GIFT or 5f^ ISiiiSP^ 1I: I^^^S Is^S KK&fl@i ("^ ^ Ni?7 asm HEBREW BEADING LESSONS: CONSISTING OP THE FIRST FOUR CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK OF GENESIS, AND THE EIGHTH CHAPTER OF THE PROVERBS. 77ITK A GRAMMATICAL PRAXIS, AND AN INTERLINEARY TRANSLATION. BY S. P, TREGELLES, LL.D. A Multee terricohs lingua?, ccelestibu3 una. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 19, PATERNOSTER ROW. ^^^^c^W^Un. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. The following Grammatical Analysis and interlincary Version have been prepared with the object of aiding beginners in the study of the Hebrew language. The first Four Chapters of Genesis have been selected as containing specimens of almost every simple form of construction, as well as a very large number of words: to these, the Eighth of Proverbs has been added, as a specimen of one of the Poetical books. The Serviles added to the root, as well as all Pre- fixes and Suffixes of each word, are printed in hollow letters ; and all letters which have been dropped from the root, are' placed above the line. Beneath each Hebrew word the corresponding English is given literally. Whatever in the Hebrew Text cannot be rendered into English (such as the particle *"l$ marking the object), is represented by the sign )(. Words neces* -'50403 k * 11 INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. sarily added to complete the English form of expression, are printed in italic. Words expressed in Hebrew, but which are redundant in English, are inclosed within brackets [ ]. The article when expressed or implied in Hebrew is distinguished by small capital letters. The Grammatical Praxis is connected with the Text by a reference letter prefixed to each word. The aim in the construction of this analysis has been to give the learner sufficient information about every word; all the circumstances of each word (i. e. its prefixes, suffixes, &c.) being fully described on its first occurrence. Where the same word occurs again, it has been deemed suf- ficient to note more briefly its peculiarities and to refer to the chapter, verse, and letter, where it has been before explained. Proper names have been left without being referred to any root. The pronunciation of the Hebrew words has been given to aid in the acquirement of what is so indispen- sable to success fluency of reading the language. The Vowel sounds employed are those of the Italian, and some other continental languages, viz. : ^1^7 to this especial attention should be given. The Con- sonants employed to indicate the pronunciation have the same power as in English. The letter K having as a consonant no representative in English, is not noticed in the pronunciation; V is, however, always indicated, because, in the opinion of some, it possessef a guttural sound. INTHODUCTOHY NOTICE. Ill In spelling it is impossible to attach too much im- portance to the division of the Hebrew syllables. The following memoranda will be found of some assistance to the student. 1. In Hebrew every syllable must commence with a consonant: the only seeming exception is when a word begins with N, V, or 1, pointed thus, -1. 2. Every syllable must be closed either, 1st. By a consonant : or, 2nd. By a long vowel : the only exception is when a syllable is ended by a short vowel with an accent. A long vowel docs not take the following consonant unless it have an accent, or unless the consonant be doubled by a dagesh. 3. The compound sh'vas (or imperfect vowels) ( _ :) , ^, (t:) , never can be the vowel of a syllable ; they simply enable the guttural letter under which they stand to be more easily enunciated. 4. Furtive pathach also never forms a syllable; in accordance with the rule which requires that ever} syllable must commence with a consonant. 5. Simple sh'va where vocal is to be pronounced like e in below, only rather more lightly. After a few hours have been spent in learning to enunciate distinctly, the student may acquire the flexion of the regular verb, after this, the common prefixes and suffixes, and then the irregular verbs. It is well for the student to bear in mind that however formida- IV IXTItODUCTOIiY NOTICE. ble the Hebrew verbs may appear in a table, yet the terminations or prefixes in all the seven species (whether the verb be regular, irregular, or defective) are the same ; so that the exercise of memory is confined to acquiring twenty -eight words (the verb in Kal), no very hard half an hour's work, and then all else may be made an exercise, not of the memory, but of the understanding. The learner will have acquired a tolerable stock of words, when he really knows the translation and Praxis here given : he will then do well to pay considerable attention to a good Hebrew grammar ; not overlooking the accents, both as to their powers and consecution ; for although but a slight knowledge of grammar will enable him to read Hebrew, yet the more accurate is his knowledge of grammar, the more will he appreciate the exactitude of the Hebrew language, and be thus fully repaid for the labour bestowed in acquiring a knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures in their original language. References have not been made in the Praxis to any Hebrew Grammar, but concise rules have been supplied as required almost continually in the first chapter (where all changes of points, the excluded article, &c. are fully explained) and more sparingly afterwards, when the learner might be supposed to have acquired some familiarity with the particulars which have been so often repeated. No Hebrew Grammar is altogether equal for the INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. v purposes of the learner to that by the late Prof. Gesenius : the much improved last edition of which, having been edited since his death by Rodiger, has been put forth by the Publishers of this Work. This aid to beginners in Hebrew originated in a plan of teaching which the author had used. It was com- menced many years ago, and circumstances led to its resumption and publication. It contains in fact lessons, which having been often gone through with pupils orally, are here given on paper for the use of learners. It is scarcely needful to dwell on the usefulness of introductory books to Hebrew students ; books in which explanations are given as required; so as to ground the learner in the rules and their exemplifica- tions, and thus to lead as far as may be into a thorough acquaintance with the language, and that gradually; and if possible, to induce habits of careful investigation of every word met with in reading, both as to its own value, and also as to its connection and bearing upon the rest of the sentence. This elementary book was compiled with these ob- jects ; and it may be confidently stated that it contains the results actually arrived at in practically teaching the language, not merely to adults but also to children, meeting the difficulties and answering the questions which from time to time have been felt by learners. It may also be stated that the mode of learning exhibited in this little book, has been attended with VI IXTHODUCTOHY NOTICE. satisfactory practical success in oral instruction; a great part of the advantage of which will, it is believed, be conveyed by these Reading Lessons even to those who are studying the language without the aid of an in- structor. It may also be suggested that teachers themselves might find such an elementary book as this a means of lightening their labours, and promoting the progress of their pupils. S. P. T. at : - a v: a- : * rnov.30.5. :fa wtirb mri po ELEMENTS HEBREW GRAMMAR. ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. THE ALPHABET. Hebrew. Name. Power. Rabbinic. Sama- ritan. No. X P)^ Aleph '-# * 1 a 1V3 Beth . r b&v 3 a 2 a ?* Gimel S a i 3 i rbl Daleth V IT d 7 ^ 5 i *} Vav V i T 6 T jn Zain * i A^ 7 n n^p Cheth kh p ^ 8 a JVD Teth t p V 9 iV Yod y m 10 r S)3 Caph k ^1 a 20 TO? Lamed I b z 30 a d D[0 Mem m P D ^ 40 3 ? PJ Nun n 3 1 i 50 D SJSD Samech s P * CO V $? Ayin " V c? 70 2 B] ng Pa P> ph Pq a 80 x X *$ Tzadde tz 5 r tfl 200 bb |*0 Shin sScsh D MA 300 n m Tav iT t, ih P A 400 ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAS. THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF THE LETTERS. The intermediate numbers, from 10 to 20, from 20 to 30, &c, are expressed by adding to C) Yod, (D) Caph, Sec., the letters which represent the desired unit, e.g. frs^ 11, fcO 21, SO 31, &c, except in the case of 15, which, instead of being !"P in regular form, is represented by 1D or 9 & 6 = 15, because the use of the first two letters of HirP (Jehovah) is esteemed by the Jews irre- verent. The Hebrew letters preserve their own numerical value, whether placed in the order of numeration, or irregularly, thus 2Dp or 2p3 or pD2 equally represent 122 ; p is 100 wherever placed, 3 is likewise equal to 2, and D stands for 20, without regard to relative position. The current year would therefore be represented by TOnnS, X 1000 T\T\ 400 twice D 40 il 8. DAGESH. The six consonants n D *1 .1 3, pronounced technically alto- gether Bcgadkepliat, have a twofold pronunciation. "When they are found without the central point, called Dagesh, they are pro- nounced respectively 2 v, 3 gh, 1 dh, (strictly, but conventionally g and d, for the exact force of these two letters is unknown,) D the guttural German ch, D ph, T) th. When dagesh is inserted thus n 5 3 ^ 5 2, their pronunciation is exactly that of t, p, k, d, g, in go, and b, in English. DIVISION OF LETTERS. The Hebrew alphabet is also divided according to the organs of speech used in uttering the letters, as follows r X ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GBAXMA& Gutturals . H, H s R K Palatals . . p, 3, 1, * Linguals . D, D, 1, J, 7 Sibilants, or Dentals , i?, D, 7 Labials . . B, i V, 1. Letters of the same organs are frequently interchanged, as PRONUNCIATION. The sounds of K and JJ are lost, consequently their equivalents in English cannot be denoted ; they are quiescent in Hebrew, and take invariably the sound given to them by the vowels, as V o, V ee, y a, & o, K ee, N a, &c. : in the same way the' letters 1 and * when used with the vowels cholem and shoorek are quiescent, as J-IS pronounced fcoon, and |12l toe. But 1 is a consonant at the beginning of a word, as ^PN*! vayumer ; so also nii"P pronounced yehuvah : in this last example it will be observed that the *l commences a syllable, and therefore is a consonant as at the beginning of a word ; it may be further illustrated by dividing the word into syllables, thus, HI lil I } = ye I ho I vah. Yod C) is a consonant at the beginning of a word like our y in yard, as DV yom, day ; "T yai, a hand : yod is quiescent with keerik in the middle of a word, as C^rvX pro- nounced eloheem; when keerik has a yod after it (\), the vowel ( ) is long, as ee in feet ; sometimes it is long without the yod, as DJ^JVI kataneeneem. Gen. 1.21. ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMA It. OF RADICAL AND SERVILE LETTERS. The following letters are used to designate persons, numbers, genders, and other modifications of the words of the Hebrew language, viz., 5-s, Pi, 1, \ D, J, J"l, and are called Serviles ; though these are sometimes also Radicals when they form roots, as H^ yashao, he sat; iW haiali, he w 7 as, &c. The letters of this last example are all serviles used as radicals. The remaining letters of the alphabet are radicals, i. e. they never serve to distinguish persons, numbers, &c, as the serviles do, and are used only for roots, as 1\)B pakad, he visited ; ppn kulak, he divided, Sec. Radicals 3 J 1 T ft D 3 V D 9 B S T8P. Serviles K ill "> D 3 D. THE VOWELS. Series of Perfect Vowels. jure. Power. Name. T a as in Ah! |*Pj3 Kamets T a as in mate +V$ Tsaray T ee as in feet V pyn Keerik Gado'J h o as in note D^n Cholem 1 oo as in boot pihW Shoorek Figure. Series of Imperfect Vowels. Power. i as in fit o as in not co as in foot ft as in bad e as in met Name. }*Bg pyn Keerik Katon Rl'lDri Y PiJ Kamets Katuph f|g Kibbuts nFl3 Pattach b'WD Segol XII ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. The vowels are sounded after the consonants under which they are placed. Thus 3 is pronounced bah, 3 bay, &c. A consonant with one of the perfect vowels forms what is called an open syllable, as 3 bah, but with an imperfect vowel a second consonant is required, as *13 bad, and a closed syllable is formed ; except where an accent immediately follows the im- perfect vowel, as t?Q3 a soul, pronounced nafesh, not nefesh. The pattach under a final Cheth or Ayin is exceptional. It is there called pattach furtive, and is sounded before the consonant, as nil rooach, not roocha. SHEVA. Sheva is a sign invented to accompany vowelless letters, to certify that the vowel has not been omitted through mistake. It is placed under all initial and medial letters, which have no vowel of their own, except the quiescents. Figure. Name. Power. E*1K>Q fcOt? Sheva Simple the shortest e as in between, and peruke, except when quiescent by position. The Simple Sheva, when it occurs under the guttural letters N, H, n, JJ, and 1, is associated with the short vowels to increase its power, and it then has a power equal to the shortest utterance of those vowels. Figure Name. Power. nriS Pjipn Chateph Pattach a as in mat. 7)2p P]pn Chateph Segol e as in met. ~* yPP H^C Chateph Kamets o as in hot. ELEMENTS OF HEBREW GRAMMAR. XUl THE CONJUGATIONS. The Conjugations in Hebrew are also denominated Moods or Species. They are seven in number : three Active, three Passive, and one Reflective, the last is similar to the Middle voice in Greek. Their names are as follow : Kal, Niphal, Piel, Pual, Hiphil, Hophal, Hithpael. The distinctions between these names may be explained thus, using the verb, to love, as an illustration : Active, Kal, to love, Passive, Niphal, to be loved, Active, Piel, to love ardently, Passive, Pual, to be loved ardently, Active, Hiphil, to cause to love, Passive, Hophal, to be caused to love, Reflective, Hithpael, to love oneself. THE SEPARATE PRONOUN. Singular, 1. com. ?& -jX, in pause W . . I. (masc. HDX (fiK), in pause fifiX . ) 2. } r " T T T V thou, {fern. J?$ OnX, prop. *JJK) . . f 3. masc. S-IH he. , . fern. X s t} she. Plural. 1. com. a:H38 P-D3), (-UN) . . . we. 2. masc. DFlH . . . fern.. |Qg, njfiN ye. o. masc. DH, nJ] t fern. \T\, H3n they. TABLE OE ACCENTS. FORMS. POSITION AND NAMES. FORMS POSITION AND NAMES. Distinctives. Conjunctive*. J : r P^DB tpD or : p-^D "~j " . X nBte' or TOD T T T j- Ur t : - : v M : v < tpen i$t& ^gno r K$^ap ,n^ ,ijo * .... wpng j $| Hi?.; 1 . ^j ifa* tun 2.-' _ : ._ . . . . ftgqg <* . .tnippKf^ 1 . *~ KT13p .... ND"ID ! i s i jrrn * ifcjfc f- .... xgnt ;> . . . nfoM Nm?3 s.i - t t : - V~ . . . )vv j| nr Tnn The following occur only d nw in the Psalms, Fro- verbs, and Job : . . bVu nts> ,n?3 J m-iD r v TjH n^y tyttQ _S_ . . . rna KJl? ^ > p kc6d ,nVna kbF$A . . . g*yj ena 4 -i . . . l6tK ,BHI \ *n^ ,P*d$d anst? (t . pehi *:p> D*ghj ' vt : 't:- 00 J .... !p"D3 % . . . sjgriD* kjtit . To the above maybe fl Placed between words, as i"P3 1 -IL'^ added P|gD ("), which is placed between two (Gen. 18. 21). This or more words; and _ accent is also called 3JTOJ Metheg. iTOia? when it oc- When this mark curs before r as is placed at the right of n$G "J}?? i nfe^jD sh'va, as in *nn it is (Gen. 18. 25). called N^| gzng-ya. * There are some instances in t Called also KCTin, and j which this accent is used as a con- used sometimes as a dis- ' junctive. tinctive of the 4th class. n "> m n a GENESIS. CHAPTERS I. IV. efotfrr' n* bvt^k* ana* jr^-ia* j- a* v: jt t *.; God created heaven-THE )( bep;inning-In .earth-TiiE )(-and inav inrr haw tnanv T JT : |T 1 V T t ; voidness-& wasteness was earth-TiiE-And &rbw rvnv Dinn* %a **-*?# ' Ntfrvr v: j : a : j" : ' v v : God of-spirit-the-and ;deep-the of-face-the upon (um)-darkness-& : b*e n " $a m -by ' n amb * it - j- : ^- vvy - : .waters-THE 'of-face-the upon hoverins-(itras) Chap. I. Verse 1. a V re-slutti , subst. fem. with fern. term. )V" with pref. part. 21 with its usual pointing. R. (not used in Heb.) perhaps to be moved, shaken, whence / fcO, head; from which is formed this noun, a denominative, (de nomine). * ha-ra' , verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. Fut. fr^? 1 '. (tf'v) ( t ) under the middle radical instead of the usual M because of the following X. c "Elo-him f , subst. masc. pi. with the usual masc. pi. term. D H 7 '> from the sing. r\V$. This word when applied to the true God usually takes singular verbs and adjectives ; this is not however always the case, so that the plurality of the idea of the word is distinctly conveyed, see ver. 26. This word is also applied to kings or judges, as holding power delegated from God, Ex. 22. 27(28.) Ps. 82. 6; and also to angels, see P3. 8. 6(5.) and 97. 7. (comp. Heb. 2. 7, 9. and I. 6.) I. i7. J. -GENESIS. I. v. 2. J 3th. This word ? s used to mark the object, and can only properly stand before r.' definite noun, i.e. one which is so either (1) by being a proper name, or (2) having the definite article *i7, or (3) having a word dependent upon it, or (4) having a pronominal suff. The word with which it is here used is rendered definite by the article. e hash-shd-ma' -yim, subst. masc. dual or pi. (sing, unused). (PI. forms are often used in Heb. in the names of objects in which extension or parts form a prominent idea.) With the definite article prefixed. The full form of the article is ?H, but when joined (as it always is) to the following word, the ? is omitted, and the first letter of its substantive is doubled by dagesh, and thus here there is W for V). R. (unused in Heb.) to be high. f veth. The copulative conjunction prefixed to ( d ). 1 has here its usual pointing. s hd-d'-rctz, (mostly fem.) (simple form J*")^ pi. m^DX); with art. a change takes place, thus: the K not admitting dagesh M of the art. is lengthened into Q by way of compensation^; and the accented f\ following the M thus formed is likewise changed into that vowel. (The pause accent would suffice to lengthen the vowel, but the form would have been the same had the word not been in pause.) Verse 2. a v -Jid-d' -ret~. The conj. cop. prefixed to (") chap. I. ver. i. b hd-xftlidli', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. fem. (the nominative Pl^H being here used as fem.) R. IT!! fut. T\)T\) apoc. W. c tho'-hii, subst. masc. (the preceding vowel sound deprives the initial T\ of its dagesh lene). R. (unused in Heb.) to be waste, desert, desolate. d vd-vo'-hu, subst. masc. with cop. conj. prefixed, pointed with y instead of its usual o, because of its being followed by an accented syllable. (Hence we may find 1 for \ before any monosyllable.) R. (unused in Heb.) prob. to be clean, pure, perhaps empty. e v'khd'-shech) subst. masc. with cop. conj. prefixed. R. to be dark, obscure. * Veil, prep. R. to be high, over. e pnci/, subst. masc. pi. const, (sing, unused) absolute form MQ a pi. noun as implying parts or extension. R. to turn. * t/ihom', subst. com. (pi. rton^l). The initial ft here loses its dagesh lene because of the preceding vowel sound. R. to put in motion. ' vru'ahh, subst. com. (generally fem.) with cop. conj. prefixed. PI. lYirVn. R. to breathe. I. v. 3. GENESIS. I. v. 5. i "Elo-him'. Chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). * mrah-khe'-pketh, Piel part. fern. (In the division of the syllables in this word the Pi must be regarded as doubled by implication ; hence the ( ) is not lengthened to compensate for the non-insertion of dagesh.) ' Val, CO- piiey { s )> n ham-ma' -yim, subst. dual or pi. (sing, unused) . PL as implying parts or extension, constr. *D, sometimes *D*D. With the art. *n. M is lengthened from n, because of the pause accent. R. (unused) to be fluid, to flow. i :i- a J* : .light was-there-and : light be-there- Let A V. T ;good (jw/s-i'O-that light-xiiE ,God said-And saw- And between-and between . T Ught-THB t < v: God ,day light-TiiK-to \vas-there-& evening was-there-and ; night God Goil " callcd-And scparated-and / - "}j? s .l" :w>??'- : I .darkness-TUE 3^ t'jt called-he darkness-THE-to-and IT V ^ 'VV. one day -the , morning Verse 3. a vay-yo'-mer, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive, with its usual points, viz. (_) and the next letter doubled by dagesh inserted: the accent is drawn back to the penultimate because of the 1 conversive. b "Mld-hlm*. Chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). c y'hi, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. The apoc. fut. (when one is found in the species) is used to express an imp. or subj. mood (as after words signifying that), and after ) conversive. a or, subst. masc. (it once occurs fern.) R. to be or become light. e va-yhi, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. which accounts for the use of the apoc. form. See ( b ) chap. I. ver. 2. 1 conv. I. v. 3. GENESIS. I. p. 5. is not here followed by dagesh, because when dagesh should regularly be inserted in a letter pointed with a simple or compound f \, such dagesh may be omitted. / or ( d ). Verse 4. a vay-yar&', verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. (regularly pointed) which accounts for the use of the apoc. form. The simple future of the verb is H&'V. b "Elo-lmri. Chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). c cth, see ( d ) chap. I. ver. i. The (\ is here shortened to (..) be- cause of the Makkaph by which it is joined to the next word. d hu-or\ ( d ) chap. I. ver. 3. with art. The art. is pointed with Q because K does not admit dagesh. e Jci, conj. (the verb to be is understood here). f tdv, adj. (fern. ("DID). R. to be good. ff vay-yav-del'i verb Hiphil fut. apoc. with 1 conv. regularly pointed. R. not used in Kal. * "Elo-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). ' bey?i, prep. (prop, constr. of subst. JJ3). S hd-or { d ), and (*) chap. I. ver. 3. }i u-veyn', prep. (') with conj. 1 prefixed, pointed -1 instead of having Q because it precedes a labial. The prep. ^71 is often repeated in the sentence before both the boundaries as we here find it. 1 hah-kho'-shech, (') chap. I. ver. 2. with art. which retains its M, although the PI cannot take dagesh ; but it is doubled by implication. Verse 5. a vay-yili-ra\ verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. (In this part of the verb there is no apoc. fut.) b "Elo-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. ( r ). c ld-dr', { d ) chap. I. ver. 3. and ( d ) chap. I. ver. 4. Here with the prefix 7 which excludes the letter of the art. retaining its vowel; so that "iVx? is for TlKn?. (For the Q see ( rf ) chap. I. ver. 4.) d yom, subst. com. (rarely fern.) pi. D*\ , e v'lah-kho'-shech, {") chap. I. ver. 2. and (') chap. I. ver. 4. with ;? and ) conj. prefixed: the art. excluded, see ( c ). f ka'-ra, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (With the accent drawn back, because the syllable which follows is accented.) Fut. N*lj!?\ s luy'-luh, subst. masc. 7 v with H paragogic (which may be dis- tinguished from the fern. term. Pi" by the latter taking the accent). In I. a 6. GENESIS. I. v. 8. 7r> v (\ in the penultimate is lengthened into M because of the pause accent. * m-y'Az, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). * Ve'-reV) subst. masc. Du?a D}2"]g. R. to &e black, dark. J va-y'hl, chap. I. ver. 3. ( c ). * vo'-ker, subst. masc. PL D'H-? (dagesh in 1 initial is omitted because of the preceding closely connected vowel sound.) 1 ydm, (). m eh-khdd\ numeral adj. masc. Fern. HPIX. (The T\ is regarded as doubled, and thus it closes the first syllable as well as commences the second.) This cardinal number is used in commencing a series (as in this case), or in naming the days of the month, as though it were an ordinal, first. of-midst-the-in expanse-an be-thcre-let ,God said-And |T T 'V- IP : ~ J* AT ~ .waters-to waters between dividing be-it-let-and ,waters-THE between divided-and ,expanse-THE )( God made- And . - - l j.. T T|T - J- v -; . - - waters-THE between-& expanse-THE-to beneatb-from (are)-which waters-THE x~$?y>: *|? ,5, ^4' Jrtni* n ^&" *\#tr 8 called-And .so was-it-And .expanse-THE-to above-from (ar). * dsher', relative ; indeclinable. (The verb to be is here understood.) ' mit-tah'-khath, subst. masc. (often used as a prep.) with prefix 12 for \C ; this prefix is pointed with the vowel Q and dagesh is inserted in the next letter to compensate for the excluded 3; nnFlD for nnn p. > Id-rd-Ja'-aV, chap. I. ver. 6. ( d ), with the art. excluded by the prefix h ; for ^jTHIp. k u-veyn', chap. I. ver. 4. (''). 1 ham-ma' -y 1711, chap. I. ver. 2. ( tt ), and chap. I. ver. 6. (>'). m dsher', ( A ). " me-VaV, subst. (very often used as a prep.) with D prefixed (see (') ; M is for M because the. following letter V cannot take dagesh. R.togoup. Id-rd-ki'aV, chap. I. ver. 6. ( rf ), and chap. I. ver. 7. (J). p va-xjh%\ chap. I. ver. 3. ('). q chen, a( iv. Dagesh is omitted in the initial 3 because of the pre- ceding vowel sound. R. to establish. Verse 8. * vay-yik-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. ( a ). b "Eld-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). I. v. 9. GENESIS. I. v. 13. c Id-rd-M'aV, chap. I. ver. 7. ("). d shd-mu'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ( e ), (_) changed into r\ because of the pause. e va-yhi, chap. I. ver. 3. {?). f Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. (''). s va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). A vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*j. 1 yom, chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ). J she-nV, ordinal adj. masc. fern. JTO^. R. to double, to repeat. waters-THE to^ether-gathered-be-there-Let ,God said-And w T I- : T V >J T v - t - - <- seen-be-shall-and ,one place unto heaven-THE under-from < v: t': - M- :r at t - - God called-And .so was-it-and ; land-dry-TiiE s-ip* s^Bf?' mpa^v p& J rr^3^ c jtIt -v.- - ,/': : I v v t t -- called-he waters-THE of-gathering-the-to-and .earth land-dry-THK-to v j- 1 v v: :;-- a- - said-And .good (was-it)-th-At God saw-and ; seas 2&y KttfV V-IKH" Kt>7,fi* B^N 4 herbage-green of-grass earth-THE forth-sprout-Let ,God &t$* ^15' T)'fii k *^ } y$ pit 4 j^nya* ,kind-its-to fruit making fruit of-tree ,seed seeding .so was-it-and ;earth-TiiE upon it-in (jiO-seed-its which Hv pjjb* ^w *#v n^? 4 xifav i2 seed seeding herbage-green of-grass earth-TUE forth-brought-And it-in (is)-aeed-its which fruit making tree-and ,kind-its-to :i- 1 \s v: '.) a- ; was-there-And .good {wus-it) -thixt God saw-and :kind-its-to third day morning was-there-and , evening I. v. 9. GENESIS. I. v. 13. Verse 9. n vay-yd'-mer ,, chap. I. ver. 3. ( a ). b "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c yik-kd-vu' , verb Niphal fut. pi. 3 peis. masc. (H'v). The fut. is here used as an imperative, such as is expressed by an apoc. fut. where that is found. R. in Kal prop, to twist, to wind; to be strong, to trust. d ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. ("). * mit-tah'-khath, chap. I. ver. 7. ("). f hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (<). s el, prep. * md-hom', (herem.) pi. JTlDlpD. R. to rise up, to stand. 1 eh-khdd', chap. I. ver. 5. ('"). J v the-rd-eh' , verb Niphal fut. sing. 3 pers. fern. (T'Q and N"J? and H"?), with 1 copulative prefixed, chap. I. ver. 4. ( a ). h hay-yab-bd-shdh', subst. fern, with art. R. to be dry. 1 va-ylil', chap. I. ver. 3. ('). m chen, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 10. vay-yik-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. ("). b "Eld -Mm' , chap. I. ver. 1. (''). c lay-yab-bd-shdh' , chap. I. ver. 9. (*), with ? prefixed, which ex- cludes the article. d e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). * u-Vmik-veh', subst. masc. const, (absolute fllpD) with pref. 7 and copulative conj. 1 prefixed. -1 stands for \ to prevent two n from standing together at the beginning of a word. R. chap. I. ver. 9. ( c ). S ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. ("). * kd-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. (/). h yam-mim' , subst. masc. pi. (sing. DJ). R. (unused in Heb.) to rage, roar. 1 vay-yarX,', ( a ) chap. I. ver. 4. J Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). * Jd, chap. I. ver. 4. (). l tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 11. " vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ( a ). b "Eld-hlm\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). '' tad-sheh\ verb Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fem. (X" ?) . R. to sprout. d hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). * deh'-sheh, subst. masc. const, (same form as absolute). R. to sprout forth. f Ve'-sev, subst. masc. PL const. T\)2W]}. R. (unused in Heb.) to be bright, to be green. I. v. 9. GENE SIS. I. v. 14. * maz-rl'aV, Hiphil part. $"?). h zeh'-?'aV, subst. masc. PI. with suff. DD*jn?. R. to scatter, to sow. * Vetz, subst. const, (absol. the same) pi. D^V^. R. to make fast, or Jinn. J p'ri, subst. masc. R. to bear, to produce. k Vo-seh , Kal part. Pael QFfi and H'6). 2* * 1 I pri, (>'). * Vmi-no' , subst. masc. with pref. 7 and pron. suff. of the 3 pers. sing. masc. referring to ]')}. R. (unused in Heb.) to bear an appearance. II dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). zar-Vo\ chap. I. ver. 11. ( h ), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. p t'd, pref. 3 with sufF. 3 pers. masc. sing. q Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). r hd-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). * vay-tfhi, chap. I. ver. 3. (<). < chen, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 12. vat-to-tze', Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fern. (*"Q and K'vj with 1 conversive, which accounts for the apoc. form. R. in Kal to go out. b hu-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (). ~ c de'-sheh, chap. I. ver. 11. (<*). d Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. it. ' (/). - maz-rVdV, chap. I. ver. 11. ("). f zeh'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11. ( ;/ ). * V mi-n). n Vmi-m'-hu. chap. I. ver. 11. ( ,H ), and chap. I. ver. 12. (^). vay-yarW, chap. I. ver. 4. (). p "Elo-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). 9 7vZ, cliap. I. ver. 4. (*). r ftw, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 13. " va-yhV, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). A Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. ('). c va-y'hV, chap. I. ver. 3. ('). rf vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). * yom< chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ). * sli-li-shi'i ordinal adj. Fern. IVE^W denom. from tW> three. of-expanse-the-in luminaries be-tliere-Let ,God j- said-And j" v - 1 * : - : between-and day-TUE between divide-to - T - heaven-the 10 I. r. 14. GENESIS. I. v. 19. .* t; *^-: j ; : < t : t :s lieaven-THE of-expanse-the-in luminaries-for be-shall-they-And .years-and hy^ a :iV'~Vm A tnKfj*- : V y ^mnb'^ *-J I |-' :l~ J VAT T ^~ v.* T ; made- And .so was-it-and ; earth-THE upon light-give-to -nk s D^ifB' nn"K^Fr* S^.Tty* B^nfrg* X ; great-[THE] luminaries-TUE of-two X God v : - vjv : v : - s t - )(-and ,day-THE of-ruling-the-for great-THE luminary-THE )(-and night-TiiE of-ruling-the-for small-xiiE Inminary-TiiE of-expanse-the-in God them set-And .stars-THE : ; I vit t * v t : -at t - rule-to-And : carth-THE upon light-give-to hcaven-THE v t 1 > : ~ : I t : - - _r light-TiiE between divide-to-and ,night-THE-in-and day-THE-in .good ft&y/-tl)-that God saw-and ;darkness-THE between-and a :u^nv dV" np:i*-"i"i t 'V my'-w 9 .fourth day morning was-there-and evening was-there-And Verse 14. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. {"). b v Elo-hlm\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ) c y'Az, chap. I. ver. 3. ( c ). J mo-roth' ) subst. Sing. *YI^D (pi. also (D*H&D). R. fo 6e light. e bir-Jd'dV, chap. I. ver. 6. ( rf ), const, with pref. 1. ( ) under "1 changed into m because of the word being in const, and q under the prefix 2 is changed into n because two n cannot stand at the beginning of a word. f hash-shu-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1 . (*) . I. v. 14. GENESIS. I. v. 19. 11 s Phav-dil', Hiphil, #$. chap. I. ver. 4. ("), with 7 prefixed as it is to a noun. h beyn, chap. I. ver. 4. (). ' hay-yom', chap. I. ver. 5. { d ), with art. regularly pointed. J u-veyn', chap. I. ver. 4. (') and (*). * hal-ldy'-ldh, chap. I. ver. 5. ("), with art. regularly pointed. 1 v'hd^yu!, verb Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. with 1, giving it a future force. " Vd-ihdtti, subst. com. pi. sing. ITlK. With h prefixed. 11. III. to mark, to describe with a mark. u-Vmo-Vadmi', subst. masc. pi. Sing. *1JTlD (pi. also fiT) ; with prefixes, prep. 7, and 1 copulative, pointed -1 to prevent the concurrence of two Q. R. to appoint, to fix. u-l yd-mim' , pi. of chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ), with prefixes as the last word. p v sha-nim' , subst. fern. pi. Sing. i"OK> (pi. also T\T) with ) pre- fixed. R. to repeat, to double. Verse 15. * v'hd-yiV, chap. I. ver. 14. ('). b lim-6-roth\ chap. I. ver. 14. ( d ), with 7 prefixed, pointed with n instead of Q because of the following n . c bir-lti'aV, chap. I. ver. 6. ( d ), and chap. I. ver. 14. ( e ). A hash-shd-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 1. (*) * r/id-lr' \ verb Hiph. inf. (K"D and VJ?) with pref. p. R. in Kal to be light. f Veil, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). ? hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). h va-yhi\ chap. I. ver. 3. ('). ' c/jew, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 10. vay-ya'-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7. (). * "Elo-him'. Chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( rf ). d sh^iey, num. adj. const, (absolute DJ36?, fern. DJJDW R. fc> repeat, to double. e ham-m o-roth\ chap. I. ver. 14. ( d ), with art. ^ hag-g 'do-llm' ', adj. pi. masc. agreeing with m'SDH (masc. though fern, in form) ; (sing. 7115, fern. JlVnil) with the art. regularly pointed. The adj. in Heb. follows its subst. ; and if the subst. has the art. the adj. must have it likewise, as in this case. R. to be great. s eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). 1 ham-md-or' , sing, of chap. I. ver. 14. ( d ), with art. * hag-gu-dol', adj. masc. chap. I. ver. 16. (/), with art. 12 1. v. 14. GENESIS. I. v. 19. J I'meni-she'-leth, subst. fern, fas shown by the term.) const, of ftJBfoO (pi. const, n'wDtt) with b prep, prefixed. R. to rule. k hay-yom', chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ). l v'eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (<*). ham-md-or' ', chap. I. ver. 14. ( d ), and chap. I. ver. 16. (*). " hak-kd-ton'y adj. masc. sing, with art. (because its subst. has the article.) V mem-sheti -leth, chap. I. ver. 16. (>). p hal-lmf-ldh, chap. I.ver.5. (). ? v'eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). r hak-kd-cha-vim' ', subst. masc. pi. (sing. 2D13) with art. R. (un- used in Heb.) to roll up as in a ball. Verse 17. vay-yit-ten\ verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (J"B) with 1 conv. R. to give, put, place, &c. b d-thd?n', pron. suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. joined to DX marking the object, used as objective case of pers. pronouns. "Elo-hlm', chap. I. ver. !.(). d bir-kl'aV, chap. I. ver. 7. ( d ), and chap. I. ver. 14. ( r ). hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ( e ). f I'/id-ir', chap. I. ver. 15. ('). s y a l, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (). Verse 18. a v -Um-slidl\ Kal inf. with prefixed / (pointed with r\ because of the following Q ) and % b bay -y dm', chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ), with prefix 2 excluding the article. c u-val-lay' -lah, chap. I. ver. 5. ("), with prefix 2 excluding the article ; and -1, pointed thus because the following letter is a labial. d u-l'hav-dil ', chap. I. ver. 14. (&"), with prefix -1. e beyn, chap. I. ver. 4. (''). / 7id-or r , chap. I. ver. 3. ( J ). ff u-reyn, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). h hah-kho'-shech, chap. I. ver. 2. ( e ). ' vay-yar'K chap. I. ver. 4. ( rt ). .?' "Eld-hlm'. Chap. I. ver. I. ( c ). kV, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). ' &5v, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 19. - va-y'hi\ chap. I. ver. 3. (<). * Jte'-rt% chap. I. ver. 5. (*). c ra-i/hV, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). d vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). yom, chap. 1. ver. 5. ( rf ). J rvi-VV, ordinal adj. masc. R. to be quadrated. I. v. 20. GENESIS. I. v. 23. 13 s^arr* wia*' qwk 6 na^v . - - j : : v: j- waters-THE abundantly-forth-bring-Let ,God said-And "bg' *$*&*' *\W HJPI' BfjJJ' p v fc/' Upon fly-let fowl-and ; life of-soul ,things-creeping jt : ~ it t j' : v : ~ I v t t ereated-And .heaven-THE of-expanse-the of-face-the upon earth-niE t j- : a* : - K' " " v v: every )(-and ,great-THE monsters-sea-THE )( Cod ^-itt>' nv$ k nvmn* \ nVin' ate : it v -: v v it jt - r vjv abundantly-lbrth-brought which ,creeping-(i.v)-\vhich ,life-TBB of-soul It t I *%{ t : v r : . - - wing of-fowl every )(-and ,kind-their-to waters-THE 1 v st : - i v.* v: yr- : blessed-And .good (tctur-ft)-that God saw-and ;kind-its-to i^di* "inv r>$* -ib^* bvi^k' am 6 < : : j : / l v: /r iill-and ,multiply-and fruitl'ul-Be , saying ,God them 'HP'" s^V "WOT ea!!3- ? San'-nr .eartli-THE-in multiply-let fowl-TiiE-and ,seas-THE-in waters-TiiE )( . fifth day morning \vas-there-& .evening was-there-And Verse 20. " vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ("). * x 'Elo-htm', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c yish-rtzu\ verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. d ham-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 2. ("). ** she'-?'etZj subst. masc. a collective noun. R. to creejj, to multiply. J ne'-phcsh, (more usually fern.) pi. ni^DJ. Const, absol. same form. R. to breathe. * kkay-y&h'y subst. fern. R. to live. h v'Voph, subst. masc. with prefix ). R. to fly. ' y'Vo-pheph' ', verb Pilel fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. j Vol, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). k ha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). 14 I. v. 20. GENESIS. I. v. 23. 1 Val 9 chap. I. ver. 2. (S). pney, chap. I. ver. 2. {s). n r'ki'aV, chap. I. ver. 7. ( d ). hash-sha-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ('). Verse 21. n vay-yiv-rd f , Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (chap. I. ver. 1. (*). with 1 conversive. 1 "Elo-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). d hat-tan-ni-nmV ', subst. masc. pi. (sing, pari) with art. R. prop. stretch out, extend. e hag-g 'do-lim', chap. 1. ver. 16. (/). r v'eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( rf ). g hoi, subst. prop, totality. 73 is shortened into "73 because of the following makkaph. R. to complete. h ne'-phcsh, chap. I. ver. 20. (/). ' ha-Ichay-ydh f , chap. I. ver. 20. ("). with art. dagesh implied in n. Note. When one noun is dependent on another, the expression can only be made definite by prefixing the article to the second, since a noun in const, does not take the art. f hd-ro-me'-seth, Kal part. poel. fern, with H prefixed in the sense of the relative. ( t ) is because *l does not admit dagesh. k asher, chap. I. ver. 7. (''). 1 shd-rHzu', Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. chap. I. ver. 20. ('). " ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. ("). " Vml-m-hem\ chap. I. ver. 11. (). with prfef. / and suff. 3 p. pi. m. rfeth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( rf ). p Jwl, chap. I. ver. 21. (*'). q Vojj/i, chap. I. ver. 20. ( h ). r lid-ndph\ subst. fern. Dual DJQ33. R. to cover, or protect. s Vml-m-'liu, chap. I. ver. 11. ("). 1 vay-yar$\ chap. I. ver. 4. ( fl ). u "Eld-hmV, chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). w 7, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). w tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). Verse 22. a vay-vdh r -?'ech, verb Piel fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (T'y) with 1 conv. The dagesh which should regularly stand in the * after the 1 conversive is omitted, which may be done, when a letter which should take dagesh is pointed with Q. The ) conv. draws back the accent to the penul- timate. R. to kneel down, to bless. b d-thdm\ chap. I. ver. 17. ( b ). c "Elo-hlm\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). d ti-mdr\ verb Kal inf. const. (tf"S) with pref. ?. The inf. const, is I. v. 20. GENESIS. I. v. 26. 15 - *lfotf, and as two Sh'vas simple or compound cannot stand together at the beginning of a word, the 7 should take t\ the vowel homogenous to the compound Q, and then ( ) are contracted into f \. The inf. thus used has the force of the Lat. gerund in do, dicendo. e p'ru, verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. masc. (il'v). * u-r'vu\ verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. masc. (JVv) ; with 1 copul. prefixed ; *) instead of 1 because of the immediately following M . g u-miV-u', verb Kal imp. 2 pers. masc. (tt"?) with 1 copul. prefixed. 1 for 1 because of the following labial. h eth, chap. I. ver. i. ( rf ). 1 ham-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. 2. (") ' bay-yam-mim f , chap. I. ver. 10. ( A ). withpref. 2 excluding the art. k v hd-Voph', chap. I. ver. 20 ( 7t ). with art. (pointed with m because of the following guttural) and copul. 1. 1 yi'-rev, (/') verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (iTv). The apoc. fut. used to express an imperative. Full form iiyjl. m ba-a-rctz', chap. I. ver. 1. ("), with pref. 1 excluding the art. Verse 23. a va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). * Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. (''). c va-yhi, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). rf vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). yom, chap. I. ver. 3. ( d ). S khami-shi', ordinal adj. masc. from cardinal t^DH. ctar p&v imn c B*n^ iD^r 24 of-soul earth-THE forth-bring-Let ,God said-And -ijrnv ton-\v hdhs 4 m^nb* rhr\ f : r : v vv t jt ; t : t - of-beast-and thing-creeping-and cattle ,kind-its-to life Q God made- And .so was-it-and ;kind-its-to earth nDn3fr*-,rmv mipDJ" parr mr-m* t : - v : t : I v t t cattle-THE )(-and ,kind-its-to earth-THE of-beast-the X unvnb' n^"rrf" {ym ,2l 73* nnv r^h^?' a- : <.t t -:it v ;. t j" 1 t : ;kiud-its-to ground-TiiE of-thing-crceping every )(-and ,kind-its-to ,God said-And .good (ttKW-ft)-that God a aw- and 16 I. p. 27. GENESIS. I. v. 28. : : / : v : - : -jnc r j: : i- rule-them-lct-& ,likeness-our-to-according image-our-in man make-us-Let cattle-the-over-and heaven-TUE of-foul-tlie-over-and .sea-THE of-fish-the-over J" IT V <.V T T ; 1 V T T T : creeping-(i&-)-which thing-creeping-TUE all-over-and ,earth-THE all-over-and t t it v < v: t : - 1 VIT T ** man-TiiE )( God created- And .earth-TiiE upon iy ink' ins* b^k* d^vs' idVvs* >r t a jt t i v: viv : : - : male ,him created-he God of-image-the-in ,image-his-in Bflk' TP .Drtk- ^3' f13p?V*3 thern blessed-And .them created-he fetnale-and multiply-& fruitful-Be ,God them-to said-and ,God n3"r3" hV r?^3DV r-us v r?*-fm' w^ov <- : : t a\ : : I vv.t t v j : of-fish-the-over rule-and ;it-subdue-and earth-THE J( fill-and rpTV-tol' Q^r?' syty3V OTr vt - t; - t - Ij: T - beast every-over-and heaven-TiiE of-fowl-the-over-and ,sea-THE ivin'-bif" Dtochrv ) VIT T ^ V >V IT .earth-THE upon creeping-(t6)-\vhich Verse 24. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (). b "Elo-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. (). c to-tze\ chap. I. ver. 12. ( fl ). rf hd-d r -retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). ne'-phcsh, chap. I. ver. 20. (/). * khay-yati, chap. I. ver. 20. (*), * Vml-nah', chap. I. ver. 11. ('"). with suff. 3 pers. fern. sing. h b'he-mah', subst. fern. (pi. niDHSl). R. (not used in Heb.) to shut, close ; to be dumb. ' vd-re'-mes, subst. masc. collect, with 1 copul. pointed with M instead of Q because of the accent on the syllable which follows. R. to creep. j vkha-y'tho, subst. fern, const, in a peculiar form with 1 added (see I. v. 24. GENESIS. I. v, 28. 17 Ps. 104. 11, 20). The absol. form fW, dagesh is here omitted because of the Q under the letter. R. to live. k e'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). ' Vmi-nah, chap. I. ver. 11. ("). and chap. I. ver. 24. (ff). m va-y'la, chap. I. ver. 3. (). " chen, chap. I. ver. 7. (f). Verse 25. vay-ya'-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7. ( a ). h Eld-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c eth, chap. I. ver. ( d ). d hhay-yaih\ regular const, form of chap. I. ver. 24. (?). e hd-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. {s). f V -ml-na1i\ chap. I. ver. 11. ("}. e v'eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). * hab-Vhe-mah', chap. I. ver. 24- ( A ). with art. 1 Vmi-nati, chap. I. ver. 11. ('"). j veth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). * Icol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). ' re'-mes, chap. I. ver. 24. ('). m ha-ada-mdlv ', subst. fern. (PI. niD*JNj) with art. pointed with (\ instead of (\ because tf does not admit dagesh. II. to be red. n Vmi-ne'-hu, chap. I. ver. 11. ('"). vay-yar^J , chap. I. ver. 4. ("). p "Eld-Mm\ chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). Id, chap. I. ver. 4. ('). r #>y ? chap. I. ver. 4. (/), Verse 26. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ( a ). * 'JElo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c na-Vaseh', chap. I. ver. 7. ( a ). Fut. pl. 1 pers. God D^H^feJ being pi. Pie here uses the pl. verb, and pl. suffixes. d a-dam\ subst. masc. (no pl.) R. to be red, ruddy. e Utzal-me'-nu, subst. masc. (D?) with suff. 1 pers. pl. R. (unused in Heb.) to be shady, hence this word, prop, shade. f leid-mti-the'-nu, subst. fern. (D-ID'H) with pref. 3 regularly pointed with M, and suff. 1 pers. pl. R. to be like. s tfyir-du', verb Kal fut. pl. 3 pers. (H'v) ; with 1 copul. prefixed. R. to rule over. h vid-gath\ subst. fern. (HH). Const, with pref. 3, pointed with q because of the following q ; dagesh lene is omitted because of the previous vowel sound. R. to multiply. * hay-yam', sing, of chap. I. ver. 10. ( ; '). J u-v'Voph\ chap. I. ver. 20. ( A ), with copul. -1 pointed thus before a labial. 18 I. v. 24. GENESIS. I. v. 28. * hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. i. (). 1 u-vab-b7ie-mdh r , chap. I. ver. 24. (*), with pref. 2 (excluding art. and 1 ; (-1 before a labial) . " u-vlihol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*), with pref. 2, and I so pointed before a labial. n hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). u-v'khol, chap. I. ver. 21. (^), and chap. I. ver. 26. ( Wl ). p hd-re'-mes, chap. I. ver. 24. ('), with art. pointed with m because 1 does not admit dagesh. ? hd-?*6-mes' ', Kal part. Poel, with H prefixed as the relative ; M instead of m because "1 does not receive dagesh. r Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). ha-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (ff). Verse 27. a vay~yiv-rd\ Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. of chap. I. ver. 1. (*). with 1 conv. b "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*), d hd-d-cldm', chap. I. ver. 26. (*), with art. pointed with ( ) be- cause K does not receive dagesh. e b'tzal-mo', chap. I. ver. 26. ('), with sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. f Utze'-lem, chap. I. ver. 26. ('), with prefix .1. 8 "Elo-him, chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). A bd-rd', chap. I. ver. 1. (*). ' 6-thd', suif. of 3 pers. sing. masc. with J"1X; used as the objective case of the pronoun. > zd-chdr', adj. masc. R. to remember, to keep in memory. k u-n 'ke-vdh' ', adj. fern, with 1 prefixed ; so pointed because of the following Q. 1 bd-rd', chap. I. ver. 1. (*). '" o-thdm', chap. I. ver. 22. (*), Verse 28. a vay-vd'-rech, chap. I. ver. 22. ( a ). * o-thdm', chap. I. ver. 22. ( A ). c 'Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. (). d vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ( fl ). * la-hem', suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. with pref. b ; pointed with ( ) instead of ( # ) because of the accent on the next syllable. S "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ) 8 p'-ru, chap. I. ver. 22. (*). h u-rvu', chap. I. ver. 22. (/). i u-mil-u', chap. ver. 22. (). i eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). * hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*"). 1 vchiv-shu'-hd, verb Kal imp. pi. 2 pers. with suff. 3 pers. sing. I. v. 29. GENESIS. I. v. 31. 19 fern, with 1 copul. prefixed. In this word the formative -1 is omitted, and its place is supplied by (J under \ m u-r'clu', verb Kal 2 pers. chap. I. ver. 26. ("), (H'v) with 1 copulative prefixed, thus pointed because of the following m , n bid-gath', chap. I. ver. 26. ( A ). hay-ydm f , chap. I. ver. 10. ( A ), sing, with art. p H-v'Vdph', chap. I. ver. 20. ( h ). q hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ('). r u-v'chol, chap. I. ver. 21. (ff), and chap. I. ver. 26. ('"). 1 khay-ydh', absol. form of chap. I. ver. 24. (/). ' hd-ro-me' -seth* Kal part. fern. (chap. I. ver. 26. (?) ), with art. pointed with f) instead of (_) because *l does not admit dagesh. " Veil, chap. I. ver 2. (/}. v hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). ri^' vfria* Harr b^k* m&v ^ V T - T .: v j- you-to given-have-I ,Behold ,God said-And of-face-the upon (ts)-which ,seed seeding grass all )( of-fruit it-in which tree-[TiiE] every )(-and ,earth-TiiE all \rhysh" hw b^>' snr jnk- w it : t : <.v : | jv r " -at *= j- ) \~ .food-for he-shall-it you-to ; seed seeding tree heaven-THE of-fowl every-to-and earth-THE of-beast every-to-And of-soul (t'iO-it-in which earth-THE upon thing-creeping every-to-and :i- at : t : v V* ' vjv t v t - was-it-and ; food-for herbage-green of-greenness every )( life jv -: t v v: :< li- which all )C God saw-And .so my-vw "tnd' a'lSD'-rriim* nfe/j/' v*7v :r a : \. T *r .evening was-there-and ; very good-(M?as-M) behold-and ,made-he .sixth-THE day morning was-there-& 20 I. v 29. GENESIS. I. v. 31. Verse 29. a vay-yo'-mer, chap.I.ver. 3. ( a ). b u Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c hin-neti , adv. demonstrative. d nd-that'-ti, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. (|"Q, )"?) ; the formative n is doubled by dagesh to compensate for the omission of the third radical ]". e ld-chem', suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. with prefix 7; pointed with m because of the accent immediately following. f eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( f/ ). s" hoi, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). * Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. 11. (/). * zo-re'dV> Kal part. Poel. (JJ'v). ' ze'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11. (*). * dsher', chap. I. ver. 7. (*). ' SW, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). m p'ney', chap. I. ver. 2. ("). w chol, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (ff). ** #W/i, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). 9 ^o/ ? chap. I. ver. 21. ("). r hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. 11. (*), with art. pointed with m because V does not admit dagesh. * dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ). 1 ^0, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. with prefix 3. 13 "ti^tf which, in it, i.e. in which. " ph'rT, chap. I. ver. if. (J) 9 dagesh lene omitted in D because of the preceding vowel sound. v Vetz, chap. I. ver. II. (Q. v zo-re'dV, chap. I. ver. 29. ('). * zd'-raV, chap. I. ver. 11. ( h ), <\ lengthened into fj\ because of the pause. y ld-chem', chap. I. ver. 29. ('). * yi-Jiyeti, Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. from iTH. na Voch-ldh', subst. fern, with ? pref. R. to eat. Verse 30. a u-Vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. {s) t with prefixes s and ") (so pointed because of the n following). b hhay-yath', chap. I. ver. 24. (>). c hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (ff). d ti-Vchol, chap. I. ver. 24. (>'), and chap- I. ver. 30. ( a ). e yoj^A, chap. I. ver. 20. ( A ). f hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ('). s ii-Vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. (). 1 ro-mes', chap. I. ver. 21. (/), masc. ' Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/). * hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. ("). * dsher', chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ). | Zo, chap. I. ver. 29. ('). m ne r -phesh, chap. I. ver. 20. (/). khay-ydti, chap. I. ver. 20. (*). II. o 1. GENESIS. II. v. 3. eth, chap. I. ver. i. ( d ). p Jwl, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). g ye'-rek, subst. masc. R. (unused in Heb.) to be green. r Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. 11. (/). * Voch-lati, chap. I. ver. 29. (" a ). r va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). u chen, chap. I. ver. 7. (?). Verse 31. uay-yar'R, chap. I. ver. 4. ( a ). b "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). c e^A, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). d Jcol, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). e asher\ chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ), f Va-sdh', verbKalpret.smg.3pers.masc. {T\"p, y"D), chap. I. ver. 7. ( rt ). 51 v'hin-neh', chap. I. ver. 29. ( c ), with \ copulative prefixed. * tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). 1 m'od, subst. used as an adv. R. to be strong. j va-y'ht, chap. I. ver. 3. (*). * Ve'-rev, chap. I. ver. 5. ('). 7 va-y'hi, chap. I. ver. 3. ( e ). vo'-ker, chap. I. ver. 5. (*). " yom, chap. I. ver. 5. ( rf ). hash-shish-shV , ordinal adj. masc. with art. regularly pointed; although an adj. mast take the art. if its subst. has it, yet this does not hinder the adj. from having it when needful, though the subst. is without it. From K^ six. 2 it t : t : 1 wr t : jr W m -j \ :- .host-their all-and earth-THE-and heaven-THB completed-were-And i^ips'za' ^5^9* ot3 c o^g* "^v* work-his seventh-THE day-THE-on God completed-And jra$rt' tivs,' rHaaW new/* -i^v ~ : - j - : - at ^r jv -; seventh-THE day-THE-on rested-he-and ; made-lie which I v subst. masc. (K^V P 1, ^^?V) witn suff - 3 P^rs. pi. masc. R. to go out to war. Verse 2. a vay-chal', verb Piel, fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (chap. II. ver. 1. (") ) with 1 conv. * "Elo-Mm', chap. I. ver. 1. (*). c hay-yoni', chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ). d hash-sK 'vi-VV ', ordinal adj. masc. with art. (its subst. having also the art. implied). From y2W seven. e mlach-td', subst. fern.' (ilDK^p pi. const. JTD^P) with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. R. (unused in Heb.) to send. 1 asher, chap. I. ver. 7. (*), 8 Vd-sdh', verb Kal, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. QJ"D). * vay-yish-both', verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. 1 bay -y dm', chap. I. ver. 5. { d ). j hash-sKvl-W, chap. II. ver. ( rf ). k mik-hol, chap. I. ver. 21. (") with pref. D, regularly pointed with n and dagesh inserted in the next letter. 1 m'lach-to', chap. II. ver. 2. ('). " asher', chap. I. ver. 7. ( ; '). Vd-sati, chap. II. ver. 2. ("). Verse 3. fl vay-vd'-rech, chap. I. ver. 22. ("). * "JEld-hwi', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ) c eth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). rf ?/d>M, chap. I. ver. 5. { d ). * hash-sh' vl-VV , chap. II. ver. 2. (/). ^ vay-kad-desh', verb Piel, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. *' 6-tho', chap. I. ver. 27. ('). h /d i chap. I. ver. 4. ('). ' t'5, chap. I. ver. 11. (f). J shd-vath', verb Kal, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (chap. II. ver. 2. (*). * mik-kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (") and chap. II. ver. 2. ( k ). 1 rrtlach-to', chap. II. ver. 2. ('). m asher', chap. I. ver. 7. ( ; '). " bd-rd', chap. I. ver. 1. (*). "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). p la-Vdsoth', verb Kal, inf. const. (IT?) with 7 pref. (pointed with M because the following letter has the homogenous compound sh'va. II. v. 4. GENESIS. II. v. 7. 23 pm* oWrr rfr6i.iv rtV a 4 1 v w t : -jr t - s : I v j- earth-THE-and heaven-THE of-generations-the (are)-These st^k* niir* f\*\tiy s ti\w ok-oft^' v v: jt : ST^*: : at :it ; God Jehovah of-making-the of-day-the-in ,created-being-their-in d-ib* rn\Brr rr>fr* i^bv :a^i* pa's w< v t - - j j : it t : ) vjv before field-THE of-bush every-And .heaven-and earth mco' mtyrr' afc^-tei* pita' mrr s vjv vv t - v ?/ t : I v t t jv : | before field-THE of-herb-green every-and ,earth-THE-in wus-it BVftK' iliiT T^Df?" tf?" Q "3' HDV* v: 33' naV > :r a* - j- : It 7 1 j- - was-and ,life of-breath-the nostrils-his-in breathed-he-and : ffrr itfajV dinft 'T - vjv : <.t r it .life of-soul-a-to man-TiiE Verse 4. " tl'-leh, pron. dem. pi. com. (used as pi. of PIT masc. and HKT fern.) b to-Vdoth!, subst. fern. pi. (sing, not used). R. to beget, to bear, c hash-shd-ma' -yim, chap. I. ver. i. ( r ). d vha-a'-retz, chap. I. ver. i. (). * b' hib-bu-r' am f , verb Niphal, inf. with sufF. 3 pers. pi. and 2 pre- fixed. 3 b'yom, chap. I. ver. 5. ( d ) with prefix 3. s Vdsoth, chap. II. ver. 3. (*). ; ' Y'ho-vah\ masc. The name of God; from the verb niH to be, *24 II. v. 4. GENESIS. II. v. 7. hence implying self-existence ; this name is not applied in any sense to any created being. 1 "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). J e'-retz, chap. I. ver. i. (). * vshd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. i. (*) with copul. 1. Verse 5. a vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). 6 si'akh, subst. masc. e has-sd-deti , subst. masc. (pi. ftVlj?). R. (unused in lleb.) to extend. d te'-rem, subst. used as an adv. of time. yi-tiyeti, chap. I. ver. 3. not apoc. In a past sense because of the adv. D*J|. T2 7 Z3 f vd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (?) with pref. 2 excluding the art. 9 vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). h Ve-sev', chap. I. ver. 11. (/). 1 has-sd-deti, chap.II. ver. 5. ( c ). i te'-rem, chap. II. ver. 5. ( d ). k yitz-mdch', verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. pi. masc. used in a past sense because of the adv. of time D"}D. 1 Id, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). '" Id, adv. of negation. n him-tir', verb Hiphil, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. Y'ho-vdti, chap. II. ver. 4. [*). p "Eld-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). 9 Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/"). r hd-u'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (?). ' vd-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ) with copul. \. 1 a'-yin, prop, subst. implying negation; more often found in const, state p&$, used for the substantive verb with a negative. u la-Vdvod r , verb Kal, inf. with pref. ? ; pointed with m because of the r\ which follows. v e'th, chap. I. ver. 1. (<*). w hd-ddd-mdh' , chap. I. ver. 25. ('") Verse 6. * i/ec?, subst. masc. R. (unused in Heb.) to surround. b ya-^dleh', verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (y"D and iTv). Fut. used to denote repeated action. c mi\i, prep. d hd-d'-relz, chap. I ver. 1. (s). e V Idsh-kuJi' , verb Hiphil. pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (iYv) with 1 copul. f eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). z kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (s). h pney', chap. I. ver. 2. (?)* l hd-add-mdh f , chap. I. ver. 25. ('"). Verse 7. a vay-yi-tzer', verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'D) with 1 conv. b Y'ho-vdti, chap. II. ver. 4. ( k ). II. v. 8. GENESIS. II. v. 14. 25 c v Elo-hwi\ chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). d eth, chap. I. ver. i. ( d ). e hu-d-dum\ chap. I. ver. 26. (<*) with art. f Vd-phar\ subst. masc. R. (not used in Kal) perhaps to be whitish, light reddish. s min, chap. II. ver. 6. ( c ). h M-ada-mak \ chap. I. ver. 25. ( m ). ' vay-yip-pach\ verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (|"D) with 1 conv. 3 b ap-pdyv', subst. masc. dual, with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. (sing. ?|tf, dual D)SK) and pref. 1. R. to breathe. k nish-math\ subst. fern, const, (absol. ilDKO). R. to breathe. 1 kkay-yim\ pl of *n used as a subst. (the pi. form perhaps im- plying continuity or extension.) R. to live. m va-y'-hV, chap. I. ver. 3. (). " hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). Vne'-phesh, chap. I. ver. 20. (/) with 7 pref. was to" = became. p khay-yd/i', chap. I. ver. 20. (*). ; east-the-from Eden-in garden-a God Jehovah planted- And |T T JV ": <>T T IT V T V JT" .formed-had-he whom man-TUK )( there placed-he-and nD'miT-ta* s^rr?*** nirp* noyv 9 t t -: jt I v: i* t jt t : - : *.t t ; (/.s;-one-TiiE of-name-The .heads four-to was-and n^*^?* &W ^nD-?' Kin* p^a* of-land-the all )( surrounding-(t's)-which that ,Pishon '26 II. v. 8. GENESIS. II. v. 14. ir-: I it t - t/r v -; t -: |- of-gold-the-And .gold-TUE (is)-there which ,Khavilah-[THEj nbiin / oar 2) d tonn* ini* : " JT A V - ) V JT T bdellium-[THE]-(iA-) there ;good-(s) that-pruE] land-THE tar nnzn-cDurY :Qpiis>rr phi* >3 second-[TiiE] river-THE of-name-the-And .onyx-THE of-stone-the-and nS'" 1 ?? 1 ah* 33139' 3?r lima* of-land-the all )( surrounding-(jA)-which that ,Gihon-(i's) sin* "7P*nn* to^rr inarT-at^i' ivwh j v v : - ) const, same as absol. h hd-eh-khdd' , chap. I. ver. 5. ('"), with art. pointed with M be- cause of tt which follows. c Pi-shon', pr. name of a river. d hu$, demonst. pron. masc. sing. e has-sd-vev f , Kal part. (_V"V) with H prefixed as the relative. f eth, chap. I. ver. 1. [ d ). e / co ^ chap. I. ver. 21. {&). 28 II. v. 8.GENESIS. II. v. 14. h e'-retz, chap. I. ver. i. (s). * hah-khavi-ldh' ', pr. name fern, with art. the il is doubled by implication. J dsher, chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ). * sham, chap. II. ver. 8. ( A ). ' haz-zd-hav' , subst. masc. (see next word) with art. R. (unused in Heb.) to be bright. Verse 12. a u-zahav' ', chap. II. ver. 11. ( z ), in const, (usual form 3HT). 5 hd-d'-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). c ha-hiW, pron. demonst. fern, with article (because its substantive has the article) H doubled by implication. Note, that in the Pen- tateuch Kin is ordinarily written for fcOH ; it is read as though the 1 had been \ d tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (Q. sham, chap. II. ver. 8. ( A ). ^ hab-b do' '-lakh, subst. masc. with art. Some suppose this to mean pearls ; but its signification is doubtful. K v'e'-ven, subst. com. (mostly fern.) PL fi^ltf. R. (not used in Heb.) probably to build. h hasli-sho'-ham, subst. masc. with art.R. (not used in Heb.) to be pale. Verse 13. a v'shem, chap. II. ver. 11. ( a ), with 1 copulative. b han-nd-hdr' , chap. II. ver. 10. ( a ), with art. c liash-she-nV , chap. I. ver. 8. (?) with article (because its subst. has the article.) d Gl-khon' , pr. name of a river. AuN, chap. II. ver. 11. ( d ). S has-so-vev', chap. II. ver. 11. ( e ). s gth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( d ). * kol, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). e-retz, chap. I. ver. 1. (ff). *' Cash, pr. name of a man, hence applied to a country. Verse 14. a vshem, chap. II. ver. 11. ( fl ), and chap. II. ver. 13. ( a ). b han-nd-hdr 1 ', chap. II. ver. 10. (). c hash-sKll-shV, chap. I. ver. 13. (/), with art. d Xhid-de'-kel, pr. name of a river. * 7^, chap. II. ver. 11. ( rf ). ^ ha-ho-Uch' , Kal part. Poel, with H as the relative. * kid -math 1 , subst. fern, const, (absol. i11D*7p). R. to g-o before. * Ash-shur' , pr. name of a country. ' v han-nd-hdr 1 , chap. II. ver. 10. ("), with art. and copul. 1. y II. v. 15. GENESIS II. v. 20. 29 * ng$r Jehovah took- And ' hd-rvV-W, chap. I. ver. 19. (/), with article pointed with M because 1 does not admit dagesh. This word has the article because its subst. has it. * AttS, chap. II. ver. 11. (<*). ; PJiruth', pr. name of a river. AT T IT V i* V: man-THE )( God .it-keep-to-and it-till-to ,Eden of-garden-the-m him-pluced-and -ib^ marr-ty' Btfr?K* ni.T* "wr 16 a vt t it - v: jt : - : - , saying ,man-THE upon God Jehovah commanded-And of-tree-the-from-And .eat-shalt-thou eat-to garden-THE of-tree every-From AV * V- J ^ TT J *? ;it-from eat-shalt-thou not evil-and good of-knowledge-Tiia rrnDfi* niD' 13E&* ^sk' ctp3' rs* T t j Cv j ' : t -: ^ : .die-shalt-thou die-to it-from eating-thy of-day-the-in for jhrcv aico-i* 1 ?* avr?**' rnm 4 inm iv: ^ 1 v: jt be-to good i\ot-(is-It) ,God Jehovah said-And 1 : v : vv- ./ v ^-:iv a- : itt it .front-his-in-as lielper-a him-for make-will-I ,solitariness-his-in man-THE t t t ": it I v: t : v - every ground-the from God Jehovah formed- And - t - I *J T : VT - <-- ,heaven-TUE of-fowl every )(-and field-THE of-beast A t: - V ; T T JT v t- ;it-to call-will-he what see-to man-THE unto brought-he-and vjv ^ttt it s t: v -: : of-soul man-THE it-to called which thing-every-and nzrmr? 4 snp^v 'iDtf** s^in- rwi* : *> T T it t: - 1 : > ITT man-THE ca!led-And .name-its (leas)-that ,life 30 II. v. 15. GENESIS. H. v. 20. ,heaven-THE of-fowl-the-to-and ,cattle-THE all-to names i t t : AVT ~ j- - v. : not man-to-and ;field-THE of-beast every-to-and l : v : v v.** jt t .front-his-in-as helper-a found-he Verse 15. a Vay-yik-kakh' , verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. This is the only verb beginning with ? which rejects the ? in the course of flexion, and forms its tenses like a verb )"Q. b Y'ho-vdh\ chap. II. ver.4. (*). c "Elo-hlm' , chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). d eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( rf ). * hd-d-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ). * vay-yan-ni-khe' -hu, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'y), with sufF. 3 pers. masc. sing, and prefix 1 conversive. R. (in Kal) to rest. s tfgan, chap. II. ver. 8. ( rf ), with prefix 3, which loses its dagesh lene because of the preceding vowel sound. h Ve'-den, chap. II. ver. 8. (*). 1 I'Vov-dcih' ', Kal inf. (y"2) with sufF. 3 pers. fem. sing., and pref. 7. J u-V shom-rdh\ Kal inf. with sufF. and pref. like the preceding word, also pref. 1. Verse 16. a vai/-tzav' \ verb Piel fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (H'v) (full form of fut. T\$X\) w ith 1 conversive. b Ylio-vdh\ chap. II. ver. 4. (*). c "ffld-him r , chap. I. ver. 1. (*). d Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (f). hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). * le-mor f , chap. I. ver. 22. ( d ). e mik-Jcol, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). * Vetz, chap. I. ver. 11. ('). ' hag-gdn', chap. II. ver. 8. ( d ). J d-chol', inf. absol. used with finite verb : placed before it it denotes intensity. k to-chel\ verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (tf"D). Verse 17. a u-me-Vetz', chap. I. ver. 11. ('), with pref. D, with ( n ) because y docs not receive dagesh, and -1, so pointed because of the following labial. b had-da'-Vath, chap. II. ver. 9. (f). c tov, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). d vd-ra$', chap. II. ver. 9, ('). ' lo y adv- of negation. II. v. 15. GENESIS. II. v. 20. .31 f thd-chaV, chap. II. ver. 16. (*). Dagesh omitted in T\ because of the preceding vowel sound. 8 mim-men' -nu, suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. with pref. D. (Note, that the same form may also be 1 pers. pi.) h hi, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). ' fry 6m, chap. I. ver. 5. (<*). J ' achol-chd', Kal inf. with sufF. 2 pers. masc. * mim-men' -nu, chap. II. ver. 17. ("). 1 moth, Kal inf. (1"V) placed before the finite verb. m td-muth', verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (V'JJ) Verse 18. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ( a ) b Y'hb~-vdh', chap.II. ver.4. (*). * "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i.( c ) d Id, chap. II. ver. 17. (*). 9 tdv, chap. I. ver. 4. (/)' / hcydth', Kal inf. const. (iTv). * hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ). 7 ' lvad-dd', subst. masc. with sufF. 3 pers. sing. masc. and pref. ?. This subst. with this pref. is used as an adv. R. to separate. ' e-Veseh', verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. (JJ"D and iT'p). J Id, suflf. 3 pers. masc. sing, with pref. 7. The dagesh in the s con- nects it in pronunciation with the preceding word, e-csehl-ld r . k Ve'-zer, subst. masc. R. to surround, to help. 1 h'neg-dd', subst. masc. (often used as a prep.) *1)3 with sufF. 3 pers. masc. sing, and pref. D part, of similitude. R. (not used in Kal) properly to be in front. Verse 19. a vay-yi-tzer' , verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( v ') with 1 conv. * Ylid-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. ( & ). c "Eld-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). d mm, chap. IL ver. 6. ( c ). ' hd-d-dd-mdh', chap. I. ver. 25. (*)'. / hoi, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). * khay-yatti, chap. I. ver. 24. (>); and chap. I. ver. 25. ( d ). h has-sd-deh', chap. II. ver. 5. ( e ). * veth, chap. I. ver. 1. (*};. J oZ, chap. I. ver. 21. ("). * #6};^, chap. 1. ver. 20. ( A ). 1 hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1. ( e ). m vay-yd-ve', verb Hiph. fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'J? and K'v) with 1 conv. R. *o come, hence Hiph. to cause to come - to bring. n el, chap. I. ver. 9. (*). hd-d-ddm', chap I. ver. 26. ( d ). * lir-oth', Kal inf. (JYv) with pref. 7, pointed with Q because of the following M. ? ma/i, interrog. and indef. pronoun applied to things, in the same manner as 'D is to persons. 32 II. v. 21. GENESIS. II. v. 25. r yik-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. ( G ). Dagesh in * is connective. * Id, chap. II. ver. 18. (J). < vchol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). " asAer, chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ). yik-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. ( a ). " /o, chap. II. ver. 18. (/). * hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). y ne'-phesh, chap. I. 20. (-0. z khay-ydh', chap. I. ver. 20. (*). " a kutt, chap. II. ver. 11. ( d ). hh sftmd, chap. II. ver. 11. ( a ), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. Verse 20. a vay-yik-rd r , chap. I. ver. 5. ( a ). b hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ). c she-moth', pi. of chap. II. ver. 1 1 . ( a ) . <* Vchol, chap. I. ver. 2 1 . (s) . e hab-blie-mdti ', chap. I. ver. 24. ( A ). / ul-V'oph', chap. I. ver. 20. (*). ff hash-shd-ma'-yim, chap. I. ver. 1 . ( e ) . A u-Vchol, chap. I. ver. 2 1 . (s) . 1 khay-yath', chap. I. ver. 24. (i) . J has-sd-deti, chap. II. ver. 5. () . * u-Vd-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. { d ). l Id, chap. II. ver. 17. (*). " md-tzd', verb Kal, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (K'v). " Ve'-zer, chap. II. ver. 18. (*). Kneg-dd', chap. II. ver. 18. ('). c ^ .. : - s . .... T . upon sleep-deep-a God Jehovah fall-to-caused-And ivjiifto' finis;' ng*i* fj*3* on$D' ,ribs-his-from one took-he-and ;slept-he-and ,man-THE t : I v - t iv : - it t / s " Jehovah builded-And .it-of-instead flesh closed-he-and D"mr?'-W r\pb'~itf&' yb)sn'-m d ^rfttf* wt it 1 O-t v -: ^ -jx " - v s- v: man-THE from took-he which rib-THB )C God IT T IT V T iv ;- AT : said -And .man-THE unto her-brought-he-and ,woman-a-to t'iyplp' D ' PPSD' rwky P7$j7.* bones-my-from bone-(i's) time-THE This ,man-THE vp' nt&* in^ jtjk^' nlsaia* -lfcai* j- t j"t : A* t : U" T because , woman called-be-shall this-to ; flesh-mj'-from flesli-and man-a leave-shall this Upon .this taken-was man-from II. 21. GENESIS. II. v. 25. 33 ,\vife-his-to them-of-both .1 PPT)' cleave-shall-and < : I* - were- they- And a v : v.* T mother-his )(-and father-bis )( it v j-r t : v. t : one flesh-to be-shall-they-and it : .ashamed- were-they tihv VT T IT man-THE , naked ,\vife-his-and Verse 21. vay-yap-pel', verb Hiphil, fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv, b Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. ( 6 ). c "Eld-hwV ', chap. I. ver. !.(*), J tar-de-mdh' , subst. f. R. (not used in Kal) to &e tft a deep s/eep. * Val, chap. I. ver. 2.(/). / hd-d-ddm r , chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ) * vay-yi-shdn', verb Kal, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'S) with 1 conv, M in the last syllable lengthened from m because of the pause. h vay-y^-A-aA7i',chap.II.ver.i5.( a ). ' ah-Jchcith',fcm.of chap.I.ver.5.(j"). j mitz-tzal-Vd-thdyv', subst. com. pi. (sing. Q/?, pi. absolute fitypV also D^VpV) w ith su ff- 3 pers. masc. sing, and pref. D. R. probably fo be prominent. * vay-yis-gor\ verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. 7 bd-sdr', subst. masc. (pi. D* , ~)S^3). R. probably with the idea of beauty, fairness. m takh-ten'-ndh, subst. l"inl used as prep, with sufF. 3 pers. sing. fern. Verse 22. vay-yV-ven, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (JTv) with 1 conv. b Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. (*). c "Elo-hlm', chap. I. ver. 1. ('"). d eth, chap. I. ver. i.( rf ). * hatz-tze-ldV, sing, of chap. II. ver. 21. (0, with art. f asher, chap. I. ver. 7. ( A ). * Id-Jcakh', verb Kal, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (see chap. II. ver. 15.). h min, chap. II. ver. 6.( c ). ' hd-d-ddm , chap. I. ver. a6.( rf )- ; Vlsh-shdh\ subst. fern, with ? prefixed. * vay-vi-e r -hd, chap. II. ver. 19. ( Wi ), with suff. 3 pers. fern. sing. 1 el, chap. I. ver. 9-(*). m hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). Verse 23. vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3-( a ). * hd-d-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ). c zoth, pron. dem. fern. (masc. flj), d hap-pa'-Vam, subst. fern. (pi. D*DJ|3 and rflD$J3) with art. used as an adv. now. R. to strike. 34 II. v. 2]. GENESIS. II. v. 25. * Ve'-tzem, subst. fem. (pi. JTlDVy and D*i?Sg). R. to be strong, firm, f me-Vatzd-may'. The preceding word, pi. with suff. 1 pers. sing, and D prefixed with rj because of the following V. 5 ii-vd-sur', chap. II. ver. 2i.P)i with ") copulative: thus pointed because of the following labial. h mib-b 'sa-ri' ', chap. II. ver. 21.(0, *rith 6U ^- 1 P ef s. sing., and pref. D. 1 I'zoth, chap. II. ver. 23. ( c ), with ? prefixed. * yik-ka-re', verb Niphal. fut. 3 pers. sing. masc. (TV and N'v). * ish-shd/i, chap. II. ver. 22.(0* J &i chap. ! ver - 4-00- " me-ish', subst. masc. with, prefix D, pointed with r^ because of the following X. " lu-kokhdh' ', verb Pual pret. sing. 3 pers. fem. The dagesh in the middle radical is omitted because of the compound sh'va under that letter. zoth, chap. II. ver. 23. ( c ). The dagesh in T is connective. Verse 24. a Veil, chap. I. ver. 2.(0- * tt, chap. I. ver. 7-( 9 ): these two words together = therefore. c ya-azov, Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (JJ"Q). rf zs/i, chap. II. ver. 23. (**). . eth, chap. I. ver. i.( d ). * d-viv', subst. masc. (absol. 2K pi. fillX) with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. 8 v'eth, chap. I. ver. i.( rf ). h im-mo\ subst. fem. (absol. DN, pi. DIEK ) with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc * v'ddh-vak', verb Kal sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 copulative, which so joins it to a future tense as to give it a future signification. J Wish-to', chap. II. ver. 22. (J), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, and prefix 2 ; which is commonly used after the verb plT * vHid-yu', verb Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. (PI'v) with 1 copulative joining it to a future. ' l\d-sdr\ chap. II. ver. 2I.O. witn ' prefixed. eh-khdd', chap. I. ver. 5-( w ). Verse 25. a vay-yi-Iiyu, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (lYv) with ) conversive. * slim-hem' , numeral adj. chap. I. ver. 16. ( d ), with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. c Varum-mim\ adj. pi. masc. (sing. U)1V T ) R. to make naked. d hd-d-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). ' vish-to', chap. II. ver. 22. (>), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, and 1 copul. f v'ld, chap. II. ver. *7.( e ), with 1 copulative. * yith-bd-shd-shu, verb Hithpolel, fut. (in pause) pi. 3 pers. masc. (V'y). The future used to express customary or continued action. III. v. 1. GENESIS. III. v. 3. 3.5 H'n' ^sa* qvu?' nw B'nanv J" - ^T JT T T T ~ : of-beast cvery-above crafty was serpent-THE-And q^n' niir' new* nato* nityr?' a- v: jt : vt *t >v -: v t - ; God Jehovah made which field-TiiE B^n^' id^'-is* n- rr^kr?--^' ntffy v; J- T i- I -< T JT ,God said surely Yea ; woman-THE unto said-lie-and said-And .garden-THE of-tree every-of eat-shall-ye not \m'--n" ^nab' ttfnan'-'w rrt^kn* ivt - I *\" y : at t - V U" < IT garden-THE of-tree-the of-fruit-the-Of ,serpent-THE unto woman-THE of-midst-thc-in (i&O-which tree-THE of-fruit-the-of-And .eat-shall-we v : I < v: J- t It - ;it-of eat-shall-ye not ,God said garden-THE .die-sliall-ye lest it-on touch-shall-ve not-and Chap. III. Verse 1. v han-nd-Irfifish' ', subst. masc. (pi. DWtl); with art and conjunction 1. R. (not used in Kal) to whisper, to hiss. \ b hd-ydh', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. sing. masc. (see chap. I. ver. 2. (/). | c Vd-rum\ adj. (pi. D^D-llg). R. to be crafty. j d mik-Icol', chap. I. ver. 21. (ff). e khay-yaih! , chap. I. ver. 24. (J). I f has-sd-deh', chap. II. ver. 5-( c ). * asher, chap. I. ver. 7.( ; '). I h Vd-sdh\ verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (see chap. I. ver. j.{ a ). ! \ Ylio-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. (*). ^ u JEld-7iim', chap. I. ver. 1. (<) I * vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3.("). * eZ, chap. I. ver. 9. ("). I m hd-ish-shdh' , chap. II. ver. 22. (J), with article. " ap7i,, conjunction. ki, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). ; ' d-mar\ verb Kal pret. pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (see chap. I. ver. 3. a ). q "Eld-him\ chap. I. ver. 1. (). r Zo, chap. II. ver. 17. ('). ' tho-ctilu', chap. II. ver. 16. (*),pl. f mik-kol', chap. I. ver. 2i.("). " ^efo, chap. I. ver. ii.( ). * hay-ydn r , chap. II. ver. 8. ( d ). 3G III. v. 4. GENESIS. III. v. 5. Verse 2. a vat-to'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3.("), fern, with 1 conversive. b hd-ish- shall', chap. II. ver. 22. (J). c el, chap. I. ver. 9. (s). rf han-nd-khdsh 1 ', chap. III. ver. 1. ( a ). * mip-p'ri', chap. I. ver. 11. (>), with prefix. f Vttz, chap. I. ver. u.( f ). ff hag-gun', chap. II. ver. 8.( rf ). A no-chel', chap. II. ver. 16. (*), pi. 1 pers. Verse 3. u-mip-pfi', chap. I. ver. 11.(0, w ^ prefixes. h hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. 11. ('), with art. c dsher, chap. 1. ver. 7. ( /; ). d Vthoch, chap. I. ver. 6. ('). hag-gd?i', chap. II. ver. 8. ( rf ). ^ ti-mar', chap. III. ver. 1. ('). * u JEl6-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). * Id, chap. II. ver. 17. ('). ' thd-ctilu', chap. II. ver. 16. (*). ' mim-men'-nu, chap.II.ver.i7.("). * tflo, chap.II.ver-i7.( #, chap. I. ver. 4. (/). * ha-Vetz', chap. I. ver. ii.('). f Vma-achal', chap. II. ver. Q.(*). * t'VcI, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ), with 1 conj. h tha-avah, subst. fern. R. to wish. ' /*#&*, chap. II. ver. 11. ( rf ). 38 III. v. 8. GENESIS. III. v. 10. J ' Id-Ve-na'-yim, subst. dual, chap. III. ver. $.(*), with prefix 7 ex- cluding the article. * v 'nekh-mdd ', Niphalpart (n")with 1 con- junctive. ' hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. n.(''). m r/ias-IcW, verb Hiphil inf. with prefix ?. n vat-tik-kdkh', chap. II. ver. 15. ("), sing. 3 pers. fern, with 1 conv. mip-pir-yo' , chap. I. ver. 11. (>), with prefix and suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. p vat-to'-chal, chap. II. ver. 16. (*), sing. 3 pers. fern, with 1 conversive. q vat-tit -ten', chap. I. ver. i7-(") fern. r gam, conjunction. ' ll-shdh', chap. II. ver. 23. ("'), with prefix ?, and suff. fern. 3 pers. sing. 1 Vim-mdh' , prefix with pron. suff. 3 pers. sing. fem. " vay-yo'-chal, chap. II. ver. 16. (*), sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. Verse 7. " vat-tip -pd-halih' -ndh, chap. III. ver. 6. ( n ), pi. 3 pers. fem. b Ve-ney, chap. III. ver. 6. (J), construct. c sline-hem', chap. I. ver. 16. ( d ), and chap. II. ver. 25.(*). d vay-ye-d'Vu', verb Kal, fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'D and JJ'v) with 1 conv. /cz, chap. I. ver. 4.( e ). f Ve-rum-mim', subst. masc. pi. (sing DH^Jf) R - * ma * e naked. s hem, pron. pers. pi. 3 pers. masc. h vay-yith-p'ru', verb Kal, fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conversive. 1 Valeh', subst. masc. construct (absolute i"6}J). R. to ascend, go up. > tKe-ndh', subst. fem. (pi. D*JS9). R - doubtful. k vay-ya-Vdsu', chap. I. ver. 7.("), 3 pers. pi. masc. 1 Id-hem', prep, with suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. " khago-roth' ', subst. fem. pi. (sing. iVjfaQ), R- to bind around. rvxv* Hyp c -m b wm^ st : 1 v : : -r Jehovah of-voice the )( God ' himself-hid-and God " v v: God ,said-he-And ? thou-(a7*0-where ,him-to sald-and 'IP ,day-THE of-breeze-the-at garden-THE-in jt : : : : Jehovah of-face-the-froni wife-his-and heard- they- And r walking 'tfH 4 **pi?^- : W W v^" 9 Jehovah called-And .garden-THE of-trees-the of-midst-the-in AT T IT ,man-THE unto III. v. 8. GENESIS. III. v. 12. 39 -jr mt Iat- ": k- t /* : N because feared-I-and ,garden-THE-in heard-I voice-Thy )( Tirr s d* iio^v rsnnav "^aa 1 on^* 11 _,. . .< ... - |- T I** T V. T J * r declared Who ,said-he-And .myseli-hid-I-and I-(aw) naked which tree-THE from? ?tho\i-(art) naked that thce-to t : it t v,v t -; j* : : * sr * ?eaten-thou-hast ,it-of eat to-not thee-commanded-I T J" T JV -: T IT AT T IT V *. " gavest-thou whom woman-THE ,man-THE suid-And r^Skv WHp' "^'-nana 1 Kin* ^iBV f \" IT IV'T 1 f t : IT v> V * .ate-I-and ,tree-THE of me-to gave she me-with Verse 8. * vay-yish-mVu', verb KaJ, fat. pi. 3 pers. masc. (JJ'v) with 1 conv. h eth, chap. I. ver. i. ( rf ). c kol, subst. masc. (pi. Hvlp). R. (unused in Heb.) to call. d Yho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. (*). e "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i.( c ). / mith-hal-lech r , Hithpael part. s bag-gdn f , chap. II. ver. 8.( d ), with prefix 3, excluding article. ; * Vru'akh, chap. I. ver. 2. ('), with prefix. ' hay-yb~m f , chap.I.ver.5.( rf ). * vay-yith-lihab-beXs ', verb Hithpael, fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (K'v) with 1 conversive. * hd-d-ddm 1 , chap. I. ver. 26. ( d ). ' v'ish-td', chap. II. ver. 22. (i), and chap. II. ver. 2$.( e ). m mip-p'ney', chap. I. ver. 2.( r ), with prefix. " Yho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. ( 4 ). "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i.( c ). p Vthocti, chap. I. ver. 6.( e ). * Vefo, chap. I. ver. ii.('). r hay-gun', chap. II. ver. 8.( rf ). Verse 9. a vay-yik-rd', chap. I. ver. 5. (). * Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.(*). c "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. i.( c ). d el, chap. I. ver. o.^O- * hd-d-ddml, chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). / vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (), * Zo, chap. II. ver. 18. (>'). * ay-yek'-hdh, adv. of place, interr. with suff. 2 pers. masc. Verse 10. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ( a ). 6 ^A, chap. I. ver. i.( rf ). 40 III. v. 8. GENESIS. III. v. 13. c ko-l'chd', chap. III. ver. 8.( c ), with sufF. 2 pers. masc. sing. d shd-maV r -ti, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. (chap. III. ver. 8. n ). baggdn', chap. II. ver. 8. ( d ). / vd-i-rd', verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. ("D and N'v), with 1 conversive. s fa 9 chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). h Ve-ro?n\ sing.ofchap.III.ver.7.(-0. ' a-no'-cAz,pron. 1 pers. masc. sing. * vd-e-khd-ve^', verb Niph. fnt. sing. 1 pers. (IT'Q and N'v) with 1 conv. Verse 11. " vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. $.(*), b mi, pron. interrog. used of persons ; (TO is used in speaking of things.) v hig-gid', verb Hiphil pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (}"B). d Z'cAa, prefix with sufF. 2 pers. masc. sing. e ki, chap. I. ver. 4. (*"). SVc-rom', chap. III. ver. ;.(- / ), and chap. III. ver. 10. (*). s at' -tah, pers. pron. 2 pers. masc. sing., (_) in the penultimate lengthened into n, because of the pause. h lidmin', the interrogative pref. PI (with its usual points) and the prep. 1 hd-Vetz f , chap. I. ver. n.('*). J ashcr, chap. I. ver. 7.( A ). * tziv-vi-thl'-chd, verb Piel pret. sing. 1 pers. with pron. sufF. 2 pers. masc. sing. 1 l'vil-tf ', conj. (from the pref. 7 and 'wB, the subst. unused as such, TO!! with * paragogic). R. to fall away, to decay.. m dchol, verb Kal inf. construct. n mim-men'-nu, ch?.p.II.ver.i7.('). d-chdl'-td, verb Kal pret. sing. 2 pers. masc. ; M in the penultimate lengthened into n, because of the pause. Verse 12. a vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3 . (") . h hd-d-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ) . c hd-ish-shdti , chap.II.ver. 22. (>'). d ashcr, chap. I. ver. >j.( h ). e nd-that'-tdh, verb Kal pret. sing. 2 pers. masc. (|"Q and J"?) the final J here excluded, and dagesh inserted to compensate. f Vim-md-dl', prep, with sufF. 1 pers. sing, s hiX, chap. II. ver. 12. ('). h nd-tlindh', 3 pers. fern, of chap. III. ver. 12. (*). /e, pref. andsufF. 1 pers. sing. Dagesh in 7 is connective, as if nd-th' ndl-lV . j min, chap. II. ver. 6. ('). * hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. ii.('). 7 vd-6-chel', verb Kal, fut. sing. 1 pers. (K"S) with H conversive. -np* hbM* b^k* rnm* "id$v '3 vt it a/ v: st : (is)- What ,woman-THE-to God Jehovah said-And vmn 1 twhm 1 inxm h n%^ ff nto' jt r - t it v - : t Cr jt't : ' j' : i : m of-days-the all eat-shalt-thou dust-and ,walk-shalt-thou belly-thy upon b between-and thee-between put-vvill-I enmity-And .life-thy sirv jnjnT' rai* sanr* iw R&kft* < at :- I j" i'* 6 ; :- 1^ t it it ;seed-her between-and seed-thy between-and woman-TiiE 'l"T ,/v : \.t - : j 1 : I : .heel-the him-bruise-shalt thou-and ;head-the thee-bruise-shall Verse 13. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3-( a ). * Y'ho-vdh\ chap. II. ver. 4.(*j. c "Elo-lmn' , chap. I. ver. i. ( c ). d Id-ish-shdti , chap. II. ver. 22,(9, with prefix ?. e mail, chap. II. ver. 19. (?). S zoth f , chap. II. ver. 23.('), (with dagesh connective). ff yd-sith', verb Kal, pret. sing. 2 pers. fern. (JJ"fi and iVv). h vat-to'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. ("), fern. ' hd-ish-shdti , chap. II. ver. 22. p). > han-nd-khdsti ', chap. III. ver. i.("). * hish-slii-a'-ni, verb Hiphil pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. ()"Q and K'v) with sufF. 1 pers. sing. 1 vd-6-chel', chap. III. ver. 12. (*). Verse 14. a vay-yd'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3. (). b Yho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4. (*}. c "Elo-him', chap. I. ver. 1. ( c ). d el, chap. I. ver. 9. s "). 'Aarc-raa-MasA', chap. III. ver. i.( fl ). f kl, chap. I. ver. 4.('). B Vd-sV-thd, chap.III.ver. 13.(6'), masc. * zoth, chap. II. ver.23. ('), (and chap. III. ver. 13. {/). ' d-rur\ Kal, part. Paiil. J at-tdh r , chap. III. ver. 11. ("), (here not in pause). k mik-kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (^). l hab-b' he-mdh' , chap. I. ver. 24. ( 7< ). u-mik-kol, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). khay-yath', chap. I. ver. 24. p), 42 III. v. 16. GENESIS. III. * 16. has-sd-deti , chap. II. ver. 5. ('). / Val, chap. I. ver. 2. (/), 9 pkhd-n'chd', subst.masc.withsufF.2pers.masc.(absol. }in|). R.(unused in Heb.) *o &e?ieZ. r the-Uch', verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. ( v '3) . v-Vd-phdr', chap. II. ver. f.ff). * to-chal', chap. II. ver. i6.(*). " kol, chap. I. ver. Sl.'(*) w ymey, pi. const, of chap. I. ver. 5.( rf ). w 7ckay-ye'-chd, chap. II. ver. 7.(0. with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. Verse 15. v'e-vdh', subst. fem. with conj. pref. R. /o be hostile. b d-shlth, verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. ( V 'JJ) c beyn-chd', chap. I. ver. 4. ('), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. rf u-veyn r , chap. I. ver. 4. (') e hd-ish-shdh^ chap. II. ver. 22.3. / u-veyn' , chap. I. ver. 4.('). s zar-Vdchd', chap. I. ver. II, (*). h u-vtyn\ chap. I. ver. 4. ('). ' zar-Vdh', chap. I. ver. 11 (''), with suff. 3 pers. fem. sing. j hu$', chap. II. ver. 11. ( d ). k y 'shu-pli 'chd', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'V), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing, (shortening q under the * into (.). 1 r&sh, subst. masc. R. (not used in Heb.) to shake, to move. " vat-tdh', chap. III. ver. 11. (*), with 1 conj. shu-phen'-nu, chap. III. ver. 15-( A ), 2 pers. with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. Vd-ke?/, subst. masc. (const. 2pJ, pi. D*?j?J and nUp^). v ; - *). e d-mar', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. d har-bdh', verb Hiphil inf. (iYv) used with the finite verb. ar-beh', verb Hiphil fut. sing. 1 pers. (1T7). / Vitz4z'vo-mch\ subst. masc. with suff. 2 pers. fem. sing. R. to suffer pain. e v khe-ro-necti , subst. masc. with suff. 2 pers. fem. sing. R. to conceive. h b'Ve'-tzev, subst. masc. with prefix. R. to suffer pain. 1 te-ldV, verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. fem. ( V 'S). J bd-nim', subst. (sing. J3, const. J3). R. to build. h vel, chap. I. ver. 9. (tf). III. v. 17. GENESIS. III. v. 21. 43 1 t-shech', chap. II. ver. 23. (), with suff. 2 pers. fern. sing. " shu-ku-thech' , subst. fern, with suff. 2 pers. fern. sing, (absol. np-IJ^ri). R. Jo nm a/ter. " v'hutt, chap. II. ver. 11. ( d ). yim-shol', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc., 1 in the last syllable shortened into M short, because of the following Makkaph. p bach, pref. with suff. 2 pers. sing. fern, in pause. j: t *: - t j- -t jtt; of-voice-t.he-to heard-hast-thou Because ,said-he man- to- And ,thee-commanded-I which tree-THK of eaten-hast-and ,wife-thy mnK' ^a* Sarin" tih m ibt&' iTT T IT ST': - |T VT*T VI T " man-THE called-And .return-shalt-thou dust unto-and ,thou-(rO o - : it j* ^ at - v. : ; was slie because ,Eve ,wife-his of-name-the b^k' riiir> few jVi.*^ o' .... T . ^ _ - IT T r . God Jehovah made-And .living all cf-mother i- : - - "i ; : t j> : stt; 44 HI. v. 17. GEJSTESIS. III. v. 21. Verse 17. a u-Pd-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). * d-mar\ chap. III. ver. 16. ( c ). c 7a, chap. I. ver. 4. ( e ). * shd-maV'-td, rf ),2pers.masc. P/col, chap. III. ver. 8. ( c ). / ish-te'-chd, chap. II. ver. 22. (i), with suff.2pers.masc.sing. &" vat-to'-chal, chap.II.ver. i6.(*),with 1 conv. h mm, chap. II. ver. 6. ( c ). ' hd-Vetz', chap. I. ver. U.('). ' as/^r, chap. I. ver. 7. (*). * tziv-vi-thl'-chd, chap. III. ver. 11. (*). 1 le-mor', chap. I. ver. 22. ( rf ). " /o, chap. II. ver. 17. ( e ). n tho-chaP, chap.II.ver. i6.(*). mim-men'-nu, chap.II. ver.i7.(ff). p ay^-raA',fem.ofchap.III.ver.i4.('*). * Aa-ad r a-w^6ZA',chap.I.ver.25.(" , ). r ba-Vdvu-re'-chd, pref. with sutf.2pers.masc.sing.the prep, formed from subst.andpref. ' b'Vitz-tzd-vdn', absol.ofchap.III.ver.i6.(-0,withpref. ' td-chalen'-ndh, chap. II. ver. 16. (*), with suff. 3 pers. fern. sing. * Icol, chap. I. ver. 2i.(s"). v ijmey, chap. III. ver. i5.(''). w khay-ye'-chd, chap. III. ver. 15. ( w ). Verse 18. a v'kotz, subst.masc.with prefix 1. R. (not so used inHeb.) to cut up, or off. b v'dar-dar r , subst. masc. with pref. R. (not so used in Heb.) to sprout out, to grow freely. c tatz-mi'ach, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. fern. d lack, pref. with suff. 2 pers. masc. in pause. 6 vd-chaP-td, chap. III. ver. 11. (). / eth, chap. I. ver. i.( d ). ff Ve'-sev, chap. I. ver. 11. (/). ; ' has-su-deh', chap. II. ver. 5.( c ). Verse 19. a frzeh-Vath', subst. fern, const, (absol. njJT). R- (notused in Heb.) to flow. b ap-pe'-chd, subst. masc. dual with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. (sing. P]X, dual Pt9$) R- to breathe. c to'-chcd, chap. II. ver. l6.(*). d le'-chem, subst. com. R. to eat. e Vad, prep. f shu-v'chd', verb Kal Inf. (V'JJ) with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing, ff eZ, chap. I. ver. 9.(5*). A hd-add-mdti, chap. I. ver. 25.( m ). ' /a, chap.I.ver.4.( e ). J mim-men f -?idh, prep. with suff. 3 pers. fern. sing. k luk-kdch'-td, 2 pers.masc.ofchap.II.ver.23.( w ),( T )becauseof thepause. 1 M, chap. I. ver. 4-tt- * Vd-phdr', chap. II. ver. 7-( / ). n at-tdh', chap. III. ver. H.(*) tJW, chap. I. ver. $.(?). p Vd-phdr', chap. II. ver. 7 # ;(/). ? td-shuv', verb Kal fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. (V'JJ). Verse 20. fl vay-yik-rd\ chap. I. ver. 5.("). * hd-d-ddm\ chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). III. v. 22. GENESIS. III. a 24. 45 c shem, chap. II. ver. n.( a ). d ish-td, chap. II. ver. 22.0. ' khav-vdh', pr. name, signifying life. f /cz, chap. I. ver. 4. (<). s 7ii$, chap. II. ver. i2.('). h hd-yihdhJ, chap. I. ver. 2. (*). 1 em, subst. fern. (pi. rteN). I Jwl, chap. I. ver. 21.(5). * May, adj, R. Zo Zii;e. Verse 21. a vay-ya'-Vas, chap. I. ver. 7.(). b Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.( 7 '). c "Eld-him', chap. I. ver. i.( c ). d I'd-ddm', chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). u-V ish-td' , chap. II. ver. 22.(0. f kot-notti, subst. fern. pi. (sing. TVJh3 and rOflS). R. (unused in Heb.) to cover, to hide. s Vdr\ subst. masc. (pi. ni"11JJ). R. to be naked. h vay-yal-bi-s]iem\ verb Hiph. fat. sing. 3 pers. masc. with "! conv. tHKrr in* &ribx ni.T* 1 hd^v t t it 1 < v: jt : j - man-THE ,Lo ,God Jehovah said-And I7-11* y\& jTpiV ^a* "THK3 y nw ^ '). vat-td'-har, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. fern, with 1 conv. B vat-te'-led, 3 pers. fern. sing, of chap. III. ver. i6.('), with 1 conv. 1 eth, chap. I. ver. i.(*). ' ka'-yin, pr. name, explained below. J vat-to'-mer, fem. of chap. I. ver. 3. ("). * kd-nV-thi, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. (iYv). l ish, chap. II. ver. 23. ( ,n ). eth, prep, (not to be confounded with HK marking the object). R. to approach. n Y'ho-vdti, chap. II. ver. 4. (*). Verse 2. a vdt-to'-seph, verb Hiphil fut. sing. 3 pers. fem. (*"B) with 1 conv. h Id-le'-deth, inf. of chap. IV. ver. i.(ff), with pref. c efA, chap. I. ver. i.(*). d d-khiv, subst. masc. (absol. PIN pi. DTIK) with sufF. 3 pers. masc. sing. e eth, chap. I. ver. 1. ( rf ). f hd-vel, pr. name vanity ; in pause for T>?n. * va-y'hV, chap. I. ver. s.{ e ). h he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(0. ' ro'-Veh, Kal part. Poel. (y"JJ and PI"?), i fccw, subst. com. k v'ka'-yin, chap.IV .ver. 1.(7) with pref. l hd-ydti, chap.III.ver.i.( 6 ). " Vd~vtd\ Kal part. Poel. add-mdti, chap. I. ver. 25.( f "). 48 IV. v. 3. GENESIS. IV. v. 5. ns^ 7 pj2* K3*v B^jpy Y(?.^ s '^DT of-fruit-the-of Cain brought-and ,days of-end-the-from was-it-And sbrr* tairi' irnm 1 ;' nnaa* nir?* ) v v : it |- kt ; it t -: it brought Abel-And .Jehovah-to ofFering-an ground-THE regarded-& ; fat-their-of-and sheep-his of-firstlings-the-of he also np'-^sv :wn--'7KV 'nn 4 - 1 ?^ rnnv 1 - v : t : v : v vv v t : Cain unto-And .ofFering-his unto-and Abel unto Jehovah Cain-to angry-was-it-and ,regarded-he not inn3D ,, - l 7v y. r : ' v : ofFering-his unto-and :vaa* t^jv }& .face-his fell-and ,very Verse 3. a va-y'hV, chap. I. ver. 3-( e ). b mik-ketz\ subst. masc. with pref. R. to cut off. c yd-mim', chap. I. ver. 5.(0- d vay-yd-ve', chap. II. ver. i9.{*). kal -y in, chap. IV. ver. u(J), f mip-pWV, chap. I. ver. 11. p). s hu-add-mdti ', chap. I. ver. 25. ('"). 1 min-khdh', subst. fern. R. (not used in Heb.) to give. 1 lay-lw~vdh\ chap. II. ver. \.^). Verse 4. v'he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 1.(0. 6 he-vV, pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. of chap. II. ver. 19. ('"). c yam, chap. III. ver. 6.( r ). d huX, chap. II. ver. ri.(0 * mib-U cho-rotti , subst. fern. pi. (sing. STJD?) with pref. R. (not used in Kal) to fee earfy. * f tzo-nd', chap. IV. ver. 2.(j), with surf. 3 pers. masc. sing. 8 d-me-khel-ve-hen', subst. masc. pi. with suff. 3 pers. fern. pi. and prefixes, prep, and conj. 1, (sing. 2?n, pi. absol. D^JO). R. (not used in Heb.) to be fat. * vay-yi'-shaV, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (iYv) with 1 conv. 1 Y'hd-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.(*). i el, chap. I. ver. 9. (*). * he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. *.(0 ' v'el, chap. I. ver. 9. ("). m min-kha-thd' ', chap. IV. ver. 3.^), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. IV. 9. G. GENESIS. IV. v. 7. 49 Verse 5. a Vel, chap. I. ver. g.(?). b ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i. ('). c vel, chap. I. ver. 9-00. d min-khd-tho' , chap. IV. ver. 3-(*). * lo 9 chap.II.ver.i9.('')- } shd-Vdh', verbKalpret.sing.3pers.masc.(n"7). ff v ay -yV -hilar, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. with 1 conv. h V ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i. ('), with pref. m'o^, chap. I. ver. 31. ( rf ). J vay-yip-p'lu', verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. (J"j) with 1 conv. k pa-nay v f , chap. I. ver. 2.(5), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. TJT T T< I 'Ut V VT : \' J~ angry-been-it-has Why ,Cain unto Jehovah said-And -dk 4 vrhrc :^d> 1*733 nsh* ^ ff 7 < -: ' iv t j : it tvt : t if ?Not .face-thy falien-has why-and ?thee-to 2^n e $)' cbv n^ 1 ' ipto* well-do-shalt-thou not if-and ? exaltation well-do-shalt-thou ,desire-his-(&e-s/iaJO thee-to-& ?couches-wh:ch-that (is)-sin door-Tun-at I T ; it - .him-over rule-shalt thou-and Verse 6. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3.("). h Y'ho-vdh', chap. II. ver. 4.( ; '). c el, chap. I. ver. 9.(2). d kW-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.('), in pause. e lam'-mdh, pron. interrog. with pref. f khd'-rah, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. (H'v). s lakh, pron. suff. 2 pers. masc. sing, with prefix in pause. * v' lam'-mdh, chap. IV. ver. 6. ( c ), with 1 conj. '" nd-plilu f , verb Kal pret. pi. 3 pers. J phd-?ie'-chd, chap. I. ver. 2.(5"), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. Verse 7. a halo', chap. II. ver. i7.( ff ), with H interrog. * #1, conj. c tty-tlv', verb Iliph. fut. sing. 2 pers. masc. rf scth, Kal inf. fern. ()"S). e y"zm, chap. IV. ver. 7-( ; w ^ tn conj. f /o, chap. II. ver. 17.P). " they-tiv', chap. IV. ver. 7.( c .) * lap-pe'-thalih, subst. masc. (pi. D^nHS) with pref. ? excluding art. R. to open. 50 IV. v. 8. GENESIS. IV. v. 12. * khat-tath', subst. fem. R. to sin. J ro-vetz f , Kal part. Poel masc. * v'e-le'-chd, chap.I.ver.9.("),with pron.suff. 2 pers. masc. sing.and conj. 1 tf shu-ka-thd' , chap. III. ver. 16. ( m ), with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. " tfat-tah', chap. III. ver. ii.ff}< " tim-shol', 2 pers. masc. of chap. III. ver. 16. (). bo, chap. I. ver. I !*(*) 8 :r a- t vjv v 1 \ m v I - was-it-and ; brother-his Abel unto Cain said-And bin' -bx k ]^j t$j&V rrto* s^?? Abel against Cain rose-and field-THE-in being-tbeir-in I F- v t : v < - i" : ~ r ~ v t ;Cain unto Jebovah said-And .bim-killed-and brother-his ; know- 1 Not ,said-he-And ? brother-thy Abel (ts)-Where , no* iD^r pais" tin' na^*> jv v.- -it t.* t F 5 -: What ,said-be-And ?I-(m) brother-my of-keeper? me-unto crying-(/&-) brother-tby of-blood-tbe of-voice-Tbe ? done-tbou-hast J ]z? d njjg.* -it]k r?|j;v : rrpngtp'-^jp* " from thou-(arl) cursed now-And .ground-TUE from - I-J-T t V jt : IT jv _ : T T : |T receive-to moutb-her )( opened-has which ,ground-THE till-sbalt-tbou When .band-thy-from brother-thy of-blood )( "AT VT " 0" I T T : JT ;thee-to strength-her give-to add-shall-it not ,ground-TUE )( ) VIT T JV : I' UT *JT .earth-THE-on be-sbalt-thou vvandering-and moving Verse 8. * vay-yd'-mer, chap. I ver. 3.( fl ). * ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.('). c el, chap. I. ver. Q-K). d he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. .(/)-. IV. . 8. GENESIS. IV. v. 12. 51 * a-khlv f , chap. IV. ver. 2.( rf ). f va-yhV, chap. I. ver. 3.(*). * bl-Jl yo-thdm' , Kal Inf. with suff. 3 pers. masc. pi. and prep. * bas-sd-deh', chap. II. ver. 5.( c ). ' vay-yd'-kom, verb Kal fut. apoc. sing. 3 pers. masc. (V'JJ) with 1 conv. ^ ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i. (*'). k el, chap. I. ver. 9.(5-). * he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(0. * d-khw', chap. IV. ver. 2.( rf ). " vay-ya-har-ge-'hu, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. (ITS) with suff. 3 pers. masc. sing, and 1 conv. Verse 9. a vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3-( a ). b Y'ho-vah', chap. II. ver. 4-( 7 ')- c el, chap. I. ver. 9.( ff ). d ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.('). * ey, interrog. adv. f he'-vel, chap. IV. ver. 2.(/). s d-khV-chd, chap. IV. ver. 2.( d ), with suff. 2 pers. masc. sing. h vay-yo'-mer, chap. I. ver. 3-("). ' Zo, chap. II. ver. i7-( e ). j yd-daV'-ti, 1 pers. of chap. IV. ver. i.(*). k hasho-mer', Kal part. Poelwith H interrog. ' d-chi, chap. IV. ver. 2.( d ), with suff. 1 pers. m d-no'-chi, chap. III. ver. io.('). Verse 10. a vay-yo'-mer, chap.I.ver.3.( a ). * meli, pron. interrog. & indef. i.q. TO. c Vd-sV-thd, masc. of chap. III. ver. 13. (5). d Z;o7, chap. III. ver. 8.( c ). e d'mey, subst. masc. pi. const, (sing. D 1 ^, pi. absol. D" 1 ^). R. to be red. J d-khi'-chd, chap. IV. ver.2.( d ). *>' tzo-Vdldm', Kal part. Poel masc. pi. h e-lay', chap. I. ver. 9. ( ff ), with suff. 1 pers. sing. 1 min, chap. II. ver. 6.( c ). ^ hd-ddd-mdh' , chap. I. ver. 25. ( m ). Verse 11. a vVat-tdti, chap. III. ver. 22.(9. * d-rur', chap. III. ver. 14. (*). c dt'-tdh, chap. III. ver. n.("). d www, chap. II. ver. 6.( c ) e hd-ddd-mdh', chap. I. ver. 25. (*). / asher, chap. I. ver. , j.( h ). ff pd-tz'thd', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. fern. 7t 3ib ff h t .. _ . T . T .. 1 .. I : upon-from day-TiiE me driven-hast-thou ,Lo .up-lifted-be-to-thari ^nv -inD**' ^3B^V nb"mr? s fc> be-shall-I-and ,hid-be-shall-I face-thy-from-and ground-THE of-face-the Sd" mrr vim- i\y jjy T JTT '. ) V T T TT *8 T V ~ I" < T * - I | -* ,Irad )( Enoch-to born-was-And .Enoch sun-his - T T ; A- T I ; v IT T T ~ : begat Mehujael-and ,Mehujael )( begat Irad-and ' V IT V J- T \." T I : T J ; .Lamech )( begat Methushael-and ,Methusliael )( Verse 16. " vay-ye'-tze, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V/ S) with 1 conv. b ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.(j). c mil-liph-ney' ', chap. I. ver. 2.(ff), with prefixes. d Y'ho-vah', chap. II. ver. 4. ( h ). e vay-ye'-shev, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'E) with "! conv. f Ve'-retz, chap. I. ver. i.(^). s Nod, pr. name, wandering. h kid-math', chap. II. ver. 14. {*). ' Ve'-den, chap. II. ver. 8.(*). Verse 17. a vay-ye'-daV, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'D) with 1 conv. b ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.p). c gM, chap. I. ver. 1. (*). rf ish-to', chap. II. ver. 2*.(). * vat-ta'-hai', chap. IV. ver. i.(/). J vat-W-led, chap. IV. ver. i.(s). * ^, chap. I. ver. i.('). A khanoch', pr. name. ' va-y'hl, chap. I. ver. 3-( f ). J bo-'?ieh, Kal part. Poel (!Yv) with the accent drawn back because of the accented syllable that follows. * J?!r', subst. fern. (pi. DHJJ) . R. to wake. 1 vay-yik-ra' ' , chap. I. ver. 5-( a ). m shem, chap. II. ver. U.(). n hd-Vir', chap. IV. ver. i7.(*). k'shem, chap. II. ver. 11. (), with pref. * b'no, sing, with sufF. 3 pers. masc. of chap. III. ver. 16. p). q khanoch, pr. name. Verse 18. a vay-yiv-vd-led' ', verb Niphalfut. sing. 3 pers. masc. ( V 'D) with 1 conv. * la-khdnoch', chap. IV. ver. I7<(*), with pref. c efA, chap. I. ver. !.(*}. d Vl-rdd' , pr. name. vVl-rdd', pr. name with pref. ^ ya-lad', verb Kalpret.sing.3 pers. masc. ( v '2) * ^A, chap.I.ver.i.( rf ). 1 mkhu-yd-el', pr. name. ' u-m'khiy-yd-yel', pr. name with pref. ' ya-lad', chap. IV. ver. i8.(/). * eth, chap. I. ver. i.( d ). 1 m thu-shd-el' , pr. name. m u-m' thu-shd-el' , pr. name with pref. ya-foc*', (0- e*A, chap. I. ver. i.('). p Id'-mech, pr. name, in pause for Tjtt?. IV. v. 19. GENESIS. IY. v. 22. 55 czti/f g^r ^Fiu/ d ynb c Sh'-n&v V A- T J" : I V VV J I 19 ,wives two Lamech him-to took-And :nW* f&tfrr' ash' niy 4 iinrr* .Zillah-(u7as) second-THE of-name-the-and ,Adah-(u?aA) one-THE of-name-the ,Jabal qk* nfav airv ^'-jw my 4 T7fiV*> -; TT J ATT V V.T T V J" m Adah bare-And of-dweller-the of-father-tlie was V.' T brother-his he j" : of-name-the-And lias' paiiVfya* ^aa' n\1* kiit to . * J" T * -: T T J AT harp handling one-every of-father-the was X t:|t bore she also jt : Zillah-And n^na 1 brass of-artificer every : now it *~r .Naamah-(i0s) 0J& -whetter ,Cain of-whetter-a 1 :iC- <+ i" Cain Tubal- of-sister-the-and ,Jubal-(u,mO : 3J^y' M .orj, chap. II. ver. ll.if), e hd-ydh' , chap. III. ver. r.(*), / avi, chap. IV. ver. 20. (s). s hoi, chap. I. ver. 21. (*). A to-phes', Kal part. Poel. 1 Icin-?idr', subst. masc. (pi. mill?). R. (unused) give a murmuring sound. J v'Vu-ydv', subst. masc. R. breathe, to blow. Verse 22. a v tzil-lati , pr. name fern, with 1 conj. 6 yam, conj. e /ai>*, chap. II. ver. 12. ( c> ). d yd-Vddh\ fern, of chap. IV. ver. 18. (/). ,7 u T r<#\ ^ tu-val' ~| /A, chap. I. ver. i.r). 7 v pr. name masc. s ka'-yin,] h to-tesh', Kal part. Poel. ' /col, chap. I. ver. 2i.(^). J kho-resh', Kal part. Poel. (Many have taken this as a subst. sig- nifying tool.) k rilzho'-sheth, subst. fern. R. possibly to be bright. 1 u-var-zel' ', subst. masc. with 1 conj. R. Ch. to transfix, with 7 added. m va-dk1i6th\ subst. fern, const, with conj. 1 (absol. mntf). " tu-val' *) *, > 7 , r 7 W pr. name masc. p na-amah . pr. name fern. ka'-ym, J ' rfayy .Tjy T^jf c y?$ b inwy 2 ^ ,Zillah-and Adah wives-his-to Lantech said-And W2?K 4 H$,!P' 1$' V#? ^P* \V.lpV f ;\vord-my to-ear-give ,Lamech of-wives ,voice-my Hear VKVi : : : - t < j* you'.h-a-and wounding-my-to killed-have-I nian-a lor rp rf ap^ c a^n^ b \a : Mmn^ * ^ 1 *'at - *. t - t ; j - r ti\ ~ : ,Caia avenged-be-shall sevenfold Surely .bruising-my-to .seven-and seventy Lamech-and Verse 23. a vay-yo'-mcr, chap. I. ver. 3-( fl ). 6 le'-mech, pr. name masc. c Vnd-shdyv', chap. IV. ver. 19.(0* with pref. and suff. 3 pers. masc. sing. d Vd-ddh\ pr. name fern. e v'tzil-ldh', pr. name fern, with 1 conj. f s/ima'-Van, verb Kal Imp. pi. 2 pers. fern. QJ'v). IV. v. 25. GENESIS. IV. v. 26. 8 kd-li, chap. III. ver. 8. ( c ) with suff. 1 pers. sing. h rfshey, const, of chap. IV. ver. io.( e ). *' le'-mech, pr. name masc. S ha-azen'-nah, verb Hiphil Inf. pi. 2 pers. fern. (K"S). h im-rd-thV, subst. fern, with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. PHDK, pi. nhDX). R. to say. l 7a, conj. %$h, chap. II. ver. 23. ( m ). hd-rag'-ti, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. Vphitz-VV, subst. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. JT$B, pi. 0^3). R. to cut, to wound. p v ye' -led, subst. masc. R. to beget, to bear. q VhJiab-bu-rd-thl\ subst. fern, with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. iTp30). R. to bind. Verse 24. Id, conj. b shiv-Vd-tha'-yim, chap. IV. ver. i6.( A ). c yiik-kam', chap. IV. ver. i6.( J ). d ka'-yin, chap. IV. ver. i.{ 1 ). ' v'le'-mech, pr. name masc. with 1 conj. J shiv-Vim', numeral adj. pi. of JDJP seven. ff v'shzv-Vdh', numeral adj. masc. of JD^. -rVny iflE^-n^* iv c di$' ;hV =5 bare-she-and ,wife-his )( again Adam knew-And it j* a- s. : v rr > : - I appointed-has Ijecause ,Sheth name-his )( cal!ed-she-and son-a >3' 'nrr nnrr -in*** jtit* b^s* ^" whom ,Abel of-instead another seed-a God me -to n son-a bom-was him-(fo) also Sheth-to-And .Caia [him]-slew jt a v; v : v JT: - bcgun-was-it then : Enoch name-his )( called-he-and :n'iiT" ot^3" *np^' it : J" : O: .Jehovah of-name-the-on call-to Verse 25. a vay-ye'-daV, chap. IV. ver. 17. ( a ). * d-ddm 1 \ chap. I. ver. 26. ( rf ). e yocZ', adv. rf e^/t, chap. I. ver. i.( rf ). e ish-to', chap. II. ver. 22. p) f vat-te'-led, chap. IV. ver. i.(^). * be?i, chap. III. ver. 16. (-Q. h vat-tik-rd', chap. I. ver. $.{*). ' en. * td-ron f ~ndh, verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. fern. (V"V)- -bx' i^pv *n T i?^ c b^" 1 ^ 4 B ^8" 4 unto (fs)-voice-my-and ,cali-\vill-I men-O you-Unto rimy* e^na' lanr?* :oi ff W s cunning ones-simple-0 Understand .man of-sons-the j. . . ,. *- . .^ i-. j. T ... things-noble because ,ye-IIear .heart ye-understand fools-O-and -\3" rQ^^a* ^afe/' nnaav -)3"m rf i i- l* t I- - t : /- : a- - -: Because .uprightnesses-(&e-A7iaZJ; lips-my of-opening-the-and of-speak-will-I j- t : v-^-; I : a- -iv : v v v:v lips-my of-abomination-the-and ,palate-my uttcr-shali truth ' yv2 s .wickedness-(/6) Verse 4. a alt-chem', prep, with suff. 2 pers. pi. masc. * l-shim\ (sing. *JJ; D^EONj is commonly used for the pi.) c eJc-rdX\ ver. i.( c ). d v'kd-lV, ver. i.(0, with suff. 1 pers. sing, and cop. conj. e el, prep. ^ b'ney', subst. masc. pi. const, (sing. |2, const. |3; pi. D*3S). R. to build. s d-ddm', subst. masc. R. to be red. Verse # 5. a hd-vi f -nu, verb Hiph. Imperat. pi. 2 pers. masc. ( V/ JJ) * pJithd-yim', subst.masc. pi. (sing. ''fiS; pi. also D^HS. R. to be open.) c Vor-mdti, subst. fern. R. to be cunning. VIII. v. 8. PRO VERBS. VIII. v. 9. 61 d H-ch' si-lim' , (sing. ?*D3) with 1 cop.pref. be foolish. e hd-vV-nu, (see a ). / lev, subst. masc. (const. 27, pi. ni^p). R. (unused) perhaps to be fat. (Be of understanding' heart.) Verse 6. a shim-Vu', verb Kal Imper. pi. 2 pers. masc. * Jd, conj. c nai-dimJ, (sing. TJJ). R. (not used in Kal) to be in front. d udab-ber f , verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. R. in Kal to put in order. 6 u-miph-takh ', subst. masc. const, state sing, (absol. nJJQD), with 1 copul. R. to open. * s 'phu-thai ', subst. fern, dual with suff. 1 pers. sing. (sing. HS^, dual absol. D*nsb>). R. (unused) prop, to suck up. * me-shd-rim! , subst. pi. masc. (not used in sing.) R. to be straight. Verse 7. Jd, conj. * emeth, subst. fern, (with suff. VID&J). R. to be steadfast. c yeh-geh', verb Kal fut. sing. 3 pers. masc. d khik-kl', subst. masc. (absol. IfH). R. to make narrow. e vtho-Vdvath', subst. fem. const, (absol. n^A) witn 1 copul. R. (not used in Kal) to abominate. S s'phd-thai', ver. 6.{f). * re'-shaV, subst. masc. R. to make tumult, to do evil. v t I j" gold-than knowledge-and ; silver not-and correction-my ye-Take a* : t : tv. jt i- It : ; (cora-or>pearls-than-more wisdom (i&)-good Because .chosen it : i* j t -: t : . .it-with equal-be-\vill not things-precious all- and Verse 10. k^khu, verb Kal Imper. pi. 2 pers. masc. (V'D, inflected like )"). b mu-sd-rl\ subst. masc. with suff. 1 pers. (absol. "ID-ID). R. to correct. c v'al, negative particle (= Gr. firj) with 1 copulat. d kd'-seph, subst. r\ lengthened from r\ because of the pause. R. to be pale. e v'da'-Vath, ver. 9. (/), with 1 copulat. f me-khd-rutz\ part. Paiil used as a subst. (prop, something dug out) with D prefixed in a comparative sense. * niv-khdr\ Niph. part. Verse \\. a if, conj. b td-vdh', adj. fern. (masc. 3-1 !2). R. to be good. c khoch-mdh\ ver. i.(*). d mip-p 'ril-nim', subst. masc. pi. (sing, not used), with ft comparative. e vcol, ver. 8. ( 6 ), with 1 copulat. f khaphd-tzim!, subst. masc. pi. (sing. YW)- R - to incline, to desire. * /o, negat. adv. h yish-vu\ verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (iT\>). * vuh, pron. suff. sing. 3 pers. fern, with pref. 2. VIII. v. 12. PROVERBS. VIII. v. 14. 63 of-kno\vledge-and .cunning ^2ti/ c moan* ^*r : j- t t : tv. j* -: inhabit wisdom I ftii}'v c h'py fi*ny :Kvpt** FiSmb'Ki hate-to (is)- Jehovah of-fear-The .find-shall- 1 devices %v vy TO!* ' P^Y ^83' Vx" of-mouth-the-and ,evil way-the-and ,haughtiness-and pride ; evil AT I : T \ ,discretion-and .counsel ,.. T . : - is)-me-To .hated-have-I .perversenesses ny\2} e & Prra- y 4 .strength (fs)-me-to .understanding ani-I a ani, pron. 1 pers. sing Verse 12. b khoch-mdh', ver. i. (*). c shd-chan' -tl, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. d Vor-mdh\ subst. fern. (This word is sometimes used in a good, sometimes in a bad sense.) R. to be subtle. e V'da'-Vath, ver. 9. (/) ; here used as in const, state. f m'zim-moth', subst. fern. pi. (sing. illSJD). R. to devise. (Both the verb and this derivative are used sometimes in a good and some- times in a bad sense.) * em-tzd\ verb Kal fut. sing. 1 pers. Verse 13. a yir-ath r , subst. fern, const, (absol. nK"V). R. to fear. b Y'hd-vdli ', the Divine name, implying existence. c s'noth, Kal Inf. const, with fern, termination. d rdV, adj. (used here as a concrete), in pause for JT). R. to break in pieces, to be evil. e ge-dh\ subst. fem. R. to lift up one's-self. f v'gd-6n\ subst. masc. with \ copul. R. id. 8 v'de'-rech, ver. 2. ( rf ). h r dV, { d ). 1 u-phl\ ver. 3. ( c ), with 1 copul. j tJiah-pu-chdth' ', subst. fem. pi. (sing, not found). R. to overturn. * sd-ne-'thi, verb Kal pret. sing. 1 pers. Verse 14. a li, suflf. 1 pers. sing, with ? prefixed. b Ve-tzdh', subst. fem. R. to give counsel. 64 VIII. v. 15. PROVERBS. VIII. v. 19. e v'thu-shiy-yuh 1 ', subst. fem. with 1 copul. R. to make even. d am, pron. pers. 1 pers. sing. e vi-ndh' , subst. fem. R. to understand. f li {"). 8 gvu-rdh f , subst. fem. R. to prevail. ^pirn* mpy ^dbvy B^bzp 4 \a* ^ decree-will princes-and reign-wiU kings me-By t : at j- t v I viv all ,noblcs-and rule-will rulers me-By .righteousness .earth-t!ie of-judges Verse 15. hi, suff. 1 pers. sing, with 3 prefixed. h mld-chim', subst. masc. pi. (sing. "SJ/D). R. to rule, to reign. c yim-lo'-chu, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. (The fut. used to express what is customary). d vro-z'nim r , part Poel (used as a subst.) masc. pi. With 1 copul. e ykhd'-k'kii, verb Poel fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. / tze'-dek, ver. 8.(). Verse 16. hi, ver. 15. (). b sd-rim, f (sing. *\W) R. to rule. c yd-so'-ru, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. d u-ridl-vlm', subst. (sing. 3HJ). R. to impel, to be willing. e col, ver. 8.(*). f sho-ptite', part. Poel (used as a subst.) masc. pi. const. s a'-retz, see Gen. I. i.( rf ). - -: 1- : at j- -: I ~\ early-me-seek-who-those-and dove-will me-love-who-tliose I nn* *$ yqsv v&v x^xw * 1 ) a j t ; v "1 : is t : wealth ,me-with (are)-honour-and Riches .me-flnd-will fn nip T] 2 * a 5 !*? * x rr^nyi / prSjt/ ' 9 ,gold-than-more fruit-my (j's)-Good .righteousness-and enduring IT : I VJV T I .chosen silver-than-more income-my-and ; gold-fine-than-& 1 VIII. v. 20. PROVERBS. VIII. r. 21. 65 Verse 17. am, ver. 14. ( d ). b o-hdvai', (so "Hp) part. Poel pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. c e-huv r , verb Kal fut. (K"S) sing. 1 pers. (in pause). d u-m 'ska-kh&rai' ', Piel part pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing, with 1 copul. c yim-tzd-u' -ri ni, verb Kal fut. pi. 3 pers. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. (suff. with 3 epenthetic). Verse 18. n Vo'-sher, subst. masc. R. to be rich. b v* chd-vod' , subst. masc. with 1 copul. prefixed. R. to be heavy. c it-tV, prep. (nS) with suff. 1 pers. sing. d lion, subst. masc. R. to be light, easy. e Vd-thek', adj. masc. R. to grow old. f u-tzdd-kdh', subst. fern, with 1 copulative. R. to be just. Verse 19. n tov, adj. ver. n.( 4 ). b pir~yi\ subst. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing, (absol. form < HS). R. to bear. e me-l:hd-rutz\ ver. 10. (/"). d u-mip-pdz' ', adj. masc. (used as subst.) with 1 copul. and D prep. prefixed. R. to separate. u-tti vu-d-thi' , subst. fem. with prefix 1 copul. and with suff. 1 pers. sing. R. to come. f mik-Ice'-seph, ver. 10. ( rf ). & niv-khdr', ver. io.(*). ^in$ d t?M* ^i? T 7r n W of-midst-the-in ,walk-to-cause-\vill-I righteousness of-way-the-In ^nn'x b H^ranh' ivsti/fe' ri^m* *: J me-love-\vho-those inherit-to-cause-To .judgment of-paths-the I- - -: jv v. : 1 : a- fill-will-I treasuries-their-and (me-fo)-iawhat Verse 20. a b'o'-rakk, subst. masc. with prefix. R. to go. * tz'dd-hdti, ver.iS.^). d ahal-Uch', verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. (Piel used in a causative sense). d frthock, subst. in const, (absol. ^fl) withpref. R. unused in Heb.f ocutup. e ri ihl-voth' , ver. 2.(/). y mish-pdt', subst. masc. R. to judge. Verse 21. a Vhan-khil ', verb Hiphil Inf. with ? prefixed. b o-havai', Kal part. Poel pi. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. 66 VIII. v. 22. PPvO VERBS. VIII. v. 26. t- i/esh, a word implying being, or existence; often used for the verb o 6e, here with the ellipsis of v, what is (to me) ; i. e. what (I) Aowe. d v'd-tz'rd-the-hem', subst. masc. pi. (with fern, termination in pi.) with 1 eopul. prefixed, and suff. 3 pers. pi. masc. R. to lay up. ' amal-W, verb Piel fut. sing. 1 pers. dtp' i?iv rwrtrr ^hv>" TflTP' " v'vv a : - j- t 'n t : before way-hia of-beginning-the me-possessed Jehovah ;./- T ^ "<. IT " JT*T ; ;anointed-was-I ,etemity-From .then-lrom works-his depths being-not-In .earth-the before-from .be^inning-thc-from it t : i. - I > : :at water with-heavy fountains being-not-in forth-brought-was-I TWiy ^ l ?" TOorr am 4 d~ico3**5 *j t : V s : at : t j* t vjv : hills-the before settled-were mountains-the Before rmnnv pa* nc#r Ny-"ur : i^in' * a : 1 vjv t *tv j - v : it s places-open-the-& , earth-the made-he not Until .forth-brought-was-I :^ 4 rrrissi/* Bfthy .world-the of-dusts-the of-top-the-and Verse 22. * Y'hd-vuh', ver. 13. ( 6 ). A Icd-nd'?iV, verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. with suff. 1 pers. sing. c re-shith', Gen. I. !.(). rf dar-ko', ver. 2.( d ) with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. tf ke'-dem, subst. masc. used as a prep. R. to be before, f miph-Va-layv', subst. masc. pi. with suff. 3 pers. sing. masc. R. to make. s mc-uz\ adv. of time, with prefix. Verse 23. a me-Vd-ldm f , subst. masc. with prefix. R. to be hidden. b nis-sach'-ti, verb Niphal pret. sing. 1 pers. c me-rosk', subst. masc. with pref. R. (perhaps) to be moved, shaken ; hence w^SO, and figuratively in this sense. d mi/c-kad-me', ver. 22. ( ff ), in the pi. const, with pref. a'-rciz\ Gen. I. i.). VIII. n. 27. PROVERBS. VIII. v. 30. 67 Verse 24. a b'en y a word implying non- existence ; often including the verb to be; here used as a subst. with 2 prefixed. b tlid-7iiotti, Gen. I. 2.( A ), pi. c /cho-ldl'-ti, verb Poel pret. sing. 1 pers. d b'en, ( ff ). * maV -yd-noth\ subst. masc. pi. (In pi. with cither a masc. or fern. termination, derived from the subst. j^J.) f nich-bdd-de\ Niphal part. pi. masc. const. ' ma'-yim, Gen. I. 2.("). Verse 25. Vte'-rem, adv. of time with 2 pref. * hd-rxm\ subst. pi. masc. c Jiot-bd-Vu' , verb Hophal pret. pi. 3 pers- d liph-nc\ see Gen. I. 2.(?) g'vd-Votti, subst. fern. pi. R. (not used in Heb.) to be high. f khd-lul'-tt, ver. 24. ( c ). Verse 26. * Vad, prep. R. to pass over, or by. /o, negative adv. '' Vu-sah', verb Kal pret. sing. 3 pers. masc. - c'-rctz, Gen. I. i.). vkhu-tzotti, subst. masc. pi. with 1 copul. fp'riteh, ver. 23. ( t "). ^ Vavh-roth r , subst. masc. pi. const, (sing. "1SJJ). R. fc> to whitish. h tc-vel', subst. fern. R. in Hiph. to produce, bring forth. fpna* " i 2" Dt^ c a^Da?' Ibarra decreeins-his-in i(wus)-l there heavens-thc establishing-bis-In aipntf* isa3" :D 5 injT W^V* Jin 7 28 clouds-the establishing-his-In .dcep-the of-1'acc-thc DpOQ circlc-a id^5 :ol?J-J' riiyar* nrp" n, ?#$'*> aettin^-lis-In .decp-the of-fountains-tlie stren^thenin^-in /above a* : -1- j - v 1 \ t- mouth-bis by-pass-shall not water-and ,decree-his sea-tbe-to iSvK 4 mrrcv ?r>8' ^Dia' ipinj] j 3<> : v r; : iv t I vit : j ' : him-by was-I-Anrt .carth-the of-foundations-the decreein<;-his-in .day (^3/)-,d:iy delights was-1-and ,up-brought-one 68 VHI. v. 27. PROVE KB S. VIII. v. 31. l i Rejoicing .time every-in him-before Rejoicing it t j* ; v - % ^-:i- : Dip^ iu ns? e-lon' 'adh sh'khem m'qom the plain unto of Sichem the place T ..- vay-ye-ra' ba-a'-rets az and appeared in the land was then "TO 1 ? -up!>! D^K-Vg nirp 'adh ba-a'-rets unto through the land paa t ^3?rn : rnia v'hak-k'na-'anl' and the Canaanite m5-reh' of Moreh et-ten' will I give na?p miz-beach an altar l'zar-'akha' unto thy seed vay-yo -mer and said el- abh-ram' unto Abram y'ho-vah' the Lord T sham there m vay-yi'-bhen and he builded db>d pri^n : v)$ rtrrb mish-sham' from thence vay-ya'-teq' and he removed e-laiv' unto him nViK con btirwih o-holoh' his tent vay-yet' and pitched l'bheith-el' of Bethel haz-zoth' eth-ha-a'-rets this land han-nir-eh' lai-ho-vah' who appeared unto the Lord 0*1(30 n"jnn miq-qe'-dhem ha-ha'-rah on the east unto a mountain PRONUNCIATION. 73 D"?i?.P U?7| D# ^^3 miq-qe'-dhem on the east v'ha-'ai' and Hai miy-yam' on the west beith-el' having Bethel m vay-yi'-bhen and he builded :ni.T Dti'2 xip^ rrtrrt n3TD d> t : : t: - t - - .. . . T y'hS-vah' b'shem vay-yiq-ra/ lai-ho-vah' miz-beach' sham of the Loed upon the name and called unto the Lokd an altar there ifiajan jriDri ^iSn d-ok j/E>n han-negh'-bah v'na-soa' ha-lokh' abh-ram' vay-yis-sa v toward the south and journeying ingoing Abram and journeyed D-ns *rm pN3 nj^-i abh-ram' Abram vay-ye'-redh and went down ba-a'-rets in the land ra-'abh' a famine va-y'hi' and there "v :pa 3pn "T33 -,, 3 db> ti^ nDnvD IVTT ^TTT " T T T T : - : * ba-a'-rets ha-ra-'abh' kl-kha-bhedh' sham la-ghur' mits-ray'-mah in the land the famine for w as grievous there to sojourn into Egypt GENESIS XXII. 1-8. ovarii nbxn om-nn nns stn v'ha-616-him' that God Dmas vt t : - abh-ra-ham' Abraham eth-bin-kha' thy son ha-el'-leh these had-d'bha-rim' things a-char' va-y'hi' after and it came to pass vfo "lDri'i om3-riK nw nis-sah' did tempt e-laiv' vay-yo'-mer unto him and said eth- abh-ra-ham' Abraham *j?3-n$ a-nj? -iD*n j^n qach-na' take now vay-yo'-mer and he said hin-ne'-nl vay-yo'-mer behold here I am and he said 'fn'n ppv^fl? ^3n--i^ nTnr n ^ v'lekh-l'kha' and get thee eth-yits-chaq' Isaac asher-a-habh'-ta, whom thou lovest eth-y'chl-dh'kha' thine only son rh'xh hv in^m n*ifen pa-Va l"6-lah' sham v'ha-'ale'-hu ham-md-riy-yah' for a burnt offering there and offer him of Moriah el-e'-rets into the land 74 PKONUNCIATION. T,^ "ik i# ciCC 1 "^ ^ e-lei'-kha tliee o-mar I will teU asher he-ha-rlm' of which of the mountains a-chadh' one 'al upon aftin 1p33 vay-ya-chabhosh' bab-bo'-qer and saddled in the morning t t : - abh-ra-ham' Abraham vay-yash-kem' and rose up early irm 1^3 ^tf-ns np*i iibn-nx it-to' n"a-raiv' eth-sh'ner vay-yiq-qach' eth-chamo-ro' with him of his young men two and took his ass nty i$jt %$$. 133 pnv"! n$r] '6 -lab/ 'atsei vay-bhaq-qa" b'nd yits-ehaq' v'eth for the burnt offering the wood and clave his son Isaac and asher-a-mar-lo' of which had told him el-ham-ma-qdm' unto the place vay-ye'-lekh vay-ya'-qom and went and rose up DfroK st t : - abh-ra-ham' Abraham x$m 'sMtfn DP3 :Dvftn vay-yis-sa' then Hfted up hash-sh'H-shl' third bay-yom' on the day ha-elo-him' God vay-yo'-mer me-ra-choq' eth-ham-ma-qdm' vay-yar' eth-'ei-naiv' and said afar off the place and saw his eyes nh Do'mitf yhit'jk poh here sh'bhu-la-khem' abide ye el-n''a-raiv' unto his young men DiTQK t t : - abh-ra-ham' Abraham na-B? rrp^ igim ^ki -iionn-q? 'adh-koh' yonder ne-1'khah' will go v'han-na'-'ar and the lad 'im-ha-chamor' Drmx np>i ids^ raiafoi mnntfai t t : - - - iv -: t ^ t : vv -: - : : abh-ra-ham' vay-yiq-qach' Abraham and took alei-khem' to you v'na-shu'-bhah v'nish-ta-chaveh' and come again and worship iaa pnvr^ tyjl n^o ^"^S b'nd his son 'al-yits-chaq' upon Isaac vay-ya'-sem and laid it ha-'d-lah' of the burnt eth-atsei' the wood PRONUNCIATION. 75 v i rliK mw yok Dnn3 -I 7 vay-yo-mer and he said a-bhl' my father vay-yo-mer and said a-bhiv' his father el-abh-ra-ham' unto Abraham d^v^oi mn v'ha-'e-tsim' and the wood ha-esh' the fire nan nowi \a ^aan < v - a* : jv hin-neh' vay-yo'-mer bh'nl hin-nen'-ni behold and he said my son here am I on-QK nb#i irhjh n&n .tki abh-ra-ham' Abraham "J3 vay-yo'-mer and said T'o-lah' for a burnt offering has-seh' the lamb v'ay-yeh' but where is b'ni T'o-lah' my son for a burnt has-seh' yir-el-15' eld-hlm' a lamb will provide himself God DEUTERONOMY IX. 25 X. 5. Din Dvan ri niiT ^aa 1 ? ^aanai t : j" : : v it hay-yom' ar-ba-'im' eth days forty y'hS-vah' liph-nei' va-eth-nap-pal' the Lord before thus I fell down v^aann mate : at - : jv -: n'rhn DiwnKTiai t :v.- - 7* t : - v : hith-nap-pal'-tl asher I fell down at the first as hal-lay'-lah v'eth-ar-ba-'im' nights and forty S^ansi :Dana To^nS nin^ nama J" - : vit iv : v -:-: vt : j- t va-eth-pal-lel' eth-khem' l'hash-midh' y'ho-vah' ki-a-mar' I prayed therefore you he would destroy the Lord because had said nn^n-^K nini ^ana al-tash-cheth' destroy not ygho-vlh' God adho-nai' OLord -mi IT va-6-mar' and said nim-'jN t : el-y'ho-vah' unto the Loed 76 PBONUNCIATION. pa-dhi'-tha asher v'na-chala-th'kha/ 'am-m'kha' thou hast redeemed which and thine inheritance thy people v.- : r j" v -: Iav : t : mim-mits-ra'-yim asher-ho-tse'-tha b'ghodh-le'-kha out of Egypt which thou hast brought forth through thy greatness jt t : - ; vt^:i- ; 'itt-: jt. l'abh-ra-ham' la-'abha-dhei'-kha z'khdr chaza-qah' b'yadh Abraham thy servants remember mighty with a hand Dgl? Vi? J? Ifft^S afefc^ PD^ 1 ? ha-'am' el-q'shi' al-te'-phen u-l'ya-'aqdbh' l'yits-chaq' of people unto the stubbornness look not and Jacob Isaac riDrtTte :int9n -, ?i Urah-^i n?ii : I v it- v : T : V : pen-yo-in'ru' v'el-chat-ta-tho' v'el-rish-'o' haz-zeh' lest say nor to their sin nor to their wickedness this ^aa oato wruttfin nate nan : t jt i jv -: f v T IT mib-b'li' mish-sham' ho-tse-tha'-nu asher ha-a'-rets because not from thence thou broughtest us out which the land jv v -: | :-K1 T IT va-a-sim' and put min-ha-har' from the mount 78 PEONTTNCIATION. :nirp it : T : j ,_ vj^jw? y'h5-vah' tsiv-va'-ni ka-asher' sham vay-yih'-yti 'a-si'-thi the Lord commanded me as there and they be I had made PROVERBS XXIII. 19-26. t^a 1 ? m$ ntfai Dam ^aa nnx-^o^ I iv I vjv - v - : at -: r j- : jt - ^ - : lib-be'-kha, bad-de'-rekh v'ash-sher' va-chakham' bh'nl sh'ma'-at-tah' thine h,eart in the way and guide and be wise my son hear thou it jt t I* : | : I'at : i : .; : la'-mo bha-sar' b'zo-l'lei' bh'sd-bh'ei-ya'-yin al-t'hi' their of flesh among riotous eaters among winebibbers be not tth^bn Dunpi ah'p Vrtn Kab-<3 jr. - ' t>: a"t* : j- P tal-bish' u-q'ra-'im' yiv-va-resh' v'zo-lel' ki-so-bhe' shall clothe & with rags shall come to poverty & the glutton for the drunkard narrow rfr nr yivh vnv :riDia t - : 'Av t : jv i t :*. j- : it v'al-ta-bhiiz' y'la-dhe'-kha zeh l'a-bhi'-kha sh'ma' nu-mah' and despise not begat thee that unto thy father hearken drowsiness noan "i3jn- l 7i mp no :^sk naBpa *.t : t a : - : :<. jv v: ' iv jt':it P chokh-mah' v'al-tim-cor' q'neh Smeth im-me'-kha ki-za-q'nah' afoo wisdom and sell it not buy the truth thy mother when she is old P"ny s 3K *rw "na :na>ai -ididi 1 A* - J* ": 'T*. J* |T JT tsad-dlq' abhi ya-ghil' q. gil q'ri u-bhl-nah' u-mu-sar' of the righteous the father shall greatly rejoice & understanding & instruction T3K-rtDfc* :ia nofc^i D5n -pjp i j- t - : i j- .- t t j* : yis-mach-a-bhl'-kha b5 yis-mach'