Ai a; o; o\ o[ 01 51 9 1 31 8i 6| 3 = No. Shelf AWOftiA -Xl'-BSi \ Santa Barbara Free Public LiDrary \ I i ? Any resident of Santa Barbara above the age of teu years, who shall 1 s have signed the prescribed application card, and furnished an acceptable 3 s guarantor, shall be entitled to borrow books from the Library for home use. j ^ A borrower may retain a hook for two weeks, but no longer unless re- v \ newed. Kor each day in excess of two weeks, or four weeks if renewed, that, < \ the book is kept, a tine of five cents will be exacted. Any borrower who C shall refuse to pay such fine, or who shall deface or mutilate, or write in X any book will be excluded from the privileges of the Library. % All injuries to books, beyond a reasonable wear, and all losses shall be I made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian by the person liable; every S book detained onger than four weeks beyond the time limited being held to I be lost. f Borrowers must not loan their books or cards to any one not a member > of the same household. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CHECK LIST LAKGE SCALE MAPS PUBLISHED BY FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS (Great Britain Excepted IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PHILIP LEE PHILLIPS CHIEF, DIVISION OF MAPS AND CHARTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 190 4 Map Library a PREFATORY NOTE This list of large scale foreign government maps in the Division of Maps and Charts includes publications of thirty-one governments. No attempt has been made to indicate the sets or parts of sets which are not contained in the collection. The absence of key maps and lists of publications would have made this task exceedingly difficult. The list has been prepared in the hope that when it has been sent to map-publishing bureaus of foreign governments, and to other map- distributing agencies, the deficiencies will be noted and both informa tion and maps supplied in order to complete the tiles of this division. In a general way the contents of the collection may be summarized as follows: Each country is represented by a number of excellent maps in many sheets. Few of the sets are complete. For instance, of the great "staff" map of France, on a scale of 1:80.000, edition of 1873, the Library has only 53 sheets. In 1889 the publication of a new edition was commenced, to be complete in 273 sheets. In 1898 238 sheets had been published. Of this edition the Library has only two sheets. As a result of efforts made in the year 1902, recent maps of the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and Japan were received. Some of these sets are complete, or com- plete as far as issued. The maps in this division which are known to be complete are so marked in the list. A separate report on the map publications of Great Britain will be issued at a later date. The list as submitted does not include the hydrographic charts of any countiy. The collection of these charts, however, needs atten- tion. The set of Great Britain Admiralty charts is very complete, and is being regularly enlarged through international exchange. Just the opposite 1 condition exists with regard to other countries. The hydro- graphic charts in this division published by France, Spain. Germany, Italy, Russia, Sweden, and Norway are so few in number that they may be disregarded in the acquisition of such publications. The accompanying list is not prepared as a catalogue of the maps. It is, however, sufficiently full to use as a check- list in the Map Divi- sion, and to serve as a basis for reference in making additions to the collection. 3 1 89(J2fW FOREIGN G O VERNMENT MAPS 4 The list is preceded by a table of contents, and an index of the coun- tries covered by the maps. The list itself is arranged in an author, subject, scale, and chronological order. For example, all maps pub- lished b} r France are brought together and subdivided as follows: (1) Those covering the whole of France, (a) topographical, (b) geological. These are arranged according to their scales and dates of publication. (2) All maps of the subdivisions of France, (a) departments, (b) cities, etc. (3) Colonies of France. (4) All maps of other countries pub- lished by France. In cases where the arrangement is especially complex a table of contents precedes the part of the list relating to a given country; for example, Canada. P. Lee Phillips Chief, Maj>s and Charts Division Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, June, 190 % GOVERNMENTS REPRESENTED Europe. I. Austria-Hungary, p. 9. II. Belgium, p. 16. III. Denmark, p. 19. IV. France, p. 19. V. Germany, p. 25. VI. Italy, p. 29. VII. Netherlands, p. 30. VIII. Norway, p. 32. IN. Portugal, p. 33. N. Roumania, p. 34. XI. Russia, p. 36. NIL Spain, p. 38. XIII. Sweden, p. 39. XIV. Switzerland, p. 42. XV. Turkey, p. 42. Asia. XVI. India, p. 43. XVII. Japan, p. 43. North America. XVIII. Canada, p. 44. XIX. Mexico, p. 51. Central America. XX. Nicaragua, p. 53. XXI. Salvador, p. 53. South. America. XXII. Argentina, p. 53. XXIII. Bolivia, p. 54. XXIV. Brazil, p. 54. XXV. Chile, p. 55. XXVI. Colombia, p. 55. XXVII. Ecuador, p. 55. XXVIII. Paraguay, p. 55. XXIX. Peru, p. 56. XXX. Uruguay, p. 56. Oceania. XXXI. Australia, p. 56. SUBJECT INDEX Abyssinia, p. 30. driatic sea, p. 30. Africa, p. 21. Coasts, p. 22. Agram, p. 13. Alaska and British Columbia, p. 60. Alaskan boundary, p. 50. Alberta, p. 46. Alger (province), p. 22. no. 2. Algeria, p. 22. no. 16. South, p. 22. no. 17. Algiers, p. 22. no. 11. America, p. 24. Angola, p. 34. Argentina, p. 53. Railroads, p. 54. Telegraphs, p. 54. Asia, p. 24. Central, p. 24. Assiniboia, p. 47. Atlantic ocean, p. 28. Atlin, p. 58. Australia, p. 56. Austria, p. 10. Austria (archduchy), p. 10. Austria-Hungary, p. 9. Baaden. p. 13. acau, p. 35. Baden, p. 25. Balkan peninsula, p. 24, 38. Bavaria, p. 25. Beechworth, p. 58. Belgium, p. 16. Army manoeuvers 1888, p. 17. Census, p. 18. Interior navigation, p. 18. Railroads, p. 18, 19. Roads, p. 18. Bergenhus amt, p. 32. Berlenga, p. 34. Berlin (vicinity), p. 28. Beuthen, p. 28. Big Salmon (river), p. 49. Bohemia, p. 10. Bolivia, p. 54. Bonchamps (mission de) de Djibouti au Nil blanc, p. 23. Bone, p. 22. no. 9. Bosnia, p. 11. Braila, p. 35. Brntsbergs amt, p. 32. Brazil, p. 54. British Columbia, p. 47. British Columbia (mining divisions), p. 48. British Columbia and Yukon territory (Plan of boundary between), p. 51. Bninn, p. 13. Briix, p. 14, 15. 2875204 2 Buenos Ayres (province), p. 54. Buskeruds amt, p. 33. Campagna romana e Rome, p. 29. anada, p. 44. Canadian irrigation survey, maps to accom- pany report, 1895, p. 50. 1897-98, p. 50. Canals, p. 50. Mounted police stations, p. 49,50. Post-offices, p. 49. Public works, maps to accompany annual re- ports, p. 50. Railroads, p. 49. Railway statistics, maps to accompany an- nual report, 1886, p. 51. Surveyors-general, index map to accompany report, p. 51. Water power, p. 49. Canada and Newfoundland, p. 46. Canada and United States, p. 46. Castlemaine, p. 58. Caucasia, p. 37. Chile, p. 55. China, p. 24. Christiania (surroundings), p. 33. Christians amt, p. 33. Colombia, p. 65. Constantine: City, environs, p. 22. no. 12. Province, p. 22. no. 4. Constantinople, p. 42. Covurlui, p. 35. Cracow, p. 13. Cuenca, p. 39. Dalmatia, p. 11. enmark, p. 19. Dobrudja, p. 35. Dorohoiu, p. 35. Dux, p. 15. East Indies, p. 31. cuador, p. 55. Egypt, p. 22-23. Upper, p. 22. no. 13. Lower, p. 22. no. 7. Middle, p. 22. no. 15. Egypt and Syria, p. 23. Eritrea, p. 30. Etbaye, p. 22. no. 10. Eugen von Savoyen, p. 15. Europe (central), p. 16, 16, 24, 28. Falciu, p. 35. arilhao, p. 34. Federal district (Mexico), p. 52. Foothills region, p. 50. France, p. 19. Coasts, p. 21. Colonies, p. 21. Ports, p. 21. FOREIGN G VERNMENT MAPS Galicia, p. 11. ermany, p. 25. Gleiwitz, p. 28. Gloggnitz, p. 13. Goritz, p. 13. Goozerat, p. 43. Griitz, p. 13. Greece, p. 1G. Gutenstein, p. 14. Halland liin, p. 41. arz, p. 28. Hermannstadt, p. 14. Herzegovina, p. 11. Hesse, p. 25. Hungary, p. 11. Iasii, p. 35. India, p. 43. Italy, p. 29. Ports, p. 30. Japan, p. 43, 44. Joachimsthal, p. 15. Kabylia (great) , p. 22. no. 8. almar liin, p. 41. Klosterneuburg, p. 14. Kootenay, p. 47, 48. Leiria, p. 34. Liguria, p. 30. Lisbon, p. 34. Lombardo-Veneto (regno), p. 29. Madras (presidency), p. 43. anchuria.p. 38. Manitoba, p. 48. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, p. 26. Mexico, p. 24, 51. City, p. 52. Communications, p. 53. Mining, p. 52. Railroads, p. 53. Telegraphs and railroads, p. 53. Montenegro, p. 12. Moravia, p. 12. Moscow, p. 37. Myslowitz, p. 28. Napoleon (campagnes de l'empereur), p. 24. Nedenaes amt, p. 33. eisse (river), p. 28. Nelson (river), p. 49. Netherlands, p. 30, 31. New South Wales, p. 56. New Westminster (British Columbia), p. 47. Nicaragua, p. 53. Nicolai, p. 28. Nisutlin (river), p. 49. Northwest territory, p. 48. Norway, p. 32. Coasts, p. 32. Olmiitz, p. 14. ntario, p. 48. Oran (city), p. 22. nos. 3, 5. Oran ("province), p. 22. no. 6. Orebro liin, p. 41. Orleansville, p. 22. no. 1. Osoyoo, p. 47. Ostergotland Ian, p. 41. Oviedo, p. 39. Pacific ocean, p. 28. alatinatc, p. 25. Paraguay, p. 55. Pavlovsk, p. 37. Peniche, p. 34. Pen jab (oil lands), p. 43. Peru, p. 56. Po, p. 30. Porto, p. 34. Portugal, p. 33. Coasts, p. 34. Pribram-Birkenberg, p. 14. Prussia, p. 26. Puebla (Mexico), p. 52. Rhine, p. 28. imnicu S&rat, p. 35. Rocky mountains (Canada), p. 50. Roumania, p. 34. Roumelia, p. 42. Russia, p. 25, 36, 37. Russia and Siberia, p. 36. St. Cyr, p. 21. t. Gothard, p. 42. St. Petersburg, p. 37. Salvador, p. 53. Salzburg: City, p. 14. Duchy, p. 12. San Luis Potosi, p. 52. Saskatchewan, p. 48. River, p. 49. Saxony, p. 27. Say ward, p. 48. Schemnitz, p. 15. Schwerin (vicinity), p. 28. Sebastopol, p. 38. Seine (department), p. 20, 21. Selmecz. See Schemnitz. Servia, p. 12. Silesia, p. 26. Soudan, p. 23. South America (railroads), p. 56. South Australia, p. 56. Spain, p. 38. Railroads, p. 39. War of independence, p. 39. Styria, p. 12. Sweden, p. 39, 40. Mining, p. 41, 42. Switzerland, p. 42. Railroads, p. 42. Syria, p. 23. Tcplitz, p. 15. ransylvania, p. 13. Troms0 amt, p. 33. Trondhjems amt, p. 33. Tunis, p. 22. no. 14, p. 23. Tver, p. 37. Tyrol, p. 13. Uruguay (railroads), p. 56. Vancouver, p. 48. nslui, p. 35. Versailles (environs), p. 21. Victoria (Australia!, p. 57, 58. Vienna, p. 11. Wechselberg, p. 1 1. West Australia, ]>. 5S. White horse copperbelt, p. 50. Wurtembcrtr, p. 27. Yoho park (Canada), p. 50. Yukon, in. Kivcr, p. 19. Zurich (canton), p. 42. FOREIGN GOVERNMENT MAPS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arranged under countries by which they are published. I. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Austria-Hungary. 1:750.000. 1882-1886. K. K. Osterr. Ung. monarchie und der angrenzenden lander im massstabe 1: 750.000 dernatur. Wien, K. K. militjir. geografisches institut, [1882-1886]. 45 sheets. L. ('. copy complete. 1:75.000. 1875-1893. Special-karte der Osterr. Ung. monarchie und des occupations-gebietes, iin masse 1: 75.000 der natur. Wein, K. K. militiir. geografiscbes institut. L. C. has 452 sheets dated from 1875-1892 with corrections in many cases to 1892. Also a few sheets in this set dated 1893. 1:75.000. 1901. Specialkarte der Osterreicbisch-Ungarischen monarchie im masse 1:75.000 dernatur. [Wien], K. u. K. militar-geographisches institut. L. O. has 797 sheets (all published to Dec. 1901). 1:75.000. 1903. Geologiscbe karte der im reichsrate vertretenen kbnigreiche und Hinder der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen monarchie auf grundlage der spezialkarte i. m. von 1: 75.000. des k. u. k. militar-geographischen instituts neubear- beitet und als kartenwerk von 341 blattnummern in zwanglose lieferungen. hrsg. durch die k. k. geologiscbe reichsanstalt, Wien, 1903. L. C. has lief. 5. zone 21. col. IV. 5. " 22. ' IV. 5. " 36. ' XX. (Slid Dalmatien.) 4. " 31. ' XIV. 4. " 14. ' VIII. 4. " 20. ' IV. 4. G. ' XV. 1:576.000. 1867-1 871. Geologiscbe ubersiehts-karte der osterreichisch-ungarischen monarchie nach den aufnahmen der K. K. geologiscben reichsanstalt bearbeitet von Franz Rittervon Hauer. Wein, 1867-1871. Verlag der Beck' schen universitats- buchbandlung (Alfred Holder). Massstab 1: 576.000. 12 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:800.000. 1900. Holzels verkehrskarte von Osterreieh- Ungarn fur den allgemeinengebrauch, vvie aucb zum unterricht an commerciellen lehranstalten bearbeitet von Leopold Kallina, K. K. official im coursbureau des K. K. handelsmini- steriums. Massstab 1: 800. (W0. Stich, druck u. verlag von Ed. Holzel's geogr. institut in Wien, [1900]. '.' sheets. 1.. ''. copy complete. i* A USTBIA-JIUNGAR Y 10 Austria. 1:500.000. 1888. Hydrographische uebersichts-karte von Oesterreich, zura amtsgebratiche im K. K. ackerbau-ministerium angefertigt 1888. Entworfen von Wilhelm Becker und Johann Mateika. Wien, K. K. hof- u. staatsdruckerei. Massstab 1:500.000. L. C. copy complete. Atlas der urproduction Oesterreichs in 35 blattern init erliiuterndem texte verfasst und herausgegeben auf anordnung des K. K. ackerbau-ministe- riums redigirt von dr. Jos. R. Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau, K. K. mini- steriarrath. Wien, verlag von R. v. Waldheim. Gravure und druck von R. v. Waldheini's artist, anstalt. L. C. copy complete. Atlas der urproduction Oesterreichs verfasst und herausgegeben auf anord- nung des K. K. ackerbau-ministeriums. Die bergwerks-production Oesterreichs in X karten. Redigirt von A. Schauenstein, K. K. ministe- rialrath. Wien, verlag von R. v. Waldheim. Gravure und druck von R. v. AValdheim's artist, anstalt. L. C. copy complete. 1885. Atlas. Die forste der in verwaltung des K. K. ackerbau-ministeriums stehenden staats- und fondsguter. Im auftrage seiner excellenz des herrn K. K. ackerbau-ministers Julius Grafen von Falkenhayn, dargestellt vom K. K. forstrath Karl Schindler. 41 iibersiehtskarten. Herausgegeben vom K. K. ackerbau-ministerium. Wien, 1885. Druck und verlag der kaiserlich-koniglichen hof- und staatsdruckerei. 11 maps, title and contents. L. C. copy complete. (2 copies). Austria (archduchy. ) 1:144.000. 1872. Karte des erz-herzogthums Oesterreich, ob- und unter der Enns, astronomisch trigonometrisch vermessen, topographisch aufgenommen, reduzirt und gezeichnet von dem K. K. general-quartiermeister-stabe. Nach der ream- bulirung auf dem terrain, die veriinderungen nachgetragen vom K. K. militarisch-geographischen institute zu Wien, 1843 [edition of 1872]. 1:144.000. 31 sheets. L. 0. copy complete. 1:288.000. 1872. General karte des erzherzogthums Oesterreich, herausgegeben vom K. K. militar. geografischen institute, 1872. 1:288.000. 2 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Bohemia. 1872. General karte des konigreichs Bohmen herausgegeben vom K. K. niilitiir- geografischen institute im jahre 1865. [Edition of 1872, no natural scale], Wien. I sheets. L. ('. copy complete. 1:144.000. 1S72. Special-karte des koenigreiches Bohmen. Astronomiscli-trigonometrisch vermessen, topografisch aufgenonmien, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen von dem K. K. militaensch-geografischen institute in Wien, herausgegeben in den jahren 1S47 his I860. [Edition of 1872]. 1:144.000. :,'.) sheets. L. C. copy complete. A U STRIA-HUN GAR Y 11 Bosnia. 1:300.000. 1876. General karte von Bosnien, der Hercegovina, von Serbien und Montenegro, naeh den neuesten und besten quellen entworfen und ausgefiihrt im K. K. militiirisch-geografischen institute, 1876. Provisorische ausgabe. Schnell- pressendruck [Wien]. Massstab 1:300.000. 12 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Dalmatia. 1861-1863. Special-karte des koenigreiches Dalmatien. Astronomisch-trigonometrisch vermessen, topografisch aufgenommen, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen von dem K. K. militaerisch-geografischen institute in Wien, herausgege- ben in den jahren 1861 bis 1863. [No natural scale]. 22 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:144.000. 1872. Special-karte des koenigreiches Dalmatien. Astronomisch-trigonometrisch vermessen, topografisch aufgenommen, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen von dem K. K. militaerisch-geografischen institute in Wien, herausgege- ben in den jahren 1861 bis 1863. [Edition of 1872]. 1:144.000. 22 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Galicia. 1797. Karte eines theils von Neu oder West Gallicien, welcher die Woywodschaf- ten Sendomier und Krakau enthiilt nebst einem theil von Alt Gallicien in XII blatt, entworffen von Daniel Kammer, inspector und ingenieur geo- graphe. 1797. 12 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:288.000. 1872. General-karte des konigreiches Galizien und des herzogthumes Bukowina herausgegeben vom K. K. militar-geografischen institute im jahre 1868. [Probably ed. of 1872-1873]. 1:288.000. [Wien]. L. C. copy complete. Herzegovina. See Bosnia. Hungary. 1:360.000. 1884. A magyar allam kozigazgatasi terkepe. Legujabb felmeresek es hivatalos adatok alapjan szerkesztetett es sokasittatott a magy. kir. allanmyomdaban 1884. Arany 1:360.000. 12 sheets and index. L. C. copy complete. 1:360.000. 1900. A magyar allam kozigazgatasi terkepe. Szerkesztetett es nyomatott a in. kir. allamnyomdaban. 1900. Mertek, 1:360.000. 12 sheets and index. L. ('. copy complete. 1:288.000. 1869. Administrativ- und general-karte des konigreiches L'ngarn auf anordnung seiner kaiserl: konigl: hoheit des herrn Erzherzo^s Albrecht, ^eneral- ^ouverneurs von Ungarn, etc., etc. Ausgefiihrt und herausgegeben durch , A USTRIA-IITJNGAR Y 12 Hungary Continued. 1:288.000. 1869 Continued. Photogr. copien von aufnahmssection [title on case]. Konigreich Ungarn verwaltungs-gebiet. L. C. has section no. 73. colonne no. XL VII. " 50. " " XXX. " 57. " " XLVI. " 59. " " XLVII. " 7-2. " " XLVI. 1:144.000. 1871-1872. Special-karte des konigreichs Ungarn init dem grossfiirstenthume Sieben- biirgen, der konigreiehe Croatien u. Slavonien, dann der K. K. militar- grenze. [Ed. of 1871-72]. 1:144.000. [Wien, K. K. militar. geog. institute]. L. C. has sheets no. C6-C10, D2-D10, E2-E11, F1-F12, G1-G8, G10, H1-H7, 11-18, K3-K9, L3-L10. Also G7 of the 1869 edition. Montenegro. See Bosnia. Moravia. 1:288.000. 1872. General-karte der markgrafschaft Mahren mit den antheilen des herzog- thums Schlesien nach der specialkarte reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen im K. K. militaerischen geograpbischen institute in Wien 1846. Berich- tiget im jahre 1857. [Edition of 1872]. 1:288.000. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:144.000. 1872. Special karte der markgrafschaft Maehren mit den antheilen des herzog- thums Schlesien. Astronomische trigonometrisch vermessen, topogra- ph isch aufgenommen, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen von dem K. K. militaerischen geographischen institute in Wien, herausgegeben im jahre 1844. [Edition of 1872]. 1:144.000. 20 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Salzburg (duchy). 1:144.000. 1872. Carte des herzogthums Salzburg von dem kaiserlich-koniglich-oesterreichi- schen general quartiermeister stabe in den jahren 1806 und 1807 in ver- bindung mit dem oesterreichischen kaiserreiche, astronomisch trigono- metrisch vermessen, topographisch aufgenommen und im jahre 1810 reducirt und gezeichnet. Gestochen von Jos. Zutz und beschrieben von Andreas Midler. [Edition of 1872]. 1: 144.000. 15 sheets and index. L. 0. copy complete. Servia. See Bosnia. Styria. 1872. Spezial karte der herzogthumer Steiermark, Karnten und Krain, der ge- fiirsteten grafschaft G6rz und Gradiska, der markgrafschaft Istrien, der reichsunmittelbaren stadt Triest sammt ihrem gebiete und des kdniglich ungarischen k listen landes astronomisch trigonometrisch vermessen, topo- graphisch aufgenommen, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen im topogra- phischen bureau des K. K. general-quartiermeisterstabes. Vollendet im K. K. militaerischen geographischen institute in Wien, 1842. [Edition of 1872]. 37 sheets. L. ( '. copy complete. A USTRIA-HUNGAR Y 13 Styria Continued. 1:288.000. 1872. General-karte des herzogthums Steyermark nach der specialkarte reduzirt und gezeichnet im K. K. militaerischen geographischen institute in Wien, 1842. [Edition of 1872]. 1:288.000. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Transylvania. 1:288.000. 1872. General-karte des grossfiirstenthums Siebenbiirgen ausgefiihrt und herausge- geben durch das K. K. militarisch geografische institut im jahre 1872. 1:288.000. [Wien]. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. See also Hungary. Tyrol. 1:288.000. 1872. Generalkarte der gefiirsteten grafschaft Tyrol nebst Vorarlberg und dem souverainen furstenthume Liechtenstein. Herausgegeben im K. K. mili- tair. geograf. institute. [Edition of 1872. Wien]. 1:288.000. 2 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:144.000. 1872. Karte der gefiirsteten grafschaft Tyrol nebst Vorarlberg und dem angrenzen- den souverainen fiirstenthum Liechtenstein. Astronomisch trigonome- trisch vermessen, topographisch aufgenommen, reduzirt und gezeichnet im jahre 1823, von dem kaiserlich-koniglich-oesterreichischen general quar- tiermeister stabe. Geschrieben und gestochen von C. Stein. [Edition of 1872]. 1:144.000. 24 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Special maps. Agram. Veroffentlichung des K. K. militiir. geogr. instituts: Agram sammt am- gebung. [Wien, K. K. mil. geogr. ins., 1873]. 8 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Baaden*. Umgebung von Baaden. [Wien, K. K. mil. geog. i. 1872]. 1 sheet. Brunn. "Positions-aufnahme in der umgegend von Brunn und Turas." [Mo- ravia, Austria-Hungary]. [Wien], 1872. L. C. has 11 sheets. Cracow. Umgebung von Krakau nach einem originale der generalstabs-abthei- lung der 12. truppen division. Lithografirt im K. K. militiir. geografi- schen institute, 1870. [Ed. of 1871]. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Gloggmtz. Umgebung von Gloggnitz, [1872]. 1 sheet. Complete. Goritz. Umgebung von Goerz. [1872]. 2 sheets, Oestlicher their and "westlicher theil." L. ('. copy complete. Gratz. [Umgebung von Graz, Styria], herausgegeben vom K. K. militiir. geo- grafisclien institute; in Wien. 1872. 1: 144.000. L. < . has 13 sheets. A USTRIA-IIUNGAR Y U Special maps Continued. Gutenstein. Umgebung von Gntenstein. [Wien, K. K. mil. geog. institute, 1871]. 1 sheet. Complete. Hermanxstadt. Hermannstadt mit seinen umgebungen nach der neuesten original-aufnahme des K. K. generalquartiermeisterstabes in einfachen militar-masse, ein Wiener zoll=400, Wiener klafter=1000 schritte. 1857. [Edition of 1872]. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Klosterneuburg. Umgebung von Klosterneuburg. Herausgegeben voni K. K. milit. geografischen institute in Wien, [1873]. 1 sheet. L. C. copy complete. Olmutz. Umgebung von Olmutz, litografirt im K. K. milit. geograf. institute, [Wien, K. K. mil. geogr. inst.], 1871. [Two sheets dated 1872]. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Salzburg. General carte von Salzburg nach der von dem K. K. general-quar- tiermeister-staab herausgegeben special carte dieses landes von demselben entworfen und gezeichnet. [Edition of 1872]. 1 sheet. L. C. copy complete. Vienna. Umgebung von Wien. [Edition of 1872. Wien, K. K. mil. geogr. inst.] 1 sheet. Umgebung von Wiener-Neustadt. [Edition of 1872. Wien, K. K. mil. geogr. inst.] 1 sheet. Bordered. No natural scale. Umgebungen von W T ien im masse 1 zoll=200 Wr. klftr. oder 1:14.400, herausgegeben vom K. K. militarisch. geografischen institute. 14 sheets and index. L. 0. copy complete. Wechselberg. Umgebung vom Berge Wechsel, herausgegeben vom K. K. milit. geografischen institute in Wien, [1873]. 1 sheet. Complete. Miscellaneous maps. 1:14.400. Montan geologische karte des bergbau-terrains Pribram-Birkenberg im mass- stabe 1 : 14.400. Aufgenommen von Josef Schmid, K. K. obermarkscheider. 1886-1890. Photolithographic u. druck des K. K. milit. geogr. institutes [Wien]. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. ('2 copies). 1887. Bilder von den lagerstiitten des silber- und bleibergbaues zu Hriix. Gezeich- net von den K. K. bergbeamten, redigirt von dem K. K. ministerialrathe F. M. Bitter von Friese, herausgegeben auf befehl seiner excellenz des herrn K. K. ackerbau-minister.s Julius Grafen Falkenhayn. Atlas. Wien, aus der kaiserlich-koniglichen hof- und staats-druckerei, 1887. 8 sheets in atlas. L. C. copy complete. (2 copies). A U STRIA-HUN GAR Y 15 Miscellaneous maps Continued. 1891. Geologisch-bergmiinnische karte mit profilen von Joachimsthal, nebst bil- dern von den erzgiingen in Joachimsthal und von den kupferkies-lager- stiitten bei Kitzbiihel. Aufgenommen von dem K. K. ministerialrathe weiland F. M. Ritter von Friese, und von dem K. K. oberbergrathe Wilhelm Gobi, herausgegeben auf befehl seiner excellenz des herrn K. K. ackerbau- -ministers Julius Grafen Falkenhayn. Atlas. Wien, aus der kaiserlich- -koniglichen hof- und staatsdruckerei, 1891. L. C. copy complete. [n. d.] Graphische beilagen zum I. u. II. bd. des werkes Feldziige des prinzen Kugen von Savoyen. Yerlag des K. K. generalstabes. In commission bei C. Gerold's sohn. Wien, [n. d.]. (Same to vols. 3-14, 16, 17). L. C. copies complete. [n. d.] Graphische beilagen zum IV. band des QSsterreichischen erbfolgkrieges 1740-1 748. (Die kriege unter der regierung der kaiserin-konigin Maria Theresia. ) Verlag von L. W. Seidel & sohn, K. K. hofbuchhandler. Druck des K. K. militar-geographischen institutes. K. K. kriegs-archiv. [Also], Beilagen zum V. und VI. band. 1880. Geologische und gruben-revier-karte des kohlenbeckens von Teplitz-Dux- Briix nach den neuesten aufnahmen entworfen u. herausgegeben von Heinrich Wolf, K. K. bergrath, chef-geolog der K. K. geologischen reichs- anstalt in Wien. Massstab 1:10.000. Lithografie u. sehnell-pressen- druck des K. K. militar-geographischen institutes, 1880. 10 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1885. Selmecz-Pjerg-Stefultoi banyamiveles szintes terkepei es szelvt'nyei Pechantal m. k. miniszteri tanacsos esbanyai sheets. (See also the following title). 1:200.000. 1901. General-karte von Mittel-Europa im masse 1:200.000. K. u. K. militiir- geographisches institut. 204 sheets, index map, and sheet of signs. L. C. copy complete to December, 1901. Greece. 1:300.000. 1885. General-karte des Griechenland im masse 1:300.000 der natur. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom K. u. K. militar-geographischen insti- tute in Wien, 1885. 11 sheets. L. C. copy complete. i II. BELGIUM. Belgium. 1:160.000. 1884. Carte de la Belgique. Tirage d'aout 1884. Institut cartographique militaire. Echellede 1:160.000. 6 sheets. L. C. copy complete (contoured only). 1:160.000. 1896. Carte de la Belgique. Edition de 1894, tirage de juin 1896. Institut carto- graphique militaire. Echelle de 1:160.000. (I sheets. L. C. has 2 complete copies (one with contours, the other without). 1:160.000. 1898. Carte de la Belgique. Edition de 1898. Institute cartographique militaire. Echellede 1:160.000. ti sheets. L. C. has 2 complete copies (one with contours, the other without). 1:80.000. [1846]. Carte topographique de la Belgique, dressee sous la direction de P. Gerard, inspecteur du cadastre, et de Ph. Vandermaelen, fondateur de l'etablisse- ment geographique de Bruxelles, a l'echelle de 1 a 80.000. Etablissement geographique de Bruxelles. [Sheet 20 dated 1846]. 25 sheets. L. ('. has 2 copies (one is complete, the other has sheets nos. 1, 2, 12, 13, lti, 17). 1:40.000. 1861-1882. Carte topographique de la Belgique, levee par ordre du gouvernement a l'echelle de 1 pour 20.000 et gravee ft l'echelle de 1 pour 40.000. Cette carte, assujettie aux observations trigonometriques et astronomiques les ]>lus precises, a ete redigee au Depot de la guerre, sur les documents pre" pare\s par in. in. les ofliciers d'Etat-major et d'infanterie de la section topograph iq tie. Les travaux geodesiques et topographi, 2KL32, 32-132, 36120< ! , 36nl26<=, 40"120, 40126<>, 40132, 44"120,44126,44'>132, 12&-32. Asia (central). 1889. Dutreuil de Rhins (Jules Leon). L'Asie centrale (Thibet et regions limi- trophes). fol. Paris, E. Leroux, 1889. Note. "Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts." 1898. Grenard (Joseph Fernand). Mission scientifique dans la Haute Asie. Atlas des cartes par F. Grenard. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique et des beaux arts. Paris, E. Leroux, 1898. China. 1861-1862. Atlas de l'expedition de Chine en 1860, redige au Depot de la guerre d'apres les documents officiels, etant directeur le gen. Blondel. Paris, 1861-1862. F. Europe. 1844. Atlas des campagnes de Pempereur Napoleon en Allemagne et en France, grave sous la direction du general de div. Pelet. Au Depot general de la guerre, [Paris], 1844. 17 maps. L. C. has nos. 2, 4-8, 10, 11, 1:5-17. L. C. wants: no. 1. "Cartede l'empire francais en 1805." no. 3. " Theatre des operations de Pempereur Napoleon sur le Haut Danube, en octobre 180.V no. 9. "Theatre des ope- rations de l'empereur Napoleon entre la Passarge et la Pregel, 1807." Balkan peninsula. 1:1.000.000. [n. d.] Balkans. 1:1.000.000". Dessine, heliograve et publie par le Service geo- graphique de l'armee. [Paris, n. d.] 6 sheets. I.. ('. hasslieets: Belgrade, Bucharest, Corinthe. The other 3 sheets have been ordered through Stanford. FRANCE GERMANY 25 Russia. 1:424.000. 1855. Carte de la Eussie (d'apres la carte de l'etat major russe). Echelle metrique 1:424.000. Gravee, le trait par Thuillier, les eaux par Orgiazzi, la lettre par Blanchard. Imprimee au Depot de la guerre par F. Chardon aine. Publiee au Depot de la guerre en 1855. Ftant directeur le colonel Blondel. L. C. has sheets nos. 13, 17, 18, 22, 23. V. GERMANY. Germany. 1:200.000. 1903. Topographische uebersichts-karte des Deutschen reichs, 1:200.000. Heraus- gegeben v. d. kartogr. abt. d. kgl. preuss. landesaufnahme, 1903. L. C. has sheets nos. 14, 28, 29, 30, 46, 62, 81, 83, 96, 97, 107, 145, 152, 162, 170, 178, 187, 192. 1:100.000. 1882-1895. Karte des Deutschen reiches. 1:100.000. Herausgegeben vom topogr. bureau des konigl. siichs. generalstabes, [1882-1895]. L. 0. has nos. 389-394, 414-420, 440-146, 467-171, 492-494, 510-515, 528-535, 547-552, 556, 557, 560-567, 574-583, 590-599, 604-614, 618-628, 632, 634-641, 647-654, 660-667, 670-674. 1:100.000. 1902-3. Karte des Deutschen reiches. 1:100.000. Herausgegeben von der kartogr. abtheilung der kgl. preuss. landes-aufnahme, [1902-3]. L. C. has nos. 175, 257, 258, 288, 312, 345, 370, 382. Baden. 1:25.000. 1875-1886. Topographischer atlas des grossherzogthums Baden in 170 blattern ... in maasstab 1:25.000 der natiirlichen Hinge, bearbeitet vom topographischen bureau der oberdirection des wasser und strassenbaues, in den jahren 1875 l)is 1886. [Karlsruhe]. L. C. has complete bound copy. Bavaria. 1:25.000. 1903. Topographisclu karte von Bayern, 1:25.000. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom topogr. bureau des K. B. generalstabes, [Munchen], Begonnen 1872. Ausgabe 1903. L. C. has all the sheets published, except no. 868. [In progress], Bavaria. Palatinate. 1:250.000. 1862. Die Bayerische Pfalz in zwei blattern, im anschluss an die terrainkarte von Bayern. Herausgegeben vom topographischen bureau des k. general- quartiermeisterstabes. 1:25.000. 1862. L. < '. copy complete, Eesse. 1:25.000. 1886. (ieologische karte des grossherzogthums Hessen, im maassstabe 1:25.000. Herausgegeben durch das ministerium des innern und der justiz. Bear- beitet unter der leitung von Richard Lepsius. Darmstadt, 1S86. L. C. has sheets: Rossdorf, Messel, N'eunkirchen, Beerfelden, Lindenfels, Kelsterbach, N'eu Isenburg. GERMANY 26 Mecklenburg-Sch.werin. 1788. Topographisch oeconomisch und militaerische charte des herzogsthums Mecklenburg-Schwerin und des fiirstenthums Ratzeburg, auf kosten und befehl . . . des regierenden herzogs von Mecklenburg-Schwerin, durch den grafen Schmettau, 1788. 6 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Prussia. 1:25.000. 1902. [Map of Prussia], 1:25.000. Konigl. preuss. landesaufnahme 1900. Her- ausgegeben 1902. L. C. has nos. 1611, 1612, 1682, 1692-1695, 1764-1767, 1824, 1834, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1974-1981, 2040-2045, 2047, 2111-2114, 2116, 2180, 2181, 2183, 2254, 2256, 2324. 2326, 2328, 2329, 2398, 2399, 2401-2403, 2471, 2472, 2475, 3271, 3365, 3366, 3403. 1:25.000. Geologische karte von Preussen und den Thuringischen staaten im maassstabe von 1 : 25.000. Hrsg. von der konigl. preuss. geolog. landesanstalt und berg- akademie, Berlin. In commission bei Paul Parey, [various dates]. L. C. has: Grad-abtheilung 14, nos. 14, 25-27, 31-33, 38, 39, 43-45, 49-51, 55-57. 18, nos. 18, 33, 41-48, 50-52, 54, 56, 58-60. 28, nos. 32-36, 38-42, 44-48, 50-60. 29, nos. 10-12, 14-18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 37-39, 43-45, 49-51, 55-60. 31, nos. 1-3. 7-9, 13-15. 33, nos. 9-12, 15-18, 21-24, 27-30, 33-36. 43, nos. 4-6, 10-12, 19-21, 25-30, 33-36, 40-42, 46-48. 44, nos. 1-35, 37-41, 43-47. 45, nos. 1-11, 13-15, 20-23, 25-29, 32, 33, 38, 39, 44, 45. 46, nos. 1-3, 7-10. 48, nos. 21-23, 27-30, 33, 34, 39, 48. " 54, nos. 58, 59. 55, nos. 4, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22-24, 27-30, 33-35, 39, 40, 45, 46, 50-53, 56-59. 57, nos. 19-23, 25-28, 31-33, 37-39, 43-45, 49-52, 55-58. 56, nos. 19-48, 51-54, 57-60. 67, nos. 22, 23, 27-29, 33-35, 38-42, 45-48, 53, 54, 59, 60. 68, nos. 4, 5, 43, 46-58. 69, nos. 2-5, 18, 24, 30. 70, nos. 3-6, 9-12, 17-19, 23-26, 29-42, 44-48, 52. 71, nos. 1-26. 79, nos. 5, 6, 12. 80, nos. 1-12. 14-36, 38-42, 44-47, 51-53. The above nos. of "Gradabtheilung" 14, 18, 28, 29. 31, 33, 43, 46, 48, as well as the nos. 1-15, 19-21, 25-27, 31-33, 37-39, 43-45 of " Gradabtheilung " 44. and the nos. 1-11, 13-15, 20-23. 25-29, 45 of ''Gradabtheilung" 45 are accompanied by "Bohrkarten '. Prussia. Silesia. [n. d.] Geognostische karte von Oberschlesien und den angrenzeuden gebieten, im auftrage des konigl. preussischen handelsministeriunis unter mitwirkung des koniglichen oberbergamts zu Breslau . . . bearbeitet von dr. Ferd. Roemer, in 12 blattern. Berlin, lithog. institut, [n. nella R al Marina, Albini." 25 leaves, incl. title and preface. Each leaf has its own title. Regno d' Italia. Ministero dei lavori pubblici. Album dei porti di I, II, III classe. Firenze & Roma, [1873]. L. C. has complete bound copy. Carta di cabottaggio del mare Adriatico, designata ed incisa sotto la direzione dell' I. R. stato maggiore generale nell' I. R. istituto geografico militare di Milano, pubblicata negli anni 1822 e 1824. [No scale]. 20 sheets and 7 " tavole." L. C. copy complete. Idrografia generale del mare Adriatico . . . per ordine e sotto gli auspicj di Sua Maesta Imperiale Reale Apostolica Francesco I, nell' I. R. istituto geografico militare in Milano, dove fu alia medesima m. s. umiliato il giorno 19 giugno 1825. In 2 sheets, fold, in case. L. C. copy complete. Africa. Eritrea. 1:100.000. 1900-1901. Carta della colonia Eritrea. Istituto geografico militare. 1:100.000. 1900-1901. L. C. has sheets no. 1-6, 8-13, 1.5-20, 22-29, 30-33. Eritrea and Abyssinia. 1:400.000. 1899-1900. [In progress]. [Eritrea & Abyssinia] . Istituto geografico militare. 1 : 400. 000. 1 899-1900. L. C. has following sheets: " Massaua, Cheren, Daalac, Chebir, Adua, Adigrat, Assab, Abacheri, Ed, Agordat, Anflla, Macalle, Adiscia, Socota, Debarca, Sereba, Baia d'Assab, Mai-Daro, Imminu." VII. NETHERLANDS. Netherlands. 1:200.000. 1900. Atlas van het koninkrijk der Nederlanden, op de scbaal van 1 : 200.000, in chromo lithographie vervaardigd volgens de topographische en militaire kaart, aan de topographische indenting te 's Gravenhage, 1900. 19 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1:50.000. 1888-1902. Topographische en militaire kaart van het koningrijk der Nederlanden, vervaardigd door de officieren van den generalen staf en gegraveerd op het topographisch bureau, van het ministerie van oorlog, op de schaal van 1:50.000. Gegraveerd top. bureau 1861, [new edition, 1888-1902]. 62 sheets. L. C. copy complete. NETHERLANDS 31 Netherlands Continued. 1:50.000. [n. d.] Waterstaatskaart van het koninkrijk der Nederlanden, op de schaal van 1:50.000. [n. p., n. sheets. L. C. copy complete. Iasii. 1:100.000. 1898. Harta topografica judetului Iasii . 1898. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Rimnicu Sarat. 1:100.000. 1901. Harta topografica a judetului R' u . St'irat . . . de Institutul geografic al armatei. 1901. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. Vamll-i. 1:100.000. 1902. Harta topografica a judetului Vaslui . . . de Institutul geografic al armatei. 1902. 1 sheets. L. <'. copy complete. B TJ MANIA R US SI A 36 Boumania (miscellaneous). 1898. Ministerul lucrarilor publice divisiunea i poduri si sosele, cal ferate. Harta Drumurilor 1898. Stabilimentul grafici. V. Socecu, Bucurescl. Scara 0: 00233 =l,000 m , 00. 4 sheets. L. C. copy complete. 1899. Ministerul agriculturei, industriei, comerciului si domeniilor; servitiui viticol. Carta viticola a Romaniei . . . 1899. l sheet. 1900. Romania. Carta statistica agricola dupa datele servi^iului central de statis- tica de N. Cucu St. , ingenier-cap de Poduri si Sosele, f ost secretar general al ministerului agriculturei, industriei si comertului, 1900. 1 sheet. 1900. Regatul Romaniei. Harta padurilor pe categorie de proprietari intocmita de Serviciul silvical statulul 1900. Royaumede Roumanie. Carte des forets par categorie de proprietaires, dressee par l'administration des forets de l'Etat. Konigreich Roumiinien. Carte nach den Waldeigenthum- ern zusammengestellt von der Staats-forestverwaltnng. Scara 1:200.000. Marele stat major sectia II I a . L. C. has Seria I, D, E; II, D-F; III, D-F; IV, D-F; V, A-H; VI, A-H; VI, A-G. XI. RUSSIA. Russian, empire. 1:3.000.000. 1902. KapTa EBponeftcKoii Poccia h Cndnpn Ha 4 jincTax'b. CocraBjieHa no HOBMfflHM'b CTaTHCTHieCKHM'b H reOrpa$HMeCKHM'b CB'lvrBHiflM'b A. IHe- BeJieBHM'b. C. IleTepdypiTb, btj reorpa$niecKOM'b Mara3HH , B MaBHaro nrraoa, 1902. [Map of European Russia and Siberia, in 4 sheets, compiled from the newest statistical and geographical informations, by A. Shevelev. 1:3.000.000. St. Petersburg, Geographical depot of the general staff, 1902]. Russia. [n.d.] [Detailed map of Russia]. 25 sheets in 2 cases. L. C. has all except t.-p. (No dates; no scale on the maps). 1865. KapTa cyxonyTHBix'b, BO^iiux'b h Tejierpa$HMecKHXi> coodmemii EBpo- neftcKOH Poccin n KaBKa3CKaro Kpan. CocTaBjieHa h rpaBHpoBaHa npn BoeHHO-Tonorpa$HMecKOM r b #eno, 1862. HeupaBjieHa vrt, 1865 ro^y. [Map of the communications, by land, water, and telegraph, of Russia in Europe and of Caucasia. Military topographical depot]. 1862 (1865). 1 sheet folded, in case. 1846. KapTa HcKycTBeHHHXT> cyxonyTHBix'b h Bo/i.Hnbix'b coodnrenift bt> Enpo- neiicKOH Poccin. Cocraiuiena ^enapTaMeHTOsfb rrpoBKTOB'b ii cMT/nb rjiainiaro ynpaBjienia ilvtoh cooduieHiH h liyCjiiniHbix'b 3/;aHiH. 1846. HcnpaBjieno no l e aBrycTa 186(5. [Map of European Russia, showing commnnications by land and water. Compiled by the Department of ways and communications]. 1846 (1866). 1 sheet. B USSIA 37 Russia Continued. 1857. XoaHiicTBeHHo-cTaTHCTiniecKift aTjiacB EBponeftcKoft Poccin. Hs^raHB /Je- napTaMeHTOMij cejiBCKaro xo3HftcTBa MHHncxepcTBa rocy^apcTBeHHBiX'b HMymecTB-b. Ha^ame 8 e . Atlas economique et statistique de la Russie d'pAirope, publie par le departement de l'economie rurale du ministere des domaines de Petat. 3 e edition. St.-Ptersbourg, 1857. L. C. has complete bound copy. 1862. KapTa EBponeftcKoft Poccin n KaBKa3CKaro Kpan, cocTaBjieHHaa no ho- B'feftniHM'b cB'fyrBHiHM'b npn BoeHHO-Tonorpa$nqecKOM , b ^eno n H3flaHHaa HMnepaTopcKHM'b pyceKHMt reorpa 1 : 84000 ^ojiio. Bb MockbTj. [Topographical survey of the government of Tver. Atlas. Compiled in 1848-49 by the Military topographical depot, Moscow]. 1:84.000. L. C. copy complete. Russia. Special maps. Moscow. 1865. ILimhb cTojimmaro ropo^a Mockbbi, bhobb chhtbih b'b 1859 ro^y n rpaB. npn BoeHHO-Tonorpa$n^ecKOMi> ^eno bb 1862 ro#y. HcnpaBjieHB no 1865 ro/TB. [Plan of the city of Moscow. Military topographical depot], 1862 (1865). 1 sheet folded, in case. Pavlovsk. 1866. II.iaH'b ropo^,a IlaBjiOBCKa. XpoMOjinTorpa<$HpoBaHHbift npn BoeHno-Tono- rpa ^iohm-b 1 :126.000. [Map of the Balkan peninsula, embracing the theater of the war of 1877-78. Compiled at the Military topographical depot. [St. Petersburg], 1884]. L. C. has sheets no. I, col. 9, 10, 11. no. II, col. 9, 10, 11. no. Ill, col. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. no. IV, col. 2-10. no. V, col. 2-10. no. VI, col. 2-9. no. VII, col. 1-9. no. IX, col. 0-10. no. X, col. 6-8. XII. SPAIN. Spain. 1:200.000. [1886-1897]. Mapa militar itinerario de Espafia en escala de 1: 200.000, por el euerpo de estado mayor del ejercito, empezado a publicar por el deposito de laguerra en 1886 [-1897]. L. . T. S. Scale, (5 miles to an inch. Ottawa, Department of the interior, topographical surveys branch, 27th Sept., 1900. CANADA 46 Canada (west) Continued. 1901. Map of the country adjacent to the 6th parallel of latitude from Teslin lake to Alsek river. To accompany the reports of George White-Fraser, D. T. S., and Arthur Saint Cyr, D. T. S., 1900. Scale, 6 miles to an inch. Ottawa, Department of the interior, topographical surveys branch, 13th Sept., 1901. Map shewing exploration between lakes Winnipeg and Winnipegosis. To accompany the report of Thos. Turnbull, I). T. S. Dated 9th February, 1901. Scale, 6 miles to an inch. Department of the interior, annual report for 1901. [Map showing lands surveyed, sold, settled, etc., in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assiniboia, and Manitoba, Canada]. Photo-lithographed at the Surveyor- general's office, Ottawa, Canada. Scale, 3 miles to 1 inch. L. C. has sheets (dates follow no. of sheet): 1 ('03), 1 ('95), 1A ('03), 2 ('95), 2A ('03), 3 (n.d.), 3 ('95), 9 ('02), 9 ('95), 10 ('95), 11 ('96), 11 (n. d.), 12 (n. d.), 17 ('94), 17 ('03), 18 ('94), 19 (n. d.), 20 ('02), 20 (n. d.), 21 ('00), 25 ('02), 25 ('94), 26 ('02), 26 ('94), 27 ('02), 27 ('94), 28 ('03), 28 ('94), 33 ('03), 33 ('94), 34 ('94), 35 ('02), 35 ('94), 36 ('94), 36 ('02), 37 ('02), 38 ('02), 41 ('02), 41 ('95), 42 ('94), 42 ('03), 43 ('03), 43 ('94), 44 ('03), 44 ('96), 45 ('02), 46 ('97), 46 ('02), 47 ('97), 47 ('02), 49 ('03), 50 ('96), 51 ('96), 51 ('03), 52 ('02), 52 ('96), 53 f02),53 ('95), 54 ('96), 54 ('97), 55 ('97), 55 ('96), 57 (n. d.), 58 ('02), 58 ('96), 59 ('03), 59 ('96), 61 ('03), 62 ('96), 62 ('97), 63 ('96), 63 ('97), 65 ('02), 66 ('02), 66 ('95), 67 ( - 03), 07 ('96), 68 ('96), 69 ('03), 71 ('96), 71 ('97), 73 ('02), 73 ('94), 74 ('02), 74 ('94), 75 ('94), 75 ('02), 76 ('96), 76 ('97), 77 ('96), 77 ('97), 78 ('96), 78 ('97), 79 ('03), 79 (n.d.), 80 ('97), 81 ('03), 81 ('96), 81 (n. d.), 82 ('96), 82 ('03),82(n. d.), 83 ('92), 83 ('03), 84 ('96), 84 ('97), 85 ('96), 85 ('97), 86 ('03), 87 ('96), 87 ('97), 89 ('03), 89 ('99), 90 ('02), 91 ('03), 91 ('99), 92 ('99), 93 ('99), 93 ('02), 94 ('03), 94 ('99), 95 ('99), % ('02), 96 ('99). Canada (geology). 1900. [Maps published by the Geological survey of Canada.] Numerical list arranged as they appear in the "List of publications," 1900. L. C. has sheets: 145, 150-153, 159, 161-166, 175-207, 227, 247, 252-254, 287, 290, 305-315, 317-319, 411, 664, 665, 676, 677. Canada and United States. 1900. Relief map of Canada and the United States. Geological survey of Canada. George M. Dawson, LL. D., F. R. S., director, 1900. 1900. Relief map of Canada and the United States. Geological survey of Canada, 1900. Canada and Newfoundla 1:2.217.000. 1902. Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. Scale, 1:2.217.000. Department of the interior, Canada, James White, geographer, 1902. Alberta territory. 1898. Topographical map of a portion of the district of Alberta, Northwest terri- tories, from surveys by R. W. Macintyre, C. K. Department of the inte- rior, Canadian irrigation surveys, 1898. 1:792.000. 1903. [Map of] Alberta and western portion of Saskatchewan and Assiniboia. Scale, 1:792.000. James White, geogr. Department of the interior, Hon. ('. Si f ton, minister, 1903. CANADA 47 Assiniboia. *: 792. 000. 1903. [Map of] Assiniboia. Scale, 1: 792.000. James White, geogr. Department of the interior, Hon. C. Sifton, minister, 1903. British Columbia. 1899. Sketch map of the province of British Columbia. Cecil H. Cookson, draughtsman, Victoria, B. C. ; engraved by Poole Bros., Chicago. Printed by Richard Wolfenden, printer to the queen's most excellent majesty, 1899. Lands and works department, Victoria, B. C. 1899. British. Columbia (central). 1896. Map of the central portion of British Columbia, compiled and drawn by direction of the Honorable G. B. Martin, chief commissioner of lands and work. Victoria, B. C. 1896. British Columbia (northern coast). 1901. Map of the northern coast part of British Columbia. Compiled and drawn at the Lands and works department. The Colonist litho., Victoria, B. C. 1901. British Columbia (northern interior). 1904. Map of the northern interior of British Columbia showing undeveloped areas, published by the provincial bureau of information, accompanying bulletin no. 9. Victoria, B. C. 1904. 1 sheet. Complete. British Columbia (railway belt). 1892. Map of the lands comprised within the railway belt, British Columbia, as defined by the terms of union. Revised to 1st March, 1892. British Columbia (subdivisions). New Westminster district. 1889. Map of the New Westminster district, British Columbia. Published by the Department of the interior, technical branch. Revised to 1st October, 1889. 1902. Map of a portion of New Westminster district, with adjacent islands and part of Vancouver Island, B. C. Compiled and drawn at the Lands and works department. Victoria, 1902. Osoyoos. 1897. Map of portion of Osoyoos district, British Columbia. Compiled by direc- tion of the Honorable G. B. Martin, Chief commissioner of lands and works, Victoria, 1897. Drawn in the Office of lands and works. Colo- nist litho., Victoria, P.. C, 1897. Kootenay. 1897. Map of the west division of Kootenay district and a portion of Lillooet, Yale, and East Kootenay, B.C. Compiled by direction of the Honourable G. B. Martin, Chief commissioner of lands and works, mining recording divi- sions, Victoria, 1897. CANADA 48 British Columbia (subdivisions) Continued. 1898. Map of southern portion of East and West Kootenay districts. Compiled by direction of the Honourable J. Fred. Hume, Minister of mines, Vic- toria, B. C, 1898. Entered according to act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year 1898, by W. S. Drewry at the Department of agriculture. Sayward. 1895. Plan of Sayward district, B. C. Lands and works department, Victoria, 1895. British Columbia (miscellaneous). 1901. Sketch map of the province of British Columbia, showing mining divisions. Printed by Richard Wolfenden, printer to the king's most excellent majesty, 1901. Department of mines, Victoria, 1901. Manitoba. 1:792.000. 1902. [Map of] Manitoba. Scale, 1:792.000. Department of the interior, 1902. Map of Manitoba and the North West Territories. Scale, 1 inch = 32 miles. Department of the interior, [n. d.] 1:792.000. 1903. [Map of] Manitoba. Scale, 1:792.000. James White, geogr. Department of the interior, Hon. Clifford Sifton, minister, 1903. Northwest Territory. 1:792.000. 1903. Map of the Northwest Territory and the province of Manitoba. Scale, 1:792.000. James White, geogr. Department of the interior, Hon. Clif- ford Sifton. James A. Smart, deputy minister, 1903. 3 sheets. L. C. copy complete Ontario. 1901. Map of the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Copp. Clark co., limited, litho., Toronto. Department of crown lands, 1901. Ontario (northern part). 1901. Map of part of northern Ontario, showing the northern part of the district of Nipissing, Algowa, and Thunder Bay. Compiled from surveys and explo- rations by the Department of crown lands and surveys by the geological department of Canada. Scale, 8 miles to an inch. Department of crown lands, 1901. Saskatchewan. 1:792.000. 1903. [Map of] Saskatchewan. Scale 1:792.000. James White, geogr. Depart- ment of the interior, Hon. C. Sifton, minister, 1903. Vancouver (island). 1897. Map shewing portion of the west coast of Vancouver Island. Compiled and drawn by direction of the Honorable . Maps to accom- pany report on Canadian irrigation surveys, 1895. L. ('. lias 15 maps and plans in an envelope. 2 copies. Annual report of the Department of the interior for 1899. Topographical map of Alberta, map accompanying Canadian irrigation surveys, 1897-98. Knvelope. Maps to accompany the annual report, public works, Canada, 7900-1901. Hon. J. Israel Tarte, minister of public works. 3 maps in envelope. 2 copies. CANADA MEXICO 51 Canada. Maps with annual reports Continued. Annual report of the department of railways and canals for 1901. Maps to accompany deputy minister's report. 13 maps in envelope. Map showing the railways of Canada, to accompany annual report on rail- way statistics, 1886. Office of the chief engineer and general manager of government railways. Compiled by E. V. Johnson. Drawn by A. M. Edmonds, Collingwood Schreiber, chief engineer and general manager of government railways. The Burland Lithographic Co., Montreal. Annual report of the Department of the interior for 1899. Maps to accom- pany the report of the surveyor general (3 maps). Maps to accompany report on Canadian irrigation surveys, 1897-1898. (11 plans in envelope). Annual report of the Department of the interior for 1901. Index map [and] maps to accompany the report of the surveyor-general (4 maps). In envelope. 2 copies. Plan of the boundary between British Columbia and Yukon territory from lake Bennett to Takkini river. Annual report of the Department of the interior, 1901-1902. To accompany the report of Arthur Saint Cyr, D. L. S. XIX. MEXICO. Mexico. 1887. Memoria presentada al Congreso de la Union por el secretario de estado y del despacho de fomento, colonization, industria y comercio de la Repu- blica Mexicana, general Carlos Pacheco. Corresponde a los afios tras- curridos de enero de 1883 a junio de 1885. Mexico, oficina tipografica de la Secretarfa de fomento, 1887. Tomo VI, atlas. 1:2.000.000. 1877. Carta administrativa-itineraria de la Republica Mexicana. 1\ edition. Scale, 1:2.000.000. Secretarfa de estado y del despacho de fomento. Comision de cartografia, bajo la direction del ing. A. Diaz. 1877. L. C. has sheet no. 1. 1:2.000.000. 1890. Carta general de la Republica Mexicana, formada en el Ministerio de fomento, con los datos mas recientes por disposicion del secretario del ramo general, Carlos Pacheco, 1890. Escala de 1:2.000.000. 1894. Carta general de la Republica Mexicana, formada en el Ministerio de fomento con los datos mas recientes por disposicion del secretario del ramo, ingeniero Manuel Fernandez Leal, 1894. Grabado por Erhard hermanos, Paris. L. C. copy complete. 1:2.000.000. 1899. Carta general de la Republica Mexicana formada en la Secretarfa de fomento, con mejoramiento de datos, pur disposicion del Secretario del ramo, inge- niero Manuel Fernandez Leal, 1899. L. C. copy complete. MEXICO 52 Mexico Continued. 1:100.000. 1897-1903. Carta de la Repiiblica Mexicana, a 1 a 100.000 a . Secretaria de estado y del despacho de fomento. Comision geogr&fica de guerra y fomento, bajo la direceion del ing. A. Diaz [for some sheets "J. Alvarado"], 1897-1903. L. C. has sheets no. 5-I-(L), 10-IV-(J), ll-III-(F), ll-I-(U), 13-IV-(D), 14-III-(A), 14-111- (B),14-III-(E), 14-IV-(P),14-IV-(U),19-I-(Y),19-II-(B),19-II-(C), 19-II-(H), 19-II-(L), 19-II-(M), 19-II-(N), 19-II-(S), 19-II-(Y), 19-II-(Z), 19-IV-(D), 19-IV-(E), 20-I-(U), 20- III-(A), 20-III-(B), 20-III-(F), 20-III-(G). Mexico (geology). 1:3.000.000. 1889. Bosquejo de una carta geologica de la Repiiblica Mexicana, formada por dis- position del secretario de fomento, general Carlos Pacheco, por una comision especial bajo la direceion del profesor Antonio del Castillo, director de la Escuela nacional de ingenieros, 1889. Escala de 3.000.000. Mexico. Federal district. 1:50.000. 1899. Carta corogrdrica del Distrito federal, construida en la secretaria de fomento por disposicion del secretario del ramo, Manuel Fernandez Leal. Grave par Erhard fres., Paris. 1899. Escala, 1:50.000. Mexico. San Luis Potosi. 1:250.000. 1894. Carta general del estado de S. Luis Potosi levantado por iniciativa de su actual gobernador, general Carlos Diez Gutierrez, por la comision geogra- fico-exploradora. Edicion de 1894. Escalade 1:250.000. [Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico]. 12 sheets bound. L. C. copy complete. Mexico. Special maps. Mexico (city). 1891. Reduction del piano oficial de la ciudad de Mexico, levantado de orden del ayuntamiento por la comision de saneamiento y desagiie en 1889 y 1890, detallado ampliamente y publicado por la antigua y acreditada casa C. Montauriol y ca. 1891. Puebla (environs ). 1:50.000. 1884. Carta topografica general de los alrededores de Puebla. Formada por la comision geografico-exploradora. Secretaria de estado y del despacho de guerra y marina, comision geografica de fomento y guerra, bajo la direc- eion de ing. A. Diaz. Edicion de 1884. Escala de 1:50.000 L. C. has sheet no. 3 serie, letra A P. Mining. 1:3.000.000. Carta minera de la Repiiblica Mexicana, formada por disposicion del secre- tario de fomento, general Carlos Pacheco, por el ingeniero de niinas, Antonio del Castillo, director de la Escuela nacional de ingenieros. Escala de 1:3.000.000. 1:2.000.000. 1S93. Carta minera de la Repiiblica Mexicana, formada por disposicion del secre- tario de fomento por el ingeniero de niinas, Antonio del Castillo, director de la Escuela nacional de ingenieros. Corregidaen 1893. Escala, 1:2.000.000. 14 sheets. L. (.'. copy complete. MEXICO-NICARAGUA SALVADOR ARGENTINA 53 Mexico. Special maps Continued. Railroads. 1:2.000.000. 1893. Seeretaria de fomento, seccion tercera. Carta de 1<>s ferrocarriles de los Estados Unidos Mexieanos. Escala, 1:2.000.000. Grabado por Erhard hermanos, Parfs. 1893. 4 sheet*. L. C. copy complete. Telegraphs and railroads. 1:3.000.000. 1887. Carta telegriifica y ferrocarrilera de la Republica Mexicana. Seeretaria de fomento, division general de estadfstica. Scale, 1:3.000.000. 1887. Communications. 1:1.000.000. 1895-1896. Carta de comunicaciones de los Estados Unidos Mexieanos, formada de orden de la Seeretaria de estado y del despacho de comunicaciones y obras piiblicas, por el coronel Bodo von Gliimer. Escala, 1 : 1.000.000. 1895-1896. L. C. has sheets nos. 1, 2. XX. NICARAGUA. Nicaragua. 1858. Mapa de la Republica, de Nicaragua, levantado por orden del gobierno por Maximilian v. Sonnenstern, 1858. 1897. Mapa de la Republica de Nicaragua revisado, levantado por orden de suex. el presidente de la republica, general don Jose Santos Zelaya, por Maximiliano v. Sonnenstern, ingeniero civil del gobierno. Ayudado por "William P. Collins, 1895. Patentado en 1897 por H. G. Chalkley para el gobierno de Nicaragua, su dueno. 1898. Official map of Nicaragua, compiled by order of his excellency the president, general don Jose Santos Zelaya, from surveys by Maximiliano Sonnenstern, government civil engineer, assisted by William P. Collins, G. C. E., revised to date 1898, published by II. C. Chalkley, Chicago, 111. [1898]. XXI. SALVADOR. Salvador. 1858. Mapa general de la Republica de San Salvador, levantado por Maximilian v. Sonnenstern por orden de su excelencia sr. don Rafael Campo. 1858. XXII. ARGENTINA. Argentina. 1898. Atlas de la Republica Argentina, construido y publicado por el "Instituto geografieo argentino," bajo los auspicios del exemo. gobierno nacional. Buenos Aires, 1898. ARGENTINA BOLIVIA BRAZIL 54 Argentina Continued. Buenos A yres (province). 1864. Registro gnifico de las propiedades rurales de la provincia de Buenos Aires, construido por el departamento topografico, y publicado con autorizacion del superior gobierno de la provincia, 1864. Railroads. 1:2.000.000. 1900. Mapa de los ferrocarriles de la Republica Argentina. Escala, 1:2.000.000. 31 diciembre 1900. Telegraphs, etc. 1:2.000.000. 1898. Mapa de las comunicaciones postales y telegraricas de la Republica Argentina y las de sus conexiones con los paises limitrofes. Confeccionado por el inspector general de telegrafos, don Pedro L6pez, j)or orden del director general de correos y telegrafos, dr. C. Carlos, 1898. Compania sud ameri- cana de billetes de banco. Buenos Aires. Escala, 1:2.000.000. XXIII. BOLIVIA. Bolivia. 1859. Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia, mandado publicar pr. el gobierno de la nacion en la administration del presidente, doctoi Jose Maria Linares, y secretario de instruction publica, doctor Lucas Mendoza de la Tapial, levantado y organizado en los aflos de 1842 a 1859. Por el teniente coro- nel Juan Ondarza, comandante Juan Mariano Mujia y mayor Lucfo Camacho. Ano de 1859. 1:2.000.000. 1901. Mapa de la Republica de Bolivia, mandado organizar y publicar por el presi- dente constitucional general Jose Manuel Pando. Formado por Eduardo Idiaquez. Escala, 1:2.000.000. La Paz, 1901. XXIV. BRAZIL. Brazil. 1:3.710.220. 1875. Carta do imperio do Brasil, organizada pela commissao da carta geral sob a presidencia do general Henrique de Beaurepaire Rohan, com a coadjuva- cao do exmo. silr. Barao da Ponte Ribeiro. Comecada no ministerio do exmo. snr. conselheiro J. F. Da Costa Pereira junior e terminada no de S. ex a .o sfir. conselheiro T. J. Coelho d' Almeida. Em 1875. Escala de 1:3.710.220. 1:5.000.000. 1883. Carta do imperio do Brasil com a designacao das ferro-vias, colonias, engen- hos centraes, linhas telegraphicas e de navegaeao a vapor. Mandada orgauisar por ordem do ministerio d'agricultura durante a administracao do exmo. sr. conselheiro P. L. Pereira de Sousa a do exmo. sr. conselheiro A. A. Moreira Penna. Xa commissao da carta arehivo sob a presidencia do tenente general II. de Beaurepaire Rohan pelo professor L. .!. M. Penha. Escala, 1:5.000.000. 1883. 1 sheets. I.. ('. copy complete. Sunn-. Another edition, 1892. Commission d'exploration du plateau central du Bresil. Atlas des itine- raires, de prolils longitudinaux et de la zone demarquee, public par L. Cruls, (thef de la commission. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. CHILE COL 0MB1AECUAD OR PARA G UA Y 55 XXV. CHILE. Chile. 1:250.000. 1873. Piano topognifico y geologico de la Repiiblica de Chile, levantado por orden del gobierno, bajo la direction de A. Pissis. Escala, 1:250.000. [1873]. 1897. Direction jeneral de obras piiblicas, 4 a section, minas, jeograffa f jeodesia. Mapa de Chile. Construido para el uso de las escuelas piiblicas segiin los liltimos datos. Santiago, imp. enc. y litografia Esmeralda, 1897. XXVI. COLOMBIA. Colombia. 1:1.350.000. 1865. Carta jeognifiea de los Estados Unidos de Colombia, Antigua, Xueva Granada, construida de orden del gobierno jeneral con arreglo d los trabajos coro- gr&ficos del jeneral A. Codazzi i -k otros documentoa oficiales por Manuel Ponce de Leon, injeniero, miembro de la Sociedad jeografica de Paris, i Manuel Maria Paz, Bogota, 1864. Grabado por Erhard Schieble, Paris, 1865. 1:1.350.000. Colombia. Provinces. Carta corognifica del estado de Antioquia, construida con los datos de la comision corogr&fica i de orden de gobierno jeneral, por Manuel Ponce de Leon, injeniero, f Manuel Maria Paz. 1:810.000. Publicado bajo la administration Murillo, Bogotd, 1864. Grabado por E. Schieble, Paris, 1865. [Same for estado de Bolivar] . [Same for estado de Boyaca] . [Same for estado de Cauca]. [Same for estado de Cundinamarca]. [Same for estado de Magdalena]. [Same for estado de Panama]. [Same for estado de Santander] . XXVII. ECUADOR. Ecuador. 1:445.000. 1892. Carta geografica del Ecuador por dr. Teodoro Wolf, publicada por orden del supremo gobierno de la repiiblica y trabajada bajo las presidencias de los E. E. sefiores dr. D. J. M. Placido Coamano y dr. D. Antonio Flores. Escala, 1:445.000. 1892. XXVIII. PARAGUAY. Paraguay. 1871. Carta do territorio da repiiblica do Paraguay, onde se derao as batalhas entre o exercito desta Republica e os das nacoes alliadas, Imperio do Brazil, Con- f( j dera(;ao Argentina e Republica do Uruguay, desde 1866 ate 1870; confec- cionada por proposta approvada por avizo do Ministerio da guerra de 3 de setembro de 1869 do commandante geral do corpo de engenheiros, mart'- chal de campo, conselbeiro de