r* m£ THE VOCAL MUSIC TO SHAKESPEARE'S FLAYS -*«= =H« HAMLET. ~HE ■*f- *> ^ ^ ^v^^ , £^— / $~&* <^ SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd., PUBLISHERS OF THEA^Wl MUSIC, 2 6, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. FRICE 1/6 >«J %/ 5r'dK :- 'liia^w_- ^.*. i&~— 83 $&sa u? t Act 4 Scene 5. OPHELIA, Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark? QUEEN. How now, Ophelia? r. j* i r a j=j « - r ^r-±4= t> ,, T ? jy,;'Ki>»/y How should I your true love know From aii_ m s a ^i S -^ s K p^p § i f g- f i r u- ther one ? By his- coc . kle hat and r fV^ Xl ^ r ^^ P ^ — F- m i fc^ M SL staff, Aud his sau dal shooii, w p it i * rf » i ff¥ ^ Usually sung- Ad libitum without an Accompaniment. 763448 84 HAMLET. QUEEN. Alas sweet lady, what imports this song* ? OPHELIA. Say you P Nay, pray you, mark. - — r- frf\ p J? J J 33L T±L He is He is dead and gone, la *y s 1 a ^BE 1 # ■ '*» m m IT pp^ fiT'—zS 1 ' /%Jf J rff g 1 dead and goiie; At his head a greeii-grass jftfffl J *r# S= £* m - 2T fe| ^m i ?E turf, At his heels ■1=3 stoue. 3 £ "#- ISP Pi HAMLET. 85 QUEEN. Nay, but Ophelia, OPHELIA Pray you, mark. frf \ r n , 1 J F White Ms shroud as. inoiin.fahi snow. i§ i i s; Ha 3*=^ m^^ iH i Enter KING. QUEEN. Alas! Look here, my lord. OPHELIA. ^ V ^f m Lard.ed with sweet flowers;Which be _ wept to the grave did m s m M ¥ E£ $&1 E r ^^ ^^ ig ^ rf—r * & # J -zjl m s i 22: S ?«: With true love showers. 1 ¥ g — *Z3£fl 5^t^ sg Pi 2X f 96 HAMLET . OPHELIA . Pray, let us have no -words of this; but when they ask you what it means , say you (his : ±d EE § r~\r # EB ^m m srs £ £ *n* ^^ Good mor .row, 'tis St. Va.lentiue's day, All « £==3: *-^ ^S J. ±£Z> •+ "T ±£ ^m -T i J - J ,r ^m m ill the mora be . time, And I a maid at *± ^ w m^p ±Jj?i pip j.^flr? I ±± *A .your wiu_dow, To be your Va _ leu _ tine:. s s S=*=2 S J* fTT SB M f P ^f s ^z^# p fc* p HAMLET. S7 L AE RTES. Nature is fine in love : and where 'tis fine, It sends some precious instance of itself After the thing" it loves. OPHELIA. £=£ P g^N# They bore him bare faced on the M P^ £ i^^ i— r^-f ^ bier; And ill his grave raiu'd uiaiiy a tear; n 1 r r i, a h ^ 5 ■ 4, P m £m n N K S ? V ^r _ thought 'twas ve _ r,v sweet a, To coil _ BEE J ' P | ^ ; f f £ £ * fc K ^ _ tract, O, the ti;ae, for ah m,v he _ hove, O me _ as b p < fe 1 k K * * E E ' _ thought there was uo _ thing meet a. z= £¥ # ^ Usually snug-without an Accompaniment. HAMLET. 91 HAMLET. — Did these bones cost no more the breeding-', but to play at log-g-ats with them? Mine ache to think on't. GRAVE-DIGGER. 4 PPP Jr-J**jr-J* n i . 1 * — -> pick _ axe aud a spade, a spade, Fbr - : ,ly S g J7 l> 4 ^m s /• g - r - j ferrfc a 5 # — # and a shroud — lug* sheet a O, a m^ P B P 1 ~ v $ * Jf M * f pit of clay for to be made For as P P==P 1 P =S F=3 such a guest is meet _ a. S EE ^F P *F=W 92 HAMLET. HAMLET. HORATIO. HAMLET. GRAVE DIGGER. Has this fellow no feeling* of his business, he sing-s at grave - making- ? Custom hath it in him a property of easiness. >Tis e'en so: the hand of little employment hath the daintier sense. But b l > 4 £ age with all. £ bis < fei mm £^£ P clutch - a , And hath ^fF^ ship _ ped ■ me In _ P «T r- h / g g C i't ^ H 33: till the laud, As If I had iiever been such . a. <&A J f : P 3* 763448 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LlB RARY USE **5 /950 18Ma/5C 2%52SB 3May52LU * 6 jun'6^0 JUN ft O"