UC-NRLF SB SflO GIFT (I ^i THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS LIST OF WORKS IN THE LIBRARY RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING NEW YORK 1914 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS LIST OF WORKS IN THE LIBRARY RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING NEW YORK 1914 REPRINTED FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OCTOBER, 1914 form i>-48 Ix-2i-l4 nu] EXPLANATORY NOTE These books and articles may be consulted in Room 115 of the Reference Department of The New York Public Library. This list covers publications from 1893 to date. LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING COMPILED BY THE DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY The arrangement is chronological by date of publication. For references to acetylene other than in its relation to welding the reader should consult the various periodicals related to the industry, also the indexes of the Journal of the "Society of Chemical Industry" (VOA). For patent abstracts, reports of the Deutscher Acetylen Verein, and for various German decrees, see the files of "Carbid und Acetylen" (VGA), and of the "Zeitschrift fur Calcium Carbid Fabrikation" (VGA). Though patents are not as a rule cited, indexes and text may be consulted in the Patents room, Number 121. 1893 1. Dixon, Harold B. The rate of explo- sion in gases. (Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, London, v. 184, 1893, p. 97-188.) * EC For rates of explosion of mixtures of acetylene and oxygen see p. 183. 1895 2. Le Chatelier, H. Sur la combustion de 1'acetylene. Note., .presentee par M. Dau- bree. (Comptes rendus des seances de 1'Academie des sciences, Paris, v. 121, 1895, p. 1144-1147.) *EO 1896 3. Le Chatelier, H. Experiments on the combustion of acetylene [mixtures with air]. (Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 15, Nov. 30, 1896, p. 793-794.) VOA Abstract of article in Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, v. 4, Nov., 1896, p. 313. 1897 4. Bone, W. A., and J. C. CAIN. The ex- plosion of acetylene with less than its own volume of oxygen, illus. (Journal of the Chemical Society, London, v. 71, 1897, p. 26-41.) PKA 1900 5. Lake, E. F. Liquid gas for welding and lighting. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, April 22, 1909, p. 648-651.) VFA Abstracted in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 37, June, 1900, p. 432-433, VDA. Invention of L. Wolf, Basseldorf, Switzerland. Claims 2500 more thermal units per cubic meter than acetylene gas. 6. Nichols, Edward L. On the tempera- ture of the acetylene flame, illus. (Physi- cal review, New York, v. 9, April, 1900, p. 234-252.) PAA Abstracted in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, v. 142, 1900, p. 468-469, VDA ; also in the Journal of the Society of Chemi- cal Industry, London, v. 20, Feb. 28, 1901, p. 109, VOA. Account of tests made at the Cornell Physical Laboratory. 1901 7. Nichols, Edward L. The acetylene flame, illus. (Journal of the Franklin In- stitute, Philadelphia, v. 150, Nov., 1900, p. 356-387.) VA Abstracted in Journal of the Society of Chemi- cal Industry, London, v. 20, Jan. 31, 1901, p. 29, VOA. Considers the acetylene flame as a source of high temperature. 1903 8. Binet, Andre. La soudure autogene des metaux. illus. (Le genie civil, Paris, v. 43, May 23, 1903, p. 54-56.) VA Abstracted in Metal worker, New York, v. 60, July 11, 1903, p.. 48, VIA. Comparison with oxy-hydric, electric, and other systems. Costs. Correspondence between Binet and Emile Demenge regarding this article appears in ibid., July 4, 1903, p. 157. 9. Fouche, Ed. L'acetylene; ses applica- tions domestiques et industrielles. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Nov., 1903, p. [1288J-1331.) VA Properties of acetylene. Generators. Portable acetylene. Lighting, heating, and power applica- tions. First experiments in welding. The flame and its operation. 10. Le chalumeau oxy-acetylenique. illus. (Le genie civil, Paris, v. 43, Sept. 26, 1903, p. 341-343.) VA [5] ; :THE :NEW .YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 11. Janet, A. L'acetylene dissous et ses principales applications, ficlairage porta- tifs; chalumeaux oxyacetyleniques. illus. (Le genie civil, Paris, v. 43, July 18, 1903, p. 180-182.) VA Method of the Compagnie franchise de 1'acetylene for transporting dissolved acetylene. 12. Lcroyer, L. Soudure autogene des metaux. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Dec., 1903, p. [1341]-1352.) VA Autogenous welding in general with cost com- parisons. 1904 13. Azetylen-Sauerstoff flame zu schweis- sen. illus. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, Bd. 48, Jan. 30, 1904, p. 182-183.) VDA Refers to successful results in France. Com- parison with water gas. 1905 14. Arnoux, R. Precedes de soudure au- togene des metaux. (Memoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Societe des ingeni- eurs civils de France. Bulletin, October, 1905, p. 442-443.) VDA Reply to communication of M. Dumesnil. 15. Autogene Schweissung. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 25, Aug. 1, 1905, p. 880-886.) VIA Refers mainly to oxy-hydrogen welding. Gas costs in comparison with acetylene. 16. Bone, W. A., and G. W. ANDREW. The combustion of acetylene. (Journal of the Chemical Society, London, v. 87, 1905, p. 1232-1248.) PKA Abstracted in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 24, 1905, p. 1005. VOA. Detailed results of experiments on different oxy- acetylene mixtures under varying conditions. 17. Bureau Veritas. Rapport sur le cha- lumeau oxy-acetylenique de la Compagnie universelle de acetylene, illus. La revue technique, Paris, v. 26, Nov. 25, 1905, p. 856-859.) Results of tests at the Laboratoire national du Conservatoire des arts et metiers. 18. Cutler, F. C. Autogenous welding, illus. (Cassier's magazine, v. 32, Sept., 1907, p. 441-447.) VDA General article on welding and cutting. 19. Dumesnil, P. Precedes de soudure autogene des metaux. (Memoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Societe des ingenieurs civil de France. Bulletin, October, 1905, p. 438-439.) VDA Very general in scope. 20. Fouche, Ed. [Precedes de soudure autogene des metaux.] (Memoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Societe des ingenieurs civils de France. Bulletin, Nov.-Dec., 1905, p. 609-611.) VDA Discussion of letters of Dumesnil and Arnoux, which see. 21. The use of acetylene for self welding. (Iron age, New York, v. 76. Dec. 7, 1905. p. 1561-1562.) VDA Abstract of paper read before the Liege Congress of Mining and Metallurgy, July, 1905. 22. Fraubel, S. Die Anwendung des Azetylens zum Schweissen von Eisen und Stahl mittels Sauerstoff. (Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung u.s.w., Miinch- en, v. 48, Dec. 2, 1905, p. 1069-1070.) VOA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, Jan., 1906, p. 28, VIA; also in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. London, v. 24, Dec. 30, 1905, p. 1308, VOA. Data as to required volume and pressure of gas and also as to cost. 23. Nemmo. Welding of metals with acetylene. (Electrical review, London, v. 3, Dec. 29, 1905, p. 1061-1062.) VIA Also in Electrochemical and metallurgical in- dustry, New York, v. 4, Feb., 1906, p. 70, VIA. Abstracted from Bulletin of Italian Engineers and Architects. Gives practical working details. 1906 24. Acetylene for high-temperature work in laboratory and workshop, illus. (Elec- trochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, Feb., 1906, p. 75-76.) VIA Description of welding devices of Harris Calor- ific Co., Cleveland, O., and of an acetylene genera- tor. 25. Beltzer, Andre. Autogenous welding of metals by the oxy-acetylene blowpipe and a new method of generating oxygen, illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, July, 1906, p. 284- 286.) VIA Abstracted in Metal worker, New York, v. 66, Nov. 10, 1906, p. 67, VIA; in Machinery, New York, (Eng'ng ed.), v. 15, Sept., 1906, p. 27-28, VFA; and in Iron age, New York, v. 78, Nov. 1, 1906, p. 1149, VDA. Discusses advantages of oxy-acetylene process, "epurite" (oxygen-powder), and method of weld- ing. [New York, 1906.] 2 1. illus. 4. f VBA p.v.7, no.19 Reprint of the preceding article. 26. Burr, S. D. V. Autogenous welding with the oxy-acetylene flame. (Iron age, New York, v. 78, Nov. 29, 1906. p. 1437.) VDA Refers to "Epurite" generator. 27. Michaelis, L. Ueber das Schweissen mit der Sauerstoff-Azetylen flamme (unter Benutzung eines Vortrages des Eduard Fouche). 15 illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, v. 8, Nov. 28, 1906, p. 120-123 and Dec. 12, p. 168-172.) fVXA A description of the apparatus and discussion of costs. 28. Rush, J. K. Acetylene for the labora- tory, illus. (Electrochemical and metal- lurgical industry, New York, v. 4, May, 1906, p. 197-198.) VIA Gives relative cost compared with coal-gas, etc. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 29. Schneider, Ernst. Autogene Schweis- sung der Metalle. Allgemeines. Komp- romierter Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff. Elek- trolytisch gewonnener Wasserstoff-Sauer- stof. Acetylen-Sauerstoff, System Fouche. (Zeitschrift fur Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 10, June 1, 1906, p. 166-172.) VGA 30. Schweissverfahren mittels der Sauer- stoff-Azetylenflamme. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 29, Feb. 28, 1906, p. 79-82.) VFA General article with table showing gas consump- tion and cost for varying plate thicknesses. 31. Wiss, E. Die autogene Schweissung der Metalle. illus. (Zeitschrift des Verein- es deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 50, Jan. 13, 1906, p. 47-53.) VDA English abstract in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 30, March, 1906, p. 900-902, VDA. Discusses principally the oxy-hydric process. Brief comparison with oxy-acetylene on p. 53. For discussion with L. Michaelis, see Zeitschrift for May, 1906, p. 707-708. 1907 32. Autogenous welding of steel. (Found- ry, Cleveland, v. 30, March, 1907, p. 65.) VIA Brief reference to "epurite" plant of Worcester Pressed Steel Co. 33. Autogenous welding. Use of the pxy- acetylene blowpipe in repair work, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 80, July 11, 1907, p. 88.) VDA General article citing typical jobs completed by the Worcester Pressed Steel Company, Worcester, Mass. 34. Autogenous welding with the oxy- acetylene blowpipe, illus. (Engineering news, New York, v. 57, June 27, 1907, p. 706-707.) VDA A detailed description of the process of the Worcester Pressed Steel Company. 35. Autogenous welding with the oxy- acetylene high pressure blowpipe, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 96, March 23, 1907, p. 225.) VA New process of the Acetylene Illuminating Com- pany of Lambeth, London. Time and gas consump- tion according to the French Bureau Veritas. 36. Booth, W. H. Oxy-acetylene blow- pipe welding, illus. (American machinist, v. 30, part 2, July 11, 1907, p. 44-46.) VFA Making reinforced tubes for automobile work. Its possibilities for boilers and the reasons for its intense heat. 37. Brazing and welding. (American machinist, New York, v. 30, part 2, Nov. 7, 1907, p. 740.) VFA Contains a brief reference to oxy-acetylene pro- cess. 38. C., F. H. Welding steel with a blow- pipe, illus. (American machinist. New York, v. 30, part 1, May 23, 1907, p. 734- 735.) VFA Practice of the Worcester Pressed Steel Com- pany. 39. Cutting and welding steel with the oxy-acetylene blowpipe. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 7, Dec., 1907. p. 370.) VFA 40. Davis, Augustine. Autogenous weld- ing by the oxy-acetylene process. (Inter- national Acetylene Association. [Proceed- ings,] tenth annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Chicago, 1907, p. 60-64.) VOKA Also in Metal worker, New York, v. 68, July 20, 1907, p. 60-61, VIA. General in scope with table showing speed and cost of operation. 41. Gauthier, E., and C. RODRIGUES-ELY. Special oxy-acetylene burner for cutting metals. U. S. patent 874666, Dec. 24, 1907. (Electrochemical and metallurgical indus- try, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121.) VIA 42. Heraeus, W. C. Zur Schweissung des Aluminiums. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 31, Aug. 3, 1907, p. 773.) VGA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121, VIA. Concerning the priority of invention between Heraeus and Schoop. 43. Knappich, Jac. Autogene Acetylen- Sauerstoffschweissung. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 11, Jan. 11, 1907, p. 8-12.) VGA General descriptive article with table showing amount of gas, cost, etc., for varying plate thick- nesses. 44. Lightfoot, Cecil. The oxy-acetylene blowpipe. (International Acetylene Asso- ciation, [Proceedings,] tenth annual meet- ing, Washington, D. C. Chicago, 1907, p. 64-72.) VOKA With discussion. Abstracted in Iron age, New York, v. 80, Sept. 19, 1907, p. 770-771, VDA. Linde Air Products Co. apparatus (Fouche patent). (Metal worker, New York, v. 69, Jan. 11, 1908, p. 53-54.) VIA 45. Oxy-acetylene, The, process of unit- ing metals, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 13, July, 1907, p. 601-602.) VFA Describes the plant of the Worcester Pressed Steel Company used in the manufacture of steel parts for automobiles, bicycles, etc. 46. Peter. Schweissen und Loten. Elek- trische Schweissmaschinen fiir Massen- fabrikation. illus. (Glasers Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen, Berlin, v. 60, 1907, p. 41-49, 61-6S, 121-12S.) VDA Abstracted in Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 30, p. 79-80, 91, VFA. Refers mainly to electric welding. Brief com- parison with oxy-acetylene. 47. Ruck-Keene, Harry. New methods of effecting boiler repairs. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 7, Dec., 1907, p. 363-366.) VFA Abstracted in Iron and coal trades review, Lon- don, v. 75, Nov. 8. 1907, p. 1752, illus, VIA. Also in Railway and engineering review, Chicago, v. 47, Dec. 7, 1907, p. 1050-1052, VIA. Description of the oxy-acetylene and electric processes of welding. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 48. Safe blowing in Germany by use of oxy-acetylene burner. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 5, Sept., 1907, p. 381-382.) VIA Account of an actual burglary. 49. Schneider, Ernest. Autogenous weld- ing of metals; applications of the oxy- hydrpgen and oxy-acetylene flames. (Sci- entific American supplement, v. 64, July 20, 1907, p. 38-39.) VA Abstracted in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 34, Oct., 1907, p. 192-194, VDA. Abstract from a paper read at Chemnitz, Ger- many. Gives cost data, and comparison of processes. 50. Schoop, M. U. Die autogene Schweis- sung von Aluminum, illus. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, v. 31, July 27, 1907, p. 749- 750.) VGA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 95-96, VIA. A brief account with tabulated data. 51. The autogenous soldering of metals, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 96, March 2, 1907, p. 189-190.) VA Industries for which it is suitable, and special application to soldering aluminum. 52. A burner for cutting metals. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 5, August, 1907, p. 308-309.) VIA 53. Steel cutting with the oxy-acetylene flame. (Iron age, New York, v. 79, June 20, 1907, p. 1871.) VDA Demonstration by the Davis-Bournonville Acety- lene Development Company, New York City. 54. Thomas, R. La soudure autogene des metaux. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Sept., 1907, p. t 575]-628.) VA This important paper compares different sys- tems of autogenous welding. Practical directions. Cost tables. Manufacture of steel tubes and special pipes. Various kinds of repairs. 1908 55. Autogene Schweissung von Guss- stiicken. (Zeitschrift fur Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 31, Aug. 28, 1908, p. 336-338.) VFA Apparatus of Keller and Knappich, Augsburg. Abstracted in Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, Sept. 26, 1908, p. 622, VA. 56. Autogenous, The, soldering of alum- inum in aeronautic construction. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 98, June 20, 1908, p. 439.) VA Schoop process. 57. Autogenous welding. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, Nov., 1908, p. 191.) VFA Editorial article. 58. Bauschlicher, August. Die autogene Schweissung und das autogene Schneiden. illus. (Zeitschrift fur Werkzeugmaschin- en und Werkzeuge, Berlin, v. 12, July, 1908, p. 499-503, 519-520.) VFA General in scope, with costs. 59. Bayer Revisions-Verein. Anweisung. (Zeitschrift fur Calciumcarbid-Fabrika- tion, Acetylen- und Klein-Beluchtung, Berlin, v. 12, July 15, 1908, p. 162.) VGA Instructions to inspectors, May 31, 1908. 60. Bennett, Charles F. A welded boil- er. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, April, 1908, p. 95-96.) VFA 61. Bernier, L. L. Application of auto- genous welding to boiler shop work, illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, July, 1908, p. 230-235.) VFA Interesting cost data. 62. Autogenous welding of metals. High temperatures for industrial purposes obtained by means of burners. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, June, 1908, p. [165]-169.) VFA Interesting comparisons of the various types of blowpipes: oxy-acetylene, oxy-hydric, and oxy-gas. 63. Bournonville, Eugene. Autogenous welding by the oxy-acetylene flame. (Me- tal worker, New York, v. 70, Dec. 19, 1908, p. 50.) VIA Also in Iron age, New York. v. 82, Nov. 26, 1908, p. 1507, VDA. Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, Feb., 1909, p. 85-86, VIA; Railroad age gazette, New York, v. 46, Jan. 8, 1909, p. 94-95, TPB. Paper read before the Technology Club of Syra- cuse N. Y., Nov., 1908. Historical data. Compari- sons of oxy-hydrogen, oxygen-coal gas and oxy- acetylene processes. Describes high, low, and medi- um pressure torches. 64. Cave, Henry. The application of au- togenous welding to automobile repairs, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, Dec., 1908, p. 266-267.) VFA Also in Railway machinery, New York, v. 8, Dec., 1908, p. 266-267, VFA. 65. Cutting steel structures with the oxy- acetylene burner. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, April, 1908, p. 164.) VIA Abstracted from Acetylen fur Wissenschaft und Industrie, Jan. 15, 1908. Rapid work in taking down a bridge. 66. Das "autogene Schneiden" in patent- rechtlicher Beziehung. (Zeitschrift fur Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, May 15, 1908, p. 111.) VGA Discusses the Koln-Miisener patent and its con- flicts. Reply to same in issue of Aug. 15, p. 186-187. 67. Davis, Augustine. The history and present status of the oxy-acetylene pro- cess in America. (International Acety- lene Association, [Proceedings,] eleventh annual meeting, Chicago. Chicago, 1908, p. 109-117.) VOKA Abstracted in American engineer & railroad jour- nal, New York, v. 82, Sept., 1908, p. 360-361, TPB (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 10, Oct., 1908, p. 140-143.) VGA 68. Delcampe, C. Mechanical details of oxy-acetylene blowpipe. U. S. patent LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 847492, Dec. 24, 1907. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, Jan., 1908, p. 34.) VIA 69. Diegel, C. Das Schweissen und Hart- loten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Blechschweissung. illus. (Verhandlung des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gewerb- fleisses, Berlin, v. 87, 1908, p. 323-346, 355- 374, 441-460.) VA Abstracted in Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Iiigenieure, Berlin, v. 53, March 13, 1909, p. 401- 406, VDA; Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Ber- lin, v. 324, 1909, p. 3-7, 19-24, 41-43, VA; Glasers Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen, Berlin, v. 69, 1909, p. 71-76, 133-138, VDA; Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 29, May 26, 1909, p. 776-784, VI. Deals largely with water-gas practice at the works of Julius Pintsch. Tables show detailed results of tests by electric, water-gas and oxy-acetylene pro- cesses. Illustrations are noteworthy. Berlin: L. Simion Nf., 1909. 2 p.l., 64 p., 17 pi. 4. 70. Ein interessantes Schweissstiick. illus. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, Nov. 7, 1908, p. 718-720.) VA Welding of a large steel pipe on the roof of the Royal Opera House, Berlin. 71. Foljambe, E. S. Autogenous welding in auto construction, illus. (Automobile, New York, v. 18, June 25, 1908, p. 877-879.) TOL Abstracted in Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, Oct., 1908, p. 332-333, VFA. Includes tables of comparative cost and of gas consumption. 72. Francis, S. A. Effect of autogenous welding on the metal in the joint. (Ameri- can machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Dec. 3, 1908, p. 824.) Refers to report in Stahl und Eisen. 73. Harris, John. Air-acetylene burner. U. S. patent 878461, Feb. 4, 1908. (Elec- trochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121.) VIA Patent covers auxiliary supply of oxygen. 74. Hilpert, A. Anwendung der auto- genen Schweissung zur Ausbesserung von Dampfkesseln. (Zeitschrift fur Calcium- carbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein- Beleuchtung, v. 12, Aug. 15, 1908, p. 185- 186.) VGA Comparison of electric and autogenous processes. 75. Die autogene Schweissung in ihrer Anwendung auf Kesselreparaturen. illus. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, June 13, 1908, p. 371-374.) VA Influence of varying conditions shown by curves. Conditions for the most successful welding. 76. Kesselreparaturen mittels auto- gener Schweissung. illus. (Dinglers poly- technisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, 1908, p. 161-165, 185-186, 200-204.) VA Account of welding operations upon boilers of several French vessels. 77. 1st eine Reinigung des zur autogenen Schweissung zu verwendenden Acetylens erforderlich? (Zeitschrift fiir Calciumcar- bid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein- Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Sept. 15, 1908, p. 206-210.) VGA Includes replies from several firms. 78. Knappich, J. Die autogene Schweis- sung. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Calciumcarbid- Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuch- tung, Berlin, v. 12, March 1, 1908, p. 49-52.) VGA 79. Kommission zur Beratung von Aen- derungsvorschlagen fiir die Polizeiverord- ung betreffend die Herstellung, Aufbe- wahrung und Verwendung von Azetylen sowie die Lagerung von Karbid. Bericht, Oct., 1907. (Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 31, March 20, 1908, p. 105-107.) VFA 80. Lake, Edwin F. Cutting steel with the oxy-acetylene blowpipe. By E. F. L. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Nov. 5, 1908, p. 685.) Report of exhibition at Columbia University. 81. A handy autogenous welding ap- paratus, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Aug. 13, 1908, p. 236-237.) VFA Portable outfit using a "Prest-o-lite" tank. 82. Portable oxy-acetylene welding outfit, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Nov. 5, 1908, p. 668-670.) VFA Apparatus manufactured by the F. C. Sanford Mfg. Co., of Bridgeport, Conn. 83. Lightfoot, Cecil. The influence of oxygen in extending the use of the oxy- acetylene blowpipe. (International Acety- lene Association, [Proceedings,] eleventh annual meeting, Chicago. Chicago, 1908, p. 35-38.) VOKA Refers to portable cylinders made by the Linde Air Products Company. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 10, Oct., 1908, p. 143-144.) VGA 84. Michaelis, L. Die Acetylen-Sauer- stoff-Schweissung. (Zeitschrift fiir Cal- ciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 15, 1908, p. 142-144.) VGA Caustic remarks concerning firms that do in- ferior work. Ostermann und Fliis reply on page 155 of the July 1st issue. 85. Benutzung von gelostem Acety- len fiir autogene Schweissung. (Zeit- schrift fiir Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Aug., 1908, p. 169-172.) VGA With replies of several firms on p. 172-177, 202. Abstracted in Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, v. 323, Sept. 12, 1908, p. 590, VA. 86. Oxy-acetylene methods of welding and cutting metals, illus. (American en- gineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 82, Jan., 1908, p. 28-29.) TPB Industrial Oxygen Company's process as used by the Worcester Pressed Steel Co. 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 87. Oxy-acetylene process of cutting and welding. (Engineering news, New York, v. 60, Nov. 19, 1908, p. 547-548.) VDA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, Feb., 1909, p. 85-86, VIA. Description of different types of gas generators and burners. 88. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. (Railroad age gazette, New York, v. 45, June 20, 1908, p. 265-266.) TPB Davis-Bournonville process. 89. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting tool, illus. (Railroad age gazette, v. 45, Sept. 18, 1908, p. 967-968.) TPB General discussion with special reference to the Davis-Bournonville process. Costs of welding and cutting are given. 90. Oxy-acetylene welding apparatus, illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, Dec., 1908, p. 395.) VFA Davis-Bournonville apparatus. 91. Oxy-acetylene welding process, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect, London, v. 31, Oct. 1, 1908, p. 70.) VXA Account of boiler repairs on the steamship In- draghiri. 92. Oxygenite and its use in autogenous welding. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, Oct., 1908, p. 431-432.) VIA A compound, introduced by the Industrial Oxy- gen Co., which, when heated, supplies oxygen for oxy-acetylene welding. 93. Portable oxy-acetylene welding and cutting machine, illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 70, Aug. 8, 1908, p. 62-63.) VIA Beltzer-Delcamp apparatus. Weighs 750 pounds including generators. Data showing time and ex- pense incurred in cutting steel plate of various thicknesses. illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 82, July 16, 1908, p. 176-177.) VDA 94. R., F. E. Oxy-acetylene process of metal cutting and autogenous welding, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, Oct., 1908, p. 126-127.) VFA Manufacture of the gases. Brief description of Davis-Bournonville torches. Illustrations of a few typical operations. 95. Reich, W. I. Autogenous welding. (Metal worker, New York, v. 69, March 21, 1908, p. 60.) VIA Interesting curves showing cost and gas con- sumption for oxy-acetylene and oxy-hydrogen pro- cesses. (Iron age, New York, v. 81, Feb. 13, 1908, p. 506.) VDA 96. Some applications of autogenous welding. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 1, Feb. 27, 1908, p. 316.) VFA 97. Reischle, J. Anwendung der auto- genen Schweissung zur Herstellung und Ausbesserung von Dampfkesseln. (Zeit- schrift fur Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, May 1, 1908, p. 97-102.) VGA 98. Sauerstoff- Acetylen- Geblase. (Zeit- schrift fur Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 15, 1908, p. 140-141.) VGA Account of bridge wrecking. 99. Schulze. Autogene Schweissung. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher In- genieure, Berlin, v. 52, Jan. 11, 1908, p. 66- 67.) VDA Comparisons of oxy-hydric and oxy-acetylene especially as to cost. 100. Van Brussel, J. B. New process for metal cutting and autogenous welding, illus. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 35, July, 1908, p. 545-557.) VDA 101. Verfahren zur Ausbesserung von Schienenkopfen mit Hilfe des Acetylen- Sauerstoff-Geblases. (Zeitschrift fiir Cal- ciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 1, 1908, p. 130.) VGA Refers to the Rosenthal patent for welding rail heads. 102. Vogel, J. H. Welche Anforderungen sind an die Reinheit des zur autogenen Schweissung zu benutzenden Acetylens zu stellen? (Zeitschrift fur Calciumcarbid- Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuch- tung, Berlin, v. 12, Nov. 1, 1908, p. 243-245.) VGA Discusses necessity for approved generators and burners, also for mechanical and chemical purifica- tion of acetylene. 103. Welche Anforderungen sind an Ac- etylen Apparate zu stellen, die zur auto- genen Schweissung benutzt werden? (Zeit- schrift fiir Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Nov. 1, 1908, p. 242-243.) VGA Discusses gas delivery, burners, and portability of apparatus. 104. Welding, illus. (American machin- ist, New York, v. 31, part 1, March 26, / 1908, p. 514-516.) VFA ' General principles, with comparative merits of electric and autogenous processes. 105. Welding, The, of steam boilers. (Power, New York, v. 28, Jan. 21, 1908, p. J 105.) VFA 106. Zur Frage der autogenen Schweis- sung von Blechen. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 28, July 22, 1908, p. 1063-1065.) VIA Metallographic investigation of welded material. English translation in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 10, Dec., 1908, p. 219-220, VOA. 1909 107. Acetylenexplosion beim Schweissen von Strassenbahnschienen in Hamburg. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, May 15, 1909, p. 118.) ' VGA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 11 108 Aiken, Claude. Flanging, punching and welding, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, March 18, 1909, p. 421-424.) VFA Oxy-acetylene process used. 109 Anwendung der autogenen Schweis- sung auf Dampfkesselausbesserungen. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 1, 1909, p. 273-274.) VGA From Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Dampfkessel Revisions-Vereins, v. 13, no. 18. 110. Auel, C. B. Autogenous welding, with special reference to the use of the oxy-acetylene process. illus. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 6, Aug., 1909, p. 453- 471.) VGA Lengthy general article describing apparatus, manufacture of gases, welding of iron, brass, and aluminum. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Nov. 18, 1909, p. 858-865.) VFA 111. Autogenous welding, illus. (Mar- ine engineer and naval architect, London, v. 31, Jan. 1, 1909, p. 181-183.) VXA Illustrates repairs on marine boilers. 112. Autogenous welding equipment for light work, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, July, 1909, p. 906-907.) VFA Apparatus adapted to the general run of work in the ordinary garage or machine shop. 113. Bach, C. von. Bericht iiber Versuche mit autogen geschweisten Blechstiicken und Kesselteilen. illus. ("Zeitschrift fur Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Ber- lin, v. 32, April 30, 1909, p. 177-180, May 7, p. 185-188.) VFA With discussion on p. 188-191. (In: C. von Bach and R. Bau- mann, Berichte iiber Versuche mit auto- fen geschweisten Blechen... Berlin, 1910. . p. 5-18.) VDA 114. Beltzer, Andre. Portable pxy-acety- lene welding and cutting machine, illus. (American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 83, Jan., 1909, p. 34-35.) TPB Beltzer-Delcampe apparatus. Table gives expense for gases in cutting steel plates of various thick- ness. 115. Bewegliche Acetylenapparate. (Car- bid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 132.) VGA Abstract from Gewerbeblatt fur Wiirttemberg giving comments upon the state regulations for movable apparatus. 116. Cave, Henry. Autogenous welding as a means of repairing cylinders, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, April, 1909, p. 591-592.) VFA Repairing, of automobile cylinders, water jackets and flanges. (Railway machinery, New York, v. 8, April, 1909, p. 591-592.) VFA 117. Autogenous welding effective in repair work, illus. (Automobile, New York, v. 20, March 25, 1909, p. 501.) TOL 118. Autogenous welding with oxy- acetylene. illus. (American machinist, v. 32, part 1, Jan. 28, 1909, p. 128-132.) VFA The torches used. Methods of generating the gases. Testing oxygen. Rules for welding steel, cast iron, brass, aluminum. 119. Cylinders repaired by autogen- ous welding, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 83, April 15, 1909, p. 1192-1194.) VDA 120. High-pre ssure oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Electrochemical and me- tallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, July, 1909, p. 327-329.) VIA Claims economy of operation and stronger welds by use of acetylene at 10 Ibs. instead of 2 Ibs. pressure. 121. The oxy-acetylene torch as a "putting-on tool." illus. (American ma- chinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, Feb. 4, 1909, p. 181.) VFA 122. Repair of machine tool parts by the high pressure oxy-acetylene torch, illus. (American machinist, v. 32, part 2, Sept. 2, 1909, p. 434-435.) VFA 123. Welding boilers. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, June 3, 1909, p. 940.) VFA Criticizes cost figures by E. A. Dixie in American machinist, v. 32, part 1, p. 291. 124. The year's progress in autogen- ous welding, illus. (International Acety- j lene Association, [Proceedings,] twelfth'' annual meeting, New York. Chicago, 1909, p. 147-154.) VOKA (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Sept. 23, 1909, p. 521.) VFA (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 11, Sept., 1909, p. 116-118.) VGA 125. Chatelain, E. Soudure autogene et aluminothermie. Preface de H. Le Chate- lier. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1909. x, 177(1) p. illus. 12. (Actualites scienti- fiques). VID 126. Cobleigh, H. R. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing and cutting, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 83, Jan. 7, 1909, p. 56-61.) VDA An excellent general article. 127. Comparison between [Oxy-acetylene, oxy-hydrogen and electric) welding sys- tems, illus. (Electrochemical and metal- lurgical industry, New York, v. 7, May, 1909, p. 226-228.) VIA Abstracted in American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 84, Feb., 1910, p. 46-47, TPB. 128. Convenient, A, welding table, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, July 8, 1909, p. 92-93.) VFA Design of the Autogenous Equipment Company, of Springfield, Mass. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 129. Cost of welding flues. (Boiler mak- er, New York, v. 9, Jan., 1909, p. 22.) VFA 130. Courtney, M. S. Oxy-acetylene welding. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 9, June, 1909, p. 158.) VFA Includes discussion. Abstract of paper read before the International Master Boiler Makers' Association. Practice in the Great Northern Railway shops. 131. Crombie, James. Marine boiler re- pairs by the oxy-acetylene process, illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 9, Oct., 1909, p. 278-279.) VFA 132. Das autogene Schweissen durch die Sauerstoff-Acetylenflamme. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 15, 1909, p. 290.) VGA Table printed originally in "Acetylen," show- ing comparative heat values in different autogenous processes. 133. Davis, Augustine. Progress of auto- genous welding. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, May, 1909, p. 233-234.) VIA Brief statement of commercial applications of oxy-acetylene process. 134. Deutscher Acetylenverein Betriebs- priifung transportabler Acetylenapparate fur Zwecke der autogenen Metallbearbei- tung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 125-126.) VGA Several points of the ministerial decree of April 25 are construed. 135. - Fachgruppe fiir autogene Me- tallbearbeitung. Bericht iiber die Sitzung fur autogene Metallbearbeitung in Miin- chen am 20. Februar 1909. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, March 15, 1909, p. 61-70.) VGA 136. Fachgruppe fiir autogene Me- tallbearbeitung. Niederschrift der Sitzung der Fachgruppe am 28. Juni in Berlin. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, July 1, 1909, p. 149-152.) VGA Contain amended suggestions for regulations cov- ering movable apparatus and testing. 137. Dixie, E. A. Electric welding in the boiler shop, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, Feb. 25, 1909, p. 291-297.) VFA Shows comparative costs of electric and gas weld- ing. 138. Flux for autogenous welding of al- uminum by oxy-acetylene flame. (Metal- lurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 7, June, 1909, p. 284; v. 8, Jan., 1910, p. 49.) Schoop (U. S.) patents, 922523, May 25, 1909, and 943164, Dec. 14, 1909. 139. Fowler, William. Fusion welding a link, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, June 24, 1909, p. 1065.) VFA Describes repair job on a Standard locomotive. 140. Hammond, A. Newton. Use of oxy- acetylene torch in drilling hard spots in cast iron. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, April 1, 1909, p. 550.) VFA 141. Hilbert, A. Ausbesserungen an Schiffskesseln mittels Azetylen-Sauerstoff- Schweissung. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 53, Jan. 2, 1909, p. 33-34.) VDA Practice in several European ports. Require- ments for successful welding. Comments by J. Reischle are printed in Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, v. 53, Jan. 23. 1909, p. 159. 142. Jaeger. Ueber autogenes Schweis- sen. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Nov. 15, 1909, p. 257-263.) VGA Results of an investigating tour in France, Ger- many and Italy. 143. Knappich, J. Die Anwendung von Schweissmitteln und Zugabmaterial bei der autogenen Schweissung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 126-127.) VGA Discusses welding powders and metal welding pencils. 144. Die Gefahrenmoglichkeiten bei der autogen Metallbearbeitung und deren Ausschaltung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, May 15, 1909, p. 114-117.) VGA 145. - Welche Gefahren beitet die au- togene Metallbearbeitung? illus. (Car- bid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 15, 1909, p. 281-288.) VGA Consideration of apparatus to prevent back- firing, also of precautions in the use of portable apparatus. . 146. Lake, E. F. Fusion welding appara- tus and work, illus. (American machin- ist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Dec. 9, 1909, p. 988-993.) VFA Portable welding outfit (Oxy-Carbi Company). Description of stationary gas generators, welding and cutting torches. Welding automobile parts, punch-press frames, etc. Illustrations are numer- ous and interesting. 147. Welding with the oxygenite process, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, March 18, 1909, p. 437- 440.) VFA Each pound of oxygenite gives off about 5 cubic feet of oxygen which at same time stores itself under pressure of from 150 to 200 pounds. Experi- ence of the Fore River Ship Building Company. 148. Lamberton, E. Ueber das Schweis- sen des Gusseisens. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Dusseldorf, v. 29, 1909, p. 2055- 2061.) VIA Abstracted in full in Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 8, Feb., 1910, p. 102-106, illus. VIA. Discusses the oxy-acetylene and other processes. Abstract adds an account of the principal American manufacturers of oxy-acetylene apparatus. 149. Le Chatelier, Andre. The repair of marine boilers by autogenous welding. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 36, Feb., 1909, p. 848-850.) VDA Abstract of paper in Revue de metallurgie, Nov. 1908. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 13 150. Lester, C. E. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 9, Oct., 1909, p. 291-292.) I VFA Author is general fore/nan boiler maker of the Erie Railroad. Gives his experience in flue sheet welding. 151. Levy, Anton. Patentrechte auf dem Gebiete des autogenen Schneidens. (Car- bid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 1, 1909, p. 269-273.) VGA Paper read before the Deutscher Acetylenverein, Sept. 26, 1909. Reviews Coln-Miisener patents D. R. P. 137588 and 143640. 152. Neuerungen in Lotapparaten. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, April 1, 1909, p. 80-84.) VGA Illustrations and brief descriptions of various soldering and welding burners. 153. Niess. Das autogene Schweissen und Schneiden, ein neuzeitliches Arbeits- verfahren. (Deutsche Techniker-Zeitung, v. 26, Jan. 16, 1909, p. 26-28.) VFA General article. 154. Prussia. Minister fiir Handel und Gewerbe. Ministerialerlass betr. den Geb- rauch transportabler Acetylenapparate fiir Zwecke der autogenen Metallbearbeitung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, May 15, 1909, p. 112-114.) VGA Regulations for the use of the 2 kg. machine. 155. Ministerialerlass in Preussen betreffend den Gebrauch beweglicher Acetylenapparate fiir Zwecke der autogen- en Metallbearbeitung. (Carbid und Acety- len*, Berlin, v. 13, July 15, 1909, p. 161- 162.) VGA Decree of June 18, 1909. 156. Razing steel structures with the oxy- acetylene torch, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 83, March 18, 1909, p. 901.) VDA Use of Beltzer-Delcampe apparatus on the old train shed of the New York Central and Hudson River R.R. in New York City. 157. Reich, W. I. A new fusion welding torch and how to weld different metals, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Dec. 30, 1909, p. 1147-1149.) VFA Directions for welding cast iron, steel, and aluminum. 158. Some facts about oxy-acetylene welding. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, April 29, 1909, p. 686-687.) VFA Tables show results of tests on welded joints. 159. Rinne, H. Die autogene Schweis- sung. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Dussel- dorf, v. 29, Nov. 17, 1909, p. 1814-1820.) VIA Abstracted in Iron age, New York, v. 85, Feb. 24, 1910, p. 452, VDA. Details of method practiced by the Schultz- Knaudt Company of Essen. Pipe and boiler tests. 160. Rupert, J. W. Welding boiler tubes to the tube sheet. 7 illus. (American en- tineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 3, Sept., 1909, p. 354-355.) TPB (Boiler maker, New York, v. 9, Dec., 1909, p. 346-347.) VFA 161. Schoop, M. U. Autogenous welding of aluminum. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, April, 1909, p. 151-153; May, 1909, p. 194.) v j./\ Discussion of the chemical properties of alum- inum with special reference to welding. 162. Sicherung gegen Explosion an Sauer- stoff-Acetylen-Schweissbrennern. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Feb. 15, 1909, p. 38-39.) VGA Safety burner manufactured by the Sauerstofffab- rik, Berlin. D. R. P. 202795 and 206514. 163. Springer, J. F. The oxy-acetylene welding process, illus. (Foundry, Cleve- land, v. 36, Dec., 1909, p. 176-180.) VIA Repair of defective castings. Welding castings of uneven thickness. Air cylinder repair. Welding on parts of castings. Cutting metals. Generating tanks. 164. Thoma, Leo. Zur Auslesung des Patentes Fouche. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 13, Sept. 15, 1909, p. 217-218.) VGA 165. Ueber die Eigenschaften der Flamme des Acetylen-Sauerstoffbrenners. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 130.) VGA Abstracted from Revue de la soudure autogene. 166. Ueber die Temperatur der Acetylen- Sauerstoffflamme im Vergleich mit der Temperatur der Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff- flamme. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 13, Aug. 1, 1909, p. 181.) VGA Abstract from Revue de la soudure autogene. 167. Urteil, Das, in dem Prozesse betref- fend das franzosische Patent iiber das au- togene Schneidverfahren. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Aug. 15, 1909, p. 193-195.) VGA Patent contest between Societe 1'oxy-hydrique franchise and others. 168. Vogel, J. H. Die neuesten Ministeri- alerlasse in Preussen betreffend Aufstel- lung und Betriebspriifung beweglicher Acetylenapparate fiir die Zwecke der au- togen Metallbearbeitung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Oct. 1, 1909, p. 221-229.) VGA Discussion of the several Prussian decrees. 169. Welding and cutting by the oxy- acetylene flame, illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, Feb., 1909, p. 90-91.) VIA Demonstration by Davis-Bournonville Co. at the meeting of the American Institute of Chemical En- gineers. 170. Willis, T. F. Autogenous welding by the oxy-acetylene process. (Proceedings, 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY St. Louis Railway Club, v. 13, April, 1909, p. 318-323.) TPB General in scope, with list of applications of the process. (Railway and engineering re- view, Chicago, v. 49, May 15, 1909, p. 429.) TPB 171. Wiss, Ernst. Das autogene Schneiden und das Verfahren der Sauerstofferzeu- gung nach G. Claude, illus. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 53, Aug. 28, 1909, p. 1417-1422.) VDA Results of welding heat on test pieces. Metallo- graphic sections are interesting. 172. Younger, A. Scott. Steamship re- pairs by electric and autogenous welding, illus. (Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow, v. 53, 1909-10, p. 208-247.) VDA With discussion on p. 247-274. Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 64, March 18, 1910, p. 923, VGA; Elektrotechnik und Maschi- nenbau, Vienna, May 8, 1910, p. 400-401, VGA; En- gineering, London, v. 89, p 285, VDA; Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 31, Aug. 11, 1910, p. 823, VGA; Electrical review, London, v. 66, April 8, 1910, p. 572-573, VGA; Stahl und Eisen, Dtissel- dorf, v. 31, Nov. 23, 1911, p. 1932-1934, VIA ; Prac- tical engineer, London, v. 41, p. 232-234, 268-269, 295-296, VDA. Lengthy descriptive paper with comparisons. (Mechanical engineer, Man- chester, v. 25, Feb. 25, 1910, p. 228-233; March 4, p. 265-270.) VFA 173. Zur Auslegung des Patentes Fouche. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 13, 1909, p. 139-143, 173-174, 195-196, 217-218.) VGA Discusses priority claims. 1910 174. Acetylenapparate, Die, fur die auto- gene Schweissung. (Carbid und Acety- len*, Berlin, v. 14, April 15, 1910, p. 90-91.) VGA Critical discussion of various acetylene apparatus. Abstracted from Revue de la soudure autogene. 175. Ausfuhrungsbestimmungen, Die, des neuen englischen Patentgesetzes in An- wendung auf ein Schneidbrenner-Patent. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 14, Tan. 15, 1910, p. 19-21.) VGA Contest of A. E. Knowles vs. The British Oxygen Company, Ltd. 176. Amedeo, Raoul. Der Sauerstoffyer- brauch der Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Schweiss- brenner. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Dec. 1, 1910, p. 270-271.) VGA Interesting discussion of the chemistry of oxy- acetylene flame. 177. Autogenous welding in railway re- pair shops, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 49, Nov. 4, 1910, p. 897-898.) TPB Buckeye apparatus manufactured by Walter Mac- Leod and Company, Cincinnati. 178. Bach, C. von, and R. BAUMANN. Be- richt uber Versuche mit autogen geschwei- sten Blechen und Kesselteilen, ausgefiihrt in der Materialprufungsanstalt der K. Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart im Auf- trage des Internationalen Verbandes der Dampfkessel-Ueberwachungsvereine und des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, erstat- tet von...C. Bach und R? Baumann. Ber- lin, 1910. 3 p.l., (1)4-80 p., 16 pi. sq. 4. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure. Mitteilun- gen uber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Ge- biete des Ingenieurwesens. . . Heft 83- 84.) VDA Detailed record of a notable series of tests on welds with noteworthy illustrations. 179. Baendel, Hugo. Schweissmoglich- keiten der verschiedenen Metalle und Le- gierungen. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Ber- lin, v. 14, July 1, 1910, p. 145-148.) VGA Discusses welding of cast and malleable iron, cop- per, aluminum, lead, and nickel. 180. Baumann, R. Bericht uber Unter- suchungen autogen geschweister Kessel- teile ausgefiihrt im Friihjahr 1909 im Auf- trag des Internationalen Verbandes der Dampfkessel-Ueberwachungsvereine. (In : C. von Bach, and R. Baumann, Berichte uber Versuche mit autogen geschweisten Blechen. . . Berlin, 1910, p. 21-70.) VDA Abstracted in Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 30, Oct. 26, 1910, p. 1853-1855, VIA. For the discussion which followed this paper, see Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 14, July 15, 1910, p. 158-163, VGA. 181. Bauschlicher, August. Zur Entwick- lung der autogenen Metallbearbeitung und der hierzu notwendigen Betriebsmittel. il- lus. (Zeitschrift fiir Werkzeugmaschinen und Werkzeuge, Berlin, v. 15, Nov. 25, 1910, p. 78-82.) VFA Describes improvements in the process. 182. Beobachtungen bei der Priifung von Wasservorlagen. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, May 1, 1910, p. 107-108.) VGA Report of the testing and research section of the Deutscher Acetylenverein. 183. Bonding with an oxy-acetylene torch in Minneapolis, illus. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 36, Sept. 3, 1910, p. 369-370.) TPB Welding of copper rail bonds. 184. Cave, Henry. Autogenous welding equipments compared; a discussion of the relative merits of the high and low pres- sure S3'stems. illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 86, Aug. 4, 1910, p. 290-292.) VDA 185. Conference of oxy-acetylene inter- ests. Regulations proposed for safer con- struction and use of apparatus. (Iron age. New York, v. 85, May 19, 1910, p. 1187.) VDA Chicago meeting. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 15 186. Cutting steel sheeting with oxy-acet- ylene blowpipe. (Engineering record, New York, v. 2, Sept. 24, 1910, p. 345.) VDA Account of cutting off the tops of sheet piling. 187. Cutting structural steelwork with the oxy-acetylene flame. (Engineering rec- ord, New York, v. 62, Aug. 27, 1910, p. 230.) VDA Work on th Gillender building, New York City. 188. Davis, Augustine. Dangerous oxy- acetylene apparatus. (Machinery, New York, v. 16, Engineering edition, May, 1910, p. 751-752.) VFA Gives reasons for bad repute of some processes, with practice in approved types. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 10, May, 1910, p. 133-134.) VFA (American engineer and rail- road journal, New York, v. 84, Aug., 1910, p. 338-339.) TPB 189. Davis, J. M. Oxy-acetylene welding. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 48, May 6, 1910, p. 1165.) TPB Brief reference to practice in the shops of the Colorado and Southern Railway. 190. Deutscher Acetylen-Verein. Bericht iiber die zwolfte ordentliche Hauptver- sammlung zu Eisenach. (Carbid und Acet- ylen*, Berlin, v. 14, 1910, p. 230-241, 245- 247, 256-264, 282-287.) VGA Contains abstracts of papers and discussions; also report of Dr. A. Levy upon patent litigation relating to autogenous cutting. 191. Deverell, E. C. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing for railroads. (Acetylene journal, Chi- cago, v. 12, Oct., 1910, p. 156-157.) VGA Paper read before the Acetylene Convention. Aug. 5, 1910. 192. Diegel, C. Die autogene Schweis- sung. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 30, Jan. 26, 1910, p. 161-164.) VIA Controversy with H. Rinne as to merits of auto- genous welding. 193. Die Untersuchung yon autogen geschweissten Blechteilen. (Dinglers poly- technisches Journal, Berlin, v. 325, Sept. 24, 1910, p. 593-596.) VA His report of the proceedings of the International Verbandes der Dampfkesseln Ueberwachungs Ver- eine zu Lille, June, 1909. 194. Entwicklung, Die, der autogenen Me- tallbearbeitung in Frankreich. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Feb. 15, 1910, p. 41-42.) VGA Brief but interesting history of the art in France. 195. Evaporate. Some recent boiler re- pairs by the oxy-acetylene process, illus. (Boiler maker, v. 10, April, 1910, p. 91-93.) VFA Renewing half tube sheet, crown sheet, wasted landing edges, bottom of combustion chamber. Clos- ing up cracks in furnaces. 196. Feats with the oxy-acetylene torch; difficult cutting jobs for which it is pecu- liarly adapted, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 86, July 21, 1910, p. 172-173.) VDA A bank vault of steel rails and chrome steel bars imbedded in cement, cut with the oxy-acetylene torch by the Autogenous Welding Equipment Company of Springfield, Mass. 197. Frankfurt a M. Kgl. Landgerichtes (6. Zivilkammer). Teilurteil betreffend das autogene Scnneiden. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, May 1, 1910, p. 98- 106.) VGA Decision in re Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elek- tron versus 27 firms for infringement of D. R. P. 137588, 140149, 143640, 147541, 151299, 161273. 198. Friedmann, Immanuel. Anwendung der autogenen Schweissung auf Dampf- kesselausbesserungen. (Carbid und Acety- len *, Berlin, v. 14, Jan. 15, 1910, p. 16-17.) VGA Abstracted from Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Dampfkessel Revisions-Vereines. 199. Hartline, George. Oxy-acetylene welding. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 12, Dec., 1910, p. 248-249.) VGA Paper read before the Railroad Master Black- smiths' Convention. Cost figures of cutting. 200. Herzfeld, Hans. Neue Anwendung der entleuchteten Flamme zum Schweis- sen, Loten und Trennen der Metalle mit Experimenten. illus. (Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleis- ses, Berlin, 1910, v. 89, p. 331-336.) VA Describes apparatus manufactured in the factory of Herr Herzfeld. 201. Hopfer. Die Selbstherstellung von Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff durch Elek- trolyseure fur autogene Schweissung. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingen- ieure, Berlin, v. 54, Feb. 12, 1910, p. 279- 281.) VDA Paper read before the Leipzig branch of the so- ciety. Description of apparatus with costs of gas production. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Ber- lin, v. 14, 1910, p. 56-58, 68-70.) VGA 202. Jacobs, H. W. Autogenous weld- ing in a railway shop, illus. (Railway age gazette. New York, v. 48, June 17, 1910, p. 1535-1539.) TPB Author is assistant superintendent of motive pow- er, A. T. and S. F. Ry. Discusses plant and costs. 203. Lake, E. F. Oxy-acetylene welding apparatus. (American machinist, New York, v. 33, part 2, Sept. 8, 1910, p. 436- 438; Sept. 22, p. 529-31.) VFA Consideration of torches : flashback preventers, effect of flame on metal being welded, gas impuri- ties, tanks and generators, safety, lubrication of gas compressors. 204. Lauer, W. T. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 48, May 6, 1910, p. 1165.) TPB With discussion. Discussion of the process in railroad shop work. 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 205. Lavinder, P. T. [Oxy-acetylene welding.] illus. (Acetylene journal, Chi- cago, v. 12, Dec., 1910, p. 249.) VOA Paper read before the Railroad Master Black- smiths' Convention. 206. Leeds, F. H., and W. J. A. BUTTER- FIELD. Acetylene; the principles of its generation and use. A practical handbook on the production, purification, and sub- sequent treatment of acetylene for the development of light, heat, and power. London: C. Griffin and Co., Ltd., 1910. xi, 396 p., 2 tables, illus. 2. ed. 8. (Grif- fin's scientific text-books.) VOF Brief references to welding on p. 257-258, 293. 207. McDonald, A. J. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting; a consideration of the value of the process for automobile work, illus. (Automobile engineer, London, v. 1, Dec., 1910, p. 197-199.) ft TOL Discusses the three types of torches. Eye test for flame. Instructions. 208. Michaelis, Max. Ueber Wasserver- schliisse. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 14, Dec. 1, 1910, p. 274-279.) VGA 209. Morrison, A. Cressy. Oxy-acetylene in metal working. (American machinist, New York, v. 33, part 2, Nov. 24, 1910, p. 962-963.) VFA General in scope. (Acetylene journal, v. 12, Feb., 1911, p. 337-338.) " VOA 210. National Board of Fire Underwri- ters. Rules and requirements for the construction, installation and use of oxy- acetylene heating and welding apparatus as recommended by its committee of con- sulting engineers, n. p., 1910. 29 p. 24. SX p.v.4 211. Oxy-acetylene cutting, illus. (Met- allurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 8, March, 1910, p. 164.) .VIA Holes 13 feet in diameter cut in steel piling. 212. ican engineer York, v. 84, March, 1910, p. 110-111.) TPB Repairing flue sheet of locomotive fire-box, boiler plate, and of flywheel spokes. Oxy-carbi process. 213. Oxy-acetylene welding for power plants. (Power, New York, v. 32, Feb. 8, 1910, p. 282.) VFA Welding of cast iron threaded flanges of a steam header to pipe. 214. Peculiar oxygen tank explosion. (American machinist, v. 33, part 1, March 10, 1910, p. 474-475.) VFA Explosion in automobile repair shop of Alton, Laine and Co., New York City. Acetylene seems to have played no part. 215. Perkins, Frank C. Autogenous weld- ing in automobile repair shops. illus. (Modern machinery, Chicago, v. 25, May, 1910, p. 2-4.) VFA Oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Amer- engineer and railroad journal, New 216. A striking oxy-carbi boiler fu- sion weld. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 10, March, 1910, p. 61-63.) VFA Method of welding a patch in the flue sheet of fire-box. 217. Ragno, Saverio. Die autogene Schweissung der Metalle. Ins Deutsche iibertragen von E. Schiitz. Halle a. S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1910. 5 p., 1 1., 84 p. 8. VID 218. Reich, W. I. Emergency welding ap- paratus, illus. (American machinist, v. 33, part 1, April 21, 1910, p. 730-731.) VFA 24 H. P. Darracq automobile remodeled and equipped with complete outfit. 219. Reyer, William G., and R. W. CLARK. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 49, Aug. 5, 1910, p. 242-244.) TPB Practical discussion on the welding of side sheets of fire-box. 220. Rhine, H. Die autogene Schweis- sung. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 30, Jan. 26, 1910, p. 164-165.) VIA Controversy with C. Diegel as to merits of auto- genous welding. 221. Safety in pxy-acetylene outfits. (American machinist, New York, v. 33, part 1, March 10, 1910, p. 469.) VFA Editorial on Alton, Laine and Company's ex- plosion. 222. Schwarz, Rudolf. Einiges iiber auto- gene Metallbearbeitung im Maschinenbau. illus. (Werkstatts Technik, Berlin, v. 4, Oct., 1910, p. 583-586.) VFA Typical of manufacturing and repairing. 223. Smith, H. S. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, London, v. 58, Feb. 25, 1910, p. 372- 381.) VA Abstracted in Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 14, June 15, 1910, p. 142, VGA. Comparison with electric and oxy-hydric pro- cesses. Strength of welds. Description of high and low pressure plants. Generators. Acetylene purifiers. Table showing gas consumption and speed for varying plate thicknesses. Classes for which the system is best adapted. 224. Springer, J. F. The oxy-acetylene blowpipe, illus. (Railway and locomo- tive engineering, New York, v. 23, Oct., 1910, p. 404.) TPB General in scope. 225. Oxy-acetylene welding. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 10, Nov., 1910, p. 315-319.) VFA Describes Davis-Bournonyille torch; also typical welds of boilers, refrigeration apparatus, fire box, and Jacobs superheater. 226. The oxy-acetylene welding pro- cess; chemical reactions and typical appli- cation to foundry repairs, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 85, June 16, 1910, p. 1466- 1469.) VDA Describes the Davis-Bournonville torch. Pro- cedure. Necessity of preheating explained. Typical repairs. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 227. The acetylene welding torch. illus. (American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 84, Nov., 1910, p. 431-433.) TPB A discussion on the mixing of gases in the tip of a welding torch, how the high temperature is main- tained, and why it is necessary. How the danger of explosion has been eliminated and the method of using the torch. 228. Suscipi, L. G. A new flux for oxy- acetylene welding of aluminum. (Acety- lene journal, Chicago, v. 12, Nov., 1910, p. 204-205.) VGA 229. Syo, E. de. Beitrage auf dem Gebiete der autogenen Metallbearbeitung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Sept. 1, 1910, p. 201-202.) VGA Remarks on the article by Baendel in the num- ber of July 1, 1910. 230. Treiber, E. Schweissen. illus. (In: Otto Lueger, Lexikon der gesamten Tech- nik, Stuttgart, 2d. ed., v. 8, 1910, p. 7-14.) Desk -Room 115 Pages 11-12 contain a brief account of oxy- acetylene welding. 231. Ueber den Einfluss der im Acetylen enthaltenden Phosphors auf Schweissun- gen. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Sept. 15, 1910, p. 214.) VGA Abstract from Revue generale de 1'acetylene. 232. Ueber die Reglementierung der trag- baren Acetylenapparate. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Feb. 1, 1910, p. 34.) VGA French regulations abstracted from Revue gene- rale de 1'acetylene 233. Vogel, J. H. Bericht iiber die Sit- zung der Fachgruppe fur autogene Metall- bearbeitung des Deutschen Acetylenvere- ins in Miinchen, Feb. 5, 1910. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, March 1, 1910, p. 49-56.) VGA Discussion concerning water seals to prevent flash-back. 234. Whittemore, Herbert L. The strength of oxy-acetylene welds in steel. Urbana, 111., 1910. 65 p., 2 pi. 8. (University of Illinois. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 45.) VDA Abstracted in Wisconsin engineer, Madison, Wis., v. 15, Jan., 1911, p. 149-166, VDA; Boiler maker, New York, v. 11, Feb., 1911, p. 52, VFA; Railway age gazette, New York, v. 50, Apr. 7, 1911, p. 837, TPB; Engineering magazine, New York, v. 41, May, 1911, p. 338-340, VDA; Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 55, July 15, 1911, VDA; Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 31, June 29, 1911, p. 1060, VIA; Railway master mechanic, Chi- cago, v. 35, May, 1911, p. 170-172, TPB. 235. Willenbacher, A. Die Knappichsche Sicherheits Wasser-Vorlage im Dienste der autogenen Metallbearbeitung. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Oct. 1, 1910, p. 219-222.) VGA Detailed description of Knappich patent. 236. Zur Frage des Sauerstoffsverbrauches der Acetylen-Sauerstoff Schweissbrenner. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, Feb. p. 270-271. 15, 1911, p. 42-43.) VGA Editorial contest between Messrs. Michaelis and Granjon regarding Amedeo's paper on water seals in Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 14, Dec. 1, 1910, 1911 237. Acetylene and its uses, illus. (Au- tomobile, New York, v. 25, Nov. 23, 1911, p. 904-905.) TOL General in scope. 238. Acetylene welding and cutting, illus. (Automobile, New York, v. 25, Dec. 28, 1911, p. 1143-1144.) TOL Abstracts from German articles. 239. Acetylene welding and cutting ma- chine, illus. (Canadian engineer, Toron- to, v. 21, Aug. 31, 1911, p. 249-250.) VDA Davis-Bournonville apparatus. (Practical engineer, London, v. 44, Sept. 29, 1911, p. 401-402.) VDA (Cassier's magazine, v. 40, Oct., 1911, p. 564-566.) VDA 240. Amedeo, Raoul. Die autogene Schweissung des Aluminiums. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, Feb. 1, 1911, p. 29-32.) VGA From Revue de la soudure autogene. English translation in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 12, Oct., 1910, p. 157, 181-183, 186, VOA. 241. Autogenous welding by the "Cy- clone" process. illus. (Iron and coal trades review, London, v. 83, Nov. 24, 1911, p. 850.) VIA Apparatus manufactured by Messrs. Matthews and Yates, Ltd., Cyclone Works, Manchester, Eng. 242. Becker. Winke fur die Wahl und den Ankauf von Apparaten zur autogenen Schweissung. (Der praktische Maschinen- Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 44, Nov. 11 1911, p. 351-353.) VDA Describes the four types of generators. Brief reference to burners of general and special types. 243. Beitrag zur Frage der Betriebspru- fung von Acetylen-Apparaten und Was- servorlagen. Ein Briefwechsel. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, May 15, 1911, p. 109-121.) VGA Opinion of Deutscher Acetylen Verein on two petitions, filed with the Minister fur Handel und Gewerbe by "Autogen" Werke fur autogene Schweiss-Methoden G. m. b. H. 244. Bentley, H. T. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (Proceedings, Western Railway Club, Chicago, v. 24, Sept. 19, 1911, p. 38-45.) TPB Includes discussion. Abstracted in American engineer and railroad journal, v. 85, Dec., 1911, p. 446, TPB; Railway age gazette, New York, v. 51, Nov. 3, 1911, p. 899, TPB; Railway master mechanic, Chicago, v. 35, Dec., 1911, p. 548, TPB. Discussion recounts the experiments of several of the members. 245. Carnevali, F. Autogenous welding of metals; oxy-acetylene process for iron, 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY steel, and pig iron, illus. (Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, London, v. 84, 1911, part 2, p. 188-214.) VIA Abstracted in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 30, Oct. 31, 1911, p. 1217-1218, VOA. Metallurgie, Halle a. S., v. 9, Feb. 8, 1912, p. 110-111, VIA. Comparison of oxy-acetylene with other proces- ses. Conditions for securing good results. Tables show results of mechanical trials and chemical an- alysis on test pieces subjected to certain thermal and mechanical treatments. 246. Carton, Chester. Rebuilding Que- bec's fallen bridge. illus. (Technical world magazine, Chicago, v. 15, May, 1911, p. 336-340.) VDA Brief reference to oxy-acetylene used in cutting away wreckage. 247. Cave, Henry. Oxy-acetylene prac- tice: its wide adaptability and progress, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 12, March, 1911, p. 377-378.) VOA General in scope. 248. Clark, R. W. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (Railway age gazette, New York. v. 50, April 7, 1911, p. 847-848.) TPB Author is foreman boiler maker of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway. Refers briefly to fire-box welding. 249. Compact, A, plant for oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Iron and coal trades re- view, London, v. 82, May 5, 1911, p. 702.) VIA Apparatus manufactured by McGowan, Wild & Company, Hurst Street, Birmingham, England. 250. Copony, A. [Electric and gas weld- ing.] (Proceedings, Canadian Railway Club, Montreal, v. 10, Nov., 1911, p. 38-41.) TPB Experiences with oxy-acetylene, blauges, and oxy- hydrogen. (Railway and engineering re- view, Chicago, v. 52, Feb. 17, 1912, p. 143- 145.) TPB 251. Courtney, W. F. Advantages and disadvantages of using the oxy-acetylene process in making repairs to boilers. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 50, June 2, 1911, p. 1265-1266.) TPB Abstract of paper read before the International Master Boiler Makers Association, Omaha, 1911. 252. D. Neuere englische Apparate zum Schneiden und Schweissen von Metallen. illus. (Der praktische Maschinen-Kon- strukteur, Leipzig, v. 44, Oct. 12, 1911, p. 341-342.) VDA Apparatus of the British Oxygen Company. 253. Davis-Bournonville oxy-acetylene welding and cutting machine, illus. (Ma- chinery, New York, v. 18, Eng'ng ed., Sept., 1911, p. 65-66.) VFA 254. Deutscher Acetylen-Verein. Bericht iiber die dreizehnte ordentliche Hauptver- sammlung in Eisenach. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, 1911, p. 233-246, 249-255, 272-273.) VGA Contains lengthy address on the acetylene in- dustry by Dr. Vogel, with reference to oxy-benz process. 255. Bericht iiber die Sitzung der Fachgruppe fur autogene Metallbearbei- tung in Miinchen am 25. Februar 1911. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, April 1, 1911, p. 74-76.) VGA Includes paper of Dr. Levy concerning the 6 day course of instruction under Hugo Baendel. 256. Die vom Deutschen Acetylenverein fur die Zwecke der autogenen Metallbear- beitung bis zum 31. Dezember 1910 gepriif- ten und mit einem Typenzeugnis verse- henen Wasservorlagen. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, 1911, p. 85-92, 183- 188.) VGA Detailed drawings of water seals manufactured by various firms. 257. Diegel, C. Einige Versuche mit der autogenen Schweissung von Flusseisen. illus. (Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleisses, Berlin, v. 90, 1911, p. 78-90, 211-237, 269-283.) VA Results of an ek^rate series of tests on welds produced under varying conditions. Photographic reproductions of metallographic specimens are note- worthy, 258. Economy, The, welding machine, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 88, Nov. 9, 1911, p. 1037.) VDA Portable apparatus of the Economy Welding Machine Company, Kansas City, Mo. 259. Elliott, Louis. The repair of a 9500 foot leaky steel plate pipe line at Boulder, Colo., by oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Engineering news, New York, v. 66, Nov. 16, 1911, p. 586-588.) VDA 260. Explosion of acetylene gas genera- tor supplying oxy-acetylene welding ap- paratus, illus. (Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Boston, v. 5, July, 1911, p. 50-55.) SXA Abstracted in Engineering news, New York, v. 66, Aug. 31, 1911, p. 271-272, VDA. Failure ascribed to generator's rawhide safety valve. 261. Horn, August. Die autogenous Schweiss- und Schneidetechnik. . . Halle a.S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1911. vii, 210 p., 1 1., 1 diagr. illus. 8. VID 262. Interesting application of the oxy- acetylene cutting process, illus. (Ameri- can machinist, New York, v. 34, Feb. 2, 1911, p. 227.) VFA Cutting of steel sections in Cincinnati Cham- ber of Commerce building destroyed by fire. 263. International Acetylene Association. Report of the oxy-acetylene committee. (In: [Proceedings,! fourteenth annual meeting, Atlantic City, N. J. Chicago, 1911, p. 54-58.) VOKA Reports progress of the industry during the year. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 19 264. Jacobs, H. W. Welding locomotive repair parts, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 35, part 2, Nov. 16, 1911, p. 913-916.) VFA Savings effected by oxy-acetylene. Author is assistant superintendent of motive power, A. T. & S. F. Railway. 265. Kautny, Theodor. List of uses and work done by oxy-acetylene blowpipe. (In- ternational Acetylene Association, [Pro- ceedings,] fourteenth annual meeting, At- lantic City, N. J. Chicago, 1911, p. 59-63.) VOKA Refers to exhibits of the Society of German Sheet Metal Workers and Plumbers. 266. Lavender, P. T. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. (Railway age ga- zette, New York, v. 51, Sept. 1, 1911, p. 438-439.) TPB Paper read before the Master Blacksmiths Association. General statement regarding adapta- bility of oxy-acetylene to railroad work. 267. Law, E. F., and others. Some stud- ies of welds, illus. (Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, London, v. 83, 1911. p. 103-116.) VIA Abstracted in the Mechanical engineer, Man- chester, v. 27, May 12, 1911, p. 570-573, VFA, Electrical review, London, v. 68, June 2, 1911, p. 900-901, VGA; Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 31. June 15, 1911, p. 978, VIA; Iron age, New York, v. 88, July 27, 1911, p. 200, VDA. Results of tests on electrical, water-gas, thermit, fire, and acetylene welds. Photographic reproduc- tions of metallographic sections are noteworthy. 268. Massenfabrikation von Rohren ver- mittelst autogener Schweissung. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, June 1, 1911, p. 128-129.) VGA Describes briefly the automatic apparatus of Ostermann & Fliis. 269. Mauran, Max. [Oxygen for weld- ing.] (International Acetylene Associa- tion, [Proceedings,] thirteenth annual meeting, Chicago. Chicago, 1911, p. 68- 69.) VOKA Brief remarks on lavoisite, which gives off oxy- gen upon addition of hot water. 270. Metal-cutting and welding blow- pipes, illus. (Engineering, London, v. 91, Jan. 6, 1911, p. 15-16.) VDA Cross section drawings of apparatus manufactured by the British Oxygen Company, Limited, of Lon- don. 271. Morehead, J. M. Acetylene welding, illus. (Official proceedings of the New York Railroad Club, New York, v. 21, June, 1911, p. 2432-2469.) TPB With discussion. Bibliography, p. 2444-2445. Adaptability and ad- vantages. Results of tests on cutting power of oxy- gen of varying purity. Without bibliography or dis- cussion. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, 1911, p. 65-66, '80-85, 266-267.) VOA 272. Acetylene welding and welding schools in Europe. (International Acety- lene Association. [Proceedings,] four- teenth annual meeting, Atlantic City, N. J. Chicago, 1911, p. 64-71.) VOKA With discussion. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, Sept., 1911, p. 126-129.) VOA (Engineering news, New York, v. 67, April 18, 1912, p. 716-717.) VDA 273. New portable welding machine. A recent product of the Oxy-Carbi Company, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 88, Sept. 21, 1911, p. 628-629.) VDA 274. New, A, portable welding machine, illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 76, Nov. 17, 1911, p. 645-646.) VIA Machine of the Economy Welding Machine Com- pany vof Kansas City, Mo. 275. Oxy-acetylene process and the steel car. illus. (Railway and locomotive en- gineering, New York, v. 24, May, 1911, p. 198-199.) TPB (Railway master mechanic, Chica- go, v. 35, May, 1911, p. 184-185.) TPB 276. Oxy-acetylene torch in cutting met- als. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 11, 1911, p. 320.) VFA Procedure. Time consumed in cutting. 277. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, illus. (Railway age gazette, v. 50, June 21, 1911, p. 1615-1617.) TPB Describes oxygen-hydrogen generators of the In- ternational Oxygen Company. 278. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting machine, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 51, Oct. 6, 1911, p. 673-674.) TPB Davis-Bournonville machine. 279. Oxy-acetylene welding for joining high-pressure city gas pipes, illus. (Ace- tylene journal, Chicago, v. 12, April, 1911, p. 425-426.) VOA Experiments at Nuneaton, England, by Mr. George Helps. 280. Oxy-acetylene welding for steel pas- senger cars, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 50, May 5, 1911, p. 1055-1057.) TPB Welding of roof plates, panel friezes, door frames, window frames, grab handles, head lining sheets. 281. Oxy-acetylene welding menaced. (Metal worker, New York, v. 76, Nov. 17, 1911, p. 643.) VIA Editorial comment on Massachusetts restrictions. 282. Oxy-acetylene welding on boilers, illus. (American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 85, July, 1911, p. 259.) TPB Brief statement of fire-box patching as effected by apparatus of the Linde Air Products Company. 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 283. Oxy-acetylene welding of sheets, illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 75, April 29, 1911, p. 564.) VIA Finishing invisible joints in steel cars. Economy of the process. 284. Portable autogenous welding equip- ment. The Oxy-Carbi Company's latest apparatus, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 86, Sept. 22, 1910, p. 672-673.) VDA 285. Prussia. Minister fur Handel und Gewerbe. Erlasse betreffend die Verwen- dung des vom Deutschen Acetylenverein fur die Zwecke der autogenen Metallbear- beitung gepriiften Wasservorlagen. (Car- bid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 15, Jan. 15, 1911, p. 14-15.) VGA Decree of December 23, 1910. Supplement pub- lished in Carbid und Acetylen *, v. 15, June 1, 1911, p. 128. 286. Richter, Hermann. Die autogene Metallbearbeitung und ihre Verwendung in Hamburg, illus. (Carbid und Acety- len *, Berlin, v. 15, Dec. 1, 1911, p. 279-285.) VGA Outline of welding course at the Staatlichen Tech- nikum. Experiences of the Hanseatic Acetylen-Gas- Industrie A. G. and the Ottensener Eisenwerk with boiler repairs. 287 Rules governing oxy-acetylene ap- paratus. (American machinist, New York, v. 34, Jan. 12, 1911, p. 79-80.) VFA Refers to booklet issued by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 11, Feb., 1911, p. 51-52.) VFA 288 Saving by oxy-acetylene welding. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Rail- way. Carefully kept records of the work performed by the oxy-acetylene welding apparatus, in use at the Collingwood shops, have shown some very surprising money- savings resulting from the general and varied use of the apparatus for many pur- poses at first unthought of. illus. (Amer- ican engineer and railway journal, New York, v. 85, June, 1911, p. 203-206.) TPB Abstracted in Boiler maker, New York, v. 11, 1911, p. 261, VFA. The diagrams are interesting. 289. Schneider, Alfred. Die an die Kon- struktion der Wasservorlagen zu stellen- den Grundsatze. illus. (Carbid und Acet- ylen *, Berlin, Dec. 15, 1911, p. 289-297.) VGA With discussion. 290. Schweissbrenner. (Carbid und Acet- ylen *, Berlin, v. 15, Jan. 1, 1911, p. 11.) VGA Question and editorial reply concerning mistrans- lation of Amedeo's paper in number of Dec. 1, 1910. 291. Sheet metal work for automobiles, illus. (American machinist, v. 35, July 13, 1911, p. 65.) VFA Process of "tacking" by oxy-acetylene flame at plant of the E. M. F. Company. 292. Springer, J. F. Acetylene welding and cutting machine, illus. (Brass world and platers' guide, Bridgeport, Conn., v. 7, Sept., 1911, p. 322-324.) VIA Davis-Bournonville machine for sheet metal work. 293. Cutting and welding with the oxy-acetylene torch, illus. (Industrial en- gineering and the engineering digest, New York, v. 9, April, 1911, p. 270-276.) VA The methods, with cost data on a number of rep- resentative jobs. 294. Cutting with the oxy-acetylene torch. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 11, Feb., 1911, p. 43-47.) VFA General principles. Demolition of bridge over the Harlem River, in which the w_ork was done in one week at a gas cost of $42.00. Cutting of large steel half-i ' tank of -inch sheets. Cost estimates. 295. The oxy-acetylene cutting torch illus. (American engineer and rail- road journal, New York, v. 85, Feb., 1911, p. 62-64.) TPB Similar to his article in Boiler maker, v. 11, Feb., 1911, p. 43-47. 296. Oxy-acetylene welding and the Edison storage battery can. illus. (Ma- chinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 18, Sept., 1911, p. 26-29.) VFA Operation in detail. Precaution to avoid oxida- tion. 297. Welding and cutting machine. Interesting development of acetylene blow-pipe working, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 88, Aug. 31, 1911, p. 472-473.) VDA Davis-Bournonville apparatus. 298. - Welding and cutting thin sheets, illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 76, Sept. 1, 1911, p. 314-315.) VIA Development of machine for rapidly joining sheets thinner than five gauge or for cutting materials of even greater thickness. Davis-Bournonville machine. 299. Steel cutting with the oxy-acetylene torch. Data regarding costs and special uses, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 87, March 9, 1911, p. 622-624.) VDA Davis-Bournonville process. 300. Syo, E. de. Autogenes Schweissen von Schmiedeeisen und Stahl mittels der Oxy-Azetylenflamme. (Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 44, Nov. 11, 1911, p. 381-384.) VDA Chemical principles of melting. Necessity of rapid welding. Table showing time required for welding plates of varying thicknesses. Use of test pieces. Management of the flame. Amedeo's table showing proper diameter of welding wire for varying plate thicknesses. 300a. Autogenous Schweissen, L6- ten, Nieten usw. Leipzig: Uhlands tech- nischer Verlag [1911]. vii, 145(1) p. 8. (Uhlands technische Bibliothek.) VID LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 21 301. Thoma, Leo. Acetylen-Sauerstoff- Schweissbrenner. illus. (Carbid und Acet- ylen], Berlin, Nov. 15, 1911, p. 261-271.) VGA Results of a long series of investigations of sev- eral forms of apparatus. Tables, illustrations, and curves are noteworthy. 302. Sauerstoff-Druck-Reduzierven- tile. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 15, Jan. 1, 1911, p. 1-11.) VGA Detailed descriptions and drawings of apparatus manufactured by Deutscher Oxyhydric G. m. b. H., Eller-Diisseldorf ; Keller und Knappich G. m. b. H., Augsburg; Gaudet und Bigand, Fontenay; and Sau- erstofffabrik, Berlin. 303. Thomas, R. Les applications du chalumeau oxy-acetylenique. illus. (Bul- letin technologique, Paris, July, 1910, p. 974-1003; Jan., 1911, p. 5-56.) VA Table showing amounts of oxygen and acetylene with time required for cutting sheets up to 100 milli- meters in thickness. Rivet cutting. Rail welding with comparative cost data. Steamship and boiler repairs. Locomotive construction. An important paper. 304. Tucker, Alexander E. The influence of impurities in oxygen when used for cutting iron and steel, illus. (Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Lon- don, v. 30, July 15, 1911, p. 779-781.) VGA With discussion on p. 781-782. Refers mainly to oxy-hydrogen operations. 305. Vogel, J. H. Das Acetylen; seine Eigenschaften, seine Herstellung und Ver- wendung. Unter Mitwirkung von A. Levy- Ludwig, A. Schulze, A. Schneider, P. Wolff. Leipzig: O. Spamer, 1911. viii, 294 p. illus. 8. (Chemische Technolo- gic. Spezieller Teil.) VOF For chapter on welding and welding apparatus see pages 180-208. 306. Welchen Umfang hat das Fouche- Patent No. 164180 die Konstruktion von Schweissbrenner betreffend? (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, 1911, p. 149-151, 164-167.) VGA 307. Welding, The, Company. (Iron age, New York, v. 87, Jan. 5, 1911, p. 49.) VDA Announcement of the Autogenous Welding Equip- ment Company, Springfield, Mass. 308. White, Edwin H. Safety in oxy- acetylene installations. (American ma- chinist, New York, v. 35, July 6, 1911, p. 8- 9.) VFA The nature of acetylene. Use of acetone as a solvent. Relative economy of generator and tank. 309. (American machinist, New York, v. 35, Aug. 3, 1911, p. 225-226.) VFA Carbide-fed versus water-fed generators. Ques- tion of pressure. Fool-proofing. 310. (American machinist, v. 35, Oct. 12, 1911, p. 686-688.) VFA Back pressure. Fish-back or fire-back. Oxyden supply. Installation of generating equipment. Un- derwriters' rules. 1912 311. Acetylene and acetylene welding. (English mechanic and world of science, London, v. 96, Sept. 20, 1912, p. 169-171.) VA Extracts from booklets issued by the Acetylene Publicity Co., London. Practical directions. Strength of welds. Speed of welding and consumption of gases. Welding cast and malleable iron, cast steel, copper, brass, other copper alloys, aluminum. Metal cutting. 312. Allen, Harry G. Pioneering in oxy- acetylene on the Pacific coast. illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Oct., 1912, p. 167-169.) VGA Paper read before the International Acetylene Association, Chicago, 1912. 313. Amedeo, Raoul. Acetylene as used in the autogenous welding of metals. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, July, 1912, p. 18-20.) VGA Discussion of the chemical and physical phenom- ena incident to welding. 314. Anthony, C. C. Patching a water pipe by welding. (Engineering news, v. 68, Aug. 22, 1912, p. 356.) VDA 36-inch riveted steel main repaired by use of port- able oxy-acetylene plant at a cost of thirty-five dol- lars. 315. Astra, The, oxy-acetylene process. (Iron age, New York, v. 89, March 14, 1912, p. 659.) VDA Brief reference to lecture by E. Raven Rosenbaum. See also Metal worker, New York, v. 77, March 22, 1912, 407, VIA. 316. Autogene Schweissung eines Dampf- maschinen-Zylinders. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Diisseldorf, v. 32, Dec. 12, 1912, p. 2093-2094.) VIA Abstracted in Zeitschrift des Vereines deutschen Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 56, p. 2122, VDA. Repair of high-pressure cylinder 900 mm. diam- eter. 317. Autogenous welding applied to fire- box construction, illus. (Boiler maker, v. 12, Dec., 1912, p. 347-348.) VFA Oxweld process. 318. Autogenous welding of brass and copper alloys. (Acetylene journal, Chi- cago, v. 13, June, 1912, p. 515-517.) VGA Brief account of experiments made by the Union de la soudure. 319. Autogenous welds for boiler work, il- lus. (The locomotive, Hartford, v. 29, Oct., 1912, p. 227-231.) TPB Experience not encouraging. 320. Autogenschweissung eines Zylinders. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 35, Nov. 15, 1912, p. 490-491.) VFA Welding the combined cylinder and valve chest of a large tandem high-pressure engine. Abstract of the paper in Autogene Metallbearbeitung, 1912. 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 321. Automatic welding and cutting with oxy-acetylene. illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, July, 1912, p. 18-19.) VGA "Automatic guidance of the acetylene torch," the "oxygraph" of the Davis-Bournonville Co. 322. Bauschlicher, August. Stand der au- togenen Schneidtechnik. (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrgang 1, Sept. 19, 1912, p. 109-111, and Oct. 17, 1912, p. 121-126, illus. [In, Der praktische Mas- chinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 45, 1912.0 VDA From the patent standpoint. 323. Hermann, Max. Die Theorie des Schweissens von Stahl und ihre praktische Anwendung. illus. (Zeitschrift des Ver- eines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 56, March 30, 1912, p. 501-508.) VDA Abstract (translated) in International Associa- tion for Testing Materials, 6th Congress, New York, 1912, paper no. viii-3, VEE. Theory of steel welding with requirements for the autogenous process. Oxidation and reduction at the welding place. The choice and preparation of the binding material. Photographic reproductions of welds. 324. Besprechung des von der "Union de la Soudure Autogene" konstruierten Mo- dells fur eine Wasservorlage. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 16, Feb. 1, 1912, p. 27-29, illus.) VGA 325. Brandt, H. Ein Wettbewerb fur au- togene Schweissung. illus. (Werkstatts Technik, Berlin, v. 6, May 1, 1912, p. 230- 232; May 15, p. 264-265.) VFA Conditions and results of a welding competition under the auspices of the Union de la soudure. 326. Burkhart, L. H. Unusual examples of oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Amer- ican machinist, New York, v. 36, May 9, 1912, p. 766.) VFA Pipe Ys welded smooth and tight without necessity of caulking. 327. Welding a crankshaft. illus. (American machinist, v. 36, March 14, 1912, p. 414.) VFA 328. Welding two crankshafts to- gether, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 36, Jan. 4, 1912, p. 29-30.) VFA 329. Carnevali, F. Autogenous welding by means of oxygen and acetylene of cop- per and its principal alloys, and of alum- inum, illus. (Journal of the Institute of Metals, London, v. 8, 1912, part 2, p. 282- 307.) VIA With discussion, p. 308-311. Abstracted in Automobile, New York, v. 27, 1912, p. 885, 906-907, 958-959, ft TOL; Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 31, p. 990, VGA; Metallurgical and chemical engineering. New York, v. 10, Nov., 1912, p. 762, VIA; Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, April 15, 1913, p. 87-88, VGA; Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Jan., 1913, p. 297-299, VOA. An important paper, complementing his former paper on the welding of iron and of steel. Micro- scopic studies of welds. Tables showing results of hardness and shock tests. (Internal combustion engi- neering*, London, v. 2, Oct. 16, 1912, p. 352- 357.) ff TOL * Binder's title reads Automobile engineer. 330. Cause of hardness in cast iron which has been welded. (Acetylene journal, Chi- cago, v. 14, Nov., 1912, p. 211.) VOA 331. Cave, Henry. Autogenous welding for repairing boilers, illus. (The Loco- motive, Hartford, v. 29, April, 1912, p. 42- 45.) TPB 332. Process of autogenous welding and cutting of metals. (Boiler maker. New York, v. 12, Feb., 1912, p. 50-52.) VFA Paper read before the American Institute of Steam Boiler Inspectors. History and description of the process. 333. Cement in bank construction im- mune to oxy-acetylene. illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Oct., 1912, p. 164.) VOA Note on the wall construction of proposed vault for U. S. Sub-Treasury, New York. 334. Cobleigh, H. R. Modern welding processes, with special reference to flame welding, illus. (Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, v. 34, Jan., 1912, p. 7-37.) VFA Abstracted in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 43, May, 1912, p. 282-284, VDA. 335. Colvin, Fred H. Oxy-acetylene for cutting up the wreck of the Maine, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, Feb., 1912, p. 337.) VOA 336. Deutscher Acetylenverein. Auto- gene Schweissung mittels Acetylensauer- stoff. (Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie, Leipzig, v. 25, Nov. 1, 1912, part 2. p. 2268.) PKA Brief reference to paper by Hermann Richter on experiments to prevent explosions by the use of a rock-filled container. 337. Bericht iiber die Sitzung der Fachgruppe fur autogene Metallbearbei- tung in Miinchen am 17. Februar 1912. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 16, 1912, p. 48-53, 61-68.) VGA Address by Dr. Vogel on the state of the art; and discussion regarding oxy-benz process. 338. Entwurf von Grundsatzen fiir Wasservorlagen zur autogenen Metall- bearbeitung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Ber- lin, v. 16, Jan. 1, 1912, p. 7-8.) VGA Suggested requirements for water seals. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 23 339. Priifungs und Untersuchungs- stelle. Gutachten iiber den Wert der Benzol-Sauerstoff-Schweissung im Ver- gleich zur Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Schweis- sung. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Ber- lin, v. 16, June 1, 1912, p. 121-155.) VGA Results of this exhaustive investigation show that oxy-acetylene is preferable to oxy-benz process. 340. Die vom Deutschen Acetylenverein fur die Zwecke der autogenen Metallbear- beitung vom 1. August 1911 bis 31. Marz 1912 gepriiften und mit einem Typenzeug- nis versehnen Wasservorlagen. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 15, May 15, 1912, p. 109-114.) VGA Detailed drawings of water seals manufactured by various firms. 341. Effect on steel of cutting by oxy- acetylene. (American machinist, New York, v. 3, Feb. 8, 1912, p. 217.) VFA Brief statement of results of tests on two mild steels, a nickel steel, and a chrome-nickel steel. 342. Einiges uber Einrichtung autogener Azetylen-Sauerstoff-Schweissanlagen unter spezieller Beriicksichtigung des Schweiss- apparates "Hesperus." (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrgang 1, March 7, 1912, p. 33-35, illus. t ln Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leip- zig, v. 45, 1912.]) VDA 343. Fackler, C. J. Strength of oxy- acetylene welds. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 12, Oct., 1912, p. 296.) VFA Abstract of paper read at the 20th annual con- vention of the International Railroad Master Black- smiths Association, August, 1912. 344. Fraenkel, A. Temperatur und Be- schaffenheit verschiedener Schweissflam- men. Eine thermo-chemische Studie. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 16, April 15, 1912, p. 85-90.) VGA 345. Gas mains, Oxy-acetylene welding of high-pressure. (Engineering record, New York, v. 66, Dec. 7, 1912, p. 631.) VDA Account of work in laying 6-inch line in San Francisco. 345a. Groth, Lorentz Albert. Welding and cutting metals by aid of gases or elec- tricity. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1912. xvi, 281 p. 8. VID 346. International Acetylene Association. Oxy-acetylene Committee. Report. (In: [Proceedings,] fifteenth annual con- vention, Chicago, 1912, p. 28-38.) VOK With discussion. Interesting statement covering progress of the art during the year. 347. Kautny, Theodpr. Handbuch der autogen Metallbearbeitung. Halle a.S.: C. Marhold, 1912. xiv, 712 p. illus. 2. ed. 8. VID 348. Kirchberger, W. Oxy-acetylene in rescues from railroad wrecks. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, July, 1912, p. 17- 18.) VGA Suggested use of oxy-acetylene cutting outfit for releasing persons caught in wreckage. 349. Knappich, Jakob. Zu den Patent- streitigkeiten betreffend das autogene Schneiden. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Ber- lin, v. 16, May 15, 1912, p. 117.) VGA Considers the conflict of German patent no. 236,590 with nos. 137,588, 143,640 and 216,963. 350. Lawrence, S. E. Thermit welding in Galveston district, illus. (United States Engineer Department, Professional mem- oirs, v. 4, July-August, 1912, p. 464-469.) VDA Superiority of this over the oxy-acetylene proc- ess in welding 10-inch shaft of the sea-going dredge Galveston. Same under the title: Emer- gency welding of broken parts of dredges. (Engineering news, New York, v. 68, Aug. 8, 1912, p. 242-243.) VDA 351. Le Chatelier, Henri Louis. Acety- lene et gaz a 1'eau. illus. (In his: Intro- duction a 1'etude de la metallurgie, Paris, [C. 1912], p. 247-279.) VIB Contains a reference to oxy-acetylene blowpipe. 352. Lester, C. E. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing and cutting in railroad work, illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 12, Aug., 1912, p. 229-232.) VFA Welding of mud-ring of a consolidation engine in four hours and fifty-four minutes at cost of $19.98. Fire-box patches. Repairing furnace door of a Harriman type consolidation locomotive. De- tails of costs covering a ninety day period in cer- tain railroad shops. 353. Lewes, Vivian B. The uses of acety- lene. (Times, London, Engineering sup- plement, July 3, 1912, p. 23.) Newspaper Room Brief reference to welding. 354. Ludwig, Hans. Der Azetylen- Sauerstpff-Schweissbrenner; seine Wirk- ungsweise und seine Konstruktionsbe- dingungen. Berlin: J. Springer, 1912. 30 p. illus. f. (Berlin. Technische Hoch- schule. Berichte des Versuchsfeldes fur Werkzeugmaschinen. Heft 2.) ff VEW Abstracted in Werkstatts Technik, Berlin, Aug. 1, 1912, p. 381-385, VFA; Dampfkessel und Ma- schinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 35, Sept. 6, 1912, p. 383, VFA; Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 34, July 31, 1913, p. 886, VGA. Description of an experimental oxy-acetylene blowpipe and tests made to determine the effect of heating the burner, varying the mixture, pres- sure and velocity of the gases, &c. 355. M'Kelway, G. H. Use of the oxy- acetylene flame on track work in Brook- lyn, illus. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 39, May 11, 1912, p. 793.) TPB 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 356. Mechanical aids in the oxy-acetylene process. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, Jan., 1912, p. 293.) VGA Refers to cutting device of Pierre Eimann of Russia. 357. Murray, Kenneth Sutherland. Hand- book on oxy-acetylene welding, with a chapter on metal cutting by oxygen. [Lon- don: Waterlow & Son, Ltd.,] 1912. 52 p. 8. VID Author is managing director of the British Oxy- gen Company, Ltd. 358. Neure Schweissmaschinen fiir zylin- drische und dem ahnliche Gefasse. usw. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metall- bearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, May 2, 1912, p. 50. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstruk- teur, Leipzig, v. 45, 1912.]) VDA Describes apparatus made by Alexander Bastian in Hagen, Westphalia. 359. Nyquist, C. J. The strength of oxy- acetylene welding. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Aug., 1912, p. 69-70.) VGA Experimental tests made by U. S. Steamboat Inspection Service. 360. Overcoming bubbles in cast iron work. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, May, 1912, p. 474.) VGA 361. Oxy-acetylene for fire departments. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, May, 1912, p. 474.) VOA Suggested use in effecting entrance into the basements of buildings, stores, etc. 362. Oxy-acetylene for steel passenger coach construction. illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, May, 1912, p. 471- 472.) VOA 363. Oxy-acetylene metal cutting ma- chine, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 36, June 20, 1912, p. 1013-1014.) VFA Oxygraph manufactured by the Davis-Bournon- ville Company. 364. Oxy-acetylene welding in a govern- ment arsenal, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Dec., 1912, p. 255.) VOA Ammunition boxes made water tight by welding in the Frankfort arsenal. 365. Oxy-benz v. oxy-acetylene welding. Report on the value of oxy-benzol (oxy- benz-apparatus) as compared with oxy- acetylene welding. London, 1912? 31 p. illus. 4. VID Tests, conducted in the laboratory of the German Acetylene Association, favor the oxy-acetylene pro- cess. Also certificate of test signed by J. H. Vogel of the Government Testing Department of the Technical High School, Berlin. OXY-BENZ V[ersus] oxy-acetylene weld- ing. (English mechanic and world of science, London, v. 95, Nov. 22, 1912, p. 368-369.) VA Abstract of a report published by the German Acetylene Association. Oxy-benzol stated to be in- ferior to oxy-acetylene for welding purposes. 366. [Oxygraph, The.] illus. (Metal work- er, New York, v. 78, July 19, 1912, p. 97.) VIA Cutting tracer on the pantograph principle. Cuts steel 3 inches in thickness or less at the rate of 6 inches per minute. 367. Pleiss, Paul. Welding associations abroad. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Sept., 1912, p. 112.) VOA Brief note as to English and continental associa- tions. 368. Plumley, M. S. Achievements with the oxy-acetylene process of welding and cutting metals. (Engineering news, New York, v. 68, Oct. 24, 1912, p. 773-776.) VDA Abstract of paper read before the Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers, Milwaukee, 1912. Also abstracted, under the title Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, in American machinist, New York, v. 37, Oct. 10, 1912, p. 619-620, VFA. Application to welding and cutting steel plates and sheets, steel castings, gray iron castings, alumin- um, brass and copper. Representative costs are given. 369. Preisausschreiben betreffs Prufung autogener Schweissstellen. (Stahl und Eisen, Dusseldorf, v. 32, Dec. 5, 1912, p. 2052.) VIA Prizes offered by the Carbidhandels Gesellschaft for best paper on effect of slag-enclosures, flaws, and overheating. 370. Prest-O-Welder, The. illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 89, April 25, 1912, p. 1042.) VDA Apparatus of the Prest-O-Lite Company, Indian- apolis, Ind. 371. Punde, F. "Verwendet fliissige Brennstoffe." (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, Sept. 19, 1912, p. 111-113. [In: Der praktische Maschinen- Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 45, 1912.]) VDA 372. Reich, W. I. Oxy-acetylene weld- ing, illus. (Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 10, July, 1912, p. 441-442.) VIA Description of new blowpipe designed by the author. 373. Richter, Hermann. Das Ausbrenner der Druckminderventile. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 16, Sept. 15, 1912, p. 206-211.) VGA 374. Safety, The, factor in welding. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, June, 1912, p. 517.) VOA 375. Savings by oxy-acetylene welding. (Iron age, New York, v. 90, Dec. 19, 1912, p. 1439.) VDA Economies effected in the shops of the Indian- apolis Traction and Terminal Company. Detailed figures for one month are given. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 25 376. Schweissvorrichtung fiir Stosskan- ten an Rohren usw., die unter der von einem Schweissbrenner erzeugten Flamme vorbeigefuhrt weiden. illus. (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, June 27, 1912, p. 73-74. [In: Der prak- tische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 45.]) VDA D. R. P. 233,978 to Ernest Brion. 377. Schneidbrenner zum Schneiden en- ger Rohre (bes. Kesselrohe). illus. (Zeit- schrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, May 30, 1912, p. 72. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leip- zig, v. 45.]) VDA D. R. P. 230,778. 378. Schneider, Alfred. Die Grund- satze fiir Wasservorlagen im Lichte fran- zosischer Kritik. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 16, April 15, 1912, p. 90-91.) VGA 379. Zur Frage des Sauerstoffver- brauches der Schweissbrenner. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 16, Feb. 1, 1912, p. 30-32.) VGA 380. Seliger, P. Die autogene Schweis- sung. Deren Erfolge und Misserfolge so- wie eine Anregung zur Forderung fiir nur zugelassene Firmen zu Dampfkesselrepa- raturen. (Zeitschrift fiir Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 35, Oct. 25, 1912, p. 460-461.) VFA Comparison of oxy-acetylene and electricity for the welding of boiler plates. 381. Setz, H. R. An unusual shaft weld- ing job. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 36, June 20, 1912, p. 995-996.) VFA After all other expedients had been rejected a large gas-engine crankshaft was built up and a substantial saving in time and money effected. 382. Silicon as used in autogenous weld- ing. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, June, 1912, p. 517.) VGA 383. Springer, J. F. Does oxy-acetylene cutting injure the metal? (Iron age, New York, v. 90, July 18, 1912, p. 163.) VDA 384. togenous welding, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 18, Jan., 1912, p. 361- 362.) VFA Abstracted in Practical engineer, London, v. 45, Jan. 26, 1912, p. 107-108, VDA. Describes machines built by August Schmitz, Dus- seldorf, Germany. 385. Oxy-acetylene torch practice; a book for the men who use the oxy-acety- lene welding and cutting torches. New York: Richardson Press [1912]. 140 p., 7 pi. 12. ' VID 386. Oxy-acetylene welding of tanks and retorts, illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 18, Aug., 1912, p. 938-940.) VFA Also considers the welding of copper and of aluminum. 387. Stavenhagen, A. Die Anfange des autogen Schneidens. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 36, March 7, 1912, p. 257-258.) VGA Discusses German patents 137,588 and 143,640. Same. (Carbid und Acety- len *, Berlin, v. 16, April 1, 1912, p. 73-75.) VGA 388. Steel as affected by oxy-acetylene cutting. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Aug., 1912, p. 69.) VGA Brief report of tests. 389. Steelman, James. Welding as a caulking process, illus. (Cassier's maga- zine, New York, v. 42, Aug., 1912, p. 134- 139.) VDA Account of work on Boulder pipe line. 390. Syo, E. de. Autogenes Schweissen. illus. (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metall- bearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, 1912, p. 6-9, 15-17, 30-32. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Kon- strukteur, Leipzig, v. 45. VDA Descriptions and drawings of apparatus of differ- ent firms. 391. Azetylen in seiner Anwendung als brennbares Gas bei den autogenen Schweiss- und Schneide-Verfahren. (Zeit- schrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, August 22, 1912, p. 103-105. { In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 45, 1912.]) VDA 392. Die neueren Arbeitsyerfahren zur Bearbeitung von Metallen mittels der Warme und Elektrizitat. illus. (Zeit- schrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, 1912, p. 116-117, 126-128, 135-138, 145-149; Jahrg. 2, Jan. 9, 1913, p. 1-4. t ln: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Industrie Aufgabe, Leipzig, v. 45-46.]) VDA Discussion of gas and electric processes. Com- parative efficiencies of oxy-acetylene and oxy-hydro- gen. Manufacture of tubing by au- 393. Schmiede-Schweissen und au- togenes Schweissen. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 1, 1912, p. 87-91, 98-103. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 45.]) VDA Illustrations of various welds. Table showing melting points and linear expansion of metals. 394. Test on a steel cylinder with the oxy- acetylene torch, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, June, 1912, p. 515.) VOA Account of work at plant of Gebriider Sulzer in Winterthur, Germany. 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 395. Tucker, Alexander E. The joining of metals. (Journal of the Institute of Metals. London, v. 8, 1912, part 2, p. 258- 281; discussion, p. 308-311.) VIA Abstracted in Internal combustion engineering, London, v. 2, Oct. 30, 1912, p. 385-388. A general article on welding and brazing. Oxy- acetylene process discussed on p. 273-275. (Automobile, New York, v. 27, Oct. 17, 1912, p. 778-781.) TOL 396. Use, The, of blaugas as a substitute for oxy-acetylene process, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 90, Sept. 5, 1912, p. 514- 517.) VDA Invention of Hermann Blau, of Augsburg, Ger- many. Several advantages claimed for the process. 397. Warfel, J. A. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, illus. (Proceedings, Railway Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, v. 11, Jan. 26, 1912, p. 72-89.) TPB With discussion. Practical suggestions. Illustrations show some typical repairs. 398. Welded steel replacing riveted work. illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, April, 1912, p. 427-428.) VGA 399. Welding malleable castings. (Acet- ylene journal, v. 13, May, 1912, p. 474.) VGA 400. Welding, The, together of long sec- tions of sheet iron. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 13, April, 1912, p. 429.) VGA 401. White, Homer J. Oxy-acetylene welding a pinion shaft, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 36, April 4, 1912, p. 556.) VFA 402. Zur Konzessionsfreiheit der soge- nannten 2 kg-Apparate. (Carbid und Acet- ylen*, Berlin, v. 16, Dec. 15, 1912, p. 277- 279.) VGA 1913 403. Aluminum and aluminum welding. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, July, 1913, p. 17-18.) VGA Practical notes on welding with oxy-acetylene torch. 404. American Railway Master Mechanics Association. Electric and oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 54, June 13, 1913, p. 1351-1353.) TPB Report of Committee on Design, Construction and Inspection of Boilers. Comparative advantages of the two processes for several kinds of work. 405. Autogene, Die, Schweissung in Deutschland im Lichte franzosischer Kri- tik. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 17, Sept. 1, 1913, p. 187-190.) VGA 406. Autogenous boiler welding. (Power, New York, v. 38, Aug. 26, 1913, p. 314.) VFA Refers to work of Theodor Kautny, especially to his ingenius kineomatograph method of demonstrat- ing the effects of temperature and stress. 407. Autogenously welded flywheel, illus. (Power, New York, v. 38, Nov. 25, 1913, p. 745.) VFA Welded in four places by The Welding Company. 408. Bagley, J. N. On oxy-acetylene welding practice: using the machine, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Aug., 1913, p. 62-63.) VGA Abstracted from Automobile dealer and repairer, TOL. 409. Bentley, F. W. Use of oxy-acetylene to repair large steel water mains, illus. (Municipal journal, New York, v. 33, Sept. 19, 1912, p. 395-396.) SER Abstracted in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Jan., 1913, p. 299, VOA. 410. Beseitigung von Kesselstein mittels der Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Flamme. (Car- bid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 17, Dec. 1, 1913, p. 267.) VGA 411. Brenner zum Schweissen und Schnei- den von Metallen. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, April 3, 1913, p. 42. t ln: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 412. Cave, Henry. Oxy-acetylene boiler welding. (Power, New York, v. 38, Dec. 30, 1913, p. 940-942.) VFA "Three-license system" proposed. 413. Chemistry of the oxy-acetylene flame. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Nov., 1913, p. 191.) VOA 414. Compact, A, autogenous welding out- fit, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 91, June 12, 1913, p. 1424.) VDA Apparatus of George C. Schemmel Wapakoneta, Ohio. 415. Culin, G. A. A. Anwendung der ver- schiedenen Schweissverfaren bei Strassen- bahnen. illus. (Zeitschrift fur Kleinbahnen, Berlin, v. 20, 1913, p. 1037-1060, 1217-1231.) TPB Experiences in German cities with the different methods. Considerable reference to oxy-acetylene. 416. Cutting concrete by oxy-acetylene torch. (Metal worker, New York, v. 79, March 28, 1913, p. 455.) VIA Acetylene and oxygen pressures were increased to 20 and SO pounds per square inch respectively. 417. Deutscher Acetylen-Verein. Bericht iiber die Sitzung der Fachgruppe fiir auto- gene Metallbearbeitung in Miinchen am 1. Feb. 1913. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 17, March 1, 1913, p. 45-55.) VGA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENEWELDING 27 418. Eigenartiger, Ein, Azetylengaserzeu- gcr. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Me- tallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Aug. 21, 1913, p. 115. [In: Der praktische Maschinen- Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 419. Einiges iiber die verschiedenen Sys- teme und Konstruktionen der Azetylen- Entwickelungsanlagen. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Aug. 21, 1913, p. 113-115; Oct. 16, 1913, p. 137-140; Nov. 13, 1913, p. 152-153; Dec. 11, 1913, p. 163-165. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA A comprehensive article with descriptions and illustrations of the various types. 420. Fairlie, The, portable oxy-acetylene welding plant. (Iron and coal trades re- view, London, v. 86, March 21, 1913, p. 448.) . VIA Apparatus designed to give proper regulation of gas supply. 421. Faron, Leon. Precedes divers de fa- brication des triangles de frein pour ma- terial de chemins de fer. Possibilite de I'emploi de la soudure pxy-acetylenique. illus. (Bulletin technologique de la Societe des anciens eleves, Dec., 1913, p. 1007-1063.) VA 422. Fuehrungsvorrichtung fiir Schneid- brenner zum autogenen Schneiden von Lochern. illus. (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Oct. 16, 1913, p. 142. [In: Der praktische Maschinen- Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA Blow pipe applied to drilling holes in steel rails. 423. Geblaesebrenner fiir autogene Schweissung. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir prak- tische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, April 3. 1913, p. 41-42. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 424. Granjon, R., and P. ROSEMBERG. A practical manual of autogenous welding (oxy-acetylene); with a chapter on the cutting of metals with the blowpipe. Trans- lated by D. Richardson. London: C. Grif- fin and Co., Ltd., 1913. xxii, 234 p. illus. 8. (Griffin's technological hand-books.) VID For the expert as well as for those who wish to acquire a simple and reliable technique. Intri- cate scientific considerations omitted. 425. Harris, J. Oxy-acetylene process and apparatus. (Acetylene journal, Chi- cago, v. 14, May, 1913, p. 493-495.) ,VOA Recent improvements in methods, blow pipes, gen- erators, etc. 426. Hobart, James F. A day with the welder. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, July, 1913. p. 19, 38-39, 42.) VGA A day's routine in a small repair shop. Abstracted from Automobile dealer and repairer, TOL. 427. Welding a broken crank shaft. illus. (Automobile dealer and repairer, New York, v. 15, April 1, 1913, p. 39-40.) TOL Abstracted in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Oct., 1913, p. 152, VOA. 428. Indianapolis Traction and Terminal Company's experience with oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (Electric railway journal, New York, v. 41, Jan. 4, 1913, p. 38-39.) TPB Early experiences. Savings effected. 429. Jacobs, Henry W. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting, illus. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 54, March 4, 1913, p. 475-478.) TPB With editorial comment on p. 470-471. Reference to the welding schools in Germany. Observations on the development of the art in Eu- ropean commercial and railway repair establishments. 430. Johnston, E. What causes the blow- pipe to backfire? (American machinist, New York, v. 38, Jan. 16, 1913, p. 114.) VFA Query with editorial suggestion regarding relief. 431. Jones, L. B. Autogenous welding and a high pressure gas problem, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, Feb., 1913, p. 342-343.) VOA Description and cost of welding high pressure steel gas pipe. Abstracted from Pacific gas and electric magazine. 432. Keppelmann, D. E. The automobile in modern gas distribution, illus. (Gas age, New York, v. 32, Nov. 15, 1913, p. 467- 472.) VOA Account of oxy-acetylene automobile service of the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 433. Klindworth, J. L. Welding an arma- ture shaft. (Power, New York, v. 38, Aug. 19, 1913, p. 264-265.) VFA Armature was for 50 H. P. motor running at 1000 rev. per minute. 434. Mit den Explosionen von Sauerstoff- flaschen. (Carbid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 17, April 15, 1913, p. 85-86.) VGA Account from Revue de la soudure autogene of accident in Lille. 435. Morehead, J. M. Acetylene superior to blaugas for lewding purposes. (Acet- ylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Sept., 1913, p. 124-125.) VOA Theoretical comparison of heat units developed. 436. Oxweld, The, cutting and welding process, illus. (Railway and engineering review, Chicago, v. 53, June 14, 1913. p. 570-571.) TPB Table showing comparative costs by oxy-acetylene and other methods. 437. Oxy-acetylene cutting torches. (En- gineering news, New York, v. 69, June 26, 1913, p. 1331.) VDA Costs of cutting furnished by the Oxweld Acety- lene Company. 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 438. Oxy-acetylene in bridge wreckage removal, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 91, May 22, 1913, p. 1230.) VDA Brief account of work in Indianapolis by the Prest-O-Lite Company. 439. Oxy-acetylene torch for wrecking a concrete building. illus. (Engineering record, v. 67, Feb. 15, 1913, p. 176.) VDA Abstracted in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, June, 1913, p. 515, VOA. Found effective in cutting concrete. I 440. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting operations. illus. (Engineering news, New York, v. 69, May 22, 1913, p. 1062- 1063.) VDA Lamp posts in Dayton, Ohio, were broken off during the flood and later repaired by the Dayton Welding Company. Also an account of wrecking two Indianapolis bridges with Presto-O-Lite torches. 441. Oxy-acetylene welding of copper. (Practical engineer, London, v. 48, July 24, 1913, p. 75.) VDA Paragraph referring to process of Carl Canzler. 442. Oxygen generators. (Railway age gazette, New York, v. 54, June 14, 1913, p. 1400.) TPB Brief reference to apparatus of the International Oxygen Company. 443. Pleiss, Paul. The causes of blow- pipe backfiring. (American machinist, New York, v. 38, March 6, 1913, p. 411.) VFA Abstracted in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, May, 1913, p. 476-477, VOA. Answers the complaint of E. Johnson in Amer- ican machinist, v. 38, p. 114. 444. Preheating as a protective measure. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 14, June, 1913, p. 514-515.) VOA 445. Prussia. Minister fur Handel und Gewerbe. Acetylenverordnung, 1913. (Car- bid und Acetylen *, Berlin, v. 17, May 1, 1913, p. 93-112.) VGA Complete text of the regulations. 446. Rasch, H. Die Sicherheitsmassnah- men gegen Explosionsgefahren beim Schweiss- und Schneidbrenner mit Acet- ylen. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Ber- lin, v. 17, Nov. 15, 1913, p. 249-260.) VGA Also contains the reply of the Deutscher Acetylen Verein. 447. Razing a bridge with the oxy-acety- lene torch, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 91, Jan. 30, 1913, p. 307.) VDA Account of work on Gay Street bridge, Baltimore, Md. 448. Regulation of the oxy-acetylene flame. (Acetylene journal, v. 14, March, 1913, p. 386-387.) VOA Brief directions for both medium and low pressure systems. 449. Removing ruins with the oxy-acet- ylene torch, illus (Iron age, New York, v. 91, March 6, 1913, p. 587.) VDA Work on Carnegie Steel Company's building, Bal- timore, Md., accomplished in ninety hours. 450. Richter, Hermann. Der Hamburger Kiestopf. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, Jan. 15, 1913, p. 34-38.) VGA Use of a gravel-filled box placed between genera- tors and burner, for purpose of preventing flare- back. 451. Schneider, Alfred. Die Bedeutung cles gelosten Acetylens fur die Acetylen- und Carbidindustrie. (Carbid und Acety- len, Berlin, v. 17, Aug. 1, 1913, p. 165-175.) VGA Reference made to welding on p. 173-174. 452. Schweissapparat, Der, als Einbruchs- werkzoug. (Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, April 15, 1913, p. 90.) VGA Interesting account of burglary at the factory of Ratzinger and Weidenkaff in Munich. 453. Soudure, La, autogene. illus. (L'in- dustrie des tramways et chemins de fer, Paris, v. 7, Nov., 1913, p. 545-546.) ft TPB Refers to French patents 430,259 and 15,967 for acetylene generator. 454. Springer, J. F. Miscellaneous steel cutting by gas in the navy. (Iron age, New York, v. 91, May 8, 1913, p. 1149.) VDA Also in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Dec., 1913, p. 232-233, VOA. 455. Oxy-acetylene welding in sheet metal work, illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 79, April 25, 1913, p. 578; May 9, p. 638, 647; June 13, p. 819-820; July 11, p. 41; Aug. 8, p. 167; Sept. 12, p. 301.) VIA Flat and angle joints. Preparation of edges. Restoration of welded sheet steel articles. Welding of aluminum and copper. Mechanical welding. Tube welding. Cutting of sheet steel. 456. Syo, E. de. Autogene Schweissung von Aluminium, illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, May 2, 1913, p. 53-56. t ln: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA The special treatment necessary for welding alum- inum successfully. 457. Autogenes Schweissen von Blei, Nickel und Zink. (Zeitschrift fur prakti- sche Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Sept. 18, 1913, p. 129-130. r ln: Der praktische Ma- schinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 458. Autogene Schweissung der Kup- fer-Legierungen. (Zeitschrift fiir prak- tische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Aug. 21, 1913, p. 115-117. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 29 459. Autogenes Schweissen von Kup- fer mittels des Sauerstoff-Azetylen- Schweiss verfahrens. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, July 24, 1913, p. 103-105. t ln: Der prak- tische Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 460. Praktische Ausfiihrung von Schweissungen und Ausbesserungsarbei- ten bei den verschiedenen neuren Schweiss- verfahren fiir die einzelnen in Verwendung kommenden Metalle. illus. (Zeitschrift fur praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, March 6, 1913, p. 28-30, April 3, 1913, p. 37- 40. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Kon- strukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.0 VDA 461. Vergleich der verschiedenen neueren Schweissverfahren. (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metallbearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, Feb. 6, 1913, p. 14-15. [In: Der prakti- sche Maschinen-Konstrukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA Comparison of different gases for welding pur- poses, with cost data. 462. Tests for welded joints. (Power, New York, v. 38, Dec. 30, 1913, p. 944.) VFA Refers to results of competition for prize offered by the Zentralburo fiir Acetylen und autogene Me- tallbearbeitung in Nurnburg. 463. Thoma, Leo. Die Herstellung des Autogenrohres. illus. (Carbid und Acet- ylen, Berlin, v. 17, Jan. 1, 1913, p. 2-12.) VGA An excellent paper describing the application of autogenous welding to pipemaking. 464. Ueber die Ausbreitung der auto- genen Schweissung in England. (Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, April 15, 1913, p. 86-87.) VGA Information concerning different firms and asso- ciations in England, with account of welding school at the Polytechnic Institute. 465. Ueber die Beeinflussung des Stahls durch das Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Schneidver- fahren. (Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, Jan. 15, 1913, p. 15-16.) VGA Abstracted from Acetylene lighting and welding journal. 466. Unter welchen Druckverhaltnissen arbeiten Schweissbrenner? (Carbid und Acetylen, Berlin, v. 17, Jan. 15, 1913, p. 14.) VGA 467. Welche Gesichtspunkte kommen bei Beschaffung einer Azetylen-Anlage in Frage? (Zeitschrift fiir praktische Metall- bearbeitung, Jahrg. 2, May 29, 1913, p. 67- 68. [In: Der praktische Maschinen-Kon- strukteur, Leipzig, v. 46, 1913.]) VDA 468. Welded joints. (Power, New York, v. 38, Dec. 30, 1913, p. 928.) VFA Editorial comment on competition held in Ger- many. 469. Welding broken iron light poles, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 91, May 8, 1913, p. 1115.) VDA Brief account of work in Dayton, Ohio. 1914 470. Autogenous welding. illus. (In: Machinery's handbook for machine shop and drafting-room. New York, 1914. 12. p. 1194-1201.) Desk-Tech. Div. Tables of costs, gas consumption and capacity. Practical directions for welding various metals. 471. Autogenous welding in a pipe shop, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 40, Feb. 5, 1914, p. 231-232.) VFA 472. Desch, Cecil B. Welding and auto- genous soldering. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, Feb. 5, 1914, p. 123.) VDA Summary of remarks before the Scottish Engin- eers and Shipbuilders. 473. Gillespie, Robert M. Cutting large telephone cable pipes with wires enclosed, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, April, 1914, p. 392.) VGA 3" iron pipe cut without injuring the telephone cable enclosed in it. 473a. Hart, Richard N. Welding; theory, practice, apparatus, and tests. Electric, thermit and hot-flame processes. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1914. xiv, 210 p. illus. 2. ed. 8. VID 474. Heaton, T. T. Some modern meth- ods of welding. (Engineering, London, v. 97, Feb. 27, 1914, p. 300-303.) VDA Abstracted in Practical engineer, London, v. 49, March 5, 1914, p. 221-224, VDA; Iron age, New York, v. 93, March 12, 1914, p. 676-677, VDA; Electrical engineering, London, v. 10, Feb. 26, 1914, p. 114-115, VGA. Paper read before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 475. Kautny, Theodor. The use of auto- genous welding in railway repair shops, illus. (Bulletin of the International Rail- way Congress Association, English edition, v. 28, Jan., 1914, p. 3-19.) TPB Paper read before the German Society of Mechan- ical Engineers, Feb., 1913. 476. Keppelmann, D. E. Modern gas dis- tribution; oxy-acetylene welding a factor, illus. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, Feb., 1914, p. 307-308.) VGA Superiority of the welded joints. 477. Mawson, Robert. Repairs made by oxy-acetylene welding, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 40, Jan. 8, 1914, p. 55-57.) VFA Repair of transmission case and of a church-bell. Cutting and welding a steel plate hood. 478. Using the oxy-acetylene torch in the boiler shop, illus. (American ma- chinist, New York, v. 40, April 16, 1914, p. 679-681.) VFA Claims a lower cost and neater appearance than with the riveted method. Costs for cutting and weld- ing, with lengths of seams welded. 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 478a. Using oxy-acetylene methods for sheet plate work, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 40, April 30, 1914, p. 757-759.) VFA Describes the manufacture of steel mangle rollers, steam headers, and coil pipes. 479. Oxy-acetylene welding failure. (Prac- tical engineer, London, v. 49, Jan. 8, 1914, p. 26.) VDA Refers to boiler explosion due to insecure weld. Claims that best results are obtained only by fire and pressure. 480. Oxy-acetylene welding practice. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, Jan. 22, 1914, p. 75.) VDA Editorial comment on reply of Mr. Robert Young to leading article in issue of Jan. 8. 481. Oxy-acetylene welding rods. (Prac- tical engineer, London, v. 49, April 2, 1914, p. 325.) VDA Use of vanadium steel wire for the purpose. 482. Perkins, Frank C. Obtention de tem- peratures plus eleves que celles de Tare electrique. illus. (L'electricien, Paris, v. 47, Feb. 21, 1914, p. 117-121.) VGA High temperatures from combination electric arc and gas. 483. Richardson, D. Defective oxy-acety- lene welds, illus. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, Feb. 26, 1914, p. 196-197.) VDA 484. Richter, H. Advances in copper welding, illus. (Engineering news, New York, v. 40, Jan. 1, 1914, p. 23-25.) VDA Refers to filling material and welding paste made by Carl Canzler, Duren, Germany. 485. Surface hardening by oxy-acetylene; a new application. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, April, 1914, p. 394.) VOA Abstracted from Acetylene welding and lighting journal. 486. Using gas torch on a wreck; re- claiming the twisted and crumpled remains of a steamship explosion, illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 93, March 12, 1914, p. 664.) VDA Account of work on the steamship Alum Chine. See also Engineering record, v. 69, March 21, 1914, p. 343. 487. Whitford, J. F. Repairs to boilers by oxy-acetylene welding. (American machinist, New York, v. 40, 1914, p. 329- 331, 369-371.) VFA Objections to the method. Necessity for inves- tigation of strains. Directions for weldins?. Ger- man method of repairing fire-boxes. INDEX Numbers refer to individual entries. Author references are printed in italics. Accidents, 107, 214, 221, 260, 434. See also Safety. Acetylene Combustion of, 2, 3, 16. Dissolved, 11. For the laboratory, 28. General uses of, 9, 237, 305. Acetylene Illuminating Co., London, 35. Aiken, Claude, 108. Allen, Harry C., 312. Aluminum welding, 50, 51, 56, 118, 138, 157, 161, 179, 228, 240, 311, 385, 386, 403, 455, 456. Amedeo, Raoul, 176, 240, 313. American Railway Master Mechanics Asso- ciation, 404. Andrew, G. W. See Bone, W. A., and G. W. Andrew. Anthony, C. C., 314. Arnoux, R., 14. Associations, welding, 185, 367. "Astra" process, 315. Auel, C. B., 110. "Autogen" Werke fur autogene Schweiss- Methoden, 243. Autogenous Welding Equipment Company, 128, 196, 307. Automatic apparatus, 268, 321. Automatic repairs, 64, 71, 112, 116, 119, 146, 215, 291, 427, 477. Automobile service, oxy-acetylene, 432. Bach, C. von, 113. Bach, C. von, and R. Baumann, 178. Backfire. See Flash-back. Baendel, Hugo, 179. Bagley, J. N., 408. Bastian apparatus, 358. Baumann, R., 180. Baumann, R. See also Bach, C. von, and R Baumann. Bauschlicher, August, 58, 181, 322. Bayer Revisions-Verein, 59. Becker, 111, 242. Beltzer,A.,25, 114. Belzer-Delcamp apparatus, 93, 114, 156. Bennett, Charles F., 60. Bentley, F. W., 409. Bentley, H. T., 244. Bermann, Max, 323. Bernier, L. L., 61, 62. Binet, Andre, 8. "Blaugas" process, 396, 435. Blow-pipe. See Burner. Boiler repairs, 47, 60, 61, 75, 76, 91, 105, 109, 111, 123, 129, 131, 137, 149, 150, 159, 160, 195, 198, 212, 216, 219, 225, 248, 251, 282, 286, 303, 319, 331, 352, 380, 404, 406, 412, 475, 478, 479, 487. See also, Locomotive and machinery repairs. Boiler-scale, removing, 410. Bone, W. A., and G. W. Andrew, 16. Bone, W. A., and /. C. Cain, 4. Books, 25a, 69, 125, 178, 217, 234, 261, 300a, 305, 345a, 347, 357, 385, 424, 473a. Booth, W. H., 36. Bournonville, Eugene, 63. Brandt, H., 325. Brass welding. See Copper welding. British Oxygen Company, 175, 252, 270. Bubbles, overcoming, in cast iron work, 360. Bureau Veritas, 17. Burglary, used for, 48, 452. Burkhart, L. H., 326, 327, 328. Burners, 10, 17, 41, 52, 54, 63, 68, 73, 87, 94, 146, 152, 157, 162, 203, 207, 224, 225, 226, 227, 242, 270, 351, 354, 372, 377, 411, 423, 425. Burr, S. D. V., 26. Butter field, W. J. A. See Leeds, F. H., and W. J. A. Butterfield. Cain, J. C. See Bone, IV. A., and /. C. Cain. Canzler copper welding process, 441. Carbidhandels Gesellschaft, 369. Carnevali, F., 245, 329. Carton, Chester, 246. Cave, Henry, 64, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 184, 247, 331, 332, 412. Chatelain, E., 125. Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, 197. Chemistry of oxy-acetylene flame, 176, 313, 344, 413. Clark, R. W., 248. Clark, R. W. See also Reyer, William C., and R. W. Clark. Cobleigh, H. R., 126, 334. [31] 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Colvin, Fred H., 335. Combination of electric arc and gas flame, 482. Compact welding plant, 249, 414. Compagnie Franchise de 1'Acetylene, 11. Comparison of different processes, 46, 54, 62, 63, 74, 95, 99, 104, 127, 132, 137, 148, 172, 223, 245, 250, 267, 339, 350, 365, 380, 392, 396, 415, 435, 460, 461. Competitions, Welding, 325, 462, 468. Concrete cutting, 333, 416, 439. Copony, A., 250. Copper welding, 179, 183, 311, 318, 329, 385, 386, 441, 455, 458, 459, 484. Cost data, 15, 27, 28, 30, 40, 43, 49, 54, 58, 61, 71, 89, 93, 95, 99, 114, 129, 137, 199, 201, 202, 288, 293, 299, 375, 436, 437, 461, 470, 478. Courtney, M. S., 130. Courtney, W : F., 251. Crombie, James, 131. Culin, G. A. A., 415. Cutler, F. C., 18. Cutting, 41, 52, 53, 65, 80, 114, 126, 151, 169, 186, 187, 196, 199, 211, 276, 294, 295, 299, 303, 311, 322, 332, 333, 341, 349, 356, 357, 368, 387, 452, 454, 473. See also Concrete cutting; Wrecking. Cutting, injurious to metal, 383, 385, 388. "Cyclone" process. See Matthews and Yates. Davis, Augustine, 40, 67, 133, 188. Davis-Bournonville Acetylene Development Company, 53, 88, 89, 90, 94, 169, 226, 239, 253, 278 292, 297 298, 299, 321, 363. Davis, J. M., 189. Defective welds. See Failure of welds. Delcampe, C., 68. Dcsch, Cecil B., 472. Deutscher Acetylenverein, 134 135, 136, 182, 190, 243, 254, 255, 256, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 417. Deutscher Oxyhydric Co., 302. D ever ell, E. C., 191. Diegel, C., 69, 192, 193, 257. Dissolved acetylene, 11. Dixie, E. A., 137. Dixon, Harold B., 1. Drilling, 140, 422. Dumesnil, P., ' 19. Economy Welding Machine Company, 258, 274. Effect of flame on welded material, 203 330, 405. Emann cutting device, 356. Electric welding, comparison with oxy- acetylene, 46. Elliott, Louis, 259. English welding firms, 464. Epurite, 26, 32. Explosibility of gases, 1, 4. Explosions. See Accidents. Fackler, C. /., 343. Failure of weld, 479, 483. Fairlie portable outfit, 420. Far on, Leon, 421. Flare-back. See Flash-back. Flash-back, Prevention of, 233, 236, 310, 430, 443, 450. See also, Water seals. Flue welding, 129, 150. See also, Boiler repairs. Foljambe, E. S., 71. Fouche, Ed., 9, 10, 20, 21. Fouche patents, 164, 173, 306. Fowler, William, 139. Fraenkel, A., 344. France, History of autogenous welding in, 194. Francis, S. A., 72. Fraubel, S., 22. Friedmann, Immanuel, 198. Ganthier, E., and Rodrigues-Ely, C. Gas Consumption, 470. Gas pressure, 120, 184, 309, 416, 448, 466. Gas purification, 102, 203, 206, 223, 304. See also, Comparison of processes. Gas pipe welding, see Pipe welding. Gaudet und Bigand process, 302. Generators, 24, 25, 87, 242, 277, 308, 309, 418, 425, 442, 453. Gillespic, Robert M., 473. Granjon, R., and P. Rosenberg, 424. Groth, Lorenz Albert, 345a. Hammond, A. Newton, 140. Hanseatic Acetylen-Gas-Industrie, 286. Hardening of welded material, 203, 330, 465. Hardening, Surface, 485. Harris Calorific Co., Cleveland, 24. Harris, John, 73, 425. Hart, Richard N., 473a. Hartline, George, 199. Heaton, T. T., 474. Heraeus, W. C., 42. Herzfeld, Hans, 200. "Hesperus" welding apparatus, 342. Hilpert, A., 74, 75, 76, 141. Hobart, James F., 426,427. Hopfer, 201. Horn, August, 261. Impurities, Gas. See Purification of gas. Industrial Oxygen Co. process, 86, 92. International Acetylen Association, 263, 346. International Oxygen Company, 277, 442. LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING J 33 Jacobs, H. W., 202, 264, 429. Jaejer, 142. Janet, A., 11. Joints, Tests on. See Tests on welds. Johnston, E., 430. Jones, L. B., 431. Kautny, Theodor, 265, 347, 475. Kautny's kineomatagraph method, 406. Keller und Knappich process, 302. Keppelmann, D. E., 432, 476. Kirchberger, W., 348. Klindworth, J. L., 433. Knappich, Jac., 43, 78, 143, 144, 145, 349. Knappich patent, 235. Koln-Miisener patent, 66. Lake, E. F., 80, 81, 82, 146, 147, 203. Lamberton, E., 148. Lauer, W. T., 204. Lavinder, P. T., 205, 266. Lavoisite, 269. Law, E. F., 267. Lawrence, S. E., 350. Lead welding, 179, 457. Le Chatelier, Henri L., 2, 3, 149, 351. Leeds, F. H., and W. J. A. Butterfield, 206. Leroyer, L., 12. Lester, C. E., 150, 352. Levy, Anton, 151. Lewes, Vivian B., 353. Lightfoot, Cecil, 44, 83. Linde Air Products Company, 44, 83, 282. Liquid gas, 5. Locomotive and machinery repairs, 264, 280, 283, 316, 317, 320, 327, 328, 381, 401, 407, 433, 469, 475. See also Boiler repairs. Ludwig, Hans, 354. McDonald, A. ]., 207. McGowan, Wild and Company, 249. Machine cutting and welding, 321, 363, 366, 385. See also Oxygraph. McKelway, G. H., 355. Matthews and Yates, Cyclone Works, 241. Mauran, Max, 269. Mawson, Robert, 477, 478, 478a. Memmo, 23. Michaelis, L., 27, 84, 85. Michaelis, Max, 208. Morehead, J. M., 271, 272, 435. Morrison, A. Cressy, 209. Murray, Kenneth, 357. National Board of Fire Underwriters, 210. Navy, Use in, 454. Nichols, Edward L., 6, 7. Nickel welding, 179, 457. Niess, 153. Nyquist, C. J., 359. Ostermann and Plus automatic apparatus, 268. "Oxweld" Acetylene Company, 436, 437. Oxy-Benz process, 254, 337, 339, 365. Oxy-carbi Company, portable outfit, 146, 273, 284. process, 212. Oxygenite, 92, 147. "Oxygraph", The, 321, 363, 366. Oxy-hydrogen welding, comparison of cost, 15, 31, 49. Perkins, Frank C., 215, 216, 482. Peter, 46. Pintsch gas works, tests at, 69. Pipe welding, 159 213, 259, 268, 279, 314, 326, 345, 384, 389, 409, 431, 463, 471, 476. Pleiss, Paul, 367, 443. Plumley, M. S., 368. Portable outfits, 81, 82, 93, 114, 145, 146, 218, 232, 273, 274, 284, 420. Preheating, 226, 385, 444. Pressue of gas, see: Gas pressure. Prest-o-lite Company, 370, 438, 440. Prussia, Minister fur Handel und Gewerbe, 154, 155, 285, 445. Punde, F., 371. Purification of gas. See: Gas Purification. Ragno, S., 217. Rasch, H., 446. Razing, see : Wrecking. Regulation of flame, 448. Reich, W. L, 95, 96, 157, 158, 218, 372. Reischle, J., 97. Repairs. See Automobile repairs, Boiler repairs, Locomotive and machinery repairs. Restrictions. See: Rules. Reyer, William C., and R. W. Clark, 219. Richardson, D., 483. Richter, Hermann, 286, 373, 450, 484. Rinne, H., 159, 220. Rodrigues-Ely, C. See Ganthier, E., and Rodriguez-Ely, C. Rods, welding. See: Welding rods. Rosenberg, P. See: Granjon, R., and P. Rosenberg. Rosenthal patent, 101. Ruck-Keene, Harry, 47. Rules governing oxy-acetylene apparatus. 281, 287, 445. Rupert, J. W., 160. Rush, J. K., 28. Safe blowing, Use for, 48. Safety, 188, 308, 309, 310, 336, 374, 446. See also : Accidents. Sanford Manufacturing Company appara- tus, 82. 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Sauerstofffabrik, 302. "Schemmel" welding outfit, 414. Schmitz tube welding machine, 384. Schneider, 379. Schneider, Alfred, 289, 378, 451. Schneider, Ernst, 29, 49. Schools, welding, 272, 286, 429, 464. Schoop, M. V., 50, 51, 52, 161. Schoop process, 56. Schultz-Knault Company process, 159. Schulze, 99. Schwarz, Rudolf, 222. Seliger, P., 380. Sets, H. R., 381. Sheet metal work, 291, 292, 298, 303, 385, 386, 400, 455, 478a. Silicon used in welding, 382. Smith, H. S. t 223. Societe 1'Oxy-hydrique, 167. Springer, J. F., 163, 224, 225, 226, 227, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 383, 384, 385, 386, 454, 455. Stavenhagen, A., 387. Steelmann, James, 389. Strength of welds. See Tests on welds. Surface hardening, 485. Suscipi, L. G., 228. Syo, E. dc, 229, 300, 390, 391, 392, 393, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461. Temperature of flame, 6, 7, 62, 166, 344, 482. Tests on welds, 158, 178, 223, 234, 245, 257, 267, 311, 343, 359, 462. See also Failure of welds. Thermit welding, 350. Thoma, Leo, 164, 301, 302, 463. Thomas, R., 54, 303. "Three-License system," 412. Torches. See Burners. Treiber, E., 230. Tube welding. See Pipe welding. Tucker, Alexander E., 304, 395. Union de la Soudure, 318, 324, 325. Van Brussel, J. B., 100. Vogel, J. H., 102, 168, 233, 305. Warfel, J. A. f 397. Water seals, 233, 235, 236, 243, 256, 285, 289, 324, 338, 340, 378. See also Flash-back. Welding powers, 143. Welding rods, 481. Welding table, 128. White, Edwin H., 308, 309. 310. White, Homer J., 401. Whitford, J. F., 487. Whittemore, Herbert L., 234. Willenbacher, A., 235. Willis, T. F., 170. Wiss, E., 31, 171. Worcester Pressed Steel Company, Plant of, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 86. Wrecking buildings and bridges, etc., 98, 156, 246, 262, 294, 335, 348, 361, 438, 439, 440, 447, 449, 486. See also Cutting. Younger, A. Scott, 172. Zinc welding, 457. UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOBNIA LIBKAEY, BEKKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW expiration of loan period. 26 '330 50m-7,'29 N.Y.Public li- 293775 brary List of works in the TTbrary Qxyacetylene weldin TS22-7 5" / //f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY