-made goods & duties of Commissioner of labor relative thereto: v. 3, p. 2096-2098. 9-17548 162 The laws of New York relating to the state prisons, including the provisions of the constitution and revised statutes applicable thereto. Comp. by James E. Kirk. [Albany? 1904?] 1 p. I., 5-111, xxvi p. 2^^^. "Of the labor of prisoners": p. 32-43. 11-8788 HV9475.N7A3 1904 163 Ohio Laws, statutes, etc. General and local acts, 1894. NorwalJc, The Lansing printing company, state printers, 1894. 958 p. 24^"^. "An act to regulate the sale of convict-made goods, wares, and mer- chandise manufactured by convicts in other states. Passed May 19, 1894": p. 346-348. 164 West Virginia. Bept. of public roads. Prison labor. Instruc- tions, laws, and duties of officials . . . Comp. by A. Dennis Williams. [Charleston, W. Va., Tribune printing co.], 1914. ^0 p. illus. 23'='^. (Joint bulletin no. 4, 1914.) 14-31188 HV8929.W4A4 1914 REPORTS OF PRISONS, ETC. 165 Arizona. State prison, Florence. Report of the superinten- dent Arizona State prison . . . 1912-1913. [Phoenix, Ariz., 1913.] 1 v. 22""^. 14-31029 HV8322.A4 30 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 16oa California. State hoard of charities and corrections. Biennial report. Sacramento, 1905. 1912. 4 v. 23''^. Prison labor: 1904-06, p. 34-40; 1906-08, p. 35-37; 1908-10, p. 18-19; 1910-12, p. 21-22, 53-54, 57. 7-18360 HV86.C5 166 State hoard of yrison directors. Report. 1880-1912. Sacramento, 1880-1912. 16 v. 23'='^. &-11702 HV8324.A3 167 Colorado. State Mgliway commission. Biennial report. 1910- 1912. Denver, Col, 1910-1912. 2 v. plates, maps, plans. 22Y'^' 12-33161 TE24.C6A3 167a Connecticut. State prison, Wethersfleld. Report of the directors. Hartford, Conn., 1829-1912. 60 v. 23""^. CA 11-884 HV8326.A3 168 Georgia. Prison commission. Annual report. 1898-1913. Atlanta, Ga., 1898-191^. 15 v. 23<='^. 8-14488 HV8330.A4 169 Idaho. State penitentiary. Report of the warden. Boise, Idaho, 1895-1912. 8 v. 24"^"^. HV8331.A3 170 Illinois. Board of public charities. Biennial report. 1869/70- 1911. Springfield, 1871-1911. 20 v. illus., plates, fold, tables, col. charts {fold.) 22""^. 9-3252 HV86.I3 171 Board of prison industries. Annual report, 1907-1913. Sprinfjfield, 1907-1913. 3 v. 23'^'^. HV8929.I4A3 172 Southern Illinois penitentiary, Chester. Report. Springfield, 1878-1913. 11 v. 23^"^. HV8332.A3 173 State penitentiary, Joliet. Report of the commis- sioners, Springfield, 1857-1913. 8 v. 23'='^. HV8332.A2 174 Indiana. Board of state charities. Annual report. 1889/90- 1914. Indianapolis, 1890-1914. 22 v. charts. 23^'^. 9-16177 HV86.I6 EEFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 31 175 Indiana. State prison, Michigan city. Report. Indianapolis, 1898-1914. 9 v. ^S""^. HV8334.A15 176 Iowa. Board of control of state institutions. Biennial report lst-8th. 1898/99-1912. Des Moines, 1900-1912. 8 v. fold, tahles. 22Y^. 9-3243 HV86.I8 177 Penitentiary, Fort Madison. Biennial report of the warden. Des Moines, 1862-1910. 11 v. in 1. 23"^. HV8335.A3 178 Kansas. State penitentiary, Lmmn^. Report. 1876-1912. TopeJca, [etc.], 1876-1912. 18 v. illus., plates, tahles (part. fold.) 22\-23Y'^. 14-10347 HV8336.A3 179 Kentucky. Prison commissioners. Annual report of the Board of prison commissioners. 1901-1913. Louisville, 1901-1913. 13 v. plates. 23'='^. 8-10365 HV8337.A3 180 Louisiana. State penitentiary. Biennial report of the Board of control. Baton Rouge, 1898-1905. 6 v. 23'^'^. HV8338.A2 181 Maine. State prison, TJiomaston. Annual reports of the inspectors, warden, and subordinate ofhcers . . . 1850- 1913. Augusta, [etc.], 1850-1913. 32 v. 23'^'^. 12-33408 HV8339.A3 182 Maryland. Penitentiary. Annual report. Baltimore, 1832-1906. 13 pams. 23'^'^. HV8340.A4 183 Massachusetts. General superintendent of prisons. Annual report . . . concerning prison labor . . . 1880-1913. Boston, 1880-1913. 34 v. 23^"^. 8-16672 HV8929.M4A3 184 Board of prison commissioners. Annual report. Boston, 1902-1914. 12 v. 23<'^. HV8341.A4 185 State farm, Bridgewater. Amiual report. Boston, 1857-1914. 24 v. 23'^'^. HV8341.A5 72983°— If) 5 32 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS 186 Michigan. State hoard of corrections and charities. Biennial ivport. 1871/72-1912. Lansing, 1873-1912. 21 v. in 19. illus. (incl. plans), plates, fold, tahles. 2SY'^- 9-16162 HV86.M5 187 state prison, Jaclcson. Report. Lansing, 1850-1900. 26 v. 23'^'^. HV8342.A3 188 Minnesota. Board of control of state institutions. Biennial report. lst-18th, 1900/02-1914. St. Paul, 1903-1914. 18 v. plates. 23^"^. 6-30831 HV8343.A4 189 State prison, Stillwater. Biennial report of the Board of managers and warden. Minneapolis, 1881-1914. 9 v. 23'^'^. HV8343.A4 190 Mississippi. State penitentiary, Jackson. Report of Board of control, the warden, and other ofhcials. Jaclcson, 1891-1913. 10 v. in 8. 23'"^. HV8344.A3 191 Missouri. State hoard of charities and corrections. Biennial report. lst-8th. 1897/98-1912. Jefferson City, 1899-1912. 8 v. plates, plans. 23^™. ' 9-3244 HV86.M8 192 State prison. Biennial report of the Board of in- spectors. Jeferson City, Mo., 1857-1913. 16 v. in 12. 23'^. HV8345.A3 193 Montana. Board of state prison commissioners. Annual re- port. Helena, 1892-1911. 16 v. in 12. 23'=^. HV8346.A3 194 Nebraska. Dept. of puhlic lands and huildings. Biennial re- })ort of the commissioner of public lands and buildings. 1877-1912. Lincoln, Nehr., [etc.], 1877-1912. 18 v. in 10. plates. 22^'='^. Includes reports of state charitable and reformatory Institutions. 9-3250 HV86.N2 195 State penitentiary, Lancaster. Biennial report of the warden. Lincoln, etc., 1873-1910. 6 pams. 23'^. HV8347.A3 EEFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 33 196 Nevada. State prison, Carson City, Biennial report of the superintendent . 1869-1913. Carson City, 1869-1913. 19 v. 231''^. HV8348.A3 197 New Hampshire. State hoard of charities and correction. Biennial report. 1895/96-1912. Concord, [etc.], 1896-1912. 9 v. 23^"^. 9-3240 HV86.N4 198 State prison, Concord. Report. Concord, 1840-1912. 52 v. 23"^"^. HV8349.A3 199 New Jersey. Dept. of charities and corrections. Annual report. 1906-1912. SomerviUe, N. J., 1906-1912. 5 v. plates. 23'^'^. 9-30245 HV86.N53 200 State prison, Trenton. Report. 1863-1914. Trenton, N. J., 1863-191 4. 51 v. in 43. plates, fold, plans, fold, tables. 21^-25"'^. 12-33236 HV8350.A3 201 New York (State). Commission on prisons. Annual report. Albany, 1897-1914. 8 v. 23^"^- HV8352.A2 202 Prison dept. Annual report of the superintendent ot state prisons. Albany, 1880-1914. 29 v. illus., plates. 23^"^. 6-30824 HV8352.A3 203 North Dakota. Board of control of state institutions. Biennial report. 1910/12- Fargo, [1912]. 1 v. plates, fold. plan. 23'"^. Employments of the inmates of the state penitentiary: p. 25-32. 14-31036 HV86.N9 204 State penitentiary, Bismarclc. Biennial report of the trustees and warden. Bismarclc, 1890-1910. 9 pams. 23^"^. HV8354.A3 205 Warden's report of operation of twme and cordage plant. Bismarck, 1900-1910. 5 pams. 23'^'^. HV8354.A4 206 Ohio. Board of administration. Annual report. 1st, 1911/12. SpringfieU, 0., 1913. 1 v. 24^'' 13-33374 HV86.034 34 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 207 Ohio. Penitentiary, Columhus. Annual report. Colurnhus [etc., 1S36-1911]. 64 v. in 31. illus., plates, fold, plan, fold, tables. 2S-23Y'^- 6-19846 HV8355.A3 208 Oregon. State penitentiary, Salem. Biennial report of the superintendent, 1864-1913. Salem, 1864-1913. 18 v. 23'"^. HV8357.A3 209 State stove foundry. Biennial report. Salem ,0r., 1 894-1 899. 2 v. 22^""'. CA 10-1658 HV8929.07A4 210 Pennsylvania. Board of public charities. Annual report of the Board of commissioners of public charities. 1870-1914. Harrlsburg, 1871-1914. 4^ ^- flates, ports., maps, plans. 9-3245 HV86.P4 211 State penitentiary for the eastern district, PJiila- delpJiia. Annual report of the inspectors. PJiiladelpJiia, 1831-1914- 84 v. in fy2. plates {partly fold.) tables (partly foU.) 22-23^"^. 12-33171 HV8358.A3 212 State penitentiary for western district. Biennial report . [Alleghany, Pa.], 1898-1910. 11 pams. 23'^'". HV8358.A42 213 Rhode Island. Board of state charities and corrections. Annual report. 1869-1913. Providence [etc.] 1870-1913. 4^'^- '^^^ ^i- Ulus., plates, fold., plans. 23^"^. 9-3248 HV86.R4 214 South Dakota. State hoard of charities and corrections. Bien- nial report. 1889/90-1912. Yankton, S. D. [etc.] 1890-1912. 10 v. in 8. plates. 23^^. 9-3247 HV86.S8 215 Tennessee. Board of prison commissioners. Biennial report. Nashville, 1900-1913. 9 v. in 7. 23^"^. HV8362.A3 216 Texas. Prison commission. Aiinual report of the officials of the Texas prison system for the year ending December 31, 1911-1913. Austin, Tex., 1912-1914. 2 v. 2S<='^. 13-33394 HV8363.A4 EEFEKENCES ON PRISON LABOR 35 217 Texas. Superintendent of state penitentiaries. Report. Austin [etc.] 1873-1910. 17 v. 21^23'^'^. 6-30827 HV8363.A3 218 Vermont. State prison, Windsor. Biennial report. Windsor, 1869-1910. 11 v. 23'"^. HV8365.A3 219 Virginia. Board of charities and corrections. Annual report. 1909-1913. Richmond, 1909-1913. 5 v. plates. ;2^«™. 10-33117 HV86.V8 220 Penitentiary institution. Annual report of Board of directors. [Richmond], 1859-1913. 11 pams. 23'^'^. HV8366.A3 221 Washington (State) Board of control. Biennial report of the State board of control. Seattle, Wash, [etc.] 1902-1913. 11 v. plates (partly fold.) 2^ cm 9-3251 HV86.W34 222 Prison commissioners. Supplemental report [relating to the establishment of a jute bag manufactory in the state penitentiary at Walla Walla]. Olympia, Wash., O.C. White, 1891. 25 p. 23'^. HV8367.A6 1891 223 State highway dept. Biennial report, 1st, 1905-06, 3d, 1908-10, 4th, 1910-12. Olympia, Wash., 1906-12. 3 v. 23^"^. Contains information on the use of convicts on road building. 11-33199 TE24.W2A3 224 West Virginia. Penitentiary, Moundsville. Biennial report. Charleston, 1892-1908. 11 v. 23hJ'^. HV8368.A4 225 State hoard of control. Biennial report. 1910-1912. Charleston, 1910-1912. 2 v. plates. 23^'"^. 11-33054 HV86.W44 226 Wisconsin. State hoard of control. Biennial report of the State board of control of Wisconsin reformatory, chari- table and penal institutions. lst-12th. 1891/92-1913. Madison, Wis., 1 892-191 Jj.. 12 v. illus., plates, fold, tahles. &gcm 9-17282 HV86.W66 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CONGRESSES, SOCIETIES, ETC. 227 American federation of labor. Report of proceedings of the lst-34th annual convention of the American federation of labor. Cincinnati [etc.] 1882-191 J^. 34 v. yort. group. 22^^. For material relating to convict labor see: Proceedings — 1883, p. 14. 1891, p. 14, 51. 1897, p. 57, 80-81, 87, 111. 1899, p. 13, 148. 1900, p. 15. 1901, p. 21, 127, 153, 186-187, 193-194, 218-219. 1904, p. 30-31, 171. 1906, p. 25, 178. 1907, p. 26-27, 40^1, 101, 204, 208, 347. 1909, p. 29, 119, 222-223, 316, 323-324. 1910, p. 37, 39, 157, 230, 297, 312, 344. 1911, p. 63, 287-288, 305-306. 1912, p. 44-46, 214, 252-253, 346. 1913, p. 57-58, 67, 399. 1914, p. 85, 101, 228, 462, 494. 8-23471 HD8055.A5A3 228 American prison association. Proceedings of the annua congress of the American prison association. 1870-1913 Chicago [etc.] 1870-1913. 43 v. illus., ports. 23-24"". For material on prison labor see Index to the reports, 1870-1904 Washington, D. C. 1906. 23^^°^. p. 85-87. For recent articles see: Annual report — • 1905, p. 14, 50, 63, 253, 266-268. 1906, p. 54, 58, 68, 81-82, 158, 167, 262, 329. 1907, p. 71, 135, 229. 1908, p. 68, 102-105, 219, 243, 281. 1909, p. 126. 1910, p. 13, 15, 18, 492. 1911, p. 61, 67, 410. 1912, p. 16, 363, 381. 1913, p. 39, 262. 5-31599 HV8987.A1 229 International prison commission. Bulletin de la Commis- sion penitcntiairc Internationale, 1880-1910. Rome t£' Neuchdtel, Bureau de la Commission, [etc., etc.], 1880-1910. 21 V. ports., fold, tables. 23h-25'^^, Contents relating to Convict labor- 3d Congress, Rome, 1885. II. section, 6. question: Le systfeme du travail en regie est-il prefe- rable dans les ^tabLissements penitentiaires au syst^me du travail par eutreprise? Report by Alex. G. Skouses, v. 1, p. 513-520; Report by Emile Tauffer, v. 2, p. 27-92- M. IlUng, v. 2, p. 93-108. EEFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 37 229 International prison commission — Continued. II. section, 7. question: Dans quelle mesuro le travail dans les prisons est-il pr^judiciablea I'industrie libre? Comment pourrait- on organiser le travail des detenus de maniere h 6\dter, autant que possible, les inconvenients de la concurrence? Report by M. Streng, v. 1, p. 233-242. R&olutions votdes par le Congr^s national p^nitentiaire des Etats-Unis, tenu ^Cincinnati, p. 242-244. Report by Peter Soelberg, p. 658-6G2; Report by M. Illing, v. 2, p. 93-108. Question du travail dans les prisons. Discussion au sein du Congrfes de Rome, v. 3, p. 17-50; Discussion au sein du Con- grfes de Londres, p. 51-62. Belgique. Travail dans les prisons, V. 3, p. 211-225. 5tli Congress, Paris, 1895. II. section, 3. question: Peut-on admettre des peines privatives de liberty au cours desquelles le travail ne soit pas obligatoire? Le travail dans toutes les prisons n'est-il pas indispensable comme ^l^ment d'ordre, de preservation, de moralisation et d'hygifene? Report by M. Mestchaninow, n. s. Mar. 1895, livr. 2, p. 204-209; M. Mauchamp, Apr. 1895, livr. 3, p. 318-319; J. V. Hurbin, May, 1895, livi-. 4, p. 205-212; F. Cui'ti, p. 213-214; Demetrius Graman- tieri, June, 1895, livr. 5, p. 146-153; Joseph de Marchi, June, 1895, livr. 6, p. 93-95. II. section, 4. question: Les detenus ont-ils droit au salaire? Ou bien le produit du travail doit-il etre employe, d'abord, a couvrir les dei^enses d'entretien de tous les condamnes de meme cat%orie, sauf a attribuer a chacun d'eux une part fixe de ce produit, et a donner, a titre de recompense des gratifications aux plus meritants? Report by Albin Uhlyarik, n. s. Mar. 1895, livr. 2, p. 210-216; M. Mestchaninow, p. 317-222; M. Mauchamp, Apr. 1895, li^T. 3, p. 318-319; M. Nassoy, p. 320-323; Jose Alvarez Marino, May, 1895, Uvr. 4, p. 215-218; C. Gramaccini, p. 219- 220; F. Curti, p. 221-223; James Duncan, p. 224-225; M. Veillier, p. 226-239; M. Ammitzboll, n. s. Juue, 1895, livr. 5, p. 154-164; Joseph de Marchi, n. s. June, 1895^ livr. 6, p. 96-98. 7th Congress, Budapest, 1905. ^ II. section 5. question: D'apr^s quels principes poui'rait-on auto- riser et de quelle manifere pourrait-on organiser I'occupation des condamnes aux travaux des champs ou a d'autres travaux d'utilite publique en plein air? Report by Jules Fekete de Nagyivany, 5. ser. 1904, v. 1, p. 323-339; O. Kelierhals, p. 341-349; M. Laguesse, p. 351-355; Jules VeilUer, 5. s^r. 1904, v. 2, p. 67-74; Jules Kiraly, p. 155-173; F. Curti, p. 175-178; Simeon E. Baldwin, p. 179-194; J. P. Vincensini, p. 195-200; Albin LTilyarik, p. 459-464; Karl Hafner, 5. ser. 1905, v. 3, p. 55-60; Bernard Friedmann, p. 327-340; B. Altamura, p. 341-346; Robert H. Marr, p. 477-488; Antoine Marcovich, 5. ser. 1905, v. 4, p. 85-92; J. V. Hurbin, p. 199-203; Etienne Flandin, 5. ser. 1905, v. 5, p. 21-27; N. de Loutchinsky, p. 29^0; Comtesse Eugenie Kapnist, p. 425-445; Resolutions votees par le Congrfes de Budapest: 5. quest., 6. ser. 1910, v. 1, p. 61-62. 8th Congress, Washington, D. C. 1910. II. section, 3. question: Quels seraient les moyens d'assurer un travail effectif et permanent aux detenus dans les petites prisons? Report by N. de Loutchinsky, 6. ser. 1910, v. 2, p. 29-42. l-F-3554* HV7242 1128(ii 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 230 International prison congress. Proceedings: lst-2d, 4th- 8th. 1st, London, 1872. London, Longmans, Green, and co., 1872. 796 p. 23"'". Le travail dans les prisons: p. 106-119. 2d, Stockholm, 1878. Stockholm, Bureau de la Commission p6niten- tiaire Internationale, 1879. 2 v. 23*'''°. Notice sur I'Exposition dos produits du travail dans les prisons de SuMe, de Norv6ge, du Danemark et de Finlande: v. 2, p. 727-752. See also Index under Travail dans les prisons, v. 2, p. 869. 4th, St. Petersburg, 1890. Saint-P^tersbourg, Bureau de la Commis- sion d'organisation du Congrfes, 1890-1892. 5 v. 23i<=°. II. section, 1. question: Le syst^me du travail en regie est-il pr6i6- rable, dans les ^tablissements penitentiaires, au systfeme du travail par ontreprise? Discussion, Actes, v. 1, p. 254-278; 591-595; Prison industry in its punitive, reformatory, and economic aspects, by F. J. Mouat, p. 279-305; Reports by Francois de Renzis, M. Bela Atzel, M. Ponomarew, Louis Herbette, F. Chicherio, A. Riviere, M. Illing, Etienne de Balkay, M. Schimanovsky, M. Ekert, Emile Tauffer, v. 3, p. 5-198. II. section, 2. question: Dans quelle mesure le travail dans les prisons est-il prejudiciable a I'industrie libre? . . . Reports by Louis Herbette, A. Riviere, Paul Gueorgui6wski, Louis Gambi- rasio, Etienne de Balkay, Victor Leitmaier, v. 3, p. 199-269. See also 8. question. Abstract in EngUsh in C. D. Randall, "The fourth International prison congress," Washington, 1891. (Bur. of educ. Circular of inform, no. 2, 1891), p. 132-139. 5th, Paris, 1895. Melun, Impr. administrative, 1895. 6 v. 23^"™, Monographiesde divers etablissements: Angleterre, Belgium' France, SuMe. Under the various reports is a section on Organisation du travail. 6th, Brussels, 1900. Bruxelles, Bureau de la Commission peniten- tiaire Internationale, 1901. 5 v. 23'^™. 7th, Budapest, 1905. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1907. 173 p. 23cin 8th, Washington, D. C, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 62 p. 23i<>™. HV7243 1872-1910 231 National anti-convict-contract association. Proceedings of the national convention, held at Chicago, August 26th, 1886. Together with other interesting matter re- lating to convict-contract hibor. Ed. by Prof. L. D. Mansfield. Chicago, Pub. hy the Association, 1886. ix, [1], 78 p. 25^"™. 10-28547 HV8908.N3 1886 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 39 232 *National cominittee on prison labor. Leaflets. New York. No. 2. Making roads through prison labor. No. 3. Prison labor in party platforms of 1910. No. 4. Prison labor in the Governors' messages of 1911. No. 5. The prison-labor movement of 1910-1911, as shown by party platforms, Governors' messages, and legislation. No. 6. Trade unions and prison labor, by E. Stagg Whitin. Re- printed from Case and comment, Sept. 1912. No. 7. Prison labor in the party platforms of 1911-1912. No. 8. Prison labor in the Governors' messages of 1912-1913. No. 11. The wage earner and the prison worker, by John Mitchell. No. 12. Prison labor and prisoners' families, by Jane Addams. No. 13. Why I could not pardon the contract system, by G. W. Donaghey. No. 14. Prison labor on public roads, by Thomas W. Tynan. No. 17. The state-use system, by Collis Lovely. No. 18. Prison labor and social justice, by F. Emory Lyon. No. 19. Prison labor reform in New Jersey, by C. L. Stonaker. No. 20. The true foundation of prison reform, by Thos. M. Osborne. 233 * Prison labor bulletins. New York. 234 National conference of charities and correction. Proceed- ings of the National conference of charities and correction. 1874-1914. Boston, [etc.], 1876-1914- 4^ '^- ports., map, tables. 22\- A guide to the study of charities and correction by means of the Proceedings of the National conference of charities and correction, using thirty-four volumes, 1874 to 1907. Comp. by Alexander Johnson. [Indianapolis?] 1908. xi, 353 p. 23'^'^. Prison labor: p. 220-223. For recent articles see: Proceedings — 1908 p. 167, 170-171, 192-197, 396, 413. 1909, p. 475. 1910, p. 626, 633. 1911, p. 5, 45-47, 448, 454. 1912, p. 195, 198-228, 540-542. 1913, p. 116-129, 330. 1914, p. 45-61. 8-35377 HV88.A3 235 Prison association of New York. Annual report. 1844- date. Albany, [etc., 1845f]-date. 69 v. illus., plates, ports., plans, tables. 22^-24'"'^. Contains much material on the prison industries. 9-11586 HV8987.A1N6 40 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 236 1865 Bowling, Sir Jolin. Remunerative prison labour. Once a week, May 27, 1865, v. 12: 639-641. AP4.04,v.l2 237 1868 Arnold, R. Arthur. Prison labour. Fraser's magazine, Dec. 1868, v. 78: 769-776. AP4.F8,v.78 238 1871 Du Cane, E. F. On the utilisation of prison labour. Society of arts. Journal, May 19, 1871, v. 19: 529-535. Discussion-: p. 535-539. Tl.S64,v.l9 239 1872 ^Mouat, Frederic J. Prison labour as an instrument of punishment, profit, and reformation: an episode in the prison history of lower Bengal. Society of arts. Journal, Feh. 23, 1872, v. 18: 266-276. Discussion: p. 276-278. Tl.S64,v.l8 240 1883 Convict labour and harbours of refuge. Cliamhers's journal, Feh. 24, 1883, v. 60: 113-115. AP4.C45,v.60 241 Meyrick, A. S. Convict labor and the labor reformers. Princeton review, Mar. 1883, v. 59: 196-212. 242 1884 Cable, George W. The convict lease system in the Southern states. Century magazine, Feh. 1884, 'V- ^'^■' 582-599. AP2.C4,v.27 243 Ives, Acton. A new plan for the labor of prisoners. Journal of social science. May, 1884, 'V- 18: 306-314. Discussion: p. 315-320. Hl.J7,v.l8 244 1885 Bishop, J. B. Contract-labor system in New York state. Nation, Mar. 5, 1885, v. 40: 194-196. AP2.N2,v.40 245 1886 Butler, Nicholas Murray. The convict-labor problem. Science, Jan. 8, 1886, v. 7: 28-29. Ql.S35,v.7 246 Butler, Nicholas Murray. The competition of convict labor. Science, Jan. 22, 1886, v. 7: 68-69. Ql.S35,v.7 247 DevHn, Robert T. Prison labor. Overland monthly. May, 1886, n. s., v. 7: 504-508. AP2.09,n.s.,v.7 248 1887 Seaman, L. L. Prison labor and public utility. Medico-legal journal, June, 1887, v. 5: 58-6 4d. EEFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 41 249 1887 White, H. Commissioner Wright on convict labor. Nation, Aug. 4, 1887, v. 45: 88-89. ap2.N2,v.45 250 1888 Brockway, Z. R. Prison labor competition. Forum, Dec. 1888, v. 6: 414-4^3. AP2.F8,v.6 251 Mouat, F. J. On prison ethics and prison labour. Royal statistical society. Journal, June, 1891, v. 54: 213- 252. Discussion: p. 252-262. HAl.R4,v.54 252 Roberts, Albert. The iniquity of leasing convict labor. Engineering magazine, Sept. 1891, v. 1 : 749-753. Discusses the advisability of employing convicts on public highway construction. TAl.E59,v.l 253 1892 Roberts, Albert. Convict labor in road-making. . Engineering magazine, July, 1892, v. 3: 455-462. TAl.E59,v.3 254 1894 Evans, Chris. Convict versus free labor. American federationist, liar. 1894, '^'- 1: 3-4- HD8055.A5A2,v.l 255 1895 Prentice, W. P. The new constitution of New York in relation to prison labor. Albany law journal, Oct. 5, 1895, v. 52: 216-220. 256 1896 \J.^. Bureau of labor. Convict labor. Its Bulletin, July, 1896, no. 5: 44^-4'^ 8. HD8051.A5,no.5 257 Convict labor. Ounton's mugazine, Oct. 1896, v. 11: 290-293. h:i.G9,v.11 258 Du Cane, E. F, The unavoidable uselessness of prison labour. Nineteenth century and after, Oct. 1896, v. 40: 632-642. AP4.N7,v.40 259 Eaton, Horace M. Convict labor. American federationist, Dec. 1896, v. 3: 211. HD8055.A5A2,v.3 260 1897 The Convict labor problem. Gunton's magazine, Feb. 1897, v. 12: 114-119. hi.G9,v.12 261 Wright, Carroll D. Prison labor. North American review, Mar. 1897, v. 164: 273-282. AP2.N7,v.l64 262 White, Henry. The convict labor question. American federationist, Apr. 1897, v. 4: 37. HD8055.A5A2,v.4 42 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 263 1897 Wcikel, Fred. Convict labor. American federationist, July, 1897, v. 4: 93. HD8055.A5A2,v.4 264 1898 Codman, John Thomas. The emplojrment of convict labor in Massachusetts. Arena, Apr. 1898, v. 19: 535-5 J^2. Discusses the employment of convicts on public works. AP2.A6,v.l9 265 Brinkonhoff, K. The reformation of criminals — Ohio methods — progressive steps in legislation. OMo. Board of state charities. Ohio bulletin of charities and correction, June, 1898, v. 1^.: 1-12. "Prison labor": p. 6-7. HV86.042,v.4 266 Byers, Joseph P. Convict labor in Ohio. Ohio. Board of state charities. Ohio bulletin of charities and correction, June, 1898, v. 4: 23-25. HV86.042,v.4 267 1899 Gerland, H. Ueber Gefangnisarbeit unter Beziehung auf nordamerikanische Verhaltnisse. Jahrbilcher filr Nationalokonomie und Statistilc, 1899, v. 73: 197-233. Foot-note references. HB5.J3,v.73 268 Solving the convict labor question. American federationist, Jan. 1899, v. 5: 220-221. HD8055.A5A2,v.5 269 Prison industry in New York. Ohio. State board of charities. Ohio bulletin of charities and correction. Mar. 1899, v. 5: 1^-17. HV86.042,v.5 270 Tobias, D. E. The convict lease system. Nineteenth century, Dec. 1899, v. If.6: 959-962. AP4.N7,v.46 271 1900 Paoli, Louis. La main-d'oeuvre p6nitentiaire, en Al- geric. Revue penitentiaire, Feb. 1900, v. 21^.: 285-296. HV7232.R4,v.24 272 The convict labor problem solved. Charities review, Apr. 1900, v. 10: 67-68. HVl.C5,v.io 273 New York (State). Department of labor. Operation of the new convict labor law. The school furniture industry in the Auburn prison. Its Bulletin, Dec. 1900, v. 2: 290-295. HCl07.N7A5,v.2 EEFERENCES ON PEISON LABOR 43 274 1901 Cable, J. A. Why the miners freed the convicts. American federationist, Sept. 1901, v. 8: 339-340. HD8055.A5A2,v.8 275 DuBois, W. E. B. The convict-lease system in the South. Missionary review, Oct. 1901, v. 2^: 737-745. 276 1902 Flower, B. O. Mississippi's successful convict farms. Arena, Feb. 1902, v. 27: 199-204. AP2.A6,v.27 277 Ransom, E. A., jr. Convict labor upon Southern high- ways. New Jersey review of charities and corrections, Mar. 1902, v. 1 : 47-49. HVl.N5,v.l 278 Decrais, Albert. L'emploi de la main-d'oeuvre penale. Revue penitentiaire, June, 1902, v. 26: 830-833. HV7232.R4,v.26 279 1903 Can colored convicts be employed indoors ? ATYierican academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1903, v. 21: 327. Hl.A4,v.21 280 Holmes, J. A. Road building with convict labor in the Southern states. Scientific American supplement. Mar. 7, 1903, v. 55: 22724- 22727. Tl.S52,v.55 281 Potts, Charles S. The convict labor system of Texas. ATYierican academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1903, v. 21: 426-437. Hl.A4,v.21 282 Peonage in the South. Outlool, June 13, July 18-25, Aug. 8, 1903, v. 74: 391; 687- 688; 732-734; 890-891. ap2.08,v.74 283 New convict law in Georgia. Charities, Nov. 21, 1903, v. 11: 457-458. HVl.C4,v.ll 284 Georgia's revenue from convicts. Outlool, Nov. 7, 1903, v. 75: 522-524. ap2.08,v.76 285 Peonage in Georgia. Independent, Dec. 24, 1903, v. 55: 3079-3081. AP2.i53,v.55 286 1904 Storrs, Lucius C. Correctional work in Michigan. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1904, v. 23: 472-476. Hl.A4,v.23 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 287 1904 Bainicoat, Constance A. The government prison settle- ment at Waiotapu, New Zealand. An experiment in the utihzation of prison labor. International' journal of ethics, July, 1904, '^- ^4' 436-444- BJl.I6,v.l4 288 Gompers, Samuel. Sanity in solving the prison labor problem. American federationist, Sept. 1904, '^- H- 774-777. HD8055.A5A2,v.ll HC401.M9,v.l 289 Ward, Herbert D. Peonage in America. Cosmcpolitan magazine, Aug. 1905, v. 39: 4^3-430. AP2.C8,v.39 290 l^Qw York {State). Department of labor. EmplojTnent of convict labor on construction work. Its Bulletin, Dec. 1905, v. 7: 427-433. HCi07.N7A5,v.7 291 1906 Clarke, G. H. Georgia and the chain gang. OutlooTc, Jan. 13, 1906, v. 82: 73-79. AP2.08,v.82 292 Clarke, G. H. Shall the chain gang go ? World to-day. Mar. 1906, v. 10: 302-307. AP2.W75,v.lO 293 Barrows, S. J. Working prisoners in the open. Charities, Oct. 20, 1906, v. 17: 129-130. HVl.C4,v.l7 294 Baldwin, S. E. Outdoor convict labor. Charities, Oct. 20, 1906, v. 17: 137-140. HVl.C4,v.l7 295 1907 Barry, Richard. Slavery in the South to-day. Cosmopolitan magazine, Mar. 1907, v. 4^' 4^1-491. AP2.C8,v.42 296 Zellcr, George A. Institutional markets and prison labor. American federationist, Aug. 1907, v. 14-' 545-546. HD8055.A5A2,v.l4 297 Terrell, M. C. Peonage in the United States: convict lease system and the chain gangs. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1907, v. 62: 306-322. AP4.N7,v.62 298 White peonage in North Carolina. Ouilool, Oct. 19, 1907, v. 87: 319-321. ap2.08,v.87 299 Southern peonage and immigration. Nation, Dec. 19, 1907, v. 85: 557. aP2.N2,v.85 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 45 300 1908 Peonage and immigration in the South. Literary digest, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 36: 142-143. AP2.L57,v.36 301 Russell, Charles Edward. The burglar in the making in Georgia. Everybody's magazine, June, 1908, v. 18: 753-760. AP2.E9,v.l8 302 Dehnquents. Charities, Aug. 22, 1908, v. 20: 613-615. HVl.C4,v.20 303 Convict lease atrocities. Outlool, Aug. 22, 1908, v. 89: 870. AP2.08,v.89 304 Georgia's convict lease system remedied. Chanties, Sept. 26, 1908, v. 20: 721. HVl.C4,v.20 305 McKelway, A. J. The convict lease system of Georgia. Outlook, Sept. 12, 1908, v. 90: 67-72. AP2.O8,v.90 306 The end of the convict lease system in Georgia. OutlooTc, Oct. 3, 1908, v. 90: 238-239. AP2.O8,v.90 307 Blackburn, B. M. The Georgia convict lease law. Outlook, Oct. 10, 1908, V. 90: 295-297. AP2.08,v.90 308 Newell, A. C. Georgia's barbarous convict system. World's work, Oct. 1908, v. 16: 10829-10831. AP2.W8,v.i6 309 Convict road building. Charities, Dec. 19, 1908, v. 21: 453-454- HVl.C4,v.21 310 1910 ^evf York {State). Department of labor. Court decisions interpreting labor laws. Convict-made goods law uncon- stitutional. Its Bulletin, Mar. 1910, v. 12: 58-67. hcio7.N7A6,v.12 311 Gompers, Samuel. Blundering prison labor reformers. American federationist, Apr. 1910, v. 17: 321-325. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 312 Gompers, Samuel. The crimes of surface investigators. American federationist, July, 1910, v. 17: 577-584 Discusses the manufacture of shirts, etc., at the Maryland peniten- tiary. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 313 Good roads [Editorial]. Convict labor in road building in the state of Washington. Good roads, July, 1910, v. 40: 274-275. TEl.G7,v.40 46 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 314 1910 Smith, H. H. Agricultural training for prisoners. World's work {London), Sept. 1910, v. 16: 346-347. AP4.W85,v.l6 315 Gompers, Samuel. Slave labor driving out American free labor. American federationist, Nov. 1910, v. 17: 992-993. HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 316 Kellogg, Paul U. The question of prison labor. American federationist, Dec. 1910, v. 17: 1090-1091 . HD8055.A5A2,v.l7 317 1911 Engineering and contracting [Editorial]. Is convict labor on roads in northern states economic ? Engineering and contracting, Jan. 18, 1911, v. 35: 67. TA201.E5,v.35 318 Cooley, H. R. Outdoor treatment of crime. Outloolc, Feh. 25, 1911, v. 97: 403-408. AP2.08,v.97 319 Road making as a reform measure. Survey, Apr. 22, 1911, v. 26: 157-159. HVl.C4,v.26 320 Whitin, E, Stagg. Road making convicts. Engineering record, June 17, 1911, v. 63: 663. TAl.E62,v.63 321 Leavitt, J. Something for nothing: goods made by convicts for 34 cents a day. American magazine, July, 1911, v. 72: 351-360. AP2.A346,v.72 322 Prison labor, a rehc of barbarism. Outloolc, July 22, 1911, v. 98: 605. AP2.08,v.98 323 Barrows, I. C. Correction farms at Cleveland. Survey, July 22, 1911, v. 26: 607-608. HVl.C4,v.26 324 Industrial work at Mansfield. Survey, July 22, 1911, v. 26: 608-609. HVl.C4,v.26 325 Swift, Morrison I. Humanizing the prisons. Atlantic monthly, Aug. 1911, v. 108: 170-179. Discusses indoor and outdoor work. AP2.A8,v.l08 326 Out-of-prison work for prisoners. Outloolc, Sept. 16, 1911, v. 99: 101-102. AP2.08,v.99 327 Shafroth, J. F. Building good roads in Colorado. American city, Oct. 1911, v. 5: 222-224- HTl02.A5,v.6 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 47 328 1911 Engineering record [Editorial]. Convict road labor in Colorado. Engineering record, Dec. 16, 1911, v. 6^: 697. tai.E62,v.64 329 1912 Harrison, S. M. Cash-nexus for crime in Alabama. Surveij, Jan. 6, 1912, v. 27: 1541-1556. HVl.C4,v.27 330 Mitchell, John. Prison labor. American federationist, Feb. 1912, v. 19: 160-162. HD8055.A5A2,v.l9 331 Leavitt, Julian. Man in the cage. Why he does not reform. American magazine, Feb. 1912, v. 73: 397-409. AP2.A346,v.73 332 American motorist [Editorial]. Convict labor for Adi- rondack roads. American motorist, Feb. 1912, v. 4' 1^1- Tiil.A47,v.4 333 Engineering and contracting [Editorial]. An experi- ment with road construction by convict labor in Onondaga County, New Yorlc. Engineering and contracting, Feb. 28, 1912, v. 37: 242-243. TA201.E5,v.37 334 Engineering record [Editorial]. Convict labor on state roads. Engineering record, Feb. 10, 1912, v. 65: I48-I49. TAl.E62,v.65 335 Whitin, E. S. Convict^made goods put on health basis. Survey, Mar. 30, 1912, v. 27: 2000-2001. HVl.C4,v.27 336 Porter, V. H. Governor West, of Oregon, and his con- vict honor theory. Collier's weeMy, May 4, 1912, v. 4^- 16-17. AP2.C65,v.49 337 Prison contract labor. OutlooTc, May 4, 1912, v. 101: 13-14- AP2.O8,v.i01 338 Kittredge, Frank A. Highway construction in the state of Washington by convict labor. Engineering and contracting, June 26, 1912, v. 37: 722-727. TA201.E5,v.37 339 Campbell, W. S. Agricultural training in prisons. World's worlc (London), June, 1912, v. 20: 92-97. AP4.W85,v.20 48 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 340 1912 AMiitin, E. S. Prison labor. American academy of political science (New YorJc). Pro- ceedings, July, 1912, V. 2: 159-163. H31.A4,v.2 341 Howard, R. R. Governor's honor men. OutlooTc, July 27, 1912, v. 101: 716-72J^. AP2.08,v.l01 342 Whitin, E. Stagg. Trade unions and prison labor. Case and comment, Sept. 1912, v. 19: 2Jfi-2Ji.Ji.. 343 Convict labor and penal servitude. American federationist, Oct. 12, 1912, v. 19: 834. HD8055.A5A2,v.l9 344 Pratt, Joseph Hyde. Convict labor in highway con- struction. Engineering and contracting, Oct. 23, 1912, v. 38: 457-Jf.59. TA201.E5,v.38 345 Dahl, Arthur L. A penitentiary built by convicts [Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas]. Overland monthly, Oct. 1912, v. 60: 333-339. AP2.O9,v.60 346 Craft work and convict labor. OutlooTc, Nov. 16, 1912, v. 102: 562-563. AP2.O8,v.l02 347 Prison labor in New Jersey. Survey, Nov. 30, 1912, v. 29: 261-262. HVl.C4,v.29 348 Outlook Pilditorial]. A blow at an old evil. OutlooTc, Dec. 28, 1912, v. 102: 876-877. AP2.08,v.l02 349 Leavitt, Julian. Our prison sweat shops. Pearson's magazine, Dec. 1912, v. 28: 19-28. AP2.P35,v.28 350 Survey [Editorial]. Labor, idleness, and imprisonment. Survey, Dec. U, 1912, v. 29: 316-318. HVl.C4,v.29 351 The Governor, 360 convicts, and the lease system m Arkansas. Survey, Dec. 28, 1912, v. 29: 383-384. HVl.C4,v.29 352 O'Lone, J. P. Prison labor in New Jersey. Survey, Dec. 28, 1912, v. 29: 405-406. HVi.C4,v.29 353 1913 Literary digest [Editorial]. Freeing lawbreakers to per- fect the law. Literary digest, Jan. 4, 1913, v. 4^' 3~4' AP2.L58,v.46 354 Leavitt, Julian. Convict labor vs. free labor. Pearson's magazine, Jan. 1913, v. 29: 1-11. AP2.P35,v.29 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 49 355 1913 Donaghey, the lease system, and the press. Survey, Jan. 4, 1913, v. 29: 410-411- HVl.C4,v.29 356 Barnard, K. Fighting the lease system with pardons. Survey, Jan. 4, 1913, v. 29: 4^7-458. HVl.C4,v,29 357 West, Oswald. Prison reform. American federationist, Feb. 1913, v. 20: 112-113. HD8055.A5A2,v.20 358 Engineering and contracting [Editorial]. Rock crushing by convict labor in Washington. Engineering and contracting, Feb. 5, 1913, v. 39: 148-149. TA201.E5,v.39 359 Leavitt, Julian. Our prison sweatshops. Pearson's magazine, Feb. 1913, v. 29: 179-188. AP2.P35,v.29 360 Leavitt, Julian. Putting a bounty on crime. ' Pearson's magazine. Mar. 1913, v. 29: 360-369. "Shows that the prison contract labor system sends men to jail and keeps them there longer than their rightful term." AP2.P35,v.29 361 Addams, Jane. Contract system of prison labor. Ladies' home journal, Apr. 1913, v. 30: 27. AP2.L135,v.30 362 Leavitt, Julian. The courts and convict labor. Pearson's magazine, Apr. 1913, v. 29: 490-498. AP2.P35,v.29 363 Survey [Editorial]. Smashing the lease system in Arkansas. Survey, Apr. 12, 1913, v. 30: 54' HVl.C4,v.30 364 Survey [Editorial]. Contract labor problem in Missouri. Survey, May 17, 1913, v. 30: 238-239. HVl.C4,v.30 365 Leavitt, Julian. One solution of the convict labor problem. Pearson's magazine, June, 1913, v. 29: 754-762. AP2.P35,v.29 366 Convict vs. free labor. Leasing system a great handicap to law-abiding citizens. Garment worTcer, v. 12, Aug. 1, 1913, p. 2. HD6350.C6G3,v.l2 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 367 1913 Hicks, Frederick C. Convict labor in the United States: argument in brief. Independent, Aug. 28, 1913, v. 75: 1^9 If.-If.96 . ap2.I53,v.75 368 Steam shovel and dredge [Editorial]. Illinois convicts building roads. &team shovel and dredge, Sept. 1913, v. 17: 768-770. HD6350.S57S8,v.l7 369 Gompers, Samuel. Convicts; their labor — society's duty. American federationist, Nov. 1913, v. 20: 931-93^. HD8055.A5A2,v.20 370 Abbott, E. M. The employment and compensation of prisoners. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, Nov. 1913, V. 4; 549-552. 371 Prison labor in the party platforms of 1911-1912. Am^erican institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, Nov. 1913, V. U: 627-629. 372 Pratt, J. H. Convict labor in road construction. Engineering record, Dec. 20, 1913, v. 68: 701-702. TAl.E62,v.68 373 1914 Pratt, J. H. Details of arrangements for the use of con- vict labor; with discussion. Good roads, Jan. 3, 1914, ^- «•» '^- '^•' ^6-36. TEi.G7,n.s.v.7 374 Survey [Editorial]. The tonic of work for the toxin of alcohol. Survey, Feb. I4, 1914, v. 31: 629. HVl.C4,v.31 375 Literary digest [Editorial]. Building roads and morals. Literary digest. Mar. I4, 1914, '^- 48: 576+ AP2.L68,v.48 376 Whitin, E. Stagg. Substitutes for the convict lease system. Southern worTcman, Mar. 1914, '^' 4^' 177-182. LC2701.S7,v.43 377 Gompers, Samuel. Harper's Hapgood on organized labor. American federationist, Ajjr. 1914, '^- ^i' 325-328. HD8055.A5A2,v.21 378 Gompers, Samuel. Unions and prisons. Harper's weeJcly, Apr. 18, 1914, '^' ^8: 28-29. AP2.H32,v.58 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 51 379 1914 Nation [Editorial]. Prisoners and good roads. Nation, Ai)r. 23, 1914, v. 98: 453-454. AP2.N2,v.98 380 Nation CEditorial]. The right to punish. Nation, Apr. 30, 1914, 'v- 98: 489. AP2.N2,v.98 381 Survey [Editorial]. The court to decide if a convict is a slave. Surveij, Apr. 11, 1914, v- ^^^ 4^-45. HVl.C4,v.32 382 Gompers, Samuel. Abolishing contract convict labor. American federationist, May, 1914, "^^ ^^' 4^3-405. HD8055.A5A2,v.21 383 The regulation of interstate commerce as to products of convict labor. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, May, 1914, v. 5: 101-103. 384 Prison products begging for purchasers in New York. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, May, 1914, v. 5: 137-139. 385 Lewis, O. F. The prison of the twentieth century. Independent, May 18, 1914, v. 78: 284-286. ap2.I53,v.78 386 Prison labor on roads. Municipal engineering, May, 1914, '^- 4^- 4^7'. tdi.M9,v.46 387 I^iterary digest [Editorial]. Slaves of turpentine. Literary digest, June 20, 1914, '^- 4^: 1490-1491. AP2.L68,v.48 388 Gemmill, William N. The criminal; who is he, and what shall we do with him? American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, July, 1914, V. 5: 170-192. 389 Hiller, E. T. The development of the system of control of convict labor in the United States. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, July, 1914, -y- 5: 241-269. 390 Convict labor in bridge building in Arizona. Engineering magazine, Aug. 1914, '^' A"^' 74^-744- TAl.E59,v.47 391 The use of prison labor in building Illinois highways. " Engineering record, Aug. 15, 1914, '^- "^0: 189-190. TAl.E62,v.70 392 New York's first convict camp. Engineering record, Aug. 29, 1914, v. 70: 247. TAl.E62,v.70 52 LIBRARY OF C02TGRESS SPEECHES IN SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION The page references following each entry are to vol. 51 of the Con- gressional Record, current file issued during the session. 393 U. S. Congress. House. Convict labor made goods. Debate in the House, Mar. 4, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 1933) to limit the effect of the regulation of interstate comxrierce between the states in goods, wares, and merchandise wholly or in part manufactured, mined, or produced by convict labor or in any prison reformatory, no. 66: 4540-4553. Messrs. Lewis of Md., Sisson, Sherley, Bartlett, Nolan, Mann, Watson. 394 Importation of goods, wares, and merchandise \ made by convict labor. Debate in the House, Mar. 11, 1914. no. 72: 5000-5002. Messrs. Lewis of Md., Sherley, Borland, Sisson. 395 Importation of convict-made goods. Debate in the House, Mar. 18, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 14330). no. 78: 5411-5436. Messrs. Mann, Austin, Hardy, Hensley, Bryan, Fowler, Payne, Lewis of Md., Kelley of Mich., Howard, McLaughlin, Bartlett, Fordney, Tribble, Taylor of Colo., Moore. 396 Importation of convict-made goods. Debate in the House, Mar. 25, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 14330). no. 84: 5825-5831. The bill was passed: p. 5831. Messrs. Lewis of Md., Bartlett, Mann, Buchanan of 111., Towner, Hensley. 397 Senate. Importation of convict-made goods. Debate in the Senate, Mar. 28, 1914, on the bill (S. 4161). no. 87: 6021-6024. Senators Stone, Reed, Williams. 398 Importation of convict-made goods. Debate in the Senate, May 15, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 14330). no. 130: 9389-9392. Senators Williams, Hughes, Sutherland, Root, Stone, James, Bank- head. 399 Slayden, James L. Convict labor made goods. Extension of remarks in the House, Mar. 4, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 1933). no. 68: 4726-4727. REFEKENCES ON PRISON LABOR 53 400 Smith, George R. Importation of convict-made goods. Speech in the House, Mar. 18, 1914. no. 113: 7939-7940. 401 Stone, Williiim J. Importation of convict -made goods. Speech in the Senate, May 15, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 14330). no. 132: 9557-9560. 402 Watson, Walter A. Convict labor made goods. Speech in the House, Mar. 4, 1914, on the bill (H. R. 1933). no. 67: 4643-4644. BILLS BEFORE CONGRESS SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION 403 H. R. 1933. A bill to limit the effect of the regulation of mter- state commerce between the States in goods, wares, and merchandise wholly or in part manufactured, mined, or produced by convict labor or in any prison reformatory. Introduced in the House, by Mr. Booher, Apr. 7, 1913. Ip. SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION 404 H. R. 14330. An Act to prohibit the importation and entry of goods, wares, and merchandise made in whole or in part by convict, pauper, or detained labor, or made in whole or in part or in any manner manipulated by convict or prison labor. In the Senate, Mar. 28, 1914. 6 p. 405 Importation of convict-made goods. Report from the Committee on manufactures. May 26, 1914. 3 p. (Sen- ate. Rept. 557, Calendar no. 490.) 406 S. 4161. Calendar no. 257. A bill to prohibit the importa- tion and entry of goods, wares, and merchandise made in whole or in part by convict, pauper, or detained labor, or made in whole or in part from materials which have been made in whole or in part or in any manner manipulated by convict or prison labor Introduced in the Senate by Mr. Stone, Jan. 22, 1914. Reported by Mr. Reed, Mar. 2, 1914. 10 p. 407 To prohibit the importation of convict-made goods. Reports from the Committee on manufactures. Mar. 2, 1914. Apr. 22, 1914. 2, 4 p. (Senate. Rept. 306, pt. 1,2.) 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 408 S. 2321. Calendar no. 672. A bill to limit the effect of the regulation of interstate commerce between the States in goods, wares, and merchandise wholly or in part manu- factured, mmed, or produced by convict labor or in any prison or reformatory. Introduced in the Senate, by Mr. Hughes, May 22, 1913. 2 p. 409 Interstate commerce in convict-made goods. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce United States Senate, 63d Cong. 2d sess. on S. 2321. Mar. 13, 18, 19, and 26, 1914. Washington, Govt. prmt. off., 1914. 315 p. HV8923.A6 1914c 410 Regulation of interstate commerce as to products of convict labor. Report from the Committee on interstate commerce. Aug. 25 (calendar day Aug. 29), 1914. 2 p. (Senate. Rept. 771.) 411 H. R. 13168. A bill to prohibit the importation and entry of goods, wares, and merchandise made in whole or in part by convict, pauper, or detained labor, or made in whole or m part from materials which have been made in whole or in part or in any manner manipulated by convict or prison labor. Introduced in the House by Mr. Hensley, Feb. 10, 1914. 6 p. 412 Hearings before the Committee on labor. House of Rep- resentatives, 63d Cong. 2d sess. on H. R. 13168. Feb. 27 and Mar. 6, 1914. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. 16, 36 p. FOREIGN COUNTRIES 413 Aa, J. Simon van der. Die Arbeit als Element der Freiheits- strafe. Blatter fiir GefdngnissJcunde, 1907, v. Jfl: 4^-7 4- HV7233.B6,v.41 414 Brunot, Ch. Les accidents du travail dans Ics prisons. Revue penitentiaire, May, 1903, 27. annee: 774-781. HV7232.R4 27. annee 415 Le travail dans les prisons. Revue penitentiaire, Apr. 1902, 26. annee: 593-596. Review of book by Roger Roux. HV7232.I14 26. annee 416 Engelsted, C. Du choix du travail penitentiaire. Revue penitentiaire, Feb. 1898, 22. annee: 308-310. HV7232.R4 22.annee REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 55 417 Ferri, Enrico. Lavoro c ccllc dcicondaimati; conferenza tenuta a Roma, il 24 novembre, 1885. Roma, Lihreria nuova, 1886. {3]-58 p. 22^"^. 4-20589 HV8897.F4 418 Nadastiny, Der Kampf gegen die Straflings- Arbeit. Blatter jur GefdngnissJcunde, 1910, v. 44-' 342-396. HV7233.B6,v.44 419 Perrier, Charles. Travail et inspection generale en prison. Archives d' antJiroyologie criminelle, 1901, v. 16: 229-254- HV6002.A7,v.l6 420 Riviere, A. L'application du regime d'emprisonnement indi- viduol. Revue penitentiaire, June, 1885, 9. annee: 715-741- Travail: p. 731-735. HV7232.I14 9. annee 421 Rommel, Ueber den Begriff der Strafanstaltsarbeit und die Beibehaltung der Zuchthausstrafe in dem Entwurf des norddeiitschen Strafgesetzes. Blatter fiir GefdngnissJcunde, 1870, v. 4, Extralieft: 1-52. HV7233.B6,v.4 422 Roux, Roger. Les accidents du travail dans les prisons. Revue penitentiaire, July-Oct. 1903, 27. annee: 1230-1235. HV7232.R4 27.annee 423 La Section du travail penitentiaire a la Exposition a Milan. Revue penitentiaire, Jan. 1882, 6. annee: 95-97. HV7232.R4 6.annee 424 Sichard, Ernst. Wie soil der Staat die Arbeitskrafte der Stra- flinge verwerthen? Bldtter filr GefdngnissJcunde, 1871, v. 5: 161-176. HV7233.B6,v.5 425 Societe generale des prisons. Rapport de la commission chargee de preparer les reponses . . . au questionnaire du Congres de Rome. 6. question-7. question, par Fer- nand Desportes. Revue penitentiaire. May, 1883, 7. annee: 575-601; 603-613. HV7232.R4 7.annee 426 Seance du 14 Juin 1881. Du travail des condamnes utilise pour la construction des prisons departementales, par Fernand Desportes. Revue penitentiaire, June, 1881, 5. annee: 583-604- Discussion: p. 855-864. HV7232.R4 5. annee 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 427 Societe generale des prisons. Stance du 22. Mai 1901. Le travail dans les prisons. Revue penitentiaire, June, 1901, 25. annee: 937-975. HV7232.R4 25.annee 428 Seance du 19. Juin 1907. Les accidents du travail dans les prisons. Revue 'penitentiaire, July-Oct. 1908, 31. annee: 877-923. HV7232.R4 Sl.annee 429 Seance du 18. Decembre 1907. Les accidents du travail dans les prisons. Revue penitentiaire, Jan. 1908, 32. annee: 1^.1-72. HV7232.I14 32.aim€e ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 430 Gomez, Eusebio. El trabajo carcelario. Buenos Aires, Talleres de la Penitenciaria nacional, 1910. 2 p. I, [7]-15 p. incl. 2 pi. 19^^. 12-10328 HV8931.A8G7 AUSTRIA 431 Marcovich, Antoine. De I'emploi des detenus aux travaux pub- lics dans la campagne, en Autricho. Revue penitentiaire. May, 1889, 13. annee: SIfi-SIft. Traduit par Georges Dubois. HV7232.R4 13. annee 432 De I'emploi des detenus a travaux exterieurs en Autriche. Revue penitentiaire, Jan. 1897, 21. annee: 203-205. Traduit par Fred. L6vy. HV7232.I14 21. annee BELGIUM 433 De I'organisation du travail dans les prisons cellulaires de Bel- gique. Revue penitentiaire, Jan. 1890, IJ,.. annee: 212-223. HV7232.R4 14.annee COLOMBIA 434 Olarte Camacho, Vicente. La rcforma penitenciaria en Co- lombia. Bogota, Imprenta eledrica, 1913. IJfi p. illus. 23^^^^. Trabajo: p. 72-74. 13-23988 HV9603.O5 REFEKENCES ON PEISON LABOR 67 COSTA RICA 435 Beeche, Octavio. Estudios penitenciarios. Informe presen- tado al gobicrno de Costa Rica. San Jose, Tip. nadonal, 1890. 214, Ul p-, 3 I. incl. £ fold, tab. 20'"^. See index under Trabajo. 10-32181 HV9441.B4 DENMARK 436 Bruun, F. Ueber die Vollziehung der Strafarbeit. Nebst amtlichem Bericht iiber den Zustand der danischen Stra- fanstalten wahrend des Zeitraums vom April 1863 bis zum 31 Marz 1868. Bldtter filr Gefdngnisskunde, 1870, v. 4- 285-644' HV7233.B6,v.4 FRANCE 438 *Fraiice. Direction de V administration penitentiaire. Note sur Torganisation du travail dans les colonies et maisons peni- tentiaires de jeunes detenus des deux sexes. Melun, Imprimerie administrative, 1903. 29 p. 439 * Note sur I'organisation du travail dans les ^tablissements penitentiaires en France. Melun, Impr. administrative, 1903. 138 p. 440 Ministere de Vinterieur. Le travail dans les prisons. Revue penitentiaire, Sept.-Dec. 1901, 25. annee: 1481-1492. HV7232.R4 25.annee 441 Roux, Roger. Le travail dans les prisons et en particulier dans les maisons centrales. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1901. 2 p. I., 201 p. 25^"^. "Bibliographie": p. 195-198. 3-18294* HV8897.R8 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS GERMANY 442 Falkner, Roland Post. Die Arbeit in den Gefangnissen. Jena, G. Fischer, 1888. viii, 89, [1] p. ^4'^™. (Sammlung nationdldl:onomisclier und statistischer Ahhandlungen des Staatsivissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S. hrsg. von Dr. Th. Conrad. 5. Bd. 1. Eft.) l-G-985 HD4868.F2 443 Gollert, R. Die Beschaftigung der Gefangenen in den Zuch- thausern. Blatter fur GefdngnissTcunde, 1879, v. 13, p. 225-236. HV7233.B6,v.l3 444 Hofif, Marie, pseud. Drei Jahre im Weiber-zuchthaus. Dresden, und Leipzig, H. Minden, [1907]. 2 p. I., 273, [1] p. 19^"^. "EinArbeitstag": p. 55-65. 8-2626 HV8738.H8 445 Hopfenbau und Landwirtschaft im Konigl. Wiirttembergischen Landesgefangniss zu Rottenburg am Neckar. 1878-1889. Blatter fllr Gefdngnisskunde, 1892, v. 26: ^7-63. HV7233.B6,v.26 446 Kaldewey, Straflingsarbeit und freie Arbeit in Preussen. Blatter fur Gefdngnisslcunde, 1889, v. 23: 20-^5. HV7233.B6,v.23 447 *Liszt, Franz von. Die Gefangnisarbeit. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1900. 20 p. (Sammlung gemeinvers- tdndlicher Vortrdge v. der Berliner FinJcenschaft.) 448 Monicault, C. de. Le travail exterieur en Prussc. Revue penitentiaire, July-Oct. 1908, 32. annee: 1137-llJfi. HV7232.R4 32.annee 449 ^Prussia. Ministerium des Innern. Verwendung von Gefan- genen zur Kultivierung von Moor- und lleidcland. Berlin, Druckerei der Strafanstaltsverwaltung, 1908. IS p. 4.50 Schiwek, Julius. Ilinter Schloss und Riegel. Berlin-Charlottenhurg, Vita, deutsches VerlagsJiaus, [''1912]. 2p.l.,[3]-2S9 p. 19Y^. "Die Gefangnisarbeit und die Entlohniing der Gefangenen": p. 217-227. 12-18304 HV9677.S3 EEFEKENCES ON PRISON LABOR 59 451 Seutter, Leonore. Die Gefangnisarbcit in Deutschland, mit besondercr Beriicksichtiguiig der Fraiicn-gefilngnisse. Tubingen, J. C. B. Mohr (P. Sieheck) 1912. xii, 207 p. tables {1 fold.) 24'^'^ • (Arcliiv flir Sozialwissenschaft und SozialpolitiJc . . . ErgdnzungsJieft vi) "Quellen- und Literatur-verzeichnis": p. ix-xii. 13-8515 HV8931.G3S4 452 Siforata, A. Bcrnabo. L'influence du travail dans les prisons sur le libre exercice des metiers en Allemagne et en Italie. Revue penitentiaire, Feb. 1881, 5. annee: 1 48-161. HV7332.R4 5. annee 453 Stade, Reinhold. Gefiingnissbilder. Ej'itische Blatter aus dem Strafvollzruge. Leipzig, Dorffllng <£• France, 1902. vii, [1], 361 p. 21 ^™. "Unser Arbeitsfeld und seine Zukunft": p. 1-22; "Arbeit und Arbeit8lohn":'p. 90-124. 3-29339 HV8667.S7 GREAT BRITAIN 454 Croll, Alexander Angus. Piece-work sentences for prisoners. < Issued by the Howard association. > [London, R. Barrett and sons, printers, 187-] 4 V- 2^^'^- 11-7205 HV8911.H8 455 Fry, Henry Phibbs. A system of penal discipline, with a report on the treatment of prisoners in Great Britain and Van Dieman's [!] Land. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1850. xiii, 207, [1] p. front, (plan) 21 Y^. Self-supporting labour of prisoners: p. 49, 92, 134. 10-21943t HV8665.F8 456 Gibson, Charles Bernard. Life among convicts. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1863. 2 v. front, {port.) 19'^™'. "Cellular employment": v. 1, p. 102-107; "The results of the Irish convict system": v. 2, p. 137-163; "Government convicts — chain gangs": v. 2, p. 227-232. 10-34611 HV9644.G4 457 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Departmental committee on the im- portation into the United Kingdom of foreign prison-made goods. Report . . . with minutes of evidence and ap- pendices. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1895. 152 p. 33'"^. (Parliament. Reports and papers, 1895, v. 88. Cd. 7902.) J301.K6 1895,v.88 60 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 458 Gt. Brit. Parliament. Committee appointed to consider cer- tain questions relating to the employment of convicts. Report. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy G. E. B. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1882. ^5 p. 33 '''^. {Parliament. Reports and papers, 1882, v. 34. C. 3427.) J301.K6 1882,v.34 459 Committee on the employment of convicts at Dover Har- hour. Papers relating to the employment of convicts at Dover Harbour. London, Printed hy Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1883. 7 p. 33'^'^. {Parliament. Reports and papers, 1883, v. 62. C. 3726.) J301.K6 1883,v.62 460 Home ojfice. Committee on convict labour. Report of the Sub-committee appointed to investigate the question of the most suitable place for a harbour refuge on the east coast of Scotland to be constructed by convicts; together with the report by the Committee on convict labour. London, Printed hy Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1884- 221 p. 33'^'"K {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Reports and papers. 1884, V. 43- C- 4035.) J301.K6 1884,v.43 461 Prison commission. Report. 1913. London, Barling & son, 1913. 2 pts. in 1 v. 24i^^. Statement of the employment and value of earnings of prisoners in local, convict and preventive detention prisons: pt. 1, p. 94-110. HV8423.A4 1913 462 GriflEith, George Chetwynd. Sidelights on convict life. London, J. Long, 1903. xi, 242, [1] p. illus. 20' "Two years' hard labour": p. 25^9. 4-2573 HV9644.G8 463 GriflBths, vVrthur George Frederick. Secrets of the prison- house ; or, Gaol studies and sketches. London, Chapman and Hall, Id., 1894- 2 v. fronts. 23'^^. See index v. 2 under Industries, Prison. 1-27820 HV9443.G8 464 Hippisley, Sir John Coxe. Prison labour, etc. Correspondence and communications addressed to His Majesty's principal Secretary of state for the Homo department, concerning the introduction of the tread-mills into prisons, with other matters connected with the subject of prison discipline. London, W. Nicol, 1823. 228 p. 10-34441 HV8775.H7 Icm REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 61 465 Howard association, London. How to reduce the rates. Economy and beneficence combined. [London, 1871?] 4'p. 21^"^- CAlO-3894 HV8895.H8 466 Ireland. General prisons hoard. 36th report 1913-1914. London, A. Thorn & co., IQlJf.. xvi, 55 p. 25""^. Contains statistics of the value of prison labor in the different occu- pations in the various prisons. HV8426.A4 1913/14 467 Ives, George. A history of penal methods; criminals, witches^ lunatics. London, S. Paul <& co., [1914]. ^h 409 p. 23'='^. "Model labour": p. 188-200. 14-11578 HV9644.I8 468 N[evill], Lord W[illiam] B[eauchamp]. Penal servitude; by W. B. N. London, W. Heinemann, 1903. viii, 308, [1] p. 19'^^. "Daily routine": p. 118-131. 3-14405 HV9644.N5 469 Pocock, Zachary Pearce. Transportation and convict discipline considered in a letter to the Right Honourable Earl Grey . . . showing the evils attendant upon the system pursued in Van Diemen's Land, and the remedy for those evils; with suggestions for the profitable employment of convict labour. London, Simmonds and co., [1847]. 29 p. 22^"^. [Prison discipline pamphlets, v. 5, no. 7] 11-7200 HV8987.A4P8,vol.5 470 Quinton, Richard Frith. The modern prison curriculum; a general review of our penal system. London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1912. xvii, 276 p. 20^ ''^. Prison labor: p. 86-90. 12-23243 HV9646.Q6 471 Scotland. Prison commissioners. Annual report. 1913. Edinburgh, J. STcinner <& co., 191 4. 93 p. 33 '''^. Contains statistics of employment of inmates in various institutions with value of their earnings. HV8425.A3 1913 472 Tallack, William. The industrial and reformatory treatment of criminals. [London, 1867.] 16 p. 21^"^. Reprinted from the ' ' Friend's examiner, ' ' for the Howard association . 10-32184 HV9346.T3 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS GREAT BRITAIN: COLONIES 473 Barnicoat, Constance A. The government prison settlement at Waiotapu, New Zealand. An experiment in the utiliza- tion of prison labor. International journal of ethics, July, 1904, '^' 14- 4^6-444- BJl.I6,v.l4 474 British Guiana. Inspector of prisons' office. Report of the inspector of prisons. 1911-1912. Georgetown, Demerara, 1912. 1 v. SS^*^^. 12-33985 HV8417.B6A2 475 *Canada. Dept. of justice. The action of the government in respect to the manufacture and sale of twine produced by convict labor. Ottawa, 8. E. Dawson, 1899. lip. 476 Dept of justice. Report as to penitentiaries of Canada. 1913. Ottawa, a H. Parmelee, 1914. 277 p. 25<^^. Labour statistics, in various prisons giving occupations: p. 128-132. HV8395.A3 1913 477 Cape of Good Hope. Convicts and prisons dept. Report on the management and discipline of convict stations and prisons. Cape Town, 1898-1910. 15 v. 32^"^. Contains statistics of prison labour earnings with modes of employ- ment. 8-4566 HV8464.C25 478 Ceylon. Governor. A manual of rules for the management of jails in the island of Ceylon. Colombo, W. H. Herbert, government printer, 1879. cover- title, S7 p. 2Si'='^. "As to the labour of convicts": p. 25-26. CAll-562 HV8451.C7 1879 479 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. Copy of correspondence between the Board of trade and the India office, and between the India ofhce and the Indian government on the subject of prison-made goods. London, Printed for II. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, 1897. 10 p. 33'^^. (Parliament. Reports and papers, 1897, v. 63. Cd. 8347.) J301.K6 1897,v.63 REFERENCES ON PRISON LABOR 63 480 Ontario. Legislative assemhhj. Special committee on prison labor. Report, 1908. Toronto, L. K. Cameron, printer to the king, 1908. 44 V' J. P. Downey, chairman. 8-19372 HV8931.C34A5 1908 481 Office of prisons arid public charities. Annual report of the inspector of asylums, prisons, and public charities. Toronto, 1874-1898. 10 v. ^5<='». 8-15893 HV 109. 06 A3 ITALY 482 Italy. Direzione generate deUe carceri. Relazione per gli anni 1878-1883. Roma, Tip. delle ManteUate, I884. 542 p. 23^"^. Lavoro: p. 155-237. HV8431.A4 483 MinisterodelV interno. Relazione sul lavoro dei detenuti neir anno 1875. Roma, Eredi Botta, 1878. 43 p. 30"'^ (Parlamento. Camera dei deputati. Raccolta degli atti stampati. Leg. 13. I. Sess. 1876-77. Documenti. v. 1, no. 1.) J 388, serial no. 239 484 Paoli, Louis. Le travail dans les prisons italiennes. Revue penitentiaire, June, 1901, 25. annee: 1071-1072. HV7232.I14 25.amiee 485 Skouses, A. Le travail des detenus a Rome. Revue penitentiaire, Nov. 1882, 6. annee: 749-762. HV7232.I14 e.aimee THE NETHERLANDS. 486 Netherlands (Kingdom) Central bureau voor de statistiek. Statistiek van het gcvangeniswezen over het jaar 1910 (Statistique penitentiaire des Pays Bas pour I'annee 1910). 's-Gravenhage, Gebrs. Belinfante, 1911. xxxiv, 69 p. 33^'^. VI. Travail des prisonniers au profit de particuliers: p. 34-41. HV8432.A2 1910 ROUMANL^ 487 Dianu, G. T. Le travail dans les prisons de Roumanie. Mouvement economigue, 1905, v. 1: 44^-4^4- HC401.M9,v.l 64 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS RUSSIA 488 Vlassow, Nicolas de. Le travail des detenus dans les prisons riisses et etrangeres. Revue penitentiaire, July-Aug. 1897, 21. annee: 1050-1062. Review of book by Serge Goguel. HV7232.il4 21. annee SPAIN 489 Prudhomme, Henri. Organisation du travail dans les prisons espagnoles. Revue penitentiaire, Jan. 1897, 21. annee: 199-203. HV7232.R4 21.annee SWEDEN 490 Almquist, Victor. L'organisation du travail dans les prisons suedoises. {In International prison congress. Bulletin, 6. ser. 1910, v. 1, p. 149-155.) HV7242 e.ser.v.l AUTHOR INDEX [The numbers refer to items, not to pages] Aa, J. Simon van der 413 Abbott, E.M 370 Academy of political science, New York 11 Adams, John W 113 Addams, Jane 232, 361 Alabama. Board of inspectors of convicts 154 Governor, 1911-1915 94 Laws, statutes, etc 155 Albrecht, Adalbert 17 Alexander, Hooper 12 Almqtiist, Victor 490 Altamura, B 229 Altgeld, John Peter 13 Alvarez Marino, Jose 229 American academy of political and social science, Phila 14 American association for labor legis- lation 145 American federation of labor 227 American motorist [Editorial] 332 American prison association 228 American year book 15 AmmitzboU 229 Anthony, Edward C 113 Arenal de Garcia Carrasco, Concep- cion 16 Arizona. State prison, jFZorence... 165 Arnold, K. Arthur 237 Aronovici, C 14 Aschaffenburg, Gustav 17 Asher, J 14 Austin, Richard W 395 Baldwin, Simeon E 229, 294 Baldwin, W. H 14 Balkay, Etienne de 230 Bankhead, John H 398 Barnard, K 356 Barnicoat, Constance A 287, 473 Barrows, I. C 323 Barrows, S.J 53,293 Barry, Richard 295 Bartlett, Charles L 393, 395, 396 Bauer, P. E 14 Beeche, Octa-vio 435 Bela Atz61 230 Benson, H. W 129 Bishop, J. B 244 Blackburn, B. M 307 Boies, Henry Martyn 18 Booher, Charles F 403 Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington 19 Borland, William P 394 Boston. Dept. of public institu- tions 95 Boswell, Helen V 14 Bowring, Sir John 20, 236 Brindley, John Edwin 21 Brinkenhoff, R 265 British Guiana. Inspector of prisons ' office 474 Brockway, Zebulon Reed 22, 250 Brunot, Ch 414, 415 Bruun, F 436 Bryan, James W 395 Bryant, W. K 14 Buchanan, Frank 396 Butler, Nicholas Murray 245, 246 Byers, Joseph P 266 Cable, George Washington 23, 242 Cable, J. A 274 California. Laws, statutes, etc.... 156 State hoard of charities and cor- rections 165a State board of prison directors 166 Campbell, W. S 339 Canada. Dept. of justice 475, 476 Cape of Good Hope. Convicts and prisons dept 477 Carlton, Frank Tracy 24 Carpenter, Edward 25 Cartwright, Henry 26 Cassidy, Michael J 27 Ceylon. Governor 478 Chicago. Civil service commission . 96 65 66 AUTHOR INDEX Chicherio, F 230 Clark, Lindley Daniel 146 Clarke. G. II 291,292 Codding, J. K 14 Codman, John Thomas 264 Coffeen, E. L 14 Colorado. State highway coviniis- sion 167 Connecticut. Committee on State prison 97 Special commission on contract convict labor 98 State prison, Wethersfield 167a Conner, James P 75, 76 Cooley, Harris R 14, 130, 318 Cosson, George 14, 102 Cox, James M 130 Croll, Alexander Angus 28, 454 Cuche, Paul 29 Curti, F 229 Dahl, Arthur L 345 Davis, Charles Henry 11, 86 Decrais, Albert 278 Desportes, Fernand 425, 426 Devlin, Robert T 247 Dianu, G. T 487 Donaghey, G. W 14, 232, 355 Downey, J. P -• 132,480 Drahms, August 30 Dubois, Georges 431 Du Bois, W. E. B 275 Du Cane, E. F 238, 258 Duncan, James 229 Eaton, Horace M 259 Eberhart, A. O 14 Edwards, Alba M 30a Ekert 230 Engelsted, C 416 Engineering and contracting [Edi- torial] 317, 333, 358 Engineering record [Editorial]. . . 328, 334 Evans, Chris 254 Fagin, J. K 95 Falkner, Roland Post 31, 442 Fekete de Xagyivdny, Jules 229 Fencer, Thomas 121 Ferri, Enrico 417 Finty, Tom, jr 32 Flandin, Etienne 229 Flower, B. O 276 Fogarty, E.J 33 Fordney, Joseph W 395 Foss, E. N 14 Fowler, H. Robert 395 France. Direction de Vadminis- tration penitentiaire 438, 439 Ministhe de Vintcrieur 440 Freeman, Leonard 113 Frey, J. P 14 Friedmann, Bernard 229 Fry, Henry Phibl)s 455 Fryer, William J 34 Gambirasio, Louis 230 Gardner, John J 74 Garofalo, Raffaele 35 Garrett, D. E 135 Gemmill, William N 388 Georgia. Laws, statutes, etc 157 Prison commission 168 Gerland, H 267 Gibson, Charles Bernard 456 Gladden, Washington f. 36 GollertR 443 Gomez, Eusebio 430 Gompers, Samuel 288, 311, 312, 315, 369, 377, 378, 382 Good roads [Editorial] 313 Gosnell, L. W 105 Gramaccini, C 229 Gramantieri, Demetrius 229 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 37, 457, 479 Foreign office 38 Home office 460 Parliament 458, 459 Prison commission 99, 461 Green, Sanford Moon 39 Griffith, George Chetwynd 462 Griffith, Goldsborough Sappington. 40 Griffiths, Arthur G. F 463 Grubb, Edward 41 Gueorguiewski, Paul 230 Hadley, H. S 14 Hafner, Karl 229 Hardy, Rives B 147 Hardy, Rufus 395 Harrison, S. M 329 Hart, Hastings H 14, 42 Heilbron, William Caspar 43 Henderson, Charles Richmond 44-48 Hensley, Walter Lewis. . 80, 395, 396, 411 Herbette, Louis 230 Hicks, Frederick C 367 High, Fred 49 Hiller, E. T 389 Hippisley, Sir John Coxe 464 Hoff, Marie, pseud 444 Holmes, J. A 50, 280 Holtzendorff , Franz J. W. P. von . . 51 AUTHOR INDEX 67 Howard, R. R 341 Howard, Robert 105 Howard, William S 395 Howard association, London 28, 41, 52, 454, 465, 472 Hiirbiii, J. V 229 Hughes, William 398, 408 Idaho. Commission on prison labor 100 State penitentiary 169 lUing 229, 230 IlUnois. Board of prison indus- tries 171 Board of public charities 170 Bureau of labor statistics 101 Southern Illinois penitentiary, Chester 172 State penitentiary, Joliet 173 Indiana. Board of state charities... 174 State prison, Michigan City 175 International prison commission. . 53, 229 Iowa. Attorney general' s office 102 Board of control of state institu- tions 176 Penitentiary, Fort Madison .... 177 Ireland. General prisons board. . . 466 Italy. Direzione generale delle car- ceri 482 Ministero dell' interno 483 Ives, Acton 243 Ives, George 467 Jagemann, Eugen von 51 James, Ollie M 398 Jones, George L 106 Kaldewey 446 Kansas. Bureau of labor and in- dustry 103 State penitentiary, Lansing 178 Kapnist, Comtesse Eugenie 229 Keeler, Clarissa Olds 54 Kellerhals, 229 Kelley, Patrick H 395 Kellogg, Paul U 316 Kellor, Frances Alice 55 Kentucky. Laivs, statutes, etc 158 Prison commissioners 179 Kirdly, Jules 229 Kirk, James E 162 Kittredge, Frank A 338 Laguesse 229 Leavitt, Julian 321, 331, 349, 354, 359, 360, 362, 365 Leitmaier, Victor 230 Leonard, J. A 130 L6vy, Fred 432 Lewis, David J 393-396 Lewis, O. F 385 Lichtenberger, J. P 14 Liszt, Franz von 447 Literary digest [Editorial].. 353,375,387 Lombroso, Cesare 30 Louisiana. State penitentiary 180 Loutchinsky, N. de 229 Lovely, Collis 14, 232 Lyon, F. Emory 14,232 McDonald, F. R 14 McKelway, A.J 305 McLaughlin, James C 895 Maine. Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on state prison 104 State prison, Thomaston 181 Mann, James R 393, 395, 396 Mann, William H 142 Mansfield, L. D 231 Marchi, Joseph de 229 Marcovich, Antoine 229, 431, 432 Marker, J. R 14 Marr, Robert H 229 Maryland. Bureau of industrial statistics 55a Penitentiary penal commission.. 106 Penitentiary, Baltimore 105, 182 Massachusetts. Board of prison commissioners 107, 108, 159, 184 Board of state charities 109 Bureau of statistics of labor 110, 111 General court. Joint special committee on contract convict labor 112 General superintendent of pris- ons 183 State farm, Bridgewater 185 May, James 135 Mauchamp 229 Mestchaninow 229 Meyrick, A. S 61,241 Michigan. Board of prison indus- tries 113 Bureau of labor and industrial statistics 114 Governor 115 Joint prison board. 116, 160 State board of corrections and charities 186 State prison, Jackson 187 Millar, Robert Wyness 35 Minnesota. Board of control of state institutions 188 68 AUTHOR INDEX Minnesota. State board of correc- tions and charities 117 State prison, Stillwater 189 Mississippi. State penitentiary, Jackson 190 Missouri. Bureau of labor statis- tics and inspection 55b General assembly. Senate. Spe- cial committee to investigate the penitentiary 117a State board of charities and cor- rections 191 State prison 192 Mitchell, John 14, 232, 330 Monicault, C. de 448 Montana. Board of state prison commissioners 193 Bureau of agriculture, labor and industry 56 Moore, F 14 Moore, J. Hampton 395 I\Iouat, Frederic J 230, 239, 251 Musgrave, George 105 Myers, M. S 121 Nadastiny 418 Nasaoy 229 Nation [Editorial] 379, 380 National anti-convict-contract as- sociation 231 National committee on prison labor 1, 8G, 118, 119, 232, 233 National conference of charities and correction 234 National free labor association 5Ga National highway association 86 Nebraska. Dept. of public lands and buildings 194 State penitentiary, Lancaster 195 Neill, Charles P 138, 149 Netherlands (Kingdom). Central bureau voor dc statistiek 486 Nevada. State prison, Carson City 196 Nexdll, Lord W. B 468 New Hampshire. State board of charities and correction 197 State prison, Concord 198 New Jersey. Dept. of charities and corrections 199 State prison, Trenton 200 New York. Public library 2 New York (State). Bureau of labor statistics 120 Commission on prison labor. . . 121 New York (State). Commission on prisons 201 Dept. of labor 273, 290, 310 Laius, statutes, etc 161, 162 Legislature. Assembly. Select comm. on state prisons 122 Special comm. on convict labor 123 Senate. Comm. on state prisons ' 124 Prison commission 125 Prison dept 202 Superintendent of state prisons. 126 New York. State library, Albany. 3 Newell, A. C 308 Newlands, Francis G 82 Niven, Archd. C 125 Nolan, John 1 393 North Dakota. Board of control of state institutions 203 State penitentiary, Bismarck. . 204, 205 O'Dunne, Eugene 106 Official good roads year book 57 Ohio. Board of administration .. . 206 Bureau of labor statistics 127-129 Comm. on contract labor system in the Ohio penitentiary 131 Commission on prison reform . . . 130 Laws, statutes, etc 163 Penitentiary, Columbus 207 Olarte Camacho, Vicente 434 Olmsted, Victor II 152 O'Lone, J. P 352 O'Neal, Emmet 94 Ontario. Legislative assembly. Special committee on prison labor 132,480 Office of prisons and public chari- ties 481 Oregon. State penitentiary, Salem 208 State stove foundry 209 Osborne, Thomas M 232 Outlook [Editorial] 348 Page, E. L 14 Paoli, Louis 271, 484 Parmelee, Maurice 17 Patterson, Malcolm R 136 Payne, Sereno E 395 Pennsylvania. Auditor generaVs of- fice 133 Board of public charities 210 General assembly. Joint special committee on contract convict labor 134 AUTHOR INDEX 69 Pennsylvania. State penitentiary for the eastern district, Philadel- phia 211 State penitentiary for western district 212 Pennsylvania prison society 58 Perrier, Charles 419 Perry, John S 59-62 Pettigrove, F. G 107, 159 Peyton, D. C 14 Pilsbury, Louis D 125 Piatt, Rutherford H 130 Pocock, Zachary Pearce 469 Pollitz, Paul 63 Ponomarew 230 Pope, T. W 135 Porter, V. H 336 Potts, Charles Shirley 64, 281 Pratt, Joseph Hyde. . 14, 65, 344, 372, 373 Prentice, W. P 255 Prison association of New York . . . 235 Prison reform league 66 Prudhomme, Hem-i 489 Prussia. Ministerium des Innern. . 449 Quinton. Richard Frith 470 Randall, C. D 230 Ransom, E. K., jr 277 Reed, James A 397, 406 Renzis, Frangois de 230 Rhode Island. Board of state charities and corrections 213 Riviere, A 230, 420 Roberts, Albert 252, 253 Roberts, M. A 102 Rommel 421 Roosevelt, Theodore 14 Root, Elihu ." 398 Roux, Roger 415, 422, 441 Russell, Charles Edward 301 Russell, Charles W 139, 140 Rylands, Louis Gordon 67 Sanborn, F. B 109 Schimanovsky 230 Schiwek, Julius 450 Scotland. Prison commissioners . . All Seaman, L. L 248 Seutter, Leonore 451 Shafroth, J. F 327 Sheldon. Parley 102 Shepherd, A. F /. 130 Shepherd, Edward 68 Sherley, Swagar 393, 394 Sichard, Ernst 424 Siforata, A. Bernabo 452 Simpson, Harry G 69 Sisson, Thomas U 393, 394 Skousfes, Alex. G 229, 485 Slayden, James L 399 Smith, George R 400 Smith, H. H 314 Smith, Samuel George 70 Snook, John W 100 Societe generale des prisons 425-429 Soelberg, Peter 229 South Dakota. State hoard of chari- ties and corrections 214 Spear, John Miu-ray 71 Stade, Reinhold 453 Steam shovel and dredge [Edito- rial] 368 Steuart, William M 152 Stevens, E. Ray 35 Stewart, Ethelbert 72 Stewart, Redmond C 106 Stonaker, C. L 14, 232 Stone, Roy 73 Stone, William J 397, 398, 401, 406 Storrs, Lucius C 286 Streng 229 Stronach, Alexander 148 Survey [Editorial].. 350, 363, 364, 374, 381 Sutherland, George 398 Swift, Morrison 1 325 Tallack, William 472 Tauffer, EmUe 229, 230 Taylor, E. L., ;V 77 Taylor, Edward T 395 Tennessee. Board of -prison com- missioners 215 General assembly. Senate. Com- mittee on penal institutions 135 State high way commission 136 Terrell, M. C 297 Texas. Bureau of labor statistics. . 73a Prison commission 216 Superintendent of state peniten- tiaries 217 Tobias, D. E 270 Tollett, E. G 135 Toiisey, Sinclaii- 125 Towner, Horace M 396 Train, Arthur C 17 Tribble, Samuel J 395 Tynan, Thomas W 14,232 Uhlyarik, Albin 229 Underwood, George 122 U.S. Bureau of labor. 4,137,138,149,256 Bureau of labor statistics . . . 5, 150, 151 70 AUTHOR INDEX U. S. Congress. Bills 403-412 House 393-396 Committee on labor 74-81, 412 Senate 397,398 Committee on interstate com- merce 82,409,410 Committee on manufac- tures 405, 407 Committee on the judiciary . . . 83 Dept. of justice 139, 140 Industiial commission 141, 152 Veillier, Jules 229 Vermont. State prison, Windsor. . 218 Vincensini, J. P 229 Virginia. Board of charities and corrections 219 Governor 142 Penitentiary institution 220 State library, Richmond 6 Vlassow, Nicolas de 488 Vreeland, Edward B 78 Ward, Herbert D 289 Warner, Fred M. 113, 115 Washington (State) Board of con- trol 221 Prison commissioners 222 Special investigating commission on Highway dept 143 Washington. State highway dept .. 223 Watson, Walter Allen 81, 393, 402 Weikel, Fred 263 Wernicke, O. H. L 160 West, Oswald 14, 84, 336, 357 West Virginia. Dept. of public roads 164 Penitentiary, Moundsville 224 State board of control 225 White, Henry 249,262 Wliitin, Ernest Stagg 11, 14, 85, 86, 119, 153, 232, 320, 335, 340, 342, 376 Williams, A. Dennis 164 Williams, John S 397, 398 Wilmot, S 11 Wilson, William B 79 Wines, Enoch Cobb 87, 121 Wines, Frederick Howard 7, 88 Wisconsin. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics 144 State board of control 226 Wright, Carroll Davidson 89-92, 137, 249, 261 Wythe, Frederick S 156 Yocum, W. D 93 Zeller, George A 296 SUBJECT INDEX [The numbers refer to items, not to pages.] Accidents, labor in prisons 414, 422, 428, 429 Agricultural training 314, 339, 449 Alabama 94, 154, 155, 329 Albany, N. Y 95 Algeria 271 Argentine Republic 430 Arizona 390 State prison 165 Arkansas 14, 351, 363 Auburn prison 201, 202, 273 Austria 431,432 Baltimore 95 See also Maryland. Peniten- tiary. Belgium..' 229,433 Bengal 239 Bibliography. . . . 1-6, 11, 42, 267, 441, 451 Bills before Congress 403-412 Binder-twine industry. /See Twine industry. Bridge building ■. . 390 British Guiana 474 Bureau of labor reports 4 California 156, 165a, 166 Camps 66, 331, 392 Canada 475, 476 See also Ontario. Cape of Good Hope 477 Ceylon 478 Chain gangs 291, 292, 297, 456 Chicago. House of correction 96 Cincinnati, Ohio 95 Cleveland, Ohio 323 Colombia 434 Colorado 167, 327, 328, 331 Colored con\'icts. Indoor employ- ment 279 Compensation. See Wages. Competition 74-77, 120, 138, 246, 250, 2.54, 349 See also Free labor; Trade- unions; Wage camera and prison labor. Congress, bills before 403-412 Speeches 393-402 Congresses, societies, etc 227-235 Connecticut 30a, 97, 98 State prison 167a Contract system '. 12, 14, 40, 41, 59, 72, 94-96, 98, 103, 106, 112, 117a, 120, 126, 131, 134, 141, 229-232, 244, 321, 331, 337, 349, 360, 361, 364, 382 Substitutes for 102 See also Road building; State use. Convict-made goods. ... 37, 138, 310, 335 Importation of 394-398,400,401, 404-407, 411, 412, 457, 479 Interstate commerce, regula- tion of 33, 80-83, 151, 383, 393, 399, 402, 403, 408^10 Laws 73a Regulating sale of. . 161, 163, 310, 384 Costa Rica 435 Courts and prison labor 14 Craft work 89, 346 Denmark 230, 436 Detroit, Mich 95 District of Columbia 14 Economic aspects 229, 230 Elmira reformatory 22 Ethics of prison labor 92 Europe. See Foreign countries; and names of countries. Farms. See State farms. Finland 230 Foreign countries. . . 38, 109, 137, 413-429 See also names of countries. France 438-441 Free labor 354, 366, 446, 452 See also Competition; Trade- unions; Wage earners. Georgia 12, 157, 168, 283-285, 291, 292, 301, 303-308 Germany 442-453 Governors' messages, prison labor in 119,232 71 72 SUBJECT INDEX Great Britain 99, 454-472 Colonies 473-481 Hats, manufacture of 93 Highway coni^l ruction: See Road building by convicts. History 12, 137 Honor men 14, 86 Idaho 100 State penitentiary 1G9 Illinois 14, 48, 101, 117a, 170, 171, 368, 391 Penitentiaries 172, 173 Importation of convict-made goods: See Convict-made goods, im- portation of. India 479 Indiana 174 State prison 175 Indoor work 279, 325 See also Industries. Industries 46, 96, 99, 108, 113, 151, 160, 171, 235, 331, 461, 463, 466, 476, 477 See also Hats; Jute bags; Rock crushing; Shirts; School fur- niture; Stove foundry ; Twine industry; Work in prisons. Interstate commerce, Regulation of: See Convict-made goods, Inter- state commerce, Regulation of. Iowa 21, 176 Penitentiary, Fort Madison . 102, 177 Ireland 456, 466 See also Great Britain. Italy 452, 482-485 Jessup, Md., House of correction .. 119 Jute bag manufactory 222 Kangaroo court, Illinois 14 Kansas 14, 103, 345 State penitentiary, Lansing. . . 178 Kentucky 158, 179 Laws, etc.. United States. 3, 119, 145-164 Lease system 12, 23, 32, 41, 72, 141, 242, 252, 270, 275, 297, 303-308, 351, 355, 356, 363, 366 See also Alabama; Georgia; Vir- ginia. Substitutes for 376 Legislation : See Laws, etc. Louisiana 180 Maine 104 Maine. State prison, Thomaston . 181 Maryland 55a Penitentiary, Baltimore 105, 106, 182, 312 See also Jessup, Md. Massachusetts 107-112, 117a, 159,183,184,264 State farm 185 Michigan 14, 113-116, 160, 186, 286 State prison, Jackson 187 See also Detroit. Minnesota 117, 188 State prison, Stillwater 43, 189 Mississippi 276 State penitentiary, Jackson. . . 190 Missouri 55b, 117a, 191, 364 State prison 192 Model labor 467 Montana 56, 193 Nebraska 194 State penitentiary, Lancaster. 195 Netherlands 486 Nevada 196 New Hampshire 14, 197 State prison. Concord 198 New Jersey 14, 61, 199, 232, 347, 352 State prison, Trenton 200 New York 59, 60, 62, 93, 95, 117a, 120-126, 161, 162, 201, 202, 255, 269, 273, 290, 310, 333, 384, 392 See also Albany; Rochester. New Zealand 473 North, Convict labor in 11, 317, 332 See also Names of states. North Carolina 65 North Dakota 203 State penitentiary, Bismarck, 204, 205 Norway 230 Ohio 14, 117a, 127-131, 163, 206, 265, 266 Penitentiary, Columbus 69, 207 See also Cincinnati; Cleveland. Ontario 132, 480, 481 See also Canada. Oregon 14, 209, 336, 341 State penitentiary, Salem. . . . 208 Organized labor: See Trade unions. Outdoor employment 14, 48, 229, 293, 294, 318, 325, 326, 431, 432, 448, 449 See also Agricultural training; Road building; State farms. SUBJECT INDEX 73 Party platforms, Prison labor in.. 119, 232, 371 Pennsylvania 79, 133, 134, 210 State penitentiary, Eastern district 27, 95, 211 Western district 212 Peonage 41, 79, 139, 140, 282-285, 289, 295, 297-299, 300 Periodicals 7-10 Piece-work system 28, 72, 141, 454 Prison life 19, 22, 27, 43, 69 444, 456, 462, 463, 468, 470 Prisons, reports 165-226, 461, 466, 471,474,476,477,481,482 Prussia 446, 448, 449 Public account system. . 72, 105, 108, 113, 122-124,141,143,144,151, 153, 171,205,209,222,345 Public road system: See Road building by con- victs. Public works and ways system.. 45,72, 107, 141, 264, 290, 390, 431, 460 Punishment, prison labor as form of 14,17, 229, 230, 239, 464 Reforming influence of prison labor 14,25,40,53,90, 229,230,232,234,239,286, 319, 350, 357, 374, 375, 472 Remuneration. See Wages. Rhode Island 213 Road building by convicts 14, 45, 47, 56a, 57, 73, 86, 232, 252, 253, 309, 319, 320, 334, 344, 372, 375, 379, 386 Bibliography 11, 56a Northern States 11,317,332 Southern States 50,277,280 Arkansas 14 Colorado 167, 327, 328 Illinois 368, 391 Iowa 21 Kentucky 158 NewYork 333 North Carolina 65 Ohio 14 Tennessee 136 Washington (State). 143, 223, 313, 338 Rochester, N. Y 95 Rock-crushing plants 143, 358 Roumania --- 487 Russia 488 School -fiu-nitiu-e industry 273 Scotland 471 See also Great Britain. Self-supporting labor 229, 455, 465 Shirts, manufacture of 312 Sing Sing 201, 202 Societies. See Congresses, soci- eties, etc. South, convict labor in 23, 32, 50, 66, 242, 275, 277, 280, 282, 295, 299, 300 See also Names of States. South Dakota 214 Spain 489 Speeches in Congress 393-402 State farms 47, 185, 276, 323 State-use system. 14, 72, 130, 201, 202, 232 Stove foundry 209 Substitutes for contract system 102 Substitutes for lease system 376 See also Public account sys- tem; Public works; Road building; State farms; State- use system. Sweatshops, prison 359 See also Contract system; Lease system. Sweden 230, 490 Tasmania 455, 469 Tennessee 135, 136, 215 Texas 73a, 216, 281 State penitentiaries 217 Trade-unions and prison labor. . . 14, 24, 36, 227, 232, 288, 296, 311, 312, 315, 316, 342, 343, 369, 377, 378, 382 Treadmills 464 Twine industry 43, 144, 205, 475 United States: General 11-93 Special investigations 94-144 Laws, regulations, etc 137, 138, 141, 145-164 Reports of prisons, etc 165-226 Articles in periodicals 236-392 Speeches in Congress 393— i02 Bills in Congress 403-412 See also Names of States. Value of earnings 466, 471 Value of products of prison labor. 72, 151 74 SUBJECT INDEX Van Diemen's Land. ^See Tasmania. Vermont 218 Virginia 142, 219 Penitentiary 220 Wage earner and prison labor. . 14, 62, 74-77, 120, 151, 229, 232 See also Competition; Free labor; Trade-unions. Wages 229, 236, 370, 450, 453, 461, 477 Washington {State) 143, 221-223, 313, 338, 358 Washington, D. C. ' See District of Columbia. West Virginia ; 164, 225 Penitentiary, Moundsville 224 Wisconsin 11, 144, 226 Bibliography 11 Women and prison labor 14, 444, 451 Work in prisons 29, 31, 229, 230, 433, 438-442, 484, 487-490 See also Industries. Wiirttemberg 445 o »«' F^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC HEC'D LD-URir SEP i7lSi68 Form L-9-35/))-8/28 vLOS ANGELES, CALIF. z 6455 C9U5p U.S. Library SI on of b i blio - graph y - LisT"of references on pri- son labor* a Z, .vd - G4-55 # .j^ If??- Mil' V-l