3Soofcfi bp JRr. Ibnttip. THE WIND OF DESTINY. A Novel. i6mo, $1.25. BUT YET A WOMAN. A Novel. i6mo, $1.25. PASSE ROSE. A Novel. i6mo, $1.25. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, Boston and New York. ^^^Zc LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOSEPH HARDY NEESIMA BY ARTHUR SHERBURNE HARDY BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY dZbe foruersiDe press, «Tambri&flr 1892 Copyright, 1891, By ARTHUR SHERBURNE HARDT. All rights reserved. SIXTH EDITION. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. : :;... : ... :.::•: % PREFACE. Although personally acquainted with Mr. Nee- sima and familiar with the main events of his life, the reading of his letters and journal made upon me a fresh and deep impression. It seemed to me that no pen could reveal the personality of the man or tell the story of his life so effectively as his own. To say that one possesses certain qualities is well ; to see these qualities in action is better. With no thought of the public ear, Mr. Neesima, in his cor- respondence and journals, disclosed himself with the simplicity and modesty peculiar to him, and with the truthfulness of one who, unconscious of an audience, asks for no verdict. I have therefore endeavored to let him speak who speaks best, and this volume is essentially an autobiography. From the large amount of material at hand all that does not contribute to a vivid impression of Mr. Neesima has been, I trust, re- jected ; the intent being, not to write the history of the Japan mission, but to show forth this man in the light of his own acts, utterances, and thought. One other purpose has rendered this work a sacred one to a son. Mr. Hardy was averse to everything of the nature of a biography of himself. It is some- 2201 67 iv PREFACE. times saddening to think that a long life of unre- corded benefactions should have no memorial. But this thought is not true to fact. No word of a loving heart, no act of a helping hand, is lost ; and their re- sults, as wrought into the lives of men, are worthier memorials than the page that rehearses them or the tablet that commemorates them. Still, in the prepa- ration of these pages, which necessarily record one act of a life which, to those who knew it, was but the sum of such, it has been a pleasure to the son to throw as it were this side light upon a noble nature without violating a father's wishes. ARTHUR SHERBURNE HARDY. Hanover, N. H., May 21, 1891. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. 1843-1865. PAGE Flight from Japan. — Arrival in Boston. — Statement of Reasons for leaving Japan. — Narrative of Early Life 1 CHAPTER II. 1865-1870. School Days at Andover. — College Life at Amherst . 48 CHAPTER III. 1870-1872. Enters Theological Seminary at Andover. — Visits Wash- ington to meet the Japanese Embassy. — Secretary to Viscount Tanaka 99 CHAPTER IV. 1872-1874. In Europe with the Embassy. — Return to Andover. — Appointed Corresponding Member of the Japan Mis- sion. — Ordination. — Appeal at Rutland, Vt. — De- parture for Japan 140 CHAPTER V. 1874-1884. Changes in Japan during Mr. Neesima's Absence. — Visits his Home at Annaka. — Plans for the Occupation of Kyoto. — Foundation of the Doshisha. — Capt. Janes' s School in Kumamoto. — Mission Work. — Opposition to the Doshisha. — Appeal to the American Board for a Permanent Fund. — Plans for a University. — III Health 180 CHAPTER VI. 1884-1885. Sails for America via Suez. — Journal and Letters writ- ten on the Journey. — Hongkong. — Shanghai. — Co- vi CONTENTS. lombo. — Suez. — Rome. — Turin. — Summer in the Wal- densian Valley. — Attacked with Heart Disease on St. Gothard Pass. — Arrival in Boston. — Appeals in Behalf of the Doshisha. — Winter at Clifton Springs. — Summer on the Coast of Maine 244 CHAPTER VII. 1885-1890. Return to Japan. — Anniversary Exercises. — Receives the Degree of LL. D. — Death of Mr. Hardy. — Plans for the University. — Return of Heart Trouble. — Gift of Mr. Harris to the Doshisha. — Death at Oiso. — Funeral Services. — His Work and Character . . . 298 LIFE OF JOSEPH NEESTMA. CHAPTER I. In the summer of 1864 the brig Berlin, owned by Thomas Walsh & Co., of Nagasaki, arrived at Ha- kodate, consigned to Frederic Wilkie, Esq., in com- mand of William B. Savory, of Salem, Mass. Just before leaving on the return voyage to Shanghai, Captain Savory was informed by Mr. Wilkie that a young Japanese, the friend of a native clerk in his office, was anxious to escape from Japan to the United States, where he hoped to obtain an education. Re- minding the captain that serious consequences were likely to follow his detection in the act of taking a native out of the country, Mr. Wilkie called the young man, then about twenty-one years of age, into his office, and Captain Savory, through the clerk, Mr. Munokite, who acted as interpreter, offered him a pas- sage to Shanghai provided he could reach the brig without assistance from those on board, and promised to do what he could towards securing his transfer to some vessel returning to the United States. As a result of this proposition, Mr. Munokite assisted his friend on board the Berlin during the night of July 18th. Owing to the presence of Japanese cus- tom officers on the vessel, the runaway was secreted in one of the cabin staterooms, and given to under- stand by signs that he must remain in hiding until 2 EARLY LIFE. the brig was under way. " I shall never forget," writes Captain Savory in 1883, " the first interview I had with him, or how happy he felt when he saw the shores of his country fading from his view, knowing that he was safe from all harm. His_soIe_aim__th£n was to karpJJae-JElng-lish language, thaL he. might he. able to translate the Bible into his own tongue for the benefit of his countrymen." On arriving at Shanghai the Berlin was ordered to Nagasaki. Knowing that Ins young protege could return to Japan only at the risk of his life, Captain Savory secured his transfer to the ship Wild Rover, owned by Alpheus Hardy & Co., of Boston, U. S. A., under the command of Capt. Horace S. Taylor, of Chatham, Mass. In September, 1864, Captain Tay- lor sailed for Foochoo, but remained in Chinese waters through the winter, touching at Hongkong, Saigon, Shanghai again, and Manilla, from which latter port he set sail April 1, 1865, for Boston, where he arrived in August, after a four months' passage. When this young Japanese came on board the Wild Rover, at Shanghai, he could speak but a few English words, although having some knowledge of the written language. On being asked his name he replied, " Neesima Shimeta." " I shall call you Joe," was the captain's laconic announcement. Shortly after reaching Boston, Captain Taylor in- formed his owner that he had a Japanese boy on the ship who was anxious to secure an education, and at Mr. Hardy's request Neesima was sent for. During the voyage he had acquired the ship's vocabulary, but was still unable to make known his wishes in intel- ligible English. To every question asked by Mrs. Hardy he replied only in monosyllables. It was im- FIRST KNOWLEDGE OF AMERICA. 6 possible to elicit from him his reasons for leaving Japan, and beyond the statement of Captain Taylor, a very reticent man, nothing could be learned of his aims or desires. The experience of the Mission Board in aiding foreigners under similar circumstances had not been encouraging. Neesima was therefore sent to the Sailor's Home, and requested to put in writing the reasons which led him to flee his native country. On October 11th Mr. Hardy received the following statement : — " I was born in a house of a prince [Itakura] in Yedo. My father [Neesima Tamiharu] was writing- master of the prince's house and his writer, and my grandfather was an officer of whole, 1 the prince's ser- vant. I began to learn Japan, and China too, from six years age, but at eleven years age my mind had changed quite to learn sword-exercise and riding horse. At jdxteen years age my desire was deepened to learn China and cast away sword-exercise and other things. But my prince picked me up to write his daily book, although it would not have been my desire. I was obliged to go up his office one another day, and I must teach small boys and girls too, instead my father at home. Therefore I could not get in Cliina school to learn China, Jn.it I read every night at home. A day my comrade lent me an atlas of United States of North America, which was written with China letter by some American minister. 2 I read it many times, 1 That is, a steward, in charge of the private servants and attend- ants of the prince, — pages, carriers, cooks, kago bearers, etc., — an office of considerahle dignity and responsibility. 2 What is here called an " atlas " was a History of the United States written by Dr. Bridgman, of Shanghai, in China. After Dr. Bridg- man's death, his widow visited Dr. Brown, in Yokohama, and left with him a few copies of her husband's history, which were distributed by -1 4 EARLY LIFE. and I was wondered so much as my brain would melted out from my head, picking out President, Building, Free School, Poor House, House of Correction, and machine-working, etc. And I thought that a governor of our country must be as President of the United States. And I murmured myself that, O Governor of Japan ! why you keep down us as a dog or a pig ? We are people of Japan. If you govern us you must love us as your children. J From that time I wished to learn American knowledge, but alas, I could not get any teacher to learn it. Although I woidd not like to learn Holland, I was obliged to learn it because many of my countrymen understood to read it. Every one another day I went to my master's house to learn it. " Some day I had been in the prince's office and I got none to write at all. Therefore I ran out from the office and went to my master's house. By and by my prince stepped into the office, wanting to see me ; but he saw nobody there, and he stayed me until I came back into. When he saw me he beated me. ' Why you run out from the office ? I would not allowed you to run out from there.' After ten days I ran out from there again, but he would not know about it. But alas ! in the next time he found out again I ran out from the office, and he beated me. ' Why you run out from here ? ' Then I answered to him that ' I wished to learn foreign knowledge, and I hope to un- derstand it very quickly ; therefore, though I know I must stay here, reverence your law, my soul went to my master's house to learn it, and my body was obliged to go thither too.' Then he said to me very kindly Dr. Brown. It was doubtless one of these copies which fell into Nee- Binia's hands. HUNGER FOR KNOWLEDGE. 5 that ' you can write Japan very well, and you can earn yourself enough with it. If you don't run out from there any more I will give you more wages. With what reason will you like foreign knowledge ? Per- haps it will mistake yourself.' I said : ' Why will it mistake myself ? I guess every one must take some knowledge. If a man has not any knowledge I will worth him as a dog or a pig.' Then he laughed very£ hard about it, and said to me: ' You are stable boy.*' Beside him, my grandfather, parents, sisters, friends, and neighbors, beated or laughed for me about it. But I never took care to them, and held my stableness very fast. After few months I got many business in the office, and I could not get out from there. Ah ! it made me many musings in my head and made me some sickness too. I would not like to see anybody, and would not desire to go out to play myself, but I liked only to stay in a peacefid room. I knew it is bad sickness, therefore I went to some doctor, hoping to get some medicine. After he stay my sickness many times, he told me, 'Your sickness comes from your mind, therefore you must try to destroy your warm mind, and must take walk for healthfulness of your body, and it would be more better than many medicines.' The prince gave me many times to feed my weakness, and my father gave me some money to play myself. But I went every day to my master's house to learn Holland. I read up Holland grammar, spending many times, and I took a small book of na- ture, and I pleased to read it so much as I would say that this book would be more better than doctors' medicine to my sickness. When my sickness got bet- ter, after few months, the prince picked me up again to write his daily book, and I must stay in the office EARLY LIFE. every day against his order. Ah ! I could not get out from there to learn Holland, but I got many times to read book at night, and I read through the book of nature at home, taking a dictionary of Japan and Holland. Alas ! the study of night-time caused me weak eyes, and I was obliged to stop it too. After ten weeks my weak eyes recovered entirely, and I began to read the book again ; but I could not under- stand some reasonable accounts in it. Therefore I purposed to learn arithmetic. But I had not any times to learn it. A day I asked to the prince, ' Please get me more time to take knowledge.' Then he let me get out from there thrice a week, although it was not enough to me. I went to some arithmetical school to learn it, and understood addition, subtraction, mul- tiplication, division, fractions, interest, etc. Then I took the book again, and understood some reasonable accounts in it. " Some day I went to the seaside of Yedo, hoping to see the view of the sea. I saw largest man-of-war of Dutch lying there, and it seemed to me as a castle or a battery, and I thought too she would be strong to fight with enemy. While I look upon her one re- flection came down upon my head : that we must open navy, because the country is surrounded with water, and if foreigners fight to my country, we must fight with them at sea. But I made other reflection too : that since foreigners trade, price of everythings got high, the country got poorer than before, because the coun- trymen don't understand to do trade with the foreign- ers. Therefore we must go to foreign countries, we must know to do trade, and we must learn foreign knowledge. But the government's law neglected all my thoughts, and I cried out myself : Why govern- FIRST READING OF BIBLE. 7 ment ? Why not let us be freely ? Why let us be as a bird in a cage or a rat in a bag ? Nay ! we must cast, away such a savage government, and we must pick out a president as the United States of America. But alas ! such things would have been out of my power. " From that time I went to a marine school of gov- ernment to learn navigation a week thrice. After many months I understood little algebra, little geom- etry, to keep log, and to take sun, to find latitude. Ah ! the study of night-time caused me weak eyes again, and I could not study at all during the time of one year and a half which would not come again in my life. After my eyes got better I was obliged to go in the prince's office. That time was very hot and sickly season of Yedo. A day the sun shined very hard, and in the evening it had rained very heavy. Then I felt cold and chilled myself. The next morning my head began to ache, and my body was so hot as a fire would burn within me. I could eat nothing, but drank cold water only. After two days measles raised up all over my body. When the measles got better my eyes began to spoil, and I played and spent many times very vainly. A day I visited my friend, and Iv found out small Holy Bible in his library that was written by some American minister with China lan- guage, and had shown only the most remarkable events of it. I lend it from him and read it at night, because I was afraid the savage country's law, which if I read the Bible, government will cross whole my family. I understood God at first, and he separated the earth from firmament, made light upon the earth, made grass, trees, creatures, fowls, fishes. And he created a man in his own image, and made up a woman, cut- 8 EARLY LIFE. ting a man's side bone. After he made up all things of universe, he took a rest. That day we must call Sunday or Sabbath day. I understood that Jesus Christ was Son of Holy Ghost, and he was crossed for the sins of all the world ; therefore we must call him our Saviour. Then I put down the book and look around me, saying that : Who made me ? My parents ? No, God. Who made my table ? A carpen- ter? No, my God. God let trees grow upon the earth, and although God let a carpenter made up my table, it indeed came from some tree. Then I must be thankful to God, I must believe him, and I must be upright against him. From that time my mind was fulfilled to read English Bible, and purposed to go to Hakodate to get English or American teacher of it. Therefore I asked of my prince and parents to go thither. But they had not allowed to me for it, and were alarmed at it. But my stableness would not destroy by their expostulations, and I kept such thoughts, praying only to God : Please ! let me reach my aim. " And I began to read English from some Japanese teacher. A day I walked some street of Yedo, and suddenly met a skipper of a schooner, who knew me well and love me too. I asked to him, ' When your vessel going ? ' He answered, ' She will bound to Hakodate within three days.' I told him, ' I got warm heart to go thither. If you please, let me go thither.' He said me : ; I will take you to go thither, but perhaps your prince and your parents will not allow it to you. You must ask first to them.' After two days I took up some money, little clothing, and little books, and left quite my home, not thinking that if this money was gone how I would eat, or dress my- ARRIVES IN BOSTON. 9 self, but only casting myself into the providence of God. In the next morning I went on board of the schooner that would bound to Hakodate. When I came to Hakodate I searched some teacher of Eng- lish, but I could not find him with many ways. There- fore my head was quite changed to run away from the country. But one thought stayed me, that my grand- father and parents would sorrow about it, and it bal- anced- my mind little while. But after one reflection came upon my head, that although my parents made and fed me, I belong indeed to Heavenly Father ; therefore I must believe him, I must be thankful to him, and I must run into his ways. Then I began to search some vessel to get out from the country. " After many labor I got into an American vessel which would bound to Shanghai. After I came in Shanghai river, I joined to the ship Wild Rover, and had been in the China coasts with her about eight months ; with the passage of four months, I come in Boston harbor by the kindness of God. When I saw first the ship's captain, H. S. Taylor, I begged to him if I get to America : ' Please ! let me go to school and take good education ; therefore I shall work on the board as well as I can, and I will not take any wages from you ; ' and he promised me if I get home he will send me to a school and let me work on the board as his servant. Although he not give me any money, he bought for me any clothing, cap, shoes, and any other thing. At sea he taught me to keep log, to find out latitude and longitude. When I come here the cap- tain let me stay on the board long while, and I had been with rough and godless men who kept the ship, and everv one on the wharf frightened me. No one on the shore will relieve you, because since the war the 10 EARLY LIFE. price of everythings got high. Ah ! you must go to sea again. I thought too I must work pretty well for my eating and dressing, and I could not get in any school before I could earn any money to pay to a school. When such thoughts pressed my brain I could not work very well, I could not read book very cheerfully, and only looked around myself long while as a lunatic. Every night after I went to bed I prayed to the God : Please ! don't cast away me into miserable condition. Please ! let me reach my great aim ! Now I know the ship's owner, Mr. Hardy, may send me to a school, and he will pay all my expenses. When I heard first these things from my captain my eyes were fulfilled with many tears, because I was very thankful to him, and I thought too : God will not forsake me." To this remarkable statement was due the begin- ning of that interest which Mr. and Mrs. Hardy felt in Neesima, an interest which deepened with the years, and which subsequent events amply justified. During the voyage from Japan, Captain Taylor had told Neesima that the owner of the ship might find him some employment in Boston, and possibly provide for his education. In this hope, but perplexed by the difficulty of pursuing his studies while earning his living, Neesima had written the following on some scraps of paper which he confided to the captain be- fore reaching Boston : — " I must tell you that I am most concerned for it that I will not reach my great aim, because I made such thoughts as hereafter : — " Though the ship's owner will be very kindly to me, perhaps he will not send me to school so long as I may reach my great aim, because he will spend his HIS GREAT AIM. 11 moneys very vainly for me, and I guess he will spend least twenty dollars a month for my eating, dressing, useful things of my study ; and if he spend so much moneys for me, he will give me some great work to do. I must work almost all day. Although I will not loathe such work, perhaps it will hindered good time of my study. If I not understand good know-\i ledge I may not come back to Japan to see my prince, family, friends, because of my shameful condition, and they will worth me as a dog or a cat because I left home very wickedly, hoping to get some know- ledge. " I am concerned about it as much as my brain woidd melted out, and when such musings fell on my head I could not read book at all, I would not do anything very cheerfully, and I looked around myself long time as a lunatic, because it confused my mind very much. But I know not yet will I take what course of my life, and I know not too any trade to earn myself. Alas ! I am poor and foolish. I have nojme around me to relieve me except you. Then I wish heartily to you that please let me direct into some good way which I may reach my aim. If you let me reach my aim I will never forget your kindness * and virtuousness. " Although I will go down behind a grave, my soul will go to heaven to tell to God about it and let him bless you with the truth of God. " Please let me hear that Mr. Hardy will let me go to what kind of school, and I wish that he gave me remainder of his table for my eating, old one of his clothing for my dressing, ink, pen, paper, pencil, for using of my study." The above was not seen by Mr. Hardy at the time, 12 EARLY LIFE. but was sent to him seventeen years later by the widow of Captain Taylor. On learning that Mr. Hardy had decided to send him to school, Neesima wrote him the following letter : I am very thankful to you. You relief me, but I can't show to you my thankfulness with my words. But I at all times bless to God for you with this prayer : O God ! if thou hast eyes, look upon me. O God ! if thou hast ears, hear my prayer. Let me be civil- ized with Bible. O Lord ! thou send thy Spirit upon my Hardy, and let him relief me from sad condi- tion. O Lord ! please ! set thy eyes upon my Hardy, and keep out him from illness and temptation. Your obedient servant, Joseph Neesima. In 1885, when, after a lapse of twenty years, this runaway occupied a position of honor and influence in his native land, he sent to those whom he loved to call his American parents, and whose name he had adopted, a fuller account of his early life and the cir- cumstances under which he left Japan. From this narrative, which affords an interesting picture of his Japanese home, the following pages are taken : — Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 29, 1885. To Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Hardy, To whom I owe more than to my own parents for their boundless love and untiring interest manifested in my welfare, both temporal and spiritual, I most gratefully and affectionately dedicate this brief narra- tive of my younger days. Their ever gratefid child, Joseph Hardy Neesima. JOY AT HIS BIRTH. 13 " I was born in a family which served a prince of Japan, who had his palace in the city of Yedo (called Tokyo, the eastern capital, since 1868), within a short distance of the Shogun's castle, and his possession of land in a province of Kodzuke, the castle town of which is called Annaka, and is situated on one of the two roads directly extending- from Yedo to Kyoto. It is a humble town having a population not exceed- ing four thousand, and lies seventy miles nearly north of the capital. His palace at Yedo was surrounded by the extensive houses of his retainers, which exactly formed a square inclosure. " I was born within this inclosure on the 14th of January, in the year of 1843. 1 Previous to my birth four ffirls were born. So I was the first son in the family. In those days, when the feudal system was still in full sway, boys were much preferred to girls in those families which are entitled to wear two swords as a mark of the rank called Samurai by the native tongue ; for there must be a male heir to the family in order to perpetuate its rank and allowance in case of the father's death. For that reason my birth caused great joy to the family, and particu- larly to my grandfather. When he heard a boy was . born he exclaimed Shimeta ! which is a most joyous exclamatory phrase often used by our people when they come to realize some long cherished hopes or wishes. " Just about that time it was a part of our New Year days, as our old lunar month came a month later than our solar year. 2 It was then a high time with us. 1 Old Japanese style. According to our mode of reckoning, Feb- ruary 12, 1843. 2 The Gregorian calendar was not adopted by the Japanese govern- 14 EARLY LIFE. Every house was decorated by some complicated fan- tastic ornaments called Shirne. At the day dawn, just before the ornaments were removed from the house, a male babe was introduced into the family. On account of the Shime, a good omen, I was doubtless named after it, and was called Shimeta, a man of the Shime. But a story went round among our neighbors that I was named after my grandfather's exclamation Shimeta ! when I was born. It may have a double meaning. At any rate I was called Shimeta, and it was written after the family name Neesima, accord- ing to our usage. Of course I have no knowledge of the events that happened in my home during my babyhood. But, so far as I recollect, I was a pet child of the family, especially of my grandfather. I was chiefly brought up on his lap. I have, also, some faint recollection of being carried occasionally by my grandmother. I was often taken out of doors on my sisters' backs, when my mother busied herself at home with sewings and mendings. " At my fourth year my brother was born. I can well remember how happy I was with that occa- sion. I also remember what a tiny babe he was, and I thought how nice it would be when he grew a little larger and I might spin a top or fly a kite for him. " At my fifth year I was taken to the temple of a god, 1 who was supposed to be my life guardian, to ment until 1872. Prior to this time the civil year was a lunar year of 12 months of 29 and 30 days alternately, a mode of reckoning- intro- duced from China in G02 A. r>., and requiring, at definite periods, the interjection of an intercalary month of varying length in order to har- monize the lunar and solar periods. 1 Every Japanese child is placed hy his parents at an early age under the protection of some .Shinto deity, whose foster-child he he- DEATH OF HIS GRANDMOTHER. 15 offer to him the thanks of the family for his protec- tion over me. It was a most joyous occasion to the family. My father bought for me two little swords to wear then. A nice suit of silk dressing was also made for me to wear on that occasion. I was accom- panied by my parents and grandparents to present myself at the temple. When we came home I was loaded with candies, little kites, tops, and all sorts of playthings. " I remember quite well what impressive thing the death of a person was when my grandmother departed to the world beyond. She was a woman of an ami- able disposition, and used to give much alms to the poor in her latter life. She was often told by some Buddhist priests that her future abode should be the happy JVii*vana, on account of her constant almsgiv- ing. I recollect very well what she said at her death- bed : ' O, I am going ! O, I am going ! ' I supposed then that she was intending to go to the happy Nir- vana, to be received into the bosom of the merciful Buddha. I also remember what confusion took place in my home at her funeral, how our neighbors came to our house, how they tried to console the bereaved family, and how generously my grandfather provided for them many kinds of sweetmeats, rice, sake, etc. I was then six years old. When her funeral took place I followed in the procession, partly walking and partly being carried on a man's back. We started from home early in the morning on account of the dis- tance of the temple, in the yard of which she was to comes. Until fifteen years of age, Neesima worshiped the family gods which stood upon a shelf in one of the rooms of his father's house ; but subsequently, seeing they did not partake of the food pro- vided for them, refused to do so. L6 EARLY LIFE. be buried with her ancestors. We were all received in the large hall of the temple, where numbers of the priests appeared in purple, red, and black robes, mak- ing a solemn ceremony by beating drums, striking- cymbals, and repeating some sacred writings of Bud- dha. " While I was quite young my father used to take me out to temples of the different gods to worship, as certain days of the months or years are especially devoted to them. On those occasions the temple grounds were generally crowded by all sorts of ped- dlers, selling pictures, kites, tops, divers kinds of play- things, cakes, candies, fruits, flowers, shrubs, etc. " I must not forget to mention here what devoted pagan worshipers my father and grandfather were. They never missed going to the temples to worship on special days, and also kept numerous gods at home. A dozen of them were kept in the sitting-room, a dozen more in the parlor, with the tablets of their an- cestors, and at least a half dozen in the kitchen. They offered them tea and rice in the morning and lights in the evening. At each offering they made the most profound bows before them, and made some prayers in behalf of the family. So far as I can recollect, they must have been thoroughly convinced that the life and prosperity of the family were depending on them. Being quite young and thoughtless, I supposed that my grandfather and father were the best people that ever lived in the world. Of course, I followed their example set before me, and often bowed myself down before these dumb idols, having some childish ambition that I might acquire some wisdom and skill to become an accomplished samurai. "As my father was a teacher of penmanship, he HOME EDUCATION. 17 was especially devoted to a god of penmanship and learning, and went to his temple and prayed to him that his son might become_skillful in penmanship. I knew most too well how desirous he was that I should become his successor and helper in teaching. I really disliked to devote myself to that tedious business, but, 1 was compelled by him to spend half a day through- out years of my younger days in writing those perpen- dicular characters over and over after the copies care- fully written by him. " With regard to the home education I received in my younger days, I might here narrate one instance. One day I was naughty and refused to make an errand for my mother, and when she gave me a scolding I returned her an improper word. My grandfather heard it, came directly after me and caught me with- out saying a word, rolled me up in a night coverlet, and shut me up in a closet. After an hour's confinement I was released from the punishment, which was, I be- lieve, the first one I ever received from my grand- father. I thought then he was too severe for a trifling offense, and went to a corner of the parlor to weep. After a while he came to me and urged me gently that I must no longer weep. Then he told me a story of the bamboo-shoot, in a most tender and affection- ate manner I ever heard before. It was told in a na- tive poem which means as follows : ' If I do not care for it, I would never use my rod for shaking the snow off from the down-bent branch of a young bamboo- shoot.' Then he asked, ' Do you understand its mean- ing, my dear?' and explained its meaning himself. ' You are young yet, and just as tender as a bamboo- shoot. If your evil inclinations spoil you, as a slight pressure of snow might easily break down the tender 18 EARLY LIFE. shoot, how sad I should be, my dear. Do you suppose I am unkind to you by thus punishing you ? ' I re- mained speechless then, but I understood full well what he meant, and what kind intention he had for cor- recting me. I was really ashamed of my naughtiness, and thought that my grandfather was very kind in thus punishing me. I believe this talk made a deep impression on my young mind, and helped me to be- have much better than before. However, I was just gay and playful as other boys were. I was very fond of spinning tops, rolling hoops, and flying kites. I was especially fond of the latter play, and when I went out to fly my kite often forgot to come home at the regular mealtime, which troubled my mother ex- ceedingly. On that account my father refused to buy any more kites for me ; so I secured everything nec- essary for making one without his knowledge, and made a first-rate one myself. How gay I was then I can hardly desciibe, when I saw it going straight up toward the blue sky. I was also very fond of running and jumping. A scar on my left temple is a reminder of an accidental fall which was a great hu- miliation to me, and confined me at home nearly two months. " Since then I gave up those boyish rough plays, and became fond of staying at home, either for study- ing or writing. I took also some drawing lessons from our neighbor, and drew birds, flowers, trees, and moun- tains, after the regular Japanese style, without a per- spective. I was just over nine years old then. " Being the heir t ) the family, I was specially warned by my mother to make most profound bows to those higher o'fiieers employed by my prince. It was her ambition that through their favor I might be TRAINING IN ETIQUETTE. 19 promoted to a rank much higher than my father's. But I did not pay any attention to such a matter, as some young fellows of our neighbors did, — that is, to be very polite in bowing, and expert in using flat- tering terms. My boyishness disliked it. Further- more I was very shy, and had some slight impediment in my speech. I could hardly speak distinctly when I was obliged to converse with strangers. Sometimes I refused to speak even to our neighbors. It caused a great anxiety to my mother. Either through her influence or my father's decision, I was sent to a _school— ©f-etiquette, to learn to make the most pro- found bows, most graceful manners and movements, etc., in a company of noblemen, and to acquire also the polite style of conversational phrases. My teacher seemed to me a man of real genius. He told me many interesting stories, and invited me to come to him as often as I could. I believe I spent more than a year in acquiring the old-fashioned-politeness, al- though I was not aware at the time of its benefit. " All the events of my younger life took place within the square inclosure belonging to my prince. It was a mere little spot, but to me it was no small world. Whatsoever events took place, or whatsoever gossip was circulated, all seemed to my boyish mind no small affair. And above all, the prince seemed . a_regular terror to us. He could either behead us or expel us atTulTowii pleasure, as disgraced servants. Any little favor conferred upon us from him was considered by us a great luck. So everybody belonging to him de- sired to secure his favor through his elder men, who were really the governors of his whole estate. My father used to take me to one of these elder men while 1 was quite young ; afterward I went to his house 20 EARLY LIFE. alone, without being accompanied by my father, be- cause I was invited by him to come there as often as I would. As he was childless, he was always delighted to have me come and play with him when he had nothing in particular to do. Staying there towards evening, I often slept on his lap and was carried home in his arms. When I began to draw some pictures, I used to take them to show to him, and he was really de- lighted to see the progress I made. He often invited me to come to his house when he had company. As I had acquired some manner of politeness at the school of etiquette, especially in the cup-bearing and waiting upon gentlemen at their meals or banquets, I was quite serviceable to him on such occasions. He often took me with him when he went out to worship his ancestors or his guardian gods. I was really attached to him, because he loved me as if I were his own son. He was a good horseman and expert in shoot- ing arrows. Moreover, he was a man of some char- acter. He often rebuked his prince for his extreme arbitrariness, and also for his excessive drinking. So the prince felt uncomfortable to keep him near him, and sent him off to his castle town Annaka to repre- sent him to the people, although it was called by the prince a promotion. What a painful day it was for me when he was ready to leave Yedo for Annaka ! I went as far as an outskirt of that immense city, with my father and many others, to see him off. I wept bitterly when I took my last farewell. He was some- what affected, but manfully concealed it and showed me an affectionate and touching smile. His last word to me was, ' Good-by, Shimeta ; be a good boy. When you grow up larger, come up to Annaka to see me.' Then he bade his attending servants to start for the COMMODORE PERRY. 21 journey. He was then carried away on a hago [pal- anquin], being followed by many attendants, and I came home with my father dreadfully tired and disap- pointed. This was one of the great events that hap- pened to me within the first decade of my life. The marriages of my two elder sisters took place within this decade. " Just about this time the country was in a most painful condition. The people were accustomed to peace under the reign of the Tokugawa family, nearly three centuries. Their laws were rigid and fixed. Their executive officers were extremely suspicious and fearfully oppressive. The ambition of the people was- - completely crushed down. Many samurai had almost forgotten how to use their swords. Coats of mail were stored in warehouses merely as curiosities, and were useless from decay. In. fact the people had become cowardly, eo vrnp^ and effeminate. Licen- tiousness prevailed- almost universa lly throughout the country. Truly some reformation was needed. A few far-sighted patriots lamented over this sad state, and che rished some hp pp f™ *■ ™>ffn1a.T rpnnva.tjnri. But it was almost beyond their expectations to see it. Just about that time [1853] the famous American fleet com- manded by Commodore Perry made a sudden appear- ance in our waters. It caused an awful commotion in the country. The people were frightened by the ter- rible sound of the American cannon. However, most of the leading princes of the country raised, a most impatient war-cry against the Americans, and urged thg_OYv^rpmp n± . of t lw— Sho gmrt to p-ypel them from o ur w atersji t once. "R ut we. -had no forts, no war- ships* no cannons, no trained army to fight with. The Shogiui's chief counselors were quick enough to sec t> ■e-to_ai±ei^^ fnfins— fy mn onr waters . They knew also^ -fckal-JJie motive of the Americans was entirely peaceful, and agreed with them to open a few ports for commerce. This very treaty with the Americans was soon fol- lowed by treaties with some European powers. But the action of the Sliogun's counselors offended thest impetuous princes. All sorts of charges were brought upon his government. He was calied by them a coward, a slave to the foreign barbarians, etc. The party spirit was soon kindled. The leading princes of Kyushu and Shikoku islands leagued together and rose up against him. They sent out a number of their spirit ed. .young- -samurai-.all-ay.ejL J:he country to stir up the hatred of the people against the misgovernment pi the Shogun, and also against the foreign nations. The cry to restore the imperial reign and expel the foreign barbarians then became almost universal. It was indeed the starting-point of our late revolution, which happily resulted in the restoration of the impe- rial reign, and also in the freer opening of the foreign intercourse, instead of expelling foreigners from our shores. "I must not forget to mention something of my prince in connection with this extraordinary period of our national history. - He was quite accomplished in Chinese classics, and was well known in the country as the finest scholar among the princes. He was a man of far sight, and quite fixed in his purpose. About five or six years before the American fleet ap- peared in our waters, this prince, who spent most of his time in his own secluded palace, perceived that the military system of the country must be improved, and the people must be better educated and well informed. DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCE. 23 lie selected a few promising young men out of his own retainers and sent them to a military sehool just established under the auspices of the Shogun's gov- ernment. He gave out an order to his retainers and compelled every one of them, except some aged ones, to take lessons in sword-fencing and horseback riding. Furthermore, he established a Chinese school and made education compulsory to his younger subjects. As he was subject to excessive drinking, and was very fond of giving costly gifts to his favorite friends and siibjects in his younger days, he found his treasury almost empty when he came to ecuiip his retainers with foreign arms. There was no other way for him to procure money than to impose an extra duty on the farmers and merchants living in his dominions, for purchasing cannon and muskets of the European model, just introduced to the country by the Holland- ers, lie confiscated all the bronze bells from the Pmddhist temples found in his dominion, and cast a number of the field-pieces and mortars out of them. By making such an extraordinary effort he was ena- bled to provide a sufficient number of cannon and muskets of the new model for the use of all his retain- ers . Accept i ng the or d er of the prince , IHbegan to go to ridi ng and fencing schools at the eleven th yea r of my age. I did not enjoy the horseback riding so much as I did the sword-exercise. Horses were not well trained ; some of them were just ugly as can be, and I was often carried on their backs instead of riding; upo n them. " At the age of fourteen I gave up these exercises and devoted myself closely to the study of the Chinese classics. Just about this time my prince invited a native scholar [Dr. Sugita], who was well versed in 24 EARLY LIFE. Dutch, to his court, to teach his subjects that strange language. He selected only three youths out of his subjects to take lessons from him. I was one of the three chosen by him and the youngest of all. I stud- ied Dutch with him nearly one year. His scholarship was soon made known to the Shogun's government, and he was appointed to go to Nagasaki to receive instruction from the Hollanders in engineering and navigation. After he went away I gradually lost my interest in studying Dutch, and suspended it tempora- rily. In the meanwhile I made considerable progress in Chinese. On that account, as a special favor, I was promoted by my prince to be an assistant teacher in his Chinese school, and became more interested in studying that language. At that time the prince be- came seriously ill and died. It caused me a great disappointment and sorrow. His younger brother succeeded him and became our prince. But he was far inferior to his deceased brother in every respect. He cared nothing for improving the condition of his retainers. All the affairs of the prince's court as- sumed a different aspect. He found his enjoyment chiefly in eating and drinking. He often listened to his favorite mistress for promoting or rejecting his officers. I felt then all my hope for carrying out my study was gone. However, I was not idle in securing my purpose, and endeavored to keep up my study as much as I could. My father became doubtful whether it would be wise to pursue my study any further. He was afraid of my being influenced by those manner- less and careless fellows he often found among our students. Beside that, he was still cherishing a hope that I should become his successor in the penmanship school. So he began to interfere with my study and ENTERS HIS PRINCE'S SERVICE. 25 to urge me to assist him in teaching the penmanship. But I was very unwilling to do so. " In those days it was almost next to an impossi- n bility for a son to disobey his father's command. So I was bound to obey him. The only hope I had for obtaining my aim was to secure some favor from my Chinese teacher, and also from that gentleman in An- naka whom I have previously mentioned. While I was seriously contemplating on the subject, those friends were taken away from me by death, one after another, within a few months. How disheartened I was then ! I often exclaimed within myself : ' My prince is gone, and my teacher also. The friend at Annaka, on whom I hung the last cord of my hope, is also taken away from me. What unfortunate fellow I must .be ! Who will help me to continue my study ? What will be my fate in future ? ' I felt I was left almost alone and helpless in the world. " When I completed my fifteenth year I was obliged to commence my service to the prince. It was my duty to sit in the little office connected with the front entrance hall of his palace. There were always more than half a dozen persons in the office. Our business was to watch the hall, and whenever the prince went out or came home we were all obliged to sit on one side of the hall in a row and bow ourselves profoundly before him upon the matted floor. Beside that, we used to keep some records for him. But our chief occupation was to spend our time in silly gossip, talk- ing, laughing, and frequent tea-drinkings. I found it almost unbearable to keep company with them. Yet there was no way for me to excuse myself from its participation. Furthermore, I was much prevented by them from studying in the office. Early in the 26 EARLY LIFE. spring of my seventeenth year, my prince was ordered by the Shogun to go to Osaka to keep watch of that great castle built by our renowned hero Hideyoshi, who conquered and governed the whole empire of Japan about three centuries ago. Of course the prince took with him a number of his retainers. My father was one of them. He followed the prince as his scribe, and left his school in my charge. I was also ordered by the prince to be a scribe in his court at Yedo dur- ing his absence. While I was so much pressed by a double duty, both at home and in the prince's court, a fresh desire for knowing the European nations came to me, and I found it almost irresistible. Dutch was then the only European language we could study. I found a good teacher in that language within a mile from my home. I used to go there whenever I could spare a little time, although I was much tied up to many duties. But when I became intensely interested in the new study, I began to neglect my duties, so in- excusably imposed upon me by my prince and my fa- ther. I often absented myself from the office, although I was required to be there. I did this purposely, be- cause I wished to be discharged from my service on account of my disregarding the prince's order. But as there was no one to take my place there, I was still kept in the office. My frequent absences gave the superior officer, who kept the prince's palace during his absence, great inconvenience. He found much writing to be done, but on coming to the office he did not find me there, and often scolded me. But I did not mind it. I simply requested him to discharge me from the service at once. Finding me beyond his control, he often summoned my grandfather to his office and scolded him also. So my grandfather be- ENTERS NAVAL SCHOOL OF SHOGUN. 27 gan to meddle with my study. But I remained as obstinate as ever, and kept up my study even in this trying way. When my father returned he resumed his service, and I was released. Still I could not get rid of the service of the prince altogether. " Just about that time the country was in fearful commotion. Assassination and bloodshed occurred here and there almost every day. Being frightened by this, my coward prince selected a number of the younger persons from his retainers to be his life- guards. Unfortunately, I was chosen to be one of them. Whenever he went out of his palace I was obliged to follow him. Early in the__spring of my eighteenth year I followed him as far as Annaka. Of course he was carried in a kago, and we, his lifeguards, were obliged to follow him on foot. It required in me no small amount of patience to be forced into such a servitude. When I came home from Annaka I was utterly disgusted with the prince's service. I often planned to run away from home in order to get rid of it, but I was not bold enough to do so. I was too fondly tied up to my home, and was much afraid of causing great sorrow and disgrace to my parents and grandfather. While I was in this hard fix I was not discouraged with the hopeless outlook, and at- tempted to secure a favor from one of the prince's elder men. Through his influence I was partially exempted from the prince's service. How glad I was then when I found more leisure hours to study. At that time I had just acquired Dutch enough to read a simple treatise on physics and astronomy. But I was utterly ignorant of mathematics, and the simplest calculations in this treatise were beyond my comprehension. So I was prompted to go to the Shogun's naval school just 28 EARLY LIFE. established in Yedo, and take lessons in arithmetic from its very rudiments. I believe it was then the only school in the country where I coidd find efficient teachers in mathematics. There I had chances to hear from my teachers of the foreign steamers, and sometimes I wished to see them. Qi^d^Xiia^pejied to walk on the shore of Yedo Bay and caught a sight .of .the Dutch warships lying at anchor. They looked, so stately and formidable ! When I compared those dignified sea-queens side byjujle with our clumsy ai disproportioned junks, nothing further was needed lp_ convince me that the foreigners who built such war- ships must be more intelligent and a superior people to the Japanese. It seemed to me a mighty object lesson to rouse up my ambition to cry out for the general improvement and renovation of my country. I supposed the first thing to be done would be to cre- ate a naval force, and also to build vessels of the foreign style to facilitate the foreign commerce. This new idea prompted me to pursue the study of naviga- tion. " In a course of two years' hard work I finished my arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and also acquired the rudiments of theoretical navigation ; but my study was sadly interrupted by severe measles. My illness was a very serious one, and utterly enfeebled me. I was obliged to stay away from my school nearly three months. While I was yet feeble I began to study algebra in a Dutch book, and got through with it before I found myself strong enough to go out of doors. But this apparent little gain caused me great loss. Weak eyes, headaches, and sleeplessness came upon me one after another, and I was obliged to give up my studies for some time. VOYAGE TO TAMASHIMA. 29 " In the winter of the same year I had the first .op- portunity to take a voyage on a steamer to Ta mashi- ^ ma, a seaport a little beyond Okayama. The schooner belonged to the prince of Matsuyama, who was closely related to my prince. On that account he gave me a free passage. It took us a little over t hree m onths to come back to Yedo. I enjoyed it exceedingly, and was also benefited by staying away so far from my prince's square inclosure where I spent all my younger days, and where I supposed that the heavens were but a little square patch. It was my first experience in mingling with different people and seeing different places. Evidently the sphere of my mental horizon was much widened by that voyage. I visited the city "~ oF^Qsaka, where I had my first opportunity to taste beef. Being filled by a fresh idea for freedom, I planned to get rid of my obligation to my prince by connecting myself with the Shogun's government. The way to secure it was to be employed by him as a navigator, but that plan was soon banished from my thought when I found out something of the life of those employed in the Shogun's navy. Their base and licentious life shocked me. I did not like to min- gle with them. So I found no way to sever myself f ake i my prince. Still my strong desire to obtain ^ ; ? im lom became a real incentive to disregard and dis- obey him. I refused his order decidedly when I was compelled to take up a musket and prepare myself to be his soldier. " The war-cloud was then becoming intensely thick in the country. My prince was obliged to stand up for the cause of the unfortunate Shogun against the rising imperial party. As for me, I had full sympathy with the latter party, and often wished to join them. 30 EARLY LIFE. Yet a tender cord which bound me to my parents and grandfather tied me also to their prince. This was to me another severe trial. I became extremely nervous and irritable, and I might have been utterly ruined if I had not found a consoling friend to rescue me from this trouble. He often invited me to his house to study Dutch with him, and as he was farther advanced in the study he was a great help to me. He lent me a number of books to read, and among them I found a Japanese translation of the story of Robinson Cru- soe. It created in me a desire to visit foreign lands. Being pleased with it, I showed it to my grand- father and urged him to read it. When he read it through, he gave me a solemn warning, saying, ' Young man, don't read such a book ; I fear it will mislead you.' At that time I received permission from my prince to go to a private school, and stayed there a part of the time when he did not require my service. Some time afterwards my friend lent me a number of Chinese books. One of them was a his- torical geography of the United States written by the 1 Rev. Dr. Bridijman of the North China mission. An- other was a brief History of the world written by an English missionary in China. Another was Dr. w: l- • tin i liamson's little magazine ; and what excited i -t my curiosity were a few Christian books, publii either at Shanghai or Hongkong. I read them with close attention. I was partly a skeptic, and partly struck with reverential awe. I became acquainted with the name of the Creator through those Dutch books I studied before, but it never came home so dear to my heart as when I read the simple story of God's creation of the universe on those pages of a brief Chinese Bible History. I found out that the world t DETERMINES UPON FLIGHT. 31 we live upon was created by his unseen hand, and not by a mere chance. I discovered in the same History his other name was the ' Heavenly Father,' which created in me more reverence towards Him, because I thought He was more to me than a mere Creator of the world. All these books helped me tc behold a being somewhat dimly yet in my mental eye, who was so blindly concealed from me during the first two decades of my life. " Not being able to see any foreign missionaries then, I could not obtain any explanations on many points, and I wished at once to visit a land where the gospel, is freely taught, and from whence teachers of God's words were sent out. Having recognized God as my Heavenly Father, I felt I was no longer in- separably bound to my parents. I discovered for the first time that the doctrines of Confucius on the filial relation were too narrow and fallacious. I said then : ' I am no more my parents', but my God's.' A strong cord which had held me strongly to my father's home was broken asunder at that moment. I felt then that I must take my own course. I must serve my Heavenly Father more than my earthly parents. This new i r1 ea gave me courage to make a decision to for- sake my prince, and also to leave my home and my country temporarily. " While I was walking on the streets of Yedo one morning, I met quite unexpectedly a friend whose ac- quaintance I formed during my voyage to Tamashima. He informed me that the prince's schooner was go- ing to leave Yedo for Hakodate within three days. Knowing that I was still interested in navigation, he asked me whether I would take a short voyage to Hakodate with her. Possibly it was a mere compli- 32 EARLY LIFE. mentary question on his part, but to me it was a question of no small interest. He went off on his way quickly, and I my own, without saying anything definite on the subject. But soon after the separation a thought flashed on me like lightning, that I must not miss this opportunity for going to Hakodate, and from thence attempt an escape to a foreign land. Then the ques= tion was how to avail myself of this opportunity. I knew almost too well that my prince woidd not give me permission to go so far as Hakodate. I thought then the most feasible way to execute my object would be to secure the favor of the Prince Matsuyama, the owner of the schooner, before I said anything either to my prince or to my parents. Without coming home I went directly to a confidential counselor of the prince to ask him to secure the prince's favor for me, to give me a free passage to Hakodate in his ves- sel. He was much pleased to see me, as I was previ- ously acquainted with him, and presented the case at once to his prince in my behalf. The matter was ar- ranged with the prince that he should hire me to be employed in his vessel on her passage to Hakodate, and should ask my prince's leave that I might go. The prince complied with all my requests with great pleasure, and sent a messenger to my prince to ob- tain leave for me from his service. The messenger was particularly instructed by him to obtain a favor- able reply without the least delay. Of course my prince could not refuse this special request of Prince Matsuyama, and gave a favorable answer to the mes- senger at once. This settled my case fairly, and no one could prevent my departure for Hakodate. " When the news reached my father he was utterly confounded ; and although he was quite un willing to FAREWELLS. 33 let me go, he could not change the order of the prince. It surprised every one of my neighbors and acquaintances. There was no time to be lost for my preparation ; but, through the great diligence of my mother and my sisters, I was quite well equipped to start at once. Two days after the matter was decided that I must depart from home, my grandfather pro- vided a generous dinner, and invited our neighbors and friends to partake of it with us. When we were all seated in a circle in our parlor, having one of those low dinner - tables before each one, and were ready to commence eating, he passed around a cup of cold water for us to sip from, after the manner of our solemn departing ceremony, generally performed when we expect no fair chance of seeing each other again. What a trying hour it was to my inexperienced heart ! for every one who was present wept, and none raised up their faces except myself and my grandfather. He skillfully concealed his tears and appeared un- usually cheerful ; and I kept myself very brave. When the dinner was over my grandfather said to me : ' My dear child, your future will be like seeking a pleasure on a mountain of full blossoms. Go your way without a least fear.' This unexpected parting from his lips gave me a full courage to start from home like a man. Then I bowed to him, to my par- ents, my sisters, and all who were invited there, and left my dear home which I did not expect to see again before I should see the wide world. " My younger brother followed me on the street of Yedo to a considerable distance. When I looked back to speak to him I found him sadly weeping. Then said I : ' Why do you weep, my brother ? 1 ou are like a girl. You had better go home from here.' 34 EARLY LIFE. So I sent him back, giving him my parting instruc- tion to be ever diligent in his study. (This was my last sight of my brother. He died in the year 1871, three years before I returned to my home.) Early the following morning we sailed out of Yedo bay, leaving that great city beyond the horizon, glancing now and then at the snow-capped, beautiful Fusiyam in the distance. We stopped here and there on the way to Hakodate for the merchandise of the prince. At the entrance of our harbor we might have ex- perienced a sad shipwreck, being helplessly carried by the strong tide against a reef, if we had not re- ceived kindly help from the shore to tow us out of danger. It was in the early part of the spring of 1864 when we left Yedo, and within a month we reached Hakodate in safety. Here I was planning to get access to some foreigners, that through their favor I might attempt an escape. Through a friend of mine I was introduced to Pere Nicholi, a Russian priest, to be his teacher of the Japanese language, so that through his influence I might attain my ob- ject. " Being far away from home, I became more care- fful in my observations ; what struck me most was the corrupt condition of the people. Ij:hpuglit thentf a mere material progress will prove itself useless r long as their morals are in such a deplorable sta Japan needs a moral reformation more than mere material progress, and my purpose was more strength- ened to visit a foreign land. "After my being with the Russian priest nearly a month at his house, I gradually introduced to him my secret object, and asked his assistance to carry it out. I told him then what Japan needs most_is_ PERE NICHOLI. 35 moral reformation^-and so fax as I am convince J the reformation must be brought through. Christianity. He was much pleased with my talk, but warned me against such a project as I had revealed to him. He urged me to stay with him, and told me he would be glad to give me lessons on the Bible as well as in English. Being discouraged with his warning, I began to seek some friends in the foreign concession. The very first friend I found there was a Japanese clerk employed by an English merchant, who showed me a strangely kind attention at a brief interview. I liked him very much and asked him the favor to be received at his office quite often. He told me he would wel- come me at any time when he was free from business, and, furthermore, he agreed to teach me English. But after a few interviews witli him I revealed to him my long-cherished plan. He was much pleased with it and promised me he would keep it in mind. Having an intense desire to carry out my project, I assumed the costume of the common citizen, and tried to keep myself unnoticed when I went out on the street at Hakodate. I laid aside my long sword, which was then regarded as a mark of the samurai class. I also dressed my hair more simply. It was not more than a week after my confidential conversation with him, when he told me I might equip myself at once for leaving the country. An American captain had given him a consent to take me as far as China. It was his plan that, if I got away as far as China, there might be a better opportunity for me to find a pas- sage to the United States. How glad I was then when I was informed of this fair chance of my seek- ing something in an unknown land beyond the sea! " Just at that time Pere Nicholi was absent from 36 EARLY LIFE. his house for his summer vacation, and had left it entirely to my charge. Having stayed there nearly two months, I had formed a number of acquaintances, some of whom were high officers of the local govern- ment, but to only a few of them did I reveal my plans. When I was almost ready to embark in an American vessel, I made a pretense of being called back to my home, lest my sudden disappearance from Hakodate might rouse suspicion in some of the officers that I was to take refuge in a foreign vessel, and a government ship would be sent to chase after me. At this time any one attempting to leave the country without permission of the government, if retaken, suf- fered death penalty. " While I was making a hasty preparation I found a little spare hour to get my photograph taken by a Russian artist, to be sent to my parents with my fare- well letter. Thereby I gave them notice of my de- parture for a far-off land, having America in view. 1 " At the appointed hour I called on my Japanese friend at the foreign concession, who agreed to take me over to the American vessel, which was ready to sail on the following morning for Shanghai. He was there waiting for me, and gave me a warm welcome. He made some hot lemonade for us to drink before we started together on that midnight adventure, and told me I must not be nervous about my hazardous risk. But to my remembrance I was not nervous at all. Before I reached his place I heard a dog barking in the distance, and perceived at once that my Japanese 1 This letter was not delivered, lest the friend to whose care it was committed, and the father also, might he subjected to severe punish- ment by the government ; and three years elapsed before the father of Neesima heard from his son. ESCAPE FROM HAKODATE. 37 shoes attracted the attention of the animal ; so I took them off on the spot, in order to detect how far or in what direction that barking creature might be. When I told my friend where I had left my shoes, he rushed out in his bare feet and brought them back to me. Then we went down together to a wharf where he had ready a small boat. While we were standing on the wharf we heard somebody coming, so I hurried to the boat and laid flat down on the bottom, to make an ap- pearance that I was one of the bundles that contained a few articles of my own. It proved to be a watch- man, and the chance was he would catch both of us. But, providentially, he was a coward, and dared not approach close enough to detect us. He only saw my friend on the wharf about to untie the boat, and asked him in a trembling voice, ' Who is here ? ' 'It is I,' replied my friend calmly, and said further that he had necessary business with the captain of an American vessel which coidd not be delayed until to- morrow. My friend was well known to the watchman, who recognized him at once, and his brief explana- tion, spoken in such a quiet and confidential manner, was quite enough to be a passport to let him off from the wharf even in a midnight hour. As we rowed away we saw the thousands of lights on the shore. The people were celebrating a festival of one of their heathen gods. As the American vessel was lying quite far from the shore, it required in us considerable effort to reach it. The captain was waiting for us, and we were taken on board the Berlin without the least delay. Giving me a warm grip of hand, my friend bade me farewell and rowed to the shore alone, and I was taken to a store-room of the cabin and locked up. I went to sleep at once, and had a splen- 2201 tS7 38 EARLY LIFE. did night, being aroused by the brisk steps of sailors overhead in the morning. I heard also some Jap- anese talking with the captain in the cabin, — custom- house officers, come on board to examine the vessel before she left the harbor. It was useless for me to rise, because I was locked up in my room ; so I re- mained quietly waiting for the captain's summons. " At that moment all the past events of my life came to my recollection. What troubled me most was my filial affection to my parents and grandfather, so touch- ingly roused up then. However, it was too late for me to look back, and I was glad for my success so far. It was no small undertaking for me to start a new life who had no experience in hardships, and to launch myself into the almost boundless ocean to seek some- thing to satisfy my unquenchable appetite. What kept up my courage was an idea that the unseen hand would not fail to guide me. I had also an idea of risking my life for a new adventure, and said within myself : if I fail in my attempt altogether, it may be no least loss for my country ; but if I am permitted to come home after my long exile to yet unknown lands, I may render some service to my dear country. " Toward noon the captain unlocked my door and called me up on deck. Then the vessel was quite far off from the harbor, and that beautiful city Hakodate was almost sunk beyond the horizon. We were sail- ing along the coast, and the blue mountains were more or less within our sight for twelve days. When we came to leave the blue peaks of those mountain islands beyond the expansive horizon, I climbed up into the rigging to catch their last sight. I felt then some- what sensitive, but some thoughts of the future gave me fresh courage, and I looked forward to China in- EXPERIENCES ON SHIPBOARD. 39 stead of looking homeward. Three days after I lost sight of our mountain island our vessel was towed up to Shanghai by a small tugboat. " Here I must mention my experience on the voy- age. As I was unable to pay my passage, I agreed with the captain to work for it. So I commenced my service in the cabin. Alas ! I could not speak a single word in English. So the captain was kind enough to teach me the names of the objects found in the cabin. It was a regular object lesson. He pointed out an ob- ject, speaking its name distinctly that I might catch it. There was one passenger on board. I know not whether he was an American or an Englishman. He also taught me English. Sometimes he treated me very kindly, and sometimes very roughly. I waft_,on,ce_„ ppnt fTi b y Tiin^ bpf»""°" T fH n"t nndP^fliTlfl w "rlt ^° ordered me to do. Then I was terribly enraged, and rushed down to my room for my Japanese sword to revenge myself. When I caught my sword and was about to dash out of the room, a thought came to me at once that I must take a serious consideration before I should take such an action. So I sat down on my bed and said within myself: This may be a mere trifling matter ; I may possibly meet still harder trials hereafter. If I cannot bear this now, how can I ex- pect to meet a serious one ? I felt quite ashamed of my impatience, and resolved that 1 should never resort to my sword for any causes. " Another event took place on the voyage to China. When I had emptied a dish tub, after washing dishes, I carelessly threw a tablespoon overboard. The Chi- nese steward frightened me by saying, ' The captain will beat you.' I thought it might be a costly silver spoon. Then I took out all the Japanese money I 40 EARLY LIFE. had, went to the cabin, and confessed to the captain by making motions with my hands and shoulders, beg- ging him to take the money for the lost spoon. To my great surprise he smiled at me and refused to take it from me. And here I must not fail to mention the name of the captain who so kindly offered to take me to China at the risk of losing his vessel, viz. : Captain William T. Savory, a citizen of Salem, Mass. At Shanghai I was transferred to another American ship called Wild Rover, commanded by Captain Horace S. Taylor, a native of Chatham, Mass. As Captain Sa- vory was obliged to go back to Japan in the same vessel, he requested Captain Taylor to take charge of me. " A few days after I came to the ship Wild Rover I presented my long sword to the captain, requesting him to take me to the United States, and I agreed to work out my passage without pay. So I began to work in his cabin. Not being able to call me by my Japanese name, the captain gave me a ' new name,' Joe. Hence my American parents called me Joseph. The ship remained in Shanghai until the first part of September, then sailed to Foochoo for lumber, to be brought to the former port again. Then she went to Hongkong, and from there to Saigon, where she took a cargo of rice for Hongkong. While there I wanted to buy a copy of the Chinese New Testament, but found that my Japanese money would not pass there. So I requested the captain to buy my small sword for eight dollars. Some time after I obtained that money, the captain gave me permission to go on shore with the Chinese steward to get a sight of the city. Then I had a fine chance to purchase a copy of the New Testament in a Chinese bookstore. Soon after the SAILS FOR BOSTON. 41 ship unloaded she sailed for Manilla to get a full cargo of hemp for the homeward voyage. When we were ready to sail out from the harbor of Manilla there was a report that an English steamer was lying in wait for American vessels at the entrance of the harbor. We had no idea that the civil war in the United States was over then, and the captain feared that English boat might do some mischief to the ship. He busied himself on deck with his spyglass, and the mates were hurrying down to the magazine to take out powder and balls to be used for self-defense. How- ever, we sailed forward towards the suspicious ship and passed her without the least disturbance. It was the first of April, 1865, when we left Manilla, and it took us just four months to reach Boston. We did not stop on the way, as we had plenty of provisions and water. " During the voyage my business was to wait upon the captain at his meals, to keep the cabin in order, etc. I often pulled ropes when I was free from the captain's service. The most enjoyable part of the voyage was my daily calculation of the ship's position with the captain. He was extremely kind to me, and treated me as if I were one of his own brothers. He never spoke any cross words to me. Every one on board treated me pleasantly. I often wished to go to the forecastle to see the sailors, but I was not allowed to do so. The captain warned me to keep far from them. We enjoyed fine weather and fair winds throughout the voyage, with the exception of one or two rough storms. When just off the Cape of Good Hope we saw a waterspout ; it was the finest sight I ever saw. T u °in we caught the trade winds, and sailed daily thirteen miles an hour on an average. 42 EARLY LIFE. " When we came near Cape Cod we were informed by a fisherman that the civil war was ended, and Pres- ident Lincoln assassinated. As we slowly entered the harbor of Boston, and saw the beautiful, busy city, with the gilt dome within a short distance, the captain ordered the crew to let go the anchor. Down it went, and all on board rejoiced that the voyage was ended. " But to me it was more than mere rejoicing, for I found soon afterward that the end of the voyage was going to be my happy destiny. Through the kindness of the captain I was introduced to the owner of the ship and his wife. They became at once my fostering parents, in the land of my adoption, through whose untiring care, wise guidance, and constant prayers, I was permitted to realize some dreams I used to dream at home so often and so vaguely in my younger days." To these " younger days " Neesima often referred in his journals of later years. Of his mother he says : — " She was a very kind-hearted woman, always ready to help her neighbors along, though she found so much to do in her own family. . . . One day she was sick in bed. I was very anxious for her, and wished to procure some remedy, though she had something from the doctor. So I went to the temple and prayed to the god that he would cure my mother. I bought a little bit of cake, which was a portion of the morn- ing offering, and gave it to her for a remedy, hoping earnestly that it might do some good to her. I knew not, indeed, whether nature cured her, or whether her will or faith in the god made her whole, but she be- came better soon after she received that cake. She truly believed that the god had granted my earnest request for her and restored her health so soon. 1 EARLY REMINISCENCES. 43 had clone the same thing for my neighbors, and was often successful in curing them." Of his grandfather, for whom he entertained the warmest love, he says : — " He performed his duty faithfully as steward for forty years. He often entreated the prince to dismiss him from office because, being well stricken with years, he found its duties rather tedious. After sev- eral entreaties he was permitted to retire with honor and a pension, when seventy-eight years of age, just one year before my leaving home. He took especial pains to instruct me, and in the evening took me on his lap and told me stories of heroes and good men who lived long ago. He instructed me to obey my parents, to be kind to my friends, to keep my tongue quiet, to be humble, not to steal, nor lie, nor flatter. He loved me very deeply, very intensely, and very affec- tionately. Oh, I could not forget what he did for me." Of himself he writes : — " I was obedient to my parents, and, as they early taught me to do, served gods made by hand with great reverence. I strictly observed the days of my an- cestors and departed friends, and went to the grave- yards to worship their spirits. I often rose up early in the morning, went to a temple which was at least three and a half miles from home, where I worshiped the gods, and returned promptly, reaching home be- fore breakfast. I did that not only because I ex- pected some blessing from the god, but that I might receive praise from my parents and neighbors. . . . When Commodore Perrv came to Yedo Bay and. forcer] nft |,o oppn *V p nr * io_the_ American people j_vve_ cl&sire d very strongly to expel him from the coast.. though we had not_ auy-means to do so. We had 44 EARLY LIFE. J )een sleep ing_in pea ce over three hundred ye ars, and had reached the lowest degree of effeminacy. Owv swords began to rust in their sheaths. We sent them to the factories tp be repaired for use. Gunsmiths who had been poor for so long for want of business suddenly began to clothe themselves in soft garments, while theatre men, who lived by the mercy of the fashionable people, were deprived of their luxury. Every one who had the privilege of wearing swords began to devote himself to sword exercise, drilling, and horse riding. Although I was then quite young, yet I desired to be a brave soldier, or a man of honor, like those whom I found so often in our ancient history. I frequently went to the temple of the god of war, prayed sincerely that he should give me strength, and often performed very foolish ceremonies for his service. Once, when I was reading a life of a Chinese hero, I came across a famous phrase which he proclaimed when he quitted the sword-exercise : ' A_^wj>rdjs only de_sJgned_to slay a single man, but I am going to learn to kill ten thousand enemies.' That is, he was inclin- ing to study some work of stratagem. Though I .was not able to measure my own quality, yet I desired to follow his example, and wished to kill many thousands of enemies, not by a sword, but by stratagem. This thought helped me to quit sword-exercise and to confine myself entirely to study. I studied very diligently, and often went to bed after cock-crow. I hated the western nations because they were foreigners, and dis- liked at first to study the language, which seemed to me so curious and strange. My prince was very kind to me . . . but providence did not spare his life. He died by a disease of the throat when I was sixteen years of age. It caused me a great sorrow, and de- EARLY REMINISCENCES. 45 stroyed entirely my dawning hope to study. When his younger brother took his place, he changed most everything which his departed brother had established. The school was entirely neglected, and many scholars left it because the prince expressed his hatred towards them instead of encouraging them. He chose the most ignorant and foolish persons among his people for his cup-bearers, and discharged all the best men whom his brother had employed. He appointed me an assistant of his secretary, and kept me busy like a slave. Besides the secretaryship on one hand, I had forty or fifty little pupils on the other, and could scarcely find a time to study Chinese. It was a very trying work indeed to teach such young playful pu- pils. When I treated them too gently they began to think I was too easy, and did not study very hard ; and when I whipped them they became more obsti- nate, and some of them kept crying a long while and did not study at all. I was very much disgusted in teaching them, because my heart was not in it, but on study. I frequently thought that I should run away from home and go to a place where I might further my knowledge. I could not keep down my rambling thoughts, and often desired to perform that plan." Neesima's diary prior to his arrival in Boston, and the notebooks written while pursuing his studies at home, are exceedingly interesting. On the long voy- age from Hakodate to Boston he filled several books with Iris attempts-aJL -Kn pi i sh com p osi ti ou^ Everything was new to this boy, whose world had hitherto been the " square inclosure " of his prince. ^y^rxjn£cha nical contrivance about tha ^ship, t he capstan fmT».p pump, pulle y tackle, s te eri n g gear. e tc^^v^as-aeeuTate lv delin^ - eated in perspective, and to these drawings was-addetl- 40 EARLY LIFE. ajdetailed explanatio nof the princip les, in volved an&_ the uses subserved. Under the pieture of a windlass occurs the first sentence in English : " 1 will write the figure of everything in this ship if my eyes does get better." The Japanese junk in which he made the voyage to Takashima, and afterwards to Hakodate, touched at several ports along the coast, either for trading purposes, to make surveys, or to seek shelter. His journal describes these ports minutely, and con- tains maps of their harbors, the names of their gov- ernors, the condition of the castle defenses, a his- tory of the outlying provinces, with statistics of their products, exports, taxes, and population, as also his own personal observations on the moral condition of the people. He keenly regrets the prevalence of drunkenness and prostitution, and the conviction that no merely material progress would be sufficient to secure his country's prosperity sharpens his hunger for Christianity. At Hakodate he went daily to the Russian hospital for the treatment of his eyes, and records his surprise on finding that the poor were received and cared for without money and without price. It appears from his own statement that he was, from a Japanese point of view, well educated. His knowledge of the Chinese classics was extensive ; he was an expert penman and a natural artisj^ Before leaving Hakodate he had mastered in Dutch the ele- ments of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and naviga- tion, and acquired the rudiments of physics and astronomy. His notebooks on the former subjects are almost treatises. He rewrites in his own language every demonstration, and solves innumerable problems and exercises. At every page one is impressed by IN QUEST OF TRUTH. 47 th e earn e stness and peisd steiic£-ydth_jdiich this young mind pursues its quest of_tv uth and knowle dffe-ia — spite of ridicule, blows, and bo dily innr inifcy.. — Here, too, is the record of the struggle with parental obedi- ence, of the fears of iailux«-*«d disgrace. From every easy avenue open to ambition and advancement he turned aside. From the strong influences o£ the religious and social systems m wMch_Jie__liad^bee«-- reared he broke away, b ecause th ey failed to satisfy- him. His eye was fixed upon no narrow horizon— at personal advantage. With a far-sightedness which is marvelous in one so young and inexperienced, he dis- cerned dimly the true source of future good for his native land, and following steadfastly the light of that cenviction went steadily on his own way, the true pa- triot, hT-av^n jO - the death which woul d have been the, oidy welcome home in the event of failure. CHAPTER II. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. Having decided, not without some hesitation, to undertake Neesiina's education, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy accompanied him to Andover, Mass., late in Septem- ber, 1865. Plans for his future study were necessa- rily vague, but the mastery of English was clearly in- dispensable to all progress, and he was therefore placed in the English department of Phillips Academy. Fearing that as a foreigner he might be subjected to annoyance, Mr. Hardy consulted Dr. Samuel H. Tay- lor, the principal of the academy, with reference to his location in some private family, and was recommended to Mr. and Miss Hidden, who lived in a pleasant house on a small farm in the outskirts of the village. Mr. Hardy called at once upon Miss Hidden, who re- ceived his proposition with surprise. Her brother was in delicate health, they lived quietly without servants, had never taken boarders, and could not for a mo- ment entertain the idea of receiving a Japanese unac- customed to American ways of living and unable to speak the English language. Neesiina's m anuscript account of th ^_jjrcumstancfis_u nder whick Jie_ lef t Japan was, however, loft with Miss Hidden. As be- fore, this simple narrative opened the hearts of its readers, and on the following day Mr. Hardy was notified that the Hiddens would receive Neesima. One half of their large house was occupied by Mr. ENTERS PHILLIPS ACADEMY. 49 Ephxaim ..Flint, -Jr., .ihan completing his theological nm,r 8 p »i-±iift «P.mi nary. Both Mr. Fl int and his_adfe took the greatest interest in the younjptouger, and gave much of their time to his instruction. Tins in- terest developed into a warm friendship, and in later years Neesima often visited Mr. Flint at Hinsdale, Mass., where he was settled, and where he died, much mourned and beloved. Neesima remained in Andover until the fall of 1867, when he was sent to Amherst to take such stud- ies as would best fit him for his future work. His time at Andover was devoted to English, natural sci- ence, and mathematics, and, on leaving the academy, Dr. Taylor writes of him: "What he has done he has done well." His eyes were not strong, and he was at this time under the care of a Boston oculist. Any bodily weakness alarmed him, and the struggle be- tween the desire to improve his opportunities and the fear of jeopardizing by overwork his "great aim" is often recorded in his journal. On the flyleaf of this journal he writes, on reaching Andover, the verse which of all others occurs most frequently in his private papers: "For God so loved the world, that he gave Jiis only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "This verse," he said in later years, "is the sun among all the stars which shine upon the pages of God's holy word;" and the vital principle of religion was ever for him the conviction oJLthe love of God for man. On the opposite page of the journal is found this prayer : — " O Lord, Thou picked out me from darkness, for- saking my parents whom I did love, and -hringeili-ine her e, p assin g boun dless_ocean very safely, no hurri-^ 50 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. 9ai]^^jio_jt£mpes± r _-buJL_alffia^-JaiiLj^iiid i ^_ O Lord, Thou Jet nie acknowledge thy holy Word every day, and maketh me wa rm bed taiia down in, and prepar- eth me nice table to eat enough. O Lord, no man can do such goodness and mercy for me but Thou only. O Lord, wash away my sins, take up my evil heart and give me right spirit to understand and remember thy holy Word; and let my eyes and ears be good to see and hear thy holy Word more and more. O God, wilt Thou help me to destroy many gods and idols? Please destroy them with thy power and let_me be comforted. O Lord, I will never keep thy name in vain, and I will try to obey thy commandments as I can. I ask Thee for my helpers, teachers, parents, and all brethren; keep out from them illness and temptation. For thine is power and glory and king- dom forever. Amen." FROM MARY E. HIDDEN TO MR. HARDY. Andover, January 2, 1866. At my brother's request I reply to your note, which was received in due time. Joseph was glad to get some word from you, and has rather been looking for you since the week after the term closed, not feeling certain what disposition was to be made of him. I gathered from what you said that his entering school here was somewhat of an experiment. You doubtless have been apprised of his efficiency through Dr. Tay- lor, but he has another teacher to whom he recites every evening, and who speaks of him as going ahead very fast. This is the gentleman who lives in the other part of the house. Both he and his wife have, from the first, taken great interest in this young Jap- anese, and seem to consider him a door of usefulness CORRESPONDENCE. 51 opened them in their at present somewhat private life ; and really the benefit he derives fromJMr. Flint is far greater than from the teacher in the academy, though he needs contact with school life. We find Joseph a gentleman, and it is to our shame as a Christian community that we are not more in advance of this "heathen brought to our own door," as one has said. When, by Ins own artless conversation we are led fcO-see how he has resisted temptations thrown, in his way, and shown himself an example of good report, we are led to feel that the hand of God is upon him, and that he may yet become a chosen vessel in the redemp- tion of his people from darkness and idolatry to the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God. He has been very busy through the vacation with his studies. We can hardly avoid giving him consid- erable attention, as something needs to be explained or corrected very often. He is very grateful for any favors shown him, and is ready to do any in return. He is very skillful with his China-brush, and I have suggested to him to send to you a specimen of his drawing. ... He has a profound sense of gratitude for what you are doing for him, and seems only to wish to be comfortable. His aim appears to be the good of his people, and his health he feels to be an important consideration. I have no fancy or desire to take boarders, and should not in this instance except for the peculiar cir- cumstances. We have made him a regular member of the family ; he sits with us all the time and shares all the privileges of the family. It is not often that we find one who can be received in this way without a feeling of intrusion, but he is an exception. 52 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. TO MR. HARDY. Andover, January 1, 1866. I am very well and had a most comfortable New Year. O, I may say I never had such a comfortable New Year in my life, because I had enough of all things that I wanted without any trouble and labor. O dear Sir, I feel your kindness and goodness from the top of my head to the extreme of my feet, and I wish you to know that since I came here how happy I am, and how successful as follows : — In the school I had recitations in arithmetic from decimal fractions until duodecimal, and I heard many scholars read or spell in English. O dear Sir, it seems to me I have found a kind and godly neighbor called Mr. Flint, who lives in Mr. Hidden's house. He teaches me every evening the arithmetic, and I have recited to him through reduction, signs, definitions, vulgar fractions, decimal fractions, addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, division, interest, and compound interest, until commission. A few days ago he gave me a small geography, and hears me recite about it; and lets me write some compositions, and corrects them for me ; and Mrs. Flint explains to me the New Testament every evening, too. I have memorized Beatitudes, Lord's Prayer, golden rule, 22nd Ghap. Math. 37th verse, 3d chap. St. John 16th verse, 1st and 23d Psalms, and Ten Commandments, and I have read in the New Testament until the 17th Chap. Luke ; and I have read out from the Old Testament the es- cape of Isra jlites from Egypt ; their stay in a wilder- ness, eating and dressing by God's miracle; Moses' death; Daniel in the lion's den; three wise men in the strongest fire; the strongest man Samson; the CORRESPONDENCE. 53 miracle for a widow and Naaman in the time of Eli- jah; and I have stopped in his room every evening to recite out these things. Mr. Hidden and his sister take care about me very kindly, and 1 feel very comfortable, as if I had been in my father's home. I think all these thing; belong to the providence or mercy of God, and I must glorify, love, and obey Him. I hope and believe too He will bless you and your whole family. I would like to see you sometime. TO MR. HARDY. An dover, January 20, 1866. I am very well through God's mercy and your care. Dear Sir, I am not able how to explain my great thankfulness to you, but in my mind only. When I rest from my study I always remember God's mercy and your care, and give thanks to Him, and pray to Him for you, "Bless him who helps the poor for thy name's sake." Please tell me when your friend will go out from Boston to Yokohama. I hope to send letters to my father and my friend who lives in Hakodate to let them know of my present suc- cess. . . . TO THE JAPANESE FRIEND WHO AIDED HIM TO ESCAPE FROM HAKODATE. Andovek, February 23, 1866- I am very well through God's mercy since I com- menced my hazardous adventure. When I called on Him who made heaven and earth and sea and all that in them is, my sorrow turned into joy and my misery changed to success. Oh, I may surely say that it is very wonderful and marvelous that such success has 54 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. fallen on me. I passed through many thousand miles of water very safely, without hurricane, tempest, or any trouble. Also, a kind and religious man . . . hears me recite in arithmetic . . . and his wife ex- plains to me the most holy and valuable book in the world, entitled the New Testament, and tells about one Saviour Jesus Christ, who was sent down from his father to enlighten the darkness and save sinners. In the Academy I am studying reading, spelling, English grammar, and arithmetic ; also, I have a Bible lesson every Sabbath. All the teachers and scholars, and many who know about me, are interested in me and love me, and some give me things to please me. But these things they don't do for my sake, but for the Lord Jesus Christ. O dear friend, think you well who is Christ; the same is the light that shines in darkness. It is not the light that comes out from the sun, moon, stars, and candles ; but this the true light that shines on the benighted and wicked world, and guides us unto the way of salvation. The light of candle is blown away, but this is the true light of eternal life and we can in no wise blow it out. And we may take this light through Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not per- ish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might believe." See John, 3d chapt. 16-17 verses, New Testament. O dear friend, I have nothing to repay your kind- ness, but will send only "study the Bible," and my photograph. Please care for your health and study the book I have mentioned above. O alas ! it is not the country's law to study the Bible and worship one CORRESPONDENCE. 55 tender and merciful Father who made us, loved us, and gave his only begotten Son through whom we may be saved. But the law ought to be broken because it is made by the Devil, the King of the world. The world was not made by the Devil, but by— out-true Father who gave unto us his true law. O friend, whether then is right to hearken unto the Devil more__ than unto God, please judge you. If the fierce Devil persecute you for righteousness' sake, don't trouble yourself. I am sure your God will protect^ ou from evil, and though your body should be killed, your soul would be received unto Him, and you would dwell in the brighter place with eternal life. I would like indeed to go there with you. Your truly friend, Neesema Shimeta. to mrs. hardy. Andover, April 9, ISOfi. ... I am very glad springtime lias come and weather becomes wanner and pleasanter day by day, birds singing here and there, and grass becoming green on the wayside, fields, and hills. I hear farm- ers will sow seed in the ground pretty soon. I say myself, I must try to sow seed in my heart and mind, that I may bear fruit unto everlasting life. When I grow weary by study I take a walk for exercise. Now it is too warm to wear my overcoat, and the overcoat which you gave me for spring wear is very suitable for this season. I feel very happy for your charitable love. I have spent this vacation in reading, writing composition, drawing, and translating the Gospel of John in the Japanese language. Please accept these, in which I have written account of the Japanese reli- 56 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. gions, and care for your health, and give my regard to Mr. Hardy and your whole family. TO MRS. HARDY. Andover, July 24, 1866. So you (like the Samaritan) relieve me from the misery, and help me to get good education, therefore I will call you my neighbor. Nay, I will call you my mother whom God gives me. I pnvy co Him for you day and night that He may bless your family bounti- fully. He knows our hearts and desire If we ask Him faithfully, He will answer us with best thing. . . . O, be cheerful to help me (a poor boy, like a wingless bird). Our Father which art in Heaven will rejoice your charitable deed, and will reward to you with the best thing. ... I am very glad I got through arith- metic in this term. I will take algebra and grammar in the next term. My eyes are not very well, but I expect they shall be strong if I stop my study little while and take much exercise in this vacation. This afternoon I must go to the exhibition of the Academy, therefore I have not much time to write many things to you. Please give my love to Mr. Hardy and tell him be very careful for this hot season. TO MRS. HARDY. Anuover, September 10, 1S66. . . . Mrs. Hidden's aunt, called Mrs. C , commenced to be weak from the last spring and grew worse and worse. Now she is in the point between life and death. In the evening of the last Sunday I went in her chamber and waited on her a little while. Though her mind turned aside, she seemed to me more quiet than any rest time. I told her: "Mrs. COR R ESP ONDENCE. " < C , I pray to God for your blessing and I believe He will answer my prayer. Won't you pray to Him ? I think He will hear your prayer and bless you." Then she answered: "Joseph, I thank you for your kindness," bursting in tears; and she cried out quite loud, "O Lord, have compassion on me, and show me thy mercy through Jesus Christ." She cried twice in this manner. At that time Mrs. Hidden was down- stairs. She heard then this crying, and thought very strangely, and came up to her chamber door and asked me: "What matter is it?" I told her she made prayer. She said: "Does she make prayer? I never heard her make prayer, nor noticed it in my life. I am very glad about it." Then she asked her: "Do you trust in Jesus?" She said: "Yes, live or die, I trust in Him." She is aged about three score and ten, but never said anything regard Jesus, nor made prayer ; but from my single question in that Sabbath evening she turned her heart unto Him who takes sins away from the world. ... I believe the Lord will hear her earnest prayer and guide her into everlasting habitation. . . . TO MRS. HARDY. Andover, October 27, 1SGG. ... I am very well through the tender care of God. I enjoy very much my studies in this term. My eyes are quite well, so that I can study during the day, and in the night, least one hour and half or two. In the beginning of this term I took Romans for my evening study, and read through it a week ago. Mr. Flint interested me very much and explained it for me. Now I am reading first Corinthians. Last Friday Capt. Taylor's wife wrote a letter to me, and 58 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. told 1113 he will sail to China again and he would like to see ma before his voyage. Therefore I wanted to see him very much. But I thought within my heart that I must spend some money for going up and com- ing back, But in the Saturday morning Mrs. Flint gave me a ticket, and Mr. Hidden presented to me one dollar bill to spend it in Boston. After our morn- ing prayers in the Academy I went to Boston . . . then I went to Charlestown to see Capt. Taylor. He was there on board the ship and seemed very glad to see me. Forenoon I stayed there with him, and it was very pleasant to me to spend a few hours with my old acquaintance. Afterwards he took me to Boston to get dinner, gave me his thin overcoat which is very suitable for this season, and bought for me a very nice hat, though I did not tell him about it. After a quar- ter of five o'clock he came to the depot with me, bought a ticket for me, and said good-by, bursting in tears. O Mrs. Hardy, is it not wonderful that the providence of God has fallen on me, a poor Japanese, so much? Last Monday M told me my trunk had come. Mrs. Hardy ! when I opened the trunk I said within my heart: "What shall I do to you?" because you give me so many things as your own boy. Not these things only, but my education, hoping that I might do great good to my native land. I think, though you help me so much, you hope no reward from me, because you know I am poor. Therefore I may say surely that your heavenly reward shall be increased. Please remember the words of the Lord Jesus how He said : " It is more blessed to give than to receive." . . . Last Monday evening Mrs. C died. I think she is sitting now by the right hand of UNITES WITH SEMINARY CHURCH. 59 Jesus. A few weeks ago Mrs. Shedd asked to you about my joining the Seminary Church, and she wrote to Mrs. Flint that you are approved of it. If you and Mr. Hardy approve it, I shall join it the next communion. Now I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins, and we shall be saved through Him. I love Jesus more than anything else. I cast whole self to Him and try to do right before His sight. This is m y yflWn ^ w i ]1 g"i hfM >lr *" -Tapan — ( and persevere to turn the people to Jesus from Devil. I determined myself to Jesus so fast that nothing can separate my love from Him. But my flesh is weaker than my spirit, therefore I wish to join church and to unite in Christ*, that . I may grow more Christlike and j may do great good to my nati on for his name's saka__ If you approve it, please give me answer in the next week. Please care for yourself and give my love to Mr. Hardy and all your family. I would like to see you sometime. . . . TO MRS. HARDY. Andover, December 25, 1866. It is the beautiful morning of Christmas. I feel very bright and happy, and I am thankful to Heav- enly Father for his remarkable care on me from the time of my landing on Boston till now, as you know yourself surely. . . . The communion of the church in the Seminary will be observed in the next Sunday. I shall join to it in that time and shall be baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Perhaps you will be very busy on the last day of this week, therefore I dare not say : " Please come up here and spend the next Sabbath with me." But I should be very happy to have you and Mr. Hardy present at the communion season. . . . 60 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. TO MRS. HARDY. Akdover, May 18, 1867- Since I departed from you I wanted to write a few lines to ask how you are, but I was just as busy as bees with my studies. . . . After the class got through the study of natural philosophy they took botany for the remainder of the term. I hesitated to take it be- cause I thought I could not spend my time for flowers. My teacher was in favor of it and told me it was a very fine study, just as useful as natural philosophy; so I was obliged to take it, and borrowed his book, because it costs so much. I did not like to get it without consulting you. It is very hard to remember names of flowers, but I enjoy very much, being en- couraged to it by that God would not forsake me, be- cause He cares for the minutest flower. I would like to have a book of my own. If you please, send your word by M and let me know if I may buy it or not. Also my teacher and Mr. Flint advised me to commence geometry. . . . The class in the Acad- emy was too far advanced for me to enter it, so Mr. Flint offered to hear me recite half an hour each day. ... I like to see the Japanese Commissionary, but I think better for me to hide myself from them, because I am runaway boy and the law-breaker of the government. . . . TO MRS. HARDY. North Chatham, August 8, 1£67. I left Andover on the 25th July to visit my friends who live in North Chatham. When I came to Boston I met showers many times, but I carried my trunk from the Maine depot to the Old Colony depot VACATION AT CHATHAM. 61 in the interval of many showers. ... I took my seat Unfortunately in the back part of the car, not knowing future occurrences. When we came to Tremont the conductor called out the changing of the cars, but I was reading a book in which I was much interested, and the same time a pretty heavy shower passed us, so that I could not hear his calling. When I thought that I had come to an halfway place where I changed cars when I came to Chatham the last time, not know- ing the cars changed some time ago I asked a gentle- man how far is the place where I may change cars to go to Chatham. He said, "Chatham ! " much sur- prised, and told me "you have the wrong train now. You cannot go to Chatham to-night because this will go to New Bedford." I told the conductor about it and showed him my ticket to Chatham. He was a very good and kind man. He said : " You cannot help it now, and you must go to the next station, New Bedford;" and he said also he would not charge me at all. I came to Fair Haven about 7 o'clock p. M. Between it and New Bedford there lies a large river. I crossed it by a ferryboat and arrived at the city of New Bedford safely. I knew not anybody there at all, therefore I thought it would be a safe way to find the right kind of people. When I found a church I asked a gentle- man about its denomination and its minister's name. He answered me very kindly: "It is an Orthodox church, and the minister's name is Mr. C ." I asked him about his residence. He showed me his house very plainly. When I went to his house and rang the bell, a young lady came to the door. I asked her to see Rev. Mr. C a moment. She took me to the beautiful parlor and gave me a chair, 02 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. saying she would call out Mr. C pretty soon, and she asked me my name. I told her my name very plainly, but she could not get hold of my last name hardly, and went away understanding - only that my name is Joseph. After a while Mr. C came to the parlor and shook my hand. Then I told him : " I am a stranger. My name is Joseph Neesima. I left Boston this afternoon at four o'clock to go to Chat- ham, but I took the wrong train, not knowing the cars chanoed at the station of Tremont, and I arrived in this city unexpectedly. Be so kind as to direct me to a house where I may pass the night with the least ex- pense." He asked me: "Have you money enough to pay for your lodging ? " I answered him: "Yes, Sir, I have, but I hope to pass the night with the least ex- pense, because I did not expect at all to come to this city to-night." He thought I was a poor traveler and gave half of a dollar saying : " This may help you to a half of your lodging." I did not take it from him, saying: "No, thank you, Sir, I do not wish to take this from you, but I hope you will direct me to a safe place." It was quite dark inside of his house, because it was a cloudy evening and it was after seven o'clock. He took me out of his house and told me he would take me to a Seaman's Home, because he thought I was a poor Spanish fishman, seeing my dark complex- ion and knowing that many Spanish people are com- ing in the city for the whale business. When I was in his house I could not distinguish his appearance hardly, but I saw him very well out of the door. He is about fifty-six or seven years of age, and his stature is about middle size. He has dark hairs, and some of them are turned to gray. His manner is very VACATION AT CHATHAM. 63 simple, yet his appearance is very graceful. He did not talk much, but spoke very distinctly and elo- quently. He asked me where I came from. I an- swered: "I came from Japan." "How long ago?" "About two years ago." "Where do you reside?" "I reside in Andover." Then he said he knew some people there. I asked him whom he knew there, and he said he knew Deacon A . I told him I knew him and I resided a very short distance from his house. He said he knew Prof. E. A. Park, and told me Prof. Park came to the city a few weeks ago to ordain some minister. He asked me what I did there. I an- swered: "I am a member of Phillips Academy." H ft .asked me how I liked American customs — T — "T like them better than our heathenish customs." He asked how I like the religion. "I like the true God better_tfaaji gods of- wood and stone ." He asked bo w I Came over to tills country. X gav p him a fihctri. account of my leaving Japan and how Providence guided me wonderfully to this enlightened country. Then he said he would take me to a different place from that which he mentioned before. He came with me to a large and beautiful Hotel called Parker House, which I supposed the best hotel of the city, and he paid also for my lodging. When I saw him take out money from his pocketbook, I took my money quickly and paid back to him. But he would not take it from me, saying : " When I go to your country and am a stranger, then please show me your kindness," and went away quickly, bidding me good-night. He wrote his name on a paper which I found in my pocket — Rev. Wheelock Craig. I took a nice supper there and slept in a splendid room. . . . The next morning I took breakfast early. I came back to the same 64 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. place where I missed the cars to the Cape, and arrived in Chatham little after 3 o'clock p. m., taking a coach seven miles from the centre of Harwich. I was re- ceived cordially by my old acquaintances here, and I was veiy gild to see them. Before I arrived at the city of New Bedford I prayed to the Lord that he would take care of me and guide me to a safe place. So he answered my prayers and guided me to such a kind and godly man to help to pass that night safely. Perhaps some people, who trust in their own wisdom and do not believe in the providence of God, would say that I was lucky at that time, not thinking of his providence at all. But I can say surely the Provi- dence guided me to a safe place, because I believe nothing can occur without the Providence of God. TO MRS. HARDY. North Chatham, August 26, 1867. ... I was reseived by Capt. Taylor's father's family kindly and welcomely. They are all pleasant and social people and they treat me as their own fam- ily. I am thankful to God for his perpetual care to me. Though I had nothing with me when I left Japan, yet I do not suffer at all for the destitute of the daily necessity. He gave me you and others as friends to care me. Therefore I do prove this pre- cious verse : " Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." When I read this verse my grateful feeling towards Him caused me many streams of tears. ... I do not read much this vacation, but I read the Book and a few pages of geography every day. I hope my eyes will grow strong enough to enter into new study in the next VACATION AT CHATHAM. 65 term. I love study dearly , so that I cannot leave it entirely. . . . Now we have quite number in the fam- ily. The sum of them is twelve. We went to the seashore yesterday and dug out one bushel of clams, and we shall go to woods to-morrow to get blackber- ries if it be fine weather. . . . Though I do not write to you very often, I do feel grateful for your kindness always, and mention you in my prayers daily for your prosperity in this world and future blessing in the another. ... I have communicated very often to Japanese who are in Monson Academy. I think a youngest of them is a fine scholar, and I hope he will become a good instrument for the future civilization of the benighted Japan. EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL WRITTEN AT CHATHAM. " J study Latin ■evepv-forenoon. and exercise myself every afternoon in elocution, walking by the sea. In the evening I read the memoirs of Rev. Hemy Martyn. It kindles my cold heart, and lowers my pride into humiliation. My faith and love to God and my fellow- men seemed me so faint that I could hardly perceive them. I am comforted by the words, 'Be of good cheer. Thy sins are forgiven thee.' While I was walking by the side of that boundless ocean I recalled also, 'Deep calleth unto deep,' and I said within my- self that though my sins are deep they would by no means exhaust the deep of God's love. Then I thanked God that my face was turned neither back nor to the sides, but forward. Afterwards I found myself very foolish and ignorant, saying: '^ ow c ould I promote his kingdom to my heathen friends, seeing I am so foolish and ignorant ? ' It seemed me the Lord answered: 'I will be thy master and teach thee ' 6G SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. my way. ' It is very strange that with such desire 1 find also evil powers in me very forcible. "This is hottest day of the year. But in my walk- ings I do not suffer much heat because of love of nature. "I was very weary this morning. Evil powers in my heart tempted me to stay at home, saying it would not be sin if you kept your heart right; you can read and praise and pray just well as in the church. I said, 'No, no.' Evil powers came in afternoon in like manner, saying, 'You are most too tired; you would not get much benefit because your head is drowsy.' I replied also, 'No, no, I will not miss the service unless I be too sick. ' " FROM MISS HIDDEN TO MRS. HARDY. Andover, July 11, 1867. ... It has occurred to me since breakfast that it would afford me some pleasure to write you a few lines in reference to Joseph in connection with the list of his needs which you requested him to make known to you from day to day. He is very modest about these things and has not the least disposition to take any_advantage of your charity, but is often troubled that his present position brings necessities for which he is entirely dependent upon you. He has been made very comfortable through you during his resi- dence in Andover, and I know you must feel rewarded in your own soul as you observe the improvement he has made in his studies and also in his general appear- ance. There is no question but that he has uncom- mon abilities, and what gives them their greatest bril- liancy is that he evidently does all that God may be honored. CORRESPONDENCE. 67 From the first I have felt that it was a privilege to have his influence thrown in my way. It has been a talisman oftentimes to check my forgetful heart, and for this reason even I am very sorry to have him leave us. In him we are brought to seen so interested in any other pupil. I rejoice that you are to direet his education for a season. I shall hope to hear from him occasionally. It is not strange that those interested in educational and missionary work should feel drawn towards this young Japanese, whose hunger for light and truth was so intense, and whose flight from country and home was so dramatic in its incidents. But it is remarkable that this interest should everywhere and always de- velop into warm personal friendship. Wherever he went he found a home, — at Amherst, in the house of Professor Seelye, where he passed much of his vaca- tion time, and where in illness he was received and cared for as a son. He often refers with pride in his journal to the fact that during Professor Seelye 's ab- sence he sat at the head of the table and led the fam- ily devotions, and, when ill in March, 1870, writes: ""Professor and Mrs. Seelye are just kind and tender to me as my own parents." His health in Amherst was generally good, although he was at times troubled with rheumatism and weak eyes ; but he was unfail- ingly cheerful, and bent upon improving to the utmost every opportunity. In 1868-69, Japan was passing- through the stormy period of change, and Neesima was at this time very anxious concerning his friends, from whom he had not heard for nearly a year. Apprehensive for their safety and moved by that love of family which is so striking a trait of Japanese char- acter, it was with the greatest joy that he heard at last of their welfare and that his aged grandfather was COURSE OF STUDY AT AMHERST. 71 still alive and well. He possessed _ tlu>-i±LLst.ic.ity. of t.>inp.-v;)ipMi^ l _Lili^4--a^-,t,HfiKt,ii--afc-U4K .race, but his deep faithJn _God, to whom he committed both himselfand his dear ones, alone enabled him to maintain the se- renjlff^oiL Jlis— purpose^ not to_tmrrJbad^in_tke path. which he ha.d cj iosen.^ His_ course of study in Amhers t College was a, sp e- cial_one, for he had no previous knowledge of Greek orJUaiiiit. China had been his Greece and Koine. He here, however, began the study of Latin, and in re- turn for instruction in Japanese given to his room- mate, Mr. Wm. J. Holland, received from the latter instruction in Greek. In 1869, Mr. Holland became the head-master of the_ Amherst High Scho ol, and Nee- -&iffla^y as thus enabled to continue under his guid- ance his Greek studies. Of the natural sciences^ chemistry, physics, botany, mineralogy, and geology, he was especially fond, and he retained his interest in these branches throughout his life. Mr. Holland, who subsequently visited Japan as naturalist of the expedition sent out by the United States government to observe the total eclipse of the sun, was at that time devoted to scientific study, and in his company Neeiiinui enjoyed many pleasant excursions to the environs of Amherst in search of mineralogical and botanical specimens. His note-books contain very_ accurate and complete abstracts of the lectures on physics and chemistry, with drawings of all the ap- paratus employed. These drawings were made during ^the lecture with a rapidity and facility which aston- islied.his classmates. It is well known that the Japanese mind does not turn natural ly to s pe culative inquiry. Confucianism, as a code of ceremonial usage concerned with practi- 72 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. cal, political, and social duties, has impressed itself far more strongly upon the national life than Bud- dhism, whose overshadowing - content of philosophy has failed to awaken the national sympathies. An ear- nest student of history, Neesimi was comparatively uninterested in the metaphysical abstractions of west- ern philosophy. He pursued the subjects of mental and moral science with that fidelity which character- ized his every effort to fit himself to be a teacher of his people, but the practical and ethical side was ever more attractive to him than the speculative and con- troversial, and western literature and poetry occupied his thought far less than western science, history, and ethics. His mind was alert, his perceptions quick, and his rank as a student high; but, while his mental ability was conspicuous, it was his character and life which left the deepest impression upon his teachers and associates. "You cannot gild gold," was the testimonial of Professor Seelye, when his pupil was about to return to Japan. His room-mate during 1868-69 says: "He was the soul of neatness, and entered lovingly upon the self-imposed task of keeping our rooms in perfect order. This scrupulous neatness and cleanliness was the first trait which impressed it- self upon my mind. He was also uniformly cheerful and of a remarkably studious spirit. Not less striking was his__religious faith. The broad study-table which we used in common was divided by an imaginary line upon which his Bible was laid, and night and morning this loved book was faithfully and carefully perused. He possessed a keen sense of the humorous, and even at times essayed a witticism in the English language. After a Leyden jar has been discharged, a feeble sec- ondary discharge may often be evoked, known as the COLLEGE ASSOCIATIONS. 73 'residual discharge.' The 4th of July, 1869, had been characterized by an unusual degree of patriotic hilarity in our quiet college town. On the morning of the 5th, as Neesima and I were repairing to break- fast, we encountered a small boy who rushed out and exploded a fire-cracker. Turning to me with a smile, Neesima said: 'I suppose, Holland, that is the resid- ual discharge. ' As long as I shall live I shall deem it one of the great privileges of the last year I spent in college that I was permitted to be associated with this man, and one of the greatest honors of my life that I was enabled in some degree to help him for- ward in his education and partially fit him for the great work which he accomplished." Another class- mate writes: "He was always at the class prayer- meetings and frequently took part. His English was broken then and his vocabulary small, but his heart was big and full of love. Through every word and act transparent shone the man, winning the respect of all. It is this characteristic which has fitted him to 'stand before kings.' He was not one of those good Sunday-school book boys, but bright, keen, and full of fun ; and it was always the great amusement of the class to listen to his shrewd answers to the pro- fessors wh^n we knew that these answers came from his 'inner consciousness' rather than from the book. No one ever saw anything mean in him : there was nothing dishonorable in his make-up. He was mod- est, patient, b^ave, and the highest reach of his am- bition was to lose himself in the consecration of his life and thought to his Master." I quote from one more witness to his college life: "Js^esima possessed that element of true worth which meets with recog- nition, not because it is consciously revealed, but 74 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. because it is not. He was never obtrusive. I never knew him to speak of himself, or even of what he hoped to accomplish, unless questioned ; th en one^lis- cjiaer£dJJiat^is_auAitign_ was to do not only for Japa n but for the world. It would not be easy for any one w ho knew him in college to f orgefc-him even if his life had ended there ; for there was 4n him an uplift- ing influence which made one wish to be on the , heights where he lived and walked. He seemed to be there and to belong there without any sign of strug- gle to get there or to stay there. The even quietness of his life did not exelude quickness of action and alertness of manner. He was a pleasant companion, a delightful member of the families fortunate enough to count him one of their number, a true Christian gentleman, always thoughtful of God and therefore always thoughtful of others." From the letters written during his Amherst life constant allusions to his expenses have been omitted, only such references being retained as serve to show how exact he was in his accounts and with what scru- pulous care he regulated his expenditures. On the other hand, he was entirely frank in making known his needs. The simplicity and truthfulness of his character shone in every reference to himself, and an air of self-possession compelled instant confidence in all he said ; for this self-possession was seen to result, not from self-confidence, but from self-forgetfulness. In the recitation room he made known his ignorance with the same frankness with which he stated his wants, a frankness wholly devoid of self-seeking; and che same trait w^s conspicuous in sickness, when one jielt that he described his pain in sober truthfulness, just as it was, making it neither more nor less be^ 3ause it was his. CORRESPONDENCE. 75 TO MRS. HARDY. Amherst, September 23, 1867. ... I moved to the College (North College, No. 8) last Saturday. Prof. Seelye got for me all things which I need, and I paid up for them all, because he thought it is not best way to make little debts here and there. I send a list to you so that you may know how many things I bought and how much I paid for them. I wish you would send some money to me to get daily wants. I will make an oath to you that I will never spend money foolishly, but be very pru- dent, because my Heavenly Father provides all good things for me so that I can say: "I shall not want." When I buy anything I will write down each time and will show it to you sometime. My room is quite large and very pleasant. My rooimnate is very quiet, nice, and Christian young man. I am thankful I have found such a young man to room with. We keep up our daily duty toward our Heavenly Father by faith and prayers. I enjoy to board in Club. We have a very nice table generally. I joined to the missionary band in the College. We have interesting meetings every Sabbath morning. It is very pleasant for us to meet together, sing, praise our Maker, and a s k Hmi t Hl_h p WOn 1f1 lipl p 11g tr> pavry the glad tidings to- poor heathens L anrthankf uljhat— . (rnfLoall cd me out of the darlmes s_aJid-iiiade_me_Jmo3aL, the place where I may rest the eternal rest fUEhefe— - for e T am ent,irply _wi.lling to preach- theXpospeL to jbv COimtryiTinn ".n that they mny nh" b» ]i nppy ? e T ***>— WherT T proclaim the truth- feo them p erhaps they jadli ppj^emitejjie, but J — am -nat-airaid of_it^ having this confidence in Jesus that though I should die in the 76 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE DAYS. ckrk_re£kttisJ2^ heaven forever — 3r^w4ia-son«e-- paper-sixty-three Jap- anese native Christians were arrested at Yokohama. But I say, it will stand, it must stand, and the Gospel must be known to them. I feel always grateful for your kind care and I pray in your behalf without ceasing. I would like to hear from you very much. TO MRS. FLINT. Amherst, October 30, 1867. ... I am very happy to tell you about my fa- ther's letter which I have first received since I left home. He received my letter which I wrote him last spring from Andover. He says that some American gentleman in Yokohama sent my letter by his faithful Japanese friend to him so that no trouble might fall on it. He was waiting there to get his reply and carry it to Yokohama, therefore my father wrote it with great haste. I will not tell you all what he said, but a few particular points. He was very anxious of me since he heard the information of my escaping from Hakodate. But he was so glad to hear from me over the water and find out where I am and how I am successful. He did not complain much for my leav- ing Japan, but, seems me, he was very much con- tented of it, because I wrote to him about beautiful American customs, and told him also what I do, what I study, how I feel happy, and how / believe in true God. His family are all well. My grandfather is still living. He is eighty-two years old and his health is quite well. He wrote to me a Japanese short poem which means that he is expecting my return most every day. I hope he would live till my return, so that I may tell him the way where he may find Jesus. . . . LETTER FROM HOME. 77 He did not reply about the religion which I ex- plained to him quite plainly. I suppose he had not time to write many things. I also received letters from my friend who lives in my prince's house, my brother, and sister. My friend says he did always try to comfort my parents and grandfather so that they might not be too much anxious of me, and he will comfort them in future also. He told me he will take good care for my family as well as his family. My brother says when he read my letter that he was so excited that the tears ran over his face, and cold per- spiration covered whole his body. He gave much thanks for my advice and instruction. He is studying Chinese in a high school. He feels quite ignorant and humble. He says he is like a flag which dwells in a small well and sees the heavens in little space. He wishes to see vast ocean and wide heaven. He comes in Ins prince's house every day and teaches Chinese to many children. My sister says she is pray- iugjWjriP. tn hP.y vajn^g-prl y. are no longer ignorant, or worshipers of dumb idols. Modern science is a whetstone to their intellect. Eu THE SAMURAI CLASS. 171 ropean politics are but juicy beefsteak to their despei • ate appetites. If we let them take their own course, wliat will be the future destiny, of Japan? If they fall down Japan will go down with them. And if fh >y rise they will certainly raise up the whole nation If you take them away from the people, nothing__but. »ld-fashioned plodders will be left behind. National prosperity or misery hangs upon the pivot of this particular class. I believe it is just the time to reach, rescue, and win them to Christ. If we let them swim away from the gospel net, they will certainly be caught by the Devil's hand. Remember that he is far wiser than the children of light. If we fail to reach them now, we fear we shall find the process of evangelization an uphill work. But_if_.we, win them we shall certainly win the whole Sunrise Empire. Being far better educated than any other class, they are more susceptible to Christian truth. Being strictly trained to faithfulness to their feudal masters, they will be more faithful to the Master of masters, if He is made clearly known to them. Being middle in rank, they can reach both the higher and the lower. This may be the very class where you may expect to find a Saul of Tarsus. Yea, this may be the people whom God has chosen from the beginning to be the foremost cross-bearers, to lead their fellow-country- men to the Eternal City. "Your question will naturally arise: how to reach this class? to which my reply will be very simple. Provide for w< fhe.hi rl""'* ""J ho.>-t ynr-HIc dmrmrigM Christian in.*t.it., the European calendar intro- duced; Japanese journalism was already a factor in the formation of public opinion, and the foundations of a comprehensive educational system had been laid. The rate at which these changes were effected is as- tonishing, but the fact of this wholesale adoption of western institutions is not in itself inconsistent with the Japanese character. Their experience with, for- eigners had not, it i-i true, been a happy one. Early contact with the Jesuits, who brought the spirit of the Inquisition, with the Dutch and Portuguese traders, who introduced the slave-trade, new forms of disease, gunpowder, and tobacco, was the beginning of an ag- gressive policy dictated by commercial and selfish in- terests whose results were fatal to the peace of society. CONSERVATIVE REACTION. 185 The deep-seated hatred of foreigners to which this intercourse led, and the persecutions which followed, can occasion no surprise to the student of Japanese history during this period. On the other ha nd, the, Japanese have always shown a readiness to adopt what is good from without, and the genius to adapt what they borrow to their own pecidiar needs. In art, religion, and literature, the influence of their neighbors so predominates that examination of their civilization leaves little that can be called indigenous- save those changes wrought in the transplanted ele- ments of Chinese and Indian civilization by the envi- roning: conditions of their new home. Mr. Neesima retu rned to Japan at a time when the elements of conservatism, were gathering in the storm which burst upon the country three years later in the Satsuma rebellion. It was in fact impossible for a feudal society to undergo a transformation so radical and so rapid without the throes incidental to the birth of a new order of things. The great majority of the people were unprepared for so sudden a change and toojignorant to appreciate the reasons which dictated the policy of the liberal statesmen. Certain of the daimio foimd that the movement they themselves had inaugurated involved consequences unforeseen. The restoration of the Mikado was now perceived to mean a centralization in which all local dignity and author- ity was lost. Customs of dress, habits of life, social privileges, all that was consecrated by the past and associated with the national greatness were passing away. The recruitment of an army by subscription from all ranks was the degradation of a class long accustomed only to military and ceremonial duties, and a life of comparative ease and pleasure, jsecure in 186 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. the possession of fixed revenues, but never forced to occupation, which had always been despised. Reso- lute as was the government in its policy of regenera- tion, it had been obliged to exercise caution, and this to such an extent that, seven years after the restoration, the province of fcjatsuma was practically an impoium in impel-in, where everything possible was being done to resist the unification of the empire and where in- dependent military preparations were going on upon a large scale. The prevailing political discontent was accompanied by a feeling of irritation against Christianity, in re- gard to which the government had adopted a tempo- rizing policy. There can be no question that tlje more enlightened of the Japanese leaders had been impressed by the fact that the civilization which they admired was a Christian civilization. On the other hand they were more anxious to be strong than to be Christian, and in dealing with the anti-foreign ele- ment were forced to conciliate the fanatical spirit of popular religious belief. Long after the engine had disturbed the quiet of Japanese valleys, the edicts against the corrupt sect of Jesus remained posted in the public thoroughfares. The popular feeling of op- position to Christianity was, however, an inheritance from a remote past, and was far more a matter of sen- timent than of conviction. Shintoism, the national religion, possessed none of the elements of aggressive strength, hardly even the power of resistance. With- out dogmas or moral code or sacred books, a vague worship, of nature and one's ancestors, rather than a religion, it had offered no real resistance to the intro-_ duction of Buddhism from China, and its influence, upon the conduct of life was, as compared with that of . Buddhism and Confucianism, a mere shadow. RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS. 187 The year 1700 had seen a literary revival of pure Shintoism. This movement was purely patriotie and political in its nature, and in its xumdemnution-^lJBud- dhisjn, Confucianism, and all foreign, influences gener- M^V^fost" 1 '"' 1 ""» *TlP, public IV 1 '"' 1 f htJ dpsivp for flip fal] of f]ip uWriiiviip mul a return to the golden age lving_ back of feudalis m. The d jspstahlishinpnt of "R^- dhism, therefore, .and the installation of Shintoism as the state religion at the time of- the Mikado s restora- t ion, were natural results of causes long 1 in action :Tjut , wjth the accomplishment of this its political mission Shintoism itself as a religion practically expired. The opposition to Christianity made by Buddhism was, however, f ^r ff""° °"'"-y» t; ' 1 Rpp.p.ivpd from China, in the sixth century a it offered to t hft relio-ions nature of jjlP ppnplp. a.]] o f which Shintoism was destitute. — mo- tives, penalties, functions, a profound philosophy* an ethical codp., and an imposing ritual. Diplomatically admitting- thp. Shinto o-orls into its Panthpon. in non- function with Confucianism, whose practical rules for tlt g, guidance of conduct in the so cia] relations of ]jfp^ wer e so eminently adapted to a feudal society, it grad- ually for med the basis of education and recast the ^pur- ljticalcon stitution of the empire. If the resistance of this_a^gressi ve fai th_ ha,s proved less st nhWn than pv- peeted; it is because of the eminently practical char- acter of the Japanes e mind. It cares little for specu- lative inquiry and lacks interest in questions apart from their practical bearings. Buddhistic philosophy made no deep impression upon the Japanese mind and failed to rouse the national sympathies, and such op- position as Christianity has encountered has been that of the priesthood rather than that of the people. On his arrival at Yokohama, Mr. Neesima's first 188 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. desire was, naturally, to visit his aged parents, from whom he had now been separated for nearly eleven years, and who had removed from Tokyo to the castle town of Annaka. He accordingly set out at once by jinrikisha, a light two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a man, a conveyance which had been introduced during his absence. TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY. Annaka, Japan, December 22, 1874. I have informed you of my safe arrival in Yoko- hama, where I stopped only one night and half a day, going to Tokyo on the 27th. I left Tokyo on the same afternoon for home, where I arrived on the mid- night of the 28th. I traveled in a jinrikisha (cart drawn by men) twenty hours without taking a least rest except for meals. I hired three men for the pur- pose, one for myself and two for my baggage. They ate five times in twenty hours, spending nearly an hoiir for each meal. They ran sixty miles within fif- teen hours, four miles for an hour. It was my inten- tion to remain in Yokohama three days. But when I once stepped on the dry land, my dear native soil, I could not wait even three days. Hence I hurried towards home. When I came here it was midnight. Therefore I disliked to disturb my parents' sleep, and slept in an inn in this town. The following morning I sent word to my father. Then I came home and was welcomed by my aged parents, sisters, neighbors, and old acquaintances. My father was ill for three days and coidd not move himself on account of rheu- matism. But when he heard of my safe arrival he rose up and welcomed me with the fatherly tender- ness. When I hailed him he stooped down without a ARRIVAL HOME. 189 word. I noticed his tears dropping on the floor. My old acquaintances gathered at home and requested me to tell them all my experiences in the United States. Since I came here callers come, not simply from this town, but also from the neighboring towns and villages lying within seven or eight miles from here. They have kept me busy all times. They come here by hearing of my humble name, hoping to see me even for a few minutes. They looked as sheep without a shepherd. I find it almost impossible to send them back without some spiritual food. Soon after my arrival I presented your kind letter to my father, but for a long time I could not translate it for him, because when I tried to read it I could not help thinking of the scene of my last departure from you, and the very thought prevented me to speak freely. Another day I gathered my parents and sis- ters and succeeded in reading your letter to them. Before I got half through all of them began to weep, being much affected by your parental kindness shown to me. My father told me you were our saviour and our gods. Then I told him he must not make his American friends gods. If he feels grateful for their kind deeds he must worship that one God, Creator of Universe, and Saviour of mankind, who is the God of his American friends. I mentioned still further to him that you became so good and kind even to a wan- dering stranger because you are the worshipers of true God and the humble followers of Christ; that you saved me from a miserable condition and gave me necessary education that I might become a teacher of glad tidings to our benighted people ; that you loved our people as much as your own American people. Since that time my father discontinued to worship the 190 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. Japanese gods and his ancestors. By his consent I took down all the paper, wooden, earthen, and brass gods from shelves where they were kept, and burned them up. I send a few paper gods to you which my mother threw over in the fireplace. There are no gods nor images in this house now. I trust they will be worshipers of true God hereafter. How thankful I am that our lives have been spared these past ten years and we are permitted to meet once more before we depart from this world. I hope you will pray for me that I may keep myself nearer and closer to my Saviour and make an entire consecration for his cause. Beside my own friends my humble labor within three weeks in this place has been wonderfully blessed. You will doubtless be surprised at my success when I give you its account. On the 2d inst. I took a trip to a town where iron mines were recently discovered with eight of my acquaintances. We stopped in an inn near the place and on the following morning we awoke very early and began to talk some nonsense. Then I began to preach without any forms. There was one miserable drunkard among them. During my dis- course he listened to me very attentively and kept himself perfectly quiet. Since that time he began to reform himself entirely. He called on me another day and told me that since he stopped drinking he can arise early in the morning and work better than ever before. I have heard of another case of reform, and quite a number of others are seriously thinking of it. I preached several times in the school-house, and also to small audiences in different families. A week before last Sabbath I preached to a large audi- ence in a Buddhist Temple. All the priests in that community came to listen to the preaching of the new PREACHES IN A BUDDHIST TEMPLE. 191 religion, and also the whole body of the magistrates of Takasaki, a neighboring- city of 15,000 inhabitants. Day before yesterday I was invited by an official in the next village to spend the night witfc him. After the supper he gathered the whole family in the parlor and requested me to tell them about Jesus Christ. I began to talk at 8 o'clock and continued till half past ten that night. Thirty men in this town and a few men from outside took up a collection for purchasing some Christian books for themselves. They are hun- gry and thirsty for the Christian truth. I wrote Rev. D. C. Greene a week ago for permission to remain here still longer, but he persuaded me to go to Osaka next Sabbath. 1 find here everything ready for the gos- pel. If 1 continued to labor here two or three months I have no doubt that most of the above will become followers of Christ. It is very painful to leave this hungry flock. This community is entirely free from bad foreign influences, and it may be a more desirable place for me to establish a Christian society than Kobe or Osaka. TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY FROM MR. NEESIMA'S FATHER. Annaka, December 24, 1874. Dear Friends, — Yours of the 20th of last October was received through my son. I congratulate you for your good health and prosperity. When my son went to your country as a helpless wanderer, you did save him from falling into misery, treated him as your own son, and gave him all neces- sary wants. I am greatly indebted to you for your kind letter with which you have sent my son back to me once more, acquainted with the knowledge of God. When I saw him after a long separation my heart was 192 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. filled with joy and I could scarcely speak with him. [Following the practice so universally resorted to in Japanese society to prevent the extinction of families, after Mr. Neesima's escape and before the news of his safety was received, his father had adopted a young man of the province as the heir of the house and fu- ture head of the family.] Although he is my own son, I would no longer call him my son, Lut treat him as if he is sent from God. I daily listen to his in- structions, and we have just begun to worship the true God. Please rejoice with my son and also with us that the people in this place who have been living in midnight darkness have just awakened and opened their eyes to see the true path which they should follow. We hope and trust that a glorious time will soon come by the means of the gospel truth. Although I desire to say many things, my pen and paper do fail to do so. I wish this brief note to give you reply for your kind letter, and also to express my hearty thanks for your kindness shown to my son. Please take good care for your health. My family unite with me in sending you their warmest regards and love. With hundred bows, Neesima Tamiharu. This is partly direct translation and partly ideal. I find it exceedingly hard to translate twisted oriental writing into straightforward American idea. My father wrote it without any suggestion. I came home just in a right time, for I found him getting quite poor. He has no special income now. I gave him the money you gave me, and also some of my own THE JAPANESE MISSION. 193 for fixing up his old house. I was hoping to take my parents to Kobe, but I found it best to leave them, as the living is much cheaper here. J. H. N. At its meeting at Pittsburgh in 18G9 the Ameri- can Board had decided to establish a mission in Japan, and as Tokyo in the north and Nagasaki in the south were already occupied by other societies, its first mis- sionary, Mr. Greene, was stationed in the central por- tion of the empire at Kobe. He was soon after fol- lowed by Mr. O. H. Gulick, who was located at Osaka, and in 1873 eighteen missionaries of the Board were on the ground. The translation of the Bible into the vernacular had been vigorously begun in 1872, but the version of the New Testament was not finished until 1880, while that of the Old Testament was completed only in 1887. The existence of Chi- nese versions had, however, rendered the Bible acces- sible to the educated class. The first Protestant church had been organized at Yokohama in 1872, and there were also small churches at Kobe, Osaka, and Tokyo, at the time of Mr. Neesima's arrival; but nothing had been accomplished outside of the treaty ports, and in his visit to Annaka Mr. Neesima was the first to carry the gospel to the interior. I^i s bold utterances and open violation of the edicts still in force against Christianity led the governor of the prov- ince to visit Tokyo to consult the authorities. Fortu- nately, through his connection with the Iwakura Em- bassy, Mr. Neesima was well known to those in power* his work.was not interfered with, and he was thus left free to originate a movement which resulted in tlv foundation of one of the most thoroughly Christian 194 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. communities in Japan, — a community which within a few years contained several self -supporting churches, and two thirds of whose delegation to the Imperial Diet in 1890 were Christians. It was with great re- luctance that he left Annaka for his station. But in reality he had accomplished far more than he realized, for when he set out for Osaka he had planted the spirit of Christianity in the heart of Japan. On his way through Tokyo he interested several friends in his plans for a Christian college, and in Yokohama preached in a union meeting, the first Jap- anese to address a foreign audience in the English language. The same evening he spoke to native hear- ers, and writes: "I find it a great delight to tell of Christ to my own people." Arriving in Osaka January 22d, he was welcomed by Mr. Gordon. The Mission had already been in- formed by the Foreign Secretary of the Board of the fund subscribed towards a training-school for Chris- tian workers, but the opposition to Christianity was so strong that such a school seemed to all a thing of the distant future. In order to escape injurious foreign influences it was Mr. Neesima's plan to establish the school in Osaka outside the treaty limits, and with this in view he conferred at once with the governor of the city, a man bitterly opposed to Christianity, and who, a short time before, had been concerned in the per- secution of the survivors of the Jesuit mission at Na- gasaki. These Christians, numbering over four thou- sand, had preserved for two hundred years the rite of baptism, certain forms of prayers, and a few religious books, and, refusing to abandon their faith, had been forcibly removed from their native villages. Scattered as exiles over the empire for six years, they had, in OCCUPATION OF KYOTO. 195 1873, been set at liberty and allowed to return to their homes. At Osaka, Mr. Neesima obtained the prom- ise of 6,000 yen from a native merehant, but the gov- ernor, while sanctioning the establishment of a school, would not permit the employment of missionaries as teachers. Discouraged by the result of his efforts in Osaka, Mr. Neesima's eyes turned towards the sacred city of Kyoto, and the Mission reluctantly consented to the location of the school at that place, provided the necessary authority should be granted. Mr. Nee- sima was at this time contending not only with the opposition of the authorities, but also with that of the Mission itself. It was of course impossible for its members to conform to the condition of the government which required them to abandon their distinctive work as preachers of the gospel in becoming teachers in a Japanese school. Their thought, too, was naturally centred on a theological training-school for the educa- tion of native evangelists, while M r. ISeesima was— convinced that nothing less than a broad collegiate course would win the sympathy of the class he wished. to reach. In March, 1875, he writes: — "I fully be- lieve we shall not prosper in our work unless we have a collegiate institution in addition to a training-school. I besro-ed for this at the last meeting of the Board. But the Mission wishes to use the fund for a training- school only. I am willing to agree to this if only they will teach anything to satisfy the craving desire of our youth for knowledge. Ij _we simply teach theology and the Bible I fear the best Japanese youth will not stay with us. They want modern seienre also." Moreover, Mr. Neesima's plan for the occupation of Kyoto was judged premature and chimerical by many of his associates. Until the removal of the cap- 't'j 196 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. ital to Tokyo in 1868, this city had been the residence of the Mikado for nearly eleven centuries, and was still the literary and spiritual centre of the empire. Situated in the heart of the main island, in a fertile valley circled by mountains, it was also the centre of the best tea -producing district, and had long been preeminent for its silk and pottery industries. As the home of the Mikado it had been the scene of many important political events. Here had been quartered the great officials of the land with their retinues, and as the dwelling-place of a heaven-de- scended sovereign the city had been for generations the resort of pilgrims, pleasure-seekers, and amateurs of antique lore and mysteries. Its material prosper- ity had suffered by the removal of the government, and several exhibitions of products from the various provinces of the empire had been held in the grounds and buildings of its temples to promote industrial activity and to offer some substitute for the van- ished attractions of the court. These expositions had been of great service in breaking down the bar- riers imposed by the feudal system, — a system which had checked the industrial growth of the nation by artificial constraints, and interfered with any gen- eral comparison or examination of the products of widely separated districts. The conversion of the sanctuary of the imperial residence, where the exhi- bition of 1872 was held, into a repository of trade and commerce, brought old and new Japan, the Past and the Present, face to face. The reverence at- tached to the person of the Mikado had been funda- mental in the thought of the people, to whom their sovereign was literally a god. His name could not be uttered nor his countenance seen even by those of the YAMAMOTO KAKUMA. 197 most exalted rank. During his journeys the silence of death preceded him, for the highways were deserted and the houses closed. Even his dwelling had be- come associated with his personality, and only its outer official apartments were accessible to his cour- tiers, those in which he resided being visible only to members of the imperial family. The opening of its doors to the populace, the abandonment of its se- cluded gardens to the crowd, was the surrender of the most sacred spot in the empire. Permission to visit Kyoto had been rarely granted to foreigners, but the opening of the city for one hundred days at the time of these exhibitions had prepared the way for the accomplishment of Mr. Neesima's plans. There was then living in Kyoto Yamanioto Ka- kuma, counselor of the Kyoto-Fu, a highly educated man, but blind, and unable to walk by reason of paralysis. Several members of the Mission had be- come acquainted with him when the city was opened to visitors, and one of them had presented him with a Chinese translation of the Evidences of Christianity. Of this work he said to Mr. Neesima : " It has done me great good. It has cleared away many of my doubts regarding Christianity, and has also solved a difficult problem which has for years oppressed me. In my younger days I sought to render some service to my country, and to this end devoted myself to mil- itary tactics. But feeling this too small a matter, turned my attention to jurisprudence, hoping to se- cure better justice to the people. But after long study and observation I found law had its limitations. It could indeed set up barriers, but it could not renew the heart. If its restrictions are removed, men will 1^8 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. steal, lie, and murder. Law cannot prevent evil thinking-. But day has dawned for me, and I now see the path, utterly unknown before, which I have long been unconsciously seeking." When, therefore, in April, Mr. Neesima laid his plans before the gov- ernor of Kyoto, Mr. Yamamoto gave them his war m support, and through his influence the governor was subsequently led to sanction the establishment of a. school in which science and Christianity - should be taught. In June, 1875, Mr. Neesima visited Kyoto again with Dr. Davis, and bought of Mr. Yamamoto a lot of five and one half acres, the site of the future Doshisha. It was admirably situated for the purpose, in a quiet and healthy district of the city between a large temple grove and the vacant palace of the Mi- kado, having formerly been the site of the residence of the Prince of Satsuma. Although the approval of the local authorities had been obtained, that of the central government was still necessary, as also per- mission for a missionary to teach in the school and reside in the city. Accordingly in August Mr. Neesima set out for Tokyo to present his petition in person. lie had al- ready written to Mr. Tanaka, now minister of educa- tion, and had received the promise of his influence in behalf of the school. On reaching the capital he con- ferred at once with the minister, as also with his old friends Mori and Kido, urging the general cause of religious freedom, and it is safe to say that the success of his effort to penetrate this stronghold of Buddhism was due to the esteem and confidence in which he was held by these liberal statesmen. After many inter- views and a summer of much anxiety the petition was finally granted, with the caution that nothing should ORGANIZATION OF THE DOSHISHA. 199 be done to arouse popular prejudice, and on October 19th Dr. Davis entered Kyoto with his family. For- eigners not being entitled to hold property beyond the treaty limits, a company consisting of Mr. Nee- sima and Mr. Yamamoto was formed, and the name Doshisha, meaning One Purpose, or One Endeavor Company was adopted. The sehool of eight pupils was opened with prayer November 29, 1875, in Mr. Neesima's house. "I never shall forget," says Dr. Davis, '"'Mr. Neesima's earnest, tender, tearful words that morning." The regular exercises of the school were held in a building hired for the purpose. On December 4th the number of scholars was twelve, and during the winter increased to forty. This was a winter of trial and discouragement. The year was one of political disquietude and apprehen- sion, and the government was desirous of avoiding in every way whatever was calculated to rouse the ultra- conservative spirit. The Hizen revolt, the agrarian disturbances growing out of the law requiring the pay- ment of the land tax in money instead of in kind, the discontent caused by the pension commutation act, and the conspiracies of Choshu, Akidzuki, and Ku- mamoto, foreshadowed the coming struggle with ex- piring feudalism, a struggle for which the authorities were preparing, but which they were anxious not to precipitate. The followers of Shimadzu Saburo, the haughty and powerful chief of the Satsuma clan, were at this time gathering in Kyoto, and a spark might fire the mine which had long been in preparation by the Satsuma leaders. On taking up their residence in Kyoto both Mr. Neesima and Mr. Davis had begun Sunday services in their house, preaching and teach- ing the Bible to audiences which within a few weeks 200 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. numbered sixty persons. These services provoked the opposition of the Buddhist priests, who in November forwarded a strong - protest to the central government. The owner of the building rented for school purposes gave notice that he required it for his own use. On several occasions Mr. Neesima was refused an audi- ence by the governor, whose friendly attitude had become one of open hostility, and Mr. Neesima was finally summoned to explain the meaning of Seisho (Bible) which occurred in the programme of study. The result of this opposition was a request from Mr. Tanaka that Bible exegesis should be omitted from the list of studies. Compliance with this request allayed the excitement, and by permission of the governor Christianity continued to be taught under the name of Moral Science. During all this time Mr. Neesima was also busily engaged in evangelistic work. July 7, 1875, he writes: "I preached in Osaka last Sabbath and re- ceived two interesting men into our church. One of them is an influential native physician residing in the suburb of Fushimi, who has fifty pupils to whom he lectures on Physiology, Chemistry, Anatomy, etc., and who daily gathers his neighbors into his house for Bible study." This gentleman, with those who frequented their gatherings, were at once summoned before the Kyoto magistrates, and future meetings of this nature were forbidden. The conversation of the physician with the official, as taken down at the time by Mr. Davis, was as follows : — "This Davis came up here to teach an English school, did he not? " "Yes." OFFICIAL INTERFERENCE. 201 "Then he is like a man who has a license to sell deer meat, bnt who sells dog meat." "Well, is it dog- meat? I used to think so, but on •tasting 1 of it I find it is a great deal better than deer meat; and I would like to ask you one question. This religion is allowed to be taught publicly in Kobe, in Osaka, and in twenty or thirty places in Tokyo. How is it that here in Kyoto a man is not allowed to hear it in his own house ? Are we not all under the same government? I do not understand it." "Well, I do not say that this religion is either good or bad, and I do not say that you and your friends cannot hear it in your house; but you let in the common people, the lower classes, who cannot un- derstand it. This we cannot allow. We have good and sufficient religions here in Japan ; we do not want any more. We have Confucianism for scholars like you, and Buddhism for the masses." " I would like to ask you one thing. If Confucian- ism is an all-sufficient religion, why is it, since its founder lived hundreds of years before Christ and taught during a long life, that it has not spread beyond China and Japan? And if Buddhism is an all-sufficient religion, started by Buddha hundreds of years before Christ, and taught by him through a long life, how is it that it has not spread beyond India, China, and Japan ? And if Christianity is a bad re- ligion, how is it, since its founder only taught three years and was put to death when he was thirty-three years old, that it has spread all over Europe and America, and is spreading all over Africa and Asia, and all the islands of the sea?" "We do not say that it is either good or bad. But you must not allow people to meet at your house, and you are discharged." 202 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. Owing to this action of the authorities work in Fu- shimi was suspended; but in February Mr. Neesima was invited to Otsu, a city of considerable commercial importance east of Kyoto, where, by permission of. the vice-governor, he began a series of Sunday ser- vices. During the summer of 1875 Mr. Neesima had be- come engaged to Yamamoto Yaye, the sister of the counselor to the Kyoto-Fu, and a teacher in a govern- ment school for girls in the city. Her engagement to a Christian led to her immediate discharge. In announcing this attachment to his friends in America, Mr. Neesima said : — "She is somewhat like her own blind brother, afraid of no one when convinced of her duty. She has often appeared before the governor in behalf of her school when its other officers were afraid to do so. Since becoming a Christian she has often spoken of the truth to her pupils, and she is now discharged by the governor because of his fear that they will learn of Christianity through her and be removed from the school by their parents. I do not know when our marriage will take place. I will let our missionary brethren decide for us. I have been living in hotels and private houses, but have recently hired a house near which, separated only by a garden, is another small one which I am going to rent for my aged parents." On January 2, 1876, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper were celebrated for the first time in Kyoto, and the marriage took place on the 3d at Dr. Davis's house. Mr. Neesima writes January 6th: — "After the ceremony refreshments were brought in, and every one seemed happy. It was the first mar- MARRIAGE. 203 riage of a native Christian in this place. I ought to have informed yon of this event before it took place, but I have been busy beyond my strength. I hope you who are always kind and tender to me as my parents are, will pardon me for this delay." In March, 1876, the passes authorizing Drs. Taylor and Learned to reside and teach in Kyoto — passt\ which Mr. Neesima had for five months been striving to obtain — were received ; but the Bible was still ex- cluded from the course of study, and some members of the Mission questioned the wisdom of permanently occupying Kyoto under such conditions. At a special meeting held at Osaka in March, a vote to remain was passed with much misgiving, and in June the erection of two buildings was also voted, but reluctantly, for the approval of the government was considered more than doubtful. Even after the buildings were com- pleted and dedicated, the .Mission_was inclined to force the issue of Bible teaching, and, if unsuccessful, to abandon the station and leave the city. In view of the hostile attitude of the authorities, and the fact that an institution from which the Bible was excluded could not properly be called a training-school for the education of a native ministry, the hesitancy to ap- -propriate money given for this purpose and to commit the Board to an experiment whose success was so doubtful, was entirely natural. The location of the school beyond the foreign concession required that its proprietorship should remain in Japanese hands, and this also caused dissatisfaction. But Mr. Neesima was content to hold the ground already gained, firm in his faith of ultimate success. June 6th he writes to Mr. Hardy : — "We are hated by the magistrates and priests, but 204 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. we have planted the standard of truth here and will never more retreat. To no one else but you will I say- that this Christian school could have no existence here if God had not brought this poor runaway boy to your kind hands. The only way to get along in this country is to work courageously, even under many difficulties." What these difficulties were may be inferred from the following extract from the " Sketch of the Life of Reverend J. II. Neesima," written by Dr. Davis and published in Ky5to : — ''This state of things led to continued criticism of the school and of Mr. Neesima as its virtual Japanese head. He felt these most keenly. He loved the members of the Mission, and he was ever loyal to the Mission, anything which seemed to imply the contrary paining him beyond measure. So great did the trial become that in September, 1876, the members of the station sent a letter to the Mission in order to remove some of these misunderstandings." In this letter they stated that while Mr. Neesima and Mr. Yamamoto were the nominal proprietors of the school,. its management had been left entirely in the hands of the resident missionaries; that none of the details relating to the course of study or the eon- duct of the exercises had been referred to Mr. Yama- moto ; that Mr. Neesima had invariably followed the suggestions of his foreign associates and had consulted them even in the expenditure of funds subscribed through private channels, whose use was wholly at his own discretion; that in the organization and conduct of the school they had been as free as if there had been no Japanese proprietors, and that Mr. Neesima's whole effort was to conform to their advice and sug- gestions. ESTIMATES OF HIS ASSOCIATES. 205 The estimation in which Mr. Neesima was held by his immediate associates of the station is seen from these extracts from their letters to Mr. Hardy written in 1875-76 : — "Your contribution of Mr. Neesima to our Mission and the cause of Christ in Japan is one whose value we feel no multiple of the sum you have contributed or invested in his education can represent. We are charmed by his thoroughly Christian spirit. ... I cannot say a tithe of what is in my heart. . . . There seems no doubt but that his whole life, being, and pur- pose are consecrated to the Master for the redemption of his people. . . . He is profoundly grateful to you and to the American Board for what you and it have done for him and his land; and he accepts the will of the Board and of our Mission as God's will, no matter how it differs from his own. ... If he is guided aright by God's Spirit and kept firm to his purpose and work, if his health is spared, I feel that he is destined to accomplish as much perhaps as all our Mission put together. . . . We need him for a larger place than a pastorate. We need him as a teacher in the training-school. He is better fitted for some department of teaching there than any foreigner can ever be. We also need him as an evangelist, not to use his influence always in the same place, but to go about awakening interest. . . . For a long time after his return we feared he would break entirely down. He was able to sleep but very little. He told me sev- eral times during those first few months that when he thought about these millions of his people passing into eternity without a knowledge of Christ it seemed as if he would go crazy. Since the opening of the year he has gradually improved and is sleeping better. 208 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. This is partly due to the successful starting of the school and his steady work there, but largely also to his marriage and settlement in a happy home of his own." The house above referred to was provided through the generosity of Mr. J. M. Sears of Boston, who also sent money for the erection of a chapel. It was for several years impossible to secure preaching places in the city, and during this time services were held in Mr. Neesima's house and in the adjoining chapel, where two hundred people often assembled to hear the gospel. On September 18, 1876, the new buildings were dedicated. Of this event Mr. Neesima writes to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy : — " I must express my heartfelt thanks to you for your having led and educated me in such a way that I might found a Christian institution on my dearly beloved soil. As you know, we started our school in a hired house, but having found this very inconvenient, we began the process of building two months ago. The buildings are three in number, two of which contain recitation rooms and twenty -four rooms for students; while the other is a small structure and is used for a kitchen and dining-room. They are simple, but solid, and look very pretty in the large open space about them. We were permitted to dedicate them to the Lord the day before yesterday. The exercises con- sisted of a prayer of invocation in English and a prayer of dedication in Japanese ; a sketch of the history of the school, and the singing of hymns in both lan- guages. Addresses in English were made by Mr. Doane and Mr. Learned, and in Japanese by Mr. Yamamoto and myself. All but two of our Kyoto DEDICATION OF SCHOOL BUILDING. 207 Mission were pi-esent, and about seventy students, be- sides others from outside. Mr. Yamamoto's remarks were brief but wonderfully appropriate. He is re- garded as one of our best thinkers, although bodily feeble and helpless. The existence of the Kyoto Mis- sion is largely due to him. He was convinced that an immoral country like Japan could not be purified by any other means than Christianity, and by his influ- ence and labor the proud and dignified governor lis- tened to us and at last smiled upon our efforts. In the dark and trying hours of last winter he stood up for us and did his best to persuade the governor. The latter made no interference with our dedication exer- cises. " You will be glad to know that of our forty-seven boarding students more than half are Christians. They have come to us with the purpose of studying the Bible and fitting themselves for the ministry. We are very fortunate to get such pupils at the outset. I pray that this school may be the nucleus of a future college and university for Japan. Our mission work has also bright prospects, the work being chiefly car- ried on by our students. A third church will soon be formed. My aged parents now worship God instead of idols, and my invalid sister, who grasps spiritual things faster than these aged ones, takes part in the prayer-meetings for women held at my house. My wife attends the Biblical exercises in the school. We are perfectly happy together and I am trying to make my home like the Christian home I found in America." In September, 1876, the number in the school was increased by the arrival of thirty students from the province of Higo in the island of Kyushu. Their ac- cession was an important event in the early history of 208 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. the school. The circumstances under which they came were remarkable, and, in the light of the influence which those young men subsequently exerted upon the general educational and religious movement then in progress, acquire an additional interest. In the year 1871 Captain L. L. Janes, formerly an officer in the United States army, had taken charge of a school in the castle town of Kumamoto. This school belonged to the class known as private schools, many of which were established at this time, especially in the south- west provinces, by the anti-foreign party. While of- fering instruction in English and modern science, this movement was a distinctly national one, the sole ob- ject of these schools being the formation of a body of yoimg men who by reason of their superior training and intelligence might the more effectively resist for- eign influences and oppose the spread of western ideas. Kumamoto was an inland town in the centre of a prov- ince where the feudal spirit was still strong. Isolated from the influences prevailing in the treaty ports, Cap- tain Janes had found the hatred against Christianity so strong that for several months he did not dare to allow his faith to be known. As soon, however, as he deemed it prudent he began to speak of Christianity, and thereafter, for five years, his work in the school was accompanied by constant and direct religious in- struction. About two years after his arrival he pro- posed to the members of the advanced class a system- atic study of the New Testament, and fifteen or twenty young men, after consultation with the school author- ities, met with him twice a week for the ostensible pur- pose of acquiring that knowledge of Christianity which should the better fit them to oppose its progress. On the 30th of January, 1876, about forty of these young THE KUMAMOTO BAND. 209 men went up on the Hanaoka mountain near the city and organized themselves into a Christian society under the most solemn mutual pledges to dedicate their lives to Christ. This stand was taken with a full knowledge of the consequences, for it involved not only the sacrifice of worldly considerations, and in many cases the abandonment of careers for which they had been preparing, but estrangement from friends and home, and bitter persecution. Early in January the Christian boys had begun to teach the lower classes, gathering in the school-room with their Eng- lish Bibles. On complaint to the authorities Captain Janes advised the discontinuance of this practice, and an apology was offered to the school manager, but the meetings were still held at the house of Captain Janes, whose course was one of tact but firmness. He as- sured the manager that no Christian would disobey any rightful order, but that if such meetings were for- bidden, then also the gathering of those who opposed Christianity and who indulged in threats of personal insult and violence should likewise be prohibited. The governor was one of seventeen who had attacked a party of Frenchmen, some of whom were killed, and had been saved from forced suicide only by the clem- ency of foreign officials after several of his compan- ions had inflicted the necessary self-punishment of harakiri. The well-known liberal sentiments of the central government, and the alarm caused by the ma- lignant form of private persecution adopted by the families of those who had embraced the Christian faith, probably account for the apparent indifference of the local authorities, who, for selfish reasons, were inclined to fear if not respect the policy of the Tokyo statesmen. The rations of all who had openly pro- 210 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. fessed Christianity were, however, promptly stopped by the school manager. This action threw many en- tirely upon Captain Janes for support. Sharing- their slender means in common, they organized a mess under his direction, preparing and serving their own food in the school kitchen. Meanwhile the private persecu- tion already referred to had been most bitter. When these young men arrived at Kyoto their English Bi- bles and the clothes they wore were their only posses- sions. They had been subjected to the most cruel treatment at the hands of their relations, and, out- casts from home, disowned by their friends, had liter- ally abandoned everything for the sake of their faith. In proposing their admission to the Doshisha, Captain Janes wrote to Dr. Davis : — "My boys and I have been passing through unusual events, and the mutterings of a sharp, vindictive, and exciting persecution are still in the air. They have four of my Christian boys still shut up in their homes. I think the little band is practically intact. No lives have been taken, although that was seriously enough threatened, and there are no cases of harakiri yet to report, although a mother in one family and a father in another took that method of driving their sons from the faith. The number of faithful to the end has been larger than I expected. I grieve over my impris- oned Christian boys. The physical strength of one is failing, and his unthinking persecutors may kill him. I understand there was an auto-da-fe of his Bibles a few days since." Of Mr. Kanamori, subsequently pastor of the col- lege church and succeeding Mr. Neesima as acting principal and president of the Board of Trustees, Cap- tain Janes writes, June 25, 1876 : — THE KUMAMOTO BAND. 211 "The bearer is one of the Christian company here, of whom 1 have written you. He must tell you his own story. I will only say that he is a graduate of this year, and had completed the regular, course of study before he was taken from the school and sub- jected to persecution. He has received the most cruel and outrageous treatment at the hands of his brother, acting under the influence of the opposition party here, and has been practically a prisoner for one hundred and twenty days. He was made the slave of the ser- vants of his family, who were instructed to treat him as one possessed of a devil, without human rights. He is now practically outcast. He severs his family connection finally and strikes for liberty. He is a shorn lamb, and leaving all." Anion o- other members of what came to be known as the Kumamoto band were Mr. Tokudomi, now a trustee, editor of "The People's Friend," a quarterly magazine published at Tokyo, as also of a leading daily newspaper, an author also of national reputation and influence; Mr. Yokoi, also a trustee, pastor of a church in Tokyo, and editor of "The Christian," the weekly organ of the Congregational churches in Japan, and of a literary journal, "The Rikugo Zasshi; " Mr. Kosaki, now at the head of the Doshisha as Mr. Nee- sima's successor; Mr. Ebina, afterwards pastor of a flourishing church in Annaka, and now principal of a large English school at Kumamoto; Mr. Morita, for eleven years a professor in the Doshisha, and Mr. Shimomura, at present professor of chemistry. Of the work done by Messrs. Kosaki at Tokyo, Ebina in Kotsuke, Miyagama in Osaka, Kanamori in Oka- yama, and Yokoi in Shikoku, Dr. Davis says : — " It has already changed the history of Japan. The 212 .MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. coming of these young- men at that early day, with their earnest Christian purpose, gave a tone to the school; and their influence was felt in moulding the Doshisha morally and in shaping its course of study from that time. They have helped to make the school what it is, and they came to love Mr. Neesima and to be loved by him as brothers." The record of the years intervening between 1876 and 1884, when Mr. Neesima revisited America, is one of failing health, constant trial and anxiety, but unfaltering faith in final success. The numbers in the school slowly increased, but for several years the local opposition was so strong that few of the students came from the immediate vicinity. The influence of the Kumamoto Band brought many from the island of Kyushu; many anxious parents sent their boys to be taught in the "new way;" and the moral tone of the students, although they were generally despised as Christians, was very effective in spreading the rejmta- tion of the school. In March, 1877, Mr. Neesima writes: — "In the last communion season my dear father was added to our church. It was a most important event to us all when that aged man received baptism. He has been living in pagan darkness these sixty-nine years, and we had a constant fear that he might go beyond this world without the true light." About this time a misunderstanding arose as to the amount of Mr. Neesima' s salary, $500 of which it was arranged should be paid from the treasury of the Board, the remainder being supplied by Mr. Hardy. When the announcement to this effect was made to him he understood that his salary had been reduced to $500, and wrote Mr. Hardy : — MISUNDERSTANDING AS TO SALARY. 213 " I thought it rather strange that you should do so without giving me any notice or explanation. At any rate, I said, if the Prudential Committee think it best that I should live on a least salary and has reduced it down, and you think so, it must be obeyed. As I remain your ever obedient son I would not do any- thing contrary to my father's will. I told it to my wife, we put our heads together, and consulted how to reduce our expenses. We said, 'cut short this and that, give up our farmer who works for us in our garden when we need him. ' After reducing many things we thought we could live on that salary. I felt it rather hard at first, for besides ourselves I have my parents and one invalid sister, but afterwards I felt very happy exercising self-denial for Christ's sake. I have not asked any missionary a reason why my salary was reduced, nor expressed my feeling to any one. But lately, I found it rather hard to live on that reduced amount and asked Dr. Davis whether he had heard anything about it. He explained to me that the Board authorized me to draw $500 annually from the mission treasury, and the balance will be sent to me from you. Then I found out what a mistake I had made. If, however, you say live on &500, I shall say yes, and shall be very thankful for it. And if you be pleased to give me balance, I shall receive it with a grateful heart. I have adopted Apostle Paul's doc- trine: 'I shall be thankful for all things.' " Exhausted by his duties, in the summer of 1877 he sought rest with his wife at Wakayama, from which place he writes July 12th : — "We came to Osaka by rail, and hence to this quiet fishing village by jinrikisha. It is about sixty miles southwest of Kyoto and is somewhat warmer. 214 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. The famous orange growing country is only a few miles away. We came for the purpose of taking the sea-baths, and I find them beneficial. Here we have hired a small villa owned by a quite wealthy fisher- man and are very comfortably situated. Fish and vegetables are plenty. Above all we are enjoying our quiet. I am hoping to go fishing as soon as the rough weather is over. I went up the surrounding moun- tains soon after I came and found the scenery wonder- fully beautiful. As I was sitting down alone on a high mountain top, looking upon hills, rivers, plains, bays, promontories, islands, and open sea beyond, I could not help reflecting upon my past enjoyments which I had with you at Mt. Desert. Then I bursted out to tears and wept silently. Every enjoyment I had with you seems very dear and sacred. I suppose such enjoyment will never come to me again while I am in this world." Early in 1877 Mr. Neesima had sent, through his brother-in-law, Mr. Yamamoto, some books to the inmates of the prison at Otsu. Among these books was a Chinese copy of Dr. Martin's "Evidences of Christianity," which fell into the hands of a prisoner who became so much interested in it that he undertook its translation into Japanese for the benefit of his il- literate associates. Mr. Neesima gives the following account of what transpired : — "Most of the prisoners are uneducated, and petty thieves. A lamp was allowed for evening study. This was a great concession from the authorities, for the use of lamps had heretofore been forbidden. But one lamp proved insufficient for the large number of prison students. I believe they were eighty in num- ber. Subsequently one more lamp was granted, then REVISITS ANNAKA. 215 another, then another, till finally the room was fully lighted. He who taught his associates also began to preach to them every day. One day fire broke out in the prison, but there was no least confusion. He kept them in complete order. Under his direction each one worked nobly and soon the fire was extinguished „ Afterwards the prisoners were inspected, and none of them had escaped. It was a wonderful thing. The authorities of the city were informed of the behavior of the prisoners and the reason for it, and their leader was released on account of his good conduct, although he had one year yet to serve. After his release he called on us and told us his story. He had killed a man ten years ago in a quarrel. He has since started a j)rivate school in Otsu, and Mr. Davis, myself, and some of our students have preached there ever since. This will soon result in the formation of a church there." In March, 1878, while visiting Tokyo on business connected with the school, he made a journey to An- naka, where he had first preached Christ on his return from America. "Finding the Minister of the Interior so ill that there was no prospect of seeing him immediately, I made up my mind at once to go to Annaka in order to improve my time. After leaving that place some three years ago the people began to lose their interest in the truth, as there was no one to guide them. My letters written to them occasionally kept up the courage of a few. Last summer one of our brethren from Ky- oto went up there and stirred up their almost fainting faith, and as they have more leisure in the winter than in the summer time, it was their especial request he should come again in the winter. When I arrived 216 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. there I found them well prepared to be baptized. I held a meeting on the evening of my arrival, preached to a large audience the next day, and held an inquiry meeting in the evening. This was repeated the fol- lowing day, and on the fourth day I baptized thirty persons and organized a church. It was the most .solemn and yet most joyful event I ever witnessed. The people thus far have paid all expenses and have never received any aid from without. They take pride in doing so, and have already raised a fund for the support of their church. There is a rich mer- chant among them, the most influential man in the place, although quite young. He keeps the pastor in his home and does everything for his comfort. He also supports a free reading-room, where daily, weekly, and monthly papers, secular and religious, are kept. When I left the place, numbers came with me as far as the outskirts of the town and expressed to me their gratitude for my coming." A school for girls had been opened two years be- fore in Kyoto at the house of one of the missionaries, and had recently been removed to a building erected for this especial object. A similar school had already been established in Kobe. The object of these schools was the fitting of young girls for the great work to be done among" the women of the land. Nowhere outside of these "Homes" could the growing class of Chris- tian workers find Christian helpmeets. Certain mem- bers of the Mission deemed this movement premature, but events proved that those who were sanguine were not sanguine enough. Mr. Neesima's \isit to Tokyo was for the purpose of securing permission for the res- idence of two American ladies as teachers in Kyoto. This permission had been refused by the governor of LOCAL AUTHORITIES OVERRULED. 217 the city. "This," he writes, "is the gravest matter we have ever experienced. We will bear it with all the grace we have got, but if the despotic governor does not cease to ill-treat us we will burst out and ap- peal to the supreme power." On consultation with the American minister and the Japanese minister of foreign affairs he found the chief cause of complaint to be the fact that while the Doshisha was nominally a Japanese company, its funds were derived from for- eign sources, and that in the name of education its real object was the extension of Christianity. The growth and prosperity of the school and the establish- ment of the Kyoto Home for girls had aroused the enmity of the local governor ; the authorities at Tokyo declined to interfere ; Dr. Taylor had been forbidden to practice medicine even in his own house, and was finally ordered out of the city ; the outlook was dis- couraging, and Mr. Neesima wrote a strong appeal to America for a permanent fund. " If we have such a fund," he said, "although coming from a foreign source and managed by foreigners, yet we can say that we support our teachers with our own money." The refusal of the Kyoto governor to permit the entrance of the lady teachers was, after four months' delay, overruled by Count Inouye. "I conveyed to him," writes Mr. Neesima, "my idea, that it is impos- sible to check Christianity, because it is a living prin- ciple. If crushed in one city it will surely burst forth in another. The best way is to leave it alone, else Japan will lose her best patriots. The decision of the central government was in our favor and the plan of the local authorities was utterly defeated. Glory to our living God! " Mr. Neesima was exceedingly tried at this time. 218 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. Mr, Yamamoto had lost his connection with the city government by reason of his active interest in the Doshisha. Every difficulty connected with the school, difficulties of internal management, as well as those arising from outside opposition, was brought to Mr. Neesima for settlement. He stood between the stu- dents and the foreign teachers, between his immediate associates and the general mission, between the school and the authorities. He was actively engaged in mis- sionary work, and in addition to the cares inseparable from his connection with the Doshisha and Kyoto Home, were those growing out of the organization of native churches throughout the empire, and the for- mation of the Japanese Home Missionary Society, in the superintendence of whose work he took an active part for many years. In the summer of 1878 he took a brief vacation in a suburb of Kyoto, from which he writes, August 16th: — "My wife sent me off from home to this quiet vil- lage, which is only six miles away, and much cooler than Ky5to. Trees are plenty. It is shady every- where. I came here three days ago and am now stay- ing in a temple. I have hired two large, airy rooms, using one for reading and another for sleeping. The temple is surrounded by a very wide piazza, a part of which I use for my kitchen. You may ask whether I have brought a cook with me. I answer, no. I em- ploy girls at home, but it would not do for me to bring a servant girl to such a place when I am alone. I am a person of wonderful adaptability, and can be both cook and boy. Dried meats, eggs, sweet pota- toes, fruits, etc., are all provided. Now I have a chance to show forth my old skill which I practiced on LABORS IN KISHINOWADA. 219 the Wild River. Alas ! none to see but myself. The old priest and his family are living in the back part of the temple. They are very quiet people and do not distrust me at all. I retire and rise early, finish- ing my breakfast before seven. I read till ten, and take an artificial salt bath for my health. Then I prepare dinner, take a little nap and a long - walk along the shady valley." In the spring of this year he received a letter from Viscount Okabe, then studying in Springfield, Mass., where he had united with the Congregational church. Mr. Okabe, formerly Daimio of Kishinowada, prov- ince of Idzumi, and now vice-minister of foreign affairs, requested Mr. Neesima to send some one to preach to his former retainers living at Kishinowada, and in answer to this request Mr. Neesima at once visited that place in person. An account of this visit is given in the following letter to Viscount Okabe, dated August 16, 1878 : — TO VISCOUNT OKABE. Allow me to write you a few lines to inform you of my experience in your old castle town. On receiving your letter I tried hard to send one of our best stu- dents to that place. Unfortunately they were all as- signed to other places before the receipt of your letter, and I was obliged to leave the matter untouched for some time. Although much occupied with many things, I started from here on the 19th ult. and reached Kishinowada on the 20th. On arrival I sent for Mr. J., who promptly called upon me with Mr. M. I told him your special request and translated to them your letter. They were much pleased to see me, and through their prompt action I had the pleasure of 220 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. delivering my first discourse to your people at Show- shia on the 21st. There were twenty hearers. I preached on seven consecutive days, the audience in- creasing to one hundred, all men and mostly of the samurai class. There were many schoolmasters and advanced pupils, most of whom were young and quite sharp. They raised up all sorts of questions, for the new doctrine I preached seemed to them very strange and doubtfid. They had never heard of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. They kept me pretty busy while I was there. They were ready to hear and ready to discuss; I was ready to tell. I forgot my strength as well as the time. Although I tried to get hold of these intelligent hearers, I did not neglect the uneducated. In my discourse I spent one hour for the former and another hour for the latter. Thus my discourse lasted two hours every day. To my great satisfaction the former began to read the gospel and "Evidences of Christianity," and found out their Creator and also immaterial soul existing in them- selves, and the latter listened very attentively and some of them already began to reform. You may anx- iously ask me whether one has begun to believe in the crucified Saviour. I cannot give you an affirmative reply yet, but I can simply tell you that through God's grace his humble servant has opened before them a new way to enter, and if I mistake not, some of them have already directed their faces towards it. On the 25th I explained to them my desire to preach to women as well as to men. I told them men are not the only creatures to learn the way of salva- tion, but women also. While women are kept down like slaves, as in our country, the state of society will never be improved. On the contrary, if women are TRIALS. 221 Christianized, educated, and elevated, they will do more than men for the purification of society. Spe- cial meetings for women were therefore arranged for the evenings of the 26th and 27th. The audience was larger, over one hundred each time. When I returned I found one of our students had just got back from Fukichigama, where he had gone to preach ; having been obliged to leave on account of the strictness of the local authorities. So I sent him to Kishinowada to take up the work I left unfinished. Besides him, about twenty-six of our school have gone there to take sea-baths. They are mostly young fel- lows, and yet believers. I wish I could inform you more about our work, but I find my work almost be- yond my strength, and am therefore obliged to write you hastily and briefly. Mr. Neesima was often, and at this time especially, embarrassed by differences of opinion prevailing in the Mission. Obstacles of every kind were constantly arising, — obstacles which threatened the very exist- ence of the school and all that had been previously accomplished. Every opportunity was taken by the anti-foreign and anti-Christian party to defeat his plans and arrest the growth of the Poshisha. The fact that, while nominally a Japanese company, the Doshisha was in reality supported by annual grants derived from foreign sources, was made the basis of an attack which very nearly resulted in closing its doors. Vhe renewal of the passports of resident teachers was obtained only after long and persistent efforts, and the course of study was continually subject to the hos- tile interference of the local authorities. The condi- tion of affairs was frequently so serious that the Mis- 222 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. sion lost heart entirely and was ready to abandon the contest as hopeless. Internal difficulties aggravated the situation. Some of Mr. Neesima's associates felt that too much prominence was given to the strictly educational work of the station. The entire separa- tion of the native churches from the Board was openly advocated, a course which Mr. Neesima believed to be impracticable in the early stages of their existence. The settlement of all conflicts between the students and the faculty, between the native pastors and their foreign associates, between the Mission and the au- thorities, devolved upon Mr. Neesima, and he was often misunderstood and misrepresented by those whom he respected and loved. Many of his best Jap- anese friends criticised him severely for receiving money from Mr. Hardy for his support, — money which, in view of the slender salary paid by the Board, was indispensable, — and this criticism assumed at times the form of bitter personal attack. In addition to the cares inseparable from his position as head of the school, his activity in organizing the native mis- sionary work involved so large a correspondence and such frequent journeys that for many years he was practically without rest or vacation. "O," he ex- claimed at one time to Dr. Davis, "that I could be crucified once for Christ, and be done with it." And yet Mr. Neesima was exactly the man for the place. Anglo-Saxon straightforward methods of procedure, so foreign to the semi -indifferent, indirect Japanese mind, made a middle -man an absolute necessity, and both by nature and education Mr. Neesima was admi- rably fitted for this position. He knew enough of both parties to sympathize with each, and his great heart of love was ever between them to prevent violent con- APPEAL TO THE BOARD. 223 flict and unhappy misunderstanding. Many young Japanese educated abroad have returned so convinced of their superiority that all cooperation with them has been impossible. Mr. Neesima occupied a position of peculiar difficulty and temptation, and was subject to a cross-fire which tried his tact and patience to the utmost ; yet he retained throughout the confidence of all in the singleness and sincerity of his purpose, and the simplicity of his Christian character. In February, 1879, he was again in Tokyo inter- ceding with Mr. Mori, then vice-minister of foreign affairs, for the renewal of Dr. Learned's passport. His success in this instance is but an example of his general success in accomplishing what was regarded as hopeless by his associates. Although in this case the special object of his mission was secured, his interview with Mr. Mori convinced him that the safety of the school depended upon the creation of a permanent en- dowment, and he therefore wrote at once the following strong appeal to the Prudential Committee of the Board : — "When I returned from my missionary tour to Kyushu I was mostly used up by exposure to intense heat there. When I fairly commenced my labor there numbers of telegrams came informing me that I must return home as soon as possible to attend to grave matters. To my great regret I was obliged to give up my work and return homeward. Now I must inform you of the difficulty just hanging upon my shoulders, but I trust you will never be discouraged. I am fully convinced the Lord has designed me to bear all sorts of trials for extending his kingdom in my beloved country. No matter how heavy the cross may be, I am ready to bear, but what I fear is that I 224 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. cannot picture out to you our present critical condi- tion so that you could fully understand the impending difficulty and our pressing want. "When I undertook to start our school in the city of Kyoto, I was rather compelled by law to ask per- mission from the central government both for estab- lishing it and for employing foreign teachers. For foreigners are not allowed to remain in an interior city like Kyoto unless they are employed by natives. As my American friends gave me funds to start a school and the American Board agreed to furnish me teachers, I was naturally obliged to assume a position of proprietorship. My written application for a school was first presented to the educational depart- ment, with the approval of the Kyoto governor. But it was contrary to the regulation of said department to employ regular missionaries as teachers either in the public or private schools. It was my first obsta- cle. But through Mr. Tanaka's special favor I se- cured permission for Dr. Davis to enter the sacred and ancient capital of Japan. When it was done I rejoicingly said, 'Miraculous!' When we had fairly started our school we began to preach the gospel in a most quiet possible way. But the truth spoken in a private room became known throughout the city, and caused a great alarm among the priests in the region. They got up a great meeting and presented their united application to the governor to stop our preaching alto- gether. Then the governor summoned me to his of- fice and requested me not to preach any more in my house. But I asked him, if a friend of mine comes to my house and inquires after a truth, would his Ex- cellency intend to compel me not to give any reply? He answered in the negative. Then I asked him if APPEAL TO THE BOARD. 225 two, three, or even one hundred friends come and ask me something of the Christian truth, has his Excellency any power to stop me telling' them of it? He said no. Then, said I, if he has no such power I can keep on preaching in my house. Finding I was such a stiff- necked fellow he simply charged me not to teach the Bible in our school. It has been taught ever since without ceasing, even through many darkest periods. When one battle was over another battle followed. Then another, still another. It was rumored that our governor reported to the central government that I have started my school with the pretense of educa- tion, but my real design was to promote Christianity throughout the empire. Just about that time I pre- sented applications for the entrance of Miss W. and Miss P. into Kyoto. It was refused without any reason being given. The next complaint of our gov- ernor was that although I am a nominal employer of foreign teachers, the school is really not a native in- stitution but a foreign one, since it is sustained by the annual errant of the American Board. Our situation became much endangered. The minister at Tokyo was ever trying to stop the entry of missionaries into Kyoto. When Mr. Learned's first passport was nearly out I applied for a second. Everything seemed dark and hopeless. I knew surely that a per- mission could not be had if I took an ordinary course. To make a bold strike was my inspiration. I called on our governor at his office and requested him to ap- prove my application and to speak favorably of us to the Foreign Department. He promised to do what he could, but said everything depended on the Foreign Office. By this way I prevented his doing any mis- chief, and then started for T5kyo to see Mr. Mori, 22G MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. and explained to him all about our school, — how it started and how it is sustained. His reply was, 'You have a right to exist and also to employ foreign teach- ers if you use your own fund instead of that of the Board. The Foreign Office objects to your depend- ing upon the American Board altogether.' I told him this annual aid was a free gift, and that we made a good use of it. Is it forbidden us to receive any aid from a foreign nation? If so, the law ought also to prohibit us from aiding other nations. Did not our people send an immense quantity of rice last year to a famishing district in China, and can we not also re- ceive some aid for our moral and intellectual famine? This argument was just enough to bring him around to our side, and through his kindness I obtained the extension of Mr. Learned' s passport for five years. "When I applied this summer for Dr. Gordon's passport there was a sharp discussion between Mr. Mori and the minister. I must inform you why the latter is so bitter against us. He is a hater of Chris- tianity. He does not clearly discriminate between us and some native merchants who keep shops open for foreigners outside the concessions in Toky5, by using their own names although they are hired and paid by the foreigners. Such is strictly forbidden by the law of the empire, yet is done by shrewd natives. The minister ranks us with these merchants, and is ready at any time to drive us out from Kyoto. But Mr. Mori stood up for us nobly, and persuaded him to grant our application. At the same time he sent me word by a friend to be cautious, and advised me to raise a perma- nent fund at once. For if it be proved that our school is sustained by the Board, I shall be heavily punished, our work will be suspended, we shall be driven out of APPEAL TO THE BOARD. 227 the city, yea, — all our effort thus far put forth will disappear like morning dew before the sun. Seeing such a dark prospect before me shall I lament like the old prophet Jeremiah? No, I am determined not to lament, but to fight through till we conquer. May God help us, untiring soldiers. Since I heard from Mr. Mori I have been seriously thinking how to es- cape the governor's iron hand. We are badly spoken of throughout the country and ridiculed as the cradle of Christian priests. If we lose our hold here how can we start in the interior again? Our missionaries do not fully apprehend our critical condition. Doubtless some of them have written to the Board about it. Will the gentlemen of the Board stand and see us per- ish without any fellow-sympathy ? Is the policy of the Board so conservative that it cannot give us a perma- nent fund from the large legacy they have recently re- ceived? In time of need it is often desirable to create a new policy in order to boldly carry out God's work. It is time for them to consider whether they will at- tack or retreat. If they do not understand my aim, if they be still incredulous, I will come to Boston to explain. If they do not grant me the fimd I will pre- sent my cause to wealthy individuals in the States. I will become a public beggar from city to city. In my situation I would not cease begging as long as I can use my tongue or my pen. For Christ's sake and my country's sake I will become a loudly crying beggar. " In this connection I must mention the standard of our school. Our people are making a bold strike in educational affairs. The government institution of learning as well as some private schools are advancing above us. If we do not strive to improve we shall be 228 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. left in lower strata of educational system, and fail to lay hold of the best class of students. Our good mis- sionary friends have thus far tried to teach the Bible too much and neglected scientific teaching. Numbers of promising boys were much disappointed and have left us to go to the schools in Tokyo, where they will have no Christian influence. We can't afford to lose these promising ones. We must tie them to our school by giving them a thorough, higher, and profes- sional as well as Christian education. This, if I mis- take not, is the keynote of success for Christian effort in Japan. Unless the missionaries find this keynote their work will be largely wasted and fruitless. To my great disappointment some missionaries do not take pains enough to adapt themselves to our way in this important respect. Hence they are getting quite unpopular and cannot get along with the natives quite smoothly. A chief reason is that they are still Amer- icans. Their habits, ideas, and imagination are all American. What Americans regard as good the na- tives may despise. Something honorable in America is regarded dishonorable here. Petty troubles arise now and then between them and our Christians. They want to get too many foreign reinforcements instead of raising up native workers by their own hand. They cannot talk as the natives can. They cannot go about from home to home as well as the natives can. They cannot bear heat of the day as well as the natives can. They cannot live in a cheap rented house so patiently as the natives can. Their work should be a high spiritual brain-work. They should raise up the spokesmen instead of speaking themselves. If I were in the place of Dr. Clark I should put all my effort in founding a strong Christian APPEAL TO THE BOARD. 229 university in Japan, in order to raise up Christian ministers, Christian physicians, Christian statesmen, and even Christian merchants. Christians must not be charged with being ignoramuses, or we shall not get the respect of the people. We shall be ridiculed for our ignorance as well as for our faith. It is well for us to remember and practice our Saviour's words, 'be wise as serpents.' Try to send out choice men, men of the New Testament spirit, of broad education and strong character, possessing the power of adapta- bility. And I earnestly beg of you to give us a fund to save the life of the Kyoto Mission and to raise our educational standard so as to make our school the cen- tre of Christian power and influence. I have freely expressed my humble opinion. May God give you and the gentlemen of the Board help to see our pres- ent critical position, is the prayer of your unworthy child." Throughout this whole period Mr. Neesima wrote fully and freely to Mr. Hardy of all his trials and per- plexities, but his letters are absolutely free from per- sonalities and contain explanations where one might look for reproaches. The spirit of hope and faith al- ways dominated that of discouragement, and there is no trace of fault-finding. Stronger even than the tes- timony of his colleagues in the various missions as to his bearing under these trials is that of these letters written in confidence, wherein he poured out his whole heart as a son to his father. From these letters a few extracts are taken. "I am staying in an old Buddhist temple in a sub- urb of the city. While I am at home I receive con- stantly visitors who take up my time. As a large portion of them come on business, I cannot avoid them 230 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. conveniently. There is no vacation in this hottest part of the summer. My correspondence and these callers still keep me busy. I will try to get off from home as soon as possible, else it will kill me. With regard to my opinion on mission work, I think the plan of Mr. will cut it short. The native churches ought to be independent. Most of them are striving to be so quite hard. Here is no lack of in- dependent spirit. But some churches are like babes. Mr. 's plan is to make men out of babes at once. He says the native churches ought not to receive any foreign money; that the native missionary society ought not to receive any aid from the Mission; that the Doshisha ought to be supported by the native churches; that the girls' school should be in their hands; that the theological school and newspapers ought to be sustained by them. It is hard work for most of these churches to support their pastors and defray all other necessary expenses, and too much for sixteen or seventeen poor churches to take so much into their hands independently of the Mission. None of us have any beggarly spirit, yet there are some things which we cannot efficiently do. If this plan be carried out our school will be weakened and the number of theological students diminished. I would call this a poor and short-sighted policy. To save money is to lose our best workers. We are hoping to start a vernacular theological course to educate some in Chinese and Japanese without English. Those who have a thorough English education ought to occupy central places, and those who are taught in Chinese and Japanese can be assistant workers. Since last May our Buddhist priests are wide awake. They have plenty of money to hire scholars to attack HEAVY BURDENS. 231 Christianity. We must have men well furnished with scientific and Biblical knowledge for advancing Japan. We are now on a battlefield. Soldiers ought to be strong. Hereafter uneducated pastors will be thrown out of the market. Such will everywhere be disliked. The better preachers we send, the more money will the people raise. "This is only leisure hour I have found since last April. I can only say to you that my life is like a race runner's. I find leisure hours only in summer. I devote these chiefly to my own study. I must keep pace with the advancing world. On the 17th and 18th I made a short visit to Kishinowada. My time was so fully occupied there that I could scarcely eat. While I was eating people were waiting in the room. "I must be thankful for the wise management of the American Board in sustaining our Kyoto institu- tions. Let the present arrangement continue as long as it may be needful. According to your kind fa- therly advice I will be careful and try to do all things in a perfect harmony with our missionaries. I shall be careful not to find fault in others. We were ter- ribly attacked by some brethren in other stations. I attempted to defend our position. It is all over now. I shall say nothing about them, of them, or against them. There is now perfect harmony between the different stations of our Mission. The last two months were the hardest ones I have ever experienced since my return to Japan. I found myself in the lowest stratum, and received the whole pressure upon myself. A heavy trial with respect to the govern- ment, and grave troubles among our native brethren and also in our school. O, heavy burdens ! I bore them chiefly on myself by His help, but I think I came pretty near to burst up my brains." 232 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. Mr. Neesima had been for some years looking for- ward with "a great delight" to a visit from Mr. Hardy. "It would seem to me a dream," he says, "to be permitted to shake your hand on this side of the water." He was also anxious that Mr. Hardy, then chairman of the Prudential Committee of the Board, should see for himself the exact need of the country. When he learned that his visit, so long an- ticipated, was deferred, he says: "I cannot speak to you of this disappointment; it is too great." He was then in the province of Hyuga, in Kyushu, the most southerly of the four large islands of Japan, where he had gone at the request of a native physician to en- gage in missionary work. In the fall of this year his sister died of hemorrhage of the lungs, and on October 27th he writes : — "Five weeks ago I went to Imabari, Shikoku, to organize a church and install a pastor. I was preach- ing to a large audience in the evening when I received a telegram from home. I hurried back to find my sister dying. We tried our best to save her. She gathered all her relatives about her and told them she might doubtless depart very soon from this world, and her best wish to them all was that they should walk with God and live on Christ daily as we live on food. When I was obliged to attend _the annual meeting of our Home Mission Board at Osaka she knew I was hesitating to go there, and told me not to stay away from that important meeting on account of her illness, but to do the Lord's business first. By these brave words I felt much encouraged to go. During the past two weeks she talked and dreamed much of heaven. Her mind was full of it. One day she said to me: 'What free grace it is that I, a poor sinner, DEATH OF HIS SISTER. 233 could find a hope in the eternal heaven. I am desir- ous to go there even now.' She dreamed much of persons in white singing beautifully, and since then has become very fond of singing, asking every Chris- tian visitor to sing for her. Then she shook their hands and bade them farewell till they meet her in heaven. Two minutes before her death she asked my wife to sing one or two hymns, then passed away as if she were going to sleep. It happened I was away that morning. When I came home I found her countenance already changed, but she replied to me once when I called her name. I was unwilling to go to our school that morning, because there was such change in her face, but she said 'No, go, do your duty. ' We miss her very much, but the very thought of her makes us feel that heaven is very near." In November, on returning from Annaka, he re- ceived from Dr. Clark the glad tidings that the year's appropriation of $8,000 had been placed in the hands of the native society which he represented, to be used under his direction for the educational work in Kyoto. The relief from all embarrassments with the govern- ment afforded by this action was very great. To Mr. Hardy he writes December 27, 1879: — "I found your last letter on my arrival home. When I read it I exclaimed, 'The good Lord has done it ! ' My rejoicing was mingled with running tears. I knelt down before the Lord with my wife and gave Him our heartfelt thanks. Next to the Lord, I must express my gratitude to you for your deep interest in us. I must also thank the gentlemen of the Board. Through this action I shall be relieved from grave difficulty. Step by step the plots of our enemies are defeated. 'Delight thyself in the Lord 234 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. and He shall give thee the desire of thine heart.' 'Commit thy ways unto the Lord; trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass.' O, what precious promises they are unto us. I am wondering why God has chosen a weak instrumentality such as I am, weak both in body and mind, for promoting his kingdom in this empire. I could simply say to Him: 'Here I am; employ me in thy vineyard if thou findest a pleasure in thy humble servant.' In my later expe- rience I find more than ever nothingness in me." It was very characteristic of Mr. Neesima, and thoroughly in line with his efforts to spread the gos- pel through an educated ministry, that in his mission- ary tours he always sought to interest the leading men of the town or district, as well as to reach the poor. In February, 1880, he writes, in this connection, from Okayama : — "I find it very hard to reach prominent men in our society, because many of them are too proud to be taught. They are self -conceited and seek for no fur- ther improvement in their moral condition. They have also a strong anti -religious spirit. I find in them the strange notion that any religion, even Chris- tianity, hinders the progress of nations and lias no- thing; to do with modern civilization. On the other hand, I always find some brilliant man who comes forth boldly and manfully. There are doubtless some thoughtless boys with us, but none who speak against Christianity. I have to be pretty careful. They do not like oldest kind of theology. They cannot bear any stiffness. In the Government University of Tokyo, where are about seven hundred students, is an infidel atmosphere. Some native and some foreign teachers exert bad influence. There are also anti- RELATIONS WITH HIS ASSOCIATES. 235 Christian schools in Tokyo. We shall get learned persons enough within a few years, but mere worldly wisdom will not help onr perishing people. We need the broadest culture and strongest Christian faith to counteract the downward tendency of our educated youth. The works of Spencer, Mill, and Draper are their favorites. They look down upon us as bigots. We must raise our standard of educa- tion until they can no longer assail us. If we limit it simply to theology, the best self-sustaining students will not come to us. Only by making our school at- tractive by giving a good and broad education can we widen our Christian influence. Some of our dear brethren have got very strange notions, and think altogether too little of education." The personal friendship between Mr. Neesima and his colleagues of the Ky5to station was very strong. For Dr. Davis especially, who had shared his burdens from the outset, he felt the warmest affection, and re- peatedly ascribes success to his tact, courage, and counsel. He writes to Dr. Davis August 12, 1880: "I must assure you we cannot get along without you. Doubtless the many troubles you have encoun- tered these past years broke you down completely. I hope you will take the matter slightly easier and try to rest as much as you can. The mission work in Japan is not like child's play. You have many trou- blesome boys under your care. I fear I am one of them. What I feel keenly in myself is my impru- dence in many things. Certainly it must have been a great trial to you. But I trust an imprudent child such as I am may grow wiser as he grows older. At any rate it is well for us to remember that the world cannot be converted in a day." 236 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. The year 1881 opened more brightly. The gov- ernor of Kyoto had resigned, and his successor proved to be a man of liberal ideas. "I am informed," writes Mr. Neesima, "that he intends to call upon me soon. He will then be quite different from the former one. When I see him I shall try to present to him a plan to revolutionize the system of education in this city. My aim is to start a Sunday-school for the teachers of the primary schools." One of the immediate re- sults of this change in the local government was the permission granted to hold religious meetings in the large theatres of the city. The first of these was at- tended by four thousand persons, and was addressed by twenty different speakers. These meetings pro- duced a profound impression. In an editorial, of which the following is a translation, the '' Osaka Nippo," one of the most influential daily papers of Japan, asked : — " Is it the hand of man or of Heaven, or is it the inevitable tendency of the age, or is it the freedom of the human mind that has advanced to such an extent, that, in the very heart of Kyoto, the original Head and Holy Seat of Shintoism and .Buddhism, a great meeting for the preaching of the Jesus Way has been held without any opposition ? We need not go back to the utter destruction of the Christians in the war of Shimabara, but confining ourselves to what we have observed, it seems like the things of yesterday, that law rigidly prohibiting Christianity, written in eleven characters, and posted high in air before all the people; and that other law of religious examina- tion that required every one to be enrolled once a year as either a Buddhist or Shintoist. Now such laws have become the dreams of fourteen years ago, SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY. 237 and have passed away forever from our loved Ja- pan. . . . "Six years after the Restoration (eight years ago) the government took the first step of silent toleration of Christianity by removing from the high places the laws against heresy. Since then this new religion, hand in hand with western learning and civilization, has been gradually spreading not only in the open ports, but even in the interior. Churches are being built with the cross of Christ erected over them, and our people are everywhere being publicly taught the Bible. Already among the believers there are count- less numbers who, having learned the outlines of this religion, go everywhere preaching and admonishing, converting the people, and daily spreading wider and wider the truth. "We remember that some six or seven years ago, when Mr. Nakamura of Toky5 published a translation of Dr. Margin's "Evidences of Christianity," there was an anxious discussion in one department of our government as to whether such an act could be passed over in silence. But now everywhere there are stores where Christian books are on sale. We are apt merely to notice that Christianity spreads only an inch to-day, and an inch to-morrow; and so accommodat- ing ourselves to its gradual advance, we do not won- der at its rapid march. But when we sketch on paper the steps of progress, we cannot shut our eyes to the marvelous manner in which it is taking root. And among all these progressive steps, that which seems to us the most astonishing is what is written in the opening sentence of this article: The preaching of the Jesus Way in every centre of Kyoto, the Holy seat of Buddhism and Shintoism, the place where the 238 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. people are the most given to superstitious ideas about g >ds, where they hold in deepest reverence the de- parted spirits, and where but ten years ago the arrival of a foreign ambassador gave rise to the thought that the soil of the Capital of the gods was polluted, and that the wrath of the gods and of Buddha would surely fall upon the people! " In his early school days at Andover, amid the in- fluences of a Christian home and training, Mr. Nee- sima had first conceived the plan of a Christian uni- versity for Japan. When we remember the condition of Japan at that period, before the restoration, and his own position, an exile struggling with poverty and ill-health, we are not surprised to find him refer- ring to this project as a day-dream. Yet it was even then more than a dream, it was an ambition and a purpose. "I kept it," he says, "within myself, and prayed over it." From time to time he confided his thought to his friends, but met with no encourage- ment. On the eve of his return, in the presence of an audience whose sympathy and interest were indis- pensable to success, the desire of his heart burst from his lips, and in the appeal then made he laid the cor- ner-stone of the Meiji University. Beginning, with seven pupils, in two dingy rooms, a school which for years was the object of contempt and ridicule, op- posed at every step by the hatred of the authorities and the prejudices of the people, his purpose never faltered. The time had now come when he could ap- peal to a sentiment to whose development he himself had largely contributed. Residents of Kyoto who had formerly antagonized all his efforts, but who were deeply interested as patriots in the general question of education, had become convinced that the sound- APPEAL FOR A UNIVERSITY. 239 est learning rested upon the Christianity which they had despised. Dissatisfied with the results of the government university at Tdkyo, plans for an insti- tution independent of the state began to be discussed, promises of money for departments of law and medi- cine were made, and Mr. Neesima was consulted with reference to the incorporation of these departments and the broadening of the curriculum of the Doshisha. With these brighter prospects opening before him he began the realization of his long-cherished plans and publicly announced his purpose. In the spring of 1884, the first of several meetings designed to call public attention to this movement was held in Kyoto. It was attended by the leading officials and business men of the city and was addressed by Dr. Davis, Mr. Neesima and others. In May the following appeal, prepared by Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Neesima, was issued : — "The recent political changes in Japan have swept away feudalism, for many hundred years the basis of society. Under the steadily increasing influence of these changes the transformation of society has been so great that we seem to live in a new Japan. On every side are those who insist upon the improvement of our political institutions, our educational methods, our commerce, and our industries. We heartily agree with them in the importance of these things, but when we examine the present condition of affairs we find one cause for sorrow. Do you ask what that cause is? .It is that there does not exist in Japan a univer- sity which, teaching the new science, is also founded upon Christian morality. This is the foundation which our civilization needs. In natural advantages Japan is not inferior to Europe or America. Why 240 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. then is our civilization so different? It is certain also that we have few men of earnest purpose. Hence the necessity for universities. We can learn from the example of Europe. In the sixteenth century, Luther, the great reformer, said: 'Parents who re- fuse to send their children to school are enemies of the state and should be punished.' Fichte, the German philosopher, said : ' The reason why Germany stands in the front of European civilization is found in the power emanating from her universities.' The twelfth century was the dawn of civilization in Europe. Greek philosophy was then studied in the University of Paris and Roman law in the University of Bologna. Before the year 1600 the universities of Oxford and Cambridge had been founded in England, those of Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, of Prague, Heidelberg, Leipzic, Tubingen, and Jena, in Ger- many. Universities have also been established in Holland, Spain, Portugal, and Austria. Abelard, Roger Bacon, Kepler, Galileo, Lord Bacon, Locke, Newton, Milton, Leibnitz, Kant, Reid, and Hamil- ton, were famous as great scholars in those countries. Pym, Hampden, Pitt, Fox, Burke, Johnson, Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, and Knox, were reformers in politics and religion. Through the influence of these univer- sities philosophy and science advanced, despotism and feudalism were checked and destroyed, the power of priest and noble resisted, the desire for liberty and self-government kindled. The Reformation and the English Revolution changed the condition of Europe. In 1800 there were over one hundred universities in Europe, and that the march of civilization has been hastened by their influence is an indisputable fact. Look also at the colleges and universities of America, APPEAL FOR A UNIVERSITY. 241 numbering over three hundred, yet only eight of which have been founded by the government. Har- vard, Yale, Princeton, Amherst, Williams, Dart- mouth, and Oberlin, of which the first is the most famous, may be noted. Harvard has now 110 profes- sors, a library of 134,000 volumes, and an endowment of 114,854,372. In 1872 there were in the United States 298 colleges and universities, and 66 were founded in the following seven years. This growth of the higher education in the United States is one of the wonders of the world. In the year 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers, seeking freedom to worship God, landed at Plymouth. They established a school founded upon Christian morality. For 260 years their descendants, inheriting the spirit of their fa- thers, have carried out their purpose. They have be- lieved that such schools would diminish the number of evil-doers, and increase the number of those who do good ; that they would foster the spirit of liberty and become the foundation of the state; that the Christian university was the safeguard of freedom; and we do not doubt that their free institutions are the outcome of this spirit. "As soon as it saw the importance of the univer- sity our government established one at Toky5, and has also founded several academies. These will give us intellectual and material, but not moral growth. There are many who are seeking to improve the pub- lic morality on the basis of Chinese philosophy. But we cannot rejoice in their efforts, for the moral code of China has no profound hold upon the minds of men. All Oriental states are almost wholly destitute of jiberty and Christian morality, and cannot there- fore advance rapidly in civilization. It is the spirit 242 MISSIONARY WORK IN JAPAN. of liberty, the development of science, the Christian morality, which has given birth to European civiliza- tions. Trace the effect 1<> the cause and you will find science resting upon the foundation of Chris- tianity. We cannot therefore believe that Japan can secure this civilization until education rests upon the same basis. With this foundation the state is builded upon a rock. No sword can conquer it, no tempest destroy it, no sea overcome it. Resting on the old moral code of China, it stands upon the sea- sands, and, when the rough waves beat upon it, falls to ruin. " We are, therefore, hoping for a university which teaches advanced modern science and which is founded upon a pure morality. We have been very earnest in this matter. In this spirit we established the Do- shisha school in Kyoto in the eighth year of Meiji. Its students have increased year by year and our aim has ever been the university. We made known our purpose publicly in April of the sixteenth year of Meiji, and received much encouragement. At this time we met our friends in Kyoto and named it the Meiji University. We have determined first to raise an endowment for the departments of History, Phi- losophy, and Political Economy, and subsequently also for those of Law and Medicine. This is not easy of accomplishment, for a large sum is needed for buildings and professorships. Being so few we cannot of ourselves furnish the needed money, but we will not abandon our purpose to found this university now. We must work for new Japan. All true patriots should do so. Help us, as far as you are able, to ac- complish our purpose and do this great work. With- out your help our purpose cannot be realized." NEED OF REST. 243 Mr. Neesima's personal activity in this matter was incessant, but the strain to which he had been sub- jected for nearly ten years had seriously impaired his health, which was now the cause of grave concern to his friends. Already in 1882 he had been urged to go to China for rest. This, however, he refused to do, writing to Mr. Hardy that "To go to China might possibly excite some jealous feeling among my home brethren, who have given up every earthly com- fort for the Lord, and are suffering much pecuniarily. I must never be a stumbling-stone to my dear breth- ren in Christ. But I begin to feel that I cannot go on much longer, and must stop work. My head does not allow me to read or write, yet something is always at hand. So I have made up my mind to take a trip to the north where I can see no Christian friends." This plan was carried out, and he spent part of the summer of 1882 in Wakamatsu, his wife's early home, following, mostly on foot, the great interior road known as the Nakasendo, and visiting Annaka and Nikko. At Wakamatsu he wrote by request the account of his early life quoted in the beginning of this volume, and, in forwarding it to America, said : — "I hope Mr. Hardy will pardon me for not doing it sooner. I am afraid he will call me a disobedient boy. Since I began my work here I found out more and more my unworthiness, and have tiembled to write this sketch. I wish I could break down my too great sensitiveness on this point. Some time ago I thought I was something, but now I feel I am no thing. CHAPTER VI. SECOND VISIT TO EUROPE AND AMERICA. Although relieved at this time from teaching and freed by his associates as far as practicable from rou- tine duties, the general care of the school and his intimate connection with the work of the Mission ren- dered it impossible for him to secure the needed rest. To his own health, however, he referred but rarely. In a letter of January 14, 1884, Mr. Hardy proposed his return to America via Suez, saying: "You allude merely to your health, but the Mission writes seriously of it;" and in the spring he was formally requested by a vote of the Prudential Committee of the Board "to take a furlough for such period as may be need- ful." This proposition he finally accepted. "It has been very hard to get him started," writes Dr. Davis, "and we have been afraid that he would break down entirely before he got under way. The number of irons he has in the fire is amazing, and it has been almost impossible for him to find time to arrange for his leaving. As you value his life and woik give him as long a rest as you can in Europe, before he crosses the Atlantic." In yielding to the solicitations of his friends Mr. Neesima wrote to Mr. Hardy from Kobe March 9, 1884 : — Kobe, March 9, 1884. I am very much indebted to you for your kind in- vitation as to my return to my dearest America. It URGED TO VISIT AMERICA. 245 was a serious matter for me to decide. In the first place I feel it too great an offering. It has been my attempt thus far not to place myself on a footing with the missionaries lest I should prove a stumbling-block to my native brethren. In the second place the anti- foreign party might sharply criticise my going to America. But after serious consideration I have con- cluded to accept your great favor and visit you once more. I feel there will be no least objection on the part of my native brethren. Some eminent men in the empire outside the churches heartily sanction my going. My friends at Osaka urge me strongly to go. I came here yesterday and my friends are all glad of this great opportunity for my sake. It is not my usual custom to write on the Sabbath, but yesterday I found occasion to speak to two eminent men on re- ligious matters, and I feel I ought to write you at least a line to thank you. Dr. Berry urges me strongly to start from here at once, but I have some- thing on my hands to be attended to first. FROM MRS. NEESIMA TO MR. AND MRS. HARDY. To my two revered personages I desire to present this letter. While I was much perplexed on account of the serious brain trouble of my husband, you kindly invited him to come home to America. Though I think of the depth of your kindness like multitudes of mountains, I utterly fail to express it by my writing- brush. So I simply resort to God with my thanks- givings. I request you still farther to look after him. Please give him an opportunity to take a complete rest this summer, for he will be very busy when he comes home, and here is no possible chance for rest. As he is planning to enlarge the school, his care and 246 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. labor will ever increase in the future. When I an- ticipate this matter I am greatly troubled thereby. Though I wished very much to accompany him and render him my service, I feared my going with him might possibly be more a burden than a help. Besides that, we have Joseph's aged parents still living with us and I must remain to serve and comfort them. Although it is very hard for me to be so long sepa- rated from him, yet I bear it rejoicingly. O, what happy creatures we are ! While God was utterly unknown to us, we are known to Him. He called Joseph out to your country and provided you to receive him, and through the help of many our Doshisha was founded. As for me I am born in Japan and am grown in ignorance. Hence it is. im- possible for me to help my husband. However, I am endeavoring to be his helpmate in my service to God with a sincere heart. Lately I started a woman's meeting in a suburb of Kyoto. It has been attended by six, ten, and by thirteen. I feel I have no ability to lead these beloved sisters. I am but a child in faith. I wish to win one person to start with, and by and by another may be added unto. I wish I could meet your two personages at least once in this world to express my grateful feeling. And while I am un- able to express it either by my tongue or my pen, I hope that I could have an abundant opportunity to meet with you and talk with you in the same language in heaven when we are called up there by His mercy. But on acount of the shortcoming of my faith I have some fear that I may not be permitted to appear there. I hope you will pray for me on this account. Hereby I send you these my requests with my query for your health. to Ir^vw^i If v^J (^i^A-jVC i_0 IrCVwvd Va*v^**< Wv '4^T C-£d- ***<• SAILS FROM KOBE. 247 The notebooks kept by Mr. Neesima during his journey reveal the variety of his interests. They are filled with historical notes, statistics, and memoranda of conversations with those to whom he had letters of introduction. He everywhere inspected the schools and colleges, recorded in detail their methods and results, and made plans of the buildings and appa- ratus. He describes minutely the architecture, agri- culture, and manufactures of the localities he visited, and nearly every page contains drawings of the pro- cesses and implements described, or sketches from na- ture. It is the journal of a man of keen observation and wide sympathy, but of one more anxious to learn than to criticise. The following extracts are taken from its pages and from letters written by the way : — April 6. Left Kyoto on the 5th inst. The whole school and other friends, including the members of three churches, came to the station to see me off. It was a great trial for me to leave home, and especially my aged parents (both of them now 78 years of age), my dear wife, and our school, to which I am so much attached. My wife accompanied me to the SS. Khiva in the harbor of Kobe. I committed her to the care of Our Father, on whom she can rely far better than upon myself. April 7. Prayer for theological students. We passed through the Straits of Shimonoseki at 5.30. The weather was fair and I was not sick at all. April 8. Prayer for the fifth year class. We ar- rived at Nagasaki at 6.30 a. m. It is an excellent shelter for ships. The only defect of the harbor is its shallowness. The scenery from the steamer is fine. The harbor is surrounded by mountains, and 248 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. the foreign residences are mostly on high ground. A boatman took me over all the important streets for 30 cents, and I saw some very fine tortoise-shell workmanship in the manufactory. There are two Japanese youths on board going to Odessa with a Russian priest. The meals are excel- lent. The servants are Chinese and Hindoos. April 12. We arrived at Hongkong at 10 a. M. I visited with Mr. H. the Anglican, Catholic, Chinese, and Mahometan cemeteries. The archi- tecture of the latter is very peculiar. They are all handsomely and tastefully laid out. They seem a paradise in this world. Visited the Chinese quarters. At one place the wares were spread upon the ground. Public speakers, singers, and fortune-tellers were there. In one street many painted women invite pass- ers-by into their houses. I visited a smoking gallery where were twenty Chinese in a small room smoking that cursed opium. I asked the editor of the 'China Mail' the proportion of opium smokers among the Chinese. He replied it was about the same as that of drinkers among Europeans. They smoke about 10 cents a day. To my surprise the Chinese are a great commercial people. They have splendid stores fully supplied with both Chinese and foreign articles. The stores on the Queen's Road are beautiful. Most of the houses are three stories high. April 14th. I went to the union church yester- day. It was thinly attended. In the afternoon Dr. C. preached in Chinese, I also heard Bishop B. preach to the seamen. There are several mission societies working in Hongkong, — English, German, and one American. They have no regular Sabbath-schools established. Rev. Mr. Morrison commenced his mis- HONGKONG. 249 sionary work in Canton in 1807. Bishop Bunion came to Hongkong in 1853. He has charge of St. Paul's College, about thirty pupils. His diocese ex- tends from Foochoo to Hongkong. No self-support- ing churches in China this side of Foochoo. The bishop has five pupils to teach one hour a day. A slow process! One hundred people belong to his church; one hundred people for thirty-one years' labor! He says the missionaries have not yet dis- covered a way to reach the higher Chinese classes. They are too proud of their own ways, and are not anxious to adopt western science or manners. In fact there is no movement among the higher classes to- wards European civilization either in social or politi- cal matters. Those who receive an education abroad have no voice. I see nothing in favor of the Euro- pean way. It is discouraging to educate the Chinese, because they come to get. English only and having got this, go away into business. China is honeycombed with secret societies. The people are tired of the gov- ernment. If they found a capable leader they woidd rise. In one sense they are all united against foreign- ers, but it is almost safe to say that there is no public spirit among the Chinese. They are discontented with the government. They have an instinct for taking care of themselves. There are no public baths like ours. Being so filthy it is wonderful they are so thrifty. They are the Oriental Jews. Hongkong, April 15. We left Nagasaki on the 8th inst. and had fine weather and calm seas nearly all the way to this place, which we reached on the 12th. I called on Rev. C. JR. Hager, a missionary of your board, who secured a 250 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. hotel for me and took me all over the city. So far as I can judge of the Chinese they seem to strive merely for money. For this they rise up early and sit up late; for this they would go without food and endure all manner of hardships. While here I think con- stantly of a nation for whose sake I am what I am. I called yesterday on the Bishop. He is somewhat dis- couraged and hopeless about the Chinese. But sooner or later China will move, though it may be slowly. I feel we ought to strike out from Christians' conversa- tion and writing the terms "hopeless" and "discour- aged." But hereby I do not intend to criticise the Bishop. I have full sympathy with him, and doubt- less if I were in his place I might have become dis- couraged long ago. I find great comfort in that our God is not simply the only God, but our Father also. It is a great trial to me to leave Japan, but ... I cannot write on this subject. I am glad to say that I can sleep much better and have experienced no sharp headaches ; but I find it a hard thing to write much. Ceylon, April 27, 1884. We reached Singapore after a hot voyage of five days. I did not go ashore because it was the Lord's day, and passed a very uncomfortable night, as the steamer was taking on coal. Those who went ashore were equally miserable on account of the heat. Mon- day I visited the city, which is inhabited by mixed races, most of the shopkeepers being Chinese. About the wharf are small houses in which poor natives and Chinese live. They are one story high and supported on posts. The vegetation is splendid. We found a carriage and drove to the city. The driver was a great cheat. Groves of cocoanut-trees growing to CEYLON. 251 enormous heights were delightful to us. I bought a weekly paper, resembling our "Japan Mail," which cost 40 cents; also a most delicious pineapple, of a naked boy. The road to the city was well laid out, and the botanical garden, planted with tropical trees, is well kept up. The Maharaja of Johore visited the steamer to bid farewell to some friends. He was dressed in the English style, and wore a colored band of silk about the waist. Singapore is an island of undulating ground. If the straits were fortified no man-of-war would be able to pass through. It is well situated for growth, and may in the future become of more importance than Hongkong. April 23d. We arrived in the harbor of Penang this morning. The island is just west of the penin- sula of Malacca ; is about thirteen miles wide and nine long, and, except on the north, where the city is, hilly and mountainous. Owing to the intense heat of the tropical sim I did not accompany the few courageous ones who went ashore to visit the city. Sunday, 27th. The English service conducted by the chief steward was thinly attended. The Catholics, Mahometans, and Parsees, were not, of course, pres- ent. The younger officers regard it as a stupid and tiresome thing. One of them said, we are soon to meet with storms because missionaries are aboard. On this account the sailors are much afraid of us. I dislike written forms of prayer, but I liked to be with Chris- tians and enjoyed singing with them. We sighted the island of Sumatra on the afternoon of the 25th. To the northwest is the beautiful wooded Poolo Way. Splendid showers passed over its thick forests and a rare rainbow made me wish I was a painter. The heat is very oppressive. This morning we began to 252 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. see the peaks of Ceylon in the distance, though I do not yet smell the odors of those famous spices ! We shall change our steamer to-morrow at Colombo and may have a chance to see that famous prisoner Arabi Pasha, as also to visit the temples of Kandy. I feel more and more what a rare opportunity I am en- joying, and think of those Italian cities before me; but above all I am thankful that I am once more invited to my dear America to see you. My heart constantly goes back to my dearly beloved Japan. I can only say for her sake I am now here. 29th. We entered the harbor of Colombo early in the morning. The harbor is protected by a finely built breakwater on which is a railway and lighthouse. I drove with my Japanese friend to the house of Arabi Pasha. Leaving our carriage at the gate we entered the grounds. A young man came to ask us what we wanted. We presented our cards and told him we came to call upon Arabi Pasha. While we were talk- ing we saw a tall man dressed in white walking to and fro under the palm-trees. The young man took us to that gentleman and presented him our cards. He was glad to see us and ordered chairs. We exchanged salutations in the Oriental fashion. He asked the ob- ject of our visit, and whether we were going to Eng- land. He asked, also, where we learned English. We informed him that English was extensively taught in Japan. He then inquired whether England had possessions in Japan. We replied, of course, in the negative. Our conversation was interrupted by a short visit from some English ladies. He seemed to take more of a fancy to us than to his English visitors, but when I came to draw out something about Egypt he showed dislike to any conversation on that subject, INTERVIEW WITH ARABI PASHA. 253 remarking: "We cannot tell what will become of Egypt. God only knows. He will take care of it." He asked how large a military force we had in Japan, also how many men-of-war. To our replies he said, "Very good." He advised us to maintain a good army and navy. He inquired about our educational system, and was much pleased to hear of our progress in that respect. Whenever our answers pleased him he said, "very good." I asked about the religion of the Arabs. He replied "Every Arab is a Mahometan." He was pleased when I informed him that I had a copy of the Koran. I have not read it yet, but will do so. He said the Mahometan religion was spreading quite fast in India, and also in China. He asked what re- ligion I embraced, and my reply surprised him. He spoke through an interpreter, but occasionally he burst forth in broken English. His voice is tiger- like, but he has wonderfully pleasant features when he smiles. He is tall and rather fat; his face is full and his eyes comparatively small; his skin and hair are dark, and he wore a long white garment. He received profound obedience from his attendants, and seemed to be one loved and respected. When we bid him adieu he thanked us for calling upon him and gave us his autograph. Then we drove through groves of palm trees, and the streets and market of the town. The native streets are dirty and dusty, and everywhere were bad odors; the shops are small, scantily supplied, and very inferior to those of Singapore and to the Chinese shops of Hongkong. Most of the houses are of mud, with but one story. The cottages without the city, surrounded by green yards and tall palm-trees, are very picturesque. We saw several nicely built 254 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. churches of European style; these are Catholic. Numbers of natives crowded about us, showing us rec- ommendations in English and Japanese, and saying, "Other people tell lies, but me tell no lies." They were like flies in midsummer, shameless and bold; they have no self-respect and are downright beggars. At the market were many fruits unknown to me ; the oranges are not so good as ours. I wished to ask many questions, but we were surrounded by so many shameless beggars and found ourselves amid such bad smells that, after buying some fruit, we cleared out. May 5th. We are opposite the island of Soko- tra, which is seventy-one miles long. It is an Eng- lish possession, inhabited by a few Arabian fishermen, and has a few valleys where vegetables can be grown. May 7th. Quite early in the morning we reached Aden, but on account of the quarantine were obliged to remain on the steamer. The town is built on the barren hills ; not a single tree in sight. In the after- noon we passed the Gate of Tears and saw the wrecks of six steamers lying not far apart. May 13th. Suez is yet a miserable place. There are few respectable houses, the rest being low Arabian mud houses without windows or tiles. Some of them are not over seven feet high, the roofs flat or like bee- hives, covered with hay and rubbish to prevent leak- age. The railway system is bad. There is no head manager. Near Alexandria our conductor and engi- neer had a terrible quarrel. Everything was in con- fusion. Time is nothing to these Egyptians. May 17th. Arrived in Brindisi and took the train for Naples. The fields are in a high state of cultiva- tion. Miles and miles of grape-vines and olive-trees. The farmhouses neat and picturesque. The stations ROME. 255 are substantial stone buildings and the second-class carriages far better than those of Japan. TO MRS. HARDY. Rome, May 29, 1884. I visited St. Peter's this morning, and was per- fectly bewildered by its richness and vastness. It is far beyond my description. I gave especial attention to the few Raphaels there. But my desire for the fine arts is too profound, and I must cut short my stay in Rome, for I shall be tempted to overdo. I could but pity those poor devotees who kissed the toe of that bronze statue of St. Peter. While I was gazing this afternoon at that beautiful interior of S. Paolo Fuori le Mura I began to wonder and query what St. Paul would say of the building, or rather of the builder, if he should rise to-day. I should like to ask both Peter and Paul their private opinions of these things done in their honor. I am myself too radical and too practical, and as I cannot get replies at once from these departed apostles must be contented with my own opinions and criticisms. I have called on our minister and Rev. A. G. Gray ; also upon the Minis- ter of Public Instruction. The rector of the Collegio Romano showed me over this Jesuit college, and I had a long conversation with Dr. Ottavio Grampini, the librarian. I have also visited several schools with the director of primary instruction. So I do not devote myself altogether to sight-seeing, but am trying to solve problems about this nation, its future and draw- backs. This is a great place to study humanity. I find traveling and sight-seeing both expensive and fa- tiguing, and shall try to find some good resting-place in Switzerland or Scotland before coming to you. I 256 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. am now bound to get well. I am very careful about my expenses; a missionary ought not to travel like rich people. I must defer telling you my rich experi- ences in Naples and Rome. Some thoughts differ from the reality. I used to think of the clear and beautiful Tiber ; but what a dirty stream it is ! TO MRS. HARDY. Turin, June 18, 1884. I remained six days in Florence, and spent much time in those splendid Pitti and Uffizi galleries. But what interested me most were the relics of Savonarola, which are kept in an old cell where he used to stay. I had a most interesting interview with Dr. Villari, the author of Savonarola's life. I found him rather indifferent to religious matters. He adopts Cavour's principle : a free church in a free state. He hesitated to reply when I inquired his own religious views, but of Christianity he said, " It is an excellent thing for the country, and has a powerful civilizing effect." To my question whether the spirit of Savonarola still survived he replied in the negative, to my great dis- appointment. Savonarola is dead, indeed, and the square where he was burned is not ornamented in his honor, but with mythological emblems. Alas! the spirit of this monk may be dead in the hearts of Ital- ians, but he still lives and preaches to those of the evangelical faith. I also called on Dr. Piccini, the Oriental scholar. He has many Chinese and Japan- ese manuscripts. I have visited many institutions of learning. I find the clergy of Italy less well educated than those of France and Germany. But I meet very many accomplished Oriental scholars, especially Dr. Teza of Pisa, who speaks German, Dutch, English, TURIN. 257 French, etc., and reads Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, and many hieroglyphic languages. He is Professor of Sanscrit in the university. Social science and lan- guage is much studied at Pisa, philosophy in Naples. I am quite free from the fever which I contracted in the Red Sea, and had courage enough to climb that famous tower. It was towards evening, — a calm and beautiful evening, too. In the west, over the Mediterranean Sea, there was a splendid sunset, and in the northwest the ragged peaks of the Apennines, while around me lay the city and the highly cultivated fields. I shall never forget that view in my life. I visited Genoa hastily, and passing under the lofty mountains came through the beautiful valley of the Po. I attended a Protestant service in Turin. About twenty poorly dressed, ignorant-looking people, mostly women, — a discouraging sight ! The work in Ro- man Catholic Italy seems disheartening. Their faith is not in God, but in religious forms. In company with Dr. Torre I visited the university and St. John's Hospital. People here have a most wonderful skill in taking money out from a traveler's pocket. I have decided to go to Torre Pellico in the Waldensian valley to rest three or four weeks. I have several letters of intro- -duction to eminent English people, members of Par- liament, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and others, and am perplexed whether I shall try to rest here or not. It may be best for me to do so, but the temp- tation to give this time to England is very strong. Although sight-seeing diverts my thought from Chris- tian work, it is hard for me not to think of Japan. I hope I shall gain strength enough to labor for Japan many coining years. 258 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. TO MR. HARDY. Torre Pellico, July 1, 1884. This valley is directly west from Turin, and Torre Pellico is the largest community. Here is a college for young men and a school for girls. The population is of the Protestant faith. The American consul in Turin advised me to come here, because of the beau- tiful scenery and fine air. He said nothing of the community in this valley, but I knew something of it before and am much interested to know more about it and to study its history. You know what severe religious persecutions they have suffered. They are just well enough off to support themselves, but can do nothing else. But for their poverty they might be a leaven to Italy. I have already taken some ex- cursions to neighboring high hills, and have made many acquaintances whose society I enjoy. I cannot read or study much yet. As my health has been going down some years it may take some time to build it up. In your kind letter you urge me not to think about money for our school in Kyoto. But, dear sir, I have no single day in which my thought could be free from Japan. My heart is in two places, — heaven and Japan, — yes, one more place, — America. I desire to raise some money in America to start a medical school, for which I have already written to you with Dr. Barry. In Japan I also be- gan to receive some sympathy from friends in regard to founding some special chair in our school. The matter looks rather dubious yet, but I feel I must work for it. I must either sink or swim, succeed or die. But I must not write on this subject any more lest you send me a regular scolding. Allow me to EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL. 259 send you my special request to pray for Japan in- tensely, fervently. My heart burns for her and I cannot check it. Mr. Neesima became deeply interested in the Wal- densians at Florence, where he visited their theologi- cal school, and remained over a month at Torre Pel- lico, studying their history, institutions, and manner of life. The following thoughts are from his journal of this period. Most of them were written from his bed, to which he was confined by a fever contracted on an excursion when, overtaken by a storm, he was com- pelled to pass the night in a shed on the mountains. " Silence. Silence is one of the virtues. There is much safety in silence. Wise men never talk much. As the tongue was given us to use for good purposes, use it for such. Vain and senseless talking often in- jures our reputation and causes us to lose our man- hood. I often noticed uneasiness and a chaff-like element in vain and talkative men. There is some- thing noble and serene in silence. It does not imply concealment, for the wicked often conceal their deeds with words. Silence is a manly forbearance. A man of silence is a blessing to a family and to society. It ought by no means to be accompanied by a bitter countenance, but rather with a cheerful one. Vain talking disturbs, but silence soothes and heals. We can easily weigh a man of vain talk, but cannot easily measure the depths of mind of a wisely silent man. But do not keep silence if by speaking we can do good or bear witness for the truth. O, how large a portion of our talk we spend upon the vain things of the world, and how little for the truth! When a 260 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. word goes out from our mouth it is like water spilled on a parched soil ; there is no possibility of taking it back again. What is said, is said. It becomes a fact of our lives for which we must in the future give an account. But above all let us not harbor evil thoughts, for evil thoughts are the mainspring of evil and vain talking. "Poor creatures! we plan much and can do very little. Our plans are often defeated by something. "Receive, others patiently. If one would be a hero, let him be patient. If any brother do not behave as he ought, wait for some occasion to drop a kind word, so as not to offend him. Never send away a brother in Christ when he comes. 'The sacred beast does not trample upon even a blade of grass, ' — which means that no man, however stupid, no enemy, however bit- ter, is despised by the divine mind. Cause no man to fail. Bear the evils of others for God's sake, for He bears ours patiently. He does not correct us fu- riously, at once, but takes many occasions to heal us and many years to sanctify us. Let us by no means neglect our duty to others. Look at the ocean, — how beautiful it is ! Yet it must receive many filthy things from the shores. It receives and purifies. We shall be happy men if we can be like it. Be minute for ourselves in everything, but when we come to deal with others, let us be careful not to offend them by a close calculation. " Roughness and Politeness. A rough manner with a kind heart is far better than a petty artificial polite- ness with no least meaning. Japan is one of the po- litest nations in the world, but, alas ! the heart is not in it. Artificial politeness is a national habit. This is not the result of a true sincerity. Politeness ought EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL. 261 to be the necessary exponent of real love and kind- ness; but without sincerity it is a kind of deception. " Business Character. The Italians appear to be polite, but they lack business character. They are by nature easy-going, and would rather postpone busi- ness if possible. They will not move unless they are pushed by some one. They do not know how to be prompt. They talk much and are easily excited. Time is not money for them. Do what is to be done promptly. Waste no time in talking. Do it, and it is done. "Man's Greatness. Man's greatness does not depend upon his learning, but upon his disinterest- edness in self. Those with much learning are apt to be more selfish than the unlearned. Let us look at Christ on the cross. He is our example. O how noble, how grand, how gracious, He seems to us! Let us forget self, and offer ourselves freely for the cause of truth. Let us also be truly penitent and humble. I call this man's greatness. " The True Hero-worshiper. Most Japanese are hero-worshipers. They are a difficult people to man- age except by a hero to whom they can look up. Yet they are very easily led away by a hero. They move on the sensational currents of the hero's opinions, and lack individuality. Most hero-worshipers are tinged with the same color as that of their hero. Their weak point is that they cannot rise above their hero. If he makes a mistake, or fails, they also do the same. If he falls, they fall likewise. This has been true of us, as close examination of our history will show. You will also find that there has been no hero in Japan who has done all for unselfish ends. He is apt to be more selfish than the common mass of the people. 262 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. If the mind of our people be directed to the Hero of heroes, the greatest the world has ever produced, I am sure it would revolutionize the future of Japan. He is far above Socrates and Confucius, yet He is the friend of the poor. He is far above Alexander or Napoleon, yet He shed his own blood for humanity, in- stead of shedding that of hundreds of thousands of the innocent for his own gratification. He had no selfish aim in his life ; He was perfectly holy, yet perfectly simple ; He had no place to rest his head, yet He sits for eternity on the throne of the universe. If the Japanese must have a hero, let them worship this one, the Hero of heroes. His worshipers will be tinted with the one best color, — the color of godliness. Within this bound there is ample scope for freedom : man can choose any profession except bad and harm- ful ones. In folio wing Him we shall obtain true hu- man liberty and certainly preserve our individuality. O how I long for our people to turn towards this Hero, so far above weak humanity. "If I teach again I will pay special attention to the poorest scholar in the class. If I can do that I believe 1 can be a successful teacher. "A Policy for our Training School. Let us be like an unpolished diamond. Never mind the out- ward rough appearance, if we can have the shining part within. Let these three factors be our perpet- ual mottoes: 1. Christ as our foundation stone. 2. Well qualified instructors. 3. Well selected library and thorough equipment of apparatus. These three factors will be the true shining part of our school. Too much of brick and mortar does not suit my hum- ble taste. I am terribly craving for the inner polish. That will certainly command the respect of thoughtful Japanese far more than brick, stone, and mortar. EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL. 263 "Ordinary observers may take no notice of the un- polished diamond. A skilled jeweler sees at a glance what it is. Wonderful beauty within ! Never mind if the world takes no notice of us because we do not shine in society. If we could only have that wonder- ful beauty within, that were enough for us. If we have the life and light of Christ within us, then we are most precious diamonds, though we may seem rather dull and unpolished outwardly. "Always remember the disappointed. "Promises. Fulfill your promises promptly. Never postpone till to-morrow, for we may not see to-morrow or may be fully occupied with something- else. It is a sort of weakness and shame for a man to make all sorts of apologies to another. Let yea be yea, and nay be nay. Do, or not do. But never be sluo-ffish or leave business half done. Earnestness is like a transparent crystal ; but love is like honey, always sweet and without any bitterness. "Try to say what we mean, and never anything which we do not really mean in our heart. It is a moral weakness to utter what we do not really mean. Straightforwardness is found mostly among the Anglo- Saxon races. "I find some Christians narrow and stupid. Yet Christianity ought to produce great-heartedness, activ- ity, and progress. Narrowness and stupidity are the results of a dead faith. Salt which has lost its savor is good for nothing. "There is great danger of our forming an opinion of others by looking at them in one case. We should be careful, because some who are quite deficient in one respect may be very efficient in another. There must be some defect even in a so-called perfect man. 264 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. Discover his temper, his education, his surroundings, his circumstances in life. See how he behaves in some unusual case. Never criticise too soon, else we shall surely misjudge him. Judge with a Christian grace. Never be too harsh or too minute. Love oth- ers as our Heavenly Father loves us. If we have love on our side we shall lose all our petty criticising spirit. O, it is a most unhappy and unhealthy tiling to have too critical eyes for others. When we dis- cover some defect in others, take it as it were upon ourselves and try not to repeat it. When we see great success among our brethren, wish more success for them. Never look upon our dear brother with an envious eye. If he is good, praise him, pray for him, and follow his example. I observed often that when some one hears good news of his friend he would say, 'But he is so and so,' instead of rejoicing over his success. Weak human nature is prevailing every- where. There is a great deal of competition among educated people. Note: Be especially patient when we are sick or feeling unhappy. " Don't be a Jack-at-all-trades. In passing through some country towns I notice there are ever so many things shown in the shops, but when I closely exam- ine each article I find the stock of each kind is rather scanty. It is well for us to be widely informed on many subjects, but do not imitate those country shops, — many articles, but a scanty supply of each. We ought to be well posted in at least one subject or professional study. It will be a rich treat to us. Success in our life will chiefly hang upon it. Let this be our defensive and offensive weapon on the battle- field of truth. Though our talent be small, let it be solid and weighty. Be single-minded for a single EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL. 265 purpose. We shall sooner or later reach our mark. Never shoot one arrow into the air; aim at an object surely, and then let it go. If we miss, then repeat the process again and again until we can satisfy our- selves. I never knew of a single case of a talented, puffed up, yet unsettled man accomplishing anything noteworthy. "Never miss a rare opportunity to do good. Let our guns be always loaded. When we meet our game, aim at it and shoot it instantly; for our game will never wait for us. When we meet with any occasion to do good to another, don't let it go; don't wait for to-morrow ; do it at once, for we may never have the occasion again. To shoot wild game is a mere pleasure, but to shoot men for our Master is a grave business. Let our guns be first loaded with living powder and bullets from on high, and be always ready. Many hunters of men carry their guns un- loaded. This explains why Christ's kingdom does not spread faster among men. " The Divine Fire. Many Christian ministers may have highest culture, and may write their sermons with much skill and thought, — beautifully executed work, like a Grecian marble statue. Alas! there is no heat in it. Heat must be caused by fire ; if there is no fire in the sermon to heat the hearer's heart, it is a serious affair. Divine fire is needed to heat men's hearts. This fire can only be got by daily seeking. Those who depend very much upon their talent and knowledge are very apt to forget to seek this much needed divine fire for themselves as well as for their hearers. How cold such a heart must be to a congregation ! It is fireless and lifeless. If each professing Christian had this divine fire what would 266 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. be the aspect of the Christian world! O Heavenly Father, give us this fire ! However small we may be, if we have genuine fire we shall consume even the whole world. How small a spark burned up a vast forest in Canada ! How small a lamp consumed two thirds of the great city of Chicago ! Sometimes one may make an artificial fire in imitation of the divine, but his hearers will sooner or later detect it; it is a mock fire. God will not bless such. O let the divine fire be burning within us always. "When we are successful in life let us remember Christ's words: 'It is I.' He is the cause of all true success. When we are frightened, or disappointed, or alone, let lis remember how he said, ' It is I . ' O the consolation of Christ's presence! "When I awoke this morning I thought of some prayer for some important event in the world. A single prayer, a single word or deed, may exert some vast influence. O what responsible creatures we are ! I wish I realized it more. " ' It is finished. ' Was ever dying speech so bold ! "Is there any one in the world perfectly free from selfish ambition ? How can one know that he is free from such? Or is there any one perfectly free from the slightest deception? Can deception ever be erad- icated from civilized society ? How many of us can say to God, 'I have lived my life without the slight- est ambition or deception ' ? Has any one ever seen, or could we expect to see, such a perfect type of hu- manity among the race of Adam, except the Son of God? It is too foolish to entertain such a question, but I would like to meet such a person. " To be aimless is to be lifeless. A doubting mind never accomplished anything. If we have a doubt SUDDEN ILLNESS. 267 then, first clear up the doubt. A half-way scientist, or scholar, or Christian, or statesman, or benefactor, is of no account in the world." On the 5th of August, Mr. Neesima started from Turin for Switzerland by the way of Lake Como and the St. Gothard pass with Dr. Alex. Thompson, who had been laboring among the Jews and Turks for thirty-one years. At Goschenen he left his compan- ion and proceeded on foot with a German gentleman whom he met at the latter place. What followed is best described in his own words. Lucerne, August 9, 1884. I wrote these inclosed papers at the Hotel du Mont Prosa on the St. Gothard pass on the 6th inst. , when I was greatly troubled by my heart there. I felt something quite wrong in my breathing just a mile before I reached the pass. I requested a German gentleman who accompanied me to leave me behind, because I could not keep up with him. Accordingly he went on. I stopped to take breath every ten yards, but after a great struggle I reached the hotel in the pass. After resting a while I took my dinner, but had no appetite, and also began to cough. After rest- ing further on a sofa I felt myself growing worse and worse and asked for a doctor, but there was none. I took a tablespoonful of brandy, to arrest my chill, and also applied mustard. About this time I began to think that it might possibly be the Lord's will to take me away from this changeable world to that unchange- able and glorious one. At this moment my thought for Japan, my plan for mission work, my constant day- dream to found a Christian university, my tender feel- 238 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. ing for my wife and parents, my gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, came up at once like a volcanic fire. Still above all these feelings I believe I perfectly re- signed myself to the hand of my Heavenly Father, and asked him repeatedly to receive my soul to his bosom if it be his will. While I was suffering from a most distressed feeling in my chest, how happy and how thankful I was for the Father's kind care over me, and especially for his forgiving grace manifested through his son Jesus Christ. Than I sat up in bed and wrote the inclosed will on two sheets of drawing paper which I then had with me for sketching. While writing that I almost fainted away. Towards evening I began to feel a little bet- ter, and took a cup of tea. I slept quite well. On the following morning I was still better, but had not strength to start for Andermatt, so I took a carriage from Airolo and reached Andermatt about dinner time, resting quietly there that afternoon. Desiring to see a doctor I started for Lucerne on the 8th. My chest was examined by Dr. Stocker. He warned me to keep myself quiet for a few days, as he found my heart out of sound state. I desire to keep these papers, because I had then a most unparalleled feeling I ever felt in my past life. Since then I feel more and more my life is not for me. Whether I live or die I must live or die for Christ. May the Lord ever keep this sin-wounded soul under his protecting hand, and count me as a least one in his kingdom through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. His most unworthy servant, Joseph H. Neesima. WILL WRITTEN IN ST. GOTHARD PASS. 2G9 I am a native of Japan and a Christian missionary to my native land. On account of my ill-health I was obliged to leave my native land. I came from Milan to Andermatt yesterday and took a room at the Hotel Oberalp. I started on a trip to the St. Gothard pass with a German gentleman this morning. As I found myself unwell he left me here and went on to Airolo. I found myself hard of breathing. It must be some trouble in my heart. My goods are in the Hotel Oberalp with some money. If I die please send a tel- egram to Pastor Jurino, 51 Via Torino, Milan, and ask him to take charge of my body. May the kind Heavenly Father receive my soul to his bosom. Au- gust 6, 1884. J. H. Neesima. Whoever reads this writing, pray for Japan, my dear native land. I would ask the Pastor Jurino to bury me in Milan and send this writing to Hon. Alpheus Hardy, 4 Joy Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., as he and his wife have been my benefactors these twenty years. May the Lord give them ample rewards both now and here- after. Send a telegram to Mr. Hardy at once. Please cut and send a little portion of my hair to my dear wife and aged parents in Kyoto, Japan, as a token of the inseparable bond of union in Christ. My plan for Japan will be defeated. But thanks be to the Lord that He has done so much for Japan. I trust He will yet do the wonderful work there. May the Lord raise up many true Christians and noble patriots for my dear fatherland ! Amen and amen. Lucerne, August 17. I bought an Alpinestock at Milan, intending to do much walking. But my plan is defeated. Still I take what comes to me. I have learned in my expe- 270 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. rience to make a resolution never to be sorry or dis- couraged. O hard resolution ! I am now gathering materials on the Swiss higher education. Then I shall visit Prof. Christlieb at Bonn. While I meet these trials on account of my health, yet I find sunshine al- ways before me. I have received a cordial invitation from the Mission House at Basle, and expect to go there next week. On the advice of the physician consulted at Lu- cerne Mr. Neesima abandoned the walking tour he had contemplated in Switzerland and started for Eng- land via Basle, Wiesbaden, Bonn, Brussels, and Rot- terdam. He remained some time with his old friends at Wiesbaden, and after a fortnight in London and a visit to the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, sailed from Liverpool for New York, where he ar- rived September 27, 1884. On the way to Boston he passed a few days at New Haven with President Por- ter. His journal of October 1st contains the brief entry: "How happy I was when Boston came in sight, and I saw the gilded dome of its State House and the spires of its churches. How kindly I was welcomed there." On October 7th he left Boston for Columbus, Ohio, to be present at the seventy-fifth annual meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and made a short address at the evening meeting of the 10th. On his return to Boston he wrote an appeal in behalf of a higher Christian educa- tion for Japan. This appeal, indorsed by the secreta- ries of the Board, by Presidents Seelye and Hopkins, was printed for private circulation among the friends of education, and is given below, together with the LETTER TO PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. 271 letter addressed at the same time to the Prudential Committee. To the Prudential Committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Dear Sirs, — Allow me to submit to you the fol- lowing statements to invite your attention to my hum- ble scheme for the speedy evangelization of Japan. Before I dwell upon the subject just mentioned, I first beg your attention to the past and present condi- tion of the country. Japan, as you well know, was once opened to for- eign intercourse, and also to Jesuit enterprise, in the sixteenth century. But for certain reasons the ports were closed to all western nations except the Dutch, and Roman Catholicism was checked by inhumanly persecuting and exterminating the devotees of the Cross, numbering probably more than 600,000. Japan thus became a hermit nation, so isolated and so exclusive. She would have nothing to do with the outside world. From that time it remained a rigid law of the country to fire upon every black vessel (as foreign vessels were then called by us) seen approach- ing our coasts, until we were compelled by your diplo- matists to make a treaty with the United States. This was the day dawn of our history. The people were suddenly awakened from their profound morning dreams. Party spirit at once displayed itself. The commotion of the country was fearful. Bloodshed and assassination occurred here and there. Soon the late Revolution burst forth, the result of which was most marvellous even to our eyes. The despotic gov- ernment of the Shogun was crushed, and the reigning power of the Mikado was restored in the sacred person 272 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. of the present emperor. Those proud minds which had fought for the cause of the Mikado and had also determined to shut out foreigners from the coast, sud- denly changed their views and turned out to be the most zealous advocates of western civilization. The anti-foreign spirit, which might have been a great barrier to progress, was crushed out by those strong- hands. The affairs of the country began to be con- ducted on quite a different basis. Zealous, talented, and far-sighted patriots were appointed by the em- peror to administer the nation's affairs. A cabinet was formed, and eight ministers appointed. All the feudal daimio gave up their possessions to the govern- ment for the common good of the nation. Their re- tainers, the proud samurai, were ordered to lay aside their swords. The etta, the outcast of society, were permitted to be numbered among the people. The military system of European nations was at once in- troduced. War vessels were built and purchased, dockyards were constructed. An active competition arose between native and foreign steamship compa- nies. Post-offices were everywhere established, and telegraph wires were stretched throughout the country. The public schools were constantly improved. Tun- nels were cut and railways were built to connect im- portant commercial centres. The streets of Tokyo began to be lighted by gas lamps, and foreign car- riages ran in its thoroughfares. An American tram- way was laid out in the capital. Many banks were organized on the European model. Chambers of commerce and houses of exchange were also started in several important cities. A police system was carefully wrought out and is well managed. Courts of justice were erected in the large towns, and the LETTER TO PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. 273 rights of person and property became far better pro- tected. The common and high school systems were first started in the year 1872, and so far as outward form is concerned, are now very successful. About the same time the Tokyo University was founded by the emperor. There are now more than 2,000 stu- dents in its care. The printing- press began active operations, and newspapers and magazines were issued with triple speed. Common intelligence is spreading quite fast. Materialistic science is getting to have a mighty sway to crush out the old superstitions. The pagan religions are losing the support both of the gov- ernment and the people. Public lecturers are diligent in advancing their own political and scientific opinions or theories. Self-government is becoming the topic of discussion among inquiring minds. All these material and social changes have sprung up like magic within less than twenty years, and this very fact has induced us to believe that the evangelis- tic work in Japan might as well be done in the same way. Yea, the present changing condition of the country has prompted us to desire that the gospel be now introduced there with zeal and energy, else the anti-Christian elements of materialism and socialism will soon become the greatest barrier to its healthy progress. Buddhism and Confucianism will not be much in our way. But these modern unbelieving ele- ments from abroad will certainly be our future foes. The government has lately recognized the tendency to lawlessness, discontent, and disorder. Some cry out for liberty without morality, and eagerly run after civ- ilization without religion. Crimes of all descriptions are more frequent than ever before. The increase of the police force is accompanied by an increase in the 274 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. 11 umber of criminals. The introduction of moral in- struction in the schools is unavailing - if the teachers themselves are without morality. Failing thus in every attempt to improve her subjects, the govern- ment has begun unconsciously to seek for something better than the mere product of human minds. On the other hand, the Christian education carried out by your Mission in Kyoto has lately begun to show forth its great importance and its bright pros- pects. Though the institution is yet young it has al- ready sent out forty-six graduates from the English, and twenty-eight from the theological course. These graduates, though they may be inferior to those who have studied at the government university of T5kyo, yet in their high moral tone and zealous Christian character command the great respect of the people. The governor of a province remarked, after an in- terview with one of our graduates: "There is no young man like him within our province. What a pure aim and high moral tone that young fellow has ! " The editor-in-chief of the Tokyo "Weekly" is also one of our graduates. A few years ago he started .that Christian paper in our capital with the feeble support of our young churches, and he was obliged to put in all his own private means. But he works on bravely for the sake of its utmost necessity, and not for gain ; ready to confront any opponents who assail the Christian religion. The moral victory manifested among the young students in our training-school is a great marvel in the eyes of our Ky5to citizens. It is truly an unpre- cedented fact in our national life. This Christian in- stitution, so recently started there, has already shown forth its healthy fruit. We have never tried to make LETTER TO PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. 275 ourselves known much. But somehow we are known among - the leading - men of Japan. They begin to speak well of our school. Some of them have already sent their sons and friends to be educated under Chris- tian influences, and they would the more gladly do so if we could raise higher the standard of our school. They urge us very strongly to found chairs for differ- ent professional studies on their account. They fur- ther tell us that if we will do so, we can save many, many youth from falling into bad company, youthful vices, and, finally, utmost ruin. It is a great disap- pointment to them to have to send their sons away to other schools to be further educated after finishing the five years' course with us. In Japan schools are gen- erally most dangerous places for young men if there be no teaching of Christianity. Materialistic influ- ence is inseparably combined with licentious practice. A rich merchant, who lives some way from us and who is quite unknown to us, visited Kyoto some years ago, and at the very first interview with a trustee of our school promised to furnish us at least 5,000 yen, if we would found a law school in connection with the Doshisha. He has been friendly to us ever since, and his two daughters are now being educated at the Kyoto Home sustained by your Mission. The cry for professional studies comes to us not only from outsid- ers, but also from our churches. They wish us to start a medical school in Kyoto. It was about three years ago, when Christian workers sent three delegates to Dr. J. C. Berry at Arima, his summer retreat, to request him to ask the American Board to found a medical school in connection with the training-school in Kyoto. They had found out that Christian physi- cians would be a great help to the cause. When we 21 G TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. held the meeting of our Home Missionary Society at Kyoto last year, all the delegates of the churches con- nected with your Mission talked upon the subject again, and sent another united appeal to the doctor for the medical school. They all agreed that if he could obtain an appropriation from the American Board to start it in Kyoto, they would do something towards buying grounds and building edifices. Each expressed the necessity for such a school in the present stage of our Christian work. I am sure that if such an institution be founded on a Christian basis, as is the case with our school, it will greatly promote not only the work of evangelization but the general wel- fare of poor humanity. As Dr. Berry has already appealed to your public for this cause, I hope and pray he will be successful in raising a fund sufficient to carry out his noble purpose. Just a few days before I left Japan for this country, about seventy eminent citizens of Kyoto held two meetings for the purpose of hearing us on the subject of Christian education. Dr. J. D. Davis and others were invited to address them on that subject. Ac- cordingly we did so and won their hearty approval. They agreed to raise funds sufficient for the endow- ment of several professional chairs in our school in the year 1890, when our emperor will carry out his pledges relative to the formation of our Constitution. Their idea is to commemorate that important event in our political history. We expressed our gratitude for this noble gift, but refused to accept it unless we were given full liberty to dispose of it on a Christian basis. To this bold statement they made no objec- tion. They requested us to take the matter into our own hands and to carry it out for them. We never LETTER TO PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. 211 dreamed of such a thing, even two years ago. It is a great wonder to us that the world begins to run after us with such confidence. However, we are not too sanguine. We will calmly wait and see what they will do for us. A recent interview between some of our leading statesmen and missionaries indicates clearly that the former are anxious to know something of Christianity. I believe some of them feel keenly their treatment by foreign powers as a heathen nation. Recent news from home informs me that some political leaders and editors are beginning to cry out for religious liberty and have published very bold articles in favor of Christianity. The bold action recently taken by the government in severing its connecction with existing pagan religions has induced me to say with a pro- found awe that God is fighting for us. With regard to our young churches, I think they are worthy of your notice. As everywhere else, they have been thus far despised and rejected. But within a year or two they have stepped forward to a front rank in society. The last report informs me that besides helping themselves they have raised nearly one thou- sand dollars for purely mission work, and some of them devoted more than a quarter of their income to this purpose. When we, the delegates from all the churches of the empire, met last year in Tokyo at the third national conference, we participated in a most blessed revival then taking place in the bosom of those churches which welcomed us there. The spirit of the conference, kindled by this revival, toned us up and prompted us to hope that the 36,000,000 of our fellow-creatures might largely be reached within this century. Other revivals followed here and there: 278 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. especially one which burst forth like fire within the walls of our training-school and gave us fresh courage and conviction that the whole kingdom of the Rising Sun would become the kingdom of the Son of Right- eousness and Peace. Ten years ago we prayed that doors might be opened, but now we pray that efficient laborers may enter doors so widely open. It is most painful to deny the Macedonian cry coining from all quarters. When we Christian laborers come together either accidentally or designedly we have no topic of discussion but the direct Christian work at hand. "What shall we do?" is the common phrase among us; and after long observation and careful considera- tion, we have come to the conclusion: Educate and raise up efficient native preachers. I beg your pardon for dwelling so long upon the historical facts before presenting a plan for your con- sideration, but I felt it necessary to do so in order that you should see our present imperative need. I now beg your attention to the following scheme : — First, the highest possible education should be given to the Christian ministry. Second, the thorough education of Christian phy- sicians would be of great auxiliary assistance. Third, the foundation of chairs in Jurisprudence, Political Science, Political Economy, Philosophy, History, Literature, etc., would be a strong attraction to bring the choicest students under Christian influ- ence. I regard the first as a direct Christian work and expect to dwell upon it hereafter, and would also call the second of scarcely less importance ; and the third I might call an indirect work, but it is a process si- lently leavening, influential and powerful. To direct LETTER TO PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. 279 preaching we may meet much opposition, but to this indirect effort none will object. It will be like a mo- ther's gentle influence over her children, too dear to be refused and too impressive to be forgotten. How- ever, it is not our aim simply to make them friends of Christianity, but also to win them to Christ so that they may have life. Why can we not endeavor to reach our future leaders ? Why can we not be fish- ers for men of all grades? As the guns of our enemy are of modern improvement, we ought also to have the best possible guns to discharge the power given from on high. Who can subdue God's elect? We must fight under his banner ; we must win the whole Japan- ese empire for Christ. At present the matter seems to us but a vague dream, but we look to God to help us to realize this dream. I know too well that you cannot undertake the second and third schemes with- out some special donation for those purposes, because your chief aim is the spread of the gospel. So, lay- ing those aside for the moment, I beg permission to dwell upon the first scheme. This is the dearest to us and is not new to you. You have already carried out the plan at Kyoto and have successfully sent out a number of efficient native workers ; and we gratefully acknowledge the boldness of the step you have taken. The establishment of theological schools by our Pres- byterian, Methodist, and English brethren makes the education of the native ministry a prevalent topic among missionaries in Japan. The success your mis- sionaries have had is largely due to their readiness to accept our participation in the work. Though they are Americans in citizenship, they are Japanese in heart. They stand affectionately by us and with us, and most of us appreciate this more paid more. [Mr. 280 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. Neesima then proceeds to enumerate the special needs of the school and to detail his plans for its future.] Some of you may feel that we incline too far towards the intellectual side. But how, without Christian ed- ucation, can a handful of missionaries reach so many swarming - millions? You will surely find it a slow and discouraging- process. They are not even allowed to live in the interior of the country. Let them cast their net where they can catch the best fish, — I mean the class of students belonging to the so-called samu- rai, the privileged bearers of two swords. [Here fol- lows the description of this class, already quoted on page 170.] The success your Mission has thus far had in Japan is chiefly owing to the training-school which your missionaries so early established in the very heart of the empire, the ancient capital of the sacred Mikado. Without a single exception, the Christian laborers educated there and now so nobly engaged in the work belong to the samurai class. Surely you do not regret that bold enterprise. We do not ask you to sustain our primary schools, as is the case in Tur- key and China, for our people take care of the pri- mary education of their children. Neither do we ask you to help our churches, because most of them sup- port themselves. It is also a shame to the red-blood Japanese to beg for money. But I willingly offer myself to bear it for the sake of giving the blessings of the gospel to my fellow-countrymen. But we are constrained to ask you for this special provision both on account of the mighty pressure upon us and the brighter prospect near at hand. We are now in a revolutionary and transition period. Never was there such an occasion in our past history, and doubtless never will there be such in the future. This may be APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 281 the very appointed time of God to save our nation. If we lose this fairest opportunity we fear it will never come back to us again. If we do not discharge our duty now, what will they say to us in that awful day before the throne of judgment? When I think of it my blood boils within my veins and my heart aches. I admire your motto: "Strike while the iron is hot." Do intensify your force ; do try to finish your chief work with a quarter of a century. Then you can ap- ply the same force elsewhere. In the long run it will be more economical. Dear Sirs: I fear I have detained you too long. If any of my remarks offend you, I earnestly beg your pardon. But as a humble missionary of the cross and a sincere lover of my native land I cannot keep silence within me ; and if I do, I fear I will cry out even in my midnight dreams. Allow me to add further that I have poured out my heart and my prayers, as well as my tears upon these pages. I found it a risk to my impaired health. But it was my fixed determi- nation to win your favor at whatever cost. So I sin- cerely and prayerfully request your attention upon these plans. May God show you his own way. Your unworthy friend and fellow-laborer, Joseph H. Neesima. AN APPEAL FOR ADVANCED CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN JAPAN. Old Japan is defeated. New Japan has won its vic- tory. The old Asiatic system is silently passing away, and the new European ideas so recently transplanted there are growing vigorously and luxuriantly. Within the past twenty years Japan has undergone a vast change, and is now so advanced that it will be impos- 282 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. sible for her to fall back to her former position. She has shaken off her old robe. She is ready to adopt something better. The daily press so copiously scat- tered throughout the empire is constantly creating among readers some fresh desire and appetite for the new change. Her leading minds will no longer bear with the old form of despotic feudalism, neither be contented with the worn-out doctrines of Asiatic mor- als and religions. They cried out for a constitution a few years ago, and have already obtained a promise from the emperor to have it given them in the year 1890. The pagan religions seem to their inquiring minds mere relics of the old superstition. The compulsory education lately carried out in the common schools, amounting in number to almost thirty thousand, is proved to be a mighty factor to quicken and elevate the intelligence of the masses. The Im- perial University at Tokyo is sending out men of high culture by the hundred every year to take some re- sponsible positions either in the governmental service or private capacities. Another university will soon be founded by the government at Osaka, the second important commercial city of the empire, to accommo- date the youths so anxiously craving the higher educa- tion. It will be out of the way for me to dwell here upon the material progress Japan has so recently made. But let it suffice to state that the waters of her coasts are busily plowed by her own steamers. Public roads are constantly improved. Tunnels are being cut here and there, and railways are being laid to connect im- portant commercial points. Telegraph wires arc stretched throughout the whole length and breadth of the empire. Surveying what she has accomplished within so short a period, we cannot help thinking that APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 283 she is bound to adopt the form of European civiliza- tion, and will never cease until she be crowned with success in accomplishing her national aim. In order to bring about the recent change and pro- gress she has painfully sacrificed her precious blood as well as her vast treasure. Indeed, her victory has been dearly purchased. It was a quick work, and was well done. It was a sudden movement, but to our great wonder, very few mistakes have been made in her past course. She has tried her best as far as her capacity would allow. The most serious period of our political revolution is nearly passed, and soci- ety as well as the government will soon precipitate into some new shape. But what shape? To the writer of this article pur immediate future seems a more serious problem than the past. The question is necessarily rising among us, what will be our future? True, she is destined to have a free constitutional government; she is bound to have her people thor- oughly educated. It will be a grand achievement if a free constitution and higher education be secured to her people. But these two factors may be proved to be the very elements apt to bring out freedom of opin- ions, and hence the terrible battles of free opinions. A fearful national chaos might be her fate if nothing intervene to prevent it. If the nation be allowed to take her own course as she does now, hope for her re- generation might forever be gone. But in the time of need, Providence, which rules the nations with infinite wisdom, has stepped in to save us from this national calamity and despair. It was neither too soon nor too late when the missionaries of the cross from Amer- ica landed on our shore to proclaim the soul-saving gospel to the people. Through their earnest labor and 284 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. constant prayers the foundation of the Christian church was soon laid. After some years' experience all the missions en- gaging in the field unanimously adopted one general policy as the best possible method for prosecuting the evangelical work there; that is, to train the native Christians for the Christian ministry. There now are more than half a dozen schools of that nature in the country. Men thus raised on our own soil have gone out here and there to found new churches, and what they have already achieved in converting many souls to the new faith within a short period seems to us a fact greater than mere human agency could have ac- counted for. "God is fighting for us," might be orn- ery. The mission, started in the central part of Japan under the auspices of the American Board only sixteen years ago, has been much blessed and has lately reached the joy of a great harvest. The last report informs us that there were 33 churches with 3,000 communicants, 14 ordained pastors, and 9 acting pastors. A missionary in the field wrote to the Board last July, stating thus : " Six churches have been or- ganized in connection with our mission since January, an average of one a month." Through the wise guid- ance of the brethren, the missionary spirit has been much fostered among these churches. They have al- ready organized a Home Mission Society, and also an Educational Society, to cooperate with the mission of the said Board for carrying out the gospel work. It is a small start. But a desire for self-support is already manifested in their attempt. I am glad to mention here that most of our churches are self-sup- porting, and some of them have never received any pecuniary aid from the Mission from their very begin- APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 285 ning. This is a brief summary of what the mission of the Board has accomplished since it gained its foot- hold in the country. But causes of its very success must not be neglected to be mentioned here. Of course the fact cannot be denied that the field has been much traversed by the feet of those brethren who bore the glad tidings of peace to those anxious soids. But a good share might be attributed to the educational institution of the Board, established at Kyoto some years ago, for furnishing to the churches the most ardent and self-denying native brethren. This institution gives instruction five years in English and three years more in theology. It is quite young, and is not yet fully equipped, yet it seems destined to be the salt of the nation. It was founded thoroughly on the Christian basis, and is now publicly recognized by the people as a school of Jesus. It became a cen- tre to attract many youths from all quarters of the country. Most of them come to the school unbeliev- ing. Before they leave it, all, with few exceptions, become Christians. As there is a constant demand for enlarging and improving the school, the Mission Board has recently taken an extraordinary measure to reinforce it with more men and more means. More edifices have been built. More apparatus has been purchased. More volumes have been added to the library. The pre- paratory course in English has lately been much im- proved. The theological course has also taken a bold step to enlarge its curriculum. Still there is much to be done. The present provision might do very well, if there were not any institutions of learning in the coun- try much higher than our mission school. But the government's university has made a great advance in 286 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. the latter years in sending out a large number of its graduates. The time vill soon come with us when the poorly educated will be obliged to retire from the pub- lic service as leaders of society. In order to occupy a very front rank as Christian preachers in such a so- ciety, our young men must receive the first-class edu- cation. The ten years' experience in Japan has given us a strong conviction that the best possible method to evangelize her people is to raise up the native agency, and such an agency can be only secured by imparting the highest Christian culture to the best youths to be found there. It may be a costly work. But it will surely pay well at the end. Of course the mission work ought to be a faith work. But with us the in- tellectual culture cannot possibly be ignored. The better educated can do a larger work. Better quali- fied preachers can organize self-sustaining and self- propagating churches much faster than the ill-quali- fied. So imparting a broad culture to our best youths will be a most indispensable means to win and pre- pare them for the Master's work. Besides this great demand to carry out the evangelical work, there is another thing to be considered for higher education. We have some youths with us whose circmnstances do not allow them to become preachers, or who are not fit to be preachers. They come to us and take five years' academical course with us. But finding no provision in our school for higher courses other than theology, they are obliged to go somewhere else to pursue further studies. They are led to Christ while in the mission school, but there is danger of their forsaking Him as they go elsewhere. They are yet young in years. Their faith is not strongly con- firmed. They still require further care. They are APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 287 like treasures — too precious to be lost in the depths of unbelief. The institution to which they would be likely to go woidd be the Imperial University at To- kyd, where Christianity is entirely excluded, on ac- count of its connection with the state. There their faith might be chilled. They might wander awaj from the path they once found. What shall we do with such? It is a serious problem to be solved. The only way we have found is to provide chairs for a few studies, by which they would be likely to be benefited for future usefulness. It would help and push our evangelical work if a medical school coidd be established, and Christian medical men raised in it to be sent out with Christian preachers, hand in hand, to carry out the Master's mission. For this cause a lately returned missionary, who spent in Japan more than twelve years, has made an urgent appeal to the American public. But as it required a large sum of money to start it, there has been no adequate response to his request. There is another movement, started at Kyoto last year, to found chairs of Political Science, History, Literature, and Philosophy in connection with this school. Those who are connected with it were com- pelled to take this decisive step, because in the first place they felt they coidd keep those youths within the sacred walls of a Christian school for completing their special studies, and in the second place they thought they could attract those who would gladly come to the school if such instruction be given besides theology. It may seem to some friends here that we are getting out of the track, and starting something alien to the original plan of the school. We did not intend it at first, ourselves. But present circumstances 288 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. have necessarily led us to take this step. It might also be charged by some that we are too ambitious to push the work. To such we would reply that we fear we are left behind the times. If we are destined to be the salt of the earth, we should not allow ourselves to be left behind. Why should not we attempt to win and foster the rising youths who may lead the nation in the future? What the people in the North have done for elevating the blacks in the South, and what the people in the East have done in rearing up the new people in the West, by planting strong colleges and seminaries, besides sending them missionaries, may point out the true way for lifting up the coming race in Japan. If we confine ourselves simply to theo- logical instruction, the sphere of our influence in soci- ety may be limited only to Christian churches. But if we give them some studies other than theology, under thorough Christian instructors, there will be a grand chance for us to grasp a certain class of the youths, and evangelize them within the school walls, whilst there might be no other ways to reach them. We believe Christianity is intended to benefit man- kind at large. Why should we. not undertake to ex- tend our influence toward the higher sphere as well as toward the lower, that we might win all men to Christ ? Why should we seriously object to raise up Christian statesmen, Christian lawyers, Christian editors, and Christian merchants, as well as Christian preachers and teachers, within the walls of our Christian insti- tutions? It is our humble purpose to save Japan through Christianity. The souls and bodies of our Orientals ought to be thoroughly purged, and conse- crated to Christ for establishing his glorious kingdom in the earth as in heaven. If we do not raise up men APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 289 after God's own heart in the different spheres of our society to leaven the whole lump, we fear the seed of destruction will be soon sown by other agents while we make this delay. Remember what our Saviour said in Luke xvi. 8: "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." There might be some undue fear that such a provi- sion of those higher studies would naturally draw away ambitious students from the theological course. It may be, but we trust we shall receive a larger supply of students in the academical course, so that some could be spared for other studies without much loss to the theological department. On the contrary we may possibly attract some students to it from the other courses. Some evil may arise in such an undertaking, but it may be overbalanced by the good accomplished by it. Now allow us to state a few reasons for this undertaking : — • 1. Such a provision will detain the youths for further studies in the school after finishing the aca- demical course. It will help them to develop and strengthen their Christian character. 2. Such a provision will accommodate some thoughtful parents, who may naturally desire to send their boys to a school where their moral character is carefully fostered and will be likely to be developed so strong as to be a safeguard against youthful vices and corruption. 3. The youths who have thus received a broad cul- ture will certainly have a grand opportunity to in- fluence society for good. Words and deeds of well- educated, earnest Christians in different spheres of society will help the cause very much either directly 290 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. or indirectly. Sometimes indirect efforts produce more speedy results than direct. 4. This provision will surely benefit and tone up the theological course, instead of causing - any serious harm to it. 5. We desire to lay down a broad basis for Chris- tian education by encouraging post-graduate studies. The time is just ripening for us to take this step, so as to attract thereto the best and most talented youths in the country and foster and fit them for the highest good and noblest purpose. We are thus compelled to attempt this broad sweep to reach and win thirty- seven million precious souls to Christ. Seeds of truth must be sown now. Undue delay will give a grand chance to unbelieving hands to make thorough mis- chief and render that beautiful island empire hope- lessly barren and fruitless. O Japan, thou the fairest of Asia! "If I forget thee, let my right hand forget her cunning and let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth." As I mentioned above, a movement was started at Kyoto last year to raise some money to foimd chairs for those special studies. But our friends are very few yet. The people are now pressed hard on ac- count of the business stagnation, and a most destruc- tive flood lately visited the country. So we cannot expect to receive from them any large donation. When we met a number of the eminent citizens of Kyoto last year for this specific purpose, we urged them to give us a fund before the year 1890, so that when the emperor gives us a constitution in the same year, we might found a university to commemorate the most extraordinary period of our political history. This appeal created among them a great enthusiasm. APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. 291 Some of them gave us their hearty pledge to do their share. So we may possibly realize some gift just suf- ficient to support a few native professors. But it is beyond our expectation to receive a fund large enough to sustain even a few American professors. So if a few professorships should be given by some American friends to found chairs of Political Science, History, Literature, Philosophy, etc., it will help the cause grandly. Some people in this country may hardly realize how dangerously our shores are visited and washed by the strong tide of modern European unbe- lief. But to a native of the country, who has been seriously watching and observing the course recently taken by the people, the present time seems grave. The future battle in Japan may not be with any for- eign invaders. But it will certainly be between Chris- tianity and unbelief. Shall we remain at peace and unequipped because God would fight for us for his kingdom's sake? We fear He will not help us unless we do our part. It is the time for us to make an extraordinary effort to push evangelical work as well as Christian educa- tion in Japan in order to save her from corruption and unbelief. The American Board has done for us in the educational line as much as it can wisely do. Yet there remains much to be done in order to carry out our work more efficiently. The Lord's army must not be hampered there while the battle is fairly commencing. Strong means must be provided there in order to furnish to the field strong men from time to time. Now who will step forth in this grand republic of America to render us timely help to save us from this impending national calamity? Here may be some 292 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. friends seriously considering how their property might be best disposed of for benefiting poor humanity. With such we would earnestly plead and loudly cry, "Remember us." Would that God might touch the hearts of some individuals to give us a portion of their blessings, and establish chairs for advanced Christian education there as a perpetual monument of peace between the United States of America and Japan, through which the millions of our people and their posterity might be blessed. Mr. Neesima' s visit to America did not relieve him from the cares and anxieties inseparable from his posi- tion. The outlook in Japan was broadening beyond expectation, and with greater opportunities came the ambition to profit by them. The necessity for higher standards of education in the Doshisha, for a native Christian press, for all that machinery, in short, which, if secondary to direct preaching, becomes more and more indispensable as such preaching is successful, was keenly felt by the young graduates of the Doshi- sha. With all these needs Mr. Neesima was in full sympathy, but he was in a far better position than his native associates to estimate the difficulty of obtaining financial aid for enterprises which, however important in themselves, were not the first care of the Board of Missions. Its treasury was inadequate to meet the wants of the world. Pressing demands upon that treasury did not come from Japan alone, and the ap- portionment of its resources necessarily involved dis- appointment to young and earnest workers in special fields. A plan for the foundation of a medical school, to which Mr. Neesima alludes in the foregoing papers, was being vigorously pushed; urgent calls for aid UNDER CRITICISM. 293 were received in behalf of a religious paper recently established in Tokyo; efforts were made to secure funds which should enable certain of the native teach- ers in the Doshisha to fit themselves for the better dis- charge of their duties by courses of study in America ; the occupation of Sendai and other centres was pressed upon the attention of the Board; and in all these plans, as in that of placing the Doshisha upon a university basis, Mr. Neesima was looked to as the main channel of communication between Japan and the sources of supply. He was constantly working for all these interests, by written appeals to the Board, and by conversations with its secretaries and mem- bers of the Prudential Committee, as also with others interested in philanthropic enterprises; but his ef- forts were not always appreciated by his zealous asso- ciates, and he received many letters whose criticism tried his patience. Of one of these, from a native pastor, he writes, December 15, 1884 : — "Our young men are too zealous for the cause, and are apt to be impetuous sometimes. They see the machinery absolutely necessary for the present stage of the work. If there be the slightest friction I know they will rise up instantly to lubricate, and move on again. If anything stands in the way they will at- tempt somehow to clear the obstacle. In this respect they possess a revolutionary character. For the com- mon cause they are perfectly independent and frank to criticise. What I wish for them is more patience and grace. They are splendid fellows and will grow wiser by and by. I have been through such a hot fire these past two years that I am not afraid of them at all. I love them, can bear with them, and forgive them. But what I feel anxious about is that they 294 TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. may assume an unpleasant attitude towards your Board, not because they are ungrateful to you, but are so zealous for the grand cause of our common Master." Of another letter from one of the Mission, relative to a serious misunderstanding of his position and ac- tion with respect to an important matter then before the Board, he wrote to Dr. Davis : — "It is the most insulting letter I ever received in my life. I am sorry to say it is thrown into the waste basket. When I read it I said within myself, ' What ! have I lost a sense of honor ? ' But I knelt right down for God's grace to preserve me in his hand. I am all right now. Please do not mention it to any one." After explaining his action he continues : — "My aim was to reconcile two parties. However, I believe my attempt was terribly misunderstood in Kyoto. Then I said calmly and sorrowfully, I sup- posed our good brethren had more confidence in me. Have I acted as their traitor? God forbid that I should ever betray our dear brethren. How sad and discouraged I was then I cannot describe. My only comfort was that the matter could be explained after- wards. I believe I am blamable for my writing too impetuous letters to you. I was too anxious to rec- oncile two parties too soon. It is a humiliation to me that I have made numerous mistakes. It is better for a sick man to hold his tongue. Allow me to assure you I shall ever abide faithful to your mission." It soon became apparent that Mr. Neesima could not obtain the rest he came to seek unless he was com- pletely withdrawn from all that tempted to activity. Accordingly in December, 1884, he started with Dr. Clark for Clifton Springs, New York, where he re- APPROPRIATION BY THE BOARD. 295 mained three months at the Sanitarium. He at- tempted at first to give up thinking- of Japan ; and de- voted himself to study. Le Conte's "Geology" and Newcomb's "Astronomy" were among the books read during this winter. But in his journal he frequently exclaims, "Of what use is it to try not to think of my dear Japan! " Difficulties of every kind were referred to him for solution, and he seems to have come to the conclusion that he could not escape the responsibilities of his position even on the plea of ill-health. His journal of March 10 contains the entry: — " A broken cup ! Though thou regainest thy shape by being put together, thou art no more fit for thy Master's use. Thou art now merely a vessel existing in thy Master's house. However, thou may est be a warning example to others, that they may never fol- low thy footsteps. So being, thou canst still do thy duty. Be thou dutiful still." Somewhat better in health, and greatly cheered by the news of the appropriation of $50,000 to meet spe- cial requests received from the Japan mission, he left Clifton Springs in March, 1885, and passed the fol- lowing three months in visiting his friends in Boston, Amherst, New Haven, Andover, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Washington. At Andover he ex- cited a very deep interest in Japan, an interest which resulted in the formation of a Missionary Circle, and twelve members of the seminary pledged them- selves to that field of labor if the way was opened to their entrance. At New Haven he arranged for the reception of one of his associates on the faculty of the Doshisha who was anxious to complete his sci- entific studies in America and t3 fit himself more 29u TO EUROPE AND AMERICA AGAIN. thoroughly for his position as a teacher in the new scientific department. In his journal, dated New Haven, he writes : — "Will they be tired of this poor begging Japanese ? I may die as an unceasing beggar for Japan. It is the whole burden of my soul." In Brooklyn and New York he had long conversa- tions with Drs. Storrs, Taylor, Behrends, and others, and raised considerable sums for the library and the purchase of scientific apparatus. At Washington he devotes twenty pages of his journal to conversations with Professor Baird and other officers of the Smith- sonian Institution relative to physical training in the Doshisha, the fisheries of Japan, and other scientific matters. At Baltimore he was the guest of President Oilman of the Johns Hopkins University. While at the home of Mrs. Walter Baker of Dor- chester, where he enjoyed a month of rest and quiet, he received the news of the baptism of Mr. Yama- moto, his wife's brother. "This," he says, "is start- ling news. How thankful I am I can hardly express. It will have a great effect among the influential citi- zens of Ky5to." The summer months of 1885, Mr. Neesima spent at West Gouldsborough, Maine, on the north shore of Frenchman's Bay. Mrs. Hardy had placed at his disposal a large and pleasant farmhouse which she had purchased as a retreat from the busier life of Mt. De- sert, and here Mr. Neesima found the rest and peace he so much needed. The house stood alone in a field sloping to the inlet. From its door one looked out over the islands of the harbor upon the shining waters of the bay and the distant summits of the mountains. These were days of restfulness, broken only by the SUMMER IN MAINE. 297 arrival of the yacht from the opposite shore bringing provisions, letters, or, best of all, the friends he loved. Yet even here was opportunity, however humble. July 28th he writes to those across the bay : — " The air is sweet and refreshing, particularly in the morning. The calm water of the bay, the sweet and melodious songs of some wild birds, seem to me most wonderfully soothing and fascinating. Everything tells me here, as Mr. Hardy says, ' peace ! peace ! ' I watch the white sails of the Ianthe as she moves slowly out from the harbor. She lingers within my sight as if Gouldsborough could not spare her, and when she returns, first a speck in the distance, she does not fly fast enough to receive my welcome. " I went to church here last Sunday. After the ser- vice I asked for the Sunday-school. To my surprise the reply was negative. I thought it too strange and too bad that these young folks should grow up here without it. A thought came to me at once, why can- not we start a Sunday-school here ? I proposed to a lady here that we should offer ourselves as teachers. I thought I would not show forth myself as the origi- nator of the idea, and tried to put the preacher for- ward to execute it. He was most too glad to do so. I took the responsibility of getting the Sabbath-school papers for them, because I have no least doubt you will take a share in the work and get others interested 111 it. In his subsequent letters from Japan, when bur- dened with many cares, and feeling the hand of death not far from him, Mr. Neesima asks again and again, "How is my Sunday-school getting along?" CHAPTER VII. LAST YEARS AND DEATH. During the last ten months of his stay in America Mr. Neesima was busy in presenting his plans for the Doshisha to the churches. He sailed from San Fran- cisco in November, arriving at Yokohama December 12, 1885. On reaching the railway station at Kyoto he found over five hundred friends, — students, teach- ers, relatives, and prominent citizens of the city, — assembled there to greet him. On the following day the tenth anniversary of the foundation of the Doshi- sha was celebrated, and Mr. Neesima laid the corner- stones of two new buildings. As one reads his account of this joyful home-coming, and sees him alighting from the train in this once secluded and holy city of the empire to receive the welcome of so many friends, one remembers the poor boy who, twenty years before, in opposition to those claims of filial duty so strong to Japanese hearts, stole away by night from a remote seaport in the north, a lonely exile under penalty of death. December 23d he wrote to Mrs. Hardy : — " How happy I was then to be received by so many greetings I cannot express. At home I found my aged parents impatiently waiting for me. My wife had prepared a regular Japanese supper, and we sat on our heels in the Japanese fashion. It was a happy day with us indeed. When I attempted to translate your kind letters to my wife and parents I was obliged ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES. 299 to pause many times before I could read your most tender and motherly words. My profound affection for you is not to be diminished by these thousands of miles which I have traversed. All my past with you is a real and substantial present, so sweet to look back and reflect upon. I believe I am not dreaming, but thinking upon a reality — love begotten by lovec My heart does not permit me to write upon this sub ject. It begins to throb and beat fast as soon as I attempt to do so. Many, many thanks for all you have done for me." The anniversary exercises above referred to had been postponed a few days, and were held immedi- ately after Mr. Neesima's arrival. The corner-stones of the new buildings — one a large chapel, the other a library, museum, and laboratory — were laid in the morning. In the afternoon the anniversary exercises took place in the gymnasium, the largest room at that time in any of the school buildings. It was beautifully decorated with evergreens and chrysanthemums. His Excellency the Governor of the Kyoto Fu was present, and the large room was crowded with students, grad- uates, and friends of the school. The historical ad- dress was made by Dr. Davis. In the evening the grounds were brilliantly illuminated by colored lan- terns, and a meeting of welcome to Mr. Neesima was held, when addresses were delivered by representa- tives of the students, the faculty, and the Kyoto churches. An alumni association was organized the next day. The school was then in a flourishing condi- tion, one hundred and twenty applicants for admis- sion having presented themselves at the opening of the year, of whom eighty passed the examinations. The local interest in the establishment of additional 300 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. departments, in the raising of the standards of in- struction and the increase of material outfit was. thoroughly aroused, and Mr. Neesima began at once to prosecute his plans with vigor. He had been the recognized head of the school from its foundation ; but, while accepting the responsibili- ties of his office as president, had always been reluc- tant to assume its rights and privileges, and could hardly be prevailed upon to occupy the president's chair on the chapel platform. In one of his letters he says : " Since I returned here I have found something hard to bear. The faculty call me president of the institution. I wish I could get rid of this name. It may be an honorable title to somebody, but I feel I am utterly unworthy to be called so." Two years later, on learning that the honorary de- gree of doctor of laws had been conferred on him by Amherst College, he writes : — " Some one told me of this while I was at Osaka. I said it must be a mistake. I could not believe in such a report. When I came to the seashore, where my wife was staying, I found there an official letter from the college. Then I began to understand it was a true fact. I was quite hesitating whether I could accept it or not. What shall I do with it ? I felt I was utterly unworthy of it, and wrote to several friends asking their opinion. I was then thinking to decline it, but they advised me to accept it by all means. So I have decided to do so with a most grateful heart. I cannot discover any tact, power, or ability in me to come through the path of these last twenty years. When I think of it I am utterly overwhelmed, and at the same time I am encouraged to stand and face the world." FINANCIAL RELIEF. 301 In the spring of 1887 Mr. Neesima went to Tokyo to secure the exemption of the Doshisha from the conscription law. Under the provisions of this law all students except those connected with the govern- ment schools were liable to military service, and many had left the Doshisha in order to escape the draft. The law was subsequently modified so as to include among the exempted schools such as should fulfill cer= tain prescribed conditions. To meet these conditions an additional endowment fund of $50,000 was neces- sary. By a vote of the Prudential Committee, May 17, 1887, an income of not less than $2,500 per an- num, the interest on the above sum, was assured to the Doshisha. Mr. Neesima received the news of the vote, together with that of Mr. Hardy's last illness, at Sapporo, the new capital of Yezo, whither he had gone in accordance with a resolution of the Kyoto mission relieving him from his duties and advising rest. From Sapporo he writes to Mrs. Hardy : — " July 30, 1887. Mr. Hardy's letter informing me of the action of the Prudential Committee was re- ceived here with a grateful heart. Alas ! the intoxi- cation of this joy was soon dampened by the telegram tellino; me of his serious illness. I had some fear of it since receiving your last favor. How greatly I am troubled I can scarcely state here. I wish we could have some sort of medium to convey our messages every hour. Oh, how anxiously I feel about him. He has sown with us, and I earnestly wish he could reap much more fruit here in Japan with us before he departs in peace. Besides, I do own a real affection for him, and think I love both of you more than my own parents. I am begotten of you by your love. Pure love kindles love of the same kind. Noble 302 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. affection binds us much firmer than some natural ties. Here I am, far away from you. I wish I could appear before him even in his dream." " August 24th. I am all confused when I attempt to write to you. I have many things to say to you concerning Mr. Hardy's departure for another world. But when I attempt to write, alas ! I find everything chaotic. I sit by my table, I hold my pen, — but I can do nothing further. Of course I know that our Heavenly Father wished him to come to the blissful heaven. I know most too well we must submit all our affairs to his hand. I know also Mr. Hardy may be far better off than in this troublesome world. But I miss him very much. I feel quite lonely. I feel my real father is gone ; yea, he has been to me more than my father. I believe that he knew me more than all my Japanese friends here. I have lost the friend of Japan. My heart is darkened like the total eclipse so recently happened here. Cheerfulness and bright- ness are suddenly disappeared. Alas ! the total dark- ness. The air is chilled, the temperature is fallen. This solar eclipse lasted only for a while, but my heart's eclipse may continue so long as I live. I can- not finish even these few lines. I am too sensitive just yet. Besides this sensitive feeling I have another, my sympathy with you. You must miss him beyond a measure. His cheerful voice cannot be heard any more. My heart aches in your behalf. However, I rejoice with you that when he departed from you he must have commanded you to trust, and rely upon an- other arm, ever strong and everlasting. I will try and write you much oftener than before, but at present I find it a hard work to write to you." " September 4th. It is quite rainy this afternoon. "Sffc £^&^000 Count Inouye 1,000 Viscount Aoki 500 Mr. R. Hara 6,000 Mr. K. Iwasaki 3,000 Mr. K. Okura 2,000 Mr. H. Tanaka 2,000 Mr. Y. Shibusawa 6,000 Mr. Y. Iwasaki 5,000 Mr. H. Hiranuma 2,500 Mr. K. Masuda 2,000 Counts Ito and Katsu and Viscount Enomoto have also signified their approval of our work and have promised to aid us. In addition, some friends of mine in America have promised $50,000 towards the en- dowment of the present school, and another friend has recently promised $15,000 for a Science Hall. " In view of this, since our work has now progressed for twenty years or more, and has gained so much approval in many quarters, and since we are now be- ginning to meet with so much success, I think we must now be diligent to seek out many helpers, for the institution of a university is a great undertaking and needs much money and help of all kinds. Such an opportunity as we now have, if once lost, may never be found again, and therefore we must not waste a moment. Also when we consider the present state of the Doshisha, we feel sure that our purpose is not in vain. We have increased the number of trustees of the Doshisha Company, perfected its constitution, and thus established the government of this educa- tional work upon a firm basis. At present we have a preparatory course, an English collegiate course, a theological course, a girls' school, and a hospital and 312 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. nurses' school. The following table gives a few sta- tistics in regard to each : — Regular Assistant Pupils at Grad- teachers. teachers, present, uates. Preparatory department .... 1 13 203 108 Collegiate department \ -.* fi 5 ^-^ ^ Theological department ) ( 81 57 Girls' school 13 2 176 21 Nurses' school 3 2 13 43 34 23 899 309 " The school has thus attained so advanced a posi- tion that we expect to make the course of study in the collegiate department equal to that of the govern- ment's Koto Chu Gakko (colleges) within the pres- ent year. We feel, therefore, that it is necessary to add the university course to the present school; that the time has come for the establishment of the uni- versity. Since the university is the place for thorough training in special studies, those who graduate from our collegiate department should have university courses open to them to carry on their studies in such special departments as they wish. To leave the collegiate department without the higher courses of the university is like building an arch and leaving out the keystone. Thus we are such that the estab- lishment of the university cannot be postponed. " We have hitherto spoken of the motives which have led us to undertake this great work ; now we wish to mention the ends which we have in view. We do not believe that it is fitting to commit educa- tion entirely to the hands of government, because the education of our young people is our own duty, and we not only are able to discharge this duty ourselves, but can do it with more activity, thoroughness, and economy. In this way our Doshisha has attained its STATEMENT TO THE JAPANESE PUBLIC. 313 present prosperity, and in this way — with the help of others — we hope to enlarge it into a university. We think it not well to rely on a single university under government control, however high be its grade of culture ; and we conceive that the reason which led the government to establish the university was not that they wished to take higher education entirely into their own hands, but that they wished to give us a model to follow. How long, then, shall we be con- tent with merely looking at and admiring the model without making any effort to imitate it ? We, of course, see the advantages of the Imperial Univer- sity, and recognize its superiority in endowment and equipment, but we also believe that it is our special work to nourish the spirit of self-reliance in our students' bosoms and to train up self-governing peo- ple. " Education is one of the most important works of a country, and it gives us great sorrow to see the peo- ple commit it entirely to the hands of government in timid indolence, for such conduct clearly betrays a shameful spirit of dependence on the government. "The enlightenment of a nation is not a work which can be accomplished in a day. In New England Harvard University was founded within fifteen years after the Pilgrims landed on the stormy and desolate shore of the Atlantic ocean. Now it has 110 profes- sors, over 200,000 books, and nearly fifteen million dollars of endowment. We have no doubt that the living power of such institutions is one great cause of the spirit of self-government which prevails so gen- erally among Americans. In Germany, since the times of Ashikaga (three hundred and fifty years ago), one university has been established after another 314 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. until now there are thirty or more that are flourish- ing. In Italy there are seventeen. Now if we look at our own country and find only one university, and that under the control of the government, can we say that this is sufficient for the enlightenment of the people ? Must it not be said that we are greatly lacking in provision for the education of the people and in preparation for the future welfare of the coun- try? Such considerations as these have forced, and are forcing, us to attempt so great an enterprise. " What is the true end of education ? We under- stand it to be the full and symmetrical development of all our faculties, not a one-sided culture. How- ever much students may advance in the arts and sciences, if they are not stable and persevering in character, can we trust them with the future of our country ? If, in consequence of principles of educa- tion which shoot wide of the mark, our young men are moulded and trained in a one-sided and distorted manner, no one can deny that such principles are ex- tremely injurious to the country. Such students, in their search for western civilization, choose only the external and material elements of civilization — liter- ature, law, political institutions, food and clothing, etc., and seem not to comprehend the source of civil- ization. Consequently, blindly groping for light and wandering in darkness, they are misled by selfish and erroneous principles in the use of their acquired knowledge. And though there come some who wish to reform these evil tendencies in education, they only make the evil worse by resorting to measures of oppression and restriction instead of training up noble and high-principled students whose minds are free and broad as well as disciplined, and who govern STATEMENT TO THE JAPANESE PUBLIC. 315 themselves and follow the right way with self-deter- mining conviction. We would hold our peace were it not that these thoughts make us anxious for our coun- try and people. " We think that western civilization, though many and various in its phenomena, is in general Christian civilization. The spirit of Christianity penetrates all things even to the bottom, so that, if we adopt only the material elements of civilization and leave out religion, it is like building up a human body of flesh only without blood. " Our young men who are studying the literature and science of the west are not becoming fitted to be the men of New Japan, but are, we regret to say, wandering out of the true way in consequence of their mistaken principles of education. Alas ! what a sad prospect this offers for the future of our country. " We sincerely confess that we are of ourselves un- worthy to undertake so great a work, but, with God's blessing and the help of our patriotic fellow-citizens, we will forget our own weakness and even venture upon this great task. " To express our hopes in brief, we seek to send out into the world not only men versed in literature and science, but young men of strong and noble character, by which they can use their learning for the good of their fellow-men. This, we are convinced, can never be accomplished by abstract, speculative teaching, nor by strict and complicated rides, but only by Christian principles — the living and powerful principles of Christianity — and therefore we adopt these princi- ples as the unchangeable foundation of our educa- tional work, and devote our energies to their realiza- tion. 316 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. " Notwithstanding that our work is based on these principles, if any one says that our purpose is the prop- agation of religion and the culture of Christian minis- ters, we must tell him that he knows us not at all, for we went to work with a broader purpose than what you ascribe to us. Our work is not for the propagation of a religion, but for the imparting of a living power ; not simply for giving culture to young men, but for fitting them to lead and influence others by their work and conduct. Therefore, by the side of the theologi- cal course already established, we wish to establish courses in politics T economics, philosophy, literature, law, etc., thus making a true university. If we are not able to establish all these courses at once, we will organize them one by one according to our ability and their relative importance. Thus it is plain that our university is not intended as a means of propaga- tion of any sect or party, either religious or political. " By making known our purpose to the public, and by gaining popular sympathy and aid, we hope ear- nestly to accomplish this work. Some of our gradu- ates will enter the political field, some may be farm- ers or merchants, and some may devote themselves to science. Though their occupations are different, it is our hope that they will all be true patriots, each doing his part towards the welfare of the country. Since the security of a country depends not so much on its possessing a few great men as upon its govern- ment being in the hands of intelligent and public- spirited people whom we may call the conscience of the country, the education of such people is the great and pressing need of Japan. Looking forward to the coming epoch, Meiji 23d [1890 — the year fixed for the opening of the National Assembly], we feel FAILING HEALTH. 317 more and more the need of such an institution as we are planuing ; for, as constitutional government takes the place of the present system, and as the people come to share largely in political rights, the most im- jx>rtant need will not be perfect laws or institutionSy- but self-governing and intelligent people. " This being my purpose, when I consider my own strength I find it far short of accomplishing so great a work ; but I cannot be silent, — the needs of our country and the urgency of my friends forbid me to decline this task. Thus being stimulated and urged on by the condition of the times, forgetting myself, I devote myself to this work, and 1 pray that with God's grace and the help of my fellow-citizens this university may be successfully established. — Kyoto, November, 1888." Mr. Xeesima's health during the summer of 1888 was very precarious. He was warned by physicians in Toky5 that he had not long to live, and by their advice was taken to Ikao, a mountain resort, in a kago, being too weak to travel even by jinrikisha. Many causes had operated to discourage him. "V\ liile at Andover in 1885 he had kindled a strong interest among the seminary students, and he had long been looking for the advent of several who had pledged their lives to - the work in Japan. This movement had been checked by the action of the Prudential Committee in its refusal to appoint candidates for the foreign field who failed to conform to its views upon certain theological speculations then under discussion. The resignation of Mr. Hardy, chairman of the Pru- dential Committee, still further depressed him. and his death a year later was a blow from which he never recovered. His own father also died the same 318 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. year. The plan proposed in 1887 for a union of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches of Japan had also greatly troubled him. He was not opposed to the general principle of alliance and cooperation, but he did not favor an organic union, and thus found himself at variance with many long cherished friends and co-workers. Under the shock of his physician's warning he writes Mrs. Hardy, from Tokyo, July 4, 1888 : — " Allow me to send you my compliments for this glorious day of your nation. I came here on the 11th. My wife is with me. She is a sort of policeman over me, watching me lest I overdo. Though I am slightly gaining, I believe I shall never get well again. My doctor says' my heart is enlarged and will never re- sume its original size, and that at any time my bod- ily life may soon cease. Of course I bore it rather bravely, but to my wife it seemed almost unbearable. She was warned to keep it a secret from me. But, a poor creature ! she coidd not keep her secret. I tried to comfort her and told her all my future expectation. However, I found it a hard work to quiet down my own sensitive feelings. Since then she stays with me and does not give me a chance to write much. Just now I sent her off for a few minutes in order to write this letter. Though I am absolutely prepared to re- sign my future into the tender hand of the Heavenly Father, yet when I think of you, all my past affairs, your motherly and unceasing love, comes at once to my precious memory, and I weep like a babe. I dis- like to pass off suddenly without a good-by to my dear friends. Therefore, though it may be useless to inform you of such a matter beforehand, I should be sorry to leave this world without sending you my last A FAREWELL LETTER. 319 farewell, with my unspeakable thanks for all you have clone for me. I owe you all, and have nothing to pay back but my thanks and daily prayers for you. If I fail to send you my last farewell by reason of passing off suddenly, as my doctor described to me, please regard this as my last word to you. I wish I could write as I feel, but I cannot express myself at all. I trust you can guess at it. What I cannot say I hope I shall say in another world. With regard to my tender feeling to my dear wife and aged mother you may sympathize with me. You know also how much I am interested in our Kyoto schools and the gospel work throughout this island empire. I am willing to leave all these interests behind. I am thankful for what has been done for my beloved country. What now shall I hope or expect to receive ? As you know, I have a desperate will and plan to make our Kyoto school a Christian university. For this cause I came to To- kyo. For this cause I became ill and fainted away. For this cause I am still staying here. However, I am very careful. I fear I cannot write you much here- after. If I pass off I hope you will not feel too sorry. I fear this may not be a very complimentary letter to receive on your fourth of July. But so long as I am prepared to resign myself to His hand I like to tell my sympathizing mother and ask for her prayers for my soul. My wife has returned and warns me to stop. What I write here is not revealed to her. Please keep this secret from other people. I am still hopeful to live, but am prepared to go also." 320 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. TO MRS. HARDY. Ikao, Joshtt, August 13, 1888. My friends have held a special council to see what they can do for my poor health. They consulted with Dr. Baelz of the Tokyo University, who urged me to some to this bathing place. Their plan is to keep me away from Kyoto lest I should be worried about our school. I am enjoying the quietness of this place. It is cool and pleasant, and nearly 3,000 feet above the sea, the road ascending gradually from Mayebashi, a rail- way terminus, where we have a church of two hundred members. I am surprised to find how fast a moun- tain town like this is Americanized. We can get good milk, meat, and tolerably good bread. I have hired a small cottage, although there many hotels well filled in the bathing season. This little district is honeycombed by the gospel, and is one of the strong proofs of my humble theory, — educate the natives, and they will take care of themselves and start self-sustaining churches. I wish I could visit these churches. Alas ! it may be His will to keep me ill and teach me His way. I am trying to rest ; I walk little, eat slowly, talk little, read and write spar ingly. I have read Victor Hugo's " Les Miserables and "Ninety-three," and the Life of Dr. Franklin. His precepts are good, but his example might mislead many. I suppose you are now at Mt. Desert. If I might sit down on your piazza I would talk with you and listen to you, hear gentle sounds of the surf and see the Ianthe in the bay. Alas ! with this pleas- ure, something would be missing. A year ago I re- ceived Mr. Sears' telegram about Mr. Hardy's death. >» HARRIS SCIENCE SCHOOL. 321 What I felt then I feel now keenly and will feel it forever. I have pressed for you a petal of a sweet- smelling' wild lily, a token of my profound respect. During- the year 1889 Mr. J. N. Harris of New London, Conn., who had previously given $15,000 for the erection of a building for the scientific depart- ment of the Doshisha, increased his gift to $100,000. In acknowledging this gift in behalf of the trustees of the university Mr. Neesima wrote to Mr. Harris : " A donation like this is unknown and unprecedented in our country." Referring to this donation he says in a letter to Mrs. Hardy : — " Our trustees recently held a meeting in Kyoto to talk over financial matters. The Buddhist priests are making an utmost effort to check our growth, and are bringing all sorts of bad names against me. They think I am the leader of the Christian movement. Through God's hand I am still protected ; my life is in his hand and I am not nervous at all. This sum came in just a right time to relieve me from an in- tense anxiety. When I left Boston in 1874 I bought a single mattress, supposing that I might be obliged to live a single life and even be killed for His name's sake. You may laugh at me for my thought when I bought that mattress with such a martyr-like spirit. During this pioneer period the Lord has blessed this poor fellow beyond my comprehension. You know how ill and weak I am, unable to engage in any vigor- ous work. Even in this weakness He still uses me. This is a perfect wonder to me. I write this private matter to you and request you to rejoice with me." Mr. Neesima seemed much better during the sum- mer of 1889, and after having seen the foundation of 322 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. the new science building laid, went to Tokyo in Octo- ber to work for the university endowment fund. Count Malsugata, Minister of Fiuance, became much interested in his projects, but owing to the attempt on the life of Count Okuma, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the unsettled condition of politics, not much was accomplished. Mr. Neesima therefore went to Maye- bashi for a brief rest. Here he contracted a severe cold, but returned to Tokyo and resumed his work. A relapse followed, and in a weak condition he went with his clerk to Oiso, a health resort on the seashore, about forty miles southwest of Yokohama, where he died. The last letter he wrote to Mrs. Hardy was from Kyoto, October 5th, just before leaving for Tokyo. " Your favor written at West Gouldsborougk was at hand yesterday. A precious memory is connected with the house where you wrote it, and whence you doubtless looked down from time to time on the calm expanse of that picturesque bay, spotted here and there by white sails. The memory of it is as fresh to me as if I saw it yesterday. It is so sad, and yet so sacred. " It is quite warm to-day and the doors of my study are wide open. As the weather is calm I could not help being calm also. Here I am reflecting upon the past, the past connected with you. My thought is flying far off to a distant land, a celestial spot on earth. It is almost immaterial to me whether it be on the earth or in heaven. Where my thought goes there is something sweet and sacred. " Since I had my serious heart attack I cannot engage in any vigorous work. But my thought is busily en- gaged with the idea of our future university and of building up Japan. The Christian work is somewhat neutralized now on account of the union question. UNION MOVEMENT. 323 There is also great political excitement. The people are earnestly discussing' the revision of the treaties, and political parties are using this question to gain ascendancy. The excitement will be greater next year when we come to elect representatives to the National Assembly. It will be a great epoch in our political history. The world is moving in Japan, so we are bound to push forward our educational work, and to get hold of the conscience of the people. Alas ! why can we not make an utmost effort to take up Japan and humbly offer it to Christ ? " Some scholars in Tokyo are endeavoring to check the progressive party and the Christian work. I sup- pose they will be a power for a while. They are pos- itive, but narrow and exclusive. The movement is a semi-political one. The petty politicians wish the support of the Buddhist priests. The latter hope to maintain their position through the help of these narrow-minded and short-sighted politicians. Let us wait and see how long they will survive against the light of the world. At such a time we ought to make a union effort to keep our front strong. But- the- union attempted is the centralization of the power of our local churches. Our simple-minded people rather favor this union because it looks broad and is pre- sented in a tangible form. The union I would favor is rather spiritual. I am a lover of democracy. It is not an easy task to occupy the position where I am. When anything happens I am apt to receive the hardest blow. But I don't mind it at all. I have chosen a policy in which church autonomy is recog- nized and every member can have his voice in the management and government. If the terms of the union are based on this condition I have no least ob- 324 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. jection to it ; but I confess I am careful not to rush forward without any conditions. I beg your pardon for speaking of such unpleasant affairs. But have no least fear. We must go through some fire in this world, but time will heal all petty feelings and misun- derstandings. Alas ! I must go back to West Goulds- borough to calm down my feelings. Laying aside such thoughts for awhile to engage in meditation on the past seems to me a very part of heaven. What will be my thought when I step forward to the future immaterial heaven ! Though I am often disgusted with this world's affairs, I am bound to live through and push through all I can for Christ." On learning of his retirement to Oiso, Mrs. Nee- sima became anxious and desired to join him. H&, however, urged her to remain with his mother, then eighty -four years of age, reminding her that "in olden times the samurai did not take his wife with him into battle." No serious apprehensions of a fatal result were at first entertained, and during the first week of January there were signs of improvement. On New Year's day he wrote a short poem of which the follow- ing is a literal rendering : — Seeing 1 the old year go, Do not lament over the sick body ; For the cock's crow is the harbinger Of happy times at hand. Although inferior in ability, Poor in plans for the good of my generation, Yet still cherishing the greatest hope I welcome the spring. The first days of the new year he passed in study- ing the missionary problem in Japan, writing long letters to several of the leading native pastors and INN AT 01 SO. 325 workers, in which he urged the occupation of certain new centres. He was never a random sower of seed. Thoroughly conversant with the characteristics of the people of the various provinces, and watching carefully the opening of the interior to foreign influences, he planned his campaign like a general, marking on a map of the five provinces the strategic lines of advance, and indicating by different colored inks the relative importance of the places he wished to have occupied. On January 10th he seemed as well as usual, and passed the evening with two of his associates on the Faculty in the discussion of plans for the new school of science. Professor Shimomura, seeing the discom- fort of his life in a Japanese inn, urged his return home, but he characteristically replied : " I have here a debt of $20,000, and cannot leave until it is paid." On the following day he had an attack of intestinal catarrh, which rapidly developed into peritonitis, and on the 17th physicians were summoned from Tokyo and Kyoto. To the suggestion that Mrs. Neesima should be sent for he replied: "No, wait a little." His disease, however, made rapid progress, and on the 19th a telegram was sent to his wife, who, with other friends from Kyoto and Tokyo, hurried to his bedside. On the 21st, referring to friends expected from Ky5to, he said to Mrs. Neesima: "If they come, please encourage them and tell them not to weep for me, for I also am a man of feeling. I might be moved by their sorrow, and increase it by my own." The Japanese inn where he was lodging being with- out modern conveniences, a mattress and bedclothes were procured ; but to these slight provisions for his ease he objected, saying he was not worthy to die so comfortably. His pain was at times severe, but his 326 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. mind remained clear to the end. On January 22d, he was told that he could not live, and was asked if he had any directions to give. He replied: "Not to- day; let me rest." The next morning he sent for the maps which he had been studying, and with these spread before him he explained his plans for the ex- tension of the mission work, and dictated the follow= ing messages : — "The object of the Doshisha is the advancement of Christianity, Literature, and Science, and the fur- therance of all education. These are to be pursued together as mutually helpful. The object of the edu- cation given by the Doshisha is not Theology, Liter- ature, or Science, in themselves; but that through these, men of great and living power may be trained up for the service of true freedom and their country. "The trustees should deal wisely and kindly with the students. The strong and impetuous should not be harshly dealt with, but according to their nature, so as to develop them into strong and useful men. "As the school grows larger there is danger that it will become more and more mechanical. Let this be carefully guarded against. " Every care must be taken to unite the foreign and Japanese teachers together in love, that they may work without friction. I have many times stood be- tween the two and have had much trouble. In the future I ask the trustees to do as I have done. "In my whole life I have not desired to make an enemy, and I look upon no one with hatred. If, how- ever, you find any one who feels unfriendly towards me, please ask his forgiveness. I find no faidt with heaven, and bear no malice towards my fellow-men. "The results which have been accomplished are not DEATH. 327* due to my labors, but to yours ; for all I have been able to do has been done only through your earnest cooperation. I do not regard it as my work at all, and I can only thank those who have so zealously labored with me. "My feeling for the Doshisha is expressed in this poem : — " 'When the cherry blossoms open on Mt. Yoshino, Morning and evening I am anxious about the fleecy clouds on its summit." To Mrs. Hardy: "I am going away. A thousand thanks for your love and kindness to me during the many years of the past. I cannot write myself. I leave this world with a heart full of gratitude for all you have done for my happiness." To Dr. Clark : " I want to thank you most sincerely for your confidence in me and in all I have under- taken. I have been able to do so little, owing to my feeble health." Anions his Last words to Mrs. Neesima were these : "Do not erect a monument after my death. It is sufficient to have a wooden post stating on it, 'The grave of Joseph Neesima.' ' : At two P. M. on January 23d seeing the end near, Mr. Kanamori, subsequently acting president and pastor of the College Church, said to him : " Teacher, please go in peace. We will do our best to carry on your work." In great pain, Mr. Neesima raised his left hand with a smile, saying: "Sufficient, suffi- cient," and at twenty minutes past four, with the words, "Peace, Joy, Heaven," on his lips, entered into rest. Less than a month before, in a mountain village of the provinces, a band of children were going about the -328 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. streets, their cheeks rosy with the cold. To a traveler who asked what they were doing they answered with sweet smiles, " We are paying Christmas visits to our friends and relatives, gathering presents; and when Mr. Neesima comes we shall give them to him for the university." Dearly beloved children ! He for whom you so eagerly waited will come no more. On January 24th the body was taken to Kyoto for burial. The train did not arrive until nearly mid- night, but a thousand persons, including over six hun- dred students, were waiting at the station. On re- ceipt of the news that Mr. Neesima was dangerously 1 ill, the students had been with difficulty restrained from proceeding to his bedside in a body, and the earnest appeals made in the prayer-meetings held for several days before his death testified to the strong affection between the teacher and his pupils. The night was stormy and the streets were deep in mud and half -melted snow, but they allowed no one else to touch the bier, carrying it themselves by relays, changed at every block, the three miles which separated the house from the station, so eager were all to share in this sacred service. On Sunday, the 26th, memo- rial services were held in the chapel, that of the morn- ing being conducted in Japanese, and that of the afternoon in English. All day long hundreds filed by the casket to look for the last time upon the face of him they loved. "It touched my heart," a young Japanese said to me, "to see among many who came to take their farewell look at his face, the chief judge of the Kyoto court, a pleasant gentleman, always ready to say something amusing. He entered the house very softly, and before passing into the room where the casket was, took off his outer garment, so FUNERAL SERVICES. 329 that I saw he wore his ceremonial dress. He came in very gently and made a most profound bow ; then, as if speaking to a live person, he said: 'Mr. Neesima, while you were living I was much indebted to you. I am sorry I have not accomplished more. In the fu- ture I will try to do better;' and, shedding tears like a child, he left the room. The next day, as the coffin was being borne away, I heard him say, 'The Marquis and Mr. were carried to their graves by the public undertaker; but Mr. Neesima is taken thither on the shoulders of those who will do great honor to their country. ' The two persons referred to were the late prime minister and the wealthiest merchant of Tokyo. The funeral services took place on Monday, Janu- ary 27th, in the presence of the school, graduates from all parts of the empire, the provincial and city author- ities, and representatives of the foreign missions. A large tent had been erected in the college grounds, as the chapel could not accommodate the assembled _£rowd, which numbered over four thousand. The walk leading from the gate to the chapel was lined by fifty of those immense bouquets of flowers and ever- green of which the Japanese are so lavish on ceremo- nial occasions. The bier was hidden in flowers. A brief sermon was preached by Mr. Kosaki, Mr. Nee- sima' s successor, from the text: "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." The pro- cession, a mile and a half in length, was formed in a heavy rain, the students again acting as bearers. They had from the first insisted upon doing everything possible with their own hands, and had themselves pre- pared the grave. Japan is essentially a land of con- 330 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. trasts, and as the procession, with its flowers and ban- ners, files through the beautiful grove of the Buddhist temple on the slopes of San Jo, where lies the body of Mr. Neesima's father, but where burial was refused the son because he was "the very head of Christianity in Japan," one is astonished to see in its ranks a dele- gation of priests, bearing a banner with the inscrip- tion, "From the Buddhists of Osaka." Among other banners was one from Tokyo, with the device, "Free education, self-governing churches; these, keeping equal step, will bring this nation to honor," — one of Mr. Neesima's last utterances. No private citizen has ever died in Japan whose loss was so widely and so deeply felt as that of Mr. Neesima. "Who is this man," exclaimed a native of Oiso, "whose name I have never heard, with whom the rich and the great not only hold communication, but for whom, in his extremity, they also sorrow?" His death was deplored by the press throughout the country as a national loss. Hundreds of letters and telegrams were received from men of all ranks and classes, and no just estimate of the esteem and love in which he was held by his countrymen can be formed without some knowledge of the many touching tributes elicited by his death. For, under circumstances in which one of his persistent purpose and firm convic- tion might well have created enemies as well as op- ponents, he retained the respect and even won the affection of all. Count Inouye had telegraphed to Oiso, "You must keep him alive." Viscount Aoki wrote, "I have lost a great and good friend." A letter from the governor of Shiga contained, with its message of sympathy, the sum which had been promised for the university fund. TRIBUTES. 331 In a letter addressed to his followers and family, a Buddhist priest wrote : — " Having learned from the papers of the death of your honored President, Mr. J. Neesima, I lament exceedingly. Being in my religious belief a Buddhist, I always opposed him and often attacked his cause. Meek, noble, patient, and earnest as he was, I doubt not he proclaimed what he believed, and this greatly helped to awaken the religious thought of our people. When I first met him I was moved by his kindness and love, and in two hours felt as if we had long been friends. Oh! had I not believed in Buddhism, I woidd have followed him and believed in Christianity. And I distinctly remember saying to myself, he that works for religion should be like this man. I had af- terwards several interviews with him, and each time I saw him my respect for him increased. On hearing this sad news his gentle face rose before my eyes, his words of love sounded again in my ears, deepening the feeling of loss. From the paper I learn he was of the same age as myself. This and many other thoughts come crowding upon me unbidden. I sent you a mes- sage of consolation by telegraph, but wishing to ex- press my feelings more fully, I send you these humble words." In the "Woman's Magazine" (Tokyo) Mrs. Toyoju Sasaki gives the following account of an interview with Mr. Neesima a month before his death : — "Mr. Joseph Neesima, the pole star of our reli- gion, the founder of the university in Kyoto, died Jan- uary 23d, in the 23d year of Meiji, at the age of 47. We sorrow over his death, not only on our own ac- count but for the education of Young Japan. He was overflowing with love, full of virtue and of the spirit 332 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. of consecration. His departure on the eve of the completion of his great work is especially lamentable. His life is well known to the world, and any attempt to narrate it on the part of my unworthy pen would but mar the perfect gem. So I let that pass, wishing only to place before you some words of his which I wish thus to preserve as an incentive to my own spirit. "About fifteen years ago, on his return from America, he preached frequently in Tokyo and Yoko- hama, and also delivered several lectures. He deeply impressed all who heard him, causing them to look upon him as the father of our people. I was one of his listeners, and from that time tried to see him as often as I coidd. Gradually his name became known, and he recently set about his plan to establish a uni- versity. I rejoiced in this undertaking, and to show my interest in it, with other sisters gave a musical concert, the proceeds of which, a widow's mite, we forwarded to him. He sent us a letter of thanks, but we felt unworthy to receive even this from him. "Last winter he came to Tokyo. It was on the 23d of December. I had the pleasure of having a long talk with him. His face was gentle, but indica- tive of will. Though a man of few words, yet every one he uttered carried incalculable weight. He re- ceived me as a father receives his child, with overflow- ing love, yet with a delicate reserve. 'Believing this is the best opportunity,' he said, 'I wish to ask a favor of you. There is a work to which I desire you to give yourself, an important one at this juncture. Among the reasons why there are so few great men among us, why national morality is so low, I believe the greatest to be the existing inequality in the rights of man and woman. Therefore the first thing to ini- TRIBUTES. 333 press upon the minds of the young girls in our classes is the fact that they have individual rights and duties, that we may thus enlist their interest in the cause of religion. I have seen many girls who, after four or five years of study at the expense of much money and sacrifice on the part of their parents, enter married life to conduct themselves as if they had had no edu- cation. They do nothing for society. They are un- der the rule of their husbands.^ They have no oppor- tunity to show their ability, but are condemned to things in which they have had no schooling, — the kitchen and the care of children. This is deplorable. It is sad that their husbands, in the treadmill of petty conveniencies, do not realize it. It may be the result of custom, but it is a hindrance to the progress of civ- ilization. In matters of social reform woman's influ- ence is greater than man's. Her power is indeed great. But in our country we still find conservative and obstinate -minded men who cling to the old order of things. Looking back over my own life I find great troubles. A man whom I thought my sincere friend and to whom I yielded my secret, turned out to be my enemy. For what I undertook, believing it to be for the best, I received sneers and hatred. There are unspeakable troubles in our path. Equally great are the trials which the women of to-day must meet. To ask you the favor of doing for this cause may be ask- ing you to shorten your life. But we do not live for selfish ends, and you and I, being the servants of God, do the duties appointed for us. Therefore we must not be surprised at the sneers and evil tongues of the world, for we must not forget that the greater the trials we endure the greater shall be our reward. This that I now say is foolishness in the judgment of 334 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. the majority ; for looking at the great men of the past I find that all had to endure the sneers and attacks of their contemporaries, and even to sacrifice life.- No wonder that Christ had to suffer the Cross. He, therefore, who wishes to be a leader must be ready to sacrifice his life. " ' I add one thing more, and that is of the Christians of to-day. Being fed and clothed by God they are just like dead matter. This is because they do not un- derstand the words of God. Among many sad things this is the most deplorable. Even if 39,000,000 of people become nominally Christian, this will not suf- fice to purify society. This should not be lightly thought of.' "His words pierced me through. Some time had passed, so I rose to leave, promising to see him again with Miss Ushiwoda. On my going he presented me with his photograph, saying, 'I give you this that you may not forget what I have asked you to do. ' Two days later I visited him with Miss Ushiwoda. Though very busy, he received us, saying many things to us which I cannot speak of here, feeling my inability to express his thought rightly. But one sentence I shall not forget so long as I live. 'Let neither of you ever despair. Persevere. Dare to become reformers, yea, the renewers of this generation, and work on.' He seemed to be greatly moved as he uttered these words, and we left him in tears. His last words to us were : 'This may be the last time I shall see you, so please pray for me and for the Doshisha. ' We went out of the door looking into his face, and sorrowfully gained our homes. "From that time we prayed daily for his recovery and for the university, when unexpectedly we heard the TRIBUTES. 335 sad news of the 23d. We did not know even how to lament, it was so unexpected. It was the 23d of De- cember when he talked with us, — but thirty days be- tween these two 23ds. Who could dream that those words were the last that he should speak to us? When I look back upon that day I recollect that his face showed traces of suffering, but he spoke to us as if he were unconscious of pain. Oh, his words ! Even now though I shut my eyes I see his face clearly , and I can relate but little of what he said, for my feelings overwhelm me." To those familiar with the national movement of the last thirty years in Japan Mr. Fukuzawa's name is well known. Like Mr. Neesima he was of the samu- rai class, and by his pursuit of western knowledge estranged his family and subjected himself to perse- cution and obloquy. On his return from America, which he visited with the first Japanese ambassador, he published a work entitled "The Condition of the Western Nations." This book was a revelation to Japan, and in those days of bitter feeling Mr. Fuku- zawa was intensely hated by the anti-foreign party. In 1866, he visited Europe, and on his return issued "The Promotion of Knowledge," whose first edition exceeded half a million copies. In all questions of religious, political, and social reform, Mr. Fukuzawa has been the recognized independent leader of Young Japan. Like Mr. Neesima, also, he has steadily re- fused all political preferment. As journalist, lec- turer, author, and especially as teacher, he has, in the words of a Japanese writer, "done more toward the growth of western civilization in Japan than any other man." The extract given below is from an article in the "Contemporary Review," of which Mr. Fukuzawa is editor. 336 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. "It is reported that Mr. J. H. Neesima died of heart disease on the 23d inst. in a hotel at Oiso. "There is nothing more lamentable in human expe- rience than death. But the death of Mr. Neesima is especially to be lamented as a loss to society. If we examine the state of society we see men attaching toe much weight to everything official, as if there were no position of fame or honor outside of the government. This is the natural outcome of the feudal system. To be a government official is to be on the road to sure success. And because of this belief the avenues of official patronage are crowded. In education and re- ligion, as well as in politics and commerce, every eye is turned towards the government as the central source of prosperity. The existence of this tendency is disgraceful. Many things go to make up society, and of these government is one, but not the only one. In the lower stages of civilization extraordinary pow- ers are vested in those who govern. Such a state of things woidd, however, be a blot upon this enlight- ened century, and those interested in educational and religious movements should aim at independence both for themselves and these enterprises. But is this the fact with us to-day ? How many men are there among us who, free from selfish interests, seek the true inde- pendence of society? Now and then we hear a re- mark on this subject; but of what avail is it unless accompanied by individual illustration and example? It is as if a man who himself drinks to excess should preach temperance to others. Independent men make an independent society. Mr. Neesima, living in a corrupt age, was not corrupted by it. Working ear- nestly in the cause of education and religion, his pur- pose was ever single. He was indeed an example of TRIBUTES. 337 independence. His body perished, but his name is beyond the reach of oblivion. Many of the coming generations will hear of him, to take heart and fol- low him. This may perchance be a comfort to his spirit. Learning the sad news of his death we lament the loss to society of a true freeman, and present herewith our humble condolences." Mr. Jichiro Tokutomi, who is preparing a life of Mr. Neesima, to be published in Japanese, wrote in the "Nation's Friend," of which he is the editor: — "Lamartine tells us that, next to his blood, his tears are the most precious things a man can give. Individually we have lost him to whom we looked as to a father and teacher, for strength and light and love, — Mr. Joseph Neesima. As a society we have lost the leader of the cause of moral reformation in Japan. We have done our best to keep back our tears, but in vain. It is now no time to express our sorrow, for it cannot to-day be contained in letters and words. Nor is this the time to eulogize him, to analyze his character. . . . Not only brave men, but those soulless waves which wash the shores of Oiso seem to mourn for him. But his spirit of consecra- tion still lives, and shall not we who enjoyed his per- sonal teaching take courage and work on after him in this spirit? An elaborate eulogy, a magnificent fu- neral, a splendid monument, these would not please him. Far better is it for us to do our daily duty, to help forward little by little with our whole heart and life the moral regeneration of society, that our land may be the home of men and women loving liberty, truth, charity, and God. This, indeed, would be pleasing to him, and let him who admires his charac- ter and deplores his death think c.f these things. You, 338 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. preachers, make your church a self-supporting one. You, teachers, make your schools training places of character. You, students, seek for the spirit and energy of those who, loving liberty, can contribute to their country's welfare. You, editors, proclaim the truth fearlessly, to your enemies as to your friends. And you, all men, with all your soul and strength love God, truth, each other." On February 21, 1890, a large audience gathered at Koseikan, where the great public meetings of To- kyo are held, in commemoration of Mr. Neesima. The following is an extract from the address delivered by Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, President of the Tokyo Uni- versity : — "You have assembled to-day to pay a tribute to the memory of Mr. Neesima. I have been requested to be present and to say something. I declined at first, for I never even met Mr. Neesima and have had no relations whatever with him. I am not a believer in Jesus. Those who have already addressed you are all, I believe, his followers. I alone am not a Chris- tian. Neither am I a Buddhist. I am a man of no religion. . . . Yet, being urged to speak, I would like to make a simple statement. From what I have heard of Mr. Neesima I know very well what kind of a man he was, — one greatly to be honored and re- spected. All who have spoken unite in ascribing to him an invincible purpose. It is this unconquerable spirit of his which I honor. I do not praise him because he was a Christian. I care not whether he believed in Jesus or not. I praise him for that stead- fast spirit, so essential in every sphere, of religion, learning, politics, or trade. I believe this spirit a great necessity in this country, although it is of course TRIBUTES. 339 everywhere important. We are a clever people. Western nations commend us in this respect, and they are doubtless right. Within twenty or thirty years we have, in virtue of this quality of smartness, appro- priated much from the west. It is a good thing to be clever, but to be clever only is to lack strength. Cleverness and steadfastness of purpose rarely go hand in hand. The former is apt to taper away into shallowness and fickleness, and the fickle, shallow mind can rarely carry through to its end any great undertaking. While there are undoubted exceptions, yet I think this is our weakness, that we have not the endurance, the indefatigable spirit, of the men of the west. In the case of Mr. Neesima, however, from the very first, when he decided to go to Amer- ica, to the close of his life, this invincible spirit was conspicuous. Such success as he attained cannot be brought about by mere cleverness. '* We are praised for the enormous progress we have made during the last thirty years. Many who, not long since, despised foreigners as barbarians, now almost worship them. From regarding them as beasts of the field they have come to consider them divine. This transformation has been wrought by the genius of cleverness, and it is well that it is so ; but a more steadfast spirit would have brought about the change more gradually. . . . Foreigners criticise us for our mobility, and in itself mobility leads to no good re- sults. . . . Without other qualities we cannot com- pete successfully with the west. Even if in actual hand to hand conflict we should conquer, in the com- petitions of peace we would be worsted. For the west is not only clever, it is strong. ... I do not say that we are altogether destitute of this element of 310 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. strength, for if this were so the future would be hope- less. But I do say that for the young, Mr. Neesima is in this respect a great example. Not only those who follow him in his religious faith, but all, — mer- chants, statesmen, scholars, — should strive to acquire his spirit. It is well to understand in this age of the survival of the fittest the necessity for this capacity to endure, and I earnestly desire that more men of his temper may be raised up among us. "In this audience there are Confucianists and Bud- dhists as well as Christians ; but I think the latter are in the majority, and I would therefore take this op- portunity to make another suggestion in respect to which also Mr. Neesima is an example. ... A be- lief in Christianity seems to weaken patriotism and loyalty to the emperor (some applause, with cries of 'No, no,' from the audience). This is the opinion of some, and I think it is confirmed by the conduct of some Christians. I hear a great many 'Noes,' and I am glad if this charge is not true. There is no rea- son why belief in Christianity should decrease loyalty to country, but as Christianity is of foreign origin men of other faiths naturally bring this charge even if it be only in defense of their own creeds. During the Tokugawa dynasty, when Confucianism was in its prime, a great scholar asked his disciples what they would do if Confucius and Mencius should lead a hos- tile army into Japan, and they made no answer; fail- ing to perceive the simple truth that whether it be Confucius or Jesus who comes to invade the empire, it is our duty to defend it. . . . Whether there be any such feeling to-day or not, Christians will be open to this accusation and should be careful to give their opponents no ground for attack at this point. No- TRIBUTES. 341 thing of this sort can be charged to Mr. Neesima, and therefore I have not hesitated to speak of it and to commend him in this respect also as one to be honored and imitated." At the same meeting, Mr. Takegoshi, editor of "The Christian," said: — "In this large audience of the aged as well as the young, of men and women, sitting shoulder to shoul- der, there are doubtless atheists as well as Christians, theists, Buddhists, and materialists, and certainly many who never knew Mr. Neesima. Why have so many unacquainted with him assembled here with those who knew him well? To honor his memory. And how shall we do this? Shall we honor him as president of the Doshisha? The Doshisha University is so firmly established that we need not grieve on its account. Shall we honor him then as a Christian? But this atheist, this materialist, and yonder Bud- dhist, how can they honor him for this reason? Why, then, are they here? This great assembly has gath- ered, I think, to commemorate Mr. Neesima as one of the great men of this century whose extraordinary character is the common possession of the people. It is, therefore, more fitting to speak of him on this oc- casion as a hero than to relate the history of his work or to tell the story of his faith. And there arises in our mind first the question, What is a hero? Man is a being who worships heroes. The universe is the temple of hero-worship. The history of the thousands of years since man first inhabited the world is the his- tory of this worship. " Carlyle asserts that the worship of a false hero is the evidence of weakness, and that the homage paid the true hero indicates a great people. Yet even 342 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. great nations often bow down to the false and fail to notice the real hero who lives and dies in their midst. It is a great and glorious thing for a nation to recog- nize and appreciate its true heroes, and if the charac- ter of Mr. Neesima satisfies our ideal of greatness, his fame is the common glory of the nation. If a hero is one who can command an army, who rides among fly- ing bullets and glittering swords, then Mr. Neesima was not one. If a hero is one whose eloquence like a mighty wind sweeps away all opposition, or whose fluent speech and practical tact insure success in every undertaking, he was not one. But if he is the hero whose life is a poem, a lesson which can be sung, and which is capable of stirring the enthusiasm of fu- ture generations, then Mr. Neesima may well be given that title. Does any one charge me with extravagant praise? I can say only what I believe. Often the fame of great men is larger than the reality. The shadow is greater than the body itself. So that on drawing near the reality disappoints us. For this reason great men are often compared to a picture which must be observed from a certain distance. But this was not the case with Mr. Neesima. Great as was his fame, when we approach nearer, to see and speak with him, he wins a larger respect. Those who knew him personally testify to his gentleness and meekness. But there burned within him a fire of mighty power. It is a very rare thing to see these two traits in a single individual. A merely good man is often weak-minded, while ability frequently leads to rashness and imprudence. Gentleness and force coexisted in Mr. Neesima to a rare degree. "In one of his letters to me he wrote: 'Young man, fighting once, do not stop there. Fighting the TRIBUTES. 343 second time, do not stop there. Do not stop even after fighting the third time. Your sword shattered, your arrows all spent, yet do not stop fighting till every bone is broken and every drop of blood is shed for the truth. Yes, if we do not fight for the truth is not our life a useless one? ' These words rouse me to action. When I read them I sit upright. Within, his spirit raged like the billowy sea, but it flowed out calm and peacefid in a meek and gentle conduct. So a mighty river foaming with a power to move mountains while in its bed, when it reaches the sea spreads tranquilly over the vast surface without a ripple. The secret of this combination of gentle- ness and strength was his confidence in heaven. He intrusted all to God. He used, to say, 'The grasses do not thank the spring breeze, nor the falling leaves complain of the autumn wind.' Autumn wind and spring zephyr were alike to him. He neither strove to win fame nor to avoid misfortune. If joy and pleasure came, he did not refuse them ; if they passed by, he let them go and did not rim after them. He left everything to its natural course. And thus on his death-bed he said: 'I do not complain to heaven, nor find faidt with any man.' He began by trusting in heaven, he ended by enjoying it. What a sublime life. Nor did he, like an idle preacher, think lightly of his high calling. When he was in Kobe for his health, being in Osaka I went down to see him. For- getful of his own illness he conversed with me a long time, asserting that the progress and prosperity of a nation at any epoch was to be measured by the num- ber of its great men, and went on to speak of the scar- city of men devoted to the cause of humanity. After an hour's talk he was tired out, and fearing that he 344 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. would injure himself by so long a conversation I en- treated him to stop. But he would not consent, and went on speaking as if perfectly well. The transfor- mation of this self-seeking world into a realm of free- dom and righteousness, where the old shoidd help the young and the young care for the aged, in which the rich and the poor should cease to antagonize each other, where labor should have its due reward, and peace and prosperity brood over the entire community, in a word the realization of the great possibilities of humanity, — this was his constant preoccupation and aim. Morn- ing and evening, awake and dreaming, it never left his heart. To this end he strove to add morality to edu- cation. The great enterprise of his life had the same object in view. Riu Gen-Toku said ' Cho-un is all courage. ' So it has been said of Mr. Neesima, ' he was all fire." And this fire burned to bring forth a peaceful, prosperous nation. His tears, his prayers, his philanthropy, yea, his sickness even, were all de- voted to his country. His was a vocation ordained by Heaven, and to build up on earth the Kingdom of Heaven he conceived to be his highest duty. We can readily understand now why he believed in himself and assumed so great a responsibility. " If it be possible to combine truth and humanity, a bold spirit and a meek character, to show practically by one's conduct what Christianity is, without help from the dignitaries of the state or the powerfid of this world, Mr. Neesima has done so. He was the Puritan of the nineteenth century. His life is like a poem which has the power to thrill and awaken. It is a precept to be followed. Such a character as his is indeed to be respected, and it is an honor to the nation to possess it. HIS CHARACTER. 345 "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Neesima is no more. As a mortal man, as the Puritan of the Orient, the leader of humanity, the man of independence, the lover of children, the teacher of the young, the friend of woman, the comforter of the old, he is no more. His body is buried, as was the body of the thief. But he still lives. He lives in the memory of his fel- low-countrymen, in the cause of truth and humanity, in the grateful thought of the nation. " You who com- memorate him, endeavor to follow in his footsteps, consecrate your energies to make this nation strong, upright, and noble. This is the best way to honor his memory." Few men give serious thought to the condition of the society of which they form a part, and of those who lament this condition fewer still are ready to con- secrate themselves to the cause of social regeneration. Criticism and complaint are more common than self- sacrificing effort for reform. But Mr. Neesima does not seem to have thought of self even in the early pe- riod of his discontent and restlessness, for the motives which led to his flight were distinctly patriotic. Such they remained throughout his life ; but, as his horizon widened, so also did his ambition. Beginning with the desire to make his country strong, he ended by seeking to make it Christian. When the embassy at Washington sought his services his allegiance had al- ready passed from the empire of Japan to the king- dom of Christ. In many of the elements which con- tribute to what we call success and constitute worldly greatness he was lacking. He was not a learned man, nor a profound scholar. He possessed neither great tact nor large executive ability. He was too modest and retiring to attract general attention, and as a 346 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. public speaker was deficient in those gifts which pro- duce instant impressions. Nor did personal contact with him reveal those masterful qualities to which, as indicative of a profound confidence in self, success is often ascribed. But while he seemed to remember self only to become conscious of his own deficiencies, he had an immovable faith in a Divine Worker, and this faith carried him through discouragements and disappointments which faith in self only cannot sur- vive. With the modest estimate of his own powers which gave his presence so rare a charm, was blended a trust in a higher Power working through him, and this trust was the source of his own courage and of the inspiration he imparted to others. He had a large heart, and in such an enterprise as that in which he was engaged, this quality of great-heartedness is more effective than those more negative ones of shrewdness and tact. Some of the attributes which go to make up the brilliancy of leadership, he did not possess, but those which make examples and inspire imitation, sin- gleness of purpose, loyalty to duty, self-abnegation, gentle conduct, and overflowing love, were his to a marked degree. It is difficult to analyze that per- sonality which lies behind a word or an act, insig- nificant in themselves, to lift them out of the com- monplace. In his quiet personal intercourse with men, Mr. Neesima possessed this power of investing a common thing with an uncommon meaning, «and by right of his absolute sincerity coidd do what a more prudent but less loving heart would shrink from. On one occasion, when a rebellious spirit calling for severe discipline was manifested among the stu- dents, he acquiesced in the infliction of the penalties voted by the Faculty, but, in the presence of the HIS CHARACTER. 347 school assembled in the chapel, declared with deep emotion that the existence of this spirit was proof of a defective government, for which he was responsible, and for which, therefore, he also deserved punish- ment ; and taking a cane proceeded to strike his own hand with a force that brought tears and indignant protests from the entire school. This incident illus- trates forcibly how intimate is the union of love and a real justice. Mr. Neesima's love knew no limits. It is easy to love our friends, it is possible to love our enemies ; but it is rare to find one who loves the great multitude of the unknown. In a conversation with one whom he was urging to take up work in the prov- inces, he quoted the poem written by the wife of one of the earlier Shoguns : — " However glad the city's spring may be, The thought of fading country flowers deep sadness brings to me." Mr. Neesima's monument is not the simple stone which marks the grave on the slope above Kyoto ; it is the miiversity on the plain below. Every one who visits Japan is impressed by the results it has already wrought. A Russian nobleman, high in station in his native land, after meeting Mr. Neesima and in- specting the Doshisha in 1887, said: "He is one of the most wonderful men in some respects I have ever known, and this institution would be a blessing to any nation. There are no schools in Siberia to compare with it, and I wish that some of the energy and force and wisdom which have been displayed in its founda- tion might be devoted to the work of lifting up my countrymen who are scattered through that broad Asiatic empire which we possess." Yet even the uni- versity itself, the visible outcome of Mr. Neesima s 348 LAST YEARS AND DEATH. life, does not represent the sum of his activity. For beyond all the energy and self- sacrifice involved in its foundation are these personal and indirect influences upon men and society, which cannot be estimated, which cannot be adequately represented by a monu- ment or an inscription, and which widen "with the process of the suns." APPENDIX. The Doshisha School was established in 1875. The first class graduated from the Theological department in 1879, and from the Collegiate department in 1880. The Girls' School was opened in 1877 ; the Preparatory depart- ment and the Doshisha Hospital and Nurses' Training School were opened in 1887. The Harris Science School was opened in September, 1890, and the trustees have voted to open the department of Political Science in 1891. The name "Meiji" University, proposed in 1884, was changed in 1888 to Doshisha University. The Board of Trustees is composed of ten Japanese, residents of Kyoto, Tokyo, and Osaka ; there are also three foreign associates, and one honorary member. The catalogue for 1890-91 shows a Faculty of Instruction of thirty-four members, twenty -three of whom are Japanese, and the following courses of instruction : a Preparatory course of two years ; an Academic course of four years ; a Theological course of four years, candidates for which must have completed the Academic course or its equivalent ; a Special Theological course of three years, established in 1882, with provision for one year's preparatory study ; and a short Vernacular course of two years, designed for such as cannot take the full course, but desire to engage in evangelistic work. The Harris School comprises two departments, one of pure sci- ence (university courses), and one of applied science (tech- nical courses). The number of students entered in 1890 was : — Preparatory 76 Collegiate ........ 376 Scientific ....... 33 Theological ...... .85 Total ........ 570 350 APPENDIX. The Doshisha now comprises about twenty buildings, in- cluding thirteen dormitories accommodating seven hundred students, a gymnasium, a chapel for the Preparatory depart- ment, and four brick buildings, namely, a chapel with a seating capacity of seven hundred, a library which also contains six recitation rooms, a recitation hall with eight rooms, and the new Harris building with lecture-rooms and laboratories. UNIVERSITY OF CAI .-v^s, nNGELES THE JNl' . . 1 LIBRARY s ) ) ■ UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT T.OS ANfiFJ/TCS AA 000 627 810 5 3 1158 00208 2963