- \ *. J A V ^ V. \ THIS 1842 ED. WAS ISSUED IN AT bEAST TWO FORMS. THE LIBRARY OE CONGRESS COPY HAS PORTRAIT AND PLATES, AS HAS THE HARVARD Ll- BRARY COPY. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF PLATES HAVING BEEN TORN OUT OF T THIS COPY. IN , ADDITION THE HAR VARD LIBRARY COPY HAS BOSTON ANB NEW YORK ADDRESSES OF THE SUNDAY* SCHOOL UNION AS WELL AS THE PHILA DELPHIA ONE. D.M . M . THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. WBITTEN FOR THS AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, AND REVISED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. ?)>/ $/vvy^^ AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. No. 316 CHESTNUT STREET. t>E3/a. TL 3? ADVERTISEMENT. \ *g The historical portion of this volume is extracted from the best authorities ; but it has been deemed unnecessary to introduce references. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S42, by HERMAN COPE, Treasurer, in trust for the American Sun day-school Union, in the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the Easterrr District of Pennsylvania. I L. JOHNSON, STEREOTYPER, PHILADELPHIA. INTRODUCTION. IN the year 1486, a foot traveller, holding a boy by the hand, stopped at the gate of a convent in Spain, to ask for some bread and water for his wearied child. While he was receiving it from a kind Friar, he gave him a hjstory of himself, and told him for what purpose he had come into that country. At that time, the inhabitants of Europe, Asia, and Africa, did not know that there was pny other land than those continents, and some islands not very distant from them. The most learned men, who were endea vouring to increase their knowledge of geo graphy, thought that the ocean surrounded those countries like a great belt, and Christo pher Columbus, the stranger who stood at the convent gate, was perhaps the first per son who thought that belt might be crossed to the land on the opposite side ; which was supposed to be the eastern part of Asia. He was born about the year 1436, and was the son of a wool-comber, who lived in a city of ttaly, called Genoa, and who was too poor to give him much education ; but Columbus was very attentive to the instructions which he re ceived in the few years that he went to school. When he was a child, he said he would like to be a sailor, and he was very diligent in f~\f\irw^*<f~Ti r ^> 9SO 798 4 INTRODUCTION. using every opportunity to gain a knowledge of geography and navigation. At the age of fourteen, he went to sea. A seafaring life was, at that time, a very dan-" gerous and toilsome one ; and the years of his boyhood were passed in hardships, which were severe but useful lessons to teach him to command his naturally hasty temper, and to endure sufferings without shrinking or com plaining. He reflected on what he observed in his voyages, and on what he had learned of geography, and felt convinced, that if a vessel sailed from Europe towards the west, it might reach a land which was then un known ; and that land he thought it was pro bable was an inhabited one. The Bible would nave taught him that a time will come when * All the ends of the earth shall see the salva tion of our God," and he might then have felt the religious hope that he should be permitted to carry the glad tidings to the unknown land, the discovery of which he began to speak of with as much certainty as if he had seen it. He considered his almost infant desire to be come a sailor as a proof that he was thus early preparing to be the discoverer of that land ; and this confidence never left his mind, but cheered him in his darkest hours of disappointment. He thought deeply on the subject for many years, and at length resolved to undertake a voyage of discovery, which the more he thought of, the stronger became his hope that it INTRODUCTION. 5 would be successful. He was too poor to fit out even a small vessel, and he could not persuade any person to assist him in what was consi dered a wild and useless project. He formed the bold resolution to go to Portugal, and ask assistance from the king, who at first seemed willing to grant it ; but after raising his hopes, disappointed them, and Columbus returned to his own country, and made an application there to the government for aid ; but his re quest was disregarded. Poor as to earthly treasures, but trusting to the divine promise, " Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established," he persevered in his intention, and was on his way to seek assistance from Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and queen of Spain, when he stopped at the convent gate to ask for refreshment for his child, whom he was taking with him. The kind man, to whom he related his plan, became interested for his success, and offered to keep his son, Diego, and educate him ; and said he would give him a letter to a friend, "who he thought could assist him to gain the favour of the queen. Columbus left his son with him, and travelled to the city where the king and queen resided. They would not even listen to his proposal to dis cover a new country for them, but he deter mined to remain there for some time, and he supported himself by designing maps. Ht was very pleasing in his appearance, and be A 2 6 INTRODUCTION. ing master of his hasty temper, his manners were agreeable. In a short time, he gained the good will of some persons who interested themselves for him, and introduced him to the Archbishop of Spain, to relate to him the favourite subject of his thoughts. The Arch bishop obtained permission for him to appear before the king and queen, and the favourable manner in which they listened to him. gave him lively hopes that they would grant to him the assistance which he desired. They appointed persons to examine his plan for a voyage of discovery, who kept him for a long time uncertain as to what opinion they would give, and then said that they disapproved of it entirely. Discouraged, but not despairing, Columbus resolved to leave Spain, and seek assistance elsewhere, and was on his journey when he received a letter from a friend, desiring him to return immediately. That friend had suc ceeded in gaining permission to speak to the queen, and he had interested her so much by an eloquent account of the views of Colum bus, that she said, " I undertake the enter prise, and pledge my jewels to raise the necessary funds." These were joyful words to the ear of Columbus ; and they were not vain words ; for an order, signed by the king and queen, was given to him to enable him to fit out three caravals, or small vessels, for his voyage. They were to be prepared at the INTRODUCTION. 7 town of Palos, and such frightful tales were there told about the dangers of the unknown deep, that even old seamen spoke of the in tended voyage with dread; and Columbus had great difficulty to obtain crews for his little vessels. On Friday, the third day of August, in the year 1492, he sailed from Palos, and the friends of the sailors who accompanied him took leave of them with lamentations, and abuse of Columbus ; for they felt certain his little fleet would never return. It was borne across the waves for several weeks, and no tokens of land appeared. The sailors became very anxious and discontented. One even ing, a long dusky strip, like land, excited glad expectations, but the dawn of the next day showed that it was only a gray cloud along the horizon. They were several times disappointed in the same manner, and at length became desponding, and reproached Columbus with anger, and insisted that he should turn back towards Spain. He tried to soothe them, and encourage them to go on ; but finding that their desire to give up the voyage increased, he told them resolutely, " Happen what will, I am determined to persevere, until, by the blessing of God, I shall accomplish the enterprise." When he had made this declaration, his sailors became desperate, and resolved to force him to com ply with their wishes. "While they weie 8 INTRODUCTION. planning how they should do so, on the lltn October, being sixty-nine days since their sailing, some fresh grass, such as grows in rivers, floated by the ships, and one of the ^sailors drew up a carved staff, and a thorn branch with berries on it, which the waves lashed against the side of the vessel. As the olive leaf, which God sent to Noah y the dove, cheered him in his ark with the hope that he should soon behold " the dry land," so, the carved staff and thorn-stem gave Columbus the expectation that he was drawing near to the land which was the ob ject of his perilous voyage. To the sailors they were peace branches ; for the hopes they raised that an inhabited country was not far distant, quieted their angry feelings, and each one became engaged in watching for land, that he might give the first signal of discovery ; for which a reward had been promised. The little fleet was moved rapidly on by a fresh breeze, which blew all day. It was the custom of Columbus to close each day with an evening hymn, for he was a devout man ; and on the evening of that joy ous day, on which the staff and thorn stem were seen, he spoke with great feeling to his sailors, and endeavoured to lead them to be grateful to the mighty Ruler of the waves, for his protection and goodness in guiding them safely to that hour of cheering hope. He then seated himself at the end of his ves- INTRODUCTION. 9 sel, and as it was borne along swiftly by the breeze, his eyes were fixed in watchfulness on the dusky horizon, until it was hid by the darkness of night. His anxiety prevented all disposition to sleep, and as he sat, with the silence of midnight around him, suddenly a light appeared, which seemed like a torch in the hand of a person, raising and lowering it as he walked. Long, very long, no doubt, appeared the hours from that moment until the dawning of the day. At length that dawn came. It was the 12th of October, in the year 1492, and the little vessel of Columbus be came to him what " the mountain of Nebo," was to the leader of Israel ; for as Moses had been led through the dangers of the wilder ness, to that mount from which he saw " the promised land," so Columbus had been guided by the same mighty hand over the desert of the ocean, to a spot from which his joyful eyes beheld the unknown land, on which his thoughts and hopes had been for many years engaged. It was a beautiful level island, covered with trees like an orchard, and the inhabitants were soon seen running to wards the shore, to gaze at the wonderful sight which was presented by the little fleet of Columbus. He entered his small boat, and was rowed to the rural spot ; he sprung on it with joy, and kneeled down to offer thanks giving to God with tears of gratitude. As he approached, the wild natives fled ; but one of 10 INTRODUCTION. them, more courageous than the rest, ventured to return ; and others, seeing that he was not harmed, soon joined him. .^They expressed their astonishment by making signs that they thought Columbus and his companions had come from the sky, and that the sails of the vessels were the wings on which they had flown down. He remained all the day amidst the refreshing groves, noticing the artless na tives, and giving to them glass beads, and other trifles, which they received with wonder and gladness, and brought in return cakes, formed from the roots of a plant which they culti vated in their fields. They had ornaments of gold around their necks, and made Colum bus understand that they got them from a country to the south of their island. As he thought that the island was near India, he called the natives Indians ; and that name has been continued to all the original inhabitants of the new world. He gave the name of San Salvador to the island ; it is one of the cluster which is now called the Bahamas. When he had spent two days in examining the island, he determined to sail again and visit others, which he understood from tht> natives, were not distant. He continued sail ing in different directions, and discovered the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola ; he then re turned to Spain, and entered the port of Palos, March 15, 1493, after an absence of 7 months and 12 days. When the inhabitants heard of INTRODUCTION 1 1 % his arrival, there was a great tumult ; and when they knew he had discovered " the un known land," and that some of the natives had willingly returned with him, they were rsady to receive him with such honours as they would have paid to the king. What a contrast to the time of his departure, when every tongue was uttering lamentations or abuse ! When the king and queen heard of his re turn and success, they ordered great prepara tions to be made for welcoming him, and he was every where surrounded by a wondering and admiring multitude. Who would have thought that he was the same Columbus, who but a few years before, had stood at the con vent gate, begging bread and water for his child ! In the course of the next twelve years he made four very important voyages, and in honour of him, all the newly found world should have been called Columbia. He was deprived of this distinction, by a rich mer chant of Italy, Amerigo Vespucio, who sailed with a large fleet, in 1501, and aided by the publications and maps of Columbus, reached a more southern part of the continent than the great discoverer, and gave so interesting an account of his voyage, and of the country he had seen, that his name was given to it, as if the discovery were his. But the people have given the names Columbia and Columbus to 12 INTRODUCTION. several places in America, especially in the United States, where there is a district called Columbia, in which is the city of Washington, the seat of government. Thus the names of the two great men are connected, to whose genius and virtue our country owes so much. While he was engaged in making discove ries, Columbus endured various trials of mind, and toils of body ; and after all his faithful ser vices, the king of Spain refused even to fur nish him the means of paying his seamen, for whom he pleaded earnestly, although many of them had acted as his enemies. The amiable queen, Isabella, was an unchanged friend ; but she died, and then it was vain for Columbus to ask for justice. He wrote to a friend, that he had done all in his power, and that he left the result to God, who had never forsaken him in his time of need. In his seventieth year, he felt that all his cares would soon cease, and he settled his earthly affairs and prepared for death. He charged his children to be active in spreading abroad the Christian religion ; and on the 20th of May 1506. he uttered his last words, which were, " Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit." The accounts which had been published by Columbus, caused many nations to desire to have possession of some portions of the new world. French, Dutch, and English INTRODUCTION. 13 navigators made voyages of discovery, and claimed those parts on which they landed ; and their governments made settlements on them. In the year 1496, John Cabot had the command of a small English fleet, with which he sailed to the west, and discovered a large island, which his sailors called Newfound land. He then sailed along the coast of North America, for some distance, but did not land. Several attempts were afterwards made by the English to form settlements in it, but they were not successful until April, 1607, when one hundred and five of them landed in Vir ginia, and built a town, which they called Jamestown, in honour of their king. One of the most active of those settlers was Captain Smith, who gained the good will of all the natives near the settlement ; but being one day at some distance from it, he was seized by a party of strange Indians, and taken to their king, Powhatan. It was determined that the prisoner should be put to death by having his head beat with clubs. He was laid on a large stone, and the death clubs were raised, when Pocahontas, the daughter of the king, threw herself beside him, and folding her arms around him, laid her head on his, and entreated that his life might be spared. She was only thirteen years of age, and was the darling of her father, who consented to her request, and Captain Smith was permitted to B 14 INTRODUCTION. return to Jamestown. Some time after, she was married, with the consent of her father, to a young Englishman, named Rolfe, and this secured Powhatan as a faithful and powerful friend to the settlers. Pocahontas professed belief in the Christian religion, and was "bap tized by the name of Rebecca. In 1620, the second English settlement in North America was made. A number of fami lies, who were not at liberty to worship God as they thought right, went over to Holland. They were kindly received, and had remained there for ten years, supporting themselves by their industry, when they resolved, after fre quent and serious prayer, to cross the Atlantic, and seek a residence in America ; the evil ex- amples and corrupt manners that prevailed being such as they feared might lead their off spring astray. One hundred and one arrived, like pilgrims, in the beginning of winter, (Nov. 11, 1020,) in a strange country, where there was no friend to welcome them, nor shelter for them to enter. They purchased land from the Indians in Massachusetts, and began to clear a spot for a town, which they called New Plymouth. They endured, with resolute cheerfulness, the toils and dangers of forming homes in a wilderness, because they believed that God would a not leave them, nor forsake them/ They desired to " worship him in spirit and in truth/ and trusted in his pro- INTRODUCTION. 15 mise that " all things should work together for their good. Other settlements were gradually made in different parts of the country. Maryland was colonized in 1633, under Lord Baltimore. The settlers of Connecticut received a charter in 166*2, from King Charles II. permitting the people to make their own laws, and in 1663 similar rights were given to Rhode-Island, both of which provinces were settled by inde pendent colonies, chiefly from Massachusetts. The country now forming the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were granted to Lord Clarendon and others, in 1663. New York and New Jersey, which had been previously occupied by the Dutch, were granted by King Charles to his brother, the Duke of York, and were easily subdued by the Eng lish. In October, 1682, William Penn, from whom Pennsylvania was named, brought from England a number of families, who had been persecuted on account of their religious opin ions. He purchased land for them from the Indians, who kindly taught them how to make sodded huts, on the spot where Phila delphia now stands. Each settlement was called a Province, and the inhabitants made regulations for their own government, but acknowledged themselves to be subjects of the king of England. Those who had fled from their native land, that they might wo)- 1 INTRODUCTION. ship God with freedom, believed that they should have fulfilled to them His promise which they found in the Scriptures " Though I have scattered them, yet I will be unto them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come." THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON. CHAPTER I. 17321762. To give us the delightful assurance, that we are always under the watchful care of our almighty and kind Creator, He has told us that He notices the movements of every little sparrow : and as we are " of more value than many sparrows," He will surely ever care for us. It was His powerful and kind cai% that protected and guided Columbus, the once poor sailor boy, to obtain the favour of a great king and queen ; and then to pass over the waves of a dangerous ocean, in a little vessel, and reach in safety an unknown land. The same powerful and kind care which protected and guided houseless strangers to a land of free dom and peace, gave Washington to their children, to lead them on to take a place amongst the nations of the earth. His history is as a shining light upon the path of virtue ; for he " acknowledged God in all his ways." GEORGE WASHINGTON was the third son of Augustine Washington, whose grandfather B2 17 18 LIFE OF left England, his native country, in 1657, and settled at Bridges Creek, in Virginia, where, on the 22d of February, in the year 1732, his great-grandson, George, was born.* One of the first lessons which young Wash ington received from his faithful parents, was, the importance of always speaking the truth ; and they enjoyed. a satisfactory reward for their attention to this duty ; for through his childhood, " the law of truth was in his mouth," so that he was not known in one in stance to tell a falsehood, either to obtain a desired indulgence, or to escape a deserved punishment or reproof. His character, as a lover of truth, was so well known at the "school which he attended, that the children were certain of being believed, when they related any thing, if they could say, " George Wash- ingtcffi says it was so." An anecdote is related of him to illustrate this trait in his character, which we introduce without being able to ascertain on what au thority it is related. We hope it will not be supposed, however, that we regard such an incident as an extraordinary proof of ingenu ousness on the part of young Washington. We trust there are very few boys who would think of adopting any other course under like * The birth-day of Washington was the eleventh Feb ruary, 1732, according to the dates used at that time , but, as in the year 1752, the English dates were altered to conform with those of the rest of Europe, the day is that which is here given, twenty-second February, 1732. WASHINGTON. 19 circumstances, and those who do generally find that " honesty is the best policy," to say nothing of a quiet conscience and the law of God. The story is, that he was playing with a hatchet, and heedlessly struck a favourite fruit-tree in his father s garden. Upon seeing the tree thus mutilated, an inquiry was natu rally made for the author of the mischief, when George frankly confessed the deed, and received his father s forgiveness. In all the little disputes of the school-fel lows, he was called on to say which party was right, and his decisions were always sa tisfactory. It is, perhaps, not out of place to remark in this connexion, that much of the injustice arid oppression which are seen hi the intercourse of men with each other, shows only the matu rity of habits which were formed in childhood. At home, or in school, or on the play-ground, instances of unfairness and fraud are often seen, which, among men, would be regarded as gross violations of law and right. Wash ington in his boyhood was JUST. When he was ten years old, his worthy father died, and he became the care of an anxious mother, whose fortune was not suffi cient to enable her to give him more than a plain English education. He was very fond of studying mathematics, and applied his mind 20 LIFE OF diligently, in improving all the instruction which he could get in that science. As he grew up to manhood, he was remarkable for the strength and activity of his frame. In running, leaping, and managing a horse, he was unequalled by his companions ; and he could with ease climb the heights of his na tive mountains, to look down alone from some wild crag upon his followers, who were pant ing from the toils of the rugged way. By these healthful exercises the vigour of his constitution was increased, and he gained that hardiness so important to him in the employ ments designed for him by his Creator. Mrs. Washington was an affectionate pa rent ; but she did not encourage in herself that imprudent tenderness, which so often causes a mother to foster the passions of her children by foolish indulgences, and which seldom fails to destroy the respect which every child should feel for a parent. George was early made to understand that he must obey his mother, and therefore he respected as well as loved her. Sne was kind to his young companions, but they thought her stern, because they always felt that they must be have correctly in her presence. The character of the mother, as weil as that of the son, are shown in the following incident. Mrs. Wash ington owned a remarkably fine colt, which she valued very much ; but which, though old enough for use, had never been mounted ; WASHINGTON. 21 no one would venture to ride it, or attempt to break its wikl and vicious spirit. George proposed to some of his young companions, that they should assist him to secure the colt until he could mount it, as he had determined that he would try to tame it. Soon after sun rise, one morning, they drove the wild anima into an enclosure, and with great difficulty succeeded in placing a bridle on it. George then sprang upon its back, and the vexed colt bounded over the open fields, prancing and plunging to get rid of his burden. The bold rider kept his seat firmly, and the struggle between them became alarming to his com panions, who were watching him. The speed of the colt increased, until at length, in making a furious effort to throw his conqueror, he burst a large blood-vessel, and instantly died. George was unhurt, but was much troubled by the unexpected result of his exploit. His companions soon joined him, and when they saw the beautiful colt lifeless, the first words they spoke were, " What will your mother say who can tell her?" They were called to breakfast, and soon after they were seated at the table, Mrs. Washington said, " Well, young gentlemen, have you seen my fine sor rel colt in your rambles ?" No answer was given, and the question was repeated; her son George then replied " Your sorrel colt is dead, mother." He gave her an exact account of the event. The flush of displeasure which 22 LIFE OF first rose on her cheek, soon passed av/ay ; and she said calmly, " While I regret the loss of ray favourite, / rejoice in my son, who al ways speaks the tntth." In his fifteenth year, he had so strong a desire to be actively employed, that he ap plied for a place as a midshipman in the English navy, (for our country was then un der the government of Great Britain,) and succeeded in obtaining it. Full of youthful expectations of enjoyment in a new scene, he prepared ardently to engage in it, when he became convinced that by doing so, he would severely wound the heart of an anxious pa rent; and with a true spirit of heroism he denied himself, and in obedience to the com mand, " Hon6ur thy mother," he gave up his fondly cherished plan, and yielded his own inclinations, to promote her comfort. Thus, while his manly superiority to companions of his own age caused admiration, his filial ten derness was an example to them of compliance with the direction which is given to children in the word of God. " Let them learn first to show piety at home, and to requite their parents," and they are assured that " this is good and acceptable to the Lord." Washing ton proved the truth of this assurance ; for, to the act of filial regard which " requited" the anxious cares of his mother, may be traced his usefulness to his country, and the glory of his character. If he had crossed his mother s WASHINGTON. 23 wish, and entered the British navy as a mid shipman, it is not probable, that he would ever have deserved, or obtained, the title of " Father of his country." Being unwilling to remain inactive, young Washington employed himself industriously and usefully in surveying unsettled lands ; and when he was nineteen years of age, he was appointed one of the adjutant generals of Vir ginia, with the rank of a major. At that time, the French nation had large settlements in Canada, and in Louisiana, and they deter mined on connecting those settlements by a line of forts ; in doing this they took posses sion of a tract of land, which was considered to be within the province of Virginia. The governor of Virginia, (Mr. Dinwiddie) thought it was his duty to notice this, in the name of his king ; and it was very important, that the person whom he employed in the business, should have resolution and prudence. Young Washington was worthy of his confidence, and willingly undertook the perilous duty ; as it gave him an opportunity of being actively employed for the advantage of his native- pro vince. The dangers which he knew he must meet, did not, for a moment, deter him from consenting to set out immediately on the toil some journey, although winter was near. He was to take a letter from the governor, to the commanding officer of the French troops, who were stationed on the Ohio river ; and the 24 LIFE OF way he had to go, was through a part of the country that had never been furrowed by the plough, or, indeed, marked by any footsteps, but those of wild animals, or ferocious Indians. Many of those Indians were enemies, and those who had shown any disposition to be friendly, could not be safely trusted. The same day, (October 31, 1753,) on which Washington received the letter which he was to be the bearer of, he left Williamsburgh, and travelled with speed until he arrived at the frontier settlement of the province ; and there engaged a guide to show him the way over the wild and rugged Alleghany moun tain, which, at that season of the year, it was difficult to pass. The waters to be crossed were high, and the snow to be waded through, was deep ; but persevering resolutely, he ar rived at Turtle Creek, where he was told by an Indian trader, that the French commander had died a short time before, and that the French troops had gone into winter quarters. He went on with increased ardour, because the difficulty of his duty was increased ; but he did not neglect the opportunity of examin ing the country through which he passed; wishing to discover the best situations on which forts could be erected for the defence of the province. As the waters were impassable without swimming the horses, he got a canoe to take the baggage about ten miles, to the forks of WASHINGTON. the Ohio river; intending to cross the Alle- ghany there. In his journal he wrote, " as I got down before the canoe, I spent some time in viewing the rivers and the land in the fork which I think extremely well suited for a fort, as it has the absolute command of both rivers. The land at the point is twenty or twenty- five feet above the common surface."" The spot thus described was oon after wards the site of the French fort Duquesne. It was subsequently called fort Pitt by the English, and from this the name of the town of Pittsburg was taken, which was built near the fort, and is now a city, containing 22,000 inhabitants. Washington remained a few days in that neighbourhood, for the purpose of en deavouring to persuade the Indian warriors to be friendly to the English. By a firm but mild manner, he gained friends among the in habitants of the forest, and obtained guides to conduct him by the shortest way to the fort, where he expected to find a French officer, to whom he might give the letter from the go vernor, as the commander was dead. He arrived there in safety, and when he had received an answer from the officer, set out immediately on his return, and the journey proved a very dangerous and toilsome one. Some extracts from his journal, which he kept with exactness, will show his disregard of self, when he was performing a duty for the benefit of others. He had put on an In- C 26 LIFE OF dian walking dress, and given his horse to as sist in carrying provisions ; the cold increased very much and the roads were getting worse every day, from the freezing of a deep snow, so that the horses became almost unable to travel. After describing this difficulty, he wrote thus: " As I was uneasy to get back, to make a report of my proceedings to his honour the governor, I determined to prosecute my jour ney the nearest way, through the woods, on foot. I took my necessary papers, pulled off my clothes, and tied myself up in a watch coat. Then, with gun in hand and pack on my back, in which were my papers and pro visions, I set out with Mr. Gist, fitted in the same manner. We fell in with a party of In dians, who had laid in wait for us. One of them fired, not fifteen steps off, but fortunately missed ; we walked on the remaining part of the night, without making any stop, that we might get the start so far, as to be out of the reach of their pursuit the next day, as we were well assured that they would follow our track as soon as it was light. The next day we continued travelling until quite dark, and got to the river. We expected to have found the river frozen, but it was not, only about fifty yards from each shore. The ice I sup pose had been broken up, for it was driving in vast quantities. There was no way of get ting over but on a raft ; which we set about WASHINGTON. 27 making, with but one poor hatchet, and finish ed just after sun-setting: this was a whole day s work. We got it launched, then went on board of it, and set off; but before we were half-way over, we were jammed in the ice in such a manner, that we expected every moment our raft to sink, and ourselves to perish. I put out my setting pole to try to stop the raft, that the ice might pass by, when the rapidity of the stream threw it with so much violence against the pole, that it jerked me out into ten feet water." In this dangerous situation he was saved by the protecting hand of God, and enabled again to get on the raft ; and by the next morning, the river was frozen so hard, that there was no difficulty in getting to the shore on the ice. The remainder of the journey was very fa tiguing, being in the month of December, and for fifteen days it either snowed or rained. He arrived the 16th of January at Williams- burgh, and delivered the important letter to the governor. The answer of the French officer, which was contained in the letter, was such as to make needful immediate prepara tions for defending the frontier of the province. The resolution with which Washington had performed the duty entrusted to him, and the judgment he had shown in his conduct to wards the Indians, gained the favourable opi nion of the people of the province, as well as that of the governor, and he was appointed a 28 LIFE OF lieutenant-colonel of the regiment which was formed to march to the frontier, in order to prevent the French erecting their forts on it. Ardent and active, he obtained permission to march with two companies, in advance of the regiment, to a place called the Great Meadows ; he thought that in doing so, he would have an opportunity of getting early information as to the movements of the French, and of form ing a treaty with the Indians, to prevent their joining them. On arriving there, he was in formed, by an Indian, that the French com mander had sent a party to stop the American workmen, who were erecting a fort; and that they were forming one for themselves, called fort Duquesne. The Indian also gave the in formation, that French troops were advancing from that fort towards the Great Meadows. The night on which this account was given, was dark and rainy ; but Washington marched rapidly with his soldiers to the place where the Indian said the French would be encamp ed ; and there he found them, and surrounded them so unexpectedly, that they gave them selves up as his prisoners. The chief officer of that part of the regiment which was march ing slowly on, died ; and Washington then had the entire command of about four hundred men. They joined him, and he directed them to form a shelter for their horses and. pro visions ; when it was completed, they named it fort Necessity. WASHINGTON. 29 After placing the horses and bag-gage in it, Washington marched with his troops towards fort Duquesne, for the purpose of endeavour ing to drive the French from it; but when he had advanced about thirteen miles, an Indian told him, that there were " as many French men coming towards him, as there were pi geons in the woods ;" and he thought it was most prudent to return to his little fort, and meet their attack there. He returned, and assisted his men in digging a ditch round the fort, and while they were thus engaged, about fifteen hundred French and Indians made their appearance, and soon began to attack them. The ditch was not sufficiently completed to be of any use. The Indians sent their arrows from behind the surrounding trees, and the French fired from the shelter of the high grass. Washington continued outside of the little fort, directing and aiding his soldiers, from ten o clock until dark, when the French com mander made an otfer to cease the attack, if the fort would be given up to him. The con ditions he first named, Washington would not agree to ; but at last, the French commander consented to allow the troops to march out with their baggage, ?ud return to the inhabit ed part of the provirre, and Washington then gave up the fort. He nurned to Williams- burgh, and the cour.i.^ ^ ith which he had acted, and the favourable Wms he had obtained from so large a force, increased the confidence 30 LIFE OF of his countrymen in his character. This oc currence took place on the third of July. 1754. In the course of the next winter, orders were received, that officers who had commis sions from the king, should be placed above those belonging to the province, without regard to their rank. The feeling of what was due to him as an American, prevented Washington from submitting to this unjust regulation, and he resigned his commission. Many letters were written to him, to persuade him not to do so ; and he answered them, with an assurance that he would " serve willingly, when he could do so without dishonour." His eldest brother had died, and left to him a farm called Mount Vernon, situated in Virginia, near the Potomac river ; he took possession of it, and began to employ himself industriously in its cultivation. While he was thus engaged, General Braddock was sent from England, to prepare and command troops for the defence of Virginia, through the summer. Hearing of the conduct of Washington as an officer, and of his reasons for giving up his commission, he invited him to become his aid-de-camp. He accepted the invitation, on condition that he might be permitted to return to his farm when the active duties of the campaign should be over. The army was formed of two regiments of British troops, and a IV w companies of Vir .g-inians. The third day after the march com- WASHINGTON. 31 menced, Washington was taken ill, with a violent fever. He would not consent to be left behind, and was laid in a covered wagon. He thought that it was very important to reach the frontier as soon as possible, and he knew the difficulties of the way; ; he therefore pro posed to General Braddock, who asked his advice, to send on a part of the army, while the other part moved slowly, with the artil lery and baggage wagons. Twelve hundred men were chosen, and General Braddock ac companied them ; but though not cumbered with baggage, their movements did not satisfy Washington. He wrote to his brother, that, " instead of pushing on with vigour, without minding a little rough road, they were halting to level every molehill, and erect bridges over every brook." What seemed mountains to them, were molehills to the ardent temper of Washington. His illne ss increased so much, that the physician said his life would be en dangered by going on, and General Braddock would not suffer him to do so, but gave him u promise to have him brought after him, so soon as he could bear the ride. He recovered sufficiently, in a short time, to join the ad vanced troops; and though very weak, entered immediately on the performance of his duties. General Braddock proceeded on his march without disturbance, until he arrived at the Monongahela river, about seven miles from Fort Duquesne. As he was preparing to 32 LIFE OF cross the river, at the place since called Brad dock s Ford, a few Indians were seen on the opposite shore, who made insulting 1 gestures, and then turned and fled as the British troops advanced. Braddock gave orders that the In dians should be pursued. Colonel Washing ton was well acquainted with the manner in which the French, assisted by Indians, made their attacks ; and being aware of the danger into which the troops might be led, he earn estly entreated General Braddock not to pro ceed, until he should, with his Virginia ran gers, search the forest. His proposal offended Braddock, who disregarded the prudent coun sel, and ordered his troops to cross the river ; the last of them were yet wading in it, when the bullets of an unseen enemy thinned the ranks of those who had been incautiously led into the entrance of a hollow, where the French and Indians were concealed by the thick under wood, from which they could securely fire on the English. In a few moments, the fearful War-whoop was sounded, and the French and Indians rushed from their shelter on the aston ished troops of Braddock, and pursued them to the banks of the Monongahela. In vain did their commander, and the un daunted Washington, endeavour to restore them to order and prevent their flight. The deadly aim of the enemy was so sure, that in a very short time Washington was the only aid of General Braddock that was left to carr} WASHINGTON. 33 nis orders and assist in encouraging the af frighted troops. For three hours, he was ex posed to the aim of the most perfect marks men ; two horses fell under him ; a third was wounded; four balls pierced his coat, and several grazed his sword ; every other officer was either killed or wounded, and he alone remained unhurt. The Indians directed the flight of their arrows towards his breast, and the French made him a mark for their rifles, but both were harmless, for the shield of his God protected him, and " covered his head in the heat of battle." His safety, in the midst of such attacks, astonished his savage enemies, and they called him " The Spirit-protected man, who would be a chief of nations, for he could not die in battle." Thus did even the savages own a divine power in his preserva tion ; and the physician, who was on the battle ground, in speaking of him afterwards, said, " I expected every moment to see him fall ; his duty, his situation, exposed him to every danger ; nothing but the superintending care of Providence could have saved him from the fate of all around him." This battle took place on the 8th of July, 1755. In a note to a ser mon preached a month afterwards, by the Rev. Mr. Davies, of Virginia, (afterwards president of Princeton College) we find mention made by the author of " that heroic youth, Colonel Washington, whom I cannot but hope Provi dence has hitherto preserved, in so signal a 34 LIFE OF manner, for some important service to his country." General Braddock was mortally wounded, and his few remaining soldiers then fled in every direction. But his brave and faithful aid, with about thirty courageous Virginians, remained on the field, to save their wounded commander from the hatchet and the scalp ing knife of the Indians. They conveyed him with tenderness and speed towards that part of his army which was slowly advan cing with the baggage, and he died in their camp, and was buried in the middle of a road, that his grave might be concealed from the Indians by wagon tracks. A few years since, his remains were removed to a short distance, as the great Cumberland road, made by the government of the United States, was to pass directly over the spot where he had been laid. More than seventy-five years have passed, since the terrible scene of Braddock s defeat. The plough has since furrowed the ground which was then moist ened with the blood of the slain ; but it is saddening to see on it white spots of crumbled bones, and to find amidst the green stalks of grain, buttons of the British soldiers, marked ivith the number of their regiment, and even the brazen ornaments of their caps. " Brad- dock s road," as the path was called, which nis troops cut through the forest, is now almost overgrown, with bushes ; and few travellers WASHINGTON. 35 pass near to it, without stopping to look along its windings, and recall the time when it was filled with animated soldiers, who were soon to be silenced by the destructive weapons of war. In writing an account of this dreadful de feat, Washington said, " See the wondrous works of Providence, an<jl the uncertainty of human things !" He was much distressed by the loss of the army : and the officer next in command to General Braddock, instead of endeavouring to prepare for a better defence, went into winter quarters, although it was only the month of August. It \vas thought necessary to raise more troops immediately, and the command of all that should be raised in Virginia was offered to Washington, w r ith the privilege of naming his own officers. He willingly accepted this offer, as he could do so without placing himself under British com manders, who were not really above him in rank. He immediately set off to visit the troops that had been placed in different situations along the borders of the province : and on his return to prepare for an active de fence, he w r as overtaken by a messenger, with an account, that a number of French troops and Indian warriors, divided into parties, were capturing and murdering the inhabitants of the back settlements, burning the houses and destroying the crops ; and that the troops stationed there, were unable to protect them. 35 LIFE OF Washington immediately used every means within his power to provide for their relief ; but it was impossible to defend, with a few troops, a frontier of almost four hundred miles. from an enemy that " skulked by day, and plundered by night." While he was anxiously doing what he could, he wrote to the gover nor an account of the distress around him ; and added, " I see their situation, I know their danger, and participate their sufferings, without having the power to give them fur ther relief than uncertain promises. * * The supplicating tears of the women, and the moving petitions of the men, melt me with deadly sorrow." It might have been expect ed, that the people in their distress would blame him for not protecting them better ; but no murmur arose against him ; they all acknow ledged, that he was doing as much for them as was within his power. He wrote to the lieutenant-governor the most earnest and pressing requests for more assistance ; but instead of receiving it, he was treated unkindly, as he related in a letter to a friend. Whence it arises, or why, I am truly ignorant, but my strongest representa tions of matters, relative to the peace of the frontiers, are disregarded as idle and frivolous ; my propositions and measures as partial and selfish ; and all my sincerest endeavours for the service of my country, perverted to the worst purposes. My orders are dark, doubt- D2 WASHINGTON. 37 ful, and uncertain. To-day approved, to morrow condemned ; left to act and proceed at hazard, and blamed without the benefit of defence. However, I am determined to bear up some time longer, in the hope of better regulations." Though disappointed in all his best formed plans, by the obstinacy and ill-nature of the person who had the power t< control him, and pained by the increasing sufferings around him, which he was not en abled to relieve, yet he- did not suffer an an gry resentment to induce him to give up the effort of doing some good. He continued his active and humane en deavours, and pleaded for the relief of his suf fering countrymen, until his pleadings were called impertinent. In answer to this, he wrote to the governor, " I must beg leave, in justification of my own conduct, to observe, that it is with pleasure I receive reproof, when reproof is due; because no person (-an be- readier to accuse me than I am to acknowledge an error, when I have committed it ; or more desirous of atoning for a crime, when I am sensible of being guilty of one. But on the other hand, it is with concern I remark, that my conduct, although I have uniformly studied to make it as unexceptionable as I could, does not appear to you in a favourable light." With calm dignity he endured a continuance of such vexations, without ceasing to toil in his almost hopeless work of humanity. D 38 LIFE OF A new commander of the British troops was sent from England, and he listened to Washington s opinion, that the frontiers could not be freed from the dreadful visits of the .Indians, in connection with the French, until they were driven from Fort Duquesne; for that was the place from which they started on their destructive expeditions. When it was determined that this should be attempted, Washington advanced with a few troops, to open the way for jhe army ; but before they reached the fort, the French left it, and the English took possession of it, November 1758, and named it Fort Pitt. As Washington had expected, the possession of this fort prevented all further attacks on the frontiers ; and when his countrymen were freed from the dangers which he had left his farm to assist in defend ing them against, he determined on returning to it. His health had been injured by his being exposed to severe cold, and being often, for many days, unsheltered from the falling rain ; and he felt that he ought to use means to restore it, as he could do so with out neglecting a more important duty. He resigned his commission, and the officers whom he had commanded united in offering to him affectionate assurances of regret for the loss of " such an excellent commander, such a sincere friend, and so affable a com panion." Soon after his return to his farm, in the WASHINGTON. 3& twenty-seventh year of his age, he married Mrs. Custis, a lady to whom Tie had been long attached, and who was deserving of his affection. She had an amiable temper, and was an agreeable companion ; and in per forming all the duties of a wife, she made his home a scene of domestic comfort, which he felt no desire to leave. Employing himself in directing the Cultivation of his ground, and in the performance of all the private duties of his situation, he lived foi several years in retirement, except when attending the legis lature of Virginia, of which he was a mem ber. For the benefit of his health, he sometimes visited a public spring in his native state, to which sick persons went, with the hope of being relieved by using the water. At the season when there were manv persons there, it was the custom of a baker to furnish a par ticular kind of bread, for those who could afford to pay a good price for it. One day it was observed by a visiter, that several mise rably poor sick persons tottered into the room where the bread was kept, and looked at the baker, who nodded his head, and each one took up a loaf, and, with a cheerful countenance walked feebly away. The visiter praised the baker for his charitable conduct, in letting those have his bread, whom he knew could never pay him ; but he honestly answered, " I iose nothing,- -Colonel Washington is here 40 LIFE OF and all the sick poor may have as much of my bread as they can eat ; he pays the bill, and I assure you it is no small one." All his private actions were as deserving of the approbation of his countrymen, as those of a public nature had been of their respect and praise ; and those who were nearest to him, and knew him best, loved him most. CHAPTER II. 17631776. THE desire to possess power, and the ill use of it when possessed, have caused much misery in nations, societies, and families ; and even children show the evil effects in over bearing conduct to each other, and in delight ing to crush the feeble worm which crawls at their feet. But if that love which fulfils the law of GJod were in every heart, the precept of our divine Redeemer, "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them," would be the rule of all actions ; then families, societies, and nations, would be ever peaceful. The English govern ment, however, disregarded this precept, and made an unjust use of their power over the American provinces. The people paid various WASHINGTON. 41 duties on their trade, and made no objection to doing so ; but at the close of the war with the French, the English parliament deter mined on taxing them, for the purpose, they said, of assisting to pay the expenses of the war. The Americans had lost a great num ber of their young men in that war, and had also contributed their full proportion of money for carrying it on ; this new tax, therefore, caused universal displeasure, and they began to think, and to say, that parliament had no right to tax them, as they were not allowed to send members to that body to represent them. Petitions against the tax were sent to the king and to parliament, but they \Vere disre garded ; and in March 1765, a law called the " stamp act," was passed, which was to oblige the Americans in their business transactions, to use paper on which the seal of the British go vernment was stamped. That paper was to be taxed, and no writings of agreement were to be considered binding, unless they were writ ten on stamped paper. The Americans reso lutely determined on opposing this tax. In New York the act was printed, and carried about the streets, by the title of " The Folly of England, and the ruin of America ;" and. when the ships that brought the stamps ar rived at Philadelphia, all the vessels in the harbour hoisted their colours half-mast high, as a sign of mourning, and the state-house bell was muffled, and continued to toll until evening D2 42 LIFE OF The same dissatisfaction was felt -in all the provinces ; and when this was known in En gland, there were many speeches made on the subject, by members of parliament. One of them, Mr. Grenville, said, the Americans ought not to object to assist in paying the debts of the English government, for they were " children of their planting, and were nourished by their indulgence, and protected by their arms, until they had grown up to a good degree of strength and opulence." Colo nel rfarre, a member who was desirous that they should be treated} ustly, said, in answer " * Children planted by your care ! No your oppression planted them in America ! They fled from your tyranny into a then uncultivated land, where they were exposed to all the hard ships to which human nature is liable. They nourished by your indulgence ! No they grew by your neglect ! When you began to care about them, that care was exercised in sending persons to rule over them, whose be haviour, on many occasions, has caused the blood of those sons of liberty to boil wiuiin them ! They protected by your arms ! They have nobly taken up arms in your defence ; have exerted their valour amidst their constant and laborious industry, for the defence of a country, the interior of which, while its frontiers were drenched in blood, has yielded all its little savings to your en largement." His appeal, however, had no WASHINGTON. 43 effect, and the eloquence of the great Earl of Chatham, with the efforts of other patriots in England, availed as little in stopping the mad career of the British government in its op pressive acts. The assembly of Massachusetts, proposed a Congress to be held at New York, to con sult together on the subject of the right of the English government to tax them. Repre sentatives from nine of the provinces met ac cordingly, in October 1765, and decided that the colonies alone had the right to lay taxes. This decision was expressed in. a petition to the king, and to the parliament. When the parliament found that the resolution to op pose the stamp act, was so general and firm in all the provinces, it was repealed; but as they were determined to show the Americans that they would not give up the power of tax ing them j the next year they laid a duty on glass, paints, and tea. Objections and petitions were again sent to parliament, by the Ameri cans, and at length, in 1769, those duties were all taken off, excepting that on tea. While one tax was continued, the Americans would not be satisfied. They were not unwilling to pay it, because they did not wish to part with their money, but because they would not give up the principle that the English government had no just right to it, unless they were allowed to have a part in the government, by sending members to the parliament 44 LIFE OF Dr. Franklin, who was highly respected in Europe, not only for his good character, bm for his wisdom in making many useful dis coveries, was in England, transacting busi ness for some of the inhabitants of Massachu setts, his native province, and he was appoint ed to present a petition from the assembly of that province to the English government, and was very active in endeavouring to obtain justice for his countrymen. The ill treat ment which lie there received, much excited the feelings of his countrymen, who held him in the highest regard. As the tax on tea was continued, the Americans resolved not to use any ; and the parliament then made an agree ment with the India Tea Company, by which they were to send vessels with tea to the provinces, and receive the duties on it, and then pay it to the English government. But the Americans had resolved to resist the tax, no matter in what way it was laid ; and when the vessels arrived, they would not allow the tea to be landed. The people of Boston were so much displeased, when a vessel with a cargo of tea arrived there, in 1774, that seventeen of the most resolute men went on board, disguised as Indians, and threw all the tea into the sea. This conduct led the British government to determine on using all their power to punish the Americans, but particularly the inhabitants of Massachusetts ; and they made a law, that the governor and magistrates, and other of WASHINGTON. 45 fleers of that province, should no longer re ceive the^ir salaries from the people, so as to be dependent on them but that they should be appointed by the king, and paid by him ; and that if any persons were accused of mur der, or other great crimes, they should not be tried in the province, but be sent to England to be tried. When these new laws were known by the people of the other provinces, they sent assurances to the people of Massa chusetts, that they would unite in assisting them to resist such injustice. The first of June, the day on which those laws were to commence, was appointed by the legislatures of the different provinces, as one of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, in which the people should attend their places of worship, and unite in asking the support and direction of God, in that time of public difficulty. One of the titles given to God is, " Thou that nearest prayer ;" and our divine Re deemer has said, " If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you ;" and w that beautiful parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, he has set before us an example ot the kind of prayer that would be acceptable U God. No doubt many pious American heart? offered such a prayer, with humility and faith and their prayers were granted ; for they never would have succeeded in defending their rights, unless the mighty hand of God 46 LIFE OF had upheld and guided them. And those who bore the trials of that long and painful contest, proved that love to God, and reliance on his goodness and power, were the best principles of freedom, and led to the noblest sacrifices for their country. They began with prayer, and ended in victory and thanksgiving. Without any power to call such an assem bly, the place and time of meeting were agreed upon with surprising unanimity, and on the 5th of September, 1774, a Congress, composed of delegates from twelve colonies, containing about three million of inhabitants, met at Phila delphia. Washington was one of the mem bers, having been sent by the province of Virginia. An incident illustrative of Washington s re ligious habits at this period of his life, is pre served on unquestionable authority. During the session of Congress, a gentleman, residing in the city of Philadelphia, anxious to learn the chief of the strangers who had assembled from the several colonies, observed to Mr. Secretary Thomson, that he had heard much of Mr. Washington from Virginia, and would be glad to know how he could distinguish him. Mr. Thomson replied, " You can easily dis tinguish him when Congress goes to prayers Mr. Washington is the gentleman who kneels down." Thus, in the prime of life, did this gentleman, who was as noted for his modesty as for his merit, manifest to the world his WASHINGTON. 4 sense of the overruling providence of God, and of the power of prayer with him who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not. This incident is particularly worthy of re cord, as it is evidently undesigned testimony. It is to be lamented that the religious feelings which Washington so uniformly, and yet so unostentatiously exhibited, are not always seen in those who occupy stations of great dignity and importance. There are men who seem to think that a little brief authority on earth sets them above any dependence upon the King of kings and the Lord of lords. WASH INGTON acknowledged God in all his w^ys. He had, on all proper occasions, expressed the opinion that the English parliament had no just right to tax the Americans ; and he had spoken so firmly on the subject, that he was called " the Virginia Patriot." The Congress appointed commitHes, to state what the Ameri cans considered to be their rights, and to pre pare an address to the people of England, and one to the king. After stating to the king their causes for complaint, they assured him, that they were willing to continue under his govern ment, if their just requests were granted. They said, " We ask but for peace, liberty, and safety ; we do not solicit the grant of any new right in our favour." The mannerin which this petition was treated, convinced the Americans that they must submit, or prepare for mournful 48 LIFE OF events. The king declared his firm resolve to rule them as he thought best; and General Grant said in Parliament, that he "would un dertake to traverse the whole country with five regiments, and drive the inhabitants from one end of the continent to the other." In all their determinations, the Americans had no intention of commencing a war, but they resolved that if the English attempted to force them into submission, they would resis* them. A number of troops were sent from England to Boston, and their commander placed them on Boston Neck, and fortified it for their security. He also seized the Ameri can military stores, at several places in the province, and had them conveyed to Boston. When winter approached, he could not get as sistance to build a shelter for his troops, and no price that he offered would induce work men to labour for them ; 4his convinced him that all the people were of one mind. The winter passed away without any change fa- rourable to the Americans. A considerable quantity of military stores had been collected in the town of Concord, about eighteen miles from Boston. General Gage resolved to de stroy them. On the night of the 18th of April, he sent Major Pitcairn, with a detachment of nine hundred men, for this purpose. They marched quietly, and several officers went be fore, to prevent any one on the road giving notice of their approach. Dr. Warren, how- WASHINGTON. 49 ever, managed to send a messenger from Bos ton, to give information at Lexington, where the English troops arrived at five o clock in the morning of April 19th, and found a com pany of militia, consisting of seventy men, who were parading under arms. Major Pit- cairn rode up to them, and said, " Disperse, rebels ; throw down your arms and disperse." The soldiers at the same time ran up, huzza ing; some few guns were fired, which was followed by a general discharge. The firing was continued as long as any of the mili tia appeared : eight men were killed, and several wounded. The Americans had here tofore suffered and complained, but this was their first active attempt to escape from the unjust exercise of the power which the En glish possessed. The detachment proceed ed to Concord; the commanding officer sent six companies of light infantry to take posses sion of the bridges which were beyond the town, while the main body were employed in destroying the stores in Concord. Some mi litia men, who were collected from that place, having orders not to give the first fire, ap proached one of the bridges as if to pass as common travellers. They were fired on, and two men killed. The fire was returned, and the English were obliged to retreat with loss. The inhabitants of the surrounding country became alarmed by the fearful sounds. The wagoner left his team in the road ; the farmer E 50 LIFE OF his ploug!? in the furrow ; the blacksmith threw down his hammer, an ! the young; and the old, the strong and the feeble, ail rushed towards the sad scene. The king s troops were attacked in every direction, and were driven back to Lexington, where they met a large detachment, with cannon, which had been sent to assist them in case they were re sisted. They. remained a short time in Lex ington, and then recommenced their march They were closely followed by the Ameri cans, who assailed the invaders, until they arrived, at sun-set, on the common of Charles- town, and then passed over to Bunker s hill where they were safe for the night, under the protection of their ships of war. _ The next morning they crossed over Charlestown ferry to Boston. The English forts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, having the command of Lake George and Lake Champlain, it was thought very important to the Americans to get pos session of them. A number of volunteers from Vermont and Connecticut, commanded by Colonel Ethan Allen and Colonel Bene dict Arnold, marched against Ticonderoga, and surprised the garrison, which surrendered without firing a single gun. Colonel Seth Warren was sent to take possession of Crown Point, which he did without meeting with any resistance. When intelligence of these events was brought to Congress, they recommended WASHINGTON. 51 removing the cannon and military stores to a place of greater safety, and directed that an account should be taken of them, " in order that they might be safely returned, when the restoration of the former harmony between Great Britain and the Colonies, so ardently wished for by the latter, should render it pru dent and consistent with the over-ruling law of self-preservation." After considering all the circumstances of the scene at Lexington, Congress concluded that an American army must be formed for the defence of their country, and this resolve was made public by an address to the people of all the provinces. After relating the causes for their opposition to the English govern ment, and the means that had been used, with out effect, to obtain justice, they said, " By one statute it is declared, that Parliament can of right make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever ; not a single man of those who assume this power is chosen by us, or subject to our influence. * * We gratefully ac knowledge, as a signal instance of the divine favour towards us, that his providence would not permit us to be called into this severe con troversy, until we were grown up to our pre sent strength. We fight not for glory or for conquest. In our native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birth-right, for the pro tection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our forefathers and our- 52 LIFE OF selves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms." Three more English generals arrived at Boston, with troops, and offered pardon to all those who would lay down their arms and submit to the king, with the exception of Sa muel Adams and John Hancock, two men who were most distinguished by their ability and zeal in the common cause of their conn- try. This offer made the Americans more ac tive, as it convinced them that there was no hope of safety but in preparation for defence. As it was expected that General Gage would send troops into the surrounding coun try, the Americans resolved on raising en trenchments on a height near Boston, called Bunker s hill. A detachment of a thousand men, under the command of Colonel Prescot, was sent for that purpose ; but by some mis take, they proceeded to another high piece of ground, called Breed s hill, where they form ed an entrenchment, before the dawn of day, undiscovered by the English ships, which lay quite near to them. As soon as the enemy saw this new work, they commenced a heavy cannonade upon it ; but this did not prevent the Americans from continuing their labour. As this hill overlooked Boston, General Gage thought it necessary to drive the Americans from it ; and for that purpose, he sent a de tachment of about three thousand troops, com manded by General Howe. Two American WASHINGTON. 53 generals, Warren and Pomeroy, joined their countrymen with as many more troops as made their number amount to fifteen hundred. The English advanced to attack the Americans on the 17th of June, and while they were doing so, their general gave orders that Charlestown should he set on fire ; it contained about five hundred houses, which were chiefly of wood ; the flames spread rapidly, so that in a short time, the whole town formed one great blaze. The inhabitants of Boston and the surround ing country were gazing on this awfully inte resting scene, with anxious feelings for their countrymen on Breed s hill. The English troops advanced to within a hundred yards of them, before the Americans fired ; and when they did so, the English fell back. By the ex ertions of their officers, they were again led for ward, but a second time were driven back. A third time they were led up, and assisted by the firing from the ships and floating batteries, they attacked the Americans in three different directions, and almost battered down their works of defence. They had endeavoured to increase their security by taking the rails from the fences, and putting them in two rows, at a short distance from each other, and then fill ing the space between with hay. Their ammu nition was soon spent, and finding that it would be va5n to attempt longer to resist their powerful fcx;s, they retreated from the hill, but claimed the viotory. because they had lost E2 54 LIFE OF less than one half of the number which the British had lost in their attack. There is so much cause for sorrow connected with a vic tory in battle, that to a reflecting mind, there is no gladness in the sound ; and English and Americans had reason to lament that sad dis position of nature "whence come wars and fightings," and which can only be restrained by that "wisdom which descerideth from above, and is full of mercy, peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated." Thus fully began that dreadful conflict which for years was to desolate one of the finest por tions of the globe. By it thousands lost their lives, and tens of thousands were involved in misery. But the hand of oppression was be ginning to bind down the liberties of a grow ing nation and through this mighty evil the great Ruler of events has brought forth the present prosperous state of our country. Congress assembled May 10th, 1775. ley- ton Randolph was chosen president. Be/ng, However, under the necessity of returning home in a few days, John Hancock succeeded him. Resistance to the oppressive measures of the British governmen-t was no longer a matter of doubt, and while petitions were /joining in from all quarters urging the adoptu a of deci sive measures, Congress was dilij, iitly pre paring to sustain the rights of thv colonies. When it was determined to organiz 1 ." an army, the eyes of all were directed to Y aslnngton WASHINGTON. 55 as the commander- in-chief ; and on the 15th of June, 1775, he was unanimously appointed to that post. The firmness of his temper, the dignity of his manners, and the confidence which was felt in his integrity and patriotism, made this choice by Congress satisfactory to all the people. When his appointment was made known to him, he modestly replied, " Mr. President, Though I am truly sensible of the honour done me in this appointment, yet I feel great distress, from a consciousness that my abilities and military experience may not be equal to the extensive and important trust : however, as the Congress desire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I possess in their service, and for the support of the glorious cause. I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this dis tinguished testimony of their approbation. " But lest some unlucky event should hap pen unfavourable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room, that I this day declare with the ut most sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honoured with. " As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure Con gress that as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous em ployment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness, I do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact account of my expenses. Those I doubt not they will discharge, and that is all I desire." 56 WASHINGTON. The peaceful enjoyments of his comfort able home were to be given up, but no selfish desire of ease ever caused him to shrink from the performance of a duty which was to benefit others. It was the wish of his countrymen that he should accept this im portant part of the arduous work they expect ed to be engaged in ; and he did so, with an earnest desire not to disappoint their con fidence, and an humble trust that he should have the blessing of God on his efforts to do well for his country. He would not have drawn his sword to gain the name of conqueror, and he was willing to bear that of a soldier only when by doing so, he could defend the helpless, or aid in obtaining justice for the oppressed. What he had been to his native province, in his youth, he was to be to his country, in the strength of his manhood. Be ing a patriot in all his feelings, he informed Con gress that he would not consent to receive any compensation for his services, but that he would keep an account of his expenses, which they might defray. He bade his family farewell, and set off for Cambridge, in Massachusetts, which was the place appointed as the head quarters of the array. On the way he received from the people constant proofs of the satis faction which his appointment gave. In Mas sachusetts he was met with affectionate atten tion, and was welcomed by the army with WASHINGTON. 57 joy. He commenced immediately the diffi cult task of bringing the men into proper or der. Their hands, which had been only used to felling trees, striking the anvil, guiding the plough, or to other peaceful and useful em ployments, could not readily handle well a musket or a sword. They knew nothing of the discipline that was needful to make them useful as soldiers. They were fully resolved to defend their rights, but this spirit of freedom caused them to wish to do so in their own way, and as they were not willing to submit to rules and directions, the patience of their commander was therefore severely tried. He had naturally a very strong temper, but in his boyhood he had determined to watch and sub due it. When any occurrence raised his an ger, he resolutely endeavoured to restrain it, and thus obeyed the Scripture precept given to warm tempers, " Be ye angry and sin not." He knew that he could not command others so as to have their respect, if by the indul gence of passion he proved that he could not command himself. In addition to the difficul ty of regulating the army, he had the anxiety of knowing that they were very scantily sup plied with powder and arms, as there was very little powder in the country, and the in habitants of the different provinces did not wish to part with what they thought they might want to use for their own particular de fence. Washington was very anxious to con 58 LIFE OF ceal this deficiency from the English gene rals, and used every means possible to do so. His army was placed so as to blockade the English troops, who were stationed on Bun ker s hill, Roxbury Neck, and in Boston. Knowing as he did the difficulty there would be in getting supplies for his men, he wished to make an attempt to drive the enemy from Boston at once ; but his officers, on being consulted, were of the opinion that the attempt would not be successful, and the two armies continued in the same situation for several months. As it was known that the English were en deavouring to engage the inhabitants of Cana da, and the Indians, to assist them in invading the provinces from that part of the country, Congress sent troops there, who took posses sion of several forts. Washington resolved to send a detachment from his army to Quebec, ind he gave the command of it to Colonel Ar nold. The orders given to him were, to pass through the country, not as an enemy to the inhabitants of Canada, but as friends, and to check with severity every attempt to injure them ; and to treat with respect their religious ceremonies : for, said Washington, " while we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious of violating the rights of conscience in others, and should ever con sider, with a true Christian spirit, that God alone is the judge of the hearts of men, and WASHINGTON. 59 to him only in this case are they answerable." Arnold and his troops were thirty-two days passing through a frightful wilderness, with out seeing a house or a human being ; they waded through swamps and toiled over moun tains, and arrived at Quebec worn down with fatigue. Arnold expected to take Quebec by surprise, but information had been given of his approach, so that he was disappointed. General Montgomery, who had taken Mon treal from the English, marched to join Ar nold, and then endeavoured to prevail on the commander of Quebec to give it up without blood being shed ; but the officer he sent with a flag of truce was fired on, and he then deter mined on attacking the town. The attack was bold but not successful, and in making it, the brave Montgomery lost his life. The blockade of Quebec was continued for some time without effect, and, on hearing that an English fleet had arrived, the American offi cers concluded that it would be vain to expect success, and gave up the siege. Several en gagements convinced the Americans that their force was not sufficient to accomplish in Ca nada what they had expected ; and the officers determined on retreating from it, before their men should be more reduced by unavailing sufferings. At the time of these occurrences in the north, the southern provinces were not quiet. The governor of Virginia, assisted by ships 60 LIFE OF of war, attempted to burn the town of Hamp ton, but he was prevented by the bravery of the people. He then collected his force at Norfolk. An American regiment of regulars, and two hundred minute men, marched for the defence of that place ; they were attacked by the English, whom they soon forced to re treat, with the loss of many of their number, though the Americans did not lose one man. The governor took refuge on board of a ves sel ; and on the night of the first of January, 1770, a heavy cannonade was commenced on the town from the ships, and some of the troops landed and set fire to the houses. As the Americans did not think that they could keep possession of Norfolk against the force of an English fleet, they made no efforts to extinguish the flames, but suffered them to rage until the town was consumed. After this the governor continued sailing up the rivers of Virginia for some time, burning houses and destroying plantations. A number of the in habitants of the frontiers of the southern pro vinces, were inclined to favour the English, and formed themselves into companies ; but they were met by the provincial parties, and obliged to fly in every direction. The gover nor of North Carolina had gone aboard of a ship of war in the Cape Fear river. General Clinton* who was to command the English in the south, arrived in North Carolina, with a small force ; but he did not think it pruden WASHINGTON. 61 to use it there, and determined on going to Charleston, in South Carolina. This inten tion was discovered, and all ranks of citizens began immediately to prepare for defence. A new fort, afterwards called Fort Moultrie, in honour of its commander, was quickly built on Sullivan s Island, which is at the mouth of the harbour. In the beginning of June, the British fleet anchored off the harbour of Charleston. Some American troops arrived from Virginia and North Carolina, and they were all commanded by General Lee. The streets of the city were barricaded ; store houses of great value were pulled down, and every possible means for defence were pre pared. The English fleet was commanded by Sir Peter Parker, and consisted of two fifty- gun ships, four frigates, and four smaller armed vessels. On the 28th of June, they commenced firing on Fort Moultrie, at about 10 o clock in the morning and continued to do so for three hours ; but the firing was returned from the fort with so much skill, that the ships were almost torn to pieces, and about 9 o clock, with difficulty were moved off. The loss of the British in killed and wounded, exceeded two hundred; while that of the Americans was only ten killed and twenty-two wounded. Thus did a feeble force of 375 regulars, and a few militia, in a half-finished ftirt, crip ple and drive off, with little loss to themselves a powerful and well commanded fleet. Truly F 62 LIFE OF they had cause to use the language of the de vout Asa, and say, " Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power." A few days after wards, all the English troops who had been landed, returned to the vessels, and the whole fleet sailed away for New York, and the state of South Carolina was, for that time, delivered from the ravages of a foreign army. This success, so providentially given the Americans in the south, encouraged them greatly, and cheered the anxious mind of Washington, when he was distressed by the unfavourable accounts from the north. His army had been very much changed during the winter; many of the men had returned to their homes, and new recruits had taken their places ; so that he was constantly obliged to bear the trial of patience in his endeavour to have a regular force. He was still of opinion, that an attempt to drive the enemy from Boston would be successful ; in writing to Congress on the subject, he said, " I can not help acknowledging, that I have many disagreeable sensations on account of my situation ; for to have the eyes of the whole continent tixed on me, with anxious expecta tion of hearing of some great event, and to be restrained in every military operation, for want ofthe necessary means to carry it on, is not very pleasing; especially as the means used to conceal my weakness from the enemy WASHINGTON. 63 conceal it also from our friends, and add to their wonder." Towards the latter end of February, having received a fresh supply of powder, he re solved on attempting to force General Howe from Boston, and commenced an attack early in March ; a considerable detachment of Amer- cans took- possession of the heights of Dor hester, and in one night, though the ground was frozen, raised works, which in a great degree covered them from the shot of the enemy. It w r as then necessary for the En glish, either to drive the Americans from those heights, or to leave the town ; the for mer was determined on, and troops were put on board of the ships to proceed down the bay for that purpose. They were not, how ever, allowed by " Him who ruleth the winds and the waves," to succeed, for they were scattered by a violent storm, and entirely dis abled from proceeding ; and before they could be ready again to make the attempt, the Americans had made their works of defence so strong, that it was thought useless to try to force them. In expectation that most of the troops would be engaged in this attack, General Washington had made preparations for attack ing those that remained in Boston ; but this plan was disappointed by the English general determining on leaving it, when he -saw the Dorchester heights could not be taken. When General Washington knew of the intentions 64 LIFE OF of General Howe, he thought it most proba ble that he would go from Boston to New York, and he sent a large portion of his army there immediately. On the 17th of March, the English entered their ships, and soon the whole fleet sailed ; the rest of the American army then inarched to New York. The recovery of Boston caused great joy. When Washington entered it, he was received by the inhabitants as their deli verer from oppression; and in their public address to him, they expressed the wish, " May you still go on, approved by Heaven, and re vered by all good men." The fleet sailed to Halifax, and remained there until June, and then left it, and early in July landed the troops on Staten Island. CHAPTER III. 17761777. WHEN the war commenced, the Ameri cans thought only of obtaining relief from the oppression of unjust laws ; but when they heard that the English had hired fo reign troops to assist in subduing them, and had engaged the tomahawk of the Indian against them, they began to think of an entire separation from England, and of de- WASHINGTON. 63 elaring themselves to be an independent peo pie. A few bold ones, at first, spoke of this ; and then it was soon openly talked of through out all the provinces. Several of the provincial assemblies gave an opinion in favour of it, and on the 7th of June, 1776, it was proposed in Congress by Richard Henry Lee, and second ed by John Adams. The resolution was in these words : " Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states ; and that all political connexion between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be totally dissolved." Congress, at that time, held their meetings in the Stale-House, at Philadelphia, and the room in which they sat has ever since been called " Independence Hall." After much serious deliberation, the thir teen Colonies at length agreed, through their representatives, to the resolution, and it was adopted by Congress on the 2d of July. On that day, the Declaration of Independence w r aa proposed by the committee who had been in structed to prepare it,* and, after a debate of three days, during which several amendments * The Declaration was written by Mr. Jefferson, after wards President of the United States. The motion to au thorixe the Declaration was, as we have seen, seconded by Mr. John Adams, who also was afterwards President. Both of these eminent patriots died on the fourth of July, 1836, exactly half a century from the day on which they put their names to the paper. [See appendix A.] F2 66 LIFE OF were made, it was agreed to on the 4th of July, and signed by every member then present, excepting one, who thought that it was too soon to take such a step. Among the amend ments made by Congress to the original draft of the declaration, was the inserting of the words a With a firm reliance on the protec tion of Divine Providence," in the last sen tence declaring that " for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred ho nour." Thus \ve see that this distinguished body of men were anxious to acknowledge in a document, which is the most important ir the history of our country, that they were de pendent on the blessing of God for success in their undertaking. This declaration was first written and signed on paper, but was after wards copied on parchment, and signed again on the 2d of August. Several persons signed it then who were not members of Congress on the 4th of July, and some, being absent at the time, did not put their names to it until October.* There are fifty-six signatures to the parchment copy, which is now kept in the public offices at Washington. So great is the estimation in which those persons are held who signed this paper, that an account of the life of each of them has been published, and the document is held in the highest veneration by every American. The yearly return of the important day on which it was signed, has * See appendix (B) WASHINGTON. 67 ever since been hailed with gladness. And so it should be ; but not with the riotous joy which disregards the laws of God and man Temperate and harmless recreation should be mingled with grateful acknowledgments of the goodness of that all-powerful and all-merciful Being, who gave us such cause for gladness No longer striving for the repeal of objec tionable laws, but for their existence as a na tion, the people were united and vigorous, and a new impulse was felt throughout the STATES, now no longer colonies. All men had now to take sides, either for or against their country, and the voice of the people was nearly one for liberty and independence. About the time at which Independence was declared, the brother of General Howe arrived at Staten Island, with a large fleet, and a num ber of troops. General Washington had made every preparation in his power for defending New York ; but was soon convinced that he could not prevent the English ships from pass ing up the Hudson river. \Yhile he was thus anxiously engaged, letters were sent from the commander of the fleet, addressed to the go- ernors under the king ; requesting them to make known to the people that he had autho- -ity from the king to grant pardons to all those who would return to their duty ; and that every person who would aid in persuading them to do so, should be rewarded. General Washington sent these papers immediately to 68 LIFE OF Congress, who resolved to publish them. A the same time, General Howe sent an officer on shore, with a flag of truce, and a letter ad dressed to " George Washington, Esquire." He refused to receive it, as he considered it a disrespect to his countrymen, who had given him the title of "Commander-in-chief" of their armies. Another letter was sent, direct ed to George Washington, &c. &c. &c., and the officer who brought it said that the addi tion of &c. &c. &c. meant every thing that ought to follow the name. General Washing ton said they meant every thing, it was true, but they also might mean any thing ; and he should refuse to receive a letter on public bu siness, if it was directed to him as a private person. The officer assured him that no dis respect was intended, and that General Howe and his brother had been appointed by the king of England to " settle the unhappy dis pute which had arisen." Washington told him that he had no power from Congress to say any thing on that subject; but, from what he could learn, it was his opinion that Gen. Howe and his brother were only to grant pardons, and " those who had committed no fault, wanted no pardon: the Americans were only defending what they considered their just rights." The English army consisted of about twen ty-four thousand men, and was abundantly supplied with military stores, and a numerous WASHINGTON. 69 fleet was ready to aid it. The American ar my, of about thirteen thousand men, for three different situations, was scantily furnished with arms ; and Washington, after giving an account of its state to Congress, added : " These things are melancholy, but neverthe less true. I hope for better. Under every disadvantage, my utmost exertions shall be employed to bring about the great end we have in view. As far as I can judge, from the apparent dispositions of my troops, I shall have their support. The superiority of the enemy, and the expected attack, do not seem to have affected their spirits." A part of the army was on Long Island, the rest on York and Governor s Islands, and Paules-hook. Washington earnestly endeavoured to encour age his troops ; he said, " the time is per haps near at hand, which will probably deter mine whether Americans are to be freemen. The fate of unknown millions will depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Let us rely on the goodness of our cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and en courage us to great and noble actions." General Howe landed his troops on Long Island on the 22d July, and the Americans prepared for being attacked ; a detachment of them, which had been stationed to give notice of the approach of the enemy, was surrounded and seized ; and this gave an opportunity to 70 LIFE OF the English of advancing by a way that was very favourable for their attack, which was made with so large a force, and in so many different directions, that it was not in the power of the Americans to resist with success, though they did so with bravery. General Washington passed over to Brooklyn, and saw, with deep sorrow, the destruction of his troops. He had no power to aid them in any other way than by his own exertions ; for he saw, that if he brought over the rest of his troops from New York, the superior force of the enemy would overpower them all, and thus the fate of his country be at once decided. The English encamped in front of the remain- ; ng Americans, and Washington determined on endeavouring to save them by withdrawing them from Long Island. He formed his plan, and when the night of the twenty-eighth came, under his directions, and assisted by his exertions, all the troops and military stores, with a great part of the provisions, and all the artillery, were carried over to New York in safety. A kind Providence fa voured the Americans with a night so dark, and a morning so foggy, that though their enemies were within a few hundred yards of them, they did not know of the movement they were making, until they were beyond the reach of their guns. From the commencement of the action, on the morning of the 27th of July, until the troops had crossed safely, on WASHINGTON. 71 he 29th, their anxious commander had not closed his eyes ; and was almost all the time on horseback, directing and aiding them. He did not think of his own preservation until the last boat was leaving the shore, and he then placed himself in it, with a sad heart. This event discouraged the American army so much, that, as General Washington wrote to Congress, their situation was * truly dis tressing," and he had to suffer the pain of seeing whole regiments return in despair to their homes. The first use which General Howe made of his success, was to send a message to Phi ladelphia, that though he could not treat with Congress as a body, he had full power to set tle the controversy upon terms that would be very favourable ; and that he would meet any of the members in their private character, at any place they would appoint. Congress in formed him, that being the representatives of a free and independent people, they could not send any of thei members to speak with him in their private character ; but that, being de sirous of peace, they would send a committee to understand from him what offers he was permitted to make. Three members, Benja min Franklin, John Adams, and Edward Rut- ledge, were appointed by Congress to visit State n Island, where they were very civilly received by the English commander, but as any proposal he had to make was only on 72 LIFE or condition of the colonies returning to obedi ence, which was not listened to, the matter dropped here. From the movements of the English army and fleet, General Washington found that it was their intention to surround New York, and force him into a battle. The depressed state of his army convinced him that this would be destructive to his troops, and he thought it would be right to withdraw them from New York. In writing to Congress he said, " On every side there is a choice of dif ficulties. * * On our part the war should be defensive ; \ve should, on all occasions, avoid a general action ; nor put any thing to the risk, unless compelled by necessity, into which we ought never to be drawn." On consulting together, the officers of the army agreed, that it was best to give up New York, and Washington employed himself ac tively in removing the military stores to a place of safety. He had urged the inhabitants to remove the women and children from it when the enemy first appeared on Staten Island. When the American troops were withdrawn from New York, they were stationed at Kings- bridge, and the enemy took possession of the city on the 15th September. The situation of the American army was then very distress ing to Washington ; the time for which many of the soldiers had agreed to serve was almost spent, and he had but a faint expectation tha WASHINGTON. 73 others would be soon engaged in their places : he wrote to Congress on the subject, urging them to make immediate endeavours to keep up the army. He commenced his letter in words which show his anxiety and modest faithfulness: "From the hours allotted to sleep, I will borrow a few moments to con vey my thoughts on sundry important mat ters to Congress. I shall offer them with that sincerity which ought to characterize a man of candour, and with the freedom which may be used in giving useful information, without incurring the imputation of presumption." On receiving this long and very serious letter, Congress resolved to attend to the counsel which it contained, and appointed committees to make exertions for raising more troops. General Howe wished to prevent the Ame rican army having intercourse with the New England states, and he marched his troops with an intention to surround the principal division of the army. But General Washing- tpn was too watchful to permit him to suc ceed in doing so. Several actions were fought by small detachments from each army, but he carefully avoided a general battle ; except in one instance, when he was favourably situated on the hills, near the White Plains, in the state of New York ; the English General de clined it then, and changed his plans, and re tired slowly down the North river, to enter New Jersey. When Washington discovered G 74 LIFE OF his intention, he wrote to the governor of that state, to inform him of it, and to General Green, who was placed there with some Ame rican troops ; and he requested them to make every preparation possible fpr defence. He then placed all the troops that he could spare in the forts of the Highlands, in the state of New York ; and passed over into New Jer sey with his little army, in the middle of No vember. Cornwallis, an English general, fol lowed with a large force, and Washington moved on to New Brunswick, where he stopped. There he had the mortification of seeing his army made still less, by the depar ture of many of the soldiers whose time had expired. He again wrote to the governor for some aid, but he had not the power to give it. He wrote urgently to General Lee, (who commanded the eastern troops,) to join him as quickly as possible. This sad situation brought into exercise all his wisdom and firm ness. His army was reduced to about three thousand men; and they were scantily arm ed, poorly clad, and many of them barefooted. The army that pressed after them was more than double their number, well armed, well clad and fed, and in high spirits. The contrast between the splendid appear ance of the English, and the sad and ragged condition of the Americans, seemed to make the triumph of the former certain. Afflicted, but not dismayed, by the cheei WASHINGTON 75 lessness of his prospects, Washington did not cease for a moment to act with animation, and encouraged his few troops with expressions of confidence that they should not be deliver ed into the hands of their enemies. He re mained at New Brunswick until they were in sight, and then moved on towards the Dela ware river, and soon succeeded in having the military stores and scanty baggage of his ar- mv conveyed across, and the men who were sick sent to Philadelphia. The citizens determined to give all the aid in their power to Washington, and fifteen hundred of them marched immediately to join him. He had sent twelve hundred men back to Princeton, with the hope that by thus ap pearing to advance towards the enemy, he might delay them, and give some encourage ment to the inhabitants of New Jersey. When the troops from Philadelphia joined him, he marched towards Princeton, but heard that Cornwallis had received a lisrge addition to his troops, and was advancing by differ ent roads to surround him. Again he was obliged to retreat, and crossed the Delaware. He secured all the boats, and broke down the bridges on the roads along the Jersey shore, and placed his army in such a manner as to guard, as well as possible, all the fording places. As the last of the Americans crossed the river, the English army appeared. The main 76 LIFE OF purt of it was at Trenton, and detachments above and below, so as to make it quite uncer tain where they intended to attempt crossing the river. Washington sent officers to Phila delphia, with directions to form lines of de fence there, and to endeavour to secure the military stores. He gave particular orders on the 8th of December, to all the officers of his little army, to enable them to know how to act, in case the enemy attempted to cross the -iver. One of his officers said, with despon dency, " How far must we go on retreating ?" " To Virginia," said Washington ; " and, if followed there, over the Alleghany Mountains, and try what we can do there." General Lee advanced slowly with his troops, and imprudently slept at a distance of three miles from his army, in a farm house, at about twenty miles from the enemy. Inform ation of this was given, and an English officer sent a company well mounted, who reached the farm house and surrounded it before Gen eral Lee had left it ; he was carried to the English army, and considered as a deserter from the British service. General Sullivan, the next in command to Lee, immediately hastened the march of the troops, and soon joined General Washington. All the attempts of the English to get boats to cross the river failed, and their general de termined to place them in quarters for the win ter. which had commenced. Some were WASHINGTON. 77 placed in Princeton, and the rest at the prin cipal towns of that part of New Jersey. Washington thought that it was not proba ble Cornwallis would remain in winter shelter longer than until the ice should be strong enough for his troops to cross it, and he em ployed his anxious and active mind in reflect ing on some plan for stopping the success of the foes of his country. While they were comfortably housed, the Americans were ex posed to the wintry blasts ; for not many could be sheltered in farm houses near enough to each other; and those who could not, made the frozen ground their bed and their knap sacks their pillows. No doubt many who thus lay, offered fervent and humble prayers to God, who suits his mercies to the necessities of all who honour him ; and beneath the care which he has promised to those who put their trust in him, they slept soundly, though they were unsheltered. When General Washington reflected on the dispersed situation of the English troops, he said, " Now is the time to clip their wings, when they are so spread." For this purpose he formed a bold plan. He separated his ar my into three divisions. One, consisting of about two thousand four hundred men, com manded by himself, was to cross the Dela ware, at M Konky s Ferry, about nine miles above Trenton, and then to march down in two divisions ; one taking the river road, and o2 ? LIFE OF he other the Pennington road, both of which led into the town ; the one at the west end, and the other towards the north. The second division of the army, commanded by General Irvine, was to cross at Trenton Ferry, and secure the bridge below the town, so as to prevent the enemy from escaping by that way. The third, commanded by General Cadwala- der, was to cross at Bristol, and make an at tack on the troops posted at Burlington. Christmas night was appointed for the dif ferent divisions to cross the river. As the night approached, a driving sleet fell, and the cold became severe. Washington, with the division which he commanded, was the greater part of the night struggling amidst the ice, which was driven in fearful wildness ; rain and snow fell in a mingled shower, and it was four o clock, on the morning of the 26th, be fore they succeeded in reaching the New Jer sey shore. One division then marched, as had been planned, by the river road, and the other by the Pennington road. Washington arrived at Trenton exactly at eight o clock, and drove in the outguards of the enemy, and in three minutes he heard the other division doing the same. Colonel Rawle, the English commander, paraded his troops to meet the Americans, but he was soon mortally wounded, and his troops then attempted to move off. Wash ington sent a detachment to meet them as they WASHINGTON. 79 were retreating, and the enemy finding 1 them selves surrounded, laid down their arras. The divisions of the American army which were commanded by Generals Irvine and Cadwalader, had not been able to cross the ri ver amid the driving ice ; and as that part of the plan which they were to perform failed, Washington concluded it would not he pru dent to remain with his small force where he should probably be soon attacked by the col lected force of his enemies ; he therefore re- crossed the Delaware with his prisoners, and military stores that he had taken. One thou sand was the number of the prisoners. Two American soldiers had been killed, and two or three wounded, and one officer. This bold and successful attack occasioned great astonishment to the English army, as they had believed the Americans to be in a state too feeble to attempt resistance, even when it should suit their enemies to leave their comfortable quarters to attack them. Cornwallis had gone to New York, but he returned immediately to New Jersey, with more troops, to regain the ground which had been thus unexpectedly taken from him. The officer who commanded at Burlington, march ed his troops to Princeton, and the division of the American army which was opposite, crossed over and took possession of Burling ton. Washington resolved not to remain idle, 80 LIFE OF and he passed again over to Trenton, to en deavour to recover at least a part of New Jer sey. The English collected in full force at Princeton, and formed there some works of defence. Washington collected all his troops together at Trenton, and the next day the En glish army approached it. He then crossed the Assumpinck creek, which runs through the town, and drew up his army beside it. The enemy attempted to cross it, but were prevented, and they halted and kindled their night fires. The situation of Washington was a very dangerous one. If he remained as he was, he was almost sure of being attacked, at the dawn of day, by a force far superior to his own ; and he thought that the destruction of his little army must be the consequence. To pass the Delaware was almost impossible, from the state it was in, with masses of drift ing ice. Wisdom to plan, and strength to act, were given to him by the mighty God of armies. The night fires of the English burned brightly, and Washington directed his troops to light their fires along the edge of the creek. The bright close blaze became as a screening- cloud between their enemies and them, while it was as a pillar of fire to light them in the silent preparations which their commander directed them to make for moving away. That important night was particularly WASHINGTON. 81 marked by the favour of Divine Providence ; and in after years, many a pious father, seated in his comfortable home, and surrounded by the children for whose rights he had chat night been struggling, delighted, with devout thankfulness, to tell them, how the clouds and the winds were commanded by their great Ruler, to aid a people struggling foi their liberty. Several days of soft weather had made the roads vdry deep ; a light rain had been falling, but suddenly the clouds were driven off by a strong west wind, which was so cold that the roads were frozen by it, and became like a pavement, over which Washington and his little army moved in silence, towards Prince ton, and arrived within a short distance of it, early in the morning. Three British regiments had encamped at Princeton the preceding night. A small party, at the distance of more than a mile, discovered the arms of the Americans glittering in the oeams of the rising sun ; they immediately returned to their camp, gave the alarm, and prevented a complete surprise. The British advanced towards the Americans, and attacked the militia, who were in front ; they gave way, and General Mercer, a very valuable officer from Virginia, was killed while he was en- leavouring to rally the broken troops. Wash ington feeling assured that a defeat then would be ruinous to the interest of his country, rode 82 LIFE OF forward with speed, placed himself between the enemy and his own troops, and by his commands and example restored them to or der. He was between the fires of the two armies, but the protecting- shield of his Crea tor was again on every side, to preserve him from the weapons of destruction. He entered Princeton, and after a short action, took pos session of it, and secured three hundred pri soners. A part of the British troops took refuge in the College, but were soon forced to surrender by the fire of the Americans. After the action, a militia officer, (who never turned away from the complaints of a suffering fellow-being, whether friend or foe,) in passing where some dead bodies were stretched, heard a moan ; he stopped to listen, and in a few moments discovered the wounded sufferer who uttered it. He raised him ten derly in his arms, and asked if he could re lieve him ; the wounded man, faintly said, " No, it is too late," and then made an effort to speak his own name, and that of an English officer, and added, " Take my watch, and send it to him ; take my razor from my knap sack, and keep it, as the gift of a grateful, dying man." His eyes closed in death, and nis request was faithfully performed. His gift was kept with care, and in after days, shown by its owner, with a satisfactory recollection of the confidence of a dying enemy. The same officer, in writing to his family WASHINGTON. 83 an account of the battle at Princeton, said, 4 1 would wish to say a few words respecting .he actions of that truly great man, General Washington, but it is not in my power to con vey any just ideas of him. I shall never for get what I felt when I saw him brave all the dangers of the field, his important life hang ing as it were by a single hair, with a thou sand deaths flying around him. I thought not of myself. He is surely Heaven s pecu liar care." The British troops at Trenton were under arms, and about to attack the Americans by the light of the dawn ; but when it came, they discovered that the whole force, with their baggage and stores, had withdrawn; and they soon heard the sound of their cannon at Princeton, which, though in the midst of win ter, they supposed to be thunder. Again was Washington surrounded with perplexing perils. His wearied troops had been one night, and some of them two, with out sleep. The march had been fatiguing and painful to the soldiers, whose bare feel left traces of blood to mark their path, ana the cold was piercing to those who wen? thinly clad. Fearing an attack in this condi tion from the English army, which was si much larger, and not wearied by fatiguing marches and loss of rest, he gave up his plai of going to New-Brunswick; and breaking down all the bridges over the creeks between 94 LIFE OF that place and Princeton, he moved to Pluck- emin, where his troops rested. Cornwallis. alarmed by the events at Trenton and Prince ton, marched to New-Brunswick, and began to move his military stores to a place of greater safety. The suffering state of the Americans from want of tents, clothes, and blankets, induced their commander to determine on putting them under shelter for the rest of the winter ; and he marched for this purpose to Morristown. The ranks of the American army had often been thinned by that dreadful disease, the small pox. The blessing of vaccination was not then known; and inoculation had seldom been practised in this country. General Wash ington formed the bold, but judicious resolu tion, of having every officer and soldier who had not had the disease, inoculated. This was done very successfully, and the troops being undisturbed during the progress of the complaint, recovered under the care of Him who -healeth all our diseases. The unexpected and successful attacks made at Trenton and Princeton, by an army that was thought to be conquered, saved Phi ladelphia for that winter; and revived the spirits of the Americans so much, that the difficulty of raising troops for the next season, Was lessened in all the states. In compliance with the advice of Wash ington, Congress had resolved to enlist sot WASHINGTON. 85 diers who would consent to serve while the war continued. This was very satisfactoiy to him ; as he had suffered much from the short enlistments, by which his army had often been reduced when he most needed a strong for^e. When the American army had retreated through New-Jersey, the inhabitants were so sure of its destruction, that they thought it would be useless to make any at tempt to defend themselves ; but after the suc cessful engagements at Trenton and Prince ton, they were so cheered, that they collected in large companies, and the militia became very active in assisting to confine the English to Amboy and New-Brunswick, where they were stationed when Washington led his army to Morristown. Through this period of universal depression, Congress had acted with firmness, and an un changed resolution to trust the event of the contest to Divine Providence, and adhere to the Independence they had declared. Sup posing that the enemy would advance to Phi ladelphia, they removed to Baltimore, and made efforts to encourage their countrymen, and lead them to persist in what seemed to be an almost hopeless cause. They advised each state to appoint a day of humiliation and prayer, to implore God to forgive their sins as a people, and assist them by his favour in their day of trouble. And they soon had reason to praise him for giving them cause to H 80 LIFE OF feel, that " though cast down," they were " noi forsaken." During that season of deep est gloom which had overspread the United States, when the hearts of all were tried, he who bore the greatest responsibility, felt most keenly for the fate of his country. The late Governor Brooks, of Massachusetts, then an Aid to Washington, came to him from a tour of duty, in his own state. He found the General deeply affected, and as he talked of the condition of his troops, and the wrongs of his country, he shed tears of grief. " Sir," said he, " my only hope is in God. Go back to Massachusetts, and do what you can to raise men and money." Thus felt and spoke the man, whom nations admire, and who was sensible that there is a God in heaven, who rules not there alone, but also among the children of men. His confidence was not in vain. From the midst of darkness came a light that cheered the hearts of his country men, and the drooping spirits of the nation were revived. While the Americans were in Morristown, their number was so small, that it was diffi cult for Washington to keep up the appearance of an army ; but he sent out small detach ments to show themselves in different direc tions ; and with the assistance of the New Jersey militia, succeeded in keeping the ene my from again overspreading the country. As the spring advanced, and new troops were WASHINGTON. 87 raised, there was a difficulty in assembling them as the commander-in-chief wished ; for the English had possession of the ocean, and so could attack any state in the union ; and each one desired to be defended. This could not be done, without separating the troops into small divisions, and placing them distant from each other. Washington possessed that solid judgment which makes the best use of small means ; and he determined to prepare in the surest manner that could be effected for defending the eastern states, the highlands of New York, where it was very important to preserve the forts, and Philadelphia, which seemed to be the object of Cornwallis. When he had placed troops for this purpose, he formed his own camp at Middlebrook, in New Jersey, with not quite six thousand men. Early in June, the English army was in creased by troops from New York, and the commander moved them in different directions, for the purpose of drawing Washington from his camp to a battle; but he was too wise to be led into danger, which would have been almost certain destruction to his small army. He continued watching the movements of the enemy with anxiety. Sometimes they ap peared as if intending to go to the north, and then moved towards the south. Washington kept his troops posted on the heights, in front of his camp, always ready in case of an at tack. He wrote to General Arnold his opin- 88 LIFE OF ion, that it was the intention of the em my to destroy his army, and get possession of Phi ladelphia, but that he would endeavour to prevent the first part of the plan being suc cessful ; and if they moved towards Phila delphia, he would be close after them to do every thing in his power to delay them. The English commander, finding that he could not draw Washington from his camp, determined on removing to New Jersey, and taking them on board of the fleet to the Chesa peake or Delaware. Washington took advan tage of this, and moved his army for the pur pose of following the enemy cautiously. They had passed over to Staten Island, but their commander suddenly resolved on returning to endeavour to get possession of the situation Washington had left, who immediately moved back, and prevented the success of this plan. The whole English army then crossed to Sta ten Island, and entered the fleet. At that time, an English general named Prescot, commanded troops on Rhode Island ; a militia officer, named Barton, with a small party, passed ten miles by water without being observed by the ships of war ; and then landed within a mile of the place where they knew General Prescot slept. They quietly seized the guards, and took the general from his bed, and conveyed him in safety to their own quarters. The success of this bold at tempt gave great joy ; because it was expected WASHINGTON. 89 that the English would consent to give up General Lee for General Prescot. On receiving an account that the English fleet had sailed from New York, the American army was moved towards Philadelphia. The English had a large force at Quebec, commanded by General Burgoyne. Sir Wil liam Howe wrote to him, that though he seemed to be moving towards the south, it was his intention to turn towards Boston, which he meant to attack, assisted by Bur- goyne s troops. This letter was given to Gen. Putnam, by a man who said he had been di rected to take it to Quebec. Putnam sent it immediately to General Washington. When he read the letter, he said he was certain it was written with the intention that it should fall into his hands to deceive him ; and it con vinced him that the enemy would soon be near to Philadelphia ; but knowing that the Ame rican army in the north was a feeble one, he proved the patriotism of his feelings by lessen ing his own force to assist them. The real advantage of his countrymen, and not the ac quirement of fame for himself, was the mo tive which always ruled his actions as an offi cer. He called out the militia of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the northern part of Virgi nia, and then marched with his own troops towards the head of Elk river, in Maryland. A militia officer, in writing to his family an 90 LIFE OF account of the appearance of the army as it passed through Philadelphia, said, "As Wash ington, the most dignified and respectable of mortals, marching at the head of the American army, passed, the tories hid their heads and trembled, whilst the friends of freedom appear ed on each side of the streets, and bowed with gratitude and respect to the great man ; and were I to judge of his feelings, I think he would not have exchanged his situation for all that kings in their profusion could be stow." As Washington advanced towards Elk ri ver, he heard that the enemy were landing, whose whole force consisted of about eighteen thousand men, in good health, high spirits, and well trained. Washington s force was about eleven thousand, and not all of these were supplied with arms. He was desirous to place his army in the most favourable situation for meeting their powerful foes, and he moved to the Brandy- wine Creek, in the state of Delaware, and took possession of the high grounds, extending southward from Chad s Ford. He knew that Philadelphia could not be saved without a suc cessful battle ; and that Congress, and the people generally, expected that he would not give it up without an attempt to prevent the enemy from possessing it. In making his pre parations for an attack, he was deceived by a false account of the number of the enemy- and WASHINGTON. 91 of their movements as they were advancing 1 , and was therefore disappointed in the most important part of the plan he had formed for meeting them. When they drew near, he used great efforts to encourage his troops, and on the llth of September an action com menced, which was very severe. Sir William Howe was successful in driving the Ameri cans from the ground, but they were not too much discouraged to risk another action for the safety of Philadelphia. Washington allowed them one day for rest, and then marched on the Lancaster road, to a spot near the Warren Tavern, about twenty- three miles from Philadelphia. In a few hours he heard that the enemy were approaching, and he prepared to meet them. The dreadful work of destruction was commencing, when a powerful rain began to fall, and became so violent that the arms of the Americans were soon unfit for use ; a retreat was absolutely necessary, and as Washington was convinced that his army was not in a state to gain suc cess in an action, he determined to avoid be ing attacked. He directed that all the military stores in the city should be removed to a place of safety, so that very little public property might fall into the hands of the enemy, who, headed by Cornwallis, entered Philadelphia on the 26th of September. Congress separated on the 18th Septem ber, and met at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania 92 LIFE OF on the 27th. Washington focrk a position be yond Germantown, that lie might attack the British troops posted at that village. On the 30th October an assault was made, but a heavy fog and darkness caused mistakes in the movements of the troops, and a skilful retreat was all that the commander could effect, and for his management of this, he received the thanks of Congress. The chief point of con test was at Chew s house, in the upper part of Germantown, which still bears the marks of the battle. The news of this attack on the enemy, al though unsuccessful, made a great impression in our favour in Europe, and military men be gan to believe that such skill and valour would be finally successful. The loss of Ameri can soldiers and officers was much greater than that of the British, but they lost also some valuable officers. One of these was at tended in a house in Germantown, by a fe male, who endeavoured to give some relief to his sufferings ; but he felt that all human aid was vain, and said, " Woman pray for me ." Thus in that hour, when the soul feels what it truly is, and that soon it must be in the pre sence of its holy Creator and just Judge, the duty and the value of prayer is owned; and on almost every bed of death is fulfilled the words of Scripture, " O Thou that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come." Soon after the battle of Germantown, Sii WASHINGTON. 93 William Howe drew all his troops into Phila delphia, to employ them in removing the ob structions which had been placed in the De laware river, to prevent his ships from pass ing up to the city. Washington had placed troops in Fort Mifflin, on Mud Island, and in a redoubt a few miles from Philadelphia, at Red Bank, a high bluff, so called from the co lour of the sand on it. Count Donop, a Ger man officer, was sent with a detachment of Hessians of about twelve hundred men, to at tack the fort at Red Bank, which was com manded by Colonel Greene. On the evening of the 22d of October, Donop appeared before the fort ; Greene, with his garrison of five hundred men, received him bravely ; and the assault and defence were both spirited and ob stinate. Donop was killed, and the second in command, Colonel Wingerode, fell at the same time ; the oldest remaining officer then drew off his troops, and returned to Philadel phia. The loss of the assailants was four hundred, and of the defenders, thirty-two kill ed and wounded. A continued struggle was kept up for more than six weeks, to prevent the English in Philadelphia having free com munication with their fleet, but at length they succeeded. Several officers had been wounded at the battle of Brandywine, and among these was the marquis Lafayette. This generous stran ger was early called to bleed in that cause for 94 LIFE OF which he had ventured his all. He had left France, his native land, and come to America to risk his life and spend his fortune in the cause of liberty. He was only nineteen years of age, when he gave up a gay scene of youth ful pleasures to enter on one of dangerous toils. The American commissioners who were in France honestly told him of the de pressed state of the American army, and of the sufferings that he would be exposed to. This did not change, but fixed his generous in tention, and he hastened his preparations to cross the ocean, and make known to Congress his purpose, and arrived in Charleston early in the year 1777. They welcomed with re spect this brave friend of their country, and gave him the commission of a major-general in their army; a title which he has ever since preferred to that of marquis. His disinterested conduct, and amiable character, made Wash ington his friend ; and he could not know and be near to Wasnmgton without becoming at tached to him. Their friendship was sincere, warm, and steady. Thus, in his first visit to our country, La fayette was welcomed as a friend to the cause of liberty; and his determination to share in the toils and dangers of the Americans, in their struggle to obtain it, was as lasting as it was ardent, and not like the bright morning cloud which soon passes away. And when, in August of the year 1824, he again visited WASHINGTON. 95 our country, to behold the prosperity with which the God of nations has blessed it, the joyful and grateful manner in which he was received throughout the United States, proved that Americans had not forgotten his generous services. Old soldiers grasped his friendly hand with a welcome of affectionate gladness ; children, in thousands, pressed around him to share the kind notice of his eye ; and all the people were of one mind in desiring to show him some mark of grateful respect. In ac cordance with this general feeling, Congress bestowed on him a tract of land constituting a township in the state of Alabama, and fifty thousand dollars in money. They invited him to make the United States his home, but his own country was still under an oppressive go vernment, and he returned to promote the cause of liberty there. His conduct in the revolution of 1830, when Charles X., King of France, was driven from the throne and coun try, contributed greatly to restrain the violence of the people, and to avert the horrors ot a civil war. CHAPTER IV. 1777. WHILE Washington kept up the contest 111 the middle states, very interesting events were passing in the northern states. A plan had been formed by the British go- 96 LIFE OF vernment, for sending an army to pass from Canada to the Hudson river, by the way of the lakes, and to take possession of all the American forts. General Burgoyne had the command of this army, and he engaged seve ral Indian warriors, who thirsted for blood and plunder, to join him. A fleet was ready on the lakes to assist him. When these prepara tions were known, the people were filled with terror ; the fear of the tomahawk and scalp- ing-knife added greatly to their dread of the power of the English. General Burgoyne made a war-speech to his ferocious allies, the Indians ; they listened attentively, but his charge to refrain from cruelty was not remem bered, when they had the power to indulge their natural dispositions. Ticonderoga was commanded by General St. Clair. On the 1st of July Burgoyne pre pared to attack the fort, and his force was so powerful and so well arranged that General St. Clair was convinced that resistance would ensure the destruction of all his troops, and he determined on withdrawing secretly. Or ders were given to march out quietly, and set nothing on fire; but this order was not obeyed, and a house was soon in flames, which served as a signal to the enemy, who immediately entered the fort, and fired on the retreating troops, and then followed them and attacked them with so much ardour, that they were in a short time reduced to a very small number. WASHINGTON. 97 General Schuyler had been advancing from Stillwater with troops, when he heard of the retreat of St. Clair, and he then used great ef forts to obtain a larger force, that he might stop the progress of the enemy. St. Clair continued retreating, closely pursued, until at length he joined General Schuyler, who had returned with his troops to Stilhvater. When General Washington heard the sad news from the north, he wrote to General Schuyler, " This stroke is indeed severe ; but, notwithstanding things at present wear a dark and gloomy aspect, I hope a spirited op position will check the progress of General Burgoyne s arms, and that the confidence de rived from success will hurry him into mea sures that will in their consequences be fa vourable to us. We should never despair Our situation has been unpromising, and has changed for the better. So, I trust, it will again. If ne\v difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions." After taking Ticonderoga, Burgoyne sent a part of his army up the lake, to Skeensbo- rough v where they destroyed the American flotilla, and a considerable quantity of military s ores. The success of Burgoyne had the effect which Washington had hoped for. He was so confident of conquering by his well ordered troops, that he determined on dividing his army, and sending detachments in different di- I 98 LIFE OF rections, that he might overrun a larger por tion of the country at once. He sent a detach ment of five hundred English and one hundred Indians to seize the military stores at the town of Bennington, in Vermont. General Starke attacked and entirely routed these troops ; the greater part of them were killed or taken pri soners ; a few escaped into the woods. Other troops, sent by Burgoyne, arrived, and met their flying comrades. They were attacked by the Americans, and obliged to give up their baggage and artillery, and save them selves by retreating under cover of the night. In this action the Americans gained one thousand stand of arms from the enemy, and the report of the British killed and wounded was seven hundred, and of Americans, one hundred. These sanguinary battles are not recited to fill the mind with a love of scenes which should strike us with horror, at the dreadful result produced by human passions. They are facts, however, connected with our coun try s struggle for liberty ; and, no doubt, such signal success encouraged greatly the hearts of those who stood up for its defence. General Gates took the command of the northern army. General Washington had sent a detachment of riflemen from his own army, and had directed all the troops that were in Massachusetts to join them ; and Ge neral Gates, with this force, met Burgoyne at WASHINGTON 9 Stillwater, where a battle wi.s fought on the 19th September, which was very severe, and neither army could claim the victory ; but it was an action in which the Indians became tired, and deserted in great numbers, so that it was in reality of great importance to the Americans. General Burgoyne moved on towards Sara oga, and General Gates followed him. Bur goyne, as if disposed to destroy the country which he could not conquer, set fire to all the dwelling houses in his way, and reduced them to ashes, broke down all the bridges, and endeavoured to stop up the road, to delay his pursuers ; but the Americans were not long in surmounting such difficulties. General Gates, anticipating the course that Burgoyne would take, placed his own troops n such situations as entirely surrounded the army of the enemy. To deprive Burgoyne of his only hope of escape up the Hudson, General Gates ordered troops to guard all the fords, and defend them until his arniy should join them. General Burgoyne used every means to effect an escape, but his conquering course was run Seeing his situation to be desperate, he mad proposals for a surrender, and articles of capi tulation were agreed to, by which the British soldiers were to march out of their camp, lay down their arms, and not to serve again in the war. They were to go to Boston, and thence 100 . LIFE OF to England. This important victory was gain ed on the 16th October, and filled the people with a strong confidence that they had the fa vour of God, and might take to themselves the promise, " In war he shall redeem thee from the power of the sword." The event gave a new face to things in Eu rope, and the contest of the colonies began to excite feelings of deep interest among the rival nations of the continent. It was of the high est importance to the states to gain the aid of those nations while they were so weak, and without funds to carry on the war, and the prospects of success were now so greatly in creased, that those powers began to seek their own advantage in forming friendly relations with a country whose commerce was so great. When the victory was known in Pennsyl vania, some of the officers of the army were so elated by it, that they were anxious imme diately to make an attack on the enemy in Phi ladelphia, and the people generally approved of the rash plan. Many, who only looked on while their countrymen were toiling, thought that they knew better than Washington how to conduct the war, and they were loud in their talk on the subject. Washhigton knew well the condition of both armies. His steady mind was not daz zled by the idea of the praise he should gain by success, and he persevered in resisting- public clamour, when he knew that by yield- WASHINGTON .- :01 ing to it ho should endanger ihe imere^ts of his country. His unyielding virtue skvad his array for more important services. He was always in the best state of preparation that he could by constant exertion effect, for meeting an attack ; but was resolved not to commence one. Intelligence was brought to him that the enemy in the city were preparing to march out of it, and that it was the design of Gene ral Howe, as he said, to drive him beyond the mountains. This information was given by a female, named Lydia Darrah, who resided in Second street below Spruce street, opposite to Gene ral Howe s head-quarters, in Philadelphia. Two of the British officers chose a back chamber in her house, as a secure place to hold private conversations in ; and on the 2d December they told her they would be there at seven o clock, and remain late, and desired that she and all her family would go to bed early. She thought something that would be important to the Americans was to be talked of, and she placed herself in a situation to overhear what was said, and understood from the conversation that all the British troops were to march out in the evening of the 4th, to surprise General Washington in his camp. Supposing it to be in her power to save the lives of hundreds of her countrymen, she was determined to try to carry this intelligence to 12 102 LIFE OF General _ Washington., . She told her family sue would go toFrankford, to the mill, where she always got her flour ; and she had no difficulty in getting permission from Gene- neral Howe to pass the troops on the lines. Leaving her bag at the mill, she hastened to wards the American camp, and met an Ameri can officer, named Craig, whom she knew. To him she told the secret, and made him promise not to betray her, as her life might in that case be taken by the British. Craig hastened to General Washington with the in formation, and Lydia returned home with her flour. General Howe marched on the 4th Decem ber, but found Washington expecting him ; and, disappointed, he encamped within three miles of the Americans. An action was then expected by Washington, and he prepared for it. One day passed in which small detachments from each army attacked each other, and then all remained again at rest. Another day was spent in the same manner, and Washington employed himself in giving directions to every division of his army, and in encouraging them to resist with calm bravery. General Howe suddenly broke up his camp, and marched his troops back to the city. His doing so was a proof that he doubted too much the result of a contest, when the Americans were in a favour able situation for meeting him. WASHINGTON. 103 CHAPTER V. 1777_1780. As the severe cold increased, the sufferings of the troops caused Washington great anxie ty ; and he determined on seeking some better shelter for them than that of tents. He could not separate them with safety, and he deter mined on removing to a place called the Val ley Forge, on the west side of the Schuylkill, about twenty-four miles distant from Philadel phia. The march of the army might have been traced by the marks of many naked, bleeding feet, on the frozen earth. The half perished men erected log huts, to shelter them from the piercing blasts, but their clothing was light; and when they lay down to rest, they had not blankets to cover them on their bare earthy beds. The difficulty of getting provisions was so great that they were often many days without bread, or any other kind of food, than that of a scanty portion of pota toes, and nuts, which they could gather from under the -dried leaves in the woods. The re gular order of an encampment was kept up, and there was no change except that of huts for tents. In the year 1827, on that spot were collect ed several thousands of the inhabitants of this 104 LIFE OF now free and prosperous land, to celebrate with " the voice of mirth and gladness," the ingathering of a rich harvest, given to them by that bounteous God who " clothes their pastures with flocks, covers over their valleys with corn, and crowns the year with his good ness." This festival is yearly held. What a contrast was the scene of that har vest-home, to that of the hut encampment ! Should an American think of it, and not ac knowledge with gratitude that it must have been the mighty hand of the great Ruler of the universe, that led those patriots through a wil derness of sufferings to the purchase of a land of freedom and prosperity for their children ? and acknowledging this, can any one refuse to praise him for his goodness, and " offer unto him the sacrifice of thanksgiving ?" Washington heard that he was blamed Tor seeking even the hut shelter for his suffering troops, and he said, " It is much easier to censure by a good fireside, in a comfortable room, than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow, without either clothes or blankets." Restless busybodies raised a report that he was wearied of his situation, and intended to resign it ; in a letter to a friend, he said, " I can assure you, that no person ever heard me drop an expression that had a tendency to re signation. I have said, and I do still say, that there is not an officer in the United States WASHINGTON. 105 that would return to the sweets of domestic life with more heart-felt joy than I should. But I would have this declaration accompanied by these sentiments, that while the public are satisfied with my endeavours, I mean not to shrink from the cause ; but the moment her voice, not that of faction, calls upon me to resign, I shall do so with as much pleasure as ever wearied traveller retired to rest." The faithful wife of Washington had no family to need her care at home, and when he was absent and deprived of its comforts, that home was cheerless to her. When it was possible, she was with him to share his hard ships, and endeavQur to contribute to cheer his sad prospects, by her attentions and ex pressions of calm, firm confidence, that better days would soon come. At the hut-camp his table was furnished with no better food than could be procured for his troops ; and his wifv then shared his hard bread and few potatoes. Her willingness to do so, and her cheerful conduct, assisted to enliven the desponding, and encourage those who were cast down. Through the trying scenes of the long con test, the American women proved that they possessed patriotic feelings, by doing all in their power to aid their fathers, sons, bro thers, and husbands, in the defence of their country. They actively endeavoured to supply them with clothing, and to free them from anxiety 106 LIFE OF for the safety of themselves and their children, whom they were obliged to leave unprotected An extract from a letter, written in the gloomy December of 1776, will be a specimen of the sentiments expressed generally by American wives. " The country here is all in confusion ; the militia are to march in the morning. I will send a letter, but know not where it will find you. May God grant you health, and pre serve you through this fatiguing campaign. 1 feel little for myself, when I think of the dan gers to which you and so many of my brave countrymen are exposed. But I will not re pine God is all sufficient. I would not have you here, when your country calls, if one wish could bring you. Feel no care for me and our children ; through the mercy of our God, I have been enabled to conquer my fears, and do hope in his providence to meet you again in a better day. I think a decisive stroke must soon be given ; God grant that it may ]?e in our favour." Often obliged to conceal themselves and their children, in barns and wood-thickets, from the parties of English soldiers which overran the country, many were the fervent prayers which the American women breathed from those hiding places to the ever present God, whom they trusted would protect them. In his own good time, he fulfilled to them his promise, " My people shall dwell in a peace able habitation." WASHINGTON. 107 While his army were in their log hutr, Washington was not idle. He directed vari ous means to be tried for obtaining supplies of provisions ; and employed his mind in re flecting on the best plans to be pursued by the different commanders of the army. He pre pared accounts for each state, of the number of troops which remained of those sent by it, and urged earnestly that more should be en gaged. Congress was assembled in Lancas ter, and appointed a committee to visit the camp, and Washington wrote a statement for them of all his plans for relieving the army. While he was thus engaged, he received a letter from the English governor of New York, enclosing a resolution of Parliament to propose a reconciliation to the Americans ; offers of pardon were made, but none to acknowledge their independence. The governor requested General Washing ton to make this resolution known to his ar my. He sent the letter and paper to Congress, and expressed his surprise at the " extraordi nary request of the governor." Congress immediately resolved to refuse accepting any offers from the English government, unless the independence of their country was ac knowledged. General Washington enclosed this resolution to the governor, and requested him to make it known to the English army. To show the settled determination of Con. gress on this point, and the spirit of devotion 108 LIFE OF in which they had acted, it may be mentioned that Mr. Laurens, the President of Congress, stated, in reply to a letter to him on the sub ject, that it would be unnatural to suppose their minds less firm than " when destitute of all foreign aid, and even without expecta tion of an alliance, when upon a day of gene ral fasting and humiliation, in their houses of worship, and in the presence of God, they re solved to hold no treaty with Great Britain unless they shall acknowledge the indepen dence of these states." Men, who, in the ex ercise of confidence in God s providence, and in humble prayer to Him, calmly resolve on any course, are not the persons to be diverted from their purpose by fear or the hope of gain. Such were the men to whom we owe our libertie s, under the blessing of the God whom they worshipped. Several letters were addressed to some members of Congress, by commissioners au thorized by the British government, assuring them of honours and reward, if they would procure a reconciliation on the terms they of fered that is, to remain colonies. A propo sal was made to Joseph Reed, a member from Pennsylvania, that he should have the best office in America under the king, and ten thousand pounds, if he could bring Con gress to consent to the offers of the British. He replied that he was " not worth buying ; but, such as he was, the king of England was WASHINGTON. 109 not rich enough to do it." The commission ers persisted for some time in their endeavours to succeecf, and sent addresses to persons of every description in each state, with offers of pardon if they would return to their duty to the king, and threatenings of severe ven geance, if they did not: but their promises ?nd threats were alike disregarded. About this time Congress received intelli gence from Silas Deane, Dr. Franklin, and Arthur Lee, their agents in France, that they had succeeded in making a treaty with the French nation. The joy throughout the coun try, when this was known, is inexpressible. That God, to whom their ardent prayers were offered in the time of distress, was not forgot ten in the day of rejoicing. By* order of Washington, the several brigades assembled,. and their chaplains offered up public thanks to Almighty God for his mercies, and suitable, discourses were delivered on the occasion. The sufferings of the wounded soldiers at Valley Forge pained the heart of their com mander, and he wrote: " I sincerely feel foi the unhappy condition of our poor fellows in the hospitals, and wish my powers to relieve them were equal to my inclinations. Our dif ficulties and distresses are certainly great, and such as wound the feelings of humanity." While he was thus humanely and actively employed in various ceaseless duties, slan derers were busy in secret, preparing new K 110 LIFE OF anxieties for his mind. Unsigned letters were sent to several members of Congress, contain ing base charges against him, and uf ging them to endeavour to take from him the command of their armies. He received a letter from Patrick Henry, governor of Virginia, enclosing one that had been sent to him on the subject. Governor Henry said, " While you face the armed enemies of our liberty, and by the favour of God have been kept unhurt, I trust our coun try will never harbour in her bosom the mis creant who would ruin our best supporter. I -cannot help assuring you of the high sense of gratitude which all ranks of men in this, your .native country, bear you. I do not like to :make a parade of these things, for I know you . are not fond of it ; but the occasion will plead my excuse." After thanking him, Washington, in reply, said, " All I can say is, America has, and I trust ever will have, my honest exertions to promote her interest. I cannot hope that my services have been the best ; but my heart tells me they were the best that I could ren der." He requested that the papers might all be laid before Congress, as they contained, he rsatd, serious charges. Pained, no doubt, by these cruel slanders, yet his noble mind did not suffer them to in- -, fluence his conduct towards those whom he had cause to suppose were the authors of WASHINGTON. Ill them. He said, " My enemies take an unge nerous advantage of me. They know I cannot combat their insinuations, however injurious, without disclosing secrets it is of the utmost importance to conceal." The only effect these attacks had, was to excite the resentment of the people of the United States against those who made them ; and to bind still closer to their revered com mander, the army from whom his secret ene mies wished to remove him. There was something in his character which attached his officers and troops to him so firmly, that no distress nor sufferings could lessen the vene ration they felt for him ; and he always ac knowledged with praise their faithfulness and attachment. In describing their condition in the hut- camp, he said, " For some clays there has been little less than a famine in the camp ; but, naked and starving as they are, I cannot enough admire the incomparable fidelity of the soldiers, that they have not before this time been excited to a general mutiny or disper sion." The inhabitants of the surrounding country, knowing this sad state of the army, were very uneasy; one of them left his home, one day, and as he was passing thoughtfully the edge of a wood near the hut-camp, he heard low sounds of a voice. He stopped to listen, and looking between the trunks of the large trees 112 LIFE OF he saw Gen. Washington engaged in prayer He passed quietly on, that he might not dis turb him ; and, on returning home, told his family he knew the Americans would suc ceed, for their leader did not trust in his own strength, but sought aid from the hearer of prayer, who promised in his word, " Call upon me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." A female, who lived at the Valley Forge when the army was encamped there, told a friend who visited her soon after they left it, that she had disco vered that it was the habit of Washington to retire to a short distance from the camp to worship God in prayer. Many, who in " the day of prosperity" have forgotten or neglected to worship their Creator, will earnestly call upon him in " the day of trouble," when they feel that His power only can deliver them ; but. it was not thus with Washington ; it was his constant custom as one of his nephews has thus related: "One morning, at day break, an officer came to the general s quar ters with despatches. As such communica tions usually passed through my hands, I took he papers from the messenger and directed my steps towards the general s room. Walk ing along the passage which led to his door, I heard a voice within. I paused, and distinct ly recognised the voice of the general. Lis tening for a moment, when all was silent around, I found that he was earnestly engaged WASHINGTON. 1 1 3 in prayer. / knew this to be his habit, and herefore retired, with the papers in my hand, till such time as I supposed he had finished ihe exercise, when I returned, knocked at his door, and was admitted." Thus, in obedience to Him whom he called " the Divine Author of our blessed religion," Washington, in the retirement of his chamber, prayed to his " Father who seeth in secret;" and truly his " Father, who seeth in secret," did "reward him openly." Although the sufferings of the Americans, while encamped at the Valley Forge, were severe, yet, in after days, when those who had been engaged in the trying warfare, were enjoying the blessings of that independence for which they had toiled, they then could be sensible that they had been tried by their Creator to " humble them and prove them," that he might "do them good at the latter end." When the gloomy winter was passed, Washington prepared, as far as he had the power, for the summer campaign ; but all the plans he formed for increasing his army were in a great degree disappointed. The favour of Divine Providence had been given in re straining their enemies from attacking them in their hut-encampment ; want of provisions would have forced them out of it, and their sad condition as to clothing would have disa bled them from remaining in the field unshel- K2 114 LIFE OF tered. In February there were more than three thousand men unfit for duty, from a want of clothes ; and there were not more, than five thousand who could have attempted to resist a well clad, well fed, and high spirited army. The wisdom of their foes was " turned into foolishness," or the feeble Americans would have fallen beneath their power. In the spring, to restrain as much as possi ble the parties which went from the city to get provisions, and to form a guard for the se curity of the army at the Valley Forge, Gene ral Lafayette, with two thousand men, was stationed at Barren Hill, about eight or ten miles in front of the army. When the En glish commander was informed of this, he sent General Grant, with five thousand men, to march quietly in the night, and place them- selves between Lafayette and the hut-camp. A detachment of militia, who were to have .guarded the roads in that direction, changed their place without the knowledge of Lafay- ..ette ; and at sunrise, 20th May, 1778, he discovered that this large force of the enemy was approaching in a way that would preven his retreat to the camp. He immediately advanced at the head of column, as if to meet the enemy, while he di rected the rest of his troops to move oft rapidly towards the Schuylkill, and, as he advanced, he also approached the river. General Grant lialte 1 to prepare for battle ; and Lafayette di- WASHINGTON. 115 rected some of his troops to arrest the atten tion of those who had been placed to guard the ford, and he then passed so quickly over the river, with all his men, that he had possession of the high grounds by the time that his ene my could arive at the ford ; and they returned to the city without having accomplished the purpose for which they had been sent out. When the English government knew of the treaty between France and America, they ex pected that a French fleet would be sent out, and in that case Philadelphia would be a dan gerous situation for their army. Sir Henry Clinton took the place of Sir William Howe, and he was directed to remove the troops from the city. When General Washington heard of this, he formed his plan for acting. He wished to prevent the enemy passing through New Jersey with ease ; and he directed the militia there to break down the bridges, and obstruct the roads as much as possible ; and he kept his own troops in readiness to move, so soon as the enemy should leave the city. On the 18th June, 1778, they crossed at Gloucester Point, into New Jersey, and passed slowly on through Haddonfield towards Allen- town. The numerous troops, with their bag gage, formed a line of several miles in length General Washington put his troops into motion on the same day, and marched through p ennsylvania to Coryell s Ferry, where the town of New Hope has since been built ;, 116 LIFE OF there he crossed the Delaware, and advanced to wards Kingston in New Jersey. The English army had marched to Monmouth; and Wash ington, having determined on attacking them, gave orders to the oflicers of his army, and inarched towards Monmouth, where he met the enemies of his country on the 28th June The heat of the air was powerful ; but more powerful still were the uncontrolled passions of human nature ; and the dreadful work of battle commenced, and continued until the beams of the glowing sun were all with drawn, and the dark, cool shade of night fell upon the awful scene, and stopped the fearful work. The American army rested on their arms ; and General Washington threw himself at the foot of a tree, to gain a little ease after the fa tigues of the anxious day. He expected that the light of dawn would be the signal for re newing the action ; but the English moved silently away in the night, and the morning showed the mournful scenes of a battle ground man deprived of life and all its hopes by his fellow man ; or wounded, to linger in un- comforted sufferings. Every real Christian will rejoice, that there is a divine promise that the time shall come, when he who is " the Mighty God," will exercise his power as " the Prince of Peace, 5 and bring all hearts into subjection to the mild precepts of the gospel, so that " nation shall not lift up WASHINGTON. H7 sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." The victory was claimed by both armies. General Washington knew that the English could gain a favourable situation before he could overtake them, and he determined on not attempting it ; but moved towards the north river, while the enemy passed on, and crossed over to New York. Before General Washington reached the place he intended to encamp on, he received a letter from Congress, informing him that a French fleet had arrived off the coast of Vir ginia, and that Congress wished him imme diately to form some plan, in the execution of which the fleet could assist him. The ad miral of the fleet proposed attacking the En glish at Newport, in Rhode Island. General Washington consented to this, and made pre parations for doing so. American troops, commanded by General Sullivan, were soon in readiness to besiege the town, but waited for some days for the French fleet to appear and assist them. Feeling confident that it was near, Sullivan commenced the siege. The fleet in a few days was in sight, but then was moved off to meet the English fleet which had sailed from New York. They were pre paring for an action, when a violent storm se parated them, and injured several of their ghips. The English fleet then sailed back to New York, and the French admiral D Estaing 118 LIFE OF informed General Sullivan, that he could not return to Newport, but would sail to Boston to repair his ships. Sullivan was sadly disappointed by this re solution, as it would oblige him to give up the siege, in which he had every prospect of suc cess, if assisted by the fleet. General Lafay ette went to the admiral to endeavour to pre vail on him to remain, but his efforts were vain. General Sullivan then, in giving his or ders to his troops, said they must " endea vour to do for themselves, what their French friends had refused to aid them* in ;" but he found it would be useless to continue the siege, and he withdrew from Newport. He was followed by the English, and had a short but severe battle on the 29th August, and then crossed over to the main land. The next day a large force and several English ships arrived at Newport, so that if he had remained one day longer, his army must have been destroyed or taken. The French admiral was very much offended by what General Sullivan had said ; and the people in Boston were so much displeased with the conduct of the admiral, that it was feared he would not be able to get assistance there to repair his ships. With care like that of an anxious parent for a child, Washington watched every occurrence that would be likely to injure the interests of his country ; and this event gave him great uneasiness. He endeavoured to calm the of- WASHINGTON. 1 1 9 fended parties ; and in this work of peace making he was aided by the amiable Lafay ette, who was as deservedly dear to his own countrymen, as he was to the Americans. A few letters passed between Washington and the admiral, and at last good humour was re stored. When the English fleet was repaired, it sailed to Boston, to blockade the French ; but a storm again carried it out to sea, and in the beginning of November the French fleet left Boston and sailed for the West Indies. As it seemed probable that there would be a war in Europe, in which France would take a part, General Lafayette wished to offer his services to his own country. General Wash ington expressed a wish to Congress that La fayette, instead of resigning his commission, might have leave of absence for any time that he wished ; Congress complied with this, and Lafayette returned to France. A part of the English army was sent in the fleet of Commo dore Hyde Parker, to the southern states ; and as there was no prospect of doing any thing in the northern or middle states in a winter cam paign, Washington placed his army in huts, the main body in Connecticut, and portions on both sides of the Hudson river, and about West Point, and at Middle Brook. In preparing for the next campaign, Con gress were less active than the anxious mind of Washington thought absolutely necessary, 120 LIFE OF for they expected that the alliance formed with France would be of great importance to aid them in soon ending the war. Washington used every effort to prevent this false security injuring the cause he was so desirous to pro mote ; and his wisdom and sound judgment could discover the fatal consequences of be coming 1 less active in preparations for defence. The English troops which had been sent to Georgia, commanded by General Provost and Colonel Campbell, had succeeded in taking entire possession of that state ; and thus victo rious there, it was probable they would attempt to do the same in the other southern states. In writing on the subject of increasing every effort to raise more troops, Washington said " I have seen without despondency even for a moment, the hours which America called her gloomy ones ; but I have beheld no day since the commencement of hostilities, when I have thought her liberties in such imminent dan ger as at present." But it was also about this time, that reviewing the history of the year in a letter to a friend, he observed : The hand of Providence is so conspicuous in all this, that he must be ivorse than an in fidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude to acknowledge his obligations. 1 An occurrence in his army caused in his mind a new care. The Indians on the frontiers of the states had been practising their barba- WASHINGTON. 121 rous warfare, in connexion with some of the equally barbarous white settlers. Washington determined on sending troops there for the relief of the suffering inhabitants ; and gave orders for this purpose to the offi cers whom he intended should command these troops The officers of one of the regiments entered into an agreement not to march, until Congress had paid them all that was due to them; and to resign, if it was not done in three days. When their commander was informed of this he was much distressed. He knew the sufferings which had driven them to this de termination ; but he dreaded the ill conse quences of it, and immediately wrote to the officers as their friend, as well as their com mander. He said, " The patience and perseverance of the army have been, under every disadvan tage, such as to do them the highest honour, both at home and abroad ; and have inspired me with an unlimited confidence in their vir tue, which has consoled me amidst every per plexity and reverse of fortune, to which our affairs, in a struggle of this nature, were ne cessarily exposed. Now that we have made so great a progress to the attainment of the end we have in view, so that we cannot fail, without a most shameful desertion of our own interests, any thing like a change of conduct wcxuld imply a very unhappy change of prin L 122 LIFE OF ciples, and a forge tfulness as well of what we owe to ourselves as to our country. The ser vice fo? which the regiment was intended does not admit delay. I am sure I shall not be mistaken in expecting a prompt and cheerful obedience." The rest of the letter contained assurances of his affectionate interest in their oncerns, and his constant endeavours to pro cure for them all the relief in his power. The officers replied, that they sincerely re gretted having given him uneasiness, but that they had been driven to the course they had pursued, by being without the means of sup plying their families with food. They assured him they did not intend to disobey his orders, and that they had " the highest sense of his abilities and virtues." They marched at the time appointed, and their faithful commandei made such earnest representations to Congress, on the subject of making provision for them, that he was in a good degree successful in ob taining it. Early in the spring, he received information that the English in New York were making preparations for some expedition ; and he sus pected they would attempt to take possession of the forts on the Hudson river. At the com mencement of the Highlands, through which the river winds, the Americans had erected a fort, which they called Lafayette. It was on the west side of the Hudson, and opposite to it was a high piece of ground, called Stony WASHINGTON*. 123 Point. They began to form defences there, but before they were completed, a large force from New York was sent out against the workers, and they were obliged to retreat. The English then fired upon Fort Lafayette from Stony Point, while their ships prepared to attack it from their situation higher up the river. To prevent the entire destruction of all the troops in it, the commander surrender ed the fort, and the enemy then finished the works on Stony Point, and placed troops there for its defence. A part of their army then marched into Connecticut; the militia of that state assembled immediately, and made a brave resistance, but it was feeble, compared to the power of their foes. The governor of New York, General Try on, commanded them, and he excused himself for burning the towns, by saying it was " to resent the firing of the rebels from their houses, and to mask a re- reat." It was in the summer of this year, that Ge neral Washington took measures to suppress the habit of profane swearing which prevailed in the army. The following general order is sufficiently illustrative of his views of that most vulgar and impious practice. "HEAD QUARTERS, Mores 1 House, " Thursday, July 29th, 1779. "Many and pointed orders have been issued against that unmeaning and abominable cus- 124 LIFE OF torn, SWEARING. Notwithstanding which, with much regret the general observes that it pre vails, if possible, more than ever his feelings are continually wounded by the oaths and im precations of the soldiers ; whenever he is in hearing of them, the name of that Being from whose bountiful goodness we are permitted to enjoy the comforts of life, is incessantly im precated and profaned in a manner as wanton as it is shocking : for the sake therefore of re ligion, decency, and order, the general hopes and trusts, that officers of every rank would use their influence and authority to check a vice which is as unprofitable as it is wicked and shameful. If officers would make it an invariable rule to reprimand, and if that does not do, to punish soldiers for offences of this kind, it could not fail of having its intended effect." On the first intelligence of the invasion of Connecticut, Washington sent troops to aid the militia of that state ; but before they could be useful, the English troops were recalled to New York. This movement was occa sioned by the activity of the Americans in the Highlands. Washington had determined on endeavour ing to recover Stony Point ; he thought that success in this would draw the enemy from their destructive work of burning the towns on WASHINGTON. 125 the coast. The troops chosen for this attempt were commanded by General Wayne. They marched fourteen miles over a rough, moun tainous country, in the middle of July, and then had to pass a long marsh. They suc ceeded in approaching the fort in quietness in the middle of the night, and made an attack with their bayonets, with so much bravery, that they got possession of it without a single gun being fired by them. As General Washington expected, this suc cess caused the English general to recall his army from Connecticut, and he determined to employ all his force, by land and water, to re take the fort. Washington knew they would certainly succeed, he would not expose his troops to destruction, and he withdrew them from Stony Point and placed them at West Point, which he made the head-quarters of his army. Soon after he had done so, one of his officers, Major Lee, formed a plan for surpris ing the English troops that were stationed at Paules-Hook. He was successful in executing his plan, and took a large number of them pri soners. The French fleet returned from the West Indies, and arrived off the coast of Georgia; and, assisted by the American troops, who were commanded by General Lincoln, made an unsuccessful attack upon the English, who had possession of Savannah. The fleet then left America again. L2 126 LIFE OF In the course of that season, the noise of war was heard in almost every portion of the land. Gen. Sulliv^an was sent against the In dians on the frontiers. English troops enter ed the newly settled parts of Massachusetts, and a large force was also busy in the south. When the month of December was almost passed, General Washington placed his army in two hutted-camps. One near West Point, for the security of the posts on the North ri ver; and the other near Morristown, New Jersey. Winter quarters afforded but little rest to his anxious mind, for his troops were desti tute of provisions, so much so, that he wrote to Congress that at one lime he thought it would be impossible to keep them together, for they had to eat " every kind of horse food but hay;" and yet, said he, "they bore it with heroic patience, and not one mutiny was excited." A considerable force, commanded by Sir Henry Clinton, was sent from New York to the southern states, and was actively employed there during the winter. An army and fleet attacked Charleston, which was bravely de fended by General Lincoln and a few troops ; but the power of their enemies could not be resisted long, and Gen. Lincoln was obliged to surrender to them. His troops, and the ci tizens of Charleston who had given their aid to defend it, were considered as prisoners of WASHINGTON. 127 war. The success of the English induced their commander to think that the southern states would soon be reduced to submission ; he left part of his army there, under the com mand of General Cornwallis, and returned with the rest to New York. Cornwallis continued to be successful, and addressed the inhabitants of Carolina, to in duce them to submit to the English govern ment; but many of the richest inhabitants gave up their property and went into banish ment from their homes, rather than remain upon the terms offered to them. The little American army there were ac tive in their brave endeavours to stop the pro gress of the invaders, and were in some in stances successful ; but Cornwallis was again assisted by an addition to his army from New York, and he moved on, overpowering all op position. CHAPTER VI. 1780. THE opening of the ysar 1780 found Wash ington in the most discouraging circumstances. But, though he was " walking in the midst 128 LIFE OF of troubles," he was not forsaken by God, and he might have used the language of trust, " Thou wilt revive me : thou shall stretch forth thy hand against the wrath of our ene mies, and thy right hand shall save us." The difficulty of obtaining food, and the uncertainty of receiving even the small pay that was due to them, had greatly depressed he soldiers; and the patience of some was almost worn out. Two regiments declared their resolution to return home, and it was with some difficulty they \vere prevented, and induced to persevere in the performance of their duty. The paper money, which was the only kind Congress had to pay them with, was becoming every day less in value ; and when they did receive it, four months pay of a soldier would not purchase a bushel of wheat for his family ; nor would the pay of an officer supply him with the shoes he needed. The discontent which was arising in the army was known by the English commander in New York, and he secretly sent into their camp a paper, which contained artful persua sions to induce the discontented to give up the cause in which they had suffered so much. He thought, too, that the inhabitants of the surrounding country were wearied with endeavouring to supply an army with provi sions; and he sent five thousand men, com manded by General Knyphausen, with the WASHINGTON. 129 expectation that they would not meet any op position from the people ; and that some por tion of the American soldiers would be willing to join them. They landed at night at Elizabethtown Point, in New Jersey, aid marched early th* next morning towards Springfield ; but they soon were convinced that they were mistaken as to the manner in which they would be welcomed by the inhabitants and the army. On the first appearance of the confident inva ders, the militia of the state assembled, and though their number was not sufficient to make a stand against them at any one place, they did not lose sight of them, but made irregular at tacks whenever their situation would admit of doing so. A flourishing settlement, called the Con necticut Farms, was entirely reduced to ashes ; and the wife of the clergyman, who was sit ting in her house surrounded by her children, was shot by a soldier who saw her through the window. This savage act was condemned by his commander, but it had the effect of rousing all the people to resistance. The same day on which the English march ed from Elizabethtown, Washington marched with his army to meet them near Springfield, and there prepared for an engagement ; but the enemy retreated in the night to the place where they had landed. He then determined to march for the protection of the forts in the 130 LIFE OF Highlands, for which he thought the British were aiming; but soon after he left Morris- town, the enemy moved on to Springfield and burned it, in spite of the efforts of General Greene, whom Washington had left there with a thousand men. The troops of Greene took a station in the heights, from which they could annoy the army, and prevent their pro gress, and Sir Henry Clinton returned to Sta ten Island. When General Lafayette returned to France, he was received with great favour ; and that kind and faithful friend of Americans used all his influence to persuade the French govern ment to send them assistance. He succeeded in his efforts ; and when he had done so, as his own country did not need his services, he returned to America, to bring the tidings that a French fleet would soon sail for the United States. Lafayette was received by his friend Wash ington with joy and affection. He had deter mined to remain, and share again his toils and dangers by resuming his situation in the army. He was welcomed by Congress with respect, and they immediately began to make more ac tive preparations for the next campaign, in the hope that it would be the last one. They called upon the different states to raise more troops, and give more aid to provide for them. This call was attended to ; but the expected aid was slowly given. A number of citizens WASHINGTON. 131 of Philadelphia, consulted together to deter mine on the most effectual way in which they could give assistance. An extract from the resolution they formed, will show their plan : " We, the subscribers, deeply impressed with the sentiments that on such an occasion should govern us, in the prosecution of a war, on the event of which our own freedom, and that of our posterity, and the freedom and indepen dence of the United States, are all involved, hereby severally pledge our property and cre dit for the several sums specified and mention ed after our names, in order to support the credit of a bank, to be established, for furnish ing a supply of provisions for the armies of the United States." This was the first bank in the United States, and the amount of the subscription to it was three hundred thousand pounds. Several private contribu tions were sent to the suffering troops from individuals ; but all that was done was insuffi cient for the relief that was needed ; and, so late as the last of June, General Washington wrote to Congress, to urge them to further ef forts, and show them the great necessity for more aid. The state of his army caused him distress and vexation. He felt for the officers, as he knew they must suffer mortification from the exposure of their condition to the well fed and well clothed French troops, who were ex pected soon to arrive. He said in his letter 132 LIFE OF on the subject to Congress " For the trooos to be without clothing, at any time, is highly injurious to the service and distressing to our feelings ; but the want will be more peculiarly mortifying, when we come to act with those of our allies. It is most sincerely to be wish ed that there could be some supplies of cloth ing furnished to the officers. There are a great many whose condition is still miserable. It would be well for their own sakes, and for the public good, if they could be furnished. They will not be able, when our friends come to co-operate with us, to go on a common rou tine of duty ; and if they should, they must, from their appearance, be held in low estima tion. 5 This picture of the state of the American army shows the strength of the patriotism which influenced them. They felt severely, but no sufferings could induce them to give up a cause in which they believed they were ex ercising virtuous principles. Gaining a vic tory in battle might have caused them to be loudly praised ; but their patient perseverance in the endurance of their various trials, is much more worthy of remembrance and admi ration, than the heroism displayed in a battle would be. The American females were not inactive in that time of need ; they employed themselves in making up clothing for the destitute sol diers, and in many instances denied themselves WASHINGTON. 133 the use of comforts, that they might cast a mite into this treasury. Another cause for anxious care was given to Washington, in the uncertainty of the num ber of troops he would probably have under his command from the different states. It was very important for him to know this, in form ing his plans for acting with the French fleet. In writing to Congress on the subject, he said " The interest of the states, the honour and reputation of our councils, the justice and gratitude due to our allies all require that I should, without delay, be enabled to ascertain and inform them, what we can or cannot un dertake. Delay may be fatal to our hopes." In this vexing state of uncertainty, he did not indulge the wayward feeling that he might be less active in the performance of his duty, be cause others, who were as much concerned in the advantage to be gained, were neglectful of theirs, lie engaged his mind in forming various plans, with the hope of obtaining the assistance needful for executing them. He was anxious to attempt getting possession of New York, which was the stronghold of the eiiemies of his country ; and feeble as the h>pe of success was, he cherished it. In July he heard that the French fleet had arrived at Rhode-Island ; and it was neces sary that he should immediately determine on some particular plan in which the fleet could give assistance. His favourite one of M 134 LIFE OF attacking New York, was resolved upon, and he wrote to Congress his determination. Ge neral Lafayette carried to the French admi ral the plan which Washington had formed. A day in August was appointed on which it was expected the fleet might sail for New York ; and the American army was to assem ble at Morrisiana, in readiness to be aided by the fleet in the proposed attack. Before the appointed day arrived, a British fleet came from England, which, in addition to that al ready at New York, made a force much greater than that of the French fleet, which they immediately determined to attack, as it lay before Newport, at the same time that Sir Henry Clinton should attack that town with his troops. When General Washington heard of this plan, he sent information of it to the French admiral ; and resolved, that in the absence of the troops who were to leave New York, he would attempt to take possession. He added to his army all the troops that could be spared with prudence from West Point, and was marching hastily to New York, when Sir Henry Clinton suddenly returned ; he had heard such accounts of the situation of the de fences at Newport, that he had given up his intention to attack it. Washington and his army were greatly disappointed, for he knew it would be rash to attempt attacking the city without the aid of. a fleet, whea it was so well WASHINGTON. 135 guarded by one ; but he did not give up th<3 hope of being assisted, and wrote to the French admiral on the subject. Several letters passed from one to the other, but they concluded that they could undertand the plan better, if they saw each other to converse on it ; they agreed to do so, and General Washington went to Hartford in Connecticut, to meet the admira n the twenty-first day of September. While he was absent, the fierce but artful passion of revenge was busy in the heart of an American, forming a plot of treason. When the English had left Philadelphia, General Arnold was placed there to take the command, as it was a situation in which he could have the rest which seemed to be necessary for the reco very of the wounds which he had received in Canada. His courage and military talent caused him to be highly regarded as an offi cer, and his countrymen were desirous that he might be able again to take an active part in the war. His bodily strength was soon restored; but the integrity of his mind was feeble : and he who had endured hardships with bravery, and had been a hero in battle, was overcome by the indulgence of ease, and became a coward in his resistance of tempta tions to the practice of vice. One of the many patbs which are on the " broad way that leadeth to destruction," is called the path of pleasure. Arnold, who had toiled through dangers, and fought for liberty with bravery 136 LIFE OF and ardour, entered that delusive path, and soon became the slave of its weakening influ ence. Whilst his former companions in the field of battle were persevering courageously in the defence of their country, and suffering from, the want of food and clothing he was engaged in dissipation, and was wasting a for tune in the gratification of idle vanity. He became involved in debt; and then dishon estly used every means within his power, to get possession of the property of others.. His ill conduct was at length made known to Con gress, and they appointed a court of officers of the army, to examine the charges brought against him. His accusers had no difficulty in proving what they asserted, and the court sentenced him to receive a reproof from General Wash ington; which they considered a truly severe punishment. He received reproof from stern virtue with feelings of bitter resentment. Vice had so hardened his heart, that the con sciousness of deserving punishment had not the effect of softening it to repentance ; and to plan for revenge against the officers who had sentenced him, and the upright and noble man who had reproved him, became the em ployment of his thoughts. His depraved mind could readily practise deception ; and he said he was desirous to be again placed in a situation to be useful to his country. He expressed a desire so frequently, WASHINGTON. 137 and with such seeming sincerity, that Gene ral Washington offered to him the command of a division of the army, when he was pre paring to attack New York, in the absence of Sir Henry Clinton. Arnold said that his wounds had rendered him too feeble, to en gage in very active duties, and declined accept ing this offer. General Washington could not feel any suspicions of his resentful intention; though he was surprised at his unwillingness- to use an opportunity for recovering the fa vourable opinion of the public. The state of New York was particularly interested in the safety of West Point ; and some important inhabitants of that state, who had a high opinion of the military talents of Arnold, and believed him to be faithful in his attachment to his country, applied to General Washington to place him there ; as he might be very useful without much bodily exertion. This was the very situation which Arnold was anxious to obtain ; and after writing to Gene ral Washington on the subject, he went to the camp to see him, and urge the request. The General, trusting his professions, and believing that he would be very capable of performing the military duties of such a station, gave to him the command. Rejoicing that he had been thus far successful in his deceptive plan, Arnold informed Sir Henry Clinton, that he was anxious to return to his duty as an En glish subject, and repented having violated his 138 LIFE OF allegiance to his king. In true repentance there is always a desire to benefit those against whom the fault has been committed ; and Arnold wished to make his profession of re- oeptance seem sincere, by offering to do all ui his power to place his country again in a state of dependence. When he went to West Point, he wrote to Sir Henry, that he would manage the troops stationed there, so that he might, on attacking them, readily make them his prisoners, or else entirely destroy them. The English general must have despised and distrusted the traitor, and he ought to have scorned the pro posal of using such cowardly means for sub duing the Americans ; but to get possession of West Point was so desirable, that he gladly received the base offer, and said he would ap point an officer to correspond with Arnold on the subject. The officer chosen for this degrading duty was Major Andre. He was young, and had been expensively educated, and his disposition was so frank and amiable, that he was es teemed by all who became acquainted with him. As an officer he was brave and faithful, and was a favourite in the army. His friends were strongly and tenderly attached to him, and felt a perfect confidence in the strength of his virtuous principles. But the foundation of those principles was a wrong one ; they were placed on what he considered to be the WASHINGTON. 139 duty he owed to men, and not on that which he owed to God. When Sir Henry Clinton informed him of the employment he intended to give him, he consented to take a part in deception and treachery, and by doing so, lost his claim to integrity. Several letters passed between Arnold and Andre, signed by the feigned names of Gus- tavus and Anderson ; but the plan of treason could not be safely understood without some conversation on the subject, and Arnold sent a pass, or written permission for Andre to go in the character of a person on business, past the guards at West Point, to a house near the oul-post, where he promised to meet him : in the pass, he was called John Anderson. An English sloop of war, named the Vulture, was sent up the Hudson to take Andre as near to West Point as possible, without the risk of exciting suspicion. He was rowed in a small boat to the shore, and arrived in safety at the place appointed by Arnold. Night was chosen to veil from human eyes the plottings of treachery ; but " an All-seeing eye," to which " the darkness is as the noon day," ested on the deluded and erring Andre. And a power, from which no human strength or wisdom can deliver, was preparing a dreadful punishment for his wanderings from the path of virtue. The night was spent in deeply interesting conversation, and the morning dawned before 140 LIFE OF all the parts of the dark plot were well under stood. Andre could not return to the vessel by the light of day, with any hope of safety ; and Arnold assured him that he could conceal him until night, and for this purpose took him within the posts, and remained with him all day. The Vulture had heen noticed from the fort, and fired on, and the commander thought it necessary to move to a greater dis tance down the yiver. When daylight had again faded from the sky, and the hour of dark ness had come, for which no doubt Andre had anxiously watched, he left his place of concealment, and expected to be quickly con veyed to the vessel from which he had come the night before ; but it was removed to so great a distance, that he could not prevail on any boatman to take him to it, and Arnold did not dare to aid him in persuading them. Sadly perplexed, Andre was obliged at length to determine on passing to New York by land. This was a perilous attempt ; for parties of militia were employed in watching all the roads leading from the Highlands to that city. Arnold insisted on his changing his dress for a plain one, and wrote a pass for him, desiring the guards and militia to " per mit John Anderson to go to the White Plains, on business of great importance." With this permit he passed all the out- guards with safety ; and was riding on with a feeling of security, when near to Tarry town, WASHINGTON. 141 a young man sprung from a thicket by the road side, and seized the bridle of. his horse In the first practice of deception an ingenuous mind is timid ; and Andre, though brave when acting truly, became a coward when he was conscious that he was a deceiver. He forgot his pass in the moment of need, and in a hur ried tone of alarm, asked the man where he was from? " From below," was the reply; and supposing this meant from New York, Andre said hastily, " So am I ;" and added, that he was a British officer, who was going on important business, and begged that he might not be detained a moment. Two more young men then came from the woods ; and he dis covered too late that they all were Ameri cans : their names were David Williams, John Paulding, and Isaac Vanwert. He offered to give them his valuable watch, a purse of gold, and the promise of a large reward from the English commander, if they would allow h m to pass. All his offers were disregarded, and he was obliged to submit to be searched. The pa pers he had received from Arnold were in his boots ; his captors took possession of them, and conducted him to a militia officer named Jameson. Andre, anxious for the safety of Arnold, asserted to Jameson that his name was John Anderson, and requested him to send immediately to West Point, and inform General Arnold that he was there. Jameson 14 ?- LIFE OF could not believe that Arnold was connected with Andre in a plot of treachery, and he im mediately complied with his request. When Andre thought that Arnold had time to escape, he again acknowledged his real character ; and Jameson sent an express to Gen. Wash ington, with the papers that had been found in Andre s boots ; and Andre wrote to him an account of the manner in which he had been captured, and the reason of his being dis guised. General Washington was returning from Hartford, and the express took a road differ ent from that on which he was travelling, and thus missed him. He had sent to inform Ar nold that he would be at West Point to break fast ; but stopping to examine some of the im portant passes in the mountains, he was de tained later than he expected. Several officers, in expectation of seeing their loved comman der, were breakfasting with Arnold, when he received a letter from Jameson informing him of the capture of John Anderson. With an appearance of calmness, he rose and left the room ; but his wife saw a change in his countenance and followed him. With a few hasty words, he told her of his danger, and left her, to return to -the breakfast room. He made an excuse for leaving the officers so hastily, by telling them that he had forgotten to give some orders which were needful for receiving the commander-in-chief with the re- WASHINGTON. 143 pect due to him, and that he must immediate- y attend to this duty. He was quickly down on the shore, and ordered a sergeant and six men to enter a boat, and row him immediately to the sloop Vulture, which still was at anchor below the fort. The sergeant did not hesitate one mo ment, for he thought that General Arnold was going with a flag of truce, on business of im portance to the American cause, and he soon placed him on board of the vessel. When Arnold felt himself safe, he told the sergeant that he did not intend to return, as he had de termined to enter the service of the king of England, and he endeavored to persuade him to do the same. The sergeant and his men answered, that " If General Arnold liked the king of England, he might serve him ; but they loved their country better, and intended to live and die in the support of its indepen dence." Arnold then proposed to the com mander of the Vulture to detain the men as prisoners; but he would not consent to so disgraceful an act. By the time that General Washington ar- -ived at West Point, the plan of treachery was known ; but it was too late to secure the traitor. He requested to see Mrs. Arnold, and found her in a state of extreme distress. She v >egged him not to injure her, and was so vio* ent in her feelings that he found it was vain to attempt to calm her by assuring her that she 144 LIFE OF should be treated with kindness and respect. He left her in the care of her female servant, and sent for an officer whom he knew was strongly attached to Arnold, arid who com manded one of the most important posts in the Highlands. When the officer came, Wash ington said to him, "Colonel, we have been deceived, Arnold is a traitor ; your post may be attacked to-night ; go back to it without delay, and defend it bravely, as I know you will." This generous confidence excited the feelings of the officer so much, that for some moments he was unable to reply ; but when he could speak, he said, " Your excellency has more than rewarded all that I have done, or ever could do for my country." Arnold wrote to General Washington by the return of the boat which had conveyed him to the vessel. The daring insolence of his let ter raised a glow on the cheek of Washing ton, but the first words he spoke after reading it, were dictated by the benevolent feelings of his heart. He desired that Mrs. Arnold might be relieved from her fears for the safety of her husband, by being told that he was secure from pursuit. Preparations were made for the defence of West Point, in case the enemy should attack it ; but Sir Henry Clinton would not venture to make the attempt, when . he eould not be aided by the treason of its com mander. When the fate of Andre was to be dete WASHINGTON. 145 mined, the general officers of the army met to examine him, and inquire into all the circum stances attending the dark plot in which he had been engaged, that they might judge whe ther he must be considered as a spy. He was treated with great tenderness, and was told that he might refuse to reply to any ques tions that would lead to his condemnation ; but his mind, which had no doubt been en gaged in solemn reflection, could no longer willingly practise deception, and he acknow ledged the part he had been acting, so that it was not necessary to examine one witness. "With the hope of forming some excuse for him, it was said that he had gone to West Point with a flag of truce. He was asked if this was true ; he replied, " Had I come with a flag, I might have returned with a flag." An American officer, who had a hope that he might yet be saved from condemnation, began: to say to him that perhaps he might be ex changed for Arnold, " Stop," said Andre,. " such a proposal can never come from me>" All the circumstances which he confessed, led the officers to determine that he deserved the character of a spy, and death is the sentence which the stern laws of war pass upon such a character. Universal sorrow was felt for the sad and disgraceful close of life to which this young officer was brought by his departure from the path of rectitude. General Washington, in a- N 146 LIFE OF private letter, expressed his estimation of the character of Andre ; and perhaps never per formed with so much reluctance any painful duty, as he did that of signing his sentence of death. This sentence was executed soon af ter, when Andre was hung, according to the usage of war in such cases. Arnold wrote several letters on the subject to General Wash ington, but he did not notice them ; and di rected that his baggage should all be sent to him, and that Mrs. Arnold should be carefully conducted to New York, where he was. We are so ready to forget how unbounded -and wonderful the power of God is, that we think and speak of events, which we consider trifling, as if they were not directed by him ; but to say that any event happens " by chance," or "by accident," has no meaning, unless chance and accident are used as names for the secret workings of Divine power, which overrules the smallest occurrence as certainly as the greatest event. In every cir cumstance connected with Arnold s plot of treason, might be traced that Providence which can make the smallest accident defeat the wisest plans of man; and prove that " A man s heart deviseth his way, buj^the Lorddi- recteth his steps." The disappointed baseness of Arnold was made, by Him who ruleth all things, to be useful to his country. Arnold sent addresses to the officers and soldiers of the American WASHINGTON. 147 army, to persuade them to follow his example , assuring them that if they did so, they would be liberally rewarded. These addresses had the effect of uniting the Americans more firm ly than ever ; and the indignation which they felt, animated them to more exertions to prove that they were determined to persevere in the defence of their country, and despised the man who had forsaken the cause of freedom. Arnold was the only American officer who. through all the coi^se of the war, deserved the name of traitor ; and he most truly merit ed it; for, after he had joined himself to the enemies of his country, he was active in his endeavours to plan and perform deeds that would be most likely to injure it, and cause distress to his countrymen ; but those endea vours were made to produce good for those against whom they were directed. The account which he gave to Sir Henry Clinton of the weak and suffering state of the American army, caused him to feel a security and confidence in his own strength, which in several instances was advantageous to them. It has been said, that when all " the probable consequences of his plot, had it been success ful, came to be considered, and the seeming accidents by which it was discovered and de feated, all were filled with a kind of awful as tonishment, and the devout perceived in the transaction the hand of Providence guiding America to independence." 148 LIFE OF CHAPTER VII. 17801781. IN his conversation with the French admi ral at Hartford, General Washington had been convinced that he must give up his favourite plan of attacking New York that season. The admiral told him that he expected an addition to his fleet ; but that until it arrived, he had not a force which he considered sufficient to meet the English fleet, with any probability of success, in an action. The two armies con tinued merely watching each other, until the time arrived for going into winter quarters ; and the Americans were then stationed near Morristown, and on the borders of New York and New Jersey. The troops belonging to the New England states were placed at West Point, and on both sides of the river Hudson. The scenery of West Point and its neigh bourhood is beautifully wild ; and is rendered very interesting, by Washington having win tered there in that gloomy period of the revo- ution. Nearly six hundred feet above the Hudson river, are the ruins of Fort Putnam, which commanded the river below and above, and also a passagewhich opens in the moun tain. The large stones of which the fort was constructed, it is said, were carried up the steep path by men. On some of the hills are WASHINGTON. 149 remains of huts which were used by the army. From a bank Hows a remarkably cold and clear spring 1 , which is (jteeply shaded by trees and is called Washington s spring. The old in habitants of the surrounding country, who re membered the time when their defenders were encamped on it, delighted afterwards to lead strangers to notice a spring, the refreshing water of which was daily used by their revered protector. The season was too severely cold to admit of a winter campaign, with troops al most destitute of clothing; and while they were in winter quarters, and the never-idle Wash ington was engaged in preparing for employ ing them as soon as possible, the sad work of war was going on in the southern States. General Cornwallis, who had been left there with an army, had, on the 16th August, at tacked the Americans at Camden, and almost entirely defeated them. He then seemed to consider South Carolina as a conquered state, and all the efforts that were made to resist him, he called " acts of rebellion," and gave orders that all persons who were found op posing the authority of the king of England, should have their property destroyed, and be treated with the greatest severity. Some of the Americans had joined the En glish army, and Cornwallis heard that there were others in the back part of the state of North Carolina, who were willing to do so ; and he sent Major Ferguson with troops, to- N2 150 LIFE OF unite with them in resisting and attacking all who continued faithful to the cause of inde pendence. Colonel Clarke, an American, who had left his home, in Georgia, when the English took possession of that state, collected a small company and attacked Augusta ; the English troops there were soon aided by an additional force, and Colonel Clarke retreated to the mountains. Ferguson heard of this, and re solved to stop him and his brave little band ; but some hardy mountaineers, from the west ern parts of Virginia and North Carolina, as sembled quickly, and were joined by some militia from South Carolina. They marched rapidly towards Ferguson, who was posted on King s Mountain, and they attacked him so bravely, that in a short time his troops were entirely defeated. Ferguson was killed : three hundred of his party killed or wounded, ;and eight hundred made prisoners. One thousand five hundred stand of arms were taken. The result of this attack was very im portant, for the disaffected Americans who escaped did not return to Cornwallis, and this loss obliged him to retreat out of North Caro lina, where he had expected to be very suc cessful. He marched his army to Camden, to wait for more troops from New York, which Si" Henry Clinton was to send to him. While his .-army were encamped, near Camden, he was WASHINGTON. 151 obliged to detach parties of it to endeavour to defeat an American officer named Marion, who had a few brave men under his command. They sometimes concealed themselves in swamps and wood thickets, from which they rushed out when any opportunity occurred for an attack on the enemies of their country ; 01 when they could defend the helpless families from which those foes were forcing provisions An anecdote of Marion will serve to show his truly patriotic motives for enduring with pa tient fortitude the dangers and sufferings to which he was exposed, by persevering in his resistance of Cornwallis. An English officer was sent to him to make some proposals for an exchange of prisoners ; he received the officer with civility, and after they had settled the business on which he came, Marion invited him to stay and take dinner with him. At the name of dinner, the officer felt surprised ; for on looking round, he saw no appearance of any provisions, nor of any place for preparing food. A few sun burnt militiamen were sitting on some- old tree stumps, with their powderhorns lying beside them, and Marion looked as if he had suffered from hunger. The officer said he would accept his invi tation ; feeling curious, no doubt, to know where the dinner was to come from. " Weil, Tom," said Marion to one of his men, " come, give us our dinner." Tom took a pine stick, 152 LIFE OF and with it drew out some sweet potatoes from a heap of ashes, under which they had been placed to be roasted. He cleaned them first by blowing the ashes from them with his breath, and then by wiping them with the sleeve of his homespun shirt ; and piling them on a piece of bark, he placed them between the English officer and Marion, on the trunk of the fallen pine tree on which they sat. The officer took one of the potatoes, and while he was eating it, began to laugh heartily. Marion looked surprised. " Excuse me," said the officer, ** but I was thinking how drolly some of my brother officers would look, if their government was to provide them with such dinners. But, no doubt, in general, you fare better?" " Rather worse," replied Marion, " for often we have not enough potatoes to satisfy our hunger." " Then, no doubt, though you are stinted in provisions, you draw good pay," said the officer. " Not one cent," replied Marion. " Then I do not see," said the officer, " how you can stand it." " These things depend on feeling," said Marion, " and I am happy. I would rather fight to obtain the blessing of freedom for my country, and feed on roots, than desert the cause, and gain by doing so, all the luxuries that Solomon owned." When the officer returned to his commander he was asked why he looked so serious. " ] have cause, sir, to look so," was his reply WASHINGTON. 1 53 k Why," said his commander, in alarm, " has Washington defeated Sir Henry Clinton ? " No, sir; but more than that. I have seen an American general and his men without pay, and almost without clothes, living upon roots, and drinking water, and all for liberty. What chance have we against such men ?" Cornwallis employed a very active officer, Colonel Tarlton, to draw Marion and his fe\v followers from their secure retreats ; but he did not succeed, and he took his revenge on the surrounding country by plundering the in habitants. He was drawn from this work by hearing of the appearance of the American general, Sumpter, who, with a company of mi litia, was approaching in an opposite direction. Sumpter had been a very active officer, but Cornwallis thought that he was entirely van quished, and was greatly surprised to hear of his being again at the head of a respectable force. He immediately determined to attack him in his camp, on Broad river, and sent a de tachment from his army, commanded by Ma jor Wemyss, for that purpose, which arrived several hours before day, and made the attack with vigour ; but Sumpter quickly drew his men into order, and they defended themselves so bravely, that their enemies were soon forced to retreat, with the loss of their com mander. Sumpter then changed his situation, and Cornwallis directed Tarlton to follow and attack him. 154 LIFE OF Sumptei was placed with his troops on a steep hill, near the Tiger river, when Tarl- ton rashly attacked them, and was soon obliged to retire, in haste and disorder, leaving nearly two hundred men killed or wounded on the field. The loss of the Americans was three killed and four wounded. General Sumpter was severely wounded, and as he knew that it was probable Cornwallis would send a very powerful force against him, he thought it most prudent to disperse his men, and wait until his wound was healed to call them together again. For such was the spi rit which animated men who were struggling for freedom that no desertion was feared. They came forth for the defence of their houses and families, and were ready to return whenever their services were needed. The regular southern army was at that time very small, and the state of it was well de scribed by Washington, in a letter to a friend, when he appointed General Greene to take the command of it ; he wrote, " You have your wish in the officer appointed to the southern command. I think I am giving you a general : but what can a general do without men, without arms, without clothing, without stores, without provisions ?" In December General Greene joined the army at Charlotte, in South Carolina; the whole number of troops placed under his com mand, did not amount to many more than two WASHINGTON. 155 thousand, a greater part of whom were mili tia. He separated them into two divisions, and gave the command of one to General Mor gan, and directed him to move to the south side of the Catawba river, while he inarched down to the Pedee river, to encamp on the east side of it. Thus situated, the army of Cornwallis lay between them, and he determined to attack one of them, but wished to leave it uncertain, as long as possible, which he would march against. Additional troops had been sent from New York, and were on their march to Cam- den. Cornwallis put his army in motion, and directed its course towards North Carolina, ordering the new troops to join him at the Ca tawba river, and charging Tarlton to move rapidly with a large detachment against Mor gan, to "push him to the utmost, and, at ail events, drive him over Broad river;" expect ing, that if .he escaped Tarlton, he would be met and defeated by the main body of the army. A sudden swelling of the streams, which the army had to pass, delayed it a much longer time than Cornwallis had calculated for ; and also prevented the new troops from joining him at the place he ha d appointed. Tarlton was more active with his troops, and reached Morgan before Cornwallis had arrived at the situation in which he intended to slop him. if he was forced to retreat. 156 LIFE OF General Morgan heard of these movements of his enemies, and knowing that his situation was a very dangerous one, he crossed the Pa- colet river, and placed his men at the fording place, to defend it; but he soon heard that his pursuers had crossed the river six miles higher op, and he then quickly retreated to a spot amongst the pines, called the Cowpens. Halt ing there, Morgan consulted the officers of his little army as to the course of conduct that ought to be determined on, and they resolved to remain there and wait for the attack of their foes. They placed their troops on a piece of rising ground, in an open wood, and waited with firmness for their pursuers, who very soon made their appearance, and advanced perfectly confident that they should be victo rious. This was on the 17th January, 1781. Morgan and his officers gave their orders with so much calm judgment, and the soldiers attended to them so obediently and courage ously, that Tarlton and his confident troops were driven back, and forced to fly, closely followed by the Americans, who made priso ners of five hundred of the soldiers and twen ty-nine of their officers. They got possession, also, of eight hundred muskets, thirty-five baggage wagons, and a hundred horses. The Americans had less than eighty in killed and wounded. In this battle was Lieutenant-Co lonel Washington, who, when a captain, be haved so bravely at the battle of Trenton. In WASHINGTON. 157 the haste of pursuit he was separated from his regiment. Three English officers, one of whom was Tarlton, seeing this, turned quick ly and attacked him. One aimed a blow at him, which was turned aside by a sergeant, who rushed forward to his aid. At the same moment the second officer made a stroke at him, but a young lad, who was too small to hold a sword, wounded the officer with a pis tol, and thus saved Colonel Washington, who was engaged defending himself against Tarl ton, who, finding that he could not succeed in his attack, turned to fly, and discharged a pis tol, which wounded the horse of Col. Wash ington, but did not injure him. Tarlton, in this personal conflict, received from Washington a wound in the hand ; and it has been related, that he said to an American lady of Charleston, some time afterwards. "You appear to think very highly of Col. Washington; and yet, I have been told, that he is so ignorant a fellow, that he can hardly write his own name." To this silly insinuation she replied, " It may be the case, but no man can testify better than yourself, Colonel, that he knows how to make his mark." Tarlton retreated with speed from the Cow pens, and did not stop until he readied the army of Cornwallis, which was at a distance of about twenty-five miles. This victory was a very important one to the American cause ; for, if Morgan s army 158 LIFE OF had been defeated, Cornwallis would probably have attacked General Greene s with all his force, and no doubt with success, as his troops were so numerous ; and then all the southern states would have been in his pos session. The day after the battle the troops which Cornwallis had directed to join him arrived, and early the next morning he put all his army in motion, determining to attack Mor gan with a force that would certainly destroy him. General Morgan marched quickly to wards the Catawba river, and had crossed it only two hours before the English army reached its banks. As night was near, Corn wallis resolved not to attempt crossing the ri ver until the day should dawn ; but when the dawn came, that gracious hand, which was conducting the Americans to independence through scenes of trial, had placed a barrier between Cornwallis and his expected prey, which all his power and wisdom could not enable him to overcome. A rain fell during the night, which seemed to be too trifling to make any increase in the depth of the river, but it was rendered impassable, and continued to be so for two days. This providential delay of his pursuers, gave Morgan time to place his prisoners in a state of security, with the arms and stores which he had taken, and to refresh his wearied troops. WASHINGTON. 1 59 General Greene, on hearing of the battle at the Cowpens, was anxious to unite the two divisions of his army, and he travelled h^sti j to join General Morgan and aid him by his counsel, leaving the other division of his army under the command of General Huger. When the swell of the waters had abated so that Cornwallis could cross the Catawba, he did so, and continued a rapid pursuit of the Americans, who were marching towards the Yadkin river, which they crossed on the 2d February, partly on flats, and partly by ford ing it, and had only time to secure all the flats from being used by their pursuers, when they appeared on the opposite bank of the river. Again the waters were commanded to aid the Americans, and, before their foes could prepare boats or flats to cross the Yadkin, a heavy rain and driving wind rendered it dangerous to make the attempt. The stream continued to rise, and Corn wallis was obliged to move nearer to its source, where it was less deep, before he could venture to cross it. A celebrated historian of the American Re volution, says : " This second hairbreadth escape was considered by the Americans as a farther evidence that their cause was favour ed by Heaven. That they, in two successive instances, should effect their passage, while their pursuers, who were only a few miles in their rear, could not follow, impressed the re- 160 LIFE OF ligious people of that settlement with such sentiments of devotion as added fresh vigour to their exertions in behalf of American inde pendence."* This delay enabled General Greene to move on as far as Guilford Court-House, where he was joined by the division he had left under the command of Huger. When Cornwallis found that he could not prevent the union of these divisions, he re solved to endeavour to get between them and Virginia, so as to force them to an action, be fore they conld receive any aid from troops which he heard Were preparing in that state to join their countrymen. General Greene knew that an action with so powerful an enemy must be fatal to his ar my ; and he used great exertions to move it quickly on towards the Dan river, with the hope of being able to enter Virginia, before Cornwallis could overtake him. After many difficulties were overcome, General Greene succeeded in getting his troops safe across the river. They had marched forty miles in twenty-four hours, and the last boat in- which they were crossing the river had scarcely touched the northern bank, when the army of Cornwallis appeared on the opposite shore. General Greene and his little army had re treated for more than two hundred miles, without the loss of any men. The season was winter, the weather cold and wet, and * Ramsay. WASHINGTON. 161 the roads either deep or icy, and the troops al most naked and barefooted, and often had no other food than corn grated on their tin can teens, in which they punched holes for that purpose. The army of Cornwallis had passed over the same roads, but they were well clothed, and provided with strengthening food, and were only prevented overtaking the Ame ricans by the swelling of the waters in their way. They were so often thus stopped, when the Americans had just passed over in safety, that the particular providence of God was clearly seen in these delays, and General Greene and his feeble army had cause to praise the mercy which directed these means for their preservation from a powerful foe. When the American army entered Virginia, Cornwallis gave up the pursuit of it, and marched slowly to Hillsborough, at that time the capital of North Carolina. He there raised the standard of the king of England, and in vited all the inhabitants of the state to assist him in restoring the old government. General Greene was resolved to prevent his having entire possession of that state ; and when he had received the addition to his army of a few hundred men, he re-crossed the Dan river, and moved slowly towards Hills- borough. All the country around had been searched for provisions to supply the English army, and Cornwallis at length found that he must remove to another situation, as it was 162 LIFE OF impossible for him to obtain what was need ful where he was. When he removed, Greene advanced, but took care not to place his army where he must be forced into an action before he should be joined by more troops that he expected from Virginia. When they came, he deter mined to risk a battle, and for that purpose marched towards Guilford to meet Cornwallis A very severe battle was commenced on the 15 tli March, and continued for some time, with expectations of victory on both sides; but after a considerable loss of men, Corn wallis was able to claim it, and Greene moved his troops to a distance of twelve miles, where he prepared for another attack, which he ex pected would soon be made. But Cornwallis did not attempt it ; for, though he had gained a victory, he had lost so many men, and was so unable to obtain provisions for his army, that lie was forced to retreat towards Wilming ton, where he expected he should get supplies of food. As he passed on, he proclaimed, that he had gained a great victory, and ordered that there should be a general illumination. A Mrs. Heyward, (whose husband had been sent as a rebel in a prison ship to St. Augustine, after the English had taken pos session of Charleston,) closed the windows of her house, when she heard of the order of Cornwallis. An English officer entered it, and said, " How dare you disobey the order WASHINGTON. 1 63 which has been given ? Why is your house not illuminated?" She replied, "Is it possi ble for me to feel joy ? Can I celebrate a victory of your army, and my husband a pri soner?" The officer said, " The last hopes of rebellion are crushed by the defeat of Greene, and you shall illuminate." " Not single light," said Mrs. Heyward, " shall be placed, with my consent, in any window of my house." "Then" -eplied the officer, "I will return with a party, and before midnight level it with the ground." "You have the pow er," said she, " and seem disposed to use it, but you cannot control my determination, and* I will not illuminate." The officer left her and did not return to execute his unfeeling threat. Cornwallis moved his army into Virginia. Some of the inhabitants of North Carolina had deserted the cause of liberty, and placed themselves under the protection of the En glish army. To them of course, the removal of that army from their state was a subject of sorrow ; but to all those who had continued firm in their determination to be independent of the government of England, the deliverance from the presence of those whose purpose was to make them submit, occasioned great joy. The name of Tarlton was heard with dread ; for he was constantly practising some severity, either in destroy ing the property of the faithful Americans, or in punishing them whenever he had an opportunity. Some, in a moment of 164 LIFE OF terror, had professed a willingness to submit, but afterwards repented that they had done so, and determined on endeavouring to defend themselves ; to such persons Tarlton showed no mercy. A young man who had acted in this manner, was afterwards taken prisoner, and Tarlton ordered him to be immediately hung by the road side ; and placed on his back the declaration, " such shall be the fat of whoever presumes to cut him down." No one but the sister of the young man dared to disregard this threat ; but she, with the reso lution and tenderness of female attachment, watched for a time when no one was near to prevent her sad and dangerous employment, and succeeded in getting possession of the body of her loved brother, and placed it in a grave. While the inhabitants of the more southern states had been suffering, those of Virginia had not been left to the enjoyment of peace^ for the revengeful Arnold had been made a general in the English army, and was sent to invade the native state of Washington. Early in January he attacked Richmond, and suc ceeded in getting possession of it, and in de stroying the military stores there. The re sistance made to his power was too feeble to check him, and he used every opportunity for gratifying his desire to injure his countrymen All the events of that sad winter were such as caused the Americans to feel depressed, WASHINGTON. 1 65 and increased the cares of Washington. There were no sounds of gladness to hail the new year of 1781, but it commenced with an event that threatened ruin to the American cause. That part of the army which was stationed near Morristown, in New Jersey, had suffered so much for want of clothing and food, that they determined to inarch to Philadelphia and force Congress to obtain supplies for them, or else threaten that they would no longer continue in service. Their command ing officer tried in vain to prevent their doing so, and they marched towards Princeton. Three officers, to whom the soldiers were at tached, folio wed them to the place where they encamped for the night, and prevailed on them to send a sergeant from each regiment to meet them and state their complaints, and what they intended to demand form Congress. They did so, and General Wayne, their com mander, promised that their wishes should be made known to Congress, and attended to ; and urged them to return to their duty. Gene ral Washington was at that time at New Windsor, on the North river, and General Wayne immediately sent to him an account of this alarming mutiny ; and of the demands made by those who were engaged in it Washington was much .distressed by their conduct ; but he felt that they had cause for complaint, and thought that he ought not to go to them lest they should disobey him, and 166 LIFE OF thus deserve 3, punishment which would pre vent their being willing to return to duty. He made all the preparations that were possible for subduing them in case they became violent in theirconduct; and directed General Wayne to inform Congress of what had happened, and let them endeavour to settle the business without his interference. Congress appointed a committee to visit the camp of the mutineers, and make proposals to them, which after a short time they agreed to accept. The time for which a large portion of them had enlisted was passed, and they were discharged, so that the army was consi derably reduced. When Sir Henry Clinton heard of the mu tiny, he immediately sent men to offer secretly to the revolters an assurance that he would receive them into his army, and supply all their wants, and would send a large force from New York to conduct them there in safety. But he had mistaken the feelings of the American soldiers. In a moment of ex treme suffering they had yielded to the rash counsel of some impatient spirits, but no thought of becoming enemies of their country had entered their minds. They seized the messengers of Sir Henry, and made his pro posals known to General Wayne, with an as surance that they had scorned them. The committee from Congress offered a reward to those who had made Sir Henry s messen- WASHINGTON. 167 gers prisoners, but they refused to accept it, saying, " they had only done their duty, and desired for the act nothing more than the ap probation of their country, for which they had o often fought and bled." General Washington made use of this re volt to show to Congress, and to the different states, the necessity of making more effectual exertions to supply the army with clothing and wholesome food. He represented their sufferings so feelingly, that efforts were made in each state, to contribute to their relief, and small as the aid was, the sufferers were satisfied with this proof, that their country men were not entirely unmindful of them. When Congress had succeeded in satisfy ing the discontented troops, they became en gaged in the interesting business of determin ing on a plan for a union of the different states which would enable them to carry on the war with less difficulty and expense. ** Articles of confederation," were drawn up, and in February they were agreed to by all the mem bers of Congress, and the knowledge of this bond of union gave universal satisfaction. All the accounts which General Washing ton heard from the southern stales made him very anxious to send more troops there. The French fleet had been blocked up in the harbour of Newport by an English fleet; but a violent storm injured many of the Eng lish ships, and, by their being moved away 168 LIFE OF the French admiral was enabled to send out a few of his ships, which he directed to sail to the Chesapeake. When General Washing ton heard of this, he resolved to send troops immediately to Virginia, in the expectation that he could obtain aid from the French ves sels in attacking some of the ports which were in possession of the English. The French ships soon returned to Newport, and in re turning they captured an English frigate. Ge neral Washington was disappointed in his expectation of being aided by them at that time, but he sent troops, under the command of General Lafayette, to Virginia ; and went to Newport to communicate to the French ad miral a plan which he had formed for being assisted by some of his vessels. The admiral agreed to his proposals, and sent a part of his fleet out, but it was met by the English fleet, and, after a sharp action, they separated, and the French returned again to Newport. A part of the troops which were marching to the south under the command of Lafayette, became discontented, and he discovered that every day some were secretly leaving him. He called together all that remained, and told them that he would not deceive them as to the difficulties and dangers to which he ex pected they would be exposed, for they were many ; but, that any individual who was un willing to encounter them, was at liberty to say so, and should have his permission to re- WASHINGTON. 169 turn to the army which they had left in New f Jersey. This candid and generous conduct had the effect of stopping desertions ; for the soldiers were ashamed to forsake so excellent a commander. In Baltimore he obtained, at his own expense, a variety of comforts for them, and the females of that city employed themselves immediately in making up summei clothing for them. A large force had been sent from New York to Arnold, and Cornwallis had moved quickly to join him, and take command of all the troops. With so large a force, he was certain that he could readily defeat the little army of Lafayette, which he heard had en tered Virginia, and he determined to attack it as soon as possible. Lafayette wished to avoid Cornwallis, until he should have his force increased by some troops, which were on their way to join him, commanded by General Wayne. Cornwallis heard of this, and determined to prevent La fayette receiving this aid, and was so confi dent of being successful, that he wrote, (with contempt for the youth of Lafayette,) in a let ter which was intercepted, " the boy cannot escape me." But "the b.oy" moved with so much judgment and quickness, that his confi dent enemy was soon convinced that he could not overtake him, or prevent his being joined by the expected troops, and he gave up the pursuit, and determined to wait for his return. P 170 LIFE OF When Lafayette received the additional force, he turned, and was very soon within a few miles of the camp of Cornwallis, who im mediately suspected that he intended to at tempt securing some military stores that had been sent up the James river to Albemarle Court-House, and he placed troops in a situa tion to attack him on the road which he sup posed he would take. Lafayette thought that Cornwallis would do so, and in the night opened an old road, which had been long out of use, by which he marched quietly to the situation he wished to gain ; and in the morn ing, when Cornwallis thought to have him in his power, he had the mortification of disco vering that he had passed by, and was placed in a situation in which he could not be at tacked with advantage. Cornwallis probably thought that the American army was larger than it really was ; for he gave up the inten tion he had formed of forcing it to an ac tion, and marched to Williamsburgh. Lafay ette followed him with great caution, and at tacked some troops that were moving about the country, but avoided the clanger of an en- ragement with the main army. In the rapid course of the English through Virginia, they destroyed all the private pro perty that came in their .way, as well as that which belonged to the public. Their ships sailed up the rivers, and robbed the farms on their borders. While they were thus employ WASHINGTON. 171 ed in the Potomac, a message was sent from them to the farm of Washington, to demand a supply of provisions, with a threat that if they were not given, the buildings should be de stroyed, and the farm laid waste. The pereon in whose care the farm hafl been left, was ter rified by this threat, and went on board of one of the ships with some fresh provisions, to beg that the house might not be set on fire. When General Washington received an ac count of this, he wrote to the person who had acted with so much impropriety, and told him, " I am sorry to hear of your losses, but that which gives me most concern is, that you should have gone on board of the vessels of the enemy, and furnished them with refresh ments. It would have been a less painful cir cumstance to me, to have heard, that in con sequence of your non-compliance with their request, they had burnt my house, and laid the plantation in ruins. You ought to have considered yourself as my representative, and should have reflected on the bad example of communicating with the enemy, and of mak ing an offer of refreshment to them with a view to prevent a conflagration." Lafayette acted with great prudence, and used every opportunity for preventing the ene my from plundering ; but his force was too small to encounter the main body of their ar my, and he became very anxious that General Washington should go to Virginia, and give 172 LIFE OF his aid to his native state, and free it fiom the destructive invaders. The government of the state also urged this very much ; but Wash ington, considering America as his country, and making the safety of the whole country his object, would not suffer any love of his native state to change the plans which he thought would be most likely to produce be nefit to the northern and middle, as well as the southern states. A sad gloom was spread over all of them when the year had com menced. The enemy were making prepara tions in Canada to march to Fort Pitt ; and it was reported that they had assembled three thousand men, in ships on the lakes, to make an attack again from that quarter. The dreaded Indians had united in large bands, and threatened all the western frontier with a renewal of their ferocious attacks. The new troops, which Washington had expected from the different states, had not been raised, and those which had been long in service, were almost worn out with toils, and the want of necessary provision of food and clothing. When any favourable event brightened the prospects of his country, Washington calmly rejoiced in it, but was not flattered into false security ; and, when his countrymen were ready to despond, he could trust that the cheering beams of Divine favour would dis perse those clouds, arid he became more ani- WASHINGTON. 173 mated and courageous as others became sad and fearful. He continued to think, that to get possession of New York would be of more importance than any thing that he could ven ture to attempt, and lie used every effort to make preparations for doing so. He formed a plan, which he communicated to the French admiral, who was at Newport, and who agreed to assist him in performing it ; and he earnestly urged to each slate to hasten the march of those troops which were promised to him. All that depended on his own exertions was performed with active per severance ; but the expected troops were de layed, and when they arrived, and he was ready to execute his favourite plan, the French admiral wrote to him, that he could not ven ture to take his heavy ships into New York bay, and had resolved to sail for the Chesa peake ; but there he could not remain long, as he had been directed by his own governr ment to return to the West Indies. This information was severely trying to Ge neral Washington, as it disappointed his ex pectations of assistance from the fleet, and obliged him to give up a plan which he was ready to execute, and from which he hoped to gain the most important success in freeing his suffering country from its enemies. Every one, who with piety notices the pro vidences of God, can know that our best bless ings are often hid beneath our disappomt- P2 174 LIFE OF ments, as sweet flowers are concealed in bitter buds. Washington experienced this in the important results that followed his being obliged to bid farewell to all hopes of assist ance in his cherished plan of attacking New York. He was unwillingly forced to form another, which proved far more advantageous to the interests of his country than that would have been. Mr. (afterwards Judge) Peters, one of the board of war, was at the camp when the letter from the admiral was received ; he said that General Washington gave it to him to read, and showed strong marks of anger ; that he left him for a short time, and, on returning to him, he had cause to admire, as he often had done, how perfectly General Washington con trolled his naturally hasty temper. He was as calm as if nothing had occurred to disturb him, and began immediately to form a new plan, without wasting the important moments in useless regrets. He determined on moving his army as quickly and secretly as possible to Virginia, before Sir Henry Clinton should suspect his design and send aid to Cornwal- lis. When he informed Mr. Peters, and Mr. Robert Morris, the other commissioner of the board of war, who was at the camp, that his new plan was formed, and said, " What can you do for us under the present change of cir cumstances ?" Mr. Peters said, "Inform me WASHINGTON. 175 of (he extent of your wants ; I can do every thing with money, nothing without it." As he said this, he looked at Mr. Morris, who said, " I understand you ; I must have time to consider and calculate." They knew the difficulty of obtaining the money ; and, when they had left Philadelphia, there was so little in the treasury chest, that Mr. Peters could not venture to take enough out of it to pay the expense of his journey to the camp. He re turned to that city, and set to work industri ously to prepare what General Washington had told him he should need. In a very short time, almost two hundred pieces of artillery, and all the necessary am munition, were prepared and sent off to Vir ginia. All the expense of this, as well as of the provision for, and pay of the troops, was defrayed by Mr. Morris, who gave notes for the promise of payment, to the amount of one million and four hundred thousand dollars, which were afterwards all paid. General Washington informed Lafayette of his intention to come to Virginia, and desired him to do all in his power to prevent Corn- wallis from saving himself by a sudden inarch to Charleston. 176 LIFE OF CHAPTER VIII 1781. IN South Carolina and Georgia the cam paign of 1781 was a very active one. A line of posts had been continued by the English from Charleston, in South Carolina, to Au gusta, in Georgia. General Sumpter and Ge"- neral Marion kept up a resistance, with a few militia, and moved so quickly, that the Eng lish commander could not succeed in defeat ing them. General Greene formed the bold resolution of recovering Georgia. He had about eighteen hundred men, and his prospect of procuring food for them was not very pro mising ; but he believed it to be for the inte rest of his country to make the attempt. He sent Colonel Lee with a detachment to join Marion, and requested General Pickens to as semble the western militia of South Carolina, and lay siege to Ninety-Six and Augusta while he moved from his camp on Deep rivej to Camden, where he arrived on the 19th &pril. Being unable to storm the works 01 surround them, he encamped near Camden. with the hope of having some additional troop? of militia to aid him. On the 25th April, he had withdrawn his troops to Hobkirk s hill, about a mile from Camden, and the English general, Rawdon, marched out to attack him Although this attack was unexpected, the WASHINGTON. 177 Americans were soon ready to meet it, and General Greene had every prospect of suc cess, when his hopes were destroyed by one of his regiments being thrown into confusion; the English commander took advantage of this with so much activity, that Greene soon per ceived that to save his troops from a total de feat he must retreat, which he did to a place about four miles from the field of battle. The pursuit was only continued for three miles. Colonel Lee had joined Marion in South Carolina, and they attacked Fort Watson, on the Santee river, and succeeded in obliging the garrison to surrender. A garrison had been placed in the dwelling house of Mrs. Motte, situated on an eminence, on the south side of the Congaree river, near its junction with the Wateree ; this was a very important post, as all the provisions in tended for the army at Camden were deposit ed there, and fortifications were thrown up around the house. Marion and Lee deter mined to drive the garrison from this fortress, and Lee informed Mrs. Motte, who was in the neighbourhood, that they could not suc ceed without entirely destroying her house. She replied, " The sacrifice of my property is nothing; and I shall view its destruction with delight, if it shall in any degree contri bute to the good of my country." She then gave him an Indian bow and arrows, which had been kept as a curiosity in her family : 178 LIFE 01 with these, lighted torches were shot upon her house, which took fire, and thus the ene my were driven from it. Lee then marched against Fort Granby, on the Congaree, oppo site the site of the town of Columbia, since built there, and forced a garrison of three hun dred and fifty men to surrender, while Marion marched against Georgetown, on the Black river, which place he reduced. In July the intense heat of the climate made it necessary for General Greene to give his troops some rest, and he moved them to the high hills of Santee for that purpose. There he was joined by some troops from North Carolina. In August he determined on once more risking an action with the English army, and, for that purpose, on the 22d, he proceed ed to the Congaree, where he was joined by General Pickens with the militia, and by some state troops of South Carolina. On hearing of his approach, the English moved to the Eutaw Springs, on the Santee, and there, on the 8th September, a severe action commenced, and was continued for some time with great warmth and boldness on both sides . At length the contest ceased, and both armies claimed the victory. . In November the Eng lish retired to Charleston Neck, and to the islands in the harbour. When General Greene had entered South Carolina, he found it completely conquered, and defended by a regular army. By a course WASHINGTON. 179 which was courageous, but prudent, he reco vered the southern states, and, at the close of he year 1781, they were again under their own government. The rigour with which the English exercised their power on those who seemed disposed to resist, caused the war to be more full of calamities to the inhabitants of the southern states than those of any other portion of the country. At the north, still more important events were taking place, as the summer advanced. The movements of the American army were such as to lead the enemy in New York to think, that General Washington was pre paring to attack that place; and Sir Henry Clinton had no suspicion of his intention to march to Virginia, until the army had crossed the Delaware river, and it was then too late for him to attempt to stpp the progress of the active troops. With the hope of inducing Washington to return for the defence of Connecticut, Sir Henry sent to that state a strong detachment of troops, in a fleet of transports ; they were commanded by Arnold, who had just returned from Virginia. The march of Washington was not pre- tented by this movement of the enemy, but ne advanced towards Virginia with all the speed that was possible, and had the satisfac tion of hearing, when he arrived in Chester, early in September, that the French fleet was in 180 LIFE OF the Chesapeake. He gave directions to his off! cers to bring- on the troops speedily, and wen. himsolf to visit the admiral, and propose to him a, plan for an attack. on the army of Cornwal- lis, in which he promised to assist him. When Cornwallis had heard of the Fmnch fleet appearing in the Chesapeake, he had drawn all his troops together at Yorktown; and with great activity and toil, they had raised fortifications for their defence. The town is situated on a strip of land, about eight miles wide, between the James and York rivers. Opposite to the town, on the North side of York river, is Gloucester Point, which projects into the river so as to make it only one mile in width at that place. Colonel Tarlton, with seven hundred men, was posted on Gloucester Point. The south ern banks of the river are high ; some batteries had been constructed on them by Virginia troops, who had been stationed there some time before. Cornwallis manned these bat teries, and the main body of his army was en camped around Yorktown, within a range of field works, raised for their defence. The communication between Yorktown and Gloucester Point, was defended by the batteries on shore, and by several British ships of war, which could ride in safety in the broad and deep York river. On the 25th of September, the last division of Washington s army arrived at the landing WASHINGTON. 181 near Williamsburgh, on the James river. They were allowed two days for rest, and on the 28th, moved toward Yorktown. A de tachment of French and American troops were directed to watch and restrain Tarlton, and the main body of the army was moved down on the south side of the York river towards Yorktown. The next day was employed in preparing for the siege. General Lafayette had joined Washington with the troops under his command. Washington displayed his military talent and sound judgment in directing every move ment that was to be made, and the siege was carried on with great rapidity. When the places of defence which the English had raised at some distance from the town were destroyed, and they were driven back to seek for safety within the intrench- ments which they had formed immediately around it, Cornwallis finding himself so closely pressed resolved to attempt escaping ; and during the night, he succeeded in sending se veral boats filled with troops across the York river to Gloucester Point; but when these troops were landed, a violent slorm suddenly arose, and drove the boats down the stream ; daylight began to dawn before they could be recovered, and then it was necessary to use them for the return of the few troops which had been landed, as it was impossible to send the rest of the army by the light of day, which Q 182 LIFE OF would show the movement to those Americans who were posted near Gloucester. Being thus disappointed, and not having any reasonable cause for even a hope that he could save his army, Cornwallis wrote to General Washington to request that all hosti lities might cease for twenty-four hours, during which time he would inform him on what terms he would surrender. Washington in formed him that it was his ardent desire to epare the shedding of blood, and that he would listen with readiness to such terms as could be accepted ; but requested that they might be made known immediately in writing, as he could quickly determine if he would agree to them. Some of the proposals of Cornwallis. Wash ington could not consent to, and he wrote down the terms on which he expected him to surrender, and said he would not change them. These terms were ; that all the army, with their arms and military stores, and all the ships and seamen, were to be delivered up. The troops to be prisoners of war to Congress, and the naval force to the French. The sol diers were to remain, with a few officers, in America ; and the rest of the officers, were to be permitted to return to Europe on parole, or assurance from them that they would not serve again against the Americans. Corn-* wallis was to be allowed to send a ship un- searched to New York, to carry any papers WASHINGTON. j J 83 which he chose to send there. These terms were accepted by the English general, and on the 19th of October, in the year 1781, the whole army of Cornwallis, which had been for so long a time the cause of distress and terror in the southern states, marched out of Yorkto\vn, as prisoners of war. General Lin coin was appointed by General Washington to receive the submission of the conquered army, in the same manner in which Corn wallis had received his, and that of the Ame rican army, on the 12th of May, 1780, at Charleston. While the troops of Cornwallis were march ing out of the town, with cased colours and drums beating the sad sound of defeat, Wash ington said to his troops, " My brave fellows, let no sensation of satisfaction for the triumph you have gained, induce you to insult a fallen enemy ; let no shouting no clamourous huz zaing, increase their mortification. It is a sufficient satisfaction to us, that we witness their humiliation. Posterity will huzza for us !" On the day after the surrender, he ordered that all who were under arrest should be set at liberty, and he closed his order with this di rection " Divine service shall be performed to-morrow in the different divisions of the ar my; and the commander-in-chief recommends that all the troops that are not upon duty do as sist at it, with a serious deportment, and that 184 LIFE OF sensibility of heart, which the recollection of the surprising and particular interposition of Divine Providence in our favour, claims." The capture of a formidable army, which had been moving with destructive power over more than eleven hundred miles of their coun try, was to the Americans a cause of heartfelt joy and thankfulness. The news was received at Philadelphia, then the seat of government, at night, and an aged watchman, who heard it, in the gladness of his heart, as he walked his round with a quick step, sung out, "Past one o clock and Cornwallis is taken !" Congress heard the tidings with grateful sensations, and went in solemn procession to a place of worship, to return thanks to God for this deliverance from powerful foes ; they also issued a proclamation, for "religiously observing through the United States the 13th day of December, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer." CHAPTER IX. 17811787. WHEN General Washington had performed all the duties which the surrender of Cornwal- WASHINGTON. 185 lis rendered necessary, before he could leave Yorktown, he went to visit his respected and aged mother, whom he had not seen for more than six years. At the commencement of the war he had removed her to the village of Fre- dericksburg, where he thought she would be comfortable, and distant from danger ; and from that time he had not been at liberty to visit his native state, as his services were re quired by his country every day, and indeed every moment. He was careful to send con stantly to his parent, an account of himself and the situation of public affairs, and she re ceived all such intelligence with a confidence in the wisdom of God, which prevented her being depressed by the news of losses that fre quently reached her ears. When she heard of the success of her son in the December of 1777, (when he crossed the Delaware and marched to Princeton,) she said, " George appears to have deserved well of his coun try ;" and, when her neighbours pressed around her with letters that they had received, mil of his praises, she said, " Here is too much flattery ; still George will not forget the les sons I early taught him ; he will not forget nimself, though he is the subject of JK> much praise." Washington knew that it would be no gra tification to his good mother to see him sur- tounded by attendants, or to have his approach made known by any kind of parade. He 186 LIFE OF therefore left the officers who rode with him, and dismounting from his horse, alone, and on foot, he went to her residence. When he entered it he found her usefully employed As she embraced her son, she called him by an endearing name, which he well remember ed she had always used when in his child hood he deserved her approbation. She anxiously questioned him on the state of his health, talked of old times and old friends, but spoke not a word on the subject of his re nown, or of the praise which his countrymen were giving him for his noble conduct. When he left his revered parent, he went to his long forsaken home. Mrs. Washington was then there. She had been with him through each winter, and, as she said, had " heard the first cannon on the opening, and the last at the close of every campaign of the war." When Washington was favoured with some success in any undertaking, he did not become less diligent in his efforts to complete it, and he wrote to General Greene, "I shall endea vour to stimulate Congress to the best im provement of our late success, by taking the most vigorous and effectual measures to be ready &r an early and decisive campaign the next year." He went to Philadelphia, and was success ful in his wishes. In December, 1782, Con gress passed resolutions which satisfied him WASHINGTON. 187 and he wrote to the different states to urge a faithful compliance with these resolutions. The army was placed in winter quarters, and Washington became anxiously engaged in preparations for the duties of the spring. At the commencement of the year 1782, there was not a dollar in the public treasury, and, from the delay in collecting the taxes, Washington knew that there could be no hope of a supply for several months. Mr. Robert Morris, the officer who superintended this bu siness, wrote in great distress to Washington, and said, " This candid state of my situation and feelings I give to your bosom, because you, who have already felt and suffered so much, will be able to sympathize with me." While Washington was using every effort to hasten the collection of the money which would be necessary for the subsistence of his army, an account came from England that a proposal had been made in Parliament to make offers of peace. Washington had little confidence in the probability of this proposi tion being agreed to by the English govern ment, and he endeavoured to prevent his countrymen being deceived into security by a false expectation. Early in May, however, an English commander, Sir Guy Carl ton, ar rived in New York, and wrote to Gen. Wash ington and to Congress, that Parliament had determinad on offering to conclude a peace, or truce, with the revolted colonies of North 188 LIFE OF America ; but, as no intimation was given that he had the power to propose any other terms than those which had been before rejected, Congress declined giving him a passport for himself and Admiral Dio by, who. he inform ed Congress, were appointed to make known to them, in person, the resolutions of Parlia ment. In August Sir Guy Carlton gave Washing ton the information that Parliament had sent a minister to Paris, who had the power to treat with all the parties at war, and that pro posals for a general peace were then under consideration; and that the minister had been directed to offer, in the first place, that the in dependence of the " Thirteen Provinces" should be acknowledged. The American commissioners, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens, who were in Paris, received the proposals for peace, and formed a treaty which satisfied every reasonable demand of America. This was signed on the 30th November, 1782, but it was not to be considered as entirely concluded, until a treaty should be formed be tween England and France, which was done on the 20th January, 1783. When the American army had the expecta tion of soon being dismissed from service, they became anxious about the pay that was due to them, and which it was absolutely necessa ry they should receive, to enable them to re- WASHINGTON. 189 turn to their families. A very artful address was circulated through the camp on the Hud son river, for the purpose of inducing them to form some desperate resolutions to force the government to a compliance with their demand for payment. The address was accompanied by an invitation to all the officers to meet on the next day, and take the subject into consi deration. Washington was in camp, and his firmness and judgment did not forsake him on this important occasion. In his general or ders he noticed the address, and expressed his belief that the good sense of the officers would prevent their " paying any attention to such an irregular invitation," but invited them to meet on another day, when, he said, they could deliberate on what course they ought to pursue. Before that day arrive<l he conversed sepa rately with the officers, and used his influence to lead them to adopt measures which he in tended to propose. When they were assem bled, he addressed them in a calm and affec tionate manner ; entreating them to disregard the efforts that were made to induce them to act lisgracefully, and assuring them of his confi- ence that Congress would treat them justly. This address from one whom they loved and had been accustomed to obey, in whose judgment and affection they had perfect confi dence, could not fail to influence the arnry, and the officers immediately formed resolu- 190 LIFE OF tions which satisfied their anxious comman der, and proved the strength of their respect for his advice. It has been said that "per haps, in no instance, did the United States re ceive from heaven a more signal deliverance through the hands of Washington, than in the termination of this serious transaction." His conduct gave a new proof of the kindness of his heart, soundness of his judgment, and pu rity of the love of his country. He wrote to Congress an account of what had occurred ; and earnestly entreated that the just demands of the army might be immediately attended to, and that provision might be made for a fur ther compensation than a mere pay which was due to the officers. He said, " if (as has been suggested for the purpose of inflaming their passions,) the officers of the army are to be the only sufferers bj this revolution ; if retiring from the field they are to grow old in poverty, wretchedness and contempt, and owe the mi serable remnant of that life to charity, which has hitherto been spent in honour, then shall I have learned what ingratitude is ; then shall I have realized a talft which will imbitter every moment of my futuve life." Congress receivej a petition from the offi cers, and then formed a resolution, that in ad dition to the pay due to them, they should receive full pay tor five years; but they knew it would be some time before the money could be raised. The officers were satisfied with WASHINGTON. 191 the promise, and in the course of the summer a large portion of the troops returned to their homes. A few new recruits, who were stationed at Lancaster, marched to Philadelphia and placed sentinels at the doors of the State House, where Congress were sitting, and threatened to attack them if their demands for pay were not granted within twenty minutes. They did not perform their threat, but kept Con gress prisoners for three hours. When General Washington heard of this outrage, he sent fifteen hundred men to quell the mutineers, but this had been done withou* any blood being shed before the troops arrived. He wrote to Congress that he felt much dis tressed on hearing of the insult which had been offered by these " soldiers of a day ;" and contrasted their conduct with that of the soldiers who had "borne the heat and burden of the war ; veterans," he said, " who have patiently endured nakedness, hunger and cold ; who have suffered and bled without a murmur, and who, with perfect good order have retired to their homes without a settlement of their accounts, or a farthing of money in their pock ets. W T e are as much astonished at the virtues of the latter, as we are struck with horror and detestation at the proceedings of the former." In consequence of the insult, Congress ad journed, to meet at Princeton, in New Jersey, in the close of the month of June, 1783. They 192 LIFE OF sat there in the Library room of the College for about three months ; and then adjourned to meet at Annapolis, in Maryland. The seeds of freedom which had been sown in weakness, and guarded with toil through eight years, produced a rich harvest in the blessings of independence and peace, which spread quickly over the United States ; and every American heart had cause to say, with humble gratitude, to the Great Ruler of events, "0 thou that savest by thy right hand them that put their trust in thee, from those that rise up against them- thou hast been our helper." When General Washington had proclaimed to his army on the 19th of April, the tidings of a universal peace, he said, " on such a happy day, which is the harbinger of peace ; a day which completes the eight years of the war, it would be ingratitude not to rejoice, it would be insensibility not to participate in the general felicity ;" and he directed that the Chaplains, with their several brigades, should " render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his overruling the wrath of man to his owii glory ; and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations." When he dis missed the troops from service on the 2d of November, he gave ihem serious and affection ate advice as to their future conduct ; and as sured them that he should recommend them to their grateful country, and in his prayers "to the WASHINGTON. 193 God of armies." Earnestly desiring that his countrymen might secure a continuance of the favour of heaven, he wrote an address to the governors of the different states, which address he said he wished them to consider as "the legacy of one who had ardently desired on all occasions to be useful to his country ; and who, even in the shade of retirement, would not fail to implore the divine benediction upon it." The address contained important and wise counsel, and he concluded it with the assurance, " I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you and the state over which you preside, in his holy protection, and that he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination, and obedience to government, and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another ; for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field ; and finally, that he would be most graciously pleased to dis pose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, hu mility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Au thor of our blessed religion ; without an hum ble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation." In November all the English troops left New York , and General Washington entered it accompanied by Governor Clinton and a R 194 LIFE OF number of American officers. Many Americaur from distant places visited New York, to units with their countrymen thei in public expressions of joy ; one of this number was General Washington s nephew, Bushrod Washington, then a youth, and afterwards an eminent and highly respected Judge, of the Supreme court of the Uniied States. The following anecdote connected with that visit, he kindly communicated for this biography, in a letter dated Mount Vernon, June 1st 1829. " In the early part of the year 1782 I was sent by my father to Philadelphia, for the purpose of prosecuting the study of law. It was my good fortune to meet General Washington there. Within a few days after my arrival, but not until he had placed me in the office of Mr. Wilson, and secured for me the counte nance and kind attention of some of his friends in that city, he returned to the state of New York. Upon that occasion, or at a subsequent period, (I cannot now recollect which,) he requested me to make inquiries respecting n, kind of cloth which he particularly described, and wished to purchase, and to inform him by letter the price, and where it was to be procured. I readily promised an early com pliance with this request, and intended, I doubt not, at the time, conscientiously to fulfil my engagement. I postponed doing so, however, from day to day, until the subjedt was for gotten altogether ; or was too seldom thought WASHINGTON. 195 of, to leave more than a very slight impression upon my mind. About the time when the evacuation of New York, by the British troops was to be commemorated in that city, the Ge neral wrote to me, giving me permission to be present on that occasion, and enclosing me money for my expenses. On my arrival in New York, I called at his lodgings, and was received by him with his former kindness. After some general conversation, he asked me if I had at tended to his request respecting the cloth, and what had been the result of my inquiries ? My feelings, at that moment, may be imagined, it is not in my power to describe them. I had no excuse to offer, and as soon as the power of speech was allowed me, I acknow ledged my delinquency. Turning to me with a mildness which I did not deserve, but with an impressiveness in his manner which I have never forgotten, he observed, " remember, young man, never in future to make a pro mise, even of a trivial kind, the nature and extent of which you have not duly considered; having made it, let nothing prevent a punc tual performance of it, if it be within your power." He then dismissed me without an additional reproach or observation." General Washington remained in New York, until December, and when the day ar rived on which he had determined to leave it, the officers of the army assembled to bid him farewell. When their loved commander en- 196 LIFE OF tered the room in which they were, he could not speak for several moments ; but, when he had calmed his strong feelings, he said " with a heart, full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you ; I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former have been honourable. I can not come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged to you if each of you will come and take me by the hand." General Knox, who was nearest to him, turned, and Washington took his hand, and then put his arms around him, and in the same aifection- ate manner embraced each officer. A tear from the heart filled every eye ; but no word could be uttered to break the silence of the affecting scene. Washington left the room, and the officers followed him in noiseless pro cession, and with sad- countenances to the boat which was to convey him away from them. Washington stepped into the boat, and turning towards the shore waved his hat with out speaking ; the officers returned the same last farewell, and continued to gaze after their beloved commander until they could no lon ger distinguish his form, and then they re turned in sadness to the place where they had assembled. \Vashington could not enjoy rest until he had performed all the duties which his up right mind dictated, and he proceeded to Phi ladelphia to give an account of the manner in WASHINGTON. 197 which he had expended the public money. All his accounts were written by himself, and every entry made in the most exact manner, so as to give the least trouble in comparing them with the receipts which accompanied them. He made no charge for his services, but had spent a considerable portion of his own fortune. The regularity and minuteness with which he had kept an account of every sum received and expended during eight years, and the faithfulness with which he had, in the midst of his many employments, at tended to having the public money used in the most economical and advantageous man ner, proved that he had a right to the noble title of an honest .man. If he had not merited that, all his former titles would have been without value. From Philadelphia he pro ceeded to Annapolis, where Congress was sitting, and there he proved that he was a pa triot, by giving back the power which had been placed in his hands, when he could no longer use it for the benefit of his country. Congress appointed the 23d December for re ceiving his resignation, and a crowd of specta tors witnessed the interesting ceremony. He was received by Congress as the " founder and guardian of the republic." Feeling the importance of the blessings of freedom and peace which the Great liul^r of the universe had made Washington an ~ent 10 obtain for them, they looked &t ha^, vrtien about to \Q 198 LIFE OF sign his power, with emotions of admiration and gratitude ; and, recollecting how closely they had been connected with him in scenes of distress and danger, there were few eyes unwet with a tear. With unambitious dignity he rose and addressed General Mifflin, the President of Congress. He said, " I resign with satisfaction the appointment I accepted with diffidence ; a diffidence in my abilities to accomplish so arduous a task, which, how ever, was superseded by a confidence in the rectitude of our cause, the support of the su preme power of the union and the patronage of heaven. The successful termination of the war has verified the most sanguine expecta tions ; and my gratitude for the interposition of Providence, and the assistance I have re ceived from my countrymen, increases with every review of the momentous contest. * * * I consider it as an indispensable duty to close this last act of my official life, by commending the interests of our dearest country to the pro tection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendence of them to his holy keep ing. Having now finished the work assigned roe, I retire from the great theatre of action, and bidding an affectionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life. !r He then gave his commission to the President, who, when he had received it, an WASHINGTON. 199 swered him in the name of Congress, and said, " Having defended the standard of liberty iri tliis new world : having taught a lesson useful to those who inflict, and to those who feel op pression, you retire from the great theatre of action with the blessings of your fellow-citi zens ; but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command; it will continue to animate remotest ao-es. We join you in commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, beseeching him to dispose the hearts and minds of its citizens to improve the opportu nity afforded to them of becoming a happy and respectable nation. And for you, we ad dress to Him our earnest prayers, that a life so beloved may be fostered with all his care ; that your days may be as happy as they have been illustrious ; and that he will finally give you that reward which this word cannot give." History presents no more elevated scene than that of a successful hero, at the close of a long war, giving up his command, and a na tion, just having achieved its independence, in the solemn act of dissolving its military state, all uniting in ascribing praise to that God whose kind Providence they had enjoy ed, and commending each other to his protec tion in time, and his favour throughout eter nity. When Washinjrton had thus resigned the title of " Commander-in-chief," he took that 200 LIFE OF of private citizen, and retired to his peaceful home. The satisfaction he felt in doing so was expressed in a letter to his friend, Lafay ette, who had returned to France soon after the surrender of Cornwallis. Washington wrote to him, " At length I have become a private citizen, on the banks of the Potomac, and under the shade of my own vine and my own fig-tree. and free from the bustle of a camp and the busy cares of public life. I have not only retired from all public employments, but am retiring within myself, and shall be able to view the solitary walk, and tread the paths of private life, with heartfelt satisfac tion. 1 To General Knox he thus addressed him self: "I feel now, as I conceive a weary traveller must do, who, after treading many a painful step, with a heavy burden on his shoulders, is eased of the latter, having reach ed the haven to which all the former were di rected, and from his house-top, in looking back and tracing with eager eye, the meanders by which he has escaped the quicksands and mires which lay in his way, and into which none but the all-powerful Guide and Dispensei of human events, could have prevented his falling." For several months after his return home, he received, almost every day, addresses from all parts of the union, expressing the affection and gratitude of his countrymen. He deserved WASHINGTON. 201 this, and no doubt was gratified by it ; but the praise of man had no ill effect on his modest mind. For a little time, when he awoke in the morning, he would forget that he was in his peaceful home, and, as he had been ac customed to do, would begin to think of what orders he should give his army, or what pub lie business he should transact during the day ; but he soon interested himself in the cultiva tion of his farm, and in assisting his neigh bours to improve theirs ; and for this purpose he wrote to England to obtain the best infor mation of all the improvements which were discovered there in agriculture. When the English ceased to act as enemies of his country, Washington did not cherish against them feelings of resentment. His libe ral mind was willing to acknowledge their na tional greatness and usefulness, and his heart was one that could estimate the virtues of those individuals of the nation who have de voted their lives to the promotion of the tem poral and eternal interests of their fellow be ings. He travelled for a short time through those parts of his country with which he was unac quainted, and, on his return, said he had new cause for acknowledging " the goodness of that Providence which has dealt his favours to us with so profuse a hand." He was de sirous that these gracious gifts should not be neglected, and he formed plans for improving 202 LIFE OF the navigation of some of the extensive rivers which flow through this country. He said he considered the extension of inland navigation as " an effectual means of cementing the union of the states." His plan was that the naviga tion of the eastern waters should be extended, and communicate with the western ; that these again should be opened from the Ohio to Lake Erie. Since his death his design has been ex tensively executed, and, by its constantly in creasing advantages, proving the excellence of his foresight and wisdom. He succeeded in having two companies formed for improving the James and Potomac rivers. On this occa sion the legislature of Virginia subscribed for the same number of shares for Washington, in each company, that were to be taken for the state ; but. when informed of this, he as sured them that he must decline accepting it, as he had determined never to change the re solution he had formed when he entered into public service, "to shut his hand against every pecuniary recompense ;" but he pro posed to the legislature that the shares intend ed for him should be given to some public in stitution, and they were given to two schools ; one of which was near the Potomac, and the other near James river. General Lafayette again crossed the ocean, and visited Mount Vernon, and no doubt passed some interesting hours with his friend Washington. But those hours of social enjoy- WASHINGTON. 203 ment were few, for these friends were soon again engaged in public scenes and cares. Be fore Lafayette returned to France he visited the mother of Washington, to bid her farewell and ask her blessing. She received him kind ly, and talked with him of the happy pros pects of her country, and of the conduct of her virtuous son, whom Lafayette praised with the warmth of strong attachment. She listened calmly to him, and then re plied, " / am not surprised at what George has done, for he was always a very good boy." On leaving this venerable woman, Lafayette asked and received her blessing, and bade her a last farewell. When he took leave of his friend, he indulged a lively hope that they would once more meet ; but when again he visited rVmerica, he was received as the " Na tion s Guest," and, instead of being welcomed to Mount Vernon by the smiles of Washing ton, he was led to his tomb to shed tears of sorrow. Desiring anxiously that his native country hould be freed from the tyrannical govern ment which oppressed it, Lafayette felt a deep interest in the revolution which soon com menced in France ; but his heart must have been pained by the manner in which it was conducted. In the attempt to throw off the -oppression of man, the restraints of morality were cast away, and the human passions raged 204 LIFE OF uncontrolled. The consequences were dread ful ; the tenderest ties of nature were disre garded, the truths of religion were denied, and the worship of God abolished. So that whilst this country, which looked to the Di vine blessing for liberty, received it, France has ever since that time been unsettled and unhappy, and often the scene of civil war and bloodshed. Young Americans ! as you grow up to man hood, and enjoy the great blessing of freedom from all unjust and oppressive laws of man, beware of wishing to be free from the just and righteous laws of your Creator, lest you bring upon yourselves as a nation, the displeasure of him whose " kingdom is an everlasting king dom," and whose "dominion endureth through out all generations." To those who will not obey him, he has said, " I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my word, nor to my law, but have rejected it." While you are exercising what you call li berty of conscience, remember the assurance of him who " taught as one having authority :" " If ye continue in my word ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free; verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever com- mitteth sin is the servant of sin." If Christ " shall make you free, ye shall be free in deed." WASHINGTON. 205 CHAPTER X. 17871789. AFTER the Americans obtained indepen dence, those who thought wisely on public af fairs were soon convinced that the " Articles of Confederation," which had united the states in time of war, would not bind them together in harmony under one government in time of peace. Congress had borrowed money from the French nation during the war, and they were also in debt to the officers of the army, and to other Americans ; and were unable to pay even the interest of the money due, because they did not possess the power to tax the people, or to lay dr. ties on imported goods. The advke of Washington at the close of t!i3 war had been too soon forgotten. He had said then to his countrymen, "The path of duty is plain before us. Let us as a nation be just ; let us fulfil the public contracts, which Congress had undoubtedly a right to make for the purpose of carrying on the war, with the same good faith we suppose ourselves bound to perform our private engagements." From his retirement he watched with inte rest the conduct of his countrymen, and began to feel alarmed lest they should disgrace them selves as a nation. He corresponded on the 8 206 LIFE OF subject with the wise American patriots, who used all their influence to convince the people that it was necessary for the credit and pros perity of their country, to give more power to Congress and to strengthen the bond of union. There was a great variety of opinions on the subject, but at length all the states, except Ehode Island, agreed to choose members for a convention to plan a better form of national government. Virginia placed Washington first on the list of members. On the second Monday in May, 1787, the Convention met at Philadelphia, and chose Washington its president ; and, after long and serious consultation on the important subject, that Constitution was formed under which, by the favour of a gracious Providence, the United States have become so prosperous, and the American nation so happy and respectable. The opinions of the members of the Conven tion seemed to be so opposed to each other on some points, that it was feared they could agree on no plan that would suit the whole country. The debate was increasing in warmth, when Dr. Franklin, with his accustomed wis dom and coolness, endeavoured to promote harmony by proposing an adjournment for three days, that there might be time for seri ous consideration of the subject. He con cluded his speech to the following effect : " The small progress we have made, after foui or five weeks close attendance and conti WASHINGTON. 207 nued reasoning with each other, our different sentiments on almost every questio- -, several of the last producing as many noes as ayes, is, methinks, a melancholy proof of the im perfection of the human understanding. We, indeed, seem iofeel our want of political wis dom, since we have been running all about in search of it. We have gone back to ancien history for models of government, and exa mined the different forms of those republics which, having been originally formed with the seeds of their own dissolution, now no longer exist : and we have viewed modern states all round Europe, but find none of their constitu tions suitable to our circumstances. "In this situation of this assembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarcely able to distinguish it when presented <o us, how has it happened, sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of Light to illuminate our under standings? In the beginning of the contesi with Britain, when we were sensible of dan ger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were heard ; and they were graciously answered. 411 of us, who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favour. To that kind Providence we owe this happy op portunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future and national felicity 208 LIFE OF And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend ? Or do we imagine we no longer need his assistance ? I have lived, sir, a long time ; and the longer I live, the more con vincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a spar row cannot fall to the ground without his no- lice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid ? We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings, that "except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." I firmly believe this ; and I also believe, that without his concurring aid, we shall suc ceed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel : we shall be divided by our little, partial, local interests ; our projects will be confounded ; and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a by-word down to future ages. And, what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, and con quest. I therefore beg leave to move, " That henceforth prayers, imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be made in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business ; and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service." One member only opposed this motion, and a person who was present relates, that whilst he was making his objections, Washington WASHINGTON. fixed his eye upon him with an expression of mingled surprise and indignation. No one condescended to notice the opposition, and the proposal was at once carried by the votes of all the other members. The adjournment, also, according to his suggestion, took place, and, after the Convention had been opened with prayer, when they met again, Dr. Frank lin stated the necessity and equity of mutual concessions from all parts of the Union. His views were adopted, and the important busi ness, on which they were so warm when they separated, was soon despatched, and the whole constitution at length agreed to. The people have preserved this, their own chosen constitu tion, for more than fifty years, and have seen their happiness, prosperity and renown, grow with its growth, and strengthen with its strength. How firmly should every American delight to cherish a union which has been so blessed by the God of nations, and ardently desire that " the flag of the republic, now known and honoured throughout the earth, may con tinue to float over the sea and over the land, without one stripe erased or polluted, or a sin gle star obscured." The constitution was signed by the dele gates from twelve states, on the 17th Septem ber, 1787, and, when made known to the people, they were of one opinion, that Wash ington was the man most worthy to be the President of the United States. One of his s2 210 LIFE OF friends, Colonel Lee, who had an opportunity of hearing the wishes which were universally expressed by his countrymen, wrote to Wash ington, to entreat that he would not suffer his love of private life to prevent his consenting to engage again in public duties ; and added, " If the same success should attend your ef forts on this important occasion which has dis tinguished you hitherto, then to be sure you will have spent a life which Providence rare ly, if ever, gave to the lot of one man." Elections were held throughout the United States, and, when the votes were opened and counted in the Senate, it was found that Wash ington was unanimously elected. On the 14th April, 1789, the fifty-seventh year of his age, Congress informed him of his appointment, and he accepted it, because it was. the call of his countrymen to serve them. On this occasion he wrote to one of his friends his sentiments on this subject, which showed the dignity and modesty of his character ; he said. " I am unwilling in the evening of a life, nearly consumed in public cares, to quit a peaceful abode for an ocean of difficulties, without the competency of political skill, abili ties, and inclination, which are necessary to manage the helm. I am sensible that I am embarking the voice of the people and a good name of my own, on this voyage ; but what returns will be made for them, Heaven alone can foretell, integrity and firmness are all I WASHINGTON. 211 can promise ; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me, although I may be deserted by all men ; for of the consolations which are to be derived from these, under any circumstances, the world cannot depme me." He visited his respected mother to inform her of his appointment. He had endeavoured to prevail on her to make Mount Vernon the home of her latter years ; but she would not consent to leave her humble dwelling, which was particularly dear to her from having near it a rural spot, made private by surrounding rocks and trees, where she daily offered to her Creator her confessions and prayers. When her son told her he must bid her fare well, he said, " As soon as the weight of pub lic business, which must necessarily attend the outset of a new government, can be dis posed of, I shall return to Virginia, and" " You will see me no more," said his mother, interrupting him, " My great age warns me, that I shall not be long in this world, I trust in God that I may be somewhat prepared for a better. Go, George, go my son ! and per form your duties, and may the blessing of God, and that of a mother, be with you al ways." She cast her arms around his neck, and resting his head on the shoulder of his aged parent, the Iruly great man shed tears of filial tenderness. He parted from her with the sad feeling, 212 LIFE OF that he should indeed see her no more, and in a short time, these painful apprehensions were realized. She was eighty-five years old at the time of her death ; and was buried near Fre- dericksburgh, Va. Over her grave, a gentleman of New York lias lately placed a noble monu ment, on which is only this inscription : MARY, THE MOTHER OF WASHINGTON. In the middle of April, Washington was called by duty to bid farewell to his farm. He set off for New York, the seat of government, and in the journal, which it was his custom to keep, he wrote at the close of that day, thus: "About ten o clock I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domes tic felicity, and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than 1 have words to express, set out for New York, with the best dispositions to render service to my country in obedience to its call, but with less hope of answering its expectations." His neighbours and the citizens of Alexan dria assembled, and met him on the road to attend him to that place, where they invited him to eat a parting dinner with them. When he was leaving them to proceed on his jour ney, they said in their affectionate address to him, " Again your country commands your care. The first, the best of citizens, must WASHINGTON. 213 leave us. Our aged must lose their orna ment, our youth, their model, our agricul ture, its improver, our commerce, its friend, our academy, its protector, our poor, theii benefactor. Farewell ! Go, and make a grateful people happy. To that Being, who maketh and unmaketh at his will, we com mend you ; and after the accomplishment of the arduous business to whfch you are called, may he restore to us again the best of men, and the most beloved fellow-citizen." After thanking them for their expressions of kindness, Washington said, in reply, "The whole tenor of my life has been open to your inspection; and my past actions, ra ther than my present declarations, must be the pledge of my future conduct. All that now remains for me, is to commit myself and you to the protection of that beneficent Being, who on a former occasion, hath happily brought us together, after a long" and distress ing separation. Perhaps the same gracious Providence will again indulge me. Unuttera ble sensations must then be left to more ex pressive silence ; while from an aching" heart I bid you all, my affectionate friends and kind neighbours, farewell." He wished his journey to be private ; but preparations were made in every town and village through which he was to pass, to give him proofs of the gratitude of his countrymen for his past services, and of their confidence, 214 LIFE OF that his future ones would be blessings to them. Philadelphia was illuminated, and the next day he was welcomed to Trenton with jiby. On the bridge over the Assumpinck Creek, an arch had been erected, and ornamented with laurels and flowers, and it was supported by thirteen pillars, entwined with wreaths of evergreen. On the front of the arch was in scribed, in large letters, the date of the first battle of Trenton, and of the day on which the American troops had made a bold stand on the borders of the Assumpinck, by which the pro gress of the English army had been stopped. Under this was written, "The defender of the mothers will be the protector of the daugh ters." As he left his carriage to walk over the bridge, a company of young girls went be fore him, and strewed fresh flowers in his path. At Elizabethtown a committee from Con gress received him, and conducted him to the Point, where he entered a handsome boat, that had been prepared to convey him to New York. His return to that city was not in silence, as his departure from it had been ; and in his journal he remarked, that the decorations of the ships, the music in the boats, the roar of the cannon, and the acclamations of the peo ple, filled him with sensations not more pleas ing than painful, as he thought how changed WASHINGTON. 215 he scene might be " after all his labours to do good." The 30th day of April was appointed for taking the solemn oath with which the consti tution requires the president to commence the duties of his important office. In the morning of that day, the clergymen of the city met their congregations, to unite in offering pray ers to God for his blessing on the people, and the president whom they had chosen. The oath was administered by R. R. Liv ingston, Chancellor of the state of New York, and the interesting ceremony was witnessed by a great concourse of people, for it was per formed in an open gallery adjoining the senate chamber, and fronting Broad street. All stood in solemn silence, until the oath was taken, and then, when the Chancellor proclaimed that GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, a shout of joy burst from many thousands of grateful and affec tionate hearts. The president went into the senate chamber, and in a modest but dignified manner, addressed the senate and house of re presentatives. In the course of his address he said, " It will be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to hat Almighty Being, who rules over the uni verse, who presides in the councils of na tions, and whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that his benediction 216 LIFE OF may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States, a govern ment instituted by themselves for these essen tial purposes, and may enable every instru ment employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses your senti ments not less than my own ; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an indepen dent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency." In conclusion, he said, " I shall take my present leave, but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the human race, in humble supplication, that since he has been pleased to favour the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tran quillity, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of govern ment for the security of their union and ad vancement of their happiness ; so his divine blessing may be equally conspicuous, in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations and wise measures, on which the success of this government must depend." WASHINGTON. 217 The Senate, in reply, expressed their high estimation of his wisdom and virtue, and said, All that remains is that we join in your fer vent supplications for the blessing of Heaven on our country ; and that we add our own for the choicest of those blessings on the most beloved of her citizens." The important cere mony of that day was closed with divine wor ship. When Washington entered on the public duties of his office, he did not forget that ju dicious regulations were needful for the gov ernment of his own household. He made rules for his family, which every member knew must not be disregarded. He directed that an account should be given to him every week of the money that was expended. He wished to entertain with generous hospitality all visiters whom it was proper to receive ; but he would not permit any needless expense. In making regulations for his family he re membered the Sabbath ; he always attended a place of worship, and was not in the cus tom of receiving any visiters, except Mr. Trumbull, who was then Speaker of Congress, and afterwards the Governor of Connecticut. He was in the habit of spending an hour with ihe President on every Sabbath evening, and was so regular in the time of his visit, that the servants, by looking at the clock, knew to a moment when to be ready to open the door to the "speaker s bell." as the v called T 218 LIFE OF the door bell on Sunday evening, because no other hand than his then rung it. The president did not return any visits, and appointed certain hours of two days in the week, for being visited by persons who had no business to transact with him. In the performance of his duties, the president set an example of punctuality, and by the strictest regard to it, in the smallest as well as the greatest concerns, gave a plain and excellent lesson on the value of time, and importance of truth. In making an appointment he named the exact time, that not one moment might be wasted in the idleness which uncer tainty in this respect often occasions. All his promises were given with " the lip of truth," therefore he was punctual to a moment in performing them. He required punctuality in every member of his household, and was once heard to say, to a visiter, who had come late to dinner, " Our cook never asks if the company has come, but if the hour has come." He had fixed on a convenient hour for mem bers of Congress and other invited guests to dine with him, and being careful to have the clock which stood in his entry exactly right, he allowed five minutes for the difference in clocks and watches, and after that time did not wait for any person. If some forgetful or lagging guest came after the time, the pre sident usually made some such remark as f< We are too punctual for you." When Con WASHINGTON. 219 gress m?t in Philadelphia, he appointed the hour of twelve for attending and delivering his speeches to them, and he always entered the state-house, where Congress sat, when the state-house clock was striking the hour.* The lesson on punctuality, which the great Washington taught by his own practice, should he particularly attended to by the young. Their hours should be devoted to improvement, and dreadful is the waste, if they are spent in an improper manner. The sacred hours of the sabbath should be ac counted particularly precious, and every op portunity of instruction they afford should be attended to with care and punctuality. CHAPTER XI. 17891796. ALL the important business attending the commencement of the new government was conducted with wisdom. When Congress adjourned, the president prepared to visit New England; on the 15th October he began his journey, and, passing through Connecticut and Massachusetts, went as far as Portsmouth, in New Hampshire ; returning by a different * See further of Washington s domestic habits, &c. Appendix, (C 220 LIFE OF route to New York. He had a favourable op portunity for observing the improvements of the important portion of his country through which he travelled, and was in every place received with proofs of joy and attachment. At Cambridge, the governor and council of Massachusetts met him, and accompanied him to Boston ; the selectmen received him at the entrance of the town, and a procession of the inhabitants was formed, which extended to the state-house, and he noticed witli satisfac tion the children, who made a part of the pro cession, conducted by their teachers. A tri umphal arch was erected, and, over it, on one side, was the inscription, "To the m;ui who unites all hearts ;" and on the opposite side, " To Columbia s favourite son." The president returned to New York, and Congress again met on the 8th January, 1790. They passed several acts of importance, and then determined that the seat of government should be removed to Philadelphia. This session of Congress continued until the 12th August, when they adjourned. The health of the president had been injured by his close attention to public business, and he thought that a visit to Mount Vernon would refresh , and strengthen him. He wished to travel as privately as possible, but, when he thought that he \vas approaching the villages without being noticed, the villagers were ready to give him some proof of a joyful welcome; and WASHINGTON. 221 supposing the probable time for his return, the school children were promised by their teachers that they should see Washington, which they thought was a high reward for di ligence. After a short indulgence in the enjoyment of rural sights and sounds, the president re turned from Mount Vernon to meet Congress at Philadelphia. One important subject which engaged Congress at that session, was war with the Indians. As early as the year 1736, Moravian mis sionaries, taking no weapon but " the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God," vi sited the Indians, and carried to them " the glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people." They preached " Jesus Christ and him crucified ;" and many of the wild rangers of the forest listened to the sound of the Gos pel, and, with some of their most ferocious chieftains, submitted to its peaceful rules. All such formed settlements, cultivated the ground around them, and made spots in the wilder ness to " blossom like the rose." One of those settlements in Pennsylvania was called Nain. A young Nanticoke Indian visited it, and remained there for a month; on being taken ill afterwards, he called two of his bro thers to him, and said to them, " in Nain they teach the right way to eternal life. There I have heard that our Creator became a man, died on the cross for our sins, was buried, T 2 222 LIFE OF rose again, and went into heaven, and that whosoever believes in him shall not perish ; but, when he dies, shall live with him for ever. If you wish to hear these good words go to Nain." He died, praying with his last breath for pardon, and his brothers both went to Nain to hear " the good words" which he had received with faith and joy. Though the power of the Gospel was thus felt, and proved by the changed conduct of many of the In dians, yet their number was few compared with that of those who still roamed through the forests, and took advantage of every op portunity for attacking the inhabitants of the frontiers. Washington being well acquainted with the cruel manner m which the Indians conducted their attacks, knew the sufferings to which his countrymen on the frontiers were exposed ; and as he was never satisfied with merely feeling a sympathy in the dis tresses of his fellow-beings, he used every means in his power to relieve them. He ear nestly recommended to Congress to endea vour to form treaties with the Indians. He was "for peace," but the Indians were "for war." Troops were sent out against them, commanded by General Harmar, but these troops were defeated, in a battle near Chili- cothe. Congress then gave the president the means of raising another army, and General Arthur St. Clair , was appointed to the com mand of it. WASHINGTON. 223 After the president had made all the neces sary arrangements for recruiting the army, he paid a visit to the southern states, and in pass ing through them, received the same proofs of grateful attachment as had been given to him in the northern and middle states. The senate and congress had given to him the power of choosing a spot on which should be built a city for a seat of government, and he stopped at the Potomac for some days, and marked the place on which the city of Wash ington now stands. After his return from this journey, he said, in a letter to Mr. Gouver- neur Morris " In my late tour through the southern states, 1 experienced great satisfac* lion in seeing the good effects of the general government in that part of the Union. * * * Industry has there taken place of idleness, and economy of dissipation. Two or three years of good crops, and a ready market for the produce of their lands, have put every one in good humour; and, in some instances, they even impute to the government what is dm* only to the goodness of Providence. In the December after his return, he hearr* the distressing intelligence of the total defea* of the army of General St. Clair, in an en gagement with the Indians on the 4th of De cember, near the Miami river, in the state of Ohio. When Washington heard of the destruction of the brave men and officers who fell in that 224 LIFE OF battle, he went into a private room with one of his family, and indulged for a few moments his feelings of distress. He walked the floor with his hand pressed to his forehead, and said, " Here, in this very room, the night be fore his departure, I warned St. Clair to be ware of surprise ! and yet that brave army surprised and cut to pieces ! Butler and a host of others slain!" "Washington s feelings were naturally violent when excited, but quickly subdued by the firmness with which he practised self-control. And after a few moments, he said, in a calm voice, " St. Clair shall have justice ; yes, long, faithful, and meritorious services shall have their claims." When the distressed St. Clair, worn down with age and disease, returned and visited him, he grasped the hand of Washington, which was kindly extended to him, and sob bed over it like a child. Many of the unde served reproaches which were uttered against him, were silenced by the kind manner in which Washington continued to treat him. After Congress adjourned, the president made another effort to form treaties of peace with the Indians, but was not successful ; he then raised more troops, and the command of them was given to General Wayne, who soon succeeded in reducing the savage foe to a state of submission and peace. The rapidly increasing prosperity of the WASHINGTON. 225 United States, was a proof of the wisdom with which the new government had been planned, and was conducted. The good effect of Wash ington s wisdom and virtue were so apparent, that when the four years for which he had been elected were passed, the people proved that they knew the value of his character, and he was unanimously re-elected. He earnestly wished to return to private life, and expressed to his friends his intention to do so ; but they convinced him that it was his duty not to in dulge this wish ; the state of public affairs at that time, requiring all his firm virtue to pre serve the government from being engaged in the contentions which were commencing between the nations of Europe. When he met Congress after his re-election, his speech on the state of public affairs was deeply in teresting, and contained this expression of pious feelings : " I humbly implore that Being on whose will the fate of nations depends, to crown with success our mutual endeavours for the general happiness." The French revolution had commenced, and war was declared between England and France. Some Americans thought that their overnment ought to aid France against Eng- and, and the difference of opinion on this subject divided the people into two parties. But the president was not to be turned from his. determination, to "cultivate peace with all the world;" and immediately after his re- 226 LIFE OF election, he proclaimed that the American go vernment would not take any part in the ge neral war which had commenced. He thus secured for his country the rich blessing of peace ; and while war was raging amongst other nations, the Americans increased their trade, and sent large portions of their full har vests to different parts of the world. The president was at times so much en gaged that he could not allow himself time to lake any other exercise than a walk to his watch maker s, in Second Street, to regulate his watch by the time-piece. Mothers who felt the value of what he had done for their children, watched for the hour in which it was usual for him to pass, and then brought out their children to show Washington tc them. When the boys in the streets saw him they used to cry out, " Here comes Washing ton ! here comes Washington !" they seldom called him the president. Washington was a far dearer name ; and he usually increased their delight by noticing them with a kind smile, giving them his hand, or taking the lit tle children up in his arms.* When he could be absent from the city for a few hours with out neglecting a duty, he enjoyed a visit to Judge Peters, at his home on the Schuylkill a few miles distant from Philadelphia. In the cultivated ground there, he planted a nut, which has grown into a thriving chestnut tree, and is cherished with great care. He was * See appendix (D). WASHINGTON. 227 fond of riding on horseback, and one day in the winter, when the river Delaware was fro zen, so that loaded sleds passed over it; he crossed into Jersey to enjoy a ride in the leafless woods. On his return, he found at Cooper s ferry a farmer with a sled load of wood, just going on the ice. The president stopped his horse, to let the farmer pass on before him. But the farmer, who knew Washington, stopped also, and stepping up to him, said respectfully " Sir, do you think it is right for you to run the risk of riding across the river on the ice ?" " Why, my friend," said the president, "I think if you can pass over with your sled load of wood without breaking through,! have no reason to be afraid." "Ah," replied the farmer, " if I and a dozen like me, should fall through and be drowned, we should hardly be missed ; but the country cannot do without you, Sir." " Well, go on first then," said Washington, " and I think if the ice does not break with your load and horses, I can then pass it without danger." The farmer moved on without delay, being, no doubt, well pleased to serve Washington as a guide, and to watch for the preservation of a life he valued so highly. In 1794, the second year after Washing ton s election, he had occasion to exercise his firmness in quelling an insurrection excited in the western parts of Pennsylvania by some yflnprincipled idlers. Americans had resisted 228 LIFE OF with bravery and success, a foreign foe, but they had, and it is a sad truth, still have, an enemy in their homes, to which too many willingly submit, though by doing so they yield their rio ht to the name of freemen ; for strong drink is a tyrant which chains the body in disgrace and poverty. It weakens the mind, and either destroys all recollection of the laws of God, or else causes a total dis regard of them, and prepares the soul for everlasting punishment. Young Americans, this powerful foe is on every side of you, tempting you to become its slaves. Beware ! touch not, taste not strong drink, and when you see in others the evil effects of indulging in a love of it, let the bad example cause you sorrow, and prove a warning to you to begin n youth a firm resistance to such an enemy. It was this foe to good order and morality, that caused the insurrection which has been men tioned. Congress had laid a tax on spirits distilled within the United States, and some of the inhabitants of the western part of Penn sylvania, not only refused to pay the tax, but treated with violence these who were appointed to collect it. The disgraceful example was followed by so many, that it became neces sary for the president to notice it. He en deavoured to make the rioters submit quietly to the laws, but when he found that they would not do so, he determined on sending against them a force which would be too po\v- WASHINGTON. 229 erful for them to resist. By doing this he hoped to prevent any blood being shed. Troops were directed to assemble at Bedford, in Pennsylvania ; and at Cumberland, on the Potomac. Governor Lee, of Virginia, was appointed to command the expedition, and as the president had expected, the greatness of the force subdued, without shedding blood, the perverse spirit which had been raging. During this season, the cares of Washington were greater, perhaps, than at any other period of his administration. The British government had not given up their posts on the south side of the lakes, which they had agreed to do in the treaty of peace ; and the American govern ment had violated the treaty, by passing some laws, which had prevented English subjects from recovering debts due to them in this country, Washington was just, and would not yield to the clamour which was raised against the English. He was of opinion, that " peace ought to be pursued with unremitted zeal," while every necessary preparation should be made for the preservation of national rights, in case war could not be avoided. In writing to a friend, after relating the various difficul ties he had to contend with, he said, " There is but one straight course, and that is, to seek the truth and pursue it steadily." He appointed an ambassador to the English government, for the purpose of endeavouring U 230 LIFE OF to form a treaty. This ambassador was John Jay, who succeeded iri forming a treaty, by which the English surrendered the posts or the south side of the lakes, and this enabled the president to protect the inhabitants of the frontiers from the Indians, and to promote the improvement and comfort of the Indians, for whom he was always interested. In recommending this subject to the attention of Congress, he said, that " As Americans were more powerful and enlightened than the Indians, they ought to treat them with kind ness and liberality." While Washington was pursuing that course of conduct towards the English government, which he knew would promote the interests of his country, he was severely tried by the party spirit which was growing strong in the minds of his countrymen, and which encou raged the French minister to behave in a very insolent manner towards the government That minister, Mr. Genet, had arrived in Charleston in the year 1793, and he under took to authorize the fitting out of armed ves sels there, to capture the vessels of nations with whom the United States were at peace. .An English merchant ship was also captured by a French privateer, within the capes of the Delaware, on her way from Philadelphia to the ocean. .The British minister complained of this, ,and also of the conduct of Genet ; and the WASHINGTON, 231 council of the president unanimously agreed that restitution should be made for the capture of the English ship, and that Genet should not be permitted to act again, as he had done at Charleston. This displeased him greatly. He had engaged two Americans to cruise from that port ; they were arrested, and he demand ed their release ; not only of the magistrate, but of the president, in a very insolent letter ; and, calculating on the support of the party in favour of France, he insulted the government, by appealing to the people against their presi dent. Washington directed Mr. Morris, the Ame rican minister, who was in France, to repre sent the conduct of Genet to his government, and request that he should be recalled. The request was complied with; but the party feelings which had been excited, continued to increase, and caused Washington s path to be a thorny one. But, difficult as it was, he pur sued steadily the great end which he had al ways in view, " the best interests of his coun- ry-" While he was deeply engaged in public bu siness, he heard intelligence which pained his heart. It was, that Lafayette had been driven from his native land, by the unprincipled men who were conducting the revolution there and that he had been seized in Prussia, and sent to Austria ; the emperor of which coun try directed that he should be confined in a 232 LIFE OF dungeon, in the town of Olmutz. Washing ton could not interfere for his release, except in the private character of his friend ; and he used every means in his power to obtain it, and wrote a letter to the emperor of Austria, requesting him to permit Lafayette to come to % America, hut his request was not granted. A young German, named Bolman, and a young American, named Huger, formed a plan for effecting the escape of Lafayette. He was sometimes permitted to leave his dim geon, and walk for a short distance with a guard. One day Bolman and Huger watched for him, and had a horse ready, which Huger led suddenly up to him, and desired him to mount and escape ; the horse took fright and ran off, Bolman followed to endeavour to catch it, and Huger then insisted that Lafayette should mount his horse ; he did so, and was soon out of sight. Bolman could not overtake the affrighted horse, and he returned and took Huger behind him, and they followed Lafay ette. The guard gave the alarm, and they were quickly pursued ; Huger was seized, but Bol man at that time escaped. Lafayette was 1, and brought back to Olmutz. Ihained, hand and foot, Huger w r as carried before a judge, who told him that it was pro bable his life would be the forfeit of his at tempt to assist Lafayette to escape ; but that possibly the emperor would treat him with stopped, Chair WASHINGTON. 233 clemency, on account of his youth and mo tives. " Clemency!" said Huger, "how can 1 expect it from a man who did not act even with justice to Lafayette ?" The judge said to him, "If ever I need a friend, I hope that friend maybe an American." Huger suffered from a close imprisonment for some time, and was then allowed to return to his own coun try. The efforts of Washington for the release of his friend, did not cease, and perhaps the tetter which he wrote to the emperor had the effect of lessening the severity with which Lafayette had been treated, and of shortening the period of his caplivitv. His son, named George Washington, made his escape from France, and arrived at Boston. The president advised him to enter the University at Cam bridge, and assured him that he would stand in the place of a father to him, and become his friend, protector, and supporter. When the time came for a third election of president, the people were again ready to unite in voting for Washington. But he firmly refused to be re-elected. He assured his coun trymen that he did not do so from any want of respect for their past kindness, or from feeling less anxious for their future prosperi ty ; that he had twice yielded to their wishes, because he thought that it was his duty to do so, but felt that then the happy state of their concerns would permit his retiring to enjoy u2 234 LIFE OF the quiet of his own home. As his determina tion was firm, they did not persist in opposing it, and he prepared to take again the character of a private citizen. In concluding his last speech to Congress, (for Washington made his annual communica tions to Congress in a speech, instead of send ing a written message, as his successors have done,) he said, " I cannot omit the occasion to repeat my fervent supplications to the Su preme Ruler of the universe and sovereign ar biter of nations, that his providential care may still be extended to the United States ; that the virtue and happiness of the people may be preserved, and that the government, which they have instituted for the protection of their liberties, may be perpetual." He also published a farewell address to the people of the United States, which contains the most instructive, important, and interest ing advice, that was ever given by man to any nation. It is long, and has been often pub lished, and splendidly engraved, and all young Americans should read it with attention, and make a firm determination that they will en deavour to follow the important and affec tionate counsel, which the wise and virtuous Washington has left them as a legacy. He toiled through years of anxious cares to pro- mote the happiness of his countrymen, and knowing that " sin is a disgrace to any peo ple," but that " righteousness exalteih a n-i WASHINGTON. 235 tion," he earnestly entreated them to consider religion as the only lasting support of national prosperity. When the Americans were convinced that Washington would retire from office, they elected John Adams, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and who had served as vice-president during the whole term of Washington s presidency. Washington remained to offer his good wishes as a private citizen to the new president, and then immediately journeyed towards his home, which ho was anxious to reach ; and, in a letter to a friend, he said, " To the wearied traveller, who sees a resting place, and is bending his body to lean thereon, I now com pare myself." Washington was ever ready to acknowledge the particular providence, and to adore the glorious character, of the Creator of heaven and of earth; and therefore, when he rejoiced in the prosperity of his loved countrv, his heart could feel and offer the ascription. " Unto thee, O Lord, be all the glory and th praise." CHAPTER XII 17961799. THE rest for which Washington had longed, <vas not idleness ; and, when he had examined 236 LIFE, OF every part of his large farm, which had been in some degree neglected during- his absence, he immediately commenced the employment of improving it. His faithful mother, in forming his first ha bits, had not neglected that of early rising ; and through the whole of his useful life tha habit was continued ; in winter, he rose usu ally two hours before day ; and in summer was ready to enjoy the healthful freshness and beauty of the dawn. The habit of early rising, in connexion with the exemplary one of strict attention to order in all his employments, gave Washington "time for all things," so that even when he had numerous and arduous public duties to at tend to, he did not neglect any private one, but performed with ease himself, what would seem to be employment for many. He was remarkably neat in his person, but used a very short portion of time for attention to his dress. After his return to his farm, he visited his stables every day, to be certain that his horses were well taken care of. The one on which he rode when he was directing the siege of Yorktown, he did not use again ; it was al lowed to graze on the best pasture in sum mer, and was carefully stabled in winter, and died of old age, several years after the close of the war. Washington was employed for several WASHINGTON. 237 hours, each day, in visiting all parts of his large farm. He went alone, opening and shutting the gates, and pulling down and put ting up the bars as he passed. One day, Colonel Meade, a valued friend of Washington, was met by ^Vlr. Custis, a re lation of Mrs. Washington ; Colonel Meade inquired if he should find the General at the house, or if he was out on the farm. Mr. Custis, not knowing Colonel Meade, replied, that the General was out ; and, giving direc tions as to the part of the farm on which he would probably be found, added, " You will meet, sir, with an old gentleman, riding alone, in plain drab clothes, a broad brimmed white hat, a hickory switch in his hand, and carrying an umbrella, with a long staff, which is attached to his saddle-boit\ that, sir, is General Washington /" The old friend of Washington replied, " Thank you, thank you, young gentleman ; I think, if I fall in with the General, I shall be apt to know him." This description of Washington gives us some knowledge of how he looked on his farm. So many pictures of him, in different situations, have been drawn, and young Americans have so often seen him represented on sign-posts in every part of the land, that they think they know exactly how he looked ; but unless they had seen him, instead of pic tures of him, they can have no correct idea of his noble appearance. 238 LIFE OF In his youth he was remarkable for the straightness and manliness of his form, which was si^ feet and two inches high. The ex pression of his countenance was serious, but very pleasing; his eyes were a mild blue, and the Hush of health gave a glow to his cheeks. His step was always firm; but after the toils of the long war, his body was a little bent as he walked, and his once smooth forehead and cheeks were wrinkled. The picture we have used as a frontispiece, represents his features in accordance with the popular impression. But there is reason to believe that this impression does great injus tice to the original. This is the opinion of many who most distinctly remember him. The river Potomac which flows by Mount Vernon, mingles with the Shenandoah river, at Harper s Ferry, and presents a scene wild and grand. There, the Shenandoah, after ranging from the south a hundred miles along the foot of the Blue Ridge, flows into the Potomac, and the united streams roll calmly on towards the ocean, with the name of Po tomac, and give variety to the landscape of a level country, which is seen like a distant picture, through the opening in the Blue Ridge. At a great height, the surface of the wall of rock is broken in the form of a human head, and the profile can be plainly traced. Travellers, who stop to gaze at the grand scenery around, WASHINGTON. 239 are told that this profile on the rock resem bles that of Washington ; and Americans who look at it, can readily and fondly think, that they see a likeness of him, where the hand of man can never reach to deface it. At Harper s Ferry are extensive public works, for making military arms. If his countrymen regard and follow the important farewell counsel of Washington, to " Observe good faith and justice towards all nations, and to cultivate peace and harmony with all" these arms will not be used, except as weapons of defence ; and then not until " the cup of reconciliation is exhausted to the last drop." A weekly school is kept at Harper s Ferry, for the children of the workmen, and they nave the blessing of Sunday-school instruc tion. Had Washington lived to the time when there are Sunday-schools in almost every por tion of his native land, no doubt he would have rejoiced to see the children taught to know their Creator as he has revealed him self in his word, to fear, obey, and love him, and thus secure the blessing of " the faith- tif God, who keepeth covenant and merc;y with them that love him and keep his com mandments, to a thousand generations." Washington said, " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable sup ports." Certainly, then, he would have ap- 240 LIFE OF proved of children being 1 taught the pnre pre cepts of the gospel, and trained to restrain those natural dispositions, which, if indulged, would make them in manhood, useless or vicious members of the community. He also said, that " without an humble imitation of the example of the divine Author of our blessed religion, we cannot hope to be a happy na tion." And as Washington always acted as if he believed what he expressed, he would have encouraged the effort to place in every family of his country the Bible, which teaches what that Divine example was, and how to obtain that " new heart," and " right spirit," which delights in following it. The active interest in behalf of Sunday-schools, displayed by that revered man, who bore the name and succeeded to the estate of Washington, favours such a presumption. He who fol lowed so closely the habits of his honoured relative, and who maintained his principles, so rigidly, was, to the day of his death, an ardent friend to this system of universal edu cation. He considered, to use his own lan guage, a society constituted for the promotion of this great object, as entitled to be " called the Charitable Society, as it diffused most per manently, the greatest amount of good." The wants of the poor were not neglected by Washington. He contributed liberally to the support of schools for the children of the WASHINGTON. 241 indigent ; and the sick and aged could bear Testimony to me benevolence of his heart. On nis farm he had a comfoi table house Duilt for an old English soldier, who had been an attendant of General Rraddock, at the time of his defeat; after his death, he en tered into the service of Washington, and LOII- tinued in it until the close of the provincial war : he then married, and a home was pro vided for him at Mount Vernon. He was to? old to follow his beloved commander in the struggle for independence, and was left at home to enjoy the comforts which old age re quires. Children loved to visit the old soi- dier, and listen to his tales of the Indian wai, which he delighted in telling. When Washing ton was passing round his farm, he often stop ped to gladden the heart of the gray-headed ve teran with kind words; and he lived to enjoy the comforts which had been provided for him until he was eighty years of age. The days of Washington were spent in ust- ful employments, and his evenings in the en joyment of domestic happiness. It was then his custom to read to his family such new publications as interested him, and on Sun day evenings the Bible and a sermon. Some- times he would sit, as if he forgot that he was not alone, and raising his hand, would move his lips silently, as if engaged in prayer. In town or country, he was a constant attendant upon public worship, and by his devout de X 242 LIFE OF portment there, proved that he went there foi the purpose of worshipping God. He always acknowledged by his example, that he felt his solemn obligation to keep holy the Sabbath day ; and to influence others to do so as far as was within his power. His nephew, Bushrod Washington, was elected in the year 1826, a vice-president of the American Sunday School Union. He re sided at Mount Vernon, which was left to him by his illustrious uncle. In a part of his answer to the letter which informed him of his election, he wrote thus : " I beg leave now to express the grateful sense I have of the honour conferred upon me, by the American Sunday School Union, in elect ing me one of the vice-presidents of that institution, and of the approbation bestowed by the Board of Managers upon the well in tended efforts which I have made to secure the due observance of the sabbath day, upon a spot, where I am persuaded, it was never vio lated, during the life, and with the permission of its former venerable and truly Christian owner." General Washington said, that " both rea son and experience forbid us to e xpect that morality can prevail to the exclusion of reli gious principle; 1 and this sentiment is well supported by Chief-Justice Hale of England, who said, " that "of all the persons who were convicted of capital crimes, while he WASHINGTON. 243 was upon the bench, he found a few only, who would not confess, on inquiry, that they began their career of wickedness by a neglect of the duties of the Sabbath, and a vicious conduct on that day" And no doubt, the prisons of our own counfry could produce a host of witnesses to testify the same. Then the example of Washington in remembering " the sabbath day, to keep it holy," was that of a patriot as well as a Christian. The peaceful life of Washington on his farm was again disturbed by a call from his countrymen to become their leader in the de fence of their national rights. The French republic had refused to receive General Pinck- ney, a highly respected American, whom Washington had sent to France as minister in xne year 1796. He was ordered to quit the erritories of France, and at the same time Lat the French republic expressed great at tachment to the people of the United States they abused the government, and thus showed an intention to endeavour to separate the peo ple from their government. They also cap tured American vessels wherever they were found. The government of the United States appointed three envoys, one of whom was C4eneral Pinckney, to endeavour to preserve peace " on terms compatible with the rights duties, interests, and honour of the nation." In the spring of 1798, they informed their government that they had entirely failed, and 244 LIFE or were treated in a very insulting manner. Two of them were ordered to quit France, one was permitted to remain. Congress determined on raising an army, and though they regretted to deprive the vene rable Washington of that rest which he had earned by his past services, they complied with the wishes of his countrymen, and request ed him to accept the command of the army. He did so, but continued to employ himself on his farm, being ready at any moment to obey a call to the duties of his appointment. But his Creator was soon about to call him from all earthly duties. We have now to proceed to the melancholy task of giving an account of the last sickness and the death of the Father of his Country. And this cannot be done better than in the words of Tobias Lear, one of hi;s attendants, who drew up the following statement, on the day after the General s death. We have no fear, that any of our rea ders will think the details too particular : " On Thursday, December 12, the General rode out to his farm at about ten o clock, and did not return home till past three. Soon af ter he went out, the weather became very bad ; rain, hail, and snow falling alternately, with a cold wind. When he came in, I car ried some letters to him to frank, intending to send them to the post-office. He franked the letters, but said the weather was too bad to send a servant to the office that evening i WASHINGTON. 245 observed to him that I was afraid he had got wet ; he said no his great coat had kept him dry; but his neck appeared to be wet the snow/ was hanging to his hair. " He came to dinner without changing his dress. In the evening he appeared as well as usual. A heavy fall of snow took place on Friday, which prevented the General from riding out as usual. He had taken cold, (un doubtedly from being so much exposed the day before,) and complained of having a sore throat ; he had a hoarseness, which increased in the evening, but he made light of it, as he would never take any thing to carry off a cold, always observing, "let it go as it came." In the evening, the papers having come from the post oilice, he sat in the room, with Mrs. Washington and myself, reading them, till about nine o clock ; and, when he met with any thing which he thought divert ing or interesting, he would read it aloud. He desired me to read to him the debates of the Virginia Assembly, on the election of a senator and governor, which I did. On his retiring to bed, he appeared to be in perfect health, except the cold, which he considered as tri fling he had been remarkably cheerful al the evening. " About two or three o clock on Saturday morning, he awoke Mrs. Washington, and in formed her he was very unwell, and had an ague. She observed that he could scarcely 246 LIFE OF speak, and breathed with difficulty, and she wished to get up and call a servant ; but the General would not permit her, lest she should take cold. As soon as the day appeared, the woman Caroline went into the room to make a fire, and the girl desired that Mr. Rawlins, one of the overseers, who was used to bleed ing the people, might be sent for to bleed him before the Doctor could arrive. I was sent for went to the General s chamber, where Mrs. Washington was up, and related to me his being taken ill between two and three o clock, as before stated. I found him breathing with difficulty, and hardly able to utter a word intelligibly. I went out instantly, and wrote a line to Dr. Plask, and sent it with all speed. Immediately I returned to the General s cham ber, where I found him in the same situation I had left him. A mixture of molasses, vine gar, and butter, was prepared, but lie could not swallow a drop; whenever he attempted it he was distressed, convulsed, and almost suf focated. " Mr. Rawlins came in soon after sunrise, and prepared to bleed him ; when the arm was ready the General observing Rawlins ap peared agitated, said, with difficulty, " don t be afraid ;" and, after the incision was made, lie observed the orifice was not large enough however the blood ran pretty freely. Mrs. Washington, not knowing whether bleeding was proper in the General s situation, begged WASHINGTON. 247 that much blood might, not be taken from him, and desired me to stop it. When I was abou to untie the string, the General put up iiis hand to prevent it, and, so soon as he couid speak, said " more." " Mrs. Washington being still uneasy lest too much blood should be taken, it was stopped, after about half a pint had been taken. Find ing that no relief could be obtained from bleed ing, and that nothing could be swallowed, I proposed bathing the throat externally with sal volatile, which was done ; a piece of ilan- nel was then put around his ne ck. His feet were also soaked in warm water, but it gave no relief. By Mrs. Washington s request, I de spatched a messenger for Dr. Brown, at Port Tobacco. About 9 o clock l3r. Craik arrived, and put a blister of flies on the throat of the General, and took more blood, and had some vinegar and hot water set in a teapot for him to draw in the steam from the spout. " He also had sage tea and vinegar mixed and used as a gargle, but, when he held back his head to let it run down, it almost produced suffocation. When the mixture came out of his mouth some phlegm followed it. and he would attempt to cough, which the Doctor encouraged, but without effect. About eleven I clock Dr. Dick was sent for. Dr. Craik fried the General again, but no effect was pro duced, and he continued in the same state, unable to swallow any thing. Dr. Dick r-ime 248 LIFE OF m about three o clock, and Dr. Brown arrived BOOH after; when, after consultation, the Ge neral was bled again, the blood ran slowly, appeared very thick, and did not produce any symptoms of fainting. At four o clock tne General could swallow a little. Calomel and tartar emetic were administered without effect About half past four o clock he desired me to ask Mrs. Washington to come to his bedside, when he desired her to go down to his room and take from his desk two wills which she would find there, and bring them to him, which she did ; upon looking at one, which he observed was useless, he desired her to burn it, which she did, and then took the other and put it way ; after this was done I returned again to his bed side and took his hand : He said to me, "I find I am going my breath cannot continue long : I believed from the first attack it would be fatal. Do you arrange and record all my military letters and papers ; arrange my accounts and settle my books, as you know more about them than any one else ; and let Mr. Rawlins finish re cording my other letters, which he has be gun." He asked when Mr. Lewis and Wash ington would return ? I told him I believed about the 20th of the month. He made no re ply to it. " The physicians came in between five and six o clock, and, when they came to his bed side, Dr. Craik asked him if he would sir up WASHINGTON. 249 in the bed : he held out his hand to me and was raised up, when he said to the physician " I feel myself going ; you had better not take any more trouble about me, but let me go off quietly ; 1 cannot last long." They found what had been done was without effect ; he laid down again, and they retired, excepting Dr. Craik. He then said to him " Doctor, 1 die hard, but I am not afraid to go ; I be lieved, from my first attack, I should not sur vive it; my breath cannot last long." The doctor pressed his hand, but could not utter a word ; he retired from the bedside and sat by the fire, absorbed in grief. About eight o clock the physicians again came into the room, and applied blisters to his legs, but went out with out a ray of hope. From this time he appeared to breathe with less difficulty than he had done, but was very restless, continually chang ing his position, to endeavour to get ease. I aided him all in my power, and was gratified in believing he felt it, for he would look upon me with eyes speaking gratitude, but unable to utter a word without great distress. About ten o clock he made several attempts to speak to me before he could effect it ; at length he said, " I am just going. Have ine decently buried; and do not let my body be put into the vault in less than two days after I am dead." I bowed assent. He looked at me again, and said, " Do you understand me ?" t replied, " Yes, sir." " Tis well," said he. 250 LIFE OF About ten minutes before he expired, his breathing became much easier he lay quiet ly lie withdrew his hand from mine and felt his own pulse. I spoke to Dr. Crnik, who snt by the tire ; he came to the bedside. The General s hand fell from his wrist ; I took it in mine and placed it on my breast. Dr. Craik placed his hands over his eyes, and he expired without a struggle or a sigh." His loved wife kneeled beside his bed, with her head resting on the Bible, in which she daily read the pre cepts, and cheering promises of her Saviour; and they comforted her in her hour of deepest eorrow. Her miniature portrait was found on the bosom of Washington, where he had worn it for forty years. The report of his death reached Congress oefore they knew of his sickness ; and when they heard it, a solemn silence prevailed for several minutes ; Judge Marshall, afterwards Chief Justice of the United States, observed, " This information is not certain, but there is too much reason to believe it true. After re ceiving intelligence of a national calamity so heavy and afflicting, the House of Representa tives can be but ill-fitted for public business." He . then moved an adjournment, and both houses adjourned until the next day. When Congress then met, Mr. Marshall proposed several resolutions; one of which was, "Re solved, That a committee, in conjunction with one from the Senate, be appointed, to consi- WASHINGTON. 201 der on the most suitable manner of paying ho nour to the memory of the man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fel low-citizens." The Senate addressed a letter to the presi dent, in which they said, "Permit us, sir, to mingle our tears with yours. On this occasion it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father. The Almighty disposer of human events has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with reverence to him who maketh darkness his pavilion. The president returned an answer expres* sive of his sorrow for the cteath of Washing ton, and in the conclusion of it, said, " Hia example is now complete ; and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens and men ; and not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read." The people throughout the United States mourned for Washington. They had been ever ready to unite in expressing their grate ful attachment to him, and they felt that they had indeed lost their greatest benefactor. In his will, which was a just and .benevo lent one, he directed that his body should be laid in a vault, at Mount Vernon ; and added, " It is my express desire, that my corpse may 252 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. be intered in a private manner, without parade or funeral oration." The original family vault of General Wash ington was about three hundred yards south of the mansion, and consisted of a narrow excava tion in the bank, arched over with brick and covered with sod. It was his design to have ap propriated another spot to this purpose, and he actually selected one before his death. A few years since a brick tomb was built on the site thus selected. The front of the tomb is rough cast, and has a plain iron door inserted in a strong free-stone casement. Over the door is a stone panel, on which the following sentence is engraved : " I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE ; HE THAT BELIEVETH IN ME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YF/F SHALL HE LIVE." The spot is enclosed \yith a brick wall, twelve feet high, and entered in front by an iron gateway, several feet in advance of the vault door. Over the gate is a plain slab in serted in the brick work, on which is inscribed the following sentence : " WITHIN THIS ENCLOSURE REST THE RE MAINS OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. 253 CONCLUSION.* WASHINGTON was born on the 22d February, in the year 1732, and died on the 14th De cember, 1799. One hundred years have elapsed since he was a child in a country school. From the time he was thirteen years old, his manuscript school books have been preserved. He had then completed the study of arithmetic, and these books commence with geometry. All the writing is neat, and the geometrical figures drawn with accuracy. There is one book of an earlier date, containing thirty folio paires ; many of which are filled with what he terms " Forms of Writing." They are notes of hand, bills of exchange, land warrants, deeds, wills, &c., carefully written; the most impor tant words in large and varied characters, in imitation of a clerk s hand. Under the head of " Rules of J3ekaviour in Company and Conversation," one hundred and ten are writ ten and numbered. A few will serve to show their general character, and may be useful to the young reader, as proofs of the early dili- * The additional information contained in this conclu sion, has been selected from " The Life and Writings of Washington," in twelve volumes, by Jared Sparks, who had in his possession, for ten years, all the original pub lic and private papers of Washington ; and from these and other sources drew materials for his invaluable work, published in 1839. 254 LIFE OF gence of Washington in using every means in his power to polish his manners, cherish kind feelings, impress upon his memory his duties, and incite to continual self-discipline. Selections from the Rules. "In your apparel be modest, and endeavoui to accommodate nature rather than to procure admiration ; keep to the fashion and habits of your equals, such as are civil and orderly with respect to times and places." " Play not the peacock, looking everywhere about you to see if you be well decked, if your shoes fit well, if your stockings sit neatly, and clothes handsomely." " Be not curious to know the affairs of others ; neither approach to those that speak in private." " Come not near the books or writings of any one so as to read them, unless desired, nor give your opinion of them unasked ; also look not nigh when another is writing a letter." " Read no letters, books, or papers in com pany ; but when there is a necessity for doing it, you must ask leave." "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation ; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." " Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present." " Be not forward, but friendly and courte- WASHINGTON. 255 ous ; the first to salute, hear and answer; and be not pensive when it is a time to converse." " Think before you speak, pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your tvords too hastily, but orderly and distinctly." * Strive not with your superiors in argu ment, but always submit your judgment to others with modesty." " When another speaks, be attentive your self, and disturb not the audience." " Let your conversation be without malice or envy, for it is a sign of a tractable and com mendable nature ; and in all causes of passion admit reason to govern." " In dispute, be not so desirous to overcome as not to give liberty to each one to deliver his opinion; and submit to the judgment of 4 .he major part, especially if they are judges if the dispute." " Speak not injurious words, neither in jest tor earnest ; scoff at none, although they give Occasion." " Be not hasty to believe flying reports to the disparagement of any." " Be not apt to relate news, if you know not the truth thereof. In discoursing of things you have heard, name not your author always. A secret, discover not." " Speak not evil of the absent, for it is un just." " Detract not from others, neither be exces sive in commending." 256 LIFE OF "Use no reproachful language against any one, neither curse nor revile." " Mock not, nor jest at any thing of im portance." " When you deliver a matter, do it without passion, and with discretion, however mean the person be you do it to." " Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy." " When a man does all he can, though it succeeds not well, blame not him that did it." " Wherein you reprove another be unblam able yourself; for example is more prevalent than precept." "Being to advise or reprehend any one, consider whether it ought to be in public, or in private ; presently, or at some other time ; in what terms to do it ; and in reproving, show no signs of choler, but do it with sweetness and mildness." "Take all admonitions thankfully, in what time or place soever given ; but afterwards, not being culpable, take a time or place con venient to let him know it that gave them." " Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise." " Honour and obey your natural parents, although they be poor." " When you speak of God, or his attributes, let it be seriously in reverence." " Sublime matters treat seriously." WASHINGTON. 257 " Let your recreations be manful, not sin- 61." " Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience" Washington vigilantly obeyed this last coun sel ; and endeavoured "to have always a con science void of offence toward God and toward men." Self-discipline, thus early commenced and unweariedly persevered in, enabled him to control his naturally strong temper, and check his ardent feelings. And the mildness and propriety of his manners, the firm correctness with which he spoke and acted on all occa sions, evinced that he was influenced through life by the code of rules formed in his boyhood ; and when a young fatherless nephew was under his care, in a letter of advice to him he said, " Your future character and reputation will depend very much, if not entirely, upon the habits and manners which you contract in the present period of your life. You should therefore be extremely cautious how you put yourself into the way of imbibing those cus toms which may tend to corrupt your manners, or vitiate your heart." Excellent as was his code of maxims, the book which contains it shows that it was not the highest source from which the youthful writer sought aid to form a virtuous character; for there also are transcribed selections of reli- Y2 258 LIFE OF gious poetry; one of which written on Christ mas day, commences thus : " Assist me, muse divine, to sing the morn, On which the Saviour of mankind was born." The pious feelings which prompted the boy of thirteen to employ his pen with this holy theme, induced him in early manhood, when under the English government he commanded a portion of the army, to apply earnestly for chaplains to perform divine service regularly ; and in his orders to desire the officers " to punish severely any man whom they should hear swear, or make use of an oath." And when he was at the head of the American army, influenced by the same feelings, in giving orders to the commanding officers of each regiment to procure chaplains, he directed that they should see that all inferior officers and soldiers should pay them suitable respect; and added, " The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary ; but espe cially so in times of public distress and danger. The general hopes and trusts that every officer and man will live and act as becomes a Chris tian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." After expressing sorrow that the " foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing had become common; and a hope that the officers would by their example as well as influence, check it, he said, "And that both they and the men WASHINGTON. 259 will reflect that we can have little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our arms, if we in sult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this, it is a vice so mean and low, without ^iy temptation, that every man of sense and cha racter detests and despises it." In his sixteenth year, the last summer that he was at school, he surveyed the fields around the school-house ; and those of the adjoining plantations, entered the result carefully in a book, used logarithms, and proved the accu racy of his work by different methods. He thus filled several quires of paper, in which there are no blots ; the diagrams are beautiful, and the tables and columns of figures arranged with precision. Through his busy life he felt the benefit of his early methodical habits. All nis business-papers and letter-books are with out blemishes ; and are excellent specimens of exactness. His original papers, including his own letters and those which he received, amount to more than two hundred folio vo- Inrnes. They now belong to the American, nation ; for they have been purchased by Con gress, and deposited in the archives of the de partment of state at the seat of government. His earliest compositions were incorrect in their grammatical construction, and prove that he was not taught at school the principles of language ; but he perseveringly tried to im prove himself by study, reading and practice, until he wrote correctly, and used the most 260 LIFE OF appropriate words to express his thoughts And it has been remarked that " His language ma^>e said to have reflected the image of his miifl^ in which candour, sincerity, and direct ness were prevailing traits." His assiduity was no doubt very gratifying to his anxious mother, who could not procure for him the aid of a learned instructor; but she religiously nculcated in his childhood those virtuous principles without which the most learned edu cation is useless. Her son proved, by his love and respect, his gratitude for her pious solici tude. When she died, he was President of the United States ; he was recovering from a se vere illness, and wrote thus to his sister: " Aw ful and affecting as the death of a parent is, there is consolation in knowing that Heaven has spared us ours to an age beyond which few attain, and favoured her with the enjoy ment of her mental faculties, and as much bodily strength as usually falls to the lot of fourscore. Under these considerations, and a hope that she is translated to a happier place, it is the duty of her relatives to yield submis sion to the decrees of the Creator." Knowing and feeling the importance of edu cation, he was always anxious to promote it, and when, soon after the war, he was chosen Chancellor of William and Mary College in Virginia, in his answer to the trustees accept ing the appointment, he said, " I rely fully on your strenuous endeavours for placing the sys- WASHINGTON. 261 tern on such a basis as will render it most beneficial to the state and the republic of letters, as well as to the more extensive interests of humanity and religion. 1 In several instajfes he offered to pay the expenses of young men through a collegiate course. And for many years gave annually fifty pounds for the in struction of poor children in Alexandria ; and in his will left a legacy of four thousand dol lars, the income of which was to be thus ap plied forever. He always remembered the poor. When Mrs. Washington was with him in the camp, he wrote to the person,-wllb had the care of his farm: "Let the hospitalities of the house with respect to the poor be kept up. Let no one go hungry away." He then directed that those who wanted corn should be supplied, provided it should not encourage them in idleness ; and that forty or fifty pounds should be expended for the relief of the needy. It has been said of him, that " the character of his mind was unfolded in the public and private acts of his life ; and the proofs of his greatness are seen almost as much in one as the other." When he was at the head of the army, and at the height of his power, a propo sal was made to him to take the title of king ; in his answer to the officer through whom it was made, he said, " Be assured, sir, no occur rence in the course of the war has given me more painful sensations than your information of there being such ideas existing in the arrny 262 LIFE OF as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence, and reprehend with severity." He always formed his determinations deliberately, anwthen used his power with firmness, when he knew that by doing so he should be acting as " the Father of his country" in promoting its prosperity : and when addresses were sent to induce him to refuse to sign the treaty which he had appointed Mr. Jay to negotiate with England ; in his answer to one he said, " While I feel the most lively gratitude for the many instances of approbation from my country, I can no otherwise deserve it than by obeying the dictates of rny conscience." And in a let ter to a friend he said, " The good citizen will look beyond the applauses and reproaches of men, and, persevering in duty, stand firm in conscious rectitude, in the hope of approving Heaven."* There is a natural fearlessness of danger, which is miscalled courage, when it induces a selfish disregard of the welfare of others. Courage, physical and moral, was a part of the nature of Washington ; but his highest ambition was to promote the happi ness of mankind ; and the noble sentiments of this humane hero were thus expressed in a letter to a French nobleman. " Your young military men who want to reap a harvest of laurels, do not care, I suppose, how many seeds of war are sown ; but, for the sake of hu manity, it is devoutly to be wished that the * See page 230. WASHINGTON. 263 manly employment of agriculture, and the hu manizing benefits of commerce would super sede the waste of war, and the rage of con quest ; that the swords might be turned into ploughshares, and the spears into pruning- hooks ; and, as the Scriptures express it, the nations learn war no more. " On another oc casion he said, " My first wish is to see the whole world in peace, and the inhabitants of it as a band of brothers, striving who should contribute most to the happiness of mankind."* He knew that this could be effected only by the universal influence of the precepts of Jesus, the Divine " Prince of Peace ;" and in answer ing the address of the clergy and laity of the Episcopal church, presented when he was first elected president, he said, " On this occasion it would ill become me to conceal the joy I have felt in perceiving the fraternal affection which appears to increase every day among the friends of genuine religion. It affords edi fying prospects indeed, to see Christians of every denomination dwell together in more charity, and conduct themselves in respect to each other with a more Christian spirit than * Mr. Erskine, afterwards Lord Erskine, addressed to Washington a letter, dated London, March 15, 1795, in which he said, " I have a large acquaintance among the most valuable and exalted classes of men ; but you are the only human being for whom I ever felt an aw ful reverence. I sincerely pray God to grant a long and serene evening to a life so gloriously devoted to the uni versal happiness of the world," 264 LIFE OF ever they have done in any former age, or in any other nation." The various addresses he received then, and his answers, fill three manuscript volumes. The close of his answer to the ministers of one religious denomination, will show the feelings which influenced him in replying to all ; he said, " I assure you I take in the kindest part the promise you make of presenting your prayers at the throne of grace for me ; and that I likewise will implore the divine benediction on yourselves and your religious community." This declaration of Washington was not an unmeaning profession, and no doubt he lite rally fulfilled this promise to pray for those whose prayers for him were proffered. He was in the habit of communing with God, or he would not have made such an engagement. His practice was always in conformity with the opinions and feelings he expressed, and he had evinced his sentiments on Christian unity of spirit when the American army lay encamp ed at Morristown. He called on the Rev. Dr. Jones, the pastor of the Presbyterian church of that village, and said, " Dr., I understand that thfe Lord s supper is to be celebrated with you next Sunday ; I would learn if it accords with the canon of your church to admit commu nicants of another denomination ?" The doctor replied, " Most certainly ; ours is not the Pres byterian table, general, but the Lord s table ; and we hence give the Lord s invitation to all WASHINGTON. 265 his followers, of whatever name." The gene ral replied, " I am glad of it, that is as it ought to be ; but as I was not quite sure of the fact, I thought I would ascertain it from yourself as I propose to join with you on that occasion. Though a member of the Church of England, I have no exclusive partialities." Dr. Jones assured him of a cordial welcome, and he took his seat with the communicants on the next Sabbath. Early in life, he was actively inte rested in church affairs ; was a vestryman of Truro parish, in which was Pohick church, seven miles from Mount Vernon. He was also a vestryman in Fairfax parish, the place of worship of which was in Alexandria, ten miles from his home. He had a pew in each church. On a day appointed for fasting, hu miliation and prayer, he wrote in his diary, " Went to church and fasted all day" Con forming not only to the spirit, but strictly to the letter of the appointment. His private devotional habits were in accordance with his ( invariable public ones. He usually rose at four o clock and went into his library. His nephew, Mr. Robert Lev/is, who was his private secre tary when he was president, said that he had ac cidentally witnessed his private devotions both morning and evening ; that on those occasions he had seen him in a kneeling posture, with a Bible open before him ; and that he believed such to have been his daily practice. He adopted a grand-daughter of Mrs. Washington, Z 266 LIFE OF and she resided in his family twenty years. In a letter, dated 1833, that lady wrote of Wash ington thus : " It was his custom to retire to his library at nine or ten o clock, where he re mained an hour before he went to his cham ber. He always rose before the sun, and remained in his library until called to break fast. I never witnessed his private devotions. I never inquired about them. I should have thought it the greatest heresy to doubt his firm belief in Christianity. His life, his writings, prove that he was a Christian. He was not one of those who act or pray that they may be seen of men ; he communed with his God in secret. * * * When my aunt, Miss Custis, died suddenly at Mount Vernon, before they could realize the event, he knelt by her and grayed most fervently, most affectionately, for :hcr recovery. He was a silent, thoughtful man. He spoke little, generally never of him- --seC. I never heard him relate a single act of his life during the war." After some other remarks, she mentions her grandmother thus : " He knew that I had the most perfect model of female excellence ever with me, as my mo- nitress, who acted the part of a tender and de voted parent, loving me only as a mother can love, and never extenuating, or approving in me what she disapproved in others. : She never omitted her private devotions or her public duties ; and she and her husband were so per- : fectly united and happy that he must have WASHINGTON. 267 been a Christian.* She had no doubts, no fears for him. After forty years of devoted affection and uninterrupted happiness, she re signed him without a murmur into the arms of his Saviour and his God, with the assured hope of his eternal felicity. Is it necessary that any one should certify General Washing ton avowed himself to me a believer in Chris tianity? as well may we question his patriot ism, his heroic disinterested devotion to his * In the first year of Washington s presidency, Mrs. Washington wrote to a friend thus: "I little thought when the war was finished that any circumstances could possibly happen that would call the general into public life again. I had anticipated that from that moment we should be suffered to grow old together in solitude and tranquillity. That was the first and dearest wish of my heart. I will not, however, contemplate with too much regret, disappointments that were inevitable, though his feelings and my own were in perfect unison with respect to our predilection for private life. Yet, I cannot blame him for having acted according to his ideas of duty in obeying the voice of his country. * * With respect to myself, I sometimes think the arrangement, is not quite as it ought to have been, that I who had much rather be at home, should occupy a place with which a great many younger and gayer women would be ex tremely pleased. ***** I do not say this because I feel dissatisfied with my present station, for everybody and every thing conspire to make me as contented as possible in it ; yet, I have learned too much of the vanity of human affairs, to expect felicity from the scenes of public life. I am still determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be ; for I have also learned from experience, that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go." 268 LIFE OF country. His mottoes were, DEEDS, NOT WORDS; and, FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY. This truly great man, when lie was dying, evinced tender solicitude for the comfort of others. His coloured servant, Christopher, had been for some time standing in his room, and was directed by him to sit down. Mr. Lear, who was on the bed endeavouring to assist him, when he wished to change his posture, said, " He appeared penetrated with gratitude for my attentions, and often said, I am afraid I shall fatigue you too much ; and upon my as suring him that I could feel nothing but a wish to give him ease, he replied, Well, it is a debt we must pay to each other, and I hope when you want aid of this kind you will find it. His patience, fortitude, and resignation, never forsook him for a moment. In all his distress he uttered not a sigh nor a complaint; always endeavouring, from a sense of duty as it appeared, to take what was offered to him, and to do as he was desired by the physicians." Young reader, you have learned why there was cause for joy in WASHINGTON S birth-day, and for sorrow in the day of his death. If you have been attentive to what you have read of his conduct, from the one day to the other, you know that in childhood he was a lover of truth, and a peacemaker among his schoolmates ; that in boyhood he was a diligent scholar, and the leader of his companions not in mischief, folly, of vice, but in harmless and healthy WASHINGTON. 269 exercises; and was a pattern of obedience to the wishes of a parent; that, when the years of boyhood were passed, he immediately ap plied to useful purposes the knowledge which ne had acquired by attention to instruction ; and that early in manhood, he merited the con fidence of the government of his native Pro vince, and was intrusted with important dnd dangerous duties, which he performed with faithful perseverance ; that he used all his talents, and spent almost all his years, from manhood to declining age, in the service and for the benefit of his fellow-beings ; and even in old age, was willing to yield the peaceful enjoyments which he loved most, because he thought that it was " the duty of every person, of every description, to contribute, at all times, to his country s welfare." Through all his course of trials and tempta tions, in adversity or prosperity, he was just, industrious, temperate, honest, generous, brave, humane, modest, a real lover of his country, and an humble worshipper of God. Was he not worthy of your imitation ? Your station in life may be a lowly one, but if your home is even a log hut, you may be, like Washing ton, a lover of truth, temperate, industrious, just, humane, honest, submissive to the go vernment of your country, and obedient to the commands of God, and grow up to be indeed freemen, and to enjoy, under the protection of just laws, the comfortable subsistence which z 2 270 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. in this favoured land you may obtain for your selves. But, remember, Washington directed his countrymen to a higher example than his ; he said that he earnestly prayed they might fol low that Of " THE DIVINE AUTHOR OF OUR BLESSED RELIGION;" and the Bible, the sacred book which makes known that example, you should value as the crown of all your blessings ; for in it, you may learn how to secure their continuance through this short life, and how to obtain that blissful gift of God, "Eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord." APPENDIX, (A.; DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. IN CONGRESS, JULY, 4, 1776. THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of na ture and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident : that all men are creafed equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, govern ments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the peo ple to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new o-overnment, laying its foundation on such princi ples, and organizing its powers in such form as to 271 272 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more dis posed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than tc ight themselves by abolishing the forms to which hey are accustomed. But when a long train of buses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies ; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britian is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in di rect object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be sub mitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most whole some and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless sus pended in their operation, till his assent should be obtained ; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large dis- DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 273 tricts of people, unless those people would retaiquish the right of representation in the legislature a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at pla ces unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the repository of their public records, for the sole pur pose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeat edly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his inva sions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such disso lutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large, for their exercise, the state remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and con vulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these states ; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and aising the conditions of new appropriations of ands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing ju diciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone 274 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, stand* ing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military indepen dent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unac knowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them, by a mock trial, from pun ishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states : For cutting off our .trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences : For abolishing the free system of English law? in a neighbouring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boun daries, so as to render it at once an example and DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 275 fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the forms ot our governments : For suspending our own legislatures, and declar ing themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, Durnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with cir cumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paral leled in the most barbarous ages, and totally un worthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished de struction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. 276 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. In every stage of these oppressions we nave pe titioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by re peated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their legislature to ex tend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstance of our emigration and settlement here. We have ap pealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connexions and correspon dence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war, in peace friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colo nies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and in dependent states ; that they are absolved from all DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 277 allegiance to the British crown, and that all politi cal connexion between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alli ances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi dence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour. JOHN HANCOCK NEW HAMPSHIRE. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Samuel Adams, Jonu Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. RHODE ISLAND, &C. Stephen Hopkins, William Ellerv. Oliver Wolcott NEW YORK. William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. NEW JERSEY. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark. CONNECTICUT. PENNSYLVANIA. Roger Sherman, Robert Morris, Samuel Huntington, Benjamin Rush, William Williams, Benjamin Franklin, 2 A 278 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. John Morton, Thomas Jefferson, George Clymer, Benjamin Harrison, James Smith, Thomas Nelson, jr. George Taylor, Francis Lightfoot Lee James Wilson, Carter Braxton. George Ross. NORTH CAROLINA. DELAWARE. William Hooper, Caisar Rodney, Joseph Hewes, George Read, John Penn. Thomas M Kean. SOUTH CAROLINA. MARYLAND. Edward Rutledge, Samuel Chase, Thomas Hey ward, jr. William Paca, Thomas Lynch, jr. Thomas Stone, Arthur Middleton. C Carroll, of Carrollton. GEORGIA. VIRGINIA. Button Gwinnett, George Wythe, Lyman Hall, Richard Henry Lee, George Walton. APPENDIX, (B.; THE following is extracted from a letter address- ed by the late Thomas McKean to C. A. Rodney PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 22d, 1813. On Monday the 1st of July, 1776, the question respecting independence was taken in the commit tee of the whole, when the State of Pennsylvania (represented by seven gentlemen then present) voted against it : Delaware (having then only two representatives present) was divided : all the other States voted in favour of it. Whereupon, without delay, I sent an express for Caesar Rodney, Esq., the remaining member for Delaware, whom I met at the State-house door as the members were as sembling. After a friendly salutation, (without a word on the business,) we went into the Hall of Congress together, and found we were among the latest. Proceedings immediately commenced, and after a few minutes the great question was put When the vote for Delaware was called, your uncle arose, and said : " As I believe the voice of my constituents and of all sensible and honest men is in favour of independence, and my own judgment concurs with them, I vote for independence;" or 279 280 THE SIGNING OF THE in other words to the same effect. The State of Pennsylvania on the 4th of July voted for it. Unani mity in the thirteen States, an all-important point on so great an occasion, was thus obtained ; the dissension of a single tate might have produced very dangerous consequences. In the public journal of Congress for 1776, vol. ii., it would appear that the Declaration of Incle pendence was signed on the 4th of July by the members whose names are there inserted ; but the fact is not so : for no person signed it on that day, nor for many days after. On the 4th of July, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was ordered to bt engrossed on parchment, and then to be signed. I was not in Congress after the 4th, for some months having marched with my regiment of associators of this city, as colonel, to support General Wash ington until a flying camp of ten thousand men \vas completed. When the associators were discharged, I returned to Philadelphia, took my seat in Con gress, and then signed the Declaration on parch ment. Two days after, I went to Newcastle, and joined the Convention for forming a constitution for the future government of the State of Delaware, (having been elected a member for Newcastle county,) which I wrote in a tavern, without a book or any assistance. You may rely on the accuracy of the foregoing relation. It is full time to print and publish the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 281 secret journal of Congress during the Revolu tion. I have thus answered your request, and trust it may reform errors. Accept, dear sir, my best wishes for your happiness. THOMAS McKEAN. Cxsar Augustus Rodney, Esquire. 2 A 2 APPENDIX, (C.) REMINISCENCES OF GEN. WASHINGTON And of the Congress, which sat in Philadelphia while he was President AFTER a great deal of talking and writing 1 , and controversy, about the permanent seat of Congress under the present Constitution, it was determined thit Philadelphia should be honoured with its pre sence for ten years, and that afterwards its perma nent location should be in the city of Washington, where it now is. In the mean time, the federal city was in progress, and the legislature of Penn sylvania voted a sum of money to build a house foi the president, perhaps with some hopes that this might help to keep the seat of the general govern ment in the capital for Philadelphia was then con sidered the capital of the State. What is now the University of Pennsylvania was the structure used for this purpose. But as soon as Genera] Washington saw its dimensions, and a good while before it was finished, he let it be known that he would not occupy it that he should not certainly go to the expense of purchasing furniture for such a dwelling. 282 REMINISCENCES OF WASHINGTON. 283 President Washington, therefore, rented a house of Mr. Robert Morris, in Market street, between Fifth and Sixth street, on the south side, and fur nished it handsomely but not gorgeously. There he lived with Mrs. Washington ; Mr. Lear his pri vate secretary and his wife, and Mrs. Washington s grandson, Custis, making a part of the family. Young Custis had a private tutor employed by the president, who was engaged to attend on his pupil one hour in the winter mornings before breakfast; and who then commonly breakfasted with the pre sident and his family. The company usually assembled in the drawing- room, about fifteen or twenty minutes before dinner, and the president spoke to every guest personally on entering the room. He always dressed in a suit of black, his hair powdered, and tied in a black bag behind, with a very elegant dress sword, which he wore with inimitable grace. Mrs. Washington often, but not always, dined with the company, and if, as was occasionally the case, there were other ladies present, they sat on each side of her. The president himself sat half way from the head to the foot of the table, and on that side which would place Mrs. Washington, though distant from him, on the right hand. He atways, unless a clergyman was present, asked a blessing at his own table, in a standing posture. If a clergyman was present, he was requested to 284 REMINISENCES OF ask a blessing before, and return thanks after dinner. The president, it is believed, generally dined on one dish, and that of a very simple kind. If offered something, either in the first or second course, which was very rich, his usual reply was, "That s too good for me." Congress Hall was the building now occupied as a court-house, at the corner of Chestnut and Sixth street. Except a vestibule, about fifteen feet wide on Chestnut street, the whole of the ground floor of this building was formed into a hall or chamber for the House of Representatives. There was no door opening into Sixth street, and the speaker s chair with two desks, the one on the right hand of the speaker for the clerk of the House, and the one on the left for the chaplain, were placed directly opposite to where the door of entrance from Sixth street is now placed. The chamber was warmed by large open stoves, commonly called Franklin stoves, two adjoining the wall on Sixth street, and two on the opposite wall. The fuel used was always of the best hickory wood. The house was entered by one door in Chestnut street at the other end of the chamber there was a door leading into the State-house yard. The Senate Chamber was directly over that of the House of Representatives : all stairways, com mencing in the vestibule of the building, led to the WASHINGTON. 285 door of this chamber, which was but little more than half as large as that of the other house the part (nearly one-half) towards Chestnut street, being partitioned off, and divided into committee- rooms, for the use of the members of both Houses, and one room for their clerks. The chair of the vice-president was located on the south side of the chamber, near the wall, and midway between the eastern and western sides. The arrangements were the same as in the other chamber, except that there were but two tiers of seats, both without ele vation, and in place of four stoves, the room had but two. The furniture, indeed, in this chamber, was, in general, a little more showy than in the other; but its great ornament consisted in the full- length portraits of the King and Queen of France, Louis XIV. and Marie Antoinette, under whose reign our treaty of alliance with France, during our revolutionary war, was formed. These pictures were a royal present made to the old Congress, and were of the most splendid kind. It was said that the likenesses of the king and queen were remarkably exact; but however this might be, the paintings, as to the design, colouring, and finishing, were the most perfect that had evei been seen in the country perhaps than any thai have since been seen, with the exception of the crowning of Napoleon. Both the king and the queen appearing in their robes, or state-dress, and 286 REMINISCENCES OF . nothing could exceed the exquisite tints and finish of the drapery. But the framing- of the pictures was, in its kind, as singularly splendid as that which it enclosed. The frames of both, which were perhaps a foot and a half in width, were carved in a masterly manner, exhibiting the arms of France and other signs of royalty, and covered with a thick gilding, that had much the appearance of solid gold. The pictures hung on the opposite wall to that on which the vice-president s chair was placed, and fronting that chair. In the height of the French revolution there was some talk of removing or covering these pictures, but they re mained till the transfer of Congress to Washington, and were never covered. It was in the Senate Chamber, and in the pre sence of both Houses of Congress, that Washington delivered his speeches for he did not send them by his secretary in the form of a message. This was a practice introduced by Mr. Jefferson, and has been continued ever since. But Washington made his communication at every opening of Con gress in person. When informed that the houses were in session and ready to receive his communi cations, he replied to the committee that waited on him, that he would meet Congress the next day at twelve o clock. W T hen he came into the Senate Chamber, the members all rose, and, bowing to them gracefully WASHINGTON . 287 he took his seat, and at the same timo the mem bers resumed theirs. lie commonly sat about three or tour minutes, during which time he took Ins spectacles from the side-pocket of his co.it, and his speech from another pocket, and placed both on his knee, casting his eyes over tjie audience. He then put on his spectacles, took his speech in his left hand, rose, and immediately began to read, the members remaining seated. He read his speech audibly, distinctly, and -without hesitation; he was not what could be called an accomplished reader. He occasionally, in an interesting part of his speech, enforced what he said by a motion with his right hand the gesture was not violent, or even what is calb d bold ; but it indicati d earm st- ness^ and was gracefully made. \\h< n he had finished his speech, he bowed to Congress, and the members rose while he retired. APPENDIX, (D.) THOSE who were person-ally familiar with these facts assure us, that not only the children, hut the whole population were interested in his going out, and in his coming 1 in. Shop-keepers left their counters, and mechanics their tools, and came where they might see him -as lie passed. And this was done, not with the rush and confusion common on like occasions, hut it was altogether an expression of spontaneous respect and profound regard, and the word was passed indicating his approach. 288 THE END. * I I CO BEG. CHL JUN "Reed, Anna c R38 1842 The life Wo s Vi i TI p*t~ fvn of George 990798 tE.3/2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY MX r #<* if