psych: LIBRARY THE ONE WAY THE ONE WAY BY JANE REVERE BURKE • • i *»'. ,' ^ NEW YORK E. P. BUTTON AND COMPANY 68 1 Fifth Avenue Copyright 1922, by 4;jBiiARY^ E. P. DUTTON & COMPANYeuu::. PStC'.l. All Rights Reserved LlBRARl First Printing - Dec, 1921 Second Printing - June, 1923 Printed in the United States of America PRELIMINARY NOTE npHE message which is the important part of ^ this book came through Mrs. Burke, a Bos- ton lady, well known to many people as of admir- able character and unquestioned veracity. She tells in her Afterword how it came. She believes it to have been imparted to her by William James, who died in 1910. When her manuscript came into my hands, apparently by chance, for ex- amination, it seemed to me not of exceptional importance as a spiritist document, but of decided interest as a religious document. That is to say, I thought the story of the process by which the automatic writing was done, though interesting and important as an introduction to what followed it, had been more fully and persuasively told in other books, but I thought the substance of the discourses which make up most of the book was remarkable and very useful, especially in its bear- ing on the present world-crisis, and that it should be brought to the notice of seekers after truth. Failing to find a publisher disposed to publish it, I concluded, with the author's consent, to have •- o. '^NUH.U^^^ LD 21A-30m-5,'75 (S5877L) General Library University of California Berkeley yC BERKELEY LIBRAHir III I II M I iflH m II I Hi I i il Hi Hi t ! If i I