)^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofworksOOquarrich A CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON MUSIC, SONGS, GAMES, SPORTS, MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCES, LAW, DIPLOMACY, PROVERBS, BIBLIOGEAPHY, TYPOGRAPHY, LITERARY HISTORY, BLOCK-BOOKS, BOOKS PRINTED UPON VELLUM; CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES. Offered for Sale at the Cash Prices affixed by BERNARD QUARITCH LONDON : 15 Piccadilly, October, 1882. ^53 LOKDON : G. NORMAN AND SON, PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVENT GARDEN. INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL BOOKS. Abbotsford Club 917 Advocate's Library Catalogue 919 iElianus 852 African Songs 806 Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of Autliors 864 American Bibliography 864 American Newspapers, see cover American Printing 908 American Songs 806 Angling 844 Apicius 846, 847 Apocalypse of S. John 918 Apocalypsis S. Johannis (ca. 1440) 902 ArabicMusic 814 Arabic Proverbs 861 Archery 844, 928 Ars Moriendi (1450), facsim. 902, 903 Arundel MSS. Catalogue of 869 Ashburnham Library Catalogue 919 Augustinus de Civitate Dei (1475) 913 Austrian Songs 812 Bag-Pipe Music 802 Bailey's Magazine 842 Banking— Gilbart 830 Baptista de S. Blasio de Actionibus (1481) 914 Basque Proverbs 862 Basque Songs 806 Bayle (P.) Dictionary 867 Becker (C. F ) 786 Beckford— see Hamilton Beethoven 786 Bells 802 Bengal Sporting Magazine 842 Bentliam (Jeremy) Works 825 Berggreen (A. P.) National Songs 805 Berners (Juliana) Book of St. Albans 840 Bible— Nouv. Test. (1577) 800 Biblia Pauperum (1450) 903 (1510) 904 Biblia Sacra (Latina (1462) 91 1 Bibliogiaphie de la France 868 Bibliography 864-902, 928 Bickham (G.) Musical Entertainer 787 Bigmore (E. C.) Bibliog. of Printing 901 Biographic G^n^rale 869 Biographic Universelle 868 Blackstone (\V.) Commentaries 825 Blenheim — see Sunderland Block- books 902-905 Blow— see Jovial Companion Bodleian Library Catalogues 919 Bohemian Songs 819 Book of Leinster 918 Book of St. Albans 840 Bossi (M.) de Instituendo Sapientia Animo 914 Bctli eld's Works 869 Boxing 844 Boyne (W.) Yorkshire Library 869 Breton Songs 806 British Museum Books & MSS. 869-871 Broadsides on Printing 905 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Librarie 871 Bruni (Ant.) le Veneri 917 Brydges (SirE.) Bibliographical Works 872 Bull-Fighting 844 , 928 Burckhardt's Arabic Proverbs 861 Burgundionum Leges 826 Burney MSS. Catalogue of 869 Burney, History of Music 787 Caius (J.) de Canibus Britannicis 648 Calvo (C. ' Colecion de Tratados 837 Campra, Motets 787 Capitularia 826 Cards (Playing) 84/'s 928 Carving 846 Castagnettes 802 Catalogues, Brit. Museum 869-871 Catalogues of Libraries 919-928 Caucasus, Songs of 806 Cau-es C^lebres 826 Caxton 873 Chants et Chansons 810 Charles I, Psalierium Carolinum 788 Cliess 845 Chess Player's Chronicle 846 Chinese Music 814 Church Music 797 Cicero (1465) 912 — (Aldus, 1517) 915 — (1522) 915 Clio and Euterpe 808 Coaching 846 Colebrooke (H.T.) Hindoo Law 838 Cologne Chronicle 874 Cookery 846 Corn Laws 827 Corps du Droit Franfais 827 Corps Diplomatique 828 Coussemaker 788 Croquet 847 Curling 847 Dalyell, Musical Memoirs 817 Daman (W.) Psalms 800 Damhouderii Enchiridion 827 Dancing 823 Dancing Master (The) 808 Danish Music 816 Danish Proverbs 862 Deer Stalking 847 Devonshire (Duke of) Library Cata- logue 921 D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orient. 893 Dibdin's Works 875, 876 Dictionnaire du Geographic 872 Didot Sale Catalogues 921 Diplomacy 824 Dogs 848 Dowland (J.) Songs 789 )M;40 Duelling 848 Dumont (J) Corps Univ. Diploma- tique 828 Durandus (1459) 911 D'Urfey, Wit and Mirth 809 Dutch Songs 807 Eden (Sir F. M.) State of the Poor 828 Edwards (E.) Libraries 877 Fieri (F.) Cantica Sacra 799 Encyclopsedias 864 Engel (Carl) 804 English Cata ogue 878 English Proverbs 862 English Songs 807-809 Esthonian Songs 809 Exercises 840 Falconry 848 Fencing «48 Ferriol y Boxeraus 823 Fe'tis (E. J.) Hist, de la Musique 789 — Biographie des Musiciens 789 Fishing 844 Fishwick's Lancashire Library 878 Flute 803 Fontaine (A.) Catalogue 878 Fonthill Abbey Library Catalogue 922 Forbes (J.) Songs and Fancies 789 French Bibliographies 879 French Proverbs 862 French Songs 810 Fuertes, Musica Espanola 789 Gaforio or Gafurius 790 Gaguin Compendium 914 Games 840-851 Ged (W.) Biogr. Memoirs of 906 Gerbertus (M.) 798 German Songs 811 Gilbart (J. W.) Works 830 Golagrus and Gawane 917 Golf 849 Gracsse (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares 880 Greek Church Music 798 Grenville Catalogue 922 Grove, Diet, of Music 790 Gunnery— Smith 857 Gutenberg 880 Haji Khalfas Lexicon 894 Hamilton Palace Library Catalogue 923 Haraienopuli Epitome Juris (1540) 916 Harrisse (H.) Bibliotheca Americana 865 Harvard University Library SSI Hawking 848 Hawkins (Sir John) History of Music 791 Haytian Proverbs 862 Hazlitt (W. C.) Notes 881 Hebrew Music 8l2 Hedaya (The) 838 Hefner-Altenek, Serrurerie 918 INDEX. Helmholtz (H.) 791 Hessels (J. H.) Ilaarlem Legend 883 Heyden (Sebaldus) Musica 791 Hindoo Law 838, 839 Hindoo Music 814 Hoare, Library Catalogue 923 Hogg's Jacobite Relics 817 Holtrop (J. W.) Monumens Typogra- phiques 884 Hopkins (J.) Psalma 800 Horatius (1482) 914 Horsemanship 849 Horses 849 Hullah (John) 791 Humphrey's Art of Printing 885 Hunting 850 Huth Library Catalogue 923 Ibn Khallikan's Biog. Diet. 894 Icelandic Music 816 Index Librorum Prohibitorum 885-887 Indian Sporting Periodicals 842, 843 Insurance 831 Irish Music 813 Italian Music 813 Italian Proverbs 862 Jacques de Cessole 845 Japanese Music 815 Jewish Proverbs 862 Jovial Companion 792 Jurisprudence 824 Kastner (G.) 792 Kircher 792 Komatzky (F. W. von) 792 Koster Bubble 888 Laborde (de) Chansons 810 Lampe (J. F.) British Melody 809 Langland (W.) Pierce Plowman (1550) 916 Law 824-839 — Oriental 838 — Spanish 837 Leinster, the Book of 918 Le Long, Biblioth. Hist de France 889 Lenox Library 924 Leyes del Toro 837 Library Catalogues 919-928 Linde (Dr. Van der) Gutenberg 883 Literary History 864 Lithuanian Music 814 Livius (1470) 912 Logus (Georgius) 915 Lorenz (0.) Catalogue 889 Lossius 798 Lowndes (W. T.) Manual 890 Mace (,T.) Musick's Monument 793 Magyar Exhibition Catalogue 880 Makhzor (1537) 916 Maltese Proverbs 862 Marcelli (Beneditto) 801 Martens (G. F. de) Recueil de Traitds 832 Masonic Songs 822 Mattheson (J.) 793 Medina, L'Arte del Navegar 856 Meibomins 793 Messisbugo (C. di) Banchetti 847 Mexican Music 814 Military Science and History 852-859 Moore's Irish Melodies 813 Moore (Thomas) Psalm Singer 800 Moravian Songs 819 Mor^ri, Dictionnaire 892 Morgand et Fatout, Bulletin 924 Morley, Canzonets 794 Mozart 794 Murner, Chartiludium 845 Music 785-823 Musical Instruments 801 Musical Miscellany 794 Mttsikalische Zeitung 794 Napier's Peninsular War 856 National Music and Songs 804-823 Naval Sciences 859-861 Newcastle Tracts 893 Newspapers American — see cover Nisard, Livres Populaires 893 Norwegian Music 816 Nunez, Refranes 863 Organ 803 Oriental Biography and Bibliography 893 — Law 839 — Music 814 Oriental Sporting Mag. 843 Oxford Libraries 894 Paisible (M.) Ouvertures 794 Palestrina 801 Pallone or Tennis 850 Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typog. 895 Paper Making 895 Parry (John) Antient British Music 822 Peignot (G.) (Euvres 895 Perkins, Sale Catalogue 925 Pettigrew, Biblioth. Sussexiana 927 Pianoforte 803 Play ford (Henry) 801 Playford (John) 795 Polish Songs 819 Political Economy 824-839 Polynesian Songs 815 Portuguese Songs 815 Portuguese Treaties 838 Prsetorius (Christofoms) 795 Price (L.) Tauroraachia 844 Printing 905 — Bibliography of 901 — in Gold, and on Silk 908 — see Humphreys Proverbs of different peoples 861-863 Psalms in meetre 800 Purcell (Henry) 795 — see Ouvertures 794 — see Jovial Companion 792 Quaritch (Bernard) Catalogues 925 Quaritsch (Dr. A.) Compendia 833 Qu^rard (J. M.) la France Littdraire 896 Ravenscroft (T.) 796 Renouard (A. A.) Impr, des Aides 896 Romaic Songs 815 Roman Law 834 Romano (Remigio) Canzonette 814 Roxburghe (Duke of) Library Cata- logue 926 Russell (J. Scott) Naval Architecture 861 Russian Songs 819, 820 Sacred Music 797-801 Salv6, Span. Catalogue 926 Sangbog 799 Saxton's Atlas 916 Scandinavian Music 816 Schlegel et Wulverhorsf , TraitS de Fauconnerie 848 Scots' Musical Muaeam 818 Scottish Music 817 Scottish Proverbs 862 Secret Writing 851 Servian Songs 820 Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis 918 Shooting 851 Siete Partidas 838 Silesian Songs 812 Skeen (W.) Early Typography 907 Slavonic Songs 818 Smith (A.) Wealth of Nations 835 Smith (T.) Art of Gunnery 857 Songs, the various National 804-823 Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typographia 905 Souter Liedekens 807 Spanish Law 837 — MSS. in Brit. Mus. 870 — Proverbs 863 — Songs 820 — Treaties 837 Sports 840 Stationers' Company Registers 898 Stereoype Printing, first specimen of 909 Sternhold (T.) Psalms 800 Steven's (H.) Hist, Nuggets 865 Stringed Instruments 803 Stmtt (J.) Sports and Pastimes 844 Sunderland Sale Catalogue 927 Swabian Songs 812 Swedish Music 816 Swimming 851 Swiss Songs 820 Ta Tsing Leu Lee 839 Talmud, Babylonian 916 Telegu Proverbs 863 Tennis 850 Thaumas de la Thaumassiere 835 Thomas (J.) Hist, of Printing in Ame- rica 908 Ticknor's Span. Literature 899 Tooke's History of Prices 835 Tory (G.) Champ Fleury 910 Tracts on Trade and Husbandry 836 Trade 824, 836 Transylvanlan Songs 812 Turkish Music 815 Topographical Curiosities 908 Typography 906 — see Bibliography passim Ugrian Songs 820 Upcott's English Topography 899 Valerius Maximus (1471) 9l3 Van Praet, Catalogues 899 Vellum, Books printed on 911-918, 928 Violin 803 Wallachian Songs 820 Walloon Songs 820 Walpole's Authors 900 Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Brit. 900 Weigel, Block-books 905 Wellington (Duke of) Dispatches 859 Welsh Music 820 Wendish Songs 820 Wmiamson (T.) Oriental Field Sports 844 Wilson (J.) Ballads 797 Wood's Athenae Oxoniensis 901 Wrestling 851 Wyld (J.) Maps of Battles 859 Wyman (C.) Bibliog. of Printing 901 Xylography 902 Yciar (Juan de) 910 PBICE 6d. No. 343. CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON MUSIC, SONGS, GAMES, SPORTS; MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCES, LAW, DIPLOMACY, TRADE, AND PROVERBS. CONTENTS : FAOE MUSIC - - - 785-804 History and Seienca Sacred and Church Instruments - " 785-797 797-801 801-804 NATIONAL SONGS - . . . 804-822 MASONIC SONGS - - - . 822-823 DANCING . - . 823 POLITICAL ECONOMY Spanish Law Oriental Law - - 837-838 838-839 824-839 GAMES AND SPORTS Angling, Archery, Boxing, Bull-Fighting Card Playing Chess - - - - Coaching - - - - Cookery, etc. - - - Croquet, Curling, Deer-Stalking - Dogs, Duelling, Falconry - Fencing, etc. - - - - 844 845 845-846 846 846-847 847 848 848-851 840 MILITARY SCIENCES - - - 852 NAVAL SCIENCES - - - 859 PROVERBS — — - - 861 BIBLIOGRAPHY - - - 864 offered for Cash at the aMxed net Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH 15 PICCADILLY, W. LONDON, AUGUST, 1832. __ To insure prompt attention, all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuAEiTCH, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the BooTcseller from loJimn this Catalogue was received. The Boolcs are perfect y and in fine condition. G. NORMAN AND SON PRiNTEas, HART STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. W.C. The Challenger Voyage. Eepoet on the Scientific Results op THE VOYAGE hound the WOELD of H.M.S. " CHALLENaER/' during the years 1873-76, under the command of Captain G-. S. Naees and Captain F. T. Thomson, prepared under the superintendence of Sir C. "Wyville Thomson; ZOOLOGY, parts 11, 12 and 13, forming Vol. IV, one thick volume, royal 4to. 85 plates, several being coloured, cloth, £2. 10s 1882 Contents and prices of separate parte: — Part 11, Anatomy of the Petrels by W. A. Forbes, 'p^, 64, 7 plates, 6s Part 12. Deep-Sea Medusjj:, by Prof. Ernst Hjeckel, pp. cv and 154, 32 plates, some eolowredy £1. 4s Part 13. HoLOTHURioiDEA by Hjalmab Th^el, Part I, pp. 172, 46 plaUs, £1. Vols. I-IV can still be had for £9. 7s Gd A Sulscriher's copy of REEVE (Level) CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA, or Monographs of the Genera of Shells, including Latin and English Descriptions of all the Species known at the time of publication, with their synonyms and references, copious remarks on their characters, affinities, and circumstances of habitation, continued by G. B. Soweebt, 20 vols, complete, 4to. 2727 beautiful coloured plates, comprising above 20 fiOQ figures of the natural size by Soweeby (pub, at £178.), Tif bd. morocco, contents lettered, £125 1843-78 Portuguese Voyages. BARROS Y COUTO, Decadas da Asia, nova edi9ao, con Indice geral, 24 vols. 12mo. maps and portrait, sheep, £5. Lisboa, 1778-88 the same 24 vols. 12mo. calf neat, £6. 10« 1788-88 The best account of the Early Discoveries of the Portuguese in Asia. In this edition all that appeared of the original work has been reprinted, and the missing portions supplied from other sources. Farts I and II are now ready of ART IN CENTRAL ASIA, edited by the Society for the encouragement of Artists, to be completed in 5 parts atlas folio, 50 pages of teat and 40 large plates in gold and colours, £G. 6s St. Petersburgh, 1882 The " Collection of Central Asiatic Ornament:" Turkestan, Buchara, and Cheva, drawn from nature by N. E. Simskof , are being printed to form a work complete as above. The collection is remarkable for its originality, its beauty and brilliancy ; as well as for the superiority of its execution. The drawings represent objects of Pottery, Jewellery, and the Arts of Chasing, Engraving on Wood and Stone, Stuffs, Embroidery and other objects remarkable for the elegance and originality of form, colouring and ornament ; they serve as new material for artistic or trading purposes ; for manufacturers and workmen as well as for artists, architects, and painters. The latter will find here models of remarkable architectural monuments of the time of Tamerlan. Ifew British Museum publication : Catalogue of Additions to the MANUSCRIPTS in the Beitish Museum in the years 1876 to 1881 (edited by E. M, Thompson), royal 8yo. pp. 616, of which the Index occupies 260, cloth, I5s 1882 " The total number of MSS, acquired during this period (and described in the present volume) is 2188; of charters, more than 2300 j of detached seals, upwards of 2800 ; and of papyri, five." — Editor, PRICE 6d. No. 344. CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON BIBLIOGRAPHY, TYPOGRAPHY, AND LITERARY HISTORY; OF BLOCK-BOOKS; CHOICE BOOKS PRINTED UPON VELLUM ; CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES. Offered for Cash at tlie aflaxed net prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. LONDON, SEPTEMBER 20, 1882. To insure 2>rompt attention, all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuABiTCH, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the Boolcseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are perfect^ and in fine condition. G, NORMAN AND SON PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVINT OARDSN, LOXDOK, AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. To be sold in one lot. They were described as follows by Messrs. Sotbeby, and are sold not subject to any claims for imperfections : — Peiwstlvania Gazette (The) from Jan. 4, 1770, to 'Nov. 27, 1776 (Nos. 2141 to 2501), in 7 vols. — The Pennsylvania Gazette and "Weekly Advertiser, from Jany. 5, 1779, to Dec. 2G, 1781 (Nos. 2534 to 2689) 3 vols. — together 10 vols, original Tialfhinding printed ly Sail and Sellers, I'hiladelpliiay 1770-81 Peitnstlvania JorENAL (The) and the Weekly Advertiser, from Jan. 4, 1770, to Dec. 28, 1774 (Nos. 1413 to 1673) ; also from Jany. 5, 1780, to Dec. 29, 1781 (Nos. 1321 to 1452)— together 7 vols, half hound Fhiladef^Jiia, printed ly W. ^' T. Bradford, 1770-81 The alteration in the number of the paper between 1774 and 1780 is remarkable. It became a bi-weekly in 1781. The woodcut device of a Ship with the Journal oyer, and the figures of an Indian and Fame as supporters, was changed on Aug. 3, 1774, to serpent cut in pieces, twisting between the initials of nine States, with the motto, " Unite or Die." Pennstlyania Packet (The) and General Advertiser, from Jan. 6, 1772 (No. 11) to Oct. 29, 1776 (No. 262), in 5 vols. ; also from July 4, to Dec. 22, 1778, in 1 vol. ; and again from Jany. 2, to Dec. 9, 1781, in 1 vol. — together 7 vols, half hound printed hy John Dunlap, Markets, and (the 7th vol.) hy David C. Olaypoole, Philadelphia This paper was issued weekly up to 1776, at Ten Shillings Annual Subscription. On July 25, 1778, it became tri-weekly, " price Fifteen-pence single, and One Shilling by the quantity." The last vol., 1781, commences bi-weekly without any price, and in August was made tri-weekly at Sixpence. The size was enlarged in Vols. Ill and IV, and reduced again from the middle of Vol. V to the end of Vol. VII. Penn^stlvania Chronicle and Universal Advertiser, from Jan. 23, 1769, to Jan. 15, 1770, No. 1 of Vol. Ill (107 of the series) to No. 52 of Vol. Ill (4to.) ; also from Jan. 7, 1771, to Dec. 30, 1771 (No. 60 of Vol. IV to 49 of Vol. V), 2 vols, folio, half bound Philadelphia together 26 vols, folio, hf. hounds £105. Philadelphia, 1769-1781 An extraordinary collection of early Philadelphian Newspapers formed by General Sir Henry Clinton, son of the celebrated Governor of New York, grandson of the Earl of Lincoln, and Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's land Forces in America. He returned to England in 1782, at which year the above Series of papers breaks off. HISTORY OF MUSIC?^^^^^ WORKS ON SACRED, INSTRUMENTAL, AND POPULAR MUSIC; NATIONAL SONGS, Christmas Carols, Ballads, & Books of Dance-Music ; FROM THE LIBRARY OP MR. CARL ENGEL, the celebrated Musical Antiquary, HISTORY, SCIENCE, LITERATURE. 8394 Aaron. Libri tres de Instltutione Harmonica edit! a Petro Aaron, interprete Jo. Antonio Flam. (Flaminio) Bonon. 1516 — Flaminii Silvarum lib. ii : ejusdem Epigrammatnm lib. iii, 1515 — Ejusdem de origine Philosophiee ac Pliilosophorum sectis opuscnlum, s. I. 1523 — Ejusdem de Educatione liberorum, etc. 1524 — Divinum B. Catharinae Bononiensis Opuscnlum in Latinum a Jo. Ant. Flaminio ex vernaculo sermone coversum, cum vita virginis, 1522 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf, £2. 16^ Bonon. 1515-24 The first-mentioned work has the two leaves of errata added after the completion of the book, and missing (it may be supposed) in many copies. They are not included in the Register, and from Grtcsse's account are evidently wanting in Heber's copy. 8395 Alstedius (J. H.) Templum Musicum : or the Musical Synopsis, a compendium of the rudiments both of the mathematical and practical part of Music, translated by John Birchensha, sm. 8vo. front, calf, 2l5 1664 8396 Ambros (A. W.) Culturhistorische Bilder aus dem Musikleben der Gegenwart, 8vo. cloth, 3.s Qd Leipzig j 1860 8397 Andersch (J. D.) Musikalisches Woerterbuch, 8vo. Ids. 2s 6d Berlin, 1829 8398 Apollo's Cabinet, a Collection of English and Italian Songs, Cantatas, and Duetts, set to Music for Harpsichord, Violin, German-Flute, with twelve Duettos for two French Horns by Mr. Charles, with instructions, etc. 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo. Ijp. 231-2 wanting, frontispieces. Id. ISs 1757 8399 Ave-Lallemant (B.) das dritte Norddeutsche Musikfest zu Hamburg, 8vo. 6 plates, cloth, 2s LuhecJc, 1841 57 786 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 8-400 "AYis6Jr'(C;) "Essay on Musical Expression, 12mo. old calf gilt , 2s 6d 1775 8401 Versuch iiber den mnsikalisclien Ausdrnck, 16mo. Ids. \s U Leip. 1775 8402 Bach (0. P. E.) Mnsikalisclies Vielerley, folio, pp. 204, hds. 10s Hamh. 1770 8403 Bach (J. S.). Forkel (J. N.) Joliann Sebastian Baclis Leben, Kunst und Knnstwerke, 4to. port. sd. 4 Rom.anre Ecclesia) consuetudinem quinque vocibus concinenda (partes dua)), complete in 5 vols. sm. 4to. sd. rare, £15. Venet. A. Gardanus 1594 8615 Palestrina, Seine Werke und deren Bedeutung fiir die Geschichte der Tonkunst, von C. von Winterfeld, 8vo. cloth, 2s Breslau, 1832 8616 Playford (Henry) Harmonia Sacra, or Divine Hymns and Dia- logues, with a thorow-bass by the best masters (revised by Purcell), folio, /ro/;^. lO.- 1688 8617 Harmonia Sacra, second edition enlarged, 2 books or vols. in 1, ioMo, fronts, calf, £1. 12s 1703 8618 the Divine Companion ; or, David's Harp new tun'd, a choice collection of Psalms, Hymns and Anthems, by the best masters, 8vo. calf, 7s Gd 1709 8619 Redhead (R.) Laudes Diurnee ; the Psalter and Canticles set to Gregorian tones, 12mo. cloth, 2s 1843 8620 Wittkugel (J. D.) Arietten iiber geistreiche Ausspriiche der Psalmen, folio, sd. rare, 5s Cassel, 1782 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 8621 BiANCHiNi (F.) de tribus generibus Instrumentorum Musicoe Veterum Organicee dissertatio, 4to. 8 ^jlates with numerous figures, vellum, 12s Bomce, 1742 8622 ENGEL (Carl) Musical Instruments in South Kensington Museum, folio, 20 large photograijhs representing a numher of figures, hf hd. 32s ' 1869 8623 Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in the South Kensington Museum, with essay on the history of Musical Instruments, 2nd edition, roy. 8vo. 6 jj//o^of7ra_2)/iS and numerous iDOodcuts, hf. morocco, 10s 1874 8624 Jones (Sir W.) die Musik der Indier, sm. 4to. 29 plates of Instru- 7nents, etc. and specimens of music, cloth, 3s (jd JErfurt, 1802 58 802 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 8625 Mahillon (V. 0.) Catalogue descriptif et analytique du Musee Instrumental du Conservatoire de Bruxelles, 8vo. lif. calf, 6s Gand, 1880 8626 Mersenne. Harmonicorum Libri xii. editio aucta, folio, ivoodcuts of all sorts of Musical Instruments, vellum, 32s Paris, 1648 8627 Schneider (W.) Beschreibung der musicaliscben Instrumente, 8vo. 11 2^lates, cloth, 2s Erfurt, 1834 8628 Stainer (J.) Music of the Bible, 12mo. woodcuts, cloth, 2s Qd ca. 1880 8629 Taylor (Meadows) Catalogue of Indian Musical Instruments, 8vo. cloth, 2s Q>d Irish Acad. 1864 Bag-Pipe. 8630 Caledonian Repository of Music for tlie great Highland Bag- Pipe, a collection of 100 Marches, Reels, etc. oblong 8vo. Ids. hs Edi7i. 1860 8631 CHEDEVILLE (E. Ph. et N.) Les Pantomimes Italiennes, dansees a I'Academie Royale de Musique mises pour la Musette, Vielle, Flute Traversiere et Hautbois par M. Chedeville (cir. 1730) — Concerts Champetres pour les Musettes, etc. par M. Chedeville (cir. 1730) — Braun, Deuxieme Q^uvre de, contenant six suites a deux Musettes (cir. 1740) — Boismortier, Six Gentillesses en trois parties pour la Musette, la Vielle et la Basse (33eme oeuvre), 1731 — Naudot, Six Petes Rustiques pour les Musettes, Vieles, Plutes, etc. (cir. 1730)— in 1 vol. folio, calf, £3. IO5 Paris (1730-40) A collection of Bag-pipe Music now very difficult to obtain. 8632 GuNN (Wm.) Caledonian Repository of Music, adapted for the Bag-pipes, a collection of Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs, and Quick- steps, oblong 8vo. 115 2W- kf- ^^^- ^^ ^^^ Glasgow, 1848 8633 Mackay (Angus) Ancient Piobaireachd or Highland Pipe Music, many pieces adapted for piano, impl. 4to. hf. hd. I65 1838 8634 O'Fareell's Collection of National Irish Music for the Union Pipes, oblong large 8vo. hds. 9s cir, 1700 Bells. 8635 Ellacombe, Remarks on Belfries and Ringers, with appendix on Chiming, 8vo. woodcuts, cl. 2s 1860-61 8636 LuKis, Account of Church Bells, 8vo. woodcuts, cloth, 55 1857 Castagnettes. 8637 Florencio (F. A.) Crotalogia, o ciencia de las Castanuelas ; instruc- cion cientifica del modo de tocar las Castaiiuelas para baylar el Bolero, etc. parte primera, 12mo. sd. 3s 6d^ Valencia, 1792 8638 el mismo, 1792 — Impugnacion literaria a la Crotalogia, por J. Lopez Polinario, Parcel. (1793?) — El Triunfo de las Castanuelas, por A. Moya, Parcel. (1793?) — in 1 vol. 12mo. calf, 7s 6d MUSIC. 803 Flute. 8639 Directions for playing on the Flute, to which is added a fine collection of Minuets, Rigadoons, Marches, and Opera Airs by- Judicious Masters, front, scarce — Compleat Tutor for the Haut- boy, to which is added a choice collection of tunes, also the favourite Rondeau performed at Vauxhall by Mr. Fischer, front. — in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, rare, £2. cir. 1770 At the end are eight leaves of Songs, each page with a vignette engraved at the head. 8640 LoiiENZONi (Ant.) Saggio per ben sonare il Flauto Traverse, 4to. with engraved exercises, hds. rare, 7s 6d Vice7iza, 1779 Organ. 8641 Adlung (Jacob) Musica Mechanica Organoedi; griindliche Unter- richt von der Struktur Gebrauch und Erhaltung der Orgeln, Clavicymbel, iind Clavichordien, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. Id. \0s Berlin, 1768 8642 Anleitung zur musikalischen Gelahrtheit, Theorie und Praxis der Alton und Neuen Musik, von den Instrumenten besonders der Orgel, etc. thick 12nio. cloth, 7s 6d Bres. und Leip. 1783 8643 Baron (J.) Scudamore Organs, hints respecting Organs for Village Churches, Svo. plates, cloth, 2s 1858 8644 Beschreibung des Orgelbanes nnd der Verfahrungsart, 12mo. sd. 2.5 Offenbach, 1792 8645 RiMBAULT, Early English Organ Builders and their works, 12mo. cloth, 55 1864 8646 Turk, die wichtigste Pflicht eines Organisten, 12mo. hds. 2s Halle, 1787 Pianoforte. 8647 Paul (0.) Geschichte Claviers vom Ursprung, 8vo. woodcuts, hds. Ss 6d Leix>zicj, 1868 8648 RiMBAULT (E. F.) The Pianoforte, its origin, progress and construc- tion, with some account of the Clavichord, Virginal, Spinet, Harpsichord, etc. with specimens of music (132 pages) composed for keyed-stringed instruments, impl. 4to. coloured front, and woodcuts, cloth, 18.S ^ I860 Stringed Instruments. 8649 Baron (E. G.) Historisch-theoretisch und practische Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten, sm. 8vo. i^ort. woodcuts and diagrams, t-ellum, 305 Nilrnherg, 1727 8650 Ckome (Robert) the Fiddle new Model'd, or a useful introduction for the Violin exemplify'd with familiar Dialogues, 8 plates, Lond, Vcivid Rutherford, n. ^7— Compleat Tutor for the^Violm, oo 804 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. front. Zond. Printed for and sold hy Peter Thompson, n. d. — in 1 vol. 8vo. ///. hd. 3Qs 8651 Hart (G.) tlio Violin : its famons makers and their imitators, 8vo. plates, cloth, 8s 6d 1875 8652 Maugin (J. C.) et W. Maigne, Manuel cln Luthier, la construction des Instruments a Archet, 16mo. plates, cloth, 2s 1869 8653 Regli (F.) Storia del Violino in Piemonte, 8vo. portrait, hds. 7s 6d Torino, 1863 8654 Saxdys (W.) and Forster (A.) History of the Violin, 8yo. front. and woodcuts, cloth, \0s 6d 1864 8655 SIMPSON (Chr.) the Division VioHst ; or, an introduction to the playing up.on a Ground, sm. iolio, portrait hy Faithorne (title and portrait mounted), hd. £3. 3.s • 1659 8656 VIDAL (A.) les Instruments a Archet, 3 vols. Ad Leipzig, 1842 8782 KoszMALY und Carlo, Schlesisches Tonkiinstler-Lexicon, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd Breslau, 1846 8783 Swabian. Meier (E.) Schwabische Volkslieder, 12mo. loith some tunes, cloth, 3s Qd Berlin, 1855 8784 Schwabische Volks-Lieder, sm. Bvo. cloth, 2s 6cZ Freiburg, 1864 8785 Transylvanian. Schuller (J. K.) Gedichte in Siebenbiirgisch- Sachsischer Mundart, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd Hermannstadt, 1840 8786 Schuster, Siebenbiirgisch-sachsische Volkslieder, Sprichworter, etc. 8vo. with music to many of the songs, cloth, 7s Hermannstadt, 1865 Hebrew. 8787 Aguilar (Em.) Ancient Melodies of the Liturgy of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, with essay on the Sephardic Liturgy by D. A. De Sola, roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1857 8788 Nathan (I.) Hebrew Melodies, ancient and modern, with sympho- nies and accompaniments, the poetry by Byron, 4 parts, complete, impl. 4to. hds. 12s n. d. MUSIC: SONGS. 813 8789 Saalschutz (J.) Geschichte tiiid Wiirdigung der Musik bei den Hebraern, 12mo. front, cloth, 2s M Berlin, 1829 8790 Form und Geist der bibliscli-hebraisclien Poesie, 8vo. cloth, 25 M Konigsherg, 1853 8791 SuLZER (S ) SchirZion; gofctesdienstliche Gesange der Israeliten, atlas 4to. vocal score, ivith a German translation in MS. of many of the songs, hJs. 255 Wien 8792 Weinteaub (H.) Scbire Beth Adonai oder Tempelgesange fiir den Gottesdienst der Israeliten, 3 books in 1 vol. impl. 4to. hf. Ids. 365 Irish. 8793 BUNTING (E.) Ancient Irish Mnsic adapted for pianoforte, Vol. I, roy. 4to. j^p- 30, sd. 55 Duhlin, n. d. 8794 Ancient Music of Ireland arranged for pianoforte, with a dissertation on the Irish Harp, Vol. I {all ]}uUished) , pp. 30 and 12^ front, and plates, with other pieces, 1 vol. impl. 4to. hf hd. 12s (? 1809) 8795 CoNRAN (M.) National Music of Ireland, history of the Bards, the national melodies, etc. 12mo. cloth, Ss 6d Dublin, 1846 8796 Howe's Songs of Ireland, about 175 of the gems of Hibernia's Songs and Ballads, for piano or melodeon, 4to. Ids. 7s 6d Boston (U.S.), K Hoioe, 1864 8797 MOORE'S Irish Melodies, w4th symphonies, etc. by Sir J. Steven- son, original edition, nos. 1, 4, 5 and 6 (the last) in 1 vol. folio, plates, hf. hd. 12s 1807 8798 Notes from Letters to his publisher James Power (sup- pressed in London), 8vo. cloth, hs New Yorh, 1854 8799 PETRIE (G.) the Petrie Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland, arranged for pianoforte (with, in many cases, the words in Irish and English, also dissertations and notes), Vol. I (all printed), atlas 4to. cloth gilt, 2ds Duhlin, 1855 Printed for subscribers only by the Society for the preservation of the Melodies of Ireland. 8800 SuRENNE (J. T.) Songs of Ireland without words, roy. 8vo. hds. 45 6d Edin. 1854 8810 Walker (J. C.) Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, with account of the Musical Instruments of the Ancient Irish, with select melodies, 4to. portrait of Cormac Common, and plates, scarce, hds. 22s 1786 Italian. 8811 Canzoni Popolari inedito in dialetto Sardo Centrale ossia Logudo- rese, 2da serie, sq. 8vo. cloth, 5s Cagliari, 1870 8812 CoLLEZiONE delle Canzoncine Napolitane : Passatempi Musicali, with Supplements, 5 parts in 1 vol. folio, ///. calf, 2os ^Napoli (cir. 1850) Coi«TENTS : Arietle, Romanze, Canzoncine, Contradanze, Tarantelle, etc. 8813 KopisCH, Agrumi ; Volksthiimlichen Pocsieen aus alien Mundarten Italiens, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d Berlin, 1838 814 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 8814 Mueller (Gugl.) e Wolff (0. L. B.) Raccolta di Poesie Italiane popolari, 12mo. with some MusiCj hds. 2s 6d Lips. 1829 8816 PiTR^ (Gius.) Canti Popolari Siciliani, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth mid sd. 6s Palermo, 1870-71 8816 ROMANO (Remigio) Raccolta (prima, seconda, terza et quarta) di Bellissime Canzonette Musicali — Residue alia quarta parte — together 5 parts in 1 vol. oblong sm. 8vo. hds. extremely rare, £10. Venetia {ca. 1650) 8817 Salomone-Marino, Canti populari Siciliani in aggiunta a quelli del Vigo, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d Palermo, 1867 8818 TiGRi (Gius.) Canti Popolari Toscani, 12mo. cloth, 3s 6d Firenze, 1860 8819 Vigo (L.) Canti Popolari Siciliani, royal 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Gatania, 1857 8820 WiDTER (G.) und Wolf (Ad.) Volkslieder aus Venetien, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d Wien, 1864 Lithuanian. 8821 Nesselmann, Littauisclie Volkslieder gesammelt und metrisch iibersetzt, 8vo. with some Music, cloth, 7s 6d Berlin, 1853 8822 Rhesa (L. J.) Dainos oder Littliauische Volkslieder iibersetzt mit Urtext (mit Melodien zu einigen Gesangen), 12mo. cloth, 3s 6d Berlin, 1843 Mexican. 8823 Coleccion de 24 Canciones j Jarabes Mexicanos, arreglados para piano, impl. 4to. cloth, 15s Hamburg, n. d. Oriental. 8824 Macgregor (J.) Eastern Music, 20 melodies from the Egyptian, Jewish, Syrian, Turkish, etc. with accompts., 4to. tvoodcuts^ sd. 7s Qd London, n.d, 8825 Arabic. Christianowitsch (A.) Esquisse Historique de la Musique Arabe, aux temps anciens, iolio, jplates of Instruments and 4i0 pieces of music, cloth, 14s Cologne, 1863 8826 Daniel (F. S.) la Musique Arabe, ses rapports avec la Musique Grecque et le Chant Gregorien, 8vo. cloth, 4s Alger, 1863 8827 Jones (E.) Maltese Melodies, national airs and dances, oblong 8vo, sd. 7s 6d cir. 1800 8828 Chinese. Variedades Literarias, tomo II, 12mo. vellum, 5s Madrid, 1779 Including a ''Librosobre la Musica de los Chinos," and another "sobre los Bayles de los Chinos." 8829 Hindoo. BIRD (W. H.) the Oriental Miscellany, a collection of the most favourite airs of Hindoostan, adapted for the Harpsi- chord, folio, sd. 36s Calcutta, 1789 8830 Hindoo Airs (12) with English words, for 1, 2, 3 and 4 voices, impl. 4to. sd. 10s cir. 1790 MUSIC : SONGS. 815 8831 Horn (C. E.) Indian Melodies, arranged for voice and piano, words by W. Reader, jnn. folio, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1813 8832 WiLLARD (N. A.) on the Mnsic of Hindustan, 8vo. Ids. scarce, 7s 6d Calciitta, 1834 8833 Japanese. Dickson (F. Y.) Japanese Lyrical Odes, in English, 8vo. cloth, 5.9 186 G 8834 Turkish. Lyre Orientale (la) recneil d'Airs Orientaux (Turqnes), harmonises par Cnatelli, nos. 1 and 2 in 1 vol. folio, cloth, 155 Constantinople, 1858 " It is a well-known fact that the ladies in the harems at Constantinople not unfrequently have a pianoforte in their rooms . . . some insight into the nature of their performance is afforded us by ' Lyre Orientale ' . . . one of the most extraordinary music-books ever printed." — Engel. 8835 Stabler (Abbe) Original- Chore der Derwische Mewlewi, in arabischer, persischer nnd tiirkischer Sprache, mit Uebersetzung, Unisono fiir Chor oder eine Singstimme, mit Begleitung des Pianoforte eingerichtet, oblong folio, front, cloth, 16s Wien (ca. 1835) " A very remarkable book of Turkish music, contains fifty-nine songs of the Mewlewi Dervishes, who used to perform their sacred dances in a mosque at Tophane, a suburb of Constantinople. — EngeVs Lit. of National Music," Polynesian. 883G Gill (W. W.) Myths and Songs from the South Pacific, with preface by Max Miiller, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 1876 Portuguese. 8837 Braga (Th.) Cantos popnlares do Archipelago A^oriano, 12mo. cloth, OS Forto, 1869 8838 MiLCENT (Fmn. Dom.) Jornal de Modinhas com accompanhamento de Cravo pelos milhores autores, 9 parts, and other pieces of Portuguese composers, in 1 vol. roy. 4to. hf. calf 36s Lishoa, n. d. Romaic. 8839 BouEGAULT-DucouDRAY (L. A.) Melodies populaires de Grece et d'Orient, roy. 4to. sd. 6s Paris, 1876 Contains the airs with words in the original and a Trench tr{inslation, accompt. for piano and notes. 8840 Fauriel (C.) Neugriechische Volkslieder, iibersetzt von W. Miiller, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth, 5<§ Leipzig^ 1825 &841 Kind (Th.) Anthologie neugriechischer Yolkslieder, im Original mit Uebertragung, 12mo. cloth, 35 6d Leipzig, 1861 8842 Lemercier (N. L.) Chants heroiques des Montagnards et Matelots grecs, en vers fran^ais, 8vo. cloth, hs Paris, 1824 8843 Sanders (D. H.) das Yolksleben der Neugriechen erklart aus Liedern, etc. Bomaic and German, 8vo. cloth, 3^ 6d Mannheim, 1844 816 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Scandinavian. 8844 Warrens (R.) Schwedische, Norwegische, Islandische, Faroisclie Yolkslieder derVorzeifc iibertragen, 2 vols. 12ino. cloth Qs Qd Hamh, 1857-66 8845 Danish. Grundtvig (S.) Uanmarks gamle Folkeviser, 3 vols. irapl. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 36s Kjohoihavn, 1853-62 An important work containing poems, ballads, and biographical notices ; and forming a cyclopaedia of Danish poetical literature and legends. 8846 Nyerup (R.) Udvalg af Danske Yiser, med Melodier, 2 vols. 12mo. Ids. 7s 6d Coiienliaffen, 1821 8847 Vedels (A. S.) og Syvs (P.) Udvalgte Danske Viser fra Middel- alderen, 5 vols. 12nio. with Music to some of the songs, hf. calf, \2s Kiohenh. 1812-14 8848 Icelandic. Bugge (S.) Gamle Norske Folkevisor, 8vo. cdotli, 2s 6rZ 1858 8849 WiLLAKEN (P. J.) Alt-islandische Volks-Balladen und Heldenlieder der Faringer nbersetzt, 12mo. cloth, 3s 6d Bremen, 1865 8850 Landstad (M. B.) Norske Folkeviser, thick large 8vo. with music, hf cf. gilt, 125 Ghristiania, 1853 8851 Norwegian. Lindeman (L. M.) Norske Fjeldmelodier, bearbeidede for Pianoforte, impl. 4to. cloth, 12s Ghristiania, n. d. 8852 Norske Viser og Stev i Folkesproget, 16mo. 12 jj»j:>. of music, cloth, Is 6d Ghristiania, 1848 8853 Swedish. Ahlstrom und Boman, Aiiswalil Sckwedischer Volks^ lieder und National-Tiinze, 9 parts, etc. in 1 vol. roy. 4to. cloth, 10s 8854 Arwidssox (A. J.) Svenska Fornsiinger : en Samling af Kampavisor, Folk- visor, Lekar och Dansar, samt Barnocli Vall-Sanger, 3 vols. 8vo. ^vith music, hf. calf, 12s 1834-42 8855 Bellmans (C. !M.) Bacchi Tempel opnadt vid en Hieltes Dod, 10 vignettes, Stochlwlm, 1815 — Musiken till Bacchi Tempel, 8t. Petersh. 1815 — in 1 vol. hf calf, 7s 6d 8856 Dybeck (R.) Svenska Vallvisor och Hornlatar med Norska Art- forandringar, roy. 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d St och. 1846 8857 Fredman. Musiken till Fredmans Sanger, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 55 Stoch. cir. 1800 8858 Geijer (E. G.) and Afzelius, Svenska Folk-Yisor, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. ivith aj^pendix of 60 2^2^- of music, hf. hd. 12s Stockholm, 1814-16 8859 Rosenberg (A. G.) 160 Polskor, Yisor ock Danslekar, samt satta for pianoforte — 160 Svenska Danspolskor . (2dra Samlingen) — 2 vols, in 1, impl. 4to. cloth, 10s Stockholm, 1876 8860 Studacii, Schwedische Volksharfe, mit Beilage Norranaliedern und Melodien, 12mo. hds. 2s 6d StockJiolm, 1826 MUSIC: SONGS. 817 Scottish : Highland and Lowland. 8861 AxciEN'f Scottish Melodies, from a Manuscript of the Reign of King James the VI, with Inquiry on history of the Music of Scotland, by W. Dauney,4to. with music to the Airs, Ids. 245 Edinl). 1838 8862 the same, 4to. iirinted on hand-made i^aj^er for the ■ Bamiatyne Cluh, hf. morocco, £3. 10s 1838 8863 Bremnee (R.) Thirty Scots Songs for voice and harpsichord, words by Allan Ramsey — Second Set of Scots Songs— 2 vols, in 1, inipl. 4to. hf. calf, 10s cir. 1790 8864 CALEDONIAN MUSICAL REPOSITORY, Scottish Songs for voice, violin and German flute, 12mo. opiates, calf, 7s 6d Edin. (1805 ?) 886-5 the same, 12m.o. front, and plates, calf, 4.s Loud. 180G 8866 new edition, with additions, sm. 8vo. front. Ms. 3s Qd (1808) 8867 Chambers (Robt.) Songs of Scotland prior to Burns, wdth the tunes, thick 12mo. cloth, Zs 6d Edin. 1862 8868 DALYELL (Sir J. G.) Musical Memoirs of Scotland, with Historical Annotations, 4to. 40 plates of curious Musical Instruments, only 250 copies printed, scarce, cloth, £5. 5s Edin. 1849 8S69 Dun (Finlay) and Thompsox (J.) Yocal Melodies of Scotland, with symphonies and accompaniments, roy. 4to. ///. morocco gilt, 14.9 Edin. n. d. (1860 ?) 8870 Fink (G. W.) Erste Wanderung der iiltesten Tonkunst, 12mo. cloth, 3.S 6d Essen, 1831 " A curious dissertation on the Eastern origia of the national music of the Scotch." — Engel. 8871 Eraser (Capt.) Airs and Melodies peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles, folio, cloth, 18s Edin. 1815 8872 Graham (G. E.) Songs of Scotland, with melodies, accompts. and notices, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. hds. 10s 6d 1854 8873 HOGG (J.) JACOBITE RELICS of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs and Legends of the adherents of the Honse of Stuart, 2vith the Music, the 2 series, 8vo. calf neat, £2. 10s 1819-21 8874 Jacobite Relics, First Series, fevo. If. calf gilt, 30s 1819 8875 Jamie SON (Robt.) Popular Ballads and Songs, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 20s Edin. 1806 8876 Macdonald (Donald) Collection of ancient Martial Music of Caledonia, called Piobaireachd, also adapted to piano, violin and violoncello, third edition, folio, hd. 8s 6d Edin. n. d. 8877 MiTCHisoN (W.) Handbook of the Songs of Scotland, with music, 8vo. cloth, Ss6d cir. 1852 8878 Motherwell (W.) Minstrelsy: ancient and modern, with intro- duction and notes, sq. 8vo. ivith some Music, cloth, 18s Glasgow, 1827 59 618 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 8879 National Melodies of Scotland united to the songs of Burns, etc with accompaniments, etc. by Haydn, Pleyel, Kozeliich, etc. 4to. front, of 'portraits J If. calf, \2s 1834 888) Ritson's Scotish Songs (with music, and a historical essay on Scottish Song), 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, clotli, 2.0s Glasgotv, 1869 8881 SCOTS' MUSICAL MUSEUM (the), upwards of 600 Songs with basses for pianoforte, by J. Johnson, with notes and illustrations by W. Stenhouse, new edition, with additional notes, 4 vols. 8vo. If. hd. £2. 12s U Edin. 1853 8882 Selection of favourite Scots Songs, adapted for the Harpsichord, with accompt. for a Violin, folio, hf. hd. 55 W. Napier, n. d. 8883 Smith (R. A.) Scotish Minstrel, vocal melodies of Scotland arranged for Pianoforte, 4 vols, in 2, roy. 8vo. calf, 28s Edin. n. d, 8884 SuRENNE (J. T.) Dance Music of Scotland, the best Reels and Strathspeys arranged for the Pianoforte, royal 8vo. cloth, 5s 1852 8885 THOMSON (G.) Select collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice, with Symphonies and Accompaniments by Pleyel, Kozeluch and Haydn, plates, 4 vols, in 2, folio, ///. hd. 20s Edin. 1810 8886 The Select Melodies of Scotland, interspersed witli those of Ireland and Wales, united to the Songs of Burns, Sir W. Scott, and other poets, with symphonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte by Pleyel, Haydn, Beethoven, etc. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. p)ort. of Burns and i^lates after Stothard, calf gilt, Sir liohert FeeVs copy, 36s Edin. 1822 Prefixed is a dissertation on the national melodies of Scotland. The title bears the words " in five volumes ;" but a sixth subsequently appeared. 8887 Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius, or a collection of the best Scotch Songs set to Musick, folio, first edition, 58 engraved leaves^ ivitli printed list of snhscrihers, calf, £4. 4s (1725) 8888 another copy, folio {having inserted at page 49 a differe-ht version of David MalleWs hallad of William and Margaret in MS. in a contempiorary hand), slightly stained, calf, £2. 2s [1725] An extremely rare collection of the old Scotch Ballads, and the fii-st published in England. Amongst them are seven ascribed to Rizzio. 8889 TuRNBULL (J.) and Buciian (P.) Garland of Scotia, a wreath of Scottish Song for voice, llutc, violin, etc. roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s See also Instruments ; Bagpipe. Slavonic Glasgow, 1841 8890 Peifalik (J.) Volksschauspiele aus Mahren, 12mo. cloth, 4s Qd Olmiiz, 1864 Sterndreher lieder — Weibnachtslicder — De Sancta Dorothea ; Tassional, U95. 8891 ISTaakl;, Slavonic Fairy Tales, translated, post Svo. front, cloth, 3s 6(Z 1874 8832 PiESNi, Polskie i Ruskie ludu Galicvjskiego, thick 8vo. with 183 ^j;. of Music, hf hd. 10s "' ^y^ Uvoivie, 1 833 MUSIC: SONGS. 819 8893 Wenzig (J.) Slawische Yolkslieder iibersetzt, 12mo. cloth, 3s U Halle, 1830 8894 JNational and Popular Slavonic Songs and Music, 21 pieces in 2 vols. impl. 4to. doth, 16s Berlin and St. Fetersburcj, n. d. Most of the songs have a German translation. The collection includes Russian Gipsy songs, songs of the Ukraine, Bohemia, etc. some of them arranged in the potpourri form. 8895 Bohemian. Erben ( K. J.) Napewy Pjsnj w Narodnjch w Cechacli, 4to. hf. morocco, I2s Prar/ue, 1847 A collection of 300 songs of the Czechs or Slavonic inhabitants of Bohemia, with pianoforte accompaniments by J. P. Martinowski. 8896 Erben (K. J.) Napevy prostonarodnich Pisni Ceskych, 2 vols. 8vo. containing 811 tunes %vith original words, hf. calf neat, lOs 6d Prague, 1862-64 8897 Feifalik (J.) Alt-Oecliisclie Leiche, Lieder und SprUche des 14ten und 15ten Jalirhund., 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d Wien, 1862 8898 Kamartta (J. W.) Ceske narodni ducliownj Pisne, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. cloth, Ss 6d Praze, 1831-32 8899 Martinek (Fr.) Napevy k Ceskemu Zpevnicku, oblong 12mo. Bohemian Songs ivith music, sd. 2s Prague, 1856 8900 Vasak (Em.) Narodni Zpev a Pies, etc. 2 pts. 12mo. Bohemian Songs with music, cloth and sd. 3s 6d Prague, 1864 8910 Waldau (A.) Bohmiscke Nationaltanze, 16mo. cloth, 2s Prag, 1859 8911 Bohmiscke Granaten ; Czeclriscke Yolkslieder iibertragen, 16mo. cloth, 3s 6d Prag, 1858 8912 Moravian. Susil (F.) Moravske Narodni Pisne, large 8vo. hest edition, containing 800 songs, ivords and times, hf. calf gilt, 21s Brunn, I860 8913 Polish. Kolberg (0.) Piesni Ludu Polskiego, 8vo. 10 coloured plates of the Costume of the Poles, hf. calf, 14d Ziirich, 1870 8940 KuHN (G. J.) Yolkslieder und Gedicbte, 12nio. music, cloth, 3.s Qd Bern, 1806 8941 Recueil de Ranz de Vaciies et Chansons Rationales de la Suisse (texte allemande), oblong %o. froyit. calf gilt, 16s Bern, 1818 8942 Tarenne (G.) Recberches sur les Ranz des Vaches, avec musique, 870. hf. morocco, hs Paris, 1813 Ugrian, 8943 Finnish. Altmann (J.) Runen finnischer Volkspoesie iibersetzt, 16mo. cloth, 2s Qd Leip. 1856 8944 [Reinholm (A.)] Suomen Kansan Laulantoja pianolla soitettavia, I, oblong 8vo. Finnish Songs, with Music, cloth, hs Helsingssd, 1849 89 i 5 Schroter (Dr. H. R.) Finnische Runen, finnisch und deutsch, Stuttgart, 1834 — Yolkslieder der Polen (deutscli) von W. P. Leipzig, 1833— in 1 vol. cloth, 2s 6d 8946 Magyar. Karoly (S.) A Magyar Nep Dalai cs Dallamai, 12mo. 200 songs tuith music, cloth, 4.5 Pest, 1865 8947 Magyar Nepdal (100), roy. 4to. Songs with music for piano, and 7 other pieces of Maqi/ar music, in 1 vol. roy. 4to. cloth, 12s ^ . Pest, 18^3 8918 MATRAY (G.) Allgemeine Sammlung ungarischer Yolkslieder, Yol. I in 2 parts, and Yol. II pt. 1, with an extra part of 50 Magyar Songs (probably all published), in 1 vol. roy. 4to. cloth, 155 Osen, 1852 — Pest, 1858 8949 Melodies de Chants Hongrois historiques bibliques et satyriques, 4to. words and music. Ids. 6s Pest, 1859- 89 Wallachian, 50 Murray (E. C. G.) Doine ; or, the National Songs and Legends of Roumania, post 8vo. with music of the national airs, cloth, 4s M^ 1854 8951 SCHULLER (J. K.) Romanische Yolkslieder, metrisch iibersetzt, 12mo. sd. 2s U Hermannstadt, 18o9 Walloon. 8952 Choix de Chansons et Poesies Wallonnes (pays de Uegey,Syo.wiiJi Music, cloth, 7s M L'^V'^ IS^^^ 822 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Welsh. 8953 JONES (E.) Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsli Bards, new edition, 1 vol. impl. 4to. text and 60 2^2^ ■ of music, calf, 20s 1794 8954 Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bards, Yol. I, third edition, frontispiece, 1808 ; Vol. II, 1802 — 2 vols, folio, 114 j9p. consisting of engraved Music, lif. hd. 365 1808-2 Consisting of Welsh Songs with an English translation, and a History of the Bards. The following pages contain the Music: Vol. I, pp. 124-185; Vol. II, 61-112. A third volume appeared in 1825. 8955 Jones (Edw.) The Bardic Museum of Primitive British Litei-ature, forming the second vol. of the Relics of the Welsh Bards, con- taining the Bardic Triads, Odes, Songs, Elegies, etc. War Tunes, Pastorals, Jigs, etc. vnth music, impl. 4to. front, hy Uovjlandson, Ids. 25s 1802 8956 PARRY (John) and Williams (Evan) Antient British Music ; or, a collection of tunes, never before published, which are retained by the Cambro -Britons, supposed to be the remains of the Music of the Antient Druids, folio, 24 Airs, cloth, £6. 10s London, 1742 g957 the same, folio, tall co2^y, htit molded, and without last leaf, hf calf, £5. _ 1742 •' A curious and scarce publication, which claims to be the earliest printed collection of Welsh National Airs. Only the first part appears to have been published." — Carl Engel. 8958 Paeet (John) Selection of Welsh Melodies, with symphonies, etc. and words by Mrs. Hemans, 2 numbers or vols, in 1, folio, hf. calf 12s cir. 1800 8959 Sois^GS of Wales, English and Welsh words, Music edited by. B. Richards, roy. 8vo. cloth gilt, Ss 1873 8960 new and enlarged edition, roy. 8vo. cloth gilt, 7s 6d 1879 8961 Thomas (John) Cambrian Minstrel, melodies of Cambria, words in English and Welsh, with several original airs, sm. 4to. cloth, lOs 6d Merthyr Tydvil, 1845 8962 Williams (Maria Jane) Ancient National Airs of Grwent and Morganwg, Welsh melodies (songs) arranged for harp or piano, folio, cloth, 12s 1844 MASONIC SONGS. 8963 DowNES (C.) Constitution of Eree-Masonry ; or Ahiman Rezon, with a selection of Masonic Songs by S. Holden, 8vo. ivith music, hf hound, 15s Buhlin, 1807 The music occupies 99 pages. 8964 Holden (Br. S.) Selection of Masonic ^ongs, arranged with Choruses, in parts, 8yo. front, hf calf, 7s 6d Did)lin, cir. 1790 8965 SECRET (le) des EEANCS-MAgoxs, (avec Vers et Chansons de la Ma9onnerie),18mo. redmorocco, gilt edges, hy Padclotqj, £7. 7s 1744 Very scarce. From the Beckford collection. MUSIC: SON-GS. 823 8966 ViGNOLES (de) et Du Bois (Freres) la Lire Ma^onne, ou recueil do Chansons des Fi^ncs-Ma9ons, avec les Airs notes, 12mo. old calf gilt, scarce, Ihs La Haye, 1766 DANCING. 8967 BLASIS (C.) Art of Dancing, its tlieory and practice, its rise and progress, 8vo. front. 17 ]}lates of numerous figures and 22^^29. of Quadrille music, lif. calf, Ss Qd 1830 8968 Notes upon Dancing, historical and practical, 8vo. por- traits, lif. calf gilt, hs 1847 8969 Bonnet, Histoire de la Danse, 12mo. calf, hs Paris, 1724 8970 FERRIOL Y BOXERAUS (B. de) Reglas utiles para los aficiona- dos a Danzar provechoso divertimiento de los que gustan tocar instrumentos, 12mo. curious woodcuts, and folding leaves of Music, some of the folding leaves defective, vellum, £5. Cajpoa, 1745 " Mui escaso." — Salva. 8971 Gallixi (Giov. And.) Critical Observations on the Art of Dancing, with music of 50 French Dances (1762 ?) — ^Treatise on the Art of Dancing, by the same, ^date, 1762 — in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, *?s&d 1762 8972 KELLY (Earl of) Minuets (edited with introduction by C. K. Sharpe), 4to. iiortrait and engraved title, hds, £6. Edinhurgh, 1836 Only sixty copies were printed. 8973 NovEERE, Lettres sur la Danse, sur les Ballets, etc. 4 vols, in 2, 4to. iwrtrait, hf. calf, 36s St. Petershourg, 1803 The third vol. is entitled " Observations sur la construction d'une sallc d'opera et programmes des Ballets." 8974 Rameau, le Maitre a Danser, 8vo. front, and numerous folates, calf, 10s Paris, 1748 8975 WILSON (Th.) Complete System of English Country Dancing, 12mo. engraved diagrams and examples of music, hf. calf gilt, 7s U ^ 1828 8976 Companion to the Ball Room^ a collection of Country Dances, Reels, Hornpipes, Waltzes, etc. 12mo. with the music, hf calf gilt, 12s (1820) 8977 Correct Method of Waltzing, the truly fashionable species of dancing, part I, French and German Waltzing, 12mo. front, plates and music, hds. 6s 6d 1816 824 BERNARD QUARITCH S GENERAL CATALOGUE. POLITICAL ECONOMY, La^w, Jurisprudence, Diplomacy. Ancient Anglo-Saxon Laws — see page 4:73. Ancient Laws of Wales— see ^a^e 474 8978 ANDERSON'S (Adam) Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce from the earliest Accounts, containing a History of the Commercial Interests of the British Empire, 4 vols. 4to. frontis]jiece hv Stothard, mid mai^s, fine copy, calf, £2. 25 " ' 1787-9 "A justly celebrated and valuable work, replete with useful information." " Containing bj far the most accurate account of the South Sea Company, and the very extraordinary transactions of the year 1729." — Macjpherson. 8979 Angeli (D.) et And. Alciati. Monomachia, ejusd. Angeli Consilia ad Senatum Mehlin, folio, fi7ie ivoodcut title and initial letters, old calf, gilt edges, the Sunderland copij, 20s absque nota (iheFrivilege dated Bruxellis, 1562) 8980 Anglo-Saxon Laws : die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. In der Ursprache mit Uebersetzung, Erlauterungen und einem antiqua- rischen Glossar herausgegeben von Dr. Reinhold Schmid, thick 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Leipzig, 1858 8981 Audley : Way to be Rich ; according to the Practice of the Great Audley, who begun with £200, and dyed worth £400,000, smallest 4to. cloth, 15s 1662 Bindley's copy sold for £2. 6s. 8982 B. (G.) de Laudibus utriusque Juris Oratio, 12mo. calf, 2s Parisiis, 1643 8983 Backer (Louis de) le Droit de la Femme dans I'Antiquite son devoir an Moyen Age, sm. 8vo. sd. 6s Paris, 1880 8984 Baily (F.) Doctrine of Life Annuities and Insurances, with Appendix and Tables, 8vo. calf, 15s 1813 8985 Bambergische Halss-Gerichts und Rechtlich Ordnung in pein- lichen Sachen, small folio, many very fine woodcuts concerning Criminal Trials, Torture andBxeciLtions, very fine copy, hf. vellum, £3. Mcyntz, Johann Schoeffer, 1531 8986 Baebeyrac, Histoire des anciens Traitez, recueil de traitez repandus dans les auteurs Grecs et Latins, jusques' a I'Emp. Charlemagne, 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, 12s Amst. 1739 8987 Barbos^g (Petri) Lusitani. Tractatus de Legatis : de Substitu- tionibus ; de Probatione per Juramentum, folio, vellum, 5s Lugduni, 1662 8988 Beaussant, Code Maritime ou Lois de la Marine marchande, 2 vols. 8vo. ///. morocco, 4s Paris, 1840 8989 Beccaria. Dei Delitti e delle Pene, sm. 8vo. old calf gilt, 3s M Lausanna, 1769 3990 Essay on Crimes and Punishments, 8vo. calf, 7s 6d 1801 POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 825 8991 Beguillet, Traite des subsistances et des Grains qui servent ala noun-iture, leur qualites, usages, et maladies, commerce des Farmes, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. ^plates of Agricultural Imjplements, calf neat, 12s Faris 1780 8992 BENTHAM (Jeremy) Works of, now first collected by' John Bowring, parts I-XIY, forming 7 vols, (of 11), 8vo. portrait, onno ^^'^^^'' ^'^' ^^^ Edinburgh, 1838-40 8993 Codification and Public Instruction, 8vo. lif. calf, 4.? 1817 8994 . Plan of Parliamentary Reform, 8vo. hf. calf, 4^ 1817 8995 Art of Packing Special Juries, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 1821 8996 Bever (Tho.) Legal Polity of tlie Roman State, and rise and progress of the Law, 4to. old calf gilt, 15s 1821 8997 BLACKSTONE (W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, 4 vols. 4to. vellum, extra gilt edges, £2. 10s Oxford, 1766 Second edition of Volume I and first edition of Vols. II-IV. A fine specimen of English vellum binding. 8998 Blaxton (John) the English Usurer, or Usury condemned by the most learned and famous Divines of the Church of England (at the end are verses hj Geo. Wither), smallest 4to. curious ^voodcut on title ; slightly cut into. Ids. 30s 1634 8999 BLOUNT (T.) Fragmenta Antiquitatis ; or Antient Tenures of Land, and jocular Customs of some Manors, new edition by Beckwith, 8vo. tree marbled calf gilt, 25s York, 1784 9000 Bosch (Dr. And.) Summari, Index, o Epitome dels admirables y nobilissims Titols de Honor de Cathalunya, Rossello y Cerdauya, folio, vellum, 30s Perjnnya, P. Lacavalleria, 1628 A RA.RE BOOK, important for the history of Catalonia and its fueros, or distinct legislation, as well as interesting by reason of the language it is written in. 9001 Bracton (H. de) de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglise, folio, Editio Princeps, old calf, 20s Lond. ay. Rich. Tottellum, 1569 9010 BRITTON. The French Text revised with English translation and notes by E. M. Nichols, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. 36s), cloth, . 18s . Oxford, 1865 A correct and valuable edition of the celebrated Manual of the Laws of England, compiled by John de Breton in the thirteenth century. 9011 Brunus. Tractatus de Indiciis et Tortura E. Bruni, Guid. do Suzaria, et Baldi de Periglis, cum additionibus D. L. Bolognini, 12mo. vellum, Qs Qd Lugd. 1546 9012 BuGNYON (Philibert) Traite des Loix abrogees et inusitees en toutes les cours, terres, jurisdictions et seigneuries du Royaumo de Ei'ance, sm. 4to. seventh edition, old calf, ivith " Edward GwYNN " stamped on sides, the Sunderland copy, 28s Lyon, per G. Pesnot, 1578 9013 Bynkershoek, Opera Juridica, 6 vols, small 4to. portrait, a very fine copy in calf gilt, 27s Lugd. Bat. 1752 9014 Caii Jurisconsulti Antiquissimi Institutionum quas supersunt Jacobus Oiselius ex parte collegit, digessit et notis perpetuis illustravit, 8vo. large paper, vellum, 10s Lugd. Bat. 1658 82G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9015 Campegii (Annib.) In priores quatuor tutulos Pandectarum nomicopoliticus commentarius, 12nio. ca7/, 2s 6d Ticini, 1625 9016 Camus, Lettres sur la Profession cl'un Avocat, par M. Dupin, 2 vols. hf. calf neat, 7s 6cl Paris, 1818 The second rolume is entirely devoted to Legal Bibliography, and at the end of it is bound " Notices bibliographiques, etc. sur plusieurs livres de Jurisprudence Frangaise par M. Dupin, 1820." 9017 CAPITULARIA. ANTiQUiE Burgundionum Leges, *d^ pp. ; In Christi nomine incipiunt Capitula Kegum et Episcoporum . . . Francorum, etc. pp. 1-224 ; in 1 vol. 12mO. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, old Colf^ frOlll the BaluzG and Sunderland libraries^ unique, £40. sine nota [Pansiis^ 1548] " II parait que cette edition n'a pas ete aclievee, et qn'elle n'a pas ete mise en vente ; cependant Baluze en avait renni quatre exemplaires dont un imprime sur vSlin, et dans tons les qnatre la fin dn volume manquait." — Brunei. These particulars were only known to Brunet from Baluze's catalogue, but lie adds that there was a copy in the Bibl. Rationale on paper, stopping short at p. 448 (probably a mistake), in which it is evident that the Leges Burgundionum (apparently unknown to Brunet) was not included. Hence we may conclude that of this important editio PRINCEPS only six copies have survived, five upon paper and the present one on vellum. 9018 Capmany y Montpalau (Ant. de) Memorias Historicas sobre la Marina Comercio y artes de la ciudad de BARCELONA, con Suplemento, 4 vols. 4to. hf. calf 36s ' 1779-92 9019 Codigo de las Costumbres Maritimas de Barcelona, con Appendice, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 355 Madrid, 1791 9020 CAUSES CEL^BRES et interessantes avec les Jugemens qui les ont decidees, recueillies par M. Guyot de Pitaval, avec la con- tinuation par J. C. de la Ville, 26 vols. 12mo. calf, SOs La Eaye, 1737-45, et Am.st. 1775 9021 Chantebeau le Febvre, Traite des Fiefs et de leur Origine, folio, vellum^ I85 Taris, L. Billaine, 1662 A head of Julius Ctesar is printed in red on the title. 9022 Chesii (Bart. Fisani) de Differentiis Juris, sm. 4to. calf, hs Pisis, 1665 9023 Chevalier (Michel) On the probable fall in the Value of Gold, with preface by R. Cobden, 8vo. cloth, 2s 1859 9024 Clypeus Politico Juridicus contra manifesto patefactam Monarchic Universalis adstruendse machinationem, sm. 4to. sd. 2s 6d BruxellcB, 1667 9025 Code Penal Annamite ; Lois et Reglements du Royaume, traduits jDar Aubaret, 8vo. hf. morocco^ bs . Saigon, 1862 9026 CoNSur/iATio Parisiensis. De Controversia Mutinoe agitata inter D. Julium Tassonum actorem, et Ant. Mariam Pacianum ^eum ; Acccdunt consul tationes Doctorum Italise, 4to. vellmn, Zs Qd Lilt Par. 1611 POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 827 9027 CoNSULAT DE LA Mer, ou pandectes du droit commercial et maritime traduit du Catalan en Eran9ais, d'apres Fedition de Barcelonne, 1494 (avec Recherclies sur I'origine des lois maritimes et gothiqnes, sur le Droit Justinien, et Pieces justificatives), par Boucher, 2 vols. 8vo. talles, cloth, Qs Faris, 1808 9028 CoNTii. De diversis moree generibus tractatus, Bitiirigus, 1587— Jo. Mercerii Conciliator, ib. 1587— Contii Disputationum Juris Civilis lib. i. Franco/. 1595— Joan. Vaudi Variorum Questionum, lib. ii. ih. 1595 ; in 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 10s 9029 CoRAZZARius (J. Bapt.) Concordia generalis Doctorum ad Regulas Solutionum, pro qualibet variatione de Monetarum ; ° ace. tractatus de augmento MonetaB, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s 6d Uomoi, 1642 9030 Corn Laws. Three Tracts on the Corn- Trade and Corn Laws, with a supplement (by Oatherwood;, 8vo. calf, Sir Bobert FeeVs copy, 7s 6d i^QQ 9031 CORPS DU DROIT FRANgAIS, contenant un recueil de tons les Edicts, Ordonnances, Stil et Pratique observce aux Cours, thick small folio, fine cojiy in old red morocco, profusely gilt on hach^ gilt edges, with xirms of the Vicomte VArchevoque d'Auch {iiiort en 1661) in gold on sides, £7. 10s 9032 Corpus Juris Canonici, Gregorii XIII jussu editum, indicibus et appendice P. Lanceloti adauctum, ace. Loci Communes, 2 parts in 1 vol. thick 4to. pigskin, 7s 6d Lugd. 1606 With the book-plate of PhiHp Lord Hardwicke, Co. Gloucester. 9033 CouTUME de Normandie ; Ancien Coutumier en Vers, 4to. morocco, 75 U ^ ca. 1780 For an elaborate Review of the Costumiers of Normandy, by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.c. see Academy, June 24, 1882. 9034 Cowel's Interpreter of words and terms used either in the Common or Statute Laws of this Realm, and in Tenures and Jocular Customs, with Appendix of Antient names of Places in England, etc. continued by Manlej, sm. folio, interleaved, half bound, 10s 1701 9035 DAMHOUDERII Enchiridion Rerum Criminalium elegantibus aliquot figuris illustratum, sm. 4to. first edition, 56 full-page tuoodcnts, half calf, £4. 5^ Lovanii, 1554 Good copy of this curious book, with the earliest impressions of the woodcuts, which represent every variety of crime and its punishment. Few works present so vivid an image of society in the sixteenth century ; and not only the jurist but the historian and the student of manners must study its pages. 9036 Dawson (Geo.) Origo Legum; a treatise of the origin of Laws, folio, hf calf, 2s 6d 1694 9037 Debt (National) Essay on discharging the debts of the nation by equivalents, in a letter to Charles, Earl of Sunderland ; and the South Sea Scheme considered, roy. 8vo. large taper, paper covers. Lord Sunderland's copy, 12s 1720 9038 Defos (David) Traicte du Comte de Castres, des Seigneurs, ot Comtes d'iceluy, ensemble des hommages, recognoissances, et autres droicts feodaux et seigneuriaux, que sa Majeste a accoustume d'y prendre et lever, suivant les uz et coustumes, 4to. calf, fine copy, luith Sunderland Arms on sides, £2. 2s Tolosc, 1633 828 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9039 DELAMARE (Nic.) Traite de la Police ; ou Ton trouvera I'histoire de son etablissement, les fonctions et les perogatives de ses magis- trats, toutes les loix et tons les reglemens qui la concern ent, 3 vols, folio, calf, 365 Paris, 1705-19 With eight plans of the City of Paris, showing its ancient state and development from its foundation to the year 1705. 9040 Dexart ( J. ) Selectarum Juris conclasionnm in Sacro Regio Sardiniensi Prsetorio digestarum et decisarum centuria, sm. folio, vellum, 10.5 Neapoli, 1646 9011 Directions left by a Gentleman to liis Sonns for the improvement of Barren and Heathy Land in England and Wales, sm. 4to. sd. 2s 6d 1770 9012 DONALDSON (J.) Undoubted Art of Thriving, wherein is Shewed that a Million Sterling Money may be raised, How the Indian and African Company may propagat their Trade, etc. 12mo. calf, 305 _ Edinliu-cjli, 1700 A curious book by a Scotch Economist and writer on Agriculture, who is highly commended by his countrymen. He enters with much detail into a scheme for circulating Bank-Notes, and supplies an account of the social condition and progress of Scotland just previous to the Union. 9043 DucROT (M. L.) Traite des Aydes, Tallies, et Gabelles; auquel sont specifiez tons les droicts du Domaine du Roy, et Imposition sur le Yin, 12mo. vellum, hs Paris, 1628 9043*DUMONT (Jean) et J. ROUSSET, Corps Universel Diplo- matique du droit des gens, ou recueil des traites de paix, d'alliance, etc. faits en Europe depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a present, 8 vols, folio — Histoire des anciens traites jusqu'a Charlemagne, par Barbeyrac, 2 vols, folio, 1739 — Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster et d'Osnaburg par J. Leclerc, 4 vols, folio, 1724-5 — Histoire des traites de Paix du XVIIe Siecle, 2 vols, in 1, folio, 1725 — Supplement au Corps Diplomatique, 4 vols, in 5, folio, 1739 — together 20 vols, folio, fine copy in calf, £9. 9^ La Haye et Amsterdam, 1726-39 9044 DuPLEix (Scipion) les Lois Militaires touchant le Duel, ruled with red lines, 12mo. vellum,, gilt edges, good copy, \0s Paris, 1611 9045 DuPUT (Pierre) Traitez touchant les Droits du Roy tres-chrestien, sur plusieurs Estats et Seigneuries possedees par divers Princes voisins, thick folio, port, and pedigrees, old calf, \0s Paris, 1655 A book containing a large amount of Genealogical information. 9)46 EDEN (Sir E. M.) State of the Poor, or an History of the Labouring Classes from the Conquest to the present, with appendix containing a comparative and chronological table of prices, etc. 3 vols. 4to. £5. 1797 9047 Eden (W.) Four letters to the Earl of Carlisle (on political subjects), 8vo. calf, hs 1779 Contents : On perversions of Political Reasoning ; on the War with France and Spain ; on Public Debt ; on the representations of Ireland respecting Free- Trade. 9048 Ehemii (Christ.) de Principiis Juris, libri vii. 18mo. vellum, hs SanovicB, 1601 9049 Emerigon (Balth. -Marie) Traite des Assurances et des Contratsala grosse, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, Ihs Marseille, 1783 "A Yery valuable and important work."— JfcCwZIoc/;. POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 829 9050 ENGLANDS INTEREST or tlie benefit to Trade bj Banks or Offices of Credit in London, 1682 — Narrative of the late terrible and bloody Murfcher of Sr. Edmondbury Godfrey, who was found mnrthered in a Field near Primrose-Hill, 1678— Considera- tions npon the Speecb of the late Lord Rnssel, Avith the Paper delivered by him at the place of execution, 1683 — Dissenters Sayings, part II, published in their own words by R. L'Estrange, 1681 ; and other scarce and curious pamphlets in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, £2. 1673-83 The others are :— A Bank of Credit made Current in London, 1682— Instructions for Eent-Gatherers' Accompts, etc. 1G83— News from France, 1682— A Defence of the Charter of London by T. Hunt (1684)— Collings (John) Plea for the bringing m of L'ish Cattle and keeping out of Fish caught by Foreigners, 1680 — Englande's Appealle from the Private Caballe at Whitehall to the Great Councill in Parliament, 1673 ; etc. 9051 EscANO (Lie. D. Ferdinand.) Tractatus de perfectione voluntatis testamento requisita et de Testamento perfecto ratione volun- tatis ; sm. folio (Aulogm/ph of " Lic. EsTEVAN ffranco. de Herrera" 071 title), calf, 7s 6d Kispali, 1676 Fair-Tbade or Free-Trade ? '' Duties ought to be imposed only for the sake of revenue, and to the amount for which they are required, " If no public revenue were needed, the entire abolition of Customs duties would be an unmixed advantage to the community." Saturday Review, Sept. 10, 1881, page 320. I agree with this theory, but in practice revenue is wanted, and is now raised partly by a most infamous, unjust, inquisitorial tax — the Income Tax — of which many men pay more than their share and some not enough. Until the Income Tax is replaced, partly by Licenses, but chiefly by imposts upon foreign goods of which the duties are readily collected, the alleged illogical cry for ^^ fair trading" will find adherents even amongst the tax- pa} ing Free-traders. " The principles of free trade are not so inelastic as to preclude the taxation of imported luxuries for revenue purposes." — Mr. Gladstone's great Leeds speech, Oct. 9, 1881, as quoted in a leading article in the Times, Oct. 10, 1881. What else is this than " Fair-trade in disguise V 9052 Ferrara. Statuta Urbis Ferrari^e, nuper reformata (cum prefatione Jo. Bap. Pignce), sm. folio, old calf (jilt, 30.s FerraricB Franc. Hiibeis, 1567 9053 Finch (Sir Henry) N'omotexnia ; cestascavoir ; un description del common leys dangleterre solonque les rules del art, first edition, sm. folio, vellum, clean copy, 28^ London, 1613 9054 Flassan, Histoire de la Diplomatic Fran^aise depuis la fondation de la Monarchie jusqu'a Louis XYI, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, 7s 1809 9054* the same, seco7ide edition augmentee, 7 vols. 8vo. hds. 12s 1811 French diplomacy has been the most successful in Europe ; from a Frankish (i.e., German) Duchy in Roman Gaul it has struggled for and nearly obtained all the territories of Romanized Gaul. 9055 (Fleetwood, Bp.) Chronicon Preciosum, or an account of English Money, the price of Corn, and other commodities for the last 600 years, 8vo. calf 7s 6d 1707 9056 Freymonii (J. W.) Symphonia Juris utriusque Chronologica, folio, woodcut iwrtrait, vellum, 95 Francofurti, 1574 9057 Frideri (Petri) de Interdictis Commentarii, 4to. vellum, 5s Francofurtif 1616 830 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9058 Friedeliebi (Conradi) Diatriba Juris universi de honestate ac modestia Jiirisconsultorum, sm. 4to. calf, ^s Samlurgi, 1679 9059 Gallesii (Ant. Massoe) Tractatus ad Formnlam cameralis obliga- tionibns, 12mo. calf, hs Venet. 1565 9060 GARDEN (le Comte de) Histoire generale des Traites de Paix, et autres transactions depuis la Paix de Westphalie, 14 vols. 8vo. calf cjilt, £5. Paris, n. d. (1848-59) 9061 Genoa. Statntorum Civilium Reipublicoe Gennensis nuper refor- matum lib. sex, sm. folio, vellum, 5s Gemice, 1597 9062 GILBART (J. W.) Works : Practical Treatise on Banking, Logic of Banking, History and Principles of Banking, Lectures and Essays, and Logic for tlie Million, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, £5. 1865 9063 GovEANi (F. V. Jurisconsulti) Joannes IV, Serenissimus Portu- gallire Rex, tractatus analyticus compositus et vulgatus regni nomine pro justitia actionis suae, 4to. front, containing a portrait of the Icing, calf, 55 Olyssij^pone, 1645 9064 Grotius (H.) de Jure Belli ac Pacis acces. annotata N. Blancardi, nee non J. F. Gronovii notes, 8vo. ]Jort. and front, calf, 7s 6d A7?ist. 1701 9065 De Jure Belli ac Pacis, ed. J. Barbeyrac, 8vo. port, and front, calf gilt, 10s Anist. 1720 9066 Harmenopuli Manuale Legum sive Hexabiblos, cum Legibus Agra- riis, Gr. et Lat. ed. Heimbach, tbick 8vo. hf. mor. gilt, 9s Lip. 1851 9067 Heineccii (J. G.) Antiquitatum Romanarum Jurisprudentiam^ illustrantium Syntagma, 2 parts or vols, in 1, thick 8vo. vellum, 2s Argent. 1734 9068 Henrion de Pensey, Traite des Fiefs de Dumoulin, analyse et confere avec les autres Feudistes, 4to. calf, 9s Paris, 1773 9069 Heron (D. Caulfield) Introduction to the history of Jurisprudence, stout 8vo. 846 pp. If. morocco, presentation copy to Sir B. Peel, 7s 6d 1860 9070 HERTSLET (E.) Complete Collection of Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, compiled from au- thentic documents, with General Index, Yols. I — VI, 8vo. (pub. at £6. 5s), morocco gilt, 30s 1840-50 The continuation can be obtained, price 30s per volume. 9071 HERTSLET (E.) Map of Europe by Treaty; showing the various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the general Peace of 1814, 3 vols, thick 8vo. numerous maps (pub- lished at £4. 14s Qd), cloth, £3. 3s 1875 9072 HOUARD, Traites sur les Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, 4 vols. 4to- port, of Louis XI, calf, 25s Rouen, 1776 9073 HuiT Codes (les) en miniature, avec indication de leurs articles correlatifs, 16mo. 828 pp. old calf gilt, 5s 1833 9074 Hutcheson (A.) Collection of Treatises relating to the National Debts and Funds — Calculations and Remarks relating to the South Sea Scheme and Stock — Four treatises relating to the South Sea Scheme— in 1 vol. small fob old calf gilt, 10s 1720-21 POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 831 9075 Insurance, Marine : Versucli iiber Assecuranzcn, Havereyen und Bodmereyen ensgemein, thick 4to. calf, IQs JSamhurrj, 1753 Containing all the laws and treaties made between England and other countries on Insurance up to 1750. 907G Jacob (W.) on the Protection required by British Agriculture, and on the influence of the price of corn on exportable productions, 8vo. interleaved, hds. bs 1814 The word " protection " has an evil name, but why not treat foreign corn the same as foreign spirits ? Considering the painful waste of bread in this country, a few millions of revenue could easily be raised by a fixed duty on corn, such as Lord John Kussell proposed thirty years ago. This would enable tlie Chancellor of the Exchequer to abolish that iniquitous tax the Income Tax. 9077 JENNER (T.) Londons Blame if not its Shame : manifested by the great neglect of the Fishery, sm. 4to. with a Broadside " List of the Gommo7iivealth Navie at Sea,'^ hf. calf, £2. 2s 1651 9078 JusTiNiANUS. Institutiones Juris Justiniani a D. Sylvest. Aldo- brandino annotationibus illustrata, etc. sm. 8vo. old calf hiThdincj, with ornamental tooling in the Grolier manner, rehached, 20s Lugdtmi, 1553 9079 Justiniani Institutiones, cum notis G. D. Locameri et addit. J. Rebhanii, ace. U. Obrechto, 18mo. calf, 2s 6d Argent. 1711 9080 Koch, Tableau des Revolutions de I'Europe, nouvelle edition corigee et augmentee, 4 vols. 8vo. map and genealogical tables, calf extra. Sir It. PeeVs copy, 10s • Faris, 1814 9081 Histoire des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de I'Europe, depuis la Paix de Westplialie, ouvrage entierement refondu, augmente et continue par Schoell, 15 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. tmcut, 25s Paris, 18*17-18 Priced, 1841, £7. 17s 6d; 1845, £6. 16s 6(Z. 9082 Langworthy (W.) Attempt to promote the Commercial Interests of Great Britain, 4to. hf. calf 7s 6d Path, 1793 Treats of copper mines and the application of copper to various uses. 9083 Lauderdale (Earl of) Inquiry into the nature and origin of Public Wealth, 8vo. calf 5s Edin. 1819 9084 LOI SALIQUE. Examen du Discours public centre la Maison RoYALLE de France, et particulierement contre la Branche do Bourbon, seule reste d'icelle, sur la Loy Salique, et succession du Royaume, par un Catholique, sm. 8vo.fl7ie cojpy in old calf, £2. 2s ImprimS nouvellement, 1587 This rare anonymous book, printed without indication of place or printer, is an attack upon the Guise party and the Ligue and answers in the form of a treatise on the Salic Lnw, a Discours then recently published claiming that the Guise family stood not only before the Bourbons but also before the house of Valois. — It is bound up with Opuscules et divers Traictez de Pierre Ayrault, Paris, 1598. 9085 London. Report of the Committee for providing accommodafcicn for the increased Trade and Shipping of the Port of London, sm. thick iolio, ];)lans of the Biver, JDochs, Tideways, etc. cf. 12s 1796 9086 McCuLLAGH (W. T.) Industrial iiistory of Free Nations, 2 vols. (Vol. I, the Greeks— Yol. II, the Dutch), 8vo. (published at 24s^), cloth, 7s 6d 1846 9087 McCULLOCH (J. R.) Note on Money, 8vo. presentation copy from the a2ithor to Thomas Thomson, hds. 7s Od Edinh. 1828 Very few printed. 832 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9088 McCuLLOCH (J. R.) Literature of Political Economy, a classified catalogue of select publications, witli notices, 8vo. cloth, 205 1845 9089 tlie same, 8vo. 'presentation cojiy to Sir B. Peel, cloth, 26s 1845 9090 M'DoNNELL (Alex.) Free Trade, 8vo. his. Ss 6d 1826 " An inquiry into the Corn Lftws, our Navigation System, Combinations among Workmen," etc. 9091 Malthus, Essay on the principle of Population, 3 vols. 8vo. 7*/. russia gilt, Zs 6tZ 1817 9092 MARTENS (G. P. de) Recueil de Traites, 1761-1808, precede de Ti-aites du XVIIIeme siecle anterieurs a cette epoque et qui ne trouvent pas dans le Corps Universel Diplomatique de Dumont et Rousset, 7 vols. ; Supplements, 4 vols. 1817-1795-1808— Nouveau Recueil de Traites, par de Martens, continue par Saalfeld et (apres samorte par) Murliard, 1808-1839, 16 vols, in 19, 1817-42 — Table Generale, 2 vols. 1842 — Nouveaux Supplements, par P. Murhard, 1761-1839, 3 vols. 1842— Continuation du grand Recueil de Martens par Murliard, 1840-1874, 20 vols, in 22 vols. (Vols. 16 and 17 each in 2 parts), 1845-75 — Table Generale du Recueil des Traites, 1494-1874-1875 — Nouveau Recueil, 2nde serie, Tome 1, 1876 — together 53 in 58 vols. 870. and 1 vol. large 8vo. uniform in half russia, very neat, Baron de Cetta's copy, £20. Gottingen, 1817-1795-1876 In the " Nouveau Recueil," Vols. 6, 7, and 11 are in 2 parts, and there is a Supplement to Vol. 5. 9093 Precis du Droit des Gens moderne de I'Eiirope, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hound, 3^ Qd Paris, 1831 9094 Guide Diplomatique contenant . . . Bibliotheque Diplomatique choisie, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 5s Leipzig, 1832 9095 Maetens et Perd. de Cusst, Recueil de Traites, Conventions, et autres Actes Diplomatiques sur lesquels sont etablis les relations existant aujourd'hui entre les divers Etats souverains du Globe, depuis 1760 jusq'a I'epoque actuelle, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 6s Leipzig, 1846 9096 Mill (J. S.) Principles of Political Economy, 2 vols. 8vo. Ms. 10s 1848 9097 Necker, Treatise'on the Administration of the Pinances of Prance, translated by T. Mortimer, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf , 7s 6d 1785 9098 Nuremberg. Reformacion der Stat Niiremberg mit eins Erbern Rats daselbst endrungen und besserungen, folio, with the large woodcut of Escutclieons and ivoodcnt initials, slightly luormed at end, old oalcen hoards covered with the original stamped leather, £2. 10s Nilremh. F. Peypus, 1522 This is a very fine edition of this Lawbook. It omits the special form of oath (partly in transliterated Hebrew) which had been usually administered to the Jews. 9099 Der Stat Nurnberg verneute Reformation, folio, lit. tjotfj. wood- cut title and capitals, M8. notes in margins, old oalcen hinding covered with stamped vellum', 30s Nilrnh. V. Geizler, 1564 Contains many blank leaves. 9100 Origin of Duty and Right in Man considered, 8vo. fine paper, calf gilt, 10s 1796 POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 833 I 9100 PARDESSUS, Coiirs de Droit Commercial, 5 vols. 8vo. second edition, calf, rehached, 7s 6d Paris, 1821-2 910/^ the same, 5 vols. 8vo. fourth edition, Jif. riissia, 30s 1831 0108 Parker (Henry) Discourse of a Free Trade, sm. 4to. B. Hollis's copy, old red morocco, from Mr. Blsneifs library, £2. 2s 1648 9109 Parxell (H.) Principles of Currency and Exchange, illustrated by observations upon the state of the Currency of Ireland, the high rates of exchange between Dublin and London, and the remittances of rents to Irish Absentees, sm. 8vo. hds. 7s Qd 1805 9110 Peacham (H.) Worth of a Penny; or a Caution to keep Money, sm. 4to. half russia, 20s 1677 9111 Peaece (T.) Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in Cornwall and Devon, folio, calf, scarce, from the Gomerford collection, 36s 1725 9112 Petty (Sir W.) Political Arithmetick, concerning the extent and value of Lands, People, Husbandry, Commerce, Fishery, Taxes, etc. etc. sm. 8vo. calf, 6s 6d 1690 9113 PiNAULT (M.) Histoire du Parlement du Tournay, sm. 4to. iwrtrait of the Due de Bovffl.ers, calf, 4s Qd Valenciennes, 1701 9114 PocQUET (Claude) Traite des Fiefs, 5eme edition, 4to. calf, 7s Qd Paris, 1771 9115 Pufendorf (Sam.) Law of Nature and Nations, done into English by Basil Kennet, folio, old calf 6s 171^ 9116 Pulton (Fard.) Abstract of all the Penal Statutes in force and use, in one Alphabet, stout sm. 4to. blacfe letter, old binding, ivith early Autographs of '■^Arlington " and " John Adlington,'^ 18s London, Barler, 1579 A veiy interesting volume illustrative of the Manners and Customs of England during the 16th century. 9117 QUARITSCH (August, Dr. Juris) Institutionen und Rechts- Geschichte : Compendium des Romischen Privat-Rechts und Civil-Processes, 8vo. fifth, re-v^ritfrn edition, 416 pj)- 1^* Berlin, 1882 The first edition was privately printed ; a second edition was published in 1870. 9118 Compendium des Europiiischen Volker-Rechts, 8vo. third, improved edition, xiv, 116 2W- ^-^ ^'^ Berlin, 1878 The first edition was privately printed. 9119 Geschichtliche Uebersicht und Grund-Begi-iffe der National- Oekonomie, 8vo. second re'ivritten edition, iv, 70 pp. 2s 1878 The first edition was privately printed. 9120 • Compendium des Deutschen Straf-Rechts, 8vo. fourth, altered and augmented edition, iv, 116 pp. 2s 6d 1880 The first edition appeared in 1872. 9121 Compendium des Deutschen Straf- Processes, 8vo. fourth completely re-ivritten edition, 8vo. iv, 148 pp. 2s 6d 1881 The first edition appeared in 1872. 9122 Commentatio ad L. " Lecta " 40 dig. de rebus creditis : dissertatio inauguralis quam illnstrissimi Ictorum Ordmis in Academia Fridericiana Halensi ad summos in utroque jure honores rite capessendos, Nov. 1, 1862, una cum sententiis controversis publico defendet, 8vo. 48 j^j). 2s ^ Ti^'rol 1862 The inaugural dissertation for which the University of Ilalle granted to the 834 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Author — my brother — the degree of Doctor of Law, a distinction very highly esteemed abroad. In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland my brother's legal Compendia enjoy a marvellous popularity } every Law-student has to study them to pass his legal examinations. In England they are hardly known ; a French Journal had the following critique : — *• La plupart des auteurs de traites de Droit international se conteatent de donner des definitions et de poser des principes, laissant aux lecteurs le soin d'appliquer les regies generales aux faits contemporains. Sous une forme [succincte, mais saisissante par sa concision meme, I'abrege du Dr. Quaritsch reunit la theorie et la pratique. L'auteur examine $uccessivement les grandes divisions du Droit international et resume les traites, les evenements les plus recents. Apres avoir lu les quelques pages consacrees a la question d'Orient et an droit des neutres, tout publiciste pent aborder en pleine connaissance de cause I'examen des problemes les plus difficiles du droit des gens." — Journal du Droit internationale ^riv4 et de la Jurisprudence compar^e. 6me annee, 1879, p. 225. 9123 Regiam Majestatem. The auld Lawes and Constitutions of Scot- land, fra tlie dayes of King Malcolme the Second untill the time of King James the First, collected and translated out of Latine in Scottish Language be Sir John Skene, sm. folio, hds. S6s Edinlurgh, 1609 9124 RiCARDO (David) Works, with Life by J. R. McCulloch, 8vo. cloth, presentation copy from the editor to Sir B. Peel, 12s 1846 9125 Robinson (Henry) Certaine Proposals in order to a new modelling of the Lawes and Law-proceedings, for a more speedy, cheap, and equall distribution of Justice throughout the Commonwealth ; also certaine considerations for the advancement of Trade and Navigation, sm. 4to. sd. rare and curious, 7s 6d 1653 9126 Roman Law: a Collection of 14 old Tracts on Roman Law, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. veaufauve, 20s Contents: Th. Lindemanni Historia Juris Romani,. EosiocTin, 1627 — Dissertatio de Jure Civili Romano ante Justiniani tempora, 1674 — J. S, Brunnquellii Prolusio de Ictis Erciscundis sive Miscellionibus, Jencd, 1728 — J. S. Hering de Stoica Veterum Romanorum Jurisprudentia, Sedini, 1719, etc. etc. 9127 RoTTECK UND Welcker, Staats-Lexikon, Encyclopadie der sammt- liohen Staatswissenschaften, Ste Auflage, mit Register, 14 vols. 8vo. hoards, 20s Leipzig, 1856-66 A valuable Encyclopaedia of Diplomacy, Law, Political Economy, Adminis- tration, etc. . 9128 Russell (Lord John) Essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution, sm. 8vo. hf. morocco, 7s 6d 1821 " Unfortunately Lord John Russell in the decline of his popularity attempted, in servile imitation of the Reform movement, to renew the triumphs of his youth, and Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone gambled away in a contest for power the best interests of the country. It is now understood that, in defiance of reason and common sense, the most ignorant, and perhaps the most dangerous, part of the population is to be entrusted with the franchise. Mr. Lecky says in his last published volume, an increase of legislative and administrative wisdom is to be derived from an appeal to ignorance."— T/ie Saturday Review, June 10, 1882. 9129 Ryswick. Actes ct Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1700, 5 vols. l2mo. plate and plan of the Palace, calf neatf 6s Le Haye^ 1707 POLITICAL ECONOMY, JURISPftUDENCE. 835 9130 Savigny (F. C. von) Geschichte Ides Romischen Rechts im Mittelal- ter, 6 vols. 8vo. Ms. 14.s Heidelberg, 1815-31 9131 vom Beruf unserer Zeit fur Gesetzgebung und Rechts- Wissenscliaft, 8vo. calf, Ss Heidelberrj, 1814 9132 SAWR (A.) Formnlar, Jurament nnd Eidtbuch, wie Eide, Jura- nxenta, Geliibde so in gemeinem Gebraucb sind, man observiren soil, many fine ■woodcuts — Georg am Waldt, Gerichts Unordnung, FraHchfurt, 1588 — Sawr's Straff Buch, Recbten, Reicbs auch Lands Ordnungen, Statuten, etc. ivoodcufs represe^iHng manners in the I6th century, 1581 — des Keyser Carols dess V Peinlich Gericbts Ordnung, ib. 1517 — 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, looodciits, vellum, £2. 1581-88 9133 ScHOEMANN (G. F.) Antiquitates Juris Publici Greecorum, 8vo. ///. calf, 2s 6d Gryphiswald. 1838 9134 Selden (J.) Mare Clausum ; tbe Riglit and Dominion of the Sea, folio, calf 7s 6d 1663 9135 Seyd (E.) Bullion and Fore ign'Exebanges considered, followed by a defence of the double valuation with special reference to universal Coinage, 8vo. 700 |)j;. cloth, 6s 1808 9136 SMITH (A.) Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 8vo. calf 16s 1822 9137 Wealth of Nations, -vvith Life, introductory Discourse, etc. by J. R. McCulloch, 8vo. cloth, Sir E. PeeVs copy, 10s 1838 9138 Termes (Les) de la Ley : or, Certaine Difficult and Obscure Words and Termes of the Common Lawes expounded, in French and English, 12mo. calf hs 1641 9139 THAUMAS dela THAUMASSIERE (G.) Assises et Bons Usages du Royaume de Jerusalem, par J. d'Ibelin ; ensembles les Coutumes du Beauvoisis ; par P. de Beaumanoir ; et autres anciennes coutumes avec des notes, etc. par G. Thaumas de la Thomassiere, folio, the first work in the volume being interleaved and having NUMEROUS MS. NOTES, calf, £5. Bourges, 1690 " Ce Hvre curieux, et dont les exemplaires sont peu commun, est encore fort recherche." — Brunei. 9140 TOOKE'S History of Prices, from 1793-1856, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £16. 165 1838-57 Very rare now, most copies of Vols. 5 and 6 haying been burnt at Long. man's fire. " Tooke's principles, confirmed as they have been by the events of the last three years, are steadily making way with reflecting men, and will probably, at no distant period, be universally regarded as forming the basis of all true monetary science." — Morning Chronicle. 9141 TUSCANY (Peter Leopold, Grand Duke of) Edict for the Keform of Criminal Law, Italian and English, large 8vo. bd:S. 2« Warrington {privately printed), 1789 9142 Ulloa (Bernardo de) Retablissement des Manufactures et du Commerce d'Espagne, 18mo. old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, with the Arms of a French Duke in gold on the sides, 20s Amst. 1753 9143 Violet (Tho.) Narrative of the Proceedings against the Ships Samson, Salvador, and George, and an account of what Silver the Commonwealth got by the discovery of Tho. Violet, together with proposals against transporting Gold and Silver, and for maJiing a public copper farthing, etc. sm. 4^io. plate by Hollar, rare, old calf 36s 1^^^ 60 * 836 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9144 Walker (J. H.) A few Facfs and Suggestions on Money, Trade and Banking, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2.s Qd Boston (IT. >§.), 1882 9146 [Ward's] War in Disguise ; or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, 8vo. sewed, 10s 1805 The original edition, which has become extremely rare. 9146 Wool. The Golden Fleece, or the Trade, Interest, and Well Being of Gt. Britain considered, with remarks on the Rise, Progress, and present decay of the Woollen Manufactures, and the Heads of a Bill to prevent the illegal exportation of Wool, etc. a 4ito. tract of 26 pages, uncut, rare, 45 6d ahout 1732 9147 Wright (Sir Martin) Introduction to the Law of Tenures, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 6d 1792 9148 Tracts on TRADE and HUSBANDRY ; a collection of 13 scarce and important Tracts, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hoards, £10. London, 1619-91 Contents : 1. An old Thrift newly revived, declaring 8. Book of Emits and Flowers, showing the manner of planting, preserving, j the nature and use of them for Meat and husbanding yong Trees for tim- j or Medicine, 49 px>- (t'^o leaves want- ber and fuell, by R. C. tlarft letter, ! ing), plates engraved on the text, an 112 pp. xvith a large woodcut of an i early CooTcery-hooh and Herbal 1653 instrument for measuring a tree 1612 „.,,^, ,. r-..-,,-^ 2. The Trades Increase, by J. R., 56 pp. ^- Ansten s Observations on Sir F. Bacon's very rare 1615 Natural History of i ruit-Trees, Fruits .?. Dymock, Invention of Engines of mo- j ^"d Flowers Oxford, 1658 tion, lately brought to perfection, lo. Reasons against a Registry of Lands whereby may be dispatched any work jg^o that requires strength and swiftness j .,„.,. 1651 ' 11. A Treatise showing that the East 4. Dymock, The Reformed Husband-Man, i 1"^^^ Trade is the most national or the Errors and Defects of our ! Foreign Trade, that the dominion of English Husbandry 1651 6. Dymock, Essay for Advancement of Husbandry -Learning 1651 G. A Designe for Plentie by an universall Planting of Fruit Trees {ca. 1650) 7. Dymock, A Discoverie for Division or the sea depends much upon the wane or increase of that trade, and conse- quently the security of this Kingdom, by Philopatris 1681 12. An Apology for the Builder, showing the Cause and Effects of the increase Setting Out of Land, with some choice ^f Building 1685 Secrets of Husbandry, and an Essay to ! 13. Remarks on the Affairs and Trade of show how all lands may be improved, with two woodcut designs for Farms 1653 England and Ireland, setting down the Revenue, Rents, and Manufactures The five preceding pieces were published I of Ireland, with the causes of its by Samuel Hartlib. I poverty 1(591 9149 Pamphlets on Tkade, etc. Taxes and Contributions, their nature, etc. applied to the present state of Ireland, 1667 — Great Charter of the Forest, 1224 and 1299, 1680— Englishman's Right, setting forth the Use, Privileges, etc. of Juries, 1680 — R. Coke, Dis- course of the Trade of England and Holland, 1670 — Reasons for a Registry (of Lands), 1678 — Reasons against a Registry, 1678 — Religion of the Dutch, 1680 — and others, 1 vol. sm. 4to. good cojnes, hf calf 18s 1667-1680 9150 Another collection : [Tarbat (Ld. Viscount)] Mistaken Advantage of Raising of Money, 2 parts, Edinh. 1695 — Considera- tions presented to the Duke of York, on the Scots Mint, ib. 1691 — Copy of a Signature for a New Bank and Act of Parlijvment for POLITICAL ECOKOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 837 erectiug a Bank iu Scotland, ib. 1695 -Discourse concemm^ Fishery, il. 1695~Case of Scots-Men residing in England and on the English Plantations, ih. 1703— The Reason of Accomptinff by Debitor and Creditor by Rob. Lundin, ih. 1718— A State of Mr. Paterson's Claim upon the equivalent (a Claim upon the African and Indian Company of Scotland), Lo7id. 1712, etc.— in all 19 pieces, sm. 4to. 30s 9151 TiucTs on Commerce, Wool, etc. 9 pieces in 1 vol. Id. 12s 1742-80 Contents : Inquiry into Revenue and Credit of France, 1742— Considera- tions on the Woollen Manufacture, 1751— Trade to the E. Indies 1762— A Woollen Draper's Letter on the French Treaty, 1786— List of Towns in France where the Woollen Manufacture is established ; etc. Spanish Law and Treaties. 9152 CALYO (Carlo) Coleccion Completa de los Tratados, y otros Actos Diplomaticos de todos los Estados de la America Latina, desde 1493 hasta nuestros dias : complete in 2 Series \— First Series : 9 vols. Paris, 1862-66 ; Second Series : 4 vols. 1864-66— together 13 vols. 8vo. lif. red morocco gilt, £10. lO.s 1862-66 9153 Cortes (Las) de Toledo del ano de mil e quinientos e veynte e cinco (1525) — Las leyes y prematicas reales hechas por sus Magestades en las cortes . . . de Toledo, etc. sm. folio, bladt letter, Jif. morocco, 21s Burgos, Alonso demelgar, 1526 9154 Cortes de Valladolid Del ano : de mil j quinientos e veynte e tres anos (1523), sm. folio, black letter, \f. morocco, 24s Burgos, i)or Juan de Junta, 1529 9155 Fernandez (Tellius) Prima pars Commentariorum in Constitutiones Taurinas, folio, vellum, 15s Granatoi Hugo a Mena, 1566 9156 FuEROS y Actos de Corte de el Reyno de Aragon, por Carlos II, fenecidas en 1677-78, folio, vellum', arms in gold on the sides, bs Zarago(;a, 1678 9157 LEYES de ESPANA, Novisima Recopilacion de las, en Xlllibros, con tres Indices generales y el Suplemento correspondiente a los afios de 1805 y 1806, 6 vols. sm. folio, calf, rare, £3. 3^ Madrid, 1805-7 The Statute Book of Spain. Priced by Salva, £9. 9s. 9158 LEYES del TOEO. Qiiaderno de las leyes y nuevas decisiones sobre las dubas de derecho, que continuamente solia y suelen ocurrir en estos reynos, lit. (JOtljf. (8 II.) woodcut of Arms of Spain on title: (al fino) "^ Dada en la ciudad de Toro a siete dias dje Mar go alio de 1505 " Segura (Didaci de) Repetitio, s. a. et I. JoHANNis Lupi de Palacios in opusculum de obtentionis retention- isque Regni Navarre justicia, lit. rjotl). (68 //.) ahsqne nota FiRMA libellandi compuesta por el muy famoso doctor el doctor Infante (15 II.) uvodcut on title, very rare (corner of last leaf mended) ; acahado et imprimido en Sevilla por Jacobo Crom- berger, Alernan, 1512 a xii de Marco 5 vols, in 1, sm. folio, old calf £10. 10*' 1505-17 This edition of the Leyes del Toro is excessively rare. It appears to have some affinity with the edition sold in the Ramirez sale in 1880, which produced £9, but it is certainly not the same. 838 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9169 LeYES del ESTILLO Y DECLARACI0]5rES SOBRE LAS LEYES DEL FUERO, sm. folio, black letter, hd. rare, £2. lbs Salamanca, yer Juan Gysser Aleiiian de Sllgenstad^ 1502 An earlier edition than any mentioned by Salvii and Brunet. 9160 Leyes del Estilo, y Declaraciones sobre los Lejes del Fuero, sm. folio, bladv letter, scarce, not in Salva or Brunet, hf. hd. 186- s. I. 1550 9161 RECOPILACIOJSr General (Snmarios de la) de las Leyes, Ordenan^as, Provisiones, Cedalas, Instrucciones, y Cartas acordadas, para las Indias Occidentales, Islas y Tierra-Firme del Mar Oceano, por Aguiar y Acuna, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, vellum, £S. Mexico, 1677-8 The second vol. of this valuable work is in three parts, and the last two contain " Algunos Autos acordados de la Keal Audiencia," and " Ordenangas de Govierno do la Nueva Espaiia." 9162 SIETE (LAS) PARTIDAS del Rey D. Alonzo el Sabio, glossadas por Gregorio Lopez ; con Indice de las Leyes y Glosas, 4 vols, large folio, limjj vellum, from the library of the late Duhe of Sussex, £2.106- ' 1789 Salva valued this edition at £11. lis, and said that copies had already become very scarce. 9163 VizcAYA. EL FUERO, Privilegios Franqnezas y Libertades de los Cavalleros bijos dalgo del Senorio dd Vizcaya, confirmados por el Rey don Felippe II, y por el Emperador y Reyes siis pre- decessores, sm. folio, vellum, eare, £2. 10s Medina del Camjoo, F. del Canto, 1575 9164 Portuguese. Collec9ao dos Tratados, Conven^oes, Contratos e Actos Publicos celebrados entre a Coroa de Portugal e as mais Potencias desde 1640 ate ao presente, compilados, coordenados e annotados por J. F. Borges de Castro, 8 vols. 8vo. majjs, hf hound, £2. 10s Lishoa, 1856-58 Oriental hsrw. 9165 Ceylon Government, Judgments, etc. 1833-6, by Sir C. Marshall, 8vo. hds. 7s ed Paris, 1839 9166 COLEBROOKE (H. T.) Digest of Hindoo Law, on Contracts and Successions, with Commentary by Jagannat'ha Tercapan- chanana, translated from the Sanskrit, 3 vols. 8vo. russia gilt, £2. 2s 1801 9167 Hindu Law of Inheritance, 4to. hds, SOs Calcutta, 1810 9168 HEDAYA (The) or Guide; a Commentary on the Mussulman Laws, translated by order of the Governor- General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton, 4 vols. 4to. half russia, £6. lOs 1791 9169 the same, 4 vols. 4to. calf, £7. IO5 ^ 1791 " A work of very high authority in all Moslem countries. It discusses most of the subjects mentioned in the Koran and Sonna." — Mills' Muham- medanism. POLITICAL EC ONOMY, JURISPRUDENCE. 839 91^0 Khalil-Ibn-Ish'ak, Precis de Jurisprudence Musulmane, ou prin- cipes de legislation musulmane, civile et religieuse, etc. trad, de I'Arabe par Perron, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. £3. 10s 1848-42 A volume of Table was issued afterwards. 9171 MACNAGHTEN (W. H.) Principles and Precedents of MOO- HAMMUDAN Law, including the tenets of the Schia sectaries, with Arahic appendix of 77 pp. of extracts, large 8vo. hds. £2. Calc. 18--i5 9172 Principles and Precedents of HINDU LAW, with notes and preliminary remarks, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf, very rare, £2. 10s 1828-29 9173 Observations on the Law and Constitution of India, on the nature of Landed Tenures and on the System of Revenue and Finance, as established by the Mohummudum Law and Moghul Govern- ment, 8vo. bds. OS 1825 9174 STRANGE (Sir Thomas) Elements of Hindu Law referable to British Judicature in India, 2 vols, royal 8vo. hoards, 2k>s 1825 9175 Hindu Law (a revised edition of the " Elements "), 2 vols, large 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, Sir Bohert PeeVs copy, £2. 16s 1830 9176 TA TSING LEU LEE, or the Fundamental Laws and a Selection from the supplementary Statutes of the Penal Code of China, translated by Sir G. T. Staunton, impl. 4to. calf, 20s London, 1810 9177 the same, impl. 4to. hoards, 22s 1810 9178 — the same, impl. 4to. half ricssia, 25s 1810 ^' For several rare Editions of Justinian's Institutes, see B. Q.'s Rough List, No. 59 : Purchases from the Thii-d Sunder- land Sale. 840 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. GAMES, SPORTS, AND EXERCISES. See also Naf^iral History Catalogue, j>j;. 360-370. 9179 THE BOOK OF ST. KLQkl^i^ {Colophon:) . . . Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyiig with other plesuris dyuerse as in the boke apperis and also of Cootar- muris a nobull werke. And here now endyth the boke of blasyng of armys translatyt and cornpylyt to gedyr at Seynt Albons the yere from thincarnacion of oure lorde Jhu Crist. M.cccc. Ixxxvi., small folio, printed in hlach and red^ with numerous looodcuts of Armorial bearings printed- in colours^ leaves /3 and fS in the second seines of signatures in facsimile^ and the corners of two other leaves similarly made up^ otherwise a good sound and perfect copy in hrown morocco^ gilt edges^ in a red morocco case^ £735. Sanctus Alhanus (1486) i^° Tlic first printed English Armorial (second -European) . i^g" The first printed book on Field Sports and Heraldry. ^" The first book with engravings printed in colours. K^ The first printed book containing English popular rhymes. i^3" One of the rarest books of the early English press. A common eiTor assigns this work to the authorship of a "Dame Juliana Berners," a supposed "Abbess of Sopwell," a lady of the family of the Lords Bemers, — all, as Mr. Blades judiciously points out, on the strength of the following words on the first sign. f4 — " Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes in her boke of Huntyng." This inscription really refers to nothing beyond the 23 p]^. of verse which precede it upon "the maner of huntyng for all maner of bestys," in which a Dame addresses " my dere chylde," "my sonnys," " my lief chyldre," and uses the following phrase — " Say, chylde, where ye goo, youre dame taglit you so." She also instructs them what to do when they have taken a hart, and tells them, after having cut it up, " Than bryng it hoom, and the skynne with all The nombles and the homes at the lordis yate Than boldely blow the price tharat " GAMES AND SPORTS. 841 -— wliicli plainly sliows tliat she did not write, as Mr. Blades imagined, for scions of the aristocracy, but for simple foresters who aided in the chase. Indeed we may go much fm-ther and question the very existence of the lady, except as a personifica- tion of the Bourns JuUa^ii or St. Julian's Hospital near St. Alban's. Her book is ih.e Barnes' book of Hunting, or (as Wynkyn de Worde put it) the Barnes' Doctrine, and is simply a work of rhymed instructions from a supposed schoolmistress (Dame) to her Barns, or school-children. Such a work we can have little difficulty in believing to be the original composition of the mysterious " schoolmaster of St. Albans," personifying thereby the affiliated establishment called the Bomits Juliani. As for the use of the word Barnes or bairns, it occurs frequently in old English books and MSS., and the "school- master" seems from his dialect and spelling to have belonged to Northumberland or Yorkshire. The special treatise on hunting, which closes with the Explicit above referred to, is followed by a collection of names and properties of beasts of the chase, set Ibrth in rhymed and proverbial sentences, such as " A grehounde shulde be heded like a snake and necked like a drake," etc. " Well travelid women ner well travelid hors wer neuer goode." *' Fer from thy kynnysmen kest thee, Wrath not thy neighborys next thee, In a goode corne cuntre threste thee, And sitte downe Robyn and rest thee." '• Who thet byldys his hous all of salowes And prickyth a blynde hors ouer the falowys And sulfrith his wyfe to seche mony halowys God sende hym the blysse of everlastyng galowis." The tyjje in which the book is printed is very like tliat which Caxton used in several of his books, but is nevertheless a totally distinct fount, and must have been obtained, along with the paper on which they are impressed, from Flanders. The larger-typed headings are identical with Caxton 's No. 3 type, and may have been, as Mr. Blades suggests, printed from the fount which Caxton rejected after several years' use, in 1484. The water-marks in the paper are the same as in the paper used by Caxton, with the exception of the crowned sJiiehf, which, as it appears on a thickly printed page, is not very easy to trace, but is evidently a different figure from the shield of France which appears in some of Caxton's paper. It is interesting from the Shakespearian collector's point of view that we find in the Book of St. Albans a representation of the Lucy Coat of Arms, as borne by Geoffrey or Galfrid de Lucy (in Henry Ill's time). 9180 THE BOKE OF SAINT ALBANS by Dame Juliana Berners, containing treatises on Hawking, Hunting and Cote Armour, 842 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. printed at Saint Albans by tlie Scboolmaster- Printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with introduction bj W. Blades, 4to. (subscription price, £2. 2s), vellum, antique style, SOs 1881 BOOK OF ST. ALBANS, Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, Hase- wood's reprint — see Natural History Catalogue, page 367. 9181 AcADEMiB des Jeux (La plus nouvelle) contenant les regies des Jeux des Echecs, du Trictrac, du Toute-Table, du Billard, etc. ISnio.f ro7it. mid folding plates of cards, etc. old calf, 6s Leide, 1721 9182 BAILY'S MAGAZINE of SPORTS and PASTIMES, complete from the beginning in 1860 to December 1881, numbers 1 to 262, or Vols. I-XXXVII and XXXYlll-pQ.rtsl-S,8vo. illustrated with about 300 fi7ie i)ortraits, eight vols, in cloth, the rest in numbers, £18. 185 ' ^ ^ 1860-81 9183 Berkeley (Grantley F.) the English Sportsman in the Western Prairies, royal 8y o. fidl-2)age ivoodcuts (pub. 305), cloth Ihs 1861 9184 BLOME (R.) The Gentleman's Receeation, in two parts, the first being an Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, the second treats of Horsemanship, Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, Agriculture, and Cock- Fighting, folio, nearly 100 plates, and a number of wood- cuts, fine copy in russia, gilt edges, by Clarhe and Bedford, the Gomerford copy, £15. 1686 9185 Charles I. The Kings Majestie's Declaration to his subjects con- cerning lawfull Sports to be used, 12mo. cropped a7id stained, half morocco, 10s 1633 A note appended to the volume states: *' This is the celebrated Book of Sports which cost Abp. Laud his head, and was a principal cause of the Civil War." With a note in the autograph of Dr. Farmer, the Shakesperian Critic. 9186 [CouDRETTE (I'Abbe)] Dissertation theologique sur les Loteries, 12mo. calf, 7s s. I. et nom dHmp. 1742 9187 Essay d' Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard, 4to. calf, \2s Paris, 1713 9188 HERBERT (H. W.) Frank Forester's Field Sports of the United States and British Provinces of North America, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous full-yage ivoodciits, cloth, 20s New Yorh, 1849 9189 • the same, sixth edition revised, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 24.s ih. n.d. Containing much information on the Natural History of the Game Birds of North America. 9190 ILLUSTRATED SPORTmG and DRAMATIC NEWS, complete from, the beginning in Feb. 1874 to March 1881, Vols. I-XIV, folio, ivith an immense number of fine portraits and illustrations (published at £9. Is), cloth, £6. lOs 1874-81 Gives careful engravings of celebrated Horses, Dogs, and Cattle, as well as a great variety of Sporting Scenes, objects of Natural History, Art, and general interest. Indian Sporting Periodicals, 9191 BENGAL SPORTING MAGAZINE, conducted by J. H. Stocqueler, from July, 1 834, to October, 1842, as described below, 8vo. with portraits and a large number of coloured and, plain plates of Mammals^ Birds^ etc. also of Sporting incidents, Jive vols, hf. houndf and forty 'three numbers vert rare, £10. Calcutta, 1834-42 Contents t numbers 17-22, 26-47, 53, 55-57, 59-94, 71-94, 96-100, 102-109 GAMES AND SPORTS. 843 and 113-116. (July-Dec. 1842 forms Vol. XIX). There are some imperfections in the bound volumes, as is so frequently the case with Indian books. It is a yaluable periodical, containing information on Natural History not printed elsewhere ; and it is rare that a set so large as the present occurs for sale. 9192 INDIA SPORTING REVIEW, from the beginning in March, • 1845, to 1855, as follows : Vols. I, III-XIV, XX and XXI, and a vol. of odd numbers subsequent, 1856-57 ; — 16 vols. 8vo. majis, portraits and plates of Natural History and Sporting, hf. bouiid, not all uniformly, £12. Calcutta, 1845-57 9193 another set, Vols. I, III pt. 1, IV to VIII inclusive and XI, three vols. hd. rest hds. and pts. £4. 1845-50 A rare and important periodical, forming a continuation to the Bengal Sporting Magazine. 9194 ORIENTAL SPORTING MAGAZINE, edited by Raymond, from April, 1866, to December, 1875, as described below, 16 vols, and 3 parts, 8vo. numerous plates and photographs, hf. hound, £6. 10s Calcutta, 1866-75 Contexts : (First Series) Vol. I in 12 parts, 1866 ; Vol. II parts 2, 3 and 4, 1S67. New Series, Vols. I- VIII, in 15 volumes, 1868-75. Such an extensive Series of Indian Sporting Journals was never before offered for sale. 9195 Jockey Club (The) a sketch of the manners of the age, third edition, 8vo. hf calf, 7s. 6d 1792 An anonymous expose of the vices of public characters and persons of rank. A former owner of the present copy has filled in with ink the names of the persons alluded to (names which were for obvious reasons only given in part), and added further explanatory notes. 9196 Mercurialis (H.) de Arte Gymnastica libri sex, sm. folio (4to.), large and spirited looodcuts, calf, rehacJced, 25s Venetiis apud Juntas, 1573 9197 the same, sm. folio, Charles the Second^s copy, in old red morocco, gilt edges, with his crowned cypher in gold on sides and hack, £15. 155 Ve^ietiis, apud Juntas, 1573 9198 MYTTON (John, of Halston, Shropshire) Memoirs of the Life of, Avith notices of his hunting, shooting, driving and racing adventures, eccentric and extravagant exploits, by Nimrod (Apperley), 8vo. original edition, 18 coloured plates hy Aiken or Baivlins, half calf , rare, £2. 16s 1837 9199 OsBALDiSTON (W. A.) The Universal Sportsman ; or, Nobleman, Gentleman, and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amuse- ment, 4to. plates, calf 10s ca. 1792 Including a system of Farriery ; instructions for Riding, Hunting, Coursing, Hawking, Shooting, Setting and Fishing ; methods of breeding Cattle, Poultry, Dogs, etc. 9200 Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire, 1745 to 1862, post 8vo. cloth, ds 6d 1864 9201 SPORTING embellished by Engiuvings and Vignettes illustrative of British Field Sports, from pictures by T. Gainsborough, E« Landseer, A. Cooper, C. Hancock, etc. with literary contributions by T. Hood and others, edited by Nimrod (Apperley), impl. 4to. beautiful steel engravings^ cloth, £2. 16s 1838 9202 ■ the same, folio, large paper, INDIA PROOFS, hf morocco, VMCUt. ^15. 155 SU BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9203 STRUTT (J.) SPORTS and PASTIMES of the PEOPLE of ENGLAND ; including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and jiompous Spectacles from the eai-liest Period to the present time, edited by William Hone, royal 4to. large paper, with 140 ivood- ciits, and 4}0 coiJijerpJate illustrations, carefully coloured hy hand, from the originals, hf. morocco, uncut, £S. 3s 1876 92(j4 WILLIAMSON (T.)' Oriental Field Sports, oblong royal folio, 40 large spirited coloured plates from drawings hy S. Howitt, green morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, £12. 1807 Best edition, having the plates on a large scale. Angling and Fishing, 9205 BERNERS (Dame Juliana) Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, Wyuhyn de Worde, 1496, roy. 4to. a facsimile reprod iictiou of the first hooh on Fishinq printed in England, with introduction hy Bev. '31. G. Wathins, vellum, 2ls 1880 9206 Hansard (G. A.) Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales (ivith tra- ditions and Welsh phrases), 12mo. half calf gilt, scarce, 6s Gd 1834 9207 Francis (F.) Book of Angling, post 8yo. numerous coloured and plain illustrations, cloth, 5.5 1867 -^ See also ante, page 362. Archery, 9208 Paul (J. B.) The History of the Royal Company of Archers, 4to. 6 coloured portraits, and 6 autotype plates, cloth, 12s 1875 Boxing, 9209 Fewtrell (T.) Boxing reviewed ; or the Science of Manual Defence displayed on i^ational principles, -with a description of the prin- cipal Pugilists, etc. 8yo. 'portrait of T.Johnson, hf. hd. uncut, Hs6d 1790 Bull-Fighting. 9210 Delgado (J.) Tauromaquia o Arte del Torear, 2da edicion, 16mo. port, calf 2s 1827 9211 PRICE (Lake) Tauromachia, or the Bull-Fights of Spain, with explanations by Richard Ford, royal folio, 26 lithographic plates illustrating various incidents of this Sport, half morocco, £2. 2s 1852 9211* the same, royal folio, tlie plates coloured, half morocco, £5. 5s 1852 9212 Tratados de Tauromaquia, 4 in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf hd. ZQs CoKTENTs : Delgado, la Tauromaquia, port, and plate, Cadiz, 1796 — Copia de Carta .... relativo a la muertc de J. Delgado, large plate, 1801 — Tauromaquia Sevillana, descripcion de los jucgos de Toros de Sevilla, 1794 — Melchor de Jovcllanos, Pan y Toros, oracion en defensa del estado de Espana Cadiz, 1820. See also ante, page 366. GAMES AND SPORTS. 845 Card Playing. 9213 MURNER. Chartiludiil Institute sumarie doctore Thoma Murner memorante et Indente . . . (At the end :) Impressnm Argentinoi jper lohannem Frns, Impensls ac sumptihus circuspecti uiri loliannift Knohlaucli. Anno Salutis nostrce M. B. xviij. small 4to. numerous woodcuts, red morocco, in the Jameniste style, gilt edges, hy Hardy, £9. 95 1518 Fine copy of a rare edition. From the Didot collection. 9214 MURNER, Chartiludium Logicoe, sen Logica Poetica, vel Memora- tiva, cnm notis Joan. Balesdens, 12mo. very curious luoodcuts many representing Taroc Cards, velluni, 30s Paris, 1629 9215 tlie same, 12mo. calf, £2. ' 1^29 Murner was the first who sought to teach an art by means of a game of Cards. The work, on its publication, excited so much attention, that the author was publicly accused of magic, and cited to appear with liis book before the doctors of the university, but the council who examined him expressed its opinion that Murner was a divinity rather than a magician, and worthy of all honour. 9216 SINGER (S. W.) Researches into tlie History of Playing Cards, with illustrations of the Origin of Printing, and Engraving on Wood, 4to. 19 plates and mimerous ivoodcuts, hds. £4. 10.5 1816 9217 the same, 4to. half morocco, gilt edges, £4. 10s 1816 9218 the same, 4to. calf extra, £4. 12s " 1816 9219 Tarok (Jen des Tarots), in Danish, 12mo. sd. 2s s. I. v. a. Chess. 9220 BiLGUER (P. R. von) und von der Lasa, Handbuch des Schach- spiels, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Berliri, 1843 9221 CARRERA, il Giuoco degli Scacchi, small stout 4to. vellum, qilt, £2. 16.9 Militello, 1617 " Ce traite est un des, plus rares et des plus recherches parmi ceux qui ont ete ecrits sur le Jeu des Echecs." — Brunei. It is further interesting as being the first book printed at Militello, in Sicily. Except that the edge of the title-page is mended, this copy is in remarkably fine condition. 9222 (JACQUES DE CESSOLE.) Le eJeu des escliez|| moralise. || Nouvelle||ment impri||me a paris. sm. folio, LETTRES GOTHiQUES, doubh columus^ 4 preUininai'y leaves and 102 numbered leaves^ icoodcuts^ red morocco in the Jansenist style^ hy Trautz-Banzoyinet^ from the Didot collection^ £160. Colophon : Cy jinist le liure des escliez || et lordre de clieualerie et transla\\te de latin en Francoys 2mprime |1 nouiiellement a Paris et fat acheiie. Le vendredy. vi. iour de \\ Sejitemhre, Lan, M, V. c. c. iiij. Pour anthoine verart. . . . 1504 First edition known of this translation, copies of which are extremely rare. It is dedicated to Anne de Bretagno, who is 846 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. represented playing at Chess with her husband, in a large woodcut with a border, on the verso of the title. This is a fine copy with large margins. 9223 Cessole (Jacopo da) Volgarizzamento del libro de costumi e degli offizii de' nobili sopra il Giuoco degli Scacchi, roy. 8vo. woodcut facsimiles, hds. 10s Milano, 1829 9224 CHESS PLAYER'S Chronicle, edited by H. Staunton (First Series), complete, 13 vols, in 11, 8vo. diagrams, morocco, gilt edges, £3. 16s 1841-52 9225 Giuoco incomparabile degli Scacchi suiluppato con nuovo metodo, , opera d'autore Modenese, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Boma, 1829 9226 Lasa (Von der) Leitfaden fiir Schachspieler, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d Leipzig, 1876 9227 LiNDE (Ant. van der) Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. portrait and numerous diagrams, cloth, 18s Berlin, 1874 9228 Philidob, Musician and Chess-Player, Life of, by G. Allen, 8vo. hf. Id, 15s Philadelphia, 1858 Fifty copies printed for private circulation. 9229 ROYAL JEU des Eschets (le), avec son invention science et practique ; ou par un tres-docte et intelligible discours sont amplement descrits les moyens d'ordonner son jeu tant pour I'olfensive que la defensive, 12mo. vellum, rare, from the Sunder^ land library, £6. Paris, 1636 9230 Salvio (A.) Trattato dell' Inventione et Arte liberale del Giuoco degli Scacchi, small 4to. first edition, vellum, 36s NapoU, 1604 9231 Seleni (Gustavi, i.e. Augusti Herzog zu Braunschweig) Schach oder Konig- Spiel und Rythmomachia, sm. folio, heautifully engraved frontispiece, and folding plates, with other cuts, red morocco, from Sir F. Madden'' s library, 36s Lipsice, 1616-17 Some leaves have been strengthened by having thin paper pasted over them. 9232 the same, folio, vellum, stained, 18s 1616-17 9233 Staunton (H.) Chess Player's Handbook, sm. 8vo. cl. 3s 1848 9234 Weickhmann, Neu erfundenes grosses Konigs Spiel, folio, finely engraved title and plates, curious designs for Chessmen, Chess- hoardsj etc. vellum, 18s Ulm, 1664 Coaching, 9235 Malet (Capt.) Annals of the Road, or notes on Mail and Stage Coaching in Great Britain, with Essays on the Road by Nimrod, 8vo. coloured plates, hf. calf, 24s 1876 Cookery, Carving, and Feasting. 9236 APICIUS in Re quoquinaria, first edition {with a date) small 4to. woodcut of Printer^ s device on title, olive morocco, gilt edges, hy Charles Lewis, scarce, £5. 6s Mediolani, 0. Signerre, 1498 9236* de Opsoniis et Condimentis sive Arte Coquinaria, item Gab. Humelbergii annotationes, 8vo. old calf £1, Is Tiguri, 1542 GAMES AND SPORTS. 847 9237 Apicius de Opsoniis et Condimentis sive Arte Coquinaria cum annotationes Martini Lister, 8vo. calf, £2. 2.5 Lond. Q. Bowijer, 1705 Only 120 copies of this edition were printed, at the expense of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charies Earl of Sunderland, Sir I. Newton and a few others. Hibbert's copy brought J^l. 17s 9238 Apicius cum annotatiouibus M. Lister, editio secunda auctior, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, frontisinece, calf 16s Amst. 1709 9238* the same, large paper. Hue morocco, leather joints, gilt edges, £3. Amst. 1709 Scarce on large paper. The Mac-Carthy copy sold for 101 francs. 9239 Ciacconius de Triclinio sive de modo convivandi apud priscos Romanes et de conviviorum apparatu accedit Ursini appendix et Mercurialis dissertatio, 18mo. front, and i^lates of ba7iquets, vellum, 7s 6d Amst. 1664 9240 [Du Four (P. S.)] Tractatus novi de Potu Caphe, de Chinensium The, et de Chocolata, 18mo. plates, blue morocco, gilt edges, hy Clarice and Bedford, from the Bedford library, £5. 55 Baris {cum Sphcera), 1685 9341 MESSISBUGO ( Christoforo di ) Banchetti, compositioni di vivandi, et apparecchio generale, small 4to. p)ort. and plates, one representing the Cooldng of food, the other a dinner, morocco gilt, gaufre edges, £6. Qs Ferrara, Giov. de Buglhat, 1549 A very rare Cookery Book, preceded by «, number of bills of fare of great banquets given by or to the Dukes of Ferrara, under the author's superintendence. Priced in 1868, in morocco, 110 francs (£4. 10s). I can find no trace of any copy since. 9342 Trenchier-Book, highl8mo. curious woodcuts, calf, 10s StocJcholm, 1725 A scarce Swedish Cookery-Book, uniting with it a Northern " Joe Miller,* that is " 135 curieuse Bord- och Lefwer- Rijm, jiimte Konst- och Under-Bok, fuUe af Trolleri, och Skrif-Konst." At the end is a woodcut of a magic lantern. See also ante, page 381. Croquet. 9243 Prior (R. C. A.) Notes on Cro{iuet, 8yo. plates, cloth, 2s 1872 Curling. 9244 Memorabilia Curliana Mabenensia, 8vo. front, and plates of RinJcs, Curling Stones, etc. bds. 9s Dumfries, 1830 Deer Stalking. 9245 Stuart (John Sobieski, and Charles Edward) Lays of the Deer Forest, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. front, cloth, 10s 1848 The first volume consists of the Lays ; the second treats of Deer Stalking and the habits of the Forest FaTina, and includes a quantity of legendary j*id historical matter, concluding with a Glossary of Forest Terms. See also ante, page 366. 848 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Dogs. 9246 Caius (J.) de Canibus Britannicis. De rariorum Animalium et Stirpmm Historia. De Libris propriis, first edition, 18mo. red mnrocGO extra, £3. 10.9 Londim, 1570 Duelling. 9247 Duell-Ease, a Worde witli valiant Spiritts, shewing the Abuse of Duells, that valour refuseth Challenges and Private Combats (by G. F.), sm. 4to. engraved title by Marshall, calf, from the Bindley, Heher and Standish Collections, rare, £2. 8^ 1635 Falconry or Hawking. 9248 SCHLEGEL et VERSTER de WULVERHORST, Traite de FAUCONNERIE, atlas folio, 12 large and very fine coloured plates of Falcons, and 17 large plates of the noble sport of Falconry, hf morocco, £5. 15^ Leiden 'et Bilsseldorf, 1844-53 Besides 92 pp. of text, this fine work contains a Catalogue Eaisonne of all the works relating to Falconry in various languages. The fine plates are designed by the celebrated Sonderland and Wolf. 9249 Sforzino. Tre Libri degli Uccelli da Preda, del Signor Fe. Car- CANO detto Sforzino, 18mo. vellum, 12s Venetia, 1586 See ante pages 367 and 368. Fencing. 9250 Aggrippa (C.) Trattato di Scientia d'Arme con un Dialogo di Filosofia, 4to. frontispiece, portrait, and fine engravings of fencing, £8. 85 ' Roma, A, Blado, 1553 9250*MAROZZO. Opera nova de Achille Marozzo Bolognese, Maestro Generale, de I'arte de I'Armi, sm. 4to. numerous full-page woodcuts of Fencing with small and broad Swords, and exercises with Baggers and Lances, luormed and wanting sig. E 8, vellum, £2. 16*^ (ca. 1550) Without date of time or place. Contains 4 preliminary leaves and 131 numbered leaves. 9251 Olivier, Fencing familiarized, a new treatise on the art of Small Sword, m French and English, 8vo. 14! fine folding plates, old calf gilt, 15.9 1780 9252 PACHECO de NARYAEZ (Luys) Libro de las grandezas de la Espada, en que se declai^n muchos secretes del que compuso el Comendador Geronimo de Carranca, sm. 4to. woodcuts, title mended, calf, very rare, £3. 8.9 Madrid, 1600 This copy contains the rare portrait, and also the nine leaves of Table at end, which are often wanting. 9253 ROWLANDSON (T.) Hungarian and Highland Broadsword (Exercises for Cavaliy and Infantry), designed under the direction of H. Angelo and Son, twenty-four plates, oblong folio, title and all the 24 plates coloured, hf. id. very rare, £5. 5.s 1799 GAMES AND SPORTS. 849 Golf. 925^ GOLF, a ro^-al and ancient Game (edited with an Introduction by R. Clark), sni. 4to. front, and nnmerous iUnstrations hj llirkot Foster, DrnntmonJ, lA"ar.s; etc. cloth gilt, £4. 4s' 1875 A handsome and entertaining volume, embodying all that the editor could gather that has been said and sung in praise of the Royal Game. 9255 Poems on Golf, large 8vo. heautifitlly printed, cloth, 18.s- Bdlnh. 1867 Issued for private circulation by some members of the Edinburgh Burgess G oiling Society. Horses and Horsemanship. 925(3 ALESANDRO Biica di PESCHIOLANCIAXO (Giuseppe) Pietra Paragone de Cavalieri, folio, 27 equestrian and otiier port raits, and numerous i^lates of Bridle Bits, vellum, £2. IQs Xapoli, 1711 9257 l^KiiENGEE (Richard) the History and Art of Horsemanship, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. 17 plates, old calf neat, 28. Vetkres. 9285 ^LiANUS. La Milice des Grecs et Remains, traduite en Eran^ois du Grec par Louys de Machault, folio, fine engraved title surmounted hy an eqnestrian iwrtrait of Louis XIII, and plates, vellum, gilt, fink copy, £6. 15.5? Varis, H. Bmuart, 1616 Eirst edition of the French translation. Brunet gives the size as small octavo. 9286 -^LIANUS. The Tactiks of ^lian, or art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner, Englished, etc. by J. B., folio, engraved title and large and small plates of Military Tactics, Costume and Arms, calf, ^s 1616 9287 ALBEMATiLE (Gcorge, Duke of) Observations uj)on Military and Political Affairs, folio, calf 3.v 6d 1671 9288 Anderson (W.) Mode of Manufacturing Gunpowder at the Ishapore Mills, Bengal, edited by Parlby, royal 8vo. folding dilates, cloth, 5.-? ' ' 1862 9289 AuvERGXE (E. d') History of the Campaign in Flanders, 1691, sm. 4to. calf, 3.s^ 6c? 1735 9290 AVILA y ZUNIGA (Luis de) Comentario de la guerra de Alemana, hecha de Carlo V en 1546 y 1547, 12mo. map and 3 woodcut views (f cities a?id battles, with the Arms of Spain on reverse of last leaf, old calf £S. A7ive7'Sj J. Sicelsio, 1550 MILITARY SCIENCES. 853 9291 BARIEFE (Col. W.) Militaiy Discipline, or the Youiii./ArtmeiT- man, wherein is discoursed the postures both of Musket and like, etc. second edition, sm. 4to. portraif, front, ami >lia/ilt, "'^^"^^ 5.V Jlordeaax, 1836 929o Bazancouut (Baron de) Campagne d'ltalie do 1859, 2 vols. 8vo. ///. calf, 4.9 i>aris, 1859 9296 Bazancourt (Baron de) L'Expedition de Crinu'e jusqu'a la Prise de Sebastoi^ol, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, 10s Varls, 1856 9297 Bklidor, La Science des Ingenieurs dans la conduite des Ti-avaux de Fortification et d 'Architecture civile, 2 vols. 4t(), front, and numerons 2)1 cites, calf, 7s (jd Paris, 1729 9298 Belli (Petrini) de Re Militari et Bello tractatus, Venet. 1563— Jacobi Purliiiarum Comitis de Re Militari liber, Venet. 153U ; — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf gilt, 7s 6d 9299 BixxiNG (Tho.) A Light to the Art of Gunnerv, sm. 4to. front. and plate, calf, 3s 6d " 1689 930U Blackwell (John) Compendium of Military Discipline, 8vo. 3 large plates, hds. 2s 1726 9310 BOYVIN (Jean) le Siege de la Yille de Dole, capitale de la Fi'anche-Comte et son heureuse delivrance, fine portrait of Louis XIII on title, and plan, An vers, Imprimerie Plant iniennef 1638— Relation du Siege et Prise de Breine le 27 Mars, 1638, jdaii, ih. 1638 — Besse (Guil.) Histoire des Comtes de Carcassonne, Pcziers, 1645 — 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. relhun, £4. 4.5 1638 All three pieces are now rare and in request. 9311 Brittex (B.) Our Effective Artillery, 8vo. sd. Is 1870 9312 Caxnox's (R.) Historical Records of the Thirty-First or Hunting- donshire Regiment of Foot and ot* the Marixe Corpi^, 8vo. 7 coloured plates, cloth, 5s 1849 9313 Carbuccl\ (Gen. J. L.) Du Dromadaire comme bete de somme et comme animale de guerre ; le regiment des Dromadaires a I'Armee d'Orient (1798-1801), Paris, 1853— D.vrkstk, Introduc- tion du Dromadaire au Bresil, 1857 — in 1 vol. 8vo. ///. morocco, 6s 6d 9314 Cataxeus (Hieron.) de Arte Bellica; sive de designandis ac construendis arcibus et propugnaculis . . . de itinere exercitus,^ ac castrametatione, etc. etc. sm. 4to. numfrous ivoodcut plans of Fortifications, vellum, 2^s , Lngd. J. Tormesiux, 16U(J 9315 Charles Y. Yita di Carolo Quinto imp. descritta da Ludov. Dolce, sm. 4to. en(/raved title, ivitli the Emperors portrait in the centre, old calf, 2hs Vincgia, G. Giolito, 1567 9316 Charras (Lt. Col.) Histoire de la Campagne de 1815, Waterloo, 8vo. large plans, If calf gilt, hs Leipzig. 1857 854 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9317 Clarke (Capt. P. C. H.) The Armed Strength of the German Empire; of the Netherlands — Armed Strength of France, by Major C. J. East ;— 3 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 6s 1876-77 9318 CoMPLEAT Gentleman Soldier (the) or, Military discipline, Forti- fications and Gunnery, 12mo. 19 plates, calf, Ss 6d 1702 9319 Cope (Sir W. H.) History of the Rifle Brigade, formerly the 95th, thick 870. mimerous plates and plans, haJf mo7'OCCO, 10s 1877 9320 CoTER^us (Claudius) de Jure et Privilegiis Militum, sm. folio, vellum, covered loith leather, 9s Lugd. ap. Steph. Boletiim, 1539 9321 DANIEL (G.) Histoire de la Milice Fran9oise, 2 vols, large 4to. large paper, 60 plates ilhcstrating different sorts of cannon, cannon- halls and homhs, pihes, swords and implements of ivar used in besieging toivns, also the manner in ivhich troops and ships ivere placed for action, old calf, with the hooh-plate of /. B. Plancho, SOs Paris, 1721 9322 the same, 2 vols, royal 4to. large paper, old calf gilt^ large copj/ffrom the Sunderland library, £2. 2-5 1721 " Ouvrage rempli de recherches curieuses." — BruneL 9323 Du Bosc, Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy and John Duke of Marlborough, 2 vols, folio, full of -fine maps and plates of Battles, calf 18s ' 1736-37 9324 De Ville (Laurens) La justice Militaire de I'lfanterie, 18mo. calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1672 Ooncludes with a treatise '' des Sepultures et des Funerailles militaires." 9325 ELTON (Rich.) Compleat Body of the Art Military, sm. Mio, fine portrait hy Droeshout, large woodcut plans, calf, 36s 1650 9326 another issue, with supplement, formerly written by Capt. Tho. Rudd, sm. folio, heraldic front, calf, 24s ' 1668 9327 English Military Discipline, of exercising Horse and Foot, 12mo. front, and plates, bds. 2s 1680 9328 Euler's True Principles of Gunnery, translated with explanations, by Brown, 4to. large paper, plates, old morocco gilt, 7s 1777 9329 Ferdinand (Prince). Operations of the Allied Armies under Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick and Luneberg, during six cam- paigns, 1757-1762, 4to. numerous maps and plans, calf, 6s 1764 9330 Feuquieres (Marq. de) Memoirs, being an account of all the Wars in Europe from 1672 to 1710, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 3s 6d 1737 9331 Fortification and Militaiy Discipline, by Capt. J. S. front, and 33 plates — Military Discipline ; or the Art of War, by Capt. J. S. front, and 21 plates — in 1 vol. sm. 8yo. calf, 3s Qd 1688-89 9332 FRONSPERGER (Lienhart) Flinff Biicher von Kriegs Regiment und Ordnung wie sich ein yeder Kriegsman und seinem Ampt und beuelch halten soil, etc. folio, numerous ivoodcuts of the picturesgue Military Costume of the period, scenes of War, and numerous representations of Cannons, ^/je copy in vellum, £3. 3s Franchfurt, 1555 9333 Frontini Strategematicon, sive de solertibus Ducum Factis et Dictis, 'ISmo. front, vellum, 3s 66? Lugd. Bat. 1675 see also Yeteres. 9334 GiTTiNS (J.) Compleat System of Military Discipline, 4to. calf, 2s M 1735 MILITARY SCIENCES. 855 9335 Hexham (Capt. Hen.) Principles of tlie Art Military, 3 parts and appendix in 1 vol. folio, numerous plates, which have been coloured, some of them engraved on the text (one of them imi)erfect), hf. hound, Ss 6d 933G HiGHMORE (Ant.) History of the Hon. Artillery Company of the City of London, 8vo. ^^ort. and 2 plates, calf, 7s 6d 1804 9337 HoziER (H. M.) the Seven Weeks' War, its antecedents and its incidents, 2 vols. 8vo. ma2^s, cloth, I2s 1867 9338 HuMETZius (J.) Bellum Septimestre ; sive Aria a Gallis obsessa et capta, moxqne ab Hispano recuperata anno 1641, Audomari (St> Omer), Vidua G. Boscardi, 1644 — Remarqnes Joni^nalieres des actions militaires les pins signalees veves durant les deux sieges de la ville d'Aire, Bovay, Vefve Marc Wyon (1641) — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, SOs 9339 IsACCHi (G. B., da, Beggio) Invention!, nelle qnali si manifestano varii Secreti et ntili avisi a persone di Guerra e per i tempi di piacere, small 4to. curious woodcuts of Machinery and Artillery , hds. fine copy, 30s Parma, 1579 9340 JOMINI (Baron de) Traite des Grandes Operations Militaires, 4 vols. 4to. with roy. 4to. Atlas of 41 folding plans ; — 5 vols, half russia gilt, lbs Paris, 1811 9341 " Histoire critique et militaire des Guerres de la Revo- lution, 15 vols. 8vo. {no plans), hf .-calf neat, 18s Paris, 1820-24 9342 Atlas portatif pour I'intelligence des relations des dernieres Guerres publiees sans plans, notamment pour la vie de Napoleon, 1 vol. sm. folio of text and 1 oblong sm. folio of 34 maps and plans, hf. calf, 15s {ca. 1820) 9343 J (oMiNi) Precis de la Campagne de 1815, 8vo, plans, hf. calf, 5s Paris, 1839 9344 Jones (Gen. Sir H. D.) Reports relating to the Re-establishment of the Fortresses in the Netherlands, 1814-30, map, cloth, printed for p)rivate circulation, 16s 1861 9345 Lecomte (F.) Guerre du Danemark en 1864, roy. 8vo. maps, sd. 2s U .1864 934(5 Guerre de la Prusse et de 1' Italic centre TAutriche et la confederation Germanique en 1866, 2 vols, royal 8vo. map and plans, sd. 7s 6d 18^8 9347 LECHUGA (Capitan Cristoval) Discurso en que trata de la Artilleria y de todo lo necessario a ella, con un tratado de la Fortificacion, folio, 2^ort- and numerous large looodcuts, a little ivormed, vellum, very scarce, £2. Milan, 1611 9348 List of the Officers of the Fencible Cavalry and Infantry ; of the Officers of the Militia ; of the corps and troops of the Gentlemen and Yeomanry ; of the Volunteer Infantry ; 8vo. old morocco gilt, 5s . }^|^^ 9349 Mac Allester (0.) Letters discovering the Scheme projected by France in 1759 for an Intended Invasion upon England with flat- bottom'd Boats, 2 vols. 4to. bound, 10s 1767 9350 MAC KINNON (Col.) Origin and services of the Coldstream Guards, 2 vols. 8vo. plates of Medals, hf, calf neat, 10s ^ 1833 9351 .=_ the same, 2 vols. 8vo. morocco gilty Sir Boh. Peel s copy, 16s ^^-^^ 856 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9352 Mallet (A. M.) Den Arbeid van Mars, of nieuwe Yesting-Bouw soo wel Geregelde als Ongeregelde, thick sm. 8vo. ivlth a large vumhor ofjilate!^, vellum, 3.s' Qnl Ainxt. 1672 9353 MEDINA (Pietro da) L'Arte del Navegar, in laqual si contengono le regole, dichiarationi, secreti et avisi alia bona navegation necessarii, tradotta de h'ngna Spagnola in volgar Italiano, sm. 4to. woodcut on title, nmneroufi dicnjram>t, and chart of the New World on foh icxxiii, hf. M. £6. 10s Vinetia, Aurel. I'inclo, 1554 9354 Memoires pour servir a I'bistoire de la Guerre entre la Fi-ance et la Rus.siK en 1812, par un Officier Francais, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. tlte second being an atlas of maps and plani^, hf. calf, Ss 6d 1815 9355 Memorial de l'Artillerie, ou Recneil de Memoires relatifs an service de l'Artillerie, redigc par le Comite, 5 vols, of text, u'itk tiumerous lAates and. tahles, and 1 vol. of Atlas, 6 vols. — Memorial de r Officier de Genie, Experiences et Precedes i\ perfectionner la fortification et les constructions militaires, redige par le Comite, 1 Yol. text and plates — together 7 vols. 8vo. hf. Id. uncitt, 9s Faris, 1823-27 9356 Militair-Excyclopadie ( Allgemeine) herausg. und bearbeitet von einem Yerein deutscher Offiziere, etc. 3 vols, large 8vo. hds. ds Leipzig, 1861 9357 MirJTARY Discipline (Remarks on), with the position of a soldier standing and marching, with plans and directions of all the Maneouvers and different fireings, and likewise some directions to officers and non-commissioned officers, folio, Maxusck'H'T, 92 j)p. with numerous plans of Militarij Evolutions, vellum, 10s 1767 9358 Militia. Necessary Abstract of the Laws relating to the Militia, with Instructions, 18mo. calf, 2s 6d 1691 MODESTUS — sec VeTERES. 9359 MONRO (Col. R.) Monro, his Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) Discharged in Severall Duties and Observations of Service under the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, to which is annexed the Abridgement of Exercise and the Souldiers Meditations going on Service, small folio, calf, rare, £2. 10s Loud. 1637 9360 MoRETTi (T.) Treatise of Artillery or great Ordnance, trauslated by Jonas Moore, Vliwo. folding woodcuts, calf, 2s 6d 1673 9361 Miller (John) Treatise of Artillery, with a theory ef Powder applied to Fire- Arms, 8vo. front, and many plates, old calf (/ilt, 2s U ' ^170? 9362 Muller (John) Attack and Defence of Fortified Places, wdth Belidor's Method of Mining and Vallier on Countermines, 8vo. 25 plates, calf 2s Qd 1770 9363 Napier (W. F. P.) History of the War in the Penixsula and in the South of France, 1807-14. second edition, 6 vols. 8vo. numerous plans, hds. £5. 10s . 1835-40 9364 the same, 6 vols. 8vo. calf neat, £4. lO.^- 1835-40 9365 D'Uriun (SirBenj.) Further strictures on those parts of Napier's Peninsular War which relate to Lord Viscount Beresford, 1832 — Refutation of Napier's Justification of his third Aolmne, bv Ld. Vis. Beresford, 1834j— 1 vol. 8vo. calf gilt, 12s MILITARY SCIENCES. 857 9366 Noble (Capt.) and Abel (F. A.) Researches on Explosives : Fired Gunpowder, roy. 4to. 12 j)7aie.asel, 1877 9379 SiBORNE (W.) Atlas of the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, Wavro and Waterloo, 11 maps, stained, in folio case, 7s 6d (1844 ?) 9380 ' the same, folio, good copy, hf hound, 10s (1844) 9381 Siege of Ostend, True History of the memorable, conteining the assaults, alarums, defences, etc. translated out of French by Edward Grimestone, sm. 4to. p)lan of Ostend, If. calf, Ss 6d 1604 9382 SiMES (Th.) Military Course for the government and conduct of a Battalion, Svo. front, and 20 plates, coloured, calf, Ss 6d 1777 9383 SMITH (Thomas, Suuldier) Art of Gunnery— Certaine Additiims . • . . with a Supply of Fire-Workes — Arte of Shooting in great Ordnance by W. Bourne — Gunner's Dialogue with the Art of Great Artilleiy, bv R. Norton ;— in 1 vol. very sm. 4to. blarit Utter, ivoodcnts, calf, £S. lOs 1643 From the Comerford librar}-. 9384 SuwoRow Rymxikski (Comte A.) Histoire de ses eampagnes au service de I'Empereur de toutes les Russies, 2 vols. 8vo. port, calf, Ss 6d Londr&s, 1799 9385 Swedish Intelligencer, parts 1, 3 and 4, in 2 vols. sm. 4to. //'/. and sd. 7s 6d 1632-33 A contemporary account of the Thirty Years' War. 858 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9386 TARTAGLIA (N.) Three bookes of Colloquies concerning the Arte of Shooting in great and small pieces of Artillerie, translated by C. Lucar, with the Treatise named "Liicar Appendix," 2 vols, in 1, small folio, icoodcuts, the first worh wants pp. 17-20, vellum^ £5. 55 1588 From the Comerford library. 9387 Thiers. Plans et Cartes pour I'Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire par M. Thiers, folio, 60 i^lans and maps, unhound, 30s 1859 9388 ThurinCtIA, Campaign of, in 1806, and of Western Germany in 1866, 8vo. interleaved, and Jiavincj several neat drawings of plans in ink a7id pencil, cloth, 5s ca. 1867 9389 TiELKE (J. G.) Account of the most remarkable events of the "War between the Prussians, Austrians, and Russians, 1756-63, from the German by Craufurd, 2 vols. Syo. plates, hf. calf, 9s 1787-8 9390 TuRENNE (Marshal) Military Memoirs and Maxims of, by A. Williamson, 12mo. calf 3s Qd 1744 9391 Yauban (M. le Marechal) de I'Attaque et de la Defense des places, 2 vols. 4to. ^0 plates, calf gilt, 6s La Eaye, 1737-42 9392 Vegetius, Military Institutions, translated by Lieut. John Clarke* 8vo. calf, hs 1767 see also Veteres. Veteres de Re Militari Scriptores : 9393 Sexti Julii Frontine Strategematicon liber primus (ii, iii, et iv) — Elavil Vegetit Epitoma Institutoruni Rei Militaris, etc. — MoDESTi Libellus de Vocabulis Rei Militaris — Aeliani de instru- endis acibus, etc. — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Bditio Princeps, old yellow morocco gilt, from the Sunderland collection, £>7. 7s Bomce, per Eticharium Silher, 1487 9394 Erontinus (Sextus Julius) de Re Militari. Flavins Vegetius de Re militari. ^^lianus de instruendis aciebus. Modesti libellus de vocabulis rei militaris (edidit Beroaldus), sm. folio, fine copy in old French calf extra, gilt edges, rare, £2. 10s Bononim, Plato de Benedictis, 1496 9395 VEGETII Renati de Re Militari libri IV; ace. Scriptores Rei Militaris : Valturius, Frontinus, Aelianus, Modestus, ed. Budaeus, sm. folio, ivith many very large fine woodcuts of curious military Co7itrivances and Instrimients, some of the plates giving an idea of the ivorhing of Artillery, and one engraving depicting a Diver with Helmet and air-tuhe, vellum, 20s Lutetian, 1532 9396 Venn (R). Military and Maritime Discipline, 3 books, in 1 vol. folio, plates, calf 20s 1672 I, Military Observations, Tactics of Horse and Foot, by Thomas Venn — II, Exact Method of Military Architecture (English), by John Lacey out of the works of Andrew Tacquet — III, The Complete Gunner, translated out of Casimir, Diego, Uffano and Hexham. 9397 Ward (Rob.) Animadversions of Warre, a military magazine of the truest rules and ablest instructions for the managing of Warre, folio, woodcuts ^ calf, 7s 6d 1639 NAVAL SCIENCES. 850 Wellington : 9398 Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, 1797-1818, 12 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £12. in hoards), plans, £7. 10s 1858-65 9399 the same, Vols. I-IY (Lidla, 1797-1805), 8vo. (pub. at £4.), cloth 20s 1858-65 9400 Summary of the Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington, sm. 4to. red morocco super extra, profusely gilt and lined luith silk, gilt edges, from the library of Sir Robert Peel, 21s Dublin, 1816 9401 WYLD (J.) Maps and Plans of the Movements, Battles and Sieges in which the British Army was engaged during the War, 1808-14, in the Spanish Peninsula and the South of France, atlas folio, 40 maiinijicent maps and plans, ivith 4ito. vol. of text, hf. russia gilt, £4. 10. (1840) 94Q2 the same, atlas foho, ivitJiout the text, hf. morocco, £4. (1840) 9410 Z(ouch) (R.) Descriptio Juris et Judicii Militaris nee non Juris et Judicii Maritimi, sm. 4to. vellum, 205 Oxonioi, 1640 With autogmph, 'hs Bruxellis, 1739 9682 Formet, Conseils pour former une Bibliotheque peu nombreuse mais choisie, 12mo. hf. Id. Is Qd Berlin, 1755 9683 Franckenau (G. E. de) Bibliotheca hispanica historico-genealogico- heraldica, stout small 4to. hf. M. 10s Lips. 1724 9684 Frankfort Fair Catalogues. Novorum Librorum quos nundinie au- tumnales Francofurti anno 1564 (usque ad 1572) celebratae, venales exhibuerunt Catalogus . . . in officina libraria Georgii Willeri, 12 catalogues in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, £2. 10s Francof. 156476 The volume contains one catalogue for 1561, two for 1565, one for 1566, none for 1567, two for each 1568 and 1569, one for 1570, two for 1571, one for 1572. When there are two a year one is for the spring, the other for the autumn fair. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 879 French Special Bibliographies : 9685 Wekdet (E.) Histoire dii Livro en France, partie iv : I'lmpri- merle et la Librairie dans les Provinces, 1470-1700, etc. 12mo. lif. M. 85 U ^ Paris, 1862 9686 AuDiAT (Louis) Essai sur I'lmprimerie en Saintonge et en Aunis, 8vo. woodcuts of Printers' marhs, vellum, 7s 6cl Pons, 1879 9687 Bernard (A.) Les Estienne et les Types Grecs de Francois ler, 8vo. ///. morocco, 6s Paris, 1856 9688 Claudin (A.) Antiquites Typographiques de la France ; origines de I'lmprimerie a Albi en Languedoc (1480-1484) les Peregrina- tions de Johann Neumeister, Compagnon de Gutenberg, en AUe- niagne, en Italic et en France (1463-1484), son Etablissement definitif a Lyon C 1485- 1507), d'apres les monuments typo- graphiques et des documents originaux inedits avec notes, com- mentaires, et eclaircissements, 8vo. 14! facsimiles, sd. 1822 9689 FrIire (E.) Manuel du Bibliographe Normand, Dictionnaire bibliographique et historique contenant I'indication des ouvrages relatifs a la Normandie, des notes sur les ecrivains Normands, des recherches sur I'histoire de I'lmprimerie en Normandie, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. half russla neat, 2Ss Rouen, 1858-60 9690 Imprimerie (1') en Bretagne au XVe Siecle. Etude sur les Incunables Bretons, avec facsimile de la plus ancienne impression bre tonne (a Brehan-Loudeac, en 1484), publico par la Societe des Bibliophiles Bretons, 8vo. facsimiles, sd. 10s Nantes, 1878 9691 the same, vellum, 12s 1878 Only 150 copies published, 9692 Metz. Essai philologique sur les Commencemens de la Typo- graphie a Metz, et sur les imprimeurs de cette ville, 8vo. ivith facsimiles, 15s Metz, 1828 This valuable monograph contains copious lists of the books printed by the early printers of Metz. 9693 Fr^re (Edouard) des Livres de Liturgie des eglises d'Angleterre imprimes a Rouen dans les XV et XVI sieclcs, roy. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Vis Pouen, 186*7 Comprising a full and useful bibliography. 9694 FuERST (Dr. Julius) Bibliotlieca Judaica^ Handbucli umfassend die Druckwerke der Jiidischen Literatur, 3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, 36s Lei]3zig, 1849 9695 Gallardo (Don B. Jose) Ensayo de una Bibliotlieca Espauola de libros raros y curiosos, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. calf, 18s Madrid, 1863 9696 Gamba (B.) Serie dell' edizioni de' Testi di Lingua Italiana, 2 parts in 1 vol. 16mo. calf, gilt edges, 7s 6d Milano, 1812 9697 delle Novelle Italiane in prosa, Bibliografia, 8vo. second edition, sd. Qs Firenze, 1835 9698 Gar (T.) Letture di Bibliologia fatte in Napoli, 1865, 8vo. half morocco, 7s 6d Torino, 1868 9699 Gay (J.) Bibliographic de I'Afrique et de 1' Arabic, catalogue des ouvrages de la Geographic, de I'Histoire, du Commerce, des Lettres et des Arts, 8vo. 16s San Peine, 1875 A classified catalogue with indices of authors and places. 880 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9700 Gibbons (Thos.) Memoirs of eminently pious Women, 2 vols. 8vo. 12 fine portraits, calf, lbs 1787 Including memoirs and portraits of Lady Jane Grey, Catherine Parr. Queen Mary, Lady Mary Vere, Lady Mary Armyne, Mary Countess of Warwick, Lady Elizabeth Hastings, etc. 9710 GoODHUGH (W.) English Gentleman's Library Manual, with original notices of authors and books, 8vo, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1827 9711 Grasse, Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Literiirgeschichte allerbekann- ten Volker der Welt von der altesten bis auf die neueste Zeit, Vol. II, Sections 1, 2 and 3, part the second, in 5 vols. 8vo. hds. bs Dresden, 1839-43 9712 GRAESSE (J. G. T.) Teesor de Litres rares et precieux, oa nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique, avec Supplement, 7 vols. in 4, thick roy. 4to. (pub. about £12. 12s seived), hf morocco, £10. 10s Dresde, 1859-69 9713 Grolier. Le Roux de Lincy, Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa vie et sa bibliotheque, suivies d'un catalogue des livres qui lui ont appartenu, one thick vol. 8vo. printed on vellum paper, and atlas of 6 fitie plates, 18s 1866 9714 GUIGARD, Bibliotheque Heraldique de la France, 8vo. 527 pp. doiible columns, a rahiahle Bibliography of worlcs on Heraldry, chiefly French, 18s Paris, 1861 9715 Armorial du Bibliophile, royal 8vo. several hundred wood- cuts of the Arms of eminent Booh- Collectors, generally four on one page, in parts, sd. 24s Paris, 1870-72 9716 GUILD (R. A.) Librarian's Manual, a treatise on Bibliogmphy, with sketches of Public Libraries, sm. 4to. ivoodciits, hds. 36s New Yorh, 1858 9717 GUTENBERG'S Life and Typographical Productions : LINDE (Dr. A. V. d.) GUTENBERG; Geschichte und Erdichtung, aus den Quellen nachgewiesen, royal 8vo. viii, 582 and xcviii pp. hf morocco, uncut, 28s Stuttgart, 1878 The famous exposer of the Koster Bubble produced his magnum opus in an ample Biography of John Gutenberg, with large details concerning all the productions of his press. — See Hessels. 9718 HAIIST, Repertorium Bibliographicum, libros omnes ab arte typo- graphica inventa usque ad annum 1500 recensens, 2 vols, in 4, 8vo. Fine Paper, £2. 8s Stuttg. 1826-38 9719 Halkett and Laing. A Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseu- donymous Literature of Great Britain ; including the Works of Foreigners written in, or translated into the English Language, by the late Samuel Halkett, Keeper of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh; and the late Rev. John Laing, m.a., Librarian of the New College Library, Edinburgh. To be completed in 3 vols, royal 8vo. Vol. 1 (A-E) (pub. 42s), 35s Fdinb. 1881 Intending Subscribers should send in their names at once for this valuable and important work, as but a few copies are printed, and it must necessarily soon go out of print. It is needless to remind Bibliographers that this is the first work on the subject, with any pretentions to completeness, which has appeared in England, and it would have been difficult to find two men more qualified to carry out this important undertaking, than the two lamented authors who passed away before their great work had seen the light. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 881 Harrisse — see ante under American Bibliography. 9720 HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: Bibliographical Con- tributions, edited by Justin Winsor, Librarian, 17 parts, royal 8vo. Camhridge, Mass. 18 -82 This extremely valuable and important Series, edited by a master-biblio- grapher — not for the benefit of his University only, but for the use of Men of Letters of the whole civilized world— consists of the following Contributions : — Already issued or in preparation. A star prefixed indicates they are not yet ready. 1. Edward S. Holden. Index-Catalogue of Books and Memoirs on the Tran- sits of Mercury. 2. Justin Winsor. Shakespeare's Poems : a Bibliography of the Earlier Editions. 3. Charles Eliot Norton. Principal books relating to the life and works of Michel-angelo, with Notes. 4. Justin "Winsor. Pietas et Gratulatio. An Inquiry into the authorship of the several pieces. 5. List of Apparatus in different Labora- tories of the United States, available for Scientific Eesearches involving accurate measurements. 6. The Collection of Books and Auto- graphs, bequeathed to Harvard College Library, by the Honourable Charles Sumner. 7. James :M. Peirce. References in *8. Calendar of the Arthur Lee Manu- scripts in Harvard College Library. 9. George Lincoln Goodale. The Floras of different countries. 10. Justin Winsor. Halliwelliana : a Bibliography of the Publications of James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. 11. Samuel H. Scudder. The Entomo- logical Libraries of the United States. 12. A List of the Publications of Harvard University and its Officers, 1870-1880. 13. Samuel H. Scudder. A Bibliography of Fossil Insects, 47 pp. 14. William H. Tillinghast. Notes on the Historical Hydrography of the. Handkerchief Shoal in the Bahamas. 15. J. D. Whitne}^ List of American Authors in Geology and Paleontology. *16. Richard Bliss, jr. Classified Index to the Maps in Petermann's Geograph- ische Mittheilungen, 1855-1881. ♦17. Justin Winsor. A List of the most useful Reference Books. Analytic Geometry. 9721 HAZLITT (W. C.) Handbook to the popular, poetic, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, 8vo. 24s 1867 Collections and Notes [towards English Bibliography], 1867-76, 8vo. 498 pp. comprising 6500 exact titles and collations of Early English hooks, cloth, £1. 4.9 1876 the same, large paper, royal 8vo. cloth, £3. 3s 1876 Second Series, 1877-82, 8vo. 725 pp. 10,000 additional titles and collations of Early English hooks, cloth, £1. 16s 1822 the same, large paper, royal 8vo. cloth, £3. 3s 1882 9722 9723 9724 9725 The want of a complete catalogue of English Literature has long been felt by all bibliographers. Watts's Bihliotheca Britannica and Lowndes's Bibliographer's Manual (especially the new edition by Mr. Henry G. Bohn) are hoth most useful works, hut they are somewhat out of date, and at no time could they have been considered as adequate representatives of our noble English Literature. Although it is disgrace- ful to the nation as a whole that the work has been left undone, blame can hardly be meted out to individuals. There is little inducement to labour in so unprofitable a field, which requires much labour to culti- vate, and in which there is no reward to the labourer except his own satisfaction in the result of his work. Both the eminent bibliographers named above, Robert Watts and William Thomas Lowndes, devoted their lives to their self-imposed labours, and their reward was a severe loss. The work is in fact too much for one man to under- take, and it should be carried out by the union of several bibliographers. There is no reason why the same means which were adopted to collect materials for the Philolo- gical Society's great Dictionary of the English Lang-uage should not be used for the purpose of compiling a Dictionary of English Literature. Whenever such a work is undertaken, the long-continued and most praiseworthy laboui's of Mr. Hazlitt will be of the greatest use to the compilers. In 1867 Mr. Hazlitt published his Handbook to the Popular Poetical and Dramatic Litera- 63 882 BERNAUD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. lure of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Itestoration ; a work of special interest as containing titles of ballads, chap-books, plays, and many other curious books -which bad previously been neglected by bibliographers. There are about 10,000 titles in this volume, half of •which were taken from the books them- selves, the others from trustworthy sources. The author was not altogether satisfied with the plan he had adopted ; and in future he determined to take nothing for granted, but to catalogue each book with the title- page before him. He also determined to widen the scope of his researches, and not to confine himself to Early English poetry and folk-lore. In 1876 appeared Collections and Notes, 1867-1876, which contained titles of books in the whole range of English Literature. Now in the year 1882 we have a second series of these Collections and Notes, which contains still more than its predecessor. Mr. Hazlitt, therefore, prides himself on having given to the world "a total of 21,000 orthodox titles," which is no mean boast. He has largely availed himself in this new book of the information con- tained hi Mr. Arber's Transcripts of the Stationers' Registers ; and we thus find a number of entries of books and ballads which were licensed to various printers and publishers that are not known to exist. These entries will be a useful means of identification for some of these books, should copies come to light in the future. Having dealt to a certain extent in generalities, we will now make a few notes on the contents of the book under our notice. We have alluded in this Journal to the once popular A B C (i, 133, 189). Several editions are mentioned in Mr. Hazlitt's bihliographical works. The one printed by William Powell about 1545, in the Grenville Library, and the much later one printed for the Company of Stationers, are registered in the Collections and Notes. This last is an earlier edition of the one mentioned by Mr. Prosser (i, 189). From the Second Series of Collections we learn that there is a copy of the Stationers' Company's edition among the Bagford Papers, which is dated 1668. Under the heading of Horn Booh we find " an A B C, or Horn Book printed at Aberdeen about 1625, a tract of four leaves in the Laing Collection which had once formed a fly-leaf to a copy of Boethius." In a late number of the Notes and Queries a question was printed respecting the Seven Wise blasters of Bonie ; an answer will be found here in some titles of early editions of the books. Under the heading of Ballads we have a long list of these popular poems which had been licensed to the several printers. Many persons are under the impression that a mere list of titles must be uninterest- ing ; but this is a very serious mistake, and any one who chooses to look over some of the pages of this book will, we think, soon see cause to alter his opinion. We may quote one or two titles in support of this view : — " A vioste perfect and true Instruction whereby a man may learne by his own Industrie to play on the Cytterne without the helpe oj any teacher. Licensed to John Danter, 19 Nov. 1593." " The nature of the drinh Kauhi or Coffee and the berry of which it is made. Described by an Arabian Physician. Oxford, 1659." '' Coffee-houses vindicated, in answer to the late published Character of a Coffee- house, asserting from Reason, Experience, and good Authors, the excellent use and physical virtues of that liquor, with the grand conveniency of such civil places of resort and ingenious conversatioyi. London, 1674." We should have been glad if Mr. Hazlitt had been a little more generous in giving us notes, but those which he does give are very much to the point. Thus under MarveVs Historical Essay touching General Councils, etc., we find the following : — " On the back of the title to the copy here used, occurs in an early hand the following note : ' The following Tract was written by Andrew Marvel, a vicar's son, Latine Secretary to Oliver Cromwell, a pestilent parliament man, in the height of Whiggisme, a great abuser of the orthodox clergy.' "... Under Waller there is an interesting letter of Edmund Waller to a friend, in which the poet recommends Christopher Wase as governor to the Earl of Devonshire's son. Some particularly valuable notes are also given from Mr. Quaritch's catalogues. We feel sometimes that Mr. Hazlitt could have given much more information than he has cared to vouchsafe ; for instance, when he informs us that The Man in the Moone was licensed to Joshua Kirton and Thomas Warren, 1 Aug. 1638 ; he might have added that the book was published and reprinted, and that the name " Domingo Gonsales '' is a pseudonym for Francis Goodwin, Bishop of Hereford. We must also complain that the authors' names are not always arranged under the best form. To quote a few instances: " Comiues," " Quevedo," and " Fontenelle," are all set down under the prefix De ; and still worse, Sir Balthasar Gerbier will not be found under G, but under Douvilly. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 883 We might pick out many plums from this volume, but we will content ourselves with saying' that there are few pages without some racy titles, and that while interesting" and useful in Itself, it is a most remarkable addition to our small collection of biblio- graphical works. Whenever the time comes (and we hope it may not be in the very distant future) for the publication of a new Bibliotheca Britannica, the researches of Mr, Hazlitt will help to make the work easier of fulfilment. In the meantime these Collections will be found most useful and interesting to all those who use them, and we hope these will be a numerous body. — The BiUiograplm', June, 1882. Mr. W. C. Hazlitt's second series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes (Quaritch) is the result of many years' searches among rare books, tracts, ballads, and broadsides by a man whose specialty is bibliography, and who has thus produced a volume of high value. If anyone will read through the fifty-four closely printed columns relating to Charles I, or the ten and a-half columns given to " London " from 1541 to 1794, and recollect that these are only a supplement to twelve columns in Hazlitt's Handbook, and five and a-half in his first Collections, he will get an idea of the work involved in this book. Other like entries are " James I," " Ireland," " France," '« England," « Elizabeth," " Scotland " (which has twenty-one and a-half columns), and so on. Aa to the curiosity and rarity of the works that Mr. Hazlitt has catalogued, anyone who has been for even twenty or thirty years among old books, will acknowledge that the strangers to him are far more numerous than the acquaintances and friends. This second series of Collections will add to Mr, Hazlitt's well-earned reputation as a bibliographer, and should be in every real library through the English-speaking world. The only thing we desiderate in it is more of his welcome marks and names, B, M. Britwell, Lambeth, etc., to show where all the books approaching rarity are. The service that these have done in Mr. Hazlitt's former books to editors for the Early English Text, New Shakspere, Spencer, Hunterian, and other Societies, etc., has been so gx-eat that we hope he will always say where he has seen the rare books that he makes entries of." — Academy. 9726 HEmECKEN (Baron) Idee Generale d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, avec une dissertation sur I'origine de la Gravure, et sur les premiers Livres d'lmages, stout 8vo. facsimiles of the BlocJc Boohs, and early engravings, lakge paper, plates, calf, £2. 10s Leipsic, 1771 Hessels : 9727 Van der Linde's Haarlem Legend of the Invention of Printing by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined by Dr. Van der Linde ; translated from the Dutch by J. H. Hessels ; with an Introduction and a Classified List of the Costerian Incunabula, royal 8vo. xxviii and 170 pp. sd. 7s 6d 1871 Mr. Hessels has done well in translating Van der Linda's careful investiga- tion and proofs of the utter falsehood of the Haarlem Legend of the " Invention of Printing." Only 50 copies remain for sale. 9728 GUTENBERG: was he the Inventor of Printing? An historical Investigation embodying a Criticism on Dr. Van der Linde's " Gutenberg," by J. H. HESSELS, 1 vol. 8vo. xxviii and 202 pp. hf morocco, 21s 1882 The best and most critical account of the History of Printing with movable type. Every document connected with the History of the Invention of Printing has been verified by the energetic and intelligent author. The mystery still remains — who was the inventor of Printing? That Gutenberg was an early printer Mr. Hessels fully admits. Only 200 copies were printed for sale. Mr. J. H. Hessels, the translator of Van der Linde's " Coster Legend," commenced a series of articles about two years ago in the London Printing Times, under the title of " Gutenberg : was he the Inventor of Printing ?" being a review of a more recent work by the same author entitled " Gutenberg." The articles came to a sudden termination, the writer finding it necessaiy to consult various documents abroad in order to arrive at certain facts. The long silence which intervened has at last been broken by the appearance of a hand' 63* 884 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. some volume, now before us, ia which Mr. Ilessels has endeavoured to clear up the mystery so long surrounding the identity of the first printer — and in order to this he paid two visits to Paris and spent seven weeks in Germany exploring the libraries and archives of Strassburg, Mentz, and other prominent cities. "While it is impossible to resuscitate the corpse of the mythical Holland prototypographer Coster, the result of Mr. Hessels' researches do not justify him in giving Gutenberg the credit of inventing the art, but only establishing the fact of his being a printer — and he regrets that after all his labours he must leave the quest on which ho started yet unsolved, summarizing the result of his investigation in the following statement : — " As early as (Nov. 15) 1454 two printers were at work at Mentz ; the name of one of them may have been Johann Gutenberg (perhaps subsidized by Johann Fust), but it is not stated anywhere ; the name of the other is, in all probability, Peter (SchoefFer) de Gernssheym. That the latter did not consider himself to have been the first, or even the chief, printer (of Mentz), seems sufficiently clear from what we may call his own statement, in the imprint of the Justinianus of 24 May, 1468, in which he speaks of two Johannes. One of these Johannes must have been Johann Pust ; who was the other? Everybody says Gutenberg, and I am in no position to contradict it. " A very complete account is given of several books from the press of the Brothers of Common Life, not heretofore described ; and a photograph of a page of an Eltville book, the type of which has never been before noticed. " Mr. Hessels' volume is one of great value to whoever may hereafter follow in his wake, and a real acquisition to the history of printing. The work is elegantly produced by Bernard Quaritch, consisting of xxvii, 201 pages, octavo, printed on hand -made paper, Roxburghe binding — only 200 copies printed for sale."— TTie Quadrat, Pittsburgh, U.S.A., June, 1882. "Every one interested in the early history of printing must read Mr. Hessels' book itself. It is both destructive and constructive : much of the ground upon which the claim for Gutenberg was raised, is cleared away, but still nothing is discovered that actually destroys that claim. In his work of destruction Mr. Hessels has constructed a solid foundation of bibliographical fact for others to follow up by further researches." — TheBihliograjpher, August, 1882. 9729 HEYWOOD (T.) The Earls of Derby and tlie Verse Writers and Poets of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 4to, with portraits and autograph letters inserted, hds: scarce, only 50 copies printed for private distribution, £3. 16s Manchester, 1825 This copy has two long autograph letters of Lord Derby (Baron Stanley), 1823-27 ; a portrait of Lady Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby, an original drawing in pencil; several other Portraits, including a scarce etching of Edward Earl of Derby, 1574 ; and a great quantity of MS. additions by W. Ford of Manchester. 9730 Hidalgo (Dion.) Diccionario General de Bibliografia Espanola, Vol. VII (the last, comprising the Index) in the press 9731 HiSTOiEE de I'invention de Timprimerie par les monuments, impl. 4to. facsimiles from Block BooJcs, and woodcuts, sd. 35 Qd 1840 9732 HODGSON'S (Th.) Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereo- type Vvmtmg, plates — Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing, translated from the French of De la Serna Santander — Willett's Memoir oh the Origin of Printing — Biographical Memoirs of William Ged, including his progress in the Art of Block Printing — 4 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. very curious and rare, If. red morocco gilt, uncut, £2. Newcastle, 1819-20 9733 HOLTROP (J. W.) Monumens Typographiques des PAYS-BAS au XVe SiI:cle, Collection de Facsimile d'apres les originanx conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale de la Haye et ailleurs, 21 parts, atlas 4to. 120 plates of Xylographic^ and other early impressions, in parts, £12. 125 i La Haye, 1857-68 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 885 95^34 HOLTROP (J. W.) Monumens TypoCxRAphiques des PAYS-BAS au XVe Single, Collection de Facsimile d'apres les originaux conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale de la Haye et ailleurs, 21 parts, atlas 4to. hf. Id. uncut, £10. 10*^ 1857-68 9734* the same, parts 1-]I, atlas 4to. sd. 30s 1857-60 Only 200 copies printed. A work which is of the highest importance for the History of Printing. 9735 Hope (F. W.) Catalogue o£ a collection of early Newspapers and Essayists, presented by J. T. Hope to the Bodleian Library, 8vo. cloth, 65 Oxf. 1865 9736 HoRNE (T. H.) Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, 2 vols. 8yo. facsimiles, Ids. or hd. 10s 1840 Still a rery useful book for young bibliographers. 9737 HUMPHREY'S Histoet of the ART OF PRINTING, its invention and progress to the middle of the Sixteenth Century, second issue, impl. 4to. 224 pj^- ^f tex,t, and 105 plates, comprising Facsimiles from the most remarhahle Bloch-Boohs, and from all the important Typographical Monuments of Germany, Holland, Italy, France, England, etc. including 44 Facsimiles of the Fress of Caxton, Wynhyn de Worde, Fynson, and of the Earliest English and Foreign Bibles and Frayer-Books, extra cloth, £2. 125 6d 1868 9738 HuTH Library (the) or Elizabethan, Jacobean, Unique or Yery Rare Books, largely from the library of H. Huth, edited by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, 4to. a prospectus of this undertaking, of 68 pp. of specimens, extracts, etc. ujith portrait of Mr. Huth, sd. 105 (1881) Index Librorum Prohibitorum : 9739 Catalogen oft inventarisen vanden quaden verboden boucken : ende van andere goede, diemen den jongen scholieren leeren mach, na advys der Universiteyt van Loeuen, sm. 4to. with MS. additions bringing it dovm to 1558, calf extra, by Fiviere, £2. 15s Loeven, 1550 " This volume, as Peignot affirms, ia infinitely rare and unknown." — Mendham. The title goes on •' met een edict oft mandement," etc. (an edict of Charles V), which, however, is not in the present copy. 9740 Catalogues des liures reprouuez, et de ceulx que Ton pourra enseigner par laduis de Luniversite do Louuain — Ordonnance & edict de Lempereur Charles le Quint, m.ccccc Cincquante, pour lextirpation des sectes, etc. sm. 4to. corner of one leaf meiided, calf extra by Riviere, £4. 4s Louvain, 1550 Very scarce, apparently unknown to Peignot. 9741 Index, etc. cum regulis confectis per Patres a Tridentina Synodo delectos, sm. 8vo. wants pp. 35-38, bd. 20^ Bomce, 1654 9742 idem, cum appendice in Belgio confecta ; Philippi II Regis Catholici Edictum, i7i French, Flemish, and Latin, sm. 8vo. calf, 305 Antverpice, 1570 9743 idem, cum appendice et Philippi II Edicto, 1570, to which are added three other lists of Prohibited Books, detached from the loorhs to which they belong, and 141 leaves of Additions in MS., very thick small 8vo. vellum, £2. 16s 886 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9744 Index et Catalogns Librorum proHbitorum, mandato D. D. Gasparis a Quiroga, in Regnis Hispaniarnm Generalis Inquisitoris, clemio editus, sm. 4to. vellum, ISs Madriti, 1583 " This Index was never reprinted and is therefore peculiarly rare." Mendham. 9745 Index Librorum Probibitorum a Sixto V confectus et publicatus (Borne, 1590) edente J. Mendham, 4to. hds. 6s 1835 9746 Index, etc. . . . nunc demum S. D. N. Clementis PP. YIIl, jussu recognitus et publicatus, Instructione adjecta, sm. 4to. vellum, 28s liomce, 1596 rirst Clementine edition. The Instructio, which is pecular to this edition, is of considerable importance {see Mendham). 9747 Index Librorum Expurgatorum, D. D. G. Quiroga, Cardinalis et . . . generalis Inquisitoris, jussu editus, sm. 4to. Jif. vellum, 7s 6d Salmuri (Saumur^, 1601 9748 Index Expurgatorius, etc. ace. Excerpta aliorum librorum expur- gatorum ; ex. Indice Hispanico G. Quiroga edito, Argent. 1609 — Elencbus Papisticee Religionis, authore Jo. Bastwick, Amst. 1634 ; — in]^l vol. 12mo. vellum, 17s 6d The previous two editions (Saumur, 1601, and Strassburg, 1609) are reprints of the edition of Madrid, 1584. 9749 Indicis Librorum Expurgandorum in studiosorum gratiam confecti tomus primus, in quo quinquaginta Auctorum Libri prse casfceris desiderati emendantur, per F. Jo. Mariam Brasichellen, thick 12mo. vellum, 18s ■ Bercjomi, 1608 Speaking of the original issue, Rome, 1607, Mendham says, " perhaps the most extraordinary and scarcest of this class of publications." After this reprint the book was suppressed, and the second volume never appeared. 9750 Index Libb. Probibitorum et Expurgatorum Bernardi de Sandoval et Roxas auctoritate et jussu editus, juxta exemplar Madriti, 1612, stout large 8vo. in the original stamped pigskin, with clas2Js, 28s {Geneves), 1620 9751 Index Auctorum damnatse Memoria), editus auctoritate D. Eerdinandi Martins Mascaregnas, Regnorum LusitanisD Inquisi- toris Generalis, sm. folio, 1049 j^p., engraved title having the Arms of the Inquisition, calf, £2. Ulyssij). 1624 The Portuguese Prohibitory Index contains one or two English books. .9752 Novus Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum, editus jussu D. Antonii Zapata, folio, vellum., 15s Hispali, 1632 9753 NovissiMUS Libroeum Prohibitorum et Expurgandorum Index, pro Catholicis Hispaniarum Regnis jussu ac studiis Antonii a Soto Maior recognitus, folio, fine engraved title, vellum, £3. 10s Matriti, 1640 9754 the same, reprinted, folio, ivith the Royal Arms of Sjjain and the Golden Fleece on title, calf or vellum, £2. 16s Matriti, 1667 This is the most valuable of all the reprints of the 1640 edition. The Editor has given Latin translations of the Spanish documents. 9755 INDICES Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgandorum novissimi Hispanicus et Romanus, 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, 30s {Matriti et) Eomoi, 1667 The Spanish Index is the same as number 9764, but wants its own title. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 887 The Roman Index is entitled : Index Librorum Prohibitorum Alexandri VII jussu editus, Bomce, 1667. It is in this Roman Index that, as Mendham points out, Walton's Polyglott is proscribed. *' Diese Ausgabe soil nicht in Madrid und Rom, wie auf dem Titel arge- geben ist, sondem vielmehr in Lyon oder Genf gedruckt worden sein." Petzlwldt. 9756 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Innoc. XI jussu editus usque ad 1681, ace. appendix usque ad 1704, 12mo. (without tJie last two appendices), calf, 7s 6d Romce, 1704 9757 idem, juxta exemplar Romanum (1704) (cum appendici- bus II), 12mo. hd. 7s 6d * Pragoi, 1726 9758 Indice Ultimo de los Libros Prohibidos j mandados expurgar, para todos los Reynos y Seiiorios del Rey Carlos IV, contiene en resumen todos los libros puestos en el Indice Expurgatorio del ano 1747 asta fin de 1789, 4to. Spanish hinding, 10s Madrid, 1790 " This work is of more use for reference than all the former, as having rejected the division into three classes, and observed the order of a single alphabet." — Mendham. 9759 Indice General de los Libros Probibidos compuesto del Indice Ultimo . . . y ademas de un Index Librorum Prohibitorum juxta exemplar Romanum editum 1835, etc. 4to. calf, 16s Madrid, 1844 9760 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Pii VII jussu editas, cum appendioe 1820-35, 2 vols. 8vo. front, hds. 9s Bomm, 1819-35 9761 idem Gregorii XVI jussu editus, 8vo. hds. 8s Bomm, 1841 9762 idem, 1841 {without title), ace. Deceeta, 1841-54, i7iter' leaved, 8vo. sd. 5s 1841-54 9763 idem, 1841 ; ace. Decreta, 1841-58, interleaved, 8vo. hf. morocco, 36s 1841-58 9764 Index Librorum Prohibitorum juxta exemplar Romanum, ]2mo. hf. calf neat, 3s M Mechlin. 1855 9765 Mendham (J.) Account of the Indexes, both prohibitory and expurgatory, of the Church of Rome, 8vo. hds. 2s Qdj 1826 9766 Knapp (W. J.) Official Editions and Reprints of the Index Libb. Proh. issued in the 16th cent. 8vo. Spp. Neiu Yorh, 1880 9767 J. D. 0. Some French Bibliographies, reprinted from The Book- seller, 12mo. ^Spp. vellum 1881 A volume full ot interesting biographies of French bibliographers, and a detailed list of their works, to which the reader should make for better reference a MS. Index. 160 copies were privately printed. On page 13 occurs an incorrect quotation ; the work meant is " Ducange, Glossarium Mediaa et infimaj Latinitatis, 7 vols. 4to. 1840-50." 9768 Inventory of Worke done for the State by (Evan Tyler) H. M. Printer in Scotland, Dec. 1642-Oct. 1647, 4ito. privately printed, seiued, 12s Edinhurgh, 1815 9769 Iriarte (Joannes) Regioe BibliothecoB Matritensis Codices Grgeci MSS. cum notis, anecdotis, etc. Vol. I {all puhUshed), folio, old red morocco, with the Spanish royal arms on sides, gilt edges, 16s Matriti, 1769 9770 Iseghem (A. P. van) Biographic de Thierry Martens d'Alost, premier imprimeur de la Belgique, avec la bibliographic de ses editions, 8vo. facsim. hf. rnorocco, 5s 6d Malines, 1852 888 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9771 Jacob (J. L. C.) over hefc Geslacht en Drukwerken van den delftschen Boekdrukker H. Schinckel, sm. 8vo. sd. Is 6(Z Gravenhage, 1843 One of 8 copies on green paper. 9772 Jacob (Louis) Traicte des plus belles Bibliotheqnes Publiques et Particulieres qui ont este & qui sont a present dans le monde, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. veau fauve of tlie time, gilt edges, with arms on the sides and coronet and cypher on the hack, S6s Paris, 1644 9773 KiRCHER (E.'W. G.) Anweisung in der Buclidruckerkunst, j^^kfes ajid icoodcuts, sd. 4j< Supercheries Litteraires devoilees, galerie des auteurs apocryphes, supposes, deguises, etc. 5 vols. 8vo. tivo vols. hd. binding broken, three vols. bds. ivitli the stamp of the London Insti- tution, Is U Paris, 1847-52 9877 Reid (John) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica ; an account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language, impl. 8vo. large paper, hf. morocco, uncut, £3. 3s Glascjoiv, 1832 9878 RENOUARD (A. A.) Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide, third edition, 8vo. 285 Paris, 1834 9879 the same, large paper, impl. 8vo. morocco super extra, gilt edges, hj Bedford, £5. 1834 9880 Renouard, Annales de I'lmprimerie des Estienne, 8vo. deuxieme edition, 21s Paris, 1843 9881 Renouvier (J.) des Gravures en Bois dans les livres d'Anthoine Yerard, 1485-1512, 8vo. sd. 45 Paris, 1859 9882 ROSE (H. J.) New General Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. russia gilt, f idly lettered, £5. 1857 9883 Roth-Scholtzii (F.) Icones Bibliopolarum et Typographorum, partes I et II, 1vol. folio, 102 -fine portraits, including the 2 fronts, hf vellum, £4. ' Norimb. 1726-29 The third part, which was pubHshed later, consists of only thirty portraits, so the above copy contains the greater part of the work. 9884 Rowlands (Rev. W.) Cambrian Bibliography, an account of the Books printed in Welsh or relating to Wales, from 1546 to 1800, thick 8vo. xxii and 754 pp. cloth, IO5 Llanidloes, 1869 Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers — see ante, nos. 378 and 379. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 897 9885 Savage (James) The Librarian, an account of scarce, valuable, and useful English Books, MS. Libraries, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. hds. 10s ; or . calf, lis 1808-9 9886 ScALiGER. Heinsii (Dan.) in obitum Jos. Scaligeri Orationes II — Baudii (D.) Oratio funebris honori et memoria) Jos. Justi Scaligeri, 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, ivitli numerous MS. notes and verses at end, 7s 6d Licg. Bat. 1609 9887 ScHAAB (0. A.) die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kimst, mit Urkunden, 3 vols, portrait of Ghitenherg, ScJwffer and Fust, half calf neat, 18s Mainz, 1830-1 9888 ScHELLER (K. F. A.) Biicherkunde der Sassisch-Niederdeutschen Sprache, 8vo. hds. 7s 6d Bra^mschweig, 1826 An important catalogue raisonne of the valuable literary monuments of the Low German language principally from the Ducal Library at Wolfenbbiittel. 9889 Schmidt (0.) Geschichte der altesten Bibliotheken und der ersten Buchdrucker zu Strassburg, large 8vo. sd. 6s Strasshurg, 1882 9890 ScHNUERER (0. F.) Slavischer Blicherdruck in Wiirtemberg im 16 Jahrhundert, 8vo. 5^. 4s Tubingen, 1799 9891 Schroder, Incunabula Artis Typographicee in Suecia, 4to. with facsimiles of Colophons ancl Printers^ Marhs, 10s Tl^sal. 1842 9892 Shakspere. A descriptive Catalogue of a collection of Shakspear- iana, MSS. Books and Relics, in the library of W. Harrison, Samlesbury Hall, Lancashire, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, 9>iGut, 15s 1866 9893 SISMONDI (J. C. L. Simonde de) Litterature duMidi de I'Europe, 4 vols. 8vo. papier velin, old Hue morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 8s Baris, 1813 9894 Smith (Francis, Bookseller) Account of the injurious Proceedings of Sir George Jeffreys, Knt. against F. Smith, with his arbitrary carriage towards the Grand Jury, Sept. 16, 1680, sm. folio, 20 pp. sd. hs 1680 9895 Schoenleben (Conrad) Notitia egregii Codicis Grseci Novi Testa- menti Manuscripti quem Noriberg89 servat H. G. Ebner ab Eschenbach reliqua, sm. 4to. 14 plates of facsimiles of the splendid illuminations of the MS. hf. hd. rare, 15s Norihergm, 1738 A scarce and curious volume, containing " a minute description of this celebrated and precious Greek Manuscript of the New Testament, now deposited in the Bodleian librarj'." 9896 Schwarz. Documenta de Origine Typographias, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4iio. plate of watermarks, 10s jiltorfii, 1740 9897 Scott (Sir Walter). History of the Ballantyne Press and its con- nection with Sir W. Scott, 4to. front, consisting of medallion portraits of Scott, LocJchart and others, each page of the worh heing surrounded hy an elegant border, containing portraits of Scotfs heroines, also Scenes and Vieivs from his Romances, cloth, Is 6d Edin. 1871 0808 SiLVA (Innocencio Francisco da) Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez, estudios applicaveis a Portugal e ao Brasil, 7 vols. 8vo. portrait, 1858-62— Supplemento, 2 vols. A-G, 1867-70— together 9 vols. 8vo. £6. Lisboa, 1858-70 ^ 64 898 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9899 Skeen (Robert) Fmiter. Autobiograpliy of, 8vo. sd. Is Privately printed, 1876 Mr. Robert Skeen superintended for thirty years the typographical composition of Bernard Quaritch's Catalogues. 9900 SKEEN (William) Eaely Typography : an essay on the Origin of letter-press printing, 8vo. (pub. in Ceylon at 2l6'), half BoxhitrgJie style, 10s Colombo, 1872 The deceased author of this really excellent work was the son of Mr. Robert Skeen, and Government printer of Ceylon up to the period of his death. 9910 SOMMERYOGEL (Le P. Carlos) Dictionnaire des onvrages Anonymes et Pseiidonymes, publics par des Religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus, depuis sa fondation jnsqu'a nos jours, 2 vols. 8vo. double columns, £2. 10s 1882 9911 Spence (Rev. Jos.) Anecdotes, etc. of Books and Men, 8vo. portrait, hds. 7s 6d ; or half calf, 8s 6d 1820 9912 Spilsbury (W. H.) Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modem Buildings, with account of the Library, 12mo. woodcuts, cloth, 5s 1850 9913 [Stage (M.)] British Historical Register, containing a Catalogue, etc. of British Historians, 8vo. hds. 2s 6d 1829 9914 STATIONERS' COMPANY. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers (1554-1640), edited by E. Arber, 4 vols. 4to. cloth gilt, uncut, £18. I85 Privately frinted, 1875-77 Only 30 large paper and 200 small paper copies were printed, the latter being charged £21 cash to the subscribers ; all surplus copies destroyed. " This copy was the property of J. Payne Collier," and came from the library of Mr. Ouvry.^ 9915 Stockholm. Kongl. Bibliotekets Handlingar, Arsberattelse for 1878 : Bibliografi, Sveriges aldre Liturgiska Literatur, 8vo. sd. 35 U Stoch. 1879 9916 STROGANOVSKII Ikonopisnyi Litsevoi Podlinnik ; System of Sacred Iconography, exhibiting the figures in full face, ivith old Russian inscriptions, sm. 4to. lithographed from the 07ngi7ial Draw- ings as an Autograph Udition, hds. S2s MosJcva, 1869 These sketches were executed by Strogonoff about the year 1600, and contain sketches of Saints' figures and groups, all executed in full face and looking towards the beholder, as a drawing-book for ecclesiastical artists. The skill and power they exhibit are of no mean order, and immeasurably superior to what we see in the stereotyped illustrations of Byzantine and old Graeco- Russian MSS. Mr. Butovski edited the reproduction. 9917 Struvii (B. C.) Introductio ad notitiam Rei Literarise, Usum Bibliothecarum, etc. ; de doctis Impostoribus, 12mo. vellum, 2s 6d Jence, 1706 9918 Bibliotheca Juris selecta, emend. C. G. Buder, thick 8vo. calf,, 2s Qd Jenm, 1756 9919 Student's Library (The), a choice collection of Books in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, etc. 8vo. hf calf, 45 1713 9920 Switzerland : 4 works illustrating Printing in various towns of Switzerland, various sizes, 4 vols. 5s ColoniaAllobrogum( Geneva), Jacob. Ghoiiet, 1606 — Geneva, Sam. Crispin, 1609— Geneva, Job. Vignon, 1622— Basle, J. L. Brandmuller, 1724. 9921 Thackeray, Bibliography of. A Bibliographical List of the pub- lished Writings, Sketches and Drawings of W. M. Thackeray, 1829-1880 (by R. H. Shepherd), roy. 8vo. hds. 10s (1881) 9922 TICKNOR (M. G.) Historia de la Literatura Espafiola, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. hounds £2. 55 Madrid, 1851 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 899 9923 Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature, fourth American edition^ corrected and enlarged, 3 vols. 8vo. £2. Bosto7i, 1872 The present edition is a reprint of the third, with such corrections and additions as were made by Mr. Ticknor during the last eight years of his life. An exceedingly valuable work, the best ever published on Spanish Literary History. 9924 Torres Amat (Don Felix) Meraorias para ayuclar a formar un Diccionario critico de los Escritores Catalanes, j dar alguna idea de la antigna y moderna Literatnra de Cataluiia, thick sm. 4to. sd. 16s Barcelona, 1836 9925 Trithemius. Carmelitana Bibliotheca, illnstrium aliquot Carmeli- tange religionis Scriptorum et eorum Operum cathalogus, jampri- dem a Joanne Trithemio congestus, tandem auctus, etc. auctore P. Lucio — Trithemius de Laudibus Carmelitan® religionis; — 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 24s Florent. 1593 9926 [UPCOTT'S] Biographica,l Dictionary of the living Authors of Gt. Britain and Ireland, comprising memoirs, etc. and a register of publications, 8vo. Ms. or hf. calf, 7s 6d 1816 9927 . the same, calf gilt, hy Bedford, 24s 1816 9928 UPCOTT'S Bibliographical account of the principal works relating to English Topography, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. lonciit, £5. 10s 1818 9929 the same, 3 vols, royal 8vo. large paper, russia gilt, uncut, £12. 12s . • , ^^^^ 9930 VAN PRAET, Catalogue des livres imprimes sur v^lin, de la Bibliotheque du Roi, 5 vols, in 4, Paris, 1882 : Tom. YI. Supple- ment, 1828 — Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin qui se trouvent dans les Bibliotheques tant publiques que particulieres, pour servir de suite au catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque du Roi, 3 vols. Paris, 1824 : Tom. IV. Supplement, 1828— together 10 vols, in 9, 8vo. (pub. at 250 frs. sd.), thick paper, hf. calf, £3. 16s > Paris, 1822-28 Only 200 copies were printed. *' L'importance, et la grande valeur des livres decrits. I'exactitude rigoureuse des descriptions, et les anecdotes interes- santes que le savant redacteur a su y repandre, nous font regarder ce catalogue comme un des plus curieux qui existent." — Brunei. 9931 Vapereau (Gt.) Dictionnaire universel des Contemporains : Supple- ment a la 4eme edition, par L. Gamier, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s 1873 9932 Vater (J. S.) Literatur der Grammatiken, Lexica, und Wortersamm- lungen aller Sprachen, von B. Jiilg, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd ; or, cloth, 3s 6(Z Berlin, 1847 9933 the same, 8vo, hf. calf neat, uncut, 5s 1847 9934 VRIES (A. de) Eclaircissement sur I'Histoire de I'lnvention de rimprimerie, et Arguments des Allemands en faveur de leur pretention a I'lnvention, trad, par Noordziek, 2 vols, royal 8vo. half calf gilt, 7s 6d ^ ^ La HaTje, 1843-44 9935 the same, 2 vols. 1843-45 — Tweetal Bijdragen betrekkelik de Boekdrukkunst, van A. D. Schenkel, Gravenh. 1844 — in 1 vol. 8vo. half red morocco, 10s 1843-55 9936 Walchii Bibliotheca Patristica, editio nova a Danzio, 8vo. hds. Qs Jence, 1836 9937 Walker (R. C.) Works on ISTew South Wales, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1878 A list of works on New South Wales, with remarks. 64 * 900 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9938 WALPOLB'S Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland, witli lists of their works, enlarged by T. Park, 5 vols. 8vo. \hO fine portraits f morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 10s 1806 9939 WARMHOLTZ (C. G.) Bibliotlieca historica Sneo-Gotliica, 15 vols. in 5, 8vo. Jif. calf neat, 25s Stochholm och Upsala, 1782-1815 A critical account of Books, Tracts or Writings, either printed or manu- script, relating to the Geography, Natural History, Antiquities, Church, language and literature, of Sweden, including Finland. 9940 Waeton (Thomas) History of English Poetry from the twelfth to the close of the sixteenth century, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, with new notes and additions by Sir E. Madden, and others, 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. £2. 2s), cloth, 18s 1871 9941 WATT (Robert) Bibliotheca Britannica, or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. (Vols. 1 and 2, consist- ing of a Bibliographical Dictionary, Vols. 3 and 4, an alphabetical Classification of Subjects), bound in 2 vols. 4to. lif. morocco, uncut, £5. Edinh. 1824 9942 the same, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £5. 1824 9943 ■ the same, 4 vols. 4to. brown morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. Qs ^ 1824 9944 Weyer (Sylvain van de) Choix d'Opuscules philosophiques, historiques, politiques et litteraires, hotli series, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. If. morocco, uncut, 20s 1863-69 Contents : — Le Roi Cobden — Lettres sur Ics Anglais qui ont ecrit en Fran^ais — Discours sur I'histoire de la Philosophic — Simon Stevin et M. Dumortier — Le Marquis de Sy et M. Poupar ; de la Litterature de I'Exil — La Hollande et la Conference, 1833, etc. The article on Simon Stevin has an appendix of *' Sieviniana, recueil de notes, d'extraits et des pieces a I'appui de cette assertion de M. Dumortier, que Stevin est a peine connu dans la litterature scientifique." These extracts give interesting notices of the writers quoted. 9945 WiLKEN (F.) Geschichte der alten Heidelbergischen Biichersamm- lungen, sm. 8vo. sd. 3s &d Heidelberg, 1817 9946 WILLEMS (Alph.) les Elzevier, Histoire et Annales Typogra- phiques, stout roy. 8vo. ivitli the Arms of the Elzevirs in gold and colours and plate of facsimiles of Elzevir types, bds. 25s Gand, 1880 9947 another copy, hf morocco, uncut, £1. lis 6d 1880 Contents : part I, Histoire des Elzevier, 259 pp. ; part II, Annales Typographiques, pp. 1-146 ; part III, Annexes de la Collection Elzevirienne, pp. 417-580 ; Articles omis, Tables, etc. pp. 581-607. 9948 Willett (R.) Memoir on the Origin of Printing, sm. 8vo. cut by Beivich, sd. 7s 6d Newcastle, 1820 9949 WoLFii Monumenta Typographica, 2 vols. 12mo. hf. vellum, 25s Hamburgi, 1740 These stout volumes comprise a vast mass of material for the History of Printing. 9950 WOLEII (J.) Lectionum memorabilium et reconditarum centenarii xvi cum Indice J. J. Linsii, 3 vols, in 2, folio, sized paper, numerous spirited woodcuts, vellum, £3. 16s Lavingce, 1600-8 First and best edition. A perfect Encyclopaedia of Mediagval History, Superstitions, popular Science, etc. " Ce recueil pen commun est assez recherche . . . l/Index de Linsius forme une partie s6paree qui manque dans la plupart des exemplaires." — Brunei." BIBLIOGRAPHY AND LITERARY HISTORY. 901 9951 WOOD'S Athene Oxonienses, new edition with additions, and a Continuation by Dr. Bliss, 4 vols, royal -ito. calf or russia extra^ £18. 185 1813-20 9952 Athene Oxonienses, by Bliss, Vol. II, royal 4to. hds. £5. 1815 9953 the same, 5 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER {onhj 25 co;pies ]jnntecl), purple MOROCCO extra, leather joints, gilt edges, hy Clarice and Bedford, £42. 1813-20 " More care, attention, accuracy, and valuable enlargement from an inex- haustible stock of materials (some of them contemporaneous) has rarely been witnessed, than in the editorial labours of Dr. Bliss." 9954 Wyclif (John) Catalogue of the Original Works (Manuscript), by W. W. Shirley, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d Oxford, 1865 9955 WYMAN (Charles) and E.C. BIGMORE, Bibliography of Printing, with notes and illustrations. Vol. I : A to L, foolscap 4to. xii and 450 pp. with 116 ciUs of Printers^ Marks, Facsimiles of Bloclc-Prints, etc. half morocco, price £2. 12s <6d 1880 Only 250 copies printed, and nearly out of print. In February, 1873, a preliminary intimation of this work was published. Various other notifications were issued from time to time, until the actual production of the first instalment in January, 1876, in The Printing Times and Liihogra/plier. In this publication it has ever since appeared monthly, and is still being continued. The Compilers have limited the signification of the word " Printing '' by rejecting photographic printing, calico printing, telegraphic printing, &c., as irrelevant processes which are not utilized for literary purposes. In fact, the works cited are those treating of typographic, lithographic, copperplate printing, &c., with the cognate arts of type-founding, stereotyping, electro- typing, and wood-engraving. The subjects of Paper and Bookbinding are not included, although it would have been an interesting task to deal with them, as would also have been the case with Copyright and Laws regulating the Press ; but, though they bear very closely on the subject, they seem to belong rather to the results and outcome of printing than to printing itself. The several books cited are arranged in Alphabetical order under the names of the writers, in every case wherein the authorship is noted on the title-page or was known to the Compilers ; the names in the latter case being inserted in brackets. Anonymous works are placed according to the wording of the title, the first noun in such cases determining the alphabetical position in this Bibhography. Every system of arrangement is open to objection ; but it is hoped that the one adopted will best facilitate reference to any book required, and therefore will prove more convenient than the chronological method ; but in several cases wherein it is interesting to mark the evolution of a subject during successive years, an historical note has been given for the purpose. The article on "Kcstcr," for instance, summarizes the theories of various authors who have written on the subject of the *' Haarlem Legend." Investigation, it is hoped, has been rendered easier by the employment of cross references. Great pains have been taken with the annotations, which, the Compilers venture to think, form, as a whole, a valuable collection of material towards a future History of Printing. In some instances by personal research, in others by correspondence of authorities, official and private, in various parts of the world, a very large number of hitherto unrecorded facts have been collected, while some important verifications or corrections of statements hitherto generally accepted have been secured. In this way the Compilers have endeavoured to present a considerable amount of matter which the future collector of historical facts will find acceptable, — and, indeed, necessary. There may be mentioned, for example, the section devoted to Societies, which embodies materials for an account of the trade organizations of printers for above ft century. It is largely founded on original documents not hitherto described, 902 BERNARD QUARITCH^S GENERAL CATALOGtJE. and on reminiscences and the collections formed by one of the Compilers, who, himself a printer and the son of a printer, had for many years taken an active part in the transactions of the Master Printers' Association of London. Either as a member of various committees appointed to legislate on the current trade movements, or as Chairman of this Association, he has had opportunities of practically acquainting himself -with, contemporary trade politics, as they affected both employers and employed. The historical value of such details, although not always appreciated, ought not to be underrated, for the events here recorded have, during the present century, considerably influenced the conditions under which the art of printing has been practised, and, to some extent, affected its products in this country. These pages have been illustrated by a large number of interesting cuts, derived from various sources. Most of those representing the printers' devices were engraved with his own hand by Mr. J. Ph. Berjeau, and originally published in his little volume on *• Printers' Marks," and in his Bookworm. Both of these works being out of print and almost unattainable, the blocks were required, and they are here given in order, under the names of the printers who used them. Indeed, these pages are enriched v/ith probably the largest and most representative collection of delineations of typographical monuments, and of portraits of notabilities, that has ever been presented in one work. Special attention is drawn to the many original Biographical Notices that are given of English and Foreig^i printers ; these have been oMained under exceptionally favourable circumstances. See, for instance, in Volume J, the articles on Bewick, Bowtek, Bulmer, Caslon, Caxton, Didot, Emgelmann, ExscHEDE, FiGGiNS, Franklin, Gutenberg, Handsard, Koster, Leeu, and others. 9956 Wyman. Authorship and Publication, a handy guide for Authors, 8vo. woodcuts, sd. 6s WywMn ^ Sons, 1882 9957 XIMENO [Vicente) Escritores del Reyno de Valencia, chronolo- gicamente ordenados desde 1238, hasta 1747, 2 vols. sm. folio, hf. hd. 36s Valencia, 1747 BLOCK-BOOKS. 9958 APOCALYPSIS SANCTI JOHANNIS, sm. folio, the most celebrated of the early Block-Boohs^ xylo" gra'phically printed on 48 leaves^ the engravings coloured^ loith some minute worm-holes; hound in silk^ embroidered with a design of the Virgin crowned by God the Father^ morocco bach and borders^ from the Seymour Kirhujg library^ £200. About AD. 1440-50 This Block-Book is of the edition which is ranked by Heineken as second, by Sotheby as fourth, in chronological order of production. The least that can be said of it, is that it offers the most ancient example of German wood-engraving that is likely to be seen for a long space of time. The first two leaves have a somewhat doubtful look and are either supplied in facsimile, or else extracted from another copy. 9959 ARS MORIENDI : Facsimile Edition of the Block-Book : THE ARS MORIENDI (editio princeps, circa 1450), a reproduction XYLOGRAPHY: BLOCK-BOOKS. 903 of the copy in tlie Britisli Museum, edited bj W. H. Ry lands ; with an introduction by G. Bullen, Keeper of the Printed Boohs in the British Museum, 4to., 24 artistically reproduced facsimiles, eleven of them exquisite full-page designs, of the original Block- Booh, hy F. G. Price (pub. at £1. lis 6d)f cloth, very feiv remain for sale, 24d King and Lochee, 1809 10088 De Bure (Guil.) Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux du cabinet de M. L. C. D. M. with prices, 8vo. russia extra, gilt edges, with JDibdhi's booh plates, 65 1779 10089 DENT (John) Sale Catalogue of his splendid, curious and extensive Library, 2 parts, with prices and names — Sale Catalogue of Dent's Coins — 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. fine paper, half morocco, uncut, 20s 1827 10090 DEVONSHIRE (William VII, Duke op) Catalogue of the Library at Chatsworth, compiled by Sir James P. Lacaita, 4 vols, royal 8vo. vignettes, cloth London, printed at the Chisiuich Press, 1879 I have no copy of this valuable Catalogue for sale, but students of Biblio- graphy may refer to copy No. 191 presented to me by His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. Two hundred copies were privately printed on small paper, fifty on large. By the favour of Sir James Lacaita I had the honour of seeing in August (1882) this grand Library. The manner in which it is kept is a credit to the noble owner ; every book is easily got at, and all are in the healthiest possible condition. They have plenty of fresh (no damp) air, and arc dusted twice a year. Why is the spirit of book-collecting almost extinct in England ? A visit to Chatsworth House or Haigh Hall, Wigan, would inspire incipient book- lovers to imitate, if not to emulate, the achievements of the Dukes of Devonshire and the Earls of Crawford. 10091 DiDOT (A. F.) Catalogue raisonne des Livres de sa Bibliotheque, Tome I, Livres avec gravures sur Bois, Solennites, Romans de Chevalerie, Livr. I, 8vo. 383 pp. sd. 5s Paris, 1867 10092 DIDOT. Catalogues of the first four portions of the Library of A. Eirmin Didot, royal 8vo. 10093 I. Catalogue des Livres precieux Manuscrits et Imprimes faisant partie de la Bibliotheque de M. Ambroise Eirmin Didot, vente 6-15 Juin, 1878 ; 1878 10094 II. (seconde partie) vente 26-31 Mai, 1879 ; 1879 10095 III. (troisieme partie) vente 9-15 Juin, 1881, Is 1881 10096 the same, impl. 8vo. illustrated with 26 fine facsimiles of Bindings, Illuminations from M8S. etc. ivith the Table alphabeti- que et Prix d' adjudication 1881 10097 IV. (quatrieme partie) vente 12-17 Juin, 1882, Is 1882 The fifth and last portion will be sold next year (1883). 922 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGtT^. 10098 Drurt (Rev. Henry) Sale Catalogue of his Library sold by auction by Evans, 8vo. one of thirty -five cojjies priyited on loriting-^ajper for presents, ruled throughout with red inh, the ^jrices and imrchasers^ names added, lif. russia neat, I65 1827 10099 DuPEESNE. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecu) Rapbselis Tricheti Dufresne, sm. 4to. portrait, calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1662 10100 Dyce. Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts bequeathed (to the South Kensington Museum) by the Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, If. morocco, 14:s 1875 10101 Dyer (Bookseller) Catalogue of Books (forming his stock), 8vo. with MS. alterations and additions, and interleaved (in 4^o.) with MS. additions of later purchases, hf. hd. 2s 6cZ 1801 10102 Eyton. Catalogue of the Library of J. W. K. Eyton, comprising an extraordinary collection of privately printed books, 8vo. pp. 225, hf. morocco extra, 2s Qd 1848 10110 FONTHILL ABBEY. Catalogue of the magnificent Library (of 20,000 volumes). Books of Prints, Galleries of Art, Missals, MSS. Drawings, etc. (39 days' sale, Sept. and Oct. 1823), large 8vo. front, hds. 205 1823 10111 the same, large 8yo. front, with MS. Memoranda hy Mr. Bedford on fly-leaf , m red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, from the Hamilton Palace library, £8. 1823 10112 Ford (W., Boohseller) Catalogue of Books, 8vo. pp. 660, hf. calf 2s M Manchester, 1811 10113 GoTHA : Cyprianus (Ern. Sal.) Catalogus Codicum MSS. Biblio- thecce GothansB : item clarorum virorum epistolsB cxvii e bibliothecee autographis, sm. 4to. calf, 3* Qd Lips. 1714 10114 GRENVILLE. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. Bibliographical Notices of the Library of the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, by J. T. Payne and H. Eoss, 3 parts in 4 vols, large 8vo. cloth, £8. 15s 1842-72 10115 the same, large paper, 4 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. hd. uncut, rare, £21. ^ 1842-72 10116 the same, parts I and III (no part II), 3 vols. impl. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, cloth, £12. lOs 1842-72 10117 Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, Part the Third, with a General Index, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1872 10118 the same, Large Paper, impl. 8vo. head, cloth, 25s ** The Trustees of the British Museum have just had printed Part III of the * Bibliotheca Grenvilliana,' completing the Catalogue of the library bequeathed to the British Museum, by the late Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, with a General Index. This third part has been drawn up with great care by Mr. Rye, the Keeper of the Printed Books. The general Index to the entire library is a most valuable feature in the present publication. Mr. Grenville, it may be mentioned, died on the 17th of December, 1846, and his magnificent library was received in the British Museum in January of the following year. The first part of the Catalogue of his library, drawn up by Messrs. Payne and Eoss, was published in 1842, and the second part in 1848." — Athenceum. 10119 GREY (Sir George) Catalogue of, by Bleek : Philology, Vol. I part 1 : South Africa ; part 2 : Africa ; part 3 : Madagascar ; Vol. II part 1, Australia ; 2, Papuan Languages: 3, Fiji Islands; 4, New Zealand— 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. £2. Gape Town, 1858 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES, ETC. 92^ 10120 Heath. Catalogue of the library of a distinguished collector (Benj. Heath, d.d.), sold by auction, ivith ]j rices and j^urchasers^ names, roy. 8vo. hf. russia, uncut, 7s 6cl ' 1810 10121 HiBBEET. Catalogue of the library of George Hibbert (42 days' sale, Evans) 8vo. ivith j)r ices, facsimiles from M8S. calf gilt, 10s 1829 10122 HO ARE. Catalogue of the Hoare Library at Stourhead, co. Wilts (compiled by J. B. Nichols), to which is added a Catalogue of the Paintings and Drawings, by the late Sir Richard Colt Hoare, royal 8vo. with Alj)habetical Index, cloth, £4. 1840 Very rare, printed for private use. It is a particularly valuable Cata- logue on account of the rich Topographical Collections contained in it. 10123 HAMILTON PALACE LIBRARIES (The) The Beckford Library, portion I, A — Fuseli, sold at Messrs. Sotheby, Wilken- son and Hodge, June 30— July 13, 1882, 8vo. 5s 1882 10124 the Printed List of Prices, 2s 6d 10125 the same, large paper, with the printed prices, 10s 6d Parts 2 to the end of the Beckford Library and the Catalogue of the Duke of Hamilton's Manuscripts (^already ;printed) and Pkinted Books supplied as soon as ready. 10126 HUTH LIBRARY (The) A Catalogue of the printed Books, Manuscripts, Autogi'aph Letters, and Engravings, collected by HENRY HUTH, with collations and bibliographical descrip- tions, 5 vols, imperial 8vo. portrait, hf. morocco, top edges gilt, £10. 1880 This Catalogue is made with so much bibliographical accuracy and fulness of detail that it cannot fail to be useful to students and amateurs throughout Europe and America. Most of the copies have been already disposed of. Mr. Huth's Library is rich in illuminated MSS. of the most splendid character, and in choice and magnificent specimens of Mediaeval and Oriental art. Mr. Huth's collection of Bibles is singularly full ; comprising almost every rare edition which is coveted by amateurs. As much may be said of the section containing Works of Travel and Voyages, and including most of the rare pieces which marked the advance of geographical discovery in America and in the East. The rare books in German and Spanish Literature two favourite classes" with Mr. Huth — are sufficient in themselves to stamp his library as one of exceptional importance ; but his collection of English books in fine bindings is unrivalled : it may be said that in Shakspeariana, and generally in large and well preserved examples of the literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it stands facile princeps. 10127 Kloss. Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss, including many unpublished MSS. by Philip Melancthon (20 days' sale, Sotheby's), 8vo. 8 facsimiles, hf. hd. 2s 6d 1835 10128 Lambeth. Maitland (Rev. S. R.) List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1843 10129 Lenox. Contributions to a Catalogue of the Lenox Library, pts. 3, 4, and 5, sm. 4to. sd. 30s New York, 1879-80 Contents : pt. 3, Voyages of Thevenot — 4, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress —5, Works of Shakespeare, etc. 924 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 10131 LiBRi. Catalogues of the Libri Collection, 5 vols. roj. 8vo. numerous facsimiles, sd. \0s 1859-64 Contents : Catalogue of the Splendid MSS. 8 days' sale, 1859; of the choicer portion of the magnificent Library, 13 days' sale, 1859 ; of the splendid Objects of Art and Virtu, etc. 18C4 ; Catalogue de la partie reservee et la plus precieuse de la Collection Libri. (Livres imprimes, manuscrits, xylogra- l)hiques, etc.) 1862. Prices and purchasers' names, 1859-62. 10132 Catalogue of the collection of splendid MSS. roy. 8vo. 260pj:>. and Z^ ^p. of facsimiles, If. calf 3s Qd 1859 10133 Catalogue of the choicer portion of the Library formed by G. Libri, roy. 8vo. 380 _p^. sd. 2s 1859 10134 Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Library of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, by Rev. J. Hunter, 1838 ; of the Printed Books, 1835 ; Specimen of a Catalogue of the Books on Foreign Law presented by Charles Purton Cooper, 1847 ;— 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 10s 10135 Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law founded on the Collection presented by C P. Cooper (Vol. I) — Laws and Jurisprudence of France — Ancient part, roy. 8vo. 435 pi^. If. morocco, 3s 6d 1849 10136 London Institution. Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed (with general index), 4 vols, thick roy. 8vo. cloth, 18s Not published, 1835-52 10137 [London (W.)] Catalogue of the most vendible Books . . . Orderly and Alphabetically Digested .... The like Work never yet performed by any, sm. 4to. calf, 20s 1658 In a MS. note on the fly-leaf the author is said to have been a bookseller of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The dedication is signed W. London. 10138 Manchester. Bibliothcca Chethamensis, sive Bibliotheca publico Mancuniensis ab H. Chetham tundatBe Catalogus ed. J. Radcliife, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. 5s Mancimii, 1791 10139 Mayans (Greg.) Specimen Bibliothecae Hispano-Majansianae sive Idea novi catalogi operum Scriptorum Hispanorum, sq. 8vo. vellum, 10s Han. 1753 10140 M'CuLLOCH. A Catalogue of Books, the property of a Political Economist (J. R. M'Culloch), royal 8vo. portrait, hf. morocco, scarce 1862 Presentation copy, not for sale. 10141 Middle Temple. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Hon. Soc. . Medii Templi 1734, luith continuation to 1766, 4to. calf, 10s 1734-66 10142 MoKGAND et Fatout, Bulletin de la Librairie, 2 vols, thick 8vo. tuith facsimiles of fine bindings, many of them in gold and colotirs, and of woodcuts, hf. morocco, uncut, £4. 4s Paris, 1876-81 A catalogue of the valuable stock of this firm, comprising 7880 articles, very elaborately described. 1()143 Repertoire general et methodique de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout, avec table, 8vo. 4375 articles, portrait of Baron James de Rothschild, sd. 5s 1882 10144 Mytton. Catalogue of the important collection of Topographical and Genealogical MS. relating to Shropshire, Staffordshire and Wales formed by William Mytton, sold by Sotheby, May, 1877, roy. 8vo. with prices, hf morocco 1877 Not for sale. CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES, ETC. 925 10145 Offor. Catalogue of the Library of George Offer (11 days' sale, Sotheby's, nine of them humt), 8vo. ///. Id. 2s Qd 1865 Including a remarkable series of the works of John Banyan, nurnhering 437 lots, besides 80 lots of Bunyaniana. 10146 OVERSTONE (Lord) Catalogue of the Library at Overstone Park, thick roy. 8vo. half morocco, uncut, rare, £3. 3s 1867 Pkivately printed. The collection includes the entire choice Library of History, Belles-Lettres, Classics, Political Economy, etc. of that eminent Collector the late J. R. MacCulloch, Esq., Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. 10147 Parr. Bibliotheca Parriana ; Catalogue of the Library of Saimiel Parr (made by Henry G. Bohn), thick 8vo. ]:)ort. hds. 2s 6d 1827 10148 Peel, Bibliotheca Hibemicana : or a descriptive Catalogue of a select Irish Library, collected for the Right Hon. Robert Peel (by Shaw Mason), 8vo. hds. lOs Dublin, 1823 10149 PERKINS. Quaritch's List of the chief Books and Manu- scripts, 8vo. correctly made without access to the library, and independently issued two months before the official Auction Catalogue, Is ' 1873 The entire Library realized close on £2G,000, of which B. Q. purchased for nearly £ 1 1 ,000. 10150 Perkins. Catalogue of the Library of Henry Perkins (sold at Hanworth Park, June 3rd-6th, 1873), impl. 8vo. numerous facsimiles and ivith prices and names, hf. morocco, uncut, 24