EXCHANGE THE PREPARATION OF SUBSTITUTED ALPHA HALOGEN BENZYL BENZOATES, AND A STUDY OF THE REACTIONS OF THESE COMPOUNDS BY HERBERT EPHRAIM FRENCH A. B. Morningside College, 1915 M. A. University of Illinois, 1917 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1920 (Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XLIII No. 3 March, 1921) THE PREPARATION OF SUBSTITUTED ALPHA HALOGEN BENZYL BENZOATES, AND A STUDY OF THE REACTIONS OF THESE COMPOUNDS BY HERBERT EPHRAIM FRENCH A. B. Morningside College, 1915 M. A. University of Illinois, 1917 THESIS * Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1920 (Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XLIII No. 3 March, 1921) ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This investigation was undertaken at the suggestion and under the direction of Professor Roger Adams. The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor Adams for the interest he has shown, and for the many helpful suggestions given during the course of this investigation. 444259 VII. VITA The writer of this thesis was born in Ireton, Iowa, November 13, 1889. He attended the grade schools at that place, but received his high school education in Sioux City, Iowa. In September, 1910, he entered Mforningside College, from which he graduated with the de- gree of Bachelor of Arts, in June, 1915. During the summer of 1915, he attended the University of Chicago, taking work in the Department of Chemistry, and in September of the same year, he took up graduate work in Chemistry at the University of Illinois, He received the degree of Master of Arts from that Institution in June, 1917. During the time from February, 1916, to June, 1920, he held the position of Assistant in Chemistry at the University of Illinois. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, and Alpha Chi Sigma. l&eprinted from the Journal of the AmericanChemical Society, Vol. XLIII. No. 3. March, 1921.] [CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS.] THE REACTION BETWEEN ACID HALIDES AND ALDEHYDES. II. BY H. K. FRENCH WITH ROGER ADAMS. l Received January 10, 1921. In an earlier paper from this laboratory, 2 the fact was brought out that many aromatic aldehydes and aromatic acid halides react readily to form halogenated benzyl benzoates and a study of a number of the re- actions of these condensation products was made. In the present com- munication this work has been extended. It has been shown that the reaction between aromatic acid halides and the aromatic aldehydes is very general. The previous work indicated that in a few instances perhaps, certain aromatic aldehydes would not condense with certain aromatic acid halides to give the expected deriva- tives. This conclusion resulted from the fact that solid products could not be isolated although from the nature of the substituents solid products might be expected. The oils which were produced always decomposed when vacuum distillation was attempted so that it was impossible to determine whether a definite substance existed or whether merely a mechanical mixture. By treating these oily reaction mixtures with pyridine, solid addition compounds of pyridine and the aldehyde-acid halide products were formed and easily purified. Thus it was shown that a reaction actually had taken place in these instances and the re- sulting products were oils. Moreover the aldehyde-acid halide condensa- tion products which were solids but too unstable to purify and analyze could be isolated in the form of stable pyridine addition products. These same pyridine addition products could be made also by first treating pyridine with an acid-halide and then adding the aldehyde. 1 This communication is an abstract of work carried out by H. E. French in partial fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois. 2 THIS JOURNAL, 40, 1732 (1918). 652 H. K. FRENCH WITH ROGER ADAMfe. C 5 H 6 N\ p C 5 H 5 NXCOR + RCHO/ Trimethylamine formed addition products in a similar manner to pyridine, and presumably any other aliphatic tertiary amine would react similarly. The large number of aromatic aldehydes and aromatic acid halide compounds produced, allowed definite conclusions to be drawn in regard to the ease of formation. In general the acid halides or aldehydes con- taining a chlorine, bromine, iodine or nitro group reacted more slowly to give addition products than those acid halides and aldehydes which were unsubstituted or contained methyl or methoxy groups. On the other hand the former class yielded much more stable products than were formed in the latter class. If a methoxy or methyl group was present the resulting halogenated esters, even though the phenyl groups contained a halogen or nitro group in addition, were quite unstable substances. Aromatic aldehydes did not react as rapidly with aromatic acid chlorides as with the corresponding acid bromides. It appeared, moreover, that with the acid chlorides the addition reactions did not run so nearly to completion as with the acid bromides; in many cases, the acid chlorides and aldehydes gave only semi-solid reaction masses even after several days' standing. It seems apparent that the reaction between the acid halides and aldehydes to form the halogenated esters is an equilibrium reaction, the equilibrium point depending on the nature of the initial substances and of the product. Sometimes the reactions ran almost to completion, in other cases only part way. The latter type was particularly noticeable with the acid chlorides. Many of the pure halogenated esters, although kept in a dry place changed within a few days to a semi-solid mass which appeared similar to that formed by the addition of the acid halide to the aldehyde. A trace of zinc chloride greatly speeded up the reactions and caused the equilibrium point to be reached in a comparatively short time. The tendency of these halogenated esters to dissociate accounts for a number of their reactions, especially those which might be expected pro- viding these compounds were merely mixtures of acid halide and aldehyde. A preliminary study of the reactions of these addition compounds was made by Adams and Vollweiler. 1 It was found that with water, the addition compounds behaved as a simple mixture of acid halide and alde- hyde producing hydrobromic acid, organic acid and aldehyde; with alcohol, a similar reaction took place, with the formation of an ester, aldehyde and hydrobromic acid; with ammonia in dry ether solution there resulted an acid amide, aldehyde and ammonium bromide; with 1 Adams and Vollweiler, THIS JOURNAL, 40, 1732 (1918). REACTION BETWEEN ACID HAUDES AND ALDEHYDES. II. 653 aniline, the organic acid and phenyl-bromomethyl aniline in practically quantitative yields formed according to the following equation: CeHsCHBrOCOCeHs -f C 6 H 5 NH 2 > CeHsCHBrNHCeHg + C 6 H 5 COOH | NaOH C 6 H 5 CH : NC 6 H 5 + NaBr + H 2 O In the present research, the action of different amines has been investi- gated; o- and ^-chloro-anilines, o- and ^-toluidines all give analogous re- sults to aniline itself. As a type of primary aliphatic amine, methyl arnine was chosen. In dry ether solution, bromomethyl benzoate with this amine yields methyl benzamide, methyl amine hydrobromide and benzylidene methyl amine. C6H 6 CHBrOCOC 6 H5 + 3CH 3 NH 2 > C 6 H 5 CONHCH 3 + CH 3 NH 2 HBr -f C 6 H 5 CH = NCH 3 + H 2 O. Secondary aliphatic amines, such as diethyl amine, give a mixture of disubstituted acid amide, aldehyde and salt of the amine. CeHsCHBrOCOCeHs + 2(C 2 H 5 ) 2 NH > C 6 H 5 CON(C 2 H5) 2 + C 6 H 5 CHO + (C 2 H 5 ) 2 NH.HBr. Tertiary aliphatic amines, such as trimethyl amine, give addition com- pounds; pyridine acts in a similar manner as has already been mentioned. With secondary and tertiary aromatic amines, complex substances be- longing to the triphenyl methane series are produced. These halogenated esters in dry ether react with zinc or copper powder to give condensation products which are derivatives of the dibenzoate of hydrobenzoin. 1 2C 6 H 6 CHBrOCOC 6 H5 + Zn ^ (CelfcCHOCOCeHs)* -f ZnBr 2 . Many side reactions, however, take place, so that the yields seldom are greater than 20%. The addition compounds react with potassium cyanide, alkali salts of organic acids or potassium hydroxide to give more or less complete hy- drolysis. Definite compounds from these reactions have not been isolated. Experimental. To prepare the addition compounds, equimolecular amounts of the acid halide and aldehyde were mixed and allowed to stand at room temperature in a tightly stop- pered flask. More or less heat was invariably evolved and in the course of from a few minutes up to several days, the mixtures became solid or semi-solid and did not change on further standing. The products were washed with a little dry ether or petroleum ether, powdered and then recrystallized. It was noticeable that the acid bromides in most cases formed solids with the aldehydes while in general, the acid chlorides formed semi-solids with the aldehydes. The times for the reactions given in the following tables represent the maximum time necessary after which no further change in the mix- ture was noticed. When a small amount of anhydrous zinc chloride was added, the time required for reaching the end of the reaction was greatly diminished. The compounds and their constants and analyses are given in the following table. 1 -Ber., 15, 1818 (1882); 17, 911 (1884). 654 H. E. FRENCH WITH ROGER ADAMS. So 8 00 -i CO O3 3 cS 2 8 S S o g o S $ S3 -Nitrobenzoyl bromide reacted with anisaldehyde to give a solid product in about 2 minutes. This material was pulverized and'added in small amounts to an excess of pyridine. Complete solution took place, followed in a 1 Compt. rend., 31, 113 (1850); Ann.. 154, 347 (1870). REACTION BETWEEN ACID HALIDES AND ALDEHYDES. II. 657 few minutes by the separation of a solid product. This was purified by dissolving in absolute alcohol and precipitating with dry ether. After drying in vacuo over sulf uric acid, the product melted at 126-128. Analyses. Subs., 0.6097: 13.65 cc. of 0.1022 N AgNO,. Calc. for QHnO5N 2 Br: Br, 17.97. Found: 18.17. A semisolid product was obtained when the o-methylbenzoyl bromide and benzal- dehyde were mixed and allowed to stand overnight. This was added to one mol of pyridine, and the solid product thus obtained, after being purified by dissolving in absolute alcohol and precipitating with dry ether, melted at 206 with decomposition. Analyses. Subs., 0.6630, 0.7751: 17.08, 19.91 cc. 0.1022 N AgNO 3 . Calc. for CwHigOaNBr: Br, 20.83. Found: 21.06, 21.00. Reactions of Phenyl Bromomethyl Benzoate with Amines. Phenyl Bromomethyl Benzoate and Methyl Amine. A heavy white precipitate of methylamine hydrobromide began to form almost at once, when dry methylamiuc was passed into a solution of the phenyl-bromo-methyl benzoate in dry ether. About 3 moles of the amine was added and the mixture then allowed to stand overnight. After filtering off the precipitate, the ether was evaporated and the oil obtained was separated into 2 fractions by distillation in vacuo. The lower boiling fraction was re- distilled under ordinary pressures, and proved to be benzylidene methylamine, b. p. 180-181. The higher boiling fraction solidified and was methyl benzamide, CH 6 - CONHCH 8 , m. p. 78-79. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Diethylamine. Phenyl-bromomethyl ben- zqate when treated with diethylamine in the manner just described under methyl- amine gave an oil, which, fractionated in vacuo, gave (1) boiling at 88 at 35 mm.; (II) boiling at 160-175 at 35 mm. On redistillation under ordinary pressures, the 2 frac- tions were found to be benzaldehyde, boiling at 179-182, and diethyl benzamide, boil- ing at 278-282. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Trimethyl-amine, (CH 3 ) 8 NBrCH(CHo)- OCOCH f . When dry trimethyl-amine was passed into an absolute ether solution of phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate, a heavy white precipitate began to form at once. When 3 moles of the amine had been added, the thick mass resulting was filtered and the solid recrystallized from alcohol. It melted at 136-137. The white solid was completely soluble in water, and this solution when treated with sodium hydroxide gave off trimethyl-amine. The odor of benzaldehyde could also be detected. Acidification of the alkaline solution precipitated benzoic acid. Analyses. Subs., 0.2632, 0.2042: AgBr, 0.1400, 0.1080. Calc. for CwHwOsNBr: Br, 22.85. Found: 22.63, 22.50. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and o-Chloro-aniline, CeHsCHBrNHCeH^Cl (-Chloro-aniline, Phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate and />-chloro-aniline were allowed to react, then treated as described under the o-chloro-aniline. Phenyl-bromomethyl-p-chloro-aniline was produced and yielded by treatment with 20% sodium hydroxide, benzylidene-p-chloro- aniline, 1 m. p. 62. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and -Toluidine, CeHsCHBrNHC^CH, (). Phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate and />-toluidine reacted vigorously. After extraction of the benzoic acid with dry ether, the solid proved to be phenyl-bromomethyl-/>-tolu- idine. Analyses. Subs., 0.5949: 21.26 cc. 0.1022 N AgNO,. Calc. for CuH 14 NBr: Br, 28.98. Found: 29.21. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Mono-ethylaniline. A dry ether solution of phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate (one mol) was added to a dry ether solution of mono- ethyl aniline (two mol) and enough heat was generated to cause the ether to boii. After refluxing for 8 hours, the ether was decanted from the dark red viscous mass in the flask. The ether was extracted successively with sodium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid, which yielded benzoic acid and mono-ethylaniline respectively. Evaporation of the ether furnished a small amount of benzaldehyde. Oxidation of the red viscous material with lead dioxide and hydrochloric acid yielded a green solution. An alcohol solution of the gummy material was red in direct light and green in reflected light With mercuric chloride this solution produced a white precipitate which turned blue on drying. These properties correspond to those expected of the dye from diethyl-diamino-triphenyl carbinol.* Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Diphenylamine. When a dry ether solution of one mol of phenyl-bromo-methyl benzoate and a dry ether solution of two mols of diphenylamine were mixed, a colorless precipitate began to form almost at once. After standing for 1.5 hours a green gummy deposit formed. The solution was filtered, and the residue washed with ether. By using the method of Meldola, 1 crystals of the dye from diphenyl-diamino-triphenyl carbinol were obtained. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Dimethylaniline. A dry ether solution of one mol of phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate and a dry ether solution of two mols of di- methylaniline were mixed and refluxed for 9 hours. A considerable amount of a green viscous mass separated. After evaporating the ether, the material was steam distilled. As much water as possible was then distilled off from the residue and an attempt was made to recrystallize the green mass remaining, but without success. The material was then reduced with zinc and hydrochloric acid and the leuco base of malachite green was obtained. On recrystallization from alcohol, this material melted at 92-93. Reactions of Phenyl-Bromomethyl Benzoate and Substituted Benzoates with Metals. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Zinc; Formation of Dibenzoyl-hydrobenzoin, (CaHsCHOCOCeHeV To an absolute ether solution of phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate (one mol) zinc dust (12 mol) was added in small portions. The flask was well shaken during the addition. The solution was then filtered and the zinc extracted twice with ether, then twice with hot benzene. Upon evaporation of the extraction liquors, the product, dibenzoyl-hydrobenzoin in 20% yields was obtained. It melted at 246-247*, after one crystallization from benzene. On evaporation of the original ether solution, a tar was obtained which yielded 1 Ber., 34, 829 (1901). 8 Ann. Spl, 3, 363 (1865). J. Chem. Soc., 41, 192 (1882). REACTION BETWEEN ACID HAUDES AND ALDEHYDES. II. 659 benzole acid when extracted with 50% alcohol. Attempts to recrystallize the resin remaining were unsuccessful. ^-Bromophenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Zinc; Formation of Dibenzoyl-/>,/?-di- bromo-hydrobenzoin, ((/O-BrC^CHOCOCeHe^. An absolute ether solution of -bromophenyl-bromomethyl benzoate was treated with a large excess of zinc dust in the same way as the phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate. A 16.8% yield of the dibenzoate, was obtained. After crystallization from benzene, the product melted at 225. A nalyses. Subs., 0.0572 : AgBr, 0.0368. Calc. for C 28 H 2 oO 4 Br2 : Br, 27.58. Found : 27.37. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Copper Powder. The copper powder was prepared by adding zinc dust to a solution of copper sulfate. It was filtered off and digested with cone, hydrochloric acid, washed with water and dried in vacua over sul- furic acid. This reacted with the phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate in the same way as did the zinc dust, producing a 20% yield of the dibenzoate of hydrobenzoin. With sodium, magnesium or aluminum powders, only negative results were ob- tained. Phenyl-bromomethyl Benzoate and Alkalies or Alkali Cyanide. The reaction between phenyl-bromomethyl benzoate and potassium hydroxide or potassium cyanide, although carried out under widely varying conditions, always produced complete hy- drolysis. Summary. 1. The reaction between aromatic acid halides and aromatic aldehydes is a general one. Benzoyl bromide, benzoyl chloride, and a number of their substitution products have been condensed with various aromatic aldehydes. 2. Halogen and nitro groups in either aromatic nucleus tend to retard the speed of reaction, and usually produce more stable substances. Methyl and methoxy groups tend to hasten the speed of the reaction, with the formation of less stable products. 3. The acid halide-aldehyde compounds react with pyridine or tertiary aliphatic amines to give stable addition products. These same products are produced by allowing the acid halide to react with pyridine and then adding the aldehyde. 4. The acid halide-aldehyde compounds react with primary and sec- ondary aliphatic amines to give substituted benzamides, benzaldehyde, and the amine hydrobromides. With primary aromatic amines, the hydro- bromides of benzylidene or substituted benzylidene anilines together with the aromatic acid are produced. Secondary and tertiary aromatic amines produce complex compounds in the triphenyl methane series. 5. The acid halide-aldehyde compounds react with zinc or copper to give esters of hydrobenzoin or substituted hydrobenzoin. URBANA, lu,. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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