A A • \ 4 ; 9 : 3 i 9 ; 4 ; 4 I Bums A Bibliography of Scarce or out of Print North American Amateur and Trade Periodicals THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES H Blbltosrapt} of Scarce or Out of Print nortb m^rican Hntamr and Cradit Periodicals Devoted tl2ore or Cess to OrnltDolosp Burns A Bibliography of Scarce or Out of Print North American Amateur and Trade Periodicals Devoted More or Less to Ornithology Compiled by Frank L. Burns 19 15 1. The Acadian Scientist. Devot- ed to the Interests of Acadian Science Club, Teachers and Natura- lists. A. J. PIXEO, EDITOR. (Wolf- ville, N. S.) SUB. 50 CENTS PER ANNUM. 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. X and XI, Oct. and Nov., 1883, pp. 8 + 12 and covers, the only ones I have seen. I am informed by the editor that the second and third •volumes appeared under the name of "Canadian Naturalist." >. 2. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION BULLETIN, A Monthly Magazine for The Advancement of Science and the Agassiz Association. Subscription, $ .35 Per Annum. Published by The Bulletin Printing Co., Oilman, 111. W. A. Crooks, Editor. No. 1 med.. No. 2 post. No. 3 and later royal 8 vo. (The above is the title and form under tlie date of November, 1890, .the only number with title cover. Nos. 1, 3 and later are entitled: "THE A. A. BULLETIN," and Vol. II. No. 1, "THE AGASSIZ BULLETIN." Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, Oct., 1890-Mar„ 1891, pp. fl)-32, (No. 1 unpaged, and pp. 19 and 20 do not exist.) Vol. II. No. 1. April. 1891, pp. 1-8. Interesting articles by F. C. Baker, Geo. E. Breninger, (W. A. Crooks) and D. A. Henman. /• 3. The Agassiz Association Jour- nal. W. E. Skinner, Editor. Pub- lished Monthly in the Interests of Amateur Naturalists, Students and C!olIectors. Subscription Rates, 1 year (with 12 premiums) .$1.00. 6 Months (No premiums) 30 cents. W. E. Skin- ner & Co., 31 State St., Lynn, Mass. Large 12 mo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, June-July, 1885, pp. 1-24 (about half adv., No. 2 with cover). Continued as "THE AGASSIZ JOURNAL." Items contributed by Walter Hoxie and W. E. S(kinner). . 4. JHE AGASSIZ COMPANION. A monthly magazine devoted to the Nat- ural Sciences (Philately) and the in- terests of the Agassiz Association. WILL H. PLANK, EDITOR, WYAN- DOTTE (Kansas City) KANSAS. Subs. 50c. per annum, single copies 5c. 12 mo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, Aug.-Nov. (Dec), 1886, pp. 1-40, and covers. Vol. II. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1887. pp. 1-148. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-11 & 12, Jan.-Nov. & Dec. 1888, pp. 1-136. Guaranteed circulation 1,000 copies monthly. With the final num- ber E. R. Ireland became junior part- ner. Later with the "AGASSIZ REC- ORD" consolidated with "THE LIT- ERARY COMPANION." Kansas City, Kansas, under which name it first ap- peared Feb.. 1889. Articles by L. G. Bishop, Amos W. Butler, Prof. Edw. D. Cope. N. S. Goss. Dr. E. R. Heath, Lynds Jones. B. H. Jones, W. L. Mor- ris, L. O. Binder, M. R. Potter. W. H. Plank. "Scolopax" (Dr. Morris Gibbs). and others. ■ 5. THE AGASSIZ JOURNAL. For Curiosity Collectors, Lynn, Mass. Wm. E. Skinner, Editor. W. E. Skinner & Co.. publishers. Single Copies. 4 cents; One Year or 12 copies, 40 cents. Lg. 12 mo. Vol. I. Nos. 3-9. June, 1885-Feb.. 1SS6, pp. 2.5-92-f-12-f-12 (preserving the 86265S sequences of the "Agassiz Association Journal," and including over 50 pp. adv.), with covers, except nos. 8 and 9. Attempted to fill the unexpired subscriptions of the A. A. Journal, American Osprey, Monthly Echo, Nat- uralist's Advertiser. Southern Natural- ist, and Young Oologist. A circula- tion of 2.600 copies claimed. Brief notes from youthful egg collectors in the Sept. and Jan. numbers, otherwise an unreliable medium for stamp trad- ing, with little excuse for even the briefest enjoyment of second class rates. 6. THE AGASSIZ RECORD. DE- VOTED TO all Branches of Natural Science. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF I(OWA) A(SSEMBLY) A(GASSIZ) A(SSOCIATION). Price $1.00 per Year; 50c Six Months; 25c Three Months. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY FRANK E. WETHERELL, 819 East High Avenue. Oskaloosa, Iowa. TIMES ELECTRIC PRESS, 0SK;ALC)0SA, IOWA. 12 mo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-6. Jan.-July, 1888, pp. 74 (p. 43 in duplicate), covers. With the March-April number the subscription was reduced to 60, and June to 35 cents. The circulation placed at 1,000. A neat little amateur journal, discontin- uing after the sixth number. The un- expired subscriptions filled by "The Agassiz Companion." Contributors: Geo. W. Havlin. B. and Lynds Jones, "Scolopax" (Dr. Morris Gibbs), "Senex Fossels," and the last number con- tains a full page engraving of Louis Agassiz. 7. The Amateur Collector. Pub- lished monthly by the Cuvier Natural History Club. Salem, Mass. Subscrip- tion, 25 cents a year. '" cents a copy. Demy 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, May 1, 1886-Apr. 1, 1887, 48 pp., incl. 12 pp. adv., unpp. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, May 1, 1887-Apr. 1, 1888, pp. 54, incl. 6 pp. in suppl. and 6 pp. in adv. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-9, May 1, 1888-Jan. 1, 1889, pp. 36, incl. 2 pp. adv. There may have been later numbers of this neat little paper. The contri- butions are unsigned and of small value. 8. The Amateur Naturalist. A Journal for those wlin Study Nature from a Love of it. FIFTY CENTS A YEAR, TEN CENTS A COPY. CHAS, D. PENDELL, BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK. Royal 8 vo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-6, Jan.-Nov., 1894, pp. 120, 1 pi. Vol. 2 (II), Nos. 1-6, Jan.-Nov., 1905, pp. 120, 1 pi. The Amateur Naturalist. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR ALL NATURE STUDENTS. SUBSCRIP- TION. 50 ctS. PER YEAR. SIN- GLE COPY, 5 CENTS. CHARl,ES D. PENDELL, PUBLISHER, ASHLAND, MAINE. Royal 8 vo. Vol. 3 (III), Nos. 1-8, Jan., Feb.-Dec, 1906, pp. 128. Vol. 4 (IV), Nos. l-(4?), Jan., Feb.- (June?), 1907, pp. 64. Vol. 5 (V), Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1908, pp. 32. Bi-monthly. Unable to ascertain the exact time of suspension. Volume IV doubtless ran to end of year. Con- tributors: C. B. Brumbaugh, W. B. Davis, Addison Ellsworth, Norman O. Poerster, George Middleton, Chas. D. Pendell, G. W. Story, J. M. Swain, Laura Hoag Taylor and Hattie Wash- burn. 9. THE AMERICAN. SUCCESSOR Galesburg, 111. Folio Bv CHAS. F. GETTEMY. SUB- SCRIPTION, 25 Cents for Six Mouths. Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, (Nov.?) 1884-May, 1885, 24 pp.. unp. about 6 pp. adv. Circulation 1,000. H. A. Talbot con- tributing. 10. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE OF NATURAL SCIENCE. A MONTH- LY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE" NATURAL SCIENCE. "Go forth, un- der the open sky, and list to Nature's teachings." SUBSCRIPTION 25c PER YEAR. FRED R. STEARNS, editor. HOWARD H. BROWN, publisher, A Magazine of the Collector, for the Col- lector and by a Collector. Demi to royal 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12 (7 & 8. 9 & 10, double numbers), June, 1892-May, 1893, pp. 1-88, 10 pp. adv. (No. 6 I have not seen). Vol. II, Nos. 1-10, June, 1893-Apr. & May, 1894. pp il-)-i3-f 141. Various cover designs were em- ployed. The circulation of No. 1 was said to have been 1.000 copies. In the second, it is stated that it is published at Old Bridge, N. J. At the first of the year Fred R. Stearns, Sac City, Iowa, became both —2— editor and publisher, and the circu- lation is given as 2,000 copies. Vol- ume II, with No. 2, Letson Balliet of Des Moines, becomes part owner, operating under the name of Fred R. Stearns & Co. The subscription was raised to 50 cents with No. 6, and E. J. Shaefer, Milwaukee, Wis., became editor and publisher, and with No. 8 Fred R. Stearns, associate editor. Filled the unexpired subscriptions of "The Collector," F. E. Lux, Pekin, 111., Dec. 1, 1893, and finally transferred to "The Naturalist," Austin, Texas, in July, 1894. Short articles by C. Barlow, .John A. Bryant, William A. Bryan, W. S. Cruzan, James H. Hill, Walton Mitchell, Charles Wallace, Chas. Acey White and others. 11. American Ornithologist and Exchange. DEVOTED TO THE IN- TERESTS OF ALL COLLECTORS. PAW PAW, ILLINOIS. Published monthly, C. A. Morris, editor and pro- prietor. J. F. Hoffman, associate edi- tor. Terms, $1.00 per year in advance. Imperial 8 vo. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1891, pp. 1-8. Little if any original matter, articles mostly borrowed from exchanges. 12 American Ornithology. ! For the Home and School. I EDITED BY C. ALBERT REED. Vol l-(6) | WOR- CESTER, MASS. I CHAS. K. REED, PUBLISHER ' 1901-(1906). Med. 8 vo. (Temporarv cover) AMERICAN OR- NITHOLOGY FOR THE HOME AND SCHOOL (selected eng. of bird), PUB- LISHED MONTHLY, CHAS. K. REED, WORCESTER, MASS. Edited by C. Albert Reed. 5 cts. a copy, 50 cts a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, .Tan.-Dec, 190L pp. (i) poem by C. E. Gorden "To a Bluebird," (ii) signature A. jM. Eddy, Printer. Albion, N. Y., (iii) title, (v-vii) index, (x) col. pi. Bluebird, pp. 1-246 text. Each number contains rlesc, habits and illustrations of from 4 to 6 N. A. birds with eggs in full size. The articles are mostly un- signed, the numerous drawings most frequently bear the signature of C. K.. or C. A. REED, and many are very artistic. Vol. 2, Nos 1-12, Jan.-Dec. 1902, pp. 1-386 inc. index. Subs, increased to 10c a copy, $1 a year. The original object was to pre- sent to the public a complete popular account of every bird found in N. A. A new department devoted to the "Chil- dren and Birds" conducted by Mary hazen Arnold, abundant photographs of the living bird from various sources, numerous articles from well known bird men, and 11 colored identification charts appeared during the year. Vol. ?,, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1903, frontis])iece col. fig. Am. Goldfinch, pp. i-xii, title, index and list of illust., pp. 1-410. Permanent title unchanged ex- cept "B. S." following editor's name. The temporarv cover changed to in- clude "BIRD MAGAZINE," col. ident. charts 12-23, and a number of col. fig. of birds. Vol. 4, Nos. 1-12, .lan.-Dec, 1904, title, pp. 1-33.5 text, 336-342 index. Ident. chart 24, a check list and habitat map, also numerous photo reproductions and from one to three colored plates to an issue. Vol. .5, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1905, title, pp. 1-308 text, 309- 314 index. Colored plates of unequal merit, some remarkably successful. Vol. 6, Nos. 1-7, Jan.-July-Aug., 1906, pp. 1-176. According to announcement in June number became bi-monthly with the following issue, which, however, was the last. 13. The American Osprey. .A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Orni- thology and Oology. Published by W. G. Talmadge, Plymouth, Conn. Terms year, 30. Lg. 12 mo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, May- June, 1885, pp. 1-12, incl. 5 pp. adv. Succeeded the "Naturalist's Adver- tiser," failed to get second class rates and transferred to the "Agassiz Journal." Contributors signed with initials: R. W. F(ord), F. G. K(ibbe?). 14. AMERICAN OSPREY. Paul B. Haskell, Editor and Publisher, Ash- land, Ky. Subscription 2."c per year. Post 8vo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1S90, unpp. 4 pp. to issue, with single sheet supplement accompanied No. 7, entitled "American Osprey — Extra," made 50 pages. A neat little sheet exclu- sively ornithological, containing short articles by H. F. Andrews, B. S. Bowdish. W. N. Clute. J. V. Crone, A. C. Murchison, L. O. Pindar, Neil P. Posson, C W. Rowley, J. W. P. Smith- wick, Thad, Surber, G. W. Vosburg, and others. Circulation said to be 800. 15. The A(merican) S(oclety) of C(urio) C(ollector's) B(bulletin). A Quarterly magazine of Pleasure and Profit for the man or woman with a hobby. Published by Roy Farrell Green, President of the Society, Ar- kansas City, Kan. Managing Editor, Roy Farrell Green, Associate Editors, Forest Gaines and C. Abbott Davis. Subs. 60c a year, single copies, 15c. Royal 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, Nov. 15, 190.5- Aug. 15, 1906, pp. 48-1-52 + 52+40, incl. 42 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, Nov. 15, 1906-Aug. 15, 1907, pp. 60+32+48+28, incl. 41 pp adv. Vil. Ill, Nos. 1-3, Nov. 15, 1907-May 15, 1908, pp. 28 + 25+8, incl. 12 pp. adv. Suspended upon the decease of the publisher, succeeded by "The Collec- tor's Journal." Ornithological items by H. E. Bishop, Leah Birkheimer, W. U Griffin, W. I. Mitchell, Will H. Plank, W. E. Snyder, F. May Tuttle, W. W. Worthington, and an original record of the capture of a Carolina Paroquet, near Atkinson, Kan., by Geo. J. Remsburg. 16. The American Zoologist and Home Journal of Science. Devoted to Nature, Science and Art. Conducted by .J. ROBERT EGBERT, A.M., M D.. Ph.D. (CONTEXTS) PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN ZOOLOGICAL PUBLISHING CO., HOLYOKE, MASS. Subs. $1.50 per Year, Single numbers, 15c. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2. .Tan.-Feb., 1896, pp. 57. Contains a short biography of Audu- bon, and two articles by Florence At- wood-Egbert entitled "Avian Architec- ture" and "Perhension of Food by the Avian Race.' The Editor writes me from South America that he does not know how many numbers were issued before it suspended for lack of funds and general Fuppcrt. 17. THE APTERYX (contents). C. Abbott Davis, editor. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE ROGER WIL- LIAMS PARK MUSEUM, OF PROVI- DENCE, R I. Pilgram Press, Provi- dence. Med. 8 vo. $1.00 per year, 25c per copy. (Inside title) THE APTERYX, A NEW ENGLAND QUARTERLY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, Jan.-July, 1905, pp. 1-124. Ornithological articles by C. Abbott Davis, S. F. Denton and H. S. Hatha- way. This promising publication is said to have suspended through the lack of support of the city government. 18. The Atlantic Slope Naturalist. SUBSCRIPTION, 30 CENTS PER YEAR. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY W. E. ROTZELL, M.D., NARBERTH, PA. Med. 8 vo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-6, Mar. and Apr., 1903-Mar. and Apr., 1904 (no. 5 dated Nov.), ]jp. 1-84, and covers. The edition of 1000 copies for the ini- tial number was increased to 2000 and 3,000 in succeeding issues. With the third number the subscription was raised to 50 cents, and at the end of the volume it was stated that the supply was very limited at $1.00 a set. The circulation was largely in the medical profession and among ornithologists. The first number of volume two was for the most part printed, but second class rates being refused, it was not published. The ornithological matter is from the pens of T. G. Gentry, Morris Gibbs. P. A. Hassenplug, W. J. Hoxie, A. R. Jus- tice, Wm. L. Kells, A. B. Klugh, Aug- ust Koch, W. I. Mitchell, R. C. Mc- Gregor, C. L. Rawson, J. H. Reed, E. H. Short, Witmer Stone, R. W. Shu- feldt and Mark L. C. Wild. 19. THE I AUDUBON MAGAZINE ; PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF I THE AUDITBON SOCIETY | FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS. |— | VOLUME I (-II) I FEBRUARY, 1887 (-1888), to JANUARY, 1888 (-1889), | —I NEW YORK: | FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY. Royal 8 vo. The separate numbers are enclosed in a temporary cover with the follow- ing title: "THE AUDUBON MAGA- ZINE (engraved portrait of Audubon and fac simile of his signature). Pub- lished in the interests of The AUDU- BON SOCIETY for the PROTECTION OF BIRDS. FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY, NEW YORK. Annual Subscription, 50 Cts. Single Copv 6 Cts. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12. Feb., ]S87-Jan., 1888, pp. viii+288, incl. 18 pp. adv. matter. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Feb., 1888-Jan., 1889, pp. vi+264. Though the name of the editor does not appear, it is understood that George Bird Grinnell, president pro temore of the Audubon Society, organ- ized February, 1886, had general su- pervision, with Charles F. Emory, gen- eral secretary. Unfortunately this philanthropic movement proved abor- tive, possibly owing to its connection with a paper devoted to the hunting of game. Each number contains an uncolored and reduced plate after Au- dubon. The text includes a number of original articles. Biographies of Audubon and Wilson, the latter by Helen V. Austin, and signed papers by J. A. Allen, Geo. Bird Grinnell, Robert Ridgway, G. B. Sennett. and R. W. Shufeldt. Florence A. ]\Ierriam's "Hints to Audubon Workers" ran through eleven numbers. 20. THE AVIFAUNA. Published by W. A. Hoffman, Los Angeles, Cal. Subs. 1.00 per year, lOc per copy. Royal 8 vo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-3, Sept.-Oct., 189.5, Sept., 1897, pp 1-48, incl. 2 pp. adv. and excl. covers. The proceedings of the Cooper Orni- thological Club api^ear in the first two issues. Xo. 2 contains an unsatisfactory natural-sized, colored plate of the Cali- fornia Condor. No. 3 was published at Santa Barbara. Papers and com- munications signed by Ralph Arnold, C. Barlow, Lee Chambers, D. A. Cohen, G. T. Dippe, F. S. Daggett, H. C. Ford, H. A. Gaylord. J. Grinnell, P. L. Hatch, O. W. Howard, W. B. Judson, A. I. McCormick. W. Raine. W. E. Rotzell. A. M. Shields, T. S. VanDyke, M. L. Wicke, Jr., O. J. Zahn and others. 21. THE I BAY STATE OOLOGIST, I— I TO THE I STCDY OF BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. |— ! Vol. I, 1888, I PITTSFIELD, MASS. W. H. FOOTE. PITBLISHER. ' 1888. 12 mo. Edited by W. H. Foote Subscrip- tion .'lOc. per annum, Single copies 5c. each. Vol. 1. Nos. l-t^ .Tan.-.Tune, 1S8S, pp. (i-iv) title and contents, 1-52 text. Though mainly boyish accounts of collecting trips, there are interesting contributions from J. Warren Jacobs, Wm. L. Kells, E. F. Koch, LeGrande T. Meyer, A. M. Shields, C. S. Shick, J. A. Singley, Philo W. Smith, Jr., Dr. Strode, and B. T. Taylor. Succeeded by the "O. & O. Semi-Annual." 22. BIRDS I ILLUSTRATED BY COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY I A MONTH- LY SERIAL I DESIGNED TO PRO- -MOTE KNOWLEDGE OF BIRD IJFE ;— (quotation) |— | CHICAGO, r. S. A. [ NATURE STUDY PUBLISH- ING ("OMPANY, PUBLISHERS | 1896. Royal 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1897, pp. (i-ii) title and preface, 1-224 text, 225- 22*; index, incl. 60 col. plates. BIRDS I A MONTHLY SERIAL I ILLUSTRATED BY COLOR PHOTOG- RAPHY I DESIGNED TO PROMOTE KNOWLEDGE OF BIRD LIFE ]— VOLUME II (-III). [—1 CHICAGO. NATURE STUDY PUBLISHING COM PANY. Royal 8 vo. Vol. TI. Nos. 1-6, .July-Dec. 1897, pp. (i-iii) title and introduction, 1-240 text, l'41-242 index, incl. 61 col. pll. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1898, pp. (1-4) title introduction, 6-238 text, 239- 240 index, incl. 48 col. pll. Continued as "BIRDS AND ALL NATT'RE." Popular and juven- ile biographies, mostly unsigned, C. C. and E. K. Marble contributing. The figures of mounted birds from the col- lections of the Chi. Acad. Science and F. M. Woodruff, are by the three color process. The publishers announced that they had reprinted 10 editions of 5,000 each of some of the numbers. 33. BIRDS I AND I ALL NATURE I—' A ^MONTHLY SERIAL I ILLT^S- TRATED BY COLOR PHOTOGRA- PHY. I— I V0LU:\1E IV '—I CHICAGO AND NEW YORK I NATURE STUDY PT'RLISHING COMPANY. Roval 8 vo. Vol IV, Nos. 1-6, ,Tuly-Dec., 1S9S, pp. (l-4t title and introduction, 6-238 text, i-ii index, incl. 48 col. pll. (16 only be- ing bird figures'). I have not examined Vols. V-VII, after which it continued as "BIRDS AND NATURE." 2i. BIRDS AND NATURE I IN NATURAL COLORS '— ! A MONTH- LY SERIAL 1 FORTY ILLT'STRA- TIONS BY COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY | A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF NA- TURE I— I TWO VOLUMES EACH YEAR VOLUME IX (-XIX). ( .JAN- UARY (JUNE) 1901 (-1906) TO MAY (-DEC.) 1901 (-1906). I EDITED BY WILLIAM KERR HIGLEY |— I CHI- CAGO i A. W. MUMFORD, PUBLISH- ER 203 MICHIGAN AVE. I 1901 (-1906). Royal 8 vo. Vol. IX, Xos. 1-5, Jan.-May, 1901, pp. (i-ii) title, l-236(+2 index), incl. 40 pll., 20 being birds. Vol. X, Xos. 1-5, June, Sept.-Dec, 1901, pp. (i-ii) title, 1-236 text, (237- 238) index, incl. 40 pll. 20 being birds. Vol. XI, Xos. 1-4, Jan.-Apr., 1902, pp. 1-192, incl. 32 col. pll., 16 being birds. Vol. XIV, Xos. 1-5, June-Dec, 1903, pp. (i-ii) title, 1-236 text, 237-238 index, incl. 36 col. pll., 24 being birds or HGSts Vols. VIII, XII, XIII, XV-XIX not ex- amined. Suspended after Apr.-June number, 1906. This publication proved very well adapted to the use of the pri- mary school. The colored figures of birds have little artistic merit, but they are, for the most part identifiable and offered remarkably cheap. A bet- ter grouping or arrangement of sub- ject matter, would have greatly in- creased its usefulness. 25. Bird News feng. of Kingfisher) PUBLISHED BY THE Agricultural Societv of California. OFFICES: 717 MARKET ST., SAX FRAXCISCO. De- voted to the interests of the Bird Fan- cier. Frederick W. D'Evelyn, Editor, W. W. Cooley, Business r^Ianager. Bi- monthly, 75 cents per annum, 15 cents a number. Med. 8 vo. Vol. I, Xos. 1-6, Jan., Feb.-Xov., Dec, 1901, 64 pp. not consecutively paged. Signed articles on native birds in captivity by W. X. Dirks, E. W. Gifford and H. L. Sefton. Discontinued for lack of time to edit. 26. THE BITTERN. DAMARIS- COTTA, ME. Edited and Published by Henry E. Berry. Issued ^Monthly, 20 cents per Year. The Xews Publish- ing Co., J. ¥'. Alldis, Editor and Man- ager. Approximating dimensions of post 8 vo (nos. 1-2), imp. 8 vo. (nos. Vol. I, Xos. 1-6, Oct., 1890-May, 1891, unpaged, 24 pp. inc. 2 pp. adv. Unimportant notes by Henry E. Ber- ry, R. A Campbell, J. V. Crone, J. V. Denburgh, E. H. Fiske, H. A. Hess, Ora W. Knight, F. S. Nye, E. B. Peck, Dr. A. G. Prill, Robt. T. Young and a few others. Vol. TI (1). Xos. 8-10 (7-9). June, July & Aug.-Dec, 1891. unpaged, 4 pp. to issue. T have not seen no. "9." it was probably published about Oct. These numbers were issued by C. W. Hillman, Canisteo, N. Y. In No. "10," the editor and publisher states "For various reasons, we have decided to consolidate the Empire State Naturalist and the Bittern." The subtitle: "The Empire State Natural- ist. A ^Monthly Magazine devoted to Natural History. Single Subs. $1.25." An excellent example of how not to publish a paper. 27. THE Bittern. A Bi-Monthly Publication Devoted to the Interests of the Student Glen M Hathorn, Editor and Publisher, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. One Year, 50 cents. Single Copies 10 cents. 12 mo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, June-Aug.-Oct., 1900, pp. 1-57 and covers. Vol. I, No. 1(4) Jan., 1901, pp. 1-16 and cover. Royal 8 vo. A neat little magazine with short articles by Howard E. Bishop, Albert E. Gamier, Morris Gibbs, Glen :m., and Kathleen R. Hathorn, Carl Fitz Hen- ning, P. B. Peabody and Wm. Rolfe. Suspended. 28. BULLETIN of Massachusetts Natural History Amherst, Mass. Is- sued :\Ionthly, $1.00 per year. Edited and Published by Winifred A. Stearns. :Med. 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3&4, Apr.-June&July, 1884, pp. (16 + 16?)-f24. The double number contains Stearns' "Birds of Amherst" printed in part the previous year in the "Amherst Rec- ord,"' Suspended. 29. BULLETIN ! OF THE | Michi- gan Ornithological Club. | Published in the interests of Ornithology in Michi- gan. ! Grand Rapids, ^Michigan. L. T\Tiitney Watkins, ^Manchester, Mich, Editor-in-Chief. Quarterly 50c. single copies loc Superroyal 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3&4, Jan.-Julv&Dec, 1897, pp. 1-48. Vol. II, Nos. 1-3&4, Jan.-July&Dec, 1898, pp. 1-40, and 2 orig pll. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Apr., 1899, pp. 1-23. April, 1898, T. L. Hankinson became editor-in-chief for the one issue, and \\ as followed by Leon J. Cole up to the temporarv suspension one year later. BULLETIN I OF THE | MICHIGAN | ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. | AN 11^ LT'STRATED QUARTERLY MAGA- ZINE 1 DEVOTED TO THE ORNI- THOLOGY OF THE I GREAT LAKE REGIO(N). ALEXANDER W. BLAIN JR. I EDITOR AND MANAGER. [ J. CLAIRE WOOD, | ADOLPHE B. COV- ERT, I ASSOCIATES. I VOLUME IV, | 1003. ' PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN. 8 vo. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, Mar.-Dec, 1903, pp. (i-iv) title and index, 1-100. (Cover) BULLETIN OP THE MICH- IGAN ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Pub- lished Quarterly in the interests of Or- nithology in the Great Lake Region. Vol. V(-VI), No. 1(4,-2), March(-Dec,- Mar. June), 1904(1905) eng. portrait of Kirtland's Warbler by P. Kinder) DE- TROIT, MICHIGAN. Vol. V, Nos. 1-4, Mar.-Dec, 1904, pp. 1-92 (+2 pp. index). Vol. VI, Nos 1&2, Mar. & June, 1905, pp. 1-31. Walter B. Barrows is editor of final "'olume, with P. A. Tavener and Nor- man A. Wood, Associates. A few illus- trations, mostly portraits of local orni- thologists. A list of the contributors would be a list of the ornithologists of the State. 30. California Art & Nature Art & Nature Company, publishers, No. 868 15th St., San Diego, California. Large pai)er S vo. Price 20 cents, $2.00 a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Dec, 1901-Nov., 1902, columns 162+68, and 11 col. pll. (6 1)11. birds) from "Birds and Nature," covers. It does not appear who was editor, but the text is almost wholly the work of C. R. Orcutt and numbers 9 to 12, August to November, contents and paging are identical with that of "The West American Scientist," volume xiii, numbers 116 to 119, August to Novem- ber, 1902. Two papers by Frank Ste- phens on the "Hummingbirds," and the "Pigeons and Doves" appear. 31. THE CALIFORNIA TRAVEL- LER AND NATURALIST. A MONTH- LY MAGAZINE OP TOURIST TRAV- EL, NATURAL HISTORY, POPULAR SCIENCE, WITH SPECIAL ATTEN- TION TO GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, CONCHOLOGY, MICROCOPY. 20 CENTS A YEAR! Published at Napa, Cal. Crown 8 vo. A Western Monthly with Articles on Popular Science, Western Ways and Wonders. A Note-book for the Collec- tor in Natural History. Official organ for the Audubon Chapter, Agassiz As- sociation. Published by U. L. Hertz -& Co. Vol. I, Nos. 2-v, Mar.-June, 1892, pp. 8-f 10-f 12, and covers. Title form appears to have been changed every issue, the above is from No. 3. Subs, formerly 35 cents. No. 1 probably issued in F'eb. and a No. 6 in July? Circulation 1000, 31. THE CALIFORNIA TRAVEL- LER AND NATURALIST. A JOUR- NAL OP THE "NEW EDUCATION." TRAVEL and NATURAL SCIENCE. Med. 8vo. Traveller and Naturalist Pub. Co., San Jose, Calif. Subs. 25 cents a year with premiums. Vol 2, Nos. 1-7, (No. 4 marked "3") (Sept.?), 1892-Apr., 1893, unpp., 8-13 pp. to issue. C. Barlow's ("A Trip after Birds' Eggs," "Birds' of the Parallone Is- lands" and "Out on the Lonely Paral- lones."), also notes by Oswald B. Coop- er, Jesse W. Miller and Isador S. Trostler. April, 1893, Isador S. Trostler, C. Barlow and R. P. Proelich are associat- ed with Uriah L. Hertz, Conductor. 32. CANADIAN NATURAL SCI- ENCE NEWS. Folio A ^Monthly Journal Devoted to Nat- ural Sciences. Edgar R. Boniface, Editor and Publisher, Baden, Ontario. Terms of subscrii)tion. Price 50 cents a year. Single copies, 5 cents. Vol. I, No. 1, Mar., 1897, pp. 1-10. W. L. Kells' "The Florida Dwarf Bit- tern," and article by Thomas Ware. 33. "The Canadian Sportsman and Naturalist. A Monthly Journal. Mon- treal, Can., William CouiJcr, Editor; W. W. Dunlap, Assistant Editor. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, ISSl, pp. 1-96. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1882, pp. 97-196. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-11&12, .lan.-Dec, 1883, pp. 197-284? "The first volume of this periodical was devoted largely to sporting mat- ters, ])articularly hunting and fishing. More space is given in volumes II and III to natural history, with a marked increase in quantity and great im- provement in the quality of the orni- thological matter." — Auk. Paiiers or communications from J. S. Bell, W. G. A Brodie, M. Chamber- lain, (W) C(ouper), W. W. Dunlap, Chas. J. G. Prazer, J. H. Gamier, Har- old Gilbert, J Barnard Gili)in, Wm. L. Kells, J. L. LeMolne, T. Macllwraith, John A. Morden, W. H. Rintoul, W. L. Scott, Evert Smith and Ernest D. Wintle. 34. THE COLLECTOR. Monthly Jorunal Devoted to the Interests of Collectors of Specimens of Natural History, etc. Charles & James Keys, Publishers, 926 Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. 50 cents per annum in advance. Med. 8 vo. Vol. II, Nos. 6-8, Oct.-Dec, 1882, pp. 45-76, covers. The only numbers seen. Volume III was advertised to begin January, 1883. Notes bv J. C. Chesebrogh, Frank W. E., U. S. G(rant), C. B. H(urst), all but the first local egg collectors. 35. THE COLLECTOR. Monthly 50 Cents A Year. Pekin, 111. 8 vo. A Magazine Devoted to the Interest of Collectors. Issued on or about the 15th of each month. Fred E. Lux, Edi- tor and Publisher. Vol. I, Nos. 2-6, Dec, 1892-Apr., 1893, pp. 12+12+36, nearly half adver- tisements. I have not seen No. 1. Bird matter by F. E. Lux and Chas. Acey White. "Discontinued Dec. 1, 1893." Subscriptions filled by the "American Magazine of Natural Sci- 36. THE COLLECTOR AND EX- CHANGE. Published Semi-Monthly at 115 10th St., Buffalo, N. Y. H. S. Pickett & Co., Editors and Publishers. E. S. A. McLeod, Business Manager. Subscription rates, 50 cents (reduced to 25c with No. 3). 8vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4«S;5, Aug. l-Oct.&Nov., 1888, 36 pp. incl. 18 pp. adv. Mainly philatelic, contains serial on "Birds, Their Habits and History," by "Curio." 37. THE COLLECTORS' ADVO- CATE. DEVOTED TO ALL BRAN- CHES OF COLLECTING CINCIN- NATI, O. 8vo. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY CHAS. TARVIN. Terms of subscrip- tion. One year, post-paid, 20 cts. Six months 10 cts. Single copies 2 cts. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1888, 8 pp., un- paged. "Birds of Central Kentucky," by C. P.' T. Notes on 10 common species nesting in Campbell and Kenton coun- ties. 38 THE Collectors' illustrated Magazine. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE Devoted to the Interests of Collectors in all Branches, (contents) EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY E. M. HEIGHT, RIVERSIDE, CAL. Price 50 Cts. per Annum. Single Copies, 5 Cts. 8 vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1888, pp. 1-27 and covers. Suspended, unable to get second class rates. Subs, trans, to "The Old Curiosity Shop." Contributions by Wm. L. Kells and H. R. Taylor, ritzen, Publishers, 3812 Langlev Ave., 39. THE COLLECTORS' JOUR- NAL, (contents) Lindquist and Laurit- zen, Publishers, 3812 Langley Ave., Chicago, 111. 8vo. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Pleasure and Profit for the Man or Wo- man with a Hobby. Official Journal for the Chicago Philatelic Society and American Society of Curio Collectors. H. L. Lindquist, Editor and Mgr., 3812- Langley Ave., L. A. Lauritzen, Circu- lation Mgr., 422 W. 63rd St., Chicago, 111. Subs. 50c. per year. Vol. 3, Nos. 1-10, 11&12, Jan.-Oct., Dec, 1909, pp. 1-292, covers. Items by Ernest Short, "Supt. Identi- fication Ornithology." A supplement containing official re- ports is entitled: THE AMERICAN SOCIETY of CURIO COLLECTORS" YEAR BOOK 1909. Edited and Pub- lished by H. L. Lindquist, 3812 Lang- ley Ave., Chicago. Assisted by Mrs. F. May Tuttle, Secretary, Osage, Iowa. Price 25c. per copy. 40. The Collectors' Monthly. FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN NATL^RAL HISTORY, D A N I E L S O X V I L L E, CONN. Post 8 vo. A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Or- nithology, Oology and Natural History. Charles H. Prince, Editor and Publish- er. Subs. 30c. Single copy 3c. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-2, Nov.-Dec, 1890, pp. 1-S. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-12 (6&7 double) Jan.- Dec, 1891, pp. 9-76. Vol. 3, Nos. 1-5, Jan.-May, 1892, pp. 1-40. The cover sometimes contains editorials or correspondence and may or may not figure in the pagination. Contributions by Carlton Ball, N. R. Christie, Albert (Barrett, R. F. Green, G. L. Howe, Fred T. Jencks, J. War- ren Jacobs, L. L. Knox, Rev. J. H. Langille, George A. Morrison, C. C. Purdum, C. E. Pleas, Dr. A. G. Prill, P. B. Peabody, Ernest H. Short, J. A. Singley and Ed. Van Winkle. W. W. Worthington's "Notes on the Birds of l,ong Island," ran through the entire series. Suspended, the unexpired sub- scriptions lilled l)y the "Oologists' Journal " 41. THE COLLECTORS' NATUR- AL HISTORY MONTHLY, XKW- BURGH, \. Y. Svo. (Subtitle) THE COLLECTORS' MONTHLY. Devoted to Oology, Orni- thology, Entomology. .J. B. Peck, Edi- tor and Publisher. Subscrii)tion 50c. per annum. Vol. 3, Xos. 1-4, Aug., lSfi:j PI). 1-32, covers Filling the unexpired subscriptions of the "Collectors' Monthly" and the "Oologists' Journal." Articles by John A Bryant, B. S. Bowdish, W S. Cruzen, J. Luhrnam, Jr., A. F. Ostrander, B. J. Peckham, C. C. Purdum, T. C. Young and \V. W. Worthington. 42. THE 1 COLLECTORS | NOTE BOOK I A MONTHLY MAGAZLNE | Devoted to ] COLLECTORS & COL- LECTING! I In General. |— I VOLUME I. I—' COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY I THOMAS BURNETT, | Camden, N. J., U. S. A. 12 mo. Vol. I, Xos. 1-6, Dec, 1903-May, 1904, pp. 98 incl. suppl. Vol. II, Nos. 1-5, June-Oct., 1904, pp. 99-198. Vol. 3 (III), Nos. 1-3, Dec, 1904-Feb., 1905. PI). 1-40. No doubt there was an issue Novem- ber, 1904, and also later than Febru- ary, 1905. The subscription was in- creased from 20 to 25 cents, with the second volume, and the third ])ublish- ed by Robert J. Wythe. It is well printed and with covers. R. W. Shu- feldt's iiaper on taxidermy is the only contribution of interest to the orni- thologist. 4?.. THE COLLECTORS' SCIENCE MONTHLY. A Magazine devoted to the Interests of Collectors of Xatural History Specimens, Stamps, Coins, Etc., Etc C. S. M. Publishing Comp'y (Howes & Spaulding, Pubs.) Battle Creek, :\Iich. 8 vo. Subs. 75 (50) per annum. Vol. I, Xos. 1-3, Mar.-May, 1886, pp 42, 14 1)1) adv., cover. Contains "Mv Visit to a Herony," W. E. Elv, M.D". 44. THE COLLECTORS' STAR PAWXEE, XEBR. Svo. A monthlv devoted to collecting. Published by STAR PUBLISHIXG CO. Subscription, U. S. and Canada, 15c. Vol. I, Xo. 2, Mar. (Feb., 1888. 4 pp. •unp. "Game Birds of California" by X. R. Christie. Xotes on S species. 45. THE CURIO BULLETIN (date) Official .Journal of the American So- cietv of Curio Collectors VOLUME I. Edited and Published by H. L. LIXD- QUIST, Secretary, 3812 LANGLEY AVENI^E, CHICAGO, ILL. 8 vo. Quarterly. Devoted to Xatural His- tory and Curio Collecting. 50c. a year, 15c a copy. (Autumn number: Pub- lished bv the American Society of Curio Collectors, Central Office, 1202 Main St., Osage, Iowa.) Vol. I, Xos. 1-3, Mar., A])r., Autumn, 1910, pp. fi4-f24. Howard E. Bishop, Sujit. Identifica- tion, Ornithology. Contributions by W. L. Griffin and F. May Tuttle. Sus- I)ended, Subscribers transferred to "The Curio Collector." 46. THE CURIO COLLECTOR (date) Official Journal of the American Society of Curio Collectors VOLUME I Published bv The American Society of Curio Collectors Central Office, 1202 Main St., Osage, Iowa. 8 vo. Published quarterly at 50 cents a year. F. May Tuttle, Editor-in-chief. Corinne B. Wolverton, Publisher. Vol. I, No 4, Winter, 1911, pp. 1-24. Vol. II, Xos. 1-4, Si)ring 1911-Winter, 1912, pp. 36-1-44+28 + 18. Vol. Ill, Xo. 1, Spring, 1912, pp. 1-24. Contributions by H. E. Bishop, W. R. Lawshe, W. H. Mc:\Iillen, W H. Over, J. L. Slnanaker. F. May Tuttle, Alex. Walter, Maynie Weller. and Cor- rine Woolverton. 47. THE CURIO INFORMANT. XASHVILLE, TEXX. F'olio. Published Monthlv by James Mc- Bride, 1023 South :Market St., Xash- ville, Tenn. Subscription 25 cents per Annum in Advance. Vol I, No. 1-4, Aug. 1-Nov., 1889, pp. 4 + 4+4 + 4. Devoted mainly to archaeoIog>'. Short papers by "Dive-Dapper" and Ira C. Harper. 48. The Curiosity World. LAKE VILLAGE, X. II. Folio. (Monthly) H. J :\Iiron, Editor. .John M. Hubbard, Publisher. Subscription Price, United States and Canada 25c. Foreign Countries 37c. Vol. I, Xos. 1-12, (Sept.?), 18SG,- (Aug.?), 18S7, (48?) unpp. Vol. II, Nos. 1-7, (Sept. 1?)-Dec 1, 1887. 20,000 copies of first 6 nos. sworn to have been circulated. 1-3 out of print almost immediately. Of this volume only Xos. 2, 5, 6 and 8 were examined. Witli second volume the subscription was raised to 50 and 75 cents and issued on the 1st and 15th of each month. Good articles by Will M. Clemens. Oliver Davie, W. H. Foote, J. W. Jacobs, L. T. Meyer, H. J. Miron, Chas. E. Morrison and L. O. Pindar. 49. THE CURLEW. Entered at the Post Office, Orleans, Ind., Nov. 28, 1888, as second class matter, (dates, no., contents) Subscription Price, 25 Cents Per Year. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY O. P. HAUGER & CO. ORLEANS, INDIANA (cover form No. 4&5) 16 mo. (Cover form No. 6-7) THE CUR- LEW, (eng. of Curlew) Subscription Price. 25 Cents Per Year. Single Copies 3 Cents. PUBLISHED FOR THE WILSON CHAPTER, A. A. J. B. RICHARDS, PRESIDENT, LYNDS JONES, SECRETARY, EDITORS. Published Monthlv Bv O. P. HAUGER & CO.. ORLEANS, INDIANA. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-7, Oct , 1888-Apr., 1889, pp. 1-64. First few numbers organ of the Young Ornithologists' Association. Short papers by E. P. Carlton, F. W. Curtis, J. A. Donald. Lvnds Jones, W. A. Miller, .Jr., R. M. Strong, H. P. T. Weathern, G. L. White and others. 50. EGGS AND STAMPS. Post 8vo. A Monthlv Journal issued for the Benefit of ORNITHOLOGISTS AND PHILATELISTS. Edited By STE- PHEN J. ADAMS, Cornish, INIaine. CHAS. ACEY WHITE, Omaha, Neb, Gen. Agent. 20 Cents Per Annum. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1894, pp. 1-16. Initial no. not paged. Circula- tion 500 copies. Bird matter unim- portant. 51. THE EMPIRE STATE EX- CHANGE. A MONTHLY for COLLEC- TORS. DEVOTED TO MINERALOGY, Archaeology and GEOLOGY, and to the other Natural Sciences to Philately and EXCHANGES, (con- tents) Perrine Bro's & Co., Publishers, Water Valley, Erie Co., N. Y. (cover form of No. 2, No. 1 without cover). Nos. 1-6, 12 mo. later 8 vo. Ulysses R, Perrine, Editor. Subs. one vear, 25c. Vol. T, Nos. 1-X, Nov., 1889-Oct., 1890, pp. 1-108, incl. 5 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. I-II, Dec, 1890-Jan. 1891, pp. 1-24. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, Nov., 1891-Feb.^ 1892, pp. 1-48. Of volume I, No. vii, is with- out cover, and the numbers follow- ing have a more elaborate cover with the introduction of the state seal. Possibly there are one more number of the second volume, but I think not. Suspended temporarily. Vol. Ill has an engraved cover, was published at Eden Valley at 15 cents a year. Dis- continued after No. 4. Contributors: Letson Balliet, Geo. McCarthy, J. R. Craigue, C. S. Hammet, James Hill, R. M. Miller and J. Edw. Smith. 52. THE EXCHANGE. A paper de- moted to Oology, Taxidermy, and Or- nithology. Entered at the P. O. of Mendota, 111., as second class mail matter May 6, 1889. Demy 8 vo. Published Monthly. Bunker & Park, Publishers and Editors. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, Apr.-July, 1889, pp. 32, unpp., incl. about one-quarter space- in adv. No. 1 not seen. Communications signed with initials except that of W. T. Miller. Suspend- ed, subscriptions transferred to "Oolo- gists' Exchange." 53. THE EXCHANGE, ADRIEN MICH. Demy. 8vo. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. C. R. BURR, EDITOR. TERMS One Year % 25 Vol. I, Nos. 1-11&12, (Feb.?)-Nov.& Dec, 1885, (48?), unpp the last two with covers, over one-third adv. E. J. Stebbins and Geo. W. Tripp became the editors under the name of The Exchange Publishing Co., and the subscription increased to 35 cents. The last number is really a triple number. "No. 10" on cover, and "No.'s 11 & 12," inside. "Hunting for Eiderdown," anon. 54. Exchangers' Register. Bald- winville. N. Y. Published by the Reg- ister Publishing Company. Folio post 4 to. A Monthly Paper, devoted to the interests of Exchangers. J. J. Prouty.editor.SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Year, 50 cents; Six Months, 30- cents; Single Copies, 5 cents. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, (Mar.?)-.Iune, 1885, unpp. 8 pp. to issue. F'ile incomplete. An article on Eider Ducks" by W. E. Matheson, —10— 55. "Familiar Science and Fanciers' Journal an Illustrated Magazine, de- voted to the Student of Nature, and the Interest of Home. Joseph M. Wade, Editor and Proprietor, Spring- field, Mass." Vol. V. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1878 (new series). Vol. VI. Xos. 1-(12?)) Jan.-Dec?) 1879. (new series). Continued as the "Fanciers' Journal." Not personally examined. Notes by H. T. Gates, C. W. Gidney, Mary H. Hamlin, C. J. Maynard, B. Borsford, P. T. J(encks), "J. M. W." (C. M. Raw- son), John H. Sage and William Wood, the latter on "The (Rapacious) Birds of Connecticut," which ran through volume V and most of volume VI. 56. Field and Forest | DEVOTED TO I GENERAL NATURAL HIS- TORY 1—1 CHARLES R. DODGE, EDI- TOR. 1—1 BULLETIN OF THE POTO- MIC-SIDE NATURALISTS' CLUB. |— I VOLUME I(-III)l(small eng.) | WASH- INGTON: I THE COLUMBIA I PRESS. 11 876 (-1878). 8 vo. Subs. U. S. and Canada $1.00, for- eign $1.25. (In vols. II and III, the sec- ond and third lines of title are altered to: A MONTHLY JOURNAL | IDE- VOTED TO NATURAL SCIENCES. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12 (incl. 4 double nos.) June. 1875-May, 1876, pp. iv+96 and 1 ppl. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, July, 1876-June, 1877, pp. 5+220 and 3 ppl. Vol. III. Nos. 1-10, 11 & 12, .July, 1877- Apr., May & June, 1878, pp. iv+172 and ?, ppl. Dr. Coues says in the Salutatory: "With temporary interruption during the late political troubles, the Club has met regularly during a portion of each year since 1856, to devote an evening to the reading of papers, the exhibi- tion of specimens, and the inter- change of opinion. Until recently, the meetings were held at the residences of the members in turn, and the host of one evening became chairman of the next." The ornithological notes, paners and communications by J. A. Allen. M. E. Banning, W. H. Ballou. J. J. Checkering, Elliott Coues, H. W. Henshaw, W. L. Jones, Pierre Louis Jouy. Ludovic Kumlein. Robert R. Mc- Leod. D. W. Prentiss. G. H. Ragsdale, W. F'. Roberts. Robert Ridgewav, David Scott. R. W. Shufeldt. N. B. Webster and Lester F. Ward, are of more or less imijortance as the names would imply. The publication ended with the triple number. 57. Forest and Field. GILBERTS- VILLE (EDMESTON— with no. 8), OTSEGO COUNTY, N. Y. 8 vo. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY POPE & KELLOGG, WILLIAM POPE, L. J. KELLOGG, EDITORS (WILL POPE, EDITOR ANR PROPRIETOR, with no. 8). Subs. 25 cents, single copy 5 cents. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10, June 6, 1892-Mar., 1893, pp. 1-86, (pp. 77-78 not in evi- dence), no covers. Especially devoted to ornithology, oology and entomology. Contributions by H. E. Barton. A. E. Bennett, S. O. Bush. Harry W. Clark, Ray Densmore, Ed. Doolittle, Arthur Farmer, Geo. D. French, G. T. Green, H. T. Greene, Charles Jenney, Daniel T. Kissam, Charles McGee, C. B. Parker, Ernest H. Short and others. 58. THE GOLDEN STATE SCIEN- TIST. A Monthly Journal Devoted to Zoology, Geology, Archaeology, Botany, Numismatics and Philately. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY E. M. HAIGHT, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. Subscrip- tion Price 50 Cents per Year in Ad- vance. 8 vo. Vol. 1. No. 1, Oct, 1886, pp 1-8 and cover. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug., 1887, pp 1-12, (suppressed). D. L. Foxhall's article on the Chuck- V 'I's widow, appeared in the initial number, and in the suppressed number. H. R. Taylor's notes on a collecting trip to Donner, Placier Co.. Cal., where he found nesting the Mountain Chick- adee, White-headed Woodpecker, White-crowned Sparrow, Western Robin and Blue-fronted Jay. Perhaps my copy is unique! There appears on the front page in the handwriting of the editor, "Do not reprint any of these articles in your paper at pres- ent, as I wish to reprint them in the first issue of my new magazine (Col- lectors' Illustrated Magazine), as they were written for this magazine, none of which were sent out owing princi- pally to the many blunders made in the advertisements and only 450 copies were printed when there should have been 1000." 59. THE HAWKEYE OBSERVER. A Monthly Journal of Natural History and Science. Davenport. Iowa. E. K. Putnam, Gus Finger. Editors. Terms: —11— Three months, 15 cents; six months, 25 cents; single copy, 5 cents. Med. 8vo. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-8, 9, (Apr. ?)-Nov.., Dec, 1885 (Jan., Feb., 1886). pp 8 to issue, last with cover. The first six numbers were publish- ed by Chapter 158 of the Agassiz As- sociation, Academy of Sciences, later by the editors, the third being J. P. Hubbell. Contains "Ostrich Farming in California," anon. 60. THE HAWKEYE ORNITHOLO- GIST AND OOLOGIST. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY (E. B.) WEBSTER AND (F. D. MEAD, CRESCO, IOWA. Med. 8vo. (vol. i, nos. 1-4 and vol. ii, nos. 1-9); superroyal to imperial 8vo. (vol. i, nos. 5-12.) A ^Monthly Magazine Devoted to Ornithology and Kindred Subjects, and Geology. Subs. 50 cents. Single copy 5c. With No. 11 and ,12, publish- ed by E. B. Webster. The above title displaced in No. 5, by engraved por- trait of Snowy Owl, which in turn gave place to engraved cover with title of "THE HAWKEYE O and O." and por- trait of EuroiJean Buzzard taken from Coues' Key, Vol. II, No. 2 (erroneously marked "Vol. 2, No. I," on cover). Vol. I, Nos. 1-11 and 12, Jan.-Nov. and Dec, 1888, pp. 1-134. Vol. II, Nos. 1-9 (7 and 8 double), Jan.-Sept., 1889, pp. 1-84. (pp 70-71, not apparent). Suspended, job office and museum destroyed by fire. Articles by W. C. Brownell. Oliver Davis, W. H. Davis, J. D. Ford, R. M. Gibbs. .1. Warren, Jacobs, W. L. Kells. L. O. Pindar, Neil F. Posson, W. E. Pratt, J. B. Purdy, Walter Raine. C. S. Shick, J. A. Singley. Thaddeus Surber, W. S. Strode, E. G. Ward, J. Claire Wood, and others. 61. THE ' HOOSIER NATURALIST. I PUBLISHED FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT of POl'LAR SCIENCE, I WITH i ORXITHOLOGY. OOLOGY | AND I TAXIDERMY AS SPECIAL- TIES. I— I VOLUME T. 1—1 VAL- PARAISO, INDIANA. I "IDEAL" STEAM PUBLISHING HOUSE. | 1886-87. Folio (nos. 1 and 2), med. 8 vo (no. 3 and later). A. C. Jones, R. B. Trouslot, Editors and Publishers. Pub. Monthly at 50 cents a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Aug., 1885-July, 1886. pp. (i-iii) title and index, 1-102, incl. 52 pp. advs. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Aug., 1886-July, 1887, pp. 1-170, incl. 2 pp. adv. Pagination unreliable in several re- spects. Circulation said to be 5000 copies. Prof. A. C. Jones retired at the end of 1885, and the subscription increased to 75 cents; reduced to 60 cents in June-Jan. 1887; R. B. Trouslot, Editor and Proprietor. R. B. Trouslot & Co., Publishers. Sold to C. R. Orcutt, Pub- lisher of the "West American Scien- tist." Among the contributors are Geo. H. Berry, E. L. Brown, W. L. Blatchley, Oliver Davie, Edwin C. Davis, B. W. Everman, Chas. A. Keel- er, W. L. Kells, Chas. H. Marsh, Chas. S. McPherson, F. A. Sawyer, A. M. Shields, J. O. Snyder and J. B. WheeL er. The Hoosier Naturalist, VALPARAI- SO, INDIANA. Folio. Published Bi-monthly at fifty cents a year, by Charles Lamson (with sec- ond number R. B. Trouslot & Co.) Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-6 (4&5 double) Jan.- Nov., 1888 26 pp, incl. 3 pp adv., not consecutively paged. Revived by permission of the pub- lishers of the "West American Scien- tist." Circulation of the first number said to be 2000 and of the second num- ber, 10,000 copies. Very little original matter, and that by Albert Garret and Chas. S. McPherson. Continued as the "Naturalist," Kansas City, Mo. 62. THE HUMMER. DEVOTED TO BIRD LIFE. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY J. R BONWELL, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR. (cover of first no.). J. Robin Bonwell, M. A. Car- riker, Jr., Editors. 5 cents a copy. By the year 40 cents. (Later numbers) Published on the 28th of each month by THE BONWELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 821 N. 16th St., Nebraska City, Neb. 50c. a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-9, May 20th, 1899-Mar. 28th, 1900, about 24 pp. to issue, incl. covers and advertisements which take un about half. I have not seen Nos. 2-4, Nos. 5&6 are double. This appears to be the joker of the rack, yet this shabby little periodical of less than 4 by 6 inches, actually ob- tained second class rates! Tlie cov- ers are variously printed: "First edi- tion," "Subscribers' edition" or "Sam- ple cony edition." The notes are by J. R. B. (onsell), M. A. C(arriker), Al- bert Ganier, Barton Nugent, C. H. —12— Sleight and R. P. Smithwick. 63. THE HUMMINGBIRD. Sans Souci, N. C. About ;! x 4 inches. Devoted to Ornithology and Oology. Edited and published by .T. W. P. Smithwick. Subscription rates: 10c. a year. Vol. I, No. 1, Nov., 1890. pp. 1-8. The only original note is "The Prothonotary Warbler, Nesting in Eastern N. C." by the editor. This neat, though tiny paper, evidently came from the press of "The Collec- tor," New Chester, Pa., at a price ap- pro.ximating $1.50 for 250 copies. 64. INTERCHANGE, ORLPLWS, I.XD. Med. Svo. A Quarterly Journal of Natural History and Collecting News, Com- ment and Review. Terms of subs. 25 cents per year. Single copies 7 cents each. O. P. Hauger. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1896, pp. 1-8 and covers. In "Two Notable Books" the editor reviews the works of Oliver Davie. 65. THE INTERNAT'L NATURAL- IST. Devoted to XATFRAL HISTORY. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY C. W. HILLMAX, CANISTEO, X. Y., U. S. A. Demy 8 vo. Monthly. Single subs. $1.25, For- eign, 12 cents extra. Vol. 2, No. 5 (pp. 23-26 headlined "No. 4"), Jan., 1892, pp. 21-28, incl. adv. The "Bittern," "Empire State Nat- uralist," and "Maine Ornithologist and Oologist," embodied in this slovenly sheet is the last word in inefficiency. Its immediate suspension is to be com- mended. Contributions by Dr. A. G. Prill, Robert R. Scorso. Geo. P. Shep- herd and others. 66. The Iowa Naturalist | Volume l(-2) I Edited by T. J. FITZPATRICK I (Iowa City, Icwa) | 1005(-1906-1909) 8 vo. It is announced that "The publica- tion is primarily for exchange but sub- scriptions will be taken at the rate of fifty cents for four issues." Vol. 1, Nos.1-4, Jan.. Apr., July, Oct., 190.5, pp. (ii)+86. (67-68 not evident), pll. I-VI, (pp. .5-10 printed during August, 1904, and a limited number circulated). Vol. 2. Nos. 1-4, Jan., 1906, Apr., 1907, July.. Oct., 1909. pp. (iv)-f6S. pll. I-XI Vol. 3. No. 1. Jan.. 1911. pp. 24. Articles on ornithology by Clement L. Webster. "Albinism in Iowa." "Al- bino Gopher and Albino Prairie Chick- en." and "The Passing and Return of the Bla(kl)ird in the .Mid-lle West." t;7. THE IOWA ORNITHOLOGIST, I FOR THE STl'DEXT OF BIRDS. | (quotationd- Volume H-III).-- SALEM, IOWA. DAVID L. SAVAGE, PUB- LISHER. l.S!t5 (-1896). (eng. of Owl inserted in vol. iii). Med. 8vo. (Cover) The Iowa Ornithologist. A Quarterly Magazine Devoted to Orni- thology and Oology. PUBLISHED FOR The Iowa Ornithological Associa- tion. 40 CEXTS PER YEAR. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, Oct., 1894- July, 1895, pp. (i-ii) title and index, l-94-f2 pll. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, Oct., 1895,-Jan., Apr., Oct., 1896, pp. (i-ii) title and in- dex, 1-88+3 pll. Vol. Ill, Nos. I-III-4. Jan.-Oct.. 1897, pp. (i-ii) title and index. 1-64+3 pll. Vol. 4, Nos. 1-3, Jan.-July, 1898, pp. 16+18 + 12 and 2 pll. Brimful of Iowa bird notes by Iowa ornithologists. Suspended upon resig- nation of the editor, David L. Savage, and later succeeded by the "Western Ornithologist." 68 THE JOURNAL OF THE WIL- SON ORNITHOLOGICAL CHAPTER OF THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION. (crude cut of Owl, nest and young). (CONTEXTS) R. M. STROXG, Pub- lisher, Oberlin, Ohio. Demy. Svo. Vols. 1-2, Jan. and June, 1893, pp. 16 +8 and covers. Constitution, reports and member- ship list. A continuation of the "Wil- son Quarterly." 69. The Journal of the Maine Orni- thological Society. A QUARTERLY JOURXAL OF MAIXE ORXITHOL- OGY. "Bird protection, bird study., the spread of the knowledge thus gained, these are our objects." BANGOR, MAIXE. Large 12 mo. C. H. Morrell (Vol. II. J. Merton Swain), Pittsfield ( Waterville), Editor. Subs. 25 Cts. per Year. Single num- ber. 10 Cts. Vol. I. Nos. 1-4. Jan.-Oct.. 1899. pp. 1-40. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4. Jan.-Oct.. 1900. pp. 1-41. THE JOURNAL OF the Maine Orni- thological Society, (eng. of Pelican on cover of first number.) Med. 8vo. J. iVIerton Swain. Waterville (Fair- field). Editor. —13— Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1901, pp. 1-56 + 1 full page ill. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1902, pp. l-63+2pp. ill.( Subscription raised to 50 cents.) Vol. V. Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1903, pp. 1-59 and 2 pp. ill. Vol. VI, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1904, pp. 1-81 and 4 pp. ill. The Journal of the Maine Ornitho- logical Society (Seal of the "MAINE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Bird Protection, Bird Study, The Spread of the Knowledge thus Gained. These Are Our Objects.") Editor W. H. BROWNSON, (Vol. XII LOUIS E. LEGGE), Portland, Associate Editor, LOUIS E. LEGGE (Vol. XII: JED F. FANNING), Portland. Published by the Society at 97 1^ Exchange Street, Portland, Maine (Vol. VIII, subs, rais- ' ed to $1.00 a year and 25 cents a copy. Vol. XIII, editors not indicated.) Vol. VII, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1905, pp. 1-80. Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1906, pp. 1-108, and 4 pp. ill. Vol. IX, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1907, pp. 1-112+3 pp. ill. Vol. X, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1908, pp. 1-120+3 ppp. ill. Vol. XI, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1909, pp. 1-96+4 pp. ill. Vol. XII, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1910, pp. 1-80 + 5 pp. ill. Vol. XIII, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1911, 1-70+3 pp. ill. Discontinued. A file of this journal is indespensible to the student of the birds of Maine as it contains many careful contributions. Vols. II-VII, as a whole, are out of print and command a premium of from $1.00 to $2.00. Vols. I and VIII are now worth $1.00 each. 70 THE KANSAS CITY SCIENT- IST FORMERLY THE NATURALIST. (CONTENTS) ACADEMY OF SCIENCE PUB. CO., Publishers. Room 20 Bayard Building, KANSAS CITY, MO. 8 vo. R. B. Trouslot, Editor, Assisted by E. T. Keim (Joseph Sharp, M. D.), E. Butts, David H. Todd and Sid. J. Hare. Subs. $1.00 per year. Vol. 5, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1891, pp. 1-192 incl. index pll. l-III. Papers contributed by George H. Berry, W. C. Brownell, S. J. H(are), Thomas H. Jackson, Vernon L. Kel- logg, Wm. H. R. Lykins, P. B. Pea- body, Neil Franklin Posson, R. W. Shu- feldt and Dr. W. S. Strode. An excel- lent biography of Elliott Coues, by E. S. Lawton, A desirable publication, lasting only one year. The Official Organ of the Kansas City Academy of Science. 71. THE LITERARY COMPANION. Folio. A MONTHLY REVIEW OF POPU- LAR SCIENCE AND PHILATELY, IN WHICH IS CONSOLIDATED THE AGASSIZ COMPANION AND THE AGASSIZ RECORD. WILL H. PLANK, Editor. 25 cents a year. To Foreign Countries, 35 cents. Single Copies, 3 cents. Circulation 1000. Vol. I, Nos. 1- Feb., 1889, 4 pp. to number. Vol. II, Nos. 1- Mar., 1890, 4pp to number. Official Organ of the Wyandotte So- ciety of Natural History. Ornitholog- ical matter unimportant in the broken file examined. 72. THE LEIGHTON NEWS, LEIGHTON, ALA. Post 8vo. Edited and Published Semi-Monthly on the 1st & 15th of each month by F. W. McCormack. Subscription Price 50 cents per annum. Vol. I. Nos. 1-(15?), May 17-Dec. 15, 1890, (73?)pp. incl. adv., unpp. Vol. II, Nos. 1-25, Jan. 1, 1891-Jan. 2, 1892, 200 pp. incl. covers and adv. Began as a 4 page, 2 column ama- teur local paper, printed one page at the time on a small hand press, with something like 300 subscribers, it was enlarged to 8 pages on November 1, 1890, by the addition of a colored cov- er. Beginning with Feb. 1, 1891, (vol. ii, no. 3) "The Notes on Colbert Co. (Alabama) Birds," by F. W. McCor- mack, continued until the final num- ber, Jan. 2, 1892, from 2 to 5 pages to the issue, 67 pages in all, 156 species were enumerated and annotated. Through the courtesy of Mr. McCor- mack, I have been enabled to examine his file of this volume, No. 4 being in the original typewritten manuscript. After completing the second volume, the paper was discontinued until Feb. 2, 1894, to enable the editor to attend college, and volume III, number I, ap- peared as a six column folio weekly newspaper. 73. THE LOON. (CONTENTS) DEVOTED TO ORNITHOLOGY AND OOLOGY. THAD. SURBER, Editor. Published ^Tonthly, 50 cents per an- —14— Jium. WHITE SUL(PHUR) SPRINGS, W. VA., LOON PRESS. 1889. Crown -Svo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-10, Jan.-Oct., 1889, pp. 1-78, incl. 2pp adv., cover. The initial number became exhaust- ed almost immediately. Nos. 8-10 print- ed on a better grade of paper. Con- tributers: F. H. Andrews, S. A. Ball, F. C. Baker, John E. Douglass, Jr., J. S. Griffing, Chas. T. Hepburn, W. L. Kells. W. F. Lewis, Jno. E. Marble, A. McLeod, Chas. L. McPherson, C. W. Swallow, E. B. Webster, J. Claire and Walter Wood. 74. Maine Ornithologist and Oolo- •gist. GARLAND, ME., 8vo. Edited and i)ublished monthly by H. Staunton Sawyer. Subs., 30c. (with no 5, 1.5c.; no 10, 25c.) per year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12 (no. 3-4 double). Mar., 1890-Feb., 1891, 46 pp., covers with No. 10 and later. Vol. II, Nos. 1-3, Mar.-May, 1891, 12 pp., covers. With the April, 1891 number, C. N. Hillman of Canisteo, N. Y., became as- sociate editor, and following the May issue it was succeeded by the "Inter- national Naturalist." Short contributions by W. A. Bryan, F. L. B(urns), B. S. Bowdish, J. V. Crone, W. J. Comstock, C. A. Ely, J. W. Jacobs, Geo. Minis, R. R. Scorco, J. W. P. Smithwick, C. O. Trowbridge, Stewart WHiite and others. 75). MILWAUKEE NATURALIST, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Med. Svo. A Monthly, devoted to Natural His- tory. Edited and Published by Eman- uel Senn, 255 Twelfth Street, Milwau- kee, Wisconsin. Subs 25 cts. per year. Sample Copies 3 cents each. Vol. 3, Nos. 1-11&12, Jan.-Nov.&Dec, 1886, 58 pp. incl. 13 pp. adv. unpp., last two issues with covers. Of considerable value to the orni- thologist. William Lawrence Kells' "Canadian Ornithology" ran through Nos. 2-12 inclusive, and L. Brice, G. F. Breninger, Charles Keeler. W. Hull, A. M. Shields. Albert G. Prill, Frank H. Cooper, W. H. Foote, and others con- tributed notes of interest. 76. THE MUSEUM-NATURE ART —AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR COLLECTORS OF ALL CLASSES AND YOUNG NATUR- ALISTS. WM. F. FELL & CO., PRINTERS, 1220 Sansom Street, Phil- adelphia, Pa. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPY, 15 CENTS (engraved cover design). Royal 8vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, May-Aug., 1885, pp. 1-68. Merged with the "American Anti- quarian," Clinton, Wis. Contains an illustrated article on "Rare and Cur- ious Birds' Nests," by Prof. Thomas G. Gentry. 77. THE MUSEUM. | A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO RESEARCH IN NA- TURAL SCIENCE |— 1 Rates: $1.00 per year in advance, to all countries. Single numbers, 10 cents. Royal Svo. Walter F. Webb, Editor and Publish- er, Albion, N. Y. Press of A. M. Eddy. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Nov. 15, 1894-Oct. 15, 1895, pp. (iii)-viii title and index, 5-366 incl. 93 pp adv. THE MUSEUM. \ A Monthly Science Journal. ; Rates ,$1.00 a year in ad- vance to all countries. | Vol. II, 1895-6. Royal 8vo. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Nov. 15, 189.5-Oct. 15, 1896, pp. (i-iii), 5-286, incl. 63 pp. adv. THE MUSEUM. ! A Monthly Science Journal. | Rate, .$1.00 a year in advance to all countries. | PUBLISHED ON THE FIFTEENTH OF EACH MONTH BY THE MUSEUM PUBLISHING CO., WALTER F. WEBB, MGR., ; ALBION, N. Y. I Vol. Ill (-VI), 1896-7 (1899-1900). Royal 8 vo. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-12, Nov. 15, 1896-Oct, 15, 1897, pp. (i-iv). 3-190, incl. 68 pp. adv. Vol. IV., Nos. 1-12, Nov., 1897-Oct., 1898, pp (i-ii), 5-190, incl. 60 pp. adv. Vol. v., Nos. 1-12, Nov. 15, 1898-Oct. 15, 1899, pp. (i-ii), 3-186, incl. 63 pp. adv. Vol. VI, Nos. 1-5 (erroneously mark- ed vol. iv in no. 1), Nov. 15, 1899-Mar. 15, 1900, pp. 3-79, icl. 21 pp. adv. In April, 1898, the subscription was reduced to 50 cents, and single num- bers to 5 cents. The publisher of this magazine was a dealer in natural his- tory specimens. The paper was not supported by a large corps of ornithol- ogical writers, nevertheless it is ably edited and of greater value than per- haps, it would first appear. The con- tributors are R. M. Anderson, Emer- son Atkins, G. M. .\llen, B. Bucken- ham, C. Barlow, J. H. Bowles, Edw. J. Brown, J. J. Carroll. Adolph B. Cov- ert, Nathan L. Davis. Frederick Davis, Arthur M. Farmer. C. P. Forge. W. S. —15— Johnson. C. O. Ormsbee, A. G. Prill, C. C. Purdum, W. A. Stearns, James Savage. C. N. Sonne, P. A. Taverner and others. It was announced that with the April number of volume vi, the "Museum" would be combined with "The Naturalist, Farm and Fan- ciers' Review," edited by H. W. Kerr, Blencoe, Iowa, and published at Al- bion, N. Y. 78. The Museum Bulletin, Lake Vil- lage, N. H. Size of 8vo. (No. 6 and later). MUSEUM BUL- LETIN DEVOTED TO THE INTER- ESTS OF ALL CLASSES AND THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL. Foolscap folio. PUBLISHED BY C. W. WIL- COMB. Subscription 15 cents per vear (12 NUMBERS). Vol. I, Nos 1-9, (May-) lSS6-Jan. and F'eb., 1887, pp. 4 to issue, about one- third adv. Ornithology altogether from ex- changes. 79. THE NATURALIST. A Monthly ^lagazine Devoted to Natural Science. 50 CENTS PER YEAR. PUBLISHED BY HERBERT STERZING, AUSTIN, TEXAS. JANUARY (AUG.-SEPT.,) 1894. Large 12 mo. Vol. I. Nos. 1-8-9, Jan.-Aug.-Sept., 1894, pp. 1-104 and cover. Absorbed the "American Magazine of Natural Science," in July, and transferred to the "Oregon Naturalist" after the dou- ble number. Contributers: C. Barlow, J. W. Brown. J. J. Carroll, Geo. H. Davi^. P. K. Gillman, Jesse W. Miller, C. C. Purdum, Adolph Stretcher, I. S. Trostler and Curtis Wright, Jr. The most valuable paper is "A List of the Birds of Wise County, Texas," by John A. Donald and R. L. More. 80. THE NATURALIST. DEVOTED ENTIRELY TO THE STI'DY OF Or- nithologv and Geology PRICE PER ANNUM, 50c. FOREIGN COUN- TRIES, 75c. SINGLE COPIES 5c. "Come and See the Works of God." Psalms LXVI:3. PUBLISHED BY the Naturalist Pub. Co., DES MOINES, IOWA, 189?,. 8vo. Vol. I, No. 1, (no date) pp. 1-8 and cover. Another ephemeral publication by Letson Balliet. 81. THE NATURALIST, OREGON CITY, OREGON. (See "Oregon Natur- alist," Vol. 1, No. 12 and Vol. 2, No. 1). 82. The Naturalist, KANSAS CITY, MISSOTTRI. Folio. Devoted to Ornithology, Oology,. Taxidermy, etc Published Monthly at 30 cents a year. (No. 10, $1.00 per year) R. B. Trouslot & Co., pijpprie- tors. Editor, R. B. Trouslot (No. 10, Assisted by E. T. Keim, David H. Todd, and Sid. J. Hare.) Published by Milton P. Davis (No. 5, E. R. Ire- land; Nos. 6-8, R. B. Trouslot & Co.) Vol. IV, Nos. 1-10?. Jan., 1889-Oct. ?, 1890, i)p 1-64?, unpp. January, 1890, this paper be- came the Official Organ of the Kansas City (Mo.) Academy of Science, and in October, it became the publisher and proprietor. It is pos- sible that the volume ran to 12 num- bers, since its successor did not begin before January, 1891. It is understood that the "Naturalist" was a continu- ation of the "Hoosier Naturalist." Contains few bird notes, and is of scarcely any value ornithologically. 83. THE NATURALIST AND COL- LECTOR A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF SCIENCE "YE WHO LOVE THE HAUNTS OF NA- TURE, LOVE THE SUNSHINE OF THE MEADOW, LOVE THE SHA- DOW OF THE FOREST,— LISTEN": PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT ABINO TON, ILLINOIS. BY THE SHOOP PI'B. CO Post. 8vo. P. Wilbur Shoop, Editor. Subs. 75c. per year. Vol. I. Nos. 1-3, June 1,-Aug. 1, 1895, pp. 1-75 cover. Suspended subscriptions filled by the "Oregon Naturalist." Contribu- ters: J. R. Brownson, Morris Gibbs, J. D. Gorham, J. K. Keanan, R. Cliff Rice, Chas. Reynolds, B. G., and O. L. Scott, and N. A. Wood. 84. THE NATURALISTS' COM- PANION. EDITED AND PUBLISH- ED BY CHARLES P. GUELF, BROCK- PORT, N. Y. (cover title of No. 2), 8 vo. An illustrated monthly published in the interest of Natural history. Sin- gle Subsrriiition 50 cents a year. (H. F. Thompson, Indianapolis, Ind., asso- ciate editor, Mav-October, 1886). Vol. I, Nos. 1-12 (8-9 double), July, 188.5-June, 1886, pp. 1-178, incl covers and 3 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. 1-5 & 6, Aug., 1886-Dec. & Jan.. 1886-87, pp. 1-88. May 23rd, 1887, announced suspen- sion and transfer to the "West Ameri- can Scientist." Contributors: F. H. —16— Borgholtlians, Harry Harris, Arthur J. Howell, W. R. Leighton, K. V. Lusk, G. A. Morris, ('has. D. Oldrigiit, C. D. Pendell, W. G. Roberts, Geo. H. Sel- over and J. Warren Jacobs ("Birds of Green County, Pa."). ST,. THE NATURALISTS' LEIS- URE HOUR AND MONTHLY BULLE- TIN, A. E. FOOTE, (engraved title) SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, PHILA- DEIPHIA. PA. Xo. 1223 BELMONT (4116 ELM) AVEXT^E. Monthly. .50 (75) c. a year (for 12 numbers). 8 vo. Began January, 1887, by Dr. Poote, in an endeavor to build up a great re- tail depot of natural history supplies. The subscription was reduced to 25 cents during the fourth year, with a circulation of 7,000, and the 16 pages were doubled by the addition of a second half to each number. Two edi- tions were then published, a sub- scribers' on heavy paper, and an ad- vertising on light paper. Ran into the 17th year, at least, the last I have seen is dated Jan., No. 140, 1893. While the prftss work can scarcely be commended, the contents Is more or less interesting to the orni- thologist, especially during the earlier volumes; later the extensive lists of scientific literature are its chief value. 86. THE NATURALISTS' JOUR- NAL. Royal Svo. A Monthly Paper devoted to Natur- al History and Science and the cause of the Agassiz Association. Robert T. Taylor, Editor, Frankfort, Philadel- phia. Yearly subscribers 50 cents. Vol. IT, Nos. 1-fi, (Mar.?)-Aug. 1885, pp. 1-114. Volume one I have not seen, there were two volumes however, Contains W. T. Damarest's "Audubon." 87 THE NATURALISTS' QUAR- TERLY. A :\Tagazine Devoted to the Intere?ts of Natural History in All its Branches. Published by the Xatuv- alists' .Bureau. (George A Bates), Salem, Mass. Subscription price 50 cts. per year. 8 vo. Vol. I, No. I, Jan., 1880. \^^. 1-40. Contains an article on taxidermy in addition to the usual dealers' catalo- gue. 88. THE NATURALISTS' Review, DEVOTED EXCLT'SIVELY TO NA- TURAL SCIENCE. SHRIEVES & DTTRLAND, Publishers.. BOSTON, MASS. 10c. PER COPY, $1.00 PER YEAR. Med. 8vo. Vol. I. No. 1, Mar. 1895, pp. 1-24, incl. cover and adv. Ornilhological matter not original. 89. THE NATURAL SCIENCE JOURNAL. (List of Ueiiartmental Edi- tors) MANAGING EDITOR, F. G HILLMAN. (CONTENTS) Published .Monthly. The Atlantic Scientific Bureau, 103ti Acushnet Ave., New Bed- ford, Mass. Annual Subscription $1.00 Single Co|)ies 10 cents. Svo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2. Mar-Ai)ri., 1897, pp. 1-60, incl. 9 pp. adv., covers. Susi)ended. Contains Dr. 'M. T. Cleckley's List of the Birds of Georgia. Department of Ornithology and Oology conducted by Prof. W. A. Stearns, At- lanta, Ga. 90. NATURAL SCIENCE NEWS, | FOR THE I STCDENT OF NATIRAL HISTORY, I - I VOLT^ME I (-11), | - | ALBION, N. Y. I FRAXK H. LATTIN, PTTBLISHER. I 189.5-6. Foolscap folio. Vol. I, Nos. 1-52, Feb. 2, 1895-.Tan. 25, 1896, pp. 4-f208. Vol. II, Nos. 1-14, Feb. 1,-Mav 2, 1896, pp. 1-60 incl. index. Suspended. Contains Short's "Birds of Western New York." correspond- ence relative to "What Has Become of the Bluebirds?" "Penikese-A Remini- scene," and lesser contributions, by J W. Daniel, .Jr., Morris Gibbs, Arthur W. Kirkpatrick, T. G. Pearson, Eugene Pericles, Dr. A. G. Prill, Morris Rice, E. H. Short, C. F. Stone, E. M. Vick- ers and L. W. Watkins. Subscrij)- tions filled by the "Poiiular Science Xews." 91. NATURE STUDY, I PUBLISHED UXDER THE AI'SPICES OF THE ' Manchester 1 Institute of Arts and Sciences I VOLUME TV. 190.3-1904. I (seal) I Editor, EDWARD J. BT'RN- HAM. I Associate Editors, ' FRED- ERICK W. BATCHELDER, WILLIAM H. HUSE & 1 ST^SY C. FOGG, THEO- DORA RICHARDSON. I MANCHES- TER, N. H. I 1904. Med. 8vo. 50 cents per annum in advance. Na- ture Stlidy Press. Vol IV. Nos. 1-12, June, 1903-Mav, 1904, pp. V4-240 + 12 pll. Vol. V. Nos. 1-2 June-Julv, 1904, pp. 1-40-f 2 pll. The former editor could not suni)ly me with any information other than it had discontinued. The signed art- icles are by E. J. Burnham, Alice B. Currier, O. M. Meyncke and Stephen D. Parrish. —17— 92. NATURE'S REALM A MONTH- LY MAGAZINE OF Popular Natural Historv. WILLIAM C. HARRIS. Man- aging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER ANNUM, (contents) PUB- LISHED BY THE HARRIS PUBLISH- ING CO. 10 WARREN ST., NEW YORK. J. KLINE EMMET, JR., Pres't. H. R. HARRIS, Sec'y and Treas. Royal Svo. Vol. II, Nos. 1-5, Jan.-:May. 1S91, pp. 1-200. This magazine appears to be quite scarce, I have seen only a few num- bers and do not know how many num- bers appeared. Among the contri- butors are James Cameron, R. ^I. Gibbs, Fi-ederic Howard, W. M. Kohl and T. O. Russell. 93. The ' Nidiologist Published by HENRY REED TAYLOR | ALA- MADA CAL. I (a view of the Sier- ras with a Condor in the foreground) bv P. W. Kahn, ! HO:\IE OF THE CAL- IFORNIA CONDOR. Royal Svo. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED THE STUDY OF ORNITHOLOGY, AND With Spe- cial Reference to the Nidiflcation of North American Birds. Subscription (in advance) One Dollar. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-12 (10 and 11 double number), Sept., 1893-Aug., 1894, pp. (iv)-fl84. THE NIDIOLOGIST. ' ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR. | AN| ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY JOUR- NAL I OF I NORTH AMERICAN | OR- NITHOLOGY AND OOLOGY. - | IT IS ONE THING TO BE POPULAR, IT IS ANOTHER THING TO BE ACCUR- ATE. 1 THE NIDIOLOGIST IS BOTH IN ONE I EDITED BY HENRY REED TAYLOR, ! Associated with Dr. R. W. Shufeldt. I 150 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. Royal Svo. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Sept., 1894- Aug., 1895, pp. (iv) +174 + 1 col pi. suppl. 94. THE I NIDOLOGIST [ (an art- istic cover design by George E. How- ard, in which Dr. Shufeldt's photo of a nest of young Wood Pewees fea- tures) I HENRY REED TAYLOR | EDITOR & PUBLISflER I ASSOCIAT- ED I WITH I DR. R. W. SHUFELDT | OF THE I SMITHSONIAN INSTUTU- TION I OFFICE OF PUBLICATON, | ALAMEDA, | CALIFORNIA | Vol. Ill; Sept., 1895-Aug. 1896. Royal Svo. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-12 (4-5 double), Sept., 1895-Aug., 1896, pp. (vi)+150. Vol. IV. Nos. 1-9, Sept., 1896-May, 1897, pp. 112+1 col. pi. Suspended, subscriptions filled by the "Popular Science Monthly." The place made vacent by the defunct "O. & O." was almost immediately filled by the "Nidiologist." In December, 1894, the subscription was increased to $1.50, and so remained the balance of the volume. From March, 1895, to April, 1896, it was published in New York City, Following the criticism of Dr. Coues, the superfluous "i" was re- moved from the title, December, 1895, and marked the advent of a new cover design. Dr. Shufeldt became associated with the editor May, 1895, and severed his connections simultaneously with the withdrawal of the new, and the reappearance of the original cover de- sign. With the beginning of third vol- ume became Official Organ of the Cooper Ornithological Club. Nos. 2 and 3 of the initial volume became exhausted before April, 1893, as much as $1.00 being offered for the former, sometime later the publisher offered two sets of Vol. I at $2.50. Ac- cording to a circular letter appeal for financial aid, dated Dec. 12, 1896, the subscription list at no time exceeded t;oo. 95. ThelNorth American]Naturalist. I— I A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOT- ED TO THE SCIENCE | OF NAT- URAL HISTORY. 1—1 RATES. | $1.50 per year (postage prepaid) in the United States, Canada and INIexico. | $2.00 per year (postage prepaid) in all other countries in the Postal Union. 1—1 PUBLISHED BY I The Naturalist Publishing Co. ' Newark, New .Tersev. I COPYRIGHT, 1896 I by The Natur- alist Publishing Co. Royal Svo. Vol. I, No. 1, Apr., 1896, pp. 1-40, incl. 4 pp. adv. and cover. Some notes by Nathan L. Davis and Geo. C. Stephens, the former being the editor of the Department of Ornitholo- gy and Oology. 96. NOTES OF RHODE ISLAND ORNITHOLOGY I EDITED BY | RE- GINALD HEBER HOWE, JR. | VOL- UME I (-III). I BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND I 1900 (-1903) Med. Svo. NOTES ON RHODE ISLAND OR- NITHOLOGY, A quarterly publication for the purpose of furthering interest in ornithology in the State of Rhode Island. Published and edited by Reg- inald Heber Howe, Jr., Address, —18— Longwood, Brookline, Massachusetts. Terms, seventy-five cents (.75) a year. Single numbers, twenty cents (.20). Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1900, pp. (i) + 26, and covers. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct.. 1901, pp. (1)4-28, and covers. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, Jan.-Oct., 1902, pp. (1) + 29, and covers. The terms for the last two years was one dollar per volume, twenty-five cents for a single number. A Rhode Island classic. 97. THE OBSERVER NATURAL HISTORY EDUCATION, GENERAL LITERATURE POPULAR SCIENCE, E. F. BIGELOW, PUBLISHER Demi folio. PORTLAND, CONN. E. P. BIGE- LOW, Editor and Publisher, Published Monthly at No. 5 Waverly Ave. Subs, one year fifty cents. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, .lan.-Dec. 1890, 96, pp. (pagination began with each num- ber.) Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1891, 96 pp. (pagination begin with each num- ber.) THE OBSERVER, |-| A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, l-l A Medium. of Inter- change of Observations | FOR | All Students and T.,overs of Nature I DE- VOTED TO I All Departments of Na- ture Studies. ! E. F. BIGELOW, Editor and Publisher. I ASSOCIATE EDIT- ORS, I M. A. BOOTH, F. R. M. S., MICROSCOPY, LONGMEADOW, MASS. I .TNO. H SAGE, Ornithology, PORTLAND. CONN. | A. W. PEAR- SON, Entomology, NORWICH, CONN.I C. A. SHEPARD, Botany, New Britain, Conn. I C. A. HARGRAA^E, Conchol- ogy. Danville, Ind. ' F. P. GORMAN, Geology, 103 Knight St., Providence, R. I. I Vol. Ill (-IV). 1892 (-1893). | PORTLAND. CONN. SUBSCRIP- tions, $1 PER YEAR. Med. 8vo. Vol. in, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1892, pp. (vii)-384, covers. Vol IV, Nos. 1-12, .Tan. -Dec. 1893, rip. (vi")-384, covers. THE OBSERVER. | AN ILLUS- TRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. \-\ A Medium of Interchange of Observa- tions I FOR I All Students and Lovers of Nature. I-| DEVOTED TO ALL DE- PARTMENTS OF NATURE STUDIES '-' E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, l-| Departments. I THE OUTDOOR WORLD. H. H. BALLARD. E. F. BIGELOW, Editors. I ASSISTED BY THE FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE EDITORS, I JNO. H. SAGE, ORNI- THOLOGY, Portland, Conn. | A. W. PEARSON, ENTOMOLOGIST, Norwich, Conn. | C. A. SHEPARD,' BOTANY, New Britain, Conn. I C. A. HARGRAVE, CONCHOLOGY, Dan- ville, Ind. F. P. GORMAN, BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY, Providence, R. I. I THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION, Edit- ed by H. H. BALLARD, President of the A. A., Pittsfield, Mass. [ PRACTI CAL MICROSCOPY, Edited by M. A BOOTH, Longmeadow, Mass. | Vol. V (-Vni). 1894 (-1897). | PORT LAND, CONN, SUBSCRIPTION, $1 PER YEAR. Med 8vo. Vol. V. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1894, pp (vii)-384, covers. Vol. VL Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1895, pp (vii)-l 44-240, covers. Vol. \qi, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1896 pp, (vii)-700, covers. Vol. Vin, Nos. 1-8, Jan.-Aug., 1897 pp. 208, covers. Suspended. Although there were some changes in associate editorship, John H. Sage remained at the head of hi'? department throughout the series, and the three or more pages to a num- ber, of popular ornithology, made up of short articles by various writers, and short notes and comments by the editor, are well edited and authoritive. This periodical is wholly out of print. 98. The Ohio Naturalist— EDITOR- IAL STAFF. EDITORS - IN - CHIEF JOHN H. SCHAFFNER, Vol. I. JAS S HINE, Vol. II, F. L. LANDACRE, Vol. in. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Zoology— F. L. LANDACRE, Vol. I, II. JAS. S. HINES, Vol. Ill Botany— F. J. TYLOR, Vol. I. J. H. SHAFFNBR, Vol. U, III. Geology— J. A. BROWNOCKER. Arch- aeology— W. C. MILLS. Ornithologv— H. F. GRIGGS, vol. I. MAX MORSE, HINES, Vol. III. Botanv— F. J. TYLOR, Vol. II. O. E. JENNINGS, Vol. III. AD- VISORY BOARD: Prof W. A. KEL- LERMAN, Ph. D. Department of Bot- any. Prof. HERBERT OSBORN. M. Sc Department of Zoology. Prof. J. A. BOWNOCKER D. Sc. Department of Geology. VOLUMES I. II and IH. November, 1900.-.Tune 1903.— COLUM- BUS. OHIO. PUBLISHED BY THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. 1900-1903. Med. 8vo. THE O. S. U. NATURALIST (cover title of first two numbers). — 1»— Annual subscription 50 cts. Single number 10 cts. (raised to $1.00, single number 15 cents, at the commence- ment of the fourth year. Vol. I, Xos. 1-8, Nov., 1900-June, 1901, PI) (vii title and index) -f-130. pll. 1-10. Vol. II, Xos. 1-8, Nov. 1901-June, 1902, pp. (131)-298, pll.11-21. Vol. Ill, Xos. 1-8, Xov., 1903-June, 1904, pp. 299-4524- (vi) title and index to vols, i, ii and iii, pll. 1-21 incl. in pagnation. Vol. IV, Xos. 1-5, Xov. 1904-Mar. 1905, pp. 1-114. A journal devoted more especially to the natural history of Ohio. Publish- ed monthly during the academic year, from Xovember to .June. Papers by R. L. Baird, Walter J. Derby, Ray Densmore, Charles Dury, Robert F. Griggs, J. C. Hambleton, Lynds Jones, Herbert Osborn ("Mallophagan Rec- ords and Descriptions"), Theodore Clarke Smith and J. R. Taylor. 99. "The Old Curiosity Shop. Pub- lished by Will ]\I. Clemens; .James- town, X. Y. Vol. I, 6 Xos, Dec, 1882-June-July, 1883, 28 pp., 84 columns, 16 ill. Vol. II, 6 Xos , July-Dec, 1883, 76 pp., 16 ill. Vol. Ill, 6 Xos., Jan.-.July, 1884, 64 pp., 17 ill. " The Old Curiosity Shop. James- town, X. Y. Demy. 8vo. Published Monthly by W. B. Brock- way, at 47 Hazzard Street, Subs. 25 25 cts. per annum. Vol. IflV), Xos. 1-6, June-Xov., 1886, 24 pp. unpp. Vol. I(V), Xos. 7-12, Dec, 1886-May, 1887, 24 pj). unpp. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. A JOl'RXAL DEVOTED TO PHII.ATE- LY, XUMISMATICS. XATURAL HIS- TORY, AXTIQIHTIES & BRIC-A- BRAC. Vol. 6 ( -IX) COXTEXTS The Old Curiosity Shop. JAMESTOWX, X. Y. Twenty-Five Cents a Year, (various coin and stamj) eng.) Med. 8 vo. (ex- cept Xos. 3G-38 of Vol. VIII, and Vol. IX entire, which are folio, and lack the characteristic cover form.) Vol. 6, Xos. 31-34, July-Oct., 1887, i)]) 8+8+8 + 12, incl. 14 pp. adv., covers. Vol. VII, Xos. 3.5-38, Feb.-Mav, 1888, pp. 8 + 4 + 4 + 16, incl. 4 pp. adv., (nos. 35 and 38 with covers ) Vol. VIII, Xos. Ml (whole Xos. 39- 49), Oct., lS88-Aug., 1889, pp. 166+4 (suppl. with Xo. 5)', incl. 46 pp. adv., covers. Vol. IX,Xos. 1-6, Jan.-Xov. 1890, pp. 36, incl. 11 pp. adv. August, 1887, Will M. Clemens bought all right and title, removed to San Diego, Cal. and continued the pub- lication under his own editorship, Feb., 1888, C. R. Orcutt being the publisher, for one month, when the latter became both editor and publisher, and contin- ued in the latter capacity after E. M. Haight of Riverside, became editor and proprietor, Oct., 1888 to Aug., 1889 Owing to the ill health of E. M. Haight this magazine changed hands again: B MacDonald, Editor, A. MacDonald, Manager, and published by The Col- lector Publishing Company, San Fran- cisco, J. A. Ephram, Printer. It ran only six numbers more before suspend- ing, A. MacDonald publishing the last four numbers. The subscription was raised to 50 cents in Xos. 37, 38, 42-45; and 35 cents in 39-41. Volumes I, II and III were scarce at $5.00 a set in 1888, according to the advertisement. Began as a stamp paper, became more general wdth the sixth volume and lat- er, until the final volume, which was almost exclusively given to philately. Interesting short papers on birds by R. L. Clutter, R. M. Gibbs, S. Estle Miller, H. A. Talbot, H. R. Taylor and Geo. F. Wittemore. Wm. I^ Kells has a series of notes on the "Canadian Wild Birds." 100. THE OOLOGIST. ISSUED IN THE IXTERESTS OF COLLECTORS AXD XATURALISTS PUBLISHED AT UTICA, X. Y. (Vol. I, Nos. 1-2). (Crude wood cut heading by Willard) ISSITED IX BEHALF OF THE SCIEXCE WHICH IT ADVOCATES. (Vol. 1, No. 3 to Vol. Ill, Xo. 12.) Med. 8vo. S. L WILLARD & CO., Editors. Publication office at Utica, N. Y. Ad- dress all communications to the OOLO- GIST. 27 Oneida street, Utica. TERMS: One cony one vear (in ad- vance) 50 cents. Five conies $2.25. Vol. I, Xos. 1-12 (7-8 double), Mar., 187.5-Feb.. 1876. pp. 88 + 2 and 1 pi. (Sept.-Oct. supi)l.)-f1 (Xov. suppl.) +1 (Dec. suiM'l — supi)lements uniiaged.) 30 ill. Vol. II, Xos. 1-12 (9-10 double), Mar., 1S76-Feb., 1877, pp. 92 + 1 (index), pp. 7.3-74 (Xov.-Dec), and 83-84 (.Jan.) are —20— marked "Su|)|)lenients," also bound in with the .March number, is an unpaged "Firstannual Report of the Ani.Oolog- ical Society," occupying a single page. 5 ill. Vol. Ill, Xos. 1-12, Mar., lS77-Feb., 187S, pp. 102, incl. 2 pp. inde.x, (pp. 17- 18 (Apr.) and 83-84 (Dec.) "Supple- ments," and 1). 62 erroneously mark- ed "r.2.") 8 ill. The Oologist: | A Monthly Journal devoted to the Study of Birds and their Eggs. I— I Edited by S. L. WIT.LARD. |— [ VOLUME IV. I (woodcut of an egg) I UTICA, X. Y.: 1 Published at No. 27 Oneida street. Med. 8 vo. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-12, Mar., 1878-Sum- mer, 1879, pp. iv-100+1 col. pi., (tem- porary suspension following the .July issue until January, due to insufficient financial sui)|iort ) covers, (> ill. THE OOLOGIST. ' A Monthly Jour- nal ! DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. I— I Edited bv JOS. :\I. WADE, S. L. WILLARD. I— I VOLUME V. | (cut of egg) I ROCKVILLE, CONX.: |PUB- LISHED BY JOS. M. WADE. Med. 8 vo Vol. V, Nos. 1-12, July, 1879-Feb., 1881, pp. iv-9(i (suspended after Nov., 1879, until Aug., 1880, Oct.-Nov. num- bers bouni] under one cover.) 3 ill. This is the pioneer amateur oologi- cal iieriodical of America. S. L. Wil- lard, a typical American boy of about sixteen years, after conducting an orni- thological department in '"The Reper- tory," a western amateur i)aper, be- came convinced of the need of a serial devoted to birds and their eggs, and without help, no money and little ex- perience, engaged the services of an unemployed ])rinter. and began the l)ublication of this little i)aper. The first two issues were not only typo- graphical failures, printed with coarse type on thin i)a])er with scant margin and the headings all set uji in type, but the subject matter trite and of too manifold nature, needless to state it received severe criticism, and the dis- couraged editor at a loss to jiav the printer, withdrew the iniblication. However, several inquiries for sample cojties from surprisingly remote local- ities and one or two press notices, awakened a fresh determination to proceed For the third number, he invested in a bit of engravers' box- wood anil carved a heading, at the same time he added a small font of type, sufficient to compose a single page, and negotiated with a boy friend to print it on his press, one page at a time. F'ive numbers were issued in this way during spare hours from school, when his friend having dispos- ed of his iiress, it became necessary to do the printing elsewhere. From his plans, a local blacksmith built a i)ress with a eai)acity of just one page, on which the next four numbers were I)rinted. It must be remembered that tie edi- tor was under the necessity of com- posing the bulk of the reading matter, particularly in the early volumes be- fore the paiier had many contributors. Beside writing under his own name, he i)ublished his own compositions in the form of essays for the editorial pages, Under the non de iilume of "Ovum" he published a series of pap- ers entitled "Birds" Nests and Eggs," which ran for three years, having for its inspiration a similar series by J. A. Whitley in "Amateur Age." Con- siderable also appeared over the name of "Avis." Over fifty woodcuts during the series, most of them wholly the work of this enthusiast (exce])t a few bearing the signature of S. Pryor, sculptor) very crude work of course but showing great industry. Volume IT, and most of volume III were printed on a large amateur press he had pur- chased, and the balance up to the first four numbers of volume V, on a better and larger press which he also used for job printing. Beginning with the fourth volume, the i)eriodical attained to the dignity of a cover and an en- graved design which is best described in the words of the i)roud engraver: "In the foreground, across the lower corner of the cover, api)ear three eggs strung uiion a straw. A pair of Hawks have chosen a delightful position for their nest in the tree near the shore of the lake; the motherly Duck has nested early and is leading her little family into the reeds: the Egrit and Sandpipers are indesjiensible adiuncts to pleasure upon water; the Ruffed Grouse are both drummin.g; the Bubo virginianus knows verv little about any Snowy Owl; a bird of prev, prob- ably an Eagle, appears just over the horizon, a number of graceful Swal- lows skim through the air, and the Downy Woodpecker has found some- -21— thing upon the tree that seems to en- gage its attention." On January, 1876, the subscription was reduced to 40 cents, and raised to 60 cents at the beginning of volume IV. With the November, 1879, issue, Jos. M. Wade undertook its publica- tion, S. L. Willard becoming assistant editor, and the last eight numbers were issued from the office of a reg- ular printer, with Rockville, Conn., as the place of publication. The five vol- umes required just six years to pub- lish. This little magazine, though of- ten quoted, is quite scarce. I know of only two or three complete sets in ex- istence, one set collected recently, af- ter much personal energy, advertising and correspondence, represented an outlay of almost $50 in cash. The first three volumes are, of course, the scar- cest: worth from $10 to $15 each. The privilege of examining a complete file I owe to Mr. R. M. Barnes. Probably the bulk of the con- tributions should be accredited to the editors. Among the most prominent or prolific are: W. T. Allen, Dr. H. A. Atkins, W. H. Bal- lou, T. M. Brewer, G. A. Boardman, A. W. Butler, C. E. Cole, W. H. Col- lins, A. Covart, W. Couper, F. J. Davis, D. H. Eaton, M. B. Grifling, C. W. Gunn, E. S. Hasbronck, H. Hale, M. Hardy, D. Hatch, C. A. Hawes, A. Herbert, J. Holzaphfel, J .S. Howland, E. Ingersoll, C. L. Rawson (the fam- ous "J(ennie) Mfay") W(hipple)" until uncovered by J. P Xorris), J. T. Jones, F. T. Jencks, F. H. L(attin), C. J. May- nard, H. M(errell), C. A. Morse, W. H. Nash, B. J. Peckham, G. H. Ragsdale, J. H. Severance, J. H. Smith, F. A. S(ampson), D. D. Stone, V. M. Firor, H. G. Vennor, C W. Stromburg, W. T. Warrick, E. E. WHntle) and W. Wood. With Volume VI, the publica- tion became known as the "Ornitholo- gist and Oologist." 101. The Oologist's Advertiser. DANIELSON\aLLE, CONN. Size of 8vo. A monthly Paper devoted to the study of birds, their nests and eggs. CHARLES H. PRINCE, Editor and Publisher. Subs. 15c. single copies 2c. Vol. I, Nos. 1-?., Aug.-Oct., 1890, pp. 16(?), covers. No. 1 not seen. Discontinued, subscriptions filled by "The Collec- tors' Monthly." 102. THE OOLOGIST S' EX- CHANGE. AUSTIN, ILL. (nos. 8-12: SHARON, WIS.; vol. II, NEW YORK). Size of post 8vo. Published Monthly at 15 cents a year (nos. 8-12, 10 cents, and vol. II, 20 cents a year). T. VERNON WIL- SON (nos. 8-12, DICKINSON & DUR- KEE; vol. II, ARTHUR E. PETTIT). Vol, I, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1888, 52 pp. unpp., incl. 4 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. 1-11, Apr., 1889-Feb., 1890, pp. 44+2 pi. unpp. incl. 2 pp adv. Suspended. Notes by F. C. Baker, W. C. Brownell, E. F. Gamble, Morris Gibbs, W. E. Hillman, W. Ingram, V. L. Lewis, LeGrande T. Meyer, F. H. Nutter, T. G. Pearson, L. N. Rossiter, Thad. Surber and E. B. Webster. 103. THE OOLOGIST'S JOURNAL, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Size of 8 vo. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO ORNITHOLOGY AND OOLOGY. Edited and Published by FRED W. STACK. Subs. 25 cents per annum. Single copies oc. each. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar., 1891, pp. 1-12, incl. 3 pp. adv. Vol. II. Nos. 1-2&3, Jan.-F'eb.,-Mar. Apr., 1892, pp. 1-14 and covers. After the third number of the first volume it was merg- ed with the "Sentinel ]Maga- zine," which jiroved a failure. With the double number of the final volume, the publishers were Stack & Peck, Fred W. Stack, Editor, and Jesse W. Peck, Associate Editor. Suspended, the subscriptions filled by the "Collec- tors' ^Monthly." Notes by I. U. Kin- sey, F. W. McCormack, J. W. P. Smith- wick, C. B. A^andycook and the edi- tors. 104. THE OREGON NATURALIST. An Illustrated :\Ionthly Devoted to Or- nithology, Oology, and other Branches of Natural History (eng. of European Avocet by Cheney after Brehm) Single Subscription 25 Cents Per Annum. G. B. CHENEY, Editor. OREGON CITY, OREGON: NATURALIST PUBLISH- ING COMPANY, 1894 (cover). Med 8vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2, 12, Sept., Oct., Dec, 1894, 24-f-16, incl. 9 pp. adv. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-12, .Ian -Dec, 1895, pp. 172, incl. 1 pp. adv. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1896, pp. 160. -22— Vol. IV, Xos. 1-9, Jan., 1897-Jan., 1898, pp. 68. "Guaranteed circulation 3000." This magazine had quite a checkered ca- reer. With the December, 1894, num- ber, it was consolidated with "The Naturalist" of Austin, Texas, and that issue and vol. 2, no. 1, only appeared under the latter title; the subscrip- tion was advanced to 50 cents, Febru- ary, ]S95, A. B. Averill became editor, and in March it announced that the North-Western Ornithological Associa- tion had made it the official organ; Dr. C. C. Purdum became associated with the editor, which he retained until it again changed hands November, 1890, to John Martin, Palestine, Oregon, and the subscription lowered to 25 cents, and the Avocet engraving was replac- eod by the seal of the State of Oregon for the first four numbers of the last volume. Suspended. Among the contributors are A. B. Averill, Fred. H. Andros, H. T. Bohn- man, Geo. F. Breninger, D. A. Cohen, W. W. Cooke, W. Edwards, E. F. Had- ley, C. B. Hadley, Wm. L. Kells, C F. Pflinger, A. L. Pope, R. P. Smithwick, Rav Stryker and R. W. Williams, Jr. 105. THE ORNITHOLOGIST. TWIN BLUFFS, WIS. Svo. A Monthly paper of Natural History. Especially devoted to the study of Birds, their nests and habits. Edited by C. L. McCOLLUM. TER]MS: 35 cents per year. Somple copies, each 4 cts. Vol. I, Nos. 1-7, May-Dec, 1885, pp 60, incl. 10 pp. adv. (nos. 4-7 with cov- ers). ' Probably complete. The "Naturalists' Companion," Feb., 1886, stated this publication had suspended. Wm. L. Kells wrote a serial on "Canadian Wild Birds," and C. L. M(cCollum) on "Wis- consin Birds," also papers by C. H. Afndros. L. Hayter, Charles H. Marsh and A. :m. Shields. 106. The ORNITHOLOGIST and BOTANIST.— VOTJT:\rE (MI). BING- HA:\tTON. N. Y. JOSEPH E. BLAIN & Co., 189U-1892). Royal Svo. Joseph E. Blain, Editor and Publish- er. Subs. 20 cents. Single copies 3c. Vol.1, Nos. I-XIT, .Ian. 1,-Dec. 1, 1891, pp. 96 and covers. Vol. II, Nos. 1, 2, 6, Jan., Feb., -Tuly 1, 1892, pp. 1-15, and 25-32, (no. 2 with- out cover). The pagination would seem to indicate an issue between nos. 2 and 6, probably a no. 3 for June, but no more according to my information. With the fourth number, Willard N. Clute became editor, and the price was increased to 3.j cents. At the end of the year 300 copies of the title and in- dex were printed, indicating about the circulation at this time. It was then transferred to Letson Balliet and Wil- liam S. Sanford, Des Moines, Iowa, and they became the editors and publish- ers, raising the subscription to 50 cents. The periodical speedily degen- erated under the new management. Extravagant claims were made in re- spect to the circulation. After pub- lishing a single number, the price was advanced to $1.00 a year, 10 cents a copy, and William S. Sanford & Co. editors and publishers: and the final issue with the Ornithologist and Bot- anist Publishing Co., just previous to the transfer to the "California Travel- er and Naturalist." Contributors: B. S. Bowdish, H. C. Campbell, W. N. Clute, Edward Fuller, W. L. Kells, R. H. Law- rence, J. B. Lewis, H. E. Miller, A. H. Norton, E. B. Peck, N. F. Posson, W. S. Strode, J. M. Swain and Stewart E. White. 107. THE ' ORNITHOLOGIST | AND I OOLOGIST. ! (eng. of Screech Owl) ! VOL. VI (-XVIII). 1881 (-1893). 1—1 BIRDS: THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. I— I PUBLISHED BY | JOSEPH M. WADE, 1 NORWICH, CONN. Royal 8 vo. JOS. M. WADE, Editor, S. L. WIL- LARD, Ass't Editor. $1.00 per annum, 10 cents single copy. Index 10(12) cents. Vol. VI, Nos. 1-12, Mar., lS81-Feb., 1882, pp. (viii)-f96, (first four numbers published at Rockville, Conn.) Vol. Vn, Nos. 13-24, Mar.-Dec, 1882 (extra nos. May 15 and Dec. 15, to complete a'cI. in year.), pp. 97-192, (with Nov. no. published at Boston.) Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1883, pp. 96. Vol. IX, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1884, pp. (vi)-fl52, (published at Pawtucket, R. I. Vol. X. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 18S5, pp. (viii)-4-192. Vol. XI. Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1886, pp. (viii)+192, (published at Boston. Mass.) Vol. Xn, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1887, pp. (xi)-f-208. —23— Vol. XIII, Xos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1888, pp. (vi)+192. Vol. XIV, Xos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1889, pp. (vi)+188. Vol. XV, Xos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1890, pp. (vi)+192. Vil. XVI, Xos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1891, pp. (Iv)-fl84, (published at Hj^de Park, Mass.) Vol. XVII, Xos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1892, pp. (iv)+lS7, incl. 5 pp. adv. Vol. XVIII, Xos. 1-8, 9 and 10, Jan.- Aug., Sept. and Oct., 1893, pp. 144, incl. 6 pp. adv. S. L. Willard retired at the close of volume VI, and with volume IX Franl^ B. Webster became publisher, and ^I. Eaton Cliff assumed the editorship as a successor to Jos. M. Wade. Volume XI, Frederic H. Carpenter, Rehobeth, Mass., became editor, with J. Parker Norris as Oological editor, and Wright & Bates, Entomological editors: Car- penter retired May, 1887, and Wright & Bates, the professional entomolo- gists, July of the same year, when it was published by the Bristol Ornithol- ogical Club until the end of volume XII, after which Frank B. Webster re- sumed control editorially, with J. Parker Xorris, Philadelphia, and Frank A. Bates. The last two volumes pub- lished by the Frank Blake Webster Company, and after no. 1, 1892, Frank A. Bates, name does not appear. Volume X^^I, the long familiar en- graving of the Screech Owl on the per- manent title page gives place to that of an Osprey scene, one of the same appearing on the cover since Decem- ber, 1882, drawn by Edwin Sheppard of Philadelphia. The "O. & O." boast- ed a large and most loyal clientelage, both amateur and the trade, a list of whom would include the majority ot the field collectors of the period. The deterioration began more than a year previous to the final issue of the triple number. A limited edition only of Vol. VI was printed and it was soon out of print, VII and VIll sells for $5, X-$2.r,0, XI-$2.00, and XVII-$1..50. A few' copies of a suppressed sheet (Vol VITI, Xo. 11, Xov., 1883, pp. 83-84) entitled "Plain English," being an edi- torial of caustic comment on the per- sonnel of the Xuttall Ornithological Club and the newly organized Ameri- can Ornithologists' I^nion; recently procured from the i)ersonal effects of the late Jos. M. Wade, have been put in circulation at 50 cents per copy by the F'ranklin Bookshop of Philadelphia. 108. THE ORNITHOLOGISTS AND OOLOGISTS' SEMI-ANNUAL. Royal 8 vo. PRICE 25 CEXTS PER COPY. PITTSFIELD, MASS., W. H. FOOTE, PUBLISHER, 1889. (Xo. 2 & later: BEST EDITIOX 35c. POPULAR EDI- TIOX 25c. W. H. FOOTE, PUBL'SH'R., Pittsfield, Mass.) C. C. Maxfleld, Willard, X. Y., edi- tor of the second volume when it be- came the official organ of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter. The best edi- tion was exhausted almost immediate- ly, and some of the numbers are now quite scarce. Vol I, Xos. 1-2, Jan., July, 1889, pp. 48+46, incl. 1 pi. (Blue Jay, drawn by W. H. Foote.) Vol. 2, Xos. 1-2, Jan., July, 1890, pp. 48 + 44, incl. 2 pll. (Golden Eagle and eyre, drawn by W. Raine, from his "Bird Xesting in the Xorthwest," and an unsigned figure of the Am. Sparrow Hawk.) Well written articles by the Brimley Brothers, G. F. Breninger, Lynds Jones, W. L. Kells, Chas. A. Keeler, L. G. T. Meyer, C. J. Pennock, Walter Raine, J. H. Rachford, W. G. Smith and others. Continued as "The Semi- Annual." 109. THE OSPREY. | AX ILLUS- TRATED MOXTHLY MAGAZIXE OF POPULAR ORXITHOLOGY. ! VOL (UME) I (-V). ' SEPTEMBER, 1896, TO SEPTEMBER, 1897 (-August, 1900, IXCLUSIVE). I (reduced photo of Hummingbird, nest and young— after vol. I, Osprey scene. | EDITED BY WALTER ADAMS JOHXSOX, I ASSO- CIATED WITH DR ELLIOTT COUES. 1—1 GALESBURG, ILL.: | THE OS- PREY COMPAXY. I 1897-(1900). Royal 8vo. Subscription $1.00 per year, 10 cents a coi)y. Vol. I, Xos. 1-12, Sept., 1898-July, Aug., 1897, PI). (vi)+150, incl. 11 full page ill. Vol. II, Xos. 1-10, Sept, 1897-June,, 1898, pp. (vi)+138, incl. 15 full page ill. Vol. Ill, Xos. 1-10, Sept., 1898-.Iune, 1899, pp. (viii)+lG4, incl. 5 full page ill. Vol. IV, Xos. 1-n, 12, Sept., Oct., 1899-Xov, Dec, 1900, pp. (viii)+187, incl. 6 full page ill. —24— Vol. V, Xos. 1-12 (11 and 12 double), Sept., 1900-July, Aug., 1901, pp. (ix) + 176, incl. ^?, full page ill. THE OSPREY AX ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY .MACrAZLXE of BIRDS & NATURE (contents) Complete Series, Volume VI. THE OSPREY COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. (cover form of Volume I, New Series, 1902.) Super- royal 8 vo. Vol. I, (new series), Nos. 1-7, Jan.- July, 1902, pp. lO.S+42 (suppl.)&15 pll. (Sus[)ended after No. 0, No. 7 not plac- ed in general circulation. The first two numbers edited by Wal- ter A. Johnson and Dr. A. C. Murchi- son, the California department by Don- ald A. Cohen, the latter in place of Chester Barlow as originally announc- ed in the April prospectus; and this periodical also published the proceed- ings of the Michigan Ornithological Club. After the second number edited by Walter A. Johnson alone until Dr. Coues became associated with him March, 1897, 'and the place of publica- tion removed to 141 East 25th St., New York City. At the instance of Dr. Coues, it was purchased by Dr. Theo- dore Gill, and removed to Washington, D. C. October, 1899, and the latter two gentlemen became the editors, with Walter A. Johnson, associate, and Louis Agassiz Fuertes art editor. Dr. Gill, who had withdrawn from the April and May numbers, again assum- ed the editorship by June, upon the retirement of Dr. Coues. Vol. V, No. 2, the editors were Dr. Theodore Gill in collaboration with Robert Ridgway, Leonard Stejneger, Frederic A Lucas, Charles W. Rich- mond, Paul Barlsch, William Palmer and Harry C. Oberholser, of Washing- ton, and Witmer Stone of Philadelphia. The only change made in the new ser- ies was the elevation of Paul Bartsch to chief editorship with Dr. Gill. Among the special features "Wil- liam Swainson and His Times," "The Osprey or Fishhawk: Its Characteris- tics and Habits," and as a supplement to the final volume: "General History of Birds," all by Dr. Gill. This by far the most brilliant of the minor orni- thological periodicals, in all that goes to make a success, was nevertheless a failure. Volume I is very scarce and worth about $fi.on. 110. OUR BIRDS. HOLYOKE. MASS. Published Monthly by Legion I, Knights of Audubon. Richard S. Brooks, Editor, Frank H. Metcalf, Pub- lisher, subs. liOc, single copies 3 cts. 12 mo. Vol. I, No. 1, May, 1880, 8 pp., incl. 2 pp adv. Suspended, faired to get second class rates. Articles by Harry G. Parker and J. B. Underwood. 111. The Owl, Glenn Falls, N. Y. ISSUED QUARTERLY BY Chapter 711, AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION. DE- VOTED TO THE CAUSE OF IN- CREASING AN INTEREST IN NAT- URAL HISTORY, ESPECIALLY AMONG THE YOUNG-FOLKS, (con- tents) SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 20 CENTS A YEAR. SINGLE NUMBER, r, CENTS. H. Pearl Peck, Edw'd Wait, (-vol. II) Mary Green, Florence C. Buffum, (-vol. III). Newton B. Van- derzee. Business manager. Various 8 vo. Vol. I, No. 4, May, 1886, pp. 8, incl. 1 p adv., no covers. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, Nov., 1886, Feb., May, July, 1887, pp. 36, and covers. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-2, Nov., 1887, Feb., 1888, pp. 36, and covers. The subscription of the first volume was 40 cents, and the edition 500 copies, with the second volume, 2000. I have not seen the first three numbers of the initial volume. Articles all un- signed. "The Birds of Glenn Falls and Vicinity." anon. 112. THE OWL. CHATHAM, N. Y. Published monthly at 25 cents per year by F. E. Birch & W. B. Daley. Size of med. 8 vo. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb , 1890, 4 pp., unpp. Notes by R. M. Barnes, H. H. But- ler, Willard N. Clute and Neil F. Pos- son. Probably 2 or 3 numbers publish- ed at Chatham, none at Waynesburg, Pa., though it was announced by J. Warren Jacobs. 113. THE PETREL (photo of nest of Audubon's Caracara) VOL. I. PAL- ESTINE, ORE., .TANUARY,1901, NO. 1. Med. 8 vo. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO ORNI- THOLOGY AND OOLOGY. Edited by JOHN WILLIAM MARTIN. To United States, Canada, Mexico, 50 cts. Per Year. To other Countries, 60 cts. Per Year. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan, 1901, pp. 16, and cover. Suspended. The single number was —25— printed on good paper, and the follow- ing contributed: William L. Atkinson, James J. Carroll, E. F. Hadley, Wm. L. Kells and Walton I. :\Iitchell. 114. Rambles in Nature. JACK- SOX, MICH. Med. 8vo. EDITED AND PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY R. J. WOOD, 304 JACKSON STREET, PRINTED BY B. J. CARTER, 110 Main Street. Sin- gle Subscription 30 cents per annum. To Foreign Countries 50 cents. Sin- gle Copies 5 cents. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, May- June, 1885, pp. 16, and covers. Possibly one or two more numbers before suspending, since an exchange states that "the September number did not appear." Papers by E. M. Has- branck and A. M. Shields. 115. RANDOM NOTES | ON ] NAT- URAL HISTORY I (eng. after drawing by A. I. Bodwell) I (A MONTHLY, 50 CENTS PER ANNUM.) I PUBLISH- ED BY SOUTHWICK & JENCKS, | (JAMES M. SOUTHWICK, SUCCES- SOR,) I PROVIDENCE, R. I. Royal 8 vo. A PAMPHLET DEVOTED TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF ZO- OLOGY, MINERALOGY AND BOT- ANY. 50 Cents a Year. Vol. I, Nos. I-XII, Jan. l-Dec, 1884, 120 pp. incl. 33 pp. adv., (not consecu- tively paged beyond the number). Vol. 2 (II), Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec. 1, 1885, pp. ii+96 and (xlvii)-xlvii. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-12, Jan. l-Dec. 1, 188fi, pp. ii + 100, incl. 2 pp. adv. Discontinued. After the third num- ber of the last volume, the name of .Tames M. Southwick, alone appears. The first two numbers were out of print immediately, and a complete file is rather scarce. Some unsigned mat- ter, including "The Roseate Spoonbill in Florida Rookeries," presumably by Fred T. Jencks, the .iunior pardner, run through the first four issues of the initial volume, and short papers or notes by J. N. Clark, Charles Dury, Wm. G. Smith, D. D. Stone and a few others, appeared. 116. "Science News. 16 pp. journal pub. by S. E. Cassino, Salem, Mass. Edited by Ernest IngersoU and Wil- liam C. Wyckoff of New York. $2.00 per annum. Bi-monthly." Vol. Nos. 1-24, Nov. 1, 1878-(Oct., 15?), 1879, pp. l-(384?). "A fortnightly journal, which, it is greatly to be regretted, closed its ex- istence with the twenty-fourth num- ber." Papers by Chas. C. Abbott, Walter E. Bryant, Ernest Ingersol (a series of nine papers on "How to Col- lect Birds' Nests and Eggs") ; M. C. Reed, Geo. H. Ragsdale, George B. Sen- nett (five short papers entitled "Later Notes on Texas Birds"). 117. SCIENCE RECORD PUBLISH- ED BY S. E. CASSINO & CO., 41 ARCH ST., BOSTON, MASS. Med. 8vo. A monthly journal of Notes and News in all departments of Science. J. S. KINGSLEY, Maiden, Mass., Edi- tor. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Form- erly Scientific and Literary Gossip. Vol. II. Nos. 1-12 (Nov. ?) 1883- (Oct. ?) 1884, pp. 1-280?), covers. I have not seen the first and last of the 12 numbers published. Contribu- tions by Elliott Coues, Geo. F. Gauner, Dr. G. E. Manegault, Leonard Stej- neger and Arthur T. Wayne. 118. THE Scientific Monthly. A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO The Nat- ural Science. E. H. FITCH, Editor and Proprietor, TOLEDO, OHIO: BLADE PRINTING & PAPER COMPANY (TO- LEDO COMMERCIAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. Med. 8vo. Price $1.00 a Year, or 30 (35) Cents a Number. Vol. I, Nos. Ml, Oct., 1875-Aug., 1876, pp 1-571, covers. I have not examined all the numbers of this rare and valuable magazine, doubtless there are a number 12. C. J. Maynard, E. W. Nelson, R. Ridgway and T. S. Roberts contributing. 119. The Semi-Annual. PRICE 35 CENTS. C. C MAXPIELD, PUBLISH- ER. DANBURY, CONN. Med. 8 vo. A semi-annual review for students of Ornithology and Oology, issued April and October of each year. Edit- ed by I^ynds Jones, Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. Price 35c per copy. Vol. 3, No. 1, April, 1891, pp. 44+1 pi., covers. Continuation of the "O. & O. Semi- Annual," and followed by the "Wilson Quarterly." Official organ of the Wil- son Ornithological Chapter, and con- tains the report of the Oological Com- mittee, by Lynds .Tones; also some notes by Harry K. Jamison. —26— 120. THE SCIENTIST. A MONTH- LY MAGAZINE, BY THE FITCH- BURG AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION. ED- ITED BY E. ADAMS HARTWELL, A. M., W. G. FARRAR .PREST. STATE ASSEMBLY, (CONTENTS) FIFTY CENTS A YEAR, FIVE CENTS A COPY. W. L. EMORY, PUBLISHER, FITCHBURG, MASS. Superroyal 8vo. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-6, Apr.-Sept, 1888, pp. 1.48, covers. Complete. A rather scarce magazine. Contains one or two papers by I. C. Green. 121. THE SPY GLASS.. A MAGA- ZINE FOR COLLECTORS. "Let us be Collectors tor the pure love of the science, and for the friendship it fost- ers and we feel that we have acted wisely in thus treating the matter." ROY F. GREEN, Editor, Arkansas City, Kansas. LETSON BALLIET, Associate, Des Moines, Iowa. GREEN & BALLIET, PUBLISHERS, ARKAN- SAS CITY, KANSAS. 8vo. Subs. Six months 30c. One year 50c. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, Sept.-Oct., pp. 1-42 and covers. Suspended. Official organ of the Galveston Philatelic Asso- ciation. Circulation of second number said to have been 5000. Balliet retir- ed after the initial issue. B. S. Bow- dish, N. R. Cristy, W. S. Cruzen, J. H. Frier and .7. W. P. Smithwick con- tributing. 122. Stories from Nature. Publish- ed Monthly. Devoted to the Natural Sciences. For Young and Old Alike. DeLand, Fla. 50 Cents a Year. Single copies 5 cents. Demi folio. Vol. I, Nos. 1-8, (June?) lS97-.Jan., 1898, 64? pp., unpp. Unimportant, incomplete file con- tains some notes by H. R. Steiger. 123. Stormy Petrel. A paper de- voted to Oology, and Ornithology. MENDOTA. ILL. Demy 8 vo. (M.) Smith & CO., Publishers and Editors. Published monthly at 20c. per year. F'illing the unexpired sub- scriptions of "The Exchange." Vol. I, Nos. 1-5, Apr.-Aug., 1890, (no. 2 erroneously dated "April,") 32 pp. (pagination began with each number), last three issues with covers. Probably complete, as I can learn of no further issues. Evidently print- ed on same press and type as its pre- decessor. Notes by B. S. Bowdish, F. T. Corless, T. G. Gentry, E. B. Peck, W. C. Robinson and J. W. P. Smith- wick. 124. THE SUNNY SOUTH COLO- GIST. GAINESVILLE, TEXAS. Lg. 12 mo. A Monthly devoted to the in- teiest of Ornithologists and Oologists. 50 cents a year. Edited and Publish- ed by Edwin C. Davis. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, Mar.-May, 1886, pp. 1-40, incl. 3 pp. adv., covers. Suspended for want of patronage and all subscriptions returned. A neat lit- tle magazine containing notes by B. C. Davis, F. M. Dille, F. D., and J. H. Foxhall, W. L. Kells, G. Noble, H. G. Parker, G. H. Ragsdale, A. M. Shields, Geo. H. Selover, J. A. Singley and Geo. Wilder. 125. THE SWISS CROSS | A MONTHLY MAGAZINE ! OF THE (OF) I AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION (POPULAR SCIENCE) | VOLUME I (-V) I JANUARY-JUNE (JULY-DE- CEMBER) i 1887 (-1889) I NEW YORK I N. D. C. HODGES ! 1887 (-1889). Royal 8 vo. Harlan H. Ballard, Presi- dent of the Agassiz Association, Edi- tor. Subs. $1.50 a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1887, pp. (iii)+248. Vol. II, Nos. 1-6, July-Dec, 1887, pp. (iii)-fl92-f (iv). Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1888, pp. 192. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-6, July-Dec, 1888, pp. 192+(ii). Vol. V, Nos. l-6.Tan.-June, 1889, pp. 1-184. Suspehded. Of no great value to the ornithologist. Contributions by C. C. Abbot, Catherine Amory, W. "^Tiit- nian Bailey, Wm. L. Bates, Wm. D. Butler, W. W. Clute, Thomas H. Fay, Lynds Jones, M. L. Leach, Prof. E. H. J. Marcy ("The Mechanism of the Flight of Birds"), Ellis P. Oberholtzer, Spencer Trotter, M. W. Thomas, G. F. Walters (translation from "La Na- ture") ; J. L. Zabriskie and a few others. 126. TIDINGS FROM NATURE | PUBLISHED FOR THE | ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE I AND THE | STUDENT AND OBSERVER OF NATURAL HISTORY |— I VOLUME I (-II). I— I RUTLAND, VERMONT | NATURALISTS' PUBLISHING HOUSE, PUBLISHERS. | 1884-85. (1885-86). Med. 8vo. H. M. DOWNS, EDITOR (and Pub- —27— lisher of first three numbers). Subs. 25c per vear (50c with vol. ii). Vol. I, Nos. 1+1-12 (9-10, double) Aug., lSS4-Aug., 18S5, pp. v+12 + 148, (both Aug. and Sept. numbers are marked ■"no. 1," and the sequence un- corrected later. Vol. II, Xos. 1-7, Sept., 1885-Apr., 1886, pp. 1-110. Transferred to "Hoosler Naturalist." J. R. Boardman, E. L Brown, H. L. Clark, Montague Chamberlain, W. E. Fowler and D. H. Talbot contributing. 127. THE TAXIDERMIST (CON- TEXTS). Med. 8vo. A monthly magazine devoted primar- ily to the interests of Taxidermy, but interesting to every student of nature. E. F. MARTIN, EDITOR, MEDINA, O. (with no. 4. C. F. Mingnin, Business manager; Published at Akron, Ohio, and subs. 50c.). Subs. 35c. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, .Tuly, 1891-.June, 1892, pp. 1-160, incl. 7 pp. adv. (no. 4 erroneously marked "September" though correctly dated on cover). Articles by Davis, Heller, Langille, Peabody and others, mainly on taxi- dermy and embalming. Nos. 4-12 con- tain the reports of the Wilson Ornil- thological Chapter of the Agassiz As- sociation, bv Lvnds .Jones. 128. THE TAXIDERMIST. DE- VOTED TO What You Want— How to Use It— Where to Get It. Published bv the Frank Blake Webster Co. Hyde Park, Mass., U. S. A. Med. 8 vo. Nos. 1-7, Apr., June, 1907, May, Oct., 1908, Oct.. 1910, Mar., 1913, May, 1914. pp. 16 + 32-fl6+16 + 32+24 + 12. Circulation 3000 to 5000, without charge to customers. Mainly adver- tising a naturalists' supply house, though well worth preserving for the occasional items. Complete sets may be had at $1.00, until 75 sets are dis- posed of 129. THE VALLEY NATURALIST. Established .lanuary, 1878. (Naturae Discere Mores) Henry Skaer, Pub- lisher, Saint T>ouis, Mo., Subscription for the vear 50 cents. Folio. Vol. I. Nos. 1-12, .Tan.-Dec, 1878, pp. 1-(6S?). Volume two. 1879, an S-page, and volume three. 1880, a 16-page monthly I have not had an opportunity to ex- amine. The first contains C.P.Blachey's "P.irds nf Kansas," F. C. Green's "Birds of Milwaukee County, Wis." W. H. Hughes' "Birds of Michigan," and Wm. L. Jones' "Birds of St. Clair County, 111." 130. The WARBLER (eng. flgg. birds, eggs, nest, and butterflies) 1903 (-1904) (CONTENTS) ISSUED BY THE MAYFLOWER PUBLISHING CO. FLORAL PARK, N. Y. Royal 8vo. JOHN LEWIS CHILDS, President. REV. H. C. MUNSON, Editor. (Rum- ford Center, Maine.) Subscription Price, 30 Cents for 3 Years. Foreign subscribers must send one shilling extra for postage. (First or Popular Series.) Vol. I, Nos 1-6, Jan., Feb.-Nov. Dec, 1913, pp. 1-96, incl. 17 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. 1-6, Jan., Feb.-Nov., Dec, 1904, pp. 1-96, incl. 32 pp. adv. 131. The Warbler SECOND SER- IES VOL. I (-11). 1905 (-1906) No. l(-4) (CONTENTS). Superroyal 8 vo. A MAGAZINE OF NORTH AMERI- CAN ORNITHOLOGY Published Quar- terly at Floral Park, N. Y. Price $1.00 Per Year. 30 Cents Per Copy. JOHN LEWIS CHILDS, EDITOR. Vol. I, Nos 1-4, First-Fourth Quar- ter (Oct. 31, 1905), pp. 1-128 incl. In- dex, col. pll (I-VIII). Vol. n, Nos. 1-4, First (Feb. 20)— Fourth Quarter (Dec. 20, 1906), pp. 1- lOC, col. pll. I-IV. Suspended. It does not appear who was the editor of the second volume of the popular series, which contains mostly unsigned notes and articles; the names of J L. Childs, L. W. Brow- nell and H. Nehrling most frequently appear, and the illustrations are most- Iv from photos of mounted specimens in the Childs' collection. The second or scientific series is almost wholly devoted to original accounts of the nesting of extremely rare species with illustrations reproduced from photographs. It is suri)rising that no title page was provided for this ele- gant periodical. 131a. The WARBLER (eng. Perm. title) BULLETIN OF THE CHILDS MUSEUM OF NORTH AM. ORNI- THOLOGY Published (date), at Floral Park, N. Y. Price $1.00 JOHN LEWIS CHILDS, EDITOR. PITBLISHED AN- NUALLY BY JOH.\ LEWIS CHILDS. Vol. Ill, Dec. 1, 1907, pp 56+1 coL Pl. Vol. IV, Oct. 1, 1908, pp. 48. Vol. V, Dec. 31. 1909, pp. 31. Vol. VI. Oct. 31, 1910, pp. 44. —28— Vol. VII, Nov. 1, 1913, pp. 34+3 (2 col.) pU. Contains catalogues of the Childs scientific library and collection of birds, nests and eggs; some of the Miller Ilagenian bird poems, and pap- ers principally on nidification by well known writers. There are numerous half tones. The plate of the eggs of the Santa Catalina Partridge in vol. iii, hand colored by Zoltan de Takach Gyongyoshalaszy, and those of the Knot in Vol. vii by Leavitt W. Brow- nail; after being photographed natural size. The Publisher informs me that the editions (limited to 100 in the last) of these two volumes are about exhausted. 132. WEEKLY OOLOGIST & PHIL- ATELIST Published Every Saturday. 35 cts. per Year. Lebanon, Oregon. Demy. Svo. F. T. CORLESS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Vol. I, Nos. 1-2, Dec. 12-19, 1891, 8 pp. unpp. Notes by Kit Atkinson and F. T. C(orless). Short lived, poorly printed. 133. THE I West American Scien- tist '' Official Organ of the San Diego Society of Natural History. | INDEX | To Volumes I, II, III and IV | 1884-88. 1—1 C. R ORCUTT, Publisher. | SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Size various 8 vo. A popular review and record for the Pacific Coast. Subscription 50c per annum in advance (vol. i, nos. 1-6). $1.00 per year (except vol. vii, which was $2.00). Vol. I, Nos. 1-11, (Dec?) 1884-Nov., 1885, PI), (vii) -1-84, incl. 3 pp. adv. Vol. II, Nos. (12)-19, .lan.-Oct., 1888, pp. 1-96, incl. 13 pp. adv. Vol. Ill, Nos. 20-32, Dec, 1886-Dec., 1887, PI). 1-250 (p. 150 in duplicate.) Vol. IV (4), Nos. 33-38, .Tan.-June, 1888, pp. 74, 2 pll. Vol. V, Nos. 30-41, Sept.-Nov., 1888, pp. 24. Vol. VI, Nos. 42-49, Apr.-Nov., 1889, pp. 163. Vol. VII, Nos. 50-63, June, 1890-Oct., 1891. pp. 276+55 ("LITERARY AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.") Vol. VIII, Nos 64-78, Mar., 1892-Jan., 1895. pp. 120+4 (the last unpp. color- ed cover which constituted last issue.) Vol. IX, Nos. 79-80, pp. 8, incl. 5 pp. adv. Vol. X, Nos. 81. 82, 85, 86, 88, 93-100, Nov. 1896, Nov., 1897, Jan., Feb., May, Sept., Nov., Dec, 1900, Jan.-Apr., 1901, pp. 172 (pp. 41-172 "Botany of South- ern California," beginning in second half of no. 93, Sept., 1900, and continu- ing through entire volume.) Vol. XI, Nos. 83, 84, 87(3), 89(4), 90(5), 91(6), 92(7), 101(8), Jan, 1899., Janu., Apr.-Aug., 1900, May, 1901, pp. 80. Vol. XII, Nos. 102-115-(1-12), June, 1901-July, 1902, 182 columns (91 pp., about half adv.) Vol. XIII, Nos. 116-119(1-4), Aug.- Nov., 1902, 68 columns. Vol. XIV, Nos. 120-126(1-7), Dec, 1902-July, 1903, 54 columns. Vol. XV, No-s. 127-130(1-4), Aug., Sept., 1903, ( Jan., June, 1906, 61 col- umns. Vol. XVI, Nos. 131-132, Dec, 1908, Jan., 1908, 14 columns. Vol. XVII, Nos. 133, Aug., 1908, pp. 16. Vol. XVIII, Nos. 134-139, Aug., Sept., 1911, May, 1912, Dec. 1913, Jan., Feb., 1914, 92 columns. The original title was: The West- American Scientist, but the hyphen was discarded after the fifth, and a cover assumed by the seventh num- ber. With the exception of volume six, 1889. which was published by Samuel Carson & Co., San Francisco, C. R. Orcutt was both editor and publisher. No title page and index appears with the succeeding volumes. In complet- ing a file, one discovers a number of typographical errors in dating and enumeration, not all numbers have covers, and the stock is apt to be in- ferior. Enumeration of volumes ten and eleven may appear intricate; of the former, from the last half of num- ber 93, to 100, there is nothing to dis- tinguish the number or date of pub- lication unless the separate sheets happen to be placed in covers: some- times, lacking the first 41 pages of the full volume, it may be found inclosed in a cover entitled: "Botany of South- ern California." a reference work by Charles Russell Orcutt. Numbers 84, 87 and 89 of volume XI are entitled: West American Scientist. This irregularly appearing little journal has outlived the great major- ity, and is a monument to the indus- try and perseverance of Proprietor C. R. Orcutt, the editor and chief con- —29— tributor along botanical lines. I am uninformed in respect to the circula- tion, but there are a number of life subscribers, and it will doubtless be continued by the publishers. Many of the early issues are exceedingly scarce. The ornithological notes ap- peared in the early valumes, and are by L. Belding, F. E. Blaisdell, F. L. Burns, Chette L. Cheney, S. H. Henry, Theo. D. Hurd, J. Warren Jacobs, Louis R. Lighton, R. E. Ranchford & Son, H. R. Sharpies, Frank Ste- phens, G. D. Story and H. R. Taylor. 134. THE WESTERN NATURAL- IST. MADISOX. WIS. POST 8vo. ISSUED BY THE WESTERN GOOD TEMPLAR. FRANK A, CARR, Edi- tor. The Western Naturalist is pub- lished monthly, and is designed to stimulate the young people of the northwest to an earnest study of the various branches of natural history. Subs. 25c. a year in advance. Vol. I, Nos. 1-10, Mar..-Dec., 1887, pp. 1-112, and covers last four issues. Vol. II, Nos. 1-5, Jan.-May, 1888, pp. 1-60, incl. 3 pp. covers announcing transfer to Prof. E. R. Orcutt's "West American Scientist." Subscription raised to 50 cents, July 1887, at the same time covers were as- sumed. Items by Dr. J. H. Burdick and F. A. Carr, ("The Flamingoes" translated from the French of Henry Leturque in New Orleans "Picayune"). "J. Bird" associate editor of the dept. ornithology. 135. THE WESTERN OOLOGIST. Royal 8vo. Devoted to the Study of Birds, Their Nests and Eggs. Published Monthly by F. M. Sherin, Milwaukee, Wis. Single Subscription 50 cents per an- num. Single copies 5 cents each. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, May-July, 1885, pp. (8?) +20, evidently with covers orig- inally. Quite rare, the first issue not ex- amined. It appears that a paper of the same name suspended seven years previous. Notes by H. A. Berry, W. N. Clute, Elizabeth Cole, Fred C. Green, W. R. Hull, Chas. A. Keeler, Chas. F. Hellewill and Violet S. Wil- liams. 1?,C>. THE Western Ornithologist, FORMERLY THE IOWA ORXITHOI^ OGIST. (various half tone eng.) Pub- lished by C. C. TRYON, AVOCA, la. Superroyal 8 vo. Bi-monthly. 50 cts. per Year. Chas. C. Tryon, Editor and Publisher. Carl Fritz Henning, David L. Savage, As- sociate Editors. Vol. I, Nos. I-III, Jan. Feb. -May, June, 1900, pp. 66+- pi. (p. 45 in dup- licate.) A superior publication, suspending after the third number. Circulation "several thousand." J. N. Clark, C. F. Henning, Morton E. Peck, David L. Savage, William Savage and B. H. Wilson contributing. 137. Wcistern Reserve Naturalist* GENEVA, Ohio. 8vo. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOT- ED TO OOLOGY, ORNITHOLOGY, AND BOTANY. F. C. HUBBARD, Edi- tor and Publisher. Single Subscription 10 cts. per annum. Sample Copies Free Vol. I, Nos. 1-3, (.June-) -Aug., 1893, pp. (24?), unpp. beyond the separate numbers. I have seen only the third issue of this unimportant little sheet, which contains a paper by Prof. J. Hobert Egbert. 138. The Wilson Quarterly. A Journal of Ornithology. Continuation of the Semi-Annual. (eng.) OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WILSON ORNI- THOLOGICAL CHAPTER OF THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION. Med. 8 vo. Published by Reuben M. Strong, Ober- lin, Ohio; under the editorial manage- ment of Lynds Jones, assisted by Wil- lard N. Clute. Terms: $1.00 a year in advance. Single numbers $ .25. Free to all members of the Wilson Chapter not in arrears for dues. Vol. IV (4), Nos. 1-2, Apr., July, 1892, pp. 1-92 incl. 4 pp. adv, covers. A well printed little journal, contain- ing articles by H. H. Brimlej^ W. N. Clute, W. L. Dawson, Willard Eliot, I. C. Green, Lynds Jones, F. T. Pember and others. 139- THE I WISCONSIN NATUR- ALIST. I A .Month! v Magazine of Nat- ural History. | VOL. I. AUG. '90 TO JULY '91. I MADISON, WISCONSIN: | CHAS. F. CARR, PUB. Med. 8 vo. 50 Cents per annum; Foreign Sub- scribers 65 Cents, Invariably in Ad- vance. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Aug., 1890-July, 1891, pp. (iv)+]8S, covers Unexpired subscriptions filled by the "Ornithologist and Botanist." The most important feature of this neat —30— periodical, is "A List of the Birds Known to Nest Within the Boundaries of Wisconsin, With a Few Notes Thereon," by C. F. Carr, and after the fifth instalment, by Prof. Ludwig Kum- lien. 140. THE WISCONSIN NATURA- LIST. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DE- A^OTED TO ORNITHOLOGY, OOL- OGY. ZOOLOGY, MINERALOLOGY, MOLLUSC A, ECHINODERMATA, AND ALLIED SCIENCES. The Nat- uralist Publishing Company, 254 GROVE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. Price 25 Cents a j^ear. Single Copies 5 Cents. ZOLA B. ROHR and FRANK WOERDE- HOFF, Editors. Med. 8 vo. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-fi, (July-)-Dec., 1897, pp. 92 and covers. Vol. 2, Nos. 7-XI, Jan.-May, 1898, pp. 48 and covers. (Vols. 3 and 4, July, lS98-June, 1899.) Vol. 5, No. 27, Oct., 1899, pp. 11-24, cover. Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan., 1900, pp. 1-16 and cover. An advertising sheet containing lit- tle of anything original. .Just when it suspended I am unable to ascertain. The second number contains "Birds of the Rockies," bv Olive Thorn Miller. 141. THE YOUNG COLLECTOR. A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Inter- ests of Collectors of Specimens of Nat- ural. History, etc. Charles & James Keys, Publishers, 926 Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. 50 cents per annum in advance. Med. 8 vo. Vol. II, Nos. 1-3, May-.Tuly, 1882, pp. 1-28, cover. I have not seen the first volume. The ornithological notes unsigned and mainly from e.xchanges. 142. WOLVERINE NATURALIST. KALAMAZOO, MICH. 8 vo. MORRIS GIBBS. M. D. EDITOR. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE devoted to the study of Ornithologj', Oology, En- tomology, Herpetology, Conchology, Ethnology, Geology, Palaeontology and Allied Sciences. One Year 50 Cents. Single Copies 5 Cents. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4. Jan-Apr., 1890, pp. 12 + 204-84-8, incl. 20 pp. adv., covers, (last two numbers unpp.) Incorporated with "American Game and Fish Warden" of Kalamazoo, in September or October. Very little of interest to the ornithologist. 143. THE YOUNG NATURALIST. A Monthly Magazine devoted to Nat- ural History, and the Interests of Col- lectors. GALESBURG, ILL. Large 12 mo.. The Young Naturalist Publish- ing Co., CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Editor-in-Chief. E. D. Whiting, P. Anderson, E. C. Elder, Associates. Subs. 50 cents per annum. Single copies, 5 cents. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, (May?)-Sept., 1884, pp. 1-60 incl. adv. "Subscription merged into 'The American' of which I believe I issued 6 numbers, suspending publication in the spring of 1885." — Chas. F. Gettemy. I have not seen the earlier numbers. H. A. Talbot contributed to the Sep- tember issue. 144. THE YOUNG OOLOGIST, [ FOR THE I STUDENT OF BIRDS, \ THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. |— ] VOL- UME I, I— I GAINES, N. Y. I FRANK H. LATTIN, Publisher, | 1884-1885. Med. 8vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, May, 1884-Apr., 1885, pp. (vii) 4-171, incl. 28 pp. adv. THE YOUNG OOLOGIST |— ' VOI^ UME II. I—' ALBION, N. Y.: | FRANK H. LATTIN, PUBLISHER, | 1885. Med. 8vo. Subscription $1.00 per annum. Vol II, Nos. 1-2, May, June, 1885, pp. (ii)+48. Suspended, sold to the "Agasslz Journal." The initial number print- ed on coarse paper, and with no. 7 the subscription raised to 60 cents. The circulation increased from about a thousand in October, to 5000 in Febru- ary. ;Many contributers signed with initials only: G. F. Breninger, Mon- tague Chamberlain, E. H. Fiske, W. L. Kells, M. McCullum, Harry G. Parker, T. D. Perry, C L. Phillips, J. W. Pres- ton, W. D. Shaw. A. M. Shields, J. A. Singley, C. :m. Weed, H. R. Taylor, C. B. Wilson, W. W. Worthington. 145. THE Young Ornithologist. BOSTON. MASS. Med. 8vo. Edited and published monthly by Arthur A. Child. Subs. 25 cents per year. Single copies 4 cents each. Vol. J, Nos. 1-12, May, lSS.")-Apr., 18S6, 96 p]). incl. 19 pp. adv., not pp beyond number, no. 1 unpp. Suspended. The "Young Ornitholo- gists' Association" originated with this little paper. Among the contributors are G. F. Breninger, J. C. Gaboon, D. H. Eaton. Chas. A. Keeler. W. L. Kells, —31— C. J. Maynard, T. D. Perry, Elisha Slade, C. W. Swallow. 146. The Young Scientist. SCIENCE IS KNOWLEDGE (eng.) KNOWL- EDGE IS POWER. A Popular Record of Scientific Experiments, Inventions and Progress (A PRACTICAL JOUR- NAL FOR AMATEURS) NEW YORK. Large 12mo. Subs. 50 cents a year. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1878, pp. 164-1 pi. Vol. II, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1879, pp. (176?). THE YOUNG SCIENTIST. |A PRAC- TICAL JOURNAL OF I HOME ARTS. I "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER." I (eng.) I VOLUME III. January to De- cember, 1880. I— I NEW YORK; IN- DUSTRIAL PUBLICATION COM- PANY. I 14 Dey STREET. | 1880. Med. 8 vo. Subscription $1.00. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1880, pp. 148. Vol. IV, No. 1, Jan., 1881, pp. 16. This journal ran to volume VII (number 1, January, 1884, with Fred T. Hodgson and John Phin, Editors; and number, 2 appeared exactly four years later — January, 1888, with the latter only, editing. My file lacks vol- umes IV-VI. Tht only bird matter is by A. W. Roberts. 147. ZOE, A BIOLOGICAL JOUR- NAL. PUBLISHED ON THE LAST DAYS OP EACH MONTH. Vol. I, March (-February), 1890. No. 1 (-12). CONTENTS) SAN FRANCISCO; ZOE PUBLISHING COMPANY, P. O. BOX 2114, Yearly Subscription, $2.00, Single Copy, 20 cts. Royal 8vo. Frank H. Vaslet (T. S. Brandegee), Editor. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, Mar., 1890-Feb., 1891, pp. vi-389, pU. i-xii. I ZOE I— I TOWNSEND STITH BRANDEGEE | EDITOR |— | VOL- UME II (-IV)-1891 (-1894) |— I SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Royal 8vo. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY. Single Copy, 75 cts. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: H. H. BEHR, KATHERINE BRANDE- GEE, WALTER E. BRYANT, FRANK H. VASLET, CHARLES A. KEELER. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, Apr., 1891-Jan., 1892, pp. vi+411, pU. xiii-xvii. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, Apr., 1892-Jan., 1893, pp. vi+383, pll. xviii-xxiv. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, Apr., 1893-Jan., 1894, pp. viii-f-431, pll. xxv-xxxi. I ZOE I— I TOWNSEND STITH 1906-APRIL, 1908). NO. l(-ll). Editor, KATHERINE BRANDEGEE, (CON- TENTS) ZOE PUBLISHING COM- PANY, P. O. BOX 684, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Royal 8vo. A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF BOT- ANY. Single numbers 20 cents. Vol. 5, Nos. 1-11 (4-5 double, 6-7-8 triple numbers), June, July, Aug., Sept.-Oct., Nov. 1900-Jan., 1901, May, 1903, Aug. 1905, Sept., 1906-Apr., 1908, pp. 1-266. On the title page of volume iii, Alice Eastwood's name alone appears as edi- tor; but the editors according to an announcement on the inside cover, are T. S. Brandegee, Walter E. Bryant, Douglas H. Campbell, Alice Eastwood, Charles A. Keeler, Frank H. Vaslet, whose names appear on the permanent title page of volume iv, of which T. S. Brandegee is the proprietor. It does not appear who edited the final incom- plete volume, the last number of which appears to have come from the University Press, University of Cali- fornia, Berkley, California. This title is exceedingly important to students of California birds. The principal ornithological writers are A. W. Anthony, Walter E. Bryant, L. Belding, W. Otto Emerson and Chas. A. Keeler, with an occasional paper by Herbert Brown, J. G. Cooper, Sam Hubbard, Jr., F. O. Johnson, H. R, Taylor and others. —22— University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to thelibrapfjron^^ Form L£ 5332 h bibliography B93b of scarce or out of print North American amateur an d Trade p^rioflTcals de- 1 •« I T- J._ DC SOUTHFRN Rf GlQNii i irrarv F6f~iuTY III Mill. Illlll lllllll llH AA 000 493 944 [Univers Soutt Libr