BENEDETTO AND UGLIONI \jN MARQUAND BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Princeton Monographs in Art and Archaeology IX BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI BY ALLAN MARQUAND PROFESSOR IN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD oxford university PRESS 1921 Copyright, 1921, by Princeton University Prkss Printed by Princeton University Press Princeton, N. J., U. S. A. PubliBhed, 1921 i > * b c « • * « ' J * 4 » » 1 »«» To S. S. M. 483262 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation PREFACE In reviewing the works of the della Robbia family we encounter many monuments of glazed terra-cotta, which in some cases resemble those of the Robbias and confuse the student. In a number of instances documents have been discovered and copied by my friend Mr. Rufus G. Mather, con- siderably amplifying the studies made a few years ago by Fabriczy and others, so that now it is possible to isolate the works of Benedetto and of Santi Buglioni. It has been considered worth while to publish these in a separate monograph. There is still considerable obscurity in the field oc- cupied by the sons of Andrea della Robbia, an obscurity which perhaps may never be dispelled, but with the works of the Buglioni distinguished and classed apart the outlook is not so dark as it was a few years ago. CONTENTS PAGE I. Introduction ^^ II. Catalogue of Monuments ^ III. Bibliography and Index 217 I. INTRODUCTION I. Biographical. Benedetto, or Betto, snrnamed Buglioni, has, thanks to the researches of Mr. Rufus G. Mather, a genealogy which may be traced for several generations. He may now be called Benedetto di Giovanni di Bernardo d' Antonio di Migliore. His father Giovanni was a stonecutter (scarpella- tore) and maker of pavements (lastraiuolo), who settled in Florence and hired a house in the Via Campo Corbolini (now Via Faenza) from the first of July, 1458, or about the time of his marriage to Mona Caterina. In his tax return of Dec. 20, 1459 (Doc. 5) Giovanni and Caterina had no chil- dren, but by 1470 (Doc. 8) they report five children and, in 1480 (Doc. 9) nine. Of these Benedetto was the eldest, born in March, perhaps on the twenty-first, the day of S. Benedetto, and in the year 1459/60, since in the tax returns of 1470 and 1480 he is recorded as two years older than his sister Maddalena, whose birthday is known to have been April 10, 1461 (Doc. 10). He was born either in Florence or at Petacciano, popolo di S. Maria a Falgano (Doc. 5). He is described as a sculptor (schultore) (Doc. 12) and his brother Francesco appears to have followed the same profession (see No. 25). Benedetto's ancestors, his grandfather Ber- nardo, and his great grandfather Antonio, probably also his great great grandfather Migliore, were farmers, owning various farms, vineyards, pasture lands and live stock at Diacceto (Ghiacceto) and in its vicinity. Those who are interested in such details will be able to follow, by the aid of Documents i-io, the history of such inheritances through several gener- ations of the Buglioni family. To the general historian of art such docu- ments are of incidental rather than direct value. For example, some years ago I saw a roadside shrine near Diacceto and recorded the altarpiece within it as by Benedetto Buglioni. It is now of interest to learn that Benedetto was perhaps born near Diacceto and that his ancestors long owned property in this region. The following genealogical table is based in part upon the Catasti or tax returns, and in part on the more exact baptismal records. In character Benedetto appears to have been shiftless. At Perugia in 1488 he was imprisoned for debt (Doc. 12), and in 15 10 he was two years or more in arrears for the rental of his home. He was married on Aug. I -I •* u >- Jt - 'c c ■* O o J3 E'O O a 00 f2 ^2- 1— t u rt o.fc II "S l> O rt c o ON O (U ?^ S^ E P pqG ^ liiji ■* P ^ d g(rano) Uno pezo di tera cho cierj (cerri) e tera lavorattia dj stima £ i p. via 2 ghuido di sandro 3 pierjno di pratto luogho detto a chastegnietto dj stima £ i Uno pezo dj pratto luogho detto alamoca p. 2 el fiume 3 andrea bucceglj dj stima £ ij Rende grano staia Yz Uno pezo dj prato luogho detto Baronciglio dj stima dj £ 4 p. via 2 XX BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI nanino dj mona bartola 3 franc" degli albertj Rende grano — staia j Uno pezo di pratto luogho detto Monte a pruno p(rimo) via 2 fossato 3 dj stima f i Abiano dj charichj ala badia di valonbrosa in perpetta sol. 5 Uno paio di buoj vecchj dj stima f 8 f 12 Uno paio dj giovenchettj dj pregio f 10 f 14 f 26 Bocche Bernardo dannj 62 Mona Margheritta sua dona — 40 Matteo mi figliuollo annj — 31 Franc" mi (fi)gliuollo annj — 27 Bartollo dannj - 20 Mona Meghera dona dj Matteo mio figliuollo dannj 20 (added by clerk) Bocche sette p(e)l valsente della chasa i p(rim)a faccia — f 10 p(e)l valsente de benj i mobilj I p' faccia — f 190 p(e)l valsente di piu bestie i seconda faccia — f 26 p(er) a testa di bernardo detto — sol. 2 p(er) la testa di matteo sol 3 p(er) la testa di franc" • — sol 3 p(er) la testa di bartolo sol 2 Salda adj 6 di setenbre 1459 col detto bernardo" [Idem, idem, Estimo di 1459, San Giovanni, segnato Cod. 884 n" 107 c. 8.] 5. Giovanni di Bernardo's tax return of 1459. NM "Q(uartiere) S. G(iovanni) [1459] Piviere di san giovannj di firenze p(o)p(o)lo di S Michele bisdominj di firenze viene di jgta alo scharpelatore i po(r)ta Rossa • n'Cnuovo) .,., « . Giovannj di bernardo dant di migliore e nellestimo presente existimato nel p(o)p(o)lo di sa Bartolo a pomino sotto la poste ^^^^^ e partite di bernardo suo padre i sol due pella testa Substanzie La meta p(er) no diviso cho figliuolj heredj di cione da stia di chasentino duna chasetta co terre lavoratie vignate e sode BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI XXI chonpero da piero di sa maria a falghano f 74 a suo coto al c° (catasto) 1469 p f 74 M' e pasture e boschate posta nel p(o)p(o)lo di sea maria a falghanno luogho detto a petacciano che da j° apogiatj la chiesa di san giiisto da ij° Rede di nannj di ghiiido da iij" fossato da iiij° rede di cione detto La meta p(er) no diviso c5 s(er) alexo di Matteo pollj dun pezo di terra lavoratia e vignata co quercj posto nel p(o)p(o)lo di sea maria a falghano luogho detto allapennuccja da j° via da i j° j figliuolj dant° di nannj di nicholo da iij e 11 ij" fossato I qualj benj chonperaj da piero dant" mio zio il quale piero e existimato nel p(o)p(o)lo di santa maria a falghano pivjere di ghiaceto e chosj era exist- mato nellestimo passato i sol. xiiij" p(er) pregio di f settanta q(u) (a)tro carta p(er) s(er) Matteo da falghano Rendono detti benj p. anno di mezo al (14)69 i luj detto i detto polo(popolo) P f 74 Grano Vino Olio Castagne Carne St vnj barilj v libra una St sej lib. 50 debitj — St' 8 St' bar lib. St" lib. I 6 50 f74 Dadare andrea di lorenzo legnaiuolo a sa trinita lib. xviij — Dadare a domenicho di franc" lib. 18 sol. — del p(o)p(o)lo di santa maria a falghano lib. 20 sol' — Bocche Giovannj sop (ra) detto dannj 30 Caterina sua donna anj 20 Il chatasto del 1427 dicieva i ant° di migliore del p(o)p(o)lo di santa maria a falghano p(iviere) di ghiacetto bocche 2 p(er) valsente de benj jmobilj f 74 p(er) la testa di Giovanj di bnardo sol. 4 adi 20 di dicenb 1459" [Idem, idem, Estimo 1459, Quartiere di San Giovanni, segnato Cod. 880, c. 12 e 12*.] xxii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 6. Giovanni di Bernardo rents the house in the Campo Corbolini. + [1461] "Giovanni di b(er)nardo scarpellatore chondusse a pigione p(er) anni tre e mesj iiii° chom(sic) chominciarono adi p(rim)° di luglio 1458 a ragione di l(i)b(r)e xxiiij" lano una chasa posta jn champo chorbolinj nel po(po)lo di san lorenzo da p(rim)o via s" chimeto di domenicho barbiere 1/3 benj della sagrestia di san lorenzo 1/4 benj di sa jacoix) jn champo chorboHnj la qual casa e dono d'andrea di ghuido nutini adi 7 di luglio 1458 p(er) mano di s(er) giovannj ginj(?) p(er) li chagioni che dice alib(r)o della gruccja c.ioo sotto nome di detto andrea charta dello chagione p(er) s(er) giovan(n)j vannj adj 19 di luglio 1458 .... p(er)insino a tutto ottobre 1461 che sono an(n) j tre mesj 4 f j - hb. 80" [Archivio del R. Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli G, 1451-1472, c. 97'.] 7. Concerning rental. "1465 Giovannj di Bernardo scharpellatore tiene a pigione p(er) lib. xxiiii" p''(paia) 1° dj pollastre lan(n)o e Resta addare p(er) insino a tutto otto- bre 1465 " [Idem, c. 160.] 8. Giovanni di Bernardo's tax return of 1469. "Q(uartiere) di santa M' No(vella) G(onfaloniere) vipera [1469] Giovannj di bernardo dantonio lastraiuolo andava pel piviere dj santo giovannj dj firenze e popolo dj santo michele bistomini Sustanze la meta p(er) nondivisa chon figliuolj e rede dj clone da stia dj chasentino duna chasetta chon terre vingniat^ e sodj e alberate posta nel popolo dj santa maria a falghano luogho detto a petagano daprima la chiesa di san gusto 2 rede dj nannj dj nicholo 3 fossato 4 rede dj cino detto la meta p(er) non divisa bernardo dantonio da pomino dun pezo di terra lavoratia vingniata chon quercj posto nel detto popolo luogho detto allapennucia da prima via 2 erede dantonio dj nannj dj nicholo BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxiii 3, 4 fossato elle qua(lj) terre sopradetto chonperaj dapiero dantonio del popolo dj santa maria a f alchano a stima dj f 74 charta p(er) mano di s(er) matteo da falghano rende in parte ghrano staia 8 vino barilj 5 Olio barilj /2 chastangnie staia 6 charne libre 50 una meza chasa p(er)non divisa chon domenicho dj jachopo bastiere posta nel popolo dj santo miche(le) bistominj daprima via 2 s(er) allesso 3 santo sano 4 laquale mi fu consengniata in dota p(er) fondo dotale p(er) f 80 — f 107.2,11 boche Giovannj detto danj 36 Mona chaterina sua donna danj 29 benedetto suo figluolo danj 9 Madalena sua figluola danj 7 franc" suo figluolo danj 5 sano suo figluolo danj 2 bartolomea sua figluola mesi 8 Soma sue sustanzie chome di sopa f 181. 2. 11 Tochaglj dj chatasto dj tuttj e sua beni chonputato larotto s nuove dj diecj a oro p(er) vigore di legge fatta pe consiglj oportunj sotto dj 20 dottob(r)e 1469 notata detta legge in q(u)esto c. 419 f- s viiij dj x" [This portata was actually made late in August or early in September 1469 as per note on back of page 498 which reads "R° e detto adj 29 daghosto 1469."] [Arch, di Stato, Arch, delle Decime, anno 1469, Quart, di S. Maria Nov- ella, Gonf. Vipera, Filza 916, c. 5 1 5 ; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 105-106.] 9. Giovanni's tax return of 1480. "Q' S' M" Nov^(Novella) [1480] G' Vipera Giovannj di b(er)nardo danto" lastraiuolo lavora p(er) opere ebbe di chatasto in suo nome 1470 s 9 dj 10 Sustanze la meta dun pezzo diterra p(er) non divisa collerede e figliuolj dj clone da stia di chasentino posta nel p'lo dj s° gusto a falghano chon una chasetta XXIV BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI cho terre lavoratie luogho detto a petrocciano a p" la chiesa di s° gusto s" erede di nannj dinicholo 1/3 fossato 1/4 Rede di cino detto la meta dun pezo terra p(er) non divisa chon bernardo dant" da pomino lavoratia e vignata chon quercj posta nel detto popolo luogho detto alia pennuccia da p° via s" Rede dant" dinannj di nicholo 1/3 fossato lavorala a mendue e pezj b(er)nardo dant° di migliore Rende in parte Grano St 8 vino blj 5 olio lib. 4 chastagne St 6 charne lib. 50 i 74 Una meza chasa p(er) no divisa cho(n) dome" dj iac° bastiere posta nel popolo di s° michele bisdominj a p' via sechonda s(er) allesio notaro fiorentino 1/3 s" sano la quale one a apigionata a girolamo dj domenicho cieraiuolo onne di pigione di detta meza chasa i y}i lan(n)o 184.14.3 Tengho a pigione una chasa dallospedale di s' m' nuova posta nel p.lo di s° lorenzo e nella via maestra della porta a faenza a p° via sechondo chimentj barbiere 1/3 s° lorenzo pagho di pigione alio spedale ognj an(n)o £5 — Boche Giovannj M" chaterina mia don(n)a mio fi( Benedetto Maddalena franc" sano B(ar)tolomea Maria provenza mansueto Margherita (added by another hand) Soma le sustanze • mia fig" mio fig" mio fig° mia fig' mia fig' mia fig' mio fig" mesi anj 50 anj 40 anj 20 anj 18 anj 15 anj 13 anj II anj 9 f 85 s 14 dj 4 ista alio ischarpellatore a di dota f 100 sul mo(nte) ista allottonaio di salario f 3 chericho i santa Repartata anj anj abatte p(er) 5 p(er) c" (per cento) abatte p(er) pigione di chasa f 184.14.3 f 9- 4-8 f 85.14.4 94.190 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxv Avanzaglj f 89 s 1 5 dj 3 oro a 7 p(er) c° f 6 s 5 dj 8 oro tochaglj p(er) la schala a Ragione di f vii p(er) c" f j - s viii dj viiii" f j ' s 8 di 9 tochaglj — f — 1 — I .16.8 " [A. di S., Archiv. delle Decime 1480, Quart. S" M" Novella, Gonf. Vipera, Filza N° 1008, c. 221 ; published in UArte, XXII (191 9), 106.] 10. Giovanni's tax return of 1495. [This portata as of date 1498, was actually made about Apr. 10, 1495 which is proved by the note at the foot of the opposite page "+R° franc" detto di X dap(ri)le 1495."] N" 123 "Q' S" M" n" g"" vipera Giovannj di b(er)nardo dant° scharpelino popolo "^ di s° lorezo di firenze disse la graveza delaschala 1481 in giovannj detto Sustazie Una 1/2 chasa posta nel p° (popolo) di s° mjchele bisdomjnj nela via de servi da p* via s* rede di s(er) allesso 1/3 frati de 1/4 la quale 1/2 chasa e nel q* di s° go g* vajo e ola apigionata a mariotto di domenjcho ceraiuolo di detto g* e q* di s° go' damene lanno f j 7 di suge" di pigione f 7 15 — f j 7 di sugg° jcharichj Una chasa posta nel popolo di s° lorezo di fireze dirinpetto a fulingnjo da p' via s" lucha dant° chalzolajo 1/3 b(er)nardo (b(ar)biere 1/4 s* iachopo la quale chasa e nel q* s" maria n' g* vipera tengcho a pigione da s' maria nova paghone lanno 1 24 e s 10 di pigione Una bottegcha auso di scharpelino posta nel p° di s' m" del fiore e posta nela via de martegli da p" via s" njcholo marteglj 1/3 tanai de medici 1/4 jachopo de medici laqual bottegcha tengcho a pigione da tanai de medici q* s" g* g lion doro pagchone lanno 1 50 di pigione f Un pezo diterra lavoratia di staiora j" jncircha posto nel p(o)p(o)lo di sanlor" di firenze da p' b. n°(bernardo) diac(op)o chjmentj barbiere 1/2 benj di sant" ant" 1/3 sa jachopo i champo chorbolinj 1/4 benj dj sant° ant" 1/5 faenza ho piu altrj verj xxvi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI chofinj tengholo afitto da m(messer) giovanbatista maneglj chavaliere dj sajachopo e paghone lanno dj fitto 1 cinque p(icciolj) coe 1 5 - [A. di S., Archiv. delle Decime 1498, Quart. S. M' Novella, Gonf. Vipera Filza 10 c. 339; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 106-107.] 11. Benedetto Buglioni, imprisoned in Perugia for debt to Lodovico di Benigno, ironsmith, is freed on bail furnished by Silvestro degli Ubaldi and Bernardino di Niccolo. "13 ott. 1488. Cinque giorni innanzi al notato pagamento, il notaro lacopo di Paolino stipulava un atto col quale magister henedictiis lohannis lapicida florentinus, imprigionato per debito ad istanza di Lodovico di Benigno fabbro ferraio, volendo assicurare il suo creditore, e liberarsi dal carcere promette indica- tum solvendo solvere, e gli entrano mallevaderi il nobil uomo silvestro degli Ubaldi e I'orafo Bernardino di Niccolo" {^Bast. dal i486 al 1^0^ c. 154*; A. Rossi, Gior. Enid, artist., II (1873), 251, note 2.] 12. Benedetto Buglioni marries Lisabetta Mori on August 21, 1489. "Lisabetta el sechondo Jachopa dj nicholo di mariano di piero Moro borsaio e di m' tita sua donna e fig'" di s(er) bartolomeo di bonaiuto nata adj 5 di feb(r)aio 1468 de ave(re) adj 17 di setteb(r)e 1487 f ccl sxj dj I aoro larghi p(er) f 45. 2 larghi contanti p(er) v" (valuta) di f 205 di m"(moneta) a 22 p(er) c" che m(esser) trofilo di m(esser) franc" chalchagnj p''(promut6) nel comune adj 16 di sette(n)b(r)e 1472 p(er) anni 15 larghi f 250 An(n)e avuto adj 21 dj aghosto 1489* f sessanta dua s xij dj viiij larghj p(er) 0/4 (quarto) p(er) lui a Benedetto di Giovan(n)j schultore suo marito avutj da Nicholo Machiavellj K°(kamerario) al mote - - f 62 s 12 dj 9 posto benedetto suo marito allib(r)o B°( Bianco) no Ite(non andate) a 7 p(er) c° c 734 ■ — — f 187 . 18 . 7 f 250.11. i" [Archiv. di Stato, Ufficio del Monte delle Doti, Libro Nero, 1471-1497, Cartapecora segnato N° 13, c. 60; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 108.] * date of marriage. 13. Benedetto Buglioni one of the commissioners to select a site for Michelangelo's David. Jan. 25, 1504. "Die 25 mesis eiusdem (Januarij 1503 (o. s.) pfati op.ari ope pdicte etc Viso qualiter statua vl(vel) BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxvii seu David est qi finita et desiderantes earn locare et eidem dare locum commodum et congruum et tale (sic) locum tempore quo debet micti et mictenda est in tali loco essere dictum locum solidum et resolidatum ex relatu Michelangeli magistri dicti gigantis et consulum artis lane et desiderantes tale consulum micti ad effectum modum predictum omni modo et per tres fabas etc deliberaverunt etc convocari etc coadunari ad hoc ne eligari etc dictos magistros homines etc et architectores etc et quorum nomina specialiter et vulgariter notata et primo etc et eorum dicta adnotare de verbo ad verbum. Andrea della robbia Betto buglione Giovanni comuole &c. &c. (complete list given by Milanesi, Lettere di Michel- angelo, 620 note I ) . Compareverunt dicti omnes supra nominati in residentia dicte opere et tanquam moniti et advocati a dictis operariis ad perhibendum etc et deferendum eorum dictum etc et locum dandum ubi et in quo ponenda est dicta statua etc et primo narrando de verbo ad verbum prout retulerunt ex ore proprio vulgariter etc." [Archivio dell' Opera di santa Maria del Fiore, Libro delle Deliberazioni, 1496-1507, c. 71 ; Gaye, II, 455-456 (Doc.) ; Gotti, I, 28; Milanesi, Lettere di Michelangelo, 620 note i (Doc); Vas. II, 185 note i, VII, 346-347; Neumann, Rep. f. K., XXXVIII (1915), 1-27.] 14. Benedetto Buglioni rents the house in Via Campo Corbolini (now Via Faenza). " + Mdx " + Mdx Benedetto dj Giovannj di Bernardo Benedetto di Giovanni di Bernardo dantonio ischutore a p(er) linea maschu-dant° iscutore avere adj xj dj lina et sotto istatj benj et danne maggio 1510 f uno doro inoro r°(rech6) lanno 1 xxiiij et j° paio di polastre luj detto a franc" Cei p(er) valuta di paghando dj vj mesj in 6 mesj coe paia x dipolastre aentrata s*°c c 79 una chasa chon sua abiturj et in c"'(capponi). f - - 1 - paia 10 p' partinezie (appartenenze) posta jn (polastre) xxviii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI via champo charbolinj (now via Faenza) et pp° di sant° L° la quale vene a questo ispedale p(er) donazione fatta a q(u)esto isp* p(er) Andrea dagnolo nutinj lanno 1458 chonfinata a p(r)imo via E dj tutto apare charta p(er) mano dj Giovanni Daromena sotto dj 12 dj settebre 1489 et istando 2 annj no paghj richade chome apare alibro pigionj e fitj s*° A c 4 douue (dov'e) fatto debitore p(er) tutto ap(ri)le 15 10 resta a dare f iiij doro inoro s ij (error) dj 8 aentrata( ?) et paia Sj4 di K'(Kapponi) ---£41-18 - 8 paia 8^" [Arch, del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli B, 1510-1520 c. II* e 12; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 194.] 15. Lisabetta's dowry and Benedetto's death. "+Yhs MDXIIIJ" Benedetto di giovani di b(er)nardo Buglioni de a(ver)e adi vij di luglio 1514 f cietootanzette sxviij dj iiij r(larghi) p(er) dota dela lizabetta di nicholo di mariano di piero sua don(n)a guadagnati adi 22 dagosto 1489 levati dalab(r)o nero da 4 p(er) c°(cento) s'" f. c 126 e dal ritratto c 89 - f 187 . 18. 4 No son licenziati ' + Mori benedetto sop(r)addetto fino addi vii di m(ar)zo 1520 fede p(er) mano di pete br"" (prete bartolomeo) di michele pete i sa T (san lorenzo) di firenze iscritta p(er) 2 testimoni. Mariano dinnicholo mori churatore della sop(r)ascritta m" lixabetta fece fine alleredj di detto benedetto fu suo marito p(er) la som(m)a di f 187. 18. 4 T da 7 p(er) c° p(er) p(ar)te di sua dota c" di detta fine p(er) mano di s(er) ant" paretj sotto di xxvii daghosto 1522 e fede di detta chura p(er) detto s(er) ant" i siem(e) fatta" [Arch, di Stato, Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Libro Deb. e Cred. C. 1514-1515, filza 976, c. 162.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxix 1 6. Burial of Benedetto Buglioni in S. Lorenzo. "Marzo. + Mdxx (Florentine style) Betto buglione Schultore R°(recato) in san r(lorenzo) — adj 8" [Archiv. di Stato. Ufficio della Grascia, Libro dei Morti, 1506- 1560, c. 39i\] 17. Concerning Lisabetta's dowry. "+ yhs MDXXIII Benedetto di gov"' di B(er)nardo Buglione de av(er)e addi XII di m(ar)zo 1523 f centootta(nta)sette larghi s xviii dj iiii r(larghi) dota guadagnati adi xxii daghosto 1489 p(er) dota della lixabetta di nicholo di mariano di p'°(piero) sua don(n)a lev*^(levatj) dal(i)bro rosso c c 162 f 187 18 4 sono licenziatj + Mori detto benedetto fino lan(n)o 1520 Mariano di nicholo mori churat(ore) della sop(r)a detta m' lixabetta fece fine allerede di detto benedetto fu suo marito p(er) detta som(m)a di f 187 18. 4 ch**(charta) di detta fine p(er) mano di s(er) ant" parentj sotto di 27 daghosto 1522 R'XRogito) di detta chura p(er) detto s(er) ant° + Nota che mariano morj churato* di sop(r)a e morto et alessandr" di nic" di mariano morj suo fratello p(r)ese la chura di detta m* lixabetta c (hart) a di chura p(er) m(messer) chimentj di govabat* Ruffolj sotto suo dj c" di sentenzia e chura p(er) m. mariano darichanatj judice de quartierj di santo sp° e santa +(croce) della cipta di firenze sotto dj 23 di genaio 1525 e cosj glj dette autorita di Rischuotere le paghe ghuadagnate e daghuadagnarsj Addi 14 di feb(r)aio 1529 poste codiz"" delle p" (paghe) di f 187 s 18 4 Ij che dom"" di dom"(domenicho) mori e zanobi diguliano mori e santi di michele schultore e ciaschuno i tutto le piglino da oggi a anni 15 coe paghe 45 di r(licenza) di dom" di dom" morj p(r)ochuratore di s(er) mariano di moro di mariano morj churatore di m' lixabetta mentechata (pazza) chodiz"(chondizionara) detta m' lixabetta 1 detto credito p(er) le sue Rago(ni) dotal j mediante la mte(morte) di detto benedetto ellafine p(er) lei fatta aglj eredj di detto benedetto charta di fine p(er) s(er) ant" parentj addi 27 daghosto 1522 charta dj chura p(er) s(er) ant" detto sotto suo dj charta di p(r)ochura p(er) XXX BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI s(er) bastiano di s(er) charlo da firenzuola addj 9 di giugno 1529 —" [Archiv. di stato, Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Libro I, 1523- 1524, c. 566; published in UArte, XXII (1919), 108.] 18. The house occupied by Benedetto taken over by Santi Buglioni. "+ MDXXIJ Benedetto di giovanni di bernardo dantonio ischultore et altri ' una chasa con sua abiturj et appartenenzie posta in Canpo corbolinj .... Daddj prjmo di novembre 1525 chome di sopra lib. cinquantaquatro sol. 13 den. 4 di piccioli; et sono per la pigione dj mesj quatro e dj 21 ( ?). Oltre al fitto corso delle lib. 24 lanno che sono doppo la morte dj messer sano bochonj che morj di settenbre 1524 et dachordo questo di come di sopra chon santi di michele (these four words written and cancelled .... f. 7 1 5. 13. 4. (In margine : posto a Fitti segnato d c. 78.) Oggi questo dj 4 di novenbre 1525 la chondotta santj di michele di santj schultore per duchatj x doro lanno et paja uno di chapponj dachomjncjarsi adj prjmo di novenbre 1525 passato carta per mano di ser alfonso corsi dappacharsi in sej mesj la rata che tocha 66. 6. 2 o paia i6>^" [Arch, del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli C, 1517-1525, c. 291 ; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 195.] 19. Concerning rental by Santi Buglioni. "+ MDXXIJ Benedetto di giovanni di bernardo et altrj di chontro anno avere . . . R(icord)o E avere ducati cinque doro in oro et lib. 3. 5. 10 piccioli et paja 163^ di capponj per resto di questo conto debitore in conto di santi di michele a Libro Pigioni et Fittj D c. 72 . . . . D. 5 1. 3, 5, 11° paia 16^ 661. 6. 2. o. 16^, [Archiv. idem, Libro Fitti e Livelli C. 1517-1525, c. 291; published in L'Arte,XXl (1918), 195.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxxi 20. Concerning the sale of the house in the Campo Corbolini. "+ MDXXVJ Santj di Michele dj .... schultore a chondotto da noj le sotto schrittj benj qui appie appigione una chasa chon sua abiturj . . . E per mesj tre finitj addj ultimo di giennaio 1 529 lib. dicasette sol. 10 piccioli coe — F. 2 lib. 3 sol. 10 dj paia. Venduta a Berto di Bernardo Chalvellj addj . . . di gennaio 1 529 chontratto per Ser Rafaello Baldesj." [Arch, idem, Libro Fitti e Livelli, D., 1 523-1 533, c. 78; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 195.] 21. Continuation of the account. "+YHS M''[Marie] MDXXXIIIJ R(icord)o Santj di Michele schultore de dare per tantj posto debbj avere in questo c. 25 per resto di quel chontto — 25 F., 2.0. 11 paia 20^ capon j." [Arch, idem, Libro Fitti e Livelli, E., 1532-1551, c. 114; published in UArte, XXI (1918), 195.] 22. Death of Lisabetta, May 31, 1531. "Maggio M • D • XXXJ M" lisabetta don(n)a fu di beto bulonj - Adi 31 R(ecat)a in S*° Jac(op)o Sop(r) arno" [Archiv. di Stato, Arte de' Medici e Speziali, Libro de' Morti 1530- 1543, segnato Arti 6, Cod. 250; pubhshed in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 108.] 23. Mariano Mori heir to Lisabetta's property. "+ MDXXXIIIJ Benedetto dj Giovannj dj bern° buglionj de avere addj 9 dj marzo 1534 f cento ottanzette s vxiij dj iiij° g*'(guadagnati) addj 22 dagghosto 1489 levatj a suo chonto dallib(r)o Rosso s'° F. c. 566 f 187. 18. 4 Sono p(er) dota dj m lisabetta dj nicholo dj mariano et sua donna che Domenic" di domenic" morj et zanobj di Gur°(Giuliano) morj e santi di michele schultore caschuno di loro in tutto piglino le p''(paghe) dj detto chredito tutto dicemb(r)e 1544 Ap(ar)tenghono a Mariano dj Alexadro dj nicholo Morj erede in tutto abintestato della sopra scritta m" lisabetta sua zia paterna c(ar)ta di aprensione xxxii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI dj eredita p(er) s(er) Matteo da falghano q° dj 30 dj Giugnio 1545 p(er) avere detto s(er) Matteo examinato i testimoni di detta morte e no sop(ra) esistentia di ^ altrj che di detto mariano detto dj. [A. di S., Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Lib. Deb. e Cred. S, 1534-1535, c. 148, published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 108.] 24. Concerning Lisabetta's dowry. "+yhs . . Benedetto di G"^ dicotro de dare addj 13 dj Giugnio 1547 f cento ottanta sette s xviij dj iiij larghi p(er) luj a Marg*' di G"^ ghuidetti avere al(i)b(r)o f c. 104 di licentia di Mariano di Alex" Morj nipote et rede in tutto abintestato dj m" lisabetta sua zia paterna morta senza lassare dopo di se figli p(er) examina dj testimonj di detta Morte et no supra esisentia e come credito a lej attenete come di cotro c(ar)ta di tutto come di cotro alq"° a f. 27^ c. 16. . . .f 187.18. 4" "+ MDXXXXVJ Benedetto di Giovannj di Bernardo Buglione de avere adj 6 dottobre 1546 f cento ottanzette s xviij dj iiij larghi guadagnati e levati di suo conto dalib(r)o S c. 148 ■ f 187.18.4 Sono p(er) dota della lisabetta Mori la detta m' lisabetta sanza lasare fig" p(er) esamina di testimoni R"'(Rogato) s(er) matteo di falgchano adj 30 di giugnio 1545 e mariano dalesandro dant° mori p(r)ese la sua Red*' i tutto di m' lisabetta sua zia paterna abintestato R(oga)to s(er) matteo detto detto dj" [A. di S., Ufficio del Monte da 4%, Lib. Deb. e Cred. E., 1 546-1 547, c. 330; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 109.] SANTI BUGLIONI I. Biographical. Santi Buglioni is described by Vasari (VI, 276) as having received from Benedetto Buglioni the secret of glazing terra-cotta, and as being in his day the only one who practised that kind of sculpture. He was the pupil and successor, not, as was once supposed, the son of Benedetto Buglioni. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxxiii He was born on Dec. 25, 1494 and his mother Francesca Mori was a near relative of Lisabetta Mori, the wife of Benedetto Buglioni. Hence it was natural that Santi should have become in 15 13 a ward and pupil of his distinguished relative. Thanks to the researches of Mr. Rufus G. Mather, the genealogy of Santi Buglioni is now well established, as may be seen in the following table. He belonged to a family in which with monotonous regularity the name Santi alternated with that of Michele. Genealogically, he may be described as Santi di Michele di Santi di Michele di Santi di Michele. How much farther back this alternation of names may have occurred we do not know. So far as our table goes Santi and his father Michele were the third to bear those names and hence may be distinguished as Santi HI di Michele HI. Two of Santi's brothers went into religious orders; he himself be- came a sculptor. His ancestors had not risen high socially. His father was a maker or dealer in ropes (funaiolo), and for three generations farther back his forefathers were blacksmiths (maniscalchi). If we ex- amine the tax returns (Docs, i-io) of his ancestors we shall find the rec- ords of a family of small possessions plying humble callings, not to be con- fused with the idle aristocracy of Florence. Santi Buglioni's mother brought to her husband a dowry of 166 florins and 4 denari, which was deposited in the bank at 4% interest and could not be withdrawn except on certain conditions. These documents (nos. 11-16) may not prove uninter- esting as throwing light on the finances of the family. It was due, how- ever, to his own struggles rather than to his inheritance that Santi Buglioni was enabled to move in 1526 from the 'chasetta' in the Via di S. Giorgio to the larger house in the Via Campo Corbolini (now Via Faenza), occupied for several years by Benedetto Buglioni and his family (Doc. 14). The accounts of Santi Buglioni with the Accademia del Disegno (Docs. 17-21) appear to record not only the payment of dues and other trifles, but also reveal the fact that he officiated as treasurer or at least as auditor of the accounts of that organization. His wife Francesca di Dionigi di Simone, nine years his junior, was his companion for nearly forty years. She died in 1566. Santi lingered on, broken in body as well as spirit, and blind, until released by death Nov. 27, 1576. It may be noted that in the Book of the Dead his wife is recorded as Madonna Francesca di Santi Buglioni (Doc. 23), whereas ten years later his adopted name Buglioni disappears and he is recorded as Santi di Michele Viviani (Doc. 24). His son Michelangelo and his daughter Maria also are recorded as Viviani (Doc. 25). So also his great-grandson Vin- cenzo, the celebrated mathematician, pupil and biographer of Galileo. Genealogical Table of Santi Buglioni Michele I, Santi I, Farrier b. 1354 or 1357 d. 1427-1430 married Mona Mea (Maria) b. 1368 or 1369 d. 1433-1446 Michele II, Farrier Francesco b. 1393 or 1395 b. 1405 d. d. married Mona Sandra b. 1407 or 1408 d. I 446- 1457 Brigida Santi II, Farrier Appolonia b. 1432 b. 1433, or 1434 or 1435 b. 1435 or 1437 I4i8(?) or 1426, or 1432 d. after 1498 married Mona Margherita b. 1445 or 1446 d. after 1480 Michele III, Ropemaker b. 1462 or 1466 d. 1508 married Francesa di Niccolo di Piero Mori, Feb. 13, 1485 ' Santi III, Sculptor b. Dec. 20, 1494 d. Nov. 27, 1576 married Francesca [di Doni- gi di Simone, funaiolo(?)] b. Apr. 13, 1503 d. Aug. 5, 1566 Francesco-Lorenzo b. Oct. 21, 1500 d. became Frate Stefano in Santa Maria dei Servi Piero-Romolo b. Apr. 29, 1503 Niccolo-Romolo b. June I, 1507 became Dom. Vittoi at Vallombrosa. Lisabetta-Caterina b. November 27, 1530 d. Micheiangelo-Domenico, Linen Merchant or Sculptor Maria-Cecilia b. Mar. 16, 1533/4 b. Nov. 21, 1538 married married Maddalena di Carlo Jacopo Fortini Brandolini d. Mar. 14, 1583/4 Santi IV b. Nov. 8, 1564 d. Mar. 26, 1605 married Lucretia di Vincenzo Brancacci Jacopa Francesca b. Feb. 8, 1568/9 married Ser Piero di Ser Francesco d'Albizzo Jacopo b. Aug. II, 1576 d. married Maria di Ala- manna del Nente Porzia b. Apr. 9, 1580 d. married Alessandro di Girolamo Lapi Pietropagolo b. d. Aug. I, 1589 Vincenzo scholar of Galileo b. Apr. 5, 1622. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxxv Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. Santi Buglioni's elder brother born, 1493 "Febraio 1493 (Flor, style) Sabato adi 15 di detto Santi et franc" di michele di santi p(opol)o di s* felicita naq. adi 14 h5 17" [Archiv. dell Opera di S. Maria del Fiore, Libro dei Battezzati, Maschi, 1 492- 1 501, c. 32*; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 208.] 2. Santi Buglioni's elder brother dies in infancy, 1493. " + MCCCCLXXXXIIJ j° figlolo di michele di santj riposto i sata felicita adi 26 febraio" [Archiv. di Stato, Ufficio della Grascia, Libro dei Morti, 145 7-1 506, c. 238*; published in L'Arte, XXI (1919), 208.] 3. Santi Buglioni born, Dec. 20, 1494. " Dicembre 1494 Sabato adi 20 di detto Santi et Thomaso di michele di santi p° di s* felicita naq. adi 20 h5. 14 " [Archiv. dell' Opera di S. Maria del Fiore, Libro dei Battezzati, Maschi, 1492-1501, c. 47; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 208.] 4. Birth of Francesco-Lorenzo, 1500. "OCTOBRE MCCCCC MERCHOLEDI adi 21 Franc" e lorenzo di Michele di sanctj di Mich(e)le di sanctj p° di s" felicita N.(acque) adj 21 h. (ore) 2" [Archivio dell' Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Libro dei Battezzati 1492-1501, c. 140*.] 5. Birth of Piero-Romolo, 1503. "APRILE MCCCCCIII Domec' Adj 30 Piero e Ro(mo)lo di michele di sanctj funaiuolo p. di s" felicita N. adj 29 hor 16" [Archiv. idem, Libro dei Battezzati, Maschi 150-1511, c. 24*.] 6. Birth of Niccolo-Romolo, 1507. "MARTEDI ADDI p" DI GIUGNIO MCCCCCVII xxxvi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Mercholedi Addj 2 Nicholo e Ro(mo)lo Dimichele di sanctj di michele funaiuolo p. di s" felicita N. adj p° he 24" [Archiv. idem, Cod. idem, c. 91'.] 7. Birth of Lisabetta-Caterina, 1530. "Novembre et Dicembre MDXXX Lunedi Adi XXIIJ (Novembre) Lisabetta caterina et R"'(Romola) di sancti di michele scultore p° di s° jac° soprarno N. Adi detto h. 18" [Archivio dell' Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Lib. de' Batt. Femmine, 1522-1532.] 8. Birth of Michelangelo-Domenico, 1533-4. "Marzo MDXXXIII LUNEDI ADI XVII Detto Michelagnelo dnico (domenico) et Romolo di Saiitj di michele di santj schultore p. di s. jac° sopra arno N adj XV j h. xix," [Archiv. idem, lib. de' Batt. Maschi, 1533 c. i.] 9. Birth of Maria-Cecilia, 1538. "+ NOVEMBRE MDXXXVIIII DOMENICA ADI XXIII Maria et Cecilia di santj di michele scultore p. di S. jac° soprarno N adj xxj h xvi" [Archiv. idem. Lib. d'Batt., Femmine, 1 533-1 542, c. 30.] 2. Monuments and style. A good beginning may certainly be made toward restoring the artistic personality of Santi di Michele. In his early works he was the assistant and pupil of Benedetto Buglioni. The monuments at Badia Tedalda re- veal him cooperating with Benedetto in the Madonna della Cintola (1521) and as an independent artist in the altarpiece of the Annunciation and Saints (1522). After the death of Benedetto Buglioni the young Santi began a career of more ambitious works. If we are Correct in attributing to him the Deeds of Mercy on the Ceppo Hospital frieze, the mediocre ideals of Benedetto Buglioni were in great measure abandoned and were replaced by those of Michelangelo and his pupil Tribolo. By 1539 he as- sisted il Tribolo in constructing a temporary equestrian statue of Giovanni della Bande Nere, on which occasion he fell and maimed himself for life. He was also associated with Lorenzo Marignolli in making a series of heads for Eleonora di Toledo, wife of the Grand Duke Cosimo I. For the Medici family he also made a series of pavements (i 549-1 572) for the BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xxxvii Biblioteca Laurenziana, the Palazzo Vecchio, and for the grottoes of the Pitti Palace. The publication of these documents, discovered for the most part by Mr. Rufus G. Mather, may be reckoned a not unimportant contri- bution to the history of art. In spite of his infirmity he took part in the celebration of the obsequies of Michelangelo in 1564, and in the elaborate festival in honor of the marriage of Francesco I, son and successor of the Grand Duke Cosimo I. The general catalogue will present a list of Santi's works, documented and undocumented. However, it may be convenient to mention here the dated monuments which form the bases of a chronological study of his work. 1 52 1. Madonna della Cintola, also a Ciborio, Badia Tedalda. 1522. Annunciation and Saints, Badia Tedalda. 1 526-1 528. Ceppo Hospital, Frieze, Virtues, and Sirens, Pistoia. 1 53 1. Madonna enthroned with Saints, Stia. Dated, not documented. 1539. In part. Equestrian Statue of Giovanni delle Bande Nere, Florence. 1542. In part, Ten heads for Eleonora di Toledo, Naples. 1546. Several figurines, saints (?), SS. Annunziata, Florence. 1549-60. Pavements for the Biblioteca Laurenziana, the Palazzo Vecchio and the grottoes of the Pitti Palace Gardens. 1564. Relief Portraits of Michelangelo, S. Lorenzo, Florence. 1565. Putti, Capricorni, heads, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Other undocumented and undated works have been attributed to Santi Buglioni and assigned a place in the chronological series. 3. List of documents. Tax return of Santi I di Michele, Farrier, 1427, Tax return of Santi I di Michele, Farrier, 1427. Tax return of Michele II and Francesco di Santi, Farrier, 1430. Tax return of Michele II and Francesco di Santi, Farrier, 1433. Tax return of Michele di Santi, Farrier, 1444. Tax return of Michele II di Santi di Michele, Farrier, 1457. Tax return of Santi II di Michele di Santi di Michele, Farrier, 1469. Tax return of Santi II di Michele, Farrier, 1480. Tax return of Michele III di Santi, Ropemaker, 1495 or 1498. Tax return of Santi III di Michele di Santi, Sculptor, 1532. Michele III, Ropemaker, is credited with his wife's dowry, 1491. Michele Ill's indebtedness to Benedetto Buglioni, the guardian of his children, 15 13. Three of Michele Ill's sons, Santi, Francesco, and Piero to receive their inheritance from their mother. Santi Buglioni rents the house in the Via Campo Corbolini, 1526. 9 10 II 12 13 14 xxxviii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 15. Concerning rental, 1525. 16. Lisabetta di Santi Buglioni to receive the share which Niccolo di Michele inherited from his mother. 17. Lisabetta's inheritance subject to certain conditions. 18. Santi Bughoni's accounts with the Accademia del Disegno, 1538. 19. Continuation of the same, 1539. 20. Continuation of the same, 1562- 1574. 21. Revision of the accounts of the Accademia by Santi Buglioni and others, 1 563-1 567. 22. Accounts of Santi Buglioni with the Accademia, 1 568-1 577. 2}^. Accounts of Santi Buglioni with S. Maria Nuova for rental of house, 1533-1534- 24. Santi Buglioni absolved from dues to the Academy, 1575. 25. Death of Madonna Francesca, wife of Santi Buglioni, 1566. 26. Death of Santi Buglioni, 1576. 27. Accounts of Michelango di Santi and his sister Maria Fortini, 1 576-1 606. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. Tax return of Santi I, di Michele, 1427. 200 "Al nome di dio ame Dinanzi a voi honorevolj uficialj del chatasto p(er) lo coe (comune) di firenze Qui da pie sono le sustanze e benj dj Santj di Michele Malischalcho del gonfalone del nicchio Q" di sco spo E prima debitor] del detto Santj da chj debbe avere le Ifrascritte quatita di danarj Antonio dj Jachopo chanigianj e Cop f ventitre — f 23 — E diecj del bancho overo diecj della balia p(er) resto di salario di Michele suo figluolo che ando i lonbardia a f ermare soldatj lib ottanta — f — lib. 80 la camera del coe di firenze f cinque p(er) salario di santj Manischalcho della codocta — f v — Mariotto di messer albizo de Rossj lib ventj — f - lib. 20 Rede di guglielmo di giuliano lib quactro f - lib. 4 Tomaso barbadoro e checho suo lavoratore p(er) letame della stalla lib. diecj f - lib. 10 Messer francescho Machiavellj p(er) ferrj lib sej sol tre f - lib. 6 sol. 3 Bartolomeo chorbinellj p(er) ferrj lib quactro sol diecj ■ . f - lib. 4 sol. 10 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Piero di messer luigj guiccardinj p(er) ferrj lib cinque XXXIX Batista guiccardinj p(er) ferrj lib octo E piu a el decto santj tra i masserizie e merchatantie della bottegha la quale fa da malischalcho i su la piaza di sea felicita fior trenta debitj del decto santj e a chj de dare le quatita i frascritte A michele di jachopo ferraiuolo lib cinquanta e sol diciotto p(er) ferro — • al Monistero di sea felicita de dare el dco santj p(er) resto dj pigione f ventj E piu a debito col coe di firenze p(er) piu prestanzonj — El decto santj tiene a pigione dal Monistero di sea felicita una chasa posta i sula piaza di sea felicita la quale habita e simile la bottegha paghane di pigione del tucto lano fior q(ui)ndicj cioe ' f-lib.5 — f - lib. 8 — f 30 f - lib. 50 sol. 18 f 20 f 4 fi5- famiglia del decto santj santj decto deta danj — 73 ifermo delle ghambe Mona Mea sua d(on)na danj 58 Michele suo figluolo danj 32 Mo Sandra d(on)na di Michele danj 20 francescho figluolo dj santj danj 22 Brigida figluola di Michele danj 9(?) (On the back of page 1502) "Adi 10 dj luglio (1427) Wichio Santi dj Michele malischalcho - f i sol. 2 dj. i N'cS Messo alib 440" [Archiv. di Stato, Arch. d. Decime, Catasto 1427, Quartiere di Santo Spirito, Gonf alone Nicchio, segnato Cod. 18 c. 1501.] 2. Tax return of Santi I di Michele, 1427. This is another version slightly different from the preceding. "-f- Mcccc°xxvj (In margin: Scripta S n° 8 444 — (H)0 fatto p(er) s 6) Sustanze dj Santj di michele malischalcho I detto xl BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI q*(quartiere) e ghofa pplo di sata felicita a f I s 2 dj I a oro d°(detto) (h)a a dav(er)e da antonio di jacopo chanigiannj e cop(agni) £23. 0.0 da X del bancho ov(er)o 10 di balia p(er) R" ( resto-may also be K° for Konto) di salario dalla chamera del chomnne p(er) salario di satj da mariotto di messer albizzo de rossj dalla rede di ghuiglielmo dj giulia(no) da tommaxo barbadoro et il suo lavoratore da messer franc" machiarellj — ' da bartolo corbinellj lib 4 s 10 v* (valuta) da piero di messer luigi da batista ghiiiccardini lib. 8 v' — ■ — Masserizie et merchantie i bottegha f 92.8.3 Incharichi A nicholo di jacopo feraiuolo lib. 50 s 18 di pli(piccioli)v Al munistero di santa felicita p(er) R° di pigio(ne) — Al chomune di firenze p(er) p(re)stanze Issta a pigione i una chasa del munistero di sata felicita et fane bottegha et paghane land f 15 Arbitrate la chasa voj p(er) 1/2 f 7 1/2 f — f 107 S3 — Bocche Santj di michele sopadett" deta dann j yT, f 200 — M" Maria sua donna ■ — dannj 58 f 200 — Michele suo figluolo dannj 32 f 200 > — M° Sandra sua donna dannj 20 f 200 — franc" di santj dannj 22 f 200 — Brigita di michele dannj i f 200 — (Tax figuration added by clerk of Catasto) Somma II suo valsente qui di sop(r)a — f 92 s 8 di 3 Abbattiamo p(er) i creditori qui di sop(r)a — f 143 s 17 di 6 Abattiamo p(er) incharicho di 6 bocche f 1200 f 1343 s 17 di 6 Manchalj abattuta la sua sustanza f mille dugetocinqa - tunc s viiij dj iij A oro compossto dacordo jn s sej A oro [Archivio di Stato, Archivio delle Decime. Catasto del 1427 segnato cod. 65, c. 440*.] t 20. 0.0 ^ 5- 0.0 f 5 — — t 2. lO.O 10.9 2.6 5-0 f 2. 0.0 f 30. , 0.0 £92. s8 )v" f 12. f 20 14.6 t 4 0. f36 S14 di6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xli 3. Tax return of Michele II and Francesco di Santi, 1430. "Mccccxxx Sustanza di Michele e figliuolj funo(furono) di santj Francesco malischalcho pma( prima) era al chatasto i Santj i sol, 6 debitorj 5 debitorj chome da p. la schritta m5(nta) fj 144 lib. 22 sol. 19 — fj 149 sol. 14 dj 9 Abiamo piu mas(er)izie di bottegha p. fj 30. fj 30 Soma fj 179 sol. 14 dj 9 fj 179 sol. 14 dj 9 Creditorj 8 Creditori chome da p. la schritta sua mo f j 54 lib. 76 sol. 12 Tengnano una chasa a a pig''(pigione) i sula piaza di santa filicita f j. 73 sol. 3 la quale a dal detto munistero e paghiane lano fj 15 Abattesj p. la bottegha Boche f j otto Resta f j 7 ■ — f j 100 Mo Mea nostra madre anj 62 f j 200 Michele di santj anj 35 f j 200 Mo Sandra di santj anj 23 f j 200 Francescho di Santj anj 25 f j 200 f j 800 973-3 della sop(r)adetta chasa a pigione sena (sen'ha) asbattere qllo(quello) ne tochasse alia bottegha p.che e 1 sieme Soma il suo valsente chome di sop(r)a si vede — fj 174 sol. 14 d. 9 Abattj p. jncharichj e boche chome di sopa si vede fj. 973 sol. 3 Manchaglj come si vede — f j 793 sol. 8 dj 3 R. Conposto dachordo i sol. 4 — cioe — sol. iiij°" [Archivio di Stato, Archivio delle Decime 1430, Quartiere di Santo Spirito, Gonfalone Nicchio, Campione segnato N° 8 c. 400.] 4. Tax return of Michele II and Francesco, 1433. R "Michele e . ... . „ P o dj santj dj michele manischalchj sol. liij j" dificio da olio posto nel chastello di linarj chon suoj chonfinj detto dificio e ghuasto p. la ghuera ed e di mo mea nostra madre chesipuodjre vale q(u)asj niente xlii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Solevasj avere dj fitto ij o 3 orcia dolio lano a sol. 100 lcjo(rorcjo) lib. 15 a fj 7 p. c° (cento) fj 55 sol. ij dj 8 Danarj di monte f j 40J dj mote chomune — a f j 33 1/3 p. c° ' — f j 133 sol. 13 dj 14 e piu dobiamo avere \t paghe di magio dj dettj dj f j 5 - f j 5 e piu citroviamo tante maserizie che vagliono fj 18- fj 18 e piu debbo avere dachatj (d'acchatti) — f j - lib. 7 sol. 5 - f j i sol. 16 e piu dj pagahatj circha 20 o 30 lib. a f j. 20 p. c — f j 6 sol. — debitorj Rede e benj di zanobj dj benedetto dalinarj f j 30 laquale Redita e debitore dj m5 mea nostra madre jstimiaglj j" pichola chosa - fj 30 — fj 15 Rede dj messer franc" machiavegl j — f j 30 f j 30 e piu debbo avere i molte p.rtite - f j - lib. 6 — f j — i sol. 10 Mechj di checho dj nicherj ' — f j - lib. 5 — f j — i sol. 5 E piu debbo avere i piu p.rtite chome apare al q" f - lib. 8 - f - 2 26.16.0 Incharichj e creditorj II munistero di santa filicita p. pigione — f j 37 f j ^y papi di michele f unaiuolo — f j - lib. 29 — f j 7. sol. 5 Rede di matteo f unaiuolo f j - lib. 4 • — f j i La panno da santa ma i pianetta f j - lib. 4 — f j i Giovanj dj fruosino jspeziale f j - lib. i sol. 10 - f j — sol. 7 dj 6 E piu o a paghare i chomune p. piu chatasti - f j - lib. 9 sol. I dj 4 - f j ■ — E piu tengho j" chasa cho j* bottegha a pigione nel popolo dj santa filicita che(ch'e) del munistero di santa filicita done(ne do) lano dj pigione fj xv — fj 15 stimiamo la bottegha f j viij a f j vij la chasa a f j 7 p. c° — f j 100 - sol -dj - 146. 12. 6 Boche Michele dj santj sop(r)adetto danj 38 Franc" sop(r)adetto danj 28 Mona Mea nostra madre 64 Mona Sandra dona di michele danj 25 Brigida figliuola di michele danj — j ^ — fj 1000 Somma la sustanza fj 267 sol. 16 — Abattj p. jncharichj e boche 5 — ij 1146 sol. i2-dj6 Manchaglj — fj 878 .16 . dj 6 E chonposto dachordo jn sol. iiij° ao(ro)" [Idem, idem, 1433, Quartiere Santo Spirito, Gonfalone Nicchio, Campione segnato N" 9, c. 245.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xliii 5, Tax return of Michele II di Santi, 1446. "Xpo + Q" Spo ghonfalone nicchio 121 Michele dj santj malischalcho apre(apare) stanziato i detto ghonfalone Ebbe di decina 1444 sol. 14 A di dispiaciente sol 10 dj 6 Avemo nel p(r)imo chatasto i nome dj santj dj michele mio padre — sol. 6 i detto ghonfalone Sustanze O di creditj dj mote chomune fj 577 sol. 11 - fj 19 sol. 10 dj 7 lib SCO A(n)chora o fiorinj 200 dj monte chomune e Sp5 c. 68 , . , . , - , , . , , . , . • qualj denarj p(r)onutaj (promutati) adj 2^ dj gienaio 1446 nella appolonia mia figliuola p. annj sette e mezo p. sua dota fj 6 sol. 15 f j 26 sol. 5.7 Boche Michele dj santj detto deta dani 55 Mo sandra mia dona deta danj 40 Brigida mia figliuola deta danj 15 a di dota i sul monte al tempo fj 113 santj mio figluolo deta danj 1 1 Apolonia mia figliuola deta danj 9 ella detta appolonia a i sulmonte fj 118 chelle promutatj adj 27 dj 1446 dj gienaio fj 200 chome si dicie dj sopra p. anj sette e mezo p. sua dota + Tengho a pigione j* chasa cho Bottegha dj malischalcho del munistero dj santa felicita e done lano di pigione f j 60 che da p. mo la piaza dj santa felicita ed secondo e terzo e quarto el detto munistero la quale chasa io abito cholle mie maserizie e famiglia e la detta chasa e posta i detto popolo dj santa felicita — f j 7 sol. nella detta Bottegha fo larte del malischalcho e o due chonpangnj e qualj chavano p. terzo ognj ghuadagnio paghiano dj pigione della Bottegha lib. 32 lano restamj la chasa i lib. 28 f j — ^ — E nella detta chasa stavano nel pmo chatasto I nome di santj dj michele malischalcho xliv BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Page 42 R(icordo) Saldo Soma la pma facia i questo f j 26 sol. 5 dj 7 Abates! p. 5 p. c dele posessionj di f j f j — p. i/io Abattesi p. pigione di chasa — — f j 7 sol. Ii'(ro) ^ Resta detta Rendita fj 19 sol. 5 dj 7 (On back of page 47) "R Michele di Santi detto recho adj 27 di febraio (1446)" [Idem, idem, 1446, Quartiere e Gonf. idem, Cod. 649 c. 41 e 42. ■ Same denunzia in Campione Cod. 648.] 6. Tax return of Michele II, 1457. 249 "Q. di SCO Spirito ghofal nichio Michele di santi di michele malischalcho dicieva la graveza del chatasto delano 1427 i santi suo padre aveva di catasto sol 6 oro(o)di cinquina sol 10 e di valsente f i Sustanze Ad monte chomune f 350 Resta avere f 70 di paghe di detti danari f 4 1 3 sol. 2 dj 1 1 f 3 — E piu o avere da isimone dandrea e chopagni j>ezicagniuoli stano nel populo di sea maria i Verzara lib. 13 s 10 E piu debo avere dantonio cuoramej lib. 10 E piu avere da batista di tacino — lib. 19 s. 18 E piu debo avere da meo di domenicho di dino vetturale — — — — lib. 12 s. 13 f 11 s. 10 dj 3 E piu o di trafficho e bottega tra maserizie e ferri di valuta di — — — f 20 E piu o legata la stalla p. letame a lorenzo corbinellj dane — lib. 10 tochami p. la meta lib 5 f 35 s. 14 dj 4 Incharichi ' Tengho a pigione una chasa cho bottega dove jo fo larte mia la quale o dallo monistero di sea felicita posti i sulla piaza di sea felicita pagone lano — fi5 fi28s. iidi6 E nella detta bottega o chonpagnia cho antonio di berto lupitini malischalcho chaviamo (che abbiamo) p. meta ql pocho BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xlv di ghuadagno che noi facciamo e tassata la bottega if/ — f Boche Michele sop(r)adetto o deta danj — 64 f 200 — Santi suo figluolo deta danj ■ — 24 f 200 debito Monastero di sea felicita avere p. la pigione della chasa e bottega fiorinj otto — f 8 s. — debitori E piu avere da piu p(er)sone di some picole circha lib. 15 — (clerk's notations) — £3 s. 15 — Saldo Soma la p. ma faccia di sostanze f 140 s. 4 di 7 Soma la sechonda f 3 s. 13 Abbattj f 5 p. c°(per cento) di beni imobili f — E piu per pigione di casa — £128 s. 11 di 6 E piu p. 2 boche — £ 400 Ma(n)cha £3843. 11 din coposto p. partito degliuficiali p. ogni sua sustanza s. tre a o(ro) dicat°(catasto) rogatos(er) dncho (domenicho) f — s.3 a 5 Agiugnesj per 1/3 uficali £ 150 co£esso i dote di milene( ?) dona di santi suo figluolo adi 21 daghosto 1460 di che si batte la 1/2 p. lege el tt°(tutto) p. le boche On the back o£ c 716 — adi 26 di £ebraio 1457 p. franc" di pipo di franc" p. f mariotto cortini" [Idem, idem, Catasto 1457, Quartiere di Santo Spirito, Gon- f alone Nicchio, segnato Cod. 789 c. 717.] 7. Tax return of Santi II di Michele II, 1469. N° 316 "Qre s° ispirjto g" nichio Raportasi p. me dinanzi a voj s(ignorj) uficjalj del chatasto dela cita di firenze Santj di michele di santi malischalcho dicieva nel p^primo) chatasto i michele di santi mio padre Ebe di chatasto nel 1427 s. 6 dj 8 — £ s. 6 di 8 Ebe di valsente in deto nome £ i s. Ebe di chatasto nel 1457 s. 3 f s. 3 • Ebe di ventjna s. 3 f s. 3 Sustanze xlvi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI r pezo di tera lavoratja e vjgniata posta nel popolo di sa mart j no a sesto luogho detto selva da p° e sechondo vja en parte arolfo (?) da pecia 1/3 rede di franc" ventnri 1/4 sa giovanj tralarchata le dete tere chonperai da bartolomeo e piero dj pucio chalzaiuolj f 94 s. 10 roghato s. njcholo valentjnj nel 1460 fu p. doe dela dona mia dalla (la da) p. alienata al (14)69 lib. Rosso c. 143 bartolomeo e piero dj puccjo — £85.14.4 Incharichi Santj deto deta danj 35 Margherita mia dona danj 24 Michele mio figluolo danj 7 Tengho una chasa a pigione da filipo da marcjala chalzaiuolo posta nel popolo dj sa giorgio cho sua chonfinj pagho di pigione f 7 doro q(u)esta e data al estimo i nome (these 7 words cancelled) si sta a fare Richordo p(er) pieno ( ?) i filippo di zanobi chalzaiuolo nobile di chontado lo santj sop(r)adetto mirachomando ale discrezione vostre p(er)che ghuadagno pocho e truovomj in ghra(n) disordine di debito e altrj disestj preghovj vi sia rachomandato f Benj alienatj Avevo 1° chredito di monte dicievo i michele mio padre di f 319 i q(u)alj o vendutj nel 1460 e 1461 incircha a piu p(er)sone cioe i' parte a pierozo banchi p(er) fare dote e i* parte a benedeto chozone p(er) fare dote chome p(er) librj del monte vedrete chome none resta igniuno 85.14 4 (Clerk's notations) Soma sua sostanza 1 qa (questa) c. 706 '■ — f 85. 14.4 85.14.4 Abattj di f 6 dentrata di possession j I f 5 s.6 f 7 p(er) c" (cento) f 4.5.8 Abatj p(er) i" pigione p' (paghata) di f vij lano a 7 p(er) c — f 100 Abattj p(er) iij bocche f 600 704.5.8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI xlvii Manchaglj chome di sop(r)a si vede f 6 1 8.1 1.4 e sta a chonpore e da i" testa Conpo(sto) pegluficalj I chatassto if — s. iiij° f — s. 4" (This portata was made Aug. 13, 1469, as is shown by nota- tions of other portata — that is on back of c. 704, "Richordo dette adj 13 daghosto 1469,. . and on back of c. 708 ''adj 13 daghosto 1469." [Idem, idem Catasto 1469, Quartiere di Santo Spirito, Gonf alone Nicchio, segnato Cod., 906 c. 706.] 8. Tax return of Santi II di Michele II, 1480. "+ Q Sto Spto G" Nicchio Santi di mjchele disanti manischalcho abita nel pplo dj Sta felicjta e nella via de ghujccardjnj G* del njcchio disse il chatasto 1469 in mjo nome ppo (proprio) ebbj in detto G* f — s 4 dj ebbj di sesto — — — — — — -f — i — S2dj Sustanze Una chasetta posta nel pplo di san gorgio e nella via di san gorgio G' della schala cha (che ha) pmo e sdo via 0/3 carlo paffi 0/4 benj di santo spirito laqale conperaj da carlo e franc" dan*" paffi p(er) f 90 di sug° adj 5 di settenb(r)e 1471 p(er) iscritta di mano daghostino di govanj gachjnj laq(u)ale chasa o apigonata a matteo di marcho ottonaio p(er) 1 32 p (iccioli) chome apare p(er) iscritta p(r)ivata fo un po dexercizio manualle di manischalcho in solla piazza di santa felicita Incharjchj Tengcho a pigione una chasa j>osta nel pplo di santa felicjta e nella via deghujccardjnj G* del njcchio cha pimo via sdo messer lujgi ghuj- ccardjnj 0/3 jachopo ghujccardjnj laqale e del munisetro dj santa fehcita e donne (ne do) lanno di pigione 1 qaranta plj e unocha olla p(er) iscritta p(r)ivata f 10 I'ano Tengho un po di bottegha a pigione posta in sulla piazza di santa felicita a uso di manjschalcho cha pmo via sdo rede di tomasso barbadorj 0/3 rede di filippo ghujdetti 0/4 tanaj de nerlj laqale o da fracescho di lorenzo bastiere chella ' xlviii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI tiene da jac" ghujccardjnj insieme chonaltro sito e donne lanno della parte tengho f 7 dj sug° chome apare p iscritta pivata e innessa exercito el mestiero del manischalcho f — Santi detto deta danj 46 Mona margherita mia dona 36 Michele mjo figluolo anj 14 Ista con zanobj da monte aghuto funaiuolo a I'ano f 10 di sug° 1 4 p(er) f Benj alienatj xxvij St' di terra lavoratia e vignati in piu pezzi poste nel pplo di san martino a sesto luogho detto alia selva cha pmo via sdo rede di franc" Ventura 0/3 Molfo da pesc(i)a 0/4 benj dello spedale di san go van j fralarchora (fra gli archi) venduto a mona sidonja donna fu di tomasso di s(er) piero di s(er) tommaso Ijnaiuolo p(er) f 136 di sug° roghato s(er) franc" di s(er) jac" da romena sotto dj 30 d'otto- b(r)e 1471 (Added by the clerks) Soma le sue sustazje la pj' (prima) faccja — — fj 128 11 6 abatte 5 p(er) c° f — f 6 8 6 avanzaglj di sustanzje (figures erased) a 7 p(er) c" f ano di rendita f 8 1 1 8 tochaglj di schala f 8 sii dj 4 dj r' (rendita) a 7 p(er) c° — f — s undicj dj 1 1 abattesj f 10 pagha di pigione di chasa chome si vede i q" 329 chome pagha lanno f 10 a 7 p (er) c° f 142 17 3 Manchaglj f 2o( ?) s 14 dj 3 Arbitrio s cinque di f. la (larghi) — ■ — s 5 — Tocchaglj — — f 1 1.5.0" (This portata was made in June 1480 as per notes on the back of the preceding and following pages.) [Arch, di Stato, Arch, delle Decime, 1480, Quart, di S° Spirito, Gonf. Nicchio, Filza 995, c. 329.] 9. Tax return of Michele III di Santi, 1498. This return was actually made about March 31, 1495, ^^ P^^ "^^e at the foot of the previous page "R(ech)° e detto adj 31 di marzo 1495." "Quartiere di S(an)c(t)o Sp(irit)o Gonf. Njchio Michele di santj di michele di santj funaiuolo BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIQNI xlix del popolo di santa feljcjta disse la graveza della jschala jnchamerata dellanno 1481 jn santj di Michele di santj maniscalcho mjo padre G(onf.) detto c. 706 Sustanzie Una chasa chon sua abiturj posta in sulla chosta S(an)c(t)o Gorgo popolo di detto S(an)c(t)o Gorgo a p° detta chosta a ij° franc" dant" pafifj a iij° filjppo di bart" muratore a iiij° un orto delle chappelle di S° Spirito lo quale dettj nella detta graveza del (14)81 tjella appigone da me agchostjno di giovannj Manneglj g"* (gonf alone) ischala per •Ijre 40 lanno per ischritta di terza persona f 10 Una chasa chon sua abiturj posta nel popolo di sa feljcjta tengchola appigone dal munjstero e Monache di detta santa feljcjta per p(r)ezo di 1 45 e j* ocha lanno rogchato ser Ijonardo di giovanj da cholle sotto di f 10 (Added by another hand) Somma la E'(Entratura) di q(u)esta scripta f diecj doro che sono 1' (larghj) f viij s vj° dj viij r(largha) tocha di x' (decima) f — s vj° dj viij T — (Added in 1532) Al (15)32 in batista e benedetto dj dome" del frale charro N° 94 per decima sol 16.8 — f — 16.8" [A. di S., Archiv. delle Decime 1498, Quart. S. Spirito, Gonf. Nicchio, Filza N° 10 c. 123, published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 207-208.] 10. Tax return of Santi III di Michele III, 1532. "Q'^ s*" sp'° Gonf* Nichjo No. 346 Santi dj michele dj santj scultore dixe la a/x (14)98 i michele di santj di michele a c 123 hita (habita) nel p'" dj s*° Jach° oltrarno a pigione i chasa lered(e) dalex" morj benji acquistatj eno achoncj Un pezo dj terra lavoratia e vite nel p'" dj s*° Marcho Vechio condotta a line (a) da m.pagholo di xpofano ottonajo chanonjcho dj s*° T" e 1 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI dettj dentratura f 5 do(ro) e pagho lanno dj feudo £5 do(ro) a religiosj s'° g"' n" II dassj p(er) la Entratura Beni alienatj Una chasa con sua habiturj i sulla chosta dj s*° giorgio p'° d(e)c(t)o a p(rim)° d(e)c(t)a chiesa 2" franc" dant° paff j 3° filippo dj bart" muratore 4° chapp' dj s'" sp*° venduta a Ant° dj franc" paffj p(er) f 90 di s'° (suggello) xog° s(er) guasparre della pieve adj 6 dj settemb(r)e 1497 ^ sono a x" (decima) Nichjo a c. 223 p(er) entratura dj f 10 — f Som(m)a lent' (lentratura) di questa schripta chome si vede f — s viij dj sug° f 8 tochalj dj x' (decima) f — s — dj otto larghi di grossi — f — 8 — f — 8 larghi Addj 3 dagosto 1559 f 1.7.4 Dant" Cioni d° (drago) s° g' a c loi p(er) schripta n° 99 f 1.7.4 Addj p° dap(ri)le 1563 f i . i — da luca di bastiano linaiuolo alib(r)o apte (aparte) T" (leone) d° (doro) c 124 p(er) schripta n° 19 . f i.i — Adj 29 dj febraio 1575 f 1.5.2 che s 3.7 da m' fioretta dj bn"" (bernardo) pnrgatore alib(r)o aparte chiave C5i5efi.i.7di nuovo x° (decima) p(er) arroto dj n° 271 f 1.5.2 Adi 30 di Maggio 1576 f 3.11 p(er) casa apigi- onata arroto dj n° 72 f — 3 .11 Adi 6 di 9b(r)e 1576 f i .3. i p(er) laumento dj n° 269 f 1 . 3 . 1 5-I-2 Santi di contr" avere addj 16 di marzo 1563 f 1. 1 — p(er) casan" 13 f i.i — Adj 28 dj febraio 1576 f 4.0.2 a Michel- agniolo suo figluolo in q° a c 63 p(er) arroto dj n° 373 f 4 2" [Archiv. di Stato, Archivio delle Decime, Catasto del 1532. Quart. Santo Spirito, Gonf. Nicchio, Cod. 13, c. 40i*-402; published in L'Arte XXII (1919), 112.] II. Michele III di Santi II is credited with his wife'$ dowry, 1491. "+ 1491 Michele dj santj di michele funaiuolo marito di franc' di niccolo di piero mori borsaio de avere adj 13 dj feb(r)aio 1485 f cento sessanzei BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI li s - dj iiij larghi p(er) resto dj sua dota abatuta f 55 s 6 dj 9 larghi autj p' 34 levatj dal dco lib(ro) biancho dele dote no andate a 7 p(er) c c. 486 f 166 s — dj 4 no si paghino senza la debita licenzia Posto debbj avere alb(o) g° (giallo) de 4 p(er) c° a c. 499 jn di 22 di giug° 1495 ^ 166 s — dj 4" [Archiv. di Stato, Ufficio del Monte da 4%. Lib. Deb. e Cred. A, 149 1- 1495, c. 438.] 12. Michele Ill's indebtedness to Benedetto Buglioni, the guardian of his children, 15 13. "+ yhs MDXIII R° Michele dicotro de dare adj 13 di giug" 1521 F. 166 s — 4 larghi posto av(er)e alibro s'° G.c.727 F.166 s — 4 Michele dichontro de dare adj 29 di maggio 1514 F. 2 1 1 .9.8 p(er) luj a benedetto di giovani schultore p(r)ochuratore degli uficialj de pupillj chome apare al(i)b(r)oF. C149 di benedetto f rederighj cam" al mote — F. 2 1 i . 9 . 8 E adi II di febraio 15 14 F. 2 1 1.9.8 p(er) luj a benedetto di giovani p(r)ochu- ratore ale paghe ghadagniate e che si guadagnierano daliuficiali de pupilli tutori delerede di detto michele chome alib(r)o F. c 149 c" (carta) di p(r)ochura p(er) s(er) xpofano di piero ciechj sotto di II di sett' 1514 da Roso Ridolfi K° al mote — — F. 2 1 1.9.8 "+ yhs MDXIIJ Michele di santi di michele funaiuolo de av(er)e adi xvij di marzo 15 13 F. cento sessantazei s — dj iiij" larghi p(er) dota dela franc* di nicholo di piero di more borsaio sua dona guadagnati adi 13 di febraio 1485 levati dalib(r)o F. 149 — F. 166 Aptenghono a m" franc" sop(r)adetta mediante la morte di detto michele e la fine p(er) lei fatta alierede e Hi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI leredita di detto michele p(er) detta som(m)a rogato s(er) giovanp" di jac° borghesi sotto di 2 dottob(r)e 1508 Michele di sop(r)a de av(er)e E adi 24 di maggo 1520 F. 2 1 1.9.8 per luj a benedetto detto p* (prochuratore) degliuficialj de pupillj attorj e churatorj de figluolj di detto michele carta di p" (prochura) p(er) christofano ciechj sotto q° (questo) p(r)esente di da stoldo altovitj al mote pto (porto) luj — — — — — F. 2. 1 1.9.8 E adi 24 di gienaio 1520 F. 2 1 1.9.8 da ulivierj gnadagni al mote pto benedetto d° F. 2 1 1.9.8 E adi 30 di gugnio 1521 F. 2. 1 1.9.8 p(er) lui a santj — — — F. 2 1 1-9.8" [Archivio di Stato, Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Libro Deb. e Cred. 1512- 15 13, segnato B. Filza 975, c. 733.] 13. Three of Michele IH's sons to receive their inheritance from their mother. "+yhs MDXXJ" Michele di chontro de dare adj 3 daghosto 1 52 1 f octantatre larghi p(er) luj a Giovanb" di Gerj risalitj al(i)b(r)o H 33 di licenza di santi f" (figliuolo) di detto michele e f'" ederede p(er) la a/4 p(ar)te abintestato di m' franc' dona fu di detto michele a luj attenetj p(er) la sua ragonj dotal j mediante la fine p(er) lej fatta allj eredj di detto michele c' di fine p(er) detta p(er) s(er) Giovanpiero borghesi fatto dj 2 dottob(r)e 1508 c" daprensione deredita p(er) detto santj di detta m' franc' p(er) s(er) bt° (bartolomeo) del Chavallone sotto dj 2 daghosto 1 52 1 ed etiam di licenza di detto santj prochuratore BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Hii di piero fig'° di detto michele e f'" e rede p(er) unaltra a/4 p(ar)te abintestate di detta m" franc" c" di prochura e daprensione dj redita isieme fatta p(er) s(er) piero epifani soto dj 9 dj luglio 1521 e p(er) la a/2 di f 166 — atentj a dettj santj e piero al q"° — c. 45 — f 83 E adi xviii di giugino 1522 F q(u)arantuno s-x larghi p(er) lui a mariano dinicholo mori avere all h c 449 li Iza (licenza) di frate stefano fig'" del detto j michele isindacho e p(r)ochuratore de fratj chapitolo e covento di santa m" de svi (servi) di firenze eredj detti fratj mediante la p(er)sona di detto frate stefano frate p(r)ofesso i detto monastero e chovento e rede di m' franc' dona fu di detto michele p(er) la a/4 p(ar)te abintestato allej attenetj p(er) le sua Ragioni dotal j mediante la fine p(er) lej fatta aglieredj di detto michele I magior som(m)a carta di fine p(er) s(er) govanp" borghesi sotto di 22 dottobre 1508 charta di sindachato e p(r)ochiira e daprensione deredita i sieme fatta p(er) s(er) fra° di s(er) xpofano da chastelfrancho sotto di 14 del p(r)exente al q"° c 42 — f 41 10 — R° E adi 7 di marzo 1532 f q(u)arantuno s x dj iiij larghi posto al(i)b(r)o s*" Q c 574 f 41 10 4 f 166 — 4 Michele dichontro de dare addj 18 di giugnio 1522 f 2 1 1.9.8 p(er) lui a frate stefano suo fig" ed erede p(er) la a/4 p(ar)te chome di sop(r)a nella p(r)ochura da dom" Riccalbani alle prestanze p(or)to lui — f 2 1 1.9.8 E adi 29 di dicenb(r)e 1522 f 3 1 2.4 — p(er) lui a santi di michele di santi p(r)ochuratore degliuficialj di pupilli attori e per tenpo churatore di nicholo fig'° ed erede del detto michele p(er) j" a/4 p(ar)te charta di p(r)ochura p(er) s(er) btm° dant° mey sotto di 23 di dicenb(r)e 1522 da cino cini alle prestanze p(or)to santi detto p(er) piu paghe lutimo di gennaio 1 522 . — £312, 4 '* liv BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI ''+ yhs MDXXJ" Michele di Santi di Michele funaiuolo de av(er)e addi xiii d di gugnio 1521 f cento sesanzej s — dj iiij° larghi guadagnati adi 13 di febraio 1485 p(er) dota della franc* di niccholo di piero de mori borsaio sua dona levti dalbo az" s*° B — c 733 f 166 — 4 A p(ar)tenghono a m' franc" sop(r)a detta p(er) la fine Roghato p(er) s(er) giovanp" di jac° borghesi sotto di 22 dottob(r)e 1508" [A. di S., Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Lib. Deb. e Cred., G, 1519-1521, 0727.] 14. Santi Buglioni rents the house in the Via Campo Carbolini. "MDXXVJ" Santi di michele dj schultore a chondotto dannoj e sotto scrittj benj qui appie appigione una chasa chon sua abiturj e appartenenze posta in via detto chanpo chorboljnj e nel poiX)lo di s° lorenzo chon sua vochabolj e chonfinj che a po via e sechondo a 0/3 .... 0/4 la quale teneva prjma Rede di betto schultore p(er) linja le detta Ijnja sino addi prijmo di novebre 1525 chome si vede alibro p' e fittj s*" c C291 dj poj detto dj la chondotta el sopradettto santj sotto dj 4 dj novebre 1525 p(er) anni tre prossimj avenire icomin- cjatj sino adj prjmo novebre 1525 p(er) d(ucati) diecj Ij doro in" lanno e paja uno dj chapponj dappagharsi di sej mesi i sej mesi la rata che tocha chome di tutto appare contratto p(er) mano dj s(er) alfonzo corsj sotto detto dj la quale chasa venne a questo sp'* p(er) donazione fatta andrea dangnjolo nutjnj lanno 1458 come appare alibro E de dare p'* (presente) dj xxv d. ottobre BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Iv 1526 f cinque doro inoro e 1 tre s 5 dj II plj et paja 16J/2 chapponj p(er) resto chonto djceva i benedetto dj g' di b"" dantt" schultore dachordo piu tempo fa fattolo chreditore alib" copie e c' (conti) anzi p' e fitti s'° c c. 291 — — f 5 1 3.2 5 dii p 16^2 E per mesj tre finitj addj ultimo di giennaio 1529 lib. dicasette sol. 10 piccioli coe — f 2 lib. 3 sol. 10 dj paia Venduta a Berto di bernardo chalvellj addj . . . di gennaio 1529 chontratto per Ser rafaello baldesj Total debits f. 48 i .0 11 p' 20' (20>^)." [Arch, del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli D, 1523-1533, c. 78; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 195.] 15. Concerning rental, 1525. "+ MDXXVJ Santi di michele schultore e altrj chontro anno av(er)e addj xv di maggio 1526 1 tredjcj s xij plj recho contanti a entrata s'° i c 120 R" (recho) g"*" (giovanni) di jac° — f i 1 6 — 12 dj p — E avere 1 ventj dua s 15 di plj (picciolj) e sono p(er) uno pozzo fatto nella strada di smalt j re e votatura duno pozzo nero e rjmodatura duno pozzo p(er) uno chonto riceuto p(er) un foglio i filza di santi sopra detto debitore riparazione 1 questo c. 198 sotto p'" di XXV dottobre 1526 — — f 3 1 1-15 dj- p — Then follow rent payments, the last being made January 27, 1531. f 30 1 6 E de avere p'" (posto) dare alibro fitj s*° E c 128 f 17 1 2-1 1 p 22y2 f 48 1 I-II p" 22>4" [Idem, c. Lxxviij.] 16. Lisabetta di Santi Buglioni to receive the share which Niccolo di Michele inherited from his mother. "Michele dichontro de dare addj 19 di febraio 1533 f quarantuno s x dj iiij° p(er) luj a lisabetta figliola dj santj dj michele schultore avere alib(r)o R c. 226 di r" di detto santj prochuratore dj m(messer) Ivi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Giovamaria generale del ordine e monacj dj valenbrosa erede detto monastero e monacj dj valenbrosa p(e)l % parte abintestato dj m" franc* donna fu dj detto michele mediante la persona di do vetorio (Don (?) Vetorio) al secholo chiamato nollo (Niccolo) figliolo dj detto michele e dj detta m' franc* professo i detto monastero chonditionaria detta m* franc* i detto chredito p(er) le sua ragionj dotalj mediante la morte dj detto michele e la fine p(er) detta m' franc' fatta aglieredj ;di detto michele c* dj fine p(er) s(er) giovanpiero borghesi addj 2 dottobre 1508 ch** daprensione dj redita e prochura insieme fatta p(er) s(er) bastiano da firenzuola addj 4 dj liiglio 1533 e sono p(e)l quarta parte di detto nollo al q"" c 77 — f 41 10 4" "+ yhs MDXXXIJ Michele di santi dj michele funaiuolo de avere addj 7 di marzo 1532 f quaranta uno s x dj iiij larghi guadagnati addj 13 di feb(r)aio 1485 p(er) tanti levati di suo chonto dalibro p" (pagonazo) s*" G c 727 ■ — ■ — f 41. 10. 4 sono p(er) dota della franc* fig'* di nic° di piero borsaio e sua donna Apartenghano a m' fran* sopradetta p(er) la fine p(er) lej fatta Aglieredj dj detto michele R*" s(er) giovanpiero di iac° borghesi addj 2 dottob(r)e 1508 Restano p(er) una a/4 Reda p(er) avere santi piero e frate stefano fig" di detta m* franc* fatto deloro 94 parte" [A. di S., Ufficio del Monte da 7%, Lib. Deb. e Cred. Q, 1 532-1 533, c. 574] 17. Lisabetta's inheritance, subject to various conditions. "+ yhs MDXXXIIJ Lisabetta di cotro dedare addj 23 dj Giennaio 1545 f ciento larghi p(er) lej a G"" dj s(er) Girolamo della valle avere al(i)b(r)o D c 587 dj licetia dj santj padre dj detta lisabetta coditionario in detto credito e paghe a fame la sua volota a f 27^ al quaderno c 69* f 100 E addj 18 dj febraio 1545 f cieto quaratuno BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Ivii s X dj iiij larghi p(er) lej a ma Dianora dj Gnj Covonj avere al(i)b(r)o x c 124 dj T di santi padre di detta lisabetta coditionario i detto c° (credito) p(er) durate la sua vita a poterne fare la sua volota la quale p(r)omuta disse detto santj fare ad istazia di Dino Canaccj e detto Dino disse fare tale p(r)omuta in detta ma Dianora ad istazia di carlo di giuliano Maruciellj el quale disse rimettere detto c" in detta ma Dianora p(er) R° (Resto) di f 200 prestatj a detto carlo piu tenpo fa a f 28 el c" (cento) al q" c 74 ^ f Mi 10 4 241. 10. 4" "MDXXXIIJ Lisabetta fig" di santj di michele schultore de av(er)e addj 19 di feb(r)aio 1533 f quarantuno s X dj iiij larghi p(er) michele dj santj funaiuolo dare al(i)b(r)o Q c 574 guadagnati adj 13 di feb(ra)io 1485 con chodizione che detto credito abbj a servire p(er) dota o parte dessa di detta lisabetta chonsumato che sia el matrimonio chol suo futuro maritto e p(er) esso fatto sufiziente sodamento a dichiaralzione dj detto santj suo padre e fatto detta dichiaralzione detto credito restj libero al detto futuro suo marittto e in chaso che detta lisabetta si monachasj inanzj al chonsumato matrimonio detto credito sia dove la detta sara monacha p(r)ofessa e in chaso chella si morissj inazzj a uno de detti efettj detto credito restj libero a santj suo padre e chon chondizione nonostante detta condiz"* che detto santj suo padre possa durante la sua vita di detto cred*° e p(er) fame la sua volonta f 41 . 10 . 4 E adj 6 dottob(r)e 1536 f dugento p(er) giuliano dj giovannj Marzi in q'° c 397 guadagnatti adj p"" dj settenb(r)e 1495 chole medesime chonditionj di sopra f 200 241 . 10.4" [A. di S., Monte da 7%, Libro Deb. e Cred. R, 1533-1534, c. 226.] Iviii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 1 8. Santi Buglioni's accounts with the Accademia del Disegno. "+ MDXXXVIIJ + Santi Buglioni scultore de dare da di p° di novembre per insino a tutto ottobre 1539 — — 1 — si6dj — posto in questo a c. 104" "+ MDXXXVIIJ + Santj dirinchontro deba avere sol cinque dj quatro posto deba avere al chanpione vecio a c. 138 1 — s 5 dj 4 e de avere s quatro pago al chamarlincho adi 14 di setenbre a c. 12 1 — s 4 e de avere s octo pago alchamarlinghD adj 18 dotobre a c. 12 1 — s 8 " [Archiv. dello Stato, Academia del Disegno, Libro Deb. & Cred. B 1538-1556 segnato Arti 27 Cod. 3 c. 76* e Ixxvij ; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 248.] 19. Continuation of the same. "1539 Santj buglionj schultore de dare da di p° di novenbre p(er) insino a tutto ottobre 1540 s sedicj — 1 — s 16 E de dare s sedicj sop(ra) la tassa di q(ues)to an(n)o comjciat" adj p" dj Noveb(r)e 1540 1 — s 16 E de dare s sedicj sop(ra) la tassa di q(ues)to an(n)o comjcjat" adj p° di Novebre 1541 1 _ s 16 E de dare s dua sop(ra) la messe di Rafaello e giova cjafanjnj 1 _ s 2 I2 10 "1539 Santj dirjnchontro de avere s uno e dj quatro chome si vede in q(ues)to c. 77 — 1 — s i dj 4 E de a(ver)e s sej pago al c° (camarlingo) adi 21 dj febrajo c. 13 — 1 _ s 6 E de a(ver)e s dua pago al c° adi 20 di gugnjo c. 14 1 — s 2 E de a(ver)e s sej dj otto pago al c° adj 18 dottobre c. 15 — 1 _ s 6 dj 8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI lix E de a(ver)e s quatro pago al c° adj 13 dj febrajo c. 17 — 1 — 54 E de a(ver)e 1 una pago al c adj 18 dj Setenbre 1541 c. 19 — lis — E de a(ver)e s sej dj 8 pago al c° adj 18 di ottobre 1542 c. 21 1 — s 6 dj 8 1 2 s 10 E de a(ver)e s tre dj quatro posto deba dare in q(uest)o c. 115 — per raguaglio di q(uest)a ragone." Pages 114* and 115 have similar accounts for dues and masses Pages 126* and 127 have similar accounts for dues and masses Pages 144* and 145 have similar accounts for dues and small expenses (object not stated). The last credit is sol. 16 for the year Nov. i 1556 to Nov. I, 1557. [Idem, idem, c. 103* e 104; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 248.] Addi 18 di Dicembre 3 Sindaci Determinorono similmete che dovessi esser rivisto a 1 p(.er; -j ^^^^^ ^ ^o q-^ fgfjini proveditore di detta nvedere il . . , coto a m° ^^^ Academja di tutto q (quel) tempo che esso Gio. fed. haveva exercitato tale offitio, et a tal negotio P'"^- elessono p(er) sindacj m° Fran" Camillani s(cultore) m° Santi bugioni s(cultore) et m" Zanobi lastricati s i q'li (quali) in copagnia del proveditore doves- sino saldare detti conti [Archiv. idem, Accademia idem, Giornale e Ricordi detto Libro del Proveditore, 1571-1575, segnato Arti 2y, Cod. 25, c. 16; published in L'Arte, XXII (i9i9),248.] 20. Continuation of the same, 1 562-1 574. "+ 1562 Tornata Adi 23 di Maggio 23 Da santi buglioni 1 12 s" [Archivo di Stato, Accademia del Disegno, Entrata e Uscita 1562-1585, segnato Arti. 27, Cod. loi, c. 3*.] " + 1563 Tornata Adi 18 dottobre * 23 Da santi di Michele buglioni s 8 — 1 — 8 — " [Idem, c. 5] "+ 1563 E adi 12 di febrajo dalla cassetta delle limosine X Ix BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 23 Da santi di michele bujonj s sei otto — 1 — s 6 8" [Idem, c. 6] "Tornata adj 8 ottobre 1564 23 Da Santj di michele bugljonj s 14 1 — s 14" [Idem, c. 7] "Tornata adj 1 1 di marzo 1 564 23 Da Santj di Michele buglioni s 13 — 4 reco lui — 1 — s 13 — 4" [Idem, c. 8*] "Adi 9 di febraio del (15)65 23 Da Sante Buglioni soldi venti — 1 I '— " [Idem, c. 11] "+ 1566 Entrata tenuta per me Santi di tito depintore cominciata questo di 12 di magio 1566 Da santj di michele s dieci a suo c5to ogii questo di dco di sop(r)a 1 — s 10" [Idem, c. 12] "Da santi di tito chamarlingho passato lire sette s 4 sono p(er) resto del suo charmalingaticho Rivisto p(er) santi buglioni questo di sopradetto — 1 7 s 4" [Idem, c. 12*] "Entrata tenuta p(er) me Zanobi di bernardo lastrjcalj Schultore comjciando oggi q° dj 11 dj maggio 1567 23 Da santi buglionj s 13 dj 4 1 — s 13 4" [Idem, c. 7] "Addi 7 dj setenbre 1567 Da santj buglionj 1 una contantj 1 i" [Idem, c. 15] "Tornata addj 13 di gugnjo 1568 19 Da Santj dj michele buglionj soldi tredjcj dj 4 — 1 — s 13 — 4" [Idem, c. 16*] "Entrata tenuta p(er) me santi di tito pittore comin ciata adj 13 di febraio 1568 e tornata di dco 19 Da santi buglioni 1 s 13 . 4" [Idem, c. 18*] "E adi 18 di ottobre 1572 Tornata adj dc5 19 Da Santi di buglioni scultore 1 dua s dieci adi 3 di nov(en)b(r)e 1572 1 2 s 10" [Idem, c. 28*] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Ixi "Tornata addi 14 dj dice(n)b(r)e 1572 19 Da Santi buglionj scultore 1 tre s nove dj 8 p° (porto) coti il dco p" (proveditore) ) — 1 3 s 9 .8" [Idem, c. 30] "Tornata adi 14 di gugnio (1573) 19 Da santti buglioni 1 dua e per liii da piero sopradetto 1 2 s — " [Idem, c. 32'] "Adi primo di setebre 1573 36 Da santi bulioni s tredici di quatro recho iachopo — 1 — 13 4" [Idem, c. 33] "addj X dottobre 1574 36 Da santi buglionj Ijre una aconto dj sua tassa 1 i" [Idem, c 38] "+ yhs MDLXXIIII Adj 4 di novenbre 36 Da santi di michele scultore p(er) sua tassa 1 una — 1 is — " [Idem, c. 39] 21. Revision of the accounts of the Accademia by Santi Buglioni and others, 1 563-1 567. "+ adi 16 di marzo 1563 Rivisto per nnoi (noi) io pierf (pierfrancesco) e sanntti di mj michelle bugllioni el chonntto all sopradetto chamarlligho restagli nelle mani chome si vede lire cinnquanntatre e soldj 6 danari 8 chome si vede innquesto — 1 53.6.8" [Idem, c. 103'] (In Pierf rancesco's handwriting) "Adi 10 di febrai del (15)64 Rivisto p(er) me santj bugl (buglioni)" (Santi's handwriting) [Idem, c. 108'] "1566 Rivisto p(er) me santj bugl (buglioni)" (Santi's handwriting) [Idem, c. 109] "1567 Rivisto p(er) noi santj di michele e Rub(er)to di filipo" (Santi's hand- writing) [Idem, c. 112] "Addi 12 dj settenb(r)e (1574) E addi detto da santj buglionj lire una accoto dj sua tassa reco iacopo 1 i — " [Idem, c. 125] 22. Accounts of Santi Buglioni with the Accademia, 1 568-1577. "+ yhs Santi buglioni formatore de dare 1 tre p(er) la tassa Ixii BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI da di p(ri)mo di maggio 1568 p(er) insino adi 31 dotobre 1569 a ragione di 1 dua lan(n)o — 1 3 — E de dare 1 dua p(er) la tassa chomica adi primo di novenbre 1569 p(er) insino adi 31 dotobre 1570 1 2 — E de dare 1 una sono p(er) la tasa di sei mesi comiciatti adi p(rim)o di noveb. (15)70 e finiscie p(er) tuto aprille (15)71 — 1 i — E de dare 1 una p(er) la tasa di 6 mesi comicatti adi p(rim)o di magio e forniscie (finiscie) p(er) tuto otobre (15)71 — 1 I — E de dare 1 dua p(er) la tassa dadi p(rim)o dicjenbre 1 571 p(er) tutto ottobre 1572 — — 1 2 — in qsto a c. 36" "+ yhs Santi di michele bulioni de av€re s tredici di quatro chome aetrata c. 16 • — 1 - s 13 di 4 E de avere s tredici chome apare aetrata de chamarligho c.i8 1 - s 13 di 4 Santi di contro de avere 1 dua s diesi adi 3 di novenbre 1572 come antrata c. 25 1 2 s 10 Santi di contro de avere 1 tre s nove dj otto come antrata adi 11 di gennaio 1572 c. 30 1 3 s 9 — 8 Santi buioni de avere 1 dua come antrata adi 14 di giugnio 1573 c. 32 — — — — — l2s — " [Archiv. idem, Accademia idem, Libro Deb. e Cred. per conto di tasse 1567-1577, segnato Arti 2y, Cod. 123, c. 18*.] /'+ 1572 Santi di michele buioni de dare 1 dua dadi p" di 9enbre (novenbre) 1572 p(er) sua tassa p(er) tutto ottobre 1573 1 2 — E de dare adi p° di 9enbre 1573 1 dua p(er) la tassa p(er) tutto ottobre 1574 — — — 1 2 E de dare adi p° di 9enbre 1574 1 dua p(er) tutto ottobre 1575 — 1 2 E de dare dadi p° di novemb(r)e 1575 p(er) sino addi p° di maggio 1576 p(er) sua tassa di sei mesi 1 i E de dare dadi p" di maggio p sino adi p" di novemb(r)e 1576 p(er) tasa di sei mesi passati — 1 i — E de dare Hre una dadi p° di novemb(r)e 1576 p sino addi p° di maggio 1577 p(er) sua tassa di sei mesi passati 1 i 19" [Idem, c. 19] Santi di contro de avere adi 11 ottobre 1573 s tredici di q(u)atro come ajntrata c. 33 1 — s 13 — 4 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Ixiii E de avere in q(u)esto a c. 19 s sei di q(u)atro tanti segli fanno buoni al suo conto c. 19 1 — s 6.4 Santi di contro de avere adi 11 dottobre 1573 s tredisi dj q(u)atro come ajntrata c. 33 1 — s 13 . 4 E de avere adi 12 di settenbre 1574 1 una come antrata c. 38 — — 1 is — E de avere adi 14 di 9 enbre 1574 1 una come antrata c. 39 — — — — — — — lis — E de avere lire q(u)atro s 7 p(er) tanti posto dare in q" c. 60 1 4 — 7 E de avere lire una pero non(h)a a ire debitore de sei mesi al (error) da novemb(r)e a maggio 1577 p(er)che era morto — 1 i — t 1 9" [Idem, c. 35*] "+yhs Me MDLXXVIJ + Santi di michele bulioni formatore de dare lire quattro soldie sette p* (piccioli) per resto di sua tassa a novenb(r)e 1576 come in q° avere c. 35 I4 . 7 — " + [Idem, c. 59*] "+ yhs Me MDLXXVIJ Santi di bulionj di contro de avere addi 13 di ottobre lire dua p' p(er) a conto di tassa recho detto a entrata c. 50 1 2 — " [Idem, c. 60] 23. Santi's accounts with S. Maria Nuova, for rental of house, 1533- 1534. "Santj di michele dare f 17 l2iip'223^" [Archiv. del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli E 1532-1551 c. 25.] "Santi di michele de avere ■ — (here follow rent payments for a total of f. 13 1 10 "1533 E adj 7 dottobre sino adj .... 1 viij plj rischosse bernardo biliottj posto dare alibro s*° k c. 303 — f 17 — [Idem, c. xxv] "+ yhs Me (Marie) MDXXXIIip R(icord)o Santj di michele schultore de dare p(er) tantj posto debbj avere 1 q(uesto) c 25 p(er) resto di q(ues)to chontto a c. 25 f - 1 2.0. 11 p' 20^ caponj'* [Idem, c. 144] Ixiv • BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI "+ yhs Me MDXXXIIIJ" Santi di michele dichonttro de av(er)e addj 5 di settenbre 1 tre s x pli R(ech)o g(iovann)i alb(er)tjnj conttanti a entrata Nc. 91 — f — I310 — E addi 27 di otobre 1 iij s x plj R" (recho) gi alb(er)tjnj a entrata N c. loi — f — 1 3 10 — " [Idem, c. cxliiij; published in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 196.] "+ yhs MDXXXJ" Bernardo di matteo biHottj nostro rischotitore de dare E addj 31 daghosto 1532 E de dare 1 quaranta dua plj rischosse da santj di michele schultore apare alib(r)o fitti s*° E c. 25 — f 6 i — E de dare adj 31 dottobre 1532 . . . . E piu 1 vij plj disse avere riscosse da santi schultore schritta di sua mano jn sul fogljo a m. agnolo dant° de Morssi detto fitte c. 25 f i — 1 — " [Idem, c. cxliiij.] 24. Santi Buglioni, now blind, is absolved from dues to the Academy, 1575- "+ yhs m' MDLXXV Addj 8 di Gennaio 1575 Grazia fatta Ricordo come essendosj ragunata laccademia nella a m bantj no(st)ra solita tornata nella nunziata e p(er) che essendo che no ""^ santj Buglionj cascato in infermita desser(e) cieco paghj la prego laccademia che lo dovessj assolvere da la tassa tutte le tasse obblighj che fussino in suo pre- or inana j^^-o (^pj-gju^jzio) dove che essendosj ragunatj si accademia niette a partita e cosi fu vinto p(er) fave nere 30 e j* bianca e di tanto fo ricordo." [Archiv. idem, Accademia idem, Giornale e Ricordi detto Libro del Proveditore, 1571-1575, Segnato Arti 27, Cod. 25,' c. 44; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 248.] 25. Death of Madonna Francesca di Santi Buglioni, Aug. 1566. "Agosto 1566 M' Franc" di Santi Buglioni sep(olt)a i s" bernaba Adi 6" [Arch, di Stato, Ufficio della Grascia, Libro dei Morti, 1 561-1580, c. 126.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Ixv 26. Death of Santi Buglioni, Dec. 2^, 1576. "MDLXXVI Santi di michele viviani s" m" m" (maggiore) Qbre (novembre) 2^] (15)76." [Arch, di Stato, Arti. 6, Cod. 253. Libro de Morti, 1570-1591, c. 324'.] "Addi xxvi daprile 1576 (1577) A il sagrestano della nonziata Hre cinque e soldi cinque per tante messe per lanima di di santi date in nota che ascendono alia somma di numero venti uno — 1 5 — 5 — " [Arch. d. Stato, Accad. del Disegno, Entrata e Uscita, 1 562-1 588, segnato Arti 27, Cod. loi, c. 131.] 27. Accounts of Michelangelo di Santi and of his sister, Maria Fortini, 1 576-1606. ''Michelagniolo dj S*' di Michele di S" schultore de dare Adj 28 di febraio 1576 f 4.0.2 da santj di michele suo padre g"^ detto a c. 402 arroto dj n° 373 f 4 2 Adi 30 di luglio 1579 fi — o — 5 da franc" e altri dj Alesandro Martellj g"^ dj d° (drago) s*° g"* a c. 226 dj n° 121 f I 5 Adi 26 di Gen'" 1580 f — 9 — p(er) casa n° 319 f — 9 — 5-9-7 A 31 di Mag° (15)89 S3 da m' Cat" lunelli vaio a c. 401 n 48 f — 3 — A 29 di 9be (novembre) (15)89 f — da contadinj dj n° 204 f A 3 di Gen° (15)90 s 9.7 da contadinj di n° 241 f — 9 .7 A 2 dap(ri)lei592 s 2 — da contadinj di n° 19 f — 2 — 6.4.2 Michelag'" di cdtro de havere adj 31 di Maggio 1581 f — 3. 11 a Ag ° (Agnolo) di Ghezzo (?) della Casa Drago S. Gio. a c. 143 n" 92 — f — 3 -H Adi 5 di maggio 1583 f 2.10.5 p(er) casa p(er) uso di n° 315 f 2 10 5 Adi 28 di sett (15)83 f i — 5 a benj di B'° del palagio vaio a c. 589 n° 208 f i — 5 3-I4-7 Adi 28 di m" (15)86 fi.5.2 a suor faustina Bettinj vaio a c. 563 n° 37 f i -5 .2 Adi 30 di Mag" 1592 fi.4.3 a luj detto in q°ac 71 n" 75 f i .4 ,3 f 6.4.2" [Archivio di Stato, Archivio delle Decime, Anno 1532, Quartiere di Santo Spirito, Gonf. Nicchio, segnato Cod. 13, c. 63.] Ixvi BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI "Michelagniolo di Santi di Michele Viviani de dare Adi 30 di Mag° 1592 fi.4.3 daluj detto in q° a c 63 — f 1.4.3 A 26 di 8b(r)e 1606 f i .9. 5 da m" Maria fortinj inq°ac74 — 150— f 1.9-5 [Idem, c. 71] M" Maria V Donna fu di iacopo fortini e fig" di santi viviani de dare Addi 28 di Giug" 1600 fi.9.5 p(er) casa apigionata di nuovo n° 67 f 1.9.5 M' Maria di cotro de avere adj 26 di 8b(r)e 1606 fi.9.S A Michelagniolo Viviani in q° a c. 71 — 140 — f 1.9.5 [Idem, c. 74] II. CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS II. CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS 1 480 1 490 1 STEMMA OF POPE INNOCENT VIII. 1484-1492. Rome, Vati- can, Sala Borgia. Photo., Alinari, 11874; Brogi, 16414. Supported by two Rossellinesque angels is a large wreath of continuous fruit and flowers, in style resembling those on the vault of the refectory of S. Pietro dei Cassinensi, Perugia, documented works of Benedetto Buglioni. The wreath encloses a blue disk against which is set a beribboned Tuscan shield bearing the Cibo arms (Fig. i) : Gules, a bend chequy argent and azure; in chief argent a cross of S. Georgio da Genova gules. Above the Fig. I. — Stem MA of Pope Innocent VIII. shield is the Papal tiara, and keys in saltire or and azure, indicating that these are the arms of that most illustrious member of the Cibo family, Giovanni Battista, who was Pope from 1484 to 1492 under the name of Innocent VIII. Bibl. : Begni, 126; Cr., 353; M., R. H., 66, Fig. 67. '•V !••'• :•'; ^.'' '•: BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 2 CHRIST IN HADES. 1484. Florence. S. S. Annunziata (S. Maria de'Servi). Garden (formerly). Vasari, in his life of Verrocchio, attributes to Benedetto Buglioni a Resurrection and Angels in the church of the Servi near the chapel of S. Barbara. Milanesi, in a note to Vasari (II, 184, note i; III, 375, note 2), states that the Resurrection in the Cappella de'Falconieri of the church is by Agostino di Duccio, and that in the garden was a glazed terra-cotta relief by Benedetto Buglioni made in 1484 and representing Christ freeing the Patriarchs from Hades. Fabriczy, in the Rivista d'Arte, II (1904), 139, published the document on which Milanesi's assertion was based. Un- fortunately the relief itself has disappeared, which is the more regrettable as this subject, familiar enough in Italian painting, does not elsewhere occur in the works of the Robbia school. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Ricordo chome q(uest)o di 20 dimaggio 1484 chome benedetto digiovannj ischarpelatore se obrighato alchonvento de servj di fare una tavola inchapo delorto nel tabernacholo di terra chotta di mezo Rilievo dj ent(r)ouj la storia delinbo delaquale avere p(er) sua faticha e p(er) mat- terie metera indetta tavola 1 cento di piccioli cioe 1 cento e qualj avere in q(uest)o modo cioe al presente f quattro larghi doro inoro e quando ara chomesso insieme e pezj di detta avere altrj f q(u)attro larghi inoro e q(u)ando lara fornita e messa suso che sia achoncia e fornita di tutto alora gli abiano adare e resto insino a 1 cento intendedosj le dette istorie deluscio nela forma chome glj lavora q(u)elle delarobia e p(er) chiareza di cio sisoschrivera qui di a pie di sua mano e hobrigasi dave(r)la fornita in- tenpo e termine di mesj dua prossimj avenire lo benedeto sopradeto sonchontento a quanto disopra sichontiene e per ciareza di cio mi sono soscrito- posto creditore alibro azurro d, c. 117" [Archivio di Stato, Sant™' Annunziata, Ricordanze B dal 1477 al 1494, segnato Corp. Sopp. 119, Cod. 49, c. 97.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 5 2. "+ MCCCCLXXXIIIJ " + MCCCCLXXXIIIJ Benedetto digiovannj ischarpelatore benedetto digiovannj de dare adi lo dimaggio 1484 ischarpelatore de f quattro larghi doro inoro avere f 4 larghi inoro porto luj detto chontantj sono posto debbj dare p(er) parte di 1 100 p(er) fare una alibro Azurro s'" tavola diterra di mezo d c 117- 1 24 s 12-" Rilievo chome apare ale richordanze B c 93 a uscita s*° d c 139- 1 24 s 12-" [Idem, idem, Cod. 197, Libro Giallo C (1478-1484), c. 434.] 3. "Al dj 18 di maggio 1484 A benedetto di giovanni ischarpelatore adi decto (20) f. quatro larghi doro in oro porto lui detto contanti sono per parte di lib. cento per fare una tavola di terra cotta di mezo rilievo come appare alle Ricordanze B c. 97 al Quaderno c. 89 al libro giallo seg*" C. c. 434. 1 24 sol- den-" [Archiv. idem, Chiesa della SS""" Annunziata, Libro Entrata e Uscitii (1482-1486), segnato Corp. Sopp. 119, Cod. 247, c. 139; published in L'Arte, xxii (1919), 107.] 4. "Octobre 1484 A benedetto di giovannj scharpellatore adj 16 di detto f . quatro larghj in quatrinj a lib. sei sol. uno per fiorino porto luj detto per parte duno lavoro fa a capo allorto al Quaderno c. ioi3(?) ea Libro ... 117 1 24 sol 4 den-" [Archiv, idem. Cod. idem, c. 167*; published in L'Arte, XXII (191 9), 107.] 5. "Magio 1485 A benedetto di giovannj scharpelatore adj decto (6) f . 4 larghi in moneta a lib. 6 sol. i per fiorino porto luj decto per parte della tavola dell orto al Quaderno c . . . e a Libro (Giallo), c. 117 1. 25 sol 4 den-" [Archiv., idem. Cod. idem, c. 203; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 107.] 6. "Luglio 1485. A m° ant° n° ge (these 3 words cancelled) Giovannj scapellatore adj detto (16) f due larghi in moneta porto giovanj d(e)c(t)o p(er) b(e)- 6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI n(e)detto siio figluolo p(er) parte deltabernacholo acapo allorto al quaderno c- e alibro (giallo) 117 1 12 s 2 d" [Idem, idem, Cod, idem, c. 218; published in L'Arte XXII (1919), 107.] 7. "+ MCCCCLXXXIIIJ Benedetto digiovannj ischarpelatore de dare f q(u)atro larghi inoro posto debbj avere alibro giallo s*° c 0433/4 autj p(er) parte di 1 icx) p(er) fare una tavola di terra chotta di mezo Rilievo chome apare ale richordanze 1 24 s 12- "+ MCCCCLXXXIIIJ Benedetto di giovannj ischarpelatore de avere 1 cento sono p(er)iltabernacholo delorto che cho- messo nelachapella maestra delorto a uscita d c 223- 1 100 s- 1 24 s 12- 1 24 s 12- 6- posto Orto dare In q. c 304 s ° b c. 139- - E de dare adi 16 dottobre f q(u)attro porto luj detto in chontantj 1 24 S4 di moneta a uscita s*°d c 203- - E de dare adi 6 di maggio 1485 f q(u)atro larghi porto luj detto p(er) parte delatavola delorto a uscita s*°d c 203- - E de dare adi 6 diluglio f dua larghi porto giovannj suo padre a uscita s*° d c 218- 1 12 86.2 E de dare adi 21 dottobre 1 tredicj s xviij porto giovannj suo padre a uscita s*° d c 232- 1 13 s 18- " 1 100 [Archiv. idem, Cod. 198, Libro Azzurro D (1484-1493), c. 117.] 8. "Ottobre 1485. A benedetto di giovannj scarpellatore adj decto (21) lib. tredicj sol. diciotto sono per resto della tavola che e in capo allorto e per luj porto giovannj suo padre al Quaderno c. 171 e(a Libro Giallo) c 117. lib. 13 sol. 18 den- [ Archiv. idem. Cod. idem, c. 232*; published in L'Arte, XXII (1919), 107.] Bibl. Baldinucci VI, 18; Bombe, in B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; C-M., 144 Cr., 250; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arie, II (1904), 139 (Doc.) ; R. G. Mather, L'Arte, XXII (1919), 107 (Doc). BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 7 3 STEMMA OF RICCARDO DI TOMMASO GUIDUCCI. 1485. Pistoia, Palazzo Pretorio. Photo., Private. Within a wreath of triplex bunches of fruit separated by transverse fluted ribbons are displayed (Fig. 2) the Guiducci arms: Per pale; dexter, vairy Fig. 2. — Stem MA of Ricardo Guiducci. argent and azure; sinister, chequy or and gules. Below is a tablet in- scribed RICARDO A DI TOMASOA GHVIDVCIA P(ODEST)AA 1485 A The punctuation points are those commonly used in Benedetto Buglioni's inscriptions. Riccardo Guiducci had already been Prior in Florence in 1485, Bibl. : C., s.v. Guiducci; M., R. H., 52, Fig. 51 ; P., 463. 4 ALTARPIECE WITH BUSTS OF ISAIAH AND DAVID. 1487- 1488. Perugia. Duomo, Cappella di S. Giuseppe (Santo Anello). Photo., Alinari, 21373. The chapel where was preserved the Sant-Anello or Ring of the Sposa- lizio having been demolished in 1480, a petition for a new altar or chapel was made by Era Bernardino da Feltre on May 31, i486. This chapel, known as the Cappella di S. Giuseppe, was entrusted to M. Benedetto Bug- lioni, "florentinus sculptor lapidum," who appears to have received on this account 200 florins on Oct. 31, 1487, and a total of 427 florins by Sept. 8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 6 and 8, 1488. The Lodo, or appraisal, of the altarpiece was made by the well known sculptor Ambrogio da Milano and by Filippo di Giovanni da Meli, who had been appointed the "arbitratores." The Lodo indicates that the altar was of stone, and that there was an altar rail with steps before it. The detailed description referred to in the Lodo unfortunately has not been discovered. Adamo Rossi first assigned the half figures of the prophets Isaiah and David, in a fine limestone known as caciolfa, still preserved in the Duomo, to this altarpiece. They were probably set in the spandrels beneath the cornice. This suggests an altarpiece like Andrea della Robbia's marble altar at S. Maria delle Grazie, Arezzo, or like Rossellino's in the church of Monte Oliveto, Naples. These relief busts are now associated with a God the Father and a Pieta, remains of an altarpiece made for the Ranieri thapel by Agostino di Duccio. Isaiah (Fig. 3) bears a scroll inscribed: ECCE A VIRGO A CO(N)- CIPIE(T) (Is. VII, 14); and David (Fig. 4) one with SERVITE A > Fig. 3. — Isaiah. D(OMI)NO A ITEM A ORA(TE) (Ps. C. 2). The lettering and punctu- ation marks are those used by Benedetto Buglioni elsewhere. Documents: — [Published by A. Rossi.] 1. Rossi states that on Oct. 31, 1487 200 florins were paid for this chapel, as recorded in Arch, com(unali) di Perugia, Annali decemvir, di d(etto) an(no) c. 39. 6 settembre 1488 2. Lodo della cappella di S. Giiiseppe in S. Lorenzo di Perugia pro- nunciato dai maestri Ambrogio da Milano e Filippo di Giovanni lomhardo BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 9 "Actum in palatio M.D.P. in camera cambi presentibus etc. Franciscus petri de randolis de perusia porte heburnee parochie sancti stefani et Mari- ottus costantij de perusia porte solis parochie sancti florentij superstites operum capelle sancti Joseph facte in ecclesia sancti laurentij maioris ec- clesie civitatis perusie cum presentia Hcentia constantini juliani ser gas- peris de perusia vni ex prior ibus prefatis habentis in predictis specialem commissionem ab aliis prioribus suis sotijs ex vna parte obligando res et bona comunis perusie pro observatione omnium infrascriptonum et Magister benedictus bruglionis florentinus scultor lapidum per se et suos heredes obHgando se et omnia eius bona mobilia et stabiHa presentia et futura pro observatione omnium infrascriptorum Compromiserunt et com- promissum fecerunt et elligerunt in eorum arbitros et arbitratores amicos comunes et amichabiles compositores Magistrum ambrosium milanensem Fig. 4. — David. lapidum scultorem habitatorem in civitate Vrbini et Magistrum filippum lohannis lombardum habitatorem in civitate perusie presentes et acceptantes ad omnem deferentiam que esset et esse posset inter dictas partes super fabrica constructione et perfectione dicte capelle per dictum magistrum benedictum facte et etiam super extimatione ipsius capelle tam de ferra- mentis et plumbo quam etiam de omnibus aliis rebus et operibus generaliter et specialiter per dictum magistrum benedictum datis missis et factis in dicta capella et pro contentis in scripta inter dictas partes facta et etiam de promissionibus in dicta scripta factis quibus dederunt plenam licentiam potestatem auctoritatem facultatem et bayliam dictas eorum diferentias videndi terminandi laudandi extimandi et extimationem faciendi de dicta capella et opus ipsius de jure veritate equitate et de facto diebus feriatis et non feriatis et etiam feriatis ad honorem dey presentibus partibus et non lo BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI presentibus citatis et non citatis quorum laudo sententie arbitramento per dictos arbitros ferendo promiserunt dicte partes stare tacite et contente et ab ipso non reclamare non ricurrere ad arbitrium boni viri et ipsum ac- ceptare promiserunt duraturum per otto dies proxime venturos Renuntian- tes etc. jurantes etc. sub pena centum ducatorum etc. et facere confessionem etc. Die viij settembris Existentes publice constituti coram presentibus M. D. P. artium civitatis perusij existentibus congregatis in camera capitis officj Ambrogius milan- ensis et filippus loannis lombardus arbitri et arbitratores amici comunes et amicabiles compositores electi ut supra a dictis partibus prout latius ap- paret instrumento compromissi manu meij notarij infrascripti et volentes per sententiam diferentiam et extimationem in eis commissam terminare devenerunt ad infrascriptum laudum et sententiam vid. In nomine domini Amen. Nos Ambrogius milanensis et filippus loannes lombardus arbitri et arbitratores amici comunes et amicabiles compositores ellecti et absumpti a prefatis francisco et mariotto superstitibus fabrice capelle sancti loseph et a magistro benedicto bruglione florentino prefato sedentes pro tribunali in quodam banco ligneo existente in camera capitis offitij quem locum pro eorum juridico loco ad hunc actum ellegerunt et deputauerunt Viso compromisso in nos facto per dictas partes et auctoritate et potestate et arbitrio nobis per dictas partes concessis et attributis et visa quadam scripta facta inter dictas partes de opere et fabrica dicte capelle et visis promissionibus hinc inde factis in dicta scripta per dictas partes, et visa dicta capella facta per dictum magistrum benedictum et visis operibus factis in dicta capella et habitis etiam informationibus de ferramentis et plumbo missis in dicta capella et intellectis dictis partibus pluries et omni- bus visis que videnda fuerunt et sunt Christi eiusque gloriose Virginis marie nominibus invocatis talem inter dictas partes sententiam laudum arbitramentum damns et proferimus Quia dicimus sententiamus laudamus et arbitramur et extimamus dictum opus dicte capelle sancti loseph omni- bus computatis factum per dictum magistrum benedictum fore et esse va- loris et extimationis quatrincentorum vigintiseptem florenorum ad rationem tredicim grossorum florenorum et vinus boleni veteris pro quolibet floreno Et in dicta quantitate condempnamus dictos superstites ad dandum et soluendum dicto magistro benedicto et etiam condempnamus dictum magis- trum benedictum ad faciendum altare dicte capelle cum petra seu lapide et cum balustis et reactare scalinos ipsius capelle seu altare prout et sicut vide- bitur et placebit dictis superstitibus sine aliqua mercede et solutione Et ita dixerunt extimaverunt condempnaverunt et arbitrati fuerunt omni mel- iori modo via jure et forma quibus magis et melius potuerunt et possunt Latum datum et in his scriptis similiter pronuntiatum et promulga- BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI ii turn fuit dictum laudum sententia et arbitramentum per dictos arbitros arbitratores amicos comunes et amicabiles compositores sedentes pro tri- bunali in supradicto loco sub annis domini Mcccclxxxviij inditione vj tem- pore domini nostri domini Innocentij divina providentia papa ottavi et die viij settembris presentibus mariotto lohannis de perusia porte sancte sub- sanne parochie sancti grigorij et bartolomeo antonelli de perusia porte sancti petri et parochie sancte marie de colle testibus ad predicta habitis vocatis et rogatis. Presentibus dictis partibus et dictum laudum et extimatione acceptantibus et approbantibus in omnibus et per omnia." • [Archiv. com. di Perugia. Annali decemvir., 1488, c. 82.] Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904). 140. Guardabassi, 188; Marrari, Apologetus, 1865, iv, 362; Murray, Central Italy, 220; Pointner, 196-201, Taf. 21 ; A. Rossi, Gior. d'Erud. artistica, II (1873), 228-230, 250-254 (Doc). 5 LECTERN OR READING GALLERY. 1487-1488. Perugia. Monastery of S. Pietro dei Cassinensi. Refectory. Polygonal. H., 1.12m.; W., 2.15m. Photo., Private. The Benedictine monastery dedicated to S. Pietro was founded by monks from Monte Cassino, in the tenth century. There is a lectern or reading gallery on the wall of the refectory, three tondi on the vaulted ceiling, and a lavabo in the adjoining corridor. The archives of the monastery show that Benedetto Buglioni received for them forty large golden ducats on Oct. 28, 1487; also that during his absence in Florence payments were made to his brother Francesco. The lectern (Fig. 5) is set on three stone consoles and is irregularly polygonal, having one long and two short sides. The podium exhibits a light blue frieze, set between upright and pendent white and yellow leaf mouldings and inscribed : QVI A EX A DEO A EST VERBA A DEI A AVDIT The central portion is divided by pilasters of composite type into two lateral and one frontal niche, the latter being flanked by quadrangular panels. The niches are now empty, but formerly the central niche con- tained a statuette of a long bearded monk robed in white standing on a base inscribed: BENEDET(T)0. The upper part of the niche is fluted and coloured a mottled blue, the lower part a mottled green (serpentine). The empty niches may have contained statuettes of S. Pietro and S. Bar- 12 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI nardino. Originally S. Pietro may have occupied the central niche. The adjoining panels seem to have been painted in recent years w^ith a Papal tiara, the initials P. X. (Pius X) and other emblems. The cornice shows Fig. S. — Lectern, Perugia (print reversed). a blue frieze between white and yellow leaf, egg and dart, and pearl mould- ings. The frieze is decorated with disks containing alternately the crossed keys of S, Pietro and small green rosettes. Plain green garlands hang from the disks. Documents: — [Copied by Count Umberto Gnoli to whom we make grateful acknowledgment.] 1. "1487, Monastero de la badia di fiorenza de dare due. doro largi X che tanti sono mandati al dicto monastero per m° benedecto scar- pelino E de dare adi XX decembre ducati octo doro largi che tanti li monto el p. abbati d. tymotheo per elp. [sic] de m° betto" [Archivio di S. Pietro in Perugia, Libro maestro e giornale del 1487, c. 34.] 2. "MCCCCLXXXVIJ M° Benedecto de zuanni de fiorenza sculptore de dare a di xiiij luio 1487 fl. nove s. 80 doro per una sua ragione. . E de dare adi xxiij zugno fl. doi . . . E de dare adi 30 zugno fl. tre E de dare adi xvij agosto fl. tre E de dare adi . . . luio fl. doi s. septanta E de dare adi xxxi agosto fl. doi s. quaranta sono per m. (mez- zinghe) sei di grano hebe francesco suo fratello E de dare adi 26 novembre 1. septe E de dare adi iij decembre fl. quattro s. cinque E de dare xx dicto due. sei doro . . . dixe per mandare a firenze BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 13 1488. E de dare adi 10 de marzo fl. doi s. ventecinque E de dare adi 20 de aprile fl. doi E de dare adi xiij de magio fl. doi E de dare adi xxvj de zugno fl. uno E de dare adi xviiij de luio fl. uno E de dare adi viiij de agosto fl. uno E de dare adi xviij de octobris ducati undeci largi." [Idem, idem, c. no.] 3. "MCCCCLXXXVIJ M° Benedecto de contro de avere a di xviij de octobris due. quaranta doro largi che tanti li se fanno boni per uno lettorino de pietracotta et per tre tondi et uno lavello da lavare le niano a facto a lo refectorio novo . . . " fl. Ivij 1. in [Idem, Idem, c. no.] Bibl. : Bombe, in B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Burckh., II, 436; C-M., 144; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 140 (Doc); Guide Joanne, It. Centr., 294; Marrari, Apologetus, 1865, IV, 362; R. A. G. Stuart, Perugia, 123, 126; A. Rossi, Giorn. Erud. Artist., II, (1873), 251 note 2 ( Doc.) ; Vas., II, 185 note i. 6-8 (i) S. PIETRO, (2) MONOGRAM OF JESUS, (3) S. BENE- DETTO. 1487-1488. Perugia. S. Pietro dei Cassinensi. Refec- tory. Three medallions. Diam., c. 1.50 m. Photo., Private. The ceiling of the refectory is ornamented with three tondi representing S. Pietro, the monogram of Jesus, and S. Benedetto. 1. S. Pietro (Fig. 6) is represented in white tunic and mantle. His nim- bus, beard and hair, one of the keys, and borders of drapery were gilded. The hair and beard are modelled in late Roman, sponge-like fashion. The background is light blue. The garland of fruit and flowers is not framed by lateral mouldings. It retains a suggestion of Andrea's triplex bunches, but the apex of each group is usually accompanied by lateral fruits or flowers. In composition it is less rhythmical than Andrea's or even Gio- vanni's garlands. What little rhythm there is may be described as a suc- cession of transverse groups of 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, etc. 2, The monogram of Jesus, frequently used as a symbol of S. Bernar- dino, consists of the first three letters of the name IH20Y2 (Fig. 7). The first letter is usually rendered as a Y to indicate its Greek origin, and the second is modified so as to suggest a cross. This monogram occurs frequently in Robbia works not as a symbol of S. Bernardino, though 14 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 6. — S. Pietro. Fig. 7. — Monogram of Jesus. frequently due to the influence of his preaching. Here composed of ribbon-like letters, yellow on blue, the monogram is surrounded by yellow flames, alternately straight and wavy — according to Giovanni della Rob- bia's practice. The polychromatic garland is composed, like the preceding, of transverse groups of two and three fruits, flowers and wheat, in more or less regular succession. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 15 3. S. Benedetto, Clad in white monk's habit the saint holds a book and a martyr's palm (Fig. 8). The background is light blue. The polychro- matic garland is composed as in the preceding tondi. Document and Bibliography as in the preceding. Fig. 8. — S. Benedetto. 9 CHRIST AND THE SAMARITAN WOMAN AT THE WELL. 1487-1488. Perugia. S. Pietro dei Cassinensi. Hall before refectory. Lavabo. H., 2.15m., W., 3m. Photo., Fotog. dell'Emilia, Bologna. This lavabo appears to have been enlarged, by adding the pendent gar- land, the frieze with the flying angels supporting the Sacred Name, and still later by the marble trough with its five spouting cherub heads (Fig. 9). The lunette, with its yellow and white egg and dart archivolt and its base showing a blue band between plain white mouldings, is complete in itself. Below it originally was in all probability a basin too small for the purpose it was destined to serve. This may have been a marble vase on a pedestal like that of the font at S. Flora, or of the lavabo in the sacristy of S. Maria Novella. The subject of the lunette, Christ speaking to the Samaritan woman at the Well (John IV, 4-30) is an appropriate subject for a lavabo. The figures of the Samarian woman and of Christ are relatively small, should we compare them with the flying angels below or even with the well-top by which they are standing. The well-top imitates a spotted i6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI marble. The brown rocky landscape with its ill-defined trees forms a background occurring frequently in Buglioni's works. Document and Bibliography same as the preceding. Fig. 9. — Lavabo. Christ and the Samaritan Woman. 10 PIETA. 1488. Perugia. Palazzo dei Priori. Camera del Capuffizio (formerly). In the Giornale di Erudizione artistica, II (1873), 251 note 2, and in the Rivista d'Arte, II (1904), 140, is published a document indicating that on Oct. 8, 1488, Maestro Betto (=Benedetto) was paid seven lire on ac- BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 17 count of a Pieta of glazed terra-cotta for the tabernacle in the hall leading to the camera del Capuffizio. Count Umberto Gnoli suggests that this Pieta may be the one in the church of S. Pietro, Perugia. Document: — [Copied by A. Rossi.] "1488, 8 ottobre. A M° Betto scarpellino de fiorenza per una piata (Pieta) de terra cotta invetriata factace per porre nel tabernaculo se troua quando se ua alia camera del Capoffitio lib sette." [Archivio della Computisteria comunale. Libro del Cappellano, segn°. nuovamente 441, c. 103.] Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904); 140 (Doc.) ; A. Rossi, Gior. di Enidin. artist., II (1873), 251 note 2 (Doc). 11 TOP OF NICHE. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 4. The central shell is mottled blue, yellow, white, violet. The arched frame consists of a white and yellow egg and dart and a flat leaf moulding. Yellow rosettes at the top and bases of the arch. Bibl.: Cr., 337; Supino, 436 No. 4. 12 YOUTHFUL CHRIST AND S. GIOVANNINO IN THE DES- ERT. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Lunette. H., 0.76m.; W., 1.40m. Photo., Alinari, 3282; Brogi, 9835. This lunette (Fig. 10) is not unlike the lunette of Christ and the Samari- FiG. 10. — Christ and S. Giovannino in the Desert. S. Ansano. i8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI tan Woman at S. Pietro, Perugia, in many of its details. The laminated rocky background with its umbrella-like trees, as well as the composition of the figures, the treatment of the draperies, hair, and eye colouring enable us to class it as a work of Benedetto Buglioni. The irregularly composed garland of fruit, flowers and wheat, as well as the type of egg and dart moulding point to the same attribution. The appearance of the youthful Christ to S. Giovannino in the desert is related in the Meditationes Vitae Christi, Cap. XI. (See Lawrence F. Powell, The Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesii Christ. London, 1908, PP- 7I-73-) Bibl. : Burl., 64, 114; Cr., 344. 13 S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA AND ADORING FRATI. Florence. Lo Scalzo. Entrance to Cloister. Lunette. H., 0.60m.; W. 1.20m. Photo., Private. S. Giovanni Battista, including his haircloth tunic and mantle, glazed white, holds a yellow cross in a polychromatic landscape set with rocks and trees (Fig. 11). His eyes have blue brows, lashes, pupils and iris boun- daries, the irises being left white. Fig. II. — S. Giovanni Battista and two Frati. The two adoring Frati are hooded and gowned in black and carry scourges in their hands. • Bibl.: B. J., 57; Burl., 108; C-M., 212 No. 45; Cr., 342. , 14 S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. London, Collection of Sir John Les- lie. Statuette. H., 0.96m. The middle-aged S. Giovanni looks to our left. His right hand rests on BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 19 left breast, his left hand holds up mantle. Clad in hair cloth, and a skin mantle tied in a knot over the right shoulder, the knot ends in goat's hoofs. 15 THE VIRGIN ADORED BY TWO MONKS. Florence. S. Mi- niato al Monte (formerly). Lunette. According to Barbet de Jouy, in 1855 above a door and toward the interior of the enclosure of S. Miniato al Monte was a lunette, white ■figures against blue, of the Virgin adored by two monks with heads cov- ered bearing incense. Cavallucci and Molinier in 1884 record this relief as in the sacristy of the church. Its whereabouts is now unknown. Probably analogous to the lunette at the Scalzo. Bibl. : B-J., (iy\ C-M., 251, No. 296; Demmin, 218. 16 S. MARIA EGIZIACA IN THE DESERT. Florence. Museo del 'Opera del Duomo, No. 107. Lunette. H., 0.72m.; W., 1.44m. Photo., Brogi, 9704. S. Maria Egiziaca, often identified with the Maddalena, is represented with hands folded, her long hair reaching nearly to her feet, standing in a rocky desert broken by a grove of trees (Fig. 12). A spring ripples at the right. Fig. 12. — S. Maria Egiziaca. The rocks are coloured a light maroon, streaked with yellow, green and blue. The trees are characteristic of Benedetto Buglioni. Bibl. : B. G., Lives of the Saints, Apr. 2; Burl., 108; C-M., 210 No. 29; Cr., 340; Poggi, Cat. Mils. d. Duomo, 50; S., 138, Abb. 146; J. Voragine, Legende Doree, 212-215. 20 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 17 S. MARIA MADDALENA. Florence. Compagnia della Vergine Maria. Lunette ( ? ) . Del Migliore, p. 360, mentions a S. Maria Maddalena as over the en- trance of this Compagnia della Vergine Maria. Probably a lunette, analo- gous to the preceding. A ,.,j^ W K ^.T---- it^.^Ji .f '^^WSSw^^ ^9^ ??X ^i^^^ "r « ^■L ^^^»^ "^ r ^ ' «a^-- ;^ L .^j^^ ^ '" 1 iiiiir' ^-3 aii»- Fig. 13. — S. GiovANNiNo, Cavriglia. 18-22 (i) S. GIOVANNINO IN THE DESERT. (2) CANDEL- ABRUM BEARING ANGEL. (3-5) BUSTS OF S. ROMOLO, S. STEFANO, S. GIOVANNINO. Cavriglia. Pieve. Photo., Private. I. 5'. Giovannino in the Desert, in a lunette measuring 1.05m. X I-75iti-' robed in haircloth and fluttering mantle, carries a cross and scroll (Fig. 13). His eyes are painted in Benedetto Buglioni's manner. The land- FiG. 14. — Candelabrum- bearing Angel. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 21 scape background, a valley with brown stratified rocks are also character- istic of Buglioni. The Giovannino shows the influence of Antonio Rossel- lino. 2. The Candelabrum hearing Angel, stupidly restored bearing a dish, is clad in yellow and blue (Fig. 14). Wings, hair and flesh are glazed white. Buglioni eyes. 3. Bust of S. Romolo or other sainted Bishop (Fig. 15). Glazed white. 4. Bust of S. Stefano — on account of his extreme youth he might be Fig. 15. — Bust of a Bishop. called S. Stefanino — wears deacon's robe and has a stone on his head. Glazed white (Fig. 16). 5. Bust of S. Giovannino (Fig. 17). Glazed white. A replica of this bust was in the collection of the late Col. Oliver H. Payne of New York. Bibl. : Burl, 67, 113; Cr., 336. Fig. 16. — S. Stefano. Fig. 17. — S. Giovannino. 23 S. GIOVANNINO IN THE DESERT. Rome. Simonetti's. Me- dallion. Diam., im. Photo., Private. This tondo (Fig. 18) was formerly at Rossi's. S. Giovannini, in hair- cloth, fluttering mantle, and sandals (cf. S. Ansano lunette) nimbed yel- 22. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. i8. — S. Giovannino in the Desert. low, carries a scroll inscribed: AGITE A PENITE(N)SIAM. He is in a desert, rocky, with light blue sky. Frame, t.g% and dart (yellow eggs) and outer garland of fruit, flowers, and wheat, in long, separate bunches variously composed, against blue ground bordered white. 24 STEMMA OF ALBERTO LEONCINI REPAIRED. 1489. Amelia. Palazzo Comunale. The public records of Amelia show that the stemma of Dom. Alberto Leoncini of Spoleto, exposed on the fagade of the Palazzo Comunale at Amelia was repaired by Benedetto the Florentine. It seems natural to suppose that this coat of arms was in glazed terra-cotta and that it was repaired by Benedetto Buglioni. Document: — [Contributed by Count Umberto Gnoli.] "1489. VI Bimestre. Magistro Benedicto florentino pro refectione armorum domini Alberti Leoncini de Spoleto bon. Septuaginta." [Archivio Comunale di Amelia, Libro dei Sindacati dal 1488 al 1497, c. 63.] 1490-1500 V 1 490-1500 25 LAV ABO. 1490. Perugia, Palazzo dei Priori (formerly). The following note, discovered by Count Umberto Gnoli in the archives of Perugia, indicates that Benedetto and Francesco Buglioni made a lavabo for the Palazzo dei Priori in Perugia, for which payment was made in December, 1490. The whereabouts of the lavabo is now unknown. It may have resem- bled the lavabo made in 1487 for S. Pietro dei Casinensi, Perugia. Ac- cording to Marrari (Apologetiis, 1865, V, 362) Francesco Buglioni re- ceived payments in behalf of his brother Benedetto while the latter was absent in Florence. Here both are termed "scarpellini." Document : "1490 Dec. Benedetto Buglione e Francesco da Firenze scarpellini lavorono un lavamano per il Palazzo dei Priori in Perugia." [Arch. Comunale di Perugia. Vol. 441 (568), c. 122-123.] 26 STEMMA OF GINO DI GIULIANO GINORI. 1489, 1490. San Giovanni in Valdarno. Palazzo Pretorio. Photo., Private. Within a wreath of fruit, flowers, and wheat, in which the fruit is ar- ranged in transverse lines of three, against a blue, fluted disk is set a kite shaped shield (Fig. 19) containing the Ginori arms: Azure, a bend or 1 fIAMO^G-[f:V;P. Fig. 19. — Stem MA of Gino Ginori. 26 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI charged with three mullets of eight points of the field. To this is added, in chief, a lily or. Below is a horizontal scroll inscribed: A GINO A DI GIVE lANO A GINORI A 1489 A E 1490 Gino di Giuliano di Francesco Ginori was a Prior of Florence in 1455 and Gonfaloniere in 1495. Bibl. : C., s.v. Ginori; M., R. H., 78 Fig. 78; P., 460-462. 27 STEMMA OF BERNARDO DI LUCALBERTI. 1490. Scarperla. Palazzo del Vicariato. Photo., Private. Within a continuous wreath irregularly composed of fruit, flowers, and wheat, against a blue disk a beribboned Tuscan shield (Fig. 20) bears the Lucalberti arms : Azure, a vol or. ^;^:^^i^=L^-i Fig. 20. — Stemma of Bernardo Lucalberti. Below, on a horizontal scroll is inscribed : A BERNARDO A DI PAZINO A DILVC A A ALBERTI A V(ICARI)0 A 1490 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 27 Bernardo di Pazzino di Lucalberti was a Prior in Florence in 1469 and Gonfaloniere in 1480. Bibl. : C, s.v. Lucalberti; M., R. H., 79 Fig. 79; P., 47°; W., 150. 28 RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 1490. Pistoia. Museo Civico. Altarpiece. H., 2.67m.; W., 2.20m. Photo., Private. Peleo Bacci, in the Rivista d'Arte II (1904), 49-63, published a series of documents from which we gather: (i) that the Operai di S. Jacopo voted, on Dec. 15, 1489, a sum of money to be expended by the priest Gaspare di Matteo for the ornamentation of the Cappella di S. Jacopo; (2) that on May 9, 1490 payment was made to Maestro Benedetto (Buglioni) for an altarpiece of the Resurrection; (3) that from May 2^ to June 4, 1490 the Consiglio del Popolo increased the amount voted by the Operai; (4) that on June 17, 1490 their action was ratified by the Operai; (5) that by July 28-30, 1490 the altarpiece was finished; and (6) that on Oct. 8, 1490 the work was approved by the priest Gaspare, and Benedetto Buglioni received his final payment. Fig. 21. — The Resurrection of Christ, Pistoia. 28 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI This altarpiece (Fig. 21) remained in its place in the Cappella di S. Jacopo above the altar whose silver front was executed by Andrea d'Ogna- bene of Pistoia, Giglio of Pisa, and Leonardo di Ser Giovanni of Florence (the reputed master of Luca della Robbia) until July 10, 1784, when the chapel was destroyed. The silver altarfront was removed to the Cathe- dral, but Buglioni's terra-cotta altarpiece • did not fare so well. It was affixed to the exterior wall of the garden of the Ospizio de' Trovatelli, where it remained until 1870, when it was transferred in boxes to the storerooms of the Ceppo hospital. In 1889 it was sent to Rome for an exhibition of the Ceramic Arts, then again boxed until Oct. 15, 1893, when it was set up in the Chapter House of S. Francesco. It has since been re- moved to the Museo Civico. The composition of the altarpiece was not inspired by the quiet Resur- rection reliefs of Luca or Andrea della Robbia. The disturbed guardians, the angular angels and the facial type of the Christ indicate rather the in- fluence of Verrocchio. Buglioni adopts the Robbia convention of sur- rounding his relief by a cherub frieze, but the outer moulding with its fringe of rosettes is an original touch. He also shows his independence by making this composition exceed the limits of the frame. The nimbus of Christ overlaps the bust of God the Father, making it resemble a mask; the Croce del Popolo or Red Cross banner infringes upon the cherub frieze ; and the group of guardians obliterate the cherubs and extends in part to the extreme outer limit of the frame. Though called "Maestro" Buglioni has not yet mastered the art of perspective, his angels and cherubs heads lack the grace displayed by Andrea della Robbia, and his treatment of drapery is most elementary. The figures and sarcophagus are glazed white, the palms and olive trees green, the sky blue, and the clouds streaked with yellow and white. The eyes of Christ show blue brows, lashes, pupils, and iris boundaries, while the iris itself is left white. Documents: — [Copied by Peleo Bacci.] I. "Die XV mensis decembris [1489]. Decti Operai di San lacopo, absente Marco di lac. Forteguerri loro compangnio, congregati nell'Opera soprascritta diliberorono e stantiorono per loro partito obtenuto per fave tre nere del si a prete Guaspari di Macteo da Pistoja lire septantasepte di denari in quel modo e forma e come appare al "Libbro rosso" di decta Opera [a carte] 216, da convertirsi e spenders! in ornamento della Cappella di San lacopo soprascritto." [Arch, del com. di Pistoia. Op. di S. Jacopo, regist. 6, Cod. no. 10, ".. 115; a similar resolution in Latin may be found in the Protocolli di Ser Piero di Jacopo del Terchio, Arch, di stato di Firenze, Tom. 356, c. 3.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 29 2. In margine: "M° Benedetto schultore. Dicta die [9 maggio 1490]. E' soprascritti quactro operai di San lacopo, congregati neH'Opeia soprascritta, diliberorono per loro partito, obtenuto per fave quactro nere pe '1 si, che il camarlingo dia e paghi a maestro Benedecto [Buglioni], scultore da Firenze fiorini sei d'oro larghi per parte di certa opera, cioe una Resurexione da farsi per lui sopra I'altare di San lacopo." [Idem, idem, c. 122*.] 3. "[27 maggio-4 giugno 1490-] In margine: Provisione [obtenta in Consilio] che gli operai di San lacopo paghino a prete Guaspari di Matheo insino alia somma di 1 [lire] xx, aciocche facci finire certo ornamento che lui ha fatto fare sopra I'altare di San lacopo. Prete Ghuasparri di Matheo rectore di Sancto Michele in Cioncio, affec- tionato all'Opera nostra di S. lacopo facendo fare et accontiare con uno^ certo suo salario quando fu cappellano di questo Palazo uno certo orna- mento accapo a 1' altare della cappella di di (sic) San lacopo, el quale salario dice non essere a bastanza e mancarvi denari ; il perche si e proveduto per riparatione, acconcime e ornamento di decta cappella che e' presenti operai di S. lacopo dieno e paghino per insino alia somma di lire xx a detto prete Ghuasparri da spenderli ad suo beneplacito. El quale prete Ghuas- parri sia tenuto e debba prima liberare e absolvere e quietare decta Opera di tutto quello che epso potesse domandare a decta Opera pel servito del presente Palazo, cioe dell'essere stato cappellano di S. Agata a sacrestano di San lacopo. Die 27 maij, firmata, fave 10. Die 2^^ maij, comprobata, fave 17, b[ianche] i. Die iiij junij, obtenta in Consilio, fave 64, b. 11." [Arch, idem, Provvisioni dal 1483-1492, Cod. 68, c. 248; also in Op. di S. Jacopo, Cod. 376, Stanziamenti e deliberazioni del Consiglio dal 1487- 1516, c. 17*.] 4. "Die xvij mensis junij [1490]. In margine: Liberagione di prete Guaspari. Item, come di sopra diliberorono che il camarlingo dia e paghi per vigore d'una diliberatione facta pe '1 Consiglio del Popolo a prete Guaspari di Macteo, lire venti da spendersi per lui in aconcime e ornamento della Cap- pella di San lacopo soprascritto, con condictione che decto prete Guaspari sia tenuto e debba liberare I'Opera predecta di tucto quello potesse doman- dare per conto di suo salario quando fu cappellano di Sancta Agata e sacre- stano di decta cappella di San lacopo come in decta diliberatione si con- tiene etc. Et questo, presente decto prete Guaspari e le predecte cose intel- ligente e liberante la decta Opera di tucto quello potesse domandare come 30 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI dampno di fiorini sei d'oro larghi paghati per loro a m Benedetto schultore per loro et loro heredi e decti operai e loro heredi e beni conservare senza dampno di fiorini sei d'oro larghi paghati per loro a m° Benedetto Schultore da Firenze per parte d'una Resurrexione a tolta a fare sopra I'altare in detta Cappella, come appare per mia mano e da ogni dampno pena e prejuditio potessero incorrere er non fare dicta Resurrexione." [Arch, idem, Op. di S. Jacopo, regist. 6, Cod. lo, c. 124.] 5. "[28-30 luglio 1490]- In margine: Provisione [obtenta in Consilio] di pagamento da farsi per gli operai di San lacopo al maestro [Benedetto Biiglioni] che ha facto la Resurretione di Xristo, di rilievo, sopra I'altare di San lacopo, de' denari che prete Guaspari ha lassato a detta Opera. Essendo ragionevole che chi da I'opera e fatica sua sia satisfatto e pagato cosi si e proveduto che gli operai dell'Opera di S. lacopo da Pistoja veghino el foglio facto in tra gli operai passati di decta Opera e loro anticessori et con quel magistro che ha facto quella Resiirectione sopra I'altare della cap- pella dell'Opera predetta, e paghino del salario rilasciato in decta Opera ad tale efTecto da prete Guasparri di Matheo, quando fu cappellano di S. lacopo e sacrestano di detta cappella di S. Jacopo, per insino alia somma di fiorini 28 larghi d'oro per prezo di detta Resurrectione computando in decta som- ma fiorini sei d'oro larghi pagati per gli operai paxati a decto maestro, e'quali fiorini sei larghi s'intendono bene pagati e sieno admessi ad essi operai per loro ragione, facendo fare detta opera secondo la continentia di decto foglio etc. Die 28 julij, firmata, fave 9. Die 29 julij, comprobata, fave 16 b[ianche] 3. Die 30 julij, obtenta, in Consilio, fave 57, b. 12." [Arch, idem, Provvisioni dal 1483 al 1492, Cod. 68, c. 252.] 6. "A di viij d'ottobre anno detto [1490]. Prete Guaspari di Matteo di Pistoja il quale ha avuto [a] dichiarare la qualita della Resurrexione posta e facta sopra I'altare di San lacopo, sic- come disse, forma meliori, in nella scripta della logagione di tale opera, per ogni miglior modo etc., disse e dichiaro detta opera, e angnolecti essere di tucta perfettione e bene facti secondo il tenore della conditione e allui doversi il salario e prezo del quale si fa mentione in nella deliberatione del Consiglio del Popullo della citta di Pistoja, sotto di 30 di luglio proximo passato, da dare a m Benedetto Buglioni, maestro di detta opera. Dipoi i soprascritti operai, coligialmente raunati, per fabe quatro nere deliberonno che il camarlingo dia e paghi al soprascritto maestro Bedetto fior. xxij larghi in oro per resto del suo salario per vigore di detta deliber- atione del Consiglio e del consentimento di detto Guaspari, quivi presente e consentiente. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 31 Dipoi il detto maestro Benedetto riceve da' soprascritti operai, detti fiorini xxij larghi per resto di suo salario della soprascritta opera e pero libero rOpera e operai per tale somma e aprovanti. [Archiv. idem, Op. di S. Jacopo, regist. 6, Cod. 10, c. 132.] 7. "Uscita di danari paghati per adornanza di chapella. A m° Benedetto di Giovanni schultore da Firenze a di 9 di maggio [1490] contanti fior. sei larghi ( ?) pago lui. Vagliono lib. 38 sol. 8." [Archiv. idem, Op. di S. Jacopo, Entrata e Uscita, 1489 cod. 430, c. I23^] 8. "A m° Benedetto soprascritto ad 30 di giugno [1490] contanti fior. xxij larghi (?). Pago lui per resto della Resttrexione. Pago lui non li ebe lib. 141, sol. 18." [Archiv. idem, idem.] 9. "MCCCCLXXXX. Uscita di danari pagati per la Suresione sopra a I'altare. A m° Benedetto di Giovanni da Firenze . . . per resto di fior. xxviij d'oro larghi, per mano di Ser Nicholao dal Ghallo etc." [Archiv. idem, idem, 1490, Cod. 432, c. 113; Arch, idem, Libro di Bas- tiano di Bono, 1490 e 91, Cod. 493, c. 140.] 10. Later documents in Arch. RR Spedali R", Deliberasioni F. c. 50, 54, H. c. 29; Atti, filza II, cat. I, 1893, incerto 64. 11. Two documents copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather. "Dicta die (viiij maggio) Spettabiles quactuo op(er)arij op(er)e s(ancti) jacobi supra- alib(ro) scripti congregati in op(er)a p( re) dicta eorum partito obtencto p(er) fab(as) quactuo nigras p(er) si deliberaverunt Q(uod) cam"* (camerarius) sol vat magistro Benedecto scultori de flor- entia florenos sex auri largos p(ro) parte ciusdam op(er)e fiende p(er) eum sup(ra) altare chapp(elle) s(ancti) jacobi p(re)dicti vz cuisdam resurrexionem etc." 12. "Die xvij mensis junij alib(ro) Item delib(er)averunt ut sup(ra) quod cam(erarius) det et solvet psbro (presbitero) Guaspari mactej de pistorio libras vi- ginti den(ariorum) vigori delib(er)ationis consilij expe(n) den- das p(er) eum i acocimen capp. s. jacobi p(re)dictj prout placuit eidem p(re)sb(ite)ro guaspari cum codictione quod dictus p(res)b(ite)r guaspar teneatur et deat lib (er) are op(er)am 32 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI p.dictam de om(n)i eo quod petere et consequi possit a dca op(er)a occaxione salari sibj debiti q(uo)n(dam) fuit (fuerit) cappellanus capp* Sea agata et sacrestanus dicte capp^ s. Jacob j et hoc omi (omni) mel(iori) mo (do) etc. pnte (presente) dco p(re)sbitero guaspare et p(re)dicto audiente et intelligente ac lib(er)ante dcam op(er)am et dc5s operari (sic) p(rese)nte et dicto nomine aceptante dcos operari p(rese)ntes et aceptantes p(er) se et eorum heredes conservare indepnes et penitus sine dapno (dampno) de florenis sex auri largis p(er)eos solutis magro Benedecto scultori de florentia p(ro) parte Resurrexionis fiende in dca capp" ut constat manu mei et abom(n)ibus dapnis penis et preuiditijs in quibus quol (quomodolibet) incurre pos- sent occaxione p( re) dicta etc et ppea (propterea) obligantes se et suos heredes et bona etc. * Ren(untiantes) etc cum guarantigiis etc actum pistori etc i op(er)a suprascripta p(rese)ntibus alexandro lodovici ser nico- lai de pistorio et Stefano Spagnesis de publica comunitate pistori testibus etc. * Marginal note : vz si ea no fecerit et posuuerit i capp' p( re) dicta [Archivio di Stato. Rogiti di Ser Pietro di Jacopo del Terchio da Pistoia. Libro Deliberazioni degli Operai di S. Jacopo, Anno 1490, Segnato Notaii T 108 (modern number 356)]. Bibl. : Bacci, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 49-63 (Doc) ; Bombe., B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Burckh., II, 436; Erculei, N. AntoL, XX (1889), 764; Fabriczy, R. f. K., XXIX (1906); 47; Giglioli, 96; Ross. bibl. arte ital., VII (1904), no. 29 STATUES, CHERUB FRIEZE, c. 1490. Florence, Badia, Capp- ella Bernardo del Bianco (formerly). From Vasari's Vita di Fra Bartolomeo di San Marco, published in 1550 and 1568, we learn that Bernardo del Bianco built a chapel in the Benedictine monastic church of the Badia. It was built of "macigno" richly carved after designs of Benedetto da Rovezzano, and was further adorned by statues of saints and angels in the full round, set in niches, and by friezes of cherubs and insignia of the del Bianco family executed in glazed terra-cotta by Benedetto Buglioni. This is in accord with what we know of Buglioni's works, such as the altarpiece at Fabbrica in Val d'Era and in the decorations of the Tribuna from S. Chiara now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. In 1664, Puccinelli writes as if BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 33 these decorations were still in place, but in 1677 Bocchi-Cinelli informs us that they had been removed. Above what was once the lateral but now the principal entrance, on the Via del Proconsolo, Puccinelli tells us there was a beautiful Madonna in terra-cotta invetriata. Bocchi-Cinelli further defines it as a lunette by Luca della Robbia in which the Madonna is accompanied by two adoring angels. In 1855, if we may trust Barbet de Jouy, it was located inside of the Badia, in the Cappella Salviati, and was attributed by some Florentines to Benedetto Buglioni. About 1870 the doorway on the Via del Procon- solo was renovated, and this lunette incorporated in it. The attribution to Benedetto Buglioni became generally accepted, although such connoisseurs as Dr. Bode and Marcel Reymond recognized in it the strong influence of Andrea della Robbia. Such a lunette as this could not have been produced by Benedetto Buglioni at any stage of his career. It is certainly the per- sonal handiwork of Andrea della Robbia. Documents : I. "Aveva Bernardo del Bianco fatto far nella Badia di Fiorenza, in que'di, una cappella di macigno intagliata molto ricca e bella, col disegno di Benedetto da Rovezzano, la quale fu ed e ancora oggi molto stimata per una ornata e varia opera; nel la quale Benedetto Buglioni fece di terra cotta invetriata in alcune nicchie figure ed angeli tutte tonde per finimento, e fregj pieni di cherubini e d'im- prese del Bianco; e desiderando mettervi drento una tavola che fussi degna di quell 'ornamento, messesi in fantasia che Era Bar- tolomeo sarebbe il proposito, e opero tutti que' mezzi amici che maggiori per disporlo. [Vasari, IV, 181-182.] 2. "L'an. 1490 incircha Bernardo del Bianco fece la sua nobile, ricca e vaga Cappella nel sito appunto ove di presente e la murag- lia del Santuario verso il Corno dell 'Epistola colle Colonne, Pilas- tri, Capitelli, Archi e Architravi di macigno intagliato con fiorame e altri lavori disegno di Benedetto da Rovezzano e ornolla con Figure, Angeli, Cherubini, Ovati e Imprese di terra cotta invetriata, lavorate dall' eccellente Benedetto Buglioni, e circa I'anno 1504 fece dipingere da F. Bartolomeo Domenicano detto nel secolo Bac- cio, famoso Pittore, nella Tavola e Ancona la Madonna col Bam- bino in braccio, portata da molti Angeli, e S. Barnardo." . . . [P. D. Placido Puccinelli, Istoria dell 'Eroiche Attioni di Ugo il Grande Con la Cronica dell' Abbadia di Fiorenza. Milano MDclxiv. Cronica dell 'Abbadia Fiorentina, c. 5.] 34 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 3. "II Capitolo fu aggiustato ad uso di Refettorio da Alessandro Capponi I'anno 1585, la Porta della Sacrestia fu ornata dalla Famig- lia Gianfigliazzi come dall 'Arme. Sopra la Porta laterale verso la strada pubblica fu adatta I'effegie di Nostra Signora di terra robbia invetriata, vaga e bella per il disegno e maestria." [Idem, c. 119.] 4. "Cappella di Bernardo del Bianco, lodata molto dagli uomini in- tendenti e I'archittetura di Benedetto da Rovezzano, diuisata con colonne, con f regi, cornici, con ornamenti nobili, e ricchi : e si vede tutta I'opera di tanta grazia, che non pare, che bellezza piii rara, ne ordine piu vago si possa disiderare. Molte figure ci ha di terra cotta invetriata, f atte con gran pulitezza da Benedetto Buglioni : le quali (pero che oltra I'artifizio sono di notabile candidezza) nel co- lore, il quale e azzuro di pietra serena, onde tutta la fabbrica e com- posta, fanno di vero sembiante leggiadro, e mirabile. La tavola, dove e dipinta la Vergine col figliuolo in collo, che apparisce a S. Bernardo, e di mano di Era Bartolommeo; ed e per colorito, e per disegno maravigliosa. Si vede in bella attitudine, come in santi avvisi sta pensoso questo Santo di Dio; ed intento in sua contem- plazione, mentre che se gli para davanti si subblime oggetto, riluce in quello costume divino, e splendore di santita; e di vero e tenuta questa figura maravigliosa nel disegno, e nel rilievo; ma non e la Madonna di minor pregio, la quale sostenuta da molti angeletti, molto e rara ; e nella purita de 'volti accesi di letizia, si destano affeti santi, in chi mira, e divozione. Queste figure di terra cotta in oggi piu non vi sono, e la tavola di Era Bartolommeo Domenicano al secolo chiamato Baccio e posta in Sagrestia la quale e di vero mara- vigliosa . . . [Bocchi-Cinelli, 385-386.I 5. "E sopra la Porte di questa Ciesa in vn mezzo tondo vna bellissima Vergine col Bambino Giesu, e due Agnolini di terra vetriata di mano d(e)l Luca: Esprimono gli Angeli nel se(m)biante la de- vozione, e riverenza, che si deve all 'eterno Verbo molto acconcia- mente." [Idem, 389.] Bibl. : B. J., 89; B. Kf., 23; Denkm., 90, Taf. 86; Bacci, R.d'A., II (1904), 49-50; Bocchi-Cinelli, 381, 385-386, 389; Cocchi, 114; Burl., 107; C-M., 144, 205, no. 3; Cr. 253; 341; Marcotti, 11 1; Puccinelli, 5; R., D. R., 223; Sc. Fl, IV, 48; Richa, I, 198; S., 72, Abb. 69; Vas. II, 184-185 note I, 192; IV, 182. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 35 30 STEMMA OF ANTONIO LORINI. 1491. Scarperia, Palazzo del Vicariato. Photo., Private. Within a continuous wreath irregularly composed of fruit and flowers, with insects, is a Tuscan shield (Fig. 22), beribboned on a flat plane, Fig. 22. — Stem MA of Antonio Lorini. bearing the Lorini arms : Azure, a mount of six tops or, from which spring four lilies of the same. Below, on a horizontal scroll terminating in spirals is inscribed : A ANTONIO A DI GI(0) VANNI A LORINI A V(ICARI)0 A 1491 Antonio di Giovanni d'Antonio di Filippo di Lorini di Bonaiuto Lorini was a Prior of Florence in 1463, Gonfaloniere in 1485, and Prior again in 1494- Bibl. : C., s.v. Lorini; M., R. H., 88 Fig. 89. P., 412-414. 31 MADONNA. 1491. Florence, Duomo (formerly). The records of the Opera of S. Maria del Fiore show that Benedetto Buglioni furnished them with a statue of the Blessed Virgin for use dur- ing Holy Week. The hands and other members were of wax. Benedetto 36 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI is designated "pictor" and was paid for painting the statue, which was evidently for temporary purposes. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "-|-Mcccclxxxxj° p(ro) Benedicto bugHone D(i)c(t)o Die (xxviii" dicti mensis Marti j) Item q(uod) Benedicto BugHoni qui confiat figuram Beate Marie Virginis p(ro) pietate i ebdomoda s(an)c(t)a Det(ur) cera et mat (erie) pre (prime) expediens p(ro) confici- endis manibus et alijs membris dicte figure" [Archivio dell' Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Libro Deliberazioni, 1486-1491, c. 104*.] 2. "-j-Mcccclxxxxi Die nono aprilis D(i)c(t)o Die Item exp(ensis) opere 1 quatuor s X p(iccio)li et p(ro) eis Benedicto buglioni pictori p(ro) pictura figure Marie Virginis qua usa est etc i diebus et ebdomeda s(an)c(t)a f - 1 4-10 Dipintura" [Idem, c. 105.] Bibl. : R. G. M., L'Arte, xxii (1919), 107. 32 FRIEZE OF CHERUB HEADS, LAMBS, AND EMBLEM OF JESUS, c. 1493. London. Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 7720-'6i. The Victoria and Albert Museum was fortunate enough to acquire in 1861 the tribuna (Fig. 23) from the church of the convent of S. Chiara, suppressed in 1842. This chapel was built by Simone Pollaiuolo in 1493. The frieze (Fig. 24) consists of triple winged cherub heads, in groups of two, alternating either with Paschal lambs bearing banners, seated on clouds streaked with yellow and enclosed in wreaths of fruit, or with the Emblem of Jesus similarly enclosed in a fruit garland. A frieze of two cherub heads alternating with Paschal lambs occurs in the tribuna of the BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 37 Fig. 23. — The Tribuna from S. Chiara, Florence. Pazzi chapel, and became later a favorite decorative motive. In some cases it may refer to the Arte della Lana. The Emblem of Jesus, here consists of lettering similar to that in the refectory of S. Pietro dei Cassinensi, Perugia. This was used in a general manner and only in specific cases as the emblem of S. Bernardino da Siena. Bibl. C-M., 267 No. 385; Cr., 346; Richa, IX, 84-85; Robinson, 73-76. 38 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 24. — Frieze of the Tribuna from S. Chiara. 33 STEMMA OF GIOVANNI GUCCIO. 1497. Sesto, Palazzo Pre- torio. Photo., Private. On a white rectangular tablet is set in a recessed blue quadrangle a Tus^ can shield (Fig. 25) bearing the Gucci di Dino arms: Or, a bend gules ac- ssERgi«^o-p^ Fig. 25. — Stem MA of Giovanni Guccio. companied by two roses of the same; a chief gules charged with the motto A LIBERTA A The lower part of the frame is inscribed : G(I)OVANNI A DI lACO PO A DI DINO A DI ME SSER GHVC(C)0 A P(ODEST) A A 1497 A Giovanni di lacopo di Dino di Messer Guccio was a Prior in Florence in the years 1491, 1501, and 1509. Bibl. : Carocci, I, 312; C-M., 248 No. 268; C., s.v. Gucci di Dino; Cr., 355; M., R. H., 112 Fig. no; P., 536. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 39 34 CHERUB HEADS. Badia a Settimo. Frieze. The tribuna of the Badia at Settimo is decorated with a frieze of cherub heads alternating with medallions of the Paschal lamb holding a banner and enclosed in a wreath of fruit. Similar to that from the tribune of S. Chiara, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Bibl. : Burl., 63, 112; Carocci, II, 445. 35 THE PUCCI CIBORIO. 1499-1500. Certaldo. S. Michele e Jaco po. Photo., Alinari, 8531. This ciborio (Fig. 26) suggests Desiderio's well known Ciborio in S. Lorenzo. The infant Christ of the lunette is posed on a cherub head, in- stead of on a chalice. The cherub head is characteristic of Benedetto Bugli- oni; so are the spotty blue backgrounds, the disk and garland frieze, the Rossellinesque candelabra in the pilasters. The console shows a cherub head between cornucopias of polychro- matic fruit. Below the cherub head is a scroll inscribed: LODOVICHO • PVCCI • • V(ICARI)0 E COM(MISSARI)0 1499 1500 Below this the Pucci stemma: Argent, a Moor's head proper wreathed of the first, Bibl. : C. s.v. Pucci; M., R. H., 123-124, Fig. 119; W., 166. 36 CHERUB HEAD BETWEEN CORNUCOPIAS. Florence (near). Villa Palmieri. Console. Similar in style (Fig. 27), though not exact replica, of the console on the Pucci ciborio at Certaldo. 37 THE ROSSI CIBORIO. Signa. S. Mauro. Photo., Private. This ciborio, in style similar to the Pucci ciborio, gives every evidence of having come from Benedetto Buglioni's atelier ; the flat ceiling with the dove, the grill pavement, the type of the angels, the cherub heads, and the pendent garlands. The console contains the arms of the Rossi family, Argent, a tree natural terraced gules. 40 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI I jlp^iJ rV- — ■y-i VH'««t*«i««»«W»H«lA%\<*tv*i \?;]\n *vvt»iv*»i\*»i\*Mv%Mv\iv»Mv«i|i«; Fig. 26. — The Pucci Ciborio. Bibl. Carocci, Valdarno, 18, 22; Crollalanza, s.v. Rossi; Cr., 355; M., R. H., 141. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 38 Cantoria. 1499. Genoa. S. Stefano. 41 Wrongly attributed by Milanesi to Benedetto Buglioni. No document- ary, no stylistic evidence for this attribution. Bibl. : Alizeri, Guida artistica per la citta di Genova, I, 209-212; Bacci, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 49; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 140; Gsell- fels-Meyer, Oheritalien, 818; Vas., II, 185 note i ; IV, 530 note 2. Fig. 27. — The Palmieri Console. 1500-1510 I500-I5IO 39 NATIVITY AND SHEPHERDS. 1500. Stia (near), S. Maria delle Grazie. Presbytery. Lunette. H., 2.20m.; W., 3m. Photos., Alinari, 9808; Agostini, 622. The Christ Child, holding his finger to his lips, reclines on yellow straw (Fig. 28). To the left is seated S. Giuseppe clad in blue with mantle of Fig. 28. — The Nativity, Stia. yellow lined maroon. To the right, kneels the Madonna in maroon, with mantle of blue lined green. She is followed by two shepherds. In the background some care is expended on the stable, the chestnut trees, the grape and ivy vines, but the walls of the stable are unintelligible and the ox and ass heads enormous. Overhead are three angels singing the Gloria in Excelsis. Nudes unglazed. The frame consists of cord moulding, cherub heads, pendent garlands of flowers, fruit, and wheat interspersed with lizards and other small animals and an outer egg and dart moulding. At the apex is a pelican and young. The predella is low and extends to the lateral walls. It is inscribed: AVE GRATIA PLENA D(OMI)N(V)S (TECVM) VERBVM CARO FACTV(M) EST DE VIRGINE MARIA FACTV(M) FVIT OPVS ANNO D(0)M(INI) MCCCCC. The inscription which may have con- 46 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI tained the name of the sculptor appears to be continued on the predella of the lunette in the opposite chapel. Bibl. : Beni, i6i ; C-M., 249 No. 276; Cr., 356; R., D. R., 244; Sc. Fl, IV, 58; S., 139; Vas., II, 199. 40 APPARITION OF THE VIRGIN. Stia (near). S. Maria delle Grazie. Presbytery, Lunette. H., 2.20m. ; W., 3m. Photo., Ali- nari, 9809. In 1347 the Madonna appeared above the rock now marked by the church of S. Maria del Sasso, near Bibbiena. In 1428 she made a second appear- ance, again above a rock, now marked by the church of S. Maria delle Grazie near Stia. The apparition was vouchsafed to by a pair of peasants known as Pietro da Campidonico and Monna Giovanna. Both seem to have taken to the religious life, and are robed in brown monastic habits. Above a rock appears the Madonna (Fig. 29), robed in white, in a man- FiG. 2y. — ^Apparition of the Virgin. dorla surrounded by cherub heads. In the background is a house on which climb ivy vines and near which are chestnut trees. In the rear is an aston- ished shepherd, on a stratified rocky slope. Nudes unglazed. The low base of the lunette once bore an inscription now undecipherable. The frame shows an inner cord moulding, a frieze of cherub heads, pen- dent garlands of fruit, flowers and wheat, and an outer tgg and dart BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 47 moulding. At the apex are birds, small animals and a large bunch of chestnuts. Bibl. : Beni, 161; C-M., 249 No. 276; Cr., 356; S., 139, Abb. 148; Vas., II, 199. 41 MADONNA, S. ANNA, AND SAINTS. Paris, Louvre No. 435, Lunette. The Madonna, robed in red tunic and blue mantle, holding on her lap the nude Child blessing, is seated on the lap of S. Anna, who is clad in yellow tunic with green sleeves and light blue mantle (Fig. 30). To the Fig. 30. — Madonna, S. Anna, and Saints. left kneels S. Antonio holding a crutch and book ; to the right a saint hold- ing crucifix and lilies in his right hand and skull and book in his left. The frame, between an inner cord and outer egg and dart moulding shows garlands of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers hanging from a mask. Bibl. : C-M., 276 No. 439; Cr., 350; S., 139 Abb. 149. 42 NOLI ME TANGERE. Rifredi. La Quiete. Entrance portal. Lunette. H., 1.52m.; W., 3.10m. Photo., Alinari, 20338. White figures of a Verrochiesque Christ as a gardener (John XX, 11-8), the Maddalena, and an adoring angel seated on a well top (Fig. 31). Christ carries a yellow handled blue mattock. The polychrome landscape of green trees, stratified rocks, violet well top and yellow fences, suggest the style of Benedetto Buglioni, though showing the influence of Giovanni della Robbia. 48 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI The frame consists of a continuous, irregularly composed garland of fruit, flowers and wheat, with an outer tgg and dart moulding. The mo- tion, from right to left is similar to that on the lunette at S. Ansano. This lunette was probably brought with the lunettes by Giovanni della Fig. 31. — Noli me tangere, Rifredi. Robbia by the Signore Montalve from their convent in Florence adjoin- ing S. lacopo a Ripoli — and not from S. Onofrio as stated by Miss Crutt- well. The S. Onofrio lunette is in the Museo Nazionale, No. 57. Bibl. : Carocci, A. I. D. I., VI (1897), 65; Cr., 236 note, 393. 43 CHRIST AND THE SAMARITAN WOMAN AT THE WELL. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 24. Lunette. H., 1.45m.; W., 2.95m. From the Convento di S. Onofrio, known as the Conservatorio della Concezione di Foligno, in the Via Faenza (in 1893). This was opposite the house occupied by Benedetto Buglioni. Christ, clad in tunic of violet brown edged yellow and a mantle of blue lined green, stands, nudes unglazed, by a mottled violet well with base and crowning mouldings of blue. The Woman of Samaria, clad in white with blue sleeves, pours water from a bucket into a large white amphora (Fig. 32). Fig. 32. — Christ and the Samaritan Woman. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 49 To the left in a rocky, polychromatic landscape is a group of men, three of whom with haloes are probably intended to represent Apostles. To the right is a town of Samaria, Sychar, where Jacob's well was (John IV, 5-6), with a lofty portal and many bell-towers. The frame shows a fillet and egg and dart moulding enclosing polychro- matic garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat proceeding to left and right from a white winged cherub head. Bibl. : Burl., no; Cr., 338; Supino, Cat., 441 No. 24. 44 STEMMA OF FRANCESCO DELLA TOSA. Palazzo dei Priori. Photo., Private. 1 501. Volterra, Within a continuous wreath of fruit, flowers, and wheat, composed chiefly of triplex bunches, is set against a green disk a beribboned Tuscan shield having a bordure or inscribed with a series of the letter a. The shield bears the Delia Tosa arms: Azure, a pair of shears in bend argent; in chief a Croce del Popolo (Fig. 33). Fig. 33. — Stemma of Fkanxesco della Tosa. Below is a horizontal scroll inscribed : M(ESSER) A BALDO A DI SIMONE A DELLA A TOSA A CAP- (ITAN)O A MCCCLXXXX 50 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI BERNARDO A D(I) M(ESSER) BALDO A DELLA A TOSA A CAP- (ITAN)OA MCCCCXXXVI FRANC(ESC)0 A DI BERNA(R)DO A DI M(ESSER) A BALDO A DELLA A TOSA A CAP(ITAN)0 E COM(MISSARI)0 A MDI Francesco here sets up a memorial to his father Bernard and his grand- father Messer Baldo, both of whom held the office of Capitano at Volterra. The Delia Tosa family also held high office in Florence. Bibl. : C, s.v. Tosa (della) ; M., R. H., 129 Fig. 123; W., 179. 45 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SAINTS GIROLAMO AND NICCDLO DA BARI. 1502. Paris. Collection of Mr. Junius S.Morgan. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.26m. ; W., 1.72m. Photo.. Metropolitan Museum. This altarpiece (Fig. 34) was purchased in Cortona in 1906, exhibited in the MetropoHtan Museum in 1910, and taken to Paris in 191 1. It is of special interest because, being dated, other monuments of similar char- acter may be associated with it. The Madonna is enthroned on a bench set on a podium before a ma- roon coloured niche, the frieze of which is extended to right and left. She wears a maroon robe, a mantle of blue lined green and supports the nude Child (of Desiderio type), who holds an apple in his hand and with his right forefinger carries the taste of the forbidden fruit to his mouth. The podium of the throne is inscribed : QVESTA A TAVOLA A A FACTA A FARE SVORA A CATERINA A FIGLIOLA DI TOM(M)ASO A DI SALVESTRO A DI NVCCARELLOA NE(L ANNO) A MCCCCC 2 To the left stands S. Girolamo, holding a stone against his bared breast and a cardinal's hat (maroon) over his left arm. He wears a light ma- roon robe and a mantle of white lined blue. At his feet is a lion. To the right is S. Niccolo da Bari with Bishop'? mitre and pastoral staff, clad in white with pluvial of maroon lined green and a wide border of blue. At his feet are three loaves of bread. The predella displays at the extremities Sister Caterina's private em- blem. Argent, a cross and letter C gules, and her family arms Azure, a lion rampant. The three reliefs represent (i) S. Girolamo (here bearded) in the desert kneeling before the cross, the lion roaring in front of him; (2) Christ in the sepulchre, between a lance and a rod with a sponge, with rocks on BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 51 Fig. 34. — The Nuccarello Altarpiece. 52 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI either side, (3) S. Niccolo da Bari bringing food to the starving family in prison. The pilasters with the candelabrum ornament, the capitals, the architrave, frieze, and cornice are attractively designed. They were re- peated in other monuments. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 160 Fig. 67; R. H., 132, Fig. 125. 46 STEMMA OF NICCOLO LUCA. 1503. Buggiano Alto. Cas- tello. Photo., Private. Within a continuous wreath of fruit, flowers, and wheat, is a beribboned Tuscan shield set against a violet background and bearing the Maestro Luca arms (Fig. 35) : Per fess gules (base) and or (chief), three roundels, two and one, counterchanged. *.N].G-!(i ( ilMONh . 1 - MSl\ ^:f 4 Fig. 35. — Stem MA of Niccolo Luca. On a horizontal scroll below is inscribed: NICHOLO A DI S IMONE A DEL MA ESTRO LVCHA A PO(DESTA) A ET A C(OMMISSARI)0 1503. Bibl. : Cr., 335; M., R. H., 137, Fig. 130. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 53 47 THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Empoli. Museo della Col- legiata. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.15m.; W., 2m. Photo., Ali- nari, 10123. From the Franciscan church of S. Maria a Ripa. The immaculate Virgin, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, stands with folded hands on a rocky eminence (Fig. 36). Over- head is a choir of angels (inspired by Antonio Rossellino's Nativity at \k-Ji-J^-lfi'MJ'- Kr0 Fig. 36. — The Immaculate Conception, Empoli. Naples) dancing on clouds from which emanate delicate rays of light above the Virgin's head ; below set against the rocks is a scroll inscribed : HEC : EST • VIRGA • IN QVA • NEC • NODVS • O RIGINALIS • NEC • CORTEX • VENIAL(I)S • CVLPE • FVIT • This sentiment, signed AMBRO(GII), involves a play upon words, Virga for Virgo, and is probably recorded in the works of S. Ambrogio. 54 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI To the left on a level, stands S. Anselmo, in a white tunic with pluvial of green bordered blue and lined maroon. He wears a Bishop's mitre, holds in his right hand a yellow pastoral staff and in his left a scroll in- scribed with his name ANSE(L)MIS, and with the statement: NON PVTO VERVM ESSE AMATOREM VIRGINIS • QVI CELEBRARE RESPVIT FESTVM SVE CONCEPTIONIS. (S. Anselm. Sermo de Concept. B. V. M., in Migne, Patr. Lat. CLIX. 322). To the right stands S. AgOstino, similarly attired, bearing a scroll in- scribed with his name A(V)GVST(IN)I and the sentiment NVNQVAM SVPER OMNES CHOROS ANGELORVM ASCENDISSET SI EOS IN PVRITATE NON TRANSCENDISSET The three trees in the background and all the other details point to Benedetto Buglioni as the author of this relief. The predella, constructed like that of the J. S. Morgan altarpiece, shows at the extremities coats of arms. At the dexter end Azure, an architect's square or; at the sinister end the arms are effaced. The intervening re- liefs represent in rocky landscapes, (i) S. Girolamo and his lion, (2) S. Francesco holding a book and cross, (3) Christ in the sepulchre, (4) S. Antonio of Padua with book and flame, and (5) S. Giuliano with a sword. In another altarpiece still at S. Maria a Ripa the predella scene of the parricide identifies the saint with a sword as Giuliano. The pilasters are decorated with garlands suspended from rings and composed of separate bunches of fruit, flowers and wheat. The pilaster capitals, architrave, and frieze are repetitions of those of the Morgan altarpiece, except for the in- troduction of blue on the frieze. The cornice here is missing. Bibl. : Burl., 114; Carocci, A. e S., 1883, 229; 1884, 95; Valdarno, 70; C-M., 255 No. 319; Carmichael, Francia's Masterpiece ; Cr., 337; M., R. H., 134- 48 THE ANNUNCIATION. Borgo a Mozzano. S.' Jacopo. Statues. Photo., Private. S. Gabriele (Fig. 37), robed in blue lined green and a mantle of yellow lined maroon, stands pointing toward the Annunziata (Fig. 38), who, robed in maroon with a mantle of blue lined green, stands holding a book. Similar to the Immaculate Virgin at Empoli. Bibl. : Burl., 113; Boll. d'Arte, I (1907), 27; Pierotti, II Marsocco, Aug. 7, 1904; Rass. bibl. arte ital., VII (1904), 218. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 55 Fig. 27- — S. Gabriele. Fig. 38. — The Annunziata. 49 S. ANSELMO AND SAINTS. Empoli. Museo della Collegiata. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.15m.; W., 2m. Photo., Alinari, 10125. ;^rom the Franciscan church of S. Maria a Ripa. A companion piece to the Immaculate Conception altarpiece. Probably for the same reason it lacks a cornice, S Anselmo, robed in white with blue stole and pluvial of violet brown, bordered green lined yellow, holding pastoral staff and book, is seated on a white throne with high podium (Fig. 39). By his side are standing to the left S. Lorenzo, robed in green with blue pectoral on his breast, holding a book and a green palm, resting his arm over a black gridiron; and to the right S. Giuliano, robed in violet with mantle of blue lined green, holding a sword and a book and martyr's palm. Two female Franciscan saints, S. Rosa of Viterbo bearing roses, and S. Chiara holding a lily branch, kneel in the foreground. The labels at the extremities of the predella are unfortunately blank. The reliefs represent (i) S. Girolamo in the desert, (2) Christ in the sepulchre, and (3) S. Maria Egiziaca. The pilasters including the capitals resemble those of the altar of the Immaculate Conception, so does the architrave carried by them. The frieze represents a series of lambs couchant alternating with two cherub heads, a motive found in the interior frieze of the Pazzi chapel and used many times by Benedetto Buglioni. Bibl. : Carocci, Valdarno, yi ; Cr., 337. 56 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI ■" c-^/:i>v-K 1 Fig. 39. — S. Anselmo and Saints, Empoli. 50 TWO PILASTERS. Florence. Bardini Collection (formerly). The capitals of the pilasters showed two cornucopias on either side of the central lily. The pilasters had white listels, blue background, and were decorated with pendent garlands, bound with yellow ribbons, hanging from violet rings. Probably from an altarpiece of similar character to the two in the Museo at Empoli. 51 BUST OF S. GIOVANNINO. Krefeld. Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. H., 0.49m. Photo., P. & H. Kock. From the Beckerath Collection, Berlin. The Baptist is here represented younger than in the Ognissanti lunette or at Pescia, but with Buglioni hair and with notably characteristic Buglioni eyes (Fig. 40). BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 57 Fig. 40. — i. Giii\. Bibl. : Deneken, II (1904), 15-16, Taf. 2; Schubring, 123; Spemann's Mus., Aug. 26, 1907; Tschudi, 82, Taf. 58. 52 MADONNA AND CHILD BETWEEN SAINTS. S. Casciano. S. Giovanni in Sugana. Rectangular altarpiece. Photo., Alinari, 1 0089- 1 0090. The Madonna, seated on a bench set on a podium, holds to the right a nude Child (of Desiderio type) seated on a cushion (Fig. 41). She offers him milk from her breast. The refinement of the Madonna's face and that of the Child is so charming that we overlook the coarse modelling of her drapery or of the Child's body. These heads may well be by some other hand. The Madonna wears a maroon tunic over which is a blue mantle lined green, held together by a yellow clasp. To the left is S. Giovanni Battista in brown haircloth and mantle of maroon lined blue. He carries a banner inscribed (AGITE) PENITENTIA(M). To the right is S. An- tonio Abate ( ?) clad in brown with staff of yellow and a book (the pig is absent). In the rocky background the Madonna appears to two women watching a flock of sheep. Four groups of trees of Buglioni type. The predella shows at the extremities the Giandonati arms: Per fess, argent and gules; possibly those of Lodovico di Lodovico Giandonati, 58 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 41. — The Madonna, Child, and Saints. Capitano at Cutigliano in 1508. In the centre is Christ in the sepulchre supported by the Madonna and S. Giovanni, and at either side S. Antonio Abate(?) and S. Sebastiano. The pilasters are decorated with pendent triplex groups o£ fruit and flow- ers, their capitals and the architrave recall the Empoli altarpieces. The form BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 59 of the chapel was ill adapted for the usual frieze and cornice, hence the three upright panels with adoring angels, capped by a band of alternating lambs and cherub heads, with a single cherub head surmounting the whole. Bibl. : Burl., 117; Carocci, 5. Case, 157-158; C-M., 250 No. 285 ; CroUalanza, s.v. Giandonati; Cr., 354; M., R. H., 166-167; P., 570; R., D. R., 256; Sc. Fl., IV, 62. 53 YOUTHFUL CHRIST AND S. GIOVANNINO, PROPHETS ■ AND SAINTS. 1504. Fabbrica di Peccioli. Pieve di S. Maria. Rectangular altarpiece. Photo., Private. The central relief of this altarpiece (Fig. 42) appears to have been re- moved and in its place is set a tondo representing the Youthful Christ and Fig. 42. — The Peccioli Altarpiece. S. Giovannino meeting in the Desert, framed by a garland composed of fruit and flowers composed in transverse groups of two. To the left between two pilasters adorned with garlands of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers rising from high vases is a niche containing a statuette of S. Giovanni Battista beneath a tondo with a bust of a Prophet. To the right is a similar niche with a statuette of S. Bartolommeo beneath a tondo with bust of a Prophet. 6o BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI The predella contains at either end the Gaetani stemma : Per pale, dex- ter, quarterly argent (i and 4) and gules (2 and 3) ; sinister, paly of four, gules and or. The central predella relief represents the Nativity with Holy Family and two shepherds, and is separated by plain pilasters from two tablets in- scribed : QVESTA A TAVOLA A FAT(T)A A FARE A BAR TOLOMEO A DI BART OLOMEO A GAETANI ANNO A DOMINI INCARNATION IS A MCCCCCIIII The pilasters in their ornamentation show the influence of Andrea della Robbia, while their capitals with cornucopias of fruit suggest the influence of Giovanni. The entablature with its frieze of lambs and pairs of cherub heads follows the Empoli type. Above the cornice was formerly a Ma- donna and Child or other group flanked by adoring angels — of which only one remains. Bibl. : M., R. H., 143-144. 54 S. ANTONIO. Fabbrica di Peccioli. Pieve di S. Maria. Statue. H., 1.37m. Photo., Private. Clad in yellow with black mantle (Fig. 43) . Black pig at his side. Prob- ably same date as altarpiece. Bibl. : Cr., 343. 55 FRAGMENTS: (i) OF HOLY WATER STOUP, (2) OF TAB- ERNACLE. Fabbrica di Peccioli. Pieve di S. Maria. The fragments listed by Miss Cruttwell are of a Holy Water stoup and of a Tabernacle. Bibl. : Cr., 343. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 6i Fig. 43. — S. Antonio Abate. 56 VOLPINI ALTARPIECE, MADONNA AND CHILD AND FOUR SAINTS. 1504. Tizzano (near Dicomano). S. Andrea. Altarpiece. Photo., Private. The Madonna enthroned on a square-backed throne set on a mottled (imitation of marble) podium holds to right the nude Child who stands on a cushion (Fig. 44). To the left are S. Andrea holding a book and cross, S. Stefano kneeling, with stone on his head; to the right are S. Michele with sword and globe, and S. Francesco kneeling. Overhead is a framed disk and flying angels with a scroll inscribed: HIC A EST A PANIS A VIVVS A QVI A DE CELO A DESCENDIT The predjella contains at either end the stemma of Francesco Volpini, separated by unadorned pilasters from the central relief which shows two kneeling angels supporting a table inscribed : OB NIMIAM • AC DEBITAM REVERENTIAM • SACRI CVLTVS • FRANCISCVS • VVOLPINVS • QVO 62 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 44. — The Volpini Altarpiece, Tizzano. TEMPORE • HVIVS • ECCLESIAE • RECTOR • PREFVIT • BEATE • VERGINI • AC • DIVO ANDREE • CETERISQUE • SAN CTIS • QVORVM • HIC • EXISTANT • IMAGINES • PRESE NS • OPVS • MIRA ARTE • COMPOSITVM • PIA RELIGIONE DICAVIT- ANNO DOMINICE • INCARNATIONIS MCCCCCIIII TERTIO (die ante) NONAS AVGVSTI The pilasters, adorned with garlands of triplex bunches of fruit hang- ing from rings, have capitals and entablature of the Empoli type. Bibl. : Crollalanza, s.v. Volpi, Volpini; Cr. 356; M., R. H., 145-146, Fig. 137. 57 CIBORIO, KNOWN AS THE ALTARE DI S. CRISTINA. 1503- 1512. Bolsena. S. Cristina. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 3.40m.; W., 2.55m. Photo., Alinari, 11711. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 63 This Ciborio (Fig. 45), enlarged by an additional frame and predella, so as to serve as an altarpiece in the Collegiata of S. Cristina, was without doubt the gift of Cardinal Giovanni di Medici when he was established in Bolsena as Cardinal Legate (1503-15 12). Fig. 45. — The Bolsena Ciborio. 64 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI The sportello contains a painting of S. Cristina, otherwise every detail is indicative of the work of Benedetto BugHoni : the grated pavement, the lateral angels, the dove, the Christ of the lunette, especially the tondi of S. Pietro and S. Paolo in the spandrels, the elongated vases and other deco- ration of the pilasters, the lunette with its Desiderio-like decoration. The frieze with its Pan masks and birds is an innovation which recurs at a later date at Stia. The predella with its garlands, evangelistic symbols and pen- dants are seen again in the Crucifixion at Radicofani. Characteristic also is the outer frieze of cherub heads, egg and dart moulding and pendent garlands of fruit and wheat. The two candelabrum bearers, robed in blue, with mantles of yellow lined green, are Buglioni types, even to the colour- ing of the eyes. The predella shows at the dexter end the Medici arms : Or, five torteaux in orle, in chief a hurt. Above the shield is a cross and cardinal's hat. At the sinister end is a shield with the Bolsena stemma : Gules, three pallets or. Between these are three reliefs illustrating the life of S. Cristina: ( I ) Unscathed she prays in the fiery furnace, her father Urbanus and the soldiers about her; (2) She is ordered bound to a tree and her breasts ex- tracted while the idolatrous image falls from its pedestal; (3) She is shot by arrows, while an angel bears to her a martyr's palm. Below the altar was placed the recumbent statue of S. Cristina, hence the altar was known as the Altare di S. Cristina morta. Bibl. : Baring-Gould, July 24; Briganti, Cristina di Bolsena; Burl., 113; C-M., 228 No. 141; Cr., 233, 327; Fabriczy, R. f. K., 1906, 47; M., R. H., i42-i43> Fig- ^34; R-, D. R., 229-231; Sc. Fl, IV, 50, 52; Zampi, 1-9. S8 S. CRISTINA MORTA. 1503-1512. Bolsena. Collegiata, S. Cris- tina, Recumbent Statue. Photo., Alinari, 11 709-11 710. Beneath the Altare di S. Cristina morta was formerly placed the mortu- ary statue of S. Cristina, which is now in one of the stanze adjoining the Collegiata (Fig. 46), She lies with crossed hands, her head on a cushion, reminding us of Rossellino's Maria of Aragon at Naples. About her neck is the rope to which the millstone was attached. The statue is attributable, from its resemblance to the Immaculate Virgin of Empoli, to Benedetto Buglioni. It is unglazed. The urn which contains the ashes of S. Cris- tina is now preserved in Palermo. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 65 Bibl. : Boglino, Palermo e S. Cristina; Cr., 252, 334; Foratti, Rass d'Arte, XIX (1919), 22-32; Gnoli, Nuov. AntoL, 1893, 630; R., D. R., 221, 257-258; Sc. Fl., IV, 47, 6s; S., 149, Abb. 172; Zampi, 4, lo-ii. Fig. 46. — S. Cristina Morta, Bolsena. 59 THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE MIRACLE OF BOLSENA. 1 503-1 5 1 2. Bolsena. Collegiata, S. Cristina. Crypt. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2m.; W., 1.50m. Photo., Moscioni. Moscioni's photograph was issued before the restoration of the baldac- chino in 1881-1887 by Paolo Zampi, and shows the ancient marble columns (Fig. 47). The altarpiece like one at Badia Tedalda, was divided into two parts. ( I ) The upper, round-headed portion portrays the Crucified One on a broad cross, to the base of which clings the Maddalena. At the sides are the Mater Dolorosa and S. Giovanni Evangelista in a landscape of brown rocks and green trees. Above is the yellow sun, the blue moon, and two chalice-bearing, flying angels and a light blue sky. (2) The lower, rec- tangular section shows the Miracle of Bolsena with the priest of Orvieto celebrating mass before the altar, at the base and sides of which are the pious inhabitants of Bolsena. A book on the altar is inscribed miraco(lo). The frame shows: (i) low blue vases, the bases of which are set with an angle toward the spectator, from which rise continuous fruit garlands composed alike with slight regard to the rhythm or symmetry; (2) An outer egg and dart moulding. The predella shows a polychromatic frieze of swinging and pendent garlands framed by upright and pendent leaf mouldings. Bibl. : Burl., 113; C-M., 228 No. 144; Cr., 334; Zampi, ii-15. 60 ARCHIVOLT WITH CHERUB HEADS. Bolsena. S. Cristina. Photo., Moscioni. An arched frieze with raised edges enclosing ten cherub heads on clouds 66 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI touched with yellow and blue. Paolo Zampi suggests that it formed the archivolt for the arcosolium opposite that of the Filotimi. Bibl. : Zampi, 14 note 2. Fig. 47.— The Mikaci.i: hf Bolsena. 61 ARSOLI. CATHEDRAL. Arched frieze with raised edges enclosing ten cherub heads, white on blue. Similar to one at Bolsena. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 67 62 (i) A BISHOP BLESSING. (2) CANDELABRUM BEARING ANGELS. Bolsena. Collegiata, S. Cristina, Sacristy. Fragments. In the sacristy are preserved fragments of a Bishop blessing, also of two Candelabrum bearing Angels. 63 CHRIST CRUCIFIED AND THE MADDALENA. Radicofani. S. Pietro. Apsidal chapel to right. Altarpiece. H., 2.84m.; W., 1.93m. Photo., Private. This relief (Fig. 48), composed like the Resurrection at Pistoia, shows Fig. 48. — The Radicofani Crucifixion. 68 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI the influence both of Andrea della Robbia and of Antonio RosselHno. Buglioni had now seen Andrea's Crucifixions at La Verna and Arezzo and Antonio's altarpiece now in the Church of Monteoliveto at Naples. He recognizes the limitations of the frame and confines his composition within it, but his arrangement of cherub heads especially in the arched top of the frame is by no means so successful as Andrea's. The Christ is carefully modelled, and the Maddalena leans against the cross with almost too much self-abnegation. The chalice-bearing angels are less Verrocchian than in the Resurrection relief. Green palms, trees with fruit, and dead, leafless trees form an avenue in a rocky landscape, against a light blue sky. It is a similar, but finer composition than the Crucifixion at Bolsena. The predella with its garland and evangelistic symbols, like those at Bol- sena, is based on Rossellino's predella of the Nativity altarpiece at Naples. The ox holds an open book inscribed- SEQVENTIZIA- (SA)NTI- EVANGIELI (SECVNDM LVCAM). The book held by the angel is in- scribed- SEQVENZIA- SANT(I) EVANGIELI SECHVNDVM- MATEV(M): that of the eagle SEQVENZIA- SANTI EVANGELI SECVNDO- lOANNE(M) ; and that of the lion SEQVENZIA SANTI EVANGELI- SECVNDVM- MARCV(M). The order, Luke, Matthew, John, Mark is unusual. Bibl. : Brogi, Inv., 437; Burl., 116; C-M., 247 No. 260; Cr., 353. 64 MADONNA AND CHILD BETWEEN SAINTS. 1503-1512. Bolsena. Collegiata, S. Cristina. Entrance portal. Lunette. H., 0.79m.; W., 2.27m. Photo., Alinari, 11 704-1 1705. The lunette (Fig. 49) over the entrance portal of the new fagade do- nated by Cardinal Giovanni di Medici (later Pope Leo X) contains a Ma- donna, three quarters length, holding to the left a nude Child who is bless- FiG. 49. — The Bolsena AIado.nna, Child, axu Saints. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 69 ing and holding an apple. To the left is S. Cristina, with millstone bound by a rope to her neck. She also carries a sprouting rod. To the right is S. Giorgio, in armour, holding a club (?) and a shield with the Bolsena arms : Gules three pallets or. Bibl. : Burl., 113; C-M., 228 No. 142; Cr., 334; Fabriczy, R. f. K., 1906. 47; R., D. R., 211-212; Sc. FL, III, 178; Zampi, 11 note 2. 65 S. LEONARDO AND TWO MONKS. 1503-1512. Bolsena. Col- legiata, S. Cristina. Oratorio. Lunette. H., 0.74m.; W., 1.25m Photo., Alinari, 11 706. Over the exterior door to the Oratorio is a lunette in which S. Leonardo, robed as a deacon, holding in his right hand a yoke, in his left a book, is adored by two kneeling monks with scourges in their hands (Fig. 50), White figures, blue background. Fig. 50. — S. Leonardo Between Two Monks. Bibl. : Burl., C-M., 228 No. 143; Cr., 334. 66 (i) THE SPOSALIZIO. (2) EMBLEM OF JESUS. Rifredi. S. Stefano in Pane. Round-headed relief. H., 1.26m.; W., 0.90m. Photo., Private. (i) From S. Maria a Novoli. Twice injured by treasure hunters, a reproduction was set up at Olmatello and the original (Fig. 51) transported to Rifredi. The High Priest, the upper half of S. Giuseppe and the heads behind him are modern. The Madonna, clad in violet edged yellow with mantle of blue lined green, extends her hand for the ring. Behind her is S. Anna and three young women. She stands on mottled green ground. S. Giuseppe is clad in blue tunic with mantle of yellow lined green. The frame encloses between architectural mouldings a frieze of four- 70 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI teen cherub heads with yellow haloes set on clouds touched with greenish yellow against the blue sky. At the apex is a bust of God the Father blessing, clad in violet with mantle of blue lined green. Between him and the High Priest floats the Holy Dove. Fig. 51. — The Sposalizio, Rifredi. A rectangular tablet below is inscribed : DESPONSATA SVM • HOMINI IVDEO ET PLA CVI ALTISSIMO DEO (2) Above the altarpiece is a medallion with the emblem of Jesus, yellow letters on blue, surrounded by yellow rays of light, each waving ray suc- ceeded by three straight ones. Bibl. : Carocci, Dint., I, 333, 339; Cr. 355. 67 MADONNA AND CHILD BETWEEN SAINTS. Arezzo. Piazza di Badia. Post Office. Lunette. H., 0.77m.; W., 1.75m. Photo., Alinari, 9733. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 71 Similar in general to the lunette over entrance to S. Cristina, Bolsena. The Madonna, robed in violet with mantle of blue lined green, holds to the left the nude Child blessing (Fig. 52) and holding an apple. Buglioni eyes. Fig. 52. — Madonna, Child, and Saints, Arezzu. To the left is S. Benedetto, with martyr's palm and book; to the right a female saint in blue with mantle of violet lined yellow. Bibl. : Burl., 112; C-M., 224 No. 120; Cr., 331. 68 MADONNA AND SAINTS. Campi. S. Piero a Ponte. Over entrance. Lunette. H., 0.92m. ; W., 1.75m. Photo, Private. The Madonna, with white headdress, maroon tunic, mantle blue lined green, holds on her right arm the nude Child. To the left S. Pietro, in blue edged yellow and mantle of yellow lined green, holds two keys, yellow and white. To the right S. Paolo, in blue tunic and mantle of maroon lined green, holds a book and sword. Atelier work. Nudes of SS. Pietro e Paolo painted over the white glaze. Bibl. : Burl., 113; Carocci, Dint., I, 365; C-M., 230 No. 155; Cr., 335. 69 MADONNA DELLE GRAZIE. Florence. Palazzo Frescobaldi. Photo., Private. This relief set over the mantelpiece in the sitting room of the Palazzo Frescobaldi exhibits a standing Madonna robed in maroon tunic and blue mantle, holding on her left arm a nude Child blessing. At her feet on either side a company of worshippers on their knees. The predella is inscribed : 72 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI QVESTA NOSTRA DONNA AFFATTO FARE E SVA CHOMPAGNI ACCIO QVANDO SONO INVIAGGIO LASIA ILLORO AIVTO ET ALLORA ET SEMPRE. Frame : cherub heads, egg and dart and outer fruit garland. 70 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. Antona (near Massa-Carrara) . S. Gimignano. Altarpiece with lunette. H., 2.76m.; W., 1.84m. Photo., Private. The central relief represents on a throne with high carved back, violet bordered yellow, the Madonna, who is robed in violet with mantle of blue lined green, holding in her lap the Child, nude except for a light veil over his shoulders (Fig. 53). Two angels in flowing robes set a crown upon her head. To the left stand a monastic saint, in white habit holding a book, and S. Gimignano, mitred, robed in white with pluvial of mottled violet lined yellow, holding a yellow pastoral staff and a violet book. To the right stand S. Pietro, in blue tunic and mantle of yellow lined violet, hold- ing two keys and a book, and S. Giovanni Battista in brown hair cloth, with mantle of blue lined green, holding a yellow cross and a scroll. Very light blue background. The predella has at each end a shield inscribed blue on white OP(ER)A, indicating that the altarpiece was commissioned by the Opera of the church. Separated by yellow balusters are three reliefs : ( i ) A miracle performed by S. Gimignano; (2) the Annunciation; (3) the death of S. Gimignano. The frame of the large relief resembles in general that at Tizzano (1504) except that the pendent garlands of the pilasters are continuous, not di- vided into separate bunches. Its frieze consists of pairs of cherub heads alternating with Paschal lambs. The lunette exhibits the usual Buglioni landscape background of rocks and trees, with a Nativity scene in the foreground. An excerpt from this, the Madonna adoring the Child upheld by an angel occurs frequently in medallion form. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Campori, 288 note i; Cr., 327; Mazzini, Frontispiece, 10-13. 71 MADONNA ADORING CHILD UPHELD BY AN ANGEL. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, No. 109 (I. 153). Medallion. Diam., 1.12m. Photo., Private. From the Bartholdi Collection, 1828. Similar to the composition in the lunette of the altarpiece at Antona. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 73 The Madonna, robed in white ornamented with golden stars, and sur- rounded by straight and waving rays of light, kneels in adoration before the nude Child who is supported by an Angel. The Child rests on his mother's drapery ; the entire group on clouds. Fig. 53. — The Antona Altarpiece. Frame: (i) yellow beads; (2) cherub heads in yellow clouds separated by stars (cf. A. Rossellino, also B. da Maiano) ; (3) egg and dart mould- ing; (4) irregularly composed, continuous wreath of fruit, flowers, and wheat; (5) scale ornament. Bibl. : B. und Tsch., No. 122; C-M., 260 No. 348; Cr., 333; M., D. R. A., 136-143; R., D. R., 160; Sc. Fl., Ill, 154; Schottmiiller, 46 No. 109. 74 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 72 SAME SUBJECT. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 7. Medallion. Diam., 1.20m. Similar to Berlin No. 109. Frame similar. From the Ospedale militare. Modern reproductions of this medallion are sold by the Ginori Co., Flor- ence. Bibl. : Burl., 109; Cr., 337; Supino, 437 No. 7. 73 SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Seilliere Collection (formerly). Medal- lion. Diam., 1.15m. A replica of the medallion in the Museo Nazionale (No. 7), and Berlin Museum (No. 109). Bibl. : Seilliere Coll., Cat., No. 2. 74 SAME SUBJECT. Madrid. Collection of Marques de Cerralbo. Medallion. Photo., Private. A copy of the Berlin medallion No. 109, with the type of Virgin modi- fied, the sequence in cherub head frieze changed, and the outer scale mould- ing omitted (Fig. 54). 75 SAME SUBJECT. New York. Mrs. P. M. Lydig Collection (for- merly). Medallion. Diam., 0.97m. Photo., Pach. From the Molinier collection, Paris. Same composition, with slight variations, as that of the medallion in the Berlin Museum. Frame also similar, but consists only of beads and a garland. Bibl. : Lydig Coll., Cat., No. 122; M., D. R. A., 136-143, Fig. 57; Molinier, Cat., Frontispiece. 76 SAME SUBJECT. Guilford. Collection of Mrs. G. F. Watts. Photo., Private. Similar to the preceding. Bibl. : Cr. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 75 Fig. 54. — The Madonna Adoring the Child UPHELD BY AN AnGEL, MaDRID. 77 SAME SUBJECT. Braunschweig. Collection Frau Vieweg. Me- dallion. Diam., 0.64m. Similar to the preceding, with frame of bead moulding only. 78 SAME SUBJECT. Florence. Orselli's (in 1908). Medallion. Diam., 0.62m. Similar to the preceding. 79 SAME SUBJECT. Paris. Collection of M. le Baron Pierre de Cou- bertin. Medallion, Diam., 0.72m. A polychromatic version of the same. Nudes not glazed. The frame has a garland composed of triplex bunches of fruit. 80 MADONNA AND CHILD, S. GIOVANNINO AND TWO AN- GELS. S. Casciano. S. Giovanni in Sugana. Medallion. Photo , Private. The Madonna seated on the ground holds on her lap the nude Child 76 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI blessing. To the left is S. Giovannino kneeling on a cushion, supported by an angel. To the right an angel with grapes. White against blue. Bug- lioni eyes. Frame : an inner egg and dart moulding, and an outer garland of long bunches of fruit, flowers, and wheat irregularly composed. Bibl. : Burl., 117; Carocci, 5. Casciano, 159. 81 SAME SUBJECT. Empoli. Museo della Collegiata. Medallion. Diam., 1.04m. Photo., Private. This medallion (Fig. 55), is a repetition of the S. Casciano tondo. Bibl. : B., Kf., 25; Burl., 114; Cr., 337. Fig. 55. — The Madonna, Child, S. Giovannino, AND Two Angels, Empoli. 82 SAME SUBJECT. Berlin. Kaiser Friedrich Museum. No. 120 (I. 157). Medallion. Diam., 0.92m. Photo., Museum. Repetition of S. Casciano tondo. Acquired in Italy in 1858. Bibl. : C-M., 261 No. 356; Schottmiiller, 51 No. 120. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI n 83 SAME SUBJECT. Florence. Palazzo Frescobaldi. Tondo. Photo., Private. Repetition of the S. Casciano tondo. 84 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SS. ANTONIO ABATE AND SEBASTIANO. Montemignaio. Roadside shrine. Altar- piece. H., 2.iom. ; W., 1.65m. Photo., Private, The Madonna, seated on a bench on a low podium, robed in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, holds to her right the nude Child standing on a cushion (Fig. 56). The Child holds ends of Madonna's veil. Bugli- oni eyes. To the left is S. Antonio Abate in gray robe and black mantle, holding staff and book. A black pig at his feet. To the right is S. Sebas- tiano, nude with white loin cloth, bound against a tree trunk. A curtain is swung above their heads. The predella reliefs represent : ( i ) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata ; Fig. 56. — The Montemignaio Altarpiece. 78 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI (2) Christ in sepulchre; (3) S. Girolamo praying in the desert. They are separated by balusters. The frame of the principal relief shows rising garlands of continuous, chiefly triplex, bunches of fruit and wheat sur- rounded by an outer egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Beni, 229; C-M., 229 No. 151, 238 No. 204; Cr., 348; Filangieri Cat, I, 486-488, Doc, VI, 361 ; Vas., II, 199. 85 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SS. ANTONIO ABATE AND SEBASTIANO. Caiano. Cappella Passalacqua. Cavallucci and Molinier list as in the Cappella Passalacqua at Caiano a Madonna the description of which corresponds with that at Montemignaio, except for the fact that the Caiano relief has two angels holding a crown above the Madonna's head. Bibl. : C-M., 229 No. 151; Cr., 335. 86 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN S. ANTONIO ABATE AND S. SEBASTIANO. Doccialina. Chiesa. Altarpiece. Cavallucci and Molinier's description tallies almost exactly with the al- tarpiece at Montemignaio. Bibl. : Burl., 114; C-M., 231 No. 168; Cr., 337. 87 MADONNA ENTHRONED AND SAINTS. Diacceto. Shrine near main street. H., 1.76m.; W., im. Photo., Private. The Madonna, in type recalling the Madonna of Montemignaio, is clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, and holds on her knee wrapped in her veil the otherwise nude Child holding a bird. She is seated on a bench which rests on a double podium in front of an apparent niche, the cornice of which extends to right and left, as in the Morgan altarpiece. To the left and right stand angels with baskets or vases of flowers. Above the archivolt of the niche are three large cherub heads. At right angles to the relief, on the side walls of the shrine, stand two old bearded saints. The one to the left, S. Girolamo, carries a crucifix and a book, and is clad in maroon coloured habit ; a tree on each side. To the BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 79 right is S. Antonio Abate, also in maroon, with yellow staff and book, and a pig at his feet. It may be recalled that Benedetto Buglioni's grandfather Bernardo in- herited a farm at Diacceto. 88 STATUETTE OF DOVIZIA. Berlin. Kaiser-Friedrich Museum. No. ii6 (I. i6i). H., 1.25m. Photo., Museum. This statuette (Fig. 57), known as a Pomona, is similar in conception Fig. 57. — Statuette of Dovizia. Berlin Museum. to Giovanni della Robbia's statuette in the Minneapolis Museum, inscribed : GLORIA : ET DIVITIE : IN : DOMO TVA. Hence we prefer to desig- nate it La Dovizia. Like its prototype it was probably designed to be a gift accompanied with wishes for domestic prosperity. Polychromatic fruit in a blue dish and cornucopia ; white figure standing on light green base. 8o BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Bibl. : B-Tschudi, 43, No. 131 ; C-M., 261 No. 358; M., A. in A., ¥(1917), 196; G. D. R., 209; Schottmiiller, 50 No. 116. 89 SAME SUBJECT. Florence. Bardini Collection, formerly. Statu- ette. H., 0.83m. Similar, with variations, to the preceding. Holds in her left hand a bunch of violet grapes and a cornucopia. On her head is a blue vase of fruit. \ Bibl. : Bardini Coll., Sale of 1902, Cat., No. 516 PI. 23. 90 S. LUCIA. 1 503-1 5 12. Bolsena. S. Cristina. Relief bust. H., 0.75m. Photo., Private. Half figure of S. Lucia (Fig. 58), clad in maroon with mantle of blue Fig. 58. — S. Lucia, Bolsena. lined green, veil on head and crossing her breast, holding a book and a plate on which are two eyes. Her own eyes are coloured in Buglioni fashion. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 8i 91 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. Rincine. S. Elena. Square altarpiece. Photo., Private. The Madonna, holding to the right the nude Child who stands on a cushion blessing, is seated on a bench set on a podium (Fig .59). About her stand to the left, S. Bartolommeo, S. Niccolo da Bari(?); to the right, S. Lucia with martyr's palm and dish and S. Antonio Abate, with Fig. 59. — The Rincine Altarpiece. staff, book and black pig. The Madonna resembles the S. Lucia at Bolsena and the colours, chiefly maroon and light blue, are those favoured by Benedetto Buglioni. The frame consists of a garland of fruit, flowers, and wheat between white fillet mouldings. Bibl. : Cr., 353- 92 MADONNA AND CHILD BETWEEN TWO ANGELS. Balti- more. Collection of Mr. Henry Walters. Relief figures. H., 0.73m. Photo., Private. From the Don Marcello Massarenti Collection, Rome. White figures. Buglioni eyes. The Madonna in half figure (Fig. 60) holds to the left the nude Desiderio-like Child who is blessing and holding the crown of thorns and nails. 82 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 6o — Madonna and Two Angels, Baltimore. To left and right is an angel, in three quarter figure, adoring with folded hands. This Madonna with adoring angels probably occupied a lunette above a door or altarpiece. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 167, Fig. 69. 93 MADONNA AND CHILD. Baltimore. Collection of Mr. Henry Walters. Group. H., im. Photo., Private. The half length Madonna, in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, a white kerchief on her head and around her neck, holds to right a lightly draped Child who stands on a white pedestal (Fig. 61). Nudes unglazed. Bought from Raoul Heilbronner Paris. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 168, Fig. 71. 94 BUST OF A FEMALE SAINT. Roslyn, L. I. Collection of Mr. Stanley Mortimer. Photo., Private. Face and hair unglazed. Looks wistfully down, as if part of a compo- sition of the Madonna and Child. But the colouring of the garments, the BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 83 Fig. 61. — Madonna and Child, Baltimore. dark blue robe with veil of very light blue lined light green are uncanonical for a Madonna and more fitting for some other saint, e.g. S. Cristina or S. Lucia. Bibl. : M., D. R.A., 167-168. 95 BUST OF A FEMALE SAINT. Baltimore. Collection of Mr. Henry Walters. Unglazed replica (Fig. 62) of the preceding. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 167, Fig. 70. 96 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. Paris. Louvre, Nos. 431, 439. Altarpiece with lunette. H., 2.80m. ; W., 2m. Photo., Alinari, 22379. The Madonna is robed in violet, her mantle blue lined green (Fig. 63). She supports on her right knee the nude Child who is blessing and holding 84 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 62. — Bust of a Saint, Baltimore. Fig. 63. — Madonna and Saints, Louvre, BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 85 an apple. Her veil crosses his body. To the left stands S. Francesco, in gray habit, with stigmata, holding a book ; to the right, S. Rocco in brown and with yellow pilgrim's stafif. Background missing. The predella shows : ( i ) Female Martyr saint holding a palm branch and a church or tower; (2) La Maddalena, long haired, holding a yellow box; (3) Cherub head; (4) S. Lucia, with palm branch and vase; and (5) S. Caterina of Alexandria, with palm branch and wheel. The principal frame has pilaster with garlands composed by triplex bunches of fruit separated by yellow ribbons and hanging from violet rings in panels, above which are capitals of the Buglioni type supporting a meagre entablature from which architrave, frieze and upper member of the cornice are missing. The lunette contains a half figure of God the Father blessing and holding open a book inscribed A fi. He is surrounded by four cherub heads on clouds streaked with yellow and black against a blue sky. Framed by pendent garlands and egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : B. J., Desc, 6 No. 2; Burl., 120; C-M., 274 No. 434; 277 No. 444; Cr., 330> 350- 97 STEMMA OF GUGLIELMO ALESSANDRL 1507. S. Giovanni in Valdarno, Palazzo Pretorio. Photo., Private. Within a wreath of fruit, flowers, and wheat, arranged in roughly triplex groups bounded by an egg and dart moulding is a beribboned Tus- can shield containing the stemma (Fig. 64) of the Alessandri family: Azure, a double-headed lamb passant argent; in chief a serpent gules. Fig. 64. — Stemma of Guglielmo Alessandri. 86 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Below is a horizontal scroll inscribed: GVGLELMO A DAN TONIO A DI M(ESSER) AL ESANDRO A DELLI ALESANDRI A VIC(ARI)0 A ET COM(MISSARI)0 1506 1507 Gnglielmo d' Antonio di Messer Alessandro d'Ugo di Bartolo Alessandri became a Prior in Florence in 1516. Bibl. : C., s.v. Alessandri; M., R. H., 159-160 Fig. 151; P., 47, 455-457; W., 125. 98 STEMMA OF FILIPPO PERUZZI. 1508. Scarperia, Palazzo del Vicariato. Photo., Private. Within a wreath composed irregularly of fruit, flowers, and wheat, with an inner tgg and dart moulding, on a flat plate is a beribboned Tuscan shield (Fig. 65) bearing the Peruzzi arms: Azure, six pears, three, two, and one or. Fig. 65. — Stem MA of Filippo Peruzzi. Below, on a rectangular tablet is inscribed : AFilippo A DI GIOV ANNI A PERVZI A V(ICARI)0 A ET (COMMISSARIO) A 1507 A 1508 Filippo di Giovanni di Rinieri Peruzzi was a Prior in Florence in 1503. Bibl. C., s.v. Peruzzi; M., R. H., 168-169 Fig. 157, P-, 86-88; W., 164. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 87 99 TWO ALTARPIECES (formerly). 1508. Massa-Carrara. Du- omo, S. Francesco. According to a lost document, published by Campori, and again by Mazzini, Benedetto di Giovanni Buglioni was paid on Nov. 8, 1 508 seventy large gold ducats, thirty-five from Ser Giovanni the Podesta of Massa, and thirty-five from Piero de'Zanoli, representative of the Franciscan broth- ers of Massa. The payment was made in the name of Alberico Malaspina, marchese of Massa. The subjects, form, and present whereabouts of these altarpieces are unknown. Campori, Milanesi, and others declare that one represented a Nativity, the other an Epiphany, but the fragments of a Nativity in the Cappella del Sacramento of the Cathedral are not in Buglioni's style, and the Epiphany, said to have been sold in 1825 to the Abate Gerini and by him sold out of Italy, can no longer be traced. Document: — [Quoted by Ubaldo Mazzini from Campori's Memoriej 287.] "Adi 8 di novembre 1508 in massa del marchese. lo benedetto de giovanni Buglioni schultore da firenza per vighore della presente scrita di mia mano mi chiamo avere auto e riceuto anome del mag- nificho signore marchese alberigho signiore di massa soprascrita duchati settanta d'oro inoro larghi a me numerati e dati parte da ser giovanni suo podesta in massa cioe duchati trentacinque e altri trentacinque da Piero de Zanoli prochuratore de ditti (?) frati de san francescho di masa in firenza e sono per intero pagamento di dua tavole per me fatte e poste in opera e finite in nella chiesa de san francescho de massa per me finite adi et ano soprascritto et per fede di cio o scrito la presente di mia propria mano presente iachopo de giovani dipintore fiorentino e di franliesco di girolamo fattore de dicti frati ec." Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Campori, Mem,orie, 287 (Doc); Cr., 253, 347; Gerini, Memorie, I, 164; Matteoni, Guida, 19; Mazzini, i-io, (Doc.) ; Vas., II, 185 note. 100 MADONNA AND CHILD. Cleveland. Museum of Art. Photo.. Museum. Nudes unglazed. The Madonna, clad in a maroon tunic with yellow col- lar and cuffs, a mantle of blue lined green, yellow haloes, white scarf, yel- low shoes, holds on her left arm the nude Child (Fig. 66). In type not unlike the Madonna delle Grazie of the Frescobaldi collection. 88 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 66. — Madonxa axd Child, Cleveland. Bibl. : Cat. of Museum, opening-. 101 SAME SUBJECT. Baltimore. Collection of Mr. Henry Walters. Statuette. H., 0.76m. Photo., Private. This Madonna, in type not unlike the preceding, stands holding on her left arm the nude Child. Glazed light green. From the Don Marcello Massarenti Collection. Bibl. : M., D. R. A., 168, Fig. 72. 1510-1520 I5IO-I520 102 (i) CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN. 1510. (2) COAT OF ARMS IN THE CHURCH. 1510. Pistoia. Ceppo Hospital. En- trance portal. Lunette. H., im. ; W., 2.05m. Photo., Alinari, 10282. In 1878 Milanesi stated that in 15 10 Benedetto Buglioni made a "Nostra Donna" for the fagade of the Ceppo Hospital. More specific are the docu- ments published in 1904 by Fabriczy and by R. G. Mather in 191 8, which indicate a payment made to Benedetto Buglioni in Jan. 13, 15 10 for an "Incoronazione" set "sopra la porta dello spedale del Ceppo di Pistoia." Over the entrance portal of the hospital the Coronation of the Virgin in every detail of style betrays the workmanship of Benedetto Buglioni (Fig. 67). The subject follows the precedent set by the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, over the entrance door of which is a Coronation attributed to Lor- enzo di Bicci or Dello Delli. God the Father, seated on clouds, with long hair and beard, heavily Fig. dj. — Coronation of the Virgin, Pistoia. 92 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI draped, wearing a Papal tiara with triple yellow crowns, places a yellow crown on the head of the Madonna, who is also seated and robed in white, and has her hands crossed on her breast. Her eyes have Buglioni's char- acteristic hatched eyebrows, linear upper eyelid, pupils surrounded by a circle leaving the iris white. Nine cherub heads, triple winged, without haloes, on clouds streaked with yellow and violet, surround the divine couple. The documents (Nos. 4-5) also indicate that Benedetto Buglioni was paid a florin for a stemma of the hospital placed within the church. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Francesco di maso di papi scarpellino da s. martino a mensola si alloga collo spedale del ceppo di pistoia a provvedere tutta la pietra ed a fare tutto il lavoro sul portico." [Milanesi, Misc., 32 III P., c. 480, makes the above note from Archivio di Stato, Sesione notarile, Rogiti di Ser Lorenso Bellncci di Pistoia. Pro- tocollo del 1 5 12, Feb. 24.] 2. c. 364 c. ccclxiiij "Mdx "Mdx Benedetto di giovanni detto betto Benedetto di giovanni buglioni de dare adj iiij di giennaio detto betto buglioni di f uno largo doro porto chontanti sono chontro de avere adi per chonto di una nostra donna xj di maggio 1512 f uno si fa per sopra la porta dello spedale largo doro sono per dell ceppo di pistoia all quaderno tanti dare alibro C ac. 113. segnato d ac. 210 f 1-I-" a uscita segnato C. ac. 234 f i-" [Archiv. del R. Arcispedale di Santa Maria Niwva, Lihro Verde (1508- I5i3)> segnato C c. 364.] Milanesi, Misc. 40 III P c. 367* records the above document thus : "15 10. Benedetto di Giovanni detto betto buglioni de dare adi iiij di gen. fior. uno sono p(er) chonto p(er) una nostra donna si fa p(er) sopra la porta dello spedale del ceppo di Pistoia." Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte II, 1904, 139, published it as follows: "15 10. Benedetto di Giovanni detto betto buglioni de' dare adi xiij di genaio fior. uno-sono per chonto di una nostra donna si fa sopra la porta dello spedale del Ceppo di Pistoia." 3. "+ yhs MDX Sabato addj 4 di genaio A betto brrugljonj ischultore f uno ch°( chontanti) jn(or)o BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 93 al q*^" (quadernucio) detto (chassa s*° C) CI13 alibro verde s*° C c. 364 fi 1-S-" [Archiv. idem, Uscita, Segnato C. 1508-15 10 c. 234.] 4. "+ MDX Benedetto dj giovannj di bernardo dantonio ischu(l)tore avere E avere adj ii dj maggio 1512 f. iiij doro in oro per j archo dj una cho- ronazione et una arme p(er) pistoia a g^ s*° d c. 210 f 4 1- p-" [Archiv. idem, Libro Fitti e Livelli B., 15 10-1520, c. 12.] 5. "MDXII Martedi adj xj di maggio Benedetto dj Giovannj bu(g)lione iscu(l)tore avere p(er) uno archo sopra alaporta dj lospedale dj pistoia cheve(che v'e) una jncoronazione f 4 doro inoro isp^ (ispedale) dare quvj disotto f 4 1- Et avere p(er) una arme p(er) detto ispedale inchiesa f uno doro inoro posto isp" dare qui disotto f j 1- Anne auto f uno doro inoro p(er) tanti avere a libro Verede S" C c 364 f j 1- Anne auto f iiij doro ^inoro p(er) tanti avere alibro di pigione e fitj B c 12 f 4 1- Spedale dlceppo dj pistoia adare chome apare alibro copie s*° d f 5 p(er) le le(sic) chose disopra dette" [Archiv. idem, Giornale D. 1512-1513 c. 210.] 6. "+ MDXIJ partite partite anno Spedale dj santa maria nuova dj firenze abbiamo abbiamo loro et noj avere dallo spedale di santa maria noj et loro noj et loro dlceppo dj pistoia chome apare di la al di rimpetto Et dj II dj Maggio 1512 135 p(iccioli) p(er) uno a' chale(archale) suvj(suvvi) una inchoronazione sopra alaporta dello isp* et una arme aute da benedetto bulionj al nostro g s*" d c- et aloro libro m c 1 35- 1- 1-'' [Arch, idem, Libro Copie e Conti, D. 1 512-15 18 c. 3.] 94 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 7. "+ YHS MDXJ Spedale di santa maria nuova di firenze avere addj xj di luglio . E de avere insino addj 26 daprile 15 12 E deono avere 1 trentacinque piccioli per resto di una inchorazione di terra chotta e una arme di ceppo paghati p(er) noi a betto buglionj al giornale c. 164 in questo . . .234 1 35 [Archiv. del R. Ospedale del Ceppo, Libro del Provveditore M., 151 1- 1512, c. cl.] Bibl.: Bacci, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904) 50-51; B., Kf., 21 ; Bombe, B-Th. Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Burckh., II, 436; C-M, 144, 243 No. 234; Contrucci, 280; Cr., 251-252; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 139 (Doc); Giglioli, 94; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 683, 690; Brickhidlder, II (1902) 222', A. J. A., XXII (1918), 361-377 (Doc.) ; Mazzini, 3-4; R. G. M. ; UArte, XXI (1918), 193-194 (Doc); Melani, A. e S., XXII (1903) lo-ii; Natura e Arte, 1903, June 15, 81-88; R., D. R., 235, 262; Sc. Fl., IV, 55, 64; S., 148, Abb. 171; Tolomei, Guida, 83; Vas., II, 185 note; IV 88 note. 103 CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN WITH VARIOUS SAINTS. Florence. Chiesa d'Ognissanti. Over entrance portal. Lunette. H., 2.02m; W., 2.94m. Photos., Alinari, 2303; Brogi, 4682; Cast, Lelli, 1134-1136. This relief appears to have been modified by the addition of an outer row of blue tiles so as to fit into the architectural frame. Possibly, like the Resurrection relief at Pistoia, it had originally a terra-cotta frame of its own, broken into by the lower portion of the composition, and for practical reasons in this case discarded. Like the Coronation at Pistoia God the Father is represented draped in white, wearing a triplex crowned tiara, placing a yellow crown on the Madonna's head (Fig. 68). Both are seated on clouds streaked yellow and green, from which appear cherub heads some with, some without, a nimbus. To the left and right are musical angels with lutes, tambourines, pipes and trumpets. Below are half figures of S. Benedetto, S. Ansano (?), S. Giovanni Battista, S. Pietro, S. Gregorio, S. Agostino and S. Lucia. Figures white, minor details yellow. Buglioni eyes. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 95 Bibl. B-J., 9; B., Kf., 23; A. S. A., II (1889), 2; Burl., Frontispiece, 54, 108; Carocci, ///. Fior., 1912; 141-143; C-M., 117; 211 No. 37; Cr., 252, 341; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 690; R., D. R., 233-235; IV, 55-56; Richa, IV, 264; S., 149; Vas., II, 192. Fig. 68. — Coronation and Saints, Ognissantj. 104 S. ROMOLO AND HIS COMPANIONS. Fiesole. Duomo. Crypt (formerly). Statuettes. Photo., Brogi, 9858-9860. Milanesi, in his notes to Vasari's mentions five statuettes as formerly in the crypt of the Fiesole Cathedral. Three of these have been photographed by Brogi. One represents S. Romolo, enthroned, blessing (Fig. 69) ; two others portray youthful saints. They are not far removed in style and period from the Ognissanti lunette. Polychromatic; face of S. Romolo not glazed. Bibl. : Carocci, I, 134; C-M., 232 No. 173 note i. Vas., II, 193-194. 105 (i) S. AGNESE, (2) S. MARIA EGIZIACA, (3) A PEASANT WORSHIPPER. Fiesole. S. Ansano. Three Statuettes, c. 0.90m. Photos., Brogi, 9834, 9833. 96 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 69. — S. RoMOLO, Fiesole. (i) S. Agnese, robed in maroon edged yellow, and a mantle of blue lined green, holds a white lamb, a book and a martyr's palm (Fig. 70). (2) S. Maria Egiziaca is covered by long brown hair. (3) A peasant, robed in a blouse of blue and mantle of green lined maroon, stands in the attitude of worship. Bibl. Carocci, I, 118; C-M., 250 No. 282; Cr., 344. Fig. 70. — S. Agxese, Fiesole. Fig. 71. — S. Giovanni Battista, Pescia BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 97 106 S. GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Pescia. Library of Duomo. Statu- ette. Photo., Private, This statuette (Fig. 71) is not unHke the S. Giovanni Battista in the Ognissanti lunette. It was formerly in the Duomo, where it has been re- placed by a marble copy in connection with a marble font. Bibl. : Burl., 71. 107 S. SEBASTIANO. Chicago. Collection of Mrs. Chauncey F. Blair. Round-headed relief . H., i.iom. ; W., o.6im. Photo., Private. S. Sebastiano wears a blue loin cloth and stands in a green meadow, his arms bound to a tree of which only the lower trunk is visible. Possibly to be classed with the works of Benedetto Buglioni. 108 THE TRINITY. S. Flora. Convento di SS. Trinita. Round- headed altarpiece. Photo., Alinari, 9281. God the Father, wearing a triple crowned tiara, clad in maroon up- holds a yellow cross above which is the Holy Dove and on which is Christ crucified (Fig. 72). Two cherub heads support the clouds on which God Father is seated while sixteen more (of two only the haloes are seen behind the cross) are arranged as a mandorla. The predella shows insignia now almost obliterated, and between plain pilasters: (i) S. Francesco receiving stigmata; (2) Christ in the sepulchre supported by his mother and S. Giovanni; and (3) S. Girolamo in the des- ert. The frame shows pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat in triplex bunches, set between an inner cord and outer egg and dart mould- ing. Bibl. : Cr., 354; S., 140 Abb. 151. 109 CHRIST CRUCIFIED AND SAINTS. Gavinana. S. Maria del Assunta. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.3m.; W., 1.83m. Photo., Private. Some years ago I cited the altarpieces at Gavinana (Fig. 73) as to be classed with Santi Buglioni's lost altarpieces at Croce all'Alpe, but am now inclined to put them at an earlier period when Benedetto Buglioni was the 98 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI master of the atelier. The Christ crucified (paint over the glaze) is almost a replica of the one at S. Flora. The cross is yellow and grained in faint imitation of wood. At the top is a scroll inscribed I. N. R. I. ; the sun with greenish face and yellow serpentine rays, and the moon with bluish face set Fig. 72. — The Trinity, S. Fiora. in a crescent with rectilinear rays. Two flying angels, one holding a chalice, are at his side. At the foot of the cross is a greenish skull and cross bones on a stratified hill, Golgotha. To the left, on a white horse is S. Martino offering his cloak to a poor man, and a kneeling S. Niccolo, in white with cloak of blue lined green, a blue book and three golden balls on a book at his feet. To the right kneels S. Gregorio, with papal tiara, robed in white with pluvial of green lined lilac, a dove at his ear; standing is BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 99 S. Michele in blue armour trimmed with yellow, and cloak of lilac lined green, holding a sword and scales. Flesh unglazed. Fig. 73. — Christ Crucified and Saints, Gavinana. The frame shows pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat, ar- ranged in triplex bunches separated by bouquet holders, as in the Trinity altarpiece at S. Flora, and set between cord and egg and dart mouldings, Bibl: Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Burl., 67, 114; M. & W. Drake, s.v. Nicholas of Myra; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 142; Gerspach, Rass. d'Arte, V (1905), 94; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 688; U. Rossi, A. S. A., VI (1893), 10, Note 9. 110 SAINTS ABOUT A CIBORIO. Gavinana. S. Maria del As- sunta. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.06m.; W., 1.70m. Photo., Private. In the centre of the Altarpiece (Fig. 74) is represented a free-standing Ciborio set on a polygonal base, adorned below with large acanthus leaves, lOO BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI in the middle with rehefs of S. Pietro, the Resurrection, and S. Paolo, above with a polygonal dome ornamented with scales and bearing a small cupola surmounted by a cross. About it are angels with polychromatic wings, bearing the emblems of the passion, nails, crown of thorns, spear, sponge. To the left stand S. Giovanni Battista in hair cloth, with a scroll inscribed: AGITE PENIT(ENTIAM), and a young saint (Martino?) holding a book and a sword, while in the foreground kneels S. Antonio Abate in black habit, holding a crutch, a blue book, and a yellow bell, a Fig. 74. — Saints about a Ciborio. Gavinana. black pig at his feet (Fig. 75). To the right stand a young saint (Tom- maso?) with a staff, a middle aged saint or Apostle (Jacopo?) with a book and short sword, while kneeling in the foreground is a saint holding a book and a bunch of chestnuts. Portions of this altarpiece were stolen, but in 191 1 returned from Paris to the Tribunale at Pistoia. The frame is similar in style to the preceding, but with cherub head at the top. It was very badly set together. Portions of the central relief had been removed or stolen, when photograph No. 74 was made. Bibl. : Same as the preceding, also L'Arte, XIII (1911), 480. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI ::xo$. Fig. 75. — Portion of the Preceding. Ill CRUCIFIX. Florence. S. Miniato. Over the High Altar. Statue H., c. 1.50m. Photo., Alinari, 3364b. The Christ, with lavender gray loin cloth, is nailed to a yellow cross (Fig. 76). Damaged. To be classed with the works of Benedetto Bugli- oni rather than with those of Luca della Robbia to whom it has been as- signed. Bibl. : Burl., 29-30, 117; Burckh. C-M., 251 No. 295; Cr., 91, 341; R., D. R., 43-45 ; Sc. FL, II, 195. 112 MADONNA ADORED BY TWO MONKS. Florence. S. Mini- ato al Monte. Entrance portal, inner side. On the inner side of the portal of the enclosure of S. Miniato was for- merly a lunette representing the Madonna adored by two monks, cowled and holding incense carriers. White figures on blue. Bibl. : B.J., 67. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 76. — Crucifix, S. Miniato. 113 BAPTISM OF CHRIST. Castiglione Fiorentino. Battistero Vecchio. Altarpiece, round-headed. H., 1.57m. ; W., 0.96m. Photo., Private. Christ stands with folded hands in the Jordan (Fig. yy) being baptized by S. Giovanni Battista, who is clad in hair cloth and mantle. Rocky back- ground with trees. Holy Dove in the blue sky. Frame, cherub heads on clouds, egg and dart moulding. Predella upside down. Bibl. : Cr., 336; Mancini, Cortona, 163-164. 114 ASSUMPTION OF THE MADONNA. S. Casciano. S. Maria a Casavecchia. Altarpiece. Photo., Alinari, 10087. Cast, Cantagalli, 447. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 103 Fig. ^^. — Baptism of Christ, Castiglione Fiorentino. The Madonna, robed in lilac with mantle of blue lined green, is seated on clouds in a mandorla upheld by six angels (Fig. 78). A cherub head above and below the mandorla. On the ground is a sarcophagus mottled violet in imitation of porphyry or marble, from which rise lilies and roses. On the face of the sarcophagus is a sportello on either side of which kneels an adoring angel. The predella shows at each end the stemma of the Casavecchia family : Azure, three lilies 2 and i or. Three reliefs, separated by balusters, repre- sent: (i) the Baptism of Christ; (2) Christ in the sepulchre upheld by his mother and S. Giovanni; and (3) the martyrdom of S. Lorenzo. Frame shows between rope and t^'g and dart mouldings pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat in bunches composed usually of 3 fruits, 3 white flow- ers and 4 spears of wheat. Bibl.: Burl., 117; Carocci, S. Casciano, 62; C-M., 254 No. 316; Cr., 354; M., R. H., 144, Fig. 136; R., D. R., 245; Sc. Fl, IV, 59- 115 STEMMA OF THE CASAVECCHIA FAMILY. S. Casciano, S. Maria a Casavecchia. In the atrium of the Canonica is a medallion bearing the Casavecchia coat I04 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI I .t/ iriai%«ii: k't Fig. 75. — Assumption ok the AIadoxxa, S. lasciaxo. of arms : Azure, three lilies 2 and i or. Framed by ^ wreath of fruit and flowers. Bibl. : Carocci, S. Casciano, 62; C-M., 254 No. 316; Cr., 354; M., R.H., 144. 116 FRAME FOR A NICHE. S. Casciano. S. Giovanni in Sugana. Within a niche is a plaster statuette of S. Giovanni Battista. The frame BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 105 of the niche exhibits a fruit garland between an inner cord and outer egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Burl., 117; Carocci, 5. Casciano, 158; C-M., 251 No. 286; Cr., 354, 117 ASSUMPTION OF THE MADONNA WITH SAINTS. Barga. Chiesa delle Monache di S. Elisabetta. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 3.20m. ; W., 2.40m. Photo., Alinari, 8372. Partially glazed, with nudes of principal figures superficially painted. The Madonna, robed in gold and a decorated mantle of white lined blue, holding her cintola, is seated on clouds in a mandorla supported by six Fig. 79. — The Assumption with Saints, Barga. io6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI angels with polychromatic wings (Fig. 79). A cherub head is at base of Mandorla; the clouds are streaked yellow. Below is the sarcophagus with narrow end toward spectator, maroon edged yellow, full of lilies. To the left kneels S. Tommaso, robed in green with mantle of blue lined maroon; behind him stands S. Giovanni Bat- tista in hair cloth holding a cross, and S. Chiara in nun's costume holding a book. To the right kneels S. Francesco in gray ; behind him are S. An- tonio of Padua, also in gray, holding a blue book and white flame, and S. Michele, in white armour trimmed yellow and mantle of blue lined green. The frame shows between rope and egg and dart mouldings twenty-three cherub heads above clouds against blue, and an outer pendent garland ir- regularly composed of fruit, flowers, and wheat. At the apex is a disk containing the Monogram of Jesus (not seen in the illustration). The predella is divided by pilasters decorated with grotteschi into panels : (i) S. Girolamo in the desert; (2) La Maddalena; (3) Christ in sepulchre; (4) S. Chiara, holding a lily; and (5) a male saint in monastic costume. Bibl.: Burl., 112; C-M., 227 No. 135; Cr., 327; R., D. R., 245; Sc. FL, IV, 59- 118 MADONNA AND CHILD. BARGA. Chiesa delle Monache. At- rium of Chapel. Medallion. Diam., 0.42m. In the atrium of the chapel of the convent of the Monache is a medallion of the Madonna and Child in a frame of fruit and flowers. Bibl.: Burl., 112; C-M., 227 No. 134. 119 STEMMA OF GIOVANNI MORI. 151 1. Sesto, Palazzo Pre- torio. Photo., Private. On a white frame against a light green background is set a beribboned kite-shaped shield (Fig. 80) bearing the Mori arms: chequy sable and argent. On the broad base below is inscribed : GIOVANNI A DIB ARTHOLO A MO RI A P(ODEST)A A M A DXI Bibl. : ^ Carocci, I, 312; C-M., 248 No. 268; C, s.v. Mori-Ubaldini ; Cr. 355 ,• M., R. H., 190-191, Fig. 179. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 107 Fig. 80. — Stemma of Giovanni Mori. 120 STEMMA OF PANDOLFO RICASOLI. 1512. Anghiari, Pa- lazzo Comunale. Photo., Private. Within a wreath of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers separated by fluttering ribbons on a white background, bordered by fillet mouldings, set against a flat violet disk, is a kite-shaped shield (Fig. 81), bearing the Ricasoli arms: Or, three pallets gules surmounted by as many bars azure; in chief a plate with a Croce del Popolo. Fig. 81. — Stemma of Pandolfo Ricasoli. io8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Below is a cherub supporting a tabella ansata inscribed : PANDOLPHO DI PIER GIOVANNI DE RICASOLI V(ICARI)OET-C(OMMISSARI)0 M-DXII The Ricasoli family held many high offices in Florence and elsewhere. Bibl. : C, s.v. Ricasoli; M., R. H., 201-202, Fig. 188; W., 167. 121 S. MICHELE AND THE DRAGON. Castiglione Fiorentino, Pieve Vecchia. Medallion. Diam., 0.915m. Photo., Private. This medallion (Fig. 82), served as a stemma for the Pieve, which was dedicated to S. Michele. S. Michele, in white tunic with blue collar, yellow ribbons across his breast, maroon wings, holds an apple in his right hand and with a spear in his left transfixes a green dragon. Framed in a wreath 1,AC.H0MVN!'[7\ ,^^ DICASTIGLK .j^-FIORUNTlNfc 5:, .*^.TT7\-av JSBi Fig. 82. — S. Michele, Castiglione Fiorentino. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 109 of heavy triplex bunches of fruit and flowers surrounded by a white egg and dart moulding. A tablet below is inscribed: LA CHOMVNITA DI CASTIGLIONI FIORENTINO • A FA TTA • QVESTA CHIESA Bibl. : Mancini, Cortona, 163-164. 122 MADONNA AND CHILD SEATED ON CLOUDS. Florence, Museo Nazionale, No. i. Photos., Alinari, 3719; Brogi, 4745. Cast by Lelli, No. 476. The Madonna seated on clouds supported by cherubs holds to right the partially draped Child (Fig, 83). White figures on yellow and black clouds Fig. 83. — Madonna Seated on Clouds. no BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI against a blue mandorla. Below is a Tuscan shield bearing indeterminate arms : Two lions supporting a quartered disk. Bibl. : Burl., 109; C-M., 107, 221 No. 95; Cr., 337; Rossi, A. S. A., VI (1893) 10; Supino, 436 No. I. 123 TABLET. H., 0.58m.; W., 0.455m. New York City. Bardini Sale of 1918, No. 359. White tablet inscribed D(OMINO) PET(RO) M( ). The tablet is surmounted by a bow of blue ribbon, green leaves and violet shell. Below is a cherub head and a festoon of polychromatic fruit (Fig. 84). Bibl. : Bardini Sale of 1918. Cat., No. 359. Fig. 84. — Tablet. 124 STEMMA OF LEO X. 1513. Florence. S. Lorenzo (formerly). In preparation for the triumphal entry of Leo X into Florence Bene- detto Buglioni was commissioned to make a large coat of arms of the Pope. It was made of wood, painted. The details of the expenses are preserved in a document discovered by Milanesi. This large stemma was BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI III completed and located on the fagade of S. Lorenzo by March 14, 15 13 (1512 Florentine style), although the triumphal entry of Leo into Flor- ence did not occur until Nov. 30 or Dec. 13, 15 15. Document: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] " + 1 5 12 + (Florentine style) Preparazione spese minute e extraordinarie sesruitono p(er) la venuta di Leone X. Et adi 14 di marzo a b(e)n(e)d(i)c(t)o buglionj p(er) fare I'arme di p(a)p(a) leone grade come si vede nella facia della chiesa p(er) le ifrascripte cose 1 novata quattro sol. dua p(iccio)li cioe p(er) 518 pezi d'oro fino 1 20 s 7 p(er) arieto fino 1 I p(er) stagno biacho et giallo 1 tre p(er) il tondo delasse di Yz (di mezzo) et agnoli et bracie( ?) a ghilloro lignaiolo 1 21 al gatto et copagni dellop(er)a che apichorno I'arme 1 3.3 p(er) varij colori azurro et lacha 1 10.6 a cinq(ue) maestri dipintorj p(er) fare 9 p(re)sta(n)ze 1 14 p(er) fare le spese tre di a d(e)c(t)i 1 6.6 p(er) cadele disono bandella hauti et gesso 1 sej a betto buglioni p(er) la sua fatica et a Marco suo garzone 1 otto in tutto 1 94 s 2 dj" (Erased and changed to 1 84, s 2 dj) [Archivio del Rev.*" Capitolo di San Lorenzo, Giornale della Sagrestia, 1506-1521, segnato A, c. 261; Milanesi, Misc. 21 III p., c. 412.] Tarai di dca soma 1 died pli che mota i tutto 1 84.2 Bibl. : R. G. M., L'Arte, XXII (1919), 247 (Doc). 125 STEMMA OF THE OSPEDALE DEL CEPPO. 1515. Pistoia, Ospedale del Ceppo. Photo., Private. On the short side of the loggia to the right, beyond two pilasters, is now set a medallion containing the Ceppo Hospital coat of arms (Fig. 85). This seems to be the "una arme di detto spedale di terracotta invetriata" for which Benedetto di Giovanni (Buglioni) was paid two large golden florins on March 26, 15 15 — not to be identified with the coat of arms within the church for which he was paid one florin on Jan. 4, 15 10. In the centre is a group of olive stumps, three of which are sprouting, all tinctured in natural colours. The field, or background, which is an essential element 112 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 85. — Stemma of the Ceppo Hospital, Pistoia. in true coats of arms, is here an indifferent matter. In this case it is blue and there is no shield ; at the angles of the fagade the two Sirens bear the Ceppo Hospital insignia set on a yellow shield; in the two half medallions where the Ceppo and S. Maria Nuova insignia are displayed together, the Ceppo olive stumps are painted against a white background. Around the central medallion is a band chequey, argent and gules, the insignia of the City of Pistoia. The frame shows between an inner cord and outer egg and dart mould- ing a garland of polychromatic fruit arranged in groups of three bound by small ribbons. The bunches of fruit are alternately light and dark in colour, like Andrea della Robbia's garlands, but have different kinds of fruit in the same bunch. Flowers and wheat, which usually occur in Bug- lioni's garlands, are lacking in this case. This medallion may have been intended for one of the spandrels of the fagade, or for some other location in the hospital, but was discarded in favour of a complete series of medallions all designed by Giovanni della Robbia. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 113 I. " MDX Benedetto di Giovanni di bernardo dantorio schultore E addi 26 di marzo 151 5 f cinque doro ioro l(arghi) per tanti abbj a(ver)e al g" E c. 156. Sono per piu lavori fattocj di terra chotta chome quivi (i.e. Pistoia) si mostra. E addi xxx daprile f. dua doro r(ech)o luj chontanti a Libro maestro C, c. 128 — f 2 1 — " [Arch, del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli B., 1510-1520, c. 12.] 2. " MDXIIIJ spedale di s" m" dell ceppo di pistoia de dare 151 5. e de dare adi xxvj detto (marzo) 15 15 f dua l(arghi) doro ioro facianno buonj p(er) luj a benedetto di giovannj ischultore a(ver)e all(ibro) g" E c. 156 e sono p(er) una arme di detto ispedale di terra chotta invetriata — f 2 1 - [Arch, idem., Libro Azzuro E, 15 13-15 16 c. 117; also Milanesi, Misc. 32 P., c. 480.] 3. " + yhs Mdxvj Spedale di Santa Marja nuova di firenze de a(ver)e sino adi 6 daprile 15 14 e adj 3 di f ebraio 1 5 1 5 e de a(ver)e 1 q(u)atordicj p(er) noj a betto buglionj p(er) una arma che (ch'e) nelospedale riparazione i q''(questo) c. 176 1 14 s -" [Archiv. del Ceppo, Libro del Provveditore Q 15 15-15 16 a c. clxxxx.] Bibl. : M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 363-377 (Doc.) ; R. H., 215-216 Fig. 198; R. G. M., L'Arte, XXII (1918), 193-194 (Doc). 126 FRAME. Florence. Barbieri Nini Collection. In type similar to that of the Ceppo Hospital stemma. 114 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 127 STEMMA OF FILIPPO LORINI. c. 1515. Pescia, Via Benedet- tini-Cairoli, 22. Photo., Private. Within a wreath, composed of triplex bunches of fruit interspersed with a few flowers, separated by double narrow ribbons, framed on its inner edge by a rope moulding, there is set against a fluted disk a Tuscan shield (Fig. 86) bearing the Lorini arms: Azure, a mount of six summits Fig. 86. — Stemma of Filippo Lorini. or, from which spring two branches vert with four roses argent; in chief a label of France gules with three fleurs-de-lys or. The style of the wreath indicates a date about 15 15. Filippo d' Antonio di Giovanni di Filippo Lorini held the office of Vicario at Pescia in 1493. He was decorated by King Louis of France, and buried in S. Marco in 1520. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Vic. Vallis Nebule (Pescia) cum uno Judice licentiato uno Milite socio not" uno Notario iiij Domicellis XV famulis iiij eq(uis) filippus dantonij lo(hannis) di filippo lorinj - 84 - 6 mesi - Die 12 dicembre 1493." [Archiv. di Stato. Reg. Extrinsecorum, 1489-1508, segnato Tratte Cod. 70, c. 19.] cum Salario librarum Duaru miliu sibi solvendarum a dicto Vic" p(ro) quolibet Semestij BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 115 2. "Chiesa di San Marco. Fra I'Altare de Ricci e quello de Martini Cartella dj marmo nel muro con queste due arme de Lorini (one without, the other with the label of France) e con la seguente Inscrizione: Philippus Lorino Antonij F, Patritio Flor. quicum ob egregiam virtutem apud Ludovicum Gallic Regem summa cum gratia et author itate diu floruis- set ab eamque turn equestri S. Michaelis Ordine turn Normandie Prefettura ornatus est, Amplissimj Republice memeribus in Patria finito hoc sepulcro a se extructo conditus est anno 1520." [Archi. di Stato. Rosselli, Sepoltuario, II, 1231.] Bibl. : C. s.v. Lorini Sernigi; Cr., 351 ; M., R. H., 216-217 Fig. 199; P., 412- 414; W., 174. 128 STATUES OF CHARITY AND HOPE. 1515. Florence. S. Lorenzo (formerly). Milanesi, doubtless with some document before him, states that for the celebration of the triumphal entry of Leo X into Florence in 15 15, Bene- detto Buglioni made to be set up in S. Lorenzo figures of Charity and Hope, the heads and hands of which were painted terra-cotta. We can imagine that these figures did not differ essentially in style from the figures of Charity and Hope, possibly designed by him and executed by Santi Buglioni, for the frieze of the Ceppo Hospital. From what source did Milanesi draw these definite statements? Luca Landucci, a contemporary witness, in his Diario fiorentino, 352-359, enumerates fifteen or more localities where temporary arches and other decorations were erected to celebrate the triumphal entry of Leo X into Flor- ence; and Vasari in his Life of Andrea del Sarto, and Milanesi in a note to the same, quoting from the Libro di Condotte e Stansiamenti fatti dagli Otto di Pratica gives the names of a number of artists who were occupied in making these decorations. It is noteworthy that neither the church of S. Lorenzo nor the name of Benedetto Buglioni is here mentioned. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Landucci, 352-359; Libro di Con- dotti e Stanziamenti fatti dagli Otto di Pratica, s.d. 151 5; Vas., II, 185; III, 376; IV, 182; V, 24, 25 note; VI, 88; Vaughan, 143-147; Roscoe, II 34-36, 401-408. ii6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 129 FOUR CHERUB HEADS FROM A FRIEZE. 15 16. Oxford. Ashmolean Museum. Photo., Private. Four cherub heads, apparently from a frieze of cherub heads separated by yellow pilgrim's staff (and hat) with scroll inscribed alternately SA- LVTIS and IN VI AM (Fig. 87). Dated below, 15 16. Bibl. : Ashmolean Museum Summary Guide, 100. Cr., 349. Fig. 87. — Cherub Head from a Frieze. 130 SIMILAR CHERUB HEAD. Florence. Bardini Collection (for- merly). Apparently from the same frieze as the preceding. 131 MADONNA AND CHILD AND FOUR SAINTS. ^ 1516-1517. Badia Tedalda. S. Angelo (S. Michele). Rectangular High Altar- piece. H., 2.70m. ; W., 2.30m. Photo., Private. The church of S. Michele at Badia Tedalda was established by the Fratres Cassinenses or Benedictine monks from Monte Cassino. Messer Leonardo Buonafede, in 15 18 the benefactor of Galatrona, presented the principal altarpiece. The Madonna, of the Tizzano type, clad in white with yellow details, is seated on a bench set on a lilac and yellow podium, in front of a round- topped niche and garden wall, over which are palms and fruit trees and blue sky (Fig. 88). To the left stand S. Leonardo, Messer Buonafede's patronymic saint, carrying a blue yoke and book with yellow clasps; S. Michele, to whom the church was dedicated, in white trimmed yellow, car- rying a sword and scales; S. Girolamo, a favorite monastic saint, with stone against bared breast, holding a book, a lion at his feet ; and S. Bene- detto, patron saint of the Cassinenses, carrying a martyr's palm and book. The predella exhibits at the extremities the stemma of Messer Buonafede : Or, a bull passant gules on a mound of six tops, vert. The three reliefs BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 117 represent: (i) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata; (2) Clirist in Sepul- chre supported by his mother and S. Giovanni; and (3) S. Girolamo in the desert. These are separated by pilasters decorated by high vases, of the Fabbrica di Peccioli type, holding lilies. ^^_U^W^ > \Musvw \\\\\ )()• I I' ' I •« M «M» «> M iMrn n fi »i f»-f».f/ «r Fig. -Madonna and Saints, Badia Tedalda. The large pilasters which frame the central relief are decorated with candelabra yellow on blue, in design very similar to those on the J. S. Morgan altarpiece. The entablature, of the Empoli type, has a frieze of white cherub heads alternating with yellow star rays on a blue ground. Documents. — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "YHS MDXVr "Badia di santo angelo tedaldj dicontro de dare ii8 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 1517 • • • ■ E adj XXV digiugnio f quindicj d° in" la(rghi) faccianbuoni a m° benedetto digiovan(n)j buglione schiiltore di terra chotta posto debbj avere dj xij al(li)b(r)o pig** e fittj C a c. 5 e f . iii p°(posto) m(esser) L " n(ost)ro mag* avere in q° c- avutj dalluj dicotantj e qualj dj (ducatj) 15 sono p(er) j(una) tavola daltare fatta fare m(esser) L ° detto p(er) lasop(r)adetta badia che fu invetriata dentrovj la n(ost)ra don(n)a col banbino et s(an)c(t)o B" (Benedetto) sangirolamo s(an)c(t)o L " et samichele co predella pilastrj architrave fregio et chornicie f 15- 1- " [Archiv, dell'Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nnova, Libro Giallo F, 1516- 1518, c. 78.] 2. " + yhs MDXVIJ " + yhs MDXVIJ I(n) q° 291 In margine: I(n) q°29i. "Benedetto digiovannj di berenarddo "Benedetto digiovannj schulttore dantonio schultore diconttro de avere addi xxv dj giugnio 1517 f dodicj doro glifacianobuonj i(n) soma dj f XV doro comapare al(li)b(r)o giallo s(egna)to f c 78 inchonto dellabadia di santo agniolo tedalddj p(er) una tavola di n(ost)ra don(n)a con piu fiure (figure) drenttovj tutti di terra chotta eddachorddo con m(esser) L °n(ost)ro magiore- -f 12- 1-" [Archiv. idem, Libro Fitti e Livelli, C. 1517-1525, c. 5 e V.] 3. "YHS MDXVIJ" "M(esser) Lionardo di Giovanni Buonafe nr" magg* de avere E ad (i) detto (xxv digiugnio) 1 otto p(iccioli) anzi f tre la(rghi) d° sono che tantj ne pago piu BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 119 tenpo fa a m° benedetto di g' schultore p(er) coto duna tavola daltare di terra chotta fatta p(er) la badia di santagniolo come apare a suo coto in q C78 in soma di f XV d" f 3- 1- -" [Archiv. idem, Libro Giallo, F. 1516-1518, c. CCXLVIIL] Bibl. : Burl., 64, 212; C-'M., 225 No. 123; Cr., 332; M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 310-314 (Doc.) ;i?. H., 226; R. G. yi.,UArte, XXII (1918). 194-195 (Doc.) ; Repetti, s.v. Badia Tedalda; Vas., II, 197 note Q. 132 MADONNA ENTHRONED AND SAINTS. Cutigliano. Chiesa della Compagnia. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2m.; W., i.8om. Photo., Private. The Madonna, seated on a white and yellow, straight-backed elevated throne, robed in violet with mantle of blue lined green, holds on her left arm the slightly draped Child (Fig. 89). To the left stands S. Antonio Abate in gray hood and tunic and mantle of dark brown, holding a book and a staff with bell. A black pig at his feet. To the right S. Bernardino of Siena in gray holding a blue book on which is a yellow monogram of Jesus, the lettering resembling Benedetto Buglioni's monogram of Jesus at Perugia. The eyes are here treated in Buglioni's manner. Background blue. The predella has no arms at the extremities, but the altarpiece may have been the gift of one of the Florentine capitani or commissarii whose stemnii in Robbia ware are set up on the Palazzo Pretorio, viz: Ugolini (1507), Giandonati (1508), Pitti (1508), Risaliti (1509), Gianfigliazzi (1519?), Villani (1519). The figured panels between balusters represent: (i) S. Francesco; (2) S. Bartolommeo; (3) Mater Dolorosa, Christ in sepulchre and S. Giovanni; (4) S. Marco; and (5) S. Giuliano. The frame of the principal relief has pilasters with pendent garlands of mixed fruit and flowers in heavy bunches, capitals with vases, and an entablature, like that at Badia Tedalda, with a frieze of cherub heads set between yellow star rays. Bibl. : Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 140; Gerspach, Ross. d'Arte, VI (1906), 14. I20 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI — BipjBHI i-— > - — ' Fig. 89. — Madonna and Saints, Cutigliano. 133 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SAINTS. Paris. Heil- bronner Galleries (in 191 1). Roiindheaded altarpiece. H., 2m.; W., 165m. The Madonna, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, is seated on a throne blue, white and yellow, with footstool, blue band between white mouldings. She carries a nude Child. The back of the throne shows a round arch, as in the Nuccarello altarpiece (1502). Above are three cherubs. To the left stands S. Francesco in gray holding a blue book; to the right S. Antonio Abate in brown holding a yellow cross and crutch. The predella has an egg and dart cornice above a blue frieze at either end of which are the Borgherini arms : Or, a bend argent charged with three roses of the field. The principal frame has pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat, arranged in varied groups of three, and set between egg and dart mouldings. Bibl. : C, s.v. Borgherini. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 121 134 MADONNA AND CHILD. Paris. Heilbronner Galleries (in 1911). Relief from altarpiece. H., 1.20m.; W., 0.42m. The Madonna, in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, holds to the right the lightly robed Child blessing. Her headcloth crosses her breast; her halo is yellow. Type similar to the preceding. 135 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SAINTS. New York City. Orselli and Girard Gallery. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.12m. ; W., 0.7m. Photo., Private. From the Villa Conte Rota, near Scarperia. The Madonna, in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, holds the draped Child on her left arm (Fig. 90). The bench on which she is seated Fig. 90. — Madonna and Saints, New York City. is elevated on a white base. To the left stands S. Girolamo, robed in ma- roon lined green, with bared breast, stone in hand, yellow lion and ma- roon Cardinal's hat at his feet. To the right is S. Francesco in gray car- rying a book and yellow cross. 122 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 136 MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SAINTS. New York City. Mr. Michael Dreicer's Collection. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.02m.; W., 0.66m. A slightly smaller reproduction of the relief in the Orselli Gallery, in which S. Francesco is clad in maroon, instead of gray. 137 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINTS. Le Baize. S. Maria. Altarpiece. W., 1.40m. The Madonna is supposed to have exhibited herself at Le Baize in July 17, 1494. She is here represented enthroned, wearing a tunic of violet brown edged blue, and a mantle of blue lined green. Her socks are yellow green. She opens her breast to the nude Child seated on a white cushion. To the left is S. Giovanni Battista, in brown hair cloth and mantle of violet lined brown; nudes unglazed. To the right is S. Antonio Abate in violet brown, carrying a yellow cane and a book. In the rocky background is represented the appearance of the Virgin to the women; to one of whom, blind, is restored her sight, the other, dumb, is made to speak. The frame shows an egg and dart between two taenia mouldings. The predella displays at either end the Cambria coat of arms : a lion holding a branch or flower. Bibl.: C, s.v. Cambini; Cr. 332. ,138 MADONNA AND CHILD ENTHRONED. Florence. Bardini Collection (formerly). Round-headed relief. H., 0.55m.; W., W. 0.35m. Photo., Private. The Madonna holding the lightly draped Child on her right arm is seated on a violet throne. She is clad in white, her breast adorned with a cherub head. Haloes are yellow, background blue. The frame consists of gar- lands of olive, yellow fruit and green leaves, hanging from a yellow Medici ring. 139 THE GHETTINI NATIVITY AND SAINTS. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 56. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.36m.; W., 1.91m. Photos., Alinari, 2777; Brogi, 9480. Cast, Lelli, 1162. From Montaione, S. Vivaldo. In this composition (Fig. 91) Benedetto ''■^^^^•f^mmmm&m Fig. 91.— The Ghettini Nativity AND Saints. 124 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Buglioni borrows the chorus of angels from Antonio Rossellino and adopts the technique of leaving the nudes unglazed. The nude Child, reclining on yellow straw, a bolster under his head, in a wicker manger, behind which is a brown ox and gray ass. At either side kneel S. Lucia, holding a palm and book, and S. Andrea with large yellow cross and book. They are pos- sibly the patron saints of the donors. Behind S. Lucia are S. Giuseppe, robed in blue edged violet with mantle of yellow lined green, and the Ma- donna, in violet with mantle of blue lined green. In the background is a green tree, the thatched shed above which dance the angelic choir, and nearer the foreground a shepherd carrying a lamb, followed by another with a basket. Behind them an angel announces the good tidings to the shepherds. The predella, at either end, exhibits the Ghettini stemma : Azure, three mounts of three summits or, 2 and i, separated by a bend ondy of the same; in chief a label of Anjou, gules with 3 lilies or. Between pilasters decorated with grotteschi are three reliefs : ( i ) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata; (2) Christ in sepulchre upheld by his mother and S. Gio- vanni; (3) S. Girolamo in the desert. The frame of the principal relief, like that at Cutigliano, has pilasters with pendent garlands, capitals with vases, and entablature with cherub heads separated by yellow rays of stars. In the centre of the frieze is a yellow crown over a star. Bibl. : Angelelli, CCXXX; Burl., in ; C-M., 160, 237 No. 199; Cr., 339; M., R. H., 171, Fig. 159; D. R. A., 153 Fig. 61; R., D. R., 244; Sc. Fl, IV, 58; Supino, 448 No. 56. 140 THE NATIVITY AND SAINTS. Poppi. Convento delle Agos- tiniane. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2m.; W., 1.80m. Photo., Ali- nari, 9796. A variant of the S. Vivaldo Nativity. Here the saints are S. Francesco, in gray, with stigmata, and another Franciscan saint; probably S. Antonio of Padua (right hand with symbol lost) (Fig. 92). On the predella, between pilasters with grotteschi are: (i) The An- nunciation; (2) the Visitation; (3) the Epiphany; and (4) the Assump- tion of the Virgin, which takes place from a walled city. The frame of the principal relief is very similar to that of the Ghettini Nativity although the entablature, except the architrave, is lacking. Probably made for some Franciscan church and later transferred to this convent. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 125 Bibl. Beni, 251 ; Burl., 116; C-M., 244 No. 243; Cr., 352; R., D. R., 244; Sc. Fl, IV, 58; Vas., II, 199. Fig. 92. — The Poppi Nativity and Saints. 141 THE BUONAFEDE NATIVITY AND SHEPHERDS. Paris, Arnold Seligman's (1920). Round headed altarpiece. H., 2.38m.; W., 179m. Formerly at Gagliardi's Florence, also at Sangiorgl's, Rome. To the left sits the pensive S. Giuseppe, robed in blue with mantle of yellow lined green ; at his feet a wallet and staff. In the centre the Virgin, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, kneels before the nude Child who reclines in a wicker basket (Fig. 93). Behind are the ox and ass in a brick stable with thatched roof above which on a cloud is the angelic host. To the right in the foreground are two ragged shepherds, one with wallet and staff, the other carrying a lamb and a basket. In the background is the Annunciation to the shepherds. The predella contains at either end the Buonaf ede arms : Or, a mount of six summits vert surmounted by a bull salient gules. Above the shield is an Abbot's mitre. These are the arms of Messer Leonardo di Giovanni Buonafede, Abbot of Badia Tedalda, Spedalingo of S. Maria Nuova and of the Ceppo Hospital, and later Bishop of Cortona. The reliefs, of which 126 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI the central one is missing (now replaced by a XVII century Pieta), repre- sent S. Leonardo the patronymic saint of Leonardo Biionafede, and S. Benedetto, the patron saint of the Order to which he belonged (Fratres Cassinenses). Fig. 93. — The Buonafede Nativity. The principal frame shows pendent triplex bunches of fruit, flowers, and wheat between an inner and outer egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Cat. Galerie Sangiorgi; M., R. H., 227; P., 369; Seligman pamphlet. The Nativity by Giovanni della Robbia, Frontispiece. 142 THE BUONDELMONTI NATIVITY WITH SHEPHERDS. London. Collection of Lady Naylor-Leyland. Altarpiece. H., 2.50m.; W., 1.95m. To the extreme left an angel in white, then S. Giuseppe seated left hand to face, right hand on knee, clad in blue with mantle of yellow lined violet In the centre the Madonna, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, kneels before the Child, nude, in crib of light yellow straw. Be- hind, the ox and ass. The stable roof, ill understood, has maroon beams BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 127 held together by cross bands and is thatched with hght yellow and green straw. Overhead is the angelic host of angels. To the right are two ragged shepherds; one in background with a sheep over his shoulder, one in foreground with wallet and staff. The predella, constructed like that of the Buonafede altarpiece, shows Buondelmonti arms at dexter and Pazzi arms at sinister end. It may be recalled that in 1483 Bartolommeo Buondelmonti married Alessandra di Guglielmo Pazzi. Three central panels represent : ( i ) S. Girolamo in the desert; (2) Christ in the Sepulchre; (3) S. Maria Egiziaca. The principal frame shows garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat, hang- ing from a central cherub head and set between an inner cord and outer egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Litta, II, s.v. Buondelmonti, Tav. XI ; M., R. H., 53. 143 THE NATIVITY WITH SHEPHERDS AND ANGELS. Petro- grad. The Hermitage, No. U8. Altarpiece. Photo., Museum. A terra-cotta copy, with modifications, of Antonio Rossellino's marble altarpiece at Naples, church of Monteoliveto. Possibly executed by Bene- detto Buglioni. The Holy Family are in a cave with thatched roof : S. Giuseppe seated pensive, the Virgin Mother kneeling in adoration before the Child who reclines on straw in a wicker manger behind which stand the ox and ass. Overhead on clouds is a choir of angels dancing and doubtless singing the Gloria in Excelsis. To the right are shepherds with their flocks receiving the announcement from an angel in the sky. In the foreground are two shepherds approaching the stable. The predella reproduces Rossellino's at Naples and Benedetto Buglioni's at Bolsena. The pilasters are adorned with pendent garlands, the frieze shows cherub heads, garlands, and fluttering ribbons. In the lunette above is a figure S. Jacopo with his traveller's staff standing in a rocky landscape. Possibly the altarpiece was made for a church dedicated to that Saint. 144 NATIVITY WITH SAINTS. New York City. Collection of Prince Giovanni del Drago. Altarpiece with lunette. H., 2.02m. ; W., 1.30m. Photo., Private. In a crudely conceived rocky landscape from which the brick walls of a stable are not clearly detached, the Christ Child reposes on hay in a wicker basket, the ass and ox behind him (Fig. 94). To the left is the Virgin 128 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Mother on her knees adoring and behind her S. Giuseppe seated. In the foreground kneel S. Francesco, with stigmata and book, and S. Lucia, with vase and book. Behind are shepherds and the Annunciation to shepherds. Fig. 94. — The del Drago Nativity. The frame has pilasters decorated with high vases from which issue bunches of lilies and fruit; capitals with cornucopias of the type found at Fabbrica di Peccioli (1504) ; entablature with cherub frieze; and lunette with God the Father blessing between two cherubs. 145 NATIVITY WITH SAINTS. Paris. Heilbronner Galleries (in 1911). Round headed relief. H., i.6om. ; W., 1.40m. A polychromatic version of the preceding. S. Giuseppe seated is clad in violet with mantle of yellow lined green ; S. Francesco half kneeling wears gray ; the Virgin, in blue lined yellow, kneels in adoration before the nude Child, who reclines on white straw in a mauve basket; the ox, ass, and thatched shed in the background ; to the right is S. Lucia, in blue tunic and mantle of light violet lined yellow, kneeling, holding vase, book, and palm BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 129 branch. Shepherd and Annunciation to shepherds in the background. Overhead are two angels with scroll inscribed GLORIA IN : Framed with pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat hanging from yellow rings. 146 CHERUB WITH PENDENT GARLANDS. Paris. Heilbromer Galleries (in 1911). A characteristic fragment from the atelier of Benedetto Buglioni. 147 THE NATIVITY. Boston, Mass. Museum of Fine Arts. Round headed altarpiece. H., 1.04m.; W., 0.74m. Photo., Coolidge. Presented by Mr. C. C. Perkins. To the left S. Giuseppe, clad in blue edged yellow tunic and yellow lined green mantle, stands resting on his cane. Child nude in straw in wicker basket. Ox and ass in background of ill defined walls and stable with thatched roof. Overhead white Dove against light blue sky. To the right the Virgin, in dark tunic and blue lined green mantle, is on her knees adoring the divine Child. Bibl. : M.,D.R.A., 144-153, Fig. 60. 148 S. GIUSEPPE AND THE CHRIST CHILD. Florence. Private Collection. H., 0.75m. ; W., 0.62m. Photo., Postal card. S. Giuseppe, of the bald headed, bearded type, holds the nude Christ Child on a cushion in his arms (Fig. 95). In his right hand he holds a stalk of lilies. This composition was probably designed for a Compagnia di S. Giuseppe. The frame consists of pendent garlands hanging from a crossed white ribbon. 149 MADONNA. Paris. Louvre, No. 450. Statuette, H., 0.80m. From the collection Davillier. Partially glazed. The Madonna's cloak is glazed blue. She carries the Child who wears light white drapery and holds his forefinger to his mouth. She stands on mottled violet ground. Bibl. : Cr., 350. I30 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig, 95. — S. Giuseppe and Christ Child. 150 ADORATION WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Turin, Pinacoteca, No. 196. Medallion, Diam., 0.88m. Photo., Brogi, 8107. In a polychromatic landscape with light blue sky the Virgin kneels toward the left, clad in tunic unglazed and mantle blue lined green, adoring the nude Child, who reclines on his mother's mantle on yellow straw, with finger in his mouth (Fig. 96). Behind him the ox and ass, and to the left S. Giovannino in hair cloth and mantle. All nudes unglazed. The frame consists of an inner egg and dart and outer scale ornament, between which is a continuous garland of fruit, flowers, and wheat with animalculi — snails, frogs, grasshopper. Bibl. : Cr., 356. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 131 Fig. 96. — The Turin Adoration. 151 ADORATION WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Redhill, Surrey. Col- lection of Mrs. Feilden. Medallion. Photo., Private. A variant of the Turin medallion. Here the Madonna, Child, S. Gio- vannino, ox and ass are all glazed white. Haloes probably modern. The group is set in a polychromatic landscape containing an Annunciation to the shepherds and a distant city (Bethlehem?). The frame consists of a continuous garland of polychromatic fruit, flow- ers, and wheat, between an inner egg and dart and outer leaf moulding. 152 THE NATIVITY WITH S. GIOVANNINO. Berlin. Collection of Herr Jules Simon. Medallion. Diam., 0.56m, Within a frame of flowers, blue and white, and long green leaves, is an Adoration or Nativity. The Madonna, facing left kneels before the Child who reclines on light green hay and partly on his mother's robe. Above him are the ox and ass and to the left S. Giovannino with a cross, holding a scroll inscribed ECCE AGNVS DEI. To the right is S. Giuseppe sadly pensive. Above him a shepherd, dog, and angel. The scene is set in a rocky landscape, with green fields and a dark blue sky. Bibl. : Cr., 334. 132 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 153 THE NATIVITY WITH GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Palazzo Antinori (via de'Serragli). Round-headed relief. W., 1.2m. Florence. H., 2m.; To the left is S. Giuseppe, seated, clad in blue edged yellow, and mantle, yellow lined violet. In the centre on gray straw lies the Child, with finger in his mouth. The ox and ass above him. To the right kneels the Ma- donna adoring, clad in violet tunic and mantle of blue lined green. Over- head the Dove and two flying angels with scrolls inscribed : GLORIA IN E(XCELSIS). The frame has a cherub head at the apex, from which hang garlands of fruit, chiefly grapes. Outside of the fruit garland is an egg and dart moulding. 154 THE NATIVITY. Borgo S. Sepoloro. lar, small. Via Gherardi. Rectangu- Apparently a product of the Buglioni atelier. The Madonna and S. Giuseppe worship the Child, the ox and ass in the background. Above is the Sacred Dove and a star. 155 THE MONTEDOMINI ANNUNCIATION. Florence (near). Castello di Vincigliata. Cappella. Lunette, pointed arch. Photos., Alinari, 3334; Brogi 9142. This lunette (Fig. 97) was at the monastery of Montedomini until 1869. Fig. 97. — The Montedomini Annunciation. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 133 It appears to have been the gift of Francesco d' Antonio Busini and his wife Cammilla di Francesco BerHnghieri, as it bears the Busini arms: Barry indented or and azure, on a bend gules three roses argent ; and those of the BerHnghieri family : Argent, a chevron sable. This marriage took place in 1508. This composition may be attributed to Benedetto Buglioni on account of the form of the throne, the use of the baluster, the diagonal setting of the base of the vase, the overflowing leaves. The rushing S. Gabriele may be seen also in the predella of a Nativity altarpiece at Poppi. The God Father in the mandorla of cherub heads is unusually crude. Polychromatic. The frame shows outer pendent garlands of fruit, flowers and wheat, and an inner egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Burl., 119; C-M., 119; 214 No. 54; 257 No. 339; Crollalanza s.v. Busini, Antilla; Cr., 342; M., R. H., 171 (Doc.) ; R., D. R., 247; Sc. Flor., IV, 60; Scott, 71; Wills, 132. 156 THE ANNUNCIATION. London. Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 4o65-'56. Panel. H., 0.68m. ; W., 0.58m. S. Gabriele runs from the left, clad in green tunic and white garment. Wings have polychromatic horizontal stripes. The Annunziata is seated on a light yellow throne ; she is clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green. In upper left hand corner God Father blessing, surmounted by cherubs. Bibl. : Burl., 120; C-M., 270 No. 408; Cr., 346; Robinson, 70 No. 4065. 157 CHRIST IN SEPULCHRE ADORED BY TWO NUNS. Flor- ence (near). Castello di Vincigliata. Lunette. Photo., Brogi, 9156. The Christ with outstretched arms is in a very small sepulchre. Be- hind him are the spear of Longinus and the hyssop rod of Stephaton. On either side is a praying nun. The lunette is said to have come from the Retiro Capponi, Florence. Bibl. : Cr., 343; Scott, VhKigliata, 140. 158 S. GIROLAMO IN THE DESERT. Sarzana. Duomo, S. Maria. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.60m.; W., i.8om. Photo., Private, From the Oratorio di S. Girolamo this altarpiece (Fig. 98) was trans- ported to the Cathedral and set up in 1903. Nudes of principal figures un- 134 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI glazed. S. Girolamo, in mantle of maroon lined blue, with bared breast, stone and book in hand, kneels before a crucifix. His cardinal's hat and lion before him. Various details — the stratified rocks, lizards, squirrel, bird, type of trees — indicate the hand of Benedetto Buglioni. The predella, divided by pilasters decorated by grotteschi, show: (i) S. Girolamo plucks a thorn from the lion's paw; (2) the lion protects the ass who brought wood to the monastery; (3) the ass is stolen while the lion sleeps; (4) the lion brings the faggots home. t — Fig. 98. — S. Girolamo in the Desert, Sarzana. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 135 The principal frame has pendent garland of fruit, flowers, and wheat, and outer egg and dart moulding. The lunette shows Christ in sepulchre assisted by two angels. The frame of lunette shows garlands pendent from a cherub head of the 15 16 type. Bibl. : A. e S., XXII (1903), 100; Guasti, Caff., 166; Neri, Gior. Ligustico, I, 113; Podesta, Mon. robbiano in Sarzana, 1903; J. de Voragine, Leg. Doree, 30 Sept. S. Jerome, 159 MADONNA AND CHILD. Florence. Group in a niche. Photo., Alinari, 20370. Via Nazionale No. 16. The Madonna, robe unglazed but mantle glazed blue lined green, is seated on stratified rocky ground holding the nude Child (Fig. 99). Re- stored by Zenobius Fortunati in 1855. The outer frame of the niche shows garlands of triplex bunches of fruit and flowers separated by transverse ribbons, hanging from the neck of a cherub head. Below is a tabella ansata with an inscription in praise of the Madonna. Bibl. : Cr., 342. Fig. 99. — The Via Nazionale Madonna. 136 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 160 S. LUCIA ADORED BY ANGELS. Florence. S. Lucia dei Mag- noli, — over entrance. Lunette. H., 1.14m. ; W., i. 88m. Photo., Ali- nari, 2513 ; Brogi, 4680. This lunette (Fig. 100) may be assigned to Benedetto Buglioni between the years 1510 and 1520, as the central figure resembles the S. Lucia of the Ognissanti lunette and the Bottigli Madonna now in the Innocenti Gallery. Fig. 100. — S. Lucia between two Angels, Florence. S. Lucia holds in her left hand a vase containing eyes, while to the right and left kneels an angel with folded arms. White figures against blue. The frame shows pendent garlands of fruit, flowers, and wheat, exe- cuted in low relief, set between cord and egg and dart mouldings. The bunches of fruit are polychromatic, irregularly composed, and have heavy stems bound diagonally by ribbons. Bibl. : B-J., 87; B., Kf., 23; Burl., 57; C-M., 147, 208 No. 17; Cr., 252, 341 ; Vas., II, 192. 161 CIRCULAR FRAME. Diam., 1.375m. New York City. Bardini Sale of 1918. Encircling a terra-cotta Madonna by Benedetto Maiano is a frame of polychromatic fruit, flowers, and wheat separated by an inner egg and dart and an outer leaf and dart moulding. Bibl. : Bardini Collection, Cat., No. 353. 1520-1521 I520-I52I 162 THE BOTTIGLI ALTARPIECE. MADONNA ENTHRONED BETWEEN SAINTS. 1920. Florence. Ospedale degli Innocent!. Galleria Poccetti. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.90m.; W., 1.27m. Photo., Brogi, 13715. This altarpiece was until 1905 in the chapel of the Bottigli family in the Fattoria di Figline, near S. Miniato al Montanino and was transferred for safety to the gallery of the Innocenti Hospital. The Madonna, robed in maroon edged yellow with a mantle of blue lined green, wearing yellow socks, holds the draped Child on her right arm (Fig. loi). Her mantle was probably superficially decorated with a floral pattern now worn away. Her throne has a double podium faced maroon with yellow mouldings. To the left stands S. Domenico, in white with black mantle, holding a blue book and a stalk of lilies; to the right is S. Francesco in gray holding a yellow cross and book. Overhead two angels with wings striped blue, green and maroon, hold a yellow crown ornamented with blue and green jewels. The predella has at each end a disk which probably bore the Bottigli arms. In the centre is a tabella ansata inscribed: QVESTO • TABERNACHOLO • A FATTO FARE- M(AD)ON(N)A FRANCHESCHA- DON(N)A FV DI MICHELE- BOTTIGLI- L'AN(N)0- 1520. Principal frame, an egg and dart moulding in part traversed by the stand- ing saints. Bibl. : Archiv. d. Osped. d. Innocenti, Invent. 31 Dec. 191 3, c. 311 ; Cr., 348 (s.v. Montanino) ; M., D. R. A., 167, Fig. 68; R, H., 242-243. 163 MADONNA AND CHILD, SAINTS, NATIVITY, CHRIST IN SEPULCHRE. Florence (near). Castello di Vincigliata. Photo., Alinari, 3328. In the cortile of the Castello di Vincigliata are gathered fragments of an altarpiece said to have come from the monastery of Montedomini. Here 140 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. ioi. — The Bottigli Madonna and Saints. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 141 are preserved: (i) Madonna del Latte or Madonna suckling the draped Child, a typical Buglioni Madonna robed in maroon with mantle of blue; (2) A kneehng monk (S. Francesco?) to the left; (3) a kneeling nun (S. Chiara?) to the right; (4) predella relief of the Nativity and Shepherds; (5) predella relief of Christ in the sepulchre upheld by his mother and S. Giovanni. Bibl. : Burl., 119; Cr., 343; R., D. R., 256, 260; Sc. Fl, IV, 63; Scott. Vinci gliata, 47-48, 65. . 164 MADONNA SUCICLING CHILD. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No. 61. H., 0.82m. Photo., Private. Full length Madonna seated on a bench, nudes and tunic unglazed, mantle glazed blue lined green, kerchief and Child's dress white, suckles the in- fant Christ. Bibl.: Burl., Ill; Cr., 339; Supino, 449 No. 61. 165 MADONNA SUCKLING THE CHILD. Nippozano. In a niche on the wall of the Terrena Albizi a Madonna, violet robe, blue mantle, suckles a nude curly haired Child, who is seated on a yellow and white cushion. Nudes unglazed. Bibl. : Burl., 115; C-M., 241 No. 221 ; Cr., 349; Guide Joanne, It. Centr., 193. 166 MADONNA IN GLORY. Pisa. Camposanto, Cappella Ammanati. Oval. H., im. ; W. 0.50m. Photo., Alinari, 8624; Van Lint, 91. The Madonna, robed in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, is seated on yellow, maroon, and green clouds holding on her left knee a nude Child (Fig. 102). The mandorla is upheld by eight cherub heads who encroach upon its yellow border. This relief probably formed part of an altarpiece of the Assumption with Saints. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Burckhardt, II, 436; C-M., 99, 243 No. 231; Cr., 552; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 141. 142 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 102. — Madonna in Glory, Pisa. 167 MADONNA IN GLORY. Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Abbazia. Me- dallion, Diag. o.8om. Photo., Alinari, 9152. The Madonna, in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, is seated within a yellow edged mandorla surrounded by four blue winged cherubs. The frame consists of a fruit garland beneath which is a blue winged cherub. Bibl. : Brogi, 34-35; Burl., 115; R., Sc. FL, IV, 63. 168 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. New York City. Collection of Mr. Thomas F. Ryan. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.30m.; W., .80m. In November 1909 the collection of Freiherr Adalbert von Lanna was sold. It contained a round-headed altarpiece. No. 1035, on which was rep- resented the Lamentation over the dead body of Christ (Fig. 103). The composition is the usual one with variations. S. Giovanni, to the left kneeling, is clad in blue with maroon mantle; in the centre the Madonna, in maroon tunic and mantle, with white head cloth, carries on her knees the relaxed body of Christ, glazed white; to the right kneels S. Francesco clad in gray. In the background is a broad cross, yellow, against a blue background. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 143 The predella with heavy egg and dart cornice and plain blue frieze shows two coats of arms. On the dexter side, the Trotti arms : Party per fess, or and azure. On the sinister side, the Davanzati arms : Azure, a lion rampant or. Fig. 103. — Lamentation over Dead Christ. New York* City. Bibl. : C, s.v. Trotti ; Davanzati ; M., R. H., 241 ; Sammlung Lanna, Prag, Cat., Vol. I, p. XXXIII, 61-62, No. 473, Taf. 39. 169 PIETA OR LAMENTATION. Florence. S. Pancrazio (for- merly). Vasari, in his life of Verrocchio, tells us that in a chapel in S. Pancrazio 144 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Buglioni made "iin Cristo morto.'' It was still there in the i8th century in the third chapel and entitled a Pieta. Both titles are somewhat vague. It may have been a Christ in the Sepulchre, or a Lamentation more or less similar to the Pieta sold with the von Lanna collection in 1909. The ref- erences to it by Baldinucci and others are mere repetitions of Vasari. S. Pancrazio, rebuilt by Giovanni Rucellai in 1480, is now suppressed, and the whereabouts of this Pieta is unknown. Documents : 1. 'Tn San Brancazio fece, in una cappella, un Cristo morto" [Vasari, VI, 376.] 2. "3* Cappella una Pietas di Bened" Buglioni" [Bibl. Marucelliana, Estratto, ossia Guida per osservare le cose piii nota- bili della Citta di Firenze, Cod. Carta Sec. XVIII, segnato C 59, c. 12.] Bibl. : Baldinucci, VI, 18; Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Buglioni; C-M., 144 note I ; Marcotti, 220 ; Vasari, VI, 376. 170 LAVABO. 1520. Prato. S. Niccolo a Tolentino. Sacristy. Round-headed frame. H., 2.75m.; W., 1.55m. Photo., Alinari, 10073. This lavabo (Fig. 104) was removed from the convent of S. Anna, Prato, in Nov. 1847. ^ marble basin is provided with water from a faucet which issues through a lion mask from a wall panel on which is represented a dull blue vase supported by two winged putti and resting on a cherub head. The vase is decorated with a storiated frieze (Lapiths and centaurs?) between scale pattern and godrons and contains a bunch of polychromatic fruit overhanging the lips of the vase. Above this is a panel in which is set a medallion, framed by a fruit and wheat wreath with fluttering yellow ribbons, and displaying a shield bearing the Salviati arms : Argent, bendy bretesse gules. Above these panels is a lunette with Madonna supporting the nude Child blessing and standing on a cloud streaked yellow, gr6en, and maroon. An adoring angel, curly haired, yellow collared, to the left and right. The frame consists of two pilasters similarly decorated with candelabra, white with details of yellow against a blue background — more elaborate than the pilasters of the Morgan altarpiece. The candelabra contain tablets inscribed : AVERARDVS • ALAMANNI • DE SALVIATIS • FIERI • FECIT r ANNO 1520. Averardo^ Salviati's coat of arms appears also on the pilasters. The inner sides of the projecting pilasters are decorated with stalks with flowers and BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 145 wheat rising from slender vases, as on many of the pilasters of the Ceppo Hospital, Pistoia. These support a slight entablature decorated with yellow egg and white dart moulding. The frame of the lunette shows a four strand Fig. 104. — Lavabo, Prato. guilloche with triple file of yellow "eyes" against a blue ground. Above this is at the apex an amphora on each side of which sits a nude putto sup- porting a pendent garland of fruit, flowers, and wheat. The putti and garlands should not be classed with those of Giovanni's lavabo in S. Maria 146 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Novella (1497), but with the garlands of the Bolsena ciborium or the Barga (Monache) Assumption. Bibl. : B-J., 96; B., Kf., 24; Burl., 116; C, s.v. Salviati; Carotti, A. S. A., IV (1891), 112-116; C-M., 246 No. 255; Corradini, 47; Cr., 236, 330; Giglioli, a Prato, 58-59; Guasti, Giiida, 52; M., R. H., 239-241; Fig. 223; R., D. R., 235-238; Sc. F., IV, 53, 55 5 Vas.,,II, 199; Wills, 172-173. 171 MADONNA AND CHILD. London. Dorchester House. H., 1.50m. (with console). No background. The lightly draped Child stands on a plain pedestal, his right hand raised, left on his mother's girdle. The Madonna, three quarter length, with her right hand supports the Child, with the left holds up his drapery. The console shows cherub head between white cornucopias with poly- chrome fruit. Too large for the relief. Mouldings, leaf and dart and light yellow tgg and dart. 172 STEMMA OF BARTOLOMMEO TROSCIA. 1520. Buggiano Alto. Castello. Photo., Private. Within a medallion (Fig. 105) framed with an inner cord moulding, a Fig. 105. — Stem MA of Bartolommeo Troscia. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 147 garland of dark pine cones alternating with light coloured pomegranates and quinces, and an outer egg and dart moulding, set against a blue back- ground are two putti supporting a Tuscan shield on which are displayed the del Troscia arms : Gules, three circlets argent, two and one, between the upper two a shieldlet argent blazoned with a bull segreant crowned with a crosslet gules; in a chief or a lion passant azure. Below is a cherub head supporting a tabella ansata inscribed : BARTHOLOMEVS A TR OSCIVS A NICOLAI A FIL IVS A P(OTES)TAS A M A DXIX A (E)T XX Bibl. : Cr., 335; M., R. H., 239, Fig. 222; P., 788-789. 173 THE SCALA ALTARPIECE, MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. Empoli( near). S. Maria a Ripa. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.62m.; W., 2.38m. Photo., Alinari, 10132. The glazed frame is attributable to Benedetto Buglioni (Fig. 106), the unglazed central and predella reliefs to some other hand. The principal frame has pilasters like those of the lavabo at Prato (1520), capitals and entablature like those of the Immaculate Conception altarpiece at Empoli. The pilasters of the predella with their grotteschi are also of the Buglioni type. The central relief represents the Madonna on a throne with round-headed back and double stepped base holding the lightly draped Child on her right arm. To the left stands S. Giuliano, with book and sword; to the right S. Francesco with stigmata and book. In both cases the books are set with their narrow sides towards the spectator. The predella shows at the dexter end the stemma of the Scala family: Azure, a ladder argent; at the sinister, those of the Benini-Formiche family : Argent, two chains in saltire, gules. The reliefs represent: (i) S. Giuli- ano murdering his parents; (2) Christ in sepulchre supported by his mother and S. Giovanni; and (3) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata. Bibl. : B., Kf., 25; Carocci, Valdarno, 81-82; C-M., 254 No. 317; Cr., 337; M., R. H., 241, Fig. 224; Giglioli, 174. 174 THE ANNUNCIATION AND THE ASSUMPTION. Castigli- one Fiorentino. Collegiata. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 2.20m. ; W., 0.80m. Photo., Private. S. Gabriele, arrayed in a white flowered tunic with blue sleeves, a mantle 148 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI *''^^f'''>'»i^>*^f'f»»i*'^^ F:g. io6. — The Scala AIadoxna and Saims, Empoli. of green flowered with gold and lined with yellow, carrying a stalk of lilies, kneels before the Virgin (Fig. 107). She is seated on a high backed, maroon throne. Over a maroon tunic she wears a blue mantle flowered with gold and lined with green. Flesh unglazed. Between them is a blue vase of lilies with overhanging leaves, above which, in a mandorla sup- ported by two angels, is seated the Madonna, hahds folded, wearing a white mantle. To the left, above, is God the Father in a glory of cherub heads, blessing. The predella has pilasters with grotteschi and reliefs of ( i ) S. Antonio of Padua; (2) S. Sebastiano; (3) The Nativity and Shepherds; (4) S. Francesco; and (5) S. Rocco. The principal frame has pilasters like those of the Prato lavabo (1520) and an entablature with frieze of cherub heads and yellow rays like those at Badia Tedalda, Cutigliano and elsewhere. Bibl. : Cr., 336; Guide Joanne, If. Centr., 268. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 149 ■w . ir • Fig. 107. — The Annunciation, Castiglione Fiorentino. 175 MADONNA DELLA CINTOLA. Poppi. Via la Costa, 188, gia Casa di Bramasoli. Round-headed shrine. H., 1.36m.; W., 0.80m. Photo., AHnari, 9795. The Madonna, robed in violet with mantle of white lined green, seated on clouds in a mandorla upheld by four angels, a cherub head at her feet, lets down her girdle to the doubting S. Tommaso who kneels to the left (Fig. 108). He is arrayed in green tunic and blue mantle. As in the As- sumption in the chiesa delle Monache at Barga the sarcophagus filled with lilies is set with short end toward the spectator. To the right kneels S. ISO BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. io8. — Madonna della Cintola, Poppi. Girolamo, holding a stone, half covered with a maroon mantle. He re- sembles the S. Girolamo at Sarzana. Bibl. Burl., ii6; C-M., 244 No. 240; Cr., 352; Vas., II, 199. SANTI BUGLIONI 1520-1530 1 520-1530 176 MADONNA DELLA CINTOLA. 1521. Badia Tedalda. S. Aii- gelo (S. Michele). Round-headed altar piece. H., 1.84m.; W., 1.52m. Photo., Private. The Madonna, robed in maroon with mantle of white, seated on clouds in a blue, edged yellow, mandorla which is supported by six angels and a cherub head at base and summit, lowers a light violet girdle to the doubting S. Tommaso, who, robed in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, is on his knees with uplifted hands (Fig. 109). The maroon sar- cophagus is filled with lilies. A frame of eighteen cherub heads above streaky clouds, between taenia and egg and dart mouldings, surrounds the relief. At the apex yellow, wavy and straight star rays. Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] "YHS MDXVIJ (In margine: in questo 291) "Benedetto di Giovannj di bernardo dantonio schultore E de dare adi xv dimagio 1 52 1 f sej s X li(larghi) doro inoro autj p(er) noj e degluominj delabadia tedaldj e qualj gliebe santi di michele ischultore f6l3sx E de dare adi xv deto f tre l(argh)i doro inoro porto santo dimichel chele (sic) chontanti p(er) resto di lavori auti - - - f 3 1- s- " "Et de avere adi xv di magio 1521 f oto l(argh)i doro inoro sono p(er) una Tavola dasijzione di n(ostra) don(n)a di terra chota auta daluj e p(er) mandarla alabadia tedaldj p(er) chonto di m(esser) nostro magiore f 8 1- E de avere adi deto f uno e mezo l(argh)i doro inoro sono p(er) la valuta duntabernacholo da chorpo isdominj auto daluj p(er) deta badia f I 1 3- s 10- " 154 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI E adj 23 dj maggio 1522 f dua l(argh)i in oro per luj da santi di michele schultore a entrata seg*° n c. 48 . . . i 2 lib- [Arch. dell'Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli, C. 1517-1525, c. 5 e v.] Fig. 109. — Madonna della Cintola, Badia Tedalda. Bibl. Burl., 112; C-M., 225 No. 125; Cr., 332; M., A. J. A., XXII (1918) 313-316 (Doc.) ; R. G. M., L'Arte, XXI (1918), 194 (Doc). 177 CIBORIO. 1521. Badia Tedalda. S. Angelo (S. Michele). H., 1.13m. Photo., Private. ^, BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 155 Not unlike the Pucci ciborio at Certaldo. Pilasters recall those of the pulpit at Perugia, floor like gridiron, one angel in each of the two niches, dove issues from ceiling. Entablature of crude mouldings, frieze missing, 'H\.f)uijHi Hif in %m9mmmmw^ Fiu. 1 10. — Ciborio, Badia Tedalda, lunette with infant Christ blessing standing on cloud, cherub head at his feet and at either side (Fig. no). Document: — [Same as the preceding.] Bibl. : Burl., 112; C-M., 225 No. 126; Cr., 332; M., .^. /. A., XXII (1918), 314-316 (Doc); R. G. M., UArte, XXI (1918), 194 (Doc). 178 MADONNA DELLA CINTOLA. Porrena. Chiesa Parrochiale. Altarpiece. Photo., Alinari, 9799. In a Buglioni landscape, open in the centre and bordered with umbrella- like trees, is set a large vase of lilies, to the left of which kneels S. Tom- 156 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI maso in dark robe and mantle, and to the right S. Girolamo with bared breast, stone and book, also kneeling. Overhead the Madonna in a man- FiG. III. — Madonna della Cintola, Porrena. dorla supported by four angels and a cherub head lets down her girdle to the doubting S. Tommaso (Fig. iii). Frame, twenty-two cherub heads on dark clouds, with an outer egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Beni, 251; Burl., 116; C-M., 244 No. 244; Cr., 352; Vas., II, 199. 179 THE ANNUNCIATION, c. 1521. Badia Tedalda. S. Angelo (S. Michele). Relief statues. Photo., Private. To the left of the High Altar is a figure of S. Gabriele (Fig. 112), poorly conceived and modelled, arm and wing repaired, standing carrying a lily branch. To the right is the Annunziata (Fig. 113), standing, with BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 157 Fig. 112. — S. Gabriele, Badia Tedalda. Fig. 113. — The Annunziata, Badia Tedalda. left hand on breast, right hand holding a book, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green. Bibl. : C-M., 225 No. 123; M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 315-316 (Doc). 180 ANNUNCIATION AND SAINTS GIULIANO, SEBASTIANO, AND ANTONIO ABATE. 1522. Badia Tedalda, S. Angelo (S. Michele), Altarpiece. Photo., Private. This altarpiece (Fig. 114), has lost its predella and the frame except the frieze of cherub heads and the rays (?) now set overhead. The present frame is of plaster. The principal relief represents three saints standing in open country. To the left is S. Giuliano, in short blue tunic, with mantle of maroon lined green, holding a sword and martyr's palm. A dog is at his feet. In the centre is S. Sebastiano, with violet loin cloth, his arms bound to a tree trunk. To the right is S. Antonio Abate, in maroon with gray brown mantle, with staff and book. A black pig is at his feet. Over- head are two flying angels holding a martyr's palm and a crown. The two cherub heads at the sides are out of place, and evidently formed part of the cherub and star rays frieze. Above the principal relief is an Annunciation in lunette form. S. Gab- riele with lily branch advances rapidly hailing the Virgin who, robed in maroon with a mantle of blue lined green, is seated on a throne before a lectern supported by a baluster and set on a mottled pedestal. Vase of lilies and other flowers in the centre, Holy Dove overhead. 158 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 114. — The Annunciation, S. Sebastiano and Saints, Badia Tedalda. Documents.: — [Copied by Mr. R. G. Mather.] I. "E addi xx dj settenbre 1522 f diecj r d" in° chontantj seglj fanno buonj p(er) una tavola fatta p(er) unaltare maggiore della badja Santangnjolo tedaldj et p(er) luj da santi dj michele Schultore e chome disse m(esser) L " n° maggiore debjtore allibro V(er)de h c. 32-- f 10-I-" BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 159 [Arch. deH'Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli, C. 1517-1525 c. v.] ■ W^BBl^ Tt is hm^P^h h^m *'^' ■4^'' ..^9^]!^2^«^ ' "wyj^ Fig. 115. — The Annunciation Between Frati. 2. "+YHS MDXXJ Lionardo di giovannj buonafe nostro magiore dichontro de dare E adj XX diset(ten)b(r)e 1522 f diecj 1' doro inoro fatj buonj p(er) luj a isantj dimichele ischultore e p(er) lui a benedetto di giovannj ischultore posto avere a(l)lib(r)o pigione s'° C c.5 ; e disono p(er) resto e paghamento dima tavola aiita dakij mandata p(er) suo chonto alabadia tedaldj f 10- s- " [Archiv. dell'Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova, 'Libro Verde, H., T521-1524, c. 32.] Bibl. : Burl., 112; C-M., 225 No. 124; Cr., 332; M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 316-318 (Doc). 181 THE ANNUNCIATION, FLANKED BY KNEELING FRATI. Florence. Confraternita di S. Pietro Maggiore. Entrance. H., 0.97m.; W., 1.53m. Photo., Alinari, 3667. Vasari, in his life of Verrocchio, attributes to Benedetto Buglioni the i6o BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI lunette over the principal entrance to the church of S. Piero Maggiore, Al- though Milanesi states that this no longer exists, the Annunciation there in Richa's day and still in place, might well be attributed to one of the Bugli- oni (Fig. 115). The "lavori bellissime di Luca della Robbia" mentioned by Richa as in the Corbizzi chapel are however no longer there. (Possibly one of them may be the small altarpiece by Giovanni della Robbia, now in the cloister.) The polychromatic wings of the Angel are coloured in Bugli- oni's not in Giovanni della Robbia's manner; the mottled maroon vase with its overhanging bouquets is suggestive of Buglioni's work at S. Pietro, Perugia. The Madonna, in maroon tunic and mantle of blue lined green, seated before a curtain of green lined maroon with yellow fringe, may be associated with works of Santi Buglioni at Badia Tedalda and elsewhere. The two white hooded Frati recall the adoring Frati in the lunette of the Scalzo. Bibl. : Baldinucci, VI, 18; Bombe, in B-Th. Lex., s.v. Buglioni; C-M., 212 No. 43; Cr., 252, 341 ; Richa,- 1, 139, 141 ; Vas., II, 185 note; III, 376. 182 S. GABRIELE, FRAGMENT. Montepaldi (near S. Casciano), S. Pietro. In the sacristy of S. Pietro at Montepaldi may be seen a fragment of S. Gabriele, bearing a stalk (of lilies). Probably from the atelier of Santi Buglioni. Bibl. : Burl., 115; C-M., 238 No. 207; Cr., 348. 183 MADONNA AND SAINTS. Florence. Museo Nazionale, No 53. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.65m.; W., 1.50m. Photos., Alinari, 2772; Brogi, 9481. Formerly in the Convent of S. Maria Assunta di Vallombrosa, su- pressed March 4, 1868. The Madonna, in maroon with mantle of blue» lined green, stands on a double stepped pedestal (imitation of marble), holds on her left arm the nude Child holding a bird (Fig. 116). To the left is S. Jacopo Maggiore, in yellow with mantle of maroon lined green, holding a yellow pilgrim's staff; to the right is S. Gualberto in brown habit, holding a green book in profile and a yellow cane ornamented with a human head. Overhead is a BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI i6i Fig. ii6. — Madonna and Saints, Florence. looped curtain, green lined with maroon. A garland of very massive fruit hanging from the top constitutes the frame. Bibl. : Burl., Ill ; C-M., 216 No. 68; Cr., 339; Supino, 448 No. 53. 184 THE MEETING OF S. GIUSEPPE AND S. MARIA. Dico- mano. Pieve, S. Maria. Round-headed altarpiece. Photo., Private. S. Giuseppe, assured by an angel of the Lord and by the dove which flew upon his head, dismisses his doubts and receives Maria as his spouse (Matth. I, 18-25; Protevangelium, IX, XIV; Pseudo-Matthew, VIII; Hist, of Joseph the Carpenter, VI). Though lacking in the usual accompani- ments this scene might be termed the Sposalizio. Here God the Father emerges from the clouds blessing, surrounded by a halo of cherubs; the "shining white dove" rests above S. Giuseppe while he reassures S. Maria by a firm clasp of the hand (Fig. 117). Polychromatic. Framed by pendent garlands of fruit and flowers. 185 ADORATION OF THE MAGI. Citta di Castello. S. Cecilia. Lunette. H., i.33ni. ; W., 4m. Photo., Alinari, 4854. 1 62 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI P^iG. 117. — Meeting of S. Giuseppe and S. Maria. In the extreme left corner of this lunette (Fig. 118) is a coat of arms of Citta di Castello: Per pale, dexter, argent a cross gules; sinister gules a tower or; in a chief gules LIBERTAS or, and above all the Leo X stemma: indicating probably a privilege granted by Leo X after his visit to Citta di Castello. To the left is a brown camel ; a youth in blue blouse, green tights, wear- ing a turban and yellow shoes, attends a white horse; the younger king stands wearing a yellow crown, clad in yellow tunic and mantle of blue lined green, holding a yellow vase; the middle-aged king with crown and turban and clad in yellow also holds a yellow vase ; the older king as usual is kneeling, clad in blue tunic and mantle of green lined yellow. Behind a post is S. Giuseppe in blue with mantle of yellow; before him is seated the Virgin in maroon tunic and mantle of blue lined green, a white kerchief over her head and shoulders. She holds the nude Child on her right knee. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 163 Fig. 118. — Adoration of the Magi, Citta di Castello. In the corner to the right is an ass grazing, the saddle and water flask on the ground. Nudes unglazed. This composition may have been influenced by Benedetto Buglioni's aUarpiece of the Epiphany (1500), formerly at Massa-Carrara. Bibl. : Amati, s.v. Citta di Castello; Cr., 336; Graziani, 153; Guardabassi, 49; M., R. H., 258. 186 THE INCREDULITY OF S. TOMMASO. Montebottolino (near Badia Tedalda). S. Tommaso. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.46m.; W., 1.85m. Photo., Private. S. Tommaso, robed in green with mantle of violet lined blue advances toward the Christ to satisfy his doubts. To the right stands Christ, of the Verrocchian type, raising his right arm so as to expose his wounded side. He is robed in maroon edged yellow and wears a mantle of blue lined green. The predella has at each end a tablet with scalloped sides. The one to the left is inscribed: GNOGNIO DI SALVADURE DA MONTE BOT(T)OLINO FECIT FIERI; that the right TE(M)PORE DON- BATIS(TA) DANGHIARI RECTURE DI QVESTA CHIESA. The mixture of Latin and Italian is noteworthy. The relief s represent : (i) S. Sebastiano, in rocky landscape; (2) Christ in sepulchre with spear and sponge rod; and (3) S. Rocco in rocky landscape. The frame of the principal relief has seventeen cherub heads between a fillet and tgg and dart moulding. The influence of Benedetto Buglioni is manifest in this relief. In quality it is inferior to Giovanni della Robbia's treatment of the same subject at Rifredi. Bibl. : Burl., 115; C-M., 238 No. 203; Cr., 348. i64 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 187 CHRIST GIVES KEYS TO S. PIETRO. Fresciano (near Badia Tedalda). Chiesa Parrochiale. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.14m.; W., 1.72m, Photo., Private. Christ, in a maroon tunic lined yellow and mantle of blue lined green, stands with right hand raised. To the left on his knees is S. Pietro, robed in blue with mantle of yellow lined green, clasping two keys to his breast (Matth. XVI, 19). The predella has at the dexter end a tablet inscribed GNOGNIO DI SALV ADORE DA MO(N)TE BOT(T)OLINO F(IERI) F(ECIT). The tablet at the sinister end probably contained the name of the rector of the church. The reliefs are ( i ) Christ in the sepulchre with spear and rod with sponge — probably once in the centre of the predella; (2) relief re- moved; and (3) S. Paolo with sword. The frame has seventeen cherub heads between a fillet and egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Burl., 114; C-M., 233 No. 181; Cr., 344. 188 TRINITY AND SAINTS. Colcellalto (near Badia Tedalda). S. Tommaso. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 2.40m. ; W., 2.40m. Photo., Private. God the Father, entire figure, in maroon tunic and pallium of blue lined yellow, upholds the yellow cross on which hangs the crucified Christ, the Holy Dove above his head. Four cherub heads in the sky. Standing are to the left S. Sebastiano with arms tied to tree trunk, and to the right S. Antonio in greenish yellow robe and black mantle, with book, staff and pig. Predella, milling. Frame shows pilasters with bunches of fruit hanging from rings, and archivolt with fruit hanging from cherub head. Bibl. : Burl., 114, 118; C-M., 231 No. 163; 253 No.. 307; Cr., 338. 189 MADONNA. Selci. Chiesa. In the church at Selci, near Citta di Castello, is a Madonna attributed by Graziani to the author of the lunette representaing the Adoration of the Magi now in the church of S. Cecilia, Citta di Castello. Bibl. : Graziani, 154. " BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 165 190 THE SEVEN DEEDS OF MERCY; FIVE VIRTUES, TWO SIRENS. 1 526-1 528. Pistoia. Ospedale del Ceppo, Loggia. H., 1.35m. ; Length, 40.25m. Photos., Alinari, 10252-10275 ; Brogi, 4548- 4560. Casts, Cantagalli, 491, 492, 327, 332. ^ The Ospedale del Ceppo at Pistoia was founded early in 12 18 and was long controlled by Augustinian brothers of the society known as S. Maria deir Assunta, or S. Maria del Ceppo, i.e. of the stumps. In the sixteenth century when the hospitals of Tuscany were reorganized, the Ceppo came under the jurisdiction of the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova of Florence. On Feb. 24, 15 12 Francesco di Maso di Papi was commissioned to provide the stone and labor for a portico, longer by one arch than the existing portico (Doc. i). Porticoes or loggias had been built for the Florentine hospitals, S. Maria Nuova, the Innocenti, and S. Paolo. By 151 5 the deco- ration of this loggia would seem to have begun; at any rate in that year Benedetto Buglioni was commissioned to make a coat of arms of the hos- pital. Judging from the decoration of the loggias of the Florentine hos- pitals, it seems probable that he would have fulfilled his commission by making one or more medallions to be placed in the spandrels of the arcade. If so, we must suppose that sooner or later his work was discarded in favour of a complete series of larger medallions designed and executed by Giovanni della Robbia. One of these medallions bears the date 1525 and the records show that in that year Giovanni received an order for five full and four half medallions for the Ceppo hospital. The commission was given by the spedalingo of the hospital Messer Leonardo Buonafede who had employed Giovanni at Galatrona (15 18) and elsewhere. In 1521 Leon- ardo Buonafede commissioned Benedetto Buglioni to make the principal altarpiece for the Badia Tedalda and would naturally have thought of him for the frieze of the Ceppo hospital. But in 1525, when Buonafede assigned the medallions to Giovanni della Robbia, Benedetto Buglioni was no longer living. He died in 1521, and his atelier was now in charge of Santi di Michele, better known as Santi Buglioni. Should we turn to the records of S. Maria Nuova and of the Ceppo hospitals in search of the name of a sculptor, we find between the years 1526 and 1528 that Santi Buglioni, sculptor, was paid 413 lire, 9 soldi on account of the Ceppo hospital (Docs. 3-12). This included charges for terra brought from the Arno, and prob- ably refers to the frieze. In fact the frieze shows many of the stylistic peculiarities of Santi Buglioni. It is now many years since I suggested in the Brickhuilder that he was the author of the frieze, but that in its general design and in the modelling of some of the figures he may have had the assistance of some other master, perhaps of Tribolo with whom he was as- sociated in other important monuments. 1 66 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 119. — The Ceppo Hospital, Pistoia. Leonardo Buonafede became Bishop of Cortona in 1529 and died in 1545. Santi Buglioni himself died in 1576; hence the date 1585 regis- tered on the frieze can refer only to its completion by another hand. Local tradition, perhaps falsified records, indicate that the frieze was completed by a painter, Maestro Filippo di Lorenzo Paladini. But this attribution lacks sufficient evidence. The general scheme of decoration appears to have been to illustrate by figured compositions the Seven Deeds of Mercy, placing one on the short side of the loggia near the entrance of the hospital church, and one over each intercolumniation of the fagade (Fig. 119). The other short side, being a relatively unimportant location, was intentionally left undecorated. Buglioni's medallion containing the arms of the hospital could hardly have been designed for this position. The figured compositions are separated by pairs of pilasters framing either inscribed tablets or figures of Virtues. Possibly originally it was intended to inscribe one of the Beatitudes in each pilaster group. On the first short side in this location occurs the inscription BEATI MVNDO CORDE Q(VONIA)M (IPSI DEVM VIDEBVNT), from Matt. V, 8. Between the first pair of pilasters on the facade is inscribed (Fig. 120) : BEATI MISERI CORDE Q(VONIA)M (IPSI MISERICORDIAM CONSEQVENTVR), from Matt. V, 7. Between the succeeding pairs instead of beatitudes are figures of Virtues, and between the last is the BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 167 misplaced termination of the first inscription (Fig. 121) : Q(VONIA)M IPSI DEV(M) VIDEBVNT and the date M. D. LXXXV. A comparison of Fig. 120 and Fig. 121 will indicate that a considerable lapse of time and change in artistic conception intervened between the beginning and termi- nation of the frieze. The Virtues being in high relief emphasize the con- FiG. 120. — Beatitude. Fig. 121. — Beatitude and Date. tinuity of the frieze. Had the inscribed tablets been used the individuality of the separate compositions would have been more evident. This detach- ment was however secured by a novel method of varying the colour of the background, which, in some cases, was blue, in others violet, white, even green. The Virtues are not specifically related to the adjoining composi- tions. Charity is properly the central Virtue. She is flanked by Faith and Hope and more remotely by Prudence and Justice. The Deeds of Mercy are set up in no logical order. If composed with Matthew XXV, 35-36 in mind we should expect the order to be (i) Feed- ing the Hungry; (2) Giving Drink to the Thirsty; (3) Lodging the Strangers; (4) Clothing the Naked; (5) Visiting the Sick; (6) Visiting Prisoners; to which would be added (7) Burying the Dead; whereas the actual order begins with Clothing the Naked and ends with Giving Drink to the Thirsty. We may now examine the frieze in detail. I. Clothing the Naked (Fig. 122). This composition, located on the short side of the loggia near the hos- pital church, has no terminal pilasters at its left end, where the loggia be- gins to project from the wall of the hospital. At the right end is a pilaster group like the terminal pilaster group on the fagade. The background consists of irregularly shaped tiles, exhibiting varying tints of greenish i68 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI blue, a novelty in terra-cotta backgrounds. The composition shows un- usual freedom from conventionality. To the left of the central figure are six men, partially clad, though not in tatters ; to the right two nuns and a neophyte, and three civilian women, one dragging along a nude child. The central figure wears a white tunic, a beretto and cape of very dark blue for black. We recognize in him Messer Leonardo di Giovanni Buonafede, mmmmmm'mmmm ^"•—Hr^-^^ :. — Clothing the Naked. donor of the loggia in 15 12, appointed spedalingo or governor of the hos- pital by Leo X in 1522, and mentioned in the documents as "nostro mag- giore." He was, moreover the patron of Benedetto Buglioni at Badia Tedalda, and of Giovanni della Robbia at Galatrona. His funerary por- trait at the Certosa by Francesco da San Gallo shows a striking simi- larity to the features here portrayed. The first in the group of men to the left, and somewhat separated from the rest, is almost a copy of Michelangelo's David, a statue the locating of which was decided by a commission of which Benedetto Buglioni was a member. We also recall that Santi Buglioni had a son named Michel- angelo. We may note the freedom of pose and the "controposto" in this group of men of slightly Verrocchian type. We notice also the use of a bright yellow and a brilliant green throughout the frieze, sharply differ- entiated from the mustard yellows and dull greens used by Giovanni della Robbia. To the right of Buonafede one of the two nuns is robed in blue, the other in violet. They do not wear the violet mantle of the nuns of S. Maria Nuova, which was not granted to the nuns of the Ceppo Hospital until 1540 when Angelo Marzi was spedalingo and Governatore. 2. Lodging the Stranger (Fig. 123). Background light blue. To the left a group of four pilgrims, with staves, whose faces are animated portraits. Light shades of blue, green, BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 169 Fig. 123. — Lodging the Stranger. yellow, and violet for garments. Central group divided. Christ disguised as a pilgrim, in robe of violet lined green and mantle of blue lined green, draws the attention of a fine old hospital brother clad in blue to a group where Buonafede on his knees washes the feet of S. Giovanni Battista, also portrayed as a pilgrim, clad in violet tunic over which is thrown a coat of yellow brown hair cloth. Attendant with pitcher in background. To the right, another attendant, a bed covered with violet (red velvet) spread and white canopy, offered by a nobleman in black robes and long white stockings. 3. Visiting the Sick (Fig. 124). Background of white, as if the walls of a hospital, with rows of beds on either side. Little attempt at perspective. To the left an ill man in bed, with blue spread ; the doctor, robed in brown and black, feels his pulse. At the foot of the bed an old woman with a crutch offers the sick man the con- tents of a yellow jug. Next are two attendants, one taking down the doc- FiG. 124. — Visiting the Sick. 170 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI tor's orders, and a stupid errand boy, Buonafede, now in full habit, black over white, receives submissively a rebuke from a second doctor, who stands at the foot of bed No. 12 where a patient is receiving the ministra- tion of three attendants. 4. Visiting Prisoners (Fig. 125), Background, in part the violet prison walls, in part a greenish blue in large tiles of irregular shape. The narrow prison door in its dark colour- ing imitates iron, so do the window gratings behind which are lightly sketched heads of old men. Door and windows are framed in white. A visitor, clad in blue robe with green mantle, is s.eated conversing with one of the interned prisoners. Next, seated on the ground, his feet shackled, is Christ, wearing a cruciferous nimbus. He is clad in violet edged yellow and a cloak of blue lined green. Though unobserved by the seated visitor Fig. 125. — Visiting Prisoners. he appears to exclaim "I was in prison and ye came unto me" (Matt., XXV, 36). Behind stands a man, with solemn mien and hands crossed, who seems puzzled by the thought of an imprisoned Christ. The central group are Buonafede and a sainted deacon in robe of brilliant green with rectangular patches of blue edged yellow on his breast and lower garments. The saint is perhaps S. Lorenzo, a token of respett or gratitude to the Medici, or perhaps Buonafede's own patronymic saint S. Leonardo. Be- yond is a man, with a Michelangelesque head, who points to two servants carrying pails of water and towels. 5. Burial of the Dead (Fig. 126). Background of large blue tiles. To the left a group of men engaged in lowering a dead man into his grave. At the head oi the group stands an official in violet mantle over black. In the centre of the panel is the isolated figure of Buonafede robed in black over white. To the right is a BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 171 dead woman, perhaps one of the nuns figured in the first panel for her sistei nun at the font of the bier is overwhehned with o'rief. Three acolytes, in Fit,. 12b. — Burial of the Deah. white surplices, swing a censer, hold up a crucifix, and a rod of hyssop, while at the head of the bed prayers for the dead are read by a priest who wears a pluvial of violet, bordered blue, lined yellow and adorned with white crosses. 6. Feeding the Hungry (Fig. 127). Background chiefly white walls, broken by light green curtains to the left and dark doorway in the centre. To the left is a table spread with food which is being devoured by three hungry men seated on a yellow bench. An aproned assistant brings more food, while Buonafede, wearing black cape over white leads to the table a famished man half clad in tattered garments. To the right are two stewards with loaves of bread, which are being distributed to poor men and women by a stately official clad in a Fig. 127. — Feeding the Hungry. 172 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI blue tunic and black gown. The woman's face and kerchief recall Bene- detto Buglioni's Madonna of 1520. 7. Giving Drink to the Thirsty (Fig. 128). It may be noted that in this panel another substance, stucco, has replaced terra-cotta, that the panel is painted not glazed, that the composition is more crowded, the types more Raphaelesque, and that the central figure is no longer the beardless Buonafede but a bearded figure, probably the spe- dalingo Bartolommeo Montechiari. Tigri in 1838 had noted the existence of documents which Contrucci Fig. 128. — Giving Drink to the Thirsty. published in 1835 giving credit to Filippo di Lorenzo Paladini, a Pistoian painter for the completion of the frieze. The documents as he published them are as follows : "A di Febbr. 1584. A Maestro di Lorenzo Paladini per figure L 21 A di 14 Maggio 1584. A Fillippo di Lorenzo Paladini dipintore pistoiese L7 a conto di figure. A di 16 Giugno 1584. A detto Maestro Filippo a conto di figure L 12 A di II Marzo 1586. A Maestro FiHppo di Lorenzo Paladini L 14 a conti di figure. A di 2 Agosto 1586. A Maestro Filippo Paladino deve avere scudi 12 M P Se gli fanno buoni per sua f attura di figure al tempo di Bartolommeo Montechiari per finire il Fregio della Loggia." The Libro Rosso, segnato G, from which items are said to have been taken is now said to be lost, but Mr. Rufus G. Mather has copied corre- sponding items from the Entrata e Uscita, segnato G 1 583-1 586 and H, 1 586-1 588 (Docs. 14-18). These indicate that Filippo di Lorenzo Paladini, painter, received payment for figures representing Saints (five are specified, S. Giovanni Battista, S. Girolamo, S. Pietro Martire, SS. Cosmo e Dami- BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 173 ano) painted on tablets set above the bed heads (three of these tablets were made by Giovanni Michele, carpenter). No mention. is made in the records which survive concerning the com- pletion of the frieze. The stucco panel may well have been executed in the year 1585 — as inscribed on the frieze itself — but surviving records do not confirm the statement of Contrucci that it was made by Filippo di Lorenzo Paladini. A comparison of Alinari's photographs 10268-10270 with Brogi's 4560 will show that the panel was recoloured in recent years without regard to pre-existing schemes of colour. 8. The Virtues (Figs. 129-133). On the fagade between the Lodging of Strangers and Visiting the Sick is a figure of Prudence (Fig. 129), double faced, holding a mirror and a Fig. 129. — Prudence. Fig. 130. — Faith. Fig. 131. — Charity. snake, wearing a yellow scallopped, polygonal nimbus, a yellow robe and mantle of blue lined green, standing against a violet background. Be- tween the Visiting the Sick and Visiting Prisoners is a figure of Faith (Fig. 130), with yellow polygonal nimbus, holding a yellow chalice and a Fig. 132. — Hope. Fig. 133. — Justice. cross of violet and yellow, clad in light blue with mantle of white lined green, standing against a blue background. Between Visiting Prisoners and Burying the Dead is Charity (Fig. 174 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 131), with no nimbus, a white kerchief on her head, robed in blue with mantle of violet lined green, carrying a nude child with another standing at her feet, all against a green background. Between the Burying of the Dead and Feeding the Hungry is Hope (Fig. 132), with polygonal nim- bus, folded hands, and green mantle against a blue background. It may be recalled that in 1515 Benedetto Buglioni made figures of Charity and Hope for the festival in honor of Leo X. Between the reliefs of the Hungry and the Thirsty is Justice (Fig. 133), holding a sword and a tassel for pendent scales, in armour of light blue (steel) ornamented with yellow (gold), and a cloak of blue lined green, against a white background. The flesh in all cases is left unglazed. 9. The Sirens (Fig. 134)- At each angle of the fagade is a siren with outstretched arms, baggy breasts, and polychromatic wings. Large green leaves cover in part her arms, breast, and legs. The long feathers of her wings are individually Fig. 134. — Siren and Stemma. coloured, blue, green, white, violet, yellow, — not striped transversely as Giovanni della Robbia would have painted them. She supports between her legs a late Tuscan shield with apex rolled forward, angles and sides scallopped, bearing the Ceppo insignia; a ceppo or group of tree trunks, cut down, but sprouting anew. They are coloured, natural against a yel- low field. 10. The Pilasters (Fig. 135). These occur in two forms : ( i ) those adorned with fruit garlands ; and (2) those with vases containing a floral pattern. The pilasters with fruit BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 175 garlands are four in number and occur as terminal pilasters on the facade or adjoining the short sides. The garlands are pendent, and consist of triplex bunches of fruit in very high relief interspersed with flowers and wheat and separated by transverse, fluttering ribbons. The capitals are adorned with masks of Pan. The second type of pilasters, used here fourteen times, show a slender, graceful, two handled vase from which rise stems with flowers and wheat, 135. — Pilasters. and a terminal anthemion set against a blue background. The slender vase must have been favoured by Leonardo Buonafede, since it occurs in an altarpiece he gave to Badia Tedalda, on a ciborio he gave to the church at Stia, as well as on the ciborio at Bolsena presented by his patron Leo X. The capitals are heavily decorated with acanthus leaves out of which rises a human head. Documents : — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "Dicta die (XXIIIJ febbruarij 15 12) Reverendus jn xpo pr (pater) dnus leonardus ol(im) johannjs bonafidej de floretia ad psens rector et gubernator hospitalis see marje pauporu ceppj de pistorio p(ro) se et subcessoribus suis jn dicto hospitalj et pdicto hos- pital j lochavit et concessit ad faciendu et fierj faciendu et p(er)ficiendu p(ro) dicto hospitalj ceppj franc" masij papj de santo martino a mensola comunitatis floretie habitur nunc pistorij presentj et coducentj otto cholonne 176 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI CO base et chapitellj intagliatj et seu foratj a coparatione de chapitellj delle cholopne della virgine marja del ponte a san lorenzo dj lunghezza dj brac- cia cinque et mezzo el fiiso grossa decte cholone da pie tre quartj di braccio am j sura di pistoia et altezza del basa et chapitello uno brace jo et mezzo Con archj di pietra recte pietre serene con architravato dj fuore daltezza duno mezzo braccjo secodo uno disegno facto p(er) batista di gerjno legnai- uolo et al disotto di dectj archj dj lunghezza dua terzj di braccio et grosse uno sexto dj braccjo che sono archj nove et otto peduccj a raguaglio de chapitellj di decte cholopne tucte facte et lavorate poste a pistoia a tucte sue spese et questo fece decto franc" quod dictus dnus leonardus noe (nomine) dictj hospitalis dare et solvere p(ro)mjsit eide franc" p(ro)dicto laborer jo florenos centii aurj jnauro larghos eide dare de tempore jn tempus p(ro)ut de mano jn mano dabit et portabit dictas pietras et cholupnas laboratas Et ultra predicta p(ro)mjsit dictus franciscus dare et portare dicto hos- pitalj tuctj liavanzatj andranno jntorno alia volta sop(r)a decte cholupne benj lavoratj secodo il djsegnjo dj larghezza dj braccjo mezzo et gross j uno terzo di braccjo con larchitrave di sotto larghj uno terzo di braccjo et grossj uno quarto dj braccio et ricjnghino tucta la volta et questo p(er) pregio et prezzo di lire tre p(ro) qualiique braccio chosj di detj avanzatj chome dela relatione mjsvratj u"(una) volta a brace j andantj jntendendo u" braccjo davazato et uno braccjo darchitrave dicte dua braccja p(er) uno braccjo a braccja andatj a lib. 3 chome a decto et p(er) quello che paghera decta mjsura et a solvere p(ro)mjsit dictus dnus leonardus de tepore jn tempus et de mano jn mano p(ro)ut dabit laborer jum p(re) dictii cum pacto q(uod) dictus franciscus debeat omnibus suis sumptibus dare et cosignare dicto hospital j dictas cholupnas et laborer jum p(re)dictu hinc et p(er) tote mensem settembris p(ro)xime future et debeant esse pietre serene et bene laboratCi et p(er)fectu addeclaratione batiste gerjnj carpentarjo de pistorio jn quos comjserunt arbitrametu et declaratione p( re) dicta etc. Que omnia etc sub pena duplj p(re)cij p( re) dictj etc obbligantes hinc jnde et bona dictj hospitalis etc nonostantes etc cu quarantigia rogantes etc actu pistorij jn cappella see marje majoris alius de chavalierj jn dicto hos- pitalj p(re)sentibus franc" silvestrj pauluccj et piero mechinj bottarjo de pistorio testibus etc." [Archivio di Stato Rogiti di Ser Lorenzo Bellucci di Pistoia, Protocolli del 1 5 12, segnato Notai B 1123 a c. 105*.] There is a variant of this written by the same notary in B 1108 c. 429*. Protocolli 1508-1513. 2. "Yhs MDXVr Spedale di sancta m* delceppo di pistoia de dare adj BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 177 xj di luglio 1516 1517 • E adj XX di settembre 15 17 1 otto sol. x p(iccioli) p(er) lib(r)e cento di piombo p(er) . . . vettorale che s(er)vi all murarela el portico et loggia di detto sp"(spedale) da lorenzo da mdtauto apare alonpichato a suo coto c 210 f 1 .4 4I E adi xviiii" di gennaio 1 otto sol xv p(iccioli) p(er) lib(r)e 100 di pionbo levato da lorenzo da m° auto apare alonpichato a suo coto e m°(mandato) a pistoia p(er) coto della muraglia al porticho apare al g" di q(ue)sto lib(r)o c 278 f 1 -5 — 1 E adj xxvij di febraio 1 sette p(iccioli) p(er) loro a raffaello di maso da sco m° a mesola scharpellino p(or)to cotte p(er) coto delavoro p(er) detto luogo a v^ — f 1 — 1 — " [Arch, del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Giallo F, 1516-1518, a c. 128.] 3. "+Adi 6 di setenbre 1526 A iscutore lib. quatordici sol 5 di m"(moneta) fiorentina p(or)to Alexandro astesi(?) disse gli dette a m. lonardo buonafe che disse gliena dati al d° (detto) Abo (a libro) 163 lib. 14 sol 5 [Archivio del R. Ospedale del Ceppo, Entrata e Uscita, 1 526-1 527, c. 37-] 4. "+yhs Mdxxvj" "+yhs Mdxxvj" Santj di Michele buglioni ischultore santj di Michele dichontro de dare fino adj 9 di settembre de av(er)e p°(posto) dare 1 quatordici sol cinque plj(picciolj) all(i)b(ro) h c. 114 p(or)to alessandro a firenze chontanti I205 s i — " disse che Ij deve a m(esser) L**" no Magore a u° (uscita) c 37 1 14 s 5 - e adj xviiij di nov(en)bre 1 veti otto p(or)to chontanti a u' c. 43 I28 178 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI e adj xvij di decembre 1 una sol. XV p(er) luj a • lorenzo da s donino p(or)to chontanti a u" c. 45 1 i s 15 1527 e adj xii di gennaio 1 vetiotto p(or)to chontanti a u c. 47 1 28 e adj V di feb(r)aio 1 una sol. 10 p(er) luj lazero chom- esso p(ort)o chont a u" c. 48 1 is 10- e adj XX j detto 1 sette po(rto) chont a u' c. 50 1 7 e adj II di marzo 1 vetiuna p(ort)o chont a u" c. 51 I21 e adj xxiii detto 1 quatordici p(ort)o chont a u" c. 53 1 14 — - e adj vi dap(r)le 1 quatordicj p(ort)o chont a u* c. 54 1 14 — e adj xvj detto 1 vetiuna p(ort)o chont a u' c. 55 I21 — e adj xxij dap(ri)le 1 vetiuna p(ort)o chontanti a u* c. 56 1 21 — e adj iiii" di Maggio st(aia) 2 di g°(grano) da(?) luj 104- 117 1 8 s 12- e adj xviii detto 1 tre s xviiii" al q'°(quadernuccio) 27 a u' c. 58 13s 19- e adj xxv detto 1 quatordicj p(ort)o chont a u" c. 59 1 14 s — e adj xiiii" di gugnio 1 sette pto chont a u" c. 62 1 7 s - " [Archivio del R. Ospedale del Ceppo, Libro del Provveditore G (modern No. 1039), 1526- 1527, c. 163.] 5. "+yhs Mdxxvij +yhs Mdxxvij Santtj di Michele ischultore de Santj dichontro de dare p(er) uno suo chonto al av(er)e p(er) tantj p" G 113 I205 SI- (posto) do(detto) e adj vj di lugHo 1 q(u)atordici alibro I no 14I3 9- p(ort)o chontanti a u" c. 30 1 14 — BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 179 E adj xxiii detto 1 vetiq(u)- atro p(ort)o chont a u" c. 31 1 24 — E adi xxiiii detto 1 dieci p(ort)o chont a u" c. 32 1 10 e adj vj daghosto 1 sette p(ort)o chont a u" c. 33 e adj xiii detto 1 due s otto p(er) luj il ghnrri(?) p(ort)o chont sono p(er) s(some) 4 di terra r°(rech6) dadarnno a u* c. 33 1 2 s 8 e adj xxviii detto 1 q(u)at- ordicj p(ort)o chont a u' c. 35 1 14 — e adj 8 settembre chontanti 1 sette p(ort)o chont a u" c. 37 e adj xxviii detto 1 sette p(ort)o chont a u' c. 39 e adj xii dottobre 1 sette p(ort)o chont a u c. 40 e adj 8 novenbre 1 sette p(ort)o a u* c. 42 e de dare adi 29 di dt" 1 quatordici an* c. 44 1 14 — e 1 8 ph fati buonj alospedale di s m' n" di firenze e p(er) luj pacho a bro(bernar- do) ghurrj(?) chome disse alemo- sche posto al(i)b(r)o giallo c. 348 1 8 — e de dare adj 31 di gennaio 1 10 p(er) ist(aia) 2 di g°(grano) 84 180 1 10 — e de dare adi 20 di dicenbre 1 vetuna p(or)to contati a u" c. 45 I21 — e adi 25 di dtt" 1 sette pto contati a u' — c. 49 1 7 — e adj p° di febraio 1 quatodici i8o BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI pto a u" c. 49 1 14 — e de dare 1 35 p(er) 5 chataste di legna ante da q^questa) chasa di faggio — 1 35 [Arch, idem, Libro del Provveditore H 1527-1528, c. 114.] 6. "Adi 6 di liiglio U abato A santi di michele ischultore 1 quatodicj p(or)to Ini (1° contanti (A libro H) 114 I14— " [Arch, idem, Entrata e Uscita, (Modern No 1040) 1 527-1 528, c. 30.] 7. "Adi 13 di detto (ogosto 1527) A santi ischultore 1 dua s 8 p(er) 4 some di ter(r)a r''(recho) el ghurri(?) da arrno porto lui dX detto) c. 114 1 2.8 [Idem, idem, H., 1527-1528, c. 33'.] 8. " + yhs MDXXVIJ Spedale di santa maria del ceppo di pistoia de dare E de dare addi XX dicebre 1527 1 otto piccioli fannocj buonj p(eT) santj di michele schultore sono p(er) terra madatagli p(er) suo choto alle mosche porto batteo di marcho da mote spertolj p(er) loro da messer Ido buonafe n° (nostro) maggiore creditore In questo ac 66 f i soldi 2. 10" [Archivio del R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Azzurro, 1526- 1534, segnato K c. 52. Milanesi, Misc. 41 III P c. 227* records the above documents thus : 1^2/. Spedale di S. Maria del Ceppo di Pistoia. E de dare adi xx di dicembre 152'/ £ otto piccioli fannovi huonie per Santi di Michele scul- tore, sono per terra mandata per suo chonto alle Mosche.] 9. "+ yhs MDXXVIJ Messer Lionardo di giovanni buonafe no maggiore dt avere .... Et addj XX di dicenbre 1 otto piccioli p(er) santi di b""" (perhaps intended for b"* for buglione) schultore p(er) coto del ceppo di BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI i8i pistoia debitore In questo ac 52 f i soldi 2.10' [Idem, idem K, c. LXVJ.] 10. "+ yhs MDXXVIIJ Santtj di michele schultore de dare 1 413.9 p(er) u suo chonto al(i)b(r)o s(egnato) I (should be h) c 114 — I413 s 9- [Archiv. del R. Ospedale del Ceppo. 1529, c. no.] "+ yhs MDXXVIIJ Santj di chotro de a(ver)e p(er) tatj p° dare alib(ro) s° K c 1 413—9—" Libro del Provveditore I, 1528- II. "+ yhs MDXXVIIIJ Santj di michele schultore de dare p(er) uno suo choto alib(r)o I c. no 1 413 9 [Archiv. idem, Libro del Provveditore K, 1 529-1 530, c. 105.] 12. "+ yhs m"^ MDXXXIIIJ R(icordo) Santj dj michele schultore de dare p(er) tantj posto debbj avere i q° c 25 p(er) resto di quel chonto 25 f-1 2. o, 1 1 p' 20^ capponi" "+ yhs m^ MDXXXIIIJ Santj dj michele dichonttro de avere addj 5 di settembro 1 tre s X pli TC" (Reco) g' alb(er)tjnj contanti aentrata S*" 97 M f-1 3. 10" E addj 27 dottobre 1 iij s X R"" g' albertjnj contanti antrata loi f-1 3. 10" [Arch, del R. Ospedale di S. Maria Nuova, Libro Fitti e Livelli E. 1532- 1551C. i44eCXLIIIJ.] 13. "+ MDLXXXIIIJ Mercholedi adi p° di febbraio A m" Filippo di lorenzo paladini Pitt" 1 ventuna piccioli porto contanti detto aconto delle fig" alibro Rosso B c 56 f 3-" [Archivio del R. Ospedale del Ceppo di Pistoia, Entrata e Uscita G, (modern No. 1039), 1583- 1586, c. 94.] 14. "+ MDLXXXIIIJ Lunedi adi 14 di Maggio A filippo del libraio pitt" 1 sette piccioli porto contanti detto aconto di figure alibro Rosso B c 56 f i-" [Idem, idem, c. loi*.] i82 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 15. "+ MDLXXXIIIJ Sabato adi 16 detto (Giugnio) A m° filippo del libraio i dodici piccioli porto contanti detto aconto delle figure — alibro Rosso B c 56 f 1.5-" [Idem, idem, c. 103*.] 16. "+ MDLXXXVJ Sabato adi 22 di Maggio A m" filippo del libraio dipint" 1 quattro piccioli porto giova' michele leg'" (legnaiiiolo) di suo consenso per aconto di tre tavolette per le letta di capi rotti — alibro Rosso c 56 f-4 — " [Idem, idem, c. 137*.] 17. "Sabato adi 2 di agosto 1586. A m° filippo di lor^° dipintore lire diciotto porto lui contanti p(er) resto di quattro figure fatte p(er) sopra le letta che mancavano et sono queste u(no) s. giovanni bat" u(no) S. Hyer"" un s. pier martire et san cosimo et s. Damiano p(er) u(no) scudo luna chosi costorno le altre — alibro Rosso B c 56 f 2.4 — " [Idem, Entrata e Uscita H (modern No. 1040), 1 586-1588 c. 41.] Bibl. : B-J., 83-87; B., Kf., 25; Bombe, B-Th. Lex., s.v. Buglioni; Burckh., II, 436; A. S. A., II (1889), 2; Burl., 70-71 ; C-M., 125-156, 243 No. 235 ; Contrucci, Mon. rohhiano, Prato, 1835 ; Cr., 244-251, 330; Gas. B. A., XXXI (1904), 26-53, 140-148; Didron Ann. Arch., 1861, I95ff. ; Foville, 120-124; Giglioli, 87-94; Labarte, IV, 438; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 690-692; Brickh., Nov. 1902, 222-224; A. J. A., XXII (1918), 367-377 (Doc.) ; XXIV (1920), 269-270; G. d. R., 223-224; R. G. M., UArte, XXI (1918), 195-196 (Doc); Melani, Sc. ltd., 135; Michel, IV, 127-128; Perkins, T. Sc, I, 198; H. H., 143; R., D. R., 260-271; Sc. FL, IV, 64-65; S., 144-147; Tigri, 10; Tolomei, 83; Vas., II, 197. 191 MADONNA CROWNED BY ANGELS. Lama (near Citta di Castello). Church. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 1.62m.; W., 0.89m. Photo., Private. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 183 The Madonna, clad in a maroon tunic with a V-shaped pectoral orna- ment (green, edged yellow displaying a white cherub head), and a mantle of blue lined green, is seated on a yellow-backed throne holding in her lap a draped Child who carries a bird. Overhead two angels hold a yellow crown above the Madonna's head. Nudes unglazed (Fig. 136). F:g. 1.3O. — ^Iauoxna Exthroxed, Predella, plain blue band between egg and dart and cyma mouldings. Frame, egg and dart moulding. Bibl. : Burl., 115; Cr., 345; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 694. i84 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 192 THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE. Florence. Palazzo Bour- tourlin (formerly). Altarpiece, round-headed. Christ is on his knees in the agony of prayer, an angel holds a cross be- fore him (Fig. 137). Behind him is a vision of Judas and others ready to betray him. In the foreground of the rocky garden sleeping are S. Pietro Fig. 137. — Gethsemane, Florence. reclining, his head supported by one hand, S. Jacopo, holding up his head with both hands, and S. Giovanni, resting his head on his hands above a book. Polychromatic. The frame has pilasters with garlands in triplex bunches of fruit, flow- ers, and wheat hanging from rings. Coats of arms on the capitals. The archivolt is similarly decorated, but shows at the apex a mask of Pan. 193 MASK AND TROPHIES. Florence. Bardini Collection (former- ly). Rectangular. Photo., Private. On this relief may be seen a winged mask, a high pitcher and decorative details which suggest Tribolo and the works of Santi Buglioni. 1530-end 1530 — end 194 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. 1531. Stia Oratorio della Madonna del Ponte. Altarpiece. Photo., Alinari, 9807. The Madonna of Stia, seated on a yellow throne, clad in maroon with mantle of blue lined green, holds on her lap the lightly draped Child (Fig. 138). In type she is not far removed from the Virtues of the Pistoia frieze. The throne rests on a stepped base inscribed : + ORA- PRO A NOBI(S) A •SANCTA DEI- • GENETRIX • •A(NNO)- D(OMINI)- MDXXXI A To the left stands S. Rocco in a jacket of blue lined yellow, cloak of ma- roon lined green, yellow close fitting trousers or stockings, and buskins of yellow lined blue. A feathered hat over his shoulder, a yellow alpine staff in his left hand, a wound on his right leg. To the right is the slender, golden-haired S. Sebastiano wearing a white loin cloth striped yellow. He is fastened by ropes against a tree trunk. All flesh glazed white. The frame has low predella (set upside down), pilasters with pendent fruit hanging from rings in triplex bunches fastened by fluttering ribbons, capitals of the Empoli type, and an entablature with frieze of delicate scroll work with vases, cornucopias, masks, birds, and animals. Bibl. : Beni, 148; C-M., 249 No. 278; Cr., 356. 195 THE STIA CIBORIO. c. 1531. Stia. Chiesa Plebana, L'Assunta. H., 2.30m. ; W., 0.87m, Photo., Alinari, 9806. The Stia Ciborio was doubtless a gift from Bishop Leonardo di Gior vanni Buonafede, as the console bears his stemma: Or, a bull passant gules on a mount of six tops vert (Fig. 139). It would appear to have come from the same atelier as the altarpiece in the Oratorio della Madonna del Ponte, and, if we may judge from its frieze, of the same date, 1531. i88 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 138. — Madonna and Saints, Stia. The central relief is more advanced in style than the ciborio at Bolsena. The angels issuing from the lateral arches are increased in number, and engaged columns take the place of pilasters. Outside of this are pilasters ornamented with slender white vases bearing flaming incense against a blue background; entablature with frieze of vases, cornucopias, masks and animals, white against blue; and lunette with large yellow chalice between two cherub heads — all showing the influence of Desiderio da Settignano. Formerly surrounded also by a fruit garland, of which fragments remain. Bibl. : Beni, 148; Cr., 356; M., R. H., 2S6 Fig. 258. 196 MADONNA ENTHRONED AND SAINTS^ Camerino. Chiesa dei Cappuccini. Altarpiece, round-headed. H., 2.56m.; W., 2.18m. Photo, Private. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 189 Fig. 139. — The Stia Ciborio. The Madonna, robed in violet edged yellow with a mantle of blue lined green, carries a nude unglazed Child. Her throne is set on a two stepped base, imitating porphyry. To the left is S. Francesco, in gray habit, with book and yellow cross ; to the right is S. Agnese, in violet robe edged yellow and mantle of green lined blue, carrying a white lamb. Faces and hands unglazed. Above are two angels robed in blue and green, holding a yel- 190 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI low crown over the Madonna's head. Higher still is a white Dove in the midst of yellow rays. At each side is a green curtain. The predella shows at each end the monogram of Jesus, and reliefs of: (i) S. Francesco receiving the stigmata; (2) the Deposition; and (3) the Martyrdom of S. Agnese. The pilasters are alternately violet and green, the lower moulding a cyma reversa, the upper one an egg and dart. The frame shows symbols of the passion, kiss of Judas, cock on column and stripes, Peter and the maid servant, lance, sponge and lantern, hand counting and receiving money, the ear of Malchus, Pilate's hands washed, the cross, hammer, tweezers, dice, spear and sponge, crown of thorns, nails, Veronica's handkerchief. The Cappuccini monastery at Camerino was founded by Matteo da Basci about 1530. In composition and types this altarpiece may be classed with that in the Oratorio della Madonna del Ponte at Stia (1531). The in- fluence of Giovanni della Robbia's altarpiece at Lamporecchio (1524) is manifest. Santi Buglioni employed the symbols of the Passion in one of his altarpieces at Croce dell'Alpe (1553). Bibl. : Anselmi, L'ltalia artist, industr., I (1894-1895), 170-172; A. e S., XIII (1894), 178; Guasti, Cafaggiolo, 156-157; Santoni, A^. Riv. Mi- sena, I, 35-37. 197 ECCE AGNUS DEI. Bibbiena. S. Maria del Sasso. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 1.78m.; W., 2.10m. Photos., Alinari, 9774; Ago- stini, 600. In a polychromatic landscape, brown rocks, green trees, flowering plants, lizards, squirrel, stands S. Giovanni Battista in brown hair cloth, holding a scroll inscribed ECCE AGNVS D(EI) and pointing to Christ who is robed in maroon edged yellow, with mantle of blue lined green (Fig. 140). An arched moulding produces spandrels in which are medallions of S. Gabriele and the Annunziata. The principal frame is a replica of that of the J.' S. Morgan altarpiece (1502) with blue backgrounds for the pilasters and frieze. The predella shows at the ends the Sestini coats of arms : Azure, a pair of compasses or over a mount of six tops of the same. Separated by pilasters with grotteschi are the (i) Annunciation to Zacharias; (2) Birth and Naming of the Baptist; and (3) the Visitation. Bibl. : Beni, 327; Burl., 118; C-M., 255 No. 321 ; Cr., 334; M., R. H., 253, Fig. 232. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 191 "^^i^^. i K.. 140. — Kcct AgiN US Dti, BlBBIENA. 198 THE ANNUNCIATION. Bevagna (near). Chiesa della SS. An- nimziata. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 4.20m. ; W., 2.50m. Photo., Private. S. Gabriele, robed in white with mantle of yellow, advances embarrassed toward the Virgin, who, in robe of red (unglazed) and mantle of blue lined green and on her head a white kerchief (glazed) is leaning against a bed. Before her is a lectern with an open book inscribed Ecce Virgo concipiet et pariet filmm (Is. VII, 14). Between the angel and the Virgin is a tall vase of roses and lilies; over which is a white Dove in crude yellow light proceeding from God Father in a glory of cherubs. A round arched win- dow in the background (Fig. 141). 192 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI The predella, divided by pilasters with grotteschi, shows rehefs: (i) The Visitation; (2) Jehovah sends forth S. Gabriele — a scroll inscribed NON ENIM PRO TE SED PRO OMNIB(VS) HEC LEX CONSTITVTA EST; (3) The Sposalizio; (4) The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple; (5) The Birth of the Virgin. The principal frame is similar to that of the Bibbiena altarpiece of the Fig. 141. — The Annunciation, Bevagna. Ecce Agnns Dei, except for the lengthening of the candelabrum design in the pilasters. In the lunette is a Christ in the Sepulchre assisted by his mother and S. Giovanni, unglazed except the blue of the Virgin's mantle, in style resembling the predella relief of this subject at Badia Tedalda (15 16). Outside of all has been added a pendent garland of fruit and flowers. Bibl. Burl., 113; Guardabassi, 36; Lazari, 43. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 193 199 VAULT OF CUPOLA. Bevagna. S. Francesco. Cappella dei In- nocenti. Probably by the author of the Annunciation altarpiece in the Chiesa della S. Annunziata near Bevagna. In the centre' of the cupola is the Holy Dove. From the centre there radiate eight panels ornamented by bunches of fruit, arabesques, symbols of the passion and coats of arms. The symbols are: (i) S. Veronica's handkerchief; (2) Tweezers and hammer; (3) Cock on a column; (4) Putti with dice; (5) Cross; (6) Spears with sponges; (7) Putti with crown of thorns; (8) Scourges. The coats of arms in alternate panels, are (i) a lamb with a cross encircled by a snake, and (2) Two arms crossed, a cross between them (Fratres Minores). We may recall that symbols of the passion in the pilasters of Giovanni della Robbia's Visitation at Lamporecchio (1524) ; in those of the altar- piece at Camerino (1531?); and in the predella and frame of the two altars at Croce dell' Alpe by Santi Buglioni (1553). Bibl. : Guardabassi, 36. 200 MADONNA ENTHRONED AND SAINTS. Chianti. S. Maria Novella. Rectangular altarpiece. Photo., Private. The Madonna seated on a throne, carries on her left knee the nude Child on a cushion (Fig. 142). The pedestal of the throne appears to have been inscribed AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA. To the left stands S. Pietro with keys and book, and S. Lorenzo with gridiron and martyr's palm; to the right are S. Stefano, in deacon's robe, with palm and book, and S. Paolo, with sword and book. By an associate of Santi Buglioni. The predella has shields for coats of arms, and reliefs of: (i) S. Giro- lamo with stone on bared breast; (2) Christ in sepulchre supported by his mother and S. Giovanni; and (3) S. Sebastiano. Polychromatic. Principal frame has pilasters with garlands hanging from rings, capi- tals and entablature like those of the altarpieces at Bibbiena and Bevagna. Bibl. : Brogi, Invent., 430; Cr. 354. 201 S. FRANCESCO RECEIVES THE STIGMATA. Citta di Cas- tello, S. Francesco. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 4.10m.; W., 2.55m. Photo., Private. 194 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 142. — Madonna and Saints, Chianti. To the left on his knees is Fra Leo, clad in grey, with rayed nimbus ; to the right, S. Francesco, also in grey, kneeling before the vision of Christ crucified surrounded by cherubs in the sky. Citta di Castello( ?), a walled city, in the background, the mountains La Verna at the sides. The frame consists of triplex groups of fruit separated by transverse knotted ribbons. The predella shows between pilasters decorated with high vases : ( i ) Coat of arms; (2) S. Bernardino of Siena; (3) Christ in Sepulchre at- tended by his mother and S. Giovanni; (4) S. Antonio of Padua; (5) Coat of arms. The coat of arms is said by Graziani to be that of the Cer- boni family : Or, a lion rampant azure and gules ; in chief azure three lilies or. Bibl. : Graziani, 154; M., R. H., 126. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 195 202 EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF GIOVANNI DE'MEDICI DETTO DELLE BANDE NERE. 1539. Florence. Piazza di S. Marco (formerly). For the celebration of the wedding of the Grand Duke Cosimo I with Eleonora di Toledo, Santi Biiglioni assisted Niccolo il Tribolo in construct- ing a temporary equestrian statue of Cosimo's father, Giovanni delle Bande Nere. This was set up on the Piazza di S. Marco. The newly married couple entered the city at the Porta al Prato, where il Tribolo had con- structed a triumphal arch of elaborate architectural design and adorned with many reliefs and statues of such figures as Fecundity, Security, Time, and Eternity. The courtyard of the Medici palace was also decorated by various young artists under Tribolo's direction. Vasari adds : Tribolo also constructed in the Piazza di S. Marco, on a lofty base ten braccia high (upon which Bronzino had painted in bronze a beautiful historical frieze), a horse twelve braccia high, with front legs raised aloft; and upon it an armed figure proportionately large and representing that most valiant lord Giovanni de'Medici, father of His Excellency, before whom lay peoples wounded and dead. This work was conducted with such discretion and skill by Tribolo as to be admired by everyone who saw it ; and what was most marvellous was the rapidity with which he executed it, assisted amongst others by Santi Buglioni the sculptor who fell and maimed himself in one leg for life and barely escaped death. Tribolo, assisted doubtless by Santi Buglioni, designed several other such monuments for marriage and other festivals. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th. Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Vas., Ill, 376; VI, 88 note i. 203 TEN HEADS. 1542. Naples. The Medici archives record that (Lorenzo) Marignolli and Santi Bugli- oni were paid 35 florins for ten heads of glazed terra-cotta, which the Duchess Eleanora di Toledo, wife of the Grand Duke Cosimo I, forwarded to Naples. Whether these were busts in the round or in relief is not stated. Their whereabouts is not known. Document: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] M D X L 1 1 Addi 28 detto (settembre) Feci sotto scriptione a uno conto del marignolle e di sancti buglione di f 35 per le X teste di 196 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI terra vetriata per la duchessa per mandare a napoli Saldo per m° tribolo. A michele ruberti" [Arch, di Stato. Ricordi e copie di lettere ed'altro pertinent! all Iir° et ex""* (excellentissimo) S" Duca di firenze Cosmo de Medici per mano di p° franc" riccio dal 1540 al 1547, Segnato Archiv. Mediceo n" 600 a c. 17.] Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th. Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Guasti, Cafaggiolo, 168. 204 FIGURINES (formerly). 1546. Florence. SS. Annunziata. In the church of the SS. Annunziata stands today a high altar of silver made in 1655. This replaced an earlier altar by Baccio d'Agnolo with a ciborio of wood designed by his son Giuliano. Above the altar, which ac- cording to Bocchi was highly prized by connoisseurs, stood a crucifix by Antonio da Sangallo; above the ciborio were terra-cotta figurines which Milanesi says were made by Santi Buglioni. He assigns the ciborio, prob- ably on the authority of some document, to the year 1546. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Bocchi-Cinelli, 442; Vas., Ill, 376 note 3 ; VI, 88 note i. 205 PAVEMENTS. 1 549-1 560. Florence. Biblioteca Laurenziana, Palazzo Vecchio, Pitti Palace Grottoes. The account books of Duke Cosimo I, show fragments for pavements made for the Biblioteca Laurenziana, for various rooms in the Palazzo Vecchio, and for the grottoes in the Pitti gardens. Pavements were sold by the braccio or square cubit, at from three to fifteen lire per braccio. A. THE BIBLIOTECA LAURENZIANA. 1 549-1 554. Photo., Ali- nari, 19 10. The documents (nos. 1-12) copied by Mr. Mather indicate that the pave- ment of the Laurentian library was designed and begun by Bartolomeo di , in red and white tiles, and that payments were made for it to Santi Buglioni from April i, 1549 until Feb. 10, 1554. Bartolomeo is described as a "scarpellino" and may have been a business associate of Santi Buglioni. Possibly he was the father of Lorenzo di Bartolomeo Marignolli, scultore, mentioned in Documents 24-25. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 197 Vasari's account is that Tribolo designed this pavement, that it was exe- cuted in red and white tiles, and followed Roman prototypes. The design of the pavement (Fig. 143), with its garlands of laurel hanging from the skulls of goats, its Medici rings with the motto SEMPER, and friezes with Fig. 143. — Pavement of the Biblioteca Laurenziana. grotteschi and other classic motives, is reflected in the ceiling, the design of which is attributed to Michelangelo. Geymiiller describes its technique as the inlaying of light coloured designs on a hard, dark cement. This sug- gests a resemblance to the Roman opus alexandrinum or perhaps to His- pano-Mooresque methods which were also in vogue at this period. The pavement is well preserved to this day. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Geymiiller, VIII, 30, Bl. 7, 9, Fig. 29; Vas., Ill, 376 note; VI, 88, note i, 92. B. THE PALAZZO VECCHIO. 1556-1560. The pavements made by Santi Buglioni and by Lorenzo di Bartolomeo 198 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Marignolli for the Palazzo Vecchio were laid: (i) in large rooms (camere stanze) ; (2) in small spaces (pianerottoli, iscrittoi) ; (3) the chapel; and (4) in the grottoes of the Pitti Palace. The payments are recorded in Documents Nos. 13-25. a. The Camere. 1 551-1560. These camere were in the accrescimento or new portion of the Palazzo Vecchio. First, the walls were plastered. This took some time from Dec 7, 1551 to Feb. 28, 1557 (Docs. 13-18). The pavements were then laid, or paid for, from April 16, 1556 to some day in June, 1560 (Docs. 19-25). The rooms are variously designated as (i) un salotto (Docs. 19, 20), (2) Salone grande (Doc. 22), (3) la sala dove sone le quatro stagione (Docs. 22, 23), (4) camera del Duca Cosimo (Doc. 22), (5) Camera del Signore Giovanni (Doc. 22), (6) Sala di Papa Leone (Docs. 22, 23), (7) Sala di Papa Cremente, i.e., Clemente VII (Docs. 21, 22). In a room now called the Sala di Lorenzo il Magnifico there is a pavement in the centre of which is a Capricorn with seven stars (impresa of Francesco I). At the four corners are tortoises with sails (impresa of Cosimo I). The Sala dei Quattro Stagione exists, but has lost its pavement.. The Camera del Duca Cosimo has a pavement in the centre of which is a tablet in- scribed COSIM • MEDIC • DVX • FLORE • II • MDLVI with a tortoise and sail at top and bottom. In medallions are capricorns, Medici rings, the yoke, and tortoise and sails. The pavement in the Camera del Signore Giovanni (delle Bande Nere) no longer exists. The pavement of the Sala di Leone X (Fig. 144) shows in the centre the eight Medici rings intertwined and in the corner four masks. The pavement in the Camera di Clemente VII shows in the centre and angles his impresa, a globe on a pedestal fired by the sun, crossed by a scroll inscribed CANDOR ELESVS. b. The small spaces. The documents refer to two "pianerottoli" (Docs. 19, 20, 22), and two ''iscrittoi." Of the "pianerottoli," or stair landings, one was before the entrance of the sala granda (Doc. 22), the other at the foot of the stairway of what was formerly the 'fonderia' (Docs. 22, 23). Of the two "iscrittoi," or studies, one was in the Camera del Duca Cosimo, the other in the Camera of Signore Giovanni. , The pavement of the former, consisting of red and white tiles, exists in part; that of the latter has disappeared. The "Sala di sopra dipintal pari del terazo" has a similar pavement of red and white tiles. Of these pavements one of the pianerottoli still shows the impresa of Cosimo I (the tortoise and sail). The pavement of the other is almost en- tirely effaced. The pavements of the two scrittoi consist of plain hexagonal and rectangular tiles. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 199 Fig. 144. — Pavement in the Palazzo Vecchio. C THE CAPPELLA DI LEONE X. 1558-1560. This adjoins the camere of Papa Leone and of Papa Clemente. Its pavement, dating from 1558 to 1560 (Docs. Nos. 21, 22), is in excellent preservation. It measures today 3.64 m. x 2.85 m., according to the Docu- ment 21 it required thirty-seven and according to Document 22 thirty-eight and a half braccia of pavement at eight lire a braccio. The centre of the pavement (Fig. 145) forms an ellipse filled with square tiles alternately blue and yellow. This is framed by a maeander, white on blue, beyond which is a wave pattern, yellow on blue, with similar bands in reverse order separating a broad violet frieze on which are four medallions containing emblems. On the main axis of the ellipse the medallions dis- play a tortoise on green land with a mast and sail of a boat in the back- ground (impresa of Cosimo I) ; on the short axis are capricorni (impresa of Francesco I), white on blue. Between the medallions are rectangular tablets with leaf patterns. The spandrels of the pavement show attractive borders of rosettes and lilies, white on blue for the outer, and white on green for the inner band. Near the two doorways are tiles with fruit and flower patterns, suggesting Robbia influence. Bibl. Vas. Ill, 376 note 3 ; VI, 88 note i, 200 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Fig. 145. — Pavement of the Cappella di Leone X. D. THE GROTTOES OF THE PITTI PALACE. 1556-1560. There are two grottoes in the gardens of the Pitti palace. ( i ) It is the smaller one to which reference is made in Documents Nos, 19, 20, 22. The area of the pavement was 76% braccia. The cost, 2-14 lire per braccio, indicates a difference between the plain and more elaborate por- tions of the pavement. As in the Biblioteca Laurenziana, the decoration of the ceiling and pavement followed the same pattern. This consisted here of a series of medallions alternating with rectangles and arranged in squares. The medallions contain no imprese. The colours used in the pavement are red, white and blue. A more thorough cleaning should bring to light about three-quarters of the original pavement. (2) The larger grotto was also paved, but at a later date and with a different de- sign. Only traces remain, but enough to show a scale pattern of blue (2 shades), white, and green. The Document for this pavement has not yet been discovered. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 201 Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] I. "+ yhs MDXLVIIIJ" Santj dj michele buglionj schultore de dare addi p(ri)mo dap(r)ile 1549 D.(ucati) settanta quatro d''(d6ro) di m*''(moneta) lib cinque sol. 10 p(er) tantj consegniatocelo p(er) debitore a lib(r)o choregie doree s" A. c. 219 a conto del pavimento dela lib(r)eria dj s*° L" posta la ragione di detto lib(r)o ave(avere) i q°(questo) c. 6 D 74 lib 5.10 (Then follow 13 items of D. 2 each from (26) April 6 to June 28) (Then 17 items of D.4 each from (68) July 6 to October 29) (Total) D. 168 lib.5.10" [Archivio di Stato, Libro Deb. e Cred. B, del Duca Cosimo, Muraglia del suo Palazzo ed altri luoghi, 1 548-1 556, segnato Fabb. Medicee Cod. i, c. 5.] 2. "+ yhs MDXLVIIIJ" Santj dj michele buglionj schultore di contro de av(er)e p(er) tantj posto debba dare p(er) q*° (quanto) mo(n)ta q(uest)o conto in q° c. 76. . .D. 168 lib. 5.10" [Idem, c. v.] 3. "+ yhs MDXLVIIIJ" Santj di michele buglionj schultore de dare p(er) tantj posto debba av(er)e p(er) q" mota un suo coto in q c. 5 D. 168 lib. 5.10 (Then 23 items for sums varying from D. 2 to D. 6 from Nov. 2, 1549 to Apr, 12, 1550) (70) (Total) D. 238 lib. 5.10" [Idem, c. y6.] 4. "+ yhs MDXLVIIIJ" Santj dj michele buglionj schultore di contro de av(er)e p(er) ta(ntj) posto debba dare p(er) q*° mota q° suo coto in q° c. 117 ■ — D. 238 lib. 5.10" [Idem, c. Ixxvj.] 5. "+ yhs MDL Santj dj michele buglionj schultore de 202 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI r" (resto) dare p(er) tatj posto debba av(er)e p(er) quanto mota un suo coto i q" c. 76 D. 238 lib. 5.10 (Then item of D. i lib. 3- 19 Apr. 1550 D. i lib. 3 — " 7 items of D. 2 each from 26 Apr. 1550 to April 1 55 1 D. 14 " I item of D. i May 23 1551 D. i " I item of D. 3 Nov. 14 1551 D. 3 (Total) D. 258 lib. 1. 10" [Idem, c. 117.] 6. "+ yhs MDL Santj dj michele buglionj dj contro de av(er)e addj 31 dottob(r)e 1551 D. dugentocinquantadue dj m*' si li fanno buonj p(er) la valsuta di b° 504 quadre dj pavim*° di terra rossa et biancha condotto a sua spese p(er) lib. 3.10 b° fattocj dadi 8 di sett 1548 adi 31 di maggio 1550 in 30 quadrj di b 16 4/5 quadre lunpelaltro murato a n(ost)re spese nella lib(r)eria di s*° L^° daglinlatj dare spese p(er) detto c. 197 D. 252 lib. — E de av(er)e p(er) tantj posto debba dare p(er) resto di q° coto in q° c. 208 D. 6 D. 258 lib." [Idem, c. CXVIJ.] 7. "+ yhs MDLJ° Spese di lavorj della lib(r)eria di s*° L^° dono dare E addj 31 dottob(r)e 1551 D. dugento — cinquantadua dj m'" si fanno buonj a santj di michele buglionj scultore p(er) la valsuta di b(raccia) 504 dj pavim*" di terra rossa et biancha fattocj tt°(tutto) a sua spese il qual pavim*" lo abiamo di poj fatto murare in detta lib(r)eria daglinlatj in 30 quadri di b. 16 4/5 quadre lumpelaltro a lib. 3.10 b. f attic j dadi 8 di sett 1548 adi 31 dj maggio 1550 al g"(giornale) c 74 av(er)e in q° c. 117 D. 252 lib. — " [Idem, c. 197.1 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 203 8. "+ yhs MDLIIJ" Santj dj michele buglionj schultore de dare addj X di feb" 1553 D. tre di m'" p(or)*" cotj(contantj) a coto del pavim*" dela lib(r)eria dj s" L'° a u" c. 46 cassa av(er)e in q° c. 75 D. 3 lib. — (then 26 items varying from D. i, 2, 3 to D. 5 lib. 2.10 from Feb. 23, 1553 to Sept. 7, 1553) (D. 68 lib. 3.10) (Total) D. 71 lib. 3.10" [Arch, idem, Lib. Deb. e Cred. C del Duca Cosimo, Murag- lia etc. 1552-1572, segnato Fabb. Medicee, Cod. 2. c. 78.] 9. "+ yhs MDLIip Santj di michele buglionj di cotro de av(er)e p(er) tantj posto debba dare p(er) quanto mota q" suo coto in q° c. 97 D. 71 lib. 3.10" [Idem, c. LXXVIIJ.] 10. "yhs MDLIIJ" Santj dj michele buglionj scultore de dare p(er) tantj posto debba av(er)e peresto dun suo coto in q° c 78 D. 71 lib, 3.10 (Then 33 items for sums of D. 2, 3, 4 and 5 from Sept. 15, i554-July 6, 1555 (91 lib.—) E addj 31 dagosto D. tredicj di m*" lib. sej p(iccioli) p(er) noj dal(i)b(r)o dadj 20 di L° a q° dj in 7 p(ar)tite al g" 256 in q° c. 135 D. 13 lib. 6 D. 176 I2.10" [Idem, c. 97.] 11. "+ yhs MDLIIIJ" Santj di michele buglionj dj cotro de av(er)e addj 9 di feb° 1554 D. cento quindicj d° dj m*" si li fanno buonj p(er) la mota dj 4 quadri di pavim*" p(er) 11 mezo dela lib(r)eria dj s*" L" di terra cotta rossa e biancha ch(e) corisponde al palcho i qualj furno p(r)incipiatj da bt"" (bartolomeo) dj scharp"" che ne poteva eser fatto tanto ch(e) fussj p(er) un quadro datoliene (gliene dato) a finire a tte(tutte) sua spese et muratj de p(r)imj alentrare di detta lib(r)eria p(er) tal p(r)ezo p(er) ordine et commissione di S. E. Ill"" come disse 204 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI franc" di s(er) jac° posto debbino dare spese di detta lib(r)eria in q° c iii — D. 115 lib. — *"* E de av(er)e p(er) tantj posto debba dare per r"(resto) dj q° coto in q° c. 147 — D. 61 lib. 2.10 D. 176 lib. 2.10" [Idem, c. LXXXXVIJ.] 12. "+ yhs MDLIIIJ" Spese p(er) la lib(r)eria di s*° L" deono dare p(er) tantj poste debbino av(er) p(er) q" mota un loro coto in q° c. 64 . . . . — E addj 9 di feb° 1554 D. centoquindicj d° dj m" si fanno buonj a santj dj michele buglionj p(er) la mota dj 4 quadrj di pavimento di terra cota rossa e biancha datolj a finire a tt° sua spese e muratj nel mezo di detta lib(r)eria e p(r)imj aletrare i qualj furno p(r)incipiatj da b(ar)t"° dj scharp" ch(e) ne poteva essere fattj p(er)uno et si li dettono p(er) tal p(r)ezo p(er) ordine et comesione di S. E 111"° come disse franc" di s(er) jac° al g'* 222 av(er)e in q° c. 97 D. 115 lib. — " [Idem, c. III.] 13.* "+ yhs MDLJ Spese dj mnramentj inacrescimento del palazzo dj S. E. Ill'"" deono dare p(er) tantj posti debbino av(er)e p(er) q" mota un lor coto E addj 7 detto (dicenb(r)e) D. diciasette dj m*' si fanno buonj a santj di michele buglionj scultore p(er) la mota dil(i)b(r)e57i2di gesso hauto dalluj dadj 9 di dicenb(r)e 1549 addj 23 dottobre 1551 a dj 5 l(i)b(r)a p(er) murare e intonichare in piu luoghi di detto palazzo al g" 82 in q° c. 208 — D. 17 lib. — " [Archivio di Stato, Lib. Deb. e Cred. B. del Duca Cosimo, Muraglia del suo palazzo ed altri luoghi 1 546-1 556, segnato Fabb. Medicee Cod. 1 c. 201.] * We take this opportunity of thanking Aw. Niccolo Santini of Florence for the discovery of Documents Nos. 13-23 and placing them at the disposal of Mr. Rufus G. Mather. Doc. 22 was copied by Aw. Santini; the rest by Mr. Mather. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 205 14. "+ yhs MDLJ° Santj dj Micele Buglionj scultore de dare per tantj posto debba avere per resto dun suo conto in questo c. 117 D. 6 lib. (i partita di D 2 24 dicembre 1551 (12 partite di D i ciascuna dal 2 gennaio al 10 dicenbre) D. 6 D. 2 D. 12 D. 20 lib.' [Idem, c. 208.] 15. "+ yhs MDLJ" Santj di Micele Buglionj scultore dj contro de avere addi 7 di dicenbre 1 55 1 D. diciasette dj m*" si li fanno buonj per la monta dil(i)b(re) 5712 di gesso hauto dalluj per intonichare stuoie in piu stanze del palazzo dadi 9 dj dicenbre 1 549 addj 23 dottobre 1 55 1 a dj 5 libra dare spese dj muramentj inacresimento del palazzo in questo c. 201 D. 17 lib. — E addj 19 di Gugnio 1552 lib. ventj sol. XV dj viij picciolj si li fanno buonj per libre 1000 dj gesso hauto dalluj per li nostri mura- mentj del palazzo dadi x di di- cenbre 1 55 1 addj II dj maggio per dj. 5 libra dare spese per dettj in questo c. 222 D. 2 — 6.16.8 E de avere per tantj posto debba dare in questo c. 247 — — — D. — lib. 1.13.4 D. 20 lib. I.IO ' [Idem, c. CCVIip.] 16. "+ yhs MDLIJ Santj dj Micele Buglionj schultore de dare per tantj posto debba avere per resto d'un suo conto in questo c. 208 — — — D. — lib. 1. 13.4 E addj 28 dj Gennaio 1552 lib. sette picciolj porto Micelagelo suo figluolo contanti a uscita c. 161 in questo c. 243 D. i lib. — E addj 1 1 dj f ebbraio lib. quatro sol. undicj picciolj porto il detto contanti a uscita 2o6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI c. 163 in questo c. 243 — — D. — lib. 4.9.2 D. I lib. 6. 2.6" [Idem, c. 247.] 17. "+ yhs MDLIJ— Santj dj Micele Buglionj dj contro de avere addj 19 dj gennaio 1552 lib. tredicj sol ij dj v picciolj si li fanno buonj per la monta dj libre 630 dj gesso da murare haute dalluj dadj 4 dj gugnio 1552 addj 11 dj gennaio per dj 5 libra per bisognio di nostri muramenti del palazzo dare spese in questo c. 246 — — — — D. i lib. 6.2.6" [Idem, c. CCXLVIJ.] 18. "+ yhs MDLV Santj dj Michele Buglionj schultore de dare per tantj posto debba avere per resto d'un suo conto in questo c. 97 D. 61 lib. 2.10 E addj 29 di febbraio 1555 D trentotto dj moneta lib. cinque picciolj per noj da Francesco di Ser Jachopo proveditore del Castello in 22 partite dadi 7 di settembre (15)55 adj 22 di febbraio detto come al giornale 267 in questo c. 145 D. 38 lib. .5- E addj 29 d'agosto 1556 D. ventiquatro dj moneta lib. sej picciolj per noj da Francesco di ser Jachopo in xij partite dadi 7 di Marzo 55 adi 12 d'agosto 56 al giornale c. 106 avere in questo c. 153 — — D. 24 lib. .6- E addj 31 dj gennaio D. diciotto dj moneta sol. xvii dj. iiij° picciolj per noj da Francesco dj Ser Jachopo in 7 partite dadi 12 di settenbre adi 30 dj gennaio al giornale c. 127 in questo c. 170 D. 18 lib.- 17.4 E addj 27 di febbraio lib. tredicj sol. iij per noj da Francesco dj Ser Jachopo questo di al giornale c. 137 avere in questo c. 174 D. i lib. 6.3- E addj 28 dj febbraio 1557 D. ventiquatro dj moneta lib. v sol. viiij dj. xiii picciolj per tantj consegniattolo per credit (ore) a libro Pagonazzo segnato D c. 19 avere la BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 207 ragione di detto libro c. 180 D. 24 lib. 5.9.8 D. 169 . 5" [Idem, c. 147.] 19. "+ yhs MDLV Santj di Michele Buglionj schultore di contro de avere addj 31 d'agosto 1556 D centosessantanove dj moneta lib. V piccioli si li f anno buonj per la monta dj braccia 432 dj pavimento di terra chotta bianca et rossa datocj per tutto di 16 d'aprile 1556 per un salotto et per dua pianerottolj per le stanze niiove del Palazzo Duchale et per la Grotta del Giardino detto de' Pittj a lib 2.15 braccio pregiato per Francescho dj Ser Jachopo dare spese dela muraglia di detto palazzo in questo c. 160 — — — — D. 169 lib. 5" [Idem, c. CXLVIJ.] 20. "+ yhs MDLVJ" Spese dela muraglia del nostro palazzo duchale deono dare E addj detto (31 agosto 1556) D. centosessanta nove dj moneta lib. v picciolj si fanno buonj a Santj dj Michele schultore per la monta dj braccia 432 dj pavimento di terra cotta biancha et rossa datocj per tutto di 16 d'aprile 1556 per un salotto e per dua pianerottolj per le stanze nuove dj detto palazzo et la Grotta del Giardino detto de Pittj per lib. 2.15 braccio pregiato per Francesco dj Ser Jachopo al giornale c. 117 avere in questo c. 147 — — D. 169 lib. 5-" [Idem, c. CLX.] ^^ 2I._ (1558) "Copia d'uno conto dj Santi di Micele Buglionj d'uno pavimento fatto di tera cotta invetriato fatto per el piano dela capela c(h)e ne in sula sala dov'e le stanze dj papa Leone c(h)e rie(s)ce nela 208 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI camera di papa cremente c(i)oe per braccia 37 dj pavimento a lib. otto braccio monta lib. 276 sol tarato el sopra detto conto per no(n) si fece creditore ma s'e fatto con altrj lavorj al quaderno de' conti segnato D secondo c — " [Archivio idem, Copie di Listre e Conti Pal. Due D., 1556- 1558, segnato Fabb. Medicee, Cod. 20, c. 171.] 22. 1560 Conto di pill lavori di pavimenti fatti per Santi di Michele Bnglioni da di 15 di maggio 1556 di .... di Giugnio 1560, che dee avere per in sino di 15 di maggio 1556 A(scudi) centosessantanove di moneta sono per b. 338 di pavimento per 1. 3-15 el braccio tutt* a sua ispese, murato detto pavimento in sn la sala dove sono le quattro istagione su di sopra nelle istanze nove di verso la piazza del grano monta — A 169 - lib. - E dee avere per b. g}i di detto pavimento fatto in sul pianerottolo innanzi s'entri in detta sala grande per 1. 3.15 b. monta ... '^4 lib. 6.10 E dee avere per b. 6 di detto pavimento fatto al pianerottolo a pie' della iscala che entra nelle soffitte nuove per 1. 3.10 b. A 3 lib. — E dee avere per b(racchia) 76^ di pavimento fatto per la stanza della Grotta de' Pitti per 1. 2-14 b. tutto a sua spese monta A 38 lib. 2-10 E dee avere per b. 38^ di pavimento inve- triato fatto per la cappella ch'ene allato alia sola di papa Leone per L. 7-10 b. monta '^SS lib. 3-10 E dee avere per tanto lavoro fatto per la camera che si dice del duca cosimo nelle istanze nuove, dato la terra di nostra venuta da Monte Lupo per detta fattura A venti di moneta A 20 lib. — E dee avere per tanto lavoro fatto per la camera titolata del Signore Giovanni a nostra terra monta A ve^ti di moneta A 20 lib. — 1560 Soma el conto di Santi Buglioni di la A 233 lib. 5-14 E dee avere per tanto lavoro fatto per la sala BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 209 titolata di papa Lenone (sic) A trenta di moneta a terra nostra — — — ^ 3^ lib. — E dee avere A venticinque per tanto lavoro fatto per la camera titolata di papa Cremcnte a nostra terra ^25 lib. — E dee avere per tanto lavoro fatto per 2 iscrittoj 1 nella camera del Sig" Giovanni e 1° su da alto nelle camere nuove montano A quattro — ^4 lib. — E dee avere A dieci sono per piu lavori che sono iti male in fornace e prova, che si sono rotti e non si sono messi in opera, pero gli valuto A dieci A 10 lib. — A 362 lib. 5.14 E si a sca(n)sare le sopra dette 4 partite coe del Salone grade di sopra c'era creditore e del pianerotolo inanzi a detto salone e d'uno piannerotolo a pie' di scala, c(h') entrava dov'era la fo(n)deria e d'una istanza fece ala grotta de' Pitti c(h)e fu b. 76^ e di tutte le sopra dette partite n' era ito creditore al Giornale di Tanai (de' Medici) preg(i)ato de tutte ista(n)ze per Franc" di Ser Jachopo lib. 2-15 b°. c(h)e metono [Archivio idem, Copie di Listre e. Conti, Pal. Ducale, segnato D Secondo 1 558-1560, segnato Fabb. Medicee Cod. 21, c. 128 e 128'.] 23. "Yhs MDLXXII fare debitore ispese della mnraglia del palazo ducale di D. centoventi dua lib. 3 sol. 10 di 4 piccioli creditore Santi di Micele Buglioni ischutore per la mota di b(raccia) 640 quadre di pavimenti fatti di terra biancha e rossa a tutte sua ispese fatte per dua sale nele ista(n)ze nove diverse la pia(zza) del grano 1° nela sala di papa Leone e ra(l)tra 1 sul a sala di sopra dipintal pari (dipinta al pari) del terazo D. 122 lib, 3-10-4" [Archivio Idem, Giornale e Ricordi F del Palazzo Ducale, 1566-1572, segnato Fabb. Medicee Cod. 5 c. 33*.] 2IO BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI (Documents Nos. 24-25 discovered by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.) 24. "+ Yhs MDLV Lorenzo dj bt"°(bartolomeo) marignioli schultore de dare addj 31 dagosto 1555 D. tre lib. tre p(iccioli) p(er) noj da franc" dj s(er) jac° adj 13 dagosto adi 31 detto a c5to di pavime(n)tj di terra al g'^ 257 in q° 145 D. 3 lib. 3 E addj 29 di feb° D trentanove dj m*' lib. dua p.p(er) noj da franc" sop(r)ad*° in 21 p(ar)tite dadi 14 dj sett addj 2.2 dj feb° d*° al g'" 269 av(er)e in q° c. 145 D. 39 lib. 2 — 1556 E addj 29 dagosto D. quarantuno dj m"' lib. sej sol. X p. p(er) noj da franc" di s(er) iac° in 22 ptite dadj 7 in mzo (15)55 ^^j 22 dag" (15) 56 al g'* 106 av (ere) e in q" c. 153 D. 41 lib. 6.10 — E addj 31 dj gen° 1556 D. ventitre dj m*" lib. v sol. viii dj viii" p" p(er) noj da franc" di s iac° in 7 ptite dadi 12 di sett adj 23 di gen" al g" I27inq°c.i70 D. 23 lib. 5.8.8 D. 108 lib. 2.18.8" E adj VII di mzo 1572 D j lib. IJ sol. X p(iccio)li p(er) altantj assegnatolo p(er) cred'(creditore) alibro biancho seg*° f. c. 231 av*(avere) la rag*(ragione) di detto libro in q" c. 184 D. i lib. 2.10 D. 109 lib. 5.8.8 [Archivio idem, Libro Deb. e Cred. C del Duca Cosimo, Mu- raglia del suo palazzo, 1 552-1 572, segnato Fabb. Medicee Cod. 2, c. 144.] 25. ''+ yhs MDLV Lorenzo dj bt™" marigniolj di cotro de av(er)e addj 30 di sett 1556 D. centonove dj m*' lib. V sol. viii dj viii p. li fanno buonj p" la mota dj b(raccia) 282^ quadre di pavim*° di terra cotta biancha et rossa murato in una camera delle stanze nuove del palazzo D(uca)'* a lib. 4.5 b(racci(o) p(r)egiato et misurato p(er) giorgione sa(n)tj pit (tore) di falcatone dela mota desso lib. 8.5 p(er) certopere BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 211 che si li erono pag** che tocchavano alluj dare spese in q c. 165 [Idem, c. CXLIIIJ.] D. 109 lib. 5.8.8" 206 (I) LAMENTATION AND SAINTS. 1553; (2) CRUCIFIX- ION. Croce dell'Alpe. Chiesa. Two altarpieces, one rectangular, the other round-headed. On the 9th of November, 1553, Padre Dom. Jacopo, Abbot of the Badia di Firenze, contracted with Maestro Santi di Michele (Buglioni) for two altarpieces of glazed terra-cotta for the church at Croce dell'Alpe. The document, signed by Santi di Michele, is here published (Fig. 146). I. Lamentation and Saints. This subject, familiar in the works of Giovanni della Robbia, was to represent the Madonna holding the Dead Christ in her lap; at his head S. «rv J.s. I^%» 9^y^ii 'm \MSi^ Fig. 146. — Contract for two Altarpieces at Croce dell' Alpe. Giovanni Evangelista; at his feet La Maddalena; on the dexter side S. Michele and S. Elena; on the sinister, S. Benedetto and S. Antonio (Abate) ; with frame of pilasters, cornice, frieze, and predella adorned with symbols of the passion. It is not clear precisely where and how the "trofei della passione" were expressed. Giovanni della Robbia expressed them at Lamporecchio in scenes on the pilasters ; Benedetto da Maiano in his pulpit at S. Croce as symbols on the frieze ; Benedetto Buglioni at Gavinana placed them in the hands of angels 212 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI flying about a ciborium ; Santi Buglioni placed them in the pilasters of an altarpiece at Camerino, also in the vault of a Cupola at Bevagna. The document reads as if it was the predella that was decorated in this man- ner. This would be unusual, so also was the similar decoration of the cupola at Bevagna. 2. Crucifixion. A round-headed altarpiece within which was a Christ on the Cross, with sun and moon, lance and sponge. The frame was to be ornamented with trophies of the passion. The location of Croce dell'Alpe is said by Milanesi to be near Cutigliano and it is natural to suppose that the altarpieces at Cutigliano, and Gavinana should be also attributed to Santi Buglioni. They, however, are of an earlier date and more properly to be assigned to Benedetto Buglioni. Document: — [Revised by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] "M • D • LIII Ricordo oggi q° di 9 dinovembre come el R(everen)do P(adre) D(om.) Jac° nro m(o)derno Abbate e rimasto daccordo co m° santj di michele scultore fiorentino ch(e)e(gli) faccia dua tavole di terra cotte invetriate p(er) la chiesa della croce delalpe, una di b(raccia) 5 alta et b(raccia) 4 largha drentovj questi santj cioe la madonna co christo morto ingrembo alcapo s° g"^ evagiolista apiedj la magdalena, da man conventione dextra s*" Michel archang" et s" helena imperatrice dj 2 tavole da sinistra s*° Ben*° et santo antonio co sua invetriate adornametj CO pilastrj cornice fregj et predella CO trofej della passione, nel' altra tavola inarco di larghezza di b(raccia) 2^ (2>4) et alta b(raccia) 3^ drentovj G crocifixo co la sua lancia e spugnia e sole et luna, dintorno uno ornameto di trofei di passione tt° (tutto) p(er) prezzo dj f ventisette di m** (moneta) di 1 sette p(er) f tt" daccordo col detto et p(er) lobservaza si sottoscriverra di suo propria mano- Jo santi dimichele scultore sono contento aquanto sop(r)a si contiene et i fede o fatto q' (questi) vsi(versi) da mia p'pia (propia) mano oggi q" di detto i firenze - - [Archivio di Stato, Badia di Firenze, Memorarium Tomo IV, segnato Corp. Sopp. No. 78 Cod. 264 a c. 29*; Milanesi, Misc. BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 213 32 III P c. 150; Published by Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte II (1904), 142.] Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; C-M., 148; Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904), 142 (Doc.) ; M., Sc. Mag., 1893, 688; Rossi, A. S. A., VI (1893), 10 note G; Vas., Ill, 276 note 3; VI, 88, note i. 207 MADONNA DELLA CINTOLA AND SAINTS. Villafranca. S. Francesco. Rectangular altarpiece. H., 3.25m.; W., 3.05m. Photo., Private. This altarpiece (Fig. 147), seems maladjusted to its frame and is not altogether intelligible. The Madonna, in an ill defined mandorla surrounded by cherubs and supported by four angels with crudely painted wings, lowers Fig. 147. — Madonna della Cintola, Villafranca. her girdle in such a way as to leave us in doubt whether it can ever be touched by S. Tommaso. Lateral curtains seem to shut off the heavenly vision from the mortals below. These consist of S. Bernardino di Siena, standing, holding a disk with the Sacred Name, S. Francesco on his knees praying, S. Tommaso with upraised hand behind the sarcophagus filled with lilies and roses, S. Antonio of Padua holding the flame, and a sainted Bishop (Zanobi) ? •214 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI The predella, between pilasters with high vases, shows : ( i ) Two kneel- ing saints; (2)8. Francesco receiving the stigmata; (3)8. Girolamo in the desert; and (4) two kneeHng saints. In the centre is a ciborio. The frame of the altarpiece shows pilasters with candelabra of the Badia Tedalda type and entablature with cherub and cornucopia frieze like that at Bevagna. 208 LAMENTATION OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. Villafranca. S. Francesco. Round-headed altarpiece. H., 3.25m ; W., 2.40m. From the same atelier as the preceding. The Mater Dolorosa is seated, holding the relaxed body of the dead Christ on her lap (Fig. 148). S. Francesco, kneeling, takes the place usually given to S. Giovanni at the head while the Maddalena kneels at the feet of the Christ. S. Giuseppe (or S. Pietro) stands with arms crossed at Fig. 148. — Lamentation, Villafranca. the left, while S. Jacopo Maggiore, with book and traveller's staff is at the right. The huge cross is splashed with paint to indicate that it is made of wood, but no care is taken to show that it was planted in the ground. At the top of the cross is a scroll inscribed : A I • N • R • I A ; above the hori- BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI 215 zontal branches are four angels carrying the nails, spear, rod with sponge, and crown of thorns ; below hang scourges, and in the centre S. Veronica's handkerchief. Calvary is indicated as a hill on which are several large plants. The predella shows : (i ) the Sacred Monogram; (2) the Visitation ( ?) ; (3) the Resurrection; (4) Christ and the Samaritan Woman; and (5) the Sacred Monogram. Narrow pilasters and insignificant panels decorated with marbled, diamond-shaped patterns fill out the scheme of the predella The frame shows pilasters and archivolt decorated with candelabra of the Badia Tedalda type. Bibl. : Cr., 357- 209 RELIEF PORTRAIT HEADS OF MICHELANGELO. 1564. Florence. S. Lorenzo (formerly). Michelangelo died on Feb. 18, 1564 (modern style). His obsequies were celebrated on July 14 of the same year by the recently established Academy of Design of which he was the distinguished head. The Academicians re- solved to celebrate the event by ingenious invention rather than by costly display. However, Vasari tells us the magnificence of the ceremonial was equal to that of any ever solemnized by the Academy. It took place in S. Lorenzo, in the central nave of which was erected a huge catafalque, twenty- eight braccia high, surmounted by a figure of Fame. It is compared by Vasari to the Mausoleum of Augustus, or, being quadrangular, to the Septizonium of Severus. It was composed in three stages. On the first were colossal figures of the Arno and Tiber and paintings of the youthful Michelangelo under the patronage of Lorenzo de'Medici. On the second platform were groups of Genius and Ignorance, Religion and Impiety, Art and Envy, and Diligence and Indolence — also statues of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Poetry, as well as paintings representing the life of Michelangelo. Above this platform was a Pyramid, nine braccia high, on the two principal sides of which framed in large ovals were heads of Michelangelo in relief, verit- able portraits, admirably executed by Santi Buglioni. Statues and reliefs were made of clay covered with a coating of white, resembling marble. They must have been somewhat cumbrous as compared with the crea- tions in stafif of modern times. The linen for the catafalque was furnished by Santi's son Michelangelo, linen merchant. 2i6 BENEDETTO AND SANTI BUGLIONI Documents: — [Copied by Mr. Rufus G. Mather.] 1. "Uscita Dom" adi 26 di novembre 1564 A spese del catafalcho 1 ventuna p(er) conto di tele porto Michelagniolo di santi linaiuolo e p(er) lui a Benedetto pergoletj suo garzone contanti 1 21 s — " 2. "Adi dicanove dicembre A spese del catafalcho 1 36 s 10 sono p(er) resto di tele havute da Michelagnioli buglioni linaiuolo p(er) resto di saldo fatto insieme con zanobi lastrichati proveditore del catafalcho come apare p(er) scritta fatta e sottoscritta da e detti e paghati p(er) poliza del proveditore porto contanti 1 26 s 10 — " [Arch, di Stato, Accad. del Disegno, Entrata e Uscita 1 562-1 588, Seg- nato Note 27 cod. loi, c. 105*.] Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Esequie del divino Michel- angelo Buonarroti celebrate in Firenze dcdl 'Accadenvia, etc. Flor- ence, 1564; Symonds, II, 325-330; Vas., Ill, 376 note 3; VI, 88 note i; VII, 296-317, 401-404. 210 PUTTI, CAPRICORNI, HEADS. 1565. Florence. Palazzo Vecchio. Francesco I, son and successor of the Grand Duke Cosimo de'Medici, was married to the Archduchess Giovanna of Austria in 1565. For the celebration of the marriage festival Milanesi states that Santi Buglioni in company with Lorenzo Marignolli, made and glazed various "putti, capri- corni e teste di terra e di cartapesta" to ornament the courtyard of the Palazzo Vecchio. Green garlands were swung upon the walls or between the columns, supported or separated by the putti, capricorni, or heads. Francesco was married in the month of December when Capricorn was in the ascendancy (Vas. VIII, 569). The festival, of unusual brilliancy, was devised by Vincenzo Borghini. A contemporary description of it is published by Milanesi at the end of his edition of Vasari's Vite. To this is added a note published by Mellini at the end of his Descrisione of the same festival in which the names of the artists employed are enumerated. It may be observed that in this list Marignolli's name occurs, but no mention is made of Santi Buglioni. Bibl. : Bombe, B-Th., Lex., s.v. Santi Buglioni; Vas., Ill, 376, note 2; VI. 88, note i; VIII, 517-622. III. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX I. Bibliographical Abbreviations A. in A = Art in America. New York, 1913- A. J. A. =^ American Journal of Archae- ology. Archaeological Institute of Amer- ica. New York, 1885- A. e S. = Arte e Storia. Florence, 1881- A. S. A. = Archivio storico dell' arte. Rome, 1 888- 1897. L'Arte = L'Arte (gia Archivio Storico deir Arte). Rome, 1898- Amati =: Amati, Dizionario corografico-il- lustrato dell' Italia. 10 vols. n.d. Angelelli, = Cav. Antonio Angelli, Mem- orie Storiche di Montaione in Valdelsa. Florence-Rome, 1875. Ann. Arch. = Annales Archeologiques. Paris, 1844-1881. Anselmi = Anselmo Anselmi, L'ltalia ar- tistica e industriale ^ Le nmioliche roh- hiane nelle Marche, in L'ltalia artistica e industriale, I (1893-1895), 77-79, 167- 173. B. G. = S. Baring Gould, The Lives of the Saints. New and Rev. Ed. 16 vols. Edinburgh, 1914. B. J. = Henry Barbet de Jouy, Les della Robbia. Paris, 1885. B. J., Desc. = Henry Barbet de Jouy, De- scription des Sculptures du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. Musee National du Louvre. Paris, 1876. B-Th. = Felix Becker und Ulrich Thieme. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kiinstler. 11 vols, published. Leipzig, 1907- B. Denkm. = Wilhelm Bode, Denkmdler der Renaissance-Sculptur Toscanas. Text and 557 plates. Munich, 1892-1905. B. Kf. = Wilhelm Bode, Die KUnstler- familie della Robbia, in Dohme, Kunst und Kiinstler Italiens, H, i. No. 47. Leipzig, 1878. B. und Tsch. = Wilhelm Bode und Hugo von Tschudi, Beschreibung der Bildwerke der Christlichen Epoche. Berlin, 1888. Bacci, Riv. d'Arte, H (1904) = Peleo Bac- ci, Una "Resurresione" di Benedetto Buglioni, in Rivista d'Arte, II (1904), 49-63 (Doc). Baldinucci = Filippo Baldinucci, Opere. 14 vols. Milan, 1808-1812. Bardini Coll. = Stefano Bardini, Cata- logue des objets d'art . . . provenant de la collection Bardini de Florence. Vente a Londres chez Mr. Christie le Mai 1902. Paris, 1902. Bardini Sale of 1918 = The Stefano Bar- dini Collection. Sale at New York, April 22-27, 1918. New York, 1918. Begni = Ernesto Begni, The Vatican. New York, 1914. Beni = C. Beni, Guida illustrata del Ca- sentino. Florence, 1889. Bocchi-Cinelli =1 Francesco Bocchi e Gio- vanni Cinelli, Le bellesze della cittd di Firenze . . . scritta, gia da M. Francesco Bocchi e ora da M. Giovanni Cinelli ampliate ed accresciute. Florence, 1677. Boll. d'Arte = Bolletino d'Arte. Rome, 1907- Briganti := Antonio Briganti, Cristina di Bolsena. Venice, 1908. Brogi, Inv. = Francesco Brogi, Inventario generale degli oggetti d'arte della provin- cia di Siena. Siena, 1897. Burckh. = Burckhardt-Bode-Fabriczy, Der Cicerone. 9th ed. Leipzig, 1904. Burl. =: Marchesa L. Burlamacchi, Luca della Robbia. London, 1900. C. = G. B. di Crollanza, Dizionario Storico- blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabile italiane. 3 vols. Pisa, 1886. C-M. = Camillo Jacopo Cavallucci et fimile Molinier, Les della Robbia. Paris, 1884. Campori, = Giuseppe Campori, Memorie biografiche degli scultori, architetti, pit- tori etc nativi di Carrara etc. Modena, 1873. Carmichael ^ Montgomery Carmichael, Francia's Masterpiece. An Essay on the Beginnings of the Immaculate Concep- tion in Art. New York, 1909. Carocci, AJ.D.I., = Giudo Carocci, La cantoria nella Pieve di S. Maria Impru- neta ed un fregio robbiano, in Arte Ital- iana Decorativa e Industriale, VI (1897), 65-66. Carocci =: Guido Carocci, / Dintorni di Firenze. 2 vols. Florence, 1906-1907. Carocci, III. Fior. = Guido Carocci, La lu- netta Robbiana d'Ognissanti, in L'lllus- tratore Fiorentino, 1912, 141-143. Carocci, 5". Case. = Guido Carocci, II co- mune di San Casciano in Val di Pesa. Florence, 1892. Carocci, Valdarno 1= Guido Carocci, // Valdarno (Italia artistica. No. 20). Bergamo, 1906. Carotti, A. S. A., IV (1891) = Giulio Carotti, // tabernacolo con nicchia per le abluzioni nella sagrestia della chiesa di 219 220 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 5". Niccold da Tolentino in Prato, in Archivio Storico dell'Arte, IV (1891) 112-116. Cocchi =: Arnaldo Cocchi, Le chiesa di Firense dal secolo IV al secolo XX. Florence, 1903. Contrucci = Pietro Contrucci, Monumento robbiano nella loggia delta spedale di Pistoia. Prato, 1835. Corradini = Enrico Corradini, Prato e suoi dontorni (Italia artistica. No. 12). Bergamo, 1905. Cr. = Maud Cruttwell, Luca and Andrea delta Robbia and their successors. Lon- don and New York, 1902. Cr., Gas. B. A., XXXI (1904) = Maud Cruttwell, Girotamo delta Robbia et ses Oeuvres, in Gazette des Beaux Arts, XXXI (1904), 27-52, 140-148. Demmin = Auguste Frederic Demmin, Guide de I'amateur le faiences et por- celaines etc. Paris, 1863. Deneken ^ Friedrich Deneken, Bericht des k. Friedrich Museum zu Krefeld. Kre- feld, 1903- Didron, Ann. Arch., 1861 = Didron Aine, Les Oeuvres de Misericorde, in Annales Archeologiques, XXI (1861), 195-209. Drake = Maurice and Wilfred Drake, Saints and their Emblems. London and Philadelphia, 1916. Fabriczy, Riv. d'Arte, II (1904) = Cornel de Fabriczy, Benedetto Bugtioni, in Ri- vista d'Arte, II (1904), I39-I42. Fabriczy, R. f. K., XXIX (1906), 47 = Cornel de Fabriczy, a note on Bacci's article in the Rivista d'Arte, 1904, 49-63. Fov. = Jean de Foville, Les delta Robbia. Paris, 1910. Gerspach, Rass. d'Arte, V (1905) = £dou- ard Gerspach, Oeuvres des Robbia pcu coniiues on inconnues, in Rassegna d'Arte V (1905), 94-95; VI (1906), 14- 15. Geymiiller = Freiherr Heinrich Adolf von Geymiiller und C. M. von Stegmann, Die Architectur der Renaissance in Toscana. 11 vols. Munich, 1885-1908. Giglioli = Odoardo H. Giglioli, Pistoia netle sue opere d'arte. Florence, 1904. Giglioli, a Prato = Odoardo H. Giglioli, a Prato impressioni d'arte. Florence, 1902. Gior. Erud. Artistica = Giornale di Erudi- zione artistica. Perugia, 1872-1877. Graziani = Giovanni Graziani, L'Arte a Citta di Castetto. Citta di Castello, 1897. Gsell-Fels, Oberitalien = Theodor Gsell- Fells, Oberitalien und die Riviera, in Meyer's Reisebiicher. Leipzig und Wien, 1892. Guardabassi = Mariano Guardabassi, In- dice-Guida dei monumenti pagani e cris- tiani riguardenti I'istoria e I'arte esistente nella provincia dell' Umbria. Perugia, 1872. Guasti, Cafaggiolo = Gaetano Guasti, Caf- aggioto e d'altre fabbriche di ceramiche in Toscana. Florence, 1902. Guide Joanne, It. Centr. = Paul Joanne, Itatie. II Itatie du Centre (Collection des Guides-Joanne). Paris, 1891. 111. Fior. = L'lllustratore Fiorentino. Florence, 1880- Nuova Serie, 1904-. Labarte =: Jules Labarte, Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et a I'epoque de la renaissance. 4 vols, of text, and 2 of plates. Paris, 1864-1866. Landucci = Luca Landucci, Diario fioren- tino dal 1450 al 1516 . . . continuato da un anonimo fino al 1542. Florence, 1883. (von) Lanna Sale 1909 = Sammtung des freiherrn Adalbert von Lanna (Prag). Versteigerung, Nov. 9-16, 1909. 2 vols. Berlin, 1909. Lazari := Vincenzo Lazari, Notisia delte opere d'arte e d'antichita delta raccolta Correr di Venecia. Venice, 1859. Litta = Conte Pompeo Litta, Famiglie cele- bri d'ltatia. Milan, 1819- Lydig Collection ^ The Rita Lydig Col- lection of Notable Art Treasures of the Gothic and Renaissance Periods. New York, 1913. Mancini, Cortona = Girolamo Mancini, Cortona, Montecchio Vespone, e Castig- lione Fiorentino. Bergamo, 1909. Marcotti = J. Marcotti, Guide-Souvenir de Florence. Florence, 1892.; M., A. in A. = Allan Marquand, A Statu- ette of Dovisia by Giovanni delta Rob- bia in the Minneapolis Museum, in Art in America, V (1917), 195-199. M., A. I. A. XXII (1918) = Allan Mar- quand, Unpublished Documents relating to the Ceppo Hospital at Pistoia, in American Journal of Archaeology, XXII (1918) 361-377- M., A. J. A., XXII (1918), 310 = Allan Marquand, Unpublished Documents re- lating to the worti of Benedetto and Santi Bugtioni for Badia Tedatda, in American Journal of Archaeology, XXII (1918), 310-318. M., A. J. A., XXIV (1920) = Allan Mar- quand, A New Document for the Ceppo Hospital Medallions, in American Jour- nal of Archaeology, XXIV (1920), 269- 270. M., Br. = Allan Marquand, The Decora- tion of the Ceppo Hospital at Pistoia, in The Brickbuilder, II (1902), 222-224. M., D. R. A., =, Allan Marquand, Delia Robbias in America. Princeton and Ox- ford, 1912. M., G. d. R. = Allan Marquand, Giovanni delta Robbia. Princeton and Oxford, 1920. M., R. H., = Allan Marquand, Robbia Heraldry. Princeton and Oxford, 1919. M., Sc. Mag. = Allan Marquand, A Search for delta Robbia Monuments in Italy, in Scribner's Magazine, Dec, 1893. R. G. Mather, L'Arte, XXII (1919), 107 = Rufus G. Mather, Nuovi Documenti Robbiani, in L'Arte, XXI (1918), 190- 209; Idem., Seconda Serie, L'Arte, XXII BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 221 (1919), 105-112; Idem, Terza Serie, L'Arte, XXII (1919), 243-248 (Docs.). Mazzini = Ubaldo Mazzini, Alcuni opere di Benedetto Buglioni, estr. dal Giorn. Stor. e Lett, della Liguria, VI (1905), 322-326. Mazzini = Ubaldo Mazzini, La vicende di un invetriato robbiano. La Spezia, 1904. Melani, A. e. S. = Alfredo Melani, Una lunetta nello Spedale del Ceppo a Pistoia, in Arte e Storia, XXII (1903), lo-ii. Melani, Sc. Ital. = Alfredo Melani, La Scoltura italiana (Manuali Hoepli). Milan, 1885. Michel = Andre Michel, Histoire de I'Art depuis les premiers temps Chretiens jusqu' a nos jours. 5 vols, published. Paris, 1905- Murray, Central Italy = Murray's Hand- book for Travellers in Central Italy. London, 1892. N. Riv. Misena = Nuova Rivista Misena. Arcevia, 1888-1894. P. = Priorista, a Manuscript in the Prince- ton Art Museum containing a classified list of the Priors of Florence with their coats of arms. Perkins, H. H. = Charles C. Perkins, His- torical Handbook of Italian Sculpture. New York, 1883. Perkins, T. S. — Charles C. Perkins, Tus- can Sculptors. 2 vols. London, 1864. Poggi, Cat. Mus. di Duomo . = Giovanni Poggi, Catalogo del Musco dell' Opera del Duomo. Florence, 1904. Pointner = Andy Pointner, Die Werke des florentinischen Bildhauers Agostino d' An- tonio di Duccio. Strassburg, 1909. Puccinelli = P. D. Placido Puccinelli, I storia dell 'Eroiche Attioni di Ugo il Grande con la Cronica dell' Abbadia di Firenze. Milan, 1664. R., D. R. = Marcel Reymond, Les della Robbia. Florence, 1897. R., Sc. Fl. — Marcel Reymond, La Sculp- ture Florentine. 4 vols. Florence, 1897- 1900. R. f. K. = Repertorium fiir Kunstwissen- schaft. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1876- Rass. d'Arte = Rassegna d'Arte. Milan and Rome, 1901- Rass. bibl. arte ital. = Rassegna biblio- grafica dell' arte italiana. Rocca S. Cas- ciano, 1898- Repetti = Emanuele Repetti, Disionario geografico, fisico, storico della Toscana. 6 vols. Florence, 1833-1846. Richa = Giuseppe Richa, Notizie istorische delle chiese fiorentine. 10 vols. Flor- ence, 1754-1762. Riv. d'Arte = Rivista d'Arte. Florence, 19.13- Robinson = J. C. Robinson, Italian Sculp- ture of the Middle Ages and Period of the Revival of Art in the South Ken- sington Museum. London, 1862. Roscoe = William Roscoe, The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, 2 vols. London, 1855-1858. A. Rossi, Gior. d'Erud. Artistica, II (1873), 250 = Adamo Rossi, Documenti per la storia della scoltura ornamentale in pietra, No. 4. Lodo della cappella di S. Giuseppe in S. Lorenzo di Perugia, etc., in Giomale di Erudizione Artistica, II (1873), 250-254. U. Rossi, A. S. A., VI (1893) = Umberto Rossi. // museo nazionale di Firenze nel triennio 1889-1891 in Archivio Storico deir Arte, VI (1893), 1-24. S. = Paul Schubring, Luca della Robbia und seine Familie. Bielefeld und Leip- zig, 1905. Sangiorgi = Galerie Sangiorgi, Rome. Palais Borghese. Catalogue des Objets d'Art Ancien pour I'Annee 1913. Venice, 1913. Santoni, A''. Riv. Misena = Can. M. San- toni, Altare di maiolica ai Cappuccini di Camerino, in Nuova Rivista Misena, I (1888), 35-37- Schottmiiller = Frida Schottmiiller, Die Italienischen und Spanischen Bildwerke der Renaissance und Barocks etc. Ko- nig. Mus. zu. Berlin. Beschreibung der Bildwerke der christlichen Epochen. 2'* auflage. Berlin, 1913. Scott = Leader Scott, Vincigliata and Mai- ano. Florence, 1891. Seilliere Coll. == Catalogue des objets d'Art etc provenant de I'importante collection de feu M. le Baron Achille Seilliere. Paris, 1890. Seligman = Arnold Seligman, The Nativity by Giovanni della Robbia. Paris, 1920. Stuart, Perugia ^ R. A. G. Stuart, Peru- gia. Bergamo, 1905. Supino =: Igino Benvenuto Supino, Cata- logo del R. Museo Nazionale di Firenze. Rome, 1898. Symonds =: John Addington Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, 5 vols. London, 1880-1882. Tigri =: Giuseppe Tigri, Intorno al palaz- zo Pretoria del podesta di Pistoia, Me- moria storica. Pistoia, 1848. Tolomei =^ Francesco Tolomei, Guida di Pistoia etc. Pistoia, 182 1. Vas. = Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de' piu ec- cellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori. Ed. Gaetano Milanesi. 9 vols. Florence, 1878- 1906. Vaughan, = Herbert M. Vaughan, The Medici Popes. New York and London, 1908. Voragine = Jacques de Voragine, La Legende dorce. Paris, 1905. W. = Howel Wells, Florentine Heraldry. London, 1900. Zampi = Paolo Zampi, Di un altare in- vetriato dai della Robbia esistente in Bolsena, Memoria, in Nuova Giornale Arcadico di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Serie III, vol. II, Ease. V, Maggio 1889. Published separately, Milan, 1890. 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 2. Index of Subjects Adoration of the Magi, i6i. Angels, 75-77, 8i. Angels, Candelabrum bearers, 20, diT. Annunciation, 54, 55, 124, 132, 133, 147, 156, 159, 190, 191. Apparition, 46. Assumption, 102, 105, 124, 147. Baptism, 102. Birth of the Virgin, 192. Bishop, 67. Capricorni, 216. Casavecchia, 103. Ceppo Hospital Stemma, iii. Charity, 115, 173. Cherubs, 36, 39, 65, (:^, 116, 129. Christ, crucified, 65, 67, 97. in Hades, 4. in Sepulchre, 106, 117, 119, 124, 133, 139, 141, 194. youthful, 17, 59. Ciborio, 39, 40, 41, 62, 99, 154, 187. Coronation, 91, 94. Crucifix, loi. Crucifixion, 65, 67, 97, 211. David, 7. Deeds of Mercy, 165-182. Deposition, 190. Dovizia, 79. Ecce Agnus Dei, 190. Epiphany, 87, 124, 161. Faith, 173. Figurines, 196. Fra Leo, 194. Frame, 104, 113, 136. Gethsemane, 184. Giovanni delle Bande Nere, 195. Heads, 195. Holy Water Stoup, 60. Hope, 115, 173. Immaculate Conception, 53. Isaiah, 7. Justice, 173. Lambs, 36. Lamentation, 142, 143, 211, 214. Lavabo, 15, 16, 23, 144. Lectern, ir. Leo X, no. Lorini, 114. Maddalena, 67. Madonna, 35, 47, 50, 57, 75-77, 81, 82, 87, 88, 101-102, 106, 109, 121, 122, 129, 135, 14T, 146, 164, 182. adoring Child, 72-75, 130, 131. della Cintola, 149, 153, 155, 213. delle Grazie, 71. and Monks, 19, loi. and Saints, 47, 50, 57, 61, 68, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 81, 83, 105, 116, 119, 121, 122, 139, 147, 160, 187, 188, 193. in Glory, 141, 142. Mask, 184. Michelangelo portrait, 215. Miracle of Bolsena, 65-66. Monogram of Jesus, 13, 14, 36, 69, 215. Mori, 106. Nativity, 45, 87, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 139, 141, 148. Niche, 17. Noli me tangere, 47. Pavements, 196-21 1. Pilasters, 56, 167, 175. Prophets, 59. Presentation, 192. Prudence, 173. Putti, 216. Resurrection, 27, 215. Ricasoli, 107. Saints, 82, 83, 97, 99. Samaritan Woman, 15, 48, 215. S. Agnese, 95, 189. S. Andrea, 124. S. Anna, 47. S. Anselmo, 55. S. Antonio Abate, 60, 61, 77, 120, 122, 157, 194- S. Antonio of Padua, 124, 148, 194, 213. S. Bartolommeo, 119. S. Benedetto, 13, 15, 126. S. Bernardino, 120, 194, 213. S. Chiara, 106. S. Cristina, 62, 64. S. Domenico, 139. S. Francesco, 85, 117, 119, 121, 124, 128, 139, 142, 147, 148, 189, 193, 194, 213, 214. S. Gabriele, 156, 157, 160, 192. S. Giovanni Battista, 18, 97, 122, 190. S. Giovanni Evangelista, 117, 119, 124, 142, 184, 194. S. Giovannino, 17, 20, 21, 59, 75, 130, 131. S. Girolamo, 50, 106, 117, 121, 124, 133, 150, 156, 214. S. Giuliano, 119, 147, 157. S. Giuseppe, 124, 129, 161, 214. S. Gregorio, 98. S. Gualberto, 160. S. Jacopo Maggiore, 127, 160, 184, 214. S. Leonardo, 69, 126. S. Lorenzo, 193. S. Lucia, 80, 124, 128, 136. S. Marco, 119. S. Maria Egiziaca, 19, 95. S. Maria Maddalena, 20, 106. S. Martino, 98. S. Michele, 98, 108. S. Niccolo, 50, 98. S. Paolo, 193. S. Pietro, 13, 14, 164, 184, 193. S. Rocco, 85, 148, 187. S. Romolo, 20, 95. S. Sebastiano, 77, 97, 148, 157, 187. S. Stefano, 20, 193. S. Tommaso, 149, 153, 156, 163, 213. S. Veronica, 193. Sirens, 165, 174. Sposalizio, 69, 192. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX 223 Stemma, 3, T, 22, 23, 24, 35, 38, 49, 52, 60, 61, 85, 86, 91, 103, 106, 107, no, III, 114, 146. Stigmata, 123, 193. Symbols of the Passion, 190, 193, 211, 212. Tablet, no. Trinity, 97, 164. Trophies, 184. Troscia, 146. Vault, 193. Virtues, iiS, 165. Visitation, 124, 190, 192, 215. 3. Index of Places Amelia, 22. Anghiari, 107. Antona, 72. Arezzo, 70. Arsoli, 66. Badia a Settimo, 39. Badia Tedalda, 116, 153, I54, iS6, I57- Baltimore, 81, 82, 83, 88. Baize, Le, 122. Barga, 105, 106. Berlin, 72, 76, 79, 131- Bevagna, 191, 193. Bibbiena, 190. Bolsena, 62-69, 80. Borgo a Mozzano, 54. Borgo S. Sepolcro, 132. Boston, 129. Braunschweig, 75. Buggiano, 52, 146. Caiano, 78. Camerino, 188. Campi, 71. Castiglione Fiorentino, 102, 108, 147. Cavriglia, 20, 21. Certaldo, 39. Chianti, 193. Chicago, 97. Citta di Castello, 161. Cleveland, 87. Colcellalto, 164. Croce deir Alpe, 211. Cutigliano, 119. Diacceto, 78. Doccialina, 78. Dicomano, 161. Empoli, 53, 55, 56, 76, 147. Fabrica di Peccioli, 59, 60, 61. Fiesole, 17, 95. Florence, Museo Nazionale, 17, 48, 73, 109, 122, 141, 160. Museo deir Opera del Duomo, 19. Duomo, 35. SS. Annunziata, 4, 196. S. Lorenzo, no, 115, 215. S. Lucia, 136. S. Miniato, 19, lOi. S. Pancrazio, 143. S. Pietro Maggiore, 159. Ognissanti, 94. Scalzo, 18. Vergine Maria, Compagnia, 20. Biblioteca Laurenziana, 196. Innocenti Hospital, 139. Palazzo Vecchio, 196, 197, 216. Pitti Palace, 196, 200. Antinori Collection, 132. Barbieri Nini Collection, 113. Bardini Collection, 56, 79, n6, 122, 184. Bourtourlin Collection, 184. Frescobaldi Collection, 71, 77. Orselli Collection, 75 Palmieri Collection, 39. Private Collection, 129. Piazza de S. Marco, 195. Via Nazionale, 135. Fresciano, 164. Gavinana, 97, 99. Guilford, 74. Krefeld, 56, 57. Lama, 182. London, 18, 2>^, 126, 133, 146. Madrid, 74. Massa-Carrara, 87. Montebottolino, 163. Montemignaio, yy. Monte Oliveto, 142. Montepaldi, 160. Naples, 195. New York, 74, no, 121, 122, 127, 136, 142. Nippozano, 141. Oxford, n6. Paris, 74, 75, 83, 119, 125, 128, 129. Perugia, 7, n-i6, 23. Pescia, 97, 114. Petrograd, 127. Pisa, 141. Pistoia, 7, 27, 91, in, 165. Poppi, 124, 149. Porrena, 155. Prato, 144. Radicofani, 67. Redhill, 131. Rifredi, 47, 69. Rincine, 81. Rome, 3, 21. Roslyn, 82. S. Casciano, 57, 75, 102, 103, 104. S. Giovanni in Valdarno, 22,, 85. S. Fiora, 97. Sarzana, 133. Scarperia, 24, 35, 86. Selci, 164. Sesto, 38, 106. Signa, 39. Stia, 45, 46, 187. Tizzano, 61. Turin, 130. i Villafranca, 213, 214. Vincigliata, 132, 133, 139. Volterra, 49. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or | on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL i61k9^Sli oF'r~''ri 1 D J HuV A 04 •Or I/I in 91 A fin™ 4 'fit General Library '(E455tfoT476B Univershy^of California 483262 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY