UC-NRLF *B 2b0 t,7a IvIBRARY OF THE University of California. .H U &a. GIFT OF ^Tl^^^.. 3E- '4>^ Books by Henry Harrison Brown. HOW TO CONTROL FATE THROUGH SUGGESTION, 60 pp., paper, 25c. NOT HYPNOTISM BUT SUGGESTION, 60 pp., paper, 25c. MAN'S GREATEST DISCOVERY, 60 pp., paper, 25c. DOLLARS WANT ME,— The New Road to Opulence, 24 pp., paper, 10c. These are four epoch-making books. They have received highest commendation from the greatest thinkers of today, and from the many who have already bought and studied them. They are thought stimulators and point the way to health, happiness and success. NEW THOUGHT PRIMER, 64 pp., paper 25c. Others in Preparation, NOW, A Journal of Affirmation; the Latest Ev- olution of the New Thought. $1.00 a year. THREE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES of Lessons which should be studied in every home, viz: Suggestion, 25 Lessons; Art of Living,25 Lessons; Psychometry,12 Lessons *'NOW" FOLK, Publishers, 1437 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. DOLLARS WANT ME THE NEW ROAD TO OPULENCE A Soul Culture Lesson — BY — HENRY HARRISON BROWN, Author of "How to Control Fate through Sugges- tion," "Not Hypnotism, but Suggestion," "Man's Greatest Discovery," and Editor of NOW. Thou hoard' st in vain what Love should spend —Whittier That man is poor who thinks himself poor — Emerson "NOW" FOLK, 1437 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. LONDON: Iv. N. FOWLKR & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E. C. To All Who Would Be Free from the Grind of Labor Copyrighted, 1903, by "NOW" Folk Entered at Stationers* Hall, London, Bng. V* UNIVEH OF TO ♦THE EEADER. This essay upon the Dollar appeared in NOW as one of a series of twelve lessons entitled, ** Success and how I won it through Affirma- tion/' It attracted much attention and drew out from its readers many letters. This ap- preciation has decided **NOW" Folk to re- print it in form for a wider circulation. This well conserves the purpose for which it was written. I wish to awaken my fellows to a sense of their p^-esent possessions and help them to a realization of the Principle which controls Life's expression so that, LL/ ing being to them **A fine art,'' they will cease to look for happiness in some far-off heaven, but will enter into the enjoyment of the one they create here and now, it is believed that this little monograph is the first utterance of the thought that each individual has the ability to so radiate his mental forces that lie ttan cause the Dollar la feel him, love him, seeic him and thus draw, at will, all things needed for his unfoldment from the Universal Supply. i(>06l3 6 DOLLARS WANT ME. It will help you to rise above the drudgery of enforced labor and enable you to enter upon the manifold expressions of life with the joy and spontaneity of childhood. This is the thought which comes to you with this, my Lesson of Success. Henry Harrison Brown. San Francisco, CaL, May 1, 1903. ''This new Law of Henry Harrison Brown's has given me new strength and power guth as few could easily realize. "—O Hashnu Hara, Editor of Wings of Truth, London, Eng. OPUILEISrCE THE DOLLAR SIDE I AM SUCCESS You conquer fate by thought. If you think the fatal thought of men and institutions, you need never pull the trigger. The consequences of thinking inevitably follow. — Carlyle. Personal ideals, of necessity, must differ, yet, since money represents objective power, its consideration must enter as a factor into every ideal of success. Money represents Supply. It stands in our thought, for food, clothing and shelter; for books, pictures and com- panionship; for enjoyment, unfoldment and expression. The Dollar means opportunity for the realiza- tion of high ideals. Material Supply is a 3»ecessity of Life. The Dollar is the concrete representative of this necessity. The individual must be free and, until the necessities of life are fissured, he is not free. Tbu9 the Dollar stands for individual liberty. 8 DOLLARS WANT ME. Personal liberty finds its basis in pecuniary independence. Financial independence and personal liberty bear very largely the relation of cause and effect. We can almost say that in the popular mind the Dollar confers lib- erty. In Soul Culture, a mental attitude of superiority to the Dollar results in personal liberty. There is no liberty to him who feels himself limited by the want of the Dollar. Debt is one of the most tyrannical of mas- ters. Mackay well says: — "The debtor is ever a shame faced dog With his creditor's name on his collar." There can be no liberty to him who feels the slavery of debt. Into your ideal of Success, therefore, there must be firmly builded this ideal of pecuni- ary independence. This independence do3S not lie in freedom from debt, neither does it lie in large bank accounts nor the possession of property. Mon- etary success and personal liberty do not go hand in hand. Indeed the average man of wealth is the veriest slave, enslaved to the necessitjes that his monetary possessions in- volve, and a worse slave to his fears. Success lies in the mental attitude that arises from that sense op personal power wbich meets every condition without DOLLARS WANT ME. 9 ANXIETY. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof/' is the thought of the successful man while he enjoys present good. That cannot be called success which results in ill health and unhappiness, unrest or fear. Eliminate these from your ideal and you iiave, as a necessity concomitant of success, financial ease. In the old competitive thought, men sought business and wanted the dollar. Under the New Thought, it is: *'Seek first the king- dom of Good and its right living and all things nesessary to my happiness will be added to me. ^ ' The Soul has only to manifest its drawing power. When the conscious mind lets itself be led or drawn, it will be drawn to what it desires. Desire is the magnet. Let it have its way. Trust in your own Love of Truth and Love of Goodness and never ques- tion. That you desire it, is enough. That you desire it, is evidence that it already ex- ists for you on the Soul-side. Be passive to the desire and LET it manifest. This atti- tude is itself Success and leads to this atti- tude towards things. Affirm: Things belong to me. I am already POSSESSOR. They will come to me at need. Then LET them come. If they are not, do 10 DOLLARS WANT ME. not waste time trying for them. Having ac- cepted Truth that all is yours and that all DESIRED CONDITIONS Or THINGS WILL MANIFEST, never think more of them. LET them come. All looking for things to come evidences that you have not claimed them as realities, but have held them as dreams or possibilities. Un- til you hold them as realities, they cannot come, unless you give up Thought-drawing and go back to the old competitive struggle, then they may be grasped. Change your attitude toward business. Do not seek it. See IT already yours and LET it come. Attend yourself to details as they come to the surface. Consider business a Principle that will run, as runs a mountain stream, when you remove your conscious will from it. All your concern is to be ready to use it as the ranchman uses the water as it comes to his ditch. Business is a manifestation of the One Power. Use the Power as the telegrapher uses: LET it come and you direct it. The wisdom for the day comes with the day. LET it come by faith in Self. Work each moment as if it were here and it IS here. In regard to money, regard it also as merely the power that keeps business going. Welcome DOLLARS WANT ME. 11 its coming and rejoice at its going. It never does its work until, like water in the stream, it has passed under the wheel. YOU alone are the Power. Money has only delegated Power. You direct its expression. (Change your attitude toward money. It is not ^*the almighty dollar. '' Almighty Power uses the dollar. Say to the dollar, *'I do not need you. You need me. You are of no use until my brain and hand use you. You wish to be used. You come to me that you may be used. I do not need a dollar. Dollars need me. *' Assume this mental attitude and see what a change it makes for you. When you have changed your aura, dollars will be drawn and you need not think of their coming. Only think of using them. Change your attitude toward the dollars you have. Tell them they are of no use until they are expended. As you see them lying about, say to them:— **]dle dollars, go to work. Go out and circulate about. Each one of you go and pay a million in wages and debts. Wlien I need you, come back again. You are useless and have no value until you go to work. Then LET them go to work, knowing that, when you send this thought with them, they or their fellows will come to yon to be set at work. 12 DOLLARS WANT ME. Before you spend a dollar, the question comes, '*Is it right?" Whether you have a single dollar, or behind the ono you think of spend- ing are a million, makes no difference. If it is right to spend the dollar in the proposed way, had you the million, it is right thus to spend it when it is the lone one. Therefore, when you feel it is right to spend a dollar for any purpose, spend it as royally as if you were a millionaire. From the Inner Life, this mes- sage was given to me years ago: *'Let a thought of use stand guard over your purse and then spend freely. ' ' Amend this by af- firming: *'A thought of the righteousness of the spending stands guard over my dollars and I send them forth with blessing." These dollars, like every thought of good you send out, will return to bless, for you do business with thoughts only; dollars are but material- ized thoughts. Each dollar in any man's hand represents his thought 'n material form. Send out at all times with year dollars the thoughts you wish to return to you, for what you sow in your dollars, you reap in dollars that either do, or do not, come back to you. Put the thought of Success, Happiness and Health into every dollar that passes out and it will return so laden. DOLLARS WANT ME. 13 CONSCIENTIOUSNESS THE FIRST NEED ''First have something good, then advertise," said Horace Greely. To meet Success, you must have an Ideal that enlists your full sym- pathy. You cannot bs successful unless you feel that you have a right to succeed. Feel that you have something that the world needs. You can then feel that Dollars want you; that through them you can give what you have of value to the world. Feel that Dollars wish you to use them for the «iccomplishment of your purpose to use them juptly. With this ideal, you can conscientiously invite Dollars and they will come. They need your heart, brain and hand that they may benefit the world. Dollars are manifestations of the One Infinite Sub- stance as you are, but, unlike you, they are not Self-Conscious. They have no power till you give them power. Make them feel this through your thought-vibrations as you feel the importance of your work. They wiU then come to you to be used. They will not come, nor can you in this Thought draw them, to be hoarded. Use, Helpfulness and Happiness must be in your thought of Success. This held firmly, perseveringly, as your Affirma- tion, will turn the current of Dollars your 14 DOLLARS WANT ME. way. Your thought should be: I possess that which the world wants. Dollars want me to use them in scattering that which I have to bless. These Affirmations I recommend to be per- sonally held : —Dollars Love me. Dollars Want me. I am ready to use Dollars and THEY freely COME TO ME TO BE USED. Make no limit as to the amount. Claim abundance. Claim all you can use for good, all that is needed to enable you to be useful and happy. Abundant Sufply, be your demand. TIME A FACTOR In all your Self -Culture, you are to remember that time is a necessary factor in unfoldment. It is not a measure of duration. This mistake of measuring time by the figures on a dial, will never do in this culture. Time is to be measured by growth. Some may grow more while the hands count twenty-four hours than others in ten times that. Take no thought of time. You have all there is. You are Spirit (or Mind, if you prefer the word) and have all eternity. Seeds require time to germinate, grow, leave, DOLLARS WANT ME. 15 bud, bloom, blossom and fruit. Each thought, each change in your ideal, is a seed. It will follow nature ^s line of evolution. You will require time as you change your at- titude! A period will be require'l to ctiango your vibrations so that the Dollar will feel you and learn that it wants you. This period will vary according to your power of concen- tration and your fidelity to your ideal as couched in the Afiirmation; Dollars want me. The thought-field is first to be cleared of the weeds of the old thought-sowing and the seeds of the new must germinate and become the forest in the garden of Supply. Pay no attention to the old conditions. Keep at your Affirmation, knowing that it is the reservoir and every irrigating ditch will fill as soon as water can come down from the reser- voir to it. The echo, *^I want dollars," must become still before the real sound of Dollars want me can vibrate in your aura. Know, as the merchant knows that he h^stw that which the people want, that you have that which Dollars want. Advertise in your thought, your hand, your life, your purpose to the Dollar. Tell it that it wants all these; that without you, it has no power; that, with- 16 DOLLARS WANT ME. out you, it can do nothing. Tell it that all that it wants, you have; that it will come to you that it may accomplish its mission. Then, like a patient merchant, wait for your cus- tomers. Dollars will soon flock, as do custom- ers to a ** bargain'' counter. The **Want column" has attracted them. Use here only the same common-sense, perseverance and pa- tience the successful business man uses and Dollars will find their wants supplied in you, and you will find Supply. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PLY. "He who dares assert the I, May calmly wait While hurrying fate Meets his demands with sure supply." —Helen Wilmans. 'I'hcre is neither health nor prosperity without harmouy. There is no peace, no health, where there is want, be it want of material Supply, wisdom Supi)ly, or love Supply. Love, Truth and Dollars—these are necessary to human well-being. Mind, body and estate must be cared for; there must be Harmony between all that there may be health, happiness and prosperity. This harmony is found in merely giving Self, the Soul, its way. Harmony is living in obedi- ence to mental law. It is found in right think- ing. Poverty is the main cause of the unrest, the dis-ease (the un-ease) that afSicts mankind. Remove poverty by right thinking and all at- tendant evils will disappear. This right think- ing means that there shall be on the part of the individual a change of attitude toward the Dollar. 18 DOLLARS WANT ME. The prevalent attitude is want for the Dollar, —belief that Dollars are power. This must be outgrown and the attitude must be that ALL POWEE IS IN MAN. Dollars are machines with power delegated to them by man. They are useless without man. Dollars want me! is to be the thought of the *' Coming man.*' A few so think now and have obtained mastery of Supply. It is a legitimate demand on part of each in- dividual that he have enough. Opulence is righteousness. There is enough in the Universal One from which all things materialize, for each one to have enough to meet all desires without rob- bing any. Infinite Supply is all about us and yet there is want. Whose the fault? Not of The One. It is in ourselves. We have not known how to claim, nor have we claimed our own. The law is simple and it is laid down by the greatest political economist as well as the greatest Mental Scientist the world has in its historic records. He was not a theologian, neither did he deal with questions of a future life, as many seem to think; he was a sociolog- ist and a socialist. He dealt with questions of **the life that now is." His name was Jesus. He gave the Law thus: **Seek first DOLLARS WANT ME. 19 the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you/' Analyze the Law thus:— "Kingdom of Godf Where? "Within you.'' "God is Spirit," he said. "The Kingdom of God" is then in the Soul. It is the Ego or Soul of man. Know thyself as Soul; know thyself as Spirit — this is the Law. Live rightly, is the mean- ing of "his righteousness." Live in accord with your sense of right; obey your own con- science. Then all things shall be yours. Things of whatever kind, of all kinds, are manifesta- tions of the One Substance. Things are the same as yourself,— manif stations of the One God. Dollars are things. Dollars are mani- festations of the One God. Plain directions, these: Live true to self; live spiritually; give the first place in your thought to the eternal, from which things come and then all things will come to you at need. "First?" Yes! Not things first, but that mental condition which controls things. Not Dollars first, but that mental attitude which attracts Dollars. That mental condition is Faith in Self as a manifestation of Omnipotence, Faith in Self as a manifestation of the All-Grood, Faith in 20 DOLLARS WANT ME. the Universe as Justice, Faith in the Univer- sal One as entirely Good, Faith in the Life you are, to draw its necessary Supply of things demanded for its highest expression. Then let things come. This is all, but it is --God. This is the '* straight gate.'* Few there be that enter in, but all may. Few place things ** second. '' Dollars, position, influence, show, —these in common thought, come * 'first." But these are results of Power. Become first the Power, become one with the Power and these desired things will come. The ordinary process of business, the customary method of thinking, is to be reversed. Think from in- ward Power, think from Being. You will then be the Master and things will take their right place. Become ''one with God" by recog- nizing Him as King in your Soul. Listen to Him in the edicts of your Soul. Say, as you thus become negative to the Higher in you, "Now, God, do your work your way! and it will be done satisfactorily to me." No one can fail when he assumes this attitude of Love and Trust. It would be an impotent God, and therefore no-God, that did not work when these conditions are maile. Povert/, like consumption, cold or rheumatism, is a mental condition. It can be cured only DOLLARS WANT ME. 21 by the same means, i. e., Affirmation of Pow- er to cure:— 7 am part of the One and, in the One, possess all, I possess all! Affirm this and patiently wait for the manifestation. You have sown the thonght-seed, now, like the rancher, wait for the ppronting and the har- vest. It can never fail you when, like him, you trust. Repeat this Affirmation, no matter what the appearances. No matter if hungry, houseless and alone, affirm:— G'o J is my tSupply, My Supply is Infinite, Dollars want me! Trust implicitly in the inviolable Law of Cause and Effect. You are Cause: Supply is the Effect that must follow your Affirmation. In the past, you have sown poverty-seeds, and are now reaping the crop. You do not enjoy this harvest. Sow, amid these results of previous sowing. Plenty-seeds and Plenty will come. Supply is yours when you sow Sup- ply-seeds. Sow, no matter how seemingly black the conditions. The seeds have God- in-them and cannot fail. I AM SUPPLIED WITH ALL I NEED FROM INFI- NITE substance! My supply is Infinite I All I DESIRE IS mine from Infinite Abund- ance I God is my Supply. Supply never FAILS me! From these Affirmations, choose 22 DOLLARS WANT ME. the one that fits your case or make one from this thought to fit your condition and state of mind. When made, stick to it as gravity sticks to earth. The Law of Supply is as sure as gravity. In this Affirmation, All is mine! Dollars want me! you have repolar- ized your aura. You have changed your vibra- tions and you will draw, as the magnet draws the needle, all you can use. Try it! Never let go of your trust that Dollars, or that for which they stand, will come. Thy Kingdom, O Soul, has come and thy will is done, .for God and Soul are One. "All is mine; 'tis but by asking: Kre I make my silent plea Life unlocks her richest treasures For my waiting eyes to see." SUI>I>LE]V[ENT. O Hashnu Hara, editor of Wings of Truth, London, in the April, 1903, number of that journal has this to say of *'The Law of Opu- lence ' ' : — **The February issue of NOW contained an article on 'Opulence.' I've read a good many articles on opulence, some have impressed me, some fell flat — flat us a pancake — this one didn't. First of all, it placed all my former theories in a wrong light; my idea was to say *I WANT.' It is quite true that when I did this I generally got what I wanted sooner or later, but H. H. B. says that you must not say, / want,— in effect, he says you must affirm, *I donH want dollars; dollars want me,' A very little consideration will show this is right; but consideration wasn't enough for me— I put it to the test. The first five days, my receipts fell almost to zero, but I was de- termined to hang on. I felt it was right, that the drop in my business was due to the re- adjustment of the vibrations, for long ex- perience has taught me that you cannot turn 24 DOLLARS WANT ME. round from one method of thought to another very suddenly without disturbing the currents and these have to get re-adjusted to the new rate of vibration before you can work them. The sixth day my patience was amply reward- ed; for every one order I had been in the habit of receiving, I got twenty and it has kept up ever since. ^*Noiv I never weaken my position by affirm- ing that I want anything. I say it wants me, and I know it will come. It is not any use making that statement, of course, if you doubt IT. You must back up your statement with faith and feel it is already yours. It is rath- er on the principle of the honey-pot and the swarm of summer flies; you are the pot of honey— the dollars are the flies. '*Now the honey doesn't worry about the flies, it is content to be sweet, to give off a faint sweet smell and to stick, but the flies do want it, they come from all quarters, they swarm into it, sip its sweetness, and buzz-zz-zz all all around. The honey is a power— irresistible power so far as flies go— they want it, it is a great center of attraction. **Now say you run some particular line of business— you are the honey— in the world there are many people who want what you DOLLARS WANT ME. 25 have to give them, who will gladly pay cash for it, who cannot help being attracted to your honey, as the flies might be. **Your thought, as I have so often told you, is strong and potent beyond measure, but, when you assume the * wanting' attitude, al- though you do most certainly attract, it is nothing like the powerful attraction formed by your quiet, confident attitude of absolute conviction that the thing wants you. The at- titude of desire is strong, but the attitude of certainty— of possession— yfhieh this new thought makes possible is wonderful, and a veritable tower of ^rength; it has made things possible to me that were quite out of the ques- tion before." Elizabeth Towne, editor of Nautilus, in her issue of May, 1903, copies the above from Wings of Truth and says:— **I reprint this item because it is too good to be missed by the thousands of American readers who never see this bright little English magazine. I be- lieve the idea that money wants you will help you to the right mental condition.' Be a pot of honey and let it come," 'NOTS^" FOLK, NEW THOUGHT CENTER OF PACIFIC COAST 1437 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. *'NOW" Folk, of which,Henry Harrison Brown is President, have associated themselves togeth- er to teach man to know himself as a manifes- tation of the One Infinite Energy, and how to direct this Energy, which is his sub-conscious self, in its objective expression, and thus mold his destiny to his desire. This knowledge is above all other knowledge. An announcement of our work will be found on the following pages. Three Epoch-Making Books By Henry Harrison Brown. These big-little books are having a phenomenal sale and give universal satisfaction. How to Q)nttoI Fate thr ou§fh Suggestion 4th Edition; 60 pp.; paper, 25c In Part I., this book evolves the Science and Philosophy of Life; in Part II., it shows the Place and Power of Suggestion. The principles dealt with are: Unity. Revolu- tion. Tendency of Thought. Fate. Man. Log- ic. Matter. Evolution. Force. Spirit The New Man. Finer Vibrations. All Knowledge Possible. Race Sensitiveness. Savior*. Progress. No Sickness. Liberty. Spiritual Gifts. Classi- fication of Psychic Power. Love. Love's Pitch and Octaves. Concentration. Involuntary Concentration. One Power to Heal. Millen- nium Here. Some Model Suggestions are given to aid the reader to demonstrate what the book teaches. ELLA WHEELER WILCOX has an article in the Ne-w York ETening Journal, which also appeared in the Chicago American and San Francisco Examiner, in which she says: "The world is full of New Thought Literature. It is helpful and inspiring to read. The latest to come to me is: 'How to Control Fate through Suggestion.,' by Henry Harrison Brown. It is w^orth many dollars to any one who will livb its philosophy." EUGENE DEL MAR, Editor of Common Sense and author of "Spiritual and Material Attraction," writes: "The truths arc rery clearly expressed and well presented. The book is inevery way quite readable." Not Hypnotism but Stigfgfestion, 3d Edition; 60 pp.; paper, 25c In this book the Law of Suggestion is evolved and the phenomena of Hypnotism explained. This phenomena is due to the action of the Sub- jective mind, and should be studied until the Art of Self-Suggestion is so perfect that the in- dividual can make himself that which he desires. The principles dealt with are: Truth and Unity. Power of Choice. Sensation. Emotion. Re- sponsibility of Choice. Where lies choice? Re- sult of Thinking. Fate Can be Controlled. Power of Thought. Self- Assertion. The Power of Will. Hypnotism. Self-Suggestion. Post- Hypnotism. Thought Seeds. Spiritualism. Christian Science. Materialized Will. Mastery of Fate. The Manifest Ideal. Also, several pages are devoted to formulas for self-treatment which are very valuable. GRANT WALLACE, who is writing most valuable editorials for the evening Bulletin of this city, has twice referred to it as "a very fine little book" and recommends it to his readers as a text-book on Sug- gestion. J. STITT WILSON, editor, author, and teacher of the New Thought, well known upon his own plat- form and that of the advanced Socialists, writes: "Your books are unique and to the point. They have the breath of life in them. I will bring them to the notice of my classes." Man's Greatest Discovery, 3d Edition; 60 pp.; paper, 25c Six Essays upon these subjects: Thought as Power (An Explanation and a Prophecy). Tel- epathy:— the Missing Link. The Ultimate of Power: — the Universe is One. Life: — Its Poten- tial and Conservation. Vibration. The Victory Over Death:— Levitation, Materialization, De- Materialization. The author fortifies his position with copious extracts from scientists and thinkers to show that his ideas are only supplementing the de- ductions of present science and in harmony with the evolutionary philosophy. It is a book to stimulate thought. It will please you. DR. ALEX. J. McIVOR-TYNDALL, who is without a doubt the greatest demonstrator of thought-read- ing, says: "I w^ould like to commend it to every per- son w^ho can read. It is simple; concise; convincing No one, perhaps, knows better than I that what you state in its pages is, as you say, 'man's greatest discovery.' There is no doubt that Thought is Force capable of accomplishing what we will." "VnT /^ "\T7" Leading New Thought Journal XN KJ W of the World. A JOURNAL OF AFFIRMATION. HENRY HARRISON BROWN, Editor. Published monthlyby "NOW" FOLK, New Thought Center of the Pacific Coast, at $1 a year. Devoted to Soul Culture:— the education o Man in the use of his Spiritual faculties, the unfoldment of Psychic Power, and the devel- opment of Self-Control. SI*IGCIAILi OFFKR: To introduce it to you and your friends, we offer 3 months trial for JOc» NewThought Primer Otigitif History and Principles of the Movement • • . A NEW BOOK BY HENRY HARRISON BROWN, Author, Lecturer and Teacher of wide repute. This book w^at written in answer to the ever rccuring questions as to what is NEW THOUGHT? Where did it come from? For what docs it stand? 64 pages. (Paper covers.) Typographically beau- tiful, on excellent book paper. Price, 25 Cents, SEND TODAY. "NOW" FOLK SOUL CULTURE INSTITUTE Henry Harrison Brown, Instructor. Instruction given in SUGGESTION, ART OF LIVING, and PSYCHOMETRY, which in- clude every phase of Psychic Development. Full particulars given upon application. For the benefit of those who cannot attend the classes at the Institute, we ofier Complete Mail Courses on these lines of thought. In ofifering these courses to the public, we feel confidentin stat- ing that nothing approaching them in value has ever been produced in the correspondence line. They are at once unique and valuable. If you are searching for a clear exposition of what is known as the New Thought, you will find this to be the fountain where you may drink and be satisfied as Mr. Brown writes from 30 years experience. A brief outline of the ground covered in each course is given below: 25 Lessons in SUGGESTION,^ This course unfolds the ever-present Law of Sugges- tion and teaches the art of applying it. A solid foun- dation or starting point is given It takes up every phase of psychic development and gives the knowl- edge that unlocks the powers of the Soul. Remem- ber that a suggestion is anything which causes an idea in the mind. It deals with basic principles; man as an ego, man and his relation to the universe and his fellows; vibration, the nervous system, philoso- phy of suggestion; the law; subject and operator, their relations; how to give, maintain, and remove a suggestion; condition of hypnosis, its relation to sleep; concentration; relations of age, occupation, temperament, disease, etc., to suggestivity; stages of hypnosis; physiology of suggestion; how to use suggestion in inhibition of pain, in cure of bad hab- its, in training of children, in business, in education, reform, and in one's own development. 25 Lessons in ART OF LIVING. This valuable course gives the key to healing and self-development in all spiritual gifts. It is a purely scientific application of the principles underlying the systems of "Mental," "Divine," and "Christian" Science and all other schools of metaphysics. It practically covers the fundamental principles of science, the law^ of physics, and the dual manifesta- tions of the one substance known as matter and mind. It deals with vibration, sensation, personal magnetism, thought as a form of energy, telepathy, clairvoyance, and mental healing; how to be and keep well, the healing power of thought, self-protec- tion as sensitives, how to cultivate self-protection, inspiration, etc. TERMSt— Each of these complete courses consists of 25 lessons, each lesson printed and bound separately and sent one at a time. Price: 50c per lesson, or $10 for a complete course if paid in advance. Mr. Brown will answer one letter of inquiry on each lesson without extra charge. This personal relation be- tween teacher and pupil adds much to these valuable courses. N. B. -These courses have received the highest commendation from all who have studied them. The course in Suggestion should be taken up first, the Art of Living next, then we have a course in Psychometry which is yet more ad- vanced. Correspondence solicited. Readings by Psychometry. Psychometry is Soul-Reading. It covers all the psychic phenomena usually included under the terms Clairvoyance, Inspiration, Healinp^, Prophecy, Etc. It is the art of reading from the radiations each per- son or thing sends out from itself. We are thus put into conscious relations with the Soul, or, as it is now popular to call it, with the sub-conscious life. Advice in business, or matters of life, and in develop- ment of any psychic phase will be given by Henry Harrison Brown. He has had 25 years' experience in this w^ork, has never failed to read correctly, and is the most practical of advisers. He points out the possibilities of the individual from the soul-side and reveals the errors in the thought-life. These Read- ings are priceless to the recipient. Hundreds have testified to this fact. Write a short letter as to a friend, giving outlines only of the desire, and enclose $1.00, and a reply will be sent at once. TREATHENT^ HENRY HARRISON BROWN and his assist- ants successfully treat, through Suggestion and Higher Spiritual Power, all chronic, mental, and nervous diseases. HABITS. Suggestion is the best possible agent in the cor- rection of all Habits, Vices, or weakness. All patients are educated in right thinking, thus establishing the self-confidence and reliance nec- essary for perfect health and mental balance. j^^Oiit of town patients treated by Silent Pow- er and instructed by letter. Correspondence solicited. Address all commun- ications to -[^^O W FOLK, %1 Market -^t^ San Francisco, Calif. OF J3 m H - C r XI ;■ ^ 1 H . o f- ' 3^ > »^ ■N O ? =^ ) o i; E ) CD \ r-^ ?. o 3 D - Q r CO 5 7^ I o D3 13 < f