-NRLF B 14 sfiM 5^3 /P U ORIENTAL ART AMERICAN RUGS ORIENTAL ART in AMERICAN RUGS THE MARK OF QUALITY L M.J.WHITTALL \VORCEgTER MA-SS 1911 COPYRXSHT Vpt % B,1 Mo J IVHr THE HOUSE IDEAL The record of industrial progress shows no greater achievement than the wonderful fabrics produced at the famous Whittall Mills at Worcester, Mass. It is the purpose of this booklet to show in an interesting man- ner how much more desirable are Whittall rugs than the thousands of cheap, unreliable Oriental rugs with which so many American houses are furnished. This is an appeal to the good sense of the many people who are unable to buy high-grade Persian rugs at several hundred dollars each, but who wish to procure the same artistic effect at a reasonable expense in furnishing their homes as is secured by an out- lay of thousands of dollars for fine Oriental rugs and carpets. In the following comparative illustrations, we aim to show how closely, how exactly, all that is best in Ori- ental art and weaving has been reproduced in artistic coloring and designing. The word "Whittall" in a rug is synonymous with the highest wearing qualities. THE IVtflRK OF QUALITY 254859 SARABAND ENTB. This is one of the most easily identified of Oriental designs. The old Persian pear pattern is always used. On a red or blue ground are seen hundreds of these little figures arranged with geometrical precision. The chief beauty of a Saraband rug is generally its numerous little narrow borders, filled with very fine floral figures and undulating vines, interspersed with a con- ventional rectilinear flower. Genuine Sarabands are tied with the Sehna knot, and in many cases have the date of manufacture worked into them. ARABIC This fabric is the nearest approach to the Turkish type of rug which has yet been produced in this country. It meets the requirements of those who enjoy the luxury of a deep pile fabric with the soft, mellow tones of Turkey and India, and expressed in designs broad in treatment. It would be hard to find even a genuine Turkish rug equaling its beauty, permanency of color and long wearing qualities. Whittall Sarabands are made in a wide range of colorings, qualities, and sizes. The opposite illustration suggests the beauty and detail of the design. The colorings are equally harmonious and pleasing. SARABAND RECEPTION ROOM .- These are woven in the celebrated rug-pro- ducing district of Ferreghan, Persia. They are very closely and finely woven, and the wool used is extremely lustrous, and is largely responsible for the beautiful colorings which have made these fine rugs so famous. The design is generally a magnificent medallion surrounded by beautiful corner-pieces and intricately designed borders. There is seemingly no limit to the wonderfully harmonious color effects found in these splendid rugs. As finely and carefully woven as the rarest Oriental, its lustrous, elastic pile of finest worsted is as durable as a Royal Kermanshah, costing hundreds of dollars. The delightful blending of its colors, the fast- ness of its dyes, and its mirror-like sheen recom- mend it to all who wish to purchase a domestic rug of unrivaled excellence. The most closely woven and finest texture of any rug produced in America. ^ One of the finest examples of this design as reproduced in the Whittall Sarufy is illustrated on the next page. The usual wide range of sizes and color combinations is offered in this pattern. > Modern decorative requirements have been largely responsible for the production of the Gorevan. It is woven in the old Persian prov- ince of Aberbaijan. The women weavers of this district have long been famous for their skill, and under the encouragement of European and American importers, their activities have been directed to producing the modern Gorevan. Its distinguishing features are a bold medallion on a deep, rich ground of red, blue or ivory. Odd geometrical figures fill in the balance of the body of the rug. The corner-pieces and bor- ders are singularly beautiful and harmonious. ANGLO INDIAN v - This rug is similar to our Anglo-Persian, though the pile is not quite so high nor is it of so close a weave. It has long been a standard throughout the country, and is a most serviceable and pleasing floor covering. The colors in the Anglo-Indian, as well as in all Whittall rugs, are permanent, and their arrangement in the various designs offered assures perfect harmony. In even/ respect, color, design, and especially in longer wear, the Whittall Gorevan, shown on the page following, is as desirable as any original Oriental. The choice of sizes, colors and qualities is large. GORBVAN TABRIZ PARLO The typical Tabriz has a field of color of old ivory, upon which is drawn an outer band of Indian red enclosing a medallion in a contrasting color. Greens, pinks, old rose and bronzes are further used for the representation of the lotus and other flowers, together with their foliage. Generally the dominant border stripe is of a bright blue or deep Persian red, which sets off the floral devices and leaf forms to perfection. The narrow border stripes are strewn with minute flowers rendered in dull reds and greens. These rugs are especially adapted to semi- public places, such as hotels, offices, etc. A perfectly plain center of green, blue, or tan, with self-colored border, or a plain green or tan center with black border in the Grecian Key, Art Nouveau, or Arts and Crafts designs, make a particularly effective rug. These rugs have received the unqualified endorsement of the best decorators. Special rugs of almost any size can be made to order. We show on the opposite page the Whiliall Tabriz. This is made in a wide range of qualities and color combinations as well as in all the favorite sizes. Uli (1 ,,,,, TABRIZ DIN i Soumaks are woven in the province north of the River Kur, on the eastern coast of the Cas- pian Sea. The weave is a flat stitch with the loose ends left on the back. The basis of the Soumak design rests on the use of elongated octagons, lozenges, and similar geometrical figures with their various sub-divi- sions. Around their edges diminutive latch hooks are used as a border. The central figure consists of a network of tiny crosses, made up in diamond form, of alternate colors on a contrasting field. A rug similar to the Daghestan in everything except weave. ROYAL WORCESTER The materials in this rug are in every way the equal of those used in our magnificent Anglo- Persians. The same lustrous worsted, combined with a wide range of splendid Oriental designs, makes this one of the best rugs on the market for anywhere near the same price. We can furnish special rugs of practically any size. The Whittall Soumak shown on the page opposite reproduces the colorings and details of design of this beautiful Oriental. It is made in many color combinations and all desirable sizes. SOUMAK BOKHARA TRAPPINGS DEN - : The predominating design used in rugs from Bokhara is a geometric figure repeated at regular intervals in bold effects. Throughout Asia the use of saddlebags or "trappings" to convey household effects from place to place is common. The blood red of these rugs is typical of the people who weave them, for no more barbarous or fierce race of savages will be found engaged in the peaceful occupation of rug-making than the natives of Bokhara. SEAMLESS ARABIC For years manufacturers have bent every effort to produce a rug which should be thick and heavy like the Oriental, and at the same time be seamless and flexible. While it has been accom- plished in some Wiltons, they have always been stiff and could not be folded or rolled for easy handling. The seamless Arabic is made in a number of magnificent Oriental reproductions. The Whittall rug on the opposite page was reproduced from an antique Bokhara saddlebag or "trapping. " 1 1 1'IL '^'."l""'" 1 "''"'""' 1 "'!^ "" v >wv w H'v 11 " BOKHARA TRAPPINGS L KHIVA BOKHARA These are the real Bokhara rugs, and come from the city and province of that name. The typical Khiva Bokhara design is an arrangement of geometrical figures almost inva- riably octagonal in shape. In the characteristic patterns these octagons are divided into quarters of alternating and contrasting color effects. Between and separating the large octagons are conventional diamond-shaped figures. These rugs are very popular in this country for libraries, dens or offices. TBPRAC \*AJVV* *>h^AAf A wool Wilton, which in every particular measures up to the Whittall standard of quality, the best low-priced Wilton rug on the market. Woven with high pile and colored with fast dyes. A wide range of patterns and colorings to meet the demands of the most exacting. Will stand excessive wear and is particularly suited for hard service in home, office or public building. The beauty and strength of the Whittall Khiva Bokharas are por- trayed on the page following. Out of the qualities, sizes and colors, there is a broad choice. KHIVA BOKHARA In common with other Persian rugs, there is a wide variety in Kirman designs. The typical Persian forms of a floral nature, especially the cypress tree or vine, largely prevail. In some forms is found a medallion entwined with flowers, and sometimes the "tree of life" bearing fruits or bud forms upcn its branches. These floral forms are almost always treated with a light and natural touch. WHITTALL QUALITY In selecting a Whittall Rug or Carpet to meet your particular requirements or purse from the many different grades we manufacture, you are guaranteed the same perfection of design or pattern, the best materials obtainable, the fastest dyes that will produce the beautiful color blendings, and the same careful attention to manufacturing detail that has made the name of "WHITTALL" the symbol of excellence. The difference in grade and price is governed entirely by the choice of wool or worsted stock, the length of pile and the fineness of weave. There can be no closer and pleasing Oriental reproduction than the ^^ Wbittall Kirman shown on the following page. There is also a large variety of colorings, as well as all reasonable sizes. LA r **ii i ' \i Made in the mountainous country of north- western Persia. The characteristics of Sehna designs are small figures in floral or diaper effects. The pear and palm predominate, although the Herati or fish pattern, minutely woven, often appears. In many Sehnas a diamond-shaped centre- piece appears, closely covered with small figures. Delicate tracery, small patterns, and minute variations in color make these rugs distinctive among Oriental fabrics. CHLIDEMA- This is our best Brussels rug, which we are making in many handsome patterns and a large variety of colorings. We feel justified in claiming this to be the most complete and comprehensive line of high-grade Brussels rugs on the market, and the quality is positively the best. We recommend our Chlidema Brussels as an ideal floor covering, of permanent and pleasing colors, made to meet the demands of hard servce. The attractiveness of the Whittall Sehna is indicated in the illustration opposite. The profusion of colorings, qualities and sizes affords a wide choice. ! I KERMANSHAH Kermanshah rugs were formerly woven in the village of that name in the Province of Ardelan, in western Persia, but are now mostly woven in the adjoining mountain districts. While these rugs vary considerably in the details of design, there is most frequently found a medallion or central figure on a ground of small, beautifully shaded floral forms. In this floral treatment, the pear form sometimes rests on undulating vines, with delicate floral forms surrounding each figure. -PEERLESS- Only slightly different in quality from our Chlidema Body Brussels. The materials used, as well as the workmanship which produces these popular rugs, are in no way inferior to any of the rugs which have made the name of Whittall famous. Peerless rugs are permanent in colors and make an exceedingly practical and serviceable floor covering. The exquisite detail of the Whittall Kermanshah design is reproduced on the page following. But the variety of colorings and the several qualities, in a large assortment of sizes, must be seen to be appreciated. KERMANSHAH BATH Tie The Lenox rug is made of pure cotton with high pile, and so skillfully handled that the texture is of a remarkable quality. Designed to har- monize in color and pattern with the tile and porcelain treatment of the bath-room, and owing to its highly sanitary properties, is unequaled for this purpose. It will stand repeated washings and constant wetting and drying without show- ing the least ill effects. It will not warp. It lies flat. Moths will not touch it. We furnish these rugs in four designs : Grecian Trellis, Grecian Key, Grecian Mosaic, and Chinese Trellis, each pattern being made in several shades of blue, green, red and pink combined with white. Particularly adapted for sleeping rooms where the colorings and patterns produce light and airy effects so often desired. For summer furnishings and for hospital use their hygienic qualities make them universally satisfactory. When a cotton rug is sought, the Lenox should be purchased, as it stands at the head of those fabrics in all points which go to make up a per- fect cotton floor covering. On the opposite page are shown photographic reproductions of Lenox rugs the Chinese Trellis, Grecian Mosaic, Grecian Trellis, and Grecian Key in the order named, from left to right. CARPETS CHU I While it is a fact that rugs are every day be- ing more generally used, still carpets will always be required for many purposes. Hotels and all places of a public or semi-public nature, as well as halls and stairs, cannot ordinarily be furnished as satisfactorily with rugs as with carpets. Our selections of carpets are just as complete today as it is possible to make them. We have not allowed this department of our business to suffer at the expense of our rug lines. Several hundred patterns and colorings are included in our carpet lines, making as complete an assort- ment as has ever been shown. We specialize in plain effects. Our plain Whittall Wiltons, Moresque and plain plushes and Oxford Wiltons offer practically every coloring that may be required. Our Vic- toria and Whittall Wiltons offer a complete line of designs and colorings adapted to any scheme of decoration for any place. Whittall Teprac Wilton is especially designed for work which requires a fabric of great dura- bility at low cost. Three grades of Body Brussels comprise an assortment which leaves nothing to be desired. The superior quality of Whittall carpets and rugs is evidenced by the constantly increasing number of hotels, theatres, clubs and public institutions which are using our various fabrics. CARPE.TS CONTRACT Our superb equipment renders all contract work easy of accomplishment. No order is too large for us to handle and execute in the shortest possible time. Our regular lines offer practically unlimited selection of all grades of rugs and carpets. Special designs, colorings and sizes will be made to suit any architectural or decorative scheme where the order is large enough to warrant the expense. On large orders we are prepared to quote special prices. Communicate with your dealer; he will assist you materially by showing quality samples of the various fabrics, or will secure from us such special designs or colorings as will meet your special requirements. Practically any of our carpet designs can be furnished in our special Berlin Wilton, this fab- ric being especially adapted to contract work. We have furnished rugs and carpets on special orders for hundreds of the leading hotels, clubs, churches, club rooms, theatres, private and pub- lic institutions throughout the United States and its insular possessions. We aim, above all, to co-operate with dealers who handle our line, and through whom Whit- tall rugs and carpets have been distributed to tens of thousands of homes in the United States, where, it is our proudest boast, they are giving full and complete satisfaction. Below we give a list of a few of the public buildings, institutions, hotels, etc., that have been supplied with Whittall rugs and carpets : Hotels TEAMER Waldorf-Astoria New York Hoffman House New York Cadillac New York Hotel Touraine Boston Hotel Brewster Boston Bellevue-Stratford Philadelphia Congress Hall Washington Hotel Secor Toledo, O. Fort William Henry Hotel Lake George, N. Y. Hotel Champlain Lake Champlain, N. Y. Traympre Atlantic City, N. Young's Atlantic City, N. Royal Palace Atlantic City, N. Marlborough-Blenheim Atlantic City, N. J. Chalfpnte Atlantic City, N. J. Dennis Atlantic City, N. J. Alexandria Hotel Los Angeles, Cal. Tip Top Inn, Pullman Building Chicago Hotel Russell London Public Buildings Senate Office Building State Capitol State Capitol State Capitol State Capitol State House State House Washington Ohio New Hampshire Massachusetts New York Pierre, S. Dakota Atlanta, Ga. Japanese Legation Honolulu U.S. Arsenal Springfield, Mass. Salem County Court House Salem, N. J. County Court House Lucerne, Pa. Pennsylvania State Capitol Harrisburg, Pa. Theatres, Clubs, etc. Maxine Elliott Theatre New York Manhattan Opera House New York Hudson Theatre >New York Powers Theatre Chicago Illinois Theatre Colonial Theatre Masonic Lodge Masonic Lodge Chicago Chicago Baltimore Danbury, Ct. , . Burlingame San Francisco, Cal. n League Club New York U Medinah Temple Chicago Oriental Consistory Chicago Apollo Commandery Chicago Shriner's Club Wilkesbarre, Pa. Arkwright Club New York Elks Building Rochester, N. Y. Chicago Athletic Club Chicago Nayasset Club Springfield, Mass. Clark University Worcester, Mass. Y. M. C. A. Wilmington, Del. Y. M. C. A. Jacksonville, Fla. Miscellaneous Pullman Cars Wesson Maternity Hospital Springfield, Mass. Sandy Hook Steamer "Asbury Park" Albany Boats Harrison Hall, Jacob Tome Inst. Port Deposit, Md. Public School Buildings New York Cjimbel Brothers New York Store Restaurant MOUNTAIN 5h The Whittall Mills produce rugs of as fine a texture as those made by the ancient Persian, with wearing qualities guaranteed, and at one tenth the price. With all glamour of the East removed, along with certain unsanitary features,Whittall rugs and carpets stand a credit to our time and genius. The wool procured from the same source as that used by the Oriental weavers, treated with much greater skill and care in the washing than they could possibly give to this important process, spun to the desired size and firmness by machines of more than human accuracy the material could never have been better. The weaving brought to such perfection that a more desirable wear-proof fabric is secured than could possibly result from crude hand methods; designs by master artists gaining in- spiration from all the best work of centuries total these facts and you get Whittall rugs. Add the advantage of a large line from which to select the exact size, design, and color combination you desire; add a fixed selling-price based on intrinsic value, and you will realize why every first-class dealer carries Whittall products. Made for every-day use, with the standard of color and design just as high as was that of the ancient Persian who wove his masterpiece for the use of a few the unshod feet of the mighty. WORCESTER MILLS Suggestions for Classification of Rugs to be used in va- rious rooms, when colors, etc., are adapted to furnishings : Parlors, Reception Rooms, Music Rooms Aubusson Byzantine *Goreyan Gothic 'Grecian Hamidieh Herati Iran Kashan Kermanshah Khorassan Kirman Louis XV Louis XVI 1'Art Nouveau Marie Antoinette Moire Mosque 'Persian Prayer 'Saraband Saruk 'Sehna Shiraz Soumak Tabriz Mission French Cretonne Dresden Tapestry *When made in light or medium colors Living Rooms, Dining Rooms, Dens, Halls, Offices, Libraries Bokhara Arabian Beluchistan Daghestan Djushghan Ferraghan Gorevan Gothic Grecian Hamadan Herati Iran Kabistan Kashan Kazak 'Kermanshah 'Khorassan Medieval Moire Mosul Nomad Oushak 'Persian Saraband Sehna Shah Abbas Shirvan 'When made in dark colors Chambers, Boudoirs Aubusson Byzantine Gothic Hamidieh Kermanshah Louis XV Louis XVI 1'Art Nouveau Marie Antoinette Prayer Tabriz 'Mission Mosque Moire French Cretonne Soumak Shiraz Turkish Mission Mosaic Tapestry Dresden Persian Saruk When colors are of delicate tones KERMANSHAH DESIGN JUL. J. When choosing your rugs and carpets see that the name WHITTALL is woven in the back. It & your guarantee of quality and satisfaction. The label reproduced here is attached to all WHITTALL fabrics, to assist you in identifying the type of design. Refer to the above classification. See that your rug bears the proper label and, above all, the WHITTALL trade mark woven in the back, and you cannot go wrong in the selection of floor coverings. ARRANGED BY WALTER L. WEEOEN \ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 30 1935 1937 1940 JUN 19*8 -JTT 230ct'55EQ LD 21-