ffl - LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY CARROLL PURSELL I P - : G MOTHER'S HELP AND CHILD'S FRIEND BY CARRICA LH FAVRE ft BRENTANO'S ,CAG, NRW Y RK WASHINGTON PARIS NEW YORK 1891 > c *- COPYRIGHTED BY THE AUTHOR, CARRICA LKFAVRE. 1890. PRESS OF F. V. STRAUSS, 108-114 WOO8TER STREET, NEW YORK. DEDICATED TO THE CHILDREN OP AMERICA. PACK, FRONTISPIECE, DEDICATED, PREFACE, THE ADVENT OF A NEW SOUL, 5 Woman Molds the Destiny of Nations Woman's Sacred- ness Her Responsibility. EVOLVING ENERGY, 9 Children not Savages Activity leads to Development We may be what we will Everything, when in its place, is good. MORAL EDUCATION, 15 Falsehoods, their Effects Not Natural for the Child to Lie Child-life an Interesting Study Children the Property of God The Hope and Joy of the World Mothers' Meetings Ideal Man Sociability evolves complexity of Organism, Fraternity and Spirituality Dog and the Babe Sacredness 01 the Body Gentleness. EDUCATION, War History Kindergarten Reading Aloud Unfolding the Voice. PARENTAL AUTHORITY, 32 Veneration for the Aged Our First Duty. THE ART OF LIVING, - 36 INTERNAL OR MENTAL FACULTIES, 37 How to Ascertain the Line of Thought. THE SENSES, - 40 MEMORY, - - 44 The Reasoning Faculties The Observing Faculties Vivid First Impressions. CHILDREN OUR REFLECTORS, 46 Our Acts Reflected even to the Third and Fourth Genera- tionWild Oats. vi Contents. AUDITORY AND VISUAL, 48 Doors to the Intellect and Soul Sound and its Influence. SPEAK GENTLY, 51 Contradicting Breaking the Child's Will Slaps Bad. SYMPATHY THE CHILD NEEDS, 53 Don't Fuss at its Restlessness Drink of water, its effects. AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE, 59 Childs Capacity to Suffer Love the Legal Tender of the Soul Ideal Government. FRIGHTENING CHILDREN, - 63 Tiresome and Weakening Nagging We find what we Search for The Poison of Evil Thoughts. FORCE, 65 Thralldotn Antagonistic to its Growth Ennobling the Home Woman's Duties Her Salary Draw a Quality toward you by constantly desiring it Force and Independence best Stock in Trade The Oak and its Roots. COURAGE, 71 Mortality of Hospital Nurses Man's Misdirected Bravery True Courage Man the Destroyer Woman the Patcher. STUPIDITY AND SUCCESS, 73 Be kind to the Stupid The Germ of Greatness Wed Mis- fortune to Ambition What is Success. OVERWORKED BRAINS, 75 Brain robbed of Vitality Curtail Demands of Lower Nat- ure-Exercise and Fresh Air Our Possibilities Unlimited. WORK, - 78 Upward Current Degeneracy Woman's Societies Prosy Professor Genius and Poverty Students with Ideas Mis- sion Work at Home Most Valuable Service of Man Indus- trial Education Trade, Profession and Music Independent Individuals. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, .... 84 Developing Years Perfect Womanhood Be Companion- able to the Daughters Grow Old Gracefully. MUSIC, - - - - 90 Binds into Friendship Effects on Criminals Prisons should be Reformatories Music a Cure for Sickness ; Divine for Home Government. Contents. vii SMILING, - - 92 Greater Beautifiers than Cosmetics - Pictures their Effects Go to Sleep with a Smile on the Face. BEAUTY, - - 94 It deteriorates with abuse and neglect Power to grow beau- tiful is limitless Master the highest Elements. PHYSICAL CULTURE, - - 99 Distinction between Education and Culture The Physical Drill Tuning the Body Opposing Forces Perfect Body Essential Greeks The Left Hand Ugly Exercises Nasty Games Grace and Graciousness Conserving Energy. FOOD, .... - 108 For the Delicate Bottle-feeding Boiled Milk Weaning Regularity in Eating The Stomach Chemistry of Food Lime Salts Water Resorts Bread Diseased Animals- Vegetable Oils Bill of Fare Digestive Fluids Eat to Live Good Cheer. STIMULANTS, - - - 123 Act as Brakes Fat Body Wrinkles Tea breeds Restless- ness Unnatural Activity Its reaction Wasted Force Vegetarian diet for Reform Patent Medicine Colic Cure Hot Applications Soothing Syrup injurious. STRENGTH, - - - 128 School Children Air, Exercise, Diet Muscle and Tissue Properties. WATER, AIR AND SUNSHINE, - 131 A Liquid Food Eighty per cent of the Body A Drink for BabyFlushing the System Water Cure Bathing Teach Infant to enjoy daily Bath The Pores Respiratory Avenues Skin a fourfold Agent Air Immense Quantity Needed Spoiled Air Carbonic Acid Gas Airy Sleeping Rooms Sleep, in a Close Room, becomes a Stupor Kerosene Lamps and Diphtheria Skin Exhalations Comforters and Blan- kets Sunshine Its healing Power Scrofula and Con- sumption Moral Sunshine Happiness depends upon it. MOTHER AND BABE, - - 140 Sleep Chest active Diet and Control Mothers' Milk- Babe Sensitive Callers' disturbing Influence No gain by Smartness at the Start -Caressing and Handling weakening viii Contents. to the Child Eating