GIFT OF Class of 1887 Copyright 1897 He Science /?< of the > Millennium BY STEPHEN and MARY MAYBELL ADDRESS OHANNEL.L. AND NINTH STREETS SAN RRANCISOO C^ AL-IRCDRNI A SCIENCE OF THE MILLENNIUM BOOK ONE INDEX Society Not to Blame - 5 The Guilty one - - 7 Hiding the 1 . Sin ... 9 - - 10 .. 12 1 3 'Evolution and Revolution 15 Society Grows 17 No Compromise - 18 Breaking Into Heaven - 20 The Struggle 22 The Maker of Social Darkness 24 The Darkness ... 25 The Suffering 26 Reform and Relief 27 Reforming Backward - 28 Political Visions - 30 A Political Utopia 31 Reforming Outward 32 Artificial Reform - 34 Natural Reform - - - 36 O VI The Plans of self - - - 37 What Society Needs - - 40 The Sin - - 41 Th Secret of Political Reform 42 Society Reformed 43 No Other Reform - 44 In The Animal Kingdom - 45 The Animal Law - 46 Spiritually Animal 48 Redemption - 49 The Sin that Prevents Heaven 51 The Way Out - - - 53 The Pyramid of Sin - - 54 The Wages of Sin - - 55 The Slaves of Profit 57 Martyrs for self ... 59 The Kingdom of God - - 61 The Kingdom of self 62 Wages and Poverty - - 63 The Sin of Wages "... 65 The Sin of Price - - - 66 The Sin of Selling - - 68 The Sin of The Multitude 69 Wages and Rent 70 Wages and Taxation - - 71 The Spirit of The Law of Society 73 The Individual Law - - 74 8767Q4 VII Universal and Individual Law 76 The Door to Hell on Earth - 79 Hold to Satan - - 81 Working For Satan - 82 Working For God - 83 Devided bv Sin - 84 The Pyramid of Hell - 87 Equal in Sin 88 One in Principle 89 Sins Social System 90 Society Sold by the Poor - 91 The Sin of the Poor - 92 The Over Sin - - - 93 The Many and the Few 95 The Spirit of Poverty - 96 Spiritually Blind - 98 Getting and Giving - - 99 Sin Satisfied 101 The Freedom of Labor 102 No Wages - - 104 No Unemployed - 105 The Bondage 106 Perishing in the Sin - - 107 Reform Must Save Now 108 Perishing in Idleness - 109 HellBuilded - - 110 Reform that Saves Now - 111 VIII The Great Salvation - - 112 The Spiritual Kingdom - 113 The Physical Kingdom - 115 The Order of Hell - - 116 The Order of Heaven - - 118 The Law of Nature - - 119 One With 'God - 121 The Plan of Salvation - - 122 The Plan of Creation - - 123 The Unity of Man - - 124 The Universal Religion - 125 The Religion of Creation - 126 Natural Religion - - 127 Natural Holiness - - 128 Artificial Holiness - - 130 The Deliverance - - 133 The Testimony ... 134 The Test - - - - 135 Working With God - - 136 The Debt - 137 The Kingdom of Justice - 138 Out of Heaven - - - 139 The Law of Hell - - 141 The Law of Heaven - . 142 The At-onement - - 145 The Perfect One - - 147 The Mortal Sin - 149 SCIENCE OP THE MILLENNIUM : . SOCIETY NOT TO BLAME If the Light is within -the People, it shines from them outward, and they are glorified. And if the Darkness is within the People, it comes from within them outward, and they are in Darkness. And whatever is 6 within the People Spirit- ually, is without and around them physically. They blame Society for their darkness, they blame the Condition around them . for their darkness ; but the dark- ness is within them, and the responsibility is within them, and within each one. For the darkness is not made by the physical Condition around them; but by the spiritual Con- dition within them. 7 They believe, that Society is responsible for each ones sin, that Soci- ety makes the sinner. And the sinners are called upon to reform Society . And they all look Outward for Reform. THE GUILTY ONE Society reveals in its scenes of injustice and misery, the results of that which is within each one. Each one is for self. 8 And self is against the Justice and Happiness of Society. The scenes that Soci- ety presents are naturally presented. And Society can not be prevented from the externalization of its interior character, by the artificial arrangement of its Exterior, politically; and be made to present scenes of * Justice and Happiness, when the principle is not within the People. 9 HIDING THE SIN To tell the People, that Society, is responsible for their Wrongs; is to s h i f t the responsibility from causation, to effect; from those in whom exists the cause, to Society, in whom exists the effect. To tell them, that the cause of their Trouble, lies in the condition of Society, only fastens them deeper in their unconciousness of the cause, directs their endeavor Outward, instead 10 of Inward, and prevents the Reformation of Society. As they look Outward, for Reformation, self rem- ains Hidden, Within them. THE ROOT OF HELL The Foundation of Society, is Spiritual. The physical Condi- tion of Society, rests up- on its Spiritual condition. The Reformation of Society, therefore, begins in the Spiritual. In the Spirit, is the 11 Cause; in the Body, is the Effect. The Condition of Society, is what it is through Cause and Effect. Through the Forming of the Physical, by the Spiritual. In the spirit of each one, is self. And the Root, from which Hell Grows, is in the spirit of each one. And the Root of Hell is self. 12 EVOLUTION OP HELL Hell is Natural, to the spirit of self. Hell on Earth, Evo- lutes Naturally, from the spirit of self. The Evolution of Hell, can not be stopped politically. While self, is in the spirit, the Evolution of Hell, will continue. To attempt, to stop the Evolution of Hell, by Political laws, or through the Force of the Phvsical 13 is to attempt, to Reform Society, Unnaturally. The Evolution of Hell on Earth, can only be stopped, by the Reformation of the Spirit . UNNATURAL REFORM' To attempt, to Re- form Society Politically, or Physically, is to attempt to Reform Society Unnaturally . Hell can not be re- moved Politically or Phy- 14 sically, while self remains Spiritually, within the People. If the Multitude were given a Utopia, they would have to relapse back again to the Hell Natural to the selfish- ness within their spirit. If through the Social Earthquake of Revolution , Political, or Unnatural Reform, were to take place and the physical conditions of the Multitude, were to be politically forced superior to their spiritual 15 condition; they would have to settle back again ; not having the spiritual foundation within them- selves, to sustain their physical elevation. Society can not be Reformed, Unnaturally. EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION Evolution, is the unfoldment of the Spirit- ual, through the Phys- ical. 16 Self, in the Spirit Evolutes Hell, through all the Body of Society. And the Body of Society, Revolts . The Revolt of the Body of Society, is called Revolution . And Revolution is the Last Resort, the Climax, of trying to Reform So- ciety through the Physical. It is the Body and Mind of Society, at War. It is the Conflagration of the Elements of Society, 17 And as Evolution is the Construction of Society, Revolution is the Destruction of Society. SOCIETY GROWS Society Grows from within, outward . And whether Society Grows Hell, or Heaven, it Grows. Society will Grow Heaven, instead of Hell, when Society has God within, instead of self. The Spirit of Man 18 can Grow Heaven, MORE EASILY than Hell. But self, in the Spirit of Man, PREFERS to Grow Hell And self, in the Spirit of Man, Suffers Hell on Earth, rather than Surrender. No COMPROMISE In the Reformation of the Spirit of Man, there is no Compromise with self. It is EITHER, GOD or self Angel or Animal, 19 Heaven or Hell, on Earth, for Man. There is no Partial Reform , in the Spirit. There is no being with God, and with self, at the same time . There" is no Living and Working for self, and Making Hell on Earth, in the Reformation of the Spirit of Man. The Reformation of the Spirit of Man, is the Complete Holiness on Earth, of the Life of Man. And the Complete 20 Holiness of the Life of Man, is the Complete Heaven, on Earth. BREAKING INTO HEAVEN But Man refuses to enter Heaven on Earth , through the Reformation of the Spirit. And seeks to enter Heaven on Earth Physi-- cally ; without Spiritual Reformation. With out surrendering self. And Man tries to Physically Climb into 21 Heaven on Earth, with self in him . Tries to physical- ly enter Heaven on Earth, by seizing Riches, Place and Power; by making laws; and by Politically arranging Society. The Struggle of each one to Get Rich, is the Struggle of each one to Break into Heaven on Earth, physically; instead of entering it spiritually. The Struggle of Political Reform, is the Struggle to get Society 22 to BREAK into Heaven on Earth PHYSICALLY, instead of Society entering it Spirit- ually, through the Surrender of self in each one. THE STRUGGLE The Struggle of each one to Live, is the Struggle to Live for self. The Current of Life flows to All Each one, TRYING to Live for self, is each one TRYING to Live Against the Current of Life. 23 Man, Trying to Live, Against the Current of Life, is the Struggle we behold, in each one, and in Society. The Struggle is for self. The Surrender of self, is the Surrender of the Struggle . When the Spirit sur- renders self, the Struggle ceases; And the Life Lives and Flows with the Current of the Universe. When Man surrenders self, Man begins to Live. 24 THE MAKER OP SOCIAL DARKNESS The Law of Univer- sality, is to Give. Self in each one, seeks to Live Against the Universal Law;- -seeks to Live by Getting. Self in each one, seeks to Get what it Can from Society. Self in each one Carries what it can Away from Society. Dividing the Life, and Extinguishing the 25 Fire . And self in each one , is the Maker of Social Darkness. * THE DARKNESS From the Darkness Within, comes the Dark- ness Without. From the Evil Within comes the Evil Without. Within is the Cause Without is the Effect. 26 THE SUFFERING Societys Physical Suffering, comes from its Spiritual Sin. Society can only be Physically Relieved of its Suffering by being Spirit- ually Reformed. The Greater the Need of Societys Physical Relief the Greater the Need of Societys Spiritual Reform- ation. 27 REFORM AND RELIEF Relief is Physical. Reform is Spiritual. Political Reform pro- poses to Reform Society, Physically . But there is no Re- formation Physically; and therefore, no Reformation, Politically. Physically, Society may be Relieved ; but only Spiritually, can Society be Reformed. That, which is called Political Reform, is but 28 the Desire to Physically Relieve. Political Reform, Cries for the Relief of So- ciety, Thinking, it Cries for Reform. REFORMING BACKWARDS Reform takes place in the Spiritual. The Current of Re- formation Flows from the Spiritual to the Physical. Political Reform, seeks to Reform in the 29 Physical, seeks to have the Current of Reforma- tion, Flow from the Phy- sical, to the Spiritual, and thus, seeks to Reform Society Backwards. But the Current of Reformation, can not be made to Flow, from the Physical to the Spiritual. There are those, who Physically posess more, than Political Reform de- mands for Society, and They are not Reformed. And the Accomplish- ment of the Physical I 30 RELIEF, Demanded by Po- litical Reform, would not REFORM SOCIETY Society can not be Reformed Backwards. POLITICAL VISIONS The Spiritual precedes the Physical. The Spiritual, is not comprehended in the idea of Political Reform. There is not a UTOPIA proposed by Political Re- form, that contemplates THE REFORMATION OF THE 31 PEOPLE They consist of but VISIONS, of the People PHYSICALLY RELIEVED. A POLITICAL UTOPIA A Political Utopia, would be a physical Hea- ven concealing a spiritual Hell a Monstrosity. A. Society, with spirit- ual evil unfolding physical good, with Injustice unfold- ing Justice, with self un- folding Heaven. For Ages, Political Reform, has sought to es- 32 tablish, a Physical Heaven upon a Spiritual Hell. But it being the Endeavor, to Accomplish the Unnatural, the Multi- tude Remain Unmoved. REFORMING OUTWARD Political Reform , is the Idea of a Reform wherein all that Environs Man, is Reformed, and Man himself remains as before . For Ages, Man has Followed the Phantom oi 33 Outward Reform . And the More Misery that self, Within Man, made Outward and Around Man, the More Man Look- ed Outward, for Reform. And the More, Man Looked Outward, for Re- form , the Further Man put Reform Away. And while Politics, put Reform Outside of Man, Religion put Heaven the Place of Reform , Out- side of the World. 34 ARTIFICIAL REFORM The People look not for Societys Reform to come from the surrender of their selfishness, and thus to come from them to Society, but to come from Society to them, through the means of an Artificial Society Invented to Manufacture Virtue for them. A Society whose Political Law will Make Men Honest without the need of their Reformation . 35 A Society, whose political arrangement will lead everybody out of the Hell, yet touch not that within their hearts, that makes the Hell. But no Political Plan Attached or Affixed to Society, can alter it. Unless Man's reform- ation is in the Spiritual, no matter What Political Plan he adopts, the fires of hell within him will out. Society may be arti- ficially turned from its 36 Natural Evolution for the moment; but will return to it Growth; will exter- nalize its inwardness; and Reveal in its Physical Condition, the Spiritual Attitude of the People. NATURAL REFORM The Spirit of Man as it seeks to Reform Out- ward, Invents Plans and Plans to Reform Society. Not through any plan of self is Society to be Reformed. 3/T t Man needs make no plan . The Plan, is Before him. He needs but Enter. It is the Everlasting Order of the Universe. And when, the Spirit of Man surrenders self, the Everlasting Order of the Universe, Becomes -the Order of Society. THE PLANS OP SELF But self, in the Spirit of Man, seeks, to make an 38 Unnatural order of Society wherein , each one , may Successfully live for self Seeks, to make a plan, of Human Association that unnecessitates the surrender of self Wherein, the People, though Spiritually opposed to each other, may Success- fully Associate as One. Wherein, the People, with Conflict in the spirit of each, may Successfully Associate in Peace. Wherein, Justice, may Successfully Flourish 39 upon the Foundation of Selfishness. And self, makes its plans to Reform Society, upon the Basis of self. And each thinks , that Society would be Reformed if his plan were attached to Society, And each presents his plan, against the other plans. And there are plans and plans, and theories and theories, of self, to Reform Society. WHAT SOCIETY NEEDS But Reform, is not a theory, or a plan, but a Spiritual Act. The Spiritual Act, of the Surrender of the Assumption that seeks to Reform Society, instead of self. The simple act of the Surrender of the Spirit that theorizes and plans to Reform Society, while within itself, is the Cause of the Darkness. 41 The simple act, of the surrender of self, which once surrendered , allows Society to grow right. Society Perishes through the Selfishness of the Multitude, and needs, but the Surrender of self, for its Reformation. THE SIN He who has not surrendered self, can do Nothing for Society. He who has not sur- rendered self, lives for self. 42 In him, is The Sin. The Sin, through which Hell is in the World. The Sin, that Makes the Misery of the World. the Sin, of self, that is in each one. THE SECRET Or POLITICAL REFORM But each one, seeks to evade, the Surrender of the Sin. And seeks to accom- plish, the Reformation of Society, Without the 43 Surrender of self. And the Secret, of Political Reform is , that it proposes, to Reform Soci- ety, and to leave The Sin Remaining in the Spirit, of each one . SOCIETY REFORMED But there is no Other Reformation of Society, save the Surrender of the Sin, that Deforms Society. And The Sin, in each one, must be Surrendered, for each one , to cease, 44 Deforming Society. And when Society, is no longer Deformed, by the Sin in each one, then Society is Reformed. No OTHER REFORM There is no Other Re formation for Man , save tfre Spiritual Reformation of Man. Man must Surrender self. Man must cease from Living for self, on Earth. Man must Live, for the 45 Kingdom of God, on Earth. Man must Enter the Kingdom of God, on Earth, or Perish in the Hell, of the Animal Kingdom. IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Society is now, in the Darkness, of the Animal Kingdom . The law, of the Animal Kingdom, Rules Society. Each one thinks for self. Each one works for self. 46 Each one lives for. self Each one cares only for self ALL, for self, is in the heart of each one. THE ANIMAL LAW ALL for self Is the Law of the Animal Kingdom. Man for self, is Man UNDER the Animal Law. And when the Spirit of Man, is COMPLETELY for self, the Spirit of Man is 47 Completely Animal. And though we behold a Human Form, the Spirit in it, when Completely for self, is the Spirit of an ANIMAL. Society is now in this DARKNESS. And though the Society we behold, is OUTWARDLY Human, Spiritually it is ANIMAL. * And being Spiritually Animal, and UNDER the Animal Law of self, Society is in the Hell of the Ani- mal Kingdom. SPIRITUALLY ANIMAL While Man, remains Spiritually Animal, he must Physically Suffer, the Hell, of the Animal Kingdom . While Man, remains Spiritually Animal , his Condition, must be the Condition, of the Animal Kingdom. The Condition, of the Animal Kingdom, is Hell, and Hell Belongs, to the Animal Kingdom. 49 And while Society remains Spiritually Animal the Condition of the Ani- mal Kingdom must be the Condition of Society. And there can be no Political or Physical Relief of Society, and Society must Suffer until its Spirit is Redeemed. REDEMPTION The Surrender of self is the Redemption of the Spirit of Man from the Animal Kingdom. 50 The Spirit of Man is Animal, until it Surren- ders self, to God. The Surrender of self, by each one, is the Redemption of Society from the State of the Animal Kingdom. As the Spirit of Society is Redeemed from /' self, the Kingdom of God Unfolds on Earth. And When none are living for self, and All on Earth are working for God, then Is the Kingdom of God on Earth. 51 THE SIN AGAINST GOD THAT PREVENTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH The Sin Against God is THAT which PREVENTS the Kingdom of God on Earth. Each one may KNOW their OWN SIN Against God, By That in them, which is Against the Kingdom of God on Earth. Each one may KNOW their OWN SIN Against God ; 52 By That in them, which keeps them working for self, instead of working for the Kingdom of God on Earth. Each one, may KNOW their OWN SIN Against God, By That in them, which makes them seek to set up self on Earth, instead of God. And each one may Know, that SELF in them is the Sin Against God, and The Sin that Prevents the Kingdom of God on Earth. 53 THE WAY OUT Whoever is Against the Kingdom of God on Earth, is Against God. Whoever is Against Living for the Kingdom of God on Earth, is Against God. Whoever Lives Not for the Kingdom of God on Earth, is In the Sin. And the only way out of the Sin, is to Live for the Kingdom of God on Earth. 54 THE PYRAMID OF SIN self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self. But the Multitude Live for self, and Society is a Pyramid of Sin. Wherein, each one above, Thinks for self. And each one below, Works for self. 55 And they, who Think for self, call it PROFIT. And they, who Work for self, call it WAGES. And For Profit, they Sell their Mind. And for Wages, they Sell their Body. And their Profit, is the Profit of Sin, and their Wages, are the Wages of Sin. THE WAGES OF SIN They who give their hands to the Blessing of 56 Society, because of their WAGES, give their hands to the Blessing of Society because they are BRIBED. They Work not, to Bless Society, they Work not for the Doing of Good, they Work for WAGES. And their Wages is their BRIBE. - They value not the Blessing of Society, they value not the Doing of Grood, they value only the Bribe. And in Hell on Earth all the Blessings that are 57 Made, and all the Good that is Done, is Wrung from SELF, by a Bribe. - By that, which is called WAGES - the Wages of self, the Wages of Sin. THE SLAVES OF PROFIT They Work, only for self. They Work not for c/ the Kingdom of God on Earth - For that, would be for All And They, are only for self. 58 They Work for Wages, Because, Wages are only for self. They willingly SELL Themselves for Wages, that they may Work, only for self. And for Wages, they Sell Themselves Unto Profit. And Wages, is the Slave of Profit. And through their Sin, they Sell themselves Into Slavery And through their Sin they Become, SLAVES. 59 MARTYRS FOR SELF Their Slavery and Pov- erty, is their MARTYRDOM FOR SELF. Their Slavery and Poverty is their Suffering for self. Nothing stands between them and God, - - but self. Nothing stands between them and Heaven on Earth but self. They CAN CHANGE their Slavery and Poverty at any MOMENT For The 60 RICHES of the Kingdom of God on Earth. They can CHANGE at any MOMENT, from living for self to living for God. They can CHANGE at any MOMENT from Working for self to Working for ALL. But RATHER THAN WORK FOR ALL they remain in Slavery and Poverty And WILLINGLY Suffer, that they may Work for self. And THEIR SLAVERY and POVERTY, is FOR SELF. 61 THE KINGDOM OF GOD In the Kingdom of God on Earth, they live not for self, but for All. They Work not for Pay, but for Love. They Sell not the Body for Wages, and they Buy not the Body for Profit. And there is neither Wages or Profit For All is Given. And in the Kingdom of God on Earth, there are no Poor. 62 THE KINGDOM OF SELF But in the Kingdom of self on Earth, the Poor are always. For they live not for All, but for self And they Work not for Love, but for Pay. And they Sell the Body for Wages, and they Buy the Body for Profit. And the Profit of they who Buy the Body, comes from they who Sell the Bodv 63 Making they who Buy the Body for Profit Rich and they who Sell t/ the Body for Wages Poor. And in the Kingdom of self on Earth, the Rich and the Poor are ALWAYS. WAGES AND POVERTY And while there is Wages and Profit, the Rich and the Poor, Must be. For the Selling of the Body for Wages and the Buying of the Body for Profit, Makes the Rich 64: and the Poor. For Profit, Makes the Rich And Wages, Makes the Poor. And by Wages, comes Profit And by Profit, comes Poverty. And They who Sell Themselves for Wages, MUST BE POOR. For Out of the Selling of Themselves for WAGES, COMES THEIR POVERTY. 65 THE SIN OF WAGES There can be no End of Poverty, until there is an End of WAGES. There can be no End of Wages, until there is an End of Selling The Body. There can be no End of Selling the Body, until the Spirit Surrenders self. For it is SELF in the SPIRIT that Sells the Body for WAGES. And until the SPIRIT Surrenders SELF, the SPIRIT 66 WILL SELL the BODY out of the Kingdom of God on Earth, into Slavery and Poverty, for a PRICE. THE SIN OF PRICE GOD GIVES. And self, SELLS. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of GIVING. The Spirit of self, is the Spirit of SELLING. And it is only self, only sin, that hath a PRICE. And it is only sin, that SETS a Price. 67 And but for sin, but for self in the Spirit, the Body would be Given without Wages without Price. And Without Wages, without Price, All would be Given All would be Working for LOVE. And the END of WAGES and the END of PRICE, is the BEGINING of the Kingdom of God on Earth. 68 THE SIN OF SELLING GIVING, is for God. And SELLING, is for self. The Spirit of God, is in the Giver The spirit of self, is in the Seller. In the Kingdom of God on Earth they are GIVERS, and they GIVE ALL. And in the Kingdom of self on Earth they are SELLERS, and they SELL ALL. 69 They Sell the Earth and Charge RENT They Sell Themselves and Charge Wages. THE SIN OF THE MULTITUDE And WAGES, is the SIN of the MULTITUDE The Sin, of SELLING the LIVING BODY out of the Service of God, for the WAGES of self. And when, the Multitude SELL THE LIVING BODY, THE SELLING OF ALL THE REST, FOLLOWS. 70 WAGES AND RENT When the Multitude will not GIVE, the LIVING BODY to God, they will not GIVE the LAND. While they Charge WAGES for the BODY, they will Charge RENT, for the LAND. From the CHARGING of WAGES for the BODY, Comes the CHARGING of RENT for the LAND. And From the SIN of WAGES, Comes the SIN of 71 RENT. And the SIN of the MULTITUDE, the SIN of WAGES, is the CAUSE of RENT, INTEREST , PROFIT and TAXATION. WAGES AND TAXATION WAGES is the FIRST TAX, Le\ 7 ied upon Society. WAGES is the TAX Levied upon Society, by each one, for their Labor. And Before the Tax of Profit, and Before the Tax of Rent, and Before 72 the Tax of Interest, comes the Tax of WAGES Comes the Tax of Wages, upon every thing that is made. And WAGES is the FOUNDATION TAX. The TAX, that each one creates for themselves and for Society to live by. And when WAGES, is the Law of each one unto themselves Then Taxation, is the Law of each one, unto themselves And each one, Wills 73 to Live by TAXATION And the Multitude Wills to Live by Taxation. And the WAGES of the Multitude, establishes the PRINCIPLE of TAXATION as the LAW of Society. THE SPIRIT OF THE LAW OF SOCIETY And Taxation, must be the Law of Society, while Wages is the Law of each one unto themselves While WAGES, is THE LAW OF THE INDIVIDUAL. 74 For the Law of the Individual, is Spiritual And the Law of the Individual, is the Spirit of the Law of Society. And when Wages, is the Law of the Individual, then Taxation, the princi- ple of Wages, is the Spirit of the Law of Society. THE INDIVIDUAL LAW And it is not Society that Forces the Law of Wages upon the individual, but the individual, that Forces 75 the Law of Wages upon Society. And the Law. of Wages is not made by Society for the individual, but by the individual, for Society. And the individual, at any moment, can absolve himself, from the Law of Wages And Work for Society FREE. For the Law of Wages, is not made by Society for the Individual but by each one, for themselves. And each one, decides 76 for themselves, whether Wages is a Law unto them or not Whether, they will Work For Wages, or for Love. Whether, they will Work for self, or for GOD. For HELL, or for HEAVEN ON EARTH. UNIVERSAL AND INDIVIDUAL LAW The INDIVIDUAL LAW is THE LAW OF self the LAW, of HELL ON EARTH. 77 . The UNIVERSAL LAW, is the LAW OF GOD THE UNIVERSAL LAW, is THE LAW of HEAVEN ON EARTH. The individual Law, is the Law, that self SUBSTI- TUTES, for the UNIVERSAL LAW. The individual Law, is the Law, that each one, sets up for self, that each one sets up in place of the UNIVERSAL LAW And the NAME, of the Law, that each one sets up in place of the Univer- sal Law, is WAGES. 78 BY the UNIVERSAL LAW, the LABOR would be GIVEN By the Law of Sin by the indivdual Law, the LABOR is SOLD. And the SELLING of the LABOR, is the SIN AGAINST THE UNIVERSAL LAW And WAGES, is the Sin AGAINST THE UNIVERSAL LAW. And the HIRE of the LABORER, is THE SIN, AGAINST THE LAW OF GOD. 79 THE DOOR TO HELL ON EARTH It is only SIN in them, that HIRES them out of the Service of God, into the Service of Sin. They are HIRED by SIN to Build the Kingdom of Darkness. If they were not for SALE, they could not be HIRED, and the Kingdom of Darkness could not be Builded. And in their HIRE, is their SIN, Against GOD. 80 For they Belong to GOD, and to the Kingdom of GOD on EARTH. And by the Sin of HIRE, by the Sin of Wages, they PASS OUT of the Ser- vice of GOD, into the Ser- vice of SIN. And for HIRE for WAGES, they SELL them- selves OUT of the KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH, INTO the Kingdom of Darkness. And WAGES, is the DOOR, by which the MULTITUDE, PASS OUT of Heaven into Hell on Earth. 81 SOLD TO SATAN For the MULTITUDE GIVE not their LIVING BODY, to GOD, to PREPARE HEAVEN ON EARTH But SELL their LIVING BODY to the SPIRIT of SIN, to the SPIRIT of SELF to SATAN And SATAN, WITH their LIVING BODY, BUILDS HELL on EARTH. And that, which they Receive From SATAN For The BODY, is WAGES. 82 WORKING FOR SATAN Wages, is the PIECE FOR self the PIECE for SIN, for which the Spirit SELLS the BODY to SATAN. And when the Multitude Sell the Living Body to the Spirit of Sin, to the Spirit of self, for WAGES, then All the WORKS of the Living Body, are the WORKS of SATAN And HELL on EARTH, IS BUILDED BY THE MULTI- TUDE, FOR WAGES. 83 WORKING FOR GOD When the Multitude Build WITHOUT WAGES, that, which they Build, WILL BE HEAVEN. When the Multitude Sell not the Living Body to SIN, for Wages, but Give the Living Body to God, then All the WORKS of the Living Body, will be the WORKS of GOD - And the KINGDOM of GOD, will be builded, on EARTH. 84 DEVIDED BY SIN But between sympathy and sympathy, between kindness and kindness, between heart and heart, STANDS WAGES. And there can be no Unity, no Cooperation, no Brotherhood of they who have the spirit of WAGES in them. For the Famlihood of God is Broken, and all are STRANGERS, Where They WORK FOR WAGES. 85 For they are SEPERATED in their SPIRIT BY THEIR SIN. And though they Associate in the BODY, in the SPIRIT, each one is ALONE. Alone in SELF - - alone in SIN. And in their hearts they are STRANGERS to each other and they CARE not for each other, or for SOCIETY. And they WORK, but they CARE not for their WORK for WORK to 86 them, is but a MEANS to WAGES And LIFE, to them is but a means to Wages. And they who Work for Wages, are OUT of all Relationship. And they live in the isolation and darkness of the Sin Devided in the Spirit by self and devided in the Body by Wages. For self is the Spirit, and Wages is the Body of the Sin. 87 THE PYRAMID OF HELL wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wagea wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages wages And while Society is Spiritually a Pyramid of self, it is Physically a Pyr- amid of Wages Wherein each one WORKS FOR WAGES, AND BUILDS HELL, ON EARTH. 88 EQUAL IN SIN And Wages is the Process by which they live in Sin, the Process by which they live for self. And whether their Wages are great or small, they each alike Sell themselves, who Work for Wages. And all are Equal in the Sin, who Work for Wages. And the Degree of their Wages, the Price they receive for the Sin, matters not. 89 ONE IN PRINCIPLE There is no difference in PRINCIPLE, between the Wages of one and the Wa- ges of another. There is no difference in PRINCIPLE, between the Wages of RICH and POOR. There is no difference in PRINCIPLE, between the receiver of the MOST and the receiver of the LEAST Wages, in Building the Kingdom of DARKNESS on Earth. 90 SIN'S SOCIAL SYSTEM For Wages is the Social System of Sin, by which each one Sells Society out / of the STATE of Justice, for whatever they can GET for SELF. And there are no Wages that does not Rob GOD That does not Sell the Life, out of Justice to God. And that does not Sell the Multitude, who Live by Wages, out of Justice to each other. 91 SOCIETY SOLD BY THE POOR And the Poor are Guilty of the Sin of Selling So- ciety out of the State of JUSTICE. For the POOR are the MULTITUDE, and the Multi- tude, is Society. And When the POOR Sell themselves, they Sell Society. And when Society is Sold out of the State of JUSTICE, it is Sold by the POOR. 92 THE SIN OF THE POOR And the Poor are Guilty of the Sins of the Rich. For the Poor are the Many, and the Rich are the few And the Many make the Condition, and the few are but a part of it And the Rich, are but a PART of the Multitude, and but a PART of the System Evolved by the Sin of the Multitude, by the Sin of the Poor. 93 For the Sin of the Poor, the Sin of the Multitude, is the Oversin. THE OVERSIN Society, is now in the Shaddow of the Oversin And Grows withered and Poor. And the Growth of Society in the Shaddow of the Oversin, is Poverty. And to Escape the Poverty of the Oversin, the GENIUS of Society TURNS Downward from its IDEALS, 94 to Wealthgetting. And to escape the POVERTY of the OVERSIN, the GENIUS OF Society be- comes, the Rich. And UNIVERSALITY is TURNED to selfishness And the INTELIGENCE that would serve in Heaven is forced to RULE in Hell By the Oversin of the Multitude the Poor. And the GENIUS of Society, " THAT TURNS NOT downward to wealthgetting is extinguished in the Pov- erty of the Oversin. 95 THE MANY AND THE FEW And it is not the Rich that make the Poor, but the Poor, that make the Rich For the Poor, are the MANY And the Rich, are the few And the MANY, make the Condition, not the few. For in the Spiritual Condition of the MANY, is the cause of the Physical Condition of Society. 96 And the Poor are the cause, and the Rich are the effect of the Condition. And it is harder for the Poor to enter the Kingdom of God on Earth, than for the Rich. THE SPIRIT OF POVERTY The Poverty is Spiritual. And the Poverty of the Multitude, is the Poverty of the Spirit. And Poverty can only be abolished through the enrichment of the Spirit. 97 And as the Spirit can not be enriched Physically, the Poverty can not be abolished Physically. And were the Rich to sell all they have, and give to the Poor It would but increase the Selfishness It would but Increase the Desire in the Poor, to GET And deepen them in the Sin. For the desire in each one, to GET, is the Sin Over all. 98 SPIRITUALLY BLIND Being Spiritually Blind, Political Reform, sees not the Spirit of the Poverty Sees not the Oversin. Sees not the Spirit of SELF, the Spirit of GETTING, Within each one And being Spiritually Blind, Political Reform be- holds the Poverty of the Multitude as an INFLICTION visited upon the Multitude, from Without - And leads the Multitude to look Without, instead of 99 Within And to seek to abolish the Poverty, from Without. And as the Multitude seek to abolish the Pov- erty from Without, SELF in their Spirit increases. And as SELF in their Spirit increases, the Pov- erty increases. And the Blind, leads the Blind, deeper into the Sin. GETTING AND GIVING And whatever attempts 100 to lead the Multitude out of the Poverty by Getting, but leads them deeper into the Poverty By leading them deeper into the Sin. For the Poverty can only be abolished, by the Multitude surrendering every desire to Get And living only to GIVE. And not until the Mul- titude Give All And Work, without Wages and without Price, will there be an End to the Poverty. 101 SIN SATISFIED Man Gives himself into Heaven And Sells himself into Hell. And when the Multitude Give their Labor, they Give themselves out of the Pov- erty into Heaven. But with self in their Spirit, they can not Give their Labor. They can only SELL themselves, that they may RECEIVE Wages, to Satisfy 102 SELF. And until they Surren- der self, they can not Give themselves into Heaven They can only SELL themselves into Hell. And they will remain in Hell, until they Surrender self. For SELF, is Satisfied in Hell, with Wages. THE FREEDOM OF LABOR When the Multitude Give their Labor, they Give their LIFE. 103 And when they Give their LIFE, they build the Kingdom of God on Earth. And in the Building of the Kingdom of God on Earth, the Poverty of Labor is. Ended And Labor is FREE. And in the Freedom of Labor, Society is Free. For Freedom comes not from Society to Labor But from Labor, to So- ciety. And Society Frees not Labor, but Labor Frees So- ciety. 104 No WAGES WHEN EACH ONE WORKS FOR SOCIETY FREE, THEN SOCIETY is FREE And not, in HIGHER Wages, but in No Wages, will Labor find its Free- dom. For not, in seeking for self, but in seeking to Surrender self, is Freedom found. For the Bondage, is in the Spirit, and the Bond- age is SELF. 105 No UNEMPLOYED The World AWAITS the Labor of each one in Love. And none need be idle, except for self, except for Sin. For none, need be idle, Who will Work Without Wages Who will Work for Society free. And when, each one Works for Society free, there will be No Unem- ployed. 106 THE BONDAGE No one can Work for Society FREE, while their Spirit is in the BONDAGE of self. While the Spirit of each one is in the Bondage of self, each one can only Work for self - Each one can only Work for Wages And Nothing can be done for Society,. Until the Multitude are Liberated from the Bondage of self. 107 PERISHING IN THE SIN For Wages, Prevents their Employment Prevents each one, from Working for All. And they stand idle and perishing, because of Wages Because each one will only Work for Wages, Because each one, will only Work for self. And they Wander and Perish, in the Idleness of the Sin. 108 REFORM MUST SAVE Now. The Multitude now Perishing in the Idleness of the Sin, NEED IMMEDIATE RELIEF. In the Famine of the Sin, they are Dying Now. And their Need, is the Reformation, that will save them Now. Whatever requires Delay, or that leaves them perishing until the Refor- mation of Society, saves not. 109 PERISHING IN IDLENESS The Multitude Perishing in the Idleness of the Sin, can only be relieved through Employment, Now. And there is no Em- ployment and no Relief, for the Idle and Perishing, until they Work Without Wages for the Good of All. And unless thev Turn t,' and Work Without Wages, for the Good of All, they will remain Unemployed, and Perish in the Sin. 110 HELL BUILDED For that, which they have Builded for Wages, is FINISHED. And that, which HIRED them for Wages, Needs them no more. And nothing remains for them, but to Perish in the Hell that they have Builded for Wages - Except that they Reform Now For while they yet live, they may Reform. Ill REFORM THAT SAVES Now And whoever Reforms Spiritually, Now Whoever Surrenders self,. Now Whoever Works With- out Wages for the Good that they may do, Now Will find IMMEDIATE Employment, and Immedi- ate RELIEF And not only Immediate Employment and Immedi- ate Relief, but Full Salva- tion, in the Days to Come. 112 THE GREAT SALVATION For in the Reformation that Gives Immediate Em- ployment and Immediate Relief, is the Begining of the Great Salvation. For in the Reformation that Gives Immediate Em- ployment and Immediate Relief, each one turns from living for self, unto living for All. And as they Turn from self unto All, they enter the Kingdom of God on Earth. 113 For they who Work Without Wages for All, live not for self, and the Sin is not in them. FOR THEY GIVE ALL AND THEY SEEK ONLY to SERVE, in Building the Kingdom of God on Earth. THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM The Kingdom of GOD on Earth, is the SPIRITUAL KINGDOM of Man on Earth. The Spiritual Kingdom of Man on Earth, is entered by Man, SPIRITUALLY 114 By the Spirit of Man t/ Surrendering SELF. When the Spirit of Man Surrenders self, Man no longer NEEDS the PO- LITICAL, or PHYSICAL Laws, of self For Man is then Governed, by the Spiritual Law, WITHIN And when Man is Governed by the Spiritual Law WITHIN THEN MAN is IN THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM, ON EARTH. 115 THE PHYSICAL KINGDOM The Kingdom of self, the Kingdom of Sin, is the PHYSICAL Kingdom of Man on Earth And the PHYSICAL Kingdom of Man on Earth, is the POLITICAL Kingdom of Man on Earth. The Political Kingdom of Man on Earth, is entered by Man PHYSICALLY Is entered by Man through the Physical Force of Political Law. 116 And as the Political Kingdom of Man, is Gov- erned by PHYSICAL Laws, from Without So the Spiritual King- dom of Man, is Governed by the Spiritual Law, from WITHIN. And as Hell is of the PHYSICAL Laws Without, so Heaven is of the SPIRIT- UAL Law WITHIN. THE ORDER OF HELL But Man must have the Physical Laws of Hell 117 Man must have the PO- LITICAL Law Without Until the Surrender of the Sin, Within. And until the Surren- der of the Sin Within, Man must be. PHYSICALLY Gov- erned from Without By the PHYSICAL FOKCE of Political Law. And the Multitude must be PHYSICALLY FORCED in- to Order, from Without until they are free from the Spirit of Disorder, Within. For Hell itself, must have Order. 118 THE ORDER OF HEAVEN The Spirit of self, is THE SPIRIT OP DISORDER. When Man Surrenders self, Man SURRENDERS DIS- ORDER And Order reigns in the Spirit of Man. And when Order reigns in the Spirit of Man, Polit- ical Law is no longer need- ed, to Physically force Man into Order - And the Physical Restraint of Political Law, 119 ceases And Man is no longer FORCED into ORDER from Without, but UNFOLDS into ORDER from WITHIN And the Law is no longer Without, but Within No longer Political, but Spiritual. THE LAW OF NATURE The Natural Law of God is the Spiritual Law of Man. And the Law of Nature, is the Law unto the Spirit 120 of whoever would be one with God. For the Law of God is Revealed, in the Law of Nature, in the Law of Cre- ation. The Law of Creation is For All. And when the Spirit of Man Surrenders self, the Spirit of Man is one with the Law of Nature, the Law of Creation, the Law of God. And being one with the Law of Creation, the Law of God, the Spirit of Man is for All. 121 ONE WITH GOD For the Spirit of God is for All, and the Creation of God is for All. And whoever, is one with God, is one with God through the Spiritual Law, through their Spirit being for All Through their Life be- ing for All, through their LABOR being for All. For God CREATES for All. And Man to be one with God, must Work for All. 122 THE PLAN OF SALVATION The PLAN of God's CREATION, is the Plan of Man's SALVATION. As God Creates for All, Man must Work for All - Or Work Against the PLAN of God. And whoever Works for s'elf, Works Against the Plan of God, Against the the Plan of Creation. For whoever Works for self, Works Against All. 123 THE PLAN OF CREATION Through no INVENTED Plan, or Creed, can Man be Saved. In the Plan of Creation, the Plan of GOD, is Man's SALVATION. And as each one ENTERS the Plan of Creation, the Plan of GOD, each one EN- TERS SALVATION Each one Lives for All. And the Works of each one, are as the Works of GOD, for All. 124 THE UNITY OF MAN As each one WORKS, for self Each one LIVES, out of UNITY with All. As each one WORKS, FOR ALL Each one LIVES, in UNITY with All. AND IN, EACH ONE, WORKING FOR ALL, is THE UNITY OF MAN. And All are UNITED, who WORK in the PLAN of Creation, the PLAN of GOD. 125 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION IN THE PLAN OP CREATION is THE UNIVERSAL RELIG- ION. FOR IN THE PLAN OF CREATION, is THE RELATION OP ALL MEN. FOR ALL MEN ARE RELATED, WHEN EACH ONE WORKS AS GOD CREATES, FOR ALL. AND WHOEVER WORKS, AS GOD CREATES, FOR ALL, LIVES IN THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION OF CREATION. 126 THE RELIGION OF CREATION MAN beholds the NATURAL Religion In the Creation of God for All. The Religion, ever Revealed to Man, through the Works of God. The Religion, ever be- held by Man, in the Works of God. THE RELIGION, BY WHICH MAN ENTERS HEAVEN ON EARTH, THROUGH WORKING WITH GOD. 127 NATURAL RELIGION IN THE NATURAL RE- LIGION, MAN WORKS WITH GOD ON EARTH. And when the Works of Man on Earth Are as the Works of God in the Universe FOR ALL. Then is it on Earth, as it is in the Universe. And the ORDER of God in the UNIVERSE Is the ORDER of Man on Earth. 128 NATURAL HOLINESS In the NATURAL Religion, is the 'NATURAL HOLINESS. The Natural Holiness of Man Working on Earth, as God Works in the Universe For All. And there is no Holiness save the Natural Holiness The Holiness of Man WORKING WITH GOD, ON EARTH - The Holiness, of the Works of Man, being as the Works of God. 129 Holiness, is Working with God Holiness, is Living in God Only THEY, who WORK with GOD, LIVE in GOD. For the WORKS, is the LIFE. And if the Works are Given, the Life is Given, And if the WORKS are Not Given, the Life is Not Given And the Life is Out of Holiness. For there is No Holiness, save through the WORKS. 130 Save, through EACH ONE, Working Without Wages, For All. For whoever Works, Without Wages, for All - Works not for self, Works not for Sin And the Sin is not in them And they, are Holy. ARTIFICIAL HOLINESS But self, sets up an ARTIFICIAL Holiness In place of the NATURAL Holiness 131 A Holiness, Without WORKS, Without LIFE That Works not With God on Earth, but With Satan on Earth. That Gives not the BODY to God, but that Sells the BODY to Satan, for Wa- ges That THINKS of God, and WORKS for self And in the Artificial Holiness, that self sets up in place of the NATURAL HOLINESS, the THOUGHTS are Given to God, and the WORKS to Satan 132 And the Mind, is Given to Heaven, and the Body, to Hell. And the Body, is the Body of Hell And will be the Body of Hell While the Thoughts of the Mind, are Given to Heaven, and the Works of the Body, are Sold into Hell. And the Body, can not be Delivered from Hell. Until the Body, is no longer Sold into Hell, for Wages. But is Given to the Build- ing of Heaven on Earth. THE DELIVERANCE When the Spirit is Delivered FROM SELF The BODY is Delivered FROM HELL - For the Deliverance of the Spirit is the Deliverance of the Body. And if the Spirit is with GOD, the Bodv is with t/ GOD And the WORKS of the Body are with GOD And the BODY is in the Kingdom of GOD. 134 THE TESTIMONY The Works of the Body, is the TESTIMONY of the Spirit. And when the Spirit, Surrenders self, it is shown by the WORKS And the WORKS of the Body, are with God. 1 For the Spirit can not be for GOD, and the WORKS for self. For the Righteousness of the Spirit, and the Holi- ness of the Body, are one. 135 THE TEST And whoever would Surrender SELF, is TRIED by the TEST, the TEST that TRIES each one who would REFORM The TEST, that TRIES THE SPIRIT, of All, who would enter the King- dom of GOD, on Earth. And the TEST that TRIES the Spirit of All, who would enter the Kingdom of GOD, on Earth Is EACH ONE, WORKING WITHOUT WAGES, FOR ALL. 136 WORKING WITH GOD FOR WHOEVER, is WORKING WITHOUT WAGES FOR ALL - Is WORKING, WITH GOD, ON EARTH. AND WHOEVER is WORKING WITHOUT WAGES FOR ALL, IS ONE WITH THE LAW OF GOD THE LAW OF CREATION THE SPIRITUAL LAW. AND LIVES IN THE SPIRITUAL LAW AND IN, THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM, ON EARTH. 137 THE DEBT And Whoever Works Without Wages, For ALL, PAYS THE DEBT Pays the Debt they owe to ALL. For each one, owes their LIFE, to ALL And in the Spiritual Kingdom, each one, Lives FOR ALL and Pays THE DEBT. And the DEBT, is the LIFE - - And the PAYMENT is the WORKS. 138 And each one, enters the Spiritual Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, through Paying the Debt through Living for All. THE KINGDOM OF JUSTICE For the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, is the Kingdom of JUSTICE The Kingdom, where- in each one, LIVES in Just- ice to ALL. And the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, is entered 139 through JUSTICE Through each one, Living in Justice to All. And no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth, except through JUSTICE Except through Pay- ing the DEBT - And Living for All. OUT OF HEAVEN Whoever pays not the DEBT, Lives out of the Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth. 14:0 Out of the Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth - Is the Animal King- dom on Earth. And they who Live Out of the Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth Live, in the ANIMAL KINGDOM, on Earth. And Hell, is the Animal Kingdom. And they who Live in the Animal Kingdom Live IN HELL. And SUFFER, in HELL on Earth. 141 THE LAW OF HELL Each one for self, is the Animal Law. And the Condition, of the Law of each one for self, is Hell. And there is no Relief for the Multitude, from the Condition of the Animal Law, while they Live in the Animal Law There is No RELIEF for the Multitude, from the Condition of SELF, while they Live for SELF. 142 And the HELL wherein each one lives for self, CAN NOT BE REFORMED, and Hell be made Comfortable, for SIN. And there is no PEACE, no REST, no HOPE for the Multitude until each one TURNS from the Sin, until each one PAYS the DEBT and Lives for All. THE LAW OF HEAVEN The Law of Heaven, is the Law, OF EACH ONE FOR ALL. 143 And the Condition, of the Law of each one for ALL, is the CONDITION OF PEACE and JOY. And the Multitude can not enter the Condition of PEACE AND JOY Until they TURN from the Law, of each one for self, to the Law of eaeh one for All Until they TU&N from the Law of Hell, to the Law of Heaven And enter the Condi- tion, of the Law of Heaven, on Earth. 144 And the Multitude can not enter the Condition of the Law of Heaven Through any EXTERIOR Arrangement. Or through any Improvement of the Invironments Or through any In- vention of LAWS, to Phys- ically FORCE Society, into the Condition of the Law of HEAVEN. For the LAW OF HEAVEN, is entered, by the Surren- der of the Sin Within. And when the Law of Heaven, is the Law Within, 145 the Condition of HEAVEN, is unfolded Without. AND THE MULTITUDE ENTER HEAVEN WITHOUT, THROUGH THE SURRENDER OF THE SIN WITHIN. THE AT-ONE-MENT For Heaven, is the AT- ONEMENT, the ATONEMENT of the Multitude, on Earth. And self, in each one, PREVENTS the ATONEMENT. And the ATONEMENT, can not be on Earth, until each one Surrenders self. 146 For each ono Working for sell', is the Divisiox of the Works of the Multitude. And the DIVISION of the Works of the Multitude, is the DIVISION of th-e BODY of the Multitude. And until the ATONEMENT of the Works - The Multitude can not be One Body, in Heaven, on Earth - For the ATONEMENT of the Works of the Mul- titude, is the ATONEMENT of the BODY of the Multi- tude. 147 And the ATONEMENT of tlio BODY of the Multi- tude, is the Multitude ONE iu Heaven, on Earth And the Multitude One in Heaven, on Earth Is THE PE-RFECT ONE - Wherein each one, LIVES for All. THE PERFECT ONE And Heaven on Earth, depends upon the ATONE- MENT. And the ATONEMENT, depends upon each one. 148 And All, can not be One And the PERFECT ONE, can not be, while the SIN of one breaks it. And each one, that lives for self, BREAKS the ATONEMENT of ALL And prevents the PERFECT ONE. For while one remains out of the ATONEMENT, the ATONEMENT can not be. And the Sin of one, Prevents the Perfection of All AND THE SIN OF ONE, HOLDS ALL OUT OF HEAVEN, ON EARTH. 149 THE MORTAL SIN AND THE MISERY OF ALL, is THE CRIME OF EACH ONE. AND EACH ONE LIVING FOR SELF, IS THE CAUSE OF THE SORROW of ALL. AND THE WIDTH AND THE DEPTH, OF THE SUFFERING OF THE MILL- IONS in HELL IS THE AWFULNESS OF THE GUILT, RESTING UPON EACH ONE, WHO LlVES FOR self, and HOLDS the World IN HELL. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO* 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 C. 4 5 : V .6,; , ' 3P 1 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 SE,Vt nM ?iPUE AS STAMPED BELOW ftPT 9 1 1QQC vJL.I 1 1330 01^ Qtri-Jtrr-Tj ^- BERKELEY SENT OW iuL P^AY Z 9 199? U. a BERKELEY ' FORM NO. 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