i ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE WILD AND COMMONLY CULTIVATED TREES NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES AND ADJACENT CANADA^- BASED PRIMARILY UPON LEAF CHARACTERS J. FRANKLIN COLLINS AND V HOWARD W. PRESTON NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1912 ' COPYRIGHT, 1912, HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Published May, 1912 r. MOREY i SON PREFACE IN 1909 the authors published their "Key to New England Trees" which was then regarded as preliminary to an illustrated edition. Later it was decided to extend the geographic range of the forthcoming edition so as to include the north- eastern states and adjacent Canada. This key is intended, as was the earlier one, to serve as a guide for those who wish to become ac- quainted with the wild and commonly cultivated trees of the region indicated. At the same time the book remains sufficiently small to be readily carried in the pocket. For the convenience of those who wish to learn more about the trees a bibliography of some of the more important works on the trees of northeastern America will be found on page 157. The illustrations are intended to show an outline of a typical leaf of every tree of which the leaves differ sufficiently from others to be recognized in a drawing-. Where the leaves of two different trees are much. alike an outline of one only is usually given, and an explanatory reference is made to this under the species not illustrated, at the proper place in the key. It must be borne in mind that no two leaves on iii iv PREFACE a tree are exactly alike and that there is often a wide range of shapes on the same tree. For this reason the leaf outline shown (which is made from a fairly typical leaf as understood by the authors) may not be quite representative of what would be called a typical leaf of that species growing under different conditions, or in a different locality. The bark of most trees is characteristic, but in many species, unfortunately, these characters can- not be brought out as clearly as could be desired in a halftone of the size used here. A consistent attempt has been made to illustrate only certain representative types. In certain cases, however, bark illustrations of several allied species of a group or genus are given. A full series seems hardly necessary, as the key is based primarily upon leaf characters. Technical terms, to a large extent, have been eliminated. For the explanation of such as are used see the glossary on page 149. The geographic ranges given in the key must be interpreted as general rather than precise, as no attempt has been made to indicate the exact known limits for any species. Beside each outline drawing an inch scale, reduced in size to correspond with the reduc- tion of the leaf, is shown. In a few cases a quarter inch scale is used, but in all such cases the scale is clearly so marked. By this device it is a simple PREFACE v matter to determine the approximate size of any leaf. Throughout the key occasional reference is made to cuts which illustrate the points under con- sideration. After determining the name of a tree it is an excellent plan to go over the key again and make careful note of the particular characters that were used to separate it from other trees, especially the near allies. Also dry a leaf under moderate pres- sure and keep it for future reference. If these suggestions are followed systematically and con- scientiously most of our common trees can soon be recognized at sight. The main object of this key is merely to guide the student through the prelimi- nary stages of this recognition. A true knowledge of trees must be derived primarily from accurate and abundant study of the trees themselves. To those who have had little or no experience in determining plants by means of botanical keys the following suggestions will be helpful. Take the key with you into the field or wood. Look over the tree and select typical (or average) leaves and twigs before attempting to use the key. As a rule only these should be considered. In most cases these need not be detached, and they should not be when there is any suspicion that objection might be raised to such a procedure, as might be vi PREFACE the case with street trees, park trees, and cultivated trees in general. If fruit characters are needed for identification and no fruit can be found on the tree, search the ground directly beneath for old fruits. If any are found, they may usually be re- garded as having dropped from the tree, unless the fruit is easily blown by the wind, or the ground is sloping and other trees grow higher up the slope where fruits might easily roll down. In using the key begin with No. i and read the two lines preceded by this number, deciding which one of the two applies to the tree under considera- tion. If the leaves of our tree are more than | of an inch long, as most leaves are, we next pass to No. 2, as indicated by the figure 2 following this line, and read the two lines preceded by the figure 2, deciding which one of these two applies to our tree, and again passing to the number indicated after the proper line. This simple process is repeated until we reach one or more common names in full faced type. If a number is found after this name (as in No. 6) it means that the name is that of a genus including two or more species. In order to decide which species of the genus we have, we pass to the number indicated and proceed as before. To illustrate this, suppose we reach No. 6, in the key, deciding that we have a Pine, we next turn to No. 76 in order to find which Pine we have, by PREFACE vii a process exactly similar to that mentioned above. Preceding No. 76 will be found a few briefly stated characteristics of the Pine genus. A similar charac- terization will be found preceding all other genera which contain more than one species. Finally we arrive at a point where no number is indicated after the line chosen. The common name (or names, where a tree is known by several names in the same or in different localities) will here be found in full faced type, except in case of some of the Thorns, and the scientific name in italics. If more than one common name is given the first is usually preferred, the subsequent ones being either less distinctive, less common, or merely local within our range. The names of states and authorities for scien- tific names are abbreviated in the usual manner. The word "cultivated" is abbreviated to "cult.", and "figure" and "figures" to "Fig." and "Figs." Where conflicting opinions exist in regard to specific limitations and names the yth edition of "Gray's Manual" has been followed, particularly in such groups as Thorns, Alders, Birches, etc. The cooperation of all who use this book, in re- porting errors which they discover, is desired by the authors. The authors herewith acknowledge their indebt- edness to Prof. M. L. Fernald for many valued criticisms and suggestions. CONTENTS PREFACE . , Hi KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES i A SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES GROUPED IN FAMILIES, WITH PAGE REFERENCES 161 INDEX TO TREE NAMES 171 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES i. Leaves very small and scale-like, closely ap- pressed and overlapping; less than | of an inch long. (See Figs. 5, 7.) 7. 1. Leaves more than | of an inch long, not closely overlapping. (See Figs. 90, 192.) 2. 2. Leaves awl-shaped (i. e., narrow and tapering from the base to a rather sharp apex); ^ to f of an inch long and r^ to f of an inch wide. (See Figs, i, 20.) Fruit a blue berry-like cone 4. 2. Leaves not awl-shaped 3. 3. Leaves needle-shaped (i. e., slender, about the same thickness throughout, and in cross- section either semi-circular, triangular, or rhombic), not conspicuously flattened. (See Figs. 63, 6405. 3. Leaves flattened and distinctly narrowed at the point of attachment, with or without a distinct leaf -stalk. (See Figs. 12, 184.) 9. 4. Leaves three at a node, to f of an inch long and about ^ of an inch wide, all KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES alike; whitened on the real upper surface (which is com- monly turned towards the ground) and green on the lower surface, spiny pointed. Rarely a small tree, generally a shrub. Central New Eng- land and southward in the mountains. Common Juni- per, Juniperus communis L. The low spreading Dwarf Juniper (var. depressa Pursh), with leaves rarely ^ inch long, is the common form of this species in New England and westward. (Figs, i, 3.) 4. Leaves of two forms, one form awl-shaped, two at a node, with the real upper surface whitened, as in the Common Jumper; the other (usually on older trees) consisting of short overlap- ping scale-like leaves ar- ranged in four more or less distinct longitudinal rows. Fig. 2. Red Cedar, a. Twig Southern Maine and New with awl-shaped leaves; Hampshire southward and b. Iwig with scale-like N leaves; c. Section of b. westward. (FlgS. 2, 3, 4.) Fig. i. Dwarf Juniper. 4 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Red Cedar, Savin, Juniperus mrginiana L. Fig. 4. Red Cedar. 5. Leaves in well marked clusters on the side of the branch 6. 5. Leaves not in definite clusters on the side of the branch Spruce, 85. 6. Leaves five or less in a cluster Pine, 76. 6. Leaves seven or more in a cluster Larch, 84. 7. Young leafy shoots con- spicuously flattened or two-edged. Northern and western New Eng- Fig. 5. Arbor Vitae. a. Side l an d northward and view of twig; b. Section of . , . t w i g . westward, also south- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 5 ward in the mountains, and cult. (Figs. 5, 6.) Arbor Vitae, Cedar, White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis L. Fig. 6. Arbor Vitae. 7. Young leafy shoots not conspicuously flat- tened 8. 8. Leaves of two kinds; (a) awl-shaped and spiny pointed and whitened above, less than \ inch long, more common on young trees, but generally present also on some parts of older trees; (b) small and scale-like, smallest and youngest shoots conspicuously 4-angled. Fruit a bluish white berry-like cone about j of an inch or less thick. Trees of drier situations dry sandy fields and hillsides rarely in low wet ground. Southern Me. and N. H. south- ward and westward. (Figs. 2, 3, 4.) Red Cedar, Savin, Juniperus virginiana L. 6 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 8. Leaves of one kind only; small and scale-like, some of the leaves commonly with a minute swelling or gland on the back. Smallest and youngest shoots cylindric, not conspicuously 4-angled nor flat- tened. Fruit a small dry brownish cone about j of an inch thick, with shield-shaped scales. Trees of moist situations swamps, bogs, etc. rarely in dry soil. Common from N. H. to Miss. within 100 miles of the coast. (Fig. 7.) Coast White Cedar, Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) twig. BSP. 9. Leaves less than of an inch wide 10. 9. Leaves more than of an inch wide 13. 10. Leaves three at a node, | to f of an inch long and about ^ of an inch wide, all alike; whit- ened on the real upper surface (which is commonly turned towards the ground) and green on the lower surface, spiny pointed. Rarely a small tree, generally a shrub. Cen- tral New England and southward in the mountains. Common Juniper, Juniperus communis L. The low spreading Dwarf KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Juniper (var. depressa Pursh), with the leaves rarely 5 an inch long, is the common form of this species in New England and west- ward. (Figs, i, 3.) 10. Leaves not whitened above n. Magnified section of leaf Fig. 8. Hemlock. ii. Leaves evergreen, about f inch long, blunt, whitened beneath, and with a distinct short slender leaf-stalk. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and southward. (Figs. 8, 9.) Fig. 9. Hemlock. Hemlock, Hemlock Spruce, Tsuga rana- densis (L.) Carr. ii. Leaves evergreen, usually at least f of an inch 8 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES long, blunt, narrowed at the base, but without a distinct sharply denned leaf-stalk; often whitened beneath and sometimes more or less Fig I0 Bald Cy _ Curved 12. press.' a. Side view . of normal shoot; ii. Leaves to f of an inch long, b. Glyptostrobus pointed at the apex, green shoot - or yellow-green on both surfaces,* falling from the tree in the autumn (i. e., de- ciduous), narrowed at the base but without a distinct leaf-stalk,f spreading along two sides of the twig. Swamps from Del. south- Bald Cypress. * Very rarely somewhat whitened beneath. t There is another form of this tree (or occasionally branches of a tree) with short appressed sharply pointed leaves, and slender almost pendulous branches. (Fig. icb.) This is the form which formerly passed in cultivation as Glyptostrobus pendulus Endl. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES ward and west- ward. (Figs. 10, n.) Bald Cypress, Taxodium disti- chum (L.) Richard. 12. Mature leaves con- spicuously whiten- ed beneath. Cones Magnified section Leaf Upright. North- enlarged eastward from Pa. and Wis. (Figs. 12, 13.) Balsam Fir, Balsam, Firtree, Balm of Gilead Fir, Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Fig. 12. Balsam Fir. Fig. 13. Balsam Fir, showing blisters on young trunk. io KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 12. Mature leaves not conspicuously whitened beneath. Cones hang- ing or pendulous, with leaf-like toothed appendages projecting be- yond the scales. Cult. Native west of our range. (Fig. 14.) Douglas Spruce, Red Fir, Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga taxi/olid Britt. Fig. 14. Douglas Spruce ; 2 leaves and a section. 13- Leaves simple, with a single blade. (See Figs. 96, 243014- 13. Leaves compound, with 3 or more wholly separate blades (leaflets). (See Figs. 117, 203063. 14. With 3 or more main veins of nearly equal prominence starting from the base of the blade. (See Figs. 19, 246015. 14. With only one prominent vein. (See Figs. 84, 14. With very many fine veins, all of equal prom- inence, radiating from Fig. 15. Ginkgo. the base of the fan- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES n Fig. 1 6. Ginkgo. Old trunk. shaped blade. Cult. Native in eastern Asia. (Figs. 15, 16, 17.) Ginkgo, Maiden-hair Tree, Ginkgo biloba L. Fig. 17. Ginkgo. Young trunk and t i 2 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 15. With one leaf at a node (i. e., leaves alter- nate) 18. 15. With two or more leaves at a node (i.e., leaves opposite or whorled) 16. 16. Leaf margins strongly indented in 2 or 4 places, these inden- tations variable, but usually reaching at least i of the dis- tance to the base of the blade. Fruit with a flat wing Maple, 1 86. 16. Leaves usually with only one indentation and this at the base (i. e., leaves heart-shaped), occasionally some leaves with one or two angles or shallow indentations on the sides. No small mar- ginal teeth 17. 17. Fruit 12 to 1 8 inches long, cylindric Catalpa, 208. 17. Fruit globular or topshaped. Cult. Native in Fig. 18. Paulownia. Half of a leaf. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES eastern Asia. (Fig. 18.) Paulownia, Paulownia to- mentosa (Thunb.) Steud. 1 8. Prominent veins at the base of the blade 5 or more * 19. 1 8. Prominent veins at the base of the blade 5) 20. 3 * (rarely Fig. 19. Sweet Gum. 19. Leaves strongly star-shaped. Conn, and south- westward, also cult. (Figs. 19, 20.) Sweet Fig. 20. Sweet Gum. Gum, Red Gum, Alligator-wood, Liquidam- bar, Liquidambar Stryaciflua L. * In some cases the lowest veins are less prominent than the upper. At such times uncertainty may arise as to which No. 18 should be followed when trying to decide between 3 and 5 veins. u KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 21. Redbud. Fig. 22. Redbud. 19. Leaves symmetrically heart-shaped, margins entire. N. Y. southward and westward, also cult. (Figs. 21, 22.) Redbud, Judas-tree, Cercis canadensis L. 19. Leaves unsymmetrically heart-shaped, margins toothed Linden, 198. 20. Leaves broader than long, with strong angles or shallow indentations. Southern Me. southward and westward. (Figs. 23, 24, 25.) Buttonwood, Buttonball-tree, Plane-tree, American Sycamore, Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis L. 20. Leaves longer than wide 21. 21. Leaf length not twice the width. Juice milky 22. 21. Leaf length not twice the width. Juice not milky. Base of blade unsymmetrical Lin- den, 198. Fig. 23. Buttonwood. Fig. 24. Buttonwood. Young trunk. Fig. 25. Buttonwood. Old trunk. 1 6 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 21. Leaf length more than twice the width. Juice not milky. Southern New England south- ward and westward. (Figs. 26, 27.) Hackberry, Sugar- berry, Nettle-tree, Oneberry, Celtis occidentalis L. 22. Fruit globular, about f of an inch thick. Cult, and es- caped. Native in eastern p . g ^ Hackb " erry . Asia. (Fig. 28.) Paper Mul- berry, Broussonetia papyri/era (L.) Vent. 22. Fruit longer than broad, less than \ inch thick Mulberry, 148. Fig. 27. Hackberry. 23. Margins either wavy, toothed, incised, or lobed. (See Figs. 46, 126, 169, 225.) 35. 23. Margins entire, without any of the above char- acters. (See Figs. 40, 150.) 24. 24. Twigs and bark emitting a pleasant spicy odor when bruised. Some of the leaves with a KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 28. Paper Mulberry. prominent lobe on one or both sides. Leaf- stalk usually more than f of an inch long. Fruit blue when ripe, about | of an inch long, on a red stalk, enclosing a single seed- like stone. Central New England southward and westward. (Figs. 29, 30, 31.) Sassafras, Sassafras variifolium (Salisb.) Ktze. Fig. 29. Sassafras. Fig. 30. Sassafras. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 31. Sassafras. 24. Twigs and bark emitting a disagreeable or heavy odor when bruised. Leaves without any lobes. Leaf -stalk usually less than \ inch long. Fruit fleshy and edible, green or brown when ripe, i\ to 5 inches long, enclosing several large seeds. Central N. Y. westward and southward. (Fig. 32.) Papaw, Common Papaw, Custard Apple, Asi- mina triloba Dunal. 24. Twigs and bark not particularly fragrant nor with an unpleas- ant odor when bruised. None of the leaves lobed 25. 25. Leaves thick, smooth, and ever- green 26. Fig. 32. Common Papaw. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 19 25. Leaves thin or else hairy beneath, drop- ping at the end of the season 27. 26. Leaves 2 to 5 inches long, green on the under surface. New Brunswick and south westward. (Fig. 33.) Mountain Laurel, Calico Bush, Spoonwood, Mofnt^n Kalmia latifolia L. 26. Leaves 4 to 1 2 inches long, with a russet, tawny, or cinnamon-colored under surface. Central New England south westward, also locally in Nova Scotia and northern New England. (Fig. 34.) Rhodo- dendron, Great Laurel, Rose Bay, Rhododendron maximum L. 27. Side veins curving nearly to the apex of the leaf Cornel, 201. 27. Side veins not curving nearly to the Rhod 3 o 4 ' apex of the leaf 28. dendron. 28. Branches with at least a few spines or thorns (usually many). Lower Mis-' sissippi valley, also cult, and escaped. (Figs. 35, 36.) Osage Orange, Ma- dura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider. 28. Branches without spines or thorns 2Q. Orange. 2 o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 29. Leaves opposite or whorled 30. 29. Leaves alternate 31. Fig. 36. Osage Orange. 30. Leaves mostly 3 at a node (whorled), rounded or pointed at the base. New Brunswick southwestward. (Fig. 37.) Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis L. 30. Leaves opposite, with an abrupt or slightly heart-shaped base. Cult, and escaped. Na- tive in Eurasia. (Fig. 38.) Lilac, Syringa vulgar is L. 30. Leaves opposite, blade broadest at the middle or above. N. J. southwestward and cult. (Fig. 39.) Fringe-tree, White Fringe, Chionanthus virginica L. 31. Leaves 7 inches or more long Magnolia, 149. 31. Leaves less than 7 inches long 32. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 21 Fig. 37- Button- bush. Fig 38 Lilac. Fig. 39- Fringe- tree. 32. Terminal bud ^ inch or more long Mag- nolia, 149. 32. Terminal bud less than i of an inch long 33. 33. Leaves not twice as long as wide, under surface woolly-hairy. Cult. Quince, 152. 33. Leaves not twice as long as wide, under surface smooth. Cult. Sumach, 182. 33. Leaves at least twice as long as wide, apex more or less pointed 34. 34. Leaves somewhat rounded at the base, pointed at the apex. Fruit a globular berry an inch or more thick. Conn, southwestward and occasionally cult. (Figs. 40, 41.) Persim- mon, Date Plum, Diospyros virginiana L. 34. Leaves more or less pointed at both ends. 22 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 41. Persimmon. Fruit elongated, fleshy or juicy, less than inch long, with the seed enclosed in a hard stone. Central Me. southwestward and westward. (Figs. 42, 43.) Tupelo, Black Gum, Sour Gum, Gum, Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. Fig. 42. Tupelo. Fig. 43. Tupelo. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 23 34. Leaves pointed at both ends. Fruit an acorn (i. e., a nut with its base set in a woody cup which is composed of closely overlapping small scales) Oak, 126. 35. Margin with no deep indentations (i. e., not more than J of the distance to the midrib). (See Figs. 46, 171.) 36. Fig. 44. Tulip Tree. 35. Margin indented more than J of the distance to the midrib, often almost to the base (i. e., lobed or divided). (See Figs. 155, 208.) 38 36. Leaves abruptly cut off or indented at the broad apex. Margin with a few large angles or shallow lobes, but with no small teeth. Central New England southward and west- ward, also cult. (Figs. 44, 45.) Tulip Tree, 24 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 45. Tulip Tree. White Wood, Yellow Poplar, Liriodendron Tulipifera L. 36. Leaves rounded or pointed at apex. Margin wavy, with no distinct teeth nor bristle- tipped lobes, larger indentations of the margin not exceeding of the distance to the midrib. (See Figs. 46, 171.) 37. 36. Leaves rounded or pointed at apex. Margin with distinct teeth or small notches, or with a few bristle-tipped lobes or angles. (See Figs. 47, 196.) 39- 37. Base of blade unsymmetrical. New Brunswick southwest- ward. (Fig. 46.) Witch Hazel, Hamamelis, Hamamelis vir- ' giniana L. 37- Base of blade nearly or quite symmetrical. Buds short, not KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 25 j of an inch long. Bark not smooth and gray * Oak, 126. 37. Base of blade nearly or quite symmetrical. Buds \ inch or more long, sharply pointed. Bark smooth and gray, even on old trunks * Beech, 122. 38. Margin both deeply cut or indented, and toothed. (See Figs. 126, 208.) 61. 38. Margin deeply notched or in- dented, but not toothed. (See Figs. 30, 44.) 59. Fig. 47- Holly. 39. Leaves thick, evergreen, with stiff and spiny teeth. Mass, south- ward along the coast, also cult. (Fig. 47.) Holly, American Holly, White Holly, Ilex opaca Ait. 39. Leaves thin 40. 40. Leaves and branches opposite, or seemingly so 41. 40. Leaves and branches alternate 42. * The bark of the Gray Oak in eastern Maine is smooth and Beech-like. It is doubtless of this character elsewhere. The Gray Oak may readily be known (as contrasted with the Beech) by its lobed leaves, by its fruit, or by its winter bud characters. 26 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 41. Branches without thorns or spines, side veins of the blade not curving into the apex Arrow-wood, 209. 41. Branches commonly with a few spines or thorns, side veins of the blade curving well up into the apex. Cult, and escaped. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 48.) Buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica L. 42. Branches with thorns 43. 42. Branches without thorns 44. 43. Thorns on the side of leafy branches Thorn, 159. 43. Thorns commonly formed by the pointed ends of branches. Fruit usually with 5 thin- walled seed compartments Apple, Pear (in semi- wild state), 152. 43. Thorns commonly formed by the pointed ends of branches. Fruit with a single seed en- closed in a hard stone Plum, 175. 44. Side veins nearly straight, usually unbranched. (See Figs. 143, 146, 178.) 45- 44. Side veins curving or prominently forking. (See Figs. 358, 263, 275054. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 27 45. Leaf base very unsymmetrical, as a rule, and the margins doubly toothed. Fruit flat, with a broad wing surrounding the single seed. (See Fig. 178.) Elm, 144. 45. Leaf base symmetrical, or nearly so. (See Fig. 1 53 -)-46- 46. Margins with coarse teeth or angles, less than 6 per inch, or else with straight side veins, each terminating in a bristle-like tooth. (See Figs. 146, 172.) 47. 46. Margins with small teeth, more than 6 per inch. (See Figs. 49, 131.) 49. 47. Fruit a nut; one to several nuts completely enclosed in a prickly bur until mature. Each of the numerous side veins of the leaf-blade terminating in a marginal tooth 48. 47. Fridt a nut with its base set in a scaly cup. Leaf margins commonly with a few large angular teeth or shallow angular lobes, each tipped with a short bristle Oak, 126. 48. Xut triangular in section. Bark of trunk smooth, firm, and gray Beech, 122. 48. Xut not triangular in section. Bark of older trunks furrowed Chestnut, 125. 28 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 49. Bark chalky white or whitish, or (if dark col- ored) with the outer layers of the bark sepa- rable into thin papery layers Birch, in. 49. Bark not chalky white, nor whitish 50. 50. Small twigs aromatic when bruised Birch, 1 1 1 . 50. Small twigs not aromatic when bruised 51. 51. Leaves taper-pointed. (See Fig. 49.) 52. 51. Leaves not taper-pointed. (See Figs. 123, 137-) 53- Fig. 49. Hop Hornbeam. Fig. 50. Hop Hornbeam. 52. Surface of the bark brownish, with somewhat shredded flakes or scales. New Brunswick southward and westward. (Figs. 49, 50.) Hop Hornbeam, Ironwood, Leverwood, Hornbeam, Hardback, Ostrya mrginiana (Mill) K. Koch. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 52. Surface of the bark close and gray, with no tendency to become furrowed or scaly, al- though the trunk commonly produces at least a few muscle-like or tendon-like ridges, giving it a characteristic appear- ance. New Brunswick southward and westward. (Figs. 51, 52.) American Hornbeam, Blue Beech, Water Beech, Hornbeam, Iron- wood, Carpinus caroliniana Walt. 53. Leaves with a broadly wedge- shaped (or abrupt) and entire American Hornbeam. base, and a pointed apex. Twigs reddish. Bark of old trunks reddish or Fig. 52. American Hornbeam. 30 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES brownish, forming scales with upturned pa- pery margins Birch, 112. 53. Leaves usually rounded at one or both ends. Bark without papery-margined scales Al- der, 119. 54. Blade nearly as wide as long, with an unsym- metrical and usually heart-shaped base Linden, 198. 54. Blade usually longer than wide, or with the base nearly or quite symmetrical 55. 54. Blade longer than wide and with an unsym- metrical base. Fruit very flat Elm, 144. 55. Fruit fleshy or juicy, commonly globular, not splitting open at maturity. Wood com- monly rather heavy and hard 56. 55. Fruit neither globular, fleshy nor juicy; split- ting open at maturity. Seeds with long cottony hairs. Wood soft and light. Twigs commonly brittle 58. 55. Fruit small and dry, in large loose clusters, splitting open at maturity. Seeds spindle- shaped (long pointed at each end). Wood heavy and hard. Leaves 4 or 5 inches long and an inch or more wide, pointed at both ends. Penn. southward and westward. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 31 (Fig. 53.) Sourwood, Sorrel-tree, Oxyden- drum arboreum (L.) DC. NOTE. The Hop Hornbeam may be sought here if the side veins of the blade are more curved than usual. 56. Fruit with a single central stone which encloses a single seed Cherry, Plum, Peach, 175. 56. Fruit with the seeds in thin-walled compartments 57. 57. Fruit less than \ inch thick June- berry, 158. 57. Fruit f to 2 inches or more thick Apple, Pear, 152. 58. Leaf-stalk less than \ the length of Fig- S3- the blade, or else the width of the blade less than \ the length of the blade* Willow, 91. 58. Leaf-stalk more than \ the length of the blade, or else the blade nearly as wide as long *- Poplar, 98. * Exceptionally narrow-leaved forms of the Balsam Poplar may be distinguished, from Willows, by the strong balsamic odor of leaves and buds, and by the metallic-looking sticky lower surface of their leaves. 32 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 59. Leaves abruptly cut off or indented at the broad apex. Central New England south- ward and westward, also cult. (Figs. 44, 45.) Tulip Tree, White Wood, Yellow Pop- lar, Liriodendron Tulipifera L. 59. Leaves pointed or rounded at the apex, not indented 60. 60. Twigs bright or shining green, bark spicy aro- matic when bruised. Central New England southward and westward. (Figs. 29, 30, 31.) Sassafras, Sassafras variifolium (Salisb.) Ktze. 60. Twigs not spicy aromatic Oak, 126. NOTE. The Fern-leaved Beech (occasionally planted), with smooth gray bark, long pointed buds, and deeply divided leaves, may be sought here if the leaf margins are less deeply cut than usual. 61. Branches thorny. English Hawthorn 159. 61. Branches not thorny 62. 62. Bark whitish and papery. Cult. Cut-leaved Birch, 114. 62. Bark not whitish and papery Oak, 126. NOTE. The Fern-leaved Beech (occasionally KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 33 planted), with smooth gray bark, long pointed buds, and deeply divided leaves, may be sought here if the leaves are some- what toothed as well as deeply cut. 63. Leaflets all attached at one point (i. e., leaves palmately compound), with no stalk to any of the leaflets. Cult. Horse-chestnut, Buckeye, 195. 63. Leaflets scattered along both sides of the com- mon axis (i. e., leaves pinnately compound); if composed of only 3 leaf- lets then the terminal one with a distinct individual stalk. (See Figs. 234, 237.) 64. 64. Leaves with an odd leaflet at the tip 67. 64. Leaves usually with a pair of leaflets at the tip 65. 65. With thorns on the branches or trunk. Central N. Y. and Penn. southwestward a. Once compounded and westward, also cult. 8 and escaped. (Figs. 54, leaf. Fig. 55. Honey Locust. Fig. 56. Honey Locust. Thorns on young trunks. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 35 55, 56.) Honey Locust, Three-thorned Acacia, Honey Shucks, Honey, Gleditsia triacanthos L. 65. Without thorns 66. 56. Leaves once com- pound. Cult, and escaped. Native of China. (Figs. 57, F 'g- 57- Tree of Heaven, Ai- lanthus. Two leaflets from a 58.) Tree Of Heav- leaf made up of 31 leaflets.. pn Ailanthns: Phi a - From middle of leaf - b - en, Ailantnus, uu- From base of leaf nese Sumach, Ai- lanthus glandulosa Desf. Leaves twice compound, at least in part of the leaf. Central N. Y. westward and south- Fig. 58. Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus. westward, also cult. (Figs. 59, 60.) Ken- tucky Coffee-tree, Gymnodadus dioica (L.) Koch. 36 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 59. Kentucky Coffee-tree. Portion of a leaf. 67. Leaves only once compound. (See Figs. 234, 27 i.)-68. 67. Leaves twice compound, at least in part of the leaf. Central N. Y. westward and Fig. 60. Kentucky Coffee-tree. southwestward, also cult. (Figs. 59, 60.) Kentucky Coffee-tree, Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 37 68. Leaves opposite 69. 68. Leaves alternate 70= 69. Wing of the fruit unsymmetrical, thickened at one edge. Leaflets usually 3 or 5. Western New England southward and westward, also cult, and escaped Box Elder, Ash- leaved Maple, 186. 69. Wing of fruit symmetrical, not thickened at one edge. Leaflets usually 7 or 9 Ash, 202. 70. Margins of leaflets more or less regularly toothed, at least above the middle. (See Figs. 204, 234.) 73. 70. Margins of leaflets without teeth, at least none above the middle. (See Figs. 57, 235.) 71. 71. Leaflets commonly with one or more irregular teeth or notches near the base. Fruit nearly 2 inches long, very thin, with one seed near the middle. Cult, and escaped. Native in China. (Figs. 57, 58.) Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus, Chinese Sumach, Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. 71. Leaflets without the basal teeth. Fruit flat- tish, usually at least 2 inches long, several seeded 72. 71. Leaflets without the basal teeth. Fruit globu- 38 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES lar, usually less than | of an inch thick Sumach, 182. 72. Leaflets opposite. Bark deeply furrowed Locust, 181. 72. Leaflets alternate. Bark smooth and gray. Tenn. and adjoining area, also cult. (Figs. 61, 62.) Yel- low Wood, Cladrastis lutea (Michx. f .) Koch. Yellow Wood. 73. Juice milky. Pith occupying more than half the diameter of the youngest branches Sumach, 182. 73. Juice not milky. Pith not occupying half the diameter of the youngest branches 74. 74. Fruit fleshy, red, globular; less than \ inch thick; in flat-topped clusters. Leaflets com- monly more than n. Bark of trunk usually smoothish Mountain Ash, 157. 74. Fruit a dry nut, \ inch or more thick. Leaflets either less than u, or else the bark of the trunk prominently furrowed 75. 75. Exterior husk of fruit not splitting away at maturity. Nut roughened with jagged KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 39 Fig. 62. Yellow Wood. points or ridges. Leaflets usually 9 to 17 Walnut, 1 06. 75. Exterior husk of fruit splitting vertically into 4 parts at maturity. Nut smooth. Leaflets usually 5 to 9 Hickory, 107. PINE. Leaves needle-shaped, 2 to 5 in a cluster. Fruit a cone, composed of woody closely 40 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 63. White Pine. Fig. 64. Yellow Pine. 'itch Pine. Pitc crowded and overlapping scales at- tached to all sides of a common (usually short) axis. 76. Leaves 5 in a cluster. Throughout our range. (Figs. 63, 67.) White Pine, Soft Pine, Pinus Strobus L. 76. Leaves commonly 3 in a cluster 77. 76. Leaves commonly 2 in a cluster 79. 77 Fig. 66. Loblolly Pine. Leaf cluster and section of a leaf. Leaves i to 3 inches long. N. J. and southwestward. (Fig. 64.) Yellow Pine, Shortleaf Pine, Pinus echinata Mill. 77. Leaves 3 to 5 inches long 78. 77. Leaves 6 to 9 inches long. Southern N. J. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 41 southward along the coast. (Fig. 66.) Loblolly Pine, Old-field Pine, Pinus Taeda L. i: - !^IH Fig. 67. White Pine. 78. Sheaths at the base of the leaf-clusters short. Cone scales with a short rigid prickle at the Fig. 68. Pitch Pine. tip. New Brunswick southwestward. (Figs. 65, 68.) Pitch rigida Mill. Pine, Hard Pine, Pinus 42 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES > 78. Sheaths at the base of the leaf-clusters long. Cone scales with a small weak short prickle at the tip. N. J. southwestward. (Fig. 64.) Yellow Pine, Shortleaf Pine, Pinus echinata Mill. 79. Leaves i to 4 inches long 60. 79. Leaves 4 to 6 inches long 83. 79. Leaves 6 to 9 inches long. Southern N. J. southward along the coast. (Fig. 66.) Loblolly Pine, Old-field Pine, Pinus Taeda L. Fig. 69. Table Fig. 70. Fig. 71. North- Mountain Pine. Jersey Pine. ern Scrub Pine. Leaf cluster and Leaf cluster and section of a leaf. section of a leaf. 80. Cone scales with a small weak prickle at the tip. N. J. southwestward. Yellow Pine, Shortleaf Pine, Pinus echinata Mill. 80. Cone scales with a strong sharp prickle at the tip 81. 80. Cone scales usually without a prickle 82. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 43 81. Tip of the cone scales with a stout hooked prickle or spine about | of an inch long. Penn. southwestward along the mountains. (Fig. 69.) Table Mountain Pine, Pinus pungens Lamb. 81. Tip of the cone scales with a slender prickle barely f of an inch long. Long Island south- Fig. 72. Northern Scrub Pine. westward. (Fig. 70.) Jersey Pine, Scrub Pine, Pinus virginiana Mill. 82. Cones pointing forward towards the tip of the branch. Northern New England to Mich, and northward. (Figs. 71, 72.) Northern Scrub Pine, Gray Pine, Scrub Pine, Pinus Banksiana Lamb. 82. Cones pointing backward. Cult, and escaped. 44 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 73.) Scotch Pine, "Scotch Fir," Pinus sylvestris L. 83. Fig. 74. Red Pine. a. Leaf cluster. b. Magnified cross-section of a leaf. The shaded portion is the central bundle and the small circles the resin ducts, c. A similar section of Austrian Pine leaf. Cones about 2 inches long. Young branches somewhat orange-colored. Leaves usually shin- ing, slender, and scoSh Pint flexible; resin ducts Leaf cluster - and section varying in number O f a leaf. and located close to the surface. New England to Penn. and northward. (Fig. 740, b.) Red Pine, Norway Pine, Pinus resinosa Ait. Cones 2| to 3 inches long. Young branches grayish brown. Leaves usually dull and rigid; resin ducts vary- ing in number and located in the interior of the leaf, midway between the sur- face and the central bun- dle. Leaves otherwise nearly as in Red Pine. Cult. Na- tive in southeastern Europe. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 45 (Fig. 74C.) Austrian Pine, Pinus Laricio var. au- slriaca Endl. LARCH. Leaves many in a clus- ter, falling from the tree in the autumn. Fruit a cone, as in Pine. 84. Leaves i inch or less in length. Cones \ to f of an inch long; scales few. Central Penn. northeast- ward and northwestward. (Fig. 75.) American Larch, Tamarack, Fig. 75- American Larch. Fig. 76. European Larch. Hackmatack, " Juniper," Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch. 46 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 84. Leaves i inch or more in length. Cones about i inch long, with many scales. Cult. Na- tive in Europe. (Fig. 76.) European Larch, Larix decidua Mill. SPRUCE. Leaves 4-sided or 4-angled, attached to all sides of the branch. Fruit a cone, as in Pine. 85. Young twigs hairy 86. 85. Young twigs smooth or nearly so 88. 86. Mature cones less than 3 inches long 87. 86. Mature cones more than 3 inches long. Cult, and es- caped. Native in Europe. (Fig. 77.) Norway Spruce, Picea Abies (L.) Karst. 87. Leaves ^ to f of an inch long, normally all curving up- Fig. 77. wards. Cones 1 1 to 2 inches long, commonly not remaining attached to the branch for, more than one year; cone scales usually entire at the margin. Tree reaching 40 feet or more in height, usually with a pyramidal crown and growing on uplands, rarely in wet places. Penn. and central New England northwestward, and KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 47 in the mountains to Ga. (Figs. 78, 79.) Red Spruce, Yellow Spruce, Picca rubra (Du Roi) Dietr. 87. Leaves | to f of an inch long. Cones \ to \\ inches long, remaining attached to the branch for many years; cone scales usually with the margin irregularly finely toothed (as if Fig. 78. Red Spruce. Fig. 79. Red Spruce. gnawed). Tree of swamps or low lands, rarely on uplands, usually with a columnar crown and less than 30 feet high. Occa- sionally fruiting when only 3 or 4 feet high. W. Va. northeastward and northwestward. (Fig. 80.) Black Spruce, Swamp Spruce, Bog Spruce, Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. 88. Leaves pointed, often sharply 89. 88. Leaves blunt, less than f inch long, thick, 48 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES dark shining green. Occasionally cult. Na- tive in western Asia. Oriental Spruce, Picea orlentalis Carr. Fig. 80. Black Spruce. Showing, leaf arrange- ment, hairy branchlet and leaf section. Fig. 81. Colorado Blue Spruce. 89. Foliage bluish green or silvery 90. 89. Foliage green. Cones 4 to 7 inches long. Cult, and escaped. Native in Europe. (Fig. 77.) Norway Spruce, Picea Abies (L.) Karst. 90. Cones i\ to 4 inches long; scales distinctly longer than broad, with a ragged blunt apex. Cult. Native in' the Rocky Mountains. (Fig. 81.) Colorado Blue Spruce, Silver Spruce, Picea Menziesii Engelm. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 49 90. Cones 1 1 to 2 inches long; scales rounded, not ragged. Foliage usually with an un- pleasant odor. Northern New England Magnified section of leaf (diagram) Fig. 82. White Spruce. Showing leaf arrangement, smooth branchlet and leaf section. northward and westward. (Fig. 82.) White Spruce, Single Spruce, Skunk Spruce, Cat Spruce, Picea canadensis (Mill.) BSP. WILLOW. Leaves narrow, except in Bay-leaved Willow. Flowers in catkins. Stamens 2 to 8. Bracts not fringed. Fruit a small elongated dry pod. Seeds small, with long hairs. Many hybrids.* 91. Length of the blade not more than 3 times its width. Teeth blunt and glandular, 15 to 20 "The Glaucous Willow (Salix discolor Muhl.), the Shining Willow (S. lucida Muhl.), including also a variety of it, and the Balsam Willow (S. balsamifera Barratt) are generally shrubs and are not included in the key. All of these, however, may assume a tree-like habit along our northern border. See Williams in Rhodora 3: 277 (1901). 5 o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES per inch of margin. Leaf-stalk with glands above. Stamens 3 to 5, or more. Cult, and escaped. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 83.) Bay- leaved Willow, Salix pentandra L. 91. Length of the blade at least 4 times its width 92. Fig g3 Bay-leaved Willow. 92. Stipules usually present. No glands on the leaf-stalk. Teeth 15 to 30 per inch of margin. Stamens 3 to 5 or more 93. 92. Stipules usually not persistent. Leaf- stalk generally with glands. Nor- mally with 2 stamens 95. Leaf-stalk more than f of an inch long. Stipules dropping almost as soon as the leaf expands. Leaves from 3 to 5 times as long as wide, with a long slender point and small marginal teeth. Western N. Y., p g each 4 - western Perm, westward. (Fig. 84.) leaved Peach-leaved Willow, Almondleaf Willow. Willow, Salix amygdaloides Anders. 93. Leaf-stalks less than f of an inch long. Stip- ules usually persisting nearly the entire season 94. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 51 94. Leaves whitish and veiny beneath. Fruit clusters 3 to 4 inches long. Dry fruits & to 1 of an inch long, with finely granular surface. Md. and Va. southward and westward. (Fig. 85.) Ward's Wil- l low, Salix Wardi Bebb. 94. Leaves with a green lower surface, although this is usually somewhat paler than the upper surface. Fruit clus- ters i to 3 inches long. Dry fruits to & of an inch long, with a smooth Fig 8s surface. Throughout the WardWil- low a. H| northeastern states and into Small leaf. Fig 86 southern New Brunswick. J 3 - , Lar s e wakl (FigSt 86 ' 87 : } Black wa " low, Salix nigra Marsh. Fig. 108. Black Walnut. 52 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 95. Marginal teeth of the leaves averag- ing 10 to 15 per inch 96. 95. Marginal teeth of the leaves averag- ing 15 to 30 per inch, blunt 97. 96. Length of the leaf-blade about 4 times the width. Marginal teeth blunt. Very variable. Cult, and escaped. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 88.) Crack Willow, Salix fra- gilis L. 96. Length of the leaf-blade about 8 times the width; lower surface of the leaf pale. Marginal teeth sharp. Branches pendulous. Cult, and es- caped. Native in the Caucasus. (Fig. 89.) Weeping Willow, Napoleon's Willow, Salix babylonica L. Fig. 88. Crack Willow. Fig. 89. Fig. ite Wi 90. Fig. 91. Weeping Willow. White Willow. Yellow Willow. Blue Willow Fig. 92. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 53 97. Mature leaves silky hairy on both surfaces. Twigs greenish. Cult, and escaped. Native in Europe. (Fig. 90.) White Willow, Salix alba L. 97. Mature leaves smooth. Twigs yellow or red- dish. Cult, and escaped. (Fig. 91.) Yellow Willow, Salix alba var. mtettina (L.) Koch. 97. Mature leaves smooth and bluish green. Twigs olive-green. Cult, and escaped. (Fig. 92.) Blue Willow, Salix alba var. caerulea (Sm.) Koch. POPLAR. Leaves wide.* Flowers in catkins. Sta- mens 8 or more. Bracts fringed. Fruit essentially as in Willow. 98. Leaf margins irregularly lobed or toothed; lower surface white-cottony even when old. Cult, and escaped. Very va- riable. Native in Eurasia. (Figs. 93, 94.) White Poplar, Abele, Silver Poplar, Populus ..., White Poplar. alba L. 98. Leaf margins regularly (or but slightly irregu- larly) toothed 99. 99. Teeth 5 or less per inch of margin. Through- * Sometimes narrow in the American Aspen. 54 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 94. White Poplar. out the range. (Fig. 95.) Large-toothed Aspen, Large-toothed Poplar, Poplar, Pop- ple, Populus grandidentata Michx. 99. Teeth 6 or more per inch of margin 100. Fig. 95- Large-toothed Aspen. Fig. 96. American Aspen. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 55 100. Leaf-stalk prominently flattened in a plane at right angles to the blade 101. 100. Leaf-stalk not flattened, or but very slightly 104. 101. Blade triangular, triangularly egg-shaped, or rhombic 102. 1 01. Blade from broad heart-shaped or rounded to lance-shaped or oblong, usually pointed. Fig. 97. Lombardy Poplar. Fig. 98. Carolina Poplar. Penn. northward and westward. (Fig. 96.) American Aspen, Quaking Asp, Trem- bling Poplar, Tremble, Populus tremuloides Michx. 102. Crown of the tree very narrow and spiry. 56 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Branches closely ascending. Leaves com- monly broader than long. Cult, and es- caped. Native in Asia. (Fig. 97.) Lom- bardy Poplar, Populus nigra var. italica Du Roi. 102. Crown of the tree not spiry 103. 103. Young twigs smooth. Western New England Fig. 99. Carolina Poplar. southward and westward, also cult. (Figs. 98, 99.) Carolina Poplar, Cottonwood, Necklace Poplar, Cotton-tree, Populus del- toides Marsh. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 57 103. Young twigs hairy. Occasionally cult. Na- tive in Eurasia. Black Poplar, Populus nigra L. 104. Length of blade about twice the width.* Central New England westward and north- Fig. 100. Balsam Poplar. Fig. 101. Downy Poplar. ward. ( Fig. 100.) Balsam Poplar, Tac- amahac, Rough-barked Poplar, Populus balsamifera L. 104. Length of blade scarcely greater than the width* 105. * The leaves of the Balsam Poplar are sometimes wide, when they may closely resemble those of the Balm of Gilead, both of which have fragrant sticky buds. The Balm of Gilead leaf has a hairy under surface, while that of the Balsam Poplar is smooth and with a more or less metallic luster. 5 8 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 105. Apex of the blade blunt or rounded. Conn, southward along the coast, also in the Mis- Fig. 102. Balm of Gilead. sissippi valley. (Fig. 101.) Downy Pop- lar, Swamp Cottonwood, River Cotton- wood, Populus heterophylla L. 105. Apex of the blade tapering to a very sharp point. Cult, and escaped. Probably na- tive in Eurasia. (Fig. 102.) Balm of Gilead, Balsam, Populus candicans Ait. WALNUT. Leaves compound. Leaflets averaging ii to 23. Fruit enclosed in a husk which does not split open at maturity. Nut roughened with sharp points or ridges. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 59 Fig. 103. Butternut. Pith of twigs appearing as if made up of a row of diaphragms when cut longitudinally. Fig. 104. Butternut. Showing pith in split twig. 60 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 106. Leaflets n to 17, sticky-hairy, as are also the leaf-stalks and young fruits. Fruit oblong. New Brunswick southwestward. (Figs. 103, 104, 105.) Butternut, White Walnut, Oilnut, Juglans cinerea L. 106. Leaflets 15 to 23, not sticky. Fruit globular. Southwestern New England and central N. Y. southward and westward, also cult. (Figs. 106, 107, 108.) Black Walnut, Walnut, Juglans nigra L. HICKORY. Leaves compound. Leaflets 5 to n. Fruit husk regularly splitting into 4 parts at maturity. Nut smooth. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 61 Fig. 106. Black Walnut. Fig. 107. Black Walnut. Showing the pith in a split twig. Fig. 108. Black Walnut. 62 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 107. Leaflets averaging 5 to 7108. 107. Leaflets averaging 7 to n no. Fig. 109. Shag-bark Hickory (lowest pair of leaflets usually pointing backwards). 108. Leaflets usually 5, the lowest pair much smaller. Husk of fruit more than | of an inch thick. Kernel of seed sweet. Bark of old trunks separating into loose plates. Central Me. to southern Quebec and south- westward. (Figs. 109, no.) Shag-bark Hickory, Shell-bark Hickory, Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 63 1 08. Leaflets 5 or 7. Husk of fruit less than f of an inch thick 109. Fig. no. Shag-bark Hickory. 109. Fruit oblong, an inch or more long. Kernel of seed bitter. Bark in close rough scaly ridges. Central New England, southern 64 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. in. Pignut. Fig. 112. Small- fruited Hickory. Fig. 113. Pignut. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 65 Ontario southward and westward. (Figs, in, 113.) Pignut, Brown Hickory, Carya glabra (Mill.) Spach. 109. Fruit globular, less than an inch in length. Kernel sweetish. Bark rough and some- what shaggy. Central New England south- Fig. 114. Small-fruited Hickory. ward and westward. (Figs. 112, 114.) Small-fruited Hickory, Small Pignut, Little Shag-bark Hickory, Carya microcarpa Nutt. 1 10. Leaflets glandular-hairy, at least beneath, with a resinous fragrance when crushed. Fruit husk more than of an inch thick. Bark hard and close, not separating into 66 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 116. Mockernut. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 67 long loose plates. Nut about i inch across, with a thick shell. Kernel of seed sweet. Southern New England southward and westward. (Figs. 115, 116.) Mockernut, White-heart Hickory, Bullnut, Carya alba (L.) K. Koch. Bitternut Hickory. no. Leaflets finely hairy only when young. Fruit husk less than f of an inch thick. Bark hard and close, not separating into loose plates. Nut hardly i inch across, with a thin shell. Kernel of seed bitter. South- western Me. southward and westward. (Fig. 117.) Bitternut, Swamp Hickory, Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch. 68 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES no. Leaflets usually somewhat downy beneath. Fruit husk more than of an inch thick. Bark of medium sized trunks forming long Fig. 118. Big Shell-bark Hickory. loose plates. Nut i| to 2 inches across, with a thick shell. Kernel of seed sweet. Western N. Y. southwestward. (Fig. 118.) Big Shell-bark, King Nut, Carya ladniosa (Michx. f.) Loud. BIRCH. Leaves simple, alternate. Fruit clusters cone-like. Nuts small, winged. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 69 in. Bark dark colored, not sepa- rable into thin papery lay- ers. Young twigs strongly spicy-aromatic when the bark is bruised or broken. Western Me. southward and westward. (Figs. 119, 120.) Black Birch, Cherry Birch, Sweet Birch, Betula lenta L. in. Bark light colored (usually white, yellowish, or pink- ish), rarely dark, except in young trees; Birch Black Fig. 120. Black Birch. Old trunk. generally separating, or separable, on me- dium sized trunks, into thin papery lay- ers 112. 7 o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES t\ *.^^r Fig. 122. Yellow Birch. Fig. 124. River Birch. Old trunk. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 71 112. Papery or filmy bark yellowish, silvery-gray, or straw-color, and usually shining. Bark of young twigs spicy-aromatic when bruised. Newfoundland westward and southwest- ward. (Figs. 121, 122.) Yellow Birch, Silver Birch, Betula lutea Michx. f . River Birch. Young trunk. 112. Papery or filmy bark varying from chalky- white or pink to bronze. Bark of young twigs not distinctly spicy-aromatic when bruised 113. 113. Papery bark pinkish or salmon-colored, usu- ally separating naturally into filmy coils or KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES fringes on trunks and branches ranging in size from 2 to 8 inches, or more, in diameter. Leaves more or less rhombic, occasionally Fig. Cut-leaved Birch. ig. Gray Birch. Fig. 128.* Gray Birch. Fig. 129. Cut-leaved Birch. somewhat triangular, almost never of a regular egg-shaped outline. N. J. south- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 73 ward and westward, also locally in eastern Mass. (Figs. 123, 124, 125.) River Birch, Red Birch, Betula nigra L. 113. Papery bark white or whitish, rarely as dark as bronze; in certain species not separating spontaneously into filmy coils or fringes 114. Fig. 130. White Birch Fig. 131. Cordate-leaved Blue Birch. Birch. 114. Leaves deeply cut, often into narrow divisions. Cult. (Figs. 126, 129.) Cut-leaved Birch, Betula pendula var. dalecarlica L. 114. Leaves not deeply cut, distinctly triangular, usually with a long tapering apex. Prince Edwards Island to Md. (Figs. 127, 128.) Gray Birch, White Birch, Poverty Birch, Old-field Birch, Betula populifolia Marsh. 114. Leaves neither deeply cut nor triangular 115. 74 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 115. Young branches perfectly smooth. Northern New England, Quebec, and northwestward, (Fig. 130.) White Birch, Blue Birch, Betula pendula Roth. 115. Young branches minutely hairy 116. Fig. 132. Cordate-leaved Birch. 116. Branches pendulous.* Cult. Weeping Birch, Betula alba var. pendula Hort. 116. Branches not pendulous 117. 117. Leaves rounded or slightly wedge-shaped at base 1 1 8. * Betula alba var. glutinosa (Wallr.) Traut., with pendulous branches, is local near Mt. Katahdin and in Washington Co., Me. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 75 117. Leaves broadly egg-shaped, heart-shaped at base. Newfoundland to northern New England and northward. (Figs. 131, 132). Cordate- leaved Birch, Betula alba var. cordifolia Fig. i 33 Eu- (Regel) Fernald. ropean Paper Birch. 118. Leaves i| to 2\ inches long. Newfoundland and northern New England and north- Fi s- *34- Ameri- can Canoe Birch, ward, also cult. (Fig. 133.) European Paper Birch, Betula alba L. Fig. 135. American Canoe Birch. 118. Leaves 2\ to 3^ inches long. Newfound- land to Penn., thence westward across the 76 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES continent. (Figs. 134, 135.) American Canoe Birch, Paper Birch, Canoe Birch, White Birch, Betula alba var. papyri/era (Marsh.) Spach. ALDER. Shrubby, or occasionally small trees. Flowers in catkins. Fruit clusters cone- like. Fig. 136. Downy Green Alder. Fig. 137. Speckled Alder. Fig. 138. Euro- pean Black Alder. 1 19. Leaves broadest at the middle or below 120. 119. Leaves broadest above the middle 121. 120. Flowers in the spring. Leaves densely soft- hairy beneath. Branchlets hairy. Mature fruit 5 to f of an inch long. Newfound- land to western Mass, and N. Y. (Fig. 136.) Downy Green Alder, Alnus mollis Fernald. 120. Flowers in the spring. Leaves somewhat hairy or rusty beneath, dark green above, KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 77 with impressed veins. Mature fruit \ to f of an inch long. Usually a shrub. Penn. and northward. (Fig. 137. Commonly more strongly and irregularly lobed than shown in the illustration.) Speckled Alder, Hoary Alder, Alnus ncana (L.) Moench. 120. Flowers in the fall. Leaves usually broadest at the middle, and smooth on both surfaces, Fig. 140. Fig. 141. Pur- Fern-leaved pie- leaved Beech. Beech. or somewhat rusty beneath. Mature fruit f to i inch long. Known in the eastern states only from Del. and eastern Md. Seaside Alder, Alnus maritima (Marsh.) Muhl. 121. Leaves fan-shaped or rounded. Margins coarsely toothed. Cult, and escaped. Na- 78 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 142. Purple-leaved Beech (grafted). tive in Eurasia and Africa. (Fig. 138.) European Black Alder, Alnus vulgar is Hill. 121. Leaves conspicuously longer than broad. Margins with very small teeth. Me. southward along the coast. (Fig. 139.) Smooth Alder, Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. Fig. 143. Ameri- can Beech. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 70 BEECH. Leaves simple, alternate. Bark light gray, without furrows. 122. Leaves very variable, commonly deeply cut into slender divisions. Cult. (Fig. 140.) Fig. 144. American Beech. Fern-leaved Beech, Fagus sylvatica var. heterophylla Loud. 122. Leaves not deeply cut 123. 123. Leaves purple, red, or even darker. Cult. (Figs. 141, 142.) Purple-leaved Beech, Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea Ait. 8o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 123. Leaves green 124. 124. With 9 to 14 pairs of side veins in the leaf, each vein ending in a distinct marginal tooth. Leaves 2\ to 5 inches long, width about half the length. New Bruns- wick southward and westward. (Figs. 143, 144.) American Beech, Beech, Red Beech, White Beech, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. NOTE. The American Beech normally has yellow- ish or grayish fruit with elongated prickles. The variety caroliniana, from N. J. south- ward, has a dull red fruit and short prickles. 124. With 5 to 9 pairs of side veins, each vein ending either in or between small or blunt teeth, the latter often entirely absent and the margin merely wavy. Leaves 2 to 4 inches long, width the length. Cult. Native of Europe. (Fig. 145.) European Beech, Fagus sylvatica L. NOTE. The common Weeping Beech is a variety of the European Beech, with drooping or pendulous branches. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 81 CHESTNUT. Leaves long, with a bristle tipped tooth at the end of each side vein. Fruit a bur, an inch or more thick, usually con- taining from i to 3 pointed nuts. 125. Nut usually \ to f of an inch broad, and / with 2 or 3 in a bur. Leaves smooth. Southwestern Me. southward and westward. (Figs. 146, 147.) Amer- ican Chestnut, Chestnut, Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Fig. 146. Ameri- can Chestnut. Fig. 147. American Chestnut. 125. Nut usually less than | inch broad, and solitary in the bur. Leaves downy-hairy beneath. Usually a shrub. N. J. south- ward and westward. (Fig. 148.) Chinqua- pin, Dwarf Chestnut, Castanea pumila (L.) Mill. ' 125. Nut usually more than | of an inch broad. Cult. (The leaves of this species are shaped 82 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES much like those of the American Chestnut, except at the variable base.) Native in Eurasia and Africa. European Chestnut, Cas- tanea sativa Mill. NOTE. Certain Japanese Chestnuts (Fig. 149) are occasionally cultivated within our range; these can usu- ally be recognized by the very large bur, sometimes 4 or more inches in thickness, also by the small but prominently bristle-tipped teeth of the leaf margin, and the rounded or often auriculate base of the blade. Fig. 149. Japanese Chestnut. OAK. Leaves simple, alternate. Fruit a nut sur- ** . rounded at the base by a cup composed of closely overlapping scales ; commonly known as an acorn. 126. Leaves without lobes or marginal teeth 127. 126. Leaves either lobed or toothed, or both 128. 127. Mature leaves of fruiting branches usually an inch or more wide near the middle, and about 3 times as long as broad.* Perm. * Some leaves may occasionally be somewhat lobed. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES westward and southward, also local in eastern Mass. (Figs. 150, 151.) Laurel Oak, Shingle Oak, Quercus imbricaria Michx. 127. Mature leaves of fruiting branches less than Fig. 151. Laurel Oak. an inch wide at the middle, and about 5 times as long as broad.* N. J. southward and westward. (Fig. 152.) Willow Oak, Peach Oak, Quercus p hello s L. 127. Mature leaves of fruiting branches usually broad and rounded in the upper third, often with a tendency to become 3-lobed near the apex.* Del. southward, also in the lower Mississippi valley. (Fig. 153.) Willow Water Oak, Quercus nigra L. * Leaves of vigorous shoots are often strongly and sharply lobed. 84 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 128. Lobes or marginal teeth ending in a bristle 129. 128. Lobes or marginal teeth not ending in a bris- tle 135. Fig. 153- Fig- 154- Water Oak. Fig. 157. Black Oak. 129. Lower surface of mature leaves smooth, or nearly so 130. 129. Lower surface of mature leaves hairy 133. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 85 130. Acorn cup covering about half the nut 131- 130. Acorn cup shallow and broad, covering con- siderably less than half the nut 132. 131. Inner (or upper) thin scales of the cup finely hairy, and the tips loosely over- lapping. Buds usually pointed and woolly-hairy all over, somewhat an- gular in cross section. Inner bark yellowish- orange and very bitter. Southern Me. southward and westward. (Figs. 154, 157.) Black Oak, Yellow- Fig " is8 ' bark Oak, Yellow Oak, Quercus velutina Lam. 131. Inner (or upper) thin scales of the cup smooth or essentially so, and the tips very snugly overlapping. Buds usually blunt, hairy only near the tip, not usually angular in cross section. Inner bark reddish, not bitter. Southern Me. southward and west- ward. (Fig. 155.) Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea Muench.* * See note on page 86. 86 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 132. Acorn small, less than of an inch long. Mass, southward and westward. (Fig. 156.) Pin Oak, Quercus palustris Muench. .tri Fig. 159. Red Oak. 132. Acorn large, more than of an inch long. Throughout our range. (Figs. 158, 159.) Red Oak, Quercus rubra L* *The Gray Oak (Quercus rubra var. ambigua (Michx. f.) Fer- nald), with the fruit of the Scarlet Oak and the foliage' of the Red Oak, occurs along the northern range of the Red Oak and is usually regarded as a variation of that species. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 87 133. Leaf lobes usually longer than broad and tapering more or less regularly to long sharp points. N. J. southward, also in the lower Fig. 160. Spanish Oak. Mississippi valley. (Fig. 160.) Spanish Oak, Quercus falcata Michx. 133. Leaf lobes usually broader than long 134. 134. Blade not six times as long as the leaf-stalk. Leaves generally angularly lobed, broadest near the middle, grayish white-hairy be- neath. Northeastern states. (Fig. 161.) Scrub Oak, Bear Oak, Barren Oak, Quercus ilicifolia Wang. 134. Blade more than six times as long as the leaf- 88 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 161. Scrub Oak. Fig. 162. Black Jack Oak (with bristles). Fig. 163. Black Jack Oak (without bristles). 135- 135- stalk. Leaves greatly broadened at the apex, usually with no pronounced lobes; lower surface rusty-hairy. Long Island southward and westward. (Figs. 162, 163.) Black Jack Oak, Jack Oak, Quercus marilandica Muench. Lower surface of the mature leaves smooth, or nearly so 136. Lower surface of the mature leaves hairy 140. 136. Leaf-margins with many coarse rounded teeth which do not reach more than | of the distance to the midrib 137. 136. Leaf-margins lobed 138. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 89 137. Mature acorn cups more than i inch broad. Del., Md., southward. The leaves of this species are much like those of a Chestnut Oak (See Fig. 164), but with pointed teeth. Cow Oak, Basket Oak Quercus Michauxii Nutt. 137. Mature acorn cups less than i inch broad. Fig. 165. Chestnut Oak. Fig. 166. English Oak. Southern Me. and N. H. southward. (Figs. 164, 165.) Chestnut Oak, Rock Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak, Quercus Prinus L. 138. Base of the blade pointed 139. 138. Base of the blade ear-shaped (auriculate). Cult. Native in Europe. (Figs. 166, 167.) English Oak, Quercus Robur L. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES NOTE. A less common variety of the English Oak (var. sessiliflord) occasionally has a tapering base to the blade, when it closely resembles the leaf of the White Oak. The tree may generally be distinguished from the latter by the rather firm prominently furrowed Fig. 167. English Oak. dark bark; the bark of the White Oak being light gray with a tendency to become flaky or scaly on trunks and branches from 4 to 10 inches in diameter, rather than furrowed. 139. Acorn broader than high. Southern N. J. southward and westward. (Fig. 168.) Overcup Oak, Swamp Post Oak, Water White Oak, Quercus lyrata Walt. 139- Acorn higher than broad. Central New KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 91 England southward and westward. (Figs. 169, 170.) White Oak, Quercus alba L. 140. Deepest marginal indentations usually not reaching more than i of the distance to the midrib 141. Fig. 168. Overcup Oak. Fig. 169. White Oak. 140. Deepest marginal indentations usually reach- ing | of the distance to the midrib or more, at least in most of the leaves 143. 141. Fruit-stalk much longer than the leaf-stalk. Southern Me. southward and westward. (Fig. 171.) Swamp White Oak, Swamp Oak, Quercus bicolor Willd. 141. Fruit-stalk shorter than the leaf-stalk 142. 92 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 142. Leaf-margins with many coarse rounded teeth. Leaf-base tapering. Southern Me. south- ward and westward. (Figs. 164, 165.) Chestnut Oak, Rock Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak, Quercus Prinus L. 142. Leaf-margins with many coarse sharp teeth. White Oak. Leaf-base tapering. Vt. and southward, mainly along the mountains. (Fig. 172. Leaves often wider than shown in the illus- tration.) Yellow Oak, Chinquapin Oak, Chestnut Oak, Quercus Muhlenbergii En- gelm. 142. Leaf-margins with angles or lobes rather than 94 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 176. American Elm. a. Fruit, b. Leaf. American Elm. 143- Fig. 177- covering more than half of the nut. Nova Scotia to Manitoba and southward to Penn. and Tenn. Rather local in New England. (Figs. 173, 174.) Bur Oak, Mossy-cup Oak, Overcup Oak, Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Scales of the cup not awned. Cup usually covering less than half of the nut. Mass. southward and westward. "(Fig. 175.) Post Oak, Box White Oak, Quercus stellata Wang. ELM. Leaves simple, alternate, with straight side veins, doubly-toothed margins, and an unsymmetrical base. Fruit strongly Fig. 178. Cork Elm. a. Leaf. b. Fruit. 144. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 95 flattened, with a broad thin wing surround- ing the single seed, the wing notched at the apex, and the notch usually closed above. Mature fruit hairy-fringed along the margin 145. Fig. 179. Cork Elm. 144. Mature fruit not hairy-fringed along the mar- gin 146. 145. Mature fruit less than \ inch long, surfaces without hairs. Side veins of the leaf usually 96 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES less than 18 pairs. Throughout our range. (Figs. 176, 177.) American Elm, White Elm, Elm, Ulmus americana L. Fig. 180. Slippery Elm. a. Leaf. b. Fruit. Fig. 181. Slippery Elm. Old Tree. 145. Mature fruit more than | inch long, slightly hairy all over. Side veins of the leaf usually KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 97 more than 18 pairs. Western New England westward and southward . (Figs . 178,179.) Cork Elm, Rock Elm, Northern Cork Elm, Ulmus racemosa Thomas. 146. Mature fruit not hairy 147. 146. Seed portion of the fruit hairy, elsewhere without | hairs. Central New England southward and westward. (Figs. 180, 181.) Slippery Elm, Red Fig. 182. English Elm. i7i TT7 f i TV/T- u a - Leaf - b - Fruit - Elm, Ulmus fulva Michx. Fig. 183. English Elm. 98 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 184. Wych Elm. Fig. 185. Wych Elm. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 99 147. Veins in the longer side of the leaf 1 1 or less. Cult. Native in Eurasia and northern Africa. (Figs. 182, 183.) English Elm, Ulmus campestris L. 147. Veins in the longer side of the leaf 1 2 or more. Leaves sometimes slightly lobed above. Occasionally cult. Native in Eurasia. (Figs. 184, 185.) Wych Elm, Scotch Elm, Ulmus montana With. MULBERRY. Leaves alternate, broad, often lobed. Fruit in general appearance suggesting a Fig. 186. White Mulberry. blackberry (except perhaps in color), though technically quite different. 148. Leaves smooth, usually shining. Fruit whit- TOO KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES ish or pinkish. Cult, and escaped. in China. (Figs. 186, 187 Mulberry, Morus alba L. 148. Leaves rough, usually downy- hairy beneath. Fruit dark purple or nearly black. Western New England southward and westward also cult. (Figs. 189, 190.) Red Mulberry, Black Mul- berry, Moms r libra L. 188.) Native White While Mulberry. MAGNOLIA. Leaves of many species very large. Margins without teeth. Flowers large and Fig. 188. White Mulberry. conspicuous. Fruit cone-like, ing from the mature from threads. Seeds hang- fruit by slender KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 101 Fig. 190. Red Mulberry. Fig. 191. Umbrella Tree. 102 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 149. Flowers appearing before the leaves in early spring. Cultivated for ornament only. Small trees or shrubs. Various Chinese and Japanese Magnolias. 149. Flowers not appearing until the leaves have expanded. Native in the eastern U. S. and cult. 150. 150. Leaves i to 2 feet long, pointed at both ends, crowded at the ends of the branches in umbrella-like clusters. Flowers 3 to 5 inches long. Southern Penn. southward and westward. (Fig. 191.) Umbrella Tree, Magnolia tripetala L. 150. Leaves not crowded at the ends of the branches, but scattered along the sides 151- 151. Leaves 3 to 5 inches long, blunt at the apex, whitish beneath. Flowers globular, fra- grant, white, 2 inches long. Usually a shrub. N. Y. southward, also local in eastern Mass. (Fig. 192.) Sweet Bay, Sweet Magnolia, Magnolia mrginiana L. 151. Leaves 6 to 10 inches long, pointed at the apex, not conspicuously whitened be- neath. Flowers shaped like a narrow bell, KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 103 greenish yellow, 2 inches long. West- ern N. Y. southward and westward. (Fig. 193.) Cucumber Tree, Magnolia acu- minata L. 151. Leaves i to 3 feet long, somewhat clustered, heart-shaped at the base, whitened and Fig. 192. Sweet Bay. Fig. 193. Cucumber Tree. hairy beneath. Flowers broad bell-shaped, white (with purple spots at the base), about 6 inches long. Ky. southward. (Fig. 194.) Great-leaved Magnolia, Great- leaved Umbrella Tree, Magnolia macro- phylla Michx. io 4 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES APPLE, PEAR, QUINCE. Leaves simple. Fruit fleshy, containing 5 thin-walled compart- ments with about 2 seeds in each. 152. Leaf margins toothed 153- 152. Leaf margins not toothed, lower surface woolly. Cult. (Fig. 195.) Quince, Pyrus Cydonia L. 153. Leaves woolly or vel- vety-hairy beneath. Fruit globular, with a depression at both ends. Cult, and oc- casionally growing wild. (Figs. 196, 197.) Apple, Pyrus Mains L. 153. Leaves smooth be- neath, or nearly so ' . I 54 Fig. 194. Great-leaved Magnolia. 154. Some of the leaves very irregularly toothed, or even lobed and toothed. Branches some- times prolonged into short thorns. Fruit an inch or more long, with a depression at each end. N. J. westward and southward. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES (Fig. 198.) American Crab, Sweet Crab, Pyrus corona- ria L. M 154. Leaves somewhat regularly toothed, not lobed 155. 155. Fruit narrower towards the base. Fig. 195. Cult. (Figs. 199, 201.) Pear, Quince " Common Pear, Pyrus communis L. Fig. 196. Apple. Fig. 197. Apple. 155. Fruit about an inch in diameter, not narrower towards the base 156. 156. Fruit yellow with a red cheek. Cult, and occasionally escaped in New England. Na- tive in Asia. (Fig. 200.) Siberian Crab, Pyrus baccata L. io6 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 156. Fruit greenish. Along rivers, N. J. south- ward and westward. (Fig. 202.) Narrow- 199. Fig. 200. r. Siberian Crab. Fig. 202. Narrow- leaf Crab. Fig. 201. Pear. leaf Crab, Southern Crab Apple, Pyrus angustifolia Ait. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 107 MOUNTAIN ASH. Leaves compound. Fruit red, fleshy, with a core like an Apple or Pear.* 157. Fruit about | inch thick, in flat-topped clusters. Leaflets smooth, lance-shaped, Fig. 203. Ameri- can Mountain Ash. Fig. 204. Western Mountain Ash. Fig. 205. Euro- ' pean Moun- tain Ash. taper-pointed. Labrador to northern New England and northwestward. (Fig. 203.) American Mountain Ash, Round-wood, Pyrus americana (Marsh.) DC. * Pyrus hybrida L., with the leaves compounded (pinnately) only at the base, is a local escape in Maine. io8 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 157. Fruit about ^ of an inch thick, in flat-topped clusters. Leaflets smooth, oblong, abruptly pointed. Labrador through central Me. westward and northward; also cult. (Fig. 204.) Western Mountain Ash, Elder- leaved Mountain Ash, Pyms sitchensis (Roem.) Piper. 157. Fruit about \ inch thick, in convex clusters. Leaflets oblong, usually blunt, lower sur- face and leaf-stalks hairy. Cult, and es- caped. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 205.) European Mountain Ash, Rowan Tree, Pyrus Aucuparia (L.) Ehrh. JUNEBERRY. Fruit fleshy, rarely more than f of an inch thick, containing 10 one-seeded com- partments at maturity. 158. Mature leaves smooth',* usually rounded or heart- shaped at base and pointed at Fig. 206. Shad Bush. *A variety of the Shad Bush (var. tomentula Sarg.), from southwestern Maine, southward and westward, usually has the leaves hairy when mature. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 109 apex. Petals white, | inch or more long. Throughout our range. (Fig. 206.) Shad Bush, Service Berry, Amelanchier canaden- sis (L.) Medic. 158. Mature leaves usually rounded at both ends or with an abrupt bristle-like apex; commonly more or less hairy until old. Petals white, less than | inch long. New Brunswick south- ward and westward. (Fig. 207.) Dwarf Juneberry, Amelanchier oblongifolia (T. & G.) Roem. berry. THORN. Leaves simple. Fruit fleshy, globular, rarely more than f of an inch thick. Seeds i to 5, each enclosed in a bony seed-like stone. Many species are recognized. Most- ly thorny shrubs, but the following occa- sionally become small trees. Mature fruit is generally essential for identification. 159. Leaves deeply cut into several sparingly toothed segments. Fruit usually with one stone. Cult, and escaped. Native in Eurasia and northern Africa. (Fig. 208.) English Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna Jacq. 159. Leaves not deeply cut, indentations reaching i io KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES less than half way to the midrib, with 2 or more stones 160. Fruit 160. Stones 2 or 3, each with 2 prominent depres- sions on the inner side. Leaves leathery, shining above. Nova Scotia westward and Fig. 208. English Hawthorn. Fig. 209. Crataegus macracantha. southward. (Fig. 209.) Crataegus macra- cantha Lodd. 160. Stones without deep depressions on the inner side 161. 161. Flowers and fruits generally 3 to 7 in a clus- ter. Leaf-stalks with glands. Central New England to N. C. Scarlet Thorn, Scarlet Haw, Red Haw, White Thorn, Crataegus coccinea L. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES in 161. Flowers generally more than 7 in a cluster 162. Fig. 210. Cock- spur Thorn. Fig. 211. Crataegus pruinosa. 162. Leaves broadest above the middle. Western New England southward and westward. Also cult. (Fig. 210.) Cock-spur Thorn, Red Haw, Newcastle Thorn, Thorn Plum, Crataegus Crus-galli L. 162. Leaves broadest at the middle or below 163. 163. Mature leaves smooth 164. 163. Mature leaves hairy, at least along the veins beneath 168. 164. Leaves broadest at the middle. Vt. Crataegus Oakesiana Eggl. 164. Leaves broadest towards the base 165. 165. Fruit firm when ripe. Leaves bluish green. Western New England southward and ii2 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES westward. (Fig. 211.) Crataegus pruinosa (Wendl.) C. Koch. 165. Fruit soft when ripe 166. 166. Calyx lobes finely toothed. Stones usually 4 or 5167. 166. Calyx lobes toothed. Stones usually 3 or 4. Nova Scotia to the Great Lakes and south- ward in the mountains. Crataegus macro- sperma Ashe. 167. Upper surface of the mature leaves smooth. R. I. to Montreal southward and westward. Crataegus coccinioidcs var. dilatata (Sarg.) Eggl. 167. Upper surface of the mature leaves rough. Conn, to Del. and 111. Crataegus pedicillata Sarg. 168. Leaves broadest at the middle 169. 168. Leaves broadest towards the base 170. 169. Leaves broadly egg-shaped to round. Fruit less than inch thick. Stones I of an inch long. Nova Scotia to Minn, and southward in the mountains. Crataegus rotundifolia Moench. 169. Leaves narrowly egg-shaped. Fruit more KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 113 than \ inch thick. Stones f of an inch long. Southern Me. and up the Kennebec river. Crataegus Jonesae Sarg. 170. Mature leaves smooth above, or nearly so 171. 170. Mature leaves hairy or woolly, or roughened, above 173. 171. Leaves longer than broad 172. 171. Leaves about as long as broad. Western Fig. 212. Crataegus Pringlei. New England to Penn. and Lake Michigan. (Fig. 212.) Crataegus Pringlei Sarg. 172. Flower and fruit-stalks very hairy. North- ern New England and N. Y. northward to the St. Lawrence. Crataegus anomala Sarg. 172. Flower and fruit-stalks nearly smooth. New ii 4 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES England southward and westward. Cratae- gus Holmesiana Ashe. Fig. 213. Crataegus Fig. 214. Crataegus Arnoldiana. submollis. 173. Fruit pear-shaped or somewhat elongated, ripening in September and October 174. 173. Fruit globular, ripening in August. Local in southern New England. (Fig. 213.) Cratae- gus Arnoldiana Sarg. 174. Leaves thickish or somewhat leathery. North- western Vt. Crataegus Champlainensis Sarg. 174. Leaves thin. Southern Me. to central N. Y. and northward to the St. Lawrence. (Fig. 214.) Crataegus submollis Sarg. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 115 CHERRY, PLUM, PEACH. Leaves simple. Fruit fleshy or juicy, with a stony seed-like in- terior which encloses a single seed. Fig. 215. Choke Cherry, a. Leaf. b. Four teeth enlarged. Fig. 216. Black Cherry, a. Leaf. b. Two teeth enlarged. 175. Flower and fruit-stalks numerous, about \ of an inch long, arranged along the sides Fig. 217. Black Cherry. of a common much elongated axis. Fruit about I of an inch thick 176. ii6 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 175. Flower and fruit-stalks apparently arising from a common point, or else from an axis hardly longer than the long individual flower and fruit-stalks 177. Fig. 218. Peach. Fig. 219. Peach. 176. Marginal teeth of the leaves very sharply pointed. Newfoundland southward and westward. (Fig. 215.) Choke Cherry, Prunus virginiana L. 176. Marginal teeth of the leaves blunt, incurved, or glandular. New Brunswick southward and westward. (Figs. 216, 217.) Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry, Prunus serotina Ehrh. 177. Flower and fruit-stalks very short, I of an KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 117 inch or less. Leaves narrow. Fruit velvety- hairy, i inch or more thick; stone corru- gated. Cult. (Figs. 218, 219.) Peach, Prunus Persica (L.) Stokes. 177. Flower and fruit-stalks conspicuous, or elon- Fig. 220. Wild Red Cherry. (Leaves variable.) Fig. 221. Wild Plum. gated. Fruit smooth, stone not corrugated -178. 178. Teeth of the leaves sharply pointed. Fruit red, about j of an inch thick. Labrador westward and southward to Penn. (Fig. 220.) Wild Red Cherry, Pin Cherry, Pigeon Cherry, Bird Cherry, Fire Cherry, Prunus pennsyhanica L. f. 178. Teeth of the leaves sharply pointed. Fruit reddish, f to i inch thick. Conn, south- ward and westward. (Figs. 221, 222.) ii8 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Wild Plum, Yellow Plum, Prunus americana Marsh. 178. Teeth of the leaves blunt or glandular-tipped 179. 179. Margins of the calyx lobes finely glandular- Fig. 222. Wild Plum. toothed. Mature fruit smooth, orange-red or yellowish, about i inch long. Newfound- land to New England and westward. (Figs. 223, 224.) Canada Plum, Red Plum, Horse Plum, Wild Plum, Prunus nigra Ait. 179. Margins of the calyx lobes entire or nearly so 180. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 119 Fig. 223. Canada Plum. Canada Plum. Fig. 225. Sweet Cherry. Fig. 226. Sweet Cherry. 120 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 180. Flower-producing buds developing both flow- ers and leaves. Inner scales at the base of the flower-stalks longer than the outer, spreading. Fruit sweet. Cult. and escaped. (Figs. 225, 226.) Sweet Cherry, Prunus Avium L. 180. Flower-producing buds develop- ing only flowers. Inner scales at the base of the flower-stalks about like the outer, not spreading. Fruit acid, red. Cult, and escaped. (Fig. 227.) Sour Cherry, Prunus Cera- Fi SUS L. Sour Cherry. LOCUST. Leaves pinnately compound. Fruit flat, similar to a bean or pea pod, with 2 or more seeds. 181. Young twigs sticky. Va. southward, also cult, and escaped. (Fig. 228.) Clammy Locust, Rose Acacia, Robinia viscosa Vent. 181. Young twigs not sticky. Penn. and along the mountains to Ga., also cult, and escaped. (Figs. 229, 230.) Common Locust, Black Locust, Yellow Locust, White Locust, Robinia Pseudo-Acacia L. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 121 SUMACH. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound (except in the Smoke Tree). Juice sticky as it dries, commonly milky-white when fresh. Fruit globular, less than \ of an Fig. 228. Clammy Locust. Fig. 229. Common Locust. inch thick. Usually shrubs, the following occasionally small trees. 182. Leaves simple. Cult. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 23 1 .) Smoke Tree, Venetian Sumach, Rhus Cotinus L. 182. Leaves compound 183. 183. Leaflets toothed 184. 183. Leaflets not toothed 185. 122 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 184. Young twigs velvety-hairy. Fruit red. Throughout our range. (Fig. 232. Leaf outline essentially the same as in Fig. 234.) Staghorn Sumach, Rhus typhina L. 184. Young twigs not hairy. Fruit red. Central Me. southward and westward. (Fig. 234.) Smooth Sumach, Rhus glabra L. 185. Leaf axis between the leaflets prominently winged. Fruit red. Usually a shrub. Fig. 231. Smoke Tree. Fig. 230. Common Locust. Southern Me. southward and westward. (Fig. 233.) Dwarf Sumach, Rhus copal- Una L. 185. Leaf axis between the leaflets not winged. Fruit whitish or grayish. Very poisonous. Usually growing in swamps. Southwestern Me. southward and westward. (Fig. 235.) Poison Sumach, Poison Elder, Poison Dog- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 123 wood, Dogwood, Swamp Sumach, Poison Ash, Rhus Vernix L. NOTE. Many persons are poisoned by merely handling the Poison Sumach. The poison- ous principle is of an oily nature and is found in every part of the plant. A good Fig. 232. Staghorn Sumach. Fig. 233. Dwarf Sumach. preventive against severe poisoning is to wash the parts of the body that have come in contact with the plant with strong alcohol (or strong soap suds) immediately after such contact; the sooner this is done the more effective will be the remedy. The Poison Ivy or Poison Oak (Rhus Tdxico- dendron L.) climbs by means of numerous dark brown roots, or trails over the ground i2 4 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES Fig. 236. Norway Maple. Fig. 237. Box Elder. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 125 and fences, never becoming a tree. It is a near relative of the Poison Sumach and like that plant poisons many persons who handle it. It may be recognized by its compound leaves of three leaflets, the ter- Fig. 238. Norway Maple. minal one stalked, the margins with a few large teeth or none, and the milky juice. Flowers, fruits, poisonous properties, and remedies as in the Poison Sumach. Few persons are ever poisoned, even slightly, by handling any other than these two plants. MAPLE. Leaves opposite, palmately veined when simple. Fruit with a long unsymmetrical flat wing. 126 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 186. Leaves simple 187. 186. Leaves compound. Western New England southward and westward, also cult, and escaped. (Fig. 237.) Box Elder, Ash- leaved Maple, Acer Negundo L. 187. Juice milky. Cult. Native in Eurasia. (Figs. 236, 238.) Norway Maple, Acer plat a no ides L. 187. Juice not milky 188. 188. Flower (or fruit) stalks arranged along a com- mon much elongated axis 189. 188. Flower (or fruit) stalks apparently arising from a common point 191. 189. Flower (or fruit) clusters erect or nodding, but not pendulous. Newfound- land to northern New England and west- ward; southward in the mountains. (Fig. 239.) Fig 23Q Mountain Maple, Acer Maple. (Leaves often T longer.) spicatum Lam. 189. Flower (or fruit) clusters drooping or pendu- lous 190. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 127 190. Bark of small branches light green, striped with either whitish or dark lines. Leaves smooth, usually with 3 shallow taper- pointed lobes. New Brunswick westward Fig. 240. Striped Maple. Fig. 241. Striped Maple. and southward in the mountains. (Figs. 240, 241.) Striped Maple, Moosewood, Striped Dogwood, Acer pcnnsyhanicum L. 190. Bark of small branches not striped. Leaves usually 5-lobed and downy-hairy beneath. Cult, and escaped. Native in Eurasia. (Figs. 242, 244.) Sycamore Maple, Euro- pean Sycamore, Acer Pseudo-Platanus L. 191. Flowers in rather close clusters, not drooping, appearing before the leaves in early spring 192. 128 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 191. Flowers in drooping clusters on long slender hairy stalks 194. Fig. 242. Sycamore Maple. Fig. 243. White Maple. Fig. 244. Sycamore Maple. 192. Leaves deeply 5-lobed. Petals none. Nearly throughout our range. (Figs. 243, 245.) White Maple, Silver Maple, Soft Maple, Acer saccharinum L. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 129 192. Leaves not cut half way to the base. Petals present 193. Fig. 245. White Maple. 193. Leaves 3 to 6 inches long, middle lobe oblong at base. Bark and leaves quite variable. A Fig. 246. Red Maple. Fig. 247. Red Maple. Nearly throughout our range. (Figs. 246, 247.) Red Maple, Swamp Maple, Soft Maple, Acer rubrum L. i 3 o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 193. Leaves 2 to 4 inches long, middle lobe broadly triangular. Merely a form of the Red Maple. New Brunswick and Mass., and local southward and westward. (Fig. 248.) Three-Toothed Red Maple, Acer rubrum var. tridens Wood. Fig. 248. Three-toothed Red Maple. Fig. 249. Rock Maple. From infertile branch. 194. Lower surface of the leaf pale and smoothish. Leaves of infertile trees (Fig. 249) differ from those of the fertile or fruiting trees. (Fig. 251.) Throughout our range. (Figs. 249, 251, 250.) Rock Maple, Sugar Maple, Hard Maple, Sugar-tree, Acer saccharum Marsh. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 131 Fig. 250. Rock Maple. Fig. 251. Rock Maple. From fruiting branch. Fig. 252. Black Rock Maple. 132 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 194. Lower surface of the leaf green and hairy. A form of the Rock Maple. Western New England southward and westward. (Fig. 252.) Black Rock Maple, Acer saccharum var. nigrum (Michx. f .) Britton. Fig. 253. Horse-Chestnut. HORSE-CHESTNUT, BUCKEYE. Leaves opposite, palmately compound. Several species of Buckeye from farther west are occasionally planted; these all differ from the common Horse-chestnut in having 4 petals instead of 5- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 133 195. Fruit prickly 196. 195. Fruit smooth. Petals 4 197. 196. Petals 5, white, spreading. Leaflets usually 7. Cult. Native of southeastern Europe and Asia. (Figs. 253, 254.) Horse-chestnut, Common Horse-chestnut, Aesculus Hippo- castanum L. Fig. 254. Horse-Chestnut. 196. Petals 4, yellow, erect. Leaflets usually 5. Margins toothed, with tufts of hairs in the notches. Central Penn. southward and southwestward, also cult. (Fig. 255.) Fetid Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye, Aesculus glabra Willd. 197. Petals yellow. Western Penn. southward and i 3 4 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES south westward, also cult. (Fig. 256.) Sweet Buckeye, Yellow Buckeye, Aesculus octandra Marsh. 197. Petals and calyx red or purple. W. Va. southward and westward, also cult. Purple Fig. 255. Fetid Buckeye. Fig. 256. Sweet Buckeye. Buckeye; Aesculus octandra var. hybrida. (DC.) Sarg. 197. Petals and calyx bright red. Usually a shrub. Va. southward and westward, also cult. (Fig. 257.) Red Buckeye, Aesculus Pavia L. LINDEN, BASSWOOD. Leaves broad or round egg- shaped and usually with an unsymmetrical base. Flower and fruit clusters long- stalked, attached near the middle of a large KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 135 elongated leaf-like bract. Fruit globular, woody, less than | inch thick. 198. Stamens attached to a petal-like body situated in front of the real petal 199. 198. Stamens not attached to "a petal-like body. Fig. 257. Red Buckeye. Commonly planted as a street tree in many cities. Native in Europe. (Fig. 258.) European Linden, Lime-tree, Tilia vulgaris Hayne. 199. Fruit ribbed. Leaves white-downy beneath. Cult. Native in eastern Europe. Silver Linden, Tilia tomentosa Muench. 199. Fruit not ribbed. Native in United States 200. 136 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 200. Mature leaves smooth, or essentially so, on both surfaces. Throughout our range. (Figs. 259, 260.) American Basswood, American Linden, Basswood, Linn, Beetree, Wlckup, Tilia americana L. 200. Mature leaves beneath, and the twigs, red- Fig. 258. Euro- pean Linden. Fig. 259. American Basswood. dish hairy. Leaves 2 to 3 inches long. Conn, westward and southward. (Fig. 261.) Southern Basswood, Tilia Michauxii Nutt. :oo. Mature leaves 4 to 8 inches long, silvery-white and woolly beneath. Central N. Y. and southward along the mountains, and west- ward. (Fig. 262.) White Basswood, Tilia heterophylla Vent. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 137 Fig. 260. American Basswood. Fig. 261. Southern Basswood. Fig. 262. White Basswood. i 3 8 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES CORNEL, DOGWOOD. Leaves simple, with veins curving well up towards the apex. Flowers 4-parted. Fruit pulpy, globular, contain- ing a single 2-seeded, 2-celled stone. The Fig. 263. Flower- ing Dogwood. Fig. 264. Flowering Dogwood. Poison Dogwood is a Sumach, and does not belong here. 201. Leaves opposite. The small close cluster of greenish flowers surrounded in such a way, by 4 large conspicuous white petal-like bracts, as to make the whole cluster appear like a single flower 2 or 3 inches across. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 139 Fruit oblong, red, about ^ inch long. Cen- tral New England southward and west- ward. (Figs. 263, 264.) Flowering Dog- wood, Boxwood, Dogwood, Flowering Cornel, Cornus florida L. 201. Leaves alternate. Flowers in large loose clusters (3 or more inches across), with no petal-like bracts. Fruit globular, blue, usu- ally less than \ inch thick. New Brunswick westward and southward. (Fig. 265.) Alternate-leaved Cornel, Blue Dogwood, Green Osier, Dogwood, Cornus alter nifolia L. f. Fig. 265. Alter- nate-1 e a v e d Cornel. ASH. Leaves opposite, pinnately compound. Fruit with a long symmetrical flat wing. 202. Side leaflets without individual stalks 203. 202. Side leaflets with short individual stalks 204. 203. Leaflets green on both surfaces but somewhat darker above. Leaf axis (rhachis) usually with thick reddish-brown wool at the base of each leaflet. Crushed leaves with the i 4 o KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES odor of Elder. A small tree growing in cold swamps or wet places. In swamps and along river banks from Newfoundland to the Great Lakes; also southward, mainly Fig. 266. Black Ash. Fig. 267. Red Ash. in the mountains. (Fig. 266.) Black Ash, Hoop Ash, Basket Ash, Brown Ash, Swamp Ash, Fraxinus nigra Marsh. 203. Leaflets green above, pale beneath. Leaf axis (rhachis) usually without reddish wool. Cult. Native in Eurasia. (Fig. 268.) European Ash, Fraxinus excelsior L. 204- 204. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 141 Young twigs and leaf-stalks hairy 205. Young twigs smooth 206. 205. Fruit i to 2 inches long; seed-bearing portion nearly half as long as the whole fruit, and Fig. 268. European Ash. less than of an inch thick. Calyx very small. New Brunswick westward and southwestward. (Figs. 267, 269.) Red Ash, Brown Ash, River Ash, Bastard Ash, Fraxinus pennsyhanica Marsh. 205. Fruit about i| inches long; seed-bearing portion about a third as long as the fruit, and more than of an inch thick. Calyx very small. Penn. southwestward. Bilt- more Ash, Fraxinus Biltmoreana Beadle. 205. Fruit 2 to 3 inches long; seed-bearing portion about quarter as long as the fruit. Calyx 142 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES prominent. Wing of the fruit running more than half way down both sides of the seed- Fig. 269. Red Ash. bearing portion. Western N. Y. to Mo. and southward. Pumpkin Ash, Fraxinus profunda Bush. siPP" Site Fig. 270. Blue Ash. 206. Branchlets 4-sided. Wing of the fruit extend- ing around the seed-bearing portion. Ohio KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 143 Fig. 271. White Ash. Fig. 272. Green Ash. Fig. 273. White Ash. 144 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES westward and southward. (Fig. 270.) Blue Ash, Fraxinus quadrangulata Michx. 206. Branchlets not 4-sided. Wing of fruit not extending around the seed-bearing portion 207. 207. Lower surface of the leaflets paler than the upper and occasionally hairy. Throughout our range. (Figs. 271, 273.) White Ash, Fraxinus americana L. Fig. 274. Green Ash. 207. Lower surface of the leaflets bright green and smooth. Central New England south- ward and westward. (Figs. 272, 274.) Green Ash, Fraxinus pennsykanica var. lanceolata (Borkh.) Sarg. CATALPA. Leaves broad, egg-shaped or heart- KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 145 shaped. Flowers white. Fruit a cylindric pod, generally a foot or more long. 208. Flowers usually at least 2 inches broad, not prominently spotted. Bark thick and rough. Fig. 275. Hardy Catalpa. Upper Mississippi valley and extensively cult. (Figs. 275, 276.) Hardy Catalpa, Cigar Tree, Western Catalpa, Indian Bean, Catalpa speciosa Warder. 146 KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 208. Flowers usually less than 2 inches broad, thickly spotted with yellow and purple. Fig. 276. Hardy Catalpa. Fig. 277. Common Catalj Fig. 278. Sweet Vi- burnum, a. Leaf. b. Magnified mar- gin. Bark thin and usually not rough on medium sized trunks. Lower Mississippi valley and KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES 147 extensively cult. Leaves similar in outline to those of the Hardy Catalpa. (Fig. 277.) Common Catalpa, Indian Bean, Bean Tree, Cigar Tree, Smoking -Bean, Catalpa big- nonioides Walt. ARROW-WOOD. Leaves simple, opposite, toothed. Fruit small and pulpy, containing a single stony seed. Most species are shrubs, but two are occasionally small trees. 209. Leaves with a prominent tapering point at the apex. Western New Brunswick west- ward and southward. (Fig. 278.) Sweet Viburnum, Sheepberry, Nannyberry, Nanny Plum, Wild Raisin, Viburnum Lentago L. 209. Leaves without a tapering point at the apex. Southwestern New England westward and southwestward. (Fig. 279.) Black Haw, Nannyberry, Viburnum prunifolium L. Fig. 279. Black Haw. GLOSSARY With references to illustrative cuts Acute. An angle less than a right angle, as in the apex of the leaf in Fig. 218. Alternate. With one leaf at a node. Angled. With more or less conspicuous angles or corners, as in Fig. 18. Apex. That portion of an organ (e. g., a leaf) opposite the base, as the pointed end of Fig. 102. Auriculate. With two basal lobes somewhat like the lower part of the human ear, as in Fig. 166. Awl-shaped (leaf). Slender and slightly tapering from the base to a sharp apex, the broadest part of the leaf be- ing at or near the base, as in Figs, i, 20. Awn. A long stiff hair or hair-like point, as at the apex of Fig. 155- Base. That portion of an organ lying next to its stalk or to its supporting structure. Berry. A juicy or fleshy fruit in which the seeds are not enclosed in definite compartments. Blade. The flattened portion of the ordinary leaf. Blunt. An angle greater than a right angle, as the apex of Fig. 21. Bract. A modified leaf in a flower or a fruit cluster. Branchlet. A small (young) branch. Bristle. A stiff hair-like structure; nearly the same as an awn. 149 1 50 GLOSSARY Bud. A rudimentary branch, usually covered with over- lapping scales. A bud may produce leaves only (leaf bud), flowers only (flower bud), or both leaves and flowers (mixed bud). Calyx. The outer (usually green) part of a flower. Catkin. An elongated scaly cluster of flowers, as in Wil- lows, Poplars, etc., which usually falls from the tree after flowering or fruiting. Compound (leaf). Composed of two or more blades (leaf- lets), as in Figs. 54, 117. Cone. The characteristic fruit of the Pine Family. It consists of many usually woody and closely crowded overlapping scales attached to a common axis. The seeds are borne on the upper sides of the scales. Crown (of a tree). The general mass of branches and leaves. Cylindric. An elongated structure (as a stem, or twig) which is circular in cross-section; i. e., not angled. Divided. Cut almost to the center or base into nearly separate segments or divisions. Doubly-toothed. With small teeth along the margins of larger teeth, as in Fig. 180. Egg-shaped (leaf). Shaped like an egg; width about the length and the broadest part below the middle, as in Fig. 134- Entire. Margins without teeth of any sort, as in Fig. 21. Escape. A name applied to a plant originally cultivated but now growing like a wild plant. Eyergreen. With green leaves in winter as well as in summer. GLOSSARY 151 Fan-shaped. Shaped like a fan or the sector of a circle, as in Figs. 15, 138. Fleshy. Of the general consistency of a ripe apple or pear. Forking. Splitting into two nearly equal structures, as branches or veins, as in many of the side veins in Fig. 1 80. Fruit. That part of the plant which produces or contains the seeds, together with other attached parts. Furrowed. With longitudinal grooves alternating with ridges, as in Fig. 273. Gland. A name commonly applied to a small protuberance. Glaucous. Covered with a bluish or whitish minute pow- der which is readily removed by the fingers. Heart-shaped (leaf). A broad leaf indented (often deeply) at the base, while the apex is commonly pointed, as in Fig. 102. Also applied to the base only. Husk. An outer covering, usually somewhat woody or fibrous. Commonly restricted to fruits. Incised. With deeply and sharply cut notches, as in Figs. 126, 140. Internode. The portion of the stem between two nodes. Juicy. Containing much watery sap or juice (e. g., an orange or a cherry). Lance-shaped. Very narrowly egg-shaped, with the length two or three times the width, as in Fig. 37. Lateral bud. A bud situated on the side of a branch. Leaflet. A separate blade of a compound leaf. Fig. 118 is a pinnately once compound leaf with 7 leaflets. i 5 2 GLOSSARY Leaf-stalk. The well-marked slender support of a leaf- blade, as the short stem-like portion at the base of Fig. 121. The leaf-stalk is sometimes absent. Lobed. With marginal indentations running 7 to of the distance to the center or base, the segments usu- ally somewhat rounded, as in Figs. 30, 169. Longitudinal. Lengthwise, from base to apex. Midrib. The central vein of a leaf, especially when more prominent than the other veins. Milky. With an opaque, usually white, juice. Needle-shaped. Long and slender, neither definitely flat- tened nor regularly tapering; may be long as in the Pine (Fig. 63), or short as in the Spruce (Fig. 80). Node. The point on, or line around, a stem from which one or more leaves arise. Often not specially marked otherwise than that a leaf or leaf-scar is found there. Notch. An angular indentation, as along the margins in Fig- 95- Nut. A hard or bony fruit, like that of the walnut, oak, cfiestnut. Nutlet. A small nut, or a small, hard, seed-like part of a fruit. Oblong. Two or three times longer than broad, with the sides nearly parallel. Once compound (leaf). With the leaflets attached to the primary axis of the leaf, as in Figs. 540, 253. Opposite (leaves). With two leaves at the same node, as in Fig. 20. Palmate, Palmately compound. With several leaflets GLOSSARY 153 starting from a common point at the tip of the leaf- stalk, as in Fig. 253. Papery (bark). Splitting into thin papery films, as in Fig. 132. Petal. One of the parts of a flower, situated between the stamens and the calyx. The petals are usually the most conspicuous parts of the ordinary flower, gen- erally being brightly colored, or white. Pinnate, Pinnately compound. With several leaflets start- ing from different points along two sides of a common leaf-axis, as in Fig. 54(7. Pinnately veined. With numerous side veins branching somewhat regularly from both sides of a midrrb, as in Fig. 178. Pistil. The central organ, or one of the central organs, of a flower, in which the ovules (immature seeds) are pro- duced. Pith. The much softer central portion of a branch or branchlet. Pod. A dry fruit which splits open naturally at maturity. Pointed. With a definite point (blunt or acute), as in Figs. 21, 133. Prickly. With small sharp-pointed hairs or spines. Recurved. Curving backward or downward. Rhombic. Of the general shape of a rhomb, as in Fig. 123. Rounded (apex or base). Regularly curving, without notch or point, as the tips of the lobes and the apex of the leaf in Fig. 173. Scale. A degenerate leaf. In a cone one of the somewhat flattened, usually woody, structures attached to the i S4 GLOSSARY Scale-like (leaf). A small and short leaf, the apex of which usually overlaps the base of the one next above it, like the scale of a fish, as in Fig. 5. Scaly (bark). With flattish raised areas, especially when the edges are somewhat separated from the bark be- neath, as in Fig. 170. Shield-shaped. A somewhat circular or angular structure with its supporting stalk attached to one of the flat surfaces instead of to the edge. Shoot. A stem and its leaves collectively considered. Shreddy. With the edges of the scales or plates appearing as if frayed into shreds, as in Fig. 50. Side veins. Veins branching from a midrib. Simple (leaf). With only one blade, as in Figs. 47, 49, 173, 1 86. Smooth. Neither rough nor hairy. Spine. A sharp and slender stiff point. Spiny. Having spines. Stamens. The slender, usually stalked, structures sur- rounding the pistil of a flower. The box-like portion at the top is the anther in which the pollen is produced. Stipules. Two small leaf-like bodies at the base of a leaf- stalk, as in Fig. 86. Commonly absent. Symmetrical. Even-sided; one side essentially like the other, as in Fig. 146. Taper-pointed. With a somewhat elongated point, es- pecially when the margins below it are concave, as the apex of Fig. 84. Teeth. Small projections along the margin, as in Fig. 100. Terminal bud. A bud situated at the end of a stem or branch. Thorn. A stiff woody sharp-pointed structure. GLOSSARY 155 Toothed. Having small projections along the margin like the teeth of a saw, as in Fig. 100. Top-shaped. A somewhat globular structure which tapers regularly to a narrow base, like an inverted geometrical cone. Triangular. Of the general shape of a triangle, as in Fig. 127. Trunk. The main stem of a tree, usually restricted to mean the part below the crown. Twice compound. With leaflets attached to the secondary axes of the leaf (i. e., the main axis divides before it bears leaflets), as in Fig. 546. Twig. A young shoot. Sometimes used with reference to the branchlet without the leaves. Unsymmetrical. With the two sides unlike, as in Fig. 262. Vein. One of the ribs or thickened lines in a leaf-blade. Wavy. Alternately concave and convex along the margin, as in Fig. 46. Wedge-shaped (leaf). Tapering regularly from a broad apex to a pointed base. A wedge-shaped base is pointed (often bluntly), with the margins straight or nearly so, like the sides of a wedge, as in Fig. 153. Whorled. With three or more leaves around the stem at the same node, as in Fig. i. Wing. Any thin flat appendage attached to a thicker main structure. Woolly. Covered with tangled or loosely matted hairs. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A FEW OF THE MORE IMPORTANT WORKS ON TREES General BRITTON, N. L. Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada. 1112 pages. 2d ed. rev. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1905. ROBINSON, B. L., and FERNALD, M. L. Gray's New Manual of Botany. 926 pages. Illust. American Book Co., New York, 1908. Popular DAME, L. L., and BROOKS, H. Handbook of the Trees of New England with ranges throughout the United States and Canada. 196 pages. Illust. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1902. EMERSON, G. B. Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. Various editions. HOUGH, R. B. Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada East of the Rocky Mountains. Photo-descriptive. 470 pages. Illust. The author, Lowville, N. Y., 1907. KEELER, H. L. Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them. 533 pages. Illust. Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1900. MATHEWS, F. S. Familiar Trees and Their Leaves. Re- vised ed. 334 pages. Illust. D. Appleton, New York, 1911. J57 i 5 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY ROGERS, J. E. The Tree Book, a Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Trees of North America and to Their Uses and Cultivation. 589 pages. Illust. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, 1905. Trees in Winter BLAKESLEE, A. F. & JARVIS, C. D. New England Trees in Winter. 271 pages (305 to 576). Illust. Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural Experiment Station, 1911. HUNTINGTON, A. O. Studies of Trees in Winter. 198 pages. Illust. Dana Estes & Co., Boston, 1911. Technical BRITTON, N. L. North American Trees, being descrip- tions and illustrations of the trees growing independ- ently of cultivation in North America, north of Mexico and the West Indies. 894 pages. Illust. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1908. SARGENT, C. S. Manual of the Trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico). 826 pages. Illust. Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1905. SARGENT, C. S. Silva of North America. 14 volumes. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1894-1902. American Forestry GRAVES, H. S. Principles of Handling Woodlands. 325 pages. Illust. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1911. GREEN, S. B. Principles of American Forestry. 334 pages. Illust. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1903- BIBLIOGRAPHY 159 Care of Trees FERNOW, B. E. The Care of Trees in Lawn, Street and Park, with a List of Trees and Shrubs for Decorative Use. 392 pages. Illust. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1910. SOLOTAROFF, W. Shade Trees in Towns and Cities. 287 pages. Illust. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1911. Foreign BEISSXER, L. Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. 576 pages. Paul Parey, Berlin, 1891. DIPPEL, L. Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. 3 vols. Illust. Paul Parey, Berlin, 1889-1893. GROOM, P. Trees and Their Life Histories. 407 pages. Illust. Cassell & Co., London, 1907. MOUILLEFERT, P. Traite des Arbres & Arbrisseaux fo- restiers, industriels et d'ornement. 3 vols. Illust. Paul Klincksieck, Paris, 1892-1898. SCHNEIDER, C. K. Illustriertes Handbuch der Laubholz- kunde. 2 vols. Illust. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1006-. A SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES GROUPED IN FAMI- LIES, WITH PAGE REFERENCES Native American trees in bold face. Foreign trees in roman. Scientific names in italics. YEW FAMILY TAXACEAE i. Maiden-hair Tree, Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba L. PAGE ii PINE FAMILY 2. White Pine 3. Loblolly Pine 4. Pitch Pine 5. Table Mountain Pine 6. Jersey Pine 7. Northern Scrub Pine 8. Red Pine 9. Austrian Pine 10. Scotch Pine 11. Yellow Pine 12. American Larch 13. European Larch 14. Douglas Spruce 15. Colorado Blue Spruce 1 6. White Spruce 17. Red Spruce 1 8. Black Spruce 19. Norway Spruce PINACEAE Finns Strobns L. 40 Finns Taeda L. 41, 42 Finns rigida Mill. 41 Finns pnngens Lamb. 43 Finns inrginiana Mill. 43 Finns Banksiana Lamb. 43 Finns rcsinosa Ait. 44 Finns Laricio v. austriata Endl. 45 Finns sylvestris L. 44 Finns echinata Mill. 40, 42 Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch. 45 Larix decidna Mill. 46 Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt. 10 -Picea Menziesii Engelm. 48 Picea canadensis (Mill.) BSP 49 Picea rubra (Du Roi) Dietr. 47 Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP 47 Picea Abies (L.) Karst 46, 48 161 i6a SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 20. Oriental Spruce 21. Balsam Fir 22. Hemlock 23. Bald Cypress 24. Coast White Cedar 25. Arbor Vitae 26. Common Juniper 27. Dwarf Juniper 28. Red Cedar WILLOW FAMILY 29. Black Willow 30. Ward's Willow 31. Peach-leaved Willow 32. Bay-leaved Willow 33. Crack Willow 34. White Willow 35. Yellow Willow 36. Blue Willow 37. Weeping Willow 38. White Poplar 39. American Aspen 40. Large-toothed Aspen 41. Downy Poplar 42. Balsam Poplar 43. Balm of Gilead 44. Carolina Poplar 45. Black Poplar 46. Lombardy Poplar PAGE Picea orientalis Carr. 48 Abies balsamea (L.)Mill. 9 Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. 7 Taxodium distichum (L) Richard 9 Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) BSP. 6 Thuja occidentalis L. 5 Juniperus communis L. 2, 6 Juniperus communis v. de- pressa Pursh. 2, 6 Juniperus virginiana L. 4, 5 SALICACEAE Salix nigra Marsh. 51 Salix Wardi Bebb. 51 Salix amygdaloides Anders. 50 Salix penlandra L. 50 Salix fragilis L. 52 Salix alba L. 53 Salix alba v. mtellina (L). Koch. 53 Salix alba v. caerulea (Sm.) Koch. 53 Salix babylonica L. 52 Popiilns alba L. 53 Populus tremuloides Michx. 55 Popidus grandidentata Michx. 54 Populus heterophylla L. 58 Populus balsamifcra L. 57 Populus candicans Ait. 58 Populus deltoidcs Marsh. 56 Populus nigra L. 57 Popidus nigra v. italica Du Roi 56 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 163 WALNUT FAMILY 47. Butternut 48. Black Walnut 49. Shag-bark Hickory 50. Big Shell-bark 51. Mockernut 52. Small-fruited Hickory 53. Pignut 54. Bitternut JUGLANDACEAE PAGE Juglans cinerea L. 60 Juglans nigra L. 60 Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch. 62 Carya laciniosa (Michx. f.) Loud. 68 Carya alba (L.) K. Koch. 67 Carya microcarpa Nutt. 65 Carya glabra (Mill.) Spach. 65 Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch. 67 BIRCH FAMILY 55. Hop Hornbeam 56. American Hornbeam 57. Black Birch 58. Yellow Birch 59. River Birch, Red Birch 60. Gray Birch 61. White Birch, Blue Birch 62. Cut-leaved Birch 63. European Paper Birch 64. Weeping Birch 65. American Canoe Birch 66. Cordate-leaved Birch 67. Downy Green Alder 68. Speckled Alder 69. Smooth Alder 70. European Black Alder BETULACEAE Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch. 28 Carpinus caroliniana Walt. 29 Betula lenta L. 69 Bet ula In tea Michx. f. 71 Betula nigra L. 73 Betula po pill i folia Marsh. 73 Betula pendula Roth. 74 Betula pendula v. dalecarlica L. 73 Betula alba L. 75 Betula alba v. pendula Hort. 74 Betula alba v. papyri/era (Marsh) Spach. 76 Betula alba \. cordifolia (Regel) Fernald 75 Aliius mollis Fernald 76 Alniis incana (L.) Muench 77 Alum rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. 78 Alnus vulgaris Hill 78 i6 4 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 71. Sea-side Alder PAGE Alnus maritima (Marsh.) Muhl. 77 BEECH FAMILY FAGACEAE 72. American Beech Fagus graiidifolia Ehrh. 80 73. European Beech Fagus sylvatica L. 80 74. Purple-leaved Beech Fagus sylvatica v. purpiirca Ait. 79 75. Fern-leaved Beech Fagus sylvatica v. helerophylla Loud. 79 76. American Chestnut Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. 81 77. European Chestnut Castanea saliva Mill. 82 78. Chinquapin Castanea pumila (L.) Mill. 81 79. White Oak Quercus alba L. 91 80. English Oak Quercus Robur L. 89 81. Post Oak Quercus stellata Wang. 94 82. Over-cup Oak Quercus lyrata Walt. 90 83. Bur .Oak, Mossy-cup Oak Quercus macrocarpa Michx. 94 84. Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor Willd. 91 85. Cow Oak Quercus Michauxii Nutt. 89 86. Yellow Oak Quercus Muhlenbcrgii Engelm. 92 87. Chestnut Oak Quercus Prinus L. 89, 92 88. Red Oak Quercus rubra L. 86 89. Gray Oak Quercus rubra v. 'ambigua (Michx. f.) Fernald 86 90. Pin Oak Quercus palustris Muench. 86 91. Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinca, Muench. 85 92. Black Oak Quercus vclutina Lam. 85 93. Spanish Oak Quercus falcata Michx. 87 94. Scrub Oak Quercus ilicifolia Wang. 87 95. Water Oak Quercus nigra L. 83 96. Black Jack Oak Quercus marilandica Muench. 88,93 97. Laurel Oak Quercus imbricaria Michx. 83 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 165 PAGE 98. Willow Oak Quercus phcllos L. 83 NETTLE FAMILY URTICACEAE 99. Slippery Elm Ulmus fuha Michx. 97 too. English Elm Ulmus campcstris L. 99 101. Wych Elm, Scotch Elm Ulmus montana With. 99 102. American Elm Ulmus americana L. 96 103. Cork Elm, Rock Elm Ulmus racemosa Thomas 97 104. Hackberry Cdtis occidentalis L. 16 105. Osage Orange Madura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider 19 106. Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifcra (L.) Vent. 16 107. Red Mulberry Morns rubra L. 100 108. White Mulberry Morns alba L. 100 MAGNOLIA FAMILY MAGNOLIACEAE 109. Sweet Bay Magnolia virginiana L. IO2 no. Cucumber Tree Magnolia acuminata L. 103 in. Great-leaved Magnolia Magnolia macrophylla Michx. 103 112. Umbrella Tree Magnolia tripetala L. 102 113. Tulip Tree Liriodendron Tulipifera L. 23 ,32 CUSTARD APPLE FAMILY ANONACEAE 114. Papaw Asimina triloba Dunal. 18 LAUREL FAMILY LAURACEAE 115. Sassafras Sassafras iiariifolium (Salisb.) WITCH HAZEL FAMILY 116. Witch Hazel 117. Sweet Gum HAMAMELIDACEAE Hamamelis virginiana L. 24 'Liquidambar Styracifiua L. 13 1 66 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES PLANE-TREE FAMILY 1 1 8. Buttonwood PLATANACEAE PAGE Platanus occidcntalls L. 14 ROSE FAMILY ROSACEAE IIQ. Pear Pyrus communis L. 105 120. Siberian Crab Pynis baccata L. 105 121. Narrowleaf Crab Pyrus angustifolia Ait. 106 122. American Crab Pyrus coronaria L. 105 123. Apple Pyrus Mains L. 104 124. Quince Pyrus Cydonia L. 104 125. American Mountain Ash Pyrus amcricana (Marsh.) DC. 107 126. Western Mountain Ash Pyrus sitchcnsis (Roem.) Piper. 108 127. European Mountain Ash Pyrus Aucuparia (L.) Ehrh. 108 128. Shad Bush Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. 109 129. Dwarf Juneberry Amelanchier oblongifolia (T. & G.) Roem. 109 130. English Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna Jacq. 109 131. Cock-spur Thorn Crataegus Crus-galli L. 1 1 1 132. Scarlet Thorn Crataegus coccinea L. 1 10 133. Thorn Crataegus Oakesiana Eg- gleston in 134. Thorn Crataegus rotund i folia Moench. 112 135. Thorn Crataegus Joncsae Sarg. 1 13 136. Thorn Crataegus macros per ma Ashe. 112 137. Thorn Crataegus pruinosa (Wendl.) C. Koch. 112 138. Thorn Crataegus Holmcsiana Ashe. 1 14 139. Thorn Crataegus anom ala Sarg. 113 140. Thorn Crataegus coccinioides v. di- latata (Sarg.) Eggleston 112 141. Thorn Crataegus Pringlei Sarg. 113 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 167 142. Thorn PAGE Crataegus pcdicillata Sarg. 112 143. Thorn Crataegus Arnoldiana Ashe. 114 144. Thorn Crataegus submollis Sarg. 114 145. Thorn Crataegus Champlaincnsis Sarg. 114 146. Thorn Crataegus macracantha Lodd. no 147. Black Cherry Prunus scrotina Ehrh. 116 148. Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana L. 116 149. Wild Red Cherry Prunus pauisyhanica L. f. 117 150. Sweet Cherry Prunus Avluni L. 120 151. Sour Cherry Prunus Cerasiis L. 120 152. Canada Plum Prunus nigra Ait. 118 153. Wild Plum Prunus americana Marsh. 118 154. Peach Prunus Persica (L.) Stokes 117 PULSE FAMILY LEGUMINOSAE 155. Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnodadus dioica (L.) Koch. 35, 36 156. Honey Locust Cleditsia triacanthos L. 35 157. Redbud Cercis canadensis L. 14 158. Yellow Wood Cladrastis lutea (Michx. f.) Koch. 38 159. Common Locust Robina Pscudo- Acacia L. 120 1 60. Clammy Locust Robinia viscosa Vent. 1 20 QUASSIA FAMILY SIMARUBACEAE 161. Tree of Heaven Ailanthus glandulosa (Desf.) 35,37 CASHEW FAMILY ANACARDIACEAE 162. Staghorn Sumach Rhus typhina L. 122 163. Smooth Sumach Rhus glabra L. 122 164. Dwarf Sumach Rhus copallina L. 122 1 68 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 165. Poison Sumach 166. Smoke Tree Rhus Vcrnix L. Rh-us Cotiims L. PAGE 122 121 HOLLY FAMILY 167. Holly AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex opaca Ait. 25 MAPLE FAMILY 1 68. Striped Maple 169. Mountain Maple 170. Rock Maple, Sugar Ma- ple 171. Black Rock Maple 172. White Maple 173. Red Maple 174. Three-toothed Red Ma- ple 175. Norway Maple 176. Sycamore Maple 177. Box Elder ACERACEAE Acer pcnnsyhanicnm L. 127 A ccr sp-i cat-um Lam. 126 Acer saccharum Marsh. 130 Acer saccharum v. nigruni (Michx. f.) Britton 132 Acer saccharinum L. 128 Acer rubrum L. 129 Acer rubrum v. tridens Wood. 130 Acer platanoidcs L. 1 26 Acer Pseudo-Platanus L. 127 Acer Ncgundo L. 126 SOAPBERRY FAMILY 178. Horse-chestnut 179. Fetid Buckeye 180. Sweet Buckeye 181. Purple Buckeye 182. Red Buckeye SAPINDACEAE Acsculus Hippocastanum L. 133 Aesculus glabra Willd. 133 Aesculus octandra Marsh. 134 Aesculus octandra v. hybrida (DC.) Sarg. 134 Aesculus Pavia L. 134 BUCKTHORN FAMILY RHAMNACEAE 183. Buckthorn Rhamnus catkartica L. 26 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 169 LINDEN FAMILY TILIACEAE PAGE 184. American Basswood Tilia amcricana L. 136 185. European Linden Tilia vulgaris Hayne 135 186. Silver Linden Tilia tomentosa Muench. 135 187. Southern Basswood Tilia Michauxii Nutt. 136 188. White Basswood Tilia heterophytta Vent. 136 DOGWOOD FAMILY CORNACEAE 189. Flowering Dogwood Corn us florida L. 139 190. Alternate-leaved Dog- wood Cornus altcrnifolia L. f. 139 191. Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. 22 HEATH FAMILY ERICACEAE 192. Rhododendron Rhododendron maximum L. 19 193. Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia L. 19 194. Sourwood Oxydendron arborcum (L.) DC. 31 EBONY FAMILY EBENACEAE 195. Persimmon Diospyros mrginiana L. 21 OLIVE FAMILY OLEACEAE 196. White Ash Fraximts amcricana L. 144 197. Biltmore Ash Fraxinus Biltmoreana Bea- dle 141 198. Red Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. 141 199. Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica v. lanceolata (Borkh) Sarg. 144 200. Pumpkin Ash Fraxinus profunda Bush. 142 201. Blue Ash Fraxinus qnadrangulata Michx. 144 170 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF TREES 202. Black Ash Fraxinus nigra Marsh. PAGE 140 203. European Ash Fraxinus excelsior L. ,-140 204. Lilac Syringa vulgaris L. 20 205. Fringe Tree Chioiianthus mrginica L. 20 FIGWORT FAMILY 206. Paulownia SCROPHULARIACEAE Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. BIGNONIA FAMILY 207. Hardy Catalpa 208. Common Catalpa MADDER FAMILY 209. Buttonbush HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 210. Sweet Viburnum 211. Black Haw BIGNONIACEAE Catalpa speciosa Warder 145 Catalpa bignonioidcs Walt. 147 RUBIACEAE Ccphalanthus occidcntalis L. 20 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Viburnum Lcntago L. 147 Viburnum prunifoliitm L. 147 INDEX TO TREE NAMES Abele, 53 Alnus mollis, 76 Abies balsamea, 9 rugosa, 78 Acacia, Rose, 120 vulgaris, 78 Three-thorned, 35 Alternate-leaved Cornel, 139 Acer Xegundo, 1 26 Amelanchier canadensis, 109 pennsylvanicum, 127 canadensis var. tomentula platanoides, 126 108 Pseudo-Platanus, 127 oblongi folia, 109 rubrum, 129 American Aspen, 53, 55 rubrum var. tridens, 130 Basswood, 136 saccharinum, 128 Beech, 80 saccharum, 130 Canoe Birch, 86 saccharum var. nigrum, 132 Chestnut, 81 spicatum, 126 Crab, 105 Aesculus glabra, 133, Elm, 96 Hippocastanum, 133 Holly, 25 octandra, 134 Hornbeam, 29 octandra var. hybrida, 134 Larch, 45 Pa via, 134 Linden, 136 Ailanthus, 35, 37 Mountain Ash, 107 glandulosa, 35, 37 Sycamore, 14 Alder, 30, 76 Apple, 26, 31, 107 Downy Green, 76 Custard, 18 European Black, 78 Southern Crab, 106 Hoary, 77 Arbor Vitae, 5 Seaside, 77 Arrow-wood, 26. 147 Smooth, 78 Ash, 37, 139 Speckled, 77 Basket, 140 Alligator- wood, 13 Bastard, 141 Almondleaf Willow, 50 Biltmore, 141 Alnus incana, 77 Black, 140 maritima, 77 Blue, 144 171 172 INDEX Ash, Brown, 140, 141 Bean, Indian, 145, 147 European, 140 Smoking, 147 Green, 144 Bean Tree, 147 Hoop, 140 Bear Oak, 87 Mountain, 38 Beech, 25, 27, 79, 80 Poison, 123 American, 80 Pumpkin, 142 Blue, 29 Red, 141 European, 80 River, 141 Fern-leaved, 32, 79 Swamp, 140 Purple-leaved, 79 White, 144 Red, 80 Ash-leaved Maple, 37, 126 Water, 29 Asimina triloba, 18 Weeping, 80 Asp, Quaking, 55 White, 80 Aspen, American, 53, 55 Beetree, 136 Large-toothed, 54 Betula alba, 75 Austrian Pine, 45 alba var. cordifolia, 75 alba var. glutinosa, 74 Bald Cypress, 9 alba var. papyrifera, 76 Balm of Gilead, 57, 58 alba var. pendula, 74 Fir, 9 lenta, 69 Balsam, 9, 58 lutea, 71 Fir, 9 nigra, 73 Poplar, 31, 57 pendula, 74 Willow, 49 pendula var. dalecarlica, 73 Barren Oak, 87 populifolia, 73 Basket Ash, 140 Big Shell-bark, 68 Oak, 89 Biltmore Ash, 141 Basswood, 134, 136 Birch, 28, 30, 68 American, 136 American Canoe, 76 Southern, 136 Black, 69 White, 136 Blue, 74 Bastard Ash, 141 Canoe, 76 Bay, Rose, 19 Cherry, 69 Sweet, 102 Cordate-leaved, 75 Bay-leaved Willow, 50 Cut-leaved, 32, 73 INDEX i73 Birch, European Paper, 75 Boxwood, 139 Gray, 73 Broussonetia papyrifera, 16 Old-field, 73 Brown Ash, 140, 141 Paper, 76 Hickory, 65 Poverty, 73 Buckeye, 33, 132 Red, 73 Fetid, 133 River, 73 Ohio, 133 Silver, 71 Purple, 134 Sweet, 69 Red, 134 Weeping, 74 Sweet, 134 White, 73, 74, ?6 Yellow, 134 Yellow, 71 Buckthorn, 26 Bird Cherry, 117 Bullnut, 67 Bitternut, 67 Bur Oak, 94 Black Ash, 140 Butternut, 60 Birch, 69 Buttonball-tree, 14 Cherry. 116 Buttonbush, 20 Gum, 22 Button wood, 14 Haw, 147 / Jack Oak, 88, 93 Calico Bush, 19 Locust, 120 Canada Plum, 118 Mulberry, too Canoe Birch, 76 Oak, 85 Carolina Poplar, 56 Poplar, 57 Carpinus caroliniana, 29 Rock Maple, 132 Carya alba, 67 Spruce, 47 cordiformis, 67 Walnut, 60 glabra, 65 Willow, 51 laciniosa, 68 Blue Ash, 144 microcarpa, 65 Beech, 29 ovata, 62 Birch, 74 Castanea dentata, 81 Dogwood, 139 pumila, 81 Willow, 53 sativa, 82 Bog Spruce, 47 Cat Spruce, 49 Box Elder, 37, 126 Catalpa, 12, 144 White Oak, 94 bignonioides, 147 INDEX Catalpa, Common, 147 Hardy, 145 speciosa, 145 Western, 145 Cedar, 5, 6 Coast White, 6 Red, 4, 5 White, s Celtis occidentalis, 16 Cephalanthus occidentalis, 20 Cercis canadensis, 14 Chamaecyparis thyoides, 6 Cherry, 31, 115 Birch, 69 Bird, 117 Black, 116 Choke, 116 Fire, 117 Pigeon, 117 Pin, 117 Rum, 116 Sour, 120 Sweet, 120 Wild Black, 116 Wild Red, 117 Chestnut, 27, 81 American, 81 Dwarf, 8 1 European, 82 Japanese, 82 Oak, 89, 92 Chinese Magnolia, 102 Sumach, 35, 37 Chinquapin, 81 Oak, 92 Chionanthus virginica, 20 Choke Cherry, 116 Cigar Tree, 145, 147 Cladrastis lutea, 38 Clammy Locust, 120 Coast White Cedar, 6 Cock-spur Thorn, in Coffee-tree, Kentucky, 35, 36 Colorado Blue Spruce, 48 Common Catalpa, 147 Horse-chestnut, 133 Juniper, 2, 6 Locust, 1 20 Papaw, 1 8 Pear, 105 Cordate-leaved Birch, 75 Cork Elm, 97 Cornel, 19, 138 Alternate-leaved, 139 Flowering, 139 Cornus alternifolia, 139 florida, 139 Cotton-tree, 56 Cottonwood, 56 River, 58 Swamp, 58 Cow Oak, 89 Crab, American, 105 Narrowleaf, 106 Siberian, 105 Sweet, 105 Crab Apple, Southern, 106 Crack Willow, 52 Crataegus anomala, 113 Arnoldiana, 114 Champlainensis, 114 coccinea, no INDEX Crataegus coccinioides var. di- Elder, Box, 37, 126 latata, 112 Poison, 122 Crus-galli, in Elder-leaved Mountain Ash, Holmesiana, 114 108 Jonesae, 113 Elm, 27, 30, 94, 96 macracantha, no American, 96 macrosperma, 112 Cork, 97 monogyna, 109 English, 99 Oakesiana, in Northern Cork, 97 pedicillata, 112 Red, 97 Pringlei, 113 Rock, 97 pruinosa, 112 Scotch, 99 rotundifolia, 112 Slippery, 97 submollis, 114 White, 96 Cucumber Tree, 103 Wych, 99 Custard Apple, 18 English Elm, 99 Cut-leaved Birch, 32, 73 Hawthorn, 32, 109 Cypress, Bald, 9 Oak, 89, 90 European Ash, 140 Date Plum, 21 Beech, 80 Diospyros virginiana, 21 Black Alder, 78 Dogwood, 123, 138, 139 Chestnut, 82 Blue, 139 Larch, 46 Flowering, 139 Linden, 135 Poison, 122, 138 Mountain Ash, 108 Striped, 127 Paper Birch, 75 . Douglas Fir, 10 Sycamore, 127 Spruce, 10 Downy Green Alder, 76 Fagus grandifolia, 80 Poplar, 58 grandifolia var. caroliniana, Dwarf Chestnut, 81 80 Juneberry, 109 sylvatica, 80 Juniper, 2, 6 sylvatica var. heterophylla, Sumach, 122 79 sylvatica var. purpurea, 79 Elder, 140 Fern-leaved Beech, 32, 79 I 7 6 INDEX Fetid Buckeye, 133 Gum, Black, 22 Fir, Balm of Gilead, 9 Red, 13 Balsam, 9 Sour, 22 Douglas, 10 Sweet, 13 Red, 10 Gymnocladus dioica, 35, 36 Scotch, 44 Fire Cherry, 117 Hackberry, 16 Firtree, 9 Hackmatack, 45 Flowering Cornel, 139 Hamamelis, 24 Dogwood, 139 virginiana, 24 Fraxinus americana, 144 Hard Maple, 130 Biltmoreana, 141 Pine, 41 excelsior, 140 Hardhack, 28 nigra, 140 Hardy Catalpa, 145 pennsylvanica, 141 Haw, Black, 147 pennsylvanica var. lanceo- Red, no, in lata, 144 Scarlet, no profunda, 142 Hawthorn, English, 32, 109 quadrangulata, 144 Hazel, Witch, 24 Fringe, White, 20 Hemlock, 7 Fringe-tree, 20 Spruce, 7 Hickory, 39, 60 Ginkgo, ii Brown, 65 biloba, ii Little Shag-bark, 65 Glaucous Willow, 49 Shag-bark, 62 Gleditsia triacanthos, 35 Shell-bark, 62 Glyptostrobus pendulus, 8 Small-fruited, 65 Gray Birch, 73 Swamp, 67 Oak, 25, 86 White-heart, 67 Pine, 43 Hoary Alder, 77 Great Laurel, 19 Holly, 25 Great-leaved Magnolia, 103 American, 25 Umbrella Tree, 103 White, 25 Green Ash, 144 Honey, 35 Osier, 139 Locust, 35 Gum, 22 Shucks, 35 INDEX 177 Hoop Ash, 140 Larch, European, 46 Hop Hornbeam, 28, 31 Large-toothed Aspen, 54 Hornbeam, 28, 29 Poplar, 54 American, 29 Larix decidua, 46 Hop, 28, 31 laricina, 45 Horse Plum, 118 Laurel, Great, 19 Horse-chestnut, 132, 133 Mountain, 19 Common, 133 Oak, 83 Leverwood, 28 Ilex opaca, 25 Lilac, 20 Indian Bean, 145, 147 Lime-tree, 135 Ironwood, 28, 29 Linden, 14, 30, 134 Ivy, Poison, 123 American, 136 European, 135 Jack Oak, 88, 93 Silver, 135 Japanese Chestnut, 82 Linn, 136 Magnolia, 102 Liquidambar, 13 Jersey Pine, 43 Styraciflua, 13 Judas-tree, 14 Liriodendron Tulipifera, 24, 32 Juglans cinerea, 60 Little Shag-bark Hickory, 65 nigra, 60 Loblolly Pine, 41, 42 Juneberry, 31, 108 Locust, 38, 120 Dwarf, 109 Black, 120 Juniper, 45 Clammy, 120 Common, 2, 6 Common, 120 Dwarf, 2, 7 Honey, 35 Juniperus communis, 2, 6 White, 1 20 communis var. depressa, 2, 7 Yellow, 1 20 virginiana, 4, 5 Lombardy Poplar, 56 Kalmia latifolia, 19 Maclura pomifera, 19 Kentucky Coffee-tree, 35, 36 Magnolia, 20, 21 King Nut, 68 acuminata, 103 Chinese, 102 Larch, 4, 45 Great-leaved, 103 American, 45 Japanese, 102 INDEX Magnolia, macrophylla, 103 Mulberry, Red, too Sweet, 102 White, 100 tripe tala, 102 virginiana, 102 Nanny Plum, 147 Maiden-hair Tree, u Nannyberry, 147 Maple, 12, 125 Napoleon's Willow, 52 Ash-leaved, 37, 126 Narrowleaf Crab, 106 Black Rock, 132 Necklace Poplar, 56 Hard, 130 Nettle-tree, 16 Mountain, 126 Newcastle Thorn, in Norway, 126 , , Northern Cork Elm, 97 Red, 129 , . j. Scrub Pine, 43 Rock, 130 Norway Maple, 126 Silver, 128 Pine, 44 Soft, 128, 1 29 . ; Spruce, 46, 48 Striped, 127 Nut, King, 68 Sugar, 130 Nyssa sylvatica, 22 Swamp, 129 Sycamore, 127 Oak, 23, 25, 27, 32, 82 Three-toothed Red, 130 Barren, 87 White, 128 Basket, 89 Mockernut, 67 .; < '/ Bear, 87 Moosewood, 127 Black, 85 Morus alba, 100 Black Jack, 88, 93 rubra, 100 v Box White, 94 Mossy-cup Oak, 94 Bur, 94 Mountain Ash, 38 Chestnut, 89, 92 American, 107 Chinquapin, .92 Elder-leaved, 108 Cow, 89 European, 108 English, 89, 90 Western, 108 Gray, 25, 86 Mountain Laurel, 19 i Jack, 88, 93 Maple, 120 Laurel, 83 Mulberry, 16, 99 Mossy-cup, 94 Black, loo Over-cup, 90, 94 Paper, 16 Peach, 83 INDEX 179 Oak, Fin, 86 Paulownia, 13 Poison, 123 tomentpsa, 13 Post, 94 Peach, 31, 115, 117 Red, 86 Oak, 83 Rock, 89, 92 Peach-leaved Willow, 50 Rock Chestnut, 89, 92 Pear, 26, 31, 104, 105 Scarlet, 85 Common, 105 Scrub, 87 Persimmon, 21 Shingle, 83 Picea Abies, 46-, 48 Spanish, 87 canadensis, 49 Swamp, 91 mariana, 47 Swamp Post,. 90 Menziesii, 48 Swamp White, 91 orientalis, 48 Water, 83 rubra, 47 Water White, 90 Pigeon Cherry, 117 White, 90, 91 Pignut, 65 Willow, 83 . Small, 65 Yellow, 85, 92 Pin Cherry, 117 Yellow-bark, 85 Oak, 96 Ohio Buckeye, 133 Pine, 4, 39 Oilnut, 60 Austrian, 45 Old-field Birch, 73 Gray, 43 Pine, 41, 42 Hard, 41 Oneberry, 16 Jersey, 43 Orange, Osage, 19 Loblolly, 41, 42 Oriental Spruce, 48 Northern Scrub, 43 Osage Orange, 19 Norway, 44 Osier, Green, 139 Old-field, 41, 42 Ostrya virginiana, 28 Pitch, 41 Over-cup Oak, 90, 94 Red, 44 Oxydendrum arboreum, 31 Scotch, 44 Scrub, 43 Papaw, 1 8 Shortleaf, 40, 42 Common, 18 Soft, 40 Paper Birch, 76 Table Mountain, 43 Mulberry, 16 White, 40 i8o INDEX Pine, Yellow, 40, 42 Pinus Banksiana, 43 echinata, 40, 42 Laricio var. austriaca, 43 pungens, 43 resinosa, 44 rigida, 41 Strobus, 40 sylvestris, 44 Taeda, 41, 42 virginiana, 43 Pitch Pine, 41 Plane-tree, 14 Platanus ocidentalis, 14 Plum, 26,31, 115 Canada, 118 Date, 31 Horse, 118 Nanny, 147 Red, 118 Thorn, in Wild, 118 Yellow, 118 Poison Ash, 123 Dogwood, 122, 138 Elder, 122 Ivy, 123 Oak, 123 Sumach, 122 Poplar, 31, 5^3, 54 Balsam, 31, 57 Black, 57 Carolina, 56 Downy, 58 Large-toothed, 54 Lombardy, 56 Poplar, Necklace, 56 Rough-barked, 57 Silver, 53 Trembling, 55 White, 53 Yellow, 24, 32 Popple, 54 Populus alba, 53 balsamifera, 57 candicans, 58 deltoides, 56 grandidentata, 54 heterophylla, 58 nigra, 57 nigra var. italica, 56 tremuloides, 55 Post Oak, 94 Poverty Birch, 73 Prunus americana, 118 Avium, 120 Cerasus, 120 nigra, 118 pennsylvanica, 117 Persica, 117 serotina, 116 virginiana, 116 Pseudotsuga taxifolia, 10 Pumpkin Ash, 142 Purple Buckeye, 134 Purple-leaved Beech, 79 Pyrus americana, 107 angustifolia, 106 Aucuparia, 108 baccata, 105 communis, 105 coronaria, 105 INDEX 181 Pyrus Cydonia, 104 Red Gum, 13 hybrida, 107 Haw, no, in Malus, 104 Maple, 129 sitchensis, 108 Mulberry, 100 Quaking Asp, 55 Oak, 86 Quercus alba, 91 Pine, 44 bicolor, 91 Plum, 118 coccinea, 85 Spruce, 47 falcata, 87 Redbud, 14 ilicifolia, 87 Rhamnus cathartica, 26 imbricaria, 83 Rhododendron, 19 lyrata, 90 maximum, 19 macrocarpa, 94 Rhus copallina, 122 marilandica, 88 Cotinus, 121 Michauxii, 89 glabra, 122 Muhlenbergii, 92 Toxicodendron, 123 nigra, 83 typhina, 122 palustris, 86 Vernix, 123 phellos, 83 River Ash, 141 Prinus, 89. 92 Birch, 73 Robur, 89 Cottonwood, 58 Robur var. sessiliflora, 90 Robinia Pseudo-Acacia, 1 20 rubra, 86 viscosa, 1 20 rubra var. ambigua, 86 Rock Chestnut Oak, 89, 92 stellata, 94 Elm, 97 velutina, 85 Maple, 130 Quince, 21, 104 Oak, 89, 92 Rose Acacia, 120 Raisin, Wild, 147 Bay, 19 Red Ash, 141 Rough-barked Poplar, 57 Beech, 80 Round-wood, 107 Birch, 73 Rowan Tree, 108 Buckeye, 134 Rum Cherry, 116 Cedar, 4, 5 Elm, 97 Salix alba, 53 Fir, 10 alba var. caerulea, 53 182 INDEX Salix alba var. vitellina, 53 amygdaloides, 50 babylonica, 52 balsamifera, 49 discolor, 49 fragilis, 52 lucida, 49 nigra, 51 pentandra, 50 Wardi, 51 Sassafras, 17, 32 variifolium, 17, 32. Savin, 4, 5 Scarlet Haw, 1 10 Oak, 85 Thorn, no Scotch Elm, 99 Fir, 44 Pine, 44 Scrub Oak, 87 Pine, 43 Seaside Alder, 77 Service Berry, 109 Shad Bush, 108, 109 Shag-bark Hickory, 62 Sheepberry, 147 Shell-bark, Big, 68 Hickory, 62 Shingle Oak, 83 Shining Willow, 49 Shortleaf Pine, 40, 42 Shucks, Honey, 35 Siberian Crab, 105 Silver Birch, 71 Linden, 135 Maple, 128 Silver Poplar, 53 Spruce, 48 Single Spruce, 49 Skunk Spruce, 49 Slippery Elm, 97 Small-fruited Hickory, 65 Small Pignut, 65 Smoke Tree, 121 Smoking Bean, 147 Smooth Alder, 78 Sumach, 122 Soft Maple, 128, 129 Pine, 40 Sorrel-tree, 31 Sour Cherry, 1 20 Gum, 22 Sounvood, 31 Southern Basswood, 136 Crab Apple, 106 Spanish Oak, 87 Speckled Alder, 77 Spoon wood, 19 Spruce, 4, 46 Black, 47 Bog, 47 Cat, 49 Colorado Blue, 48 Douglas, 10 Hemlock, 7 Norway, 46, 48 Oriental, 48 Red, 47 Silver, 48 Single, 49 Skunk, 49 Swamp, 47 INDEX 183 Spruce, White, 49 Sycamore, Maple, 127 Yellow, 47 Syringa vulgaris, 20 Staghorn Sumach, 122 Striped Dogwood, 217 Table Mountain Pine, 43 Maple, 127 Tacamahac, 57 Sugar Maple, 130 Tamarack, 45 Sugarberry, 16 Taxodium distichum, 9 Sugar-tree, 130 Thorn, 26, 109 Sumach, 21, 38, 121, 138 Cock-spur, in Chinese, 35, 37 Newcastle, in Dwarf, 122 Plum, in Poison, 122 Scarlet, no Smooth, 122 White, no Staghorn, 122 Three-thorned Acacia, 35 Swamp, 123 Three-toothed Red Maple, Venetian, 121 13 Swamp Ash, 140 Thuja occidentalis, 5 Cottonwood, 58 Tilia americana, 136 Hickory, 67 heterophylla, 136 Maple, 129 Michauxii, 136 Oak, 91 tomentosa, 135 Post Oak, 90 vulgaris, 135 Spruce, 47 Tree of Heaven, 35, 37 Sumach, 123 Tremble, 55 White Oak, 91 Trembling Poplar, 55 Sweet Bay, 102 Tsuga canadensis, 7 Birch, 69 Tulip Tree, 23, 32 Buckeye, 134 Tupelo, 22 Cherry, 120 Crab, 105 Ulmus americana, 96 Gum, 13 campestris, 99 Magnolia, 102 fulva, 97 Viburnum, 147 montana, 99 Sycamore, 14 racemosa, 97 American, 14 Umbrella Tree, 102 European, 127 Great-leaved, 103 i8 4 INDEX Venetian Sumach, 121 White-heart Hickory, 67 Viburnum Lentago, 147 Wickup, 136 prunifolium, 147 Wild Black Cherry, 116 Sweet, 147 Plum, 118 Raisin, 147 Walnut, 39, 58, 60 Red Cherry, 117 Black, 60 Willow, 31, 49 White, 60 Almondleaf, 50 Ward's Willow, 51 Balsam, 49 Water Beech, 29 Bay-leaved, 50 Oak, 83 Black, 51 White Oak, 90 Blue, 53 Weeping Beech, 80 Crack, 52 Birch, 74 Glaucous, 49 Willow, 52 Napoleon's, 52 Western Catalpa, 145 Oak, 83 Mountain Ash, 108 Peach-leaved, 50 White Ash, 90, 144 Shining, 49 Basswood, 136 Ward's, 51 Beech, So Weeping, 52 Birch, 73, 74, 76 White, 53 Cedar, 5 Yellow, 53 Elm, 96 Witch Hazel, 24 Fringe, 20 Wych Elm, 99 Holly, 25 Locust, 120 Yellow Birch, 71 Maple, 128 Buckeye, 134 Mulberry, 100 Locust, 1 20 Oak, 91 Oak, 85, 92 Pine, 40 Pine, 40, 42 Poplar, 53 Plum, 118 Spruce, 49 Poplar, 24, 32 Thorn, 100 Spruce, 47 Walnut, 60 Willow, 53 Willow, 53 Wood, 38 Wood, 24, 32 Yellowbark Oak, 85 LATEST VOLUMES IN THE AMERICAN NATURE SERIES (Prospectus of entire Series on request) INSECTS AND DISEASE By R. 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