1Hiiwersit tutorial Series
(Beneraf (gbtfor
Professor of Logic and Philosophy in the University College of
South Wales and Monmouthshire, formerly Fellow of Trinity
College, Cambridge, Examiner in the Universities of Cambridge
and Aberdeen. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. 6s. 6d.
" In writing this book Mr. Mackenzie has produced an earnest and striking contri-
bution to the ethical literatui-e of the time." Mind.
" This excellent manual." International Journal of Ethics.
' ' Written with lucidity and an obvious mastery of the whole bearing of the
subject. " Standard.
"The volume is a thorough and independent discussion of moral science and
philosophy. Each of the chapters is written with great care, and with a freshness
and originality that take the work quite out of the category of the ordinary text-
book. " Journal of Education.
LOGIC, A MANUAL OF. By .J. WELTON, M.A., Professor of
Education in the University of Leeds. 2 vols.
Volume I. Second Edition. 8s. 6d.
Volume II. 6s. 6d.
Vol. I. contains the whole of Deductive Logic, except Fallacies,
which are treated, with Inductive Fallacies, in Vol. II.
"A clear and compendioiis summary of the views of various thinkers on important
and doubtful points." Journal of Education.
"The manual may be safely recommended." Educational Times.
Logic, Questions on, with Illustrative Examples. By H. HOLMAN,
M.A., H.M.I., and M. C. W. IRVINE, M.A. 2s. 6d.
Key. By H. HOLM AN, M.A., H.M.I., and J. WELTOX, M.A.
2s. 6d. net.
" It will form an admirable exercise for the student to test his reading by. This
volume may be recommended without reserve." Educational Times.
LL.D., Fellow of the British Academy, Professor of Logic and
Metaphysics in the University of St. Andrews, late Examiner in
Mental and Moral Science in the University of London. 4s. 6d.
"All students of philosophy, both beginners and those who would describe them-
selves as 'advanced,' will do well to 'read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest' this
book. " Oxford Magazine.
"This book will lay a sure foundation, a trustworthy 'Groundwork of Psy-
chology ' for student or teacher." School World.
Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8s. 6d.
"There is a refreshing absence of sketchiness about the book, and a clear desire
manifested to help the student in the subject." Saturday Review.
The student's task will be much lightened by the lucidity of the style and the
numerous illustrative facts, which together make the book highly interesting."
Literary World.
< \nmveveit\> {Tutorial Series
Fifth Impression (Second Edition)
, :
P K E F A C E.
THIS book is primarily intended as a companion to
Mr. Welton's Manual of Logic ; though, of course, the
working of the exercises may accompany the reading of
any other text-book on Logic. It is an endeavour to
supply the material for that exercise in the practical
application of logical principles which is almost indis-
pensable to a thorough mastery of the science, and most
helpful as an aid to, and test of, clear apprehension.
It is hoped that the Hints and Examples will supply
such guidance as experience has shown to be useful to
The questions have been selected from a wide range of
University examination papers, but chiefly from those set
at the University of London, since the book is mainly
designed for students preparing for the examinations of that
University. More than one question has, in some few
cases, been given on the same subject, either on the ground
of the suggestiveness of the questions themselves, or as
examples of the different styles of question adopted at
different Universities,
TT. Log. Q. J
A Key to the Questions is also published, in order that
students may be able to test their answers which is
especially necessary in the case of problems in the more
purely formal parts of the subject and discover where, if
at all, they have fallen into error.
I wish to express my indebtedness to my friend, Mr.
Welton, for much invaluable advice and assistance, with
regard to both the Questions and the Key.
n. H.
November, 1891.
In the Second Edition changes required to bring the
book into line with the Second Edition of Mr. Welton's
Manual of Logic have been made, and the book has been
completed by the addition of questions on Induction, \
Method, and Fallacies.
August, 1897.
INTRODUCTION, (a) Hints 17
(b) Examples 17
Questions on THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE . . . .19
Questions on LAWS OF THOUGHT 22
TERMS, (it) Hints 24
(b) Examples 24
Questions on Terms 25
(b) Examples ... 29
Questions on The Predicables 30
Questions on The Categories 32
(b} Examples . 34
Questions on Definition 37
Questions on Division 39
Questions on Classification 41
(b) Examples . .43
Questions on Reduction to Prepositional Form . . .45
PROPOSITIONS, (a) Hints 48
(b} Examples .48
Questions on Propositions 50
(b} Examples . . . . .57
Questions on Immediate Inferences . . , ,60
SYLLOGISMS, (a) Hints ... .... 65
(b) Examples 66
Questions on Syllogisms ... ... 68
Questions on Canons of Pure Syllogism . . . 69
Questions on Figure and Mood 72
REDUCTION, (a) Hints . 75
(b) Examples 75
Questions on Reduction '. .76
MIXED SYLLOGISMS. () Hints . . . . . . .78
(b) Examples 78
Questions on Mixed Syllogisms 80
(b) Examples . . 83
Questions on Abridged and Conjoined Syllogisms . . 85
Questions on Postulates of Induction 88
Questions 011 General Nature of Induction . . . .91
Questions on Origin of Hypotheses 94
Questions on Development of Hypotheses .... 96
Questions on Analysis of the Given 98
Questions on Quantitative Determination . . . .102
Questions on Explanations of the Given . . . .105
METHOD. Hints 108
Questions on Method 108
FALLACIES. () Hints . . ill
(b) Examples Ill
Questions on Fallacies . . . . . . .114
THIS book being specially designed as a companion to
Mr. Welton's Manual of Logic, it is suggested that the
following method of using it will be likely to render it
most helpful :
(1) That portion of the text-book which corresponds to
the heading of the section of Questions should be thoroughly
studied. The student is especially cautioned against any-
thing like a superficial and unintelligent skimming of the
author ; this will only lead to the formation of inaccurate
or inadequate conceptions of the subject in hand. The
attempt to answer questions upon work so done will cause
still further mischief, in that the act of committing ideaa
so gained to paper serves to impress them more deeply upon
the mind, and the subsequent correction, if any, of them
will be very unlikely to undeceive the student completely
or to remove his false ideas. The following suggestions as to
reading may prove of service to the inexperienced learner :
(a) Read slowly ; and, if necessary, re-read several times,
till you are convinced that you have thoroughly grasped
the author's meaning. Wherever possible, supplement the
examples given in the text-book by some of your own, and
analyse them so as to be quite sure of their relevancy.
Where appeal is made to mental processes or experiences,
always refer to your own for corroboration and illustration.
Such endeavours will afford a good test of intelligent
(b) Memorize thoroughly. In every science there is a
certain amount of technical detail which has to be com-
mitted to memory; but the learner will find that he has,
at first, to memorize a good deal more than this. Although
one who has made an intelligent study of a subject has
already done much of the memorizing, and so made much
more easy and certain what remains to be done, yet
this will never wholly obviate the necessity of further
effort. The marginal summaries in Mr. Welton's book
supply just the matter which should be memorized. By
memorizing is meant, not the obtaining of the mere ability
to repeat sentences in a given order, but the securing of
such a vivid mental impression of the order and logical
sequence of the parts of a subject that they can be repro-
duced in memory with facility, certainty, and accuracy.
The repetition necessary to accomplish this will be found
to involve much more than a mere mechanical reiteration;
for the endeavour to secure a vivid impression of the
arguments used, and the conclusions reached, will be likely
to suggest new thoughts upon the subject, and to clear up
any vagueness or uncertainty. Nothing is more unsatis-
factory and disappointing to a learner than to find that,
after reading carefully through a certain amount of book-
work, he has, a few days after, entirely forgotten what he
fondly imagined he had learnt. This can only be obviated
by recognizing the need of, and taking means to secure, a
sufficient amount of accurate memorizing.
(c) Recapitulate. This can be best done by closing the
text-book and reproducing mentally, or in writing, a brief
abstract of the arguments, or facts, or both, just studied.
It may, with advantage, be done both immediately after
having studied a portion of the author, and immediately
before commencing the next portion. Then test and
correct, if necessary this recapitulation by reference to the
table of contents, or to the marginal summaries.
If these three points are conscientiously attended to, the
student need have but little fear of not attaining a really
satisfactory knowledge of the subject.
(2) The questions given on the subject-matter just studied
.should then be answered. It is important that the whole
of the portion studied should be reproduced, in answers to
questions, before beginning to study a fresh subject. Twc
points should be observed in regard to the answers
(a) They should be as full as possible, whilst rigorously
avoiding all that is irrelevant, or mere verbiage.
(6) On no account should any reference to the text-book
(or to the Key} be made, whilst writing them.
This second point should be insisted upon, or the student
will delude himself into the idea that he is making progress,
when, as a matter of fact, he is doing nothing of the
(3) The answers should be corrected by an appeal to
the solutions given in the Key. These solutions should not
be " looked up " before the answer is written: such a method
would fail to obtain any of the advantages of practice for
examinations, or of a test of the knowledge and intelligence
really acquired by previous study. Neither, therefore,
should the questions be attempted immediately after study-
ing a subject the best discipline for such occasions has
already been indicated (see Recapitulation}. This point, of
" looking up " the answers to questions before attempting to
answer them, is an important one, and the learner will do
well to allow himself no indulgence, under any circumstances
whatsoever. The almost certain result of doing so, would
be to make the exercise a mere mechanical effort of memory.
There would be little, if any, obligation to make that serious
study, and thorough intellectual assimilation, of the subject,
which alone is either helpful or permanent. The object of
writing answers to questions is to ascertain how far the
student has " read, marked, learned, and inwardly digested "
the subject-matter. The judgment required in selecting
those parts of the work clone which relate to a given
question, and in synthesizing them into a logical answer,
is the best test of intelligent study, and a really good mental
discipline. A good general rule, as to the time for answer-
ing questions, would be to study a given subject one week,
and answer questions on it during the next week, whilst
also studying a fresh subject, the two exercises would
react upon, and assist, each other
It is well known, at least to those who have had any
considerable experience in tuition, how unequal are the
merits of written answers, as such, i.e. without regard to the
amount of knowledge they express. Some are able to write
an effective answer with a minimum of knowledge ; others,
with far greater knowledge, write very poor answers ; whilst
those who combine knowledge with the power of good ex-
pression are the brilliant exceptions. Though it is not possible
to impart the secret of a brilliant literary style, if one is so
fortunate as to possess it, yet it is possible to give such hints
as shall guide a person in making the best and most effective
use of his knowledge in answering questions in a written
examination. The following points should be carefully
attended to.
(1) Read the question very carefully, and endeavour to
make quite sure that you have apprehended the real point
of it. It will not, as a rule, take long to decide as to what
the real point is ; and even if it does take a minute or two
to make sure of this, the answer will probably gain much
by this delay, and will almost certainly lose by the contrary
method. For example, in regard to the question, " Compare
the following terms with respect to their definability, . . ."
it is not a sufficient or satisfactory answer simply to say
all that is known about their logical characteristics, or
merely to point out which are connotative and which are
non-connotative ; and yet scores of such answers have
actually been written in reply to such a question. The
whole point of the question is : Indicate those terms which
are more easily and fully definable than the others. This
depends upon the relative predominance of connotation or
denotation, in each case, and should be shown by arranging
them in groups, if there are several of the same kind, of an
increasing or decreasing degree of definability, and giving
reasons for this order.
The whole question of relevancy or irrelevancy turns
upon this preliminary consideration. The writing of a
lot of miscellaneous matter, so as to fill up space, is worse
than useless, it is sure to create a bad impression on the
examiner's mind. The student may easily deceive himself
by doing this, but he is not likely to impose upon the
examiner, who may generally be credited with knowing
something about the subject, and a good deal about the
little plans for imposing upon his supposed credulity and
complacency. As an example of irrelevancy the following
may be given : In answer to the question " Show how
Mediate and Immediate Inference depend upon the Laws
of Thought," many commence their answer by a statement,
and full discussion of the Laws of Identity, Contradiction,
and Excluded Middle. Now the statement of the Laws is
perfectly relevant, but the detailed discussion of them is
wholly out of place, the mere statement of the Laws
should, at least for present purposes, be taken as implying
their acceptance after full discussion. The point of the
answer should be to show the dependence of Inference upon
these Laws. Examples of such errors of judgment might
easily be multiplied.
(2) Endeavour to make your answer cogent, and exhaustive,
without being verbose. This will be best secured by per-
(a) An act of analysis, i.e., pulling the question to pieces,
so to speak, and seeing what, and how many, are the points
to be stated, demonstrated, attacked, or substantiated ; then,
(b) An act of synthesis, i.e., building up the answer in
logical order and sequence, each step or argument naturally
following from the preceding one so that the total effect is
cumulative and convincing. Thus, in dealing with such a
question as " Has Logic any practical utility ? " some such
method as the following should be used : (1) What is
Logic? It is the science of the principles which regulate
valid thought. [This should be explained in detail, so that
we may know exactly what we are discussing.] (2) Does
Thought need such regulative principles? Undoubtedly;
the experiences of everyday life show us how liable we are
to jump at conclusions, to draw false conclusions from true
data : e.g., a boy is accused of theft, he is embarrassed and
evasive, therefore he is the thief as a matter of fact,
timidity, the mere thought that he is suspected, desire to
shield another, etc., may be the cause of his confusion :
again, the superstitions, intolerance, cruelty, etc., of past
times, considered in the light of present knowledge, are
seen to be very largely the results of ignorance and preju-
dice, i.e., of invalid reasoning. Many errors, dissensions,
and strifes, are caused by tho want of a clear apprehension
of the meaning of a word, and a consistent logical use of
such a meaning in argument cf. such words as church,
capital, faith, etc. [Such examples should be worked out
in detail, so as to show clearly their bearing upon the point
under discussion.] (3) Does Logic fulfil such a function ?
Certainly; it investigates and states the legitimate con-
clusions that may be drawn from given data ; it demands
clear and precise meanings of terms ; and it supplies rules
for testing and securing valid conditions for valid thought.
Wherever, therefore, exact thought is desirable, Logic is of
paramount importance; and it will hardly be contended that
exact thought is ever superfluous or unnecessary. (4) The
specific uses of Logic. [For a full discussion of these,
see Manual, vol. i., pp. 13," 24.]
In such questions as are most concerned with the repro
duction of book- work, e.g. a description or summary of some
part of logical doctrine, the points to be aimed at are : (1)
clear and orderly arrangement ; (2) full but concise treatment
(cf. Example 2 of the Introduction, in this book).
To avoid verbosity is, practically, to avoid all para-
phrase and repetition. Whatever can be sa : d., clearly, in a
sentence, should not occupy a paragraph. For example, if
it were desired to express the judgment " Logic is a science,
in that it systematizes our knowledge of the regulative
principles of Thought," it would be pure verbosity to para-
phrase this into " We have every right, in accordance with
the general rules of thought and the usual practice in regai d
to the application of the conventional meaning of tho
term, to apply the name * science' to that department of
systematized knowledge (i.e., of our acquaintance with facts
and the antecedents which precede and produce them, reduced
to series governed by a general law), which is generally known
under the appellation of Logic, and is so called from the fact
that this word * Logic,' in its original form, signifies the thought
which words express." The use of elaborate synonyms and
equivalent phrases should be avoided ; e.g., say " affirmation
or denial," not "the assertion of congruence, agreement,
or compatibility, or the assertion of incongruence, disagree-
ment or incompatibility " ; say " these things agree," not
"these things may be said to bo in agreement, i.e., they
are congruent one with another, or are not incompatible
with each other." In brief, so long as neither clearness nor
cogency are sacrificed, say what you have to say in as few
words as possible.
(3) An example, or illustration, should be given wherever
relevant. Thus, after making such an assertion as " Words
with no definitely fixed meanings are unsuited for use as
scientific terms," it will be well to exemplify by taking a
word, such as " Labour," which may at different times and
for distinct purposes, mean (1) manual labour, (2) wage-
paid labour, and (3) any exertion, whether physical or
mental ; and so long as the word is not definitely limited to one
or other of these meanings, a discussion concerning " Labour "
will be true or false according as the reader supplies one or
other of them. It will be obvious how much more is con-
veyed by such an example, given in support of the statement,
than by the mere statement itself. There is also the fact
that such a treatment is a pretty sure indication that the
student has an intelligent grasp of the subject, and is not
merely writing down remembered sentences and dicta.
Probably the best rule for the general mental attitude to be
assumed, in regard to the manner of answering a question, is
to write as though demonstrating a fact or principle to a fairly
intelligent reader who has little, if any, previous knowledge
about the subject. Nothing should be assumed, as to the
immediate point of the question, which is not definitely implied,
or stated, in the question itself. Of course, the examiner will
know all about such matters, but the object of the question is
to find out all the examinee knows about it. In such a
question as " Are the Laws of Thought all equally funda-
mental ? " the ordinary statement of them should be taken for
granted ; but, in answering the question " What different
statements have been given of the Law of Excluded Middle ? "
reasons should be given for accepting one of them as being
the preferable form of statement.
(4) In the case of a written examination with a time
limit, it is important to apportion the time according
to the number of questions which can be answered satis-
factorily. As a general rule, it is much better to answer
as many questions as possible, it would take a brilliant
man to obtain 100 per cent, on a single answer, whilst an
average man would probably be able to get 50 per cent, on
each of two answers, in the same time. But it must be
remembered that one good answer is better than two bad
ones. The greater portion of the time allotted to a par-
ticular question should be devoted to elucidating the
immediate point of it, not to labouring at or magnifying
minor points.
It is not, of course, supposed that the above suggestions
are the only ones that are of any use to a student. In the
cases of some students, it is often found that anything like
a formal and invariable method is rather a hindrance than
a help. But, since such works as the present are meant
for the guidance and assistance of the average intelligent
worker, we need not take such exceptions into consideration,
and even in such cases we may say that as men reason
the better if they have a knowledge of Logic, so they will
study, and write, to more effect if they have a definite, and
intelligent Logical Method (cf. Manual, vol. ii., pp. 211-26)
To those who have had but little experience in the habits
of study, and in the committing of their thoughts to
paper in the shape of answers to definite questions, and
to those who find that they have not been making the
progress they expected and desired, it is believed that the
above hints will be useful, and this belief is founded upon
a very wide and lengthy experience of study and students.
1. Avoid simply reproducing the marginal summaries, or
the summarizing sentences in the text. Demonstration, i.e.
connected argument, not dogmatic assertion, is wanted.
2. Amplify and illustrate, wherever it is possible.
3. Do not be afraid to criticize, or to differ from, the
author. But never do either unless you have a good reason
to give for your own opinions.
4. Always bear in mind the plan suggested in the para-
graphs on " Suggestions on Writing Answers."
1. Discuss the question of the Dependence of Logic upon
Since Logic is directly concerned with thought, and
thought is directly dependent upon Language for its capacity
to develop its higher and more complex processes, Logic is
evidently dependent, at least indirectly, upon Language.
But we can go farther than this ; for, given a language, as
under present conditions, in which thought is expressed,
and by which it is stimulated and advanced, we find that
Logic depends upon Language for some of its subject-matter
in its objective form of terms and propositions.
From this dependence follows another, viz. that logical
processes will be definite and precise in proportion as
Language is clear and unambiguous. Many of the discus-
eions and differences amongst logicians are solely due to the
ambiguities of language. As a matter of fact, logical
processes are only possible upon the assumption that, at
least for present logical purposes, the meaning of the
language employed is clear and unmistakable. With regard
to this point, it should be noted that Language gains very
largely as to its clearness and precision, by the demand
made by Logic for definite and unequivocal meaning.
In so far, Language may be said to be dependent upon
Again Logic, in common with all the sciences, depends
upon Language for its stability and progress : for its stability,
in that language is the means of communicating logical
doctrine, and in proportion as these doctrines are known
and accepted do they become a part of the intellectual in-
heritance of men ; for its progress, in that language is the
instrument of thought, and, as such, renders possible the
higher generalizations of logical investigation, whilst, as an
instrument for recording thought, it obviates the necessity
for commencing our investigations de novo, and leaves the
ground clear, for such as have capacity, to make deeper or
wider researches.
But the most vital dependence still remains to be men-
tioned viz., that without language we could have no science
of Logic, or indeed any other science, at all. Without the
means of recording thought, and the opportunity thus
afforded of dealing with it objectively, it would be im-
possible for us to reduce our knowledge to a systematized
and harmonious whole, governed by general principles,
and capable of particular applications. We may say that
language makes it possible for us to think about our
thoughts; and, since the province of Logic is to test and
regulate the processes of thought, only so far as we are
able to do this can we have any science of the regulative
principles of valid thought.
We may therefore say that Logic depends upon language
for (1) its existence, (2) a portion of its objective subject-
matter, (3) its precision and clearness, and (4) its stability
and progress. The relation is, however, a mutual one, for
Logic is as important to the science of Language as to any
Other science.
2. Discuss fully the chief functions of Language.
For an answer to this see Manual, vol. i., pp. 3-5.
Notice carefully (1) the exhaustive analysis, based on the
fundamental conception of the nature of Language ; (2) the
clear and full discussion of each point ; (3) the evolution, so
to say, of the discussion given the power of analysing
complex wholes, it becomes possible to abstract common
properties and so to form Concepts ; by using symbols (words)
for these Concepts, the processes of Thought are abbreviated ;
then, with Thought-activity increased and accelerated, comes
the desire for communicating with others, and this is effected
by gesture, speech, or writing ; lastly follows the permanent
expression of thought by reducing our symbols (words) to
objective form capable of being recorded ; (4) the examples
given, and the analysis of them, to demonstrate their bearing
upon the point under discussion ; and (5) the cogency and
brevity of the language used.
All questions marked by an asterisk relate mainly to those parts
of the " Manual of Logic " which are printed in small type.
1 . " LOGIC cannot, therefore, begin more appropriately than
with a brief examination of the nature of thought and of
language, and of their relations to each other."
Give the reason for the above statement, and briefly
indicate the dependence of thought and language on each
2. In what way is Language both a help and an impedi-
ment to Thought ? [o. MODS.]
3. To what extent is language requisite for Reasoning ?
[L.- M.A.]
4. Define Language; and determine what falls within
the limits of the definition. [L. B.A. HONS.]
5. Point out the main functions which Language per-
forms. How is it that spoken language has become the
only universal one amongst mankind ? FL. B.A.]
W. Log. Q. L 2
6. Discuss the question of ' The Ambiguities of Lan-
guage/ showing (1) how such ambiguities arise, and (2)
how they should be checked. Give examples to illustrate
your arguments.
7. Point out the generalization or specialization which has
taken place in any of the following : court, oil, foot, post,
church, master, class, Commons, doctor.
8. Examine, in the case of some special example, the
principal causes by which words become widely altered in
their signification. With which of such causes has Logic
most to do ? [L. M.A.]
9. Define Logic ; and state what you consider to be its
use in education. [o. MODS.]
10. Discuss the question whether Logic is a Science or an
Art, or both.
11. What is meant by saying that Logic deals only with
the form, of thought? Show how the use of symbols
enables us to examine the form of our thought. [L. B.A.]
12. Logic is sometimes said to treat of simple appre-
hension, judgment, and reasoning or discourse; sometimes
of terms, propositions, and syllogisms. Which of these sets
of expressions is preferable, and why ? [o. MODS.]
13*. Inquire into the logical nature and importance of the
operation called Abstraction. [L. M.A.]
14*. What are the logical factors involved in the for-
mation of a Concept 1 What different views have been held
as to the nature of a Concept ?
15*. Give the general view and divisions of Logical
Science adopted by writers of different schools. [L. M.A.]
16. Explain briefly what you understand by the term
17. Examine the distinction between the Form and
Matter in Logic. Do you consider a purely Formal Logic
to be possible ? If so, show what the subjects are with
which it can deal. [L. M.A.]
18. When Logic is defined as ' the Science of the Laws
of Thought/ what is meant by the words ' Science,' ' Law,'
and * Thought ' ? [o. MODS.]
19. Define exactly what you understand by (1) Inductive,
(2) Material, (3) Applied Logic, distinguishing each from
its proper opposite. Do you regard them as commensurate
or not ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
20*. What do you understand by the assertion that Logic
is an objective science ? If not objective, what is it in your
opinion ? [L. .A.]
21. Analyse with precision the meaning of the name
Science ; and distinguish Science from Art, Knowledge,
Practice. [L. B.A. HONS.]
22*. Distinguish Objective from Subjective Logic, giving
the views of Hamilton, Mill, and Spencer on the subject.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
23. What is Logic ? Discuss whether language, thought,
or objects are its subject-matter. [DUE. IST YEAR.]
24. How may the disputes as to the definition of Logic
be accounted for 1 [o. MODS.]
25*. What practical value may be attributed to Logic
(1) in the detection of error, (2) in the discovery of truth ?
[o. MODS.]
26*. How do you distinguish Logic from Metaphysics?
Could the latter be validly construed as a branch of the
former 1 If not, why not ? Show the fundamental relation
in which Logic stands both to Psychology and to Metaphysics.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
27. Discuss the relations of Logic to Psychology, Grammar,
and Rhetoric. [L. B. sc., o. MODS.]
28. Why has Logic been called Ars Artium 1 With what
sciences has Logic the closest relations ?
29. Why, and in what manner, is Logic concerned with
the use of Language ? Distinguish accurately between the
Logical Proposition and the Grammatical Sentence, givin.
examples. [L. B.A.
30. Explain fully and illustrate the difference between the
Logical, Rhetorical, and Grammatical aspects of a sentence.
How does Logic deal with Verbs, Adverbs, and Conjunctions ?
[o. MODS.]
31. Enunciate, in the form that seems to you most suit-
able from the point of view of logical theory, the primary
laws or axioms of thought, and discuss their relation to the
process of reasoning. [L. B.A.]
32*. Examine carefully the different views taken with
respect to the nature and sources of the Axioms of Con-
tradiction and Excluded Middle. [L. M.A.]
33*. On what laws or principles does Deductive Logic
rest? Does the investigation of their nature and origin
come within the province of the Science ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
34*. Examine the question whether the Principle of
Identity is mere tautology.
35*. Express the Laws of Thought as now commonly
accepted ; consider in what sense they are to be called Laws,
and whether they have all the same right to be so called.
[L. M.A.]
36. State the Law of Sufficient Eeason, and discuss its
logical place and value. [L. B. so.]
37*. Discuss (1) Hamilton's Postulate, and (2) Mathe-
matical Axioms ; and show their relation to the Laws of
38*. Mention some of the different senses in which the
Law of Identity has been interpreted.
Examine the following statements :
(a) The Law of Identity is the principle of all logical
{, ffirmation.
(b) Since all thought is either of pure difference or of
identity with difference, we cannot, in a strict sense, think
the Law of Identity at all.
(c) The axiom that all things that are equal to the same
thing are equal to one another, is merely another state-
ment of the Law of Identity. [c. HONS.]
39*. Are the laws of Identity, Contradiction, and Ex-
cluded Middle, all equally fundamental and independent ?
[C. HONS.]
40. What do you understand by a Law of Thought ? If
the laws of thought are uniformities, how does it happen
that we ever reason fallaciously? [L. B.A.]
1 . THE student is specially cautioned against classifying
Terms as Categorematic and Syncategorematic. A Cate-
gorematic Term is a term-term an unnecessary and absurd
repetition whilst a Syncategorematic Term is a not- term
term which is a contradiction in terms. Categorematic
and Syncategorematic apply only to the classification of
2. The first point to be decided, in every case, is whether
the word is equivocal ; if it is, there are really two or more
terms, and the case should be so treated.
3. Great care should be taken in deciding whether
Abstract Terms are Singular or General. If they are
General, they are also, and only then, Connotative for
all General Terms are connotative (see Manual, pp. 52, 75).
4. Relative Terms often cause difficulty. The important
point to remember is that the meaning of a Relative Term
necessarily implies the existence of another term relating to
the same fact, or facts (see Manual, vol. i., pp. 76-7).
Note. A Syncategorematic word may be made the subject of a
sentence by a suppositio materialis, that is, by regarding the word
itself as a thing : e.g., Only is an English word.
1. Give all the logical characteristics of the following
terms: lame, crowd, colour, son, equation, unholy, ant,
Lord Shaftesbury, the tallest man alive, the Lord Chan-
cellor, non-Christian.
Lame. Univocal, general, connotative, privative, concrete,
-n . i ( 1 . A press of people.
Crowd-Equivocal: | 2 A / old viol f n /
1. general (collective), / connotative, positive
general, (concrete, absolute.
Colour. Univocal, general, connotative, positive, abstract,
S on% Univocal, general, connotative, positive, concrete,
{1. Denoting equality, or the
action of making equal.
2. Signifying a mathematical for-
1. Singular, non-connotative, positive, abstract, ab-
2. General, connotative, positive, concrete, absolute.
Unholy. Univocal, general, connotative, privative, con-
crete, absolute.
Ant. Univocal, general, connotative, positive, concrete,
Lord Shaftesbury. Univocal, singular (proper), non-con-
notative, positive, concrete, absolute.
The tallest man alive. Univocal, singular, connotative,
positive, concrete, absolute.
The Lord Chancellor. Univocal, singular, connotative,
positive, concrete, absolute.
Non-Christian. Univocal, general, connotative, negative,
concrete, absolute.
41. Define (1) Name, and (2) Term. Does Logic dis-
tinguish between them 1 Are Names the names of Things,
or of Ideas ?
42. Give a classification of Words, and say if this will
also apply to Terms. Give your reasons fully.
43. What is the logical difference, if any, between Nouns
Substantive and Nouns Adjective ? [L. B.SC.]
44. Discuss the grammatical parts of speech from a
logical point of view.
45. Classify Names for the purposes of Logic ; and give
examples of each class. [L. B.A.]
46. Which of the usual divisions of Terms do you con-
sider of fundamental significance in logical theory 1 Give
your reasons. [L. B.A.]
47*. Is there any distinction to be drawn between Singular
and Proper Names ? What views are or may be held as to
their being mere unmeaning marks in Logic 1 [L. M.A.]
48. Describe the nature of Collective Terms ; examining
in particular any difficulties in distinguishing these and
general or abstract terms. [c. HONS.]
49. What is understood by a Proper Name? In what
other ways than by a proper name can an individual object
be referred to ? [c.]
50. Define what you understand by the Connotation and
Denotation of a Term 1 What determines the Connotation
and Denotation of Terms? Have all terms a denotation
and a connotation ?
51. Explain what is meant by Connotation of a name:
has it any connection with the etymology of the name ? [c.]
52*. What principles are to be followed in endeavouring
to give a fixed connotation to a term whose meaning is
vague ? [MEL.]
53. Proper names are not connotative according to Mill.
Why? This view is probably erroneous, according to Mr.
Jevons. Are all Singular and Abstract names connotative ?
54*. Is Connotation an objective or subjective matter?
Does it involve absolutely complete knowledge ?
55. Explain exactly the statement "As the intension of
a term is increased, the extension is decreased," and give
illustrations of it. [c.]
56. Discuss the question whether there are (1) terms
whose denotation may increase without any change in the
connotation; (2) terms whose connotation may increase
without any change in the denotation.
57. Distinguish between Positive, Negative and Privative
names. Of what kind are the following names, and why,
parallel, alien, idle, unhappy ?
What ambiguity is there in the use of such a name as
" not-white " ? [a]
58. What kind of terms would you use, and why, to
express (1) Contradiction, (2) Contrariety, and (3) Repug-
nance? Give examples.
59. Is the division of Names into Abstract and Concrete
logically important; and is it an exhaustive division of names?
What use do logicians make of their division of Names
into Relative and Absolute ? [c. HONS.]
60. Give the logical characteristics of : organism, force,
nationality, His Eminence, our American Cousin, monopoly,
The Renaissance, the judicature. [MCG. INT. B.A.]
61. Explain the distinction between Concrete and Ab-
stract Names. Does this distinction correspond to that
between Substantives and Adjectives? [L. B.A.]
62. Explain and criticise the following statement :
" The greater the comprehension of a concept, the less is
its extension ; the greater its extension, the less its compre-
hension." [L. B.A.]
63. Explain the difference of Denotation and Connotation
with reference to the terms Law, Legislator, Legality,
Crime. [L. B.A.]
64. Give a careful explanation of the nature of Relative
Notions, and Relative Terms. [L. B.SC.]
65*. " The doctrine of Terms is really a composite and
for the most part extra-logical body of doctrine." Examine
this statement and consider the differences that ensue
according as this body of doctrine is regarded as treating of
(1) cons-opts, (2) terms, or (3) classes. [L. M.A.]
66. Examine carefully the grounds for the distinctions
that have been drawn between Concrete and Abstract
terms, and consider whether differences of quantity are to
be recognised in both cases. [L. B.A. HONS.]
67. Explain and illustrate the following terms:
Abstract, Concrete ; Possessive, Privative ; Equivocal, Uni-
vocal ; Contrary, Contradictory ; Essential, Accidental.
[L. M.A.]
68. Describe the logical characters of the following
terms: Equal, equation, equality, equalness, inequality,
and equalisation. [L B.A.]
69. Discuss the question whether the following terms
are respectively connotative or non-connotative : West-
minster Abbey, the Mikado of Japan, Barmouth. [L. M.A.]
70. Arrange the following terms in order of extension :
vertebrate, human, animal, substance, child, organism,
71. Classify the following: chemist, chemical, black,
paper, in, Liverpool, monkey, alas, cheese, sublimity, and,
annoyance, sincere, deaf, a-never-to-be-forgotten, volition,
darkness, non-combatant, foot, Buffalo Bill, the Wild Man
of the West.
72. Give three examples of each of the following : conno-
tative abstract names, connotative singular names, general
abstract names, collective general names, relative names,
equivocal names ; and give reasons for regarding them as such.
73. Point out the ambiguity, if any, of the following
terms, and say what you know of the origin of such
ambiguity: bill, term, peer, oxygen, sense, ball, order,
minister, teapot, interest, paper, stamen, class.
74. What is meant by Denotation and Connotation?
What logical processes are meant to give them exactness ?
[o. MODS.]
75. On what principle may terms be logically divided ?
[o. MODS.]
76. What help does Logic give towards a correct under-
standing of (1) the connotation of terms, (2) the extent of
thoir application ? [o. MODS.]
1. IT is always understood that Porphyry's five-fold scheme
of Predicables is referred to in a question, when the opposite
is not distinctly stated.
2. In a proposition which has Singular Terms for Subject
and Predicate there is no Predicable relation, e.g. " Edinburgh
is the modern Athens." Here the Subject and Predicate
terms are merely synonyms, and can, therefore, have no
relation of dependence. The sentence can be reduced to the
Verbal Proposition, " Edinburgh and the modern Athens,
are names of the same place ; " where the Predicate (names
of the same place) stands in the relation of species to the
Singular Subject.
3. Since the relations of the Predicables to one another
rest ultimately upon material considerations, accuracy in
these matters will depend mainly upon the extent and pre-
cision of the student's general knowledge.
It will be advisable to always give a reason for a decision
as to what is the relation of the predicate to the subject, as
a check upon oneself, and an indication to the examiner of
the grounds of the decision.
4. With regard to the Categories, Aristotle's and Mill's
schemes, and the criticisms on them, should be thoroughly
5. A Species cannot be predicated of a Genus, since the
added attributes of the species would be incompatible with
the wider range of the genus.
1. To which of the Predicables does each of the following
predicates belong ?
(a) A proper Fraction is one whose numerator is less ths.u
its denominator.
The predicate here is a Differentia, since it distinguishes
the species Proper Fraction from the other species of the
genus Fraction.
(b) Even men are animals.
Here the predicate is a Genus, of which the subject
is a species, i.e. man is a sub-class of the wider class
(c) Logic is a good mental discipline.
Since Logic is a science, and all sciences, being systematized
knowledge, afford good mental discipline, this predicate
indicates an attribute that necessarily follows from the con-
notation of the term ; it is, therefore, a Proprium.
(d) Englishmen are keen sportsmen.
Although this is doubtless true, yet it is neither a
necessity from the nature of Englishmen, nor necessarily
permanent. Hence this predicate is a Separable Accidens
of the subject.
<}) All negroes are woolly haired.
r e have here an attribute which always does accompany
the object named, but we know no reason why it should.
The predicate is, therefore, an Inseparable Accidens of the
2. Give the Genus, the Differentia, a Proprium. and an
Accidens of : affirmative proposition, virtue, perception.
Asserts possession of
an attribute.
Predicate undis-
Exceeds strict duty.
Gives moral
Gains respect
Immediate result of
objective stimulus.
Gives knowledge.
77. Give some account of the Predicables. How may
they be adjusted to modern thought 1 ? [DUE,. B.A. HONS.]
78*, In what respects is Aristotle's classification of the
Predicables superior to the ordinary one? How may we
suppose each of the two was arrived at ? [o. MODS.]
79. Comment upon the following : ' Genus is a part of
species, species is a part of Genus.' [o. MODS.]
80. Define * Differentia,' * Property,' and ' Inseparable
Accident/ How far may these distinctions be inter-
changed? [o. MODS.]
81*. Explain briefly in themselves, and in relation to their
former philosophical foundations, the meaning of ' sum ma
genera,' and the use of the Porphyrian tree.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
82. Enumerate the Predicables ; and interpret them
where possible, (1) in comprehension, (2) in extension.
Give examples of each. [B. M.A.]
83. What do you understand by (1) an Analytic Pro-
position, (2) a Synthetic Proposition ? Classify the following
according to this distinction :
A horse is a beast of burden.
An oak is a tree.
84. Give three examples of terms standing to one another
in the following relations : genus and species, species and
accidens, species and proprium, differentia between genus
and species.
85. To which of the Predicables would you refer the
predicates in the following, and why ?
(1) All the angles of a square are equal.
(2) Lord Shaftesbury was a great philanthropist.
(3) All ducks are web-footed.
Most Englishmen are brave.
A triangle is three-sided.
All republics are governments.
86. Give the Genus, the Differentia, a Proprium, and an
Accidens of : gold, Darwinian, rhombus, house ; and say
why you choose what you give in your answer.
87. Name the five heads of Predicables. In the opera-
tions of natural science, which of these heads holds the
most prominent place ? [o. MODS.]
88. In each of the following sentences point out the
predicate, and refer it to the head of predioables to which
it belongs :
(1) Alkalies by their union with acids form salts.
(2) The tiger is a predatory animal.
(3) Some governments rest upon force.
(4) James ruled oppressively. [o. MODS.]
89*. What do you consider to be the nature and use of
Categories in Logic? Compare the views of Mill, on this
subject, with those of any other writer. [c. HONS.]
90. Discuss the object and utility of Mill's classification
of the Categories. Under which head in his classification
would you place each of the following : the Nineteenth
Century, the Church of England, force, Logic, reputation ?
[c. HONS.]
91*. How does Kant criticise the Categories of Aristotle ?
In what does his own doctrine differ from that of Aristotle 1
[L. B.A. HONS.]
92. Enumerate the Categories of Aristotle, and briefly
comment on them, noticing Mill's criticisms and Bain's
vindication. [D.]
93*. Say what you know of any schemes of Categories
other than those of Aristotle, Kant, and Mill.
94. Examine the various classifications of existing
things which have been proposed by different logicians.
Why are such classifications introduced into logical treatises ?
[B. M.A.]
95. What different views have been entertained as to the
purpose of the Aristotelian Categories? What was the
distinction between First Substance and Second Substance?
[M. M.A.]
96. 'The Categories originally belong to Grammar rather
than to Logic.' How has it been attempted to give them
an intelligible place in a system of Logic ? [o. MODS.]
97. Criticise (1) the Predicables and (2) the Categories
(or Predicaments) as examples of classification, [o. MODS.]
As each of these processes depends mainly upon material
considerations, the student's ability to answer many of the
questions will be limited by his general knowledge.
1. Remember that only (1) Proper Names, and (2) Singular
Abstract Terms, are undefinable ; and that those Terms
whose Connotation is their more prominent element are
more definable than others.
2. Always define per genus et differentiam. If not quite
sure as to the proximate genus, give what you believe it to
be, and add a note as to your uncertainty it is very im-
probable that a student will know enough about every term
which may be submitted to him to avoid the necessity for
some such qualifying admission. The same remark applies
to the differentia except perhaps in the case of purely
scientific terms.
3. In deciding whether a proposition constitutes a valid
Definition (1) determine whether it really sets forth the
connotation, and nothing else, of the subject-term, and (2)
whether it does so in conformity with the Rules of Defini-
4. Equivocal or Ambiguous Terms should be referred to
the different genera to which they belong, and defined ac-
cordingly i.e., as two or more terms.
5. The processes somewhat resembling Logical Definition
should be carefully noted (see Manual, vol. i., pp. 121-2, iv).
6. The definability of terms is great in proportion as
their connotation is fixed and definite.
7. Notice that whenever an attempt at real Definition is
faulty, Rule I is broken.
1 . In testing a Division the chief point to be considered
is whether there is more than one basis of Division. It
will often be the case that the student will be unable to test
directly whether the Division is (1) exhaustive, and (2)
proximate since this implies complete knowledge of the
subject matter.
2. In making a Division, whether Formal (i.e. dichotomous)
or Material, the student will do well unless he is quite
sure of his knowledge of the subject to indicate the limita-
tions under which the answer is given.
3. Logical Division must always stop at the smallest
groups (infimai species} to attempt to divide further would
be enumeration, and not logical division.
4. Note carefully those processes which resemble Logical
Division (see Manual, vol. i., p. 126).
5. It must be carefully noted that the Rules of Division
are the fundamental rules for Classification, and should
always be included in the latter (see Manual, pp. 127, 137,
1. Define the terms anger, bread, mountain, poverty, ball.
Anger is an emotion (genus) involving aversion and the
desire to remove the cause of it (differentia).
Bread is a food (genus) consisting of cereal flour which has
been moistened and kneaded, and then baked (differentia).
Mountain is an elevated portion of the earth's surface
(genus) considerably above the general level of the surround-
ing country (differentia).
Poverty is a social condition (genus) marked by the
possession of little wealth (differentia).
Ball (1) any thing (genus) having a spherical shape
(differentia). (2) A social entertainment (genus) at which
those present dance (differentia).
2. Test the following definitions :
(a) A dog is a domestic animal.
This is not a definition at all, for the words " domestic
animal " are merely an accidens of dog. We have, therefore,
a vague description of the thing, but no explication of the
connotation of the word. It breaks Rule I.
(b) A pump is a water-raising machine, worked by a
The genus is correct. The phrase " worked by a handle "
is too narrow it excludes steam pumps, etc. A separable
accidens is given instead of the true differentia, which is
" worked by a piston and valves." This breaks Rule I.
(c) A politician is one who serves his country in order
that he may serve himself.
This is a figurative description of a thing, and not the
explication of the meaning of a term. It is, therefore, not
a definition.
It is also ambiguous : it may mean (1) that the politician
is influenced by purely selfish motives, or (2) that he simply
regards himself as one amongst the many who gain by
political institutions. It breaks Rules I and II.
(d) A poet is an apostle of sweetness and light.
This is a figurative expression, which, unless the hearer is
used to its metaphorical application, would convey little, if
any, meaning ; and certainly would not indicate what a poet
really is. Breaks Rule I and II. It is not definition [cf. (c)].
(e) A scribe is a writer.
In this sentence the subject and the predicate are
identical terms the former being the Latin form, and the
latter the English. It breaks Rules I and III.
(f) Tranquillity is the absence of unrest.
This simply says what ' tranquillity ' is not, not what it is.
It still remains to give the connotation. This breaks
Rules I and IV.
(g) A Noun is a word which is the name of a thing.
Correct ; it gives the genus " word," and differentia " name
of a thing." ^ ^^
W. Log. Q. ^^BK"*^
(h) A soldier is a brave man who is ready to die for
his country.
This is not a definition at all, but a distinctive
(i) A giraffe is a quadruped which feeds on the foliage
of trees, and has long fore-legs and a very long neck.
This is a description.
(j ) Lions are like the animal in this picture.
This is a kind of description by type.
3. Compare the following terms in regard to their
definability : Volition, sweetness, planet, iron, horse, negro,
cow, syllogism, proposition, chair, pleasure, oxygen, pin-
natifid, equality, book.
The definability of terms is great in proportion as their
connotation is precisely fixed.
(i) Oxygen, pinnatifid, syllogism, proposition, iron, planet
being technical scientific terms, have each a definite
connotation which can be precisely stated. Their genus
and differentia can be exactly stated by scientists.
(ii) Negro, chair, book represent species whose differ-
entia, though generally recognized, cannot be stated with
such precision as that of scientific terms.
(in) Horse, cow the differentia in regard to these is still
more vague than in those of (ii).
(iv) Volition, pleasure being the names of ultimate
principles, only admit of paraphrase in other, or simpler,
Sweetness, equality being singular abstract terms,
admit of no definition whatever, i.e. have no connotation.
1. Test the following divisions :
(a) Churches into gothic, episcopal, high, and low.
There are three bases of division here: (1) style of
architecture, (2) government, and (3) dogma. It thus
breaks Rule I. The division is not exhaustive it neither
takes account of (1) all styles of architecture, (2) all forms
of church government, or (3) all differences of dogma. It
therefore breaks Rule II. Notice that the terms gothic,
high, and low, are ambiguous.
(b) Plants into stem, root, and branches.
This is physical partition.
(c) Plane figures into curvilinear and rectilinear.
This is a correct logical division. It has ouefundamentum
divisionis : the nature of the boundary ; and it is exhaustive,
since every plane figure must be either curvilinear or
rectilinear, or a mixture of these.
(d) Mind into Feeling, Thinking, and Willing.
This is metaphysical analysis.
(e) Men into white and black, rogues and murderers.
This has more than one basis of division, viz., colour and
morality, and it, therefore, breaks Rule I. It is also,
obviously, incomplete, and thus breaks Rule II.
2. Give a Logical Division of (a) reasoning, (b) material
Eduction. Deduction
Solids. Not-solids (if any}.
Liquids. Not-liquids (if any}.
Gases. Not-gases (if any).
98. Explain the doctrine of Logical Definition, and
estimate its value as an instrument of science. [L. B.SC.]
99. What do you understand by " Definition per genus
et differentiam " ? Give examples.
100*. Does the definition of a name in all cases include all
the common properties of the class named? If not, can
you determine any principle or principles on which certain
of the common properties should be selected, rather than
others, for inclusion in the definition ?
Take, as examples, parallel straight lines, ruminant
animal, oxygen. [c. HONS.]
101*. What is the process of forming a Definition accord-
ing to the old logical account ? and what do you consider to
be the modern scientific view ? What are the difficulties in
the way of framing a final and complete Definition of any
term 1 [c. HONS.]
102. Examine the value of controversies on Definition in
Science, exemplifying your remarks from either the Natural
or the Moral Sciences. [c.]
103. What is a Definition? Why is it that some names
can, and others cannot, be defined? [o. MODS., c.]
104. State the currently accepted rules of logical Defini-
tion. Examine their worth, and discuss the view that all
definitions are of names only. [L. B.SC.]
105. Why is Definition often a question not of words but
of things ? [L. M.A.]
106. Distinguish Complete from Incomplete Definition.
[L. M.A., B.SC.]
107*. Discuss the place and function of Definition in
Scientific Method. [c.]
108. Explain what you understand by (1) a Nominal
Definition, (2) a Real Definition, (3) a Genetic Definition.
Discuss the following : " The characteristics by which a
given object may be distinguished from all others are not to
be confounded with the essential attributes of a concept :
for the former it might suffice to call a man a featherless
biped ; to ascertain the latter is the aim of Definition."
[L. B.A. HONS.]
109. Distinguish exactly between the Definition and the
Description of a class. How many kinds of definitions did
the Scholastic logicians recognise ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
110. State, and discuss, the different kinds of so called
Definition that you know of.
111. Is it possible to define the terms gold, coal, legal-
nuisance, civilisation, Cleopatra's Needle ? [L. B A. HONS.]
112*. What difficulties attend the process of defining the
names of material substances, of sensations and emotions ;
and how may they best be overcome ? Illustrate your
answer by examples. [o. MODS.]
113. ' Definition must be both the starting-point and also
the end and aim of all thinking.' How do you understand
this statement ? [o. MODS.]
114*. What are the principal faults in Definition 1 ? Give
examples. [o. MODS.]
115. What different answers are given to the question
What are the limits of Definition ? Account for the
divergence of view on this point. [o. MODS.]
116*. What is Definition ? Is it of Names or of Things ?
[DUR. B.A.]
117. Compare the definability of the following terms :
book, square, dulness, Victoria, being, exogens, thermometer,
house, brilliancy, the present Chancellor of the University
of London, Cambridge, cart, this ear.
118. Compare the following terms in respect of their
definability : rectangle, motive, copper, brass, tree, table,
marriage, theft, feeling, substance. [L. B.A. HONS.]
119. What qualities are included in the definition of a
term ? What is meant by saying that our definitions are
provisional ? [ST.A. LL.A.,HONS.]
120. Criticize the following definitions:
(1) Ignorance is a blind guide.
(2) Ignorance is lack of knowledge.
(3) Alcohol is a kind of medicine.
(4) Blackguard is the opposite of honourable.
(5) Enjoyment means pleasure.
121. Give a definition of Division, and say whether you
think it a Formal or a Material process. What other
processes must it be carefully distinguished from ?
122. Give the rules of Logical Division; and give in-
stances which observe and violate them. [o. MODS.]
123. What do you understand by "Division by Dicho-
tomy " ? Give examples, and say what objections are urged
against it. Is it a purely formal process ? and what is its
utility 1
124. Comment upon the following divisions :
(a) Pens into steel pens and quill pens.
(b) Ireland into Ulster, Connaught, Leinster, and Munster.
(c) Animals into vertebrate and invertebrate.
(d) Material bodies into solids, liquids, and gases.
(e) Colour into whiteness, blackness, and blueness.
(/) Lights into artificial, blue light, white light, and
(#) Vice into an immoral act, and a mechanical instru-
(h) Englishmen into rich and poor, consumptive and
125. Give a Logical Division of the following: plane,
rectilineal figure, proposition, book.
126. Show that Division belongs to applied Logic, and
has no place in a purely formal system. [o. MODS.]
127. Explain the use of Division in Logic. Give the
rules of Division, with examples in which these rules are
violated. [o. MODS.]
128. Are Definition and Division both necessary to the
fidl understanding of the meaning of a term ? Give reasons
for your answer. [o. MODS.]
129. Explain * Fundamentum Divisionis,' and * Cross
Division'; and give examples of each. [o. MODS.]
130. Define and Divide 'inference' and * virtue'; and
show that your definitions and divisions conform to the
rules of definition and division. [o. MODS.]
131. Criticize the following divisions :
(1) North America into Canada,, the United States, and
(2) Terms into Singular, General, Abstract, and Con-
(3) Books into bound, and unbound.
(4) A piece of lime into whiteness, solidity, weight and
A person into bones, flesh, feeling, and will.
Charm into ' sweetness of manner,' and ' an incan-
(7) Man into civilized, uncivilized, clergyman, and layman.
132. Distinguish, from a logical point of view, between a
specific and an accidental difference in any two things.
How far are the rules of Logical Division and Definition
of use in actual science ? [L. B.SC.]
133*. Discuss any system of purely formal Division that
you know of.
134. Explain what is meant by Classification, and show
what excellencies a classification should have, and to what
faults it is liable. [o. MODS.]
135. State, and discuss, any special rules that may be
needed for Classification.
136. Explain the expressions: " Classification by types/'
" Classification by series."
137. Illustrate, from any science you may know, the
nature and uses of a Descriptive Terminology, and a
Nomenclature. [L. B.A.]
138. Discuss the appropriateness of the terms Natural
and Artificial as applied to Classification.
139. Show how Classification grows out of Logical
140. Of what use in Classification is a Scientific Language?
141. Give examples of Artificial Classifications, and show
their uses.
142. Show the connexion of Classification and Definition.
143. What is Scientific Classification? What arc the
chief difficulties that attend it? To. MODS.]
THIS is a most important subject, and should be carefully
studied, to secure facility and accuracy in turning tlie
statements of ordinary language into logical propositions.
Many who are able to deal accurately with all the forms
of Immediate Inference, when sentences are given in strict
logical form, are often unable to express ordinary language
in logical propositions, and are thus liable to go utterly
wrong on questions involving such translation of language.
1. The Logical Copula is the verb" to be." Always, there-
fore, obtain " is," " is not," " are," or " are not," as the copula
of a proposition (see Manual, vol. i., pp. 157-8).
2. Be very careful in deciding which is the Subject-term.
Remember that in an A proposition, the Subject is distri-
buted and the Predicate undistributed, so that if these are
misplaced all Immediate Inferences will be invalid (see
Manual, vol. i., pp, 158-60).
3. The following should be thoroughly memorized :
(i) ^r.T!i.* } = So- arc not (0.)
(ii) Any = Every (A.)
(fii) Feio are = Some (most) are not . (0.)
Few are not = Some (most) are. . . (I.)
Uv) A few are = Some (few) are. . . . (I.)
A f cio are not = Some (few) are not . . (0.)
(Y) SX% a are } = Some (mo*) are not. . (0.)
Hardly any are notl c , ... ,^^
Scarcity atyannotj ~ ^ni^ (most; are. . . . (I.)
(vi) Only S's are P \ _ (i) Some S's are P \ AR p are s (A>
S's atone are PJ (ii) No non-S's are />/
tfrafy some S's are P j = (i) Some S's are P. . (I.)
Some S's a&we are T 3 J ~~ (ii) Some S's are not P.
Only S's are not P \ _ (i) Some S's are not P.
S's alone are not P J ~ (ii) All non-S's are P. .
Only some S's are not P\ (i) Some S's are not P.
Some S's a&ww are not Pj (ii) Some S's are P. . ,
(vii) All S's except one are P = (i) Some (most) S's are
(ii) Some (one) S is not P. . (0.)
No S's except one are P = (i) Some (most) S's are not P. (0.)
(ii) Some (one) S is P. . . (I.)
See Manual, vol. i., pp. 173-6, 179-80.
4. Complex and Compound sentences must be first resolved
into their constituent parts (see Manual, vol. i., pp. 176-80).
5. Always endeavour to reduce to a proposition having an
adjective, or adjective phrase, as predicate to show the
predicative force of the proposition (see Manual, vol. i.,
pp. 159, 197-8).
N.B. In this section the Copula is always italicized, so as
to indicate (1) the Subject, all that comes before the
Copula, (2) the Copula, and (3) the Predicate, all that
follows the Copula.
1. All those present had not tickets.
Here the obvious purpose of the sentence is to suggest tiie
assertion 'some (at least) had not tickets/ The use of
" all " is simply for emphasis. The strict logical form is :
Some (persons) present are not possessed of tickets. (0.)
2. Some only who praise virtue act virtuously.
" Some only (do)," clearly implies that there has been an
observation of cases in which " some do not," or there would
be no justification for limiting the assertion to " some only"
The logical force, therefore, is :
(i) Some who praise virtue are virtuous, (I.)
(ii) Some who praise virtue are mt virtuous. (0.)
3. None who were there failed to applaud.
This in logical form is : None present are non-applauders.
(E.) Such propositions, having negative copulas (see
Manual, pp. 162-3) and predicates, are best expressed by
omitting the negatives, which counteract each other, e.g.
All present are applauders (A.) [see Manual, vol. i., pp.
251-4, Obversion], which may be taken as the strictly logical
form of the proposition.
4. Among the sights of London, the visitor should not
miss St. Paul's Cathedral.
This is best expressed, logically, by : St. Paul's Cathedral
is worthy to be seen by all visitors to London. (A.)
5. Only graduates have the right to be present.
This sentence concerns i those with the right to be
present/ and says that only " graduates " are such. The
logical form, therefore, is :
(i) Some graduates are justified in being present. (I.)
(ii) No non-graduates are justified in being present. (E.)
Or All with the right to be present are graduates. (A.)
6. The honest alone are respected.
This is similar to (5) and is equivalent to :
(i) Some honest persons are respected. (I.)
(ii) No dishonest persons are respected. (E.)
Or All respected persons are honest. (A.)
7. Milton is the only poet, except Dante, who has
written religious poetry of the highest order.
This may be resolved into :
(i) Milton is a writer of religious poetry of the highest
order. (A.)
(ii) Dante is a writer of religious poetry of the highest
order. (A.)
(iii) No other poet is a writer of religious poetry of the
highest order. (E.)
8. We cannot be right in saying either that the good
are necessarily happy, or the happy necessarily good.
This means that it is false to say :
(i) All good men are happy (A.), or
(ii) All happy men are good. (A.)
"What is implied, therefore, is :
(i) Some good men are not happy. (0.)
(ii) Some happy men are not good. (0.)
9. None know the brave are timid but the brave,
This is best expressed by :
(i) Some brave are aware that the brave are timid. (I.)
(ii) No non- brave are aware that the brave are timid. (E.)
Or All who are aware that the brave are timid are
brave. (A.)
144. Reduce each of the following to its strict logical
form, and indicate whether it is A, E, I, or :
(a) All birds have two wings.
(b) We know what matter is by the evidence of one or
more of our senses.
(c) It cannot be said that a thief has any sense of honour.
(d) Not all our ideas deserve consideration.
(e) Only a few men maintain consistent conduct.
(f) Every one knows that a politician cannot be produced
out of a mixture of a Republican and a Royalist.
(g) Every one knows that no politician can combine the
opinions of a Republican and a Royalist.
(Ii) They never forgive who have done an injury.
All men are not honest who say that they are.
All his shots but two hit the mark.
145. Resolve the following into logical propositions, and
indicate the quantity and quality of each :
(a) Cambridge is the only town in England, except
Oxford, which contains an ancient university.
(b) No man ever fails to remain poor who is both
ignorant and lazy.
(c) The great is not good, but the good is great.
(d) No one can be learned who is not both studious and
ambitious, and not always then.
(e) Though it may be granted that old things are not there-
fore the best, yet they deserve careful consideration.
(/) The more, the merrier.
(g) It is just as false to say that Englishmen alone are
brave, as to say that they alone are not.
146. Indicate the logical Subject, Predicate, and Copula
of the following :
(a) Nothing succeeds like success.
(b) There are many such in the country.
(c) He envies others' wealth who has none himself,
(d) It is cowardly to kick a man when he is down.
(e) Only experts can judge scientific matters.
(/) Great are the glories which surround a throne.
147. State in logical form ; indicate the Subject and
Predicate ; and give the quantity and quality of the
following :
(a) There's not a joy the world can give like that it takes
(b) He jests at scars who never felt a wound.
(c) Axioms are self-evident.
(d) Natives alone can stand the climate of A frica.
le) Not one of the Greeks at Thermopylae escaped,
(/) All that glitters is not gold.
148. Express in Logical form :
(a) Not all his answers were wrong.
(b) Not all your endeavours will accomplish it.
(c) There is no wit like bought wit.
(d) Girton and Newnham are the only colleges for ladies
at Cambridge.
(e) Visitors to Cambridge should make a point of seeing
King's College Chapel.
(/) There is nothing that disgusts a man so much as
failure after boasting.
(g) All that act honourably shall not be forgotten.
(k) All Greeks are not dishonest.
(i) Fine feathers do not make fine birds.
(j) Amongst Englishmen many great generals are found.
(k) Amongst graduates are a few scholars.
(I) All flowering plants have beauty.
149. Point out any possible ambiguities in
(a) Some of the men have behaved disgracefully.
(b) All are not wise who read much.
(c) All the books cost a sovereign.
150. Give six examples of Indesignate propositions, and
say what you take to be, from material considerations, the
quantity of each.
151. Give, in each case, two propositions fulfilling the
following conditions
(a) General terms for subject and predicate.
(b) Abstract terms for subject and predicate.
(c) Collective term for subject.
(d) Singular terms for subject and predicate.
(e) Singular abstract term as subject.
(f) Negative terms for subject and predicate.
(g) Relative terms for subject and predicate.
152. What would you take to be implied if it be asserted
that the following propositions are false
(a) Some horse-dealers are honest.
(6) Englishmen, as a race, ai e brave.
(c) Some Volunteers did not deserve discredit.
(d) None but the prejudiced were unconvinced.
(e) All men are liars.
(f) Honesty is the best policy.
153. Resolve the following passage into logical propo-
sitions, and indicate their kind :
" The material upon which thought is exercised is sup-
plied by the world of objects which surrounds us, and from
which we receive, through our senses, impressions of various
kinds, which act as stimuli to the mind and so give rise to
ideas" (Welton).
154. Express in a single proposition of the simplest
logical form the sense of each of the following sentences :
(1) If the sky were to fall, we should catch larks.
(2) It never rains but it pours.
(3) Many are called, but few are chosen.
(4) Unless help arrives, we are beaten.
(5) You cannot have your cake and eat it.
(6) Use every man after his desert, and who should
'scape whipping ? [o. MODS.]
155. Express as adequately as you can in a single pro-
position of the simplest logical form the sense of each of
the following sentences :
(1) A man may smile and smile and be a villain.
(2) Few men think, but all have opinions.
(3) When clouds appear, wise men put on their cloaks.
(4) Oblige her, and she'll hate you while you live.
(5) Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
[o. MODS.]
1- THE chief importance of Mr. Welton's scheme of dia-
grams (see Manual, vol. i., pp. 222-4) is that they can be
used very largely in illustrating formal processes.
2. Notice that in a Hypothetical Proposition, the Conse-
quent necessarily follows from the Antecedent, which makes
explicit the ground for predicating P of 8.
3. Ordinarily the terms Conditional and Hypothetical are
used as synonyms. The slight difference between this and
Mr. Welton's use of the terms must be carefully borne in
mind when answering examination questions (ibid. p. 184).
4. Always reduce propositions to a strictly logical form,
if not so given.
5. The relations of Categorical, Hypothetical, and Dis-
junctive Propositions should be carefully studied.
6. In a Disjunctive Proposition the formal implication
is: If it is not one (or more), then it is the other (or
remainder) ; but it is not formally implied that If it is
one (or more) then it is not the other (or remainder), since
this would exclude the possibility of being both (or all), i.e.
it would accept the exclusive view, which the Manual gives
reasons for rejecting (see vol. i., pp. 188-90).
1. Say whether the following are Categorical or Hypo-
thetical propositions, and why :
(a) A right-angled triangle is inscribable in a semi- circle.
(b) Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Both these are ca.tegorical in form, but this is a mere
accident of expression, as they are hypothetical in meaning.
In neither case is the existence of the grammatical subject
asserted as a fact. Indeed the grammatical subject is in
neither case the true logical subject, which is always that
aspect or piece of reality which the predicate explains.
And in each case the grammatical subject contains the
ground for the predication which is made. The full force
of the two judgments is, therefore, given when the proposi-
tions are stated in the forms :
(a) If a triangle is right-angled, it is inscribable in a
(b) If a person is found trespassing, that person will be
When thus stated, the abstract and necessary character
of the judgments is made manifest, and, indeed, we always
thus mentally interpret the propositions, no matter how
they are stated, and the mental interpretation is the true
2. Bring out the meaning of each of the following
accounts of the proposition ' All men are mortal ' ; and
say which is logically to be preferred :
So) All men have the attribute mortality.
b) Men = mortal men.
(c) Men form part of the class mortals.
(d) If a subject has the attributes of a man, it has also
the attribute mortality. [L. B.A.]
Of these propositions (d) must be regarded as the most
explicit statement of the judgment represented, as it dis-
tinctly gives the nature of humanity as the ground of
mortality. Thus (d) gives mortality not merely as a fact
empirically ascertained, but as a necessary result of man's
nature. It is, therefore, the justification of each of the
other propositions, (a) differs from (d) in that the predication
is simply made as a fact, for which no reason is given, thus
falling short of (d). On the other hand, it goes beyond (d)
in that it asserts the actual existence of men : it is concrete
in its reference, whilst (d) is abstract, (c) is implied by
(a), but is not the primary meaning of the judgment, (b)
is an attempt to define the predicate in (c), but is open
to the objection that if ' mortal ' has any force then the
proposition is not a true equation, for the two expressions ar*
not equivalent.
156. Define a Proposition ; and enumerate, with examples,
the various kinds of Propositions.
157. What do you understand by Categorical Propo-
sition 1 What other forms of judgment can be expanded
into Categorical Propositions ?
158*. Give a full discussion, with examples, of the Logical
159*. What do you consider to be the essential distinc-
tion between the Subject and Predicate of a proposition ?
Apply your answer to the following :
From hence thy warrant is thy sword.
That is exactly what I wanted. [c. HONS.]
160. Explain fully what is meant by the Quality and
Quantity of propositions.
161. Give a full discussion of Universal, Particular, and
Indesignate propositions.
162. What are the signs of Quantity recognized in Logic,
and to what scheme of propositions do they lead ? How
do these signs of quantity affect the terms to which they
belong ?
163*. State, and discuss, the signs of Quantity, other than
the strictly logical, used in ordinary speech.
164. Explain the effects of complex terms in Propositions.
165*. Give a full discussion of Compound Categorical
166. How does the Quality of a proposition affect its
Quantity ? Is the relation a necessary one 1 [L. B.A.]
167*. Define * Modality of Propositions ' ; and say what
you know about the subject.
168*. What position should be assigned to the Modality of
Propositions in a complete system of Logic ? If excluded
from Logic, where and how would you treat it ? [L. M.A.]
169*. What was meant by the * contingent' and the
' possible ' in Modal propositions 1 How should you define
these terms now ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
170. Explain clearly, with examples, the essential differ-
ence between a Categorical and a Hypothetical Proposition.
Under what kind of proposition do they both come ?
171. Do distinctions of Quality and Quantity apply to
Hypothetical Propositions ? Give examples.
172. Express the following Hypothetical propositions in
the fundamental three-term form :
(1) If a man steals, the law should punish him.
(2) If the report is true, what you say is untrue.
(3) If you do that, I will punish you.
(4) If study is well done, the student will gain.
(5) If two parts of hydrogen combine with one part of
oxygen, water is formed.
(6) If this work requires three hours a day, I cannot
do it.
173. Discuss, with examples, the question whether
Hypothetical Propositions can be reduced to Categorical
174. Discuss the logical character of each of the following
Propositions :
(1) If a boy is encouraged, he will study diligently.
(2) Often when there is a shower, we see a rainbow.
(3) If any 8 is M, that S is P.
(4) If he gains 50 per cent, of the marks, he will pass.
(5) Every inhabitant of London is either British or alien.
(6) This hat is either yours or mine.
175. What is a Disjunctive Proposition? Discuss the
question how such a proposition should be interpreted.
176. Have Disjunctive Propositions any distinctions of
Quality and Quantity? What is their relation to
Categorical and Hypothetical Propositions ?
177. What do you take to be the exact significance of a
Negative Judgment? Apply your answer to the follow-
ing : If S is P, it is not Q ; S is neither P nor Q ; S is
either P or Q ; No S is both P and Q. ("L. B.A. HONS.l
W. Log. Q. 4
178. Discuss the relation of the Disjunctive Proposition
to (a) the Hypothetical, (b) the Categorical.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
179*. Distinguish between Ampliative and Explicative
Propositions, and give several examples of each kind.
180*. In a Negative Proposition, does the negative par-
ticle belong to the copula or to the predicate ? [L. H.A.]
181. Distinguish between a Judgment, a Proposition, a
Sentence, and "a Truth. With which is Formal Logic con-
cerned ? [c.]
182*. What do you understand by Modality, and by
Modal Propositions ? What notice, if any, do they receive
in Modern Logic ? [c. HONS.]
1 83. What are the points involved in the question of the
Import of Categorical Propositions ; and what is the prac-
tical importance of the question ?
184. Discuss the meaning, and the value, of the Predica-
tive View of the Import of Propositions.
185. State, and criticize, the Class-inclusion View of
Propositions. To what scheme of propositions does it
lead 1
186*. Examine the case for expressing Propositions in
the form of Equations, (a) from the theoretic, (b) from the
practical point of view. [L. B.SC.]
187. State and discuss the different theories as to the
import of a Proposition. [o. MODS., L. B.A. HONS.]
188*. What different views of the nature and aims of
Logic are involved in the question of the Quantification of
the Predicate ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
189.* Give the new prepositional forms developed by the
Quantification of the Predicate ; and state how far different
logicians admit them into the scheme of the Syllogism.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
190*. Explain the meaning and practical explanation of
the doctrine that " Logic postulates to be allowed to state
explicitly in language all that is implicitly contained in
thought." [L. B.A. HONS.]
191*. Estimate critically the value of Hamilton's scheme
of the Quantification of the Predicate.
192*. What different meanings have been given to -'some*
in Hamilton's scheme, and with what effect upon the pro-
positional forms ?
193*. Explain the precise meaning of the proposition
" some X's are not some Y's " (the proposition o> of Thom-
son). What is its Contradictory 1 ? Give your opinion of
its importance. [L. B.A. HONS.]
194*. What is the nature of Predication? Discuss
Hamilton's doctrine that every judgment pronounces that
of two notions one does or does not constitute a part of
the other. [ . BSC.]
195*. State the chief theories of the Import of Pro-
positions. On what theory does the adcption of A, E, I
and 0, as the fundamental forms rest ?
Criticise the additional forms which arise when the
Quantification of the Predicate is adopted. [c.]
196. State clearly Mill's view of the Import of Pro-
positions, and say what objections can be urged against it.
197*. Examine the Existential or Compartmental View
of the Import of Propositions. What special utility has
this view 1
198*. State your opinion on the question whether every
proposition implies or asserts the existence of Resemblance
between the things or classes of things denoted by the
terms. [L. B.A. HONS.]
199*. What are the Nominalist views of the meaning of
Propositions ? Distinguish carefully between the several
phases of Nominalism. [L. B so.]
200*. What is an Essential Proposition? and in what
cases is it difficult to draw the line between Essential and
Heal Propositions ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
201*. Examine the doctrine that a Proposition is the
expression of a relation between two ideas. [L. M.A.]
202*. Examine the following statement : " The supposed
meaning in extension of a proposition has no meaning at
all, until interpreted by the meaning in comprehension. All
concepts require to be construed in comprehension, and
their comprehension is the whole of their meaning."
[L. B.A. HONS.]
203. Explain and discuss briefly the following :
(a) In a judgment the subject is naturally interpreted
in denotation and the predicate in connotation.
(b) Every proposition is an assertion that two names are
or are not applicable to one and the same subject.
[L. B.A.]
204*. State explicitly which of the following meanings
must be assigned to the mark of quantity " some " in the
Aristotelian system: some only; some, perhaps none;
some, it may be all or none ; some certainly, and it may be
all ; point out the difficulties which arise from an erroneous
interpretation of this little word. [L. M.A.]
205*. In what different ways is the Import of Propositions
regarded from the point of view of Formal or Conceptual
and of Material Logic. [L, B.A. HONS.]
206*. Can all kinds of propositions be exhibited in the
intensive as well as the extensive form ? Give reasons in
support of your answer, and in the event of its being in the
negative, draw up a list distinguishing between those kinds
of propositions which can and those which cannot be so
exhibited. [L. B.A. HONS.]
207. Examine fully the question : " Does the assertion of
a categorical proposition necessarily imply that its terms
are the names of really existing things ? "
208*. Discuss, fully and critically, the view that "universal
propositions do not, but particulars do, imply the existence
of their subjects."
,209*. State and discuss any views that you know of,
other than the Predicative view and that held by Dr. Keynes,
as to the Implication of Existence in propositions.
210*. Are the following examples of Hamilton's eight-
fold scheme of propositions ? Give reasons for your answer.
(1) All trains stop at all stations. (U)
(2) All trains stop at some stations. (A)
(3) Some trains do not stop at some stations. (CD)
211 . Discuss the nature and use of Diagrams as illustrating
the relation between the terms in a proposition. What
theory of the Import of Propositions is implicit in most
diagrammatic schemes 1
212. Give a concise account of any schemes of diagram-
matic representation of propositions, and discuss their value.
213*. Express by means of ordinary categorical propositions
the relation between S and P represented by the following
diagi am :
"If Logic io exclusively concerned with Thought, and
Thought is exclusively concerned with Concepts, it is im-
possible to approve of a practice of representing the relation
of terms in a [Proposition] by that of figures in a diagram."
Discuss this statement. [c. HONS.]
214. Explain briefly Euler's system of diagrams. Does
it fairly represent the Eour-fold scheme of Propositions?
What improvements of it have been proposed 1
215*. Indicate briefly the diagrams employed in (1)
Lambert's scheme, (2) Hamilton's scheme, (3) Dr. Venn's
scheme; and say what scheme of propositions they best
216. Explain fully Mr. Welton's scheme of diagrams,
and discuss its special features.
217*. Express the four ordinary propositional forms
according to (1) Mr. Welton's diagrams, (2) Lambert's, and
(3) Hamilton's.
218*. Express the four ordinary propositional forms
according to (1) Euler's diagrams, and (2) Dr. Venn's.
219*. Illustrate the following by Dr. Venn's diagrams
All S is P or Q; All S is P and Q; All P is Q and S ; All
Q is S or P.
220*. Explain:
1 Analytical and Synthetic Judgments.'
'Verbal and Heal Propositions.'
' Nominal and Real Definitions.' [o. MODS.]
221. Why do Negatives distribute their Predicates ? Do
Affirmatives ever distribute theirs? [o. MODS.]
222. What reasons might be given for treating of the
Proposition before the Term in a system of Logic ?
[o. MODS.]
223. What different views have been held as to the
nature of Predication ? [o. MODS.]
224. In what different cases does Logical analysis lead
us to Propositions in which one of the Terms is itself a
Proposition? [o. MODS.]
225*. What erroneous logical theories have arisen from
the ambiguity of the copula ? [o. MODS.]
226*. What objections lie against the view that the
predicate of a Logical Proposition should be written as a
Quantity? [o. MODS.]
1. GREAT thoroughness of memory work is necessary
here, as accuracy is all important. The subject-matter is
perfectly easy, but inaccuracy is fatal.
2. Always reduce ordinary grammatical sentences to
strictly logical form, if they are not already in that
condition (see preceding section).
3. The best plan is always to work with the ordinary
term symbols, S, P, S (non-S), P (non-P), and to re-translate
them, if necessary, into the original terms.
4. Eemember that the Subaltern and Contradictory of a
proposition are derived by a process of immediate inference
(see example 4).
5. Notice that " Eductions " is new in the nomenclature
of Logic, the term " Immediate Inference " being sometimes
used to cover both Eductions and Opposition, and sometimes
to denote Eductions only.
1. Convert by Contraposition when such a method is
legitimate :
"A soldier's a man."
" Preferment goes not by old gradation."
" Some turn to folly." [ST. A. M.A.]
" A soldier's a man " = Every soldier is a man = S a P.
Obverse = SeP; .'. Contra positive = PeS,i.e.,
No not-man is a soldier.
" Preferment goes not by old gradation." This is best in-
terpreted as 0, since (1) the predicate is a separable accidens,
and (2) ' some ' is the most that can be formally guaranteed.
Hence logical form = Some preferment is not due to old
gradation = S o P. _
Obverse = S iP ; .'. Contrapositive = PiS, i.e.,
Some things not due to old gradation are preferment.
" Some turn to folly " = Some persons are inclined to
folly = S i P.
Obverse: So P', .'. No Con trapositive, since an pro-
position cannot be converted.
2. Give the obverse, contradictory, and contrapositive of
" cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree."
[ST. A. M.A. HONS.]
Every one who hangs on a tree is cursed = S a P.
Obverse: SeP= No one who hangs on a tree is not-
Contradictory : S o P = Some who hang on a tree are
not cursed.
Contrapositive : P e S = No not-cursed are hanged on a
3. State in strictly logical form, and convert, the two
following propositions :
" We are not cotton spinners all,
But some love England and her honour yet."
After two conversions do we necessarily get back to the
original proposition ? [DUE. B.A.]
"We are not cotton spinners all " = Some of us are not
cotton spinners = S o P (it may be colloquially implied that
'some of us are cotton spinners,' but this would depend
upon the context it is not formally implicit).
Converse : None, being an proposition.
" But some love England and her honour yet " = Some
lovers of England's honour are still to be found = S i P.
Converse : P i S. Some persons still to be found are
lovers of England's honour.
We do not necessarily get back to the original proposition
after two conversions of it. For SaP gives (1) PiS, (2) Si P.
E and I propositions do return to the original ; thus S e P
gives(l)PeS,(2)SeP', whilst S iP gives (1) Pi S, (2) Si P
(see Manual, vol. i., pp. 255-60).
4. Write out all the immediate inferences derivable from
the proposition : ' All really happy men are virtuous/ and
give in each case the technical name of the form of inference.
[R.U.I. B.A. HONS.]
Original proposition S a P = All really happy men are
I. By Opposition :
(a) Si P. Some really happy men are virtuous.
Subaltern, is true.
(b) So P. It is false to say that 'some really happy
men are not virtuous.' by Contradiction.
(c) SeP. It is false to say that ' no really happy men
are virtuous.' by Contrariety.
II. By Eduction :
(d) P i S. Some virtuous men are really happy. Converse.
(e) PoS. Some virtuous men are not not-really-happy.
Obverted Converse.
(f) SeP. No really happy men are not-virtuous.
(g) P e S. No not- virtuous men are really happy.
(h) PaS. All not- virtuous men are not-really-happy.
Obverted Contrapositive.
(i) So P. Some not-really-happy men are not virtuous.
(j) Si P. Some not-really-happy men are not-virtuous.
Obverted Inverse.
5. What is the relation between the first and each of the
following propositions given below ?
Only the moderate have self-control.
Some who have self-control are immoderate.
Some who are moderate are not without self-control.
(d) Some with self-control are moderate.
(e) All \^ho are immoderate have no self-control.
(/) All who have not self-control are moderate.
(a) Only the moderate have self-control = All self-
controlled are moderate = S a P.
(b) = SiP_[= SoP] = Obverted Contradictory of (a).
(c) = P o S = Obverted converse of (a).
(d) = S i P = Subaltern of (a),
(e) = P a S = Obverted Confcrapositive of (a).
(f) = S a P, in this form has no apparent logical relation
to SaP. If we can reduce them to propositions with
identical subjects we shall be better able to decide
(i) SaP = SeP = PeS.
(ii) SaP = SeP = PeS = PaS.
Hence we see that they are Contraries.
N.B. In comparing propositions in this way, care must
be taken not to alter the character of the originals, i.e., they
must retain their Universal form,
227. Define Immediate Inference; and point out (1) the
general principles of all Inference, (2) the special principles
of Immediate Inferences. Explain briefly the two kinds of
Immediate Inference.
228. What is the use of the scheme of Opposition?
[L. B.A.]
229. Discuss fully the relations which exist between the
propositions A and I, E and 0.
230. Prove that of Contradictory propositions, one must
be true and one must be false. [o. MODS.]
231. Give a full discussion of Contrary Opposition.
232. What do you understand by Sub-contrariety; and
what is involved in this kind of Opposition 1
233*. "It has been argued that, if 'some' means 'some
at least,' I and may both be false ; but if ' some ' means
' some only,' they must both be true." Discuss this.
234. On the common view of the opposition of propositions,
what are the inferences to be drawn (1) from the truth,
(2) from the falsity, of each of the four categorical pro-
positions? [L. BA.]
235*. Discuss the grounds on which Mill excludes so-
called " Immediate Inferences " from the sphere of Inference.
Point out the connexion between difference of opinion on
this point and difference of opinion with respect to the
fundamental character of Logic. [M. M.A.]
236. Explain the common table of Opposition of Propo-
sitions. Classify the following propositions according to
quantity and quality :
It is only the bold who are lucky.
Those who escape are very few.
No one is admitted except on business.
It cannot be that none will fall. [c.]
237*. Discuss the dependence of Opposition on Implications
of Existence.
238. Are the ordinary rules as to the Conversion of
Propositions founded on the necessities of thought 1
[L. B.SC.]
239. Enumerate and exemplify the different modes of
Conversion. [L. M.A.]
240. Give the Converse, Contradictory, and Contrary of
"All A is B," " Some men are wise." [L. B.A.]
241. "All B.A.'s of the University of London have
passed three examinations." Convert this proposition by
all the modes applicable to it. What are the Contrary,
Contradictory, and Subaltern propositions derived from it?
[L. B.SC.]
242. Show how to get the Converse of the Contrary of the
Contradictory of the proposition " Some crystals are cubes."
How is it related to the original proposition ? [L. B.SC.]
243. When is a proposition said to be Converted ? What
is illative conversion, conversion per accidens, and conversion
by negation ? [L. B.A.]
244. Give the Contradictory and the Converse of the
following propositions :
(a) All are not happy that seem so.
(b) Two blacks don't make a white.
(c) James struck John.
(d) Few men are free from vanity. [ST.A. LL.A.IIONS.]
245. Give the contradictories of :
(a) Most S's are not P.
(b) Most S's are P.
(c) In any case, he was not the only one who said so
(d) Three-fourths of the candidates passed.
246. Investigate the nature of the opposition between
singular propositions. [L, B.A. HONS.]
247. Describe briefly the forms of Conversion and Oppo-
sition. Consider (a) how far the validity of the forms of Con-
version in Categorical propositions is dependent on assump-
tions as to the existence of subject and predicate, and (b) how-
far the processes of Conversion and Opposition are applicable
to Hypothetical and Disjunctive Judgments. [L. B.SC.]
248. Give a definition of Eduction, and discuss the object
and utility of the processes included under the name. Define,
exemplify, and justify the process of Obversion. What is
Material Obversion?
249. Define Immediate Inference, Conversion, Permuta-
tion, and Obversion, and point out their relations one to
another. [L. B.A. HONS.]
250*. What indirect proofs of the validity of Conversion
have been offered ? Criticize them.
251. What is the relation between the propositions, Some
S is not P, Some non-S is not P, No non-S is non-P.
252. Give a full discussion of Inversion, illustrating your
answer by diagrams.
253. Prove the rules of Obversion, Conversion, and Con-
traposition by reference to the Laws of Thought ; or show
what other proof you would give of them.
Convert and Coiitraposit the proposition: For every
wrong there is a legal remedy. [L. B.A.]
254. Enumerate and describe briefly what you regard as
the distinct varieties of Immediate Inference. Discuss the
right of these forms to be regarded as modes of Inference.
255. All crystals are solids. [L. B.SC.]
Some solids are not crystals.
Some not crystals are not solids.
No crystals are not solids.
Some solids are crystals.
Some not solids are not crystals.
All solids are crystals.
Assign the logical relation, if any, between each of these
propositions and the first of them. [L. M.A.]
256. Take the proposition " All sciences are useful," and
determine precisely what it affirms, what it denies, and
what it leaves doubtful, concerning the relations of the
terms "science" and "useful thing." [L. B.SC.]
257. -Assuming that no Organic beings are devoid of
carbon, what can we thence infer respectively about beings
which are not organic, and things which are not devoid of
carbon] [L. B.A.]
258. Reduce to simple logical order, convert, and otherwise
draw appropriate immediate inferences from the following :
(a) The quality of mercy is not strained.
(6) Some have greatness thrust upon them.
(c) What is not practicable is not desirable.
(d) Hypocrisy delights in the most sublime speculations.
[ST. A. M.A.]
259. What immediate inferences can be drawn from :
(a) Amethysts are precious stones.
(b) No great mathematician is without imagination.
(c) All is not gold that glitters. [DUE. B.A.]
260. Transform the following propositions in such a way
that, without losing any of their force, they may all have
the same subject and the same predicate :
All non-P is non-S ; Some P is not non-S ; All P is non-S ;
Some non-P is not non-S.
261. Explain and exemplify Obverted Converse, Obverted
Contrapositive, and Obverted Inverse.
262. What is the distinction between Mediate and
Immediate Inference 1 Give (where possible) the Converse,
the Obverse, and the Contrapositive of the following
propositions :
(a) [Quoth Hudibras] "I smell a rat."
(b) The longest road comes to an end.
(c) Only Protestant princes can sit upon the throne of
(d) Unasked advice is seldom acceptable.
(e) Where no oxen are, the crib is clean. [E. M.A.]
263. Leslie Ellis pointed out that, though a St. Bernard
dog is certainly a dog, a small St. Bernard dog is not a small
dog. How do you reconcile this with the processes of Imme-
diate Inference as laid down by Dr. Thomson 1 ? [L. M.A.]
264. Define, and discuss with examples, (1) Inference by
Complex Conception, (2) Inference by Material Obversion.
265*. How are the ordinary Eductions affected by the
different theories of the Implication of Existence in propo-
sitions ? Illustrate by instances.
266. What assertions concerning the relations of 'in-
dustry ' and ' success ' may be made, if it be true that ' If
any man is industi ious, he is successful ' ?
267. Invent a Conditional proposition of the form, and
educe as many propositions as possible from it.
268. Under what limitations are Eductions from Hypo-
thetical propositions possible ? Give examples.
269. What Eductions are possible in the case of Disjunc-
tive Propositions ? Give instances.
270. From All S is P what can you infer concerning not-S
and not-P ? Show how you justify any inference you make.
Illustrate by concrete examples what is called Im-
mediate Inference by Added Determinants. If A = B and
L = M, A + L = B + M. Is such a theorem logically
valid, either extensively or intensively? [L. B.A.]
271. What results, as far as Immediate Inferences are
concerned, follow from distinguishing quantity in hypo-
thetical propositions? Is such distinction of logical im-
portance? How does it affect Disjunctive propositions?
272. Show in what way the Conversion of Propositions
is affected by the distribution of their terms. [o. MODS.]
273. What is Inference? Is there Inference (1) in the
Opposition, (2) in the Conversion of Propositions 1 Illustrate
your view by examples. [o. MODS.]
274. What difficulties are met with in applying the rules
of Conversion to Hypothetical Propositions ? Give examples.
[O. MODS.]
275. What is Opposition ? What are the various forms
of Opposition? Which of them has the greatest value, and
why? [o. MODS.]
1. ALWAYS argue out problems by the Direct (see Manual,
pp. 315-22), not by Indirect Determination i.e. considering
every mathematical combination of three propositions, and
excluding those which offend any of the syllogistic rules.
2. Adopt, as far as possible, Euclid's style of reasoning ,
and always give references to the Rules and Corollaries.
3. Problems in Figure and Mood will be found to turn
upon : (a) Rules of the Syllogism, (b) Rules of the Distribu-
tion of Terms.
4. The following lines may be helpful in remembering
the Rules :
Of terms have but three ; proposition as terra ;
Distribute the Middle in this be most firm ;
Distribute no term in Conclusion, beside,
Unless in a premise 'tis equally wide ;
One premise affirmative, this you must learn,
For negative premises nothing affirm ;
A negative head has a negative tail,
And the converse of this is of equal avail.
5. The following diagram shows the position of the
Middle Term in the four figures :
(a) The ends of the unbroken lines indicate the positions
of M in each figure.
(b) The broken lines represent the major and minor
6. In working out problems involving Pure Conditional
syllogisms, it is sometimes convenient to reduce the con-
stituent propositions to Categorical form, and afterwards re-
translate the results obtained (see example 5).
7. Notice carefully that (1) Terms are denoted by italic
sans-serif type S, P, etc. ; (2) Propositions are denoted by
Clarendon type A, C, etc.
1. If the Minor premise is I, what do we know about
the Conclusion, and the Major premise ? [L. B.A.]
The Conclusion must be particular (Cor. 2).
The major premise must be universal (Cor. 1).
This is all we can tell, immediately, from the Rules of
We may proceed thus :
(1) If Major premise is A,
Then M must be its subject (R. Ill),
Since minor premise distributes neither term (R. of D.).
Therefore, conclusion is I (R. VI, Cor. 2).
(ii) If the Major premise is E,
Then either M or P may be its subject (R. of D.).
Therefore, Conclusion must be (R. VI, Cor. 2).
2. Determine by direct application of the General Rules,
(a) the quantity of the Major premise in the first figure ;
and (b) the quality of the Conclusion in the second figure.
(a) (1) If both premises are affirmative,
M can only be distributed in Major (R. of D. and
This must therefore be universal (R. Ill and R. of D.).
(2) If one premise is negative,
It must be Major, since P is distributed in Conclusion
(R. VI and IV).
Minor must be affirmative (R. V), and does not distri-
bute M (Schema, and R. of D.).
The Major must, therefore, distribute M (R. Ill), i.e.,
The Major must be universal (Schema, and R. of D.).
Therefore, the Major in Fig. I must always be uni-
(b) M must be distributed in one premise (R. III).
Therefore, one must be negative (Schema, and R. of D.).
Therefore, Conclusion must always be negative (R. VI).
3. If the conclusion of a syllogism is a universal negative,
determine the mood and figure.
Both premises must be universal (Cor. 2).
One premise must be A (R. V).
(1) Let A be the Major premise ;
Then P must be the subject (Rule IY, and R. of D.).
The Minor is E, and, since both terms are distributed, it
may be S e M, or M e S-
This gives us:- PM\ 0amest PaM \Camene*,
Fig. II. _lFig. IV.
(2) Let A be the Minor premise ;
Then S must be the subject (Rule IV, and R. of D.).
The Major being E, may be either P e M, or M e P.
Hence we get:- Pel/1 j c %'/..} Cement,
_|^}Fig.II. _4^f Fig. I.
O v i J O J
Therefore the moods and figures are : Gelarent in Fig I,
Camestres and Cesare in Fig. II, and Oamenes in Fig. IV.
Notice that the above would be an answer to the ques-
tion : c Show that there are only four ways of proving an
E conclusion.'
4. What mood and figure does the following correspond
to? If all were content to follow tradition, no progress
would be made ; but, if the social organism lives, it must
make some progress ; therefore, if the social organism lives,
some are not content to follow tradition.
This is of the form : If C, then not B,
If A, thenB,
/. 7/A, then not C.
W. Log. Q.
And this corresponds to Cesare, Fig. II.
Notice that the hypothetical denial of the minor only
justifies the hypothetical assertion of the Contradictory (not
the Contrary) of the Antecedent of the Major Premise, in
the Conclusion (cf. Manual, pp. 367-8).
5. What would you infer from : If a man often pre-
varicates, he is soon demoralized ; if a man is a politician,
he often prevaricates?
Let P = prevaricating man.
D = demoralized
.., S = politician.
Then we have given :
If any M is P, that M is D.
Ij any M is S, that M is P.
We infer .'.'If any M is S, that M is D.
Or, Categorically :
Every P is D.
Every S is P.
We infer /. Every S is D.
That is, every man who is a politician, is one who is soon
Or, Conditionally : If any man is a politician, he is soon
276. Define a Syllogism; and point out the importance of
distinguishing between the form and matter of a syllogism.
277. Show, with instances, that false premises may
furnish true conclusions. [L. M.A.]
278. Enumerate the Elements of a Syllogism ; and say
whether you regard these elements as having any real
279. Give a division of Syllogisms; and a definition of
each of the membra dividentia.
280. State fully the meaning and implications of the
phrase " Middle Term." Is the third term of a Syllogism
always a middle term ? [L.
281. Can the Syllogism be based exclusively on the so-
called Laws of Thought Identity, Contradiction, and Ex-
cluded Middle ? [L. M.A.]
282*. Mention and criticize the different modes of stating
the fundamental axiom of the syllogism ; and give the
logical character or foundation of the axiom, [L. B.A. HONS.]
283*. Nota notae est etiam nota rei ipsius. What class
of syllogisms does this regulate ? Compare them carefully,
as to their structure and rules, with the syllogisms regulated
by the ordinary dictum. [L. M.A.]
284*. Give what you consider the best statement of the
Dictum de omni et nullo ; and discuss other statements
of it.
285*. State and criticize the axiom of the syllogism as
given by (1) Leibniz, (2) Lotze, and (3) Kant.
286. Upon what principle have the names Major, Middle,
and Minor, been applied to the terms of a Syllogism ? How
far are these names generally applicable? [o. MODS.]
287*. What different views have been held as to the
Dictum de omni el nullo ?
How does the view taken bear upon the subject of
Reduction ? [9. MODS.]
288. Show that the general rules of the Syllogism can
be derived from the Dictum de omni et nullo.
289. Give a careful statement of, and briefly discuss, the
Rules of the Syllogism.
290*. Examine the statement, " Two negative premises
may yield a valid conclusion ; but not syllogistically."
[D., ST. A. M.A. HONS.]
291. Give a clear and precise explanation of the rule
concerning the Middle Term of a syllogism. [L. B.A.]
292. Give the principal and subordinate rules of Syl-
logism, and show how the latter are deduced from the
former. Exemplify by concrete instances how each rule
may be violated. [ST. A. M.A.]
293*. Enunciate the general laws of categorical syllogism,
and discuss the possibility of reducing them to a smaller
number of fundamental rules from which the others might
be derived. [L. B.SC.]
294. State the cases in which no valid conclusion can be
drawn from two premises, indicating, in each instance, the
reason why no inference is possible. [G. M.A.]
295*. Illustrate by examples (1) the rule as to the intro-
duction of two negative premises into a syllogism, and
(2) the rule as to the distribution of terms in the conclusion
which were undistributed in the premises. What follows
from evading these rules by the introduction of negative
terms ? [c. HONS.]
296. Show that if the Conclusion of a Syllogism be a
universal proposition, the Middle Term can be but once
distributed in the premises. [L. B.A. HONS.]
297. If the major term of a syllogism be the predicate
of the major premise, what do we know about the minor
premise ? [L. B.A.]
298. If it be known concerning a Syllogism that the
middle term is twice universal, what do you know con-
cerning the conclusion ? Prove your answer. [L. M.A.]
299. Prove by means of the syllogistic rules that, given
the truth of one premise and the conclusion of a valid
syllogism, the knowledge thus in our possession is in no
case sufficient to prove the truth of the other premise.
[c. HONS.]
300. Prove in general language, without examples of
any kind :
SI) That there is no inference from particular premises.
2) That if one premise is particular, so must be the
Can there, in any case, be an exception to either of these
rules ? [c. HONS.]
301. What can be determined respecting a syllogism
under each of the following conditions 1
(1) That only one term is distributed, and that only
once ;
(2) That only one term is distributed, and that twice ;
(3) That two terms only are distributed, each only
(4) That two terms only are distributed, each twice.
302. Prove that, when the minor term is predicate in
its premise, the conclusion cannot be A. [L. B.A.]
303. Put the following argument into syllogistic form : -
How can any one maintain that anger is always an evil,
who admits that moral indignation involves anger, and yet
may sometimes be a real good ?
304. c There is no foreigner among the wounded, so no
Englishman can have received a wound.' Supply a premise
that will make this reasoning valid. Can you supply any
premise that will make it (1) guilty of illicit major,
(2) guilty of illicit minor ?
305. Arrange the following so as to form as many valid
syllogisms as possible : Q i R, N a R, Q i N", K i Q, E, a N,
N i Q, R o N, Q e R, N e Q.
306. Examine the following :
(a) There is a purpose in everything reasonable, and
therefore all amusements, being purposeless, are
(b) This Borgia, being inad, could do no wrong ; and so,
in killing those who vexed him, his conduct was in
a sense praiseworthy, he having done no wrong
though under provocation.
(c) Where there is no temptation there is no wrong-
doing ; but where wrong-doing is impossible, doing
right is a necessity ; but what is done necessarily
is no longer done morally. [L. B.SC.]
307*. Show how it is possible for a valid conclusion to be
drawn from particular premises. [o. MODS.!
308. What are the figures of the syllogisms? Explain
and illustrate " I A I is an allowable mood in the third
figure, but in the first it would have an undistributed
middle." [L. B.A.]
309. Give the special rules of the Figures, with the
reasons for them. [L. M.A., B.A. HONS.]
310. Why cannot an affirmative conclusion be drawn in
Fig. 2 ? [L. B.A.]
311. Show that the conclusion in the Second Figure must
be negative, and in the Third particular. [L. B.A.]
312. Show that if the conclusion in the Fourth Figure
is (not subaltern) the major premise must be E.
313*. Ought Figure 4 to be treated as an independent
Figure, or only as a variety of Figure 1 ?
[D., L. B.A. HONS.]
314*. State briefly the various opinions that have been
held by logicians regarding Figure, and in particular discuss
the reasons for and against the admission of the Fourth
Figure. [o. MODS., L. B.A. HONS.]
315. Why cannot stand as a premise in the 1st, as a
major in the 2nd, as a minor in the 3rd, or as a premise in
the 4th Figure 1 [c.]
316. Given the Minor premise of a syllogism negative,
why cannot the figure be either the first or the third ?
Give reasons for accepting or rejecting the fourth figure
by the side of the others. [L. B.SC.]
317. What moods are good in the first figure and faulty
in the second, and vice versd ? Why are they excluded in
one figure and not in the other ? [o. MODS.]
318. Examine whether I A I, E 1 0, are valid or invalid in
each of the figures. [L. B.A.]
319. Prove that no syllogism in the fourth figure can be
correct which has a particular negative among its premises,
or a universal affirmative for its conclusion. [L. M.A.]
320. Ir. what figures are OAO and EIO respectively
illegitimate ? and why ? [L. M.A.]
321. Prove that in the first figure (1) the major premise
must be universal, (2) the minor premise must be affirma-
tive, [o. MODS.]
322. If the major term be universal in the premises and
particular in the conclusion, determine the mood and figure,
it being understood that the conclusion is not a weakened
one. [c.]
323. Show that it is impossible to have the conclusion
in A in any figure but the first. What fallacies would be
committed if there were such a conclusion to a reasoning
in any other figure ? [c.]
324. Express the following argument in as many moods
of the third figure as you can, using any process of im-
mediate inference which may be necessary : Some things
which have a practical worth are also of theoretical value :
for every science has a theoretical as well as a practical
value. [MEL.]
325*. Give a brief discussion of the ' characteristics ' of
each figure. Has Figure any practical value 1
326. What is meant by Mood ? Show from the rules of
the syllogism what moods are alone admissible in the second
figure. [DUR. B.A.]
327. In what different ways can the Valid Moods be
determined ? Give examples.
328. What do you understand by the following : The
Mnemonic Lines, Fundamental and Strengthened Syllogisms,
Subaltern Moods or Weakened Syllogisms ?
329. Give instances of syllogisms in Barbara, Camestres,
Disamis, Fesapo ; and briefly explain what is implied by
these terms. [ST. A. M.A.]
330. Name the Weakened Moods of the syllogism. In
what figure can there be no weakened mood, and why ?
Do any of the nineteen moods commonly recognised give a
weaker conclusion than the premises would warrant ?
[L. B.A. HONS.]
331. Are the following moods valid? In which figures?
If valid, why ? E A 0, I E 0, A O. [o. MODS.]
332. Construct a syllogism in Disamis to prove that
' some taxation is necessary.' [o. MODS.]
333. Supply premises in all four figures to prove tho
conclusion that ' some wars are not justifiable,' naming in
each case the mood that you select. [o. MODS.]
334*. Determine, by the special rules of the figure, what
moods are valid in the third figure.
335. Give examples, from ordinary subjects, of reasonings
in each of the four figures; and illustrate them by diagrams.
336*. Indicate the dependence of the validity of syllogisms
upon the theory adopted as to the implication of existence
involved in propositions.
337*. What are the points to be aimed at in any system
of diagrammatic representations of syllogisms ? How far do
the ordinary schemes meet these requirements ?
338. How far does the doctrine of Figure and Mood apply
to Pure Disjunctive Syllogisms ? Give examples.
339. Discuss, with examples, the application of the doctrine
of Figure and Mood to Pure Hypothetical Syllogisms.
340. To what mood and figure does the following corre-
spond : If the Australian colonies form a Confederation,
their home trade is likely to be considerably increased ; and,
if their home trade is considerably increased, their foreign
trade is also likely to largely increase; therefore, if the
Confederation is formed, the Australian foreign trade is
likely to increase largely.
341*. If the conclusion of a valid syllogism be substituted
for the major premise, and the resulting premises yield a
legitimate conclusion, determine the figure and mood of the
new syllogism.
342*. Is it possible that there should be a valid syllogism
such that, each of the premises being converted, a new
syllogism is obtainable, giving a conclusion in which the
old major and minor terms have changed places ?
Prove the correctness of your answer by general reasoning,
and if it is in the affirmative determine the syllogism or
syllogisms fulfilling the given conditions. [c. HONS.]
343*. Which figure is most convenient (l)for overthrowing
an adversary's conclusion; (2) for establishing a negative
conclusion ; (3) for proving a universal truth ? [o. MODS.]
344. Prove that in every figure, if the Minor premise is
Negative the Major premise must be Universal.
[o. MODS.]
(1) PROBLEMS in Reduction turn upon (a) Immediate
Inferences, and (b) Transposition of premises.
(2) An accurate knowledge of the significance of the
consonants in the Mnemonic Lines is important.
(3) Indirect Reduction is also called Reductio ad im-
possibile, Reductio per impossibile, Deductio ad impossibile,
Deductio ad absurdum.
(4) Always use Direct Reduction, unless the Indirect is
specifically demanded, or necessary.
(1) Construct arguments in Darapti and Fesapo, and
reduce them to Fig. I. [c.]
Darapti, Fig. Ill
(i) All Germans are well educated,
(ii) All Germans are soldiers.
.*. Some soldiers are well educated.
Reduction to Darii, Fig. I
(i) All Germans are well educated.
Some soldiers are Germans [Converse of (ii).
.'. Some soldiers are well educated.
Fesapo, Fig. IV
(i) No irrational commands are moral duties,
(ii) All moral duties are beneficial.
,'. Some beneficial things are not irrational com-
Reduction to Ferio, Fig. I
No moral duties are irrational commands [converse of (i).1
Some beneficial things are moral duties [Converse of (u). |
/. Some beneficial things are not irrational commands.
(2) Reduce Camestres and Baroco to Cesar e.
(lamestres to Cesar e, both in Fig. II.
PaM _ ____ SeM
SeM - PaM
.'. SeP .'. PeS
(byConv.) .'. S G P
Baroco to Cesare, both in Fig. II. Since the minor
premise and conclusion in Baroco are particular, whilst in
Cesare they are universal, the reduction must be Indirect.
(i) P a M [Converted Obverse of (i)] fit e P
(ii) S M [Contradictory of (iii)] - S a P
(iii) /. SoP .'.
(byObv.) .'.
But SaM contradicts SoM (the original minor), and
is therefore false. Hence SaP, the contradictory of the
original conclusion, is false ; i.e., the original conclusion is
true (but see Manual, p, 359, end of 128).
345. What is Reduction? State concisely, and discuss,
views that have been held as to the worth of the process.
[L. B.SC.]
346. Explain fully, with illustrations, the significance of
the Mnemonic lines in regard to Reduction.
347. Some logicians have asserted that all the moods
of the syllogism are reducible to the form of Barbara.
Inquire into the truth of this assertion. [L. M.A ]
348. Construct an argument in Ferison, and reduce it
to Fig. 1. [L. B.A.]
349. Reduce Fesapo to the first figure, Celarent to the
fourth figure, and Felapton to the second figure. [L. B.A.
350. State tne following argument in a syllogism of the
third figure, and reduce it, both directly and indirectly, to
the first : Some things worthy of being known are not
directly useful, for every truth is worthy of being known,
while not every truth is directly useful. [M.]
351. Define Indirect Reduction; and exemplify it in
the cases where it is employed, and show how they can be
reduced ostensively. [L. B.A. HONS.]
352. Give an original example of A in the figure
where it is valid ; and reduce it ostensively to the first ;
also of IAI in any figure where it occurs, and prove it valid
by Reductio ad Impossibile. [L. B.A. HONS.]
353. In what Moods and Figures are the following
syllogisms ? E educe them.
(a) The nervous fluid will not travel along a tied nerve ;
Electricity will travel along a tied nerve ;
Therefore, electricity is not the nervous fluid.
(6) No men are birds ;
All birds are animals ;
Therefore, some animals are not men. [G. M.A.]
354*. Show that the validity of Reduction is dependent
on the theory of the implication of existence involved in
355. State clearly the nature of reductw ad impossibiCe,
and examine (1) the validity of the reasoning, and (2) the
legitimacy of the reduction.
356. Discuss, with examples, the application of Reduction
to Pure Hypothetical syllogisms.
357. Reduce Ferison to Datisi, and Fresison to Barbara
1. As the form of inference in a Mixed Hypothetical
Syllogism is the same whether the major premise is stated
with three or four terms, it is not necessary to reduce the
latter to the former.
2. In all cases of Modus Pollens, in Hypothetical Syllogisms,
care should be taken to draw only the Contradictory of the
Antecedent of the major premise as the Conclusion ; the
Contrary is not justified (see Manual, pp. 367-8).
3. The rule "posit A or sublate C " is a sufficient guard
against all other kinds of formal fallacy in Mixed Syllogisms.
4. The distinctive feature of the Dilemma is that it offers
a choice of alternatives, which no other form of syllogism
5. The mutual convertibility of the Constructive and
Destructive forms of Dilemma should be carefully noted
(see Manual, pp. 379-81).
6. Formal rebuttal does not prove the invalidity of the
Dilemma rebutted.
1. Reduce the following to an affirmative form: If no
liticians are honest, then no laws are just ; but some
ws are just; therefore, some politicians are honest.
This is the negative form of Modus ponendo ponens :
If not A, then not C,
Obverted contrapositive of major :
.-. A.
This is the affirmative form of Modus ponendo ponens.
That is :
If some laws are just, then some politicians are honest ;
Some Jaws are just ;
.. Some politicians are honest.
2. Reduce the following to categorical form: Every
political reform is either rational, or it is useless ; the
Factory Acts have proved of great utility ; therefore, this
reform was not contrary to reason.
This may be expressed :
Every political reform is either based on rational principles,
or is found to be of no practical value.
The Factory Acts have proved of great utility.
Therefore, this reform was not contrary to reason.
This is a Disjunctive of the form :
Every S either is P or is not Q.
These S's are Q.
.-. These S's are P.
This reduces to the Conditional form :
If any S is not P, that S is not Q.
These S's are Q.
.. These S's are P.
This may be expressed categorically by a syllogism in
Cesare (Fig. II).
No S which is not P is Q.
These are S's which are Q,
.'. These are not S's which are not P.
i.e., These are S's which are P.
The Conditional form given above is the Modiis ponendo
ponens of the Modus Tollens. The argument may be equally
well, and more simply, expressed in the corresponding form of
the Modus Ponens, e.g. :
If any S is Q, that S is P.
These S's are Q.
.'. These S's are P.
This reduces to the categorical form as a syllogism in
Barbara (Fig. I)
Every S which is Q is P.
These are S's which are Q.
.*. These are S's which are P.
3. Rebut the following Dilemma : If a man is married
he is miserable because he has to take care of a wife, and
if he is unmarried he is miserable because he has no wife
to take care of him : but he is either married or unmarried ;
therefore, in either case he is miserable.
This is formally rebutted by :
If a man is married he is not miserable because he has
a wife to take care of him; and if he is unmarried
he is not miserable because he has not to take care of a
But he is either married or unmarried.
Therefore, in either case, he is not miserable.
358. Explain, with examples, the nature of a Mixed
Syllogism, pointing out, especially, the particular functions
of the Major and Minor premises. What is the ultimate
basis of this kind of reasoning ?
359. What are the valid moods in Mixed Syllogisms, and
how are they determined ?
360. Show the dependence of the inference in a Mixed
Hypothetical Syllogism upon the laws of thought.
361. Explain, and exemplify, the rule of Mixed Hypo-
thetical Syllogisms.
362. Discuss, with examples, the reduction of Mixed
Hypothetical Syllogisms to the categorical form.
363. Distinguish between a Constructive and a De-
structive Hypothetical Syllogism, and show how the one
may be reduced to the other. [c.]
364. What is meant by Disjunctive Syllogisms, and what
conclusion can be drawn from them 1 Give examples.
[DUE. B.A.]
365. Invent a concrete example of a disjunctive syllogism
with an affirmative conclusion, stating on what the validity
of disjunctive syllogisms depends. [o. MODS.]
366. Is it possible to apply distinctions of Figure either
to Hypothetical or Disjunctive Syllogisms ? [c].
367. Test the following, pointing out clearly what fallacy
or fault, if any, is committed : ' If all the theories of
metaphysics were sound, some would be accepted by a
majority of thinkers : but, si ace none are accepted by a
majority of thinkers, none are sound.'
368. What are the rules which apply to Inference by
Disjunctive propositions? Exemplify them, and show
whether they are or are not reducible to the Dictum de omni
et nullo. [L. M.A.]
369. Examine the question whether dis j unctive arguments
are reducible to the forms of the categorical syllogism.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
370. How many forms of Disjunctive Syllogisms are
there ? What is the canon for them 1
371. How many kinds of Disjunctive syllogisms are there,
and how do they arise ? Give a brief discussion of them.
372. Explain what is meant by a Dilemma in Logic.
Does the following correspond to your definition ? ' If he
managed to escape he must have been either very clever or
very rich ; but he was both stupid and poor, so he cannot
have escaped.' [c.]
373. Give an example of each form of Dilemma, and
show how fallacies may occur in this kind of argument.
374. What do you understand by (1) Negative, (2) wholly
Hypothetical, forms of Dilemma ? Give examples.
375*. Give, with illustrations, a brief resume of the
different views as to the definition and forms of Dilemma.
376. What is meant by Rebutting a Dilemma ? Invent
a dilemma of the form : Neither if A, then C, nor if B, then
D ; either C or D ; therefore, either not A or not B ; and
rebut it.
377*. Explain and justify your opinion as to whether
' Hypothetical Syllogisms ' are, or are not, to be regarded
as instances of Mediate Reasoning.
[L. M.A., B.SC., B.A. HONS.]
378. Can Dilemmas be reduced to Categorical forms?
If so, give examples.
379. What is a Hypothetical Syllogism ?
What is the Logical fallacy involved in arguing from the
affirmation of the Consequent to the affirmation of the
Antecedent ? [c.]
380. What is a Dilemma ? Whence its illusory nature ?
Give an example of its legitimate use from Geometry.
381. What is meant by Constructive and Destructive
Hypothetical Reasoning?
* If X is true then either Y or Z is true : but Y is not
true.' What conclusion can be drawn ? [c.]
382. What are the rules of hypothetical syllogisms ? To
what rules of categorical syllogism do they correspond ?
[o. MODS.]
383. Show that denying the antecedent or granting the
consequent of a Conditional involves a logical fault, if the
argument be expressed in syllogistic form. [o. MODS.]
384. Define Dilemma. Construct a dilemma to prove
that * examinations are useless,' and rebut it. [o. MODS.]
1. IN discussing an Enthymeme always indicate the
suppressed proposition.
2. Notice that in a Goclenian Sorites any two consecutive
propositions give the form of the First Figure, but in the
Aristotelian they have to be transposed to do this. In an
Aristotelian Sorites there are no syllogisms in the Fourth
Figure, as might be supposed at the first glance.
3. The difference between Progressive and Regressive
Chains of Reasoning, and the fact that Sorites may consist
of Hypothetical propositions, should be carefully noted.
1. Examine the following : He must be mad to do such
a thing.
This is an Enthymeme of the First Order. The sup-
pressed premise is : Every one who does such a thing is
mad. The syllogism, therefore, is :
Every one who does such a thing is mad.
He is one who does such a thing.
.\ He is mad.
2. A nalyse, logically : If legal punishment always follows
crime, then fraud is always punished ; if frauds are always
punished, they cease ; if frauds cease, then all men are
honest : but it is not true that all men are honest ; there-
fore, legal punishment does not always follow crime.
This is an Inferential Aristotelian Sorites.
It may be written thus :
If legal punishment, etc., then fraud is always punished.
If frauds, etc., then they cease.
W. Log. Q. 6
If frauds cease, then every man is honest.
But it is not the case that every man is honest.
/. Legal punishment does not always follow crime.
Symbolically :
If A, thenE,
If B, then C,
IfC, thenD,
.-. Not A.
We can also analyse it into syllogisms :
(a) If X, then C,
If A, then B,
.-. If A, thenC.
(b) If C, then D,
If A, then C,
.-. If A, then D.
(c) If A, then D,
.-. Not A.
3. Invent a Double Epicheirema, and show fully what it
really consists of.
Every rogue is cunning, because of the risk he incurs.
Every liar is a rogue, because he wishes to gain an
unfair advantage.
.'. Every liar is cunning.
Symbolically :
Every M is P, because it is X (risk-incurring).
Every S is M, because it is Y (unfair).
.. Every S is P.
This consists of :
(1) A syllogism in Fig. I, Barbara :
Every M is P,
Every S is M,
.*. Every S is P.
(2) Two Entliyrnemes of the First Order in Fig. I,
Barbara :
(a) Every X is P (suppress d).
Every M is X (given in major premise).
.'. Every M is P.
(b) Every Y is M (siippressed).
Every S is Y (given in minor premise).
.'. Every S is M.
385. In what does the peculiarity of the Enthymeme
consist ? In what sense did Aristotle use the term Enthy-
meme ? What is the derivation of the word? [o. MODS.]
386. Define Prosyllogism, and Episyllogism ; and say of
what genus of Reasoning they are species.
387. Define Sorites; and show clearly, by an example,
of what a Sorites is composed.
388*. Distinguish between the ordinary and the Goclenian
Sorites, and show at length under what conditions the latter
is valid.
Can there be a Sorites in the second or third figure]
Justify your answer. [L. B.A. HONS.]
389. Show that in the ordinary Sorites (1) only one pre-
mise can be negative and it must be the last, and (2) only
one premise can be particular and it must be the first.
[M. B.A.]
390*. State and explain Aristotle's definition of Enthy-
meme. What is the value of this form of argument ?
[o. MODS.]
391. Exemplify, and analyse, the different kinds of Sorites.
392. Construct a valid Sorites argument with a negative
premise, and prove its validity by expanding it. [o. MODS.]
393. In what different senses have the terms Enthymeme
and Sorites been used ? Exemplify the Extensive and In-
tensive Sorites in a reasoning of five terms. [L. M.A.]
394. Take any Enthymeme (in the modern sense), and
supply premises so as to expand it into (a) a syllogism, (b)
an epicheirema, (c) a sorites; and name the mood, order,
or variety of each product. [a]
395. Define, and discuss, with examples, Epicheiremas.
396. Reduce the following to logical form, and say if
either contains any fallacy :
(a) Free Trade is a great boon to the working man, for
it increases trade, and thus cheapens articles of ordinary
consumption ; this gives a greater purchasing power to
money, which is equivalent to a rise in real wages; and
any rise in real wages is a boon to the working man.
(b) All thieves are dishonest; all dishonest persons are
immoral ; some immoral persons are not punished ; therefore,
some thieves are not punished.
397. Classify the following and examine their validity :
(a) Those who have shall not receive ; those who do not
receive do not want.
(b) If we have a wet summer, there is always a good
clover crop. We shall therefore have a poor crop this year,
for the summer has been very dry.
(c) If the train is late, I shall miss my appointment ; if
it is not late, I shall miss it (the train) : but either it will
be late or not late ; therefore, in any case, I shall miss my
398*. " The fundamental form of inference is reasoning
from particulars to particulars." Examine this view, pointing
out its bearing on the theory of Syllogism.
[o. MODS., O.C.M.]
399*. On what psychological basis does Mill's view of the
Syllogism rest ? |" L - B.SC.~|
400*. Examine the principle of the Syllogism with a
view to show, first, whether syllogistic inference involves
a real advance in knowledge, and, secondly, whether this
inference is perfectly clear and self -evi dent, [L. B.SC.]
401*. How would you meet the objection that the
Syllogism is not the form of deductive inference, as men do
not think or speak in Syllogisms ?
402*. It is maintained, on the one hand, that no inference
is valid in which the conclusion is not contained in the
premises, and, on the other hand, that no movement of
thought deserves to be entitled inference in which there is
not progress from the known to the unknown. Examine
the grounds for the two statements, and discuss the possi-
bility of holding them jointly. [L. M.A.]
403*. How does it come to pass that there can be any
dispute as to whether the Syllogism is a petitio principii ?
[L. B.A. RONS.]
404*. " The petitio principii is a material not a formal
fallacy " (Hansel). Explain this carefully, so as to show
the syllogistic doctrine which it implies. [o. MODS.]
405. Discuss the claim of the Syllogism to cover all
forms of deductive reasoning. [L. B.SC.]
406*. Is the Syllogism the type of all Reasoning ? If not,
what is the type 1 [L. B.A. HONS.]
407*. Can the argument a fortiori be reduced under the
common Syllogism ? [L. B,A. HONS.]
408*. On the supposition that the Syllogism is not the
true type of Reasoning, what useful purposes may still be
served by it ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
409*. Determine the character and form of the following
arguments :
(a) X lies to the south-east of Z, being due south of Y,
which is due east of Z.
(b) A is taller than C, being taller than B. [L. B.SC.]
410*. What do you understand by "A Logic of Rela-
tives " ? What attempts have been made to formulate such
a theory? What is the relation expressed in syllogistic
arguments ?
1. No thorough grasp of the principles of Inductive
Logic can be obtained unless Chapter I., Book V., is com-
pletely mastered ; and the student will probably find it the
most difficult in the volume.
2. Mill's Logic is still constantly regarded as the standard
work on Induction. It is therefore particularly necessary
to understand his standpoint, and to perceive his confusions
and errors.
3. Bear in mind that all Uniformities cannot be reduced
to uniformities of causation.
4. Distinguish Cause in its scientific sense of totality of
conditions and its popular sense as the most obvious or
proximate one of the conditions.
5. Arguing in a circle is a very common error in at-
tempting to explain " axioms." Thus Mill makes uniformity
in nature the ground of all induction, but argues that it
is itself established by an induction per enumerationem
411. Critically compare Mill's theory of Causation with
that of some other recent logician. [L. B.SC.]
412. What variety of meaning has been assigned to the
word Cause 1 [E. M.A.]
41 S. Enumerate and carefully distinguish the presupposi-
tions involved in Inductive Inference, and estimate the
degree of certainty which this kind of argument yields.
414. Consider the validity of Hume's development of the
doctrine of physical Causation. [E. M.A.]
415. Explain and consider the grounds for the statement
that there can be no demonstration of matters of fact.
[L. B.A.]
416. Explain in detail the meaning you assign to the
causal judgment, indicating the relation of that judgment
to inductive procedure generally, and considering how far,
if at all, inductive procedure is dependent on any particular
theory as to nature and value of the causal judgment.
[L. M.A.]
417. In what relation does the antecedence and sequence
of phenomena stand to the principle of causation, and to
the doctrine of the uniformity of the order of nature ?
[L. B.A. HONS.]
418. Distinguish between the popular and scientific
notion of Cause. [L. B.SC.]
419. How far does Mill's doctrine of Causation require
modification in the light of subsequent physical research 1
[L. B.SC.]
420. In what relation does the causal judgment stand to
the uniformity of Nature ? [L. B.A.]
421. Compare the following ways of expressing our belief
in the Uniformity of Nature :
(a) The future will resemble the past.
(b) The unknown will resemble the known.
(c) The unobserved cases will resemble the observed cases.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
422. " A cause is an effect concealed ; an effect is a cause
revealed." Examine this critically. [L. B.A. HONS.]
423. What definition of Cause do you consider most in
harmony with the tendency of contemporary research ?
[L. B.SC.]
424. Discuss the proposition that the Cause invariably
precedes the Effect. Have recent discussions served to con-
firm Mill's view on this subject 1 [L. B.A.]
425. "A vigorously exact interpretation of causal con-
nexion would render the law of causation scientifically
useless." Discuss this. [L. B.A. HONS.]
426. If space and time be subjective, what is the logical
conclusion as to our knowledge of Externality ?
[L. B.A. HONS.l
427. Examine the view that represents the principle of
Uniformity of Nature as a merely identical proposition.
[L. M.A.]
428. Probe to the bottom the question of Plurality of
Causes and Effects in nature. [L. M.A.]
429. Discuss the value of the principle of Sufficient
Reason for logical doctrine.
430. What is meant by Final Cause? Contrast with
Efficient Cause.
431. Analyse the notion " Reality " in relation to " Ex-
432. Distinguish causa essendi and causa cognoscendi.
433. What are the characteristics of a perfect judgment ?
434. Examine the doctrines of the empiricist philosophers
in their relation to a theory of knowledge.
435. What is the value of the principle of the " Unity
of Nature " for an attempt at explanation of the phenomena
of experience ?
436. Carefully consider the fundamental assumptions
which must be made in order to rationalise experience.
437. In what way is the idea of Uniformity in Nature
attained ?
1. A SYNOPSIS of the views of Induction described in
Chapter II. will well repay the work.
2. Get a clear idea of what the proper method and
nature of induction are, and then find in what the various
logicians discussed differ from this.
3. There are a few terms the exact meaning of which is
often missed, as "Perfect" and "Imperfect" Induction,
Collocation, Colligation, etc.
438. State concisely Bacon's doctrine of Idola, giving
examples, and consider its worth as an analysis of the
causes of error. [L. B.A. HONS.]
439. Critically consider the various views that have been
advanced respecting the logical form of Induction.
[L. B.A. HONS.]
440. What were the rules of Induction formulated by
Bacon ? How far are those of Mill an advance on Bacon's ?
[L. B.SC.]
441. State what seems to you the precise relation in
which Induction stands to Deduction. Show how they co-
operate in the scientific study of Nature and of Man.
[L. M.A.]
442. Examine any of the more important theories of
Inductive Method. Show how the laws of inductive method
have improved from Aristotle to Mill, and trace some of
the results in our knowledge of phenomena. [L. B.A. HONS.]
443. Have the inductive and deductive processes of
reasoning anything in common? What is common to
them? In what do they differ ? [L. B.SC.]
444. " Deduction and Induction are continuous opera-
tions." Critically examine this assertion. [L. B.SC.]
445. " The Third is distinctively the Inductive Figure"
Discuss this view of the nature of the inductive process.
[R.U.I. M.A.]
446. Compare and discuss the views of Mill and Jevons
regarding the nature of Induction. [L. B.A. HONS.]
447. Distinguish Perfect and Imperfect Induction, and
discuss the value of the distinction.
448. " Induction is really the inverse process of De-
duction " (Jevons). Discuss this.
449. " What belongs, or does not belong, to all the
constituent parts, belongs, or does not belong, to the con-
stituted whole." Estimate the value of this axiom of
450. What do you consider to be the real difference be-
tween Induction and Deduction ?
451. What is the object of Induction, according to
Bacon ? Were his methods well calculated to attain it ?
452. Carefully explain your conception of the true pro-
cess of Inductive reasoning.
453. What is Bacon's attitude to Induction by Simple
[Enumeration 1
'1JJ4. Define Induction, and describe its aim.
455. Examine some attempts to exhibit inductive reason-
ing syllogistically.
456. Compare the views of Induction held by Jevons
and Whewell.
457. In what sense did Newton write "hypotheses non
458. In what way did Mill attempt to establish the
certainty of the principle of Uniformity of Nature ? What
bearing has this on his general doctrine of induction ?
459. According to Whewell inductive truths are of two
kinds. Explain.
460. Criticise the view that induction is based on the
theory of probability.
461. Consider whether there is any theoretical ground
for the distinction in respect to proof between propositions
of sequence and propositions of co-existence, and whether
there is any practical utility in the distinction. [L. B.A.]
462. Explain the bearing on the doctrine of induction of
the controversy between Mill and Whewell with reference
to the discovery of Kepler's Laws.
1. A SYNOPSIS here will again be found extremely useful ;
indeed, this may be said of the study of the whole book.
2. The exact meaning, character and function of
Analogy should be carefully considered.
3. Simple enumeration can never prove ; but it may
suggest hypotheses which are eventually proved.
4. Mill's test of the value of an analogical argument is
based on the false assumption that every resemblance and
every difference is of equal value, and that the total number
of differences are fixed and can be enumerated ; but even
on his own view the estimate is vitiated by the assumption
that the number of unknown properties is known.
463. In what different senses has the word Analogy been
used? What is meant by Reasoning from Analogy?
State the rules of analogical reasoning. Give an example
of good, and an example of bad, analogical reasoning.
[E. M.A.]
464. State the general conditions of the Argument from
Analogy. [E. M.A.]
465. " Analogy is the soul of Induction." Criticise this
statement. [L. B.SC.]
466. Consider the relations that have been held to exist
between analogy and induction. Do you think there is
ever proof from analogy ? If not, what place does analogy
hold in the process of inference ? [L. B.SC.]
467. What is meant by Induction per enumerationem
simplicem ? It has been said that a complete enumeration
of instances furnishes a deductive, not an inductive, argu-
ment. State your view on this point, with the reasons on
which it is based. [R.U.I. 2ND A.]
468. Define a Hypothesis, and analyse the conditions
on which its value depends.
469. Compare the range of science and the range of
470. Exemplify the bearing on a hypothesis founded on
analogy which may be possessed by an attempt to prove
that noticed differences in the compared phenomena are
471. In what classes of ways are hypotheses suggested?
472. Induction by simple enumeration can never lead,
in itself, to more than an empirical law. Discuss this.
473. On what does the strength of an argument from
Analogy depend ?
474. Discuss the nature of the problem to be solved in
attempting to establish reciprocity of relations.
475. From observation, many instances of male birds of
certain species having bright and female dull feathers
have been gathered. Discuss the methods by which one
would attempt to establish that all male birds of these
species have bright and all female birds dull feathers.
476. In what relation does analogy stand to enumerative
induction? Does the former Hecessarily depend on the
latter ?
477. I have discovered that A resembles B in possessing
similar qualities ra, n, p, while it differs from B in possess-
ing y where B possesses z. Is it possible to measure the
value of an argument founded on these resemblances ?
1. HYPOTHESIS is invariably the first step in the inductive
2. There are no rules for formation of hypotheses.
3. But there are conditions which must be observed to
give them any value.
4. Learn " kinds " of hypotheses.
5. Destruction of one of two rival hypotheses does not
prove the other, except when no third hypothesis is possible.
478. When has hypothesis a scientific value ? State and
exemplify the rules of Analogical reasoning. [E. M.A.]
479. Can any general criteria for the construction and
employment of Hypotheses be laid down? What do you
understand by simplicity in regard to Hypothesis, and how
far do you think its simplicity is a mark of excellence in
any hypothesis ? [L. B.A.]
480. Distinguish hypothesis from theory. Explain the
use of hypothesis in scientific procedure. Show, by a concrete
example, how far the imagination, and how far the reason,
has entered into the construction of a workable hypothesis.
[L. B.A.]
481. By what criteria would you test all hypotheses?
[L. B.A.]
482. Unfold the nature of hypothesis, assigning (if you
can) a definite meaning to the expressions "legitimate
hypothesis" and "vera causa." [L. B.A.]
483. Is hypothesis an essential factor in inductive
investigation ? [L. B.A.]
484. Compare the function of hypothesis in Mathematical
and in Physical Science. [L. B.A. HONS.]
485. What do you consider the value of Hypothesis in
scientific investigation ? Distinguish various kinds of Hy-
pothesis, and estimate their relative value. [L. B.SC.]
486. Can any rules for inventing hypotheses be formu-
lated ? Explain.
487. " That hypothesis is invalid, therefore worthless."
" That hypothesis is, on the face of it, invalid, for it is
formed in contradiction to known facts, and is therefore
" That hypothesis is pure guess, suggested by a man
ignorant of the science, and absolutely without any observa-
tions supporting it therefore worthless."
Annotate the above.
488. When is a hypothesis established ? Distinguish the
terms Theory and Hypothesis.
489. Distinguish Hypothesis of Law and of Cause.
490. Exemplify the utility of false hypothesis.
491. Is it more correct to speak of the Hypothesis or
the Theory, of Gravitation, of Light undulations, of Con-
servation of Energy, of Surds, of Heredity ?
492. State and discuss Newton's Rules of Philosophising.
493. Explain " vera causa," " working hypothesis,"
" crucial instance," "legitimate hypothesis," and "descriptive
494. Is it a valid objection to a hypothesis that it is of
a very complex character ?
495. If a hypothesis is found to contradict a fact, must
it be forthwith abandoned 1
496. In what sense may prevision be said to be the test
of true theory ?
1. OBSERVATION and Experiment have been viewed in
these relations :
(a) As opposed, Observation passive, Experiment active.
(b) As opposed, Observation "natural," Experiment
" artificial."
(c) Experiment as a mode of Observation.
(d) Experiment as a species contained under genus Ob-
In the strictest sense (c) and (d) are correct, for there is
no incompatibility between Observation and Experiment as
(a) and (6) suggest; both processes are partly natural and
passive and partly artificial and active.
2. The examples in the Manual (pp. 122-41) should be
regarded as specimens of the logical analysis of scientific
procedure. Each student should select other examples and
analyse them in a similar way.
3. Mill's Methods must be known, not so much for their
intrinsic value, as for their traditional claim.
4. Note the effects of " Plurality of Causes," " Inter-
mixture of Effects," and " Counteracting Causes " on the
value of Mill's Methods.
497. Select any of the great conclusions of modern science,
and show how hypothesis has given rise to discovery,
tracing the stages by which approximate certainty has
been reached. [L. B.scJ
498. What are the Inductive difficulties in arguing from
a negative ? Give appropriate examples. [E. M.A.]
499. Explain the nature and defects of induction "per
enumerationem simplicem." Compare it with induction by
" method of agreement." [v. I. B.A. & so.]
500. State the Experimental Methods, and deduce them
from the ultimate Postulate of Inductive Logic.
[E. M.A. HONB.]
501. Explain the methods by which a scientific investi-
gator seeks to reach accurate observation. Is a single
observation ever sufficient in scientific research ? [L. B.SC.]
502. State the canons of the method of agreement and
difference, and point out the precise function of these
methods in the theory of scientific investigation. [L. B.SC.]
503. Discuss the logical value of Mill's Method of
Agreement, considering more particularly whether his
symbolic representation conforms to the actual processes
of scientific discovery. [L. B.A. HONS.]
504. Compare the respective advantages of Observation
and Experiment, with reference to recent psychological
inquiry. [L. B.SC.]
505. How far has the elaboration of the methods of
research by modern inductive logic assisted the discovery
of the laws of Nature? Give illustrations in support of
your statements. [L. B.A. HONS.]
506. Exceptio probat regulam. On what facts is this
maxim based ? How far is it valid ? and where does it
fail? [L. B.A. HONS.]
507. Distinguish Experiment from Observation ; and
show, by examples, how the several methods of experi-
mental research have been of use in scientific discovery.
[L. B.SC.]
508. What are the more important objections which
have been brought against the Methods of Induction
formulated by Mill ? Give your view of the value of these
methods. [L. M.A.]
509. What are the general conditions of accurate
W. Lo'i. t/:?oAia, false analogy, mal-observation.
[L. B.A.]
615. Examine the logical form, and the validity, of the
following arguments :
(a) A fish is cold-blooded and breathes by gills ; neither
of these things is true of a whale; therefore it
is not a fish.
(b) A is never found without B, and B is never found
without C ; therefore is never found without A.
{c) To assault another is wrong ; consequently a soldier
who assaults another does wrong. [L. B.A.]
616. Classify, and differentiate, the principal sources of
Error ; and show, by concrete examples, how they co-operate
in the production of erroneous theory. [L. B.SC.]
617. " It is affirmed that such a man has left off playing
the fool. If it is granted, it is implied that he did play the
fool formerly. If it be denied, it seems to imply that he
plays the fool still." [B.U.I. B.A.]
618. The fallacy of accident is reckoned among the non-
logical fallacies ; it is said to be, really, a case of ambiguous
middle; it is also said to be the converse of the fallacy
A dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter. Examine
these several statements, explaining the terms employed.
[R.U.I. 2ND A. HONS.]
619. "Simple apprehension is always true per se. It is
oAy the judgment which, in the full sense, is logically
false." Explain and discuss this statement. [C.G.H. M.A.]
620. Enumerate the leading Material Fallacies of the
older logic, and refer them to their places in Mill's scheme.
Illustrate from the history of human thought. [C.G.H. M.A.]
621. Explain exactly the nature of the fallacies called
Accident, Non causa pro causa, Argumentwm, ad hominem.
How far do the rules of Formal logic suffice for their detec
tion ? [L. B.SC.]
622. Illustrate fallacies incident to faulty definition.
623. Explain the syllogistic rules respecting two negative
and two particular premises, pointing out the grounds on
which they rest. Do the following break either of these
rules ?
(a) This person is very learned, and also very sociable ;
consequently some very sociable persons are very
(b) No man is a proper object of contempt ; at the same
time no man is perfectly admirable ; consequently
some beings who are not perfectly admirable are
not proper objects of contempt.
(c) The majority of English people have but little literary
taste; and the majority of English people read;
from which it follows that some who read have but
little literary taste. [L. B.A.]
624. What difference of meaning would you assign to
the terms Sophism, Fallacy, Paralogism, and Paradox?
[L. B.SC.]
625. Discuss the question whether the treatment of
Fallacies, either wholly or in part, should be excluded from
Logic. If excluded, to what other Science or Sciences
should they in your opinion be relegated ? [L. M.A.]
626. DISTINGUISH between a Genus and a Type. [L. M.A.]
627. How far does the classification of Predicables
coincide with the division into propositions of Existence,
Co-existence, Similarity, Succession f Are propositions of
Existence recognised in the classification of Predicables ?
[L. M.A.]
628. Define precisely what you understand by (1)
Negative Terms and (2) Negative Propositions, showing
how you would recognise them, and pointing out the relation
of each to its correlative.
"Logic must admit either negative terms or negative
propositions, but has no need of both." Discuss this.
[L. B.SC.]
629. Supposing you were engage in a controversy,
explain as systematically as you can the rules of procedure
you would desire to lay down beforehand. [L. B.A. HONS.]
630. To what extent do you think the processes of Im-
mediate Inference and Categorical Syllogism can be rested
on the logical laws of Identity, Non-Contradiction, and
Excluded Middle? [L. M.A., B.A. HONS.]
631. State and discuss the views that have been held as
to the proper place of the doctrine of Modality in logical
theory. [L. B.A. HONS.]
632. What are the possible distinct forms of valid
syllogism that can be represented by Eulerian diagrams ?
Discuss the propriety of this mode of representing pro-
positions and syllogisms. [L. M.A.]
633. Distinguish accurately between contradictory and
contrary opposition, in the case (a) of Terms, (b) of Pro-
positions. Is the one kind of Opposition as purely logical
as the other ? What is Diametrical Opposition 1 and why
is it so called ? [L. B.SC.]
634. Explain at length the meaning, origin, and relation
of the terms Predicate, Predicable, Predicament. How do
Kant's Categories differ from Aristotle's ? [L. B.A. HONS.]
635. Distinguish, from a logical point of view, between a
specific and an ciccidental difference in any two things.
How far are the rules of Logical Division and Definition
of use in actual science ? [L. B.SC.]
636*. Different logicians have assigned as the subject-
matter of their science (a) Reasoning, (b) Thinking, (c)
Knowing, (d) Speaking. Give what you consider an
adequate definition of Logic from each of these points of
view, and compare the results. [L. B.A. HONS.]
637. What is the prepositional form in which a definition
must be stated ? How do you know a definition when you
see it ? [L. M.A.]
638. Give some account of any disputes as to the nature
and functions of the Copula of a logical proposition. Does
comparative grammar throw any light upon the question ?
[L. B.A. HONS.]
639. Show that in no case does information that both
the premises of a correct syllogism are materially false lead
to knowledge that the conclusion is false. [c. HONS.]
640. Explain the process called Reduction, and discuss
the following : " If the other figures are inferior in cogency
to the first they ought to be excluded ; if they are not
inferior their reduction is a superfluity." [L. B.SC.]
641. Prove the canon of syllogism which says that "the
middle term must be distributed at least once in the
m-emises." [MCG.]
642. If for both the premises of a valid syllogism their
contradictories are substituted, will the contradictory of the
original conclusion be thereby established ?
643. Prove the following : Given a valid syllogism, then
in no case will the combination of either premise with the
conclusion establish the other premise.
644. Enquire in what figures, if any, the following moods
are valid, noting cases in which the conclusion is weakened :
AUI; YAY; UO^; lU^; Ao>0. [L. B.A.]
645. Discuss the following : Any syllogism involving
directly an illicit process of major or minor involves indirectly
a fallacy of undistributed middle.
646. Give the converse and the contrapositive of " If a
straight line falling upon two other straight lines make the
alternate angles equal to one another, these two straight
lines shall be parallel." [L. B.A.]
647. Show that the truth of the Converse does not involve
the truth of the Convertend. Show that the truth of
Contraries implies the truth of Contradictories, and that
the falsity of Sub-contraries implies the truth of Contraries.
[R.U.I. B.A. HONS.]
648. State accurately the respective functions of the
Major and the Minor premise. [R.U.I. M.A.]
649. Show by instances how names tend to become more
general or more special in their application. [R.U.I. B.A.]
650. " The true character of logical particularity requires
to be very precisely understood. It is in all respects in-
definite." Discuss this statement, and contrast the logical
signification of the word some with its uses in ordinary
speech. [R.U.I. B.A. HONS.]
651. The middle term is distributed twice in the premises
of a syllogism. To what moods can the syllogism belong?
Prove your answer. [R.U.I. B.A. HONS.]
652. Construct a Datisi in Extension, and in Compre-
hension ; give also, and explain, a symbolical notation of it.
[R.U.I. M.A.]
653. If the opposite of the conclusion be substituted for
either premise in a legitimate syllogism, and the new
premises be legitimate, the new conclusion will be opposed
to the suppressed premise or to its converse. [D.]
654. Determine the modes in the fourth figure on the
following hypotheses :
(a) That the major is particular ;
(6) That the minor is particular ;
(c) That the conclusion is universal. [D.]
655. Logical nnme and validity of this argument:
C is not D, for A is B - y and I know that whenever A is
not B, C is D. [D.]
656. State the mode and figure of the following syllogism.
If not in the first figure, reduce it : " Every candid man
acknowledges merit in a rival ; every learned man does not
do so ; therefore every learned man is not candid." [D.]
657. What modes may be common to all figures ? Why ?
658. How does the definition of the word " Inference "
bear on the conception of the sphere of Logic ? Define the
various kinds of Inference known to Deductive Logic.
[o. MODS.]
659. Show that logic requires a study of the import of
terms and propositions. [o. MODS.]
660. Discuss the " quantification " of the predicate.
[o. MODS.]
661. Examine the following arguments, putting them
into syllogistic form, and naming any fallacies they may
contain :
(a) Provided he has been properly taught, he can himself
teach ; for experience makes experts.
(b) The historical novel is an impossibility ; for it pro-
poses to combine fiction with fact, and these are
(c) Death is the highest good, for it is the ultimate end
of life.
(d) He is innocent, for he has faced his accusers; a
guilty man would run away. [L. B.SC.]
662. Explain fully the limitations of the conclusions
obtainable in the third figure of the Syllogism. Are these
limitations got rid of by applying Obversion to the
premises'? [L. B.A.]
663. Discuss the claim of the Syllogism to cover all
forms of deductive reasoning, and examine the logical form
of the following :
(a) Since all fruit except bad fruit is admitted to market,
and all fruit except foreign fruit arrives by rail,
we know that ail fruit which is neither bad no?
foreign is admitted and comes by rail.
(b) Seeing that A and B are inseparable, and that C is
sometimes found along with B, we know that C
and A will sometimes be found together.
(c) The society consists of all our leading journalists, and
since it includes some of our politicians, we can
infer that the two classes overlap. [L. B.SC.]
664. Examine the form of the Hypothetical Syllogism,
and show how it is related to the Categorical ; also discuss
the logical form of the following arguments :
(a) Whenever a certain disease, A, occurs, the group of
symptoms abed are present ; now in the present
case the symptom a is absent, so that we can infer
that it is not a case of the disease A.
(b) Floods in the valley are due either to heavy rains or
to the melting of the snow. There has been
neither of these recently, so we may be sure there
will be no flood.
(c) It must be obvious that the stimulus of academic
honours is useless, since it is unnecessary for the
serious student, and is ineffectual for the indifferent.
[L. B.SC.]
665. Every English peer is entitled to sit in the House
of Lords, and every member of the House of Commons must
be elected to Parliament by a constituency ; but no one
entitled to a seat in the House of Lords is thus elected to
Parliament. What can we conclude from these premises
about (1) an English peer, (2) any one entitled to a seat in
the House of Lords 1 [MEL.]
666. In the third figure, if the conclusion be substituted
for the major premise, what will the figure be ? [BAGOT.]
667. In what moods of the syllogism can a subaltern
proposition be substituted for its subalternans (universal of
same quality) as premise without affecting the conclusion ?
668. Determine how many universal terms may be in
the premises more than in the conclusion. [JEVONS.]
669. Determine in what cases there may be in a syllogism
an equal number of universal terms and of particular.
670. Determine how many particular terms may be in
the premises more than in the conclusion. [JEVONS.]
671. Determine in what affirmative moods the middle
term may be universal in the major premise and particular
in the minor. [Q. COLL. BELFAST.]
672. Determine in what negative moods the same may
occur. [Q. COLL. BELFAST.]
(373. From P follows Q ; and from R follows S ; but Q
and S cannot both be true ; show that P and R cannot
both be true. [DE MORGAN.]
674. If (1) it is false that whenever X is found Y is
found with it, and (2) not less untrue that X is sometimes
found without the accompaniment of Z, are you justified in
denying that (3) wherever Z is found there also you may
be sure of finding Y ? And however this may be, can you
in the same circumstances judge anything about Y in terms
675*. Is it possible that there should be two syllogisms
having a common premise such that their conclusions,
being combined as premises in a new syllogism, may give
a universal conclusion? If so, determine what the two
syllogisms must be. [PROF. NICHOLSON.]
676. Find out the valid syllogisms that may be con-
structed without using a universal premise of the same
quality as the conclusion. [MR. w. E. JOHNSON.]
677. Is it possible that there should be three propositions
such that each in turn is deducible from the other two 1
678. If A' is true, B is true ; if B is true, C is true ;
if is true, D is true. What is the effect upon the other-
assertions of supposing successively (1) that D is false;
(2) that C is false ; (3) that B is false; (4) that A is false ?
679*. Let X, Y, Z, P, Q, R, be six propositions ; given
(a) Of X, Y, Z, one and only one is true ;
(b) Of P, Q, R, one and only one is true ,
(c) If X is true, P is true ;
(d) If Y is true, Q is true ;
(e) If Z is true, R is true \
Prove, syllogistically, that
(/) If X is false, P is false ;
(g) If Y is false, Q is false ;
(A) If Z is false, R, is false. [c. HONS.]
680. If the conclusion of a syllogism (not weakened)
differs from the minor premise both in quality and in
quantity, what can be determined respecting the syllogism ?
681. If the conclusion of a syllogism (not weakened)
differs from the major premise both in quality and in
quantity, what can be determined respecting the syllogism ?
682. Under what conditions may both premises of a
syllogism be changed in quality (but not in quantity) with-
out affecting the original conclusion ?
683. If the conclusion of a syllogism (not weakened)
differs from the minor premise in quality only, what can be
determined respecting the syllogism ?
684*. Under what conditions can the contrapositive of
each premise be substituted for the premises without affect -
ing the validity of the original conclusion ?
685. If the conclusion of a syllogism (not weakened)
differs from the minor premise in quantity only, what can
be determined respecting the syllogism ?
686. Under what conditions may both the premises of a
syllogism be changed in quantity (but not in quality)
without affecting the validity of the original conclusion ?
687. If both premises of a syllogism are changed both in
quality and in quantity, is it possible in any case to draw a
valid conclusion ?
688*. Is it ever possible for the contradictory of the con-
clusion of a valid syllogism (not weakened) together with the
contradictory of one premise to yield a valid conclusion ? If
so, what relation does it bear to the suppressed premise 1
689. If the conclusion of a syllogism (not weakened)
differs from the major premise in quality only, what can be
determined respecting the syllogism ?
690*. Given two valid syllogisms in the same figure, in
which the major, middle, and minor terms are respectively
the same, show, without reference to the mnemonic verses,
that if the minor premises are contradictories the con-
clusions will not be contradictories. [DR. KEYNES.]
691. Prove that wherever there is a particular conclusion
without a particular premise something superfluous is
invariably assumed in the premises. [JEVONS.]
692. What conclusions (if any) can be drawn from each
pair of the following sentences taken two and two to-
gether ?
(a) None but gentlemen are members of the club.
(b) Some members of the club are not officers.
(c) All members of the club are invite
(d) All oflicers are invited to compete.
Point out the mood and figure in each case in which you
make a valid syllogism, and state your reasons when you
consider that no valid syllogism is possible. [DR. VENN.]
693. Examine : We can only be happy in this world by
abandoning ourselves to our passions, or by combating
them ; if we abandon ourselves to them, this is an unhappy
state, since it is disgraceful, and we could never be content
with it ; if we combat them, this also is an unhappy state,
since there is nothing more painful than that inward war
which we are continually obliged to carry on with ourselves ;
therefore we can never have in this life true happiness.
694. A syllogism is found to offend against none of the
syllogistic rules, except that with two affirmative premises
it has a negative conclusion. Determine the mood and
figure of the syllogism. [INTER- COLLEGIATE CAMBR.]
695. Determine in what cases it is possible to change the
quality (but not the quantity) of one only of the premises
of a valid syllogism (not weakened), and still draw a valid
696. Is it ever possible to change both quality and
quantity of one only of the premises of a syllogism (not
weakened), and still draw a valid conclusion ?
697. It has been said that definition is determined by
induction. Analyse the characteristics of such induction,
and examine how the application of a term is determined
on this view. [c. HONS.]
698. Give a formal analysis of the methods of induction,
and examine whether these methods are applicable to other
relations than those of cause and effect. [c. HONS.]
699. " Calculations of probability in general do not
express what will actually occur in the future, but only the
degree of subjective confidence which we repose in their
occurrence." Discuss this statement. [c. HONS.]
700*. A bag contains three balls, each of which is known
to be red, white, or blue. Is the chance of all three being
white y 1 ^ or -^ 1 Give reasons for your answer, and point
out how far it depends upon any particular assumption as
to the manner in which the bag was originally filled.
[C. HONS.]
701*. Discuss the logical basis of numeration and of
measurement. Examine in particular the possibility and
meaning of measuring space and time. [c. HONS.]
702. Explain the principal rules for the combination of
If the odds in favour of X are ra to n when A is known
to be true, and m' to ri when B is known to be true, show
that they are mm to nri when both A and B are known to
be true. ' [c. HONS.]
703. Discuss the relation between Probability and In-
duction. What view was held by Jevons on this subject ?
[c. HONS.]
704*. Give some account of the processes by which,
according to Whewell, science advances in respect of range
and accuracy. [c. HONS.]
705. Does the distinction between uniformities of sequence
and of co-existence seem to you fundamental either in Nature
or for purposes of Inductive enquiry? Compare the
systems of Mill and Bacon in this respect. [c. HONS.]
706. What do you consider to be the mutual relations of
Statistics and Inductive Logic, and how are each of these
affected, or supposed to be affected, by the doctrine of
Freedom of the Will ? [INTER. COLLEGIATE CAMBR.]
707. Explain the most important conditions that should
be observed in conducting an experiment. Are the results
of a single experiment, without reference to previous in-
vestigations, ever sufficient to establish a scientific truth ?
708. Explain fully the ground on which the following
conclusion is based : " Nicholas Bound, D.D., rector of
Norton, is stated to have died 8 Feb., 1607 ; it happens that
on that very day Nicholas Bond, D.D., president of Mag-
dalen, died. We feel satisfied, therefore, that this was not
the correct date of Nicholas Bound's death."
709. " Every lodger has a vote, so no voter has been
forgotten." (1) What premise, major or minor, must be
supplied to make this reasoning guilty of Illicit process of
the minor 1 Can you supply any premise which will make
it (2) correct, (3) guilty of Illicit process of the major ?
710. In a certain town statistics show that every trades-
man is English, and (unless he is unrated) is a dissenter ;
and that every dissenter is a tradesman. What overstate-
ment, exactly, is made by asserting that every Englishman
is rated there? and by denying that there are any
dissenters there at all 1 [INTER-COLLEGIATE CAMBR.]
711*. None of the citizens are at once voters, householders,
and lodgers ; nor are there any who are neither of the three.
Every citizen is either a voter but not a householder, or a
householder and not a lodger, or a lodger without a vote.
Are these statements precisely equivalent? Illustrate
your answer by symbolic or diagrammatic methods.
712. Examine technically the following arguments,
pointing out the nature of any fallacy that may be involved
in them :
(a) No mere schoolboy can be expected to understand
Constitutional History, and none but schoolboys
can be expected to remember dates : so that no one
can be expected both to remember dates and to
understand Constitutional History.
(6) To be wealthy is not to be healthy ; not to be-
healthy is to be miserable ; therefore to be wealthy
is to be miserable.
(c) Whatever any man desires is desirable; every man
desires happiness ; therefore the happiness of every
man is desirable. [INTER-COLLEGIATE CAMBR.]
713. State and exemplify fallacies incident to oppositions.
Which kind of opposition is most effective in logic, and
why ?
Examine the argument : "If a man be rightfully
entitled to the produce of his labour, then no one can be
rightfully entitled to the ownership of anything which is
not the produce of his labour, or the labour of some one else
from whom the right has passed to him." [R.U.I. B.A.]
714. Explain the distinction between semi-logical and
material fallacies. Discuss the following arguments, re-
ducing them as far as possible to logical form :
(a) If a man is educated, he does not wish to work with
his hands. Consequently, if education is universal,
industry will cease.
(6) Giving advice is useless. For either you advise a
man what he means to do, in which case the advice
is superfluous ; or you advise him what he does not
mean to do, and the advice is ineffective. [L. B.A.]
715. Examine : Protection from punishment is plainly
clue to the innocent ; therefore, as you maintain that this
person ought not to be punished, it appears that you are
convinced of his innocence. [WHATELEY.]
716. Examine : He who is most hungry eats most ; he
who eats least is most hungry ; therefore he who eats least
eats most.
717. Discuss the nature of the reasoning contained, or
apparently intended, in the following sentences :
(a) It is impossible to prove that persecution is justifiable
if you cannot prove that some non-effective
measures are justifiable; for no persecution has
ever been effective.
(b) This deed may be genuine though it is not stamped,
for some unstamped deeds are genuine. [c.]
718. Examine the argument in :
If we are marked to die, we are enow
To do our country loss : and, if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour. [o.j
719. Analyse logically the following passage: "In all
unhealthy countries the greatest risk of fever is run by
sleeping on shore. Is this owing to the state of the body
during sleep, or to a greater abundance of miasma at such
times ? It appears certain that those who stay on board a
vessel, though anchored at only a short distance from the
coast, generally suffer less than those actually on shore."
DARWIN, Voyage of a Naturalist.
720. Examine critically the following extracts :
" What would our ancestors say to this, Sir 1 How does
this measure tally with their institutions? How does it
agree with their experience ? Are we to put the wisdom of
yesterday in competition with the wisdom of centuries?
(Hear I hear /) Is beardless youth to show no respect for
the decisions of mature age 1 (Loud cries of hear ! hear /)
If this measure be light, would ... it have been reserved
for these modern and degenerate times ? Besides, Sir, if
the measure itself is good, I ask the honourable gentleman
if this is the time for carrying it into execution whether,
in fact, a more unfortunate period could have been selected
than that which he has chosen ? If this were an ordinary
measure, I should not oppose it with such vehemence ; but,
Sir, it calls in question the wisdom of an irrevocable law
of a law passed at the memorable period of the Revolution.
. . . Give not, then, your sanction to this measure ; for,
whatever be its character, if you do give your sanction to
it, the same man by whom this is proposed will propose
to you others to which it will be impossible to give your
consent. I care very little, Sir, for the ostensible measure ;
but what is there behind ? . . . Was the honourable gentle-
man (let me ask him) always of this way of thinking ? Do
I not remember when he was the advocate in this House of
very opposite opinions ? I not only quarrel with his present
sentiments, Sir, but I declare very frankly I do not like the
party with which he acts. If his own motives were as pure
as possible, they cannot but suffer contamination from those
with whom he is politically associated. This measure may
be a boon to the Constitution, but I will accept no favour to
the Constitution from such hands. (Loud cries of hear ! hear /)
I profess myself, Sir, an honest and upright member of the
British Parliament, and I am not afraid to profess myself
an enemy to all change and all innovation. I am satisfied
with things as they are ; and it will be my pride and
pleasure to hand down this country to my children as I
received it from those who preceded me. . . . The honour-
able gentleman has taxed me with illiberality, Sir. I deny
the charge. I hate innovation, but I love improvement. . . .
I dread reform, but I dread it only when it is intemperate.
I consider the liberty of the press as the great Palladium of
the Constitution ; but, at the same time, I hold the licentious-
ness of the press in the greatest abhorrence. Nobody is
more conscious than I am of the splendid abilities of the
honourable mover, but I tell him at once his scheme is too
good to be practicable. It savours of Utopia. It looks
well in theory, but it won't do in practice. . . . The source
of that corruption to which the honourable member alludes
is in the minds of the people ; so rank and extensive is that
corruption, that no political reform can have any effect in
removing it. Instead of reforming others instead of re-
forming the State, the Constitution, and everything that is
most excellent let each man reform himself ! let him look
at home ; he will find there enough to do, without looking
abroad, and aiming at what is out of his power. (Loud
cheers.)" SYDNEY SMITH, The Noodle's Oration.
Titles underlined axe those of New Books and New Editions pub-
lished during the year ending March 1911.
Select %fet of JSoofcs
1Hnfvev8it\> tutorial Series,
TUni\>er0ft {Tutorial press %?.
Education, etc. . . . 2, 3 | English Text-Books . . 10
Mathematics and Mechanics 3-5 j Philosophy . . . .11
Biology . . . 5 I Modern History . . .11
Physics . . . . G I Geography ' . . . .12
Chemistry, etc. ... 7
French 8
Roman and Greek History 12
Latin and Greek Text-Books 13
English Classics . . 9 j Latin and Greek Classics 14, 1 >
The General Catalogue (64 pages) ; Sectional Catalogues in
(1) Mathematics and Mechanics, (2) Science, (3) Knylish, Hixtory and
Geography, (4) Education and Philosophy, (5) Classics, (6) French ;
and Special Catalogues for London University and other Examina-
tions, may be had post free on application.
MARCH 1911.
/iDatbematics anfc fl&ecfoantcs continued.
Arithmetic, The Primary. Edited by WM. BRIGGS, LL.D., M.A.,
B.Sc., F.R.A.S. An Introductory Course of Arithmetical
Exercises. In Three Parts. Parts I. and II., each 6d. Part
III., 9d. With Answers, each Part Id. extra,
"Thoroughly suited for use in elementary schools generally. "School Guardian.
Astronomy, Elementary Mathematical. By C. W. C. BARLOW,
M.A., B.8c., and G. H. BRYAN, Sc.D., M.A., F.R.S. 6s. 6d.
Coordinate Geometry. By J. H. GRACE, M.A., F.R.S., and F.
ROSENBERG, M.A., B.Sc. 4s. 6d.
An elementary treatment of the straight line, circle, and conic.
Dynamics, The Tutorial. By WM. BRIGGS, LL.D., M.A., B.Se.,
and G. H. BRYAN, Sc.D., F.R.S. Second Edition. 3s. 6d.
Geometry, Theoretical and Practical. By W. P. WORKMAN, M.A.,
B.Sc., and A. G. CRACKNELL, M.A., B.Sc., F.C.P.
PART I. Covering Euclid, I., III. (1-34), IV. (1-9). 2s. 6d.
PART II. Covering Euclid. II. , III. (35-37), IV. (10-16), VI. 2s.
PART III. Covering Euclid XI. Is. 6d.
"The three parts now issued form an excellent work." School World.
This work is also published in two volumes under the titles :
Matriculation Geometry (Equivalent to Euclid I. -IV.). 3s. 6d.
Intermediate Geometry (Equivalent to Euclid VI., XI.). 2s. 6d.
The School Geometry. Being an edition of Geometry, Theoretical
and Practical, Parts I. and II., specially adapted for ordinary
school use. In one vol., 3s. 6d. In two Parts, each 2s.
Introduction to the School Geometry. Is.
"The reputations of this series, the authors, and the press from which these
books are issued, are a sufficient guarantee of their value. Excellent in every
respect. " Schoolmaster.
Graphs : The Graphical Representation of Algebraic Functions.
By G. H. FRENCH, M.A., and G. OSBORN, M.A., Mathematical
Masters of the Leys School, Cambridge. Second Edition. Is. 6d.
Graphs, Matriculation. (Contained in The New Matriculation
Algebra.) By C. H. FRENCH, M.A., and G. OSBORN, M.A. Is.
Hydrostatics, Intermediate. By WM. BRIGGS, LL. D. , M. A. , B. So. ,
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Hydrostatics, The Matriculation. (Contained in Intermediate
Hydrostatics.) By Dr. BRIGGS and Dr. BRYAN. 2s.
Mechanics, The Matriculation. By Dr. WM. BRIGGS and Dr. G. H.
BRYAN. Second Edition. 3s. 6d.
flfcatbematics anfc jflfcecbanics continued.
The Right Line and Circle (Coordinate Geometry). By Dr. BRIGGS
and Dr. BRYAN. Third Edition. 3s. 6d.
Statics, The Tutorial. By Dr. WM. BRIGGS and Dr. G. H,
BRYAN. Third Edition. 3s. 6d.
Tables, dive's Mathematical. Edited by A. G. CRACKNELL, M.A.,
B.Sc. Is. 6d.
Trigonometry, The Tutorial. By WM. BRIGGS, LL. D. , M. A. , B. Sc. ,
and G. H. BRYAN, Sc.D., F.R.S. Second Edition. 3s. 6d.
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"The author is to be congratulated on the excellent features of his book, which
may be summarised as a clear diction, a logicSl sequence, and a recognition of the
essentials. ' ' Nature.
Botany, A Text-Book of. By J. M. LOWSON, B.Sc., F.L.S. Fifth
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flfcobent 1bi5tor\> ant> Constitution,
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390202 B.C. 3s. 6d. 7831 B.C. 3s. 6d.
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A Longer History of Greece. By A. H. ALLCROFT, M.A.
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To 495 B.C. 3s. 6d. 404362 B.C. 3s. 6d.
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Iliad, Book 24.
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T ir
1 '-\
,, A. , 11.
I., 111. (each)
I. and IV.
1 U
Epistles (including Ars
Philippic 11.
Pro Archia.
Poetica). 4/6
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) 2/6
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21 V)
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> */
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i ; o
) 1 6
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