Post 8vo. 10. 6rf. OBSERVATIONS IN METEOROLOGY. By the Rev. LEONARD JENYNS, M.A., F.L.S., &c. ; LATE VICAR OF SWAFFHAM BULBECK. " For thirty years, Mr. Jenyns informs us, he has kept a meteorological register, and for nineteen years his observations have been made with the best instruments, and with all the precautions which modern science could furnish. A thoroughly practised observer, therefore, writes this book, which, as a guide to the climate in Cambridgeshire, is of the utmost interest, and as a record of meteorological phenomena is of high scientific value. The subjects which have especially claimed the attention of the author are the following : The Thermometer and Temperature, leading on to a careful consideration of the Phenomena of the Winds. The Barometer and Atmo- spheric Pressure. The Aqueous Phenomena of the At- mosphere forms a well-considered section of the work ; and the facts brought together in relation to Dew, Clouds, Rain, Hail and Snow are especially important, while the deductions are made with the caution and exactness of a well-trained philosophic mind. The chap- ters on Thunder Storms and on ' General Observations on the Weather ' are each good. The latter, especially, explains in a satisfactory manner the causes leading, in this climate, to the sudden changes for which these islands are remarkable ; and it treats of many of the popular errors respecting the influences of the moon, &c., in a clear and logical manner. The chapter on the Climate of Cambridgeshire may be thought to be of merely local interest j but, although it bears especially upon meteorological phenomena observed in that county, it will be found to have a much wider application. The 1 Observations on Meteorology ' may fairly take its place beside Howard's 'Climate of London' and White's ' Natural History of Selborne.' " Athenceum. April 17, 1858. "For nineteen years Mr. Jenyns, an acute observer and eminent naturalist, resided at Swaffham Bulbeck, a little place in Cambridgeshire, diligently noting down during all that time the variations in the weather, and drawing conclusions therefrom, when anything could be concluded. The result of his long observations is now before the public in the form of a very well-written, well-arranged, well-considered, well-condensed, and well- indexed volume, which will we trust become the table companion of all who wish to know something of the true nature of this our variable climate." Gardener's Chronicle, May 22, 1858. " If the example of the author were followed by other clergymen through the country, within a few years a mass of meteorological information might be collected which would cease to be of merely local value, and become of the highest scientific importance. As an ex- ample of the mode in which such a work should be undertaken, we regard Mr. Jenyns' book as a most use- ful one, and we hope that it may be the precursor of many similar contributions to our knowledge of climate." Natural History Review, January, 1860. " The book has the merit of its author's other writings, clearness of statement, sound judgment, and accuracy of observation." Westminster Review, Oct., 1858. " The ' Observations in Meteorology ' is written with the painstaking care which characterizes all the works of that gentleman; whatever he states as a fact may be relied on. It contains a great deal of original observa- tion, and many hints which will assist the meteorologist." Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, July, 1858. "Chapter XXX. is full of minute and little-known particulars about clouds and fogs and mists He has endeavoured, not unsuccessfully, to do for the sky what Gilbert White did for the fields." Guardian, June 30, 1858. JOHN VAN VOOEST, 1 PATEENOSTEE EOW. If i e Jfy.3. ' M. Jta. / Lonjdon: JoTxn. Van Voorst, 1855 . PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY BY JOHN DREW, PH.D., F.R.A.S. H SECOND EDITION, EDITED BY FREDERIC DREW. LONDON : JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLX. /I PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ALEEE ft FLAMMAM. J}7 PEEP ACE. IN the year 1847, the author, having resolved to undertake a series of observations on the climate of Southampton, made inquiries for some treatise on the subject of Meteorology which should assist him in the choice and use of instruments ; such a work was not to be found, and the required infor- mation was obtained from intercourse with some of the most eminent meteorologists at home and abroad, together with an attentive study of the Greenwich Observations, and of the records of various scientific Societies. Three years later the author was invited to (5372415 VI PREFACE. assist at the formation of the British Meteorolo- gical Society ; and being anxious, as a Member of the Council, to promote its object, he published in a scientific periodical, a series of papers " On the Instruments used in Meteorology, and on the Deductions from the Observations," which were extensively circulated by the Secretary among the Members, of whom several, whose position added weight to their representations, urged the author to republish the series in a more permanent form ; the result of seven years' experience as an observer and student is the present volume, which professes to teach " how to observe " meteorological phe- nomena. The author apprehends that every possessor of a Barometer, Thermometer, or Hygrometer, will here find ample directions for its advantageous use ; while the general reader will learn from this work the progress which has been made and the PREFACE. Vli appliances which have been brought to bear in the pursuit of the laws which regulate atmospheric changes. The work consists of three Parts : Part I. Introductory : on the Laws of Heat as affecting Atmospheric Changes. Part II. Instruments of Observation described. Deductions from Observations on the Thermo- metric, Hygrometric, Barometric, and Electric Condition of the Air. Part III. The present state of Practical Meteo- rology in this Country. Description of the Photographic Registration of Phenomena at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The various Tables which are scattered through- out the work will be found to contain every requisite for the reduction of observations. For viii PREFACE. facility of reference the principal of these are here enumerated : Comparison of Therm ometric Scales, p. 285. Diurnal Range of Temperature, p. 63. Diurnal Range of Evaporation, p. 168. Tension of Aqueous Vapour, p. 292. Degree of Humidity from Readings of the Dry- and Wet-bulb Thermometers, p. 296. For measuring Heights with the Barometer, p. 215. Weight of Vapour in a Cubic Foot of Air, p. 293. Weight of a Cubic Foot of Air, p. 295. Correction of the Barometric Reading for Tem- perature, p. 297. Surbiton, Kingston-on-Thames, March, 1855. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN this edition of "Practical Meteorology," I have endeavoured to give an account of every useful instrument that has been invented since the first was published, and, by a slight change in the arrangement of the sections of the book, to put more clearly the information it is in- tended to convey ; I have, in fact, tried to make it bear the same relation to Meteorological Science as it is now, that, from the way in which the first edition was received, it may well be supposed the book had five years ago. F. D. Museum of Practical Geology, Feb. 2, 1860. CONTENTS, PABT I. INTRODUCTION. Page Definition. General view of the relation of the atmosphere to the earth. Composition of the atmosphere. Proportion of the constituents. Air at high elevations. Ozone. How the ele- ments are combined. Mechanical properties of air. Weight. Elasticity. Aqueous vapour combined with the atmosphere. Dalton's theory of the composition of the air. Baro- meter explained. Ratio of decrease of atmo- spheric pressure. Mariotte's law. Experi- mental proof. Ratio between height and pres- sure explained. Proof of the same. Limit of the atmosphere. Heat a powerful agent in atmospheric changes. Laws of heat : expan- sion. Exception to the law. Amount of ex- pansion. Expansion of gases by heat. Con- duction. Illustrative experiment. Good and bad conductors. Convection. Radiation and absorption. Reflexion. Latent heat. Evapo- ration. Specific heat. Coldness of the upper regions of the air. Colour of the air 1-35 Xll CONTENTS. PART II. OBSERVATION AND DEDUCTIONS. Page Arrangement of the subject 36 1. The Thermometric Condition of the Air. The Thermometer. Construction of a standard thermometer. The zero-point. The boiling- point. The Scale : Fahrenheit's division. Divisions of the Scale according to Celsius and Reaumur. Comparison of thermometers. Maximum and Minimum Thermometers. Sixe's Register Thermometer. Rutherford's Register Thermometer. Negretti and Zambra's Maximum and Minimum Thermometers. Hick's Maximum and Minimum Thermometer. Observations to determine temperature. Diurnal range. Projection of the same. Hours in the day when the thermometer shows the mean monthly temperatures at Greenwich. Proper times of observation. Glaisher's factors. Example of their application. Monthly mean temperature from maxima and minima. Ex- ample. Explanations. Projection of six years' observations. Care necessary in observation. Position of instruments. The Author's ther- mometer stand. Greenwich thermometer stand. Mean yearly temperature at Greenwich. Comparison with that of other places. Mean temperature fails in describing climate. Mean daily temperature at Greenwich. Table show- ing how the heat increases through the year. Dove's Isothermal Charts. Deductions from them. Continental and insular climate com- CONTENTS. Xlll Page pared : Example. Temperature affected by the neighbourhood of water: Example. Decrease of temperature as height from the sea-level in- creases. Effect of the sun's heat below the sur- face of the soil. Observations at Greenwich. Stratum of invariable temperature. Radiating thermometers. Actinometer. Wind. Land and sea breezes. Trade- winds. Circular storms. Anemometers : Osier's. WhewelTs. Robinson's. Lind's Wind-gauge. Graphic delineation of results of wind observations. Rules for observing 36-122 2. The Hygrometric Condition of the Air. General considerations. Dew. Hoar-frost. Rain. Hail. Condensation of the vapour in the air. Saussure's Hygrometer. Tension of aqueous vapour. Important conclusion. The dew-point. Degree of humidity. Illustra- tions. Daniell's Hygrometer. Regnault's Hy- grometer. Council's Hygrometer. Dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, or Mason's Hygrometer, Dr. Babington's Evaporation-gauge. Ap- john's formula. Example of its use. Other for- mulae. Glaisher's factors. Other deductions. Weight of a cubic foot of dry air. Weight of a cubic foot of vapour. Amount required for saturation. Weight of a cubic foot of moist air. Welsh's Sliding-rule. Glaisher's Tables. Deductions worked out in full. Diurnal range of temperature of evaporation and the dew- point. Observations in the higher regions of the atmosphere. General remarks. Clouds. XIV COJsiTENTS. Page Their appearance. Height. Classification. The Cirrus. The Cumulus. The Stratus. Registration of amount of cloud. Rain : 'Snow : Hail. : Rain-gauge. Position of rain-gauge. Weight of rain-water. Example. Rule. Relative amount of rain. Deductions. Snow. Hail 122-196 3. Tlie Barometric Condition of the Air. Fluctuations of the barometer. Atmospheric waves. Diurnal variation of the barometer. Maxima and Minima. Explanation. Charac- ter of instruments. Corrections of the baro- metric reading. Capillarity. Temperature. Capacity. Mountain Barometer. Measure- ment of heights. Reduction to the sea-level. Adie's Sympiesometer. The Aneroid Baro- meter. Heights determined by the boiling- point of water. Example. Barometric indi- cations 196-223 4. The Electric Condition of the Air. Nature of atmospheric electricity. Quetelet's deductions. Electrical Apparatus at the Kew Observatory. Peltier's Electrometer. Ozone. Nature of Ozone. To procure Ozone. Test for Ozone. Schonbein's Ozonometer. Properties. Ozone observations. Moffatt's Ozonometer 224-241 PART III. PRESENT STATE OF METEOROLO- GICAL SCIENCE IN ENGLAND. British Meteorological Society. Registrar-Gene- ral's Reports. Conference at Brussels. Re- CONTENTS. XV Page commendation adopted by Government. In- struments supplied. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich. On Photographic Registration of Meteorological Phenomena. Anemometers. Concluding remarks 242-284 APPENDIX. Table I. Correspondence of the different Thermo- metrical Scales 285-292 Table II. Tension, or Elastic Force, of aqueous vapour in inches of mercury, for every degree of temperature from to 95. From the Green- wich Meteorological Observations 292 Table III. The weight (in grains Troy) of vapour in a cubic foot of saturated air; at all tem- peratures between 10 and 89 293 Table IV. Factors to be multiplied into the quan- tities in Table III., when the air-temperature and dew-point temperature differ by the num- ber of degrees in the first column 294 Table V. Showing the weight in grains Troy of a cubic foot of air saturated with moisture, under the pressure of 30 inches of mercury, at any temperature between 31 and 90 ; and the ex- cess of the weight of a cubic foot of dry air, under the same pressure, over that of a cubic foot of saturated air, also in grains, throughout the same range of temperature 295 Table VI. Showing the degree of humidity of tfre atmosphere, deduced by Apjohn's formula from the readings of the dry-bulb and wet-bulb ther- mometers, for the usual range occurring in England ; complete saturation being 1 296 XVI CONTENTS. Page Table VII. Corrections to be subtracted from the readings of barometers, with brass scales ex- tending from the cistern to the top of the mer- curial column, to reduce the observations to 32Fahr. ..297-299 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. PART I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Definition. A knowledge of the causes which produce, and of the laws which regulate atmo- spheric changes, is the object of the science of Meteorology. 2. General view of the relation of the atmosphere to the earth. To realize the extent and the pro- portion which the atmospheric envelope bears to the earth, let us imagine her to be viewed from a neighbouring globe. Before the spectator would float a massive sphere, nearly 8000 miles in dia- meter ; the whole of its illumined portion would never be free from clouds and vapours, which would draw an impenetrable veil over certain parts of the continents and oceans, so that the outline of these formations would only be seen occasionally; in some parts, however, more di- stinctly than in others. The presence of an atmosphere would be indicated when the earth 2 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. occulted a star, that is, passed over it as we ob- serve the moon does in traversing her orbit : the light of the star would fade by degrees before the body of the earth reached it, the diminution commencing when the star entered the atmo- sphere ; but whether it would be affected when it first approached its limits is questionable. The utmost extent to which the air reaches is -^ of the earth's diameter, but probably the effect would be imperceptible till the star had advanced towards the earth's disc within -^WJf of her dia- meter. The observer, if he had the means of ascertaining, would see that as the earth is not a sphere, but a spheroid, the equatorial diameter exceeding the polar by 26^ miles, .so the atmo- sphere would be in form a spheroid, but not ex- actly similar to that of the earth which it sur- rounds ; since, as the force of gravity is at its maxi- mum at the poles, there the extent of the atmo- sphere would be less, or it would be more com- pressed or more dense, seeing that air, like all other matter, would be under the influence of gravitating attraction. The shadows of the mountains would not be absolutely without light like those on the moon, but would be partially enlightened by the refrac- tive and reflective powers of the atmosphere ; the boundary of light and shade between the bright INTRODUCTION. 3 and dark portions of the earth's surface would show a blending of one into the other ; in other words, day and night would be separated by an extensive twilight, arising from the dispersion of the sun's rays by the upper strata of the atmo- sphere, on which his light continues to fall when he has set to the surface immediately below them. It is indeed from the reflective and dispersive properties of the atmosphere as regards light, that the shadows of objects on the earth are not a deep black ; every particle has this power of scattering the rays of the sun and affording a secondary illumination. Such would be the appearance of that " aerial ocean/' on the bottom or shoals of which man and all other animated beings find the means of their subsistence : general views would be attained from such a point of observation as that we have supposed; for more particular investigation we must return to our position on the surface of the earth itself. 3. Composition of the atmosphere. The at- mosphere is found, when analysed, to consist for the most part of two gases, oxygen and nitrogen ; not chemically combined, but mechanically united. Oxygen supports combustion energetically, and in it the vital functions are carried on, but far too rapidly to consist with the well-being of living B2 4 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. creatures. Nitrogen extinguishes flame and de- stroys animal life. If a piece of phosphorus be burnt in a closed jar of air over water, it will combine with the oxygen and form phosphoric acid, which, being taken up by the water, will leave the nitrogen in the glass ; into this insert a lighted taper and it will be extinguished a small animal, and it will expire. In addition to these two gases, which form the bulk of the atmosphere, a small portion of car- bonic acid gas is always present ; it may be de- tected by exposing to the air a saucer of lime- water, which will soon become turbid from the formation of insoluble carbonate of lime. The air, at all times, has diffused through it a certain amount of water in the form of vapour, the quantity of which is variable. 4. Proportion of the constituents. From the recent very careful analyses of air by M. Dumas, the following proportions have resulted : Air by weight. Air by volume. Oxygen 23*10 20*90 Nitrogen 76*90 79* 10 lOO'OO IOO*OO The proportion of the constituents of air freed from moisture, including those of which traces only are indicated, are as follows in 10,000 volumes : INTRODUCTION. 5 Composition of dry air by volume. Nitrogen 7,9 1 2 Oxygen 2,080 Carbonic acid 4 Carburetted hydrogen . 4 Ammonia trace. 10,000 5. Air at high elevations. It is found that in air, whether taken from near the level of the sea or at the greatest elevations above it, to which, in the pursuit of science, we have attained, the pro- portions of oxygen and nitrogen are the same. The latest experiments by which this conclusion has been confirmed, were performed by Dr. Miller, of King's College, London, on the air brought down from various heights in one of the balloon ascents, projected by the Council of the British Association for the purpose of scientific inves- tigation. Dr. Miller thus describes the method and the results of his analysis, on samples of air brought down on August 26, 1851 *. The recipients for the air were wide glass tubes about 5 cubic inches in capacity ; they were filled with the specimens to be examined by simply opening and then closing a stopcock, the alti- tude being determined by an observation of the * Philosophical Transactions, 1853. 6 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. barometer at the moment ; the tubes were, within twenty hours after the air had been collected, hermetically sealed, and the proportions of oxygen and nitrogen determined with great care by de- tonation with hydrogen in " Regnault's Eudio- meter/' The volumes of oxygen found in the air collected at different altitudes are given in the following Table : Altitude. Vol. of oxygen. Air collected at King's"! College / 20 '9 20 Tube 2 1 3,460 ft. ... 20-888 Tube 3 i8,oooft. ... 20747 Tube 1 18,630 ft. ... 20-888 Hence it is found that the composition of the atmosphere, as Gay-Lussac had announced as the result of his experiments at a time when the methods of gaseous analysis were less perfect than at present, exhibits no sensible difference, whether taken from near the surface, or at the greatest heights accessible to man. The presence of carbonic acid was distinctly shown by a film of carbonate of lead upon a solu- tion of the subacetate, which was introduced to a portion of the air confined over mercury. 6. Ozone. Under certain electric conditions of the atmosphere, a principle would seem to be de- veloped, to which the discoverer, Dr. Schonbein INTRODUCTION. 7 of Bale, has given the name of " ozone;" to this reference will be made hereafter. 7. How the elements are combined. That the air is not a compound of oxygen and nitrogen, but only a mixture of these two gases, has been argued by a laborious investigator (M. Regnault) on the following grounds. a. By the law of chemical composition, gases combining chemically in volumes are found to be in certain definite proportions ; the following is the nearest approach to the proportionate quan- tities of each gas in atmospheric air : j- of oxygen or oxygen 20*00 ^ of nitrogen or nitrogen 80*00 100*00 These numbers deviate more from the results of direct analysis than can be due to errors in the experiments, which are all consistent in giving 20-9 and 79*1 as the per-centage of oxygen and nitrogen. /3. When gases combine, heat is always given out ; but there is no appreciable change of tem- perature when oxygen and nitrogen gas are mixed experimentally in the proportions constituting common air, although the union produces a gas which is identical with the atmosphere. y. Water which has remained for a long time 8 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. in contact with air, always holds a certain amount of it in solution. If the air were a chemical com- pound, that derived by very nice analysis from water ought to exhibit precisely the same pro- perties as atmospheric air, and the proportions of the gases ought to be the same. If, on the con- trary, the gases are only mechanically combined, seeing that water will dissolve -046 of a volume of oxygen, and only '025 of a volume of nitrogen, the one gas will be in excess in air derived from water. The careful analysis of such air has clearly indicated this fact. Hence we conclude that oxygen and nitrogen are intermingled, and not combined, in the compound gas which constitutes the air we breathe. 8. Mechanical properties of air. Of the mecha- nical properties of air we shall mention weight and elasticity. Weight. Its weight becomes evident when a receiver, over the top of which has been strained a piece of bladder, is exhausted by means of an air-pump : the bladder will be found to curve downward as the exhaustion proceeds ; and, as the air underneath is pumped out, it will at last burst with a loud report. M. Regnault has lately most carefully deter- mined the weight of air deprived of carbonic acid and aqueous vapour. With a pressure equal to INTRODUCTION. 9 that of 30 inches of mercury, and at a tempera- ture of 60, 100 cubic inches of air have been found to weigh 30-82926 grs. The mean pressure of a vertical column of air at the sea-level is usually estimated as equal to 30 inches of mercury, or as 15 Ibs. to every square inch of surface. If, in the experiment mentioned above, the mouth of the receiver was 6 square inches in area, on the supposition of a perfect vacuum being formed underneath, the pressure on it would be equal to 15 x 6=90 Ibs. Elasticity. The property of elasticity by which contraction of bulk occurs on applying pres- sure, and expansion on its removal is well illus- trated by the air-gun. A large quantity of air is forced into a small space ; on its being allowed to escape, it urges a bullet before it with consider- able force, in attempting to resume its original volume. 9. Aqueous vapour exists in combination with the atmosphere. The vital air the lumen spira- bile coeli does not consist only of the admixture of oxygen and nitrogen which has been described ; co-existing with it is another gaseous fluid, which is in fact the vapour of water. We may with truth consider the globe surrounded with two atmospheres, the one of air, the other of aqueous vapour, not chemically combined, but commingled 10 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. or mechanically united ; each being, as it were, diffused through the pores of the other: at all times and in all places this union exists, though the amount of the aqueous vapour is variable to an extreme degreej depending indeed on the tem- perature of the air, and on the neighbourhood of large quantities of water. The exact quantity which exists in the air at any particular instant may be determined most accurately. The changes which we observe in climate or in weather, may in general be traced to the preponderance or defi- ciency of the vapour of water in the air, and to the interference of the laws to which it is subject, with those which would obtain in an atmosphere of perfect dry ness. 10. Dalton's theory of the composition of the air. The theory of Dalton with respect to the con- stitution of the compound atmosphere was, that, of the various elastic fluids which compose it, the particles of one have neither an attractive nor a repulsive power towards those of another, and that the weight or pressure of any one particle of any gaseous mixture of this sort arises solely from the particles of its own kind. According to this view, it is possible that oxygen, nitrogen, and aqueous vapour may exist together under any pressure, while each of them is diffused through- out the whole space allotted for all. Whether or INTRODUCTION. 11 not this is absolutely correct, we shall show here- after that it is possible to appropriate to the air, and to the water in it, the portion of the entire pressure of the two united gaseous fluids which is due to each. On the supposition of Dalton, Dr. Henry cal- culated the pressure due to each constituent of the atmosphere, in a mean state as regards moisture, to be in such proportion as the follow- ing: inches of mercury. The nitrogen gas exerts a pressure! . ^ equivalent to J The oxygen gas 6 - i8 The aqueous vapour 0-44 The carbonic acid gas 0*02 3', equal to the pressure of another atmosphere, tend- ing to compress the air in the tube, which will be found to occupy the space b D, just half of the original space a D ; that is to say, its density is doubled ; in other words, the air at first was of such a density as resulted from its having to bear the pressure of the atmospheric column above it ; now, the additional weight of a column of mer- cury equal to such pressure, has halved its volume and doubled its density. By adding mercury to the same amount as before, so that the height c / C = 2&'B, the air will become subject to the pressure of three atmospheres, and will occupy c D, one-third of the original space, and therefore will be of three times the original density. Hence we find that in all cases the density is directly proportional to the compressing force, and the INTRODUCTION. 15 volume will vary inversely as that force. Now, to apply this law to the elucidation of the varia- tion in the pressure of the air on ascending to different heights above the level of the sea, 15. Ratio between height and pressure explained. Let us suppose an ascent to have taken place from the level of the sea, at which the barometer indicated a pressure of 30 inches of mercury, the temperature shown by the thermometer being 60 throughout; the decreasing pressures at each mile of direct ascent would be as follows : Pressure in inches. Height in miles. 30*000 = a o 24-817 = b i 2O'53O = G 2 16-983 = d 3 14-049 = e 4 Here the heights are evidently a series of num- bers in arithmetical progression, whose first term is 0, and common difference 1. The pressures may be shown to be in geome- trical progression, for a : b : : b : c : : c : d : : d : e ; or calling r the ratio between a and Z>, b and c, &c., a b c 7 =- = -&c. = r. bed The first term in the above series is 30, and the ratio '827 : here 30 x *827 = 24-817, and 24-817 x -827 = 20-53, and so on. 16 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. To exhibit the same law of decrease in pres- sure, or increase in volume, of the air in another point of view, let 1 represent a volume of air at the sea-level ; then we shall have Pressure in inches. Height in miles. Volume. 30 o i IS 2705 2 71 S'4 1 4 31 8-115 8 if- 10-82 1 6 i| '3*525 3* I| 16-23 64 Here the heights form an arithmetical series, of which the first term is 0, the common difference 2*705 ; the volumes a geometrical series, the first term 1, and the ratio 2 ; the pressures (inversely as the volumes) another geometrical series, the first term of which is 30, and the ratio ^. 16. Proof of the same. The following is per- haps the simplest proof that can be given of the law of the decrease of pressure : Let B T, Plate I. fig. 3, represent a cylindrical column of the atmosphere, pressing vertically on the earth's surface at B ; let it be supposed to be divided into a number of layers so thin that the density may be considered uniform throughout the extent of each. Let BC, CD, DE, EF be four of these layers, equal in thickness. Now, INTRODUCTION. 17 the weights of these equal volumes, BC, CD, DE, EF, are directly as their densities, and the density of each is directly as the pressure upon it ; therefore the weights, which let us call a, b, c, d, are directly proportional to the weight of air at C, D, E, F, respectively ; that is, putting t for the weight of air above F, a, b, c, d are as b+c+d+t, c+d+t, d+t, and t, a _ b c _d c+d~+t ~ ~d+i ~ t' that is, there is a fixed ratio between the weight of a stratum of air, of a certain thickness, but at any level, and the weight of air incumbent on it. Now if we call this ratio -, the pressures at the successive stations will be atF t; atE t+*-,o at D t at C t\ (=? which quantities are a geometrical series with - for the ratio. Therefore, when the heights as- cended are, as in this case, in arithmetical pro- c 18 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. gression, the pressures are in geometrical pro- gression. Q. E. D. 17. Limit of the atmosphere. From the prin- ciple now established it may be considered that although the density of the atmosphere may be continuously decreasing, yet that it never amounts to 0, and therefore that the atmosphere is un- limited in extent, or extending through space in infinite divisibility. But we must be careful how we thus reason ; laws regulating matter so atte- nuated may be yet unknown ; it may be that the repulsive power of the particles of the atmosphere, which in all gases is great, is diminished, as the rarity increases, to such an extent that the weight or gravitation of the particles at last balances it, and prevents further divergence ; and thus at last it may have an upper surface like a liquid. We are led to conclude, moreover, from the pheno- mena of refraction, that about 45 miles is the extent to which the atmosphere reaches above the surface of the earth. The exact ratio between the heights ascended and the pressure will hold good only on the sup- position that the temperature throughout remains the same, which is in fact never the case. 18. Heatapowerful agentinatmosphericchanges. Most of the changes which we observe in climate or in the weather arise immediately from heat, INTRODUCTION. 19 which, among its other effects, produces a constant variation in the amount of aqueous vapour in the air; whence arises the interference of the laws regulating a mixed atmosphere, with those to which dry air would be subject. We shall find, more- over, that various meteorological phenomena are brought about by heat absorbed or radiated by the earth ; and as in the construction of instruments of observation the effect of heat on the materials of which they are made must be taken into account, we shall facilitate our progress by explaining the laws of heat, at this stage, for future reference. 19. Laws of heat : Expansion. Experiments show that bodies, with few exceptions, increase in volume by the application of heat, the increase taking place regularly on the application of equal increments of heat, and recover their original size when reduced to the initial temperature : thus if the temperature of an iron bar be raised 5, and thereby increased in length *1 of an inch, by elevating the temperature 5 more, it will become 2 of an inch longer than at first. Liquids are amenable to the law of expansion : insert a tube of glass through a cork into a Flo- rence-flask filled with water ; apply heat, and the water will rise in the tube the higher as it be- comes warmer. The thermometer, the instrument by which we c2 20 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. measure any degree of heat below that of a fire or a furnace, is constructed on the principle of mer- cury expanding, or rather dilating, in equal amounts for equal increments of heat. 20. Exception to the law. The exception to the law of expansion by heat, and contraction by the loss of it, is water, which obeys it however till cooled down to 39* 5 ; if the process of cooling is continued below that point, it begins to expand, and, in a state of perfect stillness, it will continue to do so, without freezing, for 20 below the freezing-point : when frozen it is still lighter than when liquid, hence ice floats on the surface and is readily exposed to thaw on the return of warmth to the air : had water followed the usual law, the ice and coldest water would have accumulated, year after year, at the bottom of rivers and lakes, which the heat of the summer sun would never have reached. 21. Amount of expansion. Table of the linear expansion of certain solids by heat. Dimensions which a bar takes at 212, whose length, at 32, is rooooooo : Cast brass .... i '0018750 i part in 533 Zinc .......... 1^002942 i part in 340 Glass ........ 1*0008613 i part in 1248 INTRODUCTION. 21 Expansion in volume by heat of Mercury from 32 to 212 0*0 1 8099 or i part in 5 5 Water from 39 to 212 0*043 3 20 or i part in 23 22. Expansion of gases by heat. Gases expand by heat ; and air, which is a gaseous compound as we have seen, does the same. The subject of the expansion of gases has been investigated by Dalton and Gay-Lussac, and more recently by Regnault, who has given ^~ or ^ as the amount of the expansion of a volume of air in passing from the freezing to the boiling-point of water ; that is to say, a quantity of air equal in volume to 1000 cubic inches at 32, will expand to 1366'5 cubic inches at 212, or by an increase of 180 of heat ; hence, as it has been proved that the expansion is the same for each additional degree of heat, the expansion will be equal to 0-002036, or ^ for each degree ; in other words, 491 cubic feet of air at a temperature of 32 will become o 492 at 33 493 at 34 & c - 490 at 31 489 at 30 488 at 29 &c. 23. Laws of heat : Conduction. Bodies lose or 22 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. acquire heat by conduction ; the particles nearest the source acquire heat and transmit it to the nearest to them; these to the next, and so on till the whole mass has attained the heat of the surrounding medium. If the temperature of this medium, suppose the air, be reduced, the surface of the heated body radiates forth its heat, and, as it cools, borrows heat from the interior till equilibrium is restored. According to the greater or less rapidity with which heat is diffused throughout a substance, so is it said to be a good or a bad conductor of heat ; metals are good conductors of heat, gases, fluids and earthy matters scarcely conduct heat at all. 24. Illustrative experiment. The different conducting powers of solid bodies may be shown experimentally thus : into a rectangular tin ves- sel insert, through apertures in the side, small cylindrical bars, equal in size, of various substances, which have been previously dipped in melted wax, from which they will have acquired a coating of that material of equal thickness throughout. Fill the vessel with boiling water, and the wax will melt soonest on the bar of that material which is the best conductor of heat. By making the bars of iron, lead, porcelain, &c., and noting the time the wax takes to melt on each, the following Table INTRODUCTION. 23 of the conducting powers of different substances has been formed : Gold 100 Tin 30-38 Silver 97-3 Lead 1 7'9& Copper 89*82 Marble 2*34 Iron 37'4 J Porcelain... i'22 Zinc 36*37 BrickEarth 1*13 25. Good and bad conductors. Glass and wood sre bad conductors of heat ; thus we may burn a pece of wood in the flame of a lamp, and not feel ii the hand any inconvenience from the heat, even at a short distance from the flame. The extremity of a glass tube, held with the hand at me inch from the flame, may be fused with a llowpipe and no unpleasant heat will be ex- perienced; whereas an iron wire in the same flame will be with difficulty heated to redness, from the heat passing through its whole length by conduction very rapidly, and certainly it could not be held in the hand. Air is a bad conductor, and hence the double windows in cold climates, which include a layer of air, prevent the conduc- tion of heat from the rooms to the outside, whence it would be dispersed. In the vegetable kingdom the barks of trees exhibit a structure with difficulty penetrated by heat ; the bark is porous, and, in addition to its non-conducting quality, these pores are filled with 24 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. air ; hence the stem of the tree is little affected either by summer's heat or winter's cold. Ice is a bad conductor, snow still worse; a coating of ice prevents the cooling of the water underneath, while snow protects the delicate roots of plants from the effect of severe cold. The boiler of a locomotive steam-engine is covered with wood and felt, to prevent the heat being conducted and radiated away : ice is wrapped, in flannel when brought from the ice-house, prevent the external heat from reaching it. The crust of the earth is composed of bad con ductors of heat ; hence although the interior df the earth is well known to be of a much highei temperature than the superficial layers, it com- municates little heat to the surface, which is sup< plied chiefly from the sun. Nor does the heat of summer, still less that of mid-day, affect the tem- perature of mines or wells even a few feet deep ; a thermometer at no great depth below the soil would be beyond the influences which affect the surface. At the Observatory of Paris one has been stationed, for the last seventy years, 91 feet below the foundation of the building, which has indicated an invariable temperature of 53, two degrees higher than the mean temperature of the air above. Liquids and gases appear to possess little or no INTRODUCTION. 25 conductive power ; if a tube be filled with water and held slantingly over the flame of a spirit- lamp, the superficial layer of water may be made to boil while the temperature of that in the lower portion of the tube remains unchanged ; a piece of ice placed there will not be melted. 26. Convection. The method by which heat is communicated throughout liquids is called con- vection. Heat must be applied to the lower part of the mass ; the lowest particles will expand, and, becoming specifically lighter, will rise, while the colder particles descending from above will supply their place. If this process is remarked when water is boiled in a glass tube in which some powder has been thrown whose specific gravity is the same as that of water, a series of upward and downward currents will be exhibited, which will not cease till the source of heat is removed. Gases, air of course included, become heated in the same way, though the currents have more of a wavy or cloudy form, unless, as is seldom the case, the air is perfectly still, when smoke will ascend perpendicularly, and fogs and vapours will rise in the same manner. In the ocean the phenomena of convection are exhibited on a grand scale. In the torrid zone the water of the sea weighs less, quantity by quan- 26 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. tity, than at the poles, or near them ; therefore the cold water of high latitudes has a tendency to flow towards the equator, and form under-cur- rents throughout the ocean ; to supply the equi- librium, the warm waters of the tropical regions, forming the upper current, are carried as far as the arctic oceans, warming the air in their passage, and tempering the rigour of the climates of places situated on the sea-coast. It is invariably found that maritime localities, exposed to the influence of these currents, have a less variable tempera- ture than those inland at the same distance from the equator. This difference is partly owing to the oceanic currents, whereby there is kept up a constant circulation of immense masses of water from the tropical regions to the higher latitudes ; thus we find the Gulf-stream flowing from the Gulf of Mexico, with an initial temperature of 84, along the coasts of North America, and across the Atlantic to the shores of Europe. Water has, as will be shown hereafter, a great capacity for heat, and parts with it slowly ; so that the Gulf- stream continues of a temperature far above that of the air, after travelling many degrees north : the heating and cooling of the water proceeds very deliberately, and the air partakes in a mea- sure of the uniformity of temperature which be- longs to the surface of the ocean ; thus the ex- INTRODUCTION. 27 tremes of temperature are much less at places near the ocean than at those at a distance from it. An illustration taken from two places in the same latitude, but one on the sea-coast and the other inland, Penzance, and Barnaul at the foot of the Altai in Siberia, will tend to impress the mind with this truth : Winter Summer T>iffi>ren<^ temperature. temperature. Penzance 44*6 60*4 15*8 Barnaul 6*6 61*9 55-3 27. Laws of heat : Radiation and Absorption. Besides the motion of heat from particle to par- ticle of a body, there is another mode in which diffusion of it takes place ; that is by radiation. Any body heated higher than the surrounding medium sends forth rays of heat from its surface. It is thus that we receive heat from the sun, and not by conduction through the air else it would be as hot, or nearly so, in the shade as in the sun. The radiating power of a body depends greatly on the character of its surface ; smooth or polished radiate more slowly than rough surfaces; dark surfaces more quickly than light. Absorption of heat radiated from another body takes place in different degrees with different kinds of matter, the power of absorption being directly proportioned to that of radiation. 28 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 28. Laws of heat : Reflexion. Heat is reflected from surfaces,, obeying laws similar to those of reflected light ; bright polished metals are power- ful reflectors of heat ; a red-hot ball in the focus of a parabolic mirror will radiate heat which will be reflected from the curved surface in parallel lines ; these being received on the surface of another parabolic mirror will be reflected to its focus, and a powerful heat sufficient to inflame gunpowder or phosphorus will be felt at that point. A thermometer hung in the sunshine against a wall, or where the rays of the sun are reflected on it, will show a very much higher temperature than one in the sun away from all reflected heat. Such a thermometer not only receives the direct rays, but heat from those which are reflected ; and thus the temperature it shows is the result of the combination of direct and reflected heat, and therefore not to be trusted as a fair record of the heating power of the solar rays. Those bodies reflect heat most perfectly that absorb it least. 29. Latent heat. A very important condition of heat is that called latent. Latent heat is so named because it does not affect the sense of touch or the thermometer ; it may be thus illustrated. If a vessel be filled with ice in a melting state INTRODUCTION. 29 and subjected to the application of heat, a ther- mometer placed in it will not show a higher tem- perature than 32 till the whole of the ice has melted ; not till then will the temperature of the water begin to rise. The heat thus absorbed by the ice in passing from a solid to a liquid state has therefore become latent. Heat thus becoming latent on liquefaction will account for the chilling effect of the air during a thaw, for the ice and snow absorb a considerable quantity of heat in the process of melting, which is borrowed from the surrounding air, so that the latter is continually kept down to near the freezing-point of water. The temperature of cold water, after it has been placed over a fire, will continue to rise until it has attained to 212, when ebullition takes place and the water passes with violent action into steam : the effect of a continuance or increase of heat will not be that of raising the temperature, which in an open vessel is impossible, but the additional heat will be employed in converting the liquid water into steam. When matter passes from a liquid to a gaseous state, heat is absorbed and becomes latent: in the process of freezing carbonic acid gas, the gas is first liquefied by pressure ; on being allowed to rush out of the vessel into the air it immediately recovers its gaseous state, but for this purpose the 30 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. portion first liberated demands and obtains from that which remains so much heat, that what is left behind is solidified, the solid carbonic acid presenting an appearance like flakes of snow. On the contrary, when a vapour becomes liquid the latent heat is given forth and becomes sen- sible. It requires a much greater amount of cold water to condense a given weight of steam at a temperature of 212, into water whose tempera- ture shall be 100, than to cool down a similar weight of boiling water to that temperature ; hence, in condensing engines, an immense quantity of cold water is requisite to preserve a sufficient vacuum in the cylinder. It is usual in some manufactories to raise a large quantity of cold water to the boiling-point in a few minutes by passing steam into it ; on condensation the steam gives out its latent heat, which the water absorbs. The three conditions in which matter exists, of solid, liquid and aeriform, differ apparently only in this, that in the one case there is sufficient heat to sustain a liquid or gaseous form, which a solid fails to possess. Water becomes solid at 32; and even mercury, usually met with as a fluid, will solidify when the temperature falls to 38 0< 2. 30. Evaporation. For liquids to assume the gaseous form ebullition is not necessary : this is a violent process of evaporation, and takes place INTRODUCTION. 31 only when the elastic force of the vapour of the liquid, which has been heated up to a certain fixed temperature, in the case of water 212, at which point steam is rapidly generated balances the pressure of the atmosphere. Evaporation from the surface of water proceeds at all temperatures, and goes on gradually and insensibly ; the par- ticles of water rise in the air and are mixed with it, and, unless they exist in large amount, are invisible; they do, however, always exist there, and, when condensed, fall in refreshing showers or in storms of rain and hail. Whenever eva- poration takes place, heat must be borrowed from contiguous substances to supply the amount which becomes latent in the conversion of the liquid into vapour; hence it is always a cooling process. From the same cause, ether, which evaporates rapidly at a low temperature, applied to the sur- face of the skin, produces a sensation of cold ; and the evaporation of water from the surface of a porous jar cools its contents, as is beneficially experienced in hot climates ; in this case the water in the vessel exudes through the pores and forms on the outside a kind of dew, which is taken up by the hot air very rapidly. The insensible evaporation of water, and the combining of its vapour with air, may be proved by exposing a shallow vessel out of doors full of 32 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. water ; in a few days it will be found emptied of its contents. If the surface of the vessel be of a given area, say one square foot, and the water be weighed from time to time, the loss of weight will give the rate of evaporation, for the tempera- ture and locality, due to one square foot of surface. The process of evaporation is always going on on a large scale over the surface of oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes ; and the amount of water thus taken up into the air is enormous. 31. Specific heat. Some substances have a greater amount of absolute heat than others, although their temperature may be expressed by the same degree of the thermometer : if two glass tubes, in every way alike, one containing water and the other mercury, be subjected to the same degree of heat by being plunged into a vessel of hot water, the mercury will attain the heat of the water in half the time which the water will take ; and on removing the tubes and allowing them to cool, the mercury will only take half the time to recover the initial temperature which the water will : this effect arises from the mercury absorbing less heat than the water does in being raised to a similar temperature ; as the fact is usually ex- pressed, the water, compared with mercury, has twice the capacity for heat. In comparing the capacity for heat of different INTRODUCTION. 33 bodies, it is usual to take equal weights of each, rather than equal volumes : a pound of distilled water takes a certain amount of heat to raise it a certain number of degrees ; to this standard other substances are reduced; if a pound of mercury requires *033 of the same amount of heat to arrive at the same temperature^ then the specific heat of water is said to be to that of mercury as 1000 to 33. M. Regnault has conducted a series of very careful experiments to determine the specific heat of various substances, of which the following are some of the results : Subst Water ......... 1000 Ice ............ 513 Iron ............ 113*8 Copper ...... 95* ! 5 Zinc ............ 95-55 Glass ......... 198 Mercury ...... 33'3 2 Lead ......... 31-4 Air ............ 3705 It will appear from this Table that the capacity of water for heat is very great ; hence, as it forms so large a portion of the envelope of the globe, it becomes a great reservoir of heat, and performs an important office in equalizing the temperature of the earth, as we have before seen. D 34 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Mercury has little capacity for heat, and there- fore is very readily operated upon by the slightest change of temperature. Were there no other reason why it should be adopted for thermometers, this would be sufficient, as no other liquid would exhibit such sensibility. The air, it will be seen, has a very considerable capacity for heat, varying, however, with its density. Great difficulties and some uncertainty still attend the determination of the specific heat of all gases ; it would appear, however, that air cools by expan- sion to the amount of 40 or 50 in doubling its volume; and that, on compression into half its volume, its heat is raised to that amount. The match syringe is a small cylinder of brass with a tightly fitting piston ; on suddenly driving this down to the bottom of the cylinder and compress- ing the air within into a very small space, sufficient heat is evolved to light an inflammable substance, such as amadou or German tinder. We shall, in the progress of this work, have occasion to refer to the decrease of temperature in the higher regions of the air, as dependent on the circumstance of the capacity for heat increasing with the rarefac- tion of the upper strata of the atmosphere. 32. Coldness of the upper regions of the air. Near the surface of the earth the temperature of the atmosphere is observed to diminish 1 in every INTRODUCTION. 35 352 feet of ascent, but there is reason to suppose that in the higher regions this ratio does not exist : the observations at great altitudes have not been conducted in sufficient amount to enable us to arrive at anything like certainty on this point. 33. Colour of the air. The colour of the atmo- sphere is, according to Sir David Brewster, due to light which has suffered polarization ; the red and yellow rays are absorbed, and hence the beautiful azure of the vault of heaven, which deepens the higher we ascend. The colours which accompany the setting sun are due to the vapours through which his rays reach us when he is near the horizon; the aqueous vapour absorbs the blue rays, and admits the passage of the red and yel- low, the blending of which two colours produces the varied tints which surround him. 36 PART II. OBSEKYATION AND DEDUCTIONS. 34. Arrangement of the subject. Having cleared our way by establishing general principles, we are prepared to enter upon the explanation of the construction of meteorological instruments the mode of observation, and the deductions which may be drawn from the observations themselves. The subjects may be treated in the following order: 1. The Thermometric | 2. The Hygrometric 3. The Barometric ( condition ^ the air. 4. The Electric Under each head will be laid down the principles of construction and the use of meteorological in- struments, the cautions to be applied in making observations with them, and the atmospheric laws which may be fairly deduced. 1. The Thermometric Condition of the Air. 35. The Thermometer. The importance of having at hand, at all times, the means of deter- THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 37 mining the temperature of the air, on which all nations shall be agreed, is self-evident; without this there could be no comparison of results ; the mercurial thermometer is the instrument adopted for the purpose. A small portion of mercury is enclosed in a glass tube with a narrow bore, one end of which is blown into a small bulb, and then hermetically sealed : its principle of construction is sufficiently simple ; for since mercury expands to a great extent by heat, the amount of this ex- pansion over that of the glass tube, which is slight, affords us the means of estimating the degree of heat due to the surrounding medium. The ap- parent dilatation of mercury in a glass tube between 32 and 212 (the freezing and the boil- ing points of water) is ^ of its volume ; and its true dilatation within the same limits is -g^. The construction of a thermometer whose indications may be relied upon with certainty in small varia- tions of temperature, is attended with practical difficulties, as will be at once apprehended from the following description of the method of con- structing a sc standard thermometer ;" that is, an instrument whose scale has been divided indepen- dently, or without comparison with others, and whose readings ought to be correct throughout the whole extent, within a very small fraction of a degree. 38 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 36. Construction of a standard thermometer. The construction of such a measurer of tempe- rature will embrace three operations : a. The choice of a suitable tube. /3. The filling and hermetically sealing of it. 3, the remainder being absolutely without error. 41. Comparison of thermometers. If a thermo- meter has to be compared with a standard for the purpose of ascertaining the differences of its read- ings throughout the whole range of the scale, the best method is to put them both into water heated up to the highest degree the thermometers read, and record the degree of temperature shown by both every quarter of an hour, taking care to agitate the water from time to time : this record, if the readings differ, will supply a number of index corrections to be applied to the thermometer to bring it up to that of the standard ; and it may be presumed, if that be carefully done, that an inferior thermometer may be rendered nearly as useful as a standard, though, it must be confessed, THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 51 at some considerable expense of labour. At the present time, however, there is no excuse for using an inferior instrument. The Kew Committee of the British Association have caused to be constructed by Mr. Welsh, at the Kew Observatory, a large number of standard thermometers which are sold to the public at a moderate price ; they have all been subjected to the most accurate scrutiny, and the scales are engraved on the tubes, which are of considerable length so that parts of degrees may be estimated with very close precision. 42. Maximum and Minimum Thermometers. To obtain a record of the greatest heat attained during the day, and of the lowest reading of the thermometer during the night, is a matter of much importance in observations on climate, and various means have been adopted to ensure such registra- tion. The thermometers used in this country are Sixe's and Rutherford's, as well as a new maxi- mum and a new minimum thermometer patented by Messrs. Negretti and Zambra which have received the approbation of many practical me- teorologists. 43. Sixe's Register Thermometer. Mr. Sixe described his register thermometer originally in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. Ixxii. It is, in fact, a spirit of wine thermometer, with a long cylindrical bulb, and a tube bent in the form of a E2 52 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. siphon with parallel legs, and terminating upwards in a small cavity. A portion of the two legs of the siphon tube, from a to b (Plate II. fig. 1), is filled with mercury, the bulb and the whole of the rest of the tube with spirits of wine ; the double column of mercury gives motion to the two in- dices c and d y each of which is a piece of iron wire capped with enamel at each end ; they would move freely in the tube and rest on the mercury were it not for springs, made of a thread of glass or a hair, which, surrounding them, press against the side of the glass with sufficient power to keep either index stationary in the spot where it is left by the retreat of the mercury. The action of the instrument is as follows : when the increase of temperature expands the spirit in the lengthened bulb G, the mercury in the leg of the siphon, , is depressed, and a corresponding rise takes place in the leg b ; in its rise* the mercury urges before it the index d, which, being retained at its highest point by the spring, does not follow the retreat of the mercury, as the temperature decreases and the spirit in G contracts ; this shows then the maxi- mum heat in any determined period of time. When the spirit contracts, the mercury descends in the tube b on account of the elasticity of some compressed air in the small bulb above, and pro- portionately rises in a, urging before it the index THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 53 c ; leaving, on the increase of heat, its lower ex- tremity exactly at the highest point to which the column (the degrees decreasing upward) had risen on that side, pointing out in fact the minimum degree of temperature attained. To prepare the instrument for future observa- tions, the indices are brought down, by a magnet, to touch the mercurial column. If this instru- ment be read every twenty-four hours, it will evidently give the greatest and least temperature during the day. Unfortunatelythiselegant instrument can hardly be trusted for very nice observations, and is very liable to get out of order. The use of two liquids, both expanding in different degrees, is a defect ; and although it may, in part, be remedied by very nice dividing, and comparing the scale with a standard for every 5 or 6, yet this process would increase the price considerably. The other defect arises from the liability of the springs to get out of order a glass one by breakage, and the hair by losing its elasticity after long immersion in the spirit ; while, from the perpendicular position of the tube, agitation from the wind is very likely to cause the indices to slide down the tube, and thus the observations would be lost. For these rea- sons Rutherford's maximum and minimum ther- mometers are preferred for registering the greatest 54 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. and least degrees of heat ; these we shall proceed to describe. 44. Rutherford's Register Thermometer (Plate II. tig. 2). A represents a spirit thermometer, B a mercurial, each furnished with a scale and fixed horizontally on the same plate of box-wood or metal ; B contains within it a steel index, c, which is urged forward as the mercury expands by heat, and is left to indicate the highest tem- perature attained when the metal again contracts. The spirit thermometer, A, contains a glass index, n, half an inch long, with a small knob at each end ; it lies in the tube and allows the spirit freely to pass it as it expands ; when contracted by cold, in consequence of the capillary attraction between the spirit and the glass index, the last film of the column of spirit is sufficient to over- come the slight friction of the index on the inside of the tube and to carry it backwards towards the bulb ; it will rest, on the spirit again expanding, at the lowest degree of temperature attained within a given period. After reading off, and to prepare the instruments for future observations, both in- dices are brought to the extremities the one of the column of spirit, the other of that of mercury by gently inclining the plate on which the thermometers are fixed, downward from the hori- zontal position. This must be done with some THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OP THE AIR. 55 care, or the indices will get entangled with the liquids, from which they will be with difficulty ex- tricated. For three years the author has used a register thermometer of this construction without any mishap, though he ruined many before he discovered the careful treatment they required. 45. Negretti and Zambra's Maximum and Mini- mum Thermometers. The maximum thermometer of Messrs. Negretti and Zambra is strongly recom- mended: Fig. 3. Plate II. will explain its con- struction. The tube is originally straight throughout ; in this state a small piece of enamel, a, is introduced down it to within a short distance from the bulb ; by means of a spirit-lamp the tube is then bent just at the point where the enamel rests, and the heat required for this purpose is sufficient to cause its adhesion to the glass. The enamel does not fill the tube, but allows the mercury to pass freely above it ; on the decrease of heat, all that part of the mercurial column which has passed the enamel is left in the tube, while that portion nearer the bulb is separated and withdraws from it, the maximum heat will therefore be shown by the extremity of the detached mercurial column ; after this is registered, by depressing the bulb the detached column may be made to reunite with the rest of the mercury, and thus the instrument 56 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. is prepared for another observation. The advan- tage of the instrument seems to be, that there is no index to get out of order; the disadvantage, that there is some considerable trouble in accu- rately determining the corrections to bring its readings in unison with a standard thermometer. The following is the construction of the minimum thermometer of Messrs. Negretti and Zambra (Plate XI. fig. 1) : a b is a long bulb containing much more mercury than is usual in a thermo- meter, this enables the tube c d to be made of a large bore without diminishing the length of a degree on the scale ; the tube is prolonged and blown at the end into a bulb, d e ; a steel needle or index (/), pointed at the lower end, lies loose in the tube. The instrument is kept upright, and yet able to be moved to a horizontal position by being hung from a single support ; the tempera- ture is reckoned from the upper end of the index when it just floats on the surface of the mercury (as it will do on account of the capillary repulsion) ; as the mercury sinks in the tube on loss of heat, the needle falls with it, but when it expands it passes along the side of the needle without raising it at all, jambing it indeed against the glass : so the higher end of the index will always denote the lowest temperature reached. To free the index from the mercury so as to set THERMOA4ETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 57 the instrument for another observation, the lower part must be raised till the mercury that is in the tube runs down into the small bulb at the end, leaving the index free ; this is then led down to the same place by a magnet, and held there while the thermometer is being restored to its former position, on which the mercury will fall back to its proper place, and the index may then be gradually lowered till it just touches the surface. Great care must be taken not to let the needle fall on to the mercury from a height, else it will plunge in and cause the reading of the thermo- meter to be too low. If before an observation is recorded the mercury has risen above the top of the index, and the degree this points to cannot well be observed, the magnet should be applied so as to hold the needle in its place (for the general position of it is told by the slight displacement of the mercury), and the bulb elevated as before di- rected till the index is free from quicksilver, when the exact reading can be taken, and the instrument readjusted as usual. A great advantage of this form of thermometer is that it is not at all likely to get out of order, from the absence of air and from the large bore of the tube. A disadvantage is, that its reading may not always be correct to a decimal of a degree, 58 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. because the index, unless carefully managed, may sink too low in the mercury. 46. Hick's Maximum and Minimum Thermo- meter. With this newly-invented thermometer, which is made by Mr. Casella of Hatton Garden, the extremes of heat and cold are registered by one instrument, and by the expansion and contraction of one fluid, mercury, though spirit is used for carrying one of the indices. Its construction will be understood from the drawing of it in Plate XI. (fig. 3.). It is a thermometer with its tube abc bent at right angles and ending in a small bulb at c ; the mercury of the bulb extends some way into the upright part of the tube and moves an index d, like those of Sixe's thermometer, which is left at the highest point reached by the mercury, and therefore registers the maximum heat, read off from the scale fg ; from the top of the mercury, as far as e, the tube contains spirits of wine, which, on the mercury contracting, also recedes (being pressed back by the air at c), carrying with it the index e, which will be left to mark the lowest read- ing, the scale h i denoting it. This upper scale is graduated in such a manner as to compensate for the expansion and contraction of the spirit, which however affect the spaces for the degrees to a very small extent. THEEMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 59 In a maximum thermometer devised by Pro- fessor Phillips, a portion of the mercurial column was separated from the rest by the intervention of a small bubble of air ; this portion, as in the case of Negretti's, remains in the tube on the contraction of the mercury in the bulb, and thus serves to mark the highest reading attained ; by the inclination of the tube it is then brought to its original position preparatory to another obser- vation. This thermometer does not seem to have received the attention it deserves ; its construction is simple and its indications sure, as those can testify who have used it. 47. Observations to determine temperature. Diurnal Range. Provided with a good thermo- meter for general purposes, and with others for recording the highest and lowest temperatures occurring within a definite period, we are in a position to take observations on the temperature of any place which shall be of some value in a scientific point of view. One of the first desiderata will be the mean temperature of the place. We cannot arrive at this without a series of ob- servations extending over at least three years ; we might, if time and means allowed, advantageously begin with twelve observations in the course of the day, taken at the even hours, throughout the 60 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. year; from which we could deduce the mean temperature of each day by dividing the sum of the temperatures recorded by 12 ; of the month, by dividing the sum of the mean daily temperatures by the number of days it contained; and of the year, by dividing the sum of the mean monthly temperatures by 12, the number of months in a year. As however few observers are in circum- stances favourable to the undertaking of so elabo- rate a series, we shall, for general advantage, show that we have the power of eliciting the mean tem- perature with far less expenditure of time and labour. For many years, at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, the thermometer (as well as other meteorological instruments) was registered every two hours throughout the 24, under Mr. Glaisher, the Superintendent of the Meteorological depart- ment, and the results he has deduced from the series of observations, extending from 1841 to 1845 inclusive, are published in the ' Philosophical Transactions/ Part 1, for 1848. Mr. Glaisher has since been able to extend his investigations by reducing observations antecedent to the elaborate work performed at Greenwich, and thus he has determined the average mean temperature of each day throughout 38 years, and from this has ob- tained much valuable knowledge of the laws of the THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 61 daily increase and decrease of temperature. Some of the results of his labours we shall now place before the reader. The monthly mean of the readings of a ther- mometer at a particular hour differs from the monthly mean temperature by a quantity which is constant for each particular month ; by apply- ing, therefore, this quantity as a correction, we get a true monthly mean from our single daily obser- vation. The numbers to be applied as corrections, for the several months, were thus obtained. Two- hourly observations at Greenwich, commencing at noon, from January 1,1841 to December 31, 1845, were the data from which was calculated the mean temperature of every day in the year. The mean of the daily temperatures for the month gave the mean temperature for each month. Com- bining then the whole series of observations taken at any particular hour say at noon during each similar month of the five years, the difference between the temperature due to that hour (which was found by dividing the sum of all the noon observations for the month, during the five years, by their number) and the mean temperature for the month was noted. This process was repeated for every alternate hour in the day ; and thus the excess of the mean value at each even hour in the day for every month, above the mean value for 62 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. the month, or else the amount by which it fell short of it, was arrived at. The accordance in the results of observations taken at the same hour in the same month in the different years, was found to be very close and satisfactory ^-the small discrepancies disappeared when the whole series was combined. 48. Projection of the same. To illustrate the meaning of what we have just stated, we must refer to Plate IV. fig. 2; along the horizontal line are set off the hours for one day ; at each hour for the hottest and coldest months of the year, July and January, ordinates are taken equal to the differences between the mean of the obser- vations due to that hour, and the mean tempera- ture for the month : a curve which shall pass through the extremities of these ordinates will show the rise and fall of the temperature through- out the period of twenty-four hours for either month this will be the normal diurnal curve for the month ; and although from various causes the heat at each hour may, on any day, be greater or less than that indicated by the point where this curve cuts an ordinate, yet, in the run of a month, the irregularities will in general be neutralized ; those above the mean being compensated by those below. These remarks will explain the object of the THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 63 following Table, which shows the " corrections to be applied to the monthly mean reading of a ther- mometer, placed at the height of 4 feet above the soil, with its bulb freely exposed to the air, but in other respects protected from the influence of ra- diation and rain, at any hour, to deduce the true mean temperature of the air for the month from the observations taken at that hour." Local mean time. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. h o o o o o 12 Midn. 4-0-9 + r6 4-2-9 4-4-8 45-4 4-6-2 I A.M. + ro + r8 4-3'o 4-5-2 4-6-0 4-7-1 2 4-1-2 +2-0 + 3'3 4-57 4-6-4 4-8-0 3 + i'3 +2'I + 3'6 4-6-2 467 4-8-7 4 + 1-6 +2-3 4-3-9 4-6-6 4-67 49'3 5 + x-8 + 2-2 4-4-0 4-6-7 4-6-3 4-8-8 6 + r 9 4-*-3 4-3-9 4-6-o 4-4-8 4-6-4 7 + i'9 +2-i 4-3-6 4-4-3 4-2-6 4-3' 8 + i-5 + r6 4-2-5 4-2-0 4-0-5 O'O 9 4-ro +07 4-0-2 -0-9 2'0 -2-5 10 + 0-2 -o*S -1-9 -3-2 - 4 -0 -4'5 II A.M. -i'3 2-1 -3'5 -5'3 -5"5 -5-8 12 Noon. ~ 2 *3 -3'2 -5-0 -6-8 -67 -7'3 I P.M. -2-9 ~3"9 -5-8 -7'9 -7'5 -8-1 2 -3-0 -3'9 -5-8 -8-2 -7'7 -8-6 3 -2-5 -3-6 -5'5 -7'7 -7*3 -8-4 4 -1-9 -2-8 -4'5 -6-7 -6'! -7'4 5 ri -1-6 -3'3 -5'4 -4-8 -6'! 6 -0-6 -0-6 -r8 -3'5 -3-0 -4'5 7 -0-3 +0-3 -0-4 i*i ro -2-4 8 + 0-1 4-0-6 4-o'9 4-0-7 4-0-9 O'O 9 +0-4 + ro 4-1-7 4-2-0 42-3 4-1-8 10 4-0-6 + r3 4-2-3 4-3-2 4-3-5 43-6 II P.M. +07 + i'5 4-2-6 44-i 4-4-5 45-o PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Table continued. Local mean time. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. h 12 Midn. I A.M. o 4-5"0 + 5'5 o +5'5 o o +2-9 + 3'o o + 1-7 o 4-0-9 4~i'o 2 -j-6*o +6-0 4"5'5 4~3'4 +2*0 4-1*2 3 +6-4 +6-3 +6-4 4-2-0 + 1 '3 4 +6-6 46-5 4-6-6 4-3'8 4-2-1 + r 4 5 + 6-2 4-6'S +6-2 + 3*8 -j-2'0 + r 4 6 +4'5 -f~5*5 + 5*3 _L,.f 4 1*9 -+-1*4. 7 +*'5 4-3*3 + 2'8 4-i'7 + x "5 8 O'O +0-9 4-2'I 4-1*6 4-1-0 _j_j.j 9 2*0 1-6 -0-4 O'O -j-o'4 4-0-9 10 -4'0 -3*5 -3-0 2*0 -0-6 O'O II A.M. -5*4 -5*4 3'8 2-0 1-3 12 Noon. -6-4 -6-5 -6-4 -5' 1 3-1 2*1 I P.M. -67 -7'5 -7-1 -5'5 -3*5 2*4 2 -6-7 -7'7 -7-1 -4-9 2-3 3 -6-5 -7'o -6-6 -37 -3-0 4 -5-8 -5'5 -5*5 -2-8 2-1 1*3 S -4-9 -3-6 -4-2 -17 I"2 -0*8 6 -3*5 2*0 -2-5 -0-8 0-4 0*4 7 1*5 0'5 -0-6 O'O 4-0-1 O'l 8 4-0-3 4-1-0 -f-i'o +0-7 4-0-6 4-0-2 9 4-i'9 -j-2'4 -f-i*8 -j-i'o -t-0'4 10 II P.M. 40 + 3|3 +2-7 -f-i'9 -H'4 +?s 4-o*5 4-o-8 By comparing this Table with the projection, Plate IV. fig. 2, its use will be immediately apprehended. Let us suppose that observations have been taken at the noon of every day in July, and that the mean of these is 69 ; from the pro- jection, we see that the normal curve at noon THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 65 rises between 6 and 7 above the mean tempera- ture, and the table gives us the exact quantity, namely 6'4, which must be applied with a nega- tive sign, to obtain the mean temperature for that month ; therefore we subtract this amount, and the remainder will be the element sought, viz. 696-4, or 62-6. 49. Hours in the day when the thermometer shows the mean monthly temperatures at Greenwich. The January curve will be observed to cross the line of mean temperature twice in the twenty- four hours, viz. at 10 A.M. and 8 P.M. The July curve crosses its line of mean tem- perature at 8 A.M. and at 8 h 5 m P.M. In like manner it was found that at certain times of the day throughout every separate month, the temperature of the air was at its mean value ; these times are as follows in the several months : h m h m In January 10 o A.M. and again at 8 o P.M. ,, 6 40 P.M. 7 20 P.M. 70 P.M. 7 30 P.M. 80 P.M. 85 P.M. 7 20 P.M. 7 20 P.M. 70 P.M. 6 45 P.M. 7 20 P.M. F In February 9 30 A.M. In March 9 10 A.M. In April 8 40 A.M. In May 8 25 A.M. In June ,, 8 A.M. In July 8 A.M. In August 8 20 A.M. In September 8 55 A.M. In October 9 A.M. In November 9 2 5 A.M. In December 10 A.M. 66 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. In a very elaborate treatise ' Sur le Climat de la Belgique/ by M. Quetelet, founded on obser- vations taken at Brussels during the ten years 1833-1842, may be found discussions of a similar character to those of the Greenwich observations. The following Table of the times when the mean temperature is reached in each month at Brussels is extracted from it : h m h m In January.. .at 9 30 A.M. and again at 6 40 P.M. In February 9 42 A.M. 7 12 P.M. In March 9 24 A.M. 80 P.M. In April 8 40 A.M. 80 P.M. In May 8 30 A.M. 7 58 P.M. In June 8 24 A.M. 85 P.M. In July 8 12 A.M. 86 P.M. In August 8 42 A.M. 7 57 P.M. In September,, 848A.M. 7 35P.M. In October 96 A.M. 79 P.M. In November 915 A.M. 7 12 P.M. In December 9 36 A.M. 80 P.M. It is generally found that the greatest heat of the day is attained about 2 P.M., and the least a short time before sunrise in every month of the year, at Greenwich : on this point M. Quetelet says, referring to Brussels, "Ces deux termes critiques varient, quand on considere separement les differents mois. La plus haute temperature, pendant les jours de Janvier, tombe a l h 34 m apres midi, et s'eloigne THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 67 (Tautant plus de ce point qu'on se rapproche davantage de 1'etd. Dans cette saison, c'est trois heures qui est Pepoque la plus chaude de la journee. La temperature la plus froide du jour arrive vers 6 heures du matin en hiver; et, en ete, vers 3 heures et \" As it is instructive to compare phenomena observed under different circumstances and in various localities, the corrections for diurnal range for January and July at Brussels are here given ; they are deduced from observations by M. Quete- let, extending through 1841-1844, Centigrade degrees being expressed in those of Fahrenheit. These may be projected and compared with the normal diurnal curve at Greenwich (Plate IV. fig. 2). Hours. Jan. July. Hours. Jan. July. Noon. -r8 -4'5 Midnight. + 1-6 +4'9 P.M. 2 2'2 -5* A.M. 2 + r8 + 3'3 4 -i'3 -S'6 4 + r8 +6-5 6 + '2 -4'5 6 + r8 +4'3 8 + '7 0* 8 + r6 + -5 9 + '9 + r8 9 + '9 -i'3 10 + ! + 3'i 10 *2 -27 50. Proper times of observation. To determine the mean temperature of the air, it might be thought advisable to take an observation at one of the two periods of the day when the mean temperature is reached -, but it must be borne in F 2 68 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. mind, that at these times the changes of tempera- ture are rapid, as may be seen by the sudden ascent and descent of the branches of the curve (Plate IV. fig. 2), and, consequently, if the ob- servation is made a little too soon or a little too late, considerable errors might be committed; observations at these times, therefore, unless they are made very accurately with regard to time, are not worthy of implicit confidence. The general hours of observation adopted by those whose time is occupied by other than scien- tific matters are either 9 A.M. only, or 9 A.M., 3 P.M., and 9 P.M. : observers commencing a series would do well to follow plans already in use, whereby their registers will be more readily comparable with those in progress or existence. 51. Grlaisher's factors. From inspection of the projected curve of mean diurnal range for the month, it will be seen to assume the form of a single progression, having one ascending branch arid one descending : the maximum heat occurs early in the afternoon, generally at 2 P.M., and the minimum at about sunrise. For other loca- lities differing in latitude from Greenwich, this curve may not be of the same form ; the range of temperature may be greater or less; if so, the apex of the curve will be more or less pointed, and the return from the lowest point more or less THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 69 sudden; but, amidst all the varieties which may occur, the maximum and minimum heat, or the turning-points of the curve, will most probably occur at nearly the same local time, if the lati- tude be not very different. Hence it may be concluded, that the amount of the correction ap- plicable to observations taken at any hour at any place, is the same part of the whole monthly mean daily range at that place, as the correction at Greenwich is of the monthly mean daily range at Greenwich. Now this element is found by adding up the readings of the maximum thermometer daily and taking the mean ; doing the same with the minimum ; then the mean of the maxima, minus the mean of the minima, will be the mean daily range. The following extracts from the Tables already quoted, founded on the above as- sumption, will give certain factors, which, multi- plied into the mean daily range, will give the correction to be applied to hourly observations to obtain the mean temperature for the month, for any other place beside Greenwich. Factors to be multiplied into the mean daily range of the thermometer to deduce the correction to be applied to the monthly mean reading at the hours 9 A.M., 3 P.M.,and 9 P.M., to determine the true mean temperature of the air for the month : 70 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Hours. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. +'"3 -309 +049 +074 -'383 +106 +015 -414 +128 -053 -458 -P"9 '112 '410 + 130 -128 -431 +092 Hours. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9 A.M. 3 P-M. 9 P.M. -116 -376 + 'IIO -094 -410 +140 -025 408 + 111, 0' -'34 + '120 +*43 -316 +106 +106 -224 + 048 These factors are formed from the Table, 48, by dividing the correction for the hour by the mean daily range, and it is considered that just such a portion as the hourly correction is of the mean daily range at Greenwich, such portion will the correction for any other place be, in which the range of the thermometer during the twenty- four hours may be greater or less, of the mean daily range at that place. 52. Example of their application. The applica- tion of them will be very evident from an example which I shall extract from my own observations during the month of January 1849, at South- ampton ; taken at 9 A.M., 3 P.M., and 9 P.M. Mean of the 9 A.M. readings from the month ... 407 44-1 9 P.M. Mean of the maxima 45*3 ; of the minima 37*4. Mean daily range 45*3 37'4^ 7'9 THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 71 Correction for 9 A.M. 7*9 X +'123 = +'97 4'7+*97 = 4 r6 7 mean tempera- ture for the month from the 9 A.M. observations. Correction for 3 P.M. 7-9 x '309= -2*44; 44*1 2'44 = 41*66 mean tempera- ture from the 3 P.M. observations. Correction for 9 P.M. 7' 9 x +'049 = -f'39 5 4 r 3+'39 = 4 r6 9 mean tempera- ture from the 9 P.M. observations. Referring to the Table in 48, let us deduce the mean temperature by the application of the Greenwich corrections : g A.M. 3 P.M. 9 P.M. 407 44-1 41-3 Cor. + r 2-5 -f -^ M.T. 417 41-6 417 The similarity in these results very satisfacto- rily proves the extended utility of the Greenwich factors, and shows that the mean daily range of the thermometer at Southampton differs very little from that at Greenwich, for this month at least. Although the month was not chosen with design, yet I am bound to say that seldom does the mean temperature result so identical from the three daily observations as in the example above worked out. 53. Monthly mean temperature from maxima and minima. The relation between the tempera- ture taken at any hour of the day throughout the 72 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. month and the mean temperature for the month having been thus satisfactorily established, it was found that the method of determining this latter element, which had been generally in use, viz. by deriving the mean temperature from the arith- metical mean of the maxima and minima, was to some extent erroneous, and that the mean of the maxima and minima needed a correction corre- sponding to the time of the year, before the mean temperature could be deduced ; that only in the month of December was no correction requisite ; that such a mean temperature would be too great during every other month of the year by the fol- lowing amounts, which must, therefore, be sub- tracted from the means of the maxima and minima readings before a true result could be obtained : January... 0*2 Julv... . i'o February 0-4 March ... ro April 1-5 May i'7 June i'8 August ... i -7 September .1-3 October ... 1*0 November . 0*4 December. . cro These quantities, strictly speaking, are only adapted to the middle day of each month ; if it be required to obtain the temperature for a particular day, and not the monthly mean, the following plan may be adopted. THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 73 Let the correction for any month, say June, be represented by b \ for July by c ; the difference between these two divided by 30, the number of days between the middle days of the two months, and multiplied by (a) the number of days between June 15 and the particular date in question, will give a number which must be added to the June correction ; thus, max.+mm._ { I . 8+ 2=2> 1 = the 2 I 30 J mean temperature of the day. Where the mean temperature of the day is only required to the nearest half-degree, the monthly correction, without alteration, may be applied to every day's mean of the maximum and minimum ; this will give the mean temperature of the day sufficiently near to serve the purpose of tracing connexion between change of temperature and the progress of disease ; in the consideration of which it enters as an important element. Now, on the supposition that these quantities are the same for the whole of Great Britain, we have two independent methods of arriving at the mean temperature of the month, which may serve mutually to correct each other ; that they are of this extensive application will not admit of proof until we have more registers of temperature taken frequently in the twenty-four hours than exist at 74 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. present ; if, however, we find that the mean tem- peratures derived from observations at set hours in the day agree in the main with those resulting from the means of the maximum and minimum observations at any place, we may fairly conclude that these corrections apply as well to that locality as to Greenwich. 54. Example. To test the application of these corrections, we will take the maxima and minima observed at Southampton in January 1849, the month before quoted; I find the mean of the maximum observations 45-3, of the minimum 37-4. The mean temperature deduced from these, with Glaisher's corrections applied, will be which differs from the former result obtained in 51, by 0-4. Now the mean temperature derived from the maxima and minima results from two observations daily; in determining therefore the mean tem- perature from a combination of all our observa- tions, we give this determination double weight ; and thus the " adopted mean temperature" would be that derived from the following formula, in which are combined, with the maxima and mi- THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 75 nima, the observations taken at 9 A.M., 3 P.M., and 9 P.M. = . 5 M T The results of the two methods of determining the monthly mean temperature will be seen in the accompanying Table ; they are from the author's 184 8. 184 9. 18. iO. S 12 J> S'O s* STJ I'll *.u 3 ^ g'3 ^ *ls z* c ^r 2* **" ^r ^ rt 40*1 7Q'8 7A"Q *8 February 4.7*7 4.7-6 AA'6 .a March A7*6 III A7*2 4.7*1 8* April 47*7 AQ'I 44-* 4- 44*6 4.8'A A8*6 May 58*8 5I*6 June 56-7 CQ'A ^ 60'7 CQ'C cn'2 July 61*7 62*2 6o'8 59'9 6r6 62-1 August 58*5 59*6 6r 60-5 59'5 6o*2 September 5 6 '9 57'2 56*3 57' 5 6 '3 55'5 October 51*9 5i'7 5 r 46-6 46-2 November December 42*8 44*1 42*6 44' 45'5 39'9 44-8 38*7 47*1 42*8 467 42*0 Means for 1 the year J ' ' 5^4 52*1 50-2 50*1 49*4 49*1 Mean temperature from three observations daily during the three years 50*3 Mean temperature from the maxima and minima 50*4 three years' observations taken three times daily, viz. 9 A.M., 3 P.M., and 9 P.M. The comparison will show a sufficient accordance to give a confidence in the use of the Table of Corrections, 48, which 76 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. was originally calculated for the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. Feeling a confidence in the use of the Greenwich corrections for diurnal range from these observa- tions, I gave up the two later observations in the day after the year 1850, and confined myself to 9 A.M. j the results for the following three years are here given : 18. ,1. 18 52. 18 53. Ns jl< jy S 1 ! J-d rt c January 44"} 44-* I 42* 42*5 A-J'A 4-3 '1 February March 40*6 40*8 41*2 4.2" I 42-3 4.2*1 35' 35-8 38*6 April 4.6-4. 4.1* 46*8 46* 4.7*6 May 11*6 CI'I 52*6 12*6 12*8 June c6'8 17* 17*7 Julv 61*5 6i"?* 6c*o 6 1*7 1Q' I August 62*2 6r 61*2 61-4 61*2 10*8 September October 57'5 57-6 56-8 48*1 56*9 78* 55-9 55'9 10*4. November December 38-5 41*4 397 49'9 48-2 50*2 47*8 42*6 36*6 44' 3 377 Means for 1 the year J ' ' 5* 497 5'9 $*' 48*5 48*6 Mean temperature from the 9 A.M. daily observations during the three years 49*8 Mean temperature from the maxima and minima 49*8 Mean temperature of Southampton from the six years' observations 50*0 Interpolated. THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 77 55. Explanations. It may be useful,, in guiding those who are about to commence a series of ob- servations, to make some remarks on the above observations. The instruments with which the observations were taken, were good of their kind, but not expensive ; the thermometer used at the stated hours was compared with a standard by immersion in warm water, frequent readings being taken at intervals of ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, as the water gradually cooled ; the sum of the readings of each thermometer divided by the number of readings gave a mean temperature, which, if the readings of both thermometers had been the same throughout, would have been the same .quantity; the mean reading of my ther- mometer was, however, 0*4 higher than the standard of comparison, hence to all my readings a correction of 0*4 has been applied to reduce them to true readings. The maximum and mi- nimum thermometers were, in like manner, com- pared with the other corrected, and the index correction applied throughout. The thermometers are only divided to degrees ; hence, in reading off, if the scale is cut by the mercury between two degrees, we estimate how many tenths of a degree it is above the next lowest, and enter the reading accordingly. It will be remarked, and the remark will apply 78 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. to all other observations, that though the differ- ences, in some individual months, between the mean temperature derived from observations taken at certain hours and corrected for diurnal range by Glaisher's Tables, and that deduced from the mean of the maxima + the mean of the minima 4- 2 the quantities given in 53, is consider- able, these all vanish in a series of no very great extent. Rejecting 1848, which is an incomplete year, the difference between mean temperatures of the year by the two methods will be found to be: 50-2 50-1 or H-o'i difference for 1849 49*4 49' i or +0-3 difference for 1850 50' 49'7 or -fo'3 difference for 1851 50^9 51*0 or o'i difference for 1852 48^5 48^6 or o'i difference for 1853 56. Projection of six years' observations. An excellent method of recording phenomena, so as to present them to the eye at a glance, is that of projecting them in curves, taking the time for abscissa? and the variables for ordinates ; thus the monthly temperatures recorded in the two prece- ding Tables may be projected in the form shown in Plate III., in which the monthly irregularities are rendered visible. In addition to these, the same elements for Greenwich are projected on the same scale, for the purpose of ready comparison, as also THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 79 the normal curve of monthly temperature at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, derived from seventy-nine years of observation ; the data being the sum of the temperatures for each month of the same name, divided by the number of years through which the observations extended. From all the observations combined, the mean temperature of each month at the Royal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, is jj i ' 3 of February . . . 38-2 of August 60-5 of March 40-9 of September ... 5^3 of April 457 of October 49*3 of May 52-6 of November . . . 42-4 of June 58-0 of December . . . 38-8 The mean of all the monthly results or mean tem- perature for the year is 48'3. Height of the Observatory above the mean level of the sea, 160 feet. The height of my observatory above the sea- level was only 60 feet ; the difference between this and the height of the Royal Observatory, is suf- ficient to account for the slight excess of cold in that position during the winter months; the proximity of Southampton to the sea is indicated in the extremes of temperature being somewhat less than at Greenwich. 57. Care necessary in observation. It may be 80 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. stated as an indisputable fact, that unless great care be taken in choosing a position for the ther- mometers, the whole of the observations will be vitiated ; many sets of records have proved worth- less from want of attention to this important matter, and much valuable labour has been thrown away, not only from this circumstance, but also from the use of inferior instruments. It is true, that, by a careful comparison with a standard throughout the whole extent of the scale, quan- tities might be obtained which, applied to the observations made with a bad instrument, may bring them near the truth ; but if the observations have been taken in a place where reflected heat has been recorded, or where the sun's rays may have had an influence, no good results can possibly be obtained. 58. Position of instruments. The corps of ob- servers in England who combine their observa- tions, as will be explained more fully in Part III., suspend their thermometers in positions and under circumstances as much as possible similar : the bulb of the dry thermometer is supposed to be 4 feet from the ground, and the temperature shown by it is due to the stratum of air at that distance from the soil ; it is sheltered in every way, not only from the direct rays of the sun, but it is also so far removed from walls and buildings as to be THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 81 out of the way of the reflected heat, or that de- rived from radiation; it must be protected from rain, but the air must be allowed an uninterrupted passage around it in every direction. The author has endeavoured to ensure all these advantages by a stand of the following construction. 59. The Author's thermometer stand. In it are suspended the dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermo- meters, and also the thermometers which register the greatest and least degrees of heat. The stand is doubly boarded on the east, west, and south sides, the instruments facing the north without any screen; hence when the sun shines on the outer covering, a stratum of air intervening, the inner case does not get heated by its rays ; holes are bored in various parts of both the inner and outer case, with especial care that they be not opposite to each other, lest the sun's rays should find admission to the thermometers ; the air thus circulating freely is supposed to be of an equal temperature with that in the shade in any position, however sheltered from the sun : a pent-house, or sloping roof, also double, throws off the rain, and thus the thermometers are kept dry. The up- right support of the stand is firmly fixed in the ground, and braced to prevent agitation; the whole should be at least 12 or 15 feet from lateral walls, and 40 or 50 from walls directly north, 82 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. which would reflect the sun's rays and influence the instruments. The thermometers face the north and are about 4 feet from the ground. Without some such stand, it must be impressively stated, any thermometric observations will be use- less, as the instruments will not be protected from local or celestial interferences which would en- tirely vitiate the most careful records ; nor would the register be comparable with observations taken in different parts of the country. 60. Greenwich thermometer stand. The ther- mometer stand after the form of that at Green- wich, and, till lately, at Kew, differs from this, as may be seen in Plate IV. fig. 1. A is a wooden painted frame, 2 ft. 6 in. square, a 1 a base board attached to the under part of A, d z the underside of a strong piece attached to the upper part of A, a 3 an interior portion of a pent- house composed of very thin boards attached to a 1 and a 2 , 4 a 5 strips of wood to which the ther- mometers are attached. B is a strong spar or post firmly secured to the ground at Greenwich, to a stone balustrade at Kew ; in its upper end is fixed a cylindrical pin which freely enters a socket in the central part of 2 , and allows A, with all its adjuncts, to be re- volved on the axis of B. Now the great objection to this kind of stand THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 83 for general use is that it requires, during the summer time when the sun's azimuth is north of east or west, to be turned bodily, so that the roof be directed to his rays which would otherwise impinge laterally on the thermometers. The problem to be solved in the construction of a stand is that the instruments be at all times pro- tected from the direct influence of the sun and the rain, at the same time that they are freely ex- posed to unimpeded circulation of air. The stand erected at Kew by Mr. Welsh is perhaps as near an approach to the solution as has yet been at- tained, having the recommendation of requiring no adjustment after it has once been fixed in the ground, being open to the movement of the air all round, and shielded from the approach of the sun's rays whatever may be his azimuth. The thermometers are in a cubical case, the sides being about 2 feet, open at the bottom ; it is composed of louvre-boards, like Venetian shutters. Another case of the same construction, but of twice the dimensions every way, encloses the smaller. The cases reach to within 4 feet of the ground, so that there is nothing to obstruct the free passage of the air horizontally, which moreover finds its way readily through the open woodwork, while the sun can only reach the external case and not that in which the instruments are suspended. G2 84 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 61. Mean yearly temperature at Greenwich. In the ' Philosophical Transactions/ Part IL,1849, and Part II., 1850, will be found two most valuable papers by Mr. Glaisher, in which he has reduced observations made at the Royal Society's Apart- ments Somerset House, at Epping, and at Lyndon in Rutlandshire, to an agreement with those made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich ; this series extends from the year 1771 to 1849, and from it that gentleman has determined the mean tempera- ture of every year, at Greenwich, through a period of seventy-nine years. Now as Greenwich is ever likely to be a point of reference in all observations on climate, and as the difference in temperature between it and any other place in England is readily ascertained, we consider this series to be one of great value ; it is probably the best deter- mination of this element ever completed, and it will assist in arriving at other valuable results ; the number of observations treated of exceeds 200,000, spread nearly equally over the seventy- nine years. Mr. Hugh Gordon, of the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton, having been employed in discussing these observations, determined to equate the several yearly temperatures by . an elliptic curve, starting from one lowest point to the next. He has kindly supplied the author with the projection, engraved in Plate V., whose THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 85 elliptically equated curve shows, in a very striking manner, the cycle of the greatly variable mean tem- perature at the Royal Observatory. The numbers below the lines show the mean temperature of each year as deduced from observation, the equated values may be ascertained by inspection ; it will be found that the summation of the equated tem- peratures in each cycle equals the summation of the recorded mean temperatures within the same period. An inspection of the form assumed by this curve will exhibit certain remarkable phenomena ; commencing with 1771, the years gradually be- came warmer till 1779, when the temperature in like manner declined, and a batch of cold years occurs, of which 1784 was the coldest. The heat then increased, but not in so great a degree, till 1794, when the extreme cold of that cycle, not so severe as before, was reached gradually in five years from that time. In periods varying from nine to fifteen years throughout the whole series, we find the cycle of hot and cold years repeated ; and nothing can more distinctly present the re- currence of these phenomena to the mind than the graphic method here adopted. In this pro- jection, it is indicated to the eye in the sequence of the repeated elliptic curves. 62. Comparison with that of other places. By examining closely and comparing the meteo- 86 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. rological reports from various places in England, Mr. Glaisher has endeavoured to arrive at some empirical formula, by which, the mean yearly tem- perature at Greenwich being known, that of any other place may be obtained; he takes into ac- count the law of decrease of heat with increasing elevation, and the difference of latitude, and the results, in nearly every case, have very closely approximated to those of observation, which in some instances they have tended to correct, since a want of accordance between the two, has been found, more than once, to be due to errors either in the instruments employed or in the observations made with them. Let the mean temperature of the air at the level of the sea at Greenwich, latitude 51 0< 5, be denoted by T ; on the supposition that this value, at a uniform level, becomes less by 0'9 for an increase of latitude of one degree ; then The mean temperature of any place in England for that year may be calculated approximately from the following formula : T+(51-5 lat.) x 0-9- -00345 x height of the place in feet above the level of the sea. By substituting the mean temperature of Green- wich for any year, the formula is of perpetual ap- plication ; thus, from my observations I find the mean temperature of Southampton for 1853 to be THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 87 48-5, the latitude being 50'9, and the height above the sea 60 feet ; the mean temperature of Greenwich for the same year reduced to the sea- level =48*2; by substitution, 48-2 + (51-5-50 -9)0-9--00345x60=48-5, a result exactly coincident with that deduced from the observations. 63. Mean temperature fails in describing cli- mate. Mean temperature, whether of the year or month, though an important element in investi- gation, conveys but a very remote idea of the climate of any locality. The average degree of heat will remain uninfluenced by sudden tempo- rary rises and corresponding depressions, so that the result for a place subject to extreme variations may be the same as for one whose temperature is equable. The differences in this element in various localities may arise from four different causes : a. Distance from the equator, which is the cause of the diurnal arc of the sun varying with the season. /?. Height above the sea-level, which will cause, at moderate elevations, a de- crease in temperature of about 1 for every 300 feet. 7. The geological character of the neigh- bourhood. $. Situation as regards the sea-coast. Of these causes, the last produces the greatest irregularities, and such as are most difficult to reduce to system. 88 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 64. Mean daily temperature at Greenwich. The average daily temperature for Greenwich, which probably varies according to a law that is the same for a great part of England, has been de- termined from all the thermometrical observations taken at the Royal Observatory during 43 years, ending with 1856. Tables of the adopted mean temperature of every day in the year and of the data from which this was computed, are to be found in a paper by Mr. Glaisher in the Report of the Council of the British Meteorological Society for 1857. The Tables show that the temperature does not regularly increase from its lowest in the middle of January up to its greatest height in July, but that there are variations of some days' duration in the months of February, March, and May : its decline goes on regularly from the end of July till the end of November, when an increase takes place which just lasts into December, when it again falls, though it is somewhat irregular all through this month. Another of the Tables gives factors for each day of the year, which, when multiplied into the mean temperature of each month, will give the mean temperature of any particular day of the month. It is by these numbers that the results of the Greenwich observations are made applicable to other places ; for it is likely that in many lo- calities the average temperature of a day bears THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 89 the same proportion to the mean monthly tempe- rature as it does at Greenwich. Another Table shows the distribution of heat over the year in the following manner : the average amount of heat is represented by 1 (which number occurs at the 29th of April and the 21st of October), and for each day a decimal shows the ratio the number of degrees representing its mean temperature bears to that of the mean yearly temperature ; the lowest fraction is (for January 15 and 16) '726, and the highest (for the days from July 28 to Au- gust 1) 1*279. It must not, however, be sup- posed that this tells us the absolute proportion of heat received on each day, for it is clear that the numbers would be different if Reaumur's or the Centigrade scale were used, from their having a different zero, and therefore they depend on an arrangement that is artificial. In order to show the true proportion of the differences of tempera- ture on the different days, the Editor has con- structed the following Table, taking for data the adopted mean temperature of every day of the year, given in one of those mentioned above. Here the lowest daily temperature is the zero, the highest is unity, and the decimals tell what part of the whole increase of daily temperature that takes place during the year has occurred at the date opposite each number. 90 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 65. Table showing how the heat increases through the year. Days of the Jan. Feb. March, April. May. June. Month. I o 037 o '063 o 170 o 3 00 o '537 o 774 2 *33 '55 166 3 l8 *555 7 8l 3 33 066 162 '333 570 788 4 029 08 1 162 '34-4 585 800 5 022 107 166 '355 *59 6 800 6 018 130 170 366 613 803 7 on i37 170 370 607 807 8 ooi 137 170 370 603 811 9 '000 130 174 366 596 814 10 007 118 177 '355 588 822 ii 003 in 185 "35 1 585 833 12 003 103 188 348 585 844 J 3 003 "100 203 "355 588 851 *4 003 092 214 370 603 862 15 '000 096 222 '377 618 870 16 ooo 096 22 9 -388 633 88 1 J 7 014 *1OO '*33 39 6 640 885 18 029 103 233 403 651 888 J 9 037 107 233 407 659 892 20 048 III 237 414 670 900 21 059 III 237 425 677 903 22 066 114 237 '444 688 907 2 3 074 126 240 448 696 914 2 4 085 133 244 448 700 922 25 092 148 248 448 707 929 26 103 "'55 251 448 711 '937 27 103 '59 255 462 718 '944 28 096 166 262 481 729 *955 2 9 088 .. 270 503 737 962 30 077 277 518 748 962 31 066 292 762 Means 040 "112 215 *397 643 868 THEEMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 91 Table continued. Days of the July. August. Sept. October. Nov. Dec. Month. I o 962 rooo o 862 666 o *4 3 22 9 2 959 992 855 662 39 6 '*33 3 '959 988 851 6 5 I '39* 229 4 962 985 848 648 385 '222 5 966 981 840 640 '377 218 6 970 981 833 '629 370 207 7 '974 981 ! -825 622 '355 I 9 2 8 970 981 ! '822 614 '344 188 9 962 977 818 -607 '333 185 10 962 974 814 600 '3*5 181 ii 966 .970 8 1 1 588 *3H 174 12 970 966 807 "574 *3" 166 '3 '974 962 803 '555 "296 151 *4 970 962 796 '54 288 i55 *5 970 - '959 785 529 277 166 16 970 '959 '777 522 262 177 *7 970 '955 770 '5'4 ' 2 55 170 18 970 *944 '759 507 248 162 '9 '970 940 '755 '503 248 148 20 966 *937 '744 '503 248 129 21 962 929 740 496 240 107 22 962 922 '737 485 229 088 2 3 962 918 '733 '474 218 070 2 4 966 918 722 '459 203 '55 25 '974 914 718 '444 196 037 26 985 *93 711 440 200 033 27 992 896 703 '433 207 037 28 I '000 892 696 425 222 '55 29 rooo 885 685 418 225 066 3 rooo 874 677 411 225 070 3i rooo 870 407 077 Means 972 *945 776 '534 286 141 92 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 66. Dove's Isothermal Charts. Professor Dove has given great attention to the subject of mean temperatures, and his valuable Tables, published in the Report of the British Association for 1847, with his Isothermal Charts (described in that for 1851) for every month of the year, will well repay consultation. In the formation of these, 900 places have been selected at which continuous observations have been made ; these have all been reduced to the level of the sea, and the temperatures of other places have been deter- mined by empirical formulae ; lines are then drawn across a map of the world through those places whose monthly mean temperature is the same. From mere inspection of these we learn some very important particulars, the discussion of which in full would be foreign to the purpose of this work, though we should not be justified in passing over altogether certain conclusions at which Pro- fessor Dove has arrived. 67. Deductions from them. a. He has shown that the mean temperature of the western hemi- sphere supposing the meridian of Faro to be the separation exceeds that of the eastern for every degree of latitude except 70, but that the differ- ence is less as the places approach the equator, which is accounted for by the preponderating mass of water in the west. There is no point in THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 93 the western hemisphere which approaches the extreme cold of Yakutsk, whose January tempe- rature is 40. /3. The winters of the northern hemisphere are colder than those of the southern ; on the contrary, the summers are warmer. Taking the mean heat of all the places on the globe in Janu- ary and July, he calculates that of the entire earth to be {In the northern hemisphere 7*5 R. 48-9 Fahr. In the southern 12*2 R. = 59-5 F. Mean of the whole earth ... 9-9 R. = 54-3 F. r In the northern hemisphere 17^3 R. = 71 F. July < In the southern 9-6 R. = 53-3 F. I Mean of the whole earth ... 13-5 R. = 62-4 F. The temperature of the earth, therefore, in- creases 8 from January to July. The preponderance of water in the southern hemisphere will account for -the less variable de- gree of heat to which it is subject. The increase of the temperature of the globe between the winter and summer of the northern hemisphere, is the result of the unequal distribution of land and sea in the two hemispheres, and the difference of the effect produced by the rays of the sun, according as they impinge on a solid or a liquid surface. 3 ; February by l-5 ; March by 0'6 ; April by 0'4 ; May by 2'2 ; June by 0-4 ; and in October by 0-5 ; it was of a lower temperature in July by 0'7; August by 0'5; and in September by 0'l ; at 9 P.M. it was always of a higher temperature : the excesses were 0'l ; 0'3; 0'7; 0'3 ; l-9; 2'9; 1'5 ; 3'2; l-2; and 1'3 respectively/ 5 H2 100 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. " From these numbers, it seems that during the night hours, at all seasons of the year, the tem- perature of the air at the Dreadnought Hospital Ship is higher than at the Observatory, and that it is below only during the mid- day hours." " At times of extreme temperature, the effect of the water upon the temperature of the air is very- great. On Feb. 12, 1847, the temperature of the air, at my house situated one mile and a half from the river, was 6 ; the lowest reading 32 feet above the water of the Thames was 16 ; the temperature of the water was 33 ; its heating effect upon the air in its immediate vicinity amounted to 10; at the Observatory the reading was 10 0> 5, and the heat of the water of the Thames seems to have influenced the temperature of the air at the Ob- servatory to the amount of 4." 70. Decrease of temperature as height from the sea-level increases. The following Table, derived from the Report of the Balloon ascent mentioned in 5, will show the decrease of heat as the aeronauts rose in the air, on Aug. 17, 1852, be- tween 4 and 5 P.M. : Temperatures. ft. O 120 71*2 2,440 62-8 3,460 59'2 4,110 58-1 ft. o 5,880 57'8 6,800 54*0 7.53 5 r 4 8,550 49-0 THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 101 Heights above the level of the sea. Temperatures. Heights above the level of the sea. Temperatures. ft. ft. o 9>4?o 44*4 15,510 24*4 10,680 40-4 16,600 2O'6 11,620 37'2 17,440 19*6 12,250 34'9 18,490 15-0 13,480 30 8 ,19,320 10-5 1 4>55 27-0 Mr. Welsh, who discussed the whole series of observations, comes to the conclusion, " that the hypothesis of a regular progression," in the de- crease of temperature, " at all heights, can scarcely be maintained." The results of the observa- tions of decrease of temperature were discordant in the four balloon ascents, and we must wait for further observations in elevated regions, before we can arrive at satisfactory conclusions as to the thermometric state of the upper strata of the air. 71. Effect of the sun's heat below the surface of the soil. An important difference of tempera- ture between places otherwise similarly situated will arise from their geological formations ; those on arid dry soils will have a greater range of tem- perature than those situated on a clayey soil, or any other which prevents the drainage or carrying away of the water received in the form of rain. To assist in arriving at distinct conclusions on this head, and to judge of the depth to which the sun's 102 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. rays areable to penetrate, and of the radiating power of earthy materials, thermometers, constructed for the purpose, should be sunk in the ground and registered at stated hours. During the year 1850, at Southampton, the author kept a daily record of the readings of a thermometer near the surface of the soil, which was garden mould, and of another sunk one foot below. They were read simul- taneously at 3 P.M. Readings of a thermometer near the surface and another one foot below, at Southampton. 1850. Therm, at the surface. Therm, one foot below the surface. 1850. Therm, at the surface. Therm, one foot below the surface. January ... February... March April May June 35-8 45' 45'8 54'4 587 68-8 35'4 40-8 39-2 47' 47*8 6i'5 July August . . . September October ... November . December . 69-5 66-1 637 51-1 47*4 41-1 61-3 59-1 54*5 47' i 46- 40-8 M. Quetelet has discussed this subject very fully in the " Memoir " referred to in 48 ; found- ing his remarks on observations taken between 1834 and 1842 ; to illustrate it we will, however, look nearer home. 72. Observations at Greenwich. Resorting to the Greenwich observations for 1847, we find THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 103 some very striking results with regard to the range of heat at different distances below the earth's surface, which are best exhibited in a tabular form. Table I. Mean monthly reading of a thermo- meter whose bulb is placed on a level with the scales of the deep sunk thermometers, from daily observation in 1845. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 36-4 6-9 36-4 8-4 42- H'3 46- I 3 -6 37'4 17-1 59'* 16*9 July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 66-9 19-9 6 3*4 17-1 55' i5'3 S3'* 11-4 47'3 9'4 42-9 7*4 Table II. Mean monthly reading of a thermome- ter whose bulb is sunk 1 inch below the soil. 'Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 37'9 4' i 38' 4*4 4*' 3 r 46-4 6-9 567 9*4 i: July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 66-8 10' I 63-9 97 56' 7*4 53*7 5*9 48-4 5' 44' 4*5 104 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Table III. Mean monthly reading of a thermome- ter whose bulb is sunk 3'2 ft. ( = 3 French feet.) Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 39'3 0-4 39 <6 0-3 4 ri o*3 44*4 '3 5 l-2 0-4 57'2 0-4 July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 61-5 0-5 62-3 0-4 57'9 0-3 54*7 '3 50*6 o*3 46-4 0-3 Table IV. Mean monthly reading of a thermome- ter whose bulb is sunk 6'4 ft. ( = 6 French feet.) Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 44' 0*07 4Z'8 O*I2 43'3 O'll 45' 1 0-13 48-6 O*22 53'9 0'2I July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 0-36 58-9 O'ly 57-8 0-14 55'3 0-15 5 2-8 0-14 49*5 O'H Table V. Mean monthly reading of a thermome- ter whose bulb issunk 12'8ft. ( = 12 French feet.) Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 49' 0'12 467 0*09 45-8 0*09 45-8 O'lO 46-8 O'll 49*5 0-14 July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 51-9 0-15 54-2 0*16 55-11 0-13 54-6 0*10 53-6 0-08 5 r8 0-09 THERMOMETRTC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 105 Table VI. Mean monthly reading of a thermo- meter whose bulb is sunk 25'6 ft. ( = 24 French feet) below the surface of the soil. Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 5*' 0*05 51-2 o'04 50-2 0*05 49*3 0*05 48-8 0*05 497 0*04 July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean monthly reading Mean daily range 49-0 0-06 49-8 0-07 50-6 00-6 5''3 O'OD 5 r 7 0*05 5 I-8 0*05 We see from these Tables that the yearly ex- tremes occur in a later month the deeper the ther- mometer is placed, until, in the last instance when the thermometer bulb was 25^ feet below the surface, the highest reading occurred in January and the lowest in July. Also we see distinctly that the deeper we descend below the earth's surface, the more equable is the temperature ; at every place we should at last arrive at a depth where the action of the sun's rays would not be felt at all, but a thermometer would show the same degree of heat at all times and seasons. 73. Stratum of invariable temperature. The (< stratum of invariable temperature " will be at different depths at different places. From M. Quetelet we extract the following 106 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. table of depths at which the annual variation of the thermometer is reduced to 0'01 Centigrade : the feet are French, 1 foot French being equal to 1-0658 English. ft. ft. Leith CA'7 Strasburg ... 8r6 Heidelberg... 83-3 Schwetzingen 89-8 Bonn 72-6 Paris 69*4 Edinburgh... 55*5 Trap, ib. 66-2 Sand, ib. 96-6 Sandstone. Upsal 62-6 Trevandrum 53-6 Below the " stratum of invariable temperature" the heat of the earth would seem to increase in different proportions, for the most part at the rate of 1 for 72 feet of depth; but as this subject does not bear directly upon meteorology, we shall not carry the discussion of it further. 74. Radiating thermometers. A very import- ant element, registered at Greenwich, is the amount of " solar radiation," the measurer of which is a self-registering mercurial thermometer with a blackened bulb ; it is placed on the ground in an open box, the sides of which are sufficiently high to prevent lateral wind from striking the bulb. The degrees are marked on the tube itself, to prevent accumulation of heat, reflexion, and radiation from a scale of wood or metal An arrangement likely to give yet more accurate results is to enclose the bulb of the thermometer THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 107 in a glass globe, from which the air is exhausted ; this will prevent the lowering of the temperature by currents of air, which, there is reason to be- lieve, have brought the radiation thermometer down below its proper reading. For the " sky-radiation " or terrestrial radiation, that is, radiation from the earth upwards, a self- registering minimum thermometer is used ; its bulb is placed in the focus of a parabolic metallic reflector, which is turned upwards towards the clear aspect of the sky and screened from currents. Even in the day-time a thermometer so placed and turned towards the clear sky, but away from the rays of the sun, will fall several degrees below the temperature of the surrounding air. It would be well, also, to observe a minimum thermometer placed near it and exposed to the sky too but without the mirror. 75. Actinometer. An instrument, termed the Actinometer, devised by Sir John Herschel, has been extensively used to ascertain the absolute heating effect of the solar rays, in which time is considered as one of the elements of observation. The actinometer consists of a large cylindrical thermometer-bulb, with a scale considerably lengthened, so that minute changes in tempera- ture may be easily appreciated. The bulb, which is of transparent glass, is filled with a deep blue 108 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. liquid, which is of course expanded when the rays of the sun fall direct on the bulb. To take an observation with the actinometer, it is exposed to the sunshine for one minute and read off; it is then withdrawn to the shade for a minute and its indication recorded ; it is then again placed in the sun and this alternation continued for any time, care being taken to begin and end the series with a sun observation ; the mean of the readings in the shade, subtracted from the mean of those in the sun, gives the actual amount of dilatation of the liquid produced by the sun's rays in one minute of time. The mode of registration is ex- tensively explained in the Report of the Com- mittee of the Royal Society on Physics and Meteorology, to which the reader is referred for further information. Very interesting observations may be made by two observers simultaneously with actinometers previously compared, the one at the base, the other at the summit of some great elevation. We know very little of the different effect of the sun's rays at heights not usually visited, and this instrument is calculated to supply useful inform- ation on that head. So nicely will it show a decrease or increase of force in the solar heat, that the altitude of the sun may be determined by observations with it very approximately. THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 109 WIND. 76. The phenomenon of wind, which is simply air in motion, is produced by inequality of tem- perature in the atmosphere at different points on the surface of the earth, or in different regions of the atmospheric envelope. If the air at a particular place is heated it will become specifically lighter ; heavier air will rush towards the spot, and, occupying the lower place, will force up the heated air to the higher regions, where it will spread laterally and form an upper stratum ; the horizontal currents of air are what produces the effect of wind to an observer on the surface of the earth. It is not always that wind extends to a great distance : a storm of wind and rain has been known to be raging on one side of a mountain, while the air on the other was in a state of calm. As clouds are wafted by the wind, they will serve to show the direction of the wind in elevated portions of the air; frequently the lower clouds may be observed to be moving in one direction, and the higher in an opposite one. 77. Land and sea breezes. The land and sea breezes of the tropics change their direction twice in the day, and the cause is obvious. When the sun shines, the surface of the land gets heated 110 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. more rapidly than the sea ; nor is the heat con- ducted far below the surface, seeing that the con- ducting power of the superficial layers is usually low. The air superjacent is heated from below by its contact with the surface and rises, from the cooler air over the sea flowing towards and under- neath it, making the " sea breeze." After the sun has set, the surface of the earth soon radiates the heat it had received, and becomes cooler than the surface of the sea, which retains its acquired heat for a longer period. The air above the earth, being thus gradually cooled, flows outward and produces the " land breeze/' 78. Trade-winds. The " trade-winds " are the effect of the different degrees of heat experienced in regions within the tropics, and in those of the temperate and frigid zones. The air super- incumbent over the tropical regions, which are subject to the heat of a vertical sun, will con- stantly receive heat from beneath by conduction, and will therefore ascend, being displaced by hori- zontal currents from the polar across the tempe- rate zones. Were the earth stationary, these hori- zontal draughts would constitute northerly winds in the northern hemisphere near the surface, while the upper current would flow from the south, the reverse occurring south of the equator. But as the earth, accompanied by its atmosphere, revolves THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. Ill from west to east in its diurnal motion, and as the rate of motion of a point on its surface increases in rapidity as the equator is neared, it is clear that air from near the poles, or from high latitudes, will bring with it less of the easterly tendency than the surface of the earth within the tropics possesses ; hence it will lag, as it were, or the tropical districts will, so to speak, strike against it or leave it behind j and by composition of the two motions, the original northerly wind will appear as coming from the north-east ; and wind coming from the south polar regions will be reckoned south-east : where these two currents meet, not far from the equator, is a " region of calms," across which ships can only reach by catching every fitful breeze. The cold air from regions north and south of the tropics, by friction against the surface, par- takes by degrees of the motion of the earth in its passage towards the equator ; if it could be trans- ferred suddenly from higher latitudes, its velocity would be that of the most fearful hurricane ; as it is, the effect of the inrush of colder air results in the mild and constant " trade-winds/' which blow constantly across those portions of the At- lantic and Pacific oceans which lie between or not far beyond the tropics, 79. Circular storms. The origin of the keen 112 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. and biting east wind with us is in the region of arctic cold ; the west and south-west winds, having traversed the ocean, have imbibed a portion of its warmth, hence they are usually genial. If two opposite currents meet, they frequently form a vortex and whirl over the ocean as cyclones or typhoons, travelling forward at a rate slow in com- parison with the velocity of rotation. Mr. Red- field and Col. Reid have devoted much attention to the theory of circular storms, and have laid down principles to guide the navigator in escaping the hurricane by sailing away from its sphere of operation. According to those writers, hurricanes are whirlwinds on an enormous scale, revolving storms in which the air is carried with extraordi- nary velocity round a calm centre or focus of variable extent, in the neighbourhood of which the force of the wind is greatest ; while the hurri- cane is thus rushing round its focus, it advances onward, at a variable rate, from the place of its origin, along, in some districts where cyclones occur, a course of remarkable regularity. The cyclones vary in size from under fifty miles in diameter to several hundred. The direction in which the hurricane blows is always against the course of the sun, or the hands of a watch, in the northern hemisphere, but with it in the southern ; from this has been deduced a THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 113 rule to tell in what direction a ship should steer to avoid the central part, near which, as has been said, the force is greatest. In the northern hemi- sphere, with your face to the wind, the centre will be on your right ; in the southern, with your face to the wind, it will be on your left. The value of this rule has been attested by many hundred narratives of escape from the danger to which, without it, the mariner would have been ex- posed. These fearful visitations are confined to the China sea, the ocean between Australia and Southern Africa, and the west of the Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico to Newfoundland. The revolving movement would appear to be propagated from place to place, not by the bodily transfer of the mass of air which constitutes the hurricane, but by the transmission of the rotatory motion from one portion of the air to another. An idea of the movement may be obtained by watching the water above a mill-dam when it is allowed to escape by a small hole only ; a funnel- shaped eddy will be noticed, which will keep its position as long as the hole is open ; the moment the hole is closed it will begin to wander, and will continue so to do for a considerable time. It is the opinion of some eminent meteorologists, among whom is the Rev. Dr. Lloyd, that the cir- i 114 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. cular movement of the air is by no means confined to violent hurricanes, but that it may be traced even in the gentlest breeze. Under his superin- tendence simultaneous observations have been taken for some years at the Coast Guard Stations in Ireland, and the discussion of these have led him to this conclusion, which would appear to be supported by the observations. An arrangement was made a few years since, which lasted for some length of time, whereby the direction and force of the wind, and the state of the weather at 9 A.M. every day in the year (Sun- days excepted), were transmitted by electric tele- graph to Mr. Glaisher, and published, on the fol- lowing morning, in the Daily News ; the returns were sent from England, Ireland and Belgium, and the following remarks on one day's observa- tions only, will illustrate the subject now under discussion. November 20th, 1850, is worthy of special notice, as it is evident from the returns that the air was moving in a circle on the morning of that day ; the direction of the wind in Ireland being N.W., north of France W., on the south-east coast of England and Belgium S.W., and on the south of Scotland S.E. On the outside of the circle, of which Birmingham seemed the centre, the force of the wind was very great, while in the THEBMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 115 middle of England a calm was registered by the observers ; a projection of the course and force of the wind at the various points of observation, in- serted in a map of England now before the author, shows clearly that the air, at this period, was describing concentric circles around a position not far removed from the centre of England. Such observations and registrations, taken exten- sively over the earth's surface, would be of the utmost value in making us acquainted with the phenomena of air in motion, and with the laws which regulate storms and hurricanes, which laws have only lately begun to receive the attention their importance demands. 80. Anemometers : Osier's. Meteorological ob- servers are expected to register at certain periods the force and direction of the wind; in a few places in England, namely Greenwich, Plymouth, the Royal Exchange, and Liverpool, this is done most accurately by means of Osier's anemometer, which will be described at length when we treat of the instruments in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich (see 169). A board of one foot square is opposed to the wind from whatever quarter it may blow, and, by means of pencils attached in a peculiar manner, a register of the pressure per square foot, and of the direction of the wind, is traced on a sheet of paper divided into twenty-four i 2 116 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. spaces, each representing an hour, which is ad- vanced by clock-work ; so that the moment of in- crease, decrease, or change, can be seen at a glance. 81. Whewell's Anemometer. WhewelPs ane- mometer described at full in 170 registers the horizontal motion of the air during the same period ; and the daily results, both of this register and the preceding, are published in the B-egistrar- GeneraPs weekly reports. 82. Robinson's Anemometer. This anemo- meter, which seems likely to get into more general use than either of the others, consists, as will be seen on looking to Plate XI. fig. 1, of four hol- low hemispheres or cups placed at the ends of two horizontal bars crossing at right angles and supported on a vertical axis which revolves freely. Dr. Robinson, who invented this instrument, found that the velocity of the cups when made to revolve by the wind was one-third of that of the air itself. The rate is measured either by a system of index wheels set in motion by an endless screw on the axis, as shown in the figure, or by more complicated machinery for continuous registration of the velocity, such as is in use at the Kew and Oxford Observatories. In the former case the dials are made to denote either the number of re- volutions of the cups, or, better, the miles and decimals of a mile passed over by the air since the THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 117 last observation and setting of the index ; the present velocity, if it is required, can be got by noting the space passed over in a certain limited time, as a minute or two. In the latter kinds of this instrument an index or a pencil is moved from one side to the other of a sheet of paper which is carried along endways by clock-work, so that the inclined line traced (by photography at Oxford, by contact of a metal pencil at Kew) shows the velocity of the wind at every moment of the day. In the very ingenious arrangement at the Kew Observatory, devised by Mr. R. Beckley, the pen- cil is a strip of brass placed spirally round a cylin- der made to revolve by connexion with the axis of the anemometer in contact with another cylin- der covered by a sheet of the registering paper and set in motion on an axis parallel to that of the last by clock-work ; as the first cylinder goes round, different parts of the spiral pencil touch the paper in succession till the mark reaches the extreme end, when the pencil again comes into play at its first point. This construction is fully described, with plates, in the ' Report of the British Association for 1 85 8/ while an account of the one at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, is given with the meteorological observations taken there in 1856. 83. Liud's Wind-gauge. If such complete me- thods were in more general use, we should no doubt 118 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. be much assisted in arriving at a knowledge of the laws regulating the movement of the air ; mean- while, although we cannot accomplish as much as we desire, it behoves us to contribute as much as lies in our power ; a useful and available wind- gauge for private observers is Land's ; and on its indications are founded the reports of the force of the horizontal movement of the air, which are re- corded by those who are not provided with more elaborate apparatus. Plate II. fig. 5. Lindas wind-gauge consists of a glass tube, c, about half an inch in diameter, of a siphon-like form, one end, d, being again bent at right angles to the general direction of the tube, so as to pre- sent a horizontal opening to the wind. The tube is half-filled with water, and the pressure of the wind on that portion directed towards it will drive the water up the other leg. A scale is attached, by which the force of the wind is ascertained ; and the whole turns freely on a vertical axis, P, so that the mouth may always be towards the quarter from whence the wind blows; or a vane may be fixed to it above in the same plane as the tube,which will en- sure the mouth being directing towards the wind. A new form of this wind-gauge has been con- structed by Sir W. Snow Harris, in which the after tube is made of a smaller bore than the other, and a plumb-line is made to hang within the frame THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 119 of the instrument, protected by a plate of glass, to show exactly when it is in a vertical position. The Table below shows the pressure per square foot for the indications of the scale. Not having a convenient place to fix this in- strument, for it should be far above the inter- ference of buildings or trees, and screwed into a firm support, I generally estimate the force of the wind from the knowledge gained by its occa- sional use. Many observers do so without any reference to the wind-gauge at all ; and from fol- lowing the directions in the Table subjoined, they cannot be far out. A calm is universally repre- sented by ; a hurricane or violent gale by 6. Table showing the force of the wind on a square foot for different heights of the column of water in " Lind's Wind-gauge." Inches. Force in Ibs. Common designation of such a wind. 6 31*75 A hurricane. 5 26-04 A very great storm. 4 20-83 A great storm. 3 15*62 A storm. 2 10*42 A very high wind. I 5'*i A high wind. '5 2*6 A brisk gale. 'I "5 A fresh breeze. 05 26 A pleasant wind. 0* 0* A calm. 84. Graphic delineation of results of wind ob- 120 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. servations. The resultant of all the forces of the winds, combined with their directions, may be graphically shown for any definite period of time, as one month. To illustrate the method, I refer to my own observations, taken three times daily during the month of October 1848; it will be sufficient to take eight out of the thirty-two points of the compass : in the following Table are arranged the sum of the forces of the different winds registered during the month, from which figure 6, Plate II. , is constructed. N. N.E E. S.E. S. S.W. W. N.W. Force. .2 5 o i 10*7 29*7 3 3 Describe a circle, and divide it into eight equal portions, which mark with the names of the points of the compass used in the Table. Towards the south, set off from a scale of equal parts, two divisions, seeing that that amount of direction southward is due to the northerly wind. On the other lines of direction set off, from the same scale, parts equal to the amounts recorded above, but in opposite directions to those of the winds ; join the points thus obtained, and the general direction of the wind for the month will be seen : in this case it is evident that the whole mass of air was moved, during the month, hori- zontally towards the north-east. If this be done for every month of the year, the prevalent winds, THERMOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 121 both in amount and direction, can be compared with little trouble, and far more readily than by the inspection of the register ; care must be taken that the same scale be used throughout, and if great nicety is required, the whole thirty-two points of the compass may be laid down. The same plan may be adopted for much shorter periods, if any remarkable changes take place which it may be important to register. 85. Rules for observing. As observations on the wind may be easily made by those who are not provided with barometers or thermometers, and even more advantageously than by students, if their occupation leads them to be much in the open air, the following directions are given in order that such observations may become of scientific value. It is most important to remark, in addition to the intensity and direction of the wind at certain fixed hours, 1. The time when it commences to blow from a calm, or subsides into one from a breeze. 2. The time of any remarkable or sudden change of direction. 3. The course it takes in varying, and the quarter in which it ultimately settles. 4. The existence of cross currents in the higher regions of the atmosphere, as indicated by the course taken by the higher clouds. 122 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 5. The times of setting-in of hot and cold winds, and the quarters from which they come. 6. The connexion of rainy, cloudy, or fair weather with the quarter from which the wind blows, or has blown for some time previously. Such series of observations, continued through fixed periods in various parts of the country, would be of the utmost value in meteorology ; and if the stations were very numerous, would throw light on the aerial movements, a branch of the science in which we are much in want of well-arranged and abundant registers. 2. The Hygrometric Condition of the Air. 86. General considerations. The atmosphere is subject to agitations far more extensive than the swell of the ocean ; waves as broad as the Atlantic itself pass over us from time to time. Indepen- dently of these atmospheric waves, hourly varia- tions in the pressure of the air have been remarked which seem to follow a definite law. The cause of these fluctuations is variation of temperature depending upon the sun's hour-angle ; and this also affects the amount of aqueous vapour, which combines with the air in raising or depressing the mercury in the barometer. Such is the tendency of aqueous vapour to rise in the air, that the atmo- sphere may be said, in no case, to be found in a HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 123 state of absolute dryness ; the supply is obtained from rivers, oceans, and the surface of the soil. It is possible to separate, experimentally, from a given quantity of air, the aqueous and gaseous atmosphere ; but more important for the purpose of meteorological investigation are the means we possess of ascertaining the amount of vapour of water commingled with the air at any moment, so that, from the amount of pressure shown by the height of the barometric column, we can attri- bute to each atmosphere, the aqueous and the gaseous, exactly the proportion which is due to it. The experiments of Dalton and others have proved this remarkable fact, in a way which will be pointed out hereafter, viz. that, under similar circumstances as to temperature, the quantity of watery vapour existing in air will be exactly equal to what it would be in a vacuum of equal capacity ; and that, if we have the means of computing the tension or elastic force of vapour in vacuo, we shall be able to determine with equal accuracy the actual tension of moisture in the air ; in fact, that in either case the tension or pressure or elasticity of vapour will be the same. 87. Dew. Hoar-frost. The capacity of air for moisture increases with the temperature; and when the limit, varying with the temperature, is attained, no more moisture will ascend, and the 124 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. air is then in a state of complete saturation. If from any cause a volume of air in this condition should be suddenly cooled, a deposition of moist- ure succeeds ; the air parts with aqueous vapour in minute particles, and, especially if it be free from agitation, these appear in the form of dew, which is witnessed in perfection after the removal of the heat of the sun on a still, autumnal night. The effect of a temperature below the freezing- point will be to convert the dew into hoar-frosty as is visible when winter approaches. 88. Rain. Hail. Should the air part from its moisture at a distance from the earth's surface, the aqueous particles will descend at first but slowly, or not at all. By the law of aggregation, they will unite in globules ; and, when their weight is sufficient to overcome atmospheric re- sistance, or, perhaps, when the electric state of the moisture or the air undergoes a change from some unknown cause, they will descend by gravitation towards the earth, and fall in the form of drops of rain. That electricity is concerned in the production of rain is more than probable, as is indicated by the copious and heavy showers which fall during a thunder-storm. Its agency in the phenomenon of hail is undoubted ; this is formed in the upper regions of the air, where the temperature is below HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 125 the freezing-point ; the height from which the hail-stones descend is indicated by the force and rapidity of their fall. Evaporation and condensation of aqueous vapour tend, in various ways, to diffuse heat more equally throughout the globe. As the power of air to imbibe moisture increases with the temperature, evaporation goes on with most rapidity in warm climates, and from heat being absorbed in the process, has a cooling tendency ; in the less heated regions the vapour is condensed, and its latent heat is given forth to mitigate the severity of the colder climate. 89. Condensation of the vapour in the air. If two saturated volumes of air of unequal tem- peratures, and therefore of varying capacities for moisture, meet each other, their tendency will be to unite and equalize both the temperature and the moisture. The moisture, however, will always be in excess, for the two processes will not pro- ceed at the same rate. Thus, suppose two volumes of air saturated with moisture, one of the tem- perature of 40 and the other of 60, to unite, the mean temperature of the mass will be 50. The elastic force of vapour at 40 of temperature (as will be explained more fully hereafter) is 0*247 measured as pressure in inches of mercury ; at 60 it is 0-518; but at 50, the mean of the two 126 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. temperatures, the elastic force is 0'361, which is less than 0*382, the mean of the others, by O021 ; this represents the tension of that portion of aqueous vapour which would be set free. If this vapour, in its liberated state, meet with a stratum of air not saturated with moisture, it will be re- absorbed, either partially or entirely; if only partially, the remaining portion, consisting of aqueous vapour in an extremely minute state of subdivision, may be arrested in its descent and float in the atmosphere in the form of clouds. From the preceding observations, it will appear that the atmospheric pressure, as shown by the barometer, is compounded of that of the air itself and the co-existing vapour of water, from which it is never entirely disunited. It will now be shown in what manner these two forces may be separated and the proper value assigned to each, according to the views of many eminent meteorologists. 90. Saussure's Hygrometer. The plansadopted by observers in the last century to determine the hygrometric condition of the air were imperfect and unsatisfactory ; the contraction and dilatation of some animal substance indicated changes in the amount of moisture in the air, and the register of these formed the hygrometers of De Luc and Saussure. At the present state of the science of meteorology such- contrivances are only interesting HYGROMETBIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 127 historically, and on this ground simply we shall describe Saussure's hygrometer, which is repre- sented in Plate VI. fig. 3. The action of this instrument depends upon the longitudinal expansion of a human hair, which has been freed from all unctuosity by boiling in an alkaline solution. It is kept in equable dis- tension by a small weight at one end, the other being fixed ; the hair, passing round an axis which carries an index, on its contraction causes the index to revolve and point to certain divisions on a circular plate. Saussure determined the point of extreme dryness by placing the instrument under a receiver, in which was inserted some powerful desiccant ; here the hair attained its mini- mum of length ; this was the zero of his scale. He then introduced moistened pieces of linen which had been previously weighed, and on their with- drawal the diminished weight denoted the amount of vapour in the receiver ; the temperature being noted at the same time, and also the portion of the arc moved over by the index, another point on the divided arc was secured, and thus data were ob- tained for arriving at an approximation rough, it is true to the amount of moisture existing in the air at any precise moment. The superiority of the methods now adopted to arrive at this con- clusion, will be easily apprehended from the de- 128 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. scription of the hygrometers at present in use. We must, however, preface the description with a con- sideration of the laws to which the vapour of water is subject. 91. Tension of aqueous vapour. The laws of the formation of vapours, and the relations existing between their elastic force and temperature, were ascertained by Dalton experimentally, and the results were published by him in 1802. The following is an account of the apparatus employed by him in his investigations. In Plate IV. fig. 3, a, b is a barometer tube in- verted in a vessel of mercury in the manner de- scribed in 11. The graduated scales measures the height of the mercurial column, its lower point being brought to touch the surface of the mercury in the vessel. Before the tube is inverted, its in- side is moistened with the liquid whose vapour it is intended to experimentalize upon, we shall only consider the vapour of water which, being lighter than mercury, will rise and float upon the upper surface of the column, forming a thin film over it. The mercury will then be found to sink lower than it would do were the space above it, as in the barometer, a vacuum ; and the amount of depression measured on the scale is the elastic force of the vapour of water due to the existing temperature. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 129 Suppose the tube to be elevated further above the reservoir of mercury, but not lifted out of it, there will then be a larger space to be occupied by the aqueous vapour ; as long as there is any liquid above the mercury, evaporation will go on to fill the increased space, and its elastic force (the tem- perature, pressure of the air, and consequently the density, being the same) will remain constant. The amount of descent of the mercury in the tube produced by the aqueous vapour, measures the maximum density at the given temperature. When the liquid has entirely evaporated, if the space in which it exists be enlarged, its elastic force will diminish ; if, again, it be contracted in volume, its density will become greater, until it attains the maximum density due to the given tem- perature ; after this a further diminution of volume will reduce some portion of it to a liquid state. The upper part of the tube is surrounded by a glass cylinder, c d ; this is closed at both ends with a cork, admitting the tube through it. By filling this cylinder with water at different tem- peratures, we subject the vapour to the operation of any degree of heat we wish ; the scale attached enables us to measure the depression of the mer- cury at each degree, and thus is formed a table of the elastic force of vapour for a range of many degrees. By using melting ice for the freezing- 130 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. point, and freezing mixtures for temperatures still lower, this table has been carried to a great extent ; above the boiling-point hot. oil has been made use of; but for the purposes of meteorology, the table of the tension or elasticity of aqueous vapour may be confined to much narrower limits. If the space above the liquid in the barometric tube is occupied by air (or indeed by any perma- nent gas), the vapour of water will follow the same laws as regulate it in vacuo, that is, the same relation will be preserved between the density, tension, and temperature ; they will, in fact, be precisely the same as in vacuo, with this difference only, that, while in vacuo the quantity of vapour necessary to saturate the space above the column is formed instantaneously, time is re- quisite for the evaporation to go on in air. The conclusions of Dalton have been confirmed more recently by Dr. Ure, Regnault, and others ; they have been the foundation of tables showing the elastic force of vapour, as measured in inches of mercury, for all degrees of temperature. Dr. lire's table was constructed from experiments performed by an apparatus of which the following is a description (Plate IV. fig. 4). D L E is a siphon barometer, the leg E being closed, and the other open at D. On the ad- mission of the mercury there will of course be an HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OP THE AIR. 131 equilibrium when the column in the closed leg balances the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the mercury in the other, and the space above G will be a vacuum; a glass vessel is adapted to the outside of this portion of the tube, and rings of platinum wire on the exterior of the tube serve to mark the height of the mercury in each leg. A drop of water is now introduced into the vacant space above G, which is forthwith, in part, changed to vapour, and the vessel A is filled with water, the temperature of which, shown by the thermo- meter inserted therein, will give that to which the tension of the vapour is due. The elasticity of the vapour will cause the mercury to descend in the tube E, and rise in the tube D ; a portion of the metal is now poured into the open tube, until its weight counterbalances the tension of the aqueous vapour, and brings the mercury to its original level at G. Let L be the space occu- pied by the additional quantity of mercury ; this space, accurately ascertained, will be the measure, in inches of mercury, of the elasticity of the aqueous vapour at the temperature shown by the immersed thermometer. By varying the heat of the water, by using freezing mixtures for the low temperatures, and boiling oil for the higher, Dr. Ure obtained the tension of aqueous vapour for degrees of heat ranging between 24 and 312, K2 132 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. the elastic force of the former being O17 inch, and of the latter 167 inches. Table II. (Appen- dix) is copied from the Greenwich observations ; it shows the tension of aqueous vapour for every degree of temperature from to 95. 92. Important conclusion. The point more particularly to be borne in mind from the pre- ceding paragraphs is, that, at a certain tempera- ture, a definite amount of vapour will arise by evaporation, and that amount will be constant, whether the space into which it rises be a perfect vacuum, or whether it be the open air, the only difference being that in the latter case the pro- cess will go on much more slowly. 93. The dew-point. If a volume of air of the temperature of 35 be saturated with moisture, it will be seen, from inspecting Table II. (Appendix), that the tension of such moisture is equivalent to 0-222 inch of mercury, and it is concluded that if the air were suddenly to part with its moisture, the barometric column would fall to that extent. Should the barometer reading be 29'886, the pressure of dry air vertical to the place of obser- vation would be 29-886- -222 = 29-664. Complete saturation, however, is of compara- tively rare occurrence ; only, indeed, as we shall see, when the wet- and dry-bulb thermometer readings are the same, which will occur when the HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 133 tension of aqueous vapour is at a maximum for the temperature of the air. In every other ease the air is capable of holding in suspension a greater quantity of aqueous vapour than it con- tains at the instant of observation. The know- ledge of the dew-point here comes to our assist- ance. The dew-point is that temperature at which the air would be saturated with the moisture it contains; and the abstraction of heat to the smallest amount below this point of saturation, would cause an immediate deposit of water. Dalton's method of ascertaining the dew-point was a very simple one and easily practised ; he poured water, cooled below the temperature of the atmosphere by a freezing mixture, into a glass, and marked the temperature by a thermometer inserted in it when the dew which had been deposited on the outside of the glass disappeared in the open air. The tension of vapour for each degree of the thermometer differs, in a slight degree, as deter- mined by different physicists ; the table published in the Greenwich observations is derived from the experiments of Dalton and Ure (compared, how- ever, with other tables), whose methods have on that account been explained. 134 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Tension of vapour, according to various authorities, for 32, 95, and 122 of temperature. Dalton. Ure. Roy. Soc. Regnault. Kaemtz. 3* O*2OO 0-200 0-l86 0-18124 0-17999 95 1-59297 1-640 1*610 1-6438 l'S7789 122 3-500 3'S 1 * 3 '54* 3-619 94. Degree of humidity. With a table of the tension of aqueous vapour and the dew-point, we are immediately provided with data for deter- mining another important element, namely the degree of humidity of the air. Suppose the temperature of the air to be 67, and that of the dew-point to be 50. By inspect- ing Table II. (Appendix), we find the tension of aqueous vapour at 67 to be -659, at 50 it is -373; if the air were saturated the tension would be '659; but, in the instance supposed, the tension of aqueous vapour is only '373 ; the proportion, there- fore, between the amount of vapour in the air and that which would exist in it were complete satura- tion reached, is as 373 to 659 ; or considering the amount of vapour at the point of saturation as unity, 659 : 373 : : 1 : g or '566, which will re- present the degree of humidity of the air when its temperature is 67 and that of the dew- point 59. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 135 As this element gives immediately the prepon- derance or defect of aqueous vapour in the air, which the dew-point does not, it is one of consi- derable importance in the register of phenomena. The dew-point may be the same at extremely different degrees of air-temperature ; and the state of the air, as regards dryness, will depend on the greater or less depression of the dew-point tem- perature below that of the air. When the degrees of humidity are registered, we see at once the variation in the hygrometric state of the air, and comparisons are readily in- stituted. If from the tension of aqueous vapour at the air-temperature, we subtract that at the dew-point temperature, we shall obtain the force of evapora- tion; thus, in the preceding example, '659 '373 = 286. 95. Illustrations. The phenomenon of the dew- point wil receive illustration from the affairs of common life. A bottle of wine has been iced before its ap- pearance in the dining-room the bottle will be found covered with a coating of dew the moment it enters the room ; the temperature of its contents being far below the point of saturation of the air, the watery vapour will be condensed on the surface; if it be removed, more will settle, till the wine has 136 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. acquired a heat above the temperature of the dew- point. On entering an observatory in the morning, the temperature of the air having risen very considerably above that of the preceding night when the instruments were in use, nothing is more usual than to find every instrument stream- ing with moisture. The instruments, having been cooled down to the night-temperature, and the day chancing to become suddenly warm, have not had time to get heated above the temperature of the dew-point, and an abundant deposition of moisture is the result. On entering a detached room on a morning which may happen to be warm after a series of cold days and nights, the walls may be frequently found covered with moisture, which will be due to their not having acquired a temperature, since the sudden change, above that of the dew-point ; the moisture will disappear as soon as they have attained a heat but just exceeding it. 96. Daniell's hygrometer. Instruments have been invented for obtaining the dew-point by direct observation, three of which we shall de- scribe. The first, that of the late Professor Daniell, known as Daniell's hygrometer, is a very elegant and portable instrument. It consists of two glass balls, communicating HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 137 with each other through a bent glass tube. The ball a, Plate VI. fig. 1, is of black glass, about one and a quarter inch in diameter ; the ball d is of the same size, but transparent. A small mercurial thermometer is fixed in the limb a b, with a pyriforrn bulb, which descends to the centre of the blackened ball. A portion of sul- phuric ether, sufficient to fill three-fourths of the ball 0, is introduced, and the atmospheric air having been expelled by boiling as completely as possible, the whole is hermetically sealed at e. The ball d is covered with muslin, and the ap- paratus is supported on a brass stand, / g, to which is fixed another delicate thermometer, whose readings show the air-temperature. To ascertain the temperature of the dew-point, the ether is all brought into the ball , by inclining the tube; the temperature of the air is then registered, and ether is poured from a dropping tube, which fits the mouth of a small phial, on the muslin cover, d' y the cold produced by the evaporation causes a condensation of the vapour of ether which fills the connecting tube and the ball, d e, and produces a rapid evaporation from the ether in a-, as this is a cooling process, the temperature shown by the enclosed thermometer rapidly sinks. The instant that the ether within the black ball is cooled down to the temperature 138 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. of the dew-point, a film of condensed vapour from the air surrounds the ball like a ring at the level of the surface of the ether within, a i; if the thermometer be read off at the instant this ring of dew is formed, we obtain nearly the true tem- perature of the dew-point, that of the air at the time being shown by the exterior thermo- meter,/^. The ring of dew will gradually lessen as the ether within the ball is recovering its original temperature, and will finally disappear. At that instant the enclosed thermometer should be again read off, and this reading will give another ap- proximation to the dew-point temperature; the mean of this and the former determination may be supposed to approach very near the truth. The portability of this beautiful instrument is a great recommendation; the whole apparatus is packed in a box, which may be readily carried in the pocket. An important deficiency is the small- ness of the enclosed thermometer, which will not admit of a reading by estimation of nearer than half a degree ; other drawbacks to its use are the difficulty of obtaining pure ether for the experi- ment, and of catching the instant of the forma- tion of the ring of dew, seeing that the thermo- meter has to be carefully watched and read off at the same moment that the dew appears or vanishes. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 139 97. Regnault's hygrometer. The dew-point may also be obtained by direct observation from Regnault's hygrometer, and it is presumed with a nearer approximation to the truth than Darnell's will supply. Regnault's hygrometer (Plate VI. fig. 4) con- sists of a glass tube over which is slipped a thimble, a, b, c, made of silver, very thin and highly polished, 1'8 inch in depth and 0'8 inch in diameter ; it is fitted tightly on the glass tube, c d, which is open at both ends. The tube leads by a small aperture into the hollow upright support, n m. The upper open- ing of the tube is closed by a perforated cork (sometimes of india-rubber) through which passes a very sensitive thermometer, T, which, being much longer than any that can be used with DanielPs hygrometer, is more nearly and readily read off; its bulb descends nearly to the bottom of the silver thimble, and from the same depth rises a hollow thin glass tube, g, which also passes through the cork. Ether is poured into the tube as high as p q -, the pipe, d, leads down the hollow upright, which is in communication with the flexible tube o, to an aspirator (not shown in the drawing), that is, a jar containing something less than a gallon of water ; this jar is closed, except a small aperture, over which the flexible tube is 140 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. made to fit air-tight ; at the bottom of the jar is a stop-cock, on turning which the water will run out. The aspirator-jar is near the observer, but the instrument may be at any convenient di- stance, so as to be removed from the heat of the person. When the dew-point is to be ascertained, water is allowed to run from the aspirator-jar ; this will produce a current of air through the fine tube, whose mouth is at g, and the pipe of communica- tion, m n ; to reach the space above the ether, the air must pass, bubble by bubble, through it, which will produce a uniform temperature throughout the whole mass while it is subject to the agita- tion produced by the rapid passage of air, and the silver thimble will be of the same temperature as the ether within, the degree of which will be shown by the immersed thermometer, T. If very great nicety is required, the thermometer may be read off by a small telescope, but with care this is seldom necessary. At the moment that the ether is cooled down to the dew-point temperature, the whole external surface of the silver thimble will be covered with a coating of moisture, and the degree shown by the thermometer at that instant of time must be marked. Let us suppose the first reading to be 46, it is probable that as a fraction of a second HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 141 was lost in the eye glancing from the silver to the thermometer, this reading is too low. In a few moments the dew disappears and the thermo- meter rises ; but now its reading is probably too great, say 48. The stop-cock of the aspirator is then gently opened, and a small stream of air- bubbles rises through the ether, and, by nice adjustment, the thermometer is observed steadily to read 47' 3 at the instant that the dew is formed ; repeated trials are sometimes necessary, but five minutes will generally suffice for the whole operation. The inventor found three or four sufficient to determine the dew-point to the tenth of a degree. The second tube, a 1 b 1 , holds a second thermo- meter, T ; , circumstanced in every way like that used in determining the dew-point, and its read- ing will give the temperature of the air at the time of observation. This additional thermo- meter need not necessarily be mounted in the same manner as the dew-point thermometer, as the temperature of the air may be learnt from one suspended in the usual way. The direct method by which the dew-point may be ascertained by marking the clouding of the polished silver surface, is so great a recom- mendation, that nothing but cheapness is requisite to bring Regnault's hygrometer into general 142 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. use. On the author's representation, Messrs. Negretti and Zambra have constructed the in- strument in a simple form, and at a price not greater than is usually paid for DanielFs. The aspirator need not be a vessel of water ; at Kew two circular boards are united by leathern sides after the manner of a pair of bellows, to the bottom board is attached a weight and in the top board is a projection to which the india- rubber tube is attached ; when an observation is to be taken, the boards are made to approximate by a pulley, and as the lower one is allowed to descend, a draught of air is produced, the force of which may be regulated at pleasure. This appa- ratus does away with the trouble of constantly supplying water to the aspirator-jar, as is neces- sary on the usual construction, though some aspirators are made double, so that they may be reversed when the water has run out of one com- partment into the other, and thus the same quantity of water may be made serviceable for any length of time. Regnault's hygrometer has not yet been used in the Greenwich observations; but, for many years, a long series of experiments and compari- sons was undertaken with DanielPs hygrometer and the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, which has resulted in the rejection, for general registra- HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 143 tion, of the use of DanielFs hygrometer, and in assuming as the dew-point, a deduction from simultaneous observations with the dry- and wet- bulb thermometers. 98. Connell's hygrometer. Figure 5, Plate VI. is a representation of a dew-point instrument, by A. Connell, Esq., Professor of Chemistry in the University of St. Andrews. A is a small bottle made of highly-polished brass or silver ; it is par- tially filled with ether, and the temperature is lowered by means of an exhausting syringe, D E, which causes the ether to evaporate rapidly; a thermometer, t, whose bulb dips into the ether, shows the temperature of the dew-point at the instant that the polished exterior of the bottle becomes clouded with moisture. G is a clamp to fix the instrument to a steady support. 99. Dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, or Mason's hygrometer. The dry- and wet-bulb thermo- meters, known also as Mason's hygrometer in England, and as August's psychrometer on the continent, is the form of hygrometer in general use; it consists simply of two thermo- meters exactly alike, stationed side by side, which are presumed, under the same circumstances, to give similar indications. The dry -bulb thermo- meter, of course, shows the temperature of the air ; the wet-bulb thermometer has its bulb sur- 144 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. rounded with muslin, and from it lead a few inches of lamp-wick, or floss-silk, into a small vessel filled with rain or distilled water. Under general circumstances, or rather, when- ever it is not saturated, the atmosphere will take up the vapour of water ; the drier it is the more rapidly will evaporation proceed, and the more slowly as its condition approaches that of com- plete saturation. When in that state, no more moisture will rise in the air. Now, as evapora- tion proceeds, heat is absorbed by the conversion of the water around the wet-bulb into vapour, and the mercury in the wet-bulb thermometer will fall a greater or less number of degrees below the air-temperature, according to the dryness of the atmosphere. When the air is saturated, the read- ings will be the same*. Evaporation from the wet-bulb will proceed even when the temperature is below freezing ; but in this case the readings must be taken with great care, and the differences will always be small. Plate VI. fig. 2, is a drawing of the arrange- ment adopted by Negretti and Zambra. The * The greatest difference in the readings of the dry- and wet- bulb thermometers which the author registered during seven years of observation at Southampton, occurred April 19, 1854, at 3 P.M., when the dry-bulb thermometer reading was 69 and the wet-bulb 53 : diff. 16. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 145 thermometers are very superior instruments, with enamelled divisions on the stem, and they are fixed to a frame of plate-glass. It will be re- marked that they are not very near each other ; and this is important, for it may be that the air surrounding the dry-bulb would be, to a certain extent, moistened by evaporation from the water supplied to the wet-bulb. It is advised that the cup of water should even be removed several inches from the wet-bulb, so that there may be no chance of incorrectness from this source. The thermometers are kept in place by metal clips, e, fj and may be used for other purposes, if re- quired, being removeable at will. 100. Dr. Babington's Evaporation-gauge. The evaporation-gauge invented by Dr. Babington will be found convenient for estimating the ab- solute amount of evaporation taking place over a given area. It consists of a vessel containing water in which floats a glass tube poised like a hydrometer, and graduated to grains and fractions of a grain ; on the top of this tube is fixed a shallow pan whose area is known ; water is poured into this pan until the tube sinks to the point marked zero on the scale ; as evaporation goes on, the tube rises, and the loss of weight is indicated on the scale in grains and fractions of a grain. 101. Apjohn's formula. The reading of the 146 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. wet-bulb thermometer gives the temperature of eva- poration ; and an important problem to be solved is to deduce the dew-point from this record com- bined with the temperature of the air as indicated by the dry-bulb. Dr. Apjohn of Dublin, in 1834 and 1835, read before the Royal Irish Academy a very elaborate paper on the theory of the moist-bulb hygrometer; and from observation, experiment, and theoretical considerations, he was induced to adopt the formula which has since gone by his name. Let / = tension of aqueous vapour at the dew- point temperature which we desire to know. /'=the tension of vapour at the tempera- ture of evaporation, as shown by the wet-bulb thermometer. a =the specific heat of air. e =the latent heat of aqueous vapour. (tf) ord =the difference between the reading of the dry-bulb thermometer and that of the wet. p = the pressure of the air in inches: then Apjohn' s formula is ' , -tr) p-f . ~ j ~~ X ~~ or with the coefficient, f=f --01147 (t-f ) HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 147 The following is the formula (derived from Apjohn's), as given in the Greenwich observations, which will be made use of in this work ; h being the height of the barometer. f__fi d_ b_ J J 88*30' When the reading of the wet-bulb thermo- meter is below 32, the formula becomes 96 30 102. Example of its use. Suppose the reading of the dry-bulb thermometer to be 67 and of the wet 59, it is required to determine the dew-point, the barometer standing at 29-000 inches. By Table II. (Appendix), we find /' the tension of aqueous vapour due to 59 = '5; then, by sub- stitution, The tension corresponding to -412 in the Table is due to 53'6, which is therefore the temperature of the dew-point required. 103. Other formulae. Other physicists have given separate formulae. One, practically equivalent to Apjohn's and originally put forward by August, has been modified by Regnault, thus : L2 _ 7 610-*' 148 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. where n is the tension due to the dew-point, t the temperature of the air, and t' that of evaporation in degrees Centigrade, f 1 and h as before. Take the same example, and changing 67 Fahr- enheit into 19'44 Centigrade, and 59 F. into 15 C., we have, by substitution, tension due to 53'3, the dew-point. Burg, from observation, has given ( p being the height of the barometer) which will give by substitution, 5-'5 8 ='44 2 tension due to 55 0< 5, the dew-point ; and Bohnen- berger, also from observation^ which, by substitution, gives 5 --05! = -449 tension due to 56, the dew-point. By Glaisher's factors, hereafter to be explained, 67-(67-59)l'8 = 52-6, the dew-point; while the mean of the other four results is 54'6. By comparing these results, it will be seen that there is a certain amount of discrepancy between them ; nor is this surprising, when we consider that the fundamental quantities which enter into the HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 149 calculation, viz. the specific heat of air and the latent heat of aqueous vapour, are not determined with absolute certainty. 104. Glaisher's factors. This circumstance, and other considerations, led Mr. Glaisher to under- take his elaborate series of comparisons with DanielPs hygrometer, and the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers. In practice, he at times experienced difficulties in the use of the former, and not un- frequently found that the simultaneous results of the dew-point, as found from DanielPs hygrometer and the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, were dis- cordant, and on investigating the causes he con- siders that the error rested solely with DanielPs hygrometer. The times at which these discord- ances existed were in those particular states of the air when great dryness was prevalent, and the depression of the temperature of the dew-point below that of the air was great, and a long time elapsed after the dropping of ether on the white ball, before dew was deposited on the black ball. Such would require the long continuance of the observer near the instrument, which would neces- sarily influence both the hygrometrical state and the temperature of the air around the instru- ment; and this would be especially the case if -the observer were short-sighted, and obliged to approach the instrument very nearly. He makes 150 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. the following objections to the use of this hygro- meter : " Supposing the inclosed thermometer to be one of extreme delicacy, which it is not, it would then indicate the temperature of the portion of ether only with which its bulb was in contact, and which portion may be very different indeed from that part of the outside of the glass upon which the dew is deposited. And if the ether be dropped very slowly upon the white bulb, so that evapora- tion should proceed very slowly, the evil of long- continued watching is required; and if more quickly, then the different layers of the enclosed ether will be of different temperatures. It must also be recollected that the situation of the black ball upon which the deposit of dew takes place, is not very far from the white ball, and in cases where large quantities of ether are necessary, such must influence materially the hygrometric state of the air in the space included betwee both bulbs." In consequence of these sources of error in the use of DanielPs hygrometer, together with its ex- pense in use and trouble of using, Mr. Glaisher made many attempts, by different combinations of the results derived from the observations of the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, to deduce the temperature of the dew-point from them ; and at HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 151 last he found that the difference between the tem- peratures of the air and evaporation was constant at the same temperature ; but that this value was different with every different temperature. He then collected all the simultaneous observa- tions, amounting to many thousands, which had been made at Greenwich from the year 1841 to 1854, and combined with them some observations taken in India for the higher temperatures, and some at low temperatures that were taken at Toronto. From these he deduced the following Table, the use of which is very simple. From the reading of the dry-bulb subtract the reading of the wet, multiply the remainder by the factor standing in the Table opposite the reading of the dry-bulb thermometer, subtract the product from the dry-bulb reading, and the result will be the temperature of the dew-point. Thus, if the dry-bulb thermometer reads 68 and the wet-bulb 63, we take the factor 1*7 from the Table (opposite to 68), and multiply it into the difference of the two readings, (6863) xl'7 = 8'5, and subtract the quantity from the reading of the dry-bulb ; so that we get 59*5 for the temperature of the dew-point when the read- ings of the two thermometers are as above. 152 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Table of Factors. Reading of the Dry-bulb Thermometer. Factor. Reading of the Dry-bulb Thermometer. Factor. Reading of the Dry-bulb Thermometer. Factor. o o 20 8*1 44 2*1 68 17 21 7-8 45 2*1 69 17 22 7-6 46 2' I 70 17 23 7-2 47 2' I 71 17 24 6'9 48 2'I 72 17 25 6-5 49 2'0 73 17 26 6-0 5 2*0 74 17 2 7 5*6 51 2*0 75 17 28 5' 1 5 2 2'0 76 17 2 9 4-6 53 2'0 77 17 3 4' i 54 '9 78 r6 3 1 37 55 '9 79 r6 3'3 56 "9 80 1-6 33 57 '9 81 r6 34 2-7 58 '9 82 r6 11 2-6 2-5 59 60 8 8 ! 3 84 r6 r6 37 2-4 61 8 85 r6 38 2-3 62 8 86 r6 39 63 8 87 r6 40 2'2 64 8 88 r6 4 1 2'2 65 8 89 r6 42 2'2 66 8 90 r6 43 2'2 67 8 r6 Many meteorologists, however, prefer to calcu- late the dew-point by Apjohn's formula, and with a little practice, aided by the table of the elasticity of aqueous vapour, it may be done almost as readily as by the factors given above. Had the series of comparisons been instituted between the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers and Regnault's dew-point instrument, the result would have been far more HYGROMETEIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 153 satisfactory. Such a series has yet to be undertaken for the advantage of observers in general, through very considerable ranges of temperature, humidity, and pressure, and it would either correct or con- firm the truth of Mr. Glaisher's determinations. 105. Other deductions. Having ascertained the dew-point, upon which every other deduction de- pends, we are prepared to determine other very important particulars respecting the condition of the air ; we shall first explain the method of ascertaining the weight of a cubic foot of air of any density and temperature. 106. Weight of a cubic foot of dry air. It was experimentally determined by M. Gay-Lussac that air expands ~ih of its bulk for every addition of 1 of heat; inasmuch as it was found to expand equally, with equal increments of heat, from the freezing- to the boiling-point to the amount of-|ths of its bulk. The later investigations of M. Regnault have shown that this expansion is somewhat in excess ; his researches have led physicists to adopt ^, or more nearly still j~^, as the rate of expansion for each degree of Fahrenheit. (See 21.) The whole of the calculations in the Greenwich Tables are, however, founded on the earlier deter- mination ; while the determination of the weight 154 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. of a mass of dry air, which shall be one cubic foot in volume under a pressure of 30 inches, and at a temperature of 32, is derived from the experi- ments of Sir George Shuckburgh, Biot and The- nard, which are not in accordance with those of Regnault. Regnault gives the weight of 100 cubic inches (the French measures being reduced to English) of dry air deprived of carbonic acid gas = 32*58684 grains ; the barometric pressure being 29*92 inches, and the temperature the zero of the Centigrade scale, or 32 Fahrenheit hence the weight of a cubic foot of such air is 563'1 grains. The weight therefore due to 30 inches of baro- metric pressure will be The weight of a cubic foot of dry air, at the same pressure and temperature, adopted in the Greenwich observations, is 563 grains. Taking a cubic foot of dry air at a pressure of 30 inches and a temperature of 32 as unity, a simple proportion will give the space it will occupy at any given temperature say 44. We have seen that the expansion of volume is I_ for every degree of heat ; required the ex- pansion for 4432 or 12 ; 1 : 12 : : Jj : ^ or 0*0244, so that a cubic foot of air increases to HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 155 1-0244 feet between 32 and 44; but the weight of the cubic foot of air originally was 564'6 grains; hence, the weight varying inversely as the volume,, 1-0244 ft. : 1 ft. : : 564'6 grains : 551'1 grains, the weight of the same volume after expansion. In the " Table showing the weight in grains of a cubic foot of dry air under the pressure of 30 inches of mercury for every degree of temperature from to 90," published in the Greenwich Meteoro- logical Observations, the weight of a cubic foot of air at 44 is given as 549'27. Two other tables given in the Greenwich Me- teorological Observations, as being the foundation, in union with the former just explained, of valua- ble calculations, may be alluded to. The first is entitled " A table showing the enlargement which a volume of dry air receives, when saturated with vapour, under the pressure of 30 inches of mer- cury," from to 90 of temperature. If a cubic foot of dry air of known elasticity be mixed with a cubic foot of vapour, also of known elasticity, and if the mixture be compressed into the space of one cubic foot, the elasticity of the mixture will be the sum of the two elasticities of the air and vapour ; or, if it be allowed to expand till its elasticity is equal to that of the unmixed air, it will occupy a larger volume in the pro- portion of the sum of the two elasticities to the 156 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. elasticity of the air alone. Now, from Table II. (Appendix), we know the elastic force of vapour for every degree of temperature ; let it be re- quired to find the space occupied by a cubic foot of dry air, and such an amount of aqueous vapour as will ascend into it at the temperature of 44. Tension of aqueous vapour at 44= 0-288 inches. Tension of dry air 30-000 Tension of both combined 30*288 Then as the spaces occupied are inversely as the tension or elasticity, 30 : 30-288 : : I cubic foot : 1-096 cubic feet, the space occupied by the mixture of the aqueous and gaseous fluids. The Greenwich formula will lead to precisely the same result. Let^?=the atmospheric pressure, as measured by the inches of mercury in the barometer. E^=the elasticity of vapour at temperature t. n=the bulk of a certain quantity of air when dry, at the given temperature t, and under the pressure p. ri = the bulk of the same quantity of air when saturated with vapour at the same tem- perature t, and under the same press- ure^?. Then since the elasticity varies inversely as the volume, the temperature remaining the same, that HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 157 portion of the elastic force p which depends on the air only which occupies the space ri is and this, together with E^, must make up the atmospheric pressure, or or n n i or n =(-!> P By substituting the values from the above example in this expression, we obtain n'= = i -096 as before. 30 From calculations of this kind the quantities tabulated have been obtained for each degree, but as the Table is not absolutely necessary for hygro- metrical deductions, it is not inserted in this work. 107. Weight of a cubic foot of vapour. The next Table demanding explanation gives " The weight in grains of a cubic foot of vapour under the pressure of 30 inches of mercury for every degree of temperature from to 90." 158 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. As vapours expand by the increase of tempera- ture by the same law as permanently elastic fluids, and undergo a change of volume proportional to the change of pressure, and as air expands f ths of its bulk* from 32 to 212, its expansion being uniform between these points ; Therefore if the weight of a cubic foot of vapour under the pressure equivalent to 30 inches of mercury, and at a temperature of 212, be called W, and the weight, expressed in the same deno- mination of an equal volume of vapour at the temperature t, be called W, and if E^ be the elasticity of vapour at the temperature t y then (the expansion of dry air from 32 to 212 being 0-375 or 0-002083 for each degree of temperature) _ i'375 32) Now Gay-Lussac has also determined that a cubic inch of vapour at 212 weighs 0-149176 grains under the pressure of 29*922 inches of mercury ; and consequently a cubic foot of vapour, under the same circumstances, weighs 0' 149 176 xl728=257'776 grains; and under a pressure of 30 inches it weighs X 257776=258-448 grains. * This is the ratio of expansion applied in the Greenwich Tables ; see, however, 22. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 159 Therefore, substituting this weight for W, the formula becomes W '_ i'375 x 258-448 xE, . 30(1 +'002083 X if 32) from a like formula but with Regnault's elements is calculated Table III. (Appendix), taken from Glaisher's Hygrometrical Tables, from which may be obtained the weight of vapour in a cubic foot of air saturated with moisture, at any temperature. If the temperature /, denoting that of the dew- point, be also that of the air, which will only be the case when the dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometers read alike, this Table would give by inspection the weight of vapour in a cubic foot of air, the argu- ment being the temperature; but when, as is usually the case, the dew-point temperature is below that of the air, the vapour in the air will have expanded, and its density will have diminished in the same ratio as air. On this fact is founded Table IV. (Appendix), which is thus used. The dew-point temperature being known, enter Table III. with it, and take out the corresponding weight (in grains) of a cubic foot of air. Enter- ing Table IV. with the difference between the air- temperature and that of the dew-point, take out the factor opposite the number of degrees ; and this, multiplied into the quantity extracted from Table III., will give the weight of vapour in a 160 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. cubic foot of air at the temperature shown by the dry-bulb thermometer. Example : let the dry-bulb read 50 and the wet- bulb 47 ; the barometer standing at 29 inches. The tension of vapour at the dew-point, from Apjohn's formula, will be corresponding to dew-point 44. Enter Table III. with 44 ; and opposite will be found 3*3 grains ; with 6, the difference between the air-temperature and the dew-point, enter Table IV. and take out the factor -988; then 3'3x -988=3-26, which will be the weight (in grains) of vapour in a cubic foot of air at a temperature of 50 when the dew- point temperature is 44. Another formula of great simplicity will give a near approximation : let / = elastic force of vapour at the dew-point ; t the air-temperature ; the weight (in grains) of moisture in a cubic foot of air will be / nearly ; by substitution, ~E~JcO J" (, from the above example 5656 'g x '288 = 3-27. 448 + 50 108. Amount required for saturation. Table III. will enable us to ascertain how much more moisture would be requisite completely to saturate the air. Entering it with the air-temperature 50, we find opposite to that number 4-1 grains, which would HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 161 be the weight of vapour in the air if it were saturated with moisture ; but we have found that, with a dew-point at 44, it holds in suspension only 3*26 grains; therefore, in this case, 4*1 3*26, or O84 grain additional, would be absorbed before complete saturation would be attained. 109. Weight of a cubic foot of moist air. This quantity we may obtain readily from Table V. ; if the temperature of the air and the dew-point be alike, the quantity ranging with the temperature will be the weight of the air, seeing that in this case it will be saturated with moisture. But if, as is usually the case, the air- temperature be above that of the dew-point, enter the Table with the air- temperature and take out the quantity under the heading " Excess : " this, added to the weight of a cubic foot of saturated air, will give the weight of a cubic foot of dry air ; the same quantity, multi- plied by the degree of humidity supposed to have been determined previously, must be subtracted from the weight of a cubic foot of dry air, and the result will be the weight of a cubic foot of air of the given temperature and humidity; this last i, !, v 1 1_ heiaht of barometer M1 result, multiplied by 2- - t will be ou the true weight of the air under the existing pressure. Taking the last example ; it is required to find M 162 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. the weight of a cubic foot of air under the circum- stances there recorded. .QQO The degree of humidity will be =-8. *ool Entering Table V. with 50, under " Excess " we find 2-22, which added to the number ranging with it, 544-4, will give 546-82, the weight of a cubic foot of dry air ; but 2'22x'8 = l'77, the excess of such weight above the weight of a cubic foot of air of the existing temperature and humidity, which will therefore be 546-82 1-77 = 545-05. 9Q Finally, 545*05 x = 526'66 will be theweight of oU a cubic foot of air at a temperature of 50, of the degree of humidity *8, and under a barometric pressure of 29 inches. These are all the deductions which are practised at Greenwich ; the formulae and tables are for the most part drawn from Glaisher's Hygrometrical Tables and the Greenwich " Magnetical and Me- teorological Observations/' which are published yearly. The author, through the Council of the Eoyal Astronomical Society, has obtained for many years past a grant of these portly quarto volumes, which have been most valuable as books of reference, and he gratefully acknowledges his obligation both to the Society and the Government to the one for their recommendation, and to the other for their liberality ; he trusts that his HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 163 endeavour to explain and simplify the processes employed will be found useful to a large class of persons who may never have an opportunity of consulting the records of the Greenwich meteoro- logical observations. It may not at first be supposed that it is pos- sible for the air, when saturated with moisture, to hold in solution a less amount of aqueous vapour than when, the temperature being higher, it is considerably removed from the point of satu- ration; this will, however, be the fact whenever the temperature of the dew-point in the latter case is higher than in the former. Let us inves- tigate the amount of moisture in a cubic foot of air when the dry-bulb thermometer reads 63 and the wet 58 ; and also when the dry-bulb reading is 40 and the wet-bulb 39. Dry-bulb 63. Dry-bulb 40. Wet-bulb 58. Wet-bulb 3Q. Degree of humidity '72 -92 Dew-point 53.8 37*7 Weight of vapour in a cubic foot ... 4/6 2*6 The fact above stated will be realized when it is considered that when the dew-point is 53 0< 8, the air will hold in solution a greater amount of aqueous vapour than when its temperature is 37' 7. It would seem undisputed, however, that with regard to the effect of the air viewed in relation to health, the degree of humidity, rather than the absolute amount of moisture in a given quantity M 2 164 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. of air, will be the matter most worthy of the attention of the medical man. To assist in ar- riving at a conclusion on this point without the labour of reduction, Table VI. (Appendix) has been inserted, which will be useful in a sanitary point of view, and also for agricultural operations. It gives by inspection the degree of humidity of the air for the general range of temperature in this country, the argument being the difference between the readings of the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers for every degree of temperature from 32 to 79, the determinations corresponding with those resulting from the dew-point as found by Apjohn's formula. 110. Welsh's Sliding-mle. Mr. Welsh, late of the Kew Observatory, invented a sliding-rule* for facilitating hygrometrical calculations, which has been described at full in the Report of the British Association for 1851, p. 42. By means of this instrument, the use of which may be learnt in half an hour, we may obtain, with little trouble and with sufficient accuracy, the dew-point, the tension of aqueous vapour, the degree of humidity, and the weight of vapour in a cubic foot of air, the readings of the dry-bulb and wet-bulb ther- mometers being known. The author has tested this useful instrument at * Sold by Adie, Fleet Street. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 165 various ranges of difference between the dry- and wet-bulb, and has found it beautifully accurate, the quantities agreeing with those deduced from the Greenwich formulae to the third decimal. By those who are not ready at calculation, it will be found most useful, and those who are will obtain a result in five minutes which in any of the usual methods would occupy a much longer time. 111. Glaisher's Tables. Mr. Glaisher's "Hy- grometrical Tables * " give all the results ex- plained in this work by inspection, when the difference between the dry- and wet-bulb thermo- meters is void of fractions of degrees ; additional labour is, however, requisite when decimals inter- vene. The observations taken at upwards of fifty stations in Great Britain, and forwarded monthly to Mr. Glaisher as Secretary of the British Meteorological Society, are all reduced by the aid of these Tables, to bring them up to the same standard, and to afford the means of direct com- parison among themselves, and with the atmo- spheric conditions registered at Greenwich, the head-quarters of meteorological science. 112. Deductions worked out in full. The for- mulae and tables explained in this part of the work will be found sufficient to perform all the * Published by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court ; price 2s. 6d. 166 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. deductions which are ever required relative to the hygrometric state of the air; they amount to six, the first four being the most important. An example will, at one point of view, illustrate the manner by which all these important particulars may be derived from the simple record of the temperature of the air and that of evaporation. Suppose the reading of the dry-bulb to be 56, of the wet-bulb 50, the barometer reading 29*900 inches; required, a,. The tension of aqueous vapour. Table II. (Appendix), and Apjdhn's formula, page 146, 13. The dew-point corresponding to this tension of aqueous vapour in Table II. (Appendix) is 44-5. By Glaisher's factors, page 152, these two de- ductions result thus : 56-(s6-5o) 1-9 = 56- 1 1-4=44-6, the dew-point ; whence by Table II. the tension of aqueous vapour = *294. 7. The degree of humidity, _ tension at dew-point _ -294 __.-, tension at 56 -449 &. The weight of vapour in a cubic foot of air; HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 167 Table III. gives what it would be if the air were saturated, viz. 3'3 grs., which, multiplied by the factor opposite 11'5 (the difference between the temperature of the air and the dew-point) in Table IV,. will be 3-3 x -977 = 3-22 grains, or by the second formula, page 160, x -294=3-19. 448 + 56 e. The amount of vapour required to saturate the air : the quantity of vapour held in solution by air at 56, when saturated, = 5'; .'. 5' 3'22 = 1'78, the amount required. . Table V. will give the weight of a cubic foot of air in grains : thus (see page 161), {537-5 + 2-95-(2-95 X '654)} ^2 = 5367. 113. Diurnal range of temperature of evapora- tion and the dew-point. In the Philosophical Transactions, Part 1. 1848, Mr. Glaisher has given Tables of the diurnal range of the temperature of evaporation as shown by the wet-bulb ther- mometer, and also of that of the dew-point ; by which, from one daily observation of either, the monthly mean may be deduced, as in the case of the monthly mean temperature explained in 48. 168 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY, Corrections to be applied to the monthly mean readings of the wet-bulb thermometer placed at the height of 4 feet above the soil, at any hour, to deduce the true mean temperature of evaporation for the month from the observa- tions taken at that hour. Local mean time. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. h o o o o o 12 Midn. +07 + 1*2 +2*9 + 3'8 4-3'S I A.M. +07 4*1*4 + 2'0 + 3'i +4-2 2 + 1*0 + r6 + 2*2 + 3*4 +4*2 +4-8 3 4-i*i + 1-6 +2*4 + 3'8 +4'4 4-5*3 4 + **4 + r8 +27 +4- 1 +4'4 + 5'8 5 +1-6 -j-r8 + 2*8 +4'3 +4-2 4-5'3 6 + i'7 -j-i'9 +27 + 3'9 +2*9 + 3*5 7 4-17 + 1*7 + 2*6 +27 + 1*2 + I'2 8 + 1*3 4- r 3 + 2'0 + ro + 0*1 -0'7 9 +o'8 4-0*7 +0*3 1*0 -17 2'I 10 O'O -0*3 -!"3 2 '3 -3-0 3*1 1 1 A.M. -1*4 -r6 -2-5 3*6 -3'8 -3'4 12 Noon. 2*1 2-5 -3*6 -4'3 -4-2 -4-0 I P.M. 2 '5 -3*0 -4*0 -4-8 4*4 -4-2 2 2'4 -2*9 -3'9 -4*8 -4'3 -4*4 3 -r8 -2-4 -3*6 -4'5 -4-0 -4-6 4 I'2 2'I -2'8 -3*9 -4*4 -47 5 -0-6 -1-4 -1*9 _ 3 -o -2*6 6 0'2 -07 1*0 -r8 -1-4 -27 7 O*2 O'O -0*3 -0*4 -0*4 ~~ r 5 8 O*I + 0'2 +0-6 +0-5 +0-8 O'O 9 + 0'2 +0-5 + 1*2 + I'2 + i'4 +07 10 -f'3 +0-8 + 1*6 + 1*8 II P.M. +0-4 + 1*0 + r8 +2-4 + 3'o + 2*6 HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 169 Table (continued). Local mean time. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. h o o o o o 12 Midn. + 3'i +2-6 + 2-2 + i*9 + i-3 4-0-5 I A.M. + 3-2 +2-9 +2-8 4-r8 + i'4 4-0-7 2 -f3'5 + 3'3 +37 4-2-1 + r6 -1-0-8 3 + 3-6 + 3'4 +4'i + 2'3 + r6 +0-9 4 +3-6 + 3-5 +4*5 +2-4 4-r6 4-ro 5 + 3'4 + 37 +4'i +2-3 + i'5 4-0-9 6 + 2'3 + 3-o + 3-2 4-2-0 + i'4 40-8 7 + ro + 1-2 + 2'I + i-5 4-ri 4-ro S -0-6 0-3 +0-9 +0-4 4-0-5 4-0-9 9 -r6 -1-7 -07 4-0-2 4-0-6 10 -2-6 -2-6 2 '5 2*0 -0-4 O'O II A.M. -3-2 -3-6 -3-6 -3' -i'5 -0-8 12 Noon. -3*5 -3*9 -4'3 -3*7 -2-3 -1-4 I P.M. -3-6 -4*3 -4*4 -3'7 -'5 -1-6 2 -3'6 -4*5 -3'9 -3' -2-6 -i'5 3 -3*4 -3'9 -3' 1 -1-9 -'3 -i'3 4 -3*3 -3-0 -2-6 I"2 -1-6 I'O -2'6 -1-3 -2-4 -0-9 -0-9 -0-6 6 -r 9 -0-5 -1-9 -0-7 -0-3 -0-6 7 -0-8 +o-3 -0-9 O'l O'l -0-4 8 + 0-2 + ro +0-1 + 1-2 +0-3 O'Z 9 4-ri + i'4 +0-4 4-0-6 4-0-7 -l-o-i 10 +2-0 + i'5 + ro + ro 4-0-9 4-0-2 II P.M. +**5 + 2'I + i'5 + i'3 4-ri 4-0-5 The next Table gives the corrections for the dew- point for a few hours only out of the twenty-four, those which are most generally chosen for hours of observation. 170 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. Corrections to be applied to the monthly mean reading of the temperature of the dew-point, 4 feet above the soil, to deduce the true mean temperature of the dew-point for the month from observations taken at the hours 3 A.M., 9 A.M., 3 P.M., and 9 P.M. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. 3 A.M. + ri + 2-2 + 1-2 + 17 +2*9 + 3'6 9 A.M. +0-3 + 0-2 +0-1 I'D -r6 -i'5 3 P.M. -0-8 -*? -r8 -I- 9 -2-4 - 2 '5 9 P.M. 0*5 0*2 + 0-2 +0-8 + 0-9 +07 July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 A.M. + r 9 + r8 H-i + ro + 1-4 -f-o-8 9 A.M. -0-6 1*4 -0-8 --0-3 + 0'I + 0-2 3 P.M. -r6 2'2 2*0 0' 1*2 -0-6 9 P.M. H-o-6 -1-0-4 +0-1 + 0'I +0-5 + 0'I 114. Observations in the higher regions of the atmosphere. Observations taken at a much greater height than 4 feet above the surface of the earth would be most valuable for the promo- tion of meteorological investigations, for we are very little acquainted with the degree of humid- ity of the higher strata of the air. From obser- vation some few facts are rendered apparent ; it is found, for instance, that in the hottest hours of the day, when evaporation goes on most rapidly, the air at a short distance from the surface of HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 171 the earth is relatively drier than during the cooler hours ; it follows that much of the moisture must ascend into the air and be united with the upper strata, seeing that it does not increase the degree of humidity of the lower. With the object of learning somewhat of the conditions of the upper regions of the air, the Kew Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science projected four balloon ascents in the year 1852, the results of which were published in the 'Philosophical Transac- tions ' for 1853. The observations, thermometric, hygrometric, and barometric, were taken by John Welsh, Esq., a gentleman of great experience, accustomed to the practice of meteorology at the Kew Observatory, and they form a valuable scien- tific record. Simultaneous observations during the time of the ascent, as well as some hours before and after, were undertaken in various parts of England, Ireland, and France, and every care was taken to determine the state of the air at the level of the sea, by combining and reducing those near the point of ascent, the Vauxhall Gardens, and below the course of the balloon. Regnault's hygro- meter was occasionally used in the ascent, but the degree of humidity and the dew-point were in ge- neral deduced from the readings of the dry- and 172 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. wet-bulb thermometers, by Apjohn's 'formula, and Dalton's Table of the tension of aqueous vapour. The following register of meteorological obser- vations is selected from the account of the last ascent, Nov. 10, 1852, when the highest point reached, 22,930 feet, far exceeded that of any of the three previous ascents. The mean height of the barometer at 120 feet above the level of the sea during the time of the ascent was 29*978; the temperature of the air was concluded to be, at the same time and level, 49 '2. Height above the sea in feet. Baro- meter. bib". Wet- bulb. Tension of aqueous Dew- point. Relative humid- ity. vapour. 5,880 24-17 347 33'4 197 317 9 7,070 23*12 347 31-2 167 2 7 -I 76 8,420 21-97 3*'5 3i'4 I8 7 30-2 92 10,630 20*17 26*9 24-2 132 20*6 79 13,860 1775 15-9 12-4 076 5-8 68 15,820 16-44 12-8 8-1 057 - r8 58 18,700 14*60 2'2 2'I 035 -14-0 "53 22,640 I2'4 -8-9 The following are Mr. Welsh's remarks on the ascent of November 10th : "The humidity, as in all the previous series, increased from the earth to the first cloud, which was at a low elevation and of but little density ; upon leaving it, at about 1900 feet, a slight de- HYGhOMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 173 pression took place. Immediately above this low cloud a different current of air existed, shortly after entering which the humidity again increased, until, in the second cloud, it became nearly com- plete; the decrease, after leaving the cloud at 5000 feet, becoming rapid, and attaining a mini- mum at 6500 feet. A second well-defined maxi- mum was reached at 8300 feet, followed at 10,000 feet by a secondary minimum. The humid- ity diminished on the whole till about 15,800 feet, when a sudden increase commenced, which continued from 16,500 to 17,600 feet, followed by an equally sudden decrease at 18,000 feet, the humidity subsequently increasing. The fluctua- tions in this series were numerous, there having been no fewer than four or perhaps five different strata of vapour." It is evident that we have not at present suf- ficient data to draw safe conclusions as to the hygrometric condition of the superior atmospheric regions ; and we trust that there will be continued series of observations undertaken, from time to time, under similar circumstances, and thus aerial voyages, hitherto barren of everything but risk, will be turned to good scientific account. 115. General remarks. It may here be stated, that doubts have lately been thrown upon the accuracy of the dew-point temperature as deduced 174 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. from the dry- and wet-bulb thermometer readings. M. Regnault, a great authority in these matters, considers that the wet- bulb temperature may not indicate accurately that of the air immediately surrounding it, and his condensing-hygrometer was the result of an attempt to produce an instru- ment which should give the dew-point directly, and not be liable to the objections brought against Daniell's, which we have already mentioned. It would appear, that at high elevations in the balloon ascent on Aug. 26th, whilst the indications of Regnault' s hygrometer did not differ much from those of the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers at the height of 11,000 feet, the difference became considerable at about 12,000 or 13,000 feet, thus rendering it probable that at the latter heights the relative humidity, as deduced from the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, was too great. The general accordance, however, was restored at 15,000 feet. Col. Sykes, in his "Discussion of Meteorological Observations taken in India" (Phil. Trans. Part II. 1850), has entered upon the question at some length. He found that, in India, a very high degree of humidity resulted from observations with the dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, such as experience showed to be impossible ; " and I have no hesitation," says he, " in expressing my belief HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 175 that the results which I have obtained with the labour of some months (by reducing numerous observations with the dry- and wet -bulb thermo- meters) do not represent the real fractions of saturation of the air at the several places where the wet-bulb was observed." As, however, in this country, we have a com- paratively small range of temperature, extremes either of great heat or great cold being seldom reached, and as all the stations in the United Kingdom are at low elevations, we apprehend the majority of observers will follow the plan of ob- servation with the dry-bulb and wet-bulb ther- mometers advantageously, both for the sake of uniformity, and from the small amount of expense and trouble which it involves. Nor are we without patronage as regards its adoption, seeing that at the late " Meteorological Congress " at Brussels, which was attended by men of eminence from the maritime nations of Europe and from the United States, the dry- and wet- bulb thermometers were recommended to be regularly observed ; the chair- man of the Congress, M. Quetelet, had long be- fore thus expressed his opinion on the point now under discussion in his " Instructions pour Fob- servation des phenomenes periodiques," issued by the Academic Royale de Bruxelles : " I/hygrometre donne des renseignemerits 176 *' PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. utiles; mais on le remplacera avantageusement par le psychrometre, moins sujet & se deranger, et dont les indications sont plus sures." No doubt can exist in the mind of any one who has examined and tested the Greenwich observa- tions by Apjohn's formula?, and who has compared them with the results arising from the use of Glaisher's Tables, that the subject of the hygro- metrical state of the air is one which still demands the attention of physicists ; the discrepancies in the results of various formula? show clearly that, with regard to the deductions explained in this work, the most we can at present expect are ap- proximations, and those by no means of the closest kind. CLOUDS. 116. It may be fairly assumed that observa- tions on the various kinds of clouds have not been followed up by scientific men with that attention which their evident connexion with atmospheric changes demands. Indeed the philosopher must acknowledge that the sailor and the fisherman on the coast are far more weatherwise than himself, and the clouds are that page of nature's book which only they are competent to read ; dependent as they are on observation of the face of the heavens, they have attained by practice an apti- tude in predicting atmospheric changes which HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 177 puts science to the blush, and if we aim at ever arriving at the power of prediction as regards meteorological phenomena, we must mark and record more extensively the changes in the cha- racter of the clouds which float above us. 117. Their appearance. The clouds are spread over the sky in forms of great variety, and, at times, of surpassing grandeur. Their beauty of colour, and the grand effects of contrast, defy imi- tation by the painter's art ; they move above us mysteriously floating without visible support, and setting at naught the explanations which philo- sophers have given. We are told by some that they are vesicular vapour ; this is simply a hypo- thesis; we can only affirm with certainty that they consist of particles of aqueous vapour in a peculiar state of aggregation, and that they float in the lower regions of the atmosphere. That electricity affects their state is pretty certain, but facts are wanting on which to found a theory as to its mode of operation. 118. Height. The clouds do not seem to as- cend higher in the atmosphere than five miles. Riccioli, who determined the height of clouds trigonometrically, never found them to reach higher than 8880 yards. Dalton found cirri, the lightest form of cloud, from three to five miles above the earth ; and all observations combine to 178 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. fix the region of clouds in that stratum of the air included between the sea-level and five miles above it. The existence of clouds does not seem to affect the atmospheric pressure; the barometer may remain stationary at times when heavy clouds are rolling above. 119. Classification. In the year 1802, Mr. Luke Howard published an elaborate Essay " On the modifications of Clouds, and on the principles of their production, suspension, and destruction " The classification proposed by him has been gene- rally adopted both in England and abroad ; the following is a summary of his views, and an ex- planation of his nomenclature, which has the merit of being founded on the natural charac- teristics exhibited by clouds in the forms they as- sume, and on the causes from which they derive their origin. The simple modifications are thus named and defined : 1. Cirrus. Parallel, flexuous, or diverging streaks or fibres of cloud. 2. Cumulus. Convex or conical heaps, in- creasing upward from a horizontal base. 3. Stratus. A widely extended, continuous, horizontal sheet. The intermediate modifications are : HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 179 4. Cirro-cumulus. Small roundish masses of fleecy cloud, in close horizontal arrangement or contact. 5. Cirro-stratus. Horizontal or slightly in- clined masses attenuated towards a part or the whole of their circumference, or else a thin dif- fused sheet. The compound modifications are : 6. Cumulo-stratus. The cirro-stratus blended with the cumulus, and either appearing inter- mixed with heaps of the latter, or superadding a wide-spread structure to it. 7. Cumulo- cirro-stratus or Nimbus the Rain- cloud. A cloud, or system of clouds, from which rain is falling; it is a horizontal sheet, above which spreads the cirrus. 120. a. The Cirrus. This is the lightest of all clouds, and generally occupies the highest regions of that stratum of the air which alone is frequented by cloud; accurate measurements have proved this fact, which is confirmed by the circumstance of cirri reflecting the sun's rays for a long time after they have ceased to illumine the clouds below. Cirri have been known to pre- sent the same configuration for two successive days, while a strong breeze has been agitating the air beneath; hence it is probable that the vapour of which they are composed aggregates in N2 180 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. a calm region, perhaps out of the reach of the daily variations of temperature and evaporation which disturb the lower strata of the atmosphere. It may be that the electric states of dry air and of moist are antagonistic ; the various fine ramifica- tions may be the means of electric communication between the moist air of the cirrus and the dry air which surrounds it. 121. b. The Cumulus. We have already seen that the sun's rays in traversing the atmosphere communicate little, if any, of their heat; it is by conduction from the earth's surface that the lower stratum of the air is heated, and the heat spreads by convection. When the sun has risen, the surface of the earth becoming gradually warmed communicates heat to the stratum of air in contact with it, which, consequently, is capable of holding in sus- pension an increased amount of aqueous vapour ; the current caused by the ascent of the heated air urges upwards the vapour, which during the night had remained in the air, till it arrives at a region so cold that it becomes condensed in part, and descends in fine particles, which are reabsorbed before they reach the earth ; the meeting of the descending globules of vapour and of the ascend- ing current forms a cloud, which gradually in- creases in size from attracting the vapour in its HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 181 neighbourhood. Were the supply of vapour to proceed from every quarter, the form of such cloud would probably be spherical ; but as the portion directed towards the earth is in contact with air not saturated with moisture, or having none to spare, we find the cumulus attaining only the hemispherical form, which is the general charac- teristic of this modification of cloud. The Cumulus is formed only in the day-time, as then only it is that the disturbance in the tem- perature of the air above described can occur; it vanishes towards the evening from the superior strata of the air having increased in temperature, while the temperature of the inferior is being lowered, so that there will cease to be an upward current. 122. c. The Stratus. This form is a horizontal sheet of cloud which occurs mostly at night or in the evening when the air is calm; it is at this time that it is formed, by the layers of air next the earth getting cooled from its contact, when the earth has lost heat by radiation, to below the Dew-point; it must therefore increase by addi- tions to its upper surface, as higher portions of the air begin to lose their heat in turn. The Stratus comprehends mists which ascend from val- leys, the surface of lakes and pieces of water, all which are dispersed by the heat of the morning sun. 182 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. 123. Registration of amount of cloud. In a register of meteorological phenomena, it is usual to place upon record the kind of cloud, if any, visible at the times of observation, and also the amount of cloud which overspreads the sky. A clear sky is registered 0, and a cloudy sky 10 ; and the observer, in intermediate conditions, estimates the amount of cloud and registers accordingly. From the Greenwich observations it has been con- cluded that a certain degree of regularity may be traced in the cloudiness of the sky, and from them has been formed a table of the " diurnal variation" in the amount of cloud, similar to that of the " diurnal range " of temperature. From this table it would appear that the hours of night are those in which the least amount of cloud prevails, and that the greatest amount may be expected at mid-day. The average amount of sky covered by cloud in the several months of the year is as follows : February March April / 7'S 6-4 C'Q August September ... October / 6-4 5'9 6-8 Mav . . , j y 6-c November 7-2 June TO December . 7*4. Hence it would appear that, from November to HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 183 February, three-fourths of the entire sky are covered by sun-repelling clouds. The difference between the day and night, as regards the clearness of the sky, is exceedingly small during these months. June is the clearest month in the year ; during the night hours the least amount of cloud may be expected in summer and autumn, especially in the month of September, which is a month, as astro- nomers can testify, exceedingly favourable for ob- servation. Observers usually trust to estimation in record- ing the amount of cloud, which of course will only give a rough approximation. The author has been shown an ingenious contrivance by J. Camp- bell, Esq., of the Board of Health, by which the amount of sunshine has been made to register itself during the hours of day-light, well-worthy of mention in this place. A hollow globe of glass, 3 inches in diameter, is filled with Canada balsam (the aperture being covered with a piece of bladder) and exposed all day in the open air*; whatever may be the sun's declination, his rays will be concentrated in the focus of this spherical lens, which in this case will be distant from the * The liquid need not be Canada balsam ; water, with a little acid in it to keep it pure, will do. 184 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. surface of the sphere 0*615 in.*. The globe is fixed in a hollow hemisphere whose radius is greater than that of the globe by this quantity ; a piece of black ribbon is laid on this opposite to the sun's diurnal arc for the day, and whenever the sun shines, his rays will be brought to a focus on it, and his progress will be marked by a line burnt through the ribbon if his light has been continuous, or by a broken line, or series of small holes, if it has been intermittent ; a comparison of the length of these with the length of ribbon due to the number of hours the sun is above the horizon for the day, will give the amount of sun- shine ; and, as each strip of ribbon may be pre- served, not only the number of hours of sunshine, but the exact time of their occurrence may be faithfully registered. Mr. Campbell has given to the Royal Meteoro- logical Society details of the construction and mode of use of this instrument, in a paper which is printed with the Report of the Council for 1857. Foreign meteorologists register the " serenite * To find the focus of a sphere for parallel rays in terms of the radius, divide the index of refraction by twice its excess above 1. Refractive index of Canada balsam = 1.549. 1 .p>4.o . * * g x 1-5 = 2-116 inches, measured from the centre of the ' ' 1-098 sphere ; 2-116 1*5 =0-616 beyond the surface. HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 185 du ciel " or ' c portion of sky clear," and reverse the record used in England by letting stand for a cloudy sky, and 10 for one of pure sunshine ; this form was adopted by the Meteorological Congress at Brussels, in the directions which they pub- lished for the use of the naval officers of the whole civilized world. (See Part III.) RAIN. SNOW. HAIL. 124. One of the most important elements in determining climate is a knowledge of the amount of rain received in any district ; to the engineer this is especially useful, as supplying data on which he may safely construct his sewers, or calculate the amount of water which will be afforded to a town within a given area. Of all meteorological obser- vations, the determination of the quantity of rain which has fallen at any place within a given time is the easiest ; of all instruments, the rain-gauge is the least expensive and least liable to be out of order. 125. Rain-gauge. The principle of the instru- ment is the following : If we imagine the surface of the ground, over which a shower of rain has passed, to be perfectly level and impervious to moisture, and that it is so surrounded with an enclosure that the whole quantity of water shall be retained, the rain would cover the surface to a 186 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. certain depth, which, measured in inches, would give the amount of rain that had fallen. In cal- culating this depth by means of the rain-gauge, we expose a small surface to the reception of the rain, and measure the depth of what it receives, proceeding on the supposition that the same amount would have fallen into the gauge at any portion of the rain-fall; this equable distribu- tion of rain, however, seldom occurs, for a shower may pass by the position chosen, and, although much rain may fall at no great distance, not a drop may reach the rain-gauge itself. Hence, to obtain the exact amount of rain which falls in any given district, several rain-gauges should be dispersed in various parts, and the mean of the whole amount received would be the true quantity due to such an area. Observers are generally satisfied with registering the amount of rain received by their own gauges at 9 A.M. every day. In engineering operations, however, it is of the utmost importance to know how much rain may be expected on any occasion to fall per hour ; hence, in very violent falls, the quantity should be ascertained immediately on their cessation, and the time of duration noted in the register. Rain-gauges are of various constructions. In some a glass tube, divided into inches and parts HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 187 of an inch, proceeds externally from the bottom of the vessel in which the rain is received, and is read off; after registration, the water is discharged by a stop-cock. The objection to this form of construction is the exposure to breakage of the glass tube on the occurrence of frost. In others a float is elevated by the water, and the scale which is attached to it shows the depth of rain received. Perhaps the most simple is the one which I have adopted; it is guarded from evaporation, when made of tin is exceedingly inexpensive, and is never liable to be out of order (Plate I. fig.6.) . A circular copper funnel, , 12 inches in diameter, is connected by a pipe with a vessel, b, capable of holding a gallon or more. To the bottom of this vessel is attached a stop-cock, c,by means of which the rain is drawn off and measured in a graduated glass cylindrical jar, e d (fig. 7.). The divisions of the jar may be thus obtained : if a represent the diameter of the re- ceiving vessel, and b that of the jar, cthe depth of rain in the vessel, considered cylindrical, and x the required depth of the glass jar to measure such amount, then, since area, multiplied by the depth, gives the volume 7854a 2 c=*7854.5 2 # ; or, # 2 =Z> 2 #; or, oc=~c. Now, suppose the diameter of the glass jar to 188 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. be 2 inches, and it is required to find what depth of the jar will measure J of an inch, we have Nine inches of the jar, 2 inches in diameter, will therefore measure one quarter of an inch of rain, received by a surface 12 inches in diameter. One twenty-fifth part of nine inches will consequently measure one-hundredth of an inch ; and the thou- sandths may be estimated. Among the contrivances which have been numerous for registering the amount of rain received and the time during which it falls, the most complete is " Osier's Pluviometer/' which will be described in Part III., among the Instru- ments in use at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Crosley's, also in use at the Observatory, is a self-registering rain-gauge. The collected water falls into a vibrating bucket ; as soon as one side is full, the bucket oversets and presents another compartment, which, having received its portion, discharges it in an opposite direction. The bucket is thus, during the fall of rain, kept in a state of vibration. An anchor with pallets is attached to the axis on which it turns, which acts upon a toothed wheel by a process exactly the reverse of that of a clock-escapement. This wheel commu- nicates motion to a train of wheels, each of which HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 189 carries a hand upon a dial-plate, and thus inches, tenths, and hundredths are registered. 126. Position of rain-gauge. The rain-gauge, for general registration, should be only a few feet from the ground, and in every case its height should he stated, as it is invariably found that more rain is received near the surface than at a superior elevation. Indeed, it should be agreed upon by observers that their gauges should all be at the same height, and all equally free from the interference of buildings or trees. Till some rule of this kind is adopted, we are not in a position to compare, so accurately as we might, the quantity of rain which falls in different districts. At Greenwich there are several rain-gauges at differ- ent heights above the ground. The following table will show the differences between the quantities of rain received by them during 1846 and 1847 : Height above the ground, ft. in. Inches of rain received in 1846. Inches of rain received in 1847. 5 O 13^46 7'12 2 4 I o II 51 22-63 25-86 25-29 13-02 16-49 I7-6I Some observers prefer a small receiver, and consider that the amount of rain may be as readily decided with it as with a larger one. The great 190 PRACTICAL METEOROLOGY. point to be attended to in the construction of re- ceivers is that the area of the aperture for the reception of the rain be very carefully ascertained ; the circular form is the best, as it admits of the rim being carefully turned in a lathe to the re- quired dimensions ; the rim should project over the body of the funnel to retain the water which splashes up, especially when the shower falls obliquely, and the divisions of the measuring -jar should be accurately tested by weighing the water received ; indeed some observers always estimate the amount by weight, and the following con- siderations will show that this may be done with great accuracy and facility. 127. Weight of rain-water. A cubic inch of distilled water at a temperature of 62 Fahr., ac- cording to the enactment of the British legisla- ture, is a standard of weight ; this quantity has been determined to weigh 252*458 grains, of which 437^ make one ounce avoirdupois ; hence the volume of an ounce of water will be repre- 437*5 sented by inches. Let w = the number 252*458 of ounces in a quantity of water which we wish to measure ; then, t w, will equal its 252*458 volume. Let a represent the area of a cylindrical vessel, HYGROMETRIC CONDITION OF THE AIR. 191 placed horizontally, and d the depth of water in it, then the volume of this quantity = da ; con- sequently, da= 437 ' 5 x w 252*458 is true for any quantity whatever. Putting r for the radius of the receiving vessel, supposed cir- cular, and TT for 3*1416, we have d= 437-5 x g = 437-5 x _g_. 252*458 a 252^458 r TT The only variable quantity in this expression is w } which may be obtained by weighing the amount of rain received ; by combining the others, substituting for r the radius of any vessel we are making use of, we obtain a constant factor, which multiplied into w will give d. 128. Example. At the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton, the rain is estimated by weight ; the radius of the receiver is 2'75 inches, which, substituted for r in the formula, gives the factor 07294. On the 5th of February, 1854, 2'63 ounces by weight fell on the receiver: then 07294 x 2-63 = 0-192 inch, depth of rain fallen. For the same shower the rain-gauge at my observatory * gave as the amount, 0*195. * For this comparison I am indebted to Sergeant-Major Steel, of the Royal Sappers and Miners. 192 PRACTICAL METEOEOLOGY. As rain-gauges are usually of 6, 8, or 12 inches diameter, the following factors have been com- puted for such dimensions. 129. Rule. Weigh the rain received, in an accurate balance ; multiply the weight in ounces avoirdupois by the factor determined for the diameter of the receiver, and the result will be the number of inches received. Diameter 6 inches; factor ;o6 129. Diameter 8 inches ; factor "03448. 6" Diameter 12 inches; factor '01532. 130. Relative amount of rain. In the Reports of the British Association for 1851 and 1854 will be found contributions by the author towards the comparison of the climates of different places in England ; those selected being Southampton, in the centre of the southern line of coast; Fal- mouth, on the extreme south-west ; Stone, be- tween Oxford and Aylesbury, a central situation ; and York, a northern position, also inland. The fall of rain for five years is here given from those papers, together with the corresponding quantities at Greenwich ; the columns headed " Days " de- note the number of days in the year on which rain fell ; those headed " Amount " the quantity of rain in inches. HYGROMETR1C CONDITION OF THE AIR. 193 i 849. i 850. 851. Days. Amount. Days. Amount. Days. Amount. Greenwich . . Southampton Falraouth .... Stone CO ON "H C U-> CO ON T 00 SO f CO COOO C H CO CO C 141 128 163 171 197 387 10*2 I 4 6 140 184 176 24'5 37*2 22*6 York 160 I CO 3 5 *jy 1 / y *3 A < ^ s 5; S I s \ % t :: s _ 1 % $ /;/- : ._ '-. War \ v \ I Ap \ ^ s W/r x \ - ^ ^* SB * ./,// ^ s ?s \ J Tulv x X s 'x ; tS: ' i I s, r . ' ' / 51 ,-l ,- x x' ^ y < .I'.'l- -- ^* r ^v ^ r ' & AV ' s > - \ I y I - i / N, i (:/, x - ^ Hu- " ~ \ s ll' \ \ N \ t- * s M,,v ^ ^^ ^r ~- ^, - 1 \ ~\ s \ K C s| July -^ ..^ ^ Ol to - 1 ; s djlf] / / ' ^ Sep / x / > ^ Out ,-- --- --" s x ^ ^ X ^ /),; .. / ; / / s| Jan* ' ? 1 \ s- N 1* Feb. ^ .- * r ?s- ^~- -> /' ^ < .!/>. s. !Q N *> $: -^ >i May x. x^ \ s K / . * . . '-^ ^ J.-Basire, fc. london. JolnaYan."\ 7 oorst,l85o . PLATE V. Curve of the mean annual temperature at Green- wich for the years 1771-1853, p. 84. 1813 14 IS 16 17 u I'l 1820 2L 22 23 24 25 28 28 29 1830 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 30 1840 tl 42 43 44 In 46 47 48 49 IH:,O 1853 47-2 ^.4 47-1 46-6 47-9 50 48-3 48-2 49-2 51-2 48-9 49-8 45-5 48 45 46-4 48-L 47-8 46-7 48 48 48 48 48-9 47-2 47-8 47-2 48-6 45-7 48-3 49 41-5 48-2 49-4 47-6 50-5 48-4 481 48 48-6 49-1 464 \* * * *S 177L i i 74 c^ r; $ -! ^ ^ ?% /;.-; ^ ,vv ?.$ * : 1 /,/; T- \ 3 bv. 9L ^ g> ffP ^ 1800 f % 03 ^ O4 ^ OS ^ (6- ^ ^ W N Off ^ 181O ^ 45-8 48-9 46-4 ff-7 fff-3 DM a 483 49-6 50-1 m 478 491 49 49-, 48 47-3 464 177 47-8 i:n; /.'/ 47-6 1-3 /!>> SO& I."-: \50-6 17- ' -, v ; ^ _ X -' . " '- ^ ^ \ -- ' ' / - / - L - - p \ '*- r \ , ^-1 s Jr \/2 7 j^ 2 \\ , r \ . , I y S '" / 3 i : . ' ,., i ' I / ' E , - \ , fcj^^viQj'is'iK / JL '- ' M2 PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Daniell's Hygrometer, p. 137. Fig. 2. Wet- and Dry-bulb Thermometers, or Ma- son's Hygrometer, p. 144. Fig. 3. Saussure's Hygrometer, p. 127. Fig. 4. Regnault's Hygrometer, p. 139. Fig. 5. ConnelTs Hygrometer, p. 143. ft. 71. ^YGROME TERS. : John. "Van. Voorst, 1865. PLATE VII. Sectional view of the Dome of the Kew Observatory, with the electrical instruments, p. 231. c i : } v_ C V G K G J L C LoncLon.: JoTm \ r a a. Voorst. l855 . PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Vertical cylinder with' the photographic paper, p. 262. Fig. 2. The paper unrolled, with the trace upon it for 12 hours, p. 263. Figs. 3 and 4. Section and Plan of the Naphtha and Steam Box, p. 259. Fig. 5. Eegistration of the movements of the Decli- nation Magnet, pp. 264 and 267. Fig. 6. Registration of the Barometer, pp. 266 and 268. Larulou: John. Van. Voorst, 1.855 . PLATE IX. Osier's Wind-gauge and Rain-gauge, with a speci- men of its register, p. 272. SBL IX xii '-" ;// ,11 II,.- IV.'i Register . Lcuidou : John Van Voorst , l855 . PLATE X. Whewell's Wind-gauge, p. 277. II 7/ri, >//.- Landau: JoliTL Van. Voorst, 1800 PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Negretti and Zambia's Minimum Thermo- meter, p. 56. Fig. 2. Robinson's Anemometer, p. 116. Fig. 3. Hicks's Register Thermometer, p. 58. Pl.JL. Fig.2. /yV/./. .Veqretti & Zamivas Jfinuruun. T/icrni^ineter^Pig.2. RoblnsorCs WintLffUa0eFig. &. Flic fat's Mthci/snirn A- Mi'ninium, London: John Van \E>cjrst,lBeO.